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Ob children! children! come and «ee
This funny Picture-Book for you ard ma
Bought by our Mamma dear!
So that we may grow good and wise,
And ’neath a merry laugh’s disguise,
Learn naughty ways to fear.
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Ou fie on Kate! untidy girl,
With dirty face, hair out of curl,
Who soils each dress, however neat,-
First with the pudding, then with meat.
More like a little pig is she,
Than what a tidy girl should be!
Quite tired, at length, of all this waste,
One day Mamma runs down in haste, |
The children laugh when Kate they see,
Tn such untidy company.
And brings three piggies straight up stairs,
And round the table sets their chai s;
And Kate must needs e’en sit and dine,
Not with her playmates, but with s sine
And, truth to say, less clean was she
Than either of the piggies three,
Who with good manners eat their me1l,
While down Kate’s cheeks the tear-drops
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} Tom was an envious little lad, “ Now see this cat so snowy white,
i And wanted all his sister had ; | With skin as soft as eiderdown;
| He valued nothing of his own, | And see this dog—he’ll never bite—
' But for other’s things would fret and moan, Whose little snout has spots of brown
To Tom, the dog a gift I make ;
Their uncle once a visit paid, And you, dear Jane, the cxt may take.
When to them both he kindly said;
So pleased is Jane on hearing this,
*Tve brought two presents all alive,
She thanks her uncle with a kiss;
And one to each I mean to give. Buk Vasnniy ie a awe date ois
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“I won’t have doggy —no, not I;
So pussy I will take instead ;†. But Tom soon found he was no match
And up he jumps as soon as said ; For frightened puss who ’gan to scratch ;
Straight by the tail he seizes her, And with such rage his cheeks she tore,
And roughly handles pussy’s fur. The blood ran trickling on the floor.
And much I wish that pussy’s marks
May ‘Tommy to his senses bring.
Meanwhile the doggy stands and barks:
«See! Envy is a nasty thing!†i
Â¥o curious was Jenny, and fond of eaves-dropping,
Not a keyhole was safe from her meddlesome ear —
But by turns at each door she was constantly stopping,
To catch up the words she was not meant to hear.
Then quickly abroad would she hasten to prattle,
And tell all she’d heard to whomever she met;
Till the mischief she made by her pert tittle-tattle
By the ears half the neighbours together had set.
Her mother said: “Jenny, your texgue you must bridle,
FE or the Man of the Rock I saw prowling to-day,
Who seizes on listeners and tale-tellers idle,
And eats up the children he carries away !â€â€
But Jenny was not to be stopt — such her folly ! -
Near doors still she loitered, and lost not a word
And again did she repeat to Kit and to Dolly
Each secret or each foolish trifle she heard.
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But now he comes for her — that tall, grim old feliow’ -
Picks Jenny up, and alas! Oh then, Oh then,
Although she began to kick and to bellow,
He carries her off to his dark, dismal den.
As soon in his cave as they ’re out of all hearing,
He bores three great holes thro’ her ears and her lips
And then a huge padlock — oh, think what an ear-ring! ~-
Thro’ each of the apertures quickly he slips.
Now stopt is her eaves-dropping, stopt is her clack!
Oh, haste, mother, haste — she’ll be lost in a crack ; —
For, unless you come quickly, and snatch the child up,
The ogre, I’m certain, on Jenny will sup
- ©
Tom was a most untidy boy,
Who took no care of book or toy ;
Nor were his clothes e’er neatly laid
Beside him when he went to bed:
No, nothing in its place was found,
But all his things were strewed around:
His socks at random off: he toss’d,
As though he cared not both were lost.
Beside the stove was‘seen a shoe,
His trousers there were lying too ;
The fellow shoe was near the door,
Flung with the coat upon the floor.
But, children, mark what happened next,
And think how sorely Tom was vexed!
At early morn his father rose,
And dressed up doggy in his clothes!
He dressed him in the coat so warm,
And put a book beneath his arm ;
While ‘Tom was forced to stand and look,
Though in his shirt with cold he shook.
What think-you next his father did?
Why, little Tom he straightway bid
With doggy thus to school to go,
That doggy might his learning show!
And Tom most foolish looked, I trow,
As forth he went amid the snow ;
While proudly salked the dog, you see,
As though he’d taxen his degree!
Miss Nancy was a headstrong child ;
And, let Mamma say what she would,
She never listened nor was good,
But stamped and raved like one half wild,
Nor minded anything that she was told,
And would e’en her little playmates scoldee.
Now, Nancy she had dollies three,
And pretty ones, as you may see!
Who stood one night before her bed,
And, with uplifted fingers, said:
‘Beware! take care!
Your temper mend;
Or naughty Nan
Shall, like a man,
A mustache wear;
And we will bend
Our steps afar,
And go where better children are !*?
But headstrong Nan their warning spurned
And so, next night, the dolls returned,
And o’er her lip, in frolic whim,
They fastened on a mustache grim,
Which gave her just as fierce an air
As any robber bold might wear ;
And then they laughed: ‘* Ho ho! ho ho!
We told you so,
You naughty Nan!
Take off the mustache, if you can!â€
And then, Nan’s tears and rage despite,
All three took flight,
And went afar,
Where better children are,
Now think, next morn, how Nan’s ashamed,
And how she fears Mamma will scold,
And how she feels she must be blamed,
Soon as the secret dire is told!
Ail teadcr et anid And when away they all had gone,
: Unruly Nan was quite alone;
And, let her roar, and cry her fill,
A mustache can’t be doffed at will ;
So, though for grief her hands she wru:-y
It ever after to her clung.
Father, mother,
Aunt and cousins,
By the dozens,
Call her “* Whiskered Nan!â€
And haste as fast as haste they can,
And leave the town to go afar,
To be where better children are! .
CHARLES was a very wayward youth,
Who to his parents ne’er spoke truth,
It matters not, thought he, forsooth,
When no one knows; if I tell lies
They are not written in my eyes!
His mother once some questions asked,
And artful Charles his cunning tasked,
When loud the parrot chuckling cried:
** You little rogue! may woe betide!
For, Charley, you’ve been fibbing!â€â€
. Then from the corner comes the ca,
And gives Mamma a gentle pat:
** Good lady, he’s deceiving you,†= *
She purrs aloud ; “mew, mew, mew, mew—
For Charley has been fibbing!â€â€™
Down stairs now frightened Charley steals,
As though ten cats were at his heels;
When by his coat Tray seizes him,
And cries: ‘Bow, wow,†in accents grim,
«Wie, Charley, you’ve been fibbing!â€
Now both with shame and anger red,
That e’en the cock and hens upbraid,
ite seeks the garden’s safe retreat ;
But twitt’ring birds there cry: ‘‘ Tweat, tweat!
_Fie, Charley, you’ve been fibbing!â€â€
A He runs at last from out the town,
And near a village sits him down;
But even there a fly soon comes,
Who buzzes round his nose and hums:
‘¢ Fie, Charley, you’ve been fibbing !�
He now the blessed world runs round,
But rest for him was nowhere found ;
ff —/§ Go where he would his ears still greet :
Ga a Sy “Mew, mew—bow, wow —buzz, buzz—
s tweat, tweat!
Fie, Charley, you’ve been fibbing!â€
Now listen, children, while I tell
What naughty Annie once befell,
Who always used to cry and rave
So oft as Ma the house would leave.
