The Independent Florida alligator

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The Independent Florida alligator
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Florida allgator
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Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 65, no. 75 (Feb. 1, 1973)-
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the independent florida

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Two down, one city race to go

Alligator Staff Writers

When results were announced at the end of
Gainesville's City Commission elections Tuesday
night, At-Large incumbent Rick Bryant had reason
to cheer.
Bryant won re-election to his seat by an unof-
ficial 42 votes, so far avoiding a runoff against
next-highest opponent Rob Brinkman.
"I thought I.was going to be knocking on doors
for the next three weeks," Bryant said, adding that
after his last-minute win, he'll go to Disney World
.Elections "I promised I'd make a dif-
2005 ference to all the citizens of
Gainesville, and I did," he said of
his re-election victory.
-'-Celebrations for Bryant, however, could be
somewhat premature.
:Even a small nurnber of -,ote in Brinkman .
favor could pus1h Br- ant and Brin',man -hho
received the seuond-hi-hst ttal vot e at 33
prcerit into a runoff.
\ .ith a -lm 50.5 percent of the vote th,-: olticial
tally.-- inclhdnid. provisional unrlanl3nid and
oversea-; ballot-: could put hiin bloV tile ne.E --
sary 510 percent that mani dat- a i
Bryant admitted to "sweating bullets" because
of East Gainesville votes that went to opponent
Diyonme McGraw.
McGraw, who received 13.51 percent of the total
vote, said she intends to run for the Commission's
other At-Large seat next year.
Flanked by McGraw supporters, a subdued
Nick West AllIgatov StaH Rob Brinkman was one of the last to leave the elec-
Rick Bryant rejoices while talking to reporters Tuesday night. Bryant tion office.
unofficially won the City Commission At-Large seat by 42 votes. SEE ELECTION, PAGE 13

UF seeks regulation of alcohol use


Alligator Staff Writer
smgarry@alligator org
At least four UF students have died of
alcohol-related causes since UF President
Bernie Machen was appointed to lead UF
in Fall 2003, adding urgency to UF and
Gainesville's joint struggle to curb student
alcohol abuse. Another student, who re-
portedly was drinking, died following a
Jacksonville football game last October.

Christopher Small died in the early
morning of Jan. 28 after his car crashed
into a telephone pole on Northwest 34th
Street. Autopsy reports show that his
blood alcohol limit was
two-and-a-half times
the legal limit. Small's
former roommate has
said that the UF junior
had gone to the club:08
earlier that night.
The university's
Machen campaign against
binge drinking, which
began at Machen's urging in January, has
consisted mostly of meetings and discus-
sions so far. Other than Machen's refusal

* The Blockbuster
on Archer Road
is one of three
Gainesville loca-
tions not participat-
ing in the "No Late
Fees" program. The
franchises, indepen-
dent from corporate
policy, allegedly
confused renters.
See story, pg. 5.

to allow Coors advertising at an O'Connell-
Center concert, UF has made no policy
The university brought in a national
college health expert in February to lead a
discussion on how environmental factors
- such as inexpensive drink specials, ad- "
vertising and bartending practices can
promote binge drinking. The meeting
formed three groups dedicated to differ-
ent alcohol problems, two of which met
for the first time Tuesday to discuss their
The university depends on the city to
regulate alcohol marketing and student

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UF Athletics Director
Jeremy Foley kicked line-
backer Taurean Charles per-
mamently off the football
team Tuesday. Foley failed
to return calls to his office
and cell phone, but Charles
was more than forthcoming
about the decision.
See story, pg. 24.


UPD inquiry

plagued by




Alligator Writer

More than a month after taking control
of an investigation alleging bribery and
corruption in the Student Government
election, the Student Judicial Affairs
office said it has not yet found enough
information to file any conduct violation
An adviser to the
Student Body presi-
dent initially filed a
complaint ,with the
University Police
Department last month,
claiming that Impact
Williams Party supporters were
bribed to jump ship and
support the Gator Party.
Citing a lack of proof to pursue crimi-
nalcharges, UPD handed the case over
to Judicial Affairs, which says it also has
conducted a.thorough investigation.
"Certainly, it was something of inter-
est it is something of interest," Judicial
Affairs Director Cyrus Williams said of
the complaint.
"At this point, we have not charged
anybody, and we're [going to] continue
to investigate," he added.
So far, five people both named
and not named in the initial complaint
have been interviewed, Williams said.
Following adviser Lowell Wong's


SPORTS 24 80/55



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p" the independent florida

VOLUME 98 ISSUE 126 ISSN 0889-2423
j t, .r; :3.ia l :i :r %l'.r. li r ,m or.. ci Fh"icr.
PuCthr,ar o Ca0f. i C~.rf:., :.rr.aT,,ir,i, .r I f Ga lrie11 Florida
eI-oV4 8 Voi-c73-2e3 352-376-4467 iFax



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This is an excellent opportunity for students to get involved and assist in

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-The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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UF group to aid quake victims

"Copyrighted Material
S IB Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

Alligator Contributing Writer

Victims from Monday's earth-
quake in Indonesia that may
have killed thousands will not go
without help from Gainesville.
The earthquake was the sec-
ond major disaster the region has
suffered in the past four months.
A Dec. 26 earthquake and sub-
sequent tsunami killed at least
175,000 people and left 106,000
missing in Southeast Asia.
Gators for Tsunami Relief,
a coalition of 22 UF student
organizations, intends to aid
victims of the earthquake, said
Preeti Sharma, organization co-
The coalition began rais-
ing money for tsunami relief in
"Every week we've collected a
couple thousand dollars for about
two months," Sharma said.
The coalition plans to send
a check for more than $600 to
the humanitarian organization
Direct Relief International this
week, said Linh Nguyen, the
group's head of finances.
"We're still collecting money
for the relief, and people are still
giving money," she said.
UF's Asian Student Union will

also contribute to the cause, said
ASU Treasurer Sandy Chiu.
ASU President Mark Villegas,
who also helped create the relief
coalition, said support for earth-
quake victims would also be
"I think collecting money
should definitely be a priority,"
Villegas said. "That's what we've
been successful doing so far."
Villegas said he thought form-
ing the coalition was necessary.
"We felt
Earthquake it was a re-
in Indonesia sponsibility
on our part as
students and people who may
have their families over there,"
he said. "It's a humane cause."
The coalition has raised more
than $11,000 for tsunami victims
and may divert some funds to
earthquake relief.
"We'll definitely be getting in
contact with the other organiza-
tions to see what we can do for
this earthquake," said Kshama
Shah, secretary of one of the
coalition groups, the UF South
Asian Student Alliance.
Although the area has suf-
fered extensive damage, it may
not compare to .the December
catastrophe because no tsunamis
formed after the earthquake.

"It seems this earthquake did
not trigger a tsunami. If it had,
the tsunami would have hit the
coastline of Sumatra by. now,"
said Prihar Yadi, a scientist
with the Indonesia Geophysics
Agency. "And if there's no tsu-
nami on the coastline near the
epicenter of the quake, there will
not -be one heading in the other
Tsunamis were not a factor
after Monday's earthquake be-
cause it was much deeper than
the December quake, said UF
geology professor Joe Meert.
Meert said there may be no
end in sight for the area.
"There are going to be large af-
tershocks after this earthquake,"
Meert said. "This one was prob-
ably even an aftershock of the
first one."
The only way the area can
protect itself would be to get an
early-warning system so resi-
dents will know what is coming,
he said.
"It's one of those areas on
earth that's very- active, and they
need to get a,warning system
there," Meert said. "There would
have been damage but very little
death if they had one."
The Associated Press contributed
to this report.

Pope could *nd up on f9edltng tube if probhms pfrmit

* V ., : M- --:.. I ::


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Available from Commercial News Providers"


Study: Loan companies find easy targets in U.S. military

Alligator Writer

Payday advance companies
across the country are targeting
military personnel and their fami-
lies, according to a UF study.
These loan companies, which
give quick cash advances with
high interest rates, are dispropor-
tionately collected around military
bases, said Christopher Peterson,
an assistant professor at UF's
Levin College of Law.
"Payday loan companies vocif-
erously deny that they are target-
ing military personnel, but the
numbers show that they do," he

said in a release. "It's sad enough
to see someone get into financial
trouble because someone lent him
money at more than 400 percent
interest. It's even worse when that
borrower is a person who is fight-
ing to protect our freedom."
The study was conducted across
20 states at 109 military bases.
The researchers consistently
found that ZIP codes near military
bases had higher numbers of pay-
day loan companies than ZIP codes
with similar demographic makeup
that did not have the bases.
Payday advances work through
loaning small amounts of money
that are leveraged against work-
ers'- paychecks. For example, a

$100 loan may be given, with the
agreement that $115 will be repaid
in two weeks. If the loan cannot be
repaid, a. rollover occurs and the
interest keeps building.
At this rate, the average' an-
nual interest on payday loans is
450 percent, Peterson said. As a
comparison, the average annual
interest rate for credit cards has
fluctuated recently between 13 and
14 percent, according to a Federal
Reserve statistical release.
The reason that military men
and women are targeted for these
"predatory loans" is because they
are a vulnerable group, Peterson
They tend to be young, "rela-

"Payday lenders feel safer
lending to military people
because they know that
the commanding officer
will make them ante up."
Christopher Peterson
Levin College of Law assistant

tively uneducated- and have' weak
financial backgrounds.
Most military personnel don't
make much money to begin with,
Peterson said, but this is com-
pounded by the fact that the mili-

tary looks unfavorably on having
outstanding debt.
"Payday lenders feel safer lend-
ing to military people because they
know that the commanding officer
will make them ante up," he said.
The idea that these companies
prey on military employees or
that .they charge outlandish rates
are both "myths," according to the
Web site of a trade organization for
the payday advance industry.
Community Financial Services
Association reports, the industry
has a list of guidelines to follow for
dealings with the military, includ-
ing that the military chain of com-
mand will not be contacted foi an
overdue loan.


Reporter speaks about media's role in Middle East

Alligator Writer

People walking without limbs and the
smell in the aftermath of a bombing were
some of the descriptions a CBS foreign cor-

respondent used Tuesday while illustrat-
ing some of the challenges journalists face
when covering conflict in the Middle East.
David Gilbert told about 20 students
and Gainesville residents at the UF Hillel
Center of the complexities of reporting in a
war zone, getting information correct and

-I:. -, .-- 1"-
r .. ..

Andrea Morales, Alligator Staff
CBS foreign correspondent David Gilbert speaks at the Hillel Center on Tuesday. Gilbert'
shared his experiences, views on international journalism and the possibility for peace.

maintaining objectivity.
Gilbert, who has reported from Israel
and other Middle Eastern nations, talked
about the media's tendency to report only
on violence in Israel.
"Life is actually very good there," he
said, adding that he enjoys living there be-
cause people seem to live their lives fully..
On the other hand, he said, violence is
not uncommon.
"It is certainly something that has be-
come a part of life for Israelis," he said.
Using personal experiences to illustrate
his point, Gilbert spoke of bombings he
has witnessed.
"I can't fully describe what it's like to
cover a bombing, a suicide bombing," he
He explained that images seen on the
news often are sanitized, because the first
three minutes after a bombing are con-
siderably different from what the media
"There's no way to fully divorce your-
self from the events going on around you,"
he said.
The other challenges Gilbert discussed,
such as sorting lies from fact and remain-
ing objective, are not unique to reporting
in the Middle East.
However, he said, there are other mod-
els of journalism, such as those in which
publications openly take a stance on cer-

tain issues.
America may one day move. in the
direction of these other models, he said,
where people will purchase publications
with the knowledge of these biases.
"I take everything with a grain of
salt. You have to know who you're
buying from."
David Gilbert
CBS foreign corespondent

In an interview after the speech, Gilbert
said U.S. residents need to find a news
source they trust.
"I think it's very, very difficult for
Americans to know the truth," he said,
noting they cannot be overseas to verify
the facts for themselves.
"I take everything with a grain of salt,"
he said. "You have to know who you're
buying from."
Josh Sachs, a Grinspoon Israel Advocacy
intern at Hillel, said Gilbert's unique ex-
periences would provide students with a
new perspective.
"He's in the center of it all," Sachs said,
noting Gilbert has reported from Israel
and Iraq, and that he broke the story that
Yassir Arafat was hiding wanted terrorists
on his compound. "Basically, he knows his

'Visual' robots developed by UF could be next big thing

Alligator Writer

UF engineering professor Warren Dixon
is developing a system that would allow
robots to measure the speed and. depth
of moving objects using standard camera
This ability to capture a series of images

and then interpret them could replace older
technologies such as radar and laser detec-
"There are a lot of issues involved with
taking an image, understanding what's in
that image and turning the crank so the ro-
bot can work with the information," Dixon
Dixon recently published his work in the
journal Automatica.

One applicatioil for this technology could
be military, Dixon said. -
For example, an unmanned aircraft with
a "seeing" robot can take continuous pic-
tures of the ground below
UF and immediately adjust
Research when it detects something
The absence of lasers or radars would
make the activity hard to detect.

The robots can also record the movement
of an object through its camera and then du-
plicate that movement in its own vehicle.
A. human-driven vehicle could lead a
long convoy-of vehicles steered by smart
"Robots now have a higher sense of in-
telligence," Dixon said. "They are superior
because they can interact with their environ-

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Blockbuster fee policy dispute ends in settlement

Alligator Contributing Writer

Florida and 47 other states
reached an agreement Tuesday
with Blockbuster Inc. to settle alle-
gations that it deceived customers
with its "No Late Fees" policy.
In the settlement, Blockbuster
agreed to pay $630,000 to the states
for attorney fees, costs of litigation
and consumer protection programs.
According to the settlement, the
advertising of the program, which
began Dec. 15, did not clearly
specify that customers would be
charged if they kept rental materi-
als past a seven-day grace period.
Under the "No Late Fees" pol-
icy enacted Jan. 1, after the grace
period a rental would be treated
as a purchase, and the customer
would be charged the retail value
of the video minus the rental fee.
If the video was returned with-
in 30 days, the customer would
be refunded the cost of the movie
but still would be charged a $1.25
restocking fee.
This policy was not put into
effect in any of the Blockbuster
video stores in Gainesville. The
Blockbusters at 1310 NW 23rd
Ave., 3416 SW Archer Road and
4994 NW 39th Ave. are franchise
operations that chose not to par-
ticipate in the corporate "No Late

NICK west / Alligator btarr
The Blockbuster video store on Archer Road is one of three Gainesville Blockbuster locations not partici-
pating in the "No Late Fees" program. Franchised locations operating independently from the corporate
policy have allegedly caused confusion among renters in 48 states.
Fees" program. erations of Theo Two Corporation, in the program because of student
"Because we're in a college which owns and operates the breaks, including Spring Break
town, our late-fee policy is dif- three Blockbuster video stores in and Winter Break. He did not want
ferent than -corporate's," said Gainesville. students to forget about returning
Andrew Cohen, director of op- Cohen opted not to participate materials and then come back to

school to find large charges for the
purchase of the materials on their
Instead, the Gainesville
Blockbuster locations chose a dif-
ferent type of policy, the Movie
Pass. Under this program, custom-
ers pay a monthly fee to rent up to
three-movies at a time.
"There's no due dates, no late
fees, and there's never a time we
convert it into a sale, as long as the
monthly fee is being paid," Cohen
However, the corporate "No
Late Fees" advertising ran on net-
works in Florida, reaching audienc-
es in areas where the Blockbuster
video stores are non-participating
franchise operations.-This occurred
in Gainesville, where customers
saw the commercials and expected
the "No Late Fees" program at the
three Gainesville locations.
"I thought there were no late
fees, but I had [the 39th Ave.
Blockbuster] send me bills for late
fees after seeing the advertise-
ments for the end of late fees,"
customer Perscilla Ritenour said.
Due to the confusion the policy
has caused, the Tuesday settle-
ment allowed for customers who
incurred late fees at non-partici-"
pating franchise stores to fill out
coupon request forms at the stores
to receive rental coupons.



Money matters

Legislature is after more

student funds in new bill
T he Florida Legislature is looking more and more like a
junkie father who can't keep himself out of his children's
iggy banks.
In this case, students at state universities are playing the role
of the helpless children who only can watch as their already-
slim life savings are taken away.
The latest example of the state government's callous attitude
toward students is a bill making its way through the Florida
Senate. Under the bill, which was approved Monday by the
Senate Education Committee, in-state students would have to
pay out-of-state tuition for any credits more than their degree
requires plus an additional 18.
The committee's reasoning is that delinquent students are
sticking around longer than necessary, which is causing the
state to lose money and decreasing the number of prospective
students that can be accepted.
This is, of course, the same rationale it uses for block tu-
ition and other initiatives intended to "encourage" students to
graduate in four years.
Don't let them fool you: This isn't an effort to encourage stu-
dents to graduate on time; it's an effort to milk every last cent
out of already financially-burdened students.
If the only students affected by this were those trying to
squeeze in as many keg parties as they can while still on the
state government's dime, the Legislature's arguments would
have merit.
But what about students who want to double-major? What
about students who want to add multiple minors to augment
their degrees? What about students who decide to switch ma-
jors in their third or even fourth years?
This is only one short step away from legislation that would
require students to stick with whichever major they are in after
their first two years or so.
Whatever the benefits of that may be to the state's coffers
- and legislators likely would drool over such a concept the
costs to the academic freedom of students are unacceptable.
Even if legislation like the proposed bill does cause more stu-
dents to graduate on time, what does this mean for the future
of the state?
One of the primary goals of the State University System is to
provide an education for Florida students so they will eventu-
ally become contributing members of state society.
If graduating high school students face the prospect of block
tuition, tuition penalties for taking too long to earn their degrees
and other superfluous charges, what's the impetus going to be
for them to. stay here?
While school spirit runs particularly high in our state, the
real motivation for Florida students to attend Florida universi-
ties is because they offer a good education at a bargain price.
UF did not become an elite university because its faculty and
facilities suddenly became top-notch. UF became a top univer-
sity because it offers an unmatched academic value. You have to
pay big bucks to get this kind of education elsewhere.
If these ever-growing fees and penalties continue to increase,
students will have less and less reason to enroll here. Florida's
finest no longer will stay in Florida.
For now, we only can hope that the Florida Student
Association and our newly-elected Student Government rep-
resentatives can talk some sense into those who see students
as a source of quick income instead of the future members of
Florida society.

l i the independent florida


Dwayne Robinson
Mike Gimignani

Matt Sanchez
Lauren Flanagan
Diana Middleton
Craig Singleton

The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They n., r i:. r. ,., ,jr. i :,-.: -,, .nj:r .-..i j, i.
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just cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to, bring them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
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cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.

Op inions


Any r "50TrO o c n5T 1 fle


Any legal product can have illegal uses

Your iPod will be illegal if Disney gets its way.
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court began to hear oral
arguments in a case that may decide the fate of techno-
logical innovation. Believe me, this matters to you.
The case is MGM v. Grokster. More than 30 music and
film companies heavy-hitters like Warner Bros., Disney,
Fox and Universal have taken aim at Grokster and
StreamCast, which offer Internet file-sharing programs.
The issue is whether technology companies can be
held liable for what their customers do with their prod-
uct. Specifically, does a technology's manufacturer have a
secondary liability if their customer uses their product 'to
infringe a copyright? MGM says "yes;" common sense, legal
precedent, personal liberty and entrepreneurial innovation
say "no."
Let's have a look, shall we?
John has a car. He bought it from a dealership, which
bought it from Ford. John drives that car to a liquor store,
robs it and drives away. The dealer and Ford are held respon-
sible for the robbery.
Here's another: Jane has a gun. She bought it from a gun
store, which bought it from Smith & Wesson. Jane goes to
class and shoots her professor with the gun. The store and the
manufacturer are held responsible for the murder.
All this makes perfect sense, right? Except for the fact that,
well, no, it doesn't make any damn sense at all.
If the gun manufacturer advertised their product with
disaffected, trenchcoat-wearing teenagers as their spokes-
men, or used the slogan "Kills Lincoln dead," maybe there'd
be a case. But a lot of car commercials show people driving
awfully fast is BMW responsible for my speeding tickets?
'Manufacturers should not be subject to liability for their
customer's actions merely because they offer a technol-
ogy. This is the logic we extend to guns vis-a-vis homicide
- surely human life values more than protecting Britney
Spears' copyright.
Guns and cars like file sharing, the iPod, the VCR, the

~"" Xerox machine, the Internet and
..the printing press can be used
.to break the law. They also can" be
used for legitimate purposes. This
is the current standard for judging
the legality of a technology. Called
Gavin Baker the Sony-Betamax doctrine, after
Close to Home Sony's videotape format, the stan- dard says that, if a technology has
"substantial non-infringing uses,"
the manufacturer has not commit-
ted contributory infringement. That means, if a technology
has legitimate legal uses, then making it isn't illegal, even if
people do illegal things with it.
Understandably, the content industry wants to protect
their copyright, but there's more than copyright at play here.
MGM v. Grokster is, at its heart, a question of how much
our society is willing to give up to protect copyright spe-
cifically, the copyrights of a wealthy elite who disregard both
creative expression and morality in their endless quest for
*The American Conservative Union, along with the
National Taxpayers Union, put it like this: "The Court
should see this for what it is art attempt to leverage a law-
ful, but statutorily limited, monopoly over the distribution of
expressive 'works of authorship' into an unwarranted and
'anti-competitive monopoly over the distribution of innova-
tive technologies."
Of course, there are consequences of either banning or
preserving peer-to-peer file sharing. However, the central
question is whether an object and its manufacturer somehow
are liable for the user's actions. File sharing doesn't infringe
copyright; people do. Let's hope the Supreme Court agrees.
Otherwise, kiss your iPod goodbye along with your com-
puter, your VCR, your car, your gun and your freedom.
Gavin Baker is a history freshman. His column appears on

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.

Reader response
Today's question: Is the pro- Tuesday's question: Should the
posed tuition bill fair to students? Board of Governors
ity to institute degree quotas?
Vote or post a message at

02% YES
98% NO


Letters to the Editor
Bill is harmful to open exchange of ideas
Editor: What is with Republicans lately?
Have all the problems in Florida been solved?
Do the Republicans have nothing better to do
with their time than propose ridiculous bills
like the Academic Freedom Bill of Rights? This
bill, which is aimed at getting rid of "leftist
totalitarianism," seems downright suspicious.
Professors should have the freedom to ex-
press ideas and thoughts in the classroom that
are both popular and unpopular.. It's impor-
tant for students to think and to consider new
ideas even when those ideas are extremely dif-
ferent from those they were raised to believe.
Unfortunately, there are some professors
who believe their ideas are the only ones that
should be considered, and they may harass
students whose opinions are at odds with the
their own.
However, universities have policies in
place that deal with this. If a professor is far
out in left field and is forcing their views upon
a student to the point that it is harming the
learning environment, the student has the
right to complain. A chain of command exists,
and students are encouraged to use it.
The system works more often than not, and
it's important that the procedures universities
have in place be followed, rather than resort-
ing to government intervention resulting in an
increasingly licentious society.
The idea that the bill would introduce a
"right to sue" by students who feel their beliefs

are not being respected is very dangerous.
If the state opens this door, it never can
be closed, and the academic freedom our
state government claims it strongly supports
slowly will cease to exist. If professors have
to worry that they will be sued because they
teach in a manner or content that may make
a student uncomfortable, then the professors
have no choice but to restrict their teaching in
both content and style. When they do this, the
quality of teaching will all but disappear. And
when the quality of the teaching disappears,
so does the quality of the students.
While there are a few professQrs, both liber-
al and conservative, who abuse the openness
allowed by academic freedom, the majority of
professors are good at what they do and are
quite successful in giving students the tools
they need to go forth in the world and make a
significant contribution to society.
The objective of a good university should
be to foster the open exchange of ideas, both
in and out of the classroom, formally and
informally between students and faculty. It is
important to preserve this exchange of ideas in
.order to set forth intelligent young people into
the world who will make a positive impact in
society. A university is only as good as its stu-
dents and, if those whose job it is to educate
are limited by intrusive laws, which are by
their very definition totalitarian in nature,
then the -university as we know it is doomed
and the ripple effect throughout society would

be disastrous.
Just look at what government intrusion
has done to the Florida public school system;
there's really, no better example from which
we can learn.
Jessica Clackum Herman
UF staff

Right to free will is the real issue in case
Editor: It always astounds me when I am
confronted with the ignorance upon which
normally intelligent people base their most
fervent claims.
In Jason Levitt's latest column, he parrots
the same line as the religious right, which says
Terri Schiavo is being "allowed to die" be-
cause, in her state, she no longer possesses the
functions of a human being. I'm sorry, Levitt,
but no one has ever said Schiavo should die
because she is no longer human. On the con-
trary, events have played out as they have be-
cause Schiavo exercised the one ability given
to us by God that makes us distinctly human:
free will.
Upon creation, God gave us the ability to
decide for ourselves the paths our lives would
take. We are the ones in control of our desti-
nies. After 15 years and numerous court bat-
tles, judge after judge has decided the person,
who knew her wishes best is also the person


who, has the legal right to make such decisions
for Schiavo: her husband, Michael. For all of
his supposed bias in wanting her dead, he has
declined the insurance money from her family,
a divorce to marry his girlfriend and offers of
$1.5 million and $10 million to buy his power
of attorney.
Michael also earned a nursing degree to
help care for his wife. In light of all of this, it
seems he cares more about honoring Schiavo's
free will than anything else, but don't tell this
to the radical religious right. They can't be
confused with the facts when it comes to this
Does anyone else see the arrogance of
thinking we all know what Schiavo wanted
better than her own husband did, especially
when most of us had never even heard of her
before this fiasco? One of the saddest stories
of this whole affair is how this woman's last
days were turned into the circus that they
became because of people too self-righteous
to keep sight of what really makes us human:
our free will.
Sometimes, people use this ability to make
decisions some of us don't like. So, Jason, she
is not dying because she isn't human; she is
dying because she wanted to, and because
her husband was brave enough to stand up
for her choice.
Eric Steele


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Letters to the Editor
Politicians shouldn't control right to life
Editor: History, pundits remind us, has
regarded eugenicists and euthanizers with
something less than approbation. When one
group of powerful and fanatical human beings
decides to exterminate another, less powerful
group, untold atrocities occur. Those denied
the status of human beings are deprived of
any right to make decisions in society or in
their own lives, a process culminating in the
deprivation of the ultimate right: that to life.
* Presumably, no one today questions the
sovereignty of an individual who chooses to
live. Why, then, do we question the individu-
al's right to die in peace?
Forget the tragedy of Terri Schiavo and
both sides of her family. What if it were you?
Does your family have the right to torture you
indefinitely against your expressed wishes?
Does the government have that right? .
Let me be clear: We have no culture of
life in this country. Disregard the infanticide,
demonic foreign policy and plundering of the
environmental that characterize the new mil-
lennium. Forget how far we have regressed in
matters of social justice, equable distribution
of resources and opportunities, and quality of
life. Even if you remain blind to these blatant
offenses against human potential, you can-
not ignore the obvious: We have a culture of
power in America.
Whether you call it "the power of pride"
(formerly a deadly sin) or some other pal-

atable phrase, the fact remains that a few
Americans spend a great deal of time attempt-
ing to impose their will upon others. This is as
true when we democratize a country into kitty
litter as when we deliver pretty speeches and,
subvert the constitution to brutally torment a
helpless woman and her family in the name of
There is another way. It demands faith in
ourselves, trust in our fellows and a willing-
ness to confront harsh choices. We must let
individuals be responsible for their own lives.
Allowing a handful of self-righteous to
dictate the moral conditions under which all
must live is unacceptable and serves no public
good. In the next thirty years, more than 100
million Americans will face end-of-life deci-
sions. There are not. enough resources to ex-
tend all of these lives indefinitely, nor should
we attempt to at the expense of the well-being
of the individuals themselves. Let the ones
who wish to die do so in peace and with as
little pain as possible, preferably in a swifter
fashion than dying of thirst.
. Don't let those overly perfumed, rosy-
cheeked, pudgy-faced slavering do-gooders
with unnaturally bright eyes and sharp-
toothed grins take control of your last breath.
Otherwise we might as well all be in a persis-
tent vegetative state.
Paul R. Wagner

Congress' actions correct judicial errors
Editor. The actions takenby the Republican
Congress regarding the Terri Schiavo case are
not about governmental interference they.
are about stopping an ongoing trend of judi-
cial tyranny. The root of the problem here is
a judiciary that is totally out of control. Judge
Greer has ruled that Schiavo should have her
feeding tube removed because that was her
wish. However, the only proof given was testi-
mony from her husband, Michael, saying that
she had mentioned to him years ago that she
would not want to be on a feeding tube, just in
case she ever had to be put on one.
How convenient for him. However, there
is no living will, and no written evidence has
been produced that proves this is what she
wanted. In. America, do we condemn people
to death on he said/she said evidence, or do
we prove beyond a reasonable doubt whether
something is true before we pass judgement?
Even murderers need an immense burden
of proof against them before they are put to
death but not Terri Schiavo. All it takes is
her husband's word and a sympathetic judge
to pass the death sentence. Her case would
have beenlaughed out of "People's Court" be-

cause of the lack of solid, irrefutable evidence. I
guess Judge Greer has a lot to learn from day-
time television. What makes the issue even
more suspicious is that Michael Schiavo never
even mentioned that his wife didn't want to
be on a feeding tube until seven years after she

initially was put on it, which coincides with
his engagement to another woman.
The Republicans got involved because,
according to Article 3 of the Constitution,
Congress has the power to regulate the judi-
ciary. They were well within their constitu-
tional right to. do what they did, and if any
case needs oversight, this is it. We are talking
about a human life here. All Congress wanted
was for a federal court to review what seems
to many people to be a shoddy case. What's
wrong with that? They weren't interfering
with anyone's personal life, but making sure
that Schiavo was getting the constitutional
protections that she is guaranteed. The point
here isn't whether or not Schiavo ever can
recover from her condition or if this is what
she really wanted. Because Terri cannot speak
for herself, and because she never wrote down.
her wishes, we will never know what she truly
wanted. But, with her parents willing to take
on all responsibilities of her care, why not do
as President Bush has stated and "err on the
side of life?"
Michael Schiavo can annul his marriage
to Terri and marry his fiance and live hap-
pily ever after with-her and their two out-
of-wedlock children, and the Schindlers can
keep taking care of their daughter. Isn't that
what seems fair? Wouldn't that be justice?
Matt Rixon
: UF alumnus

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Gainesville man arrested on molestation charge

Alligator Writer

A 51-year-old Gainesville man
was arrested Monday on charges
of molesting a 6-year-old girl
more than five months ago, police
Johnnie Clifford. Moore, of
1030 NE First St., is in the Alachua
County Jail on a charge of lewd or
lascivious molestation, according

to a Gainesville Police Department
arrest report.
On Nov. 26, Moore picked up
the young girl from his next-door
neighbor's house and took her to
his .residence, the report stated.
Moore proceeded to try and
remove some of her clothes while
exposing himself, according to the
The victim began .crying and
told her great-aunt immediately
after she arrived home.

According to the report, Moore
told police in an interview, "If the
baby said I done it, then I done it."
Moore told police he was drink-
ing heavily the day of the incident
and said that there are some things
he does not remember, the report

Three Gainesville men were ar-
rested in the theft of more than

$2,000 of party props from a club-
house at University Commons
Apartments, police said.
John Edmond Harisen, 19,
Chad Kay Kellerman, 18, and
Justin Kenneth Croft, 21, are ac-
cused of stealing a standing pop-
corn -machine, a bag of balloons,
a helium tank, a set of billiard
balls, a nine-ball rack, a coffee
maker and a box of Suave hair
spray, according to Gainesville
Police arrest.reports.

None of the three defendants
live at the complex, situated at
2601 SW Archer Road, authori-
ties said.
Kellerman, who reportedly
later admitted to the popcorn
machine theft, was seen driv-
ing away from the premise with
Hansen and Croft, the report
The three men were booked
into the Alachua County Jail
around 4 a.m. on Tuesday.

Commissioner Braddy stresses individual responsibility regulation

ALCOHOL, from page 1

access to it off campus, but the city.can't make
legislation without the permission of the
Florida Legislature.
The retail sale and marketing of alcohol
is under the Florida Legislature's control,
City Attorney Marion Radson said. The City
Commission and UF, though, are trying to
change that.
"The city has asked the state Legislature
for a revision to a state law that would ex-
pressly allow cities and counties to regulate
drink specials," Radson said, adding that
Florida Statutes
UF create liability for
Administration those who know-
ingly serve someone
"habitually addicted to the use" of alcohol.
The City Commission told the Alachua
County Legislative Delegation, a group of
lawmakers led by state Sen. Rod Smith,
that the ability to regulate alcohol sales was
one of its 15 or more legislative requests,
Radson said.
Though Smith did not use the city's
specific proposal, he introduced a similar
bill to the Senate on March 8. Senate Bill
968 would require establishments with li-
quor licenses to comply with local govern-
ments' ordinances, according to the Senate
summary. Smith could not be reached for
UF has joined with the city in support-
ing the change, but Machen wrote in an
e-mail that it may not pass.
"We have been lobbying for this but
have been told by alcohol distributor

[representatives] they have it blocked,"
Machen, who took office a year ago in
January, wrote in an e-mail.
Even if the city gains control over alco-
hol sales, Ed Braddy, a city commissioner
who leads the Public Safety Committee,
said government intervention may not
solve the problem of alcohol, abuse.
"I just don't think we will necessarily
solve the problem'if we try to come down
with the heavy hand of government regula-
tion," Braddy said. "I don't see examples of
it working in the past."
Rather, businesses should be conscious
of their responsibility to stop serving a
custoroer who's had too much to drink,
Braddy said. Though any alcohol-related
death is unacceptable, the city may be do-
ing all it should, he said.
"I'm not willing to just assume there's
more to do," Braddy said. "People have
to take individual responsibility for them-
selves as well."
Vice President for Student Affairs
Patricia Telles-Irvin said she supported
giving the city government more authority
over alcohol sales, but said alcohol-serving
practices and education can provide more
immediate solutions.
"I think educational efforts are impor-
tant," she said. "However, if we don't start
dealing with the environmental issue I
think it's going to be a very difficult chal-
Student Body President-elect Joe
Goldberg said he would not support cur-
tailing drink specials.
"I think students, if they are of age,
should have the right to drink but to do

lligiuor rite r-noto
Students enjoy nightly drink specials at local bars. If passed, a bill would require estab-
lishments with liquor licenses to comply with local governments' ordinances.

so responsibly," he said: "That's where the
education aspect comes in."
SThe problem might be addressed by his
proposal to extend bar hours to 3 a.m. while
limiting alcohol sales to before 2 a.m., al-
lowing bar patrons to leave over a period of
time instead of all at once, Goldberg said.

The Later Gator bus service, which
Student Government funds in part to give
students an alternative to -driving home
from a night downtown, runs Thursday
through Saturday nights until 3 a.m. the
next day, including the time of Small's ac-

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NASA offers challenge

Alligator Writer

UF researchers have a chance to win
$100,000 if they enter two new NASA-
sponsored competitions to develop space
exploration technology.
UF faculty already pulls in approximate-
ly $6 million in NASA grants, but this new
approach to research funding is the first to
include universities, said Peggy Evanich,
UF director of space research programs.
"It can't hurt if it leads to some new tech-
nology for space explorations," she said.
Although four grant-funded projects are
already underway, other research projects
may emerge when the news spreads among
UF's faculty, Evanich said.
"We'll be urging them to consider par-
ticipating," she said.
Material sciences and engineering re-
searchers may already be working on cre-.
ating the strong lightweight material men-
tioned in the guidelines for NASA's Tether
Challenge, she said. The competition, which
has a $50,000 prize, focuses on creating a
strong rope-like tether.
The Beam Power Challenge, the second
competition that offers $50,000, aims -to
transmit power wirelessly, The New York
Times reported.

