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the independent florida
/ of Florida Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida
We Inform. You Decide.
~tj <~3
Wage raise impacts UF
Alligator Writer
Many UF department heads
charged with managing their
budgets have been scrambling
since an initiative to increase
Florida's minimum wage went
into effect last month, allot-
ting more than 4,500 student
employees as much as a dollar
more per hour.
"Every department man-
ages their own budget, so they
will work out any changes,"
UF Vice President for Finance
and Administration Ed Poppell
Only employees hired
through Other Personnel
Services are affected, since the
minimum wage for full-time
UF employees is $8.50 per hour,
which is more than $2 above
the new state standard, Poppell
The Other Personnel Services
program, which is funded by
the state and provides on-cam-
pus jobs for students enrolled
at least part-time at UF, in-
creased its wages from $5.15
to $6.15 after the constitutional
amendment to create a Florida
minimum wage passed on the
November ballot.
The measure received more
than 70-percent voter support.
While some may think local
businesses and UF have been
affected negatively by the mini-
mum-wage increase, the gen-
eral consensus among student
workers is positive.
"It's nice to have more
money," said Molly McKinney,
a building supervisor at
Southwest Recreation Center,
whose hourly wage was $5.35
before the increase.
McKinney is among almost
MIiein OuchUU /A MlIIIgtUU
Student worker Kim Mitchell observes colleague Sherri Weiss-
man as she fills out a timecard Monday at the Southwest Recre-
ation Center.
700 recreational sports em-
ployees and David Bowles,
the program's director, said
he hopes Student Government
increases funding to offset the
higher payroll.
"[The wage increase] is go-
ing to have a dramatic impact,"
Bowles said. "We're currently
trying to calculate a figure."
Bowles said he hopes they
are not forced to reduce ser-
"We try to work as efficiently
as possible with what we have
UF golfer makes
cut for U.S. Open
Alligator Staff Writer
After finishing in a tie for
85th at the NCAA champion-
ships one of the worst per-
formances in his otherwise
illustrious college career Matt
Every responded the only way
he knows how.
The UF junior surprisingly
qualified for the U.S. Open,
earning a spot on a fifth play-
off hole after a two-round total
of a .7-under 135 in the sec-
tional qualifiers at Woodmont
Country Club in Rockville,
"I can talk myself out of
slumps," Every said of his per-
formance in the NCAA cham-
pionship. "I just told myself
it was a fluke and I came out
firing in the qualifier."
It wasn't easy. Without
the luxury of a course-leader
board, Every thought he had
it won when he birdied the
18th hole. He soon learned he
would be in a playoff for five
spots with eight others, includ-
ing six PGA Tour veterans.
"1I can talk myself out of
Matt Every
Eight quickly became three,
and on the third playoff hole
Every went for the win but
missed a six-foot putt.
The pressure would con-
UF officials might
pull Growl funding
Bill could die on VP's desk
Alligator Writer
Gator Growl soon may hush to a whimper after Student
Government officials reported that.UF administrators could veto an
appropriation to fund the event as early as today.
A bill passed in the Student Senate two weeks ago allocating
$340,000 of student money to help fund the Florida Blue Key-run
Gator Growl is allegedly being questioned by Vice President for
Student Affairs Patricia Telles-Irvin, who oversees SG decisions.
"A responsible review has been already
U17 underway, as I am looking at this issue very
Administration carefully," Telles-Irvin wrote in an e-mail.
"Please rest assured that due diligence is be-
ing followed and that we are working very hard to make sure that the
best interests of the student body are kept at the forefront. [UF] will
not take any course of action that is illegal in this issue."
Telles-Irvin declined comment to the Alligator on Wednesday.
Student Body President Joe Goldberg said he signed the bill and
it now sits in Telles-Irvin's office, adding she questioned the bill's
logistics and how SG reserves work.
After earning a
spot on the NCAA
Regional All-
Tournament Team,
Tommy Boss gets
the opening nod
for the Gators on
Friday. Boss has a
4.48 ERA and 56
See story, pg. 23.
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
A UF-built robotic vehicle
known as NaviGATOR was
one of 40 semifinalists
picked Monday to com-
pete against other robotic
vehicles for a $2 million
purse in a challenge
hosted by the Pentagon.
See story, pg. 4.
the AVENUE 9 ''
CROSSWORD 19 storms
visit www.alligator.org
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ASCO Explorer Post #983.
More information on the items
being auctioned off is available at
http://www.alachuasheriff.org and
The Alligator strives to be
accurate and clear in its news
reports and editorials. If you
find an error, please call our
newsroom at r352) 376-
4458 or send an e-mail to
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l the independent florida
VOLUME 98 ISSUE 151 g ISSN 0889-2423
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Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
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News Today
Sheriff's Office to hold auc-
tion- of seized property
Students lacking funds can
fill their empty dorm rooms and
garages at a low cost by attending
the Alachua County Sheriff's Office
Beginning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday
at the ASCO Main Headquarters,
situated at 2621 SE Hawthorne
Road, the sheriff's office will auction
off seized and surplus property. .
Items available at the auction
include cars, trucks, a motor home,
kitchen items, jewelry and office
equipment such as computers and
352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax)
Advertise in The .
Alligator classified.
373-FEND F
Alumnus honors roots
Alligator Contributing Writer
It seems teaching the principles of assets
and liabilities has turned out to be a huge as-
set to UF a $1.4 million asset, to be exact.
UF accounting alumnus Bernard H.
Berkman has pledged to donate $1.4 million
to UF's Fisher School of Accounting to es-
tablish the Bernard H. Berkman Accounting
Enrichment Fund. Income generated from
the fund will support teaching, research and
programs within the school.
"Any success I have attained in my
professional career I attribute to the educa-
tion I received at the University of Florida,"
Berkman said in a press release.
"Supporting UF's accounting program is
just one way I felt I could express my appre-
ciation and help provide for students follow-
ing the same path I followed in my career."
Berkman, a 1960 graduate of the
Warrington College of Business, had more
than 35 years in the accounting field with
companies such as Deloitte & Touche and
Collective Bancorp before retiring in 1999.
Berkman's orange-and-blue roots
have been strong throughout his career.
He is a charter member of the UF Alumni
Association and co-founded the Nassau
County Gator Club in 2004, which is now
174 members strong.
Administrators in the accounting school
said they are pleased with the donation
and are planning to use the money to make
improvements to UF's already prestigious
accounting program.
"Mr. Berkman's gift will provide criti-
cal resources for the school as it strives for
programmatic excellence," said Joel S.
Demski, associate dean of
On the Warrington College of
Campus Business and director of the
Campus Fisher School, in a press re-
lease. "Affirmations, such as
Mr. Berkman's, are what sustain the school,
the college and the university in its commit-
ment to academic leadership and its role as
the state's flagship university."
UF accounting junior Mike Fera agrees
with Demski and believes the gift will fur-
ther aid UF's accounting program.
"The accounting school has made smart
decisions with previous monetary donations
in the past," Fera said, referring to the newly
constructed accounting building, Gerson
Hall. "I believe the money will only help UF
students excel in the accounting classrooms,
as well as help UF students make a positive
mark in the accounting workplace."
UF earns literacy grant
Alligator Contributing Writer
UF's Lastinger Center for Learning is
among 21 Florida organizations slated
to share a $700,000 grant for literacy
programs statewide.
Gov. Jeb Bush announced this week
in a press conference that the Lastinger
Center will play a central role in his
Family Literacy Initiative.
"[Increasing literacy] is the' key to
opening the doors of opportunity and
success in life," Bush said.
Created in 2001, the Lastinger
Center, which is part of the College of
Education, is a school-improvement
partner working with 14 high-poverty
elementary schools across Florida.
UF professors will use the grant to
"embed" themselves at "practice sites"
in Apopka and Immokalee and deter-
mine which. teaching methods are most
Since the governor began his Family
Literacy Initiative in 1999, more than
9,000 adults and children have gradu-
ated from its 115 centers throughout the
state, according to a report released this
A key part of
Bush's literacy initia-
tive is the traditional
focus of the center on
involving the family
in the child's learning
experience, said Don
Pemberton, direc-
Bush tor of the Lastinger
"We want to make literacy a family
value in their communities," he said.
-According to Program Director
Alyson Adams, UF was awarded the
grant because of the collaboration it
breeds among teachers and learning.
"Once we figure out what those two
sites are doing to make them so success-
ful, then we will convert it into a cur-
riculum," Adams said.
Vegetarian Women Needed
for a UF Nutrition Study'
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.:.u .1 $ -;It !...r .i:,:.t.,l.l ].r., u ... ;l .J
UF-built robot car to race
Alligator Writer
A car built by UF students will race some
of the toughest and most expensive vehicles
in the country with no one sitting behind
the wheel.
The robotic vehicle known as NaviGATOR
was one of 40 semifinalists picked Monday
to go to California in September to compete
against other robotic vehicles with hopes
of earning a spot in the finals and a chance
to compete for a $2 million purse in the
Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research
Project Agency Grand Challenge 2005.
The race, hosted by the Pentagon to pro-
mote research in autonomous vehicle tech-
nology, tests applications that can be used by
the military, like surveying a battlefield.
"We're happy and we're thrilled to be in,"
said Dave Armstrong, project manager for
the team from the UF Center for Intelligent
Machines and Robotics that built the car.
"At the same time, we realize we're going
to spend the next four months killing our-
selves," he added.
About 13 of the 15 members of the racing
team are students, Armstrong said.
The 40 semifinalists will battle for 20 spots
in an October race, where robotic vehicles
travel 150 miles across desert roads without
any human intervention and using only on-
board computers.
"Once the race starts, [the robotic vehicle
is] completely on its own," Armstrong said.
"We could go to lunch and watch it on TV."
What drives the NaviGATOR is a com-
bination of 13 high-speed computers, eight
sensor systems, at least one of three $50,000
global positioning systems and a device that
fuses all the information toitell the car where
and where not to go.
It also has a 150-horsepower Honda en-
gine that enables it to reach speeds as high
as 50 mph.
Despite the top-notch equipment, which
totals about $250,000 plus labor, Armstrong
said the car, working at full capacity, would
still only have the brainpower of.a mouse.
"It can't drive anything close to a hu-
man," he said. "Getting a machine to think
and recognize obstacles is going to be a very
difficult task."
"Once the race starts, [the ro-
botic vehicle is] completely on its
Dave Armstrong
Team ClMAR project manager
Team member Danny Kent, a mechanical
engineering graduate student, said he and
the other team members have worked seven
days a week in preparation for the event.
"Some people I don't think quite grasp
just how hard it is," he said. "Trying to take
luck out of the equation is really hard."
Once the race starts, the NaviGATOR's
positioning system will be able to tell it
exactly where it is within 10 cm, compared
to a distance of 3 meters for most consumer
positioning systems.
"Our [positioning system] is better than
what.you would typically use," Armstrong
said, adding that the added accuracy could
mean the difference between staying on the
road and falling off a rocky cliff.
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Officials hope wage increase will not alter services provided to students
WAGES, from page 1
available," he said.
Minor adjustments based on participation levels,have been
made to recreational programs to finish out the fiscal year,
which ends June 30, he said.
"I don't want this to have an impact on the services we pro-
vide for students," he said.
But Stefanie Simon, recreational program assis-
Student tant, said services already have been impacted.
Life Student Recreational Facilities hired a full staff
at the beginning of the Summer but must now
reduce shifts in an attempt to retain employees, according to
Simon, a third-year exercise and sports science major.
Meanwhile, McKinney said that while she enjoys her
raise, she has noticed that the number of student workers at
Southwest Recreation Center has been reduced.
"I know they've cut a lot of shifts because the Student Rec
Center used to have two building supervisors and a floor man-
ager each shift and now only has one of each," she said.
Open qualifier confident
Like a fine wine
Nine of Virginia's top wineries gathered in Charlottesville for the Ash Lawn-Highland Wine Festival. Co-
ordinator Nancy McAdams believes a mix of new and well-established wineries keeps the show fresh,
interesting and fun. "While wine tasting is serious business, it never should be boring," she said.
GOLF, from page i
tinue on the fourth playoff
hole, when Every missed an
identical six-foot putt, but
David Kirkpatrick bogeyed
and it was down to two.
Finally on the fifth, Every
watched Paul Goydos miss
a 15-footer. With all eyes on
Every, he sunk a 10-footer and
clinched the final spot.
"At first I was just glad I
made the putt," Every said. "I
kind of sat there and looked
at my caddy. He had his hand
out like he wanted to give me
five. I said '[forget] that' and
gave him a hug because I was
so happy."'
Before the NCAA champi-
onships, Every was confident
he could qualify for the tourna-
ment, although some of his UF
teammates weren't as sure.
Now the amateur will have
a chance to prove he is not just
one of the best golfers in col-
lege, but that he can perform
with the pros.
"It's cool to be in it, it's.
surreal, but after that playoff I
know I can compete out there.
I probably will," Every said. "I
might go there and play awful.
I doubt it, but I might. But I
can go there, play awesome
and make the cut and have a
respectable week."
Despite earning a spot in the
Open on the fifth playoff hole,
Every still thinks he could have
performed better.
"To tell you the truth, that
was the worst I could have shot
in the qualifier. I played aw-
ful," he said.
"But I. made
a 15-foot putt
in my last
hole. It was
very intense.
o U I'm glad it's
Every Every has
no time to
N.C., for the Open. He is cur-
rently in Wisconsin while he
competes in the Palmer Cup, a
competition between amateurs
from the United States and the
United Kingdom, today and
Then it's on to Pinehurst,
where the Open begins June
"I'm just going to go there to
have fun, and try my [tail] off."
SG leaders say Growl may disappoint without SG funds; others question legality
GROWL, from page 1
"I was under the ,impression that Gator
Growl needed this money to make the show
happen," he said. "The reason that I was
satisfied with the bill is because we were giv-
ing students the opportunity to attend Gator
Growl for free."
Senate President Pro Tempore John Boyles
said that about 45 minutes before the bill's sec-
ond reading May 24, members of the executive
cabinet and Senate received word that Telles-
Irvin would veto SG's proposal to bring free
Growl tickets to .24,000 students.
"The message came ... that if we passed the
bill, she wasn't going to sign it," he said. "If there
is a decision to veto the bill, this would be the
first time possibly ever that this has been done."
But he said leaders did not want to tell
student senators about the bill because Telles-
Irvin's message did not come first-hand.
"I think that the reason
I behind not making a big
deal about it is because
I none of us directly talked
to [Telles-Irvin]," he said.
'It was a pretty intense
message. We wouldn't
want to paint a picture of
Telles-Irvin her in a bad light."
Goldberg said he sup-
ports keeping the bill on the agenda.
"We don't do things for the administration;
we do things for the students," he said. "I ap-
plaud the Senate leaders for keeping the bill
on the agenda. That was just too late. We can't
be called at the last minute and expect to stop
all our business."
Sources close to the Senate said they were
shocked to hear they were not told about the
message before it was debated.
However, others outside SG agree that ve-
toing the bill is the right move.
"If the university allows this misuse of the
A&S Fee, I am determined to seek legal ac-
tion from the courts to prevent that misuse of
funds," UF teaching assistant Charles Grapski
said. "I'm hoping that she will take proper ac-
tion. I think the issue is crystal clear: If students
have to pay for a ticket, and [SG is] subsidizing
it, [students] are paying twice."
Grapski said he is concerned that UF ad-
ministration could use a "semantic loophole
in a bureaucratic way to take an illegal act and
make it appear legal" by stating SG will fund
Homecoming 2005, not FBK or Growl.
Boyles said if the bill is vetoed, this year's
Growl may be a disappointment.
"It won't be at the same level that the stu-
dents and the alumni are used to," he said.
Growl Producer Robert Carmody said he
doesn't "want to think about the what-ifs yet."
Boyles added that the technical aspects of
the show would not be up to par, and fire-
works would be a memory.
"I would hope that if the vice president
decides to veto the bill that she comes to
the Senate and explains why," he said. "I
would hope that there wouldn't be any
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day max! Call us at 372-2257.
One could say the smooth operators at the Department of
Darts & Laurels are spending too much time together, which
is why we now all have head colds.
Our illness might be the logical result of too many late
nights spent outside along University Avenue in the rain. But
we think it has more to do with the twists our necks have
taken in the last week from repetitive double-take action.
It's almost as if the controversy gods have heeded
our call and added some spice back into the normally
doldrumatic Summer A. Not that we can taste anything.
But since we wrote this while attempting to stamp out a per-
vasive throb in our skulls, our choice of gifts this week was a
little unorthodox.
We're feeling a little better, thank you, but it won't keep us
from diving.into the wackiness with this week's edition of...
Darts & Laurels
For our first award, we go directly to the ivory (well, red-
brick) towers of Tigert Hall and deliver a thank-you-for-end-
ing-the-madness LAUREL to UF President Bernie Machen,
who named a new provost last week after more than a year
of uncertainty.
Machen sent the search committee back to the drawing
board after he didn't see enough promise in their initial rec-
ommendations. We applaud his courage in waiting until he
could be comfortable with his choice.
In that spirit, we adorn a do-you-really-know-what-
you're-getting-into LAUREL onto the pressured shoulders
of new Provost Janie Fouke.
Fouke undoubtedly will be in a constant state of transition
for the next two months, as she must move from Michigan to
Gainesville and have her agenda ready to go by Aug. 15.
Good luck, Dr. Fouke. We hope this LAUREL is the first
of many.
Turning now to the Reitz Union, we dish out a ive-can-
be-on-the-same-side-sometimes LAUREL to Student Body
President Joe Goldberg, for standing his ground in the face
of administrative pressure.
That's right, a LAUREL for Joe Goldberg.
Allegedly, Goldberg heard from UF officials that if he
signed a bill paying $340,000 to Florida Blue Key for Gator
Growl, it would be vetoed. He signed it anyway.
We don't agree with the content of the bill, and this is not
any change of heart on our part. But if administrators are
going to monkey with student money -m which is by Florida
law under student control they should be out in the open
about it.
We're too sick to leave campus, so we muster all our
strength to throw a what-part-of-public-records-don't-you-
understand DART at Dean of Students Gene Zdziarski and
his staff.
A too-liberal usage of a black marker by the Dean's Office
left an entire e-mail blacked out of a public-records request.
There's no way every word and symbol could have been ex-
empt from the public-records laws.
We can't prove the offending e-mail was sent between
a UF official and former Student Body Vice President
Jennifer Puckett, and we can't prove the discussion in-
volved the dismissal of a Student' Government cabinet
director and bypassing the application process to put a
new director in place.
The appearance of impropriety leaves us shaking our heads.
It was a move both ballsy and illegal. But mainly, illegal.
And it shows how close student leaders get to climbing
into bed with UF officials.
But we'll end the pajama party with the all-around best cure
for our ills: a few rounds of 3-for-1 Jager Bombs at 2:01 a.m.
That should do the trick.
Il the independent florida
Mike Gimignani
Eva Kis
O i fne voting Wo PRuNY.., igY- i pa! -
Online voting keeps running in place
U F's Student Government sure is looking a lot like the
big boys in Washington these days.
It used to be the federal government was the
place to find politicos sitting on their butts, ignoring the
public and otherwise doing anything they can to delay the
in e i t.i l ... ... ... .... ..
Not anymore.
Why does SG need the entire summer to come up with a
"recommendation" regarding online voting?
Online voting isn't a decision. The decision has been
In order to get online voting on the ballot, a certain
number of signatures was required. That number was
End of story.
Of course, there was sone fumbling on the part of the
petition's authors that allowed the defenders of the status
quo to defeat it on a loophole.
There's no excuse now.
The investigation this summer isn't going to find
anything new. The same concerns have existed since the
inception of the program, and they've all been repeated so
many times that students might actually think they're still
Opponents are afraid of security concerns.
That's been addressed see the 30 billion articles, edito-
rials and columns printed in the Alligator over the past few
years. Accelerated Data Works has been more than happy
to suggest more and more ways to beef up protections on
the students' information and to keep voting legit.
Opponents are afraid it will cost too much money.
OK, I made that one up.
But this is UF, the land of Bright Futures and thousands
of students trying to figure out how to make the most
money with the least work. '
So, everyone here should. be able to appreciate the
bottom line: Online voting would save us a crapload of
The Spring election cost an esti-
mated $39,827.65 and counting.
Online voting is supposed to cost
around $2C000 per er tion un
Paper elections mean a lot of
Matt Sanchez work for students.
Pure Foppery Online voting doesn't.
I'm a journalist, so I'm not really
msanchez@alligator.org a numbers-y type of guy. But I think
those figures speak for themselves.
Finally, opponents are afraid
Greek organizations and other student groups will exploit
the system-to make their members vote the way they want.
The truth is, they already do. They will continue to do so,
no matter what changes in the voting process.
If the members of these organizations can't or won't
stand up for themselves, then they're going to continue do-
ing what their superiors want;
In fact, these organizations don't want online voting any
more than the old guard in SG do. They want to do what is
best for themselves, which is to keep voting as exclusive as
They know there's only one way to get average students
to vote, and that's to make it so they can vote with a beer in
one hand, naked, during a commercial break, at 4 o'clock in
the morning.
That's why they want online voting out and that's
why, so far, online voting has been kept out.
And students, aren't active enough in SG right now to
stop them.
My prediction, as much as it pains me, is online voting
will not be implemented as long as Joe Goldberg and his
Gator Party buddies are in office.
I hope I'm proven wrong, but I doubt it.
Matt Sanchez is a journalism senior. His column appears on
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.
The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must ed, doublespacedand must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to
,- :,.:'-,, g them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
... 2. 257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
I cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.
Today's question: Do you think
online voting will come to Student
Government during your time at UF?
Tuesday's question: Should UF ad- 62% YES
ministrators step in if they perceive 38% NO
.impropriety in Student Government? 45TOTALVOTES
* ~Afj~~4~Or ~
Letters to the Editor
Story on collision contains bad reporting
Editor. I'd like to reference your newspaper
dated June 2 and the front-page article "Crash
on Southwest 34th Street..."
My daughter, Sandy D'Elosua, was in that
car accident, and your newspaper sensational-
ized the story so that she appeared at fault.
If your reporters had thoroughly investi-
gated the situation, they would have known
that the driver of the other car, a young 21-
year-old man, was cited by the police officer
and that Sandy was not at fault.
She was the victim, however, who received
major injuries that required surgery and will
require extensive rehabilitation.
Your article was very harmful to her per-'
sonal reputation and her mental state during
this traumatic time. It is simply an example of
sensationalism at its worst.
I would like to see a follow-up article that
gives the truth to the accident and doesn't
paint my daughter in a negative light.
The young man who is responsible for the
accident has done enough damage.
Kathy D'Elosua
Stem-cell research debate more complex
Editor: While it pleases me to note the
discussion of stem-cell research in Tuesday's
column, I fear Mr. Blye has omitted a fact- or
two in attempting to make his point.
The restriction in federal policy applies
only to funding new stem cell lines. There is
little to stop a major pharmaceutical company
from using donor embryos to manufacture
-new lines and conduct research so long as the
funding comes purely from private sources.
These companies, however, are. not
attempting this and with good reason.
Embryonic stem cells just are not showing the
type of promise that justifies private funding.
Why should the government finance it?
That's just bad business, whatever your
:view of its morality.
Martin Van Assche
Tough-love grading crucial to success
Editor: I just finished reading the article by
Matt Sanchez regarding removing grades in
Palm Beach elementary schools. I have to say
this is quite possibly the best article I've ever
read in the Alligator.
I couldn't agree more with what Mr.
Sanchez had to say: Our country is accepting
mediocrity, and we're paying for it. Everyone
is too scared to hurt someone's feelings or re-_
warda person over another.
It all began with removing dodgeball from
physical-education classes.
Now, as silly as it may seem, think about it:
The kid who kids picked last, knocked out first
and mocked in elementary school that's the
kid who goes to Harvard just to show the bul-
lies who's better now.
Then the "bullies" open their own business
to show they don't need college to be better.
See, this "one-upping" one another is what
our whole country is based on. If you want to
make sure that everyone is treated equally,
why don't we just give equal portions of in-
come to everyone?
Oh wait, that's Communism, and we see
how well tl.It', url,.-d )ut.
We're raising-a bunch of kids who are go-
ing to grow up expecting to be equal with ev-
eryone else when in reality, they're the furthest
thing from it.
So, stop giving trophies to all teams, bring
back dodgeball and grab your red pens; I want
my kid to know he's either better or worse.
Cory W. Berstler
Later Gator cancellation the wrong.move
Editor: I sent this letter to Student
Government in hopes that. they, would over-
turn the foolish decision to get rid of Later
Gator bus services for Summer A:
"I read today in the Alligator that the Later
Gator has been canceled for Summer A. I re-
ally hope that this is a misprint. I know it's not,
but I cannot believe that such a foolish choice
has been made by my elected representatives.
Did we forget the reason why Later Gator was
Just because there are fewer people going
downtown during Summer A, it doesn't make
drunk driving any less-dangerous. This is not
a financial issue; this is a security issue.
I could understand a cutback, maybe go-
ing from three buses to one bus that makes
sense, but to completely get rid of it is just a
bad decision. Imagine what the consequences
would be for this choice if, God forbid, a stu-
dent, did get into an accident coming from
downtown. All because you want to save a
couple hundred bucks.
The reality is, it's just not worth it. I really
hope that this is not an irreversible decision
and that it can be remedied before it costs too
much. My life is not worth the money you're
saving, and I'm sure everyone else feels the
same way."
I only hope they realize the magnitude of
this decision.
This is just another cutback from SG that
we will never see again.
I am an advocate of SG, they do some really
great things, but when was the last time one of
these cutbacks showed up somewhere else? It
seems the money just vanishes.
Why didn't Joe tell us where the money's
going? I'm sure we can figure this out.
Geoffrey Silvera
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Scientists get grant for Parkinson's
Alligator Contributing Writer
Judy Whitmore was diagnosed with
Parkinson's disease at the age of 54.
Six years later, she can still make par on
the golf course.
Whitmore is one of hundreds with
Parkinson's disease who have benefited
from participating in therapy and clini-
cal research at UF's Movement Disorders
Center and the McKnight Brain Institute.
Dawn Bowers, director of the institute's
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, will
begin a new study on Parkinson's disease
in July after receiving a $1.7 million grant
from the National Institutes of Health's-
National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke.
Parkinson's disease is a disorder
caused by the degeneration of neurons in
parts of the brain integral to making dopa-
mine, a neurotransmitter.
More than 1.5 million Americans have
Parkinson's disease and experience a
variety of symptoms, including tremors,
slowed movement, poor balance and
slow speech, according to the National
Parkinson Foundation Web site.
Bowers' research grant will fund a
four-year study on a common side effect
of Parkinson's disease that hinders the
ability to produce facial expressions.
While most researchers have to apply
for grants two or three times before being
funded, her application for the grant was
accepted in'July 2004 on its first submis-
sion, she said.
"It was the right study at the right
review session with the right reviewers
who liked it," she said. "It could have just
as easily gone the other way. A lot of it is
Bowers' research team includes
Michael Okun and Hubert Fernandez,
,both associate professors of neurology,
and Christine Sapienza, professor and
associate chair of the department of com-
munication sciences and disorders.
Testing a group of 100 people with the
disease, the team will use video clips to
elicit expressions and record them.
"It used to be that people
thought heroes rode on white
horses. But for those of us with
Parkinson's disease, they may
be people with a white coat."
Judy Whitmore
Parkinson's support group leader
Some of the video clips include bug-
eating scenes from "Fear Factor,", the
"brain-eating" scene from "Hannibal"
and scenes from "America's Funniest
Home Videos," Bowers said.
By subtracting each 30-millisecond
video frame, the researchers can measure
exactly how much movement occurred on
the face, she said.
In a previous study used to develop
this measurement method, a woman with
Parkinson's disease asked to see what she
looked like on her videotape.
"We showed her the videotape, and
she -burst into tears," Bowers said. "She
said she had no idea that she looked so
flat. She remembered herself as someone
who was much more emotive."
Lack of facial expression affects the
way spouses, family members and even
healthcare providers interact with people
with Parkinson's disease, she said. -
Patients are sometimes misdiagnosed
with depression or apathy due to the
problem, she said.
With her research, she hopes to develop
a convenient and affordable treatment for
those who are frustrated by the symptoms
of the disease, she said.
Participants will receive a breathing
device that requires them to blow out with
more force, working both facial and respi-
ratory muscles, Bowers said.
They will exercise with the device at
home five times per day for four weeks
and then return to the lab to have their fa-
cial expressions measured again, she said.
Bowers expects the breathing therapy
to make facial muscles more active and
able to be more expressive, she said.
"I suspect this is going to work," she
said. "It's just like going to the gym helps
people tone up."
To see if the benefits of breathing ther-
apy are temporary, patients will be asked
to stop using the breathing device for
three months and then be tested for any
loss of facial expression ability, she said.
Test subjects will be studied both on
and off dopamine medication and also
participate in conversations and struc-
tured interviews to check for improve-
ments in speech and vocalization.
Judy Whitmore, leader of a
Parkinson's support group, said she
and her group have a strong interest in
the research.
"It used-to be that people thought he-
roes rode on white horses," she said. "But
for those of us with Parkinson's disease,
they may be people with a white coat."
With the help of doctors, medical re-
search and exercise therapy, Whitmore
said several members of her group who
used to be confined to wheelchairs now
are walking with canes.
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mith success
Sushi spot moves
to new location
ragonJly Sushi & Sake Company i! on a roll
After almost five years of success and rapid
growth in dowvntov.n Gainesville. Dragontfl
has started to knock down.its walls and expand
to accommodate loyal patrons and su-lu-seekers
Located at 201 SE Second Ave. Suite
103. Drag;onfly ill occupy the -pace
/ left behind bv its former neighbor,
Hooteis, in an effort to promote better
service and more business
"'\e are growvinm so tast that on ther
weekends w\-e have customers waiting
Lip to t'. o hours for a latge party." say-s
Ronald Auyong, manager. "Sometimes we'
can t accommodate our custonmes the watv
we would like "
Currentiv, Dragonfly's size is about 2, 00
square feet and can hold about 88 customers
Auy\ong say after the expansion.
Dragonfly s floor space would increase to
4.500 square feet making room for about 150
Unable to give an exact amount on the cost
of the project. ALuI-ong sa,- "the expansion is ac-
cruing costs on a daily, basis and costing a lot of
In addition to an increase in seating capacity,
Dragontly will hire more staft so it can handle the
expected increase in business
ing to double our
current staff of about '0 to 100 people," he
\uyo.,ng estunated that the expaC1ion Il
would be complete sometime in August.
right in time for the Fall semester.
In addition to physical changes, customers
wvill not-ice adjustments to the menu. Ausong
said some menu items % ill be replaced for
ne, ones and stressed the exp,:uansiont would
not change current menu prices.
Dragonflv is not just content with expand- .
ing its original downtown location: future
restaurant plans are currently in the making
"This expansion is a stepping stone fo t
our creative concept,,. Auong s)D s "Our
flagship restaurant serves as a vehicle to
make oui goals and dreams come trnie "
He savs to be on the look out for Cafe'.
soon to be located by the new Hooters on
Archer Road and 34"' Street .
It v. 1i be a create-x our-ovwn Dragonfly-
sts le menu, he sa s. "Since our business is
about our customers x- e wanted to cater ithe
stood to their preferences." .
He added that the new. restaurant should 1IIll-
be open about one month after the expansion n
is complete Auvong said Catlexs j lut one of
many things that will help Dragonfly mnov~e
forward with its. image
I\Ve pride ourselves about being hum-
ble.' Auyong sa-s. "We hope ev-eryone
knows that we are here for our customers in -
every a-.pect of business."
Kilstln Nichols Alligator
Dragonfly staff create sushi behind the restaurant's sushi bar.
Tragedy of Giving rocks toward video game fame
Justin Sclafani and Jacob
Addicott eat at- Moe's
Southwest Grill on Newberry
Road every day. Literally.
The dark-haired, soft-spoken
guys from South Florida sit in a
booth, eating their Moo Moo Mr.
Cows (chicken, in case you were
wondering), perfectly content.
Their quiet, relaxed nature
makes it difficult to believe they're
in Tragedy of Giving, a melodic
hard-rock band that's new to the
Gainesville scene.
But Sclafani and Addicott are
no strangers to the stage they've
been playing together for eight
years with Sclafani on guitar and
Addicott rocking the mic.
The two moved from Miami in
October to start a band in Gainesville
because it was a convenient area to
live. It's only a couple hours from
most major cities in Florida, which
makes it easier to tour. Addicott's
brother attends
school here, so .
they had a place
to stay, and the -' :
town is accom- '
modating to .
"Miami isn't
like... rock music," Addicott says.
"The venues don't really cater to
hard rock."
By December, after having gone
through several trial members, they
added Cris Wise on drums and Tim
McCallum onbass.
They've played a number of
shows since the band's inception,
and they hope to embark on their
first tour as Tragedy of Giving soon.
The sound produced by the
four has been aptly characterized
as "intellectual
rage." It's dark,
June but melodic, and
Capiello Addicott's voice
Playlist is impeccable.
eavenue@alligator.org "I listen to a
lot softer music
than the rest of
the band... which is kinda why the
lyrics aren't like, 'KILL, DIE,'" says
The band also plays acoustic
songs during their set, which should
appeal to all audiences.
Tragedy of Giving has been doing
exceptionally well for how young it
is. Their song "Bumble Me" was get-
ting radio play on local stations after
only their second show, and another
song, "Sink Slow," may soon ap-
pear in an EA Games football video
game, as well as a compilation CD
called "Warped Tour: Sounds of
Summer," which will be released by
Blood Loss Alliance.
"But we don't know if it's a
scam," Sclafani says with a laugh.
The tracks were recorded at
Sclafani and Addicott's house for
free; Sclafani went to the School of
Audio Engineering in Miami.
"We do all of our Web site, flyers,
and all recordings," Sclafani said.
Thus far, the band is happy with
the way they are settling.
"We got a good start," Addicott
said. "It's cool to hang out with peo-
ple your own age and not these 40
year-old scuzzbuckets in their satin
shirts [in Miami]."
And if things keep progressing as
they have these few short months,
Addicott may eventually get his
wish: "[Ten years from now] it'd be
cool to be signed and making mu-
sic... and we want to be sponsored
by Moe's."
Who: Tragedy of Giving,
Irrational, Ploww and ta-
Where: Eddie C's
When: Friday, doors open
at 9 p.m., cover is $5.
New York Times Bestseller's List
1. "The Nosy Neighbor" by Fern Michaels
2. "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini
3. "The Taking" by Dean Koontz
4. "Angels & Demons" by Dan Brown
5. "Hidden Prey" by John Sandford
* In the tackiest bit of coincidence, we want
to make sure you don't miss "Inside Deep
Throat" playing at the Hipp next Wednesday
night. And yes, this is about the real "Deep
Throat," not W. Mark Felt as much as we
appreciate him.