Said Mamma, once: ‘‘ Now, Annie, dew:
Be good while I’m away from here.â€
But Annie began to storm and flout,
And cried: ‘*I will be taken out!â€
Flip, flap, flip, flap — whats all this din?
Why, ’tis a stork comes striding in,
A stork with legs both red and thin!
But Annie ceases not to flout,
And e’en begins afresh to shout:
‘¢T will —I will be taken out!â€
With open beak the solemn stork
Now takes her up as on a fork.
‘Flip, flap! nay, do not scream and pout,
Says he: ‘you shall be taken out!â€
Flip, flap, flip, flap, away he hies,
Up, up with Annie now he flies ;
Within his beak he holds her tight,
Until upon his nest they light.
Instead of cakes, or dainty meat,
She now with storks frog’s flesh must ent ;
“And, willy nilly;-on: the-roof- -
She sadly sits, from all aloof:
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For ne’er again might she come down.
And when the summer months had flown,
The stork picked up the child once more,
And through the air his burden bore.
, = Dee ee Yes, far away o’er land and sea,
— = The stork with Annie now doth flee.
Look! high above you see him flying —
That comes of naughty children’s crying!
Tuar greedy little fellow Sam,
His parents once had left alone —~
But warned him well he should not cram
His throat with sweets while they were gens
But scarcely had they both gone out,
When Sammy rummaged all about,
*Mongst pans and bottles in a trice,
In hopes of finding something nice.
A dish beside the oven stood —
This sure contains some dainty food!
He lifts the lid, and finds a cake
Of dough, well-kneaded, fit to bake.
Then straight his fingers in he dips,
And greedily he licks their tips ;
And O! it tastes so very sweet,
He smacks his lips at such a treat.
A second piece he can’t resist,
Nor will a third he thinks be missed.
And then three pieces lead tc four ;
For much will always crsve for more
He lingers, loth to leave his prize,
When lo! the yeast begins to rise,
And not within the dish alone,—
In Sammy’s paunch it up has blow
‘Now mark how bloated is his face,
And how his body swells apace!
And how he glares with goggle eyes
To see his body such a size!
“Oh dear!� he roars, °* 1’m like a drum
And when his mother home has come,
So big is grown her little son,
He cannot waddle — much less run.
Still like a bubble filled with air,
He swells enough to make one stare,—
And, should the worst come to the worst
To-morrow he will surely burst!
Come listen while I tell you now,
About a certain youth,
Who had one dreadful, dreadful fault,
He never told the truth.
And while he uttered lies, he was
So handy and so bold, i
That he appeared as innocent
As if the truth he told,
One morning, faithful Tray was found
Upon the pavement dead,
And Frank had killed him with a stone,
His little comrades said.
“Twas you who killed the dog,†cried Frank, —
“What stories you do tell;â€
But soon the fact was proved on him,
And his father whipped him well.
One day into the room he rushed,—
r His eyes were glowing, cheeks were flushed ;
“Oh! mother, father, dear,†he said,
“My little sisters both are dead |
Emma fell down and broke her back,
And little Fan her skull did crack!â€
The parents were distracted nearly,
They loved their little girls so dearly ;
But scarce the words had from him slipped,
When in the little sisters tripped.
The parents’ joy now who can tell?
And Frank again they punished well.
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One night, when all had gone to bed,
Frank took it in his little head
That he the people would affright,
By crying “fire†with all his might.
“Fire! fire!’ he screamed. Oh, then ‘twas fun
For him to see the people run.
“Fire! fire! turn out! where is it—where ?â€
They cried; he answered, “There! there! there!â€
Tull, finding they had been deceived,
And feeling very much aggrieved,
They poured upon the little liar
The water destined for the fire.
When to his home he came again,
He tried to speak, but ‘twas in vain;
Dreadful to tell, he had become
Through cold and fright quite deaf and dum.
For a whole year he spoke no word;
No sound in this long time he heard;
When suddenly one day he tried
To speak, and found his tongue untied.
With joy his voice again he hears,
He scarcely can believe his ears ;
But greater was the parents’ joy
To find their son a truthful boy;
k x from that time he never spoke
An . true word, or played a joke.
Now Minny was a pretty girl, ( And when her sisters’ birthdays came
Her hair so gracefully did curl; Minny, (it must be told with shame,)
She had a slender figure, too, Would envy every pretty thing
And rosy cheeks and eyes of blue. Which dear mamma to them would bring.
And yet, with all those oeauties rare, Sometimes great tears rolled from her eyes,
Those angel eyes and curly hair, ~ Sometimes she pierced the air with cries;
Oh! many, many faults had she, For days together she would fret
The worst of which was jealousy. Because their toys she could not get.
When on the shining Christmas tree Ah, then! how changed this pretty child,
St. Nicholas hung his gifts so free, No longer amiable and mild,
i The envious Minny could not bear That fairy form and smiling face
| With any one these gifts to share. Lost all their sprightliness and grace.
Her tender mother often sighed,
And to reform her daughter tried;
“Oh! Minny, Minny,†she would say,
a “Quite yellow you will turn some day.â€
Now came the merry Christmas feast:
St. Nicholas brought to e’en the least
Such pretty presents, rich and rare,
But all the best for Minny were.
But Minny was not satisfied,
She pouted, fretted, sulled, and cried ;
Sisters and brothers had no rest,—
She vowed their presents were the best. |
Now, to her little sister, Bess, . | And springing quickly to the glass, 1
St. Nicholas brought a yellow dress;} What saw she there? alas! alas!
This Minny longed for(enviouschild)| Oh! what a sad, a deep disgrace!
And snatched it from her sister mild.| She found she had a yellow face i
E lif Then all in tears did Bessy run “ Ah, mel†she cried, now, in despair,
To tell her mother what was done, | “‘ Whereare my rosy cheeks, oh, where?â€
While Minny ran triumphantly “Ho!†screamed the parrot, “now yousee
To try the dress on, as you see. The punishment of jealousy!â€
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THE little Jacob was so small,
He could not smaller be;
When he took off his little coat,
Just like a stick looked he.
His parents, therefore, anxious were
About their little Jake,
And said, “Oh, dear! what can we do
Our Jacob fat to make?
All sorts of nice things we must bet
For our dear boy to eat;
Meats boiled and roasted, baked and fried,
And pies and puddings sweet.
And then, besides, we'll let him drink
Plenty of wine and beer;
And if this does not make him fat,
Why nothing will, we fear.â€
This diet, then, they put him on,
And soon, to their great joy, Wy
They found that fat and fatter grew
Their darling little boy.
‘When six months passed, and he had grown
Fat as you see him here,
His parents said, “You need not now
Kat quite so much, my dear;
For, oh! if you become too fat,
We then may try in vain,
Unless we give you .uiter pills,
To make you tl 11 egain.
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But Jacob would not then obey,
He only ate the more,
Until, at length, he grew as fat
As he was thin before.
One day a hearty meal he made,
But still was not content ;
Cake, wine, and beer, he slyly took.
And to the fields he went.
There, for a while, like any pig,
He ate and drank alone,
But suddenly his mother heard
Her little Jacob moan.
Out of the house, off to the fields
Swift as a flash she flew;
Alas! alas! what saw she there?
Her Jacob broke in two.
