The Independent Florida alligator

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The Independent Florida alligator
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Florida allgator
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University digest
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University of Florida digest
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Dates or Sequential Designation:
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the independent florida

Not officially associated with the University of Florida




State may ban aid for foreign students

Alligator Staff Writer

TALLAHASSEE A bill that would
ban state universities from granting finan-
cial aid to international students who are
in this country on student visas is working
its way through the Florida Legislature.

House Bill 21 and its identical Senate
companion, SB866, would still allow for-
eign graduate students to receive fund-
ing as part of work-study programs for
serving as teaching or research assistants.
Those students.could also still receive fi-
nancial aid from private sources.
But the bill would require universities
to stop giving state-funded scholarships to

the approximately 1,657 foreign students
that the Florida Department of Education
says are studying in public universities
with state funding.
The House bill passed the Colleges and
Universities Committee 9-0 Tuesday after-
noon, and a legislative staff analysis from
that committee reported that $5.7 million
could be saved by cutting such students

off from their funding. An additional $2
million could be plucked from such stu-
dents in community colleges.
That money would then be spent
to provide need-based scholarships to
Florida residents.
The House staff analysis said the bill

Casey Anderson / Alligator Staff
Student Body presidential candidates MacKenzie Moritz (Progress Party), Dennis Ngin (Impact Party), and Joe
Goldberg (Gator Party) introduce themselves to students Wednesday.

Issues bubble up in SG debates

Alligator Staff Writers

Student Body presidential can-
didates addressed student concerns
during two debates Wednesday,
hitting upon election issues such as
online voting, deal-making and...
breakfast cereal.
When asked what cereal they

would be, Gator Party's Joe
Goldberg said "Frosted Mini-
"They're mini,
like myself," he
joked. He said
Election the sugar kept
Shim going and the
wheat kept him
The Progress Party's MacKenzie

Moritz said Rice Krispies would be
his cereal, because he "can be snap,
crackle and pop and just go off."
Lucky Charms would be Impact
Party candidate Dennis Ngin's ce-
real because he was "blessed with
a lot of challenges and a lot of op-
The first debate, co-hosted by
the Alligator and UF's College

Search still on

for UF student
Alligator Writer

Four UF exchange students remain in Costa Rica
to search for their missing friend.
In a phone interview from the Central American
country; longtime friend and classmate Peter
Nienaber said the search for UF exchange student
Brendan Kieran Dobbins has been both a land and
a sea hunt with the assistance of the Red Cross and
local officials.
"We have yet to have any luck,"
Nienaber said.
He added Dobbins' father will
arrive in San Jose on Thursday
evening to meet with Dobbins'
friends as well as Canadian
Embassy officials, who handle the
affairs of Australian citizens in the
Dobbins Central American nation, to get
maximum exposure for the search.
Nienaber said the Costa Rican investigation
has been "concerted;" however, he said there is
a stark difference between their efforts and those
that would have been done in the United States or
"It's been quite frustrating," he said. "Hasn't
been particularly good."
However, Nienaber said the Canadian Embassy
has been "fantastically helpful and supportive 24


Ex-UF tailback
Ciatrick Fason
shows his receiv-
ing skills for NFL
scouts. Fason
and ex-teammate
Channing Crowder
should be taken in
the first two rounds
of the NFL Draft.
See story, pg. 28.

"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

* University officials did
not take student taste into
account when considering
whether to negotiate a 10-
year contract with Pepsi or
Coke. UF is close to finaliz-
ing an exclusive agreement
with Pepsi Bottling Group.
See story, pg. 5.

the AVENUE 9
CROSSWORD 23 cloudy

AIdATtiHMRM A'N, MARCI', i R 1 2do05

News Today


410 -qb*


66 43





"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

Reel Big Fish (concert)
Stephen C, O'Connell Center
.InterResidence Hall Associa- .
7 p.m.
SG Presidential Debate
Reitz Jnion Colonnade
Hispanic Student Association
7:30 p.m.
Faculty Exhibition Talks
Ham Museum
8 p.m.
Meet and Greet SG Presidential
Reitz Union South Terrace
Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity





During a Gainesville City
Comrmnll o;ln candidate forum
Feb 23. District 3 candidate Mike
Belle said. I'm here to defend
human rights. E\er-bod'd de-
--r'.e, the-e nriht- That s what
Keunnedv said. \\'e reported
oitlieri\'i.e in the ne-,t day's

The videotape of Tuesday's
City Commission candidate-
forum will not be .hoi\ n on
Channel 12. We reported other-
wise in Wednesday's Alligator.

Courtney Cunningham was
appointed ,to UF's Board of
Trustees by Florida's Board of
Governors, which oversees the
state university system. We re-
ported otherwise in the Feb. 25

We regret the errors.

The- Alligator strives to be
accurate and clear in its news
.reports and editorials. If you
find an error, please call our
newsroom at .3521 376-
4458 or send an e-mail to,


sm SPRING 2005

Bloodmobile Schedule

Thursday, March 10
Gate 18 9 am 6 pm
Phi Mu 5 pm 8:30 pm
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 5 pm 8:30 pm
Alpha Delta Pi 5 pm 8:30 pm

Friday, March 11
Auditorium Drive 9 am 5 pm
Sidewalk behind Hub 9 am 5 pm

Monday, March 14 3-
Auditorium Drive 9 am 4:30 pm
Sidewalk behind Hub 9 am 4 30 pm
Broward Fresh Food Court 9 am 4:30 pm
Gate 18 9 am 5 pm
Alpha Gamma Rho 5 pm.-10 pm
Pi Kappa Phi 5 pm 10 pm
Phi Sigma Kappa 5 pm 10 pm

Tuesday, March 15
Auditorium Drive 9 am 4:30 pm
Sidewalk behind Hub 9 am 4:30 pm

"3 : d Iw : fl[

Final Night at Norman Field 6 pm 9 pm
3 bloodmobiles, KISS 105.3 Boom Box
(Location may change)

Total Donations
1-Alpha Omicron Pi-21
2-Chi Omega-16
Kappa Kappa Gamma-14

Total Donations
*1-Pi Kappa Phi-47
2-Phi Delta Theta-29

1-Chi Omega-14%
2-Alpha Omicron Pi-12%
3-Kappa Kappa Gamma-9%

*1-Pi Kappa Phi-57%o
**2-Delta Upsilon-370:
3-Phi Delta Theta-29'. :

*includes 2 double-red'cell donations
"includes 3 double-red cell donations

CQ alliOWiSTr

KIS 7~~P3 F-l ori

a -l the independent florida

VOLUME 98 ISSUE 112 ISSN 0889-2423
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax)
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Moritz makes implementing change his main goal

Editor's note: This is the sec-
ond in a series of three articles
taking a closer look at Student
Body presidential candidates.

Alligator Writer

MacKenzie Moritz could tell you
how to chomp your way through
hard times and still smile.
"Being a Gator is not the most
popular thing down there," he said
of his hometown, Lynnhaven, Fla.
"I think my first grade teacher was
rather disappointed that I didn't
become a Seminole."
However, living in hostile terri-
tory might have been easier than the
Progress Party leader's Spring Break
trip to Washington, D.C. While there
he served the homeless in soup
kitchens. Later in the week, he took
a trip through their world.
Moritz, 21, rubbed baby oil in
his hair, put dirt on his face and
was given nothing but 50 cents for
an emergency phone call. For two

MacKenzie Moritz at a glance

Favorite superhero: Capt'in Flaret
Last movie seen: 'L':'e ACtuall,
Last CD purchased: Three Up Hign
Favorite public figure: Junri F. Kenned,
Personal hero: i-is ollaer toro.[eri
"He Drr,: .ld Ihai inaleI er r,Ou belie J-
Vlr. Sour heart t u can do. Just Iieei
'at I1 As oIrg as ,ou are really adaoc
:, tL. ;ou can arccnmplish I.

days, he slept on the concrete and
ate in shelters.
"It's been somewhat of an inspi-
ration to me," he said. "Although we
really didn't sleep on the trip, I came
back energized because I knew I was
doing the right thing."
Moritz's positive outlook trans-
fers to his self-image. He said he sees
himself as "motivated," "idealistic"
and "laid-back."
But despite his relaxed nature, he
said he is running for Student Body
president for one reason to imple-
ment change.
"I saw a lot of things in (Student
Government) that I didn't like. It is
my belief that you cannot complain
about something unless you have
tried with everything you've got to
change it," he said.
Moritz is majoring in political
science and economics, with minors
in computer science and environ-
mental science. He is a senator for
the College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences, sits on the Budget and
Appropriations Committee and
serves as an honors ambassador to
high school students.
Moritz said he wants to see more
students get just as involved in SG.
"My main goal is to break down
the barriers for students who want
to get involved," he said.
Moritz said a common miscon-
ception about SG is that the organi-
zation should only be worried about
writing checks.
"It's hard to represent 48,000
students," he said, "it's not hard to
spend the money."

.ilii" nIarr., ai .ne tur owln
Progress Party presidential candidate MacKenzie Moritz steps off an RTS bus Wednesday. Moritz and
his opponents debated twice Wednesday afternoon.

And the hard part is exactly
what Moritz said he plans on doing.
Progress has based its platform on
student opinions through polls and
discussions and, if elected, it plans
on setting up satellite offices in each
college for student inter-
act with their constituents.

"I think students sometimes look
and see SG full of people in suits that
are unapproachable..." he said. "We
should represent every student, we
should involve every student and
we should benefit every student."
Moritz said he is an untraditional

"I don't have any of these block
support groups. I think students see
the corruption in SG and don't vote.
If they want to see an end to this
corruption they are going to need to
vote, and they are going to need to
vote Progress."

Shands at AGH could soon face accreditation issues


Alligator Writer

Within five years, students may
find they have one fewer medical

facility they can count on, the mayor
of Gainesville said.
In a letter to Congresswoman
Corrine Brown, Mayor Pegeen
Hanrahan said "substantial renova-
tion" is needed to keep Shands at
AGH's accreditation. "I'm trying to
keep the hospital open," she stated.
However, Shands Marketing
and Public Relations spokesman
Lance Skelly said despite a Joint
Commission on Accreditation of

"I'm trying to keep the
hospital open."
Pegeen Hanrahan
Gainesville mayor

Healthcare Facilities visit to the
area's Shands hospitals this week for
a routine inspection, he is confident
the facilities are in good shape.
"Shands at AGH passed its last

inspection three years ago, and we
fully expect to earn re-accreditation
again this year during [the commis-
sion's] routine visit," Skelly said in
an e-mail Wednesday.
But Congresswoman Corrine
Brown previously expressed con-
cern about AGH at a local event in
February and asked to be involved
in the process of overhauling the
hospital, Hanrahan said.
Shands CEO Tim Goldfarb de-

clined to comment for this article.
"We are not seeking federal aid,"
Skelly noted about the involvement
of Brown.
However, Hanrahan said she
feels there are issues to be ad-
dressed, noting that Brown has
mentioned holding a community
meeting about AGH.
"There is a great deal of concern
among staff and public," Hanrahan

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Adams raises awareness for UF research projects

Alligator Writer

UF could help fight the war on
terrorism, support "frail elders" and
eradicate exotic pests if a whirlwind
of Washington lobbying convinced
legislators to fund research projects
Tuesday and Wednesday.
UF Vice President for University
Relations Jane Adams visited sever-
al Florida representatives this week,
including Sen. Mel Martinez, to gar-
ner support for 10 projects totaling
$41 million in federal funds for the
2006 fiscal year.
The trip was Adams' first step in

raising awareness for UF's research
priorities, after administrators chose
their Top 10 list of project priorities.
"We had two criteria: how the
project fit into the university's goal
and how it fit into the congressional
mission," Adams said.
UF officials also tried to spread
out the requests over different fed-
eral agencies, she said.
"All appropriations call for cer-
tain kinds of bills. We don't want to
get into a situation where we're com-
peting against ourselves," she said.
Three of the projects would re-
ceive funding from the Department
of Defense, and four mention the
research's tie to war or terrorism.

Two of those projects ask for $5
million each in research funding to
improve military technology and
protect infrastructure networks,
such as transpor-
tation and com-
munication, from
S terrorist attacks.
q. Six' of the
-[ projects did not
receive funding
last year, includ-
Martinez ing one that
would use $3.5
million to spread the use of technol-
ogy to monitor the health of elders,
or "telehealth."
For the first time, UF is also re-

questing $5 million to help complete
the construction of a laboratory that
would research proton beam cancer
treatment. The facility could give
the new treatment to 2,000 cancer
patients a year, according to UF's
report on the project.
And some legislators also were
interested in a new doctoral pro-
gram for nurses to help mitigate
the shortage of nursing faculty. UF
would work with UNF, FAMU and
FSU to spread the program and
eventually enroll more students in
baccalaureate nursing programs.
Furthermore, $10 million was
requested from the Department of
SAgriculture for T-STAR, a program

that works to find environmentally
friendly ways to eradicate and con-
tain non-native pests, such as foot-
and-mouth disease and fire ants.
These threats are "heightened by
the potential for terrorist-induced
attacks on the nation's food supply,"
according to the report. For the past
three years, the project has received
approximately $9 million annually..
Adams said meetings went well,
despite them marking her first time
lobbying in Washington. As a for-
mer Walt Disney Co. vice president
of government relations, she only
worked at the local and state level.
I "It's been very productive," she
said. "I enjoyed it."

Speaker recounts positive democratic changes in Iraq


Alligator Contributing Writer

American interference in Iraq was an
overall good move despite mistakes made
along the way, said Dan Senor, senior adviser
to Presidential Envoy L. Paul Bremer III, to a
crowd of approximately 100 on Wednesday
Senor spoke about the positive democratic
changes he witnessed in his 15 months in Iraq.
His appearance was the'second program for
Jewish Awareness Month. It was co-sponsored

by Accent, UF speakers bureau, and took place
in the Reitz Union Rion Ballroon.
"It is important to look at the good and
bad news in Iraq in context of the challenges,"
Senor said during his speech.
Senor, who is currently a spokesman for
Fox News, told stories of the suffering of the
Iraqi people and about the changes he saw
during his 15 months there.
He said his best memory from his time
in Iraq was working with the Iraqi press as
the spokesman for the Coalition Provisional
Authority. He saw the media options in Iraq
transform from having a few state-run news-
papers under Saddam Hussein's regime to 200
free-press papers.
Senor spoke about the challenges-that still

exist. and how Americans can understand
what the Iraqis are dealing with. Two of the
challenges he focused on were the psychologi-
cal infrastructure of the Iraqis and security.
Senor drew a diverse crowd, ranging from
students interested in the current affairs in Iraq
to those interested in the Jewish
On Awareness Month agenda.
CamipUS UF political science major
and self-proclaimed "political
junkie" Joel Lombardi, 19, came
to hear Senor speak on current events as wit-
nessed from a first-person viewpoint.
"I've read about Senor in political analysis
and Web sites," Lombardi said. "I'm interested
in this topic, and I wanted to see what he had
to say."

Jewish Awareness Month Chairwoman-
Rachel Matthew, along with Accent Chairman
David Buchalter, decided on Senor for the
agenda because of his political accomplish-
ments and his Jewish faith.
"I knew I wanted someone who was good
at what they did, well known in their field and
had a strong Jewish background," Matthew
Senor, 33, spent a year at the Hebrew
University in Jerusalem and keeps kosher.
His mother is a Holocaust survivor, and he
related the current psychological conditions
of the Iraqis recovering from the horrors they
have witnessed to Holocaust survivors like his

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UF-Pepsi negotiations ensue


Alligator Staff Writer

University officials did not take student taste
into account when considering whether to negoti-
ate a 10-year contract with Pepsi or Coke. UF is
close to finalizing an exclusive agreement with
Pepsi Bottling Group.
"This is a business deal," said Ed Poppell, vice
president for finance and administration. "It's not
about the personal preferences of Coke versus
Instead, university officials said they serve stu-
dent interests by seeking the highest offer possible
in their negotiations with Pepsi, which proposed a
$27 million, 10-year contract in September.
Coca-Cola Co. proposed $26 million over 10
years if UF agreed to a five year extension after
the first five years of service, according to a Sept. 27
partnership proposal. However, the total figure is
still under negotiations.
"As far as studentinput, the role of [the negotia-
tors] is to get the most amount of money with the
best prices and service that go back to the students,"
UF Business Services Division Director James
Morgan said, adding that he expects an announce-
ment about the negotiations' conclusion by April 1.
The university's Coke contract expires on Aug.
16. If Pepsi wins the contract, the university's signs,
soda fountains, scoreboards and its 600 vending
machines will be converted to Pepsi by that date.
The University of Florida Foundation, University
Athletic Association, Shands Healthcare, UF busi-

ness representatives and the university's lawyers
participated in negotiations, but no students were
involved and no measure of public opinion taken.
"I think they're very, very similar," Morgan said,
adding that each company offers a diet cola and
Pepsi offers several products that Coke does not
- including Gatorade, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew
and Starbucks Frappuccinos. "We haven't been able
to sell things like that before because of our exclu-
sive agreement with Coke."
Including students in the negotiations would be
difficult because of the time commitment and the
complexity of the issue, Morgan said.
Both Pepsi and Coke offered perks
Student for students in their September pro-
Life posals. Both .promised to offer sum-
mer internships to UF students. Coke
promised two summer internships
each year, while Pepsi boasted hiring 16 UF gradu-
ates since 2000.
Pepsi offered $3.8 million in scholarships and
student and faculty appreciation as a part of the
deal, but Poppell and Morgan would not say
whether scholarship awards are being considered
separately from the total sum.
If the deal is finalized, they do hope that some
of the money could qualify for State Matching Gift
Programs, where the state of Florida matches some
or all of the amount of some large donations to UE.
"We've had an outstanding partnership and
relationship with Coke," Morgan said. "Until this
Pepsi contract is finalized, that's still the modus
In addition, both companies proposed increas-
ing the number of vending machines on campus
and keeping product prices the same in the first
year of the agreement. After that, the price would
be left to market forces.

Ban may deter exchange

FOREIGN, from page 1

"may limit opportunities for
foreign individuals or -families
by eliminating sources of finan-
cial assistance that might have
otherwise been received."
Moreover, while some
Florida students could benefit
from the new need-based schol-
arships, the bill could decrease
the amount of private financial
aid funds available to residents
if universities redirect those
funds to foreign students to
allow them to continue their
None of the House or Senate
bill sponsors returned calls
seeking comment Wednesday.
Luis Suarez-Isaza, presi-
dent of UF's Volunteers for.
International Student Affairs,
or VISA, said the bill was an
unfair shot at foreign'students
that would hinder UF in at-
tracting the best and bright-
est students from around the
"If you're a bright and am-
bitious student in Germany,
you might as well go to France

instead of the United States be-
cause it won't be as expensive,
there won't be the visa hassles,
and there won't be the feeling
of 'we don't want you here,'"
he said.
Moreover, foreign graduate
students go on to perform vital
roles in this country's science
and research community, where
America is producing too few
homegrown scientists to remain
globally competitive, he said.
Maria Rodriguez, coordina-.
tor of the Florida Immigrant
Coalition, said that Florida stu-
dents' educations are enriched
when universities bring in the
most diverse base of knowledge
possible, including students
from foreign countries.
UF has approximately 2,700
international students, accord-
ing to the International Center
Web site. Currently, the site
says, "there is very little finan-
cial aid available for foreign na-
tionals to study in the U.S. Most
grants, scholarships and loans
from public and private sources
are restricted to U.S. citizens."
The text of the bill can be
seen at

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Timid turnover

Reversal of online voting

refusal changes nothing
The Student Government Supreme Court received a slap
on the wrist from Dean of Students Gene Zdziarski
Tuesday when he invalidated its denial of the online vot-
ing initiative.
So, the court's refusal to allow the initiative onto the ballot
was reversed. That means the initiative will be on the ballot,
Dean Gene's halfhearted rebuttal of the court's actions did
nothing but perpetuate the cycle of irresponsible actions taken
against students by SG and the administration.
This is inexcusable, and it shows clearly that the administra-
tion is unwilling to spend even a moment of their valuable time
worrying about what is best for the students.
Presidential candidates MacKenzie Moritz and Dennis
Ngin appealed the court's decision, asking that the initiative be
placed back on the ballot. It seemed only natural that if the court
were overturned, the initiative would go back on the ballot.
Sure, Dean Gene invalidated the court's denial. Good for
him he used his power as adviser to SG to take action against
an inappropriate use of the authority entrusted to the Supreme
Court by the students.
At the end of the day, however, the online voting petition still
is not on the ballot. A reversal of a decision that doesn't actually
change the outcome is worse than useless. If the effects of the
invalidated decision stand, there is no reason for the court to act
any differently in the future.
The bottom line is, the court met in secret. There's no other
way to look at it: They had a meeting to determine the fate of
an issue that students overwhelmingly support, and they didn't
tell anyone about it.
Apparently, court officials have convinced themselves that
their private meeting was not illegal because they are not bound
by Florida's Sunshine Laws.
We disagree with this wholeheartedly. They are justices
handling and adjudicating issues of public money student
money. Their constituents are entitled to be involved and to
criticize the process, in exactly the same way they are with any
other public body in Florida. They equally are entitled to appeal
for any reason that strikes them.
But if their appeals are going to be answered only with limp-
wristed chastising of those who have done wrong, students
can't be faulted for giving up and thinking, "What's the use?"
This sort of wishy-washy response to political malfeasance
sets a dangerous precedent.
Bright-eyed young SG hopefuls will see that they can break
the spirit of the law at will and receive no tangible punishment
from administrators who could care less what happens in stu-
dent politics. As long as they don't mind an Alligator article or
two about how they violated the students' trust, they'll have a
free pass to do whatever they want.
Again, students can't afford to stand by as their interests are
blatantly ignored time and time again by SG officials who only
look out for their own interests especially if we can't count on
our administrators to respond appropriately to foul play.
In the unlikely event that anyone somehow remains uncon-
vinced that the students overwhelmingly support online voting,
we propose a test. In polls run in the Alligator over the past few
years, students routinely have voted in favor of online votingby
large margins the "yes" column nearly always receiving 70
percent or more of the vote. We think this trend will continue.
Students: if you want online voting, surf over to the Opinions
section of and cast your vote. It may not be
the same as having it on the electoral ballot, but it's a start.
So what's it going

"I the independent florida


Dwayne Robinson
Mike Gimignani

Matt Sanchez
Lauren Flanagan
Diana Middleton
Craig Singleton

The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words a 1:,,: j.:.,,.-: i n7r., :..I ,. : T.i ine must be typed, J.: .,i. ;i. is:,.: .j -.',ust include the
author .v. -,e ..-. : r.. -, -.. ,:1-.:.- number. Names -. -.11 :- lr.r.,- i ,1 r..& writer shows
just ca,-, ...: : r.- ,,gr, i: 1,1 for e.i.'r, .ammar, style and libel. Sen. l-e1.i 1,, :..... r,., I.. Io05 W..'.i .:. Ave., or send them to P.O. :.:.. l -"
Gainesville, FL 3260-1 :: :,,,-,.., of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.


Guest column

Single-party dominance a
his election reminds me of the Fall election: one party. Josh Kligler
Call me Josh the Fortuneteller, but I know the Gator Speaking Out
Party is going to win. I just. hope that, when it does,
Student Government really starts to represent the majority Samuels leaving Im
of UF students. We all are Gators, and we all should fight ing Impact, Chris
for the same things. Impact, and so on.
SG at UF is more political than all of Miami-Dade Let's do some mn
County. I have worked on several campaigns in Miami and five Liberal Arts &
have interned with Alex Penelas, the previous mayor of the Who was slated in
county, yet nothing has compared to my experiences at UF International Stude
in less than one year. American Student
I ran for Student Senate in the Fall as an independent Kappa Alpha (a BS
candidate, and I received close to 300 votes. Nonetheless, I Student Education
lost because only one party ran. This made it nearly impos- BSU (and member
sible for any independents to win. I also went before the tioning these candi
Replacement & Agenda Committee twice this semester try- the methods used o
ing to get an open seat and failed both times. Additionally, on the Gator ticket
I have applied for four assistant directorships and have not with Impact. Did I
received one. SG needs to ha'
However, the most recent event affected me the most: I Perhaps they shou
was led to believe that I would receive a seat on the Gator students do not hav
Party ticket, but I did not. source of informati
How? It was mine I earned it. My hard work and de- great journalism sc
termination paid off, as it should have for any student. hours for senators i
I was not slated because two hours before slating ended bling should also be
there was a mass exodus of candidates from one party to office. Have senator
another, of their precious tir
This is when I realized that, unless you are Greek or a are interested. Can
minority, you do not have much hope. That's just the way So what have r
it is. Both my Cuban-Jewish girlfriend and my Greek best tience gotten me? T
friend agree: If you can point out one person in Student my desk and some
Senate or the executive office who does not meet these cri- business cards; thes
teria, we will point out someone who has a relative in Alpha one wants the num
Epsilon Pi Fraternity. viduals on campus,
Most recently, the Black Student Union president said Josh Kligler is an
the organization is not political. That is BS. If BSU is not po- -Arts & Sciences.
litical, why do they have representatives in only one party?


live and well
It doesn't add up. We are at UF, not
FSU we can add. BSU + politics =
Diane Kassim leaving Impact, Andre
Impact, Impact's treasurer candidate leav-
Leak (though I still love you) leaving

nore math. I tried to slate for one of the
c Sciences seats with the Gator Party.
stead? The president of Volunteers for
nt Affairs, the vice president of Cuban
Association, the treasurer of Alpha
U officer), the historian of the Minority
Guild, and a Greek Affairs co-director of
of Alpha Kappa Alpha). I am not ques-
dates' qualifications. I am questioning
r the deals made to get these candidates
when almost all already tried to slate
mention that it is "not political?"
ve a better public relations committee.
ld have a publication of their own so
ve to rely on the Alligator as their only
on. They can start a program with our
school. I think the discussion of office
is a plus if it's implemented. Maybe ta-
e set up for the Senate and the executive
s sit outside and donate an hour a week
ne to discuss issues with students who
any harm come from that?
ny determination, hard work and pa-
hey got me a stack of business cards on
screen names. But these are not just any
e are the cards of people in office. If any-
bers or e-mails of such prestigious indi-
just let me know at
economics junior in the College of Liberal

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.

Reader response
Today's question: Do you support
online voting?

Wednesday's question: Should'
SG have been included in the
process that chose its overseers?

Vote or post a message at

54% YES
46% NO

- II -I I II I

TH SC AYI,,0 5k 2 LIG0 AOR,

Letters to the Editor
Alligator sets priorities on wrong issues
Editor: As seniors, we have witnessed
the downward spiral of the Alligator. You-
have gone from a reasonable school paper
to toilet paper. In Monday's issue, every ar-
ticle was about the Kentucky game or Student
Government elections. I'm sure there was
some event in the world more important than
the Kentucky game. I'm as happy as anyone
about UF's victory, but I don't need to hear it
in four articles and a cartoon. And no one cares
enough about SG to warrant nine pieces. Did
you not notice the depreciation of the dollar or
the war in the Middle East? Or can you simply
not afford an Associated Press article? It's a big
world, Alligator acknowledge it.
Brock Adams and Matt Canini

Shady deals in SG needed to be revealed
Editor. I applaud Bridget Carey's ar-
ticle "Name war deliberate" from Tuesday's
For too long, there has been a. code of si-
lence about the back-door deals that are pres-
ent at all levels of the Student Government
As someone who has fought for average
student representation in all facets of SG, it
feels good to know that the Alligator is look-
ing out for the people who want to have a fair
shot at properly utilizing the A&S fees that
should belong to all students, not only to those
who align themselves with one organization
or another.
Brian Offenther

Give credit where it's due for democracy
Editor: I know that taking credit for things
you had nothing to do with is common in poli-
tics, but Bush taking credit for the spread of
democracy in the Middle East is absurd.
Palestinians only voted Mahmoud Abbas
into office because Yasser Arafat had died two
months earlier. Unless Bush was responsible
for Arafat's death, he cannot take credit. The
Lebanese are pushing for democracy and
freedom from Syria because someone, from
Syria decided to kill Rafik Hariri, a pro-inde-
pendence former Prime Minister of Lebanon.
Again, if Bush had anything to do with the
assassination he might be able to take credit.
Throughout our country's history, we've sup-
ported the Saudi family's stranglehold on
their country. Given the Bush family's close

ties with the Saudis, W's policies have been no
different. So how can Bush take credit for the
elections that have taken place there since last
November when we have pushed so much
harder elsewhere for democracy and gotten
nothing? I fail to see the cause and effect. Iraq
is the only democracy Bush can take credit for,
but at what cost? More than $200 billion has
been spent and more than 1,500 American sol-
diers are dead with no end in sight.
Democrats made the mistake of letting
Republicans claim that Reagan won the Cold
War. We cannot allow the same thing to hap-
pen again. Not only is it factually wrong, but it
denigrates the brave actions of Arabs actually
fighting for their right to vote.
Eric Steele

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Candidates go negative in n4ll

rally for student support ,k atOo

DEBATE, from page 1

Republicans, was held at the
Reitz Union Amphitheater. And
. while the afternoon was chilly,
:he .debate questions some pre-
appro.. ed and some a surprise
- kept the candidates fired up.
What inspired Ml'ritz to seek
the presidency was, "a lot of
shady deal-making going on,"
he said, adding that Ngin.and
former Impact member Andre
Samuels met with him to see if
Progress would drop out and
team-up instead.
But Ngin said the meeting
was more to talk about work-
ing together rather than seeking
Moritz's concession.
On the issue of publicity,
Goldberg. said his competitors
have used negative tactics to
discourage voters by telling stu-
dents "the worst things" about
Student Government and that
those things were not true. He
added that recent news coverage
was not fair to him.
The issue of online voting for
future SG elections was some-
tlin all calndid.iates iere- in favor
,I-t i ith Goldberg a- the only one
-tr>':.sing h-e \wa- not satisfied" -
'. ith the prorami n s. seurit'
li cutled _.ecUiiitV issues as
the reason why he never worked
to pass it while Student Senate
Ngin said he recently sided
with the UF administration in re-
quiring student organizations to
receive UF approval before con-

ducting fundraisers in order for
groups to avoid "the hustle and
hassle for breaking the rules."
Candidates pointed out SG's
weaknesses, and Ngin said it was
accountability for getting work
Goldberg spoke about the
need to provide more improve-
ments that directly .affect stu-
dents' lives. Moritz said: more
students needto
vote for SG to be
"It's a lot of
and not a lot
of students,"
Moritz said.
during the law school debate
touched onr drinking on campus
and a perceived lack of conserva-
tive professors at UF. The three
agreed that resumes and quali-
fications are the only things that
should be examined when hiring
faculty not political affilia-
Ngin said he would like pro-
fessors to announce their politi-
cal affiliation in classes where it
might be relevant .a common
courtesy to student .
All three candidates. spoke out
against making UF a dry campus
in response to an administrative
review of UF's alcohol policies,
although no administrator has
publicly reported plans to make
UF a dry campus.
Ngin noted UF administrators
have yet to make a decision on
the alcohol issue.

Culture barrier hampers efforts

MISSING, from page 1

hours a day, seven days a week,"
serving as the liaison between
the four students and local au-
"It's a true disappearance;
it's really a mystery."
Peter Nienaber
Dobbins' friend and classmate

Nienaber is accompanied
by UF exchange students Trent
Battye, Derryn Pagan and Imogen
Nells, according to a report sent
via e-mail by the foursome. They
.ave Dobbins' credit cards, pass-
port, travel documents, money,
an airline ticket and luggage, ac-
cording to the report.
The only items Dobbins had
in his possession at the time of
his disappearance from a beach
Friday were the clothes he was
wearing -a blue-and-pink
striped polo shirt, green khaki
shorts, flip-flops and a small
amount of local currency.

Reports state the group real-
ized there was a problem when
Dobbins did not arrive by a 10
a.m. meeting time for the group
to return rental vehicles.
The group began its initial
search combing the beaches
and talking to locals-and police,
including a local man named
Rollando, who stated he saw
Brendan around 7 a.m. walking
alone, a report stated.
"It is definitely out of char-
acter for Brendan," the group's
report stated about Dobbins not
contacting his group after miss-
ing the agreed-upon meeting
Nienaber said the language
and culture barrier has hampered
their search efforts.
The Spring Break vacation
had been going exception-
ally smoothly, Nienaber said, and
there had been no altercations or
rur-ins during the week.
He said the group was busy
surfing, touring and enjoying the
beautiful country.
"It's a true disappearance,
really a mystery," Nieri:b-r.:iu,..


0 Send a heartfelt Congratulations! to that special someone who has
worked so hard to earn their degree...and Good Luck on their jour-
ney into their new life...

0 Wish your friends Thank you Et fond farewell...they've been
a big part of your life and it's hard to part company...

0 Thank the helpful professor, dean, or advisor that took the time to
make your life so much easier...

0 Tell your loved ones how grateful you are for their support,
encouragement and love...

6 Bid adieu to Gainesville and all it has meant during your time -
here...favorite places, favorite people, favorite things...

8 Your memories will be captured in a special place...messages will
appear in Graduation 2005, published on April 5th.

Boxec Dog-

You made it out of the
doghouse at last! Have fun
making lots of kibbles .a
Iur new job!

Love, Mama HounmL

Jim K- The scholar, the
bumanist. Your academic
dedication has been an
inspiration to us all. All
rhot 3am ni ghtf of mtensc
studying and your fantastic
d-voriou to the pursuit of
knowledge will erve you
well in your career~ a the
.Brain Trusi. Love ,MAK

To Jeri-

My sister. my friend, and
my confidante. You are my
light, my inspiration. my '
buddy 4 life. Cancun the
DG house Sping Break -
so many memurieq' I love
you girl!


'" ",',..:-.... .. .,. o i(PB-M W1 *" -.. ., .2

Messages will appear in Graduation 2005,
the keepsake Graduation Edition
appearing on Tuesday, April 5, 2005.
Deadline for copy and payment is Tuesday, March 29th by 4 p.m.
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If Thornton Wilder W- :.
were alive today, he
might be.intrigued g
by the reality
TV craze that's swept over
America. His 1938 Pulitzer- .
Prize-winning play, "Our Town,"
now playing at the Hippodrome
State Theatre, almost is like a
distant ancestor of a reality TV
Set in the small rural town
of Grover's Corner, N.H., "Our
Town" follows the lives of two
families, the Gibbs and the
Webbs. Grover's Corner is
the type of small town where
everyone knows everyone else.
See Angie's review, pg. 14. -
-- 3
--' ~ ~ ~ ~ R~4 ".w "';- .i,: -"

Thursday 10

Common Gro~vits
RaPmona Q4Limbly,
The Twats, Led Astray,
Wvvole Wheact Bread
Eddie C's -SlLwvn Dig, Fallen
From The Sky, Wizbang,
A Shevameful Display
Stephen C. O'Connell
Center- One and Done,
One Piump Chumpt, Reel
BLg Fish
The Shamrock Tke
Nesklmos, Select Start

Saturday 12

Common Grounds Enon,
Swearing At Motorists,
sip, sip/ttane, tune

Monday 14

Eddce C's Big City
BrLck City Masic Hall
Medeski, Martin and

Wednesday 16

Common Grounas -Talib
Kwell, Intellekt and DJ
Dirty Digits
Eddle C's Ozzmos.Ls,

Nick West/ Alligator Staff
Video Rodeo, located at 1119 W University Ave., opened its doors in December. The independent store stocks shelves of lesser-
known movies for patrons to peruse.

Beyond Blockbusters

Avenue Contributing Writer

The selection at Video Rodeo, G.inesi-v ille- nr. e..t ider rental
outlet, might resemble the Wild \\e-t for mnot .mc'nerica consum-
The movies venture into the c.inm.. nluni Lincharted territorie- of
the cinematic realm: foreign filn-ms ikr Suicide Club -urt L.L-t
productions like "Eraserhead" and lon.r-fo.rgoittn orkl tihe
Mr. T vehicle "Be '-B>:,:_' or I'. SomebntL d r, ,l1
Video Rodeo's creators are
looking to make an alternative l'd rather su.ppOrt
to corp':ratt ', idcu:. t.-.e ,:hatin viieo store with 0 m~
Roger Beebe, a UF hilm pro-
fessor, opened the store in December because he
saw a great cultural void in Gainl-'- il!c
ie ,. place I've lived at .- an adult ha. iuid inr!ic t, pe itf alt. i-
native video -trie he h ai li.n I .;crt here i -;. tier ax. t
one. I C-niplained abILout it h ti' Lir .03' bLUt c. LitUill, I kinda
just did it im, clt
Before he L.,can hii- b iL.-ri< '. thoti. igh. Bi c lL Loilta-.0 .cted
two of his formirL ctudint- and a-_ked t-,'I tilLir elp LIl- li.du-
ates hlichcllh, Tumasbu :ind Zach \eltliin imiri ;n,.eiatel.' aic,:eptc-d
Beebe's offer.
Jeffrey Lancaster, an as.:-ccitit ot l...masso e- cntiuail\ i amn
on board when he learned ir thei ptiL: 'I :' plan.- Thein, tied to-
gether only by happenstance iand a !.l' e of cineni t!lh tiur I. .catd
a space for rent on 1119 W University Ave. and assembled the hall
of alternative movies.
Beebe fronted $17,000 to get Video Rodeo off the ground, and he
has yet to make a profit, but th.e inlphji i- said that the pri.i.cit has
been worth the cost.

