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Letters to Santa, ,Page 11-19 ADelivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 At A Glance Lawmakers hear requests Legion serving Christmas meals American Legion Post 130 will once again be serving Christmas dinner for those alone or in need. The post delivers as many as 500 meals to the community on Christ- mas Day The tradition contin- ues with volunteers starting to cook, package and deliver meals which include turkey, dressing, potatoes, gravy, green beans, roll, butter, salad, cake candy cane served with a bit of Christmas cheer from the post and its support- ers. If you would like to help or know someone who needs a Christmas dinner, please call 675-8300. Remember to pro- vide the person's name, address and directions for delivery Blankets for the homeless Please don't forget the Hendry County Homeless Coalition is getting ready for the area's traditional cold snap, collecting blankets and hand warmers for the home- less. Please drop them off at the United Way House, 117 Fort Thompson Ave. Want a job in construction? Take advantage of a job training opportunity provided by the Education Center of Southwest Florida, Inc. (ECSWF) for construction trades ranging from carpentry and plastic pipe to blue prints and masonry. Space is limited. Flyers and applications are available at the ECSWF office in LaBelle. The next classes begin January 8. Applications can be faxed to the Education Center at (863)-675-6800. For more information, contact Sonny Hughes, (863) 675- 6800 You could be SCF queen All young ladies from age 12-21 are invited to take part in the 2007 SCF Miss LaBelle Swamp Cabbage pageant Feb. 10. Practice Sunday, Dec. 17 at 2 p.m. at the Nobles Senior Center on Cowboy Way, across from Jorgy's Restaurant. For more informa- tion, call Cathryn Miller 675- 3966. Little Miss, Mister contest coming The SCF Queen .and Princess Pageant proudly announces the Little Miss and Little Misier contest from Dec. *lO-Jan. 31 Ages birth to 10 years. See Melinda at Langford Ford Service Dept. for infor- mation packets and entry forms or call Cindy Miller at 675 3966 Index Classifieds .......17-19 Editorial ............4 Speak Out ...........4 Social News ......... .5 Sports ........ .. ...5 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newuszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. I16510 00 I ll9 8 "1 6 510 0 0 01 9 1 Legislative Delegation meets in LaBelle By Patty Brant Hendry County was the focus of attention by its legislators at the annual Legislative Delegation session Tuesday morning at city hall. Florida Senator Larcenia Bullard of District 39, Representa- tive Denise Grimsley of District 77 (Delegation Chair) and Rep. Dave Aronberg of District 27 faced the room full of locals seek- ing funding from Tallahassee. US Congressman-elect Tom Mahoney came by as well in an effort to augment to his under- standing of local issues and needs. Assistant Administrator Judi Kennington-Korf presented Hendry County's list of requested appropriations. Number one on the list is $350,000 for Small County Courthouse Improve- ments to accommodate addi- tional courtroom space and to enhance security. Second is $.5 million for Stormwater Imple- mentation for Airglades Industri- al Park followed by $1.6 million for Stormwater Improvements for Airport-Sears and $800,000 for Stormwater Improvements for Mid-County; $500,000 for Stormwater Improvements for Four Corners and $250,000 for a Stormwater Master Plan Phase II. Presentation: Award winning love Submitted photo/Caloosa Humane Society Caloosa Humane Society President Tim Haley, and Director Suzanne Bonnell flank Mary Bartoshuk, winner of the first ever Cornelius "Kees" Huijer Award. Humane society presents award The Caloosa Humane Society is very proud to announce the first recipient of its Cornelius "Kees" Huijer Award for Philanthropic Efforts for Animals. This very sig- nificant award went to Mary Bar- toshuk, well known throughout the community for her volunteer efforts for both humans and ani- mals. Mary has been a vital link between the humane society and the LaBelle community for many years. She started a pet therapy program where she took home- less pets from the shelter to area convalescent centers and senior centers for visits with clients. Brightening people's days with these visits always put a special glow to Mary's cheeks. She would be smiling from ear to ear when she brought the pet back to the shelter, full of stories of the Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant antics of'each pet and how the Swea Nightingale hand crafted this beautiful Cowboy %isit touched each person. S a s Mary took in collections for the Santa which was won by Jo Phelps of Clewiston all as shelter on her front porch, help- part of the Caloosa Humane Society's big fundraiser Dec. ing make it convenient for the 9 at Barron Park. The event coincided with the annual Boat Parade, which had people lined up along the banks See Awards Page 2 for a good view of the elaborately decorated boats. Also on the list are $300,000 for Fort Denaud Bridge improve- ments, $250,000 for Lake Okee- chobee National Pollution Dis- charge Elimination System compliance, $900,000 for Air- glades Airport Utility System Waste Water Treatment Plant and $200,000 for improvements to the Hendry County Fairgrounds. Hendry County is also hoping to receive grants of almost $1.9 million for a new Emergency Operations Center, $200,000 for Clewiston East Park and $6.7 mil- lion for the 2005 Disaster Recov- ery Initiative. In addition, the county asking the State Legislature to increase SHIP funding so the county can provide more affordable housing and is asking the Legislature to develop innovative programs to encourage private sector devel- opment of workforce housing. Other groups seeking Legisla- See Meeting Page 2 Help "Spread the Word, Not the Germs" The Florida Department of Health (DOH) and the Henry the Hand Foundation celebrat- ed National Hand Washing Awareness Week, December 3- 9,2006. The first National Hand Washing Awareness Week started in 1999 in Cincinnati, Ohio, due to the flu vaccine shortage. In collaboration with the Henry the Hand Founda- tion, the Greater Cincinnati Health Council Flu Vaccine Committee began educating the public on hand washing as the first line of defense against the flu orflu-like illness. "Floridians must take proac- tive measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases through simple hand washing with soap and water," said Deputy State Health Officer Bonita Sorensen, M.D., M.B.A. "Reviewing and making use of these techniques will prepare and protect residents of Florida during the flu season." Hendry and Glades County Health