I'll say this much to boys and girls
If they be thick or thin,
That, be this story true or false,
Sure gluttony’s a sin.
JAMES MILLER, Pousuisner,
647 Broapway.
Sarp Jacky to mamma one day,
“Do let me take my hat,
And go out to the fields to play
With old black Tom, the cat.â€
Mamma said, “ Yes, but take great care,
The cat you know has claws ;
You must not pull him by the hair, .
Nor make him wet his paws.â€
Thought Jack, “ What fun ‘twill be to see
Old Tommy try to scratch,
And as I’m thrice as big as he,
I shall be quite his match.â€
He tied him with a piece of cord,
And took the watering pan,
Then all the water on him poured,
And laughing, round him ran.
And then he pulled his fur and tail, * * * * |
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*** The cat began to grow,
And Jack began to get quite pale,
And shook from head to toe. | |
Bigger and bigger grew the cat,
Till, thrice as big as Jack, G ——S 7
He seized him as he would a rat, oe
And scratched his face and back.
Then in his mouth he took him up,
And carried him away ;
But whether on him he did sup,
I really cannot say.
Tues little girls sat down to eat
A hearty dinner one fine day ;
And Sally brought some bread and meat,
And a great pie upon a tray.
“Oh, what is in that pie, I wonder?â€
Said Mary when she saw the crust,--
“Oh, how I wish I might look under;
Do, Sally, cut it, or I must!â€
Now Caroline and Susan sit
As quiet as two little mice;
Says Sally: ‘Ere I open it
T tell you they are cherries nice.
“But children eat them carefully,
Swallow the crust and fruit alone;
You know not what the end may be
Of swallowing one single stone.â€
So Caroline and Susan eat
As carefully as they were able,
While Mary, who loved all things sweet,
Left not one stone upon the table.
“Oh, Mary! you will rue this sadly!â€
Cried Sally, as they went to play—
They played, and Mary felt quite badly
Towards the evening of that day.
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And all that night much worse grew she,
And when the morning sun came out,
There was a little cherry tree
That in poor Mary’s mouth did sprout.
Now ’mid the boughs a fairy stood,
Who thus to the three children said:
‘Here, Caroline and Susan good,
Come to your sister Mary’s bed.
“ Obedient girls and boys may share
What cherries on these boughs may be,
But Mary in her mouth must bear,
Long as she lives, her cherry tree!â€
Poor Mary cried—her flood of tears
But made the tree grow faster there ;
When next you eat a pie, my dears,
Of Mary’s cherry tree beware!
I wrt tell you a story of cowardly Fred,
Who was always so frightened at night;
Because it was dark when he went to bed,
And he could not sleep without light.
So he begged his mamma to go and buy,
For him a candle thick ;
And he promised that he no more would cry,
When he looked at the blazing wick.
But he awoke up in the night,
And then he thought he saw
Upon the wall a dreadful sight,
A black man with a paw!
He shook with fright, and it moved too!
He leapt quite out of bed;
The great black man still bigger grew,
And followed silly Fred.
He ran quite quickly through the door.
Che black man disappeared !
* * % * * * *
So fast did he run, that he tumbled down
The stairs which he quite forgot ;
He tumbled down and broke his crown,
And lay there like a shot.
Then on the mat he lay forlorn,
Till Betty brought her tray ;
Till Betty came at peep of dawn,
And threw poor Fred away.
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ALY Fel ddak mf, Le
“Lisren, Neddy, well to me,
There’s a savage bull you see,
Neither you nor Polly may
In the field nor near him play.â€
So both Ned and Polly cried,
“Yes, papa!†and off they hied,
Many pretty flowers to pull,
And quite forgot about the bull.
“Oh!†said they, “how near we are!
Where, I wonder, is papa?â€
“Look how still bull stands,†says Ned;
“ He does not even move his head. A
af his
: by
What flower just behind him grows,
A blue-bell, buttercup, or rose?
To gather it I think I dare,
And I am sure the bull won’t care.â€â€™
So right into the field they go,
Gently creeping on tiptoe.
First to bellow he began,
Then at the children fast he ran
And tossed them up so high, that soon
He left them hanging on the moon.
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Papa and mamma for a walk were gone out,
And granny sat reading her book,
When Tommy, her grandson—a lad short and stout—
Chanced out of the window to look.
“Oh, granny! it’s raining so hard, I declare!
I should so like to go and get wet.â€
‘No, Tom! stay at home,†says granny, “take care
Lest more than you wish for you get.â€
But Tom would not listen to granny’s advice,
Nor take a great coat or umbrella;
Then out of the house he ran off in a trice,
But he’ll pay for it, poor little fellow.
Awhile he kept running, and thought it so nice
And cool to be wet to the skin;
But soon he got tired, and the rain was like ice,
As it fell on his nose and his chin.
He stood shaking and quaking, and sad to relate
(As granny so truly did say,)
Stout Tommy was waiting a terrible fate,—
He felt himself melting away!
Tommy tried to run home, but could not stir a peg,
Oh! what is poor Tommy to do?
See his head, his straw hat, and each arm, and each
How thinner and thinner they grew.
The policeman comes by at the very next minute,
But nothing to Tommy did say ;
A stick lay in a puddle, and Tommy was in it,
For Tommy had melted away.
His parents came home, they had wrapped themselves
In coats, cloaks, capes, kerchiefs, and plaid ;
But Tommy? his fate to each other they tell,
How it happened as granny had said.
MeEppDLESOME Matthew fancied he had
Eyes at his fingers’ end,
Till his experience, painful and sad,
Taught him his manners to mend.
Once in a box some “ goodies†he spied,
Tn his fingers, as usual, went;
Vainly to move them Meddlesome tried,
For the “goody†was Roman cement.
Then comes the mason, angry and hot,
Looking as black as thunder,
And having Matthew a prisoner got,
Threatens to saw him asunder.
Once in a jar, determined to look,
Full of some grease of a bear,
Fingers the usual liberty took,
But he pulled them out covered with hair.
“Take your hands from your pockets; why where
have you been?â€
Cries dad, when his fingers appeared,
“Meddling again, that is easily seen,
For your fingers have each got a beard.â€
A basket once came, of a curious make,
Matthew saw something was in it;
So he put in his hands just to give it a shake,
But pulled them out quick the next minute.
And look, at the end of each finger-end dangles
A crab with its sharp little claws,
Which Meddlesome Matthew’s ten finger-ends
Oh! see how he dances and roars.
Still the crabs dangle, still the crabs squeeze,
‘And blood at each finger-end comes ;
Matthew now no more fancies he sees
With either his fingers or thumbs.
ALL the other schoolboys good,
‘When their parents sent a cake,
Cut it all up, as they should,
That each boy a piece might take.
Greedy Bob devoured it all,
And would not give one bit away;
So instead of growing tall
He got shorter every day.
Bob became so ill at last,
His cakes he could no longer eat,
So in a box he locked them fast,
To keep them for a future treat.
The rats and mice soon found the box,
And smelt out Bobby’s sugary hoard ;
They little cared for keys or locks,
And quickly through the box they gnawed.
Now Bobby brought a cake one day, — oy
Unlocked the cake-box in a, trice ;
No cakes he found, but strange to say, ~
The box was full of rats and mice.
Then loud they squealed, as all jumped up:
‘“‘ Here’s Bobby with another cake!
