The Independent Florida alligator

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The Independent Florida alligator
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Florida allgator
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University digest
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University of Florida digest
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Campus Communications, Inc.
Creation Date:
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Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 65, no. 75 (Feb. 1, 1973)-
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Ruined at Rupp Arena


Alligator Staff Writer

Coach Billy Donovan sat with
his elbows resting on his knees,

yelling into his clutched hands,
he knew what was coming.
He was all too familiar with
Rupp Arena, with its rabid fans
and its No. 6 Kentucky team.
And after watching his team
go to the brink of breaking its
four-year losing streak against
the Wildcats, he witnessed it
wash -away with one crowd-
crazing run.

AP pnoto
David Lee and UF lost a 7-point halftime lead against Kentucky.

Mike Lemire
checks his bids
Tuesday after plac-
ing himself up for
auction on eBay as
a Valentine's Day
date. The highest
bid of the bunch
will be donated to
tsunami relief. See
story, pg. 10.

He knew it was coming. So
did the Gators.
"It was no surprise," said
junior guard Matt Walsh. "We
knew they were coming at 3
o'clock this-afternoon."
With the 69-66 loss, the
Gators (14-6, 6-3 Southeastern
Conference)- have fallen to
Kentucky eight times in as
many games.
The Wildcats overcame a
halftime deficit with a 13-3 sec-
ond-half run. With 13 minutes
remaining, Ravi Moss capped
the surge with a fast-break
layup off a behind the back
The run erased a 9-point
UF halftime lead, putting the
Wildcats ahead 47-45, and
awoke the dormant 24,191-
strong crowd.
And after shooting 9 for
27 in the first half, Kentucky
recovered with a 55.7 per-
cent mark from the field. The
Wildcats outscored UF 28-10 in
the paint in the second half, led
by 11-point outings from senior
Chuck Hayes and freshman
Randolph Morris.
In all, four Wildcats play-
ers finished in double digits in
scoring, as junior guard Kelenna
Azubuike scored a team-high
18 and freshman guard Rajon
Rondo stepped up with 14.
Initally, UF appeared in
As a team with a 9-0 record,
UF overcame some foul trouble
in the first half, quieting the
emotionally charged home
crowd and taking a 36-29 half-
time lead.
Led by Anthony Roberson,
who accounted for 15 of his
game-high 23 points on 6 of 8
shooting in the first half, UF
sunk 54.2 percent of its field
goals in the opening period.
After trailing 8-6, Roberson
sunk one of his three first-half

Gator Party completes Spring executive ticket
The Gator Party announced Tuesday its execu-
tive ticket for Spring Student Government elections.
S Former Student Sen. Joyce Medina will be the
party's vice-presidental candidate and Lindsay
Cosimi, former Student Body President Kyle
Jones' chief of staff, will run for treasurer.
Cosimi's goals include improving how student
groups request money and bringing legal music-
downloading software to UF students. Medina
said she wanted to "make multicultural enrich-
ment a more substantial part of the SG agenda."

Virus ails network

Alligator Writer

This year's flu season has spread beyond just human
UF's computer network may be coughing and sneezing in
synch with its human operators. A virus within the system is al-
lowing hackers outside the university to send e-mails
tdJent disguised as UF faculty members.
.e "We have had (an) insidious virus that has gotten
Into the UF network," said Daniel Cromer, acting
director for the Information Technology department
within the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at UE
Last week, eight e-mails with suspect subject headings such as
"Hi! :-)" and "Hey, dude, its me" were sent to subscribers on the
college's listserv, most of them under the name of Charles J. Harris,
director of the Knight Division, the scholarship arm of the College
of Journalism and Communications. During a typical week, jour-
nalism students receive two e-mails from Harris.
Harris received an e-mail from a student who opened the
attachment in an e-mail bearing Harris' name and found the
virus. The virus is described as being "easy" to contain and
moderatelyly" difficult to remove by Symantec, a computer se


Cuts to ground Bound

Alligator Writer

Potential low-income UF students
might find themselves without a col-
lege preparatory program if Congress
passes President Bush's proposed
budget later this year.
In a shakeup of the Department of
Education's budget, Bush proposed
Monday to eliminate the Upward
Bound and Talent Search programs
in fiscal year 2006. The programs of-
fer services to low-income middle and
high school students who want to at-
tend college, many of whom would be
the first in their family to do so.
Although supporters of the cut say
the programs serve ambitious students
already headed for college, many par-
ticipants come from families who can't
guide them in how to apply and at-

M Although
the University
of Georgia is
well-known for
more than cattle
is being cloned in
Athens, Ga. See
story, pg. 8.

tend, said Barbara McDade, interim
director of UF's Upward Bound.
"This awareness, this consciousness
is as much a part of the program as
helping them with grades," she said.

percent of Bradford
and Levy counties'
residents have col-
lege degrees, along
with 20 percent of
Alachua County
residents, McDade
said she doubts lo-
Bush cal parents have the
resources and experience to motivate
their children. Furthermore, UF's pro-
gram has a good record, sending about
90 percent of its graduates to college,
or 13 of 15 graduating Upward Bound
seniors last year, she said.












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The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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ais the independent florida

VOLUME 98 ISSUE 96 ISSN 0889-2423
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Candidate drops out of race for UF's No. 2 position

Alligator Staff Writer

The list of candidates for UF's
second highest administrative
position boasted one fewer name
Monday, but not because of any ac-
tion on UF's part.
Mark Thiemens, a search com-
mittee's favorite external candidate
for provost, called UF President
Bernie Machen Monday to with-
draw himself from consideration,

committee chairman Doug Barrett
"It's disappointing but not, per-
haps, unusual for a candidate to
drop out," Barrett said. "These are
incredibly talented people. They al-
ways have lots of opportunities, and
so it's never surprising when things
like this change."
The search for UF's next provost
and chief academic officer is now
in its final stages after the search
committee sent Machen the names
of four recommended candidates

"It's disappointing but not,
perhaps, unusual for a
candidate to dropoutt"
Doug Barrett
search committee chairman

Monday. Whether or not the search
committee will reconsider candi-
dates it passed over earlier is up to
The other candidates are Pramod
Khargonekar, dean of UF's College

of Engineering; George Atkinson,
professor at the University of
Arizona and adviser to the U.S. State
Department; and Richard Hoffman,
dean at the University of Nebraska-
Barrett said he did not know if
Thiemens gave Machen a reason
for his withdrawal, but he expected
all of the candidates to be recruited
regularly for similar positions, he
Thiemens could not be reached
for comment Tuesday.

On Monday, the committee dis-
cussed the need to move quickly
during the final stages of the search
to discourage candidates from drop-
ping out.
UF is competing with Secretary of
State Condoleeza Rice for Atkinson.
He is on a three-year appointment as
senior adviser for science and tech-
nology at the State Department and
is on leave as a professor at Arizona.
However, Barrett said the admin-
istrative change in the department
may influence Atkinson's decision.

Bill could relax residency

Illegal aliens may

get in-state tuition
Alligator Staff Writer

TALLAHASSEE The American dream of
a college education may soon become more at-
tainable for thousands of undocumented Florida
students who are in the United States illegally.
The Florida Senate Education Committee
passed a bill Tuesday that would allow children
of illegal immigrants to claim Florida residency
for tuition purposes under certain circum-
Under the bill, state residents must have
lived in Florida for three consecutive years with
a parent while attending and graduating from
a Florida high school. They must also sign an
affidavit promising to file to become a legal per-
manent resident at their earliest opportunity.
International students who are in the country
legally on student visas, however, would not
qualify for in-state tuition under the bill.
Currently, state law forbids community col-
leges and state universities from allowing illegal
immigrants from claiming in-state tuition ben-
efits, even if the students-lived in the state for-
years and graduated from Florida high schools.
The best such students can hope for is to
be admitted into universities, including UF, as
out-of-state students. At UF, nonresidents pay
$527.58 per credit hour, compared to $98.50 for
Moreover, students classified as nonresidents
are also barred from receiving Bright Futures
scholarships, even if they graduated in Florida
with good test scores and a high GPA.
Due to the increasing cost of out-of-state
tuition, "these aliens are more likely not to ob-
tain needed postsecondary skills or credentials
to obtain higher paying jobs," according to an

Education Committee staff report.
Since such families are often poor, the $15,827
yearly cost for 30 credits at UF compared to
$2,955 for residents makes attending college
almost impossible, perpetuating a cycle of pov-
The bill still faces steep hurdles before it can
be enacted into law. It must pass the Senate
Education Appropriations Committee and, after
the legislature convenes March 8, the bill must
pass a floor vote by the Senate.
It must also be accepted without significant
amendments by the House of Representatives,
considered the more conservative of the two
chambers. Finally, it must win Gov. Jeb Bush's
signature to be enacted into law.
Katrina Ruiz, president
of UF's Hispanic Student
Association, said that while
the bill has a long way to go
before it becomes law, she
likes the proposal.
F, F "If this piece of legislation
:f will ensure more Hispanic or
Bush Latino students will be able to
attend university, then that sounds great," she
said, though making clear that illegal immigra-
tion is not merely a Hispanic or Latino problem.
"I don't care if they're black, Hispanic, or
Caribbean. I think it's a positive outcome when
students are given the opportunity to study at a
university," she said. "I can understand the frus-
tration of the youth of illegal immigrants when
they're experiencing hardships when applying
for school."
It is unfair when students are denied an edu-
cation and a personal future because of choices
their parents made years ago, she said, adding
that if the Senate bill doesn't pass, some other
solution should be found.
The bill also clarifies that children of ac-
tive-duty soldiers stationed in Florida qualify
for in-state tuition, but only at community col-
Sleges or state universities within 50 miles of their
parent's base.

Nick Bueno lines up his shot as he enjoys an afternoon game of
croquet on the lawn of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, situated at 121
SW 13th St., on Tuesday.

Senate digs deep for Phillips Center tickets, Reitz Union


Alligator Writer

UF students now can look forward to lowered ticket pric-
es for selected campus performances, a free Caribsa festival,
and a renovated Reitz Union Hotel after Tuesday's Student
Senate meeting.
More than $700,000 from Student Government reserve
funds was promised for several campus projects, ranging
from ticket subsidies for Phillips Center performances to
fixing a faulty sewer valve discovered three weeks ago at
the Reitz Union.

In addition to the $100,000 approved to fix the sewer line, a.
$500,000 no-interest loan will be given to the Reitz Union Hotel
to pay for general renovations. SG is not permitted to accept
interest on loans.
"This is the place that students have given to themselves,"
Reitz Union Director David Kratzer said of the union.
Preliminary estimates provided by Kratzer predicted
the project's supplies would cost nearly
Student $360,000 plus about $140,000 in labor costs.
Government He said the renovations would allow
the hotel to charge guests an additional
$15 without raising rates for student groups.
Sen. Andrew Hoffman disapproved of the loan, which is to be
paid back in five years at $100,000 a year, saying SG would not
give the money'to a student group in a similar circumstance.
"By loaning the Reitz Union money, we are congratulating

inefficient management," Hoffman said.
Sen. MacKenzie Moritz, who co-authored the bill, respond-
ed to Hoffman's claim, saying the need for funding was caused
when Capital Improvement Trust Funds went to other campus
groups at no fault of the union's management.
In other Senate news, shows at the Phillips Center now will
cost all UF students $10 less.
The Pistol and Rifle Club has most of the funding for its an-
nual shooting festival in its sights, but no trigger to pull.
The club's special request to fund its Spring shooting fes-
tival included money for everything Vice President Matt Fine
said the club asked for except shotgun rental.
Fine said it would cost $75 to rent the shotguns all day for
the festival, which he expects to bring in at least 100 people a
price of 75 cents per person.
The group initially was given more than $1,000 for the event.



Shakespeare farce

reimagines theater

Nick West/ Alligator Staff
Justin Lauer, an independent student senator representing the College of Engineering, announces his
candidacy for Student Body treasurer Tuesday on the Reitz Union Colonnade.

Voice Party runs treasurer only

Alligator Writer

The Voice Party's sole execu-
tive candidate encouraged voters
Monday to choose him over his
competition for treasurer but to
look elsewhere when .choosing
higher officials.
After announcing his bid to be
the party's candidate for Student
Body treasurer, Sen. Justin Lauer
encouraged voters to not just vote
for his colleagues, but other par-
ties, too.
That's because the Voice Party
has chosen only to run a treasurer
candidate on its executive ticket,
leaving presidential and vice presi-
dential positions free to be filled by
competing parties.
"We're highly encouraging split-

rP e I-U




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ticket voting," Lauer said.
Presidential and vice presiden-
tial candidates, which are voted
on together, remain separate from
the treasurer on the ballot, mean-
ing the top three positions in the
Student Government executive
branch could be filled by two dif-
ferent parties.

"We're highly encouraging
split-ticket voting."
Justin Lauer
Voice Party candidate for Student
Body treasurer

Voice does plan to run a full slate
of 43 senatorial candidates in the
Spring election. Party leaders plan
to announce their endorsement next
week for the two top positions.
Sen. Christian Duque, Voice's

president, said in an earlier inter-
view that presidential candidates
Joe Goldberg, MacKenzie Moritz
and Dennis Ngin were being con-
sidered for the party's endorse-
Lauer, elected in 2004 as an
independent student senator, said
he was ready for another tough
"I'm definitely prepared for a
little bit of adversity and an uphill
battle," he said.
Key party goals, based on a se-
ries of focus groups held by Voice,
included Sunday morning bus
service, improved campus parking
and the reforming of what Lauer
called the. "unfair distribution of
student funds."
SG controls about $11 million in
tuition-funded Activity and Service


Avenue Writer

Did my heart love Gainesville
til now? Forswear it, sight!
"For I never saw true booty
- I mean, beauty until this
With a performance that put
Cliffs Notes to shame, "The
Complete Works of William
Shakespeare (Abridged)" chuck-.
les through all 37 of his works in
only 97 minutes.
The Gainesville Community
Playhouse's newest play, if I
dare call it that, took me on a
thrilling journey of violence,
treachery and tragedy and
I've never laughed so hard in
my life.
The best way to describe
"Shakespeare (Abridged)"
would be a large smoothie, or
cocktail if you prefer one part, one part
"Who's Line is it Anyway?" and
a dash of Shakespeare on top.
The play poked around some
classic sexual innuendo and
cross-dressing mishaps, yet it
relied greatly on the audience's
sense of humor.
And it had a little
Shakespeare, too.
The talented three-man cast
wailed its way through "Romeo
& Juliet" and beat-boxed
through "Othello."
But this was child's play until
their comedic climax when the
actors exploded into "Hamlet,"
not once but four times.
In the performance of the-
ater, it is a challenge and risk
for actors to break the fourth
wall the boundary with the

However, "Shakespeare
(Abridged)" begins within the
audience and maintains a rela-
tionship with the audience the
entire time.
We as the audience felt so
comfortable in this performance
that we had no problem joining
into the play ourselves.
We flailed our arms and hoot-
ed at Ophelia until she became
mad, all at the command of the
Unfortunately for those who
would rather live vicariously
through this review, I am afraid
* that I will not be providing you
with too much information.
This comedy is so enjoyable
that I refuse to reveal the jokes
and laughter, partially because
I don't want to spoil them, but
partially because I
Off the was so busy laugh-
:' i** ing that I couldn't
even take notes.
GCP temporarily is resid-
ing at their second stage in the
Northwood Shopping Center
while their brand-new theater is
being constructed.
Don't let the adjacent Dollar
Store fool you, because this is a
credible show that deserves a
great audience to make it even
"The Complete Works of
Shakespeare (Abridged)" was
a perfect example of my most
passionate feeling that you
shouldn't just go to the theater,
you should experience it.
"The Complete Works
of William, Shakespeare
(Abridged)" will play on
Wednesday through Sundays
until Feb. 13.
Showtime is 8 p.m. and on
Sundayat 2 p.m.
Tickets are $8 and can be pur-
chased at Omni'Books on 34th
Street or at the door.

- -M MEN rl -. __ _1111111


Auto congestion gets locals thinking about future

City's solution as yet unclear New road still in limbo

Alligator Writer

As both a college town and a hub
of commuting workers, Gainesville
has been plagued by traffic conges-
tion for years.
But despite recent efforts to
mend the problem, including re-
timing traffic lights and expand-
ing Southwest 24th Avenue, local
officials say there is no ultimate
During Fall, the Transportation
Services Division of the Gainesville
Public Works Department worked
to improve congestion on 13th
Street by re-timing traffic lights.
Traffic signals are re-timed ev-
ery four or five years, costing about
$4,000 to $5,000 per intersection,
Transportation Services Manager
Brian Kanely said.
"It's fairly complex it's one
of those specialized things but
when you get it done and you get it
right, it can definitely make a differ-
ence," Kanely said.
Although the situation along
the popular thoroughfare between
Archer Road and Northwest 39th
Avenue has improved, it is not
solved, said Philip Mann, public
works supervising engineer for
traffic operations.
Other methods of combating
local traffic woes include extending
minor roads as alternative routes
and expanding existing roads, in-
cluding the controversial plans for
Southwest 24th Avenue.
In 1997, residents along or near
the road participated in a land-
planning exercise, ultimately rec-
ommending expanding the current
limerock road to two lanes as part
of a plan to foster a student village.
Local businessman Clark Butler,
however, lobbied to have the ex-
pansion widened to four lanes,
which would accommodate a pro-
posed commercial development.
County officials rejected a
proposal by a committee of com-
munity members for the two-lane

-Tak lo

I.f you

project ,and approved four-laning
the road. But progress had been
held up by funding concerns.
"Whether two lanes or four
lanes, everybody agrees on the
issue that we need the road... to
give people more options for travel
choices and try to distribute the
traffic," Kanely said.
However, Gainesville Mayor
Pegeen Hanrahan said any nego-
.. tiations about
.Pt- the expansion are
Inappropriate at
"- this time.
SAside from
the fact that land
use and zoning
have not yet
Hanrahan been approved
for Southwest
24th Avenue, the community de-
cided the road's fate eight years
ago during the planning exercise,
she said.
"It's embarrassing to me that
public officials are turning their
backs on that decision," she said.
The road would let out onto
Southwest 34th Street, which has its
own problems.
"You can think of a road like a
garden hose," Kanely said in refer-
ence to 34th Street. "When it finally
fills up with water, it overflows,
and the water really doesn't go
anywhere. Roads are the same way
- once. you get" beyond a certain
point on that road, even the best-
timed traffic won't help you be-
cause the road's maxed out."
For now, although remedies for
Gainesville's "garden hose" may
help ease traffic congestion, the
only practical and affordable way
to handle heavy traffic is to extend
minor roads, Kanely said.
"Basically, when you deal with
roads, you have two options: either
you build something large enough
to accommodate everybody who
wants to use it, which means you
get multi, multi-lane roads, which
you really can't build, or you build
smaller roads and give people more
options," he said.

Alligator Writer"

Though Clark Butler, owner of Butler Plaza, offi-
cially offered to fund the $4,7 million needed to ex-
tend the proposed two-lane widening of Southwest
24th Avenue to four lanes, the final decision as to
the road's fate was put on hold again Tuesday.
"The commission said, 'Thanks, but no thanks.'
We don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth,
but we want more flexibility," Commissioner Lee
Pinkoson said.
The commission voted 4-0 in favor of
Commissioner Mike Byerly's proposal to decline all
state and federal money earmarked for Southwest
24th Avenue four-laning.

Southwest 24th Avenue has been surrounded by
controversy. Some residents have accused the 3-2
County Commission vote in favor of four-laning of
circumventing the democratic process and catering
to a rich landowner over residents.
A committee of residents living in the area along
and near the road were tapped to come up with an
ideal development plan in 1997. They recommend-
ed a two-lane road, which would foster a student
village as opposed to commercial development.
In addition to Butler's offer, the commission
discussed a letter from State Sen. Rod Smith (D-
Gainesville) requesting $2 million in state funds for
the four-lane proposal.
Commissioner Paula DeLaney abstained from
Tuesday's vote because of a possible conflict of
interest, which she has asked an ethics panel to
DeLaney owns land in the area that would be af-
fected by the Southwest 24th Avenue project.

Hanging ten
Carlos Leon practices his skating moves at the skate park next to Broward Hall on Tuesday.
With warmer weather, students are taking the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities.

Applications for office space

now available at


Applications are due by

February 11, 2005 at 4 pm

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Faux funding

Loan losses are hidden

behind Pell Grant gains
T ouch6 Mr. President. You had us on that one.
College students across the nation thought the pro-
jected increase in Pell Grants would partially offset the
otherwise universally bad news in federal grant, loan and
scholarship funding. We thought Bush's call to inject money
back into aid programs by correcting inefficiencies and organi-
zational problems would result in a leaner, meaner and more
capable system through which students could better afford the
rising cost of tuition.
Unfortunately, that is not the case. Correcting inefficiencies,
it seems, means cutting funding to other programs.
Perkins Loans, which help more than 1,900 UF students
make ends meet, will receive no more federal funding under the
president's plan. The savings'would be funneled into the ailing
Pell Grant program as part of the plan to expand grants.
Despite the fact that the $6 billion freed up by this move
could more than cover the $4.3 billion Pell Grant deficit, as well
as a significant dent in the cost of the expansion, Bush also plans
to cut subsidies to private student lenders.
In an attempt to lessen the blow to students, Bush has
proposed to raise the maximum limit of government loans
- an amount that hasn't changed since 1986 by $1,000 per
award. This only leads to a bigger question, however: how
much should students be expected to pay before the govern-
ment steps in? While increased maximum loan amounts would
offer students a chance to obtain more funding to cover their
expenses, they also provide a shift in responsibility for payment
more and more from the government to the student.
Some would argue students should take more responsibility
for funding their education. After all, it's mostly going to benefit
them, right?
Wrong. Better-educated citizens make a nation better-
equipped to compete in the intellectual marketplace. America
is still a leader in academics and commodities, but other nations
are gaining. Furthermore, the correlation between education
and political participation has been proven time and time again.
College-educated students are more likely to vote, follow poli-
tics and otherwise be active in the U.S. political system.
To be fair, grants inherently are more helpful to students than
loans free money is better than money that must be repaid.
To think of it in these terms, however, is to ignore the lack of
federal funding for education in general. Cutting any money
from useful aid programs is frivolous next to the huge proposed
expenditures on the military and Social Security reform.
Even less forgivable is the proposed elimination of Upward
Bound and Talent Search, programs that assist low- and mid-
dle-income students in attending college. Over the past few
decades, these programs have helped millions of less-fortunate
students to obtain a higher education most of them the first
in their families to do so.
The loss of these programs will be disastrous. They provide
the only hope for some students to adequately prepare for and
afford to attend college.
For all of their benefits, Upward Bound and Talent Search
don't cost the government dearly. The bounty collected for the
end of these programs would only be around $430 million a
year, assuming they were intended to receive funding similar to
2004's numbers. While these educational programs are fighting
over a few billion dollars in funding, the Department of Defense
will receive $419.3 billion under the budget.
With these figures, the trend in government thought is be-
coming evident: the educational system is receiving enough
funding, so it must allocate what it has the best it can.
To continue to put such a low emphasis on education, a cor-
nerstone of our society, is unacceptable.

Sthe independent florida

Dwayne Robinson Matt Sanchez
Mike Gimignani Lauren Flanagan
Craig Singleton
The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to
11..: :.i'-:,. eL r'g them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
,, i ,. ,.: 2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.



Copyright laws stif
Across campus and nationwide, Black History
Month is being celebrated. During this time,
black Americans and others pause to recognize
the struggles .and accomplishments of people of African
descent. Song, film, speech, poetry, prose, dance, art and
prayer reflect on the path that led to today.
But also today, poor copyright law threatens access to
the documents of that history.
"Eyes on the Prize" is widely considered the best docu-
mentary series on the Civil Rights Movement. Stanford
University professor Clayborne Carson called the 1987
series "the principal film account of the most important
American social justice movement of the 20th century."
It's also illegal. Licensing disputes over the archival
footage in the films prevent "Eyes" from being re-released
or publicly performed. Individuals may watch personal
copies of the films, and educators are protected by the
fair use doctrine of copyright law to use the films in class.
However, they must rely upon the original VHS copies,
which are dwindling and wearing out. Because the series
cannot be re-released, they can't buy new copies of the
films. Tapes for sale on eBay can cost up to $1,500.
That's a far cry from the clause of the Constitution that
authorized Congress to establish copyright laws "only to
the end of promoting science and the useful arts."
Just how. mistaken is the current legal climate? To
quote a recent report from the Center for Social Media at
American University, "Filmmakers must pay a license to
use a pop song that may play in the background [of foot-
age shot] in a pizza parlor, an image or sequence from a
movie or archival footage owned by someone else. They
may need to pay not only songwriters but performers, not
only movie studios but actors. There is no central place
to find out who owns what. There is no rule of thumb


le historical record
for pricing. No one has to agree
to license. And it doesn't matter if
you didn't intend to quote it. Did
somebody sing 'Happy Birthday'
in your documentary? Too bad
you owe Time Warner a small
Gavin Baker fortune."
Close to Home In recognition of Black History Month, activist group Downhill
Battle encouraged anyone with
access to "Eyes" to host com-
munity screenings on Tuesday night. Over 70 screenings
were scheduled in schools, homes, libraries and churches
worldwide. In San Francisco, the people about whom the
documentaries were made planned a screening.
In a statement of support, the Bay.Area Veterans of the
Civil Rights Movement said, "We who once defied the
laws and customs that denied people of color their human
rights and dignity, we whose faces are seen in 'Eyes on the
Prize,' we who helped produce it, tonight defy the media
giants who have buried our story in-their vaults by pub-
licly sharing episodes of this forbidden knowledge with
all who wish to see it."
UF's libraries own copies of the films. I will be glad to
personally assist anyone who wants to organize screen-
ings here.
During Black History Month, we celebrate victories
over racism and segregation vile forces which exclude
citizens from participating in their own culture. With
these screenings of "Eyes on the Prize," people around the
world are declaring war on another of those vile forces:
flawed copyright law.
Gavin Baker is a history freshman. His column appears on

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.

Reader response
Today's question: Should loan
funding be cut to make way for
Pell Grant increases?

