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the independent florida


alligator '
Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida
VOLUME 98 ISSUE 158 We Inform. You Decide. TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005

UF students speak out on London bombings

Alligator Staff Writer

LONDON UF junior Jessica Daugherty
sat in a hot classroom Thursday morning,
sweating over a business law exam, when she
heard a loud bang outside the open window.
"It sounded like bubble wrap, you know,
when you can't stop
International popping it," she said.
News "But it actually was a
bus blowing up."
Two blocks from
Daugherty's school, one of this city's famous
double-decker buses exploded with a full load
of passengers, leaving the red metal frame
looking like an opened can of tuna.
That morning, three other bombs deto-
nated at various places along the London

Underground. All told, the attacks injured
hundreds and killed at least 50.
But four days after the attacks, London
is almost back to normal. The Underground
trains and public buses continued most of
their routes Friday, less than 24 hours after
the attacks.
Trains continue to run past the closed
King's Cross station, where a nearby explo-
sion killed at least 21 people. The eerie pause
at the empty station is one of a few hints at the
recent tragedy.
"They just bounced back," Daugherty said.
"The devastation was horrible, but they just
immediately swooped in and cleaned it up
and did it really calmly."
About 40 students have been studying
since May at Huron University as part of a co-
operative effort with UF's business school, and
many have slipped back into their normal rou-

"It sounded like bubble wrap, you
know, when you can't stop pop-
ping it. But it actually was a bus
blowing up."
Jessica Daugherty

tine. Although all were shocked at the attacks,
some said their fear quickly diminished.
"Surprisingly, I don't think any of us were
afraid," UF junior Matt Flagler said. "I think a
lot of us were angry and wanted to tell our par-
ents we were OK, but none of us were fearful."
The stoicism of Londoners throughout the
attacks helped keep fear at bay, Daugherty
"They (Londoners) weren't panicked at

all," she said. "I sort of felt like a novice. I felt
like I could handle it."
Not all students took the attacks with the
same calmness. At a dorm a few blocks from
Huron, some New York University students
felt more stricken with panic. Students sat in
the lounge glued to the screen, while officials
strongly encouraged everyone to stay inside.
Those with first-hand memories of Sept. 11,
2001, immediately expected the worst.
"I was really nervous. My heart was
pounding," NYU student Maria Verbanac
said. "It reminded me of 9/11. I didn't know
how big of an attack it was."
One week before the Twin Towers fell,
Verbanac's father was moved from his office
there to a building across the street. Verbanac
was unaware of the move, and when news hit
her high school, she panicked.


Fraternity under

review for hazing

01' swimming hole
This street on Anna Maria Island, on the Gulf about 30 minutes south of St. Petersburg, experi-
enced severe flooding from Hurricane Dennis. Many streets were closed after the hurricane passed
through beginning Friday night, although the storm's worst avoided Gainesville. See story, pg. 5.


Alligator Writer

UF's Kappa Alpha Fraternity
chapter will be under scrutiny
this Fall after one of its newly in-
ducted members shared details
of the organization's hazing pro-
cedures with University Police.
William Travis Page, 22, was
questioned after his involvement
in a March 18 hazing incident
when new members were or-
dered to steal signs from local
Page discussed details of
the organization's hazing ritual
associated with the induction
process of new members. It in-
cluded physical training, such as
sit-ups, running and push-ups as
a form of punishment, as well as
cleaning the houses of fraternity
members and allowing chapter
members to paddle newly in-
ducted members with paddles
they were instructed to buy.
Page told police physical train-
ing occurred when new members

didn't complete an assigned task
or didn't know the names of cur-
rent Kappa Alpha members listed
in a "black book."
The training, which took place
on Flavet Field, involved ap-
proximately an hour and a half
of exercise when no liquids were
provided, and some new mem-
bers, including Page, vomited.
Page said he also was as-
signed three nights a week to
drive members of the fraternity
who had been drinking to and
from various locations.
Kappa Alpha President Dan
Boda said his chapter's hazing rit-
uals aren't what they once were.
"The momentum of hazing
in KA has been slowed down in
the past couple years," he said.
"This incident will put a firm
stop to it."
UPD reports detailing Page's
allegations have been -handed
to Student Judicial Affairs, and
a hearing with Kappa Alpha is
being scheduled.
The organization is on in-
terim suspension prohibiting
Kappa Alpha from taking part
in any chapter activities on or off
campus, and the chapter house is
closed until the hearing.

Former UF
forward David Lee
continues to shine
for the New York
Knicks in the NBA
Summer League.
Lee averaged nearly
11 points and seven
rebounds in his first
- three appearances.
See story, pg. 18.

* When the Hub is
resurrected in May
2006, it could include
a 10,000 square-foot,
24-hour Internet caf6
and a new home for
UF's International
See story, pg. 4.

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Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

:',, -

SPORTS 18 storms



News Today

Hunger banquet to be held
The number of UF students
who participate in community
service has grown so much in
the last few years that the Office
of Community Service has ex-
The Center for Leadership
and Service, created at- the
end of April, will sponsor its
first event under its new name
Recipe for Social Change, a
hunger banquet to be held in
the basement of Broward Hall
at 6:30 p.m., aims to increase
awareness of poverty locally
and nationally.
The suggested cost for
admission is one can of non-
perishable food, which will
be donated to local pantries to
help feed what the center esti-
mates to be 1,400 homeless in
Colette Taylor, the associ-
ate director of the center, said
there has been a,
huge increase in
students involved
i in service in the last
few years.
"They've be-
Taylor come interested in
assoiate changing the world
as individuals," she
According to the center's an-
nual reports, UF students spent
269,275 hours doing community
service last year, compared to
195,530 hours in 2001.
Vanessa Frisby, a 20-year-old
business major at UF who is
organizing the hunger banquet,
said Alachua County's pov-
erty rate is one of the highest in
The national average for
people living below the pov-
erty line is about 12 percent of
the population, but Alachua
County's poverty rate is more
than twice that, at between 24
and 26 percent.
"It's unsettling to see the
concentrated wealth around
campus," Frisby said.
The sharp contrast between
East and West Gainesville is also
striking, between houses worth
millions and decaying shacks,
she said.
Frisby said the event is
meant to raise awareness about
poverty and hopefully inspire
some people to act.
The center expects about 100
to 150 people to attend, and ev-
eryone is invited.
Taylor said students want to
help out in their -community,
and they enjoy seeing the im-

Find it
3 in the



Poll: Americans confident in NASA,

support manned shuttle program

NASA is preparing to launch the space shuttle Discovery on Wednesday,
which would be the first space shuttle mission since the Columbia disaster
in February 2003. According to a new poll, most Americans say they have at
least a fair amount of confidence in NASA to prevent another such disaster.
The poll is based on a nationally selected random sample and has a margin
of error of 3 percentage points.
Poll responses in percent

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r'.o, ru,,e nr, rrna.m N -4
o ue S mNo: -1

Sources: CNN/USAToday/Gallup

Spt-nflg nw1 e Fajr~r: l-1,
fo r 3r- 3nI-,pIf

Michael Friedman / Alligator Staff

FOR :. -






mediate, tangible results of
their work.
With their constant in-
quiries and ever-increasing"
service hours, she said stu-
dents have. demanded that
service-oriented programs be
Tht nun.b,.r of UF student
organizations participating in
community service projects
has more than quadrupled in
the last five years, from 104
organizations in 1999 to 447
in 2004.


Firemen subdue stove in
area apartment complex
Residents on the first floor
of College Manor Apartments
were evacuated Friday eve-
ning because of an oven fire.
No one was reported in-
jured, and the fire only caused
minimal damage to the one-
bedroom apartment at the
complex, located at 1216 SW
Second Ave, Gainesville Fire
Rescue spokeswoman Jodi
Smith said.
Although only the oven
was on fire, a dense cloud
of smoke "too thick to see
through" permeated the
apartment, according to GFR.
Neighbors said the fire
alarm did not go off and that
they learned about the fire
only after firefighters knocked-
on their doors and asked them
to evacuate the building.

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Only the residents from the
first floor were evacuated.
The smoke detector inside
the apartment did not go off
because there va- ai ahver cap
place over it.
UF marketing senior Ryan
Witkowski said he was taking
a shower, but seeing the fire
trucks, he left his. apartment
and-went outside.
"The firemen were all over
the place, and there was smoke
in the hallway," Witkowski
He said about 10 to 15 people
were evacuated from the build-
ing and that there was no com-
Residents were allowed back
inside their apartments after
less than an hour. --
Witkowski said he later talk-
ed to the resident whose oven
was on fire.
."He said that he was heating
-the oven to cook his food when
-the oven caught on fire for an
unknown reason," Witkowski
The resident of the apart-
ment was not available for


The Alligator strives to be
accurate and clear in its news
reports and editorials. If youL
find an error, please call our
newsroorn at (352j 376-
4458 or send an e-mail to


a the independent florida

VOLUME 98 ISSUE 158 ISSN 0889-2423
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Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
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The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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tions Inc.-


Beloved UF alumnus, former historian dead at 86

Samuel Proctor, one of UF's distinguished alumni, died
Sunday, closing the book on some of UF's history.
Proctor died in the early morning hours Sunday, after a long
and mysterious illness. He was 86.
Proctor was UF's first official historian and archivist and the
man who established UF's prolific Oral History Program.
"It is one of the luckiest of circumstances for me that I got to
know Sam," UF President Bernie Machen said.
Machen presented Proctor with an honorary Doctorate of

Public Service last summer to recognize his contributions to the
UF community.
Proctor received a bachelor's degree in 1941, master's in
1942 and doctorate in 1958, all from UP.
The Oral History Program, which he started in 1967 and
is now named for him, was designed to preserve eyewitness
accounts of life in Florida and the South. The collection, which
has more than 3,900 interviews, is. one of the largest in the na-

Proctor retired from UF in June 1996 after teaching for 50
years. In that time he shared his vast knowledge of history with
many students, including former U.S. Sen. Bob Graham. \
He also published a history of UF called "Gator History: A
Pictorial History of the University of Florida" in 1986. It was
Proctor's research that determined UF's roots date to 1853.
Proctor is survived by his wife of 56 years, Bessie, two sons
and two granddaughters.

Natives' reaction brings sense of calm to American students seeking comfort

LONDON, from page 1

All of that emotion came back
"I think because 9/11 hit so close
to home, it felt more real," she said.
"I think that that made me more
afraid when this happened."
Although Verbanac contem-
plated leaving London at first, she
decided to stay after seeing the
city recover so quickly. But she will
never take the Underground trains
"I d to do what I would nor-
mally do, but at the same time I'm
more cautious," she said.
Some UF students, however,
boarded a train as soon as possible.
And with class miles away from
their apartments, all of them will
have to enter the tunnels soon.
"I wanted to ride the tube the next
day just to assure myself that every-
thing would be OK," Flagler said.
That same reason drove both
NYU and UF students to the pubs
Thursday evening. After a day of
hiding in dorms and classrooms,
many wanted to see how the British
were handling the tragedy.
The pubs were packed with
Many people sat around drink-
ing pints of beer, acting as if nothing
had happened, Flagler said.
"I think it's a good thing that life
goes on, and we can't let terrorism

change our way of life," he said. "It
was a stressful day and what better.
thing than to get a pint."
The day was more stressful for
some UF students than for others.
With an exam at 9 a.m., many stu-
dents took the Underground trains
to class right around the time three
bombs exploded in the tunnels.
Katie Gorda, a finance junior,
said she was trapped on a train
for an hour. Down the same track,
two trains received the worst of
the explosions. Officials are still
recovering trapped bodies from the
Gorda said she was completely
unaware of the explosions a few
trains ahead of her.
"They told us that there was a
power glitch so I had no idea that
it was a bomb," she wrote in an
Vara Bloom, a 21-year-old fi-
nance senior, was also on the train to
class. When her train was delayed,
officials told passengers that there
was a fire further down the track.
Even when hundreds of pas-
sengers were forced to walk up the
emergency stairs, Bloom said she
never questioned the circumstances..
"We were so rushed to get to our
test that we weren't even thinking
about it," she said.
The students heard the bus ex-
plosion in the middle of their exam,
but many completed their work.
The frequency of terrorist attacks
in. big cities makes moving on im-

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portant, Bloom said.
"It's definitely going to make us
almost expect it and accept it and

learn how to deal with it," she said.
"Our generation is going to be able
to deal with this always. We're going

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to have to deal with it."
SEmily Yehle is an Alligator staff
writer currently studying in London.

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Hub may offer 24-hour cafe

Alligator Writer
When the Hub is resurrected fully in May
2006, it could include a 24-hour Internet caf6.
Partially closed since the UF bookstore
moved to the Reitz Union, the Hub, located at
Stadium Road and Buckman Drive, will cost
$11.5 million to renovate.
Its first floor will consist of a 10,000 square-
foot Internet cafe and a new home for the
International Center, now located in Grinter
Hall. The Academic Technology Center, which
includes the UF Computing Help Desk, also
will move its offices from the Computer
Sciences and Engineering building to the Hub
but keep existing business hours.
Though UF is financing the renovation,
Interim Associate Provost for Information
Technology Marc.Hoit said university officials
have agreed to keep the Internet caf6 open 24
hours only if Student Government will pay to
staff it beyond normal UF Computing Help
Desk hours.
Late-night operation is expected to require
two staffers: a computer specialist and a student
employee. The funding of their wages will re-
quire a vote in the Student Senate.

Student Sen. Jason Lutin, chairman of the
24-Hour Study Committee, said SG officials and
students have shown consistent interest in a late-
night study center. A committee like his has been
formed in SG every year for five years, he said.
"Now, we're just a couple signa-
tures away from having a 24-hour
study center."
Jason Lutin
24-Hour Study Committee chairman

Lutin said in the past he has gotten "the run-
around" from UF administrators.
"Now," he said, "we're just. a couple signa-
tures away from having a 24-hour study center."
In addition to a large open area with a com-
puter lab, laser printers and the UF Computing
Help Desk, the Internet caf6 will include two
video-conference rooms, four or five small
study rooms, a video-editing area with editing
software and high-end graphics capability, and
either a Starbucks or a Java City, Hoit said.
SG officials plan to keep the area open 24
hours a day, seven days a week at first, Lutin
said, adding that the plan may change with how
often and when students use the facility.

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Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

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Hurricane-resistant house stands up to Dennis

Alligator Contributing Writer

Hurricane Dennis may have huffed and
puffed, but it could not blow this house down.
Near the Escambia County extension in
Pensacola stands a structure simply dubbed
the "hurricane house," designed to withstand
winds in excess of 140 miles per hour.
The house, officially known as the Escambia
Windstorm Damage Mitigation, Training and
Demonstration Center, is a UF project to test if
homes cant be made more hurricane-resistant.
"Our hurricane house demonstrates that
it is possible to build a home that will come
through hurricanes such as Dennis and
Ivan with little or no damage," said Lamar
Christenberry, Escambia County extension
director with UF's Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences, in a press release. .
He and his team have been studying how
materials, products and construction methods

that meet or exceed state standards can be used
in new homes or to retrofit existing structures.
"I don't think Dennis challenged it as
much as we had hoped," he said. "It wasn't
a Category 3 or 4, but we did get a good wind
test of about 100 mph."
In the press release, Pierce Jones, director of
the UF/IFAS Florida Energy Extension Service
said new building codes, which went in to ef-
fect March 2002, are stricter than before but not
as strict as those in Miami-Dade and Broward
Jones said because no Florida home is
impervious to hurricane damage, the codes
should become stricter statewide eventually.
The hurricane house near Pensacola is just
one of three hurricane houses around the state.
One house is located in Fort Pierce, another in
St. Augustine and a fourth will be complete in
August 2005 in Fort Lauderdale.
To pay for the project, the Florida
Department of Financial Services provided

$2.3 million in funding, while UF's Shimberg
Center for Affordable Housing in the College
of Design, Construction and Planning over-
looked the design and construction.
"Our hurricane house demon-
strates that it is possible to build a
home that will come through hur-
ricanes such as Dennis and Ivan
with little or no damage."
Lamar Christenberry
Escambia County IFAS extension director

Homeowners interested in the buildings
can visit the houses in the respective locations
to see the methods used in constructing hur-
ricane-safe homes.
Visitors will be able to see a variety of win-
dow shutters, impact-resistant doors, a steel

"safe room," a garage door capable of with-
standing 150 mph winds and exposed sections
of interior walls.
Jones said the walls' building method
is more expensive than regular concrete or
wood-frame construction but is desirable
where wind speeds are higher and storm-
surge problems are imminent.
"The insulated Styrofoam-formed concrete
walls add about 10 to 15 percent to cost, but
there is a pay back in energy in a few years,"
Christenberry said.
Hurricane Dennis, a fast-moving Category
3 hurricane.when it came ashore with 120 mph
winds, was smaller than Ivan and weaker than
when it churned through the Gulf of Mexico as
a potentially catastrophic Category 4 storm.
Dennis became the fifth hurricane to strike
Florida in fewer than 11 months, causing an
estimated $1 billion to $2.5 billion in insured
damage in the United States.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

UF technology helps Discovery's return to flight


Alligator Contributing Writer

Across from the stadium and
next to the journalism building in
a first-floor room no bigger than a
bathroom sit the hopes of NASA.
Technology developed in this
tiny UF lab will help ensure the
safety of the space shuttle Discovery,
scheduled to lift-off Wednesday.
Discovery marks the first shuttle
mission in more than two years'
since the Columbia tragedy of.,
February 2003.
Engineering professor Ed Dugan,
along with retired professor Alan
Jacobs and doctoral student Daniel
Shedlock, developed a way to scan

the foam on the external fuel tank of
the space shuttle for possible defects.
In the Columbia disaster, experts
believe a briefcase-size piece of foam
broke off the external fuel tank and
damaged tiles on the left wing,
Shedlock said.
While it's impossible to know
for certain whether or not the scan-
ning technique developed by the
UF team could have prevented the
disaster, NASA is now able to look
inside the foam for any cracks or
holes that could make the foam
more susceptible to breaking off.
NASA and Lockheed Martin,
the company that assembled the
fuel tank, attempted many different
scanning methods to get images of
the foam- core, including ultrasound
and electromagnetic scanning,
Dugan said.
Because of the low density of the




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must be willing to
complete 6 clinic visits
and will receive all
study-related physical
exams at no cost and
will be compensated up
to $425 for their time
and travel expenses.


foam, however, each method failed
to create a proper image.
Lockheed came to UF after hear-
ing about the work Dugan and
Jacobs were doing with landmine
detection, Dugan said. They wanted
to know if UF's method could be ap-
plied to foam scanning.
Dugan developed a type of back-
scatter radiography for Lockheed
that creates an image by exposing
X-rays to an object
UF and collecting the
Research electromagnetic
waves that bounce
back, or "scatter," from that object.
Only about 10 percent of all rays are
scattered back, which makes back-
scatter radiography very difficult to
use, Dugan said.
Dugan's scanner is composed
of four cylindrical detectors sur-
rounding a cylindrical yellow X-ray

generator. Each detector creates a
separate image, but the images also
can be combined to create one im-
age, Dugan said.
The scanner uses the same X-rays
used in a doctor's office. However, in
medical X-rays, the rays pass through
the body of a patient to register an
image on a screen behind them.
Because it's not always possible to
place a screen behind an object, the
backscatter method is beneficial.
UF's scanner can be adjusted to
select the best bounced-back X-rays,
resulting in a black-and-white image
dearer than any medical X-ray.
"If you told me two years ago we
could get images like that, I wouldn't
have believed it," Dugan said. :
In the image of a test foam piece
sent to the UF lab, debris purposely
put into the foam to test the technol-
ogy, including a bolt and a pencil,

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are clearly visible. A shadowy white
area about the size of a silver dollar
can also be observed.
That, Shedlock said, is what
NASA and Lockheed are looking
for. A small, shadowy area indicates
a defect in the foam, and a defect
makes it easier for the foam to break
off. If a similar defect was detected
in the fuel-tank foam, Lockheed
technicians would cut the piece out
and start the foam application pro-
cess over again.
All of the foam on the external
tank is not scanned because most of
it is applied by a machine, Shedlock
said. But there are areas where a ma-
chine can't do the job, and the foam
is applied by hand, layer by layer.
These are the areas most susceptible
to foam flaws and the ones scanned
by UF technology.

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Olympic struggle

Tragedies should cause

cities to rethink Games
As we stop to remember the 50-plus who lost their lives
by terrorists' bombs in London last week, we should not
forget that the city was cleared to host its first Olympic
games in six decades the day before.
Nor should we forget the plight of New Yorkers, whose
enthusiasm for their city's unsuccessful 2012 Olympic bid was
indicative of their eagerness to rebuild ever since they, too, un-
derwent unspeakable tragedy.
London, New York, Paris, Moscow, Madrid all major cit-
ies with hopes of hosting the Olympics, and all recent victims
of terrorism.
An Athens police station was bombed three months before
last year's Summer Games. In 2000, a cooperative effort be-
tween Australia and New Zealand police foiled a bombing of
a nuclear reactor in the suburbs of Sydney, planned to go down
while the Games resided down under.
And everyone should remember an early Saturday morning
in July 1996, when a pipe bomb shattered Atlanta's brand-new
Centennial Park and the world's dreams of a 'safe' Olympics.
As major cities become more cosmopolitan, and therefore
more attractive to International Olympic Committee officials
seeking prestige for their signature events, they will also be-
come clearer targets for terrorists and other ne'er-do-wells.
Conclusion: The Olympics inadvertently carries with it an
expectation of violence; a culture, if you will.
Maybe it was a good thing New York was shut out.
Of course, "faster, higher, stronger" applies just as much to
those groups wishing to destroy political cooperation as it does
to those working together.
The next Olympic Summer Games are set for Beijing in 2008.
Almost $1 billion is devoted to security to protect the billions
organizers there will spend on facilities and event supplies.
Lessons exist out there for major cities wishing to bid on fu-
ture Games. The exorbitance of plans submitted by the finalists
for the 2012 Games, and thus the expense of protecting them
and the people involved in them, must lead the world to em-
brace a "back-to-basics" strategy for 2016.
The side effect of dialing down the scope of the event will be
to open up sports of all nations to areas that normally wouldn't
see world-class competition which was one of the original
driving principles of the IOC.
The lessons are waiting to be learnt.

No hurricane for Charley

The recent debacle in-
volving quasi-alumnus
and former Florida
Governor Charley Johns has
not escaped us.
But we wonder how a
three-sentence description of
Johns, who's been dead for 15
years, in UF's alumni maga-
zine becomes a topic worthy
of worldwide derision.
UF Today Magazine
named Johns one of 81 "stand-
out alumni," based on his two
months at the university and
then short stint as governor.
For many reasons, his in-
clusion was a mistake.
The committee Johns
chaired was responsible for
the cruel torturing of gays,
blacks, and Jews at UE We
should remind ourselves of

this cruelty at every step as
the university moves forward
through a new century.
However, the pages of
a PR magazine are not the
right places to wage the war
avenging those shamed by
the Johns Committee, nor
should the magazine be the
proper venue to reintroduce
the group's misdeeds.
-Indeed, as some have rec-
ommended, we too believe
that such a display should be
made on a grander scale.
Let's not blame a fluff
magazine for an honest
mistake. It's the responsibil-
ity of those who know the
details and have the ability
to do something powerful
with that knowledge to pay
it forward.

the independent florida


Mike Gimignani

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Terrorist attacks transcend Underground

n today's world, coping with the inevitability of terror-
ism has become almost as routine as waking up and
turning on the television.
As I proceeded to do so. Thursday morning, what un-
folded before my eyes is something I refuse to accept as
The horrific scenes from London roused emotions
reminiscent of those during the events of Sept. 11, 2001.
The attacks on England's capital, more than 3,000 miles
away, hit surprisingly close to home.
On July 7, the sights and sounds of London were far
too familiar. Smoke billowed from the burning rubble as
civilians ran through the streets, some stopping to tend to
the bloodied and wounded.
A coordinated bombing had decimated three
Underground trains and a double-decker bus. Scotland Yard
Commissioner Ian Blair said the attacks had "all the hall-
marks of al-Qaeda." I couldn't help but sympathize with the
millions of people questioning the survival of a loved one.
It was the same question that haunted me for hours on end
after the World Trade Center collapsed on 9/11. All attempts
to make contact with either my mother or grandmother, both
of whom were in New York City, initially failed.
In addition, I couldn't reach any of my aunts, uncles
and cousins who I hoped had remained in the suburbs on
that fateful morning.
As the hours passed and phone lines opened, my
family's safety was assured one person at a time, but not
without a close call.
One of my cousins was eating breakfast on the ground
floor of the World Trade Center when the first plane hit.
Luckily, he escaped unharmed.
Unfortunately, the same can't be said for so many other
families affected by 9/11 and now this attack as well. More

Aaron Blye than 50 people were killed in London
Blye's Eyes and about 700 were injured. The re- mains are so mangled and difficult to
retrieve that authorities have yet to
identify a single person as the death
toll continues to rise.
The lives of the fallen have been relegated to that of a
statistic. We must do more to prevent this from happening
within our own country.
Although railway security in New York City was in-
creased temporarily Thursday, it was a departure from
business as usual.
Under normal circumstances, boarding a train with a
backpack of explosives like those used in London would
be as easy as walking down a public street.
Why, then, did the SenateAppropriations Subcommittee
on Homeland Security recently grant $50 million less than
last year's $150 million for transit and rail security?
Since the tragic events of 9/11, the federal government
has spent $18 billion on aviation security, but only $250
million for public-transportation security.
Thankfully, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-New York) re-
cently proposed an amendment to the Homeland Security
Appropriations bill that would double the $100 million
proposed for both mass transit and rail security.
The amendment also includes a provision that would
require the Department of Homeland Security to allocate
$20 million from its science budget to develop explosive
detectors for mass-transit stations, rail cars and buses.
As American citizens step from the station platforms
onto unprotected trains, we can only hope that Schumer's
amendment is voted into law.
Aaron Blye is a political science senior. His column appears
on Tuesday.

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.

Eva Kis

The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for-length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to bring them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32604-2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458. .

Today's question: Do you feel Thursday's question: Do you feel 21% YES
Florida is a possible target for ter- that UF administrators make an
rorist attacks? effort to be accessible? 79% NO
Vote or post a message at


'Free trade' not to be confused with 'fair'

In this week's Entertainment Weekly, Chris Martin of
Coldplay poses wearirfg a shirt that exhorts "Fair Trade."
Unfortunately, many similarly uneducated artists and
dilettantes advocate such trade as well.
Fair trade might seem fair to the millionaire farm tycoons
who paid to transport thousands of well-meaning protesters
to WTO and G8 protests in order to protect their subsidies
- but it hardly can be so for the billions around the world
who stand to gain from the liberating, yet invisible hand of
free trade.
Since fair and free trade come in myriad forms, it might
be helpful to define my terms: Fair trade seeks to alleviate
poverty as a matter of social justice by using "fair pricing"
for goods and services, but it may also involve transparency,
environmental protection and tariffs.
I am reminded of fair trade's most eloquent speaker,
Dennis Kucinich, during his visit to UF last year, who warned
the masses that fear was killing this country thanks to the
Bush administration. He then proceeded to explain to us how
scary free trade is and how fearful we should be of business.
Well, no one ever accused fair traders of being cogent.
As Antony Flew pointed out, social justice itself isn't de-
fined by its greatest advocates! But hey, it's sure fun to say,
As with fair trade, free trade policies come in all shapes
and sizes. Free trade usually seeks the elimination of virtually
all trade barriers such as tariffs, as well as the free and unre-
stricted flow of labor and capital. It also calls for striking taxes,
subsidies and regulations on trade.
Through this anarchy of resources and people, living
standards rise across the board, in part due to comparative
advantage writ large. Also, people have the freedom to trade
as they please. Free traders tend to minimize the importance
of bargaining power as needless hand-wringing.

Christian Waugh The numbers, the equations and
The Final Frontier the stark realities all seem to support the efficacy of trade as a tool for good
in the world.
Looking at the nonpareil examples
of fair trade such as Cultural Revolution China, the archaic
Soviet Union or modern day Cuba and North Korea, we see
the impotence of fair trade more vividly than any argument
that can be made with words.
By contrast, looking at Australia, New Zealand, Hong
Kong and the United States might move you to tears.
Of course, this comparison between fair and free trade is
an exercise in generalities. The reality is that even fair trade
has its place.
For example, even militant and religious free traders, like
myself, do not condone slave labor in any means of produc-
tion, nor for the gains of the few at the expense of the many,
nor for propping up predatory despots.
In fact, advocates of free trade believe it is only a few short
steps from the restrictions and regulations of fair trade to such
tyranny,whether it is one of good or bad intentions.
Economist Hernando de Soto similarly says that for coun-
tries without property rights, free trade will only serve the
predators. Once these are in place, however, the sky is the
Accordingly, we recently agreed to the Central American
Free Trade Agreement and with hope, we will make agree-
ments with the Middle East and China before long.
These policy achievements will continue our 21st century
civilization's unmatched and unending advances in science,
technology and art, for such progress occurs because of trade
and freedom, not in spite of it.
. Christian Waugh is a first-year law student. His column appears
on Tuesday.

Letter to the Editor
Libraries closed too much in Summer
Editor: I would like someone in
charge to explain to me why the UF li-
braries, which are used more frequently
by graduate students than by anyone
else, are closed the weekend before
the July 4 holiday, were only open lim-
ited hours during the "break" between
Summer A and Summer B and will be
closed virtually every weekend during
the month of August.
Campus "breaks" are solely utilized
by undergraduates aftd staff there
is no such thing as a "holiday" or "se-
mester break" for graduate students,
and we should have adequate access
to resources during these times, as they
are not government-sanctioned holidays
and the rest of America is still open for
Research conducted by faculty and
graduate students (which, incidentally,
is largely made possible by access to
library resources) brings in an over-
whelming amount of money to UF
($450 million in 2004), and our work
should not be compromised or placed
on the back burner.
I What the hell why don't we just
declare every day a UF holiday?
Ann Griswold
Graduate assistant

The Board of Directors of Campus Communications, Inc.

publisher of

the independent florida

alligator and

announces the opening for the position of

Student Member at Large of the Board of Directors

This unpaid position may be filled by
a graduate or undergraduate student

The application for this position is available at the reception desk of The Alligator Building at
1105 W. University Ave., each weekday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m from now until July 20.
Part of the application consists of short essays in answer to specific questions. Applicants
should pick up applications far enough in advance to allow enough time to complete them by the
deadline of 3 p.m., July 21.

More information is available for an applicant's mandatory reading at the time an application is
picked up. Applicants should allow themselves 10 to 15 minutes of reading time when picking
up an application. The application must be returned to the same office before 3 p.m., by July21.
This is an absolute deadline. All returned applications will be copied and available to be read
at The Alligator building prior to the selection meeting. Interviews and selections by the Board
of Directors will be held at The Alligator offices in a meeting open to the public, Friday, July
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UF opens international-studies office in Beijing

Alligator Contributing Writer
UF students will have a new study abroad
option with the establishment of the UF Center
for International Studies irrBeijing, China.
The center's director, Sherman Bai, said
the new site is intended to assist visiting

-UF students and professors, recruit Chinese
students to come to Gainesville and promote
the university's distance-education programs
in China.
Bai, a UF engineering professor, visited
Beijing from May to June and hired two staff
members for the center, located on the campus
of the China Agricultural University.
UF's International Center and Distance
Education program support the center finan-
cially, he said, though it is unclear when the
center would start accepting applicants or

what courses will be taught.
Bai said tuition at Chinese institutions is
lower than in the United States, an issue that
still must be resolved
U F to "adapt to [the]
^ '-''- needs" of potential
foreign students.
The Paris Research Center is the only other
hub UF has in another country, International
Center Executive Associate Director Lynn
Frazier said.
"[The center] will open a lot of opportu-

nities for UF to get in on the ground floor
of some of the exciting opportunities taking
place," she said.
China is one of the top five countries in
the number of students sent to UF, she said.
In each of the last four years, more than 400
students from China have attended UF.
A smaller number of UF students elect to
study abroad in China, Frazier said, adding
that such programs to China always have been
arranged through other universities.
"It's a very exciting project," she said.


Upward Bound pageant reveals crowning achievers
By ROXANNA GARCIA talent portion of Thursday's 2005 Mr. During the formal presentation, a Maxwell and Stith-will go on
Alligator Contributing Writer and Miss Upward Bound Pageant I want to pass on the smooth R&B tune filled the high ceil- to represent the UF chapter in the
presented by the UF chapter of inspiration and courage it ings of the UniversityAuditorium as Upward Bound Olympics, where
A young man in a dashing pink Upward Bound, a federally funded takes to do this." the contestants danced in their suits winners from across the state will
suit sat debonairly on a stool and college-preparatory program. t and glittering gowns. Afterward, compete to become the regional
spoke to the audience about the pain The other acts were equally Alfred Maxwell the contestants were introduced by Mr. and Miss Upward Bound in
of unrequited love. well-received. Denzel Nickerson's Mr. Upward Bound name, grade, high school and their Orlando.
"I'm your man only when you're rendition of Kanye West's "Through potential college majors. "I'm going to carry on the
lonely," Alfred Maxwell mused, as the Wire" thrilled the crowd as he Ultimately, Alfred Maxwell, torch," Maxwell said after the
the audience hollered in support. jumped down from the stage, giving The eight students who com- 17, and Rashida Stith, 15, were pageant. "I want to pass on the
Maxwell read his poem titled high-fives to the judges and gestur- peted in this year's pageant were crowned Mr. and Miss Upward inspiration and courage it takes to
"Love's Uncertainty" as part of the ing to the crowd. judged on casual wear, formal wear Bound. do this."