On Bob himself we now will sup,
And a rare supper we will make !â€â€™
Bob seized his cake, the rats ran after,
And all the schoolboys followed fast,
And Bob, amid their shouts of laughter,
Fell headlong in a pond at last.
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‘EEDLES and pins, needles and pins,
~ When a man marries his trouble begins.
MAN went hunting at Reigate,
And wished to jump over a high gate ;
Says the owner, ‘Go round,
With your horse and your hound,
For you never shall leap over my gate.â€
/‘NROSS patch, draw the latch, | OCK a doodle doo!
Sit by the fire and spin ; My dame has lost her shoe;
Take a cup, and drink it up, . My master’s lost his fiddle stick,
Then call your neighbors in. And don’t know what to do.
EASE pudding hot, UNCH and Judy
Pease pudding cold, Fought for a pie :
Pease pudding in the pot, Punch gave Judy
Nine days old. A knock of the eye.
Some like it hot, Says Punch to Judy,
Some like it cold, Will you have any more ?
Some like it in the pot, Says Judy to Punch,
Nine days old My eye’s too sore.
\ X J HERE are you going to, my pretty maid? May I go with you, my pretty maid?
I am going a milking, sir, she said. | You’re kindly welcome, sir, she said.
HOEK the colt, shoe the colt.
Shoe the gray mare ;
If the colt won’t be shod,
Let him go bare.
ING, sing, what shall I sing?
Puss has stolen the pudding-string !
Do, do, what shall I do?
Puss has bit it quite in two!
S" AIL, snail, come put out your horn,
To-morrow is the day to shear the corn.
MILING girls, rosy boys,
Come and buy my little toys,
Monkeys made of gingerbread,
And sugar horses painted red.
HREE wise men of Gotham
Went to sea in a bowl,
If the bowl had been stronger,
My song had been longer.
OUND about, round about,
Gooseberry pie,
My father loves good ale,
And so do I.
MILING girls, rosy boys,
Come and buy my little toys,
Monkeys made of gingerbread,
And sugar horses painted red.
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HAD a little pony, She whipped him, she lashed him,
His name was Dapple Gray, She rode him through the mire:
I lent him to a lady, I would not lend my pony now,
To ride a mile away. For all the lady’s hire.
| ARY, Mary, quite contrary, HERE was an old woman
With silver bells and cockle-shells,
And pretty maids all of a row.
And if she’s not gone,
How does your garden grow? Lived under a hill,
She lives there still.
HAVE a little sister; they call he ae Bo-peep has lost her sheep,
Peon Fee | And can't tell where to find them ;
She wades the water, deep, deep, deep ;
She climbs the mountains, high, high, high. ‘Leave them alone and they'll come home,
Poor little thing! she has but one eye. | Dragging their tails behind them.
HEN I was a little boy, | washed my mammyss dishes.
Now [am a great boy [roll in golden riches.
rH OM, Tom, the piper’s son,
Stole a pig and away he run!
The pig was eat, and Tom was beat,
And Tom went roaring down the street.
OME little mice sat in a barn to spin.
Pussy came by, and she popped her
head in ;
‘*Shall I come in and cut your threads off?â€
‘‘Oh no, kind sir, you will snap our heads off.â€
RTI as
HAT’S the news of the day, BH baby,
Good neighbor I pray ? Daddy is near,
They say the balloon Mammy’s a lady,
Has gone up to the moon. And that’s very clear.
eS put the kettle on, Sukey take it off again,
- Polly put the kettle on, Sukey take it off again,
Polly put the kettle on, Sukey take it off again,
And let’s drink tea. i Tt will all boil away.
Blow the fire and make the toast,
Put the muffins down to roast, -
Blow the fire and make the toast, ;
We'll all have tea. ie
\OOSEY, goosey, gander, whither shall I wander ?
Up stairs, and down stairs, and in my lady’s chamber.
‘There I met an old man who would not say his prayers;
I took him by the left leg, and threw him down stairs.
F you are to be a gentleman, as I suppose youll be,
You ‘ll neither laugh nor smile for a tickling of the knee.
Wig #
HAD a little dog, they called him Buff,
I sent him to the shop for a hap’orth of snuff:
But he lost the bag, and spilt the snuff,
So take that cuff, and that’s enough.
\ Ea?
[ ITTLE Jack Horner sat in the corner,
Hating a Christmas pie :
He put in his thumb, and pull’d out a plum,
And said ‘‘ What a good boy am I!â€
ICCORY, diccory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock. struck one,
And down the mouse run,
Hiceory, diccory, dock.
ERE we go round the mulberry bush,
Mulberry bush,
Mulberry bush,
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
On a cold frosty morning.
This is the way we brush our hair,
Brush our hair,
Brush our hair,
This is the way we brush our hair,
On a cold frosty morning.
6°" Why y
; G ¥
HAD a little hen, the prettiest ever seen,
She wash’d me the dishes and kept the house clean ;.
She went to the mill to fetch me some flour,
She brought it home in less than an hour,
She baked me my bread, she brew’d me my ale,
She sat by the fire, and told many a fine tale.
CARRION crow sat upon an oak,
Fol de rol, de rol, de rol, de ri do,
Watching a tailor cutting out his cloak ;
Sing heigh ho! the carrion crow,
Fol de rol, de rol, de rol, de ri do.
Wife, bring me my old bent bow, Sing he, sing ho, the old carrion crow,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, he ding do, Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, he ding
That I may shoot you carrion crow, do.
Sing he, sing ho, the old carrion crow,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, he ding do. | Wife! oh wife! bring brandy in a spoon ;
The tailor shot, and he missed his mark, Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, he ding do,
_ Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, he ding do, |For the old miller’s pig is in a swoon;
And shot the miller’s pig right through the Sing he, sing ho, the old carrion crow,
heart ; Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, he ding da
ITTLE Tommy Tucker,
Sing for your supper :
What shall I sing?
White bread and butter.
OYS and girls come out to play,
The moon does shine as bright as day,
Leave your supper, and leave your sleep,
And meet your playfellows in the street ;
Come with a whoop, and come with a call
And come with a good will, or not at all. How shall I cut it
Up the ladder and down the wall, Without any knife ?
A halfpenny loaf will serve us all. How shall I marry
You find milk and Vl find flour, Without any wife ?
And we'll have a pudding in half an hour.
ILLIE boy, Willie boy,
Where are you going?
O let'us go with you,
This Se day.
Ai i
i i ii Hi
Ad I
ies ‘ L :
ba i ai ‘ve ae q 2
T’m going to the meadow,
To see them a mowing,
I’m going to help the girls
Turn the new hay.
ee once upon a time
When Jenny Wren was young,
So daintily she danced,
And so prettily she sung,
Robin Redbreast lost his heart,
For he was a gallant bird ;
So he doff’d his hat to Jenny Wren,
Requesting to be heard.
O dearest Jenny Wren!
If you will but be mine,
You shall feed on cherry pie. you
And drink new currant-wine,
Pll dress you like a goldfinch,
Or any peacock gay;
So, dearest Jen, if you’ll be mine,
Let us appoint the day.
Jenny blush’d behind her fan,
And thus declared her mind ;
Since, dearest Bob, I love you well,
I'll take your offer kind ;
Cherry-pie is very nice,
And so is currant-wine ;
But I must wear my plain brown
And never go too fine.