He iIenjii, ri.iinia.gin tihr.':i1Zil the 25.Sii -Iomt-odci i tape- and
D\s a-jlonc, the -tore bri. Ihit red d acks .and he glad that him
bull-: like lumrnelt finall, hai e a place to cgo tor alternate c cinema
'Sevral. Ci .i.l.tlers ot the Video Rod._0 e*ho,'i' d i'ebe T- C.nti-
"I'm rua!l ci..cited that thl- opened up -a\i- rin ligran, a
student at the IFlorida Scr'hi .iil i' Mals-agre ,rid the i50'th pu.ers- to
sipg LIp -r mt iiiLii -15 hip to the store Gi' C'kL"u-ter L-C '. '
Ni:ck Br...zan a speech' pathcii.lgit an>d PhD t-licdenr 3t LIF
says he often co.mpianced that he had Ino pl.-.c. to rI.'nt theii- mni,.-i
h-e cn]o0\_
smaI, independent .I d ta:thci -Lpport a -nll
Stho gKtghfU1 collection. "ndpndent video -torc .1 It
Sai more th>,'ughtl-ul o!Lection.
Nick BrOgnli, hesails
ToImaci \ .ialr hllin and
_:-,inca: ter alc, art- .aileful tor V ideo R,'dc .o L'cau. e it s Li\ t n
tlhimi :i1 ob d:int; Siomentliing thi.:- le. The three -pLnd nimot _,ft
thie i tiinc at tli.- c I -t.-iLli-hinert i. uLrkiig th-e .a-.h -' i : tter and it p-
illn CuL-t;omerii t L'tlt. II lb t. -eenll thel \ Lat to i ai ch tli l'''. iic -,' the 211-
i1,:li Pro,-cari-L-'a13 d t.l. i,-io. n top thlI st-.e tI cled'c -%ilut .ILLultLI
Lanc:-rtel. I ho ul-;d t,.I i ork a-it l31o,:kb1 ttli -'\ the neN' ilob
is far -upl ri'.r
Tht ;N a- !uni blit 1 ran ouit o! 1110'.olV tO' watch h' he sJ-. 'I
could .ipenrd a.. i houii t i v, in to tind a mi\ ,: tlh,-'. L 'ut I could spe-nd
ani- hiul tIr, ini t,- pick a imn.i I- hI re
Tht aa .int-igadeI Illn catalcutLe it \ dec0 Rodtu attracted
mari, if the store'- n,' 53'1.i menmb-r bhut B.:ube t.oil, greatt pain-
to point out that the -tore .i> 11.1, inmorI main-reaim lae like 2
Fast and 2 Furious" and Tr-e Running lIan
"You shouldn't be afraid to come in here if you don t like
Ingmar Bergman," he says.




Concerts to fill Phillips

Avenue Writer

The American Bandmasters Association,
a group noted for offering its exclusive
membership to only the finest wind band
directors in the world, held the first concert
of its 715t annual convention Wednesday at
the Curtis M. Phillips Center for Performing
The concert began at 7:30 p.m. and fea-
tured the UF Wind Symphony conducted
by David Waybright with special guest art-
ists Karl Leister, principal clarinetist of the
Berlin Philharmonic, and the popular brass
ensemble The Boston Brass.
"ABA conventions are truly gala occa-
sions, combining glittering social events, sig-
nificant professional gatherings and superb
band music performances," Waybright said.
The concert also included the world pre-
miere performance of "Backwater Catfish,"
a new composition by Pulitzer Prize nomi-
nee and UF music faculty member Paul
Wednesday's was the first of a four-con-
cert series ending on Sunday.

All events in the series are free and open
to the public, but tickets are required.
And while Wednesday's opening pro-
duction was described as especially fantastic,
Waybright is thrilled about all four concerts.
"This town literally will be filled with
the sounds of trumpets and trombones,
woodwind instruments and horns of all
kinds playing the music of revered compos-
ers like Francis Scott Key, George Gershwin,
Johann Sebastian Bach, Gustav Hoist, Sergei
Rachmaninoff and John Phillip Sousa," he
Friday's concert promises a rousing and
patriotic concert by the United States Army
Field Band at the Phillips Center.
Saturday's concert will feature The
Winthrope Olde English Wind Ensemble
at the University Auditorium instead of the
Phillips Center.
Leister and the Boston Brass also will
conduct free master classes, which are open
to the public.
For more information on indi-
vidual concerts, please go to http://

Sisters open for McCain

ou might remember Edwin
McCain's one-hit wonder, "I'll
Be.'' from the late 90s, but chanc-
es are the opening act for his upcoming
Gaines\ille show won't ring a bell
The Pierces, a singing sister duo, will
open for McCain Fndav night at Common
Grounds, and although their name is new
to most, their sound is fresh and worthy of
a listen.
Allison Pierce, the brunette piece ot the
pair, described their music as "pop folk
with some southern roots."
Though Allison and her blonder sister,
Cathenne, grew up in Birmingham. Ala..
their musical influences were less country
and more classic pop. such as The Beatles
and Simon and Garfunkel.
The Pierces just returned from Europe
on tour tor Light of the Moon," released
Jan. 25 In 2000, their self-titled debut CD
flopped, but a-ter a change in manage-
ment, the outlook for "Light of the Moon"
is much better.
"It's had a lot more momentum than


the last record.,' Alison said.
All of the tracks on both albums were
written by the duo, some in collaboration
with their producer
'Light of the Moon" features a few
classically depressing love songs, but
Allison said the main inspiration for the
album was the Pierces' new home New
York Ciw.
"It's very e e~-opemng. It makes rou re-
ahze you're not the center of the luiverse,"
she said.
whateverr their inspiration. The Pierces
well-timed melodies are sure to sound
even more amazing in concert
McCain will be performing songs from
his 2004 release, "Scream and W-hisper,"
and his better-known 90s single
If nothing else. "I'll Be" should be good
for a trip down memory lane to the days
when y'ou were watching "Dawson's
Creek" and taking the bus to school
The concert starts at 10 p.m., and tickets
are $12.


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March to May to bring piano rock to The Shamrock

Avenue Writer

I remember my freshman year.
Between illegally downloading
music in the dorm Ethernet con-
nection, classes and gawking at
random females, there wasn't
a great deal of time to focus on
much of anything.
But for the four members of
March to May, things are a little
Originally based out of Winter
Park, the members of March to
May have stayed busy during
their first year at UF by writing
songs, playing live shows almost
every other week and recording
an ambitious self-titled CD.
"It is a six-song EP with our
ideas about the world," lead
singer and piano player Michael
Boynton explained. "Not in a
weird emo-obsessive perspec-
tive, but what you see in your life
but don't acknowledge."
Along with Jesse Jackson,
Doris Delay and Doctor Odd,
March to May will be playing
Shamrock Saturday night for the
official album release party.
"We've put a lot of thought
and time into the recording,"

Photo courtesy of March to May
Members of March to May are making the most of their relocation to UF by working on a six-song EP. The
band will play Saturday at The Shamrock.

members of the band said via
e-mail. "In general, if you enjoy
music, you will enjoy our EP. We
want more than that though, we
want people to listen to it, ana-

lyze it and figure out the mean-
ing of what we have produced."
Bassist Carl Nyburg described
the recording process.
"It was a great bonding time

for the most part," he said, "ex-
cept for when Michael yelled
at us and kicked us out of the
Guitar player Mike Pensky

added that the EP, which was
recorded at Wade Studios, took
a lot of time and effort to com-
"We gave up a lot of sleep for
it," he said.
Influenced by Coldplay,
Radiohead and Death Cab for
Cutie, the band strives to sepa-
rate themselves from other local
bands and features an original,
piano-driven sound.
"We would-like to make music
that people will truly appreciate
for many years to come," drum-
mer Aubrey Way said.
Based out of Miami, Jesse
Jackson offers an up-tempo folk,
blues and jazz sound, while
Doctor Odd is a three-man local
unit specializing in pop rock.
Doris Delay comes from Orlando
showcasing fun and catchy indie
Saturday's show at The
Shamrock will. provide an inti-
mate venue for the upbeat acts.
The doors open at 9:30 p.m.
with music starting at 10. Cover
is $5. Copies of March to May's-
CD will be available for $5. For
more information about the band,
check out the band's Web site at
http/ /

Dealing with hangers-on and the not-so-well-endowed

HOw log after h0ookiO P otLa
r watt before leavitg? Ijeel bvt cbout, av toig rigt
Jter, bat I doVW'tthiVk I sLtOl swas skwe' to sleep
,.,. Lso, how cac I get a g il to leve
7, s -T.L.

Dear Pissed Off by Pillow Talk,
But, if you insist on being a gentleman, there
is certain hook up etiquette you can follow.
Instead of employing the "get off and get out" method, try
what I like to call "rinse, lather and repeat."
Take a shower together after you've finished bumping and
grinding. It doesn't require much talking, and it usually ends
up being more dirty than clean. And by then she should be so
exhausted that she won't notice you making a break for it, right?
Towel off, say your goodbyes and head for
the door (or the window, whichever- is closer).
When she's at your place, don't offer her a T-shirt or any
other article of your clothing that could be confused for
pajamas. Be sure to keep mentioning what a busy day you

Jump Your
Bones Jones

have ahead of you (do this before
you take you clothes off, prefer-
ably much earlier in the evening).
If she doesn't get the hint, flat out
tell her to feave. However, do this
only if you wish to never speak to
and/or hook up with her again.
What's so bad about staying the
night, anyway? Alarm clocks have
nothing on A.M. action. You get
morning wood for a reason.

nltr ng this gSj et e hwe 4ave a reel l o lL
i l oteCtLo exceptsor one probLemv. He ,"
i col. nneI t Oknw size x doesn't matter, bulktt ever l
Spi tr s. I l ,O t it I can't etp but be ,

AVYl-l Iechtorrible person? WhtshoUt4l I11 1

Dear Hung Up on How He's Hung,
First of all, you're not a horrible person (just a little

So what if your man's meat is more like a cocktail
weenie than a.foot-long? They taste just as delicious. (es-
pecially when wrapped up like adorable sleeping pigs).
The truth is, size doesn't matter to everyone (and no,
I'm not just saying that to keep the not-so-well-endowed
guys from jumping off buildings).
Just like penises vary greatly in size,-so do vaginas.
Some women can only accommodate something on the
smaller size, while others need something bigger to feel
fulfilled. And then, there are plenty ladies happy to get
whatever.comes their way (cough, cough).
Plus, only the first few inches of the vagina
are filled with nerve endings, so a four inch pe-
nis doesn't feel that much different than an eight
inch one (that is, until it impales your uterus).
My advice? You can ditch this dude and embark on a
search for the mythical 12-inch crotch rocket that will
launch you into orgasmic orbit. Or, you can take a stroll
through a few locker rooms and realize all the gigantic
gents you see in pors are genetic freaks.
So, stop counting inches (or centimeters) and start count-
ing your-blessings. Someone to do the nasty with? Check.
A good physical connection with said person? Check.
SBesides, the penis is a distant third to a man's most valu-
able sex organs: the tongue and fingers.

Pickled Fish wants clubbers to try dancing to a new beat

Avenue Writer

Pickled Fish says their rock sound
- influenced by the 70s, tinged with a little
funk and infused with a Latino style that
is "danceable" is the answer for college
students who are sick of going to the same
old dance clubs and are looking for some-
thing new.
Club-goers can be part of the local scene
without being completely shell-shocked at
their first show dancing is welcome at
Pickled Fish performances.

"We get a lot of 'club people' that don't
go to most shows," lead singer and guitar-
ist Carlos Baez said. "But we go to clubs,
Pickled Fish will be playing at Sidebar at
10:30 p.m. Friday with Fick and The Love
Drags. The cover charge is $5.
The band is Baez and his brother Javier
Baez, who plays the drums, and bass player
Alejandro Arenas.
The three got together in the fall of 2002
when the Baez brothers, after moving to the
United States from Nicaragua to attend col-
lege, decided to start a band.
Arenas was the first to reply to a flier,

and thus Pickled Fish was born.
The band is named after Javier Baez's
MSN Messenger handle, which was
taken from. Pearl Jam drummer Dave
Abbbruzzese's pen name.
Pickled Fish, like their, quirky band
name, has an unusual approach to their
Carlos Baez said when the band head-
lines, they usually play between the first
and. second opening acts instead of play-
ing last. They play in the middle because
Arenas has to drive home to Tampa, where
he currently resides, Carlos Baez said.
The Colimbian bassist transferred to

USF from Santa Fe to study music, and he
is currently in five bands.for his school.
Javier Baez is also planning to transfer
to USF, which will make booking shows
difficult 'for a band that only plays in
Lucky for them, such a move should not
deter the band or cause any conflicts.
"We're brothers, we have to get along,"
Javier Baez said. "We can fight and not
have the tension."
SBut regardless of when they play, the
band's objective is always to have a good
S"Every time we play," Javier Baez said.



Local music stores offer alternative to mainstream

Avenue Writer
Tired of disposable, flavor-of-the-month,
mainstream bands promoted by corporate-
chain music stores? Filter the Clear Channel
pool, because Gainesville is home to great,
locally owned and operated record shops
offering a diversity of titles and genres from
the familiar to the obscure. The independent-
run venues listed below even carry vinyl, not
something you'll find at Best Buy or Circuit
HYDE & ZEKE: A Gainesville institution, Hyde
and Zekes first opened its doors in 1977.
Owner Charlie Scales' selection of used vinyl
records is so vast he can't even display them
all on the shelves. They offer every type of
music and feature an excellent selection of lo-
cal bands. They buy, sell and trade music, but
they also buy and sell guitars and turntables.

They even carry 8-tracks.
H&Z is a ticket outlet for shows at the
Common Grounds, Eddie C's and other com-
munity music venues. They occasionally hold
all-ages shows inside the store, and Scales said
he plans on hosting more all-ages performanc-
es soon, so younger kids have a place in town
to watch music.
Hyde & Zeke is situated at 402 NW 10th
St. off North Main Street with ample parking,
away from traffic. Their hours are 11 a.m. to
6 p.m. every day except Fridays, 11 a.m. to 7
p.m., and Sundays, 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Call 376-
1687 for more information.
NO FUTURE RECORDS: No Future Records,
started by Gainesville native Alex Leon in
January of 2004, offers indie rock, hip-hop
and punk on vinyl and CDs. NFR features
independent releases, including everything
from local bands to Modest Mouse. NFR also
serves as a ticket outlet for Common Grounds

and has held two in-store acoustic shows. Last
October, NFR helped sponsor The Fest, a huge
three-day punk/indie music festival present-
ed in Gainesville entertainment venues.
No Future Records is situated at 107 N
Main St. across from The Top. Just look for the
futuristic mural of the red robot and giant eye-
ball attacking each other with broken records.
Store hours are Monday through Saturday
from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m., or call 373-9669 or e-
SMOKE: Smoke, part of the Gainesville inde-
pendent music scene for nine years, features
the biggest selection of electronic music and
equipment in town, including drums, bass
and breaks. Three local DJs work at Smoke, so
come talk to the experts.
They sell tickets for upcoming shows at the
Common Grounds, the Market Street Pub and
the Ultra Music Festival, the largest gathering
of DJs in the country.

Smoke is situated at 1007 W University
Ave. Hours are Monday through Thursday
11 a.m. to 3 a.m., Friday and Saturday they're
open 24 hours and Sunday it's 11 a.m. to mid-
night. Call 379-7670 for more information.
WAYWARD COUNCIL: The Wayward Counil,
a non-profit, volunteer-run record store, just
celebrated its fifth anniversary in Gainesville.
They sell new and used punk, hardcore, hip-
hop and pop acts on vinyl and CD. Prices here
a bargain. Their focus is carrying artists from
independent labels such as Gainesville's No
Idea Records. The WC hosts not-for-profit
benefit shows in their store to support differ-
ent people in the community, and the back
serves as practice space for area musicians.
The WC is open Tuesday through Sunday
noon to 8 p.m. They are situated at 807 W
University Ave. Call 335-0800 or visit their
Web site at

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NESkimos, Select Start to groove with game tunes

Avenue Writer

Remember when video games were com-
prised of one-dimensional, pixilated charac-
ters and settings? Remember when you had to
blow into a cartridge to get the game to start?
Remember when all the theme music came
from a synthesizer? These bands do.
Tonight the NESkimos and Select Start will
turn The Shamrock into a 1980s living room,
playing themes from classic Nintendo games.
You name it, if you can remember it, and

you'll probably hear it from Mega Man II
to Tetris.
The NESkimos, hailing from St.
Augustine, have a guitar-driven sound.
Guitarist Dan "Wily" Henuber had been ex-
perimenting with game themes for a few years
before he heard a Japanese metal band playing
songs from the game Castlevania.
"I freaked," says Henuber. "I immediately
went into action and talked the rest of the guys
into it. It took some beer, but not that much."'
- At nearly the polar opposite of Nintendo
theme-covering bands sits Gainesville's
Select Start a cellist, two violinist, a

keyboardist, a guitarist, and a flautist.
Their classical arrangement presents sev-
eral obstacles. Classical instruments demand
a great deal of talent, which isn't much of a
problem for the members of Select Start.
It also is hard to get self-proclaimed "gam-
ing nerds" together to do much else than
talk about video games, as guitarist David
Yasensky explains, "Our first sessions were
horrible; we spent most of our time discussing
how wonderful Final Fantasy IV was."
The market of bands playing Nintendo
theme songs may be small or hardly exis-
tent. But that means little to these bands who

simply love video games and music.
The NESkimos have achieved some success,
playing on the MTV Video Game Countdown,
but mainstream fame is not their objective.
Nor is it for Select Start, which Yasensky called
a "hobby."
If you long for the days when memory
cards were science fiction and you shot at fly-
ing ducks instead of police officers, you won't
want to miss this show.
The Shamrock is located at 1017 W
University Ave. For more information on
the bands visit or


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'Our Town' evokes nostalgia, stays true to author
By ANGIE DE ANGELIS playing at the Hippodrome State where everyone knows everyone as they fall in love, marry and learn treasured. With its profoundly mov-
Avenue Writer Theatre, almost is like a distant ances- else. It's the kind of place where some of life's lessons. Because it was ing performance, the Hippodrome's
tor of a reality TV show. women sing in the church choir and first produced in 1938, "Our Town" version of the classic drama stays true
If Thornton Wilder were alive Set in the small rural town of gossip about the town drunkard, has been a classic of American drama. to the author's original work.
today, he might be intrigued by the Grover's Corer, N.H., "Our Town" "Our Town" focuses on the lives of "Our Town" takes the normally trivi- "Our Town" runs until March 20
reality TV craze that's swept over follows the lives of two families, Emily Webb, played by Lara Briney, al events of human life and makes the at the Hippodrome State Theatre,
America. His 1938 Pulitzer-Prize- the Gibbs and the Webbs. Grover's and George Gibbs, played by Justin audience realize in life even the most located-at 25 SE Second Place. For
winning play, "Our Town," now Comer is the type of small town Tolley. The play follows the couple insignificant moments should be- tickets call 375-HIPP.

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Pio's Pasta Company
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for reservations for any special
occasion or just a quiet night
out. Walk-ins welcome.


UF alumnus creates buzz with new 'Alien' cartoon

Avenue Writer
Cary Silver never imagined his
inte spent at UF as a theater major
01 )ears ago would transition him
to sunny California, not as an actor

but rather a producer of cartoons.
The 42-year-old Californian gradu-
ated from UF in 1985. During his
time at the university, he fancied
himself a thespian, acting in sev-
eral musicals around town. After -a
short-lived trip to Miami to pursue

an acting career, Silver took a drive
in the summer of '86 to the West
Coast to find a job. Little did he
know that soon after this move,
his acting career \ would come to an
abrupt stop, and a new door in ani-
mation would open.

"I fell in love with animation,"
Silver said. "I just liked the whole
buzz about it."
More than a decade and dozens
of animation projects later, he is
working as producer on the new
cartoon "Pet Alien" for Cartoon

Network. The cartoon, which first
aired Jan. 23 at 10 a.m., was broad-
cast all over the world, including
France and the United Kingdom.
"It's a lot of hard work, but I
have fun," he said. "I have the best
job in the world."

Japanese Mediterranean Mexican Pizza Vegetarian

va Sushi
- SW 35th Blvd. (Butler Plaza
: to Publix). Enjoy Authentic
mnese food in a Casual &
ifortable environment. Our
;nsive SUSHI BAR provides
best portions in town. All
iu made-to-order. Try our new
lu with new rolls, appetizers,
th specials, & unique rice
:es. Open every day 11:30am-
m. To Go orders available on
thing. 335-3030. Delivery
Able through

oolah lounge

ah's On the Avenue
,esville's Premiere Hookah
nge! One of Farah's best
len treasures are its hookah
icco pipes also known
Argilleh, these flavorful,
natic concoctions of taste
smell offer a relaxing
)d either before, after, or
iaps even while dining at
ih's. We use only the finest
Id of premium hookah
1icco and natural charcoal,
sorted directly from the
literranean Gulf. For your
ng pleasure we offer meze,
litional small plates of food,

such as hummus, kibbie, falafel,
spinach & artichoke dip, baba
ghanoush, and kifta. Famous
for our wings, gyros, burgers
and steaks. Large vegetarian
selection. All service in a casual
atmosphere. Saturday nights
BELLY DANCING beginning at
8pm: 1120W. Univ. Ave. 378-5179.


Gyros Plus
1011 W. University. Ave.
11-10 Mon-Sun 336-5323. We
have the best Falafel, Tabouli,
Hummus, Baba, Grape Leaves
& Gyros-beef or chicken. Fresh
smoothie bar & Baklava. Pita
Bread Bakery at 2401 SW
13th St., 372-4995. We sell
hookahs, parts, charcoals,
fine tobacco, and halal meat.


Burrito Brothers
Serving Gainesville since 1976.
Made to order, made from scratch
Many vegetarian & vegan items
available. Open 7 days, 11am-
10pm. 16 NW 13th St. 378-5948.

El Toro
You've had the rest, now try the
BEST Mexican food in Gainesville.
We have great fajitas & vegetarian
cuisine. Loved by Gators past
and present since 1990. Best
homemade salsa in town. Open
7 days a week for lunch and
dinner. 1723 SW 13th St. Take out
and catering available 376-6989.

La Fiesta
Catering Gainesville for 16 years
now! Come and enjoy authentic
Mexican food at reasonable
prices. Try one of our fajita
entrees or choose from several
vegetarian selections. Also try
our special grilled pork chops
with black beans and rice. Don't
forget about our tasty margaritas
on special Mon-Thurs at $2.25 &
2-4-1 Mich Lite & Bud Lite drafts,
$1.95 Mon & Tues. Locatedbehind
Red Lobster across from Oaks
Mall. *Carry out also available*
332-0878. Closed Sunday.


Casino's Pizza & Subs
Try Us, You'll Love- Us!
Try Us, You'll Love Us!
Try Us, You'll Love Us.!
Try Us, You'll Love Us!

Specialty pizzas, subs, calzones,
salads, stromboli, desserts,
wings, and sides. Large 1-topping
delivered! $6.99 everyday! Try
our carryout special! 1-toplping
pizza, everyday! Small $2.99,
Medium $4.99, Large. $5.99.
Call Us, You'll Love Us!
372-4848 1710 SW 13th St.
Open from 10am-4am.

Pizza legend since 1973. Whole
pizzas & slices. Open 7 days a
week 9am 11pm Sun-Thurs.
Fri & Sat till 12am. Call ahead
for pickup 375-2007. For delivery
call 379-FOOD. Located next
to Bistro 1245. Leo's Cafe open
daily 9am. Flavored coffees,
espressos & fresh baked pastries.

Mellow Mushroom
Take a trip to Since
1974, we've been dishing out
high-quality ingredients in all of
our specialty pizzas, monumental
hoagies, and scrumptious salads.
And yes,. we deliver. 1209 W.
University Ave. 367-0012.


Book Lover's Cafe
Vegetarian and Vegan cuisine

prepared with all natural
ingredients. Organic food,
smoothies and juices. Amex/
Visa/ATM. 10am-9pm 505 NW
13th St.


Saigon Legend
Delicious traditional Vietriamese
cuisine with popular Asian
favorites as well. Pho, Bahn-
Cuon, Bahn Xeo, Banh Tom Ha-
Noi. Enjoy great food at great
prices. Big new room! Family
owned restaurant. Next to
Holiday Inn downtown. Dine in
or take out. Catering available.
Mon-Sat 10:30am-9:30pm, Sun
11:30-9pm, 374-0934.

-For information on



Dining .

S Contact
Hilarv lenkins
6 376-44S


Novelists' cloning stories hardly mirror images

T e modern day Mary Shelleys are coming down from
te tower.
Last month, the .British government gave lan
Wilmut, the creator of Dolly the cloned sheep, the nod to do
what'Americans are going to argue over for some time to
come: the cloning of human stem cells.
In the next month, two books in which writers start grap-
pling with the social and moral questions raised with work
like Wilmut's will hit the shelves.
British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro's long-awaited book
"Never Let Me Go" will be released the first week of April
and Kevin Guilfoile's "Cast of Shadows" arrived in local
stores last week.
Ishiguro, author of "The Remains of the Day," sets his
story in the late 1990s from the point of view of 31-year-old.
Kathy H. None of Ishiguro's characters have last names
- playing into their intentional incompleteness.
Through a narrative that serves as part romance and part
the tale of reconciliation of childhood friends, Kathy de-
scribes her childhood in a "student" home called Hailsham.
Hailsham seems like an orphanage with a dark secret.
Only Ishiguro's characters are not your "Oliver Twist"
orphans living downtrodden lives fighting for a chance to

overcome the hand fate dealt them.
Kathy and her friends are clones
living sheltered lives existing for the
purpose of growing up to become
transplant organ donors. Those
would be donors of vital organs.
Cher Phillips Ishiguro.creates a world in which
Off the Press cancer is fully curable and the result is quietly horrific.
I read the flap. and the advance
from the publisher. I was entirely
cognizant of these characters' fates. Yet as I read the last
chapters, I couldn't shake this Chuck-Heston-screaming-
"Soylent-Green-is-people" feeling in the pit of my stom-
If "Never Let Me Go" has a fault it would be the initial
pace is excruciatingly slow. Be forewarned. This is entirely
"Cast of Shadows" is faster paced, pokes a stick at many
of the same questions that "Never Let Me Go" does but is
an entirely different kind of novel. Guilfoile's book hosts
a myriad of characters playing.God against the backdrop
of a mystery. Leave it -to an American novel to toss these

questions around with a serial killer running around in the
Davis Moore clones embryos for infertile couples. Moore
takes on the role of God when his teenage daughter Anna
Kat is murdered. He discovers evidence of the killer's DNA
returned to him in her personal effects. The teaser for this
one is: "How far would you go to look into the face of your
daughter's killer?"
The answer is Moore will go unbelievably far.
While laws prevent him from cloning his daughter and
reason prevails in his recognition that Anna Kat's clone
wouldn't be the daughter he lost, Moore decides to clone
the killer so he can see what his daughter's murderer looks
While "Cast of Shadows" strengths are in it's plotting
and pacing, it didn't resonate in my mind like "Never Let
Me Go" has, coming back and bothering me when I am
walking to class or driving home like a really good book
I can see "Cast of Shadows" as perfect in paperback by
the pool. "Never Let Me Go" will release in March interna-
tionally, but you'll have to wait until April in the U.S. Look
forward to it.


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Roommate matching 3/3 from only $429
FREE Cable w/ HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm
Gated*24hr gym* tan FREE*Close to UF
Leasing for NOW& FALL*377-2777

Super Clean Studio
Walk to Shands-
Long & short term lease
Now as low as $355 monthly
inc all utilities ph 336-9836

Fully furnished 3 and 4 bdrm apartment
homes. All utilities, 24 hr Gym, Free Tanning
as low as $480/bdrm
Roommate Matching Avail. 336-3838.

Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall.
Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single &
double suites available. Starting at $400/mo
includes everything gym, pool, DSL, elec-
tric, etc. 337-9255 or

1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio,
park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail
3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/
mo 4-20-71-1

*Incredible Deal 1/1 in 4/4*
with: intemet & cable & elec & water
walking closets, full bath, wash/dry
pool view, gym, FULL furnish
Call for more info 352-258-3542 3-31-46-1

Just Bring Your Clothes!
Furnished 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875
/--,,JLuxury living with all the perks!
Includes cable, utility packages avail
All we need is you! 372-8100

DUPLEX Efficiency -Tower & Archer Rd.
1BR, BA & kitchen, appliances, Dish
Network, covered patio, picnic area, utils
included. $425/mo $100 sec dep. 352-372-
6466 3-10-12-1

1 room in 2BR downtown apt Newly re-
modeled. Quiet neighborhood. I. Shands
UF & Library. $350/mo Month to month or
longer lease okay. Pets okay. Call 262-1351

1BR cottage in B&B district $550/mo. Walk
to downtown, bike to UF/Shands. Wood
floors. 1st/last + $330 sec dep. Avail April
1st 377-7681 3-15-5-1

For Rent
Unfurnished .

for 3/2 in furnished feng-shui house in NW
area. $380/mo. Close to UF & SFCC wl#8
bus stop. 386-795-5888 3-15-5-1

COUNTRYSIDE 4BR/4BA .$425 util, cable,
dsl incl. On bus rts 9 & 35. Individual leases.
Call 407-620-1555 3-29-15-1

Spiral Staircase Skylight
Pool 2 Tennis Cts
Indvl lease & Utility Pack
Now and Fall 377-7401 4-20-31-1

( For Rent
Sunfurnished .

1 BA W/D is optional. Park in front of your apt.
Pet play park. 2 mi to VA/Shands. $525/mo
372-0507. 4-20-71-2

SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $325/mo.
*1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or
mobile 213-3901. 4-20-71-2

Walk to UF, Studios and 1BR's
From $499. Free parking
Open Weekends 371-7777

$89 1st month's rent

Need a Rental Home or Condo?
-Need ATenant?

WatsonRealtyGCrp :Li.i .'.'
Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440
Full Service Sales 352-377-8899

Studios & 1/1s from $459 at UF
Pool *We Pay Most Utilities Pets OK
Residents get FREE parkirig...guaranteed
You can't live any closer! 372-7111

For Rent
unfurnished: J

* Avail NOW or AUGUST!
0 1BR $530/2BR $580/3BR $735
* HUGE floor plans! 2 Pools!
* Pets Welcome! ** 335-7275

Hurry while they last
Only 8 left! W/D, pets OK

*Some furnished avail*
**Walk or Bike to Campus **
1-1 $460/mo*02-1 $520/mo *00376-6720

1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus
line, and just a few miles from UF. Located
off SW 20th Ave. $410 $515, incl water,
sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets
allowed. Call 335-7066 335-7066. 4-20-71-2

* Move in TODAY or AUGUST!
* 1BR $460 2BR $530
* Walk to UF Pets welcome!
* Beautiful pools/courtyards!
* Open Weekends! 372-7555

Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA
W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm*
24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF
Museum'Walk 379-9255

Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60
second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House
charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included.
Wood floors. With Parking. By Private
Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 4-20-71-2

"Free for All"
Huge 3BR/2BA $850
Alarm cool pooJ tennis b-ball
Free UF parking Perfect for pets
Amazing specials 376-4002

Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60
second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer
included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish,
Short term available. Private Owner. $495-
up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 4-20-71-2

U. For Rent, For-Rent
iiifulnished ufurrished

Now & Fall 1 Big enough for 2!
750 Sq Ft, Patio, We love pets!
Alarm*Pool*UF Parking*DW*Gym
Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401

1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH
FREE cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm
Gated*24hr gym*Tan FREE*Close to UF
Leasing for NOW and FALL*377-2777

**HUGE Luxury w/Garage**
from $420 per person
FREE Tanning*24hr Gym*Camp lab
Filling Fast for Fall**372-0400

***Beautiful and New***
FREE High-Speed Internet
FREE Monitored Alarm
FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime
FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym
W/D plus TVs in every kitchen
Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866)

Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to.
UF. 352-215-4991 or
352-215-4990 4-20-71-2

1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00
$99 deposit for Grad students
999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720

Make Them Green With Envyl
Luxury 2&3 Bedrooms from $850
Cable*W/D*Newly. Remodeled
Pool*Hpt Tub*Tennis*Gym*PC Lab
Reserve now for fall! 372-8100

All locations and price ranges
If you are tired of apt life
Go to or call 374
6905. 8-24-170-2

Save $$$ and love where you lively !
Spacious 1/1, 2/1 or 3/2. Avail Now or Fall
Alarms, pets welcome, free UF parking
Call 373-1111 or visit

Luxury 2BR/2BA townhomes.
W/D, private balconies.
Open until 8pm and WEEKENDS
Leasing for Fall 371-0769

Historic Neighborhood
Studios and 1Brs
For Fall from $460

Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF
Private 3/2 with HUGE deck
W/D*Free Parking*Elevator Access
One of a kind luxury! 372-7111

Summer rates
plus July FREE
on a 15 month lease
Sun Island Properties
M 376-6720

Want a bigger 2 or 4 BR TH this fall?
TH, W/D & DW We love ALL pets!
Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm
Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401

1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes
Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym
PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities.
Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455

Want more? Free even!
4BR 2.5 $1020- Only 1 left
Spacious floor plan alarm tennis
Free UF parking 376-4002

Broke from Spring Break???
2BR/1 5BA TH with W/D for $639!
Alarms, Free UF parking, pets OK
Avail NOW or Fall 373-1111

Pine Rush Apartments
1&2 BR apt homes
starting @ $429/mo

How To Place A Classified Ad: Corrections and Cancellations:
Cancellations: Call 373-FIND M F, 8am 4pm. No refunds or
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7- 7es;~~~B;


I .


BI .For Rent

More for less, FREE even!
2BR/2BA- Only $680
Pool bus route alarm tennis
Pet perfect- Free
Stop by and see us 376-4002

EF1'1lb' $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA
.525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian
le, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals,
V/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF.
32-7700. 4-20-71-2

BR & 2BR/1BA with W/D, central heat/air,
ishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets
.rranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From
.499 377-1633 3-31-57-2

HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3
Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime
W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab
Pets welcome*Private dog park
Leasing NOW& FALL 377-2801

ree Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups
SDW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
Jow 372-9913 4-20-71-2

amazinglyy Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft
BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats!
)iscounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480.,
.lose to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070.

IOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095
-30 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo;
S11 NW 34th Terr. 4/2 $1200/mo;
802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo;
42 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 4-20-71-2

totall Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent
VC, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn
lowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by
ippt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave.
173-4244 UF bus line #20 4-20-71-2

Affordable Apts Next to UF!
'0 steps to class! Studios, 1, 2 & 3BR
vail Aug. Specials from $489/mo. Lofts
irdwd firs & more. Going Fast! 376-6223 4-20-71-2

apartments Available Now
\11 Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
.rowse our listing FREE
-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-2

P For Rent
S unfurnished

Large 3BR/1BA House Carpet, cent H/AC,
Available March 1st $700/mo 375-8256

Have Roommates?
3BR/2BA House $950
Only You?
1 BR/1 BA House $450
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2

So Close to Campus
Avail now, 2BR/1 & 2 BA apts.
$400, $450, $695 Mitchell Realty
374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2

1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown.
2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 373-
4423 or online at

PET'S PARADISE, 'no app/pet fee. town-
homes. 2BR, privacy fence, modern ap-
pliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private owner,
please leave detailed message. $375-525/
mo 331-2099 3-10-40-2

units SEE PET'S PARADISE AD 352-331-
2099 3-10-40-2


The Leasing Connection
1608 NW 1stAve
Located right behind Florida Bookstore

FREE Apartment & Housing
Locator Service

Call 352-376-4493 or visit

4BR/4BA at UF
Only 1 left for Fall.
Luxury Townhomes
W/D, Alarm, Pets Ok
Open Weekends 371-0769

1&2 BRs avail Fall
Pets ok, some w/ W/D

t For Rent
U unfurnished .

Luxury Opposite Library West!
Beautiful 2BR/2BA...all amenities
Call 376-1111 or Come by
111 NW 16th St. #1

Wood floors, fireplace, living & dining rooms,
Den, $625/rent, 223 SW 4th Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-39-2

W/d hookups, CH/AC, dishwasher, $475/mo
5320 NW 20th Court
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-39-2

Studio $335/mo
1BR $400/mo
2BR $695/mo
Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387

NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint
2BR- over 1100 sq ft 00 $650/ mo
1BR-over 800 sq ft 0O $550/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$300 off deposit 376-2507

Huge townhouse, fireplace,
W/D hook-ups, patio,
New carpet & tile, fitness & basketball
high speed wireless internet
3BR/2.5BA only $850
4BR/3BA only $1099
Close to UF in SW
Beautiful/quiet 376-2507

Threesomes Welcome!
All the space you need only $1050
Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab
W/D*Cable with HBO*Extra Storage
The perfect three-bedroom! 372-8100

DUCK POND! Cute 1BR/1BA, wood floors,
eat-in kitchen, ceiling fans, $475/rent
305-C NE 6th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-30-2

1BR $699 2BR $839 3BR $999
$150 dep. Full size W/D,
Direct Campus Access,
Pool, Fitness Center!
Open M-F 8:30 5:30, Sat 11-4
Pebble Creek Apts 376-9607

*Spacious studio, washer/dryer, Fenced
yard, lawn svc, $450/rent
* 3BR 2BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer,
fenced yard, lawn svc, $1000/rent
* 4BR 3BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer,
fenced yard, $1400/rent 3811 SW 20th
.Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-25-2

BIKE TO UFI3BR 2BA, carport,
Washer/dryer, porch, pets considered,
Avail now! $895/rent, 2222 SW 14th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-25-2

Avail. Aug 1: 4bed/2bath house. Ceramic
tile floors, extra game room, fenced yard,
pet ok, wash/dry provided. 1330 NW 39th
St. 339-2342 for directions $1250/mo
.. i a .. s

] For Rent
U unfurnished

Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!

Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
'Tenant Rewards Program!
2BR/2BA 2 Car Garage $525/mo
3BR/1.5BA House $795/mo
2BR/2BA Conv to UF $925/mo
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118

1BR LOFT APTS 650 & 750 sq. ft. Starting
at $450/mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE
monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave.
Call 332-0720 3-31-32-2

2BR/1BA Duplex. Hardwood floors,
W/D,$535/mo 375-8256

Move in today... $150 Deposit
One bedrooms $449
Water included
Summer Place Apts

Luxury 3/3 & 4/4's from only $370/bdrm
includes extended cable, water/sewer, 24 hr
gym, Free Tanning
Call the Landings at 336-3838

Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR Pool
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail 377-7401*

2 Bed 1 Bath in old house. Downtown.
Hardwood Floors, high ceilings, pets ar-
ranged, Avail now. $475/mo. Call Greg 214-
3291 3-18-21-2

CH/AC, water included, $415/rent
411 Sw 2nd Street #3
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-15-2

Duplex, walk to UF, CH/AC,
$495/rent, 805 NW 3rd Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-15-2

Very clean condo 2BR/2.5BA,.5 min to
UF, 10 min to Shands, cent AC, DW, W/D,.
cable, internet, pool, $800/mo Separate
leases ok. 352-472-9778, 305-299-3485, 3-16-15-2

**$99.00 MOVES YOU IN**.
No rent until April 1st, Pets OK,.
Only a few left!
Ventura Apartments

Living it upli Luxury stylell
1 & 2 BR, Private patios, walking
distance to UF, next to Sorority Row,
Alarm, pets OK, W/D, HUGE bdrs & walk-
in closets. "Walk to UF" Call 372-7111

FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm
Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to
UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777

Live in luxury minutes from campus,
Shands, etc. Huge 1BR apt brand new mod-
ern kitchen, tile floors, double french doors
looking out on huge backyard $695/mo. Call
337-1330 3-22-16-2
z= AL s.asm4 R ~ s

U For Rent
i furnished

New townhouses close to UF avail fall. 2BR/
2.5BA on bus route, no towing, free security
alarm, jacuzzi & walk-in closet, W/D, pool &
free ethernet. $437 per person or $875 total.
Call Adrienne @ 372-4684. 3-17-10-2

Kensington South 2/2.5 $900/mo
OakBrook Walk 2/2
1/2 off 1st mo $700/mo
.South Fork Oaks 2/2.5 $700/mo
Ind. leases avail from $325/mo
Action Real Estate Services
352-331-1133, REALTOR 3-10-5-2

DOWNTOWN Avail immediately. Mblth to
month OK. 2BR/1BA apt. Newly remod-
eled, quiet neighborhood, pets ok. Close to
Shands, UF & Library. $650-715/mo. Call
262-1351 3-10-5-2

Beautiful historic home, wood floors, high
ceilings, 3-4BR/2BA, large fenced yard.
$1400/mo. Downtown location near UF. Call
Tom at 262-6423 3-24-15-2

*NW 39th Ave 2/2, patio, loft, new wd ptn
fir, Ig open, good area $575-60502/2, patio,
gate $515-5259SW, fancy 2BR near UF, Ig
kit, sc pch, fenced, $545-5600Share 2BR
$300-4500373-8310 3-14-7-2

***Few Blocks to Campus***
Large 2BR/1 BA next to Leo 706 avail March
1. Pets arranged $550/mo with utilities in-
cluded. Call Greg 214-3291 3-18-11-2

Studio apt 8 blocks from campus. Wood
floors/large windows $395/mo Call 352-284-
9610. Available immediately! 3-18-10-2

2BR/1 BA apts CentA/C, newly painted $630/
mo. upstairs/hardwood floors; $610/mo;
downstairs/carpet. Includes water, sewer,
trash, pest, laundry on site, no pets. Avail
8/1/05. Call 352-316-4474 3-18-10-2 -

***4 BLOCKS TO UF***
3BR/2BA charming historic house. Tile,
hardwood floors, W/D, fenced yard, new
appliances. No pets. $1260/mo Avail Aug.
871-8280 3-21-10-2

1 Block from UFI -
1BR and 2BR Apts Avail Now, Summer or
Fall. See our list at updated
daily or call Merrill Management Inc. 372-
1494 3-18-9-2

VERY CUTE! 1BR/1BA in charming house
near Duckpond. Hardwood floors, central
H/AC, spacious. Call Erin at 352-262-1484

Historic homes 3BR/2BA avail May. $1200/
mo; 2BR/1BA avail April $800/mo. Wood
floors, cent A/H, W/D hu & more. Walk to
downtown, bike to UF/Shands. 377-7681

*Walk to UF*
3BR/1 BA house Available immediately. $900/
mo 375-8256 4-20-31-2

*Sorority Row Area*
1940's vintage stone 2BR/1 BA apt. Beautiful
hardwood floors. $675/m'o 375-8256 4-20-

*8 Blocks to UF*
Huge 2BR/1BA apt. Best deal in town.
Starting at $ 375-82564-20-30-2

*5 Blocks to UF*
2BR/1BA w/hardword floors & fireplace. A
mustsee $900/mo 375-8256 4-20-30-4.

*Sorority Row Area*
Cute 2BR/1BA brick duplex behind Norman
Hall. $650/mo 375-8256 4-20-30-2'

*Sorority Row Area*
Vintage stone 3BR/2BA duplex. Remodeled,
hardwood floors, 2 story,.W/D. $1250/mo
375-8256 4-20-30-2

SContinued.on nexj page, .


E For Rent

downtown historic house. High ceilings,
rood floors, gas fireplaces, 4 large bed-
)oms. Available May 1st. 230 NW 2nd Ave,
1300/mo, 336-0743 4-5-20-2

Vork for rent. 2BR + study. Trailor home.
lew W/D, screened in porch, fenced yard.
)n 10 acre Whipporwhill Horse Farm, 10 min
V of UF. Call 352-376-8792 4-5-20-2

0 blocks to UF Quaint 1BR/1BA apt w/
ardwood floors, fans, hi ceiling, AC/H. $475
no225 SW 3rd Ave. Avail Aug 1st. Call 376-

BR/2BA house. 2 car garage & apple
ee. 1500 sq ft, cathedral ceiling, open floor
lan. $1045/mo. 352-332-0602 or 318-3721

IOUSE 4-5BR/2BA. Newly renovated..
:lose to campus. All new appliances, includ-
ig W/D. Carport. 610 NW 34th Terr. Call
52-373-8000, ask for Jeffrey. 3-22-10-2

countrysidee at the University. 23rd &
Villiston Rd. 1BR/1BA $420/mo, utils incl.
separatee leases. Common areas furn. W/D,
ool, bball, parking, gated, great bus svc. 3rd
units. Call Dan 352-328-1574 3-15-5-2

BRs & 2.5BRs. $275-700/mo
progressivee thinkers preferred. View at: 4-4-19-2

BR/2BA close to campus. Avail Aug 1st,
ew kitchen, cent A/C, Ig fenced yard, $1075/
lo, drive by 3433 NW 1st Court. Call Marty
14-2855 3-31-17-2

,ve..:3BR/2BA House with yard, garage,
lidge, vaulted ceiling, open kitchen, all
le/lam wood, W/D, $1.200/mo, pets OK., 727-420-5699 3-15-5-2

BR/1BA, quiet peaceful setting, beautiful
views, 5 miles to UF, no traffic, tile floors, new
bathroom, W/D, big yard, deck, cute, clean,
800/mo 871-8280 3-15-5-2

historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood
oors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces. 1BR
466 w/water, sewer. First, last, security. SE
historic district. No dogs please. 378-3704

,vail for Current and Fall
'ool Tennis Cts* 1.5 Mi 2 UF
id lease, Furn & Util Avail
ireat Specials 377-7401 4-20-31-2

vail Aug 1: 4BR/ 2.5BA. Nice house. Close
> campus 6 -blocks behind Pike house.
Vash/dryer, dishwasher, fireplace, game
)om 625 NW 19 St. 339-2342 $1650/mo

AVAILABLE FOR FALL Quiet two bedroom
house close to campus and busline. $750
52-215-8815 cal eves 3-29-15-2

VAILABLE NOW Blocks from UF. Duplex,
BR/1BA, fenced yard, $675/mo HOUSE
BR/2BA, W/D, $1175/mo. (Pets OK) Call
:arol @ 377-3852 3-22-10-2

-FALL* Blks from UF 0 Houses *
'uplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See
' for listings or call
;arol at 377-3852. 4-20-31-2

beautiful 1BR apt w/porch in quiet neighbor-
ood 5 min from Downtown. Avail May mid
,ug. Call 870-3988 3-22-10-2

Most new, fully equipped, (W/D, DW, mi-
rowave) convenient to UF. close to pool.
850/mo Call 373-3321 3-15-5-2

vail immediately. Call 278-2414 3-15-5-2

ir garage in brand new subdivision close
UF & SFCC.'All appliances $1300/mo
agotiable based on length of lease. Call
15-9987 4-20-30-2

- .For Rent
1] unfurnished

3BR/1.5BA HOUSE Lg screen back pch, Ig
back yard, close to downtown, W/D, $900/
mo. Avail May 1st!. Call (office) 377-1071 or
(cell) 262-7174 ask for Brian 3-23-10-2

Downtown garage/studio apt on bus rates,
biking to campus walk to downtown, off
street parking, includes H20. $330/mth 1st,
last, dep. Call 373-6551 leave message 3-

Cute 1 bedroom 1 bath vintage duplex, high
ceilings, washer/dryer. 428 NW 10th Ave.
$445/mo. Green Tree Realty 317-4392 3-

Clean 2 bedroom 1 bath with study, large
laundry room, nice yard. $675/mo. 310 NW
20th Ave. Green Tree Realty 317-4392 3-

Large 1 bedroom with study, new kitchen
$495/mo 302 NW 19th Ave. Green Tree
SRealty 317-4392 3-23-10-2

Avail now 3BR/2BA HOUSE. 2120 NW 55th
Terrace. Tile firs, Berber carpet, all applianc-
es incl. Privacy fenced-in yard. $1050/mo.
Call 215-9987 4-20-30-2

a l Subleases

Apartments Sublets & Roommates
All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500
Short-Long & Furn-Unfurn
1-(877) FOR-RENT (367-7368)
WWW.SUBLET.COM 4-20-71-3

WALK TO CLASS! $250/mo
Now til Aug. Cpurtyards 352-328-6967 all
included! 2-27-3-3

OXFORD MANOR 1BR/1BA, walk-in-closet,
private bath in 2BR/2BAfurn, all util incl $512/
mo neg. 1st month free. Female. Sublease
until 7/05. 904-571-8337 3-10-20-3

CAMPUS LODGE 2-3BRs. Vaulted ceiling.
Fully furn. Everything incl. $505/mo each.
Call 352-514-7773 3-17-20-3

Bid on a sublease, call 866-837-1309 or visit

+ 1/3 utilities
3BR/2BA Boardwalk Apt
Call PK @ 954-682-5979
or call 904-705-1689 3-11-10-3

$374 for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA 1st month
1/2 off! Pvt BA, furnished, incls water, sewer,
garbage, pest control, ethernet, cable, elec.
Great deal. Lease from May-Aug 10, 05. Call
305-469-3372 3-11-10-3

Subleaser needed $399/mo 1 BR/1 BA on NW
20th Ave. March 1st thru July 31st. March is
FREE. No dep needed. You keep $99 sec
dep. Call Kevin or Mandy 352-281-0252

SUMMER sublease! 1BR in a 4BR Campus
Club apt. $400/mo incl maid svc, util, cable,
furn, ethernet & more. NO FEES! May-Aug.
Female only. Please call 352-262-5995 3-

CAMPUS LODGE APT. No move-in fee.
Female roommate. Everything incl. $514/mo
price NEG. From April thru Aug. Call 727-
542-8816 3-21-15-3

Female sublease at Courtyards. 1BR in
spacious 4/2 townhouse. All furniture & utils
included; $399/mo sec.dep & 1st mo rent free.
514-6408 or 3-11-9-3

townhouse, own BA, W/D, wireless net,
digital cable, phone. Pay rent & util $296 +.
561-309-8982 3-14-10-3

SUBLEASE April thru Aug. Townhouse.
Spacious 2BR/2.5BA. W/D, DW, new carpet,
balcony & porch. Pool, tennis, all pets ok. No
fees. $749/mo Call 332-5344. 3-15-10-3

1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA apt furn liv rm, kit,
laundry W/D, pool, tanning, clubhouse,
bball, tennis 1st mo FREE. $400/mo incl
elec, water, garbage. No activity fees. Call
786-554-9339,3-16-10-3 ; ,-

) l Subleases jSubleases J Roommates

1 or both rooms in 2BR downtown apt.
Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF
& Library. $350/mo. Pets ok. Call 262-1351

HIDDEN LAKE APTS 5/1-7/31 sublease.
2BR/2BA Villa, Fenced-in yd, facing pool,
1000sqft. W/D. No deposits, possible re-
newal. $899/mo. Call Brendan at 352-258-
3049 3-11-5-3

1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA *Sublease* in
StoneridgeApts. $343/mo plus 1/3 util. Close
to campus and restaurants! Please call 352-
514-4216 3-16-8-3

$435 for 3BR in a 4/2. University Glades.
Covers all. May-Aug will negotiate. Call
Tiphani @ 813-690-3277 to view. Bring
friends! 3-11-5-3

3/1 house sublease May-July. 2 large bed-
rooms, W/D, fenced yard, pets ok. Possibly
with one roommate. Bike/bus to campus.
Only $645/month! 352-264-1834 3-11-5-3

1BR/1BA. in NW gated community. May
1 July 31. Close to UF on busline. Pool,
gym, tan. Pets ok. $500/mo (normally $650) 3-15-5-3

Apt for sublease at 1225 SW 1st Ave. #407.
Directly across from university on quiet side
of College Manor Studio Apts. No down pmt
or other costs just a $300 sublease expense.
Apt runs $450/mo utils inc. 379-9126 3-15-

1 BR, pvt BA, new townhouse. Avail now.
$385/mo negotiable. Call Jessica 367-4053
female only. 3-15-5-3

No deposit. 2/1 apt. Move in today. $499/mo.
Now thru 7/31. Clean, new carpet. 256-0501

Victorian 2/2 apt historic district. Beautifully
furnished w/antiques, all appliances, whilr-
pool tub. Avail now 6/30. $750 273-5253. 3-15-5-3

1BR/1BA apt. College Manor. Right across
from UF. Avail now to July 30th. $430/mo.
Inci all except elec. Call 904-803-4349 3-

2BR/2BA townhouse apt available May thru
-.July. Arlington Square. Call 682-1147. $835/
mo. 3-11-2-3

HELP A FILMMAKER OUT of Gainesville.
Sublease his room in a house 8 blocks from
campus. High spd, DVR, util incl. $300/mo.
pvt ent. Call Dan 256-1842. Extras. Avail now
thru Aug 15. 3-15-5-3

Female roommate to sublease for summer
in a 4BR/2BA. Less than $400/mo for every-
thing. Need May thru Aug. Aug FREE. Call
Amy @ 352-262-3662 3-15-5-3

in-closet in 4BR/4BA furn apt. All utils incl
for $315/mo May July. NS pref. Bus stop
in front,. rts 12 $ 35. Call 352-281-3092 3-

Apt for summer A & B sublease 1BR in 4BR/
2BA furn University Glades apt. $370/mo
(originally $435) all utils incl. M/F for all fe-
male apt. Call 386-212-9042 3-22-10-3-

2BR/1BA $365 ea May thru July
Some furniture available
Call Sasha 305-479-1289 3-22-10-3

1BR in 3BR home. Flex lease terms. May,
June &/or July. Opt to renew. Bike, walk or
bus to UF.W/D, wood fir, screened porch, ga-
rage & carport. Furn avail Only $315 + utils.
336-4126, 305-409-4414 3-22-10-3

2BR/2.5BA townhouse 2 blocks to UF.- May
-Aug $900/mo OBO 352-266-8475 4-1-18-3

Magnolia Place sublease for.1 BR in 3BR/ -
2.5BA condo. All furniture & utils included.
V/D, ethernet, garage, cable. No deposit.
Pets welcome. $300/mo. Avail now. Please
Scall James @ 904-866-7539 3-11-3-3. .

SUMMER SUBLEASE $350/mo Marchwood
Condos 1 mile to UF. 1BR/1BA in a 2BR/
2BA. Utilities inc. Washer/Dryer, cable,
phone, porch, deck, dishwasher. Call 352-
428-3616 3-16-5-3

From May to Aug. 1BR/1BA in 3/3. Huge,
furniture and.W/D inc. $380/mo, bus route,
pool, tan bed at Greenwich Green. Call Katie
352-246-3743 3-23-10-3

Ui Roommates

Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866


Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk
to UF. Old house charm with all amenities.
Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.Lv mes-
sage. Private Owner 4-20-71-4

Female roommates wanted brand new 2100
sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to
UF. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils
incl $525/mo.Aval Fall. Call Jacqueline 352-
395-7462 or 941-780-3526 4-20-71-4

Sublets and Rooms Available
All Florida Areas; All Major Cities
Browse available Rooms FREE!
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-4.

M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to
rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi
to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry $425+ utils
336-5450 or 954-646-1341 4-20-71-4

Female student to join 2 females in nice 3BR
house off NW 8th Ave, 3 mi from UF on bus
rt, tile/hardwood, fenced yard, $275/mo + 1/3
GRU & HS internet dig cable, 381-5597 3-

M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA
home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3
utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737

Beautiful home in trees on quiet street near
UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fire-
place, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, W/D,
cent A/C, Ig yard, cats welcome. $350-+ 50
utils. 352-271-8711 3-10-15-4

house. New wood floors, new appliances, 4
mi from campus. $350/mo + 1/3 utils. Ryan
850-261-3571 3-11-12-4'

4 rooms starting August each w/pvt baths.
Cent AC, W/D, cable incl Internet-ready.
$350/mo each. 1 MO FREE. Call 352-472-
9778 3-16-15-4

Roommate needed. $200/mo + $200 refund-
able dep. + 1/2 util. Furnished 2BR/2BA.
Female preferred. 352-335-6274 3-23-20-4

Grad, uppperclassman, or prof to share spa-
cious new 3BR/2BA house. Internet & cable
incl. Must be neat, clean & responsible. $450
or 425/mo + 1/2 utils. Short or long term
avail. 262-3989 4-4-26-4

Females for all rooms in beautiful, fully fur-
nished 4BR/4BA Univ. Terr. Walk-in closets.
Utils incl.-Great location. 2 bus rts. 1 year
lease discounted for summer $425/$300.
Bring your friends & call. 954-592-0521 3-

2 share 2BR Downtown apt. Newly remod-
eled. Close to Shands, UF & Library. $350/
mo. Month to month or longer lease okay.
Pets okay,, Call 262-1351 3-10-5-4

Male roommate needed to share 2BR apt.
No drinking: No drugs. 2 cats. Georgetown
Apts. NW 13th St. & NW 16th Ave. $300/mo
+ 1/2 utils. Aval March 1st. Call 378-8638

M/F to share house for summer and/or fall
move in ASAP! Furnished, all amenities,
'large yard, pets welcome, 2 mi to UF $450/
0329.3d18-1.0A4i,, >,: ,. c -..: ,.. -.

Roommates needed to share beautiful
house in NW Gainesville. Fully furnish
pets welcome, huge fenced yard, W/D, E:
Available immediately. Vicky at 386-81
5620 3-15-7-4

Roommate needed asap at Lakewood Vili
3/2 flat rent $400 all utilities included. Call
352-281-6631. Short term lease preferred

Roommate wanted $400 + utilities, pvt 1
BA, avail 4/1. Grad or professional prefer
951-536-6403 3-14-4-4

M/F, NS needed to share 2BR/2.5
Southfork Oaks townhome. (Near Tarc
Unfurn master BR w/own BA avail. W/D,
pets, prefer serious student or prof. $3471,
+ 1/2 utils. No lease. Call Evan 335-91

house N of Thornebrook shopping center
39th Ave. $75/wk incl utils, hi spd i-net, poc
tennis. Under age 25 please. 352-363-0"
or 386-698-0899 3-15-5-4

2 rooms f/r 1.8 mi. East Waldo Rd. & Univ
rent B B/WB/M $85 P/W cable TV was/mi
For info/det 376-0384 mess# or page 202
7074 for fast response. 3-15-5-4

2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Credit Uni
Norman Hall/hospital/busses for city/i
Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 *
util. Quiet/considerate F/M? Call :3--9

COLONIAL VILLAGE; prvt bed/bath; 2
2bth; very clean; very quiet; $450/mth (i
everything); avail 4/1; 12 mth. lease; bea
ful grounds; Call Justin @ 772-696-51.

Looking for roommate to share 4BR/2
house. Rent $300 + utils. Call Erin 352-2
8457 3-11-3-4

Quiet Non Smoking
roommate wanted come May
$370 per month + uitl
Call local 352-376-4250
or call cell 904-994-6764 3-22-10-4


Allen Thompson

White Male
(DOB 6/26/75); 6'044'
180 Ibs, Brown Hair,
Brown Eyes

Wanted for:
4 counts of felony violation of
probation warrants for burglary
of a stiuciure dealing ir, stolen
property, and 2 counts of utter.
for ,re instrument



Call (352) 72-STOP


E1 Roommates] 10 Real Estate I

fall @ University Terrace West, SW 20th
e. Fully furn, ea person has own pvt BR
)vt BA, no dep, 1 yr lease, $350/mo + 1/4
Is. Call Talia 352-427-8583 3-30-15-4

furn rm in huge 4/3 house 1.4 mi to UF.
,in St, big TV, pool table, W/D, cent AC,
V, hi-spd inet, big yrd, $350 + 1/4 until avail
w. Call Dmitriy 373-7231 3-16-5-4

'ommate wanted Female preferred. Own
drm & bathrm. Complete furnishing over
Call 352-377-1569 Leave a message
i' -5-4

31 Real Estate

i. your house, condo, acreage, mobile
me and much more in the ALLIGATOR
ASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
years! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
, phone. Please Call 373-Find

lad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
d, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
IBR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
tio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
8-2181 Iv mssg 4-20-71-5

king to buy or lease houses in this area.
Sy size, price or condition. 352-264-7347
visit us at www.happygatorhomes.com4-

|e Flavor of New Orleans comes to cam-
s. Luxurious St. Charles Condominiums.
lock to UF. Choose from 2BR/2BA flats,
view the University from your 3BR/3BA
vnhouse. Prices starting in the $180's 375-
56 4-20-71-5

nty of properties are available.
ill Marc J. Nakleh at Campus Realty
2-235-1576 4-20-68-5

vn + live in a new luxury campus-
-sa condo. Over,10 new projects to
oose from at affordable prices. Visit or call today
2-281-3551 Matt Price Campus Realty


411111111111. 4111111111

mo- W4





b O

- e

Let me help you find a house or condo to call
your own. Call Brett Wherry at 352-412-8662
Century 21 Classic Properties 352-376-2433
x 20 3-11-21-5

3BR/2.5BA condo. 1 floor living downtown
Gainesville. Approx 1850 sq ft. $304,900.
407-346-2322 Owner/Agent 3-24-15-5

Townhouse 3BR/2BA. Close to UF. On bus
rt. Quiet location. Dish/w, W/D, tile kitchen,
living/dining area. Fenced backyard. Pool
$140,000. 352-284-6154 3-11-5-5

Oakbrook 2 blocks from UF
SW 13th St and SW 16th Ave
All appliances, $129,900
Call 904-910-4263 3-21-5-5

Save Thousandss When You Buy Now.
FREE LIST of Great Local Condos. Campus Realty Group

~1 Furnishings j

BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pil-
low-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new,
still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-372-
7490 will deliver. 4-20-71-6

mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call
352-377-9846 4-20-71-6

Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $1400. Sacrifice
$399 352-372-7490 4-20-71-6'

BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 4-

CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 4-20-

BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can
deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice
$1400 (352) 372-7490 4-20-71-6







414 V11I

'I- -mo amp -a-f

4W 0 W


F Furnishings ]

SOFA, LOVESEAT, & CHAIR 100% Italian
leather. Still new in boxes w/warranty. Cost
$5000. Sacrifice $1,500. Call 352-372-8588
DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 4-20-
FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell
$199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6

BedsOFull mattress & boxspring sets
$490Qn sets $890Single sets $390King
sets $990From estate sale: Safe pine
bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. Call a
Mattress 4370 SW 20th Ave 4-20-71-6
King Size Waterbed, California Style, wave-
less mattress heater headboard siderails
seat, 6 drawer stand, very clean, $250 OBO
352-514-1800 3-
BED KING SIZE Retail $3000, now $800;
$450; Fqrniture store closed. 352-359-6352

Washer & Dryer 1 yr lease $300,
1 semester $160. Call 332-0602 or 318-3721

*F Computers

4cA+E1irpIuter Eek
S Wea Mae Housea Cat!
Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $10 Gator Discount.
M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 8-23-170-7

*G'ville Computer Repair Inc*
Service on all PC MAC and Networks 1204
NW 13th St Ste #10 352-337-2500. 4-20-
Complete residential & commercial support,
networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 4-20-71-7

Buy & sell. Looking for quantity for parts. 336-0075 4-20-71-7
Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street

.Compute/iternet 352.219.2980

- computer/laptop repair
- networks, wireless, virus
- we BEAT all prices!
- home/dorm 352-219-2980 4-20-66-7
& Repairs Upgrades 0 Laptop
Call 256-3544
or e-mail 3-15-5-7


722 S. Main I The Red Bldg

* NAD base receiver and CD player. Klipsch
base, Heresy II speakers incl. Stereo
system rack. Entire base setup $500, great
shape! (904) 536-9151 3-15-5-8 -'' -

0 1 Electronics

Police Seized! From $10! Info: 800-749-8128
ext M974 4-20-31-8

Digital camera. Fuji. Almost new, 4.0 MP, 6x
optic zoom, auto focus & flash, 256 MB XD/
pic/card. Carrying case & manual $200 firm.
Originally $400. John 256-6536 3-11-3-8

0 1 Bicycles
In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.

Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Townl
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 4-20-69-9


.For Sale

01i Autos

*Running or not!*
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
*Call Don @ 215-7987 4-20-71-12 7-

CARS -CARS Buy*SelleTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St.
Running or Not 1990 & up only
Call Ray 352-284-8619

2715 N MAIN 377-1616

Best Cars Lowest Prices

**Power windows don't work?**
On site available
Call Steve 338-5142.

Bring your W2 & drive home today. Cash
cars as low as $1000. No credit check. Call
now 338-1999 4-20-63-12

We finance anyone! $2000 discount off fi-
nance price. More than 150 vehicles in stock.
Call 338-1999 Drive today! 4-20-63-12

All vehicles $0 down & up! Plus +++ 30 day
warranty eng & trans. No credit check. Call
338-1999 4-20-63-12

'88 Honda Accord $699
'86 Buick LeSabre $799
'88 Toyota Corolla $899
'90 Acura Legend $99
(352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12
'90 Chevy Lumina Van $1499
'93 Chevy Blazer $1499
'90 Ford F-150 $2499
'93 Chrysler New Yorker $1999
(352) 338-1999, 4-20-45-12
Automatic, A/C, silver with charcoal cloth,
power everything, 116k, very clean, $4750
OBO 352-514-1800

TOYOTA AVALON 99 for sale
62,000 mi, black, grey leather, power every-
thing, runs perfectly, good car. $13,300 will
negotiate. 363-0084

Gold, 4dr, automatic, all power, A/C, 100K.
$2000/OBO 352-378-0329 3-11-18-12,

2door 5 spd, Vteph, 93K miles, cold AC, all
power. $4500. 262-3989 3-15-5-12

Hondas, Chevys, Toyotas, etc. For listings
800-749-8116 3-31-17-12
2002 VW JETTA 5 spd 1.8L turbo, 31000
mi excellent condition, leather, sunroof,
premium sound, heated seats. $12500 OBO
376-3585 3-16-6-12
1976 F250 4X4, 4 spd, 36" tires, FE, BBK,
Dana 44/60, blue, new starter, alternator,
exhaust & pwr steering pump. $3000 OBO.
Call 352-359-7716 3-15-5-12

* 1992 Toyota Corolla auto, A/C, white,
162k mi, excellent condition, ask $1600
* 1993 Pontiac Sunbird Auto, A/C, ABS
brakes, 120k mi, good condition, ask $1000
339-0256 3-15-5-12

Continued on next page., ;.


Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve nowl Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 4-20-71-10

PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar
supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional cooking utensils.
R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939.4-20-71-10

Come see what's new! GCM thrift shops
downtown 238 SW 4th Ave, NW 5001 NW
34th St. Get more bang for your $! New items
daily Mon Sat 378-3654 4-20-43-10

For Sale Black Laquer with bronze trim:
headboard, mattress & box springs, 2 night-
stands, dresser with mirror and chest. All for
$300. Call 682-1147 3-11-2-10

complete w/oak canopy & stand. Incl protein
skimmer & fish supplies & rock if desired. For
more info call 271-8238 3-15-5-10

SMotorcycles, Mopeds]

Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974

Swamp Cycles
Electric Bikes, Scooters, and more!
Prices from $450 with lyr warranty
534 SW 4th Ave. 373-8823 4-20-70-11

New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place
"Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. All models & directions availon web-
site. 4-20-50-11

1999 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6
Must sell.. $3300 OBO Tony 941-320-9522

*YAMAHA 1997 SECAII 700 miles. Black


4 stroke, 445 mi. Perfect condition, many
extras. $1700 352-472-4054 3-15-5-11

Goes 50 MPH. Great condition, 1 yr old,
Asking $1200. 352-372-0229 3-15-5-11

2001 HONDA 929rr ERION ED
4300 mi, micron exh, new rear tire, tinted
windscreen, everything else stock, $7200
or make offer. Call Chase 386-937-2621

Save $$ with coupons from the Alligator.;



W r1 Help Wanted

A2 Help Wanted

SWiE -IHelp Wanted 9 Help Wanted
,, t .' .- .- i .-

1987 Mercedes 300E 4 door sedan. A
soon-to-be classic car with high mileage, but
well taken care of by owner. Original smoke
silver paint job in good condition. Drives
great aqd has top Michelin-tires with plenty
of tread. A good buy for someone at $4000.
Call William at 332-2566 3-16-4-12
JEWELRY. 373-9243 4-20-71-13

On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady
needsians on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.

Help Wanted

This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use

Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254

AUDITORS for local growing inventory
service. FT/PT, DFWP. Paid training. Call

Mortgage lender has sales positions avail
for college students seeking prof work exp.
$8-9/hr + bonus. No exp req'd, flex his. Apply
in person btwn 4-8pm Mon-Fri 1900 SW 34
St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union)4-20-

Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers
for all positions. Cashiers (must have full day
avail) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1 & PM 12-6
shifts avail) 15-40 hrs your choice. Great
work environment. Apply in person 7404
NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No
phone calls please. 2-28-38-14

caution and investigate the sincerity of the DOM INO'S PIZZA
advertiser before giving out personal infor- d's largest pizza delivery company now
World's largest pizza delivery company now
mation or arranging meetings. hiring
Delivery Drivers
the independent florida Pizza makers
all ator Phone order takers
ll $9 -$14/hr
Microsoft Access Database Programmer All you need is a reliable car & a very positive
Must be highly proficient in database conver- attitude. Apply @ any of the 5 Domino's loca-
sion (version 2.0 to 2000), Visual Basic cod- tons in Gainesville. 4-20-70-14
ing, troubleshooting, all aspects of database
creation relationships, forms, reports, Attention Smokers!
queries, security. Short-term initial work; Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
future work possible. Please email resume to participate in a study on decision making & No phone calls smoking. If interested come to the psychol-
please. EOE ogy bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297

Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref.
for details. 4-20-71-14

Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
pers ,gto work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, Tp to start with more hrs possible. Start
at "n 5/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 4-20-71-4

CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 4-20-71-14

Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 4-

Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at
employment 4-20-68-14

University of Florida
Survey Research Center
392-2908 ext. 105
$7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training
Nights + Weekends
Telephone Interviewing NO SALES
Must work spring break.
408 W. University Ave Suite #106

For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 4-

FT or PT, flexible schedules. Call 2-5pm 378-
2442 or come in and fill out an, application
@ California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St
Mon-Fri 4-20-71-14

No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext'138 4-20-71-14'


DRIVERS NEEDED Can earn anywhere between
$8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule.
Call Dave for info: 379-9600 3-11-35-14

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR needed. is looking for responsible,
enthusiastic people. City geography knowl-
edge, customer svc. exp helpful. Room for
advancement For more info: David 379-3663

Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here &
students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr
with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105
NW 16th St. 4th Floor. Academic Classroom
Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info.
$1380 weekly stuffing envelopes FT/PT No
experience necessary. For more info call
386-462-9301 3-10-30-14

Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company w/advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156 5-19-63-14

* $2100
* Co-Ed Camp
* Seven Weeks
* Room and Board Included

The Florida Elks Youth Camp (FEYC) needs
male and female Summer Camp Counselors
ages 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight camp,
located off of Highway 450 in Umatilla, FL
The camp runs June 6 July 23. Please
contact Krys Ragland at 1-800-523-1673 ext.
250 or 352-669-9443 ext 250. 4-20-58-14

SECRETARY needed. is
looking for personable, responsible, enthu-
siastic, fun people. Customer service exp
helpful. For more info call David 379-3663

Earn $15-$125 and more per survey 3-11-30-14

LEARN how you can EARN $100K + per
year P/T. Training Provided. 800-631-8230
3-21-30-14' ....

Looking for person with experience to help
get us on the GSA schedules and promote
our products to government agencies. Send
resume to

Web developer wanted: HTML, CSS,
motivated. 1 year minimum, portfolio a
must, graphic skills preferred. Contact 4-20-42-14

Flash programmer wanted. Animation action
script, graphic experience, portfolio a must,
1 year minimum. Contact

If you are looking for PART TIME WORK
during the daytime, in a professional office
environment, then call me. We are Infinite
Energy, Inc. Florida's 50th largest private
employer. We sell discount-priced natural
gas throughout Florida and Georgia and
need people that can use the phone ef-
fectively. Our clients save money so this
is enjoyable work. If you are a'good com-
municater, aren't afraid of the telephone,
get along well with others, and need some
money (hourly wage + commission) then
call Bryan, at 367-4677 ext.3117. Also, send
your resume -- resumes@infinateenergy.c
om. EOE/AA/MFDV. For more information
go to This is a great
place to work! Time is of essence. Call now.

Positions available for full or part time in
sales. Gator Mania in Oaks Mall. Call 331-
7353 or 331-1831 3-18-17-14

PROGRAMMER Internship -
C++ and OOP experience required.
Installshield, Palm and PocketPC
knowledge desired.
email: 3-10-10-14

Gain experience in the medical
publishing field. Computer,
telephone and Internet research
skills req. email 3-10-

TECH. SUPPORT Position -
Strong verbal/written
communication, and computer
proficiency required.
$6.00/Hr Pt/Ft 3-10-10-

Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW6th St.

Hiring full time and part time kitchen prep
person. Positive, fun, work environment with
flexible hours. Skills include great attitude,
ability to multi-task, affinity for fast-paced
work environment, and enthusiasm for food
and cooking. Apply in person at Celebrations
Catering, 904 N. Main St.. 3-10-10-14

COOKIES BY DESIGN needs weekday
delivery drivers. AM & PM shifts available.
Call for information or come by our Butler
Plaza location 3256 SW 35th Blvd. 378-8821

Web Programmer asp,, vb script,
c#, SQL knowledge. E-mail resume to 4-20-43-14

Call 251-550-5390 3-14-10-14

hours. Get the experience you need!
Internships avail. Call 380-0076. email 3-16-10-14

Private dance co. Great for students. Great
pay, fast cash & flexible hours. Call to start
today! 378-3312 3-15-10-14 .

Holiday Inn University Center Hotel
Immediate openings for the following: Night
Auditor, Front Desk and Bellman. Apply in
person Monday Friday 8-5pm 3-11-7-14

Veterinary hospital in NW Ocala seeking
students-to join our nursing staff on week-
ends. Please call Mary Ellen Klein, Practice
Manager @ 352-873-7830 for details.

Full time or part time sales agent needed.
Flexible schedule, great job for student and
recent grads! Earn an average $300 per day.
First Horizon Merchant Services a Fortune
500 Company is looking for 3 sales agents in
Gainesville area. Call 866-882-9600 or email 3-17-10-14,

Athletic Director with B.S. in sport-re-
lated field. Prefer athletic background
w/experience as coach or director. FT w/
benefits. Fax resume to 373-5550 or email 3-10-5-14

Trainee needed for busy espresso bar across
from Oaks Mall. Good pay excellent skills
taught. Email contact info, work references
w/dates & contacts to: tendoug@atlantic.
net. Grad student (or similarly flexible sched-
ule) preferred. 3-10-5-14

Be a summer camp counselor at Circle F
Dude Ranch! Activities include horseback
riding, waterfront, sports, paintball and rock-
wall. Call 1-800-566-3833 or visit for more info 3-11-5-14

Busy Chinese Restaurant needs organized,
dependable person for cashier/order-taker/
server. Hourly + tips. Lunches & some din-
ners. 372-4282 3-14-7-14

daytime. Casino's Pizza 1710 SW 13th St.
Apply within 3-17-10-14

University Air Center is looking for an out-
going individual w/good organization skills.
No exp needed. Come see us at 4701- NE
40th Terr off Waldo Rd. PT positions avail.

PT custom framing experience preferred.
The Great Frame Up 4144 NW 16th Blvd.

BABYSITTER needed for M, W, F. Day
hours. 1 year old, light housekeeping. Please
send references & experience to babysitter3 3-11-6-14

Earn up to $117,500 in bonuses in 2005!
Must have positive attitude and be success
driven. Call 1-877-656-3344 for appt. 3-31-
All Levels Tutor Wanted
Use your time wisely
Good Pay, Flexible Hours
Sell your knowledge! 3-10-5-14

Great for college students. Flexible hours.
Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 3-18-

Premiere co-ed camp on mountain lake
setting hiring instructors & supervisors for
Outdoor Adventure, Ropes, Watersports,
Tennis, Land Sprots, Gymnastics, Creative
& Performing Arts, Incl guitar. Dates:
6/16-8/21. Have a summer of a lifetime
in beautiful Maine! Contact 1-888-993-
5335, Apply at 3-11-5-14

Illustrator needed for children's book. Cute
nocturnal animals. Contact Samantha 352-
283-9696 3-18-10-14

The Reitz.Union Productions Department is
now accepting applications for student assis-
tant positions. Productions employees work
in a fast-paced environment setting tables,
chairs, staging and audio-visual equipment'
for meetings and banquets in the Reitz
Union. Opportunities for advancement arel
available in our growing department. Apply
on-line at:, and list
"Productions" as your first choice of employ-
ment 3-11-5-14

Apply in person. Tower Rd & 13th St loca-:
tions. 3-18-10-14

Support staff needed working with the devel-
opmentally disabled. Please call 352-359-
3763 or email 3-15-7-14

LIFEGUARD: Part-time
temporary (OPS) position from
April through summer. 25-30
hours per week Monday through
Sunday at psychiatric institution
for adult males. $9.90 per hour.
Current/active lifeguard
certification is REQUIRED.
Contact Nancy Shaffer
(352) 264-8249 (NFETC)
An EEO/AA Employer

Excellent starting pay. Work around classes.
Resume builder. Start immed. All ages 18+.
Cond Apply. Call now! 335-1422 3-14-5-14

Leasing Consultant
Energetic Attitude
Customer Serv. Exp.
220 N. Main 375-2152 x 301 3-14-5-14

Custodial duties/Apt Maint.
Transportation a must.
220 N Main 375-2152 x 301 DFWP 3-14-

College Credit Possible $672/wk
888-362-2635 ext 251 for more info. 4-20-

Casino's Pizza & Sub
* Delivery Driver
* Pizza Maker
* Assistant Manager
Experienced only. Call 262-7777 3-16-7-14

Full time/part time people wanted. Must be
customer oriented & dependable. Call Andy
1888-463-1954 X 205 Good pay! 3-11-3-14

Gainesville Country Club
Housekeeping.position PT Mon-Fri 7:00 am
to 1:00 pm. Lunch provided, call Greg at
317-5602 DFWP 3-15-5-14

"Copyrighted Material M

SSyndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

a a


mm o.01m0.





i I i 1 ; ,

Help Wanted

30 openings! l
rat payl Flex schedules. Sales/Svc, all
is 18+. Conditions Apply 335-1422. 3-14-5-14

Oak Hammock

offer a stable, consistent work environ-
nt with steady hours, a full benefit pack-
) and opportunity to work in an upscale
,llhcare setting Experience preferred but
will train people who possess a posit.e
tude. We offer a very competitive benefit

Housekeeper FT & PT
Groundskeeper FT 7am 3:30 pm
Painter FT
Waltstaff FT & PT
Assistant Dining Room Manager- FT


Hourly wage, don'r depend on tips!

