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the independent florida
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida
We Inform. You Decide.
ci' -j
TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005
Growl eats up funds
Alligator Writer
Florida Blue Key's 80th annual Gator
Growl is mired in a financial swamp, but
Student Government may throw in a $320,000
life preserver to save the largest student-run
pep rally in the world.
"This was step one for getting
(control of) student activity fees
taken away from [SG]. I think the
administration should at least
determine what amount is in the
best interest of the student body.
There has to be accountability."
Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr.
director of the Centre for International
Financial Crime
A bill will be read in the Student Senate
tonight proposing a $200,000 SG contribution
to be taken from the tuition-funded Activity
& Service fee, of which SG controls almost $11
million annually, that would purchase 20,000
student tickets for the FBK-organized and or-
chestrated production up front.
The tickets would be distributed without
additional cost to UF students, who will pay
$8.66 of A&S fees per credit hour taken during
the 2005-06 academic year.
Additionally, an immediate, unconditional
$120,000 would be transferred 'from SG re-
serves to Student Government Productions as
"operating capital" to be used "immediately,"
according to SG documents.
SGP's loss means fewer of its student orga-
nization events will be funded this year.
Though SG has no direct relationship
with FBK, several high-ranking SG admin-
istrators, including Student Body President
Joe Goldberg, are among the membership
honorary's ranks.
As part of a 1995 circuit-court lawsuit, FBK
was found to actively involve itself in SG poli-
tics for its own benefit.
UF law professor and Director of the
Centre for International Financial Crime
Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr. said he perceives this
to be an "irresponsible decision."
"This was step one for getting (control of)
student activity fees taken away from [SG],"
he said. "I think the administration should
at least determine what amount is in the best
interest of the student body. There has to be
If not all 20,000 student tickets are distrib-
uted, the $200,000 SG allotment would be less
by the number of tickets remaining.
FBK Vice President Chris Carmody said
$16, the price at whiclk SG would be sold each
student ticket, is the minimum price for FBK
to make back its expenses for Gator Growl.
FBK has named SG the official sponsor of
the event.
"The only way that I would sign this bill
in favor of something of this sort, if the Senate
approves it, is if it goes to a ticket subsidy,"
Goldberg said. "I think students should be ex-
cited about it. I think that either way, students
will see a discount in their ticket this year or a
Nina Mayer de-
livers her perfor-
mance named
"Midnight at the
Oasis" as part of
the talent show
presented by
the UF College
of Medicine on
Saturday. The
event was partly
organized to
raise money for
mission trips.
The show's main
purpose was to
honor the mem-
ory of Caroline
Cody, a former
medical student
who was found
murdered in her
apartment in
Jonathan Greenwood / Alligator
'Sober is Sexy' campaign among ideas to curb abuse
Committee one of several discussing alcohol
Alligator Writer
A "Sober is Sexy" marketing
campaign, identification scanners in
nightclubs and standards for alcohol
advertising in Gainesville were
among topics covered in a meeting
of UF officials, students and others
in the Reitz Union on Thursday.
Members of the Marketing/
Access Committee said they hope
a marketing campaign to show the
sexy side of sober would encourage
students to limit their drinking.
"The norm is not to go out and
binge drink," said David Mica, a
member of the Florida Petroleum
Council who was at the meeting.
The Marketing/Access
Committee, a sub-committee of the
Alachua County Alcohol Coalition,
met in the Student Government
Conference Room to discuss ways
to connect with current and future
UF students in an attempt to curb,
underage and excessive drinking.
The meeting, headed by Martin
Salamone, University Athletic
Association Marketing/Promotions
director, focused on decreasing the.
issues that promote drinking among
college students, such as drink spe-
cials and radio advertising, all while
increasing non-alcoholic activities
on campus.
A key point came when discus-
sion turned. to concern
Student of UF's annual ranking
Life as a top-10 party school
in several nationwide
rankings and the pro-
jected image future UF students
may see.
Jess. Johnson, UF alumnus and
committee member, proposed a
marketing idea, which he called,
"What it Means to be a Gator," that
encompassed expectations of pro-
spective UF students. .
Also, Johnson recommended an
expansion of-the First Year Florida
Program, a one-credit course offered
to freshmen teaching need-to-know
basics of life as a college student.
Other suggestions included
limiting the number of bars in
Gainesville through zoning regula-
tions and raising the minimum age
of partiers at local bars and clubs to
21 years old.
Also, offering more early-mrnm-
ing classes and 24-hour on-campus
services, like those offered by the
Southwest Rec Center, to reduce
late-night partying were listed
among possible ways to curb the
drinking dilemma.
As ideas from committee- mem-
bers flew back and forth, Salamone
pushed for an understanding that
this should not become an "us
versus them conflict," but rather a
collective effort between the county,
university, and its students to en-
hance safety and enjoyment.
Student Body President Joe
Goldberg approved of the commit-
tee's plans but said he disagreed
with setting a higher minimum age
to enter bars.
"I hope the committees find a
way to project the pageantry and
spirit of Gators, instead of the party-
ing or drinking image," he said.
Women's tennis advances to Round of 16
UF senior Zerene Reyes recorded her 100th career
singles victory, leading the Gators to a 4-0 victory over
Florida International in the second iound of the NCAA
Women's Tennis Championships. Reyes, the lonesenior
on the Gator squad, became just the 20th player in the
history of the program to reach the 100-singles win
plateau, as she downed Egle Petrauskaite 6-1, 6-2 at the
No. 2 position to reach the milestone in the final home
appearance of her career. The victory gave the Gators a
3-0 lead in the dual match.
See story, pg. 18. -
R Just as officials
feared, two of the
six named as final-
ists by UF's Provost
Search Committee
have dropped out of
the race to become
the university's No. 2
See story, pg. 3.
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Available from Commercial News Providers"
CROSSWORD 16 Thunder-
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Study: Blogs haven't
displaced media
The study found political blogs online opinion and information sites play
a similar, but not greater role, as the mainstream media and candidates'
campaigns in creating cgir,, .:i "buzz." A separate study released on Monday
showed eight in 10 journalists read blogs.
IA m e r
How the public feels about the press:
Should the government be LYES: 20 percent
allowed to censor the press?
Does the press have too ,YES: percent
much freedom? -
Does the media show bias YES ent
In reporting the news?
Source: Reuters.com, Pew Internet & American Life
Michael Friedman / Alligator Staff
11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Smathers Libraries Orientation
Marston Library Room L107
7 p.m.
Fort Clarke XMiddle School
Spring Band Concert
University Auditorium
c a n
R e d
Wednesday, May 18
3:30 to 4:45 p.m .
Smathers Libraries Orientation
Marston Library Room L107
7:30 p.m.
BYU Folk Dance Ensemble
Phillips Center for the Performing
The Alligator strives to be
accurate and clear in its news
reports and editorials. If you
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i the independent florida
a .ligator
VOLUME 98 ISSUE 144 ISSN 0889-2423
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
.352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax)
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The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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How the press feels about
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U- '-L' '. MAY 17,2005 l ALLIGATOR, 3
drop out
Alligator Staff Writer
Just as officials feared, two of the six
named as finalists by UF's Provost Search
Committee have dropped out of the race to
become the university's No. 2 administrator.
The remaining four, plus an extra, previ-
ously "in limbo" candidate, will interview
with the committee today and Wednesday.
Jane Close Conoley, a dean at Texas A&M
University, gave notice Thursday after ac-
cepting a similar position at the University of
Wisconsin at Madison, UF spokesman Steve
Orlando said.
Then, just a day before the first interview
was to begin, fellow finalist Kim Wilcox
accepted an offer to become provost at
Michigan State University.
The committee decided after Conoley
left to add Toby Parcel, a dean at Purdue
University, to the short list. Previously, the
committee placed Parcel and semi-finalist
Gerardo Gonzalez on the back burner in case
one or more of the volatile top six dropped
out of contention.
Orlando said he did not know why
Gonzalez did not move up after Wilcox
pulled out but speculated that the short no-
tice may have had something to do with it.
Calls to committee chairman Doug Barrett's
office were not returned.
Barrett had previously informed the com-
mittee that of the interviewed finalists, only
two or three would be recommended to UF
President Bernie Machen for a decision.
Another finalist from an earlier search,
UF College of Engineering Dean Pramod
Khargonekar, also will receive Machen's
consideration, although he has not been in-
volved with the current search.
The committee has searched actively
since former Provost David Colburn stepped
down in December. Interim replacement Joe
Glover, who sits on the search committee,
has agreed to serve until a replacement is
-named, which officials originally expected to
occur around June 1.
Survivor: Provost
Pramod Khargonekar IMMUNITY
Dean. UF College of Engineering
Raymond Alden Ill
Provost, u. Nevada-Las Vegas
Jane Close Conoley PULLED OUT
Dean, Texas A&M College of Education
.- : -: .. .
Janie Fouke
Dean. Mich;gan State Co;ege of Engineering
R~er-ma~ VOTED OFF
Gerafdo-Gontzale VOTED OFF
Deat-n;dlama U. CollegeofEducation
Steven W, Leslie
Dean. U. Texas-Austin College of Pnarmacy
Toby Parcel MOVED UP
D ear,. U!, Lsc:o 0 U toer ; 's
t4eets VOTED OFF
David Watt
Associate Provost, U. Kentucky
Kimn A. Wilcox PULLED OUT
Dean, U. Kansas College of Liberal Arts
Mike GImignani / Alligator Staff
Celia Tobin/ Alligator
Lea Canipe, 10, has her face painted by a clown at the Windsor Zucchini Festival on Saturday.
Windsor finds strength in zucchini
Alligator Contributing Writer
The scene was reminiscent of another time and place.
Children ran merrily through the open fields, veterans stood
proud in their old uniforms, families shared stories over a barbe-
cue meal, and the sounds of Elvis filled the air.
The spirit of small-town America was vibrant and strong,
and strangely enough it was zucchini that brought these people
together on this special occasion.
On Saturday in the community of Windsor just seven miles east
of Gainesville, thousands gathered -at the 21st Annual Zucchini
Festival, which benefits the Windsor Volunteer Fire Department.
"Other places have strawberry and watermelon festivals, so
we figured why not a zucchini festival," said Bobbi Walton, festi-
val chairwoman and unofficial Mayor of Windsor.
The Zucchini Festival is probably best known for its home-
grown fried zucchini, selling more than $1,000 worth last year.
This year's activities included the "Zucchinithon Fun Run," the
"Duke of Zuke & Zuqueenie Pageant," a "Cook-A-Zuke Contest,",
children's rides and even the Kazucchini Marching Band.
Walton has been involved since the festival's inception. The
Zucchini Festival raised the funds necessary to build the fire sta-
tion and has supported its operations ever since.
Walton said that the people of Windsor became inspired to
build a firehouse after the tragic deaths of two local girls in a struc-
tural fire 25 years ago. The station was constructed shortly thereaf-
ter. Without it, response time to Windsor would almost triple.
"We were not going to stand by and let this happen if there
was something that we could do to have a fire department,"
Walton said. "I was going to serve the lord somewhere and this
is where he chose for me to serve."
The Windsor Volunteer Fire Department serves many func-
tions, 70 to 80 percent of which are emergency medical services.
With the nearest hospital more than 12 miles away, volunteer
firefighters are vital to the community.
"My husband is alive today because the volunteers answered
a medical call," Walton said.
The fire station initially had a 10-year mortgage, but the festival
was so successful, they paid it off in seven years, Walton said.
"Every penny that we bring in goes toward the upkeep.of the
building and small community projects," Walton said.
Those community projects have included sponsoring student
trips to Washington, D.C., summer camps and hurricane relief ef-
forts. Both the fire station and the Zucchini Festival have always
been bastions of community support and pride.
But the citizens oPWindsor showed more than just pride for
their zucchinis. The outpouring of patriotism and support for
American soldiers was visible at the festival's opening ceremo-
nies, which included speeches from active military men, the U.S.
Marines.Color Guard and a release of 21 doves.
"We just felt compelled to honor those who have allowed us
the freedoms we enjoy today," Walton said. "It is important to
instill honor in the next generation."
Dorothy Brown, the department's treasurer, described
Windsor as a very patriotic community, in part because of the
large percentage of young men who join the military. Brown's
husband, Gene, was a prisoner of war during World War II.
"The community of Windsor is basically a very family-ori-
ented area with strong traditional values," Brown said.
"Our festival is more like a hometown picnic."
Dorothy Brown
Windsor Volunteer Fire Department treasurer
Brown described the Zucchini Festival as a day of reunion for
friends and family who may only see each other this one particu-
lar day each year.
"Our festival is more like a hometown picnic," Brown said.
Festival organizers said that the Zucchini Festival raised more
than $10,000 for the Windsor Volunteer Fire Department, which
is critical to covering the department's $70,000 annual budget.
County funding, $58,000 per year, has not increased since 1985,
said Dwayne King, the department's only paid firefighter. Since
September 11, 2001, insurance and fuel costs have doubled.
Seven volunteer firefighters, most of whdio are also emer-
gency medical technicians or paramedics, are always on call via
pagers. The volunteer firefighters respond to the call no matter
what time, day or night.
"A lot of the volunteer firefighters have two jobs in addition to
their responsibilities here," King said. "These guys will put out a
structural fire in the middle of the night and who then have to go
home, shower and go to work at their paid job on no sleep."
King said it is hard to get volunteers because of the more than
150 hours of basic training necessary and the risks that are associ-
ated with being a firefighter.'
"I cannot say enough for the volunteer firefighters and their
support of the community," King said.
Whether in crises or celebration, the Windsor community
spirit remains steadfast.
"Windsor is like an old, small American town the way it
was 40 years ago," King said.
4, ALLIGATOR 0 TUESDAY, MAY 17,2005 .--. .... .. .. .... ...
UF showcases research into medical technology
Alligator Writer
Business leaders converged in
Gainesville on Friday for a summit
showcasing medical technology.
About 175 participants attended
the all-day event, which was held at
the Hilton University of Florida and
hosted by the UF Foundation.
"We were able to capture a lot
of people's attention to come to UF
and see what's going on," said Chris
Needles, an event organizer.
"It's our chance to tell our story
and give a general sense of trends in
the industry."
Each year, the UF Foundation in-
vites corporate leaders from around
the country to the conference in
Gainesville, designed to spark in-
terest in a particular sector of the
school's ongoing research, he said.
The theme of this year's confer-
ence highlighted innovations in
medical devices,. emphasizing in-
vestment and. licensing options for
"I came
here to see the
technology the
university has for
licensing," said
Matthew Solar,
vice president of
Machen engineering at
Neurologics, a local corporation.
"The image-guided surgery is
very interesting, and it's nice to have
the university's breadth of technol-
ogy so dose by," Solar said.
UF President Bernie- Machen,
who made opening remarks, said
the school's size provides an advan-
tage in medical technology projects.
He added that the multitude of
available research opportunities in
Gainesville opens the door for coop-
eration between academic fields.
Several investors, like Dan Rua, a
managing partner at Inflexion Fund,
an investment firm with an office in
Gainesville, were on hand to see the
latest in medical science.
"I think it's a fantastic conference,
and they did a great job of bringing
together the medical and engineer-
ing fields," Rua said.
Speakers reflected the changing
face of health science, presenting
research in such fields as stem-cell
therapies, DOD technology and im-
age-guided surgical technologies.
Study: Exotic names may lead to unfair assumptions
Alligator Contributing Writer
Teachers subconsciously create a level of
expectation from black students based on their-
names, a UF researcher has found.
David Figlio spent two-and-half years re-
searching these expectations, suggesting that
exotic-sounding names affect test scores as
well as referral to gifted programs.
"When you see a particular name, like
David or Catherine, you internalize it in a
different way than a name such as LaQuisha,"
said Figlio, whose findings appear in a work-
ing paper for the National Bureau of Economic
Research, in a press release.
"The story I'm telling is not whether one
person is smarter. ,It's subconscious. Teachers
respond to names," he said.
To be certain this subconscious level of ex-
pectation came from the name of a child and
not other factors, Figlio observed children with
the samelast name who were close in age.
Within the family you
UF can statistically compare
Research test scores, holding constant
everything else within the
family, he said.
Two brothers one with a more common
name than the other were treated different-
ly. The brother with the more common name
did better on tests, he found.
Figlio said two messages can be drawn
from his research. First, parents should feel
free to name their children whatever they
choose and children should be proud of their
names. Second, educators shouldn't set expec-
tations based on age, sex, skin color or name,
but rather on performance.
"Fifty years ago there were widespread
beliefs that different races had different mental
capacities; very few people believe that any-
more. With increased education of educators,
names won't carry that much weight either."
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Development brings mixed feelings for businesses
Alligator Writer
While the University Corners develop-
ment promises more parking, restaurants
and luxury condominiums with close
access to campus, some businesses in the
area are less than thrilled about packing
up shop and leaving.
"It (Modern Age Tobacco and Gift
Shop) wasn't worth $300,000,
and we paid them $750,000."
Frank Darabi
University Corners managing partner
The new development project, which.
is only months from breaking ground, is
a "waste of money" and "shady all the
way around," said Tom Allen, general
manager of Modern Age Tobacco and
-Gift Shop, one of the businesses forced
to move due to the three-block construc-
tion site.
Last month, Modern Age moved from
its 13th Street location to a new site be-
side Farrah's on University Avenue.
The financiers for University Corners
have been asking Modern Age to sell for a
"year or two," and the shop finally asked
for and received a ridiculous amount of
money, Allen said.
Frank Darabi, managing partner of the
University Corners project, agrees the pur-
chase price for the gift shop was excessive.
"It wasn't worth $300,000, and we
paid them $750,000," said Darabi, adding
that he hopes the project is complete by
September 2007.
Darabi added that while Modern Age
and Maui Teriyaki have unresolved is-
sues, most businesses affected by the
project are satisfied.
"I'm glad [Modern Age] is out of
there," Darabi said, adding the shop
owner defaced the property before leav-
ing by spray painting the word "moved"
on the side of the building.
Not all business owners feel mistreat-
ed by University Corners.
"They're treating us beautifully," said
Janet Akerson, Burrito Bros. Taco Co. co-
When construction gets under-
way, Burrito Bros. will relocate to the
Presbyterian Student Center until the
project is completed, said Akerson, who
said she is happy that construction will
include a newer, bigger kitchen in the
student center.
One reason Akerson approves of the
project is because both Burrito Bros. and
the student center will have new kitchens.
Akerson said she and her husband,
Randy, don't want to move from their
"little hole in the wall" which has been a
Gainesville staple for almost 30 years, but
she admitted the building is old and rent for
the 330-square-foot space is "outrageous."
The three-block project which will
include one level of underground parking,
a seven-story parking garage, restaurantspre-
tail stores and luxury condominiums will
cause the closing of sections of Northwest
First Avenue and Northwest Second Avenue,
according to proposed construction plans.
A sign depicts an
artist's rendering of
what the University
Corners develop-
ment project. will
look like at the
corner of West Uni-
versity Avenue and
13th Street.
Megan Schaub / Alligator
Preview mealtime crowds leave bad taste for students
Alligator Contributing Writer
In an attempt to acclimate incom-
ing students, UF may have bitten off
more than it can chew.
Preview, a program designed to
acquaint incoming students'to UF,
feeds more than 6,700 soon-to-be
Gators from May to July at Broward
Dining. However, many summer
students trying to dine at Broward
are finding the surge of UF's new
blood to be blood-boiling.
"We -average about 700 to 800
people in each Preview session,"
said Josh Weiss, a Preview staffer.
Weiss said Preview dinner begins
at 5 p.m. and lasts until 7:30 p.m.,
usually when most students on a
meal plan eat dinner. He also said
there are three eating rotations dur-
ing the scheduled dinner time, feed-
ing about 200 to 300 people per rota-
tion, excluding family members.
"Sometimes the regulars give me
a dirty look," Weiss said. "I think
students know we have to feed these
people, so they don't say too much."
Tom Petroro, a senior in the
College of -Health and Human
Performance, said that Broward
Dining's best efforts may not be a
solution to students' problems.
"I like to eat around
Student 6 p.m., and on.Preview
Life days, Broward Dining
is packed," he said. "I
have to spend an extra 30 to 40 min-
utes fighting the lines."
Petroro suggested possible solu-
tions to the dining glut, including
re-opening Gator Comer Dining
Center for the summer or taking
smaller Preview groups to Broward
"It's just one thing I will have to
put up with," Petroro said. "As long
as they don't run out of food, I will
be all right."
Gator Dining Services, UF's of-
ficial food-service provider, held a
positive outlook on feeding Preview
attendees at Broward Dining.
"Our staff is working extra hard to
put on a good show," said Courtney
Moon, marketing assistant for Gator
Dining Services. "Our sales team
pays dose attention to helping the
Preview families, because they know
it's a big time for selling meal plans."
In addition to Gator Dining
Service's extra work, Moon said that
they have expanded the menu, over-
staffed their facilities and increased
work hours for the Preview months.
"The food is tip-top during
Preview, because our chefs are
working extra hard," she said. "All
of our staff actually has a lot of fun
during Preview because they get to
interact more than usual."
Moon said that a sign will soon be
posted outside Broward Dining dis-
playing the times and dates Preview
will use the facility for dinner.
"Of course Preview will affect.
students eating at Broward Dining,"
Moon said. "Nobody wants to wait
in line."
Museum curator wins archaeological achievement award
Alligator Contributing Writer
As if having a martini named after him
wasn't enough, Florida Museum of Natural
History Curator of Archaeology Jerald T.
Milanich received a Lifetime
On Achievement Award on Friday.
Campus The award was presented
by the Florida Archaeological
Council in a ceremony that
highlighted his academic accomplishments
as well as his sense of humor. The mar-
tini was dedicated by the former Wolfgang's
"It was a very, very dry Bombay Sapphire
martini with two anchovy-stuffed olives,"
Milanich said.
Several people spoke at the event, includ-
ing Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan. She
immediately set the tone of the ceremony
by asking the audience how long it takes
archaeologists to go from studying artifacts
to becoming one.
The humor continued throughout the eve-
ning as colleagues and former students remi-
nisced on Milanich's career and the impact he.
has had in their lives and the academic world
* of archaeology.
Kathleen Deagan, a former student of
Milanich's, spoke at the event.
"Jerry loves to be amused and has an ir-
resistible appreciation of humor," she said.
"Early on, Jerry put forth two (then) heretical
notions: Even the most serious archaeology
can and should be fun, and you don't have to
be uncomfortable to be an archaeologist."
As an educator, Milanich supervised more
than 100 graduate students. Published more
than 190 times, he encouraged his students to
do the same.
"Jerry has h een pro-
foundly generous in shar-
ing ideas, bringing people
together, finding money
and simply making things
happen," Deagan said.
In addition to his other
Milanich work, Milanich's role- as
Bullen Series editor-for the
University Press of Florida has helped spread
Florida archaeology information around the
Other former students spoke at the event
and shared how Milanich was influential in
their lives. Milanich was once referred to as a
"benign version of the Tasmanian Devil."
Milanich is one of only three people to re-
ceive the Lifetime Achievement Award since
the founding of the Florida Archaeological
"I was very flattered, especially since it
came from people who are old friends," said
Milanich said he will continue to research
and write for Archaeology magazine and
other popular venues.
"I've always believed that if you're going
to do archaeology, have fun," Milanich said.
"Being at the Florida Museum of Natural
History has been a great time. I couldn't find
a-better job to have."
Butler has no business
filing Sun lawsuit
wo words we rarely mention on these pages:
Gainesville Sun.
They don't bring us up much, either we are
competing publications in the same area, and like any two
rival businesses, we rarely find the place in our hearts to
Once in a while, however, something causes both of us to
take notice.
One of those moments passed last week, when the Sun
was served a lawsuit filed by real-estate magnate and all-
around big fish Clark Butler as in Butler Plaza.
We are not surprising anyone by stating how flat-out
frivolous his claims are.
Butler's suit argues that the Sun "intentionally and reck-
lessly portrayed [Butler] in a false light," through articles and
opinions the paper printed about him.
At least from our reading of Butler's complaint, he never
challenges the truth of what the Sun printed. In that sense,
he's accusing the newspaper's staff of doing their jobs.
In the past, Butler gave County Commissioner Cynthia
Chestnut a $171 ticket to attend a UF function and lent his
yacht to State Sen. Rod Smith for his daughter's wedding.
Butler contends the Sun was reckless in mentioning these ac-
tions, inferring that the paper had no right to do so.
But the Sun had very good reason to report them the
state's Ethics Commission later fined Chestnut for accepting
her ticket. Smith, who calls Butler a "family friend," later
used Butler's employees in preparing a Legislature request
for $2 million for the Southwest 24th Avenue paving project.
It is unlikely that those facts, suspicious as they are,
would be discovered without the able work of Sun report-
ers, including two mentioned by name in Butler's suit. The
newspaper presented the facts and did not itself pass judg-
ment on them.
That's for its readers to decide.
The truth is, men of means like-Clark Butler don't need
newspapers to have their will be done. He's got his buddies
in Congress and the Florida Legislature for that.
News media serve the rest of us: those who want their
opinions heard and their curiosity piqued. Few enough
people attend or watch County Commission meetings that
we have people who are paid to summarize the important
stuff for us.
Butler, both personally and through his business, is a force
in Alachua County. Yet his original complaint contends he is
a private figure that is, he has not tried to influence deci-
sion-making on a public issue by his actions or words.
However, the shopping-mall tycoon has taken deliberate
action in trying for years to turn the 24th Avenue project to his
benefit. His lobbying ostensibly led to federal and state fund-
ing for the project, which may have had strings attached.
Besides, he's one of the most influential people in a mod-
erate-sized town and has been for years. If he's a private
figure, we're lug nuts.
Finally, Butler included letters to the editor printed in
the Sun including one from County Commissioner Mike
Byerly and even a Jake Fuller cartoon as evidence that the
newspaper was reckless.
We don't like hearing anyone, especially connected indi-
viduals like Clark Butler, say that upstanding citizens cannot
express their opinions.
There's just something un-American about that.
It's clear to us that the Sun's only agenda in exposing the
possible reasons behind Butler's actions is fairness to those
who don't know the whole story and wouldn't if the paper
had not existed.
The Sun faces a lawsuit-because its staff told the truth.
We hope they never stop.
Sthe independent florida
Mike Gimignani
Eva Kis
The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Namfes will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to
lettersualligator.org bring them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32 04-2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.
Guesf cc ,,
Gotta fight, for you
broadcasting live from Capitol Hill in Washington,
D.C. In the, left corner, wearing the blue trunks,
the Democrats. In the right corner, wearing the red
trunks, the Republicans. Let's get ready to... filibuster!
So the Democrats and the Republicans are at it again,
but unfortunately there will be no ear-biting in, this fight.
Republicans are in a tiff over what they label "obstruction-
ist tactics" by the Democrats. President Bush's judicial
nominees have been unable to receive a floor vote in the
Senate because of Democratic filibusters.
Since the judges involved in the'Terry Schiavo case al-
lowed for the removal of her feeding tube, the Republicans
have become increasingly infuriated with judges they
have labeled as "activists." As a result, they are attempting
to exert as much.influence as possible on issues, such as
gay marriage and abortion, by eliminating the filibuster in
order to expedite the confirmation of judicial nominees.
The filibuster has existed for roughly 200 years. It al-
lows senators to withhold a vote by talking about any top-
ic they choose. Sixty votes are required to end a filibuster.
Remember when you were four years old, and you
were completely uninterested in what your parents had
to say? What did you do? You would begin an entirely
mature and sophisticated diatribe of, "La la la, I'm not
listening, la la la." Basically, that is a filibuster. Well, kind
of. Sounds ridiculous, right?
Although it is somewhat absurd when a senator
rambles on about his childhood, the filibuster is actually
important to the democratic process. It is exemplary of the
checks and balances' espoused by our founding fathers as
essential to a successful American government. .
The Democrats are severely outnumbered in the Senate
55 to 44 (the 100th seat belongs to an independent), and
the filibuster is their last resort to prevent tyranny of the
r right, to filibuster
Aaron Blye majority in the legislature.
Speaking Out Instead-of using the time to talk
about absolute crap, the Democrats
should educate others on why the nominees are being op-
posed explain the characteristics of a good judge, not
those of a ham sandwich.
As a result of the Democrats' actions, the Republicans
have threatened to commence operation "nuclear option."
Uh-oh, sounds scary. Basically, they would attempt- to
change Senate rules by outlawing filibusters against judi-
cial nominees.
They would only need a simple majority to enact the
Republicans have taken this issue too far to the ex-
treme. Only 10 of their 204 nominees have not been
confirmed. Apparently a 95-percent success rate is just
not good enough for them. President Bush has had more
success in judicial confirmations than any other president
in the last 25 years. To attack the Democrats for withhold-
ing 10 nominees who lack any semblance of balance is
ludicrous; especially when more than 60 of Bill Clinton's
nominees were opposed.
However, the Republicans' real motivation is to clear
the path for the confirmation of an ultraconsrvative
Supreme Court justice when the t ne arises Thi .',uld
give Republicans the upper hand in inevitable tight o,'. r
abortion and gay marriage.-
The Republicans should be careful i\ har the\ i\ ih .or
*When Democratic President Franklin Delano Rooe,. elr
wanted to increase the ntimber of Supreme Co:ur t ju_ ho.:e in
order to pass highly contested New Deal policies, his own
party opposed the idea. The next timeTlemocrats have a
similar option, the Republicans might not be so lucky.
Aaron Blye is a senior majoring in political science.
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.
Reader "est pA S
Today's question: Should Student
Government spend over $300K to
subsidize Gator Growl?
Thursday's question: Should
those advocating to extend bar
closing times'seek alternatives?
71% YES
29% NO
Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org
Guest colu i','i
'Trek' explored many pop-culture frontiers
Reports of Star Trek's death have
been greatly exaggerated. From
The New York Times' laconic and
respectful obituary of the show to the ab-
solutely deranged attack by Orson Scott
Card in the Los Angeles Times, there have
been many words to describe Star Trek in
its passing but none that properly ac-
cord the phenomenon with the respect it
During its forty-year life span, Star
Trek generally reflected the times. The
Original Series showed unbounded en-
thusiasm for exploration and humanity's
ability to improve and overcome. The
Next Generation showed similar ideals,
although they were more and more miti-
gated by the darker paranoid, conspirato-
rial discourse of the 1990s. Deep Space
Nine descended fully into the conflicting
duality of human nature.
The final, uninspired incarnations of
Star Trek: Voyager and Enterprise were
commercially-induced perversions of
the core art form, to be sure, but would
intelligently grapple with serious themes
such as suicide and lawfully detaining
Star Trek "stupidly" put the first inter-
racial kiss on television in 1968 between,
Lieutenant Uhura and Captain Kirk.
Speaking Out
Star Trek "stu-
pidly" had one of
the first lesbian
kisses on televi-
Star Trek "stupidly" showed the begin-
nings and ends of both deontological and
teleological reasoning.
Star Trek "stupidly" showed that
religion can have a place in a society's
discourse and that it should be respected
since it represents people's deep-seeded
In other words, Star Trek "stupidly"
pushed the boundaries of what is ac-
ceptable in order to show what could be
- indeed, contrary to the bubble-gum
wrapper analysis of Card's editorial, Star
Trek was hardly stupid. In fact, it was of-
ten courageous.
Instead of pushing a party line, it often
exposed us to shades of gray, and showed
that even tyrants are people a fact often
lost in political discourse thinly disguised
to rouse people's emotions and votes.
A commitment to open-minded explo-
ration of the possibilities that lay ahead
of humanity is what ultimately drove the
crew of the Enterprise who grew to be-
come our heroes as well as our friends.
As for what brought it all together
in the end, I think it was how Star Trek
proclaimed "the human adventure is just
From disparate individualities and
infinite diversity, beauty can be derived
and understood by all. Card once wrote,
"when it comes to human beings, the only
type of cause that matters is final cause,
the purpose. What a person had in mind.
