Statistical analyses of Florida per capita fish and shellfish consumption data

Material Information

Statistical analyses of Florida per capita fish and shellfish consumption data
Alternate Title:
Florida Agricultural Market Research Center Industry Report - University of Florida Food and Resource Economics Dept. ; 95-1
Portier, Kenneth
Um, Yonghwan
Degner, Robert
Mack, Stephanie
Adams, Charles
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, Fla.
Florida Agricultural Market Research Center, a part of the Food and Resource Economics Dept., Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Fresh water ( jstor )
Seafoods ( jstor )
Crustaceans ( jstor )
Spatial Coverage:
North America -- United States -- Florida

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.


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Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

Florida Agricultural
Market Research Center
Industry Report 95-1
December 1995
arston Science

JAN 2 3 1996
University of Florida

Statistical Analysis of Florida

Per Capita Fish and Shellfish
Consumption Data

A Report by:
Kenneth M. Portier
Yonghwan Um
Robert L. Degner
Stephanie K. Mack
Charles M. Adams

Submitted to the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection in Fulfillment of Contract 8P332
by the Florida Agricultual Market Research Center,
Food and Resource Economics Department
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611.0240


Statistical Analyses of

Florida Per Capita Fish and Shellfish Consumption Data

Submitted to the

Florida Department of
Environmental Protection


Kenneth M. Portier, Yonghwan Um, Robert L. Degner,
Stephenie K. Mack, and Charles M. Adams

October 31, 1995

Industry Report 95-1

Florida Agricultural Market Research Center
a part of the
Food and Resource Economics Department
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-0240



LIST OF TABLES ............................................................. ........ iv

LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................... v

ABSTRACT ................................................................ .......... vi

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................... ................................ vii

INTRODUCTION ........................ ............................................. 1
Rationale for a Telephone Survey ................................ ............... .... ..... 1
Rationale for a 7-day Recall Period .................................................... 1
Procedure ................... .... ................ ........................ ............. 2
Rationale for this Study ............................. ................................... 3

OBJECTIVES ........................................... ................................... 4

PROCEDU RE ........................................... ................................... 5

SEAFOOD CLASSIFICATIONS .............................................................. 6

FISH AND SHELLFISH CONSUMPTION PERCENTILES ......................................... 8
Procedure .......................................... ....................... ....... 8
Parametric Approach .......................................................... 8
Distribution Free Approach ......................... .............. ............... 8
Smoothed Density Approach ................................................... 9
Implementation .............................................................. 9
Tables ............................................................... .... ...... 10
Freshwater crustaceans: RSAs ................................................ 11
Freshwater bottom feeders: RSAs .............................................. 12
Freshwater bottom feeders: Male RSAs ......................................... 13
Freshwater bottom feeders: Female RSAs ...................................... 14
Freshwater bottom feeders: White RSAs ....................................... 15
Freshwater bottom feeders: Nonwhite RSAs ...................................... 16
Freshwater predators: RSAs ......................... ........................... 17
Freshwater predators: Male RSAs .............................................. 18
Freshwater predators: Female RSAs .............................................. 19
Freshwater predators: White RSAs ............................................ 20
Marine crustaceans: RSAs .................................................... 21
Marine crustaceans: Male RSAs ................................................ 22
Marine crustaceans: Female RSAs .............................................. 23
Marine crustaceans: White RSAs .............................................. 24
Marine crustaceans: Nonwhite RSAs ........................................... 25
Marine crustaceans: White male RSAs .............. ........................... 26
Marine crustaceans: White female RSAs .......................................... 27
Marine crustaceans: Nonwhite male RSAs ....................................... 28
Marine crustaceans: Nonwhite female RSAs ..................................... 29
Marine finfish: RSAs ......................................................... 30

Marine finfish: Male RSAs ............ ........................................ 31
Marine finfish: Female RSAs ................................................. 32
Marine finfish: White RSAs ..... ........... ................................... 33
Marine finfish: Nonwhite RSAs ................................................ 34
Marine finfish: White male RSAs ........................................... 35
Marine finfish: White female RSAs ........................................... 36
Marine fmfish: Nonwhite male RSAs ........................................... 37
Marine finfish: Nonwhite female RSAs ......................................... 38
Marine mollusks: RSAs ...................................................... 39
Marine mollusks: Male RSAs ............ ....................................... 40
Marine mollusks: Female RSAs .................................................. 41
Marine mollusks: White RSAs ................................................. 42
Marine mollusks: Nonwhite RSAs .............................................. 43
Marine mollusks: White male RSAs ................................... ...... 44
Marine mollusks: White female RSAs .................................. .......... 45
Marine mollusks: Nonwhite male RSAs ......................................... 46
Marine mollusks: Nonwhite female RSAs ...................................... 47
Freshwater panfish: RSAs ................................................ 48
Freshwater panfish: Male RSAs ................................................. 49
Freshwater panfish: Female RSAs .............................................. 50
Freshwater panfish: White RSAs ................................................ 51
Freshwater panfish: Nonwhite RSAs ............................................. 52
Processed finfish: RSAs ...................................................... 53
Processed finfish: Male RSAs .............................................. 54
Processed finfish: Female RSAs .................. .............................. 55
Processed finfish: White RSAs ................................................. 56
Processed finfish: Nonwhite RSAs .............................................. 57
Processed finfish: White male RSAs ................................ ..... ... 58
Processed finfish: White female RSAs ........................................... 59
Processed finfish: Nonwhite male RSAs ........................................ 60
Processed finfish: Nonwhite female RSAs ....................................... 61
Shark: RSAs .............................................................. 62
Shark: Male RSAs ....................................................... 63
Shark: Female RSAs ...................................................... 64
Shark: White RSAs ......................................................... 65
Freshwater bottom feeders: Householders ....................................... 66
Freshwater predators: Householders ............................................. 73
Marine crustaceans: Householders .............................................. 79
Marine finfish: Householders ............................................... 94
Marine mollusks: Householders ............................................... 109
Panfish: Householders .................................................. 116
Processed finfish: Householders ............................................... 123
Shark: Householders ........................................................ 138

COUNTY RANKINGS BY AVERAGE SEAFOOD CONSUMPTION ............................... 142
Freshwater Bottom Feeders .................................................. 142
Freshwater Crustaceans ....................................................... 142
Freshwater Predators ................ .................................... ... 142
Marine Crustaceans .......................................................... 142
Marine Finfish ....................................................... ...... 142
Marine Mollusks ....................................................... .... 143


Freshwater Panfish ...................................................... 143
Processed Fish ........................ ............. ........................ 143
Shark ..... ....................................... ........................ 143

REFERENCES ................................................................ ......... 164

APPENDIX A ...................................................................... 166
DATA SET DOCUMENTATION .................................................. 166


Table 1-1. Seafood classifications. ........................................................ 6
Table 2-1. Statistical differences between genders and white-nonwhite populations in the distribution of seafood
consumed by seafood class for randomly selected adults.............................. 10
Table 3-1. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of freshwater bottom feeders by
randomly selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. .................. 147
Table 3-2. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of freshwater crustaceans by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. .......................... 149
Table 3-3. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of freshwater predators by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. .......................... 151
Table 3-4. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of marine crustaceans by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. .......................... 153
Table 3-5. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of marine finfish by randomly selected
adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county .................................. 155
Table 3-6. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of marine mollusks by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county .......................... 157
Table 3-7. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of freshwater panfish by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. .......................... 159
Table 3-8. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of processed finfish by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. .......................... 161
Table 3-9. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of shark by randomly selected adults,
State sample, raw weight grams, by county. ....................................... 163


Figure 3-1. County names ................................ .......... .. .. 144
Figure 3-2. Sample size per county. ..................................................... 145
Figure 3-3. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of freshwater bottom feeders by
randomly selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. .................. 146
Figure 3-4. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of freshwater crustaceans by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. ......................... 148
Figure 3-5. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of freshwater predators by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. ......................... 150
Figure 3-6. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of marine crustaceans by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. ......................... 152
Figure 3-7. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of marine finfish by randomly selected
adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. ................................ 154
Figure 3-8. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of marine mollusks by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. ......................... 156
Figure 3-9. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of freshwater panfish by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. ......................... 158
Figure 3-10. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of processed finfish by randomly
selected adults, State sample, raw weight grams, by county. ........................ 160
Figure 3-11. Average weekly at-home and away-from-home consumption of shark by randomly selected adults,
State sample, raw weight grams, by county ....... .............................. 162


This study provides further analysis of the data collected for the FAMRC Industry Report 94-2, "Per Capita Fish and
Shellfish Consumption in Florida." For this study, the seafood species were divided into nine groups: 1) freshwater
bottom feeders, 2) freshwater crustaceans, 3) freshwater predators, 4) marine crustaceans, 5) marine finfish, 6) marine
mollusks, 7) freshwater panfish, 8) processed finfish and 9) shark. For each class of seafood, consumption values at
the mean, median and selected percentiles were calculated. These consumption statistics were also calculated for
selected socio-demographic categories provided there were sufficient observations for statistical validity. Percentiles
were calculated using appropriate statistical methods which smoothed the empirical distribution functions to allow for
greater accuracy by ameliorating skewness or extreme variability in the range of the 90th and greater percentiles.
Counties were also ranked by average consumption of each general class of seafood items. The rankings were examined
for geographical patterns in the consumption of each general class of seafood. An electronic data set containing
consumption expressed as a raw weight equivalent along with demographic variables for each survey respondent was
also prepared.


* Recent concerns regarding chemical contamination and bacterial and viral pathogens in seafood have prompted
interest in obtaining more accurate estimates of seafood consumption for Florida residents. As a result of these
concerns, the Florida Agricultural Market Research Center conducted a year-long study to determine per capital
seafood consumption by Floridians in 1993-1994. The result of this study was the FAMRC Industry Report
94-2, "Per Capita Fish and Shellfish Consumption in Florida."

* This study provides further analysis of the State sample of 8,000 households interviewed for the above
mentioned study. For analytical purposes, the seafood species were grouped into nine classes: 1) freshwater
bottom feeders, 2) freshwater crustaceans, 3) freshwater predators, 4) marine crustaceans, 5) marine finfish,
6) marine mollusks, 7) freshwater panfish, 8) processed finfish and 9) shark.

* Estimates of percentiles from the distribution of seafood consumed for population subgroups and seafood
classes are provided. These percentiles are derived from the State sample of randomly selected adults (RSA)
database and the State sample of householders database. The distributions of per capital weekly seafood
consumption are presented, in grams, for nine different seafood classes, overall and by gender and race (white
and nonwhite).

* In order to identify any geographical patterns in Florida seafood consumption, the average seafood
consumption by the randomly selected adults was calculated for each county and ranked. These calculations
were done for each of the nine seafood groupings and the means were taken across the entire sample of both
eaters and non-eaters of seafood. The counties were then ranked from highest to lowest average consumption
and grouped according to their consumption levels.

* Freshwater bottom feeders (freshwater catfish) appear to be consumed throughout the state with concentrations
of higher consumption in the central lakes area and scattered counties in the panhandle and northwestern

* The consumption of freshwater crustaceans (freshwater crayfish) appears to be light and scattered throughout
the state with no areas of concentrated consumption.

* The consumption of freshwater predators (mainly largemouth bass) also appears to be scattered throughout the
state. Concentrations of highest consumption appear to be in Jackson/Gadsden counties (Lake Seminole and
Lakes Talquin and Jackson), Madison county, Gilchrist county (Suwannee River), and Charlotte county.

* Marine crustaceans (mainly shrimp), though not to the extent of marine finfish, are also eaten rather uniformly
throughout the state. Areas of higher average consumption appear to be around the Choctawhatchee Bay-St.
Joseph's Bay area and Apalachicola River, the Steinhatchee-Waccasassa Bay area, southwestern Florida and
the Keys, the central Florida intercoastal waterway area and around the mouth the of St. Johns River.

* Marine finfish appear to be eaten quite widely throughout the state. As expected, the highest consumption
averages were found among coastal counties. Counties with lower consumption averages are those that are

* Marine mollusks (mostly oysters and clams) also appear to be eaten throughout the state with areas of higher
average consumption around the Apalachicola Bay, Charlotte Harbor and the Steinhatchee-Waccasassa Bay

Consumption of freshwater panfish appears to be generally scattered throughout the state. Areas of higher
consumption were found in the Lake Okeechobee, the Apalachicola Bay and the Steinhatchee-Waccasassa Bay

* Processed fish seems to be consumed throughout the state in rather high quantities.

* Shark consumption was generally higher in coastal counties with a band of higher consumption in central


Recent concerns regarding chemical contamination and bacterial and viral pathogens in seafood have prompted interest
in obtaining more accurate estimates of seafood consumption for Florida residents. As a result of these concerns, the
Florida Agricultural Market Research Center conducted a year-long study to determine per capital seafood consumption
by Floridians in 1993-1994.

A state-wide telephone survey of 8,000 households was a major part of this study. The surveyed households were
stratified by county, with each county represented in proportion to its population as reported by the 1990 Census (Bureau
of Economic and Business Research, 1993). Both at-home and away-from home seafood consumption, for a 7-day
period, was collected from a randomly selected adult within each household. Additional information on at-home
seafood consumption for each member of the household was collected from the primary food preparer of that household.

Rationale for a Telephone Survey

Traditionally, food intake studies for epidemiological, nutritional and toxicological purposes have been based upon
weighed food records, i.e. actual observation of intake, or on diet histories recorded during lengthy personal interviews
conducted by professional dietitians. Other traditional food intake research methods have utilized the food record
(diary), usually self-administered by respondents for one, three or seven days. These methods, while reasonably
accurate, are tedious, time consuming and expensive. Because of these limitations, sample sizes for these methods are
generally quite small.

Due to the ambitious nature of this study, a novel methodology was utilized in order to meet the study objectives within
the prescribed time and budgetary constraints. The survey protocol incorporated the advantages of large scale
probability sampling with the efficiency of a telephone survey. Many of the features of traditional food intake research
were utilized, but the study was designed to reduce sources of bias that affect small scale, short-term studies.

A telephone survey approach was chosen because of its relatively low cost and the ease of probability sampling. In
support of a telephone survey, Peters' and Houseknecht's methodological review cites an USEPA report which indicates
the telephone survey approach is "rapidly becoming the principal method of collecting survey data in research situations
where probing or in-depth exploration of issues is not required." They also suggest that "telephone surveys may
minimize recall bias and achieve a better overall response than mail surveys because the personal contact involved may
encourage the respondent's participation and jog his [or her] memory" (Peters and Houseknecht, 1992). Further, in a
comparison of a weighed record food intake study and telephone recall by elderly subjects, Dubois and Boivin (1990)
conclude that "telephone contact is an acceptable way to obtain short term (24 hour) dietary recall from elderly
subjects". Thus, one could conclude that recall by younger subjects would probably be even better.

Rationale for a 7-day Recall Period

Although many food intake studies have used 24 hour or three-day recall periods, there is substantial agreement that
short recall periods are less representative of individuals' usual consumption because of high day-to-day variability in
intake, particularly in affluent countries such as the U.S. where diets are extremely varied (Block, 1982; Medlin and
Skinner, 1988). Further, short-term recall periods may yield biased results if consumption data are not obtained for both
weekend and weekday periods (Medlin and Skinner, 1988).

A seven-day period has also been widely used for both the food record and food recall approaches. Although it can be
argued that the food record approach is more accurate, it has been found that there is a high degree of agreement
between seven day food records and subjects' ability to recall their consumption of foods, particularly those either
commonly or rarely eaten (Block, 1982).

One of the most frequent criticisms of the recall approach is the fallibility of human memory. Where total recall of all
food items consumed is sought, respondents tend to omit some items, even in short-term recall situations. However,
a review of food intake research literature revealed that subjects' recall accuracy was best for foods that were major
components of a meal and eaten in relatively large quantities. Flesh foods, meats, meat substitutes and casseroles had
the greatest recall accuracy in several studies (Mullen, et al., 1984; Eck, et al., 1989; Dubois and Boivin, 1990). In other
studies where fish intake was sought, recall for fish was among the most accurate of any foods (Guthrie, 1984; Yuhas,
et al., 1989; Jensen, et al., 1984).

The accuracy of recall can also be enhanced by the use of specific and meaningful memory cues (Krall and Dwyer,
1987; Dubois and Boivin, 1990). This aided recall approach was used in the questionnaires. Six commonly eaten types
of finfish and five major types of shellfish were used as memory cues to screen for finfish and shellfish consumers.
Respondents that had eaten finfish were then read a list of 27 species to determine which ones they had eaten during
the previous seven days. Subjects that had eaten some type of shellfish were read a list of 13 shellfish species to
determine consumption. The lists of finfish and shellfish included those most commonly consumed in Florida (Teehan,

Another potential source of error with food intake recall stems from respondents' estimates of portion sizes. Many
studies, particularly those using the food frequency approach, do not solicit portion size estimates from respondents.
Instead, a "standard" portion, as defined by professional dietitians or others, is assumed. Some researchers defend the
use of a "standard" portion by arguing that intraindividual variability is greater than interindividual variability (Hunter,
et al., 1988). Others counter that standard portions reflect "measurement convenience and approximation rather than
any behavioral truth about the portions people actually consume" (Block, et al., 1986). One alternative to using one
standard portion size is to use a range of sizes such as "small," "medium" and "large"; this method has been shown to
improve portion size estimates by introducing personal variability in respondents' intake estimates (Block, et al., 1986).
This technique was used in a modified manner in our study for estimating consumption of some shellfish.

In order to obtain an accurate estimate of portion size, a very common unit of measure, which the respondents could
easily visualize, needed to be found. Because visual aids, such as photographs for food replicas, could not be used in
a telephone survey the respondents were asked to "imagine one slice of sandwich bread" for the finfish items. They
were then asked to provide an estimate of portion size in fractions or multiples of the bread slice. The rationale for using
a slice of bread was that it was a familiar, common item that a large proportion of the population would be able to
visualize, particularly in the context of eating. Respondents' portion estimates in terms of fractions or multiples of the
bread slice were converted to a finfish weight consumption figure using a volume estimate for a bread slice and the
average specific gravity for finfish flesh.

Portion sizes for shellfish items were based upon counts and known industry size standards whenever possible. For
example, respondents that had eaten shrimp were simply asked for the number eaten and the approximate size. Size
options were "jumbo", "large", "medium" and "small", all commonly used size classifications for which edible yield
data are available.


The surveyed households were selected via a random digit dialing procedure to assure inclusion of unlisted telephone
numbers. Within each household, the "next birthday" method of respondent selection was used to randomly select an
adult (age 18 or older) for interviewing (Salmon and Nichols, 1983).

The randomly selected adult in the telephone surveys was asked for detailed away-from-home seafood consumption
data for the previous seven days. After this information had been obtained, the interviewer asked to speak to the primary
meal preparer. In many cases, the randomly selected adult was also the primary meal preparer. If the primary meal
preparer was available, he or she was asked to provide at-home seafood consumption data for every member of the
household, including the randomly selected adult. The rationale for asking the primary meal preparer for data on every
member of the household was simple: The meal preparer was likely to be the one that was most aware of individual

householders seafood preferences and consumption. Away-from-home consumption was not sought for household
members, because even the primary meal preparer would not have adequate knowledge of what had been consumed
during the previous week by householders other than pre-schoolers. It is quite likely that school aged children and older
members of the household could have eaten seafood in cafeterias or other food service establishments without the
knowledge of the primary meal preparer.

Portion sizes were solicited in the form of multiples and/or fractions of bread slices for finfish. Portion sizes for shellfish
items were based upon counts and known industry size standards whenever possible. In addition to obtaining recall data
from randomly selected adults, at-home intake data for finfish and shellfish were sought for all members of households
contacted. Information on seafood intake for all householders except for the randomly selected adult was provided by
the primary meal preparer.