But Evanich said she just learned of the
competitions and isn't sure whether UF will
participate. She said, however, the money is
a good incentive.
"Wherever there's money, that's where
the researchers go," she said.
"It can't hurt if it leads to some
new technology for space explo-
Peggy Evanich
UF director of space research programs

Both contests are planned for 2005 and
2006. In 2006, NASA will raise technical stan-
dards and increase prize money to $150,000,
which will be disbursed over three winners.
NASA is following the direction of the
privately funded Ansari X Prize, where $10
million was awarded to the company that
developed suborbital flights.
But competition is not needed for UF
ingenuity to be put to the test.
Researchers are working .on ways to
bring recycled water systems, gardens and
24-hour fuel cells to space. Another NASA-
funded project focuses on creating cheaper
ways to launch objects into space.
Departments ithin the College of
Engineering and the Institute of Food and
Agnculttural Sciences oversee the project:..

UF cleans water for NASA


,Alligator Contributing Writer

UF students may soon be able to strip
down and soap up in the name of space
An environmental engineering proj-
ect research group at UF has teamed
with NASA to provide clean water to
astronauts on the International Space
Station by recycling used shower Water.
Since January 2004, assistant profes-
sor David Mazyck has been perfecting
technology that will use ultraviolet light
to transform used water into safe drink-
ing water for low-gravity environments.
Along with a number of graduate
students, Mazyck has helped build a
"photo cat" water recovery machine,
which he -hopes will be operating in
long-duration space flight by 2008.
The process of photo catalysis in-
volves mixing ultraviolet light with
titanium dioxide, an ingredient found
in toothpaste, which begins a chemical
The water the photo cat is testing at
UF is a mixture of strict ingredients ap-
proved by NASA.
"We have a formula that simulates
what waste-water would look -like,"

Mazyck said. ."What you would like to
have is a real situation versus some hy-
pothetical that may not be realistic."
Ideally, UF students will be able to
contribute to space research by 2006 by
providing a realistic human sample of
shower water, Mazyck said.
In order to keep the experiment con-
stant, students would not be allowed
to use their own soap, but would be
provided with a university-approved
The closest substi-
U F tute to the Igepon soap
Research used by astronauts
is Kid's Pert Plus,
Mazyck said.
Graduate student Beau Kostedt,
who has worked with Mazyck on the
$150,000 project, said long-term space
missions are not possible without this
type of water recovery.
NASA employees at the Johnson
Space Center in Houston often shower
at their facilities in order to donate their
water to research as well.
UF freshman Ian Knabe said he
would have no problem showering to
aid astronauts.
Knabe compared the idea to a dorm
shower and figured he could probably
talk his friends into showering as well.
"I'd go shower for the university,"
Knabe said. "It's definitely a cool idea."

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Panel talks student rights

Alligator Writer

Contrary to popular belief, getting hit
by a car on campus does not mean free UF
tuition, bicyclists are not permirted t.o -. ear
headphones while riding" and "evr\ one
does it" is not a valid excue for jiav\ alling
Similar n ', th-s and niicuncr.eplon-,n con-
ceminng UL judicial poi-iy were di ulged to
students Tuesday afternoon by a fi\ e-person
panel representing several UF iuthlioiitie-
About 30 students showed up for the bian-
nual "Laws Over Lunch" program, spon-
sored by College Diplomats.
"Most of our panelists have jobs because
students don't know their rights," said
Amanda Shapiro, College Diplomats "Laws
Over Lunch" chairwoman.
As students snacked on free pizza and
drinks within the Reitz Union Colonnade,
panelists fielded questions from a College
Diplomats representative and the audience.
"The main thing is that you're respon-

sible tfo'r \ or o.n sitalev. LUPD Sgt. Witliamn
Richard said. The dc Li-sion., you make and
the things you do will dictate how safe you
are on campus" .
-Among th,- uniLn erir 4. satetv concems
are L,-ueS dealing i\ith ph s.ical and s.e ual
assault take ID u-.e and DLI coniction.s
Even LI such crimes are corrunirted otf-Lam-
pus. thU- fact that a "mutual aid agreement"
eAstS behteen the Gaines\ tile
On Police Department and ULPD
Campus could mean both jail time and
Lsuspension from -chool
-- 'It \ou endanger yourself
or others., ou probably need to take a break
ronim this commtunt\. sad C\Tru \\Liams.,
assistant dean of Judicial Affairs.
As the lunch hour winded down and
the panel discussion commenced, Sha piro
reflected on the event.
"I think the program went really well,"
she said. "I wish more students would come
out, but if we're just reaching a few people,
it's been effective."

"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

Coming this Thursday


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2005 N ALLIGATOR, 13

Student running for Commission receives only 7 percent of vote.


He said he
ing ballots wil
runoff. Instead
support Distri
Donovan in h
April 19.
"My energy
helping Dono
Brinkman saic
fastened to his
West a
Gainesville's I
be decided in t
election cycle.
who received
votes and Do
percent will n
April 19.
"We'll be tr
clear message
ferences betwc
and myself,"
his runoff cai
ment and local
But Domenecl
change his car
slim margin.
"I'm Tony.'

City C

At Large
IF ,, n b,E.n -,,n

District 2
Ed Braddy
Grant Thrall .
District 3
Mike Belle
Tony Domenech
Jack Donovan

Precinct 4
Campus Church
of Christ
Precinct 23.
American Cancer
Society's Hope Lod

Precinct 25
First Baptist Churc
Preclnct 31
Reitz Union
Precinct 44
iP.n. .rmni,- rt .

Precinct 54
I .i r i'a r ij i I

N, what I've always been. Nothing
N, from page 1 different."
In north Gainesville, residents
doubts outstand- re-elected incumbent Ed Braddy
I push him into a in the District 2 race against UF
he said he will professor Grant Thrall with 54.91
ct 3 candidate Jack percent of the total vote.
is runoff election "I'm a Republican in a
Democratic-majority city,"
y right now is on ,Braddy said, adding that he
van get elected," prepared for a tough race. "I'm
1, a D.nn,.n pin gratified and humbled."
r,- ktl e His strategy relied heavily on
nd southwest door-to-door canvassing, he said.
District 3 seat will "When you want a raise, who
he only runoff this do you go to?" Braddy asked.
"Do you go to your co-workers?
Tony Domenech, No. You go to your boss. I went
48.34 percent of to my boss the citizens of
novan with 44.19 Gainesville."
ow face off again As results came in, Thrall
watched the numbers, say-
ying to get a very ing, "Less than 300 votes. It's a
out about the dif- squeaker."
een Mr. Domenech Both candidates said they ap-
Donovan said of preciate'd the race's tone.
npaign, citing his "It was a good, clean race. It
to the environ- never got nasty," Thrall said,
Il social programs. adding that he felt good about
h- said he will not his performance in his first politi-
npaign despite the cal campaign.
"I wouldn't change anything
That's pretty much in my campaign strategy. I had
a wonderful team, great advice,
ommisslon outstanding volunteers," he said.
on Results Final turnout was a mere 13.06
umtr -.M Pem percent, a "disappointment" due
m.o. P to the 20 percent .turnout that
Supervisor of Elections Pam
43--. :. -1 Carpenter expected.
,;. .-;, Turnout was down from the
-- 1 previous. Commission election in
2003, which Carpenter attributed
2125 a.4 v1" to local residents feeling drained
1745 -f.;5,.. from November's presidential
171 7.47% In six heavily student-popu-
1107 48.34% lated areas, only about 550 votes
1012 J-1 I' were cast.
ivy Precinct Turnout Deflated supporters of District
3 candidate and UF student Mike
177 844% Belle lingered outside the elec-
tion office.
Despite Belle's loss, Student
67 Body President-elect Joe
ige Goldberg, v !'e na;n1.:-d with the
crowd and shook hands "just to
see what's going on in the city,"
commended Belle for his efforts
and for "forcing a runoff."
41 1.19% Belle received 7.47 percent of
votes cast and will not be part-of
72 1.61% the runoff.
Belle refused comment to the
,. ,,, Alligator after his loss.
Though she has worked at the

"l[Ilil uyl /4ll iu .. l/Un
Tony Domenech, a candidate for City Commission District 3, discusses his platform with reporters Tues-
day night. The District 3 seat is in a runoff between Domenech and Jack Donovan.
elections office for 12 years, this ---
was Carpenter's first race since
taking over for Beverly Hill as su-
pervisor of elections in January.
Results from two precincts -_
were delayed slightly but came
in to the elections office in time
to be counted. Otherwise, the
election passed without any se-
rious glitches, and results were
announced by 8 p.m.
Fourth At-Large hopeful Gabe
Kaimowitz did not attend elec-
tion night festivities, citing that
he "didn't know you were sup-
posed to be there" in a phone
The "make art, not war" can-
didate received just 199 votes,
but Kaimowitz announced re-
cently he only ran to "observe"
city politics.
"I'm not going to run again.
I am going to work on the writ-
ing," he said in reference to his
continued exploration.
City Commissioner Craig
Lowe emphasized the importance
of student participation in the
democratic process for their con-
cerns to be heeded by officials.
"If students want to be taken
seriously, they need to take their Nick West/Alligator Staff
voting habits seriously," Lowe Diyonne McGraw and Rob Brinkman, candidates for the At-Large
said. seat, watch results at the Supervisor of Elections Office on Tuesday.

Students may be suspended from university for violating code of conduct

COMPLAINT, from page 1

complaint, UPD learned of a Valentine's
Day rendezvous with Impact's trea-
surer, Student Body President-elect Joe
Goldberg, former Student Body President
Marc Adler and others.
Th. ..r.r, Dlavid Meyrnwitz, told
police Adler "joked" about how individu-
als benefited financially for switching par-
ty support in past SG elections, according

to a UPD report. Adler then set a deadline
for him to align .with Gator, the report
went on to state.
Prior to SG's deadline to qualify for the
Spring elections, several Impact support-
ers switched to Gator or exited the race.
Williams said the bribery investiga-
tion is the first of its kind to come before
Judicial Affairs in his four years in the

To go forward with charges, he said
that any allegations of bribery occurring

would have to be substantiated. ates an intimidating, hostile or offensive
"We have a lot of folks giving us infor- working or educational environmental
mation," Williams said. Anyone found guilty could receive dis-
Student "Obviously, we'd need ciplinary action including a written rep-
GOvernmont some concrete informa- rimand, conduct probation or suspension
tion." from the university, Williams said.
Charges resulting from the investigation He could not speculate on the likeli-
would fall under Section S of UF's Student hood of getting enough new information
Code of Conduct, which defines a violation to file any charges.
of the code as'"acts of verbal or written "We're counting on people coming
abuse, threats, intimidation, harassmenfi, through and giving us information," he
coercion and/or other conduct which cre- said.






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funished unfurnished 1 f unfurnished unfuriniurnshed J

1BR/IBA avail at $475/mo, i-net, W/D, pool,
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271-2067 or 407-353-8011 Avail from 5/1/05

KENSINGTON SOUTH sublease summer
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house near campus. Walk-in closet, W/D,
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CAMPUS LODGE APT. $175 off rent. Start in
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Available: Recently renovated. Furnishing is
optional, wood floors, central AC, washer/
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Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455

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1BR & 2BR/1 BA with W/D, central heat/air,
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Threesomes Welcomel
All the space you need only $1050
Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab
W/D*Cable with HBO*Extra Storage
The perfect three-bedroom! 372-8100

DUCK POND! Cute 1BR/1BA, wood floors,
eat-in kitchen, ceiling fans, $475/rent
305-C NE 6th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-1-45-2

IBR $699 2BR $839, 3BR $999
$150 dep. Full size W/D,
Direct Campus Access,
Pool, Fitness Center!
Open M-F 8:30 5:30, Sat 11-4-
Pebble Creek Apts 376-9607

*Spacious studio, washer/dryer, Fenced
yard, lawn svc, $450/rent
3BR 2BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer,
fenced yard, lawn svc, $1000/rent
4BR 3BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer,
fenced yard, $1400/rent 3811 SW 20th-
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525. 4-1-40-2

AVAIL. AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house.
Ceramic tile floors, extra game room,.
fenced yard, pet ok, wash/dry provided.
1330 NW 39th St. 339-2342 for directions
$1250/mo 3-30-35-2

Ff "For Rert.,, For Rent] ..
I -unfurnished. J unfurnished "

Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!

Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
2BR/1BA Downtown $515/mo
3BR/3BA Townhouse $800/mo
3BR/2BA near SFCC $925/mo
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118

1BR LOFT APTS 650 & 750 sq. ft. Starting
at $450/mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE
monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave.
Call 332-0720 3-31-32-2

2BR/1 BA Duplex. Hardwood floors,
W/D,$535/mo 375-8256

Luxury 3/3 & 4/4's from only $370/bdrm
includes extended cable, water/sewer, 24 hr
gym, Free Tanning
Call the Landings at 336-3838

Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR Pool
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail 377-7401*

CH/AC, water included, $415/rent
411 Sw 2nd Street #3
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-1-30-2

Very clean condo 2BR/2.5BA, 5 min to
UF, 10 min to Shands, cent AC, DW, W/D,
cable, internet, pool, $800/mo Separate
leases ok. 352-472-9778, 305-299-3485, 3-30-25-2

Living it upll Luxury stylell
1 & 2 BR, Private patios, walking
distance to UF, next to Sorority Row,
Alarm, pets OK, W/D, HUGE bdrs & walk-
in closets.."Walk to UF" Call 372-7111
FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm
Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to
UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777

Live in luxury minutes from campus, Shands,
etc. Huge 1BR apt brand new modern
kitchen, tile floors, double french doors look-
ing out on huge backyard $695/mo. Call 337-
1330 4-11-30-2

2BR/1 BAapts CentA/C, newly painted $630/
rio. upstairs/hardwood floors; $610/mo;
downstairs/carpet. Includes water, sewer,
trash, pest, laundry on site, no pets. Avail
8/1/05. Call 352-316-4474 4-1-20-2

*Sorority Row Area*
1940's vintage stone 2BR/1 BA apt. Beautiful
hardwood floors. $675/mo 375-8256 4-20-'

*8 Blocks to UF*
Huge 2BR/1BA apt. Best deal in town.
Starting at $ 375-8256 4-20-30-2

*Sorority Row Area*
Cute 2R. 1B: brnce d3upl.-> behr,,n Nrorman
Hall. S5,'mo 375..8256 4-20u. -2

*Sorority Row Area*
Vintage stone 3BR/2BA duplex. -er-nodeled
hardwood floors, 2 story, W/D iil50'mo
375-8256~ 4-20-30 2
'. Jio for erni E.BP + study. Trailor home.
New W/D, screened in porch, fenced yard.
On 10'acre Whipporwhill Horse Farm, 10.
min W of UF. Call 352-376-8792 4-5-20-2

3BR/2BA house. 2 Car garage & apple tree.
1500 sq ft, cathedral ceiling, open floor plan.
$1045/mo. 352-332-0602 or 318-3721 4-

1BRs & 2.5BRs. $275-700/mo
Progressive thinkers preferred. View at: 4-4-19-2

3BR/2BA close to campus. Avail Aug 1st,
new kitchen, cent A/C, Ig fenced yardA$1075/
mo, drive by 3433 NW 1st Court. Call Marty
514-2855 3-31-17-2

Avail for Current and Fall
Pool Tennis Cts 1.5 Mi 2 UF
Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail
Great Specials 377-7401 4-20-31-2

Available Now Blocks from UF Duplex,,
2BR/1BA, fenced yard, $675/mo HOUSE
3BR/2BA, W/D, $1175/no' (Pets ok) Call
Carol @ 377-3852 4-20-31-2

*FALL* BIks from UF Houses 0
Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See for listings or call
Carol at 377-3852. 4-20-31-2

car garage in brand new subdivision close
to UF & SFCC. All appliances $1300/mo
negotiable based on length of lease. Call
215-9987 4-20-30-2

3BR/1.5BA HOUSE Lg screen back pch, Ig
.back yard, close to downtown, W/D, $9001
mo. Avail May 1st!. Call (office) 377-1071 or
(cell) 262-7174 ask for Brian 4-20-30-2.

Avail now 3BR/2BA HOUSE. 2120 NW 55th
Terrace. Tile firs, Berber carpet, all applianc-
es incl. Privacy fenced-in yard.<$1050/mo.
Call 215-9987 4-20-30-2

Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on
north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin
summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties
372-1509 3-31-15-2

2BR/1BA apt mins from campus, Shands.
Spacious, repainted, new carpets & new ap-
pliances. Beautiful backyard. $950/mo. Call
Anthony 337-1330 4-11-22-2

Space & Value! 3 and 4 bedrooms
Tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm
Pets welcome, free uf parking
Ceramic tile, dishwasher, pool
Open wknds, Call 376-4002

Avail May: Several units w/in .5 mi of UF
campus or closer. Eff $300-310, 1BR/1BA
$395-$415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA
$700- Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact or Iv mssg 352-870-7256

duplex, water included, $375/rent. Avail May!
407-1 NW 13th Terrace.
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-1-15-2

Sun Bay Apts 376-6720

3BR/2BA Haile Country Club House
2BR/1 BA Haile Country Club House
2BR/1 BA Brandywine Condo
Call Charlene 665-4106 for appt. 3-31-12-2

Be near everything at The Oaks! ,,.i
Start at $525 for 1 bdrm, $675
for 2 bdrm, & $825 for 3 bdrm .
Re'c.o:l ; .-.,i ,iaOIe' Call for move
in specials tIda,, a 331-8836! 4-12-20-2

Hampton Oaks brand new lux. apts.
oenlird ,Ga( Mai 2 barms start
at $850'm.)ro 3tdrm ai $1200/mo
w/move-in special of up to 2 mo
FREE rent! Call 32'3.-6J43 itoay'

-Continued on next page.


For Rent
U unfurnished

3BR/3BA in 4BR/4BA Countryside Apt. Avail
Aug 1. $435/mo. includes everything! On
bus route to UF. Great access to downtown
and Archer Rec. Pool, gated, hi-spd internet/
cable, W/D. Contact Nicole 352-328-4551

Luxurious Victoria Station Twnhse. Walk to
Butler. 2BR/2.5BA. W/D, alarm, pool, free
ethernet. Bus rt in front every 15 mon. $850/
mo NEGOTIABLE. Avail Aug 2005. Cell 222-
4235 4-20-25-2

DOWm TOWN Avail immediately. Month
to month ok. 2BR/1BA apt; Newly remod-
eled, quiet neighborhood, pets ok. Close to
Shands, UF & library. $650-715/mo. Call
262-1351 3-30-11-2

HOUSE 2BR/1BA $695/mo. W/D, cent.H/AC,
2.5 mi N of UF. Available April 1st. Call 352-
214-1722 3-31-10-2

Downtown garage/studio apt on bus rates,
biking to campus walk to downtown off street
parking include H20. $330/mth 1st, last, dep.
Call.373-6551 leave message 4-6-11-2

University Terrace West
4/4 Individual Leases.
New Carpet & Paint
Furnished Living Area
W/0, Pool $395/mo
Uniton Properties 373-7578

University Terrace Gainesville
4/4 Individual Leases
Completely Refurbished
Furnished Living Area
W/D, Pool $405/mo
Union Properties 373-7578

Walking Distance to UF
1433 NW 3rd Avenue
2BR 1.5BA W/D h/up
,3 units available in quad
Union Properties 373-7578

Victoria Station
Off SW 35th Place
Like New Townhouse
.. 2BR 2.5BA W/D, Pool
Union Properties 373-7578

Vacation with US! Resort style living.
RTS BUS service @ your door!
2/2 or 4/4 ALL inclusive, hi-speed int.
Gated! Going fast. Call now 271-3131 4-

2BR IBAApts$515-525/mo .
5 BIks to UF! 840 Sq Ft 829 SW 5th Avenue,
St. CroixApts Central H'&Air, incids wtr, swg,
pst ctrl, garbage. Call Merrill Management
Inc. 372-1494 4-7-14-2

Leasing now for fall. Experience the luxury
of brand new fully equipped 1 & 2BR apts
& townhouses. Free hi-spd internet + wire-
less intemet in courtyard. 2 blocks from UF
-behind Norman Hall near Sorority Row area.
Contact 352-332-2097, email admin@taylors, web www.taylorsquar 4-1-8-2

LUXURY HOUSE Great location 3/2, Ig
master BR w/pvt BA & walk-in closet. 2 other
BRs share Ig BA. Rent incl all utils, W/D, fire-
place, custom kitchen & beautiful pvd pool
area. $485, 430, 375 or rent whole house
$1290. Call Karl 332-5030 4-4-10-2

UF on bus line. Brand new construction.
Charleston Place. Luxury in every detail.
Pools,,zebo, lots of parking. $950/mo. Call
215-3108 3-30-5-2

** 2BR 2.5 BA **
Brighton Park, Beautiful end unit townhome,
W/D, DW, alarm, pool, -1200 sqft
Many extras. Bus rt SW 34 St
No smoking unit. Avail Aug $825 214-3820

townhQme. W/D, DW, eat-in kitchen, SW
Archer & 34th St. area. 336-7097. Grad/prof
preferred. Lease option. Furnish option.

S unfurnished J

Avail Aug 1: 5"bed/2 bath house wash/dryer,
dishwasher, fireplace, wood floors, large
house. 1803 SW43rd Ave. Call for directions
339-2342 $1600/mo large yard. 3-30-5-2


4 fireplaces, backyard w/deck
Call Pete @ 352-262-3574 3-31-5-2
Historic home in great neighborhood. 3BR/
2BA, hd wd floors, tile, W/D, deck. Cute,
clean, no dogs. -1112 NW4th Ave 871-8280.
$1250/mo 4-4-7-2

Brand new home for rent in SW-Gainesville.
3BR/2BA, 2 car garage. 1770 sq. ft. $1200/
mo OBO. Call 379-3310 3-30-4-2

Studio apt in vintage 1900's house w/loft,
wood floors, own kitchen & bath. No smok-
ing. No pets. Female preferred. 1 mile from
UF. Avail now. $550/mo utils incl. Call 338-
1612 3-31-5-2

Historic Victorian house. Quaint 1BR/1BA
apt. w/ wd firs, fans, hi ceiling w/fans, AC/ht.
$450/mo 225 SW 3rd Ave. Pets ok! Call 376-
2184 3-31-5-2

Convenient UF access
$325 to $575
Action Real Estate Services
352-331-1233 4-20-18-2

Beautiful Townhouse for rent 2BR/2.5BA, 2-
story. Huge Ivg rm & kitch. 5 min to campus.
Rent 1BR or rent both. Lease term optional.
Move in May $450/mo OBO. 256-6734 3-
31-5-2 ,

ROCKWOOD VILLAS avail Aug 1, 2005.
.3BR/3BA townhouse: Incl W/D, great bus rt
to UF. $1100/mo. Call Donna 352-339-3250

Apartments & Houses
Studio to 5BR+.
Most within 2 miles of campus!
Campus Realty 692-3800

3BR/2BAAII new appliances
inc W/D, micro & DWI Huge
master br, enclosed porch & 2
car garage $1100/mo 727-514-7194 4-1-5-2

Brandywine large 2BR/2BA partially furn, sec
sys, NS, No pets $650/mo Lease required
386-330-5274, 352-373-3418 4-8-10-2

Bring your deposit by April 16
Large 2BR, Close to UF & SFCC
Short term leases Avail..
Open Sat.
Ventura Apartments -
1902 SW 42nd Way

Fall rentals, walk to campus, 2BR/2BA
$500, sign lease now, move in Aug. 1731 NW 6th St.
375-7104 ex 355 4-11-10-2

3BR/2BA HOUSE. Fenced backyard, -1900
sq ft, close to campus, hdwd firs, W/D hk
ups. Available June 15th. $1300/mo. Call
332-1990 4-4-5-2

Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes
Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym,
Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms
The Laurels, 335-4455

Apartments Sublets & Roommates
Ail areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1.500
Short-Long & Furn-Unfurn
1-(877) FOR-RENT (367-7368)
WWW.SUBLET.COM 4-20-71-3

WALK TO CLASS! $250/mo
Now til Aug. Courtyards 352-328-6967 all
included I 2-27-3-3

Ill Subleases

.Bid on a sublease. call 866-837-1309 or visit

2BR/2.5BA townhouse 2 blocks to UF. May
-Aug $900/mo OBO 352-266-8475 4-1-18-3

SUMMER SUBLEASE at Gainesville Place
1BR/1BA in,4BR/4BA $480/mo. Price NEG.
Everything incl. Female only. Call 727-643-
9928 3-31-15-3

5 min walk to UF/sorority row, bus, F room-
mate. Avail May-July. ALL utils incl. Furn,
ethernet, gym, pool. $400/mo 786-246-3049

4BR/4BA fully furn apt in University Club. Inc
50" TV, hi-spd internet, cable w/HBO, W/D.
Call 561-703-3693. 4-1-15-3

May 1st-Aug 7. 1BR/1 BA WALK TO CLASS!
Only $529/mo OBO. Graduating, need to
sublease 407-375-5240 3-30-10-3

Very spacious 2BR/2BA townhome. Avail for
sublease on May 1st -July"31st. 2-level home
in beautiful Lakewood Villas. incl loft BR &
study. Price neg. Call Kelly 561-644-5937

Sublease an awesome Countryside
Apartment. Avail NOW $420 includes ev-
erything. On bus route to UF and close to
1-75 for SFCC. High spd internet/cable. Pool
and b-ball. Contact Nicole 352-328-4551

5 min walk to Shands *
Country Gardens Apt
2BR/2BA $520/mo
Now thru July
Call 338-9103.

1BR/1BA w/W/D hkups, avail 4/29/2005
$525/mo, located in quiet condominium
community of Rustic Springs. 1923 NW 23rd
Blvd, Apt #122. Josh 317-8776 4-13-20-3

1 or both rooms in 2BR downtown apt.
quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF,
& library. $350/mo Pets ok. Call 262-1351

May thru Aug Lexington Crossing 1BR/1IBA
in 4BR/4BA Ig rm, furn. All appliances.
Cable. Inci all utils. 2 bus rts, tanning,.pool,
bball & vball cts, gym. $350/mo.: Contact
Karen or 772-341-9415

4BR/2BA Avail 5/1 8/1. 1, 2, 3 or 4 BR @
$415/ea Unfurn. 1 block from Criser. Please
call Ashley 772-201-6158 4-7-15-3

Campus Club summer sublease: 1 F in 3BR.
$375/mo includes all utilities, cable, ethernet,.
maid service, 1st stop on bus 12. Option to
renew. Call 954-559-8470-ASAP 4-13-19-3

Now/Summer sublease 1/1 in 4/4 utilities +
wash/dry + ethernet + cable + full furnish +
pool view = DARN GREAT DEAL
ONLY $375/month 352-258-3542 3-31-10-3

1/1 in 2/1 house behind Norman Hall. Great
location and very cheap. Avail April 25. Call
262-7200 4-1-10-3

1BR/1BA'in 2BR/2BA available immediately.
Pointe West Apts. $285/mo + 1/2 utils. Call
335-8706 4-1-10-3

Summer sublease at Unr,,.versrv Club.
Spa:You: 1EP I-b or 2BF'BA in 4BFB.'4E
apt. -.vail MAI 1 Irn.: wJl t/v D, eir erneli Iur-
nishcO. cable -,3i'm Call 352-2i62.0i-w

University Glades Subleasell SULMl,.irF,
May Aug $440/m6 BR w/personal bath
in 3/3.apt. incl all util. Furniture avail. Call
Stacey 352-336-1968 4-1-10-3


Room for summer sublease A, B or C in
a beautiful new house. Room is spacious.
Huge backyard w/pool. Pets welcome. Rent
$450!! MUST see!! Everything included. 786-
367-7749 4-20-22-3

1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA 2 story posh down-
town apt located in heart of G'ville nite life.
Lrg BR & walk-in closet. W/D Avail now thru
July. Free dep & $375 cash. Price neg. Call
305-761-6595 4-2-10-3

REGENCY OAKS 2BR/2BA sublease. $665/
mo. For April, May, June & July. Call 352-
871-1149 3-31-8-3

Available immediately. 1BR/1BA in 3BR
house. Closed to campus. W/D, great room-
mates. $0 down, $340/mo, negotiable. Call
Tim 727-642-0136 4-1-5-3

Sun Key/Sun Island less than 1 mi to UF
1BD/1BA, $480/mth. Fully Furnished, water,
cable, internet included
Available April 30 1 July 31
Call 335-3649 4-1-10-3

2BR sublet avail anytime in April @ The
Exchange.Call Hillary @ 407-928-1315
**Call for move-in incentives!**

Posh downtown apt in heart of nightlife.
1BR/1BA, W/D, walk-in closet, loft, May
FREE + KEEP sec dep. You take June & July
for $400/mo HURRY before its too late 305-
778-4856 4-5-10-3

1 BR/1 BA in 2BR/2BA apt avail May 1st Aug.
10th at Melrose Apts W/D, utils, ethernet +
cable incl in rent. Fully furn. Call Korihne at
305-905-0712 4-12-15-3

May 1st thru July 31st. $550/mo. Pool, alarm,
pets ok. Near UF, VA & Shands. 3 bus rts.
Call 352-262-8558 4-5-10-3

Royal Village '
1-4 BR avail.AlI summer
Walk to campus, great pool
New furniture & carpet, $400/mo
includes all, Call 407-310-3957 3-30-6-3

SUMMER SUBLEASE from May 1 -Aug 10.
$299/mo, incl utils, cable, internet, water, pvt
BA, 12 x 10 room. MELROSE APT. 407-484-
3204 4-4-8-3

Campus Lodge apts. POOLSIDE 1/1 in 2/2
other room vacant. May-Aug. w/option to re-
new. $450/mo furnished, all utils + internet,
W/D, Call 352-871-3117 3-31-7-3

Campus Lodge Apts. May rent free.
Everything included. $415'/mo. From May
through August. Call 561-906-5040 4-6-10-3

4BR/2BA house in College-Park. Huge walk-
in closet, wood floors, W/D, walk to campus,
furn common areas. Avail May-Aug $370/mo
739 NW 20th St. 352-219-4911 3-30-5-3

2BR/2BA Colonial Village. May -Aug.
$310/mo. W/D, poolside, end unit w/vaulted
ceilings, screened porch. 2 mi to UF. 3 bus
rts. Call 271-8132 3-30-5-3

J Subleases

Summer sublease. $400/mo everything incl.
1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Fully furn. 407-221-
8819 3-30-5-3

2 rooms available May 1-July 31 in 4/2 house
close to law school. $350/mo (plus utils)
OBO. Email or call 850-
510-4063 or 352-328-4633 4-7-10-3

Summer sublease 1 BR in 3BR house on NW
36th St. W/D, wood floors, w or w/out furn.
Avail May 30th. $325/mo + utils. Call 352-
281-1337 3-31-5-3 "

2BR/2BA 1100 sq ft Arbor Park. Close to UF.
$545/mo. $150 moves you in. Pet friendly! 2
WEEKS FREE!. Immediate availablility. Call
Aaron 262-2979 3-31-5-3

Available May 1st w/option to renew. $469/
mo. Call 813-624-2946 3-31-5-3

Rent May-Aug '$469/mo price NEG. Pool
view, utils incl, female, 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA.
Call 352-262-7887 4-1-6-3

Summer sublease available WINDSOR
HALL 2 blocks from campus. 1 BR suite $600
utils incl. Laundry room, swimming pool, ca-
ble, ethernet. Call 516-650-4037 5-24-24-3

PLACE. $465/mo rent, fully furnished, eth-
ernet, utilities, cable included. 1-3BR/BA
available in a 4BR/4BA. Females only. Call

1 BR in 4BR apt @ Gainesville Place, upper
floor, W/D, pool, weight room, Close to bus
stop. Very nice. 352-317-2081 3-31-5-3

Summer sublease Hidden Lake Apt. Large
1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. $350/mo. Everything
incl. Furn optional. Pets ok. Call 786-271-
0501 3-31--5-3

May-Aug. Gainesville Place apt. Gated
community 1/1 in 3/3. Clean, easygoing
female roommates. Fully furnished. W/D.
All inclusive. VERY NEGOTIABLE 305-
785-6373, 352-373-9912 4-4-7-3

$375/mo 1BR w/STUDY/1BA APT
Sublet now July 31st opt to renew. Credit
check required. No deposit. Located Bevel
Apts. Call 256-0501 4-1-5-3

1 minute walk to campus 1 BR in 4BR town-
house Courtyards Apt. fully fum, May 1-Aug,'
-$399 incl utils. Keep $300 sec dep. Call 407-
716-0067 4-1-5-3

Luxurious two-story poolside apt. 3BR/3BA,
W/D, .free tanning spa & gym, no parking
decals $1,114/month plus utilities. Leave a
message @ 262-8341 4-6-8-3

Summer sublease avail 5/6-7/31. 2BR/1BA,
$450/mo, furn/unfurn, free cable/hs internet,
walk to UF, live alone or.w/someone. Call
Stephanie 804-512-3913 4-8-10-3

+ 1/2 utils. 850-294-8020. 1 room in 2/2.

