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- Title:
- The Independent Florida alligator
- Portion of title:
- Florida allgator
- Portion of title:
- Alligator
- Alternate Title:
- University digest
- Alternate Title:
- University of Florida digest
- Place of Publication:
- Gainesville, FL
- Publisher:
- Campus Communications, Inc.
- Creation Date:
- June 14, 2005
- Publication Date:
- 06-14-2005
- Copyright Date:
- 2005
- Frequency:
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- Language:
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- Physical Description:
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- Subjects / Keywords:
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Newspapers -- Alachua County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
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- Additional Physical Form:
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- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- Vol. 65, no. 75 (Feb. 1, 1973)-
- General Note:
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the independent florida
10M 'A
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005
Gators earn
trip to CWS
Alligator Writer
UF senior center fielder Jeff
Corsaletti had the best bad day of his
Earlier in the day, his car was towed
after receiving a ticket from campus
police. As game time approached on
Saturday evening, he had to swallow
the difficult emotions that come with
playing what could be his last home
game as a Gators player.
Ominous clouds lurked overhead
as the team took fielding practice, po-
tentially delaying the start of a Super
Regional game that would send UF to
the College World Series with a vic-
tory against Florida State.
During the game, Corsaletti, who
leads the team with a .371 batting
average, uncharacteristically went
However, once Matt LaPorta
recorded the final out on a ground
ball by FSU right fielder Jack Rye,
Corsaletti forgot about everything
that occurred up to that point.
A McKethan Stadium-record crowd
of 5,698 watched as the Gators rushed
from the first base dugout to dogpile
in the middle of the field in celebra-
tion of their 8-5 win against FSU.
UF coach Pat McMahon was one of
the observers, standing in the dugout
with a beaming smile and tears rolling
down his cheeks.
"I'm firmly convinced that every
one of those guys on the field wanted
that ball hit to
Baseball them," McMahon
UF 8 said. "When you
FSU 5 can say that when
the tying run is
at the plate, the
largest crowd ever in stadium history
is cheering you on, that comes from
practice and all-the things you do to
be successful. You see yourself in that
position, so when it happens, you can
do it."
The Gators are going to Omaha,
Neb., for the College World Series.
It is the equivalent of the Elite
Eight in college basketball or the BCS
bowl games in college football. Of 290
Division I teams, only eight are still
The atmosphere during the week-
end tournament emulated the energy
Andy Aplcella / Alligator
UF fans celebrate the last out Saturday night. The 8-5 win over Florida State advanced the
Gators to the College World Series in Omaha.
Sun may shine on UF
Walsh to leave Gators
Alligator Writer
Student Government is banking on
UF's lust for news.
A bill that could bring up to 2,500-
copies of the Gainesville Sun to cam-
pus on weekdays was introduced
at an SG forum Monday night. The
plan would allocate $46,000 from SG
reserves to cover the 10-cent cost per
issue retrieved.
"We got a great deal from the
Gainesville Sun because they are try-
ing to come and have the students
involved in their paper," said Student
Body Treasurer Lindsay Cosimi. "It's a
mutually beneficial relationship."
SG will be billed only for newspa-
pers that are picked up, according to a
press release. The Sun will also include
UF's Kerron
Clement won the
men's 400-meter
hurdles at the
NCAA track and
field champion-
ships Saturday. It
was his last race
for UF, as he is leav-
ing early to go pro.
See story, pg. 15.
dedicated space for extra UF news
Tuesday through Friday.
The Sun will appoint an editor for
its new student section who will work
with UF College of Journalism and
Communications faculty to recruit
journalism students for the writing
staff, according to the press release.
"I want to
Student express my sup-
Government port for the pro-
posal before the UF
Student Government that will provide
student-government funds to deliver
the Gainesville Sun to UF," College
of Journalism and Communications
Dean Terry Hynes wrote in an e-mail
Monday to bill author Sen. Mike Belle.
"[An] advantage we see in the College
of Journalism and Communications is
"I think I bring
a level of tough-
ness. I think I
ia dn H f 0l l
Alligator Staff Writer
When Matt Walsh visited the
Memphis Grizzlies last month, it
nearly became the shortest-lived
workout in recent history.
Grizzlies director of playing per-
sonnel, Tony Barone, Sr., didn't even
want to look at Walsh.
"I told everyone it wasn't him,
for the game that they had the wrong kid,"
I think I help Barone said.
S*I think I help Sure enough, it really was Walsh,
make guys minus his trademark curls, sporting
a fresh buzz cut.
better." Today, the new-look Walsh will
Matt Walsh not only practice for the Miami
UF guard Heat, but he will sign with agent
guar Jason Levien, officially ending his
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
* Applicants traveled
from as far as Georgia
and Miami Shores to
record audition tapes
and submit 16-page
applications for the
new season of CBS'
"Survivor" in Gainesville
on Saturday.
See story, pg. 4.
career at UF.
Unexpected departure
The 6-foot-6 guard who greatly
exceeded expectations in his three
years at UF was expected to be a
four-year player for Gators coach
Billy Donovan. Walsh was not
generally mentioned as a true NBA
prospect by many draft experts.
"When I came to Florida, I don't
think a lot of people thought I'd be
leaving early, for the NBA," Walsh
said. "But I have confidence in my-
self. I had confidence that I would
do well in the workouts, although
I didn't think I'd have as good of a,
workout as I did. I've always flown
under the radar a bit, but I've got an
CROSSWORD 14 Thunder
SPORTS 15 stor90/73
visit www.alligator.org
News Today
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
An Old Glory*ous Celebration,
promoting patriotism and the
American flag, will be held today at
1 p.m. at the Oaks Mall Belk Court. '
Participants include radio sta-
tion Kiss 105.3FM, the UF Navy
ROTC Color Guard, Mayor Pegeen
Hanrahan and the Gainesville Sweet
Adelines. The event is free.
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a -t t the independent florida
VOLUME 98 ISSUE 152 ISSN 0889-2423
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
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The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
i[shed by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box
14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday morn-
ings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is
published Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Associa-
tion, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers.
Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18
Summer Semester $10
Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35
Full Year (All Semesters) $40
The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at
that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can
be placed at the UF Bookstore. Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator
may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communica-
tions Inc.
ft ** *-** -***
VP vetoes bill, cuts Gator Growl funding by $200K
A TJF ofcdra1ch'cbziped paxt of a cx=
vexmhil bill b bal iize k. + G5*cT
Vic.-- rn~curd i-kL+ f~r Sbah Afi. c ai
TeIhJLf'.i jx, +rtc a lir.e in t~ebhfl ~dr
CfUp b 2A,COTJ tinIb kb*sfivn -eftrn
o~rjz.rF.~ia! Bbat x: ra~ccxiirj to aL
Acamdre -b% Li Body Pret;3nt Jo
vapjdti i ~ ftlh bil M uth S ra* &
pwc,d it MV 2 4. Th 'j-tk decrease-~ th *0t-l
Ooticerkimm $B40,000 o *0$140)000.
kid tt1- Al1n.*0r ah.r cMeirATS lv Tae--
Ivr~ix o:n FxkiWx 7CUrZlX 'I nVer Win e
wAith tb.- d*M1oL I U~r~ sketo,;.M tbat*
$840,000 ww Wtzo =d% aT re n tf'.
:nvw rda ,eydnitm*taor 4-Tpt-8 itar'-
abll mpp= s.4njgrtu t Jncrey. By Flai~a
hcwv c0y TJF B=L u-e Imhnka3-
re. 05n, A h!-er o~jad = C& 1 pbne
Friday rdorre rctz*i.
Tild 3CL'nLO al-to Aml*~d +Jb+..d'ie tca
kLaftetcCpl t Ii5OtW JFUP!ur.
b' $8000 mcre ftnprevjoJy Uth:'8M
- <*0r wGv2r.wl wmner R..ai t ~-,nCc.
b0 w~-1L kelh~p b~e wthwre wasr. ccn1 a
*Wrbp bu4e-t for +I-slw.
-Tkat does sbdd aLdiffezurnt li8h* onLan
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nz-porel-ityr *0 op~ma6 in tie p~bliceye that
Sk h~r- s. t TL rjc* !,d. LWhI s
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*C'twhclr c el t 1-bil*1I h~-i'a
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.La3)DOO WIPOa Wc~et p~idy a~
ks t&L SG, Wa ccpcar or r --tw1 ard ian
Hmmb-cntre tshvfts, ~also nadvrcim-d
azr anS;G c neCkw Ir ~~
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h-Wasef A -up b a nd-te *0m-cr
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PezfrkxuirRAxts. Dixzb=Mblidmel aachly wl
b-dadtkt ccLm dts.whifi ch ~bki'~. CLcdy
ariC4e ar M-,. d FBK~.
-Ev,*r ge -,ixpT init. bkit l-exe if
Gwdt h3aSad +-e &=~rOsaim d.rVrabvK
-bn0~ z G1k=t~iWIr- sraxulal oIrwrrat next
"A*thtiY6pdnt.. what I 3,aly wma to *0 t
:is wbat i *t sir ts s .an,,-hlesaii -if
&r* C w o StI vflt naithat happ en. V J'?*P+f
1-a,Moe tobEptcxt2&vte.
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tat t1 xwtson pcft-dw* e never;2et*b. I ral
do hocpe 4l-a* +.h usrL*body ir. r.: t ier
fircr&i.edfiran L~I1JI!~
Student attendance on the rise at 'world's fastest game'
atiar pV* c0 &Ver p=Ao~f.betov
pbeire uxa-yonU.thlin*.
ILetam~ixig tohisr. ut1~-mIw e
rext b l*wo him&. is ezpe d ix jst in
*ttr8 bawhinatkt h
leU. aLS-ckrt bter in b6 left herci
anda $a ti nhis ht
*d in ward out, Newnx21,.wculi
83mrcx' up at tht c-&Ifs on te 8ay
blwl bcaid Xlu~xedrocd by e'perv
p=AAI* ccmnbiAti .,b..,~-er
matrigiomoner0e t6ti.S
; N~. 27 he- shuted a~t
te pkytr in+1rebby4AXIhe jdely.
Tke crowdoxf abat ].00JF arid
IxrgaL thV banI ou t ofanovei=dztd
Vi~en ml~ro 1'alje, Newxan
80 -up to0a~llec't his $nwkmxfrv.s
andphi..ed .arotbetb*
Newman is. are of U+~irsoa
coll.ge s.ri nt. ibo bave dzo~ov-
emdthe tspcrtof jaia.
'*filra dbtont ame iUtUs.
phie/' I ippftans~ai&IdwQL eecedit
cat andbaa abb-th Ue *ntin
qkwt ApA 'L 1.ooaL Iai-Alm
inL Ctraxgtr arli 1-as.pnxnot6d
V~kdrt~ra-s. tu~rck trje1-4 tlh
fr~ee rnislo to all zcts. with
'Isa arexxt ahncs~ph~re to
w~ bWdb ami 8cut *with Y01=
fiiuT-kw' N-4'J7awL, aid. If S a
r.zi~tl M~nhR t>ek Fcpp -
d~tm A st2iid gafor ti~ *hpw-t
yM artA zknt, 1-. szda
aou tebt 'bd $t5ia' rnvtUArd
d ptcpl cdre t~q*1 th &or
7The beauty of the sport is'
w hat I'mi fryin g toa tra ct
the customer base for."
General i rnsrger
Acr. opp dc&tm% W1&h ktir,,m
50,Dq~tb-ei 1hc* ~prp~opoami~d,
fad +lmtIriar-J-, tbe cus-brc.=
fixtrIX wxi kinthat z-sptd, it'
'Tn 03Canehmt and *w &dwn
a O=~P1-- of bual-~c~s ane -ph.exf,
e'vcL I *I --Uhavc aapbne"
HwevdT, roppsaid is e~q ri
bt-- tbeir r rcxict av/ cmks
Students from UF and SFCC watch a jai-alai match Wednesday,which is student night.
-A let cl pb=lEk tbhainh em* I xc,
POP p sAd i Th-eb.2auAy cof +1-m sport
k wlla* I'm tyrenxto*0a*bm& +1 c-e-Qx
bm=asetb-e for.-
.Takd phyer Fzrwiso
EwacTL-d x~27, said pL.~ir8 l*c
4d tu k x&,+ da'h wdeeh 1-s. ftded
swome-h% gectrakto te Wme.
:TtS mxjiirrg becamu!' i-mi ta
dtsbmiqg usa b* ol ene~rkm ,an
tat rcakes. us. Wan&to*0 ve aL 100
addaLtt1 spice 4D thti sPCctf"
omia Ajbaiif 1=-trzbmt u22
wdl Scait.of G25ixmyiA.
INqwnram said it is. a *r AWW
'-*-Ysptrka agocd et bve hur
leche said -sbir's. worth itd 3-
cthjai-Alai s e* einriffi nm
ci 100 gwnw.3Lwill caruhi& T 2u 5,
b.1tsb&tL~rogh WilkOzdrO.c-.
WhaW Jackwoongom.. *a dnm acqdttM wlEon Mchmgo*
A 4uasml 4 w 11f a ,-
"Copyrighted Material
S-Syndicated Content...
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
.. .tth
Locals seek 'Survivor' slot
Jayme uougn. Alingator
Antony Cuchila, of the latin band Fredy Omar con su banda, feels the mu-
sic at New Orleans' French Market Creole Tomato Festival on Saturday..
Alligator Contributing Writer
Men and women lined the walls of the
Best Western Gateway Grand Hotel on
Saturday, clutching numbered papers and
waiting for their two minutes of glory.
This was the scene at the open casting call
for the CBS reality series "Survivor" held in
Gainesville on Saturday.
Applicants traveled from places as far as
Georgia and Miami Shores to record their
audition tapes and submit 16-page applica-
tions that included questions such as, "What
would be the craziest, wildest thing you
would do for a million dollars?"
Craig Hirschberger, bassist for local
Gainesville band Boy and the Knife, ex-
.plained that his reason for auditioning was
born of a ritual with his roommates.
Each week, all five roommates gather to
watch the show, Hirschberger said. They
had all planned to audition for the upcom-
ing season together.
"Sixty percent of our roommates are not
here," Hirschberger said, nudging room-
mate Peter Wadsworth and smiling. "It's
us two!"
Neither Wadsworth nor Hirschberger
had any idea what they were going to say
on their audition tapes.
"I'm going to wing it," Hirschberger said.
"I've been up all night, and I'm cranky, so
it's going to be good!"
For other "Survivor" hopefuls, the audi-
tion video was a planned, formulated affair.
Param Birenbaum, who came to the audi-
tion with his girlfriend, knew exactly what
he was going to talk about.
Birenbaum explained that because he
grew up in the Hare Krishna movement, he
is a strict vegetarian. "Survivor" would be a
challenge for him because he would have to
find ways of foraging for his own food while
maintaining his vegetarianism.
For these Gainesville locals, auditioning
for "Survivor" was a fun way to spend a
rainy Saturday. For others, it was serious
Snake Franklin, a 61-year-old man
dressed in a camouflage hat and a Hawaiian
shirt, even brought a prop to help create his
Leaning next to him against the wall was
a walking stick made entirely out of rattle-
"I'm 'fixing to turn 62,
Around and this will be the big-
GainesVille gest retirement I could ever
have," he said.
Franklin said he usu-
ally doesn't take his snakes, Larry, Moe and
Curly, out of the house. They are usually
mounted on a wall, but this was a special
Rachael Channing, account executive
for CBS advertising, listed Franklin and his
snakes as one of the strangest things she'd
seen at the audition so far.
"He looks like a survivor!" she said.
Channing also recalled seeing a man who
shaved the word "survivor" into his hair,
as well as a man who brought along props
from a previous "Survivor" season that he
purchased on eBay.
According to the CBS Web site, contes-
tants are selected based on qualities such as
having "interesting -lifestyles, backgrounds
and personalities," and being "physically
and mentally adept."
The next casting call will take place in
Denver today.
New downtown nightclub presents gothic lingerie soiree
Club plans to make theme f6tes monthly
Alligator Writer
A tall, slender young man sporting a black
miniskirt, fishnet tights and a tube top danced
with a woman wearing a corset, black lace
panties, stilettos and nothing else.
The two set the scene for last week's Goth.
Lingerie and Pajama Party at The Rapture, a
new club in downtown Gainesville.
A fog machine created a steady stream of
white smoke amid the partygoers, who num-
bered about 200.
Men and women, many in goth lingerie,
entered by way of an all-white elevator, fur-
nished with an all-white couch, to the third-
story dub above :08, a country-western dub
on University Avenue.
Models from French Addiction
Entertainment, an adult novelty and lingerie
shop in Gainesville, were on-hand, passing
out free Hershey's Kisses, condoms and $5.
coupons for the store. -
The dub, which opened May 19, hosted
the lingerie and pajama party its first
themed event Thursday, and The Rapture
has more themed parties planned, said Raven
MorningStar, club co-owner and disc jockey.
The Rapture offers a free full-service liquor
and coffee bar, MorningStar said, to give pa-
trons.an alternative to alcohol.
A gothic beach party is planned for July
7, MomingStar said, adding that he hopes
to have a themed party the first Thursday of
every month.
Shanni Scherer, a UF student, said she
heard about the party from her neighbor.
"We thought, 'Hey, a lingerie party, why
not?'" she said.
But when her neighbor told her about the
party, "they left out the gothic part," she said.
MorningStar was a disc jockey at JetSet, an-
other downtown club near the Hippodrome,
which also hosted themed parties once a
JetSet's owner, known simply as Stephen,
worked with MomingStar, and the two part-
nered-for their latest project, The Rapture.
MorningStar said they held a beach party
while at JetSet last year.
Sand was trucked in, along with full-sized
lifeguard chairs and other beach props.
-Goth is a subculture that has become
more and more visible within the last decade.
Those who participate often wear black, listen
to industrial music and some apply heavy
Studying abroad a popular pursuit for students nationwide
Alligator Contributing Writer
As Mary Wood jogged into the
square outside St. Peter's Cathedral
in Vatican City just after dawn,
a light rain began to form a mist
around her.
It was a rare moment: The piazza
was empty, cool, calm and quiet.-
This particular morning run
was Wood's favorite memory from
studying abroad in Rome last sum-
"I loved the excitement, the inde-
pendence every day," she said.
Many other students also have
memorable stories about their trips
abroad, and "the nostalgic masses
continue to grow.
Since 2001, there has been an 8.5
percent national increase in students
taking courses abroad. The 2002-03
school.year set a record, with 174,629
students studying abroad nation-
wide, according to the Institute of
International Education.
UF is experiencing record highs
as well. The University of Florida
International Center reports increas-
es of a few hundred students each
year for the past three years.
About 2,000 UF -students are
currently, or will be, traveling to 59
countries this school year. Students
can choose destinations from
Argentina to Turkey or Egypt and
Scotland, as long as they are in good
academic standing and are at least
18 years old.
Study abroad adviser Leigh Ann
Osborne said there are few better
alternatives than getting credit for
"I loved the excitement, the
independence every day."
Mary Wood
UF senior
"It's the best of both worlds,"
Osborne said.
She said the short sessions,
such as Spring Break in Paris and
Summer in Barcelona, are the most
popular and usually fill up right
Spain and Italy continue to reign
as the favorite destination coun-
tries, but this year students have
nine additional options, including
Kuwait, Bolivia and the Dominican
Wood, a UF senior studying neu-
roscience and art history, said she
enjoyed taking classes in Rome and
said she felt what she learned was
more personal and memorable than
it would have been in a classroom in
When her art history class dis-
cussed Michelangelo, she could
actually incorporate a trip to the
Sistine Chapel, she said.
"It left a bigger impression," she
Hillary Musselman, a UF junior
studying political science and public
relations, said she can hardly wait to
go to London in June.
"I want to meet new people and
experience another culture," she
said. "I've never lived in a big city
Despite all the benefits, the
price is sometimes a deterrent for
students. Programs cost anywhere
from about $950 for a week in the
Bahamas to about $5,600 for a se-
mester in Madrid. Housing, meals
and airfare are usually not included.
International Center program
assistant David B. Maas said Bright
Futures helps with tuition costs and
that many other scholarships are
available. About two-thirds of stu-
dents receive financial aid.
"It's worth it," he said, "even if
you have to take out a loan."
Newspaper promises added UF coverage
Dickey: Win was 'amazing'
CWS, from page 1
of an NCAA championship or
bowl game.
UF left fielder Gairin
Dickey, a Tallahassee native,
described his feelings on the
field after that game.
"It was amazing, to see
the look in everybody's eyes
and feel the joy on the field
that everybody worked hard
to achieve this goal," Dickey
Many would-be spectators
were turned away when both
games of the tournament were
sold out.
Ticket scalpers lined
University Avenue and wan-
dered the parking lot adjacent
to the O'Connell Center.
Families stood near the tick-
et office holding their hands in
the air, hoping someone would
sell them a spare ticket.
To the delight of the UF fans
inside the stadium, a pair of
Seminoles fans were escorted
from their front-row 'seats by
Police after
being caught
with alco-
holic bever-
fans loudly
Dickey mocked FSU
fans who
spelled out the name of their
Others held an American
flag and chanted "U-S-A"
while Seminole fans sang
"O Canada," a tradition in
SUN, from page 1
that the Sun will provide additional internships to
students majoring'in journalism."
But William McKeen, chair of the journalism de-
partment, wrote in an e-mail Monday he is not in the
loop about his college's involvement in the project.
-"Aside from a 30-second cocktail-party chat with
the Sun's publisher at the Florida Press Association's
meeting last week in Key West, I have not had any of-
ficial conversation about this Student Government/
Gainesville Sun project," McKeen said. "I'm amused
that I am described as being 'in charge' when I've
never had a sit-down with anyone from the Sun."
No faculty members from the college sat on
Monday's panel to present the proposal to students.
Belle said he wrote the bill because he perceives
a "perception gap" in Gainesville between local resi-
dents and students.
"It's just not intuitive for a student to get involved
in their community," he said. "Everything points to
them as being temporary citizens."
He said the Sun offers a "well-informed front for
the whole student body.."
UF has a readership program providing free
copies of The New York Times and USA Today on
weekdays. SG paid $40,000 for this program in 2004.
SFCC receives about 500 papers daily through its
own readership program with the Gainesville Sun.
Sun Executive Editor Jim Osteen said he hopes
this bill is just the beginning of a quest to increase
UF coverage.
"This is the first step in a journey," he said.
He confirmed that SG is not paying for its own
"Over my dead body," he said. "We cover every-
thing fairly."
Oseen added that his paper will "intensify cov-
erage of the campus, SG and profiles."
Belle said no contract outlining the details of the
plan can be developed until the
Student Senate approves it but that the
Government Sun also will benefit from the
"They're critiqued on what their circulation is,"
he said. "When they can say that 2,500 more people
are going to be reading their paper, that's something
to definitely champion."
The Sun is planning on signing a deal with SG
that would provide a discounted advertising rate for
SG-funded organizations.
Sun Advertising Director Susan Pinder said SG
achieved the reduced fee because of its "commit-
ment, frequency and distribution."
Student Body President Joe Goldberg said the bill
is a way to show that UF is civically engaged.
"It's a good way to show students that we are
committed to localissues," he said. "I also like the
idea that students are going to have another source
for student news. I think that it's going to be a good
program for everybody."
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This deadline applies to both
display .and classified ads.-
Trustees should stay put
to ensure involvement
Today, as students scramble to finish their projects and
study for Summer A finals, 13 men and women will
convene to determine UF's destiny.
They're the members of the Board of Trustees, and locally
they're the last word on a wide range of university policies.
So it must come as a surprise to some that they're not
meeting locally. Or even anywhere near Gainesville.
Instead, our leaders are going to the fabulous Biltmore
Hotel in Coral Gables, which is a mere 346 miles away from
the front steps of Tigert Hall.
While staying just south of Miami, UF leaders can bathe in
the sparkling 700,000-gallon swimmingpool formerly used for
daring water shows, the largest hotel pool in the United States.
Or they can score tips from private instructors on the resort's
18-hole, par-71 golf course.
Or they can hop, skip and jump to Miracle Mile, Coconut
Grove, South Beach or hundreds of other places dotted
around Miami for shopping or dancing the night away.
It's beautiful.
But it's not Gainesville.
And it's on your dime.
Unlikely as it is that those in charge of our futures would
deliberately misuse the money grudgingly provided to-
them by the state, the distance does serve to insulate the
Magnificent 13 from the prying eyes of lowly students.
Only one of the three Board of Trustees meetings this year
took place in Gainesville. The first, in February, was listed as
a "Board retreat," even though that meeting effectively an-
nounced UF's push for new branding.
The meeting was held at the Sanibel Harbour Resort, only
273 miles away from UF's doorstep.
We are at a loss to understand how the trustees don't see
staying away from home as a significant morale flusher.
The Board is supposed to work for the university and its
members, and it doesn't look like they're working at all when
they're in the thick of the sun 'n' fun in South Florida.
A source close to .UF we asked about this said exactly
what we feared: The Board was trying to stay close to its con-
stituents to the south by showing itself as a force there.
What about its constituents in Gainesville?
What about the students? Those who attend the University
of Florida. Here in Gainesville.
Do we matter anymore? The lone student Board member,
Student Body President Joe Goldberg, is listed as "student
trustee" on the Board's Web site.
As if our one-thirteenth vote couldn't be ineffective
enough, by moving the meetings they prevent all the other
honest, hard-working students from seeing their futures
Recently, it seems the decisions they make are too impor-
tant for students to know about or God forbid! criti-
But wait, someone says: UF pays a lot of money to broad-
cast the Board of Trustees meetings over the Internet.
So, they're using our money to travel to the most upscale
and exotic places in Florida, then paying more money to
send postage stamp-sized video of the meeting back to
It seems like they've found a minutely acceptable option.
So, for all those with time to kill between 11 a.m. and noon to-
day, go to UF's Web site and watch ten men and three women
sit around a table.
If the broadcast actually works.
Il lithe independent florida
Mike Gimignani
Eva Kis
The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name. classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for '1r'th r3ri,,,,r ti and libel. Send letters to
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S.. : ,, 2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.
as ed~ w
Now playing: Mr. Hollywood goes to DC
H i, I'm politician/actor [enter name here]. You might Aaron Blye has devoted many hours entertaining
remember me from such elections as "'Jingle All the Blye's Eyes American troops while on tour with
Way' to Washington" and "Bye-Bye, B-List, Hello, the USO.
White House." Unfortunately, the charity of these individuals, regardless
As an increasing number of celebrities enter the political of political affiliation, is often overshadowed by the average
arena, this is an introduction that American voters might Joe's distaste for partisan celebrity musings.
become accustomed to. Many Americans have a difficult time identifying with
Many Americans have classified celebrity political speech big-spending Hollywood stars and believe that people like
as taboo but now more than ever, Hollywood icons are Sean Penn have no right to be political advocates.
ignoring this condemnation.' Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of "South Park,"
Alongside the infamous model/actor, a new breed of justifiably exaggerated some of Mr. Penn's outlandish com-
-"slashie," the politician/actor, has emerged as a force to be ments in their movie "Team America: World Police."
reckoned with. "Last year I went to Iraq. Before 'Team America' showed
While countless Americans throw away millions of dol- up, it was a happy place. They had flowery meadows and
lars on publications such as US Weekly and People and ob- rainbow skies and rivers made of chocolate where the children
sess over the latest fashion trends, many celebrities use their danced and laughed and played with gumdrop smiles."
fame and fortune to become distinguished humanitarians. It's all in good fun, Mr. Spicoli.