Once you understand what people really
want, you can't hate them anymore. You
can fear them, but you can't hate them,
Because you can always find the same
desires in your own heart."
Card would do well to remember his
words before impeaching the. greatest
American manifestation of them.
In the final Original Series movie, some
conservative commentators lament the
end of history should the Federation make
peace with its enemy, the Klingon Empire.
But Kirk argues that the undiscovered
country that lies beyond them represented
not the end of history, or death, but another
kind of life. After all, as Mr. Spock says,
"there are always possibilities."
May Star Trek journey to all the undis-
covered countries yet, boldly going where
no one has gone before.
Christian Waugh is a first-year law
Letter to the Editor
Editor: Eastside rightly deserves the
No. 4 ranking in the national high school
poll. Newsweek (a sufficient resource of
information) has compiled a list of high
schools on the criteria of "the most credit
exams taken."
Reading the rest of Tuesday's article
clearly stipulates the conditions of this
Mentioning that Eastside High School
is located in "one of the worst neighbor-
hoods in Gainesville" and that "most IB
graduates were white" are irrelevant to
Newsweek choosing this school.
Are you implying that "white students
in a poor neighborhood" have solely bol-
stered Eastside High School on the weight
of their shoulders? I hardly think so!
How can you dare state that the "40
percent of the impoverished students" are
not taking the credit exams?
As the Alligator's Tuesday article also
explains, criteria such as "the passing rate
of schools" have not worked in the past
due to some high schools forcing average
students from taking exams.
I suggest that you accept Newsweek's
analysis and also accept that Eastside in-
deed is ranked No. 4.
Monique Dieuvil
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UAA passed on contributing to event
Man stalks from prison
Alligator Writer
A Gainesville man was arrested
Sunday for stalking a UF employee,
reports state.
James Edgel, of 12001 NW 147th
Place,- allegedly contacted Bonnie
Burgess, an administrative assistant at
the McKnight Brain Institute, from the
Santa Rosa Correctional Institution.
"It threw up a red flag. for me,"
Burgess said.
Burgess first met Edgel through her
parents, she said.
"I've known this man for over 20
years. We grew up in the same home-
town," Burgess said. "Both my parents
were educators in the city of Alachua.
My parents taught him in school."
The first .time Edgel contacted her
since then was one year ago from the
institution, Burgess said. Edgel was in-
carcerated at the facility for grand theft
and.his.third conviction of petty theft,
according to the Florida Department of
Corrections Web site.
To make sure Edgel knew that he
should not contact her, Burgess said she
went through the proper procedures.
The Alachua Police Department
contacted Edgel at the correctional
facility on April 19 and read him a
trespass letter, stating that he was not to
contact Burgess in any way, according
to reports.
However, after Edgel's April 27
release, he reportedly tried to reach
Burgess on several occasions, though
she said she was unclear as to why.
- "I'm just a people person," she said.
On May 12, Edgel called Burgess
and left a message on her machine stat-
ing that there was a box on her porch,
reports state.-
When Burgess checked her porch,
she .allegedly found the box and pro-
ceeded to call APD.
The box reportedly contained sev-
eral items that Edgel had previously
mailed to Burgess, which she had re-
fused to accept.
Edgel was arrested on Northwest
135th Terrace at 158th Avenue after an
officer recognized him, APD spokes-
woman Carrie Lurid said.
"I don't know what instigated this,"
Burgess said.
"We were able to circumvent, at
least momentarily, anything happening
to me."
GROWL, from page 1
free ticket. Student Goverinment is in charge of
making sure that students are getting the best
bang for their buck."
Gator Growl attendance has fallen in recent
years, from a sell-out crowd of 57,000 in 2002
to only 42,000 in 2004, which FBK and SG of-
ficials blame on the vibrant hurricane season,
the four-day weekend it occurred on and a
"subpar football season." FBK lost a total of
$181,000 at last year's event.
But this year there is more to worry about
than the. active waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
I FBK only has $30,000 in line to begin pro-
duction of this Fall's Growl, compared with
previous sums of about $100,000, said FBK
Treasurer Lauren Fackender. She said she
could not remember a time when the starting
budget, which is partially comprised of the
previous year's ticket sales, was as low.
Gator Growl Producer Robert Carmody
said FBK is planning to put together a "bare-
bones show," after seeing, a $235,000 cut in its
budget from last year.
The talent budget for this year's events has
been reduced to $50,000. Last year's Growl
guests, comedians Dane Cook arnd Bill Engvall,
received about $135,000 total.
In addition, several Homecoming events
. have been canceled, and FBK will be forced
to use the in-house public address system.
Fireworks have been completely cut.
However, Robert Carmody said there is no
reason to be alarmed about talent at the show,
which has seen the likes of Jerry Seinfeld, Bill
Cosby and Jay Leno in previous years.
"Last year, we overpaid the talent," he said.
"There's a lot of talent out there who I think
a lot of us would consider better talent than
what we brought last year, for a lot less."
Chris Carmody said FBK wanted the
University Athletic Association to allow them
to use Ben Hill Griffin Stadium's north en-
dzone for the stage, which would save FBK
$90,000 in technical costs because of the way
sound travels and the equipment needed.
The repositioning of the stage would have
meant stadium skybox ticket holders would
have to change boxes or move entirely.
UAA did not deem the scenario feasible;
however, the organization
Student agreed to help with market-
GOVernment ing and promotions.
Next, Chris Carmody
went to SG with a $150,000 proposal to offset
Growl costs.
"We didn't want to come to SG," he said.
"We don't want (the reserves) to be treated as
a piggy bank that we can break any time we
want. We won't come back next year."
Chris Carmody, Goldberg and other FBK
and SG officials then determined that SG
would more than double the amount to a com-
bined $320,000 contribution.
Chris Carmody added that this will prob-
ably be the only year that students will receive
"free" Gator Growl tickets.
He said FBK will try to keep prices at $10 or
less in the future. He called the plan a "small
risk" with potential for a "huge reward."
Goldberg said he is confident in the bill be-
cause UF's head football coach, Urban Meyer,
has given the idea a thumbs-up.
"The fact that we have Urban Meyer on
board speaks volumes," he said. "He couldn't
believe students pay for [Gator Growl]."
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FREE: Cable w/ HBO + Showtime
W/D*Tanning*Huge GYM*Gated
Get $120 in Rebates. 377-2777
Super Clean Studio
Walk to Shands-
Annual lease
Now as low as $355 monthly
inc all utilities ph 336-9836
Furnished 3 and 4 bdrm apartment homes
All utilities, internet, 24 hr gym, FREE
Tanning. Roommate Matching Available
Starting at $455/bdrm. 336-3838
Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall.
Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single &
double suites available. Starting at $400/mo
includes everything gym, pool, DSL, elec-
tric, etc. 337-9255 or www.windsorhall.com
1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio,
park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail
3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/
mo 8-15-25-1
Just Bring Your Clothes!
Furnished 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875
Luxury living with all the perks!
Includes cable, utility packages avail
All we need is you! 372-8100
Spiral Staircase Skylight
Pool 2 Tennis Cts
Indvl lease & Utility Pack
Now and Fall 377-7401 8-15-25-1
Apt 4 rent 4 fall 05. Univ Terrace $405/mo
includes utilities, internet, cable tv. On bus
route, good location, 4BR/4BA, balcony,
quiet, clean. Call Elyse 219-5997 5-24-15-1
@ Countryside. Available for fall. WID, pool,
gym, security system, utils, cable. $420/mo
incl all. 813-713-6485 6-30-13-1
You can keep furniture! 2BR/2BA apt
located behind Chipotle's. Very quiet neigh-
bors. $400/BR. Call 813-416-1203. Avail all
summer 5-17-5-1
* For Rent )
2 master BRs w/private baths & private
entries to secluded, fenced backyard,
co-ed 4BR home includes utils, ethernet,
phone, cable, W/D & more. All lease op-
tions available. $500 for grand master,
$450 for 2nd master. 1-800-719-1626 or
352-333-0210 6-2-9-1
2/2 FURNISHED Avail August
W/D, Utility package. Call NOW
Action Real Estate Servides
352-331-1233 6-30-14-1
LARGE. Furnished 3BR/3BA house. $1350
+ utils. 3806 SW 2nd Ave. 1 block from
Newberry Rd w/in 1 mi from UF. 407-363-
7198, call 407-234-1380 5-19-4-1
Summer and fall rooms available
$350/sum A, B. Fall $275/mo.
Incl. util, Ethernet. Near UF.-
377-4269 grove.ufl.edu/-clo 8-15-25-1
1 MONTH FREE Countryside. 1 mi from UF.
1BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA, furnished, inc. 51" RV,
cable, DSL, washer/dryer, pool, fitness cen-
ter, ind leases. Call 352-281-4588 5-24-4-1
$425 until, cable, alarm, dsl incl. W/D. On bus
rts 9 & 35. Individual leases. Call 407-620-
1555 6-30-12-1
AFFORDABLE 2BR, 1.5 BA townhouse, pa-
tio, privacy rear, amenities, bike to campus.
386-328-6229 Iv msg. or cell 386-972-4647.
$455+ deposit. 6-16-10-1
Sublease for Summer A, B, or C
2 rooms available, on University Ave.
$350/month per person all inclusive
Call Chris at 352-745-1553
5-31-5-1 _
U For Rent
SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $325/mo.
*1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or
mobile 213-3901. 8-15-25-2
Studios and 1BRs From $489.
Walk to UF, Free Parking.
Pets' OK. Laundry on site
Open weekends 371-7777
l For Rent
$99 1st month's rent
Need a Rental Home or Condo?
Need A Tenant?
Watson Realty Corp. REALTORS*
Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440
Full Service Sales 352-377-8899
Studios & 1/1s from $469 Across from UF*
We Pay Most Utilities-
all util.incl. in studios, Pets OK,
Res get FREE Parking...guaranteed*
You can't live any closer!
* HUGE floorplans
* 1, 2 & 3 BRs $530-735!
* Sparkling pools & more!
* Bike to UF Pets ok!
* Opettwkends *,335-7275
Hurry while they last
Only 3 left! W/D, pets OK
*Some furnished avail*
**Walk or Bike to Campus *0
1-1 $460/moO*2-1 $520/mo
www.sunisland.info 0**376-6720
1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus
line, and just a few miles from UF. Located
off SW 20th Ave. $375 $450, incl water,
sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no
pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 8-15-25-2
U .For Rent
* Stree free living! Great rates!
* 1BR from $460 2BR from $530
* Beautiful pools/courtyards
* Walk/bike to UF Pets ok
* Open Weekends! 372-7555
8-15-25-2 /
Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA
W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm*
24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF
Museum Walk 379-9255
Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60
second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House
charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included.
Wood floors. With Parking. By Private
Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 8-15-25-2
Move In Today! SPECIALS!
lbr $585, 2/2 $680
Alarm, Pool, bball
Love pets! Free UF Parking
Pinetreegardens.com 376-4002
Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 sec-
ond walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer
included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish.
Short term available. Private Owner. $495-
up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 8-15-25-2.
Now & Fall 1 Big enough for 2!
750 Sq Ft, Patio, We love petsl
Alarm*Pool*UF Parking*DW*Gym
Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401
1/1s 2/2s 3/3s! Near UF
FREE Cable*HBO*Showtime*Alarm
Up to $360 in Rebates. 377-2777
**HUGE Luxury w/Garage**
2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA TH
from $420 per person
FREE Tanning*24hr Gym*Camp lab
Filling Fast for Fall**372-0400
***Beautiful and New***
FREE High-Speed Internet
FREE Monitored Alarm
FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime
FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym
W/D plus TVs in every kitchen
Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866)
U For Rent
Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to
UF. www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or
352-215-4990 8-15-25-2
1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00
$99 deposit for Grad students
999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720
Too Good to Be Truel
HUGE 2/2 for only $425/person!
Pool*Hot Tub*Tanning*PC Lab*W/D
FREE Cable with HBO*Most Utilities FREE
Minutes from Campus! 372-8100
All locations and price ranges
If you are tired of apt life
,Go to www.maximumre.com or call 374
*Location, Location, Location*
1 BR $589, near Butler Plaza,
but park FREE @ UF.
Alarms, some utils, walk-in closet, pets OK!
www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111
2BRs Across from UF
From $725 for Fall .
Pets ok, Laundry on site.
Limited Availability
Open Weekends 371-0769
Historic Neighborhood
Studios and 1BRs from $489
Pets ok, laundry on site
Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF
Private 3/2 with HUGE deck
W/D, Elevator Access
Free Parking. One of a kind!
8-15-25-2 -
Summer rates
plus July FREE
on a 15 month lease
Sun Island Properties
376-6720 www.sunisland.info
8-15-2 5-2
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- ....e.
.1. For Rent: furnished 6 Furnishings' .',:. 11 Motorcycles, Mopeds 1 Ae6.He.ifthitSV s ..' 21 Entertainmen-:
'2- fr Rent' Unfurnished ; Computers .2 Autos '.. :: ..: : I1. ypii ". Tickets
3. Sublease Ele, ro. .ks. : '13 Wanted : : W :.-; Kd f ,^-^
-4 Roommates 9 cyles.... 14 Help Wanted :: o t rets .
S Real Estate 10 For Sate ;...15 Services : ...- :eh25o & Foid ,
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I For Rent
Want a bigger 2 or 4 BR TH this fall?
TH, W/D & DW. We love ALL pets!
Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm
Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401
1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes
Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym
PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities.
Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455
Huge 1/1 dishwasher, patio/balcony
tennis, bball, monitored alarm
Move-in specials, leasing now & fall
open weekends, call 376-4002
STOP! No need to look further!
2BR/1.5BA townhome $699 includes W/DI
Park FREE @ UF, alarm, pets OK
www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111
Pine Rush Apartments
1&2 BR apt homes
starting @ $429/mo
FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF
tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm
affordable, spacious, pets ok!
Pinetreegardens.com 376-4002
1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA
$525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian
tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals,
W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF.
332-7700. 8-15-25-2
1BR & 2BR/1 BA with W/D, central heat/air,
dishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets
arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From
$505 377-1633 5-19-75-2
HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3
Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime
W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab
Pets welcome*Private dog park
Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801
f *
U For Rent
Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 sq ft Split Floor Plah, W/D Hook-ups
& DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
Now 372-9913 8-15-25-2
Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft
1BR 1000 sq ft, 2BR Townhouses & Flats!
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480.
Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070.
HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095
630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo;
816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1300/mo;
1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo;
642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 8-15-25-2
Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent
A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn
mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or.by
appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave.
373-4244 UF bus line #20 8-15-25-2
Have Roommates?
4BR/2BA House $950
3BR/2BA Haile $1100
Only You?
1BR/1 BA House $450
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2
So Close to Campus
Avail now, 2BR/1 & 2 BA apts.
$450, $475, $520, $695, $735
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2
1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown.
2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 373-
4423 or online at www.maximumre.com
NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint
2BR- over 1100 sq ft 00$650/mo
1 BR-over 800 sq ft ** $550/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$300 off deposit 376-2507
Threesomes Welcomel
All the space you need only $1050
Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab
W/D*Cable with HBO*Extra Storage
The perfect three-bedroom! 372-8100
U ForRent
Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!
Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
3BR/2BA House $750/mo
2BR/2BA Townhouse $700/mo
2BR/1BA Downtown $515/mo
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118
Champagne Living for a Beer Budgetl
3/3 for $385/bdrm or 4/4 for $370/bdrm
includes cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME
Water & Sewer, W/D, Gym, Tanning
Now & Fall The Landings 336-3838
Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR Pool
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail 37.7-7401*
Living it up!! Luxury style!
1 BR, Private patios
Walking distance to-UF,
next to Sorority Row, Alarm,
Pets OK, W/D, HUGE bdrs &
walk-in closets. "Walk to UF"
Call 372-7111
FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm
Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to
UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777
Avail for Current and Fall
Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF
Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail
Great Specials*377-7401 8-15-25-2
*FALL* BIks from UF 0 Houses 0
Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See
www.Dalyproperties.com for listings or call
Carol at 377-3852. 6-30-14-2
Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on
north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin
summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties
372-1509 8-15-25-2
SPACE & VALUE! 3 + 4 bedrooms
tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm
Pets welcome, free uf parking
ceramic tile, dishwasher, pool
open wknds, Call 376-4002
Avail May: Several units w/in .5 mi of UF
campus or closer. Eff $300-310, 1BR/1BA
.$395-$415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA
o $700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact
sor20@yahoo.com or Iv mssg 352-870-7256.
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
quo 4m m
d- fta 41
Andw 0o o m
qw W 4
ow -m- doo
- 4i 4b m- 91101.- am-lo a
Convenient UF access
$325 to $575
Action Real Estate Services
352-331-1233- 8-15-25-2
Apartments & Houses
Studio to 5BR+
Most within 2 miles of campus!
Campus Realty 692-3800
Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes
Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym,
Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms
*The Laurels, 335-4455*-
*Sign today & receive $300 rent rebate*
Three 4BR HOUSES & 1&2BR APTS.
Spacious, efficient homes biking dis-
tance to campus. Remodeled, Ig fenced
yards. Lots of extras. Available now &
fall. Call for details. $475-1225/mo. 352-
372-4768 6-30-29-2
B I For Rent
Available Summer & Fall
Studios & 1 BRs $350 to $750
2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850
Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc.
378-1387 www.gore-rabell.com
Adorable 2BR/1.5BA cottage on bus line.
W/D hkups. No dogs. 2943 NW 6th St. $640/
mo. 215-7199 5-26-20-2
Historic house, hd wd firs, Ig front porch, lots
of charm. Studio & 1BR avail. 306 NE 6th St.
$400-500/mo. Call 379-4952 8-15-25-2
Contact us for a complete listing
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
5-19-17-2 -
Ask About Our Move-In
Specials & Giveaways
Individual Leases: Furniture Packages,
Inci Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet;
Every Unit is an End Unit
Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 .
701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330
Ask About Our Move In
Specials & Giveaways
Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans;
Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer;
Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool;
Sauna etc: Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5
700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009
2BR townhouse; 7209 SW 45th PI. $500/
mo, $500 sec dep. No pets. 386-462-0994
2BR/1.5BA Condo in Casablanca East.
Newly remodeled w/tile floors, W/D incl, pool,
quiet area, on bus rt, close to UF/Shands,
$775/mo. 352-246-5958 5-26-17-2
1BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet
complex located at 3320 SW 23rd St. Starting
@ $390/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150.
Please leave a message. 5-19-15-2
Looking for an Apartment??.?
1608 NW 1st Avenue
Located right behind The Florida Book Store
FREE Apartment and Housing
Locator Service
Call 352-376-4493 or visit
Luxurious 2BR/2.5BA in secluded location.
Only 5 yrs old & newly redecorated. W/D,
DW, alarm, pool. Avail Aug. N/S. $825/mo
214-3820 5-31-17-2
Great Homes, Close to UF.
3311 NW 30th Ave $1050/month
1614 NW21stAVe $1000/month
Drive by and call 495-9085
Email: SBR@Jacksonllc.com 7-21-30-2
SPACIOUS STUDIO! Biking dist to Shands
& Vet school, washer/dryer, $450/rent
3811 SW 20th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-14-2
DUCK POND APTS! Cute 1BR & studio
apts, wood floors, water & pest control incl.
$450-510/rent, 414 NE 5th Ave. "
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-14-2
Apts and Townhouses
621 NW 10th St Gainesville
CONTACT 352-332-2097
For Rent i
1BA, cent AC, fireplace, fenced yard, tile &
wood floors, Avail 5/1. 731 NE 9th St. $850/
mo. 352-316-1637 5-31-13-2
HUGE & Affordable
1,2, & 3BRs *'
FREE Alarm FREE W/D Screen porch
FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool
Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly
ONLY 1.7 miles to UF 372-0400
w/garage. Very large, all new. Pool, tennis
& racquet ball. Good location. On bus rt.
$890/mo. Available fall. Call 352-372i768
**0.8 miles to UF. Historic 2BR apt/house
near downtown. .Wood floors, W/D. $630-
$650/mo. 214-9270 8-4-29-2
3BR/1 BA HOUSE central heat & A/C, kitchen
& bath tile floors, WD hookup @ 2036 NW.
31 Place. $650/mo. Call 352-371-3636 6-
**Apply Now No Application Fee**
4 blks to UF Gatorside Apts. 1600 NW 4th
Ave 2BR/1 BA $550 or 1BR/1BA $350 or
- 12 blks to !JF Center Pointe Apts 1 BR/1 BA
1220 NW 12 St. $350. 371-3636 6-30-14-2
Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood
floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces, SE
Historic District. 1, 2 & 3 BR w/water, sewer
$475/mo. 1st, last, security. No dogs please.
378-3704 5-31-10-2
Live the downtown life *
Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s
W/D & T/Hs avb. Pets OK
$0 DD special ask for details
From $525 338-0002
2.5BA.Townhouse, w/d hkups, ceramic tile,
porch, Pool, $750/rent,
2735 SW 35th PI #1604
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-7-2
duplex, walk to UF, CH/AC, $495/rent,
avail July, 807 NW 3rd Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 37Z-1625
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-7-2
SPACIOUS 4BR 2BAI Great house w/
Living & family rooms, fireplace, parquet
Floors, washer/dryer, $1200/rent
1525 NE 6th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-7-2
3 BR. Quiet house. Close to UF. Fenced &
shady backyard. In quiet NE neighborhood.
334 NE 12th St. $600/mo..376-6183 5-26-8-2
Lease before you leave!
Huge 2bdrms, flexible leases, on bus
.route, water & sewer included, pets ok.
Ventura Apartments
1902 SW 42nd Way
(352) 376-5065
For only $305/Month + 1/4 electric!
1 BR in a 4BR/2BA. Females only.
Available NOW! Call 561-234-9220 5-19-5-2
W/D, great yard in classic neighborhood. 740
NE 11th Ave. $795/mo 215-7199 5-26-7-2
HUGE 4BR/2BA NEAR UF. Exceptionally
nice. Cent AC/H, W/D, DW, ice-maker,
garage, fenced yard, no dogs. Avail Aug
16 -1 yr. $1640/mo. Call 665-8166 Iv mssg.
3962 W. University Ave. Close to campus.
4/2. separate living/dining/family room, fire-
place. All-appliances, cent H&AC. W/D, hot-
tub, avail Aug. $1400 333-9874 5-26-6-2
18 NW 36th St. Close to campus, 4/3 w/in-
, law suite, cent H/AC, W/D, carport. Avail
Aug $1350/mo 333-9874 5-26-6-2
Continued on next page. -
A a -.IdddmwdML6ddldmLwd %V tb4 16 b L
For Rent
590 NW 54th Terr 3/2 all appliances, cent
H/AC, screened back porch, W/D, carport.
Avail Aug. $1150/mo 333-9874 5-26-6-2
* STUDIO APT $400 0/2 HOME 3416
NVAth Ave $975/mo 0 1BR APT $450/mo.
Call Michael 376-2433 5-31-7-2 1
4BR/4BA available now. University Terrace.
W/D, pool, convenient bus stop, pvt wood-
land view, 3 mi from campus. $335/room util
not incl. Call John 786-436-1657 or Jonathon
954-309-3004 7-28-22-2
Country House 2-story 3BR/2BA zoned
commercial, ideal for home & office., SW
Williston Rd. $850. Also 2BR/1.5BA town-
house, large patio $495. 494-7230. Dave
215-1728 Kathy 6-16-12-2
Convenient to UF, Shands & VA. 1200 sq
ft. 3BR/2BA house, fenced backyard, W/D.
Pets negotiable. $900/mo. Call 262-9131
2BR/1BA available in 4/3 house. Lg recently
remodeled. Bathroom. Pool. W/D, tile, carpet
new. Common areas furnished. Sat TV/DSL.
Avail now 954-340-5524. 5-31-7-2
Avail June 1st Walk'to UF 3BR/1BA, can
negotiate pets, nice.yard w/off street parking
$795/mo + sec dep, drive by first 1002. NW
4th Ave, then call 352-538-1310 5-19-4-2
3BR/2BA TRIPLEX Available for August
2 blocks from campus. Walk to class.
Plenty of parking. $1300/mo
Call 376-1111 8-15-25-2
Brand new rooms/private baths
Utilities, Cable, DSL, W/D
Action Real Estate Services
352-331-1233 6-30-14-2
Adorable, quiet, clean, safe, green space
near UF & downtown, bus line, no dogs, 2BR
$550 1826 NW 10th ST; 1BR $425 1825B
NW 10th St. 352-376-0080 6-16-12-2
Fall rentals, walk to campus 2br/lba
$500, sign lease now and move in August.
Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 1731
NW 6th St. 8-15-25-2
Now leasing for fall 3 blocks from campus
4BR/2BA apt. $265/rm + utils 1740 NW 3rd
PI 231-3002 6-1-8-2
4BR/2BA house $1100/mo 203 NW 28th St.
2BR/1 BA apt $600/mo 615 SW 11th Ln, 231-
3002 6-1-8-2
2BR/1BA quiet nice area, cent A/C, wood
& tile floors, W/D hook-up ,. close to, UF.
Flex lease, pet deposit 611 NW 34th Ave..
Available now 352-318-8822 5-19-4-2
Avail Aug 1st. Leasing now. Bike to UF,
golf, law school. Nice 3BR/2BA home. Den,
fireplace, W/D, fenced yard. $1200/mo 352-
225-4627 6-9-10-2
SUniversity Terrace Gainesville
University Terrace West
4/4 Inidividual Leases
Furnished Living Area
W/D, Pool $375/mo.
Union Properties 373-7578
Village West Apartments
800 NW 18th Ave
1 BR/1 BA $460-$520/mo.
Ask about UF Parking Decal
Union Properties 373-7578
Bel-Aire Apartments
-1.;, 636 NW 26th Ave
Starting at $535/mo
Ask about UF Parking Decal
Union Properties 373-7578
SUPER ClTEl 1 BR 1 BA duplex
Downtown, screen porch, lawn svc,
$550/rent, 417 SW 2nd Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
wwW.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2
FREE RENT! 1 month free @ this 2BR
1.5BA, W/d hookups, CH/AC, dishwasher,
$475/rent 5320 NW 20th Court .
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2
Townhouse, w/d hookups, liv/dining
Combo, end unit, $575/rent
3925-D SW26th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonReal Estate.com 5-19-4-2
2BA house, w/d hookups, parquet floors,
carport, screen porch,
600 NW 36th Drive $900/rent
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2
Carport, w/d hookups, CH/AC,
$800/rent, 1410 NW 55th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2
GREAT 4 BR HOUSE! 2 master
BRS, fireplace, lawn svc, w/d hookups,
$1200/rent, 917 NW 40th Drive
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2
4BA apt, new flooring before move-in,
furnished rooms, $425/room
4000 SW 23rd Street #6-305
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2
Near Law School 3-1, 1-1 $1500/mo (1st, L,
S) Pref Grad std. No Pets, W/D hookup, dish,
wd firs, cent A/C, gas heat, trees. Call Tom
after 8pm or wkd 954-529-4031 5-24-5-2
3 Blks to UF!
1 BR 1 BA Apt w/extra room $460/mo
1029 SW 3rd Avenue, Central H & Air,
Carpet. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-
1494 5-19-4-2
2 Blks to UF!
2BR 1BA Apt. Terazzo Floors, Window A/C,
Nat Gas ht. $520/Mo 408 NW 15th St. Call
Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 5-19-4-2
2 Blks to UF!
2BR 1BAApt. Wood Floors, Window A/C,
Nat gas ht. $475/Mo 314 NW 14th Street
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494
2BR 1IBA Apts, $550-525/Mo
5 BIks to UFI 840 Sq. Ft.
829 SW 5th Avenue, St. Croix Apts
Central H & Air, Incids Wtr, Swg, Pst Ctrl,
Garbage. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-
1494 5-19-4-2
1 Block from UF!
1BR and 2BR Apts Avail Now, Summer
or Fall. See our list at
www.merrillmanagement.net updated daily
or call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494
2BR 1BAApts 1 Block to UF
New Carpet, Window A/C, Nat Gas Ht
1210 SW 3rd Avenue $540/Mo
Call Merrill Managment Inc. 372-1494:
1BR studio apt in NW on bus line $340/mo
incl water 2943A NW 6th St. 215-7199 5-
PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee, 2BR
townhomes, duplexes, privacy -fenced.
Modern appliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private
owner, please leave a detailed message.
$450/mo 331-2099 5-19-4-2
***BRAND NEW 2/2 APTS***
incl W/D, alarm sys, skylight, contemporary
cabinetry, front porch, great bus rte. Pets ok.
$740. Call 317-8150 for details & showing
Bike to UF. 2BR/1.5BA, W/D, DW, cent
H/AC, fenced backyard. 3204 SW 24th Terr.
Front part of Phoenix. $480/mo $450/sec.
Call Karen 317-4006 Owner/Agent 5-24-5-2
One Bedroom Apartment Homes
Starting at $429
-$150 deposit/$35 app fee
Please call 352-375-1519
2BR/1.5BA townhome, W/D, DW, new appli-
ances, on bus route, NS, no pets. $675/mo.
Available August. Call 352-335-0455 5-26-
Cute brick newly remodeled throughout 3BR/
2BA house 1 mile from campus. Duckpond
area. W/D hk up, large kitchen. No pets.
$1175/mo. Can email pics. Call 813-382-
9395. 5-24-5-2
Downtown Historic Home, 2BR/2BA
Large Rooms, large porch, wood floors, fire-
place, fenced yard, alarm system. 0.8 miles
to UF. $750/mo. 109 SE 4th PI. 219-3850
2 Bed 2 Bath 1200 sq ft Brandywine apts.
First floor end unit. $600/mo 328-8473 5-
3 BED HOUSE $850/mo. Central heat &
air. Great deal Wooden floors & W/D
hook-up. Behind Leo 706. 870-0904, 318-
4553 5-19-4-2
1 & 2 BED COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo.
Historical downtown! W/D hook-ups,
porches, great size! Cutel Must see!-
Photos @ www.rentalworkshop.com 352-
870-0904, 318-4553 5-19-4-2
3BR/1BA HOUSE Fenced yard, out-building
w/electric, 2 miles from UF. $850/mo. Lease
option available. Call Ray 256-3528 6-7-8-2
3BR/2BA HOUSE. Fenced backyard, -1900
sq ft. Close to campus. Hardwood floors, W/
D hook-ups, Avail June 45th $1250/mo. Call
352-359-1270 5-31-6-2 -
2/1 flat W/D hook-ups,.open, airy, clean, near
UF & hospitals $600/mo available now 538-
9829 5-17-2-2
1 bedroom apartment in small quiet complex,
-near University. $400 a month..Call 352-332-_
8481 6-30-14-2
3BR/2BA newer home, new tile/carpet, large
fenced yard, front & back porches, W/D hook-
up, bike to UF/Shands. Now avail. $750/mo.
421 SW 5th-St. Call 332-0841 5-26-5-2
Shands. $460/mo Avail mid-June, year
lease. Pool, W/D facility, quiet, elec extra
352-870-1784 5-24-4-2
Duckpond 1BR/1BA w/study. Wood floors,
entire 2nd floor. Private & quiet, no dogs
or smokers. 1st, last, sec required. Free
washer/dryer, garage. $550. 377-4217 5-
4BR/4BA fully renovated. Close to UF &
downtown. Cent AC/H, hardwood floors,
deck, fenced yard. $1400/mo Call 373-5295
2 & 3BR homes for Aug in quiet areas. Cute,
clean, cent H/AC, wd firs, fenced yards, bike
to UF. Pet considered $650-& $900.336-6116
Your Perfect Apt Next to UF!