"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"


-6 %


-ft A li

o o D o


Subleases i Subleases

W fnRoofmmates J J M R-dofafts

1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA $374/mo, pvt BA, W/D,
furn, all utils incl, ethernet, cable, lease from
May-Aug, 1st mo 1/2 off. Great Deal! Call
305-469-3372 4-1-5-3

Oakbrook Walk sublease May 1st 31st
2005 for male: full furn, poolside BR/BA in
2/2 w/huge kitchen and living room, W/D, incl
util, cable/highspeed, $250,
352-373-6592 4-1-5-3

Summer sublease. 1BR/1BA in 5BR/5BA,
large 2-story house 5 min walk to campus.
All utils & internet cable incl. Price negotiable.
May thru Aug 954-292-0875 4-1-5-3"

2 bedroom, 1.5 bath apartment, partially fur-
nished, utilities not incl, pets welcome. $639
a month.Colonial Oaks SW 21st PI. Please
call Annie 352-514-4216 4-1-5-3

Walk 2 class. Summer Sub. Huge 1BR/1BA,
pool, W/D, walk-in closet, cable internet @
Museum Walk. $300 price neg. Call 941-238-
7118 4-1-5-3

$254/mo, SUMMER SUBLEASE + 1/3 utils,
in 3BR/2BA, Aspen Ridge Apt. Please call
813-690-0215 4-1-5-3

+ 1/3 UTIL
3BR/2BA Boardwalk Apt.
Call PK 954-682-5979
or call 904-705-1689 4-1-4-3

Roommate needed for summer sublease.
Located close to UF. Rent is $375 a month,
one bathroom and furnished living room. If
interested call 904-608-5095 and take tour.
3-31-3-3 -

1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA apt. May July
Option to rent in fall.
$430 utilities included
Call Kate 904-654-6464 4-4-5-3


Matthew Lee

Black Male
(DOB 1126/65); 5'07",
130 lbs, Black Hair,
Brown Eyes
Wanted for:
Felony violation of probation warrant
for attempted sexual battery, Sexual
offender fail to report to the Department
of Law Enforcement, and failed to
report change of address within 48
hours to the Department of Motor



Call (352) 372-STOP

Lexington May-Aug. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA.
Male or Female. All util, furn, cable, ethernet,
2 bus rts. $380/mo. Call 352-271-1479 or
email 3-31-3-3

AMAZING Summer Sublease 2BR/2BA in
4BR/4BA. Rent $400/mo EVERYTHING
included. Price Negotiable! Campus Lodge
Apts. Call 407-492-2574 4-4-5-3

Reduced $450 @ The Exchange
Furnished 1 BR/1 BA in 2/2
Kitchen, living room, porch, W/D,
Now available.
Female please. 772-473-0560. 4-5-5-3

1BR/1BA in a 4BR/4BA apt, utils, cable, .W/
D, dishwasher, FURNISHED. $400/mo OBO.
Availabel 5/1 727-656-8207 4-19-15-3

Apt for summer A& B. Sublease 1BR in 4BR/
2BA furn University Glades apt. $350/mo all
utils incl. (originally $435) M/F for all female-
apt. Call 386-212-9042 4-5-5-3

CAMPUS LODGE Nicest apt @ UF. 2BR/[
2BA all utils, fully furn, May to Aug. Very
clean. Gated community, screened patio.
Quiet. Call 372-3788 4-5-5-3

Females only summer A, B, or C,.1 room
furnished, right across from campus! Jamie
863-860-5314 4-5-5-3

SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 rooms avail May
1st in a 4BR/2BA house. Rent $355/mo + 1/4
utils. W/D, cable modem internet, 2 blocks
from campus. Call 352-213-3112 4-20-16-3

May thru Aug sublease at The Exchange.
2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA: 1BR $469/mo; other
BR $489/mo. Everything incl. Rent w/a friend
or 1 room by yourself. Call 352-514-1871

1BR/1BA, 2BR/2BA, or 3BR/3BA avail fully
furn & all utils incl. $465/mo indiv leases.
May thru Aug. Aug rent FREE. Price neeg.
Busses 9 & 34. Call 904-424-2834 4-5-5-3

Homestead Apt Sublease,
Now thru July 31st, renewal optional. 2 BR/2
BA W/D hook-up, pool, gymbus stops, laun-
dromat, pets ok $ Please call 378-
.2699 or 317-4507 4-5-5-3

Sublease SPYGLASS apt May to July 31.
1 BR/1 BA in 2 BR/2 BA apt. $450/mo OBO
everything inci. Fun roommate. Call Katie S.
352-213-5425 4-12-10-3

CAMPUS LODGE 2-3 BRs, pvt bathrooms,
vaulted ceiling. Fully furn. Everything
incl. free maid service, hi speed internet
$514/mo each. Call 352-514-7773 4-5-5-3

Campus Lodge 1 BR/1 BA in 3 BR apt. All
utils, internet, cable, W/D, furn. included.
$390 OBO 352-870-9111 4-5-5-3

Summer sublease avail. 3 blocks to campus.
Fabulous location! 1 BR in 2 BR/1 BA. $260/
mo + 1/2 utils. Call 813-368-6801 or email 4-12-10-3

$400/mo NEGOTIABLE. The Landings 11 FT
x 14 FT bedroom. Everything included. Free
tanning, sports courts, poolhouse, Summer.
Furniture available. 954-290-8087 4-12-10-3

1BR avail in 2BR townhouse in Miill Run
for summer. $299/mo + utils. W/D, fully fur-
nished. Pets allowed. 262-2814 4-5-5-3

I .Roommates

Roommate. Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866

Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk
to UF. Old house charm with all amenities.
Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.Lv mes-
sage. Private Owner 4-20-71-4

Female roommates wanted brand new 2100
sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to
UF. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils
incl $525/mo.Avail Fall. Call Jacqueline 352-
395-7462 or 941-780-3526 4-20-71-4

Sublets and Rooms Available
All Florida Areas; All Major Cities
Browse available Rooms FREE!
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-4

M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to
rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi
to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry $425+ utils
336-5450 or 954-646-1341 4-20-71-4

M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA
home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3
utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737

Beautiful home in trees on quiet street near
*UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fire-
place, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, W/D,
cent A/C, Ig yard, cats welcome. $340 +
utils. 352-271-8711 3-31-30-4

GIRLS ONLY 2 rooms one April, one May to
July 31. Each w/pvt baths. Cent AC, W/D,
cable incl. Internet-ready. $350/mo each.
305-299-3485 Call 352-472-9778 3-30-25-4

Grad, uppperclassman, or prof to share spa-
cious new 3BR/2BA house. Internet & cable
incl. Must be neat, clean & responsible. $450
or 425/mo + 1/2 utils. Short or long term
avail. 262-3989 4-4-26-4

2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Credit Union/
Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF.
Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans.. $300 + half
util. ui l.:.:,,, eraie F/M? Call 337-9746

or fall @ University Terrace West, SW 20th
Ave. Fully furn, ea person has own pvt BR
+ pvt BA, no dep, 1 yr lease, $350/mo + 1/4
utils. Call Talia 352-427-8583 3-30-15-4

Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from
13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep, -
NS, no pets. Contact or
leave message at 352-870-7256 4-20-28-4-

4BR/4BA Univ Terr W Condo -Immed Occ
- Room rental basis Perfect for sutednts
with or without roommates! $375/mo per rm,
utilities & broadband pd, bus to campus! Call
239-537-5100 4-8-20-4

1 Female, responsible, NS, student wanted
for 3BR/2BA house. A/C, W/D, pet friendly,
close to UF & SFCC, 1st & last mo rent.
$300/mo + 1/3 utils. Call Liz 352-339-5463

2BR avail in 4BR/4BA condo in Countryside.
W/D in apt, 32" TV, walk-in closets, pool,
gym, e-net $400/mo inc .electric & cable.
1 MONTH FREE W/LEASE 305-944-3600

Avail NOW Great location 1BR/1BA in 3BR/-
3BA, Washer and dryer, high spd internet,
$308/mo +. util. Females only, please call
Lauren @ 352-799-3726 Iv message. 4-

Room w/pvt bath avail mins from UF,
Shands, etc. Spacious luxury house has
fireplace, pvt billards room, hard wood floors
throughout., new appliances. $495/mo. Call
Anthony 337-1330 4-11-22-4

N/S ROOMMATE needed for fall and/or
summer for 3BR home near mall. Located in
quiet wooded area. $350/mo EVERYTHING
INCLUDED. Must love dogs. 352-262-9630

Share 2BR downtown apt. Newly remod-
eled. Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/
mo. Month to month or longer lease okay.
Pets okay. Call 262-1351 3-30-11-4

Large -,ou-e w. pool wood floors, big rooms.
2BFt : amiable ;,ug i st. Wireless. $450/mo
+ ul,.i- ea ':.,e, 904- 234-5214 or 352-373-
9015 4-15-20-4

Roommate wanted for a 3BR/2BA house 1.5
miles from campus. $430/mo everything in-
cluded. Call Amy 352-219-57804-4-10-4

1 BR w/pvt BA at Countryside. Prefer female,
$425/mo to begin Aug 1st. Includes internet
& utilities. 561-512-7733 or 561-575-3821

TWO MORE MALES to. share large 4/2 w/2.
other males. Completely remodeled apt w/2
living rooms, wet bar, W/D incl, back yard
w/table. $265 plus security. Call Karl 332-
5030 4-4-10-4

M/F, NS needed to share 2BR/2.5BA
Southfork Oaks townhome. (near Target).
Unfurn master BR w/own BA avail. W/D.
No pets. $347/mo + 1/2 utils. No lease. Call
Evan 335-9714 4-1-7-4

1 Room in 3BR/2BA condo. Avail May 1 for
summer & possibly fall. Prefer F, NS. $350/
mo + share utils. W/D incl. Common areas
furn. Marchwood Condos Good location
close to UF 813-973-5058 or 352-337-1534

Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious
condo w/2 female UF students. NW 55th
St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763

ATTENTION! Female roommate needed for
1 BR/1 BA in a condo. $400/mo utils inci. Must
be responsible, neat & clean. Avail now!. Call.
Mabgene @ 561-827-4970 3-31-5-4

Own BR/BA in 2BR townhouse. $375/mo +
1/2 utils. W/D. Hi-spd internet, M or F. Avail
May 1st. 305-962-6102 3-31-5-4

house north of Thornebrook shopping center
on 39th Ave. $75/wk inci utils, hi spd i-net,
pool & tennis; Under age 25 please. 352-
36.3-0143, 36,3-0144, 338-2892 3-31-5-4

Female roommate for 4BR/4BA Countryside
Apt. Rent $415/mo uilts incl. Wireless inernet
option. Apt avail Aug 1st. 305-393-0081 or 3-31-5-4

Quiet non-smoking college age roommate
wanted for May 05 to 06. Rent $370 per
month plus utils. Call local 352-376-4250 or
call cell 904-994-6764 3-31-5-4

all utils, on major bus rt, quiet, comfortable,
a place to call home. Call 352-284-2810 for
more info. 4-8-10-4

Quiet F, N/S, grad/upperclass wanted for
2BR/2BA @ Oak Forest Apts. Only 7 mins to
campus!!! $330 + 1/2 utilities. Call Devina at
at 954-336-0651 after 7pm :) 4-1-5-4

Females for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house 3 blocks to
UF, Shands, VA. Pets ok, furn opt, Reg $375,
avail now $275 + utils & dep. Jen 466-4853
msg. 4-4-6-4

1 Room avail in spacious 3/2 house w/ new
furn, new appliances, wireless internet, etc.
Quiet neighborhood. Perfect location. $400/
mo +-1/3 utils. Call Kace for details 941-
224-7168 or email

2M roommates needed for 3BR Millpond
twnhs fully furn; king beds, hi spd -net,
cable, W/D., pool, near UF, on UF bus rt,
$450 & 1/3 util, Chris 407-340-8585 or email 4-20-18-4

Two female roommates wanted for a 3/2
house near 34th and Univ. $345 a month
plus utilities. Call Katie at 514-5985 for more
info. House has big yard and large deck.

**BR 4 $250/mo. 3 avail. Cent A/C; wood
floor, small yard, cable ready in 3BR/2BA
WALK TO CLASS!! Porch & shed, 2 park-
ing spots, 102 NW 7th Terr. Furn opt 4 free
*****r**352-494-5430***** ***

$350/mo + 1/3 utils. 2BR/2BA avail in 3BR/
3BA townhouse, .Wood floors, washer/dryer,
high-speed internet. Call Colleen 954-857-
5297 4-12-10-4

2 Female Roommates in 4/2- house in quiet
NW neighborhood large yard, sunroom.
NS/drug. Must be clean and responsible
$400 + 1/4 util. Email

Female roommate wanted. Prof, college
student, NS, no pets. 2BR/1BA $380/mo
W/D, incl. Close to UF & Duckpond. Ask for
Michelle 813-997-6600 4-12-10-4

Female dental student looking for roommate
in a 2/2 house- in SW Gainesville. Clean,
cozy, furn house with all amenities. '$450/mo
inc -everything. Call for more details 352-
870-7983 4-5-5-4

2 females looking for a 3rd in a beautiful
3BR/3BA condo located in prime residential
area. 15 min from UF. Close to park-n-ride.
Large kitchen & living room, patio, internet,
cable TV & W/D, community pool. $450/mo
727-399-0574 4-12-10-4

NS, mature, responsible, upper classman or
grad student for own room & bath in large
quiet home only 8 blocks north of campus.
Rent incl all utils, W/D, wireless & cable.
$500/mo 727-433-0229 4-5-5-4

Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDSI Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find

Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 4-20-71-5

looking to buy or lease houses in this area.
Any size, price or condition. 352-264-7347
or visit us at www.happygatorhomes.com4-

The Flavor of New Orleans comes to cam-
pus. Luxurious St. Charles Condominiums.
1 block to UF. Choose from 2BIR2BA flats,
or view- the University from your 3BR/3BA
townhouse. Prices starting in the $1)tJ's 375-
8256 4-20-71-5

Plenty of properties are available.
Call Marc J. Nakleh at Campus Realty

Own + live in a new luxury campus-
area condo. Over 10 new projects to
choose from at affordable prices. Visit or call today
352-281-3551 Matt Price Campus Realty
4-6-42-5 .

Save Thousandss When You Buy Now.
FREE LIST of Great Local Condos.
Campus Realty Group

tures a customized kitchen, bath & balcony,
convt to UF, Shands, VA & mall. Amp. pking.
$73,800 352-222-2942
dgmatt45 4-20-28-5

Townhouse 3BR/2BA. Close to UF. On bus
rt. Quiet location. Dish/W, W/D, tile kitchen,
living/dining area. Fenced backyard. Pool.
$140,000 352-284-6154 4-5-15-5

Great Homes Near UF
STOP Renting. Own Your HrWte.
FREE LIST of Campus Area Homes
Campus Realty Group

HOUSE on spring-fed pvt lake in Keystone
Hgts. 2/2, large lot. Avail now. $129,950.
Call 379-0619 4-20-20-5

Continued on next page.

""essf" 'ss


5ul Real Estate

Lease-to-own or owner financing. 3BR/
2.5BA, -2091 sq ft. 3.86 acres, block &
stucco, fireplace, $2150/mo + down. Owner
licensed realtor Michael Quinones 376-2433

SI Computers

Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street

* 1 Furnishings 3 V JO Ol[ .
BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pil- Computer/I net 352.219,2980
low-top mattress & box. Name brand, new,
still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-372- 4-20-66-7
7490 will deliver. 4-20-71-6

mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call
352-377-9846 4-20-71-6
Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 4-20-71-6
BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 4-
CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 4-20-
BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests-
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 4-20-71-6
SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new- in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846
DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 4-20-
FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell
$199 6dn deliver. 352-377-9846 4-20-71 -6
Beds*Full mattress & boxspring sets
$49*Qn sets $89OSingle sets $390King
sets $990From estate sale: Safe pine
bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. Call a
Mattress 4370 SW 20th Ave 4-20-71-6

Washer & Dryer 1 yr lease $300,
1 semester $160. Call 332-0602 or 318-
3721 4-5-20-6
Dresser $35, queen sz bed $60, sofa $60,
19" color TV $40, dorm fridge sm $40, VHS
movie camera $65, lawrimower $60, electric
mower $60, musical cuckoo clock $65. Call
335-5326 4-1-3-6
Includes: bed, dresser w/attached mirror,
nightstand armoire. Sacrifice at $325 OBO.
419-799-9181 Eric 4-1-3-6


7A+3DmputEr eh
We, M.JAc Hot/e, CMt
Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $10 Gator Discount.
M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404.
www.9/ 8-23-170-7

*G'ville Computer Repair Inc*
Service on all PC MAC and Networks 1204
NW 13th St Ste #10 352-337-2500. 4-20-"
Complete residential & commercial support,
networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 4-20-71-7

Buy & sell. Looking for quantity for parts. 336-0075 4-20-71-7

- computer/laptop repair
- networks, wireless, virus
- we BEAT all prices!
- home/dorm 352-219-2980 4-20-66-7

S ,Electronics

722 S. Main I The Red Bldg
Police Seized! From $10! Info: 800-749-
8128 ext M974 4-20-31-8

Aualiobahn system includes 2200 watt amp,
2-12 inch flame subs, 1-farad capacitor and
extra battery. Call Jared at 954-257-4048 or
352-373-4581 getting new car. 3-31-5-8

U i Bicycles

In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that 'collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator'Classifieds.
Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Townl
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 4-20-69-9

Q For Sale 3

Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 4-20-71-10
PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar
supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional cooking utensils.
R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 4:20-71-10

Come see what's new! GCM thrift shops
downtown 238 SW 4th Ave, NW 5001 NW
34th St. Get more bang for your $! New items
daily Mon Sat 378-3654 4-20-43-10

|Motorcycles. Mopeds

Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. '377-6974
Swamp Cycles
Electric Bikes, Scooters, and more!
Prices from $450,with lyr warranty
534 SW 4th Ave. 373-8823 4-20-70-11
New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place
Best prices in-Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. All models & directions avail on web-
site. 4-20-50-11

500 cc 7960 mi, fun ride.
$2795. Call 352-256-8527 4-1-15-11

Running or Not, Titles orNot.
352-495-7769 Please leave message

l Motorcycles, Mopeds) ElI

MOTORCYCLE WANTED 750cc cruiser or
Joel 336-0075 3-30-10-11

1999 SUZUKI GZ250
Good condition. Garage kept.
11,300 miles. $1500.
Call 352-246-5387 3-30-5-11

Scooters from $599. Largest section
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 8-15-43-11


*Running or not!*
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students "
*Call Don @ 215-7987 4-20-71-12

Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St.
Running or Not 1990 & up only
Call Ray 352-284-8619
2715 N MAIN 377-1616


89 87 84. All for $500. 89 Runs. Call 377-
7867 or 372-5237 4-1-5-12

95 CHEVY BLAZER LS 2 door, all power,
black, 132k miles, maintenance records,
new CD/radio, radiator & belt. $1200/OBO.
Call Donna after 5:30 M-F, 8-5 S&S. 352-
335-7198 3-31-2-12

*2 Wanted

JEWELRY. 373-9243 4-20-71-13

On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady
needs trans on .Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.

Needed: Musicians, Media Talents, Multi-
media, Video, Graphics, Lead Guiter, Drums,
Keyboards, Rhythm, Fiddle, Horns & others.
for Christian ministry.
Email 4-1-10-13

FLYER MILES for international trip. 25,000
- 100,000 miles. Contact jschert@gru.riet.

4-20-71-12 IV Help Wanted
Best Cars Lowest Prices
4-20-71-1212 e p c This newspaper -assumes no responsibil

**Power windows don't work?**
On site available
Call Steve 338-5142.

Bring your W2 & drive home today. Cash
cars ts low as $1000. No credit check. Call
now 338-1999 4-20-63-12

We finance anyone! $2000 discount off fi-
nance price. More than 150 vehicles in stock.
Call 338-1999 Drive today! 4-20-63-12

All vehicles $0 down & up! Plus +++ 30 day
warranty eng & trans. No credit check.. Call
338-1999 4-20-63-12
'88 Honda Accord $699
'86 Buick LeSabre $799
'88 Toyota Corolla $899
'90 Acura Legend $999
(352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12
'90 Chevy Lumina Van $1499
'93 Chevy Blazer $1499
'90 Ford F-150 $2499

ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser, before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings

W 0 the independent florida


Enthusiastic, positive attitude, detail ori-
ented, organized individual needed to co-
ordinate daily office procedures. Must work
well under pressure meeting daily deadlines.
Possess excellent customer service skills.
Duties include some procedural training with
a constantly changing student sales staff.
Modest salary, good benefits, and excellent
working environment. With .resume, send
cover letter that must include salary requiire-
ments for you to be considered for an inter-
view. Send to Assistant General Manager,
The Independent Florida Alligator, POB
14257, Gainesville, FL, 32604. No phone
calls please, EOE.

'93 Chrysler New Yorker $1999 the independent florida

(352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 alligator
Hondas, Chevys, Toyotas, etc. For listings
800-749-8116 3-31-17-12 Evening Newpaper Production

88 Mazda 323
$590 Call 352-871-1149 3-31-8-12

1991 MIATA
Racing green convertible w/tan interior.
Perfect condition. If interested call 379-0619

Exc cond, all power, 98k, AC, cruise, Mich
LTX/MS, dk grn. $9200 OBO 284-4919 3-
2003 Chevy Cavalier LS 15,000 mi $7750.
2001 Chevy Cavalier 5.000 mi $5500.
Call Daniel 352-328-6161 4-1-5-12


[i d)a



Applications are now being accepted-for edi-
torial production at the Independent Florida
Alligator. Applicants should be available two
to three nights a week between 6:00 pm and
1 am, Sunday through Thursday. Production
duties include layout and design. Experience
is preferred on software applications, Adobe
Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat. A
one-year commitment is expected. Please
include references and availability on ap-

All previous applicants are encouraged to
reapply. Fill out application at the front desk
of the Alligator, 1105 W. University Ave.
between 9am and 4pm, M-F. Ask for the
production application. Equal Opportunity




I Help Wanted

0 [he independent florida


The Alligator Production department is
accepting student applications for the posi-
tion of Ad Graphic Designer. Starting with
Summer Semester. Will train, but experience
is preferred with Adobe InDesign, Photoshop,
Illustrator, and Acrobat. Friendly work en-
vironment, flexible schedule, with hours
between 9AM and 5PM Mon Fri. Fill out an
application at the front desk of The Alligator,
1105 W. University Ave, Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM.
Inicude available work schedule and refer-
ences. Previous applicants are welcome to
reapply with current schedule. EOE

Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref.
for details. 4-20-71-14

Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start.
at $5.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 4-20-71-4

CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 4-20-71-14

Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 4-

Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team Learn more at
employment 4-20-68-14



i Help Wanted

University of Florida
Survey Research Center
392-2908 ext. 105
$7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training
Nights + Weekends
Telephone Interviewing NO SALES
Must work summer breaks.
408 W. University Ave Suite #106

For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 4-

FT or PT, flexible schedules. Call 2-5pm 378-
2442 or come in and fill out an application
@ California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St
Mon-Fri 4-20-71-14

No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 4-20-71-14

Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254

AUDITORS for.local growing inventory
service. FT/PT, DFWP. Paid training. Call

t1 .Help Wanted

Mortgage lender has sales positions avail
for college students seeking prof work exp.
$8-9/hr + bonus. No exp req'd, flex hrs. Apply
in person btwn 4-8pm Mon-Fri 1900 SW 34
St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union)4-20-

Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers
for all positions. Cashiers (must have full day
avail) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1 & PM 12-6
shifts avail) 15-40 hrs your choice. Great
work environment. Apply in person 7404
NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No
phone calls please. 2-28-38-14

World's largest pizza delivery company now
* Delivery Drivers
* Pizza makers
* Phone order takers

$9 $14/hr
All you need is a reliable car & a very positive
attitude. Apply @ any of the 5 Domino's loca-
tions in Gainesville. 4-20-70-14

Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making &
smoking. If interested come to the psychol-
ogy bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297

DRIVERS NEEDED Can earn anywhere between
$8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule.
Call Dave for info: 379-9600 4-8-55-14














* Help Wanted

OFFICE -ADMINISTRATOR needed. is -looking for responsible,
enthusiastic people. City geography knowl-
edge, customer svc. exp helpful. Room for
advancement For more info: David 379-3663

Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here &
students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr
with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105
NW 16th St. 4th Floor. Academic Classroom
Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info.
Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company w/advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156 5-19-63-14

* $2100
* Co-Ed Camp
* Seven Weeks
* Room and Board Included

The Florida Elks Youth Camp (FEYC) needs
male and female Summer Camp Counselors
ages 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight camp
located off of Highway 450 in Umatilla, FL
The camp runs June 6 July 23. Please
contact Krys Ragland at 1-800-523-1673 ext.
250 or 352-669-9443 ext 250. 4-20-58-14

SECRETARY needed. is
looking for personable, responsible, enthu-
siastic, fun people. Customer service exp
helpful. For more info call David 379-3663

Earn $15-$125 and more per survey!

Web developer wanted. HTML, CSS,
motivated. 1 year. minimum, portfolio a
must, graphic skills preferred. Contact' 4-20-42-14

Flash programmer wanted. Animation action
script, graphic experience, portfolio a must,
1 year minimum. Contact

Donate Plasma & Save a Life

Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150.NW6th St.

Web Programmer asp,, vb script,
c#, SQL knowledge. E-mail resume to 4-20-43-14

Private dance co. Great for students. Great
pay, fast cash & flexible hours. Call to start
today! 378-3312 4-12-20-14

Earn up to $117,500 in bonuses in 2005I
Must have positive attitude and be success
driven. Call 1-877-656-3344 for appt. 3-31-

College Credit Possible $672/wk
888-362-2635 ext 251 for more info. 4-20-

SAT/ACT tutor to help develop on-line
study program. Contact 352-375-0772 Ext
122 or forward resume to 4-5-20-14

WANTED: PT barn help in exchange for liv-
ing accommodations. Exp needed. Micanopy
area. Silber Ridge Stables 352-361-1454

Be a Nanny for a Loving family!
FT/PT/Occasional, Great Money
Experience Reccomended
mail to:
(352) 332-1234/(866) 422-6550 4-20-30-14

Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers
for all positions. Cashiers (full day avilablity)
and line workers. (AM 8:30 1 & PM 12 6
shifts available) 15-40 hrs your choice. Great
work environments. Apply in person. 7404
NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No
phone calls please. 3-31-16-14

$1380 weekly stuffing envelopes. FT/PT.
No experience necessary. For more info call
386-462-9301 4-8-20-14

experience while having the summer of a
lifetime. Counselors, needed for Outdoor
Adventure, Arts, Aquatics & more in the
Pocono Mtns of Pennsylvania. Apply on line
@ 4-20-26-14

8 hrs daily. $1000-$2000/mo. Resume to Need perfect
ebay selling experience. 514-7773 4-5-15-

Customer Service rep wanted.
MS Office Experience required.
Permanent Full-Time Position.
Contact: Jackson Industries,
4001 Newberry Rd, E4, Gvl or 5-24-30-14

02BKIDS searching for dance team, gym-
nastic & pre-school teachers leads w/CDA,
as well as housekeepers for all locations. FT/
PT positions avail. Apply within. 4-6-15-14

Set your own pay & schedule. Visit 4-1-11-14

Art, Art Ed, Graphics, Arch.
Hand-lettering, Pt a few hrs/wk. Close to UF.
Short resume $6.50/hr starts summer term.
Reply P 0 Box 286 Gainesville, FL 32602

Spend your summer making a difference in
the lives of underprivileged boys and girls
ages 10-15. Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches
Camping Services is hiring full-time and
temporary staff for summer camp and mo-
bile day camp programs. Activities include
canoeing', arts & crafts, bikes, horseback rid-
irg, archery, team sports, high and low ropes
course, and skits. Employment dates May
21 August 5. Pre-camp training includes
First Aid, CPR, Lifeguard, and NCI. We will
be at UF conducting interviews on March 8,
30 and April 11th. Call Mike Brannan at 352-
447-2259 for more information. EOE/DFWP

Girl Scout Camp hiring counselors, life-
guards, nurses, boating instructor, arts/crafts
director, equestrian staff. Min age 18. Salary
+ meals & housing. 8 wks, 5/30 7/23.
Call 800-347-2688 or email EOE 4-18-


Groundskeepers FT, PT
Custodial duties/Apt Maint
Transportation req. DFWP EEO -
220 N Main 375-2152 x301 4-20-22-14

Leasing Consultant, FT, PT /
Energetic Attitude
Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO
220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 4-20-22-14

Runner for law firm
Experienced only, must -own vehicle, PT,
M-F, 12 -5:30,. fax resume to 352-376-4645

Accounting Tutor
I will pay well for your timeto help student
taking accounting at SFCC thru April. Must
have taken "managerial acting" or have a
degree in accounting. Fax 352-335-8566, or
\ 4-8-14-14

Camp Counselors Needed at Camp Wekiva
in Wekiva Springs State Park, Apaipka FL
A residential, Environmental Camp. Boys
- June 7-25, Girls June 25-July 23. Contact 4-19-20-14

Sky Nite Club Gainesville's #1 night club 5
years in a row is hiring employees for bar-
tenders, beertub, security, cashiers & pro-
moters. If you are out-going & want to work
in a fun environment, please send picture &
resume to 4-8-13-14

Sky Nite Club is looking for students that are
seeking internships in advertising & mar-
keting. Gain valuable experience interning
w/Gainesvill's #1 night club. Send a resume
to 4-8-13-14

5 STAR PIZZA is now hiring
delivery drivers Great pay; flexible hrs.
Closing drivers average over $100 per shift.
Apply in person at 600 NW 75th St. 352-333-
7979 4-5-10-14

Experience the Best
Dancers Needed. 335-3875 4-12-15-14

Great for college sutdents. Flexible Hours
Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 4-4-

Saturday beginning immedediately. More
hours available. Exp in knowledge of verbal
behavior & behavior analysis a plus but will
train right person' Fax resume to 375-4268

w/agricultrual background (very important).
Exp w/feeding, maintaining farm animals a
plus. PT flex hrs. Call 472-6050 3-30-5-14

Looking for bright 18+ yr old w/clean driv-
ing record w/class D license. Agriculture
background pref for delivery & loading farm
supplies. FT/PT. Call 472-6050 3-30-5-14

Hiring KITCHEN STAFF. Apply between 2 &
4 pm, Mon Fri, CALICO JACKS 3501 SW
2nd Ave. Creekside Mall. 4-6-10-14

Flash experience desired
Send. resumes 3-30-5-14

F/T position, answer incoming calls.
Able to memorize phone script.
Courteous, Articulate phone manner.
Dispatch calls to technicians.
Maintain records of incoming calls. 3-30-

RGIS Inventory Specialists
seeking part-time auditors -
Starting wage $8.00 per hour
Apply at 4-20-20-14

- The 29th Annual GATOR TENNIS CAMP
is now hiring good tennis players for the
four weeks in June. Only quality players
need apply. Excellent Pay, working
approx. 9 hours per day. Camp is held
on UF Campus, using Ring Complex and
.the Flavet Courts. If interested, please
call MB. Chafin, Camp Director, at
392-3538, or in the evenings 376-8030. "
If no answer, please leave message. 4-6-

Valid driver's license a must. 352-222-1904

Continued on next page.

VJ Help Wanted J Jj Help Wanted






W 1 Help Wanted 3

Part-time, for toddler. Reliable. Experience
desiredE. Hours negotiable. Living accomo-
dations possible. Call Rebecca 372-0588

APARTMENT HUNTERS hiring energetic,
customer-service oriented people. Flexible
scheduling, some nights & weekends. Apply
@ 1310 W. University Ave. 4-8-11-14

Great pay! Flex schedules. Sales/svc. all
ages 18+. Conditions Apply 335-1422. 4-1-6-14

audition happy, energetic Scoopers for its
Newberry Road and Archer Road stores.
Earn $8+ while having fun! Positions be-
gin early April. Choose either Gainesville
location when you apply on our web site.
Visit:, then go to
Creamery and choose Job Center (ap-
plications only; include email address. NO
RESUMES.). Nights and weekends a must.
18+ only. 4-1-6-14

Excellent starting pay. Work around classes.
Resume builder. Start immed. All agses 18+.
Cond apply. Call pow! 335-1422 4-1-6-14

Needed: Flyers folded,
Street team for lots.
352-374-7799 3-30-4-14

ed for resident coed children's camp in Blue
Ridge Mountains of eastern West Virginia. 90
Miles west of Washington, DC for more info
visit our website
or call 800-862-2678 3-31-5-14

Graphic Assistant/Intern is looking for a
motivated individual to help manage local
advertising for Gator Domino's Pizza as well
as -national Domino's Pizza clients. Great
resume& and portfolio builder with plenty of
hands-on experience. Part time, full time
and long term employment possibilities for
the right individual. Send pdf resume to
DominosGraphics. 4-1-5-14

Participants needed

The Phonetic laboratory in the Program in
Linguistics is looking for people to partici-
pate in a listening experiment You can earn
$10/hour by particiapting in a study of the
perception of speech sounds from foreign

if you are interested in participating, please
contact Jenna Silver

Do you speak Hindi?

The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in
Linguistics is looking for people who grew
up in India and speak Hindi fluently. You can
earn $15/hour by participating in a study of
the perception of speech sounds from for-
eign languages.

If you are interested in participating, please
contact Jenna Silver

medicafA/JR company. Experience preferred.
Fax resume: 352-379-1485 4-1-5-14

Local Web Development Firm with fun,
team-based enthusiastic environment
seeks summer interns for project manage-
ment and sales depts. Email resume to 4-20-18-14

READ MAIL FOR PAY also other work
available $938 per week possible. Weekly
pay checks, work in your spare time. No
exp necessary,

U [."' Help Wanted. Help Wanted-", Ur

Hiring full time and part time caterers & driv-
ers. Positive, fun, work environment with
flexible hours. Skills include great attitude,
affinity for fast-paced work environment,
and enthusiasm for customer service. Apply
in person at Celebrations Catering, 904 N.
Main St. 4-8-20-14

Celebrations Cafe N Main & 23rd Ave hiring
all positions. Exp a must. Lunch only. Apply
in person 8-10, 2-4. 4-1-5-14

Local non-profit USDA accredited certifica-
tion agency seeks PT livestock, crop or
food science specialist. Call 377-6345. Send
resumes to or fax to 377-
8363. 4-1-4-14

PT OFFICE HELP. Good driving record,
experience w/Autocad, Excel, Word helpful.
$7.50/hr to start. Call Wells at 219-1183 or
email or 352-371-
3316 4-6-7-14

HOSTESS Apply in person at the Sovereign
Restaurant service entrance 12 SE 2nd Ave.
After 2pm. 3-31-2-14

Experienced & friendly. Apply in person
between 2 & 5pm. NAPOLATANOS 606 NW
75th St. 4-1-4-14

Call center needs telephone agents for all
shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in
person. 4-1-4-14

Servers, all shifts, dining rm/banquets. Flex
HRS, excellent compensation. Apply 2-5pm,
Tues-Sat, Gainesville Country Club, 7300
SW 35th Way. 4-4-5-14

Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now
hiring: Cooks (Chinese specialty), Kitchen
Helpers, Cashiers, Servers, Delivery
Drivers. Apply in person 4-5pm. 871-5771
www. 4-4-5-14

The City of Gainesville's
Recreation & parks
Department is looking for
summer camp counselors,
lifeguards, swim instructors-
and pool attendants. Please
apply online at

Gainesville Country Club
Housekeeping position PT Mon-Fri 7:00 am
to 1:00 pm. Lunch provided. Call Greg at
317-5602 DFWP 4-4-5-14

The YMCA is now hiring enthusiastic staff
members to fill positions in the following
areas: Afterschool counselors, summer
camp counselors, sports camp counselors,
gymnastics instructors, program directors,
group cycling instructors, customer service
personnel, weekend activities staff, dance
instructors/director, lifeguards/swim instruc-
tors, soccer referees, bus drivers and more.
Hiring at multiple locations throughout North
Central Florida. Apply in person at 5201 NW
34th-St. Gainesville, Fl 32605. Interviews
begin immediately, so apply today! 4-11-

Part time help wanted to care for & ferry 2
kids (10/12) after school. Must have clean
driver's license. Call & leave message. 336-
1043 4-1-4-14

Mystery Shoppers needed immediately in
your local area. Flexible hours,
complete training. Internet access required.
Call 888-850-1024 -

Earn While Your Shop!
Call Now Toll Free
1-888-255-6040 Ext 13400 3-31-1-14

FOODS & COFFEE SHOP. PT help needed
15-25 hrs. All shifts available. Call for direc-
tions only. 380-0111 4-5-5-14

o 1905os

Great Summer Jobs

$11.01-$14.75 per hour. Experience working
with special needs, problem behaviors, and
assist in staff training.

Must be 18 years old
$8.29 $928 per hour. High school diploma/
GED; Lead games, sports, crafts, field trips.
Looking for a responsible, fun, and high en-

$8.29 $9.28 per hour. Minimum age 16 with
current lifeguarding, adult/infant/child CPR
and First Aid certifications. Duties: Patrol
pool area, may teach swimming lessons, and
cashier duties. Extra pay for WSI.

$9.50 per hour. Experience in grounds main-
tenance work preferred. Duties: All aspects
of grounds maintenance work.

