The Independent Florida alligator

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The Independent Florida alligator
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Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida
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Gators roll over Tide

Alligator Staff Writer

The elated screams of the
season-high O'Connell Center
crowd rained down on the
Gators, skipping to the locker
room with their index fingers
pointed toward the sky.
And like a shaken victim.
of a head-on collision with a
semi, the despondent visiting
Alabama team stumbled off the
court, likely wondering what
they iust had experienced.

Seconds earlier, junior guard
Matt Walsh drained a buzzer-
beating three-pointer to cap a
17-3 half-ending UF run. The
scoring surge ended a whirl-
wind opening-period domi-
nation of the No. 11 Crimson
Tide (17-4, 6-2 Southeastern
Conference) en route to an 85-54
UF win the largest margin of
victory in school history against
a ranked opponent.
"The crowd was great,"
Coach Billy Donovan said. "But
I think we gave them something

UF forwards Al Horford and Chris Richard suffocate Alabama's
Chuck Davis during an 85-54 UF rout of Alabama.

New England
Patriots head
coach Bill Belichick
is doused after
the Patriots beat
the Philadelphia
Eagles 24-21 in
Super Bowl XXXIX
on Sunday in
Jacksonville. See
story, pg. 10.

to cheer about."
Effectively burying the Tide
before they ever started rolling,
the first half also featured a 20-
3 Gators run and each of UF's
Men's Basketball Big Three
Alabama 54 guards
Walsh and
UF 85 Anthony
and for-
ward David Lee scoring in
In all, four Gators finished
with double-digits in scoring,
as Roberson, Walsh and Lee
tied with a game-high 18, and
freshman Al Horford matched a
career-high with 14 and earned
his second double-double of the
season with 18 rebounds.
The Gators (14-5, 6-2 SEC)
are now 13-0 when scoring at
least 80 and 7-1 when each of
the-Big Three score more than
"They had four or five
guys that were pivotal," said
Alabama junior forward
Kennedy Winston. "When you
have those kinds of games, it's
awfully impossible to win."
Winston, who came into the
game with a second-best 19.1
points per game in league play
behind Roberson's 22.1 aver-
age scored 6 inUF's first win
against a ranked opponent this
Conversely, Walsh, who en-
tered the game shooting 25.9
percent since returning on Jan.
19 from an ankle injury, busted
out of his slump with a 6-for-12,
seven-assist and no-turnover
"I wasn't going to stop
shooting," Walsh said. "It
wasn't even my shooting. I just
haven't felt like my game was
all there."
Donovan said the coach-
ing staff has been trying to get
Walsh to take the emphasis off
his play and just "get lost in

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IVIdLL IVliIrrlULL/ FIlll .UI OLall
Snoop Dogg raps in a concert at the Stephen C. O'Connell Center
on Friday night. He entertained a crowd of about 4,600.

Snoop plays O'Dome

Alligator Staff Writer

Fans attending Friday's con-
cert at the Stephen C. O'Connell
Center had to wait an extra hour
for their top Dogg tg drop in.
Dressed in a characteristic fur
coat, cream shirt and silver tie,
Snoop appeared in an exclusive
interview on CNN's "Larry King
Live" before Friday's concert to
address a former makeup artist's
claims that he and four others sex-
ually assaulted her after a taping
of the ABC show "Jimmy Kimmel
Live" two years ago.
"It was his chance to respond to
the allegations being made against
him," said Renee Musson, busi-
ness manager of the O'Connell
Center, where the interview was
broadcast live via satellite.
Jeff Yeatman, chairman of
Student Government Productions,
the organization that helped bring
Snoop Dogg to UF, said he did not
know about the suit until he was
approached Friday afternoon by
representatives of Snoop Dogg.

* Those interest-
ed in running for
select Gainesville
City Commission
seats must sort
out their political
ambitions this
week. See story,
pg. 8.

National media outlets carried
reports of the woman's allegation
Jan. 31.
"They came to us and asked us
if we could make arrangements,"
Yeatman said.
"It was his chance to
respond to the allegations
being made against him."
Renee Musson
an O'Connell Center manager

Allocating a room for the inter-
view and "some of the technical
aspects" were the only accommo-
dations made by SGP for the in-
terview, Yeatman said, noting that
costs of the live satellite feed were
not footed by his organization.
Elda Auxiliaire, executive
director of Black History Month,
said she was unaware of the al-
legations until she heard about
the arrangements from Yeatman
on Friday.
In the CNN interview, Snoop
Dogg said he was "shocked" to

SPORTS 19 cloudy


VOLUME 98 ISSUE 94-----------~----- -----,-E~-~slILE-=9e

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Due to an editor's error, Alachua
County Judge Thomas M. Jaworski
was misquoted in Friday's Alligator..
The quote should hauve read, "It i-. .liti
of the noblest calling.. beimn a judge,
and I'm absolutely delighted."
We regret the error.

The Alligator strives to be accurate
and clear in its news reports and
editorials. If you find an error,
please call our newsroom at (352)
376-4458 or send an e-mail to -

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The Independent Florida Alligator is.a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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L the independent florida

VOLUME 98 ISSUE 94 ISSN 0889-2423
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~ :4#

r .. ... :: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 3


More than 500 attend Chinese New Year events

Alligator Writer

Waggling their tails and batting their eye-
lashes flirtatiously at the audience, four lions
danced to the beat of Chinese cymbals and
drums Saturday night.
The colorful and intricately decorated lion
costumes, each manned by two members of
Wah Lum Kung Fu of Gainesville, followed
the lead of a laughing Buddha figure, a
masked man wielding a red fan, teasing them
across the stage and through the aisles of the
Reitz Union Grand Ballroom.
The lion dance, meant to symbolize the
repelling of evil demons, was the first of sev-
eral presentations at the Chinese American
Student Association's annual Chinese New
Year celebration.
A diverse crowd of more than 500 attend-
ees, young and old, watched the performances
that fused both modem and traditional ele-
"It's not only a celebration of the year,
but a celebration of culture in general," the
organization's special events coordinator
Wand Gan said.
Students sang and danced to modem
Chinese and American songs, as well as to
traditional Chinese music.

A kung fu demonstration by UF's Kung
Fu Club, a skit by members of the Asian
American Greek Interest Group and a fashion
show rounded out the evening.
June Wong, also a special events coor-
dinator for the Chinese American Student
Association, said she felt there had been a good
balance between the traditions associated with
the New Year and modem entertainment.
"Most of us are American-born Chinese,"
she said. She added that she had hoped "to
show that we still remember our culture."
UF improve comedy group Theatre Strike
Force also performed, drawing laughs as one
performer poked fun at former UF football
coach Ron Zook.
The celebration also featured two per-
formances by musicians playing traditional
Chinese stringed-instruments: the ehru and
the pipa.
"We were really lucky to find them," Gan
Jin Xia, 26, who came to Gainesville from
China less than a month ago, played the pipa,
a -four-stringed instrument that looks similar
to a mandolin and rests in the player's lap.
Members of the audience were impressed
with Xia's agile and precise playing of the
song "Go to the Flower Festival."
"I really hope that more people can under-

Anurea ivoraies/Alligator
Wah Lam Kung Fu of Gainesville performs a lion dance during the Chinese New Year
celebration Saturday at the Reitz Union. Sponsored by the Chinese American Student
Association, the event featured dance, skits, martial arts, a fashion show and music.

stand Chinese music and culture, and it's my
pleasure to present Chinese culture," she said.
The Chinese New Year is celebrated widely

in Asia. This year, the new year falls on Feb.
9, marking the beginning of the Year of the

Bush reappoints two
By EMILYYEHLE hearing in the Florida Senate this
Alligator Writer Spring will seal the appointment. "We've got two great leaders
in Roland and Earl, and I'm glad
The governing body that over- to have them continue on the
sees UF is likely to keep at least board," said trustee Dianna Fuller
two of its members for five more Morgan.
years. Appointed to the board since its
Gov. Jeb Bush reappointed creation in 2001, Daniels is presi-
trustees Earl Powell and Roland dent of the car dealership Saturn of
Daniels on Friday, extending their Gainesville.
terms on the UF Board of Trustees Jamal Sowell, who-has served on
until Jan. 6, 2010. A confirmation the board since becoming Student
Body president last Spring, said he

members to Board of Trustees

"' B has always been
impressed with
Daniels and his
with the univer-
"He is one
r of few trustees
Daniels who lives in
Gainesville, so he sees the daily
interactions of campus," he said.
Powell, who was appointed to
the board in 2003, founded Trivest
Partners LP, a Miami investment

Firm, and is a director on the UF
Foundation Board, which oversees
the university's independent fund-
raising arm.
Although trustees are supposed
to hold their positions for five
years, their terms were set to be
staggered in 2003 because of the
creation of the Board of Governors,
the body governing the state's
public universities.
The Board of Trustees is made
up of 13 members, six that are
appointed by the governor and

five that are chosen by the Board
of Governors. The remaining two
seats are filled by the Student
Body president and the UF Faculty
Senate chairman, currently physics
professor Pierre Ramond.
The board will benefit from
the ongoing efforts.of Powell and
Daniels, Morgan said.
"I think they each bring their
business expertise, and Roland,
with his roots in Gainesville, had
really helped us address town-and-.
gown opportunities," she said.

-. :: ..

c il 1 .




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Party to unleash 'independent' voice with platform

Alligator Writer

After listening to the concerns of three
student focus groups, the Voice Party will
unveil its campaign platform this week,
highlighting a need to help graduate stu-
dents who party members say continually
get the shaft from Student Government.'
The Voice Party, whose members call
themselves "the party of independents,"
will officially release its platform for the
Spring election Tuesday at 2 p.m. on the
Reitz Union Colonnade.
It is also expected that the party will an-
nounce Sen. Justii Lauer, an independent
senator from the College of Engineering,
as this year's candidate for Student Body
Party chairman Sen. Christian Duque
said there are no plans to run a Student
Body presidential or vice presidential
candidate under the Voice Party, but .the
party will be campaigning to fill seats in
the Student Senate.
"We just might lose, it's a big possibil-
ity," said Duque, who said the party will
probably not garner much Greek support.

"But if we really let everyone on that really
wants to be in Student Government, then
we won't lose."
After three focus-group meetings held
last week, Voice members say they will
put a stop to an SG ruled by Greek and
Florida Blue Key connections, and will
aspire to give entry to the most qualified
"If you're not Greek, the doors (to SG)
close for you," said Duque, a fraternity
member himself, who won his Senate seat
with the Access Party last Spring.
One goal Voice members were vocal
about at each focus group is to make SG
more supportive to graduate students and
family-housing communities.
"Offering them a few new swing sets
just isn't enough," Duque said of the
recent SG spending to improve on-site
playgrounds within UF's family-housing
Voice leaders said they plan to help
graduate students have their own parking
decals, which is one part of making gradu-
ates' voices heard as loudly as the under-
And considering the importance UF's
administration places on research, Duque

says it surprises him that SG doesn't do
more to cater to the graduate-student com-
"There's not much research going on at
the undergraduate level," he said.
But it's not just graduate students who
aren't best represented, Duque said.

"If you're not Greek, the doors (to
SG) close for you."
Christian Duque
Voice Party chairman

He said that through his Senate experi-
ence, he sees many senators are not put-
ting forth their best efforts to really talk to
students to see what they want.
"Quit saying you represent them if you
don't know who the hell they are," Duque
An average of 10 students attended
each of the three meetings.
They brought up their concerns about
poor funding for campus organizations
and programs, which included dissatis-
faction with how much money was spent

on the Chomp the Vote


Also discussed was the quality of
Regional Transit System buses and the
creation of 24-hour study centers.
Discussions revolved around those topics,
and also centered on Lauer's and Duque's
Senate experience.
"After a month of being in Senate, I felt
like I wanted to jump in front of a train,"
Duque said.
He said his frustrations with the body
were one of the main factors fueling his
goals to campaign for change in SG.
SAnother topic discussed was the cre-
ation of a fairer way to distribute money
to student organizations. According to
party leaders, some student groups re-
ceive a greater amount of money than they
Duque said the University Gospel
Choir was one such group. The choir got
about $40,000 in funding, compared to the
larger Hispanic Student Association which
received about $50,000.
Duque said the University Gospel
Choir received the Senate-approved fund-
ing because Student Body President Jamal
Sowell is a member.
"A lot has to do with politics and who
you know," Duque said.

Santa Fe students aid relief

MORE THAN $2,300.

Alligator Writer

Bracing cool temperatures
amplified-by a windy breeze-
way, SFCC students and fac-
ulty manned collapsible tables
Friday in an effort to support
victims of the Dec. 26 tsunami.
Sponsored by the SFCC
Student Government and a
group of students under the
guidance of professor Deborah
Simon, the silent auction and
sale raised $2,312 for the cause.

Among the goodies up for
grabs were gift certificates for
restaurants such as David's BBQ,
The Melting Pot, Newberry's
Backyard BBQ and Hops.
Simon also donated a mosaic
coffee table she built as well as
pieces of antique jewelry.
"I have a house, and those
people don't, so I decided to
give what I could to help them,"
Simon said.
"We're just a group of stu-
dents trying to make a differ-
ence," she said.
Simon, who has been on the
faculty at SFCC for 27 years,
said she first came up with the
idea in class. Her microbiology
and chemistry students helped
organize the event.

Many SFCC students and
faculty helped donate items for
the garage-sale portion of the
"I just think it's a great thing
- a great cause," said student
Erica Maguire.
All proceeds are to be do-
nated to CARE International, a
private humanitarian organiza-
tion providing relief for tsunami
Simon said she plans to mail
the check Thursday.
Until that time, however,
Simon said she encourages
those who wish to contribute to
contact SFCC at 395-5000.
'"I'd like to challenge, any-
body in town to match our
funds," she said.

Forum explores race inequality

Megan V. Winslow/ Alligator Staff
Into the looking glass
As a line of girls await their turn, Layla Cravem, 4, gazes into face
painter Elizabeth Farrell's mirror Saturday at the Hoggetowne Medi-
eval Faire. Farrell,. of New York City, has painted faces for six years.

i i

Alligator Writer

With differing perspectives and, opinions, a
doctor and five professors came together Friday
to voice their views on issues such as identity, suc-
cess and racial inequality.
The forum, entitled "Black (Inter)Nationalism,
Civil Rights, and the Illusion of Equality,"
was hosted by the Black Graduate Student
Organization as part of Black History Month.
Angelique Nixon, BGSO's Black History
Month chairwoman, said the forum was a re-
minder to honor the past while moving forward.
"We have to contextualize the issues that face
us," she said.
The six black panelists each holding the
highest possible degree in their respective fields
- began by debating the definition of black na-
tionalism and the concept of identity.
Black.nationalism, a political and social move-
ment in the 1960s and 70s, sought to gain eco-
nomic power for blacks and promote a separate
iclertity,,aid, Terry.MiJll, an associate professor of
sociology and the panel's moderator.

Another theme touched on disparities that ex-
ist in education, healthcare and crime.
"If there's anything that unites us as a black
people, it's our. experience of incarceration and
oppressive policing," assistant English professor
Amy Ongiri said.
"If there's anything that unites us as a
black people, it's our experience of in-
carceration and oppressive policing."
Amy Ongiri
SUF assistant English professor

Later, law professor Kenneth Nunn compared
blacks in the United States to a homeless person
living in someone else's house. They may have a
place to stay, but no say in the furniture, he said.
Blacks need to find their own home, he said.
Assistant professor of African-American
Studies Stephanie Evans later asked how many in
the. audience knew the names of the people who
clean up after them on campus.
"You have to find your home, but you also
have td'put that home into practice," she said.


Media offer

reality, not

safe image
Y ou do not have a constitutional
right not to be offended.
Deal with it.
The media is going to present in-
formation that makes some uncom-
fortable, but that's how it has to be:
the world is an uncomfortable place.
Everything isn't as shiny and pleas-
ant as some would like to pretend.
Now, there are some things that
are not appropriate to be presented
in easily-accessible media. Had Janet
Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction"
been intentional, it would have been
over the line. Explicit sex or nudity
on network or basic cable TV would
be over the line.
Howard Stern occasionally takes
week-long vacations over the line.
But to say commercials and
broadcasts that merely mention
these things .are offensive is ri-
diculous. Ideas such as this, backed
up by 'Federal Communications
Commission fines and regulations,
are leading American society to a
dangerous position in which it is bet-
ter to produce bland content rather
than risk punitive censorship.
After the last year's Super Bowl,
the Parents Television Council pres-
sured the FCC to revoke CBS stations'
broadcasting licenses. How could the
media operate if even accidental of-
fensive content was to be so harshly .
It's time for these thin-skinned cit-
izens to grow up. Adults worry about
what they can do to make the world a
better place, rather than trying to get
the media to say that it is.
Matt Sanchez is a journalism junior
and opinions editor at the Alligator.



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Super censored

Dropped advertisements

show a dangerous trend
T hat was the most boring Super Bowl ever.
No, not the game: the commercials.
Instead of the risk-taking humor expected from the
world's most ostentatious spectacle of advertising; the theme
of the day was "play it safe."
But it didn't have to be that way. A number of companies
had planned funny and admittedly raunchy ads that
would have ranked among the best shown at the yearly
These companies self-censored the commercials, however,
fearing the oppressive might of the Federal Communications
Commission: After Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" at
last year's Super Bowl, the FCC has gone on a crusade against
any media that has even the possibility of offending anyone.
At the center of the controversy at this year's Super
Bowl was a commercial for Bud Light, which played off of
Jackson's revealing moment. In a light-hearted lampoon, the
spot offered a possible explanation of the event that showed a
stagehand damaging the garment by using it to open a bottle
of Bud Light. -
Anheuser-Busch pulled the ad in fear of possible repercus-
sions from the FCC. It may have been right: The prevailing be-
lief among the FCC and sympathetic groups seems to be that
even referring to something offensive can be offensive.
This is in blatant disregard, of course, of the fact that the
news media prominently featured the "wardrobe malfunc-
tion" and its ensuing controversy for weeks afterward. If it
wants to be fair, the FCC should fine every single publication
and broadcast that dared mention such an offensive occur-
Another sad example was Ford's pulling of an ad for its
Lincoln Mark LT luxury truck, easily one of the funniest ads
created for this year's event. The ad depicted a priest gaz-
ing lovingly at a Mark LT, causing him to put "Lust" on the
church's outdoor sign as the subject for the upcoming sermon.
This offended members of the group Survivors Network of
those Abused by Priests, who felt the ad exploits church sex
scandals and "offends females who have been molested."
Admittedly, there is a thin line between humorous social
commentary and unduly taking advantage of an unfortunate
situation, but this does not even approach it. Furthermore,
they did not say why it only was molested females and not
males who were supposedly offended.
The fact is, however, that not many people really care. The
indignant outburst to this "offensive" content comes only
from an extreme Tinority of the American public.
FOX's record $1.2-million fine for references to sex on its
show "Married by America," ostensibly was based on the
strength of 159 complaints already a relatively low number.
But there weren't 159 complaints.
Blogger Jeff Jarvis of revealed, af-
ter filing a Freedom of Information Act request to see the com-
plaints, that only three of them were unique. The remaining
were copies of those three complaints, which were either sent
to multiple FCC employees by the original authors or turned
in by others who switched the author's name with their own.
If the outcry from three concerned citizens, out of the mil-
lions who watched the show, decides the definition of inap-
propriate contention the country, there is a problem.
The morals of this nation should reflect the morals of the
people in this nation, not those of a backward-thinking minor-
Besides, if the commercials during the Super Bowl aren't
funry, what do we have?

the independent florida

Dwayne Robinson Matt Sanchez
Mike Gimignani Lauren Flanagan
Craig Singleton
The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just Cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to, bring them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32604-2257. Columns ofabout 450,words about original topics and editorial .
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Hypocrisy prevails in American society
A merican culture always has been hypocritical, ognized anniversary of the Trail of.
but it is getting to the point that I feel like I'm Tears, or for any of the many other
living in some kind of surreal nightmare. Here i:. acts of genocide carried out by the
are just a few of the ways in which the hypocrisy is American government.
inescapable. .Even during Black History
Let's start with violence: Americans tell their children Month, there is no national day of
to turn the other cheek when confronted with violence, Jason Levitt mourning for all -of the death and
yet parents push their kids into contact sports almost as The Watch Tower degradation caused by the slave
soon as they can walk. trade.
Worse, we support the multi-billion-dollar war ma- Drugs: America tells kids to say no to drugs, yet the
chine we currently have in use in Iraq and glorify this. most dangerous drug, alcohol, is not only legal but also
violence by giving our unparalleled attention to war an integral ingredient in every American holiday. Most
and sports. of us grew up watching the grown-ups get wasted on
Sex: A boob supposedly shocked Americans during every New Year's Eve, Fourth of July and Super Bowl
the last Super Bowl halftime show, yet we have a multi- Sunday.
billion-dollar porn industry that broadcasts its products It was like another spectator sport.
into millions of American homes. According to CNBC, "No company will be better
Many of these homes undoubtedly received the represented in Super Bowl XXXIX than Anheuser-
Lingerie Bowl along with the Super Bowl. This year's Busch. The beer maker has 10 commercials, proving
Lingerie Bowl advertised that a "shocking moment" once again that when it comes to big time sports, it is a
would occur. It seems shocking sexual content is only major player."
bad when it is free. Well, then, is it really such a surprise when a recent
Gender equality: Americans tell their little girls they UF survey showed that 50 percent of students surveyed
can be anything they want to be when they grow up, binge drink?
yet Britney Spears tells her pimple-popping followers Does UF President Bernie Machen really think he is
about the joys of being a slave for a man. going to solve anything with a few panels on the subject
Infanticide: When a woman kills her child by throw- this month?
ing it into a garbage dump, Americans call her a mon- It seems hypocritical for him to discuss making UF a
ster. Yet, 'if she had killed it a few months prior,, she dry campus when he can tip back a cold one during a
would have been exercising her right to choose. Gator football game in his cushy presidential stadium
Genocide: America sent Vice President Dick Cheney box.
to southern Poland to commemorate the 60th anniver- With all of this hypocrisy intruding into every facet
sary of the liberation of Auschwitz. He was among the of American culture, there was nothing I needed more
many world leaders who gathered there to remember than a good binge-drinking episode that, and watch-
how an advanced Western nation adopted a policy of ing some football.
genocide. But I had to prepare to be shocked.
America has no such day of remembrance for the Jason Levitt is a journalism and political science senior. His
Native Americans, however. There is no nationally rec- column appears on Monday.
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.

Reader .i ,, ..:
Today's question: Were the Su- Monday's question: Is Howard
per Bowl's commercials as good Dean the best choice for Demo-
as in past years? 1 cratic National Committee chair?
Vote or post a

54% YES
46% NO



Letters to the Editor
Naming practice honors merit, not personal beliefs
Editor: I am writing in response to the bizarre article
composed by Drew Melville in Friday's Alligator. First
off, when donors bequeath a vast sum of money onto
an academic institution, the receiving body usually
honors them by (re)naming a building, sports ground
or, in this case, a road. It seems to me Gale Lemerand
and our university completed this process much-to
their mutual satisfaction.
Second, spouting off about O'Connell's legacy and
its relation to the naming of an on-campus structure is
ludicrous. Should we also change the name of the Reitz
Union because J. Wayne Reitz witch-hunted commu-
nists and despised homosexuals? Although these two
men probably were not the best people in the world,
these structures have their names imprinted primarily
for meritorious service provided by the pair to UF.
Finally, renaming a building after Mary McLeod
Bethune, whose legacy includes an entire college, or
Martin Luther King Jr., who plagiarized substantial
portions of his dissertation probably not a good role
model for an academic institution on the pretext of
Black History Month and President Machen's "com-
mitment to diversity" baffles me. I reason to
deviate from a system that has been in place more than
a sesquicentennial at UF and replace it with one that
assigns, arbitrarily, names to our esteemed buildings
on campus.
Nicholas R. Pillat

Conservatives rally against cartoons

On the day of Bush's inauguration, the papers were
full of sobering news the prospect of election-
day violence in Iraq, the rising death toll in the
Middle East and the 60th anniversary of the liberation of
Auschwitz but when James Dobson of Focus On the
Family woke up that morning, he saw a more ominous
enemy on the horizon: SpongeBob SquarePants. Dobson
says SpongeBob moonlighted as the star of a video .that
promoted a "pro-homosexual agenda." More recently,
.right-wingers have created a furor over two women in
Vermont who apparently like each other too much. Forget
the war in Iraq; we're in the middle of the cartoon wars.
Last week, Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings
urged PBS to pull an episode of "Postcards from Buster,"
a children's show meant to promote diversity, because
the titular bunny visited the.daughter of a lesbian couple.
She says parents don't want to "introduce this kind of
subject matter" to their kids. Even though the episode
focuses on Buster's trip to a dairy farm and the parents of
the child are only a backdrop, PBS pulled the episode the
same day of the outburst, taking into consideration that
the Department of Education provides 63 percent of the
show's budget. It seems Spellings' aim is to guarantee that
homophobia is free to operate, and the best way to do that
is to prevent children from seeing gays as part of their com-
munity. Spellings plainly is following her boss' mandate: It

rk Ma was last month that President Bush
Eik iaza relegated homosexuals to second-
Speaking Out class status again when he said,
"Studies have shown that the ideal
is where a child is raised in a married family with a man
and a woman."
Studies have shown thdre is no difference in the wellbe-
ing of children of gay couples and children of heterosexual
couples. In fact, according to a 2001 UCLA study, daughters
of gay couples are not as intimidated as girls from straight
couples in co-ed activities and the workplace, and boys of
gay couples tend to be more nurturing than boys from het-
erosexual homes. I suppose conservatives must be quiver-
ing at the specter of gay characters in children's television.
But as episodes of "Finger me Elmo" and "You're a Gay
Dad, Charlie Brown" have yet to be made, conservatives
seem to have forgotten the child caught inthe crossfire.
It's important for children to see their own lives reflect-
ed on television so that they can feel part of a community,
but by removing the episode, Spellings has committed a
sort of stereotyping by omission. Children like the one fea-
tured on the episode have no role models on TV.
Although gay characters are welcome on primetime,
they apparently have no place in Mr. Rogers' neighbor-
Erik Maza is a journalism freshman.