I This is one t
stick to your ft
11, Jessica We
us On the Oh
Creek I
o cut out and U I reviewed the Lou Reed DVD "Spanish Fly"
ridge. On pg. and hated it. Brian Offenther loved it. Flip
instein takes to page 11 to see which review we decided
eap to Mill to run. Be the first person to e-mail me at
Farm. theavenue@alligator.org asking me why I
hated it and the DVD is yours.
Serenity costs only two carrots
This week's cheap outing was
exactly that admission cost
only two carrots.
Yes, I meant carrots.
Mill Creek Farm hosts a re-
tirement home for horses. On
Saturday, owners Peter and Mary
Gregory open the farm to the public.
From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., you can stroll
the rolling fields, feeding the horses
as you go.
The farm takes in equines seized
by the government, the SPCA and
the Humane Society. Once at Mill
Creek, the horses live out their days
receiving food, veterinary care and
plenty of pasture. They are never
worked or ridden again.
It had been awhile since I'd seen
one of the beautiful and gentle
creatures up close, so I packed a
picnic lunch, grabbed a friend and
headed north up 1-75 for a relaxing
For some reason I was expecting
the place to be deserted. Instead, the
owners, some volunteers and a few
families greeted me.
Once walking the corral-lined
path, I enjoyed some time away
from the thousands who surround
me every day on campus.
It was definitely nice to look
around and see
nothing but green
fields and horses
- lots and lots of
While it only
takes two carrots
to get in, it's a
good idea to bring along a whole
bag. Mill Creek houses more than
100 horses that previously worked
as circus performers, racers and sub-
jects of medical testing.
At times, the place made me feel
melancholy. Some of the horses were
abused in their past. Hearing their
stories and sensing their demeanor
added a sobering depth to my pleas-
ant day in the country.
However, the place has a sense of
peace and tranquility. While angered
by the horses' pasts, my feelings
were tempered just knowing that
Mill Creek serves to combat these
injustices, or at least to spare some.
If you care
Jessica about animals,
Weinstein you will be grate-
On the Cheap ful to the Gregorys
theavenue@alligator.org for -what they do.
If you like horses,
or simply need a
reminder that UF
is surrounded by farmland, Mill
Creek is the place to go.
If the weather is good, bring your
books and a bag lunch, but be pre-
pared to leave promptly at 3 p.m.,
when the Gregorys close their gate
to the public.
For more information and direc-
tions, visit www.millcreekfarm.org.
Lou Reed DVD captures his classics
Spanish Fly: Live in Spain
Starring Lou Reed
Not Rated
Release date: June 7, 2005
You put in the DVD and there he is in all his faded glory:
Lou Reed.
He survived to sing-speak songs of spikes-in-arms,
whores and Edgar Allan Poe.
Along with Iggy and Bowie, he is the third in the un-
holy trinity of drugged-out-freakazoid-alien artists. He's
miraculously around to enjoy his recent resurgence by some
misstep of fate or sacrifices of young virgins (I prefer the
And what does Lou do?
He smiles, for he is surely having the best time of his life.
"Spanish Fly: Live in Spain" is a pseudo-greatest hits
DVD featuring a live concert of Reed at the Benicassim
Festival in 2004. The wonderfully arbitrary soccer chant styl-
ings of "Ole Ole Ole" at the conclusion of the concert is the
only reminder of the locale.
Of course, he is not alone.
Reed's four-piece band consists of a guitar, bass, drums
and cello set-up. The multiracial, mixed-gender band is
solid, except for the rock 'n' roll cello. in "Venus in Furs,"
Jane Scarpantoni steps into awesomeness, adapting the
Velvet Underground-Reed style by playing a stabbing,
grinding solo.
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Reed, though, is the deserving star.
Amazingly (well, not considering the virgins thing),
he has held up exceedingly well for a man of his rocking
past. His voice (and dare I say his body) is in great shape,
handling his existential narratives with ease. His lead guitar
is solid, and he pieces together a couple of impressionistic
guitar solos.
Most interesting is the enthusiasm he puts into each
song, acting out lyrics with waves of his arms as he smiles
Something, though, must be mentioned, for it is painfully
missing from his performance: mystique.
I had to sit there for a while before I picked up on it. As I
watched this giddy old man playing his guitar in a rockin'
band in black sweat pants (yes), it came to me. The bright
lights and overhead camera shots allow the viewer to see
tape markings on the floor, cameramen going in for close-
ups of Reed, and gasp! a monitor for Reed to, urn, read
the lyrics.
Reed's songs reflect a dark narrator in an urban land-
scape of sin. Sweat pants and smiles do more than a little to
hurt that effect.
Still, Lou Reed's new DVD offering to the masses is a
solid release for the Velvet Underground-Reed devotee
(ye of the early bootleg B-sides). Casual fans might also
might enjoy a run through, or at least a fast-forward to, the
Underground-Transformer stuff.
Oral proves just as
sinful as intercourse
Our American democracy values the individual
and the individual voice. However, differentiat-
ing intercourse and oral sex remains a topic that
divides our nation.
When it comes to oral versus intercourse, everyone has
his or her own opinion and standard to answer the who,
what, where, when and why.
So, in the interest of hearing the voice of the people, I
began polling my friends' opinions. When asked if oral sex
constitutes cheating, all responded with a yes, adding that
oral was equally unforgivable as intercourse.
Answering the question asked by the Clinton adminis-
tration, "Is oral-sex sex?" the nation, or at least my random
sampling, says yes.
However, intimacy is where the issue begins to stir
conflict. Half of my constituency votes oral sex as more
intimate than
intercourse. I call
Mr. Lube them Pro-head,
Risqu6 Business while the others
theavenue@aligator.org are Pro-tail.
The Pro-heads
consider oral more
intimate because
of the mechanics, the sensations and the vulnerability in-
volved. Pro-heads have refined taste and are picky about
what they put in their mouths.
On the other side, the Pro-tails typically evaluate inti-
macy on an emotional level. They all reference intercourse
as aiding a stronger personal connection with their partner,
which makes it more intimate. One Pro-tail, in defense of
his choice, went so far as to say, "oral sex is like a hand-
I personally stand on the Pro-tail side for very pragmat-
ic reasons. For gay men, intercourse has a much higher risk
factor for diseases, so I do it less and am more discriminat-
ing in my choice of partners.
Taking my own opinion into consideration, I began to
see the many facets of the great Oral v. Intercourse debate.
Frequency also plays a part, as many straight guys go
Pro-head due to the number of women who don't like to
perform oral sex. For them, it's a special treat.
Another caucus to consider is the Pro-tail women who
give and receive oral sex exclusively so they can maintain
their virginity.
Finally, a friend who enjoys being dominated by her
boyfriend presented an additional opinion. She considered
intercourse less meaningful because of the mutual pleasure
involved. As oral sex requires one person to serve the other,
she enjoys it more mand considers it a greater sacrifice.
So as with all conflicts, American pluralism prevents a
singular opinion. Thankfully, finding people interested in
sharing their opinions isn't hard.
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Finch morphs genres
Say Hello to Sunshine
MCA Tracs
Release date: June 7
Finch's new album, "Say Hello to
Sunshine," exaggerates what "What it
is to Burn" only hinted
at this screamo band
has only begun to make
What is so great
about this album is that
not every song sounds
the same.
Its sound is reaching into other
genres of music for a concoction that is
purely Finch.
For instance, the album has more of
a heavy-metal guitar sound, and singer
Nate Barcalow uses his voice differently
to complement that.
This CD gives me the feeling that
Finch channeled Incubus, pre- "Make
Yourself," as a major influence. Or
maybe it was Glassjaw. Yes, definitely
Perhaps as foreshadowed, Glassjaw
singer Daryl Palumbo was featured on
the "What it is to Burn" CD.
With the time changes and breaks
in the songs, "Say Hello to Sunshine"
definitely fulfills the need for a break
from the mainstream pop-punk that is
prevalent in music stores today.
But be .warned -
don't buy the CD with
Amanda hopes that it is their
Seyfang previous album recre-
Playlist ated. This CD is not
eavenue@alligator.org "What it is to Burn."
Let me repeat that
this CD is not "What
it is to Burn."
This CD is heavier and less emo than
their sophomore release.
Since I cannot support illegal down-
loading, my suggestion is to go out
and buy Finch's new CD, "Say Hello to
If you decide against buying it,
check out their song "Bitemarks and
I think you will be pleasantly sur-
Eii'e- I 'Ii:I1,c mu_.,.:, Cigar Store in3i.arrs, i' 10 p.m.
Hippodil:.nie: iinm. 'Hotel Palestmine: Kiliig The Wirles:..s." $4, 7 & 9 p.m.
Gainesville Comnnurir PIas:,i,:.use: "O..er the River and Trirough the Woods," 8 p.m.
Campus Teaching Obrs.ratory: Dept. of, Asror,:n-, Public Night, free, 8:30 p.m.
The Side Bar: live music. Thl Duppies. $5, 9 p.m.
Eddie C's: v.e mnusi,. Tragedy rc Giving. $5, 9 p.m.
Tim and Terr ,': li., mri:,s:'. Sr are and a Chair, 10 pnm.
Black Box Theate-: modern dance. "The People s Touring Project," free, 8 p.m.
N.W. 34th Sireet & I-.S. Hiehv..avr 441: Farmer's Mar-et. 8:30 a.m.
Proverb for the week: Don t horse around 'ith mare-age -B.O. Style
University Club: Hiie music., cross Five Aprils. 10 p.m.
Reitz Union: Pride Student Union General Discussiron Meeting, 8 p.m.
Civic Media Center: film, "Bread and ,ose.," donations
Common Gr:ouijnds: lihe music, Animal Hospital. 1$.. 10 p.m.
The Side Bar: Ir.,e mus;c, Little Charlie and trie Night:ar-. $7, 9 p.m.
Common Grounds: movies, "The Big Lebowski" and "Raising Arizona," free, 10 p.m.
Edi,-e C- : live niusi,. Na.m. I.S, 1i.i p.m.
Hippodrome: mn.-e, "Inside Deep Tnroat,'" 4 for students. 4:20 p.ni 7 p.m., 9 p.m.
To submit calendar events e-mail theavenue@alligator.org
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Faux fashion trends unify a style-seeking world
Is fake couture a symbol of faux status?
In the old world of fashion, the likely
answer was yes. The dividing line between
the haves and have-nots was who could afford
designer apparel.
Well, in the new world of fashion the an-
*swer is not so clear, because almost everyone
is sporting some kind of high style. Of course
it's all original, right?
If that's what you think, it seems you have
been foiled, my friend.
The market for designer knockoffs is quite
lucrative society flocks to copycats, individ-
uals who harness their talent, creative thinking
and elbow grease to bring to the masses the
finest of haute-replicas.
And the paragon for imitation is the reign-
ing king, Louis Vuitton.
Take a look around if you haven't noticed.
You'll eventually see people of all genders,
sizes and ethnicity adorned with the illustri-
ous "LV" monogram and flower logo.
Louis Vuitton is so popular that it's practi-
cally a household name.
My original intent was to blast those that
conform to this craze because I thought the
motif overplayed, thus
resulting in a society of -
clones. But one day after *
yoga class, I had an epiph-
any. I began to hear in my
head Madonna singing,
"Music makes the people
come together."
Well, my friends, it
seems fashion, too, makes the people come
And for that we must all hail Louis!
Designer couture used to be the signature
of the privileged class but thanks to faux
fashion, it's available to everyone. The Louis
Vuitton emblem adorns everyone from the
CEO, to the cashier, to the garbage man. No
matter who is carrying or wearing it, the social
hierarchy appears to diminish. Fashion is for
Not everyone can afford a $1,000 bag or
a $300 wallet, so people
like me do what we can
Christine and purchase the next best
Steffens thing. Yes, I admit it, I own
Fashion a Go-Go two faux handbags from
theavenue@alligator.org the pseudo-house of Louis
Vuitton, and I am no less
tasteful because of it.
We should all feel like
kings and queens, deserving of the finer things
in life, and there should be no reason why we
can't. So your Fashion-a-Go-Go says no, fake
couture is not a symbol of faux status.
There are also cases where people tend to
take faux a little too far.
Recently I was in St. Augustine and saw
a guy driving a sport utility vehicle com-
pletely stenciled with the Louis Vuitton logo. I
stopped and stared, for I was mesmerized.
Not only was it beyond tacky, but I won-
dered why his friends didn't tell him that it
was a bad idea.
But I salute you, Mr. SUV man, for taking
your creative liberty. Though you revealed
that you're style-challenged and your friends
deserted you in a time of need, you probably
feel pretty cool driving around. Kudos to you!
Don't get me wrong, I would love to own
real designer couture. High style doesn't nec-
essarily have to be a status symbol, but can
represent hard work.
So many facets of life are committed to
maintaining a social hierarchy, we shouldn't
let fashion do that, too.
Remember in order to have class, one
doesn't need to come from 'the privileged
Re-made summer movies makes for boring season
Moviegoers beware.
This summer is defi-
nitely going to be a record-
breaking movie season a record-
breaking season of unoriginality.
We hear great things about block-
buster movies intended to give us
"edge of your seat thrills," but'-I'm
not feeling it this season.'
Most of the movies in the sum-
mer buffet of cinema have already
been done, are based on a television
show or book or are based on true
On top of that, it seems that
movie studios are making sure they
can appeal to a wider audience by
keeping movies within the PG-13
Where are the original scripts
and bigrisks for the screen?
The downfall of originality
starts just after "The Longest Yard"
- which was already done success-
fully in the '70s with "Sisterhood
of the Traveling Pants," "Lords of
Dogtown" and "Cinderella Man."
Two are based on actual events,
one is based on a successful teenage
book and they are all rated PG -13
or lower. These movies are safe and
will most likely bring in average to
high audiences.
"Mr. and Mrs. Smith" then rolls
along in true adulterous fashion
and pretty much gives us what
1994's "True Lies" couldn't two
ridiculously hot stars who actually
have believable chemistry. Plus, it's
The second
wave of washed-
up ideas will
soon hit audi-
ences head on.
We have "Batman
Begins," "Herbie: Fully Loaded,"
"Bewitched" and "War of the
All right, even though "Batman"
and "Worlds" have the potential to
be awesome, everything has already
been done. This is the fifth "Batman"
movie, a Love Bug that we've seen
since the '60s, a series that probably
still has 2 a.m. marathons on the TV
The Reel Life :
Land channel
and an already
epic novel. While
the rating of
"Worlds" is still
being debated,
the others are PG-
13. I1 don't think it's a coincidence.
We'll round out the season with
an array of "already-been-theres."
"Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory," "The Honeymooners,"
"The Pink Panther," "The Dukes of
Hazzard" and by far the worst deci-
sion ever made by Sony Pictures -
"Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo."
Two of these have been TV shows,
two have already been movies and
one is the sequel of a mistaken first
movie enough said. All will most
likely be rated PG-13 or under, too.
The trend seems to be that when
things get rough at the box office, the
studios ride on the safety of things
that have already been successful.
While we'll still get some good
movies, most of these will only be
the middle DVD in a box set. How
V IA''-, .
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Lg furn. 3BR/3BA house 3806 SW 2nd Ave.
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$1800/mo.407-363-7198, cell 407-234-1380
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6466 6-9-2-1
Close to UF with wireless DSL, all incl, long
distance. In woodsy home with pool, huge
yard, veggie garden, W/D, DW, enormous
Florida room. Amanda or Juan 336-9242.
$375 + utilities. 6-16-4-1
Newly restored rms fumed in fumed home 1-
mi N of UF. Ideal for good student. $325/mo
+ 1/3 bills w/WiFi, CATV, phone, W/D, etc.
Details call 352-871-5633 7-14-10-1
Gaville. $212/mo + utils. W/D. Close to UF,
on bus route. 377-5960 Iv msg. 6-30-12-1
Kensington N 2/2.5
w/d, pool, gym, ethernet
15 mih bus $910 561-251-5425 6-9-1-1
Apartment Sublease for Summer B
2 Rooms available, on University Ave.
$350/month per person all inclusive
Call Chris at 352-745-1553 6-30-5-1
For Rent
SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $325/mo.
*1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or
mobile 213-3901. 8-15-25-2
5 BR House at UF
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W/D, DAN/W, huge porch.
Pet ok, Walk to UF
Open Weekends 371-7777
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Amazing SPECIALS for fall!!!
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Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 sec-
ond walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer
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Short term available. Private Owner. $495-.
up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 8-15-25-2
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Park FREE @ UF, alarm, pets welcome
Shwww.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111
Pine Rush Apartments
1&2 BR apt homes
starting @ $429/mo
.y FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF
tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm
spacious! pets okI SPECIALS!
pinetreegardens.com 376-4002
BI- For Rent
1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA
$525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian
tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals,
W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF.
332-7700. 8-15-25-2
1BR & 2BR/1BA with WID, central heat/air,
dishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets
arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From
$505 377-1633 6-16-91-2
HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3
Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime
W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab,
Pets welcome*Private dog park
Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801
Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups
& DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
Now 372-99138-15-25-2
Amazingly "Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft
1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats!
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480.
Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070.
HOUSES 2 mi.to UF Now & fall 331-0095
630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo;
816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1300/mo;
1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo;
642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 8-15-25-2.
Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent
A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn
mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by
appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave.
373-4244 UF bus line #20 8-15-25-2
Have Roommates?
4BR/2BA House $950
3BR/2BA Haile $1100
Only You?
1 BR/1 BA Apt $450
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2
So Close to Campus
Avail now, 2BR/1BA apts.
$450, $475, $520
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2
1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown.
2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 373-
4423 or online at www.maximumre.com
NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint
2BR- over 1100 sq ft ** $650/ mo
1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00** $550/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$300 off deposit 376-2507
CALL TODAY 372-8100
Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!
Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
2BR/1 BA House $695/mo
3BR/2BA Townhouse $975/mo
2BR/2.5BA Near UF $700/mo
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!l
Call Today: 371-2118
Champagne Living for a Beer Budgetl
3/3 for $385/bdrm or 4/4 for $370/bdrm
includes cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME
Water & Sewer, W/D, Gym, Tanning
Now & Fall The Landings 336-3838
Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR Pool
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail 377-7401*
8-15-25-2 ,.. ,, ....
U For Rent I For Rent For Rent. -
unfurnished' J 1 unfurnished I unfurnished J
*Luxury Living/Walk to UF*
1 BR, Private Patios, Alarm, Pets OK.
Huge Bedrooms Walk-in Closets.
Next to Sorority Row
Office: 1216 SW 2nd AVE Call 372-7111
FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm
Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to
UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777
Avail for Current and Fall
Pool*Terinis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF
Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail
Great Specials*377-7401 8-15-25-2
*FALL* Blks from UF Houses *
Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See
www.Dalyproperties.com for listings or call
Carol at 377-3852. 6-30-14-2
Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on -
north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin
summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties
372-1509 8-15-25-2
Huge 1/1 w/ D/W, patio/balcony
Tennis, bball, alarm, luv pets!
SPECIALS! leasing now & fall
Open wknds, call 376-4002
Avail May: Several units w/in .5 mi of UF
campus or closer. Eff $300-310, 1BR/1BA
$395-$415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA
$700. Sec dep, NS, no. pets. Contact
sor20@yahoo.com or Iv mssg 352-870-7256
Convenient UF access
$325 to $575
Action Real Estate Services
352-331-1233 8-15-25-2
Apartments & Houses
Studio to 5BR+
Most within 2 miles of campus!
Campus Realty 692-3800
1/1 ., 2 2 i'11i l .' ,-,wurr..:,mes
Free "arnrnn.rng rct.i.: 24 rr gym
PC lab,-Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities:
Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455
Three 4BR HOUSES & 1&2BR APTS.
Spacious, efficient homes biking distance
to campus. Remodeled, Ig fenced yards.
Lots of extras. Available now & fall. Call
for details. $475-1225/mo. 352-372-4768
Available Summer & Fall
Studios & 1BRs $350 to $750
.2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850
Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc.
378-1387 www.gore-rabell.com
Historic house, hd wd firs, Ig front porch, lots
of charm. Studio & I BR avail. 306 NE 6th St.
$400-500/mo. Call 379-4952 8-15-25-2
Ask About Our Move-In
Specials & Giveaways
Individual Leases: Furniture Packages,
Incl Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet;
Every Unit is an End Unit
Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5
701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330
8-15-25-2 .. ..
Ask About Our Move In
Specials & Giveaways
Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans;
Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer;
Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool;
Sauna etc. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5
700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009
2BR townhouse; 7209 SW 45th PI. $500/
mo, $500 sec dep. No pets. 386-462-0994
2BR/1.5BA Condo in Casablanca East.
Newly remodeled w/tile floors, W/D incl, pool,
quiet area, on bus rt, close 'to UF/Shands,
$725/mo. 352-246-5958 6-9-21-2
1BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet
complex located at 3320 SW23rd St. Starting
@ $395/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150.
Please leave a message. 6-9-21-2
Beautiful 2BR/2.5BA, 1200 sf, 1 bik off SW
34th St, on bus rte, 2 mi to UF/Shands.
Brighton Park. W/D, DW, alarm, pool.
Avail Aug N/S $825/mo. Rebate. 214-3820
Great Homes, Close to UF.
3311 NW 30th Ave $1050/month
1614 NW 21st Ave $1000/month
Drive by and call 495-9085
Email: SBR@Jacksonllc.com 7-21-30-2
HUGE & Affordable
1,2, & 3BRs
FREE Alarm FREE W/D Screen porch
FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool .
Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly
ONLY 1.7 miles to UF 372-0400
w/garage. Very large, all new. Pool, tennis
& racquet ball. Good location. On bus rt.
$890/mo. Available fall. Call 352-372-4768
**0.8 miles to UF. Historic 2BR apt/house
near downtown. Wood floors, W/D. $630-
$650/mo. 214-9270 8-4-29-2
3BR/1 BA HOUSE central heat &A/C, kitchen
& bath tile floors, WD hookup @ 2036 NW
31 Place. $650/mo. Call 352-371-3636 6-
**Apply Now No Application Fee**
4 blks to UF Gatorside Apts. 1600 NW 4th
Ave 2BR/1BA $550 or 1BR/1BA $350 or
- 12 blks to UF Center Pointe Apts 1 BR/1 BA
1220 NW 12 St. $350. 371-3636 6-30-14-2
Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood
floors, hgr, ci.n.g some w/fireplaces, SE
Historic District. 1, 2 & 3 BR w/water, sewer:
$475/mo. 1st, last, security. No dogs please..
378-3704 6-30-17-2
Live the downtown life *
Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s'
W/D & T/Hs avb. Pets OK
$0 DD special ask for details
From $525 338-0002
3 BR. Quiet house. Close to UF. Fenced &
shady backyard. In quiet NE neighborhood.
334 NE 12th St. $600/mo. 376-6183 7-7-18-2
4BR/4BA available now. University Terrace.
W/D, pool, convenient bus stop, pvt wood-
land view, 3 mi from campus. $335/room util
not incl. Call John 786-436-1657 or Jonathon
954-309-3004 7-28-22-2
Country House 2-story 3BR/2BA zoned
commercial, ideal for home. & office., SW
Williston Rd. $850. Also 2BR/1.5BA town-
house, large patio $495. 494-7230. Dave
215-1728 Kathy 6-16-12-2
3BR/2BA TRIPLEX Available for August
2 blocks from campus. Walk to class.
Plenty of parking. $1300/mo
Call 376-1111 8-15-25-2
Brand new rooms/private baths
Utilities, Cable, DSL, W/D
Action Real Estate-Services
352-331-1233 6-30-14-2 ... .. .
Spacious 1BR $425 1825 NW 10th St.
Adorable, quiet, clean, safe, green space
near UF & downtown, bus line, no dogs, 352-
376-0080 6-16-12-2
Fall rentals, walk to campus 2br/lba
$500, sign lease now and move in August.
Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 1731
NW 6th St. 8-15-25-2
Now leasing for fall 3 blocks from campus
4BR/2BA apt. $265/rm + utils 1740 NW 3rd
PI 231-3002 6-30-14-2
Avail Aug 1st. Leasing now. Bike to UF,
golf, law school. Nice 3BR/2BA home. Den,
fireplace, W/D, fenced yard. $1200/mo 352-
225-4627 6-9-10-2
University Terrace Gainesville
University Terrace West
4/4 Individual Leases.
Furnished Living Area
W/D, Pool $375/mo.
Union Properties 373-75.78
1/2 Month FREE RENT!
Bel-Air Apartments 636 NW 26th Ave.
1 BR/1 BA or 2BR/1 BA starting at $535
Village West Apartments-800 NW 18th Ave
1 BR/1 BA available now. Starting at $460.
Ask about UF Parking Decal.
352-373-7578 3www.rentgainesville.com
PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee, 2BR
townhomes, duplexes, privacy fenced.
Modern appliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private
owner, please leave a detailed message.
$450/mo 331-2099 6-16-12-2
***BRAND NEW 2/2 APTS***
incl W/D, alarm sys, skylight, contemporary
cabinetry, front porch, great bus rte. Pets ok.
$740. Call 317-8150-for details & showing
One Bedroom Apartment Homes
Starting at.$429
$150 deposit/$35 app fee
Please call 352-375-1519
3 BED HOUSE S7501mo Cenitral heat &
air. Great deal! Wooden floors & WID
hook-up. Behind Leo 706. 870-0904, 318-
-4553 7-14-18-2
1 & 2 BED COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo.
Historical downtown! W/D hook-ups,
porches, great size! Cute! Must seel
Photos @ www.rentalworkshop.com 352-
870-0904, 318-4553 7-14-18-2
1 bedroom apartment in small quiet complex,
near University. $400 a month. Call 352-332-
8481 6-30-14-2
Move-In Now orAugust! Next to UF!
Studios & 1BR. Specials from $489/mo.
Lofts, wood firs & more. Some pet friendly!
Only a few left! All-Inclusive also avail! Call
now! 376-6223 LiveNearCampus.com 8--
Apartments Available Now
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse our listing FREE
1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-2
"The Three Amigos" live at Spanish Trace
Large 3BR only $285/person
FREE UF parking, alarms, pets adored.
Same-day sign specials 373-1111
3BR/2BA HOUSE. Wood floors, cent A/C,
W/D, large yard, 521 NW4th St. $895/mo
t.62-96,r. 6-9-8-2, 2 .
Ua For Rent For Rent 1 KI For Rent
I unfurnished unfurnished ] l unfurnished
Charming studio. Privacy over detached
garage. 1.8 mi from UF. $500/mo sec. dep.
Small pets. Avail June 15 371-7149 6-16-
From $450 to $1400/mo
Available Now & August
4Q -
Call 376-4581
Excellent Single Family Houses
Close to UF
Call Mike 352-665-7316 6-16-10-2
Free dep & redec. Move in by 6/2. 321-749-
7070 6-28-1Q-2
3BR/1BA, new kitchen & bath, wood floors,
W/D, DW, yard. Avail Aug. $900/mo. 745 NE
10th Ave. 359-4614 6-9-7-2
4/2.5 TH 1662 sq ft. W/D included., Pool,.
Gym, BBall, Tennis, Raquetball. Park at UF.
We love ALL pets. $1040. 352-332-7401 8-
**NEW W/D**
FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool
FREE Alarm Screened Porch
Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly
RENT REBATE 372-0400
Immediate Availability
Haile Country Club, Mill Run & Brandywine
Huge 2 & 3 BRs Call 665-4106
Ask us about our summer specials
$800 HOUSE 3 & 4 BRs. Very nice!
Washer/Dryer hook-ups, cen-
tral heat/air, porch. See photos
www.rentalworkshop.com. Downtown
area. 870-0904, 318-4553 7-14-14-2
$500/month! HOUSE 1 bedroom w/study.
Walk to UF! Great location, big yard &
new paint & appliances. Must see! Cute!
13th St & NW 4th Ave. 870-0904, 318-4553
carpet/tile, fans, hook-ups, near shopping/
schools. Grads/yuppies desired. $1200/mo.
+ deposit. No pets. Avail 8/1/05
3708 NW 16th Blvd. 376-2547
2Bed/1Bath Apartment. $525/mo. W/D
hookup, no pets. 625 SW 11th Lane. Call
231-3002 7-5-10-2
SW 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Fenced yard,
garage, $1000 rent. For appointment call
870-4561 6-28-8-2
2BR/2BA, BOTH MASTERS upscale, brand
new condo. Available immediately. W/D in
unit, pool. 2nd floor w/elevator. Charleston
Place 2263 NW 16th Terr. 335-3787 6-9-5-2
Large rooms, tile common area/kitchen,
fresh paint, security sys, W/D, On bus route,
$1100/mo. Avail 8/1/05, Call 256-0112 6-
For Rent: Rockwood Villas SW condo. Avail
8/1/05. 3BR/3BA. W/D incl. Lots of ameni-
ties, on bus route to UF/SFCC. $1000/mo.
Refs required. Call 352-339-3250 7-28-16-2
****OLD HOUSE****
2BR or 3BR/1 BA, wood floors, near campus,
pet ok. Avail June 1. $550/mo. Call Greg
214-3291 6-17-6-2 -
2BR/1BA house. Quiet, close to UF, fenced
backyard. W/D 909 NW 17th Ave. $575/mo
380-0648 6-9-4-2
The Greatest In Student Living!
Luxury 4/4s*Free Utilities*furn
NEW 24hr Gym*Gated*Maid Srvc
*$200 off on select floor plans!*
Roommate matching! 271-3131
3BR IBA Home with wood floors, Central
H & Air, Washer/Dryer Hkups 1100 sq ft.
$725/Mo. Off NE 16th Ave 1050 NE 13th
Place. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-
1494 6-9-4-2
Across from UF Stadium 2 Room Efficiency.
320 sq ft. Window A/C, Shared Bathroom.
1830 NW 1st Ave. $275/Mo. Call Merrill
Management Inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2
.~Wfff ~E~Jbkd
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
a -
-11111 0 11110 41111111
am a 411111D4111
.M 41W- --I~
41111111 .W 0
- -
- W -M ft- -.VFW .
- qm.- No W-
3BR 1BA Home near Downtown 1415 NE
6th Terr. $785/Mo Central H & Air, Parquet
Wood Floors. Call Merrill Managment Inc.
372-1494 6-9-4-2
3BR 1BA Home Near Law School $850/Mo.
Wood Floors, Central H & Air 303 NW 36th
Drive. Call Merrill Managment Inc. 372-1494
1 Block from UF! 1BR and 2BR Apts Avail
Now, Summer or Fall. See our list at www.
merrillmanagement.net. Updated daily or call
Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2
2 Blks to UF! 2BR 1BA Apt. Wood Floors,
Window A/C, Nat gas ht. $475/Mo 314 NW
14th Street. Call Merrill Managment Inc. 372-
1494 6-9-4-2
2BR 1BA Apts 1 Block to UF. New Carpet,
Window A/C, Nat Gas Ht. 1210 SW 3rd
Avenue $540/Mo. Call Merrill Management
Inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2
2BR 1BA Apts. $500-525/Mo 5 Blocks to
UF! 840 Sq Ft. 829 SW 5th Avenue. St Croix
Apts. Central H & Air, Inclds Wtr, Swg, Pst
Ctrl, Garbage. Call Merrill Management inc.
372-1494 6-9-4-2
2 BIks to UFI 2BR 1BA Apt. Terazzo Floors,
Window A/C, Nat Gas ht. $520/Mo 408 NW
15th St. Call Merrill Managment Inc. 372-.
1494 6-9-4-2
3 Blks to UF! 1 BR 1 BAApt w/extra room
$460/Mo 1029 SW 3rd Avenue, Central H
&Air, Carpet. Call Merrill Management Inc.
372-1494 6-9-4-2
Tallahassee Townhouse
$800/mo. 2BR/1.5BA
7 min from FSU/Capital
Call 352-514-9891 6-14-5-2
****4 BLOCKS TO UF****
Cute 3/2 in great area, hardwood & tile floors,
W/D, central AC, tons of off-street parking.
Avail Aug. $1200/mo Watson Realty 335-
0440 7-28-15-2
625 NW 10th Ave 3BR $1000
1417 NW 7th Ave 3BR $1075
Campus Realty 692-3800 6-16-5-2
Carport, w/d hookups, CH/AC,
$800/rent, 1410 NW 55th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525.
www.TurlingtpnRealEstate.c6m 6-9-3-2
2BA houses, w/d hookups, parquet
floors, carport, screen'porch,
600 NW 36th Drive $900/rent
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2
-GREAT 4BR HOUSE! 2 master
-BRS, fireplace, lawn svc, w/d hookups,
$1200/rent, 917 NW 40th Drive
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2
4BA apt, indiv. leases, new flooring before
move-in, furnished rooms, $425/room
4000 SW 23rd Street #6-305
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2
Contact us for a complete listing
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
DUCK POND APTS! Cute 1 BR & studio
Apts, wood floors, water & pest control incl.
$450-510/rent, 414 NE 5th Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2
2.5BA Townhouse, w/d hookups, ceramic
tile, porch, pool
$750/rent 2735 SW 35th PI #1604
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2
DOWNTOWN 4BR 2BA! Great house w/
Living & family rooms, fireplace, parquet
Floors, washer/dryer, $1200/rent
1525 NE 6th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2
dfh Rent
. unifurnished
Spacious 1 BR 1 BA, new carpet,
screen porch, lawn svc,
$550/rent, 417 SW 2nd Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2
6 MONTH LEASE! 2 BR 1.5 BA -
duplex, walk to UF, CH/AC, $495/rent,
avail July, 807 NW 3rd Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2
18 NW 36th St. Close to campus, 4/3 w/in-
law suite, cent H & AC, W/D, carport. Avail
Aug. $1350/mo 333-9874 7-7-8-2
3962 W Univ Ave. Close to campus. 4/2
separate living/dining/famiy room, fireplace.
All appliances, cent H&AC, W/D, hottub,
avail Aug $1400 333-9874 7-7-8-2
590 NW 54th Terr 3/2 All appliances, cent H/
AC, screened back porch, W/D, carport, avail
Aug, $1100/mo 333-9874 7-7-8-2
1803 SW 20 Ave. 2BR/2BA. Immaculate
townhouse. No pets. Close to UF. $875.
Avail 6/15. Call 352-317-0406 leave msg.