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S1 BR from $460 2BR from $530
* Beautiful pools/courtyards
* Walk/bike to UF Pets ok
* Open Weekends! 372-7555

Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA
W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm*
24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF
Museum Walk 379-9255

Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60
second walk to UF. Remodeled, Old House
charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included.
Wood floors. With Parking. By Private
Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 8-15-25-2

GET $$$ OFF RENT! 3&4 B/R
Amazing SPECIALS for fall!!!
FREE UF Parking!
Tennis, b-ball, pool, luv pets!
Open wknds, Call 376-4002

Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 sec-
ond walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer
included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish.
Short term available. Private Owner. $495-
up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 8-15-25-2

1/1 Flats, 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/W/D. No
pet restrictions! Pool, Gym, Bball, Tennis,
Raquetball. Park at UF. Indiv. Lease avail.
352-332-7401 8-15-25-2

1/1s 2/2s 3/3s! Near UF
FREE Cable*HBO*Showtime*Alarm
Up to $825 in Rebates. 377-2777


for your BUCK
from ONLY $399/person
FREE Cable, FREE Tanning,
FREE Alarm, W/D, PC Lab
24-hr Gym, Gated Entry
Pets Welcome, 372-0400
**Beautiful and New***
FREE High-Speed Internet
FREE Monitored Alarm
FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym
W/D plus TVs in every kitchen
374-FUNN (3866)

Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to
UF. 352-215-4991 or
352-215-4990 8-15-25-2

1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00
$99 deposit for Grad students
999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720

HUGE Townhouse only $1025
Cable*Pool*Free Tanning*Gym
Fall Specials on Now! 372-8100

S For Rent

All locations and price ranges
If you are tired of apt life
Go to or call 374
6905. 8-24-170-2

*Location, Location, Location*
1BR $589, near Butler Plaza,
but park FREE @ UF.
Alarms, some utils, walk-in closet, pets OK! 373-1111

WOOD Floors at UF
Large 1BR w/W/D.
Pets ok, central air.
Free parking, 1 blk from stadium.
Open Weekends 371-0769

Historic Neighborhood
Studios to 2BR's from $489
Pets ok, laundry on site

Summer rates
on a 15 month lease
Sun Island Properties

SPECIALS!! 1BR flats, 2, 3, and 4 BR THs.
W/D in all THs. We have it all Pool*tennis*
bball*racquetball*FREE gym*no pet restric-
tions. 332-7401. 8-15-25-2

Luxury 3BR/3BATownhomes
Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym,
Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms
*The Laurels, 335-4455*
*Sign today & save over $1050*

1,2,3&4BR FOR FALL
FREE UF Parking! Tennis,
b-ball, pool, d/w, amazing
specials! call 376-4002

Lonely apartment seeks you *
2BR/1.5BAtownhome $669 includes W/D!
Park FREE @ UF, alarm, pets welcome 373-1111

FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF
tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm
spacious! pets ok! SPECIALS! 376-4002

1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA
$525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian
tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals,
W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF.
332-7700. 8-15-25-2

2/2 TNHMS & loft-suite den! 1275 sq.ft
Free cable w/ HBO & Showtime
W/D*garage*free tanning*comp lab
Pets welcome*Private dog park

Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups
& DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
Now 372-9913 8-15-25-2

Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft
1B.R 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats!
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480.
Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070.

HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095
630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo;
816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1300/mo;
1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo;
642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 8-15-25-2

Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent
A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball, waste, pest, lawn
mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by
appt.-Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave.
373-4244 UF bus line #20 8-15-25-2

l For Rent

Have Roommates?
4BR/2BA House $950
3BR/2BA Haile $1100
Only You?
1BR/1BAApt $450
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2

So Close to Campus
Avail now, 2BR/1 BA apts.
$450, $475, $520
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2

1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown.
2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 373-
4423 or online at

NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint
2BR- over 1100 sq ft 0* $650/ mo
1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00** $550/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$300 off deposit 0 376-2507
8-15-25-2 .

CALL TODAY! 372-8100

Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!

Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
2BR/2.5BA Townhouse $850/mo
2BR/1 BA House $575/mo
1 BR/1 BA Near UF $370/mo
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118

Champagne Living for a Beer Budget!
3/3 for $385/bdrm or 4/4 for $370/bdrm
includes cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME
Water-& Sewer, W/D, Gym, Tanning
Now & Fall The Landings 336-3838

Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR Pool
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail 377-7401*

*Luxury Living/Walk to UF*
1BR, Private Patios, Alarm, Pets OK.
Huge Bedrooms Walk-in Closets.
Next to Sorority Row
Office: 1216 SW 2nd AVE Call 372-7111

FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm
Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to
UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777

Avail for Current and Fall
Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF
Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail
Great Specials*377-7401 8-15-25-2

*FALL* BIks from UF 0 Houses *
Duplexes-* Apts (Managed by owner) See for listings or call
Carol at 377-3852. 8-15-25-2

Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on
north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin
summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties
372-1509 8-15-25-2

Huge 1/1 w/ D/W, patio/balcony
Tennis, bball, alarm, luv pets!
SPECIALS! leasing now & fall
Open wknds, call 376-4.002

I For Rent

Avail Aug: All units .5 mi of UF campus.
Rooms in house $300 + split util, 1BR/1BA
$450-$475, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA
$700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact or Iv msg 352-870-7256

Convenient UF access
$325 to $575
Action Real Estate Services
352-331-1233 8-15-25-2

Apartments & Houses
Studio to 5BR+
Most within 2 miles of campus!
Campus Realty 692-3800

1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes
Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym
PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities.
Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455

Bike to campus. Large fenced yards. Lots
of extras. Available now & fall. Call for de-
tails. $875-1225/mo. 352-372-4768

Available Summer & Fall
Studios & 1BRs $350 to $750
2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850 -
Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc.

Historic house, cute and cozy, lots of charm.
Studio avail. 306 NE 6th St. $400/mo. Call
379-4952 8-15-25-2

Ask About Our Move-In
Specials & Giveaways
Individual Leases: Furniture Packages,
Incl Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet;
Every Unit is an End Unit
Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5
701 SW62nd Blvd 373-6330

U For Rent

Ask About Our Move In
Specials & Giveaways
Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans;
Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer;
Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool;
Sauna etc. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5
700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009

1BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet
complex located at 3320 SW23rd St. Starting
@ $395/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150.
Please leave a message. 8-4-35-2

**0.8 miles to UF. Historic 2BR apt/house
near downtown. W/D. $625/mo. 214-9270
Owner/Agent 8-4-29-2

Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood
floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces, SE
Historic District. 1,2 & 3 BR w/water, sewer
$475/mo. 1st, last, security. No dogs please.
378-3704 7-28-25-2

4BR/4BA available now. University Terrace.
W/D, pool, convenient bus stop, pvt wood-
land view, 3 mi from campus. $335/room util
not incl. Call John 786-436-1657 or Jonathon
954-309-3004 7-28-22-2

Fall rentals, walk to campus 2br/lba
$500, sign lease now and move in August. 375-7104 1731
NW 6th St. 8-15-25-2

Now leasing for fall 3 blocks from campus
4BR/2BA apt. $265/rm + utils 1740 NW 3rd
P1I 231-3002 8-15-25-2

University Terrace Gainesville
University Terrace West
4/4 Individual Leases
Furnished Living Area
W/D, Pool $375/mo.
Union Properties 373-7578



"Copyrighted Material'

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"


0 a 1 0 0 a 9 0 a lbo 0 0 1

Tuesday, July 12, 2005M ALLIGATOR, 11

U] For Rent

1/2 Month FREE RENT!

Bel-Air Apartments 636 NW 26th Ave.
1 BR/1 BA or 2BR/1 BA starting at $535

Village West Apartments-800 NW 18th Ave
1 BR/1 BA available now. Starting at $460.

Ask about UF Parking Decal.

U N I 0 N

352-373-7578 .

One Bedroom Apartment Homes
Starting at $439
$150 deposit/$35 app fee
Please call 352-375-1519

3 BED HOUSE $750/mo. Central heat &
air. Great deal! Wooden floors & W/D
hook-up. Behind Leo 706. 870-0904, 318-
4553 7-14-18-2

1 & 2 BED COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo.
Historical downtown! W/D hook-ups,
porches, great size! Cute! Must see!
Photos @ 352-
870-0904, 318-4553 7-14-18-2

1 Month FREE Rent! Going Fast!
Avail Now & Aug! Luxury Studios. Specials
from $489/mo Wood firs, W/l closets & pet
friendly. All -Incl.also avail! Call now! 376'-
6223 8-15-23-2

Apartments Available Now
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse our listing FREE
1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-2

"The Three Amigos" live at Spanish Trace
Large 3BR only $285/person
FREE UF parking, alarms, pets adored.
Same-day sign specials! 373-1111

3BR/2BA HOUSE. Wood floors, cent A/C,
W/D, large yard, 521 NW 4th St. $990/mo
262-7462 8-15-23-2

^, iS

0 [ For Rent
U unfurnished

From $450 to $1400/mo
Available Now & August


Call 376-4581

1/1 flat 750 sq ft. Porch/balcony. Monitored
alarm. Friendly community. Pool*tennis*bbal
I*recquetball*FREE gym* no pet restrictions.
332-7401 8-15-22-2

**NEW W/D**
FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool
FREE Alarm Screened Porch
Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly
RENT REBATE 372-0400

Immediate Availability
Haile Country Club, Mill Run & Brandywine
Huge 2 & 3 BRs Call 665-4106
Ask us about our summer specials!

$800 HOUSE 3 & 4 BRs. Very nicely Washer/
Dryer hook-ups, central heat/air, porch.
See photos
Downtown area. 870-0904, 318-4553 7-

carpet/tile, fans, hook-ups, near shopping/
schools. Grads/yuppies desired. $1200/mo.
+ deposit. No pets. Avail 8/1/05
3708 NW 16th Blvd. 376-2547-

2Bed/1Bath Apartment. $525/mo. W/D
hookup, no pets. 625 SW 11th Lane. Call
231-3002 8-15-20-2

For Rent: Rockwood Villas SW condo. Avail
8/1/05. 3BR/3BA. W/D incl. Lots of ameni-
ties, on bus route to UF/SFCC. $1000/mo.
Refs required. Call 352-339-3250 7-28-16-2

****4 BLOCKS TO UF****
Cute 3/2 in great area, hardwood & tile
floors, W/D, central AC, tons of off-street
parking. Avail Aug. $1200/mo Watson Realty
335-0440 7-28-15-2

*W a a

"Copyrighted Material -

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

1 For Rent

1BR APT in Duckpond area
Spacious, wood floors, on-site W/D. Close to
downtown & UF. $470/mo Avail Aug. 207 NE
Blvd. leave mssg @ 283-9732 7-14-10-2

6 BLOCKS FROM UF. New owners. 4BR/
2BA duplexes. All appliances incl. DW, W/D.
Cent heat/AC. New ceramic tile & carpet.
Approx 1200 sq ft. $1300/mo. Call Caol
at 377-3852 or check

9th Terr. Sec system, W/D, high ceilings,
energy efficient, good parking, pets ok. $700/
mo Mitchell Realty 374-8579 8-15-16-2

2BR/2BAwalking distance to UF, Brandywine
apts, Archer Rd. 1 year contract $600/mo
373-2273, 262-4902 7-12-8-2

Looking for a home? We have the
LARGEST selection of single family rent-
als in Gainesville. With over 100 properties
currently available, we're sure to have some-
thing to fit your style and budget. Visit our
website at,
or call us to find your new home today 352-
375-7104 ex 2.

Ed Baur
b Monogement Inc.


1/1 699/mo and 2/2 839/mo
W/D and Alarm INCLUDED!
Ask about our SPECIALS!
Call 376-9607

3 blks from campus. $1060/mo No pets. 231-
3002 8-15-15-2

4BR/2BA POOL HOME. Avail. August.
1209 NE 12th St. Pool/Yard maint. included.
Chrystal Berg Rltr. @ 352-316-3822 7-14-

_3BR/2BA house for Aug 1. Clean, central H/
AC, W/D, wood floors, roomy living area &
den. Yard service, bike to UF. 1025 NW 10th
Ave. $1140/mo to see call 352-336-6116 or
go to 8-2-12-2

3BR/3BA Countryside Apt. W/D, utils, cable
2HBO, and DSL incl $425/rm/mo + $100
deposit. Call 954-680-0918, 954-328-2021

Available now-- 3BR/1 BA house with private
yard, window A/C, 920 NW 6th Ave. $600 1731 NW 6th St.
375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2

August rental -- 1BR 1BA, cent A/C, water/
sewer, garage included, 1406 SW 18 PI.
$425 1731 NW 6th
St. 375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2

August rental 2BR/1BA duplex, walk to UF,
922 SW 6th Ave, off street parking $520 1731 NW 6th St.
375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2

3BR/1 BA, central heat & air, fenced, screened
porch, really cute small but adorable. 5350
SW 63rd Blvd. $650/mo. Avail August. Call
378-4626 or 262-4290 7-14-6-2

1 BR apts avail now. Starting at $395/month.
Pets arranged. 216 SW 3rd Ave. Others
Avail. Call 371-3260 8-15-13-2

1, 2, 3 & 4 BRs. Houses & apts avail for Fall.
All near campus. All price ranges. Call 371-
3260 8-15-13-2

0 4 4 4
do- m

A must see! Walk to UFI 1BR/1BA suite,
private entrance in a home, 2 blocks to UF.
Suite & home w/furn, utils, hi-speed internet,
cable, W/D, + parking all included for $650/
mo. Call 256-3323 7-14-6-2

4bed/4 bath UTG condo. $1300/month.
Walk-in closets, W/D, balcony, pool.
Close to campus! Very nice & great deal!
870-0904, 318-4553 7-21-8-2

U For Rent

Large, beautiful homes for rent
3805 SW4th PI
1073 SW 11th Ave
1040 SW 11th Ter
2740 SW 2nd Ave
Campus Realty 692-3800 7-12-5-2

Great Neighborhood near UF!
Houses Available in all sizes:
1BR 824 NW 11th Ave
2BR 828 NW 11th Ave
3BR 625 NW 10th Ave
4BR 907 NW 11th Ave
Call Campus Realty 692-3800 7-12-5-2

Live in a house, Walk to UF!
1417 NW7th Ter
1402 NW 6th PI
1418 NW 6th PI
1704 NW 7th Ave, & many morel
Call Campus Realty 692-3800 7-12-5-2

It's not too late to live
walking distance to UFI
Great houses, Great prices!
Campus Realty 692-3800 7-12-5-2

*UPPER CLASS Students*
Perfect place to study!
FREE cable w/ HBO/Show
Gated entry*Computer lab
Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning

Very nice 3BR/2BA house, Avail Aug 1st.
Ceramic tile throughout. Remodeled kitchen
& bath. Lg fenced yard. Close to campus.
$1125/mo. Drive by 3423 NW 1st Ct. Then
call for appt 377-2399 7-19-6-2

217 NW 35th St 3BR/3BA $1200/mo.
Ceramic tile, large fenced yard, W/D, dish-
washer, carport, lawn care incl. Excellent
condition! Call Campus Realty 692-3800

Free Hi-Speed Internet
Walk/bike to UF & shopping.
2/2 only $665 0 3/2 only $775 3009 SW Archer
Rd. 377-0555 7-28-9-2
3BR/1BA house for Aug near Duckpond.
wd firs, central H/AC, W/D, Ig bonus rm,
screened porch, nice fenced yard, lawn svc.
$900/mo. 915 NE 11th Ave 352-336-6116

One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no
smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but
has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished.
Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop
by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 8-15-12-2

Historic house/apt downtown, 2BR/1BA
completely renovated. hdwd firs, ceramic
tile, w/d, over 1000 sq ft, $650/mo, available
now 352-378-5919 7-14-5-2

*****Large 1BR Studio*****
attached to beautiful, quiet, sunny home
with separate entrance 1 mile from campus.
Quiet grad desired $550/mo. Call 335-1217

3BR/2BA home for rent, avail now. Wood
floors, fenced yard, pets ok. Call for more
info 870-1194. 3516 NW 3rd St 7-28-9-2

1 Block from UF!
1BR and 2BR Apts Avail Summer or Fall.
See our list at
updated daily or call Merrill Management Inc.
372-1494 7-21-7-2

2BR 1BA Apts. $500-525/Mo
5 BIks to UFI 840 Sq. Ft.
829 SW 5th Avenue, St. Croix Apts, Central
H & Air, Inclds Wtr, Swg, Pst Ctrl, Garbage.
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 7-

2BR 1BA Apt: Carpet,
Central H& Air $635/Mo.
1234 SW 1st Avenue. Call Merrill
Management Inc. 372-1494

2 Biks to UF!
2BR 1BA Apt. Wood Floors, Window A/C,
Nat gas ht. $475/Mo 314 NW 14th Street
Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494

U\ For Rent

Close to UF Law School
3BR 1BA Home $900/Mo.
Wood Floors, Central H & Air
303 NW 36th Drive. Call Merrill
Management Inc. 372-1494 7-21-7"-

Must see to believe. Luxury and 10 min S
of Butler Plaza. W/D, Pets OK. No lease
required. Studio Apt in country. EASY drive
$350/mo. Must see 215-0396 7-14-5-2

wood floors, central air, fenced yard. Walk
to UF. $1800/mo. Pets free. 424 NW 27th
Terrace. Call 262-7462 8-15-12-2 -

1BR/1BA APT for rent coming 10/1/05.
Spyglass Apts. Pets welcome. Fitness cen-
ter, pool, tennis court, screened in patio.
$594/mo. Call Natalya 283-6399 7-14-5-2

Downtown Historical House 5BR/2.5BA -
huge rooms Hardwood New tile in baths
- Off st. parking Sec. system NW 2nd
Ave. $1650. Call 305-527-9315 Avail Aug.

1BR/1BAAPT. W/D hk ups, large screeened
room, pets ok. $475/mo w/$500 sec dep.
3300 SW 23rd St. Apt 2. Call Candy or David
@ 352-371-3473 7-19-6-2

1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA at Countryside Apts. All
utilities inc. $400 per mo. Lease fall 2005 to
Spring 2006. Info 786-412-9337 8-15-12-2

2BR/1BA No lease.. On bus line,'W/D hook-
up, fresh carpet & paint, ceiling fans, no pets.
New cabinets & new tile. $425/mo + $425
security deposit. Call 374-7175. 7-19-11-2

Close to UF & Butler Plaza on bus rte
2BR/1BA duplex w/huge fenced backyard.
$630/mo 3829 SW 37th St. Avail 8/1 352-
371-5805 9-1-19-2

Luxury 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA townhouse
apt. close to campus & sorority row!-Huge
living area & kitchen, W/D, balcony in room.
Alarm sys. Call 561-213-5600. Avail in Aug.

*Huge 1/1 w/Balcony*
Walk to class
Next to sorority row
Oversized: Br, Ba, Closet,
& Kitchen
Want to take a look call 372-7141

2BR/1 BA house avail now. Fenced yard, AC/
H, W/D hk up. $625/mo. 1105 NE 10th PI.
Call 262-4546. Owner/Realtor 7-26-8-2 -

condo in Brighton Park. IncI W/D, pool, pvt
setting, on bus rt to UF every 8 min $800/mo.
Call 665-5361 7-21-7-2

Great duplex 3 blocks to UF. Large 3BR with
W/D, $1100.. Cozy 2BR w/lofts, $599 New
CH/AC, cool! Call Ed Baur Mgmt. 375-7104

Cheap 3BRs close to UF
625 NW 10th Ave $900
1417 NW 7th Ave $950
1418 NW 6th PI $950
Campus Realty 692-3800 8-15-11-2

1BR LOFT APTS. 650 &750 sq ft. Starting
@ $450 mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE
monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave.
Call 332-0720 8-31-17-2

Spacious 1/1 $615/mo. Rocky Point
Apartments. Fenced yard, available August
1. W/D hookup; on 9/34/35 bus routes. Pets
ok. Call Lena 813-453-6478 7-19-5-2

Spacious 1BR $425 1825C NW 10th St.
Adorable, quiet, clean, safe, green space,
near UF & downtown, bus line, no dogs. 352-
376-0080 7-28-8-2 ,

3/2 1250 sq ft condo on golf course. All ap-
pliances, amenities, pool. New carpet. Avail
immediately. 4204 NE 17th Terr. $875/mo
941-447-5453 7-14-4-2

3BR/2BA HOUSE w/2-car garage, all appli-
ances, maintenance-free front yard. Close
to UF & SFCC. $1200/mo. Call 215-9987

Continued on next page.

- me

12, ALLIGATOR N Tuesday, July 12, 2005

5 For Rent

Condo for rent Bellamy Forge 2BR/1.5BA,
new AC, carpet & paint less than 2 yrs old.
Quiet neighborhood. Available Aug 1. $750/
mo. Call Matt 262-6318 7-14-3-2

house on NW 39 & 23 St.
2 car garage, patio, backyard, $450 rent
includes everything. Call 786-252-2519,
Danny 7-14-3-2

1BR in a 3BR/2BA apt @ 1107 NW 8th St.
Move in Aug 1, $290/mo + utilities. Call
Emmitt 352-339-6569 or Mike 352-235-4827
7-21 -E52

2 Blocks to Stadium
Walk to class 1 BR/1BA
Separate living room, large kitchen
$400, Call 335-4790 7-21-5-2

Mansion for 5-8 students 920 SW 1st Ave
Large 4/3 3515 NW 7th PI. $1500/yr or
$1600/10 mos.
Call 495-8612 or 377-1732 7-21-5-2

New 1800 sq ft 3BR/2BA home for rent.
Brand new neighborhood w/ pool. Great
schools. Quick drive to campus. $1500/mo.
Avail now. Call 331-0485 7-26-5-2

NW4BR/3BA, 1 mi to UF. Lease starting
Aug. $1400/mo. 376-6183 7-21-4-2

Apts and Townhouses
621 SW 10th St Gainesville
Behind Norman Hall
CONTACT 352-332-2097

1BR/1BA $395/mo incl water & sewage.
Short bike ride to UF. Close to Publix. Close
to Wards. Painted wood firs, new appliances,
ceiling fans, porch, safe & quiet neighborhood.
$200 off 1st mo rent. Curtis- 352-262-4584 7-

Great 3BR home w/ wood floors, CH/A,
screef-ed porch, large BRs, carport. Walk
to campus. 104 NW 7th Terr. $1200/mo. Call
371-3260. Others available. 8-24-10-2

Convenient to -UF, Shands VA. 1200sq ft.
3BR/2BA house. Fenced backyard, W/D.
Pets negotiable. $900/mo. Call 262-9131

rent. New cent. H/AC. W/D incl. $650/mo.
Avail 8/1. 731 NE 12th Ave. 386-454-8518

EFFICIENCY APT with deck overlooking
creek. Private whirlpool in large screen
porch. Small pet ok. UF 2 mi. $335/mo + 1/3
util, cbl. 1st, last, sec. 384-0111 8-15-9-2

Excellent 2BR home with small yard, perfect
condition, CH/A, ceramic tile, W/D hook-ups.
1023 NW 30th Ave. $750/mo 352-215-8815

house, W/D, porch, pool, cable and high
speed wireless internet. On bus route. Close
to UF and Shands! Avail Aug. $960/mo. Call
352-336-8986 7-26-5-2

3br/2ba beautiful home in quiet nw commu-
nity with pvt pool, clbhse. Tile & wood fl, w/d
hkups, fenced yd w/ lawn svc, garage, bus rt.
$1200neg avail 8/1. 256-3609. 7-26-5-2

Spacious 1BR apartment close to UF &
downtown. Central A/C, hardwood floors,
quiet neighborhood. $475/mo $300 sec
dep. Call Jeremy 871-2658. Available Aug
1st. 7-21-4-2

3BR/2.5BA, huge floor plan; 2650 sq ft.
Immense party room with bar. Just a few
miles from UF. Hardwood floors, huge yard,
good neighborhood. Central AC and heat, 2
car.prage, washer & dryer. $1250/mo.
Call 954-812-4884

U For Rent

3Bed/1Bath $800month w/utilities.'Walk
to UF, behind Bank of America, large
space, private courtyard, call 870-0904,

2/2 home w/garage in Milhopper area. 1 acre
with deer & cows across fence. $1000/mo
if you mow. $1200/mo if we mow. 352-377-
2150 8-4-8-2

1 BR avail in 3/3 townhouse in Rockwood
Villas. Avail Aug 1, 1 year lease re-
quired. $360/mo + 1/3 util. Email: or call 786-210-
8103 7-21-4-2

a ll Subleases I

Female for 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5B
house. Behind sorority row. Short
campus. Avail ASAP. Price NEGO
Call 352-870-8902 8-4-30,3

Apartments Sublets & Roommates
All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500
Shrt-Long & Furn-Unfurn
1-(877)FOR-RENT (367-7368)
WWW.SUBLET.COM 8-15-23-3

Sublet individual lease. Gainesville Place.
Ground floor. Unfurn. $360/mo. Starting Aug
05 to July 31, 06. Call 850-785-1777 Iv msg.

1 BR/1 BA 2nd fl Sunbay apt. I leave deposit
and furniture. Spacious, view of duckpond,
with dishwasher, minutes to UF, next to
super market. $490/month-Dec. Call 328-
9117 7-12-5-3

Close 1BR/1BAApt. $350/mo!
NW4th Ave, 400 sq ft, pets OK
Great landlords! Really Close!
Call Dave 494-2513 ASAP

Fall Sublease at the Gables Apartments.
Spacious 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA. $517/mo
negotiable. Garage, pool, hot tub, gym, W/D,
walk-in closet. 283-6887. 7-14-5-3

1BR/1BA July 05 July 06. $630/mo
unfurnished. W/D, new appliances, PET
FRIENDLY. Quiet area close to 34th and
Archer Rd. Please contact Elizabeth at 352-
372-1709 7-19-6-3

$1000 CASH TO YOU!
New 3BR w/pvt BA. Exchange of G'ville
727-480-4514, 727-455-2631 7-28-8-3

2BR/2BA at CAMPUS LODGE. Can move in
immediately. Offering it at a discount. On the
third floor. Close to the lodge and pool Call
Jennifer at 235-1700 7-19-5-3

1 BR in 4BR/4 Bath w/private bath. Sublease
for Fall/Spring. On good bus #13 route. Rent
negotiable. Fully furnished: living room &
some in bedroom. The Landings. 262-2832

1 BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA furn apt. Female only.
All utils incl. Melrose Apts. $459/mo. Avail
Aug 05 thru Aug 06. Call 941-484-9761 7-

Countryside @ University Condo. 1 bedroom
avail in 4BR/4BA for $425. Cable, water, elec
incl except phone. Call Irvin (904) 610-0967
or email 7-19-4-3

$250/mo utils incl for Aug to Dec. Clean
female for 1BR in 4BR apt. Indiv lease.
Furnished, 2 blocks to campus, pool, gated,
housekeeping, & trash pickup. 407-340-
9035, 7-21-5-3

2BR/1BA APT avail Aug. 1. Approx 1 mi.
from UF. Pets accepted. $540/mo. Phone
335-6303 or 538-4783 7-14-2-3

3BR/3BA at the Exchange
$499/mo, all included & furnished. Please
contact Ashley at 727-424-5552 8-15-8-3

*| Roommates

Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866

Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk
to UF. Old house charm with all amenities.
Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2.181 .Lv mes-
sage. Private Owner 8-15-25-4

Looking for a female roommate for Ig BR in
beautiful new house. Huge pool, pvt fence,
Close to UF & SFCC. Internet, HBO cable,
sec alarm & utils incl $500/mo.Avail Fall. Call
Jacqueline 352-395-7462 or 941-780-3526

Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from
A town- 13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep,
walk to NS, no pets. Contact or
TIARI leave message at 352-870-7256 8-15-25-4-


3 All Roommates

ATTENTION! F roommate needed for 2BR/
2.5BA condo. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. Must be
responsible, neat & clean. Avail now! Call
Madgene @ 561-827-4970 7-21-10-4

Countryside 2 rms in 4BR/4BA to share w/
2 females. Secure, poolside, cable, internet,
W/D. Free parking, on bus route. 10 min. to
UF. $400 utils incl.,
386-676-9703, 386-235-5400 8-2-13-4

apt. Avail Aug 20, 2005 Aug 11, 2006.
Sublease. Will pay $200 transfer ree. 904-
737-4014 7-14-6-4

Lg furn. 3BR/3BA house 3806 SW 2nd Ave.
1 bik to Newberry Rd w/in 1 mi of UF. About
3000 sq ft. Hdwd firs, no carpet, carport,
Ig front porch. Incl all utils, w/hi spd cbl.
$550/mo/rm. 407-363-7198, cell 407-234-
1380 7-28-22-4

F for 1 BR/1 BA in 2BR/2BA. Inc W/D, Ig kitch-
en, 2 closets/room, storage, poolside view &
patio. Bus every 10 min/8-10 min to campus.
,$280 + utils. Call 352-371-6846 7-14-5-4

Female/male needed for.1 available bed/
bath in. 3 bed/3.bath apt in Windmeadows to
share with 2 females. Rent $335/month + 1/3
utilities. Call 352-258-1520 7-14-5-4

M needed for 2BR/2BA apt. Rockwood
Villas. 1st floor. Rent incl: basic cable, inter-
net, utils & furn. 9 mo lease $470/mo, 12 mo
lease $440/mo.,
305-299-1777 7-26-8-4

1stYr Grad Studnt looking for Roommates
House on Bus Route no Car Needed
Free High Speed Internet & Free Cable
$450 per month everything included Call
Gene at 813-390-2411 7-14-5-4

Roommate wanted Aug. 05-Aug. 06 3BR/
2BA $325/mo + 1/3 CBL/UTIL 19-22F, neat,
no cats/dogs/birds NW 23rd BLVD, close
to SFCC & UF Call 262-5043 or 494-6361

Female roommate for NW 39 Ave home,
$475/mo, all utilities incl, fully furnished, pri-
vate BR, internet, W/D, avail ASAP, more info
870-5291 8-4-11-4

M/F roommate wanted for 2/1 apt. Lg bed-
rooms, cable, hi speed internet. -$350/mo.
Call William at 514-9320. Walking distance
to stadium. 8-4-11-4

Beautiful home in trees on quiet street near
UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fire-
place, hi-spd DLS internet, calbe TV, W/D,
cent A/C, Ig yard, cats welcome. $340 + utils.
352-271-8711 7-14-5-4

F Roommate for 1BR in 2/2 w/ private bath,
walk-in closet, furnished, include utils, W/D,
& hi-speed internet. $490/mo. Call 514-7741
Iv msg. 7-28-9-4

2 male roommates needed serious stu-
dents to share 3BR/2BA house. Located
South of UF on Williston Rd. W/D, cable,
wireless DSL. $395/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 258-
9116 7-28-9-4

3BR/3BA Countryside Apt. W/D, utils, cable
w/ 2 HBO, and DSL incl $425/rm/mo + $100
deposit. Call 954-680-0918, 954-328-2021

M to share 2BR/2BA CONDO.
All utils incl. Minutes to UF. $400/mo.
Contact 561-317-4738 7-12-4-4

Countryside. 4BR/4BA: 1/1 avail 8-1-05.
Ethernet access, util incl (cap), W/D, furn,
secure. Exercise/pool, bus to UF-3 mi. $465/
mo/rm. lst.last.dep. Vanessa 352-217-3464,
Flo 352-357-9656 7-28-23-4

Walk to Law School
Large BR in 4BR/2BA house. 3 1L stu-
dents need roommate. Cable TV, wireless.
Available now. $425/share utilities. 770-639-
5958, 7-21-20-4

Female Roommate Needed
Kensington North $500/mo
includes utilities & cable
Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-4

NEIGHBORHOOD-Roommate for 3/2
house. Cony location, pool, volleyball, W/D,
ethernet, cable, NS, avail summer & fall
$380/mo + share utils. Jake 239-564-0069

Grad, upperclassmen or prof to share spa-
cious new 3BR/2BA house. I-net & cable incl.
Must be neat clean & responsible. $425/mo
+ 1/3 util. Short or long term avail. 262-3989

2BRs Avail in Charming NW house. Close
to Ward's Grocery, W/D, Share kitchen/BA.
Seeking serious student/professional, NS.
Furn opt. $250 + utils. No lease. Call 338-
2086 7-26-20-4

3rd Roommate needed male. 2 min from
SFCC. 3BR new furnished townhome. Golf,
gated, $550/mo incl all util, inet & cable.
Avail 8/15/05. 1 year lease. No pets. Call
Mike 954-467-7070 or Jeff 954-240-3524

Sublets and Rooms Available -
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse available Rooms FREE!
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-4

1BR avail 8/1. 5 min to UF. Free digital
cable, $300/mo plus 1/3 util. Prefer female,
NS. No pets. 352-332-2234, 352-284-5119

$325 + 1/4 util. Private bath, walk-in
closet, W/D, balcony, pool & bus to
UF. University Terrace Very nice! See photos.
318-4553, 870-0904 7-14-14-4

Female roommate, NS for fall. $500/mo + 1/
3 until 3BR/2.5BA. Brand new, fully furnished,
beautiful, 2500 sq ft, luxury townhome at
Regents Park. Call 561-281-9274 7-28-13-4

Live in luxury above Dragonfly Sushi &
Starbucks. Downstairs BR w/pvt BA, stain-
less steel appliances, wd firs throughout,
balcony. $495/mo. Call Anthony 337-1330

Female roommate needed Aug. Looking
Glass Apts. 30 seconds to UF. Floor Plan
B $505/month plus utilities. Call Apt Office
352-376-1111 or Kim 407-761-5266 7-21-

Female roommate for furn room w/ bath in
Lexington Crossing. Includes everything
plus W/D, phone, internet, tanning. 1 yr
lease. $450/mo. 850-217-3907 7-14-8-4




)I Il Roommates

* SW42 Ln 1BR/1BA. New House 0
* $450 util incl. M/F OK. By UF. Bus Rts *
* w/2 Med Students 858-200-5128 0

2 student rooms avail. Great house, great
roommates. Close to UF. W/D, dsl. Possible
pets. Small rm $240. Lg rm $275. Lease. No
cash dep for UF stdt w/good credit. Call 371-
9409 8-31-18-4

1 female roommate needed for 3BR/3BA apt
in the Laurels. Rent around $500/mo utils
incl. Clean, huge room, large walk-in closet.
Avail 8/6, Call 727-501-2554. 7-19-6-4

$275/mo + 1/2 utils for 1BR in 2BR/1BA.
Funky old place. Walk to campus. Pleasant
F preferred./ Call 321-427-1879 or 1 yr lease. 7-14-5-4

Females for all rooms in beautiful fully furn
Univ Terr 4BR4BA all priv bath. Walk-in
closets. Great location 2 bus rts. 1 yr lease.
$415/mo incl utils, wireless internet, W/D, +
cable. Call 954-592-0521 7-14-5-4

Roommates needed for fall. Top floor, 4BR/
4BA @ UTW, $410/rm, W/D, Pool View,
cable & DSL incl. Close to UF, Bus rts 20, 21.
Call Macor 352-375-8888. 7-14-5-4

F, UF grad seeking roommate 3BR/2BA
house on 2 gated acres. $475/mo incl utils.
352-494-7700. 7-12-4-4

Female roommates for large 3BR/2BA town-
house w/ pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo
all utils, dig cable & hi spd net incl. Call 954-
298-7591 or 8-15-12-4

Looking for responsible roommate to share
2BR/2BA condo. W/D in condo, new appli-
ances, gym & bus route. $315/mo plus 1/2
utilities. Avail now. Please call 954-592-0814
Iv message. 7-12-4-4

1 room in 4BR/4BA apt to share w/3 males.
$335/mo + 1/4 utils & cable. On bus rte,
close to Campus. Pool, hottub, NS, Christian
guys. 321-537-4086






O g o
a0 2







Tuesday, July 12, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 13

El Roommates

ROOMMATE NEEDED for 2005-2006 school
yr. 1BR/1BA in Rockwood Villas condo.
$400/mo + 1/2 util. Contact 727-742-9083

Adorable brick house behind Norman. 2 bed
avail. 8/1. Fun/friendly roommates! Call 305-
322-4495, 954-895-8227 7-14-5-4

PETS, NS, $550/MO + 1/3 UTIL 262-7899

M/F needed for 2BR townhome. W/D, DW,
spacious, very nice. Only $285 +1/2 utilities.
Across from Gainesville Place on 35th. Lease
negotiable. Call 352-256-1034 7-19-5-4

Share 3/2 house, NW Gainesville -
Rainbows. W/D, kitchen, patio. Located off
of 39th Ave. 10 mins to UF/SFCC. No pets,
already have 2 dogs. $400/mo, utils incl. Call
Illa 352-336-6108 7-21-6-4

1/1 in 3/3 apartment available August in
Heritage of Gainesville. On 9/34/35 bus
routes. $400/mo + 1/3 utils. W/D included
w/awesome roommates. Call Celine @ 201-
456-2803 7-19-5-4

Roommate wanted in large 3BR/2BA house
between SFCC & UF. DW, W/D, .routed
DSL, cable, garage, porch, over 20 yrs old
required. $380/mo all utils incl. Call 352-514-
2250 7-19-5-4

2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Cred Union/
Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF.
Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + half
util. Quiet/Considerate f/m? Call 337-9746

**one roommate wanted**
house w/everything in the 300 club!
only ~$325/mo + 1/4 utilities
*395-6788 or*


Kyral A.