Robin Redbreast rose up early,
All at the break of day, d '
And he flew to Jenny Wren’s house, —
And sung a roundelay ;
He sang of Robin Redbreast,
And little Jenny Wren,
And when he came unto the end,
He then began again. :
ENNY WREN fell sick
© Upon a merry time ;
In came Robin Redbreast,
And brought her sops and wine.
Eat well of the sop, Jenny,
Drink well of the wine ;
Thank you, Robin, kindly,
You shall be mine.
Jenny, she got well, |
And stood upon her feet,
And told Robin plainly,
She loved him not a bit.
Robin being angry,
Hopp’d upon a twig ;
Saying, Out upon you, Jenny!
Fy upon you, bold faced jig!
HERE was an old wo
heard tell,
She went to market her eggs for to sell;
She went to market all on a market day,
And she fell asleep on the king’s highway.
There came by a pedlar whose name was
He cut her petticoats all round about ;
He cut her petticoats up to the knees,
Which made the old woman to shiver and
When this little woman first did wake,
She began to shiverand she began toshake;
She began to wonder and she began to cry,
“Lauk a mercy on me, this is none of I!
“But if it be I, as I do hope it be,
I’ve a little dog at home, and he’ll know
If it be I, hell wag his little tail,
And if it be not I, he’ll loudly bark and
Home went the little woman all in the dark,
Up got the little dog, and he began to bark;
He began to bark, so she began to cry,
“Lauk a mercy on me, this is none of I!â€
he was a piper’s son,
He learned to play when he was young;
But all the tune that he could play,
Was “Over the hills and far away.â€
But Tom with his pipe made such a noise,
That he pleased both the girls and boys;
And‘ they stopp’d to hear him play,
“Qver the hills and far away.â€
Tom with his pipe did play with such skill,
That those who heard him could never
keep still ;
Whenever they heard they began for to
Even pigs on their hind legs would after
him prance.
As Dolly was milking her cow one day,
Tom took out his pipe and began for to play;
So Doll and the cow danced “the Cheshire
Till the pail was broke, and the milk ran
on the ground.
He met old dame Trot with a basket of eggs,
He used his pipe, and she used her legs;
She danced about till the eggs were all
She began for to fret, but he laugh’d at the
He saw a cross fellow was beating an ass,
Heavy laden with pots, pans, dishes and
glass ;
He took outhis pipe and play’d them atune,
And the jackass’s load was lighten’d full
ae Bi weaned a
RE was a monkey climbed up a
When he fell down, then down fell he.
There was a crow sat on a stone,
When he was gone, then there was
There was an old wife did eat an apple,
When she eat two, she had eat a couple.
There was a horse going to the mill,
When he went on, he stood not still.
There was a butcher cut his thumb,
When it did bleed, then blood did come.
There was a lackey ran a race,
When he ran fast, he ran apace.
There was a cobbler-clouting shoon,
When they were mended, they were
There was a navy went into Spain
When it return’d it came again.
ustrated by
i JAMES MILLER, Posieuer, 647 BroapwaY.
In the merry spring time, thus says my song,
When the sun shines bright and the days grow long,
And the crocuses brilliant, in purple and gold,
Bloom in the gardens in numbers untold;
When in the fields the grass grows green,
And a few early lambs are seen;
When daffodils in gaudy gowns
Look gay upon the verdant downs,
And fair spring flowers of each degree
In every sheltered nook you see.
Upon a bright and sunny day
The Crows to one another say, .
“Caw! Caw! our nests now let us build.â€
Away they fly; each beak is fill’d
With little sticks of beechen wood,
With which they build their houses good:
When all is done, with joy they see
The work of their community.
if TI
Caw! they say,
Caw! Caw! our eggs now let us lay.
And, circling widely,
Two spotted eggs in every nest
f \ S pees a WY
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For warmth await the mother’s breast.
And all the Crows around them fly
With flapping wings and joyful cry:
‘Caw! Caw!†they say, “now it is fit
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The patient Crows for many a week
But, while one sits and looks around
The other makes the woods resound
With cawings loud, or frequent brings
Worms, seeds, or such delicious things,
And kindly feeds his brooding mate,
No other occupation seek ;
From early morn till evening late.
Nv ye
SSS 2 ER =
eee SPS ES
Till, to reward their anxious care,
A gentle sound the parents’ hear,
Of tapping from within the shell:
This sound doth please the mother well,
And, fondly helping with her bill,
She hears the voices weak and shrill.
“Caw! Caw!†the downy young ones say,
‘“‘ How lovely in this peep of day,
Oh what a glorious sight is this,
There can be nothing here but bliss.â€
“Caw! Caw!†replies the mother crow,
“There is no joy unmixed with woe.â€
The Father Crows with tender heart,
In the parental cares takes part—
“Caw! Caw!†they say, “for food we'll fly
Before our young ones hungry cry.â€
In course direct they fly afar
To where the ploughmen lab’ring are,
And, seeking in the upturn’d soil,
They meet with many a wormy spoil;
And, filling their capacious beak,
Straightway their forest homes they seek.
The young Crows see them homeward fly,
And stretch their skinny necks on high;
And gulping down the luscious food,
“Caw! Caw!†they say, “’tis very good.â€
So daily every parent flies,
Each young one grows in strength and sizé;
Till seated on a branch at length,
Exulting in increasing strength,
“Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!†they proudly cry,
“We shall be flying by and by ;â€
But ah, poor Crows, there’s many a slip
Between the cup and longing lip.
The farmer heard the cawing sound,
And sent to all his neighbors round,
Begging of them every one
To bring a rifle or a gun,
If they would come the sport to see
Of shooting at the rookery ;
And try to check the rural pest,
Which did the country so infest,
And stop the robbery of corn,
Which was no longer to be borne.
amt NS ae Bae cee
ie ee ‘ a ks oe
we St ae - o. SF \ >
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“ NS X\ .
ae For though the farmers had a plan
eae y + To scare them with the form of man,
eo a The Crows, at first much terrified,
> u \ And wheeling high in circles wide,
A \ Had soon become too bold for that ;
a a»
= uy _ And even perched upon the hat,
se ~ And loud in mockery cried, “Caw! Caw!
~ ~ J Tis nothing but a man of straw.â€
Ch y om “oy
The next day, as the picture shows,
The farmers met to shoot the Crows—
Their rustling underneath the trees
The young ones thought was but the breeze ;
But an old Crow’s experienced eye
Discovered soon their enemy ;
Whose purpose was not left in doubt,
For, uttering a murderous shout,
The shooters leveled each his gun—
Bang! Bang! the slaughter is begun.
i, i 4 \ a
zi 2
Bang! Bang! again for every ball
Wounded or dead the young Crows fall;
The old Crows wheeling in the skies
_ Helpless behold their agonies,
And, piteous cawings up on high,
Answer their young one’s dying cry—
Who fall, poor little suffering things,
With broken legs and wounded wings.
\ \\ y
At last the sun begins to sink,
And soon is on the very brink
Of setting in the quiet sea;
The ploughing horses leave the lea,
The weary workman homeward goes
Thinking of supper and repose;
And darkness closes o’er the scene,
Where late the murderous sport had been:
The moon, with pale and pitying looks,
Shines on the slaughter-field of rooks:
The owlets hoot, from ivy bower, |
In the grey embattled tower—
“Tuwit, tuwit, towhoo!†they say,
And echoing through the ruins grey,
The sound disturbs the daily sleep
Of bats who dwell in dungeon deep,
Who ’mong the ruins nightly flit,
And under aged arches sit.