Last Thursday, U2's lead singer Bono increased the ef- Criticism of celebrities often comes from Republicans, but
forts of his lobbying group, DATA, by appearing alongside many ignore that the Republican Party has successfully at-
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso in an tempted to elect far more celebrities than Democrats have.
appeal to government leaders to double development aid to Republican celebrities like former President Ronald
Africa and other impoverished regions. 'Reagan, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Mayor Clint
The next day President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Eastwood, as well as several senators and congressmen, com-
Blair agreed to write off 100 percent of the $16.7 billion debt pletely outshine former Democratic Mayor Jerry Springer.
owed by 18 countries. Makes you rethink the origination of the "Jerry! Jerry!"
Along with Bono, many other celebrities have become chants though, doesn't it?
influential humanitarians. Sandra Bullock truly earned her Celebrities, like other American citizens, should not be
.title as "Miss Congeniality" when she donated $1 million ridiculed for exercising their First Amendment rights.
to tsunami relief, an amount dwarfing the contributions of There are many celebrities who are highly informed and
some countries, express intelligent political commentary through various
Angelina Jolie travels the world as a United Nations partisan lenses. Bill Maher, Dennis Miller, Jon Stewart and
Goodwill Ambassador and donates .one-third of her the creators of "South Park" are among the best.
Hollywood earnings to charity. Leonardo DiCaprio founded To ridicule all celebrities because of other stars' indiscre-
an organization devoted to environmental protection. tions would chill valuable political speech and humanitarian
All mentioned above are Democrats, but let's not forget contributions to the world.
Republican rock 'n' rollers Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. The Aaron Blye is a political science senior. His column appears
former is the national spokesman for D.A.R.E., and the latter on Tuesdays.
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.
Today's question: Do you agree
with the UF administration's partial
veto of the Gator Growl bill?
Thursday's question: Do you
think online voting will come to SG
elections during your time at UF?
Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org
31% YES
69% NO
UF Greeks commend new hazing law
Gov. Bush recently signed the
Chad Meredith Act, House Bill
193, into law. Named for a young
man who died as a result of hazing Nov.
5, 2001, in Miami, this law strengthens
the punishment for hazing violations,
raising the charge from a misdemeanor
to a felony.
The law states: "A person commits
hazing, a third-degree felony ... when
he or she intentionally or recklessly
commits any act ... upon another person
who is a member of or an applicant to
any type of student organization, and the
hazing results in serious bodily injury or
death of such other person."
The Chad Meredith Act strengthens
prior language and makes the punish-
ment more stringent. The gentlemen of
the Interfraternity Council are pleased
with the governor's signature and the
legislature's strong stance on this issue.
We support this new legislation.
Hazing happens.
And, unfortunately, it happens in our
sororities and fraternities. Our organiza-
tions were founded on the principals
of leadership, service, scholarship and
brotherhood, and all forms of hazing are
completely antithetical to our mission.
Interfraternity Our goal, "in
Council new-member
Speaking Out education as well
as in brotherhood,
is to build up our
members, not tear them down to pro-
vide support and encouragement, not
judgment and harm.
Hazing is a serious concern. It is not
news that people around the country
have been seriously injured and even
killed as a result of hazing.
Fortunately, no one has died as a
result of hazing at UF, and we will do
everything we can to keep it that way.
Our Interfraternity Council is doing
its best to tackle the problem of haz-
ing, and with this new legislation we
will continue the fight. We strive each
semester to provide our members, new
and old, with education education on
what hazing is, what it entails and why it
is never effective, much less acceptable.
This semester will be no different. We
will continue this education with more.
programming and incorporate Chad
Meredith's story into our message.
The Chad Meredith Act brings hazing
to the front of our minds and keeps us
aware of the severity of the problem.
The language of the new law reminds
us that hazing affects all communities. In
fact, there are even references in the law
that concern hazing in high schools.
. Knowing that hazing happens outside
of the Greek community in other school
groups or teams or even informal clubs
- we invite anyone, any group, to take
advantage of the programs we offer.
Anyone can attend because everyone
can benefit. Together, we can educate our
groups on hazing: why it doesn't work
and what we can do to prevent it.
The Chad Meredith Act, in addition to
strengthening the law and further defin-
ing the act, prompts us, and all groups, to
rethink what we do in our new-member
education programs.
We are challenged to look at "tradi-
tion" with more scrutinizing eyes. If in
analyzing our actions we find them to
be wrong, we know that there are people
rooting for us to do right.
Thanks to the Florida legislature,
-we now have surer footing on which to
stand and fight.
John Dicks, Chris Bucciarelli, Jonathan
Clouser, Danny Miller, Jeremy Martin and
Steven Will comprise the IFC Executive
Letter to the Editor
Editor: The Later Gator has never run dur-
ing Summer A. It just recently began running
Summer B and Wednesdays.
Moreover, the Later Gator's funds come
from the Transportation Access Fee, not from
student Activity & Service fees. Transportation
Access fees are determined once a- year at
public hearings and are not part of Student
Government's budget.
However, SG is working to bring more and
more bus services for students through :its
work with the Regional Transit System. Every
year SG works to increase services, including
purchasing an-additional SNAP van last year
and RTS's purchase of nine new buses (a 10th
is on its way).
Additional lighted bus shelters are also on
the way across campus, and there will be in-
creased service on many existing routes start-
ing Fall to prevent full buses. New sidewalk
construction has begun in family housing.
All of these improvements will provide
students with greater safety and security.
Zachery Jacobson
SG Parking and Transportation Cabinet Director
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Walsh overcomes injury, shows athleticism; Donovan looks to youth to rebuild
WALSH, from page 1
opportunity and I have to take advantage."
Two weeks before the NBA Draft, there's
plenty of buzz surrounding Walsh, and it's
not just his head being talked about.
, "I think he can be a really big-time shoot-
er," Barone said. "I'm impressed by his size,
he's bigger than we thought he'd be. He has
a very high basketball IQ."
When,Walsh first declared for the draft in
April, his. father Mike said that Walsh was
merely testing the NBA waters to get an
evaluation of his game he would likely
sign with an agent only if he was a guaran-
teed first round pick.
While Mike said there is still no guaran-
tee Walsh will be among the first 30 players
drafted, the family feels confident that Walsh
can make it in the league right now.
"There's always an element of risk in-
volved," Mike said. "But based on the feed-
back and knowing Matt the way I do, he'll
do what he has to do."
Mike also pointed to recent injuries
by college players Dee Brown and Jackie
Manuel as a possible deterrent for Walsh to
stay in college and risk injury.
NBA ability
Last season, Walsh averaged nearly 15
points per game and led the team with three
assists per game. He sat out four games dur-
ing. the conference season, suffering a high
ankle sprain, but really came on in the post-
season when he scored 26 points in Florida's
surprising 70-53 victory against Kentucky to
win the SEC tournament.
Aprolific three-point shooter, scouts have
been surprised by Walsh's athleticism.
"He's a very good athlete in terms of
running the court, jumping and he has NBA
athleticism," Barone said.
The biggest concern about Walsh's game
is his ability to defend quick, athletic NBA
shooting guards like Ray Allen or Paul
"That's an issue he still has to sell people
on," Barone said. "He has excellent speed,
but his quickness is average."
A gritty guard who played through nu-
merous injuries in his career, Walsh believes
he has the ability to play on the highest
"I think I bring a level of toughness,"
Walsh said. "I think I have a good feel for the
game and I think I help make guys better."
Rebuilding begins
Now, Donovan will have to prepare for
the 2005-06 season, likely without his top
three players from a year ago.
Junior guard Anthony Roberson led the
team in scoring, and told reporters last week
at a pre-draft camp in Chicago that he is 95
percent certain he will not return to UP.
Forward David Lee played four years at
UF and is not eligible to return. He is being
looked at as a possible first round draft pick
after a successful showing in Chicago.
So Donovan is forced to rebuild around
forwards Al Horford and Corey Brewer. Both
players enjoyed successful freshmen seasons,
but they will be thrust into starring roles after
playing complimentary ones last year.
Adrian Moss, Chris Richard and Joakim
Noah will all be in the running to replace
Lee in the starting lineup, while Taurean
Green and incoming freshman Walter Hodge
will compete for Roberson's position if he
As for Walsh's spot in the lineup, sharp-
shooting guard Lee Humphrey would be the
obvious choice to replace him, but incoming
freshman Derwin Kitchen may be the most
talented option.
"Kitchen's a combo guard. He's also a
proven winner," scout.com recruiting analyst
Dave Telep said. "He's a versatile a guy who
can play both guard positions and defend
both spots."
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$455 + deposit. 6-16-10-1
Lg furn. 3BR/3BA house 3806 SW 2nd Ave.
1 blk to Newberry Rd w/in 1 mi of UF. Over
2400 sq ft. Hdwd firs, no carpet, carport,
Ig front porch. Incl all utils, w/hi spd cbl.
$1800/mo.407-363-7198, cell 407-234-1380
A must see! Walk to UFI 1BR/1BA suite,
private entrance in a home, 2 blocks to UF.
Suite in home w/furn, utils, hi-speed internet,
cable, W/D, +, parking all included for $650/
mo. Call 256-3323 6-28-6-1
DUPLEX efficiency Tower & Archer Rd.
Private 1BR, BA & Kitchen, appliances, dish
network, covered patio, picnic area, utils
included, $425/mo $100 sec dep. 352-372-
6466 6-16-4-1
Close to UF with wireless DSL, all incl, long
distance. In woodsy home with pool, huge
yard, veggie garden, W/D, DW, enormous
Florida room. Amanda or Juan 336-9242.
W375 + uiiiiiies. 8-1,-4-i
U- furnished J
Newly restored rms fumed in fumed home 1-
mi N of UF. Ideal for good student. $325/mo
+ 1/3 bills w/WiFi, CATV, phone, W/D, etc.
Details call 352-871-5633 7-14-10-1
Apartment Sublease for Summer B
2 Rooms available, on University Ave.
$350/month per person all inclusive
Call Chris at 352-745-1553 6-30-5-1
Campus Club Apts.
$410/month everything included.
Available Aug 6, 2005 Aug 11, 2006
Call Karen at 786-877-0302 7-5-5-1
Looking for responsible NS roommate to
share furnished spacious 3BR/2BA house
on Tower Rd. Private BA, large bkyd, internet
avail. Pets allowed. $300/mo + utils. Call
Lindsey 786-282-8663 6-30-4-1
2BR/1BA house, partially furnished available
Aug-Dec, W/D, A/C, DW, large yd, new kitch-
en, $700/mo + utils. 352-278-1176 7-5-5-1
SPACE. Rustic 1 BR apt. $325/mo.
*1 BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or
mobile 213-3901. 8-15-25-2
5 BR House at UF
Wood floors, W/D
2 fireplaces, huge porch.
Pets Ok, Walk to UF
Open Weekends 371-7777
$99 1st month's rent
377-8797 .
Need a Rental Home or Condo?
Need A Tenant?
a l on Rtal (Lorp L'LiTO(R',
Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440
Full Service Sales 352-377-8899
Studios & 1/1s from $469 studios inci all util
Pets OK, Res. Free parking...guaranteed***
You Can't Live any Closer!
1216 SW 2nd 372-7111
HUGE floorplans
1, 2 & 3 BRs $530-735!
Sparkling'pools & more!
Bike to UF Pets ok!
Open. wkends 335-7275
Hurry while they last
Only 3 left W/D, pets OK
*Some furnished avail*
**Walk or Bike to Campus **
1-1 $460/moO*2-1 $520/mo
www.sunisland.info 0**376-6720
i -"-2O- L
1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus
line, and just a few miles from UF. Located
off SW 20th Ave. $375 $450, incl water,
sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets
,allowed. Call 335-7066. 8-15-25-2
* Stress free living! Great rates!
S1 BR from $460 2BR from $530
* Beautiful pools/courtyards
* Walk/bike to UF Pets ok
* Open Weekends! 372-7555
Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA
W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm*
24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF
Museum Walk 379-9255
Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60
second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House
charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included.
Wood floors. With Parking. By Private
Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 8-15-25-2
Amazing SPECIALS for fallI!
FREE UF Parking!
Tennis, b-ball, pool, luv pets!
Open wknds, Call 376-4002
Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 sec-
ond walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer
included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish.
Short term available. Private Owner. $495-
up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 8-15-25-2
1/1 Flats, 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/W/D. No
pet restrictions! Pool, Gym, Bball, Tennis,
Raquetball. Park at-UF. Indiv. Lease avail.
352-332-7401 8-15-25-2
1/1s 2/2s 3/3s! Near UF
FREE Cable*HBO*Showtime*Alarm
Up to $825 in Rebates. 377-2777
"HUGE Luxury w/Garage**
2/2 Flats & 3/3 THs
from $399 per person
FREE Tanning*24hr Gym*PC Lab
FREE Cable 372-0400
***Beautiful and New"**
FREE High-Speed Internet
FREE Monitored Alarm
FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym
W/D plus TVs in every kitchen
374-FUNN (3866)
Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to.
UF. www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or
352-215-4990 8-15-25-2
1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00
$99 deposit for Grad students
999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720
HUGE Townhouse only $1025
Cable*Pool*Free Tanning*Gym
Fall Specials on Now! 372-8100
All locations and price ranges
If you are tired of apt life -
Go to www.maximumre.com or call 374
0U05. 8-24-170-2
*Location, Location, Location*
1 BR $589, near Butler Plaza,
but park FREE @ UF.
Alarms, some utils, walk-in closet, pets OKI
www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111
Historic Neighborhood
Large 1 BR, wood floors. ,
W/D, pets ok. From $749.
Open WEEKENDS 371-7777
Historic Neighbbrhood
Studios to 2BR's from $489
Pets ok, laundry on site
Summer rates
on a 15 month lease
Sun Island Properties
376-6720 www.sutnisland.info
Enormous 3BR TH w/DenI!!
1662 sq ft. 2.5 BA Pool*Gym*Bball*Tennis*
Raquetball. Park at UF!! $965. WID included.
- Indiv. Lease avail. 352-332-7401. 8-15-25-2
Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes
Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan,"24 hr gym,
Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms
*The Laurels, 335-4455*
*Sign today & save over $1050*
1,2,3&4BR FOR FALL
FREE UF Parking! Tennis,
b-ball, pool, d/w, amazing -
specials! call 376-4002
Lonely apartment seeks you *
2BR/1.5BAtownhome $669 includes W/DI
Park FREE @ UF, alarm, pets welcome
Swww.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111
Pine Rush Apartments
.1&2 BR apt homes
starting @ $429/mo
FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF
tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm
spacious! pets ok! SPECIALS!
pinetreegardens.com 376-4002
1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA
$525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian
tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals,
W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF.
332-7700. 8-15-25-2
1BR & 2BR/1BA with W/D, central heat/air,
dishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets
arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From
$505 377-1633 6-16-91-2
HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3
Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime
W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab
Pets welcome*Private dog park
Leasing NOW& FALL 377-2801
Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups
& DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
Now 372-9913 8-15-25-2
Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft
1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats!
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480.
Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070.,
|: *'. [For Reht
U unfurnriished
HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095
630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo;
816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1'0/mo;
1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo;
642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 8-15-25-2
Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent
A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn
mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by
appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave.
373-4244 UF bus line #20 8-15-25-2
Have Roommates?
4BR/2BA House $950
3BR/2BA Haile $1100
Only You?
1BR/1 BAApt $450
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2
So Close to Campus
Avail now, 2BR/1 BA apts.
$450, $475, $520
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2
1/2 'PRICE APTSI Close to UF/Downtown.
2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 373-
*4423 or online at www.maximumre.com
NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint
2BR- over 1100 sq ft O0 $650/ mo
1 BR-over 800 sq ft O0 $550/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$300 off deposit 0 376-2507
CALL TODAY! 372-8100
Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
2BR/1BA House $695/mo
3BR/2BA Townhouse $975/mo
2BR/2.5BA Near UF $700/mo
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118
Champagne Living for a Beer Budget!
3/3 for $385/bdrm or 4/4 for $370/bdrm
includes cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME
Water & Sewer, W/D, Gym, Tanning
Now & Fall The Landings 336-3838
Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR* Pool -
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail 377-7401*
*Luxury Living/Walk to UF*
S1BR, Private Patios, Alarm, Pets OK.
Huge Bedrooms Walk-in Closets.
Next to Sorority Row
Office: 1216 SW 2nd AVE Call 372-7111
Continued on next page.
f uuFour Rent -
unfurnished 7
FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm
Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to
UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777
Avail for Current and Fall
Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF
Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail
Great Specials*377-7401 8-15-25-2
*FALL* BIks from UF 0 Houses 0
Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed.by owner) See
www.Dalyproperties.com for listings or call
Caroli 377-3852. 6-30-14-2
Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on
north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin
summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties
372-1509 8-15-25-2
Huge 1/1 w/ D/W, patio/balcony
Tennis, bball, alarm, luv pets!
SPECIALS! leasing now & fall
Open wknds, call 376-4002
Avail May: Several units w/in .5 mi of UF
campus or closer. Eff $300-310, 1BR/1BA
$395-$415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA
$700., Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact
sor20@yahoo.com or Iv mssg 352-870-7256
Convenient UF access
$325 to $575
Action Real Estate Services
352-331-1233 8-15-25-2
Apartments & Houses
Studio to 5BR+
Most within 2 miles of campus! -
Campus Realty 692-3800
1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes
Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym
PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities.
."Xeasing Now & Fall, 335-4455
Three 4BR HOUSES & 1&2BR APTS.
Spacious, efficient homes biking distance
to campus. Remodeled, Ig fenced yards.
Lots of extras. Available now & fall. Call
for details. $475-1225/mo. 352-372-4768
6-30-29-2 -
Available Summer & Fall
Studios & 1 BRs $350 to $750
2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850
Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc.
378-1387 www.gore-rabell.com
Historic house, hd wd firs, Ig front porch, lots
of charm. Studio & 1BR avail. 306 NE 6th St.
$400-500/mo. Call 379-4952 8-15-25-2
Ask About Our Move-In
Specials & Giveaways
Individual Leases: Furniture Packages,
Incl Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet;
Every Unit is an End Unit
Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5
701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330
Ask About Our Move In
,. Specials & Giveaways
Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans;
Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer;
Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool;
Sauna etc. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5
700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009
2BR townhouse; .7209 SW 45th PI. $500/
mo, $500 sec dep. No pets. 386-462-0994
] F orRent't For Rent
Iunfurn ished,--. J | unfurnished. ".-i
2BR/1.5BA Condo in Casablanca East.
Newly remodeled w/tile floors, W/D incl, pool,
quiet area,, on" bus rt, close to UF/Shands,
$725/mo. 352-246-5958 6-16-22-2
1BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet
complex located at 3320 SW23rd St. Starting
@ $395/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150.
Please leave a message. 7-14-29-2
Beautiful 2BR/2.5BA, 1200 sf, 1 bik off SW
34th St, on. bus rte, 2 mi to UF/Shands.
Brighton Park. W/D, DW, alarm, pool.
Avail Aug N/S $825/mo. Rebate. 214-3820
Great Homes, Close to UF.
3311 NW 30th Ave $1050/month
1614 NW 21st Ave $1000/month
Drive by and call 495-9085
Email: SBR@Jacksonllc.com 7-21-30-2
HUGE & Affordable
1,2, &3BRs
FREE Alarm FREE W/D Screen porch
FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool
Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly
ONLY 1.7 miles to UF 372-0400
w/garage. Very large, all new. Pool, tennis
& racquet ball. Good location. On bus rt.
$890/mo. Available fall. Call 352-372-4768
**0.8 miles to UF. Historic 2BR apt/house
near downtown. Wood floors, W/D. $630-
$650/mo. 214-9270 8-4-29-2
3BR/1 BA HOUSE central heat & A/C, kitchen
& bath tile floors, WD hookup @ 2036- NW
31 Place. $650/mo. Call 352-371-3636 6-
**Apply Now No Application Fee**
4 blks to UF Gatorside Apts. 1600 NW 4th
Ave 2BR/1BA $550 or 1BR/1BA $350 or
- 12 biks to UF Center Pointe Apts 1 BR/1 BA
1220 NW 12 St. $350 -371-3636 6-30-14-2
Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood
floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces, SE
Historic District. 1, 2 & 3 BR w/water, sewer
$475/mo. 1st, last, security. No dogs please.
378-3704 6-30-17-2
Live the downtown life*
Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s
W/D & T/Hs avb. Pets OK
$0 DD special ask for details
From $525 338-0002
4BR/4BA available now. University Terrace.
W/D, pool, convenient bus stop, pvt wood-
land view, 3 mi from campus. $335/room util
not incl. Call John 786-436-1657 or Jonathon
954-309-3004 7-28-22-2
Country House. 2-story 3BR/2BA zoned
commercial, ideal for home &. office., SW
Williston Rd. $850. Also 2BR/1.5BA town-
house, large patio $495. 494-7230. Dave
215-1728 Kathy 6-16-12-2
1/2 Month FREE RENT!
Bel-Air Apartments 636 NW 26th Ave.
1 BR/1 BA or 2BR/1 BA starting at $535
Village West Apartments-800 NW 18th Ave
1BR/1BA available now. Starting at $460.
Ask about UF Parking Decal.
352-373-7578 3www.rentgainesville.com
PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee, 2BR
townhomes, duplexes, privacy fenced.
Modern appliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private
owner, please leave a detailed message.
$450/mo 331-2099 6-16-12-2
incl W/D, alarm sys, skylight, front, porch,
great bus rte. SW area. Pets ok. $740. Call
317-81'50 for details & showing 8-15-25-2
One Bedroom Apartment Homes
Starting at $429
$150 deposit/$35 app fee
Please call 352-375-1519
3 BED HOUSE $750/mo. Central heat &
air. Great deal! Wooden floors & WID
hook-up. Behind Leo 706. 870-0904, 318-
4553 7-14-18-2
1 & 2 BED COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo.
Historical downtown! WID hook-ups,
porches, great size! Cutel Must see!
Photos @ www.rentalworkshop.com 352-
870-0904, 318-4553 7-14-18-2
1 bedroom apartment in small quiet complex,
near University. $400 a month. Call 352-332-
8481 6-30-14-2
Move-In Now or August! Next to UF!
Studios & 1BR. Specials from $489/mo.
Lofts, wobd firs & more. Some pet friendly!
Only a few left! All-inclusive also avail! Call
now! 376-6223 LiveNearCampus.com 8-
Apartments Available Now
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse our listing FREE
.1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-2.
- "The Three Amigos" live at Spanish Trace
Large 3BR only $285/person
FREE UF parking, alarms, pets adored.
Same-day sign specials! 373-1111
3BR/2BA HOUSE. Wood floors, cent A/C,
W/D, large yard, 521 NW 4th St. $895/mo
562-9607 8-15-23-2
Charming studio. Privacy over detached
garage. 1.8 mi from UF. $500/mo sec. dep.
Small pets. Avail June 15 371-7149 6-16-
From $450 to $1400/mo
Available Now & August
Call 376-4581 -
Excellent Single Family Houses
Close to UF
Call Mike 352-665-7316 6-16-10-2
1BR apt. $599/mo Near UF. Free dep &
redec. Avail now. No rent until July. 321-749-
7070 6-28-10-2 .
Brand new rooms/private baths
Utilities, Cable, DSL, W/D
Action Real Estate Services
352-331-1233 6-30-14-2
Spiacious 1BR $425 1825 NW 10th St..
Adorable, quiet, clean, safe, green space
near UF & downtown, bus line, no dogs, 352-
376-0080 6-16-12-2
Fall rentals, walk to campus 2br/lba
$500, sign lease now and move in August.
Edblaurmanagement.com 375-7104 1731
NW 6th St. 8-15-25-2
Now leasing for fall 3 blocks from campus
4BR/2BA.apt. $265/rm + utils 1740 NW 3rd
P1I 231-3002 6-30-14-2
University Terrace Gainesville
University Terrace West
4/4 Individual Leases
Furnished Living Area
W/D, Pool $375/mo.
Union Properties 373-7578
For ent i~FTR~ifT7
un11furnisEffld .
4/2.5 TH 1662 sq ft. W/D included. Pool,
Gym, BBall, Tennis, Raquetball. Park at UF.
We love ALL pets. $1040. 352-332-7401 8-
"NEW W/D**
FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool
FREE Alarm Screened Porch
Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly
RENT REBATE 372-0400
Immediate Availability
Haile Country Club, Mill Run & Brandywine
Huge 2 & 3 BRs Call 665-4106
Ask us about our summer specials
$800 HOUSE 3 & 4 BRs. Very nicely Washer/
Dryer hook-ups, central heat/air, porch.
See photos www.rentalworkshop.com.
Downtown area. 870-0904, 318-4553 7-
carpet/tile, fans, hook-ups, near shopping/
schools. Grads/yuppies desired. $1200/mo.
+ deposit. No pets. Avail 8/1/05
3708 NW 16th Blvd. 376-2547
6-30-10-2 "
2Bed/1Bath Apartment. $525/mo. W/D
hookup, no pets: 625 SW 11th Lane. Call
231-3002 7-5-10-2
SW 3 bedroom .2 bath home. Fenced yard,
garage, $1000 rent. For appointment call
870-4561 6-28-8-2
For Rent: Rockwood Villas SW condo. Avail
8/1/05. 3BR/3BA. W/D incl. Lots of ameni-
ties, on bus route to UF/SFCC. $1000/mo.
Refs required. Call 352-339-3250 7-28-16-2
****OLD HOUSE****
2BR or 3BR/ 1BA, wood floors,.near campus,
pet ok. Avail June 1. $550/mo. Call Greg
214-3291 6-16-6-2
The Greatest In Student Livingl
Luxury 4/4s*Free Utilities*furn'
NEW 24hr Gym*Gated*Maid Srvc
*$200 off on select fl6or plans!*
Roommate matching! 271-3131
Tallahassee Townhouse
7 min from FSU/Capital
Call 352-514-9891 6-14-5-2
****4 BLOCKS TO UF****
Cute 3/2 in great area, hardwood & tile floors,
W/D, central AC, tons of off-street parking.
.Avail Aug. $1200/mo Watson Realty 335-
0440 7-28-15-2
625 NW 10th Ave 3BR $1000
1417 NW 7th Ave 3BR $1075
Campus Realty 692-3800 6-16-5-2
Carport, w/d hookups, CH/AC,
$800/rent, 1410 NW 55th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2
2BA houses, w/d hookups, parquet
floors, carport, screen porch,
600 NW 36th Drive $900/rent
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2
GREAT 4BR HOUSE! 2 master
BRS, fireplace, lawn svc, w/d hookups,
$1200/rent, 917 NW40th Drive
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TutlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2
4BA apt, indiv. leases, new flooring before
move-in, furnished rooms, $425/room
4000 SW 23rd Street #6-305
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2
Contact us for a complete listing
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
DUCK POND APTSI Cute 1 BR & studio
Apts, wood floors, water & pest control incl.
$450-510/rent, 414 NE 5th Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2
2.5BA Townhouse, w/d hookups, ceramic
tile, porch, pool
$750/rent 2735 SW 35th PI #1604
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2
DOWNTOWN 4BR 2BA! Great house w/
Living & family rooms, fireplace, parquet
Floors, washer/dryer, $1200/rent
1525 NE 6th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc..372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2
Spacious 1 BR 1 BA, new carpet,
screen porch, lawn svc,
$550/rent, 417 SW 2nd Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2
18 NW 36th St. Close to campus, 4/3 w/in-
law suite, cent H & AC, WID, carport. Avail
Aug. $1350/mo 333-9874 7-7-8-2
3962 W Univ Ave. Close to campus. 4/2
separate living/dining/famiy room, fireplace.
All appliances, cent H&AC, W/D, hottub,
avail Aug $1400 333-9874 7-7-8-2
590 NW 54th Terr 3/2 All appliances, cent H/
AC, screened back porch, W/D, carport, avail
Aug, $1050/mo 333-9874-7-7-8-2
1803 SW 20 Ave. 2BR/2BA. Immaculate
townhouse. No pets. Close to UF. $875.