Black Male
(DOB 12/26/73); 5'09",
160 Ibs, Black Hair,
Brown Eyes

Wanted for:
2 Counts of Sexual Battery by
Threat of Force, and False




Call (352) 372-STOP

I l Roommates

2 rooms available in 3 BR house. Great loca-
tion, close to UF. Partially furnished. $375/
mo. Email or call 375-2496
or 870-4723 7-21-5-4

Female for 2BR/2BA townhouse. Fully re-
modeled. 1/2 mi to UF. Pool located off patio.
On bus rt. $450/mo incl everything: cable,
internet, W/D, all utils. Quiet, pref serious
stdt. Responsible. Stephanie 954-857-5618

**Countryside** 2BR/2BA avail in beautiful
condo by the pool. 1st stop on the bus rt.
Wood firs, porch, W/D. Cable, high spd in-
ternet. Awesome people. $420 util included.
Avail Aug 1. Hurry and call Nicole 328-4551

Walk to UF & Stadium! Grad stud/prof,
couple ok. Spacious bedroom w/pvt entrance
& bath attached Jo 4/3 home. Clean, neat, &
N/S. On bus rte, near Publix & CVS. Parking,
cable, w/d, wifi, utils incl. Use of main house
common areas $750. Call 561-471-5021

Walk to Law School and Stadium! Grad
stud/prof for 5/4 home. Must be clean, neat,
N/S. On bus rte near Publix & CVS. Parking,
cable, w/d, wi/fi, utils incl. Aug 1 $550-$575
Call 561-471-5021 8-2-8-4

Roommates Wanted! Countryside @
University 2 rooms left. Furnished: bed, desk,
common areas, W/D, utils, internet, basic ca-
ble, phone included. Email
or Phone: Baechle
(Bake-Lee) 407-463-6535 7-28-7-4

Room with private bathroom, near UF,
Hospital, Butler Plaza, Available ASAP.
$300-$375/mo. Call John 352-372-5313

02 UF Senior females need a female room-
mate 0 $400/mo for own BR in new 1700 sq.
ft. house next to SFCC. Avail how. Call 283--
6279 8-24-11-4

Great space for art, gardening, pot lucks,
fun, studying. 3/2 on the creek. Bright living
& studio areas. 2BRs, $350, $400 + utilw/d .
Dwntwn -U can 86 the car-save $ 374-7038

Rockwood Villas 1BR/1BA avail in 3/3
condo. $400/mo + utils. Close to campus
& on bus route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617
leave message. 7-21-5-4

Male, close to campus, small furnished apt
on side of private home. Mature grad student
preferred. No pets. Quiet, clean, safe, cable,
patio. Avail 1 AUG. $430 per mo. utilities incl.
Lease, deposits. 378-2016 7-21-4-4

Roommate wanted for 1 room in 2BR/1BA
house. All utils incl. Rent $450/mo + sec.
dep. 6,9 & 12 mo. leases available. On the
75 bus route. 5 min from 9,20,34 & 5 routes.
442-2871 8-15-9-4

Ready now 1BR/1BA in 2/2.5 condo. Tile
firs, W/D, DW, scr. porch, community pool.
Room can be turn. Close to everything, on
34th btwn Archer & Williston. $375 + 1/2 util.
$100 dep. 615-584-7837 or 386-623-5760

Female(s) for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house near UF,
Shands & VA. W/D. Pets ok, furn opt., avail
now. Jennifer 371-6228 please leave msg

"Copyrighted Material I

Syndicated Content b

Available from Commercial News Providers"

0 ,


al Roommates

Room in nice Valwood home w/ 2 females.
$475/mo incl. all utils, EVERYTHING.
7824 SW 52nd PI.
Call 378-4626, 871-0227 7-28-6-4

Furn. room in 4BRI4BA condo. All utils.,
cable w/ HBO and DSL internet incl. W/D
and walk-in closet $425/mo.
CALL JOSH 352-494-2394 7-26-5-4

Unfurn BR for. rent in brand new, spacious
condo w/2 F, UF students. NW 55th St. Call
Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763.. 8-31-15-4

IBdrm Pirvate Bath
NE Gvl Home Quiet neighborhood, WID,
dishwasher, cable, central H/A $300/mo +
1/2 util. 1st, last, $200 security. 375-5377,
373-6066, ask for Sue 7-28-6-4

Seeking NS, F to share beautiful 2BR re-
stored Victorian house in downtown G'ville.
$425/mo + 1/2 utils. Call Melodye at 378-
1633 7-14-2-4

2 rooms in 2-story 3BR/2BA HOUSE. $100/
wk or $70/wk + 1/3 utils. Fully furnished. W/
D. 514-3409. 7-28-6-4

F Roommate wanted to share 2BR/2BA spa-
cious apt. Close to campus. Rent $292.50/
mo + util. Move in Aug. Please call 407-687-
8188 7-19-3-4

1 room for rent in a great 2/1 Duckpond
house. Updated kitchen, wood floors, central
AC and heat. W/D. You must love dogs! Avail
Aug. Lease length negotiable. $350/mo
OBO. Call Annie 352-284-1686 7-26-5-4

* Wanted: 1 F N/S pref. prof/grad roommate
for 2/2 apt in Pebble Creek 0 On-campus,
vaulted ceilings, security, W/D, gym, pool,
internet, cable. $415 + 1/2 utilities 0 352-
219-4408 7-28-6-4

Room in NW home. $350/mo incl utils &
DSL. No pets. Mature male non drinker/
smoker. Availalbe immediately (flex). Call
Scott 335-8209.8-24-10-4

Roommate needed for 2BR/2BA, wood firs,
leather couches. Tennis courts, pool, hi-
speed internet, & digital cable. On 62nd by
the mall on the 20 bus rte. Pref Grad Student.
$495/mo. Call 904-891-1601 8-5-8-4

2 roommate needed. New allergy-free en-
vironment. 3BR apt, covered parking avail.
Cricket Club. On bus rte. Clubhouse, pool,
gym, laundry, gated. $500/mo incl utilities.
Call Jodi 352-494-0405 7-28-6-4

5 Real Estate 3

Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find

Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 8-15-25-5

BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pil-
low-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new,
still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-372-
-7490 will deliver. 8-15-25-6

mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call
352-377-9846 8-15-25-6

Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 8-15-25-6

BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 8-

CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 8-15-

l Real Estate

Existing condos & luxury condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit or call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus
Realty Group 7-28-74-5


Grantwood Condominiums
2/2 Loft Condo W/Private Courtyard
Minutes From UF! 975SF, GATED
Starting @ $125,900! HURRYI
Call Adam Vaisman 352-222-7260
Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Rltrs 372-5375

looking to buy or lease houses in this area.
Any size, price, or condition. 352-264-7347
or visit us @

For sale by owner. Adorable 2/2 on small
private spring-fed lake in Keystone Hgts. A
great weekender. $129,900. Call 379-0619 Iv
msg. 7-12-13-5

1BR/IBA Tumbling Creek Condo.
End unit overlooking creek, new paint,
flooring, plumbing, light fixtures, walk to
UF/ShandsNA. $66,900, serious buyers.
222-2942 7-28-14-5

Under $100k, only 5 left
Call Scott @ 359-1678 Campus Realty

FSBO, 3b/2ba, 1208sf, conv NW location
approx 2 mi from campus, new roof, new
carpet, new kitchen cab, new int/ext paint,
fenced yard, screened porch, $158,500 obo
Genie 381-9070, "featured" listing on http:
/'/ 7-21-9-5

3 leases signed for next year. Call for details
407-620-1555 7-28-10-5

HOT Student Condos Near UF.
Save Thousands When You Buy Now.
Free List of UF CONDOS.
Campus Realty Group 9-1-19-5

Great Homes Close to UF.
Stop Renting. Buy Now.
Campus Realty Group 9-1-19-5

4BR/4BA condo at Countryside. 1 mile from
UF. 3 conyv bus rts. Overlooks pool & spa. W/
D incl. Tile & carpet, walk in closets, wireless
internet. Call 904-753-1575 7-28-8-5

1978 12' x 60' single wide mobile home in
Gville park. 2BR/1.5 BA. Lot rent $220/mo.
AC, heat, 10x24 screened room & 8x10 stor-
age shed. 1 owner. $17,000 cash. Call 386-
736-3244 eves for info. 7-28-8-5

a ill Furnishings 3

BEDROOM SET 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail, Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 8-15-25-6
SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846

DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-858.8-15-
FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell
$199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6

BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49
* Queen sets $89 Single sets $39 *King
sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk
bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497.
CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave.

MEMORY FOAM same as Temperpedia.
Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin
sets $89 *full sets $129 *queen sets $149
*king sets $189 Student discounts apply.
4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver.
Computer desk with hutch, $30. All in
good condition. Must pick up. Call 352-
316-3238 7-12-4-6
Furniture for Sale. Matching dresser w/mirror
& nightstand ($250), 2 white sofas ($25),
2 white side tables ($10), desk ($10), ve-
hicle bike rack ($5). All look brand new. Call
Lauren @ 219-3617- 7-19-5-6

Loveseat & sofabed, 2 end tables, 1 coffee
table, dining table, 5 chairs. Call 786-282-
5073. Ask for Army or email

2 twin size beds, new GE washer & dryer.
Prices are negotiable. 954-540-0344. 8-
Matching sofa & chair $80, sofa w/ sleeper
$60, wood table w/ 3 chairs $40, TV center
$30; coffee table $10, grill $30, o6a desk
$40, 2 desk chairs $30'ea.3 end tables $25
ea., dresser w/ night stand $90, filing cabinet
$75, printer $25 call 219-1330 7-19-4-6
Moving sale: futon $75, full Sealy bed $100,
TV/Nightstand $25, Aiwa stereo $50, small
bookshelf $25, desk lamp $10, end table
w/built-in lamp $20, OBO. Call 352-870-4989

Futon Top of the line. Looks brand new. All
wood. Blue/mauve tones. Cost $800, sell
$150. 378-4626 7-28-6-6

Bed; desk; black, faux leather couches;
chairs; lamps; kitchenette w/chairs; enter-
tainment unit.. Prices negotiable. 561-715-
1857 7-28-6-6

Kegerator Idce-cold draft beer at home. Full
kits (incl 51b CO02 cyl.) $200, Fin Unit $350.
Get ready for gator season now. Call 352-
871-5900 7-14-2-6

Vacuum Eureka "Boss", powerful, 15A
upright $30,
X-mas tree 7' artificial, easy assembly $50.
Call 352-871-5900 7-14-2-6

White, 5 shelves, 79" tall x 31" wide. Clean,
great condition. You must pick up. $30. Call
495-6129 7-14-2-6

Washer/dryer $250 for both. Full size bed
w/mattress $120. Wood kitchen table w/2
chairs $40. Wet/dry vacuum $35. 'Cfl-352-
374-8088 or email

Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets
$299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169;
sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all
on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St
Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-5400

Continued on next page.

911 Furnishings

14, ALLIGATOR N Tuesday, July 12, 2005

* 1 Furnishings 3

POOL TABLE like new. Professional size.
$1800 obo. Barley used. 352-359-2357.
Great for a house! 7-26-5-6

Moving% sale: desk wi/hutch $30, another
desk $10; dresser $30; bookshelf $25; couch
$50, baker's rack $30; OBO. Must pick up!
Call 352-871-5370 7-19-3-6


A+C0mputEr EEhk
"-'.: We& Make- Hota& C dl!


Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. 8-

Complete residential & commercial support,
networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 8-15-24-7

Cash Paid Laptop PCs
SALES 0 SERVICE 0 PARTS 336-0075 8-15-24-7
Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street

352.219.2980 i.J ...


-computer/laptop repair
virus, spyware, hardware
$10-discounts, cheapest!
home/dorm 352-219-2980

The Ultimate Upgrade's a Call Away
Turn your computer into the ultimate online
machine with one call to Cox Communication.
Sign up for Cox High Speed Internet for the
area's fastest online connection 170x faster
than dial-up. Email, Web space, spam block-
ers, anti-virus, the works. 888-269-9693.

1 Electronics

722 S. Main 0 The Red BIdg

GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of
crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's
oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty
store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8

Toshiba Laptop ($200), Brand New Carrying
Case, Palm m,100+, Altec Speaker Set,
Yamaha 40x External Burner, half-sized &
mini frig, etc. Call 352-514-1067 7-14-3-8

Les Paul Electric guitar. Sunburst, Mint
Condition w/hard case, strap and 30 watt
Crate amp $750 all. Call 352-871-5900.

U* Bicycles

In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.

Many to choose from
BeetPrices in Townl
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 8-15-25-9

For Sale

Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 8-15-25-10

PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar
supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional cooking utensils.
R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St,. Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 8-15-25-10

NGC/PCGS Certified Coins, Silver Eagles,
State Qtrs., etc. MS63 to perfect 70.
American Coins & Stamps. 3446 W. Univ.
372-6400 8-15-21-10

SCUBAPRO Twin Jet Fins
Size L $85.00, Size M $120.00
352-381-3860 7-12-4-10

4 blocks north of campus. 374-7700

Basshound 10.2 fishing boat 1 yo, pre-
wired, incl 2 swiv seats, live well, batt,
minn-kota motor, lights & Eagle Cuda 168
fishfinder, $1200 352-871-5900 7-14-2-10

Tuxedo Raffinati, black 44L shawl lapel,
single breasted, incl coat, pants, shirt,
cumberbund & tie all for $175. Call 352-871-
5900. 7-14-2-10

Flak Jacket Large, never worn, "acquired" it
while in Marines. Woodland camo with desert
cover. $60. Call 352-871-5900. 7-14-2-10'

3/2 plus den, double wide mobile home
on UF Bus line, country feel, close to
town. Remodeled. must see! $220 lot rent,
$46,900. Call 561-436-3020 7-26-5-10

m i Motorcycles. Mopeds)

Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974

Swamp Cycles
Large selection of E-bikes, Scooters and
Accessories. CPI USA, ETon, Luojia, HJC
Helmets. 534 SW 4th Avenue, 373-8823 8-15-25-11

Scooters from $599. Largest selection
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 8-15-43-11

SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition,
Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up.
Call ANYTIME: 352-376-9096
Please leave a message.

2003 SUZUKI GZ 250
Excellent condition, o0 mi, 22 mo Suzuki
warranty. $2300 OBO Call 352-262-9023

2001 MOPED
Kinetic series. Model TFR. 89 original miles.
Gets 150 mpg. Asking $425. Excellent condi-
tion. 386-454-3925 7-14-5-11

New location now open 1901 NW67th Place
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's
prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11

1999, black & chrome. Adult owned. Garage
kept. Excellent condition, mechanically per-
fect. New brakes & chain. All factory original.
$3650 OBO 262-4673, 7-14-2-11

Scooter, 50cc, $550 -
Good Condition. Call Vanessa @ 283-2726

BUELL BLAST 2000, 500cc
6170 miles, Asking $2800 OBO. Call
Manuela DeVerk 904-269-2174. 7-21-4-11

* Autos

*Running or not!O
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
*Call Don @ 215-7987 8-15-25-12

CARS -CARS Buy9SellOTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St.

Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome
Call-Ray 352-284-8619

2715 N MAIN 377-1616

Best Cars Lowest Prices

For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 8-15-

4-door, good condition, custom stereo sys-
tem. $2750 OBO. Call Ramon at 352-359-
6225 7-12-5-12

automatic, 4-door, A/C, new tires. 69,500 mi,
$6500. Call 352-219-7450 or 352-219-1140

Cheap, reliable transportation. Automatic,
power moon roof, PL, PW, A/C, AM/FM.
$1200. Call 352-231-0195 7-14-5-12

4-door, 93k, 5-speed, AC, new tires. A beau-
ty. $5500. 352-281-2684. 7-12-4-12

Black, 4 door, automatic, AC, AM/FM/
Cassette, PL, PW. $1600. Call 305-798-
5932 7-26-7-12

2002 JEEP WRANGLER 4WD, 53k mi,
100% fun/reliable ride! Orig owner, mint
cond. Expecting baby. Feat. ab, abs,.ac, ps,
tilt, padded sound bar for great music w/top
down. Go Dawgs!$15,900, 404-932-0709

1996 Dodge Stratus
Auto, A/C, Call 352-359-4459 7-28-7-12

'00 Silver Grand Cherokee
Exc. condition, 56k mi.
$10,000 obo.
813-817-6657 or 407-925-2523

NISSAN 240 SX '90 178k, red, CD, sunroof,
2 owners, good maintenance records. $1000
352-213-2526. 7-14-2-12

Chevy Venture Minivan. 2002. 42,700 miles.
16 mos FULL FREE Care Care Family of
Services and full warranty (except hoses).
Great deal $10,500 OBO. Call 846-5879

1990 Honda Accord
Green. 4 dr. Good condition. $2500 Firm.
Call 352-494-7705 7-14-2-12

1994 Honda Passport
Red, auto, cold AC, 147k,
PW, PL, CD player
$4700 OBO
Call Sail @ 283-2727 7-14-2-12

JEWELRY. 373-9243 8-15-25-13

Designated drivers are the greatest




On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady
heeds trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or. St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.

Blind lady needs health majors interested in
walking at least three times a week. Call 352-
219-6948. Thanks. 7;28-22-13

Care-giver; lawn care, carpentry, plumbing,
electrical and ETC. Employment must in-
c'ude a private dwelling, board and furnished
- negotiable. Call 386-496-3056 ask for
Wayne. Religion: Baptist 7-21-5-13

M 11 Help Wanted

This newspaper assume, no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings

Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref.
for details. 8-15-25-14

Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 8-15-25-4

CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 8-15-25-14

Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 8-

Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales 'and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at
employment 8-15-25-14

For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 8-

No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 8-15-25-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254

Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making &
smoking. If interested come to the psychol-
ogy bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297
Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company, w/advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156 8-31-90-14

Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. .
DCI Biologicals 150 NW6th St.

Groundskeepers FT, PT
Custodial duties/Apt Maint
Transportation req. DFWP EEO
220 N Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14

SW ll Help Wanted

Leasing Consultant, FT, PT
Energetic Attitude
Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO
220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14

Great for college students. Flexible hours.
Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-15-

Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now
hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashierlservers.
Apply in person 4-5pm, Mon Sun. See for store loca-
tion or call 352-871-5771 8-15-25-14

ALSO some PT Position available.
352-246-5785 8-15-25-14

SOCCER COACHES: Gainesville Soccer
Alliance seeking experienced soccer coach-
es for competitive youth soccer teams for
2005-2006 season. Call 379-5979 or email: 8-15-25-14

Participants Needed
The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in
Linguistics is looking for people to participate
in a listening experiment.
You can earn $10/hour by participating in a
study of the perception of speech sounds
from foreign languages.
If you are interested in participating, please
contact Jenna Silver

Mortgage lender has immediate sales posi-
tions avail for college students seeking prof
work exp. No exp req. $8-9/hr + bonus, flex
hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW
34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union)

Need Driver's License. Apply in person
at 505 NW 53rd Ave. at Gator Moving &
Storage Mon.-Fri. 7-28-20-14

Holiday Inn University Center is looking for
housekeepers and houseman

Start your AVON BUSINESS for $10.
Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail 8-15-20-14

Web Programmer
asp,, vb script, c#, SQL knowledge.
E-mail resume to

Internet Marketing Specialist Detail oriented
w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication
skills. Knowledge of SEO, PPC and affiliate
management a plus. Flex schedule. Base
pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140

Computer programmer needed to modify
and maintain complex Access database for
law office. Please call 352-335-2699 7-12-

Exp preferred. Valid driver's license a must.
352-222-1904 8-15-15-14

Memorabilia Company in Alachua is look-
ing for reliable, flexible person to help in
our shipping department 15-20 ,hrs/wk @
$7.50/hr. Call Rick @ 800-344-9103 week-
days. 7-14-8-14

Leasing Agent/Sales
Outgoing & reliable? Bonuses, great team.
PT schedule incl Sat req. Fax resume, cover
& avail schedule to Trimark Properties 376-
6269 or email

HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr
DRIVERS $8-15/hr. PT easy schedule.
Please call 2-5pm 378-2442 or fill out ap-
plication at California Chicken Grill 2124 SW
34th St. Mon Fri. 8-15-14-14

Gymnastics & Dance
Coaches and instructors wanted at the
YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 3749622
ask for Kim or Judy. 8-15-13-14


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 K ALLIGATOR, 15

121 Help Wanted

Counselors wanted at the YMCA. Summer
and fall. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 374-9622
ask for Judy. 8-15-13-14

Wellness Staff
wanted at the YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th
St. 374-9622 ask for Kristina 8-15-13-14

Bus Drivers
wanted at the YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th
St. 374-9622 ask for Tim 8-15-13-14

Delivery drivers needed for flower deliveries.
Must have own car with AC. Apply at 635 C
NW 13th St. 7-12-5-14

Accounting Asst. needed 15-20 hrs/week.'
Base pay + bonuses. Quickbooks, Excel,
data entry, & problem solving skills a must.
Accounting background preferred. Start
immediately, fax resume to 800-967-5140

PT ASSISTANT needed for Florida Park
Service administrative office. Position in-
volves webpage design/maintenance, data
entry, coordination of volunteer & non-profit
citizen support group program. Fax resume
to Brenna Daniels 352-955-2139 7-12-5-14

Camp Wag-A-Lot Doggie Daycare Now
Hiring morning shifts 7am. $7/hr E-mail for more info.
Experience a must! 7-14-5-14

HOPE--HOrses helping PEople
seeks reliable, horse experienced volunteers
to help with horse and barn care at least 1x/
week. or 352-332-7322.

Exciting new coffee cafe! Great opportunity
with a progressive established co. Extensive
training, benefits. Full time, part time, good
time! Come join us- Deja Brew DCafe 1412
W. University Ave.
Drug Test. 7-12-4-14

Advertising Sales Rep for local advertising
company in SW Gainesville. High commis-
sion, use our office.
378-8157 7-12-4-14

Tire Technicians, Experienced Only, Full and
Part time. Apply in Person: Tire Outlet 1320
N. Main Street 7-19-6-14

The Village Market
Gourmet Foods/Coffee Shop at Haile
Plantation. PT help 20-25 hrs. All shifts avail.
Apply within 380-0111 Call for directions
ONLY. 7-19-6-14

Deland, FL (25 mi from Daytona). FT Perm
position; PT avail. New full service clinic in
2004. Fax resume and salary reqs to 386-
738-2261 or email to

schedule. 100% commission, up to $500/wk.
Call 372-8444 for more info. 8-15-12-14

Nanny, Full/Part time, newborn & older.
N/S, transportation required. Experience/
references required. Call 333-9988 7-28-

Work with developmentally disabled adults.
Provide personal care in the home. Call 352-
538-9776 7-14-5-14

Family owned, drug-free work place located
in Williston, FL is currently hiring for a part-
time IT intern. Knowledge of all phases of
workstation hardware/software install/setup/
config. Windows 2000/XP Pro OS; Novell
Netware. Understand and familiar with net-
working protocols, technologies and related
security. Send resume to
or fax 352-528-3441 7-12-3-14

Private dance co. Great for students. Great
pay, fast cash & flexible hours. All to start
today! 378-3312 8-4-15-14

) M I Help Wanted

Oak Hammock

Groundsperson FT or P T(Seasonal)
7 am 3:30 pm

* Waters plants, cuts weeds, transplants
and trims vegetation as necessary.
* Operates and repairs equipment used on
maintenance of grounds

Will train person with the right attitude.

5100 SW 25th Blvd
Gainesville, Florida 32608
Oak Hammock is a DFWP/EOE!
Jobline: 352-548-1180

Painters helpers, $7/hr. Call and leave mes-
sage 378-7013. 7-14-5-14

The Gator Shop Warehouse. Gamedays
REQUIRED. $6.15/hr. Contact Kim Young at
376-0940. 7-12-4-14

Summer and fall positions available.
RecreationalAides, Drivers and Maintenance
Staff needed. Hiring immed. Call for more
info. 373-4475 work study + 7-14-5-14

Sales opportunity for tropical fish lover.
Experience preferred. Training program.
FT/PT, flex hrs. Modern fish only per store.
Work w/great people. Bring resume to
AQUATROPICS 2100 SW 34th St. G'ville.
Attn: Karen 7-14-5-14

Design experience helpful. Apply in person
635C NW 13th St. 7-14-5-14

Dragonfly Sushi & Sake Co
Break from the traditional and move over to
the unique! We are seeking talented team
members who are as committed as we
are to providing EXCELLENCE in a fast-
paced hig energy environment. Come join
Our new opening team: Prep, Line Cooks,
Sushi Chefs, Food Runners, Bartenders,
Servers, Server Assistants, and Hosts.
Exp. preferred, but not necessary. Flexible
FT & PT scheduling, benefits, top $$ po-
tential + more! All energetic and motivated
candidates with a great attitude, strong com-
munication skills, and multi-tasking ability
should apply at 201 SE 2nd Ave. #103. No
calls please. 7-12-4-14

Stuffing envelopes. Send self-addressed
stamped envelope to Scarab Marketing 28
E Jackson, 10th FL. Ste 938, Chicago, IL
60604 7-28-8-14

local tech company seeking positive ener-
getic and assertive sales professionals with
excellent communication and phone skills.
Sales exp preferred. Base pay + commis-
sion. Send resume to

Artistic? Nice handwriting? Hand lettering
P/T. A few hours per wk. Close to campus.
No experience req. Short resume to: P 0 Box
286, Gainesville 32602 7-19-4-14

after-school for child in SW Gainesville. Non-
smoking, responsible adult with own car &
clean DL. Excellent pay. References needed.
Contact 359-0979 or 514-9733 7-14-4-14

DRIVER OPPORTUNITY Can earn anywhere between
$8 $15/hr. Set your own schedule.
For info contact 379-3663 7-28-8-14

WEB DEVELOPER seeking immediate place-
ment for ASP/MS-SQL server web devel-
oper. 5 yrs or equiv exp req. Email resume &
contact info to

3 m I Help Wanted

wanted for friendly country practice. High
Springs Animal Hospital 386-454-1001 7-

for Newberry family. F, NS w/own transporta-
tion. 2 or 3 days/wk 7am 4pm. Fall/spring
commitment. 258-9216 Iv msst. 7-14-4-14

RECEPTIONIST needed for busy OB-GYN
practice. Responsibilities include: answer-
ing multiple phone lines, scheduling appts,
collecting payments & chart mgmt. Good
benefits. Fax resume to: 352-332-7095 7-

.Nonprofit Seeks FT Clerical Help. $8/hr,
raise & benefits after 6 mos, MS Ofc req'd:
Experience in A/P, A/R and interest in sus-
tainiable agriculture a plus. Fax or email
resume Attn: Adm Position to 377-8363 or 7-12-1-14.

Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF
Campus, is looking for banquet staff. Flexible
hours, competitive pay and a great working
environment. No experience necessary, we
will train. Apply in person and the Classic
Fare Catering Office located on the first floor
of Reitz Union from 3-5 pm, Monday Friday
or apply online at 7-

High Performance Manager?
Fast Moving Dot Com needs a
Champion in the Office Place.
Aggressive Pay for Performance. 7-19-4-14

STA Travel, the world's largest student
travel organization, has immediate open-
ings for Travel Advisors in our UFL location.
The ideal applicant is passionate about
travel and thrives in a customer service
environment. Massive enthusiasm, desire
to learn and can-do attitude required!
Will train, but computer skills are recom-
mended. $16k base + bonus & benefits.
Full Time only! Email resume & cover let-
ter to Mandy: 7-14-3-14

Cashier/Stocker/Deli Gas Station near
Newberry Owner from India. Immediate
opening, long hours available. Call Nick/
Tommie/Annie @ 352-472-5079 7-19-4-14

Full-time paid legal intern
wanted for Gainesville
criminal defense law office.
Fax resume to 374-6771

Parttime for pm & weekend work. Executive's
assistant. Computer and basic math skills re-
quired. Send resume to: 6400 W. Newberry
Rd, Ste 301 Gainesville, FL 32605 7-19-

P/T Office Assistant position available for
young, exciting, and fast-growing company!
Responsibilities include general office, mar-
keting, and research duties. Candidate must
be familiar with Microsoft Office and internet
researching. Hours are flexible. Email re-
sume to: or
call 352-333-3768 7-28-6-14

After school care program attendent needed
for school year 2005-2006. Oak Hall Middle
School. Contact Middle School Head 352-
332-3609. References needed. 7-21-4-14

hiring for a dishwasher, kitchen prep position,
full or part time. Evenings only. Pay starts at
$7.00/hr. Apply within, Mon-Thurs, 1:00-4:00
pm, use rear entrance 7-21-4-14

Concerts*Banquets*Sports Events

Need extra money? Want to work sporting
events, concerts, and other fun events?
Learn while you work! We have flexible
schedules. Great references. Great experi-
enice. Make life long friends. Apply @ Rm
1302 at the O'Connell Center. Applications
due by July 18th. 7-12-2-14

Trainee for busy espresso bar near Oaks
Mall. Excellent pay, advanced skills taught.
No coffee experience req'd. Email work
references w/dates & contact info to : 7-28-6-14

lH lelp Wanted

instruct youth. 352-332-5626 7-21-4-14-

Work for Student. Yard work, carpentry, elec-
trical, roofing, plumbing & some heavy lifting.
$6.50 7.00/hr depends on skill & experi-
ence. CaJI 376-6183 7-21-4-14

Wanted: PT ASAP Micanopy. Up to $9/hr.
Stall cleaning, other. Pos-warm blood
breeding/training farm spec. in dressage, C/L
mares/foals; farm maint. Family atmosphere,
live on farm. Rent/horse board ex. work.
Serious exp. only, year-round commitment
req. Excellent learning opp. Call 352-281-
3016 after 7pm. 8-15-9-14

We need a few more cat furniture makers!
Looking for P/T, manual laborers. Contact
Tom at Molly and Friends 337-1535 open
8-6 M-F. Good with numbers is a plus. 7-

Childcare in my NW home for 1-yr old. M,W,F
approx 20 hrs. Please have transportation &
references. Salary depends on exp. 514-
0519 7-21-4-14

Five Star Pizza Downtown/Tower Road now
hiring all positions for fall and spring. In store/
driver. Great pay w/ great atmosphere. Apply
@ 210 SW 2nd Ave 375-5600 or 600 NW
75th St. 333-7979 10-3-37-14

Now hiring: bar, server, host, bus. Must be
available to work at least 2 weekday lunch
shifts, holidays, and school breaks. Apply in
-person @ On the Border 3100 SW Archer
Rd. 7-14-2-14

Cashier, PT. Approximately 25 hrs/wk.
Mornings or afternoons. Ada's Clothes
Repair. 284-2959 7-14-2-14

Hiring experienced cooks. Apply in person
@ On the Border 3100 SW Archer Rd 7-

The Reitz Union Productions Department
is now accepting applications for Student
Assistant positions. Productions employees
work in a fast-paced environment setting
tables, chairs, staging, and audio-visual
equipment for events in the Reitz Union.
Opportunities for advancement are avail-
able in our growing department. Apply
online at:, and list
"Productions" as your first choice of employ-
ment. 7-21-4-14

Babysitter (Mother's Helper) needed for Fall
& beyond. We have 2 wonderful boys a
toddler & a baby. 15 hours per week, mostly
afternoons & early evenings; we're generally
flexible with scheduling. Position includes
help in cooking simple family meals & light
cleaning. Please be willing to discuss experi-
ence and have references ready. Please
call 256-7383 to schedule an interview.

Non-profit organization seeking copy editor.
Grammar and writing skills necessary. Email
resume to 7-28-6-14

Graphic Designer Oppty. in our employee
owned Co. Challenging, fast paced enviro
w/ indust Idr. Photoshop, Quark, Illustrator,
Mac/PC. Ext. train & benefits. Renaissance
Printing 4130 NW 16th Blvd. Drug Test. 7-

Southeastern Integrated Medical, PA is
now recruiting for the following position:
Patient Attendant 2 positions
available; (Part-Time) Gainesville;
To learn more about these positions, please
call the job vacancy line at 224-2478; Fax
373-9870; Email: 7-

Infinite Energy sells $500 million of natural
gas yearly. We have immediate openings for
20-35 hours per week. Hourly wage: $7 to
$11, plus commission. Need more info?
- Go to Respond by
fax 352-240-4146 or email your resume to EOE/AA/
MFDV. 8-4-8-14

* 1 .Help Wanted

COLD STONE CREAMERYwill soon audition
happy, energetic Scoopers for its Newberry
and Archer Road stores. Earn $8+ while hav-
ing fun' Positions begin immediately. Choose
either Gainesville location when you apply on
our web site. Visit,
then go to Creamery and choose Job Center
(applications only; include email address.
NO RESUMES.). Nights and weekends a
must. 18+ only. 7-14-2-14

U| Services

Close To UF, Convenient
4x4x4 $20/mo
4x8x8 $35/mo
533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771

Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan,
Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable
prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 8-15-25-15

HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve mem-
ory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits.
Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis.
Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH,
NGH certified 379-1079. 8-15-25-15

Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio
For Fun & Fitness 384-9200

HORSE BOARDING peaceful spacious
30 acres ring-arena round pens expe-
rienced help 12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627.
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And Dismiss Traffic Tickets
With Online Driver Improvement Courses

Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0
Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest
horse farm 466-4060 8-15-25-15

Classes & Workshops
at Sanctuary

Complete Auto Service
Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks
Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033

The countryclub for horses & owners.
Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250'
x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump pad-
dock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19
separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591-
3175 8-15-25-15

Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards
Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices
SignMasters 335-7000

Jump start your job search at

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Best Selection In Town
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English as 2nd language
Reading, Composition, Conversation
Experienced educators. Reasonable fees.
Tel: 352-335-9400 8-15-25-15

Continued on next page.