The farmers can no longer mark
The Crows among the branches dark:
Now let us homeward, go, they say;
And gathering up their slaughtered prey,
His share each one in bundles ties,
And takes them home to make crow pies.
Of Crows who were not shot, the few
Far to the distant mountains flew,
But found not there the expected rest:
A longing seized them for their nest,
“Caw! Caw!†with one accord they cry,
“Let us directly homeward fly.â€
So in undeviating track,
Like column huge of dotted black,
Straightway their course they homeward bent,
And meditating as they went—
“Caw! Caw!†they say, “ How well we know
There is no joy unmixed with woe."
1 \ Si
seem emer VUTTNTINNIT «Zsa
her Goose, when
She wanted to wander,
Would ride through the air,
On a very fine gander.
Mother Goose had a house,
*'T was built in-a wood,
Where an owl at the door
For sentinel stood.
This is her son Jack,
A plain-looking 1ad,
He is not very good,
Nor yet very bad.
She sent him to market,
A live goose he bought,
Here, mother, says hie,
It will not go for nought.
Jack’s goose and her gander
Grew very fond:
They’d both eat, together,
Or swim in one pond.
Jack found one morning,
As I have been told,
His goose had laid him
An egg of pure gold.
Jack rode to his mother,
The news for to tell,
She call’d him a good boy,
And said it was well.
Jack sold his gold egg
To a rogue of a Jew,
Who cheated him out of
The half of his due.
Then Jack went a courting
A lady so gay,
As fair as the lily,
And sweet as the May.
The old Mother Goose
That instant came in,
And turned her son Jack
Into famed Harlequin.
She then touched her wand,
Touch’d the lady so fine,
And turned her. at once
Into sweet Columbine.
Jack’s mother came in,
And caught the goose soon,,
And mounting its back
Flew up to the moon,
Little Johnny held his head so high,
As he walked along to school,
That many of the passers by
Thought him a little fool.
He saw the pretty swallows fly,
The roofs, the clouds up in the sky,
But what was in the way before,
Why that our Johnny never saw,
Nor did he see the neighbours stare,
And call him “Johnny Look-in-the-air.â€
One day a dog came running fast,
As usual Johnny's eyes were cast
Overhead :
No one said,
* Johnny look out! here comes the bow wow!â€
What happens now ?
Bump— dump — they almost broke their bones,
So hard they tumbled on the stones!
Johnny took up his satchei one day,
And off to the school he stalked away ;
He turned his face up toward the sky,
And saw the merry swallows fly,
Which way he was going he did not think,
And he walked straight down to the river’s brink,
Three little fishes at him did stare,
Wondering much what brought him there.
One step more, and in he splashes!
Heels overhead, like lightning he dashes!
The little fishes scream with fright
And swim away with all their might.
But happily, quite near tnere stood,
Two men, who saw him in the flood;
They took two crooked poles and ran,
And soon fished out the little man.
Now see him standing on dry ground,
Poor little fellow, almost drowned ;
Dripping wet, all through and through,
Cold as ice, and crying too:
The water trickling from his clothes,
| | (| | And from his hair and from his nose ;
{ | The little fishes, all the three,
Swam quickly back the child to see;
They stretched their little heads out of the flooa,
And laughed as loud as ever they could;
They shook their little sides with glee,
And the satchel drifted clear out to sea!
But stronger, stronger grew the breeze,
It whistled loudly through the trees,
It caught the umbrella —do look there,
It whirled him up into the air;
Into the clouds poor Robert flew,
His little hat before him blew!
When the rain in torrents pours,
And by the winds the trees are bent
Good little children stay in doors,
And there to play are quite content.
But Robert thought one rainy day,
That it would much more pleasant be
Out in the rain to run and play,
And all the little puddles see;
He took Papa’s umbrella out,
And in the rain he splashed about
I a
Away, away, away they soa:,
The little hat flew on before;
They small, and smaller, smaller grew,
At last they disappeared from view!
And after that where did they go?
Why, my dear child, I do not know.
ANN ee
Now William was a healthy child,
As fat as he could be;
He had as round and rosy cheeks,
As you would wish to see.
But once he took it in his head,
His soup he would not eat;
He threw away the spoon and screamed,
And jumped up from his seat;
“TJ will not eat my soup,†he cried, |
“Td rather starve! Oh! Oh! = 4
I will not, will not eat my soup,
T will not eat it, no!â€
Next day, (just see how changed he looks !)
William grew pale and thin;
But still his soup he would not eat,
When the cook sent it in.
“T will not eat my soup,†he cried,
“I'd rather starve! Oh! oh!
I will not, will not eat my soup,
I will not eat it, no!â€
The third day came, oh me! oh me!
William grew thin and thinner ;
He screamed and cried with hunger, but
He would not eat his dinner.
On the fourth day, he dwindled down,
And did not weigh a pound!
And when the fifth day came, alas,
They laid him in the ground.
Mr. Pie and Mrs. Pig were having a family discussion. Mr. Pig, who was
| a tailor by trade, stood with his great shears stuck over his right ear, listen-
| ing scornfully to Mrs. Pig’s arguments. Mrs. Pig was puzzled, because she
| could not make
: people agree about
| her gifted son, Ham-
| unbakun.
| “Hamunbakun is
a fool,†said Mr. Pig.
“Hamunbakun is
a genius,’ said Mrs.
Pies “Cows rn
Lardoil, who is cer-
tainly the most bril-
liant of the family,
| says so.â€
“ He turns up his
nose at everything.
He won't eat corn
“A sure sign of
genius. Genius
scorns corn cobs.†, Bro x a
“Mrs. Pig, do you see anything green?†inquired her spouse, raising his
hoof to his eye. “Genius! don’t tell me!â€
“He writes beautiful poetry. His lines to a potato paring pudding would
move a heart of stone.â€
es eaa Ne
= si
“ Poetry !†cried Mr. Pig, “he ought to be switched !â€
“You ought to be proud of him,†said Mrs. Pig, more puzzled than ever,
for in her heart she thought Mr. Pig the wisest of all creation, but yet could
not but believe her discontented son was a genius.
The whole trouble lay in a nut-shell. Hamunbakun was convinced him-
self that he only wanted opportunity to make a great name in the literary
world, and ieee i “He will
had asked = | (i-————| be sure to
for permis- make a
sion to go
to the great
city of Pork- . it x “He will
opolis, ten Bia Scw’ ay “~~ NH NY be sure to
long miles ApS" SS NS ‘a \\ make sau-
from his ae oy i. his
country Vo Go i WANS father
home. Mrs. §
Pig wanted s + But the
him to have | loving ma-
a chance to: ‘
himself, and
ma prevail-
ed at last,
and Ham-
undertook -unbakun
to coax Mr. started from
Pig to con- ee home, so
sent. i elated with
his dreams of grandeur, that he never once looked back to see Mrs. Pig and
Trotters, his younger brother, weeping on the door step.