Avail 6/15. Call 352-317-0406 leave msg.
* -
I For Rent Ti
S unfurnished J
House, wood floors, fireplace,
Sunroom, w/d hookups, CH/AC,
$675/rent, 1102 NE 3rd Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-4-2
Living & family rooms, fireplace,
Eat-in kitchen, w/d hookups, $675/rent
711 NW 54th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-4-2
CHEAP RENT 3 BR 1 BA house
CH/AC, large kitchen, w/d hookups,
$625/rent, 503 A NW 19th Lane
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-4-2
1 BR HOUSEI Fenced yard,
CH/AC, w/d hookups, $450/rent
503 B NW 19th Lane
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-4.2
1BR APT in Duckpond area
Spacious, wood floors, on-site W/D. Close to
downtown & UF. $470/mo Avail Aug. 207 NE
Blvd. leave mssg @ 283-9732 7-14-10-2
1BR/1BA No lease, Glen Springs area, on
bus line, next to park, fresh carpet & paint;
ceiling fans, no pets. $375/mo + $375 secu-
rity deposit. Call 374-7175 6-28-5-2
Apts and Townhouses
621 SW 10th St Gainesville
Behind Norman Hall
CONTACT 352-332-2097
4BR/2BA Close to UF,& downtown. Fully
renovated, gorgeous, huge rooms. Cent
heat/AC, hardwood firs, W/D, large fenced
yard, ceiling fans. $1400/mo 373-5295 6-
3BR/3BA HOUSE. Fully remodeled, 1-car
garage, hardwood floors, really nice. Avail
Aug. 1 $800/mo. 262-1838 6-28-5-2
6 BLOCKS FROM UF. New owners. 4BR/
2BA duplexes. All appliances incl. DW, W/D.
Cent heat/AC. New ceramic tile & carpet.
Approx 1200 sq ft. $1500/mo. Call Carol
at 377-3852 or check dalyproperties.com
Large one bedroom apartments.
Excellent location. Close to UF & downtown.
Hardwood floors, central heat/air. Available
now & August. Call Jeremy 352-871-2658-
Historic House/Studio
Vaulted Ceilings, new fridge & oven. $350/
mo View @ pleasantstreet.net 6-16-3-2
9th Terr. Sec system, W/D, high ceilings,
energy efficient, good parking, pets ok. $700/
mo Mitchell Realty 374-8579 8-15-16-2
2BR/2BAwalking distance to UF, Brandywine
apts, Archer Rd. 1 year contract $600/mo
373-2273, 262-4902 6-28-4-2
Huge 1BR/1BA flat. Vaulted ceilings, new
carpet, new tile, $590/mo, 1 mi to UF, avail
immediately. Please call Todd at 813-416-
6954 6-28-4-2
Looking for a home? We have the
LARGEST selection of single family rent-
als in Gainesville. With over 100 properties
currently available, we're sure to have some-
thing to fit your style .and budget. Visit our
website at www.edbaurmanagement.com, or
call us to find your new home today 352-375-
7104 ex 2. 8-15-16-2
NEW 3BR/2BA/2 car garage house. 3803
NW 26th St. in Walnut Creek. All appliances,
maintenance-free front yard. $1200/mo
Watson Property Mgmt. 335-0440 7-7-7-2
Spacious 1/1 in 4BR/4BA @ UTW, $420/mo,
top floor, POOLVIEW, -W/D, all utils & hi-
speed dsl. incl, bus rts 20,. 21. Call Macor
Realty 352-375-8888 for specials! 6-30-5-2
Nice 1 BR/1.5BA condo w/ W/D, spacious,
pool, on bus line, conv NW location. $490/
mo. Call 214-9270. Avail July 1. 8-15-16-2
1/1 699/mo and 2/2 839/mo
W/D and Alarm INCLUDED!
Ask about our SPECIALS!
Call 376-9607
3 BR/ 1BA apt/home Bike UF. 200 amps ser-
vice; cable & 2 phone lines; new refrig; paint
& floors; Ig fenced yard for sm pets. Custom
kitchen; W/D; Lots of storage. H/AC. Perfect
for 2 N/S stdts w/study. $750. 376-7529
UF on bus line. Brand new construction.
Charleston 'Place. Luxury in every detail.
Pool, gazebo, lots of parking. $1000/mo. Call
215-3108 6-16-2-2
HOUSE 2BR/1BA 3928 NW 12 Terr. Recently
renovated. Close to everything. $625/mo.
Call 214-1722 or eves 278-5513. 6-30-4-2
SCHOOL W/D, 2 car carport, fireplace.Walk
to UF. Avail Aug 1st, 2005. 352-317-4408
2BR/2.5BA TOWNHOME. New tile, carpet
& paint. W/D, security system, 1.5 mi to UF
in NW. $750/mo (pets ok) Available 8/1. Call
772-219-6340 6-16-2-2
3 blks from campus. $1060/mo No pets. 231-
3002 7-14-8-2
1501 NW 5th St. University Ave to 6th St
north to NW 15th Ave. right to sign on right.
562-9607 8-15-15-2
Near UF & shopping. Pretty wooded lot.
Hardwood floors, ceiling fans. $395/mo 373-
5295 6-30-4-2
4BR/2BA POOL HOME. Avail. August:
1209 NE 12th St. Pool/Yard maint. included.
Chrystal Berg RItr. @ 352-316-3822 7-14--
AMAZING & CHEAP 1 BR $395/mo
Wood floors, new appliances. Safe & quiet.
Lg. kitchen, BR, LR,-& porch.
Close to shopping & UF.
Call quickly! 352-262-4584 6-28-3-2
U Subleases .
Female for 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA town-
house. Behind sorority row. Short walk to
campus. Avail ASAP. Price NEGOTIABLE.
Call 352-870-8902 6-14-17-3
Countryside @ University condo. $425
furnished living room. 2 rooms avail in 4BR/
4BA. Cable, water, elec incl exept phone.
icheng@bellsouth.net. Call Irvin 352-379-
2926 6-16-11-3.
COUNTRYSIDE $250/month.
Clean 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. All utils in-
cluded, internet, available now until July
31st. Call 850-346-0906. Check out anytime.
Apartments Sublets & Roommates
All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500
Shrt-Long & Furn-Unfurn
1-(877)FOR-RENT (367-7368)
WWW.SUBLET.COM 8-15-23-3
SU -
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
$400/mo .negotiable The Landings 11ft x
14ft bedroom, everything incl. Free tanning,
sports courts, poolhouse. Summer. Contact
immediately 954-461-7943 or
hemant_chandak@hotmail.com 6-16-8-3
Avail now. Lease ends 8/6/05.
1BR/1 BA in 2BR/2BA townhome.
You pay 1/2 util, cable, electric.
Call Tara 561-262-0155 6-14-4-3
1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA furn apt. Female only,
All utils incl. Melrose Apts. $459/mo. Avail
Aug 05 thru Aug 06. Call 941-484-9761 6-
B. Female preferred. Gainesville Place.
1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $400/mo negotiable,
includes everything. W/D, great amenities.
Call 407-970-5979 6-14-4-3
Sublet individual lease. Gainesville Place.
Ground floor. Unfurnished $445/mo. Starting
Aug 05 to Aug 06. Call 850-785-1777 leave
message 7-5-8-3
Furn 1BR in 2BR/2BA unit @ Melrose. Incl
all utils, internet, pool & exercise room.
Sublease for June & July $380/mo. Avail for
fall rental. Call now 407-625-6237. 6-16-4-3
Spacious 2BR/2BA townhome in Spyglass
Apts. All utils incl. W/D incl. in rent. $958.50.
Starts 8/5, negotiable. Call 352-283-3603
Crossing. Spacious BR, private BA. All
amenities included. $350 neg. rent. 954-907-
7689 6-30-4-3
Sublease 2BR/2BA
@ The Cambridge. $1090 everything
included + furnished Avail ASAP until
December. Call 786-303-5784
Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866
Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk
to UF. Old house charm with all amenities.
Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.Lv mes-
sage. Private Owner 8-15-25-4
Looking for. a female roommate for Ig BR in
beautiful new house. Huge pool, pvt fence,
Close to UF & SFCC. Internet, HBO cable,
sec alarm & utils incl $500/mo.Avail Fall. Call
Jacqueline 352-395-7462 or 941-780-3526
M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to
rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi
to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry 336-5450 or
954-646-1341 6-16-83-4
Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from
13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep,
NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or
leave message at 352-870-7256 8-15-25-4-
Room in NW home. $325/mo incl utils &
DSL. No pets, mature male non-drinker/
smoker. Avail 5/1/05 (flex) Scott 335-8209
F vet student seeking F, NS for brand new
fully .furn 2BR/2BA home. Avail immed.
Optional renewal for fall. $425/mo + 1/2
utils. Call 561-707-1503 or gatorgrt@ufl.edu.
Countryside. 4BR/4BA: 1/1 avail 8-1-05; 2/2
avail 1-1-06. Enet access, util incl (cap), W/
D, furn, secure. Exercise/pool, bus to UF-3
mi. $465/mo/rm. 1st.last.dep. Vanessa 352-
217,3464, Flo 352-357-9656 6-30-15-4
Walk to Law School
Large BR in 4BR/2BA house. 3 1L stu-
dents need roommate. Cable TV, wireless.
Available now. $425/share utilities. 770-639-
5958, dcdotson@ufl.edu 7-21-20-4
Female Roommate Needed
Kensington North $500/mo
includes utilities & cable
Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-4
* Southern Comfort Roommate for 3/2
house. Conv location, pool, volleyball, W/D,
ethernet, cable, NS, avail summer & fall
$380/mo + share utils. Jake 239-564-0069
M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA
.home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3
utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737
1 room in 3BR/2BA apt for-female @
Boardwalk. Close to UF. On bus rte: Tennis,
large pool, more. 1 yr lease. $245/mo + 1/3
utils, cable & DSL internet. Call Mike 352-
316-6219 6-30-13-4
Grad, upperclassmen or prof to share spa-
cious new 3BR/2BA house. I-net & cable incl.
Must be neat clean & responsible. $450 or
$425/mo + 1/2 until. Short or long term avail.
262-3989- 6-16-11-4
2BRs avail in charming NW house close
to Ward's Grocery, W/D, share kitchen/BA.
Seeking serious student/professional, NS,
furn opt. $250+ utils. Call 338-2086 6-14-
3rd Roommate needed male. 2 min from
SFCC. 3BR new furnished townhome. Golf,
gated, $550/mo incl all util, inet & cable.
Avail 8/15/05. 1 year lease. No pets. Call
Mike 954-467-7070 or Jeff 954-240-3524
Sublets and Rooms Available -
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse available Rooms FREE!
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-4
F, UF student wanted for 3BR/2BA house 1.5
mi from campus. $430/mo everything incl.
Call Amy 352-219-5780 6-16-10-4
Female roommates for large 3BR/2BA town-
house w/pool. Only 1-mile to UF. $450/mo all
utils, dig cable & hi spd net incl. Call 954-
298-7591 or amyb@ufl.edu 6-16-9-4
1 BR avail 8/1. 5 min to UF. Free digital cable,
$300/mo plus 1/3 util. Prefer female, NS.
352-332-2234, 352-284-5119 6-14-8-4
$325 + 1/4 util. Private bath, walk-in
closet, WID, balcony, pool & bus to
UF. University Terrace Very nicel
www.rentalworkshop.com See photos.
318-4553, 870-0904 7-14-14-4
F roommate for 3BR/2BA. Grad student/prof.
No pets, NS. Near 1-75 & Oaks Mall. Avail
immediately mid-Oct. $318/mo + 1/3 util.
Quiet, pool, tennis cts, 24-hr gym. Elba
425-778-2460 (work) or elbarsan@ufl.edu
2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Credit Union/
Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF.
Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + half
util. Quiet/considerate F/M? Call 337-9746
2 females looking for a 3rd. in a beautiful
3BR/3BA condo in prime residential area.
15 min from UF. Close to park & ride. Lg kit
& Ivg room, patio, internet, cable TV & W/D,
community pool $400/mo 727-399-0574
FEMALE FOR 1BR in 4/4 condo at
Countryside Apts. $410/mo utilities included
(DSL too) Great parking, pool, jacuzzi, gym.
1 year lease. Call Jackie 813-924-1520 7-
Responsible roommate wanted. NW neigh-
borhood, reasonable rent everythingr_-in-
cluded. Call Leah @ 374-2202 6-30-7-4
2 roommates needed for a new 3BR/2BA
house located 15 min from UF, 10 min from
SFCC. On bus route. Fully furn. $450/mo all
included with wireless cable. Call 352-870-
8851 or 540-537-9887 for details 6-16-5-4
1 BR in nice 2 story house on NW side.
W/D & 2 porches. $450/mo incl everything.
M/F current roommates like music fests &
Phish. Call Ricky 336-1409 short/long lease.
4BR/4BA @ Univ Terr Hi-spd internet. $400/
mo incl utils/cable/DVD Ig W/D, leather, re-
clining couches, balcony/pool view. Bus rts
1.2 & 35. Great location close to campus &
Butler. Avail ASAP 318-5322, 318-5321 6-
M or F, or 2 people to share pvt BR/BA in new
2BR/2BA luxury apt 1 blk to UF. Move in Aug.
Fully furn. $700/mo for 1 person or $400 ea
for 2 sharing rm. Incl elec, hi-spd internet,
cable, water, W/D. 941-518-4686 6-16-5-4
Room in NW house $160/mo plus 1/2 utils.
male student. Walk to campus. Available
now thru 2005-2006 school year. Parking
367-8418 6-16-4 4
1 Female roommate needed for 3/2 house
on 36th and University. Available now, $360/
mo + utilities. Call Katie 514-5985 6-28-5-4
F roommate wanted. Furn w/ nice BR if de-
sired. Spacy 2BR apt. June, July rent free!
Free cable + DSL. W/D in apt. Like new..all-
Spring $425/mo. 514-1485 6-164-4.4
F vet student seeking roommate for 2/1.5
condo. Pref NS. Free hi-spd inet & sec
alarm ircl. Nice/quiet area -2mi to UF, I
have 1 cat. Pets welcome. $350/mo + 1/2
utils. Call Melissa 813-453-8326 6-30-6-4
Continued on next page.
F rR nFornise dt -. ,.- _,
G11Z a'firihe ) unfurnished OJ ~ ea~se~s" toort-Ik
I a a 0 0 0 9 ft 6 I
A Roommates ..,Real Estate' j ing
1 BR in a 2/2.5 available for $400/mo
+ utilities. Female pref. Call Melissa 561-445-
9366 6-28-5-4
2 male roommates needed. Serious students
to share 3BR/2BA house. Located south of
UR on Williston Rd. W/D, cable, wireless
DSL. $395/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 258-9116
Roommates wanted for the fall. 2BR/2BA
apt w/walk-in closets. Located @ Greenwich
Green off 34th St. & 39th Blvd. NW, must like
pets. W/D, cable & water incl. $425 + elec/
mo. Krista @ 352-328-4294 6-28-4-4
NS, M or F for own room/BA in large, quiet
house 8 blocks north of the stadium. Must be
mature & responsible. Sorry, no pets. Rent
includes W/D, cable, wireless & utils $525/
mo 727-433-0229 6-28-4-4
Rockwood Villas 2BR/2BA avail in 3/3 condo.
$425/mo + utils. Close to campus & on bus
route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617 leave msg.
Female roommate, NS for fall. $500/mo + 1/
3 util 3BR/2.5BA. Brand new, fully furnished,
beautiful, 2500 sq ft, luxury townhome at
Reagents Park. Call 561-281-9274 7-12-8-4
Avail immediately. 4-6 mo lease avail. Perfect
for grad/intl student. 5 min Shands/UF. Large
rm w/bath. Sparkling Furn/Unfurn. Lg. home
in Kirkwood. $400/mo + utils 352-375-6996
or 352-284-0979 6-30-4-4
Live in luxury. above Dragonfly Sushi &
Starbucks. Huge master BR w/pvt BA, stain-
less steel appliances, wd firs throughout,
balcony $649/mo Call Anthony 337-1330
Live in luxury above Dragonfly Sushi &
Starbucks. Downstairs BR w/pvt BA, stain-
less steel appliances, wd firs throughout;
balcony. $495/mo. Call Anthony 337-1330
Female roommate needed Aug. Looking
Glass. Apts. 30 seconds to UF. Floor Plan
B $505/month plus utilities. Call Apt Office
352-376-1111 or Kim 407-761-5266 7-21-
$212/mo + 1/2 util. Cable free
W/D. Furn (or unfurn) 1 BR in 2 BR house in
NW Gville. $212/mo + utils. W/D. Less than
2 mi to UF, on bus route. 377-5960 Iv msg.
2 rooms open one almost always open. Call
376-0384 or page 202-7074 $85 p/w full cab/
tv private loc/rm. On bus rt. 3 mi from center
of town. for comp info call please. 7-7-6-4
Female roommate for furn room w/ bath in
Lexington Crossing. Includes everything
plus W/D, phone, internet, tanning. 1 yr
lease. $450/mo. 850-217-3907 7-14-8-4
ATTENTION! F roommate needed for 2BR/
2.5BA condo. $450/mo utils incl. Must be
responsible, neat & clean. Avail now! Call
Madgene @ 561-827-4970 7-5-5-4
Sublease 1BR/1BA
in 2/2 apt. until December. $550/mo every-
thing included + furnished. Available ASAP
* Call 305-491-4371 6-16-2-4
Countryside 2 rms in 4BR/4BA to share w/.
2 females. Secure, poolside, cable, internet,
W/D. Free parking, on bus route. 10 min. to
UF. $400 utils incl. el7bear@aol.com,
386-676-9703, 386-235-5400 7-5-5-4
DUCKPOND: 1BR $450 + util. or 2BR -
$300 + until. in 3BR/1 BA house w/ living & din-
ing room, kitchen, garage, front & backyards.
352-256-3800 6-16-2-4
*ia Real Estate D
Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find
Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352- -
538-2181 Iv mssg 8-15-25-5
Existing condos & luxury condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus
Realty Group 6-30-66-5
Grantwood Condominiums
2/2 Loft Condo W/Private Courtyard.
Minutes From UF! 975SF, GATED
Starting @ $125,9001 HURRYI
Call Adam Vaisman 352-222-7260
Coldwell Banker MM Parrish RItrs 372-5375
looking to buy or lease houses in this area.
Any size, price, or condition. 352-264-7347
or visit us @ www.happygatorhomes.com
For sale by owner. Adorable 2/2 on small
private spring-fed lake in Keystone Hgts. A
great weekender. $129,900. Call 379-0619 Iv
msg. 7-12-13-5
Condo for sale nice area
<5 min to campus low traffic
-2BR/2BA includes Fridge
NEW W/D Stove AC & Carpet
Call 352-692-3286, must sell! 6-16-7-5
Countryside @ the University 4BR/4BA
top floor, partially furn. 941-518-5240
1BR/1BA Tumbling Creek Condo.
End unit overlooking creek, new paint,
flooring, plumbing, light fixtures, walk to
UF/Shands/VA. $66,900, serious buyers.
222-2942 7-28-14-5
FOR LEASE: Nice 2950 sq ft OFFICE
BUILDING in NW 34th St & University Ave
area. Can be divided into 2200 sq ft & 750
9q ft. Available Aug 1 st. Call Carole 371-3000
2 BD/ 2 BA in SW Gainesville, tile floors, fully
furnished, fenced yard. $110,000. Call 352-
246-4661 7-7-6-5
BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pil-
low-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new,
still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-372-
7490 will deliver. 8-15-25-6
mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call
352-377-9846 8-15-25-6
Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 8-15-25-6
BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated.-Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 8-
CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 8-15-
BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 8-15-25-6
SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846
DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 8-15-
FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell
$199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6
BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49
* Queen sets $89 Single sets $39 *King
sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk
bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497.
CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave.
MEMORY FOAM same as Temperpedia.
Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin
sets $89 *full sets $129 *queen sets $149
eking sets $189 Student discounts apply.
4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver.
.2 twin size BEDS, new GE WASHER &
DRYER. Prices negotiable. 954-540-0344
MOVING SALE: Sealy Posturpedic queen
mattress set $190, desk, dresser, bookshelf,
& more furniture. Call Julie 359-8252 6-14-
Professional size. Like new. $1500
813-781-3412, 813-781-9130 7-7-8-6
WATERBED, fiber filled, waveless mattress.
Light headboard with shelves and mirror.
$650. Call Victoria, 317-1808. 6-16-3-6
Hurricane Tornado, like new $600 378-5524,
372-1138 6-16-3-6
Immediate sale, price NEGOTIABLE 352-
337-1169 6-14-1-6
Super large capacity. Excellent cond. $250/
OBO. Please call 376-4901 7-5-5-6
MOVING SALE! Furniture & household
items, W/D. Everything must go! Sat June 18
1610 NW 16th Terr. Behind GHS. 6-16-2-6
Pillowtop queen & box ($100) 0 Couch ($70)
* Comp. desk w/ chair ($40) 0 Coffee table
($20) 0 3 lamps ($20) 0 All excellent condi-'
tion. Call 328-4752 6-16-2-6
We- &A44Ae&t ouce- Cta
Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 8-
Complete residential & commercial.support,
networking & website development. $45/hr
www.gainesvillecsi.com 371-2230 8-15-24-7
Cash Paid Laptop PCs
www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 8-15-24-7
Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street
r-on a scum
- computer/laptop repair"
- virus, spyware, hardware
- $10 discounts, cheapest!
- home/dorm 352-219-2980.
722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg
at -Bicycles
In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.
Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Townl
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 8-15-25-9
9 For ale -
Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 8-15-25-10
PARTY -SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar
supplies, glassware, beer taps', draft beer
equipment. Professional cooking utensils.
R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 8-15-25-10
NGC/PCGS Certified Coins, Silver Eagles,
State Qtrs., etc. MS63 to perfect 70.
American Coins & Stamps. 3446 W. Univ.
372-6400 8-15-21-10
Everything Must Go!
Furniture ard household items
All in good condition and cheap
Call 278-1558 or 954-701-5434
Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St.
www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974
Swamp Cycles
Large selection of E-bikes, Scooters and
Accessories. CPI USA, ETon, Luojia, HJC
Helmets. 534 SW 4th Avenue, 373-8823
www.swampcycles.com 8-15-25-11
New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place
352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads..All models & directions avail on web-
site. 6-16-12-11 .
Scooters from $599. Largest section
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 solanocycle.com 8-15-43-11
98 HONDA CBR 600 F3
D&D exhaust stage 3 jet kit 7500 miles.
$2500 OBO. CALL MATT @ 352-870-4168
NEW VERUCCI SCOOTER 4-stroke, 49cc,
electric start engine, reaches 50 mph and
makes 80-100 mpg. Has front disc brake,
remote ignition, alarm & much more. Asking
$1300. Call 352-219-3950 6-16-8-11
Low miles. Good condition. $500 OBO.
Must sell. Call Jake at 352-514-9173 Neg.
2003 Jialing moped/motorcycle. 4-stroke
manual. 49cc. Excellent condition. Fast, fun,
has less than 500 miles. $600. Come take a
look. 941-266-5813 6-16-5-11
'04 49cc 4-stroke scooter
Just serviced. $800
941-356-8470 6-16-4-11
SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition,
Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up.
Call ANYTIME: 352-495-7769
Please leave a message.
*Running or not!*
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
OCall Don @ 215-7987 8-15-25-12
CARS -CARS Buy6SellTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com
Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome
Call Ray 352-284-8619
2715 N MAIN 377-1616
Best Cars Lowest Prices
For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 8-15-
Automatic, 4 door, tinted windows,
Sony stereo, new tires, good condition, 83k
miles. $5200/OBO Moving out of country.
Call 305-331-7413 6-14-8-12
2001- Ford Ranger XLT Supercab. Red, 4
door, V6, Automatic, AC, AM/FM/CD, tilt
steering wheel, factory theft recovery sys-
tem, <44,000 miles. $12,000. Call 386-454-
2909 6-16-4-12
Loaded, leather, CD, PL, PW. $4500. Call
352-558-4152 6-16-3--12
130k miles. Great car. $1200. Call 813-390-
3995 6-16-2-12
Automatic, New tires, Tinted, 58.5K Excellent
condition $9500 Call 352-870-5334 6-16-2-
M edition. New paint, new tires, new clutch.
Power steering, A/C. $3100 firm. 371-6115 or
219-6535 6-16-2-12
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
,- Wanted .''p ted d Help.,- HelpWanted ..el
JEWELRY. 373-9243 8-15-25-13
On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.
Blind lady needs health majors interested in
walking at least three times a week. Call 352-
219-6948. Thanks. 6-30-14-13
Help Wanted
This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings
Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com
for details. 8-15-25-14
Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 8-15-25-4
CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 8-15-25-14
Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call nowl
Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/
employment 8-15-25-14
University of Florida
Survey Research Center
408 W University Ave. Suite 106
Mon-Fri 9:30am-9pm
392-2908 ext. 105
$7/hr + BONUS + r Training
Telephone Interviewing NO SALES
3 eves. 6-9 pm + 2 weekend shifts
Sat 12pm-6pm + Sun 2pm 8pm
Must work summer break week.
For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 8-
No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 8-15-25-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254
Attention Smokers!
Earn -about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making &
smoking. If interested come to the psychol-
ogy bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297
Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company w/advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156 8-31-90-14
Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW6th St.
Groundskeepers FT, PT
Custodial duties/Apt Maint
Transportation req. DFWP EEO
220 N Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14
Leasing Consultant, FT, PT
Energetic Attitude
Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO
220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14
Great for college students. Flexible hours.
Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-15-
Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now
hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashier/servers.
Apply In person 4-5pm, Mon Sun. See
www.green-sparrow.com for store loca-
tion or call 352-871-5771 8-15-25-14
PRE-MED GRADUATES Looking for ex-
perience in medicine? Full time assistant
needed in ophthalmology. Will train. Resume
to Dr. Levy: afn22025@bellsouth.net 6-16-
Immediate Openings,
Customer Sales/Svc, No Exp Nec,
Conditions Apply
All ages 17+. Call Now 335-1422
Good Pay, Resume Builder,
Scholarships Possible
Customer Sales/Svc Will Train
Conditions Apply. Call Now 335-1422
ALSO some PT Position available.
352-246-5785 8-15-25-14
Need Extra Cash?
SOCCER COACHES: Gainesville Soccer,
Alliance seeking experienced soccer coach-
es for competitive youth soccer teams for
2005-2006 season. Call 379-5979 or email:
contact@gainesvillesoccer.org 8-15-25-14
The Institute for Advanced Study of
Communication Processes at the University
of Florida is looking for volunteers who have
strong opinions or beliefs about any impor-
tant issue or cause. *You can earn $30 for
one hour by participating in this study* 352-
392-2046 x229 or voicestudy@yahoo.com
Experienced horse person for part-time
work. Must have reliable transportation,
NS. Call Kristen at 494-0284 or 528-6914
Participants Needed
The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in
Linguistics is looking for people to participate
in a listening experiment.
You can earn $10/hour by participating in a
study of the perception of speech- sounds
frori foreign languages.
If you are interested in participating, please
contact Jenna Silver jenlsilver@yahoo.com
AmeriCorps Alachua County READS!
FT earn $10,600 plus healthcare,
child care and Education Award.
PT earn $5,612, plus Ed Award.
Call 955-7455 or stop in at
Kirby-Smith 620 E. Univ. Room 209
Mortgage lender has immediate sales posi-
tions avail for college students seeking prof
work exp. No exp ieq. $8-9/hr + bonus, flex
hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW
34th St Ste. 206 (2nd fir above credit union)
Need Driver's License. Apply in person
at 505 NW 53rd Ave. at Gator Moving &
Storage Mon.-Fri. 7-28-20-14
Art, Art Ed, Graphics, Arch
Hand-lettering, PT a few hrs per wk. Close
to UF. Short resume. Reply -.P 0 Box 286,
Gainesville, 32602 6-16-8-14
good $ for exp: grad student, welcomed
bkgd ck: 21 REAL $ jobs avail NOW
Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 6-30-10-14
MARY POPPINS: Where Are You???