16, ALLIGATOR E Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Um Services

Individuals or small groups.
Experienced, excellent.
375-6641 Harold Nobles

All facilities & amentiies: quality instruc-
tion. 15 minutes from UF. Jan at 376-7762.
Greathouse Equestrian Center. 8-15-26-15

Stringing If anybody can string rackets low,
EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in
24hr./. ,Express stringing available upon
request. We have more string than all local
stores combined, please stop by or call 372-
2257 8-15-20-15

Why buy mart-cheap rackets? You can
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Professional employee training, negotiation,
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initial consultation. Phone 352-514-5515

MAKE IT PERFECT with affordable & profes-
sional editing for your newsletter, manuscript,
class paper, thesis or dissertation. Sliding
scale. Phone 352-514-5515 7-28-16-15

Whippoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture
board. 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS
Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres.
Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom.
Owner on premises. 376-8792 8-15-19-15

Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait?
Express Training Services can get you certi-
fied in less than 3 weeks! Hands-on exp, no
videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 7-
25-05. Class sizes limited. Call 338-1193 for
details. 7-28-12-15

Beautiful emerald amethyst farm 40 acre,
full service horse boarding & training facility.
On-Qjte trainer & care. 275 x 175 jump ring.
386-462-0781 8-15-12-15

12 Health Services

New Location Students No Appt Needed!
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Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 8-15-

IV sedation, Student Discount.
Well Woman Care & Birth Control
Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr

"PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat
bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants
will get free evaluation, medication & be
reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @
331-2020 immediately. 8-15-25-16

New therapy being studied! If you qualify to
participate in this research you will get free
evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed
for your time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for
evaluation 8-15-25-16

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SAMEDAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing,
apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters,
flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs
exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677

U2 Personals

,4oonymous HIV Antibody Testing
Alachua County Health Dept. Call
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)

a Personals


University Opticians
300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480.

1800 Gun Inventory
Over 500 handguns in stock
Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair.
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*Family Chiropractic*
Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F.

We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE
Ave 375-3752. 8-15-25-18

Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St.
10-9 384-0090

CLEARANCE SALE All CDs must go -
100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50.
We need more room for our GIANT DVD
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Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 8-

Big stores cannot touch our stringing in qual-
ity and price. Please ask their clerks about
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With us 1 day max! 8-15-20-18

In terms of Tennis, big stores make EZ
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Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. If you have
any questions, please talk to us. Our goal,
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world. Please help us and your friends to
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find. 8-15-20-18

Up All Night with Someone Special?
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fli Connections

Want to make a connection? Place your ad
here to look for someone to share a com-
mon interest with or for your true love

Event Notices
al- )


W Entertainment

Every Sat & Sun Hwy 301
15 min from Gainesville 468-2255.

Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres
Call for the best group rates!

In Gainesville Better Prices
Better Fields Better Call 371-2092

in Panama City. Beautiful, new 2/2 condo.
Oceanfront, spectacular views, white sand.
Call 335-5946 or 379-0619 Iv msg. 8-15-

M Tickets 3

***EUROPE $757 RT***
Travel planning for students. Train & cruises
also available Gator Country Travel (just. off
campus) 373-1992 FL Seller.of Travel Reg.
No. ST-18264 8-15-25-22

***WEST COAST $177 RT***
Tours packages & more. Los Angeles,
Seattle & more! Call for best rates. Gator
Country Travel (just off campus) 373-1992
FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 8-

***AIRFARE $157 RT***
Summer & fall specials. NYC, DC, Philly,
New Eng & more! Gator Country Travel (just
off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel
Reg. No. ST 18264 8-15-25-22



20 Yrs. as the Official So. FlI. Bus
Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse
$40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP.

Miami Bus Service
$40 R/T W.P Bch, -Pomp, FT. L, Miami
Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm
Ride wanted to Pensacola, FL or
Mobile, AL before 7 August. One way. 336-1303. Can help
drive, insured. 7-12-1-23

















Furry, feathery,, not your
roommate...pets. Find or advertise your pets
or pet products here in the Pets section of
the Alligator.

Sugar glider & cage, 2 pouches, food supply,
dishes, & water bottle. $300 OBO. Call 271-
7159 7-21-5-24

M Lost & Found

LOST DOG: AIREDALE Black & tan 55
Ibs. Lost in Newberry 250th St. & US 41.
352-472-4566. REWARD. Shy with men.

Hall parking lot Friday (7/1) afternoon. Call to
identify. 392-5551 x 1154 or cell 316-5732.

TAG, found on July 2nd just south of SW
20th Ave. Want to find its owner. Is it yours?
Please call 352-264-1537 with a description.








1g 1 g1 1 1g

Co >i

m m m

Re By


Sp. Chg
CASH _____ CK ______


S 1. For Rent: Furnished
- 2. For Rent: Unfurnished
- 3. Sublease: House/Apt
- 4. Roommates
_ 5. Real Estate
6. Furniture/Household Items
_ 7. Computers
_ 8. Stereos/Electronics
_ 9. Bicycles
_ 10. For Sale
_11. Mopeds/Motorcycles
- 12. Autos
_ 13.. Wanted


_ 14. Help Wanted
_ 15. Services
_ 16. Health Services
_ 17. Resumes/Typing Services
_ 18. Personals
- 19. Connections
_ 20. Events/Notices
- 21. Entertainment
_ 22. Tickets
23. Rides
_ 24. Pets
25, Lost & Found



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4 Days....$15.50 1
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l I

l, i


Emmitt, linemen having record setting season

October 19, 1987 r Smith excelled

"Records don't mean much
to me," said Gator running back
Emmitt Smith, holder of many
Smith added to his collec-
tion Saturday in the Gators'
34-3 Homecoming victory over
Temple. By the time Smith is
through, he could have more
records than Hyde and Zeke's.
Still, he says, the records
don't mean that much. But that
was tested Saturday.
Smith rushed for 175 yards
and a touchdown on 23 carries.
That gives him 1,011 yards in
seven games, the earliest any
freshman ever gained more
than 1,000 yards. Pittsburgh's
Tony Dorsett and Georgia's
Herschel Walker both reached
the 1,000-yard level in eight
games during their freshman
Smith set the
Storysic record on his last
stor and longest carry,
a 25-yard sweep
to the left.
The record was announced
and Smith was swarmed
by celebrating teammates.
He jumped into offensive
tackle David Williams' arms.
"I told him thank you," Smith
said. "He did a great job today.
"Our offensive line deserves
the credit. They blocked great."
Smith's momentary display
of emotion showed that the re-
cords, or at least this one, must
mean something. But after the
game, Smith was characteristi-
cally modest.
"Emmitt had a lot of public-
ity and notoriety in high school
and had to go through much of
this back then," coach Galen
Hall said. "He has a very good
family and I think they have
raised the young man in the
right way."
But while Smith played
down the importance of his
records, his offensive linemen
relished the moment.
"It's just an unbelievable

Alligator File Photo
The Emmitt Smith show continues, after the freshman tailback ran for 175-yards on Saturday,
making him the fastest freshman in NCAA to record 1,000 rushing yards in a season.

feeling to be a part of the line
that helped Emmitt become the
first freshman back to rush for
over 1,000 yards in seven games
- what a strong feeling," strong
tackle Jimmy Davis said.
For the lineman, who if they
get any attention at all, it's usu-
ally for a holding penalty, it was
good to have some positive
"Last year, we were called the
offensive line that couldn't block
for the run," guard Richard
Starowesky said. "Now, we look
better, but it's basically the same
Smith's teammates talk high-
ly of him, a star who at least tries
to deflect his spotlight in their
direction. He's even given credit
for helping out on defense.
"Emmitt helps our team
out so much by providing the
offense with a balanced at-
tack," inside linebacker Gerold
Dickens said. "He also helps the
defense because we have con-

fidence in the- offense to score
points, therefore we can take
chances on defense."
But for the record, Smith was
credited with no tackles.
Smith left the game with a
sprained wrist with 11 minutes
to play in the first half. His wrist
was X-rayed in the locker room
and he returned to a standing
room ovation from the Florida
Field crowd and a warm wel-
come from his teammates.
"I'm just glad he's part of the
team," Williams said.
Through it all, Smith has
worked to maintain his mod-
esty. When asked what makes
him a great back, Smith smiled
and passed on the question.
"It's hard for me to say what
makes me the running back you
think I am," he said, looking at
the questioner. "What do you
Smith's success has bred
comparisons to other great
backs and talk of the Heisman

"Emmitt has played seven
games," Hall said. "He is do-
ing things that other players I
have been around have done,
like (former Oklahoma Heisman
winner) Billy Sims.
"I'm not saying that he is in
the same category as Billy Sims
right now," added Hall, a former
Oklahoma offensive coordina-
tor. "But by the time he gets out
of here, he will be."
Smith can. wait for the
Heisman, as long as the Gators
keep winning.
"I've got it down as a long-
term goal," he said of the award
given to the nation's best colle-
giate player. "But I'm not worry-
ing about it."
Smith's plans were more im-
"I'm going to go out tonight
and try to forget about foot-
But will anyone let him for-

on subpar

Gators' teams

Alligator Staff Writer

Nobody saw it coming. Sure,
Emmitt Smith was a star running back
in Pensacola with plenty of potential,
but in 1987 freshmen simply did not
dominate in college football.
Smith changed it all, and just seven-
games into his illustrious career, he
became the fastest freshman in NCAA
history to rush for 1,000 yards.
Former Alligator writer Derek
Catron, now the assistant managing
editor for the Daytona Beach News-
Journal, said covering Smith was a bit-
tersweet experience.
"The [former head coach] Galen
Hall era was something of a football
Dark Ages in Gator Nation," Catron
said. "I recall Coach Hall as a kind and
generous man, but he was no Urban
Meyer. On third-and-long, we'd sit in
the press box awaiting the inevitable
call of a draw play. Alas, the defense
wasn't surprised either.
"Spurrier would have been horri-
fied. Emmitt deserved better."
But while the probation-stricken
Gators suffered through mediocre sea-
sons, Smith lit up the scoreboard for
three years.
"He wasn't tall and didn't look
particularly fast," Catron said. "But
he had this aura about him, even as a
"Emmitt looked like he'd 'een
sculpted by Michelangelo. His arms
looked as thick as an average guy's
thighs, his thighs were wider than
your girlfriend's waist. And he was just
as mature in the way that he carried
UF's lack of success kept Smith
from ever becoming a viable Heisman
candidate, but Smith gave UF fans
something to cheer about in an
otherwise depressing era in Gators
"These days, with the examples of
Adrian Peterson and Maurice Clarett
still fresh, it doesn't seem like a big
deal to think of a freshman phenom,"
Catron said. "But no one was looking
for Emmitt to carry the team in '87."


FSU's Sexton to miss season with Lyme disease



Florida State quarterback Wyatt Sexton
will miss the 2005 season, but the reason
comes as a surprise to many.
Sexton, the Seminoles player found
wandering on a suburban Tallahassee
street in June calling himself "the son of
God" before being pepper sprayed by po-
lice and sent to a hospital, was diagnosed
with Lyme disease.
Sexton's bizarre incident became the

brunt of numerous jokes around the
nation. Drugs were initially expected
- Sexton reportedly spent the previous
weekend at the Bonnaroo Music Festival
in Tennessee but the Sexton family
always claimed that drug abuse did not
cause the breakdown.
"It has been a very difficult time for
Wyatt," Sexton's parents said. "It has also
been hurtful to Wyatt and our family to
see some media reports that were simply
not true."-
The entire case raised eyebrows from
the start. After the Sexton incident became
public, Florida State officials claimed that
Sexton had already been suspended for
two weeks due to an undisclosed violation

of team rules but the suspension had never
been publically announced.
Now, officials are claiming Sexton has
Lyme disease, leaving
him unable to play foot-
ball in 2005. Sexton was
.. already redshirted as a
S- freshman, but Florida
1 State officials will try to
get him a medical red-
shirt so he doesn't lose a
Sexton year of eligibility.
"Wyatt has active
Lyme disease that has resulted in neuro-
psychiatric and cardiovascular deficits,"
Dr. S. Chandra Swami said in a statement
released through FSU. "I have strongly

recommended intensive therapy with a
goal to obtain an optimal state of health.
This should include academics and athlet-
ics. He should not be stressed by these two
disciplines for now."
Florida State opens the season' 'in
a nationally televised game against
Miami. Freshmen Xavier Lee and Drew
Weatherford will compete for the starting
quarterback job.
"Xavier and Drew will start out even
when we return to practice and we'll have
[about three weeks] to see if one can sepa-
rate himself from the other," FSU ,aach
Bobby Bowden said in a released state-
ment. "If not, we will go into the season
with two quarterbacks ready to go."

orTUESDAY, JULY 12,2005
TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005



Drejer no match for Lee, Knicks
Alligator Staff Writer

Call it motivation or call it a talent differential,
but David Lee gave no mercy to former UF team-
mate Christian Drejer on Monday.
In their first real meeting since Drejer deserted
the Gators, and his best friend Lee, in the middle of
the 2004 season to play in Europe, the two met up
in the NBA Summer League.
Lee, the final pick of the first round for New
York, and Drejer, attempting to make New Jersey's
roster as a free agent, met late
Monday night in Las Vegas.
Lee had his best performance M
of the summer in New York's Copyrighted Materia
86-74 victory. Lee scored 17
points with eight rebounds on Syndicated Content
5-of-6 hootingin33 minutes Available from Commercial News Providers"
Drejer, who UF coach Billy
Drejer Donovan once called the best "'.
former UF player player he ever saw in practice,
scored just four points in 16
Lee has continued to excel in the summer
leagues, while Drejer has tanked. ..... ............
Prior to Monday's game, Lee was averaging
nearly 11 points and seven rebounds per game
while shooting 40 percent from the field in 20
Drejer, meanwhile, was scoring just three
points per game and two rebounds, shooting 23
percent from the field in 20 minutes. WALSH
AND ROBERSON UPDATES: Meanwhile, less than
300 miles from Vegas, former Gators guards Matt
WaTsh and Anthony Roberson are playing in the
Long Beach, Calif., summer league with much less.
While Lee's roster spot on the Knicks is guar-
anteed, Walsh and Roberson continue to compete
with the hopes that their respective teams will see
enough potential to sign them as free agents.

Promising tight end asks for release


Alligator Staff Writer

The Dane Guthrie Era came to a halt
'before it ever began, leaving the UF
football team with just one dependable
tight end.
Guthrie came to UF with plenty
of fanfare. Nearly everyone expected
the Miami native to sign with the
Hurricanes, but former UF coach Ron
Zook snagged Guthrie away from South

I In 1987, a UF running back
named Emmitt Smith proved
that a freshman could carry a
football team. Read the classic
story on page 17.

"Everything was going well
and [Gainesville] was a great
place for [Guthrie]. But we
were out there to watch the
spring game and it's really a
different offense."
Harieta Guthrie
Dane Guthrie's mother

But Gators fans will never get to see
if Guthrie was the real deal, now that
the tight end asked to be released from
UF. He will likely transfer to either
Arizona State or North Carolina State.
Guthrie was unavailable for com-

E The BCS has replaced the AP
poll with the Harris Interactive Col-
lege Football Poll, using a panel of
former coaches, players, adminis-
trators as well as media members.

ment, but his mother, Harieta, said that
Guthrie decided at the Orange and Blue
game that Urban Meyer's offense wasn't
suited for him.
"Everything was going well and
[Gainesville] was a great place for him,"
Harieta said. "But we were out there to
watch the spring game and it's really a
different offense."
Zook praised Guthrie during pre-
season practices last year, and it was
a foregone conclusion that Guthrie
would start as a true freshman. But a
high ankle sprain kept the tight end
off the field early in the season. While
he was expected to miss just a couple

. -_ 2 ;.: t ,; i -,- ,- --,. ;" _- 1.. ..* ,

R July 10, 1996: The real glory would come
in the fall when Danny Wuerffel would lead
UF to a national championship, but even
after his junior season the star quarterback
was named SEC Male Athlete of the Year.

Summer '05

goes insane
Maybe it's the insanity brewing
in the air hurricanes named
Dennis wreaking havoc on a state
still recovering from Ivan and Ron Zook,
terrorists trying to rule the world, and
that miserable heat. But all of a sudden, a
muggy, gruesome July in Gainesville has
become a month full of Gators drama.
I once read a book by David Halberstam
called the Summer of '49 (not to be
confused with the Bryan Adams cheese-
ballad, Summer of '69) about the classic
battle between the New York Yankees and
Boston Red Sox for first in the AL East.
After this sum-
mer, I'm ready to
O L pen my own book
titled Summer of '05:
A Florida Odyssey.
,Most of the book
will center around
Andrew the madness in
Abramson Gainesville UF's
Drew's Control home victory against rival Florida State
to reach the College
World Series, base-
ball's shocking run in Omaha, the dramat-
ic tale of Matt Walsh and his advisors.
Throw in a little Florida State sen-
sationalism, like the Wyatt Sexton saga
(more on that later) and the overflow of
Seminoles athletes in the Leon County
jail, and the Summer of '05 could be my
ticket out.
But before you place your advance or-
ders (mail all checks to the Alligator, made
out to me), slow down the stories are
just getting started.
The latest drama? Let's start with Dane
Unless you're a football fanatic, you
may not be familiar wi t the name.
Guthrie was one of Zook's final prized re-
cruits, a Miami kid that surprisingly chose
the Gators even though the Hurricanes
came knocking.
The tight end never received his chance
last year. Injuries kept him off the field,
leaving a spot for Tate Casey to shine.
Now, Guthrie has mysteriously asked
for his release. He's headed to either N.C.
State or Arizona State.
Guthrie's not talking, and it doesn't
make much sense. While Casey had a solid
freshman season, Guthrie's talent would
have landed him on the field, possibly in
a starting role. Now, Urban Meyer is left
with just one tight end worth a darn. If
Casey gets injured, Meyer better cross his

*Major League Baseball: All-Star Game
FOX, 8:20 p.m.
* Major League Lacrosse: Long Island vs.
Baltimore ESPN2, 4 p.m.


UF running backs contend for position, playing time

Alligator Staff Writer

The shoes are set to fill and
the bar has been raised that much
Following an impressive
2004 season in which Ciatrick
Fason emerged as one of the pre-
mier backs in the Southeastern
Conference, the Gators enter
2005 with
to. a ques-
flltSV SI N backfield
looking to
follow, in the cleat marks of their
UF played through the spring
with its bevy of backs each see-
ing time with the first-team on
offense. While junior DeShawn
Wynn might seem like the favor-
ite because of sheer experience,
Coach Urban Meyer could easily
give the starting nod to either
Skyler Thornton or Markus
'Wynn's opportunity to im-
press Meyer came in the spring
and he delivered by running hard
on a daily basis and keeping his
attitude on a positive level.
Upon arriving in Gainesville,
Meyer singled out Wynn as one
of the players that had to step up.
After excelling as a freshman but
suffering through a rocky sopho-
more season full of injuries and
work ethic issues, Wynn's main

DeShawn Wynn is the leading candidate to start at running back for the Gators.

objectives will be consistency in
effort and production.
"Consistency is the key,"
Meyer said. "All the stories
you've heard, well I've heard
them too and this train's moving
fast. Either he's going to jump'on
it or that's it for him."-
In an offense centered around

speed, multiple options out of
each formation and misdirection,
Wynn is more of a bruiser back.
However, don't let the heavy
frame fool you, running backs
Coach Stan Drayton said.
. "That's 228-pounds and we
expect him to be a runner on
contact," Drayton said. "He's got

some deceptive speed and is a big
back with great vision, great feet
and there's going to be a lot of
times where we see him explode
into the secondary and make big
With Wynn sitting out the
Orange and Blue game, the
speedy Manson gave 58,500 fans

and a coaching staff something to
think about when he's coupled
with a first-team offensive. line.
The redshirt freshman rushed 13
times for 72 yards.
"There's something different
between those guys and he's the
one guy that has legit sprinter
speed," Drayton said. "He needs
to be a threat, a home run threat,
every time he gets in the seond-
ary and is one on one to take it
the distance."
The other running back in the
mix for immediate playing time
is Thornton.
Thornton's style is almost
a blend of Wynn and Manson.
Thornton has the speed, cut back
abilityand experience to thrive in
the Gators' offense right away.
Thornton's hard work, as well
as injuries to Fason and Wynn,
allowed Thornton to receive in-
creased playing time toward the
end of last season. Thornton de-
livered with several clutch runs
against Florida State.
"Playing late was a real big
confidence booster, because that
showed me that I can go out there
and play with some of the best
people in the nation," Thornton
Joining the trio of backs will
be true freshman Kestahn Moore.
A Texas native, the 5-foot-10, 205-
pound Moore will provide depth
at the position. If he receives
playing time in 2005, it will most
likely be on special teams.


Eckstein takes on new batting role in midsummer game

Tim Casey / Alligator Staff
Former UF walk-on David Eckstein is congratulated by St. Louis teammate Albert
Pujols after hitting a home run during spring training. Eckstein and Pujols were
both chosen as starters for the National League in tonight's All-Star Game.


National League skipper Tony La Russa
considers tonight's major league All-Star
Game more than just a showcase for the fans.
With a potential World Series home-field
advantage for his St. Louis Cardinals on the
line, he's willing to shake things up to win.
"This is not a show," La Russa said. "It's not
an exhibition. We keep score."
In surprise move on Monday, La Russa
revealed that former UF walk-on and current
Cardinals shortstop David Eckstein will not
bat at his typical leadoff spot when he makes
his first All-Star Game appearance.
Instead, La Russa tapped Phillies slugger
Bobby Abreu to start things off for the visiting
NL team. Eckstein, the only NL All-Star starter
who serves as his team's regular leadoff man,
will bat ninth the "second leadoff man"
sometimes used by American League teams.
"I like that Bo Jackson type," La Russa-said
of Abreu. "I like that damage up there in the
first inning.
"When you have talent like this on a squad,
I don't think you can write a bad lineup. You
can scramble them up, but I like everything
that [Abreu] does offensively. He has a good
strike zone. He runs the bases well. He hits
rights, he hits lefts. We tried to get some dam-
age early."
Eckstein, the second baseman for the 1998
UF College World Series team, is hitting .284
with two homeruns, 24 RBI and a .370 on-base
percentage in his first year with the Cardinals
after coming from Anaheim last season.
Eckstein, who wasn't selected by the play-,

"This is all new to me. I've been play-
ing a long time, but to be voted in by
the fans is really nice. It's great the
people have finally recognized."
David Eckstein
National League All-Star shortstop

ers to participate, made the All-Star team after
beating out Los Angeles' Cesar 'Izturis for
the starting shortstop spot in a fan poll. He
now joins teammates Albert Pujols and Jim
Edmonds in the starting NL lineup. Edmonds
and All-Star reserve and Cardinals third base-
man Scott Rolen also won the fans' balloting
but didn't finish first or second in the in play-
ers' ballot.
"[It's] pretty amazing," Eckstein said.
"The fans have been great, and I know
the St. Louis fans had 'a lot to do with it."
Amid competition from future Hall-of-Fame
shortstops such as Derek Jeter and Alex
Rodriguez, Eckstein remained locked out of
the All-Star Game before making the jumi'p to
the NL. And he.wasn't about to celebrate pre-
maturely, despite, owning a 500,000-vote lead
over Izturis a day before the fan poll closed
on July 3.
"Nobody in my family had bought any
.plane tickets yet," he said. "This is all new to
me. I've been playing a long time, but to be
voted in by the fans is really nice. It's great
the people have finally recognized f%,, not
finally but that they've recognized what
you can do."


Walsh, Roberson continue NBA summer play

BASKETBALL, from page 18

Jut, two weeks ago, Walsh dreamed of being drafted by
the Miami Heat. On Saturday, Walsh played for the Heat
summer league team with much less fanfare and little game
Walsh played just seven minutes Miami's opener against
Toronto, shooting 1-of-4 and scoring two points with no re-
bounds or assists.
On Monday it was a different story.

Walsh responded with a solid effort against Dallas, scor-
ing nine points on 4-of-8 shooting to go with eight rebounds
and five assists.
Roberson, meanwhile, put up consistent numbers in both
of his summer outings.
In Friday's opener against the Lakers, Roberson, playing
for the Memphis Grizzlies, scored 13 points on 4-of-9 shoot-
ing to go with four assists. Roberson, trying to prove that he
can be a NBA point guard, did add four turnovers.
On Sunday, Roberson once against shot 4-of-9 from
the floor for 10 points, an assist and two steals.
See for Lee's reaction

Casey crucial to success at tight end position

TRANSFER, from page 18

of games, the injury remained and
Guthrie was redshirted.
Meanwhile, freshman Tate Casey
emerged as a threat and surpris-
ingly finished the season with four
But it apparently wasn't Casey's
presence that threatened Guthrie.
Meyer had planned to use both
Guthrie anid Casey on the field, but
likely more as blockers than receiv-

Harieta said Meyer tried to con-
vince Guthrie to stay at UF, but to
no avail.
"[Meyer] tried really hard I
think," Harieta said. "No one
goes out on the field but the kids.
Everything boils down to Dane. We
can try to persuade him to stay, but
[it's ultimately his decision]."
While Casey proved he is a solid
No. 1 tight end last year, now Meyer
finds himself in a tough situation.
If Casey suffers an injury or a
sophomore slump, Meyer really

has no second option. At 6-foot-6,
264 pounds, Markell Thompson has
plenty of size, but he proved little in
his junior season after transferring
from junior college.
And the only incoming freshman
tight end, Brian Ellis, didn't qualify
academically and won't play for UF
in 2005.

HILL TRANSFERS: Defensive tackle
Michael Hill will also leave UF. As a
freshman last season, Hill appeared
in six games, recording five tackles.

ABRAMSON, from page 18

fingers and pray that Markell Thompson magically
becomes the next Ben Troupe. Don't count on it.
Switching gears, how about the fun-filled David
Lee/Christian Drejer reunion?
Lee gave Drejer an old-fashioned Danish
spanking Monday night. Lee's 19 points trounced
Drejer who scored just four points. We don't know
what happened after the game, but let's just hope
that Lee's performance on the field was revenge
. And the Summer of '05 wouldn't be complete
without the latest chapter in the most mysterious
sports tale in years.
It turns out Sexton isn't the Son of God, he's just
an unlucky SOB that was bitten by a tick and con-
tracted Lyme disease.
Maybe Sexton has Lyme disease, maybe not. But
the entire story seems awfully shady.
Why would the Seminoles rule out playing
Sexton for the entire season at this early date? And
-why would Lyme disease make Sexton yell like -
a madman in the middle of a street? That's not a
symptom of Lyme disease, it's a symptom of ab-
Stay tuned, the Summer of '05 is just getting hot.
That's a scary thought.


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the independent florida Not officially associated with the University of Florida Pllished by Campus Communications, Inc of Gainesville, Florida We Inform. You Decide. VOLUME 98 ISSUE 158 Recycle TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 By EMILY YEHLE Alligator Staff Writer LONDON -UF junior Jessica Daugherty sat in a hot classroom Thursday morning, sweating over a business law exam, when she heard a loud bang outside the open window. "It sounded like bubble wrap, you know, when you can't stop International popping it," she said. News "But it actually was a bus blowing up." Two blocks from Daugherty's school, one of this city's famous double-decker buses exploded with a full load of passengers, leaving the red metal frame looking like an opened can of tuna. That morning, three other bombs detonated at various places along the London Underground. All told, the attacks injured hundreds and killed at least 50. But four days after the attacks, London is almost back to normal. The Underground trains and public buses continued most of their routes Friday, less than 24 hours after the attacks. Trains continue to run past the closed King's Cross station, where a nearby explosion killed at least 21 people. The eerie pause at the empty station is one of a few hints at the recent tragedy. "They just bouced back," Daugherty said. "The devastation was horrible, but they just immediately swooped in and cleaned it up and did it really calmly" About 40 students have been studying since May at Huron University as part of a cooperative effort with UF's business school, and many have slipped back into their normal rou"It sounded like bubble wrap, you know, when you can't stop popping it. But it actually was a bus blowing up." Jessica Daugherty UF junior tine. Although all were shocked at the attacks, some said their fear quickly diminished. "Surprisingly, I don't think any of us were afraid," UF junior Matt Flagler said. "I think a lot of us were angry and wanted to tell our parents we were OK, but none of us were fearful." The stoicism of Londoners throughut the attacks helped keep fear at bay, Daugherty said. "They (Londoners) weren't panicked at all," she said. "I sort of felt like a novice. I felt like I could handle it." Not all students took the attacks with the same calmness. At a dorm a few blocks from Huron, some New York University students felt more stricken with panic. Students sat in the lounge glued to the screen, while officials strongly encouraged everyone to stay inside. Those with first-hand memories of Sept. 11, 2001, immediately expected the worst. "I was really nervous. My heart was pounding," NYU student Maria Verbanac said. "It reminded me of 9/11. I didn't know how big of an attack it was." One week before the Twin Towers fell, Verbanac's father was moved from his office there to a building across the street. Verbanac was unaware of the move, and when news hit her high school, she panicked. SEE LONDON, PAGE 3 01' swimming hole This street on Anna Maria Island, on the Gulf about 30 minutes south of St. Petersburg, experienced severe flooding from Hurricane Dennis. Many streets were closed after the hurricane passed through beginning Friday night, although the storm's worst avoided Gainesville. See story, pg. 5. GREEK JUDICIAL AFFAIRS Fraternity under revew or azing A MEMBER DETAILED THE PROCESS TO POLICE. By KYLIE CRAIG Alligator Writer UF's Kappa Alpha Fraternity chapter will be under scrutiny this Fall after one of its newly inducted members shared details of the organization's hazing procedures with University Police. William Travis Page, 22, was questioned after his involvement in a March 18 hazing incident when new members were ordered to steal signs from local businesses. Page discussed details of the organization's hazing ritual associated with the induction process of new members. It included physical training, such as sit-ups, nmning and push-ups as a form of punishment, as well as cleaning the houses of fraternity members and allowing chapter members to paddle newly inducted members with paddles they were instructed to buy. Page told police physical training occurred when new members didn't complete an assigned task or didn't know the names of current Kappa Alpha members listed in a "black book." The training, which took place on Flavet Field, involved approximately an hour and a half of exercise when no liquids were provided, and some new members, including Page, vomited. Page said he also was assigned three nights a week to drive members of the fraternity who had been drinking to and from various locations. Kappa Alpha President Dan Boda said his chapter's hazing rituals aren't what they once were. "The momentum of hazing in KA has been slowed down in the past couple years," he said. "This incident will put a firm stop to it." UPD reports detailing Page's allegations have been -handed to Student Judicial Affairs, and a hearing with Kappa Alpha is being scheduled. The organization is on interim suspension prohibiting Kappa Alpha from taking part in any chapter activities on or off campus, and the chapter house is closed until the hearing. When the Hub is resurrected in May 2006, it could include a 10,000 square-foot, 24-hour Internet caf6 and a new home for llF's International Center. See story, pg. 4. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" F ECS 0 OPINIONS 6 CLASSIFIEDS 9 CROSSWORD 9 Thunder SPORTS 18 storms 91/75 visit IN Former UF forward David Lee continues to shine for the New York Knicks in the NBA Summer League. Lee averaged nearly 11 points and seven rebounds in his first -three appearances. See story, pg. 18. 2 _7 A 7-1 nts s U L Wings


2, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 News Today CAMPUS Hunger banquet to be held Wednesday The number of UF students who participate in community service has grown so much in the last few years that the Office of Community Service has expanded. The Center for Leadership and Service, created at the end of April, will sponsor its first event under its new name Wednesday. Recipe for Social Change, a hunger banquet to be held in the basement of Broward Hall at 6:30 p.m., aims to increase awareness of poverty locally and nationally. The suggested cost for admission is one can of nonperishable food, which will be donated to local pantries to help feed what the center estimates to be 1,400 homeless in Gainesville. Colette Taylor, the associate director of the center, said there has been a huge increase in students involved in service in the last few years. ."They've beTaylor come interested in associate d director changing the world as individuals," she said. According to the center's annual reports, UF students spent 269,275 hours doing community service last year, compared to 195,530 hours in 2001. Vanessa Frisby, a 20-year-old business major at UF who is organizing the hunger banquet, said Alachua County's poverty rate is one of the highest in Florida. The national average for people living below the poverty line is about 12 percent of the population, but Alachua County's, poverty rate is more than twice that, at between 24 and 26 percent. "It's unsettling to see the concentrated wealth around campus," Frisby said. The sharp contrast between East and West Gainesville is also striking, between houses worth millions and decaying shacks, she said. Frisby said the event is meant to raise awareness about poverty and hopefully inspire some people to act. The center expects about 100 to 150 people to attend, and everyone is invited. Taylor said students want to help out in their -community, and they enjoy seeing the imFind it in the classic ieds! F of error of 3 percentage points. Confidence that NASA Fai 6 can present a drsaster sinilarte that in 2003 Not much/none: 23 Continue tha manned YeaS 7 pace suntle program No: 21 Sources: CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll responses in percent NA5As God: 53 performance .Fair; 34 Por: 6 Spending mony Favor: 40 frsan attempted p : Mars landing ppoPse: SB 5 Michael Friedman / Alligator Staff FORECAST TODAY THUNDER STORMS 91/75 WEDNESDAY THUNDER STORMS 92/75 THURSDAY THUNDER STORMS 89/74 mediate, tangible results of their work. With their constant inquiries and' ever-increasingservice hours, she said students have, demanded that service-oriented programs be created. The number of UF student organizations participating in community service projects has more than quadrupled in the last five years, from 104 organizations in 1999 to 447 in 2004. -ERIN CHALFANT Firemen subdue stove in area apartment complex Residents on the first floor of College Manor Apartments were evacuated Friday evening because of an oven fire. No one was reported injured, and the fire only caused minimal damage to the onebedroom apartment at the complex, located at 1216 SW Second Ave, Gainesville Fire Rescue spokeswoman Jodi Smith said. Although only the oven was on fire, a dense cloud of smoke "too thick to see through" permeated the apartment, according to GFR. Neighbors said the fire alarm did not go off and that they learned about the fire only after firefighters knocked' on their doors and asked them to evacuate the building. FRIDAY THUNDER STORMS 90/74 SATURDAY THUNDER STORMS 90/75 Only the residents from the first floor were evacuated. The smoke detector inside the apartment did not go off because there was a shower cap placed over it. UF marketing senior Ryan Witkowski said he was taking a shower, but seeing the fire trucks, he left his apartment and went outside. "The firemen were all over the place, and there was smoke in the hallway," Witkowski said. He said about 10 to 15 people were evacuated from the building and that there was no commotion. Residents were allowed back inside their apartments after less than an hour. Witkowski said he later talked to the resident whose oven was on fire. "He said that he was heating the oven to cook his food when the oven caught on fire for an unknown reason," Witkowski said. The resident of the apartment was not available for comment. -ALEJANDRA CANCINO The Alligator strIves To be accurate and clear in its news reports and editorials. If you find an error, please call our n a (352) 3764458 or send an e-mail to NASA Poll: Americans confident in NASA, support manned shuttle program NASA is preparing to launch the space shuttle Discovery on Wednesday, which would be the first space shuttle mission since the Columbia disaster in February 2003. According to a new poll, most Americans say they have at least a fair amount of confidence in NASA to prevent another such disaster. The poll is based on a nationally selected random sample and has a margin Advertising Office Manager Advertising Office Assistants Sales Representatives Sales Development/Intern Coordinator Marianne Cooper, Elizabeth Cueto, Lindsey Kuhn Casey Franz, Jennifer Carbon Carolyn Langhans, Danny Wayne William Cuadra, Sara Henry, Shane Combs, Whitney Lawson, Morgan Morillo William Cuadra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015 (Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, Classified Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Katie Morgan, Dan Cribb CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, Bookkeeper Patricia Merrow, Student Accounting Clerks Brandon Edwards, Keith Enright Michael Sanders, Alex Thurn -ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, Administrative Manager Lorena Crowley, Catherine McNamara Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Vern Bean, Assistant Production Manager Stephanie Gocklin, Information Technology Manager Brian Dwyer, Advertising Production Staff Alicia Bennatts, Niko Lowry, Ben Hofer, Michelle Stewart Editorial Production Staff Amy Oglesby, Melissa Garcia, Brandy Stearns The independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesvile, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Aligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that iscation from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc. the indepcideir floeida VOLUME 98 ISSUE 1.58 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Mike Gimignani, ngimignani@alligatororg Managing Editor/ Print Eva Kis, Managing Editor/ New Media Gwen Heimburg, gheimburg@alligatororg Sports Editor Andrew Abramson, Assistant Sports Editor Bryan App, Editor Spencer Davis-VanNess, Freelance Editor Ryan Worthington, Editorial Board Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis Photo Editor Tim Casey, tcasey@alligatororg Photo Staff Matt Marriott the Avenue Editor Cher Phillips, the Avenue Assistant Editor Heather Berger, Art Director Andy Marlette Assistant Art Director Michael Friedman Copy Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Amanda Brown, Juliana Casale, Jayrne Gough New Media Assistant Editor Matthew Kelly New Media Staff Dan Jimmerson DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) .Advertising Director Brad Smith, New Fusion Lunch Specicals