House, wood floors, fireplace,
Sunroom, w/d hookups, CH/AC,
$675/rent, 1102 NE 3rd Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-2-2
Living & family rooms, fireplace,
Eat-in kitchen, w/d hookups, $675/rent
711 NW 54th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-2-2
CHEAP RENT! 3 BR 1 BA house
CH/AC, large kitchen, w/d hookups,
$625/rent, 503 A NW 19th Lane
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-2-2
1 BR HOUSE! Fenced yard,
CH/AC, w/d hookups, $450/rent
503 B NW 19th Lane
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-2-2
1 BR APT in_ Duckpond area
Spacious, wood floors, on-site W/D. Close to
downtown & UF. $470/mo Avail Aug. 207 NE
Blvd. leave mssg @ 283-9732 7-14-10-2
1BR/1BA No lease, Glen Springs area, on
bus line, next to park, fresh carpet & paint,
ceiling fans, no pets. $375/mo + $375 secu-
rity deposit. Call 374-7175 6-28-5-2
Apts and Townhouses
621 SW 10th St Gainesville
Behind Norman Hall
CONTACT 352-332-2097
4BR/2BA Close to UF & downtown. Fully
renovated, gorgeous, huge rooms. Cent
heat/AC, hardwood firs, W/D,' large fenced
yard, ceiling fans. $1400/mo 373-5295 6-
3BR/3BA HOUSE. Fully remodeled, 1-car
garage, hardwood floors, really nice. Avail
Aug. 1 $800/mo. 262-1838 6-28-5-2
6 BLOCKS FROM UF. New owners. 4BR/
2BA duplexes. All appliances incl. DW, W/D.
Cent heat/AC. New ceramic tile & carpet.
Approx 1200 sq ft. $1500/mo. Call Carol
at 377-3852 or check dalyproperties.com
Large one bedroom apartments.
Excellent location. Close to UF & downtown.
Hardwood floors,, central heat/air. Available
now & August. Call Jeremy 352-871-2658
Historic House/Studio
Vaulted Ceilings, new fridge & oven. $350/ Classifieds...
mo View @ pleasantstreet.net 6-16-3-2 Continued on next page.
. For Rent
urifurnished J
9th Terr. Sec system, W/D, high ceilings,
energy efficient, good parking, pets ok. $700/
mo Mitchell Realty 374-8579 8-15-16-2
Live in luxury above Dragonfly Sushi &
Starbucks. Huge master BR w/pvt BA, stain-
less steel appliances, wd firs throughout,
balcony $649/mo Call Anthony 337-1330
Live in luxury above Dragonfly .ushi &
Starbucks. Downstairs BR.w/pvt BA, stain-
less steel appliances, wd firs throughout,
balcony. $495/mo. Call Anthony 337-1330
2BR/2BAwalking distance to UF, Brandywine
apts, Archer Rd. 1 year contract $600/mo
373-2273, 262-4902 6-28-4-2
Huge 1BR/1BA flat. Vaulted ceilings, new
carpet, new tile, $590/mo, 1 mi to UF, avail
immediately. Please call Todd at 813-416-
6954 6-28-4-2
Looking for a home? We have the
LARGEST selection of single family rent-
als in Gainesville. With over 100 properties
currently available, we're sure to have some-
thing to fit your style and budget. Visit our
website at www.edbaurmanagement.com, or
call us to find your new home today 352-375-
7104 ex 2. 8-15-16-2
NEW 3BR/2BA/2 car garage house. 3803
NW 26th St. in Walnut Creek. All appliances,
maintenance-free front yard. $1200/mo
Watson Property Mgmt. 335-0440 7-7-7-2
Spacious 1/1 in 4BR/4BA @ UTW, $420/mo,
top floor, POOLVIEW, W/D, all utils & hi-
speed dsl. incl, bus rts 20,. 21. Call Macor
Realty 352-375-8888 for specials! 6-30-5-2
Nice 1BR/1.5BA condo w/ W/D, spacious,
pool, on bus line, conv NW location. $490/
mo. Call 214-9270. Avail July 1. 8-15-16-2
Female for 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.58 rtown-
house. Behind sorority row. Short walk to
campus. -Avail ASAP. Price NEGOTIABLE.
Call 352-870-8902 6-14-17-3
Countryside @ University condo. $425
furnished living room. 2 rooms avail in 4BR/
4BA. Cable, water, elec incl exept phone.
icheng@bellsouth.net. Call Irvin 352-379-
2926 6-16-11-3
COUNTRYSIDE $250/month._
Clean 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. All utils in-
cluded, internet, available now until July
31st. Call 850-346-0906. Check out anytime.
Apartments Sublets & Roommates
All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500
Shrt-Long & Furn-Unfurn
1-(877)FOR-RENT (367-7368)
WWW.SUBLET.COM 8-15-23-3
.1 & 2 BED'COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo.
Historical downtown WID hook-ups,
porches, great size Cute! Must see!
Photos @ www.rentalworkshop.com 352-
870-0904, 318-4553 6-9-8-3
$400/mo negotiable The Landings lift x
14ft bedroom, everything incl. Free tanning,
sports courts, poolhouse. Summer. Contact
immediately 954-461-7943 or
hemant_chandak@hotmail.com 6-16-8-3
Campus Club Apts. $350/mo everything incl,
hs net, pool, 5 min to campus, bus stop,
fully fuirn, screened balcony, maid service.
Starting May til Aug 561-748-5248 6-9-5-3
Avail now. Lease ends 8/6/05.
1 BR/1 BA in 2BR/2BA townhome.
You pay 1/2 util, cqble, electric.
Call Tara 561-262-0155 6-14-4-3
1 BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA furn apt. Female only.
All utils incl. Melrose Apts.-. $459/mo. Avail
Aug 05 thru Aug 06. Call 941-484-9761
. 1
0 1 Subleases
B. Female preferred. Gainesville Place.
1BR/1bA in 4BR/4BA. $400/mo negotiable,
includes everything. W/D, great amenities.
Call 407-970-5979 6-14-4-3
Sublet individual lease. Gainesville Place.
Ground floor. Unfurnished $445/mo. Starting
Aug 05 to Aug 06. Call 850-785-1777 leave
message 7-5-8-3
Furn I6R in 2BR/2BA unit @ Melrose. Incl
all utils, internet, pool & exercise room.
Sublease for June & July $380/mo. Avail for
fall rental. Call now 407-625-6237. 6-16-4-3
JUNE 16th to AUG 8th.
Gainesville Place. Sublease. Furnished.
$500 TOTAL. Call 352-256-5202 6-9-1-3
Spacious- 2BR/2BA townhome in Spyglass
Apts. All utils incl. W/D included in rent.
Starts 8/5, negotiable. Contact 352-283-
3603 6-16-3-3
Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866
Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk
to UF. Old house charm with all amenities.
Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.Lv mes-
sage. Private Owner 8-15-25-4
Looking for a female roommate for Ig BR in
beautiful new house. Huge pool, pvt fence,
Close to UF & SFCC. Internet, HBO cable,
sec alarm & utils incl $500/mo.Avail Fall. Call
Jacqueline 352-395-7462 or 941-780-3526
M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to
rent fn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi
to Stands. Kitchen, LR, laundry 336-5450 or
954-646-1341 6-16-83-4
Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from
13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep,
NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or
leave message at 352-870-7256 8-15-25-4-
Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious
condo w/2 female UF students. NW 55th
St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763
Female(s) for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house near UF,
Shands & VA. W/D. Pets ok, furn opt. Avail
now. Jennifer 371-6228 please leave msg.-
Loft BR $250/mo big old house in NW.
Remodeled, hardwood firs, new kitchen &
baths, great yard, close to UF. Great room-
mates, DSL; good parking. Stephanie 371-
9409 6-9-15-4
Room in NW home. $325/mo incl utils &
DSL. No pets, mature male non-drinker/
smoker. Avail 5/1/05 (flex) Scott 335-8209
F vet student seeking F, NS for brand new
fully furn 2BR/2BA home. Avail immed.
Optional renewal for fall. $425/mo + 1/2
utils. Call 561-707-1503 or gatorgrt@ufl.edu.
Countryside. 4BR/4BA: 1/1 avail 8-1-05; 2/2
avail 1-1-06. Enet access, util incl (cap), W/
D, Irn, secure. Exercise/pool, bus to UF-3
mi. $465/mo/rm. lst.last.dep. Vanessa 352-
217-3464, Flo 352-357-9656 6-30-15-4
Share 3BR home w/ artist. Pref older student
or employed lady. BR & study/ofc. Sat TV,
pvcy fence, sec sys. I have 2 inside cats +
outside cats. $400 + 1/2 utils. Bus rte 4 mi to
UF. Ruth 2-10pm 376-0129, 800-437-7287
Walk-to Law School
Large BR in 4BR/2BA house. 3 1 L students
need roommate. Cable TV, wireless.
Available now. $425/share utilities. 770-639-
5958, dcdotson@ufl.edu 721,20-4.
-.-.-.-.. . -. . .- ....-
Female Roommate Needed
Kensington North $500/mo
included utilities & cable
Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-4
Southern Comfort Roommate for 3/2
house. Cony location, pool, volleyball, W/D,
ethernet, cable, NS; avail summer & fall
$380/mo + share utils. Jake 239-564-0069
M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA
home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3
utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737
1 room in 3BR/2BA apt for female @
Boardwalk. Close to UF. On bus rte. Tennis,
large pool, more. 1 yr lease. $245/mo + 1/3
utils, cable & DSL internet. Call Mike 352-
316-6219 6-30-13-4
Grad, upperclassmen or prof to share spa-
cious new 3BR/2BA house. I-net & cable incl.
Must be neat clean & responsible. $450 or
$425/mo + 1/2 until. Short or long term avail.
262-3989 6-16-11-4
2BRs avail in charming NW house close
to Ward's Grocery, W/D, share kitchen/BA.
Seeking serious student/professional, NS,
furn opt. $250+ utils. Call 338-2086 6-14-
3rd Roommate needed male. 2 min from
SFCC. 3BR new furnished townhome. Golf,
gated, $550/mo incl all until, inet &. cable.
Avail 8/15/05. 1 year lease. No pets. Call
Mike 954-467-7070 or Jeff.954-240-3524
Sublets and Rooms Available
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse available Rooms FREE!
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-4
F, UF student wanted for 3BR/2BA house 1.5
mi from campus. $430/mo everything incl.
Call Amy 352-219-5780 6-16-10-4
Female roommates for large 3BR/2BA town-
house w/pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo all
utils,. dig cable & hi spd net incl. Call 954-
298-7591 or amyb@ufl.edu 6-16-9-4
1 BR avail 8/1. 5 min to UF. Free digital cable,
$300/mo plus 1/3 util. Prefer female, NS.
352-332-2234, 352-284-5119 6-14-8-4
$325 + 1/4 util. Private bath, walk-in
closet, W/D, balcony, pool & bus to
UF. University Terrace Very nicely
www.rentalworkshop.com See photos.
318-4553, 870-0904 7-14-14-4
F roommate for 3BR/2BA. Grad student/prof.
No pets, NS. Near 1-75 & Oaks Mail. Avail
immediately mid-Oct. $318/mo + 1/3 util.
Quiet, pool, tennis cts, 24-hr gym. Elba
425-778-2460 (work) or elbarsan@ufl.edu
2 roommates needed in 3/2
behind Applebee's 1 mi to UF
wood firs, W/D, huge kitchen,
fenced yard, addl guestroom
$300 + 1/3 util. Call 335-7820 6-9-5-4
2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Credit Union/
Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF.
Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300- + half,
util. Quiet/considerate F/M? Call 337-9746
**1 BLOCK TO UF!!**
Adorable brick house behind Norman. 2BR
avail 8/1. Fun/friendly roommates! Call 305-
322-4495, 954-895-8227 6-9-5-4
2 females looking for a,3rd in a beautiful
3BR/3BA condo in prime residential area.
15 min from UF. Close to park & ride. Lg kit
& lvg room, patio, internet, cable TV & W/D,
community pool $400/mo 727-399-0574
2 cozy rooms, each w/private full bath.
Close to campus, $350 per month,
Includes cable and hi speed internet.
Call Mary @ 772-696-1154 or
Laura @ 352-514-7977
FEMALE FOR 1BR in 4/4 condo at
Countryside Apts. $410/mo utilities included
(DSL too) Great parking, pool, jacuzzi, gym.
1 -year lease. Call Jackie 813-924-1520
Responsible roommate wanted. NW neigh-
borhood, reasonable rent everything in-
cluded. Call Leah @ 374-2202 6-30-7-4
2 roommates needed for a new .3BR/2BA
house located .15 min from UF, 10 min from
SFCC. On bus route. Fully furn. $450/mo all
included with wireless cable. Call 352-870-
8851 or 540-537-9887 for details 6-16-5-4
1 BR in nice 2 story house on NW side.
W/D & 2 porches. $450/mo incl everything.
M/F current roommates like music fests &
Phish. Call Ricky 336-1409 short/long lease.
4BR/4BA @ Univ Terr Hi-spd internet. $400/
mo incl utils/cable/DVD Ig W/D, leather, re-
clining couches, balcony/pool view. Bus rts
12 & 35. Great location close to campus &
Butler. Avail ASAP 318-5322, 318-5321 6-
Share 2BR, 1BA house in heart of downtown,
avail immed. Professional or serious student,
prefer F. Lg BR, W/D, cent H/A, off-street
parking. $375/mo. 352-328-4662 6-9-3-4
M or F, or 2 people to share pvt BR/BA in new
2BR/2BA luxury apt 1 blk to UF. Move in Aug.
Fully furn. $700/mo for 1 person or $400 ea
for 2 sharing rm. Incl elec, hi-spd internet,
cable, water, W/D. 941-518-4686 6-16-5-4
Room in NW house $160/mo plus 1/2 utils.
Christian male student. Walk to campus.
Available, now thru 2005-2006 school year.
Parking 367-8418 6-16-4-4
1 Female roommate needed for 3/2 house
on 36th and University. Available now, $360/
mo + utilities. Call Katie 514-5985 6-28-5-4
F roommate wanted. Furn w/ nice BR if de-
sired. Spacy 2BR apt. June, July rent free!
Free cable + DSL. W/D in apt. Like new. Fall-
Spring $425/mo. 514-1485 6-16-4-4
F vet student seeking roommate for 2/1.5
condo. Pref NS. Free hi-spd inet & sec alarm
incl. Nice/quiet area -2mi to UF, I have 1
cat. Pets welcome. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. Call
Melissa 813-453-8326 6-30-6-4
1 BR in a 2/2.5 available for $400/mo
+ utilities. Female pref. Call Melissa 561-445-
9366 6-28-5-4
2 male roommates needed. Serious students
to share 3BR/2BA house. Located south of
UF on Williston Rd. W/D, cable, wireless
DSL. $395/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 258-9116
Roommates wanted for the fall. 2BR/2BA
apt w/walk-in closets. Located @ Greenwich
Green off 34th St. & 39th Blvd. NW, must like
pets. W/D, cable & water incl. $425 + elec/
mo. Krista @ 352-328-4294 6-28-4-4
NS, M or F for own room/BA in large, quiet
house 8 blocks north of the stadium. Must be
mature & responsible. Sorry, no pets. Rent
includes W/D, cable, wireless & utils $525/
mo 727-433-0229 6-28-4-4
Rockwood Villas 2BR/2BA avail in 3/3 condo.
$425/mo + utils. Close to campus & on bus
route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617 leave msg.
Female roommate, NS for fall. $500/mo + 1/
3 util 3BR/2.5BA.'Brand new, fully furnished,
beautiful, 2500 sq ft, luxury townhome at
Reagents Park. Call 561-281-9274 7-12-8-4
Real Estate
Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find
Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 8-15-25-5
.Existing condos & luxury condos near
UF at affordable prices. For more inforna-
tion, visit www.mattpricerealtor.com
or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551
Campus Realty Group 6-30-66-5
Grantwood Condominiums
2/2 Loft Condo W/Private Courtyard
Minutes From UFI 975SF, GATED
Starting @ $125,900! HURRYI
Call Adam Vaisman 352-222-7260
Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Rltrs 372-5375
looking to buy or lease houses in this area.
Any size, price, or condition. 352-264-7347
or visit-us @ www.happygatorhomes.com
For sale by owner. Adorable 2/2 on small
private spring-fed lake in Keystone Hgts. A
great weekender. $129,900. Call 379-0619 Iv
msg. 7-12-13-5
Condo for sale nice area
<5 min to campus low traffic
2BR/2BA includes Fridge
NEW W/D Stove -AC & Carpet
Call 352-692-3286, must sell! 6-16-7-5
Countryside @ the University 4BR/4BA
top floor, partially furn. 941-518-5240
1BR/IBA Tumbling Creek Condo.
End unit overlooking creek, new paint,
flooring, plumbing, light fixtures, walk to
UF/Shands/VA. $66,900, serious buyers.
222-2942 7-28-14-5
FOR LEASE: Nice 2950 sq ft OFFICE
BUILDING in NW 34th St & University Ave
area. Can be divided into 2200 sq ft & 750
sq ft. Available Aug 1 st. Call Carole 371-3000
Where there is: Cool Mountain Air, Views &
Stream, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. CALL
PROPERTY SALES. (800)642-5333. Realty
Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C.
28906. www.realtyofmdrphly.com. 6-9-1-5
Cabins, Acreage & Investments. Cherokee
Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy
www.cherokeemountainrealty.com Call for
Free Brochure (800)841-5868. 6-9-1-5
is blooming and is beautiful! A wonderful
time to look for real estate. See Photos:'
. www.NorthCarolinaMountailRealty.com or
call (800)293-1998. Free Brochure. 6-9-1-5
ATTENTION INVESTORS: Waterfront lots in
the Foothills of NC. Deep water lake with 90
miles of.shoreline. 20% redevelopment dis-
counts and 90% financing. NO PAYMENTS
for 1 year. Call now for best selection.
www.nclakefrontproperties.com (800)709-
LAKE. 6-9-1-5
Tennessee Lake Property Sale! Parcels
from $24,900. 6 1/2 Acre lot $59,900.
27 Acre Lake Estate $124,900. Cabins
Available. Call toll-free (866)770-5263 ext 8
for details. 6-9-1-5
6.. 0 -mm
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
a qo 6 60
4W SO m111111 0
-W 46 Gmm
. Roommates] mj^ o tes Real Estate j Real Estate
LAKE LOT SALES. Fishing, hunting, golfing,
boating all here! Recreational area hidden
in the country of NE Georgia. Visit today:
www.LakeRussellProperties.com (706)213-
6734 or (706)201-5699. 6-9-1-5
Community. Spectacular View & River
Homesites: Clubhouse, Mountain Spas,
Paved Roads, View Tower, Riverwalk.
www.bearriverlodge.net. (866)411-5263.
$89,900. Gorgeous lakefront parcels. Gently
sloping, pristine shoreline, spectacular views.
Across from national forest on 35,000 acre
recreational lake in East Tenn. Paved roads,
underground utilities, central water, sewer,
Excellent financing. Call now (800)704-3145
ext 617, Sunset Bay, LLC. 6-9-1-5
5 minutes to Greenbrier Resort MTN
www.liveinwv.com. (877)777-4837. 6-9-1-5
l ll Furnishings )
BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pil-
low-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new,
still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-372-
7490 will deliver. 8-15-25-6
mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call
352-377-9846 8-15-25-6
Brand new still, packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 8-15-25-6
BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, -new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 8-
CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 8-15-
BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 8-15-25-6
SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
S$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846
DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 8-15-
25-6 -
FUTON Solid dak mission-style frame w/
mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell
$199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6
NEED FURNITURE? 2-piece special sec-
tional couch, bed, dresser, desk and enter--
tainment center. For goodsdeal, call 305-903-
2063 or 352-514-0368 6-9-7-6
BEDS Full mattress & boxspring sets $49
0 Queen sets' $89 0 Single sets $39 OKing
sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk
bed $109: 376-0939/378-0497. -
C- L L- U "TTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave.
-15-21 6
SFurnishings 3 *t Computers 3 For Sale
3 W~o60icdy-es, Modpedsj
MEMORY FOAM same as Temperpedia.
Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. win
sets $89 Ofull sets $129 *queen sets $149
eking sets $189 Student discounts apply.
4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver.
2 twin size BEDS, new GE WASHER &
DRYER. Prices negotiable. 954-540-0344
MOVING SALE: Sealy Posturpedic queen
mattress set $190, desk, dresser, bookshelf,
& more furniture. Call Julie 359-8252 6-14-
Professional size. Like new. $1500
813-781-3412, 813-781-9130 7-7-8-6
WATERBED, fiber filled, waveless mattress.
Light headboard with shelves and mirror.
$650. Call Victoria, 317-1808. 6-16-3-6
Hurricane Tornado, like new $600 378-5524,
372-1138 6-16-3-6
Saturday 6/11
2351 SW 32nd Pl. Apt. #2, 336-6167 6-9-1-6
Complete residential & commercial support,
networking & website development. $45/hr
www.gainesvillecsi.com 371-2230 8-15-24-7
Cash Paid Laptop PCs
www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 8-15-24-7
Network specialists-
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street
- computer/laptop repair
- virus, spyware, hardware
- $10 discounts, cheapest!
- home/dorm 352-219-2980
5JH Electronics
722 S. Main 6 The Red Bldg
- We-~u~k- ~o~e- Mit Bicycles 3
Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount-
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. www.AC6mputerGeek.com
Walter Jackson
White Male
(DOB 12/28/60); 5'10",
185 Ibs, Blonde Hair,
Blue Eyes
Wanted for:
2 Felony violations of probation
warrants for Aggravated Battery
with a Deadly Weapon, and
Aggravated Stalking.
Call (352) 372-STOP
In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.
Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Townl
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 8-15-25-9
Is your roommate driving you crazy? Find a
replacement in the Alligator Classifieds!
Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve howl Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 8-15-25-10
PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar
supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional cooking utensils.
R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 8-15-25-10
NGC/PCGS Certified Coins, Silver Eagles,
State Qtrs., etc, MS63 to perfect 70.
American Coins & Stamps. 3446 W. Univ.
372-6400 8-15-21-10
Everything Must Go!
Furniture and household items
All in good condition and cheap
Call 278-1558 or 954-701-5434
information $100.
& PRINTER DOCK. New. $200
Call 335-9670 6-9-4-10
From Manufacturer. 20 .colors in stock with
all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery
Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. 6-9-1-10
$800/day? 30 Machines,. Free Candy All for
9,995. (800)814-6323 BO02000033. CALL
US: We will not be undersold! 6-9-1-10 "
Professional Vending Route and Equipment.
Brand name products, all sizes. Financing
Available w/$7,500 Down. (877)843-8726
(B02002-37). 6-9-1-10
#1 CASH COW! 90 Vending Machine units/
You OK Locations Entire Business $10,670
Hurry! (800)836-3464 #B02428. 6-9-1-10
2nd-5th *Nation's #1 Selling RV's *Low
Sale Prices- Florida Motorhome- Towable
WORLD, (800)654-8475- Winter Garden;
(800)893-2552- Daytona; (800)700-1021-
Melbourne. www.grwrv.com. 6-9-1-10
STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals Save
$$$. 40 x 60' to 100 x 200'. Example:
50 x 100 x 12' = $3.60/sq ft. (800)658-
2885 www.rigidbuilding.com
//www.rigidbuilding.com>. 6-9-1-10
Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St.
www.RPMmotdrcycles.com 377-6974
Swamp Cycles
Large selection of E-bikes, Scooters and
Accessories. CPI USA, ETon, Luojia, HJC
Helmets. 534 SW 4th Avenue, 373-8823
www.swampcycles.com 8-15-25-11
New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place
352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. All models & directions avail on web-
site. 6-16-12-11
Scooters from $599. Largest selection
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 solanocycle.com 8-15-43-11
98 HONDA CBR 600 F3
D&D exhaust stage 3 jet kit 7500 miles:.
$2500 OBO. CALL MATT @ 352-870-4168
NEW VERUCCI SCOOTER 4-stroke, 49cc,
electric start engine, reaches 50 mph and
makes 80-100 mpg. Has front disc brake,
remote ignition, alarm & much more. Asking
$1300. Call 352-219-3950 6-16-8-11
'02 Suzuki GSXR 750
5.9K mi Great shape. Asking $5500. (incl
helmet, jacket & cover) Call Emily 352-222-
5841 6-9-4-11
2004 SUZUKI GSX-R600
2400 miles. Runs excellent. Fast. Race
jacket & helmet inc. Some extras. $6250.
Call 256-4033 or 336-5199 6-9-3-11
Low miles. Good condition. $500 OBO.
Must sell. Call Jake at 352-514-9173 Neg.
2003 Jialing moped/motorcycle. 4-stroke
manual. 49cc. Excellent condition: Fast, fun,
has less than 500 miles. $600. Come take a
look. 941-266-5813 6-16-5-11
'04 49cc 4-stroke scooter
Just serviced. $800
941-356-8470( 6-16-4-11
SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition,
Running or not. titles or not. Prompt.pick up.
Call ANYTIME: 352-495-7769
Pleaseleave a message.
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
40w 0, W q 9 0
- ab ~ 4"01011111
ORunning or not!e
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
*Call Don @ 215-7987 8-15-25-12
CARS -CARS BuyOSelleTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars-
3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith:com
Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome
Call Ray 352-284-8619
2715 N MAIN 377-1616
For listings 800-749-8116 ext 462'2 8-15-
automatic, 4 door, A/C, new tires. 69,500 mi,
$6500. Call 352-219-1140 or 352-331-1500
Automatic, 4 door, tinted windows, *
Sony stereo, new tires, good condition, 83k
miles. $5200/OBO Moving out of country.
Call 305-331-7413 6-14-8-12
$4200 Automatic, fully equipped. Call 352-
256-5202 6-9-3-12
2000 NISSAN SENTRA 5 speed excellent
condition 51k miles new tires all power
$6000 call 352-283-1690 6-9-3-12
2001 Ford Ranger XLT Supercab. Red, 4
door, V6, Automatic, AC, AM/FM/CD, tilt
steering wheel, factory theft recovery sys-
tem, <44,000 miles. $12,000. Call 386-454-
2909 6-16-4-12
1986 Firebird V6 auto. Runs well, good body.
New brakes, tires, radiator. 1 yr old wheel &
master cylinders, starter. $1500 OBO 375-
2150 6-9-2-12
Loaded, leather, CD, PL, PW. $4500. Call
352-558-4152 6-16-3-12
Wanted'; 3
JEWELRY. 373-9243 8-15-25-13
On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of. Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rfcarea.
Blind lady needs health majors interested in
walking at least three times a week. Call 352-
219-6948. Thanks. 6-9-10-13
"I Help Wanted' '
This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings
Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com
for details. 8-15-25-14
Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 8-15-25-4
CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200.-Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 8-15-25-14
Phone survey ihterviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
.only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 8-
Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/
employment 8-15-25-14 .
Best Cars Lowest Prices
www.39thaveimports.com Classifieds...
Continued on next page. -
ad 4 4 *4 W 4 1 0 0 % I % a
M | Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
SMill Help Wanted
University of Florida
Survey Research Center
408 W University Ave. Suite 106
Mon-Fri 9:30am-9pm
392-2908 ext. 105
$7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training
Telephone Interviewing NO SALES
3 eves. 6-9 pm + 2 weekend shifts
Sat 12pm-6pm + Sun 2pm 8pm
Must work summer break week.
For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 8-
No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 8-15-25-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required -
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254
Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making &
smoking. If interested come to the psychol-
ogy bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297
Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company w/advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. 'Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156 8-31-90-14
Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have. -
Bring this Ad and Earn an
,Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St.
Groundskeepers FT, P-T
Custodial duties/Apt Maint
Transportation req. DFWP EEO
220 N Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14
Leasing Consultant, FT, PT
Energetic Attitude
Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO
220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14
Great for college students. Flexible hours.
Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-15-
Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now
hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashier/servers.
Apply in person 4-5pm, Mon Sun. See
www.green-sparrow.com for store loca-
tion or call 352-871-5771 8-15-25-14
PRE-MED GRADUATES Looking for ex-
perience in medicine? Full time assistant
needed in ophthalmology. Will train. Resume
to Dr. Levy: afn22025@bellsouth:net 6-16-
Immediate Openings,
Customer Sales/Svc, No Exp Nec,
Conditions Apply
U All ages 17+. Call Now 335-1422
Good Pay, Resume Builder,
Scholarships Possible
Customer Sales/Svc Will Train
Conditions Apply. Call Now 335-1422
ALSO some PT Position available.
352-246-5785: .8-d5-'25-14. .'. ...
Need Extra Cash?
SOCCER COACHES: Gainesville Soccer
Alliance seeking experienced soccer coach-
es for competitive youth soccer teams for ,
2005-2006 season. Call 379-5979 or e-mail:
contact@gainesvillesoccer.org 8-15-25-14
The Institute for Advanced Study of
Communication Processes at the University
of Florida is looking for volunteers who have
strong opinions or beliefs about any impor-
tant issue or cause. *You can earn $30 for
one hour by participating in this study* 352-
392-2046 x229 or voicestudy@yahoo.com
Experienced horse person for part-time
work. Must have reliable transportation,
NS. Call Kristen at 494-0284 or 528-6914
Participants Needed
The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in
Linguistics is looking for-people to participate
in a listening experiment.
You can earn $10/hour by participating in a
study of the perception of speech sounds'
from'foreign languages.
If you are interested in participating, please
contact Jenna Silver jenlsilver@yahoo.com
AmeriCorps Alachua County READS!
FT earn $10,600 plus healthcare,
child care and Education Award.
PT earn $5,612, plus Ed Award.
Call 955-7455 or stop in at
Kirby-Smith 620 E. Univ. Room 209
Mortgage lender has immediate.sales posi-
tions avail for college students seeking prof
work exp. No exp req. $8-9/hr + bonus, flex
hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW
34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union)
Need Driver's License. Apply in person
at 505 NW 53rd Ave. at Gator Moving &
Storage Mon.-Fri. 6-16-10-14
Ideal PT Job For Students
Typing/Transcription, Multiple Openings Pay
$7.50 $12.50 hr. Flexible Hours, Casual
Downtown Office. Need 60+ WPM, Must Be
Reliable!! Excellent Grammar And English
Skills. Resume to: jobs@copytalk.com 6-
Art, Art Ed, Graphics, Arch
Hand-lettering, PT a few hrs per wk. Close
to UF. Short resume. Reply P 0 Box 286,
Gainesville, 32602 6-16-8-14
good $ for exp: grad student, welcomed
bkgd ck: 21 REAL $ jobs avail NOW
Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 6-30-10-14
MARY POPPINS: Where Are You???
FT NANNY NEEDED 30 to 45 hrs/wk
3 Jobs avail immediately: Great $ for exp.
Noah's Ark Nanny: 352-37.6-5008 6-30-10-
Now accepting applications for Resident
Assistant and Apprentice Resident'Assistant
positions for SUMMER B 2005 Semester.
Applications are available from Kathy Smith
in the Department of Housing and Residence
Education Office, and are due by 4pm on
Friday, June 10, 2005. For further informa-
tion contact Kathy Smith at 392-2171 ext
10139 6-9-5-14
Make good income while in college. Very
easy to do. $10 per month, www.movie.ws/
halstead. 6-9-5-14
Holiday Inn University Center is looking for
housekeepers and houseman
Now Hiring Hourly Manager
at 2 Locations
34th Street/University
13th Street
Competitive Salaries
School Supplies Assistance
Flexible Schedule for Students
On-the-Job Training
Growth Opportunities
Fax inquiries/resumes to 352-332-0102
Babysitter needed. Full-time summer.
Afternoons fall-spring. Great kids. Great pay.
Experience required. 870-2567 6-9-5-14
Start your AVON BUSINESS for $10.
Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-majl
avonbyemma@hotmail.com. 8-15-20-14
BA in Pharmacy. Mare, Inc. Fax to 305-823-
4055 6-16-7-14
Flexible hours @ $8/hr. Experienced, fast,
hard-worker. Call 371-9409. 6-30-8-14
hrs/day available, flexible availability. Must
be organized & responsible. Email resume:
dkranz@gatorfood.com 6-14-5-14
Gatorfood.com. Can earn anywhere be-
tween $8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule. For
info contact 379-3663 6-14-5-14
Gatorfood.com is looking for energetic
enthusiastic people,flexible schedule. Call
Dave @ 379-3663. 6-14-5-14
Web Programmer
asp, asp.net, vb script, c#, SQL knowledge.
E-mail resume to jobs@352media.com
Local tech company seeking positive,
energetic,and assertive sales profession-
als with excellent communication and
phone skills. Sales experience preferred.
Base pay + commission. Send resume to
jobs@usbmis.com 6-16-6-14
help. Approximately 20 hrs/wk. Knowledge
of Quickboods Pro preferred. Fax resume to
375-2526 6-16-6-14
Looking for an exciting place to work?
Several positions available. Apply today at
University Air Center or call 335-4681 6-
Will train! Local CPA firm is willing to train
the right person for tax preparation and
accounting services. Must be conscientious,
detail-oriented, have professional appear-
ance and good computer skills. Four year
degree a plus but not required. Fax resume
to 352-373-5110 6-9-4-14
4N 4
for sitework construction office. Quickbooks
exp pref. Ideal for business or accounting
major. Min 20 hrs/wk. Call 335-1711 6-14-
Call center needs telephone agents for all
shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in
person M-F 9am-4pm 6-30-7-14
perience needed for remodeling and home
repairs. Tools and transportation req. Call
352-332-2234 6-30-7-14
Need help w/computer work in home office.
Looking for someone w/expertise using
PowerPoint, PhotoShop & various other pro-
grams. $15/hr. PT. Flex hrs. Email resume to
bcampen@bellsouth.net or fax to 371-4501
Part-time customer service help, needed.
Retail exp a plus..Must work well w/children.
Weecycle 5240 NW 34th St. 352-376-2212
or fax resume to 352-376-2561 6-9-3-14
Absolutely Hair. Call or come in 352-380-
0304 1115 W. University Ave. 6-16-5-14
HEALTH EDUCATOR-PT health educator
for Male Responsibility Program. Must be
committed to sex ed & working w/at-risk
populations. EOE. Send resumes: Planned
Parenthood 914 NW 13th St Gville FL
32601 6-9-4-14
L. M
*.e 'Di.
CL -- _
-waf _a
I1111c0 b4 04MM 0 f
Health Insurance
Dental Insurance
Tuition Reimbursement
Holiday Inn University Center
1250 W. University Ave.
$9.00 per hour for the right
Housekeeping Inspector.
Internet Marketing Specialist Detail oriented
w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication
skills. Knowledge of SEO, PPC and affiliate
management a plus. Flex schedule. Base
pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140
Catering Sales Coordinator:
Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF
Campus, is looking for a full time Catering
Sales Coordinator. Hours are M-F, 8-5 pm.