Contact: City of Largo, 201 Highland
Avenue, Largo, FL; 727-587-6716; or Closeing Date: Open
Until Filled EOE/M/F/D/V-VP SMOKE--
3-31-3-14 '

Now accepting applications for Resident'
Asssitant and apprentice Resicent Assistant
positions for the SUMMER 2005 Semester.
Applications are avaiabe from Kathy Smith in
the Department of Houseing and REsidence
Ecuctaion Office, and are doe by 4:00pm on
Monday, April 18, 2005. For further informa-
tion contact Kathy Smith at 392-2171 ext

Experience a plus. Enthusiastic, energetic.
PT position avail at University Commons.
Apply in person or call 377-6700 4-12-10-14

$7.50/hr. No experience necessary.
Chesapeake Bagel. 4113 NW 16th Blvd.
352-384-9110 4-5-5-14

for Sawamura Japanese Steakhouse. PT
from 1-4pm. Apply in person. 1624 SW 13th
St. 4-5-5-14

Comfort Inn West is now. hiring part time front
desk clerks. Flexible scheduling, great work
environment. Please apply in person. 3440
SW 40th Blvd. 4-5-5-14

UF student needed for home improvement
projects for Saturdays only. Must have
own transportation. Carpentry/building exp
helpful. Send resume to

YMCA overnight camp seeks dependable
fun-loving staff. Must enjoy working w/
children & able to live on-site. Call 352-466-
3587 for more info. 4212-10-14

The Florida Book Store is cucrenti, hir-
ing temporary cashiering help for Spring
Textbook Buyback and the first of Summer
A/C Classes. Applicants with previous ca-
shiering and customer service experience
are preferred. This position requires avail-
ability during the following times: Monday,
April 11th through Friday April 15th for train-
ing; Saturday, April 16th -through Sunday,
May 1st for-textbook B5uyback and Saturday,
May 7th through Sunday, May 15th for the
first week- of Summer A/C Classes. Apply in
person at 1614 W. University Avenue, com-
plete an application and ask for Carolynne
between the hours 2pm-5pm Monday
through Friday. Please do .not drop off ap-
plications during times not specified includ-
ing weekends.Equal Opportunity Employer
4-12-10-14 '

Close To UF, Convenient
4x4x4 $20/mo
4x8x8 $35/mo
533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771

Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan,
Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable
prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 4-20-71-15

HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve mem-
ory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits.
Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis.
Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH,
NGH certified 379-1079. 4-20-67-15

Local and long distance moving.
Free Estimates
One item or a housefull. FL Reg # IM19
Call Now! (352)374-4791 800-797-6766.

Personal and Group Training
Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility
Call for a free workout

Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio
For Fun & Fitness 384-9200

HORSE BOARDING peaceful spacious
30 acres ring-arena round pens experi-
enced help 12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627.
Owneron premisis 35+ yrs exp. Lessons
avail. 4-20-71-15

u'.. ~
* 9



Come ride with us! Great Farm
Awesome Horses & Top Notch Instruction.
Hunters & Natural Horsemanship.

Take Points Off Your Driver's License
And Dismiss Traffic Tickets
With Online Driver Improvement Courses

Whjpoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture board.
10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn
12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted
arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on
premises. 376-8792 4-20-71-15

Quality Boarding Lessons/English *
Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest
horse farm 466-4060 4-20-71-15

***YOGA*** .
Classes & Workshops
at Sanctuary

I can help you to complete your paper. Learn
to write. Outline, Research, Grammar,
Coherency, Typing 374-7038 4-20-50-15

TERM PAPER HELP: Frustrated? Need
Assistance? Help with research and
writing? TOLL FREE 1-888-345-8295 4-8-60-15

. 0





%sou CL

%. -







4P 0


-- .. 0-

- O -- O



ij spersonas j Entertainment

**Lifeguard Training"
Red Cross certification includes
CPR professional rescuer/first aid
Classes start now 392-1161x4283 4-4-49-15

30 Day Trial Membership Free
Men 0 Women 0 Children
Check out:
Complete Auto Service "
Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks
Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033
The countryclub for horses & owners.
Customer louoge w/full kitchen & bath. 250'
x 160'.riding ring, round pen & jump pad-
dock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19
separate paddocks..24-hr security, 352-591-
3175 4-1-29-15

Custom Posters Exhibits Awards English as 2nd language
Top Quality Fast Service Low Prices Reading, Composition, Conversation Experienced educators. Reasonable fees.
SignMasters 335-7000 Tel: 352-335-9400 4-20-19-15

Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing
Alachua County Health Dept. Call
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)

5- University Opticians
Ss h300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480.
Jump start your job search at 4-20-71-18 GUS -GUNS!GUNS
8-15-51-15 GUNS! GUNS! GUNS!

Plaques 0 Name Badges 0 Cups 0 Etc..
Best Selection In Town,
SignMasters 335-7000

No hassles 0 Free Lock.O Prorated
Close to UF *All Sizes 0 No Deposit -
Archer Road Self Storage 371-4296
South West Self Storage 374-4444

All Women's Health Center
Free Pregnancy Test
RU-486 Available

Lose 8-15 pounds in 4 weeks
Only $99!'
Gain muscle while you lose fat
Groups forming now. 339-2199.

CLOSEST, CHEAPEST Students No Appointment Needed!
Lessons Training Boarding 0 Jumps FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE
Large pastures & trails. Jonesville. 4881 NW 8th Ave #2, 373-2340 331-0356 4-20- Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 4-20-
20-15 71-16


1800 Gun Inventory
Over 500 handguns in stock
Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair.
Reloading Supplies 466-3340 -
Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer

In Gainesville Better Prices
Better Fields Better Call 371-2092

***EUROPE $429.RT***
Train' & cruises also available
Gator Country Travel 373-1992
FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264

8mi. South of G'ville on 441 ***WEST COAST $198 RT'***
4-20-71-18 Los Angeles, Seattle & more! Call for best
rates. Gator Country Travel 373-1992
*Family Chiropractic* FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264
Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 4-20-71-12

4-20-71-18 ***AIRFARE $118 RT***

We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE
Ave 375-3752. 4-20-71-18

Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St.
10-9 384-0090

NYC, DC, Philly, New England & more!
Gator Country Travel 373-1992
FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264
FLYER MILES for international trip. 25,000
- 100,000 miles. Contact

ides .. -

r.= = -m m -m =-= =-



II 0



1 I









M MI 1 1 Blue Light Treatments for moderate acne.
Call Dermatology Associates 352-332-4051 on o

SABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) Want to make a connection? Place your ad
M -41 IV sedation, Student Discount. here to look for someone to share a com-
)X Q 0 Well Woman Care & Birth Control mon interest with or for your true love -
< o 1 Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr G'M G TR AN PORT
1 r) A BreadF 352-372-1664. |t .. GM G TRANSPORT
m 1O i | 4-20-71-16 I Event Notices 20Yrs. as the Official So.FI. Bus
-l. S Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse
rC n S'. I BEYOND BODY ACCEPTANCE: $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP.
0 i Redefine beauty & your relationship with IS YOURBUSINESS, CLUB OR 336-7026
i M | food. March 31st 10am 2pm. Infirmary ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? 4-20-71-23
"PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat I _- -____
bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants -"
S> will get free evaluation, medication & be ljl lEritertaimfifent -
1- I q 0 > Z reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy: @ 11 .. -" ." .
Z M Ml 331-2020 immediately. 4-20-26-16 WALDO FARMER & FLEA MARKET
Src 1 Every Sat & Sun Hwy 301 Miami Bus Service
STyping Services 15 min from Gainesville 468-2255. $40 RITW.P Bch, Pomp, FT L, Miami
l 4-20-71-21 Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm
S SAME DAY SERVICE:-transcription, typing, FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL 4-20-67-23
Dr "k.t k b k h l t A; kl C db ll F k 27 k,07

i l

N *

Sp. Chg -
Rec. By


I 1. For Rent: Furnished 14. Help Wanted
2. ForRent: Unfurnished 15. Services
S- 3. Sublease: House/Apt 16. Health Services
- 4. Roommates 17. Resumes/Typing Services
5. Real Estate 18. Personals
6. Fumrniture/Household Items 19. Connections
7. Computers 20. Events/Notices
I 8. Stereos/Electronics 21. Entertainment
9. Bicycles 22. Tickets
10. For Sale 23. Rides
11. Mopeds/Motorcycles. 24. Pets
S 12. Autos 25. Lost & Found
13. Wanted


(Circle One)
1 Day .......$5.50
2 Days......$9.50
3 Days....$12.50
4 Days....$15.50
5 Days....$18.50

Additional Days
$2.00 each
- Days = $

Additional Lines
$2.00 each line, each day I
__ Add'I Lines = $...

apps. es op pu : roc urges, news ers, r a pee a o 0o acres
flyers, ads, logos. Resume service 17 yrs Call for the best group rates!
exp. 24 hr turnaround. New phone #Connie 352-338-8408 .
271-2677 3-30-20-17 4-20-71-21

Join the Designated

Driver Club

$99 rt 1-866-453-2605'

Furry, feathery; scaly..;no, not your
roommate...pets. Find or advertise your pets
or pet products here in the Pets section of
the Alligator.
Health certificates, 3/30, 3 males, 6 females,
POP, very beautiful and healthy. $450/ea
352-625-9206 4-1-5-24

Everybody knows how awful if feels to lose
something. If you find something, call the
Alligator at 373-FIND and we'll place a free
"Found" ad for you in this.section (Offer
does r, no pli,, o "Lost" ad.) Be kind t'
someone who's lost what you've found.
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one. or to identify please call 665-0290 3-

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Alligator. building on University Ave. on
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Two-game Alabama split ends UF's winning streak


Alligator Writer

The No. 13 UF softball
team (28-7, 7-1 Southeastern
Conference) seems to have a-flair
for the dramatic.
The Gators lost game one of
Tuesday night's doubleheader
against No. 11 Alabama (37-8,
10-4 SEC) only to come back and
win the nightcap in extra-inning-
thriller fashion.
UF fell behind 3-0 in game
two, but left the home crowd
happy when Mirelis Torres
smashed an eighth-inning, walk-
off, two-run, pinch-hit home run,
giving the Gators a 6-4 win. The
home run was only the second of
Torres' career and her first of the
"That was amazing; I'm
completely psyched right now,"
Torres said after the game. "She
pitched me a fat one a little bit
inside and I saw it, I swung, and
-it went."
The home run came as no sur-
prise to her coach, who sent her
in for the pinch-hit opportunity.
"She hit that pitch really well,"

Coach Karen Johns said. "We
knew she'd come in and step up
for us. We didn't know she'd hit
a home run, but we knew she'd
put a good swing on one. She
. does not get a lot of chances and
every time she goes in, she makes
something happen. She's always
ready when we call on her."
The two-game split snapped
UF's school-record 13-game win
streak and its six-game SEC win
The teams will play the rub-
ber match today at 2 p.m at the
Florida Softball Stadium.
The Crimson Tide won the
first game 5-3, thanks in large
part to three solo home runs,
the most the Gators have given
up in a single game this season.
The five earned runs were the
second-most given up this season
. by Stacey Stevens (16-5).
Stevens surrendered the final
run on a wild pitch that was in-
tended to be the second ball of an
intentional walk.
Stevens came out of the bull-
pen, however, to pick up the win
in game two.
"We didn't feel like we played
poorly, but we didn't capitalize a
couple of times," Johns said. "But
we came back and were consis-

urn uasey/ Allngator
Pitcher Stacey Stevens swipes at Alabama's Jordan Prayton after throwing a wild pitch during an inten-
tional walk. The resulting run capped a 5-3 Crimson Tide win in game one.

tent through that whole second
game, and our defense stayed
strong the whole way through."
.The Gators played well de-

fensively in both games, but
couldn't seem to jumpstart their
bats. Despite winning game two,
UF recorded just eight total hits.

Home runs by Lauren Rousell,,
Melissa Zick and Torres account-
ed for the team's only multi-base


Gators prepare for NCAAs, another shot at Bulldogs

Alligator Writer

While the No. 7 UF gymnastics team
may not have gotten the results it wanted
at last weekend's Southeastern Conference
Championships, the Gators still have an-
other shot at glory this seasQn.
And they will face a familiar foe.
UF is one of six schools hosting an NCAA,
Regional on April 9, and the Gators will be
welcoming No. 5 Georgia to the O'Connell
Center for the second time this season.
The Bulldogs won the SEC title Saturday,
an event where UF made too many minor
mistakes that ended up costing them sig-
"I don't think we did terribly bad, we just
didn't do our best," senior Orley Szmuch
said. "It's-not like we fell three times or

anything like that, but we weren't sharp and
we weren't clean and we had a lot of little
mistakes that added up. And you can't have
that at SECs."
The Gators held a lengthy team meeting
before practice Monday,
where Coach Rhonda
Faehn and the gymnasts
broke down what the
team felt were the reasons
why UF didn't perform up
to its standards Saturday
Dooley "Everyone really had
a chance to speak their
mind," Faehn said. "And they really felt that
instead of just focusing on going out like
we normally do and not who we're going
up against, and just focusing on hitting our
routines, it became this huge situation on
wanting to win, which obviously took their

focus off their performance."
UF will now attempt to turn mistakes at
the conference championships into success
at the regional and national competitions.
"We had the greatest intentions to go in
there and win," co-captain Erinn Dooley
said. "We struggled on a few things, but it
wasn't a terrible meet. We realized that we
only struggled on really one event, and that
happens, but we learn from our mistakes
and go on from here."
While the Gators will have to deal with
five other teams in the Southeast Regional,
the one who will garner the most attention
is Georgia.
It will be the fourth time this season that
the two teams have squared off, this time
with a berth in the NCAA Championships
on the line.
Georgia began the season by winning the
Super Six Challenge over second-place UF,

but the Gators gained a small measure of
revenge by winning in Athens for the first
time in two decades in February in a meet
that was sloppy by their own admission.
The Bulldogs claimed the rubber match
by dominating the SEC meet last weekend.
"It's always a rivalry just because it's
Georgia," Dooley said. "But between the
people and the- friendships there's nothing
there that's a rivalry or hate.
"It's Georgia. Yes, you always want to
beat them, but we still respect the gymnasts
and respect the team."
Faehn is hoping that the presence of the
five-time national champions will allow her
team to atone for its lackluster showing at
the SEC Championships. _
"Any chance that we get to be able to turn
a potential negative into a positive, and to
come back and show everyone what we're
capable of, we enjoy that."

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Meyer's opinion was not a part of decision

CHARLES, from page 24

on Feb. 21. The hlnebacker planned
on paying .fr clas--s at Santa Fe
ConinuimA Coll-ge this -ummer -so
he could return to the team in the tail.
He basically didn'Jt want to
hear an% tiung I ,.anted to sa\ -aid
Charles of Fole\-.
Fole\ did not return calLs to lIu- ot-
he .and c:ll phone Tuesday
He kept -.sang -'don't think
\oNu e realized \.-hal iWrreans to be
a atator' Charle- s-aid.'"And I kept
telling him that [ realize that ii-e had
-e. en or eight months to realize that
I asked hitm. '1- t-here an-thinii
dhat i. ill make youi realize _r c'n-
vince you that I'm not going to get in
trouble again?' H- sud 'No "
Foley did not consult people who
were well-informed about the line-
backer before making the final deci-
sion, Charles said.
"The only people he's asked is
[UF Associate Athletics Director- for

Academic Affairs] Keith Car'dine.,
Carodinc's friend and [UF Srudent
Judicial Affairs Director] Cvru.
\'illian. Charles said "1 don't deal
a\ ith these people on a daihl basis-. Lou
need to ask people like mn tutor Like
nmy adv-icers like
S my teachers. like
m- teanimate-, mni
mentors people
that focus- on mne"
C harwls tried to
co- nvce F olee to
e. H' reustate him by
i. ring ho Eagle
Foley has rtnever wanted
him kickl,-d off the tootfball team
'He kept try-ing to -a\ that Dane
Eagle was not the cae "Charl: said
I kept telling him, Dan,-i Eagle is the
case. He's the victim. For him to say
I shouldn't be kicked off, you should
take that into consideration."'
The decision to end Charles' UF
football career was solely Jeremy
Foley's, -the University Athletic
Association said.
Charles maintains that he met

. ,th Mleaer before hi- legaln mat-
ter- had been resol, ed and that the
new coach ia i'lhing to consider
Charles situation
"1 hate the head coach and de-
tensi\e coordinatUr [Charhe Strong]
in mi favor' -aid Charle v. he,
played in 11 games-. Irg-terinzg
tlme tackles 1-; a r-d-;lirt freshmnian
'The,, wanted me here But it was up
to jerem\ Fole.- He didn't ask Coach
NM e her's opinion or Coach S-troni'-
optuIon t was IIust tin '
Charles also met aith LUI [ican
of-Students Eugene L Zdziar-sk to
dc-cu.. h[i acaderruc suspension on
Tuesday but the linebacker has be-
come adamant c.bout transferring
"it I hav'. rto or three ',ea-i left
to pla', football. I'm not go iiniz to sit
here," said Charles, who is consider-
ing Florida State, South Florida, Texas
Southern and Georgia Southern as
options. "I'm not going to stay here
- for'what' To watch my teammates
perform when I know I have the abil-
ity to play on the next level and I still
have athletic bone in my body?"

Players know 'The Animals' aren't average fans

BASEBALL, from page 24

UF took a 16-4 beating when it last visited Tallahassee.
"Home field advantage is everything," senior Jeff
Corsaletti said. "The fans make a huge difference. You
have to have thick skin when you play there. It's got to be
in one ear and out the other."
O'Day knows all too well about the Seminoles'

"FSU's fans are different than most others of our ri-
vals," O'Day said. "In Miami, they just curse at you and
talk about your mom.
"FSU has smart fans. They know their baseball and will
yell out compliments when we do something well."
Of course, O'Day had more than just compliments for
the in-state rivals. -.
"I grew up an FSU fan, to tell the truth," he .said. "But.
I chose to come to UF because I wanted to actually go to a
good school."

BULLPEN, from page 24

throws very controlled touch passes," Mullen said. "That's
great,.but we want to see some balls come out of him like a
rocket, like a 90-mile-an-hour fastball. That's the first thing
we've been working on, but it's hard with a guy that's all
touch. He's just gotta let it rip sometimes."
Leak's been a work-in-progress, but his throws are al-
ready quicker.
Leak completed a gasp -seven-yard wobbly pass to
Chad Jackson in Saturday's scrimmage.
"He'd rather not throw it as hard and be more accu-
.rate," Mullen said. "I'd rather have him throw it harder
and be a little less accurate."
Watch Leak in practice.
.His form is still there, but his short-field throws are now
snappy, not floaty. His touch most of the time doesn't
disappear. The lame-duck dumps have.
"He's got more zip on the ball; I've noticed tTat," q'ar-
terback Gavin Dickey said.
As for primary target syndrome?
"We've got him working to be better at looking at all his
reads," Mullen said. "He'll be quicker and quicker as he
understands the offense more and more."
Mullen hasn't seen footage of Leak overlooking open
receivers, but you can bet your Bright Futures that he'll
prevent that problem from resurfacing in 2005.
"Chris is one who wants to be the best," Mullen said.
"He'- not a type to resist coaching. He wants to be great."
Only one question remains: is Leak losing his bring-the-
ball-back-to-his-neck throwing motion?
, No, because he won't have to.
"All we'll do is just to try to drop the elbow a little bit
and that will get the ball out faster," Mullen said.
Hike Tluce-step drop. Fire. Leak chucks a wobbling
ball two-y) ard behind a trrealing Dallas Baker in prachce.
Real quick release on that one, you notice.
For some odd reason the sloppy pass gives you hope
and then you realize: the therapy is working.

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Foley dimsisses linebacker from football team


Alligator Staff Writer

Linebacker Taurean Charles has been per-
manentally kicked off the UF football team.
Athletics Director Jeremy Foley made the
decision after holding a 20-minute meeting

with Charles Tuesday morning.
"Taurean Charles is no longer a member of
our football program," said Foley in a released
statement. "We wish Taurean the best of luck
in the future."
UF's office of Student Judicial Affairs had
suspended Charles academically for the sum-
mer on March 16.
Charles, however, was pripartd to' bravx-
the suspension and return t, fItball in Lhei
fall provided that Foley would grant him rein-
statement. On Tuesday, Foley eliminated such

a possibility.
"He kept telling me that
we have a president that
has a low-level tolerance
.ad a coLachtha!t s n got Iin
to. put Lip itlh c- -erthini ""
CharL- said '-And I told
hini that I understand that
Charles 1 s-.d II I didn't think I
:oLid handle it I ouldri t L:-yen be here in'
your office.'
"And he said, 'What, do you want me to

let you back on the team so [Coach] Urban
[Meyer] will have to kick you off?' He basi-
cally said that I was going to get in trouble
and I kept telling him different things that I've
accomplished and realized."
Foley suspended Charles indefinitely last
lulv after the Gainesville Police Department
allied that Charles threw a keg at UF student
Dane Eagle Charles pleaded no contest to a
minLdeimeanor charge of culpable negligence


Seminoles provide latest hurdle on difficult schedule

I im uasey / Aingawor
Relief pitcher Connor Falkenbach could be asked to enter tonight's Florida State game earlier than
usual. The Gators will start freshman Stephen Locke against the Seminoles.

Alligator Writer

They are "The Animals."
They're Florida State baseball's
version of the Rowdy Reptiles,
and No 7 UF must face the No. 6
Senminohks and their notoriously
raicou Lmans tonight at 6 p.m.
The Gators (19-7) travel to
Tallah.asiee to ta:c vet anothet-r chal-
lengnin opponent Lnstead ot the tia-
dchtiLnal eas-. mid--eek eami
'its w.ondertul tor ot0r mid-
v, cek opponent to be up to the le\ el
ot FSLi. 'Coach Pat M!\N lahon caid
'We faced a Ctntral Florida team
mid-week and thve \.ere one ot th e
best team-.s ,.e hav. e -:en all \ear.'
LIUF sipper had the tou gh deci-
sion ot vho to start for this upconm-
ing game. T\picallJ the Gators ha- e
-tarted a rnu.g 'oung trfcliman arni
agamst the usual weaker mid-wceek
However, this week is no regular
opponent. It is arguably UF's most
hated rival.
"We're going to start Stephen
Locke," McMahon said. "He is going
to face a lot of great batters. The im-
portant thing for him to remember
is to get ahead in the count against.
such talented, powerful hitters."

Locke is a' freshman but has
played well this season for UF. He
is already 3-0, recording an ERA of
If the freshman gets down early,
McMahon has the luxury of turning
to the proven arms of senior Connor
Falkenbach and junior Darren
"I grew up an FSU fan, to
tell the truth. But I chose
to come to UF because I
wanted to actually go to a
good school."
Darren O'Day
UF reliever

"They are really good every
year," Falkenbach said. "If I'm asked
to come in relief, I will be there."
If UP leads entering the ninth, it
is a safe bet that O'Day will be asked
to close the game out.
The Gators did take two out of
three games from the. Seminoles
last year, winning two dose games
7-6 and 3-2. However, both of those
victories came before the friendly
crowds of McKethan Stadium in

Disease-stricken Leak beginning to hurl answers at his critics

piralitis and primary-target syndrome.
S What?
Spiralitis and primary target syn-
drome, that's what.
You'll never find these conditions on,
WebMD, but their symptoms prove worse
than SARS-inflicted wheezing for any Gators
football fan.
Spiralitis and primary target syndrome
have afflicted Chris Leak for, well, since father
Curtis programmed him to launch a football
like ? machine.
He pulls the pigskin back toward his nape

like a wind-up toy.
He spits the leather out, much like a pitch-
ing machine gives birth to a well-hurled
The ball ripples no, floats through the
air like a perfectly gauged missile.
The grace of Leak's spirals is one
Rembrandt stroke short of a masterpiece.
Leak spots his receiver, locking on to the
recipient like a homing device, delivering
the ball on a line. A tight, flawless spiral line,
mind you.
But just like machines require oiling and an

occasional system up-
grade, Leak has been
due for a check-up.
Leak launches pic-
ture-perfect throws
every time. But some-
Louis times he gives you
Anastasis enough time between
'Louis in the Bullpen' the snap and comple- tion of the play to de-
velop those negatives
at your one-hour photo lab. And buy a Coke.
Leak knows who his primary receiver is

* on every play. Leak also often fails to spot his
other options when a play breaks down.
Anyone who's watched Leak has lived this
dilemma. Or nearly died by it.
Deep breaths, everyone. The Robot Arm is
no more.
Enter quarterbacks coach Dan Mullen,
doctor for the diseases that are spiralitis and
primary target syndrome. Here's his diagnosis
and prescription for the former.
"Chris is a very accurate passer and he

L.A. Clippers 84
Cleveland 94

SUF center fielder Jeff Corsaletti
has been selected to the College
Baseball Foundation National
Honor Roll. awarded weekly.

To onto

* 1962: UF's Tom Moore steals a UF-record
six bases in one game. The Gators finished
the season 25-10-1 and 14-3 in the South-
eastern Conference. good enough for first
place in the Eastern Division.

*The UF women's tennis team, which has
jumped from No. 17 to No. 9 in the Inter-
collegiate Tennis Association rankings.
The Gators shut out then-No. 7 Duke and
No. 23 Alabama last week.

Full Text


the independent florida Ly of Florida Pubished by Campus Cormunicationsedn. of Gainesville, Florda We Inform. You Decide. )Cydte VOLUME 98 ISSUE 126 WEDNES'uDAY ivM5HCn SU, 2Ub Two down, one city race to go By BRIAN HAGEN, EVA KIS and IVETTE MENDEZ Alligator Staff Writers When results were announced at the end of Gainesville's City Commission elections Tuesday night, At-Large incumbent Rick Bryant had reason to cheer. Bryant won re-election to his seat by an unofficial 42 votes, so far avoiding a runoff against --next-highest opponent Rob Brinkman. "I thought I was going to be knocking on doors for the next three weeks," Bryant said, adding that after his last-minute win, he'll go to Disney World instead. Elections "I promised I'd make a dif2005 ference to all the citizens of Gainesville, and I did," he said of his re-election victory. Celebrations for Bryant, however, could be somewhat premature. Even a small number of votes in Brinkman's favor could push Bryant and Brinkman, who received the second-highest total votes at 33.71 percent, into a runoff. With a slim 50.5 percent of the vote, the official tally including provisional, unscanned and overseas ballots -could put him below the necessary 50 percent that mandates a win. Bryant admitted to "sweating bullets" because of East Gainesville votes that went to opponent Diyonne McGraw. McGraw, who received 13.51 percent of the total vote, said she intends to run for the Commission's other At-Large seat next year. Flanked by McGraw supporters, a subdued Nick West / Alligator Staff Rob Brinkman was one of the last to leave the elecRick Bryant rejoices while talking to reporters Tuesday night. Bryant tion office. unofficially won the City Commission At-Large seat by 42 votes. SEE ELECTION, PAGE 13 UF seeks regulation of alcoho use. N FOUR UF STUDENTS HAVE DIED OF ALCOHOL-RELATED INCIDENTS IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS. By STEPHANIE GARRY Alligator Staff Writer sngarry@alligatororg At least four UF students have died of alcohol-related causes since UF President Bene Machen was appointed to lead UF in Fall 2003, adding urgency to UF and Gainesville's joint struggle to curb student alcohol abuse. Another student, who reportedly was drinking, died following a Jacksonville football game last October. Christopher Small died in the early morning of Jan. 28 after his car crashed into a telephone pole on Northwest 34th Street. Autopsy reports show that his blood alcohol limit was two-and-a-half times the legal limit. Small's former roommate has said that the UF junior had gone to the club:08 earlier that night. The university's Machen campaign against binge drinking, which began at Machen's urging in January, has consisted mostly of meetings and discussions so far. Other than Machen's refusal to allow Coors advertising at an O'Connell Center concert, UF has made no policy changes. The university brought in a national college health expert in February to lead a discussion on how environmental factors -such as inexpensive drink specials, ad-vertising and bartending practices -can promote binge drinking. The meeting formed three groups dedicated to different alcohol problems, two of which met for the first time Tuesday to discuss their rmssions. The university depends on the city to regulate alcohol marketing and student SEE ALCOHOL, PAGE 10 STUDENT GOVERNMENT UPD inquiry plagued by insufficient evidence E THE COMPLAINT ALLEGED SG OFFICIALS WERE OFFERED BRIBES TO SWITCH PARTY AFFILIATIONS. By STEPHEN MAGRUDER Alligator Writer More than a month after taking control of an investigation alleging bribery and corruption in the Student Government election, the Student Judicial Affairs office said it has not yet found enough information to file any conduct violation charges. An adviser to the Student Body president initially filed a complaint with the University Police Department last month, claiming that Impact Williams Party supporters were bribed to jump ship and support the Gator Party. Citing a lack of proof to pursue crimicharges, UPD handed the case over to judicial Affairs, which says it also has conducted a thorough investigation. "Certainly, it was something of interest -it is something of interest," Judicial Affairs Director Cyrus Williams said of the complaint. "At this point, we have not charged anybody, and we're [going to] continue to investigate," he added. So far, five people -both named and not named in the initial complaint have been intervieWed, Williams said. Following adviser Lowell Wong's SEE COMPLAINT, PAGE 13 The Blockbuster on Archer Road is one of three Gainesville locations not participating in the "No Late Fees" program. The franchises, independent from corporate policy, allegedly confused renters. See story, pg. 5. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 9 UF Athletics Director Jeremy Foley kicked linebacker Taurean Charles permamently off the football team Tuesday. Foley failed to return calls to his office and cell phone, but Charles was more than forthcoming about the decision. See story, pg. 24. FORECAST OPINIONS CLASSIFIEDS CROSSWORD SPORTS 2 6 14 19 24 visit 6~ Sunny 80/55 Not officially associated with the Universit IAICrKIUCrAV K/IADr'U '2() Onnr, Ilfl I lRfir7 no lecl 1c, 4 if-,


2, ALLIGATOR E WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 News Today FORECAST TODAY SUNNY 80/55 THURSDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 83/60 FRIDAY THUNDER STORMS 82/54 SATURDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 68/43 SUNDAY SUNNY 73/47 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Ne the independent florida VOLUME 98 ISSUE 126 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Dwayne Robinson, Managing Editor/ Print .Mike Gimignani, Managing Editor/ New Media Matthew Kelly, Sports Editor Ian Fisher, -Assistant Sports Editor Louis Anastasis, Editor Andrew Abramson, University Editor Justin Hemlepp, Metro Editor Eva Kis, Freelance Editor Natalie Liem, Assignment Editor Nick Weidenmiller, Tallahassee Bureau Chief James VanLandingham, Opinions Editor Matt Sanchez, Editorial Board Dwayne Robinson, Mike Gimignani, Matt Sanchez, Lauren Flanagan, Diana Middleton, Craig Singleton Photo Editor Casey Anderson, Assistant Photo Editor Nick West Photo Staff Matt Marriott, Emily Harris, Tricia Coyne the Avenue Editor Kelly-Anne Suarez, the Avenue Assistant Editor Sarah Anderson, sanderson@alligatrorrg Art Director Andy Marlette Copy Desk Chiefs Robert Beltran, Matt Cmar, -Sheryl Rosen, Ryan Worthington Copy Editors Chris Berger, Mary Beth Bishop, Gayle Cohen, Carly Felton, Jennifer Freihofer, Lyndsey Lewis, Krissi Palmer, Heather Romans, Stephanie Rosenblatt, Lynne Schultz, Michael Schutz, Brandy Stearns, Marianna Tuninskaya Staff Bryan App, Bridget Carey, Stephanie Garry, Gregg Girvan, Megan Seery, Brian Shaffer w Media Staff Assistant Editor Gwen Heimburg New Media Staff Dan Jimmerson fin n r s cal out, ( 376 4is d e-mail to. r DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, Advertising Office Manager Marybeth Miller, Advertising Office Assistants Joshua Appelbaum, Elizabeth Cueto Sales Representatives Patrick Sherry, Melissa Vloedman Jim McCaddin, Joel Fernandez Kyle Moore, Lindsey Kuhn Chris Pacheco, Anne Garcia Jennifer Rudloff, Jennifer Simmons Sales Development/Intern Coordinator Neil Callanar CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015(Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, Classified Clerks Leah Zissimopulos, Bethany O'Neill, Merab-Michal Favorite, Marianne Cooper CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, rpelham@alligatororg Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, Bookkeeper Patricia Merrow, Student Accounting Clerks Brandon Edwards, Keith Enright Michael Sanders, Alex Thurn ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, Administrative Manager Allison Sinclair, Lorena Crowley Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, lmcgowan@alligatororg Production/System Assistant Productio Information Technolo Advertising Prod Editorial Prod PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS s Manager Vern Bean, n Manager Stephanie Gocklin, gy Manager Brian Dwyer, action Staff Elizabeth Houston, Shana Langfur, -Jovan Ribadeo, Nick Johnson, Kate Barnes, Michelle Stewart, Maggie Peuler action Staff Jennifer LaBrie, Natasha Weinstein, Kate Mullan, Amy Oglesby, Melissa Garcia The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14207, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornlogs, except during holidays and e00m periods. During OF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8a.m. to 4p.m. Monday through Friday, evept for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the OF Booytore. @ Copyright 2000. All rights reserved, No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer. of Campus Communications Inc. [ccrcdionci Sports Peit Union F Locwc of Dirccrs of VMcincicers This is an excellent opportunity for students to get involved and assist in -making decisions that affect the UF community. Applications are available at the following locations: Dean of Students Office, Reitz Union Information Desk, Student Activities Center, Student Recreation & Fitness Center, and Southwest Recreation Center. Also available at (Reitz .Union Board of Managers) and Sports Board of Directors). For more information about the Reitz Union Board of Managers, call Pam Bourg at 392-1644 or for the Recreational Sports Board ofDirectors, call Ron Anderson at 392-1272


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 3 ALLIGATOR, 3 UF group to aId quake victims Aim "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" By JOHN W. COX Alligator Contributing Writer Victims from Monday's earthquake in Indonesia that may have killed thousands will not go without help from Gainesville. The earthquake was the second major disaster the region has suffered in the past four months. A Dec. 26 earthquake and subsequent tsunami killed at least 175,000 people and left 106,000 missing in Southeast Asia. Gators for Tsunami Relief, a coalition of 22 UF student organizations, intends to aid victims of the earthquake, said Preeti Sharma, organization cofounder. The coalition began raising money for tsunami relief in January. "Every week we've collected a couple thousand dollars for about two months," Sharma said. The coalition plans to send a check for more than $600 to the humanitarian organization Direct Relief International this week, said Linh .Nguyen, the group's head of finances. "We're still collecting money for the relief, and people are still giving money," she said. UF's Asian Student Union will also contribute to the cause, said ASU Treasurer Sandy Chiu. ASU President Mark Villegas, who also helped create the relief coalition, said support for earthquake victims would also be important. "I think collecting money should definitely be a priority," Villegas said. "That's what we've been successful doing so far." Villegas said he thought forming the coalition was necessary. "We felt Earthquake it was a rein In onesia sponsibility on our part as students and people who may have their families over there," he said. "It's a humane cause." The coalition has raised more than $11,000 for tsunami victims and may divert some funds to earthquake relief. "We'll definitely be getting in contact with the other organizations to see what we can do for this earthquake,"said Kshama Shah, secretary of one of the coalition groups, the UF South Asian Student Alliance. Although the area has suffered extensive damage, it may not compare to .the December catastrophe because no tsunamis formed after the earthquake. "It seems this earthquake did not trigger a tsunami If it had, the tsunami would have hit the coastline of Sumatra by now," said Prihar Yadi, a scientist with the Indonesia Geophysics Agency. "And if there's no tsunami on the coastline near the epicenter of the quake, there will not be one heading in the other direction." Tsunamis were not a factor after Monday's earthquake because it was much deeper than the December quake, said UF geology professor Joe Meert. Meert said there may be no end in sight for the area. "There are going to be large aftershocks after this earthquake," Meert said. "This one was probably even an aftershock of the first one." The only way the area can protect itself would be to get an early-warning system so residents will know what is coming, he said. "It's one of those areas on earth that's very active, and they need to get a .warning system there," Meert said. "There would have been damage but very little death if they had one." The Associated Press contributed to this report. t~ % "Copyrighted Materia Syndicated ,Content I Available from Commercial News Providers" UF RESEARCH Study: Loan companies find easy targets in U.S. military By SKYLER SMITH Alligator Writer Payday advance companies across the country are targeting military personnel and their families, according to a UF study. These loan companies, which give quick cash advances with high interest rates, are disproportionately collected around military bases, said Christopher Peterson, an assistant professor at UF's Levin College of Law. "Payday loan companies vociferously deny that they are targeting military personnel, but the numbers show that they do," he said in a release. "It's sad enough to see someone get into financial trouble because someone lent him money at more than 400 percent interest. It's even worse when that borrower is a person who is fighting to protect our freedom." The study was conducted across 20 states at 109 military bases. The researchers consistently found that ZIP codes near military bases had higher numbers of payday loan companies than ZIP codes with similar demographic makeup that did not have the bases. Payday advances work through loaning small amounts of money that are leveraged against workers' paychecks. For example, a $100 loan may be given, with the agreement that $115 will be repaid in two weeks. If the loan cannot be repaid, a rollover occurs and the interest keeps building. At this rate, the average annual interest on payday loans is 450 percent, Peterson said. As a comparison, the average annual interest rate for credit cards has fluctuated recently between 13 and 14 percent, according to a Federal Reserve statistical release. The reason that military men and women are targeted for these "predatory loans" is because they are a vulnerable group, Peterson said. They tend to be young, 'rela"Payday lenders feel safer lend ing to military people because they know that the commanding officer will make them ante up." Christopher Peterson Levin College of Law assistant professor tively uneducated and have weak financial backgrounds. Most military personnel don't make much money to begin with, Peterson said, but this is compounded by the fact that the military looks unfavorably on having outstanding debt. "Payday lenders feel safer lending to military people because they know that the commanding officer will make them ante up," he said. -The idea that these companies prey on military employees or that they charge outlandish rates are both "myths," according to the Web site of a trade organization for the payday advance industry. Community Financial Services Association reports, the industry has a list of guidelines to follow for dealings with the military, including that the military chain of command will not be contacted foi an overdue loan.


