The Independent Florida alligator

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The Independent Florida alligator
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the independent florida

of Florida Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida
We Inform. You Decide.


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005


Graduate students choose new health plan

Proposal benefits most students

Alligator Writer
Prices for graduate student health insur-
ance will rise for most students, but those stu-
dents, who conduct about 40 percent of UF's
research, will not be affected equally.
The Student Government Health Insurance
Commission voted Thursday to switch to a

system that would put a greater payment bur-
den on graduate students aged 26 to 30.
All other graduate students benefit from
the switch because their payment increase
through the Gainesville-based Scarborough
Insurance is lower under the adopted pro-
posal than if another plan were selected.
For example, a 40-year-old graduate stu-
dent, who arguably needs insurance the most
and typically pays the most for it, would pay

the same as a 26-year-old starting this Fall.
"We tried to find the best possible plan that
helps out the most people," Chairman Joshua
Aubuchon said. "Scarborough Insurance has
done a great job working with us to create the
best deal."
Under the new plan, 70 percent of gradu-
ate students benefit from the switch; however,
some students opposed the approved plan.
"The Graduate Assistants United felt the .
flat-rate plan provided a fair rate for all stu-
dents," GAU co-president Victor Romano said.

"The option selected was a mixed bag that re-
ally benefited only the older age bracket."
Under the flat-rate plan, all graduate stu-
dents would have paid $1,420 for coverage.
Graduate students will pay either $1,262 or
$1,588, depending on their age, under the ap-
proved proposal.
Even if the GAU-favored flat-rate plan was
selected, GAU would have continued to fight
for better coverage, he added.

UAA usurps student lots


Alligator Writer

Next Fall, when the renovated Murphree
Hall reopens, its students could be towed for
legally parking there all in the interests of
Gator Spirit.
The University Athletic Association pays
a yearly fee to Finance and Administration to
supply parking for 6,000 of its Gator Boosters,
who help fund academic scholarships for UF
athletes, during home football events.
"We contribute to [UF's] operating fund for
parking lots, in general, so that we have use
of them for football game day," said Melissa
Stuckey, assistant athletic director for IAA
Operations & Facilities. "We move [the car] so
it's not in a reserved space, at no cost to [the
owner]. It's not moved, it's relocated."

That means even if UF students or faculty
members with valid decals are legally parked
in these select areas and are not members of
the organization, they are towed, though at no
expense of their own.
Stuckey said her organization has been-
paying $200,000 every year for the past five
years for the space_- but UF Business Services
'Director Jim Morgan quoted the figure at.
Student Nevertheless, residents of
Life the Murphree Area, which is
composed of the five dormitories
located closest to Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, do
not appreciate the situation.
Many of them park their vehicles in the Red-
1 lots that abut Murphree Hall on its north and
south sides, both of which are taken o'. .r bh tilh
UAA during home games.
The UAA also reserves the orange faculty
parking lots west of Murphree Hall, along with
other areas on campus.

Pool shark
Sean Donovan breaks up a cluster of balls during the third annual UF
Pool Championships. Students competed in tournaments at the Reitz
Union to raise money for the University Homeless Council.

; 1L.-- .J
Reptile shell
UAA rents spaces around
Murphree Hall on game
days for Gator Booslers
towing students who have
valid permits for the lots.

Field .
I .1I

Mir) SOUle, UP
g a m e .. ...... ....... .... .
gam.. -W University Avenue -


L;ts .en. ..

r- Lots rented -- a7

* UF starter Tommy
Boss will be counted
on to get the Gators
going against
Alabama tonight.
Boss is filling in for
Bryan Ball, who will
miss his second
consecutive start.
See story, pg. 24.

"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

In 2001, journalist Barbara
Ehrenreich published an acclaimed.
book, "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not)
Getting by in America."
When UNC-Chapel Hill added the
book in 2003 to a summer reading'
list mandatory for incoming fresh-
men, little trouble was expected.
See complete story, pg. 5.








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"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"


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UF's Team Florida Paintball
Association will compete in the
National Collegiate PaintbaUll
Championship, which is presented
by Xbox, this weekend at Disney's
Wide World of Sports complex in
Orlando. The club's president said
it's the team's first appearance.
The Alligator strives to be
accurate and clear In its news
reports and editorials. If you
find an error, please call our
newsroom at (352J 376-
4458 or send an e-mail to

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a the independent florida

VOLUME 98 ISSUE 138 g ISSN 0889-2423
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The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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Vigil honors violence victims

Alligator Writer

Cupping her hand around a
slender white candle, Bridget Desue
stood with her face to the wind and
attempted to protect the tiny flame
that represented her slain brother.
Desue was one of about 60 other
community members who gathered
Thursday to honor victims and sur-
vivors with a candlelight vigil.
As the sun went down over the
memorial gardens of Squirrel Ridge
Park, friends and families of victims
and representatives from various
victim advocacy groups across the
county formed a circle' of support
and listened as poems were read
and words of hope were shared.
Ten years ago today, Desue's
brother Dwan Christopher was
choked and shot to death as he slept.
For years his family and friends
have attended the yearly event to re-
member his life, and comfort others
who have lost loved ones.
"You can help a person it just hap-
pened to," said Betty Irving, Desue's
aunt. "You can support them and be
there for them because you know
how it is. And the park it's a won-
derful place. It helps, it really does."
Under a canopy of trees, the
garden contains flowers planted in
honor of victims, benches baring
their names, and an area commemo-
rating the 1990 student murders.
Fold-up tables were set up where
attendees could paint small tiles to
commemorate victims.
Many were landscapes with
words like "hope" and "peace."
Others read "Miss you, Connie,"
and "In honor of Beverly."
The tiles are expected to become
part of a movable display that will
be showcased within the Alachua
County Courthouse and other loca-
tions around Gainesville.
Assistant State Attorney Marc
Peterson attended the event along
with many other representatives
from the State Attorney's Office.
"When a violent crime happens,
it seems to me, all the attention gets
placed on the defendant, their trial

blue 4 dragonfl,


Megan V. Winslow/ Alligator Staff
Bridget Desue helps re-light the candles of her aunt, Betty Irving,
and friend, Tracey Niblack, Thursday as part of the annual Victims of

Violence Candlelight Vigil.
and nobody really remembers the
victim other than the family," he
said. "It allows people to remember
that there are victims and families
that have lost loved ones."
The vigil was sponsored by
Peaceful Paths, the Alachua County
Child Advocacy Center and the
victim service units of the Alachua
County Sheriff's Office, State

Attorney's Office, University of
Florida and Alachua County.
Another in attendance was Eyvette
Harris, whose brother Kevin was shot
to death in 2003. Only recently was
the shooter, Willie Hudson, convicted
of manslaughter for the crime.
"I'm glad I could come to this as
a healing process," Harris said. "This
is the beginning of tomorrow."

r7 _

RTS to increase

county services


Alligator Writer

Regional Transit System is expanding its services more
extensively outside city limits.
The Alachua County Commission approved two
budgets presented by RTS Interim Director Jesus Gomez
for the operating costs of several bus routes outside
Gainesville proper for the next three years.
"One of the contracts is'to .serve outside city limits,"
Gomez said. "Some on the East side, some are to Santa
The contracts, however, do not include any enhance-
ments to the bus routes, only covering existing routes.
"We. haven't talked about any enhancements yet,"
Gomez said.
Some years ago, an RTS proposition to SFCC would
have enhanced service on routes 10 and 43 and added
a new route but did not come to fruition because SFCC
couldn't finance the changes, he said.
Due to SFCC's inability to charge a transportation fee
to its students, the plan was unable to go forward.
SFCC's Student Government has been looking for ways
to improve bus transportation to and from the campus.
Though there is a bill before the Florida Legislature
regarding community colleges' ability to negotiate trans-
portation fee contracts, it has yet to be approved.
Unlike universities, community colleges cannot forge
any sort of agreement with transit entities, such as the
credit hour-based contract UF has with RTS.
SFCC Student Senate President Katharine Bucca and
student Daniel Jones took initiative by asking for a- ref-
erendum reviewing the benefits of annexation into the
city of Gainesville in the hopes that being part of the city
would give them better leverage to negotiate a contract
with RTS.
"This is a student-driven initiative," said Larry Keen,
SFCC spokesman, who went to Tallahassee to lobby for
the fee contract legislation with 10 students in February.
"The primary reason is bus coverage," he added.
SFCC's administration will not be affected if the an-
nexation does take place, Keen said.
The college is allowing the residents who are impacted
the most by the decision to run the campaign.
"It's up to the residents and the business people af-
fected," Keen said. "The school doesn't have a position."


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SG leaders prepare to make agency appointments

Applications due today for various positions

Alligator Staff Writer

Student Government is open-
ing its doors to fill as many as 66
leadership positions for next year,
and today is the last day to apply to
potentially make a difference.
Students must turn in applica-
tions by 4 p.m. today to the SG office
on the 3rd floor of the Reitz Union.

Interviews will be scheduled begin-
ning next week.
The list of positions includes chair
of Student Government Productions,
the student-run organization with
the largest budget in SG that brings
entertainment to campus.
Also up for appointment is chair
of Accent, the student-run organiza-
tion which brings speakers to UF.
"There's one more day to show
the student body you want to

make a difference," Student Body
President-elect Joe Goldberg said.
"Find something that interests you,
show your passion and apply"
Goldberg said positions will not
be appointed until Summer A, after
he takes office May 1.
Applications are being accepted
for directors and chairs of all 41 SG
As of Thursday evening, 140 stu-
dents applied to be cabinet leaders.

.Notable applicants for cabinet
positions include ex-candidates
MacKenzie Moritz and Adam
Roberts from
Student the unsuccessful
Government Progress Party.
Student Body
Vice President-elect Joyce Medina
will make cabinet appointments.
There are about 13 spots open for
-heads of SG agencies and depart-
ments, and the supervisor of elec-
tions, SGP and the Tower Yearbook
have had three applicants each.

Student Body Treasurer-elect
Lindsay Cosimi has been interview-
ing for assistant treasurers, a new
position for SG through which stu-
dents can serve as liaisons between
the executives and student groups.
She also is accepting applications
until today, and so far about 26 peo-
ple have applied, she said. Cosimi
added she will make between nine
and 12 appointments.
Applications are available
in the SG office or online at


UF investigates

text messaging


Alligator Contributing Writer

UF is seeking yet another way to connect to students, with
the possibility of a university-hosted Short Message Service
system in the works.
Mobile Campus representatives proposed the program to
UF information technology professionals and student leaders
at a meeting April 7.
Student Body Treasurer Dennis Ngin worked on coordi-
nating the venture for almost a year. He said he was excited to
see the idea making strides toward being a reality.'
"The university has the potential to make a mark and
pioneer a new communication system in the United States
that would bring amazing benefits to the student body,"
Ngin said.
The program would include instant messages to students'
cellular phones regarding class changes and school emergen-
cies that are usually sent through e-mail, Ngin said.
He anticipated that, depending on student response, the
program could be in place as early as Fall or next Spring once
plans are finalized and Mobile Campus carries out market-
Steven Bourdon, Student Government computer support
analyst, has worked with the project since the idea emerged
about a year ago.
"There are several layers of communication that this ap-
plication will be able to provide," Bourdon said. "University
administrators, professors and organizations will be able to
alert students concerning critical announcements, and stu-
dents will be able to communicate with other students."
The optional service will allow students to set up a profile
that would include which organizations to receive messages
from and when they would receive messages, Bourdon said.
"Say, for instance, you wanted to send a message to ev-
eryone in your sorority to get their shirt sizes for an event,"
Bourdon said. "Not only could everyone respond back with a
given value, but the application would compile the responses
and give you one message with the number requested for
each size."
The only downfall for the student body Bourdon said he
could see was the possible cost of text messages students
would incur, depending on their cell phone plan.
"The students don't have to subscribe to the service, and'
the university is not bound to any contract as far as I know,"
Bourdon said. "And if the students try it and don't see any _
value, the program just goes away."
Third-year journalism student Risa Polansky said there
doesn't seem to be a point to replacing e-mail for school
"People check their e-mail on their phones, and there are
computers everywhere on campus," Polansky'said. "And
tech-savvy people usually have Palm Pilots anyway."
Polansky said getting bombarded with text messages isn't
something she would consider a convenience.
However, Polanksy also added, "I'm interested to see how
it works out, and I hope they try it out."

A traffic accident involving an RTS bus and a Dodge Stratus sedan holds up traffic on 34th Street across
from Point West Apartments on Thursday. Police officers said the driver of the car was taken to the hos-
pital to be treated for injuries, but would not comment further on the conditions of the bus occupants.


Professors struggle for say in UF affairs

Alligator Writer

Pierre Ramond, chairman of UF's
Faculty Senate, said he has worked to-
ward creating a foundation for a work-
ing relationship with the UF administra-
tion so the faculty can have increased
involvement in the governance of UE
"We're not quite at that stage yet,"
said Ramond, who helmed his last
Senate meeting Thursday. "If our faculty
does their homework and learns what-
they need to do, we should be able to
have shared governance of this univer-
sity sometime down the road."
Amid a battle between the Legislature
and the UF administration for control of
tuition, the Faculty Senate has fought for
shared governance, a policy that gives
the faculty equal say with the adminis-
tration on how UF should be managed.
Proponents of shared governance
argue that faculty should be a part of
the decision-making process in purely
academic affairs.
"Faculty should be in charge of cur-

riculum, graduation requirements, aca-
demic freedom and scl,-.l:uslhip's said
Danaya Wright, who was elected Senate
chairwoman for the 2006-2007 school
year at Thursday's meeting. "We should
govern what effects us."
,. ~ In the future,
.",: Ramond expects to
'*' see increased involve-
ment in the Faculty
& ."-' 'Senate to improve its
; ^ chances of earning
shared governance.
"It would be
Ramond unthinkable for the
administration not to
tap into the knowledge of the faculty,"
he said.
UF President Bernie Machen said at
the meeting that he is working toward
defining what-falls under faculty respon-
sibility and administrators' responsibil-
"There have been different opinions,
but never has it been disagreeable,"
Machen said.
In other Senate news, Machen en-

courage faculty members to take the
UF faculty survey, which will be admin-
istered next week. The survey will be
identical to the survey taken in Fall 2004
and will serve as a valuable evaluation of
Machen's performance as president.
"Hopefully, we will.have the same
kind of faculty interest and response as
we did last semester," Machen said.
Additionally, senators opposed a
proposal to cut off a class day for the next
two semesters so students will be able to
graduate without the burden of taking
an exam the same day as commence-
ment ceremonies.
Opponents argued that losing a class
day would hinder UF in its mission to
become a Top 10 public university.
Other alternatives to cutting a class
day are Sunday graduations or Sunday
exams, Associate Provost Sheila Dickison
"The College of Education has Sunday
graduations, and that's been going fine
for them," Dickison said. "Plus, most of
our peer institutions have no problem
holding graduations on Sunday."



Group advocates spying on faculty

Alligator Staff Writer

In 2001, journalist Barbara Ehrenreich pub-
lished an acclaimed book, "Nickel and Dimed:
On (Not) Getting by in America."
Recounting Ehrenreich's attempt to make
ends meet while working minimum-wage jobs
through 1998, the book peers into the world of
America's waitresses, janitors and hotel maids
in an era when dot-com millionaires and lion-
ized CEOs captivated national attention.
The New York Times Book Review hailed
Ehrenreich as a "premier reporter," and a
play based on the book premiered to glowing
reviews at the Hippodrome State Theatre last
So when the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill added the book in 2003 to a
summer reading list mandatory for incoming.
freshmen, little trouble was expected.
In July of that year, a group of students
called The Committee for a Better Carolina
held a press conference denouncing the book
as a "classic Marxist rant" and a work of "in-
tellectual pornography with no redeeming
characteristics." The students demanded the
book be pulled from the reading list.
The Committee is one of the first local
chapters of Students for Academic Freedom,
a national-group that is pushing "Academic
Freedom Bill of Rights" bills like the one filed
in Florida by Rep. Dennis Baxley (R-Ocala).
Similar bills have been filed in at least 16 other
Sara Dogan, national campus director for
the organization, wrote in September- 2003

that the "socialist tract" should not have been
assigned to UNC students.
"The University should not be used as a
tool of political indoctrination," she wrote.
"Independent thinking is discouraged when
students are exposed to only one side of com-
plicated political issues such as the role of free
markets in the lives of poor Americans."
Over the past two years, the organization
has ballooned, and under the leadership of
conservative pundit David Horowitz, SAF has
founded dozens of chapters across America's
university campuses.
Reached on Thursday at the organization's
K Street office in Washington, D.C., Dogan
said word-of-mouth was the reason SAF had
spread so quickly. And while UF doesn't yet
have a chapter, several students have contact-
ed her with interest in founding one, she said.
"It's a testament to how much these issues
concern people," she said. "We don't call for
firing of professors. We're not an ideological
organization, not about conservative views
or liberal views. We're just trying to promote
greater intellectual diversity on campuses."
Dogan said that student members are guid-
ed by a handbook available at the group's Web
The handbook advises students forming a
new chapter to first secure funding from stu-
dent governments and supportive faculty and
alumni. The students should then "research
political bias and classroom indoctrination on
[their] campuses] by interviewing students
and making a record of specific incidents."
Leaders should set up Web sites to encour-
age students to inform on their professors.
The handbook cautions, "Be careful to do this

honestly and fairly."
The group should note allegations of one-
sided-reading lists and faculty lecture series.
They should "object to the absence of diversity
among faculty in a particular department, in
class curricula and in classes offered."
Next, they should report examples to the
local media and "take a list of these abuses to
parents and alumni and solicit funds."
Then go to the university president's office
and "demand a redress of grievances, includ-
ing an apology from the offending authority,"
the handbook says.
If the university refuses to "take correc-
tive measures," students should notify the-
press and "make friends with [their] elected
representatives on the Education Committees
of [their] state Senate or
Rep. Baxley is chairman
of the House Education
"The maximum pres-
sure point for all academic
institutions is the flow of
Baxley alumni and government
.funds that support the
institution," the handbook says. "Focus your
activities on these vulnerable points of the uni-
versity system. Continue the pressure until the
authorities adopt and enforce 'The Academic
Bill of Rights.'"'
United Faculty of Florida President Tom
Auxter, who also is a UF philosophy professor,
said SAF's goal is to create "cells" of conser-
vative students who will sign up, for courses
specifically to monitor what liberal professors
say in class.
And if Baxley's bill passes the Legislature,
the students could even sue the university and
its professors on bias allegations.

While Baxley continues to insist the bill
has no causative action, a staff analysis by the
Senate Education Committee warns "the bill
appears to create a cause of action for students
to litigate against the public postsecondary
education institution in which they are en-
Moreover, the bill enjoins faculty to teach
"all serious scholarly viewpoints" without
defining that term. "Accordingly," the report
says, "this provision invites student com-
plaints as to the proper pedagogical method
employed by the faculty."
The effect of the law, Auxter said, ironically
would cause professors to watch their tongues
in class while encouraging students to turn
classroom debates into CNN's "Crossfire.'
"The law would turn academic topics
into political topics," Auxter said. "If would
change what would happen in the classroom,
and everything will be guarded and truncated
to prevent controversy."
If a professor failed to take time accommo-
dating each and every student, he would run
the risk of being sued, he said.
"It means we'll be taken to court, potential-
ly, if we don't change the nature of academic
But changing the nature of academic life
is perhaps the burgeoning SAF movement's
first priority.
On the SAF Web site, Michael McKnight,
who was president of the Carolina committee
in 2003, writes that his primary goal is to add
"diversity of ideology" as a major factor in
deciding which faculty to hire.
The university must "remedy this situa-
tion," he wrote, "where every campus depart-
ment dealing with social issues from politi-
cal science to public policy were filled to the
brim with Democrats."

Ready or not: Tax deadline today

Alligator Contributing Writer

They say that two things in life
are certain death and taxes.
One of those takes Americans
6.6 billion hours to get ready for,
according to the Internal Revenue
Gainesville residents are rac-
ing to submit their tax returns
before today's deadline, said H &
R Block district manager Nancy
"You always have those last-
minute filers," Strampello said.
All nine regional H & R district
offices are full and are under a
steady stream of customers, she
said. Accountants will be working
until midnight Friday preparing
thousands of filings.
Area students have been a large
portion of H & R Block's custom-
ers in the past several months,
Strampello said.
UF freshman Andrew Hallock
said he began preparing his tax
forms three weeks ago.
"It was my first time doing it
on my own so I had no idea what I
was doing," he said.
Hallock said he wanted to avoid
the headache of waiting until the
last minute and not being ready.
"When you wait 'til the last
minute you usually end up losing
stuff," he said.
Students have started tak-
ing advantage of the online and
call-in methods for filing taxes,
Strampello said.

"We deal with quite a few stu-
dents," she said.
When .students do file their
own taxes, they usually come ear-
ly, Strampello said. They generally
get help to do the job, though.
"A lot of times the students will
let their parents take care of that,"
she said.
"We're trying to reduce un-
necessary burden."
Michael Chesman
IRS Office of Taxpayer Burden
Reduction director

Brian Melchar, of Gainesville's
Donna S: Bowie CPA accountants,
said waiting until the last minute
to file taxes may not only be a
headache, but also dangerous.
"We 'always have people that
bring their stuff in late," he said.
"If you're not done, the quality
of the work probably is not that
The. firm's employees begin
working 60 hours per week in
January, he said.
They plan for problems months
ahead of time so they can avoid
any mistakes, Melchar said.
Tax paperwork also puts a sig-
nificant strain on the government.
The White House budget office
notes that tax work "towers over
the entire paperwork burden for
the rest of the federal government"
and accounts for some 80 percent
of all paperwork.
"If anything, those numbers

are probably understated," said
David Keating, president of the
National Taxpayers Union, which
reports annually on the increasing
complexity and demands of tax
"A lot more of the cost is just
planning to do the tax-smart thing.
That can actually take a lot more
time than reporting what you've
done," he said.
Sensitive to the demands that
tax laws put on weary taxpayers,
the IRS has seven people working
full time to reduce the anguish for
filers. The IRS Office of Taxpayer
.Burden Reduction looks for re-
quirements that can be stream-
lined, reduced or eliminated under
the law.
"We're trying to reduce un-
necessary burden," said Michael
Chesman, the office director.
Some of the burden cannot be
avoided because it is a require-
ment of the tax laws. By attacking
unnecessary burden, the office
has shaved more than 200 million
hours from tax paperwork since
the office was created in 2001.
People can do things to
avoid trouble with paperwork,
Strampello said.
.Doing taxes electronically and
turning them in early are the'best
ways to avoid problems, she said.
If the IRS receives an incor-
rect return early enough they can
return it without it costing the per-
son who filed it, she said.
The Associated Press contributed
to this report.


We've got a problem here.
We here at the Department of Darts & Laurels have been
looking over our records for this semester, and we've noticed
that we just haven't given out enough Darts this semester.
And time is running out.
Luckily, the stress of final exams, final term papers and
final drinking binges (just kidding, Bernie) have given us
enough concentrated angst to finish out this last regular edi-
tion of Darts & Laurels with a bang.
So sit back, have a drink and fix your eyes on that bull's-
eye as we head our way into this week's edition of...

Darts & Laurels

Starting off with all due respect for those who have left us
(or, actually, will leave us), we give a nah-our-graduating-se-
niors-don't-need-any-of-those-stupid-"memories" DART to
the UF administration for canceling this year's convocation
ceremony because their mysterious guest speaker canceled
on them.
Here's a great idea: Why don't we hinge the farewell cel-
ebration ceremony for our departing students on the ques-
tionable appearance of some secretive government figure
who probably will be too busy not giving speeches for free?
But they can't fool us we know that the speaker can-
celed on us when he or she found out that the administration
wasn't going to provide any complimentary cocktails to lu-
bricate their speaking voice.
Moving on to another instance of a few cocktails becom-
ing a lot more meaningful than they should be, we toss a
DART to New York Times reporter Jennifer 8. Lee for insist-
ing that any -two straight guys that hang out for any reason
other than sports or business are on a "man date."
As if the whole metrosexual thing weren't bad enough,
we now have another superfluous term that exists only to
make otherwise confident heterosexual guys ask themselves
whether or not they might, actually "like the dudes" ith,'
don't: If you don't fantasize about Ll_, I- noi ou'ri. rict e--
ing to because you bonded with) 'Lin ,::nui a tc in ine to -e1
But we don't think Lee really is to blame here: Ht-r pa. rn I-
stacked the deck against her from the beginning 'e; i Llu-h
- her middle initial is a number. And it has a perin 'd .1 ti- r it
as if it actually were short for something.
We can only hope that,,some day, she'll h ,'. tl_- f -confh-
dence to start living her true life as Jennifer 54 -`"74"'; 33 ?-
(pronounced "Lynn") Lee.
Rounding things off with a watchful eye toward the "Big
Brother" tendencies of our country's supposedly-progres-
sive universities, we give a we-may-get-on-their-case-oc-
casionally-but-holy-crap-that's-way-over-the-line DART to
Colgate University in New York for requiring that Greek
organizations sell their houses to the university because ad-
ministrators think that will stem incidents of hazing, sexual
assault and other acts that obviously only' the stereotypical
"frat guys" commit.
This gets even more retarded when you learn that these
fraternity and sorority houses are off-campus. This isn't
university property that Colgate is taking back it's private
How can they force the Greeks to give up their private
property? Simple: If they don't, the university won't offi-
cially recognize them anymore.
We can't stand for this. Greeks and non-Greeks alike must
do something to end the tyranny of anti-party administra-
When injustices are occurring in times like this (i.e., the
end of the school year), there's only one thing that can be
done: Chocolate pudding wrestling for everyone.
We're not sure what it'll accomplish, but we know the
Colgate Greeks will appreciate the effort.

ll0 the independent florida


Dwayne Robinson
Mike Gimignani

Matt Sanchez
Lauren Flanagan
Diana Middleton
Craig Singleton

The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit f:, --.'. I .ammar, style and libel. Send letters to, bring them to 1105 '.'. .'. :. ,r Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32604-2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.


C :-' ,

Alligator hosts live,
"K rleep th..- -chidI.d.- ,pen tonight h.Iks UF's
best Ire,- c-i rtamnnint .am t happenomt at Gator
Tonight, b-ririirnt.. :t V: p rn- ti.- -flie: trr will host
our "Meet the Editors" forum in Gannett Auditorium in
* Weimer Hall.
While we won't have free popcorn or Btazilian rhyth-
mic dancing for your pleasure, we will bare ourselves
completely. We mean it. Total, vulnerable professional
Think we hate you, your organization or your beliefs?
Well, come meet us and decide for yourself. Or at least tell
us to our faces.
Have an idea of how we could do better? Come on
down, sirs and ma'ams (or ma'ams and sirs). The spot-
light's on you.
We're very happy to take your. concerns, your criti-
cisms, your questions, your compliments, your debate and
your ... well, whatever else you want to throw at us.
(Except I think there's a rule against throwing rotten
produce in classrooms. Yeah, that's the ticket.)
In return, we'll do our best to answer those questions,
explain our actions and satisfy your demands.
And we're gQing to give away free stuff too because
what would a stage show be without the chance to win
exciting door prizes?
We intend,this forum to be a chance for the average
student to let us know what they think of our paper
students who might not feel disgusted enough with
us to write in a.letter to the editor whenever we print
something with which they disagree. Which we're sure
is all the time.
But we won't turn the angry letter-writers away either.
W e aren't lim iting tiir t,:, ._ tt-id I, 1 .- '[ F1.:Liu!l,


nude revue tonight
*alumni, Gainesville residents and
pretty much anyone else who has
at least cast a cursory glance at our
pL-ublic:ation is welcome to attend.
Otir reporters have volunteered
time over the busy weeks to find
Mike Gimignani out whether the Alligator really
Editorial Notebook did splash Joe Goldberg's name in the paper more than Dennis Ngin's
4 and how'many times we brought
up "Black History Month" in our
quest to present the fairest view of campus possible.
And we're certain some people disagree with that
statement so if you have any ideas for how we can
improve the fairness of our coverage, let us know. This is
your chance.
The ground rules, as enforced by our moderator Mike
"I wanna be a Sex-agenarian" Foley, will include basic te-
nets of respect, such as speaking in turn, allowing others
to ask questions and keeping the proceedings civil by not
badgering us unnecessarily.
Not respecting us, even as we pledge to respect you,
will make the baby Jesus cry.
More seriously, we do this with the intention of open-
ing a dialogue with UF students, and it's hard to do that
when we play the bull's-eyes in a shooting gallery.
: To recap: Gannett Auditorium, Weimer Hall, 6 tonight,
inud itr, prizes, no rotten produce. Gannett's the one with
two doors by the TVs.
Even if you don't have any problems or ideas for us, it
would be a cheap and fun-date.
So, come by and see our promising stab at replacing
"Drunk Bitch Friday" -- v e'i- ready, able and nude.
1,1, -,' *.:'ii: ,,i :- ,,.' -it h '*. till .,i ;fd :.. ,;1 t^i, l / '_,',if...i

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.

Today's question: Should the
Alligator continue to publish a
Viewpoints section on Mondays?

Thursday's question: Should UF 52% YES
be allowed to set its own in-state 48% NO
tuition rates? 50 TOTAL VOTES

Vote or post a message at
..W^.heM :.1Hi'. "v,'

 to the Editor
Banning alcohol makes students want it
Editor When you consider the impact
of his incompletely and vaguely articulated
new "alcohol policy," it is clear that President
Machen spoke and acted before he fully un-
derstood the far-reaching implications of what
he was doing. Let us hope this will not be char-
acteristic of his tenure here.
You cannot change alcohol-related at-
titudes simply by removing the superficial
signs of those attitudes. And, you cannot
change alcohol-related behaviors by creating
arbitrary policies and rules regarding the con-
sumption of alcohol. That's been done. It was
called Prohibition. It didn't work.
College-age adults are intelligent and in-
quisitive but still often are susceptible to the
teenage impulse to rebel. One of the best ways
to get them to do something you don't want
them to is by telling them they can't. In his
personal memoirs, President Ulysses S. Grant
wrote, "I know from my own experience that
when I was at West Point, the fact that tobacco,
in every form, was prohibited, and the mere
possession of the weed severely punished,
made the majority of the cadets, myself in-
cluded, try to acquire the habit of using it."
Attempting to control every mention of
alcohol to which university students are ex-
posed is unrealistic, insulting and, frankly,
unconstitutional. In the interest of "saving"
students from binge drinking or underage

students from harmful exposure to such cor-
rupting messages, should you remove all tele-
visions, radios, commercial publications and
Internet access from this campus? If Machen's
policy is to be applied with any consistency, all
these things have to go, don't they?
You must remember that most potential
underage drinkers on campus have passed the
legal age of majority. You cannot treat them as
if they are kids caught with their hands in the
adult cookie jar. Acknowledging that alcohol
exists and is used and enjoyed responsibly in
our society does not constitute an endorse-
ment of binge drinking or underage drinking.
Acknowledging that these students are
adults, encouraging them to behave like
adults and offering them information that will
help them make responsible decisions is the
best you can do. The greater portion of them
will benefit from this approach. A few of them
will- learn from their mistakes.
UF doesn't need a bull(y) in a china shop at
the helm. It needs someone who will make it
his daily goal to speak and act, with cautious
and considerable forethought, in the best in-
terests of this university, its students, its com-
munity and its business partners.
By the way, despite the West Point ban on
tobacco, Ulysses S. Grant became a notorious
cigar smoker and died of throat cancer.
Brian Walker
UF Alumnus

Law gave university regulation to board
Editor: Your "Bill Blunder" editorial yester-
day was right on target in questioning the wis-
dom of the Florida House of Representative's
bill defining the "separation of powers among
the bodies that govern the state universities."
Your conclusion that universities should have
final responsibility for many of these responsi-
bilities also is appropriate.
You fail to recognize, however, that the
Florida Constitution gives the Board of
Governors responsibility to "operate, regulate
and be fully responsible for the management
of the whole university system." The constitu-
tion also gives the board authority to delegate
appropriate responsibilities to university
boards of trustees.
The best opportunity for universities to
gain control over appropriate functions is for
the board to be responsible for these func-
tions so they might be delegated to university
boards of trustees. There is a much greater
chance of such delegation if the board rather
than the legislature has such responsibility.
E.T. York
Chancellor Emeritus, State University System
of Florida

Whooo! Gator Stompin' rules, man! Not
Editor: So, you want to experience your


last official getting-wasted-bonding moment
before you graduate? Well, you definitely
can do just that at the oh-so-spectacular event
called Gator Stompin' an event for graduat-
ing seniors that allows you to get inebriated
for a meager fee of about $25.
After handing over your cash, you are then
allowed to jump on the Gator "bandwagon"
where you are handed an oversized white T-
shirt to wear for the night. Then, you can join
your fellow comrades for a "real" night out on
the town. While skipping with your fellow se-
niors, you stop at each of the participating bars
to enjoy a small, watered-down drink.
Now, if you are thinking about food during
this fun fest, don't worry: The Stompin' crew
has not forgotten about your belly. You possi-
bly will get some extra-greasy pizza to munch
on. Sounds tempting doesn't it?
Well, what is it going to be, my fellow
grads? Will you choose to go with plan A and
spend money to join an "organization" for a
one-night-only event that promotes making a
plastered donkey out of yourself or will you
go with plan B and spend your hard-earned
money on dinner with friends and family,
wearing your own stylin' threads and feeling
like you didn't have to join the Gator Stompin'
entourage to end your final year of college
with a bang.
Krupa Patel

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SFCC pitches stadium to county


Alligator Writer

A new baseball stadium or civic center are options being
explored by the Alachua County Commission as it reviews
what to do with part of the tax levied on tourist lodging.
If approved by the commission, the three-cent bed tax,
applied to hotels and other places visitors commonly stay,
would increase by a'penny.
County Commission Chairwoman Cynthia Chestnut is
not worried about the increase as a problem to local tour-
"I don't think that the extra penny would deter anyone
from coming to Gainesville," she said.
Santa Fe Community College proposed to use the extra
cent to build a minor-league baseball stadium on its cam-
Chestnut has a different idea for the tax.
She suggested building a civic center that would benefit
the entire community.
The three options being considered are the civic center, a
convention center and the stadium, Chestnut said.

"The other two options would not impact Santa Fe,"
she said.
The next step is for SFCC to take the baseball stadium
proposal to the Tourist Development Council so it can de-
termine the most beneficial project in terms of tax dollars,
Chestnut said.
"The recommendation from the Tourist Development
Council will help us make the decision," she said.
The civic or convention center would not be located on
SFCC's campus,.but no locations have been approved by
the commission.
SFCC has not committed any resources or money to the
development of the stadium yet. The school is still in the
negotiation-and-investigation phase of the process.
Having a stadium on its grounds would be beneficial
to SFCC, said Larry Keen, assistant to President Jackson
"We'd be able to use it for some of our own purposes,"
Keen said.
If the stadium were built, it would affect the campus's
traffic arid parking when the stadium was in use.
If the commission does not approve construction of the
stadium via the penny tax, Keen said it is unlikely it wIill be
built at a later date due to low funds.
"The county commission has the say-so in that," he

Trees to find home

Alligator Writer

A crowd of 58,500 UF fans and students attended the
Orange and Blue spring football game last weekend, but
Saturday will .test their true loyalty as they have been
invited to join UF players and the largest tree-
planting project UF has ever seen.
"We made an agreement with our players that the los-
ing team from last weekend's scrimmage
On would be required to participate," UF foot-
CampuS ball coach Urban Meyer said in an e-mail
sent to all GatorLink accounts.
That means blue-band-wearing fans and blue players.
More than 400 crepe myrtle trees will be planted
along Radio Road, Bledsoe Drive and at the Lakeside
Residential Complex, according to Meyer's e-mail.
The event was organized by Student Government
and Florida Blue Key. Students should check in at the
Telecommunications Building lot on Radio Road.
Prizes will be given to the organizations that bring the
most participants, including signed Gator memorabilia,
project organizer Gary Goldberg said.
"I think it is going to be a lot bigger than we all ex-
pected," he said.

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GAU to lobby Trustees

INSURANCE, from page 1

"The aim of GAU is to have fully subsidized, comprehen-
sive health insurance for all teaching and research assistants,"
Romano said. "Peer universities offer much better health in-
surance programs than UF."
GAU plans to lobby the Board of Trustees, UF's highest
governing body, for more comprehensive insurance, or at
least for more than the $400 subsidy that covers less than
half the cost of full-coverage health
UF insurance.
Administration "Right now, Pap smears are not
covered by the plan," GAU secretary
Erica Pittman said of the procedure used to detect uterine can-
cer. "Women can get cheap birth control pills, but, to get them,
they have to get a Pap smear, which they have to pay for."
The commission also decided not to increase prescrip-
tion drug coverage, reportedly because less.than 2 percent of
graduate students were likely to benefit from the increase.
The Commission will reconvene next year to deter-
mine whether to sign another three-year contract with
"They've been the best plan in customer service and price,
and that's why we've decided to stay with them for one more
year," Aubuchon said of the family business.

Students advised to use other lots on game days

UAA, from page 1

Morgan and Stuckey agreed
Murphree takes the brunt of the
game-day influx, but Morgan said
the UAA tries to compensate for the
"Because they are using spaces,
we felt that was only fair that some
money went back into the parking,"
Morgan said.
Morgan said that $1 from the
price of tickets sold for on-campus
events goes back to parking.
"We don't want to charge people
too much," he said.
Maintaining and improving ex-
isting lots and creating additional
parking are two ways Morgan said
money from those events is used.
However, residents pay $94 per
year for the Red-1 decals that al-
low them to park in lots like those
around Murphree. Many of them do
not always move their vehicles dur-
ing the weekend, so being forced to
do so can present a problem.
Leighan Howard, a biology
junior and a resident of the park-
ing-deprived area, recounted one

Saturday when she did not find her
car where she left it.
"It's just frustrating that you
have to move your car and then the
next day, on game day, you have
to walk by and see it totally full of
alumni," Howard said. "It's frustrat-
ing because you go to the school and
you have to live here and you have
to park here and then they just get to
roll up and pull in a spot."
Stuckey said UAA notifies stu-
dents well in advance about upcom-
ing parking restrictions by working
closely with the resident assistants
in the affected areas and posting
-notices in common rooms.
"We pride ourselves on being
proactive to precommunicate that to
everyone," Stuckey said.
Howard called the situation "lu-
"I just feel like it's frustrating
(because they don't give you a lot
of notice," she said. "It's basically
word-of-mouth for the people that
live here that you can't put your
car there. They don't put out a lot of
warning ahead of time."
Morgan said UF administrators
tried to mitigate the conflict.

"We try not to interfere with
Monday through Friday," he said.
"A few times a year [students] are
inconvenienced. Almost all of these
events take place on weekends. If
you are an individual, that's one or
five to 100,000. Yes, it's definitely
an inconvenience, but we haven't
found a better way."
Approximately 90,000 attendees
flock to Gainesville for home games,
Morgan estimated.
Morgan said UF has looked into
using downtown parking garages
and shuttling visitors in with buses
but said the cost was "too big," and
the inconvenience would discour-
age visitors from attending events.
Stuckey advised students to use
commuter lots during game days.
"We are always going to recom-
mend the RTS lots," she said. "We are
always going to look at our efficiency
and parking plan on a yearly basis.
Football game day on our campus
has a big impact on everybody."
However, when it comes down
to parking near the stadium, Stuckey
had a definite answer.
"On a game day, they belong to
the Athletic Association," she said.

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6:30pm, 9pm, and 11:30pm Mechanical Bull and Lasso Contest, Rion Ballroom
Reitz UnionAuditorium AirbrushTattoos, 10pm-2am First Floor
Midnight Breakfast, 12am-1:30am, Food Court
FI1 EE! for UF students dateso'
With valid Galit r I 11! ,, for weekly updates

Must be enrolled in Summer & Fall 2005 courses 1


Happy Hour 4pm-9pm
$4 Pitchers $1 00 Drafts

40 00 #0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 ** 0 0 0-0-0#0 00-0 0 0 0 0 *-*,

10, ALLIGATOR E FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 .. .

UPD ready in case of shooting

Alligator Contributing Writer

On Monday, April 4, Jeff Weise
walked into Red Lake High
School for the last time, armed
with three guns and wearing a
bulletproof vest.
Shots blistered the dry Monday
afternoon air, and when the
nation's deadliest school shoot-
ing since Columbine High School
concluded, eight bodies were left
lifeless in the school.
Students at Red Lake said they
never thought it could happen
Fifteen hundred miles from
Red Lake, UF and Gainesville
school officials said they know it
could happen anywhere.
The 89 University Police
Department officers are ready for
a crisis situation, said Maj. Brad
Although he could not be spe-
cific, Barber said the university
police have plans in place for a
variety of situations.
"Our officers are on patrol 24
hours a day, seven days a week,"
he said.
Preparedness and practice are
essential to avoid a tragedy like Red
Lake, said recently retired Alachua
County School' District safety coor-
dinator W.H. "Bear" Bryant.

"For us, it's just a reminder to
stay on our p's and q's," Bryant
The state mandates that schools
do drills every month to simulate
an emergency, he said.
"If you don't practice them you
will never know what to do when
the real thing happens," Bryant
"If you've got somebody
determined to get on a
campus and kill people,
they're going to be able
to do it. We do our best to
limit that and eliminate
W.H. "Bear" Bryant
Alachua County School District
safety coordinator

If an emergency occurs, the-
school is locked down, and stu-
dents are barricaded indoors and
not released until the area is cleared
by police.
Stopping someone from getting
a gun in a school is unrealistic,
though, Bryant said.
"If you've got somebody deter-
mined to get on a campus and kill
people, they're going to be able to
do it," Bryant said. "'We do our best
to limit that and eliminate targets."

Gainesville High School fresh-
man Michael Hall said he would
not be surprised if kids who were
picked on brought a gun to school.
"You never know when some-
one could flip out," he said. "It's
scary 'cause if they shoot somebody
it could be your friend or cousin."
Bryant said some of the public
has the wrong idea about school
safety. Quick action is more impor-
tant than metal.detectors or fences,
he said. "A metal detector is a false
sense of security," he said.
Red Lake had a metal detector
and it didn't stop Weise, Bryant
said. Locking down campuses
quickly and eliminating targets are
the best ways to save lives.
Computer games may have
played a role in recent campus
shootings, Bryant said.
He has seen evidence that
shooters like Weise in Red Lake are
much more accurate when aiming
straight ahead than when shooting
to the sides.
This may indicate .they are
learning to shoot by playing video
games, he said.
S"What's unique about a com-
puter is that when you shoot some-
body, you hit a reset button, and
they come back to life," Bryant said.
"In real life, that doesn't happen."
The Associated Press contributed
to this report.

Casey Anderson / Alligator Staff
These students at Gainesville+ligh School are well protected in case
a shooting incident arises there, officials said.