Heavy typing, filing and excellent phone
skills required. Must possess strong com-
puter, customer service skills and the ability
to multi-task. Menu & party planning experi-
ence a plus! We offer competitive pay, ben-
efits and a great working environment. Fax
resume with salary requirements to 352-
392-9787 or e-mail to msmorgan@ufl.edu
Food Service Jobs
Gator Dining Services located on the UF
Campus is looking for cashiers, line servers,
cooks, and dishwashers. Flex hours, day or
night shift, comp. pay. Apply at Gator Dining
Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or
download app @ gatordining.com 6-9-2-14
Helper Student, afternoons. Painting,
yardwork, cleaning, etc. Close to campus. A
few days per wk. Short resume to: PO Box
286 Gainesville, FL 32602 6-16-4-14
Ll .Help Wanted
Fulltime or seasonal. Extensive travel
throughout the US. Must have excellent driv-
ing record, able to pass criminal background
check, drug free. Salary plus all expenses.
Good chance to take a break, see the coun-
try, get paid for it.
Steve Adams 407-363-7777 6-30-6-14
PT, 22 hrs/wk $6.75/hr
Ada's Clothes Repair 284-2959 8-15-17-14
Now hiring front & kitchen staff for a newly
est. Asian restaurant. Seeking outgoing, reli-
able, and experienced people. Call 352-514-
6404 Mon-Fri 2-5pm. 6-28-5-14
SUPPORT needed for fast paced growing
cancer center. FT position incl. health ins.,
retirement plan, life & disability ins. Please
fax resume to Prisilla at 352-331-1511 6-
Herbal manufacturing co. opening for
ASSISTANT. Please fax resume to 386-462-
3396 or call 386-462-0026 6-9-2-14
The Bagel Bakery
Customer service rep. $6.50/hr
4113 NW 16th Blvd. 384-9110 6-16-4-14
Looking for BRIGHT 21+ yr old w/ clean
driving record w/ class D license. Agriculture
background pref. For delivery & loading farm
supplies. FT/PT. Call 472-6050 6-9-2-14
3 M ti Help Wanted
"Gal-Friday" Drive teens to activities,
house-clean, pm availability. 352-262-8909
MODELS NEEDED for internet clothing
company. threadpit.com. Men & women.
Please call Ashley @ 352-371-6536 or 561-
762-2621 for appt. 6-14-2-14
Computer programmer needed to modify
and maintain complex Access database for
law office. Please call 352-335-2699 7-12-
to participate in survey about spending hab-
its for up-coming book. Will receive $25 VISA
GIFT CARD for time. Call 1-800-952-1099
ext 106. 6-9-1-14
Work with developmentally disabled adults.
Provide personal care in the hofne. Call
352-538-9776 6-14-2-14
Health Insurance.
Dental Insurance
Tuition Reimbursement
Bellman and Front Desk
Apply in persom 8-5 Mon-Fri
PT NANNIE needed in SW home MWF,
12-5pm, $7/hr. 2 great kids. Experience and
references required. Must have car. Call
371-0354 6-9-1-14
S i Help Wanted
preferred. Computer and excellent phone
skills a plus. $8 + commission. Fax resume
to 377-0488 PIs call 352-224-1857 for inter-
views btwn 10AM-1 PM only M-F6-16-3-14
SALES PRO WANTED for online jewelry
sales. Excellent phone skills required. Salary
+ commission. Fax resume to 377-0488 or
email* applications@abazias.com PIs call
224-1857, for interview btwn 10-1 only M-F
OFFICE HELP WANTED. Experience pre-
ferred. Computer and excellent phone skills
a plus. Fax resume to 377-0488 PIs call 352-
.224-1857 for interview btwn 10 AM 1 PM
only M-F 6-16-3-14
SCHOOL: Full time assistant teacher. Part
time P.E. coach, assistant teacher, after
school supervisor & Spanish teacher &
Substitute Teachers. Stop by 8505 NW 39th
Ave. to apply or call P75-6773 6-14-2-14
The Florida Book Store is hiring for tempo-
rary cashiers for the Summer B Semester
Back.to School. Applicants with previous ca-
shiering experience are preferred. Applicants
are required to be in town and available to
work the following days: Monday, June 20th
through Sunday July 3rd. Apply in person
at 1614 W.University Avenue between the
hours of 11am-3pm. Complete an application
and ask for Carolynne. Please do not drop
off applications during the weekend or times
not specified.
Equal Opportunity Employer 6-16-3-14
Experienced Pizza Makers & Line Cooks.
Apply in person at Pomodora Cafe 9200
NW 39th Ave in Publix shopping Plaza 6-
Work forr student. Yard work chainsaw,
carpentry, electrical, plumbing & some heavy
lifting. From $6.50-7.00/hr depends on skill &
experience. Call 376-6183 6-16-3-14
MARIO & LUIGI'S PIZZA needs pizza. mak-
ers, drivers, flyer distributors, managers and
hotsellers. Please call 871-3368 6-16-3-14
Every month! Call to year a 9-min
S Audio. 1-888-230-7442 ext 20742
www.24hourcashflow.com/2020742 6-14-
Hospice offers excellent benefits,. competi-
tive salary, PTO accruals and much more.
Great career opportunity available.
Director of Development
Candidate will design & direct a comprehen-
sive fundraising program aimed at meeting
the short/long term financial requirements
of HNCF. Will also assure the growth &
enhancement of various giving constituen-
cises while building & maintaining ongoing
relationships with the community, potential
donors and volunteers. Bachelor's degree
& 5-7 years' of managerial & supervisory
experience are req. Demonstrated success-
-ful fundraising history essential. Knowledge
of deferred giving programs, corporate sup-
port & computers as fundraising tool req.
Master's degree pref.
Interested parties, please e-mail a resume
to: employment@hospicecares.org or fax
a resume to: 352-379-6206, Attn: HR. You
may also mail a resume to: 4200 NW 90th
Boulevard, Gainesville, FL 32606. EOE/
DFWP. 6-9-1-14
) Help Wanted
Health Marketing/Sales
Professional Liaison
We are seeking an individual with health
marketing and sales experience to join a dy-
- namic team of professionals. Responsibilities
include establishing, cultivating and main-
taining relationships with physicians, nurs-
ing homes and assisted living facilities. The
position is also responsible for community
education, outreach, and growth. Candidate
must have a minimum of two years previous
marketing/sales experience with a proven
track record, preferably in a healthcare
setting. A Bachelor's degree is required.
Previous background in the medical field/
medical sales is highly desired. Clinical ex-
perience preferred, but not required.
Interested parties, please email a resume,
to: employment@hospicecares.org or fax
_a resume to: 352-379-6206. EOE/DFWP.
PT warehouse help days, nights and week-
ends flexible hrs. Apply at concession office
south end zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium 352-
375-4683 X6500 6-16-3-14
S/E & 3-State. Run: T/T Drivers. HOME
WEEKENDS. Mileage Pay, Benefits, 401K.
Trainees Welcome/ Miami area- exp. req. 21
min age/Class-A CDL Cypress Truck Lines
(800)545-1351. 6-9-1-14
Pay &, Benefits for Experienced Drivers,
0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students.
Bonuses Paid Weekly. Equal Opportunity
Employer. (888)MORE PAY (888-667-3729).
"OWNER OPERATORS- Due to strong
growth in our in-state market, immediate
openings available in our Florida Intra Fleet.
*Home Weekends Most Evenings *Top
Percentage Pay *Paid Permits & Physicals
*Weekly Pay Direct Deposit *100% Owner
Operator Make Sunco Carriers Your Home.
Apply Now! Call Cammy, (800)237-8288.-
Flexible Hours! $$$Great Pay!$$$ Personal
Computer required. (800)873-0345 ext #300.
*|| Services D
Close To UF, Convenient
4x4x4 $20/mo.
4x8x8 $35/mo
533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771
Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan,
Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable
prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830
www.carrsmith.conm 8-15-25-15
HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve mem-
ory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits.
Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis.
Low Student Rates. .Leonard Umans AAPH,
NGH certified 379-1079. 8-15-25-15
Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio
For Fun & Fitness 384-9200
HORSE BOARDING peaceful spacious
30 acres ring-arena round pens expe-
rienced help 12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627.
Owner on premises 35+ yrs exp. Lessons
avail. 8-15-25-15
Take Points Off Your Driver's License
And Dismiss Traffic Tickets
With Online Driver Improvement Courses
) l
Services J
Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English *
Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest
horse farm 0 466-4060 8-15-25-15
Classes & Workshops
at Sanctuary
Complete Auto Service
Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks
Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033
The countryclub for horses & owners.
Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250'
x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump pad-
dock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19
separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591-
3175 everglade-eqestrian.com 8-15-25-15
Custom Posters Exhibits Awards
Top Quality Fast Service 0 Low Prices
SignMasters 335-7000
Jump start your job search at
Plaques Name Badges Cups 0 Etc.
Best Selection In Town
SignMasters 335-7000
English as 2nd language
Reading, Composition, Conversation
Experienced-educators. Reasonable fees.
Tel: 352-335-9400 8-15-25-15
Individuals or small groups.
Experienced, excellent. ,
375-6641 Harold Nobles
8-15-25-15 ,.
All facilities & -amentiies: quality instruc-
tion. 15 minutes from UF Jan at 376-7762.
Greathouse Equestrian Center. 8-15-26-15
Affordable cleaning w/a woman's touch
Maid Service Residential Commercial
Same Day Cleaning Service Available
352-494-6458 ask for Earnestine.
6-28-8-15 -
Stringing If anybody can string rackets low,
EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in
24hrs. Express stringing available upon
request. We have more striDg than all local
stores combined, please stop by or call 372-
2257 8-15-20-15
Why buy mart-cheap rackets? You can
upgrade at EZ Tennis & pay less. Stop wast-
ing money. Our name is EZ and our game
is Tennis. Call them and call us. 372-2257
Rackets Tennis Racquetball Squash
- Badmitton.- Table Tennis. Lowest prices in
town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower inter-
net prices. Call us at 372-2257 8-15-20-15
Professional employee training, negotiation,
mediation, conflict resolution & consulting.
Public/private sector. Sliding scale. Free
initial consultation. Phone 352-514-5515
MAKE IT PERFECT with affordable & profes-
sional editing for your newsletter, manuscript,
class paper, thesis or dissertation. Sliding
scale. Phone 352-514-5515 7-28-16-15
Whippoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture
board. 10 min W of UF offArcher Rd. CBS
Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres.
Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom.
Owner on premises. 376-8792 8-15-19-15
Continued oqeitp age.,, _,x
Services '' Health iServices' -~Z -,r ~ r'~ r- hc en e AM ph
Consolidate your Student Loans
before the Rates go up on July 1st.
Lock in your 2.77% fixed rate now!
Call DSSLoans at 866-859-4622
DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc.
Only one signature required I *Excludes govt.
fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600.
(8am-7pm) Divorce Tech. Established 1977.
Changing Soon File Now. Money Problems?
Liens, Levies Foreclosures, Repos, Medical
Bills, Judgements, Lawsuits & Divorce A-A-A
attorney Referral Service (800)733-5342 24
hours 7 days a week. 6-9-1-15
Criminal Defense *State *Federal *Felonies
*Misdemeanors *DUI *Auto Accident
*Personal Injury *Domestic Violence
*Wrongful Death "Protect Your Rights" A-A-A
Attorney Referral Service (800)733-5342 24
Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Read
DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call
(813)872-0722 or.send $7.99 to Dianetics,
3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607.
Want to make a connection? Place your ad AA* AIRFARE $157 RT***
here to look for someone to share a corn- Summer & fall specials. NYC, DC, Philly,
mon interest with or for your true love New Eng & morel Gator Country Travel 373-
1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST 18264
A1111111110 .8-15-25-22
Typi Se vices 1-
apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD
flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs HEREAAND GET IT NOTI? PLACED YOUR AD
exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 AND GET IT NOTICEDI
i n Every Sat & Sun Hwy 301
Personals 15 min from Gainesville 468-2255.
-- 8-15-25-21
Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing
Alachua County Health Dept. Call'"
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)
-University Opticians
EARN DEGREE online from home. 300 SW4th Ave. 378-4480.
*Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job 8-15-25-18
PlacementAssistance. Computer& Financial GUNS! GUNS! GUNS!
aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.tidewaterte 1800 Gun Inventory
chonline.com. 6-9-1-15 1800 Gun Inventor
$50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS*"**- 2005!
Never Repay! For personal bills, school,
new business. $49 BILLION Left unclaimed
from 2004. Live Operators! (800)856-9591
Ext #105. 6-9-1-15
Over 5ouu handguns in stock
Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair.
Reloading Supplies 466-3340
Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer
8mi. South of G'ville on 441
ACHIEVE A career in the Field of Network *Family Chiropractic*k
Technology. Get training in Secure Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F.
Networking & Wireless Technology! Pinnacle 373-7070
Career Institute Online. Call (800)655-5554 8-15-25-18
Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres
Call for the best group rates!
In Gainesville Better Prices
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No/es win season series; Gators 'comfortable', prepared for Noles, Omaha
BASEBALL, from page 23
Corsaletti, usually one to make bold predic-
tions, showed an unusually calm and seri-
ous demeanor when talking about his final
series in a Gator uniform
"We are fired up about this weekend,"
Corsaletti said. "We've got a lot of guys that
believe we can win."
Corsaletti expects McKethan Stadium to
reach a new attendance record because of
the intense in-state rivalry.
"If we win this weekend, it will be pan-
demonium," Corsaletti said. "They aren't
going to be easy games, they will be close. I
promise you that."
Corsaletti was chosen in the 2004 MLB
draft, but opted to remain at UF for a final
"I look like a genius for coming back for
my senior year," Corsaletti said. "I feel like
a genius too, I got drafted 16 rounds higher
and earned a ring for winning the conference
championship. Now we're two wins from
Seminoles win series
Tenth-ranked FSU defeated the Gators
(43-20) twice in three games this season.
Each game was played on a weekday, not
part of a three-game weekend series. UF
did not use any of its top starting pitchers,
a move that could yield high dividends this
"They haven't seen our best," Corsaletti
said. "We're extremely comfortable. We
have a whole arsenal. We put ourselves in
position to win, you just have to go out and
play hard. You can't ask for anything else,
you just have to go out and execute. As a
team, we're as close as we've ever been. It's
going to be exciting."
Team unity prevails
Falkenbach explained that the 2005 base-
ball team is as tightly knit as any he's ever
played on.
"We're.all equals, nobody thinks he's a big
shot out there," Falkenbach said. "We're all
about the team, we're not about individual
stuff. I think that's made us come so much
closer as a team and help build chemistry.
We're all here to do the same thing: get to
Falkenbach has been the anchor of the
pitching staff all season, recording eight
saves and pitching in a team-high 46 games.
"We have a lot of depth," Falkenbach
said. We can throw anybody out there at any
time and be successful. J think that's what
has gotten us so far."
Corsaletti said that for the four seniors on
the team and UF coach Pat McMahon all
of whom began at UF in 2002 the weekend
Super Regional is a special opportunity to
fulfill goals.
"I wouldn't be satisfied if we don't go to
Omaha. That's been my dream since I came
to college," Corsaletti said. "I came to college
because I wanted to go to Omaha. If we don't
go there, it's going to be disappointing."
A pair of standout sophomores could
provide their team with an offensive spark.
FSU (53-18) is led by sophomore center
fielder Shane Robinson, who was chosen as
Collegiate Baseball's National Player of the
Year. Robinson had a 40-game hitting streak
earlier in the season.
CONTROL, from page 23
Take, for instance, the addition of FieldTurf,
a state-of-the-art realistic grass substitute, that
will be added to the main practice field.
With FieldTurf, the field will drain quicker
after those mid-afternoon Florida storms.
But if you're attending two-a-day practices
in August, don't expect to stare in awe at the
super grass. Meyer has moved two-a-days
to the University Village South Field, so the
practice field will remain fresh for the season.
Say it with me again efficiency.
Efficiency and sports success have always
gone hand-in-hand. Just ask the 'Detroit
Pistons, New England Patriots, or even the
1966 Gators.
In '66, UF kidney specialist Robert Cade
helped the football team solve its hydration
'-problem by inventing a new miracle drink,
known today as Gatorade.
The Gators finished 9-2 that season and
won the Orange Bowl.
It's not always the X's and O's that lead
to wins. Since Meyer can't preach strategy
for a couple of months, making UF football
efficient is the logical approach.
So while Meyer continues to re-evaluate
the program from all angles, he can only play
the waiting game and hope his players live up
to their end of the bargain.
UF players drafted by rivals teams; Gators focus on series
DRAFT, from page 23
Home was drafted for the third
time. Home was drafted in the first
round in 2001 and was a 30th-round
choice in the.2004 MLB Draft.
Falkenbach was selected by the
Toronto Blue Jays with the 1,282nd
overall pick.
... "I just have to put the draft be-
hind me," Falkenbach said. "I just
,-. want to prove to everyone that I can
pitch and be successful."
Tordi was chosen by the
Ant Cincinnati Reds irn the 4lst round
with the 1,230th overall selection.
UF seniors Tommy Boss and
Mike Pete were not drafted.
N k Corsaletti said he feels that both
players. could play professionally as
free agents.
; ... ,. v- "Corsaletti, a lifelong Red Sox
,-' ..fan, said there isn't any animosity
_,.,.-between him and Home, his new
A, potential on-field Yankee rival.
"'"--"We're just happy for each oth-
..;er," Corsaletti said. "We know that
i ,,vif one day we both make it to the big
5 leagues and we're facing each other,
......" that would be pretty damn cool"
Kim K-ement/-Alligator Corsaletti makes no secret of his
Kim Klementg Aoigator lack of fondness for the Yankees or
Jeff Corsaletti was chosen by the Boston Red Sox in the sixth inning of the MLB Yankee fans on his facebook.com
draft on Tuesday. He leads the Gators with a .378 batting average. profile though.
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UF efficient
with Meyer
Urban Meyer is on a mission.
Whether it's autographing
marriage certificates and surf-
boards at a booster rally, or traveling
the Eastern seaboard at a frantic pace in
search of tomorrow's stars, the first- year
UF coach will stop at nothing to make
sure the football program returns to
Just don't ask Meyer to jump out of a
trunk for a car commercial or sign your
-"I refused to do that," Meyer said. "I
stand for something."
Still two months away from hitting
the practice field, the Gators are busy
lifting weights and getting in football
Urban Tour
rolls on. In May
alone, Meyer
visited 99 high
schools in 10
states while
Andrew speaking at 10
Abramson booster clubs.
Drew's Control It's all Meyer
aabramson@alligator.org can really, do
this time of year,
because of those
pesky NCAA regulations that force
football coaches to stay away from team
So, the Gators' mega makeover is in
the hands of trainers and strengthening
Meyer said his trainers at Utah did an
outstanding job last year and it showed
Utah didn't lose a single game. But
will it work on the Gators, who weren't
exactly the most disciplined team under
Ron Zook?
Regardless, Meyer has to sit back and
do the little things, making sure every-
thing will be just right come September.
It's called efficiency, and it should be
the word that defines the earliest stages
of the Meyer Era in Gainesville.
Let's face it the UF football program
hasn't exactly been efficient in the first
half of the '00s.
We've seen fraternity brawls,
fourth-quarter collapses, walk-ons with
Einstein-sized IQs playing linebacker on
the road, but not much efficiency.
Meyer continues to bring a different
approach to Gators football and every
little detail counts.
Seattle 4
Florida 5
LA Angels 8
,tlanta. 4
Gators face FSU in Super Regionals
Alligator Writer
Call it a dream matchup.
Anytime the Gators face the
Seminoles, it's a big game.
When the chance to become
one of the final eight teams left
standing in the nation is on the
line, it's bigger than big, as in
big enough to be broadcast
UF faces Florida State this
weekend in a Super Regional
round in the NCAA baseball
tournament. The winning
team moves on to the College
World Series in Omaha, Neb.
"It feels close, as close as it's
ever felt," UF senior pitcher
Connor Falkenbach said.
UF and FSU both lost in the
Super Regionals last season,
falling to Miami and Arkansas,
"We're at home against
Florida State," Fal kenb.ich
said. "Everyone is really fo-
cused. We're that close, we're'
two games away,"
Boss gets Friday nod
The sixth-ranked Gators
will send senior Tommy Boss
(7-4) to the mound on Friday
night against FSU starter
Bryan Henry (9-2). Saturday
evening will feature a match
up of UF's Alan Home (8-2)
and the Seminole's Mark Sauls
Tim Casey. Alligator Staff
Tommy Boss will start for the Gators on Friday night. In 92.1 innings this season, Bosshas
a 4.48 ERA and 56 strikeouts.
(6-1). hopefully Omaha next week." (7-4) will face FSU's Michael
"I'm just ready to get If the teams split the first Hyde (7-2).
out there now," Home two games, a third game will UF senior center fielder Jeff
said. "We've got the Super decide which team moves on.
Regionals this weekend, and .Junior right-hander Bryan Ball SEE BASEBALL, PAGE 22
Four UF players taken in MLB Draft
Alligator Writer
Now that 1,502 picks were made during
50 rounds, the UF baseball team can once
again set its primary focus on the playing
Senior outfielder Jeff Corsaletti, junior
right-handed pitcher Alan Home, senior
right-handed pitcher Connor Falkenbach,
junior shortstop Justin Tordi and four sign-
ees were-selected Tuesday and Wednesday
in the Major League Baseball draft.
"It was exciting," Corsaletti said. "I was
pretty calm leading up to the draft because
I've been through it before. I had heard I'd
go anywhere from the fourth to seventh
IlA limited number of general admis-
sion tickets to the Super Regional base-
ball series between UF and Florida State
will go on sale at 8:30 a.m. at the Gator
ticket office.
Corsaletti was chosen by the defending
World Series champion Boston Red Sox, his
favorite team, in the sixth round with the
198th overall pick.
"When they were
done with the fourth,
then the seventh, I was
frustrated," Corsaletti
said. "I knew it was
between- Philadelphia,
Boston or Oakland.
When they finally called
Corsaletti my name, it was such
a relief. Now I can just
focus on this weekend."
Corsaletti leads the Gators in batting
average (.378), on-base percentage (.475),
walks (47) and doubles (15). Corsaletti was
taken in the 22nd round by the Cleveland
a June 5, 1998: UF sprinter John Capel
becomes a national champion in the 200-
meter dash. Capel finished with a time of
19.87, and was named 1999s Outstanding
Male Athlete of the NCAA Championships.
Indians last June, but elected to remain in
"I'm surprised Alan went as late as he
did," Corsaletti said. "The guy hit 97 [mph]
in his last three starts. The whole thing's
a crapshoot. I bet he throws a [complete
game] this weekend."
Home was taken by the New York
Yankees in the 11th round with the 349th
"I value myself as one of the best in the
country, there's no doubt about that, in the
college ranks," Home said. "I feel like I got
guys out in the best college conference in
the nation all year."
Having transferred to UF after playing
at Mississippi and Chipola Junior College,
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VOLUME 98 ISSUE 151 the independent florida iiligate Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campu communications, Inc. of Gainesvle, Florida We Inform. You Decide. 90 Q STUDENT LIFE Wage raise impacts UF By CRISTYLE WOOD Alligator Writer cwood@alligator.org Many UF department heads charged with managing their budgets have been scrambling since an initiative to increase Florida's minimum wage went into effect last month, allotting more than 4,500 student employees as much as a dollar more per hour. "Every department manages their own budget, so they will work out any changes," UF Vice President for Finance and Administration Ed Poppell said. Only employees hired through Other Personnel Services are affected, since the minimum wage for full-time UF employees is $8.50 per hour, which is more than $2 above the new state standard, Poppell said. The Other Personnel Services program, which is funded by the state and provides on-campus jobs for students enrolled at least part-time at UF, increased its wages from $5.15 to $6.15 after the constitutional amendment to create a Florida minimum wage passed on the November ballot. The measure received more than 70-percent voter support. While some may think local businesses and UF have been affected negatively by the minimum-wage increase, the general consensus among student workers is positive. "It's nice to have more money," said Molly McKinney, a building supervisor at Southwest Recreation Center, whose hourly wage was $5.35 before the increase. McKinney is among almost Student worker Kim Mitchell observes colleague Sherri Weissman as she fills out a timecard Monday at the Southwest Recreation Center. 700 recreational sports employees and David Bowles, the program's director, said he hopes Student Government increases funding to offset the higher payroll. "[The wage increase] is going to have a dramatic impact," Bowles said. "We're currently trying to calculate a figure." Bowles said he hopes they are not forced to reduce services. "We try to work as efficiently as possible with what we have SEE WAGES, PAGE 5 UF golfer makes cut for U.S. Open 0 EVERY QUALIFIED ON THE FIFTH PLAYOFF HOLE. By ANDREW ABRAMSON Alligator Staff Writer aabranson@aiigator.org After finishing in a tie for 85th at the NCAA championships -one of the worst performances in his otherwise illustrious college career -Matt Every responded the only way he knows how. The UF junior surprisingly qualified for the U.S. Open, earning a spot on a fifth playoff hole after a two-round total of a -7-under 135 in the sectional qualifiers at Woodmont Country Club in Rockville, Md. "I can talk myself out of slumps," Every said of his performance in the NCAA championship. "I just told myself it was a fluke and I came out firing in the qualifier." It wasn't easy. Without the luxury of a course-leader board, Every thought he had it won when he birdied the 18th hole. He soon learned he would be in a playoff for five spots with eight others, including six PGA Tour veterans. I can talk myself out of SlUmpS." Matt Every UF junior Eight quickly became three, and on the third playoff hole Every went for the win but missed a six-foot putt. The pressure would conSEE GOLF, PAGE 5 UF officials might pull Growl funding Bill could die on VP's desk By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer dcohen@alligator.org Gator Growl soon may hush to a whimper after Student Government officials reported that-UF administrators could veto an appropriation to fund the event as early as today. A bill passed in the Student Senate two weeks ago allocating $340,000 of student money to help fund the Florida Blue Key-run Gator Growl is allegedly being questioned by Vice President for Student Affairs Patricia Telles-Irvin, who oversees SG decisions. "A responsible review has been already Uf underway, as ITam looking at this issue very Administration carefufy," Telles-Irvin wrote in an e-mail. "Please rest assured that due diligence is being followed and that we are working very hard to make sure that the best interests of the student body are kept at the forefront. [UF] will not take any course of action that is illegal in this issue." Telles-Irvin declined comment to the Alligator on Wednesday. Student Body President Joe Goldberg said he signed the bill and it now sits in Teles-Irvin's office, adding she questioned the bill's logistics and how SG reserves work. I__ISEE GROWL, PAGE 5 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" A UF-built robotic vehicle known as NaviGATOR was one of 40 semifinalists picked Monday to compete against other robotic vehicles for a $2 million purse in a challenge hosted by the Pentagon. See story, pg. 4. FORECAST 2 OPINIONS 6 the AVENUE 9 CLASSIFIEDS 13 Thunder CROSSWORD 19 storms SPORTS 23 visit www.alligator.org THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 0 After earning a spot on the NCAA Regional AllTournament Team, Tommy Boss gets the opening nod for the Gators on Friday. Boss has a 4.48 ERA and 56 strikeouts. See story, pg. 23.
2, ALLIGATOR M THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005 News Today FORECAST TODAY THUNDER STORMS 86/72 FRIDAY THUNDER STORMS 87/72 SATURDAY THUNDER STORMS 84/71 o ~ SE ED (1 .5 NOHKEHy EARE.'''. ., ONE HOUR SERVICEE SUNDAY THUNDER STORMS 87/70 MONDAY THUNDER STORMS 90/70 A 19-foot Zodiac boat will also be up for sale to the highest bidder. The ASCO Explorers will be selling hamburgers, hot dogs and sodas during the, auction. Proceeds from the food will be donated to ASCO Explorer Post #983. More information on the items being auctioned off is available at http: / /wwwaluasheriff.org and http://bencampenauctioieers.com. -IVETTE MENDEZ The Alligator strives to be accurate and clear in Its nevs reports and editorials. If you find an error, please call our newsroom at (352) 3764458 or send an e-mail to editor@alligator.org. Newberry Square (next to Newberry Rd. K-Mart) 332-3937 -the independent florida alligator VOLUME 98 ISSUE 151 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Mike Gimignani, mgimignani@alligator.org Managing Editor/ Print Eva Kis, ekis@alligator.org Managing Editor/ New Media Matthew Kelly, mkelly@alligator.org Sports Editor Ian Fisher, ifisher@alligator.org Assistant Sports Editor Andrew Abramson, aabramson@alligator.org alligatorSports.org Editor Spencer Davis-VanNess, sodvanness@alligator.org Freelance Editor Ryan Worthington, rworthington@alligator.org News Editor Jim Ellis, jellis@alligatororg Editorial Board Photo Editor Photo Staff the Avenue Editor the Avenue Assistant Editor Art Director Assistant Art Director Copy Desk Chiefs Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis Tim Casey, tcasey@alligatororg Matt Marriott Cher Phillips, cphillips@alligator.org Heather Berger, hberger@alligator.org Andy Marlette Michael Friedman Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Juliana Casale, Jennifer Freihofer, Jayme Gough, Kevin Mahadeo Staff Bryan App New Media Assistant Editor Gwen Heimburg New Media Staff Dan Jimmerson DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Advertising Office Manager Advertising Office Assistants Sales Representatives Sales Development/Intern Coordinator Brad Smith, bsmith@alligator.org Marybeth Miller, mmiller@alligator.org Elizabeth Cueto Casey Franz, Jennifer Carbon Carolyn Langhans, Danny Wayne William Cuadra, Sara Henry, Shane Combs, Whitney Lawson, Morgan Morillo William Cuadra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015(Fax) Classified Advertising.Manager Ellen Light, ellight@alligator.org Classified Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Marianne Cooper, Dan Cribbs CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, smckearnan@alligator.org Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, rpelham@alligator.org Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, lrichards@alligator.org Bookkeeper Patricia Merrow, pmerrow@aligator.org Student Accounting Clerks Brandon Edwards, Keith Enright Michael Sanders, Aiex Thurn ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber,.cebarber@alligator.org Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, tcarey@alligatororg Administrative Manager Allison Sinclair, Lorena Crowley Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, lmcgowan@alligator.org PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Vern Bean, vbean@alligator.org Assistant Production Manager Stephanie Gocklin, sgocklin@alligator.org Information Technology Manager Brian Dwyer, bdwyer@alligator.org Advertising Production Staff Shana Langfur, Alicia Bennatts, Niko Lowry, Claudia Wald, Ben Hofer Editorial Production Staff Amy Oglesby, Melissa Garcia, Brandy Stearns The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornlngs, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator maybe reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus CommuniationslInc.------------------------LOCAL Sheriff's Office to hold auction of seized property Students lacking funds can fill their empty dorm rooms and garages at a low cost by attending the Alachua County Sheriff's Office auction. Beginning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at the ASCO Main Headquarters, situated at 2621 SE Hawthorne Road, the sheriff's office will auction off seized and surplus property. Items available at the auction include cars, trucks, a motor home, kitchen items, jewelry and office equipment such as computers and printers. Fin d someone special. Advertise in The Alligator declassified. ~++4444+~44444*4*V VVIVO $*t$:.A.&. GA Happy Hour 4pm-9pm $4 Pitchers .$100 Drafts FRI: $2 Pitchers Live Acoustic Music -80s Night ~ SAT: $1 Drafts $1 Wells No Cover MON: 2-4-1 Liquor Drinks 2-4-1 Bottles 2-4-1 Drafts Live Acoustic Music -No Cover 1728W. UniversityAve. 77-7333 I IL Butler Plaza (next to Archer Rd. Wal-Mart) 335-1232 -om -am I --aii
THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005 E ALLIGATOR, 3 Alumnus honors roots By MELISSA FILIPKOWSKI Alligator Contributing Writer It seems teaching the principles of assets and liabilities has turned out to be a huge asset to UF -a $1.4 million asset, to be exact. UF accounting alumnus Bernard H. Berkman has pledged to donate $1.4 million to UF's Fisher School of Accounting to establish the Bernard H. Berkman Accounting Enrichment Fund. Income generated from the fund will support teaching, research and programs within the school. "Any success I have attained in my professional career I attribute to the education I received at the University of Florida," Berkman said in a press release. "Supporting UF's accounting program is just one way I felt I could express tny appreciation and help provide for students following the same path I followed in my career." Berkman, a 1960 graduate of the Warrington College of Business, had more than 35 years in the accounting field with companies such as Deloitte & Touche and Collective Bancorp before retiring in 1999. Berkman's orange-and-blue roots have been strong throughout his career. He is a charter member of the UP Alumni Association and co-founded the Nassau County Gator Club in 2004, which is now 174 members strong. Administrators in the accounting school said they are pleased with the donation and are planning to use the money to make improvements to UF's already prestigious accounting program. "Mr. Berkman's gift will provide crtical resources for the school as it strives for programmatic excellence," said Joel S. Demski, associate dean of the Warrington College of Oni Business and director of the Campus Fisher School, in a press release. "Affirmations, such as Mr. Berkman's, are what sustain the school, the college and the university in its commitment to academic leadership and its role as the state's flagship university." UF accounting junior Mike Fera agrees with Demski and believes the gift will further aid UF's accounting program. "The accounting school has made smart decisions with previous monetary donations in the past," Fera said, referring to the newly constructed accounting building, Gerson Hall. "I believe the money will only help UF students excel in the accounting classrooms, as well as help UF students make a positive mark in the accounting workplace." UF earns literacy grant .By DAN ONEY Alligator Contributing Writer UF's Lastinger Center for Learning is among 21 Florida organizations slated to share a $700,000 grant for literacy programs statewide. Gov. Jeb Bush announced this week in a press conference that the Lastinger Center will play a central role in his Family Literacy Initiative. "[Increasing literacy] is the key to opening the doors of opportunity and success in life," Bush said. Created in 2001, the Lastinger Center, which is part of the College of Education, is a school-improvement partner working with 14 high-poverty elementary schools across Florida. UF professors will use the grant to "embed" themselves at "practice sites" in Apopka and Immokalee and determine which. teaching methods are most effective. Since the governor began his Family Literacy Initiative in 1999, more than 9,000 adults and children have graduated from its 115 centers throughout the state, according to a report released this week. A key part of Bush's literacy initiative is the traditional focus of the center on involving the family in the child's learning experience, said Don 15 Pemberton, direcBush tor of the Lastinger Center. "We want to make literacy a family value in their communities," he said. -According to Program Director Alyson Adams, UF was awarded the grant because of the collaboration it breeds among teachers and learning. "Once we figure out what those two sites are doing to make them so successful, then we will convert it into a curriculum," Adams said. THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY. So. ADVERTISE in the The New Student Edition will be distributed during the week of August 15th, 2005 to over 6,000 new students and thousands of returning students. This means 6,000 NEW customers for your business. Publication Date: Monday, Aug. 15th, 2005 the independent florida alligator DEADLINES: .(Both copy and payment due by 4 pm of deadline.) 3rd Deadline .Wed. July 06, 2005 4th Deadline Wed. July 27, 2005 10% 5% 5% 5% Discount No Discount Additional Discounts: Full Page Discount Cash/Check by Deadline Discount Camera-ready Half-page or Larger Discount Advertising (352) 376-4482 Vegetarian Women Needed for a UF Nutrition Study If you are. Vegetarian (including vegan) Female 19-39 years old Healthy Non-smoking Non-pregnant or nursing Not taking prescription medication -(excluding oral contraceptives) if you are willing to: Provide medical history information Complete a dietary questionnaire Have blood drawn once (following an overnight fast) Then you are eligible to participate in this study You will be paid $50 for completing the study Please call 392-1991 extension 273 for more information.