Trotters soon dried his tears, remembering that there would be no one now
for his mother to save cantelope rind and apple cores for, and that some of
the “delicacies of the season†would fall to his share. ;
Hamunbakun was strolling leisurely along, thinking of the many proofs
of genius he had developed already. Didn’t he scorn cold potatoes and turn
up his nose at corn meal? MHadn’t any kind of work always given him an
attack of illness? Didn’t he lie a-bed all day, and wander into the
tato beds
at night?
In fact, if
ing along
the road,
when he
. heard the
rumble of
discontent, wheels be-
hind him,
and up
and repin-
ing made a
genius,= Ss drove his
Hamunba- s8NÂ¥ SG by y fa (a MES friend Pet-
kun was SRS NV) | ee SVS titoes in his
certainly a& : mail coach,
genius of =on his way
avery high == to Porkop-
order. | Olis
He was When he
still stroll- heard
where Hamunbakun was going, he invited him to jump in and ride, an
invitation which was gladly accepted.
Rolling smoothly over the road, it was not long before Pettitoes drove into
the city, and at Hamunbakun’s request deposited him at the door of the
Omelet Hotel, wishing him the best of luck.
Hamunbakun was too anxious to try his fortune as a literary man
to lose any time in seeing the various publishers in the great city of Pork-
opolis. So, selecting his choicest poems, he started forth.
re 2
He made several calls without
any success. Poetry, the book-
sellers assured him, was a drug in
the market. In vain poor Ham-
unbakun made his most graceful
bow. Poetry would not sell. He
was almost out of heart, when he
entered the office of the Bakonan-
grins, and found the editor of
that valuable weekly paper so
_ absorbed in reading, writing, and
cutting, that three of his best bows were wasted in air, before he looked up.
i a. But here fate became more gracious. Mr.
: Gruntangrunt was an editor of discernment, and
he was of opinion that there was something
in Hamunbakun. He pooh-poohed his poetry,
WRy a 4 but offered him a good price if he would write
: him some first-rate political articles, severe and
| sarcastic.
Now, although Hamunbakun was a lazy ne’er-
do-well at home, as his father had said, he
was by no means a stupid pig, and seeing
that he must earn
his daily bread in the great city, he went to work
with a will, and produced articles that Mr. Gruntangrunt found ac-
Behold our friend now, a fashionable literary pig. A year in the
great city had changed him beyond all recognition. He scented his
bristles, he wore shiny boots and hats, he covered his hands with
kid gloves, f >) APOLLO strutting
and he iS Boy ee down the
strutted = ; : ad =), street, he
through —= | :
the streets
heard a
like adan- voice say:
dy pig as “Tf that
he was. ain’t our
Heseemed \ -Hamunba-
to nae =a LSS ix : kun!â€
entirely Wy He stop-
forgotten ped short
his home in amaze-
and his fa- ment, and
mily; but at Wis
one day, feet, with
as he was a boot-
black’s box, he saw, what?
“ Trotters !â€
“Tt is Hamunbakun!†cried Trotters, “and how fine he is! O how
we have grieved for you at home. Mother was sure you were gone to
sausage meat. I’ve come to the city, too, you see; for father was carried
off last winter, and mother can’t support me and the seven new little
brothers that have come since you left.
“Pig!†cried Hamunbakun severely, “I don’t know you!â€
Poor Trotters could scarcely believe his eyes, as he saw his brother
desert him — to him,
and walk when he
on, for was earn-
Hamunba- =S—-—= f a ail . HIbS4z ing an
‘kun was le rd : honest
certain he - @ penny sell-
would be | hoa ing the
ruined if Wy Hse >| very paper
*\ for which
a boot-2y7 L. \ ! a ‘ —<- Hamunba-
black for {
his pro-|
kun wrote,
but the
ther. Once : I = aS Sst elder bro-
more poor. . = Za = \c Ve ss ther only
little Trot- oS ee =I SCtstared at
ters spoke oe ee — a shop-
window, and would not see him.
What! should his fashionable acquaintances see him talking to a
newsboy? Never!
But pride will have a fall. Hamunbakun had a dear friend who
wrote the money articles for the Bakonangrins, and who was a pig of
spirit, a fast pig, and wanted to make a fast pig of Hamunbakun.
The foolish pig, who was ashamed to own his hard-working little
brother, was not ashamed to stand over a wine-bottle with his friend
Clovunfoot, and drink till his head was so dizzy he could not find his
way down When the
= first step is
i. taken in evil
courses, it
stairs, and ©
from this he -
went to gam-
a \}
tie, ) 2
bling and sit- does not take
ting up over ny Law =a pig long to
cards till all — (1% | run down hill,
sorts of hours = Sand so poor
in the morn- |= ee Hamunbakun
ing, losing his =e Niew found. It was
money, and his a wae : : very inviting,
temper, too. a ae no doubt, to
drink choice wine in Clovunfoot’s pleasant room, and to take champagne
at the parties of his fine lady friends; but Hamunbakun soon found
that he could not write when he got up in the morning with a
headache, and that dancing all night did not help working in the
morning. If he could not write, he could not earn money to buy
fine clothes ; .so he began to be shabby, and his fashionable friends
1 nee te EE
crossed over to the other side of the street, when they saw him
This was not the worst, for he found that he was so very miserable
without his. wine, that he began to go into drinking-saloons and get
Bad led ing pa-
to worse. pers, he
Day after saw Ham-
day Ham- unbakun,
unbakun i all his fine
reeled out clothes
of the ta- gone, his
vern bar- hat
E404 0/10, knocked
drunk over his
and noi- eyes, his
sy; and linen
ene day, torn, go-
when ing down
Trotters the street,
was sell- in the
grasp of two policemen.
Poor Trotters knew of no remedy for this dire disaster, but went
sorrowfully to his own little room, and wrote a tearful promise to his
neother, never, never, never to get drunk.
But it was too late for Hamunbakun to make any such good reso-
lutions. The great bull-dog policemen who picked him up drunk in
the street, took him at once to the butcher’s, and chained him fast
to the floor by one leg. When Hamunbakun woke up from a long
stupid his pitiful
nap, the squeals, or
first thing his protes-
ne saw tations
was the that he
Soe at was the
butcher's gifted
knife Hamun-
flo urish- . bakun,
ing in oe | that wrote
air over! for Bakun-
his head. angrins,
The butch- but ful-
er took no filled his
notice of father’s
dire predictions, and Hamunbakun made sausages,
But perhaps you would like to know what became of little Trotters.
Trotters, having never thought he was a genius, was content to black
boots, sell newspapers, hold horses, indeed turn a few pennies in any
honest way, always reserving a portion of his earnings for the’ poor
old mother, and seven little pigs at home. The industrious little pig,
as he in her old
age, it was
S SS ie, \ SY 2 same
earn more mail-cart
and save in which
more, and & il eS oe ee ASE Hamun-
ve SN ~e Ne amun
finally, =
when he
left his na-
returned — USRUINGSSSS SS SS tive vil-
home with S&
. ;
\. Sok
a carpet
bag full of :
had gone
money for ' into part-
his mother
= “nership
with Pettitoes, and
Who was not auch a Goose after all.