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Candidate registration to close

Alligator Writer

Those interested in run-
ning for select Gainesville City
Commission seats must sort their
political ambitions this week. -
Qualification for Districts 2
and 3 seats, as well as the com-
missioner at-large seat, begins
at noon Monday and ends noon
Friday, when paperwork is due to
the Alachua County Supervisor
of Elections Office, 12 SE First St.
So far, three candidates filed
paperwork to run for the at-large
position; two candidates filed for
District 2, largely the area north
and northwest of the UF campus;
and three filed for District 3,
which is the area west and south-
west of UF.
"I want Gainesville to be a
good city where families can
raise their children," District 2

incumbent Ed Braddy said.
Braddy described himself as a
"decisive leader" and said he is in
favor of improving Gainesville's
r. ` :. L business envi-
" 4 On the other
side of the
District 2 con-
test is Grant
_. Thrall, -who has
had a 22-year
y career as a pro-
fessor in UF's geography depart-
ment, specializing in business
"On my side, we have a lot of
help from groups on the UF cam-
pus," Thrall said.
This list of supporters in-
cludes UF Student Government
Vice President Jennifer Puckett,
who is assisting Thrall's fund-
raising efforts.
"If elected, I will be the third
or fourth UF faculty member that

was on the City Commission,"
Thrall said. "I am at a point in my
career where I want to help the
Thrall called the district seat
"an appropriate next step" for
his life.
He said he believes citizens
can benefit from his business
sense, which has brought 3,000
jobs to Gainesville with the im-
pending University Corners, a
development which will house
both -residential and commercial
space at the corner of University
Avenue and Northwest 13th
Any at-large candidate needs
to be a qualified voter living
anywhere within Gainesville for
more than six months and would
oversee, the entire city.
District seats are limited to
those who have lived within their
specific region of responsibility
for more than six months.

Fraternity's efforts

spruce up campus
Alligator Writer

In an attempt to spruce up the UF campus and bring their
service efforts a little closer to home, members of one fraternity
spent their Saturday with shovels in hand.
About 40 Sigma Pi fraternity- members planted ap-
proximately 100 trees around a reservoir behind the Florida
Museum of Natural History.
'It's just a cool way of showing that we care about where we
go to school," member Chris Ferrante said.
The young trees include dogwood, black gum,
Greek bald cypress and water pine trees, said Unay
Life Cruz, chairman of the Sigma Pi program Altruistic
Campus Experience Project.
The tree-planting project was completed as part of ACEP,
through which Sigma Pi hopes it can work toward fulfilling
campus needs, Ferrante said.
He also said any student group is welcome to participate.
"It's just trying to refocus the service side of the organiza-
tions back to campus," he said.
The group had approached UF's Physical Plant Division to
see how it could help and chose from among several projects.

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Man deploys extinguisher

Despite the fact that nei-
ther smoke nor flames were
anywhere in sight, a trig-
ger-happy local man took it
upon himself to set off a fire
extinguisher early Sunday
morning within a UF frater-
nity house, University Police
Jason Michael Applebaum,
19, admitted to discharg-
ing the extinguisher inside
the Tau Epsilon Phi frater-
nity house, at Nine Fraternity
Row, because he was drunk
and just "fooling around,"
UPD reported.
Applebaum, of 1716 NW
Third Ave., has been charged
with preventing or obstruct-
ing the extinguishment of a
fire, a felony, police reported.
Although members of the
fraternity would not com-

ment on the incident, Tau
Epsilon Phi President Jordan
Hammer said he does not
believe the defendant is a
member of the fraternity.

ARRESTED: Impatient with
the service at a local Waffle
House, a woman reportedly
threw sugar on another patron
who defended restaurant staff,
Gainesville Police reported.
GPD. charged 26-year-old
Shanate Gerraine Cook, of
627 SW 69th St., in simple
assault and disorderly con-
duct in an establishment,
both misdemeanors, after the
incident Friday morning, ac-
cording to reports.
Cook, police said, cursed
and yelled at workers for
not preparing her food in a

timely manner at the Waffle
House located at 2120 NW
13th Ave.
Michelle Renee Johnson,
a restaurant patron, verbally
defended the staff before she
attempted to flee the estab-
lishment and the 7-inch-tall
sugar shaker that Cook threw
at her, according to police re-
Cook, who was released
from the Alachua County Jail
on Friday, denied the charges
in a phone interview Sunday
"I was treated unfairly,"
she said. "Three girls tried to
jump me, kill me, and I'm the
only one going to jail. And I
don't think it's fair that GPD
did me like that."


Little things make big game
M, fm pe 21 half-ending stretch in which the
SS, from page 1 Tide made two field goals.
According to Walsh, the

the game" by focusing on aspects
other than scoring.
But Walsh, who led the Gators
in scoring before suffering the Dec.
30 injury, wouldn't concede his of-
fensive game.
Donovan said that Walsh
worked on his shooting at the
team's practice facility until 4 a.m
following his 1-for-5 performance
in UF's loss to Mississippi State on
And following the extra prac-
tice, Walsh disproved the Samson
theory, scoring his SEC-season
high, while sporting a freshly cut
"I'm going to shave it," Walsh
joked. "Maybe I'll have 36 next
After missing on his first three
attempts, Walsh shook his slump,
connecting on a three-pointer with
9 minutes, 29 seconds remaining as
part of UF's 20-3 first-half run.
Chalked with highlight-worthy
plays, including a falling-down,
right-handed shot from the south-
paw Lee, the run also marked a 14:

'Ga.dor dt e lir prie cuuIIIIuILUn iu
their Tuesday trip to Lexington
to face No. 6 Kentucky based on
Saturday's win.
"We feel like we can play with

anybody when we play the right
way," Walsh said. "We did all the
little things today."
Little things like committing
one first-half turnover and five in
the game.
Little things like gaining a 20-
3 advantage in put-back points,
while allowing Alabama five of-
fensive rebounds and none in the
first half. And little things like
out-rebounding the second-best
rebounding team in the SEC.
Led by Horford's 18 rebounds
- the second-most by a UF fresh-
man the Gators outrebounded
the Tide 46-23.
"I had a couple where I went to
get it, and all of the sudden, I look
up, and [Horford] was already up
in the air," said Lee, who finished
with six rebounds. "I said, 'Hey
take it.' He did a great job getting
to the ball."

Sparser crowd than expected watches Snoop invite female students onto stage

SNOOP, from page 1

learn of charges that the makeup
artist was drugged with spiked
champagne before being raped by
him and four others.
Snoop Dogg said that although
the woman had applied his makeup
prior to the Jan. 31, 2003 episode, he
left directly afterward and took off
the makeup himself at home.
"Rape is not in my nature," he
said on CNN. "I don't get down
like that."
Snoop Dogg said he does not
appear in any of the police reports
under either his stage name or his
given name, Calvin Broadus, and
told King he felt it was "straight ex-
tortion" because the alleged victim
has taken settlement money from

The Walt Disney Company until
recently and filed the matter in civil,
not criminal court.
"I got a lot of money, true and
deep, but I'm not gonna give it to
you for something I didn't do,"
Snoop Dogg said.
A source close to the Alligator
was one of several women chosen
from the audience during Friday's
performance to join Snoop Dogg
onstage for "Beautiful" and "Drop It
Like It's Hot," his newest single.
As the women left the stage after
the song ended, Snoop said they
would receive "seven backstage
passes for seven backstage asses."
However, the situation was not
as she said she thought it would be

when they arrived in Snoop Dogg's
dressing room.
"I thought there was going to be
alcohol laying everywhere there
wasn't," she said, though she did
notice a "couple of bottles" of two
different kinds of beer.
She said they were not offered
the alcohol. "They offered us water,"
she said.
Yeatman said SGP did not pur-
chase alcohol for Snoop Dogg or his
entourage despite provisions in the
rapper's rider. Under Florida law, itis
illegal to use Activity & Service fees,
which fund SGP, to buy alcohol.
"But what he had otherwise is
out of our control," Yeatman added.
Snoop Dogg asked about the
girls' majors and teased some of
the girls who partook of the cater-
ing table about college students not

turning down a free meal, she said.
"He gave us hugs. We took pic-
tures," she said, adding that nothing
happened between members of his
party and the women escorted back-
stage and that they all left together.
Yeatman said there was never
any concern about female employ-
ees working that night, several of
them college-aged.
"They treated the staff with the
utmost respect," Yeatman said of
Snoop Dogg and his crew.
Despite the last-minute contro-
versy and delay during which
a previously unslated opening act
performed to accommodate the
schedule, according to O'Dome
staff the fans who turned out
stayed rowdy through the hour-
long set.
Only about 4,600 of 7,500 total

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tickets were sold, Musson said.
Front-row audience member
Andrew Holcomb, 20, saw Snoop
Dogg in Washington, D.C. in June.
"I didn't have this good seats
though," Holcomb said. "This is
gonna be tight."
. When Snoop Dogg finally
made his entrance at 10:20 p.m.
he did not appear burdened by the
backstage interview. The crowd
jumped, waved and chanted in-
cluding a short "song" consisting
of, "Smoke weed, get drunk and
[expletive deleted]" at his com-
mand, but Snoop kept the vibe as
mellow as his trademark laid-back
There were no problems with
security, Musson said, adding
there was no additional staff hired
compared to other concerts.

It's not nice to

fool with

Mother Nature.




Super Bowl festivities enjoyed by viewers worldwide

Gainesville's homeless and hungry
football fans filled the First United
Methodist Church on Sunday night for
their own Super Bowl party.
A projection television at the church,
419 NE First St., broadcast the game to
more than 100 guests. Nachos began
the evening, and attendees filled tables
and a long row of couches near the
"We got the barbecue pigs," Senior
Pastor Earl Parker announced. "Don't
make up too much of a line there's
enough for everyone."
Church member Randy Stacey took
the microphone and blessed the meal.
Volunteers served barbecued pork

donated by Sonny's Real Pit Bar-B-Q,
along with beans, cole slaw and Texas
"Gainesville's in the Top 10 for
meanness to the homeless," Stacey
said, referring to the National Coalition
for the Homeless' annual 20 Meanest
Cities list released last year. "The idea
is to start treating everyone as a human
Stacey is part of the Helping Hands
Clinic, which will begin providing
medical care this week at the church
from 5 to 7 p.m. every Monday night.
The clinic moved from its former home
at the Salvation Army last week, Stacey
About a third of the diners cheered
for their team as the game proceeded,
but most concentrated on their meals.
"It's a blessing, this night," said

- -l.-

Alligator Writer

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David Bricker, who came from his tent
in the woods to attend the meal.
His bicycle held hand-made signs
that read, "Jesus loves me & you."
"God is wonderful," Bricker said.
"God's got me in the wilderness to keep
me off of the crack cocaine."
Pastor Parker's personal interest in
the homeless has fueled his organiza-
tion of the Super Bowl party for the last
three years.
"I've had homeless people in my
family," Parker said. "I understand it."
Parker is part of the Homeless
Banquet Ministry, which plans to serve
a spring banquet complete with table-
cloths, candles and table service. They
also plan to host banquets July 4 and in
the fall.
"We're not a country club church,"
he said. "We're going to reach people's
needs where they are."
Parker interrupted the Super Bowl
regularly to take a microphone and
announce door-prize winners. Guests
won jackets, sweatshirts, sleeping bags
and tents, and every one of the first 100
guests received a JanSport backpack
obtained by youth coordinator Will
Vinson, 18, began serving at church
Super Bowl banquets when they began
five years ago.
His phone call convinced the com-
pany JanSport to donate the backpacks.
Church volunteers filled the backpacks
with fruit and pudding cups, shampoo,
deodorant and more.
Slices of cake and coffee and bever-
ages of tea and lemonade ended the
meal. Al, a diner who declined to give
his last name, took a break from singing
along to Paul McCartney's "Hey Jude"
during the half-time show to say he has
been coming to the church's Super Bowl
banquet from the beginning.
"I love it," Al said. "All the people
are nice. But Philly's got to play to win
this one."



Homeless view Bowl, chow down in church














A homeless man shows Super Bowl spirit Sunday at First United Methodist
Church. The church held a Super Bowl party for homeless locals.





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333-8300 12-5-5-1

*Incredible Deal 1/1 in 4/4*
with: internet & cable & elec & water
walking closets, full bath, wash/dry
pool view, gym, FULL furnish
Call for more info 352-258-3542 2-25-27-1

Just Bring Your Clothes!
Furnished 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875
Luxury living with all the perks!
Includes cable, utility packages avail
All we need is you! 372-8100

$800/mo 2BR/2 pvt BA townhouse. Haile
Plantation. Spacious. Vaulted ceiling, sky
-light. Call Katie 332-4404 2-8-10-1

Furn. room in private home for female, NS.
Kitchen & laundry priv, private bath Utils +
cable, furn. $300/mo Avail March 1st 352-
372-3713 2-17-15-1

Is your roommate driving you crazy? Find a
replacement in the Alligator Classifieds!

For Rent

2BR/1 BA W/D is optional. Park in front of
your apt. Pet play park. 2 mi to VA/Shands.
$525/mo 372-0507. 4-20-71-2s

SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $325/mo.
01BR cottage $3,75/mo. Call 378-9220 or
mobile 213-3901. 4-20-71-2

Walk to UF, Studios and 1 BR's
From $505. Free parking
Open WEEKENDS 371-7777

$89 1st month's rent
Need a Rental Home or Condo?
Need A Tenant?

Watson Realty Corp. REALTORS"
Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440
Full Service Sales 352-377-8899

Studios & 1/1s from $459 at UF
Pool *We Pay Most Utilities Pets OK
Residents get FREE parking...guaranteed
You can't live any closer! 372-7111

* Avail NOW or AUGUST!
* 1BR $530/2BR $580/3BR $735
* HUGE floor plans! 2 Pools!
* Pets Welcome! ** 335-7275

Stylish Studios, 1/1's, 2/2's, 3/3's
Pool*Alarm*Pets Welcome
Avail. Now/Fall: 338-0002

OGrad students $99 Deposit*
**Walk or Bike to Campus 0*
1-1 $460/mo*O2-1 $520/mo- 0**376-6720

S For Rent
U unfurnished

1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus
line, and just a few miles from UF. Located
off SW 20th Ave. $410 $515, incl water,
seWer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets
allowed. Call 335-7066 335-7066. 4-20-71-2

Quiet! Convenience! Location!
* 1BR $460 2BR $530
* Beautiful pools/courtyards!
* Walk to UF! Pets Welcome!
* Now or August! 372-7555

Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA
W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm*
24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF
Museum Walk 379-9255

Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60
second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House
charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included.
Wood floors. With Parking. By Private
Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 4-20-71-2

"Free for All"
Huge 3BR/2BA $850
Alarm -'cool pool tennis b-ball
Free UF parking Perfect for pets
Amazing specials 376-4002

Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 sec-
ond walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer
included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish.
Short term available. Private Owner. $495-
up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 4-20-71-2

Perfect for 1, Big enough for 2!
750 Sq Ft, Patio, We love pets!
Alarm*Pool*UF Parkjng*DW*Gym
Move-in now, 1 month free! 332-7401

1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH
FREE cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm
Gated*24hr gym*Tan FREE*Close to UF

Indulge Yourself
Luxury 2 & 3 BRs
FREE tanning, 24 hr Gym
Gated entry, pets ok
Limited spots, 372-0400

U For Rent

***Beautiful and New***
FREE High-Speed Internet
FREE Monitored Alarm
FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime
FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym
W/D plus TVs in every kitchen
Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866)

Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to
UF. 352-215-4991 or
352-215-4990 4-20-71-2

1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00
$99 deposit for Grad students
999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720

Make Them Green With Envyl
Luxury 2&3 Bedrooms from $850
Cable*W/D*Newly Remodeled
Pool*Hot Tub*Tennis*Gym*PC Lab
Reserve now for fall! 372-8100

All locations and price ranges
If you are tired of apt life
Go to or call 374
6905. 8-24-170-2

U For Rent

Summer rates
plus July FREE
on a 15 month lease
Sun Island Properties

Need space for a 2,3 or 4-some?
TH, W/D & DW We love ALL pets!
Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm
Move-in now, 1 month free! 332-7401

1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes
Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym
PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities.
Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455 -

Want more? Free even!
4BR 2.5 $1020 Only 1 left
Spacious floor plan alarm tennis
Free UF parking- 376-4002

2BR TH $639 inc W/D, alarm, park free@UF
Pets welcome, Daily Specials!
Avail NOW or Fall 373-1111


Leai n,) Ni S Fall 1
Large 2BF 1 '6:.2-9 EF ;e. i H .5, st
Alarms, ire UF :,r:;ng3 $150 depo
Call 373-1111 or visit
4-20-71-2 -4-20-71-2

Luxury 2BR/2BAtownhomes.
W/D, private balconies.
Open until 8pm and WEEKENDS
Leasing for Fall 371-7777

4BR/4BA at UF
Only 2 left for Fall
Luxury Townhomes
W/D, Alarm, Pets ok.

Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF
Private 3/2 with HUGE deck
W/D*Free Parking*Elevator Access
One of a kind luxury! 372-7111

e Rush Apartments
&2 BR apt homes
aning i $4291mo
sit. $200 off 1st month rent

More.for less, FREE even! .
2BR/2BA- Only $680 -
Pool bus route alarm tennis
Pet perfect- Free
Stop by and see us 376-4002

1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA
$525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian
tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals,
W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF.

1BR & 2BR/1BA with W/D, central heat/air,
.dishwasher,ceramic tile, private patio, pets
arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From
$499 377-1633 2-25-38-2

Continued on next page.

How To Place A Classified Ad: Corrections and Cancellations:
Cancellations: Call 373-FIND M- F, 8am 4pm. No refunds or
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1 For Rent: Furnished. 6. Furnishings. 11 Motorcycles, Mopeds 16 Healti Services .... 21 Entertainment ... '
2: ForRent- Unfurnishei:d- 7 :Computers 12 Autos 17 Typing Services :'- 22 Tickets
3 iSubles ..'.Electonics 13 Wanted 18 .Personals .:.23. Rides
4 ,ltomrna tesi '..- :: 9 B yi" icy, s 14 Help Wanted 19 .Cnifeif o lsi. Pet
5 .RealEstate ; -: ,iO F Sale .: .. 15 Services '20 Evrnt .loticef:i ,5 ost& Found.-

All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make limitation, or discrimination." We will
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S For Rent
U unfurnished

376-6720 4-20-71-2
HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3
Free cable, w/HBO-& Showtime
W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab
Pets welcome*Private dog park
Leasing NOW& FALL 377-2801

Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 s ft'Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups
& DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
Now 372-9913 4-20-71-2.

Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft
1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats!
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480.
Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070.

HOUSES Close to UF, schools, shopping,
630 NW 35th St. 3/2, family room, carport,
Ig screened porch, fenced backyard $1200

Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent
A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn
mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by
appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave.
373-4244 UF bus line #20 4-20-71-2

One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no
smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but
has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished.
Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop
by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 2-14-35-2

Up to 1 month FREE rent!
20 steps to class! Studios, 1, 2 &3BR apts
Avail Aug. Special from $320/person. Lofts,
hrdwd firs & more. Going fast! Call 376-6223 4-20-71-2

Apartments Available Now
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse our listing FREE
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-21-71-2

Large 3BR/1 BA House Carpet, cent H/AC,
,,,. able March 1st $700/mo 375-8256

Have Roommates?
3BR/2BA House $950
Only You?
1BR/1BA House $450
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2

So Close to Campus
Avail now, 2BR/1 & 2 BA apts.
$400, $450, $695 Mitchell Realty
374-8579 x 14-20-70-2

1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UP/Downtown.
2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 373-
4423 or online at

PET'S PARADISE, no app/pet fee. town-
homes. 2BR, privacy fence, modern ap-
pliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private owner,
please leave detailed message. $375-525/
mo 331-2099 2-17-30-2

units SEE PET'S PARADISE AD 352-331-
2099 2-17-30-2


The Leasing Connection
1608 NW 1stAve
Located right behind Florida Bookstore
FREE Apartment & Housing
Locator Service

Call 352-376-4493 or visit

3BR across from UF
Avail Fall, From $385 per BR.
-'A Vaulted ceilings, laundry,
Breakfast bar, pets ok.
Open WEEKENDS 371-7777

U For Rent

1&2 BRs avail Fall
Pets ok, some w/ W/D

Luxury Opposite Library West!
Beautiful 2BR/2BA...all amenities
Call 376-1111 or Come by
111 NW 16th St. #1

2BR/1.5BA 5-10 min bike ride to med or UF.
All new carpet, W/D, DW, stove. No smk,
pets, 239-898-9317 1038 B off SW 6 St on
10th Ln. $600/mo 3-7-38-2

Duplex, walk to UF, CH/AC,
$495/rent, 805 NW 3rd Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-24-2

Wood floors, fireplace, living & dining rooms,
Den, $625/rent, 223 SW 4th Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-24-2

W/d hookups, CH/AC, dishwasher, $475/mo
5320 NW 20th Court
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-24-2

Studio $335/mo
1BR $400/mo
2BR $695/mo
Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387

6654106 CHARLENE

NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, pain
2BR- over 1100 sq ft 00 $650/ mo
1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00 $550/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$30 off deposit 376-2507

Huge townhouse, fireplace,
W/D hook-ups, patio,
New carpet & tile, fitness & basketball
high speed wireless internet
3BR/2.5BA only $850
4BR/3BA only $1099
Close to UF in SW
Beautiful/quiet 0 376-2507

3BR/2BA HOUSE. Close to UF & Santa Fe.
Tile floors, Berber carpet, all appliances incl.
Privacy fenced-in yard. $1050/mo. Call 215-
9987 2-14-21-2

house, 2 car garage in brand new subdivi-
sion close to UF & SFCC. All appliances
$1300/mo Negotiable based on length of
lease. Call 215-9987 2-14-21-2

1BR w/pvt gated courtyard. Small quiet com-
Splex located at 3320 SW 23rd St. Starting
@.$380/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150.
Please leave a message. 2-16-21-2

Threesomes Welcome!
All the space you need only $1050
Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab
W/D*Cable with HBO*Extra Storage
The perfect three-bedroom! 372-8100

Haile Plantation Lauiel Park. 3BR/2BA
Beautiful home. Quiet neighborhood. Great
running trails. $1200/mo Avail 3/1. Bruce
246-3690 2-25-26-2

DUCK POND! Cute 1BR/1BA, wood floors,
eat-in kitchen, ceiling fans, $475/rent
305-C NE 6th Street
Carl Turlington .Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-15-2

I For Rent
S unfurnished

1BR $699 2BR $839 3BR $999
$99 dep. Full size W/D,
Direct Campus Access,
Pool, Fitness Centerl
Open M-F 8:30 5:30, Sat 11-4
Pebble Creek Apts 376-9607

NW 39 Ave 2/2, patio, loft, new w/d ptn fir,
Ig open, good area $580-610 2/2, pation,
gate $510-515 0 SW fancy 2BR near UF, Ig
kit, sc pch, fenced, trees $545-560 0 Share
.2BR $300-450 373-8310 2-7-10-2

Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood
floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces. 1BR
$470 w/water & sewer. First, last, security.
SE historic district. No dogs please. 378-
3704 2-8-10-2

New 1700 sq ft 3BR/2BA home
Rent $1250/mo or by indiv BR
Avail 2/1 Call 283-6279 2-8-10-2

AVAILAUG 1 4bed/2bath house, wood floor
dishwasher, fireplace; wash/dry, fenced yar
all beds large. 1375/m 830 NW 16 Ave. C
339-2342 Other houses avail. 2-9-10-2


AVAIL AUG 1. 3bed/lbath very nice house
wood floors, garage, very private backyard,
wash/dry 924 NW 9th Ave. Call 339-2342
for directions 1075/m. Other houses avail.