Department Director Neftali Fernandez, M.D. added that: "You should never touch any part of your face until you wash your hands thoroughly." According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), hand washing is the sin- gle most important means in preventing the spread of infec- See Germs Page 2 Report: deep wells could reduce harmful discharges By Matt Bokor the boulder zone as a storage Harmful releases of excess zone can provide a very large water from Lake Okeechobee storm water disposal capacity, could be reduced by diverting which could reduce wet-sea- the flow deep underground son discharges to coastal envi- into a cavernous, saltwater ronments via the Caloosa- aquifer known as the "boulder hatchee River and St. Lucie zone." according to a new sci- River," according to the report. entific report. Authored by professional geologists Robert G. Maliva, Ph.D., and Thomas M. Mis- simer, Ph.D., the report sug- gests that Class I deep injection wells, the type used by munici- pal water utilities throughout South Florida, could accom- modate 1.6 billion gallons per day of excess water from the lake. "Class I infection wells using The boulder zone, which lies approximately 3,000 feet beneath the surface, is an extremely porous saltwater aquifer. Unique to South Flori- da, the boulder zone is a slow- moving river of highly mineral- ized water, as salty as seawater. Because of its permeability, it has an extremely high capacity to accept water from the sur- See Wells -Page 2 LMS students receive college scholarship By Kristin Hunter Two students at LaBelle Mid- dle' School received the Take Stock in Children scholarship which helps high potential, low- - income children stay in school, earn a high school diploma, graduate from college and enter into the workforce. The two recipients were 8th graders at Country Oaks Elementary, Matthew Hicks and Vanessa Martinez. The two sponsors for the scholarship are Bonita Bay and Suncoast Federal Credit Union. The two mentors for the students are Megan Hull, Speech Therapist for Hendry County Schools and Rev. Frank Deerey of the First Baptist Church. Take Stock in Children offers each child a four-year college scholarship, a volunteer mentor to provide motivation, support and tutoring, a case manager to support the student's education- al achievements and college and career counseling. The children in the program sign perform- ance contracts agreeing to get good grades, exhibit positive behaviors and remain drug and crime-free. Students who adhere to their contracts receive their four-year college scholar- ships; those who violate their contracts lose their scholarship and place in the program to other deserving children. Children applying to the pro- gram must meet strict financial and academic criteria to be selected. Students must be eligi- ble for free or reduced lunch See Scholars -Page 2 V: V V: -O_ ,-y~ Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter From left: sister Nadia, nephew Adrian and mom Graciela Martinez, LMS Principal There- sa Baker, Take Stock in Children recipient Vanessa Martinez, Superintendent Toni Conner, Take Stock in Children recipient Matthew Hicks with mom Angela and sister WhitneyrCross with one of the scholarship sponsors Regional General Manager Scott Connell from Boni- ta Bay. .... :.', ., ; '.. -,- ' " 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14,2006 ' Meeting Continued From Page 1 tive consideration included Flori- da Gulf Coast University, South Florida Water Management Dis- trict, Healthy Start Coalition, Hope Hospice, East County Water Con- trol District and Janice Groves of the Economic Development Council. Dr. Stanley Andrews, for- mer Director of Sponsored Research at Florida Atlantic Uni- versity, called attention to energy issues. After the initial session, the del- egation heard supporting infor- mation on both sides of the ongo- ing proposal to change Montura's 298 election process from one- vote-per-acre to one-man-one- vote. Residents have been seeking the change for several years but have not been able to pass a local referendum until this past sum- mer. The 298 board's attorney Wells Continued From Page 1 face at minimal pressure with no adverse impacts on overlying lay- ersofrock.- Presented recently in Orlando at the annual conference of the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association, the report suggests that some inject- ed water could later be with- drawn from the injection zone for irrigation purposes. Previously, water discharged via deep injec- tion was considered lost for all practical purposes. "The principal objection expressed to'the deep injection well option is that the water would be 'lost,' the Fort Myers geologists explain. "However, large volumes of water are cur- rently being 'lost' each year by dis- charge to coastal areas, with asso- ciated .severe environmental damage." Deep well technology is simi- lar to that of aquifer storage and Germs Angela Hill argued that the board Alhmnalacs already is required to change one board position to be, elected by the voters in February and that American further changing the procedure at Legion fish fry this point would unnecessarily Legio fy encumber the landowners who The American Legi( currently paythe taxes in the dis- on Friday, Dec. 15, w trict. steak dinners for a $1( Supervisor of Elections Lucre- in addition to the regu tia Strickland said she believed Steaks will be first that the entire five-member board serve. Come join them should be chosen by one method turf. - either continue the current one vote per acre system or go fully to Nw the popular vote. LegionN Saying that they currently have Year's Party no bill before them but need to meet again to decide how to han- The American Legi die the situation, Sen. Aronberg everyone to their an made the motion to gather allcur- Year's party Sunday, De rent information and decide later 7 p.m. til? They will b on whether or not a bill is neces- luau with music and I sary. Sen. Bullard seconded the "'Ivo Sharps and a 'motion, which passed unani- party is open to the mously. come on down and joir You can reach Patty Brant by e-mail atpbrant@newszap.com _. i-, recovery (ASR) wells, which store fresh water from the surface in a shallower, brackish aquifer for future withdrawal. More than 300 ASR wells are already included in the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plain but none has been installed yet. The array of deep wells would in effect create a freshwater resource, which could operate in part as an ASR system, the report says. The report concludes: "Deep injection wells have the potential to play an important role in solving the greatest environ- ment problem currently facing Florida, restoration of the