4, ALLIGATOR 0 THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 UF-built robot car to race By STEPHEN MAGRUDER Alligator Writer smagruder@alligator.org A car built by UF students will race some of the toughest and most expensive vehicles in the country -with no one sitting behind the wheel. The robotic vehicle known as NaviGATOR was one of 40 semifinalists picked Monday to go to California in September to compete against other robotic vehicles with hopes of earning a spot in the finals and a chance to compete for a $2 million purse in the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Project Agency Grand Challenge 2005. The race, hosted by the Pentagon to promote research in autonomous vehicle technology, tests applications that can be used by the military, like surveying a battlefield. "We're happy and we're thrilled to be in," said Dave Armstrong, project manager for the team from the UF Center for Intelligent Machines and Robotics that built the car. "At the same time, we realize we're going to spend the next four months killing ourselves," he added. About 13 of the 15 members of the racing team are students, Armstrong said. The 40 semifinalists will battle for 20 spots in an October race, where robotic vehicles travel 150 miles across desert roads without any human intervention and using only onboard computers. "Once the race starts, [the robotic vehicle is] completely on its own," Armstrong said. "We could go to lunch and watch it on TV." What drives the NaviGATOR is a combination of 13 high-speed computers, eight sensor systems, at least one of three $50,000 global positioning systems and a device that fuses all the information to-tell the car where and where not to go. It also has a 150-horsepower Honda engine that enables it to reach speeds as high as 50 mph. Despite the top-notch equipment, which totals about $250,000 plus labor, Armstrong said the car, working at full capacity, would still only have the brainpower of a mouse. "It can't drive anything close to a human," he said. "Getting a machine to think and recognize obstacles is going to be a very difficult task." "Once the race starts, [the robotic vehicle is] completely on its own." Dave Armstrong Team CIMAR project manager Team member Danny Kent, a mechanical engineering graduate student, said he and the other team members have worked seven days a week in preparation for the event. "Some people I don't think quite grasp just how hard it is," he said. "Trying to take luck out of the equation is really hard." Once the race starts, the NaviGATOR's positioning system will be able to tell it, exactly where it is within 10 cm, compared to a distance of 3 meters for most consumer positioning systems. "Our [positioning system] is better than what you would typically use," Armstrong said, adding that the added accuracy could mean the difference between staying on the road and falling off a rocky cliff. 7~ ,~e. 0. 0 U) H' *0 0) a-z 0II c,)0 n Ladies Night Free Drinks for Ladies 0 o $FRIDAYS $4 Bud Light Pitchers $4 Jager Bombs Lunch Specials ATU RDAY EVERYDAY! $4 Miller-Lite Pitchers $4 Long Islands F Stay inGamesvdlle and earn' Concentrations in: this marketable degree!Biostatliss -Two -year graduate programEpidemicflogy -'Combined bceo' to'., Health Mvanagement & Policy master's program Environmental ialth Pub/ic health c itipeaeon~erwoking s social & Behavioral Sciences profssionals andosiofrLJ/lae ae also available. College of Public Health and Health Professions 1-866-62-UFMPH www.mph.ufl.edu Healthy Males NeOxied To participate in a UF nutrition study Eligible Males Must Be: 18 -49 years old Non-smoking Not taking prescription medication Willing to do the following: 1. Have blood drawn after an over-night fast 2. Provide medical information 3. Fill out a dietary questionnaire Eligible study participants will receive $50.00 Please call 392-1991 extension 273 for more information RECYCLING. IT IS THE ANSWER TO A LOT OF THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS. I
THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 5 Officials hope wage increase will not alter services provided to students WAGES, from page 1 available," he said. Minor adjustments based on participation levelshave been made to recreational programs to finish out the fiscal year, which ends June 30, he said. "I don't want this to have an impact on the services we provide for students," he said. But Stefanie Simon, recreational program assisStudent tant, said services already have been impacted. Life Student Recreational Facilities hired a full staff at the beginning of the Summer but must now reduce shifts in an attempt to retain employees, according to Simon, a third-year exercise and sports science major. Meanwhile, McKinney said that while she enjoys her raise, she has noticed that the number of student workers at Southwest Recreation Center has been reduced. "I know they've cut a lot of shifts because the Student Rec Center used to have two building supervisors and a floor manager each shift and now only has one of each," she said. Open qualifier confident GOLF, from page 1 tinue on the fourth playoff hole, when Every missed an identical six-foot putt, but David Kirkpatrick bogeyed and it was down to two. Finally on the fifth, Every watched Paul Goydos miss a 15-footer. With all eyes on Every, he sunk a 10-footer and clinched the final spot, "At first I was just glad I made the putt," Every said. "I kind of sat there and looked at my caddy. He had his hand out like he wanted to give me five. I said '[forget] that' and gave him a hug because I was so happy." Before the NCAA championships, Every was confident he could qualify for the tournament, although some of his UF teammates weren't as sure. Now the -amateur will have a chance to prove he is not just one of the best golfers in college, but that he can perform with the pros. "It's cool to be in it, it's, surreal, but after that playoff I know I can compete out there. I probably will," Every said. "I might go there and play awful. I doubt it, but I might. But I can go there, play awesome and make the cut and have a respectable week." Despite earning a spot in the Open on the fifth playoff hole, Every still thinks he could have performed better. "To tell you the truth, that was the worst I could have shot in the qualifier. I played awful," he said. "But I made a 15-foot putt in my last hole. It was very intense. :. I'm glad it's ov mer." Every Every has no time to restbeforeheadingtoPinehurst, N.C., for the Open. He is currently in Wisconsin while he competes in the Palmer Cup, a competition between amateurs from the United States and the United Kingdom, today and Thursday. Then it's on to Pinehurst, where the Open begins June 16. "I'm just going to go there to have fun, and try my [tail] off." SG leaders say GROWL, from page I "I was under the -impression that Gator Growl needed this money to make the show happen," he said. "The reason that I was satisfied with the bill is because we were giving students the opportunity to attend Gator Growl for free." Senate President Pro Tempore John Boyles said that about 45 minutes before the bill's second reading May 24, members of the executive cabinet and Senate received word that TellesIrvin would veto SG's proposal to bring free Growl tickets to 24,000 students. "The message came .that if we passed the bill, she wasn't going to sign it," he said. "If there Growl may disappoint without SG funds; others question legality is a decision to veto the bill, this would be the first time possibly ever that this has been done." But he said leaders did not want to tell student senators about the bill because TellesIrvin's message did not come first-hand. "I think that the reason behind not making a big deal about it is because none of us directly talked to [Telles-Irvin]," he said. "It was a pretty intense message. We wouldn't want to paint a picture of Tetles-Irvin her in abad light." Goldberg said he supports keeping the bill on the agenda. "We don't do things for the administration; we do things for the students," he said. "I applaud the Senate leaders for keeping the bill ministration could use a "semantic loophole on the agenda. That was just too lateWe can't in a bureaucratic way to take an illegal act and be called at the last minute and expect to stop make it appear legal" by stating SG will fund all our business." Homecoming 2005, not FBK or Growl. Sources close to the Senate said they were Boyles said if the bill is vetoed, this year's shocked to hear they were not told about the Growl may be a disappointment. message before it was debated. "It won't be at the same level that the stuHowever, others outside SG agree that vedents and the alumni are used to," he said. toing the bill is the right move. Growl Producer Robert Carmody said he "If the university allows this misuse of the doesn't "want to think about the what-ifs yet." A&S Fee, I am determined to seek legal acBoyles added that the technical aspects of tion from the courts to prevent that misuse of the show would not be up to par, and firefunds," UF teaching assistant Charles Grapski works would be a memory. said. "I'm hoping that she will take proper ac"I would hope that if the vice president tion. I think the issue is crystal clear: If students decides to veto the bill that she comes to have to pay for a ticket, and [SG is] subsidizing the Senate and explains why," he said. "I it, [students] are paying twice." would hope that there wouldn't be any Grapski said he is concerned that UF adtension." Could your pet's photo be worth $500? Enter Gainesville Pet Rescue's 5th Annual "A Picture is Worth A Thousand Lives" Photo Contest For a chance to win! $5.00 donation per entry Contest runs from March 15, 2005 to June 15, 200S Prizes include: Ist Place: $500, 2nd Place:Walt Disney Day Passes for 4, and 3rd Place $100 Petco Gift Card For more info call 352-331-1087 or visit our website; www.gainsevillepetrescue.org All proceeds go to help save the lives of deserving pets, just like yours Judged by TV 20's Paige Beck' and her dog, Luca! for people who have been vaccinated against hepatitis B. Only you can be paid to help save lives. Earnntp to $975 in 3months' #p NA31 I l'(ti Mao'. Mtret 32 i79431 J I Bring this ad in for a $5 bonS on your first donation. EZ Tennis Big stores cannot touch our stringing in quality and price. Please ask their clerks about EZ Tennis. Why wait for 3-5 days on stringing. With us 1 day max! Call us at 372-2257. Tired of Rooming with 7 Chimpanzees Solve your roommate problems with Ali o F --ds Kim Klement / Alligator Like a fine wine Nine of Virginia's top wineries gathered in Charlottesville for the Ash Lawn-Highland Wine Festival. Coordinator Nancy McAdams believes a mix of new and well-established wineries keeps the show fresh, interesting and fun. "While wine tasting is serious business, it never should be boring," she said.
6, ALLIGATOR U THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005 Editorial One could say the smooth operators at the Department of Darts & Laurels are spending too much time together, which is why we now all have head colds. Our illness might be the logical result of too many late nights spent outside along University Avenue in the rain. But we think it has more to do with the twists our necks have taken in the last week from repetitive double-take action. It's almost as if the controversy gods have heeded our call and added some spice back into the normally doldrumatic Summer A. Not that we can taste anything. But since we wrote this while attempting to stamp out a pervasive throb in our skulls, our choice of gifts this week was a little unorthodox. We're feeling a little better, thank you, but it won't keep us from diving into the wackiness with this week's edition of. Darts &Laurels For our first award, we go directly to the ivory (well, redbrick) towers of Tigert Hall and deliver a thank-you-for-ending-the-madness LAUREL to UF President Bernie Machen, who named a new provost last week after more than a year of uncertainty. Machen sent the search committee back to the drawing board after he didn't see enough promise in their initial recommendations. We applaud his courage in waiting until he could be comfortable with his choice. In that spirit, we adorn a do-you-really-know-whatyou're-getting-into LAUREL onto the pressured shoulders of new Provost Janie Fouke. Fouke undoubtedly will be in a constant state of transition for the next two months, as she must move from Michigan to Gainesville and have her agenda ready to go by Aug. 15. Good luck, Dr. Fouke. We hope this LAUREL is the first of many. Turning now to the Reitz Union, we dish out a we-canbe-on-the-same-side-sometimes LAUREL to Student Body President Joe Goldberg, for standing his ground in the face of administrative pressure. That's right, a LAUREL for Joe Goldberg. Allegedly, Goldberg heard from UF officials that if he signed a bill paying $340,000 to Florida Blue Key for Gator Growl, it would be vetoed. He signed it anyway., We don't agree with the content of the bill, and this is not any change of heart on our part. But if administrators are going to monkey with student money -which is by Florida law under student control -they should be out in the open about it. We're too sick to leave campus, so we muster all our strength to throw a what-part-of-public-records-don't-youunderstand DART at Dean of Students Gene Zdziarski and his staff. A too-liberal usage of a black marker by the Dean's Office left an entire e-mail blacked out of a public-records request. There's no way every word and symbol could have been exempt from the public-records laws. We can't prove the offending e-mail was sent between a UF official and former Student Body Vice President Jennifer Puckett, and we can't prove the discussion involved the dismissal of a StudentGovernment cabinet director and bypassing the application process to put a new director in place. The appearance of impropriety leaves us shaking our heads. It was a move both ballsy and illegal. But mainly, illegal. And it shows how close student leaders get to climbing into bed with UF officials. But we'll end the pajama party with the all-around best cure for our ills: a few rounds of 3-for-1 Jager Bombs at 2:01 a.m. That should do the trick. alligator Mike Gimignani EDITOR Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR The Aiaato r encoU rages commincents from eades. Letters to t editor should not exceed 150 woads (about one lxxs-izd sage). Theymust be typed. do'ble-sedand muste sOude the auhi' aiL lssfctonotan5 d one ,number. Names ,wl be with~held if rte hw jutstCause, We reserve theeright to edit for lengt, grammxar, style and libel. Send letters to etxeis~iigtoorg. bring themx to 11"5abixers "rity Ave., orsed tem' tobOe.o'x14257, Gainesville, FL 32604-2257.Coluns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial cartoons are alsowelcome. Qestons? Call 376-4458. Opinions ALLIGATOR www.alligator.org/opinions VS fo ofr'?RAS AIOS Column Online voting keeps running in place F's Student Government sure is looking alot like the big boys in Washington these days. It used to be the federal government was the place to find politicos sitting on their butts, ignoring the public and otherwise doing anything they can to delay the inevitable. Not anymore. Why does SG need the entire summer to come up with a "recommendation" regarding online voting? Online voting isn't a decision. The decision has been made. In order to get online voting on the ballot, a certain number of signatures was required. That number was surpassed. End of story. Of course, there was sone fumbling on the part of the .petition's authors that allowed the defenders of the status quo to defeat it on a loophole. There's no excuse now. The investigation this summer isn't going to find anything new. The same concerns have existed since the inception of the program, and they've all been repeated so many times that students might actually think they're still problems. Opponents are afraid of security concerns. That's been addressed -see the 30 billion articles, editorials and columns printed in the Alligator over the past few years. Accelerated Data Works has been more than happy to suggest more and more ways to beef up protections on the students' information and to keep voting legit. Opponents are afraid it will cost too much money. OK, I made that one up. But this is UF, the land of Bright Futures and thousands of students trying to figure out how to make the most money with the least work. So, everyone here should. be able to appreciate the bottom line: Online voting would save us a crapload of money. The Spring election cost an estimated $39,827.65 -and counting. Online voting is supposed to cost around $2,000 per-election Paper elections mean a lot of Malt Sanchez work for students. Pure Foppery Online voting doesn't. Pu rcez Fop pry I'm a journalist, so I'm not really msanohez@aligstsr.org a numbers-y type of guy. But I think those figures speak for themselves. Finally, opponents are afraid Greek organizations and other student groups will exploit the system-to make their members vote the way they want. The truth is, they already do. They will continue to do so, no matter what changes in the voting process. If the members of these organizations can't or won't stand up for themselves, then they're going to continue doing what their superiors want. In fact, these organizations don't want online voting any more than the old guard in SG do. They want to do what is best for themselves, which is to keep voting as exclusive as possible. They know there's only one way to get average students to vote, and that's to make it so they can vote with a beer in one hand, naked, during a commercial break, at 4 o'clock in the morning. That's why they want online voting out -and that's why, so far, online voting has been kept out. And students.aren't active enough in SG right now to stop them. My prediction, as much as it pains me, is online voting will not be implemented as long as Joe Goldberg and his Gator Party buddies are in office. I hope I'm proven wrong, but I doubt it. Matt Sanchez is a journalism senior. His coixonn appeas on Thursdays. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. ReAderresponse Today's question: Do you think Tuesday's question: Should UF adonline voting will come to Student ministrators step in if they perceive Government during your time at UF? impropriety in Student Government? V454.Org 62% YES 38% NO 45 TOTAL VOTES
Letters to the Editor Story on collision contains bad reporting Editor: I'd like to reference your newspaper dated June 2 and the front-page article "Crash on Southwest 34th Street." My daughter, Sandy D'Elosua, was in that car accident, and your newspaper sensationalized the story so that she appeared at fault. If your reporters had thoroughly investigated the situation, the)' would have known that the driver of the other car, a young 21year-old man, was cited by the police officer and that Sandy was not at fault. She was the victim, however, who received major injuries that required surgery and will require extensive rehabilitation. Your article was very harmful to her personal reputation and her mental state during this traumatic time. It is simply an example of sensationalism at its worst. I would like to see a follow-up article that gives the truth to the accident and doesn't paint my daughter in a negative light. The young man who is responsible for the accident has done enough damage. Kathy D'Elosua Stem-cell research debate more complex Editor: While it pleases me to note the discussion of stem-cell research in Tuesday's column, I fear Mr. Blye has omitted a factor two in attempting to make his point. The restriction in fede only to funding new stem little to stop a major pharm from using donor embryo new lines and conduct rese funding comes purely from These companies, ho attempting this and wi Embryonic stem cells just ar type of promise that justifie Why should the governor That's just bad busines view of its morality. E E E Tough-love grading crucial Editor: I just finished rea Matt Sanchez regarding re ral policy applies and mocked in elementary school -that's the cell lines. There is kid who goes to Harvard just to show the bulaceutical company lies who's better now. s to manufacture Then the "bullies" open their own business arch so long as the to show they don't need college to be better. private sources. See, this "one-upping" one another is what wever, are not our whole country is based on. If you want to th good reason. make sure that everyone is treated equally, e not showing the why don't we just give equal portions of ins private funding. come to everyone? nent finance it? Oh wait, that's Communism, and we see s, whatever your how well that's worked out. We're raising a bunch of kids who are goMartin Van Assche ing to grow up expecting to be equal with ev-7EG eryone else when in reality, they're the furthest thing from it. So, stop giving trophies to all teams, bring back dodgeball and grab your red pens; I want I to success my kid to know he's either better or worse. ding the article by Cory W. Berstler moving grades in 3HHP Palm Beach elementary schools. I have to say this is quite possibly the best article I've ever read in the Alligator. I couldn't agree more with what Mr. Sanchez had to say: Our country is accepting mediocrity, and we're paying for it. Everyone is too scared to hurt someone's feelings or rewarda person over another. It all began with removing dodgeball from physical-education classes. Now, as silly as it may seem, think about it: The kid who kids picked last, knocked out first E E u Later Gator cancellation the wrong.move Editor: I sent this letter to Student Government in hopes that. they would overturn the foolish decision to get rid of Later Gator bus services for Summer A: "I read today in the Alligator that the Later Gator has been canceled for Summer A. I really hope that this is a misprint. I know it's not, but I cannot believe that such a foolish choice THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005 E ALLIGATOR, 7 has been made by my elected representatives. Did we forget the reason why Later Gator was established? Just because there are fewer people going downtown during Summer A, it doesn't make drunk driving any less dangerous. This is not a financial issue; this is a security issue. I could understand a cutback, maybe going from three buses to one bus -that makes sense, but to completely get rid of it is just a bad decision. Imagine what the consequences would be for this choice if, God forbid, a student did get into an accident coming from downtown. All because you want to save a couple hundred bucks. The reality is, it's just not worth it. I really hope that this is not an irreversible decision and that it can be remedied before it costs too much. My life is not worth the money you're saving, and I'm sure everyone else feels the same way" I only hope they realize the magnitude of this decision. This is just another cutback from SG that we will never see again. I am an advocate of SG, they do some really great things, but when was the last time one of these cutbacks showed up somewhere else? It seems the money just vanishes. Why didn't Joe tell us where the money's going? I'm sure we can figure this out. Geoffrey Silvera 3LS EZ Tennis Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. If you have any questions, please talk to us. Our goal, to have the lowest prices on rackets in the world. Please help us and your friends to achieve this goal. Bring the lowest price u-find. Call us at 372-2257 (Classic Carwash C ., Rd] Detaifing -Wind Tinting 3010 SW Arch Rd. 3749227 LSAT I GMAT I GRE I MCAT DAT I PCAT I NCLEX-RN* USMILE I TOEFL I OAT* 6 Realistic practice P Free extra help P Kaplan study centers Best teachers 0 Located in Reitz Union Spring classes filling fast! GRE. June 2 LSAT. June 28 DAT. June 28 LSAT. July 7 PCAT .July 11 GMAT. July 18 MCAT. Oct 1 Test Prep and Admissions 1-800-KAP-TEST kaptest.com *Test names are registered trademarks -of their respective owners-
8, ALLIGATOR E THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005 UF RESEARCH Scientists get grant for Parkinson's By MELISSA GARCIA Alligator Contributing Writer Judy Whitmore was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at the age of 54. Six years later, she can still make par on the golf course. Whitmore is one of hundreds with Parkinson's disease who have benefited from participating in therapy and clinical research at UF's Movement Disorders Center and the McKnight Brain Institute. Dawn Bowers, director of the institute's Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, will begin a new study on Parkinson's disease in July after receiving a $1.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health's' National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Parkinson's disease is a disorder caused by the degeneration of neurons in parts of the brain integral to making dopamine, a neurotransmitter More than 1.5 million Americans have Parkinson's disease and experience a variety of symptoms, including tremors, slowed movement, poor balance and slow speech, according to the National Parkinson Foundation.Web site. Bowers' research grant will fund a four-year study on a common side effect of Parkinson's disease that hinders the ability to produce facial expressions. While most researchers have to apply for grants two or three times before being funded, her application for the grant was accepted in'July 2004 on its first submission, she said. "It was the right study at the right review session with the right reviewers who liked it," she said. "It could have just as easily gone the other way. A lot of it is serendipity." Bowers' research team includes Michael Okun and Hubert Fernandez, both associate professors of neurology, and Christine Sapienza, professor and associate chair of the department of communication sciences and disorders. Testing a group of 100 people with the disease, the team will use video clips to elicit expressions and record them. It used to be that people thought heroes rode on white horses. But for those of us with Parkinson's disease, they may be people with a white coat." Judy Whitmore Parkinson's support group leader Some of the video clips include bugeating scenes from "Fear Factor," the "brain-eating" scene from "Hannibal" and scenes from "America's Funniest Home Videos," Bowers said. By subtracting each 30-millisecond video frame, the researchers can measure exactly how much movement occurred on the face, she said. In a previous study used to develop this measurement method, a woman with Parkinson's disease asked to see what she looked like on her videotape. "We showed her the videotape, and she 'burst into tears," Bowers said. "She said she had no idea that she looked so flat. She remembered herself as someone who was much more emotive." Lack of facial expression affects the way spouses, family members and even healthcare providers interact with people with Parkinson's disease, she said. Patients are sometimes misdiagnosed with depression or apathy due to the problem, she said. With her research, she hopes to develop a convenient and affordable treatment for those who are frustrated by the symptoms of the disease, she said. Participants will receive a breathing device that requires them to blow out with more force, working both facial and respiratory muscles, Bowers said. They will exercise with the device at home five times per day for four weeks and then return to the lab to have their facial expressions measured again, she said. Bowers expects the breathing therapy to make facial muscles more active and able to be more expressive, she said. "I suspect this is going to work," she said. "It's just like going to the gyn helps people tone up." To see if the benefits of breathing therapy are temporary, patients will be asked to stop using the breathing device for three months and then be tested for any loss of facial expression ability, she said. Test subjects will be studied both on and off dopamine medication and also participate in conversations and structured interviews to check for improvements in speech and vocalization. Judy Whitmore, leader of a Parkinson's support group, said she and her group have a strong interest in the research. "It used to be that people thought heroes rode on white horses," she said. "But for those of us with Parkinson's disease, they may be people with a white coat." With the help of doctors, medical research and exercise therapy, Whitmore said several members of her group who used to be confined to wheelchairs now are walking with canes. EZ Tennis Rackets -Tennis -Racquetball -Squash -Badmitton -Table Tennis. Lowest prices in town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower intemet prices. Call us at 372-2257. A '4, $18 O Month This coupon good I for an extra $5 on I your 2nd and 4th I I I I I I I I'/Mal Student -alPlanmu Dnor Name: Serena Barry Class: UF Senior Major: Elementary Education Hobbies: Reading, Watching TV, hanging out with my friends, and just relaxing Why d&I donate'Pla 1na? a oh dvel Uveib6d4 eay money fo -alM coleel td fi &e I donation. I Earn up to $180/mo. donating plasma in a friendly place. L --....J DCI Biological Plasma Center -352-378-9204 For More Information Go To www.DciPlasma.com 150 NW 6th Street -Central Plaza 0 E .. r CL E 0C 2 L4. 6u1r
Avenue THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligator.org/aven ue '_ o h Sa c .cenSushi spot moves to new location ragonfly Sushi & Sake Company i on a roll. j After almost five years of success and rapid growth in downtown Gainesville, Dragonfly, has started to knock down its walls and expand to accommodate loval patrons and sushi-seekers alike. Located at 201 5E Second Ave. Suite 103, Dragonfly vill occupy the space left behind by its former neighbor, Hooters, in Lan effort to promote better service and more business. "We are growing so fast that on the weekends we have customers waiting up to txwo hours for a large party," says Ronald Auyong, manager. "Sometimes we can't accommodate our customers the way' we would like." Currently, Dragonfly's size is about 2,700< square feet and can hold about 88 customers. Auyong says after the expansion, Dragonfly's floor space would increase to 4,500 square feet makinng room for about 150 customers. Unable to give an exact amount ol the cost, of the project, Auyong says "the expansion is ac_ cruing costs on a daily basis and costing a lot of money." In addition to an increase in seating capacity, Dragonfly will hire more staff so it can handle the expected increase in business. "We are lookBy DOUGLAS BONEPATH ing to double, our current staff of about 50 to 100 people," he Auyong estimated that the expansion would be cornplete sometime in August, right in time for the Fall semester. In addition to physical changes, customers will notice adjuistmients to the menu. Auyong said some menu items will be replaced for newones and stressed the expansion would not change current roenu prices. Drag'onfly is not' ust conten with expanding its original downtown location; future restaurant plans are currently in the making. "This expansion is a stepping stone for our creaive concepts," Auyong says. "Our flagship restaurant' serves as a vehicle to make our goals and dreams come true." He says to be on the look out for Cafax, soon to be located by the new Hooters on Archer Road and 34 Street. "It will be a create-your-owyn Dragonfiystyl menu," he says. "Since our business is about our customers we wanted to cater the food to their preferences "' He added that the new restaurant should be open about one nonth after the expansionn is complete. Auyong said Cafox is just one of mranyf things that Will help Dragonfly move forward with its image. We pride ourselves about being humbIa," Anyong says. "We hope everyone knows that we are here for our customers in every aspect of business." Kristin Nichols/Alligator staff create sushi behind the restaurant's sushi bar. Tragedy of Giving rocks toward video game fame Justin Stlafani and Jacob Addicott eat at Moe's Southwest Grill on Newberry Road every day. Literally. The dark-haired, soft-spoken guys from South Florida sit in a booth, eating their Moo Moo Mr. Cows (chicken, in case you were wondering), perfectly content. Their quiet, relaxed nature makes it difficult to believe they're in Tragedy of Giving, a melodic hard-rock band that's new to the Gainesville scene. But Sclafani and Addicott are no strangers to the stage -they've been playing together for eight years -with Sclafani on guitar and Addicott rocking the mic. The two moved from Miami in October to start a band in Gainesville because it was a convenient area to live. It's only a couple hours from most major cities in Florida, which makes it easier to tour. Addicott's brother attends school here, so they had a place to stay, and the town is accommodating to bands. "Miami isn't like. rock music," Addicott says. "The venues don't really cater to hard rock." By December, after having gone through several trial members, they added Cris Wise on drums and Tim McCallum on bass. They've played a number of shows since the band's inception, and they hope to embark on their first tour as Tragedy of Giving soon. The sound produced by the four has been aptly characterized as "intellectual rage." It's dark, June but melodic, and Capiello Addicott's voice Playlist is impeccable. theavenue@alligator.org "I listen to a lot softer music than the rest of the band. which is kinda why the lyrics aren't like, 'KILL, DIE,' says Addicott. The band also plays acoustic songs during their set, which should appeal to all audiences. Tragedy of Givinghasbeen doing exceptionally well for how young it is. Their song "Bumble Me" was getting radio play on local stations after only their second show, and another song, "Sink Slow," may soon appear in an EA Games football video game, as well as a compilation CD called "Warped Tour: Sounds of Smnmer," which will be released by Blood Loss Alliance. "But we don't know if it's a scam," Sclafani says with a laugh. The tracks were recorded at Sclafani and Addicott's house for free; Sclafani went to the School of Audio Engineering in Miami. "We do all of our Web site, flyers, and all recordings," Sclafani said. Thus far, the band is happy with the way they are settling. "We got a good start," Addicott said. "It's cool to hang out with people your own age and not these 40 year-old scuzzbuckets in their satin shirts [in Miami]." And if things keep progressing as they have these few short months, Addicott may eventually get his wish: "[Ten years from now] it'd be cool to be signed and making music. and we want to be sponsored by Moe's." Who: Tragedy of Giving, Irrational, Ploww and tabooya Where: Eddie C's When: Friday, doors open at 9 p.m., cover is $5. New York Times Bestseller's List 1. "The Nosy Neighbor" by Fern Michaels 2. "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini 3. "The Taking" by Dean Koontz 4. "Angels & Demons" by Dan Brown 5. "Hidden Prey" by John Sandford 1 In the tackiest bit of coincidence, we want This is one to cut out and .I reviewed the Lou Reed DVD "Spanish Fly" to make sure you don't miss "Inside Deep stick to your fridge. On pg. and hated it. Brian Offenther loved it. Flip Throat" playing at the Hipp next Wednesday 11, Jessica Weinstein takes to page 11 to see which review we decided night. And yes, this is about the real "Deep us On the Cheap to Mill to run. Be the first person to e-mail me at Throat," not W. Mark Felt -as much as we Creek Farm. theavenue@alligator.org asking me why I appreciate him. hated it and the DVD is yours.