I'LL PAY YOU.$1000
to rent my 1 BR apt. Located in Frederick
Gardens apt. complex. Very close to UF. You
pay $300, I'll pay $150 monthly, thru August.
Call Chris 620-687-1224 2-10-1.0-2

ABRACADABRA! Sorento Pool Club Comm.
3BR/2 BA, 2 car garage. $1,100/mo. Call
352-318-3721 or 332-0602 2-10-10-2

close to UF/Shands. Available now. $950/
mo lst/last/sec.3309 NW 18th St 352-284-
5119 2-10-10-2


Debora Karen


:White Female
(DOB 03/05/65); 5'06",
140 Ibs, Blonde Hair,
Green Eyes

Wanted for:
Felony violation of probation
warrant for resisting an officer
with violence.




Call (352) 372-STOP

U For Rent
S unfurnished

H/AC, fireplace, W/D hk-up, DW, tile & wood
floors 731 NE 9th St $850/mo 316-1637 2-

*Spacious, studio, washer/dryer, Fenced
yard, lawn svc, $450/rent
* 3BR 2BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer,
fenced yard, lawn svc, $1000/rent
* 4BR 3BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer,
fenced yard, $1400/rent 3811 SW 20th
Carl Turlington Real Estate,.Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2

BIKE TO UFI 3BR 2BA, carport,
Washer/dryer, porch, pets considered,
Avail now! $895/rent, 2222 SW 14th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2

CUTE NW HOUSE 2BR 1BA, Ceramic tile,
screen porch, w/d hookups,
$750/rent, 4234 NW 26th Drive
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2

AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house. Large
house with large bedrooms, game room,
wash/dry included, dishwasher, large living
room. 2100 NW 8th Ct. Call for directions
339-2342 $1325/m 2-9-8-2

AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house, very pri-
vate yard, fireplace, tile floors, wash/dryer
included, dishwasher, $1350/m 2606 NW 34
St. 339-2342 for directions 2-9-8-2

AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house close to
campus, wash/dryer, fireplace, wood floors,
dishwasher, private back yard. $1525/m
1105 NW 10th Ave. call 339-2342 Nice
house. 2-9-8-2

. For Rent
S unfurnished

AVAIL AUG 1: 3bed/2bath house close
to bus line. Tile floors, pets ok, wash/dry,
fenced yard on quiet road. 4100 NW 14 PL
339-2342 for directions. $975/m 2-9-8-2

2BR/1BA Tower Oaks. Wood floors, fenced
yard, $525/mo. Call 386-462-1010 2-14-

1,2 & 3BR with GATED ENTRY!
HUGE apts w/screened porches
FREE Alarm FREE Tanning
24-hour Gym-* Quiet NWArea
Move-in Specials 372-0400

Charming studio. Privacy over detached
garage. 1.8 mi from UF. $450+/mo sec. dep.
Small pets. Avail now. 371-7149 2-15-10-2

2BR/2.5BA Townhouse, close to UF,
Student's dream. $750/mo, low dep, W/D
incl. Call Phil at 352-235-0600 2-15-10-2

Avail. Aug 1: 4bed/2bath house. Ceramic tile
floors, extra game room, fenced yard, pet ok,
wash/dry provided, dishwasher. 1330 NW
39th St. 339-2342 for directions $1275/mo

close to UF & Shands, on bus route, 1 car
garage, tile fir, fireplace, 1450 sq ft, Avail
now! $975/mo, sec dep. Call Casey to move
in 352-514-2936 2-25-17-2

Beautiful historic home, wood floors, high
ceilings, 3-4 BR/2BA, large fenced yard
$1400/mo. Downtown location near UF Call
Tom at 262-6423 2-16-10-2




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S For Rent
U8 I unfurnished

Quiet & Clean! 2BR/1BA $525, quiet
neighborhood, 1000 sq ft, tile firs, spacious
living/dining rm, WD hook-ups, pvt patio in
backyard, near UF, 1824 NW 10th St. 376-
0080 2-9-5-2

House on Suwannee River w/ clear spring in
backyard, Bell FL, 3BR/2.5BA, W/D hkups,
scr porch, cent H/AC, quiet neighborhood,
Ig yard w/ trees, fenced. $800/mo 376-0080

LARGE 2BR/2BAAPT. Close to campus.
Available Feb to Aug. $550/mo. Call 386-
871-7184 2-16-10-2

* 373-2505 1BR 207 NE Blvd $470
* 2BR 0.318 NE 2nd Ave $600 202 NW
12 Terr Cottage $600 3BR 1120 SW
1st Ave $1100 202 NW 12 Terr $900 0
HOUSES 0 3BR 109 SW 24th St. $1275
* 2250 W Univ Ave $1500 0 1616 NW31
PI 2BR $700 0 P Mendoza Realty check for
move in discounts 2-8-3-2

3BR/2BA, family room, fireplace, vaulted
ceilings, screened porch, garage, 1.5 acres.
Great country location. Min from Shands/VA/
Vet School. 7810 SW 100th PI. 352-284-
5119 $950 w/disc. 1st/last/sec. 2-10-5-2

Available now. 2BR/2BA apt off of NW 17th
St. 3 blks from campus. W/D hookup, DW,
All pets ok. $500/mo. No dep. Call 352-219-
5323 2-17-10-2

For Rent
a I unfurnished

Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!

Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
2BR/2.5BA Townhouse $750/mo
3BR/2BA Downtown $850/mo
5BR/2BA Walk to UF $995/mo
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118

2BR/1.5BAtownhome, W/D, DW, new appli-
ances, on bus route, NS, no pets, $650/mo
Call 352-335-0455 2-10-5-2

- CH/AC, water included, $415/rent,
411 SW 2nd Street #3
Carl Turlingotn Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-5-2

Studio apt 8 blocks to campus. Wood floors/
large windows. $395/mo Call 352-284-9610
Avail @ immediately! 2-18-10-2

) I Subleases I

Apartments Sublets & Roommates
All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500
Short-Long & Furn-Unfurn
1-(877) FOR-RENT (367-7368)
WWW.SUBLET.COM 4-20-71-3

$350 for 1BR in a 2BR/2BA apt. Call 352-
318-5438 2-22-30-3

Cheap & 2 min to UF
Avail Now. $350/mo incl utils. Call 514-5733.

1BR/1BA. Large BR wlwalk-in closet. Free
parking across from UF. Rent incl water,
sewer, garbage, pest control. $450/mo.
Lease until 7/05. Please call 352-598-5481

Huge 2/1, wd firs, cent, A/C sublet til end of
Apr. $900 dep can work deal, $695 month
352-264-3523 or 352-378-1387 2-7-11-3

WALK TO CLASS! $250/mo
Now til Aug. Courtyards 352-328-6967 all
included! 2-27-3-3

1BR/2Ba, garage, luxury twonhome. Brand
new. $768/mo ($950 original price) Call
Linda 866-730-6152 or evenings 377-0289
2-7-10-3 .

a Subleases

Female sublease at Courtyards.
1 bedroom in 4/2 townhouse
furniture & util included; $399/mo
NO sec dep, 1st mo rent free
514-6408 or 2-7-10-3
Two bedroom/two full bath
Sublease available immediately
Seven month sublease
Homestead Apartments.
Call 338-1588/283-3885 add'l info 2-8-10-3
SUMMER sublease @ Campus Club!
Everything incl: maid svc, all utils, cable,
ethernet & more. NO FEES! $400/mo. May
1-Aug 5. Female only. Please call 352-262-.
5995 2-8-10-3
SUBLEASING APT. I'm moving to NYC! 1
BR/1 BA in 3 BR/3 BA apt. Willing to give
away living rm furniture to the subleaser.
$473mo utils incl. Completely furnished.
352-258-6775 2-10-10-3
Sublease March thru Aug 2005. 1BR/1BA
in 4BR/4BA @ Lexington Crossing. Female
only. $430/mo, all incl. Enet, W/D, on bus rt,
furn or unfurn. Clean & friendly roommates.
Last mo free. 352-359-2872 2-14-10-3
1 Bdrm in a 2/2.5 new townhouse, $385/mo.
Avail March 1, will work around date if need-
ed. call Jessica 367-4053 2-14-10-3
1/1 in 3/3 Cobblestone TH. Avail thru July.
Serious minded F student only. $350/mo.
954-478-2724 2-7-5-3
1 BR avail 2/12 in University Commons furn
4 BR apt. $385/mo incl elect. FEB RENT
FREE! We pay all start up fees + give you
$200 CASH upon signing lease! Please call
540-785-9404 or email
1 BR in 4/2 Townhouse at Courtyards from
$399/mo all included! 2-7-3-3
1 BR apt, close to KashNKarry on 34th St.
Take over lease 2/15 to 4/30, renewal option.
$409/mo. Feb rent, transfer fees paid by me.
Keep sec dep. Pool, pets welcome. Call Erik
262-1551 2-11-7-3
Furnished 1 BR/BA avail Mar 1 in a 2/2.
Kitchen, living room, W/D, @ The Exchange.
$480/mo 772-473-0560 2-8-5'3
University Glades Sublease!!
SUMMER: May-Aug. $440/mo. BR w/ per-
sonal bath in 3/3 apt. Incl all utils. Furniture
avail. Call Stacey 352-336-1968 2-9-5-3


Share a 3/2 HOUSE w/ F.
Fenced backyard, wood firs, carpet, pool
table, bar. Must know when to study, when
to party. $350/mo. 727-743-4289 2-9-5-3

2BR/2BA apt sublet. New beige carpet. All
appliances incl & W/D. Close to UF in quiet
neighborhood. $550/mo. Call Rodney 317-
S1536 2-11-6-3

2/1 In Beval Apts. Incl. W/D hkup, new car-
pet, excell cond. Rent valued $520, u pay
$499/mo. Avail 2/28-7/31, can renew. Call
256-0501 2-10-5-3

Available now. 2BR/2BA apt off of NW 17th
St. 3 blks from campus. W/D hookup, DW,
All pets ok. $500/mo. No dep. Call 352-219-
5323 2-17-10-3

All utils incl. $400/mo. 1st month FREE.
Sublease until Aug 15th. Call 954-536-8010

OXFORD MANOR 1BR/1BA, walk-in-closet,
private bath in 2BR/2BA furn, all util incl
$512/mo neg. Feb free. Female. Sublease
until 7/05. 904-571-8337

1br/lbath of 2br/2bath util, cable, internet
incl. Furn or unfurn avail. $535/month in the
Cambridge. Call Aaron @ 352-258-5465 or
e-mail 2-11-5-3

1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA apt furn, liv rm, kit,
laundry, W/D, pool, tanning, clubhouse, b-
ball, tennis. FEB FREE. $400/mo incl elec,
water,'garbage, NO activity fees. 786-554-
9339 2-18-10-3


Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866

Continued on next page.

01~ V e f Up %b ',*. %I "s

"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

* 0

* *

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* Roommates] li Roommates

Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk
to UF. Old house charm with all amenities.
Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.Lv mes-
sage. Private Owner 4-20-71-4

Female roommates wanted brand new 2100
sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to
UF. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils
incl $525/mo.Aval Fall. Call Jacqueline 352-
395-7462 or 941-780-3526 4-20-71-4

GIRLS ONLY 2 rooms each w/prvt baths.
cent AC, W/D, cable incl. Interenet ready.
$375/mp each. 1 mo FREE. Call 352-472-
9778 2-9-25-4

Sublets and Rooms Available
All Florida Areas; All Major Cities
Browse available Rooms FREE!
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-4

Roommate Clean. 3/2 house Near UF/SFCC.
Pool, big yard, W/D, cable ethernet, garage,
NS. $380/mo share utils. Call Jake 352-376-
8099 or 239-564-0069 2-7-20-4

M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to
rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi
to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry $425+ utils
336-5450 or 954-646-1341 2-15-20-4

Avail NOW Great location 1BR/1BA in 3BR/
3BA, washer and dryer, high speed internet,
$308/mo + until. Females only, please call
Lauren @ 352-799-3726 Lv message. 2-

M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA
home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3
utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-2737

2 ROOMMATES NEEDED in spacious 4/2
HOUSE by law school. Master BR $450 or
other BR $350 utils. AD, W/D. Call 850-
510-4063 or 352-328-4633 2-16-20-4

1 Male roommate wanted to share 4BR
house w/3 guys. Only .7 mi from campus @
2 NW 29th St. Pets ok. $275/mo + utils. No
lease or dep. 745-6017 2-9-10-4

Large furnished BR in 3BR house w/ den,
porch;,:V/D, off Archer Rd. Bike to campus.
NS female, grad, professional or quiet stu-
dent pref, $210/mo. Call 373-0357 2-8-5-4

Student in 2BR/2BA looking for friendly M/F
near Tower/Newberry. $350/mo + util. W/D,
TV incl. Mike @ 352-514-1852 2-8-5-4

Female roommate needed. 1BR available in
2BR/2.5BA condo. $425/mo + 1/2 utils. W/D,
cent A/C. sec dep. Kensington North condo.
352-379-3497 2-10-7-4

M/F roommate. Furnished except bedroom.
Private bathroom. On-site gym, pool, and hot
tub. $274/month. Call Katy 813-966-7998

Prof/grad to share 2/2 new condo. Plantation
Oaks. MBR suite, W/D, C/HA, D/W. $450/
mo + 1/2. Avail now. Call 538-6505 ASAP.
Very spacious and secure scenic location.

Unfurn'rm in huge 4/3 house 1.4 mi to UF.
NW 6th St, big TV, pool table, W/D, cent AC,
DW, hi-spd inet, big yard, $350 + 1/4 util
avail. Now call Dmitriy 373-7231 2-10-5-4

Quiet Female Roommate Wanted. 2Bd/2Bth.
in Treehouse Village. W/D in unit. Bus
every 10 min. Two small pools and workout
room. $290/month and split bills. 213-2458

Roommate needed $200 mo (+$200 refund-
able deposit) +1/2 utl. Furnished 2BR/2BA.
Must be able to pass a background check.
(352)335-6274 2-10-4-4

Male grad/mature stu for small furnished apt
for 1 person only on side of private home, no
pets, clean, quiet, patio, 1 mi from UF, avail
Jan 1. $400 w/util incl. On bus line. 378-2016

Roommate wanted in a 2BR/2BA apt w/22 yr
old female. $320/mo + $150 sec dep + utils.
Call 352-870-7670, 352-377-0295. Avail
now. 2-11-5-4

e Real Estate

Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find

Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
,3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 4-20-71-5
looking to buy or lease houses in this area.
Any size, price or condition. Call Ed & Diane
352-373-2728 4-20-71-5
The Flavor of New Orleans comes to cam-
pus. Luxurious St. Charles Condominiums.
1 block to UF. Choose from 2BR/2BA flats,
or view the University from your 3BR/3BA
townhouse. Prices starting in the $180's 375-
8256 4-20-71-5
Plenty of properties are available.
Call Marc J. Nakleh at Campus Realty
352-235-1576 2-25-25-5

Manhattan/S. Florida loft style condos.
Brand new, spacious floorplans, 2/2.5,
3/3.5, 1400 sq ft, 18 ft windows, exposed
ductwork, polished floors. On bus rt.
Close to campus/Archer Rd. Take advan-
tage of pre-construction prices. Call Matt
Price at Campus Realty Today, 281-3551
or visit 2-15-10-5
Own + live in a new luxury campus-
area condo. Over 10 new projects to
choose from at affordable prices. Visit or call today
352-281-3551 Matt Price Campus Realty
Group 2-15-10-5
Let me help you find a house or condo to
call your own. Call Brett Wherry at 352-
412-8662 Century 21 Classic Properties
352-376-2433 x 20 2-18-11-5

a Furnishings

BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pil-
low-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new,
still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-372-
7490 will deliver. 4-20-71-6

mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call
352-377-9846 4-20-71-6

6 ,m --.

4 ."Copyrighted Material a

Syndicated Content .

Available from Commercial News Providers"

m m a


Ul Furnishings

Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $1400. Sacrifice
$399 352-372-7490 4-20-71-6

BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs..
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 4-

CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 4-20-

BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands; chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 4-20-71-6

SOFA, LOVESEAT, & CHAIR 100% Italian
leather. Still new in boxes w/warranty. Cost
$5000. Sacrifice $1,500. Call 352-372-8588

DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 4-20-

FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell
$199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6

Beds*Full mattress & boxspring sets
$49SQn sets $89gSingle sets $390King
sets $99OFrom estate sale: Safe pine
bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. Call a
Mattress 4370 SW 20th Ave 4-20-71-6

BED King size redwood shaker style frame
w/ king mattress & box. Great condition
$425/OBO. Call 352-281-6191 2-8-5-6

a Computers

Computerilnternet 352.219.2980

- computer/laptop repair
-networks, wireless, virus
- we BEAT all prices!
home/dorm 352-219-2980 4-20-66-7

a l| Electronics

722 S. Main I The Red Bldg

Police Seized! From $10! Info 800-749-
8128 ext M974. 3-7-20-8


,c7A+ [hrp uter eek OBO Call
W/ AaMA/G, H Cat l &c

Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $10 Gator Discount.
M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 8-23-170-7

R SOLOBARIC L7 10" car audio
rs w/ custom enclosure. $350/
Eric 352-246-4452 2-9-5-8

Bicycles ]

In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.


*G'ville Computer Repair Inc*
Service on all PC MAC and Networks 1204
NW 13th St Ste #10 352-337-2500. 4-20-

Complete residential & commercial support,
networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 4-20-71-7

Buy & sell. Looking for quantity for parts. 336-0075 4-20-71-7

Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working aFia Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street
4-20-71-7 .

Beverage. 0 calories, 0 sugar w/relaxing
aphrodiciac herbs. Students using it nation-
wide. Buy/sell it. www.aphrodisiabeverage.c
om or 2-25-20-10

WEDDING GOWN beaded halter, ivory,
size 10. Never worn. Retail $500, Asking
$400. Will bring to you to try. Julie 359-2241

Visit us Feb 12-14 @ SW Archer Rd/ SW
34th St Amoco &/or 6900 NW 8th Ave
(Newberry Shell Station across from Oaks
Mall) $25/doz $15/1/2doz. Vases also. 352-
235-0033 2-14-6-10

Come see what's new! GCM thrift shops
downtown 238 SW 4th Ave, NW 5001 NW
34th St. Get more bang for your $! New items
daily Mon Sat 378-3654 4-20-43-10 -

51 Motorcycles, Mopeds]

** SCOOTERS ** -
Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974

Did you place a Love-Line for your

Valentine but don't want to tell them

^in person to look for it?


Someone has placed

a Love-Line for you in the

February 14th.

Valentines Day issue

of the Alligator.

.------------------------------ --------- ------------

Clip this and slip it in their backpack,

leave it on their pillow

Love-Line deadline is February 7th

Also available as a postcard at the alligator office.


Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Townl
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 4-20-69-9

121 For Sale

Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 4-20-71-10

PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar
supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional cooking utensils.
R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 4-20-71-10

Search 24 bookstores in 1 click! S&H
and taxes automatically calculated. Try it
today! 2-15-35-10

d1oll. 4mmom dw 49momb


Mi Motorcycles, Mopeds) Mil

Swamp Cycles
Electric Bikes, Scooters, and more!
Prices from $450 with lyr warranty
534 SW 4th Ave. 373-8823 4-20-70-11

Excellent condition, 49cc, blue & white color,
$1300. Call Josh 352-317-4654 .2-7-5-11

New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. All models & directions avail on
website. 4-20-50-11

2002 Blue Sinski. Great condition! Call Matt
352-246-6130 2-10-5-11

2004 MOPED $900
Call Rob for more info 561-818-2077 2-

*j Autos

*Running or not!* '
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
*Call Don @ 215-7987 4-20-71-12

CARS -CARS Buy*SellTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St.

Running or Not 1990 & up only
Call Ray 352-284-8619

2715 N MAIN 377-1616

Best Cars Lowest Prices

94 Del Sol Civic 5sp $3995
96 Accord LX 4dr $4495
97 Civic 2dr AT $4995
99 Civic 4dr AT $5995
GATORIDES 318-0813

**Power windows don't work?**
On site available
Call Steve 338-5142.

$500! Police Impounds!
Hondas, Chevys, Toyotas, etc.
For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 3-7-


Bring your W2 & drive home today. Cash
cars as low as $1000. No credit check. Call
now 338-1999 4-20-63-12

We finance anyone! $2000 discount off fi-
nance price. More than 150 vehicles in stock.
Call 338-1999 Drive today! 4-20-63-12

All vehicles $0 down & up! Plus +++ 30 day
warranty eng & trans. No credit check. Call
338-1999 4-20-63-12

Buy, Sell, Trade.
We Finance. 495-9500

88k, excellent cond, dk green, w/ tan leather
int., new tires &A/C in '04. $7000/OBO. Call
352-375-0540 2-8-5-12

2001 Daewoo Leganca CE
Excellent condition, 32k miles, factory war-
ranty, pwr package, 4-dr. Call Gaby 352-378-
3953 2-8-5-12

'88 Honda Accord $699
'86 Buick LeSabre $799
'88 Toyota Corolla $899
'90 Acura Legend $999
(352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12

'90 Chevy Lumina Van $1499
'93 Chevy'Blazer $1499
'90 Ford F-150 $2499
'93 Chrystler New Yorker $1999
(352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12

*R Wanted

JEWELRY. 373-9243 4-20-71-13

On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.

2-door, 1982 to '88. ASAP for 2 hour engi-
neering study. 1983 preferred. $100. Call, Iv.
msg. 37.5-8710 2-10-10-13

Car, Truck, House or Furniture
Call Now! 352-538-1690 3-8-20-13

Another Saturday night without a date?
Read The Alligator.

* l Help Wanted

This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings

Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref.
for details. 4-20-71-14

Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $5.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 4-20-71-4

CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 4-20-71-14

Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 4-

Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at
employment 4-20-68-14

University of Florida
Survey Research Center
392-2908 ext. 105
$7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training
Nights + Weekends
Telephone Interviewing NO SALES
Must work spring break.
408 W. University Ave Suite #106

For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 4-

FT or PT, flexible schedules. Call 2-5pm 378-
2442 or come in and fill out an application
@ California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St
Mon-Fri 4-20-71-14

No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 4-20-71-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254

AUDITORS for.local growing inventory
service. FT/PT, DFWP. Paid training. Call

e Help Wanted

Mortgage lender has sales positions avail
for college students seeking prof work exp.
$8-9/hr + bonus. No exp req'd, flex hrs. Apply
in person btwn 4-8pm Mon-Fri 1900 SW 34
St Ste 206 (2nd flr above credit union)4-20-

Growing -company needs PT help.
Bookkeeper Quickbooks exp only. Delivery
& warehouse, website administrator, clean
background check only need apply. Fax
resume with salary req to 377-5595 2-10-

Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers
for all positions. Cashiers (must have full day
avail) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1 & PM 12-6
shifts avail) 15-40 hrs your choice. Great
work environment. Apply in person 7404
NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No
phone calls please. 2-28-38-14

Swim Instructor/Office Staff
Seal Swim School now hiring energetic, fun,
responsible individuals. PT/FT positions
available. Competitive pay. WSI certifica-
tion Feb. Lutz 813-948-7134; Tampa 813-
932-5455; North Pinellas 727-943-8782. 2-10-20-14

11 .Help Wanted

Good $ for exp: grad stud. welcomed bkgd
ck: 12 REAL $$ jobs avail NOW
Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 2-25-27-14

Several positions availabel for
Part Time, good $$$$$ MNOW
Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 2-25-27-14

$1380 weekly stuffing envelopes FT/PT No
experience necessary. For more info call
386-462-9301 2-17-20-14

Entry level on-board positions available.
Great benefits. Seasonal or year-round. 941-
329-6434 2-17-20-14

Good pay, flexible schedules, customer
sales/svc, all ages 18+, conditions apply.
Call 335-1577

Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company w/advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to

DOMINO'S PIZZA 352-378-41562-17
World's largest pizza delivery company now
hiring Officials&
* Delivery Drivers
* Pizza makers Scorekee
* Phone order takers for UF Intramural SI

$9 $14/hr
All you need is a reliable car & a very positive
attitude. Apply @ any of the 5 Domino's loca-
tions in Gainesville. 4-20-70-14

Summer/Fall 2005 graduate opportunities
for Graduate Hall Directors, Staff Resource
Assistants and Judicial Assistant in the
Department of Housing and Residence
Education. Graduate Hall Directors reside in
his/her area of responsibility, and supervise,
develop, and direct the staff under his/her
responsibility. The number of staff varies by
area, as well as the number of residents liv-
ing in the hall. The Staff Resource Assistants
develop and facilitates programming and
resources for residence life staff. The Judicial
Assistant works with various aspects of the
judicial program. Applicants must be admit-
ted to graduate school., enrolled for 9-12
hours, and have some organized group living
experience. The beginning salary is $3,420
each semester based on 9:5 months of work.
An on-campus apartment, fully furnished with
all utilities- local telephone, and basic cable
service is provided. Application deadline (for
priority consideration): Friday, February 18,
2005. Contact Kathy Smith at the Housing '
Office, 392-2171 ext 10139 2-18-33-14

Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making &
smoking. If interested come to the psychol-
ogy bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297

DRIVERS NEEDED Can earn anywhere between
$8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule.
Call Dave for info: 379-9600 2-18-25-14

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR needed. is looking for responsible,
enthusiastic people. City geography knowl-
edge, customer svc. exp helpful. For more
info call David 379-3663 2-18-25-14

02B Kids searching for energetic and en-
thusiastic pre-school teachers for all 02B
locations. Experience preferred, will train.
FT/PT positions. Avail. Apply at any location.