Interviews were conducted on a constant quota basis throughout a 52 week period beginning March 15, 1993 and ending
March 13, 1994. Approximately 168 interviews were conducted each week during this period. The year-long
interviewing period was used to minimize bias that could arise from seasonal variation in the consumption of specific
types of seafood caused by species availability or seasonal consumption habits. Interviewing quotas for individual
counties were not randomized, but set so that interviews would be distributed throughout the weeks of the year on a
constant basis, if permitted by the total number of interviews. For counties with small numbers of interviews, quotas
were arranged so that interviews were distributed equally across the four seasons of the year, if possible.

Rationale for this Study

Results of this study revealed that Floridians, on the average, consume two to three times as much seafood as the average
U.S. consumer. Average consumption figures for a one-week recall period were reported for all population samples
by individual seafood species and by selected seafood categories such as finfish/shellfish, freshwater/saltwater, etc.
Average consumption figures were also calculated for selected socio-demographic categories of the various population
samples. For example, mean consumption estimates of specific types of seafood were calculated for various ethnic
groups, age, income and education categories, and by gender. In addition to mean consumption estimates, standard
deviations were reported along with annualized estimates of consumption for all categories of respondents and species
of finfish and shellfish. Results were published in FAMRC Industry Report 94-2, "Per Capita Fish and Shellfish
Consumption in Florida."

Although the published findings provide an unprecedented level of detail with respect to seafood consumption by
Floridians, additional detail is required to refine judgements on human health risks. This research provides the
additional statistical detail required by toxicologists, risk assessors, epidemiologists and others.


The overall objective of this study was to provide additional statistical detail on seafood consumption for the various
population samples. Specific objectives were to:

1. Group individual species data, with input from HRS and DEP personnel, into the general classes of:

a. Marine finfish
b. Marine mollusks
c. Marine crustaceans
d. Freshwater predators
e. Freshwater bottom feeders
f. Processed finfish
g. Panfish
h. Sharks

2. For each of the above classes, calculate consumption at the mean, median and selected percentiles. These
consumption statistics were also to be calculated for selected socio-demographic categories provided that there
were sufficient observations for statistical validity. Percentiles were to be calculated using appropriate
statistical methods which smooth the empirical distribution functions to allow for greater accuracy by
ameliorating skewness or extreme variability in the range of the 90th and greater percentiles.

3. Rank counties by average consumption of each general class of seafood items and examine rankings for
geographical patterns in the consumption of each general class.

4. Prepare for the Department of Environmental Protection an electronic data set containing consumption
expressed as a raw weight equivalent along with demographic variables for each survey respondent.


Market Research Center analysts were responsible for managing and manipulating the raw data sets to obtain the
required data subsets, i.e., general classes of seafood species and demographic classifications. Personnel in the
University of Florida's Department of Statistics then generated basic distributional statistics (means, medians and
percentiles) of per capital consumption for each general seafood classification in total, as well as for demographic
classifications. For each estimate provided, ninety-five percent confidence intervals were computed, provided sample
sizes were adequate. Because sample sizes for some demographic classifications were quite small, confidence intervals
for a number of the estimates were unobtainable. Estimates of percentiles were based on appropriately smoothed
empirical density functions (Silverman, 1986).

Differences in average per capital consumption among demographic classifications were analyzed by comparing their
respective empirical distribution functions using the Kolmogorov-Smirinov test (Hollander and Wolfe, 1973).
Computations were performed using SAS (SAS Institute Inc.) and S-plus (StatSci Inc.) statistical software.

Market Research Center personnel created and documented the electronic data sets for future use by HRS and DEP.


The following table lists each of the nine seafood groupings and the species included in each grouping. The letters in
parenthesis, after each grouping or species, is the code that is used for the grouping or species in the electronic data set.

Table I-1. Seafood classifications.
Variable Name
Seafood Classification Species (electronic data set)

Freshwater bottom feeders FB
Freshwater catfish FC

Freshwater crustaceans FC
Crayfish CR

Freshwater predators FP
Largemouth bass LB
Largemouth bass roe LR
Other freshwater finfish FW

Marine crustaceans MC
Blue crab BC
Crab meat CM
Stone crab claws CC
Lobster tails LT
Whole lobster WL
Shrimp SP
Salad Shrimp SS

Marine finfish MF
Amberjack AJ
Bluefish BLFSH
Marine catfish CAT
Dolphin DO
Flounder FL
Grouper GR
Haddock HAD
Halibut HAL
King mackerel KMA
Mackerel MA
Mullet MU
Mullet roe MR
Orange Roughy ORANG
Pompano PO
Red drum RD

Table 1-1. Seafood classifications (cont.)
Variable Name
Seafood Classification Species (electronic data set)

Sunshine bass
Sea trout
Sea trout roe
Sea bass
Fresh tuna
Unknown finfish
Other marine finfish



Panfish roe




Processed finfish

Fish sticks
Breaded fish fillets
Canned tuna
Other processed finfish
Other fresh/frozen finfish
Any other fresh frozen finfish
Imitation crabmeat

Shark SH

Marine finfish

Marine mollusks



The vast majority of individuals surveyed had eaten no seafood in the week prior to questioning. The distribution of
consumption for those adults who actually reported consumption in the previous week is highly dependent on how the
consumption information is obtained. That is, the estimate of portion size depends on how the standard portion is
defined. It is usual for respondents to report consumption in regular simple fractions of the standard. This leads, as will
be seen, to non-normal distributional shapes and in many cases, to bimodal distributions. There are a number of
approaches to estimating percentiles.

Parametric Approach

The first is to assume the data follow a specific parametric form. The parameters of the distribution, usually a function
of the first and second moments are estimated from the data and then the percentiles are estimated from the fitted
distribution. This is the approach presented by Murry and Burmaster (1994) and Ruffle, et. al. (1994) assuming
reported weekly consumption following a lognormal distribution. One drawback of this method is that one cannot
determine confidence intervals for percentile estimates.

Distribution Free Approach

A second approach is to use distribution-free estimates of percentiles calculated directly from the order statistics (sorted
observations). No distributional assumptions are made and confidence intervals for the percentile estimates are available.

Assume n respondents report consumption of a specific seafood in the previous week. Let X,, X2, ..., X, represent the
reported consumption levels for all respondents. The order statistics associated with this sample is denoted min=X(,),
X(2), ..., XY)=max and is essentially the observations in ascending order. A natural estimator of the p-th quantile of the
true distribution, denoted C, is the p-th quantile of the distribution of the sample values. That is

S- (1-g) +gX (1)

where j=[p(n+l)], g=[p(n+l) j] and [x] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x. This estimator is
asymptotically normally distributed with expectation equal to the true percentile, C, and variance p(1-p)/f(Cp ); f(.)
is the true density of the unknown distribution. Other estimators which are quite similar to Equation (1) but which
involve weighted averages of more order statistics have been proposed but offer little additional benefit (Harrell and
Davis, 1982: Kaigh and Lachenbruch, 1982).

Confidence intervals for the pth percentile, Cp, follows from the probability statement

P (~X < X) i p (1-p) (2)

This probability depends on the percentage, p, the sample size n, and the order statistics u and v, but not on any
particular distribution, F(x). To construct a 100(1-a)% confidence interval for the percentile, ,p, one searches for (u,v)
pairs such that Pr( Xu) < C, < X(v)) is as close to 1-a as possible. Exact 95% confidence intervals may not always be
possible. In some situations, primarily with low sample sizes and values ofp close to zero or one, it may not be possible
to construct a confidence interval at all.

For large sample sizes, the search for the confidence limits using Equation (2) can be very time consuming. When
sample sizes were over 300, an approximation to the binomial probabilities was used (see Johnson and Kotz, 1969).

There are two problems with this method which are evident in the tables produced for this project. First, when
calculated on small sample sizes, N<50, and when there are a number of ties in the data, confidence intervals for the
estimated percentile may have upper and lower bounds equal to each other and to the estimate. This is a direct result
of having ties and implies that the true precision of the estimate is below the scale of measurement inherent in the data.
In similar situations either the upper or lower bound may be equal to the estimator. Because of this, the confidence
intervals should only be used to indicate a general level of confidence in the estimator within the limits of measurement

The second problem encountered, again with small samples and large number of ties, is that the distribution free method
may not be able to supply an acceptable point estimate of the percentile. In some cases, the confidence interval is
provided, indicating that the percentile, usually for percentage values close to one, is between the second largest and
largest observations. In other cases, neither the estimator nor the confidence limits are provided.

Finally, with large sample sizes, there are a large number of possible confidence intervals which have similar coverage
probabilities. Since, in theory at least, all of these intervals are acceptable, we choose one at random to report.

Smoothed Density Approach

The third approach involves approximating the density function underlying the data using density smoothing techniques
(Silverman, 1986). This smoothed density can then be integrated to construct an estimated distribution function from
which the percentile can be obtained. A kernel estimator was used to estimate the underlying density of the data. The
kernel estimator used was:

1 x-X, (3)
At) ,- K( )
nh El h

The kernel function, K(.), is usually a standard parametric density function which defines the weights to be given to
observations around the target value, x. The window width (smoothing parameter or bandwidth), h, defines how far,
either side of x, the kernel function will apply. A larger h results in a very smooth density estimate, a very small h results
in a very rough, multimodal estimate. The smoother the kernel function, the smoother will be the estimated density
A x)"

The kernel density chosen was the standard normal distribution. The window width was chosen to be h 2o- n -s
This value of h has been shown to provide relatively smooth approximation of multimodal distributions when used with
the normal density.


Smoothed and distribution-free estimates of designated percentiles using the methods described in the previous sections
were computed using the capabilities of the S-Plus statistical analysis package running on a UNIX workstation. S-Plus
is a product of the StatSci division of MathSoft.


Results are provided in the following tables and graphs. The tables are organized by general class of seafood and
database. Note that consumption values in all tables are in grams per week, calculated only for those individuals
that consumed the one or more species of finfish or shellfish within the respective general class of seafood shown
in the various tables.

For RSA data, the general groupings can have a maximum of twenty-seven tables; three for all respondents for that
seafood class. Separate tables are provided for each gender, followed by tables for White respondents, Nonwhite
respondents and cross classifications of gender by White and Nonwhite respondents.

For householder data, each general class can have a maximum of forty-five tables; an overall table, separate tables for
each gender, age class, race (White/Nonwhite) and two- and three-way cross classifications of these categories. Each
set consists of tables for weekly consumption in grams, reported for the respondent group.

In many cases, sample sizes did not permit estimation of the tables. In particular, due to small sample sizes, there are
no tables for freshwater crustaceans.

The RSA data, the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirinov test (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981) was used to examine the statistical
differences between genders and white-nonwhite populations in the distribution of seafood consumed by seafood class.
The results of these tests follow. A small p-value is indicative of significant differences between the indicated groups.
Gender differences and white-nonwhite differences were not seen in freshwater predators, freshwater crustaceans,
panfish and sharks.

Table 2-1. Statistical differences between genders and white-nonwhite populations in the distribution of seafood
consumed by seafood class for randomly selected adults.
Seafood Comparison KS test value p-value

Freshwater bottom feeders Male-Female 0.2237 <0.001
White-Nonwhite 0.2298 0.0011

Freshwater crustaceans Male-Female 0.5500 0.2347
White-Nonwhite 0.8333 0.4615

Freshwater predators Male-Female 0.2531 0.2564
White-Nonwhite 0.2900 0.3221

Marine crustaceans Male-Female 0.0707 0.0106
White-Nonwhite 0.1248 <0.001

Marine finfish Male-Female 0.1586 <0.001
White-Nonwhite 0.2304 <0.001

Marine mollusks Male-Female 0.1541 <0.001
White-Nonwhite 0.0727 0.7254

Panfish Male-Female 0.2306 0.0687
White-Nonwhite 0.2655 0.0265

Processed finfish Male-Female 0.1158 <0.001
White-Nonwhite 0.1702 <0.001

Sharks Male-Female 0.2094 0.5143
White-Nonwhite 0.2276 0.6296

Freshwater crustaceans: RSAs

N= 53 Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
13 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 52.5
mean 204.38
20 64.32 66.64 56 425.32 0.945
30 94.62 71.08 52.5 184.85 0.938
40 131.29 119.38 69.3 210 0.955
50 172.74 184.85 71.08 420 0.943
60 212.6 205.27 71.08 420 0.955
70 282.76 300.46 184.85 425.32 0.938
80 378.42 420 52.5 420 0.945
90 427.85 423.19 323.08 425.32 0.966
95 454.95 NA 420 425.32 0.975
99 496.4 NA 420 425.32 0.993
max. 425.32 _

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
6 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 56
mean 204.09
20 115.45 94.23 56 202.11 0.983
30 146.28 154.91 56 202.11 0.93
40 167.86 178.2 151.58 420 0.949
50 186.36 193.48 151.58 420 0.969
60 204.86 203.69 56 210 0.949
70 226.44 209.21 184.85 420 0.93
80 263.44 336 184.85 420 0.983
90 408.34 NA 202.11 420 0.984
95 440.71 NA 210 420 0.967
99 483.88 NA 210 420 0.999
max. 420

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
7 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 52.5
mean 204.62
20 41.97 62.58 52.5 71.08 0.967
30 69.45 70.01 52.5 323.08 0.971
40 96.93 71.08 69.3 420 0.953
50 133.57 71.08 52.5 420 0.938
60 270.97 272.68 69.3 420 0.953
70 349.75 381.23 71.08 425.32 0.971
80 399.21 422.13 71.08 425.32 0.967
90 446.84 NA 323.08 425.32 0.974
95 477.99 NA 420 425.32 0.956
99 529.28 NA 420 425.32 0.998
max. 425.32 _

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Freshwater bottom feeders: RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
317 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 47.97
mean 438.82
20 177.15 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
30 220.98 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
40 275.75 259.67 202.11 383.75 0.95
50 341.49 388.67 303.16 404.21 0.949
60 385.31 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.95
70 451.04 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
80 571.55 606.32 575.62 606.32 0.95
90 823.52 808.43 777.33 1166 0.949
95 1206.96 1212.64 1151.24 1616.85 0.95
99 1995.75 2021.07 1616.85 2021.07 0.945
max. 4042.13

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
161 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 359.85
20 166.2 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.95
30 195.09 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.951
40 229.75 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
50 270.2 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.95
60 333.76 383.75 242.92 404.21 0.95
70 385.76 404.21 383.75 404.21 0.951
80 431.99 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
90 663.11 678.8 404.21 2021.07 0.949
95 1084.91 1141.21 777.33 1212.64 0.947
99 1922.73 1972.87 1212.64 2021.07 0.928
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
166 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 47.97
mean 488.98
20 205.52 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.949
30 261.43 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.949
40 317.34 303.16 303.16 404.21 0.95
50 373.26 404.21 388.67 2021.07 0.949
60 440.35 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
70 529.81 583 404.21 606.32 0.949
80 652.82 606.32 606.32 808.43 0.949
90 910.02 857.4 606.32 1212.64 0.95
95 1234.31 1212.64 1010.53 1414.75 0.949
99 1983.55 2688.02 1616.85 4042.13 0.921
max. 4042.13

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Freshwater bottom feeders: Male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
138 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 497.63
20 218.18 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
30 276.92 202.11 202.11 388.67 0.951
40 341.53 388.67 291.5 404.21 0.95
50 394.39 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.951
60 447.26 404.21 404.21 575.62 0.95
70 535.36 583 404.21 606.32 0.951
80 676.33 606.32 583 808.43 0.95
90 999.39 1014.58 808.43 1212.64 0.952
95 1251.96 1212.64 1050.95 1697.7 0.95
99 2003.79 2021.07 1697.7 2021.07 0.961
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
58 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 397.23
20 182.62 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.954
30 222.2 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 273.08 202.11 202.11 383.75 0.951
50 329.62 383.75 202.11 404.21 0.952
60 374.85 404.21 383.75 404.21 0.951
70 420.08 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.950
80 487.92 404.21 404.21 696.92 0.954
90 742.34 780.44 404.21 1050.95 0.958
95 1036.33 1059.04 606.32 1212.64 0.952
99 1929.61 NA 1050.95 1943.33 0.974
max. 1943.33

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
86 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 530.63
20 226.55 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
30 292.35 292.67 202.11 404.21 0.952
40 358.16 404.21 291.5 404.21 0.949
50 417.98 404.21 404.21 1697.7 0.948
60 495.75 404.21 404.21 606.32 0.949
70 603.42 606.32 404.21 808.43 0.952
80 770.93 808.43 606.32 1212.64 0.95
90 1111.91 1212.64 808.43 1212.64 0.948
95 1273.43 1212.64 1212.64 1697.7 0.962
99 1937.45 NA 1212.64 2021.07 0.971
max. 2021.07




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Freshwater bottom feeders: Female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
179 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 47.97
mean 393.48
20 164.4 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.951
30 197.68 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
40 242.06 202.11 202.11 242.92 0.95
50 286.44 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.95
60 341.92 388.67 303.16 404.21 0.95
70 408.49 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
80 486.16 404.21 404.21 606.32 0.951
90 696.97 606.32 583 808.43 0.95
95 1162.97 1166 50.53 1414.75 0.948
99 1961.84 2425.28 1414.75 4042.13 0.971
max. 4042.13__

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
103 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 338.8
20 155.14 194.33 135.41 194.33 0.95
30 184.39 202.11 194.33 1616.85 0.948
40 213.65 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
50 248.76 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.948
60 295.57 296.16 202.11 388.67 0.95
70 359.94 404.21 66.7 404.21 0.948
80 418.46 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
90 523.78 511.49 404.21 1212.64 0.95
95 1114.79 1151.24 404.21 1212.64 0.954
99 1729.21 2004.9 1212.64 2021.07 0.965
max. 2021.07 _

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
80 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 47.97
mean 444.2
20 184.09 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
30 241.7 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.949
40 287.79 303.16 202.11 388.67 0.95
50 345.41 386.21 303.16 404.21 0.95
60 403.02 404.21 303.16 404.21 0.95
70 472.16 404.21 404.21 606.32 0.949
80 575.87 606.32 404.21 606.32 0.95
90 737.19 788.22 606.32 4042.13 0.947
95 1013.74 1148.12 808.43 4042.13 0.956
99 3952.11 NA 1414.75 4042.13 0.941
max. 4042.13 __

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Freshwater bottom feeders: White RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
245 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 66.7
mean 431.26
20 187.8 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
30 228.16 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
40 285.8 291.5 202.11 379.19 0.95
50 349.22 388.67 322.55 404.21 0.95
60 395.34 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
70 441.45 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
80 568.28 606.32 404.21 696.92 0.95
90 816.17 808.43 606.32 1212.64 0.95
95 1202.41 1212.64 909.48 1212.64 0.952
99 1980.67 2021.07 1616.85 2021.07 0.965
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
118 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 66.7
mean 379.88
20 165.96 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.95
30 201.19 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.952
40 236.43 202.11 202.11 287.81 0.95
50 289.28 289.66 202.11 383.75 0.95
60 348 385.71 291.5 404.21 0.95
70 394.98 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.952
80 447.83 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
90 735.58 780.44 404.21 1050.95 0.951
95 1146.65 1168.33 808.43 1616.85 0.949
99 1962.91 2006.3 1212.64 2021.07 0.989
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
131 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 464.37
20 208.3 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
30 259.99 202.11 202.11 383.75 0.949
40 328.9 383.75 291.5 404.21 0.95
50 380.58 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.949
60 432.26 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
70 524.14 583 404.21 606.32 0.949
80 633.25 606.32 606.32 777.33 0.95
90 862.95 808.43 606.32 1212.64 0.952
95 1201.75 1212.64 808.43 1212.64 0.948
99 1643.92 1891.72 1212.64 2021.07 0.97
max. 2021.07 __

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Freshwater bottom feeders: Nonwhite RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
72 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 47.97
mean 464.56
20 150.1 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.954
30 208.77 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.947
40 267.44 202.11 202.11 396.44 0.953
50 326.11 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.95
60 396.51 404.21 291.5 404.21 0.953
70 490.37 404.21 404.21 583 0.947
80 619.44 606.32 404.21 808.43 0.954
90 877.58 808.43 606.32 4042.13 0.948
95 1346.91 1428.63 808.43 1697.7 0.952
99 3975.2 NA 1454.4 4042.13 0.955
max. 4042.13 ___