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a For Rent

P ,-,i:,T m m l- ,T Y -irgrr ,:l i r.:.m rl 'or .
I- EE I- ati i HE,-:- & ',H,-,,.'.,'Tir.lE larr
Gated*24hr gym* tan FREE*Close to UF
Leasing for NOW & FALL*377-2777

Super Clean Studio
Walk to Shands-
Long & short term lease
Now as low as $355 monthly
inc all utilities ph 336-9836

Furnished 3 and 4 bdrm apartment homes
All utilities, internet, 24 hr gym, FREE
Tanning. Roommate Matching Available
Starting at $455/bdrm. 336-3838

Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall.
Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single &
double suites available. Starting at $400/mo
includes everything gym, pool, DSL, elec-
tric, etc. 337-9255 or

1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio,
park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail
3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St.-$500 & $600/
mo 4-20-71-1

*Incredible Deal 1/1 in 4/4*
with: internet & cable & elec & water
walking closets, full bath, wash/dry
pool view, gym, FULL furnish
Call for more info 352-258-3542 4-20-60-1

Just Bring Your Clothes!
Furnished 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875
Luxury living with all the perks!
Includes cable, utility packages avail
All we need is you! 372-8100

Spiral Staircase Skylight
Pool 2 Tennis Cts
Indvi lease & Utility Pack
Now and Fall 377-7401 4-20-31-1

1.3 Miles from UF! Seeking roommates 3/2
Available: Recently renovated. Furnishing.
is optional, wood floors, central AC, washer/
dryer. From $399.305-479-5075 4-18-10-1

KENSINGTON SOUTH sublease Apr. thru
July 31st. 1BR/1BA in a large 2BR/2.5BA
luxury townhouse. W/D & internet. $350/mo.
Female. 508-435-2267 4-20-11-1

U -For Rent : ~ For Rent
a.flurnished J 11 furnished

s ,:.'.' .'.',* r:,u Iicsi\., or.n Towjcr Fos3i
r, i r, rl' 1:1,,.5, M a, L -.: r,.ir..I I',:_,- rc .pc mnstl.
n'_:. r,:,,:,n rrT31e i u9.i- Lrbri. .e,
786-282-8663 4-15-7-1.
Apt 4 rent 4 fall 05. Univ Terrace $405/mo
includes utilities, internet, cable tv. On bus
route, good location, .4BR/4BA, balcony,
quiet, clean. Call Elyse 219-5997 5-24-15-1

1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, Phase II, 3rd Fl.
Asking $350. 352-262-2439. 4-20-10-1

1BR/1BA in beautiful 4BR/4BA.Quiet, clean.
$385/mo incl utils, cable, hi-spd inet, W/D.
Free parking & pool! Bus rts 12 & 35. Furn
opt. No pets. Indiv leases. Call 352-692-
4979. .Pics & more:
2BR/2BA avail Summer & Fall. Newly remod-
eled condo w/patio, walk in closet, hottub,
cable, alarm, phone, internet, W/D. Univ Terr
W. Less than 2 mi to UF. $385+ 1/4 utils. 371-
5853 4-20-7-1
avail pvt BA in each rm. Close to campus.
$350/mo ea. Call 772-696-1154 4-20-7-1

@ Countryside. Available for fall. W/D, pool,
gym, security system, utils, cable. $420/mo
incl all. 813-713-6485 4-20-5-1 .

Share 3/2 w/female UF student. Clean &
quiet. Located 5 mi from campus on SW
Archer. Email Sara:

Gainesville Place sublease for summer. Furn
1BR/1BA in a 4BR/4BA apt. May 1 thru Aug
8. $275/mo-NC for Aug. Incl cable, ethernet,
all utils (except ph). Call Mark 352-256-2719.
or 407-771-4111 or 4-20-5-1

1 or 2 rooms in 2BR/1BA downtown apt.
Newly remodeled. Quiet neighborhood.
Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/mo or
$695/mo for both rooms. Month to month
or longer lease okay. Pets okay. 262-1351

Furnished 1BR/1BA in a 4BR/4BA. Utils,
cable & DSL inc. University Terrace. On bus
route. Available Aug 1st. 12 month lease.
$395/mo. Call 407-620-1555 4-20-4-1

$425/mo util, cable, alarm DSL incl. W/D .
On bus rts 9 & 35. Individual leases. Call
407-620-1555 4-20-4-1

F:.r P inl 1I 1P IE r. .E ilB" L,:,,:,2Eurr"
lI :r 'pT. luplz ,,r, rr,.: r. '- ir,-, :.rr,
:,r..J r. ,:-,r., er,11l rl 'jai, 1, C l3 .: 5,1 f I'
$430/month 941-228-2651 4-20-4-1

For Rent
I unfurnished )

1 BA W/D is optional.. Park in front of your apt.
Pet play park. 2 mi to VA/Shands. $525/mo

SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $325/mo.
*1 BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or
mobile 213-3901. 4-20-71-2

Walk to UF, Studios and 1 BR's
From $555. Free-parking
Open Weekends 371-7777

$99 1st month's rent

Need a Rental Home or Condo?
Need A Tenant?

,l..r Ri-iliy r',,rp L .rill,
Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440
Full Service Sales 352-377-8899

Studios & 1/1s from $459 at UF
Pool *We Pay Most Utilities Pets OK
Residents get FREE parking...guaranteed
You can't live any closer! 372-7111

* Avail NOW or AUGUST!
* 1BR $530/2BR $580/3BR $735
* HUGE floor plans! 2 Pools!
* Pets Welcome! ** 335-7275

Ua For Rent


u-nlr i iet! %'. C ,, pcl C'-'.

*Some furnished availed
**Walk or Bike to Campus 0*
1-1 $460/mo02-1 $520/mo ***376-6720

1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus
line, and just a few miles from UF. Located
off SW 20th Ave. $410 $515, incl water,
sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets
allowed. Call 335-7066 335-7066. 4-20-71-2

* Move in TODAY orAUGUST!
* 1BR $460 2BR $530
* Walk to UF Pets welcome!
* Beautiful pools/courtyardsl
* Open Weekends! 372-7555

Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA -
W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm*
24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF
Museum Walk 379-9255

Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60
second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House
charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included.
Wood floors. With Parking. By Private
Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 4-20-71-2

Move In Today! SPECIALS
Sbr $585, 2/2 $680
Alarm, Pool, bball
Love pets! Free UF Parking 376-4002

Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 sec-
ond walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer
included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish.
Short term available. Private Owner. $495-
up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 4-2b-71-2

Now & Fall 1 Big enough for 2!
750 Sq Ft, Patio, We love pets!
Alarm*Pool*UF Parking*DW*Gym
Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401

xuj For Rent
al unfurnished

1EP`e"*2'eF .E"*3E '-e- TH
FFEE ,:3blE V HE,-- & .-H,_VjTrr.lE'-lin",
Gated*24hr gym*Tan FREE*Close to UF
Leasing for NOW and FALL*377-2777

**HUGE.Luxury w/Garage**
from $420 per person
FREE Tanning*24hr Gym*Camp lab
Filling Fast for Fall"372-0400

**Beautiful and New**"
FREE High-Speed Internet
FREE Monitored Alarm
FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime
FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym
W/D plus TVs in every kitchen
Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866)

Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to
UF. 352-215-4991 or
352-215-4990 4-20-71-2

1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00
$99 deposit for Grad students
999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720

Too Good to Be Truel
HUGE 2/2 for only $425/person!
Pool*Hot Tub*Tanning*PC Lab*W/D
FREE Cable with HBO*Most Utilities FREE
Minutes from Campus! 372-8100.

All locations and price ranges
If you are tired of apt life -
Go to or call 374
6905. 8-24-170-2

Save $$$ and love where you live!!!
Spacious 1/1, 2/1 or 3/2. Avail Now or Fall
Alarms, pets welcome, free UF parking ,
Call 373-1111 or visit

Continued on next page.

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1 For Rent: Furnished 6 Furnishings 11 Motorcycles, Mopeds 16 Health Services 21 Entertainmentt
2 For Rent: Unfurnished 7 Computers 12 Autos 17 TypingServices 22' Tickets- "
3 Sublease 8 Electronics 13 Wanted 18 Personals : 23 Rdes. :'
4 Roommates 9 Bicycles 14 Help Wanted 19 Connetionsi 24 Pets -
5 Real Estate. 10 For Sale '. 15 Services 20 ,Event4fti ces 4 Ln

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Qa For Rent

2 and 3BR from $719
Carport, wood floors, pets ok
Open Weekends
Call for appointment 371-7777

Historic Neighborhood
land 2 BRs from $560
Pets ok, wood floor option

Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF
Private 3/2 with HUGE deck
W/D*Free Parking*-Elevator Access
One of a kind luxury! 372-7111

Summer rates
plus July FREE
on a 15 month lease
Sun Island Properties

I For Rent

Want a bigger 2 or 4 BR TH this fall?
TH, W/D & DW. We love ALL pets!
Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm
Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401

1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes
Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym
PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities.
Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455

Huge 1/1 dishwasher, patio/balcony
tennis, bball, monitored alarm
Move-in specials, leasing now & fall
open weekends, call 376-4002

We are what you're looking for!
2BR/1.5BATH with W/D for $649!
Alarms, Free UF parking, pets OK
Now leasing for Fall 373-1111

U For Rent

Pine Rush Apartments
1&2 BR apt homes
starting @ $429/mo

FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF
tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm
affordable, spacious, pets ok! 376-4002

1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA
$525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian
tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals,
W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF.
332-7700. 4-20-71-2

l For Rent

HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3
Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime
W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab
Pets welcome*Private dog park
Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801

Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups
& DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
Now 372-9913 4-20-71-2

Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft
1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats!
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480.
Close to-Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070.

HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095
1BR & 2BR/1BA with W/D, central heat/air, 630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo;
dishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets 816 NW 37th Di 3/2, fam rm gar $1300/mo;
arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From 1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo;
$505 377-1633 5-19-75-2 642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 4-20-71-2

U For Rent

Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent
A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn
mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by
appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave.
373-4244 UF bus line #20 4-20-71-2

Your Perfect Apt Next to UF!
Move in Now or Aug! Studios, 1, 2 & 3BR
Specials from $489/mo. Lofts wood firs &
more. Some pet friendly! Going Fast! Call
how. 376-6223

Apartments Available Now
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities.,
Browse our listing FREE
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-2

Have Roommates?
3BR/2BA House $950
Only You?
1BR/1BA House $450
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2

So Close to Campus
Avail now, 2BR/1 & 2 BA apts.
$400, $450, $695 Mitchell Realty
374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2

1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown.
2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 373-
4423 or online at

Stupendous Studios Steps to UF
From $499 $559
Laundry, pool, pets ok!
Open till 8pm and weekends
Leasing for Fall 371-7777

Wood floors, fireplace, living & dining rooms,
Den, $625/rent, 223 SW 4th Avenue'
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-60-2

W/d hookups, CH/AC, dishwasher, $475/mo
5320 NW 20th Court
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-64-2

NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint
2BR- over 1100 sq ft ** $650/mo
1BR-over 800 sq ft ** $550/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$300 off deposit 0 376-2507

Huge townhouse, fireplace,
W/D hook-ups, patio;. .,
New carpet & tile, fitness ta .Ki31aii
high ipeel rw rel; r rreI .. :
: :. .S61= _; i.F onryi ',
4BR/3BA only $1099
S Close to UF in SW
Beautiful/quiet *.376-2507
4-20.63 2

Threesomes Welcomel
"All the space you need only $1050
Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab
v., CO'Cable With HBO*Extra Storage
.The perfect three-bedroom! 372-8100

DUCK POND! Cute 1BR/1BA, wood floors,
eat-in kitchen, ceiling fans, $475/rent
305-C NE 6th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-55-2

1BR $699 2BR $839 3BR $999
$150 dep. Full size W/D,
Direct Campus Access,
Pool, Fitness Center!
Open M-F 8:30 5:30, Sat 11-4
Pebble Creek Apts 376-9607

AVAIL. AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house. Ceramic
tile floors, extra game room, fenced yard,
pet ok, wash/dry provided. 1330 NW 39th
St. 339-2342 for directions $1200/mo 4-

Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!

Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
3BR/2BA House $975/mo
3BR/3BA Townhouse $800/mo -
2BR/1 BA Near UF $500/mo
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118 '

Luxury 3/3 & 4/4's iro on, onl ,.7, 7.r"c rm .
irn.ludle; oleri.ea. :ta i. waicr'zeewer.2.J nr
gym, Free Tanning...
Call the Landings at 336-3838

!J "VJL. ItNO...-TEC,
Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR Pool
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail *377-7401*

Living it upll Luxury style!!
1 & 2 BR, Private patios, walking
distance to UF, next to Sorority Row,
Alarm, pets OK, W/D, HUGE bdrs & walk-
in closets. "Walk to UF" Call 372-7111

FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm
Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to
UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777

"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

a -

qu so. 0 41111 11111

-111111111 410 1111M1111
Uw 4W 0 40

~. .
~ 0
~ -
.- 0
- - -

~- ~


|r|ent FoRent"
I-uJnfurnished I unfurnished.

I. I-or Rent .. For Rent
i unfurnished J II unfurnished


ASorority Row Area*
1940's vintage stone 2BR/1 BA apt. Beautiful
hardwood floors. $675/mo 375-8256 4-20-

*8 Blocks to UF*
Huge 2BR/1BA apt. Best deal in town.
Starting at $ 375-8256 4-20-30-2

*Sorority Row Area*
Cute 2BR/1BA brick duplex behind Norman
Hall. $650/mo\375-8256 4-20-30-2

1BRs & 2.5BRs. $275-700/mo
Progressive thinkers preferred. View at: 4-20-31-2

Avail for Current and Fall
Pool Tennis Cts 1.5 Mi 2 UF
Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail
Great Specials 377-7401 4-20-31-2

Available Now Blocks from UF Duplex,
. 2BR/1 BA, fenced yard, $675/mo HOUSE.
,EFP 2BA i D $1175/mo (Pets ok) Call
Carol @ 377-3852 4-20-31-2

*FALL* BIks from UF H-ou.e:. *
E'uple,- A S p-lc M3a,r,_3a.Ed by o:-wnrri See
' D' Ivprroperni om- n-, ihlinq-g o c :311 as 2'-. ?'.52 4-20-._1-2

.-.-IL-BLE ril,/,' rJE'W 3EF.2E, r.ous.e .
car .iaae in tbrand new iubd ilo:rn ,lo._e
to LUF & :FCC s r,.c-.s i13,L:,ir':.
negotiable based on length of lease.. Call
215-9987 4-20-30-2

3BR/1.5BA HOUSE Lg screen back pch, Ig
back yard, close to downtown, W/D, $900/
mo. Avail May 1 -' C a1 iofi.:e i 377-1071 or
(cell) 262-7174 a.i ir, 4-20-30-2

Avail now 3BR/2BA HOUSE. 2120 NW 55th
Terrace. Tile firs, Berber carpet, all applianc-
es incl. Privacy fenced-in yard. $1050/mo.
Call 215-9987 4-20-30-2

Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on
north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin
summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties
372-1509 4-20-30-2

SPACE & VALUE! 3 + 4 bedrooms
tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm
Pets welcome, free uf parking
ceramic tile, dishwasher, pool
open wknds; Call 376-~002

Avail May: Several units w/in .5 mi of UF
campus or closer. Eff $300-310, 1BR/1BA
$395-$415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA
$700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact or Iv mssg 352-870-7256

Be near everything at The Oaks!
Start at $525 for 1 bdrm, $675
for 2 bdrm, & $825 for 3 bdrm .
Remodels Available! Call for move
in specials today at 331-8836 4-20-26-2

Hampton Oaks brand new lux. apts.
behind Oaks Mall. 2 bdrms start.
at $850/mo & 3bdrm at $1200/mo
w/move-in special of up to 2 mo
FREE rental Call 333-8643 today! 4-20-26-2

Luxurious Victoria Station Twnhse. Walk to
Butler. 2BR/2.5BA. W/D, alarm, pool, free
ethernet.-Bus rt in front every 15 mon. $850/
mo NEGOTIABLE. Avail Aug 2005. Cell 222-
4235 4-20-25-2

University Terrace West
4.'4 Ir,,cvidua Leae.- -
tl'i j C ,pe-l 6i|
Furnir.-,d I.,rin, -rea-3
v",v[- FC..-, .39I n..:.
LlnlrF, c.,erle.i n.? 3.7 -" .. Pr
4-20-24-Z ... ..'^ .; :

University Terrace Gainesville
4/4 Individual Leases
Completely Refurbished
Furnished Living Area
W/D, Pool $405/mo
Union Properties 373-7578

Victoria Station
Off SW 35th Place
Like New Townhouse
2BR 2.5BA W/D, Pool
Union Properties 373-7578

Vacation with USI Resort style living.
RTS BUS service @ your doorI
2/2 or 4/4 ALL inclusive, hi-speed int.
Gated! Going fast. Call now 271-3131 4-

** 2BR 2.5 BA **
Brighton Park Condo
Beautiful end unit townhome,
W/D, DW, alarm, pool, -1200 sq ft
Many extras. Bus rt SW 34 St
No smoking unit. Avail Aug $825 214-3820

townhome. -W/D, DW, eat-in kitchen, SW
Archer & 34th St. area. 336-7097. Grad/prof
preferred. .Lease c.picn Furnish option.

Convenient UF access
S$325 to $575 .
Action Real Estate Services

ROCKWOOD VILLAS avail Aug 1, 2005.
3BR/3BA t,:r.n,:.ue W.D. great bus rt
to UF. $1100/mo. Call Donna 352-339-3250

Apartments & Houses
Studio to 5BR+
Most within 2 miles of campus!
Campus Realty 692-3800

Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes
Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym,
Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms
The Laurels, 335-4455

LARGE 1BR APT Hardwood floors, ceiling
fans, new appliances & upgrades. Beautiful
wooded lot. Close to shopping & UF. Water,
sewer included. $395/mo. Call 352-373-5295

Large 4BR/2.5BA, W/D, hardwood floors,
fireplace, glassed in porch, util bldg, etc. Bike
to campus. $1400/mo, $350/per person. 1st,
last, dep. 352-466-0165 4-20-15-2

Three 4BR HOUSES & 1&2BR APTS.
Spacious, efficient homes biking distance
to campus. Remodeled, Ig fenced yards.
Lots of extras. Available now & fall. Call
for details. $475-1225/mo. 352-372-4768

HOUSES 0 359-2000
2BR 1 BA $595 1953 NW 31st PI.
2BR 1 BA $595 431 SE 7th St.

Available Summer & Fall
Studios & 1 BRs $350 to $750
2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850
Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc.

Absolutely perfect 3BR/2BA in Millhopper.
Convenient to UF & shopping. Huge yard,
remodeled interior, wd firs. Truly great
house W/D' hkups. No dogs. Prof or grads
pref. 2006 NW 36th Terr. $999/mo 215-7199

-.dorabi.? 2BPi 1 -.- CoriagQe on bu- line
','.' rupj H. :.oqg 2943 rW .1 6ir SI
$6340i mrn. 215..1904.20.14-2

Historic house, hd wd firs, Ig front porch, lots
of charm. Studio & 1BR avail. 306 NE 6th St.
$400-500/mo. Call 379-4952 4-20-14-2

Avail May 1 or 2 BRs in 3BR/1BA house.
Quiet street. MUST LOVE- DOGS. Lease
length neg. CHEAP RENT. Can furn. Call
Annie 352-284-1686 4-15-11-2

1BR/1BA at Pine Rush. Pool. Laundry
Room. Quiet area. $429/mo with 1st month
FREE. No security deposit. Call 692-4352

Spacious 1BR/1BA house w/large garage
space in Duckpond. Newly renovated, brand
new energy efficient appliances incl W/D,
tankless water heater, cent AC/H, shed, wd
firs, new paint. Call for appt. 352-336-2189

HOUSE 2BR/1BA $695/mo. W/D, cent H/
AC, 2.5 mi North of UF. Call 352-214-1722

* Only $530 -540 month!
* Great Pools Pets Welcome!
* Walk to UF & Shands!
0.372-7555 *-Open wkends!

2BR:2 '.B, iu. urv townhouse, 1200 sq ft, big
ODe.rms'i. huge inivinqg rr, ti-c:hen Everlr,ing
is new! 5 min to UF. Avail Aug $975 352-447-
5795, cell 422-2967 4-20-13-2

3BR/ close to UF campus. Avail
Aug 1st, tile floors, new kitchen, large fenced
yard, cent AC, $1125/mo. Drive by 3423 NW
1st Ct. Call Marty 514-2855 4-20-13-2; 1

Contact us for a complete listing -.
Carl Turlinglon Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
4-15. l0-2

Ask About Our Move-In
Specials & Giveaways
Individual Leases: Furniture Packages,
Incl Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed internet;
Every Unit is an End Unit
Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 -*.
701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330

Ask About Our Move In
Specials & Giveaways
Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans;
Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer;
Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool;
Sauna etc. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5
700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009

everything. Updated w/new appliances.
1400 sq ft, W/D hk-ups. Quiet. '$850/mo.
Available now. 820 NW 29th PI. Call 214-
9270 4-20-12-2

spacious, quiet. $1050/mo 714 NE 12th Ave.
Call Jeffrey at 246-5801 4-20-11-2

Beautiful Hisoric Home, wood floors,
high ceilings, 3-4 BR/2BA, large fenced
yard $1400/mo ($1250/mo for 2 yr lease)
Downtown location near UF. Avail May 1st.
Call Tom at 262-6423 4-20-11-2

2BR townhouse; 7209 SW 45th PI. $500/
mo, $500 sec dep. No pets. 386-462-0994

2BR/1.5BA Condo in Casablanca Easi
Newly remodeled w/tile floor- W-.Vwd ,,r pooi
quiet area, on bus rt, close lo UF,'Srarn,, nj
pets, $800/mo. Avail May 16th. 52.246.-
5958 4-20-11-2

IBP w'pvl sled c,.:.ur ,:rr S ,mall
quiel .:-mply loca,-le.d 31 3320 SVV 23rd
,S ..arnng @ $536,:'rr Pel i arranged
Cal 377-2150 Ple-a lea..e a message

Continued on next page.

. '1 T44, k! A )6RIWA W, TA'TP' k1 N'dMc

U For Rent

9 U For Rent j For Rent 9 '"- For Rent 1 ,,Subleas .
unfurnished J 0 1 unfurnished furnished Subeases j

3BR/3BA newer home. Cathedral ceilings,
fenced yard, close to UF/Shands, W/D, lawn
svc & pest cont ind. Part furn avail. $1300/
mo. Grad students pref. Avail June 1st. Call
246-5958 4-20-10-2

Looking for an Apartment???

1608 NW 1st Avenue
Located right behind The Florida Book Store-

FREE Apartment and Housing
Locator Service

Call 352-376-4493 or visit

5BR/3BA house with large bedrooms.
Located off SW 34th Street within 1 mile
of Butler Plaza. On RTS Route 12. Biking
distance to UF. $1995 monthly. See for more. 4-20-10-2

7 blks from UF. Very nice 1 BR/1 BA efficiency
apartment. Big BA, large laundry room, W/D
incl & kitchen. $650/mo. Incl all utils, cable
& DSL. Nice fenced backyard. Call Jed 352-
378-8488 4-20-10-2

3BR/2BA TRIPLEX avail for August 2 biks
from campus. Walk to class. PJenty of park-
ing. $1500/mo. 376-1111 4-20-10-2

In gated Plantation Oaks 2BR/2BA 2 car
garage, screened-in porch. Many luxury &
energy-saving features $800/mo 386-462-

2BR/1BA HOUSE for rent. Walk to the Law
school. W/D, Plenty of parking. Call 352-376-
1111 4-20-10-2

Luxurious 2BR/2.5BA in secluded location.
Only 5 yrs old & newly redecorated. W/D,
DW, alarm, pool. Avail Aug. N/S. $825/mo
214-3820 5-31-17-2

Great Homes, Close. to UF.
3311 NW 30th Ave $1050/month
1614 NW21st AVe $1000/month
2006 NW 35th St- $1350/month
4430 NW 16th PI $1425/month
Drive by and call 495-9085
Erfgail: 7-21-30-2
2BR/2BA home for July
Cent H/AC, W/D, wd floors, den,
sunporch, patio, pet considered
$840/mo. Bike to UF 352-336-6116 5-12-
Houses for Aug in quiet areas. Cute clean 2
& 3BR homes. Cent H/AC, W/D, wood/tile
floors, $650 to $960/mo. Bike to UF 352-
336-6116 5-12-11-2

3BR/2BA HOUSE. Fericed backyard, ~ 1900
sq ft, close to campus. Hdwd floors, W/D hk
ups, Avail-June 15th. $1300/mo. Call 332-
1990 4-20-9-2

Excellent Single Family Houses
Close to UF
Call Mike 352-665-7316 4-20-9-2

Townhouse 2BR/1.5BA. Fenced yard, W/D
hkups, pets ok. Rent $595/mo. 3935 SW
26th Terr. Call 371-3473, Iv mssg. 4-20-9-2

PET'S PARADISE, no app or pet fee. 2BR
townhomes, duplexes. Privacy fence, mod-
ern appliances, fans, SW, private owner,
please leave detailed message. $450/525/
mo.352-331-2099. 4-20-8-2

campus. Fully renovated 2BR/1BA w/den.
Wood floors, W/D hkups. Pets OK. Avail May
,* $975/mo. 331-6376 4-20-8-2

ABRACADABRA! House 3/2 5457 NW 35
Dr, apple tree. $975/mo. 4/3 4306 NW 21
St $1100/mo. 4/3 3538. NW 46 PI $1100/mo.
Avail 4/05 or 8/1/05. Call 318-3721' or 352-
332-0602 4-20-8-2

SPACIOUS STUDIO! Biking dist to Shands
& Vet school, washer/dryer, $450/rent 3811
SW 20th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
; 4-15-5-2

Duplex, large fenced yard, W/D hookups,
Wood floors, lawn svc, $695/rent
1931 B NW 6th Street.
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-5-2

DUCK POND STUDIO! Adorable studio
w/separate kitchen & walk-in closet, wood
floors, water & pest control incl. $450/rent,
414-7 NE 5thAve.
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc 372-9525 4-15-5-2

SUPER CUTEI 1 BR < BA duplex,
wood floors, lawn. service, $400/rent
1931-ANW 6th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-5-2

2BR 1 BA Apts, $500-$525/ Mo
5 blks to UFI 840 Sq. Ft
829 SW 5th Avenue, St. Croix Apts. Central
H &Air, Inclds Wtr, Swg, Pst Ctrl, Garbage.
Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494

1BR 1BA1 blkto UF!
1218 SW 3rd Avenue
Wood Floors, Window A/C, $400/mo
Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494

2 Blks to UF!
2BR 1BA Apt, Terrazzo Floors, Window A/C,
Nat Gas ht. $520/mo. 408 NW 15th St. Call
Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2
3BR 1BA umue with iud Fluuis
Central H & Air. Washer/Dryer Hkups $725/
mo 2801 NW 21st Terr, off NW23rd Ave. Call
Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2

located 7200 SW 8th Ave behind Oaks Mall.
Pool,. Clubhouse, etc. $625/mo
Call Merrill Maganement Inc 372-1494

3BR 1 BA Home with wood Fioors. Central
H &Air, Washer/Dryer Hkups 1100 sq ft
$725/Mo. Off NE 16th Ave 1050 NE 13th
Place. Call Merrill Management Inc 372-
1494 4-20-7-2

2 BR 1BA apts 1 Block to UF
New Carpet, Window A/C, Nat Gas Ht
1210 SW 3rd Avenue $540/Mo
Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494

1 Block from UF!
1BR and 2BR Apts Avail Now, Summer or
Fall see our list at www.merrillmanagement.
net updated daily or-call Merrill Management
Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2

1BR 1BAApts 1 BIk to UF! $460/mo
1236 SW 4th Ave Grad II Apts
"Central H & Air, Carpet, Incids Water swg,
pest control & Garbage
Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494

2BR 1BA Apt 1 Block to UF
Central H & Air. Tile or Wood Floors
1236 SW IstAve, $585/Mo Call Merrill
Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2

2BR/2BA avail July 1st. Kitchen equipped,
$650/mo inci water. 1st, last, deposit. No
pets. Walk to UF. Call 373-5789 4-15-4-2

4BR/2BA house AC hardwood firs, kitchen
equipped, indoor laundry, W/D incl, 2400
sq ft. $2000/mo negotiable. 754 NW 20th st.
No pets. Walk to UF. Avail Aug Ist. Call 332-
6029 4-15-4-2

Apts and Townhouses
621 NW 10th St Gainesville
CONTACT 352-332-2097

Now leasing for Fall 4BR/2BA apt $265/mo
per room + utils, 3 blocks from campus, No
pets 231-3002 .4-20-7-2

2BR/1BA apt $600/mo, 625 SW 11th Ln.
3BR/2BA house $900/mo 2706 W Univ Ave.
231-3002 4-20-7-2

Lg 3BR/3BA, on bus rt, $1050/mo or $350/
BR. Avail May 1st. Call 332-0617 Iv mssg

SPANISH STYLE Large 4BR/2BA close to
UF. Nicely landscaped. Skylights, Mexican
tile, W/D, cent AC/H, large screened porch.
$1450/mo. Call 373-5295 4-20-6-2

PALM TREES Beautiful, spacious home, 8-
rms + 400 sq ft porch. 3BR/1BA, bike to UF,
$1175 + util. No pets. Currently avail. 275-
1259 4-20-6-2

location, 2 blks to campus near sorority row.
Fall rental, new inside, 2BR/1BA, NS, no
pets. $669 + until. 275-1259 4-20-6-2 "

3BR/2BA house w/jacuzzi & fireplace. W/D,
house rent $1150 or $410/rm. Contact 561-
719-6680; 4-20-6-2

1BA, cent AC, fireplace, fenced yard, tile &
wood floors, Avail 5/1. 731 NE 9th St. $850/
mO. 352-316-1637 5-31-13-2 -

5 MIN TO UF! 3BR/2BA excellent NW area,
fam rm, garage, cathedral ceilings, wood firs,
W/D, great looking home. Avail 8/5, $1200/
mo 352-373-6080 or 352-284-5033 ALSO
AVAILABLE 4BR/2BA. 4-20-6-2

2nd Ave 5/2 $1700 0 236 NW 2nd Ave 4/1
$1100, 0 235 NW 3rd Ave two 1/is $575
& $675 0 229 NW 3rd Ave 3/1 $975 0 1/1
$475; Off st parking 305-527-9315 4-20-6-2

CLOSE TO UF 2BR/1BA. Year lease from
8/17. 910 SW 6th Ave. AC/heat, W/D, car-
peted, fenced backyard. No pets. $580/mo.
Call 359-1508 4-20-5-2

Large single garage apartment. 3 blks-from
campus. $425/mo. Available Aug 1. 372-
8568 or 316-3305 4-20-5-2

Large private NW single family home
3/2 split, fenced, new appl., lanai,
Excellent schools, Available now
$1275 + security 941-447-5453 4-20-5-2

A Golf Course Villa 3/2 house w/pool,
Quiet, all appliances, on bus route
Available now $930 + security
941-447-5453 4-20-5-2

'HUGE & Affordable
1, 2, & 3BRs
FREE Alarm FREE W/D Screen porch
FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool
Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly .
ONLY 1.7 miles to UF 372-0400

DOWNTOWN Avail immediately. Month
to month ok. 2BR/1BA apt. newly remod-
eled, quiet neighborhood, pets ok. Close to
Shands, UF & library. $695/mo. Call 262-
1351 4-20=5-2

1BR/1BA w/ W/D. $500/mo. Quiet area, 3
miles north of UF. Call 379-0783, Iv mes-
sage. 4-20-4-2

w/garage. Very large, all new. Pool, tennis
& racquet ball. Good location. On bus rt.
$890/mo. Available fall. Call 352-372-4768

**0.8 miles to UF. 4BR/2BA historic house.
Wood flooors, W/D, high ceilings, fenced
yard. Between UF & downtown: $950/mo.
Avail 8/1. 214.9270 -4-.29-.2

**0.8 miles to UF. 2 & 3 BR apts in his-
toric house near downtown. Wood floors,
nice deck, W/D. $525-$650/mo. 214-9270

Spacious 1 B/1BA available in a 2BR/2BA
house. MILLPOND. Across street from
GHFC: Living room, kitchen, FL room,
garden. Avail 7/05. $550/mo. Looking for
female student or working prof. Call 305-
905-2289, 352-380-2726 4-20-4-2

2BR/2.5BA paddle fans, inside laundry
room, ceramic tile & carpet. Gas heat &
water. Rent incl water, sewer, garbage. Avail
now. Call 375-8600 owner/broker 4-20-4-2

3BR/1 BA HOUSE central heat & A/C, kitchen
& bath tile floors, WD hookup @ 2036 NW
31 Place. $650/mo. Call 352-371-3636 4-

-**Apply Now No Application Fee**
4 blks to UF Gatorside Apts. 1600 NW4th
Ave 2BR/1BA $550 or 1 BR/1BA $350 or
- 12 blks to UF Center PointeApts 1BR/1BA
1220 NW 12 St. $350. 371-3636 4-20-4-2

Duckpond. 1BR w/study. Wood floor, AC,
pretty wallpaper. Free washer/dryer. Grad
student or prof. preferred. 1st last & sec. req.
$580. Avail 7/1 377-4217 4-20-4-2

U Subleases

Apartments Sublets & Roommates
All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $4,00-1500
Short-Long & Furn-Unfurn
1-(877) FOR-RENT (367-7368)
WWV.SUBLET.COM 4-20-71-3

WALK TO CLASS! $250/mo
Now til Aug. Courtyards 352-328-6967 all
included! 2-27-3-3

Bid on a sublease, call 866-837-1309 or visit

2BR/2.5BA townhouse 2 blocks to UF. May -
Aug $900/mo OBO 352-266-8475 4-20-13-3

Now/Summer sublease 1/1 in 4/4 utilities +
wash/dry + ethernet + cable + full furnish +
pool view = DARN GREAT DEAL
ONLY $375/month 352-258-3542 4-20-24-3

1/1 in 2/1 house behind Norman Hall. Great
location and very cheap. Avail April 25. Call
262-7200 4-15-20-3

Room for summer sublease A, B or C in
a beautiful new house. Room is spacious.
Huge backyard w/pool. Pets welcome. Rent
$4501! MUST see!! Everything included. 786-
367-7749 4-20-22-3

.Campus Lodge apts." POOLSIDE 1/1 in 2/2
other room vacant. May-Aug. w/option to re-
new. $450/mo furnished, all utils + internet,
W/D, Call 352-871-3117 4-20-21-3

4BR/2BA house in College Park. Huge walk-
in closet, wood floors, W/D, walk to campus,
furn common areas. Avail May-Aug $370/mo
.739 NW20th St. 352-219-4911 4-20-20-3

Summer sublease 1BR in 3BR house
on NW 36th St., huge back porch W/D,
wood floors, w- or w/out furn. Avail May
30th. $2501mo + utils. Call 352-281-1337

**The Exchange $350/mo*
Rent May-Aug Price NEG. Pool view, furn &
utils incl, female, 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Call
352-262-7887 4-15-16-3

Summer sublease available WINDSOR
HALL 2 blocks from campus. 1 BR suite
$600 utils incl. Laundry room, swimming
pool, cable, ethernet. Call 516-650-4037

1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA at Melrose Apts. $300/
mo, pvt BA, W/D, furn, all utils inci, ethernet,
cable, lease from May-Aug, AUG FREE.
Great Deal! Call 305-469-3372 4-15-15-3

+ 1/3 UTIL
3BR/2BA Boardwalk Apt.
Call PK 954-682-5979
or call 904-705-1689 4-20-17-3

Reduced $450 @ The Exchange
Furnished 1BR/1BA in 2/2
Kitchen, living room, porch, W/D,
Now available.
Female please. 772-473-0560.4-20-16-3

IBR/1BA in a 4BR/4BA apt, utils, cable, W/
D, dishwasher, FURNISHED. $250/mo OBO.
Available 5/1 727-656-8207 4-19-15-3

SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 rooms avail May
1st in a 4BR/2BA house. Rent $355/mo + 1/4
utils. W/D, cable modem internet, 2 blocks
from campus. Call 352-213-3112 4-20-16-3

Sublease SPYGLASS apt May to July 31. 1
.BR/1 BA in 2 BR/2 BA apt. $300/mo + 1/2
utils OBO. Free internet. Fun roommate. Call
Katie S. 352-213-5425 4-20-16-3

Summer sublease avail. 3 blocks to campus.
Fabulous location! 1 BR in 2 BR apt. $260/
mo + 1/2 utils. Call 813-368-6801 or email 4-20-16-3

THE EXCHANGE 1/1 in 2/2 May, June, July.
$325/mo inci until, cable i-net, W/D, male,
furn, gated, bus rt. Call Hank 904-556-6149
or 904-491-4574 (Steve) 4-20-15-3

Female sublease at Courtyards. 1 bed-
room in 4/2 townhouse on 13th. All fum
& util included; $399/mo negotiable.
Sec dep & 1st mo rent free, 514-6408 or 4-20-15-3

Looking Glass Apts. Summer sublease
$400/mo negotiable. Drew 561-339-1219

2BR/2BA Oxford Manor $363 -each.:
Negotiable. W/D, pool, weight room, tanning,
3 bus rts, furniture avail. Call 239-671-3148
or 561-635-8671 4-20-14-3

1BR in Campus Lodge, fully furn, pvt bath-
room, all utils incl. vaulted ceilings, valued
at $519/mo Subleasing for $375/mo from
May 1st mid Aug. Call Joy 786-210-9453

Summer sublease at Hidden Lake. 1 of 2BR/
2BA. Call Jessica.@ 863-860-7270 for more
info. 4-15-10-3

1 rm in house $285 mo + uiti & cbl
3 mo sublese first mo free, great loc off
34th st. Wash/dry quiet area. 352-375-1353

1 or 2BR avail for summer sublease in 3/2.5
'townhouse. Walking distance to Butler Plaza
& 1 mi to UF. Avail, furn or unfurn, W/D. Call'
Clliff at 561-252-0819 4-20-12-3

May to Aug. $380 is all you-pay[ Util, wire-
less, furn ihcl. Free tanning, pool, hottub,
fitness center, comp lab, tennis, bus route
352-246-3743 4-18-10-3

University Glades Sublease!! SUMMER:
May Aug. Price neg. BR w/personal bath
in.3/3 apt. Incl all util.-Furniture avail Call
Stacey 352-336-1968 4-20-12-3 -


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m .....



9 1| Subleases

May-July 4BR/4BA, 1 room open, furnished,
utilities paid, walk-in closet, pool, washer/
dryer, 3 bus rts. hi spd internet.
246-4330 4-15-8-3

1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA townhome. 1/2 util,
cable, internet. May 1 thur July 31. 352-514-
3640 4-20-11-3

Museum Walk Apt for Summer 1/1 in 2/2
townhouse near campus. Fast bus rt, pvt
balcony, walk-in closet, furn. W/D, pets ok.
$380/mo + utils. Call 239-229-7218 4-15-8-3

$450. Female roommate for a sublease May
- July 31st at Hidden Lake. Includes ALL
utilities, cable, internet. Furnished, washer-
dryer. Contact Leanna at 585-802-1548

1BR/1BA luxury apt. Sublease until end of
summer. Cathedral ceilings, W/D, balcony,
etc. Call for price. 786-402-1175 or rdboyri 4-20-11-3

Available immediately. 1BR/1BR in 3BR
house. Close to campus. W/D, great room-
mate. $0 down, $340/mo. negotiable. Call
Tim. 727-642-0136. 4-20-11-3

*DUCKPOND* Sublease May & June.
Huge room in historic Victorian home. $315/
mo, 3 blocks from downtown. 377-2373

Sublease @ The Exchange 1BR/1BA in
3BR/3BA Avail May thru Aug. Price reduction
$350/mo OBO. Fully fuirnished, utils incl.
Call Tiffany 352-303-6130 4-20-11-3

Sublease @ The Exchange 1BR/1BA in
2BR/2BA. Avail May thru Aug. Price reduc-
tion $350/mo OBO. Fully furnished utils incl.
Call Edward 352-256-1890 4-20-11-3

Summer sublease @ Courtyards. 1BR
in 4BR townhouse. May-Aug. $325/mo.
NEGOTIABLE. Call Maggie 352-264-7847

HOT lease 4 a cool price!
Only $325/mo. (util incl) for fully furn 1BR/
1BAw/W/D, dig cable (hbo+), hi spd inter-
net, pool, ground floor loc. 2 RTS (covered).
377-2856 4-20-10-3


Downtown Arlington Square 1BR/1BA in
a 3BR. May-1/2 of Aug. W/D & pool incl
Next to Starbucks. $300/mo + 1/3 utils.
NEGOTIABLE. Call 352-262-1687 4-20-

2/2 Downtown- Arlington Square Sublet
Anytime May July 31. Reduced rent only
$761. No deposit. Cent A/C, big rooms,
dishwasher, pool, laundry rm. Call 256-4207

Summer sublease 3BR/3BA apt. w/ pool,
W/D, util incl. Avail May Aug. _Furnished!
Rent neg. Call 843-290-5853 (bus route to
campus) 4-20-10-3

1BR/.1BA in NW avail 5/2 $440/mo for 3
mo sublease w/option to rent after. Large
kitchen, walk downtown, pleasant area, front
porch w/swing, on & off street park. 337-
0695 4-20-9-3

Summer sublease in 4BR/2BA apt. $335/
mo negotiable. Furnished, incl cable, DSL
optional. On 5 bus routes. Call 870-4638
4-18-7-3 "

Large 1 BR/1 BA in Oxford Manor. Price nego-
tiable 1 1/2 mi from UF. Private gym. 2 pools.
Excellent management. Call 373-0803. Ask
for Lauren orAimee 4-20-9-3

SUMMER SUBLEASE at University Club.
1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA apt. $335/mo, incl utils,
cable, ethernet, furn, W/D & more. Call 786-
423-0445 4-15-6-3

Sublet 1BR/1BA in a 3BR furn apt. Summer
A & B @ The Exchange $480/mo. Call days
813-245-3259, eves 813-818-9398 4-20-9-3

Large BR in adoreable 2BR house 5 blocks
behind Swamp! $425/mo utils inc. Avail May
thru Aug., 407-625-8990

1 BR/1 BA in 3BR/3BA apt. Sterling Univeristy
Glads. Fully furn, utils incl. $380/mo. Avail
May thur July. Call 954-294-6379 4-18-7-3

Furnished or unfurnished. Rent Negotiable.
561-715-1857 4-20-9-3

Avail May thru Aug, w/opt to renew.
$352/mo ea. W/D; vaulted ceiling, bus rt &
more. Stoneridge Apts. Email

*- m m

"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

U { Subleases

May 1stthru July 31st. $450/mo. Pool, alarm,
pets ok. Near UF, VA & Shands. 3 bus rts.
Call 352-262-8558, 4-.