Move-in Now or Aug! Studios, 1,2&3BR
Specials from $489/mo. Lofts, wood firs &
more. Some pet friendly! Going Fast! Call
nowl 376-6223 LiveNearCampus.com 8-
Large Private NW Single Fmly Home
3/2 split, fenced, new appi, lanai,
hot tub, Excellent schools, Available
now $1250 + security 941-447-5453
timcrowe@earthlink.net 5-26-4-2
A Golf Course Villa 3/2 w/pool, Quiet,
All appliances, On Bus Route Available
now $899 + Security 941-447-5453
timcrowe@earthlink.net 5-26-4-2
Apartments Available Now
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse our listing FREE
1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-2
"The Three Amigos" live at Spanish Trace
Large 3BR only $285/person
FREE UF parking, alarms, pets adored.
Same-day sign specials! 373-1111
3BR/2BA HOUSE. Wood floors, cent A/C,
W/D, large yard, 521 NW 4th St. $895/mo
562-9607 6-9-8-2
Charming studio. Privacy over detached
garage. 1.8 mi from UF. $500/mo sec. dep.
Small pets. Avail June T5 371-7149 5-31-
From $450 to $1400/mo
Available Now & August
Call 376-4581
Excellent Single Family Houses
Close to UF
Call Mike 352-665-7316 6-16-10-2
A Great Home, Close to UF
4BR/2BA, Carport, Fncd Yd,
$1000/month, Available 6/1.
Call 495-9085 3311 NW 30th Avenue 6-9-
8-2 -
2.5BA security sys off street parking
* remodeled 0 w/ wash & dryer hook-ups
* dishwasher 0 $1675 Avail in August. Call
305-527-9315 6-2-6-2
2/1 HISTORIC -HOUSE in Downtown
Pleasant Street for rent. Avail 8/1. $700/mo,
W/D, hardwood & tile floors, vaulted ceilings
w/ fans. First, last, $500 sec. to move in. Call
Lisa 246-3738 5-31-5-2
B Subleases
Bid on a sublease, call 866-837-1309 or visit
Summer sublease available WINDSOR
HALL 2 blocks from campus. 1 BR suite $600
utils incl. Laundry room, swimming pool, ca-
ble, ethernet. Call 516-650-4037 5-24-24-3
Summer sublease @ Courtyards. 1BR
in 4BR townhouse. May-Aug. $300/mo.
NEGOTIABLE. Call Maggie 727-741-1347.
1 BR/1 BA in 3BR/2BA apt. Close to UF.
Bike/bus. $235/mo + 1/3 utils. For more info
call Joy 954-614-4607 or 954-485-4560
"Copyrighted Material I
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
S e
- ~
Female for 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA town-
house. Behind sorority row. Short walk to
campus. Avail ASAP. Price NEGOTIABLE.
Call 352-870-8902 5-31-13-3
SPACIOUS 1BR/1BA unfurn apt. Large
walk-in closet, close to campus on Sorority
Row, 1 & 43 bus routes. $395/mo incl water
& pest control. Pets welcome. 352-281-9411
Huge selection
Lowest prices in town for summer 5-31-9-3
Sublet til Aug or renew huge 3/2 2.5 m to
campus in very quiet area. ,Fenced yard
great for pets. Rent is highly negotiable. Call
336-2173 Iv. mssg. 5-19-5-3
1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. Laurels. Very spa-
cious. On bus rt #35. Close everything.
$300/mo. Avail -anytime summer A, B or C.
Call Megan 321-917-9417 5-19-4-3
1/2 price sublet $200/mo 1 BR in LARGE
HOUSE; now -August. Call 305-761-8805 or
zstark@ufl.edu 5-19-4-3
VILLAGE. Some furniture available.
Broadband available. $3257mo + utils.
Available now. Call 352-223-2927 5-19-4-3
SUPER DEAL! Gainesville Place apt, 3rd fir,
vaulted ceilings, open balcony, pvt BR & BA.
Complex has free printing/faxing, comp lab,
24hr weight rm, 2 pools, much more. $390/
mo Call 407-466-7846 5-31-7-3
Close to campus/Univ & 34th. Everything
included, cable, int, ac, fenced-in yard,
kitchen, fridge $325/mo May/Aug 352-328-
4733 6-9-10-3
1 or 2 big rooms in 4/2 house, NW 26th St,
5 min.walk to law school, HBO, W/D, high-
speed internet, central AC, wood floor, move
in ASAP, lease ends 7/31, $312 negotiable.
514-5697 5-19-4-3
Lakes ha Barnes
Black Male
(DOB 7126/76); 5'05",
180 Ibs, Black Hair,
Brown Eyes
Wanted for:
Vicialnon of Proaliion Warrant
for Burglary of a'Strueture,
Burglary of a Dwelling, and
Call (352) 372-STOP
S. For Rent, For Rent F -. "-.FRent -nnhe
unfurnished J ) unfurnished' unifurnished ar m'Su-ieases !7
SubleasSueasesases Roomates Roommates
Summer sublease spacious 1BR/1BA in
SW avail May to July w/option to rent after.
Dishwasher, pool, laundry, close to UF, bike/
bus, no deposit, rent $400/mo OBO. Please
call 352-281-6998 5-24-5-3
1BR apt avail June 1st w/opt to renew lease
Aug 1st. Across street from UF/Swamp.
$539/mo. College Park Apts: 1716 NW 3rd
Ave #24. Michael 910-352-2659 5-19-4-3
HUGE 1BR for sublet. $385/mo, w/opt to re-
new lease. Hardwood floors, close to down-
town & UF, lots of windows, pets-welcome.
June, July, Aug. Move-in flex. Must rent by
July. Call 352-281-3111 5-20-3-3
Cute house. New, clean, fenced yard. 1BR
529 NW 28th Ave. Avail June 1. 352-871-
1887 5-24-4-3
Countryside @ University condo. $425
furnished living room. 2 rooms avail in 4BR/
4BA. Cable, water, elec incl exept phone.
icheng@beilsouth.net. Call Irvin 352-379-
2926 5-24-4-3
COUNTRYSIDE $250/month.
Clean 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. All "utils in-
cluded, internet,- available now until July
31st. Call 850-346-0906. Check out anytime.
1BR/1BA hardwood floors, sunny, quiet,
3 blocks from campus and bars! Cable
included, $400 + utils, neg. Computer desk
included, May 29 Aug 352-262-0149,
ssiejka@ufl.edu 5-24-4-3
Walk to class for less! Large furn 1BR in
4BR/2BA house. Wireless net, cable, utils
incl. Quiet, huge backyard $299/mo now til
late Aug. Call Noel 727-510-1996 5-31-6-3
1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA apt for sublease.
Female only. All utils incl. Melrose apts.
$350/mo. Available now thru Aug 15th. Call
321-695-8009 5-31-5-3
Summer B. 2BR/2BA Oakbrook Walk apt.
1 or 2 BR avail. Walk to UF/Shands. Pool,
W/D, night security, utils, cable, internet incl.
$500/mo. Call 407-766-3722 6-2-6-3
Apartments Sublets & Roommates
All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500
Shrt-Long & FOrn-Unfurn
1-(877)FOR-RENT (367-7368)
WWW.SUBLET.COM 8-15-23-3
Subleasing room in 4BR/4BA apt. Aug 05-
-May 06. Melrose Apts near mall. Furnished.
Gym, pool, quiet area. Call Lana at 813-300-
0865 5-19-2-3
SPACIOUS 2BR apt lease till July 31st.
Asking $450.- 8 min bus to UF. Friendly
student community, pool, laundry, gym,
parking. MAY FREE. Call 352-870-5699 Fay
Summer sublease @ Cobblestone
2BR/2BA townhouse, cable, pets, available
5/25. Call Valerie @ 264-0385 5-31-5-3
Summer sublease at Cobblestone
Huge bedroom and closet
Bus rte. to campus
$475/mo. inc cable, W/D
call Erik: 219-5070 5-26-4-3
1 & 2 BED COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo.
Historical downtown! WID hook-ups,
porches, great size! Cute! Must see!
Photos @ www.rentalworkshop.com 352-
870-0904, 318-4553 5-19-2-3
5 | Roommates
Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866
Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk
to UF. Old house charm with all amenities.
Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.Lv mes-
sage. Private Owner 8-15-25-4
Female roommates wanted brand.new 2100
sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to
UF. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils
incl $500/mo.Avail Fall. Call Jacqueline 352-
395-7462 or 941-780-3526 5-26-77-4
M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to
rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi
to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry 336-5450 or
954-646-1341 6-16-83-4.
2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Credit Union/
Norman Hall/hospitalfbuses for city/UF.
Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + half
util. Quiet/considerate F/M? Call 337-9746
Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from
13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep,
NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or
leave message at 352-870-7256 8-15-25-4- .
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious
condo w/2 female UF students. NW 55th
St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763
Female(s) for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house near UF,
Shands & VA. W/D. Pets ok, furn opt. Avail
now. Jennifer 371-6228 please leave msg.
Loft BR $250/mo big old house in NW.
Remodeled, hardwood firs; new kitchen &
baths, great yard, close to UF. Great room-
mates, DSL, good parking. Stephanie 371-
9409 6-9-15-4
Room in NW home. $325/mo inc utils &
DSL. No pets, mature male non-drinker/
smoker. Avail 5/1/05 (flex) Scott 335-8209
2/2 avail in beautiful large house located in
quiet neighborhood. Avail for the summer
beginning May 1. Call 352-246-4519 or 352-
376-4421. N/S, neat, preferred. 6-2-19-4
F vet student seeking F, NS for brand, new
fully furn 2BR/2BA home. Avail immed.
Optional renewal for fall. $425/mo + 1/2
utils, ball 561-707-1503 or gatorgrt@ufl.edu.
Looking for roommate to rent master BR in
nice, clean, relaxed environment. New wood
floors & appliances, no move-in or applica-
tion fees. $350 + 1/3 utils. Call Ryan 850-
261-3571 5-19-12-4
Professional or student to share ranch home
in G'ville about 10-15 min drive to UF or
SFCC. Furn common areas. $400/mo. Avail
now. Call 352-262-4829 5-19-10-4
Quiet non-smoking college age roommate
wanted from Aug to April 06 Rent $375 per
month. Call local 352-376-4250 or call cell
904-994-6764 5-24-10-4
$350 + 1/3 utils, huge room
Private bath, W/D, pool
Rockwood Villas, Avail June 1st.
Isaac 514-0767 or Joe 514-6561 6-16-17-4
1BR in 2 story furnished house in nice NW
neighborhood close to UF. Washer & dryer
in house. Rent $350/mo: Call Mike 316-3930
$295 nice room in nice 4/2 house 1.5 mi to
UF. Big trees, wired for cable, dsl, on bike
path, quiet, private peaceful environment.
Dave 371-9409 5-31-10-4
Need 1 F student/professional to share
2BR/1BA apt $250/mo + 1/2 utils. 376-4510
or 352-256-6389 5-17-5-45
Countryside. 4BR/4BA: 1/1 avail 8-1-05; 2/2
avail 1-1-06. Enet access, util incl (cap), W/D,-
furn, secure. Exercise/pool, bus to UF-3 mi.
$465/mo/rm. lst.last.dep. Vanessa 352-217-
3464, Sebastian 352-874-8905 5-31-8-4
Share 3BR home w/ artist. Pref older student
or employed lady.- BR & study/ofc. Sat TV,
pvcy fence, sec sys. I have 2 inside cats +
outside cats. $400 + 1/2 utils. Bus rte 4 mi
to UF. Ruth 2-10pm 376-0129, cell 359-6138
Female roommate, N/S for fall $600/mo
including util. 3BR/2.5BA. Brand new fully
furnished maxed out 2500 sqft luxury town-
house at Regents Park. Call 561-281-9274
Working people. 3 rooms $85 week max
cable (1 room small apt) 1.8 mile past Waldo
Rd & UnivAve. Not all info included. For total
info call 376-0384 or page 202-7074 immed/
re 5-26-6-4
Quiet & safe. Full amenities. $300/mo. Leave
message 333-8300 5-26-6-4
3BR/2.5BA Located off Newberry, 1 mile
from campus w/busstop closeby. Looking for
roommate for summer or fall. $300/mo + 1/3
utils. Please call 352-338-7532 5-24-5-4
Walk to Law School
Large BR in 4BR/2BA house. 3 1L students
need roommate. Cable TV, wireless.
Available now. $425/share utilities. 770-639-
5958, dcdotson@ufl.edu 6-2-8-4
Roommate grad/prof NS to share new
2/2 condo Plantation Oaks ASAP. Master
BR/BA available $450/mo + 1/2 utilities + de-
posit. CH/A, carpet, W/D, has computer loft.
Phone 372-6477/538-6505. 5-24-5-4
Roommate wanted for house with 2 males,
7 bloocks from campus Contact Anna 360-
770-6459 5-19-4-4
A nice 3BR/3BA house in NW. Looking for F
roommate. Pool, hottub, garage, spacious
yard, everything brand new. Pets neg. Rent
$450 neg. Close to UF & SFCC. Near Mall &
shopping. 258-4981 5-26-6-4
Female Roommate Needed
Kensington North $500/mo
included utilities & cable
Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-4
F, NS for nice NW house, 2.5 miles to UF.
$450/fio. All utils incl, hi-speed internet. Call
239-398-1172 5-31-7-4
1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA w/wotking prof. W/D,
DW. Avail 6-1-05. Gym,.2 pools, close to UF.
$320/mo + 1/2 util. Call 264-0586 or 393-
1157, bseekid@yahoo.com 5-31-7-4
Furnished 1I BR/1 BA in 4BR/3BA @ Campus
Club. Avail fall. W/D, util, cable, DSL incl. Call
281-8400 5-24-5-4
Southern Comfort Great place to study &
tan. Pool, W/D, ethernet, NS, avail for sum-
mer & fall $380/mo + share utils. Jake 239-"
564-0069 5-31-5-4
Walk to UFI Large bedroom and walk-in clos-
et in vintage 3/2 home 1.5 bilks from campus,
centAC/ht, W/D, parking. $275/mo + 1/4 util.
Call 367-9128, 375-1474 5-19-4-4
M/F roommate for 2 rooms in 3/2 house.
$450/month .everything included W/D, cable
internet, completely furnished. Call Jen at
561-723-7621 5-17-2-4
M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA.
home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3
utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737
1 room in 3BR/2BA apt for female @
Boardwalk. Close to UF. On bus rte. Tennis,
large pool, more. 1 yr lease. $245/mo + 1/3
utils, cable & DSL internet. Call Mike 352-
316-6219 5-31-6-4
$400/mo includes' utilities & furniture. Call
321-615-8066, 352-271-1135 6-2-7-4
Room w/private BA avail 6/1 in 3000 sq ft
3BR/3BA house. Fenced yard, large deck,
partially furnished, $550/mo. Call Taylor 352-
514-2877 5-24-4-4
Grad, upperclassmen or prof to share spa-
cious rew 3BR/2BA house: I-net & cable incl.
Must be neat clean & responsible. $450 or
$425/mo + 1/2 util. Short or long term avail.
262-3989 6-16-11-4
2BRs -avail in charming NW house close
to Ward's Grocery, W/D, share kitchen/BA.
Seeking serious student/professional, NS,
furn opt. $250+ -utils. Call 338-2086 5-26-
2 female roommates wanted for 3BR/2BA
house on 36th & University. Available now.
$360/mo + utils. Call Katie 514-5985 5-
HOUSE. $380/mo Near Duckpond.
Professional college student. Cent A/C, W/D
incl. 1300 sq ft. 813-997-6600 5-31-6-4
M or F for pvt BR/BA in 2BR/2BA luxury
apt. Move in Aug. Fully furn. 1 block from
campus. $700/mo incl elec, hi-spd internet,
cable, water, W/D. 941-518-4686 5-26-5-4
3rd Roommate needed male. 2 min from
SFCC. 3BR new furnished townhome. Golf,
gated, $550/mo incl all util, inet & cable.-
Avail 8/15/05.1 year lease. No pets. Call
Mike 954-467-7070 or Jeff 954-240-3524
NS, M/F, student for own BR/BA in large
home-8 blocks north of campus w/2 grad
students. Must be mature & responsible.
$525/mo incl all Otils + WID, cable, wireless
& weight room. Call Kent 727-433-0229
For furn 1BR/1BA in nice condo 2BR/2BA.
W/D, pool, 4 miles to UF, bus route. $260/
mo + 1/2 util, Pref Asian female, no smoke.
Move in anytime. Call 331-0834 after 6pm.
1 bedroom in a 2/2
available for $425/month + utilities;. Fmale
pref. Call Melissa 561-445-9366 5-31-5-4
Female roommate wanted. Furn w/nice BR if
desired. Spacy 2BR apt. June July rent free!
Free cable & DSL. W/D in apt. Like new. Fall-'
Spring $425/mo 514-1485 5-26-4-4
Roommate Needed
Private Bed/Bath
$399, everything included
Call 352-379-9300 5-19-2-4
Sublets and Rooms Available
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse available Rooms FREE!
1-(P77)-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-4
F, UF student wanted for 3BR/2BA house 1.5
mi from campus. $430/mo everything incl.
CallAmy 352-2,19-5780 6-16-10-4
ATTENTION! F roommate needed for 1BR/
1BA in a condo. $450/mo utils incl. Must be
responsible, neat & clean. Avail now! Call
Madgene @ 561-827-4970 5-24-3-4
Furnished (or unfurnished) 1BR in 2BR
HOUSE in NW Gainesville. $212/mo + utils.
Close to UF, on bus route. 377-5960 Iv msg
eRal Estate. -]
Sell your house, condo, acreage,'Lilobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find
Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 8-15-25-5
Existing condos & luxury condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus
Realty Group 5-19-56-5
Save Thousands When You Buy Now. FREE
LIST of Great Local Condos.
Campus Realty Group
Great Homes Near UF
STOP Renting. Own Your Home.
FREE LIST of Campus Area Homes
Campus Realty Group
Lease-to-own or owner financing. 3BR/
2.5BA, 2091 sq ft. 3.86 acres, block &
stucco, fireplace, $2150/mo + dowr Owner
licensed realtor Michael Quinones 376-2433
4BR/4BA top floor. Partially furn. 941-518-
5240 5-26-9-5
Continued on next page. '
*00 Dow%,
Real Estate 9
Grantwood Condominiums
2/2 Loft Condo W/Private Courtyard
Minutes From UF! 975SF, GATED
Starting @ $119,000! HURRY!
Call Adam Vaisman.352-222-7260
Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Rltrs 372-5375
looking to buy or lease houses in this area.
Any size, price, or condition. 352-264-7347
or visit us @ www.happygatorhomes.com
2BR/2BA townhouse. Immaculate.
Corner unit. Many upgrades, all appliances.
Tennis courts, pool, clubhouse. $159,900.
352-222-3395 5-19-2-5
BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pil-
low-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new,
still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-372-
7490 will deliver. 8-15-25-6
mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call
352-377-9846 8-15-25-6
Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 8-15-25-6
BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 8-
CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. -Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 8-15-
BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 8-15-25-6
SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846
DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 8-15-
FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell
$199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6
Forest green cloth. From Rooms To Go.
With pillows. $200 352-235-4439 5-26-6-6
Almost new. Call 352-335-2703 or 352-225-
1965. %.k for Mirna 5-24-5-6
Three-piece white bedroom furniture set
(nightstand, dresser w/mirror, chest) & bed-
frame w/full-size mattress set for $300. Call
352-271-1055 5-31-5-6
FURNITURE SET: Sofa, loveseat, light olive
green; 2 end tables, 1 coffee table, glass; 2
lamps. Less than 1 year old. $650 352-256-
ail Computers
.4_A+G 1hTuter 1leek
Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 8-
Complete residential & commercial support,
-networking & website development. $45/hr
www.gainesvillecsi.com 371-2230 8-15-24-7
Cash Paid Laptop PCs
www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 8-15-24-7
Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street
|l Electronics
722 S. Main S The Red Bldg
01 Bicycles
In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the-Alligator Classifieds.
Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Townl
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 8-15-25-9
S For Sale
Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 8-15-25-10
PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar
supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional cooking utensils.
R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 8-15-25-10
Post-partum election depression?
"Red State resident/Blue State values"
bumperstickers. $1 + sase. Jacksonnewf,
93 Hunters Woods, Martinsburg, WV 25401
W | Motorcycles. Mopeds)
Many Brands'Available 518 SE 2nd St.
www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974
Swamp Cycles
Large selection of E-bikes, Scooters and
Accessories. CPI USA, ETon, Luojia, HJC
Helmets. 534 SW 4th Avenue, 373-8823
www.swampcycles.com 8-15-25-11
New location now open 1901 NW67th Place
352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. All models & directions avail on web-
site. 6-16-12-11
Running or Not, Titles orNot.
352-495-7769 Please leave message
S IllMotorcycles, Mopeds) -m Help Wanted
Scooters from $599. Largest section
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 solanocycle.com 8-15-43-11
02 APRILIA RS50 All the look and feel of
an Italian sports bike, without the danger.
$1300 OBO as is. Call Rob @ 786-236-7784
Perfect 1st Bike. 5-24-5-11
Motorcycle Wanted
600cc or larger. WILL-TRADE LAPTOP PC
plus CASH. Joel 336-0075 5-26-4-11
Q A u to s -
*Running or note
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
OCall Don @ 215-7987 8-15-25-2
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com
Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome
Call Ray 352-284-8619
2715 N MAIN 377-1616
Best Cars Lowest Prices
Buy, Sell, Trade. We finance. 495-9500
For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 8-15-
89 NISSAN 240 SX $1100
Call Heather 264-1618 5-19-4-12
1989 MAZDA 626 Auto, PW, sunroof, good
condition. $1200
1993 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM Auto, ice-cold
air, excellent condition $1300
RON SMITH MOTORS 352-208-2648 5-
automatic, 4 door, A/C, new tires. 69,500 mi,
$6500. Call 352-219-1140 or 352-331-1500
UF| Wanted D
JEWELRY. 373-9243 8-15-25-13
On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower. Rd area.
STUDY ABROAD in beautiful PARIS June
20-Aug 5. CLAS classes offered. Incentive
will be rewarded to take my spot. Contact
Joanna 352-870-8383, jojo18@ufl.edu 5-
Blind lady needs health majors interested in
walking at least three times a week. Call 352-
219-6948. Thanks. 5-26-6-13
This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings
Sthe independent florida
The Alligator Production department is
accepting student applications for the
position of Ad Graphic Designer. Starting
with summer semester. Will trdin, but must
have experience with Adobe InDesign,
Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat. Friendly
work environment, flexible schedule, with
hours between 9am and 5pm Mon Fri. Fill
out an' application at the front desk of The
Alligator, 1105 W. University Ave, Mon Fri
9am 5pm. Include available work schedule
and references. Previous applicants are wel-
Scome to reapply with current schedule.EOE
the independent florida
What's black and white and
"read" all over???
The Independent Florida Alligator
And you can be part of the sales team of
the largest college newspaper in the
country by applying to become an
(this is a non-paid position
requiring 12-15 hours per week, possibly'
leading to a paid sales position.)
If you are a UF or SFGC student
eager to gain valuable sales experience
stop by the Alligator, 1105 W. University
Avenue, to fill out an application and
class schedule by Fri, May 13th. We will
contact you for an interview opportunity to
get your career jump-started! EEO/AA
.Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com
for details. 8-15-25-14
Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 8-15-25-4
CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 8-15-25-14
Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex.4081 Call now! 8-
Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/
employment 8-15-25-14
) I* I Help Wanted *-')
University of Florida
Survey Research Center
408 W University Ave. Suite 106
Mon-Fri 9:30am-9pm
392-2908 ext. 105
$7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training
Telephone Interviewing NO SALES
3 eves. 6-9 pm + 2 weekend shifts
Sat 12pm-6pm + Sun 2pm 8pm
Must Work-summer break week.
For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No,.appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 8-
No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 8-15-25-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254
Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making &
smoking. If interested come to the psychol-
ogy bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297
Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company w/advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156 5-19-63-14
* o*n
*'II I
12 Help Wanted 3
Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St.
Private dance co. Great for students. Great
pay, fast cash & flexible hours. Call to start
today! 378-3312 5.19-30-14
Customer Service rep wanted.
MS Office Experience required.
Permanent Full-Time Position.
Contact: Jackson Industries,
4001 Newberry Rd, E4, Gvl or
info@jacksonllc.com 5-24-30-14
Groundskeepers FT, PT
Custodial duties/Apt Maint
Transportation req. DFWP EEO
220 N Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14
Leasing Consultant, FT, PT
Energetic Attitude
Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO
220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14
Great for college students. Flexible hours.
Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-15-
Models wanted for fine art figure photogra-
phy. 18+, all looks, body types considered.
Compensation negotiable: $, prints/CD?
Contact Jay at lensphlare@yahoo.com
=- I
SI1i Help Wanted
Interviewing NOW for jobs beginning August
11th. Leave for the summer knowing you
have a job when you return in the Fall.
desired or successful experience working
with children.
AIDE I $7.61/hr HS or equiv. Min. 3 yrs.
Exp. As teacher aide or equiv. Combo of
training & exp. working with children.
CENTER AIDE $8.67/hr HS or equiv.
Exp & training in working w/handicapped
children, or equiv. combo of training & exp.
Call at 955-7766 for information or pick up
application @ 620 E. Univ, Ave (School
Board ofAlachua County) 5-17-7,14
Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now
hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashier/servers.
Apply in person 4-5pm, Mon Sun. See
www.green-sparrow.com for store loca-
tion or call 352-871-5771 8-15-25-14
PRE-MED GRADUATES Looking for ex-
perience in medicine? Full time assistant
needed in ophthalmology. Will train. Resume
to Dr. Levy: afn22025@bellsouth.net 6-16-
CASHIERS Apply in person
Tower Rd & 13th St locations. 6-2-10-14
41111 t q '-
411 4W -dk
] i I Help Wanted ] Help Wanted
The Honey Baked Ham Co & Cafe is hiring
sales assocs & sandwich prep. PT positions
approx 18-24 hrs/wk. Starting salary $6.50/
hr. Apply in person 618-NW 60th St (behind
McDonalds on Newberry Rd) 331-1253 5-
5 STAR PIZZA is now hiring delivery drivers.
Great pay, flexible hrs. Closing drivers aver-
age over $100 per shift. Apply in person at
600 NW 75th St. 352-333-7979. 5-19-5-14
Full time travel. Background checks. Good
driving record. DFWP. Steve Adams 407-
363-7777 5-31-8-14
Immediate Openings,
Customer Sales/Svc, No Exp Nec,
Conditions Apply
All ages 17+. Call Now 335-1422
NANNY NEEDED 3 days a week 6:30 9:00
am & 2:30 8:00 pm. Must be available both
times, days vary. Must have car. 271-0804
Good Pay, Resume Builder,
Scholarships Possible
Customer Sales/Svc Will Train
Conditions Apply. Call Now 335-1422
ALSO some PT Position available.
352-246-5785 8-15-25-14
for patent applications. Reply:
mdinstitute@hotmail.com 5-24-5-14
Reply mdinstitute@hotmail.com 5-24-5-14
MATH,SOCIAL SCIENCE to generate test
questions. Apply mdinstitute@hotmail.com
Reply: mdinstitute@hotmail.com 5-24-5-14
Need Extra Cash?
SOCCER COACHES: Gainesville Soccer
Alliance seeking experienced soccer coach-
es for competitive youth soccer teams for
-'2005-2006 season. Call 379-5979 or email:
contact@gainesvillesoccer.org 8-15-25-14
Architectural Draftsperson
'Palm Bch Fl. award winning firm seeks arch.
draftspersons 3 5 yrs exp. Full time or
summer intern. AutoCad. PIs submit resume
- thank you. Fax: (561) 833-9853 e-mail:
TLGROUP@aol.com 5-24-5-14
Palm Bch Fl. Established firm seeks gradu-
ate or licensed ardh. High end practice; proj-
ects of above average complexity. Full time.'
Ex.Benefits. Salary negotiable. Pis submit
resume. Thank you. Fax: 561-833-9853 e-
rhail: TLGROUP@aol.com 5-24-5-14
HOPE a horse therapy program seeks
horse experienced volunteers to help with
grooming, exercising, etc. 352-332-7322
for PT help. Must be able to work during
summer & 2-3 Saturdays/mo. Please bring
resume to 2020 NW6th St. 5-31-7-14
for high school student. 373-9577 or 538-
2-699 5-19-4-14
$6.50/hr. Part time. Call Sandy's
Consignment Boutique 372-1226 5-19-4-14
MODELS for female fashion business. Must
be photogenic, over 5'7" tall., weigh under
150 lbs,. age 18-35 years. Call 352-870-9308
Programmer/summer intern.
$8-10/hr. Schedule negotiable.
Skills: Java, VB, VB.Net,
SQL. GIS, web preferred.
Call 377-6093 or e-mail
rrichardson@albireosts.com 5-17-3-14
If you are looking for PART TIME WORK,
during the daytime, in a professional office
environment, then call me. We are Infinite
Energy, Inc. Florida's 50th largest private
employer. We sell discount-priced natural
gas throughout Florida & Georgia. We need
people that can use the phone effectively.
Our clients save money so this is enjoyable
work. If you are a good communicator, aren't
afraid of the telephone, get along well with
others & need some money (hourly wage +
commission) tfien call Bryan, 352-331-1654,
X 3117. Also, send your resume resumes@i
nfiniteenergy.com. EOE/AA/MFDV. For more
information go to www.InfiniteEnergy.com.
This is a great place to work! Time is of the
essence. Call now. 5-26-6-14
Driver or in-store. Part time or full time. Must
be available through fall. Apply in person @
Five Star Pizza downtown 210 SW 2nd Ave.
375-5600 5-26-6-14
NANNY needed for baby.
Hours/pay negotiable. Exp w/ infant care,
refs, dependable transport required. Call
331-4587 5-19-4-14
Loving, caring person for Sunday
church nursery for summer and, beyond.
Responsible, reliable. Background check,
references required. Call Leslee, 378-1527
Spinal Tech is HIRING until Friday, May
20th. Work ON-CAMPUS, helping us set up
professional audio and lighting equipment.
Please fill out an online application avail-
able at http://www.union.ufl.edu/jobs/. Note:
You must select Spinal Tech as your FIRST
choice. You MUST be a registered UF stu-
dent to apply! Previous technical experience
is encouraged, but not required for employ-
ment. Contact Spinal Tech at 392-1655 ext
280 for more details. 5-17-3-14
Medical Billing/Front Office Clerk for
Dermatology Office. Experience preferred,
but will train motivated individual with excel-
lent computer, typing and interpersonal skills.
2 yr commitment preferred. FT with benefits
or PT min 20 hrs/wk. Fax resume 332-2966
Attn- Michele. 5-19-4-14
Nurse/Medical Assistant for busy
Dermatology, office. Ideal position for
health-related major. Full time position 32-
36 hrs/wk. Minimum 1 year commitment.
Experience preferred but willing to train moti-
vated person. Salary negotiable. Fax resume
to 352-332-2966 5-19-4-14
Taco Bell (Yum...brands!)
Are You?
Come join us, today!
We offer:
Flexible schedules
Latenight availability
Multiple locations
CHAMPS recognition
Pre-Teamer Rewards
FREE MEAL incentives
Career Opportunities
Customer Maniacs
Team Members, Shift Manager
& Manager
Now what do YOU offer?
You make a BOLD CHOICE
and contact us to discuss the details
with our Restaurant Gen Managers:
Christine @ 3408 SWArcher Rd 372-0453
Michelle @ 826 W. University Ave.373-2949
Martin @ 2224 NW 13th St 374-4335
3 EE111 Help Wantedw ]
Computer hardware background a must.
Excellent written, oral, communication &
inter-personal skills required. Proficiency
w/Word, Excel, FrontPage. ENTRY LEVEL
POSITION. Fax resume to: 352-33,1-3308
or e-mail to bkjordan@e-techservices.com
Lots, some, no experience. For info go to
www.fotoartusa.com click news & links. 5-
PT OFFICE HELP. Hours 7am to nooQM-F.