4, ALLIGATOR U WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 Reporter speaks about media's role in Middle East By LINDSAY TAULBEE Alligator writer People walking without limbs and the smell in the aftermath of a bombing were some of the descriptions a CBS foreign correspondent used Tuesday while illustrating some of the challenges journalists face when covering conflict in the Middle East. David Gilbert told about 20 students and Gainesville residents at the UF Hillel Center of the complexities of reporting in a war zone, getting information correct and CBS foreign correspondent David Gilbert speaks at the Hillel Center on Tuesday. Gilbert* shared his experiences, views on international journalism and the possibility for peace. maintaining objectivity. Gilbert, who has reported from Israel and other Middle Eastern nations, talked about the media's tendency to report only on violence in Israel. "Life is actually very good there," he said, adding that he enjoys living there because people seem to live their lives fully. On the other hand, he said, violence is not uncommon. "It is certainly something that has become a part of life for Israelis," he said. Using personal experiences to illustrate his point, Gilbert spoke of bombings he has witnessed. "I can't fully describe what it's like to cover a bombing, a suicide bombing," he said. He explained that images seen on the news often are sanitized, because the first three minutes after a bombing are considerably different from what the media captures. "There's no way to fully divorce yourself from the events going on around you," he said. The other challenges Gilbert discussed, such as sorting lies from fact and remaining objective, are not unique to reporting in the Middle East. However, he said, there are other models of journalism, such as those in which publications openly take a stance on certain issues. America may one day move, in the direction of these other models, he said, where people will purchase publications with the knowledge of these biases. I take everything with a grain of salt. You have to know who you're buying from." David Gilbert CBS foreign corespondent In an interview after the speech, Gilbert said U.S. residents need to find a news source they trust. "I think it's very, very difficult for Americans to know the truth," he said, noting they cannot be overseas to verify the facts for themselves. "I take everything with a grain of salt," he said. "You have to know who you're buying from." Josh Sachs, a Grinspoon Israel Advocacy intern at Hillel, said Gilbert's unique experiences would provide students with a new perspective. "He's in the center of it all," Sachs said, noting Gilbert has reported from Israel and Iraq, and that he broke the story that Yassir Arafat was hiding wanted terrorists on his compound. "Basically, he knows his stuff." 'Visual' robots developed by UF could be next big thing By SKYLER SMITH Alligator writer UF engineering professor Warren Dixon is developing a system that would allow robots to measure the speed and, depth of moving objects using standard camera equipment. This ability to capture a series of images and then interpret them could replace older technologies such as radar and laser detection. "There are a lot of issues involved with taking an image, understanding what's in that image and turning the crank so the robot can work with the information," Dixon said. Dixon recently published his work in the journal Automatica. One application for this technology could be military, Dixon said. For example, an unmanned aircraft with a "seeing" robot can take continuous pictures of the ground below UF and immediately adjust ResOearch when it detects something new. The absence of lasers or radars would make the activity hard to detect. The robots can also record the movement of an object through its camera and then duplicate that movement in its own vehicle. A human-driven vehicle could lead a long convoy of vehicles steered by smart robots. "Robots now have a higher sense of intelligence," Dixon said. "They are superior because they can interact with their environment." START AT THE NATION'S LARGEST INDEPENDENT COLLEGE NEWSPAPER. Wherever you go after college, experience is the edge you'll need to find a job. Start your career now by getting the experience. F S u -nts Concil presents the 5th 4nnwil jMulticultural Charity Show 30e 7hrog Un4pq Join as for an evenig of son and dancr! A1uthottic L7ndian dinr provid A TDate: Friday, J.lpril 1st Time: 7:00pm ?lace: Dndian Cultural & Educational Center 1115 01W13th St. gainesville, JX 32608 $5 'Donation for Tsunami &elie/econstruction DON'T BE CHICKEN. Stop your friends from driving drunk. F -"a' REV 0-4 RUB met ~~ sror',' e FidisOn .1\10st rri7i e 'N* 1


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 K ALLIGATOR, 5 STATE B %ckb3uster1 fe; pouy dispute ends in settlement By JESSICA RIFFEL Alligator Contributing Writer Florida and 47 other states reached an agreement Tuesday with Blockbuster Inc. to settle allegations that it deceived customers with its "No Late Fees" policy. In the settlement, Blockbuster agreed to pay $630,000 to the states for attorney fees, costs of litigation and consumer protection programs. According to the settlement, the advertising of the program, which began Dec. 15, did not clearly specify that customers would be charged if they kept rental materials past a seven-day grace period. Under the "No Late Fees" policy enacted Jan. 1, after the grace period a rental would be treated as a purchase, and the customer would be charged the retail value of the video minus the rental fee. If the video was returned 'within 30 days, the customer would be refunded the cost of the movie but still would be charged a $1.25 restocking fee. This policy was not put into effect in any of the Blockbuster video stores in Gainesville. The Blockbusters at 1310 NW 23rd Ave., 3416 SW Archer Road and 4994 NW 39th Ave. are franchise operations that chose not to participate in the corporate "No Late NICK West/ Alligatorstan The Blockbuster video store on Archer Road is one of three Gainesville Blockbuster locations not participating in the "No Late Fees" program. Franchised locations operating independently from the corporate policy have allegedly caused confusion among renters in 48 states. Fees" program. rations of Theo Two Corporation, in the program because of student "Because we're in a college which owns and operates the breaks, including Spring Break town, our late-fee policy is difthree Blockbuster video stores in and Winter Break. He did not want ferent than corporate's," said Gainesville. students to forget about returning Andrew Cohen, director of opCohen opted not to participate materials and then come back to school to find large charges for the purchase of the materials on their accounts. Instead, the Gainesville Blockbuster locations chose a different type of policy, the Movie Pass. Under this program, customers pay a monthly fee to rent up to three-movies at a time. "There's no due dates, no late fees, and there's never a time we convert it into a sale, as long as the monthly fee is being paid," Cohen said. However, the corporate "No Late Fees" advertising ran on networks in Florida, reaching audienc-es in areas where the Blockbuster video stores are non-participating franchise operations. -This occured in Gainesville, where customers saw the commercials and expected the "No Late Fees" program at the three Gainesville locations. "I thought there were no late fees, but I had [the 39th Ave. Blockbuster] send me bills for late fees after seeing -the advertisements for the end of late fees," customer Perscilla Ritenour said. Due to the confusion the policy has caused, the Tuesday settlement allowed for customers who incurred late fees at non-participating franchise stores to fill out coupon request forms at the stores to receive rental coupons.


6, ALLIGATOR U WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 Money matters Legislature is after more student funds in new bill he Florida Legislature is looking more and more like a junkie father who can't keep himself out of his children's piggy banks. In this case, students at state universities are playing the role of the helpless children who only can watch as their alreadyslim life savings are taken away. The latest example of the state government's callous attitude toward students is a bill making its way through the Florida Senate. Under the bill, Which was approved Monday by the Senate Education Committee, in-state students would have to pay out-of-state tuition for any credits more than their degree requires plus an additional 18. The committee's reasoning is that delinquent students are sticking around longer than necessary, which is causing the state to lose money and decreasing the number of prospective students that can be accepted. This is, of course, the same rational ,it uses for block tuition and other initiatives intended to "encourage" students to graduate in four years. Don't let them fool you: This isn't an effort to encourage students to graduate on time; it's an effort to milk every last cent out of already financially-burdened students. If the only students affected by this were those trying to squeeze in as many keg parties as they can while still on the state government's dime, the Legislature's arguments would have merit. But what about students who want to double-major? What about students who want to add multiple minors to augment their degrees? What about students who decide to switch majors in their third or even fourth years? This is only one short step away from legislation that would require students to stick with whichever major they are in after their first live years or so. Whatever the benefits of that may be to the state's coffers -and legislators likely would drool over such a concept -the costs to the academic freedom of students are unacceptable. Even if legislation like the proposed bill does cause more students to graduate on time, what does this mean for the future of the state? One of the primary goals of the State University System is to provide an education for Florida students so they will eventually become contributing members of state society. If graduating high school students face the prospect of block tuition, tuition penalties for taking too long to earn their degrees and other superfluous charges, what's the impetus going to be for them to stay here? While school spirit runs particularly high in our state, the real motivation for Florida students to attend Florida universities is because they offer a good education at a bargain price. UF did not become an elite university because its faculty and facilities suddenly became top-notch. UF became a top university because it offers an unmatched academic value. You have to pay big bucks to get this kind of education elsewhere. If these ever-growing fees and penalties continue to increase, students will have less and less reason to enroll here. Florida's finest no longer will stay in Florida. For now, we only can hope that the Florida Student Association and our newly-elected Student Government representatives can talk some sense into those who see students as a source of quick income instead of the future members of Florida society. Dwayne Robinson EDITOR Mike Gimignani MANAGING EDITOR Matt Sanchez OPINIONS EDITOR Lauren Flanagan Diana Middleton Craig Singleton EDITORIAL BOARD The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 words (about one Iler-sized page). They muost be typed, double-spaced ani must include tbe auto's name,"lassia'iaatoand phone number. Names ilbewitheld i te ir shows ousicause. We reserve the right to edit fo, length, gramnma, style and libel. Send letters ao, Srng tain to is05. University Ave., or sead them to PO. Bax 14257, Gainesaille, FL 32l4-2257.ousomns Ct about 450 waris about original tapias and editarial catosaealso woelcom~e. Questions' Call 376-4458. Opinions 4 ALLIGATOR www.a II igato r.o rg/o pin ions IfS~~ 5OV if~ RIO bOMW IT. Column Any legal product can have illegal uses our iPod will be illegal if Disney gets its way. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court began to hear oral arguments in a case that may decide the fate of technological innovation. Believe me, this matters to you. The case is MGM v. Grokster. More than 30 music and film companies -heavy-hitters like Warner Bros., Disney, Fox and Universal -have taken aim at Grokster and StreamCast, which offer Internet file-sharing programs. The issue is whether technology companies can be held liable for what their customers do with their product. Specifically, does a technology's manufacturer have a secondary liability if their customer uses their product to infringe a copyright? MGM says "yes;" common sense, legal precedent, personal liberty and entrepreneurial innovation say "no." Let's have a look, shall we? John has a car. He bought it from a dealership, which bought it from Ford. John drives that car to a liquor store, robs it and drives away. The dealer and Ford are held responsible for the robbery. Here's another: Jane has a gun. She bought it from a gun store, which bought it from Smith & Wesson. Jane goes to class and shoots her professor with the gun. The store and the manufacturer are held responsible for the murder. All this makes perfect sense, right? Except for the fact that, well, no, it doesn't make any danm sense at all. If the gun manufacturer advertised their product with disaffected, trenchcoat-wearing teenagers as their spokesmen, or used the slogan "Kills Lincoln dead," maybe there'd be a case. But a lot of car commercials show people driving awfully fast is BMW responsible for my speeding tickets? Manufacturers should not be subject to liability for their customer's actions merely because they offer a technology. This is the logic we extend to guns vis--vis homicide -surely human life values more than protecting Britney Spears' copyright. Guns and cars -like file sharing, the iPod, the VCR, the Xerox machine, the Internet and the printing press -can be used to break the law. They also can be used for legitimate purposes. This is the current standard for judging the legality of a technology. Called Gavin Baker the Sony-Betamax doctrine, after Close to Home Sony's videotape format, the dard says that, if a technology has "substantial non-infringing uses," the manufacturer has not committed contributory infringement. That means, if a technology has legitimate legal uses, then making it isn't illegal, even if people do illegal things with it. Understandably, the content industry wants to protect their copyright, but there's more than copyright at play here. MGM v. Grokster is, at its heart, a question of how much our society is willing to give up to protect copyright -specifically, the copyrights of a wealthy elite who disregard both creative expression and morality in their endless quest for profit. -The American Conservative Union, along with the National Taxpayers Union, put it like this: "The Court should see this for what it is -an attempt to leverage a lawful, but statutorily limited, monopoly over the distribution of expressive 'works of authorshlp' into an unwarranted and anti-competitive monopoly over the distribution of innovative technologies." Of course, there are consequences of either banning or preserving peer-to-peer file sharing. However, the central question is whether an object and its manufacturer somehow are liable for the user's actions. File sharing doesn't infringe copyright; people do. Let's hope the Supreme Court agrees. Otherwise, kiss your iPod goodbye -along with your coinputer, your VCR, your car, your gun and your freedom. Gavin Baker is a historyfreshman. His column appears on Wednesday. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Is the proTuesday's question: Should the 02% YES posed tuition bill fair to students? Board of Governors have author98% NO ity to institute degree quotas? 46 TOTAL VOTES Vote or post a message at ,PPi \8 6 0l the independent florida aiigto


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 7 Bill is harmful to open exchange of ideas Editor: What is with Republicans lately? Have all the problems in Florida been solved? Do the Republicans have nothing better to do with their time than propose ridiculous bills like the Academic Freedom Bill of Rights? This bill, which is aimed at getting rid of "leftist totalitarianism," seems downright suspicious. Professors should have the freedom to express ideas and thoughts in the classroom that are both popular and unpopular. It's important for students to think and to consider new ideas even when those ideas are extremely different from those they were raised to believe. Unfortunately, there are some professors who believe their ideas are the only ones that should be considered, and they may harass students whose opinions are at odds with the their own. However, universities have policies in place that deal with this. If a professor is far out in left field and is-forcing their views upon a student to the point that it is harming the learning environment, the student has the right to complain. A chain of command exists, and students are encouraged to use it. The system works more often than not, and it's important that the procedures universities have in place be followed, rather than resorting to government intervention resulting in an increasingly licentious society. The idea that the bill would introduce a "right to sue" by students who feel their beliefs are not being respected is very dangerous. If the state opens this door, it never can be closed, and the academic freedom our state goveimnent claims it strongly supports slowly will cease to exist. If professors have to worry that they will be sued because they teach in a manner or content that may make a student uncomfortable, then the professors have no choice but to restrict their teaching in both content and style. When they do this, the quality of teaching will all but disappear. And when the quality of the teaching disappears, so does the quality of the students. While there are a, few professors, both liberal and conservative, who abuse the openness allowed by academic freedom, the majority of professors are good at what they do and are quite successful in giving students the tools they need to go forth in the world and make a significant contribution to society. The objective of a good university should be to foster the open exchange of ideas, both in and out of the classroom, formally and informally between students and faculty. It is important to preserve this exchange of ideas in order to set forth intelligent yomumg people into the world who will make a positive impact in society. A university is only as good as its students and, if those whose job it is to educate are limited by intrusive laws, which are by their very definition totalitarian in nature, then the university as we know it is doomed and the ripple effect throughout society would be disastrous. Just look at what government intrusion has done to the Florida public school system; there's really no better example from which we can learn. Jessica Clackum Herman UF staff Right to free will is the real issue in case Editor: It always astounds me when I am confronted with the ignorance upon which normally intelligent people base their most fervent claims. in Jason Levitt's latest column, he parrots the same line as the religious right, which says Tern Schiavo is being "allowed to die" because, in her state, she no longer possesses the functions of a human being. I'm sorry, Levitt, but no one has ever said Schiavo should die because she is no longer human. On the contrary, events have played out as they have because Schiavo exercised the one ability given to us by God that makes us distinctly human: free will. Upon creation, God gave us the ability to decide for ourselves the paths our lives would take. We are the ones in control of our destines. After 15 years and numerous court battles, judge after judge has decided the person who knew her wishes best is also the person who-has the legal right to make such decisions for Schiavo: her husband, Michael. For all of his supposed bias in wanting her dead, he has declined the insurance money from her family, a divorce to marry his girlfriend and offers of $1.5 million and $10 million to buy his power of attorney. Michael also earned a nursing degree to help care for his wife. hI light of all of this, it seems he cares more about honoring Schiavo's free will than anything else, but don't tell this to the radical religious right. They can't be confused with the facts when it comes to this debate. Does anyone else see the arrogance of thinking we all know what Schiavo wanted better than her own husband did, especially when most of us had never even heard of her before this fiasco? One of the saddest stories of this whole affair is how this woman's last days were turned into the circus that they became because of people too self-righteous to keep sight of what really makes us human: our free will. Sometimes, people use this ability to make decisions some of us don't like. So, Jason, she is not dying because she isn't human; she is dying because she wanted to, and because her husband was brave enough to stand up for her choice. Eric Steele 3LS I You need it. We offer the opportunity to get it. avdilablewith theAd Department for UF &SFCC students for Summer 2005. I C0 W0DN*$WAY Free Drafts and Wells for Ladies $4 Domestic Pitchers for Everyone 6:00pm -till Close (11 pm) VISA international Month presents $Frab-Rifnerican tictivist Sron Eheih Internationally renowned activist and hip-hop artfst&Will Youinans, akaIrton Sheik, breaks don Pakesptne-Israel the Arab world and politics beyona the headlines. He was featured in the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle BBC Saudi TY and is soon to be covered by CNN, march 30, 2005 t7:0pm iteitz Union auditorium For personas wth dsbibitirequiring special accom datins. please contact ( 352) 1665 xlW2 or 392567 (TDD). Emsil aci

8, ALLIGATOR M WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 Letters to the Editor Politicians shouldn't control right to life Editor: History, pundits remind us, has regarded eugenicists and euthanizers with something less than approbation. When one group of powerful and fanatical human beings decides to exterminate another, less powerful group, untold atrocities occur. Those denied the status of human beings are deprived of any right to make decisions in society or in their own lives, -a process culminating in the deprivation of the ultimate right: that to life. Presumably, no one today questions the sovereignty of sn individual who chooses to live. Why, then, do we question the individual's right to die in peace? Forget the tragedy of Terri Schiavo and both sides of her family. What if it were you? Does your family have the right to torture you indefinitely against your expressed wishes? Does the government have that right? Let me be clear: We have no culture of life in this country. Disregard the infanticide, demonic foreign policy and plundering of the environmental that characterize the new millennium. Forget how far we have regressed in matters of social justice, equable distribution of resources and opportunities, and quality oflife. Even if you remain blind to these blatant offenses against hiunan potential, you cannot ignore the obvious: We have a culture of power in America. Whether you call it "the power of pride" (formerly a deadly sin) or some other palatable phrase, the fact rema Americans spend a great deal ing to impose their will upon true when we democratize a co litter as when we deliver pretty subvert the constitution to bn helpless Woman and her famil compassion. There is another way. It d ourselves, trust in our fellows ness to confront harsh choice individuals be responsible for Allowing a handful of s dictate the moral conditions must live is unacceptable and good. In the next thirty years, nllion Americans will face sons. There are not enough tend all of these lives indefini we attempt to at the expense o of the individuals thenselve who wish to die do so in pe little pain as possible, prefera fashion than dying of thirst. .Don't let those overly p checked, pudgy-faced slaver with unnaturally bright ey toothed grins take control of y Otherwise we might as well a tent vegetative state. ins that a few Congress' actions correct judicial errors of time attemptEditor: The actions taken by the Republican thers. This is as Congress regarding the Tcrri Schiavo case are untry into kitty not about goverrnnentai interference -they y speeches and are about stopping an ongoing trend of juditally torment a cial tyranny. The root of the problem here is yin the name of a judiciary that is totally out of control. Judge Greer has ruled that Schiavo should have her emands faith in feeding tube removed because that was her and a willingwish. However, the only proof given was testis. We must let mony from her husband, Michael, saying that their own lives. she had mentioned to him years ago that she elf-righteous to would not want to be on a feeding tube, just in inder which all case she ever had to be put on one. serves no public How convenient for him. However, there more than 100 is no living will, and no written evidence has end-of-life decibeen produced that proves this is what she resources to exwanted. In America, do we condemn people tely, nor should to death on he said/she said evidence, or do I the well-being we prove beyond a reasonable doubt whether s. Let the ones something is true before we pass judgement? ce and with as Even murderers need an immense burden bly in a swifter of proof against them before they are put to. death -but not Terri Schiavo. All it takes is erfumed, rosyher husband's word and a sympathetic judge ing do-gooders to pass the death sentence. Her case would es and sharphave been laughed out of "People's Court" beour last breath. cause of the lack of solid, irrefutable evidence. I ll be in a persisguess Judge Greer has a lot to learn from daytime television. What makes the issue even Paul R. Wagner more suspicious is that Michael Schiavo never 8LS even mentioned that his wife didn't want to be on a feeding tube until seven years after she initially was put on it, which coincides with his engagement to another woman. The Republicans got involved because, according to Article 3 of the Constitution, Congress has the power to regulate the judiciary. They were well within their constitutional right to. do what they did, and if any case needs oversight, this is it. We are talking about a human life here. All Congress wanted was for a federal court to review what seems to many people to be a shoddy case. What's wrong with that? They weren't interfering with anyone's personal life, but making sure that Schiavo was getting the constitutional protections that she is guaranteed. The point here isn't whether or not Schiavo ever can recover from her condition or if this is what she really wanted. Because Terri cannot speak for herself, and because she never wrote down her wishes, we will never know what she truly wanted. But, with her parents willing to take on all responsibilities of her care, why not do as President Bush has stated and "err on the side of life?" Michael Schiavo can annul his marriage to Terri and marry his fianc6 and live happily ever after with her and their two outof-wedlock children, and the Schindlers can keep taking care of their daughter. Isn't that what sees fair? Wouldn't that be justice? Matt Rixon UF alumnus SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 4-9PMGA CITIZENS FIELD mwd.Rn. asthA ) I FREE RAFFLE: DVD, TV, bikes& nore + W 6 ED: LI4 Li NO + Tues, Wed, Thurs 7pm, 9:30pm Hippodrome Cinema 375-HIPP Stride Against", Silence "Helping give the gift of sound" 5K Walk/ Run SATURDAY, APRIL q, 2005 FLAVET FIELD AM REGISTRATION, IOAM WALk MOSK FY 106.1 kZY FREE FOOD! PRIZES FOR MOST FJNPS RAISED! E-MAIL STRIDEAGAINSTSILENCE lIOTMAIL.COM 046, I nappy nuur &pm-tqprn 4 $400 Pitchers -$100 Drafts DIES NIGHT Fies Drink FREE ve Acoustic Music COVER -21 & up versity Ave.377-7333 Gbomp C01juil C ryd lAMr. awelt bout edaer whll parltdijPaoi im FWg car* lWA g* F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i -W Sa 1038 -l',kCs-ff 4 f trblkifetn asmm Survivo withiniodic4 Fbr ~mar imafm 0 ssemnt C) BOCC a G Board of College Councils Wednesday, March 30 0 from 10-2 U Reitz Union S Apply for appointed positions such as: v Historian, Auditor, Public Relations and U Social Committee chairs Current members come till out a feedback form! http://grove.ufledu/-bocc o CLASSaC-ACC-MCC-NRE-COPC-VMCO-har Vurn ebr cm iota edakfr! N AREYLOUI NTEE %--?1STED? We are looking for healthy males and females between the ages of 18-50 to participate in a clinical research trial. We are evaluating an investigational drug for future use in the treatment of osteoporosis. be in good general health 0 be a non-smoker if female, must be of non-child bearing potential or have been postmenopausal for at least 2 years be taking no medications This study takes place over an eight week period and is divided into 2 sessions. It requires 1 screening visit, 2-night, 3-day overnight stays for both sessions at our Phase 1 Unit at 2401 SW Archer Road, Gainesville, Fl and 2 outpatient visits after discharge from the unit. You may receive up to $950.00 for completing the study. Food and lodging will be provided to you during your overnight stays. Drug and alcohol testing will be done. For more information please call: (352) 273-5500 or toll free (888) 635-0763 and ask for the Recruiting Department Phase 1 Director: Robert Thompson Subject Recuiters: Judy Benz-Hester Pattie Grant --------1.7 $ $ Clip & Save with Alligator coupons! $ $ L_


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 9 Visit Turlington today from 11 am -2pm and show the dancers how much we love them by signing Dance Marathon's "Because You Dance" banner Benefiting Children's Miracle Network at UF & Shands Children's Hospital UF&Shands 4 NWN Childf6ds Mirade we Netw


10, ALLIGATOR M WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30,2005 B I. ',AETY Gainesville man arrested on rmolestation charge By ELIZABETH PRANN Alligator Writer A 51-year-old Gainesville man was arrested Monday on charges of molesting a 6-year-old girl more than five months ago, police said. Johnnie Clifford Moore, of 1030 NE First St., is in the Alachua County Jail on a charge of lewd or lascivious molestation, according to a Gainesville Police Department According to the report, Moore arrest report. told police in an interview, "If the On Nov. 26, Moore picked up baby said I done it, then I done it." $2,000 of party props from a clubhouse at University Commons Apartments, police said. the young girl from his next-door Moore told police he was drinkJohn Edmond Hansen, 19, neighbor's house and took her to ing heavily the day of the incident Chad Kay Kellerman, 18, and his residence, the report stated. and said that there are some things Justin Kenneth Croft, 21, are acMoore proceeded to try and he does not remember, the report cused of stealing a standing popremove some of her clothes while stated. corn machine, a bag of balloons, exposing himself, according to the a helium tank, a set of billiard report. The victim began crying and told her great-aunt immediately after she arrived home. THREE ARRESTED FOLLOWING UNIVERSITY COMMONS THEFT: Three Gainesville men were arrested in the theft of more than balls, a nine-ball rack, a coffee maker and a box of Suave hair spray, according to Gainesville Police arrest.reports. None of the three defendants live at the complex, situated at 2601 SW Archer Road, authorities said. Kellerman, who reportedly later admitted to the popcorn machine theft, was seen driving away from the premise with Hansen and Croft, the report stated.The three men were booked into the Alachua County Jail around 4 a.m. on Tuesday. Commissioner Braddy stresses individual responsibility over city regulation ALCOHOL, from page 1 access to it off campus, but the city. can't make legislation without the permission of the Florida Legislature. The retail sale and marketing of alcohol is under the Florida Legislature's control, City Attorney Marion Radson said. The City Comnmission and UP, though, are trying to change that. "The city has asked the state Legislature for a revision to a state law that would expressly allow cities and counties to regulate drink specials," Radson said, adding that Florida Statutes UF create liability for Administration those who knowingly serve someone "habitually addicted to the use" of alcohol. The City Commission told the Alachua County Legislative Delegation, a group of lawmakers led by state Sen. Rod Smith, that the ability to regulate alcohol sales was one of its 15 or more legislative requests, Radson said. Though Smith did not use the city's specific proposal, he introduced a similar bill to the Senate on March 8. Senate Bill 968 would require establishments with liquor licenses to comply with local governments' ordinances, according the Senate summary. Smith could not be reached for comment. UF has joined with the city in supporting the change, but Machen wrote in an e-mail that it may not pass. "We have been lobbying for this but have been told by alcohol distributor [representatives] they have it blocked," Machen, who took office a year ago in January, wrote in an e-mail. Even if the city gains control over alcohol sales, Ed Braddy, a city commissioner who leads the Public Safety Committee, said government intervention may not solve the problem of alcohol abuse. "I just don't think we will necessarily solve the problem if we try to come down with the heavy hand of government regulation," Braddy said. "I don't see examples of it working in the past." Rather, businesses should be conscious of their responsibility to stop serving a customer who's had too much to drink, Braddy said. Though any alcohol-related death is unacceptable, the city may be doing all it should, he said. "I'm not willing to just assume there's more to do," Braddy said. "People have to take individual responsibility for themselves as well." Vice President for Student Affairs Patricia Telles-Irvin said she supported giving the city government more authority over alcohol sales, but said alcohol-serving practices and education can provide more immediate solutions. "I think educational efforts are important," she said. "However, if we don't start dealing with the environmental issue I think it's going to be a very difficult challenge." Student Body President-elect Joe Goldberg said he would not support curtailing drink specials. "Ihthink students, if they are of age, should have the right to drink hut to do Students enjoy nightly drink specials at local bars. If passed, a bill would require establishments with liquor licenses to comply with local governments' ordinances. so responsibly," he said. "That's where the education aspect comes in." The problem might be addressed by his proposal to extend bar hours to 3 a.m. while limiting alcohol sales to before 2 a.m., allowing bar patrons to leave over a period of time instead of all at once, Goldberg said. The Later Gator bus service, which Student Government funds in part to give students an alternative to -driving home from a night downtown, runs Thursday through Saturday nights until 3 a.m. the next day, including the time of Small's accident. ".forbidden and all-consumning passions. ARHAk BY NILO CRUZ "The poetry of yearning, the artistry of seduction. Anna in the Tropics reaches for the artistic heavens." -NY Times ore(mOPrmS) A* icTtNs5iT!OKO2-2I*N Student Traffic Court Justices are now being accepted. If you want to have an impact on campus parking, then pick up an application at the Transportation and Parking Services office or in the Reitz Union on the third floor. For sccessfvl applicants, interviews will be held on Thursday, April 21 I L L I


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 11 By EMILY YEH LE Alligator Writer UF researchers have a chance to win $100,000 if they enter two new NASAsponsored competitions to develop space exploration technology. UF faculty already pulls in approximately $6 million in NASA grants, but this new approach to research funding is the first to include universities, said Peggy Evanich, UF director of space research programs. "It can't hurt if it leads to some new technology for space explorations," she said. Although four grant-funded projects are already underway, other research projects may emerge when the news spreads among UF's faculty, Evanich said. "We'll be urging them to consider participating," she said. Material sciences and engineering researchers may already be working on creating the strong lightweight material mentioned in the guidelines for NASA's Tether Challenge, she said. The competition, which has a $50,000 prize, focuses on creating a strong rope-like tether. The Beam Power Challenge, the second competition that offers $50,000, aims to transmit power wirelessly, The New York Times reported. But Evanich said she just learned of the competitions and isn't sure whether UF will participate. She said, however, the money is a good incentive. "Wherever there's money, that's where the researchers go," she said. "It can't hurt if it leads to some new technology for space explorations." Peggy Evanich UF director of space research programs Both contests are planned for 2005 and 2006. In 2006, NASA will raise technical standards and increase prize money to $150,000, which will be disbursed over three winners. NASA is following the direction of the privately funded Ansari X Prize, where $10 million was awarded to the company that developed suborbital flights. But competition is not needed for UF ingenuity to be put to the test. Researchers are working on ways to bring recycled water systems, gardens and 24-hour fuel cells to space. Another NASAfunded project focuses on creating cheaper ways to launch objects into space. Departments within the College of Engineering and the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences oversee the projects. UF cleans water for NASA NASA offers challenge E ONE DAY, USED SHOWER WATER COULD BECOME DRINKABLE. By NAOMI PIERCEY Alligator Contributing Writer UF students may soon be able to strip down and soap up in the name of space research. An environmental engineering project research group at UF has teamed with NASA to provide clean water to astronauts on the International Space Station by recycling used shower water. Since January 2004, assistant professor David Mazyck has been perfecting technology that will use ultraviolet light to transform used water into safe drinking water for low-gravity environments. Along with a number of graduate students, Mazyck has helped build a "photo cat" water recovery machine, which he hopes will be operating in long-duration space flight by 2008. The process of photo catalysis involves mixing ultraviolet light with titanium dioxide, an ingredient found in toothpaste, which begins a chemical reaction. The water the photo cat is testing at UF is a mixture of strict ingredients approved by NASA. "We have a formula that simulates what waste-water would look 'like," Redefining Beauty and Your Relationship with Food March-31, 2005 10am-2pm Infirmary Front Lawn Can't Make It?? Check out our website: For more information contact or / Mazyck said. "What you would like to have is a real situation versus some hypothetical that may not be realistic." Ideally, UF students will be able to contribute to space research by 2006 by providing a realistic human sample of shower water, Mazyck said. In order to keep the experiment constant, students would not be allowed to use their own soap, but would be provided with a university-approved replacement. The closest substiUF tute to the Igepon soap Research used by astronauts is Kid's Pert Plus, 'Mazyck said. Graduate student Beau Kostedt, who has worked with Mazyck on the $150,000 project, said long-term space missions are not possible without this type of water recovery. NASA employees at the Johnson Space Center in Houston often shower at their facilities in order to donate their water to research as well. UF freshman Ian Knabe said he would have no problem showering to aid astronauts. Knabe compared the idea to a dorm shower and figured he could probably talk his friends into showering as well. "I'd go shower for the university," Knabe said. "It's definitely a cool idea." Be', on'd* Bo'd Acce tancet.I


12, ALLIGATOR U WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 Panel talks student rights By MEGAN V. WINSLOW Alligator Writer Contrary to popular belief, getting bit by a car on campus does not mean free UF tuition, bicyclists are not permitted to wearheadphones while riding and "everyone does it" is not a valid excuse for jaywalking. Similar myths and misconceptions concerning UF judicial policy were divulged to students Tuesday afternoon by a five-person panel representing several UF authorities. About 30 students showed up for the biannual "Laws Over Lunch" program, sponsored by College Diplomats. "Most of our panelists have jobs because students don't know their rights," said Amanda Shapiro, College Diplomats "Laws Over Lunch" chairwoman. As students snacked on free pizza and drinks within the Reitz Union Colonnade, panelists fielded questions from a College Diplomats representative and the audience. "The main thing is that you're responsible for your own safety," UPD Sgt. William Richard said. "The decisions you make and the things you do will dictate how safe you are on campus." Among the university's safety concerns are issues dealing with physical and sexual assault, fake ID use and DUI convictions. Even if such crimes are committed off-campus, the fact that a "mutual aid agreement" exists between the Gainesville Police Department and UPD Campu could mean both jail time and suspension from school. "If you endanger yourself or others, you probably need to take a break from this community said Cyrus'Williams, assistant dean of Judicial Affairs. As the lunch hour winded down and the panel discussion, commenced, Shapiro reflected on the event. "I think the program went really well," she said. "I wish more students would come out, but if we're just reaching a few people, it's been effective." A tJIII P I "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" VVVVV?1FVfTTVVVIVVVVVM Co p reus with the rest. 4 AKaplan, we encourage you to compare us with the others. We're confident that our 0 .program can help you get a higher score. In fact, we guarantee it-or your money back: Kaplan Other Courses H gh., Score t r H6-Sore G.ran including frnorpeat Nd gu a or rmany restricions R C M e ta O pramc questmnaf ecnt s rh OK,,. -...,,~0, Rasi MiyK x000 r fr 0 cT est ons P~C rn end ce ittusands isch fpasnuhhto d n es or makin up clam ste Only Kaplan offers you complete preparation for the 4 Call or visit us online today to enroll 1 -8OO -K AP -41 Agents miad ara kaptesth -com/mfcilsat .1 Test Prep and Admissionsts 0AAA A a A A An Aou Aw A, AwAAthA ___a ____ 4a 0 Rea un A athBank .1tt,&A~ Coming this Thursday exclusively in ahl igi p-La ft rior or Ar"%vibr?