Ever- glades, while protecting coastal environments. A deep injection well system may also create an exploitable source of freshwater that could be used for irrigation, which would allow for the reser- vation of fresh groundwater and surface water for other uses. Sus-' tainable water use in Florida will require both .conservation and innovation." Before. preparing or eating food Before and after tending to Continued From Page 1 someone who is sick tion., The CDC estimates that Before and after treating a 36,000 people die from the flu or cut or wound flu-like illness each year, 5,000 After blowing your, nose, people die from food borne ill- coughing orsneezing ness each year, and between After handling an animal or 78,000 and 90,000 patients die animal waste each year from Hospital Acquired After handling garbage Infections (HAl), for which a *After going to the bathroom direct link to many of these deaths After changing-diapers or is poor hand washing. cleaning up after child who has Furthermore, there are two gone to the bathroom million of 33 million hospital- The Hendry/Glades County admitted patients who contract Health Department promotes and. HAls annually. There are 76 mil- protects the health and safety of lion food borne illnesses each these two counties through the year resulting, in more than delivery of quality health services 300,000 hospital admissions. and the promotion of health care Hand washing and hand aware- standards. For additional informa- ness are important for nosocomi- ion you may contact them at any al infection prevention, food safe- of their three sites or via their e- ty, school health, personal health mail address. at: and disease prevention. 164 mil-. http:,',doh.state.fl.us,'chd- lion days are lost from school due Hendry/pome.html. ,For more to-illness, of which 22 million are information on National Hand due to the common cold alone. Washing Week, please visit To keep hands clean, DOH rec-, http: wvw.henrythehand.corm'p ommends hand washing: ages 'content'index.html. Scholars Continued From Page 1 programs in their schools .and must demonstrate the desire to go to college and succeed in life. Teacher, business and communi- ty leaders and Take Stock in Chil- dren staff help select students to participate in this unique pro- gram. Parents also sign the contract, prorhising to be involved with their children's academic achieve- ment and supportive of their cho- sen paths. When students gradu- ate high school and successfully Awards Continued From Page 1 donors, and delivered them. Because of Mary's efforts, many animals have snuggly blankets to curl up in and toys to play with to keep them occupied while they await new homes, Mary always has a cake or brownies to donate to a fundraiser, or a costume to put on to draw attention to a fundraiser. The Cornelius "Kees" Huijer Award is a great honor, just ask anyone who knew Kees! Travis Dowhen, a founding member, former trustee of the estate and personal friend of Kees, (pronounced Case), was honored to be asked to present the award Dec. 9 at Barron Park. Not only because he knew Kees, but because he knows Mary, too. After saying a few words about. his fellow a'limal loving friend, Kees, Travis surprised Mary with the plaque while onlookers applauded. Mary, dressed for the occasion as one of Santa's elves, couldn't have been more sur- prised! A little histbry.- The seed money to build and fulfill the obligations of their con- tract, they are awarded college tuition scholarships good for two years at a community college fol- Slowed by two years at a state uni- versity. Students also may choose to pursue technical or vocational degrees at institutions that accept Florida Prepaid Tuition Scholar- ships. Scholarships are purchased through the Florida Prepaid Col- lege Foundation, which provides matching funds to double the impact of scholarship donations to Take Stock in Children. You. can reach Kristin Hunter .atcbnewsrm@newszap.com on Fish Fry ill include 0 donation ilar menu. come/first for surf or ion invites nual New ec. 31, from e having a karaoke by Flat." The public so i them. Library plans aunual Christmas program Come one...Come all to Bar- ron's annual Christmas program. This year the theme will be "A Christmas Fantasy," and will fea- ture story time around the fire- place, Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let ilt Popcorn Snow and holiday pic- fures with Mr. & Mrs. "Claws" and their elves. Everyone is invited from ages I to 101 on Thursday, Dec. 21, at 7 p.m. This will be great family holiday fun for all! For questions, call Lori Howard at 675-0833. - Pioneer turkey shoot set The Pioneer Annual Turkey Shoot will be December 22-23 from 7:00 p.m. til at 2499 Hendry Isles Blvd. It is a $3.00 donation for turkey and a $4.00 donation for ham. Everyone is welcome to come out and have fun. Social security questions If you have questions about social security or supplemental security income or need help in completing an application for old! age, disability and survivors insur- ance; Medicare, or Supplemental Security income benefits, call 1- 800-772-1213. Ybu may meet with a representative in LaBelle at the Nobles Senior Center from 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. on 475 E. Cowboy Way, on Jan. 2, Feb. 6 and March 6, 2007. ' Christian Men cancelmeeting The Gathering of the Christian Men will not meet for the month of December. They will be meet- ing January 15, 2007, at 7:30 p.m:. at the Dallas Townsend Building. They hope to see you then. Come to Christmas musical LaBelle Assembly of God will have a Christmas musical, "Love that came in a Manger," at the 11 a.m. service Dec. 17. All are wel- come. LaBelle Assembly of God is located at 123 Fraser Ave. across from the Edward Upthegrove Ele- mentary School. For more infor- mation call Kathy at 675-0900. Come to old fashioned carol sing Come to the old fashioned carol singat LaBelle's oldest church. Step back in time at LaBelle.Assembly of God, 123 Fraser Ave. the oil lamps will be lit, candles will glow and the warmth of the season, lights and decorations will enhance the feel of our Savior's birth. The community is invited Dec. 19, starting at 6:30 .p.m. Refreshments after the sing and a birthday cake for Jesus. Call 675-0900 formore information. MCA plans ,. holiday social Muse Community Association will hold its Holiday Social for members and their invited guests at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 21, following short meeting. Christmas Eve service set The community is invited to a; Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Dec. 24 at 6 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of LaBelle, 330 North Main Street. 