Good driving record, exp w/Autocad, Excel,
Word helpful. $7.50/hr to start. Call Wells at
219-1183 or email wells@ridgwaytruss.com
or fax 352-371-3316 5-19-3-14
Part time 2-4 hrs per week. Busy campus
retail store. Perfect opportunity for career
service person. GGreenl@hallmark.com
Earn $5-7/hr for participating in Psychology
study on human performance & decision
,making. Come by room .375 Psychology
Bldg, UF campus, to apply 5-19-3-14
Support Staff needed to work with active
young lady in her home on week-ends.
Fri 4pm Mon 10 am $6.25/hr. Reply to
cphases@aol.com. Fax letter to 352-486-
5759 6-2-7-14
Work for student Yard work, chainsaw, car-
pentry, electrical, plumbing. & some heavy
lifting. From $6.50 8.00/hrdepends on skill
& experience. Call 376-6183 5-31-6-14
Student Only Programming GEEK 3+
years of experience in development with
Apache, Linux, MySQL, and PHP.
Experience With Adobe Photoshop, Cobalt
Raq4 server administration, RedHat Linux
or CentOS, PDFlib and Adobe Acrobat are
strong pluses. Email resume to:
david@gainesvillemedicaldirectory.com 5-
available Mon, Wed, Thurs 8:30 am 4pm.
Excellent references and reliable transpor-
taion required. Call 495-8275 5-17-2-4,
Mon thru Fri afternoons & evenings & some
weekends. Car needed. Call 352-258-9757
Nbw hiring FT PT EXP WAITRONS Apply
Tues Fri 2-4 1120 W. University Ave. 5-
Smo0 i'Notes
Now Hiring Notetakes & Editors
for Summer and Fall 2005.
Apply at SmokinNotes.com -
The Institute for Advanced Study of
Communication Processes at the University
of Florida is looking for volunteers who have
strong opinions or beliefs about any impor-
tant issue, or cause. *You can earn $30 for
one hour by participating in this study* 352-
392-2046 x229 or voicestudy@yahoo.com
6-30-13-14 -
P/T teacher/tutor wanted to teach pre-pro-
fessional students 1-on-1 or small group.
College biological or physical sciences. Call
372-8560 or 1-800-910-1352 5-19-3-14
Part time Gift Shop/Ticketing Clerk fo ,.
Butterfly Rainforest; duties include helping
in butterfly rearing lab. Weekend and holi-
day availability required. Email resume to
jtrautman@fmsworks.com or Fax resume to
Jay at 352-955-6511, Deadline 5pm 5/17/05.
Continued on next page. -<
U -
) II-
Help Wanted 'U Help Wanted Help Wa nted Services 3 *
Services. .
Work @ a fast-paced coffee bar near cam-
pus. Searching for a dependable student to
work between 18-24 hrs/wk. Morning & af-
ternoon weekday shifts available. Call Tim @
352-37 -4823 for more info. 5-24-4-14
computer experience preferred. For more
information please contact
bbiit@bbi-cm.com with resume 5-31-5-14
mid-J4rly. Mon & Thurs 7am-6pm. Alternate
Fri 12pm-7pm. Potential for long-term posi-
tion. Must have own car to transport children
to & from school in fall, run errands. 372-
5196 5-26-4-14
Accounts Receivable:
Gator Dining Services, located on the UF'
Campus, is looking for a full time office per-
son. Hours-are M-F, 8-5 pm. This person will
manage cash on account, work closely with
the catering department to ensure all invoic-
es go out propmptly, post incoming checks
to the corresponding invoices and help
with other general office duties. Must pos-
sess strong computer and customer service
skills. We offer competitive pay, benefits and
a great working environment. Fax resume
with salary requirements to 352-392-9787 or
email to msmorgan@ufl.edu. 5-19-2-14
0) k Ham o c k
We offer a stable, consistent work environ-
ment with steady hours, a full benefit pack-
age and opportunity to work in an upscale
healthcare setting. Experience preferred; but
we will train people who possess a positive
attitude. We offer a very competitive benefit
(Hourly wage guaranteed)
Apply in person:
5100 SW 25th Blvd.
Gainesville, Florida 32608
Oak Hammock is a DFWP/EOE!
Jobline: 352-548-1180
Experienced horse-person for part-time
work. Must have reliable transportation,
NS.' Call Kristen at 494-0284-or 528-6914
Leasing Consultant, PT
Enthusiastic, energetic arid hardworking
Live for FREE!
Call 352-379-9300 5-19-2-14
Wanted twice weekly sessions. Must be
dependable. Please call Laura at 336-8786
Participants Needed
The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in
Linguistics is looking for people to participate
in a listening experiment.
You can earn $10/hour by participating in a
study of the perception of speech sounds
from foreign languages.
If you are interested in participating, please
contact Jenna Silver jenlsilver@yahoo.com
Nanny$ersonal Assistant
4 children 1-7 years at our home
15-30 hours per week, ref req'd
careers@bytheplanet.com or
352-367-8600 5-26-4-14
Mystery Shoppers needed immediately in
your local area.. Flexible hours, complete
training. Internet access required.
Call 888-821-4160
Sprayglo is looking for individuals with lead-
ership ability to train for management posi-
tions in the fast-paced world of auto painting
and body repair.
No automotive experience is necessary. You
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TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005
UF advances with
second-round win
Aiigatour Writer
The memory of last year be-
came ancient history Saturday
With last year's loss out of its
'thoughts, the UF women's ten-
nis team steamrolled through
the first two rounds of the
NCAA Championships this
"The last two days I've
been playing probably
the worst doubles of my
life. But it made me more
determined to go into
Whitney Benik
UF tennis player
The Gators (20-2) defeated
South Carolina State on Friday
and Florida International on
Saturday by back-to-back 4-0
scores. With the wins, UF is
now set to face Baylor in the
Round of 16 in Athens, Ga. on
This season, UF has been
haunted by its 4-3 upset loss to
Miami in 2004's second round
that ended a quest for a repeat
title. With three members of the
2004 squad in the lineup against
FIU, the Gators still had to deal
with the past.
"The second-round ghost
showed up there for the first
20 minutes, I thought, in
doubles again," Coach Roland
Thornqvist said.
But, as quickly as the ghost
appeared, they vanished and
the second-seeded Gators took
Falling behind immediately
on the top two doubles courts,
UF looked to be in early trouble.
But, Thornqvist said the Gators'
talent took over, as UF took two
of three doubles matches for the
first point of the day.
In singles, UF dominated,
winning the first set on all. six
courts. With the exception of
junior Jennifer Magley drop-
ping four consecutive games
in the second set'on court one,
the Gators' sweep was never in
Freshman Whitney Benik,
who was defeated with team-
mate Alex Liles in doubles, was
a different player in singles.
Winning on the fourth court
with two consecutive scores of
6-1, she earned UF's second
point and said her poor doubles
play changed her mindset head-
ing into her singles match.
"The last two days I've been
playing probably the worst
Tim Casey/ Alligator Staff
UF senior Zerene Reyes recorded her 100th singles victory,
leading the Gators to a 4-0 win over Florida International.
Spring sports prove all-around dominance
It was a pretty crazy weekend for UF
There was softball, men's and wom-
en's track in the SEC Tournament, men's
and women's and tennis in the NCAA
Tournament, and, oh yeah, baseball.
That's way too much to keep track of. I
imagine Athletics Director Jeremy Foley's
head was spinning. (Although he was the
Gators' biggest cheerleader at the matches
I attended.)
But it's not a bad spinning. It's definitely
a good one.
Because all six of these teams are in or
are headed to NCAA competition in their
respective sports. Also, men's and women's
golf are also NCAA Regional bound.
That's eight out of the eight spring sports
That UF offers that-are
in the top 25 of their
"What's your
point, Ian?" you ask.
I only care about
Ian Fisher football and basket-
Extra lannings ball."
ifisher@aigatororg Well, that's where
fsher@alligator.org you and Foley differ.
Criticize the bas-
ketball and football
teams as much as you want. I've done it
plenty. (I think football may be making a
change for the better, though.)
But it's tough to criticize UF's entire ath-
letic program.
Foley has built one of the best, most
balanced athletic programs in the country,
and this busy weekend was just a symbol of
how good UF is in most sports.
Of the 20 sports UF fields, 17 were in the
top 25 in their most recent polls. The lone
teams not making the cut? Women's basket-
ball and both cross country teams.
Every year, the all-sports rankings come
out. Every year, UF is in the top 10.
UF has been in the top 10 for over 20
consecutive years. The only other school to
do such-is UCLA.
While you may not care about all these
"lesser sports," Foley does. The man is
seemingly everywhere on busy weekends
such as last.
Gators back
in first place
Alligator Writer
The Gators finally got the hit they were wait-
ing for.
Matt LaPorta belted his 20th home run of
the season in the bottom of the first inning on
Friday night, giving the Gators the breath of life
they had been missing.
The blast put UF up 3-0, but, more impor-
tantly, it provided the team with a collective
sigh of relief. .
The entire team was seemingly mired in an
unexplainable funk, losing nine of its previous
14 games up to that point, falling from third to
10th in national polls and dropping out of the
Southeastern Conference lead.
By the end of the week-
end, the Gators (34-18, 17-10
SEC) were once again in first
place, half a game ahead of
Tennessee after defeating
Mississippi State on Friday
and Saturday.
MSU (33-18, 12-14 SEC)
LaPorta rallied to win the Sunday
game 6-5, handing the Gators
a loss that could mean the difference between
first* and third place in the conference final
standings when the regular season concludes
this weekend.
"It was a heck of a college baseball game, and
unfortunately we ended up on the short end of
it today," UF coach Pat McMahon said.
The Gators are now 10-5 in one-run games
this season.
Senior pitcher Mike Pete had his second con-
secutive impressive performance on the mound.
He entered the game with the bases loaded and
none out in the sixthinning and struck out both
batters he faced.
"We definitely need guys to step up at the
end," Pete said. "I'm going to do my best to be
that guy. If I come in and falter, there's got to be
somebody to step up after me."
Darren O'Day struck out the next batter to
end the scoring threat.
The Bulldogs rallied to score two runs in
the top of the ninth on two hits and a crucial
throwing error by defensive replacement third
baseman Matt Gaski.
The Gators put the tying run on base when
Adam Davis bunted for a hit.
LaPorta lined out to right field, then Davis
was caught stealing to end the game.
"We had a lot of chances during the game to
stay in it," Davis said. "We just needed to hit the
ball on the ground a couple of times to get a run
'in, but we didn't do that.
"You gotta take any chance you have to set
a sweep of a series. It hurts, but we got the two
ENBA Playoffs: Indiana vs. De-
troit (Game 5, series tied 2-2)
TNT, 7 p.m.
*NBA Playoffs : Seattle vs. San
Antonio (Game 5, series tied 2-2)
TNT, 9:30 p.m.
* UF softball players Stacey and
Shelley Stevens were named to
the 2005 ESPN The Magazine Aca-
demic All-District teams. Stacey
earned first team honors and will
move on to the national ballot.
* May 17, 1992: After nine years of frustra-
tion, the UF women's tennis team wins its
first national title. The Gators had reached
the Championships eight times in nine years
to no avail. UF defeated Texas 5-3 in Palo
Alto for the crown.
E The Southeastern Conference Soft-
ball Tournament Championship went on
despite UF being eliminated early. For the
complete story on the the championship
game, log on to alligatorSports.org.
Gators struggle on defense, fall in SEC Tourney
*..,' .. .- ''. :, _.*.^ -^^ ^ ,.. W. M
Graham Hunley/ Alligator
Pitcher Stacey Stevens and her sister Shelley have been named to
the 2005 ESPN The Magazine Academic All-District teams.
Alligator Writer
Another year, another
Southeastern Conference
Tournament, another disappoint-
ing performance and another
early trip home for the UF softball
team (41-21, 18-12 Southeastern
Of course, the fact that the
Gators hosted this year's contest
meant a quick trip back to wher-
ever "home" was, but the team's
loss Friday sent them packing
UF was defeated 9-1 in a mercy-
rule loss to LSU (31-22), on Friday
afternoon, less than 24 hours after
being shut out 4-0 by Tennessee
Thursday evening.
Friday's loss was severe enough
to warrant a 40-minute post-game
team meeting with head coach
Karen Johns, who sent assistant
Carie Dever-Boaz to take her place
at the post-game press conference.
"I do not think that this team
came in or left the tournament the
way that they would have liked,"
Dever-Boaz said. "I think that
today our players were looking
to someone else to make the play
instead of thinking about .doing
what they needed to do."
The Gators' offense struggled to
get in sync all afternoon, as Tigers
pitcher Emily Turner kept the
Gators on a short leash. *
"I definitely controlled the bat-
ters," Turner said. "Florida has a
great lineup, all the way down, one
through nine, so I'm proud of my,
performance today."
"The loss was disappoint-
ing, but we have a really
good team. We have won
41 games this season...we
have to try to get ready for
NCAA Regionals and put
this behind us."
Care Dever-Boaz
assistant softball coach
The Gators teetered on the
edge of an offensive breakout
throughout the entire match,
but a ball a few feet wide of the
foul pole, a hit a couple of inches
short of the wall or a spectacular
defensive play always seemed to
hinder their efforts..
Trouble started for the Gators
in the fifth inning. With two
outs, the LSU offense suddenly
came alive, exploding with six
runs including a two-run homer
by Tigers first baseman Stephanie
LSU added their final runs in
the-sixth and put the game away
by 'mercy rule, when, despite last-
minute efforts, the Gators were
unable to significantly close the
gap in their last at-bat.
But the method to Friday
afternoon's madness came not in.
a lack of offensive firepower from
UF. It was horrendous fielding
that proved the difference.
The Gators committed a sea-
son-high and SEC Tournament -
record-tying six errors during the
match and at times looked like a
team in complete mental disarray.
The Gators' poor outing briggs
them to a 1-10 SEC Tournament
record under Johns, a mark that
seems to contradict the success
that the Gators have usually en-
joyed during regular season play.
"The loss was disappointing,
but we have a really good team,"
Dever-Boaz said. "We have won
41 games this season...,we have
to try to get ready for NCAA
Regionals and put this behind
UF to host NCAA Regional
The UF softball team received
the No. 13 seed and-was selected
to host a regional in the 2005- NCAA
Tournament The Gators were one or
s3. Southeastern Conference teams to
receive a berth and one of five chosen
to nost a regional site. LJF will take
on Bethune-Cookman in the opening
round at 3:30 p.m. on Friday.
"We are glad to be at home," Coach
Karen Johns said. 'We are pleased to
receive the No. 13 seed in the tourra-
mient. We have to prepare for some
tough in-state opponents in the upcom-
rig week. I'm anxiouSlto start. watching
UF defeats Vandy, heads to Round of 16
Alligator Writer
Heading into last weekend,
the UF men's tennis team had
won 17 of 18 dual matches,
including the Southeastern
Conference Tournament. Sunday,
it looked as if a rare loss was in the
cards and the Gators would be
knocked out of the second round
of the NCAA Championships on
their home court.
Still, UF managed to keep up
the momentum, and the Gators
are headed to the Round of 16.
Despite losing the doubles
point, the No. 3-seed Gators
(22-5) defeated No. 38 Vanderbilt
4-1 on Sunday, and will play
South Carolina next Saturday in
College Station, Texas.
I UF was leading on the second
and third courts for most of the
match. But after juniors Chris
Brandi and Jordan Dolberg
sealed the win on court two,
freshman Nestor Briceno and.ju-
nior Stefan Tell lost in a tiebreak.
Coach Andy Jackson was
-concerned not with the way the
Gators were defeated in doubles,
but with the way they lost.
"We know how to handle [los-
ing doubles] psychologically," he
said. "However, frankly, I was
upset. I thought we could be a bit
more disciplined with some of
the things that happened."
Coming out for singles, UF
jumped out to an early lead, win-
ning the first set in all six posi-
tions. Freshman. Greg Ouellette
was first to finish, as he-won
6-1, 6-2 at court two. Junior Ryan
Sherry then won at No. six by
winning the last four games of
the second set for a 6-4, 6-2 win.
On the top court, senior
Hamid Mirzadeh was matched
point-by-point against Vandy's
Scott Brown.
After winning
the first set 7-6
(7-3 tiebreak),
Mir zadeh
clinched a 6-4
win in the sec-
ond set with
an ace.
Mizradeh "I really
felt like when I needed a point
my serve came through a lot,"
Mirzadeh said. "I didn't feel as-
comfortable hitting off the base-
line as I usually do.... So having
my serve today really helped me
out a lot."
While Mirzadeh was complet-
ing his match, senior Vladimir
Obradovic was on the brink of
clinching UF's spot in the Sweet
16. Despite outbursts at the um-
pire's questionable calls, includ-
ing one where Jackson ran over
to calm him down, Obradovic
finished with a 6-2, 3-6, 6-3 win.
In the clinching match,
Jackson said Obradovic kept
his cool, which helped lead to a
"[Obradovic] can be so
competitive and he wants to
win so badly. Sometimes that
gets the better of him," Jackson
said. "It's something that he
has worked extremely hard on
over the last 2 years, and he has
made great strides. And it's paid.
off other times, but today it paid
off huge."
Team wins two of three games, prepares to host Stetson
BASEBALL, from page 18
wins and we have to look at the positive and
keep rolling."
UF catcher Brian Jeroloman hit his second
home run of the weekend in the loss, giving
him seven RBI for the series.
"We can't be more proud of our pitchers,
they've done a great job," Jeroloman said.
"Weird things happen in baseball, that's what
makes it so great."
From the onset of the Friday game, it ap-
peared that the slide might continue. Starter
Bryan Ball worked himself out of a jam,
throwing 31 pitches in the first inning without
allowing a run.
After LaPorta's home run, the entire team
settled down and played back to their capa-
Ball (6-3) pitched a career-high 8.1 innings,
throwing 130 pitches in the 8-2 Friday win.
On Saturday, the Gators received an-
other stellar pitching performance from Alan
Home, who threw a complete game to give
the Gators a 2-1 win.
"It was a good. day for us," Home said.
"Any time you get back into first place is a
good day all around. Bryan did an outstand-
ing job on Friday. We're really cruising right
The No. 13 Gators will host Stetson on
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
Reyes gets
100th win
TENNIS, from page 18
doubles of my life," she said.
"But it made me more deter--
mined to go into singles."
Another- freshman, Lolita
-Frangulyan, clinched UF's win,
but senior Zerene Reyes' win at
court two may have been the most
Despite being only 4 feet 10
inches tall, Reyes. is one of the
most consistent players on the
Just like her previous matches,
Reyes avoided unforced errors in
her Saturday match, winning 6-1,
6-2. It was the 100th singles win in
her career.
Thomqvist likes his team's
chances after the first two rounds,
but things can be done to improve.
"At this point right now in -
singles, I feel like we're probably a
step ahead of where we've been all
year," he said. "There are a couple
of things in doubles we need to hit
in the days leading up to Baylor
but other than that, I think we're
doing really well."
Clement stars at SEC competition
While the UF men's track team couldn't
cap'tire the Souheastem Conference out-
door crown at the Vanderbilt track this
weekend, the SEC received a heavy dosage
of Kerron Clement.
Clement, who broke track legend
Michael Johnson's record in the indoor
400m dash earlier this year, captured the
400m hurdles title and helped lead the
4x140m -and 4x400m relays to victories.
The 4xl00m was comprised of Richard
Adu-Bobie, Mike Morrison, Kyle Farmer
and Clement.
The 4x400m team of Sekou Clarke,
Reggie Witherspoon, Bernard Middleton
and Clement, set the SEC meet record with
a time of 3:02.23.
Overall, UF finished second with 116
points, not touching Arkansas's 169 points.
"We never come here to finish second,"
Coach Mike Holloway said. "My hat's off
to Arkansas they're a great team. I am
pleased with how we did. We came here
and. ended up performing well and doing
what I thought we could. This gives us
great momentum going into regionals and
then nationals."
WOMEN'S TRACK: The UF women's track
team didn't have quite the luck of the men
at the SEC outdoor championships, finish-
ing eighth in the nine-team competition.
The Gators finished with 32.16 points.
field with 145.20 points.
Freshman All-
American Natalie Knight
provided the Gators with
some success, finishing
third in the 200-meter
"The freshmen had
Knight a heck of a day," Coach
Tom Jones said. "Natalie was especially im-
pressive. The way she came back after the
relay to run the 200-meter the way she did
was a real accomplishment."
men's basketball team could still have an
available scholarship for the upcoming
season should Anthony Roberson depart
for the NBA, Billy Donovan is already
thinking about the 2006-07 season.
Marreese Speights, a 6-foot-10,
245 pound center who played for St.
Petersburg's Admiral Farragut Academy
this year, verbally committed to join the
Gators following his senior season.
Despite being an academic junior,
Speights already played four years of bas-
ketball in the state of Florida, so he will fin-
'ish out his high school career at Virginia's
Hargrave Military Academy.
"The ceiling for Marreese in basketball
is unlimited," said Farragut coach Michael
Wells on the team's Web site. "He has the
perfect basketball body, can attack the hoop,
shoot from the perimeter and block shots."
WOMEN'S GOLF: The No. 11 ranked UF
women's golf team will begin its quest at
an NCAA Championship today in Sunriver,
The Gators advanced to the NCAA
Championship coming off a seventh-place
finish in the 2005 NCAA East Regional
Championship, held in Gainesville on the
UF Golf Course.
The championship will be the third and
final appearance of the 2005 post-season for
the women golfers. UF will face a tourna-
ment field of 24 teams at the Sunriver Resort
on the Meadows Course, a par-71, 6,312-
yard course.
IANNINGS, from page 18
I remember a gymnastics meet I
was covering back in 2004. Foley was-
there, but the women's basketball team
was playing away. Foley's eyes were
glued to the TV watching the basket-
ball team.
At tennis this weekend, he asked
for baseball scores.
UF last won a, national champion-
ship in 2003 in women's tennis. With
all these spring teams making the
NCAAs, arid with five in the top 10
of their sports (men's and women's
tennis, men's and women's track, and
men's golf), there's no reason why it
can't happen again. And soon.
As busy as this weekend was, it
won't be getting any easier to follow
everything in the coming week.
All eight teams will be in action
starting today with women's golf.
Maybe, just maybe, one of the so-
called "lesser sports" could bring back
a championship.
Hopefully someone other than
Foley will care.
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F Not officially associated with the University VOLUME 98 ISSUE 144 t' TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 STrow G'eAsuT Gr 01-w Ia-ts -up fu nds By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer dcohen@alligator.org Florida Blue Key's 80th annual Gator Growl is mired in a financial swamp, but Student Government may throw in a $320,000 life preserver to save the largest student-run pep rally in the world. "This was step one for getting (control of) student activity fees taken away from [SG]. I think the administration should at least determine what amount is in the best interest of the student body. There has to be accountability.' Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr. director of the Centre for International Financial Crime A bill will be read in the Student Senate tonight proposing a $200,000 SG contribution to be taken from the tuition-funded Activity & Service fee, of which SG controls almost $11 million annually, that would purchase 20,000 student tickets for the FBK-organized and orchestrated production up front. The tickets would be distributed without additional cost to UF students, who will pay $8.66 of A&S fees per credithour taken during the 2005-06 academic year. Additionally, an immediate, unconditional $120,000 would be transferred from SG reserves to Student Government Productions as "operating capital" to be used "immediately," according to SG documents. SGP's loss means fewer of its student organization events will be funded this year. Though SG has no direct relationship with FBK, several high-ranking SG administrators, including Student Body President Joe Goldberg, are among the membership honorary's ranks. As part of a 1995 circuit-court lawsuit, FBK was found to actively involve itself in SG politics for its own benefit. UF law professor and Director of the Centre for International Financial Crime Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr. said he perceives this to be an "irresponsible decision." "This was step one for getting (control of) student activity fees taken away from [SG]," he said. "I think the administration should at least determine what amount is in the best interest of the student body. There has to be accountability." If not all 20,000 student tickets are distributed, the $200,000 SG allotment would be less by the number of tickets remaining. FBK Vice President Chris Carmody said $16, the price at which SG would be sold each student ticket, is the minimum price for FBK to make back its expenses for Gator Growl. FBK has named SG the official sponsor of the event. "The only way that I would sign this bill in favor of something of this sort, if theSenate approves it, is if it goes to a ticket subsidy," Goldberg said. "I think students should be excited about it. I think that either way, students will see a discount in their ticket this year or a SEE GROWL, PAGE 8 'Sober is Sexy' campaign among ideas to curb abuse Committee one of several discussing alcohol By CRISTYLE WOOD Alligator Writer A "Sober is Sexy" marketing campaign, identification scanners in nightclubs and standards for alcohol advertising in Gainesville were among topics covered in a meeting of UF officials, students and others in the Reitz Union on Thursday. Members of the Marketing/ Access Committee said they hope a marketing campaign to show the sexy side of sober would encourage students to limit their drinking. "The norm is not to go out and binge drink," said David Mica, a member of the Florida Petroleum Council who was at the meeting. The Marketing/Access Committee, a sub-committee of the Alachua County Alcohol Coalition, met in the Student Government Conference Room to discuss ways to connect with current and future UF students in an attempt to curb underage and excessive drinking. The meeting, headed by Martin Salamone, University Athletic Association Marketing/Promotions director, focused on decreasing the issues that promote drinking among college students, such as drink specials and radio advertising, all while increas-ing non-alcoholic activities on campus. A key point came when discussion turned. to concern Student of UF's annual ranking Le as a top-10 party school in several nationwide rankings and the projected image future UF students may see. Jess Johnson, UF alumnus and committee member, proposed a marketing idea, which he called, "What it Means to be a Gator," that encompassed expectations of prospective UF students. Also, Johnson recommended an expansion of the First Year Florida Program, a one-credit course offered to freshmen teaching need-to-know basics of life as a college student. Other suggestions included limiting the number of bars in Gainesville through zoning regulations and raising the minimum age of partiers at local bars and clubs to 21 years old. Also, offering more early-mdrming classes and 24-hour on-campus services, like those offered by the Southwest Rec Center, to reduce late-night partying were listed among possible ways to curb the drinking dilemma. As ideas from committee members flew back and forth, Salamone pushed for an understanding that this should not become an "us versus them conflict," but rather a collective effort between the county, university, and its students to enhance safety and enjoyment. Student Body President Joe Goldberg approved of the committee's plans but said he disagreed with setting a higher minimum age to enter bars. "I hope the committees find a way to project the pageantry and spirit of Gators, instead of the partying or drinking image," he said. Women's tennis advances to Round of 16 UF senior Zerene Reyes recorded her 100th career singles victory, leading the Gators to a 4-0 victory over Florida International in the second round of the NCAA Women's Tennis Championships. Reyes, the lone senior on the Gator squad, became just the 20th player in the history of the program to reach the 100-singles win plateau, as she downed Egle Petrauskaite 6-1, 6-2 at the No. 2 position to reach the milestone in the final home appearance of her career. The victory gave the Gators a 3-0 lead in the dual match. See story, pg. 18. 9 Just as officials feared, two of the six named as finalists by UF's Provost Search Committee have dropped out of the race to become the university's No. 2 administrator. See story, pg. 3. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" FORECAST 2 OPINIONS 6 CLASSIFIEDS 10 a CROSSWORD 16 Thunderstorm SPORTS 18 s84rs 84/6 visit www.alligator.org the independent florida of Florida Published by Campus Communications, Incof Gainesvile. Florida W A I f Y^n Dlid S /$OCycIe. Talent-MD Nina Mayer delivers her performance named "Midnight at the Oasis" as part of the talent show presented by the UF College of Medicine on Saturday. The event was partly organized to raise money for mission trips. The show's main purpose was to honor the memory of Caroline Cody, a former medical student who was found murdered in her apartment in 2000. Jonathan Greenwood / Alligator
2 ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 News Today MEDIA POLL Study: Blogs haven't displaced media The study found political blogs -online opinion and information sites -play a similar, but not greater role, as the mainstream media and candidates' campaigns in creating political "buzz." A separate study released on Monday showed eight in 10 journalists read blogs. How the press feels about How the public feels about the press: bloggers: C1. .Should the govern et be YES: 20 percent Q) D allowed to censor the press? 0 U a)shh peshve too YES: 43 percent Does the media show bias YES: 60 percent or_ a 0 a in reporting the news? Source: Reuters.com, Pew Internet & American Life Michael Friedman / Alligator Staff FORECAST 0 (I) 0 0 E 0 THURSDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 83/62 FRIDAY THUNDER STORMS 84/64 SATURDAY THUNDER STORMS 83/64 0 Cu TODAY THUNDER STORMS 84/65 WHAT'S HAPPENING 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Smathers Libraries Orientation Marston Library Room L107 7 p.m. Fort Clarke Middle School Spring Band Concert University Auditorium A m e r ic a n R e d C r o s si the indeed! florida VOLUME 98 ISSUE 144 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Managing Editor/ Print Managing Editor/ NewMedia Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor alligator Tallahas Mike Gimignani, mgimignani@alligator.org Eva Kis, eki.@alligator.org Matthew Kelly, mkelly@alligator.org Ian Fisher, ifisher@alligator.org Andrew Abramson, aabramson@alligator.org Sports.org Editor Spencer Davis-VanNess, sdvanness@aligator.org Freelance Editor Ryan Worthington, rworthingtoh@alligator.org News Editor Jim Ellis,jellis@alligatororg see Bureau Chief James VanLandingham,jvanl@alligaror.org Editorial Board Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis Photo Editor Photo Staff the Avenue Editor Tim Casey, tcasey@alligator.org Matt Marriott Cher Phillips, cphillips@alligator.org the Avenue Assistant Editor Heather Berger, hberger@alligatororg Art Director Andy Marlette Assistant Art Director Michael Friedman Copy Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer Copy Editors Robert Beltran, Jennifer Freihofer, Stephanie Rosenbiatt Staff New Media Assistant Editor New Media Staff Bryan App Gwen Heimburg Dan Jimmerson %M %M Bookkeeper Student Accounting Clerks Patricia Merrow, pmerrow@alligator.org Brandon Edwards, Keith Enright Michael Sanders, Alex Thurn ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, cebarber@alligator.org Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, tcarey@alligator.org Administrative Manager Allison Sinclair, Lorena Crowley Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, lmcgowan@alligator.org PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Vern Bean, vbean@alligator.org Assistant Production Manager Stephanie Gocklin, sgocklin@alligator.org Information Technology Manager Brian Dwyer, bdwyer@alligato rorg Advertising Production Staff Shana Langfur, Michelle Stewart, Alicia Bennatts, Niko Lowry, Claudia-Wald, Ben Hofer Editorial Production Staff Amy Oglesby, Melissa Garcia, Brandy Stearns The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. 'The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Assdciation and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester -$10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classfieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc. WEDNESDAY THUNDER STORMS 84/63 Wednesday, May 18 3:30 to 4:45 p.m Smathers Libraries Orientation Marston Library Room L107 7:30 p.m. BYU Folk Dance Ensemble Phillips Center for the Performing Arts The Alligator strives to be accurate and clear in its news reports and editorials, if you find an error, please call our newsroom at (352) 3764458 or sendan e-mail to editor@alligator.org. DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, bsmith@alligator.org Advertising Office Manager Marybeth Miller, mmiller@alligator.org Advertising Office Assistants Elizabeth Cueto Sales Representatives Casey Franz, Jennifer Carbon Carolyn Langhans, Danny Wayne William Cuadra, Sara Henry, Shane Combs, Whitney Lawson Sales Development/intern Coordinator William Cuadra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015(Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, ellight@alligator.org -Classified Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Marianne Cooper CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, smckearnan@alligator.org Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, rpelham@aligatcr.org Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, lrichards@alligator.org
TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 3 ADMIN-ISTRATION drop% out By MIKE GIMIGNANI Alligator Staff Writer mginignani@alligator.org Just as officials feared, two of the six named as finalists by UF's Provost Search Committee have dropped out of the race to become the university's No. 2 administrator. The remaining four, plus an extra, previously "in limbo" candidate, will interview with the committee today and Wednesday Jane Close Conoley, a dean at Texas A&M University, gave notice Thursday after accepting a similar position at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, UF spokesman Steve Orlando said. Then, just a day before the first interview was to begin, fellow finalist Kim Wilcox accepted an offer to become provost at Michigan State University. The committee decided after Conoley left to add Toby Parcel, a dean at Purdue University, to the short list. Previously, the committee placed Parcel and semi-finalist Gerardo Gonzalez on the back burner in case one or more of the volatile top six dropped out of contention. Orlando said he did not know why Gonzalez did not move up after Wilcox pulled out but speculated that the short notice may have had somethidng to do with it. Calls to committee chairman Doug Barrett's office were not retuned. Barrett had previously informed the committee that of the interviewed finalists, only two or three would be recommended to UF President Bernie Machen for a decision. Another finalist from an earlier search, UF College of Engineering Dean Pramod Khargonekar, also will receive Machen's consideration, although he has not been involved with the current search. The committee has searched actively since former Provost David Colburn stepped down in December. Interim replacement Joe Glover, who sils on the search committee, has agreed to serve until a replacement is named, which officials originally expected to occur around June 1. 1ivI 1 r: ProvostPramod KhaRgcnekar IMMUNITY y PULLED OUT Dean, Texas Goiaeg of Edu Cati7 7 7VOTED OFF e, EsMOVED UP F 7'T'0 0 O. KinAWf*ox PULLED OUT Mike Gimignani / Alligator Staff Lea Canipe, 10, has her face painted by a clown at the Windsor Zucchini Festival on Saturday. WIndsor fs i stre n i zucchini THE TOWN'S VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ESPECIALLY HAS BENEFITED FROM THE VEGETABLE. By BRENT STEINBERG Alligator Contributing Writer The scene was reminiscent of another time and place. Children ran merrily through the open fields, veterans stood proud in their old uniforms, families shared stories over a barbecue meal, and the sounds of Elvis filled the air. The spirit of small-town America was vibrant and strong, and strangely enough it was zucchini that brought these people together on this special occasion. On Saturday, in the community of Windsor just sevenmiles east of Gainesville, thousands gathered at the 21st Annual Zucchni Festival, which benefits the Windsor Volunteer Fire Department. "Other places have strawberry and watermelon festivals, so we figured why not a zucchini festival," said Bobbi Walton, festival chairwoman and unofficial Mayor of Windsor. The Zucchini Festival is probably best known for its homegrown fried zucchini, selling more than $1,000 worth last year. This year's activities included the "Zucchinithon Fun Run," the "Duke of Zuke & Zuqueenie Pageant," a "Cook-A-Zuke Contest,". children's rides and even the Kazucchini Marching Band. Walton has been involved since the festival's inception. The Zucchini Festival raised the funds necessary to build the fire station and has supported its operations ever since. Walton said that the people of Windsor became inspired to build a firehouse after the tragic deaths of two local girls in a structural fire 25 years ago. The station was constructed shortly thereafter. Without it, response time to Windsor would almost triple. "We were not going to stand by and let this happen if there was something that we could do to have a fire department," Walton said. "I was going to serve the lord somewhere and this is where he chose for me to serve." The Windsor Volunteer Fire Department serves many functions, 70 to 80 percent of which are emergency medical services. With the nearest hospital more than 12 miles away, volunteer firefighters are vital to the community. "My husband is alive today because the volunteers answered a medical call," Walton said. The fire station initially had a 10-year mortgage, but the festival was so successful, they paid it off in seven years, Walton said. "Every penny that we bring in goes toward the upkeep of the building and small community projects," Walton said. Those community projects have included sponsoring student trips to Washington, D.C., summer camps and hurricane relief efforts. Both the fire station and the Zucchini Festival have always been bastions of community support and pride. But the citizens ofWindsor showed more than just pride for their zucchinis. The outpouring of patriotism and support for American soldiers was visible at the festival's opening ceremonies, which included speeches from active military men, the U.S. Marines.Color Guard and a release of 21 doves. "We just felt compelled to honor those who have allowed us the freedoms we enjoy today," Walton said. "It is important to instill honor in the next generation." Dorothy Brown, the department's treasurer, described Windsor as a very patriotic community, in part because of the large percentage of young men who join the military. Brown's husband, Gene, was a prisoner of war during World War HI. "The community of Windsor is basically a very family-oriented area with strong traditional values," Brown said. "Our festival is more like a hometown picnic." Dorothy Brown Windsor Volunteer Fire Department treasurer Brown described the Zucchini Festival as a day of reunion for friends and family who may only see each other this one particular day each year. "Our festival is more like a hometown picnic," Brown said. Festival organizers said that the Zucchini Festival raised more than $10,000 for the Windsor Volunteer Fire Department, which is critical to covering the department's $70,000 annual budget. County funding, $58,000 per year, has not increased since 1985, said Dwayne King, the department's only paid firefighter. Since September 11, 2001, insurance and fuel costs have doubled. Seven volunteer firefighters, most of whom are also emergency medical technicians or paramedics, are always on call via pagers. The volunteer firefighters respond to the call no matter what time, day or night. "A lot of the volunteer firefighters have two jobs in addition to their responsibilities here," King said. "These guys will put out a structural fire in the middle of the night and who then have to go home, shower and go to work at their paid job on no sleep." King said it is hard to get volunteers because of the more than 150 hours of basic training necessary and the risks that are associated with being a firefighter. "I cannot say enough for the volunteer firefighters and their support of the community," King said. Whether in crises or celebration, the Windsor community spirit remains steadfast. "Windsor is like an old, small American town -the way it was 40 years ago," King said.