TUSDAY, JtU LY 12, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 3 Samuel Proctor, one of UP's distinguished alumni, died Sunday, closing the book on some of UF's history. Proctor died in the early morning hours Sunday, after a long and mysterious illness. He was 86. Proctor was UF's first official historian and archivist and the man who established UF's prolific Oral History Program. "It is one of the luckiest of circumstances for me that I got to know Sam," UP President Bernie Machen said. Machen presented Proctor with an honorary Doctorate of Public Service last summer to recognize his contributions to the Proctor retired from UF in June 1996 after teaching for 50 UF community. years. In that time he shared his vast knowledge of history with Proctor received a bachelor's degree in 1941, master's in many students, including former U.S. Sen. Bob Graham. 1942 and doctorate in 1958, all from UP. He also published a history of UF called "Gator History: A The Oral History Program, which he started in 1967 and Pictorial History of the University of Florida" in 1986. It was is now named for him, was designed to preserve eyewitness Proctor's research that determined UF's roots date to 1853. accounts of life in Florida and the South. The collection, which Proctor is survived by his wife of 56 years, Bessie, two sons has more than 3,900 interviews, is one of the largest in the naand two granddatghters. tion. -CRYSTAL HENRY Natives' reaction brings sense of calr to American students seeking comfort L, from page 1 All of that emotion came back Thursday. "I think because 9/11 hit so close to home, it felt more real," she said. "I think that that made me more afraid when this happened." Although Verbanac contetnplated leaving London at first, she decided to stay after seeing the city recover so quickly. But she will never take the Underground trains again. "I do tty to do what I would notmally do, but at the same home I'm more cautious," she said. Some UF students, however, boarded a train as soon as possible. And with class miles away from their apartments, all of them will have to enter the tunnels soon. "I wanted to ride the tube the next day just to assure myself that everything would be OK," Flagler said. That same reason drove both NYU and UF students to the pubs Thursday evening. After a day of hiding in dorns and classrooms, many wanted to see how the British were handling the tragedy. The pubs were packed with patrons. Many people sat arocmd drinking pints of beer, acting as if nothing had happened, Flagler said. "I think it's a good thing that life goes on, and we can't let terrorism change our way of life," he said. "It was a stressful day and what better thing than to get a pint." The day was more stressful for some UF students than for others. With an exam at 9 a.m., many students took the Underground trains to class right around the time three bombs exploded in the tunnels. Katie Gorda, a finance junior, said she was trapped on a train for an hour. Down the same track, two trains received the worst of the explosions. Officials are still recovering trapped bodies from the wreckage. Gorda said she was completely unaware of the explosions a few trains ahead of her. "They told us that there was a power glitch so I had no idea that it was a bomb," she wrote in an e-mail. Vara Bloom, a 21-ygar-old finance senior, was also on the train to class. When her train was delayed, officials told passengers that there was a fire further down the track. Even when hundreds of passengers were forced to walk up the emergency stairs, Bloom said she never questioned the circumstances. "We were so rushed to get to our test that we weren't even thinking about it," she said. The students heard the bus explosion in the middle of their exam, but many completed their work The frequency of terrorist attacks ibig cities makes moving on in"Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"1 portant, Bloom said. learn how to deal with it," she said. to have to deal with it." "It's definitely going to make us "Our generation is going to be able Emily Yehle is an Alligator staff almost expect it and accept it and to deal with this always. We're going writer currently studyig i London. -I ni -cr'-e .N w Treadmills.' Free Workout with this ad! GNINESYr Spring Term.$59.00 1". 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4, ALLIGATORS TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 ON CAIPLS Hub may offer 24-hour cafe" By JUSTIN RICHARDS Alligator Writer When the Hub is resurrected fully in May 2006, it could include a 24-hour Internet caf6. Partially closed since the UF bookstore moved to the Reitz Union, the Hub, located at Stadium Road and Buckman Drive, will cost $11.5 million to renovate. Its first floor will consist of a 10,000 squarefoot Internet cafi and a new home for the International Center, now located in Grinter Hall. The Academic Technology Center, which includes the UF Computing Help Desk, also will move its offices from the Computer Sciences and Engineering building to the Hub but keep existing business hours. Though UF is financing the renovation, Interim Associate Provost for Information Technology Marc Hoit said university officials have agreed to keep the Internet caf6 open 24 hours only if Student Goverrmnent will pay to staff it beyond normal UF Computing Help Desk hours. Late-night operation is expected to require two staffers: a computer specialist and a student employee. The funding of their wages will require a vote in the Student Senate. Student Sen. Jason Lutin, chairman of the 24-Hour Study Committee, said SG officials and students have shown consistent interest in a latenight study center. A committee like his has been formed in SG every year for five years, he said. "Now, we're just a couple signatures away from having a 24-hour study center." Jason Lutin 24-Hour Study Committee chairman Lutin said in the past he has gotten "the runaround" from UF administrators. "Now," he said, "we're just a couple signatures away from having a 24-hour study center." hi addition to a large open area with a computer lab, laser printers and the UF Computing Help Desk, the Internet cafe will include two video-conference rooms, four or five small study rooms, a video-editing area with editing software and high-end graphics capability, and either a Starbucks or a Java City, Hoit said. SG officials plan to keep the area open 24 hours a day, seven days a week at first, Lutin said, adding that the plan may change with how often and when students use the facility Protect yourself against AIDS. K _Really? ~ TELL ME HOW! Advertisers T CANJust run the same GET ad from the New 10% Student Edition! OFF! W w (no copy changes) alligator WELCOME BACK EITION Runs: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 (The first day of fall classes) Deadline: Thursday, August 4, 2005 Healthy Male Participants Ages 18 -50 We are looking for healthy males between the ages of 18 -50 to participate in a clinical research trial. We are evaluating an investigational drug for future use in the treatment of osteoporosis. TO QUALIFY YOU MUST: be in good general health -be a non-smoker be, taking no medications This study takes place over an eight week period and is divided into 3 sessions. It requires 1 screening visit, 2-night, 3-day overnight stays for all 3 sessions at our Phase I Unit at 2401 SW Archer Road, Gainesville, FL and an outpatient visit after each session. You may receive up to $1575.00 for completing the screening, in-patient and out-patient visits. Food and lodging will be provided to you during your overnight stays. Drug and alcohol testing will be done. For more information please call: (352) 273-5500 or toll free (888) 635-0763 and ask for the Recruiting Department Phase I Director: Robert Thompson Subject Recruiters: Judy Benz-Hester Pattie Grant You Don't Want to Miss Out! "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 376-4482 Call Your Advertising Representative Today At.


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 5 u rEitAhu Hur~ n-res1stant ose stands up to Dennis By DOUGLAS BONEPARTH Alligator Contributing Writer Hurricane Dennis may have huffed and puffed, but it could not blow this house down. Near the Escambia County extension in Pensacola stands a structure simply dubbed the "hurricane house," designed to withstand winds in excess of 140 miles per hour. The house, officially known as the Escambia Windstorm Damage Mitigation, Training and Demonstration Center, is a UF project to test if homes can be made more hurricane-resistant. "Our hurricane house demonstrates that it is possible to build a home that will come through hurricanes such as Dennis and Ivan with little or no damage," said Lamar Christenbery, Escambia County extension director with UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, in a press release. He and his team have been studying how materials, products and construction methods that meet or exceed state standards can be used in new homes or to retrofit existing structures. "I don't think Dennis challenged it as much as we had hoped," he said. "It wasn't a Category 3 or 4, but we did get a good wind test of about 100 mph." In the press release, Pierce Jones, director of the UF/TFAS Florida Energy Extension Service said new building codes, which went in to effect March 2002, are stricter than before but not as strict as those in Miami-Dade and Broward counties. Jones said because no Florida home is impervious to hurricane damage, the codes should become stricter statewide eventually. The hurricane house near Pensacola is just one of three hurricane houses around the state. One house is located in Fort Pierce, another in St. Augustine and a fourth will be complete in August 2005 in Fort Lauderdale. To pay for the project, the Florida Department of Financial Services provided $2.3 million in funding, while UF's Shimberg Center for Affordable Housing in the College of Design, Construction and Planning overlooked the design and construction. 'Our hurricane house demonstrates that it is possible to build a home that will come through hurricanes such as Dennis and Ivan with little or no damage." Lamar Christenberry Escambia County IFAS extension director Homeowners interested in the buildings can visit the houses in the respective locations to see the methods used in constructing hurricane-safe homes. Visitors will be able to see a variety of window shutters, impact-resistant doors, a steel "safe room," a garage door capable of withstanding 150 mph winds and exposed sections of interior walls. Jones said the walls' building method is more expensive than regular concrete or wood-frame construction but is desirable where wind speeds are higher and stormsurge problems are imminent. "The insulated Styrofoam-formed concrete walls add about 10 to 15 percent to cost, but there is a pay back in energy in a few years," Christenberry said. Hurricane Dennis, a fast-moving Category 3 hurricane when it came ashore with 120mph winds, was smaller than Ivan and weaker than when it churned through the Gulf of Mexico as a potentially catastrophic Category 4 storm. Dennis became the fifth hurricane to strike Florida in fewer than 11 months, causing an estimated $1 billion to $2.5 billion in insured damage in the United States. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Itehnology he ps UI overy s return to flight N THE SHUTTLE IS EXPECTED TO FLY AGAIN WEDNESDAY. By RESHELLE SMITLI Alligator Contributing Writer Across from the stadium and next to the journalism building in a first-floor room no bigger than a bathroom sit the hopes of NASA. Technology developed in this tiny UF lab will help ensure the safety of the space shuttle Discovery, scheduled to lift-off Wednesday. Discovery marks the first shuttle mission in more than two years' since the Columbia tragedy ofFebruary 2003. Engineering professor Ed Dugan, along with retired professor Alan Jacobs and doctoral student Daniel Shedlock, developed a way to scan the foam on the extemal fuel tank of the space shuttle for possible defects. In the Columbia disaster, experts believe a briefcase-size piece of foam broke off the external fuel tank and damaged tiles on the left wing, Shedlock said. While it's impossible to know for certain whether or not the scanning technique developed by the UF team could have prevented the disaster, NASA is now able to look inside the foam for any cracks or holes that could make the foam more susceptible to breaking off. NASA and Lockheed Martin, the company that assembled the fuel tank, attempted many different scanning methods to get images of the foam core, including ultrasound and electromagnetic scanning, Dugan said. Because of the low density of the HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS WANTED for CLINICAL REEARCH Call Mon-Fri for more information 877.851.1050 352.333.3111 1014 NW 57th Street Ste.A, Gainesvile, FL If you are 18-55 years of age, you may qualify for a research study testing an investigational vaccine. Qualified participants must be willing to complete 6 clinic visits and will receive all study-related physical exams at no cost and will be compensated up to $425 for their time and travel expenses. R E S E A IR C H foam, however, each method failed to create a proper image. Lockheed came to UF after hearing about the work Dugan and Jacobs were doing with landmine detection, Dugan said. They wanted to know if UF's method could be applied to foam scanning. Dugan developed a type of backscatter radiography for Lockheed that creates an image by exposing X-rays to an object UF and collecting the RemefalffCh electromagnetic waves that bounce back, or "scatter," from that object. Only about 10 percent of all rays are scattered back, which makes backscatter radiography very difficult to use, Dugan said. Dugan's scanner is composed of four cylindrical detectors surrounding a cylindrical yellow X-ray r I Sr Mot I This COUpon good I for an extra $5 on I your 2nd and 4th I -1 donation. I L ..r. .To w. a For More Informatkon Go To www.E generator. Each detector creates a separate image, but the images also can be combined to create one image, Dugan said. The scanner uses the same X-rays used in a doctor's office. However, in medical X-rays, the rays pass through the body of a patient to register an image on a screen behind them. Because it's not always possible to place a screen behind an object, the backscatter method is beneficial. UF's scanner can be adjusted to select the best bounced-back X-rays, resulting in a black-and-white image clearer than any medical X-ray. "If you told-me two years ago we could get images like that, I wouldn't have believed it," Dugan said. In the image of a test foam piece sent to the UT lab, debris purposely put into the foam to test the technology, including a bolt and a pencil, are clearly visible. A shadowy white area about the size of a silver dollar can also be observed. That, Shedlock said, is what NASA and Lockheed are looking for. A small, shadowy area indicates a defect in the foam, and a defect makes it easier for the foam to break off. If a similar defect was detected in the fuel-tank foam, Lockheed technicians would cut the piece out and start the foam application process over again. All of the foam on the external tank is not scanned because most of it is applied by a machine, Shedlock said. But there are areas where a machine can't do the job, and the foam is applied by hand, layer by layer. These are the areas most susceptible to foam flaws and the ones scanned by UF technology. VISI >N MARKETPLACE Spare Backup Prescription Single Vision Glasses $30.00 352-264-9924 2950B SW Archer Road ImlalStueAt4r alPlanl Donor Name: Serena Barry Class: UF Senior Major: Elementary Education Hobbies: Reading, Watching TV, hanging out with my friends, and just relaxing Wh/y d&-I donate PnWal? 7r-help4 e svl 6 ejWeary moiley Earn up to $180/mo. donating plasma in a friendly place. DCI Biological Plasma Center -352-378-9204 150 NW 6th Street -Central Plaza wliysi/-Stu{.rtt: Arc Angel Automotive When you're away from home and it seems like no one cares, Arc Angel will help with your automotive repairs COLLISION AND REPAIR Free towing with collision and mechanical repair -Lockouts -Roadside service Broken glass replacements -NAPA Certified Care Center -2208 Nw73l6


6, ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 Olympic strugg le Tragedies should cause cities to rethink Games we stop to remember the 50-plus who lost their lives by terrorists' bombs in London last week, we should not forget that the city was cleared to host its first Olympic games in six decades the day before. Nor should we forget the plight of New Yorkers, whose enthusiasm for their city's unsuccessful 2012 Olympic bid was indicative of their eagerness to rebuild ever since they, too, underwent unspeakable tragedy. London, New York, Paris, Moscow, Madrid -all major cities with hopes of hosting the Olympics, and all recent victims of terrorism. An Athens police station was bombed three months before last year's Summer Games. In 2000, a cooperative effort between Australia and New Zealand police foiled a bombing of a nuclear reactor in the suburbs of Sydney, planned to go down while the Games resided down under. And everyone should remember an early Saturday morning in July 1996, when a pipe bomb shattered Atlanta's brand-new Centennial Park and the world's dreams of a 'safe' Olympics. As major cities become more cosmopolitan, and therefore more attractive to International Olympic Committee officials seeking prestige for their signature events, they will also become clearer targets for terrorists and other ne'er-do-wells. Conclusion: The Olympics inadvertently carries with it an expectation of violence; a culture, if you will. Maybe it was a good thing New York was shut out. Of course, "faster, higher, stronger" applies just as much to those groups wishing to destroy political cooperation as it does to those working together. The next Olympic Summer Games are set for Beijing in 2008. Almost $1 billion is devoted to security -to protect the billions organizers there will spend on facilities and event supplies. Lessons exist out there for major cities wishing to bid on future Games. The exorbitance of plans submitted by the finalists for the 2012 Games, and thus the expense of protecting them and the people involved in there, must lead the world to embrace a "back-to-basics" strategy for 2016. The side effect of dialing down the scope of the event will be to open up sports of all nations to areas that normally wouldn't see world-class competition -which was one of the original driving principles of the IOC. The lessons are waiting to be leamt. No hurricane for Charley .y The recent debacle involving quasi-alumnus and former Florida Governor Charley Johns has not escaped us. But we wonder how a three-sentence description of Johns, who's been dead for 15 years, in UF's alumni magazine becomes a topic worthy of worldwide derision. UF Today Magazine named Johns one of 81 "standout alumni," based on his two months at the university and then short stint as governor. For many reasons, his inclusion was a mistake. 'The committee Johns chaired was responsible for the cruel torturing of gays, blacks, and Jews at U. We should remind ourselves of Mike Gimignasi EDITOR this cruelty at every step as the university moves forward through a new century. However, the pages of a PR magazine are not the right places to wage the war avenging those shamed by the Johns Cormmittee, nor should the magazine be the proper venue to reintroduce the group's misdeeds. Indeed, as some have recommended, we too believe that such a display should be made on a grander scale. Let's not blame a fluff magazine for an honest mistake. It's the responsibility of those who know the details and have the ability to do something powerful with that knowledge to pay it forward. Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 words (about one Ilee-sized page). They muost be typed, double-spaced and Must include the utho's nam.classication and phone tuteber. Names wll be wsiithhelidithe wdiersos ,s ause. We resrve ihe eghi to edi for-ength, g ramma, style and rib. SenO leite s t leettr@ailgato,.or,. bing heanto 110 b Wa. Uiversity Ave., at send tem to P.O. Box i54257, G alnusille, FL 32604-2257.Coutes of about Sib wortds ,aui original toics and eitioal catosaealso welcomee. Questions?, Call 376-4458. Opinions ALLIGATOR 1 =V91 f-J __ i__ i_ r l_7 --m ---_ t.777 Terrorists attacks transcend Underground In today's world, coping with the inevitability of terrorAaron Bl3ye than 50 people were killed in London ism has become almost as routine as waking op and Blye's Eyes and aboot 700 were injured. The returning on the television. aslyeeaslgater.arg mains are so mangled and difficult to As I proceeded to do so. Thursday morning, what onretrieve that authorities have yet to folded before my eyes is something I refuse to accept as identify a single person as the death customary. The horrific scenes from London roused emotions reminiscent of those during the events of Sept. 11, 2001. The attacks on England's capital, more than 3,000 miles away, hit surprisingly close to home. On July 7, the sights and sounds of London were far too familiar. Smoke billowed from the burning rubble as civilians ran through the streets, some stopping to tend to the bloodied and wounded. A coordinated bombing had decimated three Underground trains and a double-decker bus. Scotland Yard Commissioner Ian Blair said the attacks had "all the hallmarks of al-Qaeda." I couldn't help but sympathize with the millions of people questioning the survival of a loved one. Tt was the same question that haunted me for hours on end after the World Trade Center collapsed on 9/11. All-attempts to make contact with either my mother or grandmother, both of whom were in New York City, initially failed. In addition, I couldn't reach any of my aunts, uncles and cousins who I hoped had remained in the suburbs on that fateful morning. As the hours passed and phone lines opened, my family's safety was assured one person at a time, but not without a close call. One of my cousins was eating breakfast on the ground floor of the World Trade Center when the first plane hit. Luckily, he escaped unharmed. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for so many other families affected by 9/11 and now this attack as well. More toll continues to rise. The lives of the fallen have been relegated to that of a statistic. We must do more to prevent this from happening within our own country. Although railway security in New York City was increased temporarily Thursday, it was a departure from business as usual. Under normal circumstances, boarding a train with a backpack of explosives like those used in London would be as easy as walking down a public street. Why, then, did the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security recently grant $50 million less than last year's $150 million for transit and rail security? Since the tragic events of 9/11, the federal government has spent $18 billion on aviation security, but only $250 million for public-transportation security. Thankfully, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-New York) recently proposed an amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations bill that would double the $100 million proposed for both mass transit and rail security. The amendment also includes a provision that would require the Department of Homeland Security to allocate $20 million from its science budget to develop explosive detectors for mass-transit stations, rail cars and buses. As American citizens step from the station platforms onto unprotected trains, we can only hope that Schumer's amendment is voted into law. Aaron Blye is a plitic71 science senior. His column appears on Tucsdiiys. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Today's question: Do you feel Florida is a possible target for terrorist attacks? Thursday's question: Do you feel that UF administrators make an effort to be accessible? Vote or post a message at 21% YES 79% NO t8 TOTAL VOTES [1-th i .e lomi. A 'gi Im."


Column 'Free trade' not to be confused with 'fair' In this week's Entertainment Weekly, Chris Martin of Coldplay poses wearing a shirt that exhorts "Fair Trade." Unfortunately, many similarly uneducated artists and dilettantes advocate such trade as well. Fair trade might seem fair to the millionaire farm tycoons who paid to transport thousands of well-meaning protesters to WTO and G8 protests in order to protect their subsidies -but it hardly can be so for the billions around the world who stand to gain from the liberating, yet invisible hand of free trade. Since fair and free trade come in myriad forms, it might be helpful to define my terms: Fair trade seeks to alleviate poverty as a matter of social justice by using "fair pricing" for goods and services, but it may also involve transparency, environmental protection and tariffs. I am reminded of fair trade's most eloquent speaker, Dennis Kucinich, during his visit to UF last year, who warned the masses that fear was killing this country thanks to the Bush administration. He then proceeded to explain to us how scary free trade is and how fearful we should be of business. Well, no one ever accused fair traders of being cogent. As Antony Flew pointed out, social justice itself isn't defined by its greatest advocates! But hey, it's sure fun to say, right? As with fair trade, free trade policies come in all shapes and sizes. Free trade usually seeks the elimination of virtually all trade barriers such as tariffs, as well as the free and unrestricted flow of labor and capital. It also calls for striking taxes, subsidies and regulations on trade. Through this anarchy of resources and people, living standards rise across the board, in part due to comparative advantage writ large. Also, people have the freedom to trade as they please. Free traders tend to minimize the importance of bargaining power as needless hand-wringing. Christian Waugh The numbers, the equations and The Final Frontier the stark realities all seem to support the efficacy of trade as a tool for good in the world. Looking at the nonpareil examples of fair trade such as Cultural Revolution China, the archaic Soviet Union or modern day Cuba and North Korea, we see the impotence of fair trade more vividly than any argument that can be made with words. By contrast, looking at Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and the United States might move you to tears. Of course, this comparison between fair and free trade is an exercise in generalities. The reality is that even fair trade has its place. For example, even militant and religious free traders, like myself, do not condone slave labor in any means of production, nor for the gains of the few at the expense of the many, nor for propping up predatory despots. In fact, advocates of free trade believe it is only a few short steps from the restrictions and regulations of fair trade to such tyranny, whether it is one of good or bad intentions. Economist Hernando de Soto similarly says that for countries without property rights, free trade will only serve the predators. Once these are in place, however, the sky is the limit. Accordingly, we recently agreed to the Central American Free Trade Agreement and with hope, we will make agreements with the Middle East and China before long. These policy achievements will continue our 21st century civilization's unmatched and unending advances in science, technology and art, for such progress occurs because of trade and freedom, not in spite of it. Christian Waugh is afirst-year law student. His column appears on Tuesdays. TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 7 Letter to the Editor Libraries closed too much in Summer Editor: I would like someone in charge to explain to me why the UF libraries, which are used more frequently by graduate students than by anyone else, are closed the weekend before the July 4 holiday, were only open limited hours during the "break" between Summer A and Summer B and will be closed virtually every weekend during the month of August. .Campus "breaks" are solely utilized by undergraduates and staff -there is no such thing as a "holiday" or "semester break" for graduate students, and we should have adequate access to resources ,during these times, as they are not government-sanctioned holidays and the rest of America is still open for business. Research conducted by faculty and graduate students (which, incidentally, is largely made possible by access to library resources) brings in an overwhelming amount of money to UF ($450 million in 2004), and our work should not be. compromised or placed on the back burner. What the hell -why don't we just declare every day a UF holiday? Ann Griswold Graduate assistant The Board of Directors of Campus Communications, Inc. publisher of the independent florida -J announces the opening for the position of Student Member at Large of the Board of Directors This unpaid position may be filled by a graduate or undergraduate student The application for this position is available at the reception desk of The Alligator Building at 1105 W. University Ave., each weekday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m from now until July 20. Part of the application consists of short essays in answer to specific questions. Applicants should pick up applications far enough in advance to allow enough time to complete them by the deadline of 3 p.m., July 21. More information is available for an applicant's mandatory reading at the time an application is picked up. Applicants should allow themselves 10 to 15 minutes of reading time when picking up an application. The application must be returned to the same office before 3 p.m., by July21. This is an absolute deadline. All returned applications will be copied and available to be read at The Alligator building prior to the selection meeting. Interviews and selections by the Board of Directors will be held at The Alligator offices in a meeting open to the public, Friday, July 29 beginning at 10 a.m. Applicants must be present to be considered. Applicants must be currently-enrolled, degree-seeking college or university students. Board of Directors applicants cannot be current or recent past employees or trainees of Campus Communications, Inc. Campus Communications, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer Classic Carwash 35t5 SW Arch,, Rd 374.9227 LSAT IGMAT I GRE I MCAT DAT I PCAT I NCLEX-RNa USMLE I TOEFL I OAT' I Realistic practice 0 Free extra help 0 Kaplan study centers b Best teachers 0 Located in Reitz Union Spring classes filling fast! G RE .June 2 LSAT .June 28 DAT .June 28 LSAT .July 7 PCAT .July 11 GMAT.July 18 MCAT. Oct 1 Test Prep and Admissions 1 -800-KAP-TEST 'Test names are registered trademarks of their respective ownes.


8, ALLIGATOREM TUESDAY, JULY 12,2005 UF opens international-studies Office in Bseijing MORE THAN 400 CHINESE STUDENTS COME TO UF EVERY YEAR. By DIANA MAZZELLA Alligator Contributing Writer UF students will have a new study abroad option with the establishment of the UF Center for International Studies inr Beijing, China. The center's director, Sherman Bai, said the new site is intended to assist visiting UF students and professors, recruit Chinese students to come to Gainesville and promote the university's distance-education programs in China. Bai, a UF engineering professor, visited Beijing from May to June and hired two staff members for the center, located on the campus of the China Agricultural University. UF's International Center and Distance Education program support the center financially, he said, though it is unclear when the center would start accepting applicants or what courses will be taught. Bai said tuition at Chinese institutions is lower than in the United States, an issue that still must be resolved UF ,to "adapt to [the] needs" of potential foreign students. The Paris Research Center is the only other hub UF has in another country, International Center Executive Associate Director Lynn Frazier said. "[The center] will open a lot of opportunities for UF to get in on the ground floor of some of the exciting opportunities taking place," she said. China is one of the top five countries in the number of students sent to UF, she said. In each of the last four years, more than 400 students from China have attended UF. A smaller number of UF students elect to study abroad in China, Frazier said, adding that such programs to China always have been arranged through other universities. "It's a very exciting project," she said. U p war d B omunda pag, %a nt Irle vle q-a s 5 crro w ning9 ,t achi' e, v ersfav By ROXANNA GARCIA talentportion of Thursday's 2005 Mr. During the formal presentation, a Maxwell and Stith will go on Alligator Contributing Writer and Miss Upward Bound Pageant I want to pass on the smooth R&Btune filled thehigh ceilto represent the UF chapter in the presented by the UF chapter of inspiration and courage it ingsoftheUniversityAuditoriumas Upward Bound Olympics, where A young man in a dashing pink Upward Bound, a federally funded takes t d th s" the contestants danced in their suits winners from across the state will suit sat debonairly on a stool and college-preparatory program. t and glittering gowns. Afterward, compete to become the regional spoke to the audience about the pain The other acts were equally Alfred Maxwell the contestants were introduced by Mr. and Miss Upward Bound in of unrequited love. well-received. Denzel Nickerson's Mr. Upward Bound name, grade, high school and their Orlando. "I'm your man only when you're rendition of Kanye West's "Through potential college majors. "I'm going to carry on the lonely," Alfred Maxwell mused, as the Wire" thrilled the crowd as he Ultimately, Alfred Maxwell, torch," Maxwell said after the the audience hollered in support. jumped down from the stage, giving The eight students who com17, and Rashida Stith, 15, were pageant. "I want to pass on the Maxwell read his poem titled high-fives to the judges and gesturpeted in this year's pageant were crowned Mr. and Miss Upward inspiration and courage it takes to "Love's Uncertainty" as part of the ing to the crowd. judged on casual wear, formal wear Bound. do this." Were Th< (O WEDNaESA: Z-'l LADIES NIGHT HOUSE11 Ladies Drink FREE $2 Pitchers for Everyone -DJ JD FREE BEER 9pm -1I0pm 71 W.Ui.Ae 3787033 7 Begging for people who have been vaccinated against hepatitis B. Only u can be paid to help save ives. Earn up to 4975 't 3 months! OPEN: MOSTIURS APM*FRI8AM-ifPM=l A4 'iQA IPM Bring this ad in for a$5 bonus on your first donation. It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature, RECYCLE F an a question-and-answer session. So. ADVERTISE in the EW STUDENT -T A I The New Student Edition will be distributed during the week of August 15th, 2005 to over 6,000 new students and thousands of returning students. This means 6,000 NEW customers for your business. Publication Date: Monday, Aug. 15th, 2005 Stheidpend le od alligaor LAST DEADLINE: (Both copy and payment due by 4 pm of deadline.) Wed. July 27, 2005 10% 5% 5% Additional Discounts: Full Page Discount Cash/Check by Deadline Discount Camera-ready Half-page or Larger Discount Advertising (352) 376-4482


o l T -J. FIND 11. 373:N Cass ieds Tuesday, July 12, 2005 ALLIGATOR or Rent F For Rent ,ForF Rent For Rent furnished furnished ) furnished furnished furnishedd A Rebate on Rent? Brilliant! Roommate Match 3/3 from $399 FREE: Cable wl HBO + Showtime W/D*Tanning'Huge GYM*Gated Save $255 Per Room. 377-2777 8-15-25-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsAnnual lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 8-15-25-1 ROOMMATES WANTEDl!! l Private Bed/Bath, Furnished, All Utilities inc Cox High-Speed Internet, Pool, Gym, Tennis, Bball, Tanning $429 336-3838 8-15-25-1 *** SORORITY ROW AREA *** Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall. Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single & double suites available. Starting at $400/mo includes everything -gym, pool, DSL, electric, etc. 337-9255 or 8-15-25-1 U U 1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio, park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail 3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/ mo 8-15-25-1 BETTER THAN THE DORMS Roommate matching from $430 Townhouse style*Furnished*All Utilities Pool*Gym*Hot Tub*Free Tanning. Call for specials! 372-8100 8-15-25-1 HUGE *AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indvi lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 8-15-25-1 Summer and fall rooms available $350/sum A, B. Fall $275/mo. Incl. util, Ethernet. Near UF. 377-4269 8-15-25-1 Newly restored rms turned in furned home 1-mi N of UF. Ideal for good student. $325/ mo + 1/3 bills w/WiFi, CATV, phone, W/D, etc. Details call 352-871-5633 7-14-10-1 II "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" U p I W a I Close to UF FREE Roommate Match FREE CABLE, FREE Utilities FREE Alarm FREE Furniture FREE Tanning, WID, PC Lab 24-hr Gym, Gated Entry Only $485, 372-0400 8-15-14-1 Rockwood Villas, 3BR/3BA condo. Furnished, W/D, Avail mid-July. $1050/mo. Call 352-871-4478 7-28-11-1 1 MO FREE w/ indiv. lease. Countryside, 1 mi from UF. 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA, Furnished incl 51" TV, cable, DSL, washer/dryer, pool, fitness center, $425/mo. Call 352-281-4588 8-15-12-1 Roommates wanted. 3BR avail in 4/2 NW house. DSL/Phone & cable in rooms, W/D, furn. opt, $400 inclusive or $1000 for entire house. Call 941-504-4036 7-19-6-1 Grad Student Roommates Wanted Huge 3BR house in very quiet neighborhood across from Royal Park Plaza. Inc. All Utils, cable, phone, W/D. $450 352-375-2662 7-28-9-1 2BR2BA CONDO. Furn except 1BR. Treehouse Village Condos. Share w/UF student. All utils, cable & dsl internet inc. in price $430/mo, 813-657-3405 8-15-12-1 4BR/4BA CONDO. Countryside off 23rd St. Close to UF. Good bus rts. 2 rooms avail. PVt BA & walk-in closet in each rm. NS, no pets. 3rd Fir apt. All utils, cable, inet incl. $450/mo. Avail 8/17. Female applicants only 941-6610462 7-12-4-1 FOR RENT: Near SW Rec, Park & Ride 2, Shands, shopping. 2/1.5 TOWNHOUSE. W/ D, AC, DW, pool, pvt patio. Avail ASAP. $670/ mo + dep. Call 772-538-5792 7-19-5-2 **SPECIAL 4 GRADS** Quiet 3BR/1 BA -Duckpond area. New paint/ carpet. W/D, cent H/AC, N/S. 219-2399, 3767529 7-28-8-2 **Countryside 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA. $425 util, cable, alarm, dsl incl. W/D. On bus rts 9 & 35. Individual leases. Call 407-620-1555 8-15-10-1 2 Rooms avail. Countryside at the University. Share 4BR/4BA. 1.5 mi to UF. Pool, sec, bus rte, NS, no pets, $450/mo util, w/d incl, avail for fall. Call 386-672-6969 7-19-6-4 1 2, 3, 4BR Apts. 8-31 21-2 "1st MONTH FREE" 2 rooms available at Countryside Apts. Newly renovated. $425/ mo utilities included, Fully furnished. Call 305-785-3474. Lease begins 8/1 8-4-9-1 Awesome Student Living 4/4's from $435-4551 Free Internet, cable, W/D, PC lab, all new gym, 3 Buses & RM Match! Going Fast 271-3131 8-15-19-2 PHOENIX 2BR, 1.5BA townhouse, patio, privacy rear, amenities, bike to campus. 386328-8229 lv msg or cell 386-972-4647.$475 + deposit. 8-30-14-1 DUCKPOND 2 rooms in 2-story 3BR/2BA HOUSE. $100/ wk or $70/wk + 1/3 utils. Fully furnished. W/ D. 514-3409 7-28-6-1 Campus Lodge Apts. 3BR Only $435/month & everything is included & extra $50. Available from July 29/05 to Aug 14/06. 2800 SW Williston Road 352870-8875 7-14-2-1 BE THE FIRST TO LIVE IN NEW LUXURY CONDOS -JUST BUILT 4B/4B 2 BLKS TO UF -SORORITY ROW AREA. $499/MO FURNISHED, UTIL, CBL, W/D. CALL 904838-7581 FOR INFO. 7-26-5-1 unfuns d *QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $325/mo. S1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 8-15-25-2 5 BR House at UF Wood floors, W/D 2 fireplaces, huge porch. Pets Ok, Walk to UF Open Weekends 371-7777 8-15-25-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-87,97 8-1 5-25-2 Need a Rental Horne or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! 'Sacodn Bealty Corp. REAITORS Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 8-15-25-2 *WALK TO UF* Studios & 1/1s from $469 studios incl all util Pets OK, Res. Free parking.guaranteed*** You Can't Live any Closer! 1216 SW 2nd 372-7111 8-15-25-2 -A HOME FOR FALLI* HUGE floorplans 1, 2 & 3 BRs -$530-7351 Sparkling pools & more! Bike to UF Pets ok! Open wkends 335-7275 8-15-25-2 Classifieds. Continued on next page.