FT NANNY NEEDED 30 to 45 hrs/wk
3 Jobs avail immediately: Great $ for exp.
Noah's Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008 6-30-10-
Holiday Inn University Center is looking for
housekeepers and houseman
Now Hiring Hourly Manager
at 2 Locations
34th. Street/University
13th Street
Competitive Salaries
School Supplies Assistance
Flexible Schedule for Students
On-the-Job Training
Growth Opportunities
Fax inquiries/resumes to 352-332-0102
Start your AVON BUSINESS for $10.
Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail
avonbyemma@hotmail.com. 8-15-20-14
BA in Pharmacy. Mare, Inc. Fax to 305-823-
4055 6-16-7-14
Flexible hours @ $8/hr. Experienced, fast,
hard-worker. Call 371-9409. 6-30-8-14
hrs/day available, flexible availability. Must
be organized & responsible. Email resume:
dkranz@gatorfood.com 6-14-5-14
Gatorfood.com. Can earn anywhere be-
tween $8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule. For
info contact 379-3663 6-14-5-14
Gatorfood.com is looking for energetic
enthusiastic people,flexible schedule. Call
Dave @ 379-3663. 6-14-5-14
Web Programmer
asp, asp.net, vb script, c#, SQL knowledge.
E-mail resume to jobs@352media.com
Local tech company seeking positive,
energetic,and assertive sales profession-
als with excellent communication and
phone skills. Sales experience preferred.
Base pay + commission. Send resume to
jobs@usbmis.com 6-16-6-14
help. Approximately 20 hrs/wk. Knowledge
of Quickboods Pro preferred. Fax resume to
375-2526 6-16-6-14
for sitework construction office. Quickbooks
exp pref. Ideal for business or accounting
major. Min 20 hrs/wk. Call 335-1711 6--14-
Call center needs telephone agents for all
shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in
person M-F 9am-4pm 6-30-7-14
perience needed for remodeling and home
repairs. Tools and transportation req. .Call
352-332-2234 6-30-7-14
Absolutely Hair. Call or come in 352-380-
0304 1115 W. University Ave. 6-16-5-14
Health Insurance
Dental Insurance
Tuition Reimbursement
Holiday Inn University Center
-.1250 W. University Ave.
$9.00 per hour for the right
Housekeeping Inspector.
Internet Marketing Specialist- Detail oriented
w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication
skills. Knowledge of SEO, PPC and affiliate
management a plus. Flex schedule. Base
pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140
Helper Student, afternoons. Painting, yard-
work, cleaning, etc. Close to campus-. A few
days per wk. Short resume to: PO Box 286
Gainesville, FL 32602 6-16-4-14
Fulltime or seasonal. Extensive travel
throughout the US. Must have excellent driv-
ing record, able to pass criminal background
check, drug free. Salary plus all expenses.
Good chance to take a break, see the coun-
try, get paid for it.
Steve Adams 407-363-7777 6-30-6-14
Now hiring front & kitchen staff for a newly
est. Asian restaurant. Seeking outgoing, reli-
able, and experienced people. Call 352-514-
6404 Mon-Fri 2-5pm. 6-28-5-14
The Bagel Bakery
Customer service rep. $6.50/hr
4113 NW 16th Blvd. 384-9110 6-16-4-14
MODELS NEEDED for internet clothing
company. threadpit.com. Men & women.
Please call Ashley @ 352-371-6536 or 561-
762-2621 for appt. 6-14-2-14
Computer programmer needed to modify
and maintain complex Access database for
law office. Please call 352-335-2699 7-12-
Work with developmentally disabled adults.
Provide personal care in the home. Call 352-
538-9776 6-14-2-14
Health Insurance
Dental Insurance
Tuition Reimbursement
Bellman and Front Desk
Apply in persom 8-5 Mon-Fri
preferred. Computer and excellent phone
skills a plus. $8 + commission. Fax resume
to 377-0488 PIs call 352-224-1857 for inter-
views btwn 10 AM-1 PM only M-F6-16-3-14
SALES PRO WANTED for online jewelry
sales. Excellent phone skills required. Salary
+ commission. Fax resume to 377-0488 of
e-mail applications@abazias.com Pis call
224-1857 for interview btwn 10-1 only M-F
OFFICE HELP WANTED. Experience pre-
ferred. Computer and excellent phone skills
a plus. Fax resume to 377-0488 PIs call 352-
224-1857 for interview btwn 10 AM 1. PM
only M-F 6-16-3-14
SCHOOL: Full time assistant teacher. Part
time P.E. coach, assistant teacher, after
school supervisor & Spanish .teacher &
Substitute Teachers. Stop by 8505 NW 39th
Ave. to apply or call 375-6773 6-14-2-14
The Florida Book Store is hiring for tempo-
rary cashiers for the Summer B Semester
Back to School. Applicants with previous ca-
shiering experience are preferred. Applicants
are required to be in town and available to
work the following days: Monday, June 20th
through Sunday .July 3rd. Apply in person
at 1614 W. University Avenue between the
hours of 11am-3pm. Complete an application
and ask for Carolynne. Please do not drop
off applications during the weekend or times
not specified.
Equal Opportunity Employer 6-16-3-14
Experienced Pizza Makers & Line Cooks.
Apply in person at Pomodora Cafe 9200
NW 39th Ave in Publix shopping Plaza 6-
Work for student. Yard work chainsaw,
carpentry, electrical, plumbing & some heavy
lifting. From $6.50-7.00/hr. depends on skill &
experience. Call 376-6183 6-16-3-14
MARIO & LUIGI'S PIZZA needs pizza mak-
ers, drivers, flyer distributors, managers and
hotsellers. Please call 871-3368 6-16-3-14
Every month! Call to year- a 9-min
Audio. 1-888-230-7442. ext 20742
www.24hourcashflow.cdm/2020742 6-14-
PT warehouse help days, nights and week-
ends flexibJe hrs. Apply at concession office
south end zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium 352-
375-4683 X6500 6-16-3-14
Pick hours. Please call Julie 352-222-5532.
Exp preferred. Valid driver's license a must.
352-222-1904 8-15-15-14
Memorabilia Company in Alachua is look-
ing for reliable, flexible person to he -in
our shipping department 15-20 hrs/wk @
$6.00/hr. Call Rick @ 800-344-9103 week-
days. 6-30-4-14
Latin tutor needed June-August for begin-
ning Latin for high school student. Rate ne-
gotiable. Please call 495-2821 or 392-1991
Ext 213. 6-30-4-14
Continued on next page.
Keydrum Amare
Black Male
(DOB 11/02/69); 6'04",
240 lbs, Black Hair,
Brown Eyes
Wanted for:
2 Warrants for Failed to Report
Change of Address Within 48
Hours to the Department of
Motor Vehicle
Call (352) 372-STOP
S- Help Wanted j Services J.- Typing Services.' J ll'-- inment ir Is --
.... ;I .-. a --L : ..
asing Agent/Sales
itgoing & reliable? Bonuses, great team.
7 schedule incl Sal req. Fax resume, cover
avail schedule to Trimark Properties 376-
t,69 or email hr@trimarkproperties.com
ook, -Baby Gator Childcare. 7-1pm M-F,
I/hr. Prepare breakfast, lunch, and snack.
all 392-2330 6-16-2-14
illtime & parttime people wanted. Must be
stomer-oriented & dependable. Call Andy
18-463-1954 x205. Good Pay! 6-16-2-14
21 Services
Close To UF, Convenient
4x4x4 $20/mo
4x8x8 $35/mo
533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771
)rsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan,
azda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable
ices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830
ww.carrsmith.com 8-15-25-15
YPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve mem-
y & concentration. Eliminate bad habits.
ast life regression. Learn self-hypnosis.
ow Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH,
GH certified 379-1079. 8-15-25-15
Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio
For Fun & Fitness 384-9200
iORSE BOARDING peaceful spacious
0 acres ring-arena round pens expe-
enced help 12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627.
iwner on premisis 35+ yrs exp. Lessons
vail. 8-15-25-15
ake Points Off Your Driver's License
.nd Dismiss Traffic Tickets
fith Online Driver Improvement Courses
wualit. Boarding 0 Lessons/English *
parties Alachua County's oldest & finest
orse farm 466-4060 8-15-25-15
Classes & Workshops
at Sanctuary
Complete Auto Service
Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks
Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033
he countryclub for horses & owners.
customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250'
160' riding ring, round pen & jump pad-
,ck. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19
?parate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591-
175 everglade-eqestrian.com 8-15-25-15
Custom Posters 0 Exhibits Awards
Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices
SignMasters 335-7000
Jump start your job search at
Placqies Name Badges Cups 0 Etc.
Best Selection In Town
www.signpower.com '
SignMasters 335-7000
english as 2nd language
leading, Composition, Conversation
experienced educators. Reasonable fees.
al: 352-335-9400 8-15-25-15
Individuals or small groups.
Experienced, excellent.
375-6641 Harold Nobles
All facilities & amentiies: quality instruc-
tion. 15 minutes from UF. Jan at 376-7762.
Greathouse Equestrian Center. 8-15-26-15
Affordable cleaning w/a woman's touch
Maid Service Residential Commercial
Same Day Cleaning Service Available
352-494-6458 ask for Earnestine.
Stringing If anybody can string rackets low,
EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in
24hrs. Express stringing available upon
request. We have more string than all local
stores combined, please stop by or call 372-
2257 8-15-20-15
Why buy mart-cheap rackets? You can
upgrade at EZ Tennis & pay less. Stop wast-
ing money. Our name is EZ and our game
is Tennis: Call them and call us. 372-2257
Rackets Tennis Racquetball Squash
- Badmitton Table Tennis. Lowest prices in
town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower inter-
net prices. Call us at 372-2257 8-15-20-15
Professional employee training, negotiation,
mediation, conflict resolution & consulting.
Public/private sector. Sliding scale. Free
initial consultation. Phone 352-514-5515
MAKE IT PERFECT with affordable & profes-
sional editing for your newsletter, manuscript,
class paper, thesis or dissertation. Sliding
scale. Phone 352-514-5515 7-28-16-15
Whippoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture
board. 10 min.W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS
Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres.
Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom.
Owner on premises. 376-8792 8-15-19-15
Consolidate your Student Loans
before the Rates go up on July 1st.
Lock in your 2.77% fixed rate now!
Call DSSLoans at 866-859-4622
Interior design student looking for rooms to
update Help me start my portfolio!. Very in-
expensive service. Call today! 386-546-0013
or nan2198@yahoo.com. 7-5-5-15
Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait?
Express training services can get you certi-
fied in less than 3 weeks! Hands-on exp; no
videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 7-
11-05. Class sizes limited. Call 338-1193 for
details. 7-7-6-15
SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing,
apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters,
flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs
exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677
a personal
Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing
Alachua County Health Dept. Call
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)
In Gainesville Better Prices
Better Fields Better Call 371-2092
in Panama City. Beautiful, new 2/2 condo.
Oceanfront, spectacular views, white sand.
Call 335-5946 or 379-0619 Iv msg. 8-15-
20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus
Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse
$40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP.
336:7026 www.GMGTRANS.com
University Opticians Tickets
300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480.
1800 Gun Inventory
Over 500 handguns in stock
Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair.
Reloading Supplies 466-3340
Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer
8mi. South of G'ville on 441.
8-15-25-1 8
*Family Chiropractic*
Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F.
We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE
Ave 375-3752. 8-15-25-18
Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St.
10-9 384-0090
CLEARANCE SALE All CDs must go -
100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50.
We need more room for our GIANT DVD
INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear
Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 8-
Big stores cannot touch our stringing in qual-
ity and price. Please ask their clerks about
EZ Tennis. Why wait for 3-5 days on strining.
With us 1 day max! 8-15-20-18
In terms of Tennis, big.,stores make EZ
Tennis look good. We are lower than them
in prices faster in stringing stock better
quality rackets canexplain or recommend
products to customers better. Tell your
friends about EZ Tennis. 8-15-20-18
Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. If you have
any questions, please talk to us. Our goal,
to have the lowest prices on rackets in the
world. Please help us and your friends to
achieve this goal. Bring the lowest price u-
find. 8-15-20-18
Il Health .Services 3 Connections ..
New Location Students NoAppt Needed
4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340
Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 8-15-
IV sedation, Student Discount.
Well Woman Care & Birth Control
Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr
"PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat
bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants
will get free evaluation, medication & be
reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @
331-2020 immediately. 8-15-25-16
New therapy being studied! If you qualify to
participate in this research you will get free
evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed
for your time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for
evaluation 8-15-25-16
Finders Keepers? If you find something, you
can place a FREE FOUND AD in our lost &
found section. Be kind to someone who's
lostwhat you've found. Call 373-FIND.
Want to make a connection? Place your ad
here to look for someone to share a com-
mon interest with or for your true love
SWM 49 seeks chicks for fun and frolic. I am
rich and attractive without working, can you
say trust fund. Let's meet for beer 30 and etc.
Call Catholic Chuck 376-3475 6-14-1-19
C |,I Event.Notices 3
En~terWtain l t
Every Sat & Sun Hwy 301
15 min from Gainesville 468-2255.
8-15-25-21 /
Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres
Call for the best group rates!
***EUROPE $757 RT***
Travel planning for students. Train & cruises
also available Gator Country Travel 373-
1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264
***WEST COAST $177 RT**-*
Tours packages & more. Los Angeles,
Seattle & more! Call for best rates. Gator
Country Travel 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel
Reg. No. ST-18264 8-15-25-22
***AIRFARE $157 RT***
Summer & fall specials. NYC, DC, Philly,
New Eng & more! Gator Country Travel 373-
1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST 18264
Miami Bus Service
$40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami
Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm
335-8116 www.miamibusservice.com
Furry, feathery, scaly...no, not your
roommate...pets. Find or advertise your pets
or pet products here in the Pets section of
the Alligator.
%d "
*- 0 *
S -
S- -
aO.0 C a
- ** *
o *O ^ CE) C
a -- 0 0 3. 00M
UF sweeps FSU in Super Regional, advance to CWS
Alligator Writer
For seven years, UF has waited.
In front of a record home crowd, the Gators
finally delivered.
The UF baseball team defeated Florida State
in the Super Regional round of the NCAA
tournament during the weekend to advance
to the College World Series in Omaha, Neb.
UF begins play against Tennessee on
Pitching, defense and big-inning offense
- all pillars of UF coach Pat McMahon's
baseball strategy were the key to both of the
Gators' wins against FSU..
Alan Home (9-2) threw a career-high 148
pitches on Saturday to give the Gators an 8-5
victory that clinched a trip to Omaha.
"My legs were pretty gone after the fifth or
sixth inning," Home said. "I wasn't about to
tell [the coaches] that. I've got all of the off-sea-
son to rest up. We're going to Omaha."
Home struck out eight batters and scat-
tered eight .hits. Two of the five runs he al-
lowed were scored after he left the game with
one out in the ninth inning.
"We've proven a point:
don't ever underrate us."
Matt LaPorta
UF baseball player
"That's what championship dubs are made
of," Home said. "Guys that are going to gut it
out every night, and each and every one of us
did that tonight."
Tommy Boss (8-4) threw his second-con-
secutive complete game in Friday's 8-1 win.
The Gators now find themselves inlnm all-
SEC opening CWS round.
"I am very excited," Boss said. "I am so
happy that we finally get to go out to Omaha
after working so hard for four years."
Boss began his career at UF the same year
McMahon arrived. The UF coach urges his
players to dream about their goals.
"You've got to dream and vividly picture
Clement breaks meet record, goes pro; men take second
Syndicated Content w
Available from Commercial News Providers"
-- a
The streak of seconds continued for
the UF men's track and field team.
After finishing second in the NCAA
East Regional Championships last
month, the Gators finished second at
the NCAA Outdoor Championships to
Arkansas last weekend.
Although UF- finished second,
sophomore world-record-holder Kerron
Clement etched his name into Gators
history by becoming the first athlete
in nearly 20 years to win the 400-meter
hurdles in back-to-back seasons. In do-
ing so, Clement broke the NCAA meet
record and posted the world's top time
in 2005.
Even though Clement's early suc-
cess has helped -his team greatly the
past two seasons, it will now come at a
cost for the team's future. Clement has
announced that he will forego his final
two years of eligibility and turn profes-
sional. After breaking Michael Johnson's
record, Clement announced in March
his plans to go pro. Now Clement has
higher goals than those at the collegiate
level. He wants to put his name among
those with huge records. Clement is
aiming at being bigger than Edwin
Moses, who won 107 consecutive races
over 10 years.
"I want to make a name for myself
- 'the great Kerrqn Clement,'" Clement
said with a smile.
Even though Clement has more-
prominent goals for the future, he is still
very proud of winning his second con-
fsecutive individual
collegiate national
"It's amazing it
feels good to win a
national title again,"
Clement said. "I was-
Clement focused today ai'my
goal was to win and
break my own record, which I did."
While nobody else on UF's team
may be turning professional, a few
Gators still put forth strong showings.
Sophomore Mike Morrison picked up
his third All-American honor of the
meet and tenth in his career by finishing
fourth in the high jump. Junior Shane
Stroup also came through for UF, as he
finished fifth in the 1,500m. Senior Kyle
Gators prove critics wrong with Super Regional victory, head to Omaha
The way the Gators celebrated after they defeated
the Seminoles to go to the College World Series, one
would've thought they had won it all.
They haven't yet, but it doesn't matter.
If they go two-and-out in Omaha, it doesn't matter.
Because they weren't supposed to be here.
Every team's goal is obviously to win a national champion-
ship, but then there are realistic goals. Before the season, going
to the College World Series was a goal.
Realistic goal? No one thought so. Not even Tommy Boss.
"I couldn't have dreamed that my senior season would end
with us in Omaha," the big-game pitcher said.
,,. He couldn't have dreamed of it.
Luckily, he doesn't have to, because it's
not a dream. Pinch yourself.
The Gators proved all their critics
wrong, as they have done all season.
At one point, it seemed like the
Ian Fisher Gators were overachieving.
Extra lannings Now, nothing would surprise me.
ifisher@alligator.org The Gators' bats are heating up at the
perfect time, and the pitching has been
It's the postseason, so you know Tommy Boss will have a big
game next weekend. Alan Home also came close to pitching a
complete game Saturday. FSU didn't even get t6 see Bryan Ball,
who pitched better than anyone for a stretch this season.
"Everybody is clicking at the same time," first baseman
Matt LaPorta said. "That's how championships are won."
So the Gators know what it takes to win it, but do they have
the skill?
I don't know. I'm not Miss Cleo, although I did use this space
last week to predict the Gators winning the Super Regionals.
As for winning it all?
Chicago Cubs
Tampa Bay
4.. .. : '- ; .- "'" S
M Times have been set for two UF
football home games. The Gators
and Tennessee will kick off at 8
p.m. on Sept. 17, while UF-FSU is
set for 3:30 p.m on the Saturday
of Thanksgiving weekend.
..-. ..- : ,. -- -. .
U June 13, 1983: NCAA officials extend
their investigation into wrongdoings by the
UF football program. Allegations included
. tampering of grades and ticket scalping by
players. In Oct. '84, UF went on probation.
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FSU coach labels game 'the Tommy Boss show'
BASEBALL, from page 15
what you want to accomplish, in anything you do," McMahon
said. "Before the last game, we talked about who wants to catch
the fiial out today. When you look in the guys' eyes, you can see
"If you don't make those first 26 outs, you don't put yourself in
position to make that final out."
The Gators have been labeled as a group of overachievers;
however, SEC Player of the Year Matt LaPorta takes exception to
that label.
"People only knew what they saw people write about us before
the season, saying 'we're not this, we're not that, we don't have
that,'" LaPorta said. "They haven't been here every day watching
us work, watching us practice. We've proven a point: don't ever
underrate us."
FSU coach Mike Martin praised the Gators after the defeat.
"They certainly deserve to represent the state," Martin said.
"They proved that they are the best team in the state."
Martin called Friday's game "the Tommy Boss show" after
watching the UF senior hold his team to one run on seven hits.
Midway through Boss's performance, a trio of Gators tried to
steal the spotlight.
In the bottom of the fifth inning, Brian Jeroloman, Brandon
McArthur and Brian Leclerc hit consecutive home runs to put the
game out of reach.
The Seminoles (53-19) committed four errors in Saturday's
game and one on Friday while the Gators played error-free base-
ball all weekend.
Men's team achieves goals, women place tenth in meet
TRACK, from page 15
Farmer was able to go out proud by pick-
ing up his ninth career All-American,
finishing seventh in the 200m.
With all of these finishes combined,
Coach Mike Holloway feels satisfied
with the results.
"I'm extremely proud of our group,"
Holloway said. "From top to bottom
we saw season bests, personal records,
school records, collegiate records this
could go down as the best meet in
Florida history. It was a great group and
people shouldn't take anything away
from them. Arkansas is Arkansas and we
knew coming in they were the team to
beat, so you have to give them credit."
The men's team wasn't the only UF
team that added to its history at the cham-
pionships. The women finished tenth
overall, and have now finished in the
top-ten at the Outdoor Championships
four. consecutive years. Sophomore All-
American Tiandra Ponteen re-set her
school record in the 400m, helping lead
the Gators to their top-ten finish.
"This is really a great accomplishment
for our team," Coach Tom Jones said. "We
have been through a lot this year and I re-
ally couldn't ask for any more from this
The Associated Press contributed to this
IANNINGS, from page 15
My head wants to say no, my heart wants
to say yes.
The way this season has been, I'm going
to go with my heart.
Usually, when I hear a team "plays as a
team" or "has great chemistry," I think of it
as a euphemism for them not being good.
Not in this case.
The chemistry is great on this young
team. All one needed to do to see
that was watch the celebrations after
Saturday's game.
Where one player leaves off, another
picks up. When LaPorta stops hitting home
runs, Brian Leclerc starts. When other bats
go cold, Gavin Dickey steps his up.
While the Gators are playing with house
money, it's not over yet.
"I couldn't go out any better," Boss said
about just going to the College World Series.
Actually, he could go out better.
Hint: it would be an even bigger celebra-
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the independent florida Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by CamPUS Communications, Inc. of Gainesvlle, Florida VOLUME 98 ISSUE 152 We Inform. You Decide. WMA BOND T4,2 TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 Gators earn trip to CWS By TIM CASEY Alligator Writer tesyealligator.org UF senior center fielder Jeff Corsaletti had the best bad day of his life. Earlier in the day, his car was towed after receiving a ticket from campus police. As game time approached on Saturday evening, he had to swallow the difficult emotions that come with playing what could be his last home game as a Gators player. Ominous clouds lurked overhead as the team took fielding practice, potentially delaying the start of a Super Regional game that would send UF to the College World Series with a victory against Florida State. During the game, Corsaletti, who leads the team with a .371 batting average, uncharacteristically went 0-for-5. However, once Matt LaPorta recorded the final out on a ground ball by FSU right fielder Jack Rye, Corsaletti forgot about everything that occurred up to that point. By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer dcohen@alligator.org Student Government is banking on UF's lust for news. A bill that could bring up to 2,500 copies of the Gainesville Sun to campus on weekdays was introduced at an SG forum Monday night. The plan would allocate $46,000 from SG reserves to cover the 10-cent cost per issue retrieved. "We got a great deal from the Gainesville Sun because they are trying to come and have the students involved in their paper," said Student Body Treasurer Lindsay Cosini. "It's a mutually beneficial relationship." SG will be billed only for newspapers that are picked tip, according to a press release. The Sun will also include A McKethan Stadium-record crowd of 5,698 watched as the Gators rushed from the first base dugout to dogpile in the middle of the field in celebration of their 8-5 win against FSU. UF coach Pat McMahon was one of the observers, standing in the dugout with a beaming smile and tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'm firmly convinced that every one of those guys on the field wanted that ball hit to Baseball them," McMahon UF 8 said. "When you FSU 5 can say that when the tying run is at the plate, the largest crowd ever in stadium history is cheering you on, that comes from practice and all-the things you do to be successful. You see yourself in that position, so when it happens, you can do it." The Gators are going to Omaha, Neb., for the College World Series. It is the equivalent of the Elite Eight in college basketball or the BCS bowl games in college football. Of 290 Division I teams, only eight are still standing. The atmosphere during the weekend tournament emulated the energy SEE CWS, PAGE 5 dedicated space for extra UF news Tuesday through Friday. The Sun will appoint an editor for its new student section who will work with UF College of Journalism and Communications faculty to recruit journalism students for the writing staff, according to the press release. "I want to Student express my supovernment port for the proposal before the UF Student Government that will provide student-government funds to deliver the Gainesville Sun to UF," College of Journalism and Communications Dean Terry Hynes wrote in an e-mail Monday to bill author Sen. Mike Belle. "[An] advantageweseeintheCollege of Journalism and Communications is SEE SUN, PAGE 5 Andy Apicella / Alligator UF fans celebrate the last out Saturday night. The 8-5 win over Florida State advanced the Gators to the College World Series in Omaha. Walsh to leave Gators By ANDREW ABRAMSON Alligator Staff Writer aabramson@alligator.org When Matt Walsh visited the Memphis Grizzlies last month, it "I think I bring nearly became the shortest-lived a level of toughworkout in recent history. Grizzlies director of playing perness. I think I sonnel, Tony Barone, Sr., didn't even have a good feel want to look at Walsh. "I told everyone it wasn't him, for the game that they had the wrong kid," and I think I help Barone said. Sure enough, it really was Walsh, make guys minus his trademark curls, sporting a fresh buzz cut. better. Today, the new-look Walsh will Matt Walsh not only practice for the Miami UFgard Heat, but he will sign with agent guard Jason Levien, officially ending his career at UP. Unexpected departure The 6-foot-6 guard who greatly exceeded expectations in his three years at UF was expected to be a four-year player for Gators coach Billy Donovan. Walsh was not generally mentioned as a true NBA prospect by many draft experts. "When I came to Florida, I don't think a lot of people thought I'd be leaving early for the NBA," Walsh said. "But I have confidence in myself. I had confidence that I would do well in the workouts, although I didn't think I'd have as good of a, workout as I did. I've always flown under the radar a bit, but I've got an SEE WALSH, PAGE 8 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" l Applicants traveled from as far as Georgia and Miami Shores to record audition tapes and submit 16-page applications for the new season of CBS' "Survivor" in Gainesville on Saturday. See story, pg. 4. FORECAST OPINIONS CLASSIFIEDS CROSSWORD SPORTS 2 6 9 14 15 visit www.alligator.org UF's Kerron Clement won the men's 400-meter hurdles at the NCAA track and field championships Saturday. It was his last race for UF, as he is leaving early to go pro. See story, pg. 15. Thunder storms 90/73 Soun mayOsh 8 nm e 0n UF"
2, ALLIGATOR 0 TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 News Today FORECAST TODAY THUNDER STORMS 90/73 WEDNESDAY THUNDER STORMS 90/73 THURSDAY THUNDER STORMS 89/70 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" ANNOUNCEMENT An Old Glory*ous Celebration, promoting patriotism and the American flag, will be held today at 1 p.m. at the Oaks Mall Belk Court. Participants include radio station Kiss 105.3FM, the UF Navy ROTC Color Guard, Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan and the Gainesville Sweet Adelines. The event is free. FRIDAY THUNDER STORMS 88/70 SATURDAY THUNDER STORMS 88/74 WHAT'S HAPPENING 7 p.m., "2005 Winter Star Party/The Astronomical League" Alachua Astronomy Club Florida Museum of Natural History 8:15 p.m. "8-track, The Sound of the '70s" Hippodrome State Theatre Little Charlie and the Nightcats The Side Bar The Allgat rs bestoo accurate ad er nt ews reports nd Cditrialf you find an error. ps plascal ou newsroom at (352) 36 4458 or send an e-mail o edito r@al' 0ato r.o rg. New Fusion Lunch Specials GATO Happy Hour 4prn-9prn -$4 Pitchers -$1 Drafts Classic Carwash Lades Drink FREE FuldDtiling -Window 8TmingW37 7 33 3010 SW Ar6ce Rd. 374.9227 +-+*+ +v++ 37.++711 alligatorA advertising Stay in Gainesville and earn cOI'entrations n: this marketable degree! 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L ---.DCI Biological Plasma Center -352-378-9204 For More Information Go To www.DciPlasma.com 150 NW 6th Street -Central Plaza the indpel iC t Clorda VOLUME 98 ISSUE 152 =ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Mike Gimignani, mgimignani@alligator.org .Managing Editor/ Print Eva Kis, ekis@alligator.org Managing Editor/ New Media Matthew Kelly, mkelly@alligator.org Sports Editor Ian Fisher, ifisher@alligator.org Assistant Sports Editor Andrew Abramson, aabramson@alligator.org alligatorSports.org Editor Spencer Davis-VanNess, t the Avenue Assi New Media sdvanness@alligator.org Freelance Editor Ryan Worthington, rworthington@alligator.org News Editor Jim Ellis, jellis@alligator.org Editorial Board Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis Photo Editor Tim Casey, tcasey@alligator.org Photo Staff Matt Marriott he Avenue Editor Cher Phillips, -cphillips@alligator.org e Assistant Editor Heather Berger, hberger@alligator.org Art Director Andy Marlette stant Art Director Michael Friedman Copy Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Juliana Casale, Jennifer Freihofer, Jayme Gough, Staff a Assistant Editor New Media Staff Kevin Mahadeo Bryan App Gwen Heimburg Dan Jimmerson DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, bsmith@alligator.org Advertising Office Manager Marybeth Miller, mmiller@alligator.org Advertising Office Assistants Elizabeth Cueto Sales Representatives Casey Franz, Jennifer Carbon Carolyn Langhans, Danny Wayne William Cuadra, Sara Henry, Shane Combs, Whitney Lawson, Morgan Morillo Sales Development/intern Coordinator William Cusdra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015(Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, ellight@alligator.org Classified Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Marianne Cooper, Dan Cribbs CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, smckearnan@alligator.org Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, rpelham@alligator.org Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, lrichards@alligator.org Bookkeeper Patricia Morrow, pmerrow@alligator.org Student Accounting Clerks Brandon Edwards, Keith Enright Michael Sanders, Alex Thurn ADMINISTRATION. 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, cebarber@alligator.org Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, tcarey@alligator.org Administrative Manager Lorena Crowley, Catherine McNamara Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, lmcgowan@alligatororg PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Vern Bean, vbean@alligator.org Assistant Production Manager Stephanie Gocklin, sgocklin@alligator.org Information Technology Manager Brian Dwyer, bdwyer@alligator.org Advertising Production Staff Alicia Bennatts, Niko Lowry, Claudia Wald, Ben Hofer Editorial Production Staff Amy Oglesby, Melissa Garcia, Brandy Stearns The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Fiorida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc. P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc.