4, ALLIGATOR N TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 ON CAMPUS UF showcases research into medical technology By LYNDSEY LEWIS Alligator Writer Ilewis@alligator.org Business leaders converged in Gainesville on Friday for a summit showcasing medical technology. About 175 participants attended the all-day event, which was held at the Hilton University of Florida and hosted by the UF Foundation. "We were able to capture a lot of people's attention to come to UF and see what's going on," said Chris Needles, an event organizer. "It's our chance to tell our story and give a general sense of trends in the industry." Each year, the UF Foundation invites corporate leaders from around the country to the conference in Gainesville, designed to spark interest in a particular sector of the school's ongoing research, he said. The theme of this year's conference highlighted innovations in medical devices, emphasizing investment and licensing options for businesses. I came here to see the technology the university has for licensing," said Matthew Solar, vice president of Machen engineering at Image-Guided Neurologics, a local corporation. "The image-guided surgery is very interesting, and it's nice to have the university's breadth of technology so close by," Solar said. UF President BernieMachen, who made opening remarks, said the school's size provides an advantage in medical technology projects. He added that the multitude of available research opportunities in Gainesville opens the door for cooperation between academic fields. Several investors, like Dan Rua, a managing partner at Inflexion Fund, an investment firm with an office in Gainesville, were on hand to see the latest in medical science. "I think it's a fantastic conference, and they did a great job of bringing together the medical and engineering fields," Rua said. Speakers reflected the changing face of health science, presenting research in such fields as stem-cell therapies, DOD technology and image-guided surgical technologies. Study: Exotic names may lead to unfair assumptions STUDENTS WITH LESS COMMON NAMES SCORE LESS WELL ON TESTS. By LINDSAY PETER Alligator Contributing Writer Teachers subconsciously create a level of expectation from black students based on their names, a UF researcher has found. David Figio spent two-and-half years researching these expectations, suggesting that exotic-sounding names affect test scores as well as referral to gifted programs. "When you see a particular name, like David or Catherine, you internalize it in a different way than a name such as LaQuisha," said Figlio, whose findings appear in a working paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research, in a press release. "The story I'm telling is not whether one person is smarter t's subconscious. Teachers respond to names," he said. To be certain this subconscious level of expectation came from the name of a child and not other factors, Figlio observed children with the same last name who were close in age. Within the family you U F can statistically compare Research test scores, holding constant everything else within the family, he said. Two brothers -one with a more common name than the other -were treated differently. The brother with the more common name did better on tests, he found. Figlio said two messages can be drawn from his research. First, parents should feel free to name their children whatever they choose and children should be proud of their names. Second, educators shouldn't set expectations based on age, sex, skin color or name, but rather on performance. "Fifty years ago there were widespread beliefs that different races had different mental capacities; very few people believe that anymore. With increased education of educators, names won't carry that much weight either." .New Treadmils. 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TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 3 ALLIGATOR, 5 GAINESVILLE Development brings mixed feelings for businesses By CRYSTAL HENRY Alligator Writer chenry@aligator.org While the University Corners development promises more parking, restaurants and luxury condominiums with close access to campus, some businesses in the area are less than thrilled about packing up shop and leaving. "It (Modern Age Tobacco and Gift Shop) wasn't worth $300,000, and we paid them $750,000." Frank Darabi University Corners managing partner The new development project, which is only months from breaking ground, is a "waste of money" and "shady all the way around," said Tom Allen, general manager of Modern Age Tobacco and -Gift Shop, one of the businesses forced to move due to the three-block construction site. Last month, Modern Age moved from its 13th Street location to a new site beside Farrah's on University Avenue. The financiers for University Corners have been asking Modern Age to sell for a ."year or two," and the shop finally asked for and received a ridiculous amount of money, Allen said. Frank Darabi, managing partner of the University Corners project, agrees the purchase price for the gift shop was excessive. "It wasn't worth $300,000, and we paid them $750,000," said Darabi, adding that he hopes the project is complete by September 2007. Darabi added that while Modern Age and Maui Teriyaki have unresolved issues, most businesses affected by the project are satisfied. "I'm glad [Modern Age] is out of there," Darabi said, adding the shop owner defaced the property before leaving by spray painting the word "moved" on the side of the building. Not all business owners feel mistreated by University Corners. "They're treating us beautifully," said Janet Akerson, Burrito Bros. Taco Co. coowner. When construction gets underway, Burrito Bros. will relocate to the Presbyterian Student Center until the project is completed, said Akerson, who said she is happy that construction will include a newer, bigger kitchen in the student center. One reason Akerson approves of the project is because both Burrito Bros. and the student center will have new kitchens. Akerson said she and her husband, Randy, don't want to move from their "little hole in the wall" which has been a Gainesville staple for almost 30 years, but she admitted the building is old and rent for the 330-square-foot space is "outrageous." The three-block project -which will include one level of underground parking, a seven-story parking garage, restaurants, retail stores and luxury condominiums -will cause the closing of sections of Northwest First Avenue and Northwest Second Avenue, according to proposed construction plans. review mealtime rows eave bad taste for students M BROWARD DINING TAKES HUNDREDS MORE DURING THE SESSIONS. By DOUGLAS BONEPARTH Alligator Contributing Writer In an attempt to acclimate incoming students, UF may have bitten off more than it can chew. Preview, a program designed to acquaint incoming students to UF, feeds more than 6,700 soon-to-be Gators from May to July at Broward Dining. However, many summer students trying to dine at Broward are finding the surge of UF's new blood to be blood-boiling. "We average about 700 to 800 people in each Preview session," said Josh Weiss, a Preview staffer. Weiss said Preview dinner begins at 5 p.m. and lasts until 7:30 p.m., usually when most students on a meal plan eat dinner. He also said there are three eating rotations during the scheduled dinner time, feeding about 200 to 300 people per rotation, excluding family members. "Sometimes the regulars give me a dirty look," Weiss said. "I think students know we have to feed these people, so they don't say too much." Tom Petroro, a senior in the College of -Health and Human Performance, said that Broward Dining's best efforts may not be a solution to students' problems. "I like to eat around Student 6 p.m., and on.Preview Life days, Broward Dining is packed," he said. "I have to spend an extra 30 to 40 minutes fighting the lines." Petroro suggested possible solutions to the dining glut, including re-opening Gator Corner Dining Center for the stumer or taking smaller Preview groups to Broward Dining. "It's just one thing I will have to put up with," Petroro said. "As long as they don't run out of food, I will be all right." Gator Dining Services, UF's official food-service provider, held a positive outlook on feeding Preview attendees at Broward Dining. "Our staff is working extra hard to put on a good show," said Courtney Moon, marketing assistant for Gator Dining Services. "Our sales team pays close attention to helping the Preview families, because they know it's a big time for selling meal plans." In addition to Gator Dining Service's extra work, Moon said that they have expanded the menu, overstaffed their facilities and increased work hours for the Preview months. "The food is tip-top during Preview, because our chefs are working extra hard," she said. "All of our staff actually has a lot of fun during Preview because they get to interact more than usual." Moon said that a sign will soonbe posted outside Broward Dining displaying the times and dates Preview will use the facility for dinner. "Of course Preview will affect students eating at Broward Dining," Moon said. "Nobody wants to wait in line." Museum curator wins archaeological achievement award By CASSIDY MILLS Alligator Contributing Writer As if having a martini named after him wasn't enough, Florida Museum of Natural History Curator of Archaeology Jerald T. Milanich received a Lifetime On Achievement Award on Friday. CaMPUS The award was presented by the Florida Archaeological Council in a ceremony that highlighted his academic accomplishments as well as his sense of humor. The martini was dedicated by the former Wolfgang's Restaurant. "It was a very, very dry Bombay Sapphire martini with two anchovy-stuffed olives," Milanich said. Several people spoke at the event, includ.ing Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan. She -immediately set the tone of the ceremony by asking the audience how long it takes archaeologists to go from studying artifacts to becoming one. The humor continued throughout the evening as colleagues and former students reminisced on Milanich's career and the impact he has had in their lives and the academic world of archaeology. Kathleen Deagan, a former student of Milanich's, spoke at the event. "Jerry loves to be amused and has -an irresistible appreciation of humor," she said. "Early on, Jerry put forth two (then) heretical notions: Even the most serious archaeology can and should be fun, and you don't have to be uncomfortable to be an archaeologist." As an educator, Milanich supervised more than 100 graduate students. Published more than 190 times, he encouraged his students to do the same. "Jerry has been profoundly generous in sharmg ideas, bringing people together, finding money and simply making things happen," Deagan said. In addition to his other Milanich work, Milanich's role' as Bullen Series editor for the University Press of Florida has helped spread Florida archaeology information around the world. Other former students spoke at the event and shared how Milanich was influential in their lives. Milanich was once referred to as a "benign version of the Tasmanian Devil." Milanich is one of only three people to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award since the founding of the Florida Archaeological Council. "I was very flattered, especially since it came from people who are old friends," said Milanich. Milanich said he will continue to'research and write for Archaeology magazine and other popular venues. "I've always believed that if you're going to do archaeology, have fun," Milanich said. "Being at the Florida Museum of Natural History has been a great time. I couldn't find a better job to have." A sign depicts an artist's rendering of what the University Corners development project. look like at corner of West will the UniMegan Schaub / Alligator versity Avenue and 13th Street.
6, ALLIGATOR 0 TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 Frivolous Butler has no business filing Sun lawsuit wo words we rarely mention on these pages: Gainesville Sun. They don't bring us up much, either -we are competing publications in the same area, and like any two rival businesses, we rarely find the place in our hearts to cooperate. Once in a while, however, something causes both of us to take notice. One of those moments passed last week, when the Sun was served a lawsuit filed by real-estate magnate and allaround big fish Clark Butler -as in Butler Plaza. We are not surprising anyone by stating how flat-out frivolous his claims are. Butler's suit argues that the Sun "intentionally and recklessly portrayed [Butler] in a false light," through articles and opinions the paper printed about him. At least from our reading of Butler's complaint, he never challenges the truth of what the Sun printed. In that sense, he's accusing the newspaper's staff of doing their jobs. In the past, Butler gave County Commissioner Cynthia Chestnut a $171 ticket to attend a UF function and lent his yacht to State Sen. Rod Smith for his daughter's wedding. Butler contends the Sun was reckless in mentioning these actions, inferring that the paper had no right to do so. But the Sun had very good reason to report them -the state's Ethics Commission later fined Chestnut for accepting her ticket. Smith, who calls Butler a "family friend," later used Butler's employees in preparing a Legislature request for $2 million for the Southwest 24th Avenue paving project. It is unlikely that those facts, suspicious as they are, would be discovered without the able work of Sun reporters, including two mentioned by name in Butler's suit. The newspaper presented the facts and did not itself pass judgment on them. That's for its readers to decide. The truth is, men of means likeClark Butler don't need newspapers to have their will be done. He's got his buddies in Congress and the Florida Legislature for that. News media serve the rest of us: those who want their opinions heard and their curiosity piqued. Few enough people attend or watch County Commission meetings that we have people who are paid to summarize the important stuff for us. Butler, both personally and through his business, is a force in Alachua County. Yet his original complaint contends he is a private figurethat is, he has not tried to influence decision-making on a public issue by his actions or words. However, the shopping-mall tycoon has taken deliberate action in trying for years to turn the 24th Avenue project to his benefit. His lobbying ostensibly led to federal and state funding for the project, which may have had strings attached. Besides, he's one of the most influential people in a moderate-sized town and has been for years. If he's a private figure, we're lug nuts. Finally, Butler included letters to the editor printed in the Sun -including one from County Commissioner Mike Byerly -and even a Jake Fuller cartoon as evidence that the newspaper was reckless. We don't like hearing anyone, especially connected individuals like Clark Butler, say that upstanding citizens cannot express their opinions. There's just something un-American about that. It's clear to us that the Sun's only agenda in exposing the possible reasons behind Butler's actions is fairness to those who don't know the whole story and wouldn't if the paper had not existed. The Sun faces a lawsuit because its staff told the truth. We hope they never stop. al indgant orid alligato Mike Gimignani EDITOR Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 wortds (bot oneletttr-szedpag). Theymuste typed d sble-spaced and mstinclud ihes author's name,, clssfcation, and phone oe,. Nmets wll b, withheld if thwrtetrshows jutstcause. We r'srve the rightto edit f length, grarnt sty e and libel. Snd l 2ttsrs t etets@alligator.otg. bring thmto tIJ105 W. Uietsity As,., or send tht, to tO. Box 14267, Gainesville, FL 32604-2257.Columnts of about 450 words about original topics and editorial cartoons are also wecome.Questions? Call 376-4458. Opinions ALLIGATOR www.alligator.org/opinions go-n 44) C7 0 Guesf column Gotta fight, for your right, to filibuster B roadcasting live from Capitol Hill in Washington, Aaron Blye maority in the legislature. D.C. In the left corner wearing the blue trunks, Speaking Ot Instead. of using the time to talk the Democrats. In the right corner, wearing the red about absolute crap, the Democrats trunks, the Republicans. Let's get ready to. filibuster! should educate others on why the nominees are being op.So the Democrats and the Republicans are at it again, posed -explain the characteristics of a good judge, not hut ,,nfnrhunatelv there will he no ear-biting in this fight. those of a ham sandwich. Republicans are in a tiff over what they label "obstructionist tactics" by the Democrats. President Bush's judicial nominees have been unable to receive a floor vote in the Senate because of Democratic filibusters. Since the judges involved in the Terry Schiavo case allowed for the removal of her feeding tube, the Republicans have become increasingly infuriated with judges they have labeled as "activists." As a result, they are attempting to exert as much influence as possible on issues, such as gay marriage and abortion, by eliminating the filibuster in order to expedite the confirmation of judicial nominees. The filibuster has existed for roughly 200 years. It allows senators to withhold a vote by talking about any topic they choose. Sixty votes ar'e required to end a filibuster. Remember when you were four years old, and you were completely uninterested in what your parents had to say? What did you do? You would begin an entirely mature and sophisticated diatribe of, "La Ia la, I'm not listening, la la la." Basically, that is a filibuster. Well, kind of. Sounds ridiculous, right? Although it is somewhat absurd when a senator rambles on about his childhood, the filibuster is actually important to the democratic process. It is exemplary of the checks and balances espoused by our founding fathers as essential to a successful American government. The Democrats are severely outnumbered in the Senate 55 to 44 (the 100th seat belongs to an independent), and the filibuster is their last resort to prevent tyranny of the As a result of the Democrats' actions, the Republicans have threatened to commence operation "nuclear option." Uh-oh, sounds scary. Basically, they would attemptto change Senate rules by outlawing filibusters against judicial nominees. They would only need a simple majority to enact the ruling. Republicans have taken this issue too far to the extreme. Only 10 of their 204 nominees have not been confirmed. Apparently a 95-percent success rate is just not good enough for them. President Bush has had more success in judicial confirmations than any other president in the last 25 years. To attack the Democrats for withholding 10 nominees who lack any semblance of balance is ludicrous, especially when more than 60 of Bill Clinton's nominees were opposed. However, the Republicans' real motivation is to clear the path for the confirmation of an ultraconservative Supreme Court justice when the time arises. This would give Republicans the upper hand in inevitable fights over abortion and gay marriage. The Republicans should be careful what they wish for. When Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt wanted to increase the member of Supreme Court justices in order to pass highly contested New Deal policies, his own party opposed the idea. Thenext timeThemocrats have a similar option, the Republicans might not be so lucky. Aaron Blye is a senior mnajoring in political science. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Should Student Government spend over $300K to subsidize Gator Growl? Thursday's question: Should those advocating to extend bar closing times seek alternatives? Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org 71% YES 29% NO 35TOTAL VOTES
Guest column 'Trek' explored many pop-culture frontiers R eports of Star Trek's death have been greatly exaggerated. From The New York Times' laconic and respectful obituary of the show to the absolutely deranged attack by Orson Scott Card in the Los Angeles Times, there have been many words to describe Star Trek in its passing -but none that properly accord the phenomenon with the respect it deserves. During its forty-year life span, Star Trek generally reflected the times. The Original Series showed unbounded enthusiasm for exploration and humanity's ability to improve and overcome. The Next Generation showed similar ideals, although they were more and more mitigated by the darker paranoid, conspiratorial discourse of the 1990s. Deep Space Nine descended fully into the conflicting duality of human nature. The final, uninspired incarnations of Star Trek: Voyager and Enterprise were commercially-induced perversions of the core art form, to be sure, but would intelligently grapple with serious themes such as suicide and lawfully detaining citizens. Star Trek "stupidly" put the first interracial kiss on television in 1968 between Lieutenant Uhura and Captain Kirk. Christian Star Trek "stuWaugh pidly" had one of Speaking Out the first lesbian kisses on television. Star Trek "stupidly" showed the beginnings and ends of both deontological and teleological reasoning. Star Trek "stupidly" showed that religion can have a place in a society's discourse and that it should be respected since it represents people's deep-seeded beliefs. In other words, Star Trek "stupidly" pushed the boundaries of what is acceptable in order to show what could be -indeed, contrary to the bubble-gum wrapper analysis of Card's editorial, Star Trek was hardly stupid. In fact, it was often courageous. Instead of pushing a party line, it often exposed us to shades of gray, and showed that even tyrants afe people -a fact often lost in political discourse thinly disguised to rouse people's emotions and votes. A commitment to open-minded exploration of the possibilities that lay ahead of humanity is what ultimately drove the crew of the Enterprise -who grew to become our heroes as well as our friends. As for what brought it all together in the end, I think it was how Star Trek proclaimed "the human adventure is just beginning." From disparate individualities and infinite diversity, beauty can be derived and understood by all. Card once wrote, "when it comes to human beings, the only type of cause that matters is final cause, the purpose. What a person had in mind. Once you understand what people really want, you can't hate them anymore. You .can fear them, but you can't hafe them, because you can always find the same desires in your own heart." Card would do well to remember his words before impeaching the greatest American manifestation of them. In the final Original Series movie, some conservative commentators lament the end of history should the Federation make peace with its enemy, the Klingon Empire. But Kirk argues that the undiscovered country that lies beyond them represented not the end of history, or death, but another kind of life. After all, as Mr. Speck says, "there are always possibilities." May Star Trek journey to all the undiscovered countries yet, boldly going where no one has gone before. Christian Waugh is a first-year late student. TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 7 Letter to the Editor Editor: Eastside rightly deserves the No. 4 ranking in the national high school poll. Newsweek (a sufficient resource of information) has compiled a list of high schools on the criteria of "the most credit exams taken." Reading the rest of Tuesday's article clearly stipulates the conditions of this criterion. Mentioning that Eastside High School is located in "one of the worst neighborhoods in Gainesville" and that "most IB graduates were white" are irrelevant to Newsweek choosing this school. Are you implying that "white students in a poor neighborhood" have solely bolstered Eastside High School on the weight of their shoulders? I hardly think so! How can you dare state that the "40 percent of the impoverished students" are not taking the credit exams? As the Alligator's Tuesday article also explains, criteria such as "the passing rate of schools" have not worked in the past due to some high schools forcing average students from taking exams. I suggest that you accept Newsweek's analysis and also accept that Eastside indeed is ranked No. 4. Monique Dieuvil 4LS We are looking for healthy mafes and females between the ages of 18-50 to participate in a clinical research trial. We are evaluating an investigational drug for future use in the treatment of osteoporosis. TO QUALIFY you must: e be in good general health be a non-smoker if female, must be of non-child bearing potential or have been postmenopausal for at least 2 years be taking no medications This study takes place over an eight week period and is divided into 2 sessions. It requires 1 screening visit, 2-night, 3-day overnight stays for both sessions at our Phase 1 Unit at 2401 SW Archer Road, Gainesville, Fl and 2 outpatient visits after discharge from the unit. You may receive up to $950.00 for completing the study. Food and lodging will be provided to you during your overnight stays. Drug and alcohol testing will be done. For more information please call: (352) 273-5500 or toll free (888) 635-0763 and ask for the Recruiting Department Phase 1 Director: Robert Thompson Subject Recrutters: Judy Benz-Hester Pattie Grant Happy Hour 4pm-9pm $400 Pitchers -$100 Drafts WED: LADIES NIGHT LaseffS rink FREE Live Acoustic Music NO COVER -21 & up J<172&W.Univesity A.3777333 "Where Above and Beyond is the Norm' Back to School Special av l c N .nFacials Massage -Brazilians beauty xl Wellness Treatment Spa Microderm -Body Tieatrnents Full Da Spa Services Odorless Acrylics -Air Brush Tanning Manicures/ Pe iCures 352-332-5005 www.touchoifheaven-fl.com Vegetarian Women Needed for a UF Nutrition Study Vegetarian (including vegan) Female 19-39 years old Healthy Non-smoking Non-pregnant or nursing Not taking any medication(excluding oral contraceptives) Provide medical history information Complete a dietary questionnaire Have blood drawn once (following an overnight fast) Please call 392-1991 extension 273 for more information. Protect yourself against AIDS. Lunch Specials $3.99 (nex to Bask Cope Mnkey) Great Mediterranean Cuisine BAR. GRILL Hoolkah Lounge -7.579 +1120 W University AVe. American H eart Association WE'RE FIGHTING FOR F YOUR LIFE
8, ALLIGATOR N TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2005 UAA passed on contributing to event PUBLIC SAFETY Man stalks from prson By IVETTE MENDEZ Alligator Writer imendez@alligator.org A Gainesville man was arrested Sunday for stalking a UF employee, reports state. James Edgel, of 12001 NW 147th Place,' allegedly contacted Bonnie Burgess, an administrative assistant at the McKnight Brain Institute, from the Santa Rosa Correctional Institution. "It threw up a red flag for me," Burgess said. Burgess first met Edgel through her parents, she said. "I've known this man for over 20 years. We grew up in the same hometown," Burgess said. "Both my parents were educators in the city of Alachua. My parents taught him in school." The first .time Edgel contacted her since then was one year ago from the institution, Burgess said. Edgel was incarcerated at the facility for grand theft and. his third conviction of petty theft, according to the Florida Department of Corrections Web site. To make sure Edgel knew that he should not contact her, Burgess said she went through the proper procedures. The Alachua Police Department contacted Edgel at the correctional facility on April 19 and read him a trespass letter, stating that he was not to contact Burgess in any way, according to reports. However, after Edgel's April 27 release, he reportedly tried to reach Burgess on several occasions, though she said she was unclear as to why. "I'm just a people person," she said. On May 12, Edgel called Burgess and left a message on her machine stating that there was a box on her porch, reports state. When Burgess checked her porch, she .allegedly found the box and proceeded to call APD. The box reportedly contained several items that Edgel had previously mailed to Burgess, which she had refused to accept. Edgel was arrested on Northwest 135th Terrace at 158th Avenue after an officer recognized him, APD spokeswoman Carrie Lurd said. ."I don't know what instigated this," Burgess said. "We were able to circumvent, at least momentarily, anything happening to me." GROWL, from page 1 free ticket. Student Gove ment is in charge of making sure that students are getting the best bang for their buck." Gator Growl attendance has fallen in recent years, from a sell-out crowd of 57,000 in 2002 to only 42,000 in 2004, which FBK and SG officials blame on the vibrant hurricane season, the four-day weekend it occurred on and a "subpar football season." FBK lost a total of $181,000 at last year's event. But this year there is more to worry about than the, active waters of the Atlantic Ocean. FBK only has $30,000 in line to begin production of this Fall's Growl, compared with. previous sums of about $100,000, said FBK Treasurer Lauren Fackender. She said she could not remember a time when the starting budget, which is partially comprised of the previous year's ticket sales, was as low. Gator Growl Producer Robert Cannody said FBK is planning to put together a "barebones show," after seeing, a $235,000 cut in its budget from last year. The talent budget for this year's events has been reduced to $50,000. Last year's Growl guests, comedians Dane Cook and Bill Engvall, received about $135,000 total. In addition, several Homecoming events have been canceled, and FBK will be forced to use the in-house public address system. Fireworks have been completely cut. However, Robert Carmody said there is no reason to be alarmed about talent at the show, which has seen the likes of Jerry Seinfeld, Bill Cosby and Jay Leno in previous years. "Last year, we overpaid the talent," he said. "There's a lot of talent out there who I think a lot of us would consider better talent than what we brought last year, for a lot less." Chris Carmody said FBK wanted the University Athletic Association to allow them to use Ben Hill Griffin Stadium's north endzone for the stage, which would save FBK $90,000 in technical costs because of the way sound travels and the equipment needed. The repositioning of the stage would have meant stadium skybox ticket holders would have to change boxes or move entirely. UAA did not deem the scenario feasible; however, the organization Student agreed to help with marketOVerninTnl t ing and promotions. Next, Chris Carmody went to SG with a $150,000 proposal to offset Growl costs. "We didn't want to come to SG," he said. "We don't want (the reserves) to be treated as a piggy bank that we can break any time we want. We won't come back next year." Chris Carmody, Goldberg and other FBK and SG officials then determined that SG would more than double the amount to a combined $320,000 contribution. Chris Carmody added that this will probably be the only year that students will receive "free" Gator Growl tickets. He said FBK will try to keep prices at $10 or less in the future. He called the plan a "small risk" with potential for a "huge reward." Goldberg said he is confident in the bill because UF's head football coach, Urban Meyer, has given the idea a thumbs-up. "The fact that we have Urban Meyer on board speaks volumes," he said. "He couldn't believe students pay for [Gator Growl]." 3010 SW Archer Rd 374-9227 r --AiNESVILLE DOJO any 4-month membership for boxing or kickboxing 2,3, or 4 nights/wk 536 SW 2nd Ave Call 378-3070 for more info --T ND THURif S WED 4:30pm, 7 5pm, 9:45pml Hippodrome Cinema 375-HIPP Stay in Gainesville and earn Concentrations in:. 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DEA is looking for hardworking, dedicated professionals who are motivated to help us get the job done. This is a mission like no other. Make it yours. DEA is an equal opportunity employer. www.dea.gov For further information, please contact Special Agent Recruiter Steven Gilbert at 305-994-4812 or steven.h.gilbert@usdoj.gov. O Ie Spiftqts OLtdOO~ts L.L.G. Swini -Picnc Tibe -io& ,eIe >w' -l One FREE tube rental* with each paid admission Monday through Thursday! (FUJN).454.7-188 -ww.nnepngudorcm Free tube rental available at check in only. Credit card imprint required on alt rentals. Offer not valid with any other discount. Expires 5/25/05