863-675-2171. Bell ringers The Salvation Army fundraising event of bell ringing is through Dec. 23. The money raised helps meet the needs in this community. Vol- unteer one hour or as many as you would like. Volunteers are the heart and hands of our ministry. Please call the office if you can volunteer at 674-1441. Enjoy lawn mower racing There will be Toys for Tots lawn mower race on Sunday, Dec. 17, at 1 p.m. behind the LaBelle rodeo grounds. Santa says: Bring toys for those kids who might not get a visit from the old guy! Racers wanted for all classes. LHS '76-78 grads wanted LaBelle High School graduates of the Classes of 1976-78 are plan-' ning a combined reunion for June 2007. Mailing addresses and phone numbers of classmates are needed. Class of '76 members should con- tact Susan Bratcher at 863-675- 2357. Class of'77 members: Rachel Reith at 239-839-7112 or Laura Chambliss at 863-675-4293. Class of '78 members: Ellen Woosley at 863- 673-0334. Free tutoring available If your child attends COE or LMS, he or she may be eligible for free after school tutoring. Call 863- 674-4108 for more information. Fresh produce, Christmas trees Christmas holiday vegetables, Christmas trees and a free picture of the kids with Santa Claus through your school. Order on line now at wwv.farmfreshcharities.org LMS Band fundraisers LMS Band is selling Fresh Geor- gia Pecans. Please call 674-4646 and ask for Amy Noon Band Direc- tor or any LMS band member to Ranchettes hold meeting The Port LaBelle Ranchettes Property Owners Association held its annual meeting on Satur- mday Dec. 2, at the Ranchette's community property on Frontier Circle. Approximately 50 residents attended the meeting, with guest speakers Harris Friedman and Donna Storter Long present. Mr. Friedman of Riverwatch dis- cussed environmental concerns regarding the new Florida Power & Light coal plant being built in Moore Haven. Newly-elected Glades County Commissioner Long answered various ques- tions from the residents, primari- ly property tax issues and con- cerns. The meeting lasted for about one hour, with residents discussing various Ranchette' issues. Afterward, the residents enjoyed a catered barbecue chicken and rib lunch. open the humane society came from Kees Huijer, a'very special man. As many people know, Kees put a substantial amount of money into an endowment.fund managed by the Southwest Flori- da Community Foundation which can never be touched. Twice a year the Caloosa Humane Society 2 O F F receives the interest from this endowment fund which covers . approximately one third of the annual operating expenses (bills, payroll, supplies, etc.). Kees' AO intention was to supply only a ACCESSOR ES portion of the necessary budget for the humane society to operate within Hendry and Glades coun- GS/ ties. The remaining two thirds of operating expenses must come from donations from the public, bequests/wills/trusts, and from money made by the shelter through adoptions, spay/neuter .and vaccination clinic proceeds and fundraisers and grants. There .1 are no monies supplied by any ar* i%''l"l ic other source such as the Humane At the Foot of the Bridge Society of the United States or any governmental, county or city enti- 340 North Bridge St LaBelle ty. The approximate annual oper- 863-674-0003 ating budget for the shelter is just over $135,000 per year and rising . as the cost of supplies, and servic- s' 0 es go up. 0 buy your 12 oz. bag. They are $10h each. The money made on this fundraiser will go directly towards the spring trip-, fund to Nashville/Memphis, Tennessee. Thanks foryour support! The band is also selling Christ- mas poinsettias. Please call Amy Noon or see any LMS Band mem-. ber to reserve yours today. $10 for each Freedom Red Poinsettia. First come first served; Quantities are limited. Call 674-4646 for more details. Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one '~i- ho has departed with a special A memorial Tribute in this newspaper. .:& tI :.&, Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one. lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully,., Visit www2.newszap.coi/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. YOU'RE INVITED TO A GOSPEL SING at Faith Worship Center Featuring Bill Mulis Dec. 17 @ 11 am 3078 H\7y 78 SEaBelle, FL'33935 - Call 863-673-0507 For more information \ CALOOSA* BELLE To Place a Classified Ad Call (8'7) 353-2424 to plce a cla-.ated Ir.e idad'rn-ement t'romi home The dead bne for .ll clasufied line idernnLng Monday t II a m. ifor the follo.'irng Thuridaym'a publicarion Fa. (877) 354-2424 E- Mil chis'ad-'ine,~w: ipom For Subscriptions The La.looS BeUlle \elome-s ubmij' sion- from ,i- reader; Opinions. calen-' Phone (877) 353-2424 d.a items. rstorn dea; and photographs Th-: C l.:,,:,i Belie disrnburtes -7000 copit. are v.ekome Cl (1863) 675 2541 l tir,. the LaBelle and Western Hendr, reach oui ne.t room Item- ma\ bel c,ur.,t rea. eerv 'nedne.i.-,y CopiesotI made. faAed or emduled II 'ou are the paper cin be fund a t varu6 st-ore sending phogar.ph- \-a e -m plea e,! thrghoughoc.ut n n.nd selected homes tn send them Ln JPEG tormit .alo pieiasei do not send \VORD documents, just- Lb.elle enjoy comipilemer-t:ir home deli. paste these messages into the bod\ of er, First cl;i: mal .ubicriptiornr re the e-mail Office document-s .re olk. .i.-ible it $50 pFr ,` r n.j 1$25 for The deadhne for all ne s teams is II a m month; on Monday) prior to the foUoling Thursday 's pubbcation. Printing E-Mail cbneiv.;',nes zapcom ing Speakour 1863)675 4516 The C do.ii Belle printed t Surshine To Place a Display Ad Pri in. ::dr of ideperdcnt Phone (863) 675-2541 E-mail prmrirgir'-.irr, nr The ead -r,.e l jvcrt.jiiing r p iT on F d I.-f ch -.: Thu ;r- 0, I .. .... .:< r: 'k .II T l N ew sza p ! p.ulE. t t,,, W SZUp E-mail: cbelleustrato.net SOnline News & Infonnraton Billing Department Get the latest local news at Swww.newszap.com/labelle E-mail: billteam@newszap.com -- -- --- I'111111111 L Remote controlled solid oak electric fireplace entertainment cabinets Wall or Corner now in stock and on sale through December New Estate Dryer by Whirlpool ONLY $ 199 (while supplies last) Special sales on bedroom & living room furniture Don't miss the values in our Gift Department with FREE gift wrapping! 1060 Hwy 29 South LaBelle, FL 863-675-0717 To Reach Us .i,Lrn Addie: LiBelle FL i'30-5 Ph,i slAdd ires4 22 Fr Th-'rmp-,r-- C- Fone 46,3ki,75 144i T' ':ie *'.- re.'