I work with school schedules; no exp. re-
red, will train Ihose with the righ attitude

Apply in Person"
5100 SW 25tth Blvd
Gainesville, Florida 32608
Oak Hammock is a DFWPiEOEI
careers@oakhammock org
Jobline 352-548-1180


-o m 9-h


r -

-s -

Q, r

o 1


M Help Wanted ll Help Wanted ) I Help Wanted

Marketing Specialist, Project Coordinator,
Administrative Assistant for Psychologist's
Private Practice

Small publishing company in psychologist s
office in Alachua needs coordinator of
projects involving book marketing, ship-
ping, sales, client scheduling. workshop
preparation and office correspondence.
Proflency of Microsoft Office necessary. M.
Tn 10am-Spn-. $10 an hour Email resume or fax 386-462-
1952 3-14-4-14

Weekend work for student. Yard chainsaw
work, carpentry, electrical, plumbing & some
heavy lifting From $6.50-S8 00/hr depends
on skill & experience Call 376-6183 3-11-

Shands at Vista
Mental Health Tech PRN All Shifts,
Weekends High School diploma or
equivalent required, student in clinical health
program or previous expeennce as CNA or
psy.yiriainc tech required Apply on-line at
www hands org click on jobs. Quewstons.
call 265-0411 ext 85402 3-10-2-14

Hinng store manager shift managers, crew
members Apply in person Oaks Mall Food
Court 3-11-3-14

LEGAL ASSIST for PilCriminal law office
Wll Irain bnght energetic recent college
grad Fax resume to Courtney 352-335-
2272 3-15-5-14

.(0 -O

4 I
i Q 4 --

, -




o I*^
*: ^ BA

Mgml trainee HCA Palient Account
Services (Ganesville) Acc mgmt health
care admin or finance majors welcome to
apply. Please apply on-line at www orange
parksharedservices corn or consideration;
On-campus interviews to be held at UF in
March 3-15-5-14

2 & 4 Mon-Fri Calico Jack's 3501 SW 2nd
Ave, Creekside Mall 3-22-10-14

Co PT. commisslonable. flex hrs. will train
self-starters 866-397-PLAN, Bob Renwick

Now hiing servers, bussers Must be avall-
able minimum 2 weekday lunch shifts Apply
in person On the Border 3100 SW Archer
Rd 3-15-5-14

SATIACT lulor to help develop on-line
study program Contact 352-375-0772 Ex
122 or forward resume to hr@glelm com
www gleim corn 4-5-20-14

Valid dnver: license a must 352-222-1904

Earn $5-7fhr for participating in psychology
study Come by room 375 Psychology Bldg
UF campus, to apply 3-10-2-14

Software Tester
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers
seeks a Sotiware Tester to execute test
cases assist with or prepare test plans
and scripts, and other testing duties Must
demonstrate a song work ethic including
attendance and productivity above average
Minimum 2* years of experience in software
lesting/programming and AA degree in
computer science required Familiar witn
PUSOL and CiC++ Blood banking exper-
ence desired Submit resume via e-mail

work at The Oaks We will train Call 231-
5316 o 1-800-285-6783 3-15-5-14

Cleaners needed, will train Must be honest,
dependable & dedicated 352-377-8654 Call
for applications & interview. 3-11-3-14

Part time nanny/sitter wanted for Mondays,
plus Above market pay. Call 352-870-3418
to inquire 3-15-5-14

Public Relations project. Work P/T Fler
Hrs Use your own computer for e-mails.
phone follow-up for students Call 378-5818'

Brighl enthusiastic industrious workers
wanted for toy/gift store -T/PT. Must be
able to work weekends breaks and holi-
days Stop by for an application @ 1510 NW
131h St 3-28-14-14

WANTED: PT barn help in exchange for liv-
ing accommodations. Exp needed. Micanopy
area. Silber Ridge Stables 352-361-1454

DRIVERS WANTED. Up to $100/day. Mon-
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1080 SW 1 th Street
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Phone- 352/392-1554 X 223
Fax 3521392-9559 3-14-3-14

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Continued on next page.






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) 11


i) il1





THfRiSDAY, IAR'CAI1 lei '2bo i MffGATO', 25


Jnearned runs remove vision of victory for Gators

Alligator Writer

Here was no joy in Gainesville
ighty Bryson had struck out.
UF dropped the second game
its midweek series to UNC-
leville 8-5 Wednesday, sending
)arse crowd of 329 home disap-
nted after sitting in rain and cold
Iperatures for three and a half-
Freshman Bryson Barber stood at
plate with the bases loaded, his
n down by three. With two outs

and a full count, Bryson struck out
swinging to end the game.
The Gators (12-4) loaded the
bases and scored a run without get-
ting a hit in the bottom of the ninth
"That's the kind of game you al-
ways dream about," UNC-Asheville
coach Willie Stewart said. "Of
course, if you're on this end, you
almost wake up- in a nightmare.
It's the fun in baseball. If we didn't
have exciting games like this, I don't
know if people would wait to come
and watch."
The Bulldogs rallied to win by

"At that time, I really
thought we had the md-
mentum and those last
three innings, I was going
to do my job, we'd get a
couple of runs and win it."
Darren O'Day
UF pitcher

scoring four unearned runs on two
hits in the top of the ninth inning
against UF closer Darren O'Day.

Freshman Bryan Augenstein
made his first career start, pitching
three innings, striking out two and
allowing four runs on four hits and
a walk.
O'Day entered the game with
the bases loaded and one out in the
sixth and induced an inning-ending
double play.
"At that time, I really thought we
had the momentum and those last
three innings, I was going to do my
job, we'd get a couple of runs and
win it," O'Day said.
Junior shortstop Justin Tordi
ended his streak of 96 consecutive

starts. Tordi injured his back diving
for a ball in the sixth inning Tuesday
night and sat out with back spasms.
Second baseman Adam Davis
took Tordi's place at shortstop,
while Stephen Barton filled in for
Davis, leaving an opening for Gavin
Dickey in left field.
Dickey went 2-for-3 with an RBI,
a double and a stolen base.
"Tordi is the staple of our team.
He's a leader on and off the field,"
Dickey said. "He's the cornerstone
of our infield. It was a little differ-
ent without him. We had guys fill in
pretty nicely in his absence."

outrageouss golfer struggles with medical conditions


Alligator Writer

UF golfer Mallory Code remains in in-
Aive care at a Denver hospital fighting
Itiple life-threatening health conditions, a
diversity Athletic Association source said
lier this week.
Code, a sophomore, has been fighting off
iplications resulting from cystic fibrosis, a
g disorder, and diabetes for months both at
ads at UF and in Denver.

"Mallory, she's a fighter," UF coach Jill
Briles-Hinton said. "So that's what I expect
her to do. I'll just keep her and her family in
my thoughts."
Sports Information Director Sarah Riesberg
confirmed that Code suffers from pneumonia,
a yeast infection and acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS).
Neither Code nor her sister Whitney has
played golf since Fall 2003, and her older
brother .Jordan formerly competed for the
men's team.

VARGAS HONORED: James Vargas was named
the co-Southeastern Conference golfer of the
week following his performance at the Puerto

Rico Classic last weekend.
Vargas, who shared the honor with
Tennessee's Ross
McGowan, turned in the
lowest round of any Gators
player this year a 65 on
the opening day in Puerto
Fellow junior Matt
Every received the same
E SEC honor last week fol-
lowing his victory at the
Mercedes-Benz Collegiate Championship.

Vargas and the Gators have cracked-the top

10 in the most recent Golfweek rankings,
-holding the No. 9 spot.
UF dropped out of the top 25 after a
preseason No. 1 ranking but won two con-
secutive tournaments to start the spring.
They Gators will compete in
the Southern Highlands Collegiate
Championship in Las Vegas, Nev., this
The UF women's rankings have slipped,
however. The Gators fell one position to
No. 16 after finishing sixth in t'le Gator
Invitational over the weekend.
The winners of the Gator Invitational,
Wake Forest, bounced UF from the top 15,
rising from 18th to 10th in the rankings.

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Alligator SEC Tournament Predictions

Thursday, March 10


Game 1

1:00 PM

Friday, March 11

SOUTH CAROLINA-The Rebels gave South Carolina a
scare in the season finale, narrowly falling in overtime. Expect
the Gamecocks to win this one decisively Mississippi will
Shave no answer for Carlos Powell inside.

Game 5



Game 2


1:00 PM



MSU Mississippi State was the earl, ravonre to 'nir e Is
SEC. buT r as since faltered. A loss to Georgia, however, woulc,;.
I be lai-out sr o":ving. Lawrence Rot.rtis will get the ball early '
3:15 PM ard often. ending all talis of a craz) upset. .



Game 3

7:30 PM

Gaine 6

3:15 PM .

ARKANSAS Trhs should be the nest game of tth'ffirs
rournaO, .1in r 3ransas getting tre sligt oeag. Walcn tor i o rnn
Brewer t. go up against oefernsieiy<-:ralernPe Scooier
McFaagon Brewer will DreaK out for at least 20 points.
I Pr~r~ i o~painr ai~1l slni coe

Game 7



Game 4

9:45 PM


7:30 PM

Saturday, March 12

ALABAMA-Alabama had no problem defeating
South Carolina earlier this season, and the Tide will score
an easy win again. USC's Powell versus 'Bama's Chuck
Davis makes for a good matchup, but the Gamecocks
can't stop Kennedy Winston and Earnest Shelton.

Game 9 1:00 PM

-MSU.- U Is on'a tetr,.but this is a bad matchup for
tr eGators. UF. hs fiab'iittie4ucc~es Ls iear against tall
frontcoiurts, and the Buildogs have two monster players
'in Rouens dnd-MarcusCamplell. But don't counr out the

SKENTUCKY Stiil seeingg from ie loss at uF. the
WIldcats will take oui'their frustrations on ite Razoroacks.
Arkansas will compete early, and maybe even lead in the
First half, but Kentucky will come away with a big win.

Game 10 3:15 PM

VANDERBILT-Auburn has no starter taller than 6-foot-
6. Vanderbilt has a 7-foot-2 starter who shoots threes but
can't rebound. Go figure. This should be an easy win for the
SCommodores, who need a deep run in this tournamentto
secure an NCAA berth.


9:45 PM

March 13

ALABAMA- Alabama
shocked MSU in a 49-point
rout in January. It was much
closer in the season finale,
but Alabama still pulled
away. It's difficult to beat a
quality team three times in
one season, but the Tide
will Roll.

Game 11 1:00 PM

LSU -The legion of blue
and white fans will leave
Atlanta devastated when
Glen Davis and Brandon
Bass dominate Randolph
Morris and Chuck Hayes. An
SEC Championship without
Kentucky? Yep.

LSU An all-SEC West
championship is rare, bu|
this should be a great
game that comes down
to the wire. In the end,
Bass will show national
television audience why
he was the SEC Player
of the Year when he
notches 20 points and
10 rebounds.
SEC Tournament

NCAA Tournament
Automatic Qualifier

LSU LSU is playing its best'ball as of late, but this will
be a surprisingly close game. Awin could clinch an NCAA
berth for Vandy, but LSU will pull away late, leaving the
Commodores headed to the NIT.
I bert fo heandedbtLUwllpl wylte e\ig

Jennifer LaBrle/ Alligator S.



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UODAbbl i ,' LAo6i&I 6R),tR 27

Crowder looks to secure first-round spot

Track sprinting

to NCAA meet


The No. 2 UF men's track and field team will send nine
athletes in 10 different events to the 2005 NCAA Indoor
Championships, held March 11-12 at the Randal Tyson Track
Center. The fourth-ranked women's team will travel nine ath-
letes in seven events to the meet.
The men's squad finished tied for second at the NCAA
Indoor meet in 2004 with a program-best 38 points, and will
look to finish in the top 10 for the sixth time in the last 10
"We got just about everybody in that we thought we
would," UF men's track and field coach Mike Holloway said.
"We're a little disappointed Shane Stroup and Dwight Ruff
didn't get in, but we're looking forward to the challenge ahead
of us. This might be the most balanced squad we've had. It's
probably also the most confident team we've had. Everybody
is healthy and well-rested, and we're ready to go."
The women's team also finished second in 2004 with a
sum of 51. points and has ended the Indoor meet in the top
five in six of the past nine seasons.

GATORS, from page 28

Fason and linebacker Channing
Crowder, a sophomore that also left
school early, are UF's only first-day
picks, Miami Dolphins general man-
ager Rick Spielman said.
"These two guys are good play-
ers, don't get me wrong; but there
has been three or four or five guys
that you come to look at," Spielman
Green Bay Packers defensive co-
ordinator Jim Bates and other coach-
es agreed, saying that UF having

GIRV BALLS, from page:

only two "draft-
able players" is
The weather
may have af-
fected players'
Crowded hovered around
50 degrees on Wednesday, and nu-
merous coaches and players said it
may have affected their workouts.
"This is a little bit of an example
of when you have ideal conditions
to work out at the combine, then

his character and injury history. It's probably safe to
say Crowder could have dogged it out there and the
scouts wouldn't care they know what he's capable
Fason had a pretty good workout from what the
NFL'ers said. That's important because Fason could
get squeezed out of the first round depending on
how the draft shakes out. Being drafted in the first
round, even at No. 32, makes a difference in the wal-
Of course, Crowder and Fason were the two

you have to come here and work
out in this, like, Wisconsin weather,
it affects them a little bit," Spielman
said, referring to the NFL combine
in Indianapolis that both Faso~rand
Crowder skipped.
But Fason was happy with his
workout and plans to celebrate on
draft day.
"I'll be in Jacksonville," Fason
said. "I'm having a little draft party
get together high school coaches
and basically family."
It beats eating breakfast by your-

players everyone was focusing on, and most likely
they will set themselves up financially for the rest of
their lives. But in the words of coaches like Bates and
Hunley, you expect to seriously be four or
five guys at UF Pro Day.
That doesn't discount the chances of guys like Mo
Mitchell and Matt Leach getting drafted late on the
second day. It only means that this didn't feel like a
UF Pro Day.
As for Honest Urban, the meaning of a down
year at Pro Day is undetermined. Does it mean the
best is yet to come because the best players were the
younger bunch, or does Meyer truly have some work
to do?

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Breakfast doesn't slow Fason


SAlligator Staff Writer

Although Ciatrick Fason said he
went into Wednesday's UF Pro Day
liKe it was game, it didn't actually
end up that way.
The former Gators player did
something he'd never done in
preparation for his workout for NFL
scouts and coaches.
"I was just so focused, I got
up at like 7 o'clock and I went to
Denny's," said Fason, who left the
Gators after his junior year.
"I never ate by myself before in
my whole life inside a restaurant. I
just sat in there for like an hour and
a half until it was time to come over
Fason was so focused he didn't
even remember what he had for
"I had a whole bunch of food,"
he said. "I don't even know."
Despite probably -being pretty
full, Fason had a good workout, he
Fason said he was clocked in the
-ange of 4.46-4.52 seconds in the 40-
)ard dash.
"I heard from late first to early
E,- At' [round], but they said after
my workout today, I might go up,"
Fason said. "Hopefully I opened up
some eyes out here today.
"They said I had a lot of top
running backs coaches out here ...
My individuall workout, I had a
little crowd over there. I'm hoping it
helped me out a lot and put me up
in that middle first round."
Fason will likely be selected
after Auburn's Ronnie Brown and
Camell "Cadillac" Williams and

im uasey. Ailgaror
Ex-UF tailback Ciatrick Fason showcases his receiving talents for NFL
scouts. Fason could get drafted in the late first round.
Texas' Cedric Benson. this year, no matter if it's mid-first,
"I can do everything those guys late first or early second [round],
do but a little better," Fason said. "I because I feel like I should've been
put myself as the No. 1 back. up in the top 10 along with those
"It's just I don't get the hype that backs."
the other guys do. I'm going to be
the steal of the running backs corps SEE GATORS, PAGE 27

Big Three shine

Alligator Staff Writer

Four of the Gators' starting five members, were
awarded All-Southeastern Conference team honors by the
league's coaches Tuesday.
Junior guard Anthony Roberson was
one of three players to receive first team
All-SEC honors with a unanimous vote
of the 12 league coaches.
"I think Peep was definitely deserv-
ing," junior guard Matt Walsh said.
"He's had some scoring outbursts
some 30-plus point games."
Robern Senior forward David Lee made the
eight-player first-team roster for the
first time in his career.
Walsh, who averaged 12.3 points and a team-high three
assists per game, received second team honors for the sec-
ond consecutive season.
Freshman forward Corey Brewer, who has a team-
leading 38 steals this season, was honored as a SEC All-
Freshman Team player.
Kentucky coach Tubby Smith, who led the Wildcats
to their 43rd SEC championship this season, was also a
unanimous selection for Coach of the Year after receiving
the same award from the Associated Press on Tuesday.
Roberson, the only player to average more than 20
points per game in league play, was honored with his sec-
ond first team All-SEC selection in as many days.
The SEC scoring leader, however, fell just short of
Louisiana State sophomore forward Brandon Bass for the
coaches' SEC Player of the Year award.
After being named SEC Player of the Year by the AP,
Bass swept both honors, edging out Roberson, 5-4, in the
coaches' vote.
Alabama junior forward Kennedy Winston, also a
unanimous first-team selection, received two votes, while
Kentucky senior forward Chuck Hayes garnered one.
"I laid it on the floor, laid it on the line, and everybody
Shas their own opinions," Roberson said. "But Brandon
Bass is Player of the Year, so I'm happy for him."
Said Walsh: "Brandon Bass is a great player, too. But if
you're asking me, I'd have voted for Peep."

'Down year' for draftworthy football talent surprises NFL scouts

A s alluded to in my colleague's col-
umn on Wednesday, honesty is a
good thing.
All of the sudden, there's a breath of
fresh air in the Swamp, and his name is
Urban Meyer.
But we can't stop there. We hacks that
make up the Gators media have to have
Cue the UF Pro Day tape. And remem-
ber these are their words, not mine.
"Talent varies from year to year, and
some guys develop and some don't,"
Cingnnati Bengals linebackers coach Ricky
Hunley said.

Gregg Girvan
Throwing Girv Balls

"It's a down year,
definitely, for a Florida
Wait, there's more:
"Definitely [it's a
down year]," said Jim
Bates, former Miami
Dolphins interim head
coach and now the de-
fensive coordinator of
the Green Bay Packers.
"We have a fewer

number of coaches and scouts compared
to past years, and it's a down year in num-

"When you only have two or three draft-
able players at the University of Florida,
that's uncommon."
Hmm. Interesting.
Now to the more serious.part the NFL
coaches' honesty aside, it's the simple
fact that this is a "down year" in terms of
Gators that are draftable on April 23-24 that
is telling.
How appropriate that it was a dark,
damp, and simply unpleasant day. It was
dead-ville in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium.
Last year there was a bit.of excitement
out there. Not in 2005.
There was plenty, of talk about how

good the players were and how bad th
coach was during the 2004 season. If thz
still holds true, then all that NFL-level ta]
ent did not reside in the senior class an,
subsequently was absent on Wednesday.
It only rested in a junior and a sophc
more three years removed from high school
Ciatrick Fason and Channing Crowder.
Both are quite draftable and both eve
have a chance at first-round draft. status
A lot of boards have Crowder going in th
first round, but much of his status depend
on how teams evaluate him in regards t

N Have you filled out your SEC
Tournament bracket? Go to
page 26 for loads of info on the
SEd teams including matchups
and predictions.

* UF center Mike Degory was
named to the Dave Rimington
Trophy Spring Watch. The award is
given annually to the nation's top

U 1987: UF center Dwayne Schintzius ties
his own Gators blocks record for the third
time by swatting Georgia seven times.
Schintzius finished with four seven-block
games, second-most all time.

*NCAA Men's Basketball: Georgia vs. Mis
sissippi State Sunshine, 3:30 p.m.

ENCAA Men's Basketball: Arkansas vs.
Tennessee Sunshine, 7:30 p.m.

Full Text


the independent florida Not officially associated with the University of Florida Pubshed by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida We Inform. You Decide. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 TALLAHASSEE State May ban aid for foreign students By JAMES VANLANDINGHAM Alligator Staff Writer TALLAHASSEE -A bill that would ban state universities from granting financial aid to international students who are in this country on student visas is working its way through the Florida Legislature. House Bill 21 and its identical Senate companion, SB866, would still allow foreign graduate students to receive funding as part of work-study programs for serving as teaching or research assistants. Those students.could also still receive financial aid from private sources. But the bill would require universities to stop giving state-funded scholarships to the approximately 1,657 foreign students that the Florida Department of Education says are studying in public universities with state funding. The House bill passed the Colleges and Universities Committee 9-0 Tuesday afternoon, and a legislative staff analysis from that committee reported that $5.7 million could be saved by cutting such students off from their funding. An additional $2 million could be plucked from such students in community colleges. That money would then be spent to provide need-based scholarships to Florida residents. The House staff analysis said the bill SEE FOREIGN, PAGE 5 Casey Anderson / Alligator Staff Student Body presidentidl candidates MacKenzie Moritz (Progress Party), Dennis Ngin (impact Party), and Joe Goldberg (Gator Party) introduce themselves to students Wednesday Issues bubble up in SG debates By BRIDGET CAREY and STEPHEN MAGRUDER Alligator Staff Writers Student Body presidential candidates addressed student concerns during two debates Wednesday, hitting upon election issues such as online voting, deal-making and. breakfast cereal. When asked what cereal they would be, Gator Party's Joe Goldberg said "Frosted MiniWheats." "They're mini, like myself," he joked. He said Election the sugar kept -e him going and the wheat kept him strong. The Progress Party's MacKenzie Moritz said Rice Krispies would be his cereal, because he "can be snap, crackle and pop and just go off." Lucky Charms would be Impact Party candidate Dennis Ngin's cereal because he was "blessed with a lot of challenges and a lot of opportunities." The first debate, co-hosted by the Alligator and UF's College SEE DEBATE, PAGE 8 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 0 University officials did not take student taste into account when considering whether to negotiate a 10year contract with Pepsi or Coke. UF is close to finalizing an exclusive agreement with Pepsi Bottling Group. See story, pg. 5. VOLUME 98 ISSUE 112 Search still on for UF student By ELIZABETH PRANN Alligator Writer Four UF exchange students remain in Costa Rica to search for their missing friend. In a phone interview from the Central American country, longtime friend and classmate Peter Nienaber said the search for UF exchange student Brendan Kieran Dobbins has been both a land and a sea hunt with the assistance of the Red Cross and local officials. "We have yet to have any luck," Nienaber said. He added Dobbins' father will arrive in San Jose on Thursday evening to meet with Dobbins' friends as well as Canadian Embassy officials, who handle the affairs of Australian citizens in the Dobbins Central American nation, to get maximumexposure for the search. Nienaber said the Costa Rican investigation has been "concerted;" however, he said there is a stark difference between their efforts and those that would have been done in the United States or Australia. "It's been quite frustrating," he said. "Hasn't been particularly good." However, Nienaber said the Canadian Embassy has been "fantastically helpful and supportive 24 SEE MISSING, PAGE 8 0 Ex-UF tailback Ciatrick Fason shows his receiving skills for NFL scouts. Fason and ex-teammate Channing Crowder should be taken in the first two rounds of the NFL Draft. See story, pg. 28. FORECAST OPINIONS the AVENUE CLASSIFIEDS CROSSWORD SPORTS 2 6 9 18 23 28 Partly cloudy 66/43 visit 1, '' Today


2 WIG6ATOR iUTHURSDAY, MARCi,0i 2005 News Today STATE FORECAST TODAY PARTLY CLOUDY 66/43 FRIDAY SUNNY 70/44 SATURDAY 'II,, SUNNY 66/45 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" WHAT'S HAPPENING 7 p.m. Reel Big Fish (concert) Stephen C. O'Connell Center InterResidence Hall Association 7 p.m. SG Presidential Debate Reitz Union Colonnade Hispanic Student Association 7:30 p.m. Faculty Exhibition Talks Harn Museum 8 p.m. Meet and Greet SG Presidential Candidates Reitz Union South Terrace Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity SUNDAY SUNNY 76/53 MONDAY RAIN 69/44 CORRECTIONS During a Gainesville City Commission candidate forum Feb. 23, District 3 candidate Mike Belle said, "I'm here to defend human rights. Everybody deserves these rights. That's what Kennedy said." We reported otherwise in the next day's Alligator. The videotape of Tuesday's City Commission candidateforum will not be shown on Channel 12. We reported otherwise in Wednesday's Alligator. Courtney Cunningham was appointed to UF's Board of Trustees by Florida's Board of Governors, which oversees the state university system. We reported otherwise in the Feb. 25 Alligator. We regret the errors. The Aligator strives to be accurate and clear in its news reports and editorials. If you find an error, please call our, newsroom at (352) 376 4458 or send an e-mail to editor@alligatororg. Thursday, March 10 Gate 18 Phi Mu Sigma Alpha Epsilon Alpha Delta Pi Friday, March 11 Auditorium Drive Sidewalk behind Hub Monday, March 14 Auditorium Drive Sidewalk behind Hub Broward Fresh FoodC Gate 18 Alpha Gamma Rho Pi Kappa Phi Phi Sigma Kappa Tuesday, March 15 Auditorium Drive Sidewalk behind Hub 9 am -6 pm 5 pm -8:30 pm 5 pm -8:30 pm 5 pm -8:30 pm Final Night at Norman Field 6 pm -9 pm 3 bloodmobiles, KISS 105.3 Boom Box (Location may Change) Sororities 9 am -5 pm Total Donations 9 am -5 pm 1-Alpha Omicron Pi-21 2-Chi Omega-16 3-Kappa Kappa Gamma-.1 9 am -4:30 pm 9 am -4:30 pm Court 9 am -4:30 pm Fraternities 9 am -5 pm Total Donations 5 pm.10 pm *1 Pi Kappa Phi-47 5 pm -10 pm 2-Phi Delta Theta-29 5 pm -10 pm **3-DeltaUpsilon-18 Includes 2 double-red 9 am -4:30 pm **includes 3 double-re 9 am -4:30pm Sororities Percentage 1-Chi Omega-14% 2-Alpha Omicron Pi-12% 4 3-Kappa Kappa Gamma-9% Fraternities Percentage *1-Pi Kappa Phi-57% **2-Delta Upsilon-37% 3-Phi Delta Theta-29% d cell donations d cell donations COLDSTONP E 1 aligto Sthe indlepentdent florida VOLUME 98 ISSUE 112 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Dwayne Robinson, Managing Editor / Print Mike Gimignani, Managing Editor/ New Media Matthew Kelly, Sports Editor Ian Fisher, Assistant Sports Editor Louis Anastasis, Editor Andrew Abramson, University Editor Justin Hemlepp, Metro Editor Eva Kis, Freelance Editor Natalie Liem, nliem@alligatororg Assignment Editor Nick Weidenmiller, nweidenmiller@alligatororg Tallahassee Bureau Chief James VanLandingham, Opinions Editor Matt Sanchez, Editorial Board Dwayne Robinson, Mike Gimignani, Matt Sanchez, Lauren Flanagan, Diana Middleton, Craig Singleton Photo Editor Casey Anderson, Assistant Photo Editor Nick West, Photo Staff Matt Marriott, Emily Harris, Tricia Coyne, Andy Apicella, Andrea Morales the Avenue Editor Kelly-Anne Suarez, the Avenue Assistant Editor Sarah Anderson, Art Director Andy Marlette Copy Desk Chiefs Matt Cmar, Sheryl Rosen, Ryan Worthington Copy Editors Chris Berger, Mary Beth Bishop, Gayle Cohen, Carly Felton, Jennifer Freihofer, Lyndsey Lewis, Krissi Palmer, Heather Romans, Stephanie Rosenblatt, Lynne Schultz, Michael Schutz, BrandyStearns, Marianna Tuninskaya Staff Bryan App, Bridget Carey, Stephanie Garry, Gregg Girvan, Megan Seery, Brian Shaffer New Media Staff Assistant Editor Gwen Heimburg New Media Staff Dan Jimmerson DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, Advertising Office Manager Marybeth Miller, Advertising Office Assistants Joshua Appelbaum, Elizabeth Cueto Sales Representatives Patrick Sherry, Melissa Vloedman Jim McCaddin, Joel Fernandez Kyle Moore, Lindsey Kuhn Chris Pacheco, Anne Garcia Jennifer Rudlioff, Jennifer Simmons Sales Development/Intern Coordinator Neil Cailanan CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015(Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, Classified Clerks Leah Zissimopulos, Bethany O'Neill, Merab-Michal Favorite, Marianne Cooper CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, Operations Assistants Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, Bookkeeper Patricia Merrow, Student Accounting Clerks Brandon Edwards;Keith Enright Michael Sanders, Alex Thurn .ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, Administrative Manager Allison Sinclair, Lorena Crowley Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Assistant Production Manager Information Technology Manager Advertising Production Staff Editorial Production Staff Vern Bean, Stephanie Gocklin, Brian Dwyer, Elizabeth Houston, Shana Langfur, Jovan Ribadeo, Nick Johnson, Kate Barnes, Michelle Stewart, Maggie Peuler Jennifer LaBrie, Natasha Weinstein, Kate Mullan, Amy Oglesby, Melissa Garcia The independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organizatio, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257,.Gainesville; Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member oftthe Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring). .$18. Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 w. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc. GREK BLOOD DRIVE BldbeheSPuRING 205 Bloodmobile Schedule


THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 3 SG ELECTIONS PROFILES Moritz makes implementing change his main goal Editor's note: This is the secdays, he slept on the concrete and ond in a series of three articles ate in shelters. taking a closer look at Student "It's been somewhat of an inspiration to me," he said. "Although we Body presidential candidates. really didn't sleep on the trip, I came back energized because I knew I was By DAVID COH EN Alligator Writer MacKenzie Moritz could tell you how to chomp your way through hard times and still smile. "Being a Gator is not the most popular thing down there," he said of his hometown, Lynnhaven, Fla. "I think my first grade teacher was rather disappointed that I didn't become a Seminole." However, living in hostile territory might have been easier than the Progress Party leader's Spring Break trip to Washington, D.C. While there he served the homeless in soup kitchens. Later in the week, he took a trip through their world. Moritz, 21, rubbed baby oil in his hair, put dirt on his face and was given nothing but 50 cents for an emergency phone call. For two MacKenzie Moritz at a glance Favorite superhero: Captain Planet Last movie seen: "Love Actually" Last CD purchased: Three Up High Favorite public figure: John F. Kennedy Personal hero: (his older brother) "He proved that whatever you believe with your heart -you can do. Just keep at it. As long as you are really dedicated to it, you can accomplish it." doing the right thing." Moritz's positive outlook transfers to his self-image. He said he sees himself as "motivated," "idealistic" and "laid-back." But despite his relaxed nature, he said he is running for Student Body president for one reason -to implement change. "I saw a lot of things in (Student Government) that I didn't like. It is my belief that you cannot complain about something unless you have tried with everything you've got to change it," he said. Moritz is majoring in political science and economics, with minors in computer science and environmental science. He is a senator for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, sits on the Budget and Appropriations Committee and serves as an honors ambassador to high school students. Moritz said he wants to see more students get just as involved in SG. "My m i goal is to break down the barriers for students who want to get involved," he said. Moritz said a common misconception about SG is that the organization should only be worried about writing checks. "It's hard to represent 48,000 students," he said, "it's not hard to spend the money." Progress Party presidential candidate MacKenzie Moritz steps off an RTS bus Wednesday. Moritz and his opponents debated twice Wednesday afternoon. And the hard part is exactly "I think students sometimes look "I don't have any of these block what Moritz said he plans on doing. Progress has based its platform on student opinions through polls and discussions and, if elected, it plans on setting up satellite offices in each college for student senators to interact with their constituents. and see SG full of people in suits that are unapproachable." he said. "We should represent every student, we should involve every student and we should benefit every student." Moritz said he is an untraditional candidate. support groups. I think students see the corruption in SG and don't vote. If they want to see an end to this corruption they are going to need to vote, and they are going to need to vote Progress." Shands at AGH could soon face accreditation issues N THE MAYOR SAYS THE HOSPITAL NEEDS "SUBSTANTIAL RENOVATIONS." By IVETTE MENDEZ Alligator Writer Within five years, students may find they have one fewer medical facility they can count on, the mayor of Gainesville said. In a letter to Congresswoman Corrine Brown, Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan said "substantial renovation" is needed to keep Shands at AGH's accreditation. "I'm trying to keep the hospital open," she stated. However, Shands Marketing and Public Relations spokesman Lince Skelly said despite a Joint Commission on Accreditation of "I'm trying to keep the hospital open." Pegeen Hanrahan Gainesville mayor Healthcare Facilities visit to the area's Shands hospitals this week for a routine inspection, he is confident the facilities are in good shape. "Shands at AGH passed its last inspection three years ago, and we fully expect to earn re-accreditation again this year during [the commission's] routine visit," Skelly said in an e-mail Wednesday. But Congresswoman Corrine Brown previously expressed concern about AGH at a local event in February and asked to be involved in the process ofi overhauling the hospital, Hanrahan said. Shands CEO Tun Goldfarb delined to comment for this article. "We are not seeking federal aid," Skelly noted about the involvement of Brown. However, Hanrahan said she feels there are issues to be addressed, noting that Brown has mentioned holding a community meeting about AGH. "There is a great deal of concern among staff and public," Hanrahan said. "Highly acclaimed BBQ on NPR CUTYand in Gainesville &TRE Magazine" Mfcanopy, FL -(352) 466-4025 Delliq Dame wwwvv.ethnicdanceexpressions.coM 384-9200 A 700 SW 62ND BLVD. 352-371-8009 LARGE 1, 2 & 3 WORKOUT Room SAUNA BEDRooM PLANS TENNIS COURTs LAUNDRY WWW.LAKEWooDVILLAs.coM SWIMMING PoOL GAZEBO PETS WELCOME


4, ALLIGATOR E THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 ADMINISTRATION Adarn raises awareness for UF research projects By EMILY YEHLE Alligator Writer UF could help fight the war on terrorism, support "frail elders" and eradicate exotic pests if a whirlwind of Washington lobbying convinced legislators to fund research projects Tuesday and Wednesday. UF Vice President for University Relations Jane Adams visited several Florida representatives this week, including Sen. Mel Martinez, to garner support for 10 projects totaling $41 million in federal funds for the 2006 fiscal year. The trip was Adams' first step in raising awareness for UF's research priorities, after administrators chose their Top 10 list of project priorities. "We had two criteria: how the project fit into the university's goal and how it fit into the congressional mission," Adams said. UF officials also tried to spread out the requests over different federal agencies, she said. "All appropriations call for certain kinds of bills. We don't want to get into a situation where we're competing against ourselves," she said. Three of the projects would receive funding from the Department of Defense, and four mention the research's tie to war or terrorism. Two of those projects ask for $5 million each in research funding to improve military technology and protect infrastructure networks, such as transportation and communication, from terrorist attacks. Six of the projects did not receive funding last year, including one that would use $3.5 million to spread the use of techiology to monitor the health of elders, or "telehealth." For the first time, UF is also requesting $5 million to help complete the construction of a laboratory that would research proton beam cancer treatment. The facility could give the new treatment to 2,000 cancer patients a year, according to UF's report on the project. And some legislators also were interested in a new doctoral program for nurses to help mitigate the shortage of nursing faculty. UF would work with UNF, FAMU and FSU to spread the program and eventually enroll more students in baccalaureate nursing programs. Furthermore, $10 million was requested from the Department of Agriculture for T-STAR, a program that works to find environmentally friendly ways to eradicate and contain non-native pests, such as footand-mouth disease and fire ants. These threats are "heightened by the potential for terrorist-induced attacks on the nation's food supply," according to the report. For the past three years, the project has received approximately $9 million annually. Adams said meetings went well, despite them marking her first time lobbying in Washington. As a former Walt Disney Co. vice president of government relations, she only worked at the local and state level. "It's been very productive," she said. "I enjoyed it." Speaker recounts positive democratic changes in Iraq N DAN SENOR CAME TO UF AS PART OF JEWISH AWARENESS MONTH. By KATE STOREY Alligator Contributing Writer American interference in Iraq was an overall good move despite mistakes made along the way, said Dan Senor, senior adviser to-Presidential Envoy L. Paul Bremer III, to a crowd of approximately 100 on Wednesday night. Senor spoke about the positive democratic changes he witnessed in his 15 months in Iraq. His appearance was the second program for Jewish Awareness Month. It was co-sponsored by Accent, UF speakers bureau, and took place in the Reitz Union Rion Ballroon. "It is important to look at the good and bad news in Iraq in context of the challenges," Senor said during his speech. Senor, who is currently a spokesman for Fox News, told stories of the suffering of the Iraqi people and about the changes he saw during his 15 months there. He said his best memory from his time in Iraq was working with -the Iraqi press as the spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority. He saw the media options in Iraq transform from having a few state-run newspapers under Saddam Hussein's regime to 200 free-press papers. Senor spoke about the challenges -that still exist and how Americans can understand what the Iraqis are dealing with. Two of the challenges he focused on were the psychological infrastructure of the Iraqis and security. Senor drew a diverse crowd, ranging from students interested in the current affairs in Iraq to those interested in the Jewish 0n Awareness Month agenda. CaMpUS UF political science major and self-proclaimed "political junkie" Joel Lombardi, 19, came to hear Senor speak on current events as witnessed from a first-person viewpoint. "I've read about Senor in political analysis and Web sites," Lombardi said. "I'm interested in this topic, and I wanted to see what he had to say." Jewish Awareness Month Chairwoman Rachel Matthew, along with Accent Chairman David Buchalter, decided on Senor for the agenda because of his political accomplishments and his Jewish faith. "I knew I wanted someone who was good at what they did, well known in their field and had a strong Jewish background," Matthew said. Senor, 33, spent a year at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and keeps kosher. His mother is a Holocaust survivor, and he related the current psychological conditions of the Iraqis recovering from the horrors they have witnessed to Holocaust survivors like his mother. t r rsOnsibleUfor More th n 1,99 synagogue and day school classes, 259 adult programs and one large boat. Elly Bauman knows the meaning of hands-on learning, but in her classes, the hands are little ones. Elly, an alumna of the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education at The Jewish Theological Seminary, is Director of the Jewish Discovery Museum at the Bathurst CC in Toronto. The museum teaches children six and under about ]ewish values, community life and Israel through imaginative, interactive exhibits, including a giant Noah's Ark. The Davidson School is at the forefront ransforming Jewish education across North America, producing Jewish educational leaders like Elly. Students at The Davidson SchoolElly teach, research, reflect and learn while working in a variety of educational settings. Bauman To learn more about how you can be an inspiration toand the next call h overy (212) 280-6054 or visit www.jtsa.edulds Museum Bathurst, Canada Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education JTS. We teach Jewish Leaders. LO Martinez


THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 5 UF-Pepsi negotiations ensue M PEPSI OFFERED UF A SLIGHTLY MORE LUCRATIVE CONTRACT THAN COKE DID. By STEPHANIE GARRY Alligator Staff Writer University officials did not take student taste into account when considering whether to negotiate a 10-year contract with Pepsi or Coke. UF is close to finalizing an exclusive agreement with Pepsi Bottling Group. "This is a business deal," said Ed Poppell, vice president for finance and administration. "It's not about the personal preferences of Coke versus Pepsi." Instead, university officials said they serve student interests by seeking the highest offer possible in their negotiations with Pepsi, which proposed a $27 million, 10-year contract in September. Coca-Cola Co. proposed $26 million over 10 years -if UF agreed to a five year extension after the first five years of service, according to a Sept. 27 partnership proposal. However, the total figure is still under negotiations. "As far as student input, the role of [the negotiators] is to get the most amount of money with the best prices and service that go back to the students," UF Business Services Division Director James Morgan said, adding that he expects an announcement about the negotiations' conclusion by April 1. The university's Coke contract expires on Aug. 16. If Pepsi wins the contract, the university's signs, soda fountains, scoreboards and its 600 vending machines will be converted to Pepsi by that date. TheUniversity of Florida Foundation, University Athletic Association, Shands Healthcare, UF business representatives and the university's lawyers participated in negotiations, but no students were involved and no measure of public opinion taken. "I think they're very, very similar," Morgan said, adding that each company offers a diet cola and Pepsi offers several products that Coke does not -including Gatorade, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew and Starbucks Frappuccinos. "We haven't been able to sell things like that before because of our exclusive agreement with Coke." Including students in the negotiations would be difficult because ofsthe time commitment and the complexity of the issue, Morgan said. Both Pepsi and Coke offered perks Stud nt for students in their September proLife p osals. Both promised to offer summer interships to UF students. Coke promised two summer internships each year, while Pepsi boasted hiring 16 UF graduates since 2000. Pepsi offered $3.8 million in scholarships and student and faculty appreciation as a part of the deal, but Poppell and Morgan would not say whether scholarship awards are being considered separately from the total sum. If the deal is finalized, they do hope that some of the money could qualify for State Matching Gift Programs, where the state of Florida matches some or all of the amount of some large donations to UP. "We've had an outstanding partnership and relationship with Coke," Morgan said. "Until this Pepsi contract is finalized, that's still the modus operandi." In addition, both companies proposed increasing the number of vending machines on campus and keeping product prices the same in the first year of the agreement. After that, the price would be left to market forces. Ban may deter exchange FOREIGN, from page 1 "may limit opportunities for foreign individuals or families by eliminating sources of financial assistance that might have otherwise been received." Moreover, while some Florida students could benefit from the new need-based scholarships, the bill could decrease the amount of private financial aid funds available to residents if universities redirect those funds to foreign students to allow them to continue their studies. None of the House or Senate bill sponsors returned calls seeking comment Wednesday. Luis Suarez-Isaza, president of UF's Volunteers for International Student Affairs, or VISA, said the bill was an unfair shot at foreign students that would hinder UF in attracting the best and brightest students from around the world. "If you're a bright and ambitious student in Germany, you might as well go to France instead of the United States because it won't be as expensive, there won't be the visa hassles, and there won't be the feeling of 'we don't want you here,"' he said. Moreover, foreign graduate students go on to perform vital roles in this country's science and research community, where America is producing too few homegrown scientists to remain globally competitive, he said. Maria Rodriguez, coordinator of the Florida Immigrant Coalition, said that Florida students' educations are enriched when universities bring in the most diverse base of knowledge possible, including students from foreign countries. UF has approximately 2,700 international students, according to the International Center Web site. Currently, the site says, "there is very little financial aid available for foreign nationals to study in the U.S. Most grants, scholarships and loans from public and private sources are restricted to U.S. citizens." The text of the bill can be seen at FRE E Delivery anywhere ihi ainesville $Z off with student ID Check out owu full menu in Fridays Alligfator Let us cater your next event 1323 South Main St -313-311 I


6, ALLIGATOR E THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 Editorial Timid turnover Reversal of online voting refusal changes nothing The Student Government Supreme Court received a slap on the wrist from Dean of Students Gene Zdziarski Tuesday when he invalidated its denial of the online voting initiative. So, the court's refusal to allow the initiative onto the ballot was reversed. That means the initiative will be on the ballot, right? Wrong. Dean Gene's halfhearted rebuttal of the court's actions did nothing but perpetuate the cycle of irresponsible actions taken against students by SG and the administration. This is inexcusable, and it shows clearly that the administration is unwilling to spend even a moment of their valuable time worrying about what is best for the students. Presidential candidates MacKenzie Moritz and Dennis Ngin appealed the court's decision, asking that the initiative be placed back on the ballot. It seemed only natural that if the court were overturned, the initiative would go back on the ballot. Sure, Dean Gene invalidated the court's denial. Good for him -he used his power as adviser to SG to take action against an inappropriate use of the authority entrusted to the Supreme Court by the students. At the end of the day, however, the online voting petition still is not on the ballot. A reversal of a decision that doesn't actually change the outcome is worse than useless. If the effects of the invalidated decision stand, there is no reason for the court to act any differently in the future. The bottom line is, the court met in secret. There's no other way to look at it: They had a meeting to determine the fate of an issue that students overwhelmingly support, and they didn't tell anyone about it. Apparently, court officials have convinced themselves that their private meeting was not illegal because they are not bownid by Florida's Sunshine Laws. We disagree with this wholeheartedly. They are justices handling and adjudicating issues of public money -student money. Their constituents are entitled to be involved and to criticize the process, in exactly the same way they are with any other public body in Florida. They equally are entitled to appeal for any reason that strikes them. But if their appeals are going to be answered only with limpwristed chastising of those who have done wrong, students can't be faulted for giving up and thinking, "What's the use?" This sort of wishy-washy response to political malfeasance sets a dangerous precedent. Bright-eyed young SG hopefuls will see that they can break the spirit of the law at will and receive no tangible punishment from administrators who could care less what happens in student politics. As long as they don't mind an Alligator article or two about how they violated the students' trust, they'll have a free pass to do whatever they want. Again, students can't afford to stand by as their interests are blatantly ignored time and time again by SG officials who only look out for their own interests -especially if we can't count on our adnirtstrators to respond appropriately to foul play. In the unlikely event that anyone somehow remains unconvinced that the students ovei-whelmingly support online voting, we propose a test. In polls run in the Alligator over the past few years, students routinely have voted in favor of online voting by large margins -the "yes" column nearly always receiving 70 percent or more of the vote. We think this trend will continue. Students: if you want online voting, surf over to the Opinions section of and cast your vote. It may not be the same as having it on the electoral ballot, but it's a start. So what's it going tobe? a l the independ t florid taftg",&-ltor Dwayne Robinson EDITOR Mike Gimignani MANAGING EDITOR Matt Sanchez OPINIONS EDITOR Lauren Flanagan Diana Middleton Craig Singleton EDITORIAL BOARD The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 wods (about one lette-sied page). They must he typed, doublespaced and must include the author's name, cassfcatio andphone nmbr hrNamesd witbe withheld tfn e hseiter shows ust cause. We reserve the right to Pi tpo length, gammar, style and libel. Send lettersht letters@atlgdtoro a gg.bmtg them to 05 W.n dUnierity Ave., or sed them to PO. Boo 14257, Ganesvile, FL 3260P-2257. Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial cartonsare ashouwelcome. QuestonsCdll 376-4d58. Opinions ALLIGATOR Gues t column Single-party dominance alive and well his election reminds me of the Fall election: one party. Josh Kligler It doesn't add up. We are at UF, not Call me Josh the Fortuneteller, but I know the Gator Speaking Out FSU -we can add. BSU + politics Party is going to win. I just hope that, when it does, Diane Kassim leaving Impact, Andre Student Government really starts to represent the majority Samuels leaving Impact, Impact's treasurer candidate leavof UF students. We all are Gators, and we all should fight ing Impact, Chris Leak (though I still love you) leaving for the same things. SG at UF is more political than all of Miami-Dade County. I have worked on several campaigns in Miami and have interned with Alex Penelas, the previous mayor of the county, yet nothing has compared to my experiences at UF in less than one year. I ran for Student Senate in the Fall as an independent candidate, and I received close to 300 votes. Nonetheless, I lost because only one party ran. This made it nearly impossible for any independents to win. I also went before the Replacement & Agenda Committee twice this semester trying to get an open seat and failed both times. Additionally, I have applied for four assistant directorships and have not received one. However, the most recent event affected me the most: I was led to believe that I would receive a seat on the Gator Party ticket, but I did not. How? It was mine -I earned it. My hard work and determination paid off, as it should have for any student. I was not slated because two hours before slating ended there was a mass exodus of candidates from one party to another. I This is when I realized that, iuless you are Greek or a minority, you do not-have much hope. That's just the way it is. Both my Cuban-Jewish girlfriend and my Greek best friend agree: If you can point out one person in Student Senate or the executive office who does not meet these criteria, we will point out someone who has a relative in Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity. Most recently, the Black Student Union president said the organization is not political. That is BS. If BSU is not political, why do they have representatives in only one party? Impact, and so on. Let's do some more math. I tried to slate for one of the five Liberal Arts & Sciences seats with the Gator Party. Who was slated instead? The president of Volunteers for International Student Affairs, the vice president of Cuban American Student Association, the treasurer of Alpha Kappa Alpha (a BSU officer), the historian of the Minority Student Education Guild, and a Greek Affairs co-director of BSU (and member of Alpha Kappa Alpha). I am not questioning these candidates' qualifications. I am questioning the methods used or the deals made to get these candidates on the Gator ticket when almost all already tried to slate with Impact. Did I mention that it is "not political?" SG needs to have a better public relations committee. Perhaps they should have a publication of their own so students do not have to rely on the Alligator as their only source of information. They can start a program with our great journalism school. I think the discussion of office hours for senators is a plus if it's implemented. Maybe tabling should also be set up for the Senate and the executive office. Have senators sit outside and donate an hour a week of their precious time to discuss issues with students who are interested. Can any harm come from that? So what have my determination, hard work and patience gotten me? They got me a stack of business cards on my desk and some screen names. But these are not just any business cards; these are the cards of people in office. If anyone wants the numbers or e-mails of such prestigious individuals on campus, just let me know at Josh Kligler is a ecototuics jumtior iti the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Do you support Wednesday's question: Should 54% YES online voting? SG have been included in the 46% NO process that chose its overseers? 5% T O Vote or post a message at t


THOIRSDA7,MARCH ill,'200 A LLIGATOR, 7 Letters to the Editor Alligator sets priorities on wrong issues Editor: As seniors, we have witnessed the downward spiral of the Alligator. You have gone from a reasonable school paper to toilet paper. In Monday's issue, every article was about the Kentucky game or Student' Government elections. I'm sure there was some event in the world more important than the Kentucky game. I'm as happy as anyone about UF's victory, but I don't need to hear it in four articles and a cartoon. And no one cares enough about SG to warrant nine pieces. Did you not notice the depreciation of the dollar or the war in the Middle East? Or can you simply not afford an Associated Press article? It's a big world, Alligator -acknowledge it. Brock Adams and Matt Canini 4LS, 4LS/ES Shady deals in SG needed to be revealed Editor: I applaud Bridget Carey's article "Name war deliberate" from Tuesday's Alligator. For too long, there has been a code of silence about the back-door deals that are present at all levels of the Student Government system. As someone who has fought for average student representation in all facets of SG, it feels good to know that the Alligator is looking out for the people who want to have a fair shot at properly utilizing the A&S fees that should belong to all students, not only to those who align themselves with one organization or another. Brian Offenther 2LS Give credit where it's due for democracy Editor: I know that taking credit for things you had nothing to do with is common in politics, but Bush taking credit for the spread of democracy in the Middle East is absurd. Palestinians only voted Mahmoud Abbas into office because Yasser Arafat had died two months earlier. Unless Bush was responsible for Arafat's ceath, he cannot take credit., The Lebanese are pushing for democracy and freedom from Syria because someone from Syria decided to kill Rafik Hariri, a pro-independence former Prime Minister of Lebanon. Again, if Bush had anything to do with the assassination he might be able to take credit. Throughout our country's history, we've supported the Saudi family's stranglehold on their country. Given the Bush family's close ties with the Saudis, W's policies have been no different. So how can Bush take credit for the elections that have taken place there since last November when we have pushed so much harder elsewhere for democracy and gotten nothing? I fail to see the cause and effect. Iraq is the only democracy Bush can take credit for, but at what cost? More than $200 billion has been spent and more than 1,500 American soldiers are dead with no end in sight. Democrats made the mistake of letting Republicans claim that Reagan won the Cold War. We cannot allow the same thing to happen again. Not only is it factually wrong, but it denigrates the brave actions of Arabs actually fighting for their right to vote. Eric Steele 3LS GRADUATION 2.005 A special section commemorating the graduation of more than 6,000 students from the University of Florida. The Alligators Graduation 2004 section is the perfect place for advertisers to either thank students for their support during their years in Gainesville, or advertise for graduation gifts, products or services suitable for graduates. Jewelry e Bookstores Restaurants Framing Stores Car Dealerships -Clothing Stores Auto Repair e Photo Supplies Car Care Florists Electronics Luggage Travel e Card Shops Deadline: Tues. March 29th -Run Date: Tues. April 5th the independent florida all iator C Advertising 37 6-4482 A 4 E'--_ ". ', L '4 GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS 25% OFF any one GNC Product Cannot be combined Need coupon Dal pcas377-6020 Exp. 5/9/05 Open 377-3117 Mon-Sat 3739 W Univ. Ave Across from 10-8 Royal Park Sunday Cinemas 1-5 NOW OPEN NEED EXTRA VACATION MONEY FREE DENTAL SCREENING Get Paid$150per procedure for patients who qualify & participate as a patient in the upcoming dental licensing examination. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL 374-8131 INBIG LOTS &ASHLEYS FUNITURE SHOPPING CENTER. MUST BE 18YO, NOT PREGNANT AND SESEAT LEAST DN5011217 2442N. MAIN ST. MD N. MAIN ST. Men's Baseball New Player Workout Sunday, March 13th Eastside High School, 2pm To Register: Email: or Call: (352)331-1924 Season Runs March-July


8, ALLIGATOR N THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 Candidates go negative in rally for student support DEBATE, from page 1 Republicans, was held at the Reitz Union Amphitheater. And while the afternoon was chilly, the debate questions -some preapproved and some a surprise -kept the candidates fired up. What inspired Moritz to seek the presidency was, "a lot of shady deal-making going on," he said, adding that Ngin and former Impact member Andre Samuels met with him to see if Progress would drop out and team-up instead. But Ngin said the meeting was more to talk about working together rather than seeking Moritz's concession. On the issue of publicity, Goldberg said his competitors have used negative tactics to discourage voters by telling students "the worst things" about Student Government and that those things were not true. He added that recent news coverage was not fair to him. The issue of online voting for future SG elections was something all candidates were in favor of, with Goldberg as the only one stressing he was "not satisfied" with the program'ssecurity. He cited security issues as the reason why he never worked to pass it while Student Senate president. Ngin said he recently sided with the UF administration in requiring student organizations to receive UF approval before conducting fundraisers in order for groups to avoid "the hustle and hassle for breaking the rules." Candidates pointed out SG's weaknesses, and Ngin said it was accountability for getting work done. Goldberg spoke about the need to provide more improvements that directly affect students' lives. Moritz said more students need to vote for SG to be effective. "It's a lot of government and not a lot of students," Moritz said. Questions during the law school debate touched on drinking on campus and a perceived lack of conservative professors at UP. The three agreed that resumes and qualifications are the only things that should be examined when hiring faculty -not political affiliations. Ngin said he would like professors to announce their political affiliation in classes where it might be relevant as common courtesy to 'students. All three candidates spoke out against making UF a dry campus in response to an administrative review of UF's alcohol policies, although no administrator has publicly reported plans to make UF a dry campus. Ngin noted UF administrators have yet to make a decision on the alcohol issue. Culture barrier hampers efforts MISSING, from page 1 hours a day, seven days a week," serving as the liaison between the four students and local authorities. "It's a true disappearance; it's really a mystery." Peter Nienaber Dobbins' friend and classmate Nienaber is accompanied by UF exchange students Trent Battye, Derryn Pagan and Imogen Nells, according to a report sent via e-mail by the foursome. They ave Dobbins' credit cards, passport, travel documents, money, an airline ticket and luggage, acording to the report. The only items Dobbins had in his possession at the time of hs disappearance from a beach Friday were the clothes he was wearing -a blue-and-pink striped polo shirt, green khaki shorts, flip-flops and a small amount of local currency. Reports state the group realized there was a problem when Dobbins did not arrive by a 10 a.m. meeting time for the group to return rental vehicles. The group began its initial search combing the beaches and talking to locals and police, including a local man named Rollando, who stated he saw Brendan around 7 a.m. walking alone, a report stated. "It is definitely out of character for Brendan," the group's report stated about Dobbins not contacting his group after missing the agreed-upon meeting time. Nienaber said the language and culture barrier has hampered their search efforts. The Spring Break vacation had been going exceptionally smoothly, Nienaber said, and there had been no altercations or run-ins during the week. He said the group was busy surfing, touring and enjoying the beautiful country. "It's a true disappearance. really a mystery," Nienaber saiu: ator 'J{ 11i oodby 6 Send a heartfelt Congratulations! to that special someone who has worked so hard to earn their degree .and Good Luck on their journey into their new life. OWish your friends Thank you Ct fond farewell .they've been a big part of your life and it's hard to part company. 8 Thank the helpful professor, dean, or advisor that took the time to make your life so much easier. 8 Tell your loved ones how grateful you are for their support, encouragement and love. O Bid adieu to Gainesville and all it has meant during your time here.favorite places, favorite people, favorite things. 8 Your memories will be captured in a special place. messages will appear in Graduation 2005, published on April 5th. i I 11, nt of DG ous -prig Brak IW 9YOU ,SO Xmaniy 001051 i b lv we om A ir t A The yougir! .i~u hri j MK &, S'-Bobbi Messages will appear in Graduation 2005, the keepsake Graduation Edition appearing on Tuesday, April 5, 2005. Deadline for copy and payment is Tuesday, March 29th by 4 p.m. Please enclose your check or money order made payable to The Alligator for $5.50 for up to 5 lines and $2.00 for each additional line. Ads requested bold or extra large type must be made in person at The Alligator classified desk, 1105 W. University Ave., between the hours of 9-4, Mon.-Fri., or call 373-3463. alligator This information will not appear in the advertisement NAME I BRING TO: 1105 W. UNIVERSITY AVE. ADDRESS GAINESVILLEFL CITY STATE ZIP PHONE Allow 1 space for each letter, space and punctuation mark. Use 2 spaces for each capital letter. -----------------I I I -----------Use the space below for additional lines needed at additional charge of $2.00/per line, per day I I I I I I U. 2004 OFFICE USE ONLY Sp. Chg. CASHCK___ y 1 1-1 -Rec By I I I I Moritz


the Avenue THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 ALLIGATOR If Thornton Wilder were alive today, he might be intrigued by the reality TV craze that's swept over America. His 1938 PulitzerPrize-winning play, "Our Town," now playing at the Hippodrome State Theatre, almost is like a distant ancestor of a reality TV show. Set in the small rural town of Grover's Corner, N.H., "Our Town" follows the lives of two families, the Gibbs and the Webbs. Grover's Corner is the type of small town where everyone knows everyone else. See Angie's review, pg. 14. Thursday 10 Comnnon Grotncts -Rcamvona QbU, Tke Twats, Lect AstrciU, w'ole Vvkectt Breswt Elitce C's -Skki D g, Fctlle n Frov T'e Skg, WVzbsng, A Skctoefl DtsplagU Stephien C. O'ConneLL Center -One anct Done, One Putvvy Ckatmvp, Reel B~g Fisk The Skciwmrock -The Neskivos, SeLect Stort Saturday 12 Covnmmon Grotnvcs -Eno n, Swecrtng At Motorists, sLp, slp/tbtne, tbne Monday 14 Eststte Cs -Bg Cbt9 Drecvns BrIck Citg Mt s c Hill -Meaeskt, Mcartin nct Wooct Wednesday 16 Common Grounts -Torlb Kw've[., Ilntellekt and DJ Dtrty DLgLts Ectle C's -Ozzrvos.ts, Dopctiean Nick West/ Alligator Staff Video Rodeo, located at 1119 W University Ave., opened its doors in December. The independent store stocks shelves of lesserknown movies for patrons to peruse. Beyond Blockbusters BY BRAD ROSENBERG Avenue Contributing Writer He enjoys rumaging through the 25,800 some-odd tapes and DVDs along the store's bright red racks, and he's glad that film buffs like himself finally have a place to go for alternative cinema. The selection at Video Rodeo, Gainesville's newest video rental Several customers of the V outlet, might resemble the Wild West for most American consumments. ers. "I'm really excited that thi The movies venture into the commonly uncharted territories of student at the Florida School c the cinematic realm: foreign films like "Suicide Club," surrealist sign up for membership to the productions like "Eraserhead" and long-forgotten works like the Nick Brogan,. a speech pat Mr. T vehicle "Be Somebody or Be Somebody's Fool." says he often complained that Video Rodeo's creators are 1 looking to make an alternative 1U ratkLer support a smalt independent to corporate video store chains. vlcteo store w t a more tkoa4htfu[ cottection Roger Beebe, a UF film proNiCk Broom fessor, opened the store in December because he N saw a great cultural void in Gainesville. "Every place I've lived at as an adult has had some type of alterLancaster also are grateful fo native video store," he says. "When I got here, I saw there wasn't them a job doing something t one. I complained about it for four years, but eventually I kinda their time at the establishment just did it myself." ing customers, but, in between, Before he began his business venture, though, Beebe contacted inch Proscan-brand television two of his former students and asked for their help. UF graduLancaster, who used to wo ates Michelle Tomasso and Zach Veltheim immediately accepted is far superior. Beebe's offer. "That was fun, but I ran o Jeffrey Lancaster, an associate of Tomasso's, eventually came could spend an hour trying to f on board when he learned of the professor's plans. Then, tied toan hour trying to pick a movie gether only by happenstance and a love of cinema, the four located The avant-gaurde film cat a space for rent on 1119 W University Ave. and assembled the hall many of the store's now 530 in of alternative movies. to point out that the store also Beebe fronted $17,000 to get Video Rodeo off the ground, and he Fast and 2 Furious" and "The has yet to make a profit, but the cinephile said that the project has "You shouldn't be afraid been worth the cost. Ingmar Bergman," he says. video Rodeo echoed Beebe's sentis opened up," says Erin Ingram, a. of Massage and the 509th person to store. "Blockbuster sucks." hologist and a PhD student at U, he had no place to rent the movies he enjoys. "I'd rather support a small independent video store with a more thoughtful collection," he says. Tomasso, Valtheim and r Video Rodeo, because it's given hey love. The three spend most of working the cash register and helpthey get to watch movies on the 20atop the store's check-out counter. rk at Blockbuster, says the new job it of movies to watch," he says. "I ind a movie there, but I could spend here." alogue of Video Rodeo attracted embers, but Beebe took great pains has more mainstream fare like "2 Running Man." to come in here if you don't like


10, ALLIGATOR S THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 PLAYLIST Concerts to fill Phillips BRE1T KELMAN Avenue Writer The American Bandmasters Association, a group noted for offering its exclusive membership to only the finest wind band directors in the world, held the first concert of its 71" annual convention Wednesday at the Curtis M. Phillips Center for Performing Arts. The concert began at 7:30 p.m. and featured the UF Wind Symphony conducted by David Waybright with special guest artists Karl Leister, principal clarinetist of the Berlin Philharmonic, and the popular brass ensemble The Boston Brass. "ABA conventions are truly gala occasions, combining glittering social events, significant professional gatherings and superb band music performances," Waybright said. The concert also included the world premiere performance of "Backwater Catfish," a new composition by Pulitzer Prize nominee and UF music faculty member Paul Richards. Wednesday's was the first of a four-concert series ending on Sunday. All events in the series are free and open to the public, but tickets are requiredAnd while Wednesday's opening production was described as especially fantastic, Waybright is thrilled about all four concerts. "This town literally will be filled with the sounds of trrumnpets and trombones, woodwind instruments and horns of all kinds playing the music of revered composers like Francis Scott Key, George Gershwin, Johann Sebastian Bach, Gustav Holst, Sergei Rachmaninoff and John Phillip Sousa," he said. Friday's concert promises a rousing and patriotic concert by the United States Army Field Band at the Phillips Center. Saturday's concert will feature The Winthrope Olde Engllsh Wind Ensemble at the University Auditorium instead of the Pl'llips Center. Leister and the Boston Brass also will conduct free master classes, which are open to the public. For more information on individual concerts, please go to http:// or http:/ / Sisters open for McCain ou might remember Edwin McCain's one-hit wonder, "I'll Be," from the late 90s, but chances are the opening act for his upcoming Gainesville show won't ring a bell. The Pierces, a singing sister duo, will open for McCain Friday night at Common Grounds, and although their name is new to most, their sound is fresh and worthy of a listen. Allison Pierce, the brunette piece of the" pair, described their music as "pop folk withsome southern roots." Though Allison and her blonder sister, Catherine, grew up in Birmingham, Ala., their musical influences were less country and more classic pop, such as The Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel. The Pierces just returned from Europe, on tour for "Light of the Moon," released Jan. 25. in 2000,. their self-titled debut CD flopped, but after a change in management, the outlook for "Light of the Moon", isinuch better. "It's had a lot more momentum than the last record," Allison said. All of the tracks on both albums were written by the duo, some in collaboration with their producer. "Light of the Moon" features a few classically depressing love songs, but Allison said the main inspiration for the album was the Pierces' new home: New York City. "It's very eye-opening. It makes you realize you're not the center of the universe," she said. Whatever their inspiration, The Pierces well-tuned melodies are sure to sound even more amazing in concert. McCain will be performing songs from his 2004 release, "Scream and Whisper," and his better-known 90s single. If-nothing else, "I'llBe" should be good for a trip down memory lane to the days when you were watch' gs Dawson's Creek"and taking e bus to school. The concert starts at 10 p.m., and tickets are$12. -KEELEY MCCARTY ExP1 ore o,1,Pressed Sandwiches, Pastries, Entrees, Soups, -A Reality Show for All Times Salads, Desserts, C0f6, Shakes and more. VirtuallyE|Cuban 2 -AR2 Ft opncmlt mn&hou s 336-s:$.4-421C-23544 7 rb nln www-Irta 3 uancm Stdns$5ndu wwthhpor A program presented by the Reitz Unon Giftcerifdcmesaaaiabe a'iREITZ UNION First Floor -Keychainse10PM-2AM Orange & Brew -[RHA's Residence Hall Week Video Game Tournament, 9pm Don Pepe, Rion Ballroom, 10pm Shift and Sky, 9pm-1-am Midnight Nacho Bar, Food CourM 12am-130'am g F111EE16 for UF s tude nts -,,Wonicn.ufladu/Vatorntgms forwM updael with valid Gator Ia s /0ATRIGT 335-3579 16th Ave 10th Ave 9th Ave University Ave William Harriett, DMD 1230 NW 9th Ave Gainesville, FL Earn up to $150 Dental Screening FREE Dental Screening (Board Patient Services) Must be 18 years old and not pregnant NEED EXTRA SUMMER FUN MONEY? Want a FREE dental exam? Need FREE dental work? (Limited) Earn up to 150.00 (for patients that qualify) Call Today 335-3579 Friday and Saturday appointments ie~Ir ~ -~ i,;';'I~~;]r?1 ~1 )t ~ J 1141 j) 7'. c Ji

THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 11 PLAYLIST Mar h to May to bring piano rock to The Shamrock By NATHANIEL DEAS Avenue Writer I remember my freshman year. Between illegally downloading music in the dorm Ethernet connection, classes and gawking at random females, there wasn't a great deal of time to focus on much of anything. But for the four members of March to May, things are a little different. Originally based out of Winter Park, the members of March to May have stayed busy during their first year at UF by writing songs, playing live shows almost every other week and recording an ambitious self-titled CD. "It is a six-song EP with our ideas about the world," lead singer and piano player Michael Boynton explained. "Not in a weird emo-obsessive perspective, but what you see in your life but don't acknowledge." Along with Jesse Jackson, Doris Delay and Doctor Odd, March to May will be playing Shamrock Saturday night for the official album release party. "We've put a lot of thought and time into the recording," Photo courtesy of March to May Members of March to May are making the most of their relocation to UF by working on a six-song ER The band will play Saturday at The Shamrock. members of the band said via e-mail. "In general, if you enjoy music, you will enjoy our EP. We want more than that though, we want people to listen to it, analyze it and figure out the meaning of what we have produced." Bassist Carl Nyburg described the recording process. "It was a great bonding time for the most part," he said, "except for when Michael yelled at us and kicked us out of the studio." Guitar player Mike Pensky added that the EP, which was recorded at Wade Studios, took a lot of time and effort to complete. "We gave up a lot of sleep for it," he said. Influenced by Coldplay, Radiohead and Death Cab for Cutie, the band strives to separate themselves from other local bands and features an original, piano-driven sound. "We would like to make music that people will truly appreciate for many years to come," drummer Aubrey Way said. Based out of Miami, Jesse Jackson offers an up-tempo folk, blues and jazz sound, while Doctor Odd is a three-man local unit specializing in pop rock. Doris Delay comes from Orlando showcasing fun and catchy indie pop. Saturday's show at The Shamrock will provide an intimate venue for the upbeat acts. The doors open at 9:30 p.m. with music starting at 10. Cover is $5. Copies of March to May's CD will be available for $5. For more information about the band, check out the band's Web site at Dealing with hangers-on and the not-so-well-endowed HoW long aj'ter hoOItB up wabo t leavIn ee OKt tovat before leavlMO? bfeel a e to sleep Rtr wabt 1 con't tWtak I skoatlct aUas ke4 s t overA, sO kowcan I oet R 0 t to Leave J f s a P Lae?T, L. Dear Pissed Off by Pillow Talk, Youonlyhavetowaitaslongasittakestoputyourpantsbackon. But, if you insist on being a gentleman, there is certain hook up etiquette you can follow. Instead of employing the "get off and get out" method, try what I like to call "rinse, lather and repeat." Take a shower together after you've finished bumping and grinding. It doesn't require much talking, and it usually ends up being more dirty than clean. And by then she should be so exhausted that she won'tnotice you making abreak for it, right? Towel off, say your goodbyes and head for the door (or the window, whichever is closer). When she's at your place, don't offer her a T-shirt or any other article of your clothing that could be confused for pajamas. Be sure to keep mentioning what a busy day you """"""l'"M Jump Your Bones Jones Undercovers have ahead of you (do this before you take you clothes off, preferably much earlier in the evening). If she doesn't get the hint, flat out tell her to feave. However, do this only if you wish to never speak to and/or hook up with her again. What's so bad about staying the night, anyway? Alarm clocks have nothing on A.M. action. You get morning wood for a reason. t t at s tL ga" an t We have a rea LL o o cnnY tton exceptior onte probtemf. He kas1 phgsbcat noec se aoesnt't m'ratter, kLt evergt R tt'te p tohes.t or took at tt i can't he lsp bt be &iUsap-I tame I to tck t t ook( rsA \Nht skootLa I co? potnted. Am I a orrbLe person?-What t-N.K. Dear Hung Up on How He's Hung, First of all, you're not a horrible person (just a little shallow). So what if your man's meat is more like a cocktail weenie than a foot-long? They taste just as delicious (especially when wrapped up like adorable sleeping pigs). The truth is, size doesn't matter to everyone (and no, I'm not just saying that to keep the not-so-well-endowed guys from jumping off buildings). Just like penises vary greatly in size, so do vaginas. Some women can only accommodate something on the smaller size, while others need something bigger to feel fulfilled. And then, there are plenty ladies happy to get whatever comes their way (cough, cough). Plus, only the first few inches of the vagina are filled with nerve endings, so a four inch penis doesn't feel that much different than an eight inch one (that is, until it impales your uterus). My advice? You can ditch this dude and embark on a search for the mythical 12-inch crotch rocket that will launch you into orgasmic orbit. Or, you can take a stroll through a few locker rooms and realize all the gigantic gents you see in porns are genetic freaks. So, stop counting inches (or centimeters) and start counting your blessings. Someone to do the nasty with? Check. A good physical connection with said person? Check. Besides, the penis is a distant third to a man's most valuable sex organs: the tongue and fingers. Pickled Fish wants clubbers to try dancing to a new beat By JUNE CAPPIELLO Avenue Writer Pickled Fish says their rock sound -influenced by the 70s, tinged with a little funk and infused with a Latino style that is "danceable" -is the answer for college students who are sick of going to the same old dance clubs and are looking for something new. Club-goers can be part of the local scene without being completely shell-shocked at their first show -dancing is welcome at Pickled Fish performances. "We get a lot of 'club people' that don't go to most shows," lead singer and guitarist Carlos Baez said. "But we go to clubs, too." Pickled Fish will be playing at Sidebar at 10:30 p.m. Friday with Fick and The Love Drags. The cover charge is $5. The band is Baez and his brother Javier Baez, who plays the drums, and bass player Alejandro Arenas. The three got together in the fall of 2002 when the Baez brothers, after moving to the United States from Nicaragua to attend college, decided to start a band. Arenas was the first to reply to a flier, and thus Pickled Fish was born. The band is named after Javier Baez's MSN Messenger handle, which was taken from Pearl Jam drummer Dave Abbbruzzese's pen name. Pickled Fish, like their quirky band name, has an unusual approach to their shows. Carlos Baez said when the band headlines, they usually play between the first and. second opening acts instead of playing last. They play in the middle because Arenas has to drive home to Tampa, where he currently resides, Carlos Baez said. The Columbian bassist transferred to USF from Santa Fe to study music, and he is currently in five bands for his school. Javier Baez is also planning to transfer to USF, which will make booking shows difficult for a band that only plays in Gainesville. Lucky for them, such a move should not deter the band or cause any conflicts. "We're brothers, we have to get along," Javier Baez said. "We can fight and not have the tension." But regardless of when they play, the band's objective is always to have a good show. "-Every time we play," Javier Baez said.