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
43 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 304.88
20 162.52 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.95
30 186.97 195.89 194.33 202.11 0.954
40 211.42 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
50 239.37 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.953
60 281.28 289.29 202.11 404.21 0.95
70 354.63 404.21 202.11 404.21 0.954
80 407.03 404.21 287.81 404.21 0.95
90 494.35 525.48 404.21 1151.24 0.944
95 780.77 802.21 404.21 1151.24 0.953
99 1158 NA 808.43 1151.24 0.931
max. __ 1151.24 __

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
35 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 47.97
mean 581.09
20 175.13 202.11 194.33 291.5 0.949
30 250.68 242.53 202.11 303.16 0.957
40 326.23 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.946
50 401.78 388.67 291.5 583 0.949
60 489.93 404.21 303.16 606.32 0.946
70 615.85 587.66 404.21 808.43 0.957
80 766.95 808.43 583 1010.53 0.949
90 1081.76 1172.22 808.43 4042.13 0.952
95 1623.22 2166.58 1010.53 4042.13 0.932
99 4103.86 NA 1697.7 4042.13 0.952
max. 4042.13


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Freshwater predators: RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
62 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 360.63
20 152.15 191.87 151.58 404.21 0.947
30 180.9 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.95
40 209.65 202.11 194.33 269.81 0.95
50 243.2 202.11 202.11 388.67 0.949
60 291.12 264.43 202.11 388.67 0.95
70 372.58 404.21 227.37 575.62 0.95
80 554.67 592.33 194.33 606.32 0.947
90 775.1 777.33 575.62 1010.53 0.952
95 1038.65 1079.25 777.33 1212.64 0.947
99 1594.51 NA 1091.38 1616.85 0.976
max. 1616.85

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
39 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 370.85
20 144 151.58 151.58 202.11 0.951
30 178.87 191.87 151.58 202.11 0.95
40 213.75 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.95
50 253.61 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.947
60 303.43 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.95
70 388.13 404.21 227.37 1010.53 0.95
80 557.53 606.32 303.16 777.33 0.951
90 786.71 777.33 606.32 1212.64 0.947
95 1120.52 1212.64 777.33 1616.85 0.956
99 1638.68 NA 1212.64 1616.85 0.942
max. 1616.85

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
24 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 118.23
mean 328.98
20 138.39 191.87 118.23 194.33 0.954
30 173.07 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.946
40 200.81 194.33 194.33 242.92 0.953
50 232.02 202.11 194.33 303.16 0.957
60 270.17 239.84 194.33 404.21 0.953
70 339.52 353.69 202.11 583 0.946
80 519.84 583 239.84 777.33 0.954
90 755.65 792.88 404.21 1091.38 0.972
95 880.49 1020.64 606.32 1091.38 0.97
99 1137.1 NA 808.43 1091.38 0.976
max. 1091.38 _







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Freshwater predators: Male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
23 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 151.58
mean 444.99
20 161.03 192.43 151.58 202.11 0.951
30 205.29 202.11 194.33 1212.64 0.946
40 245.53 202.11 194.33 303.16 0.946
50 297.84 269.81 202.11 606.32 0.936
60 382.34 343.58 202.11 777.33 0.946
70 607.67 606.32 151.58 777.33 0.946
80 780.69 783.55 303.16 1010.53 0.951
90 1010.05 1059.04 777.33 1212.64 0.927
95 1138.81 1188.39 808.43 1212.64 0.974
99 1283.66 NA 1091.38 1212.64 0.978
max. 1212.64

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
15 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 151.58
mean 416.15
20 137.51 151.58 151.58 202.11 0.947
30 183.41 178.2 151.58 227.37 0.95
40 229.32 202.11 151.58 303.16 0.939
50 279.4 227.37 151.58 606.32 0.941
60 350.34 303.16 202.11 606.32 0.939
70 538.13 606.32 227.37 1212.64 0.95
80 713.41 743.13 303.16 1010.53 0.947
90 1005.53 1091.38 606.32 1212.64 0.944
95 1159.94 NA 777.33 1212.64 0.964
99 1314.35 NA 1010.53 1212.64 0.99
max. _1212.64

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
9 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 118.23
mean 443.61
20 136.52 194.33 118.23 202.11 0.98
30 190.63 194.33 194.33 777.33 0.955
40 244.74 202.11 194.33 777.33 0.965
50 307.18 202.11 194.33 808.43 0.961
60 411.24 404.21 194.33 808.43 0.965
70 673.49 777.33 194.33 808.43 0.955
80 819.17 808.43 202.11 1091.38 0.98
90 989.84 NA 777.33 1091.38 0.947
95 1106.39 NA 808.43 1091.38 0.929
99 1243.75 NA 808.43 1091.38 0.997
max. 1091.38

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Freshwater predators: Female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
39 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 310.87
20 141.07 191.87 151.58 194.33 0.951
30 169.69 191.87 118.23 202.11 0.95
40 198.31 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.95
50 226.93 202.11 194.33 242.92 0.947
60 265.09 202.11 194.33 303.16 0.95
70 322.33 303.16 202.11 606.32 0.95
80 422.5 404.21 242.92 583 0.951
90 594.22 606.32 404.21 777.33 0.947
95 713.47 777.33 583 1616.85 0.956
99 1634.08 NA 777.33 1616.85 0.942
max. 1616.85

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
24 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 342.55
20 136.3 191.87 151.58 202.11 0.954
30 176.87 193.1 191.87 202.11 0.946
40 207.3 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.953
50 247.87 202.11 194.33 388.67 0.957
60 293.51 202.11 202.11 404.21 0.953
70 359.44 396.44 202.11 404.21 0.946
80 460.86 404.21 202.11 606.32 0.954
90 648.5 691.83 404.21 1616.85 0.972
95 846.28 1406.97 575.62 1616.85 0.97
99 1672.89 NA 777.33 1616.85 0.976
max. 1616.85_

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
15 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 118.23
mean 260.2
20 144.9 132.96 118.23 194.33 0.947
30 169.58 191.87 118.23 194.33 0.95
40 190.47 194.33 191.87 239.84 0.939
50 213.25 194.33 118.23 242.92 0.941
60 237.93 224.75 194.33 303.16 0.939
70 272.1 254.97 194.33 606.32 0.95
80 353.73 384 202.11 583 0.947
90 562.56 592.33 303.16 606.32 0.944
95 608.12 NA 404.21 606.32 0.964
99 661.28 NA 583 606.32 0.99
max. 606.32


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Freshwater predators: White RSAa

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
50 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 118.23
mean 357.8
20 149.72 191.87 151.58 194.33 0.949
30 178.53 194.33 184.85 202.11 0.95
40 207.34 202.11 194.33 1010.53 0.946
50 240.95 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.951
60 279.36 236.7 118.23 303.16 0.946
70 351.38 303.16 227.37 606.32 0.95
80 577.05 601.66 269.81 777.33 0.949
90 783.52 777.33 583 1010.53 0.957
95 994.78 1046.91 777.33 1616.85 0.962
99 1614.17 NA 1010.53 1616.85 0.986
max. 1616.85 ___

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
30 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 151.58
mean 361.36
20 143.9 186.26 151.58 202.11 0.953
30 178.34 192.61 151.58 202.11 0.951
40 207.85 202.11 184.85 202.11 0.95
50 242.28 202.11 202.11 404.21 0.948
60 281.64 217.27 202.11 606.32 0.95
70 350.5 303.16 202.11 606.32 0.951
80 557.1 600.18 202.11 777.33 0.953
90 778.46 777.33 404.21 1010.53 0.95
95 1009.65 1283.38 777.33 1616.85 0.939
99 1658.96 NA 1010.53 1616.85 0.964
max. 1616.85 __

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
21 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 118.23
mean 335.68
20 133.01 147.69 118.23 194.33 0.948
30 165.06 193.35 118.23 194.33 0.946
40 197.11 194.33 191.87 242.92 0.951
50 229.15 194.33 194.33 303.16 0.948
60 271.88 210.27 194.33 404.21 0.951
70 346.65 343.58 194.33 606.32 0.946
80 574.54 596.99 242.92 808.43 0.948
90 781.06 802.21 583 1091.38 0.948
95 930.6 1063.08 606.32 1091.38 0.981
99 1151.37 NA 808.43 1091.38 0.981
max. 1091.38 __

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Marine crustaceans: RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
2125 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 6
mean 182.6
20 58.56 60 56 63.5 0.95
30 74.06 80 78 80 0.95
40 97.31 96 96 96 0.95
50 112.8 120 117.25 124.3 0.95
60 151.55 151.83 140 160 0.95
70 190.29 192 184 200 0.95
80 252.29 254 240 292.95 0.95
90 384.02 387.5 370.5 422.6 0.95
95 500.25 492.89 480 545.25 0.95
99 949.69 968.18 800 1212 0.951
max. 2955

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
715 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 176.23
20 58.94 65.7 64 80 0.95
30 74.61 80 80 84 0.95
40 98.13 96 96 103.85 0.95
50 121.64 120 117.25 140 0.95
60 145.15 150.95 120 160 0.95
70 184.34 192 160 200 0.95
80 247.05 242.64 200 270 0.95
90 348.94 352 317.5 384 0.95
95 435.15 424.96 400 500 0.95
99 795.69 808.4 640 1820 0.944
max. 2955

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1566 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 6
mean 167.31
20 48.25 56 48 60 0.95
30 70.29 72 64 80 0.95
40 84.98 94.51 81.65 96 0.95
50 107.02 103.33 100 120 0.949
60 136.41 128 120 144 0.95
70 173.14 180 160 190.5 0.95
80 231.92 240 228 250 0.95
90 342.12 350 308 384 0.95
95 474.37 480 445.5 520.41 0.95
99 937.22 962.71 534.41 1064.32 0.95
max. 2801.5_

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Marine crustaceans: Male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
873 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 10
mean 192.3
20 60.9 64 60 68.4 0.95
30 76.57 80 80 96 0.95
40 100.07 96 96 105 0.95
50 123.56 122.18 120 131.65 0.95
60 162.73 160 150 180 0.95
70 201.89 200 190.5 223 0.95
80 264.55 262.67 241.22 300 0.95
90 397.7 399.27 355 426.15 0.95
95 515.19 512.66 484 640 0.95
99 938.14 961.86 786.67 1659.33 0.942
max. 2955_

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
271 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 196.02
20 61.58 72 64 80 0.95
30 85.72 81.65 80 96 0.951
40 109.85 100 96 120 0.95
50 133.99 127 120 160 0.948
60 166.17 163.3 160 192 0.95
70 206.39 200 192 240 0.951
80 262.7 255.6 200 300 0.95
90 367.29 380.8 320 474 0.95
95 471.87 500 400 546 0.951
99 1791.23 1950.54 684 2955 0.944
max. 2955_

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
666 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 10
mean 172.31
20 53.44 60 54 64 0.95
30 75.08 80 72 90 0.95
40 96.72 96 90 100 0.95
50 118.37 120 117 127.5 0.949
60 147.22 144.17 128 160 0.95
70 183.29 192 160 196.2 0.95
80 241.01 240 240 273 0.95
90 342 353.42 302.25 397.05 0.95
95 479.07 486.28 416.16 552.41 0.95
99 854.2 889.09 728 1560 0.952
max. 2730 __

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Marine crustaceans: Female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1252 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 6
mean 175.83
20 50.05 60 56 60 0.95
30 72.57 80 64 80 0.95
40 87.59 96 80 96 0.95
50 110.12 110 100 120 0.951
60 140.16 144 128 160 0.95
70 185.21 182.15 175 200 0.95
80 245.29 241.65 238.38 270.5 0.95
90 372.95 383.1 326.4 396.2 0.95
95 485.59 480 453 525.4 0.95
99 966.18 989.51 770.62 1219 0.949
max. 2850

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
444 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 164.16
20 59.41 64 60 78 0.95
30 74.5 80 80 80 0.95
40 89.59 96 90 100 0.95
50 112.23 118.62 100 120 0.949
60 134.87 140 120 150 0.95
70 172.6 160 160 200 0.95
80 232.97 240 200 275 0.95
90 338.61 334.02 320 387.5 0.95
95 421.62 408.25 384 480 0.95
99 723.45 764 546 1480 0.952
max. 2850

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
900 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 6
mean 163.61
20 47.36 50 48 60 0.95
30 62.14 64 64 80 0.95
40 84.32 80 80 90 0.95
50 99.1 96 96 101.16 0.951
60 128.67 120 120 150 0.95
70 165.63 169.65 145.65 181.77 0.95
80 224.76 233.3 208.65 240 0.95
90 343.03 347.47 314 397.44 0.95
95 476.08 479.92 397.44 520.41 0.95
99 993.51 1009.27 752 1219.8 0.953
max. 2801.5_


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Marine crustaceans: White RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1735 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 6
mean 180.25
20 55.83 60 60 64 0.95
30 71.36 80 72 80 0.95
40 94.65 96 96 97 0.95
50 110.18 120 103.33 120 0.951
60 141.23 150 126 160 0.95
70 187.82 192 180 200 0.95
80 249.93 245.19 240 263.33 0.95
90 381.91 385.39 355.3 400 0.95
95 498.37 492.87 478.36 549.86 0.95
99 971.97 971.87 810 1560 0.95
max. 2955 ___

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
564 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 170.62
20 61.4 64 60 80 0.949
30 77.05 80 80 81.65 0.95
40 92.7 96 96 102.75 0.95
50 116.17 120 81.65 120 0.95
60 147.47 150 120 160 0.95
70 186.59 191.08 160 200 0.95
80 241.36 240 200 266.33 0.949
90 343.07 325.57 320 388.67 0.95
95 421.32 408.25 388.67 500 0.951
99 781.23 803.5 551.7 1820 0.949
max. 2955

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1306 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 6
mean 165.77
20 50.94 56 50 60 0.95
30 65.68 70 64 80 0.95
40 87.8 81.65 80 96 0.95
50 102.54 100 96 118.23 0.95
60 132.03 127.1 120 141.18 0.95
70 168.89 172.31 160 180 0.95
80 227.87 240 209.05 240 0.95
90 338.45 348.45 302.25 387.5 0.95
95 478.53 480 448 595.15 0.95
99 972.47 971.98 749.2 1212 0.95
max. 2801.5

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Marine crustaceans: Nonwhite RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
390 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 12
mean 193.04
20 64.13 64 56 80 0.951
30 86.97 88 80 96 0.95
40 102.2 100 96 120 0.95
50 132.66 128 120 160 0.95
60 163.12 160 150 190.5 0.95
70 208.81 200 190.5 240 0.95
80 277.35 279 241.65 321.65 0.951
90 399.18 399.33 359.41 478.97 0.95
95 505.79 503.13 450 546 0.951
99 871.31 929.3 768 2850 0.956
max. 2850__

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
151 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 20
mean 197.2
20 56.05 70.8 50 80 0.95
30 79.62 80.99 80 96 0.95
40 103.19 99.2 90 137 0.95
50 134.62 127 102 155 0.95
60 166.05 160 120 163.3 0.95
70 205.33 193.75 160 228 0.95
80 276.05 267.6 223 384 0.95
90 401.77 398.8 350 480 0.948
95 496.05 488 224 546 0.948
99 1478.22 2137.6 684 2850 0.935
max. 2850 __

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
260 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 12
mean 175.03
20 61.82 60 56 80 0.95
30 83 81.65 64 96 0.95
40 100.65 96.17 96 120 0.95
50 125.36 120 120 160 0.95
60 157.13 160 128 177.08 0.95
70 203.03 199 180 240 0.95
80 259.51 254 218.75 290.62 0.95
90 361.88 358.91 314 460 0.951
95 474.85 480 354.43 526.67 0.95
99 789.03 811.9 573.53 1266 0.952
max. 1266

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Marine crustaceans: White male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
703 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 10
mean 194.72
20 59.56 64 60 72 0.95
30 83.21 80 80 92 0.95
40 98.98 96 96 105 0.95
50 130.51 120 120 144 0.95
60 162.05 160 150 180 0.95
70 201.46 200 192 240 0.95
80 264.53 256 240 296.67 0.95
90 398.55 397.68 380 439.56 0.95
95 532.56 545.12 465.65 594 0.949
99 997.68 1022.7 800 2955 0.946
max. 2955 __

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
206 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 201.32
20 57.65 72 60 80 0.95
30 82.13 88.2 80 96 0.95
40 106.6 100 96 120 0.949
50 139.24 121.09 100 160 0.949
60 171.88 165.84 150 193.75 0.949
70 204.52 200 180 224 0.95
80 261.64 255.2 224 317.5 0.95
90 367.71 384 319.12 422.6 0.95
95 481.95 500 400 640 0.948
99 1901.72 2253.57 684 2955 0.943
max. 2955___

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
549 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 10
mean 173.8
20 53.92 60 53.16 64 0.95
30 75.67 80 64 81.65 0.95
40 97.42 96 96 100 0.95
50 119.18 120 105 120 0.951
60 140.93 144 127.5 160 0.95
70 184.44 188.3 168 212.66 0.95
80 235.19 240 231.65 284.88 0.95
90 343.96 353.16 300 392.41 0.95
95 488.99 489.75 416.16 566.6 0.951
99 945.81 965.15 728 1560 0.95
max. 2730 ___

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Marine crustaceans: White female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1032 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 6
mean 170.39
20 49.52 60 50 60 0.95
30 71.66 72 64 80 0.95
40 86.42 90 80 96 0.95
50 108.56 100 96 120 0.95
60 138.08 138.08 120 151.58 0.95
70 174.98 180 160 192 0.95
80 241.4 240 230.35 273 0.95
90 366.86 369.69 324.54 397.44 0.95
95 477.56 480 453 574.5 0.95
99 935.12 954.61 482 1104.32 0.945
max. 2801.5

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
358 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 152.95
20 60.79 64 60 72 0.95
30 76.88 80 80 80 0.95
40 92.97 96 80 96 0.95
50 111.35 104.42 96 120 0.95
60 136.64 130.45 120 160 0.95
70 168.81 160 160 198.72 0.95
80 230.87 240 200 280 0.95
90 329.7 324.05 288 366.3 0.95
95 398.66 400 367 434.39 0.948
99 573.34 612.91 494 800 0.944
max. __ 810

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
757 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 6
mean 159.95
20 43.07 49.18 48 64 0.95
30 65.32 64 60 64 0.95
40 80.15 80 78 81.65 0.95
50 94.98 96 96 100 0.95
60 124.64 120 108 128 0.95
70 161.71 160 158.75 187.18 0.95
80 221.03 221.91 158.75 240 0.95
90 339.68 342.15 300 424.18 0.95
95 473.15 478.52 424.18 545.25 0.949
99 1007.04 1032.61 749.2 1219.8 0.952
max. __ 2801.5


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Marine crustaceans: Nonwhite male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
170 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 12
mean 182.27
20 63.12 64 60 80 0.95
30 84.18 80.5 80 96 0.95
40 105.24 100 96 128 0.95
50 131.56 127.75 120 160 0.954
60 163.14 160 126 192 0.95
70 210.52 212.18 160 240 0.95
80 286.86 289.21 218.75 321.65 0.95
90 397.41 399.97 321.65 474 0.948
95 497.43 503.13 432 552.72 0.949
99 821.19 852.29 552.72 896 0.971
max. 896 _

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
65 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 36
mean 179.2
20 67.4 70.4 60 80 0.95
30 88.07 80 72 137 0.951
40 110.82 105.6 64 150 0.95
50 139.77 150 96 163.3 0.955
60 170.79 161.98 150 300 0.95
70 210.08 219.6 160 254 0.951
80 272.12 261 198.72 350 0.95
90 375.51 378.82 262.5 474 0.954
95 470.63 492.2 355 508.8 0.949
99 671.21 NA 500 684 0.973
max. 684

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
117 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 12
mean 165.28
20 57.97 60 48 133.14 0.95
30 80.11 80 64 96 0.95
40 99.78 96.8 40 120 0.949
50 124.38 120 96 155 0.95
60 153.89 160 127.5 382.3 0.949
70 195.71 195.5 160 236.2 0.95
80 249.82 240 112 290.62 0.95
90 345.74 354.09 290.62 480 0.95
95 461.34 480.97 354.43 546 0.95
99 601.53 787.47 506.96 834.43 0.97
max. 834.43