10, ALLIGATOR 0 Tuesday, July 12, 2005 FFor Rent For Rent For Rent unfurnished unfurnished unfurnished unfurnished unfurnishd LAST CHANCE TO LIVE DOWNTOWN Fabulous Studios and One Bedrooms Alarm*Pool*Pets Welcome Filling up FASTtl 338-0002 8-15-25-2 OSUN BAY APTSO OSome furnished avail* SOWalk or Bike to Campus @0 1-1 $460/mo*02-1 $520/mo www.sunisland. info @00376-6720 8-15-25-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, inc[ water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 8-15-25-2 A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! Stress free living! Great rates! 1BR from $460 2BR from $530 Beautiful pools/courtyards Walk/bike to UF Pets ok 0 Open Weekends! 372-7555 8-15-25-2 SEPARATE FROM THE COMMON PLACE Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm* 24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF Museum Walk 379-9255 8-15-25-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Old House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 8-15-25-2 GET $$$ OFF RENT! 3&4 B/R Amazing SPECIALS for falll! FREE UF Parking! Tennis, b-ball, pool, luv pets! Open wknds, Call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood fIrs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 8-15-25-2 WE LOVE BIG DOGS!!!!! 1/1 Flats, 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/W/D. No pet restrictions! Pool, Gym, Bball, Tennis, Raquetball. Park at UF. Indiv. Lease avail. 352-332-7401 8-15-25-2 WE'VE Got BIG ONES! 1/1s 2/2s 3/3s! Near UF FREE Cable*HBO*Showtime*Alarm FREE Tanning*HUGE GYM Up to $825 in Rebates. 377-2777 8-15-25-2 More BANG for your BUCK 1 BR*2BR*3BR TH from ONLY $399/person FREE Cable, FREE Tanning, FREE Alarm, W/D, PC Lab 24-hr Gym, Gated Entry Pets Welcome, 372-0400 8-15-25-2 *Beautiful and New* 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE CabletTanning/Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen 374-FUNN (3866) 8-15-25-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 8-15-25-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 8-15-25-2 TRIPLE YOUR SAVINGS HUGE Townhouse only $1025 Cable*Pool*Free Tanning*Gym Fall Specials on Now! 372-8100 8-15-25-2 HOUSES and CONDOS All locations and price ranges If you are tired of apt life Go to or call 374 6905. 8-24-170-2 *Location, Location, Location* 1 BR $589, near Butler Plaza, but park FREE @ UF. Alarms, some utils, walk-in closet, pets OK! 373-1111 8-15-25-2 WOOD Floors at UF Large 1BR w/ W/D. Pets ok, central air. Free parking, 1 blk from stadium. Open Weekends 371-0769 8-15-25-2 Historic Neighborhood WALK TO UF Studios to 2BR's from $489 Pets ok, laundry on site OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 8-15-25-2 Summer rates on a 15 month lease Sun Island Properties 376-6720 8-15-25-2 FREE UF PARKING! GREAT MOVE-IN SPECIALS!! 1BR flats, 2, 3, and 4 BR THs. W/D in all THs. We have it all Pool*tennis* bball racquetball*FREE gym*no pet restrictions. 332-7401. 8-15-25-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* *Sign today & save over $1050* 8-15-25-2 BIGGER IS BETTER! 1,2,3&4BR FOR FALL FREE UF Parking! Tennis, b-ball, pool, d/w, amazing specials! call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Lonely apartment seeks you 2BR/1.5BA townhome $669 includes W/D! Park FREE @ UF, alarm, pets welcome 373-1111 8-15-25-2 HUGE 2/2 FOR FALL! FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm spacious! pets okl SPECIALS! 376-4002 8-15-25-2 1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA $525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals, W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF. 332-7700. 8-15-25-2 TREMENDOUS TOWNHOMES** 2/2 TNHMS & loft-suite den! 1275 sq.ft Free cable w/ HBO & Showtime W/D*garage*free tanning*comp lab Pets welcome*Private dog park LEASING FOR FALL 377-2801 8-15-25-2 Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups & DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 8-15-25-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft 1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats! Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480. Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070. 8-15-25-2 HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095 630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo; 816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1300/mo; 1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo; 642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 8-15-25-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt: Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 8-15-25-2 Have Roommates? 4BR/2BA House $950 3BR/2BA Haile $1100 Only You? 1 BR/1 BA Apt $450 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2 So Close to Campus Avail now, 2BR/1 BA apts. $450, $475, $520 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2 1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown. 2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 3734423 or online at 8-15-95-2 **1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL** NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 2BRover 1100 sq ft 00 $650/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft 0 $550/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit 0 376-2507 8-15-25-2 WANT THINGS FREE? FREE CABLE*FREE INTERNET RENT REBATE FOR FALL HUGE THREE BEDROOMI CALL TODAY! 372-8100 8-15-25-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy Wth Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/2.5BA Townhouse $850/mo 2BR/1 BA House $575/mo 1 BR/1 BA Near UF $370/mo Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today: 371-2118 8-15-25-2 Champagne Living for a Beer Budget! 3/3 for $385/bdrm or 4/4 for $370/bdrm includes cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME Water & Sewer, W/D, Gym, Tanning Now & Fall The Landings 336-3838 8-15-25-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail -377-7401* 8-15-25-2 *Luxury Living/Walk to UF* $679 1 BR, Private Patios, Alarm, Pets OK. Huge Bedrooms Walk-in Closets. Next to Sorority Row Office: 1216 SW 2nd AVE Call 372-7111 8-15-25-2 DEAL OF A LIFETIME!! 3BR/3BA ONLY $365/PERSON FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777 8-15-25-2 ENORMOUS 3BR Avail for Current and Fall Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail Great Specials*377-7401 8-15-25-2 *FALL* Blks from UF 0 Houses 0 Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See for listings or call Carol at 377-3852. 8-15-25-2 TOP QUALITY -GREAT LOCATIONS Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties 372-1509 8-15-25-2 TIRED-OF ROOMMATES?I Huge 1/1 w/ D/W, patio/balcony Tennis, bball, alarm, luv pets! SPECIALS! leasing now & fall Open wknds, call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Avail Aug: All units .5 mi of UF campus. Rooms in house $300 + split util, 1BR/1BA $450-$475, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA $700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact or lv msg 352-870-7256 8-15-25-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASES AVAILABLE NOWAND FALL SEASON Convenient UF access $325 to $575 Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 8-15-25-2 Apartments & Houses Studio to 5BR+ Most within 2 miles of campus! Campus Realty 692-3800 8-15-25-2 *LIVE A RESORT LIFESTYLE* 1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities. Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455 8-15-25-2 *DON'T MISS THESE!* *THREE 4BR HOUSES* Bike to campus. Large fenced yards. Lots of extras. Available now & fall. Call for details. $875-1225/mo. 352-372-4768 8-15-30-2 Available Summer & Fall Studios & 1 BRs $350 to $750 2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850 Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387 8-23-41-2 DUCKPOND Historic house, cute and cozy, lots of charm. Studio avail. 306 NE 6th St. $400/mo. Call 379-4952 8-15-25-2 0 SPYGLASS G Ask About Our Move-In Specials & Giveaways Individual Leases: Furniture Packages, Inci Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet; Every Unit is an End Unit Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330 8-15-25-2 LAKEWOOD VILLAS Ask About Our Move In Specials & Giveaways Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans; Furniture Packages Inc. WasheriDryer; Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool; Sauna etc. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8000 8-15-25-2 1BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW23rd St. Starting @ $395/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150. Please leave a message. 8-4-35-2 **0.8 miles to UF. Historic 2BR apt/house near downtown. W/D. $625/mo. 214-9270 Owner/Agent 8-4-29-2 Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces, SE Historic District. 1, 2 & 3 BR w/water, sewer $475/mo. 1st, last, security. No dogs please. 378-3704 7-28-25-2 4BR/4BA available now. University Terrace. W/D, pool, convenient bus stop, pvt woodland view, 3 mi from campus. $335/room util not incl. Call John 786-436-1657 or Jonathon 954-309-3004 7-28-22-2 Fall rentals, walk to campus -2br/lba $500, sign lease now and move in August. 375-7104 1731 NW 6th St. 8-15-25-2 Now leasing for fall 3 blocks from campus 4BR/2BA apt. $265/rm + utils 1740 NW 3rd Pl 231-3002 8-15-25-2 University Terrace Gainesville University Terrace West 4/4 Individual Leases Furnished Living Area W/D, Pool $375/mo. Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-2 I ~L2~J N I U "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" I


Tuesday, July 12 20050 ALLIGATOR, 11 For or ReF r R R For eriFent fr Rbrit Sunfurnished A unfUrnished unfurnishd ufunihe ufunih MOVE-IN SPECIAL 1/2 Month FREE RENT! Bel-Air Apartments -636 NW 26th Ave. 1 BR/1BA or 2BR/1 BA starting at $535 Village West Apartments-800 NW 18th Ave 1 BR/1BA available now. Starting at $460. Ask about UF Parking Decal. 352-373-7578 8-15-20-2 PINE RUSH APARTMENTS $200 OFF FIRST MONTH! One Bedroom Apartment Homes Starting at $439 $150 deposit/$35 app fee Please call 352-375-1519 8-15-25-2 3 BED HOUSE $750/mo. Central heat & air. Great deal! Wooden floors & W/D hook-up. Behind Leo 706. 870-0904, 3184553 7-14-18-2 1 & 2 BED COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo. Historical downtown! W/D hook-ups, porches, great size! Cute! Must see! Photos @ 352870-0904, 318-4553 7-14-18-2 1 Month FREE Rent! Going Fasti Avail Now & Aug! Luxury Studios. Specials from $489/mo Wood firs, W/l closets & pet friendly. All -InCl also avail! Call now! 3766223 LiveNearCampus com 8-15-23-2 Apartments Available Now All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse our listing FREE WPWI SUBLET.COM 1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-2 "The Three Amigos" live at Spanish Trace Large 3BR only $285/person FREE UF parking. alarms, pets adored. Same-day sign specials! 373-1111 8-15-23-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE. Wood floors, cent A/C, W/D, large yard, 521 NW 4th St. $990/mo 262-7462 8-15-23-2 NEW& USED RENTALS From $450to $1400/mo Available Now &August Call 376-4581 8-15-23-2 1 BIG ENOUGH FOR 21 1/1 flat 750 sq ft. Porch/balcony. Monitored alarm. Friendly community. Pool*tennis*bbal f*recquetbali*FREE gym* no pet restrictions. 332-7401 8-15-22-2 ENORMOUS 1BRs **NEW W/D** FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool FREE Alarm Screened Porch Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly RENT REBATE 372-0400 8-15-22-2 Immediate Availability Haile Country Club, Mill Run & Brandywine Huge 2 & 3 BRs Call 665-4106 Ask us about our summer specials! 7-28-18-2 $800 HOUSE 3 & 4 BRs. Very nice! Washer/ Dryer hook-ups, central heattair, porch. See photos Downtown area. 870-0904, 318-4553 714-14-2 4BR/2BA HOUSE carpet/ile, Hans, hook-ups, near shopping/ schools. Grads/yuppies desired. $1200/mo. + deposit. No pets. Avail 8/1/05 3708 NW 16th Blvd. 376-2547 7-28-18-2 2Bed/1Bath Apartment. $525/mo. W/D hookup, no pets. 625 SW 11th Lane. Call 231-3002 8-15-20-2 For Rent: Rockwood Villas SW condo. Avail 8/1/05. 3BR/3BA. W/D incl. Lots of amenities, on bus route to UF/SFCC. $1000/mo. Refs required. Call 352-339-3250 7-28-16-2 ****4 BLOCKS TO UF**** Cute 3/2 in great area, hardwood & tile floors, W/D, central AC, tons of off-street parking. Avail Aug. $1200/mo Watson Realty 335-0440 7-28-15-2 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 1 BR APT in DuCkpond area Spacious, wood floors, on-site W/D. Close to downtown & UF. $470/mo Avail Aug. 207 NE Blvd. leave mssg @ 283-9732 7-14-10-2 6 BLOCKS FROM UF. New owners. 4BR/ 2BA duplexes. All appliances incl. DW, W/D. Cent heat/AC. New ceramic tile & carpet. Approx 1200 sq ft. $1300/mo. Call Cafbil at 377-3852 or check 7-28-14-2 WALK TO CAMPUS 2BR2BA apts. 110 NW 9th Terr. Sec system, WID, high ceilings, energy efficient, good parking, pets ok. $700/ mo Mitchell Realty 374-8579 8-15-16-2 2BR/2BAwalking distance to UF, Brandywine apts, Archer Rd. 1 year contract $600/mo 373-2273, 262-4902 7-12-8-2 Looking for a home? We have the LARGEST selection of single family rentals in Gainesville. With over 100 properties currently available, we're sure to have something to fit your style and budget. Visit our website at, or call us to find your new home today 352375-7104 ex 2. Baor '2Management Inc. 8-15-16-2 **WALK TO CAMPUS** 1/1 699/mo and 2/2 839/mo W/D and Alarm INCLUDED! Ask about our SPECIALS! Call 376-9607 8-15-15-2 4BR/2BA TOWNHOUSE 3 blks from campus. $1060/mo No pets. 2313002 8-15-15-2 4BR/2BA POOL HOME. Avail. August. 1209 NE 12th St. Pool/Yard maivt. included. Crystal Berg Rltr. @ 352-316-3822 7-148-2 _3BR/2BA house for Aug 1. Clean, central H/ AC, W/D, wood floors, roomy living area & den. Yard service, bike to UF. 1025 NW 10th Ave. $1140/mo to see call 352-336-611Q or go to 8-2-12-2 3BR/3BA Countryside Apt. W/D, utils, cable 2HBO, and DSL incl $425/rm/mo + $100 deposit. Call 954-680-0918, 954-328-2021 7-19-8-4 Available now -3BR/1 BA house with private yard, window A/C, 920 NW 6th Ave. $600 1731 NW 6th St. 375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2 August rental -1BR 1 BA, cent A/C, water/ sewer, garage included, 1406 SW 18 Pl. $425 1731 NW 6th St. 375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2 August rental 2BR/1BA duplex, walk to UF, 922 SW 6th Ave, off street parking $520 1731 NW 6th St. 375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2 3BR/1 BA, central heat&air, fenced, screened porch, really cute -smdll but adorable. 5350 SW 63rd Blvd. $650/mo. Avail August. Call 378-4626 or 262-4290 7-14-6-2 ****DOWNTOWN**** 1 BR apts avail now. Starting at $395/month. Pets arranged. 216 SW 3rd Ave. Others Avail. Call 371-3260 8-15-13-2 ****STUDENTS**** 1, 2, 3 & 4 BRs. Houses & apts avail for Fall. All near campus. All price ranges. Call 3713260 8-15-13-2 A must seel Walk to UP! 1BR/1BA suite, private entrance in a home, 2 blocks to UF. Suite & home w/furn, utils, hi-speed internet, cable, W/D, + parking all included for $650/ mo. Call 256-3323 7-14-6-2 4bed/4 bath UTG condo. $1300/month. Walk-in closets, W/D, balcony, pool. Photos Close to campus! Very nice & great deal! 870-0904, 318-4553 7-21-8-2 Large, beautiful homes for rent 3805 SW 4th PI 1073 SW 11th Ave 1040 SW 11th Ter 2740 SW 2nd Ave Campus Realty 692-3800 7-12-5-2 Great Neighborhood near UF! Houses Available in all sizes: I1BIR -824 NW 11th Ave 2BR -828 NW 11th Ave 3BR -625 NW 10th Ave 4BR -907 NW 11th Ave Call Campus Realty 692-3800 7-12-5-2 Live in a house, Walk to UF! 1417 NW 7th Ter 1402 NW 6th PI 1418 NW 6th PI 1704 NW 7th Ave, & many morel Call Campus Realty 692-3800 7-12-5-2 It's not too late to live walking distance to UF! Great houses, Great prices! Campus Realty 692-3800 7-12-5-2 *UPPER CLASS Students* Perfect place to study FREE cable w/ HBO/Show FREE GARAGE*ALARM*WD Gated entry*Computer lab Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning 1,2&3brs**338-0003 8-15-13-2 Very nice 3BR/2BA house, Avail Aug 1st. Ceramic tile throughout. Remodeled kitchen & bath. Lg fenced yard. Close to campus. $1125/mo. Drive by 3423 NW 1st Ct. Then call for appt 377-2399 7-19-6-2 217 NW 35th St -3BR/3BA $1200/mo. Ceramic tile, large fenced yard, W/D, dishwasher, carport, lawn care incl. Excellent condition! Call Campus Realty 692-3800 7-19-6-2 Free Hi-Speed Internet Walk/bike to UF & shopping. 2/2 only $665 0 3/2 only $77509 3009 SW Archer Rd. 377-0555 7-28-9-2 3BR/1BA house for Aug near Duckpond. wd firs, central H/AC, W/D, Ig bonus rm, screened porch, nice fenced yard, lawn svc. $900/mo. 915 NE 11th Ave 352-336-6116 8-2-10-2 One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished. Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 8-15-12-2 Historic house/apt downtown, 2BR/1BA completely renovated. hdwd firs, ceramic tile, w/d, over 1000 sq ft, $650/mo, available now 352-378-5919 7-14-5-2 *****Large 1BR Studio***** attached to beautiful, quiet, sunny home with separate entrance 1 mile from campus. Quiet grad desired $550/mo. Call 335-1217 7-14-5-2 ****$900/mo**** 3BR/2BA home for rent, avail now. Wood floors, fenced yard, pets ok. Call for more info 870-1194. 3516 NW 3rd St 7-28-9-2 1 Block from UF! 1BR and 2BR Apts Avail Summer or Fall. See our list at updated daily or call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 7-21-7-2 2BR IBA Apts. $500-525/Mo 5 Blks to UF! 840 Sq. Ft. 829 SW 5th Avenue, St. Croix Apts, Central H & Air, Incds Wtr, Swg, Pst Ctrt, Garbage. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 721-7-2 1 BLK TO UF! 2BR 1BA Apt: Carpet, Central H & Air $635/Mo. 1234 SW 1st Avenue. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 7-21-7-2 2 Blks to UF! 2BR 1BA Apt. Wood Floors, Window A/C, Nat gas ht. $475/Mo 314 NW 14th Street Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 7-21-7-2 Close to UF Law School 3BR 1 BA Home $900/Mo. Wood Floors, Central H &Air 303 NW 36th Drive. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 7-21-72z Must see to believe. Luxury and 10 min S of Butler Plaza. W/D, Pets OK. No lease required. Studio Apt in country. EASY drive $350/mo. Must see 215-0396 7-14-5-2 4BR/2.5BA HOUSE wood floors, central air, fenced yard. Walk to UF. $1800/mo. Pets free. 424 NW 27th Terrace. Call 262-7462 8-15-12-2 1BR/1BA APT for rent coming 10/1/05. Spyglass Apts. Pets welcome. Fitness center, pool, tennis court, screened in patio. $594/mo. Call Natalya 283-6399 7-14-5-2 Downtown Historical House 5BR/2.5BA huge rooms -Hardwood -New tile in baths -Off st. parking -Sec. system -NW 2nd Ave. -$1650. Call 305-527-9315Avail Aug. 7-14-5-2 1BR/1BA APT. W/D hk ups, large screeened room, pets ok. $475/mo w/$500 sec dep. 3300 SW 23rd St. Apt 2. Call Candy or David @ 352-371-3473 7-19-6-2 1 BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA at Countryside Apts. All utilities Inc. $400 per mo. Lease fall 2005 to Spring 2006. Info 786-412-9337 8-15-12-2 2BR/1 BA No lease. On bus line, W/D hookup, fresh carpet & paint, ceiling fans, no pets. New cabinets & new tile. $425/mo + $425 security deposit. Call 374-7175. 7-19-11-2 Close to UF & Butler Plaza on bus rte 2BR/1BA duplex w/huge fenced backyard. $630/mo 3829 SW 37th St. Avail 8/1 352371-5805 9-1-19-2 Luxury 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA townhouse apt. close to campus & sorority row! Huge living urea & kitchen, W/D, balcony in room. Alarm sys. Call 561-213-5600. Avail in Aug. 7-14-5-2 *Huge 1/1 w/Balcony* Walk to class Next to sorority row Oversized: Br, Ba, Closet, & Kitchen Want to take a look call 372-7141 8-15-12-2 2BR/1 BA house avail now. Fenced yard, AC/ H, W/D hk up. $625/mo. 1105 NE 10th Pl. Call 262-4546. Owner/Realtor 7-26-8-2 AVAILABLE AUGUST 2005. 2BR/2.5BA condo in Brighton Park. Incl W/D, pool, pvt setting, on bus rt to UF every 8 min $800/mo. Call 665-5361 7-21-7-2 JULY FREE Great duplex 3 blocks to UF. Large 3BR with W/D, $1100. Cozy 2BR w/lofts, $599 New CH/AC, cool! Call Ed Baur Mgmt. 375-7104 7-14-5-2 Cheap 3BRs close to UF 625 NW 10th Ave $900 1417 NW 7th Ave $950 1418 NW 6th PI $950 Campus Realty 892-3800 8-15-11-2 VILLAGE LOFTAPTS. 1BR LOFT APTS. 650 &750 sq ft. Starting @ $450 mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720 8-31-17-2 Spacious 1/1 $615/mo. .Rocky Point Apartments. Fenced yard, available August 1. W/D hookup; on 9/34/35 bus routes. Pets ok. Call Lena 813-453-6478 7-19-5-2 Spacious 1BR $425 -1825C NW 10th St. Adorable, quiet, clean, safe, green space, near UF & downtown, bus line, no dogs. 352376-0080 7-28-8-2 3/2 1250 sq ft condo on golf course. All appliances, amenities, pool. New carpet. Avail immediately. 4204 NE 17th Ter. $875/mo 941-447-5453 7-14-4-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE w/2-car garage, all appliances, maintenance-free front yard. Close to UF & SFCC. $1200/mo. Call 215-9987 8-15-11-2 Classified. Continued on next page.


12, ALLIGATOR U Tuesday, July 12, 2005 For Rent For Rent A ats Roommates Roommates unfurnished unfurnished Condo for rent -Bellamy Forge 2BR/1.5BA, new AC, carpet & paint less than 2 yrs old. Quiet neighborhood. Available Aug 1. $750/ mo. Call Matt 262-6318 7-14-3-2 2 ROOMS 4 RENTlll house on NW 39 & 23 St. 2 car garage, patio, backyard, $450 rent includes everything. Call 786-252-2519, Danny 7-14-3-2 1BR in a 3BR/2BA apt @ 1107 NW 8th St. Move in Aug 1, $290/mo + utilities. Call Emmitt 352-339-6569 or Mike 352-235-4827 7-21-03J 2 Blocks to Stadium Walk t. class -1 BR/1 BA Separate living room, large kitchen $400, Call 335-4790 7-21-5-2 Mansion for 5-8 students 920 SW 1st Ave $2600/mo. Large 4/3 3515 NW 7th Pl. $1500/yr or $1600/10 mos. Call 495-8612 or 377-1732 7-21-5-2 Nem 1800 sq ft 3BR/2BA home for rent. Brand new neighborhood w/ pool. Great schools. Quick drive to campus. $1500/mo. Avail now. Call 331-0485 7-26-5-2 HOUSE WITH POOL NW 4BR/3BA, 1 mi to UF. Lease starting Aug. $1400/mo. 376-6183 7-21-4-2 TAYLOR SQUARE Apts and Townhouses 621 SW 10th St Gainesville WALK TO UF Behind Norman Hall BRAND NEW LEASING FOR FALL CONTACT 352-332-2097 7-28-6-2 1BR/1BA $395/mo incl water & sewage. Short bike ride to UF. Close to Publix. Close to Wards. Painted wood f8rs, nem appliances, ceiling fans, porch, sate & quiet neighorhood. $200 off 1st mo rent. Curtis 352-262-4584 714-2-2 Great 3BR home w/ wood floors, CH/A, screei/d porch, large BRs, carport. Walk to campus. 104 NW 7th Terr. $1200/mo. Call 371-3260. Others available. 8-24-10-2 Convenient to -UF, Shands 4 VA. 1200sq ft 3BR/2BA house. Fenced backyard, W/D. Pets negotiable. S900/mo. Call 262-9131 7-14-2-2 DUCKPOND AREA -2BR/1BA house for rent. New cent. H/AC. W/D inci $650/mo. Avail 8/1. 731 NE 12th Ave. 386-454-8518 7-21-4-2 EFFICIENCY APT with deck overlooking creek. Private whirlpool in large screen porch. Small pet ok. UF 2 mi. $335/mo + 1/3 util, cb. 1st, last, sec. 384-0111 8-15-9-2 Excellent 2BR home with small yard, perfect condition, CH/A, ceramic tile, W/D hook-ups. 1023 NW 30th Ave. $750/mo 352-215-8815 8-24-10-2 CASABLANCA EAST! 2BR/2.5BA townhouse, W/D, porch, pool, cable and high speed wireless internet. On bus route. Close to UF and Shands! Avail Aug. $960/mo. Call 352-336-8986 7-26-5-2 3br/2ba beautiful home in quiet nw community with pvt pool, cibhse. Tile & wood fi, w/d hkups, fenced yd w/ lawn svc, garage, bus rt. $1200neg avail 8/1. 256-3609. 7-26-5-2 Spacious 1BR apartment close to UF & downiiwn. Central A/C, hardwood floors, quiet neighborhood. $475/mo $300 sec dep. Call Jeremy 871-2658. Available Aug lst. 7-21-4-2 FANTASTIC HOUSE 3BR/2.5BA, huge floor plan; 2650 sq ft. Immense party room with bar. Just a few miles from UF. Hardwood floors, huge yard, good neighborhood. Central AC and heat, 2 car garage, washer & dryer. $1250/mo. Call 954-812-4884 7-21-4-2 3Bed/l Bath $800month w/utilities. Walk to UF, behind Bank of America, large space, private courtyard, call 870-0904, 318-4553, 7-14-2-2 2/2 home w/garage in Milhopper area. 1 acre with deer & cows across fence. $1000/mo if you mow. $1200/mo if we mow. 352-3772150 8-4-8-2 1 BR avail in 3/3 townhouse in Rockwood Villas. Avail Aug 1, 1 year lease required. $360/mo + 1/3 util Email: or call 786-2108103 7-21-4-2 SubIeases Female for 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Behind sorority row. Short walk to campus. Avail ASAP. Price NEGOTIABLE. Call 352-870-8902 8-4-30-3 Apartments Sublets & Roommates All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500 Shrt-Long & Furn-Unfurn 1-(877)FOR-RENT (367-7368) WWW.SUBLET.COM 8-15-23-3 Sublet individual lease. Gainesville Place. Ground floor. Unfurn. $360/mo. Starting Aug 05 to July 31, 06. Call 850-785-1777 lv msg. 7-28-15-3 1 BR/1 BA 2nd f8 Sunbay apt. I leave deposit and furniture. Spacious, view of duckpond, with dishwasher, minutes to UF, next to super market. $490/month-Dec. Call 3289117 7-12-5-3 SUBLEASE STARTS AUG 1 Close 1BR/1BAApt. $350/mo! NW 4th Ave, 400 sq ft, pets OK Great landlords! Really Close' Call Dave 494-2513 ASAP 7-19-6-3 Fall Sublease at the Gables Apartments. Spacious 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA. $517/mo negotiable. Garage, pool, hot tub, gym, W/D, walk-in closet. 283-6887. 7-14-5-3 1BR/1BA July 05 -July 06. $630/mo unfurnished. W/D, new appliances, PET FRIENDLY. Quiet area close to 34th and Archer Rd. Please contact Elizabeth at 352372-1709 7-19-6-3 MUST SUBLET $1000 CASH TO YOU! New 3BR w/pvt BA. Exchange of G'ville 727-480-4514, 727-455-2631 7-28-8-3 2BR/2BA at CAMPUS LODGE. Can move in immediately. Offering it at a discount. On the third floor. Close to the lodge and pool Call Jennifer at 235-1700 7-19-5-3 1 BR in 4BR/4 Bath w/private bath. Sublease for Fall/Spring. On good bus #13 route. Rent negotiable. Fully furnished: living room & some in bedroom. The Landings. 262-2832 7-21-5-3 1 BR/1 BA in 2BR/2BA furn apt. Female only. All utils incl. Melrose Apts. $459/mo. Avail Aug 05 thru Aug 06. Call 941-484-9761 728-7-3 Countryside @ University Condo. 1 bedroom avail in 4BR/4BA for $425. Cable, water, elec incl except phone. Call Irvin (904) 610-0967 or email 7-19-4-3 $250/mo utils inc for Aug to Dec. Clean female for 1BR in 4BR apt. Indiv lease. Furnished, 2 blocks to campus, pool, gated, housekeeping, & trash pickup. 407-3409035, 7-21-5-3 2BR/1BA APT avail Aug. 1. Approx 1 mi. from UF. Pets accepted. $540/mo. Phone 335-6303 or 538-4783 7-14-2-3 3BR/3BA at the Exchange $499/mo, all included & furnished. Please contact Ashley at 727-424-5552 8-15-8-3 Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 8-15-25-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 8-15-25-4 Looking for a female roommate for Ig BR in beautiful new house. Huge pool, pvt fence, Close to UF & SFCC. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils incl $500/mo.Avail Fall. Call Jacqueline 352-395-7462 or 941-780-3526 7-28-93-4 Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from 13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact or leave message at 352-870-7256 8-15-25-4Countryside. 4BR/4BA: 1/1 avail 8-1-05. Ethernet access, util incl (cap), W/D, furn, secure. Exercise/pool, bus to UF-3 mi. $465/ mo/rm. 1st.last.dep. Vanessa 352-217-3464, Flo 352-357-9656 7-28-23-4 Walk to Law School Large BR in 4BR/2BA house. 3 1L students need roommate. Cable TV, wireless. Available now. $425/share utilities. 770-6395958, 7-21-20-4 Female Roommate Needed Kensington North $500/mo includes utilities & cable Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-4 VERY NICE HOUSE IN GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD-Roommate for 3/2 house. Conv location, pool, volleyball, W/D, ethernet, cable, NS, avail summer & fall $380/mo + share otils. Jake 239-564-0069 7-28-20-4 Grad, upperclassmen or prof to share spacious new 3BR/2BA house. I-net & cable inc. Must be neat clean & responsible. $425/mo + 1/3 util. Short or long term avail. 262-3989 8-15-24-4 2BRs Avail in Charming NW house. Close to Ward's Grocery, W/D, Share kitchen/BA. Seeking serious student/professional, NS. Furn opt. $250 + utils. No lease. Call 3382086 7-26-20-4 3rd Roommate needed -male. 2 min from SFCC. 3BR new furnished townhome. Golf, gated, $550/mo incl all util, inet & cable. Avail 8/15/OS. 1 year lease. No pets. Call Mike 954-467-7070 or Jeff 954-240-3524 8-15-31-4 Sublets and Rooms Available All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse available Rooms FREE! 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-4 1BR avail 8/1. 5 min to UF. Free digital cable, $300/mo plus 1/3 util. Prefer female, NS. No pets. 352-332-2234, 352-284-5119 7-14-16-4 $325 + 1/4 util. Private bath, walk-in closet, W/D, balcony, pool & bus to UF. University Terrace .Very nice! See photos. 318-4553, 870-0904 7-14-14-4 Female roommate, NS for fall. $500/mo + 1/ 3 util 3BR/2.5BA. Brand new, fully furnished, beautiful, 2500 sq ft, luxury townhome at Regents Park. Call 561-281-9274 7-28-13-4 Live in luxury above Dragonfly Sushi & Starbucks. Downstairs BR w/pvt BA, stainless steel appliances, wd firs throughout, balcony. $495/mo. Call Anthony 337-1330 7-28-13-4 Female roommate needed Aug. Looking Glass Apts. -30 seconds to UF. Floor Plan B -$505/month plus utilities. Call Apt Office 352-376-1111 or Kim 407-761-5266 7-2110-4 Female roommate for furn room w/ bath in Lexington Crossing. Includes everything plus W/D, phone, internet, tanning. 1 yr lease. $450/mo. 850-217-3907 7-14-8-4 ATTENTION! F roommate needed for 2BR/ 2 5BA condo. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. Must be responsible, neat & clean. Avail now! Call Madgene @ 561-827-4970 7-21-10-4 Countryside -2 rms in 4BR/4BA to share w/ 2 females. Secure, poolside, cable, internet, W/D. Free parking, on bus route. 10 min. to UF $400 utils incl., 386-676-9703, 386-235-5400 8-2-13-4 CAMPUS CLUB -1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/3BA apt. Avail Aug 20, 2005 -Aug 11, 2006. Sublease. Will pay $200 transfer ree. 904737-4014 7-14-6-4 Lg furn. 3BR/3BA house 3806 SW 2nd Ave. 1 blk to Newberry Rd w/in 1 mi of UF. About 3000 sq ft. Hdwd firs, no carpet, carport, Ig front porch. Incl all utils, w/hi spd cbl. $550/mo/rm. 407-363-7198, cell 407-2341380 7-28-22-4 F for 1 BR/1 BA in 2BR/2BA. Inc W/D, Ig kitchen, 2 closets/room, storage, poolside view & patio. Bus every 10 min/8-10 min to campus. $280 + utils. Call 352-371-6846 7-14-5-4 Female/male needed for .1 available bed/ bath in 3 bed/3 bath apt in Aindmeadows to share with 2 females. Rent $335/month + 1/3 utilities. Call 352-258-1520 7-14-5-4 M needed for 2BR/2BA apt. Rockwood Villas. 1st floor. Rent incl: basic cable, internet, utils & furn. 9 mo lease $470/mo, 12 mo lease $440/mo., 305-299-1777 7-26-8-4 IstYr Grad Studnt looking for Roommates House on Bus Route -no Car Needed Free High Speed Internet & Free Cable $450 per month everything included Call Gene at 813-390-2411 7-14-5-4 Roommate wanted Aug. 05-Aug. 06 3BR/ 2BA $325/mo + 1/3 CBL/UTIL 19-22F, neat, no cats/dogs/birds NW 23rd BLVD, close to SFCC & UF Call 262-5043 or 494-6361 7-12-4-4 Female roommate for NW 39 Ave home, $475/mo, all utilities inc, fully furnished, private BR, internet, W/D, avail ASAP, more info 870-5291 8-4-11-4 M/F roommate wanted for 2/1 apt. Lg bedrooms, cable, hi speed internet. -$350/mo. Call Wiliam at 514-9320. Walking distance to stadium. 8-4-11-4 Beautiful home in trees on quiet street near UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fireplace, hi-spd DLS internet, calbe TV, W/D, cent A/C, Ig yard, cats welcome. $340 + ut/Is. 352-271-8711 7-14-5-4 F Roommate for 1 BR in 2/2 w/ private bath, walk-in closet, furnished, include utils, W/D, & hi-speed internet. $490/mo. Call 514-7741 Iv msg. 7-28-9-4 2 male roommates needed -serious students to share 3BR/2BA house. Located South of UF on Williston Rd. W/D, cable, wireless DSL. $395/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 2589116 7-28-9-4 3BR/3BA Countryside Apt. W/D, utils, cable w/ 2 HBO, and DSL incl $425/rm/mo + $100 deposit. Call 954-680-0918, 954-328-2021 7-19-8-4 M to share 2BR/2BA CONDO. All utils incl. Minutes to UF. $400/mo. Contact 561-317-4738 7-12-4-4 eeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeoe SW 42 Ln 1BR/1BA. New House * $450 util incl M/F OK. By UF. Bus Rts * w/2 Med Students 858-200-5128 eeeeeeeeeeeeeoeo0oe 7-14-5-4 2 student rooms avail. Great house, great roommates. Close to UF. W/D, dsl. Possible pets. Small rm $240. Lg rm $275. Lease. No cash dep for UF stdt w/good credit. Call 3719409 8-31-18-4 1 female roommate needed for 3BR/3BA apt in the Laurels. Rent around $500/mo utils incl. Clean, huge room, large walk-in closet. Avail 8/6, Call 727-501-2554. 7-19-6-4 $275/mo + 1/2 utils for 1BR in 2BR/1BA. Funky old place. Walk to campus. Pleasant F preferred./ Call 321-427-1879 or 1 yr lease. 7-14-5-4 Females for all rooms in beautiful fully furn Univ Terr 4BR4BA all priv bath. Walk-in closets. Great location 2 bus rts. 1 yr lease. $415/mo incl utils, wireless internet, W/D, + cable. Call 954-592-0521 7-14-5-4 Roommates needed for fall. Top floor, 4BR/ 4BA @ UTW, $410/rm, W/D, Pool View, cable & DSL incl. Close to UF, Bus rts 20, 21. Call Macor 352-375-8888. 7-14-5-4 F, UF grad seeking roommate 3BR/2BA house on 2 gated acres. $475/mo incl utils. 352-494-7700. 7-12-4-4 Female roommates for large 3BR/2BA townhouse w/ pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo all utils, dig cable & hi spd net incl. Call 954298-7591 or 8-15-12-4 Looking for responsible roommate to share 2BR/2BA condo. W/D in condo, new appliances, gym & bus route. $315/mo plus 1/2 utilities. Avail now. Please call 954-592-0814 lv message. 7-12-4-4 1 room in 4BR/4BA apt to share w/3 males. $335/mo + 1/4 utils & cable. On bus rte, close to campus. Pool, hottub, NES, Christian guys. 321-537-4086 7-14-5-4 CL *0 0) 0M 0M 0) 0 0 *0 0) (U 0 *0 Cl, L. *0 3: 0 L. 0~ (0 z L. E E 0 0 E 0 L. 4(U CU 0"