. : p c nI ihbil To Submit News ~U~U-T~ta -sann~ hQXUUld*ohdR~*M Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14, 2006 Arrests uDomineo pnouloraimny cye Care Have you seen this moose? The folks at Family Eye Care have been devastated by a shocking crime perpetrated upon them this holiday season. They have been left to mourn the sudden disappearance of Chocolate, their beloved moose. The sheriff's office has taken up the search for the gentle creature who for the past several weeks has graced the eye center's Christmas dis- play. Stunned staff and patients are soldiering on, trying hard to put on a happy face while coping with the loss of this newest member of their family. Chocolate was abduct- ed some time during the night Saturday, Dec. 9. He is all white, rather small for a moose and was wearing a plaid rib- bon; If you have any information on this heinous crime, please call Family Eye Care Centers. This just in: the abduc- tor has struck again! This time the snow globe has been "lib- erated" from the eye care center. Residents are being warned to keep a sharp eye out on their holiday decorations. Obituaries Cleotide E. Teal Cle6tide E. Teal, 57, of LaBelle, died Dec. 6, 2006. Cleotide is sur- vived by two- sons: '.Lawrence Williams, Michael Teal; one .ister: Frances Garcia, and two grandchil- dren: Jennifer Morales and Aubry Williams. Funeral services were private. Arrangements made by Lee Memorial Park Funeral Home, Ft. Myers. Kenneth Michael Wright Kenneth Michael Wright, age 53, lof LaBelle, passed away Dec 6, 200lit in LaBelle. He was born Jan 12, 1953, in Shelbyxille. Indiana, to . warrenn and Maargaret Jane I Milleri \Vright He \ as a sure\ or employed by H.L. Bennell Inc -LaBelle Mike also workedd as a \ volunteer firefighter at Muse volunteerr Fire Dept and v;as Fireman of the Year in 1997. Survivors include his wife: Genel (Rowe) XVight of LaBelle; son Chad Michael Wright ;of LaBelle; daughlers: Jamie' liza- beth \righl o.I LaBelle and TRila Dao.rwn Brist:,l ol \VA; parents: \\r- red. and. MNrateri Jane (Miller)' \Wrighol f Orla'ndo:: brotrter- Scott Wright oi Sielp- ille, iN; and sis- Iter : J ,.. .i e :f B,: E ch Cruo e, IN and Cind Pagce and land\ Paul L:.'th of Orlandio and giandchil- dren: Austin Br\ an rightgh. Cassady \ilght, Hayden Bristol and Spencei Bristo'l. Funeral services were Dec. 9.at Community Harvest Worship Cen- ter- in LaBelle \ith Pastor L. W. Howard officiating. Interment fol- Slow ed at Ortona Cemetery ': Arrangements by Akih-Davis Funeral Home LaBelle. Edley A. Bailey - -Edley A. Bailey, age 82 of LaBelle, passed away November 25, 2006, in LaBelle. He was born Nov. 13, 1924, in Si Ann, Jamaica, to Benjamin and Naomi (Barrelt) Bailey. Survivors include his daughter: Loraine Pamela Bailey .of North Lauderdale; brother: Selvin Bailey of Jamaica: sisters: Rub~ Bailey and Winnifred Bailey, both of Jamaica, grandsons. Brian Marshall of Lon. don, England, and Darren Camp- bell of Brooklvn, NY: cousiris. Elsie Bailey of BrooklvYn, NY, Gertrude Riley of Miami, Shirle, Deacon of Brookhln, NY, Calvin Bailey of Bronx, NY, Louis Bailey of Londorn England, and a host o other cousins, extended fanmily and friends. He w\as preceded in death by his wile, E\vanigeline Bailev in. 2005. Funeral services were held Dec. i. atGrac Bapust Chuichlr ith Pas- tor Jeffrey Zimmerman olliciating Intertmeni followed at Fort Denaud Cemeierr in LaBelle. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home LaBelle. LaBelle Beatrice Quintanilla, 24, of LaBelle, was arrested Dec. 6, and charged with driving with a sus- pended license-habitual offend- er. Donald Davis of the HCSO was the arresting officer. Steven Michael Glisson, 18, of LaBelle, was arrested Dec. 4, and charged with probation vio- lation for a felony offense. Brett Edward Daley of the HCSO was, the arresting officer. A male juvenile of LaBelle, was arrested Dec. 4, and charged \vith possession of a weapon. Barbara Brown of the HCSO was the arresting officer.. Andreas Vasquez, 39,:of, LaBelle, \~as arrested November , and charged with producing marijuana and possession if marijuana over 20 grams or con- trol substance without prescrip- pended license. Brett Edward tion. Martin Meyer of.the HCSO Daley of the. HCSO was the was the arresting officer. Bond arresting officer. was set at $20,000. A m . 9 Maryjane Garza, 38, of A male juvenile of N. Ft. Maryjane Garza, 38, of Myers, was arrested Tec. 9, and LaBelle, was arrested Dec. 8, and r w arrted pe: 9, an charged -with larceny of $300- charged with aggravated assault $5,000. George Elver of the with intent to commit a felony,d HCSO was the arresting officer. kidnapping that.caused bodily Victor Resendiz, 22, of LaBelle, was arrested Dec. 10,. and charged with driving with a suspended license. DonaldDavis of the- HCSO was-the arresting. officer. *J uan Contreras, -24, of *AIKEN ' Pahokee, \vas arrested Dec. 8, WHERE HOR and charged with possession ,of L %I) IIt1l.) F(K "t50 cocaine George Elver of the 19 tracts 9t li.....m i, 9 HCSO \~as the arresting officer. ,,,, Mi, I.,.., Frankie Lee Jackson, 25. of F :E..R l o D I. LaBelle, \ as arrested Dec. S. and charged with dri ing wilh a sus- Make appointment to get flu Florida Department of Health (DOH. officials urge Floridians, especially those 50 years of age and older, to make an appoint- ment to receive a flu vaccine. "The best protection against the flu is to get vaccinated every year. I strong encourage Flori- da residents to call their doctor to schedule a flu shot," said DOH Secretary M. Ron\ FranCois, M.D., M.S.P.H, Ph.D. "Getting vaccinated not onlh helps protect you from getting sickwith the flu but it also helps to protect others. Flu does not peak in Florida until late Febru- ary. Flu vaccine will be available now through the first of the year. Check with your physician as to when he or she suggests Sou come in for your flu shot." In addition, the Hendry County Health Department is holding a special flu shot clinic on Friday, Dec, 15. from 8-11 a.m. at 1140 Pratt Boulevard in, LaBelle and on Wednesday, Dec. 20; from I-4 p m. at I (11 South- Olympia in Clewiston The cost.is $25 or it can be billed to Medicare if cards are presented at the time of sern ice. Annual influenza vaccination is no\ recommended for per- sons at high risk for influenza- related complications : and severe disease, including: chil. dren aged 6-59 months, preg- nant women, persons aged over 50 years, persons of any vaccine age with certain chronic med. ical conditions, persons who ;live with or care for persons at high risk. Since prevention is the key to reduce the probability of contracting flu, here are prac- tical steps to stop the spread of flu: Influenza vaccine can pre- vent influenza, so get immu- nized Clean hands often with soap and water or an alcohol- based hand cleanser A\oid touching ,our e)es, nose or mouth Stay home when you are sick and keep sick children home Avoid close contact with people who are ill, if possible Do not share eating uten- sils, drinking glasses, towels or other personal items Cover oour nose and mouth with a tissue \when you 'cough or sneeze Stay healthy, gel plenty of rest, health foods, fluids and exercise For information about ho\\ to schedule a flu \accination, contact your private physician or personal health care provider. For more information on flu and Ilu vaccination, visit the DOH Web site at '1ww\w.cdc.go flu. harm or terrorized the victim, kidnapping a minor under 13 years of age committing aggra- vated abuse, possession of a weapon by a convicted felon and -armed burglary. Jonathan Reyes of the HCSO was the arresting officer. SE84 ARE KING 00Ac-re- ll' ("lIaazO Rfiil. li,,It.