Avail May Aug. Will give BARGAIN RATE.
Call 954-755-0696 4-20-9-3

Furn 1/1 of unocc 3/3 CAMPUS LODGE
now-Aug. Enet, pool, gym, W/D, cable, wa-
ter, basic elec indl. Renew opt w/choice of
roommates poss. $514 reduced to $450/mo!
Hurry! 772-231-4609,

Summer sublease May 1- July 31. 1 BR/1 BA
Call Erdem 336-0799 or 392-6780 or
e-mail me at 4-15-5-3

SUMMER DEAL Male for summer sublease
1BR in 4BR apt/ W/D, being Sorority Row.
$300/mo. Please call 305-335-9021 4-20-

furn, W/D. Utils, cable, internet incl. Call
Rachel 352-359-3044 anytime. 4-20-8-3

1BR/1BA in 3BR/2BA apt. Close to UF.
Bike/bus. $260/mo + 1/3 utils. For more
info call Joy 954-614-4607 or 352-377-6918

3 rooms available (indiv sublease)
in 4br/2bath apt. May-Aug.
Contact: Amy 954-854-7704
Lena 954-559-4707 4-15-5-3

Summer Sublease Lexington Crossing
$350/mo everything included. Avail May 1st.
.1BR/1 BA in 3BR/3BA. Call 954-471-3052 or
352-271-2022 4-15-5-3

ACROSS FROM UF sublease at the
Courtyards. All utilities incl, room 4 ft bigger
than all the others. M/F, $400/mo rent nego-
tiable, May-Aug. 904-608-6815 4-15-5-3
$1200 for WHOLE SUMMER NW 7th Ave
fully furn 1BR in 4BR/2BA house. Cable, hi-
spd inet, util incl. Avail 4/29 NEGOTIABLE.
Call Noel @ 352-375-4635 4-20-8-3

2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA, only 1 roommate.
Furn, everything incl. 'Call Marissa, 954-
295-1012 or Erin,. 303-829-3877 4-15-5-3

CAMPUS LODGE Nicest apt @ UF. 2BR/
2BA all utils, fully furn, May to Aug. Very
clean. Gated community, screened patio.
Quiet. Call 372-3788. 4-15-5-3

Live w/a friend not a strangers 1 or 2 BRs in
-* 4 2BR/2BA @ Cambridge Apts. All furn & utils
incl. Great location. May thru Aug. $450/mo
per' BR/OBO!! Call Tracy 305-726-7970 4-

5 min walk to UF/Sorority row bus.
I F roommate. Avail May-July
All utils incl. Furn, ethernet, gym, pool. $400/
mo 786-246-3049 4-20-7-3

*** 1 BR/1 BA $300/mo ***
Everything incl, furn w/qn bed, desk, W/D +
pooltable in apt in 3/3 Madison Pointe. May
thru Aug. Jesse 954-240-2440 4-15-4-3

00000 Summer Sublease University
Commons 1/1 in a 2/2, all utilities included.
$330/negotiable, furnished. Call ASAP 305-
962-0995 4-20-7-3

1BR in 4bBR Courtyards for $350/mo.
female. 0.35 mi to campus. Call Jessie 386-
383-8562 4-20-7-3

Large 1BR/1BA in a 3BR/3BA in Stoneridge
Ats. Rent only $340/mo + 1/3 utils. OBO May-
to Aug Call 871-2426 4-20-7-3

Apt for SummerA & B sublease. 1 BR in 4BR/;
2BA furn Lin,. eriiry Glades'Apt $290/mo all
utils incl 1 l43, MiF for all female
apt. C ili "' .. 2-1. 901' 42 4.-2, .7-3

* $250/month 1BR in 2 story home, walk
to UF, nciude aadilinnal office -par.e CISL,
furnished or non ,.vI Surr.mer E oi C Tree
lined re.j rcB.:.rr..I, 262-.5S-4 4-20 .--- '

E Subleases

1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA at Melrose Apts from
AUG 05 to AUG 06, $509/mo. $250 move-in
incentive, with housing scholarships avail-
able at Melrose. 803-535-9523 4-20-7-3

HEY LOOK! 1/1 in 4/4 Gainesville Place
May-Aug $490/month but neg. Clean apt,
friendly ppl, cool deco interior Everything
included + maid & bus to campus. Call 305-
494-2002 4-20-7-3

sublease @ The Landings. 1BR/1BA in 3BR/
3BA avail May-Aug, rent negotiable, I'll give
you my furniture. 407-719-9843 4-15-4-3

Campus Club May to Aug. $400/mo
NEGOTIABLE. 1BR/1BA in 4BR apt. Incl all
utils. Fully furn, 32" TV, maid svc, hi-spd inet,
Great place to live, only 5 min to UF. Call
561-317-9766 4-20-7-3

2BR/1BA w/extra sink area, avail May 1.
$635/mo @ Piccadilly, pets welcome, all fur-
niture for sale! 407-761-7761. Lease renews
Aug 15. 4-20-7-3

Fully furn. May thru Aug 15th. Spacious 1 BR/
1 BA in 4BR/4BA @ Melrose Apts. Utils incl.
M/F. Call 786-859-1934 4-18-5-3

2BR/2BA. Furnished. Great location. $499/
mo utils incl. Call 904-294-0389 5-5-8-3

U Club Apts: 1/1 in 4/4. Friendly, clean
roommates. Nice furniture. $395/mo for
everything, neg. Call Megan 907-232-6610

Homestead Apt Sublease
Now thru July 31st. Renewal optional. 2BR/
2BA, W/D hook up, pool, gym, bus stops,
laundromat, pets ok, $679/mo. Please call
378-2699 or 317-4507 4-18-5-3

Large 1BR/1BA Univ/13th Avail May 1st -
July 31st, option to renew. Close to campus.
Furn option. Call 954-401-3203 $500/mo.
Cambridge Apts. Huge 1BR/1 BA in 3BR/3BA"
apt. Avail immediately. Furn w/luxurious stuff
& all amenities incl. Beautiful nature view. 20"
TV as move-in gift. $465/mo. Call Carolina
352-328-1474 4-20-6-3

Everything included, only $700/neg 4
ENTIRE SUMMER! Please call 246-4330

Stoneridge. 1BR/1BA avail with W/D, furn,
ethernet and util. Pool, gym and etc. Only
$275 OBO. Please call John @ 954-673-
2154 4-20-6-3

$300/ mo summer sublease 1BR/1BA in
4BR/BA fully furn in Countryside apts. Inc.
utilities, cable, tv, wash/dry, balcony. Call
954-270-7906 4-19-6-3

$345/mo, 1BR/1BA spacious apt w/AC, in-
terent, cable, W/D & parking. 617-584-5811

Summer sublease May July M/F for 1 BR in
4BR house. Furn $330/ mo + 1/4 utils. 1 blk
to campus. Contact Sara @ 407-310-8085 or 4-20-6-3

1BR in 4BR/4BA at University Club for sum-
mer C. Incl. 50" TV, vaulted ceilings, W/D,
inet, cable & fully furn. 1 mi from campus.
Can take bus 35, 36, or 9! Price neg. F only.
954-821-8811 4-16-4-3

*1 BR/1 BA available in 3BR/3BA*
Fully furnished & all utilities included $465/
mo. May-Aug, Aug rent FREE, price neg. 2
convenient bus routes 9&34. Call 904-424-
2834 4-20-6-3

IBR rin 2BR/1BA sublease from April 17,
S.jul 30 $210/mo +1/2 util. Cail Wang 870C-
7662 4-20-6-3

Female for IBPilB. in 2BRi2 5A ,lowrn.
hIoue Behind sororit row Snon wail: to
campu. -%,all PSP Pr,ce NEG.OTLI.BLE
Call 352-870-8902 4-20-6. :

U ll Subleases .-

Great 2/1 duplex; W/D, cent H/AC, big
fenced yard, 1.5 miles to UF. $500/mo
Available now until July 31. Call 352-219
1561 4-20-6-3

1 to 4 BRs avail in 4BR apt. May thru July, W,
D, 2 blks from campus & bars, $470/mcoes
OBO. Call Michael 352-359-0065 4-20-6-3

$350/mo all utils incl. Avail now til Aug. Call,
954-471-7119 4-20-6-3

Summer sublease: Camelot Apartments
2 bpd/2 bath, furnished, poolside. Close tc
campus, law school, on bus routes. Avail
May-Aug. Call Danielle 352-359-169t.4-

2BR/1BA apt in Summit House. 5 minute
walk to campus. Avail May-end of June.
Option to renew lease. $420/mo 359-8130 or
328-8801 4-20-6-3

May -Aug. Courtyards. Price negotiable, incl
everything. Walk to class. Quiet roommates.
954-295-4002 4-20-6-3

Desperate Will Sacrifice! 1/1 in big 4/4 @
The Exchange. May Aug. Furnished, utili-
ties, ethernet, W/D incl. I pay $500; you pay
$400/OBO. 305-519-5055 4-20-5-3

1 or 2BR in 3BR at Greeenwich, rent/
wireless/utils $325/mo. May July. W/D. RTS
12/35. Call Danielle 305-495-2251 4-20-5-3

fully furn, 1 BR/1 BA, room C. Vaulted ceilings,
cool roommates! NEGOTIABLE PRICE. Call
786-797-7717 for more info. 4-20-5-3

3 blocks behind Swamp.
1 BR out of 2BR apt, May Aug, flex
Wood floors, fully furn 4-20-5-3

Furnished, pool, 2 blks to campus. 1 BR.
Call Mike 352-339-3539!

Lexington Crossing sublease. 1BR/BA in
a 4BR/BA apt, furnished. Girls only! Great
roommates, clean apt. Available May thru
mid Aug. Only $350/month. Call 352-223-
5372 4-20-5-3

$150/mo off &Aug Rent FREE!
1/1 in F 4/4, everything incl, On rt 9, 34, Later
Gator B. Avail summer A, B or C. $300/mo,
Kendle at 352-216-1999 4-20-5-3

Sublet May-July. 2 rms avail NE Gville house.
$250 + 1/3 bills. Rent 1 or both. Backyard
w/picnic table, grill & firepit. Cable & wire-
less. W/D. Easy bike toUF. Furn/unfurn opt
Isadora 682-1112, Chris 281-5270 4-20-5-3

Sublease at Gainesville Place 1BR/1BA in
4BR/4BA. Avail starting May $450/mo OBO.
Fully furn, utils incL Call Tyler 352-427-1391
Two blocks from LAW school. 1BR/1BA
*study room in a 3BR house. $350/mo + 1/-
utilities. Serious roommates. Call 352-37.'
9751 4-20-5-3

ROOMMATE NEEDED (summer sublease)
Pvt room in 3BR/2BA house
Bike to UF (2 mi from campus)
Call Kellan at 386-397-0951 4-20-5-3

Courtyards, furnished, utilities included. Ma
til.August 352-871-2742 4-20-5-3

All summer available. Price negotiable. 2 OL
of14 suites avail. Call Jamie or liana 305-934
2758 or 305-742-5263 4-20-5-3

1 BR/1 BA $490/MO "'
2 blocks from campus
Call 871-1577 4-20-5-3

Walk 1o :ilas5 Summer sub Huge 1BR/1BA.
Pool, v'eD *a-in. iri coe cable ,nternet.
Museum Walk. $300 price neg. Call 941-
238-7118. 4-20-5-3

Continued on next page.

a a bo I


I Subleases

1 or both rooms in 2BR downtown apt.
Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF
& library. $350/mo. Pets ok. Call 262-1351

1 .oom in 4BR/4BA fully furn apt. Clean,
friendly, female roommates. Balcony, near
pool, W/D. $330/mo. Avail immediately.
Lease renewable. Call 703-987-3933 4-

2BR/1BA. $515/mo. Avail May 1st Aug 1st.
378-6708 4-20-4-3

Summer sublease @ The Exchange. I1BR/
1BA in 4BR/4BA. Rent negotiable. Very
dcean apt. Everything included. Extra room
also available. Call Nicole @ 407-927-5241, 4-20-4-3

AUGUST RENT FREE University Commons.
$290/mo, May Aug, W/D, cable, furn,
vaulted ceilings, female please contact 305-
766-1257 or flip01 4-20-4-3

University Glades 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA for
May-Aug 05. Fully furnished includes util &
internet & big TV. Aug rent already paid. $435
per month. Call 734-385-6214 5-10-5-3

1BR/1BA in 4BR/2BA apt in Sterling Univ.
Glades. Fully furn, big screen TV. 5 min
from UF. 24 hr gym, Need to sublease ASAP.
From May Aug. $430/mo. Call 514-2581

$400/mo negotiable. The Landings. 11 ft x
14 ft. Bedroom everything incl. Free tanning,
sports courts, poolhouse, Summer. Furniture
available 954-290-8087 4-20-4-3

SPACIOUS 1BR/1BA apt. Large walk-in
closet, close to campus on Sorority Row, 1
& 43 bus routes. $395/mo inci water. Pets
welcome. 352-281-9411 4-20-4-3

Great backyard & furnished. $250/mo/room.
Contact us-at 407-375-2503 or 407-592-
3295 4-20-4-3

2 rooms @ University Commons 4/2 apt.
$385/mo. each, incd util & cable. Avail now-
Aug. Call 954-895-0884 or 904-377-9346
CLOSE TO UF. 4-20-4-3

6inc7or just $380/mo. Including utils, internet,
cable, etc. @ Lexington Crossing. Great bus
route. Call Terri @ 904-534-2729 or 352-271-
1599 4-20-4-3

R Roommates
Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866

Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second walk
to UF. Old house charm with all amenities.
Avail Now. $400- up. 352-538-2181.Lv mes-
sage. Private Owner 4-20-71-4

Female roommates wanted brand new 2100
sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to
UF. Internet, HBO- cable, sec alarm & utils
incl $525/mo.Avail Fall. Call Jacqueline 352-
395-7462 or 941-780-3526 4-20-71-4

Sublets and Rooms Available
All Florida Areas; All Major Cities
Browse available Rooms FREE!
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-4

M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to
rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi
to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry $425+ utils
336-5450 or 954-646-1341 4-20-71-4

Grad, uppperclassman, or prof to share spa-
cious new 3BR/2BA house. Internet & cable
incl. Must be neat, clean & responsible. $450
or 425/mo + 1/2 utils. Short or long term
avail. 262-3989 4-20-38-4

2BR/1 BA SW 5th Ave by Credit Union/
Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF.
Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + half
util. Quiet/considerate F/M? Call 337-9746

51| Roommates

Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from
13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep,
NS, no pets. Contact or
leave message at 352-870-7256 4-20-28-4-

1 Female, responsible, NS, student wanted
for 3BR/2BA house. A/C, W/D, pet friendly,
close to UF & SFCC, 1st & last mo rent.
$300/mo + 1/3 utils. Call Liz 352-339-5463

2BR avail in 4BR/4BA condo in Countryside.
W/D in apt, 32" TV, walk-in closets, pool,
gym, e-net $400/mo incl electric & cable.
1 MONTH FREE W/LEASE 305-944-3600

Large house w/pool, wood floors, big rooms.
2BRs available Aug 1st. Wireless. $450/mo-
+ utils ea. Corey 904-234-5214 or 352-373-
9015 4-15-20-4

Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious
condo w/2 female UF students. NW 55th
St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763

Female(s) for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house near UF,
Shands & VA. Pets ok, furn opt. Avail now.
Jennifer 371-6228 please leave message.
4-18-16-4 -.

2M roommates needed for 3BR Millpond
twnhs fully furn; king beds, hi spd net,
cable, W/D, pool, near UF, on UF bus rt,
$450 & 1/3 util, Chris 407-340-8585 or email 4-20-18-4

2 Female Roommates in 4/2 house in quLiet
NW neighborhood, large yard, sunroom.
NS/drug. Must be clean and responsible
-$400 + 1/4 util. Email

NS, mature, responsible, upper classman or
grad student for own room & bath in large
quiet home only 8 blocks north of campus.
Rent inci all utils, W/D, wireless & cable.
$500/mo 727-433-0229 4-20-16-4

Roommate Wanted:
Large 2/1 apartment on 13th next to Norman
Hall. $320/mo plus 1/2 utilities, lease from
July July. Female preferred, cool person
required. 514-6408 or

Loft BR $250/mo big old house in NW.
Remodeled, hardwood firs, new kitchen &
baths, great yard, close to UF. Great room-
mates, DSL, good parking. Stephanie 371-
9409 6-9-15-4

Female roommate needed for NW 39th Ave
home. $475/mo, all utilities incl, internet, fully
furnished, private BR, W/D. Avail. ASAP 870-
5291 4-20-15-4

Room in NW home. $325/mo incl'utils &
DSL. No pets, mature male non-drinker/ -
smoker. Avail 5/1/05 (flex) Scott 335-8209
4-15-10-4 -

M/F NS grad student/prof for room in 3BR/
2BA house near Vet School & Shands. Lease
expires 7/31. $350/mo neg + 1/3 utils. Call
Josh 372-0860 4-20-12-4

Own BR/BA in 2BR townhouse. $375/mo +
1/2 utils. W/D, hi-spd internet, M or F. Avail
May 1. 305-962-6102 4-20-11-4

2/2 avail in beautiful large house located in
quiet neighborhood. Avail for the summer
beginning May 1. Call 352-246-4519 or 352-
-376-4421. N/S, neat, preferred. 6-2-19-4

Rockwood Villas
Female wanted for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA
starting May. Furnished, W/D, wireless high
spd internet, pool. $450/mo. Util incl. 352-
377-6865 4-20-10-4

M or F to share house for summer and/or fall.
Move in ASAP. Furnished, includes all ame-
nities. 2 mi to UF. $500/mo inci everything.
352-378-0329 4-20-10-4

Female for own BR in nice 3BR house
off NW 8th Ave, 3 mi from UF on bus rte.
Tile/hardwood, fenced yard, $300/mo + 1/3
GRU & HS Internet digital cable, avail May
1,381-5597 4-20-10-4

iB RRoommates Roimmates -

F vet student seeking F, NS for brand new
fully furn 2BR/2BA home. Avail immed.
Optional renewal for fall. $425/mo + 1/2
utils. Call 561-707-1503 or

Room in 2.2 in Sparrow Condos on Tower
Rd. $375 flat rate incl utils, DSL, sat TV &
phone. Private bath & balcony. Girls only.
352-359-2382 or 4-15-5-4

VERY LARGE. Furnished large 3BR/3BA
house. Utilities included sUMMER SESSION
$450/BR 3806 SW 2nd Ave. 1 block from
Newberry Rd w/in 1 mi from UF. 407-363-
7198, call 407-234-1380 4-20-8-4

Looking for roommate to rent master BR in
nice, clean, relaxed environment. New wood
floors & appliances, no move-in or applica-
tion fees. $350 + 1/3 utils. Call Ryan 850- :
261-3571 4-20-8-4-

.Girls only 2 rooms May 1st to July 31st
each w/pvt baths. Cent AC, W/D, cable incl.
Internet ready. $350/mo each. Call 352-472-
9778, 305-299-3485 4-15-5-4

Female roommate needed for 3BR/2BA
house in NW Gville. Pets welcome.
Everything inci $350/mo. Hispd inet, cable,
W/D & more. Please call Misty @ 321-624-
9014 or a-mail 4-20-

fully furn. (All brand new), pool, gym, F room-
mate needed. N/S, serious student. $425/mo
1/2 utils (free ethernet) Lv msg 786-246--
3049 4-20-7-4:

Female roommate for furn rm avail now in
2BR/2BA house 2 mi from UF. New bathroom
& kitchen. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. Call 352-256-
1053 4-20-7-4

Need 4 rommates 5 min from Mall. Master
BR $390/mo, $325 for other BRs. Part furn.
Lots of amenities. Call Ben @ 225-1892 4-

Beautiful home in trees on quiet street near
UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen fire-
place, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, W/D,
cent A/C, Ig yard, cats welcome. $340 +
utils. 352-271-8711 4-20-7-4

2 rooms avail this summer in a nice 4/2
house near law school, $350/room plus
utilities OBO. Please call ,850-510-4063,
352-328-4633 or e-mail

Female roommate, NS, prefer serious stu-
dent, share 2BR/2BA 3rd floor condo near
Shands. Private balcony, pool, W/D in unit,
partially furn. Walking distance to UF. $420 +
1/2 utilities. Call 352-262-4011 4-18-5-4

Male to share 2BR/2BA condo. All utils
incl, minutes to UF, $400/mo. 561-317-
4738 4-20-8-4

Need 2 N/S females roommates
New 1700 sf 3BR, 2BA house
$400/mo + 1/3 utilities
Available now, call 283-6279 4-20-5-4

Professional or student prefer female to
share ranch home in G'ville about 10-15 min
drive to UF or SFCC. Furn common areas.
$400/mo. Avail end of April or May. Call 352-
262-4829 4-20-6-4

XX Walk to UF XX
1 BR available now'- 12/31, 2005
Share 1700 sf luxury home
w/2 engineering grad students.
$450/mo, 1/3 util call 283-6279 4-20-5-4

Quiet non-smoking college age roommate
wanted from Aug to April 06 Rent $375 per
month. Call local 352-376-4250 or call cell
904-994-6764 5-24-10-4

Summer sublease $375/mo w/util avail May
1 July 31. Female roommate for large furn
1BR in 4/2 off 16th Ave. Maria @ 283-3538
or email 5-10-6-4

F roommate-for newly remodeled 4BR/4BA
University Terrace apt. Close to UP & Butler
Plaza. Pool, great parking, hi-spd internet,.
W/D, walk-in closet. $325/mo + utils. Avail
summer & fall. 305-479-0935 4-20-5-4

1BR in nice 2 story house on NW side
W/D & 2 .porches $450/mo incl everything.
M/F. Current roommates like music fests &
Phish. Call Ricky 336-1409 short/long lease.

$350 + 1/3 utils, huge room
Private bath, W/D, poiol
Rockwood Villas, Avail June 1st.'
Isaac 514-0767 or Joe 514-6561 6-16-17-4

M/F, NS, needed to share 2BR/2.5BA
Southfork Oaks townhome. (near Target)
Unfurn master BR w/own BA avail. W/D.
No pets. $347/mo + 1/2 utils. No lease. Call
Evan 335-9714 4-20-5-4

2 roommates needed $300/mo 3BR/2BA, 1
acre fenced, must like pets, quiet neighbor-
hood, lease starts in June. Call 352-281-
9214 4-20-5-4

Roommate Needed
Private Bed/Bath
$399, everything included
Call 352-379-9300 4-20-5-4

2 females looking for a 3rd in a beautiful
3BR/3BA condo located in prime residential
area. 15 min from UF. Close to park-n-ride.
Lg kit & Ivg rm, patio, inet, cable TV & W/D,
community pool $450/mo 727-399-0574

2 share 2BR downtown apt. Newly remod-
eled. Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/
mo. Month to month or longer lease okay.
Pets okay. Call 262-1351 4-20-5-4

Spacious 1BR/1BA available in a 2BR/2BA
house. MILLPOND. Across street from
GHFC. Living room, kitchen, FL room, gar-
den. Avail 7/05. $550/mo. Looking for female
student or working prof. Call 305-905-2289,
352-380-2726 4-20-4-4

1 female needed for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA
@ Countryside. $425/mo incl utils, cable,
internet, furn, Avail June. Call 727-510-9346

1BR in 2'story furnished house in-nice NW
neighborhood close to UF. Washer & dryer.
in house. Rent $350/mo. Call Mike 316-3930

* Real Estate 9

Sell .your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find

Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 4-20-71-5

looking to buy or lease houses in this area.
Any size, price or condition. 352-264-7347
or visit us at

The Flavor of New Orleans comes to cam-
pus. Luxurious St. Charles Condominiums.
1 block to UF. Choose from 2BR/2BA flats,-
or view the University from your 3BR/3BA
townhouse. Prices starting in-the $180's 375-
8256 4-20-71-5

Plenty of properties are available.
Call Marc J.'Nakleh at Campus Realty
352-235-1576 4-20-68-5

Existing condos & luxury-condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit or call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus
Realty Group 4-20-52-5

Save Thousandss When You Buy Now.
FREE LIST of Great Local Condos.
Campus Realty Group

Real Estate

tures a customized kitchen, bath & balcony,
convt to UF, Shands, VA & mall. Amp. pking.
$73,800 352-222-2942
dgmatt45 4-20-28-5

Townhouse 3BR/2BA. Close to UF. On bus -
rt. Quiet location. Dish/W, W/D, tile kitchen,
living/dining area. Fenced backyard. Pool.
$140,000 352-284-6154 4-20-26-5

Great Homes Near UF
STOP Renting. Own Your Home.
FREE LIST of Campus Area Homes
Campus Realty Group

HOUSE on spring-fed pvt lake in Keystone
Hgts. 2/2, large lot. Avail now. $129,950. Call
379-0619 4-20-20-5

Lease-to-own or owner financing. 3BR/
2.5BA, 2091 sq ft. 3.86 acres, block &
stucco, fireplace, $2150/mo + down. Owner
licensed realtor Michael Quinones 376-2433.

FOR SALE Nice 3BR/2BA home. Built in 94.
Fenced in backyard. Near 34th st and 39th
Ave intersection. $199,000 352-214-5601

Cute 2BR/1BA condo near Kanapaha Park.
Tile kitchen, dining, living room, fenced
backyard. $89,500. Call 352-380-0679 or
904-612-5806 4-15-4-5

For sale 3BR/3BA Rockwood Villas Condo,
tile kitchen, Ivg room dining & BA, across
from pool, guest parking, great location &
investment! $157,500, 352-336-3264 or 752-
256-8963 4-20-5-5

2BR/2.5BA screened porch, paddle fans,
laundry room, gas heat & hot water. Call
for appointment 375-8600 broker/owner

Cabins, Acreage & Investments. Cherokee
Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy Call for
Free Brochure (800)841-5868._4-15-1-5

downI Tax repos and bankruptcies! No Credit
O.K. $0 to low down. For listings (800)501-
.1777 ext. 1299. 4-15-1-5

LAKE VIEW BARGAIN $29,900. Free boat
slip! High elevation, beautifully wooded par-
cel. Across from national forest on 35,000
acre recreational lake in TN. Paved roads, u/
g utils, central water, sewer, more. Excellent
financing. Call now (800)704-3154, ext. 608.
Sunset Bay, LLC. 4-15-1-5

LAND WANTED. Land Investment com-
pany seeks, large acreage in Florida and
Georgia. Interested in waterfront, timber,
and agricultural lands. Must have road
frontage or good access. Cash buyer with
quick'.closings. Call (877)426-2326 or e-mail: 4-15-1-5

COASTAL GEORGIA- Water access,
marshfront homesites. Gated com-
munity, tennis, golf, kayaking & ca-
noeing. Preconstruction discounts,
limited time. From mid-70's. (877)266-7376 4-15-1-5.

"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

a l


|ll Real Estate I ull Furnishings

Furnishings 3 Gi l Bicycles otorccesMoeped

$230/MO. Upscale Golf Community set
amid Dye designed 18 hole course in
Carolina Mountains. Breathtaking views.
Near Asheville NC. A sanctioned Golf Digest
Teaching Facility! Call toll-free (866)334-
3253 ext 832
Price: $59,900, 10% down, balance financed
12 months at 4.49% fixed, one year balloon,
OAC. 4-15-1-5

CI Furnishings

BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pil-
low-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new,
still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-372-
7490 will deliver. 4-20-71-6

mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call
352-377-9846 4-20-71-6

Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550(352-372-7490 4-20-71-6

BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name -brand, new, never
been. used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 4-

CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 4-20-





BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 4-20-71-6

SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846

DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 4-20-

FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell
$199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6

BedsOFull mattress & boxspring sets
$490Qn sets $89OSingle sets $39OKing
sets $990From estate sale: Safe pine
bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. Call a
Mattress 4370 SW 20th Ave 4-20-71-6

SALEI 2 black couches, matching coffee
table, huge black & brown desk, 2 extra-
long twin size beds, brand new W/D. Prices
negotiable. Call 954-540-0344 4-20-9-6

* FUTON black & wood
Call 813-624-2946 4-20-8-6

Washer/Dryer Kenmore
Deluxe white. $285 318-3721 or 332-0602:

















O 0

a- ><5

- e e,


a I

* e

* .

r re

Dresser $35, queen sz bed $60, 19" Color
TV $40, Window AC 8000 BTU $75, dorm
fridge sm $40, VHS movie camera $65, din-
ing room chairs 2 for $25, lawnmower $60,
electric mower $60, Call 335-5326 4-18-6-6
Entire apartment of furniture for sale! Couch,
chair w/ottoman, dining room, queen bed,
dresser w/mirror, bookcase and morel Will
take reas offers. 407-761-7761 4-20-7-6

In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.
Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Towni
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 4-20-69-9

Living Room & Bedroom Furniture. Call 305-
632-6187 4-20-7-6

MOVING FOR SALE Grey sofa, 2 match-
ing glass end tables, desk, entertainment
center, 20" TV w/remote. MUST GO BY
SATURDAY! 352-333-7544 eves. 4-15-3-6
-FURNITUREI Living room and bedroom
furniture for sale. Used but in great condition.
Must sell! Call 284-8182 4-19-4-6
MOVING SALE bedroom set, leather
couches, new appliances, and more. Great
condition and Great Prices. Please call Mike
at 352-376-7888 4-20-4-6

C$mA+ rrputer EE

W'- w e -te- Ho Us td

Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $10 Gator Discount.
M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 8-23-170-7 .

*G'ville Computer Repair Inc*
Service on all PC MAC and Networks 1204
NW 13th St Ste #10 352-337-2500. 4-20-
Complete residential & commercial support,
networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 4-20-71-7

Buy & sell. Looking for quantity for parts. 336-0075 4-20-71-7
Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street

Compute/Internet 352.219.2980

computer/laptop repair
networks, wireless, virus
we BEAT all prices! t "
home/dorm 352-219-2980 4-20-66-7
Problem! You're approved. Guaranteed. No
Credit Check Checking account required.
(800)507-4855 Blue Hippo Funding Call now
for free bonus. 4-15-1-7

Electronics .

722 S. Main I The Red Bldg

Police Seized! From $10! Info: 800-749-8128
ext M974 4-20-31-8

o -

cludes standard installation. 3 MONTHS
FREE 50+ Premium Channels. Access to
over 225 channels Limited tima offer. S&H.
-Restrictions Apply. (866)500-4056. 4-15-1-8

Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 4-20-71-10
PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar
supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional cooking utensils.
R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 4-20-71-10
Come see what's new! GCM thrift shops
downtown 238 SW 4th Ave, NW 5001 NW
34th St. Get more bang for your $! New items.
daily Mon Sat 378-3654 4-20-43-10
"College Survival Tips" e-book. Download
with credit card or e-check; or pay by check
and receive in e-mail. Only $8 at www.realti 4-18-11-10

Brand new cymbols. Must sell soon!
$450/OBO. Call Jason @ 661-816-9811.
"MOVING" downfilled sectional SOFA,
CONDO 2BR, custom dining rm TABLE, call
352-871-5692 4-20-5-10

* Roof top carrier (locking) --Thule 667
Excur.13 cu.ft. fits round, square, and fact.
bars. $175 OBO;
* Lexmark Z715 Printer $20; eView 17f3
Monitor $100 OBO 352-378-1443 4-20-5-10
Olympic weight set cost $500, sell for $250.
Additional free weights ranging from 10-100
lbs. Asking 20 cents per lb. Floor mats for
$50. 359-3751 or 374-4592 4-20-5-10
STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals Save
$$$. 40 x 60' to 100 x 200'. Example: 50
x 100 x 12' = $3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885 4-15-1-10
BUILDING SALE! "Built To Last/Priced
To Sell!" Economical all steel arch style.
Best for wind/snow. Many sizes/shapes.
Pioneer (800)668-5422. Since 1980. 4-15-1-10
From Manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with
all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery
Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. 4-15-
$800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All for
$9,995. (800)814-6323 B02000033. CALL
US: We will note undersold! 4-15-1-10
#1 CASH COW! 90 Vending Machine Hd.
You approve Loc's-$10,670 (800)836-3464
Save! Full Body units from $22 a month!
FREE Color Catalog .CALL TODAY!
(800)842-1305' 4-15-
Certification Office/Warehouse, Shop/
Garage, Arena/Barn, Hangers. A plant near
you! Will beat any price or $205. 800)993-
4660, 4-15-1-10

Motorcycles, Mopeds)

Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974

Swamp Cycles
Electric Bikes, Scooters, and more!
Prices from $450 with 1 yr warranty
534 SW 4th Ave. 373-8823 4-20-70-11

New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. All models & directions avail on web-
site. 6-16-12-11

Running or Not, Titles orNot.
352-495-7769 Please leave message

Scooters from $599. Largest section
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen. & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 8-15-43-11
Good condition. Great for getting to and from
school 11,800 miles. $1300/OBO. Call 278-
0174 4-20-11-11

Scooter MZ125R 2004
Great condition, only 1200 miles. No oil mix-
ing. $1400 495-3286 4-18-5-11

2002 Moskito MZ scooter 50cc Regularly
serviced & well-maintained 2400 km.
Automatic oil mixture. Yellow $800 Call 352-
682-8683 4-20-5-11

Motorcycle Wanted
750cc cruiser or larger, will trade laptop PC
plus cash. Joel 336-0075 4-20-4-11

U1 Autos 3 :

*Running or not!*
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
*Call Don @ 215-7987 4-20-71-12

CARS -CARS Buy*SellSTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toybta, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St.

Running or Not 1990 & up only
Call Ray 352-284-8619

2715 N MAIN 377-1616

Best Cars Lowest Prices

**Power windows don't work?**
On site available
Call Steve 338-5142.

Bring your W2 & drive home today. Cash
cars as low as $1000. No credit check. Call
now 338-1999 4-20-63-12

We finance anyone! $2000 discount offiJi-
nance price. More than 150 vehicles in stock.
Call 338-1999 Drive today! 4-20-63-12

All vehicles $0 down & up! Plus +++ 30 day
warranty eng & trans. No credit check. Call
338-1999 4-20-63-12

Continued on next page.

. -0 .2




'88 Honda Accord $699
'86 Buick LeSabre $799
'88 Toyota Corolla $899.
'90 Acura Legend $999
(352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12

'90 Chevy Lumina Van $1499
'93 Chevy Blazer $1499
'90 Ford F-150 $2499
'93 Chrysler New Yorker $1999
(352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12

1991 MIATA
Racing green convertible w/tan interior.
Perfect condition. If interested call 379-0619

Automatic, AC, new paint, CD, 83k, $1950.
Call 352-871-6979 4-20-12-12

A/C, AM/FM/CD, sunroof. Runs & handles
great. No mechanical problems, 84k miles.
$4900/OBO. Moving out-of-state. Must sell
now. Call 352-425-1022 4-20-12-12

1992 Buick Lesabre, AC, runs very well,
clean, oil changed, 128k
Call Gilles @ 352-359-7689 4-20-9-12

Gold Edition, red, new sound system, 2-
10" subs, V-8, tinted windows, 64k miles.
Excellent condition, well maintained.
$14,500. Call 375-1010. 4-18-7-12

Loaded. Excellent condition. Champaigne
$6200 NEG. 336-8099 4-20-6-12

DODGE RAM TRUCK blue 1997 great
condition bench seat seat blue book value
$5,600. Asking $4900 or best offer Moving
to Europe for senior yr. Must sell ASAP 352-
871-5692 4-20-5-12

| Wanted

JEWELRY. 373-9243 4-20-71-13

On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.

Help Wanted 1

This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving'out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings

m the independent florida


Enthusiastic, positive attitude, detail
oriented, organized individual needed to co-
6rdinate daily office procedures. Must work
well under pressure meeting daily deadlines.
Possess excellent customer service skills.
Duties include some procedural training with
a constantly changing student sales staff.
Modest salary, good benefits, and excel-
lent working environment. With resume,
send cover letter that must include salary
requirements for you to be considered for
an interview. Send to Assistant General
Manager, The Independent Florida Alligator,
P6B 14257, Gainesville, FL, 32604. No
phone calls please. EOE.

D111 Help Wanted

the independent florida


What's black and white and
"read" all over???
The Independent Florida Alligator
And you can be part of the sales team of
the largest college newspaper in the
country by applying to become and
(this is a non-paid position
requiring 12-15 hours per week, possibly
leading to a paid sales position.)
If you are a UF or SFCC student
eager to gain valuable sales experience
stop by the Alligator, 1105 W. University
Avenue, to fill out an application and *
class schedule by Mon, April 18th. We will
contact you for an interview opportunity to
get your career jump-started! EEO/AA

Sthe independent florida

allig ator

Evening Newpaper Production
Applications are now being accepted for edi-
torial production at the Independent Florida
Alligator. Applicants should be available two
to three nights a week between 6:00 pm and
1 am, Sunday through Thursday. Production
duties include layout and design. Experience
is preferred on software applications, Adobe
Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat. A
one-year commitment is expected. Please
include references and availability on ap-

All previous applicants are encouraged to
reapply. Fill out application at the front desk
of the Alligator, 1105 W. University Ave.
between 9am and 4pm, M-F. Ask for the
production application. Equal Opportunity

the independent florida


needed at The Independent Florida Alligator.
Applicants must be enrolled for summer
semester (UF or SFCC) for at lease 3 credit
hours. Customer service skills a must. Good
spelling, typing & basic math very help-
ful. Comfortable working with computers.
Know Adobe InDesign.or willing to learn
Clean appearance. Friendly, people'-person.
Approximately 10-12 hrs/wk: Mon, Wed & Fri
mornings. (Position available w/flex hrs for
fall also. Must plan to be enrolled min 6 credit
hours). Apply in person at The Independent
Florida Alligator, 1105 W University Ave. 8-5,
Mon-Fri. Equal Opportunity Employer

Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref.
for details. 4-20-71-14

Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $5.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 4-20-71-4

CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 4-20-71-14

Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 4-

Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at
employment 4-20-68-14

Help Wanted

University of Florida
Survey Research Center
392-2908 ext. 105
$7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training
Nights + Weekends
Telephone Interviewing NO SALES
Must work summer breaks.
408 W. University Ave Suite #106

For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 4-

FT or PT, flexible schedules. Call 2-5pm 378-
2442 or come in and fill out an application-
@ California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St
Mon-Fri 4-20-71-14

No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 4-20-71-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254

AUDITORS for local growing inventory
service. FT/PT, DFWP. Paid training. Call

Mortgage lender has sales positions avail
for college students seeking prof work exp.
$8-9/hr + bonus. No exp req'd, flex hrs. Apply
in person btwn 4-8pm Mon-Fri 1900 SW 34
St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union)4-20-

World's largest pizza delivery company now
* Delivery Drivers
* Pizza makers
* Phone order takers

$9 $14/hr
All you need is a reliable car & a very positive
attitude. Apply @ any of the 5 Domino's loca-
tions in Gainesville. 4-20-70-14

Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making &
smoking. If interested come to the psychol-
ogy bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297
Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here &
students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr
with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105
NW 16th St. 4th Floor. Academic Classroom
Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info.

Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company w/advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156 5-19-63-14

Co-Ed Camp
Seven Weeks
Room and Board Included

The Florida Elks Youth Camp (FEYC) needs
male and female Summer Canip Counselors
ages 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight camp
located off of Highway 450 in Umatilla, FL
The camp runs June 6 July 23. Please
contact Krys Ragland at 1-800-523-1673 ext.
250 or 352-669-9443 ext 250. 4-20-58-14

Earn $15-$125 and more per survey

Web developer wanted. HTML, CSS,
motivated. 1 year minimum, portfolio a
must, graphic skills preferred. Contact 4-20-42-14

Leasing Consultant, FT, PT
Energetic Attitude
Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO
220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 4-20-22-14

Runner for law firm
Experienced only, must own vehicle, PT,
M-F, 12 5:30, fax resume to 352-376-4645

Camp Counselors Needed at Camp Wekiva
in Wekiva Springs State Park, Apapka FL
A residential, Environmental Camp. Boys
- June 7-25, Girls June 25-July 23 Contact 4-19-20-14.

Hiring KITCHEN STAFF. Apply between 2 &_
4 pm, Mon Fri, CALICO JACKS 3501 SW
2nd Ave. Creekside Mall. 4-20-20-14

RGIS Inventory Specialists
seeking part-time auditors
Starting wage $8.00 per hour
Apply at 4-20-20-14


* Help Wanted J

Flash programmer wanted. Animation action
script, graphic experience, portfolio a must,
1 year minimum. Contact

Donate Plasma & Save a Life

Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St.

Web Programmer asp,, vb script,
c#, SQL knowledge. E-mail resume to 4-20-43-14

Private dance co. Great for students. Great
pay, fast cash & flexible hours. Call to start
today! 378-3312 5-19-30-14

College Credit Possible $672/wk
888-362-2635 ext 251 for more info. 4-20-

WANTED: PT barn help in exchange for liv-
ing accommodations. Exp neededed. Micanopy
area. Silber Ridge Stables 352-361-1454

Park Place Car, Wash looking for hard
workers all positions. Cashiers (full day
availability) & line workers. (am 8:30-1 & pm
12-6 shifts avail) 15-40hrs your choice. Great
work environment. Apply: 7404 NW4th Blvd.
By Home Depot. No phone calls please. 4-

experience while having the summer of a
lifetime. Counselors,- needed for Outdoor
Adventure, Arts, Aquatics & more in the
Pocono Mtns of Pennsylvania. Apply on line
@ 4-20-26-14

Customer Service rep wanted.
MS Office Experience required.
Permanent Full-Time Position.
Contact: Jackson Industries,
4001 Newberry Rd, E4, GvI or 5-24-30-14

Girl Scout Camp hiring counselors, life-
guards, nurses, boating instructor, arts/crafts
director, equestrian staff. Min age 18. Salary
+ meals & housing. 8 wks, 5/30 7/23.
Call 800-347-2688 or email EOE 4-18-


Groundskeepers FT, PT
Custodial duties/Apt Maint
Transportation req. DFWP EEO
220 N Main 375-2152 x301 4-20-22-14

IM Help Wanted

is now hiring good tennis players for the
four weeks in June. Only quality players
need apply. Excellent Pay, working
approx. 9 hours per day. Camp is held
on UF Campus, using Ring Complex and
the Flavet Courts. If interested, please
call M.B. Chafin, Camp Director, at
392-3538, or in the evenings 376-8030.
If no answer, please leave message. 4-20-

Local Web Development Firm with fun,
team-based enthusiastic environment
seeks summer interns for project manage-
ment and sales depts. Email resume to 4-20-18-14

The YMCA is now hiring enthusiastic staff
members to fill positions in the following
areas: Afterschool counselors, summer
camp counselors, sports camp counselors,
gymnastics instructors, program directors,
group cycling instructors, customer service
personnel, weekend activities staff, dance
instructors/director, lifeguards/swim instruc-
tors, soccer referees, bus drivers and more.
Hiring at multiple locations throughout North
Central Florida. Apply in person at 5201 NW
34th St. Gainesville, FI 32605. Interviews
begin immediately, so apply today! 4-20-

Now accepting applications for Resident
Assistant and apprentice Resident Assistant
positions for the SUMMER 2005 Semester.
Applications are available from Kathy Smith
in the Department of Housing and Residence
Eductaion-Office, and are due by 4:00pm on
Monday, April 18, 2005. For further informa-
tion contact Kathy Smith at 392-2171 ext

hrs/day available, flexible availability. Must
be organized & responsible. Email resume: 4-15-11-14


James Albert


Black Male
(DOB 10117/77); 5'11",
145 Ibs, Black Hair,
Brown Eyes
Wanted for:
2 Felony Violations of
Probation Warrants for
Burglary of an Occupied
Dwelling, and Lewd and
Lascivious Battery.


Call (352) 372-STOP


* .1 Help Wanted

Holiday Inn University Center Hotel has
immediate opening for the following: AM
Concierge/banquet setup. Apply in person.
Mon Fri 8AM-5PM. 4-20-14-14

Hiring for summer rush. Orange & Blue
Textbooks is seeking PT/FT help for upcom-
ing semester rush. Good people skills & reg-
ister. Exp pref. Stop by store @ 309 NW 13th
St. for details & appt. 4-19-12-14
30 Openings
Great pay! Flex schedules.
Sales/Svc, all ages 18+. Conditions Apply

Your own hours. Extensive project. Reply: 4-20-12-14

Excellent starting pay. Work around
classes.Resume builder. Start immed. All
ages 18+. Cond Apply.Call now! 335-1422

Now hiring COOKS & CASHIERS Archer Rd
location 4-20-12-14
Apply in person. Pinch-A-Penny. Both loca-
tions. 372-4489 & 332-2933 4-20-11-14 ,

Condominium association. FT. Ability to
work plumbing, drywall, carpentry, painting
& lawn care. Drug- & smoke-free workplace.
Fax resume to 352-332-6697 4-20-11-14

** iij = l



Security Staff Needed Nowl
$6.00/hr Now $6.75/hr Summer
Help residence halls be safe.
Info and applications available
at housing office near Beaty.
392-2161 x 10125 for more info.