12, ALLIGATOR U THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 PLAYLIST ocal music stores offer alternative to mainstream By COLIN MCCANDLESS Avenue Writer Tired of disposable, flavor-of-the-month, mainstream bands promoted by corporatechain music stores? Filter the Clear Channel pool, because Gainesville is home to great, locally owned and operated record shops offering a diversity of titles and genres from the familiar to the obscure. The independentrun venues listed below even carry vinyl, not something you'll find at Best Buy or Circuit City. HYDE & ZEKE: A Gainesville institution, Hyde and Zekes first opened its doors in 1977. Owner Charlie Scales' selection of used vinyl records is so vast he can't even display them all on the shelves. They offer every type of music and feature an excellent selection of local bands. They buy, sell and trade music, but they also buy and sell guitars and turntables. They even carry 8-tracks. H&Z is a ticket outlet for shows at the Common Grounds, Eddie C's and other community music venues. They occasionally hold all-ages shows inside the store, and Scales said he plans on hosting more all-ages performances soon, so younger kids have a place in town to watch music. Hyde & Zeke is situated at 402 NW 10th St. off North Main Street with ample parking, away from traffic. Their hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day except Fridays, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sundays, 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Call 3761687 for more information. NO FUTURE RECORDS: No Future Records, started by Gainesville native Alex Leon in January of 2004, offers indie rock, hip-hop and punk on vinyl and CDs. NFR features independent releases, including everything from local bands to Modest Mouse. NFR also serves as a ticket outlet for Common Grounds and has held two in-store acoustic shows. Last October, NFR helped sponsor The Fest, a huge three-day punk/indie music festival presented in Gainesville entertainment venues. No Future Records is situated at 107 N Main St. across from The Top. Just look for the futuristic mural of the red robot and giant eyeball attacking each other with broken records. Store hours are Monday through Saturday from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m., or call 373-9669 or email SMOKE: Smoke, part of the Gainesville independent music scene for nine years, features the biggest selection of electronic music and equipment in town, including drums, bass and breaks. Three local Djs work at Smoke, so come talk to the experts. They sell tickets for upcoming shows at the Common Grounds, the Market Street Pub and the Ultra Music Festival, the largest gathering of DJs in the country. Smoke is situated at 1007 W University Ave. Hours are Monday through Thursday 11 a.m. to 3 a.m., Friday and Saturday they're open 24 hours and Sunday it's 11 a.m. to midnight. Call 379-7670 for more information. WAYWARD COUNCIL: The Wayward Counil, a non-profit, volunteer-run record store, just celebrated its fifth anniversary in Gainesville. They sell new and used punk, hardcore, hiphop and pop acts on vinyl and CD. Prices here a bargain. Their focus is carrying artists from independent labels such as Gainesville's No Idea Records. The WC hosts not-for-profit benefit shows in their store to support different people in the community, and the back serves as practice space for area musicians. The WC is open Tuesday through Sunday noon to 8 p.m. They are situated at 807 W University Ave. Call 335-0800 or visit their Web site at /wayward council/what.htm. THE 'LARGEST COLLEGE .,,AR ET THE LARGEST COLLEGE PAPER IN THE NATION BIG T HINGS. Working for you in very big ways. allig or Loos Por Juaqo is kRow foo tho ifgoUsical tusioqof Latfiilytlhms, lfro-CaribbeaqoDeats, Lalit altoriqalive o rotttotSwHipll-POP Inldltootilstu-tooooo, cUottia aytlsalsa. Hltz UioRl laIO Ballraoul Friday, larc 11, 200 5 1S A F-1pro(352)392 itsa32r 39i5ties quingspecia lcormoatios, please m~m. reaos. : the Florida Relay System at 1 -800-955-8771 at least 72 hour s prior to the event. The History Department at the University of Florida Is pleased to present The Gus Bums Memorial Lecture with Dr. Stephen Whitfield "Jewish Fates and Altered States: Reflections on Southern Jewish History" Thursday March 10,7:30pm Reitz Union, Room 282 HEALTH INSURANCE "Students need Health Insurance. Help protect yourself from the rising cost of medical services. You deserve quality health insurance coverage, and it is available for you. We at Chip Williams & Associates will help you acquire that insurance." Chip Williams WE FIND ANSWERS. CHIP WILLIAMS & ASSOCIATES A Contracted General Agency For: Independent Insurance Agents Au Cro sBlueShield A [deedetU. fl, 3 3-0775 This event is free and open to the public. A reception will follow. For more Information, call 392-0271. 3669 S.W. 2nd Avenue Form Number: 18533-599SU I


THURSDAY, MARCH.10, 2005 HALLIGATOR,13 PLAYLIST NEZk'MOS, Select St'Aart to groove with game tunes By CHAD SMITH Avenue Writer Remember when video games were comprised of one-dimensional, pixilated characters and settings? Remember when you had to blow into a cartridge to get the game to start? Remember when all the theme music came from a synthesizer? These bands do. Tonight the NESkimos and Select Start will turn The Shamrock into a 1980s living room, playing themes from classic Nintendo games. YOU name it, if you can remember it, and you'll probably hear it -from Mega Man II to Tetris. The NESkimos, hailing from St. Augustine, have a guitar-driven sound. Guitarist Dan "Wily" Henuber had been experimenting with game themes for a few years before he heard a Japanese metal band playing songs from the game Castlevaria. "I freaked," says Henuber. "I immediately went into action and talked the rest of the guys into it. It took some beer, but not that much."' At nearly the polar opposite of Nintendo theme-covering bands sits Gainesville's Select Start -a cellist, two violinist, a keyboardist, a guitarist, and a flautist. Their classical arrangement presents several obstacles. Classical instruments demand a great deal of talent, which isn't much of a problem for the members of Select Start. It also is hard to get self-proclaimed "gaming nerds" together to do much else than talk about video games, as guitarist David Yasensky explains, "Our first sessions were horrible; we spent most of our time discussing how wonderful Final Fantasy IV was." The market of bands playing Nintendo theme songs may be small -or hardly existent. But that means little to these bands who simply love video games and music. The NESkimos have achieved some success, playing on the MTV Video Game Countdown, but mainstream fame is not ther objective. Nor is it for Select Start, which Yasensky called a "hobby." If you long for the days when memory cards were science fiction and you shot at flying ducks instead of police officers, you won't want to miss this show. The Shamrock is located at 1017 W University Ave. For more information on the bands visit or SAVANNAH MUSIC FESTIVALMARCH 18 -APRIL 3, 2005 ST. PATRICK'S DAY WEEKEND SATURDAY. MARCH 19 6 PM SAVANNAH'S HISTORIC RAILROAD ROUNDHOUSE FEATURING: THE CODETALKERS -PERPETUAL GROOVE BLUEGROUND UNDERGRASS -HANS-KRISTRAN KJOS-SORENSEN D.tmsstchnet o win 4 freetickets t. Bona-., ort-yof AdventureRadio! Get Cjun JAZZED TAPAS BAR & RESTAURANT 52 B.'rnar Street FRIDAY MARCH IS i PM. IAM JAZZD TAPAS BAR & RESTAURANT SATURDAY MARCH19 It PM, I AM T0 BUY T ICKETS CA-L, (92) 525-5050 OROLINEAT: SAVANNA HMLSICFESTIVAL.ORG S 'r.--Ad,, G ItMU Dircton Fom196E keex ___ T nslgh 5e.nt o0gmr Sr -0 Haw Jn ^^ C 10 0 > 2-' V4 '15 0 .H 14 0 44 jo P4 i We're Begging for people who have' been vaccinated against hepatitis B. Only you cn be paid to hilp save live. Earn up to $975* in 3 months! S1112 No ,h Ma n Street e, H lc '32601 .378-943 OBEN M NTfUR H a 5boVnusNirSAT Bring this ad in for a $5 bonus on your first donation. S S Tonight at 9pmM i Orange & Brew at the Reitz Union Forpersons with disabilities require specilacommodaions please contc (352y392-1665x302or392-2567o(TDD) Emaccomodatedsul-edor cnam ctthe Florida Relay System at 1 800955 8771 at least 72 hous pio mdee Si.nThis paper saw a million clouds go by. Please recycle it. Don't you just hate that panicky, squirmy, sirihing feeling you get when you lose something? (Shudder) We do, too. So much, in fact, that if you find something, we'll let you place a free ad in our Lost and Found section. Be kind to someone who's lost what you've found. Call 373-FIND F LAST MINUTE TICKETS! NSTANT REVIEWS! KNOWSAVANNAH.COM WHAT DO YOU KNOW? SPONSOED N PART BY +EEK TRUCKSBAD [ DAVD GRISMAN QUINTET


14, ALLIGATOR N THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 'Our Town' evokes nostalgia, stays true to author By ANGIE DE ANGELIS playing at the Hippodrome State where everyone knows everyone as they fall in love, marry and learn treasured. With its profoundly movAvenue Writer Theatre, almost is like a distant anceselse. It's the kind of place where some of life's lessons. Because it was ing performance, the Hippodrome's tor of a reality TV show. women sing in the church choir and first produced in 1938, "Our Town" version of the classic drama stays true If Thornton Wilder were alive Set in the small rural town of gossip about the town drunkard. has been a classic of American drama. to the author's original work. today, he might be intrigued by the Grover's Corner, N.H., "Our Town" "Our Town" focuses on the lives of "Our Town" takes the normally trivi"Our Town" runs until March 20 reality TV craze that's swept over follows the lives of two families, Emily Webb, played by Lara Briney, al events of human life and makes the at the Hippodrome State Theatre, America. His 1938 Pulitzer-Prizethe Gibbs and the Webbs. Grover's and George Gibbs, played by Justin audience realize in life even the most locatedat 25 SE Second Place. For winning play, "Our Town," now Coiner is the type of small town Tolley. The play follows the couple insignificant moments should be tickets call 375-HIPP 1TH1'E C11DLEIC Barbecue Casual Casual Chinese Creole David's Real Pit BBQ Voted #1 in Gainesville and listed in "Where the Locals Eat" as best place in Gainesville for Ribs & BBQ. David's says come on in for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Adult size portions for adult size appetites. David's caters to the Gators. Open 7am-9pm Mon-Sat, 8am-9pm Sun. We are located at 5121-A NW 39th Ave. (352) 373-2002. David's BBQ delivers the best BBQ anywhere in Gainesville with Bistro Bistro 1245 Gourmet food at student prices! Large selection of wines starting at $9.99. Wine tastings Wed & Fri 4-8pm. 3 tastes only $4.95. Open llam-llpm Sun-Thurs and til midnight Fri & Sat. Mildred's Big City Food "The restaurant to take Mom and Dad." Gainesville's most awarded. Fresh food menu changes nitely: Seafood, steak, duck, chicken, lamb, rabbit, crab cakes, etc. See our chef on TV20ABC Fri. 5:30pm. Reservations recommended. 3445 .W. University Ave. 377-1711. 706 Serving California Mediterranean Cuisine. Live Jazz on Thursdays starting at 7:30pm. Sunday International Brunch Buffet with neverending Mimosas starts at 11:00am. Open at 5pm daily. 706 W. University Ave. Call for takeout 378-2001. Bennigan's Happy Hour specials all day everyday. Great food and attentive service. 3208 SW Archer Road 373-2800. Open MondaySaturdayl1am-2am, Sun 11-11. Caf6 Gardens Caf6 Gardens, has been just across from the UF Campus since 1976. This quaint landmark establishmentwithawardwinning courtyard dining is perfect for any date or gathering. Don't miss the Friday wine tastings 68pm. Open 7 days. Now booking private parties for the Tuscawilla Room with patio and deck. Daily Lunch & Drink Specials. -Live Music Nightly -Call 376-2233 1643 NW Ist Ave. Hooters Hooters is relocating! Same fun atmosphere in a newly remodeled location, right near UF campus. For the best wings, hottest girls, and popular Wednesday night trivia, come on out to.Hooters at 3265 SW 34th St., or give us a call at 335-9464. Rafferty's Specials: Happy Hour everyday 4pm-10pm. Dollar drafts, 2 for 1 single liquor drinks & house wines. Lunch & dinner specials Mon-Fri. 11 TV's, 2 Big Screen Outside Seating. Behind Eckerd's in Butler Plaza. 374-0675. The Swamp Serving a wide array of appetizers, burgers, wings, steaks, salads and seafood, The Swamp offers something for everyone. Come and relax on the front lawn or on one of our intimate decks while enjoying our daily lunch, dinner or drink specials. Don't miss our famous Happy Hour, Monday thru Friday 4pm-8pm. Located across from University of Florida, it's the perfect place to unwind and experience that great Gator flavor they call The Swamp. Delivering lunch and dinner Mon-Sun 11am10pm. 1642 W. Univ. Ave. 37SWAMP (377-9267) For catering information call 380-9291. Golden Buddha Where eating well means eating healthfully. Gainesville's best Chinese food, according to many of our customers. Family run, expert chef, now with more vegetables. Generous portions, fast service & super lunch/dinner combos. FREE DELIVERY 613 NW 16th Ave. 372-4282. Full menu and specials @ Comfort Food New Deal Cafe Fresh biirgers / pound, pot pie, flatbread pizza, panninis, fresh fish, pork chops. Bargain Martinis. 3443 W. University Ave. 371-4418. CreOle Po'Boys Discover a genuine taste of New Orleans at Po' Boys Creole Cafe' at 3275 SW 34th Street by Carraba's! Choose from 25 different Po' Boys sandwiches or from our many wraps, salads, gumbos, jumbalaya, and dinners! See us at Ladies Night Every Tues w/ Live Music & Free Beer for ladies! Call 372-1155 for more info! Ice Cream Cold Stone Creamery Cold Stone Creamery shouts, "Happy Birthday!" and "Happy Aniversary!" Gainesville's most popular ice cream shops also create great CAKES for birthdays and anniversaries. Stop in today for premium ice creams and order a Signature Cake. You can buy a fresh-made daily cake or a custom-order cake. Newberry Road: 271-7437 Archer Road: 377-7520. V/AX/MC/D. Please visit for freshmade deep-frozen deliveries. Italian Pio's Pasta Company Serving you from two locations 7 days a week. 4320 SW 20th Ave. Open for lunch 11am-2pm Mon-Fri 372-9975. 6 South Main St. Open lunch 11am-2pm WedFri 375-7372. Both locations open 5pm-10pm Mon-Sun. Call for reservations for any special occassion or just a quiet night out. Walk-ins welcome.


THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 1i UF alumnus creates buzz with new 'Alien' cartoon By ARLYN HERNANDEZ Avenue Writer Cary Silver never imagined his ime spent at UF as a theater major 0 years ago would transition him to sunny California, not as an actor. but rather a producer of cartoons. The 42-year-old Californian graduated from UF in 1985. During his time at the university, he fancied himself a thespian, acting in several musicals around town. After a short-lived trip to Miami to pursue an acting career, Silver took a drive in the summer of '86 to the West Coast to find a job. Little did he know that soon after this move, his acting career would come to an abrupt stop, and a new door in animation would open. "I fell in love with animation," Silver said. "I just liked the whole buzz about it." More than a decade and dozens of animation projects later, he is working as producer on the new cartoon "Pet Alien" for Cartoon Network. The cartoon, which first aired Jan. 23 at 10 a.m., was broadcast all over the world, includi ng France and the United Kingdom. "It's a lot of hard work, but I have fun," he said. "I have the best job in the world." ININGIOUT Japanese a Sushi SW 35th Blvd. (Butler Plaza : to Publix). Enjoy Authentic Lnese food in a Casual & -fortable environment. Our nsive SUSHI BAR provides best portions in town. All ii made-to-order. Try our new tu with new rolls, appetizers, h specials, & unique rice es. Open every day 11:30amat. To Go orders available on -ything. 335-3030. Delivery lable through lediferranean/ oolah lounge ah's On the Avenue aesville's Premiere Hookah nge! One of Farah's best len treasures are its hookah icco pipes also known Argilleh, these flavorful, natic concoctions of taste smell offer a relaxing )d either before, after, or iaps even while dining at ih's. We use only the finest id of premium hookah icco and natural charcoal, orted directly from the literranean Gulf. For your ng pleasure we offer meze, itional small plates of food, Mediterranean such as hummus, kibbie, falafel, spinach & artichoke dip, baba ghanoush, and kifta. Famous for our wings, gyros, burgers and steaks. Large vegetarian selection. All service in a casual atmosphere. Saturday nights BELLY DANCING beginning at 8pm. 1120W. Univ. Ave. 378-5179. Mediterranean Gyros Plus 1011 W. University, Ave. 11-10 Mon-Sun 336-5323. We have the best Falafel, Taboulh, Hummus, Baba, Grape Leaves & Gyros-beef or chicken. Fresh smoothie bar & Baklava. Pita Bread Bakery at 2401 SW 13th St., 372-4995. We sell hookahs, parts, charcoals, fine tobacco, and halal meat. Mexican Burrito Brothers Serving Gainesville since 1976. Made to order, made from scratch Many vegetarian & vegan items available. Open 7 days, 11am10pm. 16 NW 13th St. 378-5948. Mexican El Toro You've had the rest, now try the BEST Mexican foodinGainesville. We have great fajitas & vegetarian cuisine. Loved by Gators past and present since 1990. Best homemade salsa in town. Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner. 1723 SW 13th St. Take out and catering available 376-6989. La Fiesta Catering Gainesville for 16 years now! Come and enjoy authentic Mexican food at reasonable prices. Try one of our fajita entrees or choose from several vegetarian selections. Also try our special grilled pork chops with black beans and rice. Don't forget about our tasty margaritas on special Mon-Thurs at $2.25 & 2-4-1 Mich Lite & Bud Lite drafts, $1.95 Mon & Tues. Located behind Red Lobster across from Oaks Mall. *Carry out also available* 332-0878. Closed Sunday. Pizza Casino's Pizza & Subs Try Us, You'll Love -Us! Try Us, You'll Love Us! Try Us, You'll Love Us! Try Us, You'll Love Us! Pizza Specialty pizzas, subs, calzones, salads, stromboli, desserts, wings, and sides. Large 1-topping delivered! $6.99 everyday! Try our carryout special! 1-topping pizza, everyday! Small $2.99, Medium $4.99, Large $5.99. Call Us, You'll Love Us! 372-4848 1710 SW 13th St. Open from 10am-4am. Leonardo's Pizza legend since 1973. Whole pizzas & slices. Open 7 days a week 9am -11pm Sun-Thurs. Fri & Sat till 12am. Call ahead for pickup 375-2007. For delivery call 379-FOOD. Located next to Bistro 1245. Leo's Cafe open daily 9am. Flavored coffees, espressos & fresh baked pastries. Mellow Mushroom Take a trip to Since 1974, we've been dishing out high-quality ingredients in all of our specialty pizzas, monumental hoagies, and scrumptious salads. And yes, we deliver. 1209 W. University Ave. 367-0012. Vegetarian Book Lover's Cafe Vegetarian and Vegan cuisine Vegetarian prepared with all natural ingredients. Organic food, smoothies and juices. Amex/ Visa/ATM. 10am-9pm 505 NW 13th St. Vietnamese Saigon Legend Delicious traditional Vietnamese cuisine with popular Asian favorites as well. Pho, BahnCuon, Bahn Xeo, Banh Tom HaNoi. Enjoy great fool at great prices. Big new room! Family owned restaurant. Next to Holiday Inn downtown. Dine in or take out. Catering available. Mon-Sat 10:30am-9:30pm, Sun 11:30-9pm, 374-0934. For information on Tie .Guid e to Out Contact Hilary Jenkins 376-4482


16ALLIGATOR THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 Nove isatsciyigstre hardly mirror images the modern day Mary Shelleys are coming down from Last month, the British government gave Ian Wilmut, the creator of Dolly the cloned sheep, the nod to do what Americans are going to argue over for some time to come: the cloning of human stem cells. In the next month, two books in which writers start grappling with the social and moral questions raised with work like Wilmut's will hit the shelves. British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro's long-awaited book "Never Let Me Go" will be released the first week of April and Kevin Guilfoile's "Cast of Shadows" arrived in local store last week. Ishiguro, author of "The Remains of the Day," sets his story in the late 1990s from the point of view of 31-year-old. Kathy H. None of Ishiguro's characters have last names -playing into their intentional incompleteness. Through a narrative that serves as part romance and part the tale of reconciliation of childhood friends, Kathy describes her childhood in a "student" home called Hailsham. Hailsham seems like an orphanage with a dark secret. Only Ishiguro's characters are not your "Dliver Twist" orphans living downtrodden lives fighting for a chance to overcome the hand fate dealt them. Kathy and her friends are clones living sheltered lives existing for the purpose of growing up to become transplant organ donors. Those would be donors of vital organs. Cher Phillips Ishiguro.creates a world in which Off the Press cancer is fully curable and the result is quietly horrific. I read the flap and the advance from the publisher. I was entirely cognizant of these characters' fates. Yet as I read the last chapters, I couldn't shake this Chuck-Heston-screaming"Soylent-Green-is-people" feeling in the pit of my stomach. If "Never Let Me Go" has a fault it would be the initial pace is excruciatingly slow. Be forewarned. This is entirely premeditated. "Cast of Shadows" is faster paced, pokes a stick at many of the same questions that "Never Let Me Go" does but is an entirely different kind of novel. Guilfoile's book hosts a myriad of characters playing.God against the backdrop of a mystery. Leave it to an American novel to toss these questions around with a serial killer running around in the background. Davis Moore clones embryos for infertile couples. Moore takes on the role of God when his teenage daughter Anna Kat is murdered. He discovers evidence of the killer's DNA returned to him in her personal effects. The teaser for this one is: "How far would you go to look into the face of your daughter's killer?" The answer is Moore will go unbelievably far. While laws prevent him from cloning his daughter and reason prevails in his recognition that Anna Kat's clone wouldn't be the daughter he lost, Moore decides to clone the killer so he can see what his daughter's murderer looks like. While "Cast of Shadows" strengths are in it's plotting and pacing, it didn't resonate in my mind like "Never Let Me Go" has, coming back and bothering me when I am walking to class or driving home like a really good book should. I can see "Cast of Shadows" as perfect in paperback by the pool. "Never Let Me Go" will release in March internationally, but you'll have to wait until April in the U.S. Look forward to it. ,VA special ultraviolet camera makes it possible to see the underlying skin damage done by the sun. And since 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, what better reason to always use sunscreen, wear protective clothing and-use common sense. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY w 888 .462.DERM SG ELECTINS -A March 15-16, 2005 8:00 AM -8:00 PM 602 ,Stay in'Gainesville and earn Concentrations in thsmarketabie degree! -Bottsis -Two-year gaduate prograrn -Epdmogy Combined bachelor's io elhManagemen~rt &Policy master's program -E ental Helt -Social & Behavioral Sceseces prefessiona/s asn mm fsr UF sud ess ibalso dvqactlc College of Public Health and Health Professions 352-273-6443 Oil Change The Well-Oiled Machine" For More information log onto: CLINIQUE BONUS TIME Free! Yours with any Clinique purchase of 19.50 or more Quentities arelimited. One Bonus to a customer, please,perevent.While supplies last. AllurqyTesed 100% Fragrance Free. (With the exception of Clinique frarance products, s mma in lac be *s 0eaell I fi W asauor M usu raes. Aal corn


THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 17 Master of Arts in Business Administration 77eraioa WAins WarringbP e f ATFvI&t T16i(da degree in one year elor's/master's option for UF undergraduates rhur to foreign businesses ge opportunities with more than 35 internationally respect abal business knowledge and experience in preparation for a work experience required You are invited to attend our Information Session Monday March 14th 7:00 PM Stuzin Hall Room 102 For more information, please contact: Mindy Kraft 273-0343 or See our Web site at: I


BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. 373-FIND THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, ALLIGATO For Rent 9 For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent furnished -furnish nhed u ed unfurnished -unfurnished ONE IN A MILLIONHII Roommate matching 3/3 from only $429 FREE Cable w/ HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm Gated*24hr gym* tan FREE*Close to UF Leasing for NOW & FALL*377-2777 4-20-71-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsLong & short term lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 4-20-71-1 HAVE IT ALL AT THE LANDINGS1I Fully furnished 3 and 4 bdrm apartment homes. All utilities, 24 hr Gym, Free Tanning as low as $480/bdrm SPRING & SUMMER SPECIALS Roommate Matching Avail. 336-3838. 4-20-71-2 *** SORORITY ROW AREA *** Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall. Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single & double suites available. Starting at $400/mo includes everything -gym, pool, DSL, electric, etc. 337-9255 or 4-20-71-1 1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio, park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail 3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/ mo 4-20-71-1 *Incredible Deal 1/1 in 4/4* with: internet & cable & elec & water walkin closets, full bath, wash/dry pool view, gym, FULL furnish Call for more info 352-258-3542 3-31-46-1 Just Bring Your Clothes! Furnished 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875 ,,,JLuxury living with all the perks! lricludes cable, utility packages avail All we need is you! 372-8100 4-20-60-1 DUPLEX Efficiency -Tower & Archer Rd. 1BR, BA & kitchen, appliances, Dish Network, covered patio, picnic area, utils included. $425/mo $100 sec dep. 352-3726466 3-10-12-1 1 room in 2BR downtown apt: Newly remodeled. Quiet neighborhood. .Shands UF & Library. $350/mo Month to month or longer lease okay. Pets okay. Call 262-1351 3-10-5-1 1 BR cottage in B&B district $550/mo. Walk to downtown, bike to UF/Shands. Wood floors. 1st/last + $330 sec dep. Avail April 1st 377-7681 3-15-5-1 FEMALE WANTED for 3/2 in furnished feng-shui house in NW area. $380/mo. Close to UF & SFCC w/#8 bus stop. 386-795-5888 3-15-5-1 COUNTRYSIDE 4BR/4BA $425 util, cable, dsl incl. On bus rts 9 & 35. Individual leases. Call 407-620-1555 3-29-15-1 HUGE AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indvl lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 4-20-31-1 GATOR PLACE APTS 3600 SW 23 St. 2BR/ 1 BA WID is optional. Park in front of your apt. Pet play park. 2 mi to VA/Shands. $525/mo 372-0507. 4-20-71-2 QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF -GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $325/mo. *1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 4-20-71-2 AVAILABLE NOW Walk to UF, Studios and IBR's From $499. Free parking Open Weekends 371-7777 4-20-71-2 LYONS SPECIAL $89 1st month's rent 377-8797 4-20-71-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Watson ReAty Corp. REALTORS' Property Mgmt/Rentale 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 4-20-71-2 CAN'T FIND PARKING? BUS FULL? Studios & 1/Is from $459 at UF Pool *We Pay Most Utilities Pets OK Residents get FREE parking.guaranteed You can't live any closer! 372-7111 4-20-71-2 QUALITY YOU CAN AFFORD! Avail NOW or AUGUST! 1BR $530/2BR $580/3BR $735 0 HUGE floor plans! 2 Pools! Pets Welcome! ** 335-7275 4-20-71-2 *LUXURY 3/3 DOWNTOWN* Hurry while they last Only 8 left! W/D, pets OK 338-0002 4-20-71-2 OSUN BAY APTSO eSome furnished avail* *@Walk or Bike to Campus 00 1-1 $460/mo*02-1 $520/mo 000376-6720 4-20-71-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $410 -$515, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066 335-7066. 4-20-71-2 ** A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORDI** 0 Move in TODAY or AUGUST! 0 1 BR $460 2BR $530 Walk to UF Pets welcome! Beautiful pools/courtyardsl Open Weekendsl 372-75855 4-20-71-2 SEPARATE FROM THE COMMON PLACE Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA W/D ind. *FREE Cable*Alarm* 24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF Museum Walk 379-9255 4-20-71-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 4-20-71-2 "Free for All" Huge 3BR/2BA $850 Alarm -cool pooJ -tennis -b-ball Free UF parking -Perfect for pets Amazing specials -376-4002 4-20-71-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 4-20-71-2 Now & Fall -1 Big enough for 2! 750 Sq Ft, Patio, We love pets! Alarm*Pool*UF Parking*DW*Gym Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401 4-20-71-2 SEEING IS BELIEVINGIII 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH FREE cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm Gated*24hr gym*Tan FREE*Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL*377-2777 4-20-71-2 **HUGE Luxury w/Garage** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA TH from $420 per person FREE Alarn *WD*GATED ENTRY FREE Tanning*24hr Gym*Camp lab Filling Fast for Fall"*372-0400 4-20-71-2 "*Beautiful and New*** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866) 4-20-71-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 4-20-71-2 SUN ISLAND 1. 1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 4-20-71-2 Make Them Green With Envyl Luxury 2&3 Bedrooms from $8511 Cable*W/D*Newly Remodeled Pool*Hot Tub*Tennis*Gym*PC Lab Reserve now for fall! 372-8100 4-20-71-2 HOUSES and CONDOS All locations and price ranges If you are tired of apt life Go to or call 374 6905. 8-24-170-2 Save $$$ and love where you lively Spacious 1/1, 2/1 or 3/2. Avail Now or Fall Alarms, pets welcome, free UF parking Call 373-1111 or visit 4-20-71-2 I BLOCK FROM UF Luxury 2BR/2BA townhomes. W/D, private balconies. Open until 8pm and WEEKENDS Leasing for Fall 371-0769 4-20-71-2 Historic Neighborhood WALK TO UF Studios and 1Brs For Fall from $460 OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-71-2 Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF Private 3/2 with HUGE deck W/D*Free Parking*Elevator Access One of a kind luxury 372-7111 4-20-71-2 Summer rates plus July FREE on a 15 month lease Sun Island Properties 376-6720 4-20-71-2 Want a bigger 2 or 4 BR TH this fall? TH, W/D & DW. We love ALL pets! Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm Call by 4 Specials! 332-7401 4-20-71-2 *LIVE A RESORT LIFESTYLE* 1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities. Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455 4-20-71-2 Want more? Free even 4BR 2.5 $1020 -Only I left Spacious floor plan -alarm -tennis Free UF parking -376-4002 4-20-71-2 Broke from Spring Break??? 2BR/15BA TH with W/D for $639! Alarms, Free UF parking, pets OK Avail NOW or Fall 373-1111 4-20-71-2 1st MONTH FREE! Pine Rush Apartments 1&2 BR apt homes starting @ $429/mo 375-1519 4-20-71-2 How To Place A Classified Ad: Corrections and Cancellations: Cancellations: Call 373-FIND M -F, 8am -4pm. No refunds or In Person: By Mail: When Will Your Ad Run? credits can be given. Cash, Check, MC, or Visa Use forms appearing weekly in The Classifieds begin TWO WORKING DAYS Alligator errors: Check your ad the FIRST day it runs. Call 373-FIND A/igator. Sorry, no cash by mail. MC, after they are placed. Ads placed at the with any corrections before noon. THE ALLIGATOR IS ONLY REThe Alligator Office Visa or checks only. UF Bookstore may take THREE days to SPONSIBLE FOR THE FIRST DAYTHE AD RUNS INCORRECTLY. 1105 W. University Ave. Ads may run for any length of Corrected ads will be extended one day. No-refunds or credits can be M-F, 8am -4pm By Phone: (352) 373-FIND appear. given after placing thead. Changes called in after the first day will not Payment by Visa or MasterCard ONLY. time and be cancelled at any time. Sorry, be further compensated. UF Bookstore at Reitz Union M -F, 8am -4pm but there can beno refunds or credits Customer error or changes: Changes must be made BEFORE M -F, 8am -6pm, Sat. 1am -5pm By Fax: (352) 376-4556 for cancelled ads. NOON for the next day's paper. There will be a $2.00 charge for minor changes. 1 For Rent: Furn shed 0 Furnishings I Mw'orcydes, Mopeds 16 Hvices 2 Enerfeainmen 2 For Rent: Unfurnished 7 computers, 12 Autos J 7 Typinge Services22 Tickets 3' Sublease 8 E ecironics 13 WNanteVd 11; Personals :23 Rides 4 Roommates 'i 13kycles 14 Help Waniled '19 Co net-n 24 Pels 5 Real Estate 10 For Sale J5 Services 2C1 Evenl Notices 25 Lost & Found All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make limitation, or discrimination." We will no knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. -All employment opportunities advertised herein are subject to the laws which prohibit discrimination in employment (barring legal exceptions) because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, age, or any other covered status. -.This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through the type of advertising that is know as "personal" or "connections" whether or not they actually appear under those classifications. We suggest that any reader who responds to that type of advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information. Although this newspaper uses great care in accepting or rejecting advertising according to its suitability, we cannot verify that all advertising claims or offers are completely valid in every case and, therefore, cannot assume any responsibility for any injury or loss arising from offers and acceptance of offers of goods and/or services through any advertising contained herein.


THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 19 For Rent For Rent Ren 7 For Rent F rnt ish ) unfurnished unfrnished unfurnished unurnished More for less, FREE even! 2BR/2BA -Only $680 Pool -bus route -alarm -tennis Pet perfectFree Stop by and see us -376-4002 -20-71-2 BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA 525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian le, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals, V/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF. 32-7700. 4-20-71-2 BR & 2BR/1BA with W/D, central heat/air, ishwasherceramic tile, private patio, pets rranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From 499 377-1633 3-31-57-2 ***LIVE IN LUXURY** HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3 Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab Pets welcome*Private dog park Leasing NOW& FALL 377-2801 -20-71-2 ree Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call low 372-9913 4-20-71-2 \mazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats! discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480. 'lose to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070. -20-71-2 IOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095 ,30 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fain rm $1200/mo; .11 NW 34th Terr. 4/2 $1200/mo; 802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo; .42 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 4-20-71-2 otal Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent V/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn lowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by .ppt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 73-4244 UF bus line #20 4-20-71-2 Affordable Apts Next to UF! 0 steps to class! Studios, 1, 2 & 3BR wvail Aug. Specials from $489/mo. Lofts rdwd firs & more. Going Fast! 376-6223 4-20-71-2 ,partments Available Now dl Florida Areas; All Major US Cities 'rowse our listing FREE WVW.SUBLETCOM -. -(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-2 *2 BLOCKS TO UF* Large 3BR/1 BA House Carpet, cent H/AC, Available March 1st $700/mo 375-8256 4-20-70-2 Have Roommates? 3BR/2BA House $950 Only You? 1 BR/1BA House $450 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2 So Close to Campus Avail now, 2BR/1 & 2 BA apis. $400, $450, $95 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2 1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown, 2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 3734423 or online at 8-15-95-2 PET'S PARADISE, no app/pet fee. townhomes. 2BR, privacy fence, modern appliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private owner, please leave detailed message. $375-525/ mo 331-2099 3-10-40-2 SHORT LEASE NEGOTIABLE on some units SEE PET'S PARADISE AD 352-3312099 3-10-40-2 LOOKING FORAN APARTMENT? The Leasing Connection 1608 NW Ist Ave Located right behind Florida Bookstore Plenty of FREE PARKING! FREE Apartment & Housing Locator Service Call 352-376-4493 or visit 3-31-56-2 4BR/4BA at UF Only 1 left for Fall. Luxury Townhomes W/D, Alarm, Pets Ok Open Weekends 371-0769 4-20-69-2 WOOD FLOORS at UF 1&2 BRs avail Fall Pets ok, some w/ W/D OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-69-2 ees e-s ees 0 os zo 0 eeeeee 0e .Al ,.44 000 oe ego as a 00000 a ~se-ACI(EZIE seTZ 000 0 PROGRns PARTY co $e a 600 see se a see""" 0.0 00000e 0000 .e Soo 0 000-0000 0 000 .eos.coo 00 041.0 a ', 0900 Go '000000,0 oo e ce eeer ee Goo 00 00,ese ********* 0******** Q'*** 115 STEPS FROM CAMPUS!!! Luxury -Opposite Library West! Beautiful 2BR/2BA.all amenities LOOKING GLASS APTS Call 376-1111 or Come by 111 NW 16th St. #1 4-20-69-2 DOWNTOWN LOCATION! 3BR/2BA Wood floors, fireplace, living & dining rooms, Den, $625/rent, 223 SW 4th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-39-2 CHEAP RENT! 2BR/1.5BA W/d hookups, CH/AC, dishwasher, $475/mo 5320 NW 20th Court Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-39-2 WALK TO UF Studio $335/mo 1BR $400/mo 2BR $695/mo Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 178-1387 4-20-68-2 **1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL** NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 2BRover 1100 sq ft00 $650/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00$550/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit 0 376-2507 4-20-63-2 3BR/4BR -LIKE A HOUSE** Huge townhouse, fireplace, W/D hook-ups, patio, New carpet & tile, fitness & basketball high speed wireless internet 3BR/2.5BA only $850 4BR/3BA only $1099 Close to UF in SW Beautiful/quiet 0376-2507 4-20-63-2 Threesomes Welcome! All the space you need only $1050 Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab W/D*Cable with HBO*Extra Storage The perfect three-bedroom! 372-8100 4-20-60-2 DUCK POND! Cute 1BR/1BA, wood floors, eat-in kitchen, ceiling fans, $475/rent 305-C NE 6th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-30-2 *NOW PRE-LEASING* 1BR $699 -2BR $839 -3BR $999 $150 dep. Full size W/D, Direct Campus Access, Pool, Fitness Center! Open M-F 8:30 -5:30, Sat 11-4 Pebble Creek Apts 376-9607 4-20-59-2 BIKE TO SHANDS & VET SCHOOL! OSpacious studio, washer/dryer, Fenced yard, lawn svc, $450/rent 0 3BR 2BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer, fenced yard, lawn svc, $1000/rent .4BR 3BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer, fenced yard, $1400/rent 3811 SW 20th Street ,Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-25-2 BIKE TO UF! 3BR 2BA, carport, Washer/dryer, porch, pets considered, Avail now! $895/rent, 2222 SW 14th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-25-2 Avail. Aug 1: 4bed/2bath house. Ceramic tile floors, extra game room, fenced yard, pet ok, wash/dry provided. 1330 NW 39th St. 339-2342 for directions $1250/mo 3-16-25-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/2BA 2 Car Garage $525/mo 3BR/1.5BA House $795/mo 2BR/2BA Conv to UF $925/mo Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today: 371-2118 4-20-50-2 VILLAGE LOFT APTS 1 BR LOFT APTS 650 & 750 sq. ft. Starting at $450/mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720 3-31-32-2 *3 BLOCKS TO UF* 2BR/1 BA Duplex. Hardwood floors, W/D,$535/mo 375-8256 4-20-47-2 FEBRUARY FREE! Move in today. $150 Deposit One bedrooms $449 Water included Summer Place Apts 373-2818 4-20-44-2 GAINESVILLE'S FINEST LIVING Luxury 3/3 & 4/4's from only $370/bdrm includes extended cable, water/sewer, 24 hr gym, Free Tanning SPRING & SUMMER SPECIALS Call the Landings at 336-3838 4-20-44-2' NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401' 4-20-44-2 ****ANTIQUE APARTMENT**** 2 Bed I Bath in old house. Downtown. Hardwood Floors, high ceilings, pets arranged, Avail now. $475/mo. Call Greg 2143291 3-18-21-2 DOWNTOWN 1BR 1BA, CH/AC, water included, $415/rent 411 Sw 2nd Street #3 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-15-2 SHORT TERM LEASE! 2BR 1.5BA Duplex, walk to UF, CH/AC, $495/rent, 805 NW 3rd Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 3-11-15-2 Very clean condo 2BR/2.5BA, 5 min to UF, 10 min to Shands, cent AC, DW, W/D, cable, internet, pool, $800/mo Separate leases ok. 352-472-9778, 305-299-3485, 3-16-15-2 **$99.00 MOVES-YOU IN** No rent until April 1st, Pets OK. Only a few left! Ventura Apartments 352-376-5065 3-11-8-2 Living it up!! Luxury style!! 1 & 2 BR, Private patios, walking distance to UF, next to Sorority Row, Alarm, pets OK, W/D, HUGE bdrs & walkin closets. "Walk to UF" Call 372-7111 4-20-35-2 DEAL OF A LIFETIMEM! 3BR/3BA ONLY $365/PERSON FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777 4-20-35-2 Live in luxury minutes from campus, Shands, etc. Huge 1BR apt brand new modern kitchen, tile floors, double french doors looking out on huge backyard $695/mo. Call 3'37-1330 3-22-16-2 New townhouses close to UF avail fall. 2BR/ 2.5BA on bus route, no towing, free security alarm, jacuzzi & walk-in closet, W/D, pool & free ethernet. $437 per person or $875 total. Call Adrienne @ 372-4684. 3-17-10-2 Kensington South 2/2.5 $900/mo OakBrook Walk 2/2 1/2 oft 1 st mo $700/mo South Fork Oaks 2/2.5 $700/mo Ind. leases avail from $325/mo Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1133, REALTOR 3-10-5-2 DOWNTOWN Avail immediately. Modth to month OK. 2BR/1BA apt. Newly remodeled, quiet neighborhood, pets ok. Close to Shands, UF & Library. $650-715/mo. Call 262-1351 3-10-5-2 Beautiful historic home, wood floors, high ceilings, 3-4BR/2BA, large fenced yard. $1400/mo. Downtown location near UF. Call Tom at 262-6423 3-24-15-2 ONW 39th Ave 2/2, patio, loft, new wd ptn fir, Ig open, good area $575-60502/2, patio, gate $515-525*SW, fancy 2BR near UF, Ig kit, sc pch, fenced, $545-5600Share 2BR $300-4500373-8310 3-14-7-2 ***Few Blocks-to Campus*** Large 2BR/1 BA next to Leo 706 avail March 1. Pets arranged $550/mo with utilities included. Call Greg 214-3291 3-18-11-2 WALK TO UF! Studio apt 8 blocks from campus. Wood floors/large windows $395/mo Call 352-2849610. Available immediately! 3-18-10-2 3 BLOCKS FROM TIGERT HALL 2BR/1BA apts Cent A/C, newly painted $630/ mo. upstairs/hardwood floors; $610/mo; downstairs/carpet. Includes water, sewer, trash, pest, laundry on site, no pets. Avail 8/1/05. Call 352-316-4474 3-18-10-2 ***4 BLOCKS TO UF*** 3BR/2BA charming historic house. Tile, hardwood floors, W/D, fenced yard, new appliances. No pets. $1260/mo Avail Aug. 871-8280 3-21-10-2 1 Block from OF! 1 BR and 2BR Apts Avail Now, Summer or Fall. See our listat updated daily or call Merrill Management Inc. 3721494 3-18-9-2 VERY CUTE! 1BR/1BA in charming house near Duckpond. Hardwood floors, central H/AC, spacious. Call Erin at 352-262-1484 3-14-5-2 Historic homes 3BR/2BA avail May. $1200/ mo; 2BR/1BA avail April $80,0/mo. Wood floors, cent A/H, W/D hu & more. Walk to downtown, bike to UF/Shands. 377-7681 3-15-5-2 *Walk to UF* 3BR/1 BA house Available immediately. $900/ mo 375-8256 4-20-31-2 *Sorority Row Area* 1940's vintage stone 2BR/1 BA apt. Beautiful hardwood floors. $675/mo 375-8256 4-2031-2 *8 Blocks to UF* Huge 2BR/1BA apt. Best deal in town. Starting at $ 375-8256 4-20-30-2 *5 Blocks to UF* 2BR/1 BA w/hardword floors & fireplace. A. mustsee $900/mo 375-8256 4-20-30-*Sorority Row Area* Cute 2BR/1BA brick duplex behind Norman Hall. $650/mo 375-8256 4-20-30-2 *Sorority Row Area* Vintage stone 3BR/2BA duplex. Remodeled, hardwood floors, 2 story, W/D. $1250/mo 375-8256 4-20-30-2 Classifieds. Continued on. next page.,


0, ALLIGATOR U THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 For7entFeIV7 i Subleases ill Subleases 'f V ates unfurnished ,unfurnished 'owntown historic house. High ceilings, 'ood floors, gas fireplaces, 4 large bed>oms. Available May 1st. 230 NW 2nd Ave, 1300/mo, 336-0743 4-5-20-2 York for rent. 2BR + study. Trailor home. lew W/D, screened in porch, fenced yard. in 10 acre Whipporwhill Horse Farm, 10 min V of UF Call 352-376-8792 4-5-20-2 -*HISTORIC VICTORIAN APT** 0 blocks to UF. Quaint 1BR/1BA apt w/ hardwood floors, fans, hi ceiling, AC/H. $475 no225 SW 3rd Ave. Avail Aug 1st. Call 3761/4 3-15-5-2 \BRACADABRA BR/2BA house. 2 car gargage & apple -ee. 1500 sq ft, cathedral ceiling, open floor Ian. $1045/mo. 352-332-0602 or 318-3721 -5-20-2 lOUSE 4-5BR/2BA. Newly renovated. lose to campus. All new appliances, includig W/D. Carport. 610 NW 34th Terr. Call 52-373-8000, ask for Jeffrey. 3-22-10-2 :ountryside at the University. 23rd & /lliston Rd. 1BR/1BA $420/mo, utils incl. separate leases. Common areas furn. W/D, ool, bball, parking, gated, great bus svc. 3rd units. Call Dan 352-328-1574 3-15-5-2 IISTORIC HOUSES DOWNTOWN BRs & 2.5BRs. $275-700/mo 'rogressive thinkers preferred. View at: 4-4-19-2 BR/2BA close to campus. Avail Aug 1st, ew kitchen, cent A/C, Ig fenced yard, $1075/ io, drive by 3433 NW 1st Court. Call Marty 14-2855 3-31-17-2 BLOCKS FROM UF 2859 SW 40th ,sve.3BR/2BA House with yard, garage, idge, vaulted ceiling, open kitchen, all le/lam wood, W/D, $1.200/mo, pets OK., 727-420-5699 3-15-5-2 r***NEWNANS LAKE**** BR/1BA, quiet peaceful setting, beautiful iews, 5 miles to UF, no traffic, tile floors, new athroom, W/D, big yard, deck, cute, clean, 800/mo 871-8280 3-15-5-2 listoric Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood oors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces. 1BR 466 w/water, sewer. First, last, security. SE istoric district. No dogs please. 378-3704 -22-10-2 :NORMOUS 3BR vail for Current and Fall lool Tennis Cts 1.5 Mi 2 UF id lease, Furn & Util Avail ireat Specials 377-7401 4-20-31-2 vail Aug 1: 4BR/ 2.5BA. Nice house. Close > campus 6 -blocks behind Pike house. /ash/dryer, dishwasher, fireplace, game >om 625 NW 19 St. 339-2342 $1650/mo -16-6-2 VALUABLE FOR FALL Quiet two bedroom house close to campus and busline. $750 52-215-8815 cal eves 3-29-15-2 ,VAILABLE NOW Blocks from UF. Duplex, BR/1BA, fenced yard, $675/mo HOUSE BR/2BA, W/D, $1175/mo. (Pets OK) Call .arol @ 377-3852 3-22-10-2 -FALL* Bilks from UF 0 Houses 0 luplexes S Apts (Managed by owner) See for listings or call .arol at 377-3852. 4-20-31-2 beautifull 1BR apt w/porch in quiet neighborood 5 min from Downtown. Avail May -mid ,ug. Call 870-3988 3-22-10-2 ENSINGTON NORTH 2BR/2.5BA condo Most new, fully equipped, (W/D, DW, mirowave) convenient to UF. close to pool. 850/mo Call 373-3321 3-15-5-2 BR/1 BA APT IN TONERIDGE. vail immediately. Call 278-2414 3-15-5-2 /IALABLE NOW! NEW 3BR/2BA house 2 ir garage in brand new subdivision close UF & SFCC. All appliances $1300/mo ogotiable based on length of lease. Call 15-9987. 4-20-30-2 3BR/1.5BA HOUSE Lg screen back pch, Ig back yard, close to downtown, W/D, $900/ mo. Avail May 1stl. Call (office) 377-1071 or (cell) 262-7174 ask for Brian 3-23-10-2 Downtown garage/studio apt on bus rates, biking to campus walk to downtown, off street parking, includes H20. $330/mth lst, last, dep. Call 373-6551 leave message 316-5-2 Cute 1 bedroom 1 bath vintage duplex, high ceilings, washer/dryer. 428 NW 10th Ave. $445/mo. Green Tree Realty 317-4392 323-10-2 Clean 2 bedroom 1 bath with study, large laundry room, nice yard. $675/mo. 310 NW 20th Ave. Green Tree Realty 317-4392 323-10-2 Large 1 bedroom with study, new kitchen $495/mo 302 NW 19th Ave. Green Tree Realty 317-4392 3-23-10-2 Avail now 3BR/2BA HOUSE. 2120 NW 55th Terrace. Tile firs, Berber carpet, all appliances incl. Privacy fenced-in yard. $1050/mo. Call 215-9987 4-20-30-2 Subleases Apartments Sublets & Roommates All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500 Short-Long & Furn-Unfurn 1-(877) FOR-RENT (367-7368) WWW.SUBLETCOM 4-20-71-3 WALK TO CLASS! $250/mo Now til Aug. Courtyards 352-328-6967 all included! 2-27-3-3 OXFORD MANOR 1 BR/1 BA, walk-in-closet, private bath in 2BR/2BAfurn, all util ncl $512/ mo neg. 1st month free. Female. Sublease until 7/05. 904-571-8337 3-10-20-3 CAMPUS LODGE 2-3BRs. Vaulted ceiling. Fully furn. Everything incl. $505/mo each. Call 352-514-7773 3-17-20-3 LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? Bid on a sublease. call 866-837-1309 or visit 5-19-43-3 $240/mo SUMMER SUBLEASE + 1/3 utilities 3BR/2BA Boardwalk Apt Call PK @ 954-682-5979 or call 904-705-1689 3-11-10-3 $374 for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/48A lst month 1/2 off! Pvt BA, furnished, inc/s water, sewer, garbage, pest control, ethernet, cable, elec. Great deal. Lease from May-Aug 10, 05. Call 305-469-3372 3-11-10-3 Subleaser needed $399/mo 1 BR/1 BA on NW 20th Ave. March lst thru July 31st. March is FREE. No dep needed. You keep $99 sec dep. Call Kevin or Mandy 352-281-0252 3-11-10-3 SUMMER sublease! 1BR in a 4BR Campus C/ub apt, $400/mo incl maid svc, util, cable, furn, ethernet & more. NO FEES! May-AugFemale only. Please call 352-262-5995 311-10-3 CAMPUS LODGE APT No moss-in fee. Female roommate. Everything icl. $514/mo price NEG. From April thru Aug. Call 727542-8816 3-21-15-3 Female sublease at Courtyards. 1BR in spacious 4/2 townhouse. All furniture & utils inclued; $399/mo sec dep & lst mo rent free. 514-6408 or 3-11-9-3 OXFORD MANOR SUBLEASE 1BR in 3BR townhouse, own BA, W/D, wireless net, digital cable, phone. Pay rent & util $296 +. 561-309-8982 3-14-10-3 SUBLEASE April thru Aug. Townhouse. Spacious 2BR/2.5BA. W/D, DW, new carpet, balcony & porch. Pool, tennis, all pets ok. No fees. $749/mo Call 332-5344. 3-15-10-3 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA apt furn liv rm, kit, laundry W/D, pool, tanning, clubhouse, bball, tennis 1st mo FREE. $400/mo incl elec, water, garbage. No activity fees. Call 786-554-9339 3-16-10-3 1 or both rooms in 2BR downtown apt. Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF & Library. $350/mo. Pets ok. Call 262-1351 3-10-5-3 HIDDEN LAKE APTS 5/1-7/31 sublease. 2BR/2BA Villa, Fenced-in yd, facing pool, 1000sqft. W/D. No deposits, possible renewal. $899/mo. Call Brendan at 352-2583049 3-11-5-3 *ROOMMATE NEEDED ASAP* 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA *Sublease* in Stoneridge Apts. $343/mo plus 1/3 util. Close to campus and restaurants! Please call 352514-4216 3-16-8-3 ATTENTION LADIES! $435 for 3BR in a 4/2 University Glades. Covers all. May-Aug will negotiate. Call Tiphani @ 813-690-3277 to view. Bring friends! 3-11-5-3 3/1 house sublease May-July. 2 large bedrooms, W/D, fenced yard, pets ok. Possibly with one roommate. Bike/bus to campus. Only $645/monthl 352-264-1834 3-11-5-3 1BR/1BA in NW gated community. May 1 -July 31. Close to UF on busline. Pool, gym, tan. Pets ok. $500/mo (normally $650) 3-15-5-3 Apt for sublease at 1225 SW 1st Ave. #407. Directly across from university on quiet side of College Manor Studio Apts. No down pmt or other costs just a $300 sublease expense. Apt runs $450/mo utils inc. 379-9126 3-155-3 16KR, pet BA, new townhouse. Ass/il now. $385/mo negotiable. Call Jessica 367-4053 female only. 3-15-5-3 MARCH RENT FREE! No deposit. 2/1 apt. Move in today. $499/mo. Now thru 7/31. Clean, new carpet. 256-0501 3-15-5-3 Victorian 2/2 apt historic district. Beautifully furnished w/antiques, all appliances, whirpool tub. Avail now -6/30. $750 273-5253. 3-15-5-3 1BR/1 BA apt. College Manor. Right across from UF. Avail now to July 30th. $430/mo. Incl all except elec. Call 904-803-4349 315-5-3 2BR/2BA townhouse apt available May thru .July. Arlington Square. Call 682-1147. $835/ mo. 3-11-2-3 HELP A FILMMAKER OUT of Gainesville. Sublease his room in a house 8 blocks from campus. High spd, DVR, util incl. $300/mo. pvt ent. Call Dan 256-1842. Extras. Avail now thru Aug 15. 3-15-5-3 Female roommate to sublease for summer in a 4BR/2BA. Less than $400/mo for everything. Need May thru Aug. Aug FREE. Call Amy @ 352-262-3662 3-15-5-3 UNIVERSITY TERRACE 1BR/1BA, w/walkin-closet in 4BR/4BA furn apt. All utils incl for $315/iso May -July. NS pref. Bus stop in front, rts 12 $ 35. Call 352-281-3092 322-10-3 Apt for summer A & B sublease 1 BR in 4BR/ 2BA furn University Glades apt. $370/mo (originally $435) all utils incl. M/F for all female apt. Call 386-212-9042 3-22-10-3 1 BLOCK FROM SWAMP 2BR/1 BA $365 ea May thru July Some furniture available Call Sasha 305-479-1289 3-22-10-3 1BR in 3BR home. Flex lease terms. May, June &/or July. Opt to renew. Bike, walk or bus to UF.W/D, wood flr, screened porch, garage & carport. Furn avail Only $315 + uetils. 336-4126, 305-409-4414 3-22-10-3 EMERGENCY SUMMER SUBLEASE 2BR/2.5BA townhouse 2 blocks to UF. May -Aug $900/mo OBO 352-266-8475 4-1-18-3 Magnolia Place sublease for 1BR in 3BR/ 2.5BA condo. All furnitures & utils included. Vf/D, ethernet, garage, cable. No deposit. Pets welcome. $300/mo. Avail now. Please call James @ 904-866-7539 3-11-3-3 SUMMER SUBLEASE $350/mo Marchwood Condos 1 mile to UF. 1BR/1BA in a 2BR/ 2BA. Utilities inc. Washer/Dryer, cable, phone, porch, deck, dishwasher. Call 352428-3616 3-16-5-3 From May to Aug. IBR/1BA in 3/3. Huge, furniture and.W/D inc. $380/mo, bus route, pool, tan bed at Greenwich Green. Call Katie 352-246-3743 3-23-10-3 alRo3ommateE Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 4-20-71-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 4-20-71-4 Female roommates wanted brand new 2100 sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to UF. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils inci $525/mo.Aval Fall. Call Jacqueline 352395-7462 or 941-780-3526 4-20-71-4 Sublets and Rooms Available All Florida Areas; All Major Cities Browse available Rooms FREE! 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-4 M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry $425+ utils 336-5450 or 954-646-1341 4-20-71-4 Female student to join 2 females in nice 3BR house off NW 8th Ave, 3 mi from UF on bus rt, tile/hardwood, fenced yard, $275/mo + 1/3 GRU & HS internet -dig cable, 381-5597 315-20-4 M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737 3-31-30-4 Beautiful home in trees on quiet street near UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fireplace, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, W/D, cent A/C, Ig yard, cats welcome. $350 + 50 utils. 352-271-8711 3-10-15-4 IMMEDIATE ROOMMATE to rent 1BR in 3/2 house. Netw wood floors, new appliances, 4 mi from campus. $350/mo + 1/3 utils. Ryan 850-261-3571 3-11-12-4 4 rooms starting August each w/pvt baths. Cent AC, W/D, cable inc. Internet-ready. $350/mo each. 1 MO FREE. Call 352-4729778 3-16-15-4 Roommate needed. $200/mo + $200 refundable dep. + 1/2 util. Furnished 2BR/2BA. Female preferred. 352-335-6274 3-23-20-4 Grad, uppperclassman, or prof to share spacious new 3BR/2BA house. Internet & cable incl. Must be neat, clean & responsible. $450 or 425/mo + 1/2 utils. Short or long term avail. 262-3989 4-4-26-4 Females for all rooms in beautiful, fully furnished 4BR/4BA Univ. Terr. Walk-in closets. Utils incl. Great location. 2 bus rts. 1 year lease discounted for summer $425/$300. Bring your friends & call. 954-592-0521 311-14-4 2 share 2BR Downtown apt. Newly remodeled. Close to Shands, UF & Library. $350/ mo. Month to month or longer lease okay. Pets okay,, Call 262-1351 3-10-5-4 Male roommate needed to share 2BR apt. No drinking. No drugs. 2 cats. Georgetown Apts. NW 13th St. & NW 16th Ave. $300/mo + 1/2 utils. Aval March lst. Call 378-8638 3-10-5-4 M/F to share house for summer and/or fall move in ASAP! Furnished, all amenities, 'large yard, pets welcome, 2 mi to UF $450/ mo INCLUDES EVERYTHING. 352-3780329 3-18-10-4 Roommates needed to share beautiful house in NW Gainesville. Fully furnish pets welcome, huge fenced yard, W/D, C Available immediately. Vicky at 386-8, 5620 3-15-7-4 Roommate needed asap at Lakewood Vil 3/2 flat rent $400 all utilities included. Call 352-281-6631. Short term lease preferred 3-11-5-4 Roommate wanted $400 + utilitie, pvt E BA, avail 4/1. Grad or professional preferr 951-536-6403 3-14-4-4 M/F, NS needed to share 2BR/2.5 Southfork Oaks townhome. (Near Tar Unfurn master BR w/own BA avail. W/D, pets, prefer serious student or prof. $347/ + 1/2 utils. No lease. Call Evan 335-91 3-18-8-4 ROOMMATE WANTED for 3BR/2.5BA t1 house N of Thornebrook shopping center 39th Ave. $75/wk incl utils, hi spd i-net, po tennis. Under age 25 please. 352-363-0, or 386-698-0899 3-15-5-4 2 rooms f/r 1.8 mi. East Waldo Rd. & Univ rent B B/WB/M $85 P/W cable TV was/m For info/bet 376-0384 mess# or page 202 7074 for fast response. 3-15-5-4 2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Credit Uni Norman Hall/hospital/busses for city/ Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + I util. Quiet/considerate F/M? Call 337-93-15-5-4 COLONIAL VILLAGE; prvt bed/bath; 2 2bth; very clean; very quiet; $450/mth (i everything); avail 4/1; 12 mth. lease; bea' ful grounds; Call Justin @ 772-696-5& 3-15-5-4 Looking for roommate to share 4BR/2 house. Rent $300 + utils. Call Erin 352-2 8457 3-11-3-4 Quiet -Non Smoking roommmate wanted come May $370 per month + uitl Call local 352-376-4250 or call cell 904-994-6764 3-22-10-4 I MOST WANTED Christopher Allen Thompson White Male (DOB 6126/75); 6'04" 180 lbs, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes Wanted for: 4 counts of felony violation of probation warrants for burglary of a structure, dealing in stolen property, and 2 counts of utter forged Instrument, ALACHMA COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS Call (352) 372-STOP


THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 21 Roommates Rbal Etate Furnishings 5 EetronicU2 Uutos NS ROOMMATES NEEDED for summer fall @ University Terrace West, SW 20th e. Fully turn, ea person has own pvt BR >vt BA, no dep, 1 yr lease, $350/mo + 1/4 s. Call Talia 352-427-8583 3-30-15-4 furn rm in huge 4/3 house 1.4 mi to UF. V 6th fit, big TV, pool table, W/D, cent AC, V, hi-spd let, big yrd, $350 + 1/4 until avail w. Call Dmitriy 373-7231 3-16-5-4 ommate wanted Female preferred. Own drm & bathrm. Complete furnishing -over .Call 352-377-1569 Leave a message 16-5-4 -.Real Estate 11 your house, condo, acreage, mobile me and much more in the ALLIGATOR ASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible yers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over phone. Please Call 373-Find ad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra d, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House IBR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete tio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 3528-2181 lv mssg 4-20-71-5 W COMPANY IN GAINESVILLE )king to buy or lease houses in this area. y size, price or condition. 352-264-7347 visit us at www.happygatorhomes.com4-71-5 e Flavor of New Orleans comes to cams. Luxurious St. Charles Condominiums. >lock to UF. Choose from 2BR/2BA flats, view the University from your 3BR/3BA vnhouse. Prices starting in the $180's 37556 4-20-71-5 ,E YOU INTERESTED IN PURCHASING OUSE OR CONDO NEAR UF? ,nty of properties are available. ill Marc J. Nakleh at Campus Realty 2-235-1576 4-20-68-5 NT ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO BE ALOUS OF YOU NEXT YEAR? vn + live in a new luxury campusna condo. Over 10 new projects to oose from at affordable prices. Visit or call today 2-281-3551 Matt Price Campus Realty -42-5 CL 0) 0.== 0 0 C C 0) TIRED OF RENTING? Let me help you find a house or condo to call your own. Call Brett Wherry at 352-412-8662 Century 21 Classic Properties 352-376-2433 x 20 3-11-21-5 3BR/2.5BA condo. 1 floor living downtown Gainesville. Approx 1850 sq ft. $304,900. 407-346-2322 Owner/Agent 3-24-15-5 Townhouse 3BR/2BA. Close to UF. On bus rt. Quiet location. Dish/w, W/D, tile kitchen, living/dining area. Fenced backyard. Pool $140,000. 352-284-6154 3-11-5-5 2BR/2BA CONDO FOR SALE Oakbrook -2 blocks from UF SW 13th St and SW 16th Ave All appliances, $129,900 Call 904-910-4263 3-21-5-5 HOT STUDENT CONDOS NEAR UF Save Thousandss When You Buy Now. FREE LIST of Great Local Condos. Campus Realty Group 6-2-39-5 Furnishings BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pillow-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-3727490 will deliver. 4-20-71-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $1400. Sacrifice $399 352-372-7490 4-20-71-6' BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never heen used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 420-71-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 4-2071-6 BEDROOM SET 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 4-20-71-6 .0 Z E 0 U E 0 SOFA, LOVESEAT, & CHAIR 100% Italian leather. Still new in boxes w/warranty. Cost $5000. Sacrifice $1,500. Call 352-372-8588 4-20-71-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 4-2071-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. Brand new, all unused in box, Sell $199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 BednOFull mattress & bospring sets $49sn sets $890Single sets $39OKing sets $99OFrom estate sale: Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. Call a Mattress 4370 SW 20th Ave 4-20-71-6 King Size Waterbed, California Style, waveless mattress heater headboard siderails seat, 6 drawer stand, very clean, $250 OBO 352-514-1800 318-9-6 BED KING SIZE Retail $3000, now $800; QUEEN SETS $400; LEATHER SOFA $450; Furniture store closed. 352-359-6352 3-15-5-6 DAIL-A-WASH ER Washer & Dryer 1 yr lease $300, 1 semester $160. Call 332-0602 or 318-3721 4-5-20-6 Computers -, W& Mdak;4otge Catc'r 8-23-170-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $10 Gator Discount. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 8-23-170-7 *G'ville Computer Repair Inc* Service on all PC MAC and Networks 1204 NW 13th St Ste #10 352-337-2500. 4-2071-7 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC. Complete residential & commercial support, networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 4-20-71-7 LAPTOP REPAIR Buy & sell. Looking for quantity for parts. 336-0075 4-20-71-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 4-20-71-7 Computer/Internet 352.219.2980 4-20-66-7 GATORNERD.COM computer/laptop repair networks, wireless, virus -we BEAT all prices! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 4-20-66-7 VOX COMPUTERS Repairs Upgrades Laptop CHAPP! Call 256-3544 or email 3-15-5-7 Electronics DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main I The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 4-20-71-8 HI-F STEREO NAD base receiver and CD player. Klipsch base, Heresy 11 speakers incl. Stereo system rack. Entire base setup $500, great shape! (904) 536-9151 3-15-5-8 $10! TV'S, COMPUTERS, VIDEO GAMES! Police Seized! From $10! Info: 800-749-8128 ext M974 4-20-31-8 Digital camera. Fuji. Almost new, 4.0 MP, 6x optic zoom, auto focus & flash, 256 MB XD/ pic/card. Carrying case & manual $200 firm. Originally $400. John 256-6536 3-11-3-8 Bicycles In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW& USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from Best Prices in Townl SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 4-20-69-9 For Sale PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve nowl Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 4-20-71-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional cooking utensils. R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 4-20-71-10 Come see what's newly GCM thrift shops downtown 238 SW 4th Ave, NW 5001 NW 34th St. Get more bang for your $! New items daily Mon -Sat 378-3654 4-20-43-10 For Sale -Black Laquer with bronze trim: headboard, mattress & box springs, 2 nightstands, dresser with mirror and chest. All for $300. Call 682-1147 3-11-2-10 55 GALLON FISH TANK complete w/oak canopy & stand. Incl protein skimmer & fish supplies & rock if desired. For more info call 271-8238 3-15-5-10 0MOtorCyCles, Mopeds) ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974 4-20-71-11 Swamp Cycles Electric Bikes, Scooters, and more! Prices from $450 with 1 yr warranty 534 SW 4th Ave. 373-8823 4-20-70-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 ,Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. All models & directions avail on website. 4-20'50-11 1999 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6 Must sell. $3300 OBO Tony 941-320-9522 3-11-16-11 OYAMAHA 1997 SECA 11 700 miles. Black $2900 060 GAL AQUARIUM $100 3-10-5-11 2004 VENTO PHANTOM SCOOTER 150cc, 4 stroke, 445 mi. Perfect condition, many extras. $1700 352-472-4054 3-15-5-11 DERBI SCOOTER Goes 50 MPH. Great condition, 1 yr old, Asking $1200. 352-372-0229 3-15-5-11 2001 HONDA 929rr ERION ED 4300 mi, micron exh, new rear tire, tinted windscreen, everything else stock, $7200 or make offer. Call Chase 386-937-2621 3-15-5-11 Save $$ with coupons from the Alligator. OFAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CAROL ORunning or not!* *NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS *Over 10 yr svc to UF students *Call Don @ 215-7987 4-20-71-12 CARS -CARS BuyOSelIITrade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 4-20-71-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For: CARS, TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES Running or Not 1990 & up only Call Ray 352-284-8619 4-20-71-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 4-20-71-12 Best Cars e Lowest Prices 4-20-71-1212 *HEADLINERS SAGGING?* **Power windows don't work?** On site available Call Steve 338-5142. 4-20-71-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES Bring your W2 & drive home today. Cash cars as low as $1000. No credit check. Call now 338-1999 4-20-63-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES We finance anyone! $2000 discount off finance price. More than 150 vehicles in stock. Call 338-1999 Drive today! 4-20-63-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES All vehicles $0 down & up! Plus +++ 30 day warranty eng & trans. No credit check. Call 338-1999 4-20-63-12 '88 Honda Accord $699 '86 Buick LeSabre $799 '88 Toyota Corolla $899 '90 Acura Legend $999 (352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 '90 Chevy Lumina Van $1499 '93 Chevy Blazer $1499 '90 Ford F-150 $2499 '93 Chrysler New Yorker $1999 (352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 1999 NISSAN SENTRA GXE sedan. Automatic, A/C, silver with charcoal cloth, power everything, 116k, very clean, $4750 OBO 352-514-1800 3-10-9-12 TOYOTAAVALON 99 for sale 62,000 mi, black, grey leather, power everything, runs perfectly, good car. $13,300 will negotiate. 363-0084 1990 DODGE SPIRIT Gold, 4dr, automatic, all power, A/C, lOOK. $2000/OBO 352-378-0329 3-11-18-12 96 HONDA CIVIC 2door 5 spd, Vteph, 93K miles, cold AC, all power. $4500. 262-3989 3-15-5-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas, Chevys, Toyotas, etc. For listings 800-749-8116 3-31-17-12 2002 VW JETTA 5 spd 1.8L turbo, 31000 mi excellent condition, leather, sunroof, premium sound, heated seats. $12500 OBO 376-3585 3-16-6-12 1976 F250 4X4, 4 spd, 36" tires, FE, BBK, Dana 44/60, blue, new starter, alternator, exhaust & pwr steering pump. $3000 OBO. Call 352-359-7716 3-15-5-12 1992 Toyota Corolla -auto, A/C, white, 162k mi, excellent condition, ask $1600 1993 Pontiac Sunbird -Auto, A/C, ABS brakes, 120k mi, good condition, ask $1000 339-0256 3-15-5-12 Class ifieds Continued on next page.


22, ALLIGATORUTHURSDAYMARCH 10,2005 j ante d HelpeWantedted Hep Wanted H 1987 Mercedes 300E 4 door sedan. A soon-to-be classic car with high mileage, but well taken care of by owner. Original smoke silver paint job in good condition. Drives great Pqd has top Michelin tires with plenty of tread. A good buy for someone at $4000. Call William at 332-2566 3-16-4-12 LOCAL AR 18I NEEUS: GULD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 4-20-71-13 On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady needs-pans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 3-17-82-13 Help Wanted This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings j the inndent florida Microsoft Access Database Programmer Must be highly proficient in database conversion (version 2.0 to 2000), Visual Basic coding, troubleshooting, all aspects of database creation -relationships, forms, reports, queries, security. Short-term initial work; future work possible. Please email resume to No phone calls please. EOE LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. for details. 4-20-71-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working persop.o work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train,tPT to start with more hrs possible. Start t 50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 4-20-71-4 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 4-20-71-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today No sales, opinion, research only Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call nowl 420-71-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay, Join our team! Learn more at employment 4-20-68-14 University of Florida Survey Research Center 392-2908 ext. 105 $7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training Nights + Weekends Telephone Interviewing NO SALES Must work spring break. 408 W. University Ave Suite #106 4-20-71-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothi ng/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 420-71-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF & DRIVERS FT or PT, flexible schedules. Call 2-5pm 3782442 or come in and fill out an, application @ California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St Mon-Fri 4-20-71-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 1384-20-71-14-' SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 4-20-71-14 AUDITORS for local growing inventory service. FT/PT, DFWP. Paid training. Call 352-367-4608. 4-20-83-14 Mortgage lender has sales positions avail for college students seeking prof work exp. $8-9/hr + bonus. No exp req'd, flex hrs. Apply in person btwn 4-8pm Mon-Fri 1900 SW 34 St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union)4-2070-14 GREAT PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO STAY!Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Cashiers (must have full day avail) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1 & PM 12-6 shifts avail) 15-40 hrs your choice. Great work environment. Apply in person 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No phone calls please. 2-28-38-14 DOMINO'S PIZZA World's largest pizza delivery company now hiring Delivery Drivers Pizza makers Phone order takers $9 -$14/hr All you need is a reliable car & a very positive attitude. Apply @ any of the 5 Domino's locations in Gainesville. 4-20-70-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested come to the psychology bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297 4-20-63-14 DRIVERS NEEDED Can earn anywhere between $8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule. Call Dave for info: 379-9600 3-11-35-14 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR needed. is looking for responsible, enthusiastic people. City geography knowledge, customer svc. exp helpful. Room for advancement For more info: David 379-3663 3-11-35-14 CASH Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here & make it! UF FLORIDA REPDIALS seeks UF students to reaise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105 NW 16th St. 4th Floor. Academic Classroom Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info. 4-20-63-14 $1380 weekly stuffing envelopes FT/PT No experience necessary. For more info call 386-462-9301 3-10-30-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progressive company w/advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156 5-19-63-14 SUMMER JOBS 0$2100 Co-Ed Camp Seven Weeks Room and Board Included GET PAID TO PLAY! The Florida Elks Youth Camp (FEYC) needs male and female Summer Camp Counselors ages 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight camp located off of Highway 450 in Umatilla, FL The camp runs June 6 -July 23. Please contact Krys Ragland at 1-800-523-1673 ext. 250 or 352-669-9443 ext 250. 4-20-58-14 SECRETARY needed. is looking for personable, responsible, enthusiastic, fun people. Customer service exp helpful. For more info call David 379-3663 3-11-29-14 GET PAID for YOUR OPINIONS! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! 3-11-30-14 LEARN how you can EARN $100K + per year P/T. Training Provided. 800-631-8230 3-21-30-14 FEDERAL AQUISITION REGULATIONS Looking for person with experience to help get us on the GSA schedules and promote our products to government agencies. Send resume to 3-10-16-14 Web developer wanted: HTML, CSS, motivated. 1 year minimum, portfolio a must, graphic skills preferred. Contact 4-20-42-14 Flash programmer wanted. Animation action script, graphic experience, portfolio a must, 1 year minimum. Contact 4-20-42-14 If you are looking for PART TIME WORK during the daytime, in a professional office environment, then call me. We are Infinite Energy, Inc. -Florida's 50th largest private employer. We sell discount-priced natural gas throughout Florida and Georgia and need people that can use the phone effectively. Our clients save money so this is enjoyable work. If you are a good communicater, aren't afraid of the telephone, get along well with others, and need some money (hourly wage + commission) then call Bryan, at 367-4677 ext.3117. Also, send your resume -resumes@infinateenergy.c om. EOE/AA/MFDV. For more information go to This is a great place to ork! Time is of essence. Call now. 3-14-15-14 Positions available for full or part time in sales. Gator Mania in Oaks Mall. Call 3317353 or 331-1831 3-18-17-14 PROGRAMMER Internship C++ and GOP experience required. Installshield, Palm and PocketPC knowledge desired. email: 3-10-10-14 MARKETING ASSISTANT Internship Gain experience in the medical publishing field. Computer, telephone and Internet research skills req. email 3-1010-14 TECH. SUPPORT Position Strong verbal/written communication, and computer proficiency required. $6.00/Hr Pt/Ft 3-10-1014 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$$$$$$$$$ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 4-20-40-14 Hiring full time and part time kitchen prep person. Positive, fun, work environment with flexible hours. Skills include great attitude, ability to multi-task, affinity for fast-paced work environment, and enthusiasm for food and cooking. Apply in person at Celebrations Catering, 904 N. Main St. 3-10-10-14 COOKIES BY DESIGN needs weekday delivery drivers. AM & PM shifts available. Call for information or come by our Butler Plaza location 3256 SW 35th Blvd. 378-8821 3-10-10-14 Web Programmer -asp,, vb script, c#, SQL knowledge. E-mail resume to 4-20-43-14 EARN EXTRA MONEY EASY WORK -ON CAMPUS OUTGOING Call 251-550-5390 3-14-10-14 PT/FT SALES, MARKETING & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS WANTED: Flexible hours. Get the experience you need! Internships avail. Call 380-0076. email 3-16-10-14 *DANCERS NEEDED* Private dance co. Great for students. Great pay, fast cash & flexible hours. Call to start today! 378-3312 3-15-10-14 Holiday Inn University Center Hotel Immediate openings for the following: Night Auditor, Front Desk and Bellman. Apply in person Monday -Friday 8-5pm 3-11-7-14 EQUINE VETERINARY NURSING. Veterinary hospital in NW Ocala seeking students-to join our nursing staff on weekends. Please call Mary Ellen Klein, Practice Manager @ 352-873-7830 for details. 3-16-10-14 Full time or part time sales agent needed. Flexible schedule, great job for student and recent grads! Earn an average $300 per day. First Horizon Merchant Services a Fortune 500 Company is looking for 3 sales agents in Gainesville area. Call 866-882-9600 or email 3-17-10-14. Athletic Director with B.S. in sport-related field. Prefer athletic background w/experience as coach or director. FT w/ benefits. Fax resume to 373-5550 or email 3-10-5-14 Trainee needed for busy espresso bar across from Oaks Mall. Good pay excellent skills taught. Email contact info, work references w/dates & contacts to: tendoug@atlantic. net. Grad student (or similarly flexible schedule) preferred. 3-10-5-14 LC,L t Be a summer camp counselor at Circle F Dude Ranch! Activities include horseback riding, waterfront, sports, paintball and rockwall. Call 1-800-566-3833 or visit for more info 3-11-5-14 Busy Chinese Restaurant needs organized, dependable person for cashier/order-taker/ server. Hourly + tips. Lunches & some dInners. 372-4282 3-14-7-14 EXPERIENCED DRIVER PT/FT Nighttime/ daytime. Casino's Pizza 1710 SW 13th St. Apply within 3-17-10-14 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP NEEDED University Air Center is looking for an outgoing individual w/good organization skills. No exp needed. Come see us at 4701. NE 40th Terr off Waldo Rd. PT positions avail. 3-18-11-14 PICTURE FRAMER PT -custom framing experience preferred. The Great Frame Up 4144 NW 16th Blvd. 373-5400 3-11-6-14 BABYSITTER needed for M, W, F. Day hours. 1 year old, light housekeeping. Please send references & experience to babysitter3 3-11-6-14 MONEY MOTIVATED? Earn up to $117,500 in bonuses in 2005! Must have positive attitude and be success driven. Call 1-877-656-3344 for appt. 3-3120-14 All Levels Tutor Wanted Use your time wisely Good Pay, Flexible Hours Sell your knowledge! 3-10-5-14 PT CLEANING SERVICE Great for college students. Flexible hours. Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 3-1810-14 CAMP WEKEELA Premiere co-ed camp on mountain lake setting hiring instructors & supervisors for Outdoor Adventure, Ropes, Watersports, Tennis, Land Sprots, Gymnastics, Creative & Performing Arts, Incl guitar. Dates: 6/16-8/21. Have a summer of a lifetime in beautiful Maine! Contact 1-888-9935335, Apply at 3 11-5-14 ATTN: ART STUDENTS Illustrator needed for children's book. Cute nocturnal animals. Contact Samantha 352283-9696 3-18-10-14 The Reitz Union Productions Department is now accepting applications for student assistant positions. Productions employees work in a fast-paced environment setting tables, chairs, staging and audio-visual equipment for meetings and banquets in the Reitz Union. Opportunities for advancement are available in our growing department. Apply on-line at:, and list "Productions" as your first choice of employment 3-11-5-14 MAUI TERIYAKI Now hiring PT/FT COOKS & CASHIERS. Apply in person. Tower Rd & 13th St locations. 3-18-10-14 Support staff needed working with the developmentally disabled. Please call 352-3593763 or email 3-15-7-14 LIFEGUARD: Part-time temporary (OPS) position from April through summer. 25-30 hours per week Monday through Sunday at psychiatric institution for adult males. $9.90 per hour. Current/active lifeguard certification is REQUIRED. Contact Nancy Shaffer (352) 264-8249 (NFETC) An EEO/AA Employer 3-11-5-14 NEED CASH? Excellent starting pay. Work around classes. Resume builder. Start immed. All ages 18+. Cond Apply. Call now! 335-1422 3-14-5-14 Leasing Consultant Energetic Attitude Customer Serv. Exp. 220 N. Main 375-2152 x 301 3-14-5-14 Groundskeeper Custodial duties/Apt Maint. Transporation a must. 220 N Main 375-2152 x 301 DFWP 3-145-14 *SUMMER WORK* College Credit Possible $672/wk 888-362-2635 ext 251 for more info. 4-2032-14 Casino's Pizza & Sub Delivery Driver Pizza Maker Assistant Manager Experienced only. Call 262-7777 3-16-7-14 VALET PARKING Full time/part time people wanted. Must be customer oriented & dependable. Call Andy 888-463-1954 X 205 Good pay! 3-11-3-14 Gainesville Country Club Housekeeping.position PT Mon-Fri 7:00 am to 1:00 pm. Lunch provided. call Greg at 317-5602 DFWP 3-15-5-14 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"


THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 3 ALLIGATOR, 2 Help Wanted HelpWanted Help HeIpWqnted, 1 H pW, ant ed Mantdd, Hell all PART TIME WORK 30 openings! !at payl Flex schedules. Sales/Svc, all s 18+. Conditions Apply 335-1422. 3-14-5-14 Oak Hammock offer a stable, consistent work environ-t with steady hours, a full benefit packand opportunity to work in an upscale ithcare setting. Experience preferred; but will train people who possess a positive :ude. We offer a very competitive benefit kage. Housekeeper -FT & PT Groundskeeper -FT 7am -3:30 pm Painter -FT Waitstaff -FT & PT Assistant Dining Room Manager -FT TOP INDUSTRY PAYI Hourly wage, don't depend on tips! I work with school schedules; no exp. re-ed, will train those with the right attitude. Apply in Person: 5100 SW 25th Blvd Gainesville, Florida 32608 Oak Hammock is a DFWP/EOEI Jobine: 352-548-1180 4-5-14 C C E Marketing Specialist, Project Coordinator, Administrative Assistant for Psychologist's Private Practice Small publishing company in psychologist's office in Alachua needs coordinator of projects involving book marketing, shipping, sales, client scheduling, workshop preparation and office correspondence. Profliency of Microsoft Office necessary. MTh 10am-5pm, $10 an hour. Email resume: or fax: 386-4621952 3-14-4-14 Weekend work for student. Yard chainsaw work, carpentry, electrical, plumbing & some heavy lifting. From $6.50-$8.00/hr depends on skill & experience. Call 375-8183 3-113-14 Shands at Vista Mental Health Tech -PRN All Shifts/ Weekends -High School dimploma or equivalent required, student in clinical health program or previous experience as CNA or psychiatric tech required. Apply on-line at, click on jobs. Questions, call 265-0411 ext 85402 3-10-2-14 AUNTIE ANNE'S PRETZELS Hiring store manager, shift managers, crew members. Apply in person Oaks Mall Food Court. 3-11-3-14 LEGAL ASSIST for P1/Criminal law office. Will train bright, energetic recent college grad. Fax resume to Courtney 352-3352272 3-15-5-14 L. >0 U, 0 z '(U 0 E E 0 0 I.aI SAl 'A E -Mgmt trainee, HCA Patient Account Services (Gainesville) Acct mgmt, health care admin, or finance majors welcome to apply. Please apply on-line at wwworange for consideration: On-campus interviews to be held at UF in March. 3-15-5-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF. Apply between 2 & 4 Mon-Fri, Calico Jack's. 3501 SW 2nd Ave, Creekside Mall. 3-22-10-14 EFFECTIVE SPEAKERS 32 yr old NYSE Co. PT, commissionable, flex hrs, will train self-starters. 866-397-PLAN, Bob Renwick 3-15-5-14 Now hiring servers, bussers. Must be available minimum 2 weekday lunch shifts. Apply in person On the Border 3100 SW Archer Rd. 3-1f-5-14 SAT/ACT tutor to help develop on-line study program. Contact 352-375-0772 Ext 122 or forward resume to 4-5-20-14 PT/FT LANDSCAPERS WANTED Valid drivers license a must. 352-222-1904 3-22-10-14 Earn $5-7/hr for participating in psychology study. Come by room 375 Psychology Bldg, UF campus, to apply 3-10-2-14 Software Tester LifeSouth Community Blood Centers seeks a Software Tester to execute test cases, assist with or prepare test plans and scripts, and other testing duties. Must demonstrate a stong work ethic including attendance and productivity above average. Minimum 2+ years of experience in software testing/programming and AA degree in computer science required. Familiar with PL/SQL and C/C++. Blood banking experience desired. Submit resume via email to EOE/DFWP 3-22-10-14 PHOTOGRAPHERS/EASTER BUNNIES to work at The Oaks. We will train. Call 2315316 ro 1-800-285-6783 3-15-5-14 Cleaners needed, will train. Must be honest, dependable & dedicated. 352-377-8654. Call for applications & interview. 3-11-3-14 Part time nanny/sitter wanted for Mondays, plus. Above market pay. Call 352-870-3418 to inquire. 3-15-5-14 EARN $1000 MAR/APR P/T FLEX HRS. Public Relations project. Work P/T Flex Hrs. Use your own computer for e-mails, phone follow-up for students. Call 378-58181 3-11-3-14 Bright, enthusiastic, industrious workers wanted for toy/gift store. FT/PT. Must be able to work weekends, breaks and holidays. Stop by for an application @ 1510 NW 13th St 3-28-14-14 A N N 0 U N C I N G A L ADDED VALUE: All applicants receive 1 year free student membership in The American Water Works Association, the, definitive authority on drinking water health, science, engineering and management. WANTED: PT barn help in exchange for living accomodations. Exp needed. Micanopy area. Silber Ridge Stables 352-361-1454 3-22-10-14 DRIVERS WANTED. Up to $100/day. MonSat. 2 shifts. Experience preferred. Call or apply in person Golden Buddha 372-4282, 380-9076 613 NW 16th Ave. 3-15-5-14 PRESCHOOLASSISTANT TEACHER Downtown presechool needs nurturing part time assistant teachers. Must have exp w/ young children. Execellent working environment. 376-1818 3-15-5-14 Call center needs telephone agents for all shifts 24 hours 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in person 3-12-4-14 LEASING CONSULTANT Outgoing and detailed people needed for part-time position in busy leasing-consulting office. Fax resume to (352) 384-3982 3-15-5-14 Join One of the Top 8 Fitness Centers in the Country. Now hiring for. Receptionist Floor Instructor Kid's Club Attendant Housekeeping: Night shift Minimum one year commitment Apply at the Gainesville Health & Fitness Center 4820 Newberry Road CAINESVILLE Health&Fitness -(-CE N T E R 3-10-2-14 5 Star Pizza is now hiring delivery drivers. Great pay, flexible hrs. Closing drivers average over $100 per shift. Apply in person at 600 NW 75th st 352-333-7979 3-16-5-14 Be a Nanny for a Loving familyl FT/PT/Occasional, Great Money Experience Reccomended mail to: (352) 332-1234/(866) 422-6550 4-20-30-14 Nurse/Medical assistant for busy Dermatology office. ideal position for health related major. Full time position 32-36 hrs/ wk, Minimum 1 yr commitment. Experience preferred but willing to train motivated person. Salary negotiable. Fax resume to 352-332-2966 3-23-10-14 Food Service Worker Gator Dining Services is looking for food service workers with experience in food prep and hot line serving. Day or night shift. Competitive pay, flax hours. Apply at Galpr Dining Services business office. 3-16-5-14 MYSTERY SHOPPERS NEEDEDI Earn while you shop Call Now Toll Free! 1-888-255-6040 Ext 13400 3-10-1-14 FARAH'S ON THE AVENUE now hiring fo summer exp STERVER, DISHWASHER PREP COOK Apply M-Fri 2-4 1120 W UniAve 3-16-5-14 ENTREPRENEURS Make big money selling the hottest T-shirts on campus. WWW.TSELLER.COM 3-10-1-14 Flexible hours great $ Outdoor job will train Need landscape crew members for installs No maintenance. Call Beth 373-7979 EOE M/F 3-16-5-14 GREAT PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO STAY! Parl Place Car Wash is looking for hard worker for all positions. Cashiers (full day avilablity and line workers. (AM 8:30 -1 & PM 12 -1 shifts available) 15-40 hrs your choice. Great woork environments.Apply in person. 740 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. Ni phone calls please. 3-31-16-14 P.K. Yonge Developmenal Research Schoo Announcement of Teaching Vacancy 2004-2005 School Year Subsitute Teachers Eligible applicants must posses a Bachelor' Degree, superior references and cleared FDLE fingerprinting results. Please forwar resume, fingerprinting results and three let ters of reference by March 18th, 2005. Pit Yonge DRS is an affirmative action/EOI employer. Send employment packet to: Dr Frances M Vandiver, Director c/o Ms. Loretta Robinson 1080 SW 11th Street Gainesville, FL 32601 Ph: 352/392-1554 X 223 Fax: 352/392-9559 3-14-3-14 P.K. Yonge Developmental Research Schoc Announcement of Teaching Vacancies 2005-2006 School Year Elem ESE Primary MS Science MS Math MS Art OHS Guidance Couselor OHS Social Studies Sec. PE/Softball Coach Eligible applicants muct possess Bachelor's or Master's Degree, prefer teact ing experience and posession of an eligibi for Florida Teaching Certification. Submit lei ter of intent, resume, certification and thre letters of reference by March 25. 2005 deac line. P.K. Yonge DRS is an Affirmative Actior .EEO Employer. Send complete packet to Dr. Frances M. Vandiver, Director c/ Mrs. Loretta Robinson 1080 SW 11th Street Gainesville, Florida 32601-7899 Phone: 352/392-1554 X 223 Fax: 352/392-9559 3-14-3-14 Nanny needed for 8 month old boy. hours a week, M-F, flexible hours, $7 p hour, EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES MUST. Must be child/infant CPR certifie Please call Kelly at 219-8059 3-16-5-14 TUTORS NEEDED Apply at Top payl 3-23-5-14 Classifieds. Continued on next page. THE ROY LIKINS SCHOLARSHIP Scholarships valued up to $2000 will be awarded in both undergraduate and graduate categories by the Florida Section Arnerican Water Works Association. ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must have attained 65 college credit hours, have a minimum of 3.0 GPA based on a 4.0 system, and must be pursuing a degree related to the drinking water industry in a Florida college or university.


24; ALLIGATOR N THURSDAY; MARCH-10; 2005 Services Sres Personais Rid AAA STORAGE ***TAEKWONDO*** Close To UF, Convenient 30 Day Trial Membership Free 4x4x4 $20/mo Men 0 Women 0 Children 4x8x8 $35/mo 352-375-0700 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 40-20-59-15 4-20-11-15 MOST IMPORTANT SKILL IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, FOR LAW SCHOOL SUCCESS? Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Check out: Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 4-20-71-15 4-20-58-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve mem**AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** ory 8x. concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Complete Auto Service Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Imports & Domestics Cars & Trucks Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 NGH certified 379-1079. 4-20-67-15 _____________________________ 4-20-56-15 ** GATOR MOVING & STORAGE ** **IMPROVE YOUR GRADES** Local and long distance moving. No tutoring. Music stimulates brain. Free Estimates 30 minutes per day at home. One item or a housefull. FL Reg # IM19 Free consultation with professional. 4-20ow! (352)374-4791 800-797-6766. ** 379-1981** 3-104-20-71-15 0-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER Personal and Group Training The countryclub for horses & owners. Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' Call for a free workout x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump pad15 339-2199 dock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 4-20-71-15 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591*BELLY DANCE 3175 3-18-19-15 Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio Need A Tutor? For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 Find a tutor at Gainesville's GUNS GUNS GUNS! 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 4-20-71-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 373-7070 4-20-71-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Ave 375-3752. 4-20-71-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 4-20-71-18 THE SWEET TEA POETRY CIRCLE 3-10-1-18 Wal Connections Want to make a connection? Place your ad here to look for someone to share a common interest with or for your true love Furry, feathery, scaly .no, not your Maso da roommate .pets. Find or advertise your pet or pet products here in the Pets section of o the Alligator. GMG TRANSPORT& Foud 2n Y th fFi i I Q F1 B rs. as e Ca Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP. 336-7026 4-20-71-23 Miami Bus Service $40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm 335-8116 4-20-67-23 **FLY TO/FROM*** COCOA BEACH, BREVARD COUNTY $99 rt 1-866-453-2605 4-20-67-23 Everybody knows how awful if feels to lose something. If you find something, call the Alligator at 373-FIND and we'll place a free "Found" ad for you in this section (Offer. does not apply to "Lost" ad.) Be kind to someone who's lost what you've found. FOUND: Dog on SW 20th Ave on 3/1. Mak black lab/pitt bull mix, no collar. 352-51' 2805 3-10-3-25 LOST: BLACK & BROWN BEAGLE/ DASCHUND MIX. 18 lb male. "Bunky" Archer & 34th St. area. Mon 2/28 pm. REWARD. Call 352-871-0365 3-15-5-25 Finders Keepers? If you find something, yo can place a FREE FOUND AD in our lost & found section. Be kind to someone who's lost what you've found. Call 373-FIND. F= -== #1 Tutor Service 4-20-71-15 All Levels and Subjects 3-10-5-14 -Event Notices c HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious o il I I I I 1 030 acres -ring-arena -round pens -expe**LEGAL SECRETARY SEMINAR** rienced help -12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627. Sat March 26th in Gainesville. Learn basic IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUE OR Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons -civil litigation and office protocol. $150 regORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? avail. 4-20-71-15 istration fee. Limited availability. 352-796DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL I 7371 3-15-5-15 ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD I MOSSWOOD FARM HERE AND GET IT NOTICED! Come ride with us! Great Farm a Awesome Horses &Top Notch Instruction. Health EXPENSIVE, LUXURY Hunters & Natural Horsemanship. UFGRADUATION ACCOMMODATIONS. 466-0465 All Women's Health Center TWO ROOMS LEFT EMAIL: 4-20-67-15 ABORTION ~ 3-14-5-20 Free Pregnancy Test TRAFFIC SCHOOL ONLINE RU-486 Available Take Points Off Your Driver's License 378-9191 Entertainment CD And dismisss Traffic Tickets Withlinine Driver Improvement Courses 4-20-71-16 WALDO FARMER & FLEA MARKET C-I -4-20-71-15 THE TRUE YOU! Every Sat&Sun -Hwy 301I I Lose 8-15 pounds in 4 weeks 15 min from Gainesville 468-2255. CL Whipoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture board. Only $9! 4-20-71-21 I 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn Gain muscle while you lose fat 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted Groups forming now. 339-2199. FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL I arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on 4-20-71-16 AirbaCl, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres premises. 376-8792 4-20-71-15 Call for the best group rates! ___________________ URGENT CAREVVALK-IN MEDICAL 35-3880 352-338-8408 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Students -No Appointment Needed! 4-2071-21 Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE I0-7121I Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest 4881 NW 8th Ave #2, 373-2340 CP horse farm 0 466-4060 4-20-71-15 Most ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 4-20ROCKYCREEK PAINTBALLsB r In Gainesville Better Prices I ***YOGA*** Better Fields Better Call 371-2092 G 2o Classes & Workshops TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR ACNE with 4-20-71-21 I6 at Sanctuary Blue Light Treatments for moderate acne. ID Call Dermatology Associates 352-332-4051 1 C "I S 352-336-5656 4260 4-20-71-15 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. ***EUROPE $429 RT*** "(OD WRITING AID AND TYPING Well Woman Care & Birth Control Train & cruises also available I can help you to complete your paper. Learn Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr Gator Country Travel 373-1992 SD to write. Outline, Research, Grammar, 352-372-1664. FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 .,I Coherency, Typing 374-7038 4-20-50-15 4-20-71-16 4-20-71-22 TERM PAPER HELP: Frustrated? Need ***WEST COAST $198 RT*** Assistance? Help with research and Typing Services os Angeles, Seattle & morel Call for best writing? TOLL FREE 1-888-345-8295 rates. Gator Country Travel 373-1992 LAsSIFICATiONS (pheck one) 4-8-60-15 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-1 8264 SAME DAY SERVICE: transcription, typing, 4-20-71-12 1. For Rent: Fumished .14. Help Wanted FINANCE TUTOR apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, 2. For Rent: Unfurnished 15. Services Individuals or small groups. flyers, ads, logos. Resume service -17 yrs ***AIRFARE $118 RT*** 3. Sublease: House/Apt -16. Health Services Experienced, excellent. exp. -24 hr turnaround. New phone #Connie NYC, DC, Philly, New England & more! 4. Roommates .17. Resumes/Typing Services 375-6641 Harold Nobles 271-2677 3-16-10-17 ..Gator Country'Travel 373-1992 5. Real Estate -18. Personals 3-14-40-15 6FL Seller of Travel Reg No ST-18264 -0. Furniture/Household Items -19. Connections T " 4-20-71-22 7. Computers .20. Events/Notices **First Responder** Personals --8. Stereos/Electronics -21. Entertainment Learn emergency medical care. -9. Bicycles .22. Tickets Prerequisite for EMT/Paramedic ---1l. For Sale -23. Rides Includes healthcare provider CPR Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing _11. Mopeds/Motorcycles .-.-_24. Pets 392-1161x4283 3-24Alachua County Health Dept. Call 2. Auo 25. Lost & Found 42-15 334-7960 for pp't (optional $20 fee) X_113 Wanted SMASTERCARD VISA EXP. DATE **Lifeguard Training* SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES Alligator Classifiedg are now online at: CREDITeCARD htpk//wwwalligatororg/class> Check it out! G) -0 Z GO~a .71 '11 > : 03 -o o 0 -o (> 0 o-< 0 > Z m Im Cn N a 03 OFFICE USE ONLY Sp. Chg. CASH -CK Rec. By (Circle One) 1 Day.$5.50 2 Days.$9.50 3 Days.$12.50 4 Days.$15.50 5 Days.$18.50 Additional Days $2.00 each Days = $ Addition al Lines $2.00 each line, each day -Add' Lines = $ &--M----M-M M I Red dross certification includes CPR professional rescuer/first aid Classes start now 392-1161x4283 www.shcc.ufl.edulcpr 4-4-49-15 University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 4-20-71-18


THURSDAY, MARCH 10; 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 25 JSEBALL Jntearned rnuns*% rvornove vision of victoryr for Gators By TIM CASEY Alligator Writer there was no joy in Gainesville ighty Bryson had struck out. JF dropped the second game its midweek series to UNCieville 8-5 Wednesday, sending >arse crowd of 329 home disapnted after sitting in rain and cold iperatures for three and a half irs. Freshman Bryson Barber stood at plate with the bases loaded, his n down by three. With two outs and a full count, Bryson struck out swinging to end the game. The Gators (12-4) loaded the bases and scored a run without getting a hit in the bottom of the ninth inniing. "That's the kind of game you always dream about," UNC-Asheville coach Willie Stewart said. "Of course, if you're on this end, you almost wake upin a nightmare. It's the fur in baseball. If we didn't have exciting games like this, I don't know if people would want to come and watch." The Bulldogs rallied to win by "At that time, I really thought we had the md5mentum and those last three innings, I was going to do my job, we'd get a couple of runs and win it." Darren O'Day UF pitcher scoring four unearned runs on two hits in the top of the ninth inning against UF closer Darren O'Day. Freshman Bryan Augenstein made his first career start, pitching three innings, striking out two and allowing four runs on four hits and a walk. O'Day entered the game with the bases loaded and one out in the sixth and induced an inning-ending double play. "At that time, I really thought we had the momentum and those last three innings, I was going to do my job, we'd get a couple of runs and win it," O'Day said. Juiior shortstop Justin Tordi ended his streak of 96 consecutive starts. Tordi injured his back diving for a ball in the sixth inning Tuesday night and sat out with back spasms. Second baseman Adam Davis took Tordi's place at shortstop, while Stephen Barton filled in for Davis, leaving an opening for Gavin Dickey in left field. Dickey went 2-for-3 with an RBI, a double and a stolen base. "Tordi is the staple of our team. He's a leader on and off the field," Dickey said. "He's the cornerstone of our infield. It was a little different without him. We had guys fill in pretty nicely in his absence." %rous go vorst -s with ms Id ra io itins JF COACH JILL BRILES-HINTON: ALLORY, SHE'S A FIGHTER.' By NICK ZACCARDI Alligator Writer UF golfer Mallory Code remains in in3ive care at a Denver hospital fighting ltiple life-threatening health conditions, a diversity Athletic Association source said tier this week. Code, a sophomore, has been fighting off iplications resulting from cystic fibrosis, a g disorder, and diabetes for months both at nds at UF and in Denver. "Mallory, she's a fighter," UF coach Jill Briles-Hinton said: "So that's what I expect her to do. I'll just keep her and her family in my thoughts." Sports Information Director Sarah Riesberg confined that Code suffers from pneumonia, a yeast infection and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Neither Code nor her sister Whitney has played golf since Fall 2003, and her older brother Jordan formerly competed for the men's team. VARGAS HONORED: James Vargas was named the co-Southeastem Conference golfer of the week following his performance at the Puerto Rico Classic last weekend. Vargas, who shared the honor with Tennessee's Ross McGowan, turned in the lowest round of any Gators player this year -a 65 on the opening day in Puerto SRico. Fellow junior Matt L Every received the same E4very SEC honor last week following his victory at the Mercedes-Benz Collegiate Championship. MEN RISE, WOMEN FALL IN RANKINGS: Vargas and the Gators have cracked the top 10 in the most recent Golfweek rankings, holding the No. 9 spot. UF dropped out of the top 25 after a preseason No. 1 ranking but won two consecutive tournaments to start the spring. They Gators will compete in the Southern Highlands Collegiate Championship in Las Vegas, Nev., this weekend. The UF women's rankings have slipped, however. The Gators fell one position to No. 16 after finishing sixth in ih e Gator Invitational over the weekend. The winners of the Gator Invitational, Wake Forest, bounced UF from the top 15, rising from 18th to 10th in the rankings. I, js. M.Aichigan Stal ri., March 11 acaa-Cola ICids N~ight Z tix, 4 hot dogs and I sodas for $016. =ir-3 -900 fans receive 1rd of 4 FREE mini poster'. rhe 10th inning autograph I mmediately following the game, -an get autographs from nra Sat., IMarch 12 -ED2 PMV 3rd Annual Gator E1312 and Luau =irst 300 ULF students receive :REE food courtesy of Chipotle, starting at 1:15 PMI iurn. March 1: 3 =irst E5OO fans recs Pn of : =RE=E" \like Gator Retrz Pennants! f(uth League Day-youth league layers can hear Coach Miac talk.' rir to the game, at,1q AM! 3wamp Fun I-louse! Infiatable games or kids to play on during the game =ollowing the game, kids.14 & under :an Circle the 0ases! Persons with diabiies requiring assistance or infr mationmay contact the UAA at BM034-GATOR The-speech and hearing unpaired sophomore, Brian I IMAUI(O s up the biggest entertainment deal around-the Silver Springs / Wild Waters Super Pass, now only $20. Offer expires March 31, 2005. EXT32 3ATO F15 2236-2121 YUSUPER PASS ONLINE AT WWW.SILVERSPRINGS.COM/UFPROMO OR AT SILVER SPRINGS BY SHOWING YOUR GATOR ONE C ID Are you Graduating and unsure about your future? Enhance career possibilities with the Warrington College of Business MAA.STIER~ QF SGYIEC MANJ AGE M ENT7 A one-year Master's degree in Business for non-business majors Information Session Tuesday, March 15th 7 PM -Stuzin Hall, Room 103 (UF Campus) msm (352) 273-0344 roday 430pm. 7m, 915pm Last Night!! Hippodrome Cinema 375-HIPP


26, ALLIGATOR N THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 Alligator SEC Tournament Predictions Thursday, March 10 [W5] MISSISSIPPI Game I 1:00 PM [E4] SOUTH CAROLINA [E6] GEORGIA Game 2 3:15 PM Friday, March 11 SOUTH CAROLINA -The Rebels gave South Carolina a scare in the season finale, narrowly faling in overtime. Expect the Gamecocks to win this one decisively -Mississippi will have no answer for Carios Powell inside. MSU -Mississippi State was the early favorite to win the SEC, but has since faltered. A loss to Georgia, however, would be flatout shocking. Lawrence Roberts will get the ball early and often, ending all talks of a crazy upset. j Ga [W31 MISSISSIPPI STATE [E2] FLORIDA [E5] TENNESSEE Game 3 7:30 PM [W4] ARKANSAS [W6] AUBURN Game 4 9:45 PM [E31 VANDERBILT ARKANSAS -This should be the best game of the4irst round, with Arkansas getting the slight edge Watch for Ronnie Brewer to go up against defensively-challenged Scooter McFadgon -Brewer will break out for at least 20 points. VANDERBILT -Auburn has no starter taller than 6-foot6. Vanderbilt has a 7-foot-2 starter who shoots threes but can't rebound. Go figure. This should be an easy win for the Commodores, who need a deep run in this tournament to secure an NCAA berth. Saturday, March 12 ALABAMA -Alabaa had no problem defeating South Carolina earlier this season, and the Tide will score an easy win again. USC's Powell versus 'Bama's Chuck Davis makes for a good matchup, but the Gamecocks can't stop Kennedy Winston and Earnest Shelton. Game 9 1:00 PM MSU -UF is on a tear, but this is a bad matchup for the Gators. UF has had little success this year against tall frontcourts, and the Bulldogs have two monster players I Sn Roberts andU Varcus Campbell. But don't count outthe GatorsKENTUCKY -Still peeving from the loss at UF, the Wildcats will take out their frustrations on the Razorbacks. Arkansas will compete early, and maybe even lead in the first half, but Kentucky will come away with a big win. Game 10 3:15 PM LSU -LSU is playing its best ball as of late, but this will be a surprisingly close game. A win could clinch an NCAA berth for Vandy, but LSU will pull away late, leaving the Commodores headed to the NIT. Sunday, March 13 ALABAMA-Alabama shocked MSU in a 49-point rout in January. It was much closer in the season finale, but Alabama still pulled away. It's difficuIt to beat a quality team three times in one season, but the Tide will Roll. CHAMPIONSHIP Game 11 1:00 PM -LSU -The legion of blue and white fans will leave Atlanta devastated when Glen Davis and Brandon Bass dominate Randolph Morris and Chuck Hayes. An SEC Championship without Kentucky? Yep. LSU -An all-SEC West championship is rare, bu this should be a great game that comes down to the wire. In the end, Bass will show a national television audience why he was the SEC Player of the Year when he notches 20 points and 10 rebounds. SEC Tournament Champion NCAA Tournament Automatic Qualifier Jennifer LaBrie / Alligator Si capu crazer F R E S H S A L A D S A N D S U C H Eating is okay, but eating gourmet is great. ___m-RI-W f, ( That's why Crispers has been a sensation for over 16 years. Today, we're expanding throughout Florida as the quick, delicious alternative to fast food. All our gourmet salads, sensational soups, and stacked sandwiches are made fresh, At Crispers, gourmet soups are a specialty. every single day. Since you're taking so many credits and going to If you're a sweet freak, our desserts so many classes, we want you to try it for FREE. will make your eyes open wide. Creamy cheesecakes, mile-high layer cakes, Just show us your valid UF student ID card. okis browni. t goes on forever. Then there are the real milkshakes and We've got I 2 varieties of soups, gumbos, gooey sundaes made with rich, delicious chowders, and Oriental soups made fresh, -0* E wo Publix Premium Ice Cream. every day. Purchase any garden-fresh 4 No bad burgers, no pitiful pizza. gourmet salad, hearty stacked sandwich or -dust great gourmet food,tmade fresh. wrap priced over $4, and get a 12-ounce cup of our incredible soup, FREE. 4 CRISPERS CENTER 3102 SW 34th Street phone: (352) 335-6150 Got a UF ID card? x (352>335-6128 Then, there's FREE SOUP VD 0R waiting for you at Crispers! CRES H SALADS AND SU CH Free soup or $2.99 off chowders and gumbos with salad, To see all our menu selections, click sandwich or wrap purchase over $4 and valid student ID Card. EXPIRES 3-24-05 on Game 5 1:00 PM [W1] ALABAMA me 6 3:15 -M I Game 7 7:30 PM [E1] KENTUCKY Game 8 [W2] LOUISIANA STATE 7 9:45 PM


i~P rack s fr intina STAFF REPORT The No. 2 UF men's track and field team will send nine athletes in 10 different events to the 2005 NCAA Indoor Championships, held March 11-12 at the Randal Tyson Track Center. The fourth-ranked women's team will travel nine athletes in seven events to the meet. The men's squad finished tied for second at the NCAA Indoor meet in 2004 with a program-best 38 points, and will look to finish in the top 10 for the sixth time in the last 10 years. "We got just about everybody in that we thought we would," UF men's track and field coach Mike Holloway said. "We're a little disappointed Shane Stroup and Dwight Ruff didn't get in, but we're looking forward to the challenge ahead of us. This might be the most balanced squad we've had. It's probably also the most confident team we've had. Everybody is healthy and well-rested, and we're ready to go." The women's team also finished second in 2004 with a sum of 51 points and has ended the Indoor meet in the top five in six of the past nine seasons. The Student Government operates with your money. Let me know how to spend it. If elected senator representing Fine Arts, I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU! Vote at the Music Building 8am-8pm Tuesday, March 15th & Wednesday, March 16th. This was created and produced by Andrew Jean. Pd. Pol. Adv. Tres. David Meyrowitz Your Classified Ad. 140 NIWPAPERS. One phone call. Place your classified ad in 140 Florida newspapers with one phone call, starting at $375. Just call the Alligator and ask about the Florida Classified Advertising Network. Or call 1-800-742-1373. A service of the Florida Press Association. Tk-LRSDAYMARCH o,2005 11ALLIdATOR),!27 Crowder looks to secure first-round spot GATORS, from page 28 Fason and linebacker Channing Crowder, a sophomore that also left school early, are UF's only first-day picks, Miami Dolphins general manager Rick Spielman said. "These two guys are good players, don't get me wrong, but there has been three or four or five guys that you come to look at," Spielman said. Green Bay Packers defensive coordinator Jim Bates and other coaches agreed, saying that UF having GIRV BALLS, from page: only two "draftable players" is uncommon. The weather may have affected players' performances. Temperatures Crewder hovered around 50 degrees on Wednesday, and numerous coaches and players said it may have affected their workouts. "This is a little bit of an example of when you have ideal conditions to work out at the combine, then his character and injury history. It's probably safe to say Crowder could have dogged it out there and the scouts wouldn't care -they know what he's capable of. Fason had a pretty good workout from what the NFL'ers said. That's important because Fason could get squeezed out of the first round depending on how the draft shakes out. Being drafted in the first round, even at No. 32, makes a difference in the wallet. Of course, Crowder and Fason were the two you have to come here and work out in this, like, Wisconsin weather, it affects them a little bit," Spielman said, referring to the NFL combine in Indianapolis that both Fasoiwand Crowder skipped. But Fason was happy with his workout and plans to celebrate on draft day. "I'll be in Jacksonville," Fason said. "I'm having a tittle draft party get together -high school coaches and basically family." It beats eating breakfast by yourself. players everyone was focusing on, and most likely they will set themselves up financially for the rest of their lives. But in the words of coaches like Bates and Hunley, you expect to seriously be looking at four or five guys at UF Pro Day. That doesn't discount the chances of guys like Mo Mitchell and Matt Leach getting drafted late on the second day. It only means that this didn't feel like a UF Pro Day. As for Honest Urban, the meaning of a down year at Pro Day is undetermined. Does it mean the best is yet to come because the best players were the younger bunch, or does Meyer truly have some work to do? 9 A Friends for Life of America presents the 5th Annual MILE FOR A CHILD 5k Run, walk, bike, or skate to benefit pediatric cancer patients! Sunday, March 13th 9:00 a.m. Commuter Lot on Gale Lemerand Drive (Formerly North South Drive) For registration form and more information, pleasevisit: FULLY LIGHTED FOR NIGHTTIME USE I A Bucket -Best Grass Tees in Area I -Chipping & Putting Green i Any Tine vd s Club Repair ONE COUPONPERVISIT -Golf Lessons by PGA Pros fferonly vaid withcoupon. 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THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligatorS po rts.or! Breakfast doesn't slow Fason I FASON'S 40-YARD DASH TIMES WERE IN THE 4.5's. By IAN FISHER Alligator Staff Writer Although Ciatrick Fason said he went into Wednesday's UF Pro Day luie it was game, it didn't actually end up that way. The fornier Gators player did something he'd never done in preparation for his workout for NFL scouts and coaches. "I was just so focused, I got up at like 7 o'clock and I went to Denny's," said Fason, who left the Gators after his junior year. "I never ate by myself before in my whole life inside a restaurant. I just sat in there for like an hour and a half until it was time to come over here." Fason was so focused he didn't even remember what he had for breakfast. "I had a whole bunch of food," he said. "I don't even know." Despite probably being pretty full, Fason had a good workout, he !aid. Fason said he was clocked in the ange of 4.46-4.52 seconds in the 40ard dash. "I heard from late first to early .ecct*d [round], but they said after my workout today, I might go up," Fason said. "Hopefully I opened up some eyes out here today. "They said I had a lot of top running backs coaches out here .4 idividual workout, I had a little crowd over there. I'm hoping it helped me out a lot and put me up in that middle first round." Fason will likely be selected after Auburn's Ronnie Brown and Carnell "Cadillac" Williams and Ex-UF tailback Ciatrick Fason showcases his receiving talents for NFL scouts. Fason could get drafted in the late first round. Texas' Cedric Benson. "I can do everything those guys do but a little better," Fason said. "I put myself as the No. 1 back. "It's just I don't get the hype that the other guys do. I'm going to be the steal of the running backs corps this year, no matter if it's mid-first, late first or early second [round], because I feel like I should've been up in the top 10 along with those backs." SEE GATORS, PAGE 27 Big Three shine By BRYAN APP Alligator Staff Writer Four of the Gators' starting five members were awarded All-Southeastern Conference team honors by the league's coaches Tuesday. Junior guard Anthony Roberson was one of three players to receive first team All-SEC honors with a unanimous vote of the 12 league coaches. "I think Peep was definitely deserving," junior guard Matt Walsh said. "He's had some scoring outbursts -some 30-plus point games." Rr Senior forward David Lee made the Roberson eight-player first-team roster for the first time in his career. Walsh, who averaged 12.3 points and a team-high three assists per game, received second team honors for the second consecutive season. Freshman forward Corey Brewer, who has a teamleading 38 steals this season, was honored as a SEC AllFreshman Team player. Kentucky coach Tubby Smith, who led the Wildcats to their 43rd SEC championship this season, was also a unanimous selection for Coach of the Year after receiving the same award from the Associated Press on Tuesday. Roberson, the only player to average more than 20 points per game in league play, was honored with his second first team All-SEC selection in as many days. The SEC scoring leader, however, fell just short of Louisiana State sophomore forward Brandon Bass for the coaches' SEC Player of the Year award. After being named SEC Player of the Year by the AP, Bass swept both honors, edging out Roberson, 5-4, in the coaches' vote. Alabama junior forward Kennedy Winston, also a unanimous first-team selection, received two votes, while Kentucky senior forward Chuck Hayes garnered one. "I laid it on the floor, laid it on the line, and everybody has their own opinions," Roberson said. "But Brandon Bass is Player of the Year, so I'm happy for him." Said Walsh: "Brandon Bass is a great player, too. But if you're asking me, I'd have voted for Peep." 'Down year' for draftworthy football talent surprises NFL scouts A s alluded to in my colleague's column on Wednesday, honesty is a good thing. All of the sudden, there's a breath of fresh air in the Swamp, and his name is Urban Meyer. But we can't stop there. We hacks that make up the Gators media have to have more. Cue the UF Pro Day tape. And remember -these are their words, not mine. "Talent varies from year to year, and some guys develop and some don't," Cingnnati Bengals linebackers coach Ricky Hunley said. Gregg Girvan Throwing Girv Balls "It's a down year, definitely, for a Florida team." Wait, there's more: "Definitely [it's a down year]," said Jim Bates, former Miami Dolphins interim head coach and now the defensive coordinator of the Green Bay Packers. "We have a fewer number of coaches and scouts compared to past years, and it's a down year in numbers. "When you only have two or three draftable players at the University of Florida, that's uncommon." Hmm. Interesting. Now to the more serious part -the NFL coaches' honesty aside, it's the simple fact that this is a "down year" in terms of Gators that are draftable on April 23-24 that is telling. How appropriate that it was a dark, damp, and simply unpleasant day. It was dead-ville in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. Last year there was a bit of excitement out there. Not in 2005. There was plenty of talk about how good the players were and how bad th coach was during the 2004 season. If-thz still holds true, then all that NFL-level ta: ent did not reside in the senior class an, subsequently was absent on Wednesday. It only rested in a junior and a sophc more three years removed from high schoo Ciatrick Fason and Channing Crowder. Both are quite draftable and both eve have a chance at first-round draft. statu! A lot of boards have Crowder going in th first round, but much of his status depend on how teams evaluate him in regards t SEE GIRV BALLS, PAGE 2 '%m ~* 1987: UF center Dwayne Schintzius ties his own Gators blocks record for the third time by swatting Georgia seven times. Schintzius finished with four seven-block games, second-most all time. ENCAA Men's Basketball: Georgia vs. Mis sissippi State Sunshine, 3:30 p.m. ENCAA Men's Basketball: Arkansas vs. Tennessee Sunshine, 7:30 p.m. VU Have you filled out your SEC Tournament bracket? Go to page 26 for loads of info on the SEC teams including matchups and predictions. UF center Mike Degory was named to the Dave Rimington Trophy Spring Watch. The award is given annually to the nation's top center.