Tuesday's question: Do you think
President Bush's budget will be

59% YES
41% NO

Vote or post a message at



ei to :he Editor
Sowell not a factor in choir funding
Editor: Your recent article enti-
tled "Party to unleash 'independent'
voice with platform" insinuated the
reason the University Gospel Choir
receives the amount of funding
it does is because Jamal Sowell is
Student Body president as well as
a member of the University Gospel
This is untrue and unfounded.
We are very fond of Sowell; howev-
er, he has not been a member of the
University Gospel Choir since the
Fall of 2002 before he even was
elected as Student Body treasurer.
Also, Sowell's position as presi-
dent of Student Government has
no bearing on the amount of money
in our budget. The allocation of
funds is handled by the SG Budget
Committee, of which Sowell is not a
We do not encourage any un-
ethical behavior caused by what
Student Sen. Christian Duque re-
ferred to as "politics."
Tameisha Campbell
Campus public relations chair,
University Gospel Choir

Guest ,:' i,:!

Voice does not work for graduate students

n the contest to see who can sling the
most mud and wave the anti-Greek
banner the proudest during this election
season, Student Sen. Christian Duque has
staked his claim early.
Monday's Alligator article on the Voice
Party, of which Duque is chairman, opens
with a lede claiming Duque is out to "help
graduate students who party members
say continually get the shaft from Student
Government." As president of the UF
Graduate Student Council, I resent this
remark and Duque's half-hearted effort to
represent graduate students.
According to the GSC constitution, the
council's goal is to "represent the inter-
ests of graduate students at the Student
Government, administrative, local, state
and national levels." If graduate students
continually are getting the shaft, the GSC
is not doing its job. Perhaps Duque should
direct the graduate students who attended
Voice focus groups to the GSC Web site or
encourage them to attend a GSC meeting,

Mike Bowen rather than seeking to
Speaking Out capitalize politically
on supposed gradu-
ate student resentment with SG.
Over the last two years, GSC has culti-
vated a close relationship the SG Executive
Board and Student Senate. Former Student
Senate President Joe Goldberg and former
GSC President Doug Ratay created a Senate
committee to study graduate student issues.
Duque served admirably on this committee,
along with eight other senators and myself.
The three issues discussed in the article
pertaining to graduate students separate
graduate parking decals, 24-hour study
centers and increased funding for research
- however, were part of the committee's re-
port. Duque is making an effort to appeal to
a "non-Greek" constituency with a limited
understanding of the issues and no real clue
as to the concerns of graduate students.
In the past year, SG President Jamal
Sowell, Goldberg and Student Senate
President Bryson Ridgway have taken great

strides toward including the GSC in key de-
cisions. While graduate students still are un-
der-represented, their representation in the
Senate has increased from four to six seats.
The GSC budget for travel and research
grant programs also has showed a steady
sign of increase, and we now have a clearer
understanding of SG's role in the student
health insurance process.
Conversely, the Fall platform of the for-
mer Access Party, now the Impact Party, had
no issues specific to graduate students. This
is the party that Duque ran with last spring,
and this likely provides a truer glimpse into
his concern for graduate students.
Of course, Duque is correct when he says
improvements definitely can be made to
better serve the graduate student commu-
nity. In the coming weeks, I am hopeful that
other parties will work with the GSC to craft
platform issues that more accurately repre-
sent the needs of UF's graduate students.
Mike Bowen is president of the UF
Graduate Student Council.


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Officials seek tips

on Athens, Ga. trip

Alligator Writer

Although the University of
Georgia is well-known for bio-
technology, more than cattle is
being cloned in Athens, Ga.
The city played host last
week to local officials, such as
Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan, as
well as several UF faculty mem-
bers on a field trip intended to
study and eventually repli-
cate pointers from a univer-
sity community comparable to
"In higher education, there
are very few new ideas," said
Jeanna Mastrodicasa, associate
director of UF's honors program
and trip organizer. "We just go
to other places and steal them."
The visitors jotted down tips
on nurturing university-based
businesses, alcohol control and
student study facilities.
One such site was the 200,000-
square-foot Student Learning
Center. The four-story building
provides hundreds of comput-
ers with full access to library
archives and wireless Internet

and is open until 2 a.m. Sunday
through Thursday.
"When we visited, from 11
to [noon], that's where every-
one was packed," Mastrodicasa
said. "It's a way to encourage
students to be productive."
"In higher education, there
are very few new ideas.
We just go to other places
and steal them."
Jeanna Mastrodicasa
UF honors associate director and
trip organizer

To attract and keep business
in Athens, UG created on-cam-
pus "business incubators" used
by businesses and students alike
to conduct research, individu-
ally and cooperatively. Athens'
community college has a short
training program .that licenses
graduates to work in local labo-
"There are people who say
Gainesville can't support all
this," Mastrodicasa said. "But
the cities are the same size, and
they have fewer students."

Any which way you can
Lindsay Shapiro, Lauren Adler and Heather Castle take advantage of the unusually warm win-
ter weather to work on their tan at the Broward Residence Area "beach" Tuesday afternoon.
However, temperatures are expected to dip into the 50s later this week.

Alleged auto burglar takes swing at his confronted

Alligator Writer

A Gainesville man threw a punch Tuesday,
authorities say, after a witness confronted him
in a McDonald's.
James Flowers, of 7966 NW 48th Way, was
seen by two witnesses acting suspiciously

in the parking lot of the Denny's restaurant
across from the UF campus, reports state.
An officer had already contacted Flowers,
39, and told him he needed to leave the estab-
lishment approximately 20 minutes before-
hand, according to reports.
Reports state that witness Charles White,
of 2501 NW 6th St., approached Flowers while
he was attempting to open a driver's side car

door while holding a rod in his hand.
At that point, the door handle alleg-
edly broke off and Flowers ran around the
car to the back of the parking
Public lot, throwing the broken door
Safety handle on the ground.
The report said White con-
fronted Flowers in the nearby McDonald's
and Flowers became irate, running toward

White. Flowers allegedly swung at him,
unsuccessfully, and fell to the ground. White
later contacted authorities from inside
According to the reports, Flowers refused
to answer questions after he was arrested
some time later.
Reports estimate the door handle damage
at about $100.


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Activist talks HIV

Officials advise deleting suspicious e-mail

Alligator Writer

Stretching a canary-colored
LifeStyles condom over his
right fist and past his wrist, J.
L. King proved it would not
tear no matter how "big" a
man claimed to be, drawing
laughter from the crowd in the
Reitz Union. "We do this in a
joking manner," he said. "But
this could save your life."
King, a nationally recog-
nized HIV-prevention activist
and author of "On the Down
Low: A Journey Into the
Lives of 'Straight' Black Men
Who Sleep with Men," spoke
Tuesday to a mostly female au-
dience of about 200, spreading
his message of responsible sex
and HIV awareness.
"I'm very candid. I'm very
direct. I pull no punches," he
said. "This disease is so serious
we can't sugarcoat it. My mes-
sage is raw."

The Pride Student Union,
Black Student Union and
Student Government spon-
sored the speech as part of
Black History Month.
King cited statistics from the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, noting that 72 per-
cent of new HIV cases among
women are black women.
For complete coverage, see
At his urging, audience
members asked those seated
nearby, "Are you next?"
"It's my job to make sure
that you leave here with some
new information, so that when
someone asks you if you're
next, you can say, 'Hell, no,'"
he said.
He left the audience with
two tips: to know their HIV
status and to always wear
"I try to make my informa-
tion as simple as I can to save a
life," he said.

VIRUS, from page 1

curity firm.
Harris said his computer was not infected by the
virus, and he said the e-mails "were not generated by
my computer."
"I would never send an attachment without telling
you what's in it," Harris said. "If it looks suspicious,
it probably is. Delete it as soon as possible. For most
[students] the virus protection blocked it. I think it

was someone with too much time on their hands."
"I know that [the e-mails] are not from the person
that it says it's from. It's bypassing error screening,"
Cromer said. "If it's a message from a dean, it doesn't
go through screening. As soon as we found a way to
block certain viruses, the virus writer uses a different
way to bypass the block."
The Information Technology division within the
College of Journalism and Communications is investi-
gating the problem.

UF: Bound program has successful track record

UPWARD, from page 1

UF's program provides college pre-
paratory classes and counseling to 80
students each year, and receives more
than $300,000 in federal funding annu-
ally to support teaches and staff. While
Talent Search serves middle and high
school students, Upward Bound only
accepts 9th, 10th and 11th graders.

Both programs annually serve
455,000 students nationwide, many
of whom are minorities, said Susan
Trebach, vice president of communica-
tions for the Council for Opportunity in
Education, Upward Bound and Talent
Search's advocacy group.
Eleven thousand of those students
are from Florida.
However, just because a program
does "good work" doesn't mean a lim-

ited budget can afford it, said Hunter
Williams, president of UF College
"Extravagant" programs that have
narrow goals might need to be cut in fa-
vor of broader-based curriculums that
serve the greater population, he said.
"Do you buy a new Mercedes and
demand a raise from your boss, or do
you sell the Mercedes and get a Honda
instead?" he said.


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Student auctions himself to aid tsunami victims

Alligator Writer

A group of four UF students
are finding their Valentine's Day
dates in a different way than
most this year. They're auctioning
themselves on
In an effort to raise money for
tsunami relief, Mike Lemire, 24,
and three other UF students have
placed pictures and personal in-
formation on the auction Web site,
hoping people will donate money
in exchange for a date with them
on Valentine's Day.
Lemire, a junior and lead singer
of local band Alex the Mediocre,
said he came up with the idea
after a lecture in professor Ralf
Remshardt's class. Remshardt
told students tsunami donations
had gone down recently due to a
decrease in media coverage.

Tsunami Relief Valentine

In order to bii on a daie Viull
Mike Lenire cr others to? support
tsunanmi relief efforts go to hrup: and enter
'Tsunami Date" into trh site's
search engine.

Bidding closes at 9 p.m. Thursday.

Lemire said when he left class
he felt compelled to do something
unique that would bring more at-
tention to the cause.
"When he told me that in class,
it hit me," Lemire said of the idea
of auctioning himself on eBay. "I
thought it would be creative."
"It's more just for a good
cause, not for romance."
Mike Lemire

Lemire and the three other
students who decided to join in
the charity have spent the last few
days passing out fliers on campus
to raise awareness about the auc-
Each flier has pictures of the
four potential dates and reads
"Valentines For Tsunami Disaster
The other three available dates,
UF students Kamphey, Andy and
Holly, joined Lemire in the auc-
tion but Lemire could not provide
their last names or contact infor-
Lemire said four more students
also may join the auction.
The bidding began on eBay last
Thursday and will end at 9 p.m.
Lemire said the bidding is
already going better than he had

Katie Townsend / Alligator
UF junior Mike Lemire checks his bids Tuesday after placing himself up for auction on eBay as a Valen-
tine's Day date. Money from the highest bid will be donated to tsunami relief.

planned, noting his auction page
has already received more than
1,500 hits.
The .highest bidder for each.
student will receive a date on
Valentine's Day consisting of din-
ner and a movie.

He said all the couples will
eat at Gainesville restaurant
Kotobuki, where the owner has
agreed to cover the bill in efforts
to support the cause.
Lemire, whose highest bid as
of Tuesday night was more than

$20, said he isn't looking for love
on Valentine's Day.
"It's more just for a good cause,
not for romance," he said, adding
that no matter what the age or sex
of his date might be, "I'll be totally
cool with it and happy."


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charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included.
Wood floors. With Parking. By Private
Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 4-20-71-2

"Free for All"
Huge 3BR/2BA $850
Alarm cool pool tennis b-ball
Free UF parking Perfect for pets
Amazing specials 376-4002

Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 sec-
ond walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer
included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish.
Short term available. Private Owner. $495-
up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 4-20-71-2

Perfect for 1, Big enough for 2!
750 Sq Ft, Patio, We love pets!
Alarm*Pool*UF Parking*DW*Gym
Move-in now, 1 month free! 332-7401

1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH
FREE cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm
Gated*24hr gym*Tan FREE*Close to UF

Indulge Yourself
Luxury 2 & 3 BRs
FREE tanning, 24 hr Gym
Gated entry, pets ok
Limited spots, 372-0400

***Beautiful and New***
FREE High-Speed Internet
FREE Monitored Alarm
FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime
FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym
W/D plus TVs in every kitchen
Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866)

Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to
UF. 352-215-4991 or
352-215-4990 4-20-71-2

1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00
$99 deposit for Grad students
999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720

Make Them Green With Envy!
Luxury 2&3 Bedrooms from $850
Cable*W/D*Newly Remodeled
Pool*Hot Tub*Tennis*Gym*PC Lab
Reserve now for fall 372-8100

All locations and price ranges
If you are tired of apt life
Go to or call 374
6905. 8-24-170-2

Leasing Now & Fall
Large 2BR/1 BA $629, 3BR/2BA $855
Alarms, pets welcome, free UF parking
Call 373-1111 or visit

Luxury 2BR/2BA townhomes.
W/D, private balconies.
Open until 8pm and WEEKENDS
Leasing for Fall 371-7777

4BR/4BA at UF
Only 2 left for Fall
Luxury Townhomes
W/D, Alarm, Pets ok.

Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF
Private 3/2 with HUGE deck
W/D*Free Parking*Elevator Access
One of a kind luxury! 372-7111

How To Place A Classified Ad:

In Person:
Cash, Check, MC, or Visa
The Alligator Office
1105 W. University Ave.
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Use forms appearing weekly in The
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for cancelled ads.

Corrections and Cancellations:
Cancellations: Call 373-FIND M F, 8am 4pm. No refunds or
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Alligator errors: Check your ad the FIRST day it runs. Call 373-FIND
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minor changes.

1 ForRent: Furnished I6 Furnishings 11 Motorcycles, Mopeds* 16 Health Services 21 Entertainment
2 For Rent: Unfurnished 7 Compulters 12. Autos 17 Typing Services 22 Tickets
3 "Sdbease 8 dctronics 13 Wanted 18 Personals 23 Rides
4 Roommates;.., .9 Bicycles 14 Help Wanted 19 Connections 24 Pets
5, 'Ra E te 1 Fio Sale ; 15 Services 20 Event Notices 25 Lost & Found

All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference-limitation, or discrimination because of color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make limitation, or discrimination." We will
not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. All employment opportunities advertised herein are subject to the laws which prohibit discrimina-
tion in employment (barring legal exceptions) because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, age, or any other covered status. This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through the type of advertising that
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B For Rent

Summer rates
plus July FREE
on a 15 month lease
Sun Island Properties -

Need space for a 2,3 or 4-some?
TH, W/D & DW. We love ALL pets!
Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm
Move-in now, 1 month free! 332-7401

1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes
Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym
PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities.
Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455

Want more? Free even!
4BR 2.5 $1020- Only 1 left
Spacious floor plan alarm tennis
Free UF parking 376-4002

2BR TH $639 inc W/D, alarm, park free@UF
Pets welcome, Daily Specials!
Avail NOW or Fall 373-1111

Pine Rush Apartments
1&2 BR apt homes
starting @ $429/mo
$150 deposit. $200 off 1st month rent

More for less, FREE even!
2BR/2BA- Only $680
Pool bus route alarm teifis
Pet perfect- Free
Stop by and see us 376-4002

1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA
$525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian
tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals,
W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF.

1BR & 2BR/ BA with W/D, central heat/air,
dishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets
arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From
$499 377-1633 2-25-38-2

Continued on next page.

I I II ill I


] For Rent

376-6720 4-20-71-2

HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3
Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime
W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab
Pets welcome*Private dog park
Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801

:ree Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 sq-t Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups
i DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
low 372-9913 4-20-71-2

\mazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft
IBR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats!'
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480.
lose to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070.

-1OUSES Close to UF, schools, shopping,
i30 NW 35th St. 3/2, family room, carport,
g screened porch, fenced backyard $1200

total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent
VC, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn
knowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by
ippt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave.
373-4244 UF bus line #20 4-20-71-2

3ne BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no
smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but
las it all. l until. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished.
.all Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop
)y 1215 NE 20th Ave. 2-14-35-2

Jp to 1 month FREE rent!
.0 steps to class! Studios, 1, 2 &3BR apts
\vail Aug. Special from $320/person. Lofts,
irdwd flrs & more. Going fast! Call 376-6223
' 4-20-71-2

apartmentss Available Now
\ll Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
browse our listing FREE
:-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-21-71-2

Larqe 8R/1 BA House Carpet, cent H/AC,
..ilable March 1st $700/mo 375-8256

lave Roommates?
3BR/2BA House $950
3nly You?
IBR/1BA House $450
litchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2

3o Close to Campus
,vail now, 2BR/1 & 2 BA apts.
8400, $450, $695 Mitchell Realty
174-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2

1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown.
!BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 373-
1423 or online at

'ET'S PARADISE, no app/pet fee. town-
lomes. 2BR, privacy fence, modern ap-
)liances, ceiling fans, SW. Private owner,
)lease leave detailed message. $375-525/
no 331-2099 2-17-30-2

inits SEE PET'S PARADISE AD 352-331-
'099 2-17-30-2


The Leasing Connection
1608 NW 1st Ave
Located right behind Florida Bookstore

FREE Apartment & Housing
Locator Service

Call 352-376-4493 or visit

3BR across from UF
Avail Fall, From $385 per BR.
Vaulted ceilings, laundry,
Breakfast bar, pets ok.
Open WEEKENDS 371-7777

S For Rent
l unfurnished

1&2 BRs avail Fall
Pets ok, some w/ W/D

Luxury Opposite Library West!
Beautiful 2BR/2BA...all amenities
Call 376-1111 or Come by
111 NW 16th St. #1

2BR/1.5BA 5-10 min bike ride to med or UF.
All new carpet, W/D, DW, stove. No smk,
pets, 239-898-9317 1038 B off SW 6 St on
10th Ln. $600/mo 3-7-38-2

Duplex, walk to UF, CH/AC,
$495/rent, 805 NW 3rd Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-24-2

Wood floors, fireplace, living & dining rooms,
Den, $625/rent, 223 SW 4th Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate; Inc. 372-9525 2-11-24-2

W/d hookups, CH/AC, dishwasher, $475/mo
5320 NW 20th Court
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 Q-11-24-2

Studio $335/mo
1BR $400/mo
2BR $695/mo
Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387

NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint
2BR- over 1100 sq ft 00 $650/ mo
1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00 $550/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$300 off deposit 0 376-2507

Huge townhouse, fireplace,
W/D hook-ups, patio,
New carpet & tile, fitness & basketball
high speed wireless internet
3BR/2.5BA only $850
4BR/3BA only $1099
Close to UF in SW
Beautiful/quiet 0 376-2507'

3BR/2BA HOUSE. Close to UF & Santa Fe.
Tile floors, Berber carpet, all appliances incl.
Privacy fenced-in yard. $1050/mo. Call 215-
9987 2-14-21-2

house, 2 car garage in brand new subdivi-
sion close to UF & SFCC. All appliances
$1300/mo Negotiable based on length of
lease. Call 215-9987 2-14-21-2

Threesomes Welcomel
All the space you need only $1050
Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab
W/D*Cable with HBO*Extra Storage
The perfect three-bedroom! 372-8100

Haile Plantation Laurel Park. 3BR/2BA
Beautiful home. Quiet neighborhood. Great
running trails. $1200/mo Avail 3/1. Bruce
246-3690 2-25-26-2

DUCK POND! Cute 1BR/1BA, wood floors,
eat-in kitchen, ceiling fans, $475/rent
305-C NE 6th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-15-2

1BR $699 2BR $839 3BR $999
$150 dep. Full size WID,
Direct Campus Access,
Pool, Fitness Centerl
Open M-F 8:30 5:30, Sat 11-4
Pebble Creek Apts 376-9607

S For Rent
8 unfurnished

AVAIL AUG 1 4bed/2bath house, wood
floors, dishwasher, fireplace, wash/dry,
fenced yard, all beds large. 1375/m 830 NW
16 Ave. Call'339-2342 Other houses avail.

AVAIL AUG 1. 3bed/lbath very nice house
wood floors, garage, very private backyard,
wash/dry 924 NW 9th Ave. Call 339-2342
for directions 1075/m. Other houses avail.

I'LL PAY YOU $1000
to rent my 1 BR apt. Located in Frederick
Gardens apt. complex. Very close to UF. You
pay $300, I'll pay $150 monthly, thru August.
Call Chris 620-687-1224 2-10-10-2

ABRACADABRA! Sorento Pool Club Comm.
3BR/2 BA, 2 car garage. $1,100/mo. Call
352-318-3721 or 332-0602 2-10-10-2 -

close to UF/Shands. Available now. $950/
mo lst/last/sec.3309 NW 18th St 352-284-
5119 2-10-10-2

H/AC, fireplace, W/D hk-up, DW, tile & wood
floors 731 NE 9th St $850/mo 316-1637 2-

*Spacious studio, washer/dryer, Fenced
yard, lawn svc, $450/rent
* 3BR 2BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer,
fenced yard, lawn svc, $1000/rent
* 4BR 3BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer,
fenced yard, $1400/rent 3811 SW 20th
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2

BIKE TO UFI 3BR 2BA, carport,
Washer/dryer, porch, pets considered,
Avail now! $895/rent, 2222 SW 14th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2

CUTE NW HOUSE! 2BR 1BA, Ceramic tile,
screen porch, w/d hookups,
$750/rent, 4234 NW 26th Drive
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2

AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house. Large
house with large bedrooms; game room,
wash/dry included, dishwasher, large living
room. 2100 NW 8th Ct. Call for directions
339-2342 $1325/m 2-9-8-2

AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house, very pri-
vate yard, fireplace, tile floors, wash/dryer
included, dishwasher, $1350/m 2606 NW 34
St. 339-2342 for directions 2-9-8-2

AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house close to
campus, wash/dryer, fireplace, wood floors,
dishwasher, private back yard. $1525/m
1105 NW 10th Ave. call 339-2342 Nice
house. 2-9-8-2

AVAIL AUG 1: 3bed/2bath house close to
bus line. Tile floors, pets ok, wash/dry, fenced
yard on quiet road. 4100 NW 14 PL 339-2342
for directions. $975/m 2-16-13-2

2BR/1BA Tower Oaks. Wood floors, fenced
yard, $525/mo. Call 386-462-1010 2-14-

1,2 & 3BR with GATED ENTRY!
HUGE apts w/screened porches
FREE Alarm FREE Tanning
24-hour Gym Quiet NWArea
Move-in Specials 372-0400

Charming studio. Privacy over detached
garage. 1.8 mi from UF. $450+/mo sec. dep.
Small pets. Avail now. 371-7149 2-15-10-2

2BR/2.5BA Townhouse, close to UF,
Student's dream. $750/mo, low dep, W/D
incl. Call Phil at 352-235-0600 2-15-10-2

Avail. Aug 1: 4bed/2bath house. Ceramic
tile floors, extra game room, fenced yard,
pet ok, wash/dry provided, dishwasher.
1330 NW 39th St. 339-2342 for directions
S$1275/mo 2-16-10-2

l For Rent
a ll unfurnished

close to UF & Shands, on bus route, 1 car
garage, tile fir, fireplace, 1450 sq ft, Avail
now! $975/mo, sec dep. Call Casey to move
in 352-514-2936 2-25-17-2

Beautiful historic home, wood floors, high
ceilings, 3-4 BR/2BA, large fenced yard
$1400/mo. Downtown location near UF. Call
Tom at 262-6423 2-16-10-2

Quiet & Clean! 2BR/1BA $525, quiet
neighborhood, 1000 sq ft, tile firs, spacious
living/dining rm, WD hook-ups, pvt patio in
backyard, near UF, 1824 NW 10th St. 376-
0080 2-9-5-2

House on Suwannee River w/ clear spring in
backyard, Bell FL, 3BR/2.5BA, W/D hkups,
scr porch, cent H/AC, quiet neighborhood,
Ig yard w/ trees, fenced. $800/mo 376-0080

LARGE 2BR/2BAAPT. Close to campus,
Available Feb to Aug. $550/mo. Call 386-
871-7184 2-16-10-2

3BR/2BA, family room, fireplace, vaulted
ceilings, screened porch, garage, 1.5 acres.
Great country location. Min from Shands/VA/
Vet School. 7810 SW 100th PI. 352-284-
5119 $950 w/disc. 1st/last/sec. 2-10-5-2

Available now. 2BR/2BA apt off of NW 17th
St. 3 blks from campus. W/D hookup, DW,
All pets ok. $500/mo. No dep. Call 352-219-
5323 2-17-10-2

Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!

Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
2BR/2.5BA Townhouse $750/mo
3BR/2BA Downtown $850/mo
5BR/2BA Walk to UF $995/mo
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118

2BR/1.5BA townhome, W/D, DW, new appli-
ances, on bus route, NS, no pets, $650/mo
Call 352-335-0455 2-10-5-2

) For Rent
9 All unfurnished

CH/AC, water included, $415/rent,
411 SW2nd Street #3
Carl Turlingotn Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-5-2

Studio apt 8 blocks to campus. Wood floors/
large windows. $395/mo Call 352-284-9610
Avail @ immediately! 2-18-10-2

STUDIO APT 12 min to Shands/UF. For seri-
ous person. New const/appliances, W/D, sm
pet ok. Near Lake Wauberg. $400/mo. 352-
215-0396. See to appreciate 2-14-5-2

Call 665-4106 Charlene 2-21-10-2

Minutes to campus, private patio, walk-in
closet, kitchen, bathroom, free parking.$350/.
mo. Sublease until Aug. Call 407-496-9566

Very clean condo 2BR/2.5BA, 5 min to UF,
10 min to Shands, cent AC, DW, W/D, cable,
internet, pool, $800/mo 352-472-9778, 305-
299-3485, 2-14-5-2

3BR/3 full baths. End unit, W/D, recently
renovated. $795/mo. Call 407-578-2721

2BR 1BA Apts, $500-525/Mo
5 BIks to UFI 840 Sq. Ft.
829 SW 5th Avenue. St. Croix Apts Central H
&Air, Inclds Wtr, Swg, Pst Ctrl, Garbage. Call
Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 2-11-4-2

2BR 1BR Apts 1 Block to UF
New Carpet, Window A/C, Nat Gas Ht
1216 SW 3rd Avenue. $540/Mo
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494

2BR 1BA Apt. 1 Block to UF.
Central H & Air, Tile Floors
1236 SW 1st Ave. $575/Mo
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494

7200 SW 8th Avenue $620/Mo
Pool, Clubhouse etc. Call
Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 2-11-4-2

e'AeUW ~~k b Bt

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Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

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O For Rent

2BR 1BA Apt. Terazzo Floors
Window A/C, Nat Gas HT
2 Blks to UF. $510/MO
1508 NW 4th Ave. Call Merrill
Management Inc. 372-1494 2-11-4-2

1BR 1BA'1Blk to UF!
1236 SW 4th Avenue
Carpet, Central H & Air. Laundry
On site $515/Mo Includes Utilities
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494

1BR LOFT APTS 650 & 750 sq. ft. Starting
at $450/mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE
monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave.
Call 332-0720 3-31-32-2

2BR/1BA duplex, hardwood floors, W/D,
$535/mo. 375-8256.