,2005 0 ALLIGATOR, 13 Student running for Commission receives only 7 percent of vote ELECT( He said he ing ballots wil runoff. Instea support Distri Donovan in h April 19. "My energ helping Dono Brinkman sai fastened to his West a Gainesville's be decided in t election cycle. Incumbent who received votes and Do percent will n April 19. "We'll be tr clear message ferences betw and myself," his runoff ca commitment ment and local But Domenec change his ca slim margin. "I'm Tony-' city C Electi N At-Large Robert Brinkman Rick Bryant Cube Kaimowiz Diyonne McGraw District 2 d raddy Grant Thrall District 3 Mite telle Tony Domenech Jack Donovan Student-Hea Precinct4 Campus Church of Christ Precinct 23. American Cancer Society's Hope Lod Precinct 25 First Baptist Churc Precinct 31 Reitz Union Precinct44 Performing Arts Precinct 54 Harn Museum N, frompage1 what I've always been. Nothing 1 fropagel different." In north Gainesville, residents doubts outstandre-elected incumbent Ed Braddy I push him into a in the District 2 race against UF I, he said he will professor Grant Thrall with 54.91 ct 3 candidate Jack percent of the total vote. is runoff election "I'm a Republican in a Democratic-majority city," right now is on Braddy said, adding that he van get elected," prepared for a tough race. "I'm I, a Donovan pin gratified and humbled." necktie. His strategy relied heavily on nd southwest door-to-door canvassing, he said. districtt 3 seat will "When you want a raise, who he only runoff this do you go to?" Braddy asked. "Do you go to your co-workers? Tony Domenech, No. You go to your boss. I went 48.34 percent of to my boss -the citizens of novan with 44.19 Gainesville." ow face off again As results came in, Thrall watched the numbers, sayying to get a very ing, "Less than 300 votes. It's a out about the difsqueaker." een Mr. Domenech Both candidates said they apDonovan said of preciate'd the race's tone. npaign, citing his "It was a good, clean race. It to the environnever got nasty," Thrall said, I social programs. adding that he felt good about h said he will not his performance in his first politinpaign despite the cal campaign. "I wouldn't change anything That's pretty much in my campaign strategy. I had a wonderful team, -great advice, commission outstanding volunteers," he said. on Results Final turnout was a mere 13.06 umber of Percentage percent, a "disappointment" due votes P to the 20 percent turnout that 2929 33.71% Supervisor of Elections Pam 4282 50.5% Carpenter expected. 199 2.29% Turnout was down from the 1172 13.51% previous. Commission election in 2003, which Carpenter attributed 2125 54.91% to local residents feeling drained 1745 45.09% from November's presidential race. 171 7.47% In six heavily student-popu1107 48.34% lated areas, only about 550 votes 1012 44.19% were cast. vy Precinct Turnout Deflated supporters of District 3 candidate and UF student Mike 177 '18.44% Belle lingered outside the election office. Despite Belle's loss, Student 67 3.29% Body President-elect Joe ge Goldberg, who mingled with the crowd and shook hands "just to see what's going on in the city," 3.92% commended Belle for his efforts and for "forcing a runoff." 41 1.19% Belle received 7.47 percent of votes cast and will not be part.of 72 1.61% the runoff. Belle refused comment to the 149 3.07% Alligator after his loss. Though she has worked at the Students may be suspended from university for violating code of conduct COMPLAINT, from page 1 complaint, UPD learned of a Valentine's Day rendezvous with Impact's treasurer, Student Body President-elect Joe Goldberg, former Student Body President Marc Adler and others. Tb, t lvid Mevrmwitz, told police Adler "joked" about how individuals benefited financially for switching party support in past SG elections, according to a UPD report. Adler then set a deadline for him to align with Gator, the report went on to state. Prior to SG's deadline to qualify for the Spring elections, several Impact supporters switched to Gator or exited the race. Williams said the bribery investigation is the first of its kind to come before Judicial Affairs in his four years in the To go forward with charges, he said that any allegations of bribery occurring would have to be substantiated. "We have a lot of folks giving us information," Williams said. Student "Obviously, we'd need Government some concrete information." Charges resulting from the investigation would fall under Section S of UF's Student Code of Conduct, which defines a violation of the code as "acts of verbal or written abuse, threats, intimidation, rarassmeiit, coercion and/or other conduct which creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environmental! Anyone found guilty could receive disciplinary action including a written reprimand, conduct probation or suspension from the university, Williams said. He could not speculate on the likelihood of getting enough new information to file any charges. "We're counting on people coming .--',gP s-d o-iyine us information," he said. Tony Domenech, a candidate for City Commission District 3, discusses his platform with reporters Tuesday night. The District 3 seat is in a runoff between Domenech and Jack Donovan. elections office for 12 years, this was Carpenter's first race since taking over for Beverly Hill as supervisor of elections in January. Results from two precincts were delayed, slightly but came in to the elections office in time to be counted. Otherwise, the V election passed without any serious glitches, and results were announced by 8 p.m. Fourth At-Large hopeful Gabe Kaimowitz did not attend election night festivities, citing that he "didn't know you were supposed to be there" in a phone interview. The "make art, not war" candidate received just 199 votes, but Kaimowitz announced recently he only ran to "observe" city politics. I'm not going to run again. I am going to work on the writing," he said in reference to his continued exploration. City Commissioner Craig Lowe emphasized the importance of student participation in the democratic process for their concerns to be heeded by officials. "If students want to be taken seriously, they need to take their Nick West Alligator Staff voting habits seriously," Lowe Diyonne McGraw and Rob Brinkman, candidates for the At-Large said. seat, watch results at the Supervisor of Elections Office on Tuesday.


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Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail 3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/ mo 4-20-71-1 *Incredible Deal 1/1 in 4/4* with: internet & cable & elec & water. walkin closets, full bath, wash/dry pool view, gym, FULL furnish Call for more info 352-258-3542 3-31-46-1 Just Bring Your Clothes Furnished 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875 Luxury living with all the perks! Includes cable, utility packages avail All we need is youl 372-8100 4-20-60-1 **COUNTRYSIDE** 1 BR/i BA in 4BR/4BA $425 util, cable, alarm, dsl incl. W/D. On bus rts 9 & 35. Individual leases. Call 407-620-1555 4-12-25-1 HUGE AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indvl lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 4-20-31-1 1 room in 2BR downtown apt. Newly remodeled. Quiet neighborhood Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/mo. Month to month or longer lease okay. Pets okay. Call 262-1351 3-30-11-1 RELET @ LEXINGTON CROSSING 3/3 1 BR/i BA avail at $475/mo, i-net, WID, pool, cable TV, gym & tanning bed. Contact 352271-2067 or 407-353-8011 Avail from 5/1/05 4-4-9-1 KENSINGTON SOUTH sublease summer and/or fall. Large 2BR/2.5BA luxury townhouse near campus. Walk-in closet, W/D, $400/BR Lots of parking, internet included. Pool & gym. Call 305-401-9215. 4-5-10-1 CAMPUS LODGEAPT. $175 off rent. Start in May thru Aug. Opt to renew. Female needed for 1BR/1BA $375/mo Icls all + internet, W/D, furnished.Near UF. Call 954-691-8944 4-1-5-1 1.3 Miles from UF! Seeking roommates 3/2. Available: Recently renovated. Furnishing is optional, wood floors, central AC, washer/ dryer. From $435 305-479-5075 4-4-5-1 ***CLOSE 2 CAMPUS 3BR/2BA porch liv rm, din rm, break rm, sm yd, cent A/C, wood fir, cbl ready, 2 parking spots + street pass, 1st, last, sec. Walk to Class!! 102 NW 7th Terr. 352-494-5430 4-4-5-1 FALL SEMESTER $350/mo OBO 1 BR, 1 study and private bath in big house, bocks from campus, Ig yrd DW, laundry BEST DEAL EVER' Mike 514-4265 4-5-5-1 Fo r R ent unfurni shed GATOR PLACE APTS 3600 SW 23 St. 2BR/ 1 BA W/D is optional. Park in front of your apt. Pet play park. 2 mi to VA/Shands. $525/mo 372-0507. 4-20-71-2 QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic IBR apt. $325/mo. O1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 4-20-71-2 AVAILABLE NOW Walk to UF, Studios and 1 BR's From $555. Free parking Open Weekends 371-7777 4-20-71-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-8797 4-20-71-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Watson Realty Corp. gOALTORSa Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 4-20-71-2 CAN'T FIND PARKING? BUS FULL? Studios & 1/Is from $459 at UF Pool *We Pay Most Utilities Pets OK Residents get FREE parking.guaranteed You can't live any closer! 372-7111 4-20-71-2 QUALITY YOU CAN AFFORD 0 Avail NOW or AUGUST. 01 BR $530/2BR $580/3BR $735 HUGE floor plans! 2 Pools! 4 Pets Welcome! ** 335-7275 4-20-71-2 *LUXURY 3/3 DOWNTOWN* Hurry while -they-last Only 8 left! W/D, pets OK 338-0002 4-20-71-2 OSUN BAY APTS@ OSome furnished availed *OWalk or Bike to Campus 00 1-1 $460/mo002-1 $520/mo @00376-6720 4-20-71-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $410 -$515, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066 335-7066. 4-20-71-2 ** A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD!** Move in TODAY or AUGUST! 1BR $460 2BR $530 Walk to UF Pets welcome! Beautiful pools/courtyards! Open Weekends! 372-7555 4-20-71-2 SEPARATE FROM THE COMMON PLACE Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA W/D Ic. *FREE Cable*Alarm* 24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF Museum Walk 379-9255 4-20-71-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Out House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 4-20-71-2 Amazing Apts! Perfect Pricel 1,2,3&4BRs! Any size pet ok! FREE UF Parking & bus rt to UFt tennis, b-ball, pool, mntrd alarms 376-4002 4-20-71-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 4-20-71-2 Now & Fall -1 Big enough for 2! 750 Sq Ft, Patio, We love pets! Atarm*Poo'*UF Parking*DW*Gym Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401 4-20-71-2 SEEING IS BELIEVINGHII 1 BR/I BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH FREE cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm Gated*24hr gym*Tan FREE*Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL*377-2777 4-20-71-2 **HUGE Luxury w/Garage** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA TH from $420 per person FREE Alarn *WD*GATED ENTRY FREE Tanning*24hr Gym*Camp lab Filling Fast for Fall**372-0400 4-20-71-2 ***Beautiful and New"' 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866) 4-20-71-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 4-20-71-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 4-20-71-2 Too Good'to Be True! HUGE 2/2 for only $425/person! Pool*Hot Tub*Tanning*PC Lab*WA/D FREE Cable with HBO*Most Utilities FREE Minutes from Campus! 372-8100 4-20-71-2 HOUSES and CONDOS All locations and price ranges If you are tired of apt life Go to or call 374 6905. 8-24-170-2 Save $$$ and love where you live!!! Spacious 1/1, 2/1 or 3/2. Avail Now or Fall Alarms, pets welcome, free UF parking Call 373-1111 or visit 4-20-71-2 1 BLOCK FROM UF Luxury 2BR/2BA townhomes. W/D, private balconies. Open until 8pm and WEEKENDS Leasing for Fall 371-0769 4-20-71-2 Historic Neighborhood WALK TO UF land 2 BRs from $560 Pets ok, wood floor option OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-71-2 Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF Private 3/2 with HUGE deck W/D*Free Parking*Elevator Access One of a kind luxury! 372-7111 4-20-71-2 Summer rates plus July FREE on a 15 month lease Sun Island Properties 376-6720 4-20-71-2 Want a bigger 2 or 4 BR TH this fall? TH, W/D & DW. We love ALL pets! Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401 4-20-71-2 *LIVE A RESORT LIFESTYLE* 1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities. Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455 4-20-71-2 ALLIGATOR How To Place A Classified Ad: Corrections and Cancellations: Cancellations: Call 373-FIND M -F, 8am -4pm. No refunds or In Person: By Mail: When Will Your Ad Run? credits can be given. Cash, Check, MC, or Visa Use forms appearing weekly in The Classifieds begin TWO WORKING DAYS Alligator errors: Check your ad the FIRST day it runs. Call 373-FIND Alligator. Sorry, no cash by mail. MC, after they are placed. Ads placed at the with any corrections before noon. THE ALLIGATOR IS ONLY REThe Alligator Office Visa or checks only. UF Bookstore may take THREE days to SPONSIBLE FOR THE FIRST DAYTHE AD RUNS INCORRECTLY. 1105 W. University Ave. Corrected ads will be extended one day. No refunds or credits can be M-F 8am -4pm By Phone: (352) 373-FIND appear Ads may run for any length o given after placing the ad. Changes called in after the first day will not Payment by Visa or MasterCard ONLY. time and be cancelled at any time. Sorry, be further compensated. UF Bookstore at Reitz Union M -F, 8am -4pm but there can be no refunds or credits Customer error or changes: Changes must be made BEFORE M -F, 8am -6pm, Sat. 10am -5pm By Fax: (352) 376-4556 for cancelled ads. NOON for the next day's paper. There will be a $2.00 charge for minor changes. For Rent: Furished 6 Furnishings 11 Motorcycles, Mopeds 16 Heahth Services 21 Entertainment 2 For Rent: Unfurnished 7 Computers 12 Autos -17

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 15 For Rent For Rent Rent For Rent unfurniishgdbr tnfrithis heQd Wl unfurnished Onunse nunse Tired of roommates?! Huge 1/1 dishwasher, patio/balcony Tennis, bball, monitored alarm -ove-in specials, leasing now & fall Open weekends, call 376-4002 4-20-71-2 Broke from Spring Break??? 2BR/1.5BA TH with W/D for $639! Alarms, Free UF parking, pets OK Avail NOW or Fall 373-1111 4-20-71-2 1st MONTH FREE! Pine Rush Apartments 1&2 BR apt homes starting @ $429/mo 375-1519 4-20-71-2 Tremendous two bed two bath FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm affordable, spacious, pets ok! 376-4002 4-20-71-2 1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA $525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals, W/D hkups, pool. Some utis, walk to UF. 332-7700. 4-20-71-2 1BR & 2BR/1BA with W/D, central heat/air, dishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From $505 377-1633 4-20-71-2 ***LIVE IN LUXURY** HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3 Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab Pets welcome*Private dog park Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801 4-20-71-2 Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups & DW, 1 BR/1 BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 4-20-71-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft 1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats! Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480. Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070. 4-20-71-2 HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095 630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo; 816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm-gar $1300/mo; 1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo; 642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 4-20-71-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom,-$395-$550, cent Stupe A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. Op 373-4244 UF bus line #20 4-20-71-2 L 4-20-69-2 Your Perfect Apt Next to UF! 20 steps to class! Studios, 1, 2 & 3BR Avail Aug. Specials from $489/mo. Lofts wood 115 firs & more. Some pet friendly! 376-6223 Luxu 4-20-71-2 Beaul LOO Apartments Available Now C All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse our listing FREE 4-20-69-2 WWW.SUBLET.COM 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-2 DOWNTO Have Roommates? Wood floor 3BR/2BA House $950 Den, $625 Only You? Carl Turlir 1 BR/1 BA House $450 www.Turli Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2 So Close to Campus CHEAP R Avail now, 2BR/1 & 2 BA apts. W/d hooku $400; $450, $695 Mitchell Realty 5320 NW 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2 Carl Turlir www.Tur 1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown. 2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 3734423 or online at 8-15-95-2 -S PET'S PARADISE, no app/pet fee. 2BR townhomes, duplexes. Privacy fence, modGore-R ern appliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private owner, please leave detailed message. 4-20-68-2 $450-525/mo 331-2099 4-7-60-2 LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT? NE The Leasing Connection 1BRR 1608 NW 1st Ave CI Located right behind Florida Bookstore Hi Plenty of FREE PARKING! $3 4-20-63-2 FREE Apartment & Housing Locator Service 3 Call 352-376-4493 or visit H 3-31-56-2 New c hi Houses for Fall 2 and 3 BRs from $690 Park Free next to UF Some with W/D, backyard. B Call for appt at 371-0769 4-20-63-2 4-20-69-2 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" All th Pool* W/D*C The pe 4-20-60-2 DUCK PO eat-in kitch 305-C NE Carl Turli www.Turli 1BR Ope Pe 4-20-59-2 ndous Studios Steps to UF From $499 -$559 Laundry, pool, pets ok en till 8pm and weekends easing for Fall 371-7777 STEPS FROM CAMPUSIll ry -Opposite Library West! iful 2BR/2BA.all amenities KING GLASS APTS all 376-1111 or Come by 111 NW 16th St. #1 WN LOCATION! 3BR/2BA s, fireplace, living & dining rooms, /rent, 223 SW 4th Avenue gton Rhal Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-1-54-2 ENT! 2BR/1.5BA ps, CH/AC, dishwasher, $475/mo 20th Court gton Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-1-54-2 WALK TO UF tudio .$335/mo 1BR $400/mo 2BR $695/mo bell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387 IBR & 26R BEAUTIFULW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint over 1100 sq ft005650/ mo -over 800 sqft 00 $550/mo ose to UF, beautiful, quiet gh-speed wireless internet 00 off deposit 376-2507 BR/4BR -LIKE A HOUSE uge townhouse, fireplace, W/D hook-ups, patio, rpet & tile, fitness & basketball gh speed wireless internet 3BR/2.5BA only $850 4BR/3BA only $1099 Close to UF in SW eautiful/quiet e 376-2507 Threesomes Welcome! e space you need only $1050 Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab Cable with HBO*Extra Storage rfect three-bedroom! 372-8100 ND! Cute 1BR/IBA, wood floors, en, ceiling fans, $475/rent 6th Street ngton Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-1-45-2 *NOW PRE-LEASING* $699 -2BIR $839 -3BR $999 150 dep. Full size W/D, Direct Campus Access, Pool, Fitness Center! n M-F 8:30 -5:30, Sat 11-4 bible Creek Apts 376-9607 BIKE TO SHANDS & VET SCHOOL OSpacious studio, washer/dryer, Fenced yard, lawn svc, $450/rent 3BR 2BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer, fenced yard, lawn svc, $1000/rent 4BR 3BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer, fenced yard, $1400/rent 3811 SW 20th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-1-40-2 AVAIL. AUG 1: 4bed/ house. Ceramic tile floors, extra game room, fenced yard, pet ok, wash/dry provided. 1330 NW 39th St. 339-2342 for directions $1250/mo 3-30-35-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/1 BA Downtown $515/mo 3BR/3BA Townhouse $800/mo 3BR/2BA near SFCC $925/mo Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today: 371-2118 4-20-50-2 VILLAGE LOFT APTS 1 BR LOFT APTS 650 & 750 sq. ft. Starting at $450/mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720 3-31-32-2 *3 BLOCKS TO UF* 2BR/1 BA Duplex. Hardwood floors, W/D,$535/mo 375-8256 4-20-47-2 GAINESVILLE'S FINEST LIVING Luxury 3/3 & 4/4's from only $370/bdrm includes extended cable, water/sewer, 24 hr gym, Free Tanning SPRING & SUMMER SPECIALS Call the Landings at 336-3838 4-20-44-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR *Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401' 4-20-44-2 DOWNTOWN IBR 1BA, CH/AC, water included, $415/rent 411 Sw 2nd Street #3 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 4-1-30-2 Very clean condo 2BR/2.5BA, 5 min to UF, 10 min to Shands, cent AC, DW, W/D, cable, internet, pool, $800/mo Separate leases ok. 352-472-9778, 305-299-3485, 3-30-25-2 Living it up!! Luxury stylell 1 & 2 BR, Private patios, walking distance to UF, next to Sorority Row, Alarm, pets OK, W/D, HUGE bdrs & walkin closets. "Walk to UF" Call 372-7111 4-20-35-2 DEAL OF A LIFETIME! 3BR/3BA ONLY $365/PERSON FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777 4-20-35-2 Live in luxury minutes from campus, Shands, etc. Huge 1BR apt brand new modern kitchen, tile floors, double french doors looking out on huge backyard $695/mo. Call 3371330 4-11-30-2 3 BLOCKS FROM TIGERT HALL 2BR/1BA apts CentA/C, newly painted $630/ rho. upstairs/hardwood floors; $610/mo; downstairs/carpet. Includes water, sewer, trash, pest, laundry on site, no pets. Avail 8/1/05. Call 352-316-4474 4-1-20-2 *Sorority Row Area* 1940's vintagestone 2BR/1 BA apt. Beautiful hardwood floors. $675/mo 375-8256 4-2031-2 *8 Blocks to UF* Huge 2BR/1BA apt. Best deal in town. Starting at $ 375-8256 4-20-30-2 *Sorority Row Area* Cute 2BR/1 BA brick duplex behind Norman Hall. $650/mo 375-8256 4-20-30-2 *Sorority Row Area* Vintage stone 3BR/2BA duplex. Remodeled, hardwood floors, 2 story, W/D. $1250/mo 375-8256 4-20-30-2 Work for rent. 2BR + study. Trailor home. New W/D, screened in porch, fenced yard. On 10 acre Whipporwhill Horse Farm, 10 min W of UF. Call 352-376-8792 4-5-20-2 ABRACADABRA 3BR/2BA house. 2 car garage & apple tree. 1500 sq ft, cathedral ceiling, open flogr plan. $1045/mo. 352-332-0602 or 318-3721 45-20-2 HISTORIC HOUSES DOWNTOWN 1BRs & 2.5BRs. $275-700/mo Progressive thinkers preferred. View at: 4-4-19-2 3BR/2BA close to campus. Avail Aug 1st, new kitchen, cent A/C, Ig fenced yarde$1075/ mo, drive by 3433 NW 1st Court. Call Marty 514-2855 3-31-17-2 ENORMOUS 3BR Avail for Current and Fall Pool *Tennis Cts 1.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail Great Specials 377-7401 4-20-31-2 Available Now Blocks from UF Duplex, 2BR/1BA, fenced yard, $675/mo HOUSE 3BR/2BA, W/D, $1175/no (Pets ok) Call Carol @ 377-3852 4-20:31-2 *FALL* Blks from UF S Houses 0 Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See for listings or call Carol at 377-3852. 4-20-31-2 AVAILABLE NOW! NEW 3BR/2BA house 2 car garage in brand new subdivision close to UF & SFCC. All appliances $1300/mo negotiable based on length of lease. Call 215-9987 4-20-30-2 3BR/1.5BA HOUSE Lg screen back pch, Ig back yard, close to downtown, W/D, $9001 mo. Avail May Ist. Call (office) 377-1071 or (cell) 262-7174 ask for Brian 4-20-30-2 Avail now 3BR/2BA HOUSE. 2120 NW 55th Terrace. Tile firs, Berber carpet, all appliance incl. Privacy fenced-in yard. $1050/mo. Call 215-9987 4-20-30-2 TOP QUALITY -GREAT LOCATIONS Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties 372-1509 3-31-15-2 2BR/1BA apt mins from campus, Shands. Spacious, repainted, new carpets & new appliances. Beautiful backyard. $950/mo. Call Anthony 337-1330 4-11-22-2 Space & Value! 3 and 4 bedrooms Tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm Pets welcome, free uf parking Ceramic tile, dishwasher, pool Open wknds, Call 376-4002 4-20-29-2 Avail May: Several units w/in .5 mi of UF campus or closer. Eff $300-310, 1BR/1BA $395-$415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA $700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact or Iv mssg 352-870-7256 4-20-28-2 WALK TO CLASS! 2BR 1BA duplex, water included, $375/rent. Avail May! 407-1 NW 13th Terrace. Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-952F 4-1-15-2 WE HAVE UPN Sun Bay Apts 376-6720 4-20-28-2 *AVAILABLE NOW* 3BR/2BA Haile Country Club House 2BR/1 BA Haile Country Club House 2BR/1 BA Brandywine Condo Call Charlene 665-4106 for appt. 3-31-12-2 Be near everything at The Oaks! Start at $525 for 1 bdrm, $675 for 2 bdrm, & $825 for 3 bdrm Remodels Available! Call for move in specials today at 331-8836! 4-12-20-2 Hampton Oaks brand new lux. apts. behind Oaks Mall. 2 bdrms start at $850/mo & 3bdrm at $1200/mo w/move-in special of up to 2 mo FREE rent! Call 333-8643 today! 4-12-20-2 Classifieds. Continued on next page.