10, ALLIGATOR E THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005 Serenity costs only two carrots T his week's cheap outing was exactly that -admission cost only two carrots. Yes, I meant carrots. Mill Creek Farm hosts a retirement home for horses. On Saturdays, owners Peter and Mary Gregory open the farm to the public. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., you can stroll the rolling fields, feeding the horses as you go. The farm takes in equines seized by the government, the SPCA and the Humane Society. Once at Mill Creek, the horses live out their days receiving food, veterinary care and plenty of pasture. They are never worked or ridden again. It had been awhile since I'd seen one of the beautiful and gentle creatures up close, so I packed a picnic lunch, grabbed a friend and headed north up 1-75 for a relaxing Saturday. For some reason I was expecting the place to be deserted. Instead, the owners, some volunteers and a few families greeted me. Once walking the corral-lined path, I enjoyed some time away from the thousands who surround me every day on campus. It was definitely nice to look around and see nothing but green fields and horses -lots and lots of hor-esWhile it only takes two carrots to get in, it's a good idea to bring along a whole bag. Mill Creek houses more than 100 horses that previously worked as circus performers, racers and subjects of medical testing. At times, the place made me feel melancholy. Some of the horses were abused in their past. Hearing their stories and sensing their demeanor added a sobering depth to my pleasant day in the country. However, the place has a sense of peace and tranquility. While angered by the horses' pasts, my feelings were tempered just knowing that Mill Creek serves to combat these injustices, or at least to spare some. If you care Jessica about animals, Weinstein you will be grateOn the Cheap ful to the Gregorys theavenue@alligator.org for -what they do. If you like horses, or simply need a reminder that UF is surrounded by farmland, Mill Creek is the place to go. If the weather is good, bring your books and a bag lunch, but be pre-. pared to leave promptly at 3 p.m., when the Gregorys close their gate to the public. For more information and directions, visit www.millcreekfarm.org. Lou Reed DVD captures his classics Spanish Fly: Live in Spain Starring Lout Reed Not Rated Release date: June 7, 2005 You put in the DVD and there he is in all his faded glory: Lou Reed. He survived to sing-speak songs of spikes-in-arms, whores and Edgar Allan Poe. Along with Iggly-and Bowie, he is the third in the unholy trinity of drugged-out-freakazoid-alien artists. He's miraculously around to enjoy his recent resurgence by some misstep of fate -or sacrifices of young virgins (I prefer the latter.) And what does Lou do? He smiles, for he is surely having the best time of his life. "Spanish Fly: Live in Spain" is a pseudo-greatest hits DVD featuring a live concert of Reed at the Benicassim Festival in 2004. The wonderfully arbitrary soccer chant stylings of "Ole Ole Ole" at the conclusion of the concert is the only reminder of the locale. Of course, he is not alone. Reed's four-piece band consists of a guitar, bass, drums and cello set-up. The multiracial, mixed-gender band is solid, except for the rock 'n' roll cello. In "Venus in Furs," Jane Scarpantoni steps into awesomeness, adapting the Velvet Underground-Reed style by playing a stabbing, grinding solo. EZ Tennis Stringing -If anybody can string rackets low, EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in 24hrs. Express stringing available upon request We have more string than all local stores combined. Please stop by or call 372-2257 ALTERNATOR & STARTERS BATTERIES a 378-4440 m CHC $5.00 off a 4 year Dicus 0 battery Reed, though, is the deserving star. Amazingly (well, not considering the virgins thing), he has held up exceedingly well for a man of his rocking past. His voice (and dare I say his body) is in great shape, handling his existential narratives with ease. His lead guitar is solid, and he pieces together a couple of impressionistic guitar solos. Most interesting is the enthusiasm he puts into each song, acting out lyrics with waves of his arms as he smiles mischievously. Something, though, must be mentioned, for it is painfully missing from his performance: mystique. I had to sit there for a while before I picked up on it. As I watched this giddy old man playing his guitar in a rockin' band in black sweat pants (yes), it came to me. The bright lights and overhead camera shots allow the viewer to see tape markings on the floor, cameramen going in for closeups of Reed, and -gasp! -a monitor for Reed to, um, read the lyrics. Reed's songs reflect a dark narrator in an urban landscape of sin. Sweat pants and smiles do more than a little to hurt that effect. Still, Lou Reed's new DVD offering to the masses is a solid release for the Velvet Underground-Reed devotee (ye of the early bootleg li-sides). Casual fans might also might enjoy a run through, or at least a fast-forward to, the Underground-Transformer stuff. -BRIAN OFFENTHER 2 OUT a State of the art fitness center with airconditioned wood floor basketball court L Private theater with surround-sound a Pool with sundeck & resort style furniture a Car Care Center istinzcttee4 M/ii-en. f Tradition o/.weA e QTanues&at WoAamu C qzand 2625 SW 75th St. Gainesville, FL 32607 UF Phone (352) 331-2966 Fax (352) 331-2965 info((Vb e Ilamygrand. cfcoxmail. com A Rath/Harper and Associates Community Oral proves just as sinful as intercourse ur American democracy values the individual and the individual voice. However, differentiating intercourse and oral sex remains a topic that divides our nation. ihen it comes to oral versus intercourse, everyone has his or her own opinion and standard to answer the who, what, where, when and why. So, in the interest of hearing the voice of the people, I began polling my friends' opinions. When asked if oral sex constitutes cheating, all responded with a yes, adding that oral was equally unforgivable as intercourse. Answering the question asked by the Clinton administration, "Is oral-sex sex?" the nation, or at least my random sampling, says yes. However, intimacy is where the issue begins to stir conflict. Half of my constituency votes oral sex as more intimate than intercourse. I call Mr. Lube them Pro-head, while the others Risqu Busness are Pro-tail. theavenue@aI igator.org he Pro-heads The Pro-heads consider oral more intimate because of the mechanics, the sensations and the vulnerability involved. Pro-heads have refined taste and are picky about what they put in their mouths. On the other side, the Pro-tails typically evaluate intimacy on an emotional level. They all reference intercourse as aiding a stronger personal connection with their partner, which makes it more intimate. One Pro-tail, in defense of his choice, went so far as to say, "oral sex is like a handshake." I personally stand on the Pro-tail side for very pragmatic reasons. For gay men, intercourse has a much higher risk factor for diseases, so I do it less and am more discriminating in my choice of partners. Taking my own opinion into consideration, I began to see the many facets of the great Oral v. Intercourse debate. Frequency also plays a part, as many straight guys go Pro-head due to the number of women who don't like to perform oral sex. For them, it's a special treat. Another caucus to consider is the Pro-tail women who give and receive oral sex exclusively so they can maintain their virginity. Finally, a friend who enjoys being dominated by her boyfriend presented an additional opinion. She considered intercourse less meaningful because of the mutual pleasure involved. As oral sex requires one person to serve the other, she enjoys it more and considers it a greater sacrifice. So as with all conflicts, American pluralism prevents a singular opinion. Thankfully, finding people interested in sharing their opinions isn't hard. APA RTM E N T HOMES INSIDE a Nine foot ceilings with crown moulding Glass-top stove with self-cleaning oven Roman tub in master bath Intrusion Alarm a Full-size washer and dryer connections
THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 11 Finch morphs genres Finch Say Hello to Sunshine MCA Tracs Release date: June 7 Finch's new album, "Say Hello to Sunshine," exaggerates what "What it is to Burn" only hinted at -this screamo band has only begun to make music. What is so great about this album is that not every song sounds the same. Its sound is reaching into other genres of music for a concoction that is purely Finch. For instance, the album has more of a heavy-metal guitar sound, and singer Nate Barcalow uses his voice differently to complement that. This CD gives me the feeling that Finch channeled Incubus, pre"Make Yourself," as a major influence. Or maybe it was Glassjaw. Yes, definitely Glassjaw. Perhaps as foreshadowed, Glassjaw singer Daryl Palumbo was featured on the "What it is to Burn" CD. With the time changes and breaks in the songs, "Say Hello to Sunshine" definitely fulfills the need for a break from the mainstream pop-punk that is prevalent in music stores today. But be warned don't buy the CD with Amanda hopes that it is their Seyfang previous album recrePlaylist ated. This CD is not theavenue@alligator.org "What it is to Burn." Let me repeat that -this CD is not "What it is to Burn." This CD is heavier and less emo than their sophomore release. Since I cannot support illegal downloading, my suggestion is to go out and buy Finch's new CD, "Say Hello to Sunshine." If you decide against buying it, check out their song "Bitemarks and Bloodstains." I think you will be pleasantly surprised. FULLY LIGHTED FOR NIGHTTIME USE I -Best Grass Tees in Area I Chipping & Pufing Green I Club Repair I Golf Lessons by PGA Pros Lowe icG ae Bs Sle n r~ s oo e f~oes GOLF V ru10/,, 6007 SW archer Road 375-3223 11/2 Miles West of -75 1 Mile East of Tower R I OPENTUE-suN: 1OAM-11PM -MON: NOON-11PM I I I IL $10o-OFF! Any Bucket, Any Time ( ONE COUPON PER VISIT rI any othercoupon. Expires 8-18B-5 $200 OFF! Large Bucket Mon-Fri until 3pm ONE COUPON PER VISIT fler only vallaid wihoupon. Not valid wit any other coupon. Expirs 8-18-os HEALTH INSURANCE "Students need Health Insurance. Help protect yourself from the rising cost of medical services. You deserve quality health insurance coverage, and it is available for you. We at Chip Williams & Associates will help you acquire that insurance." Chip Williams WE FIND ANSWERS. CHIP WILLIAMS & ASSOCIATE ES A Contracted General Agency For: Independent Insurance Agents BuCross BlueShield 3730775 m C.-3 6d BlS Sh.d ndiAvnu Form~mber1853 99SU3669 S.W. 2nd Avenue MODAY NIGHT A yucneat Sushi $ 14.95 GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS 25% OFF any one GNC Product Cannot be combined. Need coupon. 3914 SW Archer Rd only available at Butler Plaza location Daily Specials 377-6020 Exp 8/18/05 Great Mediterranean Cuisine 378.5179-+1120 W.University Ave. Nex to.Bak o America Ch a he DONATE YOUR VEHICLES Cars -Trucks -Vans Motor Homes -Boats Motorcycles -Tractors CALL 1-800-741-2001 Well pick it Up Free 0oYS' RAyc F Rodeheaver Boy's Ranch is a 501 (0)3 charity carin for boys in a permanent psitive ifestyle generosity of people who wanlt to healp-change a events Eddie C's: live music, Cigar Store Indians, $5, 10 p.m. Hippodrome: film, "Hotel Palestine: Killirig the:Witness," $4, 7 & 9 p.m. Gainesville Community Playhouse: "Over the River and Through the Woods," 8 p.m. Campus Teaching Observatory: Dept. of Astronorny Public Night, free, 8:30 p.m. The Side Bar: live music, The Dueppi., $5, 9 p.m. Eddie C's: live music, Tragedy of Giving, $5, 9 p.m. Tim and Terry's: live, music, Snare and a Chair, 10 p.m. Black Box Theater: modern dance, 'The People's Touring Project," free, 8 p.m. N.W. 34th Street & U.S. Highway 441: Farmer's Market, 8:30 a.m. Proverb for the week: Don't horse around with mare-age -BO. Style University Club: live music, Across Five Aprils, 10 p.m. Reitz Union: Pride StudentUnion General Discussion Meeting, 8 p.m. Civic Media Center: film, "Bread and Roses," donations Common Grounds: live music, Animal Hospital, $5, 10 p.m. The Side Bar: live music, Little Charlie and the Nightcats, $7, 9 p.m. Common Grounds: movies, "The Big Lebowski" and "Raising Arizona," free, 10 p.m. Eddie C's: live music, Navin, $5,10 p.m. Hippodrome: movie, "Inside Deep Throt,' forstudents, 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m., 9 p.m. To submit calendar events e-mail theavenue@alligator.org visi ;our eb sites at:. abctGolfShop.com, GoklfnEquipmentCloseouts.com & ggpc".om
12, ALLIGATOR U THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005 Faux fashion trends unify a sty le-seeking world Is fake couture a symbol of faux status? In the old world of fashion, the likely answer was yes. The dividing line between the haves and have-nots was who could afford designer apparel. Well, in the new world of fashion the answer is not so clear, because almost everyone is sporting some kind of high style. Of course it's all original, right? If that's what you think, it seems you have been foiled, my friend. The market for designer knockoffs is quite lucrative -society flocks to copycats, individuals who harness their talent, creative thinking and elbow grease to bring to the masses the finest of haute-replicas. And the paragon for imitation is the reigning king, Louis Vuitton. Take a look around if you haven't noticed. You'll eventually see people of all genders, sizes and ethnicity adorned with the illustrious "LV" monogram and flower logo. Louis Vuitton is so popular that it's practically a household name. My original intent was to blast those that conform to this craze because I thought the motif overplayed, thus resulting in a society of clones. But one day after yoga class, I had an epiphany. I began to hear in my head Madonna singing, "Music makes the people come together." Well, my friends, it seems fashion, too, makes the people come together. And for that we must all hail Louis! Designer couture used to be the signature of the privileged class but thanks to faux fashion, it's available to everyone. The Louis Vuitton emblem adorns everyone from the CEO, to the cashier, to the garbage man. No matter who is carrying or wearing it, the social hierarchy appears to diminish. Fashion is for all. Not everyone can afford a $1,000 bag or a $300 wallet, so people like me do what we can Christine and purchase the next best Steffens thing. Yes, I admit it, I own Fashion a Go-Go two faux handbags from theavenue@ailigator.org the pseudo-house of Louis Vuitton, and I am no less tasteful because of it. We should all feel like kings and queens, deserving of the finer things in life, and there should be no reason why we can't. So your Fashion-a-Go-Go says no, fake couture is not a symbol of faux status. There are also cases where people tend to take faux a little too far. Recently I was in St. Augustine and saw a guy driving a sport utility vehicle completely stenciled with the Louis Vuitton logo. I stopped and stared, for I was mesmerized. Not only was it beyond tacky, but I wondered why his friends didn't tell him that it was a bad idea. But I salute you, Mr. SUV man, for taking your creative liberty. Though you revealed that you're style-challenged and your friends deserted you in a time of need, you probably feel pretty cool driving around. Kudos to you! Don't get me wrong, I would love to own real designer couture. High style doesn't necessarily have to be a status symbol, but can represent hard work. So many facets of life are committed to maintaining a social hierarchy, we shouldn't let fashion do that, too. Remember -in order to have class, one doesn't need to come from the privileged class. Re-made summer movies makes for boring season Ma oviegoers beware. This summer is defi.nitely going to be a recordbreaking movie season -a recordbreaking season of unoriginality. We hear great things about blockbuster movies intended to give us "edge of your seat thrills," but I'm not feeling it this season. Most of the movies in the summer buffet of cinema have already been done, are based on a television show or book or are based on true stories. On top of that, it seems that movie studios are making sure they can appeal to a wider audience by keeping movies within the PG-13 range. Where are the original scripts and big risks for the screen? The downfall of originality starts just after "The Longest Yard" -which was already done successfully in the '70s -with "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants," "Lords of Dogtown" and "Cinderella Man." Two are based on actual events, one is based on a successful teenage book and they are all rated PG -13 or lower. These movies are safe and will most likely bring in average to high audiences. "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" then rolls along in true adulterous fashion and pretty much gives us what 1994's "True Lies" couldn't -two ridiculously hot stars who actually have believable chemistry. Plus, it's PG-13. The second wave of washedup ideas will soon hit audiences head on. We have "Batman Begins," "Herbie: Fully Loaded," "Bewitched" and "War of the Worlds." All right, even though "Batman" and "Worlds" have the potential to be awesome, everything has already been done. This is the fifth "Batman" movie, a Love Bug that we've seen since the '60s, a series that probably still has 2 a.m. marathons on the TV Land channel Melissa and an already Filipkowski epic novel. While The Reel Life the rating of theavenue@aligator.org "Worlds" is still being debated, the others are PG13. I don't think it's a coincidence. We'll round out the season with an array of "already-been-theres." "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," "The Honeymooners," "The Pink Panther," "The Dukes of Hazzard" and by far the worst decision ever made by Sony Pictures "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo." Two of these have been TV shows, two have already been movies and one is the sequel of a mistaken first movie -enough said. All will most likely be rated PG-13 or under, too. The trend seems to be that when things get rough at the box office, the studios ride on the safety of things that have already been successful. While we'll still get some good movies, most of these will only be the middle DVD in a box set. How unoriginal. THE GUIDE I" IN IU Barbecue David's Real Pit BBQ Voted #1 in Gainesville and listed in "Where the Locals Eat" as best place in Gainesville for Ribs & BBQ. David's says come on in for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Adult size portions for adult size appetites. David's caters to the Gators. Open 7am-9pm Mon-Sat, 8am-9pm Sun. We are located at 5121-A NW 39th Ave. (352) 373-2002. David's BBQ delivers the best BBQ anywhere in Gainesville with Gatorfood.com Casual Cafe Gardens Caf6 Gardens has been just across from the UF Campus since 1976. This quaint landmark establishment with award winning courtyard dining is perfect for any date or gathering. Don't miss the Friday wine tastings 6-8pm. Open 7 days. Lunch meetings catered. Daily Lunch & Drink Specials. -Live Music NightlyCall 376-2233 1643 NW 1st Ave. Japanese Miya Sushi 3222 SW 35th Blvd. (Butler Plaza next to Publix). Enjoy Authentic Japanese food in a Casual & Comfortable environment. Our extensive SUSHI BAR provides the best portions in town. All sushi made-to-order. Try our new menu with new rolls, appetizers, lunch specials, & unique rice wines. Open every day 11:30am-10pm. To Go orders available on everything. 335-3030. Delivery available through Gatorfood.com Vegetarian Book Lover's Cafe Vegetarian and Vegan cuisine prepared with all natural ingredients. Organicfood, smoothies and juices. Amex/Visa/ATM 10am-9pm 505 NW 13th St. Vietnamese Saigon Legend Delicious traditional Vietnamese cuisine with popular Asian favorites as well. Pho, Banh-Cuon, Balm Xeo, Banh Tom Ha-Noi. Enjoy great food at great prices. ,Big new room! Family owned restaurant. Next to Holiday Inn downtown. Dine in or take out. Catering available. Mon-Sat 10:30am-9: 30pm, Sun 11:30-9pm, 374-0934 For information on The Guide to' Dining Out Contact Danny Wayne 376-4482
5UY iTk ELL iT D IT -33MIND C assif eds THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 ALLIAOR www.alligator.org/class For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent PFr Rent furnished furnished furnished nfshed ) -nurshe ) A Rebate on Rent? Brilliant! Roommate Match 3/3 from $399 FREE: Cable wl HBO + Showtime W/D*Tanning*Huge GYM*Gated Save $255 Per Room. 377-2777 8-15-25-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandaAnnual lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 8-15-25-1 ROOMMATES WANTED!!!!! Private Bed/Bath, Furnished, All Utilities inc Cox High-Speed Internet, Pool, Gym, Tennis, Bball, Tanning $459 336-3838 8-15-25-1 *** SORORITY ROW AREA *** Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall. Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single & double suites available. Starting at $400/mo includes everything -gym, pool, DSL, electric, etc. 337-9255 or www.windsorhall.com 8-15-25-1 1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio, park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail 3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/ mo 8-15-25-1 BETTER THAN THE DORMS Roommate matching from $430 Townhouse style*Furnished*All Utilities Pool*Gym*Hot Tub*Free Tanning Call for specials! 372-8100 8-15-25-1 HUGE AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indvi lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 8-15-25-1 FULLY FURNISHED 1BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. Available for fall. W/D, pool, gym, security system, utils, cable. $420/mo incl all. 813-713-6485 6-30-13-1 UNIVERSITY COMMONS WEST 2/2 FURNISHED Avail August W/D, Utility package. Call NOW Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 6-30-14-1 Summer and fall rooms available $350/sum A, B. Fall $275/mo. Incl. util, Ethernet. Near UF. 377-4269 grove.ufl.edu/-clo 8-15-25-1 1 MONTH FREE w/indiv lease Countryside. 1 mi from UF. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, furnished, inc. 51" TV, cable, DSL, washer/ dryer, pool, fitness center, $425/mo Cali 352281-4588 6-9-9-1 **COUNTRYSIDE 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA $425 until, cable, alarm, dsl ncl. W/D. On bus rts 9 & 35. Individual leases. Call 407-6201555 6-30-12-1 AFFORDABLE 2BR, 1.5 BA townhouse, patio, privacy rear, amenities, bike to campus. 386-328-6229 Iv msg. or cell 386-972-4647. $455 + deposit. 6-16-10-1 Gainesville Place 1BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA Available now for summer $350 everything but phone Female only 352-262-7053 6-9-4-1 SERIOUS STUDENTS 1 BR avail in 4BR house. Other 3 are female. 2 blks to law school. Quiet location, new kitchen & appliances., Summer short-term $350. Annual lease $425. Utils & hi-speed DSL inc 904-626-8659 6-9-4-1 Lg furn. 3BR/3BA house 3806 SW 2nd Ave. 1 blk to Newberry Rd w/in 1 mi of UF. Over 2400 sq ft. Hdwd firs, no carpet, carport, Ig front porch. Incl alt utils, w/hi spd cb. $1800/mo.407-363-7198, cell 407-234-1380 6-30-14-1 A must see! Walk to UF! 1 BR/1 BA suite, private entrance in a home, 2 blocks to UF. Suite in home w/furn, utils, hi-speed internet, cable, W/D, + parking all included for $650/mo. Call 256-3323 6-28-6-1 DUPLEX efficiency Tower & Archer Rd. Private 1 BR, BA & Kitchen, appliances, dish network, covered patio, picnic area, utils included, $425/mo $100 sec dep. 352-3726466 6-9-2-1 Close to UF with wireless DSL, all incl, long distance. In woodsy home with pool, huge yard, veggie garden, W/D, DW, enormous Florida room. Amanda or Juan 336-9242. $375 + utilities. 6-16-4-1 Newly restored rms turned in furned home 1mi N of UF. Ideal for good student. $325/mo + 1/3 bills w/WiFi, CATV, phone, W/D, etc. Details call 352-871-5633 7-14-10-1 FURNISHED 1 BR in 2 BR HOUSE in NW Gaville. $212/mo + utils. W/D. Close to UF, on bus route. 377-5960 lv msg. 6-30-12-1 Kensington N 2/2.5 w/d, pool, gym, ethernet 15 min bus $910 561-251-5425 6-9-1-1 30 SECOND WALK TO CAMPUS Apartment -Sublease for Summer B 2 Rooms available, on University Ave. $350/month per person all inclusive Call Chris at 352-745-1553 6-30-5-1 For Fent Ulunf urn ishe d OQUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $325/mo. 01BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 8-15-25-2 5 BR House at UF Avail fall, Wood floors, W/D, D/W, huge porch. Pet ok, Walk to UF Open Weekends 371-7777 8-15-25-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-8797 8-15-25-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Wason ltyt Corp. REALTORS' www.watsonrent.com Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 gvillepm@watsonrealtycorp.com 8-15-25-2 *WALK TO UF* Studios &-1/1s from $469 studios incl all util Pets OK, Res. Free parking.guaranteed* You Can't Live any Closer! 1216 SW 2nd 372-7111 8-15-25-2 -A HOME FOR FALLI* HUGE floorplans 0 1, 2 & 3 BRs -$530-735! Sparkling pools & more! Bike to UF Pets ok! Open wkends 335-7275 8-15-25-2 *LUXURY 3/3 DOWNTOWN* Hurry while they last Only 3 left! W/D, pets OK 338-0002 8-15-25-2 OSUN BAY APTS@ OSome furnished avail* 0OWalk or Bike to Campus 00 1-1 $460/mo*02-1 $520/mo www.sunislard.info 000376-6720 8-15-25-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 8-15-25-2 A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! Stree free living! Great rates! S1 BR from $460 2BR from $530 Beautiful pools/courtyards Walk/bike to UF Pets ok Open Weekends! 372-7555 8-15-25-2 SEPARATE FROM THE COMMON PLACE Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm* 24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF Museum Walk 379-9255 8-15-25-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR -apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 8-15-25-2 GET $$$ OFF RENT! 3&4 B/R Amazing SPECIALS for fall!!! FREE UF Parking! Tennis, b-ball, pool, luv pets Open wknds, Call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom: 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 8-15-25-2 WE LOVE BIG DOGS!!!!! 1/1 Flats, 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH wNV/D. No pet restrictions! Pool, Gym, Bball, Tennis, Raquetball. Park at UF. Indiv. Lease avail. 352-332-7401 8-15-25-2 WE'VE Got BIG ONES! 1/1s 2/2s 3/3s! Near UF FREE Cable*HBO*Showtime*Alarm FREE Tanning*HUGE GYM Up to $825 in Rebates. 377-2777 8-15-2,5-2 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
14, ALLIGATOR E THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005 For Rent For Rent For Rent VFoRnFor Rent unfurnished unfinished unrnished Unishe ) unishe ) **HUGE Luxury w/Garage** 2/2 Flats & 3/3 THs from $399 per person FREE Alarn *WD*GATED ENTRY FREE Tanning*24hr Gym*PC Lab FREE Cable 372-0400 8-15-25-2 ***Beautiful and New"' 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen 374-FUNN (3866) 8-15-25-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Duality single family homes. Walk or bike to UP. www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 8-15-25-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 www.sunisland.info 8-15-25-2 TRIPLE YOUR SAVINGS! HUGE Townhouse only $1025 Cable*Pool*Free Tanning*Gym Fall Specials on Now! 372-8100 8-15-25-2 HOUSES and CONDOS All locations and price ranges If you are tired of apt life Go to www.maximumre.com or call 374 6905. 8-24-170-2 *Location, Location, Location* 1BR $589, near Butler Plaza, but park FREE @ UF Alarms, some utils, walk-in closet, pets OKI www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111 8-15-25-2 WALK TO CLASS Studios and 1 BR's From $489, Pets ok. Laundry on site. OPEN WEEKENDS 371-0769 8-15-25-2 Historic Neighborhood WALK TO UF Studios to 2BR's from $489 Pets oh, laundry on site OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 8-15-25-2 Summer rates on a 15 month lease Sun Island Properties 376-6720 www.sunisland.info 8-15-25-2 Enormous 3BR TH w/Den!!! 1662 sq ft. 2.5 BA Pool*Gym*Bball*Tennis* Raquetball. Park at UF!! $965. W/D included. Indiv. Lease avail. 352-332-7401. 8-15-25-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes Free Cable wl HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* *Sign today & save over $1050* 8-15-25-2 BIGGER IS BETTER! 1,2,3&4BR FOR FALL FREE UF Parking! Tennis, b-ball, pool, d/w, amazing specials! call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Lonely apartment seeks you 2BR/1.5BA townhome $669 includes W/D! Park FREE @ UF, alarm, pets welcome StIwww.SpanishTrace. org 373-1111 8-15-25-2 1st MONTH FREE! Pine Rush Apartments 1&2 BR apt homes starting @ $429/mo 375-1519 4-20-71-2 HUGE,2/2 FOR FALL! FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm spacious! pets ok! SPECIALS! pinetreegardens.com 376-4002 8-15-25-2 1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA $525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals, W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF. 332-7700. 8-15-25-2 1BR & 2BR/1BA with W/D, central heat/air, dishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From $505 377-1633 6-16-91-2 ***LIVE IN LUXURY** HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3 -Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab Pets welcome*Private dog park Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801 8-15-25-2 Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcomel 1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups & DW, 1 BR/1 BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 8-15-25-2 Amazingly -Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft 1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats! Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480. Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070. 8-15-25-2 HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095 630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo; 816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1300/mo; 1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo; 642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 8-15-25-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 8-15-25-2 Have Roommates? 4BR/2BA House $950 3BR/2BA Haile $1100 Only You? 1 BR/1 BA Apt $450 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2 So Close to Campus Avail now, 2BR/1 BA apts. $450, $475, $520 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2 1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown. 2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 3734423 or online at www.maximumre.com 8-15-95-2 *1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL* NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 2BRover 1100 sq ft 00 $650/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft 09 $550/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit 0 376-2507 8-15-25-2 WANT THINGS FREE? FREE CABLE*FREE INTERNET RENT REBATE FOR FALL HUGE THREE BEDROOM! CALL TODAY! 372-8100 8-15-25-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals ww.BosshardtPM.com Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/1 BA House $695/mo 3BR/2BA Townhouse $975/mo 2BR/2.5BA Near UF $700/mo Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today: 371-2118 8-15-25-2 Champagne Living for a Beer Budget 3/3 for $385/bdrm or 4/4 for $370/bdrm includes cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME Water & Sewer, W/D, Gym, Tanning Now & Fall The Landings 336-3838 8-15-25-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE I& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401* 8-15-25-2 *Luxury Living/Walk to UF* $679 1 BR, Private Patios, Alarm, Pets OK. Huge Bedrooms Walk-in Closets. Next to Sorority Row Office: 1216 SW 2nd AVE Call 372-7111 8-15-25-2 DEAL OF A LIFETIMEt! 3BR/3BA ONLY $365IPERSON FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777 8-15-25-2 ENORMOUS 3BR Avail for Current and Fall PooI*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Pamn & Util Avail Great Specials*377-7401 8-15-25-2 *FALL* Blks from UF 0 Houses 0 Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See www.Dalyproperties.com for listings or call Carol at 377-3852. 6-30-14-2 TOP QUALITY -GREAT LOCATIONS Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties 372-1509 8-15-25-2 TIRED OF ROOMMATES? Huge 1/1 w/ D/W, patio/balcony Tennis, bball, alarm, luv pets! SPECIALS! leasing now & fall Open wknds, call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Avail May: Several units W/in .5 mi of UF campus or closer. Eff $300-310, 1BR/1BA $395-$415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA $700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or lv mssg 352-870-7256 8-15-25-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASES AVAILABLE NOWAND FALL SEASON Convenient UF access $325 to $575 Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 8-15-25-2 Apartments & Houses Studio to 5BR+ Most within 2 miles of campus! Campus Realty 692-3800 propertymanager@campusrealty.org 8-15-25-2 *LIVE A RESORT LIFESTYLE* 1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townho mes Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym PC lab,-Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities: Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455 8-15-25-2 Three 4BR HOUSES & 1&2BR APTS. Spacious, efficient homes biking distance to campus. Remodeled, Ig fenced yards. Lots of extras. Available now & fall. Call for details. $475-1225/mo. 352-372-4768 6-30-29-2 Available Summer & Fall Studios &,1 BRs $350 to $750 2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850 Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387 www.gore-rabell.com 8-23-41-2 DUCKPOND Historic house, hd wd firs, Ig front porch, lots of charm. Studio & 1BR avail. 306 NE 6th St. $400-500/mo. Call 379-4952 8-15-25-2 0 SPYGLASS 0 Ask About Our Move-In Specials & Giveaways Individual Leases: Furniture Packages, Inc Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet; Every Unit is an End Unit Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330 www.spyglassapts.com 8-15-25-2 LAKEWOOD VILLAS Ask About Our Move In Specials & Giveaways Large 1 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans; Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool; Sauna etc. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009 www.lakewoodvilllas.com 8-15-25-2 2BR townhouse; 7209 SW 45th Pt. $500/ inn, $500 sec dsp. No pets. 386-462-0994 6-26-17-2 2BR/1.5BA Condo in Casablanca East. Newly remodeled w/tile floors, W/D incl, pool, quiet area, on bus rt, close to UF/Shands, $725/mo. 352-246-5958 6-9-21-2 1BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW23rd St. Starting @ $395/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150. Please leave a message. 6-9-21-2 END UNIT TOWNHOUSE Beautiful 2BR12.5BA, 1200 sf, 1 blk off SW 34th St, on bus rte, 2 mi to UF/Shands. Brighton Park. W/D, DW, alarm, pool. Avail Aug N/S $825/mo. Rebate. 214-3820 6-30-24-2 Great Homes, Close to UF. 3311 NW 30th Ave $1050/month 1614 NW 21st Ave $1000/month Drive by and call 495-9085 Email: SBR@Jacksonllc.com 7-21-30-2 HUGE &Affordable 1, 2, & 3BRs FREE Alarm FREE W/D Screen porch FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly ONLY 1.7 miles to UF 372-0400 8-15-25-2 CONDO BELLAMY FORGE 3BR/2.5BA w/garage. Very large, all new. Pool, tennis & racquet ball. Good location. On bus rt. $890/mo. Available fall. Call 352-372-4768 6-30-18-2 **0.8 miles to UF. Historic 2BR apt/house near downtown. Wood floors, W/D. $630$650/mo. 214-9270 8-4-29-2 3BR/1 BA HOUSE central heat & A/C, kitchen & bath tile floors, WD hookup @ 2036 NW 31 Place. $650/mo. Call 352-371-3636 630-14-2 **Apply Now -No Application Fee** 4 blks to UF -Gatorside Apts. 1600 NW 4th Ave -2BR/1BA $550 or 1BR/1BA $350 -or -12 blks to UF -Center Pointe Apts 1 BR/1 BA 1220 NW 12 St. $350. 371-3636 6-30-14-2 Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces, SE Historic District. 1, 2 & 3 BR w/water, sewer $475/mo. 1st, last, security. No dogs please. 378-3704 6-30-17-2 Live the downtown life Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s' W/D & T/Hs avb. Pets OK $0 DD special -ask for details From $525 338-0002 8-15-25-2 3 BR. Quiet house. Close to UF. Fenced & shady backyard. In quiet NE neighborhood. 334 NE 12th St. $600/mo. 376-6183 7-7-18-2 ~ 4BR/4BA available now. University Terrace. W/D, pool, convenient bus stop, pvt woodland view, 3 mi from campus. $335/room util not incl. Call John 786-436-1657 or Jonathon 954-309-3004 7-28-22-2 Country House 2-story 3BR/2BA zoned commercial, ideal for home & office., SW Williston Rd. $850. Also 2BR/1.5BA townhouse, large patio $495. 494-7230. Dave 215-1728 Kathy 6-16-12-2 3BR/2BA TRIPLEX Available for August 2 blocks from campus. Walk to class. Plenty of parking. $1300/mo Call 376-1111 8-15-25-2 SORORITY ROW AREA OXFORD TERRACE Brand new rooms/private baths Utilities, Cable, DSL, W/D Action Real Estate-Services 352-331-1233 6-30-14-2 Spacious 1BR $425 -1825 NW 10th St. Adorable, quiet, clean, safe, green space near UF & downtown, bus line, no dogs, 352376-0080 6-16-12-2 Fall rentals, walk to campus -2br/lba $500, sign lease now and move in August. Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 1731 NW 6th St. 8-15-25-2 Now leasing for fall 3 blocks from campus 4BR/2BA apt. $265/rm + utils 1740 NW 3rd PI 231-3002 6-30-14-2 Avail Aug 1st. Leasing now. Bike to UF, golf, law school. Nice 3BR/2BA home. Den, fireplace, W/D, fenced yard. $1200/mo 352225-4627 6-9-10-2 University Terrace Gainesville University Terrace West 4/4 Individual Leases Furnished Living Area W/D, Pool $375/mo. Union Properties 373-75.78 www.rentgainesville.com 8-15-25-2 MOVE-IN SPECIAL 1/2 Month FREE RENT! Bel-Air Apartments -636 NW 26th Ave. 1 BR/1 BA or 2BR/1 BA starting at $535 Village West Apartments-800 NW 18th Ave 1BR/1BA available now. Starting at $460. Ask about UF Parking Decal. 352-373-7578 3www.rentgainesville.com 8-15-20-2 PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee, 2BR townhomes, duplexes, privacy fenced. Modern appliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private owner, please leave a detailed message. $450/mo 331-2099 6-16-12-2 ***BRAND NEW 2/2 APTS*** inc W/D, alarm sys, skylight, contemporary cabinetry, front porch, great bus rte. Pets ok. $740. Call 317-8150 for details & showing 8-15-25-2 PINE RUSH APARTMENTS -FIRST MONTH FREE! One Bedroom Apartment Homes Starting at.$429 $150 deposit/$35 app fee Please call 352-375-1519 8-15-25-2 3 BED HOUSE $750/mo. Central heat & air. Great deal! Wooden floors & WID hook-up. Behind Leo 706. 870-0904, 3184553 7-14-18-2 1 & 2 BED COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo. Historical downtown! W/D hook-ups, porches, great size! Cute! Must seel Photos @ www.rentalworkshop.com 352870-0904, 318-4553 7-14-18-2 1 bedroom apartment in small quiet complex, near University. $400 a month. Call 352-3328481 6-30-14-2 Move-In Now orAugustl Next to UFl Studios & 1BR. Specials from $489/mo. Lofts, wood firs & more. Some pet friendly! Only a few left! All-inclusive also avail! Call now! 376-6223 LiveNearCampus.com 8-. 15-23-2 Apartments Available Now All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse our listing FREE WIW\.SUBLET.COM 1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-2 "The Three Amigos" live at Spanish Trace Large 3BR only $285/person FREE UF parking, alarms, pets adored. Same-day sign specials! 373-1111 8-15-23-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE. Wood floors, cent A/C, W/D, large yard, 521 NW4th St. $895/mo 562-9607 6-9-8-2 ..
THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 20050 ALLIGATOR, 15 For Rent For Rent For Rent" ForF Rent rFcr Rent Shed unfurnished nishe nfished iurished ) HISTORIC DUCKPOND NEIGHBORHOOD Charming studio. Privacy over detached garage. 1.8 mi from UF. $500/mo sec. dep. Small pets. Avail June 15 371-7149 6-1610-2 NEW& USED RENTALS From $450 to $1400/mo Available Now & August G %ERS Call 376-4581 8-15-23-2 MIKES HOUSES Excellent Single Family Houses Close to UP Call Mike 352-665-7316 6-16-10-2 1BR apt. $599/mo PINETREE GARDENS Free dep & redec. Move in by 6/2. 321-7497070 6-28-10-2 DUCKPOND HOUSE 3BR/1 BA, new kitchen & bath, wood floors, W/D, DW, yard. Avail Aug. $900/mo. 745 NE 10th Ave. 359-4614 6-9-7-2 APARTMENTS THE SIZE OF A HOUSE! 4/2.5 TH 1662 sq ft. W/D included. Pool,, Gym, BBall, Tennis, Raquetball. Park at UF. We love ALL pets. $1040. 352-332-7401 815-22-2 ENORMOUS IBRs **NEW W/D** FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool FREE Alarm Screened Porch Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly RENT REBATE 372-0400 8-15-22-2 Immediate Availability Haile Country Club, Mill Run & Brandywine Huge 2 & 3 BRs Call 665-4106 Ask us about our summer specials! 6-30-10-2 $800 HOUSE 3 & 4 ERa. Very nice! WashertDryer hook-ups, central heattair, porch. See photos www.rentalworkshop.com. Downtown area. 870-0904, 318-4553 7-14-14-2 $500/month! HOUSE I bedroom w/study. Walk to UF! Great location, big yard & new paint & appliances. Must see! Cute! 13th St & NW 4th Ave. 870-0904, 318-4553 6-9-6-2 4BR/2BA HOUSE carpet/tile, fans, hook-ups, near shopping/ schools. Grads/yuppies desired. $1200/mo. + deposit. No pets. Avail 8/1/05 3708 NW 16th Blvd. 376-2547 6-30-10-2 2Bed/lBath Apartment. $525/mo. W/D hookup, no pets. 625 SW 11th Lane. Call 231-3002 7-5-10-2 SW 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Fenced yard, garage, $1000 rent. For appointment call 870-4561 6-28-8-2 2BR/2BA, BOTH MASTERS upscale, brand new condo. Available immediately. W/D in unit, pool. 2nd floor w/elevator. Charleston Place 2263 NW 16th Terr. 335-3787 6-9-5-2 ROCKWOOD VILLAS 3BR/3BA Large rooms, tile common area/kitchen, fresh paint, security sys, W/D, On bus route, $1100/mo. Avail 8/1/05, Call 256-0112 69-5-2 For Rent: Rockwood Villas SW condo. Avail 8/1/05. 3BR/3BA. W/D incl. Lots of amenities, on bus route to UF/SFCC. $1000/mo. Refs required. Call 352-339-3250 7-28-16-2 ****OLD HOUSE**** 2BR or 3BR/ 1 BA, wood floors, near campus, pet ok. Avail June 1. $550/mo. Call Greg 214-3291 6-17-6-2 2BR/1BA house. Quiet, close to UF, fenced backyard. W/D 909 NW 17th Ave. $575/mo 380-0648 6-9-4-2 The Greatest In Student Living Luxury 4/4s*Free Utilities*furn NEW 24hr Gym*Gated*Maid Srvc *$200 off on select floor plans* Roommate matching! 271-3131 8-15-19-2 3BR 1BA Home with wood floors, Central H & Air, Washer/Dryer Hkups 1100 sq ft. $725/Mo. Off NE 16th Ave 1050 NE 13th Place. Call Merrill Management Inc. 3721494 6-9-4-2 Across from UF Stadium 2 Room Efficiency. 320 sq ft. Window A/C, Shared Bathroom. 1830 NW 1st Ave. $275/Mo. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 3BR 1BA Home near Downtown 1415 NE 6th Terr. $785/Mo Central H & Air, Parquet Wood Floors. Call Merrill Managment Inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2 3BR IBA Home Near Law School $850/Mo. Wood Floors, Central H & Air 303 NW 36th Drive. Call Merrill Managment Inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2 1 Block from UFl 1BR and 2BR Apts Avail Now, Summer or Fall. See our list at www. merrillmanagement.net. Updated daily or call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2 2 Bilks to UF! 2BR 1BA Apt. Wood Floors, Window A/C, Nat gas ht. $475/Mo 314 NW 14th Street. Call Merrill Managment Inc. 3721494 6-9-4-2 2BR 1 BA Apts 1 Block to UF. New Carpet, Window A/C, Nat Gas Ht. 1210 SW 3rd Avenue $540/Mo. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2 2BR IBA Apts. $500-525/Mo 5 Blocks to UFI 840 Sq Ft. 829 SW 5th Avenue. St Croix Apts. Central H & Air, IncIds Wtr, Swg, Pst Ctrl, Garbage. Call Merrill Management inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2 2 Blks to UF! 2BR IBA Apt. Terazzo Floors, Window A/C, Nat Gas ht. $520/Mo 408 NW 15th St. Call Merrill Managment Inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2 3 Blks to UF! 1BR 1BA Apt w/extra room $460/Mo 1029 SW 3rd Avenue, Central H & Air, Carpet. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 6-9-4-2 Tallahassee Townhouse $800/mo. 2BR/1.5BA 7 min from FSU/Capital Call 352-514-9891 6-14-5-2 ****4 BLOCKS TO UF**** Cute 3/2 in great area, hardwood & tile floors, W/D, central AC, tons of off-street parking. Avail Aug. $1200/mo Watson Realty 3350440 7-28-15-2 MOVE-IN SPECIALS! 625 NW 10th Ave -3BR $1000 1417 NW 7th Ave -3BR $1075 Campus Realty 692-3800 6-16-5-2 AFFORDABLE 3BR 2BA house, Carport, w/d hookups, CH/AC, $800/rent, 1410 NW 55th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525. www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2 BIKE TO UFt Great 3BR 2BA houses, w/d hookups, parquet floors, carport, screen porch, 600 NW 36th Drive -$900/rent Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2 GREAT 4BR HOUSEl 2 master BRS, fireplace, lawn svc, w/d hookups, $1200/rent, 917 NW 40th Drive Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2 BIKE TO UF! 4BR 4BA apt, indiv. leases, new flooring before move-in, furnished rooms, $425/room 4000 SW 23rd Street #6-305 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2 FALL & SUMMER ARE HERE Contact us for a complete listing www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 6-9-3-2 DUCK POND APTS! Cute 1 BR & studio Apts, wood floors, water & pest control incl. $450-510/rent, 414 NE 5th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2 CASABLANCA WESTl Spacious 2BR 2.5BA Townhouse, w/d hookups, ceramic tile, porch, pool $750/rent 2735 SW 35th PI #1604 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2 DOWNTOWN 4BR 2BA! Great house w/ Living & family rooms, fireplace, parquet Floors, washer/dryer, $1200/rent 1525 NE 6th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2 CUTE DOWNTOWN DUPLEX! Spacious IBR 1BA, new carpet, screen porch, lawn svc, $550/rent, 417 SW 2nd Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2 6 MONTH LEASE! 2 BR 1.5 BA duplex, walk to UF, CH/AC, $495/rent, avail July, 807 NW 3rd Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-3-2 18 NW 36th St. Close to campus, 4/3 w/inlaw suite, cent H & AC, W/D, carport. Avail Aug. $1350/mo 333-9874 7-7-8-2 3962 W Univ Ave. Close to campus. 4/2 separate living/dining/famiy room, fireplace. All appliances, cent H&AC, W/D, hottub, avail Aug $1400 333-9874 7-7-8-2 590 NW 54th Terr 3/2 All appliances, cent H/ AC, screened back porch, W/D, carport, avail Aug, $1100/mo 333-9874 7-7-8-2 KENSINGTON NORTH 1803 SW 20 Ave. 2BR/2BA. Immaculate townhouse. No pets. Close to UF. $875. Avail 6/15. Call 352-317-0406 leave msg. 6-16-4-2 RENOVATED DOWNTOWN -2 BR 2 BA House, wood floors, fireplace, Sunroom, w/d hookups, CH/AC, $675/rent, 1102 NE 3rd Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 6-9-2-2 SPACIOUS 2 BR HOUSE w/ Living & family rooms, fireplace, Eat-in kitchen, w/d hookups, $675/rent 711 NW 54th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-2-2 CHEAP RENT! 3 BR 1 BA house CH/AC, large kitchen, w/d hookups, $625/rent, 503 A NW 19th Lane Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 6-9-2-2 1 BR HOUSE! Fenced yard, CH/AC, m/d hookups, $450/rest 503 B NW 19th Lane Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 6-9-2-2 1BR APT in DuCkpond area Spacious, wood floors, on-site W/D. Close to downtown & UF. $470/mo Avail Aug. 207 NE Blvd. leave mssg @ 283-9732 7-14-10-2 1BR/1BA No lease, Glen Springs area, on bus line, next to park, fresh carpet & paint, ceiling fans, no pets. $375/mo + $375 security deposit. Call 374-7175 6-28-5-2 TAYLOR SQUARE Apts and Townhouses 621 SW 10th St Gainesville WALK TO UF Behind Norman Hall BRAND NEW LEASING FOR FALL CONTACT 352-332-2097 6-30-6-2 HISTORIC CRACKER HOUSE 4BR/2BA Close to UF & downtown. Fully renovated, gorgeous, huge rooms. Cent heat/AC, hardwood firs, W/D, large fenced yard, ceiling fans. $1400/mo 373-5295 630-6-2 1.5 MILES TO UF & MALL. 3BR/3BA HOUSE. Fully remodeled, 1-car garage, hardwood floors, really nice. Avail Aug. 1 $800/mo. 262-1838 6-28-5-2 6 BLOCKS FROM UF. New owners. 4BR/ 2BA duplexes. All appliances incl. DW, W/D. Cent heat/AC. New ceramic tile & carpet. Approx 1200 sq ft. $1500/mo. Call Carol at 377-3852 or check dalyproperties.com 6-28-5-2 Large one bedroom apartments. Excellent location. Close to UF & downtown. Hardwood floors, central heat/air. Available now & August. Call Jeremy 352-871-2658 6-30-5-2 Historic House/Studio Vaulted Ceilings, new fridge & oven. $350/ mo View @ pleasantstreet.net 6-16-3-2 WALK TO CAMPUS 2BR2BA apts. 110 NW 9th Terr. Sec system, W/D, high ceilings, energy efficient, good parking, pets s. $700/ mo Mitchell Realty 374-8579 6-15-16-2 Live in luxury above Dragonfly Sushi & Starbucks. Huge master BR w/pvt BA, stainless steel appliances, wd firs throughout, balcony $649/mo Call Anthony 337-1330 7-7-7-2 Live in luxury above Dragonfly Sushi & Starbucks. Downstairs BR w/pvt BA, stainless steel appliances, wd firs throughout, balcony. $495/mo. Call Anthony 337-1330 7-7-7-2 2BR/2BAwalking distance to UF, Brandywine apts, Archer Rd. 1 year contract $600/mo 373-2273, 262-4902 6-28-4-2 Huge 1BR/1BA flat. Vaulted ceilings, new carpet, new tile, $590/mo, 1 mi to UF, avail immediately. Please call Todd at 813-4166954 6-28-4-2 Looking for a home? We have the LARGEST selection of single family rentals in Gainesville. With over 100 properties currently available, we're sure to have something to fit your style and budget. Visit our website at www.edbaurmanagement.com, or call us to find your new home today 352-3757104 ex 2. 8-15-16-2 NEW 3BR/2BA/2 car garage house. 3803 NW 26th St. in Walnut Creek. All appliances, maintenance-free front yard. $1200/mo Watson Property Mgmt. 335-0440 7-7-7-2 Spacious 1/1 in 4BR/4BA @ UTW, $420/mo, top floor, POOLVIEW, W/D, all utils & hispeed dsl. incl, bus rts 20,. 21. Call Macor Realty 352-375-8888 for specials! 6-30-5-2 Nice 1BR/1.5BA condo w/ W/D, spacious, pool, on bus line, conv NW location. $490/ mo. Call 214-9270. Avail July 1. 8-15-16-2 Subleases Female for 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.513 townhouse. Behind sorority row. Short walk to campus. Avail ASAP. Price NEGOTIABLE. Call 352-870-6902 6-14-17-3 Countryside @ University condo. $425 furnished living room. 2 rooms avail in 4BR/ 4BA. Cable, water, elec incl exept phone. icheng@bellsouth.net. Call Irvin 352-3792926 6-16-11-3 COUNTRYSIDE $250/month. Clean 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. All utils included, internet, available now until July 31st. Call 850-346-0906. Check out anytime. 6-16-11-3 Apartments Sublets & Roommates All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500 Shrt-Long & Furn-Unfurn 1-(877)FOR-RENT (367-7368) WWW.SUBLET.COM 8-15-23-3 1 & 2 BED'COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo. Historical downtown W/D hook-ups, porches, great size! Cute! Must see! Photos @ www.rentalworkshop.com 352870-0904, 318-4553 6-9-8-3 $400/mo negotiable -The Landings 11ft x 14ft bedroom, everything incl. Free tanning, sports courts, poolhouse. Summer. Contact immediately 954-461-7943 or hemant chandak@hotmail.com 6-16-8-3 Campus Club Apts. $350/mo everything incl, hs net, pool, 5 min to campus, bus stop, fully fuirn, screened balcony, maid service. Starting May til Aug 561-748-5248 6-9-5-3 ARLINGTON SQUARE $220/mo Avail now. Lease ends 8/6/05. 1 BR/ BA in 2BR/2BA townhome. You pay 1/2 util, cable, electric. Call Tara 561-262-0155 6-14-4-3 1 BR/1 BA in 2BR/2BA furn apt. Female only. All utils incl. Melrose Apts. $459/mo. Avail Aug 05 thru Aug 06. Call 941-484-9761 6-28-5-3 Classifieds. g Continued on next page.
16, ALLIGATOR E THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Slease Rioommates Roommates Rea[,Esgtate Real Estate IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY for summer B. Female preferred. Gainesville Place. 1BR/'fAA in 4BR/4BA. $400/mo negotiable, includes everything. W/D, great amenities. Call 407-970-5979 6-14-4-3 Sublet individual lease. Gainesville Place. Ground floor. Unfurnished $445/mo. Starting Aug 05 to Aug 06. Call 850-785-1777 leave message 7-5-8-3 MOVE IN TODAY & FREE WEEK IN AUG Furn IbR in 2BR/2BA unit @ Melrose. Incl all utils, internet, pool & exercise room. Sublease for June & July $380/mo. Avail for fall rental. Call now 407-625-6237. 6-16-4-3 JUNE 16th to AUG 8th. Gainesville Place. Sublease. Furnished. $500 TOTAL. Call 352-256-5202 6-9-1-3 FALL SUBLEASE Spacious2BR/2BA townhome in Spyglass Apts. All utils incl. WID included in rent. Starts 8/5, negotiable. Contact 352-2833603 6-16-3-3 mmates Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 8-15-25-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 8-15-25-4 Looking for a female roommate for Ig BR in beautiful new house. Huge pool, pvt fence, Close to UF & SFCC. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils incl $500/mo.Avail Fall. Call Jacqueline 352-395-7462 or 941-780-3526 7-28-93-4 M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi to Shinds. Kitchen, LR, laundry 336-5450 or 954-646-1341 6-16-83-4 Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from 13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or leave message at 352-870-7256 8-15-25-4Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious condo w/2 female UF students. NW 55th St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763 6-9-10-4 *SUMMER SPECIAL $275/mo* Female(s) for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house near UF, Shands & VA. W/D. Pets ok, furn opt. Avail now. Jennifer 371-6228 please leave msg. 6-3-16-4 Loft BR $250/mo big 'old house in NW. Remodeled, hardwood firs, new kitchen & baths, great yard, close to UF. Great roommates, DSL, good parking. Stephanie 3719409 6-9-15-4 Room in NW home. $325/mo incl utils & DSL. No pets, mature male non-drinker/ smoker. Avail 5/1/05 (flex) Scott 335-8209 6-16-25-4 F vet student seeking F, NS for brand new fully furn 2BR/2BA home. Avail immed. Optional renewal for fall. $425/mo + 1/2 utils. Call 561-707-1503 or gatorgrt@ufl.edu. 6-16-21-4 Countryside. 4BR/4BA: 1/1 avail 8-1-05; 2/2 avail 1-1-06. Enet access, util inci (cap), W/ D, ft'l-, secure. Exercise/pool, bus to UF-3 mi. $465/mo/rm. lst.last.dep. Vanessa 352217-3464, Flo 352-357-9656 6-30-15-4 Share 3BR home w/ artist. Pref older student or employed lady. BR & study/ofc. Sat TV, pvcy fence, sec sys. I have 2 inside cats + outside cats. $400 + 1/2 utils. Bus rte 4 mi to UF. Ruth 2-10pni 376-0129, 800-437-7287 6-9-10-4 Walk-o Law School Large BR in 4BR/2BA house. 3 1 L students need roommate. Cable TV, wireless. Available now. $425/share utilities. 770-6395958, dcdotson@ufl.edu 7-21-20-4 Female Roommate Needed Kensington North $500/mo inclused utilities & cable Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-4 Southern Comfort -Roommate for 3/2 house. Conv location, pool, volleyball, W/D, ethernet, cable, NS; avail summer & fall $380/mo + share utils. Jake 239-564-0069 6-30-12-4 M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737 6-14-10-4 1 room in 3BR/2BA apt for female @ Boardwalk. Close to UF. On bus rte. Tennis, large pool, more. 1 yr lease. $245/mo + 1/3 utils, cable & DSL internet. Call Mike 352316-6219 6-30-13-4 Grad, upperclassmen or prof to share spacious new 3BR/2BA house. I-net & cable incl. Must be neat clean & responsible. $450 or $425/mo + 1/2 util. Short or long term avail. 262-3989 6-16-11-4 2BRs avail in charming NW house close to Ward's Grocery, W/D, share kitchen/BA. Seeking serious student/professional, NS, furn opt. $250+ utils. Call 338-2086 6-1410-4 3rd Roommate needed -male. 2 min from SFCC. 3BR new furnished townhome. Golf, gated, $550/mo incl all util, inet & cable. Avail 8/15/05. 1 year lease. No pets. Call Mike 654-467-7070 or Jeff 854-240-3524 8-15-31-4 Sublets and Rooms Available All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse available Rooms FREE! www.MetroRoommates.com 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-4 F, UF student wanted for 3BR/2BA house 1.5 mi from campus. $430/mo everything incl. Call Amy 352-219-5780 6-16-10-4 Female roommates for large 3BR/2BA townhouse i/pool. Only 1 mile to UP. $450/mo all atils, dig cable & hi spd net incl. Call 854298-7591 or amyb@ufl.edu 6-16-9-4 1 BR avail 8/1. 5 min to UF. Free digital cable, $300/mo plus 1/3 util. Prefer female, NS. 352-332-2234, 352-284-5119 6-14-8-4 $325 + 1/4 util. Private bath, walk-in closet, W/D, balcony, pool & bus to UF. University Terrace .Very nice! www.rentalworkshop.com See photos. 318-4553,870-0904 7-14-14-4 F roommate for 3BR/2BA. Grad student/prof. No pets, NS. Near 1-75 & Oaks Mall. Avail immediately -mid-Oct. $318/mo + 1/3 util. Quiet, pool, tennis cts, 24-hr gym. Elba 425-778-2460 (work) or elbarsan@ufl.edu 7-7-12-4 2 roommates needed in 3/2 behind Applebee's 1 mi to UF wood firs, W/D, huge kitchen, fenced yard, addl guestroom $300 + 1/3 util. Call 335-7820 6-9-5-4 2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Credit Union/ Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF. Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300+ half util. Quiet/considerate F/M? Call 337-9746 6-9-5-4 **1 BLOCKTO UFl** Adorable brick house behind Norman. 2BR avail 8/1. Fun/friendly roommates! Call 305322-4495, 954-895-8227 6-9-5-4 2 females looking for a 3rd in a beautiful 3BR/3BA condo in prime residential area. 15 min from UF. Close to park & ride. Lg kit & lvg room, patio, internet, cable TV & W/D, community pool $400/mo 727-399-0574 6-30-8-4 2 cozy rooms, each private full bath. Close to campus, $350 per month, Includes cable and hi speed internet. Call Mary @772-696-1154 or Laura @352-514-7977 6-9-4-4 FEMALE FOR 1 BR in 4/4 condo at Countryside Apts. $410/mo utilities included (DSL too) Great parking, pool, jacuzzi, gym. 1-year lease. Call Jackie 813-924-1520 7-7-10-4 Responsible roommate wanted. NW neighborhood, reasonable rent -everything included. Call Leah @ 374-2202 6-30-7-4 2 roommates needed for a new 3BR/2BA house located 15 min from UF, 10 min from SFCC. On bus route. Fully furn. $450/mo all included with wireless cable. Call 352-8708851 or 540-537-9887 for details 6-16-5-4 1 BR in nice 2 story house on NW side. W/D & 2 porches. $450/mo incl everything. M/F current roommates like music fests & Phish. Call Ricky 336-1409 short/long lease. 6-14-4-4 4BR/4BA @ Univ Terr Hi-spd internet. $400/ mo incl utils/cable/DVD Ig W/D, leather, reclining couches, balcony/pool view. Bus rts 12 & 35. Great location close to campus & Butler. Avail ASAP 318-5322, 318-5321 614-4-4 Share 2BR, 1BA house in heart of downtown, avail immed. Professional or serious student, prefer F. Lg BR, W/D, cent H/A, off-street parking. $375/mo. 352-328-4662 6-9-3-4 M or F, or 2 people to share pvt BR/BA in new 2BR/2BA luxury apt 1 blk to UF. Move in Aug. Fully furn. $700/mo for 1 person or $400 ea for 2 sharing rm. Incl elec, hi-spd internet, cable, water, W/D. 941-518-4686 6-16-5-4 Room in NW house $160/mo plus 1/2 utils. Christian male student. Walk to campus. Available nom thru 2005-2006 school year. Parking 367-8418 6-16-4-4 1 Female roommate needed for 3/2 house on 36th and University. Available now, $360/ mo + utilities. Call Katie 514-5985 6-28-5-4 F roommate wanted. Furn w/ nice BR if desired. Spacy 2BR apt. June, July rent free! Free cable + DSL. WID in apt. Like new. FallSpring $425/mo. 514-1485 6-16-4-4 F vet student seeking roommate for 2/1.5 condo. Pref NS. Free hi-spd inet & sec alarm nct. Nice/quiet area -2mi to UF, I have 1 cat. Pets welcome. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. Call Melissa 813-453-8326 6-30-6-4 1 BR in a 2/2.5 available for $400/mo + utilities. Female pref. Call Melissa 561-4459366 6-28-5-4 2 male roommates needed. Serious students to share 3BR/2BA house. Located south of UF on Williston Rd. W/D, cable, wireless DSL. $395/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 258-9116 6-16-3-4 Roommates wanted for the fall. 2BR/2BA apt w/walk-in closets. Located @ Greenwich Green off 34th St. & 39th Blvd. NW, must like pets. W/D, cable & water incl. $425 + elecl mo. Krista @ 352-328-4294 6-28-4-4 NS, M or F for own room/BA in large, quiet house 8 blocks north of the stadium. Must be mature & responsible. Sorry, no pets. Rent includes WID, cable, wireless & utils $525/ mo 727-433-0229 6-28-4-4 Rockwood Villas 2BR/2BA avail in 3/3 condo. $425/mo + utils. Close to campus & on bus route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617 leave msg. 6-30-5-4 Female roommate, NS for fall. $500/mo + 1/ 3 util 3BR/2.5BA. 'Brand new, fully furnished, beautiful, 2500 sq ft, luxury townhome at Reagents Park. Call 561-281-9274 7-12-8-4 l Real Estate Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 lv mssg 8-15-25-5 ,Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more infornation, visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 6-30-66-5 Grantwood Condominiums 2/2 Loft Condo W/Private Courtyard Minutes From UF! 975SF, GATED ENTRANCE, SECURITY, POOL. Starting @$125,900! HURRY! Call Adam Vaisman 352-222-7260 Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Rltrs 372-5375 8-15-25-5 NEW COMPANY IN GAINESVILLE looking to buy or lease houses in this area. Any size, price, or condition. 352-264-7347 or visit us @ www.happygatorhomes.com 8-15-23-5 ON LITTLE LAKE GENEVA For sale by owner. Adorable 2/2 on small private spring-fed lake in Keystone Hgts. A great weekender. $129,900. Call 379-0619 Iv msg. 7-12-13-5 Condo for sale -nice area <5 min to campus -low traffic 2BR/26A includes Fridge NEW W/D -Stove -AC & Carpet Call 352-692-3286, must sell! 6-16-7-5 Countryside @ the University 4BR/4BA top floor, partially turn. 841-518-5240 6-30-6-5 1BR/1BA Tumbling Creek Condo. End unit overlooking creek, new paint, flooring, plumbing, light fixtures, walk to UF/ShandsNA. $66,900, serious buyers. 222-2942 7-28-14-5 FOR LEASE: Nice 2950 sq ft OFFICE BUILDING in NW 34th St & University Ave area. Can be divided into 2200 sq ft & 750 sq ft. Available Aug 1st. Call Carole 371-3000 6-30-6-5 WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there is: Cool Mountain Air, Views & Stream, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE OF MOUNTAIN PROPERTY SALES. (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. 6-9-1-5 BEAUTIFULNORTH CAROLINA. MUSTSEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS'. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokeemountainrealty.com Call for Free Brochure'(800)841-5868. 6-9-1-5 NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS! Spring is blooming and is beautifully A wonderful time to look for real estate. See Photos: ww.NorthCarolinaMountainRealty.com or call (800)293-1888. Free Brochure. 6-9-1-5 ATTENTION INVESTORS: Waterfront lots in the Foothills of NC. Deep water lake with 90 miles of-shoreline. 20% redevelopment discounts and 90% financing. NO PAYMENTS for 1 year. Call now for best selection. www.nclakefrontproperties.com (800)709LAKE.' 6-9-1-5 Tennessee Lake Property Sale! Parcels from $24,900. 6 1/2 Acre lot $59,900. 27 Acre Lake Estate $124,800. Cabins Available. Call toll-free (866)770-5263 ext 8 for details. 6-9-1-5 LAKE LOT SALES. Fishing, hunting, golfing, boating -all here' Recreational area hidden in the country of NE Georgia. Visit today: www.LakeRussellProperties.com (706)2136734 or (706)201-5699. 6-9-1-5 ASHEVILLE, NC MOUNTAINS Gated Community. Spectacular View & River Homesites. Clubhouse, Mountain Spas, Paved Roads, View Tower, Riverwalk. NEW PHASE JUST STARTED! www.bearriveriodge.net. (866)411-5263. 6-9-1-5 'LAKEFRONT BARGAINS Starting at $89,900. Gorgeous lakefront parcels. Gently sloping, pristine shoreline, spectacularviews. Across from national forest on 35,000 acre recreational lake in East Tenn. Paved roads, underground utilities, central water, sewer, Excellent financing. Call now (800)704-3145 ext 617, Sunset Bay, LLC. 6-9-1-5 5 minutes to Greenbrier Resort MTN LAND BARGAINS 20 Acres & Up www.liveinwv.com. (877)777-4837. 6-9-1-5 Furnishings BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, piltow-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-3727490 will deliver. 8-15-25-6 BED -PULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. Nein, unused, stilt in plastic 3/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call 352-377-8846 8-15-25-6 MICROFIBER SOFA & LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 8-15-25-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, -new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 815-25-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. Alt new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 8-1525-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 8-15-25-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand sum is plastic warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-8846 8-15-25-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 8-1525-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell $199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 NEED FURNITURE? 2-piece special sectional couch, bed, dresser, desk and entertainment center. For good deal, call 305-9032063 or 352-514-0368 6-9-7-6 BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49 Queen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 eKing sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk bed $108. 376-0939/378-0497., CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave. 8-15-21-6 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"
THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005M ALLIGATOR, 17 urnishrgs Iuters Z For ale Mtcycs/Mpeds Autos MEMORY FOAM -same as Temperpedia. Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. O win sets $89 Ofull sets $129 *queen sets $149 *king sets $189 Student discounts apply. 4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver. 8-15-21-6 SALE! SALE! 2 twin size BEDS, new GE WASHER & DRYER. Prices negotiable. 954-540-0344 6-16-5-6 MOVING SALE: Sealy Posturpedic queen mattress set $190, desk, dresser, bookshelf, & more furniture. Call Julie 359-8252 6-143-6 POOL TABLE Professional size. Like new. $1500 813-781-3412, 813-781-9130 7-7-8-6 WATERBED, fiber filled, waveless mattress. Light headboard with shelves and mirror. $650. Call Victoria, 317-1808. 6-16-3-6 FOOSBALL TABLE Hurricane Tornado, like new $600 378-5524, 372-1138 6-16-3-6 MOVING SALE Saturday 6/11 2351 SW 32nd P1. Apt. #2, 336-6167 6-9-1-6 Computers COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, Inc Complete residential & commercial support, networking & website development. $45/hr www.gainesvillecsi.com 371-2230 8-15-24-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs SALES SERVICE& PARTS www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 8-15-24-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 8-15 25-7 8-15-16-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -virus, spyware, hardware -$10 discounts, cheapest! -home/dorm 352-219-29.80 8-15-16-7 a l Electronic s DISCOUNT HI-Fl 722 S. Main S The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 8-1 5-25-8 A+ EBiyer cles 8-23-170-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discountw/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. www.ACbmputerGeek.com 8-23-170-7 MOST WANTED FIiF In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW& USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from S Best Prices in Towni SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 8-15-25-9 I'VE HAD IT WITH YOUR LOUD MUSIC! Is your roommate driving you crazy? Find a replacement in the Alligator Classifieds! PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 8-15-25-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional cooking utensils. R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 8-15-25-10 NGC/PCGS Certified Coins, Silver Eagles, State Qtrs., etc. MS63 to perfect 70. American Coins & Stamps. 3446 W. Univ. 372-6400 8-15-21-10 MOVING SALE! Everything Must Gol Furniture and household items All in good condition and cheap Call 278-1558 or 954-701-5434 6-9-5-10 S BROTHER WORD PROCESSOR & disc information $100. KODAK EASYSHARE DIGITAL CAMERA & PRINTER DOCK. New. $200 Call 335-9670 6-9-4-10 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. 6-9-1-10 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All for 9,995. (800)814-6323 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! 6-9-1-10 Professional Vending Route and Equipment. Btand name products, all sizes. Financing Available w/$7,500 Down. (877)843-8726 (802002-37). 6-9-1-10 #1 CASH COW! 90 Vending Machine units/ You OK Locations Entire Business $10,670 Hurry! (800)836-3464 #B02428. 6-9-1-10 2005 MODEL CLEARANCE SALEJune 2nd-5th *Nation's #1 Selling RV's *Low Sale PricesFlorida MotorhomeTowable Headquarters. GIANT RECREATION WORLD, (800)654-8475Winter Garden; (800)893-2552Daytona; (800)700-1021Melbourne. www.grwrv.com. 6-9-1-10 STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals* Save $$$. 40 x 60' to 100 x 200'. Example: 50 x 100 x 12' = $3.60/sq ft. (800)6582885 www.rigidbuilding.com . 6-9-1-10 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974 8-15-25-11 Swamp Cycles Large selection of E-bikes, Scooters and Accessories. CPI USA, ETon, Luojia, HJC Helmets. 534 SW 4th Avenue, 373-8823 www.swampcycles.com 8-15-25-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. All models & directions avail on website. 6-16-12-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest section KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 solanocycle.com 8-15-43-11 98 HONDA CBR 600 F3 D&D exhaust stage 3 jet kit 7500 miles. $2500 OBO. CALL MATT @ 352-870-4168 6-14-7-11 NEW VERUCCI SCOOTER -4-stroke, 49cc, electric start engine, reaches 50 mph and makes 80-100 mpg. Has front disc brake, remote ignition, alarm & much more. Asking $1300. Call 352-219-3950 6-16-8-11 '02 Suzuki GSXR 750 5.9K mi Great shape. Asking $5500. (incl helmet, jacket & cover) Call Emily 352-2225841 6-9-4-11 2004 SUZUKI GSX-R600 2400 miles. Runs excellent. Fast. Race jacket & helmet inc. Some extras. $6250. Call 256-4033 or 336-5199 6-9-3-11 2003 BALI SCOOTER Low miles. Good condition. $500 OBO. Must sell. Call Jake at 352-514-9173 Neg. 6-16-5-11 2003 Jialing moped/motorcycle. 4-stroke manual. 49cc. Excellent condition. Fast, fun, has less than 500 miles. $600. Come take a look. 941-266-5813 6-16-5-11 '04 49cc 4-stroke scooter Just serviced. $800 941-356-8470 6-16-4-11 CASH PAID for MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition, Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up. Call ANYTIME: 352-495-7769 Please leave a message. 12-7-88-11 A utos FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CAROL ORunning or notlO *NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS *Over 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 8-15-25-12 CARS -CARS BuyOSellTrade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 8-15-25-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Sell or Trade Welcome Call Ray 352-284-8619 8-15-25-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 www.selectmotorcar.us 8-15-25-12 Best Cars .Lowest Prices www.39thaveimports.com 8-15-25-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 462-2 8-t525-12 2002 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE automatic, 4 door, A/C, new tires. 69,500 mi, $6500. Call 352-219-1140 or 352-331-1500 6-9-8-12 2000 OLDSMOBILE ALERO Automatic, 4 door, tinted windows, Sony stereo, new tires, good condition, 83k miles. $5200/OBO Moving out of country. Call 305-331-7413 6-14-8-12 1996 NISSAN MAXIMA $4200 Automatic, fully equipped. Call 352256-5202 6-9-3-12 2000 NISSAN SENTRA 5 speed excellent condition 51k miles new tires all power $6000 call 352-283-1690 6-9-3-12 2001 Ford Ranger XLT Supercab. Red, 4 door, V6, Automatic, AC, AM/FM/CD, tilt steering wheel, factory theft recovery system, <44,000 miles. $12,000. Call 386-4542909 6-16-4-12 1986 Firebird V6 auto. Runs well, good body. New brakes, tires, radiator. 1 yr old wheel & master cylinders, starter. $1500 OBO 3752150 6-9-2-12 99 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX. Loaded, leather, CD, PL, PW. $4500. Call 352-558-4152 6-16-3-12 LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINIE JEWELRY. 373-9243 8-15-25-13 On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in-the Tower Rc'urea. 6-9-10-13 Blind lady needs health majors interested in walking at least three times a week. Call 352219-6948. Thanks. 6-9-10-13 J ielp Wanted This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com for details. 8-15-25-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 8-15-25-4 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 8-15-25-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call nowl 815-25-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/ employment 8-15-25-14 Classifieds. Continued on next page. Walter Jackson Orzehoski White Male (DOB 12/28/60); 510", 185 lbs, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes Wanted for: 2 Felony violations of probation warrants for Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon, and Aggravated Stalking.CLACUA COUNTY STO PER 2 P72-S Call (352) 372-STOP