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'BUY I T SELL IT. FIND MT 373-FIND Class if ieds TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligator.org/class For Rent ro r Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent frsdfurnishe i ishpd unfurnised furnished U unfurnished A Rebate on Rent? Brilliant! Roommate Match 3/3 from $399 FREE: Cable w/ HBO + Showtime W/D*Tanning*Huge GYM*Gated Get $120 in Rebates. 377-2777 8-15-25-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsAnnual lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 8-15-25-1 HAVE IT ALL AT THE LANDINGStI Furnished 3 and 4 bdrm apartment homes All utilities, internet, 24 hr gym, FREE Tanning. Roommate Matching Available Starting at $455/bdrm. 336-3838 ASK ABOUT SUMMER SPECIALS 8-15-25-1 *** SORORITY ROW AREA H* Experience the luossy at VWindsor Hall. Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single & double suites available. Starting at $400/mo includes everything -gym, pool, DSL, electric, etc. 337-9255 or www:windsorhall.com 8-15-25-1 1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio, park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avait 3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/ mo 8-15-25-1 Just Bring Your Clothes! Furnished 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875 Luxury living with all the perks! Includes cable, utility packages avail All we need is you! 372-8100 8-15-25-1 HUGE *AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indv lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 8-15-25-1 Apt 4 rent 4 fall 05. Univ Terrace $405/ma, includes utilites, internet, cable tv. On bus route, good location, 4BR/4BA, balcony, quiet, clean. Call Elyse 219-5997 5-24-15-1 FULLY FURNISHED 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. Available for fall. W/D, pool, gym, security system, utils, cable. $420/mo incl all. 813-713-6485 6-30-13-1 WALK TO CLASS! You can keep furniture! 2BR/2BA aptlocated behind Chipotle's. Very quiet neighbors. $400/BR. Call 813-416-1203. Avail all summer 5-17-5-1 2 master BRs w/private baths & private entries to secluded, fenced backyard, co-ed 4BR home includes utils, ethernet, phone, cable, W/D & more. All lease options available. $500 for grand master, $450 for 2nd master. 1-800-719-1626 or 352-333-0210 6-2-9-1 UNIVERSITY COMMONS WEST 2/2 FURNISHED Avail August W/D, Utility package. Call NOW Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 6-30-14-1 LARGE. Furnished 3BR/3BA house. $1350 + utils. 3806 SW 2nd Ave. 1 block from Newberry Rd w/in 1 mi from UF. 407-3637198, call 407-234-1380 5-19-4-1 Summer and fall rooms available $350/sum A, B. Fall $275/mo. Inc. utit, Ethernet. Near UP:377-4269 grove. ufl.edu/-cts 8-1 5-25-1 1 MONTH FREE Countryside. 1 mi from UF. 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA, furnished, inc. 51' RV, cable, DSL, washer/dryer, pool, fitness center, ind leases. Call 352-281-4588 5-24-4-1 **COUNTRYSIDE 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA $425 util, cable, alarm, dsl incl. W/D. On bus rts 9 & 35. Individual leases. Call 407-6201555 6-30-12-1 AFFORDABLE 2BR, 1.5 BA townhouse, patio, privacy rear, amenities, bike to campus. 386-328-6229 Iv msg. or cell 386-972-4647. $455 + deposit. 6-16-10-1 30 SECOND WALK TO CAMPUS Sublease for Summer A, B, or C 2 rooms available, on University Ave. $350/month per person all inclusive Call Chris at 352-745-1553 5-31-5-1 -For Rent ) QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1 BR apt. $325/mo. 01BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 8-15-25-2 AVAILABLE SUMMER Studios and 1 BRs From $489. Walk to UF, Free Parking. Pets OK. Laundry on site Open weekends 371-7777 8-15-25-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-8797 8-1 5-25-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE-BEST! Watson Realty Corp. REALTORS www.watsonrent.com Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 gvillepm@watsonrealtycorp.com 8-15-25-2 CAN'T FIND PARKING? BUS FULL? Studios & 1/1s from $469 Across from UF* We Pay Most Utilitiesall utilincl. in studios, Pets OK, Res get FREE Parking.guaranteed* You can't live any closer! 372-7111 8-15-25-2 -A HOME FOR FALLI* HUGE floorplans 0 1, 2 & 3 BRs -$530-735! o Sparkling pools & more! Bike to UF Pets ok! Oped'wkends *.335-7275 8-15-25-2 *LUXURY 3/3 DOWNTOWN* Hurry while they last Only 3 left! W/D, pets OK 338-0002 8-15-25-2 OSUN BAY APTS@ *Some furnished avail* S*Walk or Bike to Campus 00 1-1 $460/mo*02-1 $520/mo www.sunisland.info @00376-6720 8-15-25-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 8-15-25-2 A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! Street free living! Great rates! @ BR from $460 2BR from $530 Beautiful pools/courtyards Walk/biko to UF Pets ok Open Weekends! 372-7555 8-15-25-2 SEPARATE FROM THE COMMON PLACE Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm* 24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF Museum Walk 379-9255 8-15-25-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 8-15-25-2 Move in Today! SPECIALS! lbr $585, 2/2 $680 Alarm, Pool, bhai Love pets! Free UF Parking Pinetreegardens.com 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 8-15-25-2 Now & Fall -1 Big enough for 2! 750 Sq Ft, Patio We love pets Alarm*Pool*UF Parking*DW*Gym Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401 8-15-25-2 WE'VE Got BIG ONES 1/1s 2/2s 3/3s! Near UF FREE Cable*HBO*Showtime*Alarm FREE Tarning*HUGE GYM Up to $360 in Rebates. 377-2777 8-15-25-2 **HUGE Luxury w/Garage** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA TH from $420 per person FREE Alarn *WD*GATED ENTRYFREE Tanning*24hr Gym*Camp lab Filling Fast for Fall**372-0400 8-15-25-2 *Beautiful and New*** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866) 8-15-25-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 8-15-25-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 www.sunisland.info 8-15-25-2 Too Good to Be True! HUGE 2/2 for only $425/person! Poos*Hot Tub*Tanning*PC Lab*W/D FREE Cable with HBO*Most Utilities FREE Minutes from Campus! 372-8100 8-15-25-2 HOUSES and CONDOS Alt locations and price ranges If you are tired of apt life Go to www.maximumre.com or call 374 6905. 8-24-170-2 *Location, Location, Location, 1BR $589, near Butler Plaza, but park FREE @ UF. Alarms, some utils, walk-in closet, pets OKI www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111 8-15-25-2 2BRs Across from UF From $725 for Fal Pets ok, Laundry on site. Limited Availability Open Weekends 371-0769 8-15-25-2 Historic Neighborhood WALK TO UF Studios and 1 BRs from $489 Pets ok, laundry on site OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 8-15-25-2 Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF Private 3/2 with HUGE deck W/D, Elevator Access Free Parking. One of a kind! 372-7111 8-15-25-2 Summer rates plus July FREE on a 15 month lease Sun Island Properties 376-6720 www.sunisland.info 8-15-2 5-2 How To Place A Classified Ad: In Person: Cash, Check, MC, or Visa The Alligator Office 1105 W. University Ave. M-F, 8am -4pm UF Bookstore at Reitz Union M -F, 8am -6pm, Sat. 1 Dam -5pm By Mail: Use forms appearing weekly in The Alligator. Sorry, no cash by mail. MC, Visa or checks only. By Phone: (352) 373-FIND Payment by Visa or MasterCard ONLY. M -F, Sam -4pm By Fax: (352) 376-4556 When WillYour'Ad Run? Classified begin TWO WORKING DAYS after they are placed. Ads placed at.the UF Bookstore may take THREE days to appear. Ads may run for any length of time and be candelled at any time. Sorry, but there can be no refunds or credits for cancelled ads. Corrections and Cancellations: Cancellations: Call 373-FIND M -F, 8am -4pm. No refunds or credits can be given. Alligator errors: Check your ad the FIRST day it runs. Call 373-FIND with any corrections before noon. THE ALLIGATOR IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FIRST DAY THE AD RUNS INCORRECTLY. Corrected ads will be extended one day. No refunds or credits can be given after placing the ad. Changes called in after the first day will not be further compensated. Customer error or changes: Changes must be made BEFORE NOON for the next day's paper. There will be a $2.00 charge for minor changes. 2 For Rent: Unfurnished 7 Computers 12 Autos 17 TypingServIcs 22 T4 kets 3 Sublease 8 Electronics 13 Waned 18 Personals 23 Rid es 4 Roommates 9 Bicycles !4 Hep Wanted I9 Connections 24 1P,,is 5 Real Estate 10 For Sale 15) Ser'vices 20 Event Notices 25 L-ost & Found All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make limitation, or discrimination." We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. All employment opportunities advertised herein are subjectto the laws which prohibit discrimination in employment (barring legal exceptions) because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, age, or any other covered status. -This newspaper assumes no responsibility forinjury or loss arising from contacts made through the type of adverising that is know as "personal" or "connections" whether or not they actually appear under those classifications. We suggest that any reader who responds to that type of advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out persona information. -Although this newspaper uses great care in accepting or rejecting advertising according to its suitability, we cannot verify that all advertising claims or offers are completely valid in every case and, therefore, cannot assume any responsibility for any injury or loss arising from offers and acceptance of offers of goods and/or services through any advertising contained herein.
TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 11 For RenForor Rent For Rent fbRent F"or Ant unfurnished unfurnished) nnd)nsheh f furnished Want a bigger 2 or 4 BR TH this fall? TH, W/D & DW. We love ALL pets! Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401 8-15-25-2 *LIVE A RESORT LIFESTYLE* 1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities. Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455 8-15-25-2 TIRED OF ROOMMATES?! Huge 1/1 dishwasher, patio/balcony tennis, bball, monitored alarm Move-in specials, leasing now & fall open weekends, call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 STOP! No need to look further! 2BR/1.5BA townhome $699 includes W/D! Park FREE @ UF, alarm, pets OK www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111 8-15-25-2 1st MONTH FREE! Pine Rush Apartments 1&2 BR apt homes starting @ $429/mo 375-1519 4-20-71-2 Tremendous TWO BED TWO BATH FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm affordable, spacious, pets okl Pinetreegardens.com 376-4002 8-15-25-2 1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA $525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals, W/D hkups, pool. Some utls, walk to UF. 332-7700. 8-15-25-2 1 BR & 2BR/1 BA with W/D, central heat/air, dishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From $505 377-1633 5-19-75-2 ***LIVE IN LUXURY*** HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3 Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab Pets welcome*Private dog park Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801 8-15-25-2 Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups & DW, 1 BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 8-15-25-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft 1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats! Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480. Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070. 8-15-25-21 HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095 630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fami n $1200/mo; 816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1300/mo; 1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo; 642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 8-15-25-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or. by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 8-15-25-2 Have Roommates? 4BR/2BA House $950 3BR/2BA Haile $1100 Only You? 1BR/1BA House $450 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2 So Close to Campus Avail now, 2BR/1 & 2 BA apts. $450, $475, $520, $695, $735 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2 1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown. 2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 3734423 or online at www.maximumre.com 8-15-95-2 N"R &2BR BEAUTIFUL** NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 2BRover 1100 sq 5t00 $850/mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft00 $550/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit 0 376-2507 8-15-25-2 Threesomes Welcome! All the space you need only $1050 Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab W/D*Cable with HBO*Extra Storage The perfect three-bedroom! 372-8100 8-15-25-2 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals www.BosshardtPM.com Ask About bur Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 3BR/2BA House $750/mo 2BR/2BA Townhouse $700/mo 2BR/1 BA Downtown $51 5/w Over 30+ Private Homes Availablel Call Today: 371-2118 8-1 5-25-2 Champagne Living for a Beer Budget! 3/3 for $385/bdrm or 4/4 for $370/bdrm includes cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME Water & Sewer, W/D, Gym, Tanning Now & Fall The Landings 336-3838 8-1-5-25-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401* 8-15-25-2 Living it up!! Luxury style!t 1 BR, Private patios Walking distance to-UF, next to Sorority Row, Alarm, Pets OK, W/D, HUGE bdrs & walk-in closets. "Walk to UF" Call 372-7111 8-15-25-2 DEAL OF A LIFETIME!!l 3BR/3BA ONLY $365/PERSON FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777 8-15-25-2 ENORMOUS 3BR Avail for Current and Fall Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail Great Specials*377-7401 8-15-25-2 *FALL* Bilks from UF 0 Houses 0 Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See www.Dalyproperties.com for listings or call Carol at 377-3852. 6-30-14-2 TOP QUALITY -GREAT LOCATIONS Upscale & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties 372-1509 8-15-25-2 SPACE & VALUE! 3 + 4 bedrooms tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm Pets welcome, free uf parking ceramic tile, dishwasher, pool open wknds, Call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Avail May: Several units w/in .5 mi of UF campus or closer. Eff $300-310, 1BR/1BA $395-$415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA $700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or lv mssg 352-870-7256 8-15-25-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASES AVAILABLE NOWAND FALL SEASON Convenient UP access $325 to $575 Action Real Etate Serices 352-331-12338-15-25-2 Apartments & Houses Studio to 5BR+ Most within 2 miles of campus! Campus Realty 692-3800 propertymanager@campusrealty.org 8-15-25-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* *Sign today & receive $300 rent rebate* B-15-25-2 Three 4BR HOUSES & 1&2BR APTS. Spacious, efficient homes biking distance to campus. Remodeled, Ig fenced yards. Lots of extras. Available now & fall. Call for details. $475-1225/mo. 352372-4768 6-30-29-2 Available Summer & Fall Studios & 1BRs $350 to $750 2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850 Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387 www.gore-rabell.com 8-23-41-2 Adorable 2BR/1.5BA cottage on bus line. W/D hkups. No dogs. 2943 NW 6th St. $640/ mo. 215-7199 5-26-20-2 DUCKPOND Historic house, hd wd firs, Ig front porch, lots of charm. Studio & 1 BR avail. 306 NE 6th St. $400-500/mo. Call 379-4952 8-15-25-2 FALL & SUMMER ARE HERE Contact us for a complete listing www.TurlingtonReaEstate.com Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 5-19-17-2 0 SPYGLASS 0 Ask About Our Move-in Specials & Giveaways Individual Leases: Furniture Packages, ind Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet; Every Unit is an End Unit Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330 www.spyglassapts.com 8-15-25-2 LAKEWOOD VILLAS Ask About Our Move In Specials & Giveaways Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans; Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer; Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool; Sauna etc: Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009 www.lakewoodvilllas.com 8-15-25-2 2BR townhouse; 7209 SW 45th Pl. $500/ mo, $500 sec dep. No pets. 386-462-0994 6-26-17-2 2BR/1.5BA Condo in Casablanca East. Newly remodeled w/tile floors, W/D incl, pool, quiet area, on bus rt, close to UF/Shands, $775/mo. 352-246-5958 5-26-17-2 1BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW 23rd St. Starting @ $390/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150. Please leave a message. 5-19-15-2 Looking for an Apartment?7? THE LEASING CONNECTION 1608 NW 1st Avenue Located right behind The Florida Book Store Plenty of/FREE PARKING FREE Apartment and Housing Locator Service Call 352-376-4493 or visit www.TheLeasingConnection.com 6-7-19-2 5 MIN TO SHANDS OR UF Luxurious 2BR/2.5BA in secluded location. Only 5 yrs old & newly redecorated. W/D, DW, alarm, pool. Avail Aug. N/S. $825/mo 214-382 5-31-1U7-2 Great Homes, Close to UP. 3311 NW 30th Ave $1050/month 1814 NW 21st AVe $1000/month Drive by and call 495-9085 Email: SBR@Jacksonlic.com 7-21-30-2 SPACIOUS STUDIO! Biking dist to Shands & Vet school, washer/dryer, $450/rent 3811 SW 20th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-14-2 DUCK POND APTS! Cute 1BR & studio apts, wood floors, water & pest control incl. $450-510/rent, 414 NE 5th Ave. Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-14-2 TAYLOR SQUARE Apts and Townhouses 621 NW 10th St Gainesville WALK TO UF BRAND NEW LEASING FOR FALL CONTACT 352-332-2097 5-31-7-2 SWEET DUCKPOND AREA HOME. 3BR/ 1BA, cent AC, fireplace. fenced yard, tile & wood floors, Avail 5/1. 731 NE 9th St. $850/ mo. 352-316-1637 5-31-13-2 HUGE & Affordable 1, 2, & 3BRs FREE Alarm FREE W/D Screen porch FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly ONLY 1.7 miles to UF 372-0400 8-15-25-2 CONDO BELLAMY FORGE 3BR/2.5BA w/garage. Very large, all new. Pool, tennis & racquet ball. Good location. On bus rt. $890/mo. Available fall, Call 352-372-4768 6-30-18-2 **0.8 miles to nU. Historic 2BR apt/house near downtown. Wood floors, W/D. $830$650/mo. 214-9270 8-4-29-2 3BR/1 BA HOUSE central heat &A/C, kitchen & bath tile floors, WD hookup @ 2036 NW 31 Place. $650/mo. Call 352-371-3636 630-14-2 **Apply Now -No Application Fee** 4 blks to UF -Gatorside Apts. 1600 NW 4th Ave -2BR/1BA $550 or 1BR/iBA $350 -or -12 blks to lF -Centfr PointeApts 1BR/1BA 1220 NW 12 St. $350. 371-3636 6-30-14-2 Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood floors, high ceilings, some e/fireplaces, SE Historic District. 1, 2 & 3 BR w/water, sewer $475/mo. 1st, last, security. No dogs please. 378-3704 5-31-10-2 e Live the downtown life. Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s W/D & T/Hs avb. Pets OK $0 DD special -ask for details From $525 338-0002 8-15-25-2 CASABLANCA WEST! Spacious 2BR 2.5BA.Townhouse, w/d hkups, ceramic tile, porch, Pool, $750/rent, 2735 SW 35th PI #1604 Carl Turington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-7-2 6 MONTH LEASE! 2BR 1.5BA duplex, walk to UF, CH/AC, $495/rent, avail July, 807 NW 3rd Avenue Carl Turington Real Estate, Inc. 372-1625 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-7-2 SPACIOUS 4BR 2BA! Great house w/ Living & family rooms, fireplace, parquet Floors, washer/dryer, $1200/rent 1525 NE 6th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 wmw.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-7-2 3 BR. Quiet house. Close to UF. Fenced & shady backyard. In quiet NE neighborhood. 334 NE 12th St. $600/mo. 376-6183 5-26-8-2 AUGUST FREE! Lease before you leave! Huge 2bdrms, flexible leases, on bus route, water & sewer included, pets ok. Ventura Apartments 1902 SW 42nd Way (352) 376-5065 5-31-9-2 ROYAL VILLAGE APT For only $305/Month + 1/4 electric! 1 BR in a 4BR/2BA. Females only. Available NOW! Call 561-234-9220 5-19-5-2 3BR COTTAGE in DUCKPOND. New tile, W/D, great yard in classic neighborhood.740 NE 11th Ave. $795/mo 215-7199 5-26-7-2 HUGE 4BR/2BA NEAR UF. Exceptionally nice. Cent AC/H, W/D, DW, ice-maker, garage, fenced yard, no dogs. Avail Aug 16 -1 yr. $1640/mo. Call 665-8166 Iv mssg. 5-31-8-2 3962 W. University Ave. Close to campus. 4/2. separate living/dining/family room, fireplace. All'appliances, cent H&AC. W/D, hottub, avail Aug. $1400 333-9874 5-26-6-2 18 NW 36th St. Close to campus, 4/3 w/inlaw suite, cent H/AC, W/D, carport. Avail Aug $1350/mo 333-9874 5-26-6-2 Classifieds Continued on next page.
12, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, MAY17, 2005 FoRent Foir en For Rent For Rent 'unfurnished unlu rirnishedi unfurnished unfur-nished 590 NW 54th Terr 3/2 all appliances, cent H/AC, screened back porch, WID, carport. Avail Aug. $1150/mo 333-9874 5-26-6-2 1 BLOCK TO UF STUDIO APT $400 6 1/2 HOME 3416 NtAI*th Ave $975/mo S 1BR APT $450/mo. Call Michael 376-2433 5-31-7-2 1 4BR/4BA available now. University Terrace. WID, pool, convenient bus stop, pvt woodland view, 3 mi from campus. $335/room utl not inc. Call John 786-436-1657 or Jonathon 954-309-3004 7-28-22-2 Country House 2-story 3BR/2BA zoned commercial, ideal for home & office., SW Wliston Rd. $860. Also 2BR/1 .5BA townhouse, large patio $495. 494-7230. Dave 215-1728 Kathy 6-16-12-2 Convenient to UF, Shands & VA. 1200 sq ft. 3BR/2BA house, fenced backyard, W/D. Pets negotiable. $900/mo. Call 262-9131 5-24-5-2 2BR/1 BA available in 4/3 house. Lg recently remodelod. Bathroom. Pool. W/D, tile, carpet new. Common areas furnished. Sat TV/DSL. Avail now 954-340-5524. 5-31-7-2 Avail June 1st Walk to UF 3BR/1BA, can negotiate pets, nice yard w/off street parking $795/mo + sec dep, drive by first 1002 NW 4th Ave, then call 352-538-1310 5-19-4-2 3BR/2BA TRIPLEX Available for August 2 blocks from campus. Walk to class. Plenty of parking. $1300/mo Call 376-1111 8-15-25-2 SORORITY ROW AREA OXFORD TERRACE Brand new rooms/private baths Utilities, Cable, DSL, W/D Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 6-30-14-2 Adorable, quiet, clean, safe, green space near UF & downtown, bus line, no dogs, 2BR $5501826 NW 10th ST 1BR $426 -1825B NW 10Oth St. 362-376-0080 6-16-12-2 Fall rentals, walk to campus -2br/lba $500, sign lease now and move in August. Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 1731 NW 6th St. 8-15-25-2 Now leasing for fall 3 blocks from campus 4BR/2BA apt. $265/rm + utils 1740 NW 3rd PI 231-3002 6-1-8-2 4BR/2BA house $1100/mo 203 NW 28th St. 2BR/1BA apt $600/mo 615 SW 11th Ln, 2313002 6-1-8-2 2BR/1BA quiet nice area, cent A/C, wood & tile floors, W/D hook-up close to, UF. Flex lease, pet deposit 611 NW 34th Ave. Available now 352-318-8822 5-19-4-2 Avail Aug 1st. Leasing now. Bike to UF, golf, law school. Nice 3BR/2BA home. Den, fireplace, W/O, fenced yard. $1200/mo 35222r-4627 6-9-10-2 University Terrace Gainesville University Terrace West 4/4 Inidividual Leases Furnished Living Area W/D, Pool $375/mo. Union Properties 373-7578 www.rentgainesville.com 8-15-25-2 Village West Apartments 800 NW 18th Ave 1 BR/i BA $460-$520/mo. Ask about UF Parking Decal Union Properties 373-7578 www.rentgainesville.com 8-15-25-2 Bel-Aire Apartments 636 NW 26th Ave Starting at $535/mo Ask about UF Parking Decal Union Properties 373-7578 www.rentgainesville.com 8-15-25-2 SUPER CUTE! 1BR 1BA duplex Downtown, screen porch, lawn svc, $550/rent, 417 SW 2nd Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 wvM.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2 FREE RENT! 1 month free @ this 2BR 1.5BA, W/d hookups, CH/AC, dishwasher, $475/rent 5320 NW 20th Court Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2 SOUTHWOOD -2BR 1.5BA Townhouse, w/d hookups, liv/dining Combo, end unit, $575/rent 3925-D SW 26th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonReal Estate.com 5-19-4-2 BIKE TO UF! Great 3BR 2BA house, w/d hookups, parquet floors, carport, screen porch, 600 NW 36th Drive -$900/rent Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2 AFFORDABLE 3BR 2BA house, Carport, w/d hookups, CH/AC, $800/rent, 1410 NW 55th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2 GREAT 4 BR HOUSE! 2 master BRS, fireplace, lawn svc, w/d hookups, $1200/rent, 917 NW 40th Drive Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASESI 4BR 4BA apt, new flooring before move-in, furnished rooms, $425/room 4000 SW 23rd Street #6-305 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 5-19-4-2 Near Law School 3-1, 1-1 $1500/mo (1st, L, S) Pref Grad std. No Pets, W/D hookup, dish, wd firs, cent A/C, gas heat, trees. Call Tom after 8pm or wkd 954-529-4031 5-24-5-2, 3 Blks to UF! 1BR 1BA Apt w/extra room $460/mo 1029 SW 3rd Avenue, Central H & Air, Carpet. Call Merrill Management Inc. 3721494 5-19-4-2 2 Blks to UF! 2BR 1BA Apt. Terazzo Floors, Window A/C, Nat Gas ht. $520/Mo 408 NW 15th St. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 5-19-4-2 2 Blks to UFI 2BR 1BA Apt. Wood Floors, Window A/C, Nat gas ht. $475/Mo 314 NW 14th Street Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 5-1 9-4-2 2BR 1A Apts, $550-525/Mo 5 Blks to UF! 840 Sq. Ft. 829 SW 5th Avenue, St. Croix Apts Central H & Air, Incids Wtr, Swg, Pst CtrI, Garbage. Call Merrill Management Inc. 3721494 5-19-4-2 1 Block from UF! 1 BR and 2BR Apts Avail Now, Summer or Fall. See our list at www.merrillmanagement.net updated daily or call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 5-19-4-2 2BR IBAApts 1 Block to UF New Carpet, Windmo A/C, Nat Gas Ht 1210 SW 3rd Avenue $540/Mo Call Merrill Managment Inc. 372-1494 5-19-4-2 1 BR. studio apt in NW on bus line $340/mo incl water 2943A NW 6th St. 215-7199 526-6-2 PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee, 2BR townhomes, duplexes, privacy fenced. Modern appliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private owner, please leave a detailed message. $450/mo 331-2099 5-19-4-2 ***BRAND NEW 2/2 APTS*** inc W/D, alarm sys, skylight, contemporary cabinetry, front porch, great bus rte. Pets ok. $740. Call 317-8150 for details & showing 8-15-25-2 Bike to UF. 2BR/1.5BA, W/D, DW, cent H/AC, fenced backyard. 3204 SW 24th Terr. Front part of Phoenix. $480/mo $450/sec. Call Karen 317-4006-Owner/Agent 5-24-5-2 PINE RUSH APARTMENTS FIRST MONTH FREE! One Bedroom Apartment Homes Starting at $429 $150 deposit/$35 app fee Please call 352-375-1519 8-15-25-2 2BR/1.5BA townhome, W/D, DW, new appliances, on bus route, NS, no pets. $675/mo. Available August. Call 352-335-0455 5-266-2 Cute brick newly remodeled throughout 3BR/ 2BA house 1 mile from campus. Duckportd area. W/D hk up, large kitchen. No pets. $1175/mo. Can email pics. Call 813-3829395. 5-24-5-2 Downtown Historic Home, 2BR/2BA Large Rooms, large porch, wood floors, fireplace, fenced yard, alarm system. 0.8 miles to UF. $750/mo. 109 SE 4th Pl. 219-3850 5-24-5-2 SUMMER OR YEAR LEASE 2 Bed 2 Bath 1200 sq ft Brandywine apts. First floor end unit. $600/mo 328-8473 531-7-2 3 BED HOUSE $850/mo. Central heat & air. Great deal! Wooden floors & WID hook-up. Behind Leo 706. 870-0904, 3184553 5-19-4-2 1 & 2 BED COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo. Historical downtown! WfD hook-ups, porches, great size! Cutel Must see! Photos @ www.rentalworkshop.com 352870-0904, 3184553 5-19-4-2 3BR/1BA HOUSE Fenced yard, out-building w/electric, 2 miles from UF. $850/mo. Lease option available. Call Ray 256-3528 6-7-8-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE. Fenced backyard, -1900 sq ft. Close to campus. Hardwood floors, W/ D hook-ups, Avail June 15th $1250/mo. Call 352-359-1270 5-31-6-2 2/1 flat W/D hook-ups, open, airy, clean, near UF & hospitals $600/mo available now 5389829 5-17-2-2 1 bedroom apartment in small quiet complex, near University. $400 a rnonth.Call 352-3328481 6-30-14-2 3BR/2BA newer home, new tile/carpet, large fenced yard, front & back porches, W/D hookup, bike to UF/Shands. Now avail. $750/mo. 421 SW 5th St. Call 332-0841 &-26-5-2 JULY RENT FREE -lBR/1BA -walk to Shands. $460/mo Avail mid-June, year lease. Pool, W/D facility, quiet, elec extra 352-870-1784 5-24-4-2 Duckpond 1BR/1BA w/study. Wood floors, entire 2nd floor. Private & quiet, no dogs or smokers. 1st, last, sec required. Free washer/dryer, garage. $550. 377-4217 517-2-2 HISTORIC CRACKER HOUSE 46R/4BA fully renovated. Close to UF & downtown. Cent AC/H, hardwood floors, deck, fenced yard. $1400/mo Call 373-5295 5-31-5-2 www.10houseS.Com 2 & 3BR homes for Aug in quiet areas. Cute, clean, cent H/AC, wd firs, fenced yards, bike to UP. Pet considered $650 & $900.336-6116 5-25-4-2 Your Perfect Apt Next to UF! Move-in Now or Aug! Studios, 1,2&3BR Specials from $489/mo. Lofts, wood firs & more. Some pet friendly! Going Fast! Call nowl 376-6223 LiveNearCampus.com 815-23-2 Large Private NW Single Fmly Home 3/2 split, fenced, new appl, lanai, hot tub, Excellent schools, Available now $1250 + security 941-447-5453 timcrowe@earthlink.net 5-26-4-2 A Golf Course Villa 3/2 w/pool, Quiet, All appliances, On Bus Route Available now $899 + Security 941-447-5453 timcrowe@earthlink.net 5-26-4-2 Apartments Available Now All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse our listing FREE WWW.SUBLET.COM 1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-2 "The Three Amigos" live at Spanish Trace Large 3BR only $285/person FREE UP parking, alarms, pets adored. Same-day sign specials 373-1111 8-15-23-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE. Wood floors, cent A/C, W/D, large yard, 521 NW 4th St. $895/mo 562-9607 6-9-8-2 HISTORIC DUCKPOND NEIGHBORHOOD Charming studio. Privacy over detached garage. 1.8 mi from UF. $500/mo sec. dep. Small pets. Avail June 15 371-7149 5-315-2 NEW& USED RENTALS From $450 to $1400/mo Available Now & August R2,,"GERS Call 376-4581 8-15-23-2 MIKE'S HOUSES Excellent Single Family Houses Close to UF Call Mike 352-665-7316 6-16-10-2 A Great Home, Close to UF 4BR/2BA, Carport, Fncd Yd, $1000/month, Available 6/1. Call 495-9085 3311 NW 30th Avenue 6-98-2 DOWNTOWN HISTORICAL HOUSE 5BR/ 2.5BA 0 security sys 0 off street parking remodeled 0 w/ wash & dryer hook-ups dishwasher 0 $1675 Avail in August. Call 305-527-91 5 6-2-6-2 2/1 HISTORIC HOUSE in Downtown Pleasant Street for rent. Avail 8/1. $700/mo, W/D, hardwood & tile floors, vaulted ceilings w/ fans. First, last, $500 sec. to move in. Call Lisa 246-3738 5-31-5-2 S jubleases LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? Bid on a sublease. call 866-837-1309 or visit wWW.SUbleaSeaUCtiOn.Com 5-19-43-3 Summer sublease available -WINDSOR HALL 2 blocks from campus. 1 BR suite $600 utils incl. Laundry room, swimming pool, cable, ethernet. Call 516-650-4037 5-24-24-3 **WALK TO CLASS** Summer sublease @ Courtyards. 1BR in 4BR townhouse. May-Aug. $300/mo. NEGOTIABLE. Call Maggie 727-741-1347. 5-31-17-3 1BR/1BA in 3BR/2BA apt. Close to UF. Bike/bus. $235/mo + 1/3 utils. For more info call Joy 954-614-4607 or 954-485-4560 5-19-12-3 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Female for lBR/lBA in 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Behind sorority row. Short walk to campus. Avail ASAP. Price NEGOTIABLE. Call 352-870-8902 5-31-13-3 SPACIOUS 1BR/lBA unfurn apt. Large walk-in closet, close to campus on Sorority Row, 1 & 43 bus routes. $395/mo incl water & pest control. Pets welcome. 352-281-9411 5-26-10-3 *GATORSUBLEASE.COM* Huge selection Lowest prices in town for summer 5-31-9-3 Sublet til Aug or renew huge 3/2 2.5 m to campus in very quiet area. Fenced yard great for pets. Rent is highly negotiable. Call 336-2173 Iv. mssg. 5-19-5-3 1BR/lBA in 3BR/3BA. Laurels. Very spacious. On bus rt #35. Close everything. $300/mo. Avail anytime summer A, B or C. Call Megan 321-917-9417 5-19-4-3 3 min WALK TO CAMPUS 1/2 price sublet -$200/mo 1 BR in LARGE HOUSE; now -August. Call 305-761-8805 or zstark@ufl.edu 5-19-4-3 MASTER BR w/PVT BA @ HAWAIIAN VILLAGE. Some furniture available. Broadband available. $325/mo + utils. Available now. Call 352-223-2927 5-19-4-3 SUPER DEAL! Gainesville Place apt, 3rd fir, vaulted ceilings, open balcony, pvt BR & BA. Complex has free printing/faxing, comp lab, 24hr weight rm, 2 pools, much more. $390/ mo Call 407-466-7846 5-31-7-3 HUGE 1 BR/i BA STUDIO Close to campus/Univ & 34th. Everything included, cable, int, ac, fenced-in yard, kitchen, fridge $325/mo May/Aug 352-3284733 6-9-10-3 1 or 2 big rooms in 4/2 house, NW 26th St, 5 min.walk to law school, HBO, W/D, highspeed internet, central AC, wood floor, move in ASAP, lease ends 7/31, $312 negotiable. 514-5697 5-19-4-3 IMOST WANTE Elbrana Lakesha Barnes BlaCk Male (DOB 7126/76); 5'05", 180 lbs, BlaCk Hair, Brown Eyes Wanted for: Violation of Probation Warrant for Burglary of a Struature, Burglary of a Dwelling. and Battery. ALACUJA CoUNTy CRIME STOPPERS Call (352) 372-STOP
-TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 13 Subleases Subleases Rmats Rommates Roommates2 Summer sublease spacious 1BR/1BA in SW avail May to July w/option to rent after. Dishwasher, pool, laundry, close to UF, bike/ bus, no deposit, rent $400/mo OBO. Please call 352-281-6998 5-24-5-3 1BR apt avail June 1st w/opt to renew lease Aug 1st. Across street from UF/Swamp. $539/mo. College Park Apts. 1716 NW 3rd Ave #24. Michael 910-352-2659 5-19-4-3 HUGE 1BR for sublet. $385/mo, w/opt to renew lease. Hardwood floors, close to downtown & UF, lots of windows, pets welcome. June, July, Aug. Move-in flex. Must rent by July. Call 352-281-3111 5-20-3-3 Cute house. New, clean, fenced yard. 1BR 529 NW 28th Ave. Avail June 1. 352-8711887 5-24-4-3 Countryside @ University condo. $425 furnished living room. 2 rooms avail in 4BR/ 4BA. Cable, water, elec incl exept phone. icheng@bellsouth.net. Call Irvin 352-3792926 5-24-4-3 COUNTRYSIDE $250/month. Clean 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. All utils included, internet available now until July 31st. Call 850-346-0906. Check out anytime. 6-16-11-3 1BR/1BA hardwood floors, sunny, quiet 3 blocks from campus and bars! Cable included, $400 + utils, neg. Computer desk included, May 29 -Aug 352-262-0149, ssiejka@ufl.edu 5-24-4-3 Walk to class for less! Large furn 1BR in 4BR/2BA house. Wireless net, cable, utils incl. Quiet, huge backyard $299/mo now til late Aug. Call Noel 727-510-1996 5-31-6-3 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA apt for sublease. Female only. All utils incl. Melrose apts. $350/mo. Available now thru Aug 15th. Call 321-695-8009 5-31-5-3 Summer B. 2BR/2BA Oakbrook Walk apt 1 or 2 BR avail. Walk to UF/Shands. Poo W/D, night security, utils, cable, internet Inc. $500/mo. Call 407-766-3722 6-2-6-3 Apartments Sublets & Roommates All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500 Shrt-Long & FHrn-Unfurn 1-(877)FOR-RENT (367-7368) WWW.SUBLET.COM 8-15-23-3 Subleasing room in 4BR/4BA apt. Aug 05-May 06. Melrose Apts near mall. Furnished. Gym, pool, quiet area. Call Lana at 813-3000865 5-19-2-3 SPACIOUS 2BR apt lease till July 31st. Asking $450. 8 min bus to UF. Friendly student community, pool, laundry, gym, parking. MAY FREE. Call 352-870-5699 Fay 5-19-2-3 Summer sublease @ Cobblestone 2BR/2BA townhouse, cable, pets, available 5/25. Call Valerie @ 264-0385 5-31-5-3 Summer sublease at Cobblestone Huge bedroom and closet Bus rte. to campus $475/mo. inc cable, W/D call Erik: 219-5070 5-26-4-3 1 & 2 BED COTTAGES & APTS. $425/mo. Historical downtown! W/D hook-ups, porches, great size Cute! Must see Photos @ www.rentalworkshop.com 352870-0904, 318-4553 5-19-2-3 Roommrates Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 8-15-25-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 8-15-25-4 Female roommates wanted brand.new 2100 sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to UF. internet, HBO:5 cable, sec incl $500/mo.Avail Fall. Call Jac 395-7462 or 941-780-3526 5-26 M/F NS Grad student/profession rent furn room in gorgeous new to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry 954-646-1341 6-16-83-4 2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by C Norman Hall/hospital/buses Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $ util. Quiet/considerate F/M? C 5-19-35-4 Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 13th & University, $300 + split u NS, no pets. Contact sor20@ya leave message at 352-870-725 I ~ -~~"~1IJ-*mw1 E U "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Prov U Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious condo w/2 female UF students. NW 55th St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763 6-9-10-4 *SUMMER SPECIAL $275/mo* Female(s) for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house near UF, Shands & VA. W/D. Pets ok, furn opt. Avail now. Jennifer 371-6228 please leave msg. 6-7-11-4 Loft BR $250/mo big old house in NW. Remodeled, hardwood firs; new kitchen & baths, great yard, close to UF. Great roommates, DSL, good parking. Stephanie 3719409 6-9-15-4 Room in NW home. $325/mo incl utils & DSL. No pets, mature male non-drinker/ smoker. Avail 5/1/05 (flex) Scott 335-8209 5-31-20-4 2/2 avail in beautiful large house located in quiet neighborhood. Avail for the summer beginning May 1. Call 352-246-4519 or 352376-4421. N/S, neat, preferred. 6-2-19-4 F vet student seeking F, NS for brand, new fully furn 2BR/2BA home. Avail immed. Optional renewal for fall. $425/mo + 1/2 utils. Call 561-707-1503 or gatorgrt@ufl.edu. 6-2-17-4 Looking for roommate to rent master BR in nice, clean, relaxed environment. New wood floors & appliances, no move-in or application fees. $350 + 1/3 utils. Call Ryan 850261-3571 5-19-12-4 Professional or student to share ranch home in Geville about 10-15 min drive to UF or SFCC. Furn common areas. $400/mo. Avail now. Call 352-262-4829 5-19-10-4 aiarm in Utis Quiet -non-smoking college age roommate queline 352wanted from Aug to April 06 -Rent $375 per -77-4 month. Call local 352-376-4250 or call cell 904-994-6764 5-24-10-4 al wanted to house 1.5 mi CHEAPEST RENT IN TOWN!!! 336-5450 or $350 + 1/3 utils, huge room Private bath, W/D, pool Rockwood Villas, Avail June 1st. redit Union/ Isaac 514-0767 or Joe 514-6561 6-16-17-4 for city/UF. 300 + half 1BR in 2 story furnished house in nice NW all 337-9746 neighborhood close to UF. Washer & dryer in house. Rent $350/mo. Call Mike 316-3930 6-2-12-4 1 blk from til, sec dep, $295 nice room in nice 4/2 house 1 5 mi to hoo.com or UF. Big trees, wired for cable, dsl, on bike 6 8-15-25-4path, quiet, private peaceful environment. Dave 371-9409 5-31-10-4 Need 1 F student/professional to share 2BR/1BA apt $250/mo + 1/2 utils. 376-4510 or 352-256-6389 5-17-5-4 Countryside. 4BR/4BA: 1/1 avail 8-1-05; 2/2 avail 1-1-06. Enet access, util incl (cap), W/D, furn, secure. Exercise/pool, bus to UF-3 mi. $465/mo/rm. 1st.last.dep. Vanessa 352-2173464, Sebastian 352-874-8905 5-31-8-4 Share 3BR home w/ artist. Pref older student or employed lady: BR & study/ofc. Sat TV, pvcy fence, sec sys. I have 2 inside cats + outside cats. $400 + 1/2 utils. Bus rte 4 mi to UF. Ruth 2-10pm 376-0129, cell 359-6138 6-9-10-4 Female roommate, N/S for fall $600/mo including util. 3BR/2.5BA. Brand new fully furnished maxed out 2500 sqft luxury townhouse at Regents Park. Call 561-281-9274 5-24-5-4 iders" Working people. 3 rooms $85 week max -cable (1 room small apt) 1.8 mile past Waldo Rd & Univ Ave. Not all info included. For total info call 376-0384 or page 202-7074 immed/ re 5-26-6-4 PROFESSIONAL/GRAD STUDENT Quiet & safe. Full amenities. $300/mo. Leave message 333-8300 5-26-6-4 3BR/2.5BA Located off Newbdrry, 1 mile from campus w/busstop closeby. Looking for roommate for summer or fall. $300/mo + 1/3 utils. Please call 352-338-7532 5-24-5-4 Walk to Law School Large BR in 4BR/2BA house. 3 1 L students need roommate. Cable TV, wireless. Available now. $425/share utilities. 770-6395958, dcdotson@ufl.edu 6-2-8-4 Roommate -grad/prof NS to share new 2/2 condo -Plantation Oaks ASAP. Master BR/BA available $450/mo + 1/2 utilities + deposit. CH/A, carpet, W/D, has computer loft. Phone 372-6477/538-6505. 5-24-5-4 Roommate wanted for house with 2 males, 7 bloocks from campus Contact Anna 360770-6459 5-19-4-4 A nice 3BR/3BA house in NW. Looking for F roommate. Pool, hottub, garage, spacious yard, everything brand new. Pets neg. Rent $450 neg. Close to UF & SFCC. Near Mall & shopping. 258-4981 5-26-6-4 Female Roommate Needed Kensington North $500/mo inclused utilities & cable Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-4 F, NS for nice NW house, 2.5 miles to UF. $450/io. All utils incl, hi-speed internet. Call 239-398-1172 5-31-7-4 TREEHOUSE VILLAGE 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA w/working prof. W/D, DW. Avail 6-1-05. Gym,.2 pools, close to UF. $320/mo + 1/2 util. Call 264-0586 or 3931157, bseekid@yahoo.com 5-31-7-4 Furnished 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/3BA @ Campus Club. Avail fall. W/D, util, Cable, DSL incl. Call 281-8400 5-24-5-4 Southern Comfort -Great place to study & tan. Pool, W/D, ethernet, NS, avail for summer & fall $380/mo + share utils. Jake 239564-0069 5-31-5-4 Walk to UF! Large bedroom and walk-in closet in vintage 3/2 home 1.5 blks from campus, cent AC/ht, W/D, parking. $275/mo + 1/4 util. Call 367-9128, 375-1474 5-19-4-4 M/F roommate for 2 rooms in 3/2 house. $450/month everything included W/D, cable internet, completely furnished. C611 Jen at 561-723-7621 5-17-2-4 M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737 6-14-10-4 1 room in 3BR/2BA apt for female @ Boardwalk. Close to UF. On bus rte. Tennis, large pool, more. 1 yr lease. $245/mo + 1/3 utils, cable & DSL internet. Call Mike 352316-6219 5-31-6-4 2 ROOMMATES WANTED New home. $400/mo includes utilities & furniture. Call 321-615-8066, 352-271-1135 6-2-7-4 **WALK TO UF** Room w/private BA avail 6/1 in 3000 sq ft 3BR/3BA house. Fenced yard, large deck, partially furnished, $550/mo. Call Taylor 352514-2877 5-24-4-4 Grad, upperclassmen or prof to share spacious rgew 3BR/2BA house: -net & cable incl. Must be neat clean & responsible. $450 or $425/mo + 1/2 util. Short or long term avail. 262-3989 6-16-11-4 2BRs avail in charming NW house close to Ward's Grocery, W/D, share kitchen/BA. Seeking serious student/professional, NS, furn opt. $250+ utils. Call 338-2086 5-265-4 2 female roommates wanted for 3BR/2BA house on 36th & University. Available now. $360/mo + utils. Call Katie 514-5985 526-5-4 ROOMMATE WANTED for 2BR/1BA HOUSE. $380/mo Near Duckpond. Professional college student. Cent A/C, W/D incl. 1300 sq ft. 813-997-6600 5-31-6-4 M or F for pvt BR/BA in 2BR/2BA luxury apt. Move in Aug. Fully furn. 1 block from campus. $700/mo incl elec, hi-spd internet, cable, water, W/D. 941-518-4686 5-26-5-4 3rd Roommate needed -male. 2 min from SFCC. 3BR new furnished townhome. Golf, gated, $550/mo incl all util, inet & cable. Avail 8/15/05. 1 year lease. No pets. Call Mike 954-467-7070 or Jeff 954-240-3524 6-16-18-4 NS, M/F, student for own BR/BA in large home 8 blocks north of campus w/2 grad students. Must be mature & responsible. $525/mo incl all utils + W/D, cable, wireless & weight room. Call Kent 727-433-0229 5-26-5-4 For furn 1BR/1BA in nice condo 2BR/2BA. W/D, pool, 4 miles to UF bus route. $260/ mo + 1/2 util. Pref Asian female, no smoke. Move in anytime. Call 331-0834 after 6pm. 5-19-2-4 1 bedroom in a 2/2 available for $425/month + utilities. Female pref. Call Melissa 561-445-9366 5-31-5-4 Female roommate wanted. Furn w/nice BR if desired. Spacy 2BR apt. June July rent free! Free cable & DSL. W/D in apt. Like new. FallSpring $425/mo 514-1485 5-26-4-4 Roommate Needed Private Bed/Bath $399, everything included Call 352-379-9300 5-19-2-4 Sublets and Rooms Available All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse available Rooms FREE! www.MetroRoommates.com 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-4 F, UF student wanted for 3BR/2BA house 1.5 mi from campus. $430/mo everything incl. CallAmy 352-2,19-5780 6-16-10-4 ATTENTIONI F roommate needed for 1BR/ 1BA in a condo. $450/mo utils incl. Must be responsible, neat & clean. Avail now! Call Madgene @ 561-827-4970 5-24-3-4 Furnished (or unfurnished) 1BR in 2BR HOUSE in NW Gainesville. $212/mo + utils. Close to UF, on bus route. 377-5960 lv msg 6-2-6-4 R4,01 E-state Sell your house, condo, acreagehiobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDS Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 lv mssg 8-15-25-5 Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more infornation, visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 5-19-56-5 HOT STUDENT CONDOS NEAR UF Save Thousands When You Buy Now. FREE LIST of Great Local Condos. www.UF-Condos.com Campus Realty Group 6-3-40-5 Great Homes Near UF STOP Renting. Own Your Home. FREE LIST of Campus Area Homes www.Homes-Near-UF.com Campus Realty Group 6-3-34-5 HORSE PROPERTY Lease-to-own or owner financing. 3BR/ 2.5BA, 2091 sq ft. 3.86 acres, block & stucco, fireplace, $2150/mo + dowrOwner licensed realtor Michael Quinones 376-2433 5-31-7-5 COUNTRYSIDE @ THE UNIVERSITY 4BR/4BA top floor. Partially furn. 941-5185240 5-26-9-5 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
14, ALLIGATORETUESDAY, MAY 17,2005 U Real Estate Computers Wrcycle s Help Wanted A Help Wanted Grantwood Condominiums 2/2 Loft Condo W/Private Courtyard Minutes From UF! 975SF, GATED ENTRANCE, SECURITY, POOL. Starting @ $119,000! HURRY! Call Adam Vaisman.352-222-7260 Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Rltrs 372-5375 8-15-25-5 NEV'COMPANY IN GAINESVILLE looking to buy or lease houses in this area. Any size, price, or condition. 352-264-7347 or visit us @ www.happygatorhomes.com 8-15-23-5 Prestigious MONTICELLO @ MILL POND 2BR/2BA townhouse. Immaculate. Corner unit. Many upgrades, all appliances. Tennis courts, pool, clubhouse. $159,900. 352-222-33955-19-2-5 W5A+MFo etEr QEEk W&4Au"e Howe, cga 8-23-170-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount w/student ID. M/F Cart MCSE technicians. 333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 823-170-7 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, InC Complete residential & commercial support, networking & website development. $45/hr www.gainesvillecsi.com 371-2230 8-15-24-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs SALES S SERVICES PARTS www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 8-15-24-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 8-15-25-7 0.rhiSIgs aElectronics-' Ull BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pillow-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-3727490 will deliver. 8-15-25-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 MICROFIBER SOFA& LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 8-15-25-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $230. Call 352-372-8588Candeliver. 815-25-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. 'Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 8-1525-6 BEDROOM SET 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 8-15-25-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 8-1525-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell $199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 SOFA & LOVE SEAT Forest green cloth. From Rooms To Go. With pillows. $200 352-235-4439 5-26-6-6 BUNKBED $85 OBO Almost new. Call 352-335-2703 or 352-22519654Ok for Mina 5-24-5-6 Three-piece white bedroom furniture set (nightstand, dresser w/mirror, chest) & bedframe w/full-size mattress set for $300. Call 352-271-1055 5-31-5-6 FURNITURE SET: Sofa, loveseat, light olive green; 2 end tables, 1 coffee table, glass; 2 lamps. Less than 1 year old. $650 352-2564348 5-31-5-6 DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 8-15-25-8 Bicycles In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the-Alligator Classifieds. NEW& USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from 0 Best Prices in Towni SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 8-15-25-9 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest section KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 solanocycle.com 8-15-43-11 02 APRILIA RS50 All the look and feel of an Italian sports bike, without the danger. $1300 OBO as is. Call Rob @ 786-236-7784 Perfect 1st Bike. 5-24-5-11 Motorcycle Wanted 600cc or larger. WILL TRADE LAPTOP PC plus CASH. Joel 336-0075 5-26-4-11 Autos FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CAROL ORunning or notlO NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS *Over 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 8-15-25-2 CARS -CARS Buy*SellOTrade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 8-15-25-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Sell or Trade Welcome Call Ray 352-284-8619 8-15-25-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 www.selectmotorcar.us 8-15-25-12 Best Cars o Lowest Prices www.39thaveimports.com 8-15-25-12 GATORMAX USED CARS Buy, Sell, Trade. We finance. 495-9500 C E For Sale gatormax.net 5-31-8-12 PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 8-15-25-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional cooking utensils. R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 8-15-25-10 Post-partum election depression? "Red State resident/Blue State values" bumperstickers. $1 + sase. Jacksonnewf, 93 Hunters Woods, Martinsburg, WV 25401 5-17-3-10 Motorcycles, Mopeds ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974 8-15-25-11 Swamp Cycles Large selection of E-bikes, Scooters and Accessories. CPI USA, ETon, Luojia, HJC Helmets. 534 SW 4th Avenue, 373-8823 ww""w.swampcycleu.com 8,-5-25-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. All models & directions avail on website. 6-16-12-11 ** CASH PAID FOR MOTORCYCLES ** SCOOTERS, DIRT BIKES in ANY condition, Running or Not, Titles orNot. PROMPT PICK UP. Call ANYTIME 352-495-7769 Please leave message 5-24-25-11 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 8-1525-12 89 NISSAN 240 SX $1100 Call Heather 264-1618 5-19-4-12 1989 MAZDA 626 Auto, PW, sunroof, good condition. $1200 1993 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM Auto, ice-cold air, excellent condition $1300 RON SMITH MOTORS 352-208-2648 517-2-12 2002 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE automatic, 4 door, A/C, new tires. 69,500 mi, $6500. Call 352-219-1140 or 352-331-1500 6-9-8-12 Wanted LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 8-15-25-13 On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays onily to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 5-26-6-13 STUDY ABROAD in beautiful PARIS June 20-Aug 5. CLAS classes offered. Incentive will be rewarded to take my spot. Contact Joanna 352-870-8383, jojo18@ufl.edu 526-6-13 Blind lady needs health majors interested in walking at least three times a week. Call 352219-6948. Thanks. 5-26-6-13 This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings the independent flora alligator AD GRAPHIC DESIGNER The Alligator Production department is accepting student applications for the position of Ad Graphic Designer. Starting with summer semester. Wi Dtrgin, but must have experience with Adobe Inoesige, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat. Friendly work environment, flexible schedule, with hours between 9am and 5pm Mon -Fri. Fill out an application at the front desk of The Alligator, 1105 W. University Ave, Mon -Fri 9am -5pm. Include available work schedule and references. Previous applicants are wel'come to reapply with current schedule.EOE 5-19-5-14 the independent florida alli gator What's black and white and "read" all over??? The Independent Florida Alligator And you can be Part of the sales team of the largest college newspaper in the country by applying to become an ADVERTISING INTERN (this is a non-paid position requiring 12-15 hours per week, possibly leading to a paid sales position.) If you are a UF or SF0C student eager to gain valuable sales experience stop by the Alligator, 1105 W. University Avenue, to fill out an application and class schedule by Fri, May 13th. We will contact you for an interview opportunity to get your career fump-started! EEO/AA 5-1 9-4-14 LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com for details. 8-15-25-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 8-15-25-4 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 8-15-25-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex .4081 Call now! 815-25-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/ employment 8-15-25-14 University of Florida Survey Research Center 408 W University Ave. Suite 106 Mon-Fri 9:30am-9pm 392-2908 ext. 105 $7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training Telephone Interviewing NO SALES 3 eves. 6-9 pm + 2 weekend shifts or Sat l2pm-6pm + Sun 2pm -8pm Must work summer break week. 8-15-25-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Cloth ing/accesnories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No. appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 815-25-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 8-15-25-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 8-15-25-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested come to the psychology bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297 8-15-25-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progressive company w/advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156 5-19-63-14 CL) *0 U U U 0 0l) a m mm L. *0 3: 0 L. 0~ (0 z (U L. E E 0 0 E 0 L. 4Cu >1
TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 15 Help Wanted HpWtedHelp Wanted Help Wiatib, :lpantede* EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$$$$$$$ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 8-15-25-14 *DANCERS NEEDED* Private dance co. Great for students. Great pay, fast cash & flexible hours. Call to start today! 378-3312 5-19-30 14 Customer Service rep wanted. MS Office Experience required. Permanent Full-Time Position. Contact: Jackson Industries, 4001 Newberry Rd, E4, Gvl or info@jacksonllc.com 5-24-30-14 Groundskeepers FT, PT Custodial duties/Apt Maint Transportation req. DFWP EEO 220 N Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14 Leasing Consultant, FT, PT Energetic Attitude Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO 220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14 PT CLEANING SERVICE Great for college students. Flexible hours. Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-1534-14 Models wanted for fine art figure photography. 18+, all looks, body types considered. Compensation negotiable: $, prints/CD? Contact Jay at lensphlare@yahoo.com 5-19-10-14 LM .SCHOOL BOARD OF ALACHUA COUNTY VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM AT VARIOUS LOCATION Interviewing NOW for jobs beginning August 11th. Leave for the summer knowing you have a job when you return in the Fall. ACTIVITY LEADERS -$10/HR -Bachelor's desired or successful experience working with children. AIDE I -$7.61/hr -HS or equiv. Min. 3 yrs. Exp. As teacher aide or equiv. Combo of training & exp. working with children. CENTER AIDE -$8.67/hr -HS or equiv. Exp & training in working w/handicapped children, or equiv. combo of training & exp. DRUG TESTING REQUIRED BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED -AA/EOE Call at 955-7766 for information or pick up application @ 620 E. Univ. Ave (School Board of Alachua County) 5-17-7;14 Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashier/servers. Apply in person 4-5pm, Mon -Sun. See www.green-sparrow.com for store location or call 352-871-5771 8-15-25-14 PRE-MED GRADUATES -Looking for experience in medicine? Full time assistant needed in ophthalmology. Will train. Resume to Dr. Levy: afn22025@bellsouth.net 6-1615-14 MAUI TERIYAKI Now hiring PT/FT COOK & CASHIERS Apply in person Tower Rd & 13th St locations. 6-2-10-14 0) gz* -o The Honey Baked Ham Co & Cafe is hiring sales assocs & sandwich prep. PT positions approx 18-24 hrs/wk. Starting salary $6.50/ hr. Apply in person 618-NW 60th St (behind McDonalds on Newberry Rd) 331-1253 519-6-14 5 STAR PIZZA is now hiring delivery drivers. Great pay, flexible hrs. Closing drivers average over $100 per shift. Apply in person at 600 NW 75th St. 352-333-7979. 5-19-5-14 BLIMP GROUND CREW Full time travel. Background checks. Good driving record. DFWP. Steve Adams 407363-7777 5-31-8-14 SUMMER WORK GREAT PAYIII Immediate Openings, Customer Sales/Svc, No Exp Nec, Conditions Apply All ages 17+. Call Now 335-1422 6-16-12-14 NANNY NEEDED 3 days a week 6:30 -9:00 am & 2:30 -8:00 pm. Must be available both times, days vary. Must have car. 271-0804 5-24-5-14 PART TIME WORK ALL AGES 18+ Good Pay, Resume Builder, Scholarships Possible Customer Sales/Svc Will Train Conditions Apply. Call Now 335-1422 6-16-12-14. NOW HIRING CLEAN VACANT APTS ALSO some PT Position available. 352-246-5785 8-15-25-14 PART TIME @ YOUR LOCATION LAW/ENGINEERING STUDENT for patent applications. Reply: mdinstitute@hotmail.com 5-24-5-14 PART TIME @ YOURLOCATION PUBLIC RELATIONS-MARKETING Reply mdinstitute@hotmail.com 5-24-5-14 PART TIME @ YOUR LOCATION UPPER-LEVEL STUDENTS IN SCIENCES, MATH,SOCIAL SCIENCE to generate test questions. Apply mdinstitute@hotmail.com 5-24-5-14 PART TIME@ YOUR LOCATION. GENERATE COMPUTER MAILING LISTS. Reply: mdinstitute@hotmail.com 5-24-5-14 Need Extra Cash? GET PAID TO SEARCH GOOGLEI! WWW.PAID2GOOGLE.COM 5-24-5-14 SOCCER COACHES: Gainesville Soccer Alliance seeking experienced soccer coaches for competitive youth soccer teams for 2005-2006 season. Call 379-5979 or email: contact@gainesvillesoccer.org 8-15-25-14 Architectural Draftsperson Palm Bob Fl. award winning firm seeks arch. draftspersons -3 -5 yn exp. Full time or summer intern. AutoCad. Pis submit resume -thank you. Fax: (561) 833-9853 e-mail: TLGROUP@aol.com 5-24-5-14 Architect Palm Bch Fl. Established firm seeks graduate or licensed ardh. High end practice; projects of above average complexity. Full time. Ex.Benefits. Salary negotiable. Ps submit resume. Thank you. Fax: 561-833-9853 ermail: TLGROUP@aoI-com 5-24-5-14 HOPE -a horse therapy program seeks horse experienced volunteers to help with grooming, exercising, etc. 352-332-7322 5-19-4-14 EDUCATIONAL RETAIL STORE is looking for PT help. Must be able to work during summer & 2-3 Saturdays/mo. Please bring resume to 2020 NW 6th St. 5-31-7-14 JAPANESE TUTOR NEEDED for high school student. 373-9577 or 5382699 5-19-4-14 SALES CLERK $6.50/hr. Part time. Call Sandy's Consignment Boutique 372-1226 5-19-4-14 MODELS for female fashion business. Must be photogenic, over 57" tall., weigh under 150 lbs, age 18-35 years. Call 352-870-9308 5-19-4-14 Programmer/summer intern. $8-10/hr. Schedule negotiable. Skills: Java, VB, VB.Net, SOL. GIS, web preferred. Call 377-6093 or e-mail rrichardson@albireosts.com 5-17-3-14 ATTENTION: STUDENTS, YOUNG MARRIEDS, OLD MARRIEDS, SENIORS, AND IN-BETWEENS If you are looking for PART TIME WORK, during the daytime, in a professional office environment, then call me. We are Infinite Energy, Inc. -Florida's 50th largest private employer. We sell discount-priced natural gas throughout Florida & Georgia. We need people that can use the phone effectively. Our clients save money so this is enjoyable work. If you are a good communicator, aren't afraid of the telephone, get along well with others & need some money (hourly wage + commission) then call Bryan, 352-331-1654, X 3117. Also, send your resume -resumes@i nfiniteenergy.com. EOE/AA/MFDV. For more informaiton go to www.InfiniteEnergy.com. This is a great place to work! Time is of the essence. Call now. 5-26-6-14 HIRING FOR ALL POSITIONS! Driver or in-store. Part time or full time. Must be available through fall. Apply in person @ Five Star Pizza downtown 210 SW 2nd Ave. 375-5600 5-26-6-14 NANNY needed for baby. Hours/pay negotiable. Exp w/ infant care, refs, dependable transport required. Call 331-4587 5-19-4-14 Loving, caring person for Sunday church nursery for summer and beyond. Responsible, reliable. Background check, references required. Call Leslee, 378-1527 5-17-3-14 Spinal Tech is HIRING until Friday, May 20th. Work ON-CAMPUS, helping us set up professional audio and lighting equipment. Please fill out an online application available at http://www.union.ufl.edu/obs/. Note: You must select Spinal Tech as your FIRST choice. You MUST be a registered UF student to apply! Previous technical experience is encouraged, but not required for employment. Contact Spinal Tech at 392-1655 ext 280 for more details. 5-17-3-14 Medical Billing/Front Office Clerk for Dermatology Office. Experience preferred, but will train motivated individual with excellent computer, typing and interpersonal skills. 2 yr commitment preferred. FT with benefits or PT min 20 hrs/wk. Fax resume 332-2966 Attn Michele. 5-19-4-14 Nurse/Medical Assistant for busy Dermatology office, Ideal position for health-related major. Full time position 3236 hrs/wk. Minimum 1 year commitment. Experience preferred but willing to train motivated person. Salary negotiable. Fax resume to 352-332-2966 5-19-4-14 Taco Bell (Yum.brandS!) We are the BOLD CHOICEHt Are You? Come join us, today! We offer: Flexible schedules Latenight availability Multiple locations CHAMPS recognition Pre-Teamer Rewards FREE MEAL incentives Career Opportunities Customer Maniacs Team Members, Shift Manager & Manager Now hat do YOU offer? You make a BOLD CHOICE and contact us to discuss the details with our Restaurant Gen Managers: Christine @ 3408 SWArcher Rd 372-0453 Michelle @ 826 W. University Ave.373-2949 Martin @ 2224 NW 13th St 374-4335 6-2-8-14 SALES ADMINISTRATOR/CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. Computer hardware background a must. Excellent written, oral, communication & inter-personal skills required. Proficiency w/Word, Excel, FrontPage. ENTRY LEVEL POSITION. Fax resume to: 352-33.3308 or email to bkjordan@e-techservices.com 5-19-4-14 MODELS Lots, some, no experience. For info go to www.fotoartusa.com click news & links. 526-5-14 PT OFFICE HELP. Hours 7am to nooGM-F. Good driving record, eup w/Autocad, Excel, Word helpful. $7.50/hr to start. Call Wells at 219-1183 or email wells@ridgwaytruss.com or fax 352-371-3316 5-19-3-14 GREETING CARD SERVICE POSITION. Part time 2-4 hrs per week. Busy campus retail store. Perfect opportunity for career service person. GGreen1@hallmark.com 5-24-4-14 Earn $5-7/hr for participating in Psychology study on human performance & decision making. Come by room .375 Psychology Bldg, UF campus, to apply 5-19-3-14 Support Staff needed to work with active young lady in her home on week-ends. Fri 4pm -Mon 10 am $6.25/hr. Reply to cphases@aol.com. Fax letter to 352-4865759 6-2-7-14 Work for student Yard work, chainsaw, carpentry, electrical, plumbing. & some heavy lifting. From $6.50 -8.00/hrdepends on skill & experience. Call 376-6183 5-31-6-14 Student Only Programming GEEK -3+ years of experience in development with Apache, Linux, MySQL, and PHR Experience with Adobe Photoshop, Cobalt Raq4 server administration, RedHat Linux or CentOS, PDFIib and Adobe Acrobat are strong pluses. Email resume to: david@gainesvillemedicaldirectory.com 517-2-14 PART-TIME NANNY NEEDED. Must be available Mon, Wed, Thurs 8:30 am -4pm. Excellent references and reliable transportaion required. Call 495-8275 5-17-2-IA. BABYSITTERS NEEDED Mon thru Fri afternoons & evenings & some weekends. Car needed. Call 352-258-9757 5-24-4-14 FARAH'S ON THE AVENUE Now hiring FT PT EXP WAITRONS Apply Tues -Fri 2-4 1120 W. University Ave. 524-4-14 Smokin'Notes Now Hiring Notetakes & Editors for Summer and Fall 2005. Apply at SmokinNotes.com 5-17-2-14 The Institute for Advanced Study of Communication Processes at the University of Florida is loking for volunteers who have strong opinions or beliefs about any important issue or cause. *You can earn $30 for one hour by participating in thesis study* 352392-2046 x229 or voicestudy@yahoo.com 6-30-13-14 P/T teacher/tutor wanted to teach pre-professional students 1-on-1 or small group. College biological or physical sciences. Call 372-8560 or 1-800-910-1352 5-19-3-14 Part time Gift Shop/Ticketing Clerk fao Butterfly Rainforest; duties include helping in butterfly rearing lab. Weekend and holiday availability required. Email resume to jtrautman@fmsworks.com or Fax resume to Jay at 352-955-6511, Deadline 5pm 5/17/05. 5-17-2-14 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
16, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Services Services OPUS CAFE -COFFEE BAR Work @ a fast-paced coffee bar near campus. Searching for a dependable student to work between 18-24 hrs/wk. Morning & afternoon weekday shifts available. Call Tim @ 352-371-4823 for more info. 5-24-4-14 IT POSITION AVAILABLE. Students with computer experience preferred. For more information please contact bbiit@bbi-cm.com with resume 5-31-5-14 CHILDCARE/FAMILY ASSISTANT needed mid-July. Mon & Thurs 7am-6pm. Alternate Fri 12pm-7pm. Potential for long-term position. Must have own car to transport children to & from school in fall, run errands. 3725196 5-26-4-14 Accounts Receivable: Gator Dining Services, located on the UF Campus, is looking for a full time office person. Hours are M-F, 8-5 pm. This person will manage cash on account, work closely with the catering department to ensure all invoices go out propmptly, post incoming checks to the corredsponding invoices and help with other general office duties. Must possess strong computer and customer service skills. We offer competitive pay, benefits and a great working environment. Fax resume with salary requirements to 352-392-9787 or email to msmorgan@ufl.edu. 5-19-2-14 Oak Hammock We offer a stable, consistent work environment with steady hours, a full benefit package and opportunity to work in an upscale healthcare setting. Experience preferred; but we will train people who possess a positive attitude. We offer a very competitive benefit package. WAITSTAFF -FT & PT (Hourly wage guaranteed) PAINTER -FT Apply in person: .5100 SW 25th Blvd. Gainesville, Florida 32608 Oak Hammock is a DFWP/EOE! careers@oakhammock.org Jobline: 352-548-1180 5-26-4-14 Experienced horseperson for part-time work. Must have reliable transportation, NS.' Cull Kristen at 494-0284 or 528-6914 6-16-10-14 Leasing Consultant, PT Enthusiastic, energetic ad hardworking Live for FREE) Call 352-379-9300 5-19-2-14 STATISTICS TUTOR Wanted twice weekly sessions. Must be dependable. Please call Laura at 336-8786 5-20-2-14 Participants Needed The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in Linguistics is looking for people to participate in a listening experiment. You can earn $10/hour by participating in a study of the perception of speech sounds from foreign languages. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jenna Silver jenIsilver@yahoo.com 8-15-23-14 Nanr)/'ersonal Assistant 4 children 1-7 years at our home 15-30. hours per week, ref req'd careers@bytheplanet.com or 352-367-8600 5-26-4-14 LOVE TO SHOP? Mystery Shoppers needed immediately in your local area. Flexible hours, complete training. Internet access required. Call 888-821-4160 5-19-2",4 MANAGER TRAINEE Sprayglo is looking for individuals with leadership ability to train for management positions in the fast-paced world of auto painting and body repair. No automotive experience is necessary. You must, however,-possess management ability, an outgoing personality with leadership and sales ability. We will train you, just as we do our franchise owners, who then go on to dot only manage, but own their own shops. This job involves working with the public daily as wll as supervising a crew of 5-8 people; therefore the timid need not apply. If you want to learn a new field, can accept responsibility for leadership and really want to grow as a leader, and perhaps one day own your own franchise, this may ba a job for you. Possibility of $60,000 plus per year, as a manager, with the salary, bonuses and commissions. Apply in person 4333 NW 6th Street or call 384-0700 5-19-2-14 Part time clerical duties, mailings, telephone call-backs, general office duties. Apply in person 4333 NW 6th Street or call 384-0700 5-19-2-14 TV station seeks Programming Assistant. Make schedules, organize tapes, share data with other departments. Must be able to keep track of many details. Fax resume to 371-9353 EOE 5-26-4-14 Data Systems Analyst. Exciting FT permanent opportunity with a dynamic natural gas management services company. Primary responsibility is to create and implement a company-wide operational database. This person will also provide back-up and support to key operational positions and will have the opportunity to learn new skills and expand their responsibilities into numerous areas. Position requires solid knowledge of databases, an understanding of business practices and excellent analytical and communication skills. Degree in Decision Information Sciences (or related field) preferred. Starting salary between -$30-$41K/yr, depending on qualifications. Submit rename to Florida Gas Utility, 4619 NW 53rd Av., Gainesville, FL 32606. Fax to 352-334-0789 or email to HR@flgas.com 5-19-2-14 :N OF NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA Director of Development Hospice of North Central Florida is seekinga Director of Development to design & direct a comprehensive fundraising program aimed at meeting our short/long term financial requirements. Will also assure the growth & enhancement of various giving constituencies while building & maintaining ongoing relationships with the community, potential donors and volunteers. Bachelor's degree & 5-7 years of managerial & supervisory experience are req. Demonstrated successful fundraising history essential. Knowledge of deferred giving programs, corporate support & computers as fundraising tool req. Master's degree pref. Hospice offers excellent benefits, competitive salary, PTO accruals and much more. Interested parties, please email a resume to: employment@hospicecares.org or fax a resume to: 352-379-6206, Attn: HR. You may also mail a resume to: 4200 NW 90th Boulevard, Gainesville, FL. 32606. EOE/ DFWP. 5-17-1-14 SUMMER MARKETING INTERNSHIP Large Ocala RV dealership looking for 2 marketing majors or recent grads. Call John Murray at 352-368-6645, fax 3620, turningwheelrv.com 5-26-4-14 CHANGE CHILDREN'S LIVES FOREVER WHILE YOU EARN MONEY for COLLEGE! AmeriCorps Alachua County READS! FT earn $10,600 plus healthcare, child care and Education Award. PT earn $5,612, plus Ed Award. Call 955-7455 or stop in at Kirby-Smith 620 E. Univ. Room 209 6-16-10-14 Mortgage lender has immediate sales positions avail for college students seeking prof work exp. No exp req. $8-9/hr + bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union) 8-15-23-14 MOVERS WANTED Need Driver's License. Apply in person at 505 NW 53rd St. at Gator Moving & Storage Mon.-Fri. 6-16-10-14 SERVERS Exp. & friendly. Apply in person between 2-5pm NAPOLATANOS 606 NW 75th St. 5-19-2-14 Home-Based Dispatch for Computer Repair Company. Candidate to dispatch service calls to repair technicians, after-hours and weekends. Must be Flexible, with good phone personality. 352-333-8404 6-7-7-14 Marketing Geek Wanted P/T or F/T Mature individual with high IQ Advertising experience a plus Will train the right person. email: careers@bytheplanet.com 5-31-3-14 AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 8-15-25-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 www.carrsmith.com 8-15-25-15 HYPNOTlST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 8-15-25-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 www.ethnicdanceexpressions.com 8-15-25-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -ring-arena -round pens -experienced help -12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627. Owner on premises -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 8-15-25-15 TRAFFIC SCHOOL ONLINE Take Points Off Your Driver's License And Dismiss Traffic Tickets With Online Driver Improvement Courses onlinedrivingschool.idrivesafey.com 8-15-25-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm 0 466-4060 8-15-25-15 ***YOGA*** Classes & Workshops at Sanctuary www.yogagainesville.com 352-336-5656 8-15-25-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 www.automealgainesville.com 12-7-74-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 everglade-eqestrian.com 8-15-25-15 ** GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters 0 Exhibits S Awards Top Quality Fast e Service 0 Low Prices www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump start your job search at WWW.Colege-resumes.Corn 8-15-51-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques 0 Name Badges 0 Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 ENGLISH TUTORING English as 2nd language Reading, Composition, Conversation Experienced educators. Reasonable fees. Tel: 352-335-9400 8-15-25-15 LSAT AFFORDABLE TEST PREP Full length course and private tutoring. Higher score, 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Call 372-8560 or 1-800-910-1352 5-19-19-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 8-15-25-15 MCAT TEST PREP 85 hour course and/or private tutoring tailored to your needs. Small class size. Reasonable rates. Proven results. 100% guaranteed. Call 372-8560 or 1-800-910-1352 5-19-5-15 LM 0~ .2M TLC HORSEBOARD All facilites & amentiies: quality instruction. 15 minutes from UF. Jan at 376-7762. Greathouse Equestrian Center. 8-15-26-15 c l-Health Services URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL New Location Students -No Appt Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 8-1525-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664. 8-15-25-16 "PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants will get free evaluation, medication & be reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 immediately. 8-15-25-16 "SEVERE DRY EYE?" New therapy being studied! If you qualify to participate in this research you will get free evalutation, medication, and be reimbursed for your time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for evaluation 8-15-25-16 Finders Keepers? If you find something, you can place a FRtEE FOUND AD in our lost & found section. Be kind to someone who's 0) r 04) 0 L. a(U E E 0 0-I E 0 I 0 a U I I-
TUESDAY, MAY 17,2005 N ALLIGATOR,17 Typing Services Personals Event Notices Entrlinme Eides SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, *Family Chiropractic* **SLOGAN CONTEST WIN $250!l** ROCKYCREEK PAINTBALL apps. Desktop pub: bracharTs, newsletters, Healthy Gators 2010 is looking for a slogan In Gainesville Better Prices EEEU flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs Since 1977.3Two blks from U.F. that represents -Mind, Body & Spirit. Submit Better Fields Better Call 371-2092 exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 your slogan ideas (10 words or less) to 8-15-25-21 5-26-4-17 8-15-25-18 mdtucker@ufl.edu by 6-24-05. For more FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES info, http://www.healtygators.hhp.ufE.edu We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE 5-31-7-20 Yrs TR ANSO _____________________________20 Yrs. as the Official So. Ft. Bus ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ TiCket s -Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:3oPM/reversa Personals Ave 375-3752. 8-15-25-18 FREE CLAST WORKSHOP-De-ar: $40 rt Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP. VEGETARIAN? ELS, ESSAY & MATH. Sections on Tuesday 336-7026 www.GMGTRANS.ccm TBG ER>AFE & Wednesday 5/31 & 6/1, Math 7-9pm, ELS 8-15-25-23 Try BOOK LOVER'o CAFE & essay 1-2pm. Call UF Reading & Writing **U O E$2 T Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. Center at 392-2010 in register. 5-31-5-20 ***EUROPE $429 RT*** Alachua County Health Dept. Call 10-9 384-0090 Train & cruises also available 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) 8-15-25-18 Gator Country Travel 373-1992 A FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-1 8264 CLEARANCE SALE -All CDs must go -8-15-25-22 SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES 100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. E We need more room for our GIANT DVD University Opticians INVENTORY. Cash paid for 3Vs. Hear 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 8WAD AMR&FE AKT ***WEST COAST $108 RT*** 5 r 8-15-25-18 15-24-18 WALDO FARMER & FLEA MARKET Los Angeles, Seattle & more Call for best Every Sat & Sun -Hwy 301 rates. Gator Country Travel 373-1992 Miami Bus Service 15 min from Gainesville 468-2255. liar of Travel Rag. No. ST-18264 $40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami GUNSl GUNS' GUNSI ConneCion 1 8-15-25-21 -8-15-25-12 Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm 1800 Gun Inventory 335-8116 www.miamibusservice.com over 500 hand uns in stoc52523 Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 8-15-25-18 IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD HERE AND GET IT NOTICED! FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL ***AIRFARE $118 RT*** Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres NYC, DC, Philly, New England.& more! Call for the best group rates! Gator Country Travel 373-1992 352-338-8408 FL Seller of Travel Reg. 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Cards available in 202 Peabody hall & 302 Student Health Care Funded by FIPSE Grant
S Urt7s TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligatorSports.org UF adacswith second-round won EN MICHAEL MAURINO FIU, the Gators still had to deal Alligator Writer with the past. mmaurino@ailigator.org "The second-round "host showed up there for the first The memory of last year be20 minutes, I thought, in came ancient history Saturday doubles again," Coach Roland afternoon. With last year's loss out of its thoughts, the UF women's tennis team steamrolled through the first two rounds of the NCAA Championships this weekend. "1The last two days I've been playing probably the worst doubles of my life. But it made me more determined to go into singles." Whitney Benik UF tennis player The Gators (20-2) defeated South Carolina State on Friday and Florida International on Saturday by back-to-back 4-0 scores. With the wins, UF is now set to face Baylor in the Round of 16 in Athens, Ga. on ~rscday. This season, UF has been haunted by its 4-3 upset loss to Miami in 2004's second round that ended a quest for a repeat title. With three members of the 2004 squad in the lineup against Thornqvist said. But, as quickly as the ghost appeared, they vanished and the second-seeded Gators took over. Falling behind immediately on the top two doubles courts, UF looked to be in early trouble. But, Thornqvist said the Gators' talent took over, as UF took two of three doubles matches for the first point of the day. In singles, UF dominated, winning the first set on all. six courts. With the exception of junior Jennifer Magley dropping four consecutive games in the second set'on court one, the Gators' sweep was never in doubt. Freshman Whitney Benik, who was defeated with teammate Alex Liles in doubles, was a different player in singles. Winning on the fourth court with two consecutive scores of 6-1, she earned UF's second point and said her poor doubles play changed her mindset heading into her singles match. "The last two days I've been playing probably the worst SEE TENNIS, PAGE 19 Tim Casey / Alligator Staff UF senior Zerene Reyes recorded her 100th singles victory, leading the Gators to a 4-0 win over Florida International. Spring sports prove all-around dominance It was a pretty crazy weekend for UF There was softball, men's and women's track in the SEC Tournament, men's and women's and tennis in the NCAA Tournament, and, oh yeah, baseball. That's way too much to keep track of. I imagine Athletics Director Jeremy Foley's head was spinning. (Although he was the Gators' biggest cheerleader at the matches I attended.) But it's not a bad spinning. It's definitely a good one. Because all six of these teams are in or are headed to NCAA competition in their respective sports. Also, men's and women's golf are also NCAA Regional bound. That's eight out of the eight spring sports that UF offers that are in the top 25 of their conference. "What's your point, Ian?" you ask. "I only care about Ian Fisher football and basketExtra lannings ball." ifisher@aigator.org Well, that's where you and Foley differ. Criticize the basketball and football teams as much as you want. I've done it plenty. (I think football may be making a change for the better, though.) But it's tough to criticize UF's entire athletic program. Foley has built one of the best, most balanced athletic programs in the country, and this busy weekend was just a symbol of how good UF is in most sports. Of the 20 sports UF fields, 17 were in the top 25 in their most recent polls. The lone teams not making the cut? Women's basketball and both cross country teams. Every year, the all-sports rankigs come out. Every year, UF is in the top 10. UF has been in the top 10 for over 20 consecutive years. The only other school to do such is UCLA. While you may not care about all these "lesser sports," Foley does. The man is seemingly everywhere on busy weekends such as last. SEE IANNINGS, PAGE 20 BASEBALL Gators back in first place By TIM CASEY Alligator Writer tcasey@allgator.org The Gators finally got the hit they were waiting for. Matt LaPorta belted his 20th home run of the season in the bottom of the first inng on Friday night, giving the Gators the breath of life they had been missing. The blast put UP up 3-0, but, more importantly, it provided the team with a collective sigh of relief. The entire team was seemingly mired in an unexplainable funk, losing nine of its previous 14 games up to that point, falling from third to 10th in national polls and dropping out of the Southeastern Conference lead. By the end of the weekend, the Gators (34-18, 17-10 SEC) were once again in first place, half a game ahead of Tennessee after defeating Mississippi State on Friday and Saturday. MSU (33-18, 12-14 SEC) LaPorta rallied to win the Sunday game 6-5, handing the Gators a loss that could mean the difference between first and third place in the conference final standings when the regular season concludes tlhs weekend. "It was a heck of a college baseball game, and unfortunately we ended up on the short end of it today," UF coach Pat McMahon said. The Gators are now 10-5 in one-run games thids season. Senior pitcher Mike Pete had his second consecutive impressive performance on the mound. He entered the game with the bases loaded and none out in the sixtk inning and struck out both batters he faced. "We definitely need guys to step up at the end," Fete said. "I'm going to do my best to be that guy. If I come in and falter, there's got to be somebody to step up after me. e Darren O'Day struck out the next batter to end the scoring threat. The Bulldogs rallied to score two runs in the top of the ninth on two hits and a crucial throwing error by defensive replacement third baseman Matt Gaski. The Gators put e tying run on base when Adam Davis bunted for a hit. LaPorta lined out to right field, then Davis was caught stealing to end the game. "We had a lot of chances during the game to stay in it," Davis said. "We just needed to hit the ball on the ground a couple of times to get a run in, but we didn't do that. "You gotta take any chance you have to set a sweep of a series. It hurts, but we got the two SEE BASEBALL, PAGE 19 :77 7,i a]" Ufi7 j ,7 ENBA Playoffs: Indiana vs. Detroit (Game 5, series tied 2-2) TNT, 7 p.m. ENBA Playoffs : Seattle vs. San Antonio (Game 5, series tied 2-2) TNT, 9:30 p.m. K UF softball players Stacey and Shelley Stevens were named to the 2005 ESPN The Magazine Academic All-District teams. Stacey earned first team honors and will move on to the national ballot. I May 17, 1992: After nine years of frustration, the UF women's tennis team wins its first national title. The Gators had reached the Championships eight times in nine years to no avail. UF defeated Texas 5-3 in Palo Alto for the crown. E The Southeastern Conference Softball Tournament Championship went on despite UF being eliminated early. For the complete story on the the championship game, log on to alligatorSports.org.
TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 19 Gators struggle on defense, fall in SEC Tourney uranam numey/ Aiigaior Pitcher Stacey Stevens and her sister Shelley have been named to the 2005 ESPN The Magazine Academic All-District teams. N SOFTBALL TIED A RECORD WITH SIX ERRORS. By SPENCER DAVIS-VANNESS Alligator Writer sdvanness@alIigator.org Another year, another Southeastern Conference Tournament, another disappointing performance and -another early trip home for the UF softball team (41-21, 18-12 Southeastern Conference). Of course, the fact that the Gators hosted this year's contest meant a quick trip back to wherever "home" was, but the team's loss Friday sent them packing anyway. UF was defeated 9-1 in a mercyrule loss to LSU (31-22), on Friday afternoon, less than 24 hours after being shut out 4-0 by Tennessee Thursday evening. Friday's loss was severe enough to warrant a 40-minute post-game team meeting with head coach Karen Johns, who sent assistant Care Dever-Boaz to take her place at the post-game press conference. "I do not think that this team came in or left the tournament the way that they would have liked," Dever-Boaz said. "I think that today our players were looking to someone else to make the play instead of thinking about doing what they needed to do." The Gators' offense struggled to get in sync all afternoon, as Tigers pitcher Emily Turner kept the Gators on a short leash. "I definitely controlled the batters," Turner said. "Florida has a great lineup, all the way down, one through nine, so I'm proud of my performance today." "The loss was disappointing, but we have a really good team. We have won 41 games this season.we have to try to get ready-for NCAA Regionals and put this behind us." Care Dever-Boaz assistant softball coach The Gators teetered on the edge of an offensive breakout throughout the entire match, but a ball a few feet wide of the foul pole, a hit a couple of inches short of the wall or a spectacular defensive play always seemed to hinder their efforts. Trouble started for the Gators in the fifth inning. With two outs, the LSU offense suddenly came alive, exploding with six runs including a two-run homer by Tigers first baseman Stephanie Hill. LSU added their final runs in the sixth and put the game away by'mercy rule, when, despite lastminute efforts, the Gators were unable to significantly close the gap in their last at-bat. But the method to Friday afternoon's madness came not in a lack of offensive firepower from UF. It was horrendous filing that proved the difference. The Gators committed a season-high and SEC Tournament record-tying six errors during the match and at times looked like a team in complete mental disarray. The Gators' poor outing bri gs them to a 1-10 SEC Tournament record under Johns, a mark that seems to contradict the success that the Gators have usually enjoyed during regular season play. "The loss was disappointing, but we have a really good team," Dever-Boaz said. "We have won 41 games this season. we have to try to get ready for NCAA Regionals and put this behind us. UF to host NCAA RegionaThe UF softball team received the No. 13 seed and was selected to host a regional in the 2005 NCAA Tournament. The Gators were one of six Southeastern Conference tears to receive a berth and one of five chosen tm host a regional; site, UF will take on Bethune-Cookman in the opening round at 3:30 p.m on Friday. "We are glad to be at home," Coach Karen Johns said. "We are pleased to receive the No. 13 seed in the tournamient. We have to prepare for some tough in-state opponents in the upcomijg week. 'n anxious to start watching ,flm-' NCAA MEN'S TENNIS UF defeats Vandy, heads to Round of 16 By MICHAEL MAURINO Alligator Writer mmaurino@aIIigator.org Heading into last weekend, the UF men's tennis team had won 17 of 18 dual matches, including the Southeastern Conference Tournament. Sunday, it looked as if a rare loss was in the cards and the Gators would be knocked out of the second round of the NCAA Championships on their home court. Still, UF managed to keep up the momentum, and the Gators are headed to the Round of 16. Despite losing the doubles point, the No. 3-seed Gators (22-5) defeated No. 38 Vanderbilt 4-1 on Sunday, and will play South Carolina next Saturday in College Station, Texas. UF was leading on the second and third courts for most of the match. But after juniors Chris Brandi and Jordan Dolberg sealed the win on court two, freshman Nestor Briceno and junior Stefan Tell lost in a tiebreak. Coach Andy Jackson was -concerned not with the way the Gators were defeated in doubles, but with the way they lost. "We know how to handle [losing doubles] psychologically," he said. "However, frankly, I was upset. I thought we could be a bit more disciplined with some of the things that happened." Coming out for singles, UF jumped out to an early lead, winning the first set in all six positions. Freshman Greg Ouellette was first to finish, as he -won 6-1, 6-2 at court two. Junior Ryan Sherry then won at No. six by winning the last four games of the second set for a 6-4, 6-2 win. On the top court, senior Hamid Mirzadeh was matched point-by-point against Vandy's Scott Brown. After winning the first set 7-6 (7-3 tiebreak), clinched a 6-4 win in the second set with an ace. Mizradeh "I really felt like when I needed a point my serve came through a lot," Mirzadeh said. "I didn't feel as comfortable hitting off the baseline as I usually do. So having my serve today really helped me out a lot." While Mirzadeh was completing his match, senior Vladimir Obradovic was on the brink of clinching UF's spot in the Sweet 16. Despite outbursts at the umpire's questionable calls, including one where Jackson ran over to calm him down, Obradovic finished with a 6-2, 3-6, 6-3 win In the clinching match, Jackson said Obradovic kept his cool, which helped lead to a victory. "[Obradovic] can be so competitive and he wants to win so badly. Sometimes that gets the better of him," Jackson said. "It's something that he has worked extremely hard on over the last 2 years, and he has made great strides. And it's paid off other times, but today it paid off huge." Team wins two of three games, prepares to host Stetson BASEBALL, from page 18 wins and we have to look at the positive and keep rolling." UF catcher Brian Jeroloman hit his second home run of the weekend in the loss, giving him seven RBI for the series. "We can't be more proud of our pitchers, they've done a great job," Jeroloman said. "Weird things happen in baseball, that's what makes it so great." From the onset of the Friday game, it appeared that the slide might continue. Starter Bryan Ball worked himself o 'ut of a jam, throwing 31 pitches in the first inning without allowing a run After LaPorta's home run, the entire team settled down and played back to their capabilities. Ball (6-3) pitched a career-high 8.1 innings, throwing 130 pitches in the 8-2 Friday win. On Saturday, the Gators received another stellar pitching performance from Alan Horne, who threw a complete game to give the Gators a 2-1 win. "It was a good day for us," Home said. "Any time you get back into first place is a good day all around. Bryan did an outstanding job on Friday. We're really cruising right now." The No: 13 Gators will host Stetson on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Reyes gets 100th win TENNIS, from page 18 doubles of my life," she said. "But it made me more determined to go into singles." Another -freshman, Lolita Frangulyan, clinched UF's win, but senior Zerene Reyes' win at court two may have been the most satisfying. Despite being only 4 feet 10 inches tall, Reyes is one of the most consistent players on the team. Just like her previous matches, Reyes avoided unforced errors in her Saturday match, winning 6-1, 6-2. It was the 100th singles win in her career. Thornqvist likes his team's chances after the first two rounds, but things can be done to improve. "At this point right now in 4 singles, I feel like we're probably a step ahead of where we've been all year," he said. "There are a couple of things in doubles we need to hit in the days leading up to Baylor but other than that, I think we're doing really well."
20, ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 UF ROUNDUP Clement stars at SEC competition STAFF REPORT While the UF men's track team couldn't cap'ture the Soulheastern Conference outdoor crown at the Vanderbilt track this weekend, the SEC received a heavy dosage of Kerron Clement. Clement, who broke track legend Michael Johnson's record in the indoor 400m dash earlier this year, captured the 400m hurdles title and helped lead the 4x1+0m and 4x400m relays to victories. The 4x100m was comprised of Richard Adu-Bobie, Mike Morrison, Kyle Farmer and Clement. The 4x400m team of Sekou Clarke, Reggie Witherspoon, Bernard Middleton and Clement, set the SEC meet record with a time of 3:02.23. Overall, UF finished second with 116 points, not touching Arkansas's 169 points. "We never come here to finish second," Coach Mike Holloway said. "My hat's off to Arkansas -they're a great team. I am pleased with how we did. We came here and ended up performing well and doing what I thought we could. This gives us great momentum going into regionals and then nationals." WOMEN'S TRACK: The UF women's track team didn't have quite the luck of the men at the SEC outdoor championships, finishing eighth in the nine-team competition. The Gators finished with 32.16 points. South Carolina won the field with 145.20 points. Freshman AllAmerican Natalie Knight provided the Gators with some success, finishing third in the 200-meter dash. "The freshmen had a heck of a day," Coach Tom Jones said. "Natalie was especially impressive. The way she came back after the relay to nm the 200-meter the way she did was a real accomplishment." MEN'S BASKETBALL: Although the UF men's basketball team could still have an available scholarship for the upcoming season should Anthony Roberson depart for the NBA, Billy Donovan is already thinking about the 2006-07 season. Marrleese Speights, a 6-foot-10, 245 pound center who played for St. Petersburg's Admiral Farragut Academy this year, verbally committed to join the Gators following his seinor season. Despite being an academic junior, Speights already played four years of basketball in the state of Florida, so he will finish out his high school career at Virginia's Hargrave Military Academy "The ceiling for Marreese in basketball is unlimited," said Farragut coach Michael Wells on the team's Web site. "He has the perfect basketball body, can attack the hoop, shoot from the perimeter and block shots." WOMEN'S GOLF: The No. 11 ranked UF women's golf team will begin its quest at an NCAA Championship today in Sunriver, Ore. The Gators advanced to the NCAA Championship coming off a seventh-place finish in the 2005 NCAA East Regional Championship, held in Gainesville on the UF Golf Course. The championship will be the third and final appearance of the 2005 post-season for the women golfers. UF will face a tournament field of 24 teams at the Sunriver Resort on the Meadows Course, a par-71, 6,312yard course. ~SPRAYGLO, -iIOUND EFFECTS .COLLISiON R EPAIR **/ OFF ON BODY -DENT REPAIR LABOR & COLL;SION RUST RIEPAIR i REPAiRS FOR STUDENTS, #INANCItIG 15 FACULTY, AND STAFF. &VAILABLE ---AVloz1 ,JfVVC, V4333%*'6TH 1ST. Radiant Research is conducting a clinical research study examining the safety of an FDA approved topical lotion on healthy adults, age 18 to 55 years old. Qualified participants will receive all study-related care and treatment and will not be charged. You will be required to stay in the facility for 2 nights. You may receive compensation up to $650 for time and travel. Call Mon-Fri for more information 877.851.1050 352.331.8949 101V NW 57th Street, Ste. A, Gainesvile, FL vw'w. radiantresearch.com iE S LA R CH IANNINGS, from page 18 I remember a gymnastics meet I was covering back in 2004. Foley was there, but the women's basketball team was playing away. Foley's eyes were glued to the TV watching the basketball team. At tennis this weekend, he asked for baseball scores. UF last won a national championship in 2003 in women's tennis. With all these spring teams making the NCAAs, afid with five in the top 10 of their sports (men's and women's tennis, men's and women's track, and men's golf), there's no reason why it can't happen again. And soon. As busy as this, weekend was, it won't be getting any easier to follow everything in the coming week. All eight teams will be in action starting today with women's golf. Maybe, just maybe, one of the socalled "lesser sports" could bring back a championship. Hopefully someone other than Foley will care. Knight