16, ALLIGATOR E WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 unfurnshd unfunshed Subleases subleaSIi Subleases 3BR/3BA in 4BR/4BA Countryside Apt. Avail Aug 1. $435/mo. includes everything! On bus route to UF. Great access to downtown and Archer Rec. Pool, gated, hi-spd internet/ cable, W/D. Contact Nicole 352-328-4551 3-30-10-2 Luxurious Victoria Station Twnhse. Walk to Butler. 2BR/2.5BA. W/D, alarm, pool, free ethernet. Bus rt in front every 15 mon. $850/ mo NEGOTIABLE. Avail Aug 2005. Cell 2224235 4-20-25-2 DOWNTOWN Avail immediately. Month to month ok. 2BR/1BA apt. Newly remodeled, quiet neighborhood, pets ok. Close to Shands, UF & library. $650-715/mo. Call 262-1351 3-30-11-2 HOUSE 2BR/1 BA $695/mo. W/D, cent H/AC, 2.5 mi N of UF. Available April 1st. Call 352214-1722 3-31-10-2 Downtown garage/studio apt on bus rtes, biking to campus walk to downtown off street parking include H20. $330/mth 1st, last, dep. Call 373-6551 leave message 4-6-11-2 University Terrace West 4/4 Individual Leases New Carpet & Paint Furnished Living Area W/D, Pool $395/mo Uniton Properties 373-7578 4-20-24-2 University Terrace Gainesville 4/4 Individual Leases Completely Refurbished Furnished Living Area W/D, Pool $405/mo Union Properties 373-7578 4-20-24-2 Walking Distance to UF 1433 NW 3rd Avenue 2BR 1.5BA W/D h/up 13 units available in quad $775/mo Union Properties 373-7578 4-20-24-2 Victoria Station Off SW 35th Place Like New Townhouse 2BR 2.5BAW/D, Pool $825-850/mo Union Properties 373-7578 4-20-24-2 Vacation with US! Resort style living. RTS BUS service @ your door! 2/2 or 4/4 ALL inclusive, hi-speed int. HBOs, UTILITIES FREE maid serve. Gated! Going fast. Call now 271-3131 420-23-2 2BR EA Apis 8515-525/mo 5 BIks to UF! 840 Sq Ft 829 SW5th Avenue, St. CroixApts Central H &Air, mncids wtr, swg, pst ctrl, garbage. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 4-7-14-2 00 WALK TO UF Leasing now for fall. Experience the luxury of brand new fully equipped 1 & 2BR apts & townhouses. Free hi-spd internet + wireless internet in courtyard. 2 blocks from UF -behind Norman Hall near Sorority Row area. Contact 352-332-2097, email admin@taylors, web www.taylorsquar 4-1-8-2 LUXURY HOUSE -Great location 3/2, Ig master BR w/pvt BA & walk-in closet. 2 other BRs share Ig BA. Rent incl all utils, W/D, fireplace, custom kitchen & beautiful pvd pool area. $485, 430, 375 or rent whole house $1290. Call Karl 332-5030 4-4-10-2 2BR/2BA PENTHOUSE CONDO 2 mi to UF on bus line. Brand new construction. Charleston Place. Luxury in every detail. Pool azebo, lots of parking. $950/mo. Call 215-3108 3-30-5-2 ** 2BR 2.5 BA ** Brighton Park, Beautiful end unit townhome, W/D, DW alarm, pool, -1200 sq ft Many extras. Bus rt SW 34 St No smoking unit. Avail Aug $825 214-3820 4-20-20-2 ISABELLA PARK 1 BR/1 BA in 2BR/2.5BA townhome. W/D, DW, eat-in kitchen, SW Archer & 34th St. area. 336-7097. Grad/prof preferred. Lease option. Furnish option. 4-20-20-2 Avail Aug 1: 5,bed/2 bath house wash/dryer, dishwasher, fireplace, wood floors, large house. 1803 SW 43rd Ave. Call for directions 339-2342 $1600/mo large yard. 3-30-5-2 4BR2BA HOUSE DOWNTOWN 4 fireplaces, backyard w/deck Call Pete @ 352-262-3574 3-31-5-2 *WALK TO UF* Historic home in great neighborhood. 3BR/ 2BA, hd wd floors, tile, W/D, deck. Cute, clean, no dogs. 1112 NW 4th Ave 871-8280. $1250/mo 4-4-7-2 Brand new home for rent in SW Gainesville. 3BR/2BA, 2 car garage. 1770 sq. ft. $1200/ mo 080. Call 379-3310 3-30-4-2 Studio apt in vintage 1900's house w/loft, wood floors, own kitchen & bath. No smoking. No pets. Female preferred. 1 mile from UF. Avail now. $550/mo utils incl. Call 3381612 3-31-5-2 *10 BLOCKS TO UF* Historic Victorian house. Quaint 1BR/1BA apt. w/ wd firs, fans, hi ceiling w/fans, AC/ht. $450/mo 225 SW 3rd Ave. Pets ok! Call 3762184 3-31-5-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASES AVAILABLE NOW AND FALL SEASON Convenient UF access $325 to $575 Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 4-20-18-2 Beautiful Townhouse for rent 2BR/2.5BA, 2story. Huge Ivg rm & kitch. 5 min to campus. Rent 1BR or rent both. Lease term optional. Move in May $450/mo OBO 256-6734 331-5-2 ROCKWOOD VILLAS avail Aug 1, 2005. 3BR/3BA townhouse: Incl W/D, great bus rt to UF. $1100/mo. Call Donna 352-339-3250 4-20-19-2 Apartments & Houses Studio to 5BR+ Most within 2 miles of campus! Campus Realty 692-3800 5-31-25-2 GREAT HOUSE 4 FALL 3BR/2BAAlI new appliances incl W/D, micro & DWI Huge master br, enclosed porch & 2 car garage $1100/mo 727-514-7194 4-1-5-2 Brandywine large 2BR/2BA partially furn, sec sys, NS, No pets $650/mo Lease required 386-330-5274, 352-373-3418 4-8-10-2 AUGUST RENT FREE Bring your deposit by April 16 Large 2BR, Close to UF & SFCC Short term leases Avail. Open Sat. Ventura Apartments 1902 SW 42nd Way 352-376-5065 4-11-10-2 Fall rentals, walk to campus, 2BR/2BA $500, sign lease now, move in Aug. 1731 NW 6th St. 375-7104 ex 355 4-11-10-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE. Fenced backyard, -1900 sq ft, close to campus, hdwd firs, W/D hk ups. Available June 15th. $1300/mo. Call 332-1990 4-4-5-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 3BR/3BATownhomes Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms The Laurels, 335-4455 4-20-16-2 Subl ease s Apartments Sublets & Roommates All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500 Short-Long & Furn-Unfurn 1-(877) FOR-RENT (367-7368) WWW.SUBLET.COM 4-20-71-3 WALK TO CLASS! $250/mo Now til Aug. Courtyards 352-328-6967 all included! 2-27-3-3 LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? Bid on a sublease. call 866-837-1309 or visit WWW.SUbleaSeaUCtion.Com 5-19-43-3 EMERGENCY SUMMER SUBLEASE 2BR/2.5BA townhouse 2 blocks to UF. May -Aug $900/mo OBO 352-266-8475 4-1-18-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE at Gainesville Place 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA $480/mo. Price NEG. Everything incl. Female only. Call 727-6439928 3-31-15-3 Studio with CAPTIVATING VIEW!!! 5 min walk to UF/sorority row, bus, F roommate. Avail May-July. ALL utils inc. Furn, ethernet, gym, pool. $400/mo 786-246-3049 3-31-15-3 $350/mo SUMMER SUBLEASE 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA fully furn apt in University Club. IncI 50" TV, hi-spd internet, cable w/HBO, WIG. Call 561-703-3693. 4-1-15-3 1 WEEK FREE May 1st-Aug 7. 1BR/1 BA WALK TO CLASS! Only $529/mo OBO. Graduating, need to sublease 407-375-5240 3-30-10-3 Very spacious 2BR/2BA townhome. Avail for sublease on May 1st -July 31st. 2-level home in beautiful Lakewood Villas. incl loft BR & study. Price neg. Call Kelly 561-644-5937 3-30-10-3 Sublease an awesome Countryside Apartment. Avail NOW $420 includes everything. On bus route to UF and close to 1-75 for SFCC. High spd internet/cable. Pool and b-ball. Contact Nicole 352-328-4551 3-30-10-3 5 min walk to Shands Country Gardens Apt 2BR/2BA $520/mo Now thru July Call 338-9103. 3-31-11-3 1BR/1BA w/W/D hkups, avail 4/29/2005 $525/mo, located in quiet condominium community of Rustic Springs. 1923 NW 23rd Blvd, Apt #122. Josh 317-8776 4-13-20-3 1 or both rooms in 2BR downtown apt. quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF, & library. $350/mo Pets ok. Call 262-1351 3-30-11-3 May thru Aug Lexington Crossing 1BR/iBA in 4BR/4BA Ig rm, furn. All appliances. Cable. Incl all utils. 2 bus rts, tanning, pool, bball & ball cts, gym. $350/mo. Contact Karen or 772-341-9415 3-31-10-3 4BR/2BA Avail 5/1 -8/1. 1, 2, 3 or 4 BR @ $415/ea Unfurn. 1 block from Criser. Please call Ashley 772-201-6158 4-7-15-3 Campus Club summer sublease: 1 F in 3BR. $375/mo includes all utilities, cable, ethernet, maid service, 1st stop on bus 12. Option to renew. Call 954-559-8470 ASAP 4-13-19-3 Now/Summer sublease 1/1 in 4/4 utilities + wash/dry + ethernet + cable + full furnish + pool view = DARN GREAT DEAL ONLY $375/month 352-258-3542 3-31-10-3 WALKAK TO CLASS*** 1/1 in 2/1 house behind Norman Hall. Great location and very cheap. Avail April 25. Call 262-7200 4-1-10-3 1 BR/1 BA in 2BR/2BA available immediately. Pointe West Apts. $285/mo + 1/2 utils. Call 335-8706 4-1-10-3 Summer sublease at University Club. Spacious 1BR/1BA or 2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA apt. Avail May 1 Inc. util, W/D, ethernet, furnished, cable. $389/mo. Call 352-262-0569 4-15-20-3 University Glades Sublease!l SUMMER: May -Aug $440/mo BR w/personal bath in 3/3 apt. Inc all until Furniture avail. Call Stacey 352-336-1968 4-1-10-3 Room for summer sublease A, B or C in a beautiful new house. Room is spacious. Huge backyard w/pool. Pets welcome. Rent $450!! MUST see!! Everything included. 786367-7749 4-20-22-3 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA 2 story posh downtown apt located in heart of G'ville nite life. Lrg BR & walk-in closet. W/D Avail now thru July. Free dep & $375 cash. Price neg. Call 305-761-6595 4-2-10-3 REGENCY OAKS 2BR/2BA sublease. $665/ mo. For April, May, June & July. Call 352871-1149 3-31-8-3 Available immediately. 1BR/1BA in 3BR house. Close to campus. W/D, great roommates. $0 down, $340/mo, negotiable. Call Tim 727-642-0136 4-1-5-3 Sun Key/Sun Island less than 1 mi to UF 1BD/1 BA, $480/mth. Fully Furnished, water, cable, internet included Available April 30 1 -July 31 Call 335-3649 4-1-10-3 2BR sublet avail anytime in April @ The Exchange.Call Hillary @ 407-928-1315 **Call for move-in incentives!** 4-12-15-3 Posh downtown apt in heart of nightlife. 1BR/1BA, W/DG walk-in closet, loft, May FREE + KEEP sec dep. You take June & July for $400/mo HURRY before its too late! 305778-4856 4-5-10-3 1 BR/1 BA in 2BR/2BA apt dvail May 1st -Aug 10th at Melrose Apts W/D, utils, ethernet + cable incl in rent. Fully furn. Call Korinne at 305-905-0712 4-12-15-3 1 BR/1 BA LOFT TOWNHOUSE May 1st thru July 31st. $550/mo. Pool, alarm, pets ok. Near UF, VA & Shands. 3 bus rts. Call 352-262-8558 4-5-10-3 Royal Village 1-4 BR availAlI summer Walk to campus, great pool New furniture & carpet, $400/mo includes all, Call 407-310-3957 3-30-6-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE from May 1 -Aug 10. $299/mo, incl utils, cable, internet, water, pvt BA, 12 x 10 room. MELROSE APT. 407-4843204 4-4-8-3 Campus Lodge apts. POOLSIDE 1/1 in 2/2 other room vacant. May-Aug. w/option to renew. $450/mo furnished, all utils + internet, W/D, Call 352-871-3117 3-31-7-3 Campus Lodge Apts. May rent free. Everything included. $415/mo. From May through August. Call 561-906-5040 4-6-10-3 HUGE ROOM FOR SUBLEASE 1BR in 4BR/2BA house in College-Park. Huge walkin closet, wood floors, W/D, walk to campus, furn common areas. Avail May-Aug $370/mo 739 NW 20th St. 352-219-4911 3-30-5-3 FREE MONTH RENT 2BR/2BA Colonial Village. May -Aug. $310/mo. W/D, poolside, end unit w/vaulted ceilings, screened porch. 2 mi to UF. 3 bus rts. Call 271-8132 3-30-5-3 COUNTRYSIDE APTS Summer sublease. $400/mo everything incl. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Fully furn. 407-2218819 3-30-5-3 2 rooms available May 1-July 31 in 4/2 house close to law school. $350/mo (plus utils) OBO. Email or call 850510-4063 or 352-328-4633 4-7-10-3 Summer sublease 1 BR in 3BR house on NW 36th St. W/D, wood floors, w or w/out furn. Avail May 30th. $325/mo + utils. Call 352281-1337 3-31-5-3 2BR/2BA 1100 sq ft Arbor Park. Close to UF. $545/mo. $150 moves you in. Pet friendly! 2 WEEKS FREE. Immediate availablility. Call Aaron 262-2979 3-31-5-3 1BR/1BA RIGHT ACROSS FROM UF. Available May 1st w/option to renew. $469/ mo. Call 813-624-2946 3-31-5-3 **THE EXCHANGE** Rent May-Aug $469/mo price NEG. Pool view, utils incl, female, 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA. Call 352-262-7887 4-1-6-3 Summer sublease available -WINDSOR HALL 2 blocks from campus. 1 BR suite $600 utils inc. Laundry room, swimming pool, cable, ethernet. Call 516-650-4037 5-24-24-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE AT GAINESVILLE PLACE. $465/mo rent, fully furnished, ethernet, utilities, cable included. 1-3BR/BA available in a 4BR/4BA. Females only. Call 305-710-7934 3-31-5-3 1BR in 4BR apt @ Gainesville Place., upper floor, W/D, pool, weight room, Close to bus stop. Very nice. 352-317-2081 3-31-5-3 Summer sublease Hidden Lak'e Apt. Large 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. $350/mo. Everything Inc. Furn optional. Pets ok. Call 786-2710501 3-31--5-3 May-Aug. Gainesville Place apt. Gated community 1/1 in 3/3. Clean, easygoing female roommates. Fully furnished. W/D. All inclusive. VERY NEGOTIABLE 305785-6373, 352-373-9912 4-4-7-3 $375/mo 1 BR w/STUDY/1 BA APT Sublet now -July 31st opt to renew. Credit check required. No deposit. Located Bevel Apts. Call 256-0501 4-1-5-3 1 minute walk to campus 1BR in 4BR townhouse Courtyards Apt. fully furn, May 1-Aug' -$399 incl utils. Keep $300 sec dep. Call 407716-0067 4-1-5-3 Luxurious two-story poolside apt. 3BR/3BA, WID, free tanning spa & gym, no parking decals $1,114/month plus utilities. Leave a message @ 262-8341 4-6-8-3 Summer sublease avail 5/6-7/31. 2BR/1BA, $450/mo, furn/unfurn, free cable/hs internet, walk to UF, live alone or w/someone. Call Stephanie 804-512-3913 4-8-10-3 *STONERIDGE MAY-AUG* $250/OBO + 1/2 utils. 850-294-8020. 1 room in 2/2. 4-1-5-3 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 3 ALLIGATOR, 17 Sublease bleases Romtes WWs Roommates I BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA $374/mo, pvt BA, W/D, turn, all utils incl, ethernet, cable, lease from May-Aug, 1st mo 1/2 off. Great Deal! Call 305-469-3372 4-1-5-3 Oakbrook Walk sublease May ist -31st 2005 for male: full furn, poolside BR/BA in 2/2 w/huge kitchen and living room, W/D, incl util, cable/highspeed, $250, 352-373-6592 4-1-5-3 Summer sublease. 1BR/1BA in 5BR/5BA, large 2-story house -5 min walk to campus. All utils & internet cable incl. Price negotiable. May thru Aug-954-292-0875 4-1-5-3 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath apartment, partially furnished, utilities not incl, pets welcome. $639 a month.Colonial Oaks SW 21st Pl. Please call Annie 352-514-4216 4-1-5-3 Walk 2 class. Summer Sub. Huge 1 BR/1 BA, pool, W/D, walk-in closet, cable internet @ Museum Walk. $300 price neg. Call 941-2387118 4-1-5-3 $254/mo, SUMMER SUBLEASE + 1/3 utils, in 3BR/2BA, Aspen Ridge Apt. Please call 813-690-0215 4-1-5-3 $240/mo SUMMER SUBLEASE + 1/3 UTIL 3BR/2BA Boardwalk Apt. Call PK 954-682-5979 or call 904-705-1689 4-1-4-3 Roommate needed for summer sublease. Located close to UF. Rent is $375 a month, one bathroom and furnished living room. If interested call 904-608-5095 and take tour. 3-31-3-3 1st MONTH FREE!!! 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA apt. May -July Option to rent in fall. $430 utilities included Call Kate 904-654-6464 4-4-5-3 Calvin Matthew Lee Black Male (DOB 1/26/65); 5'07", 130 lbs, Black Hair, Brown Eyes Wanted for: Felssy u/slat/sn of probation warrant for attempted sexu battery, Sexual offender fail to report to the Department of Law Enforcement, and failed to report change of address within 48 hours to the Department of Motor Vehicles ALACHUA COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS Call (352) 372-STOP Lexington May-Aug. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Male or Female. All until, furn, cable, ethernet, 2 bus rts. $380/mo. Call 352-271-1479 or email 3-31-3-3 AMAZING Summer Sublease 2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA. Rent $400/mo EVERYTHING included. Price Negotiable! Campus Lodge Apts. Call 407-492-2574 4-4-5-3 Reduced $450 @ The Exchange Furnished 1 BR/1 BA in 2/2 Kitchen, living room, porch, W/D, Now available. Female please. 772-473-0560. 4-5-5-3 COUNTRYSIDE APT 1BR/1BA in a 4BR/4BA apt, utils, cable, W/ D, dishwasher, FURNISHED. $400/mo OBO. Availabel 5/1 727-656-8207 4-19-15-3 Apt for summerA & B. Sublease IBR in 4BR/ 2BA furn University Glades apt. $350/mo all utils inci. (originally $435) M/F for all female apt. Call 386-212-9042 4-5-5-3 CAMPUS LODGE Nicest apt @ UF. 2BR/2BA all utils, fully furn, May to Aug. Very clean. Gated community, screened patio. Quiet. Call 372-3788 4-5-5-3 COURTYARDS $300/MO Females only summer A, B, or C, 1 room furnished, right across from campus! Jamie 863-860-5314 4-5-5-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 rooms avail May 1st in a 4BR/2BA house. Rent $355/mo + 1/4 utils. W/D, cable modem internet, 2 blocks from campus. Call 352-213-3112 4-20-16-3 May thru Aug sublease at The Exchange. 2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA. 1BR $469/mo; other BR $489/mo. Everything incl. Rent w/a friend or 1 room by yourself. Call 352-514-1871 4-5-5-3 1BR/1 BA, 2BR/2BA, or 3BR/3BA avail fully furn & all utils incl. $465/mo indiv leases. May thru Aug. Aug rent FREE. Price neeg. Busses 9 & 34. Call 904-424-2834 4-5-5-3 Homestead Apt Sublease Now thru July 31 st, renewal optional. 2 BR/2 BA W/D hook-up, pool, gym, bus stops, laundromat, pets ok $ Please call 3782699 or 317-4507 4-5-5-3 Sublease SPYGLASS apt May to July 31. 1 BR/1 BA in 2 BR/2 BA apt. $450/mo OBO everything incl. Fun roommate. Call Katie S. 352-213-5425 4-12-10-3 CAMPUS LODGE 2-3 BRs, pvt bathrooms, vaulted ceiling. Fully furn. Everything inct free maid service, hi speed internet $514/mo each. Call 352-514-7773 4-5-5-3 Campus Lodge 1 BR/1 BA in 3 BR apt. All utils, internet, cable, W/D, furn. included. $390 OBO 352-870-9111 4-5-5-3 Summer sublease avail. 3 blocks to campus. Fabulous location! 1 BR in 2 BR/1 BA. $260/ mo + 1/2 utils. Call 813-368-6801 or email 4-12-10-3 $400/mo NEGOTIABLE. The Landings 11 FT x 14 FT bedroom. Everything included. Free tanning, sports courts, poolhouse, Summer. Furniture available. 954-290-8087 4-12-10-3 1BR avail in 2bR townhouse in Miill Run for summer. $299/mo + utils. W/D, fully furnished. Pets allowed. 262-2814 4-5-5-3 l Roommates/ Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 4-20-71-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 4-20-714 Female roommates wanted brand new 2100 sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to UF. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utls inc $525/mo.Avail Fall. Call Jacqueline 352395-7462 or 941-780-3526 4-20-71-4 Sublets and Rooms Available All Florida Areas; All Major Cities Browse available Rooms FREE! 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-4 M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry $425+ utils 336-5450 or 954-646-1341 4-20-71-4 M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737 3-31-30-4 Beautiful home in trees on quiet street near UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fireplace, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, W/D, cent A/C, Ig yard, cats welcome. $340 + utils. 352-271-8711 3-31-30-4 GIRLS ONLY 2 rooms one April, one May to July 31. Each w/pvt baths. Cent AC, W/D, cable incl. Internet-ready. $350/mo each. 305-299-3485 Call 352-472-9778 3-30-25-4 Grad, uppperclassman, or prof to share spacious new 3BR/2BA house. Internet & cable incl. Must be neat, clean & responsible. $450 or 425/mo + 1/2 els. Short or long term avail. 262-39894-4-26-4 2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by -Credit Union/ Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF. Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + half until. Quiet/considerate F/M? Call 337-9746 4-5-20-4 2 F NS ROOMMATES NEEDED for summer or fall @ University Terrace West, SW 20th Ave. Fully turn, ea person has own pvt BR + pvt BA, no dep, 1 yr lease, $350/mo + 1/4 utils. Call Talia 352-427-8583 3-30-15-4 Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from 13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact or leave message at 352-870-7256 4-20-28-44BR/4BA Un/v Terr W Condo -Immed 0cc -Room rental basis -Perfect for sutednta with or without roommates! $375/mo per rm, utilities & broadband pd, bus to campus! Call 239-537-5100 4-8-20-4 1 Female, responsible, NS, student wanted for 3BR/2BA house. A/C, W/D, pet friendly, close to UF & SFCC, 1st & last mo rent. $300/mo + 1/3 utils. Call Liz 352-339-5463 4-12-20-4 2BR avail in 4BR/4BA condo in Countryside. W/D in apt, 32" TV, walk-in closets, pool, gym, e-net $400/mo incl electric & cable. 1 MONTH FREE W/LEASE 305-944-3600 4-20-26-4 Avail NOW Great location 1BR/1BA in 3BR/ 3BA, Washer and dryer, high spd internet, $308/mo +. util. Females only, please call Lauren @ 352-799-3726 Iv message. 412-20-4 Room w/pvt bath avail mins from UF, Shands, etc. Spacious luxury house has fireplace, pvt bitlards room, hard wood floors throughout., new appliances. $495/mo. Cali Anthony 337-1330 4-11-22-4 N/S ROOMMATE needed for fall and/or summer for 3BR home near mall. Located in quiet wooded area. $350/mo EVERYTHING INCLUDED. Must love dogs. 352-262-9630 4-1-12-4 Share 2BR downtown apt. Newly remodeled. Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/ mo. Month to month or longer lease okay. Pets okay. Call 262-1351 3-30-11-4 **4 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS** Large house w/pool, wood floors, big rooms. 2BRs available Aug 1st. Wireless. $450/mo + utils ea. Corey 904-234-5214 or 352-3739015 4-15-20-4 Roommate wanted for a 3BR/2BA house 1.5 miles from campus. $430/mo everything included. Call Amy 352-219-5780 4-4-10-4 1 BR w/pvt BA at Countryside. Prefer female, $425/mo to begin Aug 1st. Includes internet & utilities. 561-512-7733 or 561-575-3821 4-5-10-4 TWO MORE MALES to share large 4/2 w/2 other males. Completely remodeled apt w/2 living rooms, wet bar, W/D incl, back yard w/table. $265 plus security. Call Karl 3325030 4-4-10-4 M/F, NS needed to share 2BR/2.5BA Southfork Oaks townhome. (near Target) Unfurn master BR w/own BA avail. W/D. No pets. $347/mo + 1/2 utils. No lease. Call Evan 335-9714 4-1-7-4 1 Room in 3BR/2BA condo. Avail May 1 for summer & possibly fall. Prefer F, NS. $350/ mo + share utils. W/D incl. Common areas furn. Marchwood Condos -Good location close to UF 813-973-5058 or 352-337-1534 4-6-10-4 Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious condo w/2 female UF studens. NW 55th St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763 4-20-19-4 ATTENTION! Female roommate needed for 1BR/1 BA in a condo. $400/mo utils incl. Must be responsible, neat & clean. Avail now!. Call Mabgene @ 561-827-4970 3-31-5-4 5 BLOCKS TO UF Own BR/BA in 2BR townhouse. $375/mo + 1/2 utils. W/D. Hi-spd internet, M or F. Avail May 1st. 305-962-6102 3-31-5-4 ROOMMATE WANTED for 3BR/2.5BA townhouse north of Thornebrook shopping center on 39th Ave. $75/wk incl utils, hi spd i-net, pool & tennis. Under age 25 please. 352363-0143, 363-0144, 338-2892 3-31-5-4 Female roommate for 4BR/4BA Countryside Apt. Rent $415/mo uilts incl. Wireless inernet option. Apt avail Aug 1st. 305-393-0081 or 3-31-5-4 Quiet non-smoking college age roommate wanted for May 05 to 06. Rent $370 per month plus utils. Call local 352-376-4250 or call cell 904-994-6764 3-31-5-4 ROCKWOOD VILLAS 2 ROOMS AVAILABLE PVT BA $425/mo incl all eli/a, on major bus rt, quiet, comfortable a place to call home. CaI 352-284-2810 for more info. 4-8-10-4 Quiet F, N/S, grad/upperclass wanted for 2BR/2BA @ Oak Forest Apts. Only 7 mins to campus!!! $330 + 1/2 utilities. Call Devina at at 954-336-0651 after 7pm :) 4-1-5-4 SUMMER SPECIAL Females for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house 3 blocks to UF, Shands, VA. Pets ok, furn opt, Reg $375, avail now $275 + utils & dep. Jen 466-4853 msg. 4-4-6-4 1 Room avail in spacious 3/2 house w/ new furn, new appliances, wireless internet, etc. Quiet neighborhood. Perfect location. $400/ ma + 1/3 utils. Call Kace for details 941224-7168 or email kace 4-1-5-4 2M roommates needed for 38R Millpond twnhs fully furn; king beds, hi spd net, cable, W/D, pool, near UF, on UF bus rt, $450 & 1/3 util, Chris 407-340-8585 or email 4-20-18-4 Two female roommates wanted for a 3/2 house near 34th and Univ. $345 a month plus utilities. Call Katie at 514-5985 for more info. House has big yard and large deck. 4-4-5-4 **BR 4 $250/mo. 3 avail. Cent A/C, wood floor, small yard, cable ready in 3BR/2BA WALK TO CLASS!! Porch & shed, 2 parking spots, 102 NW 7th Terr. Furn opt 4 free ********352-494-5430******** 4-4-5-4 ROCKWOOD VILLAS $350/mo + 1/3 utils. 2BR/2BA avail in 3BR/ 3BA townhouse. Wood floors, washer/dryer, high-speed internet. Call Colleen 954-8575297 4-12-10-4 2 Female Roommates in 4/2 house in quiet NW neighborhood large yard, sunroom. NS/drug. Must be clean and responsible $400 + 1/4 util. Email 4-12-10-4 Female roommate wanted. Prof, college student, NS, no pets. 2BR/1BA $380/mo W/D, incl. Close to UF & Duckpond. Ask for Michelle 813-997-6600 4-12-10-4 Female dental student looking for roommate in a 2/2 house in SW Gainesville. Clean, cozy, furn house with all amenities. %450/mo incl everything. Call for more details 352870-7983 4-5-5-4 2 females looking for a 3rd in a beautiful 3BR/3BA condo located in prime residential area. 15 min from UF. Close to park-n-ride. Large kitchen & living room, patio, internet, cable TV & W/D, community pool. $450/mo 727-399-0574 4-12-10-4 NS, mature, responsible, upper classman or grad student for own room & bath in large quiet home only 8 blocks north of campus. Rent incl all utils, W/D, wireless & cable. $500/mo 727-433-0229 4-5-5-4 l Real Estate Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 lv mssg 4-20-71-5 NEW COMPANY IN GAINESVILLE looking to buy or lease houses in this area. Any size, price or condition. 352-264-7347 or visit us at www.happygatorhomes.com420-71-5 The Flavor of New Orleans comes to campus. Luxurious St. Charles Condominiums. 1 block to UF. Choose from 2BR/2BA flats, or view. the University from your 3BR/3BA townhouse. Prices starting in the $1i?0's 3758256 4-20-71-5 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PURCHASING A HOUSE OR CONDO NEAR UF? Plenty of properties are available. Call Marc J. Nake at Campus Realty 352-235-1576 4-20-68-5 WANT ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO BE JEALOUS OF YOU NEXT YEAR? Own + live in a new luxury campusarea condo. Over 10 new projects to choose from at affordable prices. Visit or call today 352-281-3551 Matt Price Campus Realty 4-6-42-5 HOT STUDENT CONDOS NEAR UF Save Thousandss S/hen You Buy Now. FREE LIST of Great Local Condos. Campus Realty Group 6-3-40-5 1BR/1 BA LOFT CONDO ELEGANT BOHEMIAN STYLE. Interior fea-tures a customized kitchen, bath & balcony, convt to UF, Shands, VA & mall. Amp. pking. $73,800 352-222-2942 dgmatt45 4-20-28-5 Townhouse 3BR/2BA. Close to UF. On bus rt. Quiet location. Dish/W, W/D, tile kitchen, living/dining area. Fenced backyard. Pool. $140,000 352-284-6154 4-5-15-5 Great Homes Near UF STOP Renting. Own Your Hore. FREE LIST of Campus Area Homes Campus Realty Group 6-3-34-5 FOR SALE OR RENT TO OWN -GET READY FOR SUMMER -ADORABLE LAKE HOUSE on spring-fed pvt lake in Keystone Hgts. 2/2, large lot. Avail now. $129,950. Call 379-0619 4-20-20-5 Continued on next page.


18, ALLIGATOR 0 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 RaEsae CmursMotorcycles, M pds Autos H+6e1p W anted HORSE PROPERTY I "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Lease-to-own or owner financing. 3BR/ Network specialists 2.5BAA2091 sq ft. 3.86 acres, block & We buy computers and laptops stucco, fireplace, $2150/mo + down Owner Working and Non-working licensed realtor Michael Quinones 376-2433 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 4-20-19-5 4-20-71-7 Frnisthingqs IM AM BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pillow-top,mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-3727490 will deliver. 4-20-71-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 MICROFIBER SOFA& LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 4-20-71-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 420-71-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 4-2071-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chestsavail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 4-20-71-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 4-2071-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell $199 cign deliver. 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 Beds*Full mattress & boxspring sets $490Qn sets $89OSingle sets $390King sets $99SFrom estate sale: Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. Call a Mattress 4370 SW 20th Ave 4-20-71-6 DIAL-A-WASHER Washer & Dryer 1 yr lease $300, 1 semester $160. Call 332-0602 or 3183721 4-5-20-6 Dresser $35, queen sz bed $60, sofa $60, 19" color TV $40, dorm fridge sm $40, VHS movie camera $65, lawnmower $60, electric mower $60, musical cuckoo clock $65. Call 335-5326 4-1-3-6 4-PIECE BEDROOM SET includes: bed, dresser w/attached mirror, nightstand armoire. Sacrifice at $325 OBO. 419-799-9181 Eric 4-1-3-6 mputers A~arrtEr mEk W& a"t HoMg& ca.14 8-23-170-7 Computer HELP fast A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $10 Gator Discount. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 8-23-170-7 *G'Ville Computer Repair InC* Service on all PC MAC and Networks 1204 NW 13th St Ste #10 352-337-2500. 4-2071-7 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC. Complete residential & commercial support, networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 4-20-71-7 LAPTOP REPAIR Buy & sell. Looking for quantity for parts. 336-0075 4-20-71-7 Computef/Internet $L 1~ 4-20-66-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -networks, wireless, virus -we BEAT all prices -home/dorm 352-219-2980 4-20 66-7 DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main I The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 4-20-71-8 $10t TV'S, COMPUTERS, VIDEO GAMES! Police Seized! From $10l Info: 800-7498128 ext M974 4-20-31-8 Audiobahn system includes 2200 watt amp, 2-12 inch flame subs, 1-farad capacitor and extra battery. Call Jared at 954-257-4048 or 352-373-4581 getting new car. 3-31-5-8 Bicycles In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW & USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from Best Prices in Townl SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 4-20-69-9 .DO For Sale PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 4-20-71-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional cooking utensi s. .W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Ovill RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 4-20-71-10 Come see wkat's sem! 0CM thrift shops downtown 238 SW 4th Ann, NW 5001 NW 34th St. Get more bang for your $! New items daily Mon -Sat 378-3654 4-20-43-10 Motrcy Ceso Mopeds ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974 4-20-71-11 Swamp Cycles Electric Bikes, Scooters, and more! Prices from $450 with lyr warranty 534 SW 4th Ave. 373-8823 4-20-70-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. All mo dels & directions avail on website. 4-20-50-11 2003 BUELL BLAST 500 C 7960 mi, fun ride. $2795. Call 352-256-8527 4-1-15-11 ** CASH PAID FOR MOTORCYCLES ** SCOOTERS, DIRT BIKES in ANY condition, Running or Not, Titles orNot. PROMPT PICK UP. Call ANYTIME 352-495-7769 Please leave message 5-24-25-11 **WANTED** MOTORCYCLE WANTED 750cc cruiser or larger. WILL TRADE LAPTOP PC + CASH Joel 336-0075 3-30-10-11 1999 SUZUKI GZ250 Good condition. Garage kept. 11,300 miles. $1500. Call 352-246-5387 3-30-5-11 *,**SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest selection KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 8-15-43-11 OFAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CAR* *Running or notlO NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS Over 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 4-20-71-12 CARS -CARS BuyOSell*Trade Clean BMW, Volvd, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 4-20-71-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For: CARS, TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES Running or Not 1990 & up only Call Ray 352-284-8619 4-20-71-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 4-20-71-12 Best Cars o Lowest Prices 4-20-71-1212 *HEADLINERS SAGGING?* **Power windows don't work?** On site available Call Steve 338-5142. 4-20-71-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES Bring your W2 & drive home today. Cash cars as low as $1000. No credit check. Call now 338-1999 4-20-63-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES We finance anyone! $2000 discount off finance price. More than 150 vehicles in stock. Call 338-1999 Drive today! 4-20-63-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES All vehicles $0 down & up! Plus +++ 30 day warranty eng & trans. No credit check. Call 338-1999 4-20-63-12 '88 Honda Accord $699 '86 Buick LeSabre $799 '88 Toyota Corolla $899 '90 Acura Legend $99 (352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 '90 Chevy Lumina Van $1499 '93 Chevy Blazer $1499 '90 Ford F-150 $2499 '93 Chrysler New Yorker $1999 (352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas, Chevys, Toyotas, etc. For listings 800-749-8116 3-31-17-12 .e 88 Mazda 323 $590 Call 352-871-1149 3-31-8-12 1991 MIATA Racing green convertible w/tan interior. Perfect condition. If interested call 379-0619 4-20-20-12 99 TOYOTA 4RUNNER Exc cond, all power, 98k, AC, cruise, Mich LTX/MS, dk gin. $9200 OBO 284-4919 331-5-12 2003 Chevy Cavalier LS 15,000 mi $7750. 2001 Chevy Cavalier 5.000 mi $5500. Call Daniel 352-328-6161 4-1-5-12 FOR SALE 3 TOYOTA VANS 89 -87 -84. All for $500. 89 Runs. Call 3777867 or 372-5237 4-1-5-12 95 CHEVY BLAZER LS 2 door, all power, black, 132k miles, maintenance records, new CD/radio, radiator & belt. $1200/OBO. Call Donna after 5:30 M-F, 8-5 S&S. 352335-7198 3-31-2-12 'Wantied LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY 373-9243 4-20-71-13 On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 3-31-92-13 Needed: Musicians, Media Talents, Multimedia, Video, Graphics, Lead Guiter, Drums, Keyboards, Rhythm, Fiddle, Horns & others. for Christian ministry. Email 4-1-10-13 WANTED: NEED DELTA FREQUENT FLYER MILES for international trip. 25,000 -100,000 miles.Contact jschert@gru.rnet. 4-113 Help Wanted This newspaperassumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser. before giving out personal information or arranging meetings Sthe dependent florida alligator ADVERTISING SECRETARY Enthusiastic, positive attitude, detail oriented, organized individual needed to coordinate daily office procedures. Must work well under pressure meeting daily deadlines. Possess excellent customer service skills. Duties include some procedural training with a constantly changing student sales staff. Modest salary, good benifits, and excellent working environment. With resume, send cover letter that must include salary requirements for you to be considered for an interview. Send to Assistant General Manager, The Independent Florida Alligator, POB 14257, Gainesville, FL, 32604. No phone calls please EOE. 0the independent florida alligator Evening Newpaper Production Applications are now being accepted for editorial production at the Independent Florida Alligator. Applicants should be available two to three nights a week between 6:00 pm and 1 am, Sunday through Thursday. Production duties include layout and design. Experience is preferred on software applications, Adobe lndesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat. A one-year commitment is expected, Please include references and availability on application. All previous applicants are encouraged to reapply. Fill out application at the front desk of the Alligator, 1105 W. University Ave. between 9am and 4pm, M-F. Ask for the production application. Equal Opportunity Employer. e h dependent f ian alligat Ior AD GRAPHIC DESIGNER The Alligator Production department is accepting student applications for the posilion of Ad Graphic Designer. Starting with Summer Semester. Will train, but experience is preferred withAdobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat. Friendly work environment, flexible schedule, with hours between 9AM and 5PM Mon -Fri. Fill out an application at the front desk of The Alligator, 1105 W. University Ave, Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM. InIcude available work schedule and references. Previous applicants are welcome to reapply with current schedule. EOE LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. for details. 4-20-71-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $5.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 4-20-71-4 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 4-20-71-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 420-71-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible mchedules and competitive pay. Join our teamp Learn more at employment 4-20-68-14 04) CL *0 04) 0 4) Cl) *0 0 0 E E 0


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 0 ALLIGATOR, 19 HelpZ Writed :H3p0 Wanted Help Wanted Z iWanted Hpnted University of Florida Survey Research Center 392-2908 ext. 105 $7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training Nights + Weekends Telephone Interviewing NO SALES Must work summer breaks. 408 W. University Ave Suite #106 4-20-71-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 420-71-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF & DRIVERS FT or PT, flexible schedules. Call 2-5pm 3782442 or come in and fill out an application @ California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St Mon-Fri 4-20-71-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 4-20-71-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 4-20-71-14 AUDITORS for local growing inventory service. FT/PT, DFWP. Paid training. Call 352-367-4608. 4-20-83-14 * Mortgage lender has sales positions avail for college students seeking prof work exp. $8-9/hr + bonus. No exp req'd, flex hrs. Apply in person btwn 4-8pm Mon-Fri 1900 SW 34 St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union)4-2070-14 GREAT PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO STAY! Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Cashiers (must have full day avail) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1 & PM 12-6 shifts avail) 15-40 hrs your choice. Great work environment. Apply in person 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No phone calls please. 2-28-38-14 DOMINO'S PIZZA World's largest pizza delivery company now hiring Delivery Drivers Pizza makers Phone order takers $9 -$14/hr All you need is a reliable car & a very positive attitude. Apply @ any of the 5 Domino's locations in Gainesville. 4-20-70-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested come to the psychology bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297 4-20-63-14 DRIVERS NEEDED Can earn anywhere between $8-820/hr. Set your own schedule. Call Dave for info: 379-9600 4-8-55-14 U) 0 L. a04 w E E of) S I.S I I OFFICE -ADMINISTRATOR needed. is -looking for responsible, enthusiastic people. City geography knowledge, customer svc. exp helpful. Room for advancement For more info: David 379-3663 4-8-55-14 CASH Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here & make it! UF FLORIDA REPDIALS seeks UF students to reaise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105 NW 16th St. 4th Floor. Academic Classroom Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info. 4-20-63-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progressive company w/advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156 5-19-63-14 SUMMER JOBS 0$2100 Co-Ed Camp Seven Weeks Room and Board Included GET PAID TO PLAY! The Florida Elks Youth Camp (FEYC) needs male and female Summer Camp Counselors ages 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight camp located off of Highway 450 in Umatilla, FL The camp runs June 6 -July 23. Please contact Krys Ragland at 1-800-523-1673 ext. 250 or 352-669-9443 ext 250. 4-20-58-14 SECRETARY needed. is looking for personable, responsible, enthusiastic, fun people. Customer service exp helpful. For more info call David 379-3663 4-8-44-14 GET PAID for YOUR OPINIONS! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! 4-20-58-14 Web developer wanted. HTML, CSS, motivated. 1 year minimum, portfolio a must, graphic skills preferred. Contact 4-20-42-14 Flash programmer wanted. Animation action script, graphic experience, portfolio a must, 1 year minimum. Contact 4-20-42-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$$$$$$$$$$$ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 4-20-40-14 Web Programmer -asp,, vb script, c#, SQL knowledge. E-mail resume to 4-20-43-14 *DANCERS NEEDED* Private dance Co. Great for students. Great pay, fast cash & flexible hours. Call to start today! 378-3312 4-12-20-14 MONEY MOTIVATED? Earn up to $117,500 in bonuses in 2005! Must have positive attitude and be success driven. Call 1-877-656-3344 for appt. 3-31*SUMMER WORK* College Credit Possible $672/wk 888-362-2635 ext 251 for more info. 4-2032-14 SAT/ACT tutor to help develop on-line study program. Contact 352-375-0772 Ext 122 or forward resume to 4-5-20-14 WANTED: PT barn help in exchange for living accomodations. Exp needed. Micanopy area. Silber Ridge Stables 352-361-1454 4-12-25-14 Be a Nanny for a Loving family! FT/PT/Occasional, Great Money Experience Reccomended mail to: (352) 332-1234/(866) 422-6550 4-20-30-14 GREAT PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO STAY! Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Cashiers (full day avilablity) and line workers. (AM 8:30 -1 & PM 12 -6 shifts available) 15-40 hrs your choice. Great woork environments. Apply in person. 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No phone calls please. 3-31-16-14 $1380 weekly stuffing envelopes. FT/PT. No experience necessary. For more info call 386-462-9301 4-8-20-14 CAMP COUNSELORS -Gain valuable experience while having the summer of a lifetime. Counselors, needed for Outdoor Adventure, Arts, Aquatics & more in the Pocono Mtns of Pennsylvania. Apply on line @ 4-20-26-14 EBAY POWER SELLER WANTED 8 hrs daily. $1000-$2000/mo. Resume to Need perfect ebay selling experience. 514-7773 4-5-1514 Customer Service rep wanted. MS Office Experience required. Permanent Full-Time Position. Contact: Jackson Industries, 4001 Newberry Rd, E4, Gvl or 5-24-30-14 02BKIDS searching for dance team, gymnastic & pre-school teachers leads w/CDA, as well as housekeepers for all locations. FT/ PT positions avail. Apply within. 4-6-15-14 BABYSITTERS & NANNIES NEEDED. Set your own pay & schedule. Visit 4-1-11-14 Art, Art Ed, Graphics, Arch. Hand-lettering, Pt a few hrs/wk. Close to UF. Short resume $6.50/hr starts summer term. Reply P 0 Box'286 Gainesville, FL 32602 3-31-10-14 Spend your summer making a difference in the lives of underprivileged boys and girls ages 10-15. Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches Camping Services is hiring full-time and temporary staff for summer camp and mobile day camp programs. Activities include canoeing,, arts & crafts, bikes, horseback ridirig, archery, team sports, high and low ropes course. and skits. Employment dates May 21 -August 5. Pre-camp training includes First Aid, CPR, Lifeguard, and NCI. We will be at UF conducting interviews on March 8, 30 and April 11th. Call Mike Brannan at 352447-2259 for more information. EOE/DFWP 4-20-24-14 Girl Scout Camp hiring counselors, lifeguards, nurses, boating instructor, arts/crafts director, equestrian staff. Min age 18. Salary + meals & housing. 8 wks, 5/30 -7/23. Call 800-347-2688 or email ( EOE 4-1820-14 TOP BOYS SPORTS CAMP IN MAINE! PLAY & COACH SPORTS HAVE FUN MAKE $$$ CAMP COUNSELOR POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN OVER 15 SPORTS & ACTIVITIES FOR SUMMER 2005. CHECK IT OUT AND APPLY ONLINE NOW: WWW.CAMPCOBBOSSEE.COM 4-20-22-14 Groundskeepers PT, PT Custodial duties/Apt Maint Transportation req. DFWP EEO 220 N Main 375-2152 x301 4-20-22-14 Leasing Consultant, FT, PT Energetic Attitude Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO 220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 4-20-22-14 Runner for law firm. Experienced only, must own vehicle, PT, M-F, 12 -5:30,.fax resume to 352-376-4648 4-4-10-14 Accounting Tutor I will pay well for your time To help student taking accounting at SFCC thru April. Must have taken "managerial acting" or have a degree in accounting. Fax 352-335-8566, or 4-8-14-14 Camp Counselors Needed at Camp Wekiva in Wekiva Springs State Park, Apapka FL A residential, Environmental Camp. Boys -June 7-25, Girls June 25-July 23 Contact m( 4-19-20-14 Sky Nite Club Gainesville's #1 night club 5 years in a row is hiring employees for bartenders, beertub, security, cashiers & promoters. If you are out-going & want to work in a fun environment, please send picture & resume to 4-8-13-14 Sky Nite Club is looking for students that are seeking internships in advertising & marketing. Gain valuable experience interning w/Gainesvill's #1 night club. Send a resume to 4-8-13-14 5 STAR PIZZA is now hiring delivery drivers Great pay; flexible hrs. Closing drivers average over $100 per shift. Apply in person at 600 NW 75th St. 352-3337979 4-5-10-14 *AMBERS ANGELS* Experience the Best Dancers Needed. 335-3875 4-12-15-14 PT CLEANING SERVICE Great for college sutdents. Flexible Hours Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 4-410-14 CARETAKER FOR 19 YR OLD W/AUTISM. Saturdays beginning. immedediately. More hours available. Exp in knowledge of verbal behavior & behavior analysis a plus but will train right person. Fax resume to 375-4268 3-30-5-14 COUNTER SALES REP NEEDED w/agricultrual background (very important). Exp w/feeding, maintaining farm animals a plus. PT flex hrs. Call 472-6050 3-30-5-14 Looking for bright 18+ yr old w/clean driving record w/class D license. Agriclture background pref for delivery & loading farm supplies. FT/PT. Call 472-6050 3-30-5-14 Hiring KITCHEN STAFF. Apply between 2 & 4 pm, Mon -Fri, CALICO JACKS 3501 SW 2nd Ave. Creekside Mall. 4-6-10-14 GRAPHIC DESIGNER Flash experience desired TECH SUPPORT SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Send. resumes 3-30-5-14 F/T position, answer incoming calls. Able to memorize phone script. Courteous, Articulate phone manner. Dispatch calls to technicians. Maintain records of incoming calls. 3-305-14 RGIS inventory Specialists seekig part-time auditors Starting wage $8.00 per hour Apply at 4-20-20-14 TENNIS STAFF NEEDED The 29th Annual GATOR TENNIS CAMP is now hiring good tennis players for the four weeks in June. Only quality players need apply. Excellent Pay, working approx. 9 hours per day. Camp is held on UF Campus, using Ring Complex and the Flavet Courts. If interested, pleae call M.B. Chafin, Camp Director, at 392-3538, or in the evenings 376-8030. If no answer, please leave message. 4-6J0-14 PT/FT LANDSCAPERS WANTED Valid driver's license a must. 352-222-1904 4-14-15-14 Class ifieds. Continued on next page.