18, ALLIGATOR S THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005 Help anted Help Wanted Help Wanted dHep Wanted University of Florida Survey Research Center 408 W University Ave. Suite 106 Mon-Fri 9:30am-9pm 392-2908 ext. 105 $7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training Telephone Interviewing NO SALES 3 eves. 6-9 pm + 2 weekend shifts or Sat 12pm-6pm + Sun 2pm -8pm Must work summer break week. 8-15,l6-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 815-25-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 8-15-25-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 8-15-25-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested come to the psychology bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297 8-15-25-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progressive company w/advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. 'Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156 8-31-90-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an .,,Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 8-15-25-14 Groundskeepers FT, PT Custodial duties/Apt Maint Transportation req. DFWP EEO 220 N Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14 Leasing Consultant, FT, PT Energetic Attitude Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO 220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14 PT CLEANING SERVICE Great for college students. Flexible hours. Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-1534-14 Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashier/servers. Apply in person 4-5pm, Mon -Sun. See www.green-sparrow.com for store location or call 352-871-5771 8-15-25-14 PRE-MED GRADUATES -Looking for experience in medicine? Full time assistant needed in ophthalmology. Will train. Resume to Dr. Levy: afn22025@bellsouth.net 6-1615-14 SUMMER WORK GREAT PAYlM Immediate Openings, Customer Sales/Svc, No Exp Nec, Conditions Apply t All ages 17+. Call Now 335-1422 6-16-12-14 PART TIME WORK ALL AGES 18+ Good Pay, Resume Builder, Scholarships Possible Customer Sales/Svc WIt Train Conditions Apply. Call Now 335-1422 6-16-12-14 NOW HIRING CLEAN VACANT APTS ALSO some PT Position available. 352-246-5785 8-15-25-14 Need Extra Cash? GET PAID TO SEARCH GOOGLE!! WWW.PAID2GOOGLE.COM 5-24-5-14 SOCCER COACHES: Gainesville Soccer Alliance seeking experienced soccer coaches for competitive youth soccer teams for 2005-2006 season. Call 379-5979 or email: contact@gainesvillesoccer.org 8-15-25-14 The Institute for Advanced Study of Communication Processes at the University of Florida is loking for volunteers who have strong opinions or beliefs about any important issue or cause. *You can earn $30 for one hour by participating in theis study* 352392-2046 x229 or voicestudy@yahoo.com 6-30-13-14 Experienced horse person for part-time work. Must have reliable transportation, NS. Call Kristen at 494-0284 or 528-6914 6-16-10-14 Participants Needed The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in Linguistics is looking for people to participate in a listening experiment. You can earn $10/hour by participating in a study of the perception of speech sounds from foreign languages. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jenna Silver jenisilver@yahoo.com 8-15-23-14 CHANGE CHILDREN'S LIVES FOREVER WHILE YOU EARN MONEY for COLLEGE! AmeriCorps Alachua County READS! FT earn $10,600 plus healthcare, child care and Education Award. PT earn $5,612, plus Ed Award. Call 955-7455 or stop irt at Kirby-Smith 620 E. Univ. Room 209 6-16-10-14 Mortgage lender has immediate sales positions avail for college students seeking prof work exp. No exp req. $8-9/hr + bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union) 8-15-23-14 MOVERS WANTED Need Driver's License. Apply in person at 505 NW 53rd Ave. at Gator Moving & Storage Mon.-Fri. 6-16-10-14 Ideal PT Job For Students Typing/Transcription, Multiple Openings Pay $7.50 -$12.50 hr. Flexible Hours, Casual Downtown Office. Need 60+ WPM, Must Be Reliable Excellent Grammar And English Skills. Resume to: jobs@copytalk.com 69-6-14 Art, Art Ed, Graphics, Arch Hand-lettering, PT a few hrs per wk. Close to UF. Short resume. Reply -P G Box 286, Gainesville, 32602 6-16-8-14 PT / FT NANNIES NEEDED good $ for exp: grad student. welcomed bkgd ck: 21 REAL $ jobs avail NOW Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 6-30-10-14 MARY POPPINS: Where Are You??? FT NANNY NEEDED 30 to 45 hrs/wk 3 Jobs avail immediately: Great $ for exp. Noah's Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008 6-30-1014 Now accepting applications for Resident Assistant and Apprentice Resident Assistant positions for SUMMER B 2005 Semester. Applications are available from Kathy Smith in the Department of Housing and Residence Education Office, and are due by 4pm on Friday, June 10, 2005. For further information contact Kathy Smith at 392-2171 ext 10139 6-9-5-14 Make good income while in college. Very easy to do. $10 per month. nww.movie.ws/ halstead. 6-9-5-14 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Holiday Inn University Center is looking for housekeepers and houseman 8-15-20-14 Checkers Now Hiring Hourly Manager at 2 Locations 34th Street/University And 13th Street -Competitive Salaries -School Supplies Assistance -Flexible Schedule for Students -On-the-Job Training -Growth Opportunities Fax inquiries/resumes to 352-332-0102 6-14-6-14 Babysitter needed. Full-time summer. Afternoons fall-spring. Great kids. Great pay. Experience required. 870-2567 6-9-5-14 HELP WANTED! Start your AVON BUSINESS for $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail avonbyemma@hotmail.com. 8-15-20-14 PHARMACIST ASSISTANT BA in Pharmacy. Mare, Inc. Fax to 305-8234055 6-16-7-14 HANDYMAN, UF STUDENT PREFERRED. Flexible hours @ $8/hr. Experienced, fast, hard-worker. Call 371-9409. 6-30-8-14 P E R S O N A L / A D M I N I S T R A T I V E ASSISTANT NEEDED Must have 2-4 hrs/day available, flexible availability. Must be organized & responsible. Email resume: dkranz@gatorfood.com 6-14-5-14 DRIVER OPPORTUNITY Gatorfood.com. Can earn anywhere between $8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule, For info contact 379-3663 6-14-5-14 FLYER DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED Gatorfoodom is looking for energetic enthusiastic peopleflexible schedule. Call Dave @ 379-3663. 6-14-5-14 Web Programmer asp, asp.net, vb script, c#, SOL knowledge. E-mail resume to jobs@352media.com 8-15-19-14 Local tech company seeking positive, energeticand assertive sales professionals with excellent communication and phone skills. Sales experience preferred. Base pay + commission. Send resume to jobs@usbmis.com 6-16-6-14 ACCOUNTING STUDENT NEEDED for PT help. Approximately 20 hrs/wk. Knowledge of Quickboods Pro preferred. Fax resume to 375-2526 6-16-6-14 Looking for an exciting place to work? Several positions available. Apply today at University Air Center or call 335-4681 69-4-14 STAFF ACCOUNTANT Will train! Local CPA firm is willing to train the right person for tax preparation and accounting services. Must be concientious, detail-oriented, have professional appearance and good computer skills. Four year degree a plus but not required. Fax resume to 352-373-5110 6-9-4-14 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/BILLING CLERK for sitework construction office. Quickbooks exp pref. Ideal for business or accounting major. Min 20 hrs/wk. Call 335-1711 6-144-14 Call center needs telephone agents for all shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in person M-F 9am-4pm 6-30-7-14 CARPENTRY, PAINTING, DRYWALL experience needed for remodeling and home repairs. Tools and transportation req. Call 352-332-2234 6-30-7-14 Need help w/computer work in home office. Looking for someone w/expertise using PowerPoint, PhotoShop & various other programs. $15/hr. PT. Flex hrs. Email resume to bcampen@bellsouth.net or fax to 371-4501 6-9-3-14 CHILDRENS/MATERNITY STORE Part-time customer service help, needed. Retail exp a plus. Must work well w/children. Weecycle 5240 NW 34th St. 352-376-2212 or fax resume to 352-376-2561 6-9-3-14 HAIRSTYLIST NEEDED Absolutely Hair. Call or come in 352-3800304 1115 W. University Ave. 6-16-5-14 HEALTH EDUCATOR-PT health educator for Male Responsibility Program. Must be committed to sex ed & working w/at-risk populations. EOE. Send resumes: Planned Parenthood 914 NW 13th St Gville FL 32601 6-9-4-14 L. LM -0 CL E -O. Health Insurance Dental Insurance Tuition Reimbursement Holiday Inn University Center 1250 W. University Ave. $9.00 per hour for the right Housekeeping Inspector. 6-14-4-14 Internet Marketing Specialist -Detail oriented w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication skills. Knowledge of SEC, PPC and affiliate management a plus. Flex schedule. Base pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140 10-31-66-14 Catering Sales Coordinator: Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF Campus, is looking for a full time Catering Sales Coordinator. Hours are M-F, 8-5 pm. Heavy typing, filing and excellent phone skills required. Must possess strong computer, customer service skills and the ability to multi-task. Menu & party planning experience a plus! We offer competitive pay, benefits and a great working environment. Fax resume with salary requirements to 352392-9787 or email to msmorgan@ufl.edu 6-9-2-14 Food Service Jobs Gator Dining Services located on the UF Campus is looking for cashiers, line servers, cooks, and dishwashers. Flex hours, day or night shift, comp. pay. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or download app @ gatordining.com 6-9-2-14 Helper -Student, afternoons. Painting, yardwork, cleaning, etc. Close to campus. A few days per wk. Short resume to: PO Box 286 Gainesville, FL 32602 6-16-4-14 ( U
THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 20050 ALLIGATOR, 19 Help Wanted 'HIefUWatIHWantd UWtedZ services BLIMP GROUND SUPPORT CREW Fulltime or seasonal. Extensive travel throughout the US. Must have excellent driving record, able to pass criminal background check, drug free. Salary pius all expenses. Good chance to take a break, see the country, get paid for it. Steve Adams 407-363-7777 6-30-6-14 CASHIER PT, 22 hrs/wk $6.75/hr Ada's Clothes Repair 284-2959 8-15-17-14 Now hiring front & kitchen staff for a newly est. Asian restaurant. Seeking outgoing, reliable, and experienced people. Call 352-5146404 Mon-Fri 2-5pm. 6-28-5-14 FRONT DESK MEDICAL OFFICE STAFF SUPPORT needed for fast paced growing cancer center. FT position incl. health ins., retirement plan, life & disability ins. Please fax resume to Prisilla at 352-331-1511 69-2-14 Herbal manufacturing co. opening for CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER & LAB ASSISTANT. Please fax resume to 386-4623396 or call 386-462-0026 6-9-2-14 The Bagel Bakery Customer service rep. $6.50/hr 4113 NW 16th Blvd. 384-9110 6-16-4-14 Looking for BRIGHT 21 + yr old w/ clean driving record w/ class D license. Agriculture background pref. For delivery & loading farm supplies. FT/PT Call 472-6050 6-9-2-14 CL *0 %M. 0 C 0 0, *0 Cu CE) *0 Ir, FUN JOB Gal-Friday Drive teens to activities, house-clean, pm availability. 352-262-8909 6-9-1-14 MODELS NEEDED for internet clothing company. threadpit.com. Men & women. Please call Ashley @ 352-371-6536 or 561762-2621 for appt. 6-14-2-14 Computer programmer needed to modify and maintain complex Access database for law office. Please call 352-335-2699 7-128-14 NEED JUNIOR & SENIOR to participate in survey about spending habits for up-coming book. Will receive $25 VISA GIFT CARD for time. Call 1-800-952-1099 ext 106. 6-9-1-14 Work with developmentally disabled adults. Provide personal care in the home. Call 352-538-9776 6-14-2-14 HOLIDAY INN UNIVERSITY CENTER HOTEL Health Insurance Dental Insurance Tuition Reimbursement Bellman and Front Desk Apply in persom 8-5 Mon-Fri 6-28-4-14 PT NANNIE needed in SW home MWF, 12-5pm, $7/hr. 2 great kids. Experience and references required. Must have car. Call 371-0354 6-9-1-14 :z U). (I) 0 z 0 0 E E 0 0 I I S S S I I I PEB 40A .0 U > COLLECTIONS HELPWANTED. Experience preferred. Computer and excellent phone skills a plus. $8 + commission. Fax resume to 377-0488 Pis call 352-224-1857 for interviews btwn 10 AM-i PM only M-F6-16-3-14 SALES PRO WANTED for online jewelry sales. Excellent phone skills required. Salary + commission. Fax resume to 377-0488 or e-mail applications@abazias.com Pis call 224-1857 for interview btwn 10-1 only M-F 6-16-3-14 OFFICE HELP WANTED. Experience preferred. Computer and excellent phone skills a plus. Fax resume to 377-0488 Pis call 352224-1857 for interview btwn 10 AM -1 PM only M-F 6-16-3-14 SCHOOL: Full time assistant teacher. Part time P.E. coach, assistant teacher, after school supervisor & Spanish teacher & Substitute Teachers. Stop by 8505 NW 39th Ave. to apply or call 375-6773 6-14-2-14 The Florida Book Store is hiring for temporary cashiers for the Summer B Semester Back to School. Applicants with previous cashiering experience are preferred. Applicants are required to be in town and available to work the following days: Monday, June 20th through Sunday July 3rd. Apply in person at 1614 W. University Avenue between the hours of 11 am-3pm. Complete an application and ask for Carolynne. Please do not drop off applications during the weekend or times not specified. Equal Opportunity Employer 6-16-3-14 Experienced Pizza Makers & Line Cooks. Apply in person at Pomodora Cafe 9200 NW 39th Ave in Publix shopping Plaza 628-4-14 Work forr student. Yard work chainsaw, carpentry, electrical, plumbing & some heavy lifting. From $6.50-7.00/hr depends on skill & experience. Call 376-6183 6-16-3-14 MARIO & LUIGI'S PIZZA needs pizza makers, drivers, flyer distributors, managers and hotsellers. Please call 871-3368 6-16-3-14 THOUSANDS PAID OUT Every month! Call to year a 9-min Audio. 1-888-230-7442 ext 20742 www.24hourcashflow.com/2020742 6-142-14 HOSPICE. OF NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA Hospice offers excellent benefits, competitive salary, PTO accruals and much more. Great career opportunity available. Director of Development Candidate will design & direct a comprehensive fundraising program aimed at meeting the short/long term financial requirements of HNCF. WilI also assure the growth & enhancement of various giving constituencises while building & maintaining ongioing relationships with the community, potential donors and volunteers. Bachelor's degree & 5-7 years' of managerial & supervisory experience are req. Demonstrated successful fundraising history essential. Knowledge of deferred giving programs, corporate support & computers as fundraising tool req. Master's degree pref. Interested parties, please email a resume to: employment@hospicecares.org or fax a resume to: 352-379-6206, Attn: HR. You may also mail a resume to: 4200 NW 90th Boulevard, Gainesville, FL 32606. EOE/ DFWP. 6-9-1-14 Health Marketing/Sales r HO SPICE ./ OF NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA Professional Liaison Full-Time We are seeking an individual with health marketing and sales experience to join a dy-namic team of professionals. Responsibilities include establishing, cultivating and maintaining relationships with physicians, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The position is also responsible for community education, outreach, and growth. Candidate must have a minimum of two years previous marketing/sales experience with a proven track record, preferably in a healthcare setting. A Bachelor's degree is required. Previous background in the medical field/ medical sales is highly desired. Clinical experience preferred, but not required. Interested parties, please email a resume to: employment@hospicecares.org or fax _a resume to: 352-379-6206. EOE/DFWP. 6-9-1-14 PT warehouse help days, nights and weekends flexible hrs. Apply at concession office south end zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium 352375-4683 X6500 6-16-3-14 S/E & 3-State Run: T/T Drivers. HOME WEEKENDS. Mileage Pay, Benefits, 401K. Trainees Welcome/ Miami areaexp. req. 21 min age/Class-A CDL Cypress Truck Lines (800)545-1351. 6-9-1-14, DriverCOVENANT TRANSPORT. Excellent Pay & Benefits for Experienced Drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses Paid Weekly. Equal Opportunity Employer. (888)MORE PAY (888-667-3729). 6-9-1-14OWNER OPERATORSDue to strong growth in our in-state market, immediate openings available in our Florida Intra Fleet. *Home Weekends Most Evenings *Top Percentage Pay *Paid Permits & Physicals *Weekly Pay -Direct Deposit *100% Owner Operator -Make Sunco Carriers Your Home. Apply Now! Call Cammy, (800)237-8288. 6-9-1-14 DATA ENTRY Work ON YOUR OWN. Flexible Hours! $$$Great Pay!$$$ Personal Computer required. (800)873-0345 ext #300. 6-9-1-14 Services AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 8-15-25-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 www.carrsmith.com 8-15-25-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bud habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 8-15-25-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 www.ethnicdanceexpressions.com 8-15-25-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -ring-arena -round pens -experienced help -_.12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627. Owner on premises -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 8-15-25-15 TRAFFIC SCHOOL ONLINE Take Points Off Your Driver's License And Dismiss Traffic Tickets With Online Driver Improvement Courses onlinedrivingschool.idrivesafely.com 8-15-25-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm 0466-4060 8-15-25-15 ***YOGA*** Classes & Workshops at Sanctuary www.yogagainesville.com 352-336-5656 8-15-25-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT4* Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 www.automallgainesville.com 12-7-74-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 everglade-eqestrian.com 8-15-25-15 * GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump start your job search at wwW.COllege-resUmes.COm 8-15-51-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques 0 Name Badges 0 Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 ENGLISH TUTORING English as 2nd language Reading, Composition, Conversation Experienced educators. Reasonable fees. Tel: 352-335-9400 8-15-25-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 8-15-25-15 TLC HORSEBOARD All facilites & amenities: quality instruclion. 15 minutes from UF. Jan at 376-7762. Greathouse EquestrianUCenter. 8-15-26-15 EW CLEANING SERVICE Affordable cleaning w/a woman's touch Maid Service Residential Commercial Same Day Cleaning Service Available 352-494-6458 ask for Earnestine. 6-28-8-15 Stringing -If anybody can string rackets low, EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in 24hrs. Express stringing available upon request. We have more string than all local stores combined, please stop by or call 3722257 8-15-20-15 Why buy mart-cheap rackets? You can upgrade at EZ Tennis & pay less. Stop wasting money. Our name is EZ and our game is Tennis. Call then and call us. 372-2257 8-15-20-15 Rackets -Tennis -Racquetball -Squash -Badmitton -Table Tennis. Lowest prices in town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower internet prices. Call us at 372-2257 8-15-20-15 Professional employee training, negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution & consulting. Public/private sector. Sliding scale. Free initial consultation. Phone 352-514-5515 7-16-16-15 -MAKE IT PERFECT with affordable & professional editing for your newsletter, manuscript, class paper, thesis or dissertation. Sliding scale. Phone 352-514-5515 7-28-16-15 Whippoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture board. 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on premises. 376-8792 8-15-19-15 Classifieds. Continued o next page.-__
20, ALLIGATOR I THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Slices SeU3 th Servi Connections E cketsZ Rides Consolidate your Student Loans before the Rates go up on July 1st. Lock in your 2.77% fixed rate now! Call DSSLoans at 866-859-4622 6-9-1-15 DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one signature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. (8am-7pm) Divorce Tech. Established 1977. 6-9-1-15 BANKRUPTCY DEBT PROBLEMS? Laws Changing Soon File Now. Money Problems? Liens, Levies Foreclosures, Repos, Medical Bills, Judgements, Lawsuits & Divorce A-A-A attorney Referral Service (800)733-5342 24 hours 7 days a week. 6-9-1-15 NEED A LAWYER ARRESTED? INJURED? Criminal Defense *State *Federal *Felonies *Misdemeanors *DUI *Auto Accident *Personal Injury *Domestic Violence *Wrongful Death "Protect Your Rights" A-A-A Attorney Referral Service (800)733-5342 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK. 6-9-1-15 EARN DEGREE online from home. *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job Placement Assistance. Computer & Financial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.tidewaterte chonline.com. 6-9-1-15 $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS*****2005! Never Repay! For personal bills, school, new business. $49 BILLION Left unclaimed from 2004. Live Operators! (800)856-9591 Ext#105. 6-9-1-15 ACHIEVE A career in the Field of Network Technology. Get training in Secure Networking & Wireless Technology! Pinnacle Career Institute -Online. Call (800)655-5554 Now! www.pci-online.edu. 6-9-1-15 A NEW COMPUTERBUT NO CASH? You're APPROVED -Guaranteed!* NO CREDIT CHECK -Bad Credit -Bankruptcy OK. (800)319-8860 8A-10P EST -MonFri Sat. 11A-6P *Checking Account Req'd www.pcs4all.com. 6-9-1-15 $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS*****2005! Never Repay! For personal bills, school, new business. $49 BILLION Left unclaimed from 2004. Live Operators! (800)785-6360 Ext #75. 6-9-1-15 Loans by phone. Up to $1000 in 24hrs. No Credit Check! Bank Account Req. (888)3503722 www.paychecktoday.com (No Faxing). 6-9-1-15 Run your ad STATEWIDE!!! For only $450 you can place your 25 word classified ad in over 150 newspapers throughout the state reaching over 5 MILLION readers. Call this newspaper or Advertising Networks of Florida at (866)742-1373. Visit us online at www.florida-classifieds.com. Display ads also available. 6-9-1-15 Health Services URGENT CARE/NALK-IN MEDICAL New Location Students -No Appt Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 8-1525-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664. 8-15-25-16 "PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants will get free evaluation, medication & be reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 immediately. 8-15-25-16 "SEVERE DRY EYE?" New therapy being studied! If you qualify to participate in this research you will get free evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed for your time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for evaluation 8-15-25-16 Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Read DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813)872-0722 or send $7.99 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607. Want to make a connection? Place your ad here to look for someone to share a common interest with or for your true love M Entertainme nt Ty ping Services SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 6-16-10-17 SPersonals Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing Alachua County Health Dept. Call" 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 8-15-25-18 GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer Bmi. South of G'ville on 441 8-15-25-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 373-7070 8-15-25-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Ave 375-3752. 8-15-25-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 8-15-25-18 CLEARANCE SALE -All CDs must go 100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. We need more room for our GIANT DVD INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 815-24-18 Big stores cannot touch our stringing in quality and price. Please ask their clerks about EZ Tennis. Why wait for 3-5 days on strining. With us 1 day max! 8-15-20-18 In terms of Teniis, big stores make EZ Tennis look good. We are lower than them in prices -faster in stringing -stock better quality rackets -can explain or recommend products to customers better. Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. 8-15-20-18 Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. If you have any questions, please talk to us. Our goal, to have the lowest prices on rackets in the world. Please help us and your friends to achieve this goat. Bring the lowest price u-find. 8-15-20-18 alligator advertising I F IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD HERE AND GET IT NOTICED! WALDO FARMER & FLEA MARKET Every Sat & Sun -Hwy 301 15 min from Gainesville 468-2255. 8-15-25-21 FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres Call for the best group rates! 352-338-8408 8-15-25-21 ROCKYCREEK PAINTBALL In Gainesville Better Prices Better Fields Better Call 371-2092 8-15-25-21 GET $500 OFF A WEEK AT THE BEACH in Panama City. Beautiful, new 2/2 condo. Oceanfront, spectacular views, white sand. Call 335-5946 or 379-0619 liv msg. 8-1521-21 Tickets ***EUROPE $757 RT*** Travel planning for students. Train & cruises also available Gator Country Travel 3731992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 8-15-25-22 ***WEST COAST $177 RT*** Tours packages & more. Los Angeles, Seattle & more! Call for best rates. Gator Country Travel 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 8-15-25-22 -0 E .0 CL ***AIRFARE $157 RT*** Summer & fall specials. NYC, DC, Philly, New Eng & morel Gator Country Travel 3731992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST 18264 8-15-25-22 Miami Bus Service $40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm 335-8116 www.miamibusservice.com 8-15-25-23 miliEU 11 il Pet Furry, feathery, scaly .no not your GM G TRANSPORT roommate .pets. Find or advertise your pets 20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus or pet products here in the Pets section of Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse the Alligator. $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP. 336-7 6 www.GMGTRANS.com Another Saturday night without a date? 8-15-25-23 Read The Alligator. r = ----= --C (D 0 CD en ?I C U) ID W :r 0 Q) T. 0 -n > K 17Cl X Z>O < 0' r n -n > --Cl CA0 CK reo. 0 03M 0 0 01 m m Cl) I N OFFICE USE ONLY Op. Chg. 000ASH___ OK __ e. ByF CLASS$F4CATIONS (Check one)RA E 1. For Rent:, Furnished _14. Help Wanted (Circle One) 2. For Rent: Unfurnished _15. Services 1 Day .$5.50 3. Sublease: House/Apt -16. Health Services 2 Days.$9.50 4. Roommates -17. Resumes/Typing Services 3 Daya.$12.50 5. Real Estate -.18. Personals ays. 6. Furniture/Household Items -19. Connections 4 Days.$15.50 7. Computers _20. Events/Notices 5 Days .$18.50 t. Stereos/lectronics -21. Entertainment 9. Bicyces _22. Tickets Additional Days __10. For Sale -23. Rides I __11. Mopeds/Motorcycles 24. Pets $2.00 each __12. Autos _.25. Lost & Found Days = $ -13. Wanted L MASTERCARD ] VISA EXP DATE Additional Lines $2.00 each line, each day CREDIT CARD #.Add' Linea ----A -n -J$
THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 21 iftovif %HAA F in.o% in r o 4) Li %#*% "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content a Available from Commercial News Providers" ,-y ps-MKICKER -----Coupon --------JL AUDIO WO Series Subwoofers Buy One Get.One 1/2 Price ------Coupon -------JLAUDIO, CladiOn SONY VIPER 'U9 MBQUARTI 1kI MM := If you are: Female 19-39 years old Healthy Non-smoking Non-pregnant or nursing Not taking prescription medication (excluding oral contraceptives) If you are willing to: Provide medical history information Complete a dietary questionnaire Have blood drawn once (following an overnight fast) Then you are eligible~to participate in this study You will be paid $50 for completing the study Please call 392-1991 extension273 for more information. ~5OFF ~ Jiffy Lube Signature Service*Oil Change Mw The Well-Oiled Mlachine For More information log onto: www.jiffylubesoutheast.com [ )e q 0-fN
22, ALLIGATOR N THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005 Noles win season series; Gators 'comfortable', prepared for Noles, Omaha BASEBALL, from page 23 Corsaletti, usually one to make bold predictions, showed an unusually calm and serious demeanor when talking about his final series in a Gator uniform "We are fired up about this weekend," Corsaletti said. "We've got a lot of guys that believe we can win." Corsaletti expects McKethan Stadium to reach a new attendance record because of the intense in-state rivalry. "If we win this weekend, it will be pandemonium," Corsaletti said. "They aren't going to be easy games, they will be close. I promise you that." Corsaletti was chosen in the 2004 MLB draft, but opted to remain at UF for a final season. "I look like a genius for coming back for my senior year," Corsaletti said. "I feel like a genius too, I got drafted 16 rounds higher and earned a ring for winning the conference championship. Now we're two wins from Omaha." Seminoles win series Tenth-ranked FSU defeated the Gators (43-20) twice in three games this season. Each game was played on a weekday, not part of a three-game weekend series. UF did not use any of its top starting pitchers, a move that could yield high dividends this weekend. "They haven't seen our best," Corsaletti said. "We're extremely comfortable. We have a whole arsenal. We put ourselves in position to win, you just have to go out and play hard. You can't ask for anything else, you just have to go out and execute. As a team, we're as close as we've ever been. It's going to be exciting." Team unity prevails Falkenbach explained that the 2005 baseball team is as tightly knit as any he's ever played on. "We're all equals, nobody thinks he's a big shot out there," Falkenbach said. "We're all about the team, we're not about individual stuff. I think that's made us come so much closer as a team and help build chemistry. We're all here to do the same thing: get to Omaha." Falkenbach has been the anchor of the pitching staff all season, recording eight saves and pitching in a team-high 46 games. "We have a lot of depth," Falkenbach said. We can throw anybody out there at any time and be successful. .I think that's what has gotten us so far." Corsaletti said that for the four seniors on the Mam and UF coach Pat McMahon -all of whom began at UF in 2002 -the weekend Super Regional is a special opportunity to fulfill goals. "I wouldn't be satisfied if we don't go to Omaha. That's been my dream since I came to college," Corsaletti said. "I came to college because I wanted to go to Omaha. If we don't go there, it's going to be disappointing." A pair of standout sophomores could provide their team with an offensive spark. FSU (53-18) is led by sophomore center fielder Shane Robinson, who was chosen as Collegiate Baseball's National Player of the Year. Robinson had a 40-game hitting streak earlier in the season. EZ Tennis In terms of Tennis, big stores make EZ Tennis look good. We are toswer titan them is prices master in sringingstock better quality rackets -can explain or recommuaend products to customers better. Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. Call 372-2257 ~r'I --' 1 BR/i BA Condos walk to Campus!! Buyjotrs noW! Prices starting at $125,oofE (352) 339-1440 or) (352) 317-2807 UF players drafted by rivals teams; Gators focus on series DRAFT, from page 23 Home was drafted for the third time. Horne was drafted in the first round in 2001 and was a 30th-round choice in the.2004 MLB Draft. Falkenbach was selected by the Toronto Blue Jays with the 1,282nd overall pick. "I just have to put the draft behind me," Falkenbach said. "I just want to prove to everyone that I can pitch and be successful." Tordi was chosen by the Cincinnati Reds iii the 41" round with the 1,230th overall selection. UF seniors Tommy Boss and Mike Pete were not drafted. Corsaletti said he feels that both players could play professionally as free agents. "Corsaletti, a lifelong Red Sox fan, said there isn't any animosity between him and Horne, his new potential on-field Yankee rival. "We're just happy for each other," Corsaletti said. "We know that if one day we both make it to the big leagues and we're facing each other, that would be pretty damn cool:" Corsaletti makes no secret of his Kim Kiement / Allgater lack of fondness for the Yanees or Jeff Corsaletti was chosen by the Boston Red Sox in the sixth inning of the MLB Yak ee fans on hfacebookeom draft on Tuesday. He leads the Gators with a .378 batting average. profile though. CONTROL, from page 23 Take, for instance, the addition of FieldTurf, a state-of-the-art realistic grass substitute, that will be added to the main practice field. With FieldTurf, the field will drain quicker after those mid-afternoon Florida storms. But if you're attending two-a-day practices in August, don't expect to stare in awe at the super grass. Meyer has moved two-a-days to the University Village South Field, so the practice field will remain fresh for the season. Say it with me again -efficiency. Efficiency and sports success have always gone hand-in-hand. Just ask the -Detroit Pistons, New England Patriots, or even the 1966 Gators. In '66, UF kidney specialist Robert Cade helped the football team solve its hydration problem by inventing a new miracle drink, known today as Gatorade. The Gators finished 9-2 that season and won the Orange Bowl. It's not always the X's and O's that lead to wins. Since Meyer can't preach strategy for a couple of months, making UF football efficient is the logical approach. So while Meyer continues to re-evaluate the program from all angles, he can only play the waiting game and hope his players live up to their end of the bargain. l ie I You can just eat, or you can eat well. 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THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligatorSports.org UF efficient with Meyer U rban Meyer is on a mission. Whether it's autographing marriage certificates and surfboards at a booster rally, or traveling the Eastern seaboard at a frantic pace in search of tomorrow's stars, the firstyear UF coach will stop at nothing to make sure the football program returns to prominence. Just don't ask Meyer to jump out of a trunk for a car commercial or sign your underwear. "I refused to do that," Meyer said. "I stand for something." Still two months away from hitting the practice field, the Gators are busy lifting weights and getting in football shape. Urban Tour '05, meanwhile, rolls on. In May alone, Meyer visited 99 high schools in 10 states while Andrew speaking at 10 Abramson booster clubs. Drew's Control It's all Meyer aabramson@alligator.org can really do this time of year, because of those pesky NCAA regulations that force football coaches to stay away from team workouts. So, the Gators' mega makeover is in the hands of trainers and strengthening coaches. Meyer said his trainers at Utah did an outstanding job last year and it showed -Utah didn't lose a single game. But will it work on the Gators, who weren't exactly the most disciplined team under Ron Zook? Regardless, Meyer has to sit back and do the little things, making sure everything will be just right come Septembec It's called efficiency, and it should be the word that defines the earliest stages of the Meyer Era in Gainesville. Let's face it -the UF football program hasn't exactly been efficient in the first half of the '00s. We've seen fraternity brawls, fourth-quarter collapses, walk-ons with Einstein-sized IQs playing linebacker on the road, but not much efficiency. Meyer continues to bring a different approach to Gators football and every little detail coCts. SEE CONTROL, PAGE 22 4 5 8 4 Gators face FSU in Super Regionals By TIM CASEY Alligator Writer tcasey@alligator.org Call it a dream matchup. Anytime the Gators face the Seminoles, it's a big game. When the chance to become one of the final eight teams left standing in the nation is on the line, it's bigger than big, as in big enough to be broadcast nationally. UF faces Florida State this weekend in a Super Regional round in the NCAA baseball tournament. The winning team moves on to the College World Series in Omaha, Neb. "It feels close, as close as it's ever felt," UF senior pitcher Connor Falkenbach said. UF and FSU both lost in the Super Regionals last season, falling to Miami and Arkansas, respectively. "We're at home against Florida State," Falkenbach said. "Everyone is really focused. We're that close, we're two games away." Boss gets Friday nod The sixth-ranked Gators will send senior Tommy Boss (7-4) to the mound on Friday night against FSU starter Bryan Henry (9-2). Saturday evening will feature a match up of UF's Alan Hore (8-2) and the Seminole's Mark Sauls 200 ML DRAFTa Tim casey / Aiiigator Staff Tommy Boss will start for the Gators on Friday night. In 92.1 innings this season, Boss'nas a 4.48 ERA and 56 strikeouts. (61)). hopefully Omaha next week." "I'm just ready to get If the teams split the first out there now," Horne two games, a third game will said. "We've got the Super decide which team moves on. Regionals this weekend, and Junior right-hander Bryan Ball (7-4) will face FSU's Michael Hyde (7-2). UF senior center fielder Jeff SE E BASEBALL, PAGE 22 Four UF players taken in MLB Draft By TIM CASEY Alligator Writer tcasey@alligator.org Now that 1,502 picks were made during 50 rounds, the UF baseball team can once again set its primary focus on the playing field. Senior outfielder Jeff Corsaletti, junior right-handed pitcher Alan Home, senior right-handed pitcher Conor Falkenbach, junior shortstop Justin Tordi and four signees were-selected Tuesday and Wednesday in the Major League Baseball draft. "It was exciting," Corsaletti said. "I was pretty calm leading up to the draft because I've been through it before. I had heard I'd go anywhere from the fourth to seventh round." Corsaletti was chosen by the defending World Series champion Boston Red Sox, his favorite team, m the sixth round with the 198th overall pick. "When they were done with the fourth, then the seventh, I was frustrated," Corsaletti said. "I knew it was between Philadelphia, Boston or Oakland. When they finally called corsalett. my name, it was such a relief. Now I can just focus on this weekend." Corsaletti leads the Gators in batting average (.378), on-base percentage (.475), walks (47) and doubles (15). Corsaletti was taken in the 22nd round by the Cleveland I June 5, 1998: UF sprinter John Capel becomes a national champion in the 200meter dash. Capel finished with a time of 19.87, and was named 1999s Outstanding Male Athlete of the NCAA Championships. Indians last June, but elected to remain in school. "I'm surprised Alan went as late as he did," Corsaletti said. "The guy hit 97 [mph] in his last three starts. The whole thing's a crapshoot. I bet he throws a [complete game] this weekend." Home was taken by the New York Yankees in the 11th round with the 349th selection. "I value myself as one of the best in the country, there's no doubt about that, in the college ranks," Home said. "I feel like I got guys out in the best college conference in the nation all year." Having transferred to UF after playing at Mississippi and Chipola Junior College, SEE DRAFT, PAGE 22 rNBA Finals: Detroit vs. San Antonio ABC, 9 p.m. E Baseball : Seattle vs. Florida FSN, 7 p.m. MLB Seattle Florida MLB LA Angels Atlanta M A limited number of general admission tickets to the Super Regional baseball series between UF and Florida State will go on sale at 8:30 a.m. at the Gator ticket office.
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