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 13 Roommates Roommates Roommates Real Estate Furnishings ROOMMATE NEEDED for 2005-2006 school yr. 1BR/1BA in Rockwood Villas condo $400/mo + 1/2 util. Contact 727-742-9083 7-12-4-4 **1 BLOCK TO UF** Adorable brick house behind Norman. 2 bed avail. 8/1. Fun/friendly roommates! Call 305322-4495, 954-895-8227 7-14-5-4 NEED OPEN-MINDED, RESPONSIBLE, FUN YOUNG PROF/GRD STDT TO SHARE NEW 3BR/3BA CONDO DOWNTOWN/ DUCKPOND. W/D, ETHERNET, PATIO, NO PETS, NS, $550/MO + 1/3 UTIL 262-7899 8-4-11-4 M/F needed for 2BR townhome. W/D, DW, spacious, very nice. Only $285 +1/2 utilities. Across from Gainesville Place on 35th. Lease negotiable. Call 352-256-1034 7-19-5-4 Share 3/2 house, NW Gainesville Rainbows. W/D, kitchen, patio. Located off of 39th Ave. 10 mins to UF/SFCC. No pets, already have 2 dogs. $400/mo, utils incl. Call lla 352-336-6108 7-21-6-4 1/1 in 3/3 apartment available August in Heritage of Gainesville. On 9/34/35 bus routes. $400/mo + 1/3 utils. W/D included w/awesome roommates Call Celine @ 201456-2803 7-19-5-4 Roommate wanted in large 3BR/2BA house between SFCC & UP. DW, W/D, .routed DSL, cable, garage, porch, over 20 yrs old required. $380/mo all utils incl. Call 352-5142250 7-19-5-4 2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Cred Union/ Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF. Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + half util. Quiet/Considerate f/m? Call 337-9746 7-12-11-4 **one roommate wanted** in BEAUTIFUL, 4BR/2BA, BIG house w/everything in the 300 club! only -$325/mo + 1/4 utilities *395-6788 or* 8-15-11-4 I MOTWNE Kyral A. Ward Black Male (DOB 12/26/73); 5'09', 160 lbs, Black Hair, Brown Eyes Wanted for: 2 Counts of Sexual Battery by Threat of Force. and False Imprisonment ALACHUA COUNTY STOPPERS Call (352) 372-STOP -ili 2 rooms available in 3 BR house Great location, close to UF. Partially furnished. $375/ mo. Email vmarum@ufl edu or call 375-2496 or 870-4723 7-21-5-4 Female for 2BR/2BA townhouse. Fully remodeled. 1/2 mi to UF. Pool located oft patio. On bus rt. $450/mo incl everything: cable, internet, W/D, all utils. Quiet, pref serious stdt. Responsible. Stephanie 954-857-5618 8-2-8-4 **Countryside** 2BR/2BA avail in beautiful condo by the pool. 1st stop on the bus rt. Wood firs, porch, W/D. Cable, high spd internet. Awesome people. $420 util included. Avail Aug 1. Hurry and call Nicole 328-4551 8-2-8-4 Walk to UF & Stadium! Grad stud/prof, couple ok. Spacious bedroom w/pvt entrance & bath attached to 4/3 home. Clean, neat, & N/S. On bus rte, near Publix & CVS. Parking, cable, w/d, wifi, utils incl. Use of main house common areas $750. Call 561-471-5021 8-2-8-4 Walk to Law School and Stadium! Grad stud/prof for 5/4 home. Must be clean, neat, N/S. On bus rte near Publix & CVS. Parking, cable, w/d, wilfi, utils incl. Aug 1 $550-$575 Call. 561-471-5021 8-2-8-4 Roommates Wanted! Countryside @ University 2 rooms left. Furnished: bed, desk, common areas, W/D, utils, internet, basic cable, phone included. Email or Phone: Baechle (Bake-Lee) 407-463-6535 7-28-7-4 BEAUTIFUL HOUSE Room with private bathroom, near UF, Hospital, Butler Plaza, Available ASAP. $300-$375/mo. Call John 352-372-5313 7-14-3-4 *2 UF Senior females need a female roommate @ $400/mo for own BR in new 1700 sq. ft. house next to SFCC. Avail now. Call 2836279 8-24-11-4 DUCKPOND, NE Blvd Great space for art, gardening, pot lucks, fun, studying. 3/2 on the creek. Bright living & studio areas. 2BRs, $350, $400 + util w/d Dwntwn -U can 86 the car-save $ 374-7038 7-28-7-4 Rockwood Villas -1BR/1BA avail in 3/3 condo. $400/mo + utils. Close to campus & on bus route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617 leave message. 7-21-5-4 Male, close to campus, small furnished apt on side of private home. Mature grad student preferred. No pets. Quiet, clean, safe, cable, patio. Avail 1 AUG. $430 per mo. utilities incl. Lease, deposits. 378-2016 7-21-4-4 Roommate wanted for 1 room in 2BR/1BA house. All utils inc. Rent $450/mo + sec. dep. 6,9 & 12 mo. leases available. On the 75 bus route. 5 min from 9,20,34 & 5 routes. 442-2871 8-15-9-4 Ready now -1BR/1BA in 2/2.5 condo. Tile flrs, W/D, DW, scr. porch, community pool. Room can be turn. Close to everything, on 34th btwn Archer & Williston. 5375 -+ 1/2 ut/I. $100 dep. 615-584-7837 or 386-623-5760 8-15-9-4 *SUMMER SPECIAL $275/mo* Female(s) for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house near UF, Shands & VA. W/D. Pets ok, furn opt., avail now. Jennifer 371-6228 please leave msg 7-28-6-4 Room in nice Valwood home w/ 2 females. $475/mo incl. all utils, EVERYTHING. 7824 SW 52nd P. Call 378-4626, 871-0227 7-28-6-4 Furn. room in 4BR/4BA condo. All utils., cable w/ HBO and DSL internet incl. W/D and walk-in closet $425/mo. CALL JOSH 352-494-2394 7-26-5-4 Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious condo w/2 F, UP students. NW 55th St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763. 8-31-15-4 1 Bdrm -Pirvate Bath NE Gvl Home -Quiet neighborhood, W/D, dishwasher, cable, central H/A $300/mo + 1/2 util. 1st, last, $200 security. 375-5377, 373-6066, ask for Sue 7-28-6-4 Seeking NS, F to share beautiful 2BR restored Victorian house in downtown G'ville. $425/mo + 1/2 utils. Call Melodye at 3781633 7-14-2-4 DUCKPOND 2 rooms in 2-story 3BR/2BA HOUSE. $100/ wk or $70/wk + 1/3 utils. Fully furnished. W/ D. 514-3409. 7-28-6-4 F Roommate wanted to share 2BR/2BA spacious apt. Close to campus. Rent $292.50/ mo + util. Move in Aug. Please call 407-6878188 7-19-3-4 1 room for rent in a great 2/1 Duckpond house. Updated kitchen, wood floors, central AC and heat. W/. You must love dogsl Avail Aug. Lease length negotiable. $350/mo OBO. Call Annie 352-284-1686 7-26-5-4 4 Wanted: 1 F N/S pref. prof/grad roommate for 2/2 apt in Pebble Creek 0 On-campus, vaulted ceilings, security, W/, gym, pool, internet, cable. $415 + 1/2 utilities 0 352219-4408 0 7-28-6-4 Room in NW home. $350/mo incl utils & DSL. No pets. Mature male non drinker/ smoker. Availalbe immediately (flex). Call Scott 335-8209 .8-24-10-4 Roommate needed for 2BR/2BA, wood firs, leather couches. Tennis courts, pool, hispeed internet,'& digital cable. On 62nd by the mall on the 20 bus rte. Pref Grad Student. $495/mo. Call 904-891-1601 8-5-8-4 2 roommated needed. New allergy-free environment. 3BR apt, covered parking avail. Cricket Club. On bus rte. Clubhouse, pool, gym, laundry, gated. $500/mo incl utilities. Call Jodi 352-494-0405 7-28-6-4 Rea Estte Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible buyers Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 v mssg 8-15-25-5 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more infornation, visit or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 7-28-74-5 t-o "A M,4I 'I,,, Grantwood Condominiums 2/2 Loft Condo W/Private Courtyard Minutes From UF! 975SF, GATED ENTRANCE, SECURITY, POOL. Starting @ $125,9001 HURRY Call Adam Vaisman 352-222-7260 Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Rltrs 372-5375 8-15-25-5 NEW COMPANY IN GAINESVILLE looking to buy or lease houses in this area Any size, price, or condition; 352-264-7347 or visit us @ 8-15-23-5 ON LITTLE LAKE GENEVA For sale by owner. Adorable 2/2 on small private spring-fed lake in Keystone Hgts. A great weekender. $129,900. Call 379-0619 Iv msg. 7-12-13-5 1BR/IBA Tumbling Creek Condo. End unit overlooking creek, new paint, flooring, plumbing, light fixtures, walk to UF/Shands/VA. $66,900, serious buyers. 222-2942 7-28-14-5 GATOR PLACE CONDOS Under $100k, only 5 left Call Scott @ 359-1678 Campus Realty 7-19-8-5 FSBO, 3b/2ba, 1208sf, conv NW location approx 2 mi from campus, new roof, new carpet, new kitchen cab, new int/ext paint, fenced yard, screened porch, $158,500 obo Gun/u 381-9070, "featured' listing on http: /'/ 7-21-9-5 UNIVERSITY TERRACE CONDO 4BR/4BA 3 leases signed for next year. Call for details 407-620-1555 7-28-10-5 HOT Student Condos Near UF. Save Thousands When You Buy Now. Free List of UF CONDOS. Campus Realty Group 9-1-19-5 Great Homes Close to UF. Stop Renting. Buy Now. FREE LIST OF HOMES. Campus Realty Group 9-1-19-5 4BR/4BA condo at Countryside. 1 mile from UF. 3 conv. bus rts. Overlooks pool & spa. W D incl. Tile & carpet, walk in closets, wireless internet. Call 904-753-1575 7-28-8-5 1978 12' x 60' single wide mobile home in Gville park. 2BR/1.5 BA. Lot rent $220/mo. AC, heat, 10x24 screened room & 8xl0 storage shed. 1 owner. $17,000 cash. Call 386736-3244 eves for info. 7-28-8-5 BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pillow-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-3727490 will deliver. 8-15-25-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 MICROFIBER SOFA& LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 8-15-25-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 815-25-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 8-1525-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail cost. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 8-15-25-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-85R,?. 8-1525-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Se I $199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49 Queen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 OKing sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497 CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave. 8-15-21-6 MEMORY FOAM -same as Temperpedia. Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin sets $89 Ofull sets $129 Squeen sets $149 Joking sets $189 Student discounts apply. 4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver. 8-15-21-6 Computer desk with hutch, $30. All in good condition. Must pick up. Call 352316-3238 7-12-4-6 Furniture for Said. Matching dresser in/mirror & nightstand ($250), 2 white sofls ($25), 2 white side tables ($10), desk ($10), vehicle bike rack ($5). All look brand new. Call Lauren @ 219-36177-19-5-6 Loveseat & sofabed, 2 end tables, 1 coffee table, dining table, 5 chairs. Call 786-2825073. Ask forAmny or email 7-26-7-6 SALE SALE! 2 twin size beds, new GE washer & dryer. Prices are negotiable. 954-540-0344. 815-11-6 Matching sofa & chair $80, sofa wl sleeper $60, wood table w/ 3 chairs $40, TV center $30, coffee table $10, grill $30, oalC desk $40, 2 desk chairs $30a.3 end tables $25 ea., dresser w/ bight stand $90, filing cabinet $75, printer $25 call 219-1330 7-19-4-6 ~ Moving sale: futon $75, full Sealy bed $100. TV/Nightstand $25, Aiwa stereo $50, small bookshelf $25, desk lamp $10, end table w/built-in lamp $20, OBO. Call 352-870-4989 7-14-3-6 Futon -Top of the line. Looks brand new. All wood. Blue/mauve tones. Cost 5800, sell $150. 378-4626 7-28-6-6 FURNITURE FOR SALE: Bed; desk; black, faux leather couches; chairs; lamps; kitchenette w/chairs; entertainment unit. Prices negotiable. 561-7151857 7-28-6-6 Kegerator -ldce-cold draft beer at home. Full kits (inci 51b C02 cyl.) $200, Fin Unit $350. Get ready for gator season now. Call 352871-5900 7-14-2-6 Vacuum -Eureka "Boss", powerful, 15A upright $30, X-mas tree -7' artificial, easy assembly $50. Call 352-871-5900 7-14-2-6 IKEA BOOKSHELF White, 5 shelves, 79" tall x 31" wide. Clean, great condition. You must pick up. $30. Call 495-6129 7-14-2-6 Washer/dryer $250 for both. Full size bed w/mattress $120. Wood kitchen table w/2 chairs $40. Wet/dry vacuum $35. Cdi 352374-8088 or email 7-21-4-6 Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets $299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169; sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-5400 12-7-81-6 Classifieds. Continued on next page.


14, ALLIGATOR E Tuesday, July 12, 2005 Furnishings For Sale AutosWan9 f W anted POOL TABLE like new. Professional size. $1800 obo. Barley used 352-359-2357. Great for a house! 7-26-5-6 Movic-g sale: desk wi/hutch $30, another desk $10; dresser $30; bookshelf $25; couch $50, baker's rack $30; OBO. Must pick upl Call 352-871-5370 7-19-3-6 Computers A mrrpuser Qeek,5 W&*akp, tf' CA&,tc 8-23-1 70-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 823-170-7 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, Inc Complete residential & commercial support, networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 8-15-24-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs. SALES S SERVICE S PARTS 336-0075 8-15-24-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 8-15-25-7 352421928 8-15-16-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -virus, spyware, hardware -$10discounts, cheapest! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 8-15-16-7 The Ultimate Upgrade's a Call Away Turn your computer into the ultimate online machine with one call to Cox Communication. Sign up for Cox High Speed Internet for the area's fastest online connection -170x faster than dial-up. Email, Web space, spa blockers, anti-virus, the works. 888-269-9693. 7-12-1-7 El tectr6ni1cs DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S Main The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 8-15-25-8 GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet 12-7-84-8 Toshiba Laptop (S200), Brand New Carrying Case, Palm miO0+, Altec Speaker Sat, Yamaha 40x External Burner, half-sized & mini frig, etc. Call 352-514-1067 7-14-3-8 Les Paul -Electric guitar. Sunburst, Mint Condition w/hard case, strap and 30 watt Crate amp $750 all. Call 352-871-5900. 7-14-2-8 In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW& USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from Beet Prices in Townl SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 8-15-25-9 PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 8-15-25-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional cooking utensils. R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 8-15-25-10 NGC/PCGS Certified Coins, Silver Eagles, State Qtrs., etc. MS63 to perfect 70. American Coins & Stamps. 3446 W. Univ. 372-6400 8-15-21-10 SCUBAPRO -Twin Jet Fins Size L -$85.00, Size M -$120.00 352-381-3860 7-12-4-10 SUMMER PARKING AVAILABLE 4 blocks north of campus. 374-7700 7-12-3-10 Basshound 10.2 -fishing boat 1 yo, premired, mncI 2 awls seats, live well, batt, minn-kota motor, lights & Eagle Cuda 168 fishfinder, $1200 352-871-5900 7-14-2-10 Tuxedo -Raffinati, black 44L shawl lapel, single breasted, incl coat, pants, shirt, cumberbund & tie all for $175. Call 352-8715900. 7-14-2-10 Flak Jacket -Large, never worn, "acquired" it while in Marines. Woodland camo with desert cover. $60. Call 352-871-5900. 7-14-2-10 3/2 plus den, double wide mobile home on UF Bus line, country feel, close to town. Remodeled. must see! $220 lot rent, $46,900. Call 561-436-3020 7-26-5-10 W rc3c es, M pleeds ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974 8-15-25-11 Swamp Cycles Large selection of E-bikes, Scooters and Accessories CPI USA, ETon, Luojia, HJC Helmets 534 SW 4th Avenue, 373-8823 8-15-25-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest selction KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 solanocycle-com 8-15-43-11 CASH PAID for MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition, Running or not, titles or not. Prompt pick up. Call ANYTIME: 352-376-9096 Please leave a message. 12-7-88-11 2003 SUZUKI GZ 250 Excellent condition, lo mi, 22 mo Suzuki warranty. $2300 OBO Call 352-262-9023 7-12-6-11 2001 MOPED Kinetic series. Model TFR. 89 original miles. Gets 150 mpg. Asking $425. Excellent condition. 386-454-3925 7-14-5-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11 SUZUKI KATANA 600 1999, black & chrome. Adult owned. Garage kept. Excellent condition, mechanically perfect. New brakes & chain. All factory original. $3650 OBO 262-4673 7-14-2-11 Scooter, 50cc, $550 Good Condition. Call Vanessa @ 283-2726 7-12-1-11 BUELL BLAST 2000, 500cc 6170 miles, Asking $2800 OBO. Call Manuela DeVerk 904-269-2174. 7-21-4-11 FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CARS ORunning or note *NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS Over 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 8-15-25-12 CARS -CARS BuySSelITrade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1160 8-15-25-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Sell or Trade Welcome CallRay 352-284-8619 8-15-25-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 8-15-25-12 Best Cars .Lowest Prices 8-15-25-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. Por listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 8-1525-12 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4-door, good condition, custom stereo system. $2750 OBO. Call Ramon at 352-3596225 7-12-5-12 2002 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE automatic, 4-door, A/C, new tires. 69,500 mi, $6500. Call 352-219-7450 or 352-219-1140 7-26-8-12 98 PLYMOUTH NEON Cheap, reliable transportation. Automatic, power moon roof, PL, PW, A/C, AM/FM. $1200. Call 352-231-0195 7-14-5-12 ACURA INTEGRA 95 LS 4-door, 93k, 5-speed, AC, new tires. A beauty. $5500. 352-281-2684. 7-12-4-12 1996 MITSUBISHI GALANT Black, 4 door, automatic, AC, AM/FM/ Cassette, PL, PW. $1600. Call 305-7985932 7-26-7-12 2002 JEEP WRANGLER 4WD, 53k mi, 100% fun/reliable ride! Orig owner, mint cond. Expecting baby. Feat. ab, abs, ac, ps, tilt, padded sound bar for great music w/top down. Go Dawgs!$15,900, 404-932-0709 7-28-7-12 1996 Dodge Stratus Auto, A/C, Call 352-359-4459 7-28-7-12 '00 Silver Grand Cherokee Exc. condition, 56k mi. $10,000 obo. 813-817-6657 or 407-925-2523 7-21-5-12 NISSAN 240 SX'90 -178k, red, CD, sunroof, 2 owners, good maintenance records. $1000 352-213-2526. 7-14-2-12 Chevy Venture Minivan. 2002. 42,700 miles. 16 mos FULL FREE Care Care Family of Services and full warranty (except hoses). Great deal -$10,500 OBO. Call 846-5879 7-26-5-12 1990 Honda Accord Green. 4 dr. Good condition. $2500 Firm. Call 352-494-7705 7-14-2-12 1994 Honda Passport Red, auto, cold AC, 147k, PW, PL, CD player $4700 OBO Call Sell A 283-2727 7-14-2-12 LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 8-15-25-13 Designated drivers are the greatest On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 7-28-22-13 Blind lady needs health majors interested in walking at least three times a week. Call 352219-6948. Thanks. 7-28-22-13 Care-giver; lawn care, carpentry, plumbing, electrical and ETC. Employment must include a private dwelling, board and furnished -negotiable. Call 386-496-3056 ask for Wayne. Religion: Baptist 7-21-5-13 This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. for details. 8-15-25-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F 8-15-25-4 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 8-15-25-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research onlyd Flevible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call nowl 815-25-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at employment 8-15-25-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 815-25-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 8-15-25-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 8-15-25-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested come to the psychology bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297 8-15-25-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progressive company w/advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156 8-31-90-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$$$$$$$$$$$ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 8-15-25-14 Groundskeepers FT, PT Custodial duties/Apt Maint Transportation req. DFWP EEO 220 N Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14 Leasing Consultant, FT, PT Energetic Attitude Cust. Serve. Exp. DFWP EEO 220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14 PT CLEANING SERVICE Great for college students. Flexible hours. Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-1534-14 Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashierlservers. Apply in person 4-5pm, Mon -Sun. See for store location or call 352-871-5771 8-15-25-14 NOW HIRING CLEAN VACANT APTS ALSO some PT Position available. 352-246-5785 8-15-25-14 SOCCER COACHES: Gainesville Soccer Alliance seeking experienced soccer coaches for competitive youth soccer teams for 2005-2006 season. Call 379-5979 or email: 8-15-25-14 Participants Needed The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in Linguistics is looking for people to participate in a listening experiment. You can earn $10/hour by participating in a study of thd perception of speech sounds from foreign languages. Ifyou are interested in participating, please contact Jenna Silver 8-15-23-14 Mortgage lender has immediate sales positions avail for college students seeking prof work exp. No exp req. $8-9/hr + bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union) 8-15-23-14 MOVERS WANTED Need Driver's License. Apply in person at 505 NW 53rd Ave. at Gator Moving & Storage Mon-Fri. 7-28-20-14 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Holiday Inn University Center is looking for housekeepers and houseman 8-15-20-14 HELP WANTED! Start your AVON BUSINESS for $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail 8-15-20-14 Web Programmer asp,, vb script, c#, SOL knowledge. E-mail resume to 8-15-19-14 Internet Marketing Specialist -Detail oriented w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication skills Knowledge of SE0, PPC and affiliate management a plus. Flex schedule. Base pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140 10-31-66-14 Computer programmer needed to modify and maintain complex Access database for law office. Please call 352-335-2699 7-128-14 PT/FT LANDSCAPERS WANTED Exp preferred. Valid driver's license a must. 352-222-1904 8-15-15-14 Memorabilia Company in Alachua is looking for reliable, flexible person to help in our shipping department 15-20 ,hrs/wk @ $7.50/hr. Call Rick @ 800-344-9103 weekdays. 7-14-8-14 Leasing Agent/Sales Outgoing & reliable? Bonuses, great team. PT schedule incl Sat req. Fax resume, cover & avail schedule to Trimark Properties 3766269 or email 8-15-15-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr DRIVERS $8-15/hr. PT easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442 or fill out application at California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon -Fri. 8-15-14-14 Gymnastics & Dance Coaches and instructors wanted at the YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 3749622 ask for Kim or Judy. 8-15-13-14


Tuesday, July 12, 20053E ALLIGATOR, 15 Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Childwatch Counselors wanted at the YMCA Summer and fall. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 374-9622 ask for Judy. 8-15-13-14 Wellness Staff wanted at the YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 374-9622 ask for Kristina 8-15-13-14 Bus Drivers wanted at the YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 374-9622 ask for Tim 8-15-13-14 Delivery drivers needed for flower deliveries. Must have own car with AC. Apply at 635 C NW 13th St. 7-12-5-14 Accounting Asst needed 15-20 hrs/week. Base pay + bonuses. Quickbooks, Excel, data entry, & problem solving skills a must. Accounting background preferred. Start immediately, fax resume to 800-967-5140 8-26-18-14 PT ASSISTANT needed for Florida Park Service administrative office. Position involves webpage design/maintenance, data entry, coordination of volunteer & non-profit citizen support group program. Fax resume to Brenna Daniels 352-955-2139 7-12-5-14 Camp Wag-A-Lot Doggie Daycare Now Hiring morning shifts 7am $7/hr E-mail for more info. Experience a must' 7-14-5-14 HOPE--HOrses helping PEople seeks reliable, horse experienced volunteers to help with horse and barn care at least 1x/ week. or 352-332-7322. 7-12-4-14 COFFEE/CAFE/BARISTA Exciting new coffee cafe' Great opportunity with a progressive established co. Extensive training, benefits. Full time, part time, good time Come join usDeja Brew DCafe 1412 W. University Ave. Drug Test. 7-12-4-14 Advertising Sales Rep for local advertising company in SW Gainesville. High commission, use our office. 378-8157 7-12-4-14 Tire Technicians, Experienced Only, Full and Part time. Apply in Person: Tire Outlet 1320 N. Main Street 7-19-6-14 The Village Market Gourmet Foods/Coffee Shop at Haile Plantation. PT help 20-25 hrs. All shifts avail Apply within 380-0111 Call for directions ONLY. 7-19-6-14 LICENSED VETERINARIAN wanted in Deland, FL (25 mi from Daytona). FT Perm position; PT avail. New full service clinic in 2004. Fax resume and salary reqs to 386738-2261 or email to 7-14-5-14 LOCAL OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED. Flexible schedule. 100% commission, up to S500/wk. Call 372-8444 for more info. 8-15-12-14 Nanny, Full/Part time, newborn & older. N/S, transportation required Experience/ references required. Call 333-9988 7-289-14 Work with developmentally disabled adults. Provide personal care in the home. Call 352538-9776 7-14-5-14 A&N CORPORATION Family owned, drug-free work place located in Williston, FL is currently hiring for a parttime IT intern Knowledge of all phases of workstation hardware/software install/setup/ config. Windows 2000/XP Pro OS; Novell Netware. Understand and familiar with networking protocols, technologies and related security. Send resume to or fax 352-528-3441 7-12-3-14 *DANCERS NEEDED* Private dance co. Great for students. Great pay, fast cash & flexible hours. All to start today' 378-3312 8-4-15-14 Oak Hanimoek Groundsperson -FT or P T(Seasonal) 7 am -3-30 pm Waters plants, cuts weeds, transplants and trims vegetation as necessary. Operates and repairs equipment used on maintenance of grounds Will train person with the right attitude. 5100 SW 25th Blvd Gainesville, Florida 32608 Oak Hammock is a DFWP/EOE! Jobline: 352-548-1180 7-12-4-14 NEED SUMMER HELP! Painters helpers, $7/hr. Call and leave message 378-7013. 7-14-5-14 The Gator Shop Warehouse. Gamedays REQUIRED. $6.15/hr. Contact Kim Young at 376-0940. 7-12-4-14 Summer and fall positions available. Recreational Aides, Drivers and Maintenance Staff needed. Hiring immed. Call for more info. 373-4475 work study + 7-14-5-14 FISH-LOVERS WANTEDII Sales opportunity for tropical fish lover. Experience preferred. Training program. FT/PT, flex hrs. Modern fish only per store. Work w/great people. Bring resume to AQUATROPICS 2100 SW 34th St. G'ville. Attn: Karen 7-14-5-14 FLOWER SHOP HELP Design experience helpful. Apply in person 635C NW 13th St. 7-14-5-14 Dragonfly Sushi & Sake Co Break from the traditional and move over to the uniquely We are seeking talented team members who are as committed as we are to providing EXCELLENCE in a fastpaced hig energy environment. Come join our new opening team: Prep, Line Cooks, Sushi Chefs, Food Runners, Bartenders, Servers, Server Assistants, and Hosts. Exp. preferred, but not necessary. Flexible FT & PT scheduling, benefits, top $$ potential + more! All energetic and motivated candidates with a great attitude, strong communication skills, and multi-tasking ability should apply at 201 SE 2nd Ave. #103. No calls please. 7-12-4-14 $800 WEEKLY GUARANTEED Stuffing envelopes. Send self-addressed stamped envelope to ScarabMarketing 28 E Jackson, 10th PL. Ste 638, Chicago, IL 60604 7-28-8-14 local tech company seeking positive energetic and assertive sales professionals with excellent communication and phone skills. Sales exp preferred. Base pay + commission. Send resume to 8-4-10-14 Artistic? Nice handwriting? Hand lettering P/T. A few hours per wk. Close to campus No experience req. Short resume to: PD0 Box 286, Gainesville 32602 7-19-4-14 CHILDCARE WANTED Needed AM and after-school for child in SW Gainesville. Nonsmoking, responsible adult with own car & clean DL. Excellent pay. References needed. Contact 359-0979 or 514-9733 7-14-4-14 DRIVER OPPORTUNITY Can earn anyshere between $8 -$15/hr. Set your own schedule. For info contact 379-3663 7-28-8-14 WEB DEVELOPER seeking immediate placement for ASP/MS-SQL server web developer 5 yrs or equiv exp req. Email resume & contact info to 7-28-8-14 EXPERIENCED VET TECH wanted for friendly country practice. High Springs Animal Hospital 386-454-1001 719-5-14 RELIABLE, LOVING BABYSITTER needed for Newberry family. F NS w/own transportation. 2 or 3 days/wk 7am -4pm. Fall/spring commitment. 258-9216 lv msst. 7-14-4-14 RECEPTIONIST needed for busy OB-GYN practice. Responsibilities include: answering multiple phone lines, scheduling appts, collecting payments & chart mgmt. Good benefits. Fax resume to: 352-332-7095 719-5-14 Nonprofit Seeks FT Clerical Help. $8/hr, raise & benefits after 6 mos, MS Ofc req'd. Experience in A/P, A/R and interest in sustainable agriculture a plus. Fax or email resume Attn: Adm Position to 377-8363 or 7-12-1-14 Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF Campus, is looking for banquet saff. Flexible hours, competitive pay and a great working environment. No experience necessary, we will train. Apply in person and the Classic Fare Catering Office located on the first floor of Reitz Union from 3-5 pm, Monday -Friday or apply online at 719-4-14 High Performance Manager? Fast Moving Dot Com needs a Champion in the Office Place. Aggressive Pay for Performance. 7-19-4-14 TRAVEL ADVISORS STA Travel, the world's largest student travel organization, has immediate openings for Travel Advisors in our UFL location. The ideal applicant is passionate about travel and thrives in a customer service environment. Massive enthusiasm, desire to learn and can-do attitude required! Will train, but computer skills are recommended. $16k base + bonus & benefits. Full Time only! Email resume & cover letter to Mandy: 7-14-3-14 Cashier/Stocker/Deli Gas Station -near Newberry -Owner from India. Immediate opening, long hours available. Call Nick/ Tommie/Annie @ 352-472-5079 7-19-4-14 Full-time paid legal intern wanted for Gainesville criminal defense law office. Fax resume to 374-6771 7-21-5-14 Parttime for pm & weekend work. Executive's assistant Computer and basic math skills required. Send resume to: 6400 W. Newberry Rd, Ste 301 Gainesville, FL 32605 7-194-14 P/T Office Assistant position available for young, exciting, and fast-growing company! Responsibilities include general office, marketing, and research duties. Candidate must be familiar with Microsoft Office and internet researching. Hours are flexible. Email resume to: or call 352-333-3768 7-28-6-14 After school care program attendent needed for school year 2005-2006. Oak Hall Middle School. Contact Middle School Head 352332-3609. References needed. 7-21-4-14 THE MELTING POT RESTAURANT is now hiring for a dishwasher, kitchen prep position, full or part time. Evenings only. Pay starts at $7.00/hr. Apply within, Mon-Thurs, 1:00-4:00 pm, use rear entrance 7-21-4-14 Concerts*Banquets*Sports Events Need extra money? Want to work sporting events, concerts, and other fun events? Learn while you work! We have flexible schedules Great references. Great experience. Make life long friends. Apply @ Rm 1302 at the O'Connell Center. Applications due by July 18th. 7-12-2-14 Trainee for busy espresso bar near Oaks Mall. Excellent pay, advanced skills taught. No coffee experience req'd. Email work references w/dates & contact info to 7-28-6-14 WANTED: EXPERIENCED JAVELIN THROWER to instruct youth. 352-332-5626 7-21-4-14 Work for Student. Yard work, carpentry, electrical, roofing, plumbing & some heavy lifting. $6.50 -7.00/hr depends on skill & experience. Call 376-6183 7-21-4-14 Wanted: PT ASAP Micanopy. Up to $9/hr. Stall cleaning, other. P0s-warm blood breeding/training farm spec. in dressage, C/L mares/foals; farm maint. Family atmosphere, live on farm. Rent/horse board ex. work. Serious exp. only, year-round commitment req. Excellent learning opp Call 352-2813016 after 7pm. 8-15-9-14 We need a few more cat furniture makers! Looking for P/T, manual laborers. Contact Tom at Molly and Friends 337-1535 open 8-6 M-F. Good with numbers is a plus. 721-4-14 ChIldcare in my NW home for 1-yr old. M,W,F approx 20 hrs. Please have transportation & references. Salary depends on exp. 5140519 7-21-4-14 Five Star Pizza Downtown/Tower Road now hiring all positions for fall and spring. In store/ driver. Great pay w/ great atmosphere. Apply @ 210 SW 2nd Ave 375-5600 or 600 NW 75th St. 333-7979 10-3-37-14 Now hiring: bar, server, host, bus. Must be available to work at least 2 weekday lunch shifts, holidays, and school breaks. Apply in -person @ On the Border 3100 SW Archer Rd. 7-14-2-14 Cashier, PT. Approximately 25 hrs/wk. Mornings or afternoons. Ada's Clothes Repair. 284-2959 7-14-2-14 Hiring experienced cooks. Apply in person @ On the Border 3100 SW Archer Rd 714-2-14 The Reitz Union Productions Department is now accepting applications for Student Assistant positions. Productions employees work in a fast-paced environment setting tables, chairs, staging, and audio-visual equipment for events in the Reitz Union. Opportunities for advancement are available in our growing department. Apply online at:, and list "Produdtions" as your first choice of employment. 7-21-4-14 Babysitter (Mother's Helper) needed for Fall & beyond. We have 2 wonderful boys -a toddler & a baby. 15 hours per week, mostly afternoons & early eveningsn we're generally flexible with scheduling. Position includes help in cooking simple family meals & light cleaning. Please be willing to discuss experience and have references ready. Please call 256-7383 to schedule an interview. 7-14-2-14 Non-profit organization seeking copy editor. Grammar and writing skills necessary. Email resume to 7-28-6-14 Graphic Designer -Oppty. in our employee owned Co. Challenging, fast paced enviro w/ indust Idr. Photoshop, Quark, Illustrator, Mac/PC. Ext. train & benefits. Renaissance Printing 4130 NW 16th Blvd. Drug Test. 714-2-14 Southeastern Integrated Medical, PA is now recruiting for the following position: 0 Patient Attendant -2 positions available; (Part-Time) Gainesville; Administration. To learn more about these positions, please call the job vacancy line at 224-2478; Fax 373-9870; Email: 714-2-14 PART TIME TELEPHONE SALES Infinite Energy sells $500 million of natural gas yearly. We have immediate openings for SALES REPRESENTATIVES that can work 20-35 hours per week. Hourly wage: $7 to $11, plus commission. Need more info? Go to Respond by fax 352-240-4146 or email your resume to EOE/AA/ MFDV. 8-4-8-14 COLD STONE CREAMERYwillsoon audition happy, energetic Scoopers for its Newberry and Archer Road stores. Earn $8+ while having fun! Positions begin immediately. Choose either Gainesville location when you apply on our web site. Visit, then go to Creamery and choose Job Center (applications only; include email address. NO RESUMES.). Nights and weekends a must. 18+ only. 7-14-2-14 SerViqes AAA STORAGE, Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 8-15-25-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 8-15-25-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 8-15-25-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness.384-9200 8-15-25-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -ring-arena -round pens -experienced help -12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627. Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 8-15-25-15 TRAFFIC SCHOOL ONLINE Take Points Off Your Driver's License And Dismiss Traffic Tickets With Online Driver Improvement Courses 8-15-25-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE PARM Duality Boarding Lessons/English 0 Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm 0466-4060 8-15-25-15 ***YOGA*** Classes & Workshops at Sanctuary 352-336-5656 8-15-25-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 12-7-74-15. EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 8-15-25-15 ** GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump Start your job search at www.College-reSumeS.Com 8-15-51-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques 0 Name Badges 0 Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 ENGLISH TUTORING English as 2nd language Reading, Composition, Conversation Experienced educators. Reasonable fees. Tel: 352-335-9400 8-15-25-15 C lass"ifeds. Continued on next page.