Tired of-sitting around w/out it? Sit here &
students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr
with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105
NW 16th St. 4th Floor. Academic Classroom
Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info.

MARY POPPINS: Where are you?
FT NANNY NEEDED 30-45 hrs/wk
4 jobs avail TODAY: Great $$$ for exp.
Noah's Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008 2-25-



No experience necessary
$6.75 $7.25/hr for officials
$5.50/hr for scorekeepers
Evenings and weekends only
For more info, stop by room 120
Southwest Rec or 846-1081 x278
UF Students only.

* $2100
* Co-Ed Camp
* Seven Weeks
* Room and Board Included

The Florida Elks Youth Camp (FEYC) needs
male and female Summer Camp Counselors
ages 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight camp
located off of Highway 450 in Umatilla, FL
The camp runs June 6 July 23. Please
contact Krys Ragland at 1-800-523-1673 ext.
250 or 352-669-9443 ext 250. 4-20-58-14

SECRETARY needed. is
looking for responsible, enthusiastic people.
City geography knowledge, customer service
exp helpful. For more info call David 379-

Great Pay, ideal for students & second
incomes, flex scheds, sales/svc, all ages
18+, conditions apply 335-1422

Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! 2-21-20-14

Enhance your resume and job skills!
Energetic students wanting to achieve
and succeed. All majors and years. etail us now.!

Cook, Sushi Chef
Chinese specialty FT/PT, call Green Sparrow
Chinese Restaurant (Haile Village Ctr) 352-
871-5771 2-10-10-14

hiring for a dishwasher, kitchen prep position,
full or part time. Evenings only. Pay starts at
$7.00/hr. Apply within, Mon-Thurs, 1-4 pm,
use rear entrance. 2-10-10-14

LEASING AGENT needed for 90-unit apt
complex. Part-time, hours variable. Needed
every-other weekend. E-mail resume to or PO Box 90275,
Gainesville 32607 2-11-10-14

a Dpesin abnc f yptm
exhbtdb wa epe

b D~pesio isanuneaabl sppesio

) F ..

37- Classifieds...
Contintibed on riext page.'


S1 Help Wanted l Help Wanted



] MC 1 Health Services] Typing Services ]

Movie extras, actors, models! make $100-
$300/day. No exp req, FT/PT, all looks
needed! Call 1-800-340-5939 ext 1042 2-

Valentine's week! Apply in person 319 NW
13th St. 2-7-5-14

Flexible hours. Great for College students.
378-8252 2-7-5-14

& 4 Mori-Fri. Calico Jack's, 3501 SW2nd Ave
Creekside Mall. 2-14-10-14

LEARN how you can EARN $100K + per
year P/T. Training Provided. 800-631-8230

Escape to the Shenandoah Mtns of W
Virginia. TIMBER RIDGE CAMP, co-ed,
seeking young, energetic staff to work with
children for the summer. 90 miles from.
Washington D.C. June 20 thru Aug 15, 2005.
Top salaries + travel allowance. A repre-
sentative will be on campus Wed Feb
16th from 7-9 pm @ The Reitz Union for
interviews. E-mail or
call 800-258-2267. 2-16-12-14

Many positions available, day & night shifts,
$500-700 a week. Call 352-397-4344 2-8-

CARTOONIST to translate captions into
saleable cartoons/New, Yorker, Playboy, etc.
Call 352-378-8353 2-8-5-14


FT position. Janitorial/Custodial
duties, assist with apt. maint-
Must have transportation
Apply 220 N Main St
352-375-2152 EEO DFWP 2-8-5-14

Leasing Consultant

PT Position with local
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Gators bust Athens hex

SAlligator Writer

The year was 1985.
Zonald Reagan was in
he White House, "Out
)f Africa" won the Best
?ictuvE Oscar and "We Are
Fhe World" topped the mu-
;ical charts.
It was also the last time
:he No. 5 Gators gymnastics
:eam won a meet in Athens,
That all changed Friday
UF fended off a late
charge by No. 7 Georgia
mnd overcame two falls on
balance beam to defeat the
Bulldogs 195.725-195.60.
"Historically speaking,
it's tremendous," Coach
Rhonda Faehn said. "It's a
big boost to their confidence
as far as doing something
to that magnitude after so
many years of losing to
The Gators (7-2, 2-1
Southeastern Conference)
held a commanding 1.175-
point lead heading into the
final rotation but struggled
on the balance beam, an

event on which they are
ranked No. 4 in the nation.
UF had two falls, but
Samantha Lutz scored a
9.75 as the Gators' final per-
former to seal the win.

"I would have loved
to walk away from the
competition not only
winning but winning
by a good point, which
is what we should
have done."
Rhonda Faehn
UF gymnastics coach

"I honestly didn't even
know our team score until
the very end," Faehn said.
"I look at the here and
now and at that point I was
disappointed with the mis-
takes we had made.
"I would have loved to
walk away from the compe-
tition not only winning but
winning by a good point,
which is what we should
have done."
UF was able to jump out
to such a large lead because
of Georgia's struggles on
uneven bars.

The Bulldogs (8-1, 3-1
SEC) had two falls on the
apparatus, and they were
forced to count a score of
8.275 to the team total.
Georgia's struggles on
bars were counteracted by
an impressive Gators per-
UF's 49.075 was their
second highest score on the
event this season.
Freshman Ashley Reed
scored her first collegiate
event title on bars, garner-
ing a 9.90 on her routine.
"It was nice to see the
improvement there," Faehn
said. "Everyone did a really
nice job; Ashley did a phe-
nomenal routine and stuck
her dismount."
Despite the landmark
win for her program, Faehn
evoked a familiar refrain
after the meet.
"Obviously it's still fresh
in their minds that they
made mistakes," she said.
"They made some crucial
mistakes that we don't want
to see happen under the
next serious pressure situa-
tion, and that's going to be
the focus this week in the

UF hurdles winless fall

Alligator Writer

The wait is over for the UF men's golf
team. After going winless in the fall, UF
repeated the success as team champi-
ons in the Gator Invitational, shooting a
combined 858 to defeat Wake Forest by
eight shots and Florida State by 10. The
Gators totaled a tournament-low team
score of 280 on Sunday to overtake
second-round leader Wake Forest and
surpass Alabama at Birmingham, who
tied UF after twd rounds.
"[The UF golfers] were awesome
down the stretch," Coach Buddy
Alexander said. "It was just good to
play well here, get this win, put the fall
behind us and move into the spring."
Brett Stegmaier led the Gators with
a three-round score of 211 (+1), placing
him in a tie for second, two shots be-
hind the tournament individual cham-
pion, Florida State golfer Jonas Blixt.
After two rounds, Stegmaier stood in
a first-place tie with Louisiana State
golfer Heath West.
"I made a few dumb mistakes [on
Sunday]," Stegmaier said. "I thought I
gave the tournament away, but I'll take
second. It's a good start."
Ryan Cochran and Richard Treis
paced the Gators with third-round
scores of 68 and 69, respectively, at
the UF Golf Course. Cochran steadily
improved throughout the two days,

despite receiving individual disquali-
fication because of the opening round.
The junior shot-an 11-over-par 81 but
actually signed for an 80.
"When you're driving well and
you're putting well, it's kind of hard
to play bad, and those were two things
that I was doing pretty good [Sunday],"
Cochran said. "I thought I was playing
decent [Saturday], just everything was
going wrong. I thought I had it in me to
come out here and do this today."
Treis birdied
three of the fi-
nal five- holes on
Sunday, redeem-
ing himself after
recording five
bogeys during the
same stretch a day
Alexander earlier. The North
Carolina transfer
finished by sinking an-18-foot birdie
putt on the 18th hole.
James Vargas carded his first top-
10 finish of the season, a tie for ninth
after shooting 214. Treis improved
seven shots from a second round 76,
finishing in a tie for 14th.
UF redshirt freshman Manuel
Villegas, playing as an individual, shot
rounds of 77, 71 and 73 to finish in a tie
for 27th.
Matt Every rounded out the Gators
team scor6.-finishing at 12-over-par and
tied for 34th place.





Alabama puts

UF in dire seat


Alligator Writer

Following an overtime loss to No. 5 Tennessee
Thursday, the UF women's basketball team looked
almost like a different team Sunday.
Shooting just under 30 percent, the Gators lost to
Alabama 77-66.
Perhaps feeling an emo-
tional let down after their Women's Basketball
inspired play Thursday, UF 66
the Gators (12-10, 3-6 Alabama 77
Southeastern Conference)
looked sluggish, aside for
the last 10 minutes of the second half.
Peck said her team's focus was "very different"
from the Tennessee game and said. that the team
thought with their great play versus the Vols
- they would handle Alabama.
"We didn't handle the success [of Thursday], if
you can call it that, very well," Peck said. "We came.
in with not much respect, but Alabama was a much
better team and took advantage of that."
The Gators started a rally toward the end of the
second half, but by that point, Alabama (13-8, 4-4 SEC)
had stretched its lead to 25 points. Peck said the team
did not quit, but she was disappointed that UF had
fallen behind by so much before it started a rally.
UF trimmed the deficit to 9 points at the 1 minute,
16 seconds mark but never got much closer.
Leading the scoring for the Gators were junior
Bernice Mosby with 24 points and senior Tashia
Morehead with 20. Both players had eight rebounds.
However, no other Gator scored more than 5 points.
The Gators had trouble inside, scoring 10 points in
the paint to Alabama's 30. UP was also 20-29 from the
free-throw line, shooting 69 percent.
"That's just focus," said Peck of UF's inability to
capitalize on the little things. "It's going to be layups
and free throws that determine how far teams go and
what position they play at the end of the season."
UF has now lost five consecutive games and six
out of the last seven. At 3-6, UF is in serious danger
of missing the NCAA tournament.
Peck knows the pressure is on and says the Gators
have to win their final SEC games if they want an
invitation to the Big Dance.
"If we have any hope of playing in the postseason,
we're going to have to go 5-0," she said. "With only 3
wins in the SEC right now, we put our backs against
the wall."

Horford rivals Tide in rebounding
Alligator Staff Writer

Ten? Twelve? Fifteen? How many
rebounds did Al Horford just grab
against Alabama?
"I thought he had about 25, to be.
honest with you," senior forward
David Lee said. "I had no idea. I had
Never been in a game when someone
had that many. It was just shocking." pickdi. Dnv l
You can't blame Lee for losing
track of Horford's 18 rebounds nine
of which were offensive against
Alabama. It seemed like everyone
did, including perhaps the statistician.
Even UF coach Billy Donovan joked i
that there might have been a mistake.
It was that kind of afternoon for the
freshman. At the unlikeliest of times,
against the unlikeliest of opponents,
Horford manhandled the Crimson
Tide. There were no shots he didn't
contest. There was no loose ball he
didn't chase. And even when he failed
to snatch those one or two stray shots,
Alabama still felt his presence.
"He kicked our fannies today,"
Alabama coach Mark Gottfried said.
"There's no mistaking that."
Toward the end of the second half,
the stat sheet read: Horford 18 re-
bounds; Crimson Tide 18 rebounds.
The 6-foot-8, 240-pounder had just in-
haled his last rebound. To make sure
no one forgot, he gathered himself,
soared and dunked points 13 and 14, Matt Marriott/ Alligator Staff
his final score. The crowd including UF freshman forward Al Horford recorded the second most rebounds
a trio of students who sported a flag by a freshman in UF history by grabbing 18 Saturday.
of the Dominican Republic in honor Horford said. much of the game, he finished with
of his homeland erupted into a But no one expected this Saturday. just 6 points and 3 rebounds.
"HORFORD" cheer. Not after Horford struggled against After that, the "sponge effect"
"There's just certain nights when a physical Mississippi State team kicked in. Donovan likens Horford's
you feel you can get every rebound," Tuesday. Saddled in foul trouble for SEE SIDE, PAGE 20

Nothing negative to write about this victory
L ast week, perhaps I filled this space with a little too 26 minutes.
much negativity. It's bad when even my dad. says it's The Gators did everything right.
too harsh. The balanced attack that destroyed
The Gators may have fixed my perspective with their .; Alabama received national praise.
statement win against the Tide, though.,, One ESPN analyst said that UF has
Even I couldn't write a negative column after the hurting all the pieces of a championship team.
UF put on Alabama Saturday. Ian Fisher Call me cynical, but I'm still not sold
I could've probably looked at every little detail and not Extra lannings on that one. What I am sold on is that
found a single thing to be negative about. the Gators are a legitimate tourna-
The big three played like the big three is capable of play- ment team. They needed a big win.
ing, with each scoring 18 points. Instead, they got a huge one.
Eighteen also happens to be the number of rebounds Al David Lee said the margin of victory didn't matter, which
Horford (Hor-board?) had. That's unbelievable. Memo to was the right thing to say. However, the fact that it was UF's
ESPN, who spelled his name "Hoford" in the bottom line: biggest win against a ranked opponent mattered very much.
get the spelling right because this freshman is the real deal. It made the front page of A 4-point win wouldn't
-When Horford got his 18th rebound, the.whole Alabama have.
team had matched that. Not to mention, he had more than It's hard to have pictured this dismantling, givIp-the
twice as many offensive boards-as all of Alabama did in only

SEC East Men's Basketball NFL-- Super Bowl Log on to for complete 2004: UF guard Matt Walsh sinks all 14
1. Kentucky .8-0 New England 24 updates on the men's and women's swim- free throw attempts against Vanderbilt,
2. UF 6-2 Philadelphia 21 ming and diving teams and the softball the second greatest number of freetfows
3. South Carolina 5-4 NBA team, which were all in action during the -made without missing in school history.
4. Vanderbilt 4-5 Houston 103 weekend. Also, check out a preview of the Walsh also made 14 of 14 free throws
5.,Tennessee 4-5 L.A. Lakers 102 i, wo emnis golf ma th, against Miami in,20Q2., ,

llssls~;~Dlll~1~lfsl~-~1~.~ ) _~il-~bll~ls~Lii/l


Donovan: Horford is'a sponge

SIDE, from page 19

learning curve to a sponge al-
waysrabsorbing experience, never
exuding naivety. Even Saturday,
when the pupil seemed to do no
wrong, Donovan prodded at the
sponge. The freshman's problem?
After grabbing offensive rebounds,
he forced off-balance shots instead of
findig open teammates. Donovan
told Sim this. Then, he watched his
"sponge" work.
"[After that], every single time he
got a rebound, he kept throwing it
out," Donovan said.

















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Horford is fifth in the
Southeastern Conference in re-
bounds (9.2) and is tied for sixth in
blocks (1.5).
Still, there's one man who isn't
shocked by it all. Tito, Horford's fa-
ther, notched an 18-rebound perfor-
mance of his own in the O'Connell
Center. On Feb. 21, 1987, he did
so as a Miami Hurricane. So, after
Saturday's game, it was only natural
to expect Horford to call his father.
"Yea, I'll call him after the game,"
Horford said. "I'll tell him we won."
What about the 18 boards?
"I'll tell him about that [too],"
Horford said.

V Do's

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IANNINGS, from page 19

fact that Alabama defeated Mississippi State
by 49 points the same MSU team that de-
feated UF by 14. How does that happen? Who
knows. How does lowly Auburn, who was 1-6
in the Southeastern Conference, defeat MSU on
Saturday by 14?
Taking the SEC is clearly wide open this year,
so I'm giving the Gators a chance.
But the biggest opponent Saturday .wasn't
Alabama. It was something that is much tougher
to defeat.

Coach Billy Donovan, his staff, Alabama
coach Mark Gottfried and many other coaches
around the country wore sneakers with their
dress outfits as part of the Coaches vs. Cancer
National Awareness Weekend. Sure, sneakers
and a suit look goofy, but I bet it got people to
donate. Mission accomplished.
Donovan didn't seem to mind the shoes too
"If our guys will play like that, I have no
problem coming out in this attire every game,"
Donovan said after the game.
If the Gators play as well and balanced as they
did on Saturday, he won't need the sneakers.

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M44lw 14w --II~II Not official associated with the Uni SSUE 94 the independent florida varsity of Florida Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida We Inform. You Decide. Gators roll over Tide By BRYAN APP Alligator Staff Writer The elated screams of the season-high O'Connell Center crowd rained down on the Gators, skipping to the locker room with their index fingers pointed toward the sky. And like a shaken victim of a head-on collision with a semi, the despondent visiting Alabama team stumbled off the court, likely wondering what thev iust had experienced. Seconds earlier, junior guard Matt Walsh drained a buzzerbeating three-pointer to cap a 17-3 half-ending UF run. The scoring surge ended a whirlwind opening-period domination of the No. 11 Crimson Tide (17-4, 6-2 Southeastern Conference) en route to an 85-54 UF win -the largest margin of victory in school history against a ranked opponent. "The crowd was great," Coach Billy Donovan said. "But I think we gave them something UF forwards Al Horford and Chris Richard suffocate Alabama's Chuck Davis during an 85-54 UF rout of Alabama. to cheer about." Effectively burying the Tide before they ever started rolling, the first half also featured a 203 Gators run and each of UF's Men's Basketball Big Three Alabama 54 -guards Walsh and UF 85 Anthony Roberson and forward David Lee -scoring in double-digits. In all, four Gators finished with double-digits in scoring, as Roberson, Walsh and Lee tied with a game-high 18, and freshman Al Horford matched a career-high with 14 and earned his second double-double of the season with 18 rebounds. The Gators (14-5, 6-2 SEC) are now 13-0 when scoring at least 80 and 7-1 when each of the-Big Three score more than 10. "They had four or five guys that were pivotal," said Alabama junior forward 'Kennedy Winston. "When you have those kinds of games, it's awfully impossible to win." Winston, who came into the game with a second-best 19.1 points per game in league play -behind Roberson's 22.1 average -scored 6 in UF's first win against a ranked opponent this season. Conversely, Walsh, who entered the game shooting 25.9 percent since returning on Jan. 19 from an ankle injury, busted out of hir slump with a 6-for-12, seven-assist and no-turnover performance. "I wasn't going to stop shooting," Walsh said. "It wasn't even my shooting. I just haven't felt like my game was all there." Donovan said the coaching staff has been trying to get Walsh to take the emphasis off his play and just "get lost in SEE MEN'S, PAGE 9 Snoop Dogg raps in a concert at the Stephen C. O'Connell Center on Friday night. He entertained a crowd of about 4,600. Snoop plays O'Dome By EVA KIS Alligator Staff Writer Fans attending Friday's concert at the Stephen C. O'Connell Center had to wait an extra hour for their top Dogg tq drop in. Dressed in a characteristic fur coat, cream shirt and silver tie, Snoop appeared in an exclusive interview on CNN's "Larry King Live" before Friday's concert to address a former makeup artist's claims that he and four others sexually assaulted her after a taping of the ABC show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" two years ago. "It was his chance to respond to the allegations being made against him," said Renee Musson, business manager of the O'Connell Center, where the interview was broadcast live via satellite. Jeff Yeatman, chairman of Student Government Productions, the organization that helped bring Snoop Dogg to UP, said he did not know about the suit until he was approached Friday aften oon by representatives of Snoop Dogg. National media outlets carried reports of the woman's allegation Jan. 31. "They came to us and asked us if we could make arrangements," Yeatman said. "It was his chance to respond to the allegations being made against him." Renee Musson an O'Connell Center manager Allocating a room for the interview and "some of the technical aspects" were the only accommodations made by SGP for the interview, Yeatman said, noting that costs of the live satellite feed were not footed by his organization. Elda Auxiliaire, executive director of Black History Month, said she was unaware of the allegations until she heard about the arrangements from Yeatman on Friday. hi the CNN interview, Snoop Dogg said he was "shocked" to SEE SNOOP, PAGE 9 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" M Those interested in running for select Gainesville City Commission seats must sort out their political ambitions this week. See story, pg. 8. VOLUME 98 I MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2005 N New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick is doused after the Patriots beat the Philadelphia Eagles 24-21 in Super Bowl XXXIX on Sunday in Jacksonville. See story, pg. 10. FORECAST OPINIONS CLASSIFIEDS CROSSWORD SPORTS 2 5 14 1-7 19 Partly cloudy 73/48 visit SS__ ___ Today


2, ALLIGATOR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2005 News Today FORECAST TODAY PARTLY CLOUDY 73/48 TUESDAY SUNNY 74/48 WEDNESDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 73/51 THURSDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 70/42 FRIDAY SUNNY 63/40 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" WHAT'S HAPPENING 8 a.m. "Cemetery of the Innocent" Reitz Union North Lawn 6 p.m. Ebola-Thon (fund-raiser) Reitz Union Game Room 7 p.m. "The Vagina Monologues" University Auditorium 6 -8 p.m. Women's Leadership Conference Kick-Off Orange & Brew 8 & 10:30 p.m. "Dead Presidents" (film) Reitz Union Cinema CORRECTION Due to an editor's error, Alachua County Judge Thomas M. Jaworski was misquoted in Friday's Alligator. The quote should have read, "It is one of the noblest callings, being a judge, and I'm absolutely delighted." We regret the error. The Alligator strives to be accurate and clear in its news reports and -editorials. If you find an error, please call our newsroom at (352) 376-4458 or send an e-mail to editor@alligatororgNewsday, NY Post, Christian Science Monitor A film by Jonathan Caouette TA RNA TION Showtimes 7pm & 9pm Times for Friday Only Htippodrome Cinema 375-HIPP IF Let's Make Magic Happen d pack Senior, the O' Connell Center for Erinn Dooley the Suoer Six Challengel Adults$4-Youth 17 & under and UF students are free. rnswihdesablteseqrn asistacrf,,ratIn mey 'il~ t wnta; the UAA 8O 34-GATOF The Speedh,ano heaingipaed mfnaute S ea 1.-y n Wo Ne h the independent florida alligator VOLUME 98 ISSUE 94 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Dwayne Robinson, Managing Editor / Print Mike Gimignani, Managing Editor/ New Media Matthew Kelly, Sports Editor Ian Fisher, Assistant Sports Editor Louis Anastasis, Editor Andrew Abramson, aabramson@alligatororg University Editor Justin Hemlepp, Metro Editor Eva Kis, Freelance Editor Natalie Liem, Assign ment Editor Nick Weidenmiller, Tallahassee Bureau Chief James VanLandingham, Opinions Editor Matt Sanchez, Editorial Board Dwayne Robinson, Mike Gimignani, Matt Sanchez, Lauren Flanagan, Diana Middleton, Craig Singleton Photo Editor Casey Anderson, Assistant Photo Editor Nick West, Photo Staff Matt Marriott, Morgan Petroski, Emily Harris, Tricia Coyne the Avenue Editor Kelly-Anne Suarez, the Avenue Assistant Editor Sarah Anderson, Art Director Andy Marlette Copy Desk Chiefs Matt Cmar, Thomas Gries, Sheryl Rosen, Ryan Worthington Copy Editors Chris Berger, Mary Beth Bishop, Gayle Cohen, Carly Felton, Jennifer Freihofer, Lyndsey Lewis, Krissi Palmer, Heather Romans, Stephanie Rosenblatt, Lynne Schultz, Michael Schutz, Brandy Stearns, Marianna Tuninskaya Staff Bryan App, Stephanie Garry, Gregg Girvan, Megan Seery, Brian Shaffer w Media Staff Assistant Editor Gwen Heimburg New Media Staff Dan Jimmerson DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, Advertising Office Manager Marybeth Miller, Advertising Office Assistants Joshua Appelbaum, Elizabeth Cueto Sales Representatives Patrick Sherry, Melissa Vloedman Jim McCaddin, Joel Fernandez Kyle Moore, Lindsey Kuhn Chris Pacheco, Anne Garcia Jennifer Rudloff, Jennifer Simmons Sales Development/Intern Coordinator Neil Callanan CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015(Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, Classified Clerks Leah Zissimopulos, Bethany O'Neill, Merab-Michal Favorite, Marianne Cooper CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, Operations Assistants Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, Student Accounting Clerks Jimmy Martineau, Chris Brink Alex Thurn, Brandon Edwards ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, Administrative Manager Allison Sinclair, Lorena Crowley Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Assistant Production Manager Information Technology Manager Advertising Production Staff Editorial Production Staff Vern Bean, Stephanie Gocklin, sgocklin@alligatororg Brian Dwyer, Elizabeth Houston, Shana Langfur, Jovan Ribadeo, Nick Johnson, Elliott Bedinghaus, Kate Barnes, Michelle Stewart, Maggie Peuler Jennifer LaBrie, Natasha Weinstein, Kate Mullan, Amy Oglesby, Melissa Garcia The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc. ,--I.