20, ALLIGATOR N WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 HelpWanted Help anted Help Wanted Services WL eviceUs NANNY NEEDED Part-time, for toddler. Reliable. Experience desired. Hours negotiable. Living accomodations possible. Call Rebecca 372-0588 3-31-5-14 APARTMENT HUNTERS hiring energetic, customer-service oriented people. Flexible scheduling, some nights & weekends. Apply @ 1310 W. University Ave. 4-8-11-14 PART TIME WORK 30 OPENINGS Great payl Flex schedules. Sales/svc. all ages 18+. Conditions Apply 335-1422. 4-1-6-14 COLD STONE CREAMERY will soon audition happy, energetic Scoopers for its Newberry Road and Archer Road stores. Earn $8+ while having fun! Positions begin early April. Choose either Gainesville location when you apply on our web site. Visit:, then go to Creamery and choose Job Center (applications only; include email address. NO RESUMES.). Nights and weekends a must. 18+ only. 4-1-6-14 NEED CASH? Excellent starting pay. Work around classes. Resume builder. Start immed. All ages 18+. Cond apply. Call pow! 335-1422 4-1-6-14 **PART TIME** Needed: Flyers folded, Street team for lots. 352-374-7799 3-30-4-14 HORSEBACK RIDING INSTRUCTOR needed for resident coed children's camp in Blue Ridge Mountains of eastern West Virginia. 90 Miles west of Washington, DC for more info visit our website or call 800-862-2678 3-31-5-14 Graphic Assistant/lintern is looking for a motivated individual to help manage local advertising for Gator Domino's Pizza as well as -national Domino's Pizza clients. Great resumeand portfolio builder with plenty of hands-on experience. Part time, full time and long term employment possibilities for the right individual Send pdf resume to DominosGraphics. 4-1-5-14 Participants needed The Phonetic laboratory in the Program in Linguistics is looking for people to participate in a listening experiment You can earn $10/hour by particiapting in a study of the perception of speech sounds from foreign languages. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jenna Silver jenisilver@yahoo.6om 4-1-5-14 Do you speak Hindi? The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in Linguistics is looking for people who grew up in India and speak Hindi fluently. You can earn $15/hour by participating in a study of the perception of speech sounds from foreign languages. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jenna Silver 4-1-5-14 MOTIVATED OUTSIDE SALES REP for a medick,,A/R company. Experience preferred. Fax resume: 352-379-1485 4-1-5-14 Local Web Development Firm with fun, team-based enthusiastic environment seeks summer interns for project management and sales depts. Email resume to 4-20-18-14 READ MAIL FOR PAY also other work available $938 per week possible. Weekly pay checks, work in your spare time. No exp necessary. 4-1-5-14 Hiring full time and part time caterers & drivers. Positive, fun, work environment with flexible hours. Skills include great attitude, affinity for fast-paced work environment, and enthusiasm for customer service. Apply in person at Celebrations Catering, 904 N. Main St. 4-8-20-14 0 1905RP 0 Great Summer Jobs Celebrations Cafe N Main & 23rd Ave hiring BEHAVIOR SPECIALIST all positions. Exp a must. Lunch only. Apply $11.01-$14.75 per hour. Experience working in person 8-10, 2-4. 4-1-5-14 with special needs, problem behaviors, and assist in staff training. Local non-profit USDA accredited certification agency seeks' PT livestock, crop or food science specialist. Call 377-6345. Send resumes to or fax to 3778363. 4-1-4-14 PT OFFICE HELP. Good driving record, experience w/Autocad, Excel, Word helpful. $7.50/hr to start. Call Wells at 219-1183 or email or 352-3713316 4-6-7-14 HOSTESS Apply in person at the Sovereign Restaurant service entrance 12 SE 2nd Ave. After 2pm. 3-31-2-14 BARTENDERS, HOSTS, SERVERS. Experienced & friendly. Apply in person between 2 & 5pm. NAPOLATANOS 606 NW 75th St. 4-1-4-14 Call center needs telephone agents for all shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. .Apply in person. 4-1-4-14 Servers, all shifts, dining rm/banquets. Flex HRS, excellent compensation. Apply 2-5pm, Tues-Sat, Gainesville Country Club, 7300 SW 35th Way. 4-4-5-14 Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now hiring: Cooks (Chinese specialty), Kitchen Helpers, Cashiers, Servers, Delivery Drivers. Apply in person 4-5pm, 871-5771 www. 4-4-5-14 The City of Gainesville's Recreation & parks Department is looking for summer camp counselors, lifeguards, swim instructors and pool attendants. Please apply online at www. 4-11-10-14 Gainesville Country Club Housekeeping position PT Mon-Fri 7:00 am to 1:00 pm. Lunch provided. Call Greg at 317-5602 DFWP 4-4-5-14 YMCA The YMCA is now hiring enthusiastic staff members to fill positions in the following areas: Afterschool counselors, summer camp counselors, sports camp counselors, gymnastics instructors, program directors, group cycling instructors, customer service personnel, weekend activities staff, dance instructors/director, lifeguards/swim instructors, soccer referees, bus drivers and more. Hiring at multiple locations throughout North Central Florida. Apply in person at 5201 NW 34th-St. Gainesville, F1 32605. Interviews begin immediately, so apply today! 4-1110-4 Part time help wanted to care for & ferry 2 kids (10/12) after school. Must have clean driver's license. Call & leave message. 3361043 4-1-4-14 LOVE TO SHOP? Mystery Shoppers needed immediately in your local area. Flexible hours, complete training. Internet access required. Call 888-850-1024 4-1-4-14 MYSTERY SHOPPERS NEEDED! Earn While Your Shop! Cal Now Toll Free 1-888-255-6040 Ext 13400 3-31-1-14 THE VILLAGE MARKET GOURMET FOODS & COFFEE SHOP. PT help needed 15-25 hrs. All shifts available. Call for directions only. 380-0111 4-5-5-14 CAMP LEADER Must be 18 years old $8.29 -$928 per hour. High school diploma/ GED; Lead games, sports, crafts, field trips. Looking for a responsible, fun, and high energy person. LIFEGUARD $8.29 -$9.28 per hour. Minimum age 16 with current lifeguarding, adult/infant/child CPR and First Aid certifications. Duties: Patrol pool area, may teach swimming lessons, and cashier duties. Extra pay for WSI. GROUNDS MAINTAENANCE WORKER $9.50 per hour. Experience in grounds maintenance work preferred. Duties: All aspects of grounds maintenance work. Contact: City of Largo, 201 Highland Avenue, Largo, FL; 727-587-6716; or Closeing Date: Open Until Filled -EOE/M/F/D/V-VP SMOKEFRLE/DRUG FREE 3-31-3-14 Now accepting applications for Resident Asssitant and apprenetice Resicent Assistant positions for the SUMMER 2005 Semester. Applications are avaiabe from Kathy Smith in the Department of Houseing and REsidence Ecuctaion Office, and are doe by 4:00pm on Monday, April 18, 2005. For further information contact Kathy Smith at 392-2171 ext 10139. 4-18-14-14 LEASING CONSULTANT Experience a plus. Enthusiastic, energetic. PT position avail at University Commons. Apply in person or call 377-6700 4-12-10-14 BAKERS NEEDED $7.50/hr. No experience necessary. Chesapeake Bagel. 4113 NW 16th Blvd. 352-384-9110 4-5-5-14 SERVERS NEEDED for Sawamura Japanese Steakhouse. PT from 1-4pm. Apply in person 1624 SW 13th St. 4-5-5-14 Comfort Inn West is now hiring part time front desk clerks. Flexible scheduling, great work environment. Please apply in person. 3440 SW40th Blvd. 4-5-5-14 UF student needed for home improvement projects for Saturdays only. Must have own transportation. Carpentry/building exp helpful. Send resume to 4-1-3-14 CAMP STAFF YMCA overnight camp seeks dependable fun-loving staff. Must enjoy working w/ children & able to live on-site. Call 352-4663587 for more info. 4-12-10-14 The Florida Book Store is currently hiring temporary cashiering help for Spring Textbook Buyback and the first of Summer A/C Classes. Applicants with previous cashiering and customer service experience are preferred. This position requires availability during the following times: Monday, April 11th through FridayApril 15th for training; Saturday, April 16th through Sunday, May 1st for textbook Euyback and Saturday, May 7th through Sunday, May 15th for the first week of Summer A/C Classes. Apply in person at 1614 W. University Avenue, complete an application and ask for Carolynne between the hours 2pm-5pm Monday through Friday. Please do not drop off applications during times not specified including weekends.Equal Opportunity Employer 4-12-10-14 AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 4-20-71-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 4-20-71-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking, Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 4-20-67-15 ** GATOR MOVING & STORAGE ** Local and long distance moving. Free Estimates One item or a housefull. FL Reg # IM19 Call Now! (352)374-4791 800-797-6766. 4-20-71-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 Personal and Group Training Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Call for a free workout 339-2199 4-20-71-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 4-20-71-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -ring-arena -round pens -12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627. Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 4-20-71-15 J r-i (U MOSSWOOD FARM Come ride with us! Great Farm Awesome Horses & Top Notch Instruction. Hunters & Natural Horsemanship. 466-0465 4-20-67-15 TRAFFIC SCHOOL ONLINE Take Points Off Your Driver's License And Dismiss Traffic Tickets With Online Driver Improvement Courses 4-20-71-15 Whipoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture board. 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on premises. 376-8792 4-20-71-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm 466-4060 4-20-71-15 ***YOGA*** Classes & Workshops at Sanctuary -352-336-5656 4-20-71-15 WRITING AID AND TYPING I can help you to complete your paper. Learn to write. Outline, Research, Grammar, Coherency, Typing 374-7038 4-20-50-15 TERM PAPER HELP: Frustrated? Need Assistance? Help with research and writing? TOLL FREE 1-888-345-8295 4-8-60-15 LM ai Z M


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005K ALLIGATOR, 21 Services Uces 3es rso s Ente rtainn **Lifeguard Training* Red Cross certification includes CPR professional rescuer/first aid Classes start now 392-1161x4283 4-4-49-15 ***TAEKWONDO*** 30 Day Trial Membership Free Men 0 Women S Children 352-375-0700 40-20-59-15 MOST IMPORTANT SKILL FOR LAW SCHOOL SUCCESS? Check out: lawsChooprepCourse.COm 4-20-58-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 4-20-56-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160', riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 4-1-29-15 IN. ---M M C =r M U) (D Cr CD 0 :E 0 CL 0 M W M (D 0) Q (D CL CD CL CL 0 W 0 fm M a (D I CL D) 15 'I -, I 1. For Rent: Fumished 14. Help Wanted 2. For Rent: Unfurnished 15. Services I 3. Sublease: House/Apt -16. Health Services -4. Roommates _.-17. Resumes/Typing Services 5. Real Estate -18. Personals -6. Furniture/Household Items -19. Connections 7. Computers -20. Events/Notices I 8. Stereos/Electronics -21. Entertainment 9 Bicycles .22. Tickets 0 .r. For Sale .23. Rides 1 Mopeds/Motorcycles. .24. Poes 3. Aiod 25. Lost & Found 1 -',.3. Sealed I C MASTERCARD Q VJSA EXP. DATE I CREDIT CARD # Sm= = Custo Top Qu Si 9-2-61-1 Jump 8-15-5 REAT BANNERS & SIGNS * m Posters Exhibits Awards ality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices gnMasters 335-7000 start your job search at .Colige-resumes.Com Is AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques 0 Name Badges S Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 STORAGE PRE-LEASE SPECIAL No hassles 0 Free Lock 0 Prorated Close to UF 0 All Sizes 0 No Deposit Archer Road Self Storage 371-4296 South West Self Storage 374-4444 4-20-20-15 CLOSEST, CHEAPEST Lessons 0 Training 0 Boarding 0 Jumps Large pastures & trails. Jonesville. 331-0356 4-2020-15 I ~a y I a I -> I -cit [ 2 > ZI .> -A I!mmmm 3c ((DE C I N -n 0 OFFICE USE ONLY I I cAsH ____ CK _____ ne. By (Circle One) 1 Day.$5.50 2 Days .$9.50 3 Days.$12.50 4 Days.$15.50 5 Days.$18.50 Additional Days $2.00 each Days = $ Additional Lines $2.00 each line, each day .Add'I Lines = $-_ ---i ENGLISH TUTORING English as 2nd language Reading, Composition, Conversation Experienced educators. Reasonable fees. Tel: 352-335-9400 4-20-19-15 All Women's Health Center ABORTION Free Pregnancy Test RU-486 Available 378-9191 4-20-71-16 THE TRUE YOU! Lose 8-15 pounds in 4 weeks Only $99! Gain muscle while you lose fat Groups forming now. 339-2199. 4-20-71-16 URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL Students -No Appointment Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4881 NW 8th Ave #2, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 4-2071-16 TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR ACNE with Blue Light Treatments for moderate acne. Call Dermatology Associates 352-332-4051 4-20-67-16 Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 4-20-71-18 GUNS! GUNS! GUNSI 1800 Gun inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 4-20-71-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 373-7070 4-20-71-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Ave 375-3752. 4-20-71-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 4-20-71-18 -d rinneCtions C V __C0 aseill el ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) Want to make a connection? Place your ad IV sedation, Student Discount. here to look for someone to share a comWell Woman Care & Birth Control mon interest with or for your true love Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664. 4-20-71-16 BEYOND BODY ACCEPTANCE: IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR Redefine beauty & your relationship with ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? food. March 31st 10am -2pm. Infirmary O AEA HAEIA Lawn 3-31-9-16 DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD HERE AND GET IT NOTICED! "PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants will get free evaluation, medication & be Entertainment reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy@ 0 1 331-2020 immediately. 4-20-26-16 WALDO FARMER & FLEA MARKET Every Sat & Sun -Hwy 301 TyigS ie 15 min from Gainesville 468-2255. 4-20-71-21 SAME DAY SERVICE'-transcription, typing, FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres flyers, ads, logos. Resume service -17 yrs Call for the best group rates! exp. -24 hr turnaround. New phone #Connie 352-338-8408 271-2677 3-30-20-17 4-20-71-21 ROCKYCREEK PAINTBALL In Gainesville Better Prices Better Fields Better Call 371-2092 4-20-71-21 ***EUROPE $429.RT*** Train' & cruises also available Gator Country Travel 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 4-20-71-22 ***WEST COAST $198 RT***' Los Angeles, Seattle & more] Call for best rates. Gator Country Travel 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 4-20-71-12 ***AIRFARE $118 RT*** NYC, DC, Philly, New England & more! Gator Country Travel 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 4-20-71-22 WANTED: NEED DELTA FREQUENT FLYER MILES for international trip. 25,000 -100,000 miles. Contact 4-1-3-22 GMG TRANSPORT 20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:3OPM/reverse $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP. 336-7026 4-20-71-23 Miami Bus Service $40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm 335-8116 4-20-67-23 *FLY TO/FROM* COCOA BEACH, BREVARD COUNTY $99 rt 1-866-453-2605 4-20-67-23 Pets Furry, feathery, scaly.:no, not your roommate.pets. Find or advertise your pets or pet products here in the Pets section of the Alligator. AKC GOLDEN RETREIVER PUPS Health certificates, 3/30, 3 males, 6 females, POP, very beautiful and healthy. $450/ea 352-625-9206 4-1-5-24 LLost & Found Everybody knows how awful if feels to lose something. If you find something, call the Alligator at 373-FIND and we'll place a free "Found" ad for you in this section (Offer does not apply to "Lost" ad.) Be kind i6 someone who's lost what you've found. LOST Cat. her name is Pea. She is black mlmbite feet & a mhite nose. Her tail is puffy. She may be wearing a buse collar. Please call 333-6614 or 256-7598 3-31-5-25 FOUND: COCKATIEL WHILE LOOKING FOR MY OWN. Any info concerning either one, or to identify please call 665-0290 331-3-25 FOUND: KEYS on sidewalk in front of Alligator. building on University Ave. on Monday. Call to identify 373-3463. CASSIAIONS ekone Join the Designated Driver Club UF students with a designated driver program card will receive free soda when it is presented at participating establishments. Cards available in 202 Peabody hall & 302 Student Health Care Center Funded by FIPSE Grant F


22, ALLIGATOR E WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 Tw,*o-ulga me Alabama spift ends UF's winningP streak *1 TORRES HITS WALK-OFF HOMER IN EXTRA INNINGS. By WILLIS JACOBSON Alligator Writer The No. 13 UF softball team (28-7, 7-1 Southeastern Conference) seems to have a flair for tlse dramatic. The Gators lost game one of Tuesday night's doubleheader against No. 11 Alabama (37-8, 10-4 SEC) only to come back and win the nightcap in extra-inningthriller fashion. UF fell behind 3-0 in game two, but left the home crowd happy when Mirelis Torres smashed an eighth-inning, walkoff, two-run, pinch-hit home run, giving the Gators a 6-4 win. The home run was only the second of Torres' career and her first of the season. "That was amazing; I'm completely psyched right now," Torres said after the game. "She pitched me a fat one a little bit inside and I saw it, I swung, and it went." The home run came as no surprise to her coach, who sent her in for the pinch-hit opportunity. "She hit that pitch really well," Coach Karen Johns said. "We knew she'd come in and step up for us. We didn't know she'd hit a home run, but we knew she'd put a good swing on one. She does not get a lot of chances and every time she goes in, she makes something happen. She's always ready when we call on her." The two-game split snapped UF's school-record 13-game win streak and its six-game SEC win streak. The teams will play the rubber match today at 2 p.m at the Florida Softball Stadium. The Crimson Tide won the first game 5-3, thanks in large part to three solo home runs, the most the Gators have given up in a single game this season. The five earned runs were the second-most given up this season by Stacey Stevens (16-5). Stevens surrendered the final run on a wild pitch that was intended to be the second ball of an intentional walk. Stevens came out of the bullpen, however, to pick up the win in game two. "We didn't feel like we played poorly, but we didn't capitalize a couple of times," Johns said. "But we came back and were consisum uasey / Alligator Pitcher Stacey Stevens swipes at Alabama's Jordan Prayton after throwing a wild pitch during an intentional walk. The resulting run capped a 5-3 Crimson Tide win in game one. tent through that whole second game, and our defense stayed strong the whole way through." The Gators played well defensively in both games, but couldn't seem to jumpstart their bats. Despite winning game two, UF recorded just eight total hits. Home runs by Lauren Rousell, Melissa Zick and Torres accounted for the team's only multi-base GYMNASTICS GSors par e fo0ir NC AA -S-,, a noptheV-tr sh0ot 'dmt B3no u dogs By DAN.TREAT Alligator Writer While the No. 7 UF gymnastics team may not have gotten the results it wanted at last weekend's Southeastern Conference Championships, the Gators still have another shot at glory this seasQn. And they will face a familiar foe. UF is one of six schools hosting an NCAA. Regional on April 9, and the Gators will be welcoming No. 5 Georgia to the O'Connell Center for the second time this season. The Bulldogs won the SEC title Saturday, an event where UF made too many minor mistakes that ended up costing them significantly. "I don't think we did terribly bad, we just didn't do our best," senior Orley Szmuch said. "It's -not like we fell three times or anything like that, but we weren't sharp and we weren't clean and we had a lot of little mistakes that added up. And you can't have that at SECs." The Gators held a lengthy team meeting before practice Monday, where Coach Rhonda Faehn and the gymnasts broke down what the team felt were the reasons 6 why UF didn't perform up to its standards Saturday night. Dooley "Everyone really had a chance to speak their mind," Faehn said. "And they really felt that instead of just focusing on going out like we normally do and not who we're going up against, and just focusing on hitting our routines, it became this huge situation on wanting to win, which obviously took their focus off their performance." UF will now attempt to turn mistakes at the conference championships into success at the regional and national competitions. "We had the greatest intentions to go in there and win," co-captain Erinn Dooley said. "We struggled on a few things, but it wasn't a terrible meet. We realized that we only struggled on really one event, and that happens, but we learn from our mistakes and go on from here." While the Gators will have to deal with five other teams in the Southeast Regional, the one who will garner the most attention is Georgia. It will be the fourth time this season that the two teams have squared off, this time with a berth in the NCAA Championships on the line. Georgia began the season by winning the Super Six Challenge over second-place UF, but the Gators gained a small measure of revenge by winning in Athens for the first time in two decades in February in a meet that was sloppy by their own admission. The Bulldogs claimed the rubber match by dominating the SEC meet last weekend. "It's always a rivalry just because it's Georgia," Dooley said. "But between the people and thefriendships there's nothing there that's a rivalry or hate. "It's Georgia. Yes, you always want to beat them, but we still respect the gymnasts and respect the team." Faehn is hoping that the presence of the five-time national champions will allow her team to atone for its lackluster showing at the SEC Championships. "Any chance that we get to be able to turn a potential negative into a positive, and to come back and show everyone what we're capable of, we enjoy that." GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS 25% OFF any one ONO Product Cannot be combined. Need coupon. 3914 SW Archer Rd onely availale at Butaler Plaza loctne, c: O s 377-020 E,0 5/O0 (Cassic Carwaslil] State of the Art, 110 ft.Soft Cloth Conveyorized rnnell Full Detailing -Window Tinting 3010 SW Archer Rd. 374-9227 The 1718 W. Univ. Ave 11w 378-7033 V~r& Genii WEDNESDAY: LADIES NIGHT Ladies Drink FREE $2 Pitchers for Everyone FREE Beer 9pm-IOpm DJ JD for people who have been vaccinated against hepatitis B. Only you can be paid to help save lives. Earn up to $975* in 3 months \t 2NAh itc iioinnsvi, wi 3260 OPEN: MON-TH URS SA M-7PM -143 8A& MPM SAT 10AM-3P Briig this ad in for a $5 bonus on your first donation.


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 N ALLIGATOR,23 Meyer's opinion was not a part of decision CHARLES, from page 24 on Feb. 21. The linebacker planned on paying for classes at Santa Fe Community College this summer so he could return to the team in the fall. "He basically didhi't want to hear anything I wanted to say," said Charles of Foley. Foley did not return calls to his office and cell phone Tuesday. "He kept saying, 'EJdon't think you've realized what itmeans to be a Gator,"' Charles said. "'And I kept telling him that I realize that. I've had seven or eight months torealize that. "I asked him: 'Is th re anything that will make you realize or convince you that I'm not going to get in trouble again?' He said, 'No."' Foley did not consult people who were well-informed about the linebacker before making the final decision, Charles said. "The only people he's asked is [UF Associate Athletics Director for Academic Affairs] Keith Carodine, Carodine's friend and [UF Student Judicial Affairs Director] Cyrus Williams," Charles said. "I don't deal with these people on a daily basis. You need to ask people like my tutor, like my advisers, like my teachers, like my teammates, my, mentors -people* that focus on me." Charles tried to convince Foley to reinstate hin by citing how = Eagle Foley has never wanted him kicked off the football team. He kept tryig to say that Dane Eagle was not the case," Charles said. "I kept telling him, 'Dane Eagle is the case. He's the victim. For him to say I shouldn't be kicked off, you should take that into consideration."' The decision to end Charles' UF football career was solely Jeremy Foley's, the University Athletic Association said. Charles maintains that he met with Meyer before his legal matters had been resolved and that the new coach was willing to consider Charles' situation. "I have the head coach and defensive coordinator [Charlie Strong] in my favor," said Charles, who played in 11 games, ,registering five tackles as a redshirt freshman. "They wanted me here. But it was up to Jeremy Foley. He didn't ask Coach Meyer's opinion or Coach Strong's opinion. It was just hin." KCharles also met with UF Dean of: Students Eugene L. Zdziarski to discuss his academic suspension on 'Tuesday, but the linebacker has become adamant about transferring. "If I have two or three years left to play football, I'm not going to sit here," said Charles, who is considering Florida State, South Florida, Texas Southern and Georgia Southern as options. "I'm not going to stay here -for what? To watch my teammates perform when I know I have the ability to play on the next level and I still have athletic bone in my body?" Players know 'The Animals' aren't average fans BASEBALL, from page 24 UF took a 16-4 beating when it last visited Tallahassee. "Home field advantage is everything," senior Jeff Corsaleti said. "The fans make a huge difference. You have to have thick skin when you play there. It's got to be in one ear and out the other." O'Day knows all too well about the Seminoles' "Animals." "FSU's fans are different than most others of our rivals," O'Day said. "In Miami, they just curse at you and talk about your mom. "FSU has smart fans. They know their baseball and will yell out compliments when we do something well." Of course, O'Day had more than just compliments for the in-state rivals. "I grew up an FSU fan, to tell the truth," he said. "But I chose to come to UF because I wanted to actually go to a good school." Attend the UF Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation's Howard J. Leonhardt Business Plan Competition March 31, 2005 HILTON University of Florida Conference Center 1:00 PM -5:00 PM (Refreshments available) Support your fellow students as they compete for a share of the $25,000 in Prize Money! 1:00PM -Finalists -High School Category c Centerfor Entrpreneurship & Innovation 2:30PM -Finalists -Undergraduate Category 3:30 PM -Finalists -Graduate Category 4:50PM -UF Awards Presentation UNIVERSITY OF 53-FLORIDA BULLPEN, from page 24 throws very controlled touch passes," Mullen said. "That's great,.but we want to see some balls come out of him like a rocket, like a 90-mile-an-hour fastball. That's the first thing we've been working on, but it's hard with a guy that's all touch. He's just gotta let it rip sometimes." Leak's been a work-in-progress, but his throws are already quicker. Leak completed a -gasp -seven-yard wobbly pass to Chad Jackson in Saturday's scrimmage. "He'd rather not throw it as hard and be more accurate," Mullen said. "I'd rather have him throw it harder and be a little less accurate." Watch Leak in practice. .His form is still there, but his short-field throws are now snappy, not floaty. His touch -most of the time -doesn't disappear. The lame-duck dumps have. "He's got more zip on the ball; I've noticed tTiat," cIbarterback Gavin Dickey said. As for primary target syndrome? "We've got him working to be better at looking at all his reads," Mullen said. "He'll be quicker and quicker as he understands the offense more and more." Mullen hasn't seen footage of Leak overlooking open receivers, but you can bet your Bright Futures that he'll prevent that problem from resurfacing in 2005. "Chris is one who wants to be the best," Mullen said. "He's not a type to resist coaching. He wants to be grhat." Only one question remains: is Leak losing his bring-theball-back-to-his-neck throwing motion? No, because he won't have to. "All we'll do is just to try to drop the elbow a little bit and that will get the ball out faster," Mullen said. Hike. Three-step drop. Fire. Leak chucks a wobbling ball two-yards behind a streaking Dallas Baker in practice. Real quick release on that one, you notice. For some odd reason the sloppy pass gives you hope and then you realize: the therapy is working.


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005 ALLIGATOR Foley dimsisses linebacker from football team CHARLES COULD NOT PERSUADE FOLIY TO GIVE HIM A CHANCE. By LOUIS ANASTASIS Alligator Staff Writer Linebacker Taurean Charles has been permanentally kicked off the UF football team. Athletics Director Jeremy Foley made the decision after holding a 20-minute meeting with Charles Tuesday morning. "Taurean Charles is no longer a member of our football program," said Foley in a released statement. "We wish Taurean the best of luck in the future." UF's office of Student Judicial Affairs had suspended Charles academically for the summer on March 16. Charles, however, was prepared to brave the suspension and return to football in the fall provided that Foley would grant him reinstatement. On Tuesday, Foley eliminated such a possibility. "He kept telling me that we have a president that has a low-level tolerance and a coach that's not going to put up with everything," Charles said. "And I told him that I understand that. Chasles I said, 'If I didn't think I could handle it I wouldn't even be here in' your office. "And he said, 'What, do you want me to let you back on the team so [Coach] Urban [Meyer] will have to kick you off?' He basically said that I was going to get in trouble and I kept telling him different things that I've accomplished and realized." Foley suspended Charles indefinitely last July after the Gainesville Police Department alleged that Charles threw a keg at UF student Dane Eagle. Charles pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor charge of culpable negligence SEE CHARLES, PAGE 23 Seminoles provide latest hurdle on difficult schedule Iim%,asey/mmgaor Relief pitcher Connor Falkenbach could be asked to enter tonight's Florida State game earlier than usual. The Gators will start freshman Stephen Locke against the Seminoles. By FARZAD SAFI Alligator Writer They are "The Animals." They're Florida State baseball's version of the Rowdy Reptiles, and No. 7 UF must face the No. 6 Seminoles and their notoriously raucous fans tonight at 6 p.m. The Gators (19-7) travel to Tallahassee to face yet another challenging opponent instead of the traditional easy mid-week game. "It's wonderful for our midweek opponent to be up to the level of FSU," Coach Pat McMahon said. "We faced a Central Florida team mid-week and they were one of the best teams we have seen all year." UF's skipper had the tough decision of who to start for this upcoming game. Typically, the Gators have started a rising young freshman arm against the usual weaker mid-week opponent. However, this week is no regular opponent. It is arguably UF's most hated rival. "We're going to start Stephen Locke," McMahon said. "He is going to face a lot of great batters. The important thing for him to remember is to get ahead in the count against such talented, powerful hitters." Locke is a freshman but has played well this season for U. He is already 3-0, recording an ERA of 2.59. If the freshman gets down early, McMahon has the luxury of turning to the proven arms of senior Connor Falkenbach and junior Darren O'Day. "I grew up an FSU fan, to tell the truth. But I chose to come to UF because I wanted to actually go to a good school." Darren O'Day UF reliever "They are really good every year," Falkenbach said. "If I'm asked to come in relief, I will be there." If UF leads entering the ninth, it is a safe bet that O'Day will be asked to close the game out. The Gators did take two out of three games from the. Seminoles last year, winning two close games 7-6 and 3-2. However, both of those victories came before the friendly crowds of McKethan Stadium in Gainesville. SEE BASEBALL, PAGE 23 Disease-stricken Leak beginning to hurl answers at his critics Spiralitis and primary-target syndrome. Spiralitis and primary target syndrome, that's what. You'll never find these conditions on WebMD, but their symptoms prove worse than SARS-inflicted wheezing for any Gators football fan. Spiralitis and primary target syndrome have afflicted Chris Leak for, well, since father Curtis programmed him to launch a football like g machine. He pulls the pigskin back toward his nape like a wind-up toy. He spits the leather out, much like a pitching machine gives birth to a well-hurled fastball. The ball ripples -no, floats -through the air like a perfectly gauged missile. .The grace of Leak's spirals is one Rembrandt stroke short of a masterpiece. Leak spots his receiver, locking on to the recipient like a homing device, delivering the ball on a line. A tight, flawless spiral line, mind you. But just like machines require oiling and an occasional system upgrade, Leak has been due for a check-up. Leak launches picture-perfect throws; every time. But someLouis times he gives you Anastasis enough time between Louis in the Bullpen the snap and tion of the play to develop those negatives at your one-hour photo lab. And buy a Coke. Leak knows who his primary receiver is on every play. Leak also often fails to spot his other options when a play breaks down. Anyone who's watched Leak has lived this dilemma. Or nearly died by it. Deep breaths, everyone. The Robot Arm is no more. Enter quarterbacks coach Dan Mullen, doctor for the diseases that are spiralitis and primary target syndrome. Here's his diagnosis and prescription for the former. "Chris is a very accurate passer and he SEE BULLPEN, PAGE 23 fJj~iJP'~~~ ;5i.~K.~~; ~ 5 5 1962: UF's Tom Moore steals a UF-record six bases i one game. The Gators finished the season 25-10-1 and 14-3 in the Southeastern Confefence, good enough for first place inhthe Eastern Division. N The UF women's tennis team, which has jumped from No. 17 to No. 9 in the Intercollegiate Tennis Association rankings. The Gators shut out then-No. 7 Duke and No. 23 Alabama last week. NBA L.A. Clippers Cleveland Toronto Miami 84 94 91 103 1 UF center fielder Jeff Corsaletti has been selected to the College Baseball Foundation National Honor Roll, awarded weekly.