16, ALLIGATOR @ Tuesday, July 12, 2005 Services ,Personals 'ornections, ,Rides Pets FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent 375-6641 Harold Nobles 8-15-25-15 TLC HORSEBOARD All facilites & amenties: quality instruction. 15 minutes from UF. Jan at 376-7762. Greathouse Equestrian Center. 8-15-26-15 Stringing -If anybody can string rackets low, EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in 24hra,_ Express stringing available upon request. We have more string than all local stores combined. please stop by or call 3722257 8-15-20-15 Why buy mart-cheap rackets? You can upgrade at EZ Tennis & pay less. Stop wasting money. Our name is EZ and our game is Tennis. Call them and call us. 372-2257 8-15-20-15 Rackets -Tennis -Racquetball -Squash -Badmitton -Table Tennis. Lowest prices in town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower internet prices. Call us at 372-2257 8-15-20-15 Professional employee training, negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution & consulting. Public/private sector. Sliding scale. Free initial consultation. Phone 352-514-5515 7-16-16-15 MAKE IT PERFECT with affordable & professional editing for your newsletter, manuscript, class paper, thesis or dissertation. Sliding scale. Phone 352-514-5515 7-28-16-15 Whippoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture board. 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on premises. 376-8792 8-15-19-15 Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait? Express Training Services can get you certified in less than 3 weeks! Hands-on exp, no videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 725-05. Class sizes limited. Call 338-1193 for details. 7-28-12-15 Beautiful emerald amethyst farm 40 acre, full service horse boarding & training facility. On-(te trainer & care. 275 x 175 jump ring. 386-462-0781 8-15-12-15 MHealth Services URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL New Location Students -No Appt Neededl FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 8-1525-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care S&Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664. 8-15-25-16 "PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants will get free evaluation, medication & be reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 immediately. 8-15-25-16 "SEVERE DRY EYE?" New therapy being studied! If you qualify to participate in this research you will get free evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed for your time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for evaluation 8-15-25-16 Typing Service~s SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs ep. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 7-12-15-17 M Personals .Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing Al3chua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 tor upp't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 8-15-25-18 GUNS! GUNS! GUNS 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 8-15-25-18 *Family Chiropractic* $ince 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 373-7070 8-15-25-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Ave 375-3752. 8-15-25-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 8-15-25-18 CLEARANCE SALE -All CDs must go 100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. We need more room for our GIANT DVD INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 815-24-18 Big stores cannot touch our stringing in quality and price. Please ask their clerks about EZ Tennis. Why wait for 3-5 days on strining. With us 1 day max! 8-15-20-18 In terms of Tennis, big stores make EZ Tennis look good. We are lower than them in prices -faster in stringing -stock better quality rackets -can explain or recommend products to customers. better. Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. 8-15-20-18 Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. If you have any questions, please talk to us. Our goal, to have the lowest prices on rackets in the world. Please help us and your friends to achieve this goal. Bring the lowest price ufind. 8-15-20-18 Up All Night with Someone Special? Well, if you accidently overslept and missed a TV class, don't worry. With Cox Digital Video Recorder, you can record your TV classes and watch them on your schedule -even pause and replay live TV. Store up to 50 hours of programs. 888-269-9693 712-1-18 Want to make a connection? Place your ad here to look for someone to sha e a cow-m mon interest with or for your true loveM Event NotesZ GMG TRANSPORT 20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus Dei art: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PMV/reverse IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD HERE AND GET IT NOTICEDi Entertainment WALDO FARMER & FLEA MARKET Every Sat & Sun -Hwy 301 15 min from Gainesville 468-2255. 8-15-25-21 FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres Call for the best group rates! 352-338-8408 8-15-25-21 ROCKYCREEK PAINTBALL in Gainesville Better Prices Better Fields Better Call 371-2092 8-15-25-21 GET $500 OFF A WEEK AT THE BEACH in Panama City. Beautiful, new 2/2 condo. Oceanfront, spectacular views, white sand. Call 335-5946 or 379-0619 lv msg. 8-1521-21 M Tickets ***EUROPE $757 RT*** Travel planning for students. Train & cruises also available Gator Country Travel Oust off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller.of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 8-15-25-22 ***WEST COAST $177 RT*** Tours packages & more. Los Angeles, Seattle & more! Call for best rates. Gator Country Travel (just off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 815-25-22 ***AIRFARE $157 RT*** Summer & fall specials. NYC, DC, Philly, New Eng & more! Gator Country Travel (just off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST 18264 8-15-25-22 $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP. 336-7026 a-15-25-23 Miami Bus Service $40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm 335-8116 8-15-25-23 Ride wanted to Pensacola, FL or Mobile, AL before 7 August. One way. 336-1303. Can help drive, insured. 7-12-1-23 C 0j CD a 0. 0. ml aCD 0. 0. 0.1 CD 0D a 0 C (D 0 il1g CLASSIFiCATIONS (Check one) N I I I I S 1. For Rent. Furnished 2. For Rent: Unfurnished 3. Sublease: House/Apt 4. Roommates _.5 Real Estate 6. Furniture/Household Items 7. Computers 8. Stereos/Electronics -9. Bicycles .1.t. Fur Sule __ Mopeds/Motorcycles 12. Auos -1.3. Wanted 1 MASTERCARD D VISA _14. Help Wanted -15. Services -16. Health Services _17. ResumiTyping Services _18. Personals -19. Connections -20. EventsNotices -21. Entertainment -22. Tickets 23. ides .,2.,4. Fets -25. Lost&Found EXP DATE CREDIT CARD # ze cio rEl M n 3s M O4 R rCfCY) I o -0 rn _us C) K m 0m> :0 m mm Cl) N OFFICE USE ONLY Rec.By RATES (Circle One) 1 Day.$5.50 2 Days.$9.50 3 Days.$12.50 4 Days.$15.50 5 Days.$18.50 Additional Days $2.00 each Days=$ Additional Lines $2.00 each line, each day Addi Lines = $_ Join the Designated Driver Club UF students with a designated driver program card will receive free soda when it is presented at participating establishments. Cards available in 202 Peabody hall & 302 Student Health Care Center Funded by FIPSE GrantF & m-m--m-mm-m -m -6, -m m Furry, feathery,, not your roommate. pets. Find or advertise your pets or pet products here in the Pets section of the Alligator. Sugar glider & cage, 2 pouches, food supply, dishes, & water bottle. $300 OBO. Call 2717159 7-21-5-24 L-ost & Fond LOST DOG: AIREDALE Black & tan 55 lbs. Lost in Newberry 250th St. & US 41. 352-472-4566. REWARD. Shy with men. 7-12-3-25 FOUND: LADIES EYEGLASSES @ McCarty Hall parking lot Friday (7/1) afternoon. Call to identify. 392-5551 x 1154 or cell 316-5732. 7-14-3-25 FOUND: PUPPY WITH COLLAR BUT NO TAG, found on July 2nd just south of SW 20th Ave. Want to find its owner. Is it yours? Please call 352-264-1537 with a description. 7-14-3-25


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 E ALLIGAT13a, 17 Emrnrtt, Iinemen having record setting season By DEREK CATRON Oct0ber 19, 198t "Records don't mean much to me," said Gator running back Emmitt Smith, holder of many records. Smith added to his collection Saturday in the Gators' 34-3 Homecoming victory over Temple. By the time Smith is through, he could have more records than Hyde and Zeke's. Still, he says, the records don't mean that much. But that was tested Saturday. Smith rushed for 175 yards and a touchdown on 23 carries. That gives him 1,011 yards in seven games, the earliest any freshman ever gained more than 1,000 yards. Pittsburgh's Tony Dorsett and Georgia's Herschel Walker both reached the 1,000-yard level in eight games during their freshman seasons. Classic : Smith set the stiry record on his last and longest carry, a 25-yard sweep to the left. The record was announced and Smith was swarmed by celebrating teammates. He jumped into offensive tackle David Williams' arms. "I told him thank you," Smith said. "He did a great job today. "Our offensive line deserves the credit. They blocked great." Smith's momentary display of emotion showed that the records, or at least this one, must mean something. But after the game, Smith was characteristically modest. "Emmitt had a lot of publicity and notoriety in high school and had to go through much of this back then," coach Galen Hall said. "He has a very good family and I think they have raised the young man in the right way." But while Smith played down the importance of his records, his offensive linemen relished the moment. "It's just an unbelievable 'II ~ Alligator File Photo The Emmitt Smith show continues, after the freshman tailback ran for 175-yards on Saturday, making him the fastest freshman in NCAA to record 1,00 rushing yards in a season. feeling to be a part of the line that helped Emmitt become the first freshman back to rush for over 1,000 yards in seven games -what a strong feeling," strong tackle Jimmy Davis said: For the lineman, who if they get any attention at all, it's usually for a holding penalty, it was good to have some positive feedback. "Last year, we were called the offensive line that couldn't block for the run," guard Richard Starowesky said. "Now, we look better, but it's basically the same line." Smith's teammates talk highly of him, a star who at least tries to deflect his spotlight in their direction. He's even given credit for helping out on defense. "Emmitt helps our team out so much by providing the offense with a balanced attack," inside linebacker Gerold Dickens said. "He also helps the defense because we have confidence in the. offense to score points, therefore we can take chances on defense." But for the record, Smith was credited with no tackles. Smith left the game with a sprained wrist with 11 minutes to play in the first half. His wrist was X-rayed in the locker room and he returned to a standing room ovation from the'Florida Field crowd and a warm welcome from his teammates. "I'm just glad he's part of the team," Williams said. Through it all, Smith has worked to maintain his modesty. When asked what makes him a great back, Smith smiled and passed on the question. "It's hard for me to say what makes me the running back you think I am," he said, looking at the questioner. "What do you think?" Smith's success has bred comparisons to other great backs and talk of the Heisman Trophy. "Emmitt has played seven games," Hall said. "He is doing things that other players I have been around have done, like (former Oklahoma Heisman winner) Billy Sims. "I'm not saying that he is in the same category as Billy Sims right now," added Hall, a former Oklahoma offensive coordinator. "But by the time he gets out of here, he will be." Smith can wait for the Heisman, as long as the Gators keep winning. "I've got it down as a longterm goal," he said of the award given to the nation's best collegiate player. "But I'm not worrying about it." Smith's plans were more immediate. "I'm going to go out tonight and try to forget about football." But will anyone let him forget? on subpar Gators' teams By ANDREW ABRAMSON Alligator Staff Writer Nobody saw it coming. Sure, Emmitt Smith was a star running back in Pensacola with plenty of potential, but in 1987 freshmen simply did not dominate in college football. Smith changed it all, and just seven games into his illustrious career, he became the fastest freshman in NCAA history to rush for 1,000 yards. Former Alligator writer Derek Catron, now the assistant managing editor for the Daytona Beach NewsJournal, said covering Smith was a bittersweet experience. "The [former head coach] Galen Hall era was something of a football Dark Ages in Gator Nation," Catron said. "I recall Coach Hall as a kind and generous man, but he was no Urban Meyer. On third-and-long, we'd sit in the press box awaiting the inevitable call of a draw play. Alas, the defense wasn't surprised either. Spurnier would have been horrified. Emmitt deserved better." But while the probation-stricken Gators suffered through mediocre seasons, Smith lit up the scoreboard for three years. "He wasn't tall and didti't look particularly fast," Catron said. "But he had this aura about him, even as a freshman. "Emmitt looked like he'd nbeen sculpted by Michelangelo. His arms looked as thick as an average guy's thighs, his thighs were wider than your girlfriend's waist. And he was just as mature in the way that he carried himself." UF's lack of success kept Smith from ever becoming a viable Heisman candidate, but Smith gave UF fans something to cheer about in an otherwise depressing era in Gators football. "These days, with the examples of Adrian Peterson and Maurice Clarett still fresh, it doesn't seem like a big deal to think of a freshman phenom," Patron said. "But no one was looking for Emmitt to carry the team in '87." FLORIDA STATE FSU's Sexton to iss season with Lyme disease E FRESHMEN XAVIER LEE AND DREW WEATHERFORD WILL COMPETE FOR THE STARTING JOB. STAFF REPORT florida State quarterback Wyatt Sexton will miss the 2005 season, but the reason comes as a surprise to many Sexton, the Seminoles player found wandering on a suburban Tallahassee street in June calling himself "the son of God" before being pepper sprayed by police and sent to a hospital, was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Sexton's bizarre incident became the brunt of numerous jokes around the nation. Drugs were initially expected -Sexton reportedly spent the previous weekend at the Bonnaroo Music Festival in Tennessee -but the Sexton family always claimed that drug abuse did not cause the breakdown. "It has been a very difficult time for Wyatt," Sexton's parents said. "It has also been hurtful to Wyatt and our family to see some media reports that were simply not true." The entire case raised eyebrows from the start. After the Sexton incident became public, Florida State officials claimed that Sexton had already been suspended for two weeks due to an undisclosed violation of team rules but the suspension had never been publically announced. Now, officials are claiming Sexton has Lyme disease, leaving him unable to play football in 2005. Sexton was already redshirted as a freshman, but Florida State officials will try to get him a medical redshirt so he doesn't lose a year of eligibility. "Wyatt has active Lyme disease that has resulted in neuropsychiatric and cardiovascular deficits," Dr. S. Chandra Swami said in a statement released through FSU. "I have strongly recommended intensive therapy with a goal to obtain an optimal state of health. This should include academics and athletics. He should not be stressed by these two disciplines for now." Florida State opens the season 'in a nationally televised game against Miami. Freshmen Xavier Lee and Drew Weatherford will compete for the starting quarterback job. "Xavier and Drew will start out even when we return to practice and we'll have [about three weeks] to see if one can separate himself from the other," FSU c~ach Bobby Bowden said in a released statement. "If not, we will go into the season with two quarterbacks ready to go." Sexton


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 ALLIGATOR By ANDREW ABRAMSON Alligator Staff Writer Call it motivation or call it a talent differential, but David Lee gave no mercy to former UF teammate Christian Drejer on Monday. I their first real meeting since Drejer deserted the Gators, and his best friend Lee, in the middle of the 2004 season to play in Europe, the two met up in the NBA Summer League. Lee, the final pick of the first round for New York, and Drejer, attempting to make New Jersey's roster as a free agent, met late Mondaynight in Las Vegas. Lee had his best performance of the summer in New York's Copyrighted Material 86-74 victory. Lee scored 17 Sd points with eight rebounds onSyndicated Content 4"5-of-shootingin33minute.s Available from Commercial News Providers" Drejer, who UF coach Billy Donovan once called the best former UF player player he ever saw in practice, scored just four points in 16 minutes. Lee has continued to excel in the summer leagues, while Drejer has tanked. Prior to Monday's game, Lee was averaging nearly 11 points and seven rebounds per game while shooting 40 percent from the field in 20 minutes. Drejer, meanwhile, was scoring just three points per game and two rebounds, shooting 23 percent from the field in 20 minutes. WALSH AND ROBERSON UPDATES: Meanwhile, less thari 300 miles from Vegas, former Gators guards Matt Wash and Anthony Roberson are playing in the Long Beach, Calif., summer league with much less security. While Lee's roster spot on the Knicks is guaranteed, Walsh and Roberson continue to compete with the hopes that their respective teams will see enough potential to sig tBem as free agents. SEE BASKETBALL, PAGE 20 L GUTHRIE FEELS UNSUITED FOR MEYER'S OFFENSE By ANDREW ABRAMSON Alligator Staff Writer The Dane Guthrie Era came to a halt before it ever began, leaving the UF football team with just one dependable tight end. Guthrie came to UF with plenty of fanfare. Nearly everyone expected the Miami native to sign with the Hurricanes, but former UF coach Ron Zook snagged Guthrie away from South Florida. "Everything was and [Gainesville] place for [Guthr were out there t spring game and different off Dane But Gators fans wil if Guthrie was the rea the tight end asked to UP. He will likely tr Arizona State or Nort Guthrie was unav going well ment, but his mother, Harieta, said that Guthrie decided at the Orange and Blue was a great game that Urban Meyer's offense wasn't ie]. But we suit Ied for him. "Everything was going well and o watch the [Gainesville] was a great place for him," it's really a Harieta said. "But we were out there to watch the spring game and it's really a ense." different offense." Harieta Guthrie Zook praised Guthrie during preGuthrie's mother season practices last year, and it was a foregone conclusion that Guthrie would start as a true freshman. But a never get to see high ankle sprain kept the tight end I deal, now that spai kettetih n be released from off the field early in the season. While ansfer to either he was expected to miss just a couple h Carolina State. SEE TRANSFER, PAGE 20 ailable for com,-ummer '05 goes insane aybe it's the insanity brewing in the air -hurricanes named Dennis wreaking havoc on a state still recovering from Ivan and Ron Zook, terrorists trying to rule the world, and that miserable heat. But all of a sudden, a muggy, gruesome July in Gainesville has become a month full of Gators drama. I once read a book by David Halberstam called the Summer of '49 (not to be confused with the Bryan Adams cheeseballad, Summer of '69) about the classic battle between the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox for first in the AL East. After this summer, I'm ready to pen my own book titled Summer of '05: A Florida Odyssey. Most of the book will center around Andrew the madness in Abramson Gainesville -UF's Drew's Control home victory against rival Florida State to reach the College World Series, baseball's shocking run in Omaha, the dramatic tale of Matt Walsh and his advisors. Throw in a little Florida State sensationalism, like the Wyatt Sexton saga (more on that later) and the overflow of Seminoles athletes in the Leon County jail, and the Summer of '05 could be my ticket out. But before you place your advance orders (mail all checks to the Alligator, made out to me), slow down -the stories are just getting started. The latest drama? Let's start with Dane Guthrie. Unless you're a football fanatic, you may not be familiar with the name. Guthrie was one of Zook's final prized recruits, a Miami kid that surprisingly chose the ators even though the Hurricanes came knocking. The tight end never received his chance last year. Injuries kept him off the field, leaving a spot for Tate Casey to shine. Now, Guthrie has mysteriously asked for his release. He's headed to either N.C. State or Arizona State. Guthrie's not talking, and it doesn't make much sense. While Casey had a solid freshman season, Guthrie's talent would have landed him on the field, possibly in a starting role. Now, Urban Meyer is left with just one tight end worth a darn. If Casey gets injured, Meyer better cross his SEE ABRAMSON. PAGE 20 0In 1987, a UF running back named Emmitt Smith proved that a freshman could carry a football team. Read the classic story on page 17. IN The BCS has replaced the AP poll with the Harris Interactive College Football Poll, using a panel of former coaches, players, administrators as well as media members. PJuly 10, 1996: The real glory would come in the fall when Danny Wuerffel would lead UF to a national championship, but even after his junior season the star quarterback was named SEC Male Athlete of the Year. I Major League Baseball All-Star Game FOX, 8:20 p.m. U Major League Lacrosse: Long Island vs. Baltimore ESPN2, 4 p.m.


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 E ALLIGATjR, 19 mUF running bavks contendUfor position, -playing tirme By ERIC ESTEBAN Alligator Staff Writer The shoes are set to fill and the bar has been raised that omuch higher. Following an impressive 2004 season in which Ciatrick Fason emerged as one of the premier backs in the Southeastern Conference, the Gators enter 2005 with a quesHA tionable backfield looking to follow in the cleat marks of their predecessor. UF played through the spring with its bevy of backs each seeing time with the first-team on offense. While junior DeShawn Wynn might seem like the favorite because of sheer experience, Coach Urban Meyer could easily give the starting nod to either Skyler Thornton or Markus Manson. 'Wynn's opportunity to impress Meyer came in the spring and he delivered by running hard on a daily basis and keeping his attitude on a positive level. Upon arriving in Gainesville, Meyer singled out Wynn as one of the players that had to step up. After excelling as a freshman but suffering through a rocky sophomore season full of injuries and work ethic issues, Wynn's main Matt Marriott/ Alligator Staff DeShawn Wynn is the leading candidate to start at running back for the Gators. objectives will be consistency in effort and production. "Consistency is the key," Meyer said. "All the stories you've heard, well I've heard them too and this train's moving fast. Either he's going to jump on it or that's it for him." In an offense centered around speed, multiple options out of each formation and misdirection, Wynn is more of a bruiser back. However, don't let the heavy frame fool you, running backs Coach Stan Drayton said. "That's 228-pounds and we expect him to be a runner on contact," Drayton said. "He's got some deceptive speed and is a big back with great vision, great feet and there's going to be a lot of times where we see him explode into the secondary and make big plays." With Wynn sitting out the Orange and Blue game, the speedy Manson gave 58,500 fans and a coaching staff something to think about when he's coupled with a first-team offensiv, line. The redshirt freshman rushed 13 times for 72 yards. "There's .something different between those guys and he's the one guy that has legit sprinter speed," Drayton said. "He needs to be a threat, a home run threat, every time he gets in the setondary and is one on one to take it the distance." The other running back in the mix for immediate playing time is Thornton. Thornton's style is almost a blend of Wynn and Manson. Thornton has the speed, cut back ability and experience to thrive in the Gators' offense right away. Thornton's hard work, as well as injuries to Fason and Wynn, allowed Thornton to receive increased playing time toward the end of last season. Thornton delivered with several clutch runs against Florida State. "Playing late was a real big confidence booster, because that showed me that I can go out there and play with some of the best people in ,the nation," Thornton said. Joining the trio of backs will be true freshman Kestahn Moore. A Texas native, the 5-foot-10, 205pound Moore will provide depth at the position. If he receives playing time in 2005, it will most likely be on special teams. Tim Casey/ Alligator Staff Former UF walk-on David Eckstein is congratulated by St. Louis teammate Albert Pujols after hitting a home run during spring training. Eckstein and Pujols were both chosen as starters for the National League in tonight's All-Star Game. STAFF REPORT National League skipper Tony La Russa considers tonight's major league All-Star Game more than just a showcase for the fans. With a potential World Series home-field advantage for his St. Louis Cardinals on the line, he's willing to shake things up to win. "This is not a show," La Russa said. "It's not an exhibition. We keep score." In surprise move on Monday, La Russa revealed that former UF walk-on and current Cardinals shortstop David Eckstein will not bat at his typical leadoff spot when he makes his first All-Star Game appearance. Instead, La Russa tapped Phillies slugger Bobby Abreu to start things off for the visiting NL team. Eckstein, the only NL All-Star starter who serves as his team's regular leadoff man, will bat ninth -the "second leadoff man" sometimes used by American League teams. "I like that Bo Jackson type," La Russasaid of Abreu. "I like that damage up there in the first inning. "When you have talent like this on a squad, I don't think you can write a bad lineup. You can scramble them up, but I like everything that [Abreu] does offensively. He has a good strike zone. He runs the bases well. He hits rights, he hits lefts. We tried to get some damage early." Eckstein, the second baseman for the 1998 UF College World Series team, is hitting .284 with two homeruns, 24 RBI and a .370 on-base percentage in his first year with the Cardinals after coming from Anaheim last season. Eckstein, who wasn't selected by the play"This is all new to me. I've been playing a long time, but to be voted in by the fans is really nice. It's great the people have finally recognized." David Eckstein National League All-Star shortstop ers to participate, made the All-Star team after beating out Los Angeles' Cesar Izturis forthe starting shortstop spot in a fan poll. He now joins teammates Albert Pujols and Jim Edmonds in the starting NL lineup. Edmonds and All-Star reserve and Cardinals third baseman Scott Rolen also won the fans' balloting but didn't finish first or second in the in players' ballot. "[It's] pretty amazing," Eckstein said. "The fans have been great, and I know the St. Louis fans had'a lot to do with it." Amid competition from future Hall-of-Fame shortstops such as Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez, Eckstein remained locked out of the All-Star Game before making the ju up to the NL. And hewasn't about to celebrate prematurely, despite owning a 500,000-vote lead over Izturis a day before the fan poll closed on July 3. "Nobody in my family had bought any plane tickets yet," he said. "This is all new to me. I've been playing a long time, but to be voted in by the fans is really nice. It's great the people have finally recognized -rt, not finally -but that they've recognized what you can do." ECk s t en t akle s *0 oln new b, attg b rV0 e i n mi1dsu m mer gamfte


20, ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 Walsh, Roberson continue NBA summer play BASKETBA LL, from page 18 Just two weeks ago, Walsh dreamed of being drafted by the Miami Heat. On Saturday, Walsh played for the Heat summer league team with much less fanfare and little game action. Walsh played just seven minutes Miami's opener against Toronto, shooting 1-of-4 and scoring two points with no rebounds or assists. On Monday it was a different story Walsh responded with p solid effort against Dallas, scoring nine points on 4-of-8 shooting to go with eight rebounds and five assists. Roberson, meanwhile, put up consistent numbers in both of his summer outings. In Friday's opener against the Lakers, Roberson, playing for the Memphis Grizzlies, scored 13 points on 4-of-9 shooting to go with four assists. Roberson, trying to prove that he can be a NBA'point guard, did add four turnovers. On Sunday, Roberson once against shot 4-of-9 from the floor for 10 points, an assist and two steals. See alligatorSports.orgfor Lee's reaction Casey crucial to success at tight end position TRANSFER, from page 18 of games, the injury remained and Guthrie was redshirted. Meanwhile, freshman Tate Casey emerged as a threat and surprisingly finished the season with four touchdowns. But it apparently wasn't Casey's presence that threatened Guthrie. Meyer had planned to use both Guthrie and Casey on the field, but likely more as blockers than receivers. Harieta said Meyer tried to convince Guthrie to stay at UF, but to no avail. "[Meyer] tried really hard I think," Harieta said. "No one goes out on the field but the kids. Everything boils down to Dane. We can try to persuade him to stay, but [it's ultimately his decision]." While Casey proved he is a solid No. 1 tight end last year, now Meyer finds himself in a tough situation. If Casey suffers an injury or a sophomore slump, Meyer really has no second option. At 6-foot-6, 264 pounds, Markell Thompson has plenty of size, but he proved little in his junior season after transferring from junior college. And the only incoming freshman tight end, Brian Ellis, didn't qualify academically and won't play for UF in 2005. HILL TRANSFERS: Defensive tackle Michael Hill will also leave UP. As a freshman last season, Hill appeared in six games, recording five tackles. W ak e Breakfast specials starting at $2.95' omelettes sausage -pancakes -BLla -anid more ~k SpeciaIs' 6.30 am -8.30 352.376.8629 Breakfast 6: 30 an -11 352 367 4395 fax LUnch 11 an -3 30 37 N. Main Street ,sPss 9 Happy Hour 4pm-gpm $4 Pitchers -$1 -Drafts 1728 W. University Ave. 377-7333 Stenhen C. O'Connell Cenfer NOW HIRING **Athletic Events** **Concerts** **Expos** Applications being accepted until July 181 Flexible hours enable you to work around your schedule. Advancement opportunities available. APPLY TODAY downstairs, Gate 4, at Room1302 of the Stephen C. O'Connell Center. applications available online www.oconnelcenter.ufL u z-J,14 K-, f% ''i"l' ''n ,4o~a ~i i f'r r.)? dA taa #c'ntLAt V REl oo [II -'0" LJMITEDTIME V column loot Contrdacsa) alu Added tanLntFrC V e dolum n Ioct h REE 1Co n ra ts P *e d V a gd ed c tra rue 2 Fr Eo 120 column inch contt I FREE I Coaor Poon Pag Ad standing ad bonract y RE Coto n %~enaloedad signedby JqyR14d 120 colun Moot cotrc I'ndbtn FREI oorttreOPg A am0 coalunn inch contra S FR I Clor Third noon Ad (W)0 --Cadnp ~cnr tOR otor omcolanr~~~nchconooot ~ 10501dj aoot~~~ cJiof oteebtn Ot oula 5 e? ag ?,vaar2005 -0coun inchmcntrat IFRES Colo~rHalfSPeAdl~S aaa" -t nr o -6to mlamn ich cntar act FE Colorur laIS~o t(5x[o) e~1 ee a -26, Z005uoooi 00 Kt5ln nh ot00 atO -1 a lligao Fl PgFulCooto r dsoo rtumnoroinchooutotobrWin#Wl Coor iientinus Sip natd (Onsi~ dIng erou Am mtai rde tO N & yThese. l %dsfiitil N bN t f n1 anedi~~ ie Elleusk O ABRAMSON,from page18 fingers and pray that Markell Thompson magically becomes the next Ben Troupe. Don't count on it. Switching gears, how about the fun-filled David Lee/Christian Drejer reunion? Lee gave Drejer an old-fashioned Danish spanking Monday night. Lee's 19 points trounced Drejer who scored just four points. We don't know what happened after the game, but let's just hope that Lee's performance on the field was revenge enough. .And the Summer of '05 wouldn't be complete without the latest chapter in the most mysterious sports tale in years. It turns out Sexton isn't the Son of God, he's just an unlucky SOB that was bitten by a tick and contracted Lyme disease. Maybe Sexton has Lyme disease, maybe not. But the entire story seems awfully shady. Why would the Seminoles rule out playing Sexton for the entire season at this early date? And why would Lyme disease make Sexton yell like a madman in the middle of a street? That's not a symptom of Lyme disease, it's a symptom of absurdity. Stay tuned, the Summer of '05 is just getting hot. That's a scary thought. I