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 3 MULTICULTURAL More than 500 attend Chinese New Year events By LINDSAY TAULBEE Alligator Writer Waggling their tails and batting their eyelashes flirtatiously at the audience, four lions danced to the beat of Chinese cymbals and drums Saturday night. The colorful and intricately decorated lion costumes, each manned by two members of Wah Lum Kimg Fu of Gainesville, followed the lead of a laughing Buddha figure, a masked man wielding a red fan, teasing them across the stage and through the aisles of the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom. The lion dance, meant to symbolize the repelling of evil demons, was the first of several presentations at the Chinese American Student Association's annual Chinese New Year celebration. A diverse crowd of more than 500 attendees, young and old, watched the performances that fused both modem and traditional elements. "It's not only a celebration of the year, but a celebration of culture in general," the organization's special events coordinator Wand Gan said. Students sang and danced to modern Chinese and American songs, as well as to traditional Chinese music. A kung fu demonstration by UF's Kung Fu Club, a skit by members of the Asian American Greek Interest Group and a fashion show rounded out the evening. June Wong, also a special events coordinator for the Chinese American Student Association, said she felt there had been a good balance between the traditions associated with the New Year and modern entertainment. "Most of us are American-bom Chinese," she said. She added that she had hoped "to show that we still remember our culture." UF improv comedy group Theatre Strike Force also performed, drawing laughs as one performer poked fan at former UF football coach Ron Zook. The celebration also featured two performances by musicians playing traditional Chinese stringed-instruments: the ehm and the pipa. "We were really lucky to find them," Gan said. Jin Xia, 26, who came to Gainesville from China less than a month ago, played the pipa, a four-stringed instrument that looks similar to a mandolin and rests in the player's lap. Members of the audience were impressed with Xia's agile and precise playing of the song "Go to the Flower Festival." "I really hope that more people can onderAndrea Morales /Alligator Wah Lam Kung Fu of Gainesville performs a lion dance during the Chinese New Year celebration Saturday at the Reitz Union. Sponsored by the Chinese American Student Association, the event featured dance, skits, martial arts, a fashion show and music. stand Chinese music and culture, and it's my pleasure to present Chinese culture," she said. The Chinese New Year is celebrated widely in Asia. This year, the new year falls on Feb. 9, marking the beginning of the Year of the Rooster. Bush reappoints two members to Board of Trustees By EMILY YEHLE hearing in the Florida Senate this has always been firm, and is a director on the UF five that are chosen by the Board Alligator Writer Spring will seal-the appointment. impressed with Foundation Board, which oversees of Governors. The remaining two -"We've got two great leaders Daniels and his the university's independent fundseats are filled by the Student in Roland and Earl, and I'm glad involve m en t raising arm. Body president and the UF Faculty The governing body that overto have them continue on the with the univerAlthough trustees are supposed Senate chairman, currently physics sees UF is likely to keep at least board," said trustee Dianma Fuller sity. to hold their positions for five professor Pierre Ramond. two of its members for five more Morgan. "He is one years, their terms were set to be The board will benefit from years. Appointed to the board since its of few trustees staggered in 2003 because of the the ongoing efforts. of Powell and Gov. Jeb Bush reappointed creation in 2001, Daniels is presiwho lives in creation of the Board of Governors, Daniels, Morgan said. trustees Earl Powell and Roland dent of the car dealership Saturn of Gainesville, so he sees the daily the body governing the state's "I think they each bring their Daniels on Friday, extending their Gainesville. interactions of campus," he said. public universities. business expertise, and Roland, terms on the UF Board of Trustees Jamal Sowell, who has served on Powell, who was appointed to The Board of Trustees is made with his roots in Gainesville, had until Jan. 6, 2010. A confirmation the board since becoming Student the board in 2003, founded Trivest up of 13 members, six that are really helped us address town-andBody president last Spring, said he Partners LP, a Miami investment appointed by the governor and gown opportunities," she said. c<'7> V in MoN: ALL YOU CAN EAT WINGS 5-11 PM -I $2 16 oz MICH. LIGHT ALUM. CANS TuEs: $1 22 oz DOMESTIC DRAFTS U&IMIEid $1" 22 oZ IMPORT DRAFTS W/PURCHASE OF SOUINIER CUP $. $ .-K E .. GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS 25% OFF any one GNC Product Cannot be combined. Need coupon. 3914 SW Archer Rd o* nly avalle at Butler Plaza lecation Day s0ec'is 377-6020 Exp. 3/30 Tues, Wed, Thurs 7pm, 9:15pm Wed matinee 4:30PM Hi odrome Cinema 375-HIPP


4, ALLIGATOR E MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2005 STUDENT GOVERNMENT Party to unleash 'Independent' voice with platform By BRIDGET CAREY Alligator Writer After listening to the concerns of three student focus groups, the Voice Party will unveil its campaign platform this week, highlighting a need to help graduate students who party members say continually get the shaft from Student Government.' The Voice Party, whose members call themselves "the party of independents," will officially release its platform for the Spring election Tuesday at 2 p.m. on the Reitz Union Colonnade. It is also expected that the party will announce Sen. Justin Lauer, an independent senator from the College of Engineering, as this year's candidate for Student Body treasurer. Party chairman Sen. Christian Duque said there are no plans to run a Student Body presidential or vice presidential candidate under the Voice Party, but the party will be campaigning to fill seats in the Student Senate. "We just might lose, it's a big possibility," said Duque, who said the party will probably not garner much Greek support. "But if we really let everyone on that really wants to be in Student Government, then we won't lose." After three focus-group meetings held last week, Voice members say they will put a stop to an SG ruled by Greek and Florida Blue Key connections, and will aspire to give entry to the most qualified applicants. "If you're not Greek, the doors (to SG) close for you," said Duque, a fraternity member himself, who won his Senate seat with the Access Party last Spring. One goal Voice members were vocal about at each focus group is to make SG more supportive to graduate students and family-housing communities. "Offering them a few new swing sets just isn't enough," Duque said of the recent SG spending to improve on-site playgrounds within UF's family-housing communities. Voice leaders said they plan to help graduate students have their own parking decals, which is one part of making graduates' voices heard as loudly as the undergraduates'. And considering the importance UF's administration places on research, Duque says it surprises him that SG doesn't do more to cater to the graduate-student community. "There's not much research going on at the undergraduate level," he said. But it's not just graduate students who aren't best represented, Duque said. "If you're not Greek, the doors (to SG) close for you." Christian Duque Voice Party chairman He said that through his Senate experience, he sees many senators are not putting forth their best efforts to really talk to students to see what they want. "Quit saying you represent them if you don't know who the hell they are," Duque said. An average of 10 students attended each of the three meetings. They brought up their concerns about poor funding for campus organizations and programs, which included dissatisfaction with how much money was spent on the Chomp the Vote voter-registration drive. Also discussed was the quality of Regional Transit System buses and the creation of 24-hour study centers. Discussions revolved around those topics, and also centered on Lauer's and Duque's Senate experience. "After a month of being in Senate, I felt like I wanted to jump in front of a train," Duque said. He said his frustrations with the body were one of the main factors fueling his goals to campaign for change in SG. Another topic discussed was the creation of a fairer way to distribute money to student organizations. According to party leaders, some student groups receive a greater amount of money than they should. Duque said the University Gospel Choir was one such group. The choir got about $40,000 in funding, compared to the larger Hispanic Student Association which received about $50,000. Duque said the University Gospel Choir received the Senate-approved funding because Student Body President Jamal Sowell is a member. "A lot has to do with politics and who you know," Duque said. Santa Fe students aid relief I AN AUCTION FOR TSUNAMI VICTIMS RAISED MORE THAN $2,300. By MEGAN V. WINSLOW Alligator Writer Bracing cool temperatures amplified -by a windy breezeway, SFCC students and faculty manned collapsible tables Friday in an effort to support victims of the Dec. 26 tsunami. Sponsored by the SFCC Student Goverment and a group of students under the guidance of professor Deborah Simon, the silent auction and sale raised $2,312 for the cause. Among the goodies up for grabs were gift certificates for restaurants such as David's BBQ, The Melting Pot, Newberry's Backyard BBQ and Hops. Simon also donated a mosaic coffee table she built as well as pieces of antique jewelry. "I have a house, and those people don't, so I decided to give what I could to help them," Simon said. "We're just a group of students trying to make a difference," she said. Simon, who has been on the faculty at SFCC for 27 years, said she first came up with the idea in class. Her microbiology and chemistry students helped organize the event. Many SFCC students and faculty helped donate items for the garage-sale portion of the fund-raiser. "I just think it's a great thing a great cause," said student Erica Maguire. All proceeds are to be donated to CARE International, a private. humanitarian organization providing relief for tsunanmi victims. Simon said she plans to mail the check Thursday. Until that time, however, Simon said she encourages those who wish to contribute to contact SFCC at 395-5000. I'd like to challenge. anybody in town to match our funds," she said. Forum explores race inequality By LINDSAY TAULBEE Alligator Writer With differing perspectives and opinions, a doctor and five professors came together Friday to voice their views on issues such as identity, success and racial inequality. The forum, entitled "Black (Inter)Nationalism, Civil Rights, and the Illusion of Equality," was hosted by the Black Graduate Student Organization as part of Black History Month. Angelique Nixon, BGSO's Black History Month chairwoman, said the forum was a reminder to honor the past while moving forward. "We have to contextualize the issues that face us," she said. The six black panelists -each holding the highest possible degree in their respective fields -began by debating the definition of black nationalism and the concept of identity. Black.n ationalism, a political and social movement in the 1960s and 70s, sought to gain economic power for blacks 'and promote a separate identity, said Terrylills, an associate professor of sociology and the panel's moderator. Another theme touched on disparities that exist in education, healthcare and crime. "If there's anything that unites us as a black people, it's our experience of incarceration and oppressive policing," assistant English professor Amy Ongiri said. "If there's anything that unites us as a black people, it's our experience of incarceration and oppressive policing." Amy Ongiri UF assistant English professor Later, law professor Kenneth Nunn compared blacks in the United States to a homeless person living in someone else's house. They may have a place to stay, but no say in the furniture, he said. Blacks need to find their own home, he said. Assistant professor of Africar-American Studies Stephanie Evans later asked how many in the audience knew the names of the people who clean up after them on campus. "You have to find your home, but you also have to put that home into practice," she said. Into the looking glass As a line of girls await their turn, Layla Cravem, 4, gazes into face painter Elizabeth Farrell's mirror Saturday at the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire. Farrell,. of New York City, has painted faces for six years.


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 5 Media offer reality, not safe image ou do not have a constitutional right not to be offended. Deal with it. The media is going to present information that makes some uncomfortable, but that's how it has to be: the world is an uncomfortable place. Everything isn't as shiny and pleasant as some would like to pretend. Now, there are some things that are not appropriate to be presented in easily-accessible media. Had Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" been intentional, it would have been over the line. Explicit sex or nudity on network or basic cable TV would be over the line. Howard Stern occasionally takes week-long vacations over the line. But to say commercials and broadcasts that merely mention these things .are offensive is ridiculous. Ideas such as this, backed tip by Federal Communications Commission fines and regulations, are leading American society to a dangerous position in which it is better to produce bland content rather than risk punitive censorship. After the last year's Super Bowl, the Parents Television Council pressured the FCC to revoke CBS stations' broadcasting licenses. How could the media operate if even accidental offensive content was to be so harshly punished? It's time for these thin-skinned citizens to grow up. Adults worry about what they can do to make the world a better place, rather than trying to get the media to say that it is. Matt Sanchez is a journalism junior and opinions editor at the Alligator U AF AN E04k AnwW mow t ALLIGATOR 5 a C hn Ur GAA~ Happy Hour 4pm-9pm $4 Pitchers -$100 Drafts MONDA V ALL NIGHT 2-4-1 Liquor Drinks 2-4-1 Bottles + 2-4-1 Drafts Live Music 1728 W. University Ave. -377-7333 L4E LOV " .".New Treadmills -."" Free Workout with this ad! w~w Sprine Term .$59.00J -( ft 1 Year.*$129-00 =GYM I Mouth of Tanning 250 GAINESVILLEGYM 201NW6THST 376-8400 4..N y pn e ie ..e MONDAY NIGHT A-Y-Cn-Handle Suhi, Tempura and Beer Clip & Save Snip savings every day inth coupons fro m the Alligator! F


6, ALLIGATOR U MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2005 Editorial Super censored Dropped advertisements show a dangerous trend hat was the most boring Super Bowl ever. No, not the game: the commercials. Instead of the risk-taking humor expected from the world's most ostentatious spectacle of advertising, the theme of the day was "play it safe." But it didn't have to be that wvay. A number of companies had planned funny and -admittedly -raunchy ads that would have ranked among the best shown at the yearly event. These companies self-censored the commercials, however, fearing the oppressive might of the Federal Communications Commission: After Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" at last year's Super Bowl, the FCC has gone on a crusade against any media that has even the possibility of offending anyone. At the center of the controversy at this year's Super Bowl was .a commercial for Bud Light, which played off of Jackson's revealing moment. In a light-hearted lampoon, the spot offered a possible explanation of the event that showed a stagehand damaging the garment by using it to open a bottle of Bud Light. Anheuser-Busch pulled the ad in fear of possible repercussions from the FCC. It may have been right: The prevailing belief among the FCC and sympathetic groups seems to be that even referring to something offensive can be offensive. This is in blatant disregard, of course, of the fact that the news media prominently featured the "wardrobe malfunction" and its ensuing controversy for weeks afterward. If it wants to be fair, the FCC should fine every single publication and broadcast that dared mention such an offensive occurrence. Another sad example was Ford's pulling of an ad for its Lincoln Mark LT luxury truck, easily one of the funniest ads created for this year's event. The ad depicted a priest gazing lovingly at a Mark LT, causing him to put "Lust" on the church's outdoor sign as the subject for the upcoming sermon. This offended members of the group Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, who felt the ad exploits church sex scandals and "offends females who have been molested." Admittedly, there is a thin line between humorous social commentary and unduly taking advantage of an unfortunate situation, but this does not even approach it. Furthermore, they did not say why it only was molested females -and not males -who were supposedly offended. The fact is, however, that not many people really care. The indignant outburst to this "offensive" content comes only from an extreme minority of the American public. FOX's record $1.2-million fine for references to sex on its show "Married by America," ostensibly was based on the strength of 159 complaints -already a relatively low number. But there weren't 159 complaints. Blogger Jeff Jarvis of revealed, after filing a Freedom of Information Act request to see the complaints, that only three of them were unique. The remaining were copies of those three complaints, which were either sent to multiple FCC employees by the original authors or turned in by others who switched the author's name with their own. If the outcry from three concerned citizens, out of the millions who watched the show, decides the definition of inappropriate contention the country, there is a problem. The morals of this nation should reflect the morals of the people in this nation, not those of a backward-thinking minority. Besides, if the commercials during the Super Bowl aren't funny, what do we have? alihiddtor Dwayne Robinson Matt Sanchez EDITOR OPINIONS EDITOR Mike Gimignani Lauren Flanagan MANAGING EDITOR Diana Middleton Craig Singleton EDITORIAL BOARD The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 words (obout one etter-sied an ge). Tthey e st b typed, double-spbs ed and must includ the auhrsname, olassiftiton, and phone number,. Notes owill be oittheld if t,, writer sttows just coos,. We reseroe toe right to etit fo, Ilttgth, gratmnto, style oand ibel. Send lttters to, sring them to in n W. Uitoo sity Aoe., or setd ttem to RO. Sot 14257, Cainosoilt, rL 32604-2257 c outons ot aout 450 ods about origintl toptcs ott editoral cronaralo welom~e. Questions? Catl 376-4458. Opinions I "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 0" Column Hypocrisy prevails in American society merican culture always has been hypocritical, ognized anniversary of the Trail of, but it is getting to the point that I feel like I'm .Tears, or for any of the many other living in some kind of surreal nightmare. Here .I acts of genocide carried out by the are just a few of the ways in which the hypocrisy is American government. inescapable. Even during Black History Let's start with volence: Americans tell their children Month, there is no national day of to turn the other cheek when confronted with violence, Jason Levitt mourning for all of the death and yet parents push their kids into contact sports almost as The Watch Tower degradation caused by the slave soon as they can walk. -trade. Worse, we support the multi-billion-dollar war maDrugs: America tells kids to say no to drugs, yet the chine we currently have in use in Iraq and glorify this -most dangerous drug, alcohol, is not only legal but also violence by giving our unparalleled attention to war an integral ingredient in every American holiday. Most and sports. .of us grew up watching the grown-ups get wasted on Sex: A boob supposedly shocked Americans during every New Year's Eve, Fourth of July and Super Bowl the last Super Bowl halftime show, yet we have a multiSunday. billion-dollar porn industry that broadcasts its products It was like another spectator sport. into millions of American homes. According to CNBC, "No company will be better Many of these homes undoubtedly received the represented in Super Bowl XXXIX than AnheuserLingerie Bowl along with the Super Bowl. This year's Busch. The beer maker has 10 commercials, proving Lingerie Bowl advertised that a "shocking moment" once again that when it comes to big time sports, it is a would occur. It seems shocking sexual content is only major player." bad when it is free. Well, then, is it really such a surprise when a recent Gender equality: Americans tell their little girls they UF survey showed that 50 percent of students surveyed can be anything they want to be when they grow up, binge drink? yet Britney Spears tells her pimple-popping followers Does UF President Bernie Machen really think he is about the joys of being a slave for a man. going to solve anything with a few panels on the subject Infanticide: When a woman kills her child by throwthis month? ing it into a garbage dump, Americans call her a monIt seems hypocritical for him to discuss making UF a ster. Yet, if she had killed it a few months prior, she dry campus when he can tip back a cold one during a would have been exercising her right to choose. Gator football game in his cushy presidential stadium Genocide: America sent Vice President Dick Cheney box. to southern Poland to commemorate the 60th anniverWith all of this hypocrisy intruding into every facet sary of the liberation of Auschwitz. He was among the of American culture, there was nothing I needed more many world leaders who gathered there to remember than a good binge-drinking episode -that, and watchhow an advanced Western nation adopted a policy of ing some football. genocide. But I had to prepare to be shocked. America has no such day of remembrance for the Jason Levitt is a journalists and political science senior. His Native Americans, however. There is no nationally reccoluni appears on Monday. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Were the SuMonday's question: Is Howard per Bowl's commercials as good Dean the best choice for Demoas in past years? cratic National Committee chair? Vote or post a message at 54% YES 46% NO 39 TOTAL VOTES / ti 9le


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 7 Letters to the Editor Naming practice honors merit, not personal beliefs Editor: I am writing in response to the bizarre article composed by Drew Melville in Friday's Alligator. First off, when donors bequeath a vast sum of money onto an academic institution, the receiving body usually honors them by (re)naming a building, sports ground or, in this case, a road. It seems to me Gale Lemerand and our university completed this process much to their mutual satisfaction. Second, spouting off about O'Connell's legacy and its relation to the naming of an on-campus structure is ludicrous. Should we also change the name of the Reitz Union because J. Wayne Reitz witch-hunted communists and despised homosexuals? Although these two men probably were not the best people in the world, these structures have their names imprinted primarily for meritorious service provided by the pair to UF. Finally, renaming a building after Mary McLeod Bethune, whose legacy includes an entire college, or Martin Luther -King Jr., who plagiarized substantial portions of his dissertation -probably not a good role model for an academic institution -on the pretext of Black History Month and President Machen's "commitment to diversity" baffles me. I reason to deviate from a system that has been in place more than a sesquicentennial at UF and replace it with one that assigns, arbitrarily, names to our esteemed buildings on campus. Nicholas R. Pillat 4LS J FEBRUARY 18 -RESERVE SEATS TODRY! Students, join area advertising and marketing and local business owners at the 2005 Gainesville Advertising Federation ADDY Awards Banquet. The ADDY Awards honor advertising excellence in all media. The banquet will be held on Friday, February 18, 2005 at 6:30pm at the Best Western Gateway Grand in Gainesville with a feel of South Beach. Also, two round trip tickets for a weekend in Miami will be given away sponsored by the Gainesville Regional Airport. Individual Tickets $50 -Students $35 Corporate 8-Person Tables $350 Jeannette Baer ADDY@ Reservation Coordinator 352-331-8860 Find out more about the ADDY@ Awards at W Continental Connection Operated by Gulfstream international Airlines --A GAINESV LLE A ADVERTISING FEDcER AO Conservatives rally against cartoons n the day of Bush's inauguration, the papers were full of sobering news -the prospect of electionday violence in Iraq, the rising death toll in the Middle East and the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz -but when James Dobson of Focus On the Family woke up that morning, he saw a more ominous enemy on the horizon: SpongeBob SquarePants. Dobson says SpongeBob moonlighted as the star of a video that promoted a "pro-homosexual agenda." More recently, right-wingers have created a furor over two women in Vermont who apparently like each other too much. Forget the war in Iraq; we're in the middle of the cartoon wars. Last week, Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings urged PBS to pull an episode of "Postcards from Buster," a children's show meant to promote diversity, because the titular bunny visited the daughter of a lesbian couple. She says parents don't want to "introduce this kind of subject matter" to their kids. Even though the episode focuses on Buster's trip to a dairy farm and the parents of the child are only a backdrop, PBS pulled the episode the same day of the outburst, taking into consideration that the Department of Education provides 63 percent of the show's budget. It seems Spellings' aim is to guarantee that homophobia is free to operate, and the best way to do that is to prevent children from seeing gays as part of their community. Spellings plainly is following her boss' mandate: It Erik Ma was last month that President Bush aza relegated homosexuals to secondSpeaking Out class status again when he said, "Studies have shown that the ideal is where a child is raised in a married family with a man and a woman. Studies have shown there is no difference in the wellbeing of children of gay couples and children of heterosexual couples. In fact, according to a 2001 UCLA study, daughters of gay couples are not as intimidated as girls from straight couples in co-ed activities and the workplace, and boys of gay couples tend to be more nurturing than boys from heterosexual homes. I suppose conservatives must be quivering at the specter of gay characters in children's television. But as episodes of "Finger me Elmo" and "You're a Gay Dad, Charlie Brown" have yet to be made, conservatives seem to have forgotten the child caught in the crossfire. It's important for children to see their own lives reflected on television so that they can feel part of a community, but by removing the episode, Spellings has committed a sort of stereotyping by omission. Children like the one featured on the episode have no role models on TV. Although gay characters are welcome on primetime, they apparently have no place in Mr. Rogers' neighborhood. Erik Maza is a journalisoifreshman. MONDAY N IGH TS: $1.00 Coronas e 2-4-1 Liquor Drinks 2-4-1 Bottles o 2-4-1 Drafts Live DJ NO COVER ehng, Id LSAT I GMAT I GRE I MCAT DAT I PCAT I NCLEX-RN* USMLE I TOEFL I OAT* 0 Realistic practice -0 Free extra help b Kaplan study centers 0 Best teachers ) Located in Reitz Union Spring classes filling fast GMAT.Feb 16 GRE. Feb 17 LSAT. Mar 14 LSAT. Mar 30 PCAT .April 7 MCAT. May 1.0 DAT/OAT .May 11 Test Prep and Admissions 1 -800-KAP-TEST *Test names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Tired of Rooming with SChimpanzees ? 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8,'ALLIOATORUMONDAY,-FEBRUARY-7;200------Candidate registration to close By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer Those interested in running for select Gainesville City Commission seats mtist sort their political ambitions this week. Qualification for Districts 2 and 3 seats, as well as the commissioner at-large seat, begins at noon Monday and ends noon Friday, when paperwork is due to the Alachua County Supervisor of Elections Office, 12 SE First St. So far, three candidates filed paperwork to run for the at-large position; two candidates filed for District 2, largely the area north and northwest of the UF campus; and three filed for District 3, which is the area west and southwest of UF. "I want Gainesville to be a good city where families can raise their children," District 2 incumbent Ed Braddy said. Braddy described himself as a "decisive leader" and said he is in favor of improving Gainesville's business environment. On the other side of the District 2 contest is Grant Thrall, -who has hada 22-year career as a professor in UF's geography department, specializing in business location. "On my side, we have a lot of help from groups on the UF campus," Thrall said. This list of supporters includes UF Student Government Vice President Jennifer Puckett, who is assisting Thrall's fundraising efforts. "If elected, I will be the third or fourth UF faculty member that was on the City Commission," Thrall said. "I am at a point in my career where I want to help the community." Thrall called the district seat "an appropriate next step" for his life. He said he believes citizens can benefit from his business sense, which has brought 3,000 jobs to Gainesville with the impending University Corners, a development which will house both residential and commercial space at the corner of University Avenue and Northwest 13th Street. Any at-large candidate needs to be a qualified voter living anywhere within Gainesville for more than six months and would oversee the entire city. District seats are limited to those who have lived within their specific region of responsibility for more than six months. YTHORNTOS u S -A Reality Show for All Times IB AR2 T-k':U14-.2-al 7477o uyoln A child. A family. A community. Volunteers of America helps hundreds of thousands of children and their families rebuild their lives every year. With programs that range from adoption services and child care to emergency shelter and family case management. For over 100 years, we've helped build better communities by teaching skills and restoring pride and hope. Find out how you can help. Call 1.800.899.0089 or visit There are no lmits to caring. Volunteers of America Open 24 Hours Weekdays If your roommate is having more fun than you, give us a call And you can start tonight at our Newberry Road-location. Remember, It's never too late to exercise, and if you're not completely comfortable after using our centers 3 times per week for 21 days, we'll give you your money back. Members only after 10:00pm. Call 377-4955 For A Free Workout 4820 Newberry Rd. Fraternity's efforts spruce up campus By LINDSAY TAULBEE Alligator Writer In an attempt to spruce up the UF campus and bring their service efforts a little closer to home, members of one fraternity spent their Saturday with shovels in hand. About 40 Sigma Pi fraternity members planted approximately 100 trees around a reservoir behind the Florida Museum of Natural History. MIt's just a cool way of showing that we care about where we go to school," member Chris Ferrante said. The young trees include dogwood, black gum, Greek bald cypress and water pine trees, said Unay |Life Cruz, chairman of the Sigma Pi program Altruistic Campus Experience Project. The tree-planting project was completed as part of ACEP, through which Sigma Pi hopes it can work toward fulfilling campus needs, Ferrante said. He also said any student group is welcome to participate. "It's just trying to refocus the service side of the orgarizations back to campus," he said. The group had approached UF's Physical Plant Division to see how it could help and chose from among several projects. Braddy