GREAT OPPORTUNITY for psych, special
ed, or applied behavior majors. Gain experi-
ence in autism intervention w/ 19-yr old. 1
yr commitment. Contact for hours & pay
details. 256-2002. Fax resume to 375-4268

Work in Cancun
Now hiring Summer Staff, Sales Reps
877-725-0705 ext 903 4-20-10-14

We need .students to assist with critical
reading, editing, customer service & re-
search. This is a great way to learn while
you earn. We have a great success rate of
employees who pass the CPA exam on the
first try. Applicants Must be detail-oriented,
enthusiastic, and possess .good written and
communication skills. We provide flexible
hours & career opportunites.Email resume to 4-20-10-14

Help Wanted Sales Wed Sun, 30-35 hrs,
some college necess. Sales -exp or wait exp
pref. Hourly + commission. Must work week-
ends in fall. Clean-cut, neat appearance. No
phone calls please. Apply in person 1614
NW 13th St Ask for Chuck 4-20-9-14





U) -

~is ~


* -



1 --



Art, Art Ed, Graphics, Arch
Hand lettering, PT a few hrs/wk. Close to UF.
Short resume $6.50/hr starts summer term.
Reply P 0 Box 286, Gainesville, FL 32602

Helper, yard work, painting, cleaning. A few
hrs per week. Close to UF. Start summer
term..$6.00 per hr to start. Reply to P 0 Box
286, Gainesville, FL 32602 4-20-9-14

Great for college students. Flexible hours.
Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-15--

National Snack Company seeks traveling
salespeople calling on groceries throughout
FL. Great $, advancements + flex time com-
mit. Call 941-504-2855 4-20-9-14

PT 15 hrs/wk. $6.00/hr. ADA'S CLOTHES
REPAIR. 284-2959 4-15-5-14 -

Come beat the heat with us. Looking for
high energy. Apply within. Located next to
the Swamp on Univ Ave. Ask for Todd. 4-
15-5-14 -

IT position available. Students with com-
puter experience preferred.
For more information, please contact with resume. 4-15-5-14

Communications Specialist,
Application Deadline: April 21, 2005

For additional information visit
or call Human Resources at 352-395-5185

DRIVERS NEEDED Can earn anywhere between
$8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule.
Call Dave for info: 379-9600 4-20-8-14

SECRETARY NEEDED is looking for personable,
responsible, enthusiastic, fun people.
Customer svc exp helpful. For more info call
David 379-3663 4-20-8-14

FLYER DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED is looking for energetic,
enthusiastic people, flexible schedule. Call
Dave @ 379-3663 4-20-8-14

STAFF needed NCF YMCA. Contact Brad
@ 374-9622, 5201 NW 34th St. Gainesville.
4-20-7-14 "

43rd St location. now hiring exp servers.
Apply in person btwn 2-4 pm. 1999 NW43rd
St. 4-18-5-14

Fast Signs Production Position. Fast-paced,
attention to detail, multi-tasker, 2 shifts, FT/
PT avail. Apply in person between 9-11 AM.
Located in Butler Plaza. 4-15-4-14

Across from campus, Summer A & B, Fall.
PT or FT, 375-6462 4-18-5-14

Spend your summer making a difference in
the lives of underprivileged boys and girls
ages 10-15. Flroida Sheriffs Youth Ranches
Camping Services hring full-time and tempo-
S rary staff for summer camp and mobile day
camp programs. Activities include canoe-
ing, arts & crafts, bikes, horseback riding,
archery, team sports, high and low rope
course, and skits. Employment dates May 21
August 5. Pre-camp training includes First
Aid, CPR, Lifeguard, and NCI.
We will be conducting interviews on April
i- 19th, 2005. Call Mike Brannan at 352-447-
2259 for more information. EOE/DFWP

Located just minutes from UF, ABC
Research Corporation is now hiring full
time positions for Chemistry Supervisor/,
Lead Analyst and Senoir Instrumentation
Specialist. Please visit us on the web at for more information about
ABC Research and job descriptions. Part-
time Chemistry position also available.
To apply, e-mail resume to Kathy Barry at
='* .4-18-5-14

be available at least 2 weekday lunch shifts.
Apply in person only. On the Border 3100
SW Archer Rd. 5-12-8-14

HELPER PT, flexible hours, versatile from
cleaning to niowing to fixing. $6/hr to start.
373-1690 Iv mssg. 4-15-3-14

Hiring pizza maker at The Pizza Joint.
Fun atmosphere. Must be dependable,
trustworthy, mature, organized, cool. Send
info to Hiring Now.

NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS is looking for am-
bitious -secretary to work approx 21 hrs/wk
.in a young & fun environment. Looking to
fill position ASAP! Call 336-1271 for more
*info. 5-10-7-14

Models wanted for fine art figure photogra-
phy. 18+, all looks, body types considered.
Compensation negotiable. Contact Jay at 4-20-6-14

Local nonprofit seeks Program Developer
responsible for fundraising, outreach &
education activities, 30 hr/wk, May 1-Sep
1, extension contingent on funding. Send
resumes to, fax: 377-8363

$1000/Week! Guaranteed!!! FT/PT! FREE
Info!! Positions Limited!! Don't Miss Out!!
Visit: 4-

Nutrition/Eating Disorder Outreach Assistant
needed for public speaking & event planning.
-10 hrs/wk. Apply by 4/29, rm 302 Student
Health Care Center 4-20-6-14

Experience required. Good pay & hours.
352-258-3770 4-20-5-14

Work @ a fast-paced coffee bar near cam-
pus. Searching for dependable students to
work between 18-24 hrs/wk. Morning & af-
ternoon weekday shifts available. Call Tim @
352-332-4577 for more info. 4-18-3-14

Admin Asst, F/T & P/T, $7/8 hr. Some
evenings -& weekends. Rq, multi-tasked,
customer svc, MS Word, Excel & phone exp.
Rq 12th grade ed level. Call Zag 335-4000 x
24 4-15-1-14

Looking for two driven students for
internship in sales. I made $15,000 my
first summer. Minimum 3.0 GPA. Contact:
Manny Vargas 727-385-8957 4-20-4-14

Catering Help. Waitstaff/Dishwashers. Great
environmentlweekends/flex hrs.-No phone
calls/Must have experience. Email referenc-
es: 4-20-4-14

HUNGRY HOWIES is now hiring drivers &
inside workers. Flexible schedule. Full & part
time avail. Apply in person at any Gainesville
location. 4-20-4-14

University. prof needs childcare after
school for 10 yr old. 2-3 afternoons/week.
References, experience & clean driving re-
cord req. Call 371-7826 4-18-2-14

Flexible schedule available. Must have
reliable transportation. Campus Realty 692-
3800 4-20-4-14

02BKids searching for energetic gymnastics
teachers & pre-school teachersw/experience
for all locations. FT/PT.positions available.
Apply within. 5-12-7-14

Sun Country Sports is hiring. Positions in
the following areas: office, gymnastics, rock-
wall, day camp, more. Apply in person: 4010
NW 27 Lane or 333 SW 140 Terr 4-20-5-14

QA Technician
Mindsolve Technologies, develops, markets,
and supports web-based software ap-
plications for employee performance
management solutions and has a part-(tqe
job opportunity (20-30 hours/week) avail-
able for a QA Technician. Responsibilities
include: software functional and use-case
testing and content proofreading to ensure
consistency and accuracy. Good attention
to detail is a must. Can work around student
schedules. Please submit your resume to 4-20-5-14 -

wanted. Contact 352-262-9893 4-20-5-14

Leasing Consultant, PT
Enthusiastic, energetic and hardworking
Live for FREE!
Call 352-379-9300 4-20-5-14

MARY POPPINS: Where Are You???
FT NANNY NEEDED 30-45 hrs/wk
5 Jobs avail immediately: Great $ for exp.
Noah's Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008 4-20-5-14

Good $ for exp: grad students welcomed
bkgd ck: 21 REAL $ jobs avail NOW
Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 4-20-5-14

Pay & Benefits for Experienced Drivers,
0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students.
Bonuses Paid Weekly. Equal Opportunity
Employer. (888)MORE PAY (888-667-3729).

A COOL TRAVEL Job. Now hiring (18-24 po-
sitions). Guys/Gals to work and travel entire
USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging
furnished. Call today, Start today. (877)646-
5050. 4-15-1-14

PT/FT No Exp Necessary $50 Cash
Hiring Bonus (888)287-6011 ext 107 4-15-1-14

0/0 Driver FFE, The F/S is higher here!
$1.02 Avg. $2,000 sign-on $2,600 referral
bonus. Base plate provided. No truck no
problem, low cost lease purchase. (80041-

S/E & 3-State Run: T/T Drivers. HOME
WEEKENDS. Mileage Pay, Benefits, 401K.
Trainees Welcome/ Miami area- exp. req. 23
min age/Class-A CDL Cypress Truck Lines
(800)545-1351.4-15-1-14 *


Interviewing NOW for jobs beginning August
11th. Leave for the summer knowing you
have a job when you return in the Fall.
desired or successful experience working
with children.
AIDE I $7.61/hr- HS or equiv. Min. 3 yrs.
Exp. As teacher aide or equiv. Combo of
training & exp. working with children.
CENTER AIDE $8.67/hr HS or equiv.
Exp & training in working w/handicapped
children, or equiv. combo of training & exp.
Call at 955-7766 for information or pick up
application @ 620 E. Univ. Ave (School
Board ofAlachua County) 5-17-7-14

Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now
hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashierlservers.
Apply in person 4-Spm, Mon Sun. See for store loca-
tion or call 352-871-5771 4-20-4-14, "'

Nannies for 2 active special needs boys.
Dependable, creative, resourceful helpers
for personal care & play. Must be physically
fit; some basic sign language helpful. $8/hr
w/exp. 4-20-4-14

Continued on next page.

1 l Help Wanted Help Wanted

Help Wanted Help Wanted

. O


* Help Wanted D

Full time & part time people wanted. Must
be customer-oriented & dependable. Call
Andy 1-888-463-1954 ext 205. Good Pay!

U I Services

Close To UF, Convenient
4x4x4 $20/mo
4x8x8 $35/mo
533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771

Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan,
Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable
prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 4-20-71-15

HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve mem-
ory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits.
Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis.
Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH,
NGH certified 379-1079. 4-20-67-15

Local and long distance moving.
Free Estimates
One item or a housefull. FL Reg # IM19
Call Now! (352)374-4791 800-797-6766.

PERSONAL TRAINING 300 No hassles 0 Free Lock 0 Prorated
Personal and Group Training Close to UF 0 All Sizes No Deposit
Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Archer Road Self Storage 371-4296
Call for a free workout South West Self Storage 374-4444
339-2199 4-20-20-15


Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio
For Fun & Fitness 384-9200

HORSE BOARDING peaceful spacious
30 acres ring-arena round pens expe-
rienced help 12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627.
Owner on premisis 35+ yrs exp. Lessons
avail. 4-20-71-15

Come ride with us! Great Farm
Awesome Horses & Top Notch Instruction.
Hunters & Natural Horsemanship.

Take Points Off Your Driver's License
And Dismiss Traffic Tickets
With Online Driver Improvement Courses

Whipoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture board.
10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn
12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted
arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on
premises. 376-8792 4-20-71-15

Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0
Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest
-horse farm 0 466-4060 4-20-71-15

Classes & Workshops
at Sanctuary

I can help you to complete your paper. Learn
to write. Outline, Research, Grammar,
Coherency, Typing 374-7038 4-20-50-15

30 Day Trial Membership Free
Men 0 Women 0 Children

Check out:
T 0-58-15

Lessons Training 0 Boarding Jumps
Large pastures & trails. Jonesville. 331-0356 4-20-

English as 2nd language
Reading, Composition, Conversation
Experienced educators. Reasonable fees.
Tel: 352-335-9400 4-20-19-15

Full length course and private tutoring.
Higher score, 100% satisfaction guar-
anteed. Call 372-8560 or 1-800-910-1352

5X10 ONLY $130 & 10X15 ONLY $275

Individuals or small groups.
Experienced, excellent.
375-6641 Harold Nobles

DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc.
Only one signature required! *Excludes govt.
fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600.
(8am-7pm) Divorce Tech. Established
1977.> 4-15-1-15

EARN DEGREE online from home.
*Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job
Placement Assistance. Computer& Financial
aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.tidewaterte 4-15-1-15

$50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS****- 2005!
Never Repay! For personal bills, school, new
business. $49 BILLION Left unclaimed from
2004. Live Operators! (800)606-6081 Ext
#75.4-15-1-15 -

Mortgages, Refinance or Purchase. No
money down. No Income, low rates. All
credit considered. (higher rates 'may ap-
ply) No mobile homes. (888)874-4829
or Licensed
Correspondent Lender. 4-15-1-15

Loans by phone. Up to $1000 in 24hrs. No
Credit Check! Bank Account Req. (888)350-
3722 4-15-1-15

mU Services 9

Complete Auto Service
Imports & Domestics Cars & Trucks
Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033

The countryclub for horses & owners.
Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250'
x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump pad-
dock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19
separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591-
3175 8-15-25-15

Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards
Top Quality Fast Service Low Prices
SignMasters 335-7000

Jump start your job search at

Plaques 0 Name Badges Cups Etc.
Best Selection In Town
SignMasters 335-7000

W1 Health Services

All Women's Health Center
Free Pregnancy Test
RU-486 Available

Lose 8-15 pounds in 4 weeks
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Gain muscle while you lose fat
Groups forming now. 339-2199.

Students No Appointment Needed!
4881 NW 8th Ave #2, 373-2340
Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 4-20-

Blue Light Treatments for moderate acne.
Call Dermatology Associates 352-332-4051

IV sedation, Student Discount.
Well Woman Care & Birth Control
Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr

"PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat
bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants
will get free evaluation, medication & be
reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @
331-2020 immediately. 4-20-26-16

New Motorized Wheelchairs-Scooter Type,
and Diabetic Supplies at NO COST if eligible.
Free Delivery! Medicare or Private Insurance
accepted. We Come To You! TLC Medical
Supplies (888)601-0641. 4-15-1-16

Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Read
DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call
(813)872-0722 or send $7.99 to Dianetics,
3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607.



* Connections

Rides -

*2 Services 9

BUSINESS and millioris of potential cus-
tomers. Place your advertisement in the FL
Classified Advertising Network. For $450
your ad will be placed in over 150 papers.
Check out our 2x2 and 2x4 display network
too! Call this paper, or Heather Mola, FL
Statewide Network Director at (866)742-
1373, or e-mail for more
information. (Out of State placement is also
available.) Visit us online at www.florida- 4-15-1-15

Saturday, April 16, 6pm @ ICEC
email or
call 376-9035 for more info.

*UJ Entertainment 9

Every Sat & Sun Hwy 301
15 min from Gainesville 468-2255.

Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres
Call for the best group rates!

In Gainesville Better Prices
Better Fields *;Better Call 371-2092

W| Tickets


***EUROPE $429 RTk**
Train & cruises also available
Gator Country Travel 373-1992
FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264

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***AIRFARE $118 RT***
NYC, DC, Philly, New England & more!
Gator Country Travel 373-1992
FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 .

FOR SALE 2 great floor seats for upcom-
ing SARAH McLACHLAN concert at the TD
Waterhouse Center in Orlando Fri, May 6th.
Selling at face value (have to miss concert
out-of-town) Call Amanda 386-418-4239

Miami Bus Service
$40 R/TW.P Bch, Pomp,,FT. L, Miami
Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm

$99 rt 1-866-453-2605

Furry, feathery,, not your
roommate...pets. Find or advertise your pets
or pet products here in the Pets section of
the Alligator.

Lost & Found
.. _

Everybody knows how awful if feels to lose
something. If you find something, call the
Alligator at 373-FIND and we'll place a free
,"Found" ad for you in this section (Offer
does not apply to "Lost" ad.) Be kind to
someone who's. lost what you've found.

FOUND: KEYS on sidewalk in front of
Alligator. building on. University. Ave. on
Monday. Call to identify 373-3463.

LOST: CAT Her name is Pea. She is black
w/white fee & a white nose. Her tail is puffy.
She may be wearing a blue collar. Please
call 333-6614 or 256-7598 4-15-10-25

FOUND: KEYS, against curb on west side
of SW 34th St, near SW 24th Ave. Call to
identify 392-5513 4-18-3-25

-FOUND: KEYS on Wed, 4/13. Call The
Alligator front desk to identify. 373-3463.

Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing
Alachua County Health Dept. Call
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)


University Opticians
300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480.

1800 Gun Inventory
Over 500 handguns in stock
Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair.
Reloading Supplies 466-3340
Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer
8mi. South of G'ville on 441

*Family Chiropractic*
Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F.

We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE
Ave 375-3752. 4-20-71-18

Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St.
10-9 384-0090

Want to make a connection? Place your ad
here to look for someone to share a com-
mon interest with or for your true love

j Event Notices 9 GMG TRANSPORT

20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus
IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse

w. -J




Volleyball team welcomes McCray back from injury

The spring exhibition schedule
may not sound like a thrilling time
for the UF volleyball team, but
Amber McCray has waited a year
for this moment.
McCray is making her return
this exhibition season after tearing
her left anterior cruciate ligament in
practice last spring. The fact that the
matches do not count towards the
team's record is as inconsequential
to her as the matches themselves.
"I am extremely excited,"
McCray said. "My left foot is not as
strong as my right, but I feel strong
and I am ready to play."
She will continue her comeback
Saturday when the Gators take on
Georgia Tech in a double-header
at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Gale
Lemerand Center.
McCray, a left-handed opposite
hitter, poses an offensive threat, and
is the only true player at her position
on UF's roster.
The team had trouble replacing
her last season, so McCray's return
will likely have a tremendous im-
"Amber McCray's return is
huge for us," outside hitter Jane
Collymore said. "Last year, trying
to find a right-side presence was a
little bit of a challenge for us when
she went down, but now that she's
back and she's healthy,, she is giving
us those kills that we need, which al-
lows the [middle blockers] and the
[outside hitters] to get more kills."
McCray took a medical redshirt
last season, so the injury will not cost
her a year of eligibility. Instead, she
will remain a sophomore in eligibil-

ity, joining an already stellar group
of soon-to-be sophomores.
Georgia Tech went undefeated
in the Atlantic Coast Conference last
season before reaching the Sweet 16
in the NCAA Tournament.
Despite playing such a formi-
dable opponent, volleyball coach
Mary Wise said she N. ,ald not take
the outcomes of these exhibition
matches very seriously.
"In terms of [wins and losses],
that isn't important. But the per-
formance and execution is impor-
tant," Wise said. "What we will be
looking at are
numbers. We
will be looking in
terms of hitting
efficiency and
points scored
and things where
you get a much
McCray 'better indication
when playing
an opponent instead of just playing
against yourself."
While the nucleus of the team
is still very yotmg, Collymore, an
All-American candidate, believes
this team is as good as any in the
"Experience can be a factor, but
sometimes talent can surmount
that," she said. "[I want to] try and-
help this team get to where it can
definitely get to, and I think that is a
national championship.
"We've been as athletic and as
talented as we need to be to do it,
and we just need to do it.,"


Coming off a successful showing at
the Texas Relays in which the UF
men's track and field team achieved
10 NCAA regional qualifying marks,
the No. 2 Gators will compete in two
events this weekend. *
Distance runners will travel to
Walnut, Calif., for the Mt. Sac Relays
on Friday, while the remainder of the
team will participate in the Miami
Gatorade Classic on Saturday.
So far, men's track -coach Mike
Holloway has been satisfied with
the improvement of his team from
the beginning of the outdoor sea-
"We're right where we need
to be," Holloway said. "What we
wanted to do was get some mo-
mentum for the rest of the season.
We were very focused and the
guys were really thinking about
the technical changes we're trying
to make."
The events this weekend 'will
prove a test of how the team deals
with success and will be crucial
in preparation for Southeastern
Conference and NCAA regional
competitions to come.
"We've got to get better across
the board," Hollowayosaid. "When
you have a successful squad, they
have the tendency to get a little com-
placent and not perform at a high
level. We're really encouraging the
guys to be focused and get it done
every weekend."

Sophomore Mike Morrison was
acknowledged by the U.S., Track

Coaches Association as the Athlete
of the Week following his outstand-
ing performance at the Texas Relays
last weekend.
Morrison posted three re-
gional qualifying marks in the
long jump, high jump and 4x100-
relay and helped the Gators set
several SEC and national records
for 2005.
"I'm really proud of that award,"
Morrison said. "We came a long way
and we're starting to put it together
little-by-little. I guess the progres-
sion is starting to show."
Despite the
honor, Morrison
remained humble
about his abilities
and looks to con-
tinue to progress.
"I definitely
think there are
Morrison a lot of things I
need to work on,"
Morrison said. "I'm doing okay but
I'm not close to reaching my poten-
tial yet. It's just a lot of little things.
I think when I get them done right
there'll be big improvements."
With the team losing several
significant contributors next year,
Morrison looks to fill the void on
both a performance and leadership
"It's going to be a big loss when
those guys leave, but I'm going to
do my best,", Morrison said. "I'm
definitely going to try to be the one
to step up and lead by example with
my performances."


en's track and field team will spend
this weekend on the West Coast, far
from UF and, for many, far from
their own teammates.
The No. 5 Gators will be com-
peting in three different meets over
the weekend, with the distance
runners competing in the Mt. Sac
Relays in Walnut, Calif., while the
rest of the team will focus on the
Mesa Invitational and the Sun Angel
Classic, both in Arizona.
The Sun Angel Classic, held at
Arizona State University, will be a
homecoming of sorts for women's
track coach Tom Jones, who coached
for ASU from 1988 to 1992.
The Gators will encounter stiff
competition from UCLA, Auburn,
ASU, Kansas State, Washington
and Louisiana State all ranked
"There's a good mix of [Pacific 10
Conference] and SEC teams," Jones
said. "It should make for some inter-
esting competition."
Jones sees the weekend as a
chance for the athletes to compete
against other teams they wouldn't
normally see until nationals.
"We see the same people all the
time," he said.
The Mt. Sac Relays and Mesa
Invitational are scheduled for April
15, and the Sun Angel Classic begins
April 16.



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League-leading freshmen carry UF into postseason

Alligator Writer

It's finally time to see what the UF fresh-
men women's golfers can do.
The NCAA's greatest group of first-year
golfers according to Golfstat, four UF freshmen
will lead the No. 11 Gators to this weekend's
Southeastern Conference Championships.
--.Tiffany Chudy, Whitney Myers, Sandra Gal
and Eleanor Tucker comprise four of the five
playing spots for UF at Tunica, Miss.
"Hopefully they view it as the same [as a
regular season tournament]," Coach Jill Briles-
Hinton said. "The more they play, the better
they'll get."
Chudy, Myers and Gal posted the top three
scores forUF in its last tournament, the Bryan
National Collegiate in Greensboro, N.C.
"There's no difference [at SECs]," said
Chudy, who tied for 10th at the Bryan
National. "It's still a golf course. It's still teams

I've seen all year. You just have to take it like
it's no different than any other tournament."
The most heated freshman competition
may have already passed, as Tucker and C.J.
Kim battled in qualifying for the final spot.
"We call [qualifying] a cage match," Briles-
Hinton said. "When two
people are going head-
to-head and they want to
go, it's an event in and of
a itself."
Tucker secured her tick-
et for Tunica with rounds of
75,76 and 77, while putting
Chudy problems doomed Kim.
"It would have been
closer if not for C.J.'s putting issues, but
Eleanor played pretty good," Briles-Hinton

POSTSEASON BEGINS: The season marred by
the No. 1 team in the country dropping out of

the top 25 is over.
The season altered by an honorable men-
tion All-American redshirting and a redshirt
senior graduate student making an unbeliev-
able comeback for victory is finished.
Now a new season, the postseason, be-
gins for the UF men's golf team, starting
with today's first round of the Southeastern
Conference Championships at Sea Island, Ga.
"The conference tournament is a big thing
at Florida," men's golf coach Buddy Alexander
said. "It's one of the major measuring sticks
for our program. It's not just a preparation for
The Gators enter postseason play as one of
the hottest teams in the country, following a
10-shot victory against No. 1 Oklahoma State
at the Morris Williams Intercollegiate.
But even more important than picking up
its third win of the spring was the way UF re-
gained momentum after a season-worst 10th
finish at the Schenkel Invitational, Alexander

"I think [the Morris Williams] is very
important because it sort of indicates that
the Schenkel was a bad week as opposed to
a trend," Alexander said. "It doesn't mean
that we're going to play well at the confer-
ence [tournament], but from a confidence
standpoint we ought to feel pretty good about
North Carolina transfer Richard Treis
picked up UF's second individual title of the
season at the Morris Williams and his first
since the 2003 Atlantic Coast Conference
"I think that he's definitely shaken off the
rust," Alexander said. "He's a different player
than he was in January."
Treis leads a contingent of four UF golfers
with scoring averages under 74.
Treis, Matt Every, Brett Stegmaier and
James Vargas have led to three wins, a runner-
up finish and a third-place finish.

Women's tennis tweaks approach, forgets struggles

Alligator Writer

The UF women's tennis team has
come a long way in a month's time.
"We hit a bump in the road about
a month ago," associate head coach
Dave Balogh said. "We wanted to
get better every week and I think
we've done that."
That "bump" was back-to-back

losses to Southeastern Conference
foes Kentucky and Vanderbilt.
Losing was a novice development,
as the Gators finished last season.
Such a setback could have
proved disastrous, but the Gators
managed to fight back, winning
eight consecutive matches.
What's the key to this turn
around?. Simply adjusting, Balogh

"Against Kentucky and
Vanderbilt there were times, when
we needed to make adjustments
and we couldn't do it," Balogh said:.
"Everybody has a style that they
want to play and most of the time
it works. But sometimes you need
to make changes. You need a plan
B. All the girls are starting to get
that now."

UF's hard work has paid off, as
the Gators now have the potential to
end their home season undefeated.
."We're tougher," Balogh said.
"Bottom line, a month ago we were
soft. The great thing is we have the
SEC Tournament coming up. We're
going to have an opportunity to re-
deem ourselves."
Redemption will have to wait,
though, as the Gators still have one

regular season match left. UF faces
No. 23 South Carolina on Sunday at
the Ring Tennis Complex at 1 p.m.
"South Carolina is a very good
team," Balogh said. "Maybe not the
most talented, but very competitive
and very gutsy.
"They've won a lot of 'matches
4-3 this year. They beat Vanderbilt 5-
2, who's a very good team. We will
definitely have our hands full."

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Coach: Gators playing Tennessee at the right time


Alligator Writer

Of all the series the Gators have
played this season, this one will
likely mean the most. Of all the top-
10 teams UF has played against,
success against this one would
prove most satisfying. Combine
that .with the natural animosity
between two rival schools, and a
recipe for a classic series may be in
the making.
The No. 15 UF softball team (32-
11, 11-4 Southeastern Conference)
will host No. 6 Tennessee (44-7,
12-4 SEC) in a three-game series
beginning with a doubleheader at

1 p.m. on Saturday. The teams will
conclude the series with a 1 p.m.
Sunday meeting.
"[Tennessee] is probably our
most important series," said Coach
Karen Johns, well aware that the
series will be crucial in determin-
ing first place in the SEC Eastern
Division. "We're going to have our
hands full."
Tennessee is one of the more
dominant teams in the conference,
leading the league in several of-
fensive and defensive statistical
categories. The Volunteers lead
in hits, batting average, on-base
percentage, and total runs scored,
and are second in home runs. Their

pitchers aren't too shabby; either:
Tennessee's 0.81 ERA is lowest in
the conference.
"[Tennessee] is probably
our most important series.
We're going to have our
hands full."
Karen Johns
UF softball coach

"If we can just keep the ball in
the park, we feel like we'll have a
really good chance," said Johns of
the Volunteers' offense.
Despite the staggering numbers,

Johns says that her team could be
playing the Volunteers, losers in
two. of their last three, at the right
"They're coming off a tough
weekend, so we feel like we're
finally catching a good team that's
maybe struggling," Johns said. "We
seem to always catch these good
teams when they're on a hot streak.
They went into Auburn [last week-
end] and really struggled, though,
so we'd like to take advantage of
One of:- the- more. compel-
ling match-ups of the series pits
UF's bats against the pitching
of Tennessee 'southpaw Monica

Abbott (31-3). Abbott, whose 0.45
ERA leads the SEC, pitched 17 in-
nings and allowed just one run arid
four hits in two wins against the
Gators as a freshman last season.
However, Johns does see a
weakness in the Volunteers' defen-
sive attack.
"It looks like we'll be able to run
on them," Johns said. "They're giv-
ing tup some stolen bases, so hope-
fully we'll be able to execute some
things there that will work to our
UF leads the all-time series 20-
11. All games this weekend will
be played at the Florida Softball

Parker to be sentenced in July

PARKER, from page 24

you to 50."
According to Smith, Parker was
arrested while exiting the Oaks Mall
on Dec. 7.
Smith said Parker was observed
meeting former co-defendant
Stephanie Moise at approximately 11:
44 a.m. at her workplace, Shoe Show,
1124 N. Main St., where he gave Moise
a white plastic shopping bag contain-
ing 493.8 grams of cocaine.
Moise then drove to the Oaks Mall
parking lot, where she sold the cocaine
to an undercover officer for $12,800.
Wheni the officer informed Moise that
the contents were less than the prear-
ranged 500-gram amount, Moise said

she would correct the error.
She then entered the mall, and after
visiting the Aeropostale store, was ar-
rested upon exiting with 9.8 grams of
-cocaine, which she said she received
from Parker to account for the differ-
ence along with all other amounts of
the drug she previously had in her
possession. Parker was arrested sepa-
rately with the money the officer gave
Moise for the cocaine.
Upon serving a search warrant, of-
ficers found $460 in counterfeit mon-
ey along with $852 in cash in Parker's
Parker, who was fired from his po-
sition with the UF basketball team in
early January, was released according
to his previous bond of $100,000.

McArthur leads SEC with .500 average

BASE, from page 24

0,3.79 ERA).
The Gators offense has been rolling
since Easter Sunday, led by third baseman
Brandon McArthur and his 11-game hitting
streak. His .500 average in conference play
leads the SEC.
Second baseman Adam Davis ranks sec-
ond on the Gators with a .388 average in SEC
games, but expects a hard-fought series this
". You'might as well throw all the rankings

and all that kind of stuff out the window,"
Davis said. "What it comes down to in the
SEC is pitching match-ups, who's got who,
how people match up."
Davis credits UF's offensive success to the
team's depth.
"If this guy isn't getting it done, and he's a
guy that we usually depend on, the guy right
behind him has been getting the job done,"
Davis said. "That's been a staple of our team
all year long. I'm sure there's been plenty of
games where. our 1-2-3 guys haven't got a
hit, but the 7-8-9 guysThave had all the RBIs.
That's a sign of a good team, I think."

SHAF, from page 24

add up.
This is not the MLB draft that
has about a zillion rounds, or even
the NFL draft that can accommo-

date more than 200 draftees. We're
talking about 60 spots for countless
players from across the globe. That's
it. That's the list.
At last count, 20 underclassmen
'(including preps) have declared
themselves eligible for the draft.
Twelve of those players have yet to

hire an agent. That's 12 players who
appear unsure of what to do.
Ask David Lee if he would go
back and risk his career at UF for a
roll of the dice following an under-
classman season. My guess is Lee's
stock has never been higher and he
is now a legitimate first-rounder.

You can take your chances with
players like Brandon Bowman,
J:R. Morris and Von Wafer. I'll take
-seniors and proven winners like
Lee, Chuck Hayes and Channing
Frye and beat yours every day of
the week.
I fail to see the good in a fringe

draftee deciding to hire an agent and
forgoing his college eligibility.
On the other hand, his retut
to school would mean the better-
ment of the college game, the NBA
game and most importantly, his life.
Where is the harm in that?
Shaf at Home... me gone.

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FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005


Parker changes plea to guilty in federal drug case

Alligator Staff Writer

Former UF basketball coach-
ing assistant Major Parker could
face a minimum of five years in
prison on federal drug charges
after changing his plea to guilty
on Thursday.
Parker, who originally plead
not guilty at his initial appear-
ance on Jan. 11, plead guilty to
conspiracy to distribute and pos-
session with the intent to distrib-
ute 500 grams of cocaine as part
of an agreement with the U.S.

Attorney's Office.
After federal prosecutor Corey
Smith concluded presenting
facts in the case against Parker,
Federal Magistrate Stephen
Mickle repeatedly asked Parker
if he understood the facts and if
they were indeed true.
"Did you, in -fact, do what
the government says you did?"
Mickle asked Parker.
"Yes sir," replied the previ-
ously calm Parker with a crack in
his voice and a shake in his legs.
Shortly after court adjourned,
Parker wiped tears from his eyes
while seated at the defense table,

as did his wife, who was seated
with Parker's father and sister.
As part of the agreement, the
U S. Attorney's
Office dropped
five additional
counts of co-
caine distribu-
tion that Parker
originally faced,
stemming from
Parker four specific
incidences of
drug sales to undercover police
officers from Nov. 16 to Dec. 7.
According to Jerry Sanford,
spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's

Office in Gainesville, Parker will
face the statutory sentence of
a minimum of five years to a
maximum of 40 years in prison
without the possibility of parole,
a $4 million fine and five years of
supervised release.
Mickle is scheduled to sen-
tence Parker on July 11 at 1:30
"The judge is not bound by
any guidelines," Sanford said.
"So the judge will have the dis-
cretion to sentence him to any
number [of years] between [five
and 40]."
Mickle, however, cited a

Supreme Court case stating that
statutory sentences were advi-
sory guidelines and not manda-
But Mickle said Parker has the
right to appeal his sentence if the
judge mandates one greater than
the statutory maximum.
"Do you understand that you
have the right to appeal your sen-
tencfe if, for example, I impose a
sentence that's in excess of what
was previously authorized?"
Mickle asked Parker. "Let's say
you get 40 [years] and I sentence



Injury-plagued Gators adjust

Alligator Writer

The injury bug has finally hit the UF baseball team.
Previously entrenched Friday night starter Ball
will be sidelined for his second consecutive _ekend -,-
ries because of an arm injury.
Coach Pat McMahon knows this is a toueh blow
almo [ mnid%-..v through the Southeastemrn Cnliur, rc,-
she d tIlt arnd is taking precautions so that the pitcher can
play later in the season.
HL a sore arm, so rest is the cure for that at this
point," McMahon said. "It's important that we guard
arms. It's important that we take care of people so they
can perform when they're ready. It's an opportunity, and
a must, for some other guys to step forward."
Ball sports a 5-1 record and 2.22 ERA with 41 strikeouts
in 52.2 innings pitched.
In addition, sophomore third baseman Daniel Brooks
could miss the remainder of the season after breaking his
arm during practice on Wednesday.
"That's a difficult loss at this point," McMahon said.
"We really hurt for Daniel because he's been an integral
I part of our ball club in so many ways. He plays third,
plays second, could play left field, DH for us."
Brooks has a .172 batting average with one home run
and three RBI. He has played in 16 games this season and
started six games.
._- Alabama (25-10), ranked No. 17 and owners of first
place in the SEC Western Division, will face the No. 5
__Gators (28-6) this weekend. Both teams boast an 8-4 con-
I; E ference record, with UF first in the Eastern Division.
Senior Tommy Boss (4-2, 4.63 ERA) will begin the se-
ties for UF against Alabama junior right-hander T.J. Large
K i(5-2, 1.74 ERA). On Saturday, Alan Home (2-2, 4.70 ERA)
will face Alabama sophomore left-hander Wade LeBlanc
I LA ~ (2-1, 3.21 ERA), the 2004 SEC and National Freshman of
~- __ I the Year. Sunday's series finale features a pair of unde-
Tim Casey/ Alligator feated lefthanders, UF freshman Stephen Locke (5-0, 1.77
UF's Tommy Boss will replace starter Bryan Ball ERA) opposite Alabama sophomore Brandon Belch6r (4-
against Alabama tonight. SEE BASE, PAGE 23

Turning pro a no-go

for 'fringe players'
A t the close of semesters gone by, the Fowl Language
was put on mute and the Fox Trotted into the sunset.
Yesterday, the final Girv Ball was throw n .and n,. I
am Out at Home.
Indeed, you are witnesses to some of

the world of Alligator sports. To some,
the names and faces that are connected
to these columns come and go and they
are none the wiser, but to us, this is abig
Brian Shaffer So for this one last time, I will climb
hf At Home atop my soapbox and rant until I am
Shf At Home blue in the face. . News broke Wednesday morning
that Anthony Roberson has decided to
possibly forgo his senior season and test
the waters of the NBA draft. This came as no great shock, as he
wrestled greatly with the same decision a year ago.
A couple hours later, some more news broke that his team-
mate Matt Walsh was going to do the same. And now rumors
are swirling that Lee Humphrey, Chris Richard and Jack Barry
have all followed suit.
Of course, I am being facetious in regards to the last three,
but what is stopping them?
The cookie-cutter reasoning given by players like Roberson
and Walsh around the country makes plenty of sense. They
want to see if they can live their lifelong dream of playing in
the NBA, but they will not hire an agent so that they can return
to school if the NBA thumbs its nose at them.
I am in no way an NBA draft expert, so I have no idea where
Walsh fits in, but what I do know is that there are 30 teams in
the league, 12 players on each roster and only two rounds in
the draft. Common sense tells me that this is the most difficult
professional sport to break into.
Take into account the influx of European players and per-
haps the largest crop of high schoolers making the jump due
to the looming age limit sanction, and the numbers just don't

New York Yankees 5
Boston 8 ,

C*.icago White Sox 6
Cleveland 8

* UF golfers Manuel Villegas
and Camila Gonzales have been
named to the SEC Good Works
Team, an accolade awarded to
student athletes who give back to
the community.

S1972: The UF track team downs LSU 84-
61, combining for four first-place finishes
and two new school records. Sprinter Nate
Jenkins, who joined the Gators after excel-
ling in his physical education class, won the
100-meter dash.

* Be sure to check out
for a story on the UF men's tennis team.
The Gators wrap up their regular season at
South Carolina, but have already clinched
a first-place finish in the SEC's Eastern
'. (*j'' ; .U ""_.' ? ? :

Full Text


the independent florida Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Comm unicationis, inc. of Gainesville, Florida VOLUME 98 ISSUE 138 We Inform. You Decide. FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 GRAD AFFAIRS Griadcuatle students chooseb new he t pa Proposal benefits most students By JEFF SERMONS Alligator Writer Prices for graduate student health insurance will rise for most students, but those students, who conduct about 40 percent of UF's research, will not be affected equally. The Student Government Health Insurance Commission voted Thursday to switch to a system that would put a greater payment burden on graduate students aged 26 to 30. All other graduate students benefit from the switch because their payment increase through the Gainesville-based Scarborough Insurance is lower under the adopted proposal than if another plan were selected. For example, a 40-year-old graduate student, who arguably needs insurance the most and typically pays the most for it, would pay the same as a 26-year-old starting this Fall. "We tried to find the best possible plan that helps out the most people," Chairman Joshua Aubuchon said. "Scarborough Insurance has done a great job working with us to create the best deal." Under the new plan, 70 percent of graduate students benefit from the switch; however, some students opposed the approved plan. "The Graduate Assistants United felt the flat-rate plan provided a fair rate for all students," GAU co-president Victor Romano said. "The option selected was a mixed bag that really benefited only the older age bracket." Under the flat-rate plan, all graduate students would have paid $1,420 for coverage. Graduate students will pay either $1,262 or $1,588, depending on their age, under the approved proposal. Even if the GAU-favored flat-rate plan was selected, GAU would have continued to fight for better coverage, he added. SEE INSURANCE, PAGE 9 UAA usurps student lots N THE PARKING SPACES ARE USED TO HOST GATOR BOOSTERS. By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer Next Fall, when the renovated Murphree Hall reopens, its students could be towed for legally parking there -all in the interests of Gator Spirit. The University Athletic Association pays a yearly fee to Finance and Administration to supply parking for 6,000 of its Gator Boosters, who help fund academic scholarships for UF athletes, during home football events. "We contribute to [UF's] operating fund for parking lots, in general, so that we have use of them for football game day," said Melissa Stuckey, assistant athletic director for U.AA Operations & Facilities. "We move [the car] so it's not in a reserved space, at no cost to [the owner]. It's not moved, it's relocated." Reptile shell game That means even if UF students or faculty members with valid decals are legally parked in these select areas and are not members of the organization, they are towed, though at no expense of their own. Stuckey said her organization has been paying $200,000 every year for the past five years for the spaces, but UF Business Services Director Jim Morgan quoted the figure at $300,000. Student Nevertheless, residents of Life the Murphree Area, which is composed of the five dormitories located closest to Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, do not appreciate the situation. Many of them park their vehicles in the Red1 lots that abut Murphree Hall on its north and south sides, both of which are taken over by the UAA during home games. The UAA also reserves the 'orange faculty parking lots west of Murphree Hall, along with other areas on campus. SEE UAA, PAGE 9 n, WUniversity Avenue UAA rents spaces around ~ Murphree Hall on'game days for Gator Boosters, towing students who have valid permits for the lots. A Murphree llE Florida Field r ~ Lots rented Field Mike Gimignani / Alligator Staff X UF starter Tommy Boss will be counted on to get the Gators going against Alabama tonight. Boss is filling in for Bryan Ball, who will miss his second consecutive start. See story, pg. 24. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" IM In 2001, journalist Barbara Ehrenreich published an acclaimed book, "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America." When UNC-Chapel Hill added the book in 2003 to a summer reading' list mandatory for incoming freshmen, little trouble was expected. See complete story, pg. 5. FORECAST OPINIONS CLASSIFIEDS CROSSWORD SPORTS 2 6 11 19 Sunny 24 72/46 visit Casey Anderson / Alligator Staff Pool shark Sean Donovan breaks up a cluster of'balls during the third annual UF Pool Championships. Students competed in tournaments at the Reitz Union to raise money for the University Homeless Council. map source:U


2, ALLIGATOR S FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 News Today TODAY SUNNY 72/46 SATURDAY SUNNY 69/48 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" S Choices AMERICAN CANCER 10 SOCIETY' Providing answers. Saving lives. 1-800-ACS-2345 C Cut out tobacco H Hold the fat O Opt for high-fiber fruits, vegetables and grains I aIntake alcohol: only in moderation Call your doctor for regular checkups E Exercise every day Safeguard your skin from the sun F SUNDAY SUNNY 75/51 MONDAY SUNNY .78/54 TUESDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 81/57 WHAT'S HAPPENING 6 p.m. Alligator "Meet the Editors" Forumn Weimer Hall Room 1064 6 p.m. Colleges Against Cancer Relay for Life Stephen C. O'Connell Center ANNOUNCEMENT UF's Team Florida Paintball Association will compete in the .National Collegiate Paintball Championship, which is presented by Xbox, this weekend at Disney's Wide World of Sports complex in Orlando. The club's president said it's the team's first appearance. The Alligator strives to be accurate and clear in its news; reports and editorials. If you find an error, please call our newsroom at (352) 3764458 or send an e-mail to We are looking for healthy males and females between the ages of 18-50 to participate in a clinical research trial. We are evaluating an investigational drug for future use in the treatment of osteoporosis. TO QUALIFY you must: be in good general health be a non-smoker if female, must be of nbn-child bearing potential or have beenpostmenopausal for at least 2 years. be taking no medications This study takes place over an eight week period and is divided into 2 sessions. It requires 1 screening visit, 2-night, 3-day overnight stays for both sessions at our Phase 1 Unit at 2401' SW Archer Road, Gainesville, Fl and 2 outpatient visits after discharge from the unit. You may receive up to $950.00 for completing the study. Food and lodging will be provided to you during your overnight stays. Drug and alcohol testing will be done. For more information please call: (352) 273-5500 or toll free' (888) 635-0763 and ask for the Recruiting Department Phase I Di sector: Robert Thompson Shle ect recruiters: Judy Benz-lester --------.attie G r.nt the ilepeiidcit florida VOLUME 98 ISSUE 138 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Dwayne Robinson, Managing Editor / Print Mike Gimignani, Managing Editor/ New Media Matthew Kelly, Sports Editor Ian Fisher, Assistant Sports Editor Louis Anastasis, Editor Andrew Abramson, University Editor Justin Hemlepp, Metro Editor Eva Kis, ekis@alligatororg Freelance Editor Natalie Liem, Assignment Editor Nick Weidenmiller, Tallahassee Bureau Chief James VanLandingham, Opinions Editor Matt Sanchez, msanchez@alligatortorg Editorial Board Dwayne Robinson, Mike Gimignani, Matt Sanchez, Lauren Flanagan, Diana Middleton, Craig Singleton Photo Editor Casey Anderson, Assistant Photo Editor Nick West, Photo Staff Matt Marriott, Emily Harris, Tricia Coyne the Avenue Editor Kelly-Anne Suarez, the Avenue Assistant Editor Sarah Anderson, -Art Director Andy Marlette Copy Desk Chiefs Matt Cmar, Sheryl Rosen, Ryan Worthington Copy Editors Robert Beltran, Chris Berger, Mary Beth Bishop, Gayle Cohen, Carly Felton, Jennifer Freihofer, Lyndsey Lewis, Krissi Palmer, Heather Romans, Stephanie Rosenblatt, Lynne Schultz, Michael Schutz, Brandy Stearns, Marianna Tuninskaya Staff Bryan App, Bridget Carey, Stephanie Garry, Gregg Girvan, Megan Seery, Brian Shaffer New Media Staff Assistant Editor Gwen Heimburg New Media Staff Dan Jimmerson DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, Advertising Office Manager Marybeth Miller, Advertising Office Assistants Joshua Appelbaum, Elizabeth Cueto Sales Representatives Patrick Sherry, Melissa Vloedman Jim McCaddin, Joel Fernandez Kyle Moore, Lindsey Kuhn Chris Pacheco, Anne Garcia Jennifer Rudloff, Jennifer Simmons Sales Development/Intern Coordinator Neil Callanan CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015(Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, Classified Clerks Leah Zissimopulos, Bethany O'Nell, Merab-Michal Favorite, Marianne Cooper CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, Bookkeeper Patricia Merrow, Student Accounting Clerks Brandon Edwards, Keith Enright Michael Sanders, Alex Thurn ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. 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The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc.