-rfil . HoAfA Of fi ... ,, ":i'-. ,-" ,' .. ,,'' ... ".''*- .-. .^, .. 4. i' "" S- i ; .- -9~ by fillingmnthe. space above! * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue Sell your personal valuabes if they're $,500 or less for absolutely free! , grouping per aa priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. SDeadline 11 a.m. Monday o catch, no prob lt ' CLOOSA BELLE Delivering ies'tern Heoniry Couiti's eNews Sine 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com [dole] . lI m! For Medicare En r o llees -Are you PAYING TO MUCH For Your Medicare Supplement Policy? -Do You Wish You Hod An Alternative That Costs A Lot Less?' Now There's A Health Care Plan That Gives You The Benefits You've Always Wanted... jA Medicare Advantage Private SS ION Fee-For-Service Ptan From Pyramid Life JI V [JfAYXA L'^n : 1 f A- Medica SLOWER Monthly Premiums *Freedom to CHOOSE Your Doctors, Hospitals And Specialists Without A Referral *Preventive Services AT NO EXTRA COST To You *Virtually NO PAPERWORK *Emergency & Urgent Care WORLDWIDE 7 - ml, Ma TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TODAY'S OPTIONS FROM PYRAMID LIFE, CALL NOW To Reserve Your Place At One Of Our Seminars: December 19 Clock Restaurant Clewiston 10:30 CALL 239-936-8667 i A sales representative will be present with information and applications. Pyramid Life is a insurance company with a Medicare advantage contract to offer private fee-for-service plans, available to anyone enrolled in Port 8 and entitled to PortA of Medicare through are or disability who continues to pay any applicable Medicare premiums and live in the service area. Pyramid Life Insurance Company and its agents are not connected in any way #15H421-tMU-I (7-06) with the federal or sale government or Medicare SEEKING MARRIED COUPLES BENEFITS AND REWARDS that Iv3nt to make a difference& in 11Ils lil.eS Of yh St aislachton of making a difference II Ite lives of RE UIREMENTS youth and their famities. ' '''- : ,,- r r" i '! i ': ' '.,.. .. l..- I ,111 'Girls record OVS sso $50.4o0,. * l j ': .:'1 .l'jjl'. or.i 1, 0 r. i- l :-,r,.i i f .t1 'iGiL .i. ,pt- i-H',rri i. 10%Vn' .^L:,izii- r' L d : No-wait benefits and 401K Located in Tallahassee, Florida NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Fax resumes to 850-575-7225 or Email resumes to lampkinm@glrlsandboystown.org Drug Testing/EDE No fee, - - 1 w qm -... MN ---- -------- -- -- - ---- ------- - . I 803.640.34,97 ~11:00 1 ''~'' : 4 OPINION Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14,2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http/Awwjiewszap1n rWrums.coforum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as spacepermis. HATS OFF TO MR. PAUL PULETTI: for trying to lower our taxes and roll back the millage. It's nice to have a commissioner who works for the people and not against the people. I'M CALLING ABOUT ONE OF THE ARTICLES: you wrote about Commissioner Paul Puletti asking for a millage rollback and checking with the Attorney General. Thank you. The people are behind you. If the public can help you get this done, let us know. We'll be right there foryou. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: SLaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/fbrum56 SHendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links" Letters to the Editor Change traditional marriage? Dear fellow citizens, There are three aspects of marriage: the legal, traditional and the spiritual. It occurred to me .that I should probably explore these three a bit more in depth when I was told by some- one, quite flatly, that marriage is an institution made specifically for a man'and a woman to facili tate the creation of a family. It is an ancient tradition that has exist- ed as long as anyone knows and though it has had different social purposes at times, the intention to have children and to pass on a family name is the core founda- tion of marriage. I think it is important that when a tradition such as this enforces a restriction of some sort on a group of people that it be examined carefully. I'm sure we can all agree that just because something is traditional does not mean that it should remain as it was intended. It was once a tradi- tion that a woman remain a housewife and not have anything to do with the more manly affairs of the work place. It is important for us to ask whether or not mar- riage is a tradition worth chang- ing as well. It is somewhat paradoxical to limit marriage to only a man and a woman based on the idea that it is intended only to facilitate the creation of a family. Correct me if I'm wrong, but last I checked that is the very reason homosexuals would like to get married. They want to form families of. their own as well. It would be contrary to the purpose of marriage to not allow gay marriage based on this idea. It is equally pointless to restrict marriage to only a man and a woman based on the traditional idea that it leads to the birth of a child and the subsequent "pass- ing on" of the family narrie, which would not occur in a homosexual. relationship. We cannot rightfully limit one group based on this definition without limiting all groups based on it as well. So should we then deny the right of marriage to.heterosexual couples who would not be capa- ble of having children of their own? The answer of course is no, so that only leaves us with the explanation that the tradition of marriage should remain between a man and a woman because it is traditionally between a man and. a woman. Besides that, being a circular argument and a very basic logical fallacy (it's like say- ing something is bad because it's bad), we should at least ask our- selves why. Sincerely hoping for an answer, CharlesB. Holt Community Calendar Friday December 15 American Legion Fish Fryi 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 AA Step 11 Meditation Meeting 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Bingol Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early,bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. NO Smok- ing Sunday, December 17 AA: 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday December 18 Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meet- ing dt 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m., American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Mid-County MSBU Advisory Committee: 7 p.m. PPFD, Hendry Isles Blvd. Men's Christian Gathering 7:30 p.m., the Dallas Towrisend Ag Cen- ter. Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Tuesday December 19 Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora and Ella's, Hwy. 80 Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m., Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W. Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restau- rant; noon Teen. Center: Hendry County Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3 to 7 p.m. .F/S Community Meeting: Daniels School/Community Cen- ter, 6:30 p.m. MAD. DADS.: 7 p.m. city hall AA: 12 Step/Big Book study group, 8 p.m. First Christian Church, Ford Avenue, open meet- ing. CALOOSAA BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of ournalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company Is able to thrive on profit margins below Industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of joumalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. ........................... ................. We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: ' To operate this newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant a public trust To help our community Reporter: Kristin Hunter become a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt and work. through our dedi- cation to conscientious jour- ADVERTISING: nalism. To provide the Information cit- Advertising Director izens need to make their own Judy Kasten intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues. Brenda Jaramillo To report the news with hon- Advertising esty. accuracy, purposeful neutrality, fairness, obectvity, Services Coordinator: fearlessness and compassion. Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: facilitate community debate, Barbara Calfee not to dominate it with our own opinions. National Advertising To disclose our own conflicts Joy Parrish of interest or potential con- .................... flicts to our readers. Independent Newspapers, Inc. To correct our errors and to Chairman give each connection the Joe Smyth prominence it deserves. President To provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin those we write about. To treat people with courtesy, Vice President respect and compassion, of Florida Operations For More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Servce On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Thank you CaptainHendry Dinner another winner! For the past seven years Hendry County Economic Development Council has held the Captain Hendry Holiday Dinner to benefit the Education Center of Southwest Florida. In those seven years over $60,000 has been raised to help operating expenditures for the Ed Center. This dinner is a large under- taking and without help from numerous people and organiza- tions could not be the success it turns out to be every year. Four years ago the dessert auction was originated to provide added rev- enue to the proceeds from the din- ner. Every year since the desserts have become more decadent and the competition more intense to see whose dessert will sell highest and to see who will be the highest bidder. Numerous citizens and elected officials participate in providing a delicious dessert to auction off. Due to the large number of donations for the auction, and the length of time it takes to do it live, this year's auction was divided into both silent and live enabling more people to share in the fun of bidding and buy- ing. A huge thank you goes to our sponsors Southwest Florida \Work- force Development Board and Bonita Bay Group. They see the need for technical and career train- ing at a location close to those who can take advantage of it: Their con- tinued sponsorship has given the Economic Development Council the opportunity to provide this sup- port to the Ed Center. I would like to thank those com-. mittee members (Geri Yoraschek, Phil Keyes, Estela Hemandez, Julie Wilkins, Janet Papinaw, Cheryl Jut- jahr and Kevin Thomas) who gave their time and expertise in planning another successful event. Then a thank you goes to those who helped decorate the Captain Hendry House for the event: the City of LaBelle, Geri Yoraschek, Becky Adams, Kevin Thomas (the fantastic addition of all the Christ- mas lights), Dawn Gagne, TerryFer- rara, Janet Papinaw and Jeni Dyess. Italian fare, prepared by Karen from Boo Boos, was festively set out under a large tent andserved by C-21 Sunbelt Realty including Paul and. Maria Musler, Jill Dillman, Trace and Marty Pfluge and Janet Papinaw. The list of donators (mostly desserts) is extensive and we could not have done this withoutt them. They include Dawn Gagne, Forrey's Restaurant, Bonita Bay Group (golf packages and wine selections), Maine's Best Seafood, Donna Baines, Marty Pfluge, Martha Pierce. Manr Bartoshuk .Michelle's Southern Dining, Flora and Ella's Restaurant, Darrell Harris. Rhoda Spang, Janet Papina%\, Geri Yoraschek, Margarel White, Janice Groves, Gator.Hammock (BBQ for 25), Kevin Thomas, Jeni Dyess, Leslie Royal, Patty McGill, Peggy Hampton, Wayne \\ilkins photoo and the Ed Center (a storage shed built by the Construction Class at SteelTeki. Auction netted $5,600 And then there are the buyers. What would we do with all those delicious desserts and special dona- tions without them? Couse Farms was the big buyer for the evening, followed closely by Lodge Con- struction, Larry Hall of Florida Community Bank, Attorney Jimmy Luckey; Royal Properties and First Bank of Clewiston. Other buyers included Richard Yoraschek, Bonita Bay Group, Stephanie Weather- ford, Southern Gardens, Betty and Clyde Aiken and Flora and Ella's Restaurant. Thank you for your generosity and support of HCEDC and the Ed Center. And who were the big sellers? Three sold for $700 each: Margaret White for her ever famous Choco ChocoCake w"Cheesecake Center, Peggy Hampton for the delicious looking Chocolate Wonder Cake and Kevin Thomas for his creation of Cheesecake with Key Lime Top- ping and Espresso Crust. Gator Hammock's BBQ for 25 followed for $650, Patty McGill's Coca Cola Cake, plus 1 year of monthly desserts went for $550 and Leslie 'Royal's (first time donator) Pecan Pumpkin Layer Cake\\ent for $500. The other decadent desserts and offerings earned the Ed Center much needed revenue for this next year. The Firehouse Cultural Center (Barbara Brandenburg and Martha Pierce; again provided assistance with tickets and auction. The LaBelle Chamber of Commerce (Sara Townsend land' Pudge Lehman), board members of both HCEDC and the Ed Center were instrumental in making sure theta tickets sold Thank you Caloosa Belle, Hendry Glades Sunday News, Moore Haven Democrat, and Clewiston News for media cover- age and to the Clewiston Chamber for including the event in their weekly newsletter. Thank you, Ed Center for donat- ing the storage shed for the auction. Thank you, Sonny Hughes, Executive Director of the Education Center of Southwest Florida, for bringing everyone up to date on all the exciting happenings and accomplishments made by the Ed Center this past year and for bring- ing two of the students, Jesus De Santiago and Efrain Ruiz, of the heavy equipment operating class to sayafewwords. Thank you, Mitch Hutchcraft, Bonita Bay Group, for saying the invocation. Thank you, Wayne Wilkins, for acting as auctioneer for the fourth year in a row. Thank you, James Paul, for donating the beautiful poinsettias. Thank you, Rhonda Haag, South Florida Water. Management District, for being keynote speaker and issuing the check for $300,000 toward the Ed Center's heavy equipment training program SThank you to the entertainment All Saints, Plus One with vocalist, ZenaGatch. This has been a wonderful proj- ect and opportunity for HCEDC to fulfill one of its purposes: to support and promote vocational education within.the county. JaniceGroves Think before you lend out your car ,: out your -' .* .-' This is a tip that might make you seem like a less than caring person, but I will tell you how to solve the problem. Most of us, at one time or another, lend our automobile to a, friend or neighbor, or we have bor- rowed one from them. This could cause a nightmare. Your personal automobile insurance policy "fol- lows" your car. Therefore, if you lend your car to someone, and they get into an accident in which they are at fault, you get sued, not the driver. That is the case even when the police officer sites your friend with the ticket, not you. One solu- tion is to just drive your friend where they need to go and don't lend outyour car. On a personal policy you still have coverage, but that won't makeyou feel any better. And, what if your friend should have a poor. driving history, but you didn't know it? That would make you look worse for not having checked them out before giving-them your car. Now let's' create a scenario that is not unrealistic. You provide your daughter with. acar to go back and forth to school. She allows her boyfriend to drive it. Here we presume you did tell your insurance company that you have this child driving your car, and she is covered driver. If the boyfriend has an accident, and he isat fault, again you may be sued unless settlement is made within the policy limits. Even then, the insurance company notes the claim against your record, and they may decide to "non- renew" you. Talk to your sons and daughters about never allowing anyone else to use your car. If you have an unusual circum- stance where a person who is not an immediate member of your family often gets use of your car (a bad idea), be sure to have their motor vehicle record checked, and get them named as an "additional named insured." . Financial Tips byWae C. Switz.er byWayneC.Switzer Any time you acquire a new vehicle, new or used, be certain to contact your agent immediately. You only have short-term coverage on that vehicle without getting it list- ed onyour policy. SI suggest that any time you plan to buy another vehicle, you call your agent first and find out if it is a problem car that they do not want to insure, or if they would assess it at high premium. This can be due to high-horsepower engines, or the probability of theft.' If you use your personal auto- mobile for some business work, as is the case with Realtors, outside sales people, pizza delivery, and other professions, be sure you have your property/casualty agent add a "business usage" rider to your poli- cy. It doesn't cost much more. Also consider higher limits for yourpown protection. Business automobile policies are a whole different animal! If I wrote all that you need to know here in this column, there wouldn't be enough space to handle it! Busi- ress owners, beware! A simple example of a problem...do not allow your employees to take home your business or commercial truck at night for their personal use on off hours, unless you have added that specific coverage to your business policy. If they have an accident, you may have no cover- age at all. Remember, at the scene of an accident, the police officer diligently 'Santa-Less' in Hendry? Have you ever thought what a "Santa-less" Christmas in Hendry would be like? No "Ho-Ho's," no Dancer, no Prancer, noVixen, no Rudolph. No Jingle bells in the midnight sky with that anticipation of all that joy and celebration on Christmas morning. Not withstanding the fact that Christmas has become a victim of commercialism personified, there is still a strong influence of its life- long traditions and reverence. As much as it pains me to be the deliverer of "Santa's dilemma," he has become the victim of the regu- latory "monster." Faced with out of control, mounting labor, liability and regula- tory laws, he is being forced into career redirection and retirement. He suinmed it up this way: "'las the night before Christ- mas, and Old Santa is soon to be missed. He's stressed out, and forced to throw down his list. His elves have gone on strike, the ungrateful little jerks. I'm going to scrap the whole works. He just gotword that kids are not believing, and he's ready to quit and give up on leaving. He's worked day and night for nearly a year, and he gets no thanks, and what does he hear? Mrs. Claus is upset 'cause I work 7 days and late every night. The elves want more money, and the rein- deer all fight. Rudolph got fat and can't pull his weight. Donner is lazy and Vixen's drinking and can't see straight. And just when I thought things would get better, out of the blue, the IRS sent me a letter. They say I owe back.taxes, if that ain't fs your world Get Involved funny. Who ever sent Santa Claus any money? And the kids these days, they are all only interested in high tech. They want the impossi- ble and they're making me a wreck. I spent a whole year making wagons, and sleds, assembling dolls, their arms, legs and heads. I made a ton of yoyos, no request for them. They want computers, I- pods and robots, they must think I'm IBM! All that flying through the air, dodging space shuttles and trees. Falling up steps and down chimneys, skinning up my knees. I'm seriously thinking about quit- ting this job, there's just no enjoy- ment. I'll sit by the fire with Mrs. Claus and draw unemployment. So, if there's no Christmas this year, now you kno'v the reason. I'm seri- ously considering retiring and going South for