Tr I*SDAy TTNE 14, ':5 INALL G AToP 3 TUBE GOVERNMENT I"v10toes'ill, outs Gatr GrowI funding by $200K By DAVID COHEN Alligator VWriter A T.F ci chaprcipd pxmt of a conveis l bill -sidiize ti +s I *o the G~tr GioAl pep V. Fiy, 1evxre sco .udrt G i rP A iSA i sbkAx. Vi. Preik~er br tGiYdfr* Affairs IPaticia T :-vin ad s eT in tO bill OMrIr $2c.:,.':" cf s*ederd moe fo + e purbae Of Up 24,rni :4 der tici + tKhICL -ev-n oacarzer Fbrid Bh Kdy. ar:czirp*t a Accmdirib sd rL w Cdy FreerA* J G-dbe Ts-vrinL 17d q-4iord + e vali4dic +h bill si~n the S*1ud e n .rt paved i r ay 24. Te v'+o d +eh +o+al Slbtrmr fhmm$ 34Q0) x -o $14QJ)CAI. I dirL i trVf ViJ-t i d Gclkitr,"Gnldbe3g Ud te AILlatr after xe 4r with Te LLvin on FhiAY rLozrdx. MI rnor WillT : ag with the ddoks n. I +hln1.ei thenht t jl. 0 Tk 7L-d br me iY6d." GckkL-; ma d+d-ja;! +-t Lm fizt to Tw h was By DRU ORTEGA .Al iga1r C cnribuln5 WMiter llcbby Ne7i fipped paf +:r P:74 ,d Cfrp&Vy-r P oe.b4fCMe phaire wca-or, otht lire. lhzrrirx his. i etw sea r&xt b two i-rxd. hi ird zs* in t Itr -b* in nipai, hie hd a50--era b rin hi14t hard WadMV ticket in Idrieht sd in ard out. Nrcamar 21. wod' ;n:mv Up at +i -0O OL t veix*t bla1k bi ad albIncroed by vtrvy pcsse OTCoArtiT-,caoon of ucb-nr nxkarie fm LLore to e41-A. N. 2." h_ shoutd ht t~e phyfrL+e bab-hsLl djdmd Thi o icadof about 1.2 00 TF ard SFC Shadrd.:!Lelm-d asplaydrs Aurp a r yban ui f anove=z-zd Firj trL+ rlbd, Care o SLW 8p u+ DDls:5' hIs E-' wirirprs ardplaco d arc.ret. N WT n is .-r -of +1C'=.3, o od e Ler*5 who 1ave discovjlMy frisrd *l0i ,o'absout tid ph.:,hvraL -X1-id. S ohIcl-i it cm ard Ilcd abh--k +-e f=t firtc." sfinc Ap,:d1, omah Jai-Aljai in 0T-iL7Paxr' 1=a p-a-otod Vkdrxsdiy a stk9srL --d. witL fr .admiAon *0 .a1 itntders wvrth PIDE" a rAr.t tr-dCL-phtrd *0 t. Fwr of anAdrdrii+atr st ppirs halxirabga fpC4 p nAt 1& d xAWrid mer1yyI lro 14. oI'ly UTF rsi -d e=rid d hn I.& Tela-Irvn let GaresyIe fter +1-mt 3 Iro. C sl b aer tan rd c Nllr phr Me[-L Ir As 1t0.Ad fsAt. due *0 aner inike Pecpl-kct asudeoipa:Uu FBK has $0.000 his Glop;geaard i-reax ly $X1,0 0 ic +r pi up1-rd r th--Juht C*,.r GOticw1 Prodb.r Rd-: r C1 +:rdLc tmL+ht-La+ lefirstrl l--rdt+cL ':--rate i wi for :Ip boausc three was only a $too.NA TarpbOYe&fur+e so 'Th 01 .shAd a dfterr aLM lmo OnL A nL GDowl w ti rd r e rcqpre-1'on v t0 +hh y reeded stmchreyforu :rtu oco. l'y -a diDb erd 3it n. At tdspCIcir, it lcc bl CmbrGo:>l i L'itire p *y." 'S Ie Padder Fzo-Tem-poD Joaa Bcoves jr Ps m Jc' u he lcpzr. all 0 ny.u r--cble 1-0--+11 s&happtredA f iM L adner 0cme ard lare Cut with yJ= flrds:." N r an aid. 'Ifs a dmx :boaall t .." GerK zal Mare.sr DiallcPpp his dfenrd sudmnt nht or thi p.as 'ir yeasm ard unm hr os Swn a PcON.A nbed V T he i050a "Wd c sayz --so, peCpE-d p oPk c ed itam.h tle d=r bhirmdthepat enrmtL" "The beauty of the sports w h at I'rn ryin g to a thra Ct the custorner base for" Dale Pepp General manager Fk-i I-* -in*r.---t rsT le 1-. r d d by he di-.--Urued o-Ae Pop cies .wdah Irtks :tb-er. h C kd .p--p--On ad "IS a mucssuLpicroinnh :had us rieaz~dr easr bs07"3pp sahilr, Iva burU row j-lai ra4, aid in that sp d, it kaes ---en fart.-. hLwianLaid it j]. ben rh18 bum r Tl carne hu and thinw down M ompe of* ecsoae ph Nvdc dccIrlwina i w bMh's, ad srcmetixc.-s Illbua1mm V'nr.I iehloadWdtmU io IIwever Fcpp s-aid his ga1 in tet pz rA-IOnLs rozt b g s*u rds icrjy + ,e is X.X-) rcoz firL +1:.'hc d:"Tell,-Ixvin OL Fri.r *0 disusera-7redr:tMinlelatiard. "lFhe =cLcrunicfDonwr* .ad qu Te 0to kt le r nbr1y Iglat IV w.;L 7irg onmct te p irp r le W old 4Y +Lme -b doi:. when n la-i cr n-,rY l bll [orL-L ] lu o,.h, [tC] L-_AL h ba C JrlsGrp.i at+eachtre .e~i-an wh h Inn, --vtral iLqet fT~e :r Ixrin0 pIovie dUcOIdS xecdir8 ts*pmoaeduft u in t*e *ed. -sAid e ad-rd r hm s a espr-klib to cfpsmi in t ubli .y tha :r.~ haw rot sfie. IE. rwinrltaJbfti .cn .le dercdrmd wor erc -4 +lxte aIw-tcrs is Ikgl ardlt eor i5r t" -i. Chter dharpee *0 t bill th-* lTel-IrML p npdn t i mrCL irduml malar Ir +he $140,)) *Ord.ib*i-rLa lt :5riy rd Stud ent s from UF an d SF CC wa tch "A of* peopled tbirtae I!m Fcpp said "Theb-auty of te port Ik what rMC ryir# baft t +7e C1Sbmerbsefor." .PIi-a WI pyr Fr r En.,cdbliiZ. 27, said playire for t stm.s rds sahrw cb l has ad d 1i iirp-, SG .w a copreor fo::r Grewlx1 r al TJF co--ran Sevd Lrdo ndTelFdlrVLI.nt'Up M LHc-TL -GCca0L 5 I* b rr itcr 1rdjrcr .Liprcd cr. C-trrfor+le mezfcIr8d Arts Dift-.+r Mi17el-Lah1IV wiR 0rdTrfcLnCLcv cLctk ardFE5K. ELr Ide n -s iniax in j. but +Jer i G:-12db -s-i tl EnrA Ji rY w illhave b xevidi+ CxowIs fird-i1 corm rr*a rex* Tuesday'aLc. rere "At uds .P airL+, W kat I mr llirWan +0 kro sk w]t +hi -er is4cr to do," .',-It nr&s, w cxn stil *male tli hperI W jus "A+ rucLt obc0L':. GdcO sront av ornrci ctr +1. te ntir e.A&,r:;ee :ub= ,.Ie ra Id II i p e tat +0 is ore pcdrd wr.e-Vrptx b. I rdIll & hop fa+t thi rtu itds bod:y is r.+ direnfrdr-dsfrcC hi cyndL'-ror. 4" a jai-alai ma tch Wednesday, w hich is studen t nigh t. sen'thir8 ex t er. Nuwtan Said it i a *pmany 'Iff axnMzixbtMIe3a' heu sta-b-isr slchuIb wAlir'C:mMi. des-ntis -a bt 0 sa r ard "b'llsp rd a d thuis h-czrs. *at rcles 'us want 0 toi a 1(0 heu."hI said 'S i*'s wrah rf 10aszdaiitte spioe b the s-ptf Cioa J-Abai' th S -ouh unn Cif Jai-Aliis babkd abut 22 cf 1(0 an-m will rbaeu Jhrie 25, mo uft 0 G*cx. rtin I, .butLntudinrsJ*VJfrdlre. ~1 I1~M "Copyrighted Materia I Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Student attendance on th'Ae rise at 'world's fastest game'
4, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 11Locals seek 'Survivor' slot 0 CBS HELD FLORIDA CASTING CALL LAST WEEKEND FOR NEXT SEASON. By ADINA THOMPSON Alligator Contributing Writer Men and women lined the walls of the Best Western Gateway Grand Hotel on Saturday, clutching numbered papers and waiting for their two minutes of glory. This was the scene at the open casting call for the CBS reality series "Survivor" held in Gainesville on Saturday. Applicants traveled from places as far as Georgia and Miami Shores to record their audition tapes and submit 16-page applications that included questions such as, "What would be the craziest, wildest thing you would do for a million dollars?" Craig Hirschberger, bassist for local Gainesville band Boy and the Knife, explained that his reason for auditioning was born of a ritual with his roommates. Each week, all five roommates gather to watch the show, Hirschberger said. They had all planned to audition for the upcoming season together. "Sixty percent of our roommates are not here," Hirschberger said, nudging roommate Peter Wadsworth and smiling. "It's us two!" Neither Wadsworth nor Hirschberger had any idea what they were going to say on their audition tapes. "I'm going to wing it," Hirschberger said. "I've been up all night, and I'm cranky, so it's going to be good!" For other "Survivor" hopefuls, the audition video was a planned, formulated affair. Param Birenbaum, who came to the audition with his girlfriend, knew exactly what he was going to talk about. Birenbaum explained that because he grew up in the Hare Krishna movement, he is a strict vegetarian. "Survivor" would be a challenge for him because he would have to find ways of foraging for his own food while maintaining his vegetarianism. For these Gainesville locals, auditioning for "Survivor" was a fun way to spend a rainy Saturday. For others, it was serious business. Snake Franklin, a 61-year-old man dressed in a camouflage hat and a Hawaiian shirt, even brought a prop to help create his video. Leaning next to him against the wall was a walking stick made entirely out of rattlesnakes. "I'm 'fixing to turn 62, -u and this will be the bigGanesvile gest retirement I could ever have," he said. Franklin said he usually doesn't take his snakes, Larry, Moe and Curly, out of the house. They are usually mounted on a wall, but this was a special occasion. Rachael Channing, account executive for CBS advertising, listed Franklin and his snakes as one of the strangest things she'd seen at the audition so far. "He looks like a survivor!" she said. Channing also recalled seeing a man who shaved the word "survivor" into his hair, as well as a man who brought along props from a previous "Survivor" season that he purchased on eBay. According to the CBS Web site, contestants are selected based on qualities such as having "interesting lifestyles, backgrounds and personalities," and being "physically and mentally adept." The next casting call will take place in Denver today. AROUND GAINESVILLE New downtown nightclub presents gothic lingerie soiree Club plans to make theme f6tes monthly By CRYSTAL HENRY Alligator Writer chenry@aliIgator.org A tall, slender young man sporting a black miniskirt, fishnet tights and a tube top danced with a woman wearing a corset, black lace panties, stilettos and nothing else. The two set the scene for last week's Goth Lingerie and Pajama Party at The Rapture, a new club in downtown Gainesville. A fog machine created a steady stream of white smoke amid the partygoers, who numbered about 200. Men and women, many in goth lingerie, entered by way of an all-white elevator, furnihed with an all-white couch, to the thirdstory club above :08, a country-western club on University Avenue. Models from French Addiction Entertainment, an adult novelty and lingerie shop in Gainesville, were on-hand, passing out free Hershey's Kisses, condoms and $5. coupons for thestore. -. The club, which opened May 19, hosted the lingerie and pajama party -its first themed event -Thursday, and The Rapture has more themed parties planned, said Raven MorningStar, club co-owner and disc jockey. The Rapture offers a free full-service liquor and coffee bar, MoringStar said, to give patrons an alternative to alcohol. A gothic beach party is planned for July 7, MorningStar said, adding that he hopes to have a themed party the first Thursday of every month. Shanni Scherer, a UF student, said she heard about the party from her neighbor. "We thought, 'Hey, a lingerie party, why not?' she said. But when her neighbor told her about the party, "they left out the gothic part," she said. MorningStar was a disc jockey at JetSet, another downtown club near the Hippodrome, which also hosted themed parties once a month. JetSet's owner, known simply as Stephen, worked with MorningStar, and the two partnered for their latest project, The Rapture. MorningStar said they held a beach party while at JetSet last year. Sand was trucked in, along with full-sized lifeguard chairs and other beach props. Goth is a subculture that has become more and more visible within the last decade. Those who participate often wear black, listen to industrial music and some apply heavy makeup. Studying abroad a popular pursuit for students nationwide By ERIN CHALFANT Alligator Contributing Writer As Mary Wood jogged into the square outside St. Peter's Cathedral in Vatican City just after dawn, a light rain began to form a mist around her. It was a rare moment: The piazza was empty, cool, calm and quiet. This particular morning run was Wood's favorite memory from studying abroad in Rome last summer. "I loved the excitement, the independence every day," she said. Many other students also have memorable stories about their trips abroad, and -the nostalgic masses continue to grow. Since 2001, there has been an 8.5 percent national increase in students taking courses abroad. The 2002-03 school.year seta record, with 174,629 students studying abroad nationwide, according to the Institute of International Education. UF is experiencing record highs as well. The University of Florida International Center reports increases of a few hundred students each year for the past three years. About 2,000 UF students are currently, or will be, traveling to 59 countries this school year. Students can choose destinations from Argentina to Turkey or Egypt and Scotland, as long as they are in good academic standing and are at least 18 years old. Study abroad adviser Leigh Ann Osborne said there are few better alternatives than getting credit for traveling. I loved the excitement, the independence every day." Mary Wood UF senior "It's the best of both worlds," Osborne said. She said the short sessions, such as Spring Break in Paris and Summer in Barcelona, are the most popular and usually fill up right away. Spain and Italy continue to reign as the favorite destination countries, but this year students have nine additional options, including Kuwait, Bolivia and the Dominican Republic. Wood, a UF senior studying neuroscience and art history, said she enjoyed taking classes in Rome and said she felt what she learned was more personal and memorable than it would have been in a classroom in Gainesville. When her art history class discussed Michelangelo, she could actually incorporate a trip to the Sistine Chapel, she said. "It left a bigger impression," she said. Hillary Musselman, a UF junior studying political science and public relations, said she can hardly wait to go to London in June. "I want to meet new people and experience another culture," she said. "I've never lived in a big city before." Despite all the benefits, the price is sometimes a deterrent for students. Programs cost anywhere from about $950 for a week in the Bahamas to about $5,600 for a semester in Madrid. Housing, meals and airfare are usually not included. International Center program assistant David B. Maas said Bright Futures helps with tuition costs and that many other scholarships are available. About two-thirds of students receive financial aid. "It's worth it," he said, "even if you have to take out a loan." Jayme uougn / Alligator Antony Cuchila, of the latin band Fredy Omar con su banda, feels the music at New Orleans' French Market Creole Tomato Festival on Saturday.
TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 5 Dickey: Win was 'amazing' CWS, from page I of an NCAA championship or bowl game. UF left fielder Gavin Dickey, a Tallahassee native, described his feelings on the field after that game. "It was amazing, to see the look in everybody's eyes and feel the joy on the field that everybody worked hard to achieve this goal," Dickey said. Many would-be spectators were turned away when both games of the tournament were sold out. Ticket -scalpers lined University Avenue and wandered the parking lot adjacent to the O'Connell Center. Families stood near the ticket office holding their hands in the air, hoping someone would sell them a spare ticket. To the delight of the UF fans inside the stadium a pair of Seminoles fans were escorted from their front-row seats by University Police after being caught with alcoholic beverages. G a t o r s fans loudly Dickey mocked FSU f ans who spelled out the name of their team. Others held an American flag and chanted "U-S-A" while Seminole fans" sang "0 Canada," a tradition in Tallahassee. Newspaper promises added UF coverage SUN, from page I that the Sun will provide additional internships to students majoring'in journalism." But William McKeen, chair of the journalism department, wrote in an e-mail Monday he is not in the loop about his college's involvement in the project. "Aside from a 30-second cocktail-party chat with the Sun's publisher at the Florida Press Association's meeting last week in Key West, I have not had any official conversation about this Student Goverment/ Gainesville Sun project," McKeen said. "I'm amused that I am described as being 'in charge' when I've never had a sit-down with anyone from the Sun." No faculty members from the college sat on Monday's panel to present the proposal to students. Belle said he wrote the bill because he perceives a "perception gap" in Gainesville between local residents and students. "It's just not intuitive for a student to get involved in their community," he said. "Everything points to them as being temporary citizens." He said the Sun offers a "well-informed front for the whole student body. UF has a readership program providing free copies of The New York Times and USA Today on weekdays. SG paid $40,000 for this program fi 2004. SFCC receives about 500 papers daily through its own readership program with the Gainesville Sun. Sun Executive Editor Jim Osteen said he hopes this bill is just the begiaming of a quest to increase UP, coverage. "This is the first step in a journey," he said. He confirmed that SG is not paying for its own coverage. "Over my dead body," he said. "We cover everything fairly" Osleen added that his paper will "intensify coverage of the campus, SG and profiles." Belle said no contract outlining the details of the plan can be developed until the Student Senate approves it but that the Government Sun also will benefit from the bill. "They're critiqued on what their circulation is," he said. "When they can say that 2,500 more people are going to be reading their paper, that's something to definitely champion." The Sun is planning on signing a deal with SG that would provide a discounted advertising rate for SG-fimded orgarnizations. Sun Advertising Director Susan Pinder said SG achieved the reduced fee because of its "commitment, frequency and distribution." Student Body President Joe Goldberg said the bill is a way to show that UF is civically engaged. "It's a good way to show students that we are committed to local-issues," he said. "I also like the idea that students are going to have another source for student news. I think that it's going to be a good program for everybody." TH EY'RE ON THEIR WAY. .. So. ADVERTISE in the NEW STUDENT EDITION The New Student Edition will be distributed during the week of August 15th, 2005 to over 6,000 new students and thousands of returning students. This means 6,000 NEW customers for your business. Publication Date: Monday, Aug. 15th, 2005 the independent florida aligtor DEADLINES: (Both copy and payment due by 4 pm of deadline.) 3rd Deadline Wed. July 06, 2005 4th Deadline Wed. July 27, 2005 10% 5% 5% 5% Discount No Discount Additional Discounts: Full Page Discount Cash/Check by Deadline Discount Camera-ready Half-page or Larger Discount Advertising (352) 376-4482 Vegetarian Women Needed for a UF Nutrition Study tIf you are: Vegetarian (mcluding vegan) 91 Female 19-39 years old Healthy ~Non-smoking Non-pregnant or nursing Not taking prescription medication (excluding oral contraceptives) If you are willing to: Provide medical history information Complete a dietary questionnaire Have blood drawn once (following an overnight fast) Then you are eligible to participate in this study You will be paid S50 for completing the study Please call 392-1991 extension 273 for more information. ATTENTION ADVERISERS Deadlines for Sumimer-Brealk The Alligator will not be published from, Monday, June 20th through Friday, -June 24th due to the Summer Break holiday. The deadline for: Tuesday, June 28th, is: Friday, June 17th by 4:00 pm This deadline applies to both display and c1assifi&d .ds. '7 Display. 376-4482 Classified 373-3463 alligator
6, ALLIGATORS TUESDAY, JUNE 14,2005 Wanderlust Trustees should stay put to ensure involvement oday, as students scramble to finish their projects and study for Summer A finals, 13 men and women will convene to determine UF's destiny. They're the members of the Board of Trustees, and locally they're the last word on a wide range of university policies. So it must come as a surprise to some that they're not meeting locally. Or even anywhere near Gainesville. Instead, our leaders are going to the fabulous Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, which is a mere 346 miles away from the front steps of Tigert Hall. While staying just south of Miami, UF leaders can bathe in the sparkling 700,000-gallon swimmingpool formerlyused for daring water shows, the largest hotelpool in the United States. Or they can score tips from private instructors on the resort's 18-hole, par-71 golf course. Or they can hop, skip and jump to Miracle Mile, Coconut Grove, South Beach or hundreds of other places dotted around Miami for shopping or dancing the night away. It's beautiful. But it's not Gainesville. .And it's on your dime. Unlikely as it is that those in charge of our futures would deliberately misuse the money grudgingly provided to them by the slate, the distance does serve to insulate the Magnificent 13 from the prying eyes of lowly students. Only one of the three Board of Trustees meetings this year took place in Gainesville. The first, in February, was listed as a "Board retreat," even though that meeting effectively announced UF's push for new branding. The meeting was held at the Sanibel Harbour Resort, only 273 miles away from UF's doorstep. We are at a loss to understand how the trustees don't see staying away from home as a significant morale flusher. The Board is supposed to work for the university and its members, and it doesn't look like they're working at all when they're in the thick of the sun 'n' fun in South Florida. A source close to UF we asked about this said exactly what we feared: The Board was trying to stay close to its constituents to the south by showing itself as a force there. What about its constituents in Gainesville? What about the students? Those who attend the University of Florida. Here in Gainesville. Do we matter anymore? The lone student Board member, Student Body President Joe Goldberg, is listed as "student trustee" on the Board's Web site. As if our one-thirteenth vote couldn't be ineffective enough, by moving the meetings they prevent all the other honest, hard-working students from seeing their futures decided. Recently, it seems the decisions they make are too important for students to know about or -God forbid! -criticize. But wait, someone says: UF pays a lot of money to broadcast the Board of Trustees meetings over the Internet. So, they're using our money to travel to the most upscale and exotic places in Florida, then paying more money to send postage stamp-sized video of the meeting back to Gainesville. It seems like they've found a minutely acceptable option. So, for all those with time to kill between 11 a.m. and noon today, go to UF's Web site and watch ten men and three women sit around a table. If the broadcast actually works. afgh -indep ndea t flo rid Mike Gimignani EDITOR Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 words(aboutne" stter-io'ed page). They bust be typed, double-spaced and musrtnclude the autho'sname, clasifcatio andphoe numberc.Nameswill beowithheldif the writershowos just o tr"e. We reservethe rght to editftorlength,gamcma"rstyle ad libet. Send letters to letters~hallgatorocg, bieg themo to 1105 W. University Ave., or ed themc to P.O. Boo 14257. Ganesville. FL 32604-2257.Coluns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458. ALLIGATOR www.a"igator.org/opinions J': Column Now playing: Mr. Ho i, I'm politician/actor [enter name here]. You might remember me from such elections as "'Jingle All the Way' to Washington" and "Bye-Bye, B-List, Hello, White House." As an increasing number of celebrities enter the political arena, this is an introduction that American voters might become accustomed to. Many Americans have classified celebrity political speech as taboo -but now more than ever, Hollywood icons are ignoring this condemnation.~ Alongside the infamous model/actor, a new breed of "slashie," the politician/actor, has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. While countless Americans throw away millions of dollars on publications such as US Weekly and People and obsess over the latest fashion trends, many celebrities use their fame and fortune to become distinguished humanitarians. Last Thursday, U2's lead singer Bono increased the efforts of his lobbying group, DATA, by appearing alongside European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso in an appeal to government leaders to double development aid to Africa and other impoverished regions. The next day President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair agreed to write off 100 percent of the $16.7 billion debt owed by 18 countries. Along with Bono, many other celebrities have become influential humanitarians. Sandra Bullock truly earned her ,title as "Miss Congeniality" when she donated $1 million to tsunami relief, an amount dwarfing the contributions of some countries. Angelina Jolie travels the world as a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador and donates -one-third of her Hollywood earnings to charity. Leonardo DiCaprio founded an organization devoted to environmental protection. All mentioned above are Democrats, but let's not forget Republican rockV rollers Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. The former is the national spokesman for D.A.R.E., and the latter llywood goes to DC Aaron Blye has devoted many hours entertaining Blye's Eyes American troops while on tour with the USO. Unfortunately, the charity of these individuals, regardless of political affiliation, is often overshadowed by the average Joe's distaste for partisan celebrity musings. Many Americans have a difficult time identifying with big-spending Hollywood stars and believe that people like Sean Penn have no right to be political advocates. Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of "South Park," justifiably exaggerated some of Mr. Penn's outlandish comments in their movie "Team America: World Police." "Last year I went to Iraq. Before 'Team America' showed up, it was a happy place. They had flowery meadows and rainbow skies and rivers made of chocolate where the children danced and laughed and played with gumdrop smiles." It's all in good fun, Mr. Spicoli. Criticism of celebrities often comes from Republicans, but many ignore that the Republican Party has successfully attempted to elect far more celebrities than Democrats have. Republican celebrities like former President Ronald Reagan, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Mayor Clint Eastwood, as well as several senators and congressmen, completely outshine former Democratic Mayor Jerry Springer. Makes you rethink the origination of the "Jerry! Jerry!" chants though, doesn't it? Celebrities, like other American citizens, should not be ridiculed for exercising their First Amendment rights. There are many celebrities who are highly informed and express intelligent political commentary through various partisan lenses. Bill Maher, Dennis Miller, Jon Stewart and the creators of "South Park" are among the best. To ridicule all celebrities because of other stars' indiscretions would chill valuable political speech and humanitarian contributions to the world. Aarott Blye is a political science senior. His colttnzn appears on Ttiesdays. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Do you agree with the UF administration's partial veto of the Gator Growl bill? Thursday's question: Do you think online voting will come to SG elections during your time at UF? Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org 31% YES 69% NO 55 TOTAL VOTES m I & e avRt E