PUBLIC SAFETY Man deploys extinguisher Despite the fact that neither smoke nor flames were anywhere in sight, a trigger-happy local man took it upon himself to set off a fire extinguisher early Sunday morning within a UF fraternity house, University Police reported. Jason Michael Applebaum, 19, admitted to discharging the extinguisher inside the Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity house, at Nine Fraternity Row, because he was drunk and just "fooling around," UPD reported. Applebaum, of 1716 NW Third Ave., has been charged with preventing or obstructing the extinguishment of a fire, a felony, police reported. Although members of the fraternity would not comment on the incident, Tau Epsilon Phi President Jordan Hammer said he does not believe the defendant is a member of the fraternity. WAFFLE HOUSE CUSTOMER ARRESTED: Impatient with the service at a local Waffle House, a woman reportedly threw sugar on another patron who defended restaurant staff, Gainesville Police reported. GPD charged 26-year-old Shanate Gerraine Cook, of 627 SW 69th St., in simple assault and disorderly conduct in an establishment, both misdemeanors, after the incident Friday morning, according to reports. Cook, police said, cursed and yelled at workers for not preparing her food in a timely manner at the Waffle House located at 2120 NW 13th Ave. Michelle Renee Johnson, a restaurant patron, verbally defended the staff before she attempted to flee the establishment and the 7-inch-tall sugar shaker that Cook threw at her, according to police reports. Cook, who was released from the Alachua County Jail on Friday, denied the charges in a phone interview Sunday night. "I was treated unfairly," she said. "Three girls tried to jump me, kill me, and I'm the only one going to jail. And I don't think it's fair that GPD did me like that." -MEGAN V. WINSLOW. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 9 Little things make big game MEN'S, from page 1 the game" by focusing on aspects other than scoring. But Walsh, who led the Gators in scoring before suffering the Dec. 30 injury, wouldn't concede his offensive game. Donovan said that Walsh worked on his shooting at the team's practice facility until 4 a.m following his 1-for-5 performance in UF's loss to Mississippi State on Tuesday. And following the extra practice, Walsh disproved the Samson theory, scoring his SEC-season high, while sporting a freshly cut hairdo. "I'm going to shave it," Walsh joked. "Maybe I'll have 36 next game.'' After missing on his first three attempts, Walsh shook his slump, connecting on a three-pointer with 9 minutes, 29 seconds remaining as part of UF's 20-3 first-half run. Chalked with highlight-worthy plays, including a falling-down, right-handed shot from the southpaw Lee, the run also marked a 14: 21 half-ending stretch in which the Tide made two field goals. According to Walsh, the Gators are in prime condition for their Tuesday trip to Lexington to face No. 6 Kentucky based on Saturday's win. "We feel like we can play with anybody when we play the right way," Walsh said. "We did all the little things today." Little things like committing one first-half turnover and five in the game. Little things like gaining a 203 advantage in put-back points, while allowing Alabama five offensive rebounds and none in the first half. And little things like out-rebounding the second-best rebounding team in the SEC. Led by Horford's 18 rebounds -the second-most by a UF freshman -the Gators outrebounded the Tide 46-23. "I had a couple where I went to get it, and all of the sudden, I look up, and [Horford] was already up in the air," said Lee, who finished with six rebounds. "I said, 'Hey take it.' He did a great job getting to the ball." Sparser crowd than expected watches Snoop invite female students onto stage SNOOP, from page 1 learn of charges that the makeup artist was drugged with spiked champagne before being raped by him and four others. Snoop Dogg said that although the woman had applied his makeup prior to the Jan. 31, 2003 episode, he left directly afterward and took off the makeup himself at home. "Rape is not in my nature," he said on CNN. "I don't get down like that." Snoop Dogg said he does not appear in any of the police reports under either his stage name or his given name, Calvin Broadus, and told King he felt it was "straight extortion" because the alleged victim has taken settlement money from The Walt Disney Company until recently and filed the matter in civil, not criminal court. "I got a lot of money, true and deep, but I'm not gonna give it to you for something I didn't do," Snoop Dogg said. A source close to the Alligator was one of several women chosen from the audience during Friday's performance to join Snoop Dogg onstage for "Beautiful" and "Drop It Like It's Hot," his newest single. As the women left the stage after the song ended, Snoop said they would receive "seven backstage passes for seven backstage asses." However, the situation was not as she said she thought it would be when they arrived in Snoop Dogg's dressing room. "I thought there was going to be alcohol laying everywhere -there wasn't," she said, though she did notice a "couple of bottles" of two different kinds of beer. She said they were not offered the alcohol. "They offered us water," she said. Yeatman said SGP did not purchase alcohol for Snoop Dogg or his entourage despite provisions in the rapper's rider. Under Florida law, it is illegal to use Activity & Service fees, which fund SGP, to buy alcohol. "But what he had otherwise is out of our control," Yeatman added. Snoop Dogg asked abouf the girls' majors and teased some of the girls who partook of the catering table about college students not turning down a free meal, she said. "He gave us hugs. We took pictures," she said, adding that nothing happened between members of his party and the women escorted backstage and that they all left together. Yeatman said there was never any concern about female employees working that night, several of them college-aged. "They treated the staff with the utmost respect," Yeatman said of Snoop Dogg and his crew. Despite the last-minute controversy and delay -during which a previously unslated opening act performed to accommodate the schedule, according to O'Dome staff -the fans who turned out stayed rowdy through the hourlong set. Only about 4,600 of 7,500 total r_ 1z UI I ) di U CUI tickets were sold, Musson said. Front-row 'alidience member Andrew Holcomb, 20, saw Snoop Dogg in Washington, D.C. in June. "I didn't have this good seats though," Holcomb said. "This is gonna be tight." .When Snoop Dogg finally made his entrance at 10:20 p.m. he did not appear burdened by the backstage interview. The crowd jumped, waved and chanted -including a short "song" consisting of, "Smoke weed, get drunk and [expletive deleted]" -at his command, but Snoop kept the vibe as mellow as his trademark laid-back rhymes. There were no problems with security, Musson said, adding there was no additional staff hired compared to other concerts. It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature. RECYCLE F tne .ndepen1ent 11vcwe ~alligatorDM2> WEINOR YU EDD 24 8 Child ns FR FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS C 1 I 1Y UF1 34th St & Univ. Ave. 2106 SW 13th St Main St & NW 16th Ave. 4620 NW 39th Ave Tower/Newberry Rd. 37-PIZZA 373-2337 373-5555 692-2222 333-3333 For more info: Copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of conmmer services by ceiling toll fire, 1.800.435.7352 within the state. registration does not bnply endorsement, apprmva or recammentdatiot by the stat,. I I 2"REET'l3


10, ALLIGATOR E MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2005 Super Bowl festivities enjoyed by viewers worldwide Homeless view Bowl, chow down in church '4, By BRIAN HAGEN Alligator Writer Gainesville's homeless and hungry football fans filled the First United Methodist Church on Sunday night for their own Super Bowl party. A projection television at the church, 419 NE First St., broadcast the game to more than 100 guests. Nachos began the evening, and attendees filled tables and a long row of couches near the television. "We got the barbecue pigs," Senior Pastor Earl Parker announced. "Don't make up too much of a line -there's enough for everyone." Church member Randy Stacey took the microphone and blessed the meal. Volunteers served barbecued pork donated by Sonny's Real Pit Bar-B-Q, along with beans, cole slaw and Texas toast. "Gainesville's in the Top 10 for meanness to the homeless," Stacey said, referring to the National Coalition for the Homeless' annual 20 Meanest Cities list released last year. "The idea is to start treating everyone as a human being." Stacey is part of the Helping Hands Clinic, which will begin providing medical care this week at the church from 5 to 7 p.m. every Monday night. The clinic moved from its former home at the Salvation Army last week, Stacey said. About a third of the diners cheered for their team as the game proceeded, but most concentrated on their meals. "It's a blessing, this night," said David Bricker, who came from his tent in the woods to attend the meal. His bicycle held hand-made signs that read, "Jesus loves me & you." "God is wonderful," Bricker said. "God's got me in the wilderness to keep me off of the crack cocaine." Pastor Parker's personal interest in the homeless has fueled his organization of the Super Bowl party for the last three years. "I've had homeless people in my family," Parker said. "I understand it." Parker is part of the Homeless Banquet Ministry, which plans to serve a spring banquet complete with tablecloths, candles and table service. They also plan to host banquets July 4 and in the fall. "We're not a country club church," he said. "We're going to reach people's needs where they are." Parker interrupted the Super Bowl regularly to take a microphone and announce door-prize Winners. Guests won jackets, sweatshirts, sleeping bags and tents, and every one of the first 100 guests received a JanSport backpack obtained by youth coordinator Will Vinson. Vinson, 18, began serving at church Super Bowl banquets when they began five years ago. His phone call convinced the company JanSport to donate the backpacks. Church volunteers filled the backpacks with fruit and pudding cups, shampoo, deodorant and more. Slices of cake and coffee and beverages of tea and lemonade ended the meal. Al, a diner who declined to give his last name, took a break from singing along to Paul McCartney's "Hey Jude" during the half-time show to say he has been coming to the church's Super Bowl banquet from the beginning. "I love it," Al said. "All the people are nice. But Philly's got to play to win this one." Help us answer this and other health-related questions. Reach 50,000 prospective clients and customers by advertising in the Alligator's informative supplement, To Your Health. Deadline: Tuesday, February 15 Run Date: Tuesday, February 22 In (D 0. 0 () 0 C) (1) 40 M0 0 L. 0 0 E 0 A homeless man shows Super Bowl spirit Sunday at First United Methodist Church. The church held a Super Bowl party for homeless locals. [txtl To:46691 "inlw.coln


BUY IT. SELL IT.FIND IT. 373-FIND Classif ieds MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2005 EM~mm%%%E20BRSERMEMM. : -.V ___ .I=R%4EWM01EEEWAMNE ALLIGATOR For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent l nfurnishe urnished unfurnished unfrnished )n1urnished ONE IN A MILLIONtt! Roommate matching 3/3 from only $445 FREE Cable w/ HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm Gated*24hr gym* tan FREE*Close to UF Leasing for NOW & FALL*377-2777 4-20-71-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsLong & short term lease Now as tam as $355 monthly Inc all utilities ph 336-9836 4-20-71-1 Live in Peace! Luxury 3BR & 4BR, includes: utilities, furniture, individual lease, W/D, extended cable. Starting at $480/mo. Call The Landings at 336-3838. 4-20-71-2 *** SORORITY ROW AREA *** Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall. Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single & double suites available. Starting at $400/mo includes everything -gym, pool, DSL, electric, etc. 337-9255 or 4-20-71-1 1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio, park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail 3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/ mo 4-20-71-1 PROF/GRAD STUDENT. Safe, quiet furn or unfurn. All amenities $300/mo Leave mssg. 333-8300 12-5-5-1 *Incredible Deal 1/1 in 4/4* with: internet & cable & elec & water walkin closets, full bath, wash/dry pool view, gym, FULL furnish Call for more info 352-258-3542 2-25-27-1 Just Bring Your Clothes! Furnished 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875 Luxury living with all the perks! Includes cable, utility packages avail All we need is you! 372-8100 4-20-60-1 $800/mo 2BR/2 pvt BA townhouse. Haile Plantation. Spacious. Vaulted ceiling, sky -light. Call Katie 332-4404 2-8-10-1 Furn. room in private home for female, NS. Kitchen & laundry priv, private bath Utils + cable, furn. $300/mo Avail March 1st 352372-3713 2-17-15-1 I'VE HAD IT WITH YOUR LOUD MUSIC! Is your roommate driving you crazy? Find a replacement in the Alligator Classifieds! GATOR PLACE APTS 3600 SW 23 St. 2BR/1 BA W/D is optional. Park in front of your apt. Pet play park. 2 mi to VA/Shands. $525/mo 372-0507. 4-20-71-2s QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1 BR apt. $325/mo. 01BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 4-20-71-2 AVAILABLE NOW Walk to UF, Studios and 1 BR's From $505. Free parking Open WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-71-2 LYONS SPECIAL $89 1st month's rent 377-8797 4-20-71-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Watson Realty Corp. REALTORS" Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 4-20-71-2 CAN'T FIND PARKING? BUS FULL? Studios & 1/1s from $459 at UF Pool *We Pay Most Utilities Pets OK Residents get FREE parking.guaranteed You can't live any closer! 372-7111 4-20-71-2 QUALITY YOU CAN AFFORD! Avail NOW orAUGUST! 0 1BR $530/2BR $580/3BR $735 0 HUGE floor plans! 2 PoolsI Pets Welcome! ** 335-7275 4-20-71-2 BIG CITY LIVING DOWNTOWN Stylish Studios, 1/1's, 2/2's, 3/3's Pool*Alarm*Pets Welcome Avail. Now/Fall: 338-0002 4-20-71-2 OSUN BAY APTSO OGrad students $99 DepositO *0Walk or Bike to Campus 00 1-1 $460/moa02-1 $520/mo @00376-6720 4-20-71-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $410 -$515, ino water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066 335-7066. 4-20-71-2 Quiet Convenience! Location! 1BR $460 2BR $530 Beautiful pools/courtyards! Walk to UF! Pets Welcome! Now or Augusti 372-7555 4-20-71-2 SEPARATE FROM THE COMMON PLACE Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA W/D incl. *FREE Cable&Alarm* 24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF Museum Walk 379-9255 4-20-71-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Oul House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 4-20-71-2 "Free for All" Huge 3BR/2BA $850 Alarm -'cool pool -tennis -b-ball Free UF parking -Perfect for pets Amazing specials -376-4002 4-20-71-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 4-20-71-2 Perfect for 1, Big enough for 2! 750 Sq Ft, Patio, We love pets! Alarm*Poo[*UF Parking*DW*Gym Move-in now, 1 month free! 332-7401 4-20-71-2 LIVE EVERY DAY A VACATIONl!! 1 BR/i BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH FREE cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME*Alarm Gated*24hr gym*Tan FREE*Close to UF SPRING SPECIALS*377-2777 4-20-71-2 Indulge Yourself Luxury 2 & 3 BRs FREE tanning, 24 hr Gym Gated entry, pets ok Limited spots, 372-0400 4-20-71-2 ***Beautiful and New* 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable w/HBO/Showtime FREE Tanning & 24 hr Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen Now & Fall 374-FUNN (3866) 4-20-71-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 4-20-71-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 4-20-71-2 Make Them Green With Envy! Luxury 2&3 Bedrooms from $850 Cable*W/D*Newly Remodeled Pool*Hot Tub*Tennis*Gym*PC Lab Reserve now for fall! 372-8100 2 4-20-71-2 HOUSES and CONDOS All locations and price ranges If you are tired of apt life Go to or call 374 6905. 8-24-170-2 Leasing Now & Fall Large 2BR/1 BA $629, 3BR/2BA $855 Alarms, pets welcome, free UF parking Call 373-1111 or visit 4-20-71-2 1 BLOCK FROM UF Luxury 2BR/2BAtoWnhomes. W/D, private balconies. Open until 8pm and WEEKENDS Leasing for Fall 371-7777 4-20-71-2 4BR/4BA at UF Only 2 left for Fall Luxury Townhomes W/D, Alarm, Pets ok. OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-71-2 Rooftop Luxury Overlooking UF Private 3/2 with HUGE deck W/D*Free Parking*Elevator Access One of a kind luxury! 372-7111 4-20-71-2 Summer rates plus July FREE on a 15 month lease Sun Island Properties 376-6720 4-20-71-2 Need space for a 2,3 or 4-some? TH, W/D & DW. We love ALL pets Pool*Park @ UF *Free Gym*Alarm Move-in now, I month free! 332-7401 4-20-71-2 *LIVE A RESORT LIFESTYLE* 1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym PC lab, Dated, Trash Svc, All amenities. Leasing Nom & Fall, 335-4455 4-20-71-2 Want more? Free even! 4BR 2.5 $1020 -Only 1 left Spacious floor plan -alarm -tennis Free UF parking -376-4002 4-20-71-2 BIG VALUE, SMALL PRICE 2BR TH $639 inc W/D, alarm, park free@UF Pets welcome, Daily Specials! Avail NOW or Fall 373-1111 4-20-71-2 Pine Rush Apartments 1&2 BR apt homes starting @ $429/mo $150 deposit. $200 off 1st month rent 375-1519 4-20-71-2 More.for less, FREE even!. 2BR/2BA -Only $680 Pool -bus route -alarm -tennis Pet perfectFree Stop by and see us -376-4002 4-20-71-2 1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA $525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals, W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF. 332-7700. 4-20-71-2 1 BR & 2BR/1BA with W/D, central heat/air, .dishwasherceramic tile, private patio, pets arranged. Off SW 34th St. Near bus rt. From $499 377-1633 2-25-38-2 Classifieds. Continued on next page. How To Place A Classified Ad: In Person: Cash, Check, MC, or Visa The Alligator Office 1105 W. University Ave. M-F, 8arn -4pm UF Bookstore at Reitz Union M -F, 8am -6pm, Sat. 10am -5pm By Mail: Use forms appearing weekly in The A//igator. Sorry, no cash by mail. MC, Visa or checks only. By Phone: (352) 373-FIND Payment by Visa or MasterCard ONLY. M -F, 8am -4pm. By Fax: (352) 376-4556 When Will Your Ad Run? Classifieds begin TWO WORKING DAYS after they are placed. Ads placed at the UF Bookstore may take THREE days to appear. Ads may run for any length of time and be cancelled at any time. Sorry, but there can be no refunds or credits for cancelled ads. Corrections and Cancellations: Cancellations: Call 373-FIND M -F, 8am -4pm. No refunds or credits can be given. Alligator errors: Check your ad the FIRST day it runs. Call 373-FIND with any corrections before noon. THE ALLIGATOR IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FIRST DAYTHE AD RUNS INCORRECTLY. Corrected ads will be extended one day. No refunds or credits can be given after placing the ad. Changes called in after the first day will not be further compensated. Customer error or changes: Changes must be made BEFORE NOON for the next day's paper. There will be a $2.00 charge for minor changes. All real estate advertised herein is subject Is the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal tx advertise "any preference, limitation, en discriminatixon because of cxlxr, religion see, handicap, familial status, en national origin, at intention to make limitation, or discrimination." We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. -All employment opportunities advertised herein are subject to the laws which prohibit discriminaion in employment (barring legal exceptions) because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, age, or any other covered status. This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising fron contacts made through the type of advertisingiiat is know as "personal" or "connections" whether or not they actually appear under those classifications. We suggest that any reader who responds to that type of advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out persona information. -Although this newspaper uses great care in accepting or rejecting advertising according to its suitability, we cannot verily that all advertising claims or offers are completely valid in every case and, therefore, cannot assume any responsibility for any injury or loss arising from offers and acceptance of offers of goods and/or services through any advertising contained herein.