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 3 ALLIGATOR,3 AROUN A iNESVuL E Vig hoors violeneitis By MEGAN V. WINSLOW Alligator Writer Cupping her hand around a slender white candle, Bridget Desue stood with her face to the wind and attempted to protect the tiny flame that represented her slain brother. Desue was one of about 60 other community members who gathered Thursday to honor victims and survivors with a candlelight vigil. As the sun went down over the memorial gardens of Squirrel Ridge Park, friends and families of victims and representatives from various victim advocacy groups across the county formed a circle' of support and listened as poems were read and words of hope were shared. Ten years ago today, Desue's brother Dwan Christopher was cdoked and shot to death as he slept. For years his family and friends have attended the yearly event to remember his life, and comfort others who have lost loved ones. "You can help a person it just happened to," said Betty Irving, Desue's aunt. ''You can support them and be there for them because you know how it is. And the park -it's a wonderful place. It helps, it really does." Under a canopy of trees, the garden contains flowers planted in honor of victims, benches baring their names, and an area commemorating the 1990 student murders. Fold-up tables were set up where attendees could paint small tiles to commemorate victims. Many were landscapes with words like "hope" and "peace." Others -read "Miss you, Connie," and "In honor of Beverly." The tiles are expected to become part of a movable display that will be showcased within the Alachua County Courthouse and other locations around Gainesville. Assistant State Attorney Marc Peterson attended the event along with many other representatives from the State Attorney's Office. "When a violent crime happens, it seems to me, all the attention gets placed on the defendant, their trial -Megan V. WVIslow/ Alligator stats Bridget Desue helps re-light the candles of her aunt, Betty Irving, and friend, Tracey Niblack, Thursday as part of the annual Victims of Violence Candlelight Vigil. and, nobody really remembers the victim -other than the family," he said. "It allows people to remember that there are victims and families that have lost loved ones." The vigil was sponsored by Peaceful Paths, the Alachua County Child Advocacy Center and the victim service units of the Alachua County Sheriff's Office, State Attorney's Office, University of Florida and Alachua County. Another in attendancewasEyvette Harris, whose brother Kevin was shot to death in 2003. Only recently was the shooter, Willie Hudson, convicted of manslaughter for the crime. "I'm glad I could come to this as a healing process," Harris said. "This is the beginning of tomorrow" blue dragonfly monogram ribbon belts initials -greek letters. names *discount only applies to monogram belts. enter FL-05 at checkout. valid through 4/28/05 I Chuc o even Day a he Spa Bredy&Welnen Siudent Pamper Sampler r65 .00 Giff Certificate (valued af up to 1200 00) *g jchase 4 sal of 8 Spa Sorsice EVERY THURSDAY RTS to increase county services U THE ALACHUA COUNTY COMMISSION RECENTLY APPROVED BUDGETS ALLOWING FOR EXPANSION. By IVETTE MENDEZ Alligator Writer Regional Transit System is expanding its services more extensively outside city limits. The Alachua County Commission approved two budgets presented by RTS Interim Director Jesus Gomez for the operating costs of several bus routes outside Gainesville proper for the next three years. "One of the contracts is to serve outside city limits," Gomez said. "Some on the East side, some are to Santa Fe." The contracts, however, do not include any enhancements to the bus routes, only covering existing routes. "We haven't talked about any enhancements yet," Gomez said. Some years ago, an RTS proposition to SFCC would have enhanced service on routes 10 and 43 and added a new route but did not come to fruition because SFCC couldn't finance the changes, he said. Due to SFCC's inability to charge a transportation fee to its students, the plan was unable to go forward. SFCC's Student Government has been looking for ways to improve bus transportation to and from the campus. Though there is a bill before the Florida Legislature regarding community colleges' ability to negotiate transportation fee contracts, it has yet to be approved. Unlike universities, community colleges cannot forge any sort of agreement with transit entities, such as the credit hour-based contract UF has with RTS. SFCC Student Senate President Katharine Bucca and student Daniel Jones took initiative by asking for areferendum reviewing the benefits of annexation into the city of Gainesville in the hopes that being part of the city would give them better leverage to negotiate a contract with RTS. "This is a student-driven initiative," said Larry Keen, SFCC spokesman, who went to Tallahassee to lobby for the fee contract legislation with 10 students in February. "The primary reason is bus coverage," he added. SFCC's administration will not be affected if the annexation does take place, Keen said. The college is allowing the residents who are impacted the most by the decision to run the campaign. "It's up to the residents and the business people affected," Keen said. "The school doesn't have a position." think about your heart. .,American Heart Association WE'RE FIGHTING FOR F YOUR LIFE


4, ALLIGATOR E FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 SG leaders prepare to make agency appointments Applications due today for various positions By BRIDGET CAREY Alligator Staff Writer Student Government is opening its doors to fill as many as 66 leadership positions for next year, and today is the last day to apply to potentially make a difference. Students must turn in applications by 4 p.m. today to the SG office on the 3rd floor of the Reitz Union. Interviews will be scheduled beginning next week. The list of positions includes chair of Student Government Productions, the student-run organization with the largest budget in SG that brings entertainment to campus. Also up for appointment is chair of Accent, the student-run organization which brings speakers to U. "There's one more day to show the student body you want to make a difference," Student Body President-elect Joe Goldberg said. "Find something that interests you, show your passion and apply." Goldberg said positions will not be appointed until Summer A, after he takes office May L Applications are being accepted for directors and chairs of all 41 SG cabinets. As of Thursday evening, 140 students applied to be cabinet leaders. Notable applicants for cabinet positions include ex-candidates MacKenzie Moritz and Adam Roberts from Student the unsuccessful Progress Party. Student Body Vice President-elect Joyce Medina will make cabinet appointments. There are about 13 spots open for heads of SG agencies and departments, and the supervisor of elections, SGP and the Tower Yearbook have had three applicants each. Student Body Treasurer-elect Lindsay Cosimi has been interviewing for assistant treasurers, a new position for SG through which students can serve as liaisons between the executives and student groups. She also is accepting applications until today, and so far about 26 people have applied, she said. Cosimi added she will make between nine and 12 appointments. Applications are available in the SG office or online at STUDENT LIFE UF investigates text messaging E CLASS CANCELLATIONS AND OTHER LAST-MINUTE NEWS SOON COULD BE SENT TO CELL PHONES. By RAMONA JONES Alligator Contributing Writer UF is seeking yet another way to connect to students, with the possibility of a university-hosted Short Message Service system in the works. Mobile Campus representatives proposed the program to UF information technology professionals and student leaders at a meeting April 7. Student Body Treasurer Dennis Ngin worked on coordinating the venture for almost a year. He said he was excited to see the idea making strides toward being a reality.* "The university has the potential to make a mark and pioneer a new communication system in the United States that would bring amazing benefits to the student body," Ngin said. The program would include instant messages to students' cellular phones regarding class changes and school emergencies that are usually sent through e-mail, Ngin said. He anticipated that, depending on student response, the program could be in place as early as Fall or next Spring once plans are finalized and Mobile Campus carries out marketing. Steven Bourdon, Student Government computer support analyst, has worked with the project since the idea emerged about a year ago. "There are several layers of communication that this application will be able to provide," Bourdon said. "University administrators, professors and organizations will be able to alert students concerning critical announcements, and students will be able to communicate with other students." The optional service will allow students to set up a profile that would include which organizations to receive messages from and when they would receive messages, Bourdon said. "Say, for instance, you wanted to send a message to everyone in your sorority to get their shirt sizes for an event," Bourdon said. "Not only could everyone respond back with a given value, but the application would compile the responses and give you one message with the number requested for each size." The only downfall for the student body Bourdon said he could see was the possible cost of text messages students would incur, depending on their cell phone plan. "The students don't have to subscribe to the service, and the university is not bound to any contract as far as I know," Bourdon said. "And if the students try it and don't see any value, the program just goes away." Third-year journalism student Risa Polansky said there doesn't seem to be a point to replacing e-mail for school information. "People check their e-mail on their phones, and there are computers everywhere on campus," Polansky said. "And tech-savvy people usually have Palm Pilots anyway." Polansky said getting bombarded with text messages isn't something she would consider a convenience. However, Polanksy also added, "I'm interested to see how it works out, and I hope they try ft out." CRUNCH! A traffic accident involving an RTS bus and a Dodge Stratus sedan holds up traffic on 34th Street across from Point West Apartments on Thursday. Police officers said the driver of the car was taken to the hospital to be treated for injuries, but would not comment further on the conditions of the bus occupants. FACULTY SENATE Professors str ugglefor say 1m^1UF affairs By JEFF SIRMONS Alligator Writer Pierre Ramond, chairman of UF's Faculty Senate, said he has worked toward creating a foundation for a working relationship with the UF administration so the faculty can have increased involvement in the governance of UF. "We're not quite at that stage yet," said Ramond, who helmed his last Senate meeting Thursday. "If our faculty does their homework and learns what they need to do, we should be able to have shared governance of this university sometime down the road." Amid a battle between the Legislature and the UF administration for control of tuition, the Faculty Senate has fought for shared governance, a policy that gives the faculty equal say with the administration on how UF should be managed. Proponents of shared governance argue that faculty should be a part of the decision-making process in purely academic affairs. "Faculty should be in charge of curriculum, graduation requirements, academic freedom and scholarships," said Danaya Wright, who was elected Senate chairwoman for the 2006-2007 school year at Thursday's meeting. "We should govern what effects us." -In the future, Ramond expects to see increased involvement in the Faculty Senate to improve its chances of earning shared governance. "It would be Ramond unthinkable for the administration not to tap into the knowledge of the faculty," he said. UF President Bernie Machen said at the meeting that he is working toward defining what falls under faculty responsibility and administrators' responsibility. "There have been different opinions, but never has it been disagreeable," Machen said. In other Senate news, Machen encouraged faculty members to take the UF faculty survey, which will be administered next week. The survey will be identical to the survey taken in Fall 2004 and will serve as a valuable evaluation of Machen's performance as president. "Hopefully, we will have the same kind of faculty interest and response as we did last semester," Machen said. Additionally, senators opposed a proposal to cut offa class day for the next two semesters so students will be able to graduate without the burden of taking an exam the same day as commencement ceremonies. Opponents argued that losing a class day would hinder UF in its mission to become a Top 10 public university. Other alternatives to cutting a class day are Sunday graduations or Sunday exams, Associate Provost Sheila Dickison said. "The College of Education has Sunday graduations, and that's been going fine for them," Dickison said. "Plus, most of our peer institutions have no problem holding graduations on Sunday." I


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005E ALLIGATOR,5 TAKING FREEDOM BY FORCE By JAMES VANLANDINGHAM Alligator Staff Writer In 2001, journalist Barbara Ehrenreich published an acclaimed book, "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America." Recounting Ehienreich's attempt to make ends meet while working minimum-wage jobs through 1998, the book peers into the world of America's waitresses, janitors and hotel maids in an era when dot-com millionaires and lionized CEOs captivated national attention. The New York Times Book Review hailed Ehrenreich as a "premier reporter," and a play based on the book premiered to glowing reviews it the Hippodrome State Theatre last October. So when the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill added the book in 2003 to a summer reading list mandatory for incoming. freshmen, little trouble was expected. In July of that year, a group of students called The Committee for a Better Carolina held a press conference denouncing the book as a "classic Marxist rant" and a work of "intellectual pornography with no redeeming characteristics." The students demanded the book be pulled from the reading list. The Committee is one of the first local chapters of Students for Academic Freedom, a national-group that is pushing "Academic Freedom Bill of Rights" bills like the one filed in Florida by Rep. Dennis Baxley (R-Ocala). Similar bills have been filed in at least 16 other states. Sara Dogan, national campus director for the organization, wrote in September 2003 that the "socialist tract" should not have been assigned to UNC students. "The University should not be used as a tool of political indoctrination," she wrote "Independent thinking is discouraged when students are exposed to only one side of complicated political issues such as the role of free markets in the lives of poor Americans." Over the past two years, the organization has ballooned, and under the leadership of conservative pundit David Horowitz, SAF has founded dozens of chapters across America's university campuses. Reached on Thursday at the organization's K Street office in Washington, D.C., Dogan said word-of-mouth was the reason SAF had spread so quickly. And while UF doesn't yet have a chapter, several students have contacted her with interest in founding one, she said. "It's a testament to how much these issues concern people," she said. "We don't call for firing of professors. We're not an ideological organization, not about conservative views or liberal views. We're just trying to promote greater intellectual diversity on campuses." Dogan said that student members are guided by a handbook available at the group's Web site, The handbook advises students forming a new chapter to first secure funding from student governments and supportive faculty and alumni. The students should then "research political bias and classroom indoctrination on [their] campus[es] by interviewing students and making a record of specific incidents." Leaders should set up Web sites to encourage students to inform on their professors. The handbook cautions, "Be careful to do this Group advocates spying on faculty honestly and fairly." The group should note allegations of onesided-reading lists and faculty lecture series. They should "object to the absence of diversity among faculty in a particular department, in class curricula and in classes offered." Next, they should report examples to the local media and "take a list of these abuses to parents and alumni and solicit funds." Then go to the university president's office and "demand a redress of grievances, including an apology from the offending authority," the handbook says. If the university refuses to "take corrective measures," students should notify the press and "make friends with [their] elected representatives on the Education Committees of [their] state Senate or Assembly." Rep. Baxley is chairman o the House Education Council. "The maximum pressure point for all academic institutions is the flow of Baxley alu i and government funds that support the institution," the handbook says. "Focus your activities on these vulnerable points of the university system. Continue the pressure until the authorities adopt and enforce 'The Academic Bill of Rights."' United Faculty of Florida President Tom Auxter who also is a UF philosophy professor, said SAF's goal is to create "cells" of conservative students who will sign upfor courses specifically to monitor what liberal professors say in class. And if Baxley's bill passes the Legislature, the students could even sue the university and its professors on bias allegations. Ready or not: Tax deadline today By JOHN W. COX Alligator Contributing Writer They say that two things in life are certain -death and taxes. One of those takes Americans 6.6 billion hours to get ready for, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Gainesville residents are racing to submit their tax returns before today's deadline, said H & R Block district manager Nancy Strampello. "You always have those lastminute filers," Strampello said. All nine regional H & R district offices are full and are under a steady stream of customers, she said. Accountants will be working until midnight Friday preparing thousands of filings. Area students have been a large portion of H & R Block's customers in the past several months, Strampello said. UF freshman Andrew Hallock said he began preparing his tax forms three weeks ago. "It was my first time doing it on my own so I had no idea what I was doing," he said. Hallock said he wanted to avoid the headache of waiting until the last minute and not being ready. "When you wait 'til the last minute you usually end up losing stuff," he said. Students have started taking advantage of the online and call-in methods for filing taxes, Strampello said. "We deal with quite a few students," she said. When students do file their own taxes, they usually come early, Strampello said. They generally get help to do the job, though. "A lot of times the students will let their parents take care of that," she said. "We're trying to reduce unnecessary burden." Michael Chesman IRS Office of Taxpayer Burden Reduction director Brian Melchar, of Gainesville's Donna S. Bowie CPA accountants, said waiting until the last minute to file taxes may not only be a headache, but also dangerous. "We always have people that bring their stuff in late," he said. "If you're not done, the quality of the work probably is not that great." The firm's employees begin working 60 hours per week in January, he said. They plan for problems months ahead of time so they can avoid any mistakes, Melchar said. Tax paperwork also puts a significant strain on the government. The White House budget office notes that tax work "towers over the entire paperwork burden for the rest of the federal government" and accounts for some 80 percent of all paperwork. "If anything, those numbers are probably understated," said David Keating, president of the National Taxpayers Union, which reports annually on the increasing complexity and demands of tax returns. "A lot more of the cost is just planning to do the tax-smart thing. That can actually take a lot more time than reporting what you've done," he said. Sensitive to the demands that tax laws put on weary taxpayers, the IRS has seven people working full time to reduce the anguish for filers. The IRS Office of Taxpayer Burden Reduction looks for requirements that can be streamlined, reduced or eliminated under the law. "We're trying to reduce unnecessary burden," said Michael Chesman, the office director. Some of the burden cannot be avoided because it is a requirement of the tax laws. By attacking unnecessary burden, the office has shaved more than 200 million hours from tax paperwork since the office was created in 2001. People can do things to avoid trouble with paperwork, Strampello said. Doing taxes electronically and turning them in early are the best ways to avoid problems, she said. If the IRS receives an incorrect return early enough they can return it without it costing the person who filed it, she said. The Associated Press contributed to tins report. While Baxley continues to insist the bill has no causative action, a staff analysis by the Senate Education Committee warns "the bill appears to create a cause of action for students to litigate against the public postsecondary education institution in which they are enrolled." Moreover, the bill enjoins faculty to teach "all serious scholarly viewpoints" without defining that term. "Accordingly," the report says, "this provision invites student complaints as to the proper pedagogical method employed by the faculty." The effect of the law, Auxter said, ironically would cause professors to watch their tongues in class while encouraging students to turn classroom debates into CNN's "Crossfire." "The law would turn academic topics into political topics," Auxter said. "It would change what would happen in the classroom, and everything will be guarded and truncated to prevent controversy." If a professor failed to take time accommodating each and every student, he would run the risk of being sued, he said. "It means we'll be taken to court, potentially, if we don't change the nature of academic life." -But changing the nature of academic life is perhaps the burgeoning SAF movement's first priority. On the SAF Web site, Michael McKnight, who was president of the Carolina committee in 2003, writes that his primary goal is to add "diversity of ideology" as a major factor in deciding which faculty to hire. The university must "remedy this situation," he wrote, "where every campus department dealing with social issues -from political science to public policy -were filled to the brim with Democrats." 0 0 E E 0 M E L20 4) Oc= >1p A


6, ALLIGATOR U FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 Editorial We've got a problem here. We here at the Department of Darts & Laurels have been looking over our records for this semester, and we've noticed that we just haven't given out enough Darts this semester. And time is running out. Luckily, the stress of final exams, final term papers and final drinking binges (just kidding, Bernie) have given us enough concentrated angst to finish out this last regular edition of Darts & Laurels with a bang. So sit back, have a drink and fix your eyes on that bull'seye as we head our way into this week's edition of. Darts & Laurels Starting off with all due respect for those who have left us (or, actually, will leave us), we give a nah-our-graduating-seniors-don't-need-any-of-those-stupid-"memories" DART to the UF administration for canceling this year's convocation ceremony because their mysterious guest speaker canceled on them. Here's a great idea: Why don't we hinge the farewell celebration ceremony for our departing students on the questionable. appearance of some secretive government figure who probably will be too busy not giving speeches for free? But they can't fool us -we know that the speaker canceled on us when he or she found out that the administration wasn't going to provide any complimentary cocktails to lubricate their speaking voice. Moving on to another instance of a few cocktails becoming a lot more meaningful than they should be, we toss a way-to-make-already-uptight-guys-even-more-homophobic DART to New York Times reporter Jennifer 8. Lee for insisting that any two straight guys that hang out for any reason other than sports or business are on a "man date." As if the whole metrosexual thing weren't bad enough, we now have another superfluous term that exists only to make otherwise confident heterosexual guys ask themselves whether or not they might actually "like the dudes" (they don't: If you don't fantasize about guys now, you're not going to because you bonded with your roommate in line to see "Sideways"). But we don't think Lee really is to blame here: Her parents stacked the deck against her from the beginning. Seriously -her middle initial is a number. And it has a period after it, as if it actually were short for something. We can only hope that, some day, she'll have the self-confidence to start living her true life as Jennifer 8478749539332.37 (pronounced "Lynn") Lee. Rounding things off with a watchful eye toward the "Big Brother" tendencies of our country's supposedly-progressive universities, we give a we-may-get-on-their-case-occasionally-but-holy-crap-that's-way-over-the-line DART to Colgate University in New York for requiring that Greek organizations sell their houses to the university because administrators think that will stem incidents of hazing, sexual assault and other acts that obviously only' the stereotypical "frat guys" commit. This gets even more retarded when you learn that these fraternity and sorority houses are off-campus. This isn't university property that Colgate is taking back -it's private property. How can they force the Greeks to give up their private property? Simple: If they don't, the university won't officially recognize them anymore. We can't stand for this. Greeks and non-Greeks alike must do something to end the tyranny of anti-party administrators. When injustices are occurring in times like this (i.e., the end of the school year), there's only one thing that can be done: Chocolate pudding wrestling for everyone. We're not sure what it'll accomplish, but we know the Colgate Greeks will appreciate the effort. fl-th indepe ,det florid. Dwayne Robinson Matt Sanchez EDITOR OPINIONS EDITOR Mike Girnignani Lauren Flanagan MANAGING EDITOR Diana Middleton Craig Singleton EDITORIAL BOARD The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 ,d (about one lette-sized nage). They must be typed, douhle-spaced aed oust include tlhe tors ame, lssication and phone eumber. Namesd ill he witheld it tIs writer shows just cause. We reserue the tight to edit to, length,, gamma, style and libel, hend letters to lettet, bring thtem to 11.h5 W. Unisty Aue. or teed them to P.O. Bee 14257, Gainesville, FL 32604-2257.Colu,,tns of ahout 450 wortds ahout origihal topius and editorial cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458. Opinions ALLIGATOR www.a w. Column Al ligator hosts live K eep those schedules open tonight, folks -UF's best free entertainment ain't happening at Gator Nights. Tonight, beginning at 6 p.m., the Alligator will host our "Meet the Editors" forum in Gannett Auditorium in Weimer Hall. While we won't have free popcorn or Btazilian rhythmic dancing for your pleasure, we will bare ourselves completely. We mean it. Total, vulnerable professional nudity. Think we hate you, your organization or your beliefs? Well, come meet us and decide for yourself. Or at least tell us to our faces. Have an idea of how we could do better? Come on down, sirs and ma'ams (or ma'ams and sirs). The spotlight's on you. We're very happy to take your concerns, your criticisms, your questions, your compliments, your debate and your .well, whatever else you want to throw at us. (Except I think there's a rule against throwing rotten produce in classrooms. Yeah, that's the ticket.) In return, we'll do our best to answer those questions, explain our actions and satisfy your demands. And we're gQing to give away free stuff too -because what would a stage show be without the chance to win exciting-door prizes? We intend this forum to be a chance for the average student to let us know what they think of our paper -students who might not feel disgusted enough with us to write in a. letter to the editor whenever we print something with which they disagree. Which we're sure is all the time. But we won't turn the angry letter-writers away either. We aren't limiting this to students, however: Faculty, nude revue tonight alumni, Gainesville residents and pretty much anyone else who has .4 -at least cast a cursory glance at our publication is welcome to attend. Our reporters have volunteered time over the busy weeks to find Mike Gimignani out whether the Alligator really Editorial Notebook did splash Joe Goldberg's name in -mgimigsni@alligetororg the paper more than Dennis Ngin's and how' many tines we brought up "Black History Month" in our quest to present the fairest view of campus possible. And we're certain some people disagree with that statement -so if you have any ideas for how we can improve the fairness of our coverage, let us know. This is your chance. The ground rules, as enforced by our moderator Mike "I wanna be a Sex-agenarian" Foley, will include basic tenets of respect, such as speaking in turn, allowing others to ask questions and keeping the proceedings civil by not badgering us unnecessarily. Not respecting us, even as we pledge to respect you, will make the baby Jesus cry. More seriously, we do this with the intention of opening a dialogue with UF students, and it's hard to do that when we play the bull's-eyes in a shooting gallery. To recap: Gannett Auditorium, Weimer Hall, 6 tonight, nudity, prizes, no rotten produce. Gannett's the one with two doors by the TVs. Even if you don't have any problems or ideas for us, it would be a cheap and fun date. So, come by and see our promising stab at replacing "Drunk Bitch Friday" -we're ready, able and nude. Mike Gitignani is managing editor at the Alligator. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Should the Alligator continue to publish a Viewpoints section on Mondays? Thursday's question: Should UF be allowed to set its own in-state tuition rates? Vote or post a message at 52% YES 48% NO 50 TOTAL V0TES Ila 1A I


Banning alcohol makes students want it Editor: When you consider the impact of his incompletely and vaguely articulated new "alcohol policy," it is clear that President Machen spoke and acted before he fully understood the far-reaching implications of what he was doing. Let us hope this will not be characteristic of his tenure here. You cannot change alcohol-related attitudes simply by removing the superficial signs of those attitudes. And, you cannot change alcohol-related behaviors by creating arbitrary policies and rules regarding the consumption of alcohol. That's been done. It was called Prohibition. It didn't work. College-age adults are intelligent and inquisitive but still often are susceptible to the teenage impulse to rebel. One of the best ways to get them to do something you don't want them to is by telling them they can't. In his personal memoirs, President Ulysses S. Grant wrote, "I know from my own experience that when I was at West Point, the fact that tobacco, in every form, was prohibited, and the mere possession of the weed severely punished, made the majority of the cadets, myself included, try to acquire the habit of using it." Attempting to control every mention of alcohol to which university students are exposed is unrealistic, insulting and, frankly, constitutional. In the interest of "saving" students from binge drinking or underage students from harmful exposure to such corrupting messages, should you remove all televisions, radios, commercial publications and Internet access from this casnpus? If Machen's policy is to be applied with any consistency, all these things have to go, don't they? You must remember that most potential underage drinkers on campus have passed the legal age of majority. You cannot treat them as if they are kids caught with their hands in the adult cookie jar. Acknowledging that alcohol exists and is used and enjoyed responsibly in our society does not constitute an endorsement of binge drinking or underage drinking. Acknowledging that these students are adults, encouraging them to behave like adults and offering them information that will help them make responsible decisions is the best you can do. The greater portion of them will benefit from this approach. A few of them willlearn from their mistakes. UF doesn't need a bull(y) in a china shop at the hehn. It needs someone who will make it his daily goal to speak and act, with cautious and considerable forethought, in the best interests of this university, its students, its community and its business partners. By the way, despite the West Point ban on tobacco, Ulysses S. Grant became a notorious cigar smoker and died of throat cancer. Brian Walker UF Alumnus Law gave university regulation to board Editor: Your "Bill Blunder" editorial yesterday was right on target in questioning the wisdom of the Florida House of Representative's bill defining the "separation of powers among the bodies that govem the state universities." Your conclusion that universities should have final responsibility for many of these responsibilities also is appropriate. You fail to recognize, however, that the Florida Constitution gives the Board of Governors responsibility to "operate, regulate and be fully responsible for the management of the whole university system." The constitution also gives the board authority to delegate appropriate responsibilities to university boards of trustees. The best opportunity for universities to gain control over appropriate furctions is for the board to be responsible for these functions so they might be delegated to university boards of trustees. There is a much greater chance of such delegation if the board rather than the legislature has such responsibility. E.T. York Chancellor Emeritus, State University System of Florida Whooo! Gator Stompin' rules, man! Not Editor: So, you want to experience your FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 m ALLIGATOR, 7 last official getting-wasted-bonding moment before you graduate? Well, you definitely can do just that at the oh-so-spectacular event called Gator Stompin'-an event for graduating seniors that allows you to get inebriated for a meager fee of about $25. After handing over your cash, you are then allowed to jump on the Gator "bandwagon" where you are handed an oversized white Tshirt to wear for the night. Then, you can join your fellow comrades for a "real" night out on the town. While skipping with your fellow seniors, you stop at each of the participating bars to enjoy a small, watered-down drink. Now, if you are thinking about food during this fun fest, don't worry: The Stompin' crew has not forgotten about your belly. You possibly will get some extra-greasy pizza to munch on. Sounds tempting doesn't it? Well, what is it going to be, my fellow grads? Will you choose to go with plan A and spend money to join an "organization" for a one-night-ooly event that promotes making a plastered donkey out of yourself or will you go with plan B and spend your hard-earned money on dinner with friends and family, wearing your own styling' threads and feeling like you didn't have to join the Gator Stompin' entourage to end your final year of college with a bang. Krupa Patel 4HH Opens Tonight!! 7pm, 9pm Hippodrome Cinema 375-HIPP NEED EXTRA VACATION MONEY FREE DENTAL SCREENING Get Paid$150 per procedure for patients who qualify & participate as a patient in the upcoming dental licensing examination. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL 374-8131 iN BIG LOTS & ASHLEY'S FURNITURE SHOPPING CENTER. MUST BE 18 YO, NOT PREGNANT, AND HAVE AT LEAST 20 NATURAL TEETH TO PARTICIPATE DNO011217 2442 N. MAIN ST. f05 i( 01N. MAIN ST. fleitby Males Needd To participate in a UF nutrition study Eligible Males Must Be: 18 -49 years old Non-smoking Not taking prescription medication Willing to do the following: I.Have blood drawn after an over-nightfast 2.Providemedicalinformation 3. Fill out a dietary questionnaire Eligible study participants will receive $50.00 Please call 392-1991 extension 273 for more information


8, ALLIGATOR U FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 AROUND GAINESVILLE SFCC pitches stadium to county N THE BED TAX, CHARGED TO HOTEL ROOMS, COULD RAISE ONE CENT TO FUND THE PROJECT. By IVETTE MENDEZ Alligator Writer Anew baseball stadium or civic center are options being explored by the Alachua County Commission as it reviews what to do with part of the tax levied on tourist lodging. If approved by the commission, the three-cent bed tax, applied to hotels and other places visitors commonly stay, would increase by a penny. County Commission Chairwoman Cynthia Chestnut is not worried about the increase as a problem to local tourism. "I don't think that the extra penny would deter anyone from coming to Gainesville," she said. Santa Fe Community College proposed to use the extra cent to build a minor-league baseball stadium on its campus. Chestnut has a different idea for the tax. She suggested building a civic center that would benefit the entire community. The three options being considered are the civic center, a convention center and the stadium, Chestnut said. GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS 25% OFF anv one GNC Product Cannot be combined. Need coupon 3914 SW Archer Rd only available at Butle Pia location Daily Specials 377-6020 Ex? 5/9/s5 Joint Service ROTC Benefit 10K Run/Walk Proceeds benefit WoundedWarriorProjectorg Support our troops for only $10 *** Free T-shirtl Prizes and Fun For All!!-" Sunday, April 171h8:00am to 11:00 am contact __ ___S or Captain Rickel at 392-1395 for details Day a job after exams. confideni, 7 utgoing undw.s Learn tobidat real on summer break needed to estate auctions Mooring Financial crpration 866-404-4200 .4N1pqring the "The other two options would not impact Santa Fe," she said. The next step is for SFCC to take the baseball stadium proposal to the Tourist Development Council so it can determine the most beneficial project in terms of tax dollars, Chestnut said. "The recommendation from the Tourist Development Council will help us make the decision," she said. The civic or convention center would not be located on SFCC's campus, but no locations have been approved by the commission. SFCC has not committed any resources or money to the development of the stadium yet. The school is still in the negotiation-and-investigation phase of the process. Having a stadium on its grounds would be beneficial to SFCC, said Larry Keen, assistant to President Jackson Sasser. "We'd be able to use it for some of our own purposes, Keen said. If the stadium were built, it would affect the campus's traffic and parking when the stadium was in use. If the commission does not approve construction of the stadium via the penny tax, Keen said it is unlikely it will be built at a later date due to low funds. ."The county commission has the say-so in that," he said. A R E Y 0 U G0 I N G ? GR AD BA S H 2 a a 5 FREE Chris McCarty Band Concert Food Door Prizes Aprth 2005 Bring Gatorl Card to ensure senior status Emerson Almni Hall 5:30-7:30 pnm -ALOHIDA vs111. South Carolina First 150 fans receive a free lunch from Chefs Garden! Bid farewell to our Gator Senior. Following the match service line for kids, 12 and under Senior Allpromotionssubjecttochange aithoutpriornotice. Ree Trees to find home By ELIZABETH PRANN Alligator Writer A crowd of 58,500 UF fans and students attended the Orange and Blue spring football game last weekend, but Saturday will test their true loyalty as they have been invited tojoin UF players and the largest treeplanting project UF has ever seen. "We made an agreement with our players that the losing team from last weekend's scrimmage On would be required to participate," UF footCa MPUS ball coach Urban Meyer said in an e-mail sent to all GatorLink accounts. That means blue-band-wearing fans and blue players. More than 400 crepe myrtle trees will be planted along Radio Road, Bledsoe Drive and at the Lakeside Residential Complex, according to Meyer's e-mail. The event was organized by Student Government and Florida Blue Key. Students should check in at the Telecommunications Building lot on Radio Road. Prizes will be given to the organizations that bring the most participants, including signed Gator memorabilia, project organizer Gary Goldberg said. "I think it is going to be a lot bigger than we all expected," he said. Tunioght. 111: 1315 S. Main St. $5 Lover 0o0r7 OPEI at 9pm 18 and up alwJs welcome alligator F GREAT LIVE MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY thrhou the state Paid training Ibsc, ro id-May Fida "I estt narket. Great pal full "rng' Built by Opsign


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 9 Students advised to use other lots on game days GAU to lobby Trustees INSURANCE, from page "The aim of GAU is to have fully subsidized, comprehensive health insurance for all teaching and research assistants," Romano said. "Peer universities offer much better health insurance programs than UF." GAU plans to lobby the Board of Trustees, UF's highest governing body, for more comprehensive insurance, or at least for more than the $400 subsidy that covers less than half the cost of full-coverage health UF insurance. Administration "Right now, Pap smears are not covered by the plan," GAU secretary Erica Pittman said of the procedure used to detect uterine cancer. "Women can get cheap birth control pills, but, to get them, they have to get a Pap smear, which they have to pay for." The commission also decided not to increase prescription drug coverage, reportedly because less than 2 percent of graduate students were likely to benefit from the increase. The Commission will reconvene next year to determine whether to sign another three-year contract with Scarborough. "They've been the best plan in customer service and price, and that's why we've decided to stay with them for one more year," Aubuchon said of the family business. UAA from page 1 Morgan and Stuckey agreed Murphree takes the brunt of the game-day influx, but Morgan said the UAA tries to compensate for the inconvenience. "Because they are using spaces, we felt that was only fair that some money went back into the parking," Morgan said. Morgan said that $1 from the price of tickets sold for on-campus events goes back to parking. "We don't want to charge people too much," he said. Maintaining and improving existing lots and creating additional parking are two ways Morgan said money from those events is used. However, residents pay $94 per year for the Red-1 decals that allow them to park in lots like those around Murphree. Many of them do not always move their vehicles during the weekend, so being forced to do so can present a problem. Leighan Howard, a biology junior and a resident of the parking-deprived area, recounted one Saturday when she did not find her car where she left it. "It's just frustrating that you have to move your car and then the next day, on game day, you have to walk by and see it totally full of alumni," Howard said. "It's frustrating because you go to the school and you have to live here and you have to park here and then they just get to roll up and pull in a spot." Stuckey said UAA notifies students well in advance about upcoming parking restrictions by working closely with the resident assistants in the affected areas and posting -notices in common rooms. "We pride ourselves on being proactive to precommunicate that to everyone," Stuckey said. Howard called the situation "ludicrous." "I just feel like it's frustrating because they don't give you a lot of notice," she said. "It's basically word-of-mouth for the people that live here that you can't put your car there. They don't put out a lot of warning ahead of time." Morgan said UF administrators tried to mitigate the conflict. You need it. We offer the opportunity to get it. I t~ ~ ~~~~ji 4W al LnhSigl j & Happy Hour 4pm-9pm $4 Pitchers -$100 Drafts FRI: $2 Pitchers -Live Acoustic Musict SA T $1 Drafts -$1 Wells 1729 W. University-Ave.377-7333 SWe're Begging for people who have been vaccinated against hepatitis B. Only you can be paid to help savr lives. Earn up to $975* in 3 months! T1EN-MNTUS-AM-711.FRI A Bring the ad im fora $5 bonus on your ist donation. A program presented by the Reitz Union i at the REITZ UNION AP1101L BIG WETEN NHT Candle Art, 8pm-12am Second Floor ""Jason DeShaw, 1 Opm Orange & Brew RUB presents, Adult Swim Cartoons, 8pm-10pm North Lawn 6:30pm,9pm, and 11:30pm Mechanical Bu land Lasso Contest, Rion Ballroom Reitz Union Auditorium AirbrshTaoos, 10pm 2 First Floo Midnight Beakfast, 12am-:0mFodCut FIEH for UF students s for weoky updates iih valid GaMor I lit! s,,,, .Uni.fledgatoright Must be enrolled in Summer & Fall 2005 courses "We try not to interfere with Monday through Friday," he said. "A few times a year [students] are inconvenienced. Almost all of these events take place on weekends. If you are an individual, that's one or five to 100,000. Yes, it's definitely an inconvenience, but we haven't found a better way. Approximately 90,000 attendees flock to Gainesville for home games, Morgan estimated. Morgan said UF has looked into using downtown parking garages and shuttling visitors in with buses but said the cost was "too big," and the inconvenience would discourage visitors from attending events. Stuckey advised students to use commuter lots during game days. "We aret always going to recommend the RTS lots," she said. "We are always going to look at our efficiency and parking plan on a yearly basis. Football game day on our campus has a big impact on everybody." However, when it comes down to parking near the stadium, Stuckey had a definite answer. "On a game day, they belong to the Athletic Association," she said.


10, ALLIGATOR E FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 UPD ready in case of shoot.-ng By JOHN W. COX "For us, it's just a reminder to Gainesville High School freshAlligator Contributing Writer stay on our p's and q's," Bryant man Michael Hall said he would said. not be surprised if kids who were On Monday, April 4, Jeff Weise The state mandates that schools picked on brought a gun to school. walked into Red Lake High do drills every month to simulate "You never know when someSchool for the last time, armed an emergency, he said. one could flip out," he said. "It's with three guns and wearing a "If you don't practice them you scary 'cause if they shoot somebody bulletproof vest. will never know what to do when it could be your friend or cousin." Shots blistered the dry Monday the real thing happens," Bryant Bryant said some of the public afternoon air, and when the said. has the wrong idea about school nation's deadliest school shoot"If you've got somebody safety. Quick action is more imporing since Columbine High School tant than metal.detectors or fences, concluded, eight bodies were left determined to get on a he said. "A metal detector is a false lifeless in the school. campus and kill people, sense of security," he said. Students at Red Lake said they they're going to be able Red Lake had a metal detector never thought it could happen and it didn't stop Weise, Bryant there. to do it. We do our best to said. Locking down campuses Fifteen hundred miles from limit that and eliminate quickly and eliminating targets are Red Lake, UF and Gainesville ta rgets." the best ways to save lives. school officials said they know it W.H. "Bear" Bryant Computer games may have could happen anywhere. Alachua County School District played a role in recent campus The 89 University Police coordinator shootings, Bryant said. Department officers are ready for He has seen evidence that a crisis situation, said Maj. Brad shooters like Weise in Red Lake are Barber. If an emergency occurs, the much more accurate when aiming Although he could not be speschool is locked down, and stustraight ahead than when shooting cific, Barber said the university dents are barricaded indoors and to the sides. police have plans in place for a not released until the area is cleared This may indicate they are variety of situations. by police. learning to shoot by playing video "Our officers are on patrol 24 Stopping someone from getting games, he said. hours a day, seven days a week," a gun in a school is unrealistic, "What's unique about a comhe said. though, Bryant said. puter is that when you shoot somePreparedness and practice are "If you've got somebody deterbody, you hit a reset button, and essential to avoid a tragedy like Red mined to get on a campus and kill they come back to life," Bryant said. Lake, said recently retired Alachua people, they're going to be able to "In real life, that doesn't happen." County School District safety coordo it," Bryant said. "We do our best The Associated Press contributed dinator W.H. "Bear" Bryant. to limit that and eliminate targets." to this report. If You're looking for something productive to do this summer, take classes at one of our fourValencia campuses and enjoy our smaller class size, cheaper tuition (almost half the cost of what you're paying at Florida), great class selection and ample parking. Our Summer Getaway means you"get away" from highpriced tuition, crowded classes and those soul-sucking summer "jobs." We offer many of the same classes as a university, so credits earned atValencia will transfer. Before you apply, go to and choose "Transfer Services" for details. If you've never attended Valencia, you can also apply online Take the smart frip this summer. Registration starts April 22. Casey Anderson / Alligator Staff These students at GainesvilleHigh School are well protected in case a shooting incident arises there, officials said.