First I must tell you that my hero belonged to a very distinguished
family. His uncle was a senator in the goose Congress, and his aunt
laid golden ——————
egos, while his fa-
ther and mother,
with a numerous
family, were the
sole occupants
of the most
stylish barn in
Gooseville, andâ„¢
carried on a brisk
trade in feather- Ws
beds and pillows. |
It was early
remarked of
Quackle, my hero,
that he was “such
a goose!’ His
mother would lift
her wings mourn-
fully when she :
sighed it out, and his father would shake his hee pe repeat the apnea
When his uncle would mount upon a barrel and repeat for the attentive
family his famous speech that made snch a stir in Congress, I am sorry
cy tases ae ttc
ere eae eran
to say that Quackle spent the time he should have occupied in listening,
in tickling the ear of his little brother, who always fell asleep. His uncle
could find no excuse for such conduct, excepting that “ Quackle was such
a goose,†that probably eloquence was wasted upon him.
When Quackle was just of age, and beginning to give up some of his
boyish capers and gosling freaks, there arrived one morning at the
" paternal barn a
black-edged letter,
containing mourn-
ful news. The aunt
" eggs was dead.
Mrs. Goose wept
\\ plentifully, all the
\ Ve
\, family mourned,
*Quackle, looking
=== over his father's
~ shoulder, cried:
“She has left all
Then there was
a commotion! All
her money! A
= — —
= * — Sa a == = =
whole lifetime of golden eggs! What a windfall!
“But you will have to go to the city,†said Mr. Goose. “The letter is
from your aunt’s lawyer, and he says you must go to his office and see
about this property.â€
“Oh! oh!†cried Mrs. Goose, “the city is full of foxes!â€
“And Quackle is such a goose,†cried the whole family in chorus.
“Foxes are so artful. You will be plucked to a certainty,†said Mr.
But there was no help for it. It would never do to let all the golden
eggs go out of the family, and the lawyer expressly said that Quackle
must himself go to his office. With many tears Mamma Goose packed
a valise of necessaries, and saw her son depart. One caution was
to him by —
keep his
eyes open
ewery — and his
member =e Panty on teh
O00) t hve — | == shut, for if
goose fam- == he was
ily: quiet, who
“Beware would find
of the fox- out he was
es |†a goose,
2 Ont Quackle
will know ==45 vec ) started for
ae by € = = Ae the city.
their ;) Up om
bushy he ee
tails!†said he met a
Mr. Goose. == = sSmost de-
Deter- lightful
mining to compan-
ion, who introduced himself to him as Signor Reynard, and a native of the
city where Quackle’s aunt had resided. As soon as he heard of the
old lady’s death, he became very affectionate to Quackle, and promised
to show him all over the city, and guard him carefully from the
The lawyer met them at the station, and invited Quackle to become
his guest; but Reynard, who had scowled blackly when he saw him
approach, whispered to Quackle, “That is one of the slyest old foxes
in the city.â€
“But he has my aunt's letter,’
said Quackle, “and all the money.
See! he has the letter in his hand, telling me to trust entirely to him.â€
“Don’t do it!â€
At this moment
Mr. Slyboots, the
lawyer, turned
around. ()amd
~. Quackle saw a
_ thick bushy tail
_ under his coat-flap.
/So he said, very
politely :
“T will call upon
‘you at your office,
| Mr. Slyboots!†and
the old lawyer had
to go off.
} “T wonder what
‘time it is,†said
Reynard. “My
watch is at the
jeweller’s. Look at
yours, Quackle.â€
“T haven't got one!†said Quackle, feeling ashamed as he said it.
“T’ve borrowed father’s for this trip, but it is not going.â€
P, going
“Not got a watch! Come right along with me to a friend of mine;
g g ’
he will sell you one for a mere trifle!â€
Fancy Quackle’s amazement when he was taken into a large auction-
room, and found superb gold watches selling for the price of a feather pillow.
He got nearer and nearer to the auctioneer, though Reynard tried to hold
him back, and was just about to say he would take a dozen to distribute
in the family, when the auctioneer leaned over the desk, and a bushy
tail suddenly appeared behind him.
“Tl call in again,†said Quackle, and off he went, in spite of Reynard’s
assurance that such
bargains were. only
offered once in a
“Suppose we go
through the Park,â€
said Reynard; ‘and
anxious to see all
the sights, Quackle
consented. They |
| were strolling lei-.
surely along, when a_
, very nicely dressed
inliv:cual came up
| to them.
“Have you lost a |
asked. ‘Ihave just
Somebody will give a large reward for this one; but I am going out of town,
and cannot wait to advertise it. See!’ Here he opened the pocket-book,
and displayed more bank notes than Quackle dreamed were in existence.
He was so busy gaping at them that he did not see the gentlemanly
found one of value! Not lost one?†for Quackle shook his head, “ dear me! |
individual wink at Reynard over his head. |
“Suppose you take care of it!†said the stranger, “and give me some
trifle for my share of the reward that will certainly be offered for it.â€
Quackle was so amazed at the generosity of this offer, that he took a long
staring look at the stranger, who in vain tried to tuck his bushy tail out
of sight.
“Yes,†said Quackle, “I will! You can take one of the notes out of the
eae ue one pocket-book for your
wy share, and I will ex-
ye plain it to the owner
#, when he calls.â€
\ said — the stranger
\ angrily, and walked
off, pocket-book and
all, while Reynard
muttered under his
breath, ““ Who would
have thought it ?â€
Bat. p.orGgr
7 a Quackle was not yet
\out of the reach of
the foxes, as he
found to his cost.
He was so elated
: Sa ~~ at his own sharp-
ness, that Reynard found he would swallow any flattery.
They strolled leisurely along, and were joined by two friends of
Reynard’s, who were quite excited about a great prize-fight, that
was to have come off the next day between Gamecock and Wattles ;
but Wattles was ill, and they were afraid it would be postponed.
One of Reynard’s friends told Quackle all about it, while the other
strolled off to pick a flower, and Reynard himself stood aside to
“If only some one of spirit could be found to take Wattles’ place,â€
said the narrator; “some strong young fellow from the country, to show
this city Gamecock what real fighting is!â€
It really seems too silly to believe, but by flattery this sly friend of
Reynard’s actually seu!
prevailed on. pe) < '
Quackle to fight the QW 1. Nal ie
famous Gamecock Sy ol ~~ ee
the next day. \ TRAY ya “s
It was a terrific &
combat. The first | AS
blow made the blood |
run freely from poor i
Quackle’s nose, and
while he was trying |S
to find out how big ¢
the bump was on his
eye, his dear friend ©
pockets of his
father’s old gold
watch and his purse ; |
and ran away, fol- Ge arta ae?
lowed by his two friends, and so fast did they run that Quackle
saw their bushy tails streaming in the air.
He went to his hotel a sadder and a wiser goose, and for three
days was obliged to nurse the bruises inflicted by the villain Game-
But the lesson did him good. When he went to old Slyboots,
ert cent mete eee gees a
it was with his resolution taken to listen to no counsel from any fox that
wore a tail. 2
In vain the lawyer tempted him to invest his golden eggs in
CEE Oo, <= Nene varios wonderful
AVG speculations that
were certain to
double his fortune.
Nothing but the
eggs themselves, or
. their value in hard
*money, would
Quackle take.
It was a proud
day for the Goose
family when
Quackle returned,
loaded with pres-
ents for all, and
long purses of hard
money for his
father and mother.
His wonderful ad-
ventures were all related to a gaping audience, and as he finished, his
mother cried,
“Why, Quackle is not such a goose after all!â€
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