12, ALLIGATOR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2005 ~F Rnt i For Rent7F RentF Rent For Rent ufunished unfurnished unfurishedn up ishU ed ALREADY SICK OF YOUR ROOMMATE? SPECIAL DEALS AT SUN KEY 376-6720 4-20-71-2 ***LIVE IN LUXURY** HUGE TWNHMS:2/2 & 3/3 Free cable, w/HBO-& Showtime W/D*alarm*free tanning*comp lab Pets welcome*Private dog park Leasing NOW & FALL 377-2801 4-20-71-2 Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 e ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups & DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 4-20-71-2. Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft 1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats! Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480. Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070. 4-20-71-2 HOUSES Close to UF, schools, shopping, 630 NW 35th St. 3/2, family room, carport, Ig screened porch, fenced backyard $1200 331-0095 OTHER HOUSES AVAILABLE. 4-20-71-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 4-20-71-2 One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished. Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 2-14-35-2 Up to 1 month FREE rent 20 steps to class! Studios, 1, 2 &3BR apts Avail Aug. Special from $320/person. Lofts, hrdwd firs & more. Going fast Call 376-6223 TrimarkProperties.corn 4-20-71-2 Apartments Available Now All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse our listing FREE WWW.SUBLET.COM 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-21-71-2 *2 BLOCKS TO UF* Large 3BR/1 BA House Carpet, cent H/AC, 3ble March 1st $700/mo 375-8256 4-20-70-2 Have Roommates? 3BR/2BA House $950 Only You? 1 BR/1 BA House $450 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2 So Close to Campus Avail now, 2BR/1 & 2 BA apts. $400, $450, $695 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 4-20-70-2 1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UP/Downtown. 2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 3734423 or online at 8-15-95-2 PET'S PARADISE, no app/pet fee. townhomes. 2BR, privacy fence, modern appliances, ceiling fans, SW. Private owner, please leave detailed message. $375-525/ mo 331-2099 2-17-30-2 SHORT LEASE NEGOTIABLE on sc/me units SEE PET'S PARADISE AD 352-3312099 2-17-30-2 LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT? The Leasing Connection 1608 NW Ist Ave Located right behind Florida Bookstore Plenty of FREE PARKING! FREE Apartment & Housing Locator Service Call 352-376-4493 or visit 3-31-56-2 3BR across from UF Avail Fall, From $385 per BR. Vaulted ceilings, laundry, Breakfast bar, pets ok. Open WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-69-2 WOOD FLOORS at UF 1&2 BRs avail Fall Pets ok, some w/ WID OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 4-20-69-2 115 STEPS FROM CAMPUS!!! Luxury -Opposite Library West! Beautiful 2BRI2BA.all amenities LOOKING GLASS APTS Call 376-1111 or Come by 111 NW 16th St. #1 4-20-69-2 2BR/1.5BA 5-10 min bike ride to med or UF All new carpet, W/D, DW, stove. No smk, pets, 239-898-9317 1038 B off SW 6 St on 10th Ln. $600/mo 3-7-38-2 6 MONTH LEASE! 2BR/1.5BA Duplex, walk to UF, CH/AC, $495/rent, 805 NW 3rd Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-24-2 DOWNTOWN LOCATION! 3BR/2BA Wood floors, fireplace, living & dining rooms, Den, $625/rent, 223 SW 4th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-24-2 CHEAP RENT! 2BR/1.5BA W/d hookups, CH/AC, dishwasher, $475/mo 5320 NW 20th Court Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-24-2 WALK TO UF Studio $335/mo lER $400/mo 2BR $695/mo Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387 www.gore-rabelLcom 4-20-68-2 *AVAILABLE NOW* 2BR/1BA HAILE HOUSE 3BR/2BA HAtLE HOUSE 2BR/1BA BRANDYWINE 6654106 CHARLENE 1-26-10-2 **1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL** NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, pain 2BRover 1100 sq ft 00 $650/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00 $550/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $30 off deposit 0 376-2507 4-20-63-2 3BR/4BR -LIKE A HOUSE Huge townhouse, fireplace, W/D hook-ups, patio, New carpet & tile, fitness & basketball high speed wireless internet 3BR/2.5BA only $850 4BR/3BA only $1099 Close to UF in SW Beautiful/quiet e 376-2507 4-20-63-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE. Close to UF & Santa Fe. Tile floors, Berber carpet, all appliances Inc. Privacy fenced-in yard. $1050/mo. Call 2159987 2-14-21-2 SEROIUS.STUDENTS ONLY. New 3BR/2BA house, 2 car garage in brand new subdivision close to UF & SFCC. All appliances $1300/mo Negotiable based on length of lease. Call 215-9987 2-14-21-2 1 BR w/pvt gated courtyard. Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW 23rd St. Starting @ $380/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150. Please leave a message. 2-16-21-2 Threesomes Welcome! All the space you need only $1050 Pool*Hot Tub* Tennis*Gym*PC Lab W/D*Cable with HBO*Extra Storage The perfect three-bedroom! 372-8100 4-20-60-2 Haile Plantation -Laurel Park. 3BR/2BA Beautiful home. Quiet neighborhood. Great running trails. $1200/mo Avail 3/1. Bruce 246-3690 2-25-26-2 DUCK POND! Cute 1BR/1BA, wood floors, eat-in kitchen, ceiling fans, $475/rent 305-C NE 6th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-15-2 *NOW PRE-LEASING* 1BR $699 -2BR $839 -3BR $999 $99 dep. Full size W/D, Direct Campus Access, Pool, Fitness Center! Open M-F 8:30 -5:30, Sat 11-4 Pebble Creek Apts 376-9607 4-20-59-2 NW 39 Ave 2/2, patio, loft, new w/d ptn fir, Ig open, good area $580-610 0 2/2, patio, gate $510-515 S SW fancy 2BR near UF, Ig kit, sc pch, fenced, trees $545-560 0 Share 2BR $300-450 @ 373-8310 2-7-10-2 Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces. 1 BR $470 w/water & sewer. First, last, security. SE historic district. No dogs please. 3783704 2-8-10-2 WALK TO SFCC New 1700 sq ft 3BR/2BA home Rent $1250/mo or by indiv BR Avail 2/1 Call 283-6279 2-8-10-2 AVAILAUG 1 4bed/2bath house, wood floors, dishwasher, fireplace, wash/dry, fenced yard, all beds large. 1375/m 830 NW 16 Ave. Call 339-2342 Other houses avail. 2-9-10-2 AVAIL AUG 1. 3bed/1 bath very nice house wood floors, garage, very private backyard, wash/dry 924 NW 9th Ave. Call 339-2342 for directions 1075/m. Other houses avail. 2-9-10-2 I'LL PAY YOU $1000 to rent my 1 ER apt. Located in Frederick Gardens apt. complex. Very close to UF. You pay $300, I'll pay $150 monthly, thru August. Call Chris 620-687-1224 2-10-10-2 ABRACADABRA! Sorento Pool Club Comm. 3BR/2 BA, 2 car garage. $1,100/mo. Call 352-318-3721 or 332-0602 2-10-10-2 3 BRI2 BA HOUSE close to UF/Shands. Available now. $950/ mo 1st/last/sec.3309 NW 18th St 352-2845119 2-10-10-2 MOST WANTED Debora Karen Toole White Female (DOB 03/05/65); 5'06 140 lbs, Blonde Hair, Green Eyes Wanted for: Felony violation of probation warrant for resisting an officer with violence. ALACUA CcOUNTY CRIME STOPPERS Call (352) 372-STOP DUCKPOND AREA Cute 3BR/1BA cent H/AC, fireplace, W/D hk-up, DW, tile & wood floors 731 NE 9th St $850/mo 316-1637 225-20-2 BIKE TO SHANDS & VET SCHOOL! OSpacious studio, washer/dryer, Fenced yard, lawn svc, $450/rent 3BR 2BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer, fenced yard, lawn svc, $1 000/rent 4BR 3BA, terrazzo floors, washer/dryer, fenced yard, $1400/rent 3811 SW 20th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2 BIKE TO UF! 3BR 2BA, carport, Washer/dryer, porch, pets considered, Avail nowl $895/rent, 2222 SW 14th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2 CUTE NW HOUSE! 2BR 1BA, Ceramic tile, screen porch, w/d hookups, $750/rent, 4234 NW 26th Drive Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-10-2 AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house. Large house with large bedrooms, game room, wash/dry included, dishwasher, large living room. 2100 NW 8th Ct. Call for directions 339-2342 $1325/m 2-9-8-2 AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house, very private yard, fireplace, tile floors, wash/dryer included, dishwasher, $1350/m 2606 NW 34 St. 339-2342 for directions 2-9-8-2 AVAIL AUG 1: 4bed/2bath house close to campus, wash/dryer, fireplace, wood floors, dishwasher, private back yard. $1525/m 1105 NW 10th Ave. call 339-2342 Nice house. 2-9-8-2 JS. %-t;tL E LM (D 0. 0 9 *0111 AIC C t 'IAVAIL AUG 1: 3bed/2bath house close to bus line. Tile floors, pets ok, wash/dry, fenced yard on quiet road. 4100 NW 14 PL 339-2342 for directions. $975/m 2-9-8-2 2 APTS AVAILABLE 2BR/1BA Tower Oaks. Wood floors, fenced yard, $525/mo. Call 386-462-1010 2-1410-2 1,2 & 3BR with GATED ENTRY! HUGE apts w/screened porches FREE Alarm FREE Tanning 24-hour Gym Quiet NWArea Move-in Specials 372-0400 4-20-71-2 HISTORIC DUCKPOND NEIGHBORHOOD Charming studio. Privacy over detached garage. 1.8 mi from UF. $450+/mo sec. dep. Small pets. Avail now. 371-7149 2-15-10-2 ***CASABLANCA EAST*** 2BR/2.5BA Townhouse, close to UF, Student's dream. $750/mo, low dep, W/D incl. Call Phil at 352-235-0600 2-15-10-2 Avail. Aug 1: 4bed/2bath house. Ceramic tile floors, extra game room, fenced yard, pet ok, wash/dry provided, dishwasher. 1330 NW 39th St. 339-2342 for directions $1275/mo 2-9-5-2 GREAT FOR STUDENTS! 3BR/2BA house, close to UF & Shands, on bus route, 1 car garage, tile fir, fireplace, 1450 sq ft, Avail now! $975/mo, sec dep. Call Casey to move in 352-514-2936 2-25-17-2 Beautiful historic home, wood floors, high ceilings, 3-4 BR/2BA, large fenced yard $1400/mo. Downtown location near UF. Call Tom at 262-6423 2-16-10-2 0 a. Ei 9, ft


MONDAY FEBRUARY 7, 2005NLLIGATOR; 13 For Rent For Rent ubleases Subleases F Subea'Il Unnished unfurnished J ) Quiet & Clean! 2BR/1BA $525, quiet neighborhood, 1000 sq ft, tile firs, spacious living/dining rm, WD hook-ups, pvt patio in backyard, near UF, 1824 NW 10th St. 3760080 2-9-5-2 House on Suwannee River w/ clear spring in backyard, Bell FL, 3BR/2.5BA, W/D hkups, scr porch, cent H/AC, quiet neighborhood Ig yard w/ trees, fenced. $800/mo 376-0080 2-9-5-2 LARGE 2BR/2BAAPT. Close to campus. Available Feb to Aug. $550/mo. Call 386871-7184 2-16-10-2 0 373-2505 0 1BR 0 207 NE Blvd $470 2BR 0 318 NE 2nd Ave $600 0 202 NW 12 Terr Cottage $600 0 3BR O 1120 SW 1st Ave $1100 0 202 NW 12 Terr $900 0 HOUSES 0 3BR 0 109 SW 24th St. $1275 0 2250 W Univ Ave $1500 0 1616 NW 31 Pl 2BR $700 0 P Mendoza Realty check for move in discounts 2-8-3-2 3BR/2BA, family room, fireplace, vaulted ceilings, screened porch, garage, 1.5 acres. Great country location. Min from Shands/VAI Vet School. 7810 SW 100th Pl. 352-2845119 $950 w/disc. 1st/last/sec. 2-10-5-2 ***WALK TO CAMPUS*** Available now. 2BR/2BA apt off of NW 17th St. 3 blks from campus. W/D hookup, DW, All pets ok. $500/mo. No dep. Call 352-2195323 2-17-10-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/2.5BA Townhouse $750/mo 3BR/2BA Downtown $850/mo 5BR/2BA Walk to UF $995/mo Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today: 371-2118 4-20-50-2 2BR/1.5BA townhome, W/D, DW, new appliances, on bus route, NS, no pets, $650/mo Call 352-335-0455 2-10-5-2 AVAILABLE MAY! Downtown 1BR1 BA, CH/AC, water included, $415/rent, 411 SW 2nd Street #3 Carl Turlingotn Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 2-11-5-2 WALK TO UF! Studio apt 8 blocks to campus. Wood floors/ large windows. $395/mo Call 352-284-9610_ Avail @ immediately! 2-18-10-2 Apartments Sublets & Roommates All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500 Short-Long & Furn-Unfurn 1-(877) FOR-RENT (367-7368) W/IWW.SUBLET.COM 4-20-71-3 BEST DEAL IN GAINESVILLE $350 for 1BR in a 2BR/2BA apt. Call 352318-5438 2-22-30-3 Cheap & 2 min to UF Avail Now. $350/mo incl utils. Call 514-5733. 2-11-20-3 1BR/1BA. Large BR w/walk-in closet. Free parking across from UF. Rent incl water, sewer, garbage, pest control. $450/mo. [ease until 7/05. Please call 352-598-5481 2-16-20-3 ACROSS FROM NORMAN HALL Huge 2/1, wd firs, cent, A/C sublet til end of Apr. $900 dep -can work deal, $695 month 352-264-3523 or 352-378-1387 2-7-11-3 WALK TO CLASS! $250/mo Now til Aug. Courtyards 352-328-6967 all included! 2-27-3-3 MAGNOLIA PLACE APTS on NW 39th St. 1BR/2Ba, garage, luxury twonhome. Brand new. $768/mo ($950 original price) Call Linda 866-730-6152 or evenings 377-0289 2-7-10-3 Female sublease at Courtyards. 1 bedroom in 4/2 townhouse furniture & util included; $399/mo NO sec dep, 1 st mo rent free 514-6408 or 2-7-10-3 Two bedroom/two full bath Sublease available immediately Seven month sublease Homestead Apartments. Call 338-1588/283-3885 add'I info 2-8-10-3 SUMMER sublease @ Campus ClubI Everything incl: maid svc, all utils, cable, ethernet & more. NO FEES! $400/mo. May 1-Aug 5. Female only. Please call 352-2625995 2-8-10-3 SUBLEASING APT. I'm moving to NYCl 1 BR/1 BA in 3 BR/3 BA apt. Willing to give away living rm furniture to the subleaser. $473mo utils incl. Completely furnished. 352-258-6775 2-10-10-3 Sublease March thru Aug 2005. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA @ Lexington Crossing. Female only. $430/mo, all incl. Enet, W/D, on bus rt, furn or unfurn. Clean & friendly roommates. Last mo free. 352-359-2872 2-14-10-3 1 Bdrm in a 2/2.5 new townhouse, $385/mo. Avail March 1, will work around date if needed. call Jessica 367-4053 2-14-10-3 1/1 in 3/3 Cobblestone TH. Avail thru July. Serious minded F student only. $350/mo. 954-478-2724 2-7-5-3 1 BR avail 2/12 in University Commons furn 4 BR apt. $385/m o r elect. FEB RENT FREE! We pay all start up fees + give you $200 CASH upon signing lease! Please call 540-785-0404 or email 2-9-5-3 WALK TO CLASSl 1 BR in 4/2 Townhouse at Courtyards from May-Aug. 352-264-7847 $399/mo all included! 2-7-3-3 1 BR apt, close to KashNKarry on 34th St. Take over lease 2/15 to 4/30, renewal option. $409/mo. Feb rent, transfer fees paid by me. Keep sec dep. Pool, pets welcome. Call Erik 262-1551 2-11-7-3 Furnished 1 BR/BA avail Mar 1 in a 2/2. Kitchen, living room, W/D, @ The Exchange. $480/mo 772-473-0560 2-8-5-3 University Glades Sublease! SUMMER: May-Aug. $440/mo. BR w/ personal bath in 3/3 apt. lncl all utils. Furniture avail. Call Stacey 352-336-1968 2-9-5-3 ***AVAILABLE NOW*** Share a 3/2 HOUSE w/ F. Fenced backyard, wood flrs, carpet, pool table, bar. Must know when to study, when to party. $350/mo. 727-743-4289 2-;-5-3 2BR/2BA apt sublet. New beige carpet. All appliances incl & W/D. Close to UF in quiet neighborhood. $550/mo. Call Rodney 317-1536 2-11-6-3 I'LL GIVE U $200 TO MOVE IN! 2/1 In Beval Apts. Incl. W/D hkup, new carpet, excell cond. Rent valued $520, u pay $499/mo. Avail 2/28-7/31, can renew. Call 256-0501 2-10-5-3 ***WALK TO CAMPUS*** Available now. 2BR/2BA apt off of NW 17th St. 3 blks from campus. W/D hookup, DW, All pets ok. $500/mo. No dep. Call 352-2195323 2-17-10-3 SANTA FE POINTE 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. All utils incl. $400/mo. 1st month FREE. Sublease until Aug 15th. Call 954-536-8010 2-10-5-3 OXFORD MANOR 1BR/1 BA, walk-in-closet, private bath in 2BR/2BA furn, all util incl $512/mo neg. Feb free. Female. Sublease until 7/05. 904-571-8337 lbr/lbath of 2br/2bath util, cable, internet inct. Furn or unfurn avail. $535/month in the Cambridge. Call Aaron @ 352-258-5465 or e-mail 2-11-5-3 1BR/1BA in 4pR/BA apt fur, liv rm, kit, laundry, W/O, pooi, tanning, clubhouse, bball, tennis. FEB FREE. $400/mo incl elec, water, garbage, NO activity fees. 786-5549339 .2-18-10-3 Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 4-20-71-4 Classifieds. Continued on next page. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" SHOWCASE YOUR APARTMENT PROPERTY IN -TM ADVERTISING 376-4482 alligator


14, ALLIGATOR I MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2005 FormtsRoommates RF urnishigs Compntr BygesFemale roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Resposible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 4-20-71-4 Female roommates wanted brand new 2100 sq ft home. Huge pool, pvt fence, minutes to UF. Internet, HBO cable, sec alarm & utils incl $525/mo.Aval Fall. Call Jacqueline 352395-7462 or 941-780-3526 4-20-71-4 GIRLS ONLY 2 rooms each w/prvt baths. cent AC, W/D, cable incl. Interenet ready. $375/mo each. 1 mo FREE. Call 352-4729778 2-9-25-4 Sublets and Rooms Available All Florida Areas; All Major Cities Browse available Rooms FREEl 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 4-20-71-4 Roommate Clean. 3/2 house Near UF/SFCC. Pool, big yard, W/D, cable ethernet, garage, NS. $380/mo share utils. Call Jake 352-3768099 or 239-564-0069 2-7-20-4 M/F NS Grad student/professional wanted to rent furn room in gorgeous new house 1.5 mi to Shands. Kitchen, LR, laundry $425+ utils 336-5450 or 954-646-1341 2-15-20-4 Avail NOW Great location 1 BR/1BA in 3BR/ 3BA, washer and dryer, high speed internet, $308/mo + util. Females only, please call Lauren @ 352-799-3726 Lv message. 211-22-4 M/F responsible student to share 3BR/2BA home in quiet NW area. $300/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 352-303-6128 or 727-458-237 2-7-15-4 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED in spacious 4/2 HOUSE by law school. Master BR $450 or other BR $350 + utils. AD, W/D. Call 850510-4063 or 352-328-4633 2-16-20-4 1 Male roommate wanted to share 4BR house w/3 guys. Only .7 mi from campus @ 2 NW 29th St. Pets ok. $275/mo + utils. No lease or dep. 745-6017 2-9-10-4 Large furnished BR in 3BR house w/ den, porchtty/D, off Archer Rd. Bike to campus. NS female, grad, professional or quiet student pref, $210/mo. Call 373-0357 2-8-5-4 Student in 2BR/2BA looking for friendly M/F near Tower/Newberry. $350/mo + util. W/D, TV incl. Mike @ 352-514-1852 2-8-5-4 Female roommate needed. 1BR available in 2BR/2.5BA condo. $425/mo + 1/2 utils. W/D, cent A/C. sec dep. Kensington North condo. 352-379-3497 2-10-7-4 M/F roommate. Furnished except bedroom. Private bathroom. On-site gym, pool, and hot tub. $274/month. Call Katy 813-966-7998 2-15-9-4 Prof/grad to share 2/2 new condo. Plantation Oaks. MBR suite, W/D, C/HA, DW. $450/ mo + 1/2. Avail now. Call 538-6505 ASAP. Very spacious and secure scenic location. 2-9-5-4 Unfurn rm in huge 4/3 house 1.4 mi to UF. NW 6th St, big TV, pool table, W/D, cent AC, DW, hi-spd inet, big yard, $350 + 1/4 util avail. Now call Dmitriy 373-7231 2-10-5-4 Quiet Female Roommate Wanted. 2Bd/2Bth in Treehouse Village. W/D in unit. Bus every 10 min. Two small pools and workout room. $290/month and split bills. 213-2458 2-10-44 Roommate needed $200 mo (+$200 refundable deposit) +1/2 utlI. Furnished 2BR/2BA. Must be able to pass a background check. (352)335-6274 2-10-4-4 Male grad/mature stu for small furnished apt for 1 person only on side of private home, no pets, clean, quiet, patio, 1 mi from UF, avail Jan 1. $400 w/util incl. On bus line. 378-2016 2-11-5-4 Roommate wanted in a 2BR/2BA apt w/22 yr old female. $320/mo + $150 sec dep + utils. Call 352-870-7670, 352-377-0295. Avail now. 2-11-5-4 al Real Estate. Sell your house, coedo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDSI Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please 'Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd fIrs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 Iv mssg 4-20-71-5 NEW COMPANY IN GAINESVILLE looking to buy or lease houses in this area. Any size, price or condition. Call Ed & Diane 352-373-2728 4-20-71-5 The Flavor of New Orleans comes to campus. Luxurious St. Charles Condominiums. 1 block to UF. Choose from 2BR/2BA flats, or view the University from your 3BR/3BA townhouse. Prices starting in the $180's 3758256 4-20-71-5 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PURCHASING A HOUSE OR CONDO NEAR UF? Plenty of properties are available. Call Marc J. Nakleh at Campus Realty 352-235-1576 2-25-25-5 LIVE THE LUXURY OF LOFTS OASIS! Manhattan/S. Florida loft style condos, Brand new, spacious floorplans, 2/2.5, 3/3.5, 1400 sq ft, 18 ft windows, exposed ductwork, polished floors. On bus rt. Close to campus/Archer Rd. Take advantage of pre-construction prices. Call Matt Price at Campus Realty Today, 281-3551 or visit 2-15-10-5 WANT ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO BE JEALOUS OF YOU NEXT YEAR? Own + live in a new luxury campusarea condo. Over 10 new projects to choose from at affordable prices. Visit or call today 352-281-3551 Matt Price Campus Realty Group 2-15-10-5 TIRED OF RENTING? Let me help you find a house or condo to call your own. Call Brett Wherry at 352412-8662 Century 21 Classic Properties 352-376-2433 x 20 2-18-11-5 Furnishings BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pillow-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-3727490 will deliver. 4-20-71-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice.$140. Call 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" SOFA& LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $1400. Sacrifice $399 352-372-7490 4-20-71-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 420-71-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 4-2071-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver, Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 4-20-71-6 SOFA, LOVESEAT, & CHAIR 100% Italian leather. Still new in boxes w/warranty. Cost $5000. Sacrifice $1,500. Call 352-372-8588 4-20-71-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 4-2071-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell $199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 4-20-71-6 Beds*Full mattress & boxspring sets $490Qn sets $89*Single sets $39OKing sets $99OFrom estate sale: Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. Call a Mattress 4370 SW 20th Ave 4-20-71-6 BED -King size redwood shaker style frame w/ king mattress & box. Great condition $425/OBO. Call 352-281-6191 2-8-5-6 computers *G'ville Computer Repair Inc* Service on all PC MAC and Networks 1204 NW 13th St Ste #10 352-337-2500. 4-2071-7 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC. Complete residential & commercial support, networking & website development. $45/hr 371-2230 4-20-71-7 LAPTOP REPAIR' Buy & sell. Looking for quantity for parts. 336-0075 4-20-71-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working affd Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 4-20-71-7 Computer/Internet 352.219.2980 4-20-66-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -networks, wireless, virus -we BEAT all prices! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 4-20-66-7 Electronics Z DISCOUNT HI-Fl 722 S. Main I The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 4-20-71-8 $10t TV's, COMPUTERS, VIDEO GAMES! Police Seized! From $10! Info 800-7498128 ext M974. 3-7-20-8 2 KICKER SOLOBARIC L7 10" car audio subwoofers w/ custom enclosure. $350/ OBO Call Eric 352-246-4452 2-9-5-8 NEW & USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from Best Prices in Townl SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 4-20-69-9 For8 le PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 4-20-71-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional cooking utensils. R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 4-20-71-10 GET CHEAP TEXTBOOKS! Search 24 bookstores in 1 click! S&H and taxes automatically calculated. Try it today! 2-15-35-10 STRESS? OVERLOAD? NEED TO RELAX? OR LOOKING FOR LOVE? Try Aphrodisia Beverage. 0 caleries, 0 sugar w/relaxing aphrodiciac herbs. Students using it nationwide. Buy/sell it. www.aphrodisiabeverage.c om or 2-25-20-10 WEDDING GOWN beaded halter, ivory, size 10. Never worn. Retail $500, Asking $400. Will bring to you to try. Julie 359-2241 2-9-5-10 **ROSES -VALENTINE'S SPECIAL ** Visit us Feb 12-14 @ SW Archer Rd/ SW 34th St Amoco &/or 6900 NW 8th Ave (Newberry Shell Station across from Oaks Mall) $25/doz $15/1/2doz. Vases also. 352235-0033 2-14-6-10 Come see what's new! GCM thrift shops downtown 238 SW 4th Ave, NW 5001 NW 34th St. Get more bang for your $! New items daily Mon -Sat 378-3654 4-20-43-10 Mtorcyces, Mopeds 8-23-170-7 Biycls** SCOOTERS **Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $10 Gator Discount. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 8-23-170-7 In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518SE2nd St. 377-6974 4-20-71-11V Did you place a Love-Line for your Valentine but don't want to tell them in person to look for it? Someone has placed a Love-Line for you in the February .14th Valentines Day issue of the Alligator. Clip this and slip it in their backpack, leave it on their pillow Love-Line deadline is February 7th Also available as a postcard at the aHigator office.