C ass f eds ALLIGATOR FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 class For Rent For Rent For Rent ForRent For Rent furnished. furnished furnished unfurnished d ONE IN A MILLION! Roommate matching 3/3 from only $429 FREE Cable w/ HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm Gated*24hr gym* tan FREE*Close to UF Leasing for NOW & FALL*377-2777 4-20-71-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsLong & short term lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 4-20-71-1 HAVE IT ALL AT THE LANDINGSHt Furnished 3 and 4 bdrm apartment homes All utilities, internet, 24 hr gym, FREE Tanning. Roommate Matching Available Starting at $455/bdrm, 336-3838 ASK ABOUT SUMMER SPECIALS 4-20-23-1 *** SORORITY ROW AREA *** Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall. Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single & double suites available. Starting at $400/mn, includes everything -gym, pont, OSL, electric, etc. 337-9255 or wmfw.windeorhalt.cnm 4-20-71-1 1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio, park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail 3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th Stf$500 & $600/ mo 4-20-71-1 *incredible Deal 1/1 in 4/4* with: internet & cable & elec & water walkin closets, full bath, wash/dry pool view, gym, FULL furnish Call for more info 352-258-3542 4-20-60-1 Just Bring Your Clothes! Furnished 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875 Luxury living with all the perks! Includes cable, utility packages avail All we need is you! 372-8100 4-20-60-1 HUGE *AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase -Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indva lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall* 377-7401 4-20-31-1 1.3 Miles from UF! Seeking roommates 3/2 Available: Recently renovated. Furnishing is optional, wood floors, central AC, washer/ dryer. From $399 305-479-5075 4-18-10-1 KENSINGTON SOUTH sublease Apr. thru July 31st. 1BR/1 BA in a large 2BR/2.5BA luxury townhouse. W/D & internet. $350/mo. Female. 508-435-2267 4-20-11-1 Spacious 3/2 house located on Tower Road near the Oaks Mall. Looking for responsible NS female roommate $300 + utils. Lindsey 786-282-8663 4-15-7-1 Apt 4 rent 4 fall 05. Univ Terrace $405/mo includes utilites, internet, cable tv. On bus route, good location, 4BR/4BA, balcony, quiet, clean. Call Elyse 219-5997 5-24-15-1 GAINESVILLE PLACE 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, Phase 11, 3rd Fl. Asking $350. 352-262-2439. 4-20-10-1 1BR/1BA in beautiful 4BR/4BA.Quiet, clean. $385/mo inl utils, cable, hi-spd inet, W/D. Free parking & pool! Bus rts 12 & 35. Furn opt. No pets. Indiv leases. Call 352-6924979. .Pics & more: 4-20-8-1 2BR/2BA avail Summer & Fall. Newly remodeled condo w/patio, walk in closet, hottub, cable, alarm, phone, internet, W/D. Univ Terr W. Less than 2 mi to UF. $385+ 1/4 utils. 3715853 4-20-7-1 UNIVERSITY TERRACE WEST 1-4 BRs avail pvt BA in each rm. Close to campus. $350/mo ea. Call 772-696-1154 4-20-7-1 FULLY FURNISHED 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. Available for fall. W/D, pool, gym, security system, utils, cable. $420/mo incl all. 813-713-6485 4-20-5-1 $260/mo SUMMER RENTAL Share 3/2 w/female UF student. Clean & quiet. Located 5 mi from campus on SW Archer. Email Sara: 4-20-5-1 Gainesville Place sublease for summer. Furn 1 BR/1 BA in a 4BR/4BA apt. May I thru Aug 8. $275/mo NC for Aug. Incl cable, ethernet, all utils (except ph). Call Mark 352-256-2719 or 407-771-4111 or 4-20-5-1 1 or 2 rooms in 2BR/1BA downtown apt. Newly remodeled. Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/mo or $695/mo for both rooms. Month to month or longer lease okay. Pets okay. 262-1351 4-20-5-1 Furnished 1BR/1BA in a 4BR/4BA. Utils, cable & DSL inc. University Terrace. On bus route. Available Aug 1st. 12 month lease. $395/mo. Call 407-620-1555 4-20-4-1 *COUNTRYSIDE 1BR/1BA IN 4BR/4BA.* $425/mo util, cable, alarm DSL incl. W/D. On bus rts 9 & 35. Individual leases. Call 407-620-1555 4-20-4-1 For Rent: 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA Looking Glass Apts, furnished. Across Street from Anderson/Matherly, Walk to Class. 5/1 -8/1. $430/month 941-228-2651 4-20-4-1 |For Rent S unf ur nishe d GATOR PLACE APTS 3600 SW 23 St. 2BR/ 1BA W/D is optional. Park in front of your apt. Pet play park. 2 mi to VA/Shands. $525/mo 372-0507. 4-20-71-2 QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1 BR apt. $325/mo. 61BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 4-20-71-2 AVAILABLE NOW Walk to UF,'Studios and 1BR's From $555. Free parking Open Weekends 371-7777 420-71-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-8797 4-20-71-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Watson Reaty Corp. REALTORS' Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 gvillepm@watsonrealtycorp.com4-20-71-2 CAN'T FIND PARKING? BUS FULL? Studios & 1/1s from $459 at UF Pool *We Pay Most Utilities Pets OK Residents get FREE parking.guaranteed You can't live any closer! 372-7111 4-20-71-2 QUALITY YOU CAN AFFORD! Avail NOW or AUGUST! 1BR $530/28R $580/3BR $735 0 HUGE floor plans! 2 Pools! I Pets Welcome! ** 335-7275 4-20-71-2 *LUXURY 3/3 DOWNTOWN* Hurry while they last Only 3 left! W/D, pets OK 338-0002 4-20-71-2 *SUN BAY APTSO OSome furnished availS *@Walk or Bike to Campus 00 1-1 $460/mo@02-1 $520/mo 000376-6720 4-20-71-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $410 -$515, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066 335-7066. 4-20-71-2 ** A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD!** Move in TODAY or AUGUST. 1lBR $460 *2BR $530 Walk to UF Pets welcome! Beautiful pools/courtyards! Open Weekends! 372-7555 4-20-71-2 SEPARATE FROM THE COMMON PLACE Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm* 24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF Museum Walk 379-9255 4-20-71-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Out House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 4-20-71-2 Move In Today! SPECIALS 1 br $585, 2/2 $680 Alarm, Pool, bball Love pets! Free UF Parking 376-4002 4-20-71-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 4-20-71-2 Now & Fall -1 Big enough for 2! 750 Sq Ft, Patio, We love pets! Alarm*Pool*UF Parking*DW*Gym Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401 4-20-71-2 SEEING IS BELIEVINGH! 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH FREE cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm Gated*24hr gym*Tan FREE*Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL'377-2777 4-20-71-2 **HUGE Luxury w/Garage** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA TH from $420 per person FREE Alarn *WD*GATED ENTRY FREE Tanning*24hr Gym*Camp lab Filling Fast for Fall**372-0400 .4-20-71-2 **Beautiful and New* 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866) 4-20-71-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 4-20-71-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 4-20-71-2 Too Good to Be True! HUGE 2/2 for only $425/person! Pool*Hot Tub*Tanning*PC Lab*W/D FREE Cable with HBO*Most Utilities FREE Minutes from Campus! 372-8100 4-20-71-2 HOUSES and CONDOS All locations and price ranges If you are tired of apt life Go to or cal 374 6905. 8-24-170-2 Save $$$ and love where you lively Spacious 1/1, 2/1 or 3/2. Avail Now or Fall Alarms, pets welcome, free UF parking Call 373-1111 or visit 4-20-71-2 Continued on next page. How To Place A Classified Ad: In Person: Cash, Check, MC, or Visa The Alligator Office 1105 W. University Ave. M-F, 8am -4pm UF Bookstore at Reitz Union M -F, 8am -6pm, Sat. 10am -5pm By Mail: Use forms appearing weekly in The Alligator. Sorry, no cash by mail. MC, Visa or checks only. By Phone: (352) 373-FIND Payment by Visa or MasterCard ONLY. M -F-8am -4pm By Fax: (352) 376-4556 When Will Your Ad Run? Classified begin TWO WORKING DAYS after they are placed. Ads placed at the UF Bookstore may take THREE days to appear. Ads may run for any length of time and be cancelled at any time. 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We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. -All employment opportunities advertised herein are subjectto the laws which prohibit discrimination in employment (barring legal exceptions) because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, age, or any other covered status. e This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through the type of advertising that is know as "personal' or "connections" whether or not they actually appear under those classifications. We suggest that any reader who responds-to that type of advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information. -Although this newspaper uses great care in accepting or rejecting advertising according to its suitability, we cannot verify that all adverising claims or offers are completely valid in every case and, therefore, cannot assume any responsibility for any injury orloss arising from offers and acceptance of offers of goods and/or services through any advertising contained herein.


12, ALLIGATOR U FRfDIAY, APRIL 15, 2005 For Rent For Rent For Rent dFor fnt Fqr nf unfurise unfii shed unurshed unfunished wished HOUSES AT UF 2 and 3BR from $719 Carport, wood floors, pets ok .Open Weekends Call for appointment 371-7777 4-20-71-2 Historic Neighborhood WALK TO UF 1and 2 BRs from $560 Pets ok, wood floor option OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-71-2 Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF Private 3/2 with HUGE deck W/D*Free PaFking*Elevator Access One of a kind luxury! 372-7111 4-20-71-2 Summer rates plus July FREE on a 15 month lease Sun Island Properties 376-6720 4-20-71-2 Want a bigger 2 or 4 BR TH this fall? TH, W/D & DW. We love ALL pets! Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm Call by 4 Specialsl 332-7401 4-20-71-2 *LIVE A RESORT LIFESTYLE* 1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities. Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455 4-20-71-2 TIRED OF ROOMMATES?! Huge 1/1 dishwasher, patio/balcony tennis, bball, monitored alarm Move-in specials, leasing now & fall open weekends, call 376-4002 4-20-71-2 1st MONTH FREEl Pine Rush Apartments 1&2 BR apt homes starting @ $429/mo 375-1519 4-20-71-2 Tremendous TWO BED TWO BATH FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm affordable, spacious, pets ok! 376-4002 4-20-71-2 1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA $525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals, W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF. 332-7700. 4-20-71-2 ***LIVE IN LUXURY** HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3 Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab Pets welcome*Private dog park Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801 4-20-71-2 Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups & DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 4-20-71-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft 1BR 1000 sq fB 2BR Townhouses & Flats! Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480. Close to-Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070. 4-20-71-2 We are what you're looking for! HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095 2BR/1.5BA TH with W/D for $649! 1BR & 2BR/1BA with W/D, central heat/air, 630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo; Alarms, Free UF parking, pets OK dishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets 816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1300/mo; Now leasing for Fall 373-1111 arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From 1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo; 4-20-71-2 $505 377-1633 5-19-75-2 -642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 4-20-71-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 4-20-71-2 Your Perfect Apt Next to UF! Move in Now or Aug! Studios, 1, 2 & 3BR Specials from $489/mo. Lofts wood firs & more. Some pet friendly! Going Fast! Call now. 376-6223 4-20-71-2 Apartments Available Now All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse our listing FREE WWW.SUBLETCOM 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-2 Have Roommates? 3BR/2BA House $950 Only You? 1 BR/1 BA House $450 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2 So Close to Campus Avail now, 2BR/1 & 2 BA apts. $400, $450, $695 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 20050 ALLIGATOR, 13 FrRent For Rent Rent For Rent' For Rent unfrnishe unfurnished unfurnished nnishe punished 1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown. 2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 3734423 or online at 8-15-95-2 Stupendous Studios Steps to UF From $499 -$559 Laundry, pool, pets ok! Open till 8pm and weekends Leasing for Fall 371-7777 4-20-69-2 DOWNTOWN LOCATION! 3BR/2BA Wood floors, fireplace, living & dining rooms, Den, $625/rent, 223 SW 4th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-60-2 CHEAP RENT! 2BR/1.5BA W/d hookups, CH/AC, dishwasher, $475/mo 5320 NW 20th Court Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-64-2 **1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL** NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 2BRover 1100 sq ft f0 $650/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ftOO $550/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit 0 376-2507 4-20-63-2 3BR/4BR -LIKE A HOUSE Huge townhouse, fireplace, W/D hook-ups, patio, New carpet & tile, fitness & basketball high speed wireless internet 3BR/2.5BA only $850 4BR/3BA only $1099 Close to UF in SW Beautiful/quiet e 376-2507 4-20-63-2 Threesomes Welcomel All the space you need only $1050 Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab W/D*Cable with HBO*Extra Storage The perfect three-bedroom! 372-8100 4-20-60-2 DUCK POND! Cute 1BR/1BA, wood floors, eat-in kitchen, ceiling fans, $475/rent 305-C NE 6th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-55-2 *NOW PRE-LEASING* 1 BR $699 -2BR $839 -3BR $999 $150 dep. Full size W/D, Direct Campus Access, Pool, Fitness Center! Open M-F 8:30 -5:30, Sat 11-4 Pebble Creek Apts 376-9607 4-20-59-2 AVAIL. AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house. Ceramic tile floors, extra game room, fenced yard, pet ok, wash/dry provided. 1330 NW 39th St. 339-2342 for directions $1200/mo 420-51-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo House & Townhouse Rentals Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 3BR/2BA House $975/mo 3BR/3BA Townhouse $800/mo 2BR/1 BA Near UF $500/mo Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today: 371-2118 4-20-50-2 GAINESVILLE'S FINEST LIVING Luxury 3/3 & 4/4's from only $370/bdrm includes extended cable, water/sewer, 24 hr gym, Free Tanning SPRING & SUMMER SPECIALS Call the Landings at 336-3838 4-20-44-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401* 4-20-44-2 Living it upl Luxury style! 1 & 2 BR, Private patios, walking distance to UF, next to Sorority Row, Alarm, pets OK, W/D, HUGE bdrs & walkin closets. "Walk to UF" Call 372-7111 4-20-35-2 DEAL OF A LIFETIMEt!l 3BR/3BA ONLY $365/PERSON FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL* 377-2777 4-20-35-2 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" *Sorority Row Area* 1940's vintage stone 2BR/1 BA apt. Beautiful hardwood floors. $675/mo 375-8256 4-2031-2 *8 Blocks to UF* Huge 2BR/1BA apt. Best deal in town. Starting at $ 375-8256 4-20-30-2 *Sorority Row Area* Cute 2BR/1BA brick duplex behind Norman Hall. $650/mo.375-8256 4-20-30-2 HISTORIC HOUSES DOWNTOWN 1BRs & 2.5BRs. $275-700/mo Progressive thinkers preferred. View at: 4-20-31-2 ENORMOUS 3BR Avail for Current and Fall Poo Tennis Cts 1.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Furs & Util Avail Great Specials 377-7401 4-20-31-2 Available Now Blocks from UF Duplex, 2BR/1BA, fenced yard, $675/mo HOUSE 3BR/2BA, W/D, $1175/mo (Pets ok) Call Carol @ 377-3852 4-20-31-2 *FALL* Bilks from UF 0 Houses 0 Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See for listings or call Carol at 377-3852. 4-20-31-2 AVAILABLE NOW! NEW 3BR/2BA house 2 car garage in brand new subdivision close to UF & SFCC. All appliances $1300/mo negotiable based on length of lease. Call 215-9987 4-20-30-2 3BR/1.5BA HOUSE Lg screen back pch, tg back yard, close to downtown, W/D, $900/ mo. Avail May 1stl. Call (office) 377-1071 or (cell) 262-7174 ask for Brian 4-20-30-2 Avail now 3BR/2BA HOUSE. 2120 NW 55th Terrace. Tile firs, Berber carpet, all appliances incl. Privacy fenced-is yard. $1050/mo. Call 215-9987 4-20-30-2 TOP QUALITY -GREAT LOCATIONS Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties 372-1509 4-20-30-2 SPACE & VALUE! 3 + 4 bedrooms tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm Pets welcome, free uf parking ceramic tile, dishwasher, pool open wknds, Call 376-4002 4-20-29-2 Avail May: Several units w/in .5 mi of UF campus or closer. Eff $300-310, 1BR/1BA $395-$415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA $700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact or Iv mssg 352-870-7256 4-20-28-2 Be near everything at The Oaks! Start at $525 for 1 bdrm, $675 for 2 bdrm, & $825 for 3 bdrm Remodels Available! Call for move in specials today at 331-8836! 4-20-26-2 Hampton Oaks brand new lux. apts. behind Oaks Mal. 2 bdrms start at $850/mo & 3bdrm at $1200/mo w/move-in special of up to 2 mo FREE rent! Call 333-8643 today! 4-20-26-2 Luxurious Victoria Station Twnhse. Walk to Butler. 2BR/25BA. W/D, alarm, pool, free ethernet-Bus rt in front every 15 mon. $850/ mo NEGOTIABLE. Avail Aug 2005. Cell 2224235 4-20-25-2 University Terrace West -4/4 Individual Leases New Carpet & Paint .Furnished Living Area W/D, Pool $395/mo Uniton Properties 373-7578 4-20-24-2 University Terrace Gainesville 4/4 Individual Leases Completely Refurbished Furnished Living Area W/D, Pool $405/mo Union Properties 373-7578 4-20-24-2 Victoria Station Off SW 35th Place Like New Townhouse 2BR 2.5BAW/D, Pool $825-650/mo Union Properties 373-7578 4-20-24-2 Vacation with US! Resort style living. RTS BUS service @ your door 2/2 or 4/4 ALL inclusive, hi-speed int. HBOs, UTILITIES FREE maid serv. Gated! Going fast. Call now 271-3131 420-23-2 ** 2BR 2.5 BA ** Brighton Park Condo Beautiful end unit townhome, W/D, DW, alarm, pool, -1200 sq ft Many extras. Bus rt SW 34 St No smoking unit. Avail Aug $825 214-3820 4-20-20-2 ISABELLA PARK 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA townhome. W/D, DW, eat-in kitchen, SW Archer & 34th St. area. 336-7097. Grad/prof preferred. Lease option. Furnish option. 4-20-20-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASES AVAILABLE NOWAND FALL SEASON Convenient UF access $325 to $575 Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 4-20-18-2 ROCKWOOD VILLAS avail Aug 1, 2005. 3BR/3BA townhouse. Ind W/D, great bus rt to UF. $1100/mo. Call Donna 352-339-3250 4-20-19-2 Apartments & Houses Studio to 5BR+ Most within 2 miles of campus! Campus Realty 692-3800 5-31-25-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 3BR/3BATownhomes Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms The Laurels, 335-4455 4-20-16-2 LARGE 1BR APT Hardwood floors, ceiling fans, new appliances & upgrades. Beautiful wooded lot. Close to shopping & UF. Water, sewer included. $395/mo. Call 352-373-5295 4-20-15-2 DUCKPOND AREA HOUSE Avail Aug 1st. Large 4BR/2.5BA, W/D, hardwood floors, fireplace, glassed in porch, util bldg, etc. Bike to campus. $1400/mo, $350/per person. 1st, last, dep. 352-466-0165 4-20-15-2 Three 4BR HOUSES & 1&2BR APTS. Spacious, efficient homes biking distance to campus. Remodeled, Ig fenced yards. Lots of extras. Available now & fall. Call for details. $475-1225/mo. 352-372-4768 6-30-29-2 HOUSES 0 359-2000 2BR 1BA $595 1953 NW 31st P1. 2BR 1 BA $595 431 SE 7th St. 4-20-14-2 Available Summer & Fall Studios & 1BRs $350 to $750 2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850 Gore-.Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387 8-23-41-2 Absolutely perfect 3BR/2BA in Millhopper. Convenient to UF & shopping. Huge yard, remodeled interior, wd firs. Truly great house! W/D hkups. No dogs. Prof or grads pref. 2006 NW 36th Terr. $999/mo 215-7199 4-20-14-2 Adorable 2BR/1.5BA cottage on bus line. W/D hkups. No dogs. 2943 NW 6th'St. $640/mo. 215-7199 4-20-14-2 DUCKPOND Historic house, hd wd firs, Ig front porch, lots of charm. Studio & IBR avail. 306 NE 6th St. $400-500/mo. Call 379-4952 4-20-14-2 LIVE IN THE DUCKPOND! Avail May 1 or 2 BRs in 3BR/1BA house. Quiet street. MUST LOVEDOGS. Lease length neg. CHEAP RENT. Can furn. Call Annie 352-284-1686 4-15-11-2 1BR/1BA at Pine Rush. Pool. Laundry Room. Quiet area. $4294mo with 1st month FREE. No security deposit. Call 692-4352 4-15-10-2 Spacious 1BR/1BA house w/large garage space in Duckpond. Newly renovated, brand new energy efficient appliances Inci W/D, tankless water heater, cent AC/H, shed, wd firs, new paint. Call for appt. 352-336-2189 4-20-13-2 HOUSE 2BR/1BA $695/mo. W/D, cent H/ AC, 2.5 mi North of UF. Call 352-214-1722 4-20-13-2 2 BEDROOM -MOVE IN TODAY! Only $530 -540 month! Great Pools Pets Welcome! Walk to UF & Shands! 0 372-7555 Open wkends! 4-20-12-2 ***BRAND NEW*** 2BR/2.5BA luxury townhouse, 1200 sq ft, big bedrms, huge living rm & kitchen. Everything is new 5 min to UF. Avail Aug $975 352-4475795, cell 422-2967 4-20-13-2 3BR/2BA house close to UF campus. Avail Aug 1st, tile floors, new kitchen, large fenced yard, cent AC, $1125/mo. Drive by 3423 NW 1st Ct. Call Marty 514-2855 4-20-13-2 FALL & SUMMER ARE. HERE! Contact us for a complete lis ting Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-1.0-2 0 SPYGLASS 0 Ask About Our Move-In Specials & Giveaways Individual Leases: Furniture Packages, Incl Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet; Every Unit is an End Unit Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 o 701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330 4-20-12-2 LAKEWOOD VILLAS Ask About Our Move In Specials & Giveaways Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans; Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer; Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool; Sauna etc. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009 4-20-12-2 CONVENIENT NW 3BR HOME Close to everything. Updated w/new appliances. 1400 sq ft, W/D hk-ups. Quiet. $850/mo. Available now. 820 NW 29th Pl. Call 2149270 4-20-12-2 4BR/2BA DUCKPOND HOME -Wood floors, spacious, quiet. $1050/mo 714 NE 12th Ave. Call Jeffrey at 246-5801 4-20-11-2 Beautiful Hisoric Home, wood floors, high ceilings, 3-4 BR/2BA, large fenced yard $1400/mo ($1250/mo for 2 yr lease) Downtown location near UF. Avail May 1st. Call Tom at 262-6423 4-20-11-2 2BR townhouse; 7209 SW 45th Pl. $500/ mo, $500 sec dep. No pets. 386-462-0994 4-20-11-2 2BR/1.5BA Condo in Casablanca East. Newly remodeled w/tile floors, W/D incl, I, quiet area, on bus rt, close to UF/Shands no pets, $800/mo. Avail May 16th. 352-2465958 4-20-11-2 1 BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW 23rd St. Starting @ $385/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150. Please leave a message. Classifieds. Continue-d on next page.


4, ALLI ATOR U FRIDAY A RIL 15 205 For Rent ForRent For Rent Rent Ulnurnished Unfur~nished unfurnishe unfurnished Subleases 3BR/3BA newer home. Cathedral ceilings, fenced yard, close to UF/Shands, W/D, lawn svc & pest count ind. Part furn avail. $1300/ mo. Grad students pref. Avail June 1st. Call 246-5958 4-20-10-2 Looking for an Apartment??? THE LEASING CONNECTION 1608 NW 1st Avenue Located right behind The Florida Book Store Plenty of FREE PARKING FREE Apartment and Housing Locator Service Call 352-376-4493 or visit 6-7-19-2 5BR/3BA house with large bedrooms. Located off SW 34th Street within 1 mile of Butler Plaza. On RTS Route 12. Biking distance 'to UF. $1995 monthly. See for more. 4-20-10-2 7 blks from UF. Very nice 1 BR/1 BA efficiency apartment. Big BA, large laundry room, W/D incl & kitchen. $650/mo. Incl all utils, cable & DSL. Nice fenced backyard. Call Jed 352378-8488 4-20-10-2 3BR/2BA TRIPLEX avail for August 2 blks from campus Walk to class. Plenty of parking. $1500/mo. 376-1111 4-20-10-2 In gated Plantation Oaks 2BR/2BA 2 car garage, screened-in porch. Many luxury & energy-saving features $800/mo 386-4623066 5-12-12-2 2BR/1 BA HOUSE for rent. Walk to the Law school. W/D, Plenty of parking. Call 352-3761111 4-20-10-2 5 MIN TO SHANDS OR UF Luxurious 2BR/2.5BA in secluded location. Only 5 yrs old & newly redecorated. W/D, DW, alarm, pool. Avail Aug. N/S. $825/mo 214-3820 5-31-17-2 Great Homes, Close to UF. 3311 NW 30th Ave $1050/month 1614 NW 21st AVe $1000/month 2006 NW 35th St. $1350/month 4430 NW 16th PI $1425/month Drive by and call 495-9085 Email: 7-21-30-2 2BR/2BA home for July Cent H/AC, W/D, wd floors, den, sunporch, patio, pet considered $840/mo. Bike to UF 352-336-6116 5-1211-2 www Houses for Aug in quiet areas. Cute clean 2 & 3BR homes. Cent H/AC, W/D, wood/tile floors, $650 to $960/mo. Bike to UF 352336-6116 5-12-11-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE. Fenced backyard, -1900 sq ft, close to campus. Hdwd flors, W/D hk ups, Avail June 15th. $1300/mo. Call 3321990 4-20-9-2 MIKE'S HOUSES Excellent Single Family Houses Close to UF Call Mike 352-665-7316 4-20-9-2 Townhouse 2BR/1.5BA. Fenced yard, W/D hkups, pets ok. Rent $595/mo. 3935 SW 26th Terr. Call 371-3473, Iv mssg. 4-20-9-2 PET'S PARADISE, no app or pet fee. 2BR townhomes, duplexes. Privacy fence, modern appliances, fans, SW, private owner, please leave detailed message. $450/525/ mo.352-331-2099. 4-20-8-2 ADORABLE STONE COTTAGE 3 blks from campus. Fully renovated 2BR/1BA w/den. Wood floors, W/D hkups. Pets OK. Avail May Ig $975/mo. 331-6376 4-20-8-2 ABRACADABRA! House 3/2 5457 NW 35 Dr, apple tree. $975/mo. 4/3 4306 NW 21 St $1100/mo. 4/3 3538. NW 46 PI $1100/mo. Avail 4/05 or 8/1/05. Call 318-3721 or 352332-0602 4-20-8-2 SPACIOUS STUDIO! Biking dist to Shands & Vet school, washer/dryer, $450/rent 3811 SW 20th Street Car Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-5-2 LOTS OF CHARM! 2 BR/2BA Duplex, large fenced yard, W/D hookups, Wood floors, lawn svc, $695/rent 1931 -B NW 6th Street. Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-5-2 DUCK POND STUDIO! Adorable studio w/separate kitchen & walk-in closet, wood floors, water & pest control inc. $450/rent, 414-7 NfE 5th Ave. Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc 372-9525 4-15-5-2 SUPER CUTE! 1BR 1 BA duplex, wood floors, lawn service, $400/rent 1931 -A NW 6th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-15-5-2 2BR I BA Apts, $500-$525/ Mo 5 blks to UF! 840 Sq. Ft 829 SW 5th Avenue, St. CroixApts. Central H & Air, Incids Wtr, Swg, Pst Ctrl, Garbage. Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2 1BR 1BA 1 blk to UFl 1218 SW 3rd Avenue Wood Floors, Window A/C, $400/mo Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2 2 Blks to UF! 2BR 1BA Apt, Terrazzo Floors, Window A/C, Nat Gas ht. $520/mo. 408 NW 15th St. Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2 5>5R BAl .iue with Wabud llu Central H & Air. Washer/Dryer Hkups $725/ mo 2801 NW21stTerr, off NW23rdAve. Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2 2BR 2BA Condo in WOODSIDE VILLAS located 7200 SW 8th Ave behind Oaks Mall. Pool,. Clubhouse, etc. $625/mo Call Merrill Maganement Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2 3BR 1 BA Home with wood Floors. Central H & Air, Washer/Dryer Hkups 1100 sq ft $725/Mo. Off NE 16th Ave 1050 NE 13th Place. Call Merrill Management Inc 3721494 4-20-7-2 2 BR 1BA apts 1 Block to UF New Carpet, Window A/C, Nat Gas Ht 1210 SW 3rd Avenue $540/Mo Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2 1 Block from UF! 1 BR and 2BR Apts Avail Now, Summer or Fall see our list at www.merrillmanagement. net updated daily or call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2 1BR 1BAApts 1 Blk to UFI $460/mo 1236 SW 4th Ave Grad II Apts 'Central H & Air Carpet, Incids Water swg, pest control & Garbage Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2 2BR 1BA Apt 1 Block to UF Central H &Air. Tile or Wood Floors 1236 SW 1st Ave, $585/Mo Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 4-20-7-2 2BR/2BA avail July 1st. Kitchen equipped, $650/mo incl water. 1st, last, deposit. No pets. Walk to UF. Call 373-5789 4-15-4-2 4BR/2BA house AC hardwood firs, kitchen equipped, indoor laundry, W/D incl, 2400 sq ft. $2000/mo negotiable. 754 NW 20th st. No pets. Walk to UF. AvaitAug Ist. Call 3326029 4-15-4-2 TAYLOR SQUARE Apts and Townhouses 621 NW 10th St Gainesville WALK TO UF BRAND NEW LEASING FOR FALL CONTACT 352-332-2097 4-20-7-2 Now leasing for Fall 4BR/2BA apt $265/mo per room + utils, 3 blocks from campus, No pets 231-3002 4-20-7-2 AVAIL NOW 2BR/1 BA apt $600/mo, 625 SW 11th Ln. 3BR/2BA house $900/mo 2706 W Univ Ave. 231-3002 4-20-7-2 ROCKWOOD VILLAS Lg 3BR/3BA, on bus rt, $1050/mo or $350/ BR. Avail May 1st. Call 332-0617 Iv mssg 4-20-7-2 SPANISH STYLE Large 4BR/2BA close to UF. Nicely landscaped. Skylights, Mexican tile, W/D, cent AC/H, large screened porch. $1450/mo. Call 373-5295 4-20-6-2 PALM TREES Beautiful, spacious home, 8 rms + 400 sq ft porch. 3BR/1 BA, bike to UF, $1175 + util. No pets. Currently avail. 2751259 4-20-6-2 HISTORIC BAXTER COTTAGE Pirvacy and location, 2 blks to campus near sorority row. Fall rental, nem inside, 2BR/1 BA, NB, no pets. $669 + util. 275-1259 4-20-6-2 AVAILABLE ASAP in Beautiful IRONWOOD GOLF COURSE. 3BR/2BA house w/jacuzzi & fireplace. W/D, house rent $1150 or $410/rm. Contact 561719-6680; 4-20-6-2 SWEET DUCKPOND AREA HOME. 3BR/ 1BA, cent AC, fireplace, fenced yard, tile & wood floors, Avail 5/1. 731 NE 9th St. $850/ mo. 352-316-1637 5-31-13-2 5 MIN TO UF! 3BR/2BA excellent NW area, fam rm, garage, cathedral ceilings, wood firs W/D, great looking home. Avail 8/5, $1200/ mo 352-373-6080 or 352-284-5033 ALSO AVAILABLE 4BR/2BA. 4-20-6-2 HISTORIC HOUSES DOWNTOWN 224 NW 2nd Ave 5/2 $1700 0 236 NW 2nd Ave 4/1 $1100, 0 235 NW 3rd Ave two 1/1s $575 & $675 0 229 NW 3rd Ave 3/1 $975 0 1/1 $475. Off st parking 305-527-9315 4-20-6-2 CLOSE TO UF 2BR/1BA. Year lease from 8/17. 910 SW 6th Ave. AC/heat, W/D, carpeted, fenced backyard. No pets. $580/mo. Call 359-1508 4-20-5-2 Large single garage apartment. 3 blks from campus. $425/mo. Available Aug 1. 3728568 or 316-3305 4-20-5-2 Large private NW single family home 3/2 split, fenced, new apple lanai, Excellent schools, Available now $1275 + security 941-447-5453 4-20-5-2 A Golf Course Villa 3/2 house w/pool, Quiet, all appliances, on bus route Available now $930 + security 941-447-5453 4-20-5-2 HUGE & Affordable 1, 2, & 3BRs FREE Alarm FREE W/D Screen porch FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly ONLY 1.7 miles to UF 372-0400 4-20-5-2 DOWNTOWN Avail immediately. Month to month ok. 2BR/1BA apt. newly remodeled, quiet neighborhod, pets ok. Close to Shands, UF & library. $695/mo. Call 2621351 4=20.5-2 1BR/1BA w/ W/D. $500/mo. Quiet area, 3 miles north of UF. Call 379-0783, lv message. 4-20-4-2 CONDO BELLAMY FORGE 3BR/2.5BA w/garage. Very large, all new. Pool, tennis & racquet ball. Good location. On bus rt. $890/mo. Available fall Call 352-372-4768 6-30-18-2 **0.8 miles to UF. 4BR/2BA historic house. Wood flooors, W/D, high ceilings, fenced yard. Between UP & downtown. $950/mo. Avail 8/1: 214-9270 8-4-29-2 **0.8 miles to UF. 2 & 3 BR apts in historic house near downtown. Wood floors, nice deck, W/D. $525-$650/mo. 214-9270 8-4-29-2 Spacious 1 B/1 BA available in a 2BR/2BA house. MILLPOND. Across street from GHFC. Living room, kitchen, FL room, garden. Avail 7/05. $550/mo. Looking for female student or working prof. Call 305905-2289, 352-380-2726 4-20-4-2 CASABLANCA WEST 2BR/2.5BA -paddle fans, inside laundry room, ceramic tile & carpet. Gas heat & water. Rent incl water, sewer, garbage. Avail now. Call 375-8600 owner/broker 4-20-4-2 3BR/1 BA HOUSE central heat & A/C, kitchen & bath tile floors, WD hookup @ 2036 NW 31 Place. $650/mo. Call 352-371-3636 420-4-2 **Apply Now -No Application Fee** 4 blks to UF -Gatorside Apts. 1600 NW 4th Ave -2BR/1 BA $550 or I BR/1 BA $350 -or -12 blks to UF -Center Pointe Apts 1 BR/1 BA 1220 NW 12 St. $350. 371-3636 4-20-4-2 Duckpond. l1BR w/study. Wood floor, AC, pretty mallpaper. Free masher/dryer. Grad nthdent or prof. preferred. 1st last & sec. req. $580. Avail 7/1 377-4217 4-20-4-2 Subleases Apartments Sublets & Roornmates All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500 Short-Long & Furn-Unfurn 1-(877) FOR-RENT (367-7368) WWV.SUBLETCOM 4-20-71-3 WALK TO CLASS! $250/mo Now til Aug. Courtyards 352-328-6967 all included! 2-27-3-3 LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? Bid on a sublease. call 866-837-1309 or visit WWW. SUbleaSeaUCtion .Com 5-19-43-3 EMERGENCY SUMMER SUBLEASE 2BR/2.5BA townhouse 2 blocks to UF. May Aug $900/mo OBO 352-266-8475 4-20-13-3 Now/Summer sublease 1/1 in 4/4 utilities + wash/dry + ethernet + cable + full furnish + pool view = DARN GREAT DEAL ONLY $375/month 352-258-3542 4-20-24-3 *@@WALK TO CLASSOO 1/1 in 2/1 house behind Norman Hall. Great location and very cheap. Avail April 25. Call 262-7200 4-15-20-3 Room for summer sublease A, B or C in a beautiful new house. Room is spacious. Huge backyard w/pool. Pets welcome. Rent $4501 MUST see!! Everything included. 786367-7749 4-20-22-3 Campus Lodge apts. POOLSIDE 1/1 in 2/2 other room vacant. May-Aug. w/option to renew. $450/mo furnished, all utils + internet, W/D, Call 352-871-3117 4-20-21-3 HUGE ROOM FOR SUBLEASE 1BR in 4BR/2BA house in College Park. Huge walkin closet, wood floors, WID, walk to campus, furn common areas. Avail May-Aug $370/mo 739 NW 20th St. 352-219-4911 4-20-20-3 Summer sublease 1BR in 3BR house on NW 36th St., huge back porch W/D, wood floors, wor w/out furn. Avail May 30th. $250/mo + utils. Call 352-281-1337 4-20 119-3 **The Exchange $350/mo* Rent May-Aug Price NEG. Pool view, furn & utils incl, female, 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Call 352-262-7887 4-15-16-3 Summer sublease available -WINDSOR HALL 2 blocks from campus. 1 BR suite $600 utils incl. Laundry room, swimming pool, cable, ethernet. Call 516-650-4037 5-24-24-3 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA at Melrose Apts. $300/ mo, pvt BA, W/D, furn, all utils incl, ethernet, cable, lease from May-Aug, AUG FREE. Great Deal! Call 305-469-3372 4-15-15-3 $240/mo SUMMER SUBLEASE + 1/3 UTIL 3BR/2BA Boardwalk Apt. Call PK 954-682-5979 or call 904-705-1689 4-20-17-3 Reduced $450 @ The Exchange Furnished 1BR/1 BA in 2/2 Kitchen, living room, porch, W/D, Now available. Female please. 772-473-0560. 4-20-16-3 COUNTRYSIDE APT 1 BR/1 BA in a 4BR/4BA apt, utils, cable, W/ D, dishwasher, FURNISHED. $250/mo OBO. Available 5/1 727-656-8207 4-19-15-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 rooms avail May 1st in a 4BR/2BA house. Rent $355/mo + 1/4 utils. W/D, cable modem internet, 2 blocks from campus. Call 352-213-3112 4-20-16-3 Sublease SPYGLASS apt May to July 31. 1 BR/1 BA in 2 BR/2 BA apt. $300/mo + 1/2 utils OBO. Free internet. Fun roommate. Call Katie S. 352-213-5425 4-20-16-3 Summer sublease avail. 3 blocks to campus. Fabulous location! 1 BR in 2 BR apt. $260/ mo + 1/2 utils. Call 813-368-6801 or email 4-20-16-3 THE EXCHANGE 1/1 in 2/2 May, June, July. $325/mo incl util, cable i-net, W/D, male, furn, gated, bus rt. Call Hank 904-556-6149 or 904-491-4574 (Steve) 4-20-15-3 Female sublease at Courtyards. 1 bedroom in 4/2 townhouse on 13th. All furn & util included; $399/mo negotiable. Sec dep & 1st mo rent free, 514-6408 or 4-20-15-3 10 SECOND WALK TO UF Looking Glass Apts. Suminer sublease $400/mo negotiable. Drew 561-339-1219 4-20-15-3 2BR/2BA Oxford Manor $363 each. Negotiable. W/D, pool, weight room, tanning, 3 bus rts, furniture avail. Call 239-671-3148 or 561-635-8671 4-20-14-3 1BR in Campus Lodge, fully furn, pvt bathroom, all utils incl. vaulted ceilings, valued at $519/mo Subleasing for $375/mo from May 1st -mid Aug. Call Joy 786-210-9453 4-15-10-3 Summer sublease at Hidden Lake. 1 of 2BR/ 2BA. Call Jessica @ 863-860-7270 for more info. 4-15-10-3 1 rm in house $285 mo + uit & cb 3 mo sublese first mo free, great loc off 34th st. Wash/dry quiet area. 352-375-1353 4-20-12-3 1 or 2BR avail for summer sublease in 3/2.5 townhouse. Walking distance to Butler Plaza & 1 mi to UF. Avail, furn or unfurn, W/D. Call' Ciliff at 561-252-0819 4-20-12-3 May to Aug. $380 is all you pay! Util, wireless, furn incl. Free tanning, pool, hottub, fitness center, comp lab, tennis, bus route 352-246-3743 4-18-10-3 University Glades Sublease!! SUMMER: May -Aug. Price neg. BR w/personal bath in 3/3 apt. Incl all util. Furniture avail Call Stacey 352-336-1968 4-20-12-3 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 15 $ubleases Sublses Sublease ases aes Z ***SUMMER SUBLEASE*** May-July 4BR/4BA, 1 room open, furnished, utilites paid, walk-in closet, pool, washer/ dryer, 3 bus rts. hi spd internet. ONLY $250 NEGOTIABLE 246-4330 4-15-8-3 ARLINGTON SQUARE $200/mo 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA townhome. 1/2 util, cable, internet. May 1 thur July 31. 352-5143640 4-20-11-3 Museum Walk Apt for Summer 1/1 in 2/2 townhouse near campus. Fast bus rt, pvt balcony, walk-in closet, furn. W/D, pets ok. $380/mo + utils. Call 239-229-7218 4-15-8-3 $450. Female roommate for a sublease May -July 31st at Hidden Lake. Includes ALL utilites, cable, internet. Furnished, washerdryer, Contact Leanna at 585-802-1548 4-20-11-3 lER/iBA luxury apt. Sublease until end of summer. Cathedral ceilings, WuI, balcony, etc. Call for price. 786-402-1175 or rdboyri 4-20-11-3 Available immediately. 1BR/1BR in 3BR house. Close to campus. W/D, great roommate. $0 down, $340/mo. negotiable. Call Tim. 727-642-0136. 4-20-11-3 *DUCKPOND* Sublease May & June. Huge room in historic Victorian home. $315/ mo, 3 blocks from downtown. 377-2373' 4-20-11-3 Sublease @ The Exchange 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BAAvail May thru Aug. Price reduction $350/mo OBO. Fully fuirnished, utils incl. Call Tiffany 352-303-6130 4-20-11-3 Sublease @ The Exchange 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA. Avail May thru Aug. Price reduction $350/mo OBO. Fully furnished utils incl Call Edward 352-256-1890 4-20-11-3 **WALK TO CLASS** Summer sublease @ Courtyards. 1BR in 4BR townhouse. May-Aug. $325/mo. NEGOTIABLE. Call Maggie 352-264-7847 4-20-10-3 HOT lease 4 a cool prices Only $325/mo. (util incl) for fully furn 1 BR/ 1 BA w/ W/D, dig cable (hbo+), hi spd internet, pool, ground floor loc. 2 RTS (covered). 377-2856 4-20-10-3 U 0 AWESOME SUBLEA Downtown Arlington Square a 3BR. May-1/2 of Aug. W/ Next to Starbucks. $300/mo NEGOTIABLE. Call 352-26 10-3 2/2 DowntownArlington S Anytime May -July 31. Red $761. No deposit. Cent A/ dishwasher, pool, laundry rm. 4-20-10-3 LIVE WITH YOUR FRIENDS Summer sublease 3BR/3BA W/D, utl incl. Avail May -A Rent neg. Call 843-290-5853 campus) 4-20-10-3 1BR/1BA in NW avail 5/2 $ mo sublease w/option to re kitchen, walk downtown, pleas porch w/swing, on & off stre 0695 4-20-9-3 Summer sublease in 4BR/2 mo negotiable. Furnished, in optional. On 5 bus routes. 4-18-7-3 Large 1BR/1 BA in Oxford Man tiable 1 1/2 mi from UF. Privat Excellent managment. Call for Lauren or Aiee 4-20-9-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE at U 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA apt. $33 cable, ethernet, turn, W/D & m 423-0445 4-15-6-3 Sublet 1BR/1BA in a 3BR fur A & B @ The Exchange $480 813-245-3259, eves 813-818Large BR in adoreable 2BR h behind Swamp! $425/mo utils thru Aug., 4-20-9-3 1 BR/i BA in 3BR/3BA apt. Ste Glads. Fully turn, utils inc. May thur July. Call 954-264-6 SPANISH TRACE 1BR Ava Furnished or unfurnished. Re 561-715-1857 4-20-9-3 **1 MONTH FREE -3B Avail May thru Aug, w/opt to r $352/mo ea. W/D, vaulted cei more. Stoneridge Apts. Email 4-20-9-3 El U "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Pro SE 1BR/1BA LOFT TOWNHOUSE 1BR/1BA in -May 1st thru July 31st. $450/mo. Pool, alarm, D & pool incl pets ok. Near UF, VA & Shands. 3 bus rts. + 1/3 utils. Call 352-262-8558, 42-1687 4-2020-9-3 1 BR/1 BA apt at GAINESVILLE PLACE quare Sublet Avail May -Aug. Will give BARGAIN RATE. ued rent only Call 954-755-0696 4-20-9-3 big rooms, Furn 1/1 of unocc 3/3 CAMPUS LODGE now-Aug. Enet, pool, gym, W/D, cable, water, basic elec indl. Renew opt w/choice of roommates poss. $514 reduced to $450/mo! Hurry! 772-231-4609, apt. w/ pool, 4-18-7-3 ug. .Furnished! (bus route to Summer sublease May 1July 31. 1 BR/1 BA $325 NO DEPOSIT 440/mo for 3 Call Erdem 336-0799 or 392-6780 or nt after. Large e-mail me at 4-15-5-3 ant area, front SUMMER DEAL Male for summer sublease et park. 3371BR in 4BR apt/ W/D, behing Sorority Row. $300/mo. Please call 305-335-9021 4-20BA apt. $335/ 8-3 cl cable, DSL GAINESVILLE PLACE $350/mo OBO. Fully Call 870-4638 furn, W/D. Utils, cable, internet incl. Call -Rachel 352-359-3044 anytime. 4-20-8-3 or. Price nego1BR/1BA in 3BR/2BA apt. Close to UF. e gym. 2 pools. Bike/bus. $260/mo + 1/3 utils. For more 373-0803. Ask info call Joy 954-614-4607 or 352-377-6918 4-20-8-3 niversity Club. WALK TO CAMPUS -$245 5/mo, incl utils, 3 rooms available (indiv sublease) ore. Call 786in 4br/2bath apt. MayAug. Contact: Amy 954-854-7704 Lena 954-559-4707 4-15-5-3 n apt. Summer /mo. Call days Summer Sublease Lexington Crossing 9398 4-20-9-3 $350/mo everything included. Avail May 1st. 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. Call 954-471-3052 or ouse 5 blocks 352-271-2022 4-15-5-3 inc. Avail May 407-625-6660 ACROSS FROM UF sublease at the Courtyards. All utilities Inc[, room 4 ft bigger than all the others. M/F, $400/mo rent negorlisg Univeristy tiable, May-Aug. 904-608-6815 4-15-5-3 $380/mo. Avail WALK TO CAMPUS FOR CHEAP! 676 4-18-7-3 $1200 fur WHOLE SUMMER NW 7th Ave iI May -July. fully furn 1BR in 4BR/2BA house. Cable, hi. spd inet, util incl. Avail 4/29 NEGOTIABLE. nt Negotiable. Call Noel @ 352-375-4635 4-20-8-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE @ THE EXCHANGE R/3BA** 2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA, only 1 roommate. enew. Furn, everything incl. ,Call Marissa, 954ling, bus rt & 295-1012 or Erin, 303-829-3877 4-15-5-3 CAMPUS LODGE Nicest apt @ UF. 2BR/ 2BA all utils, fully furn, May to Aug. Very clean. Gated community, screened patio. Quiet. Call 372-3788. 4-15-5-3 Live w/a friend not a strangers 1 or 2 BRs in 2BR/2BA @ Cambridge Apts. All furn & utils Inc]. Great location. May thru Aug. $450/mo per BR/OBOI! Call Tracy 305-726-7970 420-8-3 LUXURY APT 5 min walk to UF/Sorority row bus. F roommate. Avail May-July All utils ic. Furs, ethernet, gym, pool. $400/ mo 786-246-3049 4-20-7-3 *** 1 BR/1 BA $300/mo *** Everything incl, furn w/qn bed, desk, W/D + pooltable in apt in 3/3 Madison Pointe. May thru Aug. Jesse 954-240-2440 4-15-4-3 0000 Summer Sublease University Commons 1/1 in a 2/2, all utilities included. $330/negotiable, furnished. Call ASAP 305-. viders" 962-0995 4-20-7-3 YOU GET $300 IN CASH!!! 1BR in 4bBR Courtyards for $350/mo. female. 0.35 mi to campus. Call Jessie 386383-8562 4-20-7-3 Large 1 BR/1 BA in a 3BR/3BA in Stoneridge Ats. Rent only $340/mo + 1/3 utils. OBO May to Aug Call 871-2426 4-20-7-3 Apt for SummerA & B sublease. 1 BR in 4BR/. 2BA turn University Glades Apt $290/mo all utils incl.(originally $435) M/F for all female apt. Call 386-212-9042 4-20-7-3 S $250/month 0 1BR in 2 story home, walk to UF, includes additional office space, DSL, furnished or non. Avail Summer B or C. Tree lined neighborhood. 262-5334 4-20-7-3 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA at Melrose Apts from AUG 05 to AUG 06, $509/mo. $250 move-in incentive, with housing scholarships available at Melrose. 803-535-9523 4-20-7-3 HEY LOOK! 1/1 in 4/4 Gainesville Place May-Aug -$490/month but neg. Clean apt, friendly ppl, cool deco interior -Everything included + maid & bus to campus. Call 305494-2002 4-20-7-3 CHEAP RENTl FREEFURNITURE! Summer sublease @ The Landings. 1 BR/1 BA in 3BR/ 3BA avail May-Aug, rent negotiable, I'll give you my furniture. 407-719-9843 4-15-4-3 Campus Club May to Aug. $400/mo NEGOTIABLE. 1BR/1BA in 4BR apt. Incl all utils. Fully turn, 32" TV, maid svc, hi-spd inet, Great place to live, only 5 min to UF. Call 561-317-9766 4-20-7-3 2BR/1BA w/extra sink area, avail May 1. $635/mo @ Piccadilly, pets welcome, all furniture for sale! 407-761-7761. Lease renews Aug 15. 4-20-7-3 $300/mo AUGUST FREE Fully furn. May thruAug 15th. Spacious 1BR/ lBA in 4BR/4BA @ Melrose Apts. Utils inGd. M/F Call 786-859-1934 4-18-5-3 *THE EXCHANGE* 2BR/2BA. Furnished. Great location. $499/ mo utils incl. Call 904-294-0389 5-5-8-3 U Club Apts: 1/1 in 4/4. Friendly, clean roommates. Nice furniture. $395/mo for everything, neg. Call Megan 907-232-6610 4-18-5-3 Homestead Apt Sublease Now thru July 31st. Renewal optional. 2BR/ 2BA, W/D hook up pool, gym, bus stops, laundromat, pets ok, $679/mo. Please call 378-2699 or 317-4507 4-18-5-3 GET YOUR OWN APTi Large 1BR/1BA Univ/13th Avail May 1st July 31st, option to renew. Close to campus. Furn option. Call 954-401-3203 $500/mo. 4-20-7-3 Cambridge Apts. Huge lBR/1 BA in 3BR/3BA apt. Avail immediately. Furn w/luxurious stuff & all amenities incl. Beautiful nature view. 20" TV as move-in gift. $465/mo. Call Carolina 352-328-1474 4-20-6-3 IMMEDIATE SUBLEASE Everything included. only $700/neg 4 ENTIRE SUMMER! Please call 246-4330 4-18-4-3 CHEAP SUBLEASE!!!! Stoneridge. 1BR/1BA avail with W/D, furn, ethernet and util. Pool, gym and etc. Only $275 OBO. Please call John @ 954-6732154 4-20-6-3 $300/ mo summer sublease 1BR/1BA in 4BR/BA fully furn in Countryside apts. Inc. utilities, cable, tv, wash/dry, balcony. Call 954-270-7906 4-19-5-3 *ACROSS FROM UF* $345/mo, 1BR/1BA spacious apt w/AC, interent, cable, W/D & parking. 617-584-5811 4-20-6-3 Summer sublease May -July M/F for 1BR in 4BR house. Furn $330/ mo + 1/4 utils. 1 blk to campus. Contact Sara @ 407-310-8085 or 4-20-6-3 1 BR in 4BR/4BA at University Club for summer C. Inc 50" TV, vaulted ceilings, W/D, inet, cable & fully furn. 1 mi from campus. Can take bus 35, 36, or 91 Price neg. F only. 954-821-8811 4-16-4-3 *1 BR/i BA available in 3BR/3BA* Fully furnished & all utilities included $465/ mo. May-Aug, Aug rent FREE, price neg. 2 convenient bus routes -9&34. Call 904-4242834 4-20-6-3 *2 WEEKS FREE* 1BR in 2BR/1BA sublease from April 17 -July 30. $210/mo + 1/2 util. Call Wang 8707662 4-20-6-3 Female for 1 BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Behind sorority row. Short walk to campus. Avail ASAP. Price NEGOTIABLE. Call 352-870-8902 4-20-6-3 Great 2/1 duplex; W/D, cent H/AC, bic fenced yard, 1.5 miles to UF. $500/mo Available now until July 31. Call 352-2191561 4-20-6-3 1 to 4 BRs avail in 4BR apt. May thru July, W D, 2 blks from campus & bars, $470/ OBO. Call Michael 352-359-0065 4-20-6-3 SPYGLASS APT 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. $350/mo all utils incl. Avail now til Aug. Call, 954-471-7119 4-20-6-3 Summer sublease: Camelot Apartments 2 bpd/2 bath, furnished, poolside. Close tc carhprts, law school, on bus routes. Avai May-Aug. Call Danielle 352-359-1691 420-6-3 2BR/1BA apt in Summit House. 5 minute walk to campus. Avail May-end of June. Option to renew lease. $420/mo 359-8130 or 328-8801 4-20-6-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE $299/mo May -Aug. Courtyards. Price negotiable, incl everything. Walk to class. Quiet roommates. 954-295-4002 4-20-6-3 Desperate -Will Sacrifice! 1/1 in big 4/4 @ The Exchange. May -Aug. Furnished, utilities, ethernet, W/D incl. I pay $500; you pay $400/OBO. 305-519-5055 4-20-5-3 1 or 2BR in 3BR at Greeenwich, rent/ wireless/utils $325/mo. May -July. W/D. RTS 12/35. Call Danielle 305-495-2251 4-20-5-3 CAMPUS LODGE -POOLSIDE. May -Aug, fully furn, 1BR/1 BA, room C. Vaulted ceilings, cool roommates! NEGOTIABLE PRICE. Call 786-797-7717 for more info. 4-20-5-3 WALK TO CLASS 3 blocks behind Swamp. 1 BR out of 2BR apt, May -Aug, flex Wood floors, fully turn 4-20-5-3 ROYAL VILLAGE $235 Furnished, pool, 2 blks to campus. 1BR. Call Mike 352-339-3539! 4-20-5-3 Lexington Crossing sublease. 1BR/BA in a 4BR/BA apt, furnished. Girls only! Great roommates, clean apt. Available May thru mid Aug. Only $350/month. Call 352-2235372 4-20-5-3 $150/mo off &Aug Rent FREE! 1/1 in F 4/4, everything incl, On rt 9, 34, Later Gator B. Avail summer A, B or C. $300/mo, Kendle at 352-216-1999 4-20-5-3 Sublet May-July. 2 rms avail NE Gville house. $250 + 1/3 bills. Rent 1 or both. Backyard w/picnic table, grill & firepit. Cable & wireless. W/D. Easy bike to UF. Furn/unfurn opt Isadora 682-1112, Chris 281-5270 4-20-5-3 Sublease at Gainesville Place 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Avail starting May $450/mo OBO. Fully turn, utils Inc. Call Tyler 352-427-1391 4-20-5-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE Two blocks from LAW school. 1BR/1Bf study room in a 3BR house. $350/mo + 1/ utilities. Serious roommates. Call 352-37 9751 4-20-5-3 ROOMMATE NEEDED (summer sublease) Pvt room in 3BR/2BA house Bike to UF (2 mi from campus) Call Kellan at 386-397-0951 4-20-5-3 WALK TO CLASS $225/MO Courtyards, furnished, utilities included. Ma til.August 352-871-2742 4-20-5-3 CAMPUS LODGE SUMMER SUBLEASE All summer available. Price negotiable. 2 OL of 4 suites avail. Call Jamie or Ilana 305-934 2758 or 305-742-5263 4-20-5-3 AVAIL IMMEDIATELY 1BR/1 BA $490/MO 2 blocks from campus Call 671-1577 4-20-5-3 Walk to class. Summer sub. Huge 1 BR/1 BA. Pool, W/D, walk-in closet, cable internet. Museum Walk. $300 price neg. Call 941238-7118. 4-20-5-3 Classifieds. Continued on next page. I I