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Marine crustaceans: Nonwhite female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
220 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 20
mean 201.36
20 58.14 70 56 80 0.95
30 81.41 90 80 96 0.949
40 104.69 100.8 96 120 0.95
50 135.71 128 120 150 0.95
60 166.74 160 142.18 180 0.95
70 213.28 197.46 177.65 252.18 0.949
80 275.34 274.05 240 336 0.95
90 407.21 395.98 342.67 2850 0.95
95 515.8 524.33 428.19 752 0.951
99 1299.25 1435.06 797.5 2850 0.929
max. 2850

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
86 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 20
mean 210.8
20 42.43 73.2 46.21 80 0.95
30 75.1 82.48 78 96 0.952
40 99.6 99.2 81.65 120 0.949
50 132.27 120 100 417.22 0.948
60 164.94 150 120 175 0.949
70 205.78 173.5 150 271 0.952
80 279.29 273.4 193.75 400 0.95
90 418.14 405.16 308.95 546 0.948
95 532.48 522.9 400 1480 0.96
99 2770.4 NA 720 2850 0.945
max. 2850

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
143 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 24
mean 183.01
20 61.79 60 56 81.65 0.951
30 83.32 88.4 70 96 0.949
40 104.86 96.26 96 128 0.95
50 129.98 120 96 147.15 0.95
60 162.28 160 120 190.5 0.95
70 208.94 206.92 177.08 252.18 0.949
80 269.95 265.53 224 314 0.951
90 377.62 384 314 480 0.95
95 485.29 480 385.31 713.9 0.949
99 804.71 1059.86 713.9 1266 0.944
max. 1266 _

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Marine finfish: RSAa

N= Distrn.
2399 Smooth free
% g/week g/week




N= Distrn.
1371 Smooth free
% g/week g/week




Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
Bound Bound Coverage
g/week g/week




Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
Bound Bound Coverage
g/week g/week





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N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1263 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 46.21
mean 401.32
20 147.39 151.58 151.58 184.85 0.95
30 191.33 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.95
40 213.29 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
50 257.22 287.81 202.11 291.5 0.948
60 323.12 345.91 303.16 383.75 0.95
70 389.02 388.67 388.67 404.21 0.95
80 498.85 487.39 404.21 540.25 0.95
90 762.44 777.33 728.75 808.43 0.95
95 1135.86 1163.05 972.06 1212.64 0.95
99 2256.12 2332 1719.84 2887.94 0.95
max. 8441.84

Marine finfish: Male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1053 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.9
mean 488.3
20 151.74 193.84 184.85 194.33 0.95
30 219.67 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 264.96 291.5 227.37 303.16 0.95
50 332.9 383.75 343.45 388.67 0.948
60 400.83 388.67 388.67 404.21 0.95
70 468.77 433.59 404.21 540.25 0.95
80 627.28 606.32 583 640.67 0.95
90 966.96 971.67 808.43 1109.12 0.95
95 1329.28 1360.33 1212.64 3948.85 0.95
99 2914.43 2922.64 2061.49 3948.85 0.95
max. 8621.57_

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
496 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 468.23
20 152.2 191.87 162.9 194.33 0.95
30 196.81 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 263.73 287.81 202.11 303.16 0.95
50 308.34 303.16 303.16 353.69 0.952
60 375.25 383.75 343.45 388.67 0.95
70 442.17 404.21 388.67 454.74 0.95
80 598.3 583 540.24 606.32 0.95
90 932.88 963.06 808.43 1166 0.95
95 1312.07 1328.02 1212.64 1554.67 0.951
99 2851.13 2890.15 1943.33 3438.03 0.947
max. 8441.84

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
650 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.9
mean 433.75
20 133.53 151.58 119.75 194.33 0.95
30 178.77 194.33 194.33 194.33 0.95
40 246.64 227.37 202.11 291.5 0.95
50 314.5 312.56 291.5 388.67 0.949
60 359.74 388.67 383.75 388.67 0.95
70 427.6 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
80 540.71 583 506.9 598.55 0.95
90 834.78 838.83 720.01 959.37 0.95
95 1219.34 1212.64 971.67 1360.33 0.95
99 2486.12 2549.38 1754.31 2926.66 0.951
max. 8621.57




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Marine finfish: Female RSAs

N= Distrn.
1346 Smooth free
% g/week g/week




Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
Bound Bound Coverage
g/week g/week




N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
767 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 46.21
mean 358.05
20 138.8 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 159.85 191.87 191.87 191.87 0.95
40 201.96 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
50 244.07 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
60 286.17 302.38 202.11 303.16 0.95
70 370.39 385.22 383.75 388.67 0.95
80 433.55 404.21 404.21 435.57 0.95
90 665.13 711.34 583 777.33 0.949
95 896.72 906.73 777.33 1061.06 0.95
99 1717.8 1751.56 1554.67 5180.58 0.951
max. 8084.27

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
721 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 326.29
20 109 118.23 118.23 119.75 0.95
30 162.45 191.87 151.58 194.33 0.95
40 189.18 194.33 194.33 194.33 0.95
50 215.91 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
60 269.37 291.5 202.11 291.5 0.95
70 322.83 383.75 312.56 388.67 0.95
80 403.01 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.95
90 563.39 583 506.9 606.32 0.951
95 777.22 806.87 606.32 842.78 0.95
99 1552.36 1603.17 1212.64 2302.48 0.943
max. 10299.67


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Marine finfish: White RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1850 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.9
mean 399.09
20 137.9 151.58 151.58 174.23 0.95
30 181.66 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.95
40 203.53 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
50 269.17 287.81 247.52 291.5 0.949
60 334.8 345.91 308.02 383.75 0.95
70 400.43 388.67 388.67 404.21 0.95
80 509.81 535.33 455.53 555.79 0.95
90 772.34 777.33 767.49 842.78 0.95
95 1100.5 1137.17 1010.53 1212.64 0.95
99 2238.11 2277.75 1749 2829.49 0.949
max. 8441.84

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
920 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 374.29
20 132.47 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 176.34 191.87 191.87 191.87 0.95
40 198.27 194.33 194.33 194.33 0.95
50 242.14 202.11 202.11 291.5 0.949
60 307.94 303.16 291.5 353.69 0.95
70 373.75 383.75 383.75 388.67 0.95
80 439.55 404.21 404.21 540.25 0.95
90 724.7 776.35 606.32 777.33 0.95
95 1053.72 1060.48 874.5 1212.64 0.95
99 2150.45 2275.19 1414.75 2829.49 0.949
max. 8441.84

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1103 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.9
mean 357.19
20 133.71 119.75 118.23 124.3 0.95
30 168.94 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.95
40 204.17 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
50 239.4 227.37 202.11 287.81 0.949
60 309.86 308.02 287.81 315.8 0.95
70 380.32 388.67 388.67 388.67 0.95
80 450.78 404.21 404.21 479.68 0.95
90 644.55 616.68 583 767.49 0.95
95 979.23 971.67 808.43 1125.79 0.95
99 1965.68 2017.96 1554.67 2543.51 0.953
max. 6764.7__






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Marine finfish: Nonwhite RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
549 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 46.21
mean 520.48
20 157.99 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.95
30 213.75 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 269.51 303.16 269.81 315.8 0.95
50 353.15 383.75 345.91 388.67 0.951
60 408.91 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.95
70 492.55 454.74 404.21 583 0.95
80 631.95 606.32 590.77 787.96 0.95
90 938.64 922.12 800.65 1079.76 0.95
95 1412.6 1389.48 1212.64 1616.85 0.951
99 3419.96 3527.74 2021.07 8084.27 0.95
max. 10501.77

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
343 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 46.21
mean 473.84
20 149.14 193.84 184.85 194.33 0.95
30 213.86 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.951
40 257.02 224.84 202.11 303.16 0.95
50 321.75 353.69 303.16 388.66 0.95
60 386.48 388.67 383.75 404.21 0.95
70 472.78 404.21 404.21 500.15 0.951
80 602.24 590.77 555.79 606.32 0.95
90 882.73 891.37 792.88 1212.64 0.95
95 1357.41 1356.45 1010.53 1554.67 0.95
99 2867.75 3191.66 1818.96 4166.51 0.945
max. 8084.27

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
268 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 459.76
20 128.28 191.87 118.23 194.33 0.95
30 183.88 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 239.48 202.11 202.11 291.5 0.95
50 322.89 314.18 227.37 386.21 0.95
60 378.49 388.67 386.21 404.21 0.95
70 461.89 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.95
80 573.09 583 404.21 606.32 0.95
90 795.5 808.43 631.58 909.48 0.951
95 1045.71 984.45 808.43 2555.48 0.95
99 2630.35 4471.46 1862.69 10299.67 0.946
max. 10299.67 _

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Marine finfish: White male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
826 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.9
mean 466.17
20 153.3 191.87 151.58 194.33 0.95
30 197.6 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 264.05 268.9 202.11 291.5 0.95
50 308.35 345.91 303.16 383.75 0.95
60 374.8 388.67 388.67 396.44 0.95
70 463.4 404.21 404.21 485.83 0.95
80 596.29 583 583 606.32 0.95
90 928.53 931.55 808.43 1138.79 0.95
95 1305.07 1332.05 1181.55 1503.4 0.949
99 2811.23 2872.16 2230.36 3983.83 0.948
max. 8441.84

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
372 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 441.67
20 138.19 184.85 151.58 194.33 0.95
30 205.33 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 250.09 202.11 202.11 291.5 0.95
50 294.86 303.16 287.81 303.16 0.949
60 362 383.75 328.42 388.67 0.95
70 429.15 388.67 388.67 404.21 0.95
80 563.44 575.62 404.21 606.32 0.95
90 854.4 808.43 767.49 1010.53 0.949
95 1212.5 1212.64 1010.53 1399.2 0.949
99 2756.83 2845.27 1943.33 2961.64 0.941
max. 8441.84

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
529 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.9
mean 417.3
20 147.92 145.75 119.75 194.33 0.95
30 192.24 194.33 194.33 291.5 0.95
40 236.57 202.11 194.33 236.46 0.95
50 291.97 291.5 289.66 388.67 0.95
60 358.46 388.67 388.67 388.67 0.95
70 424.95 404.21 314.08 404.21 0.95
80 535.76 578.08 409.73 583 0.95
90 846.04 858.95 758.37 1166 0.95
95 1233.89 1212.64 1125.79 1457.5 0.95
99 2308.78 2330.52 1754.31 2926.66 0.95
max. 4081


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Marine finfish: White female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1024 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 344.99
20 126.98 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 166.27 191.87 191.87 194.33 0.95
40 185.92 194.33 194.33 194.33 0.95
50 225.21 202.11 202.11 242.92 0.95
60 284.16 291.5 291.5 312.56 0.95
70 362.74 383.75 324.54 388.67 0.95
80 441.33 409.73 404.21 481.1 0.95
90 637.81 606.32 589.07 777.33 0.95
95 873.58 858.27 777.33 972.06 0.949
99 1600.53 1611.27 1364.22 2021.07 0.944
max. 7573.12

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
548 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 328.55
20 140.17 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 167.44 191.87 174.23 191.87 0.95
40 194.7 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.95
50 221.97 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
60 262.87 287.81 202.11 303.16 0.95
70 331.04 345.91 303.16 383.75 0.95
80 412.83 398 388.67 404.21 0.95
90 603.7 599.32 388.67 739.41 0.95
95 835.46 808.43 777.33 1061.06 0.951
99 1530.75 1554.67 1212.64 2332 0.95
max. 5180.58

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
574 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 301.78
20 123.38 118.23 118.23 119.75 0.95
30 158.59 184.85 145.75 194.33 0.95
40 176.2 194.33 194.33 194.33 0.95
50 211.41 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
60 264.22 252.63 202.11 291.5 0.95
70 317.03 312.56 291.5 383.75 0.95
80 387.45 388.67 388.67 404.21 0.95
90 528.29 575.62 497.49 604.06 0.95
95 739.54 777.33 604.06 6764.7 0.95
99 1338.1 1408.92 1010.53 2021.07 0.947
max. 6764.7

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Marine finfish: Nonwhite male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
227 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 66.7
mean 568.83
20 171.91 194.33 151.58 202.11 0.95
30 242.03 267.09 202.11 303.16 0.95
40 312.16 348.96 303.16 386.21 0.95
50 382.28 388.67 383.75 404.21 0.946
60 452.4 404.21 388.67 507.67 0.95
70 569.27 581.03 404.22 606.32 0.95
80 732.88 751.68 606.32 971.67 0.95
90 1153.61 1212.64 808.43 1317.58 0.95
95 1480.85 1498.7 1286.49 1943.33 0.952
99 3701.36 4012.77 2021.07 8621.57 0.972
max. 8621.57 _

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
124 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 97.17
mean 547.91
20 193.5 194.33 194.33 265.27 0.951
30 252.77 252.64 202.11 303.16 0.95
40 312.05 303.16 303.16 383.75 0.951
50 383.18 383.75 383.75 404.21 0.945
60 454.31 404.21 383.75 454.74 0.951
70 549.15 579.31 404.21 606.32 0.95
80 715.13 606.32 575.62 909.48 0.951
90 1224.91 1271.14 808.43 1414.75 0.949
95 1533.14 1554.67 1166 1943.33 0.95
99 3512.98 3984.39 1943.33 4166.51 0.964
max. 4166.51

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
121 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 66.7
mean 505.64
20 134.09 194.33 66.7 202.11 0.949
30 205.65 202.11 194.33 303.16 0.951
40 277.2 310.9 239.5 388.67 0.95
50 348.76 388.67 383.75 777.33 0.95
60 420.32 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.95
70 515.73 404.21 404.21 585.85 0.951
80 635 606.32 528.51 8621.57 0.949
90 873.53 808.43 726.07 971.67 0.947
95 1159.76 1207.98 815.12 2555.48 0.946
99 2781.77 7298.35 1360.33 8621.57 0.967
max. 8621.57

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Marine finfish: Nonwhite female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
322 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 46.21
mean 486.4
20 143.94 194.33 151.58 194.33 0.95
30 200.16 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 256.38 263.04 202.11 303.16 0.95
50 312.6 345.91 303.16 383.75 0.95
60 396.93 388.67 383.75 404.21 0.95
70 481.25 404.21 404.21 500.15 0.95
80 593.69 590.77 535.33 757.9 0.95
90 846.68 808.43 739.41 922.12 0.95
95 1296.44 1341.48 904.36 1818.96 0.951
99 2533.28 2773.95 1818.96 8084.27 0.955
max. 10501.77 _

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
219 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 46.21
mean 431.9
20 139.16 191.87 151.58 194.33 0.951
30 204.42 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 247.92 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.95
50 291.42 303.16 202.11 383.75 0.95
60 356.67 388.67 303.16 404.21 0.95
70 443.68 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.95
80 552.43 575.62 404.21 590.78 0.951
90 791.7 792.88 606.32 1010.53 0.95
95 1074.46 1111.59 808.43 1818.96 0.95
99 2031.51 2691.15 1616.85 8084.27 0.93
max. 8084.27

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
147 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 422
20 98.56 171.54 118.23 194.33 0.95
30 154.8 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.95
40 211.04 202.11 194.33 236.46 0.949
50 295.4 252.63 202.11 315.8 0.953
60 351.64 383.75 261.34 388.67 0.949
70 436 402.12 388.67 404.21 0.95
80 548.48 469.12 404.21 606.32 0.95
90 717.19 679.55 606.32 808.43 0.947
95 942.15 907.73 777.33 1414.75 0.947
99 2320 6461.02 1414.75 10299.67 0.94
max. 10299.67

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Marine mollusks: RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
715 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 226.99
20 46.65 45 37.5 60 0.95
30 76.85 75 60.25 90 0.95
40 107.06 105.7 99 126.24 0.95
50 147.33 150 131.42 180 0.95
60 197.67 194.33 180 211.4 0.95
70 303.38 300 252 360 0.95
80 393.99 388.71 373.86 401.67 0.95
90 499.7 504 422.81 540 0.95
95 635.62 634.21 597.37 720 0.95
99 993.03 1163.64 845.61 1620 0.944
max. 1818.96

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
186 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 244.88
20 55.76 50 37.5 78.89 0.949
30 96.8 95.63 78.89 150 0.95
40 142.98 151.26 120 382.54 0.95
50 199.41 194.33 165 270 0.947
60 286.63 291.5 95.63 360.32 0.95
70 358.45 382.54 291.5 382.54 0.95
80 399.5 388.71 382.54 422.81 0.949
90 455.93 450 422.81 1818.96 0.95
95 553.41 558.48 472.81 630 0.949
99 1128.01 1254.92 625 1818.96 0.96
max. 1818.96__

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
554 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 210.74
20 40.68 37.5 30 60 0.95
30 68.97 63 60 90 0.95
40 97.26 99 90 115.5 0.95
50 130.27 126 120 165 0.95
60 177.42 180 151.58 191.27 0.95
70 243.43 241 192 266.27 0.95
80 370.74 375 262.77 398.25 0.95
90 488.63 482.5 442.81 597.37 0.95
95 644.23 636.45 573.81 736.84 0.95
99 927.14 937.26 845.61 1448.42 0.95
max. 1688.28 ___



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Marine mollusks: Male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
314 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 253.4
20 53.08 60 48 75 0.951
30 91.58 93.46 66.63 120 0.95
40 139.69 132.55 120 168 0.95
50 187.81 180 165 200.83 0.95
60 250.37 247.5 200.83 300 0.95
70 351.41 363.33 300 382.54 0.95
80 409.16 410.53 382.54 422.81 0.951
90 524.64 534.25 450 634.21 0.95
95 678.62 676.11 602.85 796.49 0.95
99 1251.23 1344.53 845.61 1620.63 0.953
max. 1688.28__

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
83 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 257.47
20 77.06 79.78 60 125 0.95
30 119.6 109 90 165 0.954
40 165.69 151.58 132.55 241 0.949
50 229.5 240 165 360 0.948
60 311.05 324 194.33 382.54 0.949
70 364.22 382.54 300 382.54 0.954
80 403.22 389.17 382.54 422.81 0.95
90 467.04 450 398.25 540 0.955
95 573.39 590 450 1170.63 0.945
99 1130 NA 625 1170.63 0.95
max. 1170.63

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
244 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 238.51
20 45.96 50 30 63 0.951
30 79.74 75 60 105 0.95
40 123.18 120 90 140.7 0.95
50 166.61 180 131.42 200 0.95
60 224.52 211.4 191.27 288 0.95
70 321.03 341.37 247.5 373.28 0.95
80 403.07 401.67 360.61 422.81 0.951
90 533.36 551.85 450 645 0.951
95 682.96 680.98 600 796.49 0.951
99 962.86 1178.11 845.61 1688.28 0.963
max. 1688.28


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Marine mollusks: Female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
401 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 206.32
20 39.95 37.5 30 50 0.95
30 65.32 62.28 42 75 0.95
40 90.68 95.63 80 105.7 0.95
50 126.19 120 110 139.53 0.953
60 166.78 180 140 193.55 0.95
70 237.8 240.4 198 376.56 0.95
80 374.77 382.54 336.4 398.25 0.95
90 486.37 482.65 422.81 540.48 0.95
95 603.05 599.74 554.23 658.17 0.95
99 907.43 930.35 819.1 1818.96 0.949
max. 1818.96

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
103 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 5.97
mean 234.74
20 46.15 44.97 25 55 0.951
30 82.79 76.5 50 382.54 0.948
40 129.9 120 84 180.16 0.95
50 182.25 180 145.94 247.5 0.948
60 255.53 243.6 180 376.56 0.95
70 349.75 381.84 75 382.54 0.948
80 396.87 383.77 382.54 422.81 0.951
90 459.68 440.81 401.67 600 0.95
95 538.2 558.31 422.81 600 0.954
99 716.17 1771.4 576 1818.96 0.98
max. 1818.96