DOWNTOWN avail immediately or spring.
Month to month ok. 2BR/1BA apt, newly
remodeled, quiet neighborhood, pets OK,
Close to Shands, UF & Library. $650-715/
mo, Call 262-1351 2-22-10-2

S Subleases

Apartments Sublets & Roommates
All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500
Short-Long & Furn-Unfurn
1-(877) FOR-RENT (367-7368)
WWW.SUBLET.COM 4-20-71-3

$350 for 1BR in a 2BR/2BA apt. Call 352-
318-5438 2-22-30-3

Cheap & 2 min to UF
Avail Now. $350/mo incl utils. Call 514-5733.

1BR/1BA. Large BR w/walk-in closet. Free
parking across from UF. Rent incl water,
sewer, garbage, pest control. $450/mo.
Lease until 7/05. Please call 352-598-5481


a I Subleases

WALK TO CLASS! $250/mo
Now til Aug. Courtyards 352-328-6967 all
included! 2-27-3-3

Two bedroom/two full bath
Sublease available immediately
Seven month sublease
Homestead Apartments.
Call 338-1588/283-3885 add'l info 2-15-15-3

SUBLEASING APT. I'm moving to NYC! 1
BR/1 BA in 3 BR/3 BA apt. Willing to give
away living rm furniture to the subleaser.
$473mo utils incl. Completely furnished.
352-258-6775 2-10-10-3

Sublease March thru Aug 2005. 1BR/1BA
in 4BR/4BA @ Lexington Crossing. Female
only. $430/mo, all incl. Enet, W/D, on bus rt,
furn or unfurn. Clean & friendly roommates.
Last mo free. 352-359-2872 2-14-10-3

1 Bdrm in a 2/2.5 new townhouse, $385/mo.
Avail March 1, will work around date if need-
ed. call Jessica 367-4053 2-14-10-3

1 BR avail 2/12 in University Commons fum
4 BR apt. $385/mo incl elect. FEB RENT
FREE! We pay all start up fees + give you
$200 CASH upon signing lease! Please call
540-785-9404 or email

1 BR apt, close to KashNKarry on 34th St.
Take over lease 2/15 to 4/30, renewal option.
$409/mo. Feb rent, transfer fees paid by me.
Keep sec dep. Pool, pets welcome. Call Erik
262-1551 2-11-7-3

University Glades Sublease!!
SUMMER: May-Aug. $440/mo. BR w/ per-
sonal bath in 3/3 apt. Incl all utils. Furniture
avail. Call Stacey 352-336-1968 2-9-5-3

Share a 3/2 HOUSE w/ F.
Fenced backyard, wood firs, carpet, pool
table, bar. Must know when to study, when
to party. $350/mo. 727-743-4289 2-9-5-3

2BR/2BA apt sublet. New beige carpet. All
appliances incl & W/D. Close to UF in quiet
neighborhood. $550/mo. Call Rodney 317-
1536 2-11-6-3

2/1 In Beval Apts. Incl. W/D hkup, new car-
pet, excel cond. Rent valued $520, u pay
$499/mo. Avail 2/28-7/31, can renew. Call
256-0501 2-10-5-3

Available now. 2BR/2BA apt off of NW 17th
St. 3 blks from campus. W/D hookup, DW,.
All pets ok. $500/mo. No dep. Call 352-219-
5323 2-17-10-3

All utils incl. $400/mo. 1st month FREE.
Sublease until Aug 15th. Call 954-536-8010

OXFORD MANOR 1BR/1BA, walk-in-closet,
private bath in 2BR/2BA furn, all util incl
$512/mo neg. Feb free. Female. Sublease
until 7/05. 904-571-8337

lbr/lbath of 2br/2bath util, cable, internet
incl. Furn or unfurn avail. $535/month in the
Cambridge. Call Aaron @ 352-258-5465 or
e-mail 2-11-5-3

1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA apt furn, liv rm, kit,
laundry, W/D, pool, tanning, clubhouse, b-
ball, tennis. FEB FREE. $400/mo incl elec,
water, garbage, NO activity fees. 786-554-
9339 2-18-10-3

S5 l Subleases

2BR/2.5BA apt for sublease. Only $560/mo,
1050 sq ft, dep pd, pet dep pd. Move in by
April 1st. 1st month's rent will move you in.
For more info call 352-363-0084 2-14-5-3

Limited offer. $200 CASH BACK. Spacious
2BR/2BA in Woodland Villas on SW 20th.
Lease exp Aug 05. Rent $672/mo. Call 284-
2336 2-15-5-3

1 or both rooms in 2BR downtown apt.
Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF,
& Library. $350/mo. Pets ok. Call 262-1351

FEB RENT FREE 1BR avail in 3BR/2BA
HOUSE close to campus, UF, Butler Plaza.
$350/mo. Includes everything: inet, cable, W/
D, huge yard. Call 352-682-9204 2-22-10-3

* Roommates

Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866

Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk
to UF Old house charm with all amenities.
Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.Lv mes-
sage. Private Owner 4-20-71-4

Female roommates wanted brand new 2100
sq ft home..Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to
UF. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils
incl $525/mo.Aval Fall. Call Jacqueline 352-
395-7462 or 941-780-3526 4-20-71-4

GIRLS ONLY 2 rooms each w/prvt baths.
cent AC, W/D, cable incl. Interenet ready.
$375/mo each. 1 mo FREE. Call 352-472-
9778 2-9-25-4

Sublets and Rooms Available
All Florida Areas; All Major Cities
Browse available Rooms FREE!
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-4

M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to
rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi
to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry $425+ utils
336-5450 or 954-646-1341 2-15-20-4

Avail NOW Great location 1BR/1BA in 3BR/
3BA, washer and dryer, high speed internet,
$308/mo + util. Females only, please call
Lauren @ 352-799-3726 Lv message. 2-

2 ROOMMATES NEEDED in spacious 4/2
HOUSE by law school. Master BR $450 or
other BR $350 + utils. AD, W/D. Call 850-
510-4063 or 352-328-4633 2-16-20-4

1 Male roommate wanted to share 4BR
house w/3 guys. Only .7 mi from campus @
2 NW 29th St. Pets ok. $275/mo + utils. No
lease or-dep. 745-6017 2-9-10-4

Female roommate needed. 1BR available in
2BR/2.5BA condo. $425/mo + 1/2 utils. W/D,
cent A/C. sec dep. Kensington North condo.
352-379-3497 2-10-7-4

M/F roommate. Furnished except bedroom.
Private bathroom. On-site gym, pool, and
hot tub. $274/month. Call Katy 813-966-
7998 2-15-9-4

Prof/grad to share 2/2 new condo.
Plantation Oaks. MBR suite, W/D, C/HA, D/
SW. $450/mo + 1/2. Avail now. Call 538-6505
ASAP. Very spacious and secure scenic
location. 2-9-5-4

al Roommates

Unfurn rm in huge 4/3 house 1.4 mi to UF.
NW 6th St, big TV, pool table, W/D, cent AC,
DW, hi-spd inet, big yard, $350 + 1/4 util
avail. Now call Dmitriy 373-7231 2-10-5-4

Quiet Female Roommate Wanted. 2Bd/2Bth
in Treehouse Village. W/D in unit. Bus every
10 min. Two small pools and workout room.
$290/month and split bills. 213-2458 2-10-

Roommate needed $200 mo (+$200 refund-
able deposit) +1/2 utl. Furnished 2BR/2BA.
Must be able to pass a background check.
(352)335-6274 2-10-4-4

Male grad/mature stu for small furnished apt
for 1 person only on side of private home, no
pets, clean, quiet, patio, 1 mi from UF, avail
Jan 1. $400 w/util incl. On bus line. 378-2016

Roommate wanted in a 2BR/2BA apt w/22 yr
old female. $320/mo + $150 sec dep + utils.
Call 352-870-7670, 352-377-0295. Avail
now. 2-11-5-4

Female roommate needed. Master BR w/pvt
BA, W/D, hi-speed web, $240/mo + 1/3 utils.
Call 352-331-8446 Iv. mssg. 2-14-5-4

New 1700 sq ft 3BR/2BA home Rent
S$350/400/mo by indiv BR. Avail 2/9. Call
283-6279 2-25-23-4

Room for rent in 2BR/1.5BA private condo
$350 reserved parking W/D big screen TV,
great location on Archer Rd, rent without
summer for $450, No pets 871-5328 2-14-

M/F, NS, needed to share 2BR/2.5BA
Southfork Oaks townhome. (near Target).
Unfurn master BR w/own BA avail. W/D, no
pets, prefer serious student or prof. $347/mo
+ 1/2 utils. Avail 3/5. No lease. Call Evan
335-9714. 2-18-8-4

Female student to join 2 females in nice 3BR
house off NW 8th Ave, 3 mi from UF on bus
rt, tile/hardwood, fenced yard, $275/mo + 173
GRU & HS internet dig cable, 381-5597 3-

Rommate needed to share beautiful 3/2
house in NWG-ville, fully furn, pets welcome,
huge fenced yard, W/D, DW, avaialble imme-
diately. Vicky at 386-734-3080 2-15-5-4

Walk to UF
1BR open for N/S in luxury house w/2 gradu-
ate students. $400/mo + 1/3 util, incl W/D.
Avail 2/9. Call 283-6279 2-25-13-4

2 share 2BR Downtown apt. Newly remod-
eled. Close to Shands, UF, & Library. $350/
mo. Month to month or longer lease ok.
Pets ok.Call 262-1351 2-22-10-4

Walk to UF. 1939 NW 5th Ave. Priv BA, W/D,
CHA, Dig cable, wireless internet, flexible
lease, 352-682-9342 2-15-5-4

Real Estate

Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find

Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra-
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd flrs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 4-20-71-5

looking to buy or lease houses in this area.
Any size, price or condition. Call Ed & Diane
352-373-2728 4-20-71-5

* The Flavor of New Orleans comes to cam-
pus. Luxurious St. Charles Condominiums.
S 1 block to UF. Choose from 2BR/2BA flats,
or view the University from your 3BR/3BA
townhouse. Prices starting in the $180's 375-
I 8256 4-20-71-5

Plenty of properties are available.
Call Marc J. Nakleh at Campus Realty
352-235-1576 2-25-25-5

I K Real Estate

Manhattan/S. Florida loft style condos.
Brand new, spacious floorplans, 2/2.5,
3/3.5, 1400 sq ft, 18 ft windows, exposed
ductwork, polished floors. On bus rt.
Close to campus/Archer Rd. Take advan-
tage of pre-construction prices. Call Matt
Price at Campus Realty Today, 281-3551
or visit 2-15-10-5

Own + live in a new luxury cmpus-
area condo. Over 10 new projects to
choose from at affordable prices. Visit or call today
352-281-3551 Matt Price Campus Realty
Group 2-15-10-5

Let me help you find a house or condo to call
your own. Call Brett Wherry at 352-412-8662
Century 21 Classic Properties 352-376-2433
x 20 2-18-11-5

Condo Countryside at UF. 4BR/4BA. Close
to UF, W/D, tiles kitchen, pool & gym. 3rd
floor. Quiet location. $176,000 Call 352-332-
3755 2-14-5-5


BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pil-
low-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new,
still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-372-
7490 will deliver. 4-20-71-6

mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call
352-377-9846 4-20-71-6

Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $1400. Sacrifice
$399 352-372-7490 4-20-71-6

BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, ne, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 4-

CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 4-20-

BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can
deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice
$1400 (352) 372-7490 4-20-71-6

SOFA, LOVESEAT, & CHAIR 100% Italian
leather. Still new in boxes w/warranty. Cost
$5000. Sacrifice $1,500. Call 352-372-8588

DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 4-20-

FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell
$199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6

BedsOFull mattress & boxspring sets
$490Qn sets $89gSingle sets $39OKing
sets $99*From estate sale: Safe pine
bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497- Call a
Mattress 4370 SW 20th Ave 4-20-71-6

Glass-top dinette set $50, love seat, $50 (or
$300 w/sofa), desk $25, 46pc stoneware
dish set $40, sewing machine $50. For pics/\
info: 2-15-5-6

Save $$ with coupons from the Alligator.

Continued on next page.

6 -

"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

41111 1 f

r -



y A+otruter Gee
We mak.e& Hot"e& Caqt

Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $10 Gator Discount.
M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 8-23-170-7

*G'ville Computer Repair Inc*
Service on all PC MAC and Networks 1204
NW 1tI St Ste #10 352-337-2500. 4-20-

Complete residential & commercial support,
networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 4-20-71-7

Buy & sell. Looking for quantity for parts. 336-0075 4-20-71-7

Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
/Vorking and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street

Computerlnternel 352.219.2980

Scomputer/laptop repair
Networks, wireless, virus
Swe BEAT all prices!
home/dorm 352-219-2980 4-20-66-7

all Electronics

722 S. Main I The Red Bldg

Police Seized! From $10! Info 800-749-
8128 ext M974. 3-7-20-8

2 KICKER SOLOBARIC L7 10".car audio
subwoofers w/ custom enclosure. $350/
OBO Call Eric 352-246-4452 2-9-5-8

5| Bicycles

In the market for a new set of wheels or just
cooking to add a second to that collection?
Vant personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.

Vlany to choose from
* Best Prices in Townl
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 4-20-69-9

* For Sale

Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 4-20-71-10

'ARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar
supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional cooking utensils.
R.W.B(sty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 4-20-71-10

Search 24 bookstores in 1 click! S&H
and taxes automatically calculated. Try it
today! 2-15-35-10

Beverage. 0 calories, 0 sugar w/relaxing
aphrofciac herbs. Students using it nation-
Nide. Buy/sell it. www.aphrodisiabeverage.c
)m or 2-25-20-10

a For Sale

WEDDING GOWN beaded halter, ivory,
size 10. Never worn. Retail $500, Asking
$400. Will bring to you to try. Julie 359-2241.

Visit us Feb 12-14 @ SW Archer Rd/ SW
34th St Amoco &/or 6900 NW 8th Ave
(Newberry Shell Station across from Oaks
Mall) $25/doz $15/1/2doz. Vases also. 352-
235-0033 2-14-6-10
Come see what's new! GCM thrift shops
downtown 238 SW 4th Ave, NW 5001 NW
34th St. Get more bang for your $! New items
daily Mon Sat 378-3654 4-20-43-10

SMotorcycles, Mopeds)

Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974
Swamp Cycles
Electric Bikes, Scooters, and more!
Prices from $450 with lyr warranty
534 SW 4th Ave. 373-8823 4-20-70-11
New location now open 1901 NW67th Place
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. All models & directions avail on
website. 4-20-50-11

2002 Blue Sinski. Great condition! Call Matt
352-246-6130 2-10-5-11

2004 MOPED $900
Call Rob for more info 561-818-2077 2-

5 Autos

ORunning or not!l
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
OCall Don @ 215-7987 4-20-71-12

CARS -CARS BuyOSelleTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St.

Running or Not 1990 & up only
Call Ray 352-284-8619
2715 N MAIN 377-1616

Best Cars Lowest Prices
94 Del Sol Civic 5sp $3995
96 Accord LX 4dr $4495
97 Civic 2dr AT $4995
99 Civic 4dr AT $5995
GATORIDES 318-0813

**Power windows don't work?**
On site available
Call Steve 338-5142.

$500! Police Impounds!
Hondas, Chevys, Toyotas, etc.
For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 3-7-

Bring your W2 & drive home today. Cash
cars as low as $1000. No credit check: Call
now 338-1999 4-20-63-12

[ 1


We finance anyone! $2000 discount off
finance price. More than 150 vehicles in
stock. Call 338-1999 Drive today! 4-20-63-1

All vehicles $0 down & up! Plus +++ 30 day
warranty eng & trans. No credit check. Call
338-1999 4-20-63-12
Buy, Sell, Trade.
We Finance. 495-9500
'88 Honda Accord $699
'86 Buick LeSabre $799
'88 Toyota Corolla $899
'90 Acura Legend $999
(352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12
'90 Chevy Lumina Van $1499
'93 Chevy Blazer$1499
'90 Ford F-150 $2499
'93 Chrystler New Yorker $1999
(352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12
FORD THUNDERBIRD -1996 V8 107k mi
blue/green well kept, drives well all power.
Reduced $3600 215-2039 2-14-5-12
1992 BUICK SKYLARK 98k 4dr, turquoise
w/gray interior, new tires, brakes, fuel pump
& other new parts. Cold air $2200, cell#352-
318-7707 2-11-4-12

1 owner, new brakes, 120K, $2800, 332-
9844 evenings 2-14-4-12

5 Wanted
JEWELRY. 373-9243 4-20-71-13
On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.
2-door, 1982 to '88. ASAP for 2 hour engi-
neering study. 1983 preferred. $100. Call, Iv.
msg. 375-8710 2-10-10-13

Car, Truck, House or Furniture
Call Now! 352-538-1690 3-8-20-13

Help Wanted

This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings
Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref.
for details. 4-20-71-14
Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PTto start with more hrs possible. Start
at $5.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 4-20-71-4
CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 4-20-71-14
Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 4-
Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at
employment 4-20-68-14

IU Help Wanted

University of Florida
Survey Research Center
392-2908 ext. 105
$7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training
Nights + Weekends
Telephone Interviewing NO SALES
Must work spring break.
408 W. University Ave Suite #106

For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 4-

FT or PT, flexible schedules. Call 2-5pm 378-
2442 or come in and fill out an application
@ California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St
Mon-Fri 4-20-71-14

No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 4-20-71-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254

AUDITORS for local growing inventory
service. FT/PT, DFWP. Paid training. Call

Mortgage lender has sales positions avail
for college students seeking prof work exp.
$8-9/hr + bonus. No exp req'd, flex hrs.
Apply in person btwn 4-8pm Mon-Fri 1900
SW 34 St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit



0 CO

qID ) 04)

U -



31 *c Help Wanted

Growing company needs PT help.
Bookkeeper Quickbooks exp only. Delivery
& warehouse, website administrator, clean
background check only need apply. Fax
resume with salary req to 377-5595 2-10-

Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers
for all positions. Cashiers (must have full day
avail) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1 & PM 12-6
shifts avail) 15-40 hrs your choice.-Great
work environment. Apply in person 7404
NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No
phone calls please. 2-28-38-14

Swim Instrubtor/Office Staff
Seal Swim School now hiring energetic, fun,
responsible individuals. PT/FT positions
available. Competitive pay. WSI certifica-
tion Feb. Lutz 813-948-7134; Tampa 813-
932-5455; North Pinellas 727-943-8782. 2-10-20-14

World's largest pizza delivery company now
* Delivery Drivers
* Pizza makers
* Phone order takers

$9- $14/hr
All you need is a reliable car & a very posi-
tive attitude. Apply @ any of the 5 Domino's
locations in Gainesville. 4-20-70-14



WQ1 Help Wanted

Summer/Fall 2005 graduate opportunities
for Graduate Hall Directors, Staff Resource
Assistants and Judicial Assistant in the
Department of Housing and Residence
Education. Graduate Hall Directors reside in
his/her area of responsibility, and supervise,
develop, and direct the staff under his/her
responsibility. The number of staff varies by
area, as well as the number of residents liv-
ing in the hall. The Staff Resource Assistants
develop and facilitates programming and
resources for residence life staff. The
Judicial Assistant works with various aspects
of the judicial program. Applicants must be
admitted to graduate school., enrolled for
9-12 hours, and have some organized group
living experience. The beginning salary is
$3,420 each semester based on 9.5 months
of work. An on-campus apartment, fully fur-
nished with all utilities, local telephone, and
basic cable service is provided. Application
deadline (for priority consideration): Friday,
February 18, 2005. Contact Kathy Smith
at the Housing Office, 392-2171 ext 10139

Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making &
smoking. If interested come to the psychol-
ogy bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297

Another Saturday night without a date?
Read The Alligator.

12 Help Wanted

DRIVERS NEEDED Can earn anywhere between
$8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule.
Call Dave for info: 379-9600 2-18-25-14

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR needed. is looking for responsible,
enthusiastic people. City geography knowl-
edge, customer svc. exp helpful. For more
info call David 379-3663 2-18-25-14

Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here &
students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr
with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105
NW 16th St. 4th Floor. Academic Classroom
Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info.
MARY POPPINS: Where are you?
FT NANNY NEEDED 30-45 hrs/wk
4 jobs avail TODAY: Great $$$ for exp.
Noah's Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008 2-25-37-

Good $ for exp: grad stud. welcomed bkgd
ck: 12 REAL $$ jobs avail NOW
Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 2-25-27-14

Several positions availabel for
Part Time, good $$$$$ MNOW
Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 2-25-27-14

I i Help Wanted

$1380 weekly stuffing envelopes FT/PT No
experience necessary. For more info call
386-462-9301 2-17-20-14

Entry level on-board positions available.
Great benefits. Seasonal or year-round. 941-
329-6434 2-17-20-14

Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company w/advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156 2-17-20-14

* $2100
* Co-Ed Camp
* Seven Weeks
* Room and Board Included
The Florida Elks Youth Camp (FEYC) needs
male and female Summer Camp Counselors
ages 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight camp
located off of Highway 450 in Umatilla, FL
The camp runs June 6 July 23. Please
contact. Krys Ragland at 1-800-523-1673 ext.
250 or 352-669-9443 ext 250. 4-20-58-14

SECRETARY needed. is
looking for responsible, enthusiastic people.
City geography knowledge, customer
service exp helpful. For more info call David
379-3663 2-18-19-14

I "Help Wanted

30 Openings!
Great pay, flex scheds, sales/svc
All ages 18+, conditions apply

Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! 2-21-20-14

Enhance your resume and job skills!
Energetic students wanting to achieve
and succeed. All majors and years. email us now.!

Cook, Sushi Chef
Chinese specialty FT/PT, call Green Sparrow
Chinese Restaurant (Haile Village Ctr) 352-
871-5771 2-10-10-14

hiring for a dishwasher, kitchen prep position,
full or part time. Evenings only. Pay starts at
$7.00/hr. Apply'within, Mon-Thurs, 1-4 pm,
use rear entrance. 2-10-10-14

LEASING AGENT needed for 90-unit apt
complex. Part-time, hours variable. Needed
every-other weekend. E-mail resume to or PO Box 90275,
Gainesville 32607 2-11-10-14

Movie extras, actors, models! make $100
$300/day. No exp req, FT/PT, all looks
needed! Call 1-800-340-5939 ext 1042







* -








Help Wanted -

& 4 Mon-Fri. Calico Jack's, 3501 SW 2nd Ave
Creekside Mall. 2-14-10-14

LEARN how you can EARN $100K + per
year P/T. Training Provided. 800-631-8230

Escape to the Shenandoah Mtns of W
Virginia. TIMBER RIDGE CAMP, co-ed,
seeking young, energetic staff to work with
children for the summer. 90 miles from
Washington D.C. June 20 thru Aug 15, 2005.
Top salaries + travel allowance. A repre-
sentative will be on campus Wed Feb
16th from 7-9 pm @ The Reitz Urion for
interviews. E-mail or
call 800-258-2267. 2-16-12-14

Instruct 3rd thru 12th grade students from
any location; internet connection required;
send resume to 2-24-

NANNY to care for 4 yr old in my home 3
days a week. 6:30-9:00 am and 3:00-8:00
pm. Ref required, background check. Call
271-0840 2-10-5-14

FIT and P/T for hotel. Hourly & bonus.
Weekdays & Weekends. Friendly attitudes
w/good customer svc skills. Apply in person
: 4021 SW40th Blvd 2-10-5-14

Continued on next page.





. -IM



9 IL

< -




*l Help Wanted

Hiring all positions!
Cometitive pay, exc. health & dental plans,
401 K, tuition assistance & career opp. Apply
in person M-R 2-4 pm or anytime online
@ 2-11-5-14
DRIVERS NEEDED for Valentines in floral
shop. Must have own vehicle w/AC. Apply in
person 319 NW 13th St. 2-11-5-14
PT position @ local Christian Church 15
hrs/wk. Must be familiar w/current praise &
worship music. Able to lead a band, sing &
play guitar. Fax resume 352-377-0408 2-

TACO BELL Now hiring
Looking for bright, energetic workers for all
shifts! Flexible scheduling and good starting
pay. Apply today at 3408 SW Archer Road.

Leasing Consultant
Energetic attitude/Cust Service
Exp. Apply Paradigm Properties
220 N. Main 375-2152 2-14-5-14

Custodial duties/Apt. Maint.
Transportation a must. Apply
220 N. Main 375-2152 DFWP 2-14-5-14

P-T IT Technician familiar w/MS Office 2000
and some HTML coding on Intranet. Assist
NA with minor networking issues. Help Desk
support. Fax Resume 373-1864 2-14-5-14

Get professional sales training /coaching
while helping other students. Incredible new
multimedia grade-improvement system.
Call 352-317-2835 NOW for interview!

Fun work environment! Work around
classes. All majors welcome. Customer
sales/svc. Conditions Apply. CAL 335-

Youth & Children's Minister
First United Methodist Church seeks full-
time Children and Youth Ministries Director.
Must be able to develop & implement active
Children/Youth ministry programs, commu-
nicate~.ith motivated middle & senior high
youth, children, parents & volunteers, lead/
conduct Sunday & Wednesday evening ac-
tivities. Salaried position with benefits. (mid-
$30's). Bachelor's degree or two years relat-
ed experience required. Background check,
driver's license check (min age for insurance
25 yrs.), first aid & CPR certifications (within
2 months of hire). Submit resume with refer-
ences to: FUMC, 419 NE 1st St, Gainesville,
FL 32601 Attn: Jim Williams CYMD Search
Committee 2-14-5-14

FT or PT
Send resume to or call 352-
375-0772 ext 122 2 14-5-14

Gator Dining Services needs experienced
professionals for weekend and night posi-
tions. Pay based on experience. Fill out an
application at Gator Dining Services busi-
ness office. 2-15-5-4

Earn While You Shop!
Call Now Toll Free
1-888-255-6040 Ext 13400 2-9-1-14

AMAZING SUMMER at PA coed children's
overnight camp. Men & Women wanted
for all activities and counselor positions.
Nursing positions available too Good salary.
Internships available. We provide campers
with a safe quality experience that will stay
with them forever. Let us do the same for you.
Visit website, to
schedule on-campus interview for February
17. 2-10-2-14

Prestigious Trail's End Camp Pennsylvania
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UK wins down stretch

MEN'S, from page 1

3-pointers to put the Gators, who led by as much as 12,
up for the remainder of the half.
The Gators leveled off in, the second half, however,
shooting 45.3, as Roberson went 3 for 10.
"We just needed some more instant offense," said
Roberson, holding a bag of ice on his
shooting hand.
Roberson said that during a scramble
for a loose ball, Azubuike stepped on
his hand, but the junior insists that it
didn't affect his shooting.
The Wildcats sealed the game down
Roberson the stretch, hitting five out of seven foul
shots in the final 1:15.
Kentucky made 24 in the game 11 more than UF at-
"The biggest difference from our past losses to
Kentucky was our lack of physicality," said Donovan,
whose team was outrebounded 34-27. "But today we're
right there."
But junior Matt Walsh, who finished with 18 points,
had a slightly different assessment of the game.
"No moral victories," Walsh said. "We feel like we
should've won."