16, ALLIGATOR U FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 dases U m me Roommates Roommates ReaaI Estate 1 or both rooms in 2BR downtown apt. Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/mo. Pets ok. Call 262-1351 4-20-5-3 1 room in 4BR/4BA fully furn apt. Clean, friendly, female roommates. Balcony, near pool, W/D. $330/mo. Avail immediately. Lease renewable. Call 703-987-3933 420-4-3 2BR/1BA. $515/mo. Avail May 1st-Aug 1st. 378-6708 4-20-4-3 Summer sublease @ The Exchange. 1BR/ 1BA in 4BR/4BA. Rent negotiable. Very clean apt. Everything included. Extra room also available. Call Nicole @ 407-927-5241, 4-20-4-3 AUGUST RENT FREE University Commons. $290/mo, May -Aug, W/D, cable, furn, vaulted ceilings, female please contact 305766-1257 4-20-4-3 University Glades 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA for May-Aug 05. Fully furnished includes util & internet & big TV. Aug rent already paid. $435 per month. Call 734-385-6214 5-10-5-3 1BR/1BA in 4BR/2BA apt in Sterling Univ. Glades. Fully furn, big screen TV. 5 min from UF. 24 hr gym, Need to sublease ASAP. From May -Aug. $430/mo. Call 514-2581 4-20-4-3 $400/mo negotiable. The Landings. 11 ft x 14 ft. Bedroom everything incl. Free tanning, sports courts, poorhouse, Summer. Furniture available 954-290-80874-20-4-3 SPACIOUS 1BR/1BA apt. Large walk-in closet, close to campus on Sorority Row, 1 & 43 bus routes. $395/mo incl water. Pets welcome. 352-281-9411 4-20-4-3 AWESOME 4BR/2BA HOUSE. WALK TO CAMPUS & BARS. Great backyard & furnished. $250/mo/room Contact us, at 407-375-2503 or 407-5923295 4-20-4-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 rooms @ University Commons 4/2 apt. $385/mo. each, incd util & cable. Avail nowAug. Call 954-895-0884 or 904-377-9346 CLOSE TO UF. 4-20-4-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE May-Aug 1BR/1BA nidr or just $380/mo. Including utils, internet, cable, etc. @ Lexington Crossing. Great bus route. Call Terri@904-534-2729 or 352-2711599 4-20-4-3 1Roommates Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 4-20-71-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 4-20-71-4 Female roommates wanted brand new 2100 sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to UF. Internet, HBOcable, sec alarm & utils incl $525/mo.Avail Fall. Call Jacqueline 352395-7462 or 941-780-3526 4-20-71-4 Sublets and Rooms Available All Florida Areas; All Major Cities Browse available Rooms FREE! 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-4 M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry $425+ utils 336-5450 or 954-646-1341 4-20-71-4 Grad, uppperclassman, or prof to share spacious new 3BR/2BA house. Internet & cable incl. Must be neat, clean & responsible. $450 or 425/mo + 1/2 utils. Short or long term avail. 262-3989 4-20-38-4 2BR/1 BA SW 5th Ave by Credit Union/ Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF. Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + half util. Quiet/considerate F/M? Call 337-9746 4:20-31-4 Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from 13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact or leave message at 352-870-7256 4-20-28-41 Female, responsible, NS, student wanted for 3BR/2BA house. A/C, W/D, pet friendly, close to UF & SFCC, 1st & last mo rent. $300/mo + 1/3 utils. Call Liz 352-339-5463 4-20-26-4 2BR avail in 4BR/4BA condo in Countryside. W/D in apt, 32" TV, walk-in closets, pool, gym, e-net $400/mo incl electric & cable. 1 MONTH FREE W/LEASE 305-944-3600 4-20-26-4 **4 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS** Large house w/pool, wood floors, big rooms. 2BRs available Aug 1st. Wireless. $450/mo + utils ea. Corey 904-234-5214 or 352-3739015 4-15-20-4 Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious condo w/2 female UF students. NW 55th St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763 4-20-19-4 *SUMMER SPECIAL $275/mo* Female(s) for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house near UF, Shands & VA. Pets ok, furn opt. Avail now. Jennifer 371-6228 please leave message. 4-18-16-4 2M roommates needed for 3BR Millpond twnhs fully furn; king beds, hi spd net, cable, W/D, pool, near UF, on UF bus rt, $450 & 1/3 stil, Chris 407-340-8585 or email 4-20-18-4 2 Female Roommates in 4/2 house in quiet NW neighborhood large yard, sunroom. NS/drug. Must be clean and responsible $400 + 1/4 util. Email 4-20-16-4 NS, mature, responsible, upper classman or grad student for own room & bath in large quiet home only 8 blocks north of campus. Rent incl all utils, W/D, wireless & cable. $500/mo 727-433-0229 4-20-16-4 Roommate Wanted: Large 2/1 apartment on 13th next to Norman Hall. $320/mo plus 1/2 utilities, lease from July -July. Female preferred, cool person required. 514-6408 or 4-20-15-4 Loft BR $250/mo big old house in NW. Remodeled, hardwood firs, new kitchen & baths, great yard, close to UF. Great roommates, DSL, good parking. Stephanie 3719409 6-9-15-4 Female roommate needed for NW 39th Ave home. $475/mo, all utilities incl, internet, fully furnished, private BR, W/D. Avail. ASAP 8705291 4-20-15-4 Room in NW home. $325/mo incl utils & DSL. No pets, mature male non-drinker/ smoker. Avail 5/1/05 (flex) Scott 335-8209 4-15-10-4 M/F NS grad student/prof for room in 3BR/ 2BA house near Vet School & Shands. Lease expires 7/31. $350/mo ring + 1/3 utils. Call Josh 372-0860 4-20-12-4 5 BLOCKS TO UF Own BR/BA in 2BR townhouse. $375/mo + 1/2 utils. W/D, hi-spd internet, M or F. Avail May 1. 305-962-6102 4-20-11-4 2/2 avail in beautiful large house located in quiet neighborhood. Avail for the summer beginning May 1. Call 352-246-4519 or 352376-4421. N/S, neat, preferred. 6-2-19-4 Rockwood Villas Female wanted for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA starting May. Furnished, W/D, wireless high spd internet, pool. $450/mo. Util incl. 352377-6865 4-20-10-4 M or F to share house for summer and/or fall. Move in ASAP. Furnished, includes all amenities. 2 mi to UF. $500/mo incl everything. 352-378-0329 4-20-10-4 Female for own BR in nice 3BR house off NW 8th Ave, 3 mi from UF on bus rte. Tile/hardwood, fenced yard, $300/mo + 1/3 GRU & HS Internet -digital cable, avail May 1, 381-5597 4-20-10-4 F vet student seeking F, NS for brand new fully furn 2BR/2BA home. Avail immed. Optional renewal for fall. $425/mo + 1/2 utils. Call 561-707-1503 or 5-10-9-4 Room in 2.2 in Sparrow Condos on Tower Rd. $375 flat rate incl utils, DSL, sat TV & phone. Private bath & balcony. Girls only. 352-359-2382 or 4-15-5-4 VERY LARGE. Furnished large 3BR/3BA house. Utilities included sUMMER SESSION $450/BR 3806 SW 2nd Ave. 1 block from Newberry Rd w/in 1 mi from UF. 407-3637198, call 407-234-1380 4-20-8-4 Looking for roommate to rent master BR in nice, clean, relaxed environment. New wood floors & appliances, no move-in or application fees. $350 + 1/3 utils. Call Ryan 850261-3571 4-20-8-4 .Girls only 2 rooms May 1st to July 31st each w/pvt baths. Cent AC, WID, cable incl. Internet ready. $350/mo each. Call 352-4729778, 305-299-3485 4-15-5-4 Female roommate needed for 3BR/2BA house in NW Gville. Pets welcome. Everything incl $350/mo. Hispd inet, cable, WID & more. Please call Misty @ 321-6249014 or a-mail 4-207-4 LUXURY TOWNHOUSE 2BR/2.5BA. W/D, fully furn. (All brand new), pool, gym, F roommate needed. N/S, serious student. $425/mo 1/2 utils (free ethernet) Lv msg 786-2463049 4-20-7-4 Female roommate for furn rm avail now in 2BR/2BA house 2 mi from UF. New bathroom & kitchen. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. Call 352-2561053 4-20-7-4 Need 4 rommates 5 min from Mall. Master BR $390/mo, $325 for other BRs. Part furn. Lots of amenities. Call Ben @ 225-1892 418-5-4 Beautiful home in trees on quiet street near UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen fireplace, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, WID, cent A/C, Ig yard, cats welcome. $340 + utils. 352-271-8711 4-20-7-4 2 rooms avail this summer in a nice 4/2 house near law school. $350/room plus utilities OBO. Please call 850-510-4063, 352-328-4633 or e-mail 4-20-7-4 Female roommate, NS, prefer serious student, share 2BR/2BA 3rd floor condo near Shands. Private balcony, pool, W/D in unit, partially furn. Walking distance to UF. $420 + 1/2 utilities. Call 352-262-4011 4-18-5-4 Male to share 2BR12BA condo. All utils incl, minutes to UF, $400/mo. 561-3174738 4-20-8-4 XX Walk to SFCC XX Need 2 N/S females roommates New 1700 sf 3BR, 2BA house $400/mo + 1/3 .utilities Available now, call 283-6279 4-20-5-4 Professional or student prefer female to share ranch home in G'ville about 10-15 min drive to UF or SFCC. Furn common areas. $400/mo. Avail end of April or May. Call 352262-4829 4-20-6-4 XX Walk to UF XX 1BR available now -12131, 2005 Share 1700 sf luxury home w/2 engineering grad students. $450/mo, 1/3 util call 283-6279 4-20-5-4 Quiet -non-smoking college age roommate wanted from Aug to April 06 -Rent $375 per month. Call local 352-376-4250 or call cell 904-994-6764 5-24-10-4 Summer sublease $375/mo w/util avail May 1 -July 31. Female roommate for large furn 1BR in 4/2 off 16th Ave. Maria @ 283-3538 or email 5-10-6-4 F roommate for newly remodeled 4BR/4BA University Terrace apt. Close to UP & Butler Plaza. Pool, great parking, hi-spd internet,. WD, walk-in closet. $325/mo + utils. Avail summer & fall. 305-479-0935 4-20-5-4 1BR in nice 2 story house on NW side W/D & 2 porches $450/mo incl everything. M/F. Currrent roommates like music fests & Phish. Call Ricky 336-1409 short/long lease. 4-20-5-4 CHEAPEST RENT IN TOWNMl $350 + 1/3 utils, huge room Private bath, W/D, pool Rockwood Villas, Avail June 1st.Isaac 514-0767 or Joe 514-6561 6-16-17-4 M/F, NS, needed to share 2BR/2.5BA Southfork Oaks townhome. (near Target) Unfurn master BR w/own BA avail. W/D. No pets. $347/mo + 1/2 utils. No lease. Call Evan 335-9714 4-20-5-4 2 roommates needed $300/mo 3BR/2BA, 1 acre fenced, must like pets, quiet neighborhood, lease starts in June. Call 352-2819214 4-20-5-4 Roommate Needed Private Bed/Bath $399, everything included Call 352-379-9300 4-20-5-4 2 females looking for a 3rd in a beautiful 3BR/3BA condo located in prime residential area. 15 win from UF. Close to park-n-ride. Lg kit & Ivg rm, patio, net, cable TV & WIG, community pool $450/mo 727-399-0574 4-20-5-4 2 share 2BR downtown apt. Newly remodeled. Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/ mo. Month to month or longer lease okay. Pets okay. Call 262-1351 4-20-5-4 Spacious 1 BR/1 BA available in a 2BR/2BA house. MILLPOND. Across street from GHFC. Living room, kitchen, FL room, garden. Avail 7/05. $550/mo. Looking for female student or working prof. Call 305-905-2289, 352-380-2726 4-20-4-4 1 female needed for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. $425/mo incl utils, cable, internet, furn, Avail June. Call 727-510-9346 4-20-4-4 1BR in 2 story furnished house in nice NW neighborhood close to UF. Washer & dryer in house. Rent $350/mo. Call Mike 316-3930 4-20-4-4 Real EstateSell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDSl Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 Iv mssg 4-20-71-5 NEW COMPANY IN GAINESVILLE looking to buy or lease houses in this area. Any size, price or condition. 352-264-7347 or visit us at 4-20-71-5 The Flavor of New Orleans comes to campus. Luxurious St. Charles Condominiums. 1 block to UF. Choose from 2BR/2BA flats, or view the University from your 3BR/3BA townhouse. Prices starting in the $180's 3758256 4-20-71-5 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PURCHASING A HOUSE OR CONDO NEAR UF? Plenty of properties are available. Call Marc J. Nakleh at Campus Realty 352-235-1576 4-20-68-5 Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more information, visit or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 4-20-52-5 HOT STUDENT CONDOS NEAR UF Save Thousandss When You Buy Now. FREE LIST of Great Local Condos. Campus Realty Group 6-3-40-5 1BR/1BA LOFT CONDO ELEGANT BOHEMIAN STYLE. Interior features a customized kitchen, bath & balcony, convt to UF, Shands, VA & mall. Amp. pking. $73,800 352-222-2942 dgmatt45 4-20-28-5 Townhouse 3BR/2BA. Close to UF. On bus rt. Quiet location. Dish/W, W/D, tile kitchen, living/dining area. Fenced backyard. Pool. $140,000 352-284-6154 4-20-26-5 Great Homes Near UF STOP Renting. Own Your Home. FREE LIST of Campus Area Homes Campus Realty Group 6-3-34-5 FOR SALE OR RENT TO OWN -GET READY FOR SUMMER -ADORABLE LAKE HOUSE on spring-fed pvt lake in Keystone Hgts. 2/2, large lot. Avail now. $129,950. Call 379-0619 4-20-20-5 HORSE PROPERTY Lease-to-own or owner financing. 3BR/ 2.5BA, 2091 sq ft. 3.86 acres, block & stucco, fireplace, $2150/mo + down. Owner licensed realtor Michael Quinones 376-2433. 4-20-19-5 FOR SALE Nice 3BR/2BA home. Built in 94. Fenced in backyard. Near 34th st and 39th Ave intersection. $199,000 352-214-5601 4-20-7-5 Cute 2BR/1BA condo near Kanapaha Park. Tile kitchen, dining, living room, fenced backyard. $89,500. Call 352-380-0679 or 904-612-5806 4-15-4-5 For sale 3BR/3BA Rockwood Villas Condo, tile kitchen, Ivg room dining & BA, across from pool, guest parking, great location & investment! $157,500, 352-336-3264 or 752256-8963 4-20-5-5 CONDO FOR SALE CASABLANCA WEST 2BR/2.5BA -screened porch, paddle fans, laundry room, gas heat & hot water. Call for appointment 375-8600 broker/owner 4-20-4-5 BEAUTIFULNORTH CAROLINA. MUSTSEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy Call for Free Brochure (800)841-5868. 4-15-1-5 FORECLOSED GOVT HOMES $0 or Low down! Tax repos and bankruptcies! No Credit O.K. $0 to low down. For listings (800)5011777 ext. 1299. 4-15-1-5 LAKE VIEW BARGAIN $29,900. Free boat slip! High elevation, beautifully wooded parcel. Across from national forest on 35,000 acre recreational lake in TN. Paved roads, u/ g utils, central water, sewer, more. Excellent financing. Call now (800)704-3154, ext. 608. Sunset Bay, LLC. 4-15-1-5 LAND WANTED .Land Investment company seeks large acreage in Florida and Georgia. Interested in waterfront, timber, and agricultural lands. Must have road frontage or good access. Cash buyer with quick closings. Call (877)426-2326 or email: 4-15-1-5 COASTAL GEORGIAWater access, marshfront homesites. Gated community, tennis, golf, kayaking & canoeing. Preconstruction discounts, limited time. From mid-70's. (877)266-7376 4-15-1-5 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Availble from Commercial News Providers" U mm U. a


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005E ALLIGATOR, 17 a etaEtatI Funrnishings s B Witorcycles, Mopeds SERENE MOUNTAIN GOLF HOMESITE $230/MO. Upscale Golf .Community set amid Dye designed 18 hole course in Carolina Mountains. Breathtaking views. Near Asheville NC. A sanctioned Golf Digest Teaching Facility! Call toll-free (866)3343253 ext 832 Price: $59,900, 10% down, balance financed 12 months at 4.49% fixed, one year balloon, OAC. 4-15-1-5 Furnishings BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pillow-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-3727490 will deliver. 4-20-71-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 MICROFIBER SOFA & LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 4-20-71-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 420-71-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 4-2071-6 04) (U 0. 0 9 'a BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 4-20-71-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 4-2071-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell $199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 BedsOFull mattress & boxspring sets $490Qn sets $899Single sets $39@King sets $990From estate sale: Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. Call a Mattress 4370 SW 20th Ave 4-20-71-6 SALE! 2 black couches, matching coffee table, huge black & brown desk, 2 extralong twin size beds, brand new WID. Prices negotiable. Call 954-540-0344 4-20-9-6 FUTON -black & wood QUEEN SIZE BED ENTERTAINMENT CENTER PRICES NEGOTIABLE Call 813-624-2946 4-20-8-6 WaSher/Dryer Kenmore Deluxe white. $285 318-3721 or 332-0602 4-20-8-6 LM 4.0 LM a. 4: Dresser $35, queen sz bed $60, 19" Color TV $40, Window AC 8000 BTU $75, dorm fridge sm $40, VHS movie camera $65, dining room chairs 2 for $25, lawnmower $60, electric mower $60, Call 335-5326 4-18-6-6 Entire apartment of furniture for sale! Couch, chair w/ottoman, dining room, queen bed, dresser w/mirror, bookcase and more! Will take reas offers. 407-761-7761 4-20-7-6 NAME YOUR PRICE Living Room & Bedroom Furniture. Call 305632-61 87 4-20-7-6 MOVING -FOR SALE -Grey sofa, 2 matching glass end tables, desk, entertainment center, 20" TV w/remote. MUST GO BY SATURDAY! 352-333-7544 eves. 4-15-3-6 FURNISH YOUR APT WITH MY FURNITURE! Living room and -bedroom furniture for sale. Used but in great condition. Must sell! Call 284-8182 4-19-4-6 MOVING SALE -bedroom set, leather couches, new appliances, and more. Great condition and Great Prices. Please call Mike at 352-376-7888 4-20-4-6 f Comnputers Y2A l-f r ijtEi' EirE W&ma"m House ca&!d 8-23-170-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $10 Gator Discount. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 8-23-170-7 *G'Ville Computer Repair Inc* Service on all PC MAC and Networks 1204 NW 13th St Ste #10 352-337-2500. 4-2071-7 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC. Complete residential & commercial support, networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 4-20-71-7 LAPTOP REPAIR Buy & sell. Looking for quantity for parts. 336-0075 4-20-71-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 4-20-71-7 Computer/Internet 352.2192980 4-20-66-7 GATORNERD.COM computer/laptop repair -networks, wireless, virus we BEAT all prices! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 4-20-66-7 BRAND NEW COMPUTER Bad Credit? No Problem! You're approved. Guaranteed. No Credit Check Checking account required. (800)507-4855 Blue Hippo Funding Call now for free bonus. 4-15-1-7 Electronics DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main I The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 4-20-71-8 $10! TV'S, COMPUTERS, VIDEO GAMES Police Seized! From $10! Info: 800-749-8128 ext M974 4-20-31-8 FREE 4-ROOM DIRECTV SYSTEM includes standard installation. 3 MONTHS FREE 50+ Premium Channels. Access to over 225 channels! Limited time offer. S&H. Restrictions Apply. (866)500-4056. 4-15-1-8 In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW& USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from Best Prices in Townl SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 4-20-69-9 For Sale PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 4-20-71-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional cooking utensils. R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 4-20-71-10 Come see what's new! GCM thrift shops downtown 238 SW 4th Ave, NW 5001 NW 34th St. Get more bang for your $! New items daily Mon -Sat 378-3654 4-20-43-10 "College Survival Tips" e-book. Download with credit card or e-check; or pay by check and receive in e-mail. Only $8 at www.realti 4-18-11-10 PERCUSSION PLUS DRUM KIT Brand new symbols. Must sell soon! $450/OBO. Call Jason @ 661-816-9811 4-20-7-10 "MOVING" -downfilled sectional SOFA, FREEZER, Dodge TRUCK, church BENCH, HOUSE 3 ACRES 5BRs, WATERFRONT CONDO 2BR, custom dining rm TABLE, call 352-871-5692 4-20-5-10 o Roof top carrier (locking) -. Thule 667 Excur.13 cu.ft. fits round, square, and fact. bars. $175 OBO; Lexmark Z7.15 Printer $20; eView 17f3 Monitor $100 OBO 352-378-1443 4-20-5-10 Olympic weight set -cost $500, sell for $250. Additional free weights ranging from 10-100 lbs. Asking 20 cents per lb. Floor mats for $50. 359-3751 or 374-4592 4-20-5-10 STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals Save $$$. 40 x 60' to 100 x 200'. Example: 50 x 100 x 12' = $3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885 4-15-1-10 BUILDING SALE! "Built To Last/Priced To Sell!" Economical all steel arch style. Best for wind/snow. Many sizes/shapes. Pioneer (800)668-5422. Since 1980. 4-15-1-10 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. 4-151-10 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn, $800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (800)814-6323 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! 4-15-1-10 #1 CASH COW! 90 Vending Machine Hd. You approve Loc's-$10,670 (800)836-3464 #B02428. 4-15-1-10 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Save! Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Catalog CALL TODAY! (800)842-1305 4-151-10 STEEL BUILDINGS -EZ BUILD AISC Certification -Office/Warehouse, Shop/ Garage, Arena/Barn, Hangers. A plant near you! Will beat any price or $205. 800)9934660, 4-15-1-10 U CyCles, Mopeds ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974 4-20-71-11 Swamp Cycles Electric Bikes, Scooters, and more! Prices from $450 with lyr warranty 534 SW 4th Ave. 373-8823 4-20-70-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. All models & directions avail on website. 6-16-12-11 ** CASH PAID FOR MOTORCYCLES ** SCOOTERS, DIRT BIKES in ANY condio.R Running or Not, Titles orNot. PROMPT PICK UP. Call ANYTIME 352-495-7769 Please leave message 5-24-25-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest section KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 8-15-43-11 1993 HONDA NIGHTHAWK CB250 Good condition. Great for getting to and from school 11,800 miles. $1300/OBO. Call 2780174 4-20-11-11 Scooter MZ125R 2004 Great condition, only 1200 miles. No oil mixing. $1400 495-3286 4-18-5-11 2002 Moskito MZ scooter 50cc Regularly serviced & well-maintained 2400 km. Automatic oil mixture. Yellow $800 Call 352682-8683 4-20-5-11 Motorcycle Wanted 750cc cruiser or larger, will trade laptop PC plus cash. Joel 336-0075 4-20-4-11 Autos FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CAROL ORunning or not!G *NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS SOver 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 4-20-71-12 CARS -CARS BuyOSell*Trade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 4-20-71-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For: CARS, TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES Running or Not 1990 & up only Call Ray 352-284-8619 4-20-71-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 4-20-71-12 Best Cars Lowest Prices 4-20-71-1212 *HEADLINERS SAGGING?* **Power windows don't work?** On site available Call Steve 338-5142. 4-20-71-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES Bring your W2 & drive home today. Cash cars as loi as $1000. No credit check. Call now 338-1999 4-20-63-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES We finance anyone! $2000 discount off!nance price. More than 150 vehicles in stock. Call 338-1999 Drive today! 4-20-63-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES All vehicles $0 down & up! Plus +++ 30 day warranty eng & trans. No credit check. Call 338-1999 4-20-63-12 Classifieds. Continued on next page.


18, ALLIGATOR 0 FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 AutosL-"ppWanted Help WantHed 5 1p WanteUd HoWated '88 Honda Accord $699 '86 Buick LeSabre $799 '88 Toyota Corolla $899 '90 Acura Legend $999 (352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 '90 Chevy Lumina Van $1499 '93 Chevy Blazer $1499 '90 Ford F-150 $2499 '93 Chrysler New Yorker $1999 (352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 1991 MIATA Racing green convertible w/tan interior. Perfect condition. If interested call 379-0619 4-20-20-12 1992 PLYMOUTH SUNDANCE Automatic, AC, new paint, CD, 83k, $1950. Call 352-871-6979 4-20-12-12 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 1998 A/C, AM/FM/CD, sunroof. Runs & handles great. No mechanical problems, 84k miles. $4900/OBO. Moving out-of-state. Must sell now. Call 352-425-1022 4-20-12-12 1992 Buick Lesabre, AC, runs very well, clean, oil changed, 128k $1500!! Call Gilles @ 352-359-76894-20-9-12 MUSTANG GT '99 Gold Edition, red,new sound system, 210" subs, V-8, tinted windows, 64k miles. Excellent condition, well maintained. $14,500. Call 375-1010. 4-18-7-12 99 BLAZER LS Loaded. Excellent condition. Champagne $6200 NEG. 336-8099 4-20-6-12 00006 RAM TRUCK blue 1997 great condition bench seat seatbblue book value $5,600. Asking $4900 or best offer -Moving to Europe for senior yr. Must sell ASAP 352871-5692 4-20-5-12 the independent florida alligator What's black and white and "read" all over??? The Independent Florida Alligator And you can be part of the sales earn of the largest college newspaper in the country by applying to become and ADVERTISING INTERN (this is a non-paid position requiring 12-15 hours per week, possibly leading to a paid sales position.) If you are a UF or SFCC student eager to gain valuable sales experience stop by the Alligator, 1105 W. University Avenue, to fill out an application and class schedule by Mon, April 18th. We will contact you for an interview opportunity to get your career jump-started! EEO/AA 4-18-7-14 the indepndentfl-rida alligator Evening Newpaper Production Applications are now being accepted for editorial production at the Independent Florida Alligator. Applicants should be available two to three nights a week between 6:00 pm and 1 am, Sunday through Thursday. Production duties include layout and design. Experience is preferred on software applications, Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat. A one-year commitment is expected. Please include references and availability on application. All previous applicants are encouraged to reapply. Pill out application at the front desk of the Alligator, 1105 W. University Ave. between 9am and 4pm, M-F. Ask for the production application. Equal Opportunity Employer d uu*the indepenentflorida aingator Wanted LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 4-20-71-13 On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 4-20-742-13 Help Wanted This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings inhei independent florida alligator ADVERTISING SECRETARY Enthusiastic, positive attitude, detail oriented, organized individual needed to co$hdinate daily office procedures. Must work well under pressure meeting daily deadlines. Possess excellent customer service skills. Duties include some procedural training with a constantly changing student sales staff. Modest salary, good benifits, and excellent working environment. With resume, send cover letter that must include salary requirements for you to be considered for an interview. Send to Assistant General Manager, The Independent Florida Alligator, P'OB 14257, Gainesville, FL, 32604. No phone calls please. EOE. PT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CLERK needed at The Independent Florida Alligator. Applicants must be enrolled for summer semester (UF or SFCC) for at lease 3 credit hours. Customer service skills a must. Good spelling, typing & basic math very helpful. Comfortable working with computers. Know Adobe InDesign or willing to learn Clean appearance. Friendly, people'-person. Approximately 10-12 hrs/wk: Mon, Wed & Fri mornings. (Position available w/flex hrs for fall also. Must plan to be enrolled min 6 credit hours). Apply in person at The Independent FloridaAlligator, 1105W. University Ave. 8-5, Mon-Fri. Equal Opportunity Employer LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. for details. 4-20-71-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $5.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 4-20-71-4 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 4-20-71-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 420-71-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at employment 4-20-68-14 University of Florida Survey Research Center 392-2908 ext. 105 $7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training Nights + Weekends Telephone Interviewing NO SALES Must work summer breaks. 408 W. University Ave Suite #106 4-20-71-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 420-71-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF & DRIVERS FT or PT, flexible schedules. Call 2-5pm 3782442 or come in and fill out an application @ California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St Mon-Fri 4-20-71-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 4-20-71-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 4-20-71-14 AUDITORS for local growing inventory service. FT/PT, DFWP. Paid training. Call 352-367-4608. 4-20-83-14 Mortgage lender has sales positions avail for college students seeking prof work exp. $8-9/hr + bonus. No exp req'd, flex hrs. Apply in person btwn 4-8pm Mon-Fri 1900 SW 34 St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union)4-2070-14 DOMINO'S PIZZA World's largest pizza delivery company now hiring Delivery Drivers Pizza makers Phone order takers $9 -$14/hr All you need is a reliable car & a very positive attitude. Apply @ any of the 5 Domino's locations in Gainesville. 4-20-70-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested come to the psychology bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297 4-20-63-14 CASH Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here & make it! UF FLORIDA REPDIALS seeks UF students to reaise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105 NW 16th St. 4th Floor. Academic Classroom Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info. 4-20-63-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progressive company w/advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156 5-19-63-14 SUMMER JOBS 0 $2100 Co-Ed Camp Seven Weeks Room and Board Included GET PAID TO PLAY! The Florida Elks Youth Camp (FEYC) needs male and female Summer Camp Counselors ages 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight camp located off of Highway 450 in Umatilla, FL The camp runs June 6 -July 23. Please contact Krys Ragland at 1-800-523-1673 ext. 250 or 352-669-9443 ext 250. 4-20-58-14 GET PAID for YOUR OPINIONS! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey 4-20-58-14 Web developer wanted. HTML, CSS, motivated. 1 year minimum, portfolio a must, graphic skills preferred. Contact 4-20-42-14 Flash programmer wanted. Animation action script, graphic experience, portfolio a must, 1 year minimum. Contact 4-20-42-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $ $$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 4-20-40-14 Web Programmer -asp,, vb script, c#, SOL knowledge. E-mail resume to 4-20-43-14 *DANCERS NEEDED* Private dance co. Great for students. Great pay, fast cash & flexible hours. Call to start today! 378-3312 5-19-30-14 SUMMERR WORK* College Credit Possible $672/wk 888-362-2635 ext 251 for more info. 4-2032-14 WANTED: PT barn help in exchange for living accomodations. Exp needed. Micanopy area.3Silber Ridge Stables 352-361-1454 4-20-31-14 GREAT PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO STAY! ParkePlace Car Wash looking for hard workers all positions. Cashiers (full day availablity) & line workers. (am 8:30-1 & pm 12-6 shifts avail) 15-40hrs your choice. Great work environment. Apply: 7404 NW 4th Blvd. By Home Depot. No phone calls please. 420-31-14 CAMP COUNSELORS -Gain valuable experience while having the summer of a lifetime. Counselors,needed for Outdoor Adventure, Arts, Aquatics & more in the Pocono Mtns of Pennsylvania. Apply on line @ 4-20-26-14 Customer Service rep wanted. MS Office Experience required. Permanent Full-Time Position. Contact: Jackson Industries, 4001 Newberry Rd, E4, Gvl or 5-24-30-14 Girl Scout Camp hiring counselors, lifeguards, nurses, boating instructor, arts/crafts director, equestrian staff. Min age 18. Salary + meals & housing. 8 wks, 5/30 -7/23. Call 800-347-2688 or email E0E 4-1820-14 TOP BOYS SPORTS CAMP IN MAINE! PLAY & COACH SPORTS HAVE FUN MAKE $$$ CAMP COUNSELOR POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN OVER 15 SPORTS & ACTIVITIES FOR SUMMER 2005. CHECK IT OUT AND APPLY ONLINE NOW: WWW.CAMPCOBBOSSEE.COM 4-20-22-14 Groundskeepers FT, PT Custodial duties/Apt Maint Transportation req. DFWP EEO 220 N Main 375-2152 x301 4-20-22-14 Leasing Consultant, FT, PT Energetic Attitude Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO 220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 4-20-22-14 Runner for law firm Experienced only, must own vehicle, PT, M-F, 12 -5:30, fax resume to 352-376-4645 4-18-20-14 Camp Counselors Needed at Camp Wekiva in Wekiva Springs State Park, Apapka FL A residential, Environmental Camp. Boys -June 7-25, Girls June 25-July 23 Contact 4-19-20-14. Hiring KITCHEN STAFF. Apply between 2 &. 4 pm, Mon -Fri, CALICO JACKS 3501 SW 2nd Ave. Creekside Mall. 4-20-20-14 RGIS Inventory Specialists seekig part-time auditors Starting wage $8.00 per hour Apply at 4-20-20-14 TENNIS STAFF NEEDED The 29th Annual GATOR TENNIS CAMP is now hiring good tennis players for the four weeks in June. Only quality players need apply. Excellent Pay, working approx. 9 hours per day. Camp is held on UF Campus, using Ring Complex and the Flavet Courts. If interested, please call M.B. Chafin, Camp Director, at 392-3538, or in the evenings 376-8030. If no answer, please leave message. 4-2020-14 Local Web Development Firm with fun, team-based enthusiastic environment seeks summer interns for project management and sales depts. Email resume to 4-20-18-14 MANY POSITIONS AVAILABLE The YMCA is now hiring enthusiastic stuff members to ill positions in the following areas: Afterschool counselors, summer camp counselors, sports camp counselors, gymnastics instructors, program directors, group cycling instructors, customer service personnel, weekend activities staff, dance instructors/director, lifeguards/swim instructors, soccer referees, bus drivers and more. Hiring at multiple locations throughout North Central Florida. Apply in person at 5201 NW 34th St. Gainesville, Fla32605. Interviews begin immediately, so apply today! 4-2017-4 Now accepting applications for Resident Assitant and apprentice Resident Assistant positions for the SUMMER 2005 Semester. Applications are avaiable from Kathy Smith in the Department of Housing and Residence Eductaion Office, and are due by 4:00pm on Monday, April 18, 2005. For further information contact Kathy Smith at 392-2171 ext 10138. 4-18-14-14 PERSONAL/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT NEEDED. Must have 2-4 hrs/day available, flexible availability. Must be organized & responsible. Email resume: 4-15-11-14 IM03T WANTED I James Albert Taylor Black Male (DOB 10/17/77); 5'11": 145 lbs, Black Hair, Brown Eyes Wanted for: 2 Felony Violations of Probation Warrants for Burlary of an Occupied Dwelling, and Lewd and Lascivious Battery. ALACHUA COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS Call (352) 372-STOP