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
310 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 188.89
20 38.68 35 30 56.94 0.95
30 61.58 60.25 50 82.5 0.95
40 84.48 90 78 105 0.95
50 111.96 115.25 99.56 135.7 0.95
60 148.61 139.2 120 168 0.95
70 194.41 190.77 159 211.4 0.95
80 318.09 324.25 211.4 373.86 0.95
90 469.24 458.23 387.1 542.8 0.95
95 615.82 634.21 542.8 796.49 0.95
99 908.97 926.3 796.49 1448.42 0.951
max. __ 1620__






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Marine mollusks: White RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
616 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 226.29
20 45.63 45 30 55 0.95
30 73.92 75 60 90 0.95
40 106.91 105.7 90 120 0.95
50 149.34 144.82 126 180 0.95
60 201.19 194.33 180 247.5 0.95
70 304.89 300 247.5 365.15 0.95
80 394.46 388.71 382.54 420 0.95
90 507.59 510 457.77 576 0.95
95 634.86 634.21 584.6 692.81 0.95
99 950.69 946.17 845.61 1620.63 0.949
max. 1688.28

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
154 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 238.73
20 55.78 50 40 82.5 0.95
30 90.31 90 62.5 132.55 0.952
40 135.2 144 100 180 0.95
50 193.9 191.67 151.58 300 0.949
60 304.39 300 194.33 376.56 0.95
70 366.54 382.54 315 382.54 0.952
80 401.07 388.71 382.54 416.56 0.95
90 456.32 450 391 517.81 0.95
95 546.09 547.11 422.81 600 0.951
99 715.29 922.79 625 1170.63 0.931
max. 1170.63__

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
485 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 211.61
20 41.16 35 30 60 0.95
30 69.6 63 60 90 0.95
40 98.04 99 90 110 0.95
50 131.22 126 120 150 0.949
60 173.89 180 165 194.33 0.95
70 240.25 238.8 194.33 266.27 0.95
80 368.23 369.33 300 398.25 0.95
90 496.22 491.4 422.81 584.6 0.95
95 657.39 645.35 573.81 774.19 0.95
99 951.28 1004.05 845.61 1448.42 0.952
max. 1688.28

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Marine mollusks: Nonwhite RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95%
99 Smooth free Bound
% g/week g/week g/week





Upper 95% C.I. real
Bound Coverage




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N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
32 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 5.97
mean 274.49
20 70.75 71.33 20 151.58 0.954
30 128.2 151.42 78.89 240 0.951
40 174.17 180 78.89 227 0.953
50 220.13 213.56 151.58 291.5 0.952
60 266.09 254.38 180.16 382.54 0.953
70 323.55 360.8 180 382.54 0.951
80 386.75 385.01 270 422.81 0.954
90 478.68 457.74 382.54 602.5 0.954
95 593.59 1028.26 422.81 1818.96 0.93
99 1851.86 NA 602.5 1818.96 0.96
max. 1818.96

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
69 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 3.89
mean 204.67
20 46.49 50 30 60 0.95
30 72.4 60.25 50 115 0.95
40 98.31 99 60 121.82 0.949
50 132 121.82 99.56 252 0.948
60 186.41 180 121.82 336.4 0.949
70 279.7 252 132 376.56 0.95
80 385.94 382.54 288 482 0.95
90 479.22 482 399 602.5 0.955
95 588.05 597.56 454 634.21 0.95
99 777.21 NA 602.5 796.49 0.968
max. 796.49 __





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Marine mollusks: White male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
271 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 252.3
20 54.39 60 50 90 0.95
30 93.05 93.9 63 113.69 0.951
40 136.55 126.83 105.24 165 0.95
50 180.05 180 165 211.4 0.948
60 247.72 241 200 346.5 0.95
70 349.22 362.96 300 382.54 0.951
80 407.22 414.15 375 422.81 0.95
90 518.38 526.58 450 645.5 0.95
95 692.38 703.68 602.85 845.61 0.951
99 1349.7 1439.57 908.33 1688.28 0.944
max. 1688.28

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
66 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 257.65
20 71.51 77 50 100 0.952
30 107.6 96.07 82.5 151.58 0.948
40 150.91 151.58 100 241 0.95
50 212.26 194.33 151.58 360 0.951
60 316.93 360 180 382.54 0.95
70 371.06 382.54 300 388.71 0.948
80 414.37 406.34 382.54 422.81 0.952
90 482.94 470.66 416.56 540 0.955
95 576.78 595.25 450 720 0.95
99 1150.63 NA 625 1170.63 0.972
max. 1170.63

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
216 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 237.82
20 46.61 50 30 60 0.95
30 80.57 75.45 60 113.69 0.951
40 119.38 120 99.97 180 0.95
50 167.89 180 126 198 0.95
60 221.25 210 180 247.5 0.95
70 318.28 335.61 226.4 365.15 0.951
80 395.89 398.38 366.13 422.81 0.95
90 507.47 496.65 422.81 630 0.95
95 716.07 738.81 630 846.49 0.951
99 987.74 1296.98 846.49 1688.28 0.933
max. 1688.28 ___








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Marine mollusks: Nonwhite female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
56 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 5.97
mean 209.16
20 41.59 50 35 100 0.95
30 68.89 62.22 35 99.56 0.95
40 101.65 99.45 80 454 0.949
50 134.41 119.12 96.77 159 0.949
60 172.63 153.06 25 202.11 0.949
70 238.15 222.71 151.58 421 0.95
80 347.35 375.48 151.58 398.25 0.95
90 440.17 432.16 382.54 796.49 0.949
95 516.61 529.17 151.58 796.49 0.943
99 1810.64 NA 482 1818.96 0.981
max. __ 1818.96 ___

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
15 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 5.97
mean 294.56
20 26.29 32 20 151.58 0.949
30 84.72 108 20 180 0.95
40 136.66 151.58 60 202.11 0.946
50 182.1 180 151.58 472.71 0.946
60 240.53 193.33 151.58 382.54 0.946
70 305.45 256.51 180 472.71 0.95
80 396.34 414.75 180.16 472.71 0.949
90 552.15 1011.21 382.54 1818.96 0.95
95 1727.23 NA 422.81 1818.96 0.966
99 1947.96 NA 472.71 1818.96 0.987
max. 1818.96

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
41 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 25
mean 177.91
20 45.85 50 25 60.25 0.95
30 68.74 60.15 50 105.7 0.952
40 89.08 96.54 25 115 0.948
50 114.51 105.7 96.77 482 0.943
60 142.48 123.86 100 796.49 0.948
70 206.05 208.45 105.7 360 0.952
80 345.9 368.31 180.75 796.49 0.95
90 417.1 416.45 373.86 796.49 0.954
95 473.04 479.2 398.25 796.49 0.949
99 803.61 NA 482 796.49 0.939
max. 796.49


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Marine mollusks: White female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
345 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 205.86
20 40.07 37.5 30 45 0.95
30 62.93 62.39 55 85 0.95
40 90.36 92.56 82.5 115.5 0.95
50 126.94 120 100 136.27 0.949
60 168.09 180 132 192 0.95
70 241.25 241.58 181.5 300 0.95
80 378.41 382.54 360 422.81 0.95
90 501.86 506.4 422.81 554.23 0.95
95 611.6 621 554 643.17 0.951
99 895.07 910.53 797.81 1448.42 0.945
max. 1620

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
88 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 10
mean 224.54
20 47.2 44.97 30 82.5 0.951
30 78.56 70.5 50 382.54 0.95
40 124.55 120 82.5 189 0.951
50 185.17 184.5 120 291.5 0.945
60 279.24 267.8 180 379.06 0.951
70 362.85 382.54 50 382.54 0.95
80 398.39 383.77 376.56 401.67 0.951
90 446.47 425.81 240 502.56 0.948
95 528 545.65 422.81 600 0.958
99 626.25 NA 576 630 0.942
max. 630

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
269 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 0.97
mean 190.56
20 33.36 30 30 45 0.951
30 61.03 60.25 40 75 0.95
40 84.09 90 66 99.56 0.95
50 116.38 115.5 98.36 126 0.949
60 148.66 140 124.3 180 0.95
70 194.78 192 180 252 0.95
80 305.47 300 211.4 387.1 0.951
90 489.95 504 420 573.81 0.95
95 628.31 634.21 573.81 1620 0.949
99 928.09 1086.4 845.61 1620 0.945
max. 1620







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Marine mollusks: Nonwhite male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
43 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 3.89
mean 260.31
20 55.82 49 30 180 0.95
30 105.87 89.25 50 180 0.954
40 159.77 168.63 50 240 0.95
50 213.67 227 151.58 291.5 0.953
60 271.42 254.39 200 399 0.95
70 340.72 364.18 252 399 0.954
80 421.57 403.76 252 508.86 0.95
90 564.02 585.65 422.81 1205 0.941
95 652.57 663.27 575.2 1205 0.94
99 1214.67 NA 670.54 1205 0.933
max. 1205

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
17 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
mean 256.79
20 120.26 121.55 15 227 0.943
30 174.05 162.95 78.89 257.97 0.946
40 217.09 229.6 151.58 360.32 0.948
50 255.82 257.97 180 365.15 0.955
60 298.86 287.2 180 365.15 0.948
70 341.89 363.22 257.97 388.71 0.946
80 380.63 385.01 291.5 398.25 0.943
90 427.97 439.1 382.54 602.5 0.925
95 557.07 NA 388.71 602.5 0.954
99 643.15 NA 398.25 602.5 0.985
max. 602.5

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
28 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 3.89
mean 243.85
20 46.51 43.5 20 75 0.949
30 84.6 64.64 30 180 0.95
40 134.58 131.13 60 252 0.95
50 196.47 190 130.7 380.95 0.942
60 260.73 252 131.42 399 0.95
70 358.32 386.36 252 575.2 0.95
80 460.67 461.77 288 592.62 0.949
90 574.92 593.61 450 634.21 0.948
95 622.53 619.94 575.2 634.21 0.953
99 684.41 NA 602.5 634.21 0.968
max. 634.21


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Freshwater panfish: RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
127 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 297.78
20 133.84 151.58 118.23 151.58 0.95
30 157.7 151.58 151.58 194.33 0.949
40 185.54 194.33 151.58 202.11 0.951
50 213.37 202.11 194.33 227.37 0.95
60 261.09 234.64 202.11 303.16 0.951
70 356.53 388.67 227.37 404.21 0.949
80 416.18 404.21 404.21 454.74 0.95
90 579.21 606.32 404.21 994.99 0.95
95 793.94 886.56 583 1010.53 0.951
99 1175.69 1311.86 1010.53 1374.33 0.961
max. 1374.33

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
85 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 97.17
mean 316.87
20 143.67 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 167.43 151.58 151.58 194.33 0.949
40 195.15 194.33 151.58 202.11 0.95
50 226.84 202.11 194.33 303.16 0.95
60 278.32 303.16 202.11 383.75 0.95
70 361.49 388.67 227.37 404.21 0.949
80 432.78 404.21 404.21 606.32 0.95
90 603.07 606.32 454.74 1010.53 0.951
95 955.55 995.18 606.32 1151.24 0.961
99 1319.9 NA 1010.53 1374.33 0.946
max. 1374.33

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
43 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 253.13
20 109.41 113.69 113.69 404.21 0.949
30 133.48 118.23 113.69 194.33 0.952
40 162.37 128.84 50.53 202.11 0.949
50 198.48 202.11 124.3 291.5 0.951
60 244.22 231.01 202.11 777.33 0.949
70 352.54 400.12 202.11 404.21 0.952
80 400.69 404.21 113.69 404.21 0.949
90 446.43 404.21 404.21 777.33 0.939
95 598.09 606.32 404.21 777.33 0.938
99 783.45 NA 606.32 777.33 0.931
max. 777.33


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Freshwater panfish: Male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
45 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 113.69
mean 333.15
20 148.46 151.58 118.23 194.33 0.951
30 181.08 185.78 151.58 303.16 0.95
40 225.56 202.11 194.33 388.67 0.95
50 293.76 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.946
60 364.92 397.99 202.11 404.21 0.95
70 412.37 404.21 303.16 404.21 0.95
80 498.36 541.34 404.21 606.32 0.951
90 611.04 606.32 202.11 606.32 0.948
95 679.24 726.03 606.32 1010.53 0.927
99 1014.31 NA 777.33 1010.53 0.925
max. _1010.53

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
30 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 151.58
mean 354.17
20 169.17 151.58 151.58 227.37 0.953
30 204.35 194.33 151.58 303.16 0.951
40 251.26 227.37 151.58 388.67 0.95
50 321.61 321.62 227.37 404.21 0.948
60 377.31 404.21 303.16 575.62 0.95
70 430.08 404.21 388.67 583 0.951
80 538.55 575.62 404.21 606.32 0.953
90 614.77 606.32 404.21 606.32 0.95
95 664.61 788.22 606.32 1010.53 0.939
99 1036.92 NA 606.32 1010.53 0.964
max. 1010.53

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
15 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 113.69
mean 291.13
20 111.83 113.69 113.69 202.11 0.947
30 145.07 117.32 113.69 202.11 0.95
40 180.87 151.78 113.69 383.75 0.939
50 234.57 202.11 113.69 404.21 0.941
60 318.94 346.85 118.23 404.21 0.939
70 380.31 404.21 202.11 777.33 0.95
80 439.12 404.21 291.5 606.32 0.947
90 605.32 674.73 404.21 777.33 0.944
95 738.28 NA 404.21 777.33 0.964
99 838 NA 606.32 777.33 0.99
max. 777.33 ___

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Freshwater panfish: Female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
82 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 278.37
20 123.56 151.58 118.23 151.58 0.95
30 148.01 151.58 151.58 191.87 0.95
40 172.46 151.58 151.58 202.11 0.949
50 196.91 194.33 191.87 227.37 0.949
60 229.52 202.11 194.33 236.46 0.949
70 286.57 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.95
80 380.3 404.21 236.46 404.21 0.95
90 474.03 439.58 404.21 959.37 0.954
95 958.97 989.64 454.74 1374.33 0.947
99 1329.82 NA 1010.53 1374.33 0.951
max. 1374.33 ___

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
55 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 97.17
mean 296.53
20 127.69 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.955
30 156.36 151.58 151.58 191.87 0.952
40 180.92 167.7 151.58 202.11 0.954
50 205.49 194.33 97.17 202.11 0.948
60 242.34 202.11 194.33 303.16 0.954
70 295.57 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.952
80 385.66 401.1 303.16 606.32 0.955
90 565.82 606.32 404.21 1151.24 0.953
95 1003.95 1038.67 606.32 1374.33 0.944
99 1364.27 NA 1010.53 1374.33 0.982
max. __ 1374.33 __

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
28 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 232.77
20 108.93 113.69 113.69 119.75 0.945
30 132.14 118.23 113.69 202.11 0.95
40 157.28 128.84 113.69 202.11 0.95
50 192.09 198.22 124.3 252.63 0.939
60 226.9 227.37 194.33 404.21 0.95
70 284.91 298.11 194.33 404.21 0.95
80 389.34 404.21 236.46 404.21 0.945
90 426.08 404.21 113.69 404.21 0.948
95 458.96 515.37 404.21 606.32 0.951
99 627.2 NA 404.21 606.32 0.968
max. 606.32 _

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Freshwater panfish: White RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
84 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 270.56
20 129.39 151.58 118.23 151.58 0.951
30 153.43 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.948
40 173.47 151.58 151.58 194.33 0.949
50 197.51 194.33 151.58 202.11 0.95
60 229.57 202.11 194.33 303.16 0.949
70 285.67 297.33 202.11 404.21 0.948
80 377.83 404.21 291.5 404.21 0.951
90 457.97 404.21 404.21 777.33 0.954
95 666.34 734.58 404.21 1374.33 0.941
99 1327.52 NA 994.99 1374.33 0.948
max. _1374.33

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
54 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 97.17
mean 271.75
20 131.26 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.957
30 155.2 151.58 151.58 191.87 0.951
40 175.15 151.58 151.58 202.11 0.95
50 199.09 194.33 151.58 202.11 0.942
60 227.02 202.11 191.87 227.37 0.95
70 274.9 265.27 194.33 388.67 0.951
80 362.68 388.67 227.37 404.21 0.957
90 478.39 489.92 404.21 1151.24 0.957
95 634 742.55 404.21 1374.33 0.948
99 1368.17 NA 606.32 1374.33 0.983
max. 1374.33

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
31 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 259.75
20 118.84 115.51 113.69 194.33 0.95
30 145.78 121.87 113.69 202.11 0.952
40 177.62 194.33 118.23 236.46 0.954
50 211.9 202.11 131.87 291.5 0.95
60 253.53 239.69 194.33 404.21 0.954
70 349.04 404.21 202.11 404.21 0.952
80 400.46 404.21 252.63 404.21 0.95
90 449.44 404.21 404.21 606.32 0.952
95 601.27 674.73 404.21 777.33 0.933
99 797.17 NA 606.32 777.33 0.962
max. 777.33

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Freshwater panfish: Nonwhite RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
43 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 113.69
mean 350.97
20 142.17 151.58 118.23 575.62 0.949
30 179.36 160.13 151.58 227.37 0.952
40 225.85 202.11 113.69 340.08 0.949
50 303.33 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.951
60 371.51 394.89 303.16 1010.53 0.949
70 424.2 404.21 383.75 575.62 0.952
80 523.37 577.1 151.58 606.32 0.949
90 641.14 606.32 583 1010.53 0.939
95 957.26 1000.3 606.32 1010.53 0.938
99 1056.43 NA 1010.53 1010.53 0.931
max. 1010.53 __

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
31 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 151.58
mean 395.46
20 176.29 168.68 151.58 202.11 0.95
30 219.71 202.11 151.58 340.08 0.952
40 278.65 282.95 202.11 404.21 0.954
50 346.88 383.75 202.11 404.21 0.95
60 402.71 404.21 303.16 454.74 0.954
70 467.85 424.42 388.67 606.32 0.952
80 573.3 596.99 404.21 606.32 0.95
90 725.28 888.76 575.62 1010.53 0.952
95 988.92 1010.53 606.32 1010.53 0.933
99 1075.77 NA 1010.53 1010.53 0.962
max. 1010.53 __

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
12 smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 113.69
mean 236.02
20 93.39 113.69 113.69 606.32 0.931
30 115.53 113.69 113.69 119.75 0.948
40 137.66 114.6 113.69 227.37 0.943
50 165.83 118.99 113.69 404.21 0.961
60 212.11 205.85 113.69 606.32 0.943
70 338.88 385.79 118.23 404.21 0.948
80 401.25 404.21 113.69 404.21 0.931
90 473.69 545.69 383.75 606.32 0.974
95 592.41 NA 404.21 606.32 0.98
99 666.86 NA 404.21 606.32 0.994
max. 606.32 _

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Processed finfish: RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1943 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 402.59
20 111.74 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 157.57 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 203.4 191.87 184.85 202.11 0.95
50 249.24 277.28 227.37 287.81 0.95
60 295.07 303.16 303.16 325.81 0.95
70 340.9 369.71 369.71 369.71 0.95
80 432.56 454.74 404.21 479.39 0.95
90 707.56 739.41 625.99 757.9 0.95
95 1074.22 1109.12 899.03 1212.64 0.95
99 2449.18 2492.06 1818.96 3098.15 0.95
max. __ 17830.98__

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1164 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 369.85
20 111.64 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 154.99 151.58 151.58 174.23 0.95
40 198.33 184.85 184.85 191.87 0.95
50 241.67 227.37 202.11 287.81 0.949
60 285.02 303.16 303.16 303.16 0.95
70 350.03 325.81 303.16 353.69 0.95
80 415.05 383.75 369.71 454.74 0.95
90 631.76 606.32 606.32 757.9 0.95
95 978.51 1021.47 802.99 1151.24 0.95
99 2538.88 2587.95 1818.96 8033.74 0.95
max. 8225.61