UF Greeks commend new hazing law G ov. Bush recently signed the Chad Meredith Act, House Bill 193, into law. Named for a young man who died as a result of hazing Nov. 5, 2001, in Miami, this law strengthens the punishment for hazing violations, raising the charge from a misdemeanor to a felony. The law states: "A person commits hazing, a third-degree felony .when he or she intentionally or recklessly commits any act .upon another person who is a member of or an applicant to any type of student organization, and the hazing results in serious bodily injury or death of such other person." The Chad Meredith Act strengthens prior language and makes the punish-. ment more stringent. The gentlemen of the Interfraternity Council are pleased with the governor's signature and the legislature's strong stance on this issue. We support this new legislation. Hazing happens. And, unfortunately, it happens in our sororities and fraternities, Our organizations were founded on the principals of leadership, service, scholarship and brotherhood, and all forms of hazing are completely antithetical to our mission. Interfraternity Our goal, *in Council new-member Spea king Out education as well as in brotherhood, is to build up our members, not tear them down -to provide support and encouragement, not judgment and harm. Hazing is a serious concern. It is not news that people around the country have been seriously injured and even killed as a result of hazing. Fortunately, no one has died as a result of hazing at .U, and we will do everything we can to keep it that way. Our Interfraternity Council is doing its best to tackle the problem of hazing, and with this new legislation we will continue the fight. We strive each semester to provide our members, new and old, with education -education on what hazing is, what it entails and why it is never effective, much less acceptable. This semester will be no different. We will continue this education with more programming and incorporate Chad Meredith'sstory into our message. The Chad Meredith Act brings hazing to the front of our minds and keeps us aware of the severity of the problem. The language of the new law reminds us that hazing affects all communities. In fact, there are even references in the law that concern hazing in high schools. .Knowing thathazinghappens outside of the Greek community -in other school groups or teams or even informal clubs -we invite anyone, any group, to take advantage of the programs we offer. Anyone can attend because everyone can benefit. Together, we can educate our groups on hazing: why it doesn't work and what we can do to prevent it. The Chad Meredith Act, in addition to strengthening the law and further defining the act, prompts us, and all groups, to rethink what we do in our new-member education programs. We are challenged to look at "tradition" with more scrutinizing eyes. If in analyzing our actions we find them to be wrong, we know that there are people rooting for us to do right. Thanks to the Florida legislature, we now have surer footing on which to stand and fight. John Dicks, Chris Bucciarelli, Jonathan Clouser, Danny Miller, Jeremy Martin and Steven Will comprise the IFC Executive Board. TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 7 Letter to the Editor Editor: The Later Gator has never run during Summer A. It just recently began running Summer B and Wednesdays. Moreover, the Later Gator's funds come from the Transportation Access Fee, not from student Activity & Service fees. Transportation Access fees are determined once ayear at public hearings and are not part of Student Government's budget. However, SG is working to bring more and more bus services for students through its work with the Regional Transit System. Every year SG works to increase services, including purchasing an'additional SNAP van last year and RTS's purchase of nine new buses (a 10th is on its way). Additional lighted bus shelters are also on the way across campus, and there will be increased service on many existing routes starting Fall to prevent full buses. New sidewalk construction has begun in family housing. areas. All of these improvements will provide students with greater safety and security. Zachery Jacobson SG Parking and Transportation Cabinet Director Healthy Mates Needed To participate in a UF nutrition study Eligible Males Must Be: 18 -49 years old Non-smoking Not taking prescription medication Willing to do the following: 1. Have blood drawn after an over-night fast 2. Provide medical information 3. Fill out a dietary questionnaire. Eligible study participants will receive $50.00 y K Please call 392-1991 extension 273 S -t for more information oil .a HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS WANTED for CLINICAL .7 .RESEARCH Call Mon-Fri for more information 877.851.1050 352.333.3111 1014 NW 57th Street Ste.A Gainesville, FL www.radiantresearch.com If you are 18-55 years of age, you may qualify for a research study testing an investigational vaccine. Qualified participants must be willing to complete 6 clinic visits and will receive all study-related physical exams at no cost and will be compensated up to $425 for their time and travel expenses. it s L a a ? H LSAT I GMAT I GRE I MCAT DAT I PCAT I NCLEX-RN* USMILE I TOEFL I OAT' 1 Realistic practice 0 Free extra help 0 Kaplan study centers 0 Best teachers 11 Located in Reitz Union Spring classes filling fast! GRE. June 2 LSAT .June 28 DAT .June 28 LSAT .July 7 PCAT .July 11 GMAT. July 18 MCAT.Oct 1 Test Prep and Admissions 1-8O-KAP-TEST kaptest.com *Test names are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
8, ALLIGATOR M TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 Walsh overcomes WALSH, from page I opportunity and I have to take advantage." Two weeks before the NBA Draft, there's plenty of buzz surrounding Walsh, and it's not just his head being talked about. "I think he can be a really big-time shooter," Barone said. "I'm impressed by his size, he's bigger than we thought he'd be. He has a very high basketball IQ." WhenWalsh first declared for the draft in April, his father Mike said that Walsh was merely testing the NBA waters to get an evaluation of his game -he would likely sign with an agent only if he was a guaranteed first round pick. While Mike said there is still no guarantee Walsh will be among the first 30 players drafted, the family feels confident that Walsh can make it in the league right now. "There's always an element of risk involved," Mike said. "But based on the feedinjury, shows athleticism; Donovan looks to youth to rebuild back and knowing Matt the way I do, he'll do what he has to do." Mike also pointed to recent injuries by college players Dee Brown and Jackie Manuel as a possible deterrent for Walsh to stay in college and risk injury. NBA ability Last season, Walsh averaged nearly 15 points per game and led the team with three assists per game. He sat out four games during the conference season, suffering a high ankle sprain, but really came on in the postseason when he scored 26 points in Florida's surprising 70-53 victory against Kentucky to win the SEC tournament. A prolific three-point shooter, scouts have been surprised by Walsh's athleticism. "He's a very good athlete in terms of running the court, jumping and hehas NBA athleticism," Barone said. The biggest concern about Walsh's game is his ability to defend quick, athletic NBA shooting guards like Ray Allen or Paul Pierce. "That's an issue he still has to sell people on," Barone said. "He has excellent speed, but his quickness is average." A gritty guard who played through numerous injuries in his career, Walsh believes he has the ability to play on the highest level. "I think I bring a level of toughness," Walsh said. "I think I have a good feel for the game and I think I help make guys better." Rebuilding begins Now, Donovan will have to prepare for the 2005-06 season, likely without his top three players from a year ago. Junior guard Anthony Roberson led the team in scoring, and told reporters last week at a pre-draft camp in Chicago that he is 95 percent certain he will not return to U. Forward David Lee played four years at UF and is not eligible to return. He is being looked at as a possible first round draft pick after a successful showing in Chicago. So Donovan is forced to rebuild around forwards Al Horford and Corey Brewer. Both players enjoyed successful freshmen seasons, but they will be thrust into starring roles after playing complimentary ones last year. Adrian Moss, Chris Richard and Joakim Noah will all be in the running to replace Lee in the starting lineup, while Taurean Green and incoming freshman Walter Hodge will compete for Roberson's position if he departs. As for Walsh's spot in the lineup, sharpshooting guard Lee Humphrey would be the obvious choice to replace him, but incoming freshman Derwin Kitchen may be the most talented option. "Kitchen's a combo guard. He's also a proven winner," scout.com recruiting analyst Dave Telep said. "He's a versatile a guy who can play both guard positions and defend both spots." The Iniependent Florida Alligator would like to welcome the College Keach Out Frogram at the University of Florida to our iewsroom. We hope you enjoy your visit the independent florida alligator SANTA FE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Biomedical Engineering Technology (Electronics) MAINTAIN THE EQUIPMENT THAT SUPPORTS LIFE -Put your electronic and technical skills to work -Start your career in the non-patient medical field Training is transferable to other electronics fields An Associate's degree in Biomedical Engineering Technology will prepare you for the following careers: Medical Electronics Technician Biomedical Research Technician Biomedical Manufacturing Technician n iww.sfcc Biomedical Service Technician and lask in the jades under Biomedical Engineering Technology 352-395-5361 SWe re Begging for people vho have been vaccinated against hepatitis B. Only you can be paid to help save lives. Earn up to $975* in 3 months! 1112 Not n Mai eet Gsansvilte, 16 32601! 32-371 OPEN-MON-THURSAM-7PM e FRI AM PM e-SA'] 11\M Bring this ad in for a $5 bonus on your firt donation. Give the Gift of Life. Being a Blood Donor Makes You Feel Good All Over! Civitan Regional Blood Center -1221 N.W. 13th Street -Gainesville. Flnrids 125011 e !7-A0() WHT S BLACK AN D WHITE A 44 READALL OVER? Really? TELL ME HOW! Advertisers CAN -ANJust run the same GET ad from the New 10% Student Edition! WOW (no copy changes) -the independen loia -WC&COMC IMCK COITION Runs: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 (The first day of fall classes) Deadline: Thursday, August 4, 2005 Call Your Advertising You Don't Want to Representative Today At. Miss Out!
-"'YUY 1,'f. SELL MT FIND MT 373-FIND Classif ieds TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligator.org/class For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent furnished furnished unfurnished unfurnished unrrtyiished A Rebate on Rent? Brilliant! Roommate Match 3/3 from $399 FREE: Cable w/ HBO + Showtime W/D*Tanning*Huge GYM*Gated Save $255 Per Room. 377-2777 8-15-25-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsAnnual lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 8-15-25-1 ROOMMATES WANTED!!!!! Private Bed/Bath, Furnished, All Utilities inc Cox High-Speed Internet, Pool, Gym, Tennis, Bball, Tanning $459 336-3838 8-15-25-1 *** SORORITY ROW AREA *** Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall. Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single & double suites available. Starting at $400/mo includes everything -gym, pool, DSL, electric, etc. 337-9255 or www.windsorhall.com 8-15-25-1 IBR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio, park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail 3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/ mo 8-15-25-1 BETTER THAN THE DORMS Roommate matching from $430 Townhouse style*Furnished*All Utilities Pool*Gym*Hot Tub*Free Tanning Call for specials! 372-8100 8-15-25-1 HUGE *AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indvl lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 8-15-25-1 FULLY FURNISHED 1BR/iBA in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. Available for fall. W/D, pool, gym, security system, utils, cable. $420/mo incl all. 813-713-6485 6-30-13-1 UNIVERSITY COMMONS WEST 2/2 FURNISHED Avail August W/D, Utility package. Call NOW Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 6-30-14-1 Summer and fall rooms available $350/sum A, B. Fall $275/mo. Ino. util, Ethernet. Near UF. 377-4269 grove.ufl.edu/-clo 8-15-25-1 **COUNTRYSIDE lBR/IBA in 4BR/4BA $425 util, cable, alarm, dsl ind. W/D. On bus rts 9 & 35. Individual leases. Call 407-6201555 6-30-12-1 AFFORDABLE 2BR, 1.5 BA townhouse, patio, privacy rear, amenities, bike to campus. 386-328-6229 lv msg. or cell 386-972-4647. $455 + deposit. 6-16-10-1 Lg furn. 3BR/3BA house 3806 SW 2nd Ave. 1 blk to Newberry Rd w/in 1 ml of UF. Over 2400 sq ft. Hdwd firs, no carpet, carport, Ig front porch. Inc all utils, w/hi spd cbl. $1800/mo.407-363-7198, cell 407-234-1380 6-30-14-1 A must see! Walk to UFI 1BR/1BA suite, private entrance in a home, 2 blocks to UF. Suite in home w/furn, utils, hi-speed internet, cable, W/D, + parking all included for $650/ mo. Call 256-3323 6-28-6-1 DUPLEX efficiency Tower & Archer Rd. Private 1BR, BA & Kitchen, appliances, dish network, covered patio, picnic area, utils included, $425/mo $100 sec dep. 352-3726466 6-16-4-1 Close to UF with wireless DSL, all incl, long distance. In woodsy home with pool, huge yard, veggie garden, W/D, DW, enormous Florida room. Amanda or Juan 336-9242. W6 + uiiiies. 9-16-4-1 Newly restored rms furned in furned home 1mi N of UF. Ideal for good student. $325/mo + 1/3 bills w/WiFi, CATV, phone, W/D, etc. Details call 352-871-5633 7-14-10-1 30 SECOND WALK TO CAMPUS Apartment -Sublease for Summer B 2 Rooms available, on University Ave. $350/month per person all inclusive Call Chris at 352-745-1553 6-30-5-1 Campus Club Apts. $410/month -everything included. Available Aug 6, 2005 -Aug 11, 2006 Cell Karen at 786-877-0302 7-5-5-1 Looking for responsible NS roommate to share furnished spacious 3BR/2BA house on Tower Rd. Private BA, large bkyd, internet avail. Pets allowed. $300/mo + utils. Call Lindsey 786-282-8663 6-30-4-1 2BR/1 BA house, partially furnished available Aug-Dec, W/D, A/C, DW, large yd, new kitchen, $700/mo + utils. 352-278-1176 7-5-5-1 Farr Re nt f Un1f Uralis 4e d J QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1 BR apt. $325/mo. G1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 8-15-25-2 5 BR House at UF Wood floors, W/D 2 fireplaces, huge porch. Pets Ok, Walk to UF Open Weekends 371-7777 8-15-25-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-8797 8-15-25-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST M 1 I N Watson Realty Corp. RiAtTOC/R* www.watsonrent.com Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 gvillepm@watsonrealtycorp.com 8-15-25-2 *WALK TO UF* Studios & 1/ls from $469 studios incl all util Pets OK, Res. Free parking.guaranteed* You Can't Live any Closerl 1216 SW 2nd 372-7111 8-15-25-2 ~A HOME FOR FALLI* HUGE floorplans 5 1, 2 & 3 BRs -$530-735! Sparkling'pools & more! Bike to UF Pets okl Open wkends 335-7275 8-15-25-2 *LUXURY 3/3 DOWNTOWN* Hurry while they last Only 3 left! W/D, pets OK 338-0002 8-15-25-2 OSUN BAY APTSO OSome furnished avail* *OWalk or Bike to Campus es 1-1 $460/mo692-1 $520/mo www.sunisland.info @00376-6720 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets ,allowed. Call 335-7066. 8-15-25-2 A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! Stress free living! Great rates! 0 1 BR from $460 2BR from $530 Beautiful pools/courtyards Walk/bike to UF Pets ok Open Weekends! 372-7555 8-15-25-2 SEPARATE FROM THE COMMON PLACE Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm* 24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF Museum Walk 379-9255 8-15-25-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 8-15-25-2 GET $$$ OFF RENT 3&4 B/R Amazing SPECIALS for fall!!l FREE UF Parking! Tennis, b-ball, pool, luv pets! Open wknds, Call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 8-15-25-2 WE LOVE BIG DOGS!!! 1/1 Flats, 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/W/D. No pet restrictions! Pool, Gym, Bball, Tennis, Raquetball. Park at UF. Indiv. Lease avail. 352-332-7401 8-15-25-2 WE'VE Got BIG ONES! 1/ls 2/2s 3/3s! Near UF FREE Cable*HBO*Showtime*Alarm FREE Tanning*HUGE GYM Up to $825 in Rebates. 377-2777 8-15-25-2 **HUGE Luxury w/Garage** 2/2 Flats & 3/3 THs from $399 per person FREE Alarn *WD*GATED ENTRY FREE Tanning*24hr Gym*PC Lab FREE Cable 372-0400 8-15-25-2 ***Beautiful and New* 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym WID plus TVs in every kitchen 374-FUNN (3866) 8-15-25-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 8-15-25-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 www.sunisland.info 8-15-25-2 TRIPLE YOUR SAVINGS! HUGE Townhouse only $1025 Cable*Pool*Free Tanning*Gym Fall Specials on Now! 372-8100 8-15-25-2 HOUSES and CONDOS All locations and price ranges If you are tired of apt life Go to www.maximumre.com or call 374 gOu6. 8-24-i76-2 *Location, Location, Location* 1 BR $589, near Butler Plaza, but park FREE @ UF. Alarms, some utils, walk-in closet, pets OK! www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111 8-15-25-2 Historic Neighborhood WALK TO UF Large 1 BR, wood floors. W/D, pets ok. From $749. -Open WEEKENDS 371-7777 8-15-25-2 Historic Neighbbrhood WALK TO UF Studios to 2BR's from $489 Pets ok, laundry on site OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 8-15-25-2 Summer rates on a 15 month lease Sun Island Properties 376-6720 www.stnisland.info 8-15-25-2 Enormous 3BR TH w/Den!!! 1662 sq ft. 2.5 BA Pool*Gym*Bbal[*Tennis* Raquetball. Park at UF!! $965. W/D included. Indiv. Lease avail. 352-332-7401. 8-15-25-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* *Sign today & save over $1050* 8-15-25-2 BIGGER IS BETTER! -1,2;3&4BR FOR FALL FREE UF Parking! Tennis, b-ball, pool, d/w, amazing specials! call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Lonely apartment seeks you 2BR/1.5BA townhome $669 includes W/D! Park FREE @ UF, alarm, pets welcome www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111 8-15-25-2 1st MONTH FREE Pine Rush Apartments 1&2 BR apt homes starting @ $429/mo 375-1519 4-20-71-2 -HUGE 2/2 FOR FALL FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm spacious! pets ok! SPECIALS! pinetreegardens.com 3764002 8-15-25-2 1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA $525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals, W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF. 332-7700. 8-15-25-2 1 BR & 2BR/1 BA with W/D, central heat/air, dishwasherceramic tile, private patio, pets arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From $505 377-1633 6-16-91-2 ***LIVE IN LUXURY* HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3 Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab Pets welcome*Private dog park Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801 8-15-25-2 Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups & DW, IBR/IBA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 8-15-25-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft 1 BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats! Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480. Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070. 5. -9-22 HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095 630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo; 816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1bOO/mo; 1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo; 642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 8-15-25-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 8-15-25-2 Have Roommates? 4BR/2BA House $950 3BR/2BA Haile $1100 Only You? 1BR/1BA Apt $450 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2 So Close to Campus Avail now, 2BR/1BA apts. $450, $475, $520 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2 1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown. 2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 3734423 or online at www.maximumre.com 8-15-95-2 **1 BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL* NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 2BRover 1100 sq ft 00 $650/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00 $550/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit 0 376-2507 8-15-25-2 WANT THINGS FREE? FREE CABLE*FREE INTERNET RENT REBATE FOR FALL HUGE THREE BEDROOMtCALL TODAY! 372-8100 8-15-25-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals www.BosshardtPM.com -Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/1 BA House $695/mo 3BR/2BA Townhouse $975/mo 2BR/2.5BA Near UF $700/mo Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today: 371-2118 8-1 5-25-2 Champagne Living for a Beer Budget! 3/3 for $385/bdrm or 4/4 for $370/bdrm includes cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME Water & Sewer, W/D, Gym, Tanning Now & Fall The Landings 336-3838 8-15-25-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401 8-15-25-2 *Luxury Living/Walk to UF* $679 1 BR, Private Patios, Alarm, Pets OK. -Huge Bedrooms Walk-in Closets. Next to Sorority Row Office: 1216 SW 2nd AVE Call 372-7111 8-15-25-2 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
10, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 For.Rent For Rent For Rent For Retr Rent Muriihbd urifurnished ) nurnhed ) .frnisei furnished ) DEAL OF A LIFETIME!! 3BR/3BA ONLY $365/PERSON FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL* 377-2777 8-15-25-2 ENORMOUS 3BR Avail for Current and Fall Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail Great Specials*377-7401 8-15-25-2 *FALL* Blks from UF S Houses S Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See www.Dalyproperties.com for listings or call Carof'r 377-3852. 6-30-14-2 TOP QUALITY -GREAT LOCATIONS Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties 372-1509 8-15-25-2 TIRED OF ROOMMATES?! Huge 1/1 w/ D/IW, patio/balcony Tennis, bball, alarm, luv pets! SPECIALS! leasing now & fall Open wknds, call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Avail May: Several units w/in .5 mi of UF campus or closer. Eff $300-310, 1BR/1BA $395-$415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA $700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or Iv mssg 352-870-7256 8-15-25-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASES AVAILABLE NOWAND FALL SEASON Convenient UF access $325 to $575 Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 8-15-25-2 Apartments & Houses Studio to 5BR+ Most within 2 miles of campus Campus Realty 692-3800 propertymanager@campusrealty.org 8-15-25-2 *LIVE A RESORT LIFESTYLE* 1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities. -L.easing Now & Fall, 335-4455 8-15-25-2 Three 4BR HOUSES & 1&2BR APTS. Spacious, efficient homes biking distance to campus. Remodeled, Ig fenced yards. Lots of extras. Available now & fall. Call for details. $475-1225/mo. 352-372-4768 6-30-29-2 Available Summer & Fall Studios & 1BRs $350 to $750 2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850 Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387 www.gore-rabell.com 8-23-41-2 DUCKPOND Historic house, hd wd flrs, Ig front porch, lots of charm. Studio & 1 BR avail. 306 NE 6th St. $400-500/mo. Call 379-4952 8-15-25-2 0 SPYGLASS 0 Ask About Our Move-In Specials & Giveaways Individual Leases: Furniture Packages, Ind Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet; Every Unit is an End Unit Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330 www.spyglassapts.com 8-15-25-2 LAKEWOOD VILLAS Ask About Our Move In Specials & Giveaways Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans; Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer; Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool; Sauna etc. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009 www.takewoodvilllas.com 8-15-25-2 2BR townhouse; 7209 SW 45th Pl. $500/ mo, $500 sec dep. No pets. 386-462-0994 6-26-1,7-2 2BR/1.5BA Condo in Casablanca East. Newly remodeled w/tile floors, W/D incl, pool, quiet area, on bus rt, close to UF/Shands, $725/mo. 352-246-5958 6-16-22-2 1BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW23rd St. Starting @-$395/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150. Please leave a message. 7-14-29-2 END UNIT TOWNHOUSE Beautiful 2BR/2.5BA, 1200 sf, 1 btk off SW 34th St, on bus rte, 2 mi to UF/Shands. Brighton Park. W/D, DW, alarm, pool. Avail Aug N/S $825/mo. Rebate. 214-3820 6-30-24-2 Great Homes, Close to UF. 3311 NW 30th Ave $1050/month 1614 NW 21st Ave $1000/month Drive by and call 495-9085 Email: SBR@Jacksonllc.com 7-21-30-2 HUGE & Affordable 1, 2, &'3BRs FREE Alarm FREE W/D Screen porch FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly ONLY 1.7 miles to UF 372-0400 8-15-25-2 CONDO BELLAMY FORGE 3BR/2.5BA w/garage. Very large, all new. Pool, tennis & racquet ball. Good location. On bus rt. $890/mo. Available fall. Call 352-372-4768 6-30-18-2 **0.8 miles to UF. Historic 2BR apt/house near downtown. Wood floors, W/D. $630$650/mo. 214-9270 8-4-29-2 -. 3BR/1 BA HOUSE central heat &A/C, kitchen & bath tile floors, WD hookup @ 2036 NW 31 Place. $650/mo. Call 352-371-3636 630-14-2 **Apply Now -No Application Fee** 4 blks to UF -Gatorside Apts. 1600 NW 4th Ave -2BR/1BA $550 or 1BR/1iBA $350 -or -12 blks to UF -Center PointeApts 1 BR/1 BA 1220 NW 12 St. $350. 371-3636 6-30-14-2 Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces, SE Historic District. 1, 2 & 3 BR w/water, sewer $475/mo. 1st, last, security. No dogs please. 378-3704 6-30-17-2 Live the downtown life. Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s W/D & T/Hs avb. Pets OK $0 DD special -ask for details From $525 338-0002 8-15-25-2 4BR/4BA available now. University Terrace. W/D, pool, convenient bus stop, pvt woodland view, 3 ml from campus. $335/room util not incl. Call John 786-436-1657 or Jonathon 954-309-3004 7-28-22-2 Country House 2-story 3BR/2BA zoned commercial, ideal for home & office., SW Williston Rd. $850. Also 2BR/1.5BA townhouse, large patio $495. 494-7230. Dave 215-1728 Kathy 6-16-12-2 SORORITY ROW AREA OXFORD TERRACE Brand new rooms/private baths Utilities, Cable, DSL, W/D Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 6-30-14-2 Spacious 1BR $425 -1825 NW 10th St. Adorable, quiet, clean, safe, green space near UF & downtown, bus line, no dogs, 352376-0080 6-16-12-2 Fall rentals, walk to campus -2br/lba $500, sign lease now and move in August. Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 1731 NW 6th St. 8-15-25-2 Now leasing for fall 3 blocks from campus 4BR/2BA apt. $265/rm + utils 1740 NW 3rd PI 231-3002 6-30-14-2 University Terrace Gainesvyille University Terrace West 4/4 Individual Leases Furnished Living Area W/D, Pool $375/mo. Union Properties 373-7578 www.rentgainesviIle.com 8-15-25-2 MOVE-IN SPECIAL 1/2 Month FREE RENT! Bel-Air Apartments -636 NW 26th Ave. 1 BR/1 BA or 2BR/1 BA starting at $535 Village West Apartments-800 NW 18th Ave 1 BR/1 BA available now. Starting at $460. Ask about UF Parking Decal. PROPFRT M: 352-373-7578 3www.rentgainesville.com 8-15-20-2 PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee, 2BR townhomes, duplexes, privacy fenced. Modern appliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private owner, please leave a detailed message. $450/mo 331-2099 6-16-12-2 **BRAND NEW 2/2 APTS** incl W/D, alarm sys, skylight, front porch, great bus rte. SW area. Pets ok. $740. Call 317-8150 for details & showing 8-15-25-2 PINE RUSH APARTMENTS FIRST MONTH FREE! One Bedroom Apartment Homes Starting at $429 $150 deposit/$35 app fee Please call 352-375-1519 8-15-25-2 3 BED HOUSE $750/mo. Central heat & air. Great deal! Wooden floors & W/D hook-up. Behind Leo 706. 870-0904, 3184553 7-14-18-2 1 & 2 BED COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo. Historical downtown! W/D hook-ups, porches, great size! Cute! Must see' Photos @ www.rentalworkshop.com 352870-0904, 318-4553 7-14-18-2 1 bedroorn apartment in small quiet complex, near University. $400 a month. Call 352-3328481 6-30-14-2 Move-In Now orAugust! Next to UF! Studios & 1BR. Specials from $489/mo. Lofts, wobd firs & more. Some pet friendly! Only a few left! All-inclusive also avail! Call now! 376-6223 LiveNearCampus.com 815-23-2 Apartments Available Now All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse our listing FREE WW\W.SUBLET.COM 1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-2 "The Three Amigos" live at Spanish Trace Large 3BR only $285/person FREE UF parking, alarms, pets adored. Same-day sign specials! 