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2005E ALLIGATOR, 15 Motorcycles, Mpeds He9p WaAeo Help Wanted HUpy nted Swamp Cycles Electric Bikes, Scooters, and more! Prices from $450 with lyr warranty 534 SW 4th Ave. 373-8823 4-20-70-11 2002 HONDA METROPOLITAN SCOOTER Excellent condition, 49cc, brue & white color, $1300. Call Josh 352-317-4654 2-7-5-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. All models & directions avail on website. 4-20-50-11 SCOOTER FOR SALE $650 2002 Blue Sinski. Great condition! Call Matt 352-246-6130 2-10-5-11 2004 MOPED $900 Call Rob for more info 561-818-2077 211-5-11 Oil FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CAROL ORunning or notl NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS *Over 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 4-20-71-12 CARS -CARS Buy@Sel]*Trade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 4-20-71-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For: CARS, TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES Running or Not 1990 & up only Call Ray 352-284-8619 4-20-71-12 OVER 50-IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 4-20-71-12 Best Cars 9 Lowest Prices 4-20-71-1212 94 Del Sol Civic 5sp.$3995 96 Accord LX 4dr ..$4495 97 Civic 2dr AT .$4995 99 C ivic 4dr AT.$5995 GATORIDES. 318-0813 4-20-71-12 *HEADLINERS SAGGING?* **Power windows don't work?** On site available Call Steve 338-5142. 4-20-71-12 $500! Police Impounds! Hondas, Chevys, Toyotas, etc. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 3-739-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES Bring your W2 & drive home today. Cash cars as low as $1000. No credit check. Call now 338-1999 4-20-63-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES We finance anyone! $2000 discount off finance price. More than 150 vehicles in stock. Call 338-1999 Drive today! 4-20-63-12 SUN CITY AUTO SALES All vehicles $0 down & up! Plus +++ 30 day warranty eng & trans. No credit check. Call 338-1999 4-20-63-12 GATORMAX -USED CARS Buy, Sell, Trade, We Finance. 495-9500 2-18-20-12 95 ACURA INTEGRA SE 88k, excellent cond, dk green, w/ tan leather nt., new tires & A/C in '04. $7000/OBO. Call 352-375-0540 2-8-5-12 2001 Daewoo LeganCa CE Excellent condition, 32k miles, factory warranty, pwr package, 4-dr. Call Gaby 352-378_ 3953 2-8-5-12 '88 Honda Accord $699 '86 Buick LeSabre $799 '88 Toyota Corolla $899 '90 Acura Legend $999 (352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 '90 Chevy Lumina Van $1499 '93 Chevy Blazer $1499 '90 Ford F-150 $2499 '93 Chrystler New Yorker $1999 (352) 338-1999 4-20-45-12 Wanted LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 4-20-71-13 On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. 1 live in the Tower Rd area. 2-22-70-13 WANTED: MAZDA RX7 2-door, 1982 to '88. ASAP for 2 hour engineering study. 1983 preferred. $100. Call, lv. msg. 375-8710 2-10-10-13 ** I WILL BUY YOUR.** Car, Truck, House or Furniture "FOR FAST CASH" Call Now! 352-538-1690 3-8-20-13 Another Saturday night without a date? Read The Alligator. This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. for details. 4-20-71-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $5.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 4-20-71-4 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 4-20-71-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 420-71-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at employment 4-20-68-14 University of Florida Survey Research Center 392-2908 ext. 105 $7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training Nights + Weekends Telephone Interviewing NO SALES Must work spring break. 408 W. University Ave Suite #106 4-20-71-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 420-71-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF &.DRIVERS FT or PT, flexible schedules. Call 2-5pm 3782442 or come in and fill out an application @ California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St Mon-Fri 4-20-71-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 4-20-71-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 4-20-71-14 AUDITORS forlocal growing inventory service. FT/PT, DFWP. Paid training. Call 352-367-4608. 4-20-83-14 Mortgage lender has sales positions avail for college sudents seeking prof work exp. $8-9/hr + bonus. No exp req'd, flex hrs. Apply in person btwn 4-8pm Mon-Fri 1900 SW 34 St Ste 206 (2nd flr above credit union)4-2070-14 Growing -company needs PT help. Bookkeeper Quickbooks exp only. Delivery & warehouse, website administrator, clean background check only need apply. Fax resume with salary req to 377-5595 2-1019-14 1 GREAT PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO STAY! Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Cashiers (must have full day avail) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1 & PM 12-6 shifts avail) 15-40 hrs your choice. Great work environment. Apply in person 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No phone calls please. 2-28-38-14 Swim Instructor/Office Staff Seal Swim School now hiring energetic, fun, responsible individuals. PT/FT positions available. Competitive pay. WSI certification Feb. Lutz 813-948-7134; Tampa 813932-5455; North Pinellas 727-943-8782. 2-10-20-14 DOMINO'S PIZZA World's largest pizza delivery company now hiring Delivery Drivers Pizza makers Phone order takers $9 -$14/hr All you need is a reliable car & a very positive attitude. Apply @ any of the 5 Domino's locations in Gainesville. 4-20-70-14 Summer/Fall 2005 graduate opportunities for Graduate Hall Directors, Staff Resource Assistants and Judicial Assistant in the Ddepartment of Housing and Residence Education. Graduate Hall Directors reside in his/her area of responsibility, and supervise, develop, and direct the staff under his/her responsibility. The number of staff varies by area, as well as the number of residents living in the hall. The Staff Resource Assistants develop and facilitates programming and resources for residence life staff. The Judicial Assistant works with various aspects of the judicial program. Applicants must be admitted to graduate school., enrolled for 9-12 hours, and have some organized group living experience. The beginning salary is $3,420 each semester based on 9:5 months of work. An on-campus apartment, fully furnished with all utilities,local telephone, and basic cable service is provided. Application deadline (for priority consideration): Friday, February 18, 2005. Contact Kathy Smith at the Housing Office, 392-2171 ext 10139 2-18-33-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested come to the psychology bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297 4-20-63-14 DRIVERS NEEDED Can earn anywhere between $8-$20/hr. Set your own schedule. Call Dave for info: 379-9600 2-18-25-14 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR needed. is looking for responsible, enthusiastic people. City geography knowledge, customer svc. exp helpful. For more info call David 379-3663 2-18-25-14 02B Kids searching for energetic and enthusiastic pre-school teachers for all 02B locations. Experience preferred, will train. FT/PT positions. Avail. Apply at any location. 2-8-15-14 CASH Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here & make it! UF FLORIDA REPDIALS seeks UF students to reaise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105 NW 16th St. 4th Floor. Academic Classroom Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info. 4-20-63-14 MARY POPPINSWhere are you? FT NANNY NEEDED 30-45 hrs/wk 4 jobs avail TODAY: Great $$$ for exp. Noah's Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008 2-25-3714 PT/FT NANNIES NEEDED Good $ for exp: grad stud. welcomed bkgd ck: 12 REAL $$ jobs avail NOW Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 2-25-27-14 NANNIES -MORNING SHIFT Several positions availabel for Part Time, good $$$$$ MNOW Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008 2-25-27-14 $1380 weekly stuffing envelopes FT/PT No experience necessary. For more info call 386-462-9301 2-17-20-14 CRUISE LINE Entry level on-board positions available. Great benefits. Seasonal or year-round 941329-6434 2-17-20-14 COLLEGE STUDENTS HS, SENIORS/GRADS Good pay, flexible schedules, customer sales/svc, all ages 18+, conditions apply. Call 335-1577 2-7-22-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progressive company advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156 2-17-20-14 Officials& Scorekeepers for UF Intramural Sports. No experience necessary $6.75 -$7.25/hr for officials $5.50/hr for scorekeepers Evenings and weekends only For more info, stop by room 120 Southwest Rec or 846-1081 x278 UF Students only. 1-28-5-14 SUMMER JOBS 0$2100 Co-Ed Camp Seven Weeks Room and Board Included GET PAID TO PLAY! The Florida Elks Youth Camp (FEYC) needs wale and female Summer Camp Counselors ages 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight camp located off of Highway 450 in Umatilla, FL The camp runs June 6 -July 23. Please contact Krys Ragland at 1-800-523-1673 ext. 250 or 352-669-9443 ext 250. 4-20-58-14 SECRETARY needed. is looking for responsible, enthusiastic people. City geography knowledge, customer service exp helpful. For more info call David 3793663 2-18-19-14 PART TIME WORK Great Pay, ideal for students & second incomes, flex scheds, sales/svc, all ages 18+, conditions apply 335-1422 2-7-22-14 GET PAID for YOUR OPINIONS! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! 2-21-20-14 FUN INTERNSHIPS NOW!!! Enhance your resume and job skills! Energetic students wanting to achieve and succeed. All majors and years. -ecnail us now.! 2-11-13-14 Cook, Sushi Chef Chinese specialty FT/PT, call Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant (Haile Village Ctr) 352871-5771 2-10-10-14 THE MELTING POT RESTAURANT is now hiring for a dishwasher, kitchen prep position, full or part time. Evenings only. Pay starts at $7.00/hr. Apply within, Mon-Thurs, 1-4 pm, use rear entrance. 2-10-10-14 LEASING AGENT needed for 90-unit apt complex. Part-time, hours variable. Needed every-other weekend. E-mail resume to or PO Box 90275, Gainesville 32607 2-11-10-14 Continued on next page.


16, ALLIGATOR M MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2005Help Wanted 'Hp ed UeviZes er services Typing Services Movie extras, actors, models! make $100$300/day. No exp req, FT/PT, all looks needed' Call 1-800-340-5939 ext 1042 218-15-14 FLOWER SHOP HELPERS NEEDED for Valentine's week! Apply in person 319 NW 13th St. 2-7-5-14 PT CLEANING SERVICE Flexible hours. Great for College students. 378-8252 2-7-5-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF. Apply between 2 & 4 Mon;-Fri Calico Jack's, 3501 SW 2nd Ave Creekside Mail. 2-14-10-14 LEARN how you can EARN $100K + per year P/T. Training Provided. 800-631-8230 3-21-30-14 Escape to the Shenandoah Mtns of W Virginia. TIMBER RIDGE CAMP, co-ed, seeking young, energetic staff to work with children for the sunmer. 90 miles from Washington D.C. June 20 thru Aug 15, 2005. Top salaries + travel allowance. A representative will be on campus Wed Feb 16th from 7-9 pm @ The Reitz Union for interviews. E-mail or call 800-258-2267. 2-16-12-14 INBOUND CALL CENTER Many positions available, day & night shifts, $500-700 a week. Call 352-397-4344 2-85-14 GAG WRITER seeks ARTIST/ CARTOONIST to translate captions into saleable cartoons/New Yorker, Playboy, etc. Call 352-378-8353 2-8-5-14 GROUNDSKEEPER FT position. Janitorial/Custodial duties, assist with apt. maintMust have transportation Apply 220 N Main St 352-375-2152 EEO DFWP 2-8-5-14 Leasing Consultant PT Position with local Apt. CommunityEnergetic Attitude & Cust. Service Exp. Apply Paradigm Properties 220 N Main St 375-2152 2-8-5-14 Foreign language speaker wanted CZECH or IRISH Call Gallivan 352-337-2918 2-8-5-14 SERVER for Sawamura Japanese Steakhouse 1624 SW 13th St: Apply in person 1-4 pm. 2-3 days PT. 2-85-14 CASHIER PT 15 hrs/wk. $6/hr. Sat, Sun, Mon. ADA'S CLOTHES REPAIR 284-2959 2-85-14 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. PT, evenings, computer & various tasks, send resume to 6400 W. Newberry Rd, Suite 301, Gainesville, FL 32605 2-16-10-14 FREELANCE ONLINE TUTORS Instruct 3rd thru 12th grade students from any location; internet connection required; send resume to 2-2415-14 NANNY to care for 4 yr old in my home 3 days a week. 6:30-9:00 am and 3:00-8:00 pm. Ref required, background check. Call 271-0840 2-10-5-14 SALES ASSOCIATES F/T anhO/T for hotel. Hourly & bonus. Weekdays & Weekends. Friendly attitudes w/good customer svc skills. Apply in person : 4021 SW 40th Blvd 2-10-5-14 TGl FRIDAY'S Hiring all positions! Cometitive pay, exc. health & dental plans, 401K, tuition assistance & career opp. Apply in parses M-R 2-4 pm or anytime online @ FridoZyscom 2-11-5-14 DRIVERS NEEDED for Valentines in floral shop. Must have own vehicle w/AC. Apply in person 319 NW 13th St. 2-11-5-14 Pretigious Trail's End Camp -Pennsylvania Summer Camp -Guaranteed Experience of a Lifetime; Limited openings for Sports Specialists, Crafts Specialists, Waterfront Counselors (Lake & Pool), and General Counselors, June 19th -August 14th. Gain practical experience working with kids. 2-7-1-14 WORSHIP/PRAISE TEAM LEADER PT position @ local Christian Church 15 hrs/wk. Must be familiar w/current praise & worship music. Able to lead a band, sing & play guitar. Fax resume 352-377-0408 211-5-14 TACO BELL -Now hiring Looking for bright, energetic workers for all shifts Flexible scheduling and good starting pay. Apply today at 3408 SW Archer Road. 2-11-5-14 6 -Services AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 4-20-71-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF,. AAA approved 378-7830 4-20-71-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates, Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 4-20-67-15 ** GATOR MOVING & STORAGE ** Local and long distance moving. Free Estimates One item or a housefull. FL Reg # IM19 -Call Now! (352)374-4791 800-797-6766. 4-20-71-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 Personal and Group Training Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Call for a freeworkout 339-2199 4-20-71-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 4-20-71-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -ring-arena -round pens -experienced help -12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627. Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 4-20-71-15 MOSSWOOD FARM Come ride with us! Great Farm Awesome Horses & Top Notch Instruction. Hunters & Natural Horsemanship. 466-0465 4-20-67-15 TRAFFIC SCHOOL ONLINE Take Points Off Your Driver's License And Dismiss Traffic Tickets With Online Driver Improvement Courses 4-20-71-15 Whipoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture board. 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on premises. 376-8792 4-20-71-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm @ 466-4060 4-20-71-15 ***YOGA*** Classes & Workshops at Sanctuary 352-336-5656 4-20-71-15 PAPER-WRITING ASSISTANCE I can help you to complete your paper. Learn to write. Outline, research, grammar, coherent thought application, typing. Sliding scale. 24-hr svc. 374-7038 3-8-19-15 TERM PAPER HELP: Frustrated? Need Assistance? Help with research and writing? 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8, ALLIGATOR E MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2005 GYMNASTICS Gators bust Athens hex By DAN TREAT Alligator Writer The year was 1985. Zonald Reagan was in he White House, "Out >f Africa" won the Best ?icturp Oscar and "We Are the World" topped the mu;ical charts. It was also the last time :he No. 5 Gators gymnastics :earn won a meet in Athens, : a. That all changed Friday aight. UF fended off a late :harge by No. 7 Georgia nd overcame two falls on balance beam to defeat the Bulldogs 195.725-195.60. "Historically speaking, it's tremendous," Coach Rhonda Faehn said. "It's a big boost to their confidence as far as doing something to that magnitude after so many years of losing to Georgia." The Gators (7-2, 2-1 Southeastern Conference) held a commanding 1.175point lead heading into the final rotation but struggled on the balance beam, an event on which they are ranked No. 4 in the nation. UF had two falls, but Samantha Lutz scored a 9.75 as the Gators' final performer to seal the win. I would have loved to walk away from the competition not only winning but winning by a good point, which is what we should have done." Rhonda Faehn UF gymnastics coach "I honestly didn't even know our team score until the very end," Faehn said. "I look at the here and now and at that point I was disappointed with the mistakes we had made. "I would have loved to walk away from the competition not only winning but winning by a good point, which is what we should have done." IUF was able to jump out to such a large lead because of Georgia's struggles on uneven bars. The Bulldogs (8-1, 3-1 SEC) had two falls on the apparatus, and they were forced to count a score of 8.275 to the team total. Georgia's struggles on bars were counteracted by an impressive Gators performance. UF's 49.075 was their second highest score on the event this season. Freshman Ashley Reed scored her first collegiate event title on bars, garnering a 9.90 on her routine. "It was nice to see the improvement there," Faehn said. "Everyone did a really nice job; Ashley did a phenomenal routine and stuck her dismount." Despite the landmark win for her program, .aehn evoked a familiar refrain after the meet. "Obviously it's still fresh in their minds that they made mistakes," she said. "They made some crucial mistakes that we don't want to see happen under the next serious pressure situation, and that's going to be the focus this week in the gym." UF hurdles winless fall By NICK ZACCARDI Alligator Writer The wait is over for the UF men's golf team. After going winless in the fall, UF repeated the success as team champions in the Gator Invitational, shooting a combined 858 to defeat Wake Forest by eight shots and Florida State by 10. The Gators totaled a tournament-low team score of 280 on Sunday to overtake second-round leader Wake Forest and surpass Alabama at Birmingham, who tied OF after tw6 rounds. "[The UF golfers] were awesome down the stretch," Coach Buddy Alexander said. "It was just good to play well here, get this win, put the fall behind us and move into the spring." Brett Stegmaier led the Gators with a three-round score of 211 (+1), placing him in a tie for second, two shots behind the tournament individual champion, Florida State 'golfer Jonas Blixt. After two rounds, Stegmaier stood in a first-place tie with Louisiana State golfer Heath West. "I made a few dumb mistakes [on Sunday]," Stegmaier said. "I thought I gave the tournament away, but I'll take second. It's a good start." Ryan Cochran and Richard Treis paced the Gators with third-round scores of 68 and 69, respectively, at the UF Golf Course. Cochran steadily improved throughout the two days, despite receiving individual disqualification because of the opening round. The junior shot an 11-over-par 81 but actually signed for an 80. "When you're driving well and you're putting well, it's kind of hard to play bad, and those were two things that I was doing pretty good [Sunday]," Cochran said. "I thought I was playing decent [Saturday], just everything was going wrong. I thought I had it in me to come out here and do this today." Treis birdied three of the final fiveholes on Sunday, redeeming himself after recording five bogeys during the same stretch a day Alexander earlier. The North Carolina transfer finished by sinking an 18-foot birdie putt on the 18th hole. James Vargas carded his first top10 finish of the season, a tie for ninth after shooting 214. Treis improved seven shots from a second round 76, finishing in a tie for 14th. UF redshirt freshman Manuel Villegas, playing as an individual, shot rounds of 77, 71 and 73 to finish in a tie for 27th. Matt Every rounded out the Gators team score'finishing at 12-over-par and tied for 34th place. EXPERIENCE 0EAL 2 SUCCESS IN WORL-D M 'r


Ank mm M M&,AU S v M. rt MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2005 ALLIGATOR Alabama puts UF in dire seat H COACH SAYS THE GATORS WILL HAVE TO WIN NEXT FIVE GAMES FOR POSTSEASON. By MICHAEL MAURINO Alligator Writer Following an overtime loss to No. 5 Tennessee Thursday, the UF women's basketball team looked almost like a different team Sunday. Shooting just under 30 percent, the Gators lost to Alabama 77-66. Perhaps feeling an emotional let down after their Women's Basketball inspired play Thursday, UF 66 the Gators (12-10, 3-6 Alabama 77 Southeastern Conference) looked sluggish, aside for the last 10 minutes of the second half. Peck said her team's focus was "very different" from the Tennessee game and said, that the team thought -with their great play versus the Vols -they would handle Alabama. "We didn't handle the success [of Thursday], if you can call it that, very well," Peck said. "We came in with not much respect, but Alabama was a much better team and took advantage of that." The Gators started a rally toward the end of the second half, but by that point, Alabama (13-8, 4-4 SEC) had stretched its lead to 25 points. Peck said the team did not quit, but she was disappointed that UF had fallen behind by so much before it started a rally. UF trimmed the deficit to 9 points at the 1 minute, 16 seconds mark but never got much closer. Leading the scoring for the Gators were junior Bernice Mosby with 24 points and senior Tashia Morehead with 20. Both players had eight rebounds. However, no other Gator scored more than 5 points. The Gators had trouble inside, scoring 10 points in the paint to Alabama's 30. UP was also 20-29 from the free-throw line, shooting 69 percent. "That's just focus," said Peck of UF's inability to capitalize on the little things. "It's going to be layups and free throws that determine how far teams go and what position they play at the end of the season." UF has now lost five consecutive games and six out of the last seven. At 3-6, UF is in serious danger of missing the NCAA tournament. Peck knows the pressure is on and says the Gators have to win their final SEC games if they want an invitation to the Big Dance. "If we have any hope of playing in the postseason, we're going to have to go 5-0," she said. "With only 3 wins in the SEC right now, we put our backs against the wall." .EN'S %ASETALL Horford rivals Tide in rebounding By LOUIS ANASTASIS Alligator Staff Writer Ianastasis~alligstarorg Ten? Twelve? Fifteen? How many rebounds did Al Horford just grab against Alabama? "I thought he had about 25, to be honest with you," senior forward David Lee said. "I had no idea. I had never been in a game when someone had that many. It was just shocking." You can't blame Lee for losing J track of Horford's 18 rebounds -nine of which were offensive against N Alabama. It seemed like everyone did, including perhaps the statistician. Even UF coach Billy Donovan joked that there might have been a mistake. It was that kind of afternoon for the freshman. At the unlikeliest of times against the unlikeliest of opponents, Horford manhandled the Crimson Tide. There were no shots he didn't contest. There was no loose ball he didn't chase. And even when he failed to snatch those one or two stray shots Alabama still felt his presence. "He kicked our fannies today," Alabama coach Mark Gottfried said "There's no mistaking that." Toward the end of the second half the stat sheet read: Horford -18 re bounds; Crimson Tide -18 rebounds. The 6-foot-8, 240-pounder had just inhaled his last rebound. To make sure no one forgot, he gathered himself, soared and dunked points 13 and 14, Matt Marriott / Alligator Staff his final score. The crowd -including UF freshman forward Al Horford recorded the second most rebounds a trio of students who sported a flag by a freshman in UF history by grabbing 18 Saturday. of the Dominican Republic in honor Horford said. much of the game, he finished with of his homeland -erupted into a But no one expected this Saturday. just 6 points and 3 rebounds. "HORFORD" cheer.Not after Horford struggled against After that, the "sponge effect" "There's just certain nights when a physical Mississippi State team kicked in. Donovan likens Horford's you feel you can get every rebound," Tuesday. Saddled in foul trouble for SEE SIDE, PAGE 20 Nothing negative to write about this victory ast week, perhaps I filled this space with a little too much negativity. It's bad when even my dad says it's too harsh. -The Gators may have fixed my perspective with their statement win against the Tide, though. Even I couldn't write a negative colmnn after the hurting UF put on Alabama Saturday. I could've probably looked at every little detail and not found a single ti-ing to be negative about. The big three played like the big three is capable of playing, with each scoring 18 points. Eighteen also happens to be the ntumiber of rebounds Al Horford (Hor-board?) had. That's unbelievable. Memo to ESPN, who spelled his name "Hoford" in the bottom line: get the spelling right because this freshman is the real deal. -When Horford got his 18th rebound, the whole Alabama team had matched that. Not to mention, he had more than twice as many offensive boards as all of Alabama did in only 26 minutes. The Gators did everything right. The balanced attack that destroyed Alabama received national praise. One ESPN analyst said that UF has all the pieces of a championship team. Ian Fisher Call me cynical, but I'm still not sold Extra lannings on that one. What I am sold on is that the Gators are a legitimate tournament team. They needed a big win. Instead, they got a huge one. David Lee said the margin of victory didn't matter, which was the right thing to say. However, the fact that it was UF's biggest win against a ranked opponent mattered very much. It made the front page of A 4-point win wouldn't have. It's hard to have pictured this dismantling, givW the SEE IANNINGS, PAGE 20 SEC East -Men's Basketball NFL -Super Bowl U Log on to for complete N 2004: UF guard Matt Walsh sinks all 14 1. Kentucky 8-0 New England 24 updates on the men's and women's swimfree throw attempts against Vanderbilt, 2. UF 6-2 Philadelphia 21 ming and diving teams and the softball the second greatest number of free t Wows 3. South Carolina 5-4 NBA team, which were all in action during the made without missing in school history. 4. Vanderbilt 4-5 Houston 103 weekend. Also, check out a preview of the Walsh also made 14 of 14 free throws 5Jennessee 4-5 L.A. Lakers 102 O's.enssef match tartjng today.-' t against Miami n20.t tZt us -4 6 "t .-."flh -M.h M, ' 'A MEEK


20, ALLIGATOR 0 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2005 Donovan: Horford is'a sponge SIDE, from page 19 learning curve to a sponge -alwaye.absorbing experience, never exuding naivety. Even Saturday, when the pupil seemed to do no wrong, Donovan prodded at the sponge. The freshman's problem? After grabbing offensive rebounds, he forced off-balance shots instead of finding open teammates. Donovan tolr'im tis. Then, he watched his "sponge" work. "[After that], every single time he got a rebound, he kept throwing it out," Donovan said. Don't you just hate that panicky, squirmy, sinhing feeling you get when you lose something? (Shudder) We do, too. So much, in fact, that if you find something, we'll let you place a free ad in our Lust and Found section. Be kind to someone who's lost what you've found. Call 373-FIND F Horford is fifth in the Southeastern Conference in rebounds (9.2) and is tied for sixth in blocks (1.5). Still, hhere's one man who isn't shocked by it all. Tito, Horford's father, notched an 18-rebound performance of his own in the O'Connell Center. On Feb. 21, 1987, he did so as a Miami Hurricane. So, after Saturday's game, it was only natural to expect Horford to call his father. "Yea, I'll call him after the game," Horford said. "I'll tell him we won." What about the 18 boards? "I'll tell him about that [too]," Horford said. I' alligator BRING TO: The Independent Fla. Alligator 1105 W. University Ave. (Must arrive by 4pm Feb 7, 2 IANNINGS, from page 19 fact that Alabama defeated Mississippi State by 49 points -the same MSU team that defeated UF by 14. How does that happen? Who knows. How does lowly Auburn, who was 1-6 in the Southeastern Conference, defeat MSU on Saturday by 14? Taking the SEC is clearly wide open this year, so I'm giving the Gators a chance. But the biggest opponent Saturday wasn't Alabama. It was something that is much tougher to defeat. THIS INFORMATION WILL NOT APPE Name CALL IN: Address 373-FIND City ST Zi 005) Phone (__) Allow I space for each letter, space and punctuation mark. Use 2 spaces for each Use the space below for additional lines at an additional charge of $2.00 pe Coach Billy Donovan, his staff, Alabama coach Mark Gottfried and many other coaches around the country wore sneakers with their dress outfits as part of the Coaches vs. Cancer National Awareness Weekend. Sure, sneakers and a suit look goofy, but I bet it got people to donate. Mission accomplished. Donovan didn't seem to mind the shoes too much. "If our guys will play like that, I have no problem coming out in this attire every game," Donovan said after the game. If the Gators play as well and balanced as they did on Saturday, he won't need the sneakers. AR IN THE AD. I Pr line. ? --i VDo's COST VRead & Fill out all information completely 1 DAY= $5.50 /Pick up "Good News" cards at the Alligator to notify Additional Lines X $2.00 = individuals of their upcoming Love-Lines VThe following symbols can be used and count as SUBTOTAL $ one space each: **/ Bold print in any or all of your ad costs Bold, centered or larger type isalso available for a small an additional 50% of the subtotal. additional fee. Call 373-FIND for more information. Centering of type or elements costs an X Don't additional one time charge of $4.00. X No obscene or foreign languages, or double entendres TOTAL COST $ X No last names or identifiable descriptions Charge MC VISA Cash Chech # (last initial is OK) Chrg:_ICVIAas_-Chc X No abbreviations of Valentine's Day Acct. # Exp. $5.50 for 5 lines. Additional lines $2.00 each. No refunds or credits after placing the ad. Taken by: 40