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
922 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 41.5
mean 381.48
20 136.68 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
30 162.46 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 214.02 184.85 184.85 202.11 0.95
50 265.59 202.11 202.11 268.91 0.948
60 291.37 323.49 277.28 369.71 0.95
70 368.72 369.71 369.71 369.71 0.95
80 446.07 404.21 369.71 404.21 0.95
90 626.55 606.32 568.6 739.41 0.95
95 935.94 938.93 739.41 1212.64 0.95
99 1915.68 1866.74 1616.85 2431.18 0.95
max. 9797.24 __




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Processed finfish: Male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
757 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 459.11
20 99.48 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
30 192.24 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 238.61 202.11 202.11 268.91 0.95
50 284.99 303.16 284.3 303.16 0.95
60 331.37 369.71 332 369.71 0.95
70 424.12 375.2 369.71 404.21 0.95
80 516.88 554.56 369.71 554.56 0.95
90 795.15 788.32 739.41 1109.12 0.95
95 1258.92 1293.98 1109.12 1534.99 0.949
99 3114.03 3349.7 2336.55 7882.16 0.952
max. 17830.98_

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
441 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 439.11
20 137.74 151.58 151.58 166 0.95
30 180.93 184.85 184.85 191.87 0.95
40 224.12 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.95
50 288.91 303.16 287.81 303.16 0.948
60 332.1 306.04 303.16 369.71 0.95
70 396.89 369.71 369.71 369.71 0.95
80 504.87 454.74 404.21 594.25 0.95
90 764.02 739.41 606.32 1061.06 0.949
95 1239.14 1212.64 1061.06 1534.99 0.95
99 3852.25 3916.24 2218.24 7882.16 0.953
max. 8033.74

N= Distm. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
363 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 41.5
mean 423.97
20 126.79 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
30 179.31 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 231.83 202.11 184.85 202.11 0.95
50 284.36 277.28 202.11 369.71 0.949
60 336.88 369.71 277.28 369.71 0.95
70 415.66 378.69 369.71 404.21 0.95
80 520.7 554.56 404.21 554.56 0.95
90 704.53 739.41 606.32 773.92 0.95
95 1019.66 1062.9 739.41 1212.64 0.95
99 2385.21 2886.9 1818.96 9797.24 0.943
max. 9797.24 __


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Processed finfish: Female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1186 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 366.52
20 107.74 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 158.06 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 208.38 184.85 184.85 191.87 0.95
50 233.54 202.11 202.11 277.28 0.95
60 283.86 303.16 303.16 303.16 0.95
70 359.34 369.71 336.43 369.71 0.95
80 434.82 404.21 383.75 437.49 0.95
90 636.09 620.03 583 739.41 0.95
95 887.69 909.05 782.63 1091.5 0.95
99 1894.06 1865.95 1616.85 2539.89 0.95
max. 9612.39

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
723 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 327.61
20 109.48 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 152.85 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
40 174.53 174.23 151.58 191.87 0.95
50 217.9 191.87 191.87 212.82 0.951
60 261.26 287.81 227.37 303.16 0.95
70 304.63 303.16 303.16 303.16 0.95
80 391.36 378.95 345.91 454.74 0.95
90 586.51 606.32 535.33 686.91 0.95
95 781.67 767.78 739.41 1029.97 0.951
99 1605.64 1619.57 1360.33 4244.24 0.943
max. 8225.61

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
559 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 46.21
mean 353.89
20 108.99 184.85 92.43 184.85 0.95
30 159.61 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 210.23 184.85 184.85 191.87 0.95
50 235.54 202.11 184.85 202.11 0.95
60 286.16 277.28 202.11 336.13 0.95
70 336.78 369.71 369.71 369.71 0.95
80 412.71 369.71 369.71 739.41 0.95
90 589.88 554.56 369.71 631.05 0.95
95 868.29 924.27 739.41 1109.12 0.949
99 1830.07 1855.44 1478.83 2425.28 0.949
max. 9612.39


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Processed finfish: White RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1585 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 381.6
20 121.19 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 172.08 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 197.52 191.87 184.85 191.87 0.95
50 248.41 252.8 212.82 277.28 0.95
60 299.3 303.16 303.16 336.43 0.95
70 350.19 369.71 369.71 369.71 0.95
80 451.97 435.88 404.21 521.29 0.95
90 680.98 739.41 619.73 782.63 0.95
95 1011.76 1030.24 875.31 1160.88 0.95
99 2131.34 2152.14 1699.42 2587.95 0.951
max. 9797.24

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
965 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 350.16
20 116.1 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 158.14 151.58 151.58 166 0.95
40 200.17 186.7 184.85 191.87 0.95
50 242.2 227.37 194.33 265.26 0.952
60 284.24 303.16 303.16 303.16 0.95
70 326.27 319.23 303.16 353.69 0.95
80 410.34 383.75 369.71 404.88 0.95
90 620.52 606.32 606.32 726.39 0.95
95 893.74 909.48 767.85 1109.12 0.95
99 2112.74 2154.8 1534.99 3941.08 0.95
max. 8033.74

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
744 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 41.5
mean 358.78
20 120.41 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
30 171.6 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 197.2 184.85 184.85 194.33 0.95
50 248.38 202.11 184.85 202.44 0.95
60 299.57 303.16 261.34 369.71 0.95
70 350.76 369.71 369.71 369.71 0.95
80 427.55 404.21 379.19 406.19 0.95
90 606.71 606.32 554.56 739.41 0.95
95 888.25 924.27 739.41 1123.16 0.95
99 1835.24 1848.54 1663.68 2431.18 0.956
max. 9797.24



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Processed finfish: Nonwhite RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
358 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 495.52
20 72.93 151.58 151.58 184.85 0.95
30 120.44 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 215.47 202.11 184.85 202.11 0.95
50 262.99 277.28 202.11 303.16 0.95
60 358.02 308.19 303.16 369.71 0.95
70 453.05 369.71 369.71 404.21 0.95
80 548.07 465.58 404.21 554.56 0.95
90 785.65 739.41 575.62 909.48 0.95
95 1308.31 1346.46 931.29 1616.85 0.948
99 8055.42 8225.61 2218.24 9612.39 0.944
max. 17830.98

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
199 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 465.32
20 67.61 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 137.09 151.58 151.58 184.85 0.95
40 206.56 184.85 184.85 227.37 0.95
50 276.03 227.37 194.33 303.16 0.951
60 322.35 303.16 277.28 303.16 0.95
70 414.98 343.45 303.16 454.74 0.95
80 530.76 454.74 369.71 575.62 0.95
90 785.5 739.41 606.32 1212.64 0.951
95 1294.96 1360.33 777.33 1848.54 0.95
99 8010.63 8033.74 2218.24 8225.61 0.95
max. 8225.61

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
178 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 46.21
mean 476.39
20 81.28 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
30 163.1 184.85 184.85 369.71 0.95
40 217.64 202.11 191.87 277.28 0.95
50 299.45 277.28 202.11 369.71 0.949
60 353.99 369.71 252.63 369.71 0.95
70 435.8 369.71 202.11 388.67 0.95
80 544.88 404.21 386.96 554.56 0.95
90 763.04 739.41 369.71 753.45 0.949
95 1308.44 1303.22 404.21 1616.85 0.946
99 9434.93 9651.21 1663.68 9797.24 0.966
max. 9797.24


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Processed finfish: White male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
618 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 438.41
20 151.44 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
30 203.11 184.85 184.85 191.87 0.95
40 228.94 202.11 191.87 265.26 0.95
50 280.6 303.16 287.81 336.43 0.95
60 332.27 369.71 336.43 369.71 0.95
70 409.77 374.06 369.71 404.21 0.95
80 513.1 554.56 454.74 564.04 0.95
90 797.26 786.71 606.32 909.48 0.95
95 1184.75 1212.64 1030.36 1534.99 0.95
99 2915.54 3046.17 2122.12 9797.24 0.951
max. 9797.24 _

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
365 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 424.21
20 128.58 151.58 151.58 166 0.95
30 191.91 184.85 184.85 191.87 0.95
40 234.13 206.39 184.85 265.26 0.95
50 276.35 303.16 231.07 303.16 0.95
60 339.68 325.81 303.16 369.71 0.95
70 403.01 369.71 369.71 383.75 0.95
80 487.45 454.74 383.75 583 0.95
90 740.77 739.41 606.32 909.48 0.95
95 1184.08 1194.22 909.48 1534.99 0.949
99 3801.7 3902.04 2122.12 4604.96 0.942
max. 7882.16__

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
294 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week_
min. 41.5
mean 394.89
20 127.1 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
30 179.05 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 231 202.11 184.85 202.11 0.95
50 282.95 277.28 202.11 369.71 0.953
60 334.9 369.71 332 369.71 0.95
70 412.82 369.71 369.71 404.21 0.95
80 516.72 554.56 404.21 554.56 0.95
90 672.56 672.87 589.07 773.92 0.951
95 932.31 928.58 739.41 1293.98 0.952
99 1971.28 2053.28 739.41 2431.18 0.948
max. 9797.24_

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Processed finfish: White female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
967 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 345.3
20 120.91 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 145.87 184.85 174.23 184.85 0.95
40 195.78 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
50 220.73 202.11 191.87 239.84 0.949
60 270.65 303.16 287.81 303.16 0.95
70 345.52 369.71 303.16 369.71 0.95
80 420.38 387.64 379.19 420.25 0.95
90 644.99 620.74 571.81 740.65 0.95
95 869.59 858.46 565.09 1029.97 0.95
99 1817.93 1848.54 1648.89 2425.28 0.95
max. 9612.39

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
600 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 305.12
20 111.84 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 153.69 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
40 174.62 166 151.58 190.8 0.95
50 216.47 191.87 191.87 227.37 0.949
60 258.33 287.81 227.37 303.16 0.95
70 300.19 303.16 303.16 303.16 0.95
80 362.97 369.71 343.45 404.21 0.95
90 551.32 606.32 454.74 686.91 0.95
95 760.6 767.49 454.74 808.43 0.95
99 1430.29 1477.98 1212.64 4244.24 0.956
max. 8033.74

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
450 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 46.21
mean 335.18
20 115.02 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
30 165.31 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
40 190.45 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
50 240.74 191.87 184.85 202.44 0.95
60 265.88 277.28 202.11 369.71 0.95
70 341.31 369.71 323.49 369.71 0.95
80 391.6 369.71 369.71 404.21 0.95
90 567.59 554.56 404.21 631.05 0.951
95 844.17 876.48 739.41 1109.12 0.95
99 1774.45 1848.54 1478.83 2425.28 0.95
max. 9612.39




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Processed finfish: Nonwhite male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
139 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 551.16
20 1.9 184.85 151.58 184.85 0.951
30 148.74 184.85 184.85 202.11 0.949
40 197.68 202.11 184.85 277.28 0.95
50 295.58 287.81 227.37 369.71 0.947
60 393.47 369.71 303.16 369.71 0.95
70 540.3 386.96 369.71 454.74 0.949
80 687.14 554.56 404.21 646.99 0.951
90 1029.76 1109.12 646.99 1345.73 0.952
95 1470.27 1393.84 1109.12 2218.24 0.95
99 3770.7 12177.42 2218.24 17830.98 0.949
max. 17830.98

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
76 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 510.65
20 69.58 151.58 151.58 184.85 0.95
30 162.08 184.85 151.58 191.87 0.95
40 231.46 193.84 184.85 287.81 0.95
50 300.84 289.66 194.33 303.16 0.95
60 370.22 303.16 291.5 388.67 0.95
70 485.86 369.71 303.16 606.32 0.95
80 624.62 567.2 369.71 739.41 0.95
90 994.65 1109.12 554.56 1212.64 0.951
95 1434.05 1517.5 1109.12 2587.95 0.944
99 7886.43 NA 2218.24 8033.74 0.96
max. __ 8033.74 __

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
69 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 92.43
mean 547.86
20 34.64 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.95
30 147.84 184.85 184.85 202.11 0.95
40 232.74 202.11 184.85 202.11 0.949
50 317.65 202.11 202.11 369.71 0.948
60 402.55 369.71 202.11 404.21 0.949
70 515.75 404.21 277.28 479.39 0.95
80 657.26 554.56 404.21 739.41 0.95
90 940.27 739.41 571.81 1663.68 0.955
95 1421.38 1478.83 739.41 3697.07 0.95
99 9656.93 NA 1663.68 9797.24 0.968
max. 9797.24

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Processed finfish: Nonwhite female RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
219 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 460.21
20 69.89 151.58 151.58 174.23 0.951
30 149.81 184.85 151.58 194.33 0.95
40 203.09 194.33 184.85 277.28 0.95
50 283.01 277.28 202.11 303.16 0.95
60 336.29 303.16 277.28 369.71 0.95
70 416.21 369.71 325.81 383.75 0.95
80 522.77 454.74 376.73 554.56 0.951
90 735.9 606.32 575.62 1061.06 0.95
95 1162.14 1293.98 757.9 2994.63 0.95
99 8168.47 8225.61 1865.79 9612.39 0.93
max. 9612.39

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
123 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 37.89
mean 437.32
20 55.87 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 126.34 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
40 196.82 184.85 151.58 194.33 0.951
50 243.8 194.33 191.87 303.16 0.95
60 314.28 303.16 227.37 303.16 0.951
70 408.25 303.16 303.16 454.74 0.95
80 502.22 454.74 303.16 535.33 0.95
90 713.65 606.32 535.33 1061.06 0.95
95 1160 1300.48 303.16 1515.8 0.949
99 8043.2 8179.56 1515.8 8225.61 0.965
max. 8225.61

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
109 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
mean 431.15
20 82.97 184.85 184.85 184.85 0.953
30 163.19 184.85 184.85 202.11 0.951
40 216.67 202.11 191.87 277.28 0.95
50 270.15 277.28 202.11 369.71 0.948
60 350.37 369.71 277.28 369.71 0.95
70 430.59 369.71 369.71 378.33 0.951
80 510.81 404.21 369.71 554.56 0.953
90 697.99 606.32 462.13 1478.83 0.954
95 1232.79 1386.4 739.41 1865.79 0.95
99 2115.2 8837.73 1478.83 9612.39 0.976
max. 9612.39

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Shark: RSAs

N= 53 Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
53 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 402.61
20 150.86 191.87 48.58 194.33 0.949
30 189.5 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.95
40 228.13 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.951
50 266.77 202.11 194.33 388.67 0.948
60 321.97 303.16 202.11 388.67 0.951
70 415.81 388.67 291.5 583 0.95
80 586.92 587.66 388.67 1749 0.949
90 884.99 929.69 583 1360.33 0.96
95 1332.1 1418.63 808.43 1749 0.952
99 1740.56 NA 1360.33 1749 0.984
max. 1749 _

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
30 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 145.75
mean 366.67
20 153.45 192.37 191.87 194.33 0.953
30 186.51 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.951
40 219.58 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.95
50 257.37 198.22 194.33 388.67 0.948
60 304.61 262.74 194.33 583 0.95
70 375.47 387.19 202.11 583 0.951
80 503.01 544.13 202.11 777.33 0.953
90 791.16 805.32 388.67 1010.53 0.95
95 1008.46 1255.39 777.33 1554.67 0.939
99 1594.21 NA 1010.53 1554.67 0.964
max. 1554.67_

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
24 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 430.76
20 142.02 174.23 145.75 202.11 0.954
30 194.61 194.33 174.23 291.5 0.946
40 247.2 202.11 194.33 388.67 0.953
50 299.8 291.5 194.33 404.21 0.957
60 375.77 388.67 202.11 575.62 0.953
70 486.8 489.92 291.5 606.32 0.946
80 650.43 606.32 388.67 971.67 0.954
90 989.37 1068.83 606.32 1749 0.972
95 1252.34 1603.25 777.33 1749 0.97
99 1819.19 NA 1166 1749 0.976
max. 1749 ___


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Shark: Male RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
27 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 118.23
mean 407.03
20 171.83 194.33 184.85 202.11 0.951
30 210.38 194.33 194.33 291.5 0.944
40 253.2 202.11 194.33 383.75 0.951
50 304.6 291.5 202.11 388.67 0.948
60 373.12 387.68 202.11 583 0.951
70 484.47 505.27 303.16 606.32 0.944
80 621.51 606.32 388.67 808.43 0.951
90 822.79 848.85 606.32 1360.33 0.953
95 1036.92 1220.41 777.33 1360.33 0.956
99 1405.23 NA 1010.53 1360.33 0.97
max. _1360.33

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
18 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 145.75
mean 395.83
20 176.88 193.84 145.75 202.11 0.949
30 215.87 194.33 145.75 303.16 0.94
40 261.36 202.11 194.33 388.67 0.947
50 319.84 343.45 202.11 583 0.948
60 384.82 388.67 202.11 583 0.947
70 469.3 446.97 383.75 1010.53 0.94
80 618.76 621.87 388.67 1010.53 0.949
90 810.45 828.64 583 1010.53 0.972
95 933.92 NA 777.33 1010.53 0.942
99 1073.63 NA 808.43 1010.53 0.986
max. 1010.53

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
10 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 118.23
mean 386.5
20 169.14 194.33 118.23 291.5 0.967
30 213.35 196.67 118.23 291.5 0.953
40 257.56 237.86 194.33 606.32 0.952
50 305.18 291.5 118.23 606.32 0.945
60 366.4 349.8 194.33 606.32 0.952
70 482.03 541.02 291.5 971.67 0.953
80 604.47 606.32 291.5 971.67 0.967
90 798.32 935.13 606.32 971.67 0.93
95 968.37 NA 606.32 971.67 0.914
99 1077.2 NA 606.32 971.67 0.996
max. 971.67


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Shark: Female RSAs

N= 26 Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
26 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 398.01
20 113.19 184.85 151.58 194.33 0.954
30 160.98 192.12 184.85 194.33 0.949
40 202.8 194.33 48.58 202.11 0.948
50 250.59 194.33 194.33 303.16 0.948
60 298.39 202.11 194.33 1749 0.948
70 370.08 375.69 194.33 575.62 0.949
80 507.48 507.06 202.11 1166 0.954
90 1134.77 1282.6 404.21 1749 0.96
95 1588.81 1680.98 777.33 1749 0.961
99 1821.8 NA 1554.67 1749 0.972
max. 1749

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
12 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 184.85
mean 322.93
20 104.29 191.87 191.87 1554.67 0.931
30 146.09 194.09 191.87 194.33 0.948
40 182.67 194.33 184.85 194.33 0.943
50 219.24 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.961
60 255.82 194.33 194.33 1554.67 0.943
70 297.62 195.11 194.33 383.75 0.948
80 355.1 274.76 184.85 383.75 0.931
90 496.17 1203.39 194.33 1554.67 0.974
95 1520.28 NA 202.11 1554.67 0.98
99 1692.7 NA 383.75 1554.67 0.994
max. 1554.67

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
14 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 462.37
20 111.09 151.58 145.75 303.16 0.954
30 174.87 179.54 151.58 404.21 0.951
40 238.65 202.11 174.23 575.62 0.956
50 308.81 252.63 184.85 575.62 0.943
60 385.35 388.67 174.23 575.62 0.956
70 506.53 489.92 184.85 777.33 0.951
80 723.39 777.33 202.11 1166 0.954
90 1201.76 1457.5 575.62 1749 0.956
95 1673.74 NA 777.33 1749 0.97
99 1896.98 NA 1166 1749 0.992
max. 1749

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Shark: White RSAs

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
41 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 394.81
20 143.54 187.66 174.23 194.33 0.951
30 182.56 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.951
40 221.58 194.33 48.58 202.11 0.947
50 266.17 202.11 194.33 383.75 0.956
60 316.33 293.83 202.11 1749 0.947
70 394.36 388.67 202.11 583 0.951
80 567.15 583 383.75 808.43 0.951
90 912.73 970.11 583 1749 0.952
95 1252.73 1340.9 808.43 1749 0.947
99 1765.51 NA 1360.33 1749 0.937
max. 1749

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
25 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 145.75
mean 346.61
20 165.83 194.33 184.85 194.33 0.949
30 193.63 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.949
40 221.43 194.33 194.33 303.16 0.956
50 258.49 202.11 145.75 383.75 0.946
60 317.17 351.51 194.33 388.67 0.956
70 388.2 388.67 202.11 583 0.949
80 496.3 544.13 383.75 808.43 0.949
90 749.55 789.77 388.67 1010.53 0.967
95 863.82 949.9 583 1010.53 0.966
99 1049.13 NA 808.43 1010.53 0.974
max. 1010.53