373-1111 8-15-23-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE. Wood floors, cent A/C, W/D, large yard, 521 NW 4th St. $895/mo 562-9607 8-15-23-2 HISTORIC DUCKPOND NEIGHBORHOOD Charming studio. Privacy over detached garage. 1.8 mi from UF. $500/mo sec. dep. Small pets. Avail June 15 371-7149 6-1610-2 NEW & USED RENTALS From $450 to $1400/mo Available Now & August RGERS Call 376-4581 8-15-23-2 MIKE'S HOUSES Excellent Single Family Houses Close to UF Call Mike 352-665-7316 6-16-10-2 1BR apt. $599/mo Near UF. Free dep & redec. Avail now. No rent until July. 321-7497070 6-28-10-2 APARTMENTS THE SIZE OF A HOUSE! 4/2.5 TH 1662 sq ft. W/D included. Pool, Gym, BBall, Tennis, Raquetball. Park at UF. We love ALL pets. $1040. 352-332-7401 815-22-2 ENORMOUS 1BRs **NEWW/D** FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool FREE Alarm Screened Porch Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly RENT REBATE 372-0400 8-15-22-2 Immediate Availability Haile Country Club, Mill Run & Brandywine Huge 2 & 3 BRs Call 665-4106 Ask us about our summer specials! 6-30-10-2 $800 HOUSE 3 & 4 BRs. Very nice[ Washer/ Dryer hook-ups, central heat/air, porch. See photos www.rentalworkshop.com. Downtown area. 870-0904, 318-4553 714-14-2 4BR/2BA HOUSE carpet/tile, fans, hook-ups, near shopping/ schools. Grads/yuppies desired. $1200/mo. + deposit. No pets. Avail 8/1/05 3718 NW 16th Blvd. 376-2547 6-30-10-2 2Bed/lBath Apartment. $525/mo. W/D hookup, no pets: 625 SW 11th Lane. Call 231-3002 7-5-10-2 SW 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Fenced yard, garage, $1000 rent. For appointment call 870-4561 6-28-8-2 For Rent: Rockwood Villas SW condo. Avail 8/1/05. 3BR/3BA. W/D incl. Lots of amenities, on bus route to UF/SFCC. $1000/mo. Refs required. Call 352-339-3250 7-28-16-2 ****OLD HOUSE**** 2BR or 3BR/ lBA, wood floors, near campus, pet ok. Avail June 1. $550/mo. Call Greg 214-3291 6-16-6-2 The Greatest In Student Living! Luxury 4/4s*Free Utilities*furn NEW 24hr Gym*Gated*Maid Srvc *$200 off on select filor plans!* Roommate matching! 271-3131 8-15-19-2 iallahassee Townhouse $800/mo. 2BR/i SEA 7 mis from FSU/Cupitul Call 352-514-9891 6-14-5-2 ****4 BLOCKS TO UF**** Cute 3/2 in great area, hardwood & tile floors, W/D, central AC, tons of off-street parking. Avail Aug. $1200/mo Watson Realty 3350440 7-28-15-2 MOVE-IN SPECIALS! 625 NW 1Oth Ave -3BR $1000 1417 NW 7th Ave -3BR $1075 Campus Realty 692-3800 6-16-5-2 AFFORDABLE 3BR 28A house, Carport, w/d hookups, CH/AC, $800/rent, 1410 NW 55th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2 BIKE TO UFI Great 3BR 2BA houses, w/d hookups, parquet floors, carport, screen porch, 600 NW 36th Drive -$900/rent Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2 GREAT 4BR HOUSE! 2 master BRS, fireplace, lawn svc, w/d hookups, $1200/rent, 917 NW40th Drive Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2 BIKE TO UFI 4BR 4BA apt, indiv. leases, new flooring before move-in, furnished rooms, $425/room 4000 SW 23rd Street #6-305 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRea[Estate.com 6-16-5-2 FALL & SUMMER ARE HERE! Contact us for a complete listing www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 6-16-5-2 DUCK POND APTS! Cute 1 BR & studio Apts, wood floors, water & pest control incl. $450-510/rent, 414 NE 5th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuriingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2 CASABLANCA WEST! Spacious 2BR 2.5BA Townhouse, w/d hookups, ceramic tile, porch, pool $750/rent 2735 SW 35th PI #1604 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonReatEstate.com 6-16-5-2 DOWNTOWN 4BR 2BAI Great house w/ Living & family rooms, fireplace, parquet Floors, washer/dryer, $1200/rent 1525 NE 6th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc.372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2 CUTE DOWNTOWN DUPLEX Spacious 1 BR 1BA, new carpet, screen porch, lawn svc, $550/rent, 417 SW 2nd Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 6-16-5-2 18 NW 36th St. Close to campus, 4/3 w/inlaw suite, cent H & AC, W/D, carport. Avail Aug. $1350/mu 333-9874 7-7-8-2 3962 W Univ Ave. Close to campus. 4/2 separate living/dining/famiy room, fireplace. All appliances, cent H&AC, W/D, hottub, avail Aug $1400 333-9874 7-7-8-2 590 NW 54th Tern 3/2 All appliances, cent H/ AC, screened back porch, W/D, carport, avail Aug, $1050/mo 333-9874 7-7-8-2 KENSINGTON NORTH' 1803 SW 20 Ave. 2BR/2BA. Immaculate townhouse. No pets. Close to UF. $875. Avail 6/15. Call 352-317-0406 leave msg. 6-16-4-2 C) CU") CL m uO
TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005H ALLIGATORi 11 ,F ;3iV7 FTll7 it For RentSubeeaases fnishe~d unfu!rnished unZfurnishede RENOVATED DOWNTOWN -2 BR 2 BA House, wood floors, fireplace, Sunroom, w/d hookups, CH/AC, $675/rent, 1102 NE 3rd Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 6-16-4-2 SPACIOUS 2 BR HOUSE w/ Living & family rooms, fireplace, Eat-in kitchen, w/d hookups, $675/rent 711 NW 54th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-4-2 CHEAP RENT! 3 BR 1 BA house CH/AC, large kitchen, w/d hookups, $625/rent, 503 A NW 19th Lane Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-16-4-2 I BR HOUSE! Fenced yard, CH/AC, w/d hookups, $450/rent 503 B NW 19th Lane Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 6-16-4-2 1 BR APT in Duckpond area Spacious, wood floors, on-site W/D. Close to downtown & UP. $470/mo Avail Aug. 207 NE Blvd. leave mssg @ 283-9732 7-14-10-2 1BR/1BA No lease, Glen Springs area, on bus line, next to park, fresh carpet & paint; ceiling fans, no pets. $375/mo + $375 security deposit. Call 374-7175 6-28-5-2 TAYLOR SQUARE Apts and Townhouses 621 SW 10th St Gainesville WALK TO UF Behind Norman Hall BRAND NEW LEASING FOR FALL CONTACT 352-332-2097 6-30-6-2 HISTORIC CRACKER HOUSE 4BR/2BA Close to UF & downtown. Fully renovated, gorgeous, huge rooms. Cent heat/AC, hardwood firs, W/D, large fenced yard, ceiling fans. $1400/mo 373-5295 630-6-2 1.5 MILES TO UF & MALL 3BR/3BA HOUSE. Fully remodeled, 1-car garage, hardwood floors, really nice. Avail Aug. 1 $800/mo. 262-1838 6-28-5-2 6 BLOCKS FROM UF. New owners. 4BR/ 2BA duplexes. All appliances incl. DW, W/D. Cent heat/AC. New ceramic tile & carpet. Approx 1200 sq ft. $1500/mo. Call Carol at 377-3852 or check dalyproperties.com 6-28-5-2 Large one bedroom apartments. Excellent location. Close to UF & downtown. Hardwood floors, central heat/air. Available now & August. Call Jeremy 352-871-2658 6-30-5-2 Historic House/Studio Vaulted Ceilings, new fridge & oven. $350/ mo View @ pleasantstreet.net 6-16-3-2 WALK TO CAMPUS 2BR2BA apts. 110 NW 9th Terr. Sec system, W/D, high ceilings, energy efficient, good parking, pets ok. $700/ mo Mitchell Realty 374-8579 8-15-16-2 2BR/2BAwalking distance to UF, Brandywine apts, Archer Rd. 1 year contract $600/mo 373-2273, 262-4902 6-28-4-2 Huge 1BR/1BA flat. Vaulted ceilings, new carpet, new tile, $590/mo, 1 mi to UF, avail immediately. Please call Todd at 813-4166954 6-28-4-2 Looking for a home? We have the LARGEST selection of single family rentals in Gainesville. With over 100 properties currently available, were sure to have something to fit your style and budget. Visit our website at www.edbaurmanagement.com, or call us to find your new home today 352-3757104 ex 2. 8-15-16-2 NEW 3BR/2BA/2 car garage house. 3803 NW 26th St. in Walnut Creek. All appliances, maintenance-free front yard. $1200/mo Watson Property Mgmt. 335-0440 7-7-7-2 Spacious 1/1 in 4BR/4BA @ UTW, $420/mo, top floor, POOLVIEW, W/D, all utils & hispeed dsl. incl, bus rts 20,. 21. Call Macor Realty 352-375-8888 for specials! 6-30-5-2 Nice 1 BR/1.5BA condo w/ W/D, spacious, pool, on bus line, conv NW location. $490/ mo. Call 214-9270. Avail July 1. 8-15-16-2 **WALK TO CAMPUS** 1/1 699/mo and 2/2 839/mo W/D and Alarm INCLUDED! Ask about our SPECIALS! Call 376-9607 8-15-15-2 3 BR/ 1 BA apt/home Bike UF. 200 amps service; cable & 2 phone lines; new refrig; paint & floors; Ig fenced yard for sm pets. Custom kitchen; W/D; Lots of storage. H/AC. Perfect for 2 N/S stdts w/study. $750. 376-7529 7-7-6-2 a "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 2 BR/ 2BA PENTHOUSE CONDO. 2mito UF on bus line. Brand new construction. Charleston 'Place. Luxury in every detail. Pool, gazebo, lots of parking. $1000/mo. Cal 215-3108 6-16-2-2 HOUSE 2BR/1 BA 3928 NW 12 Terr. Recently renovated. Close to everything. $625/mo. Call 214-1722 or eves 278-5513. 6-30-4-2 4BR/2BA GOLFVIEW SUBDIVISION/LAW SCHOOL WD, 2 car carport, fireplace.'Walk to UF. Avail Aug Iht, 2005. 352-317-4408 7-7-6-2 2BR/2.5BA TOWNHOME. New tile, carpet & paint. WD, security system, 1.5 mi to UF in NW. $750/mo (pets ok) Available 8/1. Call 772-219-6340 6-16-2-2 4BR/2BA TOWNHOUSE 3 blks from campus. $1060/mo No pets. 2313002 7-14-8-2 2BR/1BA EVERYTHING NEW. $575/mo 1501 NW 5th St. -University Ave to 6th St north to NW 15th Ave. right to sign on right. 562-9607 8-15-15-2 QUIET 1BR/1BA Near UF & shopping. Pretty wooded lot. Hardwood floors, ceiling fans. $395/mo 3735295 6-30-4-2 4BR/2BA POOL HOME. Avail. August. 1209 NE 12th St. Pool/Yard maint. included. Chrystal Berg Rltr. @ 352-316-3822 7-148-2 AMAZING & CHEAP 1 BR $395/mo Wood floors, new appliances. Safe & quiet. Lg. kitchen, BR, LR, & porch. Close to shopping & UP. Call quickly 352-262-4584 6-28-3-2 Sbeases Female for 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Behind sorority row. Short walk to campus. Avail ASAP. Price NEGOTIABLE. Call 352-870-8902 6-14-17-3 Countryside @ University condo. $425 furnished living room. 2 rooms avail in 4BR/ 4BA. Cable, water, elec incl exept phone. icheng@bellsouth.net. Call Irvin 352-3792926 6-16-11-3, COUNTRYSIDE $250/month. Clean 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. All utils included, internet, available now until July 31st. Call 850-346-0906. Check out anytime. 6-16-11-3 Apartments Sublets & Roommates All areas. Stu,I1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500 Shrt-Long & Furn-Usfurn 1-(877)FOR-RENT (367-7368) WWW.SUBLET.COM 8-15-23-3 $400/mo negotiable -The Landings 11ft x 14ft bedroom, everything incl. Free tanning, sports courts, poolhouse Summer. Contact immediately 954-461-7943 or hemant chandak@hotmail.com 6-16-8-3 ARLINGTON SQUARE $220/mo Avail now. Lease ends 8/6/05. 1 BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA townhome. You pay 1/2 util, cable, electric. Call Tara 561-262-0155 6-14-4-3 1 BR/i BA is 2BR/2BA furs apt. Female only. All utIls nc. Melrose Apts. $459/mo. Avail Aug 05 thru Aug 06. Call 941-484-9761 628-5-3 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY for summer B. Female preferred. Gainesville Place. IBR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $400/mo negotiable, includes everything. WD, great amenities. Call 407-970-5979 6-14-4-3 Sublet individual lease. Gainesville Place. Ground floor. Unfurnished $445/mo. Starting Aug 05 to Aug 06. Call 850-785-1777 leave message 7-5-8-3 MOVE IN TODAY & FREE WEEK IN AUG Furn 1BR in 2BR/2BA unit @ Melrose. Incl all utils, internet, pool & exercise room. Sublease for June & July $380/mo. Avail for fall rental. Call now 407-625-6237. 6-16-4-3 FALL & SPRING SUBLEASE Spacious 2BR/2BA townhome in Spyglass Apts. All utils incl. W/D incl. in rent. $958.50. Starts 8/5, negotiable. Call 352-283-3603 6-16-3-3 SUMMER B SUBLEASE at Lexington Crossing. Spacious BR, private BA. All amenities included. $350 neg. rent. 954-9077689 6-30-4-3 Sublease 2BR/2BA @ The Cambridge. $1090 everything included + furnished Avail ASAP until December. Call 786-303-5784 aR oom mate s Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 8-15-25-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 8-15-25-4 Looking for a female roommate for Ig BR in beautiful new house. Huge pool, pvt fence, Close to UF & SFCC. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils inc1 $500/mo.Avail Fall. Call Jacqueline 352-395-7462 or 941-780-3526 7-28-93-4 M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry 336-5450 or 954-646-1341 6-16-83-4 Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from 13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or leave message at 352-870-7256 8-15-25-4Room in NW home. $325/mo incl utils & DSL. No pets, mature male non-drinker/ smoker. Avail 5/1/05 (flex) Scott 335-8209 6-16-25-4 F vet student seeking F, NS for brand new fully furn 2BR/2BA home. Avail immed. Optional renewal for fall. $425/mo + 1/2 utils. Call 561-707-1503 or gatorgrt@ufl.edu. 6-16-21-4 Countryside. 4BR/4BA: 1/1 avail 8-1-05; 2/2 avail 1-1-06. Enet access, util incl (cap), W/ D, furn, secure. Exercise/pool, bus to UF-3 mi. $465/mo/rm. lst.last.dep. Vanessa 352217-3464, Flo 352-357-9656 6-30-15-4 Walk to Law School Large BR in 4BR/2BA house. 3 IL students need roommate. Cable TV, wireless. Available now. $425/share utilities. 770-6395958, dcdotson@ufl.edu 7-21-20-4 Female Roommate Needed Kensington North $500/mo includes utilities & cable Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-4 Southern Comfort -Roommate for 3/2 house. Conv location, pool, volleyball, W/D, ethernet, cable, NS, avail summer & fall $380/mo + share utls. Jake 239-564-0069 6-30-12-4 M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3 utile. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737 6-14-10-4 1 room in 3BR/2BA apt for -female @ Boardwalk. Close to UF. On bus rte. Tennis, large pool, more. 1 yr lease. $245/mo + 1/3 utls, cable & DSL internet. Call Mike 352316-6219 6-30-13-4 Grad, upperclassmen or prof to share spacious new 3BR/2BA house. I-net & cable incl. Must be neat clean & responsible. $450 or $425/mo + 1/2 util. Short or long term avail. 262-3989 6-16-11-4 2BRs avail in charming NW house close to Ward's Grocery, W/D, share kitchen/BA. Seeking serious student/professional, NS, furn opt. $250+ utils. Call 338-2086 6-1410-4 3rd Roommate needed -male. 2 min from SFCC. 3BR new furnished townhome. Golf, gated, $550/mo incl all util, inet & cable. Avail 8/15/05. 1 year lease. No pets. Call Mike 954-467-7070 or Jeff 954-240-3524 8-15-31-4 Sublets and Rooms Available All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse available Rooms FREE! www.MetroRoommates.com 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-4 F, UF student wanted for 3BR/2BA house 1.5 mi from campus. $430/mo everything lincl. Call Amy 352-219-5780 6-16-10-4 Female roommates for large 3BR/2BA townhouse w/pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo all utils, dig cable & hi spd net incl. Call 954298-7591 or amyb@ufl.edu 6-16-9-4 1 BR avail 8/1. 5 min to UF. Free digital cable, $300/mo plus 1/3 util. Prefer female, NS. 352-332-2234, 352-284-5119 6-14-8-4 $325 + 1/4 util. Private bath, walk-in closet, WD, balcony, pool & bus to UF. University Terrace .Very nice! www.rentalworkshop.com See photos. 318-4553, 870-0904 7-14-14-4 F roommate for 3BR/2BA. Grad student/prof. No pets, NS. Near 1-75 & Oaks Mall. Avail immediately -mid-Oct. $318/mo + 1/3 util. Quiet, pool, tennis cts, 24-hr gym. Elba 425-778-2460 (work) or elbarsan@ufl.edu 7-7-12-4 2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Credit Union/ Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF. Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + half util. Quiet/considerate F/M? Call 337-9746 6-16-7-4 2 females looking for a 3rd in a beautiful 3BR/3BA condo in prime residential area. 15 min from UF. Close to park & ride. Lg kit & Ivg room, patio, internet, cable TV & \N/D, community pool $400/mo 727-399-0574 6-30-8-4 FEMALE FOR 1BR in 4/4 condo at Countryside Apts. $410/mo utilities included (DSL too) Great parking, pool, jacuzzi, gym. 1 year lease. Call Jackie 813-924-1520 77-10-4 Responsible roommate wanted. NW neighborhood, reasonable rent -everything-,included. Call Leah @ 374-2202 6-30-7-4 2 roommates needed for a new 3BR/2BA house located 15 min from UF, 10 min from SFCC. On bus route. Fully furn. $450/mo all included with wireless cable. Call 352-8708851 or 540-537-9887 for details 6-16-5-4 1 BR in nice 2 story house on NW side. W/D & 2 porches. $450/mo incl everything. M/F current roommates like music fests & Phish. Call Ricky 336-1409 short/long lease. 6-14-4-4 4BR/4BA @ Univ Terr Hi-spd internet. $400/ mo incl utils/cable/DVD Ig W/D, leather, reclining couches, balcony/pool view. Bus rts 1.2 & 35. Great location close to campus & Butler. Avail ASAP 318-5322, 318-5321 614-4-4 M or F, or 2 people to share pvt BR/BA in new 2BR/2BA luxury apt 1 blk to UF. Move in Aug. Fully furn. $700/mo for 1 person or $400 ea for 2 sharing rm. Incl elec, hi-spd internet, cable, water, W/D. 941-518-4686 6-16-5-4 Room in NW house $160/mo plus 1/2 utls. male student. Walk to campus. Available new thru 2005-2006 school year. Parking 367-8418 6-16-4-4 I Female roommate needed for 3/2 house on 36th and University. Available now, $360/ mo + utilities. Call Katie 514-5985 6-28-5-4 F roommate wanted. Furn w/ nice BR if desired. Spacy 2BR apt. June, July rent free! Free cable + DSL. W/D in apt. Like new FallSpring $425/mo. 514-1485 6-16-4-4 F vet student seeking roommate for 2/1.5 condo. Pref NS. Free hi-spd inet & sec alarm incl. Nice/quiet area -2mi to UF, I have 1 cat. Pets welcome. $350/mo + 1/2 utls. Call Melissa 813-453-8326 6-30-6-4 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
12, ALLIGATOR 0 TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 R0om mtes :Real Esta~te Furnishings 'Computers Motorcycles, Mopeds 1 BR in a 2/2.5 available for $400/mo + utilities. Female pref. Call Melissa 561-4459366 6-28-5-4 2 male roommates needed. Serious students to share 3BR/2BA house. Located south of UF on Williston Rd. W/D, cable, wireless DSL. $395/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 258-9116 6-16-3-4 Roommates wanted for the fall. 2BR/2BA apt w/walk-in closets. Located @ Grednwich Green off 34th St. & 39th Blvd. NW, must like pets. W/D, cable & water incl. $425 + elec/ mo. Krista @ 352-328-4294 6-28-4-4 N", M or F for own room/BA in large, quiet house 8 blocks north of the stadium. Must be mature & responsible. Sorry, no pets. Rent includes W/D, cable, wireless & utils $525/ mo 727-433-0229 6-28-4-4 Rockwood Villas 2BR/2BA avail in 3/3 condo. $425/mo + utils. Close to campus & on bus route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617 leave msg. 6-30-5-4 Female roommate, NS for fall. $500/mo + 1/ 3 util 3BR/2.5BA. Brand new, fully furnished, beautiful, 2500 sq ft, luxury townhome at Reagents Park. Call 561-281-9274 7-12-8-4 Avail immediately 4-6 mo lease avail. Perfect for grad/intl student. 5 min Shands/UF. Large rm w/bath. Sparkling Furn/Unfurn. Lg. home in Kirkwood. $400/mo + utils 352-375-6996 or 352-284-0979 6-30-4-4 Live in luxury. above Dragonfly Sushi & Starbucks. Huge master BR w/pvt BA, stainless steel appliances, wd firs throughout, balcony $649/mo Call Anthony 337-1330 7-7-7-4 Live in luxury above Dragonfly Sushi & Starbucks. Downstairs BR w/pvt BA, stainless steel appliances, wd firs throughout, balcony. $495/mo. Call Anthony 337-1330 7-7-7-4 Female roommate needed Aug. Looking Glass. Apts. -30 seconds to UF. Floor Plan B -$505/month plus utilities. Call Apt Dffice 352-376-1111 or Kim 407-761-5266 7-2110-4 $212/mo + 1/2 util. Cable free W/D. Furn (or unfurn) 1 BR in 2 BR house in NW Gville. $212/mo + utils. W/D. Less than 2 mi to UF, on bus route. 377-5960 lv msg. 6-30-12-4 2 rooms open one almost always open. Call 376-0384 or page 202-7074 $85 p/w full cab/ tv private loc/rm. On bus rt. 3 mi from center of town. for comp info call please. 77-6-4 Female roommate for furn room w/ bath in Lexington Crossing. Includes everything plus W/D, phone, internet, tanning. 1 yr lease. $450/mo. 850-217-3907 7-14-8-4 ATTENTION! F roommate needed for 2BR/ 2.5BA condo. $450/mo utils incl. Must be responsible, neat & clean. Avail now! Call Madgene @ 561-827-4970 7-5-5-4 Sublease 1 BR/1BA in 2/2 apt. until December. $550/mo everything included + furnished. *Available ASAP Call 305-491-4371 6-16-2-4 Countryside -2 rms in 4BR/4BA to share w/ 2 females. Secure, poolside, cable, internet, W/D. Free parking, on bus route. 10 min. to UF. $400 utils incl. el7bear@aol.com, 386-676-9703, 386-235-5400 7-5-5-4 DUCKPOND: 1BR -$450 + util. or 2BR $300 + util. in 3BR/1 BA house w/ living & dining room, kitchen, garage, front & backyards. 352-256-3800 6-16-2-4 llI l stte Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDSl Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 lv mssg 8-15-25-5 Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more infornation, visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 6-30-66-5 Grantwood Condominiums 2/2 Loft Condo W/Private Courtyard. Minutes From UF!975SF, GATED ENTRANCE, SECURITY, POOL. Starting @ $125,9001 HURRY! Call Adam Vaisman 352-222-7260 Coldwell Banker MM Parrish RItrs 372-5375 8-15-25-5 NEW COMPANY IN GAINESVILLE looking to buy or lease houses in this area. Any size, price, or condition. 352-264-7347 or visit us @ www.happygatorhomes.com 8-15-23-5 ON LITTLE LAKE GENEVA For sale by owner. Adorable 2/2 on small private spring-fed lake in Keystone Hgts. A great weekender. $129,900, Call 379-0619 lv msg. 7-12-13-5 Condo for sale -nice area <5 min to campus -low traffic 2BR/2BA includes Fridge NEW W/D -Stove -AC & Carpet Call 352-692-3286, must sell! 6-16-7-5 Countryside @ the University 4BR/4BA top floor, partially furn. 941-518-5240 6-30-6-5 1 BR/1 BA Tumbling Creek Condo. End unit overlooking creek, new paint, flooring, plumbing, light fixtures, walk to UF/ShandsNVA. $66,900, serious buyers. 222-2942 7-28-14-5 FOR LEASE: Nice 2950 sq ft OFFICE BUILDING in NW 34th St & University Ave area. Can be divided into 2200 sq ft & 750 q ft.AvailableAuge1st. Call Carole371-3000 6-30-6-5 CONDO FOR SALE 2 BD/ 2 BA in SW Gainesville, tile floors, fully furnished, fenced yard. $110,000. Call 352246-4661 7-7-6-5 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell $199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49 0 Cueen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 OKing sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave. 8-15-21-6. MEMORY FOAM -same as Temperpedia. Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin sets $89 Ofull sets $129 Oqueen sets $149 Oking sets $189 Student discounts apply. 4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver. 8-15-21-6 SALE! SALE! 2 twin size BEDS, new GE WASHER & DRYER. Prices negotiable. 954-540-0344 -6-16-5-6 MOVING SALE: Sealy Posturpedic queen mattress set $190, desk, dresser, bookshelf, & more furniture. Call Julie 359-8252 6-143-6 POOL TABLE Professional size. Like new. $1500 8.13-781-3412, 813-781-9130 7-7-8-6 WATERBED, fiber filled, waveless mattress. Light headboard with shelves and mirror. $650. Call Victoria, 317-1808. 6-16-3-6 FOOSBALL TABLE Hurricane Tornado, like new $600 378-5524, 372-1138 6-16-3-6 METAL DAYBED w/MATTRESS $400 WOOD WALL UNIT/DESK $500 Immediate sale, price NEGOTIABLE 352337-1169 6-14 1-6 WASHER/DRYER Super large capacity. Excellent cond. $250/ OBO. Please call 376-4901 7-5-5-6 MOVING SALE! Furniture & household items, W/D. Everything must go! Sat June 18 1610 NW 16th Terr. Behind GHS. 6-16-2-6 CHEAP FURNITURE Pillowtop queen & box ($100)10 Couch ($70) Comp. desk w/ chair ($40) 0 Coffee table ($20) 03 lamps ($20) 0All eoellent condition. Call 328-4752 6-16-2-6 a ll Furn is hin gsJMotorcyclesMopeds Com puteris BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pillow-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-3727490 will deliver. 8-15-25-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 MICROFIBER SOFA & LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 8-15-25-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 815-25-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 8-1525-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 8-15-25-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 8-1525-6 W makb hioufse-CA&f 8-23-170-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek* House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 823-170-7 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, Inc Complete residential & commercial support, networking & website development. $451hr www.gainesvillecsi.com 371-2230 8-15-24-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs SALES 0 SERVICE 0 PARTS www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 8-15-24-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 8-15-25-7 8 116 362.21 .2900 Mud 8-15-16-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -virus, spyware, hardware -$10 discounts, cheapest! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 8-15-16-7 Electronics DISCOUNT HI-Fl 722 S. Main e The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 8-15-25-8 2003 Jialing moped/motorcycle. 4-stroke manual. 49cc. Excellent condition. Fast, fun, has less than 500 miles. $600. Come take a look. 941-266-5813 6-16-5-11 '04 49CC 4-stroke scooter Just serviced. $800 941-356-8470 6-16-4-11 CASH PAID for MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition, Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up. Call ANYTIME: 352-495-7769 Please leave a message. 12-7-88-11 Autoas Bicy cles 11111111 In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized 'handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW & USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from 0 Best Prices in Townl SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 8-15-25-9 S o r Sale' PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 8-15-25-10 PARTY -SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional cooking utensils. R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gvlle RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 8-15-25-10 NGC/PCGS Certified Coins, Silver Eagles, State Qtrs., etc. MS63 to perfect 70. American Coirs & Stamps. 3446 W. Univ. 372-6400 8-15-21-10 MOVING SALE! Everything Must Go! Furniture and household items All in good condition and cheap Call 278-1558 or 954-701-5434 6-9-5-10 ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974 8-15-25-11 Swamp Cycles Large selection of E-bikes, Scooters and Accessories. CPI USA, ETon, Luojia, HJC Helmets. 534 SW 4th Avenue, 373-8823 www.swampcycles.com 8-15-25-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads.All models & directions avail on website. 6-16-12-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest section KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 solanocycle.com 8-15-43-11 98 HONDA CBR 600 F3 D&D exhaust stage 3 jet kit 7500 miles. $2500 OBO. CALL MATT @ 352-870-4168 6-14-7-11 NEW VERUCCI SCOOTER -4-stroke, 49cc, electric start engine, reaches 50 mph and makes 80-100 mpg. Has front disc brake, remote ignition, alarm & much more. Asking $1300. Call 352-219-3950 6-16-8-11 2003 BALI SCOOTER Low miles. Good condition. $500 OBO. Must sell. Call Jake at 352-514-9173 Neg. 6-16-5-11 FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CARO ORunning or not!l ONEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS Over 10yrsvo to UF students @Call Don'@ 215-7987 8-15-25-12 CARS -dARS BuyOSell*Trade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 8-15-25-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Sell or Trade Welcome Call Ray 352-284-8619 8-15-25-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 www.selectmotorcar.us 8-15-25-12 Best Cars e Lowest Prices www.39thaveimports.com 8-15-25-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 8-1525-12 2000 OLDSMOBILE ALERO Automatic, 4 door, tinted windows, Sony stereo, new tires, good condition, 83k miles. $5200/OBO Moving out of country. Call 305-331-7413 6-14-8-12 2001 Ford Ranger XLT Supercab. Red, 4 door, V6, Automatic, AC, AM/FM/CD, tilt steering wheel, factory theft recovery system, <44 000 miles. $12,000. Call 386-4542909 6-16-4-12 99 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX. Loaded, leather, CD, PL, PW. $4500. Call 352-558-4152 6-16-3--12 89 HONDA CIVIC LX 130k miles. Great car. $1200. Call 813-3903995 6-16-2-12 1999 HONDA CR-V EX Automatic, New tires, Tinted, 58.5K Excellent condition $9500 Call 352-870-5334 6-16-212 1990 MAZDA MIATA M edition. New paint, new tires, new clutch. Power steering, A/C. $3100 firm. 371-6115 or 219-6535 6-16-2-12 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers
TUESDAY, JUNE 14,2005K0 ALLIGATOR 13 WantdHepHWaetedHplp\anted Help W anted LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 8-15-25-13 On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 6-30-14-13 Blind lady needs health majors interested in walking at least three times a week. Call 352219-6948. Thanks. 6-30-14-13 Help Wanted This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com for details. 8-15-25-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 8-15-25-4 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 8-15-25-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 8-15-25-14 MOST WANTED I h Black Male (DOB 11/02/69); 6'04", 240 lbs, Black Hair, Brown Eyes Wanted for: 2 Warrants for Failed to Report Change of Address Within 48 Hours to the Department of Motor Vehicle ALACHUA COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS Call (352) 372-STOP Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/ employment 8-15-25-14 University of Florida Survey Research Center 408 W. University Ave. Suite 106 Mon-Fri 9:30am-9pm 392-2908 ext. 105 $7/hr + BONUS + r Training Telephone Interviewing NO SALES 3 eves 6-9 pm + 2 weekend shifts -or Sat 12pm-6pm + Sun 2pm -8pm Must work summer break week. 8-15-25-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $8 For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 815-25-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 8-15-25-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 8-15-25-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested come to the psychology bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297 8-15-25-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progressive company w/advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156 8-31-90-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$$$$$$$$$$$ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 8-15-25-14 Groundskeepers FT, PT Custodial duties/Apt Maint Transportation req. DFWP EEO 220 N Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14 Leasing Consultant, FT, PT Energetic Attitude Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO 220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14 PT CLEANING" SERVICE Great for college students. Flexible hours. Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-1534-14 Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashier/servers. Apply in person 4-5pm, Mon -Sun. See www.green-sparrow.com for store location or call 352-871-5771 8-15-25-14 PRE-MED GRADUATES -Looking for experience in medicine? Full time assistant needed in ophthalmology. Will train. Resume to Dr. Levy: afn22025@bellsouth.net 6-1615-14 SUMMER WORK GREAT PAY! I1 Immediate Openings, Customer Sales/Svc, No Exp Nec, Conditions Apply All ages 17+. Call Now 335-1422 6-16-12-14 PART TIME WORK ALL AGES 18+ Good Pay, Resume Builder, Scholarships Possible Customer Sales/Svc Will Train Conditions Apply. Call Now 335-1422 6-16-12-14 NOW HIRING CLEAN VACANT APTS ALSO some PT Position available. 352-246-5785 8-15-25-14 Need Extra Cash? GET PAID TO SEARCH GOOGLEI!! WWW.PAID2GOOGLE.COM 5-24-5-14 SOCCER COACHES: Gainesville Soccer Alliance seeking experienced soccer coaches for competitive youth soccer teams for 2005-2006 season. Call 379-5979 or email: contact@gainesvillesoccer.org 8-15-25-14 The Institute for Advanced Study of Communication Processes at the University of Florida is Inking for volunteers who have strong opinions or beliefs about any important issue or cause. *You can earn $30 for one hour by participating in the/s study* 352392-2046 x229 or voicestudy@yahoo.com 6-30-13-14 Experienced horse person for part-time work. Must have reliable transportation, NS. Call Kristen at 494-0284 or 528-6914 6-16-10-14 Participants Needed The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in Linguistics is looking for people to participate in a listening experiment. You can earn $10/hour by participating in a study of the perception of speech sounds frorn foreign languages. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jenna Silver jenlsilver@yahoo.com 8-15-23-14 CHANGE CHILDREN'S LIVES FOREVER WHILE YOU EARN MONEY for COLLEGE! AmerCorps Alachua County READS! FT earn $10,600 plus healthcare, child care and Education Award. PT earn $5,612, plus Ed Award. Call 955-7455 or stop in at Kirby-Smith 620 E. Univ. Room 209 6-16-1 0-14 Mortgage lender has immediate sales positions avail for college students seeking prof work exp. No exp req. $8-9/hr + bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd flr above credit union) 8-15-23-14 MOVERS WANTED Need Driver's License. Apply in person at 505 NW 53rd Ave. at Gator Moving & Storage Mon.-Fri. 7-28-20-14 Art, Art Ed, Graphics, Arch Hand-lettering, PT a few hrs per wk. Close to UF. Short resume. Reply --P 0 Box 286, Gainesville, 32602 6-16-8-14 PT / FT NANNIES NEEDED good $ for exp: grad student. welcomed bkgd ck: 21 REAL $ jobs avail NOW Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 6-30-10-14 MARY POPPINS: Where Are You??? FT NANNY NEEDED 30 to 45 hrs/wk 3 Jobs avail immediately: Great $ for exp. Noah's Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008 6-30-1014 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Holiday Inn University Center is looking for housekeepers and houseman 8-15-20-14 Checkers Now Hiring Hourly Manager at 2 Locations 34thStreet/University And 13th Street -Competitive Salaries -School Supplies Assistance -Flexible Schedule for Students -On-the-Job Training -Growth Opportunities Fax inquiries/resumes to 352-332-0102 6-14-6-14 HELP WANTED! Start your AVON BUSINESS for $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail avonbyemma@hotmail.com. 8-15-20-14 PHARMACIST ASSISTANT BA in Pharmacy. Mare, Inc. Fax to 305-8234055 6-16-7-14 HANDYMAN, UF STUDENT PREFERRED. Flexible hours @ $8/hr. Experienced, fast, hard-worker. Call 371-9409. 6-30-8-14 P E R S O N A L / A D M I N I S T R AT I V E ASSISTANT NEEDED Must have 2-4 hrs/day available, flexible 'availability. Must be organized & responsible. Email resume: dkranz@gatorfood.com 6-14-5-14 DRIVER OPPORTUNITY Gatorfood.com. Can earn anywhere between $8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule. For info contact 379-3663 6-14-5-14 FLYER DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED Gatorfood.com is looking for energetic enthusiastic people,flexible schedule. Call Dave @ 379-3663. 6-14-5-14 Web Programmer asp, asp.net, vb script, c#, SQL knowledge. E-mail resume to jobs@352media.com 8-15-19-14 Local tech company seeking positive, energetic,and assertive sales professionals with excellent communication and phone skills. Sales experience preferred. Base pay + commission. Send resume to jobs@usbmis.com 6-16-6-14 ACCOUNTING STUDENT NEEDED for PT help. Approximately 20 hrs/wk. Knowledge of Quickboods Pro preferred. Fax resume to 375-2526 6-16-6-14 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/BILLING CLERK for sitework construction office. Quickbooks exp pref. Ideal for business or accounting major. Min 20 hrs/wk. Call 335-1711 6-144-14 Call center needs telephone agents for all shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in person M-F 9am-4pm 6-30-7-14 CARPENTRY, PAINTING, DRYWALL experience needed for remodeling and home repairs. Tools and transportation req. Call 352-332-2234 6-30-7-14 HAIRSTYLIST NEEDED Absolutely Hair. Call or come in 352-3800304 1115 W. University Ave. 6-16-5-14 Health Insurance Dental Insurance -' Tuition Reimbursement Holiday Inn University Center 1250 W. University Ave. $9.00 per hour for the right Housekeeping Inspector. 6-14-4-14 Internet Marketing Specialist -Detail oriented w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication skills. Knowledge of SEO, PPC and affiliate management a plus. Flex schedule. Base pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140 10-31-66-14 Helper -Student, afternoons. Painting, yardwork, cleaning, etc. Close to campus. A few days per wk. Short resume to: PO Box 286 Gainesville, FL 32602 6-16-4-14 BLIMP GROUND SUPPORT CREW Fulltime or seasonal. Extensive travel throughout the US. Must have excellent driving record, able to pass criminal background check, drug free. Salary plus all expenses. Good chance to take a break, see the country, get paid for it. Steve Adams 407-363-7777 6-30-6-14 Now hiring front & kitchen staff for a newly est. Asian restaurant. Seeking outgoing, reliable, and experienced people. Call 352-5146404 Mon-Fri 2-5pm. 6-28-5-14 The Bagel Bakery Customer service rep. $6.50/hr 4113 NW 16th Blvd. 384-9110 6-16-4-14 MODELS NEEDED for internet clothing company. threadpit.com. Men & women. Please call Ashley @ 352-371-6536 or 561762-2621 for appt. 6-14-2-14 Computer programmer needed to modify and maintain complex Access database for law office. Please call 352-335-2699 7-128-14 Work with developmentally disabled adults. Provide personal care in the home. Call 352538-9776 6-14-2-14 HOLIDAY INN UNIVERSITY CENTER HOTEL Health Insurance Dental Insurance Tuition Reimbursement Bellman and Front Desk Apply in person 8-5 Mon-Fri 6-28-4-14 COLLECTIONS HELP WANTED. Experience preferred. Computer and excellent phone skills a plus. $8 + commission, Fax resume to 377-0488 PIs call 352-224-1857 for interviews btwn 10 AM-1 PM only M-F6-16-3-14 SALES PRO WANTED for online jewelry sales. Excellent phone skills required. Salary + commission. Fax resume to 377-0488 or email applications@abazias.com Pis call 224-1857 for interview btwn 10-1 only MF 6-16-3-14 OFFICE HELP WANTED. Experience preferred. Computer and excellent phone skills a plus. Fax resume to 377-0488 Pis call 352224-1857 for interview btwn 10 AM -1 PM only M-F 6-16-3-14 SCHOOL: Full time assistant teacher. Part time P.E. coach, assistant teacher, after school supervisor & Spanish teacher & Substitute Teachers. Stop by 8505 NW 39th Ave. to apply or call 375-6773 6-14-2-14 The Florida Book Store is hiring for temporary cashiers for the Summer B Semester Back to School. Applicants with previous cashiering experience are preferred. Applicants are required to be in town and available to work the following days: Monday, June 20th through Sunday July 3rd. Apply in person at 1614 W. University Avenue between the hours of 11 am-3pm. Complete an application and ask for Carolynne. Please do not drop off applications during the weekend or times not specified. Equal Opportunity Employer 6-16-3-14 Experienced Pizza Makers & Line Cooks. Apply in person at Pomodora Cafe 9200 NW 39th Ave in Publix shopping Plaza 628-4-14 Work for student. Yard work chainsaw, carpentry, electrical, plumbing & some heavy lifting. From $6.50-7.00/hr depends on skill & experience. Call 376-6183 6-16-3-14 MARIO & LUIGI'S PIZZA needs pizza makers, drivers, flyer distributors, managers and hotsellers. Please call 871-3368 6-16-3-14 THOUSANDS PAID OUT Every month! Call to year a 9-min Audio. 1-888-230-7442 ext 20742 www.24hourcashflow.com/2020742 6-142-14 PT warehouse help days, nights and weekends flexible hrs. Apply at concession office south end zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium 352375-4683 X6500 6-16-3-14 CLEANERS NEEDED GREAT PAY. Pick hours. Please call Julie 352-222-5532. 6-30-4-14 PT/FT LANDSCAPERS WANTED Exp preferred. Valid driver's license a must. 352-222-1904 8-15-15-14 Memorabilia Company in Alachua is looking for reliable, flexible person to heip in our shipping department 15-20 hrs/wk @ $6.00/hr. Call Rick @ 800-344-9103 weekdays. 6-30-4-14 Latin tutor needed June-August for beginning Latin for high school student. Rate negotiable. Please call 495-2821 or 392-1991 Ext 213. 6-30-4-14 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
1, ALLIGATOR U1 TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 Wited rvices Typing Services Etainen Z ides sing Agent/Sales Jtgoing & reliable? Bonuses, great team. schedule incl Sal req. Fax resume, cover avail schedule to Trimark Properties 37669 or email hr@trimarkproperties.com 15-15-14 mok, '3aby Gator Childcare. 7-1pm M-F, 3/hr. Prepare breakfast, lunch, and snack. all 392-2330 6-16-2-14 ALET PARKING ilitime & parttime people wanted. Must be stomer-oriented & dependable. Call Andy ;8-463-1954 x205. Good Pay! 6-16-2-14 Services AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 15-25-15 ]PORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, >rsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, azda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable ices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 ww.carrsmith.com 8-15-25-15 YPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memy & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. ast life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. ow Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, GH certified 379-1079. 8-15-25-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 www.ethnicdanceexpressions.com -15-25-15 ORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 0 acres -ring-arena -round pens -expeenced help -12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627. iwner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons vail. 8-15-25-15 RAFFIC SCHOOL ONLINE ake Points Off Your Driver's License .nd Dismiss Traffic Tickets lith Online Driver Improvement Courses nlinedrivingschool.idrivesafely.com -15-25-15 LEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM ualit. Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 artiesO Alachua County's oldest & finest orse farm 0 466-4060 8-15-25-15 ***YOGA*** Classes & Workshops at Sanctuary www.yogagainesville.com 352-336-5656 -15-25-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 www.automaligainesville.com 2-7-74-15 VERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER he countryclub for horses & owners. ustomer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' 160' riding ring, round pen & jump pad>ck. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 oparate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591175 everglade-eqestrian.com 8-15-25-15 -* GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 -2-61-15 Jump start your job search at www.COllege-resumeS.cOm 15-51-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS PlaqNes O Name Badges O Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 -2-61-15 NGLISH TUTORING nglish as 2nd language eading, Composition, Conversation experienced educators. Reasonable fees. al: 352-335-9400 8-15-25-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 8-15-25-15 TLC HORSEBOARD All facilites & amenities: quality estruction. 15 inmates from UF. Jan at 376-7762. Greathouse Equestrian Center. 8-15-26-15 EW CLEANING SERVICE Affordable cleaning w/a woman's touch Maid Service Residential Commercial Same Day Cleaning Service Available 352-494-6458 ask for Earnestine. 6-28-8-15 Stringing -If anybody can string rackets low, EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in 24hrs. Express stringing available upon request. We have more string than all local stores combined. please stop by or call 3722257 8-15-20-15 Why buy mart-cheap rackets? You can upgrade at EZ Tennis & pay less. Stop wasting money. Our name is EZ and our game is Tennis. Call them and call us. 372-2257 8-15-20-15 Rackets -Tennis -Racquetball -Squash -Badmitton -Table Tennis. Lowest prices in town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower internet prices. Call us at 372-2257 8-15-20-15 Professional employee training, negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution & consulting. Public/private sector. Sliding scale. Free initial consultation. Phone 352-514-5515 7-16-16-15 MAKE IT PERFECT with affordable & professional editing for your newsletter, manuscript, class paper, thesis or dissertation. Sliding scale. Phone 352-514-5515 7-28-16-15 Whippoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture board. 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on premises. 376-8792 8-15-19-15 Consolidate your Student Loans before the Rates go up on July 1st. Lock in your 2.77% fixed rate now! Call DSSLoans at 866-859-4622 6-9-1-15 Interior design student looking for rooms to update -Help me start my portfolio!. Very inexpensive service. Call today! 386-546-0013 or nan2l98@yahoo.com. 7-5-5-15 Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait? Express training services can get you certified in less than 3 weeks! Hands-on exp, no videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 711-05. Class sizes limited. 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Sports TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligatorSports.org NCAA BAS-E-BALL UF sweeps FSU in Super Regional, advance to CWS By TIM CASEY Alligator Writer tcasey@alligator.org For seven years, UF has waited. In front of a record home crowd, the Gators finally delivered. The UF baseball team defeated Florida State in the Super Regional round of the NCAA tournament during the weekend to advance to the College World Series in Omaha, Neb. UP begins play against Tennessee on Friday. Pitching, defense and big-inning offense all pillars of UF coach Pat McMahon's baseball strategy -were the key to both of the Gators' wins against FSU. Alan Home (9-2) threw a career-high 148 pitches on Saturday to give the Gators an 8-5 victory that clinched a trip to Omaha. "My legs were pretty gone after the fifth or sixth inning," Home said. "I wasn't about to tell [the coaches] that. I've got all of the off-season to rest up. We're going to Omaha." Home struck out eight batters and scattered eight hits. Two of the five runs he allowed were scored after he left the game with one out in the ninth inning. "We've proven a point: don't ever underrate us." Matt LaPorta UF baseball player "That's what championship clubs are made of," Home said. "Guys that are going to gut it out every night, and each and every one of us did that tonight." Tommy Boss (8-4) threw his second-consecutive complete game in Friday's 8-1 win. The Gators now find themselves in mn allSEC opening CWS round. "I am very excited," Boss said. "I am so happy that we finally get to go out to Omaha after working so hard for four years." Boss began his career at UF the same year McMahon arrived. The UF coach urges his players to dream about their goals. "You've got to dream and vividly picture SEE BASEBALL, PAGE 16 Clement breaks meet record, goes pro; men take second N UF FINISHED SECOND IN BOTH POSTSEASON NCAA MEETS. STAFF REPORT I "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content IL Available from Commercial News Provide I. ~ The streak of seconds continued for the UF men's track and field team. After finishing second in the NCAA East Regional Championships last month, the Gators finished second at the NCAA Outdoor Championships to Arkansas last weekend. Although UF finished second, sophomore world-record-holder Kerron Clement etched his name into Gators rs history by becoming the first athlete in nearly 20 years to win the 400-meter hurdles in back-to-back seasons. In doing so, Clement broke the NCAA meet record and posted the world's top time in 2005. Even though Clement's early success has helped his team greatly the past two seasons, it will now come at a cost for the team's future. Clement has announced that he will forego his final two years of eligibility and turn professional. After breaking Michael Johnson's record, Clement announced in March his plans to go pro. Now Clement has higher goals than those at the collegiate level. He wants to put his name among those with huge records. Clement is aiming at being bigger than Edwin Moses, who won 107 consecutive races over 10 years. "I want to make a name for myself 'the great KerrQn Clement,"' Clement said with a smile. Even though Clement has moreprominent goals for the future, he is still very proud of winning his second consecutive individual collegiate national title. "It's amazing -it feels good to win a national title again," Clement said. "I was clement focused todayain nmy goal was to win and break my own record, which I did." While nobody else on UF's team may be turning professional, a few Gators still put forth strong showings. Sophomore Mike Morrison picked up his third All-American honor of the meet and tenth in his career by finishing fourth in the high jump. Junior Shane Stroup also came through for UF, as he finished fifth in the 1,500m. Senior Kyle SEE TRACK, PAGE 16 Gators prove critics wrong with Super Regional victory, head to Omaha he way the Gators celebrated after they defeated the Seminoles to go to the College World Series, one would've thought they had won it all. They haven't yet, but it doesn't matter. If they go two-and-out in Omaha, it doesn't matter. Because they weren't supposed to be here. Every team's goal is obviously to wina national championship, but then there are realistic goals. Before the season, going to the College World Series was a goal. Realistic goal? No one thought so. Not even Tommy Boss. "I couldn't have dreamed that my senior season would end with us in Omaha," the big-game pitcher said. H He couldn't have dreamed of it. Luckily, he doesn't have to, because it's not a dream. Pinch yourself. The Gators proved all their critics wrong, as they have done all season. At one point, it seemed like the Ian Fisher Gators were overachieving. Extra lannings Now, nothing would surprise me. ifisher@alligator.org The Gators' bats are heating up at the perfect time, and the pitching has been superb. It's the postseason, so you know Tommy Boss will have a big game next weekend. Alan Home also came close to pitching a complete game Saturday. FSU didn't even get to see Bryan Ball, who pitched better than anyone for a stretch this season. "Everybody is clicking at the same time," first baseman Matt LaPorta said. "That's how championships are won." So the Gators know what it takes to win it, but do they have the skill? I don't know. I'm not Miss Cleo, although I did use this space last week to predict the Gators winning the Super Regionals. As for winning it all? SEE IANNI NGS, PAGE 16 ETimes have been set for two UF football home games. The Gators and Tennessee will kick off at 8 p.m. on Sept. 17, while UF-FSU is set for 3:30 p.m on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. E June 13, 1983: NCAA officials extend their investigation into wrongdoings by the UF football program. Allegations included tampering of grades and ticket scalping by players. In Oct. '84, UF went on probation. 'NBA Finals: San Antonio vs. Detroit ABC, 9 p.m. (San Antonio leads series 2-0) NIMLB: Florida vs. Chicago Cubs FSN, 8 p.m. I U Dv ~ up MLB Florida Chicago Cubs Milwaukee Tampa Bay 9 1 3 5
16, ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2005 FSU coach labels game 'the Tommy Boss show' BASEBALL, from page 15 what you want to accomplish, in anything you do," McMahon said. "Before the last game, we talked about who wants to catch the flial out today. When you look in the guys' eyes, you can see that. "If you don't make those first 26 outs, you don't put yourself in position to make that final out." The Gators have been labeled as a group of overachievers; however, SEC Player of the Year Matt LaPorta takes exception to that label. "People only knew what they saw people write about us before the season, saying 'we're not this, we're not that, we don't have that,"' LaPorta said. "They haven't been here every day watching us work, watching us practice. We've proven a point: don't ever underrate us." FSU coach Mike Martin praised the Gators after the defeat. "They certainly deserve to represent the state," Martin said. "They proved that they are the best team in the state." Martin called Friday's game "the Tommy Boss show" after watching the UF senior hold his team to one run on seven hits. Midway through Boss's performance, a trio of Gators tried to steal the spotlight. In the bottom of the fifth inning, Brian Jeroloman, Brandon McArthur and Brian Leclerc hit consecutive home runs to put the game out of reach. The Seminoles (53-19) committed four errors in Saturday's game and one on Friday while the Gators played error-free basehall all weekend. Men's team achieves goals, women place tenth in meet TRACK, from page 15 we saw season bests, personal records, school records, collegiate records -this could go down as the best meet in top-ten at the Outdoor Championships four consecutive years. Sophomore AllAmerican Tiandra Ponteen re-set her Farmer was able to go out proud by pickFlorida history. It was a great group and school record in the 400m, helping lead ing up his ninth career All-American, people shouldn't take anything away the Gators to their top-ten finish. finishing seventh in the 200m. from them. Arkansas is Arkansas and we "This is really a great accomplishment With all of these finishes combined, knew coming in they were the team to for our team," Coach Tom Jones said. "We Coach Mike Holloway feels satisfied beat, so you have to give them credit." have been through a lot this year and I rewith the results. The men's team wasn't the only UF ally couldn't ask for any more from this "I'm extremely proud of our group," team that added to its history at the chamteam." Holloway said. "From top to bottom pionships. The women finished tenth The Associated Press contributed to this overall, and have now finished in the report. Th0~ WEDNESDAY: e1 aOei LADIES NIGHT Ladies Drink FREE $2 Pitchers for Everyone DJ JD FREE BEER 9pm -10pm 1718 W. Univ. Ave 378-7033 If you are: Female 19-39 years old Healthy Non-smoking Non-pregnant or nursing Not taking prescription medication (excluding oral contraceptives) If you are willing to: Provide medical history information Complete a dietary questionnaire Have blood drawn once (following an overnight fast) Then you are eligible to participate in this study You will be paid $50 for completing the study Q Please call 392-1991 extension 273 for more information. OSANTA FE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Aviation. Sciences And you thought learning to fly a kite was fun! Earn an A.S. degree in Professional Pilot Technology, and FAA certificates for private pilot, instrument and multi-engine ratings at Santa Fe. -Transfer all credit hours to one of the largest aeronautical universities in the United States. -Santa Fe is the only Florida'college to offer an Aviation degree that is fully transferable to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, For more information and program costs visit online at www.sfcc.dU and look in the index under Aviation. 352-334-0300 IANNINGS, from page 15 My head wants to say no, my heart wants to say yes. The way this season has been, I'm going to go with my heart. Usually, when I hear a team "plays as a team" or "has great chemistry," I think of it as a euphemism for them not being good. Not in this case. The chemistry is great on this young team. All one needed to do to see that was watch the celebrations after Saturday's game. Where one player leaves off, another picks up. When LaPorta stop hitting home runs, Brian Leclerc starts. When other bats go cold, Gavin Dickey steps his up. While the Gators are playing with house money, it's not over yet. "I couldn't go out any better," Boss said about just going to the College World Series. Actually, he could go out better. Hint: it would be an even bigger celebration.