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 20050 ALLIGATOR, 19 Help Wantd Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Holiday Inn University Center Hotel has immediate opening for the following: AM Concierge/banquet setup. Apply in person. Mon -Fri 8AM-5PM. 4-20-14-14 Hiring for summer rush. Orange & Blue Textbooks is seeking PT/FT help for upcoming semester rush. Good people skills & register. Exp pref. Stop by store @ 309 NW 13th St. for details & appt. 4-19-12-14 PART TIME WORK 30 Openings Great pay! Flex schedules. Sales/Svc, all ages 18+. Conditions Apply 335-1422 4-20-12-14 SKILLED WEBSITE DEVELOPER Your own hours. Extensive project. Reply: 4-20-12-14 SPRING/SUMMER WORK Excellent starting pay. Work around classes.Resume builder. Start immed. All ages 18+. Cond Apply.Call now! 335-1422 4-20-12-14 ZAXBY'S Now hiring COOKS & CASHIERS Archer Rd location 4-20-12-14 SALES CLEARK NEEDED FT & PT Apply in person. Pinch-A-Penny. Both locations. 372-4489 & 332-2933 4-20-11-14 MAINTENANCE PERSON NEEDED Condominium association. FT. Ability to work plumbing, drywall, carpentry, painting & lawn care. Drug& smoke-free workplace. Fax resume to 352-332-6697 4-20-11-14 0 (0 %MD %M' Security Staff Needed Now! $6.00/hr Now -$6.75/hr Summer Help residence halls be safe. Info and applications available at housing office near Beaty. 392-2161 x 10125 for more info. 4-20-10-14 GREAT OPPORTUNITY for psych, special ed, or applied behavior majors. Gain experience in autism intervention w/ 19-yr old. I yr commitment. Contact for hours & pay details. 256-2002. Fax resume to 375-4268 4-20-10-14 Work in Cancun Now hiring Summer Staff, Sales Reps 877-725-0705 ext 903 4-20-10-14 ACCOUNTING STUDENTS We need students to assist with critical reading, editing, customer service & research. This is a great way to learn while you earn. We have a great success rate of employees who pass the CPA exam on the first try. Applicants Must be detail-oriented, enthusiastic, and possess good written and communication skills. We provide flexible hours & career opportunites.Email resume to 4-20-10-14 Help Wanted -Sales Wed -Sun, 30-35 hrs, some college necess. Sales exp or wait exp pref. Hourly + commission. Must work weekends in fall. Clean-cut, neat appearance. No phone calls please. Apply in person 1614 NW 13th St Ask for Chuck 4-20-9-14 :Z Same -4) t > E 0 0 Is 2 Art, Art Ed, Graphics, Arch Hand lettering, PT a few hrs/wk. Close to UF. Short resume $6.50/hr starts summer term. Reply -P G Box 286, Gainesville, FL 32602 4-20-9-14 Helper, yard work, painting, cleaning. A few hrs per week. Close to UF. Start summer term. $6.00 per hr to start. Reply to P G Box 286, Gainesville, FL 32602 4-20-9-14 PT CLEANING SERVICE Great for college students. Flexible hours. Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-1534-14 National Snack Company seeks traveling salespeople calling on groceries throughout FL. Great $, advancements + flex time commit. Call 941-504-2855 4-20-9-14 CASHIER PT 15 hrs/wk. $6.00/hr. ADA'S CLOTHES REPAIR. 284-2959 4-15-5-14 BEN & JERRY'S Come beat the heat with us. Looking for high energy. Apply within. Located next to the Swamp on Univ Ave. Ask for Todd. 415-5-14 IT position available. Students with computer experience preferred. For more information, please contact with resume. 4-15-5-14 Communications Specialist Application Deadline: April 21, 2005 For additional information visit or call Human Resources at 352-395-5185 4-15-5-14 DRIVERS NEEDED Can earn anywhere between $8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule. Call Dave for info: 379-9600 4-20-8-14 SECRETARY NEEDED is looking for personable, responsible, enthusiastic, fun people. Customer svc exp helpful. For more info call David 379-3663 4-20-8-14 FLYER DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED is looking for energetic, enthusiastic people, flexible schedule. Call Dave @ 379-3663 4-20-8-14 WELLNESS DIRECTOR & WELLNESS STAFF needed NCF YMCA. Contact Brad @ 374-9622, 5201 NW 34th St. Gainesville. 4-20-7-14 BEEF O'BRADY'S 43rd St location. now hiring exp servers. Apply in person btwn 2-4 pm. 1999 NW43rd St. 4-18-5-14 Fast Signs Production Position. Fast-paced, attention to detail, multi-tasker, 2 shifts, FT/ PT avail. Apply in person between 9-11 AM. Located in Butler Plaza. 4-15-4-14 RETAIL FLOOR HELP NEEDED. Female. Across from campus, Summer A & B, Fall. PT or FT, 375-6462 4-18-5-14 Spend your summer making a difference in the lives of underprivileged boys and girls ages 10-15. FIroida Sheriffs Youth Ranches Camping Services ring full-time and tempo-rary staff for summer camp and mobile day camp programs. Activities include canoeing, arts & crafts, bikes, horseback riding, archery, team sports, high and low rope course, and skits. Employment dates May 21 -August 5. Pre-cump training includes First Aid, CPR, Lifeguard, and NCI. We will be conducting interviews on April 19th, 2005. Call Mike Brannan at 352-4472259 for more information. EOE/DFWP 4-19-6-14 Located just minutes from UF, ABC Research Corporation is now hiring full time positions for Chemistry Supervisor/ Lead Analyst and Senoir Instrumentation Specialist. Please visit us on the web at for more information about ABC Research and job descriptions. Parttime Chemistry position also available. To apply, e-mail resume to Kathy Barry at .4-18-5-14 NOW HIRING SERVERS, BUSSERS, must be available at least 2 weekday lunch shifts. Apply in person only. On the Border 3100 SW Archer Rd. 5-12-8-14 HELPER PT, flexible hours, versatile from cleaning to showing to fixing. $6/hr to start. 373-1690 Iv mssg. 4-15-3-14 Hiring pizza maker at The Pizza Joint. Fun atmosphere. Must be dependable, trustworthy, mature, organized, cool. Send info to Hiring Now. 4-19-5-14 NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS is looking for ambitious secretary to work approx 21 bin/ink in a young & fun environment. Looking to fill position ASAPI Call 336-1271 for more info. 5-10-7-14 Models wanted for fine art figure photography. 18+, all looks, body types considered. Compensation negotiable. Contact Jay at 4-20-6-14 Local nonprofit seeks Program Developer responsible for fundraising, outreach & education activities, 30 hr/wk, May 1-Sep 1, extension contingent on funding. Send resumes to, fax: 377-8363 4-15-3-14 $1000/Neek! Guaranteed!!! FT/PT! FREE Info!I Positions Limited!! Don't Miss Out!! Visit: h 419-5-14 Nutrition/Eating Disorder Outreach Assistant needed for public speaking & event planning. -10 hrs/wk. Apply by 4/29, rm 302 Student Health Care Center 4-20-6-14 LANDSCAPER FT/PT Experience required. Good pay & hours. 352-258-3770 4-20-5-14 OPUS CAFE -COFFEE BAR Work @ a fast-paced coffee bar near campus. Searching for dependable students to work between 18-24 hrs/wk. Morning & afternoon weekday shifts available. Call Tim @ 352-332-4577 for more info. 4-18-3-14 Admin Asst, F/T & P/T, $7/8 hr. Some evenings & weekends. Rq, multi-tasked, customer svc, MS Word, Excel & phone exp. Rq 12th grade ed level. Call Zag 335-4000 x 24 4-15-1-14 SUMMER INTERNSHIP -Southwestern. Looking for two driven students for internship in sales. I made $15,000 my first summer. Minimum 3.0 GPA. Contact Manny Vargas 727-385-8957 4-20-4-14 Catering Help. Waitstaff/Dishwashers. Great environment/weekends/flex hrs. No phone calls/Must have experience. Email references: 4-20-4-14 HUNGRY HOWIES is now hiring drivers & inside workers. Flexible schedule. Full & part time avail. Apply in person at any Gainesville location. 4-20-4-14 University .prof needs childcare after school for 10 yr old. 2-3 afternoons/week. References, experience & clean driving record req. Call 371-7826 4-18-2-14 LEASING ASSISTANT Flexible schedule available. Must have reliable transportation. Campus Realty 6923800 4-20-4-14 02BKids searching for energetic gymnastics teachers & pre-school teachers w/experience for all locations. FT/PT positions available. Apply within. 5-12-7-14 Sun Country Sports is hiring. Positions in the following areas: office, gymnastics, rockwall, day camp, more. Apply in person: 4010 NW 27 Lane or 333 SW 140 Terr 4-20-5-14 QA Technician Mindsolve Technologies, develops, markets, and supports web-based software applications for employee performance management solutions and has a part-time j ob opportunity (20-30 hours/week) available for a QA Technician. Responsibilities include: software functional and use-case testing and content proofreading to ensure consistency and accuracy. Good attention to detail is a must. Can work around student schedules. Please submit your resume to 4-20-5-14 The all new BENTLEY'S NIGHTCLUB,& LOUNGE. BARTENDERS & SERVERS wanted. Contact 352-262-9893 4-20-5-14 Leasing Consultant, PT Enthusiastic, energetic and hardworking Live for FREE! Call 352-379-9300 4-20-5-14 MARY POPPINS: Where Are You??? FT NANNY NEEDED 30-45 hrs/wk 5 Jobs avail immediately: Great $ for exp. Noah's Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008 4-20-5-14 PT/FT NANNIES NEEDED Good $ for exp: grad students welcomed bkgd ck: 21 REAL $ jobs avail NOW Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 4-20-5-14 DriverCOVENANT TRANSPORT. Excellent Pay & Benefits for Experienced Drivers, 0/O, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses Paid Weekly. Equal Opportunity Employer. (888)MORE PAY (888-667-3729). 4-15-1-14 A COOLTRAVEL Job. Now hiring (18-24 positions). Guys/Gals to work and travel entire USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging furnished. Call today, Start today. (877)6465050. 4-15-1-14 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS PT/FT No Exp Necessary $50 Cash Hiring Bonus (888)287-6011 ext 107 4-15-1-14 0/0 Driver -FFE, The F/S is higher here! $1.02 Avg. $2,000 sign-on $2,600 referral bonus. Base plate provided. No truck no problem, low cost lease purchase. (8004?9298. 4-15-1-14 S/E & 3-State Run: T/T Drivers. HOME WEEKENDS. Mileage Pay, Benefits, 401K. Trainees Welcome/ Miami areaexp. req. 23 min age/Class-A CDL Cypress Truck Lines (800)545-1351. 4-15-1-14 SCHOOL BOARD OF ALACHUA COUNTY VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM AT VARIOUS LOCATION Interviewing NOW for jobs beginning August 11th. Leave for the summer knowing you have a job when you return in the Fall. ACTIVITY LEADERS -$10/HR -Bachelor's desired or successful experience working with children. AIDE I -$7.61/hr -HS or equiv. Min. 3 yrs. Exp. As teacher aide or equiv. Combo of training & exp. working with children. CENTER AIDE -$8.67/hr -HS or equiv. Exp & training in working w/handicapped children, or equiv. combo of training & exp. DRUG TESTING REQUIRED BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED -AA/EOE Call at 955-7766 for information or pick up application @ 620 E. Univ. Ave (School Board of Alachua County) 5-17-7-14 Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashier/servers. Apply in person 4-5pm, Mon -Sun. See for store location or call 352-871-5771 4-20-4-14 Nannies for 2 active special needs boys. Dependable, creative, resourceful helpers for personal care & play. Must be physically fit; some basic sign language helpful. $8/hr w/exp. 4-20-4-14 Classifieds .IMPg Continued on next page.


20, ALLIGATOR E FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 H'p WantEd Servi~eis erjC Connections id VALET PARKING Full time & part time people wanted. Must be customer-oriented & dependable. Call Andy 1-888-463-1954 ext 205. Good Pay! 5-12-6-14 S ervi~Ces AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW2ndAve 377-1771 4-20-71-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 4-20-71-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration, Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 4-20-67-15 ** GATOR MOVING & STORAGE ** Local and long distance moving. Free Estimates One item or a housefull. FL Reg # IM19 Call Now! (352)374-4791 800-797-6766. 4-20-71-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 Personal and Group Training Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Call for a free workout 339-2199 4-20-71-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 4-20-71-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -ring-arena -round pens -experienced help -12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627. Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 4-20-71-15 MOSSWOOD FARM Come ride with us! Great Farm Awesome Horses & Top Notch Instruction. Hunters & Natural Horsemanship. 466-0465 4-20-67-15 TRAFFIC SCHOOL ONLINE Take Points Off Your Driver's License And Dismiss Traffic Tickets With Online Driver Improvement Courses 4-20-71-15 Whipoorwil Farm: Stall and/or pasture board. 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on premises. 376-8792 4-20-71-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm 0 466-4060 4-20-71-15 ***YOGA*** Classes & Workshops at Sanctuary 352-336-5656 4-20-71-15 WRITING AID AND TYPING I can help you to complete your paper. Learn to write. Outline, Research, Grammar, Coherency, Typing 374-7038 4-20-50-15 ***TAEKWONDO*** 30 Day Trial Membership Free Men Women S Children 352-375-0700 40-20-59-15 MOST IMPORTANT SKILL FOR LAW SCHOOL SUCCESS? Check out: 1NsChOOlprepCOurse.COm 4-20-58-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 4-20-56-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 8-15-25-15 ** GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters S Exhibits 0 Awards Top Quality Fast @ Service 0 Low Prices www.signpowercom SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump start your job search at www.COlIge-resumes.COm 8-15-51-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques 0 Name Badges S Cups S Etc. Best Selection In Town SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 STORAGE PRE-LEASE SPECIAL No hassles 0 Free Lock Prorated Close to UF All Sizes S No Deposit Archer Road Self Storage 371-4296 South West Self Storage 374-4444 4-20-20-15 CLOSEST, CHEAPEST Lessons 0 Training S Boarding S Jumps Large pastures & trails. Jonesville. 331-0356 4-2020-15 ENGLISH TUTORING English as 2nd language Reading, Composition, Conversation Experienced educators. Reasonable fees. Tel: 352-335-9400 4-20-19-15 LSAT AFFORDABLE TEST PREP Full length course and private tutoring. Higher score, 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Call 372-8560 or 1-800-910-1352 4-20-15-15 $$$ SUMMER STORAGE SPECIALS $$$ 5X10 ONLY $130 & 1OX15 ONLY $275 PAYS APRIL THROUGH AUGUST CALL TODAY! SPACE LIMITED! NW MINI STORAGE 332-8617 4-20-14-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 4-20-8-15 DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one signature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600 (8am-7pm) Divorce Tech. Established 1977.> 4-15-1-15 EARN DEGREE online from home. *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job Placement Assistance. Computer& Financial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.tidewaterte 4-15-1-15 $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS**** 2005! Never Repay! For personal bills, school, new business. $49 BILLION Left unclaimed from 2004. Live Operators! (800)606-6081 Ext #75. 4-15-1-15 Mortgages, Refinance or Purchase. No money domn. No Income, low rates. All credit considered. (higher rates may apply) No mobile homes. (888)874-4829 or Licensed Correspondent Lender. 4-15-1-15 Loans by phone. Up to $1000 in 24hrs. No Credit Check! Bank Account Req. (888)3503722 4-15-1-15 A L BEEEN nOUR Want to make a connection? Place your ad BUSINESS and millions of potential cushere to look for someone to share a com#10s tomers. Place your advertisement in the FL mon interest with or for your true love Classified Advertising Network. For $450 your ad will be placed in over 150 papers. Check out our 2x2 and 2x4 display network Event Notices tool Call this paper, or Heather Mola, FL GM G TRANSPORT Statewide Network Director at (866)74220 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus 1373, or e-mail for more IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse information. (Out of State placement is also ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP. available.) Visit us online at www.floridaDO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL 336-7026 4-15-1-15 ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD 4-20-71-23 HERE AND GET IT NOTICED! Health Services TURKISH NIGHT Saturday, April 16, 6pm @ ICEC All Women's Health Center ABORTION Free Pregnancy Test RU-486 Available 378-9161 4-20-71-16 THE TRUE YOU! Lose 8-15 pounds in 4 weeks Only $99! Gain muscle while you lose fat Groups forming now. 339-2199. 4-20-71-16 URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL Students -No Appointment Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4881 NW 8th Ave #2, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 4-2071-16 TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR ACNE with Blue Light Treatments for moderate acne. Call Dermatology Associates 352-332-4051 4-20-67-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664. 4-20-71-16 "PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants will get free evaluation, medication & be reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 immediately. 4-20-26-16 New Motorized Wheelchairs-Scooter Type, and Diabetic Supplies at NO COST if eligible. Free Delivery! Medicare or Private Insurance accepted. We Come To You! TLC Medical Supplies (888)601-0641. 4-15-1-16 Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Read DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813)872-0722 or send $7.99 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607. 4-15-1-16 WL:iPe9rs Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for appt (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 4-20-71-18 GUNS! GUNSI GUNS! 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 4-20-71-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 373-7070 4-20-71-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sut. Open to shop tII 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 WUniv Ave 375-3752. 4-20-71-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 4-20-71-18 email or call 376-9035 for more info. 4-15-2-20 Entertainment Miami Bus Service $40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm WALDO FARMER & FLEA MARKET 335-8116 4-20-67-23 Every Sat & Sun -Hwy 301 15 min from Gainesville 468-2255. ***FLY TO/FROM*** 4-20-71-21 COCOA BEACH, BREVARD COUNTY $99 rt FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL 1-866-453-2605 Airball, Speedbal. Forts on 27 acres .4-20-67-23 Call for the best group rates! 352-338-8408 4-20-71-21 ROCKYCREEK PAINTBALL In Gainesville Better Prices Better Fields Better Call 371-2092 4-20-71-21 ***EUROPE $429 RT*** Train & cruises also available Gator Country Travel 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST8264 4-20-71-22 ***WEST COAST $198 RT*** Los Angeles, Seattle & more! Call for best rates. Gator Country Travel 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 4-20-71-12 ***AIRFARE $118 RT*** NYC, DC, Phily, New England & morel Gator Country Travel 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 4-20-71-22 FOR SALE 2 great floor seats for SARAH McLACHLAN concert at the TD Waterhouse Center in Orlando Fri, May 6th. Selling at face value (have to miss concert out-of-town) Call Amanda 386-418-4239 4-19-4-22 Furry, feathery,, not your roommate.pets. Find or advertise your pets or pet products here in the Pets section of the Alligator. Tickets MlLost & Found Everybody knows how awful if feels to lose something. If you find something, call the Alligator at 373-FIND and we'll place a free Found" ad for you in this section (Offer does not apply to "Lost" ad.) Be kind to someone who's lost what you've found. FOUND: KEYS on sidewalk in front of Alligator. building on, University Ave. on Monday. Call to identify 373-3463. LOST: CAT Her name is Pea. She is black w/white fee & a white nose. Her tail is puffy. She may be wearing a blue collar. Please call 333-6614 or 256-7598 4-15-10-25 FOUND: KEYS, against curb on west side of SW 34th St, near SW 24th Ave. Call to identify 392-5513 4-18-3-25 .FOUND: KEYS on Wed, 4/13. Call The Alligator front desk to identify. 373-3463. -7--N C I


FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 21 UFROUNDUP volleyball team welcomes M1FcCray back from injury The spring exhibition schedule may not sound like a thrilling time for the UF volleyball team, but Amber McCray has waited a year for this moment. McCray is making her return this exhibition season after tearing her left anterior cruciate ligament in practice last spring. The fact that the matches do not count towards the team's record is as inconsequential to her as the matches themselves. "I am extremely excited," McCray said. "My left foot is not as strong as my right, but I feel strong and I am ready to play." She will continue her comeback Saturday when the Gators take on Georgia Tech in a double-header at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Gale Lemerand Center. McCray, a left-handed opposite hitter, poses an offensive threat, and is the only true player at her position on UF's roster. The team had trouble replacing her last season, so McCray's return will likely have a tremendous impact. "Amber McCray's return is huge for us," outside hitter Jane Collymore said. "Last year, trying to find a right-side presence was a little bit of a challenge for us when she went down, but now that she's back and she's healthy, she is giving us those kills that we need, which allows the [middle blockers] and the [outside hitters] to get more kills." McCray took a medical redshirt last season, so the injury will not cost her a year of eligibility. Instead, she will remain a sophomore in eligibility, joining an already stellar group of soon-to-be sophomores. Georgia Tech went undefeated in the Atlantic Coast Conference last season before reaching the Sweet 16 in the NCAA Tournament. Despite playing such a formidable opponent, volleyball coach Mary Wise said she x. .old not take the outcomes of these exhibition matches very seriously. "In terms of [wins and losses], that isn't important. But the performance and execution is important," Wise said. "What we will be looking at are numbers. We will be looking in terms of hitting efficiency and points scored and things where you get a much McCray better indication when playing an opponent instead of just playing against yourself." While the nucleus of the team is still very young, Collymore, an All-American candidate, believes tis team is as good as any in the country "Experience can be a factor, but sometimes talent can surmount that," she said. "[I want to] try and help this team get to where it can definitely get to, and I think that is a national championship. "We've been as athletic and as talented as we need to be to do it, and we just need to do it," 4t' A *gHpenn at th -IP HIPPODROME TATE THEATRE PA EAG PREVIEWS TONIGHT! "Tropics burns with It fiery passion. ( .W -Chicago Sun-Times TRO0Pt]Qs APR 15 -MAY 8 BY Terrific 4 "denks, Faculty & Staff s5th ticket FR EIE TUESDAyS .WEDNEDA4 -0 RDy 0 a-e 4S 0 1 1 P ;I C ~PWC I R A 1L U1] FRIDAY, APRIL 15 The Hispanic Quarters Street Party -$10 Latin Food, Salsa Band, Dominoes Tables MEN TO COMPETE IN TWO EVENTS: Coming off a successful showing at the Texas Relays in which the UF men's track and field team achieved 10 NCAA regional qualifying marks, the No. 2 Gators will compete in two events this weekend. Distance runners will travel to Walnut, Calif., for the Mt. Sac Relays on Friday, while the remainder of the team will participate in the Miami Gatorade Classic on Saturday. So far, men's track -coach Mike Holloway has been satisfied with the improvement of his team from the beginning of the outdoor season. "We're right where we need to be," Holloway said. "What we wanted to do was get some momentum for the rest of the season. We were very focused and the guys were really thinking about the technical changes we're trying to make." The events this weekend 'will prove a test of how the team deals with success and will be crucial in preparation for Southeastern Conference and 'NCAA regional competitions to come. "We've got to get better across the board," Holloway-said. "When you have a successful squad, they have the tendency to get a little complacent and not perform at a high level. We're really encouraging the guys to be focused and get it done every weekend." MORRISON EARNS AWARD: Sophomore Mike Morrison was -BRYAN JONES acknowledged by the U.S. Track Coaches Association as the Athliete of the Week following his outstanding perfonnance at the Texas Relays last weekend. Morrison posted three regional qualifying marks in the long jump, high jump and 4x100relay and helped the Gators set several SEC and national records for 2005. "I'm really proud of that award," Morrison said. "We came a long way and we're starting to put it together little-by-little. I guess the progression is starting to show." Despite the honor, Morrison inained humble about his abilities and looks to contnue to progress. "I definitely A hink there are Morrison a lot of things I need to work on," Morrison said. "I'm doing okay but I'm not close to reaching my potential yet. It's just a lot of little things. I think when I get them done right there'll be big improvements." With the team losing several significant contributors next year, Morrison looks to fill the void on both a performance and leadership level. "It's going to be a big loss when those guys leave, but I'm going to do my best,", Morrison said. "I'm definitely going to try to be the one to step up and lead by example with my performances." -BLAKE BONSACK 1718 W. Univ. Ave The C378-7033 HOUSE FRI: Beat the Clock Free Food 7pm -9pme Live Music/DJ SA: Free Beer & Karaoke COfM flfffff0 0 ;;::S O UF ORLANDO STUDENTS! Interested In Summer Employment With Orlando's Most Established Companies? Tews Company Is Currently .Rcruling Students To Work During Summer 2005 In Numerous Temporary Positions: Office Assistants Front Desk Assistants Marketing Assistants Accounting Assistants Our clients include Orlandos Largest Healthcare Provider, Commercial Real Estate Dlevelopers, TelQcommunications Firms, Advertising Agencies and M Lvy Other Employers. $9.00-$12.00 Per Hour .(407)740-8866 x 111 or.Email EOE/ADA/Never a Fee WOMEN HEAD WEST: The UF women's track and field team will spend this weekend on the West Coast, far from UF and, for many, far from their own teammates. The No. 5 Gators will be competing in three different meets over the weekend, with the distance runners competing in the Mt. Sac Relays in Walnut, Calif., while the rest of the team will focus on the Mesa Invitational and the Sun Angel Classic, both in Arizona. The Sim Angel Classic, held at Arizona State University, will be a homecoming of sorts for women's track coach Tom Jones, who coached for ASU from 1988 to 1992. The Gators will encounter stiff competition from UCLA, Auburn, ASU, Kansas State, Washington and Louisiana State -all ranked teams. "There's a good mix of [Pacific 10 Conference] and SEC teams," Jones said. "It should make for some interesting competition. Jones sees the weekend as a chance for the athletes to compete against other teams they wouldn't normally see until nationals. "We see the same people all the time," he said. The Mt. Sac Relays and Mesa Invitational are scheduled for April 15, and the Sun Angel Classic begins April 16. -CHUCK BAER I.


22, ALLIGATORS FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S GOLF League-leading freshmen carry UF into postseason By NICK ZACCARDI Alligator Writer It's finally time to see what the UF freshmen women's golfers can do. The NCAA's greatest group of first-year golfers according to Golfstat, four UF freshmen will lead the No. 11 Gators to this weekend's Southeastern Conference Championships. -Tiffany Chudy, Whitney Myers, Sandra Gal and Eleanor Tucker comprise four of the five playing spots for UF at Tunica, Miss. "Hopefully they view it as the same [as a regular season tournament]," Coach Jill BrilesHinton said. "The more they play, the better they'll get." Chudy, Myers and Gal posted the top three scores for.UF in its last tournament, the Bryan National Collegiate in Greensboro, N.C. "There's no difference [at SECs]," said Chudy, who tied for 10th at the Bryan National. "It's still a golf course. It's still teams I've seen all year. You just have to take it like it's no different than any other tournament." The most heated freshman competition may have already passed, as Tucker and C.J. Kim battled in qualifying for the final spot. "We call [qualifying] a cage match," BrilesHinton said. "When two people are going headto-head and they want to go, it's an event in and of itself." Tucker secured her ticket for Tunica with rounds of 75, 76 and 77, while putting Chudy' problems doomed Kim. "It would have been closer if not for C.J.'s putting issues, but Eleanor played pretty good," Briles-Hinton said. POSTSEASON BEGINS: The season marred by the No. 1 team in the country dropping out of the top 25 is over. The season altered by an honorable mention All-American redshirting and a redshirt senior graduate student making an unbelievable comeback for victory is finished. Now a new season, the postseason, begins for the UF men's golf team, starting with today's first round of the Southeastern Conference Championships at Sea Island, Ga. "The conference tournament is a big tling at Florida," men's golf coach Buddy Alexander said. "It's one of the major measuring sticks for our program. It's not just a preparation for Regionals." The Gators enter postseason play as one of the hottest teams in the country, following a 10-shot victory against No. 1 Oklahoma State at the Morris Williams Intercollegiate. But even more important than picking up its third win of the spring was the way UF regained momentum after a season-worst 10th finish at the Schenkel Invitational, Alexander said. "I think [the Morris Williams] is very important because it sort of indicates that the Schenkel was a bad week as opposed to a trend," Alexander said. "It doesn't mean that we're going to play well at the conference [tournament], but from a confidence standpoint we ought to feel pretty good about ourselves." North Carolina transfer Richard Treis picked up UF's second individual title of the season at the Morris Williams and his first since the 2003 Atlantic Coast Conference Championships. "I think that he's definitely shaken off the rust," Alexander said. "He's a different player than he was in January." Treis leads a contingent of four UF golfers with scoring averages under 74. Treis, Matt Every, Brett Stegmaier and James Vargas have led to three wins, a runnerup finish and a third-place finish. Women's tennis tweaks approach, forgets struggles By KATE CAVANNA Alligator Writer The UF women's tennis team has come a long way in a month's time. "We hit a bump in the road about a month ago," associate head coach Dave Balogh said. "We wanted to losses to Southeastern Conference said. UF's hard work has paid off, as foes Kentucky and Vanderbilt. "Against Kentucky and the Gators now have the potential to Losing was a novice development, Vanderbilt there were times when end their home season undefeated. as the Gators finished last season undefeated. Such a setback could have proved disastrous, but the Gator managed to fight back, winning get better every week and I think eight consecutive matches. we've done that." What's the key to this turn That "bump" was back-to-back around? Simply adjusting, Balogh we needed to make adjustments "We're tougher," Balogh said. and we couldn't do it," Balogh said. "Bottom line, a month ago we were "Everybody has a style that they soft. The great thing is we have the want to play and most of the time SEC Tournament coming up. We're it works. But sometimes you need going to have an opportunity to reto make changes. You need a plan deem ourselves." B. All the girls are starting to get Redemption will have to wait, that now." regular season match left. UF faces No. 23 South Carolina on Sunday at the Ring Tennis Complex at 1 p.m. "South Carolina is a very good team," Balogh said. "Maybe not the most talented, but very competitive and very gutsy. "They've won a lot of matches 4-3 this year. They beat Vanderbilt 52, who's a very good team. We will though, as the Gators still have one definitely have our hands full." _55K, _11 _34 4 .s aint 'baL4 Now, by popular FRESH SALADS AND S U C H demand. Crispers GAINESVILLE introduces CRISPERS CENTER Pick a Pair! 3102 SW 34th Street phone: (352) 335-6150 Ad FREE fax: (352) 335-6128 PAiR Easy instructions for building your own gourmet meal: CHOOSE ANYTWO of the following selections for only $6.79! -Cup of any soup selection -Half of any classic sandwich -Garden or small'Caesar salad Substitute any chowder or gumbo for soup.just $1 more! 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SOFTBALL Coach: Gatoafrs pl-Qaying Tennessee at the right time By WILLIS JACOBSON Alligator Writer Of all the series the Gators have played this season, this one will likely mean the most. Of all the top10 teams UF has played against, success against this one would prove most satisfying. Combine that .with the natural animosity between two rival schools, and a recipe for a classic series may be in the making. The No. 15 UF softball team (3211, 11-4 Southeastern Conference) will host No. 6 Tennessee (44-7, 12-4 SEC) in a three-game series beginning with a doubleheader at 1 p.m. on Saturday. The teams will conclude the series with a 1 p.m. Sunday meeting. "[Tennessee] is probably our most important series," said Coach Karen Johns, well aware that the series will be crucial in determining first place in the SEC Eastern Division. "We're going to have our hands full." Tennessee is one of the more dominant teams in the conference, leading the league in several offensive and defensive statistical categories. The Volunteers lead in hits, batting average, on-base percentage, and total runs scored, and are second in home runs. Their pitchers aren't too shabby, either: Tennessee's 0.81 ERA is lowest in the conference. [Tennessee] is probably our most important series. We're going to have our hands full." Karen Johns UF softball coach "If we can just keep the ball in the park, we feel like we'll have a really good chance," said Johns of the Volunteers' offense. Despite the staggering numbers, Johns says that her team could be playing the Volunteers, losers in two. of their last three, at the right time. "They're coming off -a tough weekend, so we feel like we're -finally catching a good team that's maybe struggling," Johns said. "We seem to always catch these good teams when they're on a hot streak. They went into Auburn [last weekend] and really struggled, though, so we'd like to take advantage of that." One of the more compelling match-ups of the series pits UF's bats against the pitching of Tennessee 'southpaw Monica Abbott (31-3). Abbott, whose 0.45 ERA leads the SEC, pitched 17 innings and allowed just one run arid four hits in two wins against the Gators as a freshman last season. However, Johns does see a weakness in the Volunteers' defensive attack. "It looks like we'll be able to rn on them," Johns said. "They're giving up some stolen bases, so hopAfully we'll be able to execute some things there that will work to our strengths." UF leads the all-time series 2011. All games this weekend will be played at the Florida Softball Stadium. Parker to be sentenced in July PARKER, from page 24 you to 50." According to Smith, Parker was arrested while exiting the Oaks Mall on Dec. 7. Smith said Parker was observed meeting former co-defendant Stephanie Moise at approximately 11: 44 a.m. at her workplace, Shoe Show, 1124 N. Main St., where he gave Moise a white plastic shopping bag containing 493.8 grams of cocaine. Moise then drove to the Oaks Mall parking lot, where she sold the cocaine to an undercover officer for $12,800. When the officer informed Moise that the contents were less than the prearranged 500-gram amount, Moise said she would correct the error. She then entered the mall, and after visiting the Aeropostale store, was arrested upon exiting with 9.8 grams of -cocaine, which she said she received from Parker to account for the difference along with all other amounts of the drug she previously had in her possession. Parker was arrested separately with the money the officer gave Moise for the cocaine. Upon serving a search warrant, officers found $460 in counterfeit money along with $852 in cash in Parker's apartment. Parker, who was fired from his position with the UF basketball team in early January, was released according to his previous bond of $100,000. McArthur leads SEC with .500 average BASE, from page 24 0, 3.79 ERA). Thie Gators offense has been rolling since Easter Sunday, led by thtrd baseman Brandon McArthur and his 11-game hitting streak. His .500 average in conference play leads the SEC. Second baseman Adam Davis ranks second on the Gators with a .388 average in SEC games, but expects a hard-fought series this weekend. ."You-might as well throw all the rankings and all that kind of stuff out the window," Davis said. "What it comes down to in the SEC is pitching match-ups, who's got who, how people match up." Davis credits UF's offensive success to the team's depth. "If this guy isn't getting it done, and he's a guy that we usually depend on, the guy right behind him has been getting the job done," Davis said. "That's been a staple of our team all year long. I'm sure there's been plenty of games where our 1-2-3 guys haven't got a hit, but the 7-8-9 guys have had all the RBIs. That's a sign of a good team, I think." SHAF from page 24 add up. This is not the MLB draft that has about a zillion rounds, or even the NFL draft that can accommodate more than 200 draftees. We're talking about 60 spots for countless players from across the globe. That's it. That's the list. At last count, 20 underclassmen (including preps) have declared themselves eligible for the draft. Twelve of those players have yet to hire an agent. That's 12 players who appear unsure of what to do. Ask David Lee if he would go back and risk his career at UF for a roll of the dice following an underclassman season. My guess is Lee's stock has never been higher and he is now a legitimate first-rounder. You can take your chances with players like Brandon Bowman, J:R. Morris and Von Wafer. I'll take -seniors and proven winners like Lee, Chuck Hayes and Channing Frye and beat yours every day of the week. I fail to see the good in a fringe draftee deciding to hire an agent and forgoing his college eligibility. On the other hand, his refturh to school would mean the betterment of the college game, the NBA game and most importantly, his life. Where is the harm in that? Shaf at Home. me gone. Sunday a 1PM Gators Love to Read Day Fans who bring and donate books will be registered to win a grand prize. The bookmobile will be at the stadium for fans to return books, check-out Dollar Dog Day books, or signup Fans can purchase select concession for library cards. items for only one dollar! Softball Saturday Fun Zone Inflatable games will be setup Seornor for kids pfor to the first game Amnda Knowles andbetweengames k sm Ww ddk70% 8 ""4 T0o COMMUNICATIONS FREE ADMISSION' Floida Softball Stadium @ the intersection of Museum and Hull Roads P. s .4h disabiites reqiarin g assstne or inflation may m.a ycl th oi ud. Ri5,y C-,Uu at u5'0-955-8771 (TOD) poaln ubett nnemioiplnue A24 Amand osssujestt anrw T-tshirtl IP R11DAY$ $4 Bud Light Pitchers $4 Jager Bombs G $4 Miller-Lite Pitchers SFind someone special. Advertise in The Alligator classifieds. 373-FIND F START AT THE NATION'S LARGEST INDEPENDENT COLLEGE NEWSPAPER. Wherever you go after college, experience is the edge you'll need .to find a jab. Start your career now by getting the experience. alligijior Doubleheader Saturday @1-& 3 PM Amanda Knowles Day The first 250 fans will receive a #294 Amanda Knnwles oesy T-shirti Waql~ll:5is2g::lt~lssM cof s PTennossee 23, ALLIGATOR E FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 0 ALLIGATOR, 23


Sports FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 ALLIGATOR Parker changes plea to guilty in federal drug case By BRYAN APP Alligator Staff Writer Former UF basketball coaching assistant Major Parker could face a minimum of five years in prison on federal drug charges after changing his plea to guilty on Thursday. Parker, who originally plead not guilty at his initial appearance on Jan. 11, plead guilty to conspiracy to distribute and pssession with the intent to distribute 500 grams of cocaine as part of an agreement with the U.S. Attorney's Office. After federal prosecutor Corey Smith concluded presenting facts in the case against Parker, Federal Magistrate Stephen Mickle repeatedly asked Parker if he understood the facts and if they were indeed true. "Did you, in fact, do what the government says you did?" Mickle asked Parker. "Yes sir," replied the previously calm Parker with a crack in his voice and a shake in his legs. Shortly after court adjourned, Parker wiped tears from his eyes while seated at the defense table, as did his wife, who was seated with Parker's father and sister. As part of the agreement, the US. Attorney's Office dropped five additional counts of cocaine distribution that Parker originally faced, stemming from arker four specific incidences of drug sales to undercover police officers from Nov. 16 to Dec. 7. According to Jerry Sanford, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Gainesville, Parker will face the statutory sentence of a minimum of five years to a maximum of 40 years in prison without the possibility of parole, a $4 million fine and five years of supervised release. Mickle is scheduled to sentence Parker on July 11 at 1:30 p.m. "The judge is not bound by any guidelines," Sanford said. "So the judge will have the discretion to sentence him to any number [of years] between [five and 40]." Mickle, however, cited a Supreme Court case stating that statutory sentences were advisory guidelines and not mandatory. But Mickle said Parker has the right to appeal his sentence if the judge mandates one greater than the statutory maximum. "Do you understand that you have the right to appeal your sentenCe if, for example, I impose a sentence that's in excess of what was previously authorized?" Mickle asked Parker. "Let's say you get 40 [years] and I sentence SEE PARKER, PAGE 23 BASEBALL Injury-plagued Gators adjust Tim Casey/ Alllgator UF's Tommy Boss will replace starter Bryan Ball against Alabama tonight. By TIM CASEY Alligator Writer The injury bug has finally hit the UF baseball team. Previously entrenched Friday night starter Bryan Ball will be sidelined for his second consecutive weekend series because of an arm injury. Coach Pat McMahon knows this is a tough blow almost midway through the Southeastem Conference schedule, and is taking precautions so that the pitcher can play later in the season. "He's got a sore arm, so rest is the cure for that at this point," McMahon said. "It's important that we guard arms. It's important that we take care of people so they can perform when they're ready It's an opportunity, and a must-for some other guys to step forward." Ball sports a 5-1 record and 2.22 ERA with 41 strikeouts in 52.2 innings pitched. In addition, sophomore third baseman Daniel Brooks could miss the remainder of the season after breaking his arm during practice on Wednesday. "That's a difficult loss at this point," McMahon said. "We really hurt for Daniel because he's been an integral part of our ball club in so many ways. He plays third, plays second, could play left field, DH for us." Brooks has a .172 batting average with one home run and three RBI. He has played in 16 games this season and started six games. Alabama (25-10), ranked No. 17 and owners of first place in the SEC Western Division, will face the No. 5 Gators (28-6) this weekend. Both teams boast an 8-4 conference record, with UF first in the Eastern Division. Senior Tommy Boss (4-2, 4.63 ERA) will begin the series for UF against Alabama junior right-hander T.J. Large (5-2, 1.74 ERA). On Saturday, Alan Home (2-2, 4.70 ERA) will face Alabama sophomore lefthander Wade LeBlanc (2-1, 121 ERA), the 2004 SEC and National Freshman of the Year. Sunday's series finale features a pair of undefeated lefthanders, UF freshman Stephen Locke (5-0, 1.77 ERA) opposite Alabama sophomore Brandon Belcher (4SEE BASE, PAGE 23 MLB New York Yankees Boston C*icago White Sox Cleveland 5 8 6 8 EUF golfers Manuel Villegas and Camila Gonzales have been named to the SEC Good Works Team, an accolade awarded to student athletes who give back to the community. B 1972: The UF track team downs LSU 8461, combining for four first-place finishes and two new school records. Sprinter Nate Jenkins, who joined the Gators after excelling in his physical education class, won the 100-meter dash. U Be sure to check out for a story on the UF men's tennis team. The Gators wrap up their regular season at South Carolina, but have already clinched a first-place finish in the SEC's Eastern Division. Turning pro a no-go for 'fringe players t the close of semesters gone by, the Fowl Language was put on mute and the Fox Trotted into the sunset. Yesterday, the final Girv Ball was thrown. and now I am Out at Home. Indeed, you are witnesses to some of the many changes of the guards within the world of Alligator sports. To some, the names and faces that are connected to these columns come and go and they are none the wiser, but to us, this is a big Brian Shaffer So for this one last time, I will climb Sha At Home atop my soapbox and rant until I am blue in the face. News broke Wednesday morning that Anthony Roberson has decided to possibly forgo his senior season and test the waters of the NBA draft. This came as no great shock, as he wrestled greatly with the same decision a year ago. A couple hours later, some more news broke that his teammate Matt Walsh was going to do the same. And now rmnors are swirling that Lee Humphrey, Chris Richard and Jack Barry have all followed suit. Of course, I am being facetious in regards to the last three, but what is stopping them? The cookie-cutter reasoning given by players like Roberson and Walsh around the country makes plenty of sense. They want to see if they can live their lifelong dream of playing in the N BA, but they will not hire an agent so that they can return to school if the NBA thumbs its nose at them. I am in no way an NBA draft expert, so I have no idea where Walsh fits in, but what I do know is that there are 30 teams in the league, 12 players on each roster and only two rounds in the draft. Common sense tells me that this is the most difficult professional sport to break into. Take into account the influx of European players and perhaps the largest crop of high schoolers making the jump due to the looming age limit sanction, and the numbers just don't SEE SHAF, PAGE 23