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
17 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 442.48
20 111.67 165.17 145.75 194.33 0.94
30 167.67 188.65 145.75 202.11 0.957
40 223.67 195.89 184.85 388.67 0.951
50 279.67 202.11 194.33 388.67 0.951
60 341.9 291.5 184.85 388.67 0.951
70 441.45 388.67 202.11 1166 0.957
80 783.68 855.07 291.5 1166 0.94
90 1132.13 1282.6 388.67 1749 0.978
95 1611.24 NA 971.67 1749 0.95
99 1872.58 NA 1166 1749 0.988
max. 1749

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Freshwater bottom feeders: Householders

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
312 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 351.7
20 168.06 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.95
30 190.65 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
40 218.88 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
50 247.12 202.11 202.11 404.21 0.95
60 314.88 303.16 202.11 388.67 0.95
70 382.64 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.95
80 427.81 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
90 693.2 696.92 404.21 808.43 0.95
95 1065.88 1086.05 808.43 1212.64 0.95
99 1607.96 1616.85 1212.64 1943.33 0.952
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
156 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 392.25
20 176.21 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.949
30 209.79 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
40 243.36 202.11 191.87 242.92 0.95
50 293.72 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.947
60 360.87 404.21 303.16 808.43 0.95
70 411.23 404.21 383.75 404.21 0.95
80 500.75 404.21 404.21 606.32 0.949
90 802.91 808.43 606.32 1010.53 0.949
95 1116.26 1160.45 808.43 1943.33 0.95
99 1608.67 1757.24 1212.64 1943.33 0.928
max. 1943.33

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
156 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 311.15
20 150.75 192.86 191.87 194.33 0.949
30 179.2 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 201.97 202.11 135.41 202.11 0.95
50 224.74 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.947
60 264.58 202.11 202.11 404.21 0.95
70 338.57 383.75 202.11 404.21 0.95
80 401.18 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.949
90 475.17 404.21 404.21 777.33 0.949
95 839.43 859.85 583 2021.07 0.95
99 1607.81 1790.67 1212.64 2021.07 0.928
max. 2021.07 ___




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Freshwater bottom feeders: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
312 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 351.7
20 168.06 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.95
30 190.65 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
40 218.88 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
50 247.12 202.11 202.11 404.21 0.95
60 314.88 303.16 202.11 388.67 0.95
70 382.64 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.95
80 427.81 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
90 693.2 696.92 404.21 808.43 0.95
95 1065.88 1086.05 808.43 1212.64 0.95
99 1607.96 1616.85 1212.64 1943.33 0.952
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
231 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 366.97
20 162.89 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.951
30 191.67 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.949
40 220.44 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.949
50 260.73 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.952
60 329.8 383.75 291.5 404.21 0.949
70 387.35 404.21 383.75 404.21 0.949
80 444.9 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.951
90 767.2 808.43 583 1050.95 0.95
95 1152.81 1184.66 808.43 1212.64 0.948
99 1670.79 1838.86 1212.64 2021.07 0.97
max. 2021.07
N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
81 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 308.14
20 169.58 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.949
30 189.88 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 210.17 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.954
50 233.85 202.11 202.11 287.81 0.955
60 267.68 219.25 202.11 404.21 0.954
70 362.4 404.21 202.11 404.21 0.95
80 413.14 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.949
90 572.13 606.32 404.21 777.33 0.953
95 775.1 805.32 606.32 1151.24 0.95
99 1113.37 NA 808.43 1151.24 0.976
max 1151.24

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Freshwater bottom feeders: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
231 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 366.97
20 162.89 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.951
30 191.67 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.949
40 220.44 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.949
50 260.73 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.952
60 329.8 383.75 291.5 404.21 0.949
70 387.35 404.21 383.75 404.21 0.949
80 444.9 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.951
90 767.2 808.43 583 1050.95 0.95
95 1152.81 1184.66 808.43 1212.64 0.948
99 1670.79 1838.86 1212.64 2021.07 0.97
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
121 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 48.58
mean 405.63
20 171.48 194.33 48.58 202.11 0.948
30 211.42 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
40 251.36 202.11 202.11 383.75 0.95
50 302.71 303.16 202.11 696.92 0.949
60 365.47 404.21 291.5 404.21 0.95
70 416.82 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
80 519.53 511.49 404.21 1943.33 0.948
90 856.17 808.43 606.32 1212.64 0.953
95 1181.4 1212.64 1010.53 1414.75 0.945
99 1666.38 1871.51 1212.64 1943.33 0.966
max. 1943.33

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
110 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 324.46
20 146.81 191.87 135.41 194.33 0.951
30 175.95 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.948
40 205.1 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
50 234.25 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.955
60 280.88 226.59 202.11 404.21 0.95
70 345.01 387.19 242.92 404.21 0.948
80 403.3 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.951
90 502.4 404.21 404.21 1166 0.95
95 1108.66 1157.88 583 2021.07 0.951
99 1697.44 1976.6 1212.64 2021.07 0.975
max. 2021.07


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Freshwater bottom feeders: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
253 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 378.32
20 169.15 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
30 197.75 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.949
40 232.07 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
50 272.12 242.92 202.11 303.16 0.955
60 340.76 385.71 303.16 404.21 0.95
70 397.97 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.949
80 449.45 404.21 404.21 583 0.95
90 781.24 808.43 583 1010.53 0.95
95 1141.62 1155.67 1010.53 2021.07 0.948
99 1645.02 1767.03 1212.64 2021.07 0.957
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
126 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 430.2
20 186.01 197.44 194.33 202.11 0.948
30 224.9 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.951
40 274.91 234.75 202.11 303.16 0.95
50 336.02 383.75 291.5 404.21 0.947
60 386.03 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.95
70 441.59 404.21 404.21 606.32 0.951
80 591.6 606.32 404.21 777.33 0.948
90 886.07 869.06 777.33 1212.64 0.951
95 1174.98 1212.64 808.43 1212.64 0.95
99 1658.36 1855.18 1212.64 1943.33 0.962
max. 1943.33

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
127 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 326.84
20 155.51 194.33 191.87 194.33 0.95
30 184.38 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.949
40 207.47 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.951
50 236.33 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
60 276.73 234.75 202.11 303.16 0.951
70 346 397.99 202.11 404.21 0.949
80 403.73 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.95
90 484.54 404.21 404.21 1166 0.95
95 1107.95 1151.24 404.21 1212.64 0.951
99 1650.55 1907.89 1212.64 2021.07 0.961
max. 2021.07

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Freshwater bottom feeders: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
253 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 378.32
20 169.15 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
30 197.75 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.949
40 232.07 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
50 272.12 242.92 202.11 303.16 0.955
60 340.76 385.71 303.16 404.21 0.95
70 397.97 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.949
80 449.45 404.21 404.21 583 0.95
90 781.24 808.43 583 1010.53 0.95
95 1141.62 1155.67 1010.53 2021.07 0.948
99 1645.02 1767.03 1212.64 2021.07 0.957
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
191 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 66.7
mean 402.11
20 172.65 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.95
30 207.39 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.949
40 247.91 202.11 202.11 242.92 0.95
50 300.01 303.16 202.11 383.75 0.949
60 357.9 404.21 383.75 404.21 0.95
70 410 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.949
80 473.68 404.21 404.21 808.43 0.95
90 838.38 808.43 583 1151.24 0.95
95 1191.5 1212.64 1010.53 1212.64 0.949
99 1868.8 1949.55 1414.75 2021.07 0.956
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
62 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 305.03
20 164.57 194.33 191.87 303.16 0.948
30 185.27 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 209.41 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
50 230.11 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
60 264.6 202.11 202.11 404.21 0.95
70 340.48 404.21 202.11 404.21 0.95
80 409.46 404.21 202.11 404.21 0.948
90 575.02 606.32 404.21 777.33 0.948
95 785.41 803.76 404.21 1010.53 0.947
99 1137.22 NA 808.43 1151.24 0.976
max. 1151.24

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Freshwater bottom feeders: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
191 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 66.7
mean 402.11
20 172.65 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.95
30 207.39 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.949
40 247.91 202.11 202.11 242.92 0.95
50 300.01 303.16 202.11 383.75 0.949
60 357.9 404.21 383.75 404.21 0.95
70 410 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.949
80 473.68 404.21 404.21 808.43 0.95
90 838.38 808.43 583 1151.24 0.95
95 1191.5 1212.64 1010.53 1212.64 0.949
99 1868.8 1949.55 1414.75 2021.07 0.956
max. 2021.07

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
99 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 447.51
20 192.09 202.11 184.85 202.11 0.95
30 237.42 202.11 202.11 291.5 0.949
40 288.42 291.5 202.11 404.21 0.951
50 345.08 388.67 291.5 404.21 0.952
60 396.07 404.21 383.75 404.21 0.951
70 452.74 404.21 404.21 583 0.949
80 611.39 606.32 404.21 1212.64 0.95
90 996.7 1010.53 808.43 1212.64 0.955
95 1217.68 1212.64 1010.53 1414.75 0.951
99 1801.3 NA 1414.75 1943.33 0.922
max. 1943.33

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
92 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 66.7
mean 353.26
20 159.61 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.949
30 188.99 202.11 194.33 404.21 0.95
40 224.25 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.951
50 259.5 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.953
60 306.5 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.951
70 365.26 404.21 202.11 404.21 0.95
80 424.01 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.949
90 635.53 719.03 404.21 1151.24 0.95
95 1158.45 1182.32 777.33 1616.85 0.95
99 1934.02 NA 1212.64 2021.07 0.935
max. 2021.07

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Freshwater bottom feeders: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
62 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 305.03
20 164.57 194.33 191.87 303.16 0.948
30 185.27 194.33 194.33 202.11 0.95
40 209.41 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.95
50 230.11 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.95
60 264.6 202.11 202.11 404.21 0.95
70 340.48 404.21 202.11 404.21 0.95
80 409.46 404.21 202.11 404.21 0.948
90 575.02 606.32 404.21 777.33 0.948
95 785.41 803.76 404.21 1010.53 0.947
99 1137.22 NA 808.43 1151.24 0.976
max. 1151.24

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
27 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 366.76
20 180.24 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.951
30 215.1 202.11 194.33 287.81 0.944
40 249.96 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.951
50 291.16 291.5 202.11 404.21 0.948
60 351.38 384 202.11 404.21 0.951
70 417.93 404.21 303.16 606.32 0.944
80 557.38 606.32 404.21 777.33 0.951
90 734.85 783.55 606.32 1010.53 0.953
95 848.95 929.69 606.32 1010.53 0.956
99 1045.44 NA 808.43 1010.53 0.97
max. 1010.53 ___

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
35 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 50.53
mean 257.41
20 152.74 192.37 130.2 194.33 0.947
30 173.35 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.955
40 190.52 202.11 194.33 202.11 0.944
50 211.12 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.947
60 228.29 202.11 202.11 202.11 0.944
70 259.2 202.11 202.11 404.21 0.955
80 355.35 404.21 202.11 404.21 0.947
90 420.6 404.21 404.21 404.21 0.955
95 458.37 553.62 404.21 1151.24 0.971
99 1165.78 NA 404.21 1151.24 0.952
max. 1151.24 ___

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Freshwater predators: Householders

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
86 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 95.94
mean 319.37
20 138.01 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 166.27 154.91 151.58 191.87 0.951
40 194.54 191.87 151.58 202.11 0.948
50 222.8 202.11 151.58 202.11 0.947
60 255.78 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.948
70 312.31 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.951
80 397.1 404.21 303.16 777.33 0.95
90 656.19 657.62 404.21 1212.64 0.947
95 1042.47 1141.9 606.32 1414.75 0.96
99 1555.94 NA 1212.64 1616.85 0.944
max. 1616.85

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
44 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 95.94
mean 354.46
20 136.17 151.58 151.58 184.85 0.952
30 171.67 184.85 151.58 202.11 0.953
40 202.74 191.87 151.58 202.11 0.952
50 238.25 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.947
60 282.64 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.952
70 344.78 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.953
80 464.62 404.21 303.16 1010.53 0.952
90 855.21 909.48 191.87 1212.64 0.943
95 1192.54 1212.64 808.43 1414.75 0.933
99 1423.34 NA 1212.64 1414.75 0.928
max. 1414.75

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
42 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 282.61
20 131.69 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.949
30 159.94 151.58 151.58 202.11 0.95
40 183.47 192.37 151.58 202.11 0.952
50 211.72 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.946
60 244.67 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.952
70 291.74 303.16 202.11 388.67 0.95
80 362.35 394.89 303.16 404.21 0.949
90 489.44 524.2 404.21 1616.85 0.946
95 677.73 751.68 404.21 1616.85 0.943
99 1628.58 NA 777.33 1616.85 0.934
max. 1616.85




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Freshwater predators: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
63 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 95.94
mean 333
20 139.96 151.58 151.58 191.87 0.951
30 168.91 184.85 151.58 202.11 0.954
40 197.85 191.87 184.85 202.11 0.951
50 231.62 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.957
60 265.4 257.69 202.11 303.16 0.951
70 318.46 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.954
80 405.31 404.21 303.16 606.32 0.951
90 738.2 777.33 404.21 1010.53 0.949
95 1075.91 1172.22 606.32 1414.75 0.948
99 1592.13 NA 1212.64 1616.85 0.975
max. 1616.85

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
33 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 95.94
mean 364.15
20 143.55 151.58 95.94 191.87 0.949
30 179.67 186.26 151.58 202.11 0.951
40 215.79 198.01 184.85 303.16 0.95
50 251.91 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.953
60 297.06 303.16 191.87 303.16 0.95
70 355.76 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.951
80 473.15 444.63 303.16 1414.75 0.949
90 870.48 929.69 404.21 1212.64 0.955
95 1182.01 1273.27 777.33 1414.75 0.977
99 1448.4 NA 1212.64 1414.75 0.957
max. 1414.75

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
30 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 135.41
mean 298.74
20 130.54 151.58 151.58 191.87 0.953
30 159.5 151.58 151.58 194.33 0.951
40 188.45 191.87 151.58 202.11 0.95
50 217.41 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.948
60 246.36 202.11 194.33 303.16 0.95
70 289.8 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.951
80 357.36 303.16 202.11 575.62 0.953
90 589 603.25 303.16 777.33 0.95
95 777.2 1155.12 575.62 1616.85 0.939
99 1655.5 NA 777.33 1616.85 0.964
max. 1616.85 _


D .EI uL ~.M


C So iSo Il





Sw Is .

Freshwater predators: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
23 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 282.04
20 125.87 151.58 151.58 194.33 0.951
30 152.14 151.58 151.58 1212.64 0.946
40 178.41 177.23 151.58 202.11 0.946
50 208.43 202.11 151.58 388.67 0.936
60 242.2 202.11 194.33 404.21 0.946
70 309.74 351.35 101.05 404.21 0.946
80 396.05 404.21 202.11 404.21 0.951
90 493.61 525.48 404.21 1212.64 0.927
95 669.98 1091.38 404.21 1212.64 0.974
99 1259.12 NA 606.32 1212.64 0.978
max. 1212.64

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
11 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 151.58
mean 325.42
20 107.02 151.58 151.58 151.58 0.95
30 144.66 151.58 151.58 202.11 0.959
40 178.12 151.58 151.58 202.11 0.94
50 215.76 194.33 151.58 404.21 0.961
60 261.77 202.11 151.58 404.21 0.94
70 324.51 282.95 151.58 606.32 0.959
80 462.53 525.48 202.11 1212.64 0.95
90 734.39 1091.38 202.11 1212.64 0.981
95 1198.65 NA 404.21 1212.64 0.985
99 1332.49 NA 606.32 1212.64 0.995
max. 1212.64

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
12 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 242.27
20 133.39 131.37 101.05 404.21 0.931
30 158.42 151.58 101.05 202.11 0.948
40 180.82 195.89 101.05 202.11 0.943
50 203.22 202.11 151.58 404.21 0.961
60 232.21 202.11 194.33 404.21 0.943
70 352.11 390.22 202.11 404.21 0.948
80 390.32 404.21 101.05 404.21 0.931
90 419.31 404.21 388.67 404.21 0.974
95 439.07 NA 404.21 404.21 0.98
99 469.38 NA 404.21 404.21 0.994
max. 404.21

I Nonwhite

H male


,' M ,; &

Freshwater predators: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
61 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 370.18
20 147.66 151.58 151.58 191.87 0.95
30 181.88 191.87 151.58 202.11 0.95
40 216.1 202.11 191.87 202.11 0.95
50 255.21 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.944
60 304.09 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.95
70 367.65 394.89 202.11 404.21 0.95
80 499.64 507.06 404.21 1212.64 0.95
90 812.51 802.21 404.21 1212.64 0.95
95 1208.49 1212.64 606.32 1414.75 0.953
99 1594.69 NA 1212.64 1616.85 0.977
max. 1616.85

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
32 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 135.41
mean 403.46
20 138.16 151.58 151.58 191.87 0.952
30 179.25 181.53 151.58 1414.75 0.949
40 220.34 195.89 151.58 303.16 0.951
50 261.43 214.74 191.87 303.16 0.95
60 316.22 303.16 202.11 606.32 0.951
70 407.54 404.21 135.41 606.32 0.949
80 658.65 674.73 303.16 1010.53 0.952
90 1060.44 1152.01 606.32 1212.64 0.954
95 1252.2 1283.38 1010.53 1414.75 0.926
99 1457.66 NA 1212.64 1414.75 0.959
max. __ 1414.75 _

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
29 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 333.46
20 147.9 191.87 101.05 202.11 0.951
30 182.35 194.33 191.87 202.11 0.95
40 216.8 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.944
50 256.16 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.957
60 300.45 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.944
70 354.58 388.67 202.11 404.21 0.95
80 428.39 404.21 303.16 1616.85 0.951
90 600.61 606.32 388.67 777.33 0.951
95 787.6 1197.09 575.62 1616.85 0.945
99 1658.58 NA 777.33 1616.85 0.966
max. 1616.85 ____

> 18


> 18

:i11111 .u
S4 O M 000 1400



> 18

m I= g

Freshwater predators: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
61 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 370.18
20 147.66 151.58 151.58 191.87 0.95
30 181.88 191.87 151.58 202.11 0.95
40 216.1 202.11 191.87 202.11 0.95
50 255.21 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.944
60 304.09 303.16 202.11 404.21 0.95
70 367.65 394.89 202.11 404.21 0.95
80 499.64 507.06 404.21 1212.64 0.95
90 812.51 802.21 404.21 1212.64 0.95
95 1208.49 1212.64 606.32 1414.75 0.953
99 1594.69 NA 1212.64 1616.85 0.977
max. 1616.85

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
48 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 135.41
mean 376.19
20 149.78 178.2 151.58 191.87 0.948
30 184.02 191.87 184.85 777.33 0.943
40 218.26 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.948
50 257.39 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.956
60 296.52 303.16 202.11 303.16 0.948
70 360.1 303.16 151.58 404.21 0.943
80 526.41 581.76 303.16 808.43 0.948
90 834.56 828.64 606.32 1414.75 0.947
95 1230.75 1323.8 777.33 1616.85 0.968
99 1622.05 NA 1414.75 1616.85 0.917
max. 1616.85

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
13 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 101.05
mean 348.01
20 124.87 151.58 151.58 1212.64 0.945
30 170.41 151.58 101.05 202.11 0.938
40 215.94 177.23 151.58 404.21 0.955
50 269.76 202.11 151.58 404.21 0.943
60 336 394.89 151.58 404.21 0.955
70 406.38 404.21 202.11 1212.64 0.938
80 485.04 444.63 101.05 606.32 0.945
90 654.78 970.11 404.21 1212.64 0.966
95 1176.41 NA 404.21 1212.64 0.975
99 1313.03 NA 606.32 1212.64 0.993
max. 1212.64

m 1 1.