CNN Documentary explores challenges

of our education system by following

.L four new Teach For America teachers

Gators off to best start in program history

SOFT, from page 20

tougher and tougher we're going to
have to eliminate the mistakes that
we made, but I was very pleased
with their composure and how
they managed themselves on the

BULLPEN, from page 20

can't help but wonder are the Gators
that much worse than Kentucky? Is UF
still on its seven-year Lexington railway
to hell?
, You'd have to say no to both, but with
a grit in your teeth and an educated skep-
ticism in your feeble head.
Yes, the Gators lost, and Kentucky
owns them until that changes. But, in
spite of the loss, the Gators proved a
couple of things. First, the Alabama
blowout wasn't a fluke in that UF hung
in there with Kentucky even toward the

As far as comparisons to other
successful teams in UF history, Johns
says it may be a little premature to
tell how they stack up.
At least one player, though,
thinks that this team may have what
it takes to live up to, or even exceed,

end. Also, that the Gators have a com-
plete team shooters, defenders, hustle
players. They also have chemistry. What
UF doesn't have is enough of all that to
make a difference yet.
You're probably vacuuming the
clumps of hair you tore out of your scalp
during the second half while you read
this, but take solace in the fact that UF has
its best squad since its 2000 champion-
ship team. Not as good, but the best since
then. The Gators just haven't meshed it
all together. The freshmen, though bril-
liant, are still aging in Billy D's wine cel-
lar. But it's these very freshmen that give
UF a realistic chance at beating Kentucky



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those teams of the past.
"The difference I think with
this team is that the chemistry is
so high," Stevens said. "We really
play well together and we step up
together and we push each other
well. I think that's what's helped us
to such a great start."

at the O'Dome after spring break.
In previous seasons, the Gators
were the Indianapolis Colts of the
Southeastern Conference leaders
in scoring but slackers at defense. But
adding Al Horford, Corey Brewer and
Joakim Noah is like adding a young
Junior Seau, Roy Williams and Takeo
Spikes to your team.
But there are a few catches. You can't
expect the freshmen to recapture Rupp
on their first try. You can't anticipate a
hot-shooting Gators team every time
they play. The wine ferments as we
speak. Drink up when you come back
from spring break.

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Gators stockpile arms for shot at championship

Alligator Writer

As the adage goes, championships are won
with pitching. The 2005 UF pitching staff is be-
ing asked to do exactly that.
The squad lost six pitchers from last season,
most notably Southeastern Conference Pitcher
of the Year Justin Hoyman, but gained 11 new
The 2004 team set a school record for fewest
walks per game (2.17) and posted the team's
lowest earned run average (3.34) since 1992.
UF's 2005 pitchers feature a trio of estab-
lished veterans and a highly touted transfer.
Several players are excited about the newcom-
ers on the mound.
"Last year, I thought we were one pitcher
short," senior outfielder Jeff Corsaletti said. "I
think this year we have a good shot. Our pitch-
ing staff, our crop of new pitchers, we have a
bunch of good ones."
Senior right-hander Tommy Boss is sched-
uled to start the season opener Friday night

against Charleston Southern. Boss posted a 4-
5 record and 4.24 ERA in 2004, including a pair
of complete games in his final two starts. Boss
walked only six batters in 76.1 innings.
Connor Falkenbach, one of the team's four
seniors, is projected both to start and come
out of the bullpen. The sidearm right-hander
led the team with 35 appearances last season,
posting a 10-7 record and 3.34 ERA.
"We work hard on locating our pitches
and not walking anybody," Falkenbach said.
"We don't want to walk anybody, we don't
want to get behind in counts. We want to get
that strike one right away.
"We want to let the hitters put the ball
in play and let our defense play behind us
because we have a great defense, we always
have," Falkenbach said. "It's just important
not to give away free at bats to the hitters, not
to walk them and stuff like that."
UF's third anticipated starter is junior
transfer Alan Home. The 6-foot-4 right-hand-
er was a first-round draft selection out of
high school, but opted to play for Mississippi
before suffering an arm injury his sophomore

year. He pitched for Chipola Junior College
last year.
Redshirt junior Darren O'Day returns as
the team's closer. He led the Gators with five
saves last year, while posting an 8-1 record
and 2.56 ERA.

"I think that both Connor and
Tommy are more quiet leadership
with work ethic."
Pat McMahon
UF baseball coach

Senior Mike Pete is the most experienced
left-hander on the staff, and will look to earn
a starting role in addition to his late relief
duties. Pete has a 10-2 career record and 4.93
Junior right-hander Bryan Ball provides
another proven option. He posted a 5-1 re-
cord and 5.04 ERA last season.
Coach Pat McMahon is looking for his up-
perclassmen to set the tone for the rest of the

pitching staff.
"I think that both Connor and Tommy
are more quiet leadership with work ethic,"
McMahon said, "That's one of the neathings
when you talk about leadership and leader-
ship skills.
"So often people tend to think it's 'rah
rah' and vocal, but they're exactly the op-
posite. They lead with their own personality,
within their strengths."
Boss shared his thoughts on the lesser-
known pitchers. .
"Our young guys, like Brian Augensteih;
and Josh Edmonson those guys ciir -atrtl
Boss said. "What I've seen in fa 1 pra,-hti:
they don't seem to get rattled by all the pres-
sure that we had.
"Even. lefty Mike Pete, a senior, he's
started before. I think we'll have some good
depth. Oh, I forgot Brian Ball. How could i
forget him? He probably had the best fall oul
of all the guys on our team, starting wise."
"I feel like we have a lot of depth in
whatever three guys match up one weekend
against one team," Boss said.

UF struggles in SEC; must go 5-0 for shot at NCAA


Alligator Writer

There's nowhere to go but up.
There's just not much time left to
get there.
With five games remaining, the
UF women's basketball team could
be considered desperate as it con-
tinues its drop in the Southeastern
Conference standings. With a con-
ference record of 3-6 and 12-10 over-
all, the Gators are in serious danger
of missing the NCAA tournament.
Unless, according to Coach
Carolyn Peck, UF can win its last

five games..Then, even with a first-
round loss in the SEC tournament,
the Gators would finish a game
above .500 in the conference and
would likely receive a bid for the
Peck made the comment follow-
ing Sunday's 77-66 loss at Alabama,
UF's fifth consecutive loss.
"If we have any hope of playing
in the postseason, we're going to
have to go 5-0," she said. "With only
three wins in the SEC right now, we
put our backs against the wall."
Peck clarified her statement
Tuesday by saying that winning the
last five games means UF would
control its own destiny, which is the
best-case scenario.
"If we don't [win the last five],
we sit back and hope other teams

lose," she said. "So, to be in control
of our own destiny, that would be-
the best way to do it."
Junior Bernice Mosby, who leads
the team with 15.8 points a game,
agrees with her
"I believe we
will have to go
5-0 to go to the
[NCAA] tourna-
ment," Mosby
said. "I believe
Mosby we can do it as a
team if we just all
buckle down and concentrate and
focus on basketball...I think once
we get to that point we'll be fine."
The five-game stretch begins
at Kentucky (14-9, 3-5 SEC) on
Thursday, whom UF has defeated in

three of the last four meetings.
UF should be wary of taking the
Wildcats lightly though. Peck said
after UF played well in an overtime
loss to No. 5 Tennessee last week,
the Gators thought they could beat
"I think that in the Alabama
game we had every assumption
that we were going to win," Peck
said. "But you got to go get a win
in the SEC. No one is going to give
it to you."
UF played well in losses to No.
18 Georgia, No. 20 Vanderbilt and
The problem being that those
losses are book ended by a loss at
home to Mississippi and the loss
to Alabama games where UF
struggled much of the game.

Peck .admits that while UF is in
need of a win, she will not place
any added pressure on the team foi
Kentucky because every SEC game
is important.
"We're not going to freak out
right now," Peck said. "It's extreme-
ly important, just like every SEC
game has been."
Peck cannot pinpoint the one
thing that has gone wrong over the
last five games to start UF's slide
into ninth place in the SEC. Bu
Mosby thinks the problem may be
in their heads.
"I think it's all mental-9 this
point, because we have the talent,'
she said. "So at this point, I think, we
have to'buckle down mentally and
do the things that got us winning [ir
the first place]."

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Gators start perfect

" Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers".

Rupp always a tough place


Alligator Staff Writer

LEXINGTON, Ky. Parting a student mob of
blue and white, a middle-aged, orange-and-blue-
clad man emerges from the Kentucky boosters'
hospitality room, making his way toward the
With no regard for the Kentucky basketball
bluebloods accompanying the man, an entire
section, led by a shirtless, blue-faced character,
instantly screams "boo" in the foreigner's face.
This is Rupp Arena. With a capacity of 23,000,
few collegiate stadiums present such difficulty for
the opposition as represented by the Wildcats'
364-42 home record since 1976.
After four years as a Kentucky assistant in the
early 1990s and -three at Marshall, Coach Billy
Donovan knows the intimidation factor that Rupp
"I've always noticed, even when I was at
Kentucky myself, there's a look in the opposing
team's eyes when you. know they don't have a

chance to win," said Donovan, who holds a 1-10
all-time record when visiting Rupp.
And for a UF team featuring five freshmen -
including two in the starting lineup Donovan
said a main concern was how his youngsters
would react in such a hostile environment.

"I've always noticed, even when I was
at Kentucky myself, there's a look in
the opposing team's eyes when you
know they don't have a chance to
Billy Donovan
UF basketball coach

"I don't know if there is anything I can say to a
guy that will help them understand [what it's like
to play here]," he said.

UF VIP: While the Wildcats may have the celebrity
power of alumna-turned-actress Ashley Judd, the
Gators had their own nostalgic attendee.
Former guard Brett Nelson was in attendance
to watch his alma mater on Tuesday.
Nelson, who graduated in December, now re-
sides to his hometown of St. Albans, W.V., about a
90-minute drive from the Lexington area.

Alligator Writer

Ranked fourth in the nation, the
Oklahoma Sooners entered their
game with UF last weekend having
outscored their previous three op-
ponents by a combined score of 19-
4. They finished their game against
the Gators with just two hits in a 3-0
Although the Gators coaches and
players won't call it a statement
game, a loud and clear statement has
definitely been made.
"It felt great, and I think it helped
our confidence and let us know that
we can go out and play with the top
teams," said first baseman Melissa
Zick, who leads the team with nine
RBIs and a .467 batting average. "It
shows that we are a top team and we
can be the best."
Following their victory against
Oklahoma, the Gators went on to
win the Clearwater Invitational and
improve their record to 7-0, making
them the first team in the nine-year
history of the program to go through
their first seven games without a
"I told the team that this is a mar-
athon and we haven't even climbed

the first hill yet," Coach Karen Johns
said. "So we're really not going to
consume ourselves too much with
where we think we stand as much as
how we want to improve."
One of the big reasons that the team
is still undefeated is due in large part to
the pitching staff. Against the Sooners,
sophomore Stacey Stevens (3-0) threw
a complete-game
shutout. Following
that game, senior
Mandy Schuerman
(2-0) pitched a com-
plete-game one hit-
ter against Florida
Johns Atlantic. Much of
their success can be
attributed to the help and support that
they lend each other.
"We get really excited, even more
so than the rest of the team, to see each
other do well," said Schuerman. "The
entire [pitching] staff is like one big
' Johns, though, still sees room for
"I thought we did some nice
things, but there were times when
I think we struggled, so we've got
some things to work on," Johns
said. "As the competition keeps getting

UF not ready for 'Cats

here was supposed to be
a break in. your regularly
scheduled Kentucky beat-
ing. You were tuned in to another
episode of "Those Soft, Cuddly
and Overrated Gators," but
the program was changing to a
remastered and athletically re-
vamped "Gators Who Can Ball."
UF had a 36-29 halftime
lead. Coach Billy Donovan had
America's attention. And with
undefeated Boston College falling
to those pesky Irish earlier in the
night, you could almost feel a UF
upset coming. You almost had an
excuse to go streaking throughout
a local apartment complex near
Then there was the halftime

UF was
J byKen-
Louis dancers.
Anastasis Ma y be
Louis in the Bullpen Anthony Roberson
he was
hogging the scoring column.
Maybe the Gators just weren't yet
ready to beat the Wildcats.
It was heartbreak all over
Yet even after all that the
big lead, then the collapse you


Men's basketball
Illinois 57
Michigan 51

Bostti College 65
Notre Dame 68

N 1996: UF shortstop David Eckstein be-
comes the first player in school history to
hit for the cycle. One year earlier to the day,
Eckstein became one of just two Gators to
record 9 RBI in a game.

* Log on to for
an update on three Gators athletes being
named Southeastern Conference athletes
of the week. Also, the Gators baseball
team will have a guest pitcher and the
women's golf team played in California.

ENBA: Atlanta vs. Orlando
Sunshine, 7 p.m.
NNBA: Sacramento vs. Seattle
TNT, 10:30 p.m.

..... ..Ha. >...

Full Text


the independent florida Pubshed by Campus COMMUrications, Inc. of Gainesvle Floda We Inform. You Decide. VOLUME 98 ISSUE 96 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2005 Ruined at Rupp Arena ETHE GATORS FELL TO KENTUCKY AGAIN, 69-66. By BRYAN APP Alligator Staff Writer LEXINGTON, Ky. -As Coach Billy Donovan sat with his elbows resting on his knees, yelling into his clutched hands, he knew what was coming. He was all too familiar with Rupp Arena, with its rabid fans and its No. 6 Kentucky team. And after watching his team go to the brink of breaking its four-year losing streak against the Wildcats, he witnessed it wash -away with one crowdcrazing run. AP photo David Lee and UF lost a 7-point halftime lead against Kentucky. He knew it was coming. So did the Gators. "It was no surprise," said junior guard Matt Walsh. "We knew they were coming at 3 o'clock this-afternoon." With the 69-66 loss, the Gators (14-6, 6-3 Southeastern Conference)have fallen to Kentucky eight times in as many games. The Wildcats overcame a halftime deficit with a 13-3 second-half run. With 13 minutes remaining, Ravi Moss capped the surge with a fast-break layup off a behind the back assist. The run erased a 9-point UF halftime lead, putting the Wildcats ahead 47-45, and awoke the dormant 24,191strong crowd. And after shooting 9 for 27 in the first half, Kentucky recovered with a 55.7 percent mark from the field. The Wildcats outscored UF 28-10 in the paint in the second half, led by 11-point outings from senior Chuck Hayes and freshman Randolph Morris. In all, four Wildcats players finished in double digits in scoring, as junior guard Kelenna Azubuike scored a team-high 18 and freshman guard Rajon Rondo stepped up with 14. Initally, UF appeared in control. As a team with a 9-0 record, UF overcame some foul trouble in the first half, quieting the emotionally charged home crowd and taking a 36-29 halftime lead. Led by Anthony Roberson, who accounted for 15 of his game-high 23 points on 6 of 8 shooting in the first half, UF sunk 54.2 percent of its field goals in the opening period. After trailing 8-6, Roberson sunk one of his three first-half SEE MEN'S, PAGE 18 Virus als network By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer This year's flu season has spread beyond just human afflictions. UF's computer network may be coughing and sneezing in synch with its human operators. A virus within the system is allowing hackers outside the university to send e-mails disguised as UF faculty members. uen "We have had (an) insidious virus that has gotten into the UF network," said Daniel Cromer, acting director for the Information Technology department within the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at UP Last week, eight e-mails with suspect subject headings such as "Hi! :-)" and "Hey, dude, its me" were sent to subscribers on the college's listserv, most of them under the name of Charles J. Harris, director of the Knight Division, the scholarship arm of the College of Journalism and Communications. During a typical week, journalism students receive two e-mails from Harris. Harris received an e-mail from a student who opened the attachment in an e-mail bearing Harris' name and found the virus. The virus is described as being "easy" to contain and "moderate(ly)" difficult to remove by Symantec, a computer se SEE VIRUS, PAGE 9 STUDENT FINANCES Cuts to ground Bound By EMILY YEHLE Alligator Writer Potential low-income UF students might find themselves without a college preparatory program if Congress passes President Bush's proposed budget later this year. In a shakeup of the Department of Education's budget, Bush proposed Monday to eliminate the Upward Bound and Talent Search programs in fiscal year 2006. The programs offer services to low-income middle and high school students who want to attend college, many of whom would be the first in their family to do so. Although supporters of the cut say the programs serve ambitious students already headed for college, many participants come from families who can't guide them in how to apply and attend, said Barbara McDade, interim director of UF's Upward Bound. "This awareness, this consciousness is as much a part of the program as helping them with grades," she said. And when only 7 percent of Bradford and Levy counties' residents have college degrees, along with 20 percent of Alachua County residents, McDade said she doubts loBush cal parents have the resources and experience to motivate their children. Furthermore, UF's program has a good record, sending about 90 percent of its graduates to college, or 13 of 15 graduating Upward Bound seniors last year, she said. SEE UPWARD, PAGE 9 Gator Party completes Spring executive ticket The Gator Party announced Tuesday its executive ticket for Spring Student Government elections. .Former Student Sen. Joyce Medina will be the party's vice-presidental candidate and Lindsay Cosimi, former Student Body President Kyle Jones' chief of staff, will run for treasurer. Cosimi's goals include improving how student groups request money and bringing legal musicdownloading software to UF students. Medina said she wanted to "make multicultural enrichment a more substantial part of the SG agenda." H Although the University of Georgia is well-known for biotechnology, more than cattle is being cloned in Athens, Ga. See story, pg. 8. 0 Mike Lemire checks his bids Tuesday after placing himself up for auction on eBay as a Valentine's Day date. The highest bid of the bunch will be donated to tsunami relief. See story, pg. 10. FORECAST OPINIONS CLASSIFIEDS CROSSWORD SPORTS 2 6 11 15 20 Partly cloudy 74/54 visit Not officially associated with the University of Forida


2, ALLIGATOR U WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2005 News Today FORECAST TODAY PARTLY CLOUDY 74/54 THURSDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 64/31 FRIDAY SUNNY 55/32 SATURDAY SUNNY 62/37 SUNDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 66/48 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Ne the indpendent liia VOLUME 98 ISSUE 96 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Dwayne Robinson, Managing Editor / Print Mike Gimignani, Managing Editor / New Media Matthew Kelly, Sports Editor Ian Fisher, Assistant Sports Editor Louis Anastasis, Editor Andrew Abramson, University Editor Justin Hemlepp, jhemlepp@alligatororg Metro Editor Eva Kis, Freelance Editor Natalie Liem, Assignment Editor Nick Weidenmiller, nweidenmiller@alligatorcorg Tallahassee Bureau Chief James VanLandingham, jvanl@ailigatororg Opinions Editor Matt Sanchez, Editorial Board Dwayne Robinson, Mike Gimignani, Matt Sanchez, Lauren Flanagan, Diana Middleton, Craig Singleton Photo Editor Casey Anderson, Assistant Photo Editor Nick West, Photo Staff Matt Marriott, Morgan Petroski, Emily Harris, Tricia Coyne the Avenue Editor Kelly-Anne Suarez, the Avenue Assistant Editor Sarah Anderson, Art Director Andy Marlette Copy Dask Chiefs Malt Emar, Thomas Gries, Sheryl Rosen, Ryan Worthington Copy Editors Chris Berger, Mary Beth Bishop, Gayle Cohen, Carly Felton, Jennifer Freihofer, Lyndsey Lewis, Krissi Palmer, Heather Romans, Stephanie Rosenblatt, Lynne Schultz, Michael Schutz, Brandy Stearns, Marianna Tuninskaya Staff Bryan App, Stephanie Garry, Gregg Girvan, Megan Seery, Brian Shaffer w Media Staff Assistant Editor Gwen Heimburg New Media Staff Dan Jimmerson The Alligator strives to be accurate and clear in its news reportS and editorials. If you find an error, please call our newsroom at (352 ) 3764458 or send an e-mail to Help us answer this and other health-related questions. Reach 50,000 prospective clients and customers by advertising in the Alligator's informative supplement,_ To Your Health. Deadline: Tuesday, February 15 Run Date: Tuesday, February 22 DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, Advertising Office Manager Marybeth Miller, Advertising Office Assistants Joshua Appelbbum, Elizabeth Cueto Sales Representatives Patrick Sherry, Melissa Vloedman Jim McCaddin, Joel Fernandez Kyle Moore, Lindsey Kuhn Chris Pacheco, Anne Garcia -Jennifer Rudloff, Jennifer Simmons Sales Development/Intern Coordinator Neil Callanan CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015(Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, ellight@alligatororg Classified Clerks Leah Zissimopulos, Bethany O'Neill, Merab-Michal Favorite, Marianne Cooper CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, Operations Assistants Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, Student Accounting Clerks Jimmy Martineau, Chris Brink Alex Thurn, Brandon Edwards ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, tcarey@alligatororg Administrative Manager Allison Sinclair, Lorena Crowley Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Assistant Production Manager Information Technology Manager Advertising Production Staff Editorial Production Staff Vern Bean, Stephanie Gocklin, Brian Dwyer, Elizabeth Houston, Shana Langfur, Jovan Ribadeo, Nick Johnson, Elliott Bedinghaus, Kate Barnes, Michelle Stewart, Maggie Peuler Jennifer LaBrie, Natasha Weinstein, Kate Mullan, Amy Oglesby, Melissa Garcia The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester' $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc.


WEDNESDAY, FEBRUA UY e, 2)005 Q ALLIGATQR, 3 U F ATMFIISTRAT ON Canddat dros ot ofrac forUF' No.2 ps-A By STEPHANIE GARRY Alligator Staff Writer The list of candidates for UF's second highest administrative position boasted one fewer name Monday, but not because of any action on UF's part. Mark Thiemens, a search committee's favorite external candidate for provost, called UF President Bernie Machen Monday to withdraw himself from consideration, committee chairman Doug Barrett said. "It's disappointing but not, perhaps, unusual for a candidate to drop out," Barrett said. "These are incredibly talented people. They always have lots of opportunities, and so it's never surprising when things like this change." The search for UF's next provost and chief academic officer is now in its final stages after the search committee sent Machen the names of four recommended candidates "It's disappointing but not, perhaps, unusual for a candidate to drop out." Doug Barrett search committee chairman Monday. Whether or not the search committee will reconsider candidates it passed over earlier is up to Machen. The other candidates are Pramod Khargonekar, dean of UF's College of Engineering; George Atkinson, professor at the University of Arizona and adviser to the U.S. State Department; and Richard Hoffman, dean at the University of NebraskaLincoln. Barrett said he did not know if Thiemens gave Machen a reason for his withdrawal, but he expected all of the candidates to be recruited regularly for similar positions, he said. Thiemens could not be reached for comment Tuesday. On Monday, the committee discussed the need to move quickly during the final stages of the search to discourage candidates from dropping out. UF is competing with Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice for Atkinson. He is on a three-year appointment as senior adviser for science and technology at the State Department and is on leave as a professor at Arizona. However, Barrett said the administrative change in the department may influence Atkinson's decision. Bill could relax residency illegal aliens may get in-state tuition By JAMES VANLANDINGHAM Alligator Staff Writer ivanlessigator.arg TALLAHASSEE -The American dream of a college education may soon become more attainable for thousands of undocumented Florida students who are in the United States illegally. The Florida Senate Education Committee. passed a bill Tuesday that would allow children of illegal immigrants to claim Florida residency for tuition purposes under certain circumstances. Under the bill, state residents must have lived in Florida for three consecutive years with a parent while attending and graduating from a Florida high school. They must also sign an affidavit promising to file to become a legal permanent resident at their earliest opportunity. International students who are in the country legally on student visas, however, would not qualify for in-state tuition under the bill. Currently, state law forbids community colleges and state universities from allowing illegal immigrants from claiming in-state tuition benefits, even if the students lived in the state foryears and graduated from Florida high schools. The best such students can hope for is to be admitted into universities, including UF, as out-of-state students. At UF, nonresidents pay $527.58 per credit hour, compared to $98.50 for residents. Moreover, students classified as nonresidents are also barred from receiving Bright Futures scholarships, even if they graduated in Florida with good test scores and a high GPA. Due to the increasing cost of out-of-state tuition, "these aliens are more likely not to obtain needed postsecondary skills or credentials to obtain higher paying jobs," according to an Education Committee staff report. Since such families are often poor, the $15,827 yearly cost for 30 credits at UF -compared to $2,955 for residents -makes attending college almost impossible; perpetuating a cycle of poverty. The bill still faces steep hurdles before it can be enacted into law. It must pass the Senate Education Appropriations Committee and, after the legislature convenes March 8, the bill must pass a floor vote by the Senate. It must also be accepted without significant amendments by the House of Representatives, considered the more conservative of the two chambers. Finally, it must win Gov. Jeb Bush's signature to be enacted into law. Katrina Ruiz, president of UF's Hispanic Student Association, said that while the bill has a long way to go before it becomes law, she likes the proposal. "If this piece of legislation will ensure more Hispanic or Latino students will be able to attend university, then that sounds great," she said, though making clear that illegal immigration is not merely a Hispanic or Latino problem. "I don't care if they're black, Hispanic, or Caribbean. I think it's a positive outcome when students are given the opportunity to study at a university," she said. "I can understand the frustration of the youth of illegal immigrants when they're experiencing hardships when applying for school." It is unfair when students are denied an education and a personal future because of choices their parents made years ago, she said, adding that if the Senate bill doesn't pass, some other solution should be found. The bill also clarifies that children of active-duty soldiers stationed in Florida qualify for in-state tuition, but only at community colleges or state universities within 50 miles of their parent's base. Senate digs deep for Phillips Center tickets, Reitz Union SHOWS AT THE PHILLIPS CENTER NOW WILL COST STUDENTS $10 LESS. By STEPHEN MAGRUDER Alligator Writer UF students now can look forward to lowered ticket prices for selected campus performances, a free Caribsa festival, and a renovated Reitz Union Hotel after Tuesday's Student Senate meeting. More than $700,000 from Student Government reserve funds was promised for several campus projects, ranging from ticket subsidies for Phillips Center performances to fixing a faulty sewer valve discovered three weeks ago at the Reitz Union. In addition to the $100,000 approved to fix the sewer line, a. $500,000 no-interest loan will be given to the Reitz Union Hotel to pay for general renovations. SG is not permitted to accept interest on loans. "This is the place that students have given to themselves," Reitz Union Director David Kratzer said of the union. Preliminary estimates provided by Kratzer predicted the project's supplies would cost nearly Student $360,000 plus about $140,000 in labor costs. Government He said the renovations would allow the hotel to charge guests an additional $15 without raising rates for student groups. Sen. Andrew Hoffman disapproved of the loan, which is to be paid back in five years at $100,000 a year, saying SG would not give the money'to a student group in a similar circumstance. "By loaning the Reitz Union money, we are congratulating inefficient management," Hoffman said. Sen. MacKenzie Moritz, who co-authored the bill, responded to Hoffman's claim, saying the need for funding was caused when Capital Improvement Trust Funds went to other campus groups at no fault of the union's management. In other Senate news, shows at the Phillips Center now will cost all UF students $10 less. The Pistol and Rifle Club has most of the funding for its annual shooting festival in its sights, but no trigger to pull. The club's special request to fund its Spring shooting festival included money for everything Vice President Matt Fine said the club asked for -except shotgun rental. Fine said it would cost $75 to rent the shotguns all day for the festival, which he expects to bring in at least 100 people -a price of 75 cents per person. The group initially was given more than $1,000 for the event. Fore? Nick Bueno lines up his shot as he enjoys an afternoon game of croquet on the lawn of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, situated at 121 SW 13th St., on Tuesday. 7 h


4, ALLIGATOR E WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 2005 rakespeare farce reimagines theater 'ICK vvest/ Alligator btatt Justin Lauer, an independent student senator representing the College of Engineering, announces his candidacy for Student Body treasurer Tuesday on the Reitz Union Colonnade. '11041 Pacerty runso% trenAsu^mrebr on y By STEPHEN MAGRUDER Alligator Writer The Voice Party's sole executive candidate encouraged voters Monday to choose him over his competition for treasurer but to look elsewhere when choosing higher officials. After announcing his bid to be the party's candidate for Student Body treasurer, Sen. Justin Lauer encouraged voters to not just vote for his colleagues, but other parties, too. That's because the Voice Party has chosen only to run a treasurer candidate on its executive ticket, leaving presidential and vice presidential positions free to be filled by competing parties. "We're highly encouraging splitFind someone special. Advertise in The Alligator classifieds. 373-FIND F ticket voting," Lauer said. Presidential and vice presidential candidates, which are voted on together, remain separate from the treasurer on the ballot, meaning the top three positions in the Student Government executive branch could be filled by two different parties. "We're highly encouraging split-ticket voting." Justin Lauer Voice Party candidate for Student Body treasurer Voice does plan to run a full slate of 43 senatorial candidates in the Spring election. Party leaders plan to announce their endorsement next week for the two top positions. Sen. Christian Duque, Voice's president, said in an earlier interview that presidential candidates Joe Goldberg, MacKenzie Moritz and Dennis Ngin were being.considered for the party's endorsements. Lauer, elected in 2004 as an independent student senator, said he was ready for another tough election. "I'm definitely prepared for a little bit of adversity and an uphill battle," he said. Key party goals, based on a series of focus groups held by Voice, included Sunday .morning bus service, improved campus parking and the reforming of what Lauer called the "unfair distribution of student funds." SG controls about $11 million in tuition-funded Activity and Service fees. THE SHOW WILL PLAY THROUGH THE WEEKEND. BY HEATHER BERGER Avenue Writer Did my heart love Gainesville til now? Forswear it, sight! "For I never saw true booty -I mean, beauty until this night." With a performance that put Cliffs Notes to shame, "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)" chuckles through all 37 of his works in only 97 minutes. The Gainesville Community Playhouse's newest play, if I dare call it that, took me on a thrilling journey of violence, treachery and tragedy -and I've never laughed so hard in my life. The best way to describe "Shakespeare (Abridged)" would be a large smoothie, or cocktail if you prefer -one part, one part "Who's Line is it Anyway?" and a dash of Shakespeare on top. The play poked around some classic sexual innuendo and cross-dressing mishaps, yet it relied greatly on the audience's sense of humor. And it had a little Shakespeare, too. The talented three-man cast wailed its way through "Romeo & Juliet" and beat-boxed through "Othello." But this was child's play until their comedic climax when the actors exploded into "Hamlet," not once but four times. In the performance of theater, it is a challenge and risk for actors to break the fourth wall -the boundary with the audience. However, "Shakespeare (Abridged)" begins within the audience and maintains a relationship with the audience the entire time. We as the audience felt so comfortable in this performance that we had no problem joining into the play ourselves. We flailed our arms and hooted at Ophelia until she became mad, all at the command of the actors. Unfortunately for those who would rather live vicariously through this review, I am afraid that I will not be providing you with too much information. This comedy is so enjoyable that I refuse to reveal the jokes and laughter, partially because I don't want to spoil them, but partially because I Off the was so busy laughAVe91 ing that I couldn't even take notes. GCP temporarily is residing at their second stage in the Northwood Shopping Center while their brand-new theater is being constructed. Don't let the adjacent Dollar Store fool you, because this is a credible show that deserves a great audience to make it even better. '"The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged)" was a perfect example of my most passionate feeling that you shouldn't just go to the theater, you should experience it. "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)" will play on Wednesdays through Sundays until Feb. 13. Showtime is 8 p.m. and on Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $8 and can be purchased at Ormi Books on 34th Street or at the door.


WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 5 Auto congestion gets Icals thinking about future City's solution as yet unclear New road still in limbo By MEGAN V. WINSLOW Alligator Writer As both a college town and a hub of commuting workers, Gainesville has been plagued by traffic congestion for years. But despite recent efforts to mend the problem, including retiming traffic lights and expanding Southwest 24th Avenue, local officials say there is no ultimate solution. During Fall, the Transportation Services Division of the Gainesville Public Works Department worked to improve congestion on 13th Street by re-timing traffic lights. Traffic signals are re-timed every four or five years, costing about $4,000 to $5,000 per intersection, Transportation Services Manager Brian Kanely said. "It's fairly complex -it's one of those specialized things -but when you get it done and you get it right, it can definitely make a difference," Kanely said. Although the situation along the popular thoroughfare between Archer Road and Northwest 39th Avenue has improved, it is not solved, said Philip Mann, public works supervising engineer for traffic operations. Other methods of combating local traffic woes include extending minor roads as alternative routes and expanding existing roads, including the controversial plans for Southwest 24th Avenue. In 1997, residents along or near the road participated in a landplanning exercise, ultimately recommending expanding the current limerock road to two lanes as part of a plan to foster a student village. Local businessman Clark Butler, however, lobbied to have the expansion widened to four lanes, which would accommodate a proposed commercial development. County officials rejected a proposal by a committee of community members for the two-lane project ,and approved four-laning the road. But progress had been held up by funding concerns. "Whether two lanes or four lanes, everybody agrees on the issue that we need the road. to give people more options for travel choices and try to distribute the traffic," Kanely said. However, Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan said any negotiations about the expansion are inappropriate at this time. Aside from the fact that land use and zoning have not yet Hanrahan been approved for Southwest 24th Avenue, the community decided the road's fate eight years ago during the planning exercise, she said. "It's embarrassing to me that public officials are turning their backs on that decision," she said. The road would let out onto Southwest 34th Street, which has its own problems. "You can think of a road like a garden hose," Kanely said in reference to 34th Street. "When it finally fills up with water, it overflows, and the water really doesn't go anywhere. Roads are the same way -once you get beyond a certain point on that road, even the besttimed traffic won't help you because the road's maxed out." For now, although remedies for Gainesville's "garden hose" may help ease traffic congestion, the only practical and affordable way to handle heavy traffic is to extend minor roads, Kanely said. "Basically, when you deal with roads, you have two options: either you build something -large enough to accommodate everybody who wants to use it, which means you get multi, multi-lane roads, which you really can't build, or you build smaller roads and give people more options," he said. By STEVE SPECHT Alligator Writer Though Clark Butler, owner of Butler Plaza, officially offered to fund the $4.7 million needed to extend the proposed two-lane widening of Southwest 24th Avenue to four lanes, the final decision as to the road's fate was put on hold again Tuesday. "The commission said, 'Thanks, but no thanks.' We don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but we want more flexibility," Commissioner Lee Pinkoson said. The commission voted 4-0 in favor of Commissioner Mike Byerly's proposal to decline all state and federal money earmarked for Southwest 24th Avenue four-laning. Southwest 24th Avenue has been surrounded by controversy. Some residents have accused the 3-2 County Commission vote in favor of four-laning of circumventing the democratic process and catering to a rich landowner over residents. A committee of residents living in the area along and near the road were tapped to come up with an ideal development plan in 1997. They recommended a two-lane road, which would foster a student village as opposed to commercial development. In addition to Butler's offer, the commission discussed a letter from State Sen. Rod Smith (DGainesville) requesting $2 million in state funds for the four-lane proposal. Commissioner Paula DeLaney abstained from Tuesday's vote because of a possible conflict of interest, which she has asked an ethics panel to evaluate. DeLaney owns land in the area that would be affected by the Southwest 24th Avenue project. T/ American Heart Association WE'RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE Hanging ten Carlos Leon practices his skating moves at the skate park next to Broward Hall on Tuesday. With warmer weather, students are taking the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities. Applications for office space now available at Applications are due by February 11, 2005 at 4 pm to the Student Activities Center


6, ALLIGATOR N WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2005 Editorial Faux funding Loan losses are hidden behind Pell Grant gains T ouch6 Mr. President. You had us on that one. College students across the nation thought the projected increase in Pell Grants would partially offset the otherwise universally bad news in federal grant, loan and scholarship funding. We thought Bush's call to inject money back into aid programs by correcting inefficiencies and organizational problems would result in a leaner, meaner and more capable system through which students could better afford the rising cost of tuition. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Correcting inefficiencies, it seems, means cutting funding to other programs. Perkins Loans, which help more than 1,900 UF students make ends meet, will receive no more federal funding under the president's plan. The savingswould be funneled into the ailing Pell Grant program as part of the plan to expand grants. Despite the fact that the $6 billion freed up by this move could more than cover the $4.3 billion Pell Grant deficit, as well as a significant dent in the cost of the expansion, Bush also plans to cut subsidies to private student lenders. In an attempt to lessen the blow to students, Bush has proposed to raise the maxtinum limit of government loans -an amount that hasn't changed since 1986 -by $1,000 per award. This only leads to a bigger question, however: how much should students be expected to pay before the government steps in? While increased maximum loan amounts would offer students a chance to obtain more funding to cover their expenses, they also provide a shift in responsibility for payment more and more from the government to the student. Some would argue students should take more responsibility for funding their education. After all, it's mostly going to benefit them, right? Wrong. Better-educated citizens make a nation betterequipped to compete in the intellectual marketplace. America is still a leader in academics and commodities, but other nations are gaining. Furthermore, the correlation between education and political participation has been proven time and time again. College-educated students are more likely to vote, follow politics and otherwise be active in the U.S. political system. To be fair, grants inherently are more helpful to students than loans -free money is better than money that must be repaid. To think of it in these terms, however, is to ignore the lack of federal funding for education in general. Cutting any money from useful aid programs is frivolous next to the huge proposed expenditures on the military and Social Security reform. Even less forgivable is the proposed elimination of Upward Bound and Talent Search, programs that assist lowand middle-income students in attending college. Over the past few decades, these programs have helped millions of less-fortumate students to obtain a higher education -most of them the first in their families to do so. The loss of these programs will be disastrous. They provide the only hope for some students to adequately prepare for and afford to attend college. For all of their benefits, Upward Bound and Talent Search don't cost the government dearly. The bounty collected for the end of these programs would only be around $430 million a year, assuming they were intended to receive funding similar to 2004's numbers. While'these educational programs are fighting over a few billion dollars in funding, the Department of Defense will receive $419.3 billion under the budget. With these figures, the trend in government thought is becoming evident: the educational system is receiving enough funding, so it must allocate what it has the best it acan. To continue to put such a low emphasis on education, a cornerstone of our society, is unacceptable. 0l te iinacpc-dt foriid. alligatoram Dwayne Robinson Matt Sanchez EDITOR OPINIONS EDITOR Mike Gimignani Lauren Flanagan MANAGING EDITOR Diana Middleton Craig Singleton EDITORIAL BOARD The Ahtgator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 wtor saout o' e lette.-"size po ge). They must he tym ed, douhle-spaced and musrt itcludse the a tonae, classificqthoo and, phone numbe. Namees will he withheld it tlhe writer shows just couse. We reserve the tight to edit to, length, grammart, style ,ad libel. Send letters to lotors@,Itgatoto, bring the,, to 1n ns W. University sve. send them to "O. Bo, 14257 Gaoesovsle. FL 3264-225c .olus ot Cahot 45 word ahout orginal topic, and editorial caI oos r alo wlcome. Qutestions? Call 376-4458. Opinions Copyright laws stifl cross campus and nationwide, Black History Month is being celebrated. During this time, black Americans and others pause to recognize the struggles and accomplishments of people of African descent. Song, film, speech, poetry, prose, dance, art and prayer reflect on the path that led to today. But also today, poor copyright law threatens access to the documents of that history. "Eyes on the Prize" is widely considered the best documentary series on the Civil Rights Movement. Stanford University professor Clayborne Carson called the 1987 series "the principal film accomt of the most important American social justice movement of the 20th century." It's also illegal. Licensing disputes over the archival footage in the films prevent "Eyes" from being re-released or publicly performed. Individuals may watch personal copies of the films, and educators are protected by the fair use doctrine of copyright law to use the films in class. However, they must rely upon the original VHS copies, which are dwindling and wearing out. Because the series cannot be re-released, they can't buy new copies of the films. Tapes for sale on ellay can cost up to $1,500. That's a far cry from the clause of the Constitution that authorized Congress to establish copyright laws "only to the end of promoting science and the useful arts." Just how mistaken is the current legal climate? To quote a recent report from the Center for Social Media at American University, "Filmmakers must pay a license to use a pop song that may play in the background [of footage shot] in a pizza parlor, an image or sequence from a movie or archival footage owned by someone else. They may need to pay not only songwriters but performers, not only movie studios but actors. There is no central place to find out who owns what. There is no rule of thumb ALLIGATOR e historical record Gavin Baker Close to Home for pricing. No one has to agree to license. And it doesn't matter if you didn't intend to quote it. Did somebody sing 'Happy Birthday' in your documentary? Too bad -you owe Time Warner a small fortune." In recognition of Black History Month, activist group Downhill Battle encouraged anyone witb access to "Eyes" to host commimty screenings on Tuesday eight. Over 70 screenings were scheduled in schools, homes, libraries and churches worldwide. In San Francisco, the people about whom the documentaries were made planned a screening. In a statement of support, the Bay.Area Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement said, "We who once defied the laws and customs that denied people of color their human rights and dignity, we whose faces are seen in 'Eyes on the Prize,' we who helped produce it, tonight defy the media giants who have buried our story in -their vaults by publicly sharing episodes of this forbidden knowledge with all who wish to see it." UF's libraries own copies of the films. I will be glad to personally assist anyone who wants to organize screenings here. During Black History Month, we celebrate victories over racism and segregation -vile forces which exclude citizens from participating in their own culture. With these screenings of "Eyes on the Prize," people around the world are declaring war on another of those vile forces: flawed copyright law. Gavin Baker is a historyfreshman. His colimt appea-s on Wednesday. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Should loan funding be cut to make way for Pell Grant increases? Tuesday's question: Do you think President Bush's budget will be effective? Vote or post a message at 59% YES 41% NO 39 TOTAL VOTES wkuIr MI R) -T~ .K 9 LT UR oD


Sowell not a factor in choir funding Editor: Your recent article entitled "Party to unleash 'independent' voice with platform" insinuated the reason the University Gospel Choir receives the amount of funding it does is because Jamal Sowell is Student Body president as well as a member of the University Gospel Choir. This is untrue and unfounded. We are very fond of Sowell; however, he has not been a member of the University Gospel Choir since the Fall of 2002 -before he even was elected as Student Body treasurer. Also, Sowell's position as president of Student Government has no bearing on the amount of money in our budget. The allocation of funds is handled by the SG Budget Committee, of which Sowell is not a member. We do not encourage any unethical behavior caused by what Student Sen. Christian Duque referred to as "politics." Tameisha Campbell Campus public relations chair, University Gospel Choir WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2005 K ALLIGATOR, 7 Guest coliun Voice does not work for graduate students n the contest to see who can sling the most mud and wave the anti-Greek banner the proudest during this election season, Student Sen. Christian Duque has staked his claim early Monday's Alligator article on the Voice Party, of which Duque is chairman, opens with a lede claiming Duque is out to "help graduate students who party members say continually get the shaft from Student Government." As president of the UF Graduate Student Council, I resent this remark and Duque's half-hearted effort to represent graduate students. According to the GSC constitution, the council's goal is to "represent the interests of graduate students at the Student Government, administrative, local, state and national levels." If graduate students continually are getting the shaft, the GSC is not doing its job. Perhaps Duque should direct the graduate students who attended Voice focus groups to the GSC Web site or encourage them to attend a GSC meeting, Mike Bowen rather than seeking to Speaking Out capitalize politically on supposed graduate student resentment with SG. Over the last two years, GSC has cultivated a close relationship the SG Executive Board and Student Senate. Former Student Senate President Joe Goldberg and former GSC President Doug Ratay created a Senate committee to study graduate student issues. Duque served admirably on this committee, along with eight other senators and myself. The three issues discussed in the article pertaining to graduate students -separate graduate parking decals, 24-hour study centers and increased funding for research -however, were part of the committee's report. Duque is making an effort to appeal to a "non-Greek" constituency with a limited understanding of the issues and no real clue as to the concerns of graduate students. In the past year, SG President Jarnial Sowell, Goldberg and Student Senate President Bryson Ridgway have taken great strides toward including the GSC in key decisions. While graduate students still are under-represented, their representation in the Senate has increased from four to six seats. The GSC budget for travel and research grant programs also has showed a steady sign of increase, and we now have a clearer understanding of SG's role in the student health insurance process. Conversely, the Fall platform of the former Access Party, now the Impact Party, had no issues specific to graduate students. This is the party that Duque ran with last spring, and this likely provides a truer glimpse into his concern for graduate students. Of course, Duque is correct when he says improvements definitely can be made to better serve the graduate student community. In the coming weeks, I am hopeful that other parties will work with the GSC to craft platform issues that more accurately represent the needs of UF's graduate students. Mike Bowen is president of the UF Graduate Student Council. The University of Florida gPr $pwkres T, Ut--rWyof kvd presnt Lea de hap Co u nci FORMER JS, ATT-ORNEY %'_E'NrAL Wednesday, February 91, 2005 Stephen C., "O'1onne'll center 7:30pm, Doors'open at 7rm FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! eol fia iosaisripi 'ion %iO be provided. Fr persons ith disabilities 1equifing spedsl accm msples' tct 392-1665,i302 of 392-23i7 CTDDI. e-M ,ail it ''of u isg llsed a o ,of the iioddo R(fiy Sse ut 0e00-955077i fit eo e t 72 hours le _ri to the event 'I ZJGPRT -*.lNiMPAC T ~ ~ ~ I ..1-C T.w. .Fas -KEIEK PRODUCINSo I I * h Seials GATO ,''' * Happy Hour 4 $400 PitchersIWED:wL5Lff5 _.aeS_ Drink Live Musi NO COVER -2 1728 W. University Ave.* 377-7333 pm-9pm $100 Drafts FIGHT FREE C I & up + t College of Liberal Arts and Sciences STUDENT COUNCIL MMCTIONS


8, ALLIGATOR M WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2005 OfcITalsseki ffoLoIl sek tip s on Athe-pns, Ga. trim By BRIAN HAGEN Alligator Writer Although the University of Georgia is well-known for biotechnology, more than cattle is being cloned in Athens, Ga. The city played host last week to local officials, such as Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan, as well as several UF faculty members on a field trip intended to study -and eventually replicate -pointers from a university community comparable to Gainesville. "In higher education, there are very few new ideas," said Jeanna Mastrodicasa, associate director of UF's honors program and trip organizer. "We just go to other places and steal them." The visitors jotted down tips on nurturing university-based businesses, alcohol control and student study facilities. One such site was the 200,000square-foot Student Learning Center. The four-story building provides hundreds of computers with full access to library archives and wireless Internet and is open until 2 a.m. Sunday through Thursday. "When we visited, from 11 to [noon], that's where everyone was packed," Mastrodicasa said. "It's a way to encourage students to be productive." "In higher education, there are very few new ideas. We just go to other places and steal them." Jeanna Mastrodicasa UF honors associate director and trip organizer To attract and keep business in Athens, UG created on-campus "business incubators" used by businesses and students alike to conduct research, individually and cooperatively. Athens' community college *has a short training program that licenses graduates to work in local laboratories. "There are people who say Gainesville can't support all this," Mastrodicasa said. "But the cities are the same size, and they have fewer students." Al eged auto burglar takes swing at his confronter By ELIZABETH PRANN in the parking lot of the Denny's restaurant door while holding a rod in his hand. White. Flowers allegedly swung at him Alligator Writer across from the UF campus, reports state. At that point, the door handle allegunsuccessfully, and fell to the ground. White An officer had already contacted Flowers, edly broke off and Flowers ran around the later contacted authorities from insid A Gainesville man threw a punch Tuesday, authorities say, after a witness confronted him in a McDonald's. James Flowers, of 7966 NW 48th Way, was seen by two witnesses acting suspiciously 39, and told him he needed to leave the establishment approximately 20 minutes beforehand, according to reports. Reports state that witness Charles White, of 2501 NW 6th St., approached Flowers wdle he was attempting to open a driver's side car car to the back of the parking Public lot, throwing the broken door Saf~tY handle on the ground. The report said White confronted Flowers in the nearby McDonald's and Flowers became irate, running toward Denry's. According to the reports, Flowers refused to answer questions after he was arrested some time later. Reports estimate the door handle damage at about $100. BREAK 'Beach i)Bahamas $664 Air + 5 nights at the Nassau Beach Hotel :a. Europe )London $728 Air + 6 nights at the Astor Hyde Park Hostel and 7 day travelcard kft A/temative nPeru Inca Trail $820 Air + 7 day GAP Adventures tour Pakgsicuerurparar rmaiands n)Jamaica Air + 4 nights arthe Mariner's Inn $469 ))Amsterdam $666 Air+ 6 nights at the Hans The 1718 W. Univ. Ave 6-WO378-7033 Bar & Grm HOUSE %IAsIE" NIGHT Ladies Drink FREE, $1 Bottles for Everyone DJ Faded Thursdays Avaijable for Private Parties Feel like a 0 n)Las Vegas $552 caged bird in Air + 5 nights at the ,your own Stratosphere Hotel and Casino Fin d a new TRAVEL scene in wwstatravecom the Alligator Classifieds = mil (February 9, 2005) ST AUGUSTINE CHURCH AND CATHOLIC STUDENT CENTER 1738 Vest Universitv -Avenue (352j 372-3555 In up to your neck with bills? Dig yourself out with the Help Wanted section in Alligator ClassifiedsF F Any which way you can Lindsay Shapiro, Lauren Adler and Heather Castle take advantage of the unusually warm winter weather to work on their tan at the Broward Residence Area "beach" Tuesday afternoon. However, temperatures are expected to dip into the 50s later this week. )"S"T UD e e


WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2005 E ALLIGATOR, 9 cvMPUS Alc,&t1 Visalt t aI ks zcH V By LINDSAY TAULBEE Alligator Writer Stretching a canary-colored LifeStyles condom over his right fist and past his wrist, J. L. King proved it would not tear no matter how "big" a man claimed to be, drawing laughter from the crowd in the Reitz Union. "We do this in a joking manner," he said. "But this could save your life." King, a nationally recognized HIV-prevention activist and author of "On the Down Low: A Journey Into the Lives of 'Straight' Black Men Who Sleep with Men," spoke Tuesday to a mostly female audience of about 200, spreading his message of responsible sex and HIV awareness. "I'm very candid. I'm very direct. I pull no punches," he said. "This disease is so serious we can't sugarcoat it. My message is raw." The Pride Student Union, Black Student Union and Student Government sponsored the speech as part of Black History Month. King cited statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, noting that 72 percent of new HIV cases among women are black women. For complete coverage, see At his urging, audience members asked those seated nearby, "Are you next?" "It's my job to make sure that you leave here with some new information, so that when someone asks you if you're next, you can say, 'Hell, no,"' se said. He left the audience with two tips: to know their HIV status and to always wear protection. "I try to make my information as simple as I can to save a life," he said. Officials advise deleting suspicious e-mail VIRUS, from page 1 curity firm. Harris said his computer was not infected by the virus, and he said the e-mails "were not generated by my computer." "I would never send an attachment without telling you what's in it," Harris said. "If it looks suspicious, it probably is. Delete it as soon as possible. For most [students] the virus protection blocked it. I think it was someone with too much time on their hands." "I know that [the e-mails] are not from the person that it says it's from. It's bypassing error screening," Cromer said. "If it's a message from a dean, it doesn't go through screening. As soon as we found a way to block certain viruses, the virus writer uses a different way to bypass the block." The Information Technology division within the College of Journalism and Conmmurmications is investigating the problem. UF: Bound program has successful track record UPWARD from page 1 UF's program provides college preparatory classes and counseling to 80 students each year, and receives more than $300,000 in federal funding annually to support teaches and staff. While Talent Search serves middle and high school students, Upward Bound only accepts 9th, 10th and 11th graders. Both programs annually serve 455,000 students nationwide, many of whom are minorities, said Susan Trebach, vice president of communications for the Council for Opportunity in Education, Upward Bound and Talent Search's advocacy group. Eleven thousand of those students are from Florida. However, just because a program does "good work" doesn't mean a limited budget can afford it, said Hunter Williams, president of UF College Republicans. "Extravagant" programs that have narrow goals might need to be cut in favor of broader-based curriculums that serve the greater population, he said. "Do you buy a new Mercedes and demand a raise from your boss, or do you sell the Mercedes and get a Honda instead?" he said. BTHORSNTONW 0 5 7 -A Reality Show for All Times T k -Stts Spi4 -4$2 C CeaDel-i4e 3316Ksh Av -Grenryqae Wellness is the highest quality of life possible. Living a "Helping students explore and create a wellness lifestyle." STDs can be transmitted through oral sex. Protect yourself with a barrier to play it safe. Do you do this? asodiInd pUe auiuMau put! 'sditisuoiselai 'AiluUAUOD 'Apoq AN GMAT GRE I LSAT I MCATj, DAT OAT I PCAT* Practice tests taking place on the University of Florida campus on: February 19 & 20 Test Prep and Admissions 1-800-KAP-TEST V Real exam-like conditions V Detailed performance analysis / Test strategies Seats are limited. Register today! esht nimes ar registed atdemarIs of thiir resp.ctiv oves Councils and, restictons apply. For cniplte guarantee etgib lty ,alll vsit kaptest.c rn/isr. Th1-15,i~ Scoea' Saantee 0r1am 1n1y app11s to Kan nnursn takena and compntard atIn the Uniled Stames anti Canada. E; UQ Uq 0 \ 1 I? Al 11 U 0


10, ALLIGATOR N WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2005 Student auctions himself to aid tsunami victims By KYLIE CRAIG Alligator Writer A group of four UF students are finding their Valentine's Day dates in a different way than most this year. They're auctioning themselves on In an effort to raise money for tsunami relief, Mike Lemire, 24, and three other UF students have placed pictures and personal information on the auction Web site, hoping people will donate money in exchange for a date with them on Valentine's Day. Lemire, a junior and lead singer of local band Alex the Mediocre, said he came up with the idea after a lecture in professor Ralf Remshardt's class. Remshardt told students tsunami donations had gone down recently due to a decrease in media coverage. Tsunami Relief Valentine In order to bid on a date with Mike Lemire or others to support tsunami relief efforts, go to http: // and enter "Tsunami Date" into the site's search engine. Bidding closes at 9 p.m. Thursday. Lemire said when he left class he felt compelled to do something unique that would bring more attention to the cause. "When he told me that in class, it hit me," Lemire said of the idea of auctioning himself on eBay. 'I thought it would be creative." "It's more just for a good cause, not for romance." Mike Lemire UF junior Lemire and the three other students who decided to join in the charity have spent the last few days passing out fliers on campus to raise awareness about the auction. Each flier has pictures of the four potential dates and reads "Valentines For Tsunami Disaster Relief." The other three available dates, UF students Kamphey, Andy and Holly, joined Lemire in the auction but Lemire could not provide their last names or contact information. Lemire said four more students also may join the auction. The bidding began on eBay last Thursday and will end at 9 p.m. Thursday. Lemire said the bidding is already going better than he had Katie Townsend / Alligator UF junior Mike Lemire checks his bids Tuesday after placing himself up for auction on eBay as a Valentine's Day date. Money from the highest bid will be donated to tsunami relief. planned, noting his auction page has already received more than 1,500 hits. The highest bidder for each student will receive a date on Valentine's Day consisting of dinner and a movie. He said all the couples will eat at Gainesville restaurant Kotobuki, where the owner has agreed to cover the bill in efforts to support the cause. Lemire, whose highest bid as of Tuesday night was more than $20, said he isn't looking for love on Valentine's Day. "It's more just for a good cause, not for romance," he said, adding that no matter what the age or sex of his date might be, "I'll be totally cool with it and happy." UNIVRSITY or FLa -iA S P HOWATUFDA, FEBRUARY 12TH STE SHU ERSITY OF FLCDA DOORS FOR THE STEP SHOW OPEN AT THE STEPHEN C. O'CONNELL CENTER $14 w/STUDENT ID P $16 IN ADVANCE $18 AT THE D00R t kets available at all Ticketmaster locations and at, WWW.taketrmastencom WITH FOD. GIVEAWAYS AND CONTESTUON THE NORTH LAWN IN FRONT OF J. WAYNE REITZ UNION A CELEBRATION OF LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP ANDSHOWMENSHIP 22 -1 321 mviscK o1ro


BUY -S ELL, IT. FjID IT. 373-FIND C assif eds WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2005 ALLIGATOR For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent furnished i unfurnished nisheunfurnished ished' ONE IN A MILLION!!! Roommate matching 3/3 from only $445 FREE Cable w/ HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm Gated*24hr gym* tan FREE*Close to UF Leasing for NOW & FALL*377-2777 4-20-71-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsLong & short term lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 4-20-71-1 Live in Peace! Luxury 3BR & 4BR, includes: utilities, furniture, individual lease, W/D, extended cable. Starting at $480/mo. Call The Landings at 336-3838. 4-20-71-2 *** SORORITY ROW AREA *** Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall. Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single & double suites available. Starting at $400/mo includes everything -gym, pool, DSL, electric, etc. 337-9255 or 4-20-71-1 1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio, park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail 3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/ mo 4-20-71-1 *Incredible Deal 1/1 in 4/4* with: internet & cable & elec & water walkin closets, full bath, wash/dry pool view, gym, FULL furnish Call for more info 352-258-3542 2-25-27-1 Just Bring Your Clothes! Furnished 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875 Luxury living with all the perks! Includes cable, utility packages avail All we need is you! 372-8100 4-20-60-1 Furn. room in private home for female, NS. Kitchen & laundry priv, private bath Utils + cable, furn. $300/mo Avail March 1st 352372-3713 2-17-15-1 1 room in 2BR downtown apt. Newly remodeled. Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF & Library. $350/mo. Month to month or longest lease ok. Pets ok. Call 262-1351 2-22-10-1 M For Rent unfurnished GATOR PLACE APTS 3600 SW 23 St. 2BR/1 BA W/D is optional. Park in front of your apt. Pet play park. 2 mi to VA/Shands. $525/mo 372-0507. 4-20-71-2 *QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic IBR apt. $325/mo. O1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 4-20-71-2 AVAILABLE NOW Walk to UF, Studios and 1 BR's From $505. Free parking Open WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-71-2 LYONS SPECIAL .89 1st month's rent 377-8797 4-20'71-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Walson Rculty Corp. REALT0RS* Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 4-20-71-2 CAN'T FIND PARKING? BUS FULL? Studios & 1/Is from $459 at UF Pool *We Pay Most Utilities Pets OK Residents get FREE parking.guaranteed You can't live any closer 372-7111 4-20-71-2 QUALITY YOU CAN AFFORD! Avail NOW or AUGUSTl 0 1 BR $530/2BR $580/3BR $735 0 HUGE floor plans! 2 Pools! Pets Welcome! ** 335-7275 4-20-71-2 BIG CITY LIVING DOWNTOWN Stylish'Studios, 1/1's, 2/2's, 3/3's Pool*Alarm*Pets Welcome Avail. Now/Fall: 338-0002 4-20-71-2 OSUN BAY APTSO OGrad students $99 Deposite **Walk or Bike to Campus 00 1-1 $460/mo*02-1 $520/mo @00376-6720 4-20-71-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $410 -$515, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066 335-7066. 4-20-71-2 Quiet Convenience! Location! 0 1 BR $460 2BR $530 Beautiful pools/courtyardsl 0 Walk to UFI Pets Welcome! 0 Now or August! 372-7555 4-20-71-2 SEPARATE FROM THE COMMON PLACE Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA W/D Inu. *FREE Cable*Alarm* 24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF Museum Walk 379-9255 4-20-71-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 4-20-71-2 "Free for All" Huge 3BR/2BA $850 Alarm -cool pool -tennis -b-ball Free UF parking -Perfect for pets Amazing specials -376-4002 4-20-71-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 4-20-71-2 Perfect for 1, Big enough for 2! 750 Sq Ft, Patio, We love pets! Alarm*Pool*UF Parking*DW*Gym Move-in now, 1 month free 332-7401 4-20-71-2 LIVE EVERY DAY A VACATIONI! 1BR/I BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH FREE cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm Gated*24hr gym*Tan FREE*Close to UF SPRING SPECIALS*377-2777 4-20-71-2 Indulge Yourself Luxury 2 & 3 BRs FREE tanning, 24 hr Gym Gated entry, pets ok Limited spots, 372-0400 4-20-71-2 ***Beautiful and New* 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866) 4-20-71-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 4-20-71-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 4-20-71-2 Make Them Green With Envy! Luxury 2&3 Bedrooms from $850 Cable*W/D*Newly Remodeled Pool*Hot Tub*Tennis*Gym*PC Lab Reserve now for fall! 372-8100 2 4-20-71-2 HOUSES and CONDOS All locations and price ranges if you are tired of apt life Go to or call 374 6905. 8-24-170-2 Leasing Now & Fall Large 2BR/1 BA $629, 3BR/2BA $855 Alarms, pets welcome, free UF parking Call 373-1111 or visit 4-20-71-2 1 BLOCK FROM UF Luxury 2BR/2BA townhomes. W/D, private balconies. Open until 8pm and WEEKENDS Leasing for Fall 371-7777 4-20-71-2 4BR/4BA at UF Only 2 left for Fall Luxury Townhomes W/D, Alarm, Pets ok. OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-71-2 Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF Private 3/2 with HUGE deck W/D*Free Parking*Elevator Access One of a kind luxury! 372-7111 4-20-71-2 Summer rates plus July FREE on a 15 month lease Sun Island Properties 376-6720 4-20-71-2 Need space for a 2,3 or 4-some? TH, W/D & DW. We love ALL pets! Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm Move-in now, 1 month free! 332-7401 4-20-71-2 *LIVE A RESORT LIFESTYLE* 1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities. Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455 4-20-71-2 Want more? Free even 4BR 2.5 $1020 -Only 1 left Spacious floor plan -alarm -tennis www.pinetreegar' Free UF parking -376-4002 4-20-71-2 BIG VALUE, SMALL PRICE 2BR TH $639 inc W/D, alarm, park free@UF Pets welcome, Daily Specialsl Avail NOW or Fall 373-1111 4-20-71-2 Pine Rush Apartments 1&2 BR apt homes starting @ $429/mo $150 deposit. $200 off 1st month rent 375-1519 4-20-71-2 More for less, FREE even! 2BR/2BA -Only $680 Pool -bus route -alarm -tennis Pet perfectFree Stop by and see us -376-4002 4-20-71-2 1BR/IBA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA $525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals, W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF. 332-7700. 4-20-71-2 1BR & 2BR/1 BA with W/D, central heat/air, dishwasherceramic tile, private patio, pets arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From $499 377-1633 2-25-38-2 Class i ed. Continued on next page. How To Place A Classified Ad: Corrections and Cancellations: Cancellations: Call 373-FIND M -F, 6am -4pm. No refunds or In Person: By Mail: When Will Your Ad Run? credits can be given. Cash, Check, MC, or Visa Use forms appearing weekly in The Classifieds begin TWO WORKING DAYS Alligator errors: Check your ad the FIRST day it runs. Call 373-FIND Alligator. Sorry, no cash by mail. MC, after they are placed. Ads placed at the with any corrections before noon. THE ALLIGATOR IS ONLY REThe Alligator Office Visa or checks only. UF Bookstore may take THREE days to SPONSIBLE FORTHE FIRST DAYTHE AD RUNS INCORRECTLY. 1105 W. University Ave. -.Corrected ads will be extended one day. No refunds or credits can be M-F, Sam -4pm By Phone: (352) 373-FIND appear. Ads may run for any length of given after placing the ad. Changes called in after the first day will not Payment by Visa or MasterCard ONLY. time and be cancelled at any time. Sorry, be further compensated. UF Bookstore at Reitz Union .M -F, 8am -4pm but there can be no refunds or credits Customer error or changes: Changes must be made BEFORE M -F, 8am -6pm, Sat. 1 Dam -5pm By Fax: (352) 376-4556 for cancelled ads. NOON for the next day's paper. There will be a $2.00 charge for minor changes. I For Rent: Furnished 6 urnishings 1 11Motorcyces, Mopeds 16 Health Services 2 1 Entertainment 12 For Rent: Unfurnished 7 C m utrs 1, 2 A ts 17 T p g S r vicess 2 2 Tickets 3 Sublease 8 Eiectronicsl 13 Wa ed 16 Personals 23 Rides 4 Roommates 9 icycls 14 Help W19 Connections 24 Pets 5 Real, Estate 10 For Sale 1 Services 20 Event Notices 25 Lost & Found All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference-limitation, or discrimination because of color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make limitation, or discrimination." We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. e All employment opportunities advertised herein are subject to the laws which prohibit discrimination in employment (barring legal exceptions) because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, age, or any other covered status. -This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through the type of advertising that is know as "personal" or "connections" whether or not they actually appear under those classifications. We suggest that any reader who responds to that type of advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information. Although this newspaper uses great care in accepting or rejecting advertising according to its suitability, we cannot verify that all advertising claims or offers are completely valid in every case and, therefore, cannot assume any responsibility for any injury or loss arising from offers and acceptance of offers of goods and/or services through any advertising contained herein.


.2, ALLIGATOR U WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,,005, For Rent J For Rent -For'Rent For Rent For Rent unfurnished ununfurndnhedd unfurnished unfurnished \LREADY SICK OF YOUR ROOMMATE? 3PECIAL DEALS AT SUN KEY /76-6720 4-20-71-2 -. ***LIVE IN LUXURY* HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3 Free cable, w/HBO & Showtime W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab Pets welcome*Private dog park Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801 ,-20-71-2 'ree Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 000 sq -t Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups DW, 1BR/i BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call 'low 372-9913 4-20-71-2 \mazingly Affordablel HUGE 650sq ft ;BR 1000 sq ft 26R Townhouses & Flats! Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480. lose to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070. 1-20-71-2 -lOUSES Close to UF, schools, shopping, 330 NW 35th St. 3/2, family room, carport, g screened porch, fenced backyard $1200 31-0095 OTHER HOUSES AVAILABLE. 1-20-71-2 rotal Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent VC, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn flowing. 25/b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by ippt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 173-4244 UP bus line #20 4-20-71-2 Dne BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but ias it all. A.1 util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished. 'all Charlie "Whitey" Webb' 375-4373. Stop )y 1215 NE 20th Ave. 2-14-35-2 Jp to 1 month FREE rent! 0 steps to class! Studios, 1, 2 &3BR apts Wail Aug. Special from $320/person. Lofts, irdwd firs & more. Going fast! Call 376-6223 4-20-71-2 \partments Available Now NIl Florida Areas; All Major US Cities 3rowse our listing FREE VW.SUBLET.COM -(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-21-71-2 *2 BLOCKS TO UF* Larqe V/R/1BA House Carpet, cent H/AC, .-Jlable March 1st $700/mo 375-8256 1-20-70-2 -ave Roommates? 3BR/2BA House $950 )nly You? i BR/i BA House $450 litchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2 go Close to Campus Wvail now, 2BR/i & 2 BA apts. 400, $450, $695 Mitchell Realty 74-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2 1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown. )BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 3731423 or online at 1-15-95-2 'ET'S PARADISE, no app/pet fee. towniomes. 2BR, privacy fence, modern ap>liances, ceiling fans, SW. Private owner, >lease leave detailed message. $375-525/ no 331-2099 2-17-30-2 3HORT LEASE NEGOTIABLE on some jnits SEE PET'S PARADISE AD 352-3311099 2-17-30-2 LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT? The Leasing Connection 1608 NW Ist Ave Located right behind Florida Bookstore Plenty of FREE PARKING! FREE Apartment & Housing Locator Service Call 352-376-4493 or visit 3-31-56-2 3BR across from UF Avail Fall, From $385 per BR. Vaulted ceilings, laundry, Breakfast bar, pets ok. Open WEEKENDS 371-7777 1-20-69-2 WOOD FLOORS at UF 1&2 BRs avail Fall Pets ok, some w/ W/D OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-69-2 115 STEPS FROM CAMPUS!! Luxury -Opposite Library West! Beautiful 2BR/2BA.all amenities LOOKING GLASS APTS Call 376-1111 or Come by 111 NW 16th St. #1 4-20-69-2 2BR/1.5BA 5-10 min bike ride to med or UF. All new carpet, W/D, DW, stove. No smk, pets, 239-898-9317 1038 B off SW 6 St on 10th Ln $600/mo 3-7-38-2 6 MONTH LEASE! 2BR/1.5BA Duplex, walk to UF, CH/AC, $495/rent, 805 NW 3rd Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-24-2 DOWNTOWN LOCATION! 3BR/2BA Wood floors, fireplace, living & dining rooms, Den, $625/rent, 223 SW 4th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-24-2 CHEAP RENT! 2BR/1.5BA W/d hookups, CH/AC, dishwasher, $475/mo 5320 NW 20th Court Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 12-11-24-2 WALK TO UF Studio $335/mo 1BR $400/mo 26K $695/mo Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387 4-20-68-2 N 1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL*n NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 2BRover 1100 sq ft 40 $650/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq fIt O0 $550/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit S 376-2507 4-20-63-2 3BR/4BR -LIKE A HOUSE Huge townhouse, fireplace, W/D hook-ups, patio, New carpet & tile, fitness & basketball high speed wireless internet 3BR/2.5BA only $850 4BR/3BA only $1099 Close to UF in SW Beautiful/quiet 0 376-2507 4-20-63-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE. Close to UF & Santa Fe. Tile floors, Berber carpet, all appliances incl. Privacy fenced-in yard. $1050/mo. Call 2159987 2-14-21-2 SEROIUS STUDENTS ONLY. New 3BR/2BA house, 2 car garage in brand new subdivision close to UF & SFCC. All appliances $1300/mo Negotiable based on length of lease. Call 215-9987 2-14-21-2 Threesomes Welcomel All the space you need only $1050 Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab W/D*Cable with HBO*Extra Storage The perfect three-bedroom 372-8100 4-20-60-2 Haile Plantation -Laurel Park. 3BR/2BA Beautiful home. Quiet neighborhood. Great running trails. $1200/mo Avail 3/1. Bruce 246-3690 2-25-26-2 DUCK POND! Cute 1BR/1BA, wood floors, eat-in kitchen, ceiling fans, $475/rent 305-C NE 6th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-15-2 *NOW PRE-LEASING* IBR $699 -2BR $839 -3BR $999 $150 dep. Full size W/D, Direct Campus Access, Pool, Fitness Center Open M-F 8:30 -5:30, Sat 11-4 Pebble Creek Apts 376-9607 4-20-59-2 AVAIL AUG 1 4bed/2bath house, wood floors, dishwasher, fireplace, wash/dry, fenced yard, all beds large. 1375/m 830 NW 16 Ave. Call 339-2342 Other houses avail. 2-9-10-2 AVAIL AUG 1. 3bed/1 bath very nice house wood floors, garage, very private backyard, wash/dry 924 NW 9th Ave. Call 339-2342 for directions 1075/m. Other houses avail. 2-9-10-2 I'LL PAY YOU $1000 to rent my 1 BR apt. Located in Frederick Gardens apt. complex. Very close to UF. You pay $300, I'll pay $150 monthly, thru August. Call Chris 620-687-1224 2-10-10-2 ABRACADABRA! Sorento Pool Club Comm. 3BR/2 BA, 2 car garage. $1,100/mo. Call 352-318-3721 or 332-0602 2-10-10-2 3 BR/2 BA HOUSE close to UF/Shands. Available now. $950/ mo 1st/last/sec.3309 NW 18th St 352-2845119 2-10-10-2 DUCKPOND AREA Cute 3BR/1BA cent H/AC, fireplace, W/D hk-up, DW, tile & wood floors 731 NE 9th St $850/mo 316-1637 225-20-2 BIKE TO SHANDS & VET SCHOOL! OSpacious studio, washer/dryer, Fenced yard, lawn svc, $450/rent 3BR 2BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer, fenced yard, lawn svc, $1 000/rent 46K 3BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer, fenced yard, $1400/rent 3811 SW 20th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2 BIKE TO UF! 3BR 2BA, carport, Washer/dryer, porch, pets considered, Avail now! $695/rent, 2222 SW 14th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9625 2-11-10-2 CUTE NW HOUSE! 2BR lBA, Ceramic tile, screen porch, w/d hookups, $750/rent, 4234 NW 26th Drive Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2 AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house. Large house with large bedrooms; game room, wash/dry included, dishwasher, large living room. 2100 NW 8th Ct. Call for directions 339-2342 $1325/m 2-9-8-2 AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house, very private yard, fireplace, tile floors, wash/dryer included, dishwasher, $1350/m 2606 NW 34 St. 339-2342 for directions 2-9-8-2 AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house close to campus, wash/dryer, fireplace, wood floors, dishwasher, private back yard. $1525/m 1105 NW 10th Ave. call 339-2342 Nice house. 2-9-8-2 AVAIL AUG 1: 3bed/2bath house close to bus line. Tile floors, pets ok, wash/dry, fenced yard on quiet road. 4100 NW 14 PL 339-2342 for directions. $975/m 2-16-13-2 2 APTS AVAILABLE 2BR/1BA Tower Oaks. Wood floors, fenced yard, $525/mo. Call 386-462-1010 2-1410-2 1,2 & 3BR with GATED ENTRY! HUGE apts w/screened porches FREE Alarm FREE Tanning 24-hour Gym Quiet NW Area Move-in Specials 372-0400 4-20-71-2 HISTORIC DUCKPOND NEIGHBORHOOD Charming studio. Privacy over detached garage. 1.8 mi from UF. $450+/mo sec. dep. Small pets. Avail now. 371-7149 2-15-10-2 ***CASABLANCA EAST*** 2BR/2.5BA Townhouse, close to UF, Student's dream. $750/mo, low dep, W/D incl. Call Phil at 352-235-0600 2-15-10-2 Avail. Aug 1: 4bed/2bath house. Ceramic tile floors, extra game room, fenced yard, pet ok, wash/dry provided, dishwasher. 1330 NW 39th St. 339-2342 for directions $1275/mo 2-16-10-2 GREAT FOR STUDENTS! 3BR/2BA house, close to UF & Shands, on bus route, 1 car garage, tile f8r, fireplace, 1450 sq ft, Avail nowl $975/mo, sec dep. Call Casey to move in 352-514-2936 2-25-17-2 Beautiful historic home, wood floors, high ceilings, 3-4 BR/2BA, large fenced yard $1400/mo. Downtown location near UF. Call Tom at 262-6423 2-16-10-2 Quiet & Clean! 2BR/1BA $525, quiet neighborhood, 1000 sq ft, tile firs, spacious living/dining rm, WD hook-ups, pvt patio in backyard, near UF, 1824 NW 10th St. 3760080 2-9-5-2 House on Suwannee River w/ clear spring in backyard, Bell FL, 3BR/2.5BA, W/D hkups, scr porch, cent H/AC, quiet neighborhood, Ig yard w/ trees, fenced. $800/mo 376-0080 2-9-5-2 LARGE 2BR/2BA APT. Close to campus. Available Feb to Aug. $550/mo. Call 386871-7184 2-16-10-2 3BR/2BA, family room, fireplace, vaulted ceilings, screened porch, garage, 1.5 acres. Great country location. Min from Shands/VAI Vet School. 7810 SW 100th Pl. 352-2845119 $950 w/disc. 1st/last/sec. 2-10-5-2 ***WALK TO CAMPUS*** Available now. 2BR/2BA apt off of NW 17th St. 3 blks from campus. W/D hookup, DW, All pets ok. $500/mo. No dep. Call 352-2195323 2-17-10-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/2.5BA Townhouse $750/mo 3BR/2BA Downtown $850/mo SBR/2BA Walk to UF $995/mo Over 30+ Private Homes Available]. Call Today: 371-2118 4-20-50-2 2BR/1.5BA townhome, W/D, DW, new appliances, on bus route, NS, no pets, $650/mo Call 352-335-0455 2-10-5-2 AVAILABLE MAY! Downtown 1BRIBA, CH/AC, water included, $415/rent, 411 SW 2nd Street #3 Carl Turlingotn Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-5-2 WALK TO UF! Studio apt 8 blocks to campus. Wood floors/ large windows. $395/mo Call 352-284-9610 Avail @ immediately! 2-18-10-2 STUDIO APT 12 min to Shands/UF. For serious person. New const/appliances, W/D, sm pet ok. Near Lake Wauberg. $400/mo. 352215-0396. See to appreciate 2-14-5-2 **AVAILABLE NOW** 2BR/1BA HAILE HOUSE 2BR/1BA BRANDYWINE Call 665-4106 Charlene 2-21-10-2 ONE BR APT FOR RENT Minutes to campus, private patio, walk-in closet, kitchen, bathroom, free parking.$350/ mo. Sublease until Aug. Call 407-496-9566 2-9-2-2 very clean condo 2BR/2.5BA, 5 min to UF, 10 win to Shands, cent AC, OW, W/D, cable, internet, pool, $800/mo 352-472-9778, 305299-3485, 2-14-5-2 ROCKWOOD VILLAS 3BR/3 full baths. End unit, W/D, recently renovated. $795/mo. Call 407-578-2721 2-14-5-2 2BR 1 BA Apts, $500-525/Mo 5 Blks to UF 840 Sq. Ft 829 SW 5th Avenue. St. CroixApts Central H &Air, Iods Wtr, Sig, Pst Ctri, Garbage. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1464 2-11-4-2 2BR 1BR Apts 1 Block to UF New Carpet, Window A/C, Nat Gas Ht 1216 SW 3rd Avenue. $540/Mo Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 2-11-4-2 2BR 1BA Apt: 1 Block to UF. Central H & Air, Tile Floors 1236 SW 1st Ave. $575/Mo Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 2-11-4-2 2BR 2BA in WOODSIDE VILLAS 7200 SW 8th Avenue $620/Mo Pool, Clubhouse etc. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 2-11-4-2 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"


WE DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 13 iF r se Subleases Subleases Roommates Real Estate 0 1 unfu1nise orI fl3 'Z, 2BR 1BA Apt. Terazzo Floors Window A/C, Nat Gas HT 2 Bilks to UF. $510/MO 1508 NW 4th Ave. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 2-11-4-2 1BR 1BA1Blk to UF 1236 SW 4th Avenue Carpet, Central H & Air. Laundry On site $515/Mo Includes Utilities Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 2-11-4-2 VILLAGE LOFT APTS IBR LOFT APTS 650 & 750 sq. ft. Starting at $450/mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720 3-31-32-2 *3 BLKS TO UF* 2BR/1 BA duplex, hardwood floors, W/D, $535/mo. 375-8256 4-20-47-2 DOWNTOWN avail immediately or spring. Month to month ok. 2BR/1BA apt, newly remodeled, quiet neighborhood, pets OK, Close to Shands, UF & Library. $650-715/ mo, Call 262-1351 2-22-10-2 Sublease s j Apartments Sublets & Roommates All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500 Short-Long & Furn-Unfurn 1-(877) FOR-RENT (367-7368) WWW.SUBLET.COM 4-20-71-3 BEST DEAL IN GAINESVILLE $350 for IBR in a 2BR/2BA apt. Call 352318-5438 2-22-30-3 Cheap & 2 min to UF Avail Now. $350/mo incl utils. Call 514-5733. 2-11-20-3 1 BR/1 BA. Large BR w/walk-in closet. Free parking across from UF. Rent incl water, sewer, garbage, pest control. $450/mo. Lease until 7/05. Please call 352-598-5481 2-16-20-3 9 WALK TO CLASS! $250/mo Now til Aug. Courtyards 352-328-6967 all included! 2-27-3-3 Two bedroom/two full bath Sublease available immediately Seven month sublease Homestead Apartments. Call 338-1588/283-3885 add'[ info 2-15-15-3 SUBLEASING APT I'm moving to NYC! 1 BR/1 BA in 3 BR/3 BA apt. Willing to give away living rm furniture to the subleaser. $473mo utils incl. Completely furnished. 352-258-6775 2-10-10-3 Sublease March thru Aug 2005. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA @ Lexington Crossing. Female only. $430/mo, all incl. Enet, W/D, on bus rt, furn or unfurn. Clean & friendly roommates. Last mo free. 352-359-2872 2-14-10-3 1 Bdrm in a 2/2.5 new townhouse, $385/mo. Avail March 1, will work around date if needed. call Jessica 367-4053 2-14-10-3 1 BR avail 2/12 in University Commons furn 4 BR apt. $385/mo incl elect. FEB RENT FREE! We pay all start up fees + give you $200 CASH upon signing lease! Please call 540-785-9404 or email 2-9-5-3 1 BR apt, close to KashNKarry on 34th St. Take over lease 2/15 to 4/30, renewal option. $409/mo. Feb rent, transfer fees paid by me. Keep sec dep. Pool, pets welcome. Call Erik 262-1551 2-11-7-3 University Glades Sublease!! SUMMER: May-Aug. $440/mo. BR w/ personal bath in 3/3 apt. mci all utils. Furniture avail. Call Stacey 352-336-1968 2-9-5-3 ***AVAILABLE NOW*** Share a 3/2 HOUSE w/ F. Fenced backyard, wood firs, carpet, pool table, bar. Must know when to study, when to party. $350/mo. 727-743-4289 2-9-5-3 2BR/2BA apt sublet. New beige carpet. All appliances incl & W/D. Close to UF in quiet neighborhood. $550/mo. Call Rodney 3171536 2-11-6-3 I'LL GIVE U $200 TO MOVE IN! 2/1 In Beval Apts. Incl. W/D hkup, new carpet, excell cond. Rent valued $520, u pay $499/mo. Avail 2/28-7/31, can renew. Call 256-0501 2-10-5-3 ***WALK TO CAMPUS*** Available now. 2BR/2BA apt off of NW 17th St. 3 blks from campus. W/D hookup, DW, All pets ok. $500/mo. No dep. Call 352-2195323 2-17-10-3 SANTA FE POINTE 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. All utils incl. $400/mo. 1st month FREE. Sublease until Aug 15th. Call 954-536-8010 2-10-5-3 OXFORD MANOR 1BR/1 BA, walk-in-closet, private bath in 2BR/2BA furn, all util incl $512/mo neg. Feb free. Female. Sublease until 7/05. 904-571-8337 lbr/1bath of 2br/2bath util, cable, internet incl. Furn or unfurn avail. $535/month in the Cambridge. Call Aaron @ 352-258-5465 or e-mail 2-11-5-3 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA apt furn, liv rm, kit, laundry, W/D, pool, tanning, clubhouse, bball, tennis. FEB FREE. $400/mo incl elec, water, garbage, NO activity fees. 786-5549339 2-18-10-3 2BR/2.5BA apt for sublease. Only $560/mo, 1050 sq ft, dep pd, pet dep pd. Move in by April 1st. 1st month's rent will move you in. For more info call 352-363-0084 2-14-5-3 Limited offer. $200 CASH BACK. Spacious 2BR/2BA in Woodland Villas on SW 20th. Lease exp Aug 05. Rent $672/mo. Call 2842336 2-15-5-3 1 or both rooms in 2BR downtown apt. Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF, & Library. $350/mo. Pets ok. Call 262-1351 2-22-10-3 FEB RENT FREE 1BR avail in 3BR/2BA HOUSE close to campus, UF, Butler Plaza. $350/mo. Includes everything: inet, cable, W/ D, huge yard. Call 352-682-9204 2-22-10-3 Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 4-20-71-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 4-20-71-4 Female roommates wanted brand new 2100 sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to UP. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils inci $525/mo.Aval Fall. Call Jacqueline 352395-7462 or 941-780-3526 4-20-71-4 GIRLS ONLY 2 rooms each w/prvt baths. cent AC, W/D, cable incl. Interenet ready. $375/mo each. 1 mo FREE. Call 352-4729778 2-9-25-4 Sublets and Rooms Available All Florida Areas; All Major Cities Browse available Rooms FREE! 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-4 M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to rent turn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 ml -to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry $425+ utlis 336-5450 or 954-646-1341 2-15-20-4 Avail NOW Great location 1BR/1BA in 3BR/ 3BA, washer and dryer, high speed internet, $308/mo + util. Females only, please call Lauren @ 352-799-3726 Lv message. 211-22-4 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED in spacious 4/2 HOUSE by law school. Master BR $450 or other BR $350 + utils. AD, W/D. Call 850510-4063 or 352-328-4633 2-16-20-4 1 Male roommate wanted to share 4BR house w/3 guys. Only .7 mi from campus @ 2 NW 29th St. Pets ok. $275/mo + utils. No lease or dep. 745-6017 2-9-10-4 Female roommate needed. 1BR available in 2BR/2.5BA condo. $425/mo + 1/2 utils. W/D, cent A/C. sec dep. Kensington North condo. 352-379-3497 2-10-7-4 M/F roommate. Furnished except bedroom. Private bathroom. On-site gym, pool, and hot tub. $274/month. Call Katy 813-9667998 2-15-9-4 Prof/grad to share 2/2 new condo. Plantation Oaks. MBR suite, W/D, C/HA, D/ W. $450/mo + 1/2. Avail now. Call 538-6505 ASAP. Very spacious and secure scenic location. 2-9-5-4 Unfurn rm in huge 4/3 house 1.4 mi to UF. NW 6th St, big TV, pool table, W/D, cent AC, DW, hi-spd inet, big yard, $350 + 1/4 util avail. Now call Dmitriy 373-7231 2-10-5-4 Quiet Female Roommate Wanted. 2Bd/2Bth in Treehouse Village. W/D in unit. Bus every 10 min. Two small pools and workout room. $290/month and split bills. 213-2458 2-104-4 Roommate needed $200 mo (+$200 refundable deposit) +1/2 utl. Furnished 2BR/2BA. Must be able to pass a background check. (352)335-6274 2-10-4-4 Male grad/mature stu for small furnished apt for 1 person only on side of private home, no pets, clean, quiet, patio, 1 mi from UF, avail Jan 1. $400 w/util incl. On bus line. 378-2016 2-11-5-4 Roommate wanted in a 2BR/2BA apt w/22 yr old female. $320/mo + $150 sec dep + utils. Call 352-870-7670, 352-377-0295. Avail now. 2-11-5-4 Female roommate needed. Master BR w/pvt BA, W/D, hi-speed web, $240/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 352-331-8446 lv. mssg. 2-14-5-4 WALK TO SFCC New 1700 sq ft 3BR/2BA home Rent $350/400/mo by indiv BR. Avail 2/9. Call 283-6279 2-25-23-4 Room for rent in 2BR/1.5BA private condo $350 reserved parking W/D big screen TV, great location on Archer Rd, rent without summer for $450, No pets 871-5328 2-145-4 M/F, NS, needed to share 2BR/2.5BA Southfork Oaks townhome. (near Target). Unfurn master BR w/own BA avail. W/D, no pets, prefer serious student or prof. $347/mo + 1/2 utils. Avail 315. No lease. Call Evan 335-9714. 2-18-8-4 Female student to join 2 females in nice 3BR house off NW 8th Ave, 3 mi from UF on bus rt, tile/hardwood, fenced yard, $275/mo + 113 GRU & HS internet -dig cable, 381-5597 315-20-4 Rommate needed to share beautiful 3/2 house in NWG-viile, fully furs, pets welcome, huge fenced yard, W/D, DW, avalalble immediately. Vicky at 386-734-3080 2-15-5-4 Walk to UF 1 BR open for N/S in luxury house w/2 graduate students. $400/mo + 1/3 util, mcl W/D. Avail 2/9,. Call 283-6279 2-25-13-4 2 share 2BR Downtown apt. Newly remodeled. Close to Shands, UF, & Library. $350/ mo. Month to month or longer lease ok. Pets ok.Call 262-1351 2-22-10-4 Walk to UF. 1939 NW 5th Ave. Priv BA, W/D, CHA, Dig cable, wireless internet, flexible lease, 352-682-9342 2-15-5-4 e[d,~ lI Estate Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible buyers Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extraland, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered proh, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 lv mssg 4-20-71-5 NEW COMPANY IN GAIN@SVILLE looking to buy or lease houses in this area. Any size, price or condition. Call Ed & Diane 352-373-2728 4-20-71-5 The Flavor of New Orleans comes to campus. Luxurious St. Charles Condominiums. 1 block to UF. Choose from 2BR/2BA flats, or view the University from your 3BR/3BA townhouse. Prices starting in the $180's 3758256 4-20-71-5 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PURCHASING A HOUSE OR CONDO NEAR UF? Plenty of properties are available. Call Marc J. Nakleh at Campus Realty 352-235-1576 2-25-25-5 LIVE THE LUXURY OF LOFTS OASIS! Manhattan/S. Florida loft style condos. Brand new, spacious floorplans, 2/2.5, 3/3.5, 1400 sq ft, 18 ft windows, exposed ductwork, polished floors. On bus rt. Close to campus/Archer Rd. Take advantage of pre-construction prices. Call Matt Price at Campus Realty Today, 281-3551 or visit 2-15-10-5 WANT ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO BE JEALOUS OF YOU NEXT YEAR? Own + live in a new luxury campusarea condo. Over 10 new projects to choose from at affordable prices. Visit or call today 352-281-3551 Matt Price Campus Realty Group 2-15-10-5 TIRED OF RENTING? Let me help you find a house or condo to call your own. Call Brett Wherry at 352-412-8662 Century 21 Classic Properties 352-376-2433 x 20 2-18-11-5 Condo Countryside at UF. 4BR/4BA. Close to UF, W/D, tiles kitchen, pool & gym. 3rd floor. Quiet location. $176,000 Call 352-3323755 214-5-5 Furnishings BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pillow-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-3727490 will deliver. 4-20-71-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $1400. Sacrifice $399 352-372-7490 4-20-71-6 BED -King Piliomfop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, newyr, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 420-71-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 4-2071-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 4-20-71-6 SOFA, LOVESEAT, & CHAIR 100% Italian leather. Still new in boxes w/warranty. Cost $5000. Sacrifice $1,500 Call 352-372-8588 4-20-71-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 4-2071-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell $199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 Beds@Full mattress & boxspring sets $490Qn sets $890Single sets $39SKing sets $99OFrom estate sale: Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. Call a Mattress 4370 SW 20th Ave 4-20-71-6 Glass-top dinette set $50, love seat, $50 (or $300 w/sofa), desk $25, 46pc stoneware dish set $40, sewing machine $50. For pics/, info: 2-15-5-6 Save $$ with coupons from the Alligator. Classifieds.g "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"


14, ALLIGATOR E WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2005 Computers ~ f For Sale Autos Help Wanted Help Wnmte A+mvnutEr DEEk W& mAg& Hot"& cg tt 8-23-170-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $10 Gator Discount. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 8-23-170-7 *G'Ville Computer Repair Inc* Service on all PC MAC and Networks 1204 NW 13'11 St Ste #10 352-337-2500. 4-2071-7 WEDDING GOWN beaded halter, ivory, size 10. Never worn. Retail $500, Asking $400. Will bring to you to try. Julie 359-2241 2-9-5-10 **ROSES** VALENTINE'S SPECIAL Visit us Feb 12-14 @ SW Archer Rd/ SW 34th St Amoco &/or 6900 NW 8th Ave (Newberry Shell Station across from Oaks Mall) $25/doz $15/l/2doz. Vases also. 352235-0033 2-14-6-10 Come see what's new! GCM thrift shops downtown 238 SW 4th Ave, NW 5001 NW 34th St. Get more bang for your $! New items daily Mun -Sat 378-3R654 4-20-43-10 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC. Complete residential &commercial support, D T 7 networking & website development $45/hr M oroyCles, Mo 371-2230 4-20-71-7 ** SCOOTERS ** LAPTOP REPAIR RPM MOTORCYCLES INC Buy & sell. Looking for quantity for parts. SALES, SERVICE, PARTS 336-0075 4-20-71-7 Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974 'COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" 4-20-71-11 Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Swamp Cycles Webyork uteng and l tg Electric Bikes, Scooters, and more! 34orking and Non-working Prices from $450 with 1yr warranty 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 534 SW 4th Ave. 373-8823 _20-71-7 4-20-70-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 mputeoInnet 3229 2980 Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator Coptritrie 5.1.90 r d All d4 1 & d;i l 4-20-66-7 3ATORNERD.COM computer/laptop repair -networks, wireless, virus we BEAT all prices! home/dorm 352-219-2980 4-20-66-7 l Electronics jj 11-5-11 A t DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main I The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 4-20-71;8 810! TV's, COMPUTERS, VIDEO GAMES! Police Seized! From $10! Info 800-7499128 ext M974. 3-7-20-8 ? KICKER SOLOBARIC L7 10" car audio subwoofers w/ custom enclosure. $350/ 390 Call Eric 352-246-4452 2-9-5-8 in the market for a new set of wheels or just joking to add a second to that collection? Nant personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. dEW & USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from Best Prices in Towni SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 124 W University Ave 4-20-69-9 Fr Sale PARKING: private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 4-20-71-10 ARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer Equipment. Professional cooking utensils. R.W.Bebty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 4-20-71-10 GET CHEAP TEXTBOOKS! Search 24 bookstores in I click! S&H and taxes automatically calculated. Try it today! h 2-15-35-10 STRESS? OVERLOAD? NEED TO RELAX? DR LOOKING FOR LOVE? Try Aphrodisia Beverage. 0 caleries, 0 sugar w/relaxing aphrocliac herbs. Students using it nationNide. Buy/sell it. www.aphrodisiabeverage.c )m or 2-25-20-10 g a s. mo es ecions avail on website. 4-20-50-11 SCOOTER FOR SALE $650 2002 Blue Sinski. Great condition! Call Matt 352-246-6130 2-10-5-11 2004 MOPED $900 Cal Rob frmorifo, 51-818-277 2FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CAROL *Running or notlO NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS *Over 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 4-20-71-12 CARS -CARS Buy@SellOTrade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 4-20-71-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For: CARS, TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES Running or Not 1990 & up only Call Ray 352-284-8619 4-20-71-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 4-20-71-12 Best Cars e Lowest Prices 4-20-71-1212 94 Del Sol Civic 5sp.$3995 96 Accord LX 4dr .$4495 97 Civic 2dr AT .$4995 99 Civic 4dr AT.$5995 GATORIDES. 318-0813 4-20-71-12 *HEADLINERS SAGGING?* **Power windows don't work?** On site available Call Steve 338-5142. 4-20-71-12 $500! Police Impounds! Hondas, Chevys, Toyotas, etc. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 3-739-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES Bring your W2 & drive home today. Cash cars as low as $1000. No credit check: Call now 338-1999 4-20-63-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES We finance anyone! $2000 discount off finance price. More than 150 vehicles in stock. Call 338-1999 Drive today! 4-20-63-1 SUN CITY AUTO SALES All vehicles $0 down & up! Plus +++ 30 day warranty eng & trans. No credit check. Call 338-1999 4-20-63-12 GATORMAX -USED CARS Buy, Sell, Trade. We Finance. 495-9500 2-18-20-12 88 Honda Accord $699 86 Buick LeSabre $799 "88 Toyota Corolla $899 90 Acura Legend $999 (352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 '90 Chevy Lumina Van $1499 '93 Chevy Blazer-$1499 '90 Ford F-150 $2499 '93 Chrystler New Yorker $1999 (352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 FORD THUNDERBIRD 1996 V8 107k mi blue/green well kept, drives well all power. Reduced $3600 215-2039 2-14-5-12 1992 BUICK SKYLARK 98k 4dr, turquoise w/gray interior, new tires, brakes, fuel pump & other new parts. Cold air $2200, cell#352318-7707 2-11-4-12 97 FORD TAURUS 1 owner, new brakes, 120K, $2800, 3329844 evenings 2-14-4-12 MFwanted LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 4-20-71-13 On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 2-22-70-13 WANTED: MAZDA RX7 2-door, 1982 to '88. ASAP for 2 hour engineering study. 1983 preferred. $100. Call, lv. msg. 375-8710 2-10-10-13 ** I WILL BUY YOUR.** Car, Truck, House or Furniture "FOR FAST CASH" Call Now! 352-538-1690 3-8-20-13 A Help Wanted This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. for details. 4-20-71-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $5.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 4-20-71-4 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 4-20-71-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 420-71-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at employment 4-20-68-14 F. a) 0 U' AIC C C (E, a 1 University of Florida Survey Research Center 392-2908 ext. 105 $7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training Nights + Weekends Telephone Interviewing NO SALES Must work spring break. 408 W. University Ave Suite #106 4-20-71-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furn Ytsre $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No sppt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 420-71-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF & DRIVERS FT or PT, flexible schedules. Call 2-5pm 3782442 or come in and fill out an application @ California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St Mon-Fri 4-20-71-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 4-20-71-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 4-20-71-14 AUDITORS for local growing inventory service. FT/PT, DFWP. Paid training. Call 352-367-4608. 4-20-83-14 Mortgage lender has sales positions avail for college sudents seeking prof work exp. $8-9/hr + bonus. No exp req'd, flex hrs. Apply in person btwn 4-8prn Mon-Fri 1900 SW 34 St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union)4-20-70-14 SW @LLE Growing company needs PT help. Bookkeeper Quickbooks exp only. Delivery & warehouse, website administrator, clean background check only need apply. Fax resume with salary req to 377-5595 2-1019-14 GREAT PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO STAY! Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Cashiers (must have full day avail) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1 & PM 12-6 shifts avail) 15-40 hrs your choice. Great work environment. Apply in person 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No phone calls please. 2-28-38-14 Swim Instructor/Office Staff Seal Swim School now hiring energetic, fun, responsible individuals. PT/FT positions available. Competitive pay. WSI certification Feb. Lutz 813-948-7134; Tampa 813932-5455; North Pinellas 727-943-8782. 2-10-20-14 DOMINO'S PIZZA World's largest pizza delivery company now hiring Delivery Drivers Pizza makers Phone order takers $9$14/hr All you need is a reliable car & a very positive attitude. Apply @ any of the 5 Domino's locations in Gainesville. 4-20-70-14 Z L. 0) *.


WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2005 m ALLIGATOR, 15 Help Wanted Hel p Wante d Help Wanted "Wanted Hell Wanted, .p oil MI MIN Summer/Fall 2005 graduate opportunities for Graduate Hall Directors, Staff Resource Assistants and Judicial Assistant in the Department of Housing and Residence Education. Graduate Hall Directors reside in his/her area of responsibility, and supervise, develop, and direct the staff under his/her responsibility. The number of staff varies by area, as well as the number of residents living in the hall. The Staff Resource Assistants develop and facilitates programming and resources for residence life staff. The Judicial Assistant works with various aspects of the judicial program. Applicants must be admitted to graduate school., enrolled for 9-12 hours, and have some organized group living experience. The beginning salary is $3,420 each semester based on 9.5 months of work. An on-campus apartment, fully furnished with all utilities, local telephone, and basic cable service is provided. Application deadline (for priority consideration): Friday, February 18, 2005. Contact Kathy Smith at the Housing Office, 392-2171 ext 10139 2-18-33-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested come to the psychology bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297 4-20-63-14 Another Saturday night without a date? Read The Alligator. DRIVERS NEEDED Can earn anywhere between $8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule. Call Dave for info: 379-9600 2-18-25-14 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR needed. is looking for responsible, enthusiastic people. City geography knowledge, customer svc. exp helpful. For more info call David 379-3663 2-18-25-14 CASH Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here & make it! UF FLORIDA REPDIALS seeks UF students to reaise funds. Earn up to $800/hr with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105 NW 16th St. 4th Floor. Academic Classroom Building 105, gr call 392-7754 for more info. 4-20-63-14 MARY POPPINS: Where are you? FT NANNY NEEDED 30-45 hrs/wk 4 jobs avail TODAY: Great $$$ for exp. Noah's Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008 2-25-3714 PT/FT NANNIES NEEDED Good $ for exp: grad stud. welcomed bkgd ck: 12 REAL $$ jobs avail NOW Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 2-25-27-14 NANNIES -MORNING SHIFT Several positions availabel for Part Time, good $$$$$ MNOW Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 2-25-27-14 $1380 weekly stuffing envelopes FT/PT No experience necessary. For more info call 386-462-9301 2-17-20-14 CRUISE LINE Entry level on-board positions available. Great benefits. Seasonal or year-round. 941329-6434 2-17-20-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progressive company w/advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156 2-17-20-14 SUMMER JOBS $2100 Co-Ed Camp o Seven Weeks Room and Board Included GET PAID TO PLAY The Florida Elks Youth Camp (FEYC) needs male and female Summer Camp Counselors ages 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight camp located off of Highway 450 in Umatilla, FL The camp runs June 6 -July 23. Please contact Krys Ragland at 1-800-523-1673 ext. 250 or 352-669-9443 ext 250. 4-20-58-14 SECRETARY needed. is looking for responsible, enthusiastic people. City geography knowledge, customer service exp helpful. For more info call David 379-3663 2-18-19-14 SHOWCASE YOUR APARTMENT PROPERTY IN ADVERTISING 376-4482 alligator 16 1 PART TIME WORK 30 Openings! Great pay, flex scheds, sales/svc All ages 18+, conditions apply 335-1422 2-14-27-14 GET PAID for YOUR OPINIONS! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! 2-21-20-14 FUN INTERNSHIPS NOW!! Enhance your resume and job skills' Energetic students wanting to achieve and succeed. All majors and years. -email us now.! 2-11-13-14 Cook, Sushi Chef Chinese specialty FT/PT, call Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant (Haile Village Ctr) 352871-5771 2-10-10-14THE MELTING POT RESTAURANT is now hiring for a dishwasher, kitchen prep position, full or part time. Evenings only. Pay starts at $7.00/hr. Apply *within, Mon-Thurs, 1-4 pm, use rear entrance. 2-10-10-14 LEASING AGENT needed for 90-unit apt complex. Part-time, hours variable. Needed every-other weekend. E-mail resume to or PO Box 90275, Gainesville 32607 2-11-10-14 Movie extras, actors, models! make $100$300/day. No exp req, FT/PT, all looks needed Call 1-800-340-5939 ext 1042 2-18-15-14 CL *0 'a 0 p *C C C Ec I HIRING KITCHEN STAFF. Apply between 2 & 4 Mon-Fri. Calico Jack's, 3501 SW 2nd Ave Creekside Mall. 2-14-10-14 LEARN how you can EARN $100K + per year P/T. Training Provided. 800-631-8230 3-21-30-14 Escape to the Shenandoah Mtns of W Virginia. TIMBER RIDGE CAMP, co-ed, seeking young, energetic staff to work with children for the summer. 90 miles from Washington D.C. June 20 thru Aug 15, 2005. Top salaries + travel allowance. A representative will be on campus Wed Feb 16th from 7-9 pm @ The Reitz Ur-on for interviews. E-mail or -call 800-258-2267. 2-16-12-14 FREELANCE ONLINE TUTORS Instruct 3rd thru 12th grade students from any location; internet connection required; send resume to 2-2415-14 NANNY to care for 4 yr old in my home 3 days a week. 6:30-9:00 am and 3:00-8:00 pm. Ref required, background check. Call 271-0840 2-10-5-14 SALES ASSOCIATES F/T and P/T for hotel. Hourly & bonus. Weekdays & Weekends. Friendly attitudes w/good customer svc skills. Apply in person :4021 SW 40th Blvd 2-10-5-14 Classifieds. Continued on next page. 0 aEl PO E I a Sa S S S mn S U U


16, ALLIGATOR E WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 9, 20O5, Help Wanted Help Wanted Services ealth services Event Notices TGI FRIDAY'S Hiring all positions! Cometitive pay, exc. health & dental plans, 401 K, tuition assistance & career opp. Apply in person M-R 2-4 pm or anytime online @ 2-11-5-14 DRIVERS NEEDED for Valentines in floral shop. Must have own vehicle w/AC. Apply in person 319 NW 13th St. 2-11-5-14 WORSHIP/PRAISE TEAM LEADER PT position @ local Christian Church 15 hrs/wk. Must be familiar w/current praise & worship music. Able to lead a band, sing & play guitar. Fax resume 352-377-0408 211-5-14. TACO BELL -Now hiring Looking for bright, energetic workers for all shifts! Flexible scheduling and good starting pay. Apply today at 3408 SW Archer Road. 2-11-5-14 Leasing Consultant Energetic attitude/Cust Service Exp. Apply Paradigm Properties 220 N. Main 375-2152 2-14-5-14 Groundskeeper Custodial duties/Apt. Maint. Transportation a must. Apply 220 N. Main 375-2152 DFWP 2-14-5-14 P-T IT Technician familiar w/MS Office 2000 and some HTML coding on Intranet. Assist NA with minor networking issues. Help Desk support. Fax Resume 373-1864 2-14-5-14 BUS. & MARKETING INTERNSHIPS Get professional sales training /coaching while helping other students. Incredible new multimedia grade-improvement system. Call 352-317-2835 NOW for interview! 2-18-9-14 GREAT PAY! Fun work environment! Work around classes. All majors welcome. Customer sales/svc. Conditions Apply. CALL 3351422. 2-14-5-14 Youth & Children's Minister First United Methodist Church seeks fulltime Children and Youth Ministries Director. Must be able to develop & implement active Children/Youth ministry programs, communicateV9,th motivated middle & senior high youth, children, parents & volunteers, lead/ conduct Sunday & Wednesday evening activities. Salaried position with benefits. (mid$30's). Bachelor's degree or two years related experience required. Background check, driver's license check (min age for insurance 25 yrs.), first aid & CPR certifications (within 2 months of hire). Submit resume with references to: FUMC, 419 NE 1st St, Gainesville, FL 32601 Attn: Jim Williams -CYMD Search Committee 2-14-5-14 MAINTENANCE/CARPENTER SHIPPING PERSONNEL/SUPERVISOR FT or PT Send resume to or call 352375-0772 ext 122 2-14-5-14 COOKS Gator Dining Services needs experienced professionals for weekend and night positions. Pay based on experience. Fill out an application at Gator Dining Services business office. 2-15-5-4 MYSTERY SHOPPERS NEEDED Earn While You Shop! Call Now Toll Free 1-888-255-6040 Ext 13400 2-9-1-14 AMAZING SUMMER at PA coed children's overnight camp. Men & Women wanted for all activities and counselor positions. Nursing positions available too Good salary. Internships available. We provide campers with a safe quality experience that will stay with their forever. Let us do the same for you. Visit website, to schedule on-campus interview for February 17. 2-10-2-14 Prestigious Trail's End Camp -Pennsylvania Summer Camp -Guaranteed Experience of a Lifetime; Limited openings for Sports Specialists, Crafts Specialists, Waterfront Counselors (Lake & Pool) and General Counsnors, June 19th -August 14th Gain practical experience working with kids. 2-9-1-14 Part Time IT Tech Needed, 8-12 Hrs. Wk. Positive Attitude & Dependable Transportation Required. Complete our online employment Application @ www.daysolcom 2-15-5-14 HOUSE DIRECTOR Motivated, organized woman needed to fill position of House Director for active UF sorority. Please call 561-213-1818 to inquire. 3-7-14-14 Customer service rep needed, M-F, 2-9 pm, Must be professional, outgoing and personal. Apply today dt University Air Center. 4701 NE 40th Terr, Gainesville, FL 2-15-10-14 DELIVERY DRIVERS Own Car, reliable Apply in person b/t 2-5 Napolatanos 606 NW 75th St Gainesville, FL 2-14-4-14 Intern Architect, and Project Architect for Jacksonville firm. Must be proficient in AutoCadd. Full benefits; competitive salary. Call Jan Smith or Tom McCrary at (904)7242216; email 2-2210-14 ALL LEVEL TUTOR WANTED Use your time wisely Good Pay, Flexible Hours! Sell your knowledge! 2-15-5-14 services AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 4-20-71-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 4-20-71-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 4-20-67-15 ** GATOR MOVING & STORAGE ** Local and long distance moving. Free Estimates One item or a housefull. FL Reg # IM19 Call Now! (352)374-4791 800-797-6766. 4-20-71-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 Personal and Group Training Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Call for a free workout339-2199 4-20-71-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 4-20-71-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -ring-arena -round pens -experienced help -12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627. Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 4-20-71-15 MOSSWOOD FARM Come ride with us! Great Farm Awesome Horses & Top Notch Instruction. Hunters & Natural Horsemanship. 466-0465 4-20-67-15 TRAFFIC SCHOOL ONLINE Take Points Off Your Driver's License And Dismiss Traffic Tickets With Online Driver Improvement Courses 4-20-71-15 Whipoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture board. 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on premises. 376-8792 4-20-71-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm 0 466-4060 4-20-71-15 ***YOGA*** Classes & Workshops at Sanctuary 352-336-5656 4-20-71-15 PAPER-WRITING ASSISTANCE I can help you to complete your paper. Learn to write. Outline, research, grammar, coherent thought application, typing. Sliding scale. 24-hr svc. 374-7038 3-8-19-15 TERM PAPER HELP: Frustrated? Need Assistance? Help with research and writing? TOLL -FREE 1-888-345-8295 4-8-60-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 2-14-25-15 **First Responder* Learn emergency medical care. Prerequisite for EMT/Paramedic Includes healthcare provider CPR 392-1161x4283 3-2442-15 **Lifeguard Training" Red Cross certification includes CPR professional rescuer/first aid Classes start now 392-1161x4283 4-4-49-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250'x160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security. 352-591-3175 2-11-12-15 ***TAEKWONDO*** 30 Day Trial Membership Free Men 0 Women 0 Children 352-375-0700 40-20-59-15 MOST IMPORTANT SKILL FOR LAW SCHOOL SUCCESS? Check out: lawSChOOlprepCOurse.COm 4-20-58-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 4-20-56-15 **IMPROVE YOUR GRADES** No tutoring. Music stimulates brain. 30 minutes per day at home. Free consultation with professional. **istenez@sfcc.set 379-1 981** 3-100-15 QUALITY TEST PREP At a fraction of the price. GRE, LSAT, GMAT, SAT. GatorPrep. Call 352-284-0690 Register @ 2-9-5-15 Small Businesses, Bands, eBay Sellers: Need a great website? Oaks Lab wants to work with you. Design, carts, hosting, logos 2-11-5-15 NEED A TUTOR? Find a tutor at Gainesville's #1 Tutor Service All Levels and Subjects 2-15-5-15 M Health Services All Women's Health Center ABORTION Free Pregnancy Test RU-486 Available 378-9191 4-20-71-16 THE TRUE YOU! Lose 8-15 pounds in 4 weeks Only $99! Gain muscle while you lose fat Groups forming now. 339-2199. 4-20-71-16 URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL Students -No Appointment Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4881 NW 8th Ave #2, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 4-2071-16 TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR ACNE with Blue Light Treatments for moderate acne. Call Dermatology Associates 352-332-4051 4-20-67-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664. 4-20-71-16 Give yourself or your loved one a theraputic massage. Relax, reduce stress. Student discounts. Call Healing Hands. 336-6933 License #'s. MA0026544, MM11563 2-17SAME DAY SERVICE: transcription, typing, apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, flyers, ads, logos. Resume service -17 yrs exp. -24 hr turnaround. New phone #Connie 271-2677 2-22-25-17 perso "S Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 4-20-71-18 GUNS! GUNS GUNSI 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 4-20-71-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 373-7070 4-20-71-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Ave 375-3752. 4-20-7118 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 4-20-71-18 MODELS NEEDED Hair and Make-up photo shoot Apply in person Tuesdays or Thursdays. Einstein's Garage 378-4460 4000 Newberry Rd Suite "B" 2-9-25-18 MFj c nections Want to make a connection? Place your ad here to look for someone to share a common interest with or for your true love White male, 50, would like to hear from a woman to be my friend, lover, soulmate, who knows how to have a good man. Reply to 100 NE 8th Ave Apt 306, Gainesville, FL 32601 2-15-5-19 Friends don't let friends drive drunk. IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT?' DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD HERE AND GET IT NOTICED! FREE CLAST WORKSHOP The Teaching Center is offering workshops on the CLAST math, essay and ELS. Math sessions on 2/15 & 2/17, from 7-9pm. English session on 2/16 from 5-7pm. Workshops are free, but you must call 392-2010 to register and learn room location. 2-15-6-20 $600 Group Fundraiser Scheduling Bonus 4 hours of your group's time PLUS our free (yes, free) fundraising -solutions EQUALS $1000-$2000 in earnings for your group. Call TODAY for a $600 bonus when you schedule your non-sales fundraiser with Campus Fundraiser. Contact CampusFundraiser (888) 923-3238, or visit 3-9-16-20 SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK ADS WILL APPEAR IN THIS SECTION 2-25-50-21 WALDO FARMER & FLEA MARKET Every Sat & Sun -Hwy 301 15 min from Gainesville 468-2255. 4-20-71-21 FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL Airball, Speedball, Forts pn 27 acres Call for the best group rates 352-338-8408 4-20-71-21 MOST "WANTED Debora Karen Toole White Female (DOB 03/05/65); 5'06", 140 lbs, Blonde Hair, Green Eyes Wanted for: Felony violation of probation warrant for resisting an officer with violence. ALACHUA COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS al(3 372-TO 7-1 Q Entertainment Typing Services


WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2005M ALLIGATOR, 17 Entertainment Entertainment Tickets Rides Pets ROCKYCREEK PAINTBALL In Gainesville Better Prices Better Fields Better Call 371-2092 4-20-71-21 Spring Break 2005 with STS America's #1 Student Tour Operator. Hiring campus reps. Call for group discounts. Info/Reservations 1-800-648-4849 ARC exempt. 2-18-30-21 BAHAMAS PLATINUM PACKAGE *Spring Break Exclusive* $189 5-Days/4-Nights $239 7 Days/6-Nights PRICES INCLUDE Round-trip luxury cruise with food. Accommodations on the island at your choice of 10 resorts Free V.I.P. party package upgrade. Appalachia Travel 1-800-867-5018 WE WILL BEATANY PACKAGE PRICE! FL Seller of Travel Reg #ST35585 2-18-70-21 Spring Break Specials! Panama City & Daytona 7 Nights, 6 Free Parties $159! Cancun, Jamaica, Acapulco, Nassau $499 Including Airl Bahamas Cruise $299! 1-800-678-6386 FL Seller of Travel Reg #ST34486 2-21-33-21 Bahamas Spring Break Cruise 5 Days $299! Includes Meals, Parties with Celebrities as seen on Real World, Road Rules, Bachelor! Award Winning Company! 1-800-678-6386. FL Seller of Travel Reg #ST34486 2-21-33-21. #1 Spring Break Vacations' Cancun, Jamaica, Acapulco, Bahamas & Florida! Best Parties, Best Hotels, Best Prices! Limited Space! 1-800-234-7007 ARC Exempt 2-18-24-21 Pets Tickets g l ***EUROPE $429-RT*** Train & cruises also available Gator Country Travel 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-1 8264 4-20-71-22 373-FIND BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. Alligator Classifieds list products, services, jobs, etc. in a "directory"so readers can find your ad more easily. This form explains how to place an ad, and how to determine the cost. Our Classified Advertising staff will be happy to help you, either in person or by phone. Alligator Classifieds may be placed in a number of ways: PHONE IT IN. 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Please call Selah at 352-5149390 Lv a message. 2-10-5-24 Mviami Bus Service $40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT L, Miami Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm 335-8116 www.miamibusservice .com 4-20-67-23 ***FLY TO/FROM*** COCOA BEACH, BREVARD COUNTY $99 rt 1-866-453-2605 4-20-67-23 Furry, feathery,, not your roommate. pets. Find or advertise your pets or pet products here in the Pets section of the Alligator. AVAIL MALE ROTTWEILER AS STUD for breeding, AKC registered, beautiful, 125 lbs 352-284-61542-16-10-24 I ~ r -.e rn 0 0 a 17 ID D W |I N 00 > I CL 0 El a N CLASSIVIC NATIONS (check one) _1. For Rent: Furnished _14. Help Wanted 2. For Rent: Unfurnished -15. Services 3. Sublease: House/Apt -16. Health Services 4. Roommates -.17. Resumes/Typing Services 5. Rea;lEstae -10. Personals 6. Purniture/Househoid Items -19. Connections 7. Computers 20 Events/Notices 8. Stereos/Electronics -21. Entertainment 9. Bicycles _22. Tickets 10. For Sale 23. Rides __11. Mopeds/Motorcycles _24. Pets 12. 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18, ALLIGATOR a WEDNESDAY, FE3RDARY 9,2005 UK wins down stretch MEN 'S, from page I 3-pointers to put the Gators, who led by as much as 12, up fnr the remainder of the half. The Gators leveled off in, the second half, however, shooting 45.3, as Roberson went 3 for 10. "We just needed some more instant offense," said Roberson, holding a bag of ice on his shooting hand. Roberson said that during a scramble for a loose ball, Azubuike stepped on his hand, but the junior insists that it didn't affect his shooting. The Wildcats sealed the game down Roberson the stretch, hitting five out of seven foul shots in the final 1:15. Kentucky made 24 in the game -11 more than UF attempted. "The biggest difference from our past losses to Kentucky was our lack of physicality," said Donovan, whose team was outrebounded 34-27. "But today we're right there." But junior Matt Walsh, who finished with 18 points, had a slightly different assessment of the game. "No moral victories," Walsh said. "We feel like we should've won." BULLPEN, from page 20 can't help but wonder -are the Gators that much worse than Kentucky? Is UF still on its seven-year Lexington railway to hell? You'd have to say no to both, but with a grit in your teeth and an educated skepticism in your feeble head. Yes, the Gators lost, and Kentucky owns them until that changes. But, in spite of the loss, the Gators proved a couple of things. First, the Alabama blowout wasn't a fluke in that UF hung in there with Kentucky even toward the end. Also, that the Gators have a complete team -shooters, defenders, hustle players. They also have chemistry. What UF doesn't have is enough of all that to make a difference -yet. You're probably vacuunng the clumps of hair you tore out of your scalp during the second half while you read this, but take solace in the fact that UF has its best squad since its 2000 championship team. Not as good, but the best since then. The Gators just haven't meshed it all together. The freshmen, though brilliant, are still aging in Billy D's wine cellar. But it's these very freshmen that give UF a realistic chance at beating Kentucky at the O'Dome after spring break. In previous seasons, the Gators were the Indianapolis Colts of the Southeastern Conference -leaders in scoring but slackers at defense. But adding Al Horford, Corey Brewer and Joakim Noah is like adding a young Junior Seau, Roy Williams and Takeo Spikes to your team. But there are a few catches. You can't expect the freshmen to recapture Rupp on their first try. You can't anticipate a hot-shooting Gators team every time they play The wine ferments as we speak. Drink up when you come back from spring break. F E C'A R E E' CNN Documentary explores challenges of our education system by following A four new Teach For America teachers o{ ke Honkey o y W4 D H DAY EaflU Nh Free Drafts and Wells for Ladies $4 Domestic Pitchers for Everyone 6:00pm -till Close (12:00 am) NOME OPENING SERIESIS vs. Charleston Southern Fri., Feb. '11 9 6:30 PIVI SopUrban Meyerwill throw out the first pitch of the 200!5 season First 2,500 fans receive a FROEE schedule magnet courtesy of Sun Sports! Coca-Cola Kids Night4 tix, hot dogs, & 4 sodas for $16! Sat., Feb. '12 Sun., Feb. 13 swomnp Fun 4-use-nflatable games! tKids 1 4 & uncer can Circle the Bases! Peseono otO disbifties requrng on tianco e o natn a & .ontact The UAA at 500-34-GATOR. The speech and hearing tmpaired -may natt The Finoi Reb Semv ne at iiti-5-8771 (TDD) Free Workout with this ad! SPrin Term $ ft I Year _$.129.00 S=GyGM 1M toniT if Tamnnil,.25.00 GAINESVILLECYM 201NW6THST 376-8400 Classic Carwash) State of the Art, 110 ft. Soft Cloth Conveyorized Thnnel Full Detailing -Window Tinting 3010 SW Archer Rd. 374-9227 Wed matinee 4:30PM Hippodrome Cinema 375-HIPP Vegetarian Men and Women Needed for a UF Nutrition Study If you are: vegetarian (including vegan) male or female 18-49 vr old healthy, non-smoking non-pregnant or nursing not taking prescription medication (oral contraceptives are ok) it you're willing to: provide medical Iiitory nforaotion compltie a dietry quetieonnaire hiave blood drawn once (following -an overnight fast) Thten you are eligible to participate at ttis study You will be paid $50 for completing the study Please call 392-1991 extension 273 for more information. Gators off to best start in program history S MF from page 20 mound." those teams of the past. As far as comparisons to other "The difference I think with successful teams in UF history, Johns this team is that the chemistry is tougher and tougher we're going to says it may be a little premature to so high," Stevens said. "We really have to eliminate the mistakes that tell how they stack up. play well together and we step up we made, but I was very pleased At least one player, though, together and we push each other with their composure and how thinks that this team may have what well. I think that's what's helped us they managed themselves on the it takes to live up to, or even exceed, to such a great start."


* WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2005 N ALLIGATOR, 1I 3A-SEALL Gaors s,NtoAp"% am s for shop at championship By TIM CASEY Alligator Writer As the adage goes, championships are won with pitching. The 2005 UF pitching staff is being asked to do exactly that. The squad lost six pitchers from last season, most notably Southeastern Conference Pitcher of the Year Justin Hoyman, but gained 11 new arms. The 2004 team set a school record for fewest walks per game (2.17) and posted the team's lowest earned run average (3.34) since 1992. UF's 2005 pitchers feature a trio of established veterans and a highly touted transfer. Several players are excited about the newcomers on the mound. "Last year, I thought we were one pitcher short," senior outfielder Jeff Corsaletti said. "I think this year we have a good shot. Our pitching staff, our crop of new pitchers, we have a bu'ch of good ones." Senior right-hander Tommy Boss is scheduled to start the season opener Friday night against Charleston Southern. Boss posted a 45 record and 4.24 ERA in 2004, including a pair of complete games in his final two starts. Boss walked only six batters in 76.1 innings. Conrnor Falkenbach, one of the team's four seniors, is projected both to start and come out of the bullpen. The sidearm right-hander led the team with 35 appearances last season, posting a 10-7 record and 3.34 ERA. "We work hard on locating our pitches and not walking anybody," Falkenbach said. "We don't want to walk anybody, we don't want to get behind in counts. We want to get that strike one right away. "We want to let the hitters put the ball in play and let our defense play behind us because we have a great defense, we always have," Falkenbach said. "It's just important not to give away free at bats to the hitters, not to walk them and stuff like that." UF's third anticipated starter is junior transfer Alan Horne. The 6-foot-4 right-hander was a first-round draft selection out of high school, but opted to play for Mississippi before suffering an arm injury his sophomore year. He pitched for Chipola Junior College last year. Redshirt junior Darren O'Day returns as the team's closer. He led the Gators with five saves last year, while posting an 8-1 record and 2.56 ERA. "I think that both Connor and Tommy are more quiet leadership with work ethic." Pat McMahon UF baseball coach Senior Mike Pete is the most experienced left-hander on the staff, and will look to earn a starting role in addition to his late relief duties. Pete has a 10-2 career record and 4.93 ERA. Junior right-hander Bryan Ball provides another proven option. He posted a 5-1 record and 5.04 ERA last season. Coach Pat McMahon is looking for his upperclassmen to set the tone for the rest of the pitching staff. "I think that both Connor and Tommy are more quiet leadership with work ethic," McMahon said, "That's one of the neatteings when you talk about leadership and leadership skills. "So often people tend to think* it's 'rah rah' and vocal, but they're exactly the op. posite. They lead with their own personality within their strengths." Boss shared his thoughts on the lesserknown pitchers. -_* "Our yotmg guys, like Brian Augenstein and Josh Edmonson -those guys can start" Boss said. "What I've seen in fall practice, they don't seem to get rattled by all the pressure that we had. "Even, lefty Mike Pete, a senior, he's started before. I think we'll have some good depth. Oh, I forgot Brian Ball. How could : forget him? He probably had the best fall out of all the guys on our team, starting wise." "I feel like we have a lot of depth ir whatever three guys match up one weekend against one team," Boss said. UF strugg esi n SEC; rust go 5-U for shot at NCAA COACH SAYS THE GATORS HAVE BACKS AGAINST WALL. By MICHAEL MAURINO Alligator Writer There's nowhere to go but up. There's just not much time left to get there. With five games remaining, the UF women's basketball team could be considered desperate as it continues its drop in the Southeastern Conference standings. With a conference record of 3-6 and 12-10 overall, the Gators are in serious danger of missing the NCAA tournament. Unless, according to Coach Carolyn Peck, UF can win its last five games.Then, even with a firstround loss in the SEC tournament, the Gators would finish a game above .500 in the conference and would likely receive a bid for the NCAAs. Peck made the comment following Sunday's 77-66 loss at Alabama, UF's fifth consecutive loss. "If we have any hope of playing in the postseason, we're going to have to go 5-0," she said. "With only three wins in the SEC right now, we put our backs against the wall." Peck clarified her statement Tuesday by saying that winning the last five games means UF would control its own destiny, which is the best-case scenario. "If we don't [win the last five], we sit back and hope other teams lose," she said. "So, to be in control of our own destiny, that would be the best way to do it." Junior Bernice Mosby, who leads the team with 15.8 points a game, agrees with her coach. "I believe we will have to go 5-0 to go to the [NCAA] tournament," Mosby said. "I believe Mosby we can do it as a team if we just all buckle down and concentrate and focus on basketball. .I think once we get to that point we'll be fine." The five-game stretch begins at Kentucky (14-9, 3-5 SEC) on Thursday, whom UF has defeated in three of the last four meetings. UF should be wary of taking the Wildcats lightly though. Peck said after UF played well in an overtime loss to No. 5 Tennessee last week, the Gators thought they could beat Alabama. "I think that in the Alabama game we had every assumption that we were going to win," Peck said. "But you got to go get a win in the SEC. No one is going to give it to you." UF played well in losses to No. 18 Georgia, No. 20 Vanderbilt and Tennessee. The problem being that those losses are book ended by a loss at home to Mississippi and the loss to Alabama -games where UF struggled much of the game. Peck admits that while UF is ir, need of a win, she will not placE any added pressure on the team foc Kentucky because every SEC game is important. "We're not going to freak out right now," Peck said. "It's extremely important, just like every SEC game has been." Peck cannot pinpoint the on thing that has gone wrong over the last five games to start UF's slide into ninth place in the SEC. Bu Mosby thinks the problem may b( in their heads. "I think it's all mental-W. thi point, because we have the talent," she said. 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prt5 ALLIGATOR EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 2005 Gators start perfect "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content s Available from Commercial News Providers" ,Q1 9111A& -4 & Rupp always a tough place *UFI9DACH BILLY DONOVAN HAS A 1-10 RECORD ALL-TIME AT KENTUCKY'S LOUD HOME ARENA. By BRYAN APP Alligator Staff Writer LEXINGTON, Ky. -Parting a student mob of blue and white, a middle-aged, orange-and-blueclad man emerges from the Kentucky boosters' hospitality room, making his way toward the court. With no regard for the Kentucky basketball bluebloods accompanying the man, an entire section, led by a shirtless, blue-faced character, instantly screams "boo" in the foreigner's face. This is Rupp Arena. With a capacity of 23,000, few collegiate stadiums present such difficulty for the opposition -as represented by the Wildcats' 364-42 home record since 1976. After four years as a Kentucky assistant in the early 1990s and -three at Marshall, Coach Billy Donovan knows the intimidation factor that Rupp creates. "I've always noticed, even when I was at Kentucky myself, there's a look in the opposing team's eyes when you know they don't have a chance to win," said Donovan, who holds a 1-10 all-time record when visiting Rupp. And for a UF team featuring five freshmen including two in the starting lineup -Donovan said a main concern was how his youngsters would react in such a hostile environment. "I've always noticed, even when I was at Kentucky myself, there's a look in the opposing team's eyes when you know they don't have a chance to win." Billy Donovan UF basketball coach "I don't know if there is anything I can say to a guy that will help them understand [what it's like to play here]," he said. UF VIP: While the Wildcats may have the celebrity power of alumna-turned-actress Ashley Judd, the Gators had their own nostalgic attendee. Former guard Brett Nelson was in attendance towatch his alma mater on Tuesday. Nelson, who graduated in December, now resides to his hometown of St. Albans, W.V., about a 90-minute drive from the Lexington area. By WILLIS JACOBSON Alligator Writer Ranked fourth in the nation, the Oklahoma Sooners entered their game with UF last weekend having outscored their previous three opponents by a combined score of 194. They finished their game against the Gators with just two hits in a 3-0 loss. Although the Gators coaches and players won't call it a statement game, a loud and clear statement has definitely been made. "It felt great, and I think it helped our confidence and let us know that we can go out and play with the top teams," said first baseman Melissa Zick, who leads the team with nine RBIs and a .467 batting average. "It shows that we are a top team and we can be the best." Following their victory against Oklahoma, the Gators went on to win the Clearwater Invitational and improve their record to 7-0, making them the first team in the nine-year history of the program to go through their first seven games without a loss. "I told the team that this is a marathon and we haven't even climbed the first hill yet," Coach Karen Johns said. "So we're really not going to consume ourselves too much with where we think we stand as much as how we want to improve." One of the big reasons that the team is still undefeated is due in large part to the pitching staff. Against the Sooners, sophomore Stacey Stevens (3-0) threw a complete-game shutout. Following that game, senior Mandy Schuerman (2-0) pitched a complete-game one hitter against Florida Johns Atlantic. Much of their success can be attributed to the help and support that they lend each other. "We get really excited, even more so than the rest of the team, to see each other do well," said Schuerman. "The entire [pitching] staff is like one big unit." Johns, though, still sees room for improvement. "I thought we did some nice things, but there were times when I think we struggled, so we've got some things to work on," Johns said. "As the competition keeps getting SEE SOFT, PAGE 18 UF not ready for 'Cats here was supposed to be a break in. your regularly scheduled Kentucky beating. You were tuned in to another episode of "Those Soft, Cuddly and Overrated Gators," but the program was changing to a remastered and athletically revamped "Gators Who Can Ball." UF had a 36-29 halftime lead. Coach Billy Donovan had America's attention. And with imdefeated Boston College falling to those pesky Irish earlier in the night, you could almost feel a UP upset coming. You almost had an excuse to go streaking throughout a local apartment complex near you. Then there was the halftime show. Maybe UP was distracted by Ken tucky's Louis dancers. Anastasis M a y b e Louis in the Bullpen Anthony Roberson thought he was hogging the scoring column. Maybe the Gators just weren't yet ready to beat the Wildcats. it was heartbreak all over again. Yet even after all that -the big lead, then the collapse -you SEE BULLPEN, PAGE 18 Men's basketball Illinois 57 Michigan 51 Bostoli College 65 Notre Dame 68 MNBA : Atlanta vs. Orlando Sunshine, 7 p.m. ENBA: Sacramento vs. Seattle TNT, 10:30 p.m. 7 1996: UF shortstop David Eckstein becomes the first player in school history to hit for the cycle. One year earlier to the day, Eckstein became one of just two Gators to record 9 RBI in a game. A Log on to for an update on three Gators athletes being named Southeastern Conference athletes of the week. Also, the Gators baseball team will have a guest pitcher and the women's golf team played in California.