MO O -MO 1o I=

> 18

> 18

> 18

Freshwater predators: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
48 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 135.41
mean 376.19
20 149.78 178.2 151.58 191.87 0.948
30 184.02 191.87 184.85 777.33 0.943
40 218.26 202.11 191.87 303.16 0.948
50 257.39 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.956
60 296.52 303.16 202.11 303.16 0.948
70 360.1 303.16 151.58 404.21 0.943
80 526.41 581.76 303.16 808.43 0.948
90 834.56 828.64 606.32 1414.75 0.947
95 1230.75 1323.8 777.33 1616.85 0.968
99 1622.05 NA 1414.75 1616.85 0.917
max. 1616.85

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
25 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 135.41
mean 411.65
20 149.58 158.23 151.58 202.11 0.949
30 191.12 190.47 151.58 303.16 0.949
40 232.67 202.11 184.85 303.16 0.956
50 278.83 303.16 135.41 303.16 0.946
60 334.23 303.16 202.11 606.32 0.956
70 412.7 404.21 303.16 777.33 0.949
80 675.83 743.13 303.16 1212.64 0.949
90 1008.2 1091.38 606.32 1414.75 0.967
95 1262.09 1354.11 808.43 1414.75 0.966
99 1474.44 NA 1212.64 1414.75 0.974
max. __ 1414.75 _

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
23 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 135.41
mean 337.64
20 141.67 183.81 151.58 202.11 0.951
30 176.76 192.37 191.87 1616.85 0.946
40 206.84 202.11 191.87 202.11 0.946
50 241.94 202.11 202.11 303.16 0.936
60 282.05 242.53 202.11 303.16 0.946
70 332.18 303.16 135.41 404.21 0.946
80 427.43 438.49 202.11 606.32 0.951
90 663.06 708.93 404.21 1616.85 0.927
95 863.6 1448.95 575.62 1616.85 0.974
99 1680.78 NA 777.33 1616.85 0.978
max. 1616.85 ____


> 18

> 18


> 18

PO 10m ~100

Marine crustaceans: Householders

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1399 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 166.12
20 51.2 60 60 64 0.95
30 74.45 80 80 80 0.95
40 89.96 96 90 96 0.95
50 113.22 120 100 120 0.95
60 136.47 144 128 150 0.95
70 175.23 177.22 160 192 0.95
80 221.75 226.8 200 240 0.95
90 330.28 324 320 350 0.95
95 415.56 408.25 387.5 465.65 0.95
99 810.92 810 684 1675 0.952
max. 2955

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
688 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 175.38
20 62.66 64 60 80 0.95
30 78.3 80 80 89 0.95
40 101.75 96.26 96 120 0.95
50 125.2 120 120 137 0.949
60 156.47 160 141.65 160 0.95
70 187.74 193.75 182 200 0.95
80 234.64 240 200 254 0.95
90 336.27 326.88 319.12 384 0.95
95 430.08 422.6 400 490.73 0.95
99 836.57 886.35 684 2286.2 0.952
max. 2955

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
711 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 157.16
20 46.73 60 48 60 0.95
30 69.32 80 60 80 0.95
40 84.39 86.2 80 96 0.95
50 106.99 100 96 117.25 0.95
60 129.59 127.2 120 140 0.95
70 159.72 160 151.58 193.75 0.95
80 212.45 200 196.2 240 0.95
90 325.44 323.56 306.67 384 0.95
95 400.77 400 384 480 0.95
99 800.01 808.8 570 1620 0.944
max. 2850

0 Io M im O M

0 m ,o~ro tgt oo D

0 U




Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1063 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 160.97
20 54.49 60 60 64 0.95
30 77.7 80 80 80 0.95
40 93.17 96 80 96 0.95
50 108.64 120 100 120 0.95
60 139.57 140 128 192 0.95
70 170.51 179.62 160 192 0.95
80 224.65 231.04 200 240 0.95
90 325.2 320 317.5 350 0.95
95 402.54 400 384 422.6 0.95
99 711.92 739.2 518.87 855 0.951
max. 2955

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
522 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 175.1
20 57.2 64 60 80 0.95
30 80.74 80 80 96 0.95
40 104.28 99.49 96 112 0.95
50 127.83 120 120 140 0.95
60 151.37 160 144 180 0.95
70 190.61 194.52 160 200 0.95
80 237.69 240 200 258.33 0.95
90 331.86 320 300 384 0.951
95 426.03 420.68 384 500 0.95
99 818.4 842.35 546 1820 0.95
max. 2955 _

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
541 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 147.33
20 52.01 60 50 63.5 0.95
30 70.31 80 69.3 80 0.95
40 88.61 87.95 80 96 0.95
50 106.91 100 96 120 0.949
60 125.2 120 120 140 0.95
70 155.7 160 144 160 0.95
80 204.49 200 193.75 240 0.95
90 314.28 320 276 326.6 0.95
95 381.37 387.15 342.35 408.25 0.95
99 631.43 653.8 494 810 0.95
max. 2310

0 ,D(00 *100 OSCO USC0

0 7= 70 0 000

0 50 7= 700 =




Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
336 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 182.43
20 47.58 60 48 64 0.95
30 70.74 80 78 81.65 0.95
40 93.89 90 80 96 0.95
50 117.05 115.62 100 150 0.948
60 147.92 155 137 163.3 0.95
70 178.79 175 160 193.75 0.95
80 232.82 223.6 196.2 303.16 0.95
90 356.31 366.37 306.67 415 0.95
95 479.8 480 374 525 0.95
99 1629.81 1654.65 720 2850 0.946
max. 2850

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
166 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 176.26
20 56.57 64 56 80 0.949
30 80.12 80 80 81.65 0.949
40 103.67 96 81.65 120 0.951
50 127.22 120 100 226.8 0.949
60 155.48 160 120 175 0.951
70 188.45 192 163.3 196.2 0.949
80 230.84 224 193.75 271 0.949
90 348.59 351.5 226.8 400 0.95
95 452.21 474 364.71 508.8 0.949
99 1601.46 1638.15 508.8 1675 0.974
max. 1675

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
170 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 188.44
20 40.61 50 46.21 78 0.95
30 64.41 80 60 80 0.95
40 88.22 81.65 80 112 0.95
50 112.02 100 96 128 0.954
60 143.75 150 100 160 0.95
70 183.42 160 150 193.75 0.95
80 238.96 212.8 163.3 275 0.95
90 373.83 383 275 478.97 0.948
95 516.64 516.09 394 720 0.949
99 1674.98 2015.75 720 2850 0.971
max. __ 2850___


0 1, lS ,


Io P m 10 DD 1m~



Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
79 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 108.14
20 26.27 30 24 32 0.95
30 39.45 32 30 40 0.95
40 53.96 48 40 89 0.95
50 73.74 80 50 96.44 0.944
60 100.12 96 50 120 0.95
70 138.36 130 96.44 193.75 0.95
80 181.88 179.23 130 196.2 0.95
90 280.78 320 193.75 337.22 0.949
95 333.53 326.6 320 409.82 0.957
99 399.46 NA 337.22 409.82 0.956
max. __ 409.82 __

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
39 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 108.8
20 27.93 32 30 40 0.953
30 42.49 36 30 50 0.951
40 59.29 50 36 117.25 0.951
50 81.7 80 48 155 0.949
60 114.18 117.25 50 167.25 0.951
70 157.87 167.25 96.44 196.2 0.951
80 183.63 179.23 155 196.2 0.953
90 228.44 240 179.23 320 0.948
95 312.45 320 196.2 324.54 0.958
99 346.06 NA 320 324.54 0.944
max. 324.54__

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
40 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 107.49
20 23.59 30 20 32 0.951
30 37.36 32 30 326.6 0.946
40 52.51 40 32 80 0.948
50 70.41 72 40 112 0.942
60 92.43 89.6 50 120 0.948
70 121.35 118.2 20 175 0.946
80 175.05 190 114 326.6 0.951
90 315.48 325.94 193.75 374 0.945
95 359.54 372.16 320 409.82 0.954
99 418.75 NA 374 409.82 0.941
max. 409.82

0* 1 00 a

I o o = a


S 0




Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
1137 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 174.59
20 64.22 70 64 72 0.95
30 79.75 80 80 91 0.95
40 103.05 96.88 96 100 0.95
50 118.58 120 120 127 0.95
60 149.64 159.75 150 160 0.95
70 180.71 192 163.3 196.2 0.95
80 242.83 240 228 270.67 0.95
90 343.79 342.35 320 381 0.95
95 436.98 422.6 400 482 0.95
99 786.45 800 684 1480 0.948
max. 2955

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
561 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 182.78
20 67.46 74.2 64.8 80 0.95
30 83.13 90 80 96 0.95
40 106.63 100 80 120 0.95
50 130.13 128 120 155 0.949
60 161.47 160 160 228 0.95
70 200.64 200 180 200 0.95
80 247.64 240.53 222.22 270.67 0.95
90 349.48 350.92 302.35 384 0.95
95 459.16 474 400 500 0.95
99 788.19 820.9 640 1820 0.949
max. __ 2955__

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
576 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 166.61
20 59.13 64 60 80 0.95
30 74.23 80 80 80 0.95
40 96.87 96 92.3 100 0.95
50 111.97 120 100 120 0.95
60 142.16 144 120 151.58 0.95
70 172.35 160 160 196.2 0.95
80 232.73 237.26 196.2 254 0.95
90 338.39 331.28 320 384 0.95
95 413.87 408.25 300 480 0.949
99 776.14 802.3 570 1480 0.947
max. 2850

0 5W Sm loW SW S SW

mo m, neo -DI -m S

S mo cm 15Wo SW SW SW

> 18

> 18

> 18

Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
78 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 111.65
20 24.57 40 8 48 0.949
30 43.73 48 40 60 0.947
40 58.11 60 48 64.8 0.951
50 72.48 71.4 64 80 0.948
60 91.65 80 78 96 0.951
70 110.81 96 80 120 0.947
80 139.56 121.6 96 1675 0.949
90 216.22 205.35 128 271 0.95
95 297.68 289.26 202.35 400 0.941
99 1644.06 NA 370.26 1675 0.957
max. 1675

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
35 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 157.54
20 20.37 41.24 24 64.8 0.949
30 46.44 64 40 80 0.957
40 72.5 80 64 96 0.946
50 98.57 80 64.8 96 0.949
60 124.64 96 80 130 0.946
70 155.92 128.4 96 198.72 0.957
80 202.84 192.96 120 285 0.949
90 307.11 319.1 196.2 1675 0.947
95 411.38 655 271 1675 0.972
99 1699.13 NA 400 1675 0.953
max. 1675

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
43 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 24
mean 74.31
20 36.23 38.4 30 50 0.95
30 44.3 48 40 60 0.954
40 52.38 49.2 40 60 0.95
50 60.45 60 48 80 0.953
60 69.33 64 60 81.65 0.95
70 79.02 80 64 81.65 0.954
80 94.36 84.52 64 120 0.95
90 134.73 141 96 270.5 0.941
95 212.25 226.35 120 270.5 0.94
99 272 NA 232.35 270.5 0.933
max. 270.5

0 -m tee tie

I o~ o r m a

6 <
< 11

6 <
< 11

6 <
< 11


Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
105 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 158.53
20 35.71 50 40 60 0.95
30 55.52 60 50 72 0.95
40 80.28 80 64 96 0.95
50 100.09 90 80 120 0.95
60 124.86 120 86.75 128 0.95
70 154.57 146.8 120 192 0.95
80 194.2 192 150 200 0.95
90 263.54 261.81 193.75 320 0.95
95 377.45 406.87 254 1620 0.955
99 1660.25 1671.7 409.82 1675 0.979
max. 1675

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
53 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 24
mean 157.91
20 38.42 50 30 64 0.95
30 67 64 52.5 96 0.95
40 86.05 80 64 320 0.948
50 109.87 99.36 64 128 0.949
60 138.45 128 32 192 0.948
70 171.8 192 112 193.75 0.95
80 214.67 200 192 400 0.95
90 286.12 283.2 200 400 0.941
95 371.86 402.95 276 1620 0.953
99 1615.11 NA 400 1620 0.984
max. 1620

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
52 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 159.16
20 19.61 49.2 30 60 0.954
30 45.66 60 48 72 0.949
40 71.72 65.6 60 90 0.951
50 92.56 83.38 64 120 0.948
60 118.61 113.8 80 128 0.951
70 144.67 128 100 150 0.949
80 181.14 150 128 212.35 0.954
90 248.88 206.77 150 409.82 0.942
95 394.78 833.38 193.75 1675 0.957
99 1692.23 NA 409.82 1675 0.985
max. 1675

12 <
< 17

12 <
< 17

12 <
< 17


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Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
52 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 97.65
20 21.01 30 16 32 0.954
30 33.22 32 30 40 0.949
40 45.43 40 32 57 0.951
50 59 50 40 80 0.948
60 77.99 80 40 114 0.951
70 107.84 114.6 80 160 0.949
80 155.32 157 114 320 0.954
90 299.13 320 160 324.54 0.942
95 333.04 325.26 320 409.82 0.957
99 407.66 NA 324.54 409.82 0.985
max. 409.82

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
24 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 97.67
20 19.06 30 12 40 0.958
30 32.28 32 30 50 0.949
40 45.5 40 8 50 0.95
50 58.72 49 32 96.44 0.959
60 77.95 80 40 324.54 0.95
70 109.19 108.22 48 160 0.949
80 165.67 160 80 320 0.958
90 299.06 320 155 324.54 0.974
95 327.9 323.41 240 324.54 0.972
99 359.14 NA 320 324.54 0.975
max. 324.54

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
28 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 97.64
20 20.43 23.2 20 32 0.949
30 32.94 30 20 40 0.95
40 46.84 40 30 80 0.95
50 62.12 53.5 40 114 0.942
60 81.58 80 40 120 0.95
70 109.37 115.8 64 206.67 0.95
80 149.68 142.75 96 320 0.949
90 288.65 320.66 130 409.82 0.948
95 345.63 372.37 206.67 409.82 0.953
99 424.84 NA 326.6 409.82 0.968
max. 409.82



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Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
52 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 93.22
20 36.76 40 24 48 0.954
30 49.19 48 40 64 0.949
40 60.38 60.8 48 80 0.951
50 71.57 64.4 60 81.65 0.948
60 85.25 80 64 96 0.951
70 102.66 96 80 130 0.949
80 132.5 128.8 96 202.35 0.954
90 198.4 201.26 130 270.5 0.942
95 263.06 275.58 198.72 400 0.957
99 398.6 NA 270.5 400 0.985
max. 400

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
23 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 105.89
20 35.87 36.8 16 80 0.955
30 54.78 64 40 285 0.949
40 69.63 73.92 40 96 0.949
50 84.49 80 64.8 128 0.94
60 100.69 96 80 130 0.949
70 120.95 121.6 16 153 0.949
80 154.71 158.4 96 198.72 0.955
90 215.48 250.49 153 400 0.932
95 310.01 377 180 400 0.975
99 418.05 NA 285 400 0.977
max. 400

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
29 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 24
mean 83.17
20 37.39 40 32 60 0.95
30 45.94 48 40 60 0.953
40 54.48 60 48 64 0.946
50 63.89 60 50 80 0.941
60 74.15 64 60 96 0.946
70 89.54 81.65 60 120 0.953
80 116.9 120 64 155 0.95
90 184.44 202.35 81.65 232.35 0.951
95 234.03 251.43 155 270.5 0.948
99 279.34 NA 232.35 270.5 0.966
max. 270.5

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6 <
< 11

U u 00 60 2

Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
72 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 118.19
20 48.17 50 36 60 0.954
30 62.16 60 52.5 80 0.947
40 76.16 80 60 96 0.953
50 92.69 88.38 72 120 0.95
60 113.05 120 80 128 0.953
70 134.67 128 120 160 0.947
80 174.11 184.8 128 240 0.954
90 241.53 249.8 200 409.82 0.948
95 296.23 327.2 240 409.82 0.948
99 419.63 NA 400 409.82 0.965
max. 409.82

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
37 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 24
mean 129.93
20 48.76 50 30 60 0.95
30 63.38 60 50 96 0.952
40 79.33 80 60 120 0.954
50 97.94 96 80 192 0.949
60 121.87 120 80 192 0.954
70 161.75 171.2 96 200 0.952
80 208.27 200 140 400 0.95
90 270.74 278.4 200 400 0.953
95 369.1 400.98 254 409.82 0.965
99 426.26 NA 400 409.82 0.948
max. 409.82

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
35 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 105.78
20 48.41 52 32 64 0.949
30 62.38 60 48 80 0.957
40 75.09 75.2 60 96 0.946
50 89.06 86.75 64 120 0.949
60 105.57 112 80 128 0.946
70 124.63 121.6 96 150 0.957
80 144.95 145.6 120 180 0.949
90 184.33 192.94 146 409.82 0.947
95 260.54 300.79 160 409.82 0.972
99 416.78 NA 273.53 409.82 0.953
max. 409.82


12 <
< 17

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12 <
< 17

12 <
< 17

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Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
887 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 172.12
20 63.43 70 64 78 0.95
30 78.97 80 80 96 0.95
40 102.28 96.9 96 102.75 0.95
50 117.82 120 120 128 0.95
60 148.9 150 132.42 160 0.95
70 179.98 192 160 200 0.95
80 242.15 240 222.22 263.33 0.95
90 335.39 326.6 320 367 0.95
95 413.09 408.25 388.67 500 0.951
99 793.83 801.2 625 1820 0.957
max. 2955 ___

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
438 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 186.8
20 64.37 79.6 48 80 0.95
30 88.05 96 81.65 100 0.95
40 111.74 116.8 96.88 120 0.95
50 135.42 128 120 150 0.95
60 167 160 157.5 190.5 0.95
70 198.58 200 180 200 0.95
80 253.85 241.36 240 409.82 0.95
90 348.58 347.6 300 384 0.95
95 459.11 480.1 384 500 0.95
99 877.54 1028.85 640 2286.2 0.954
max. __ 2955

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
449 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 8
mean 157.81
20 58.35 64 60 70 0.95
30 76.75 80 80 81.65 0.95
40 95.14 96 90 97.2 0.95
50 113.54 120 96 120 0.95
60 138.06 132.42 120 150 0.95
70 168.72 160 160 188.75 0.95
80 223.91 230 200 270.67 0.95
90 328.15 324.54 288 350 0.951
95 395.6 393.09 367 434.39 0.95
99 677.66 737.32 500 1092 0.95
max. 2310

> 18

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> 18

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> 18

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Marine crustaceans: Householders (cont.)

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
27 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 128.34
20 42.8 32 30 80 0.954
30 66.6 80 32 96 0.947
40 89.15 83.12 80 175 0.947
50 115.46 112 80 175 0.95
60 153.04 173.45 81.65 175 0.947
70 174.33 175 117.25 193.75 0.947
80 191.87 192.7 175 196.2 0.954
90 219.43 224.41 192 374 0.955
95 340.94 359.29 193.75 374 0.958
99 388.54 NA 337.22 374 0.97
max. 374

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
15 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 126.62
20 55.34 41.6 30 117.25 0.949
30 82.76 81.32 30 167.25 0.95
40 107.95 100.3 80 175 0.946
50 149.45 167.25 89 193.75 0.946
60 166.5 175 89 179.23 0.946
70 177.61 175.85 167.25 193.75 0.95
80 187.99 189.45 175 193.75 0.949
90 200.59 194.73 179.23 196.2 0.95
95 210.22 NA 192 196.2 0.966
99 225.78 NA 193.75 196.2 0.987
max. 196.2_

N= Distrn. Lower 95% Upper 95% C.I. real
12 Smooth free Bound Bound Coverage
% g/week g/week g/week g/week
min. 16
mean 130.5
20 32.83 31.2 16 80 0.936
30 53.01 39.2 30 96 0.953
40 73.19 80 16 112 0.95
50 94.81 88 80 337.22 0.934
60 120.76 108.8 80 374 0.95
70 161.12 176.88 80 337.22 0.953
80 214.46 251.14 112 374 0.936
90 344.2 362.96 175 374 0.977
95 375.91 NA 193.75 374 0.981
99 417.71 NA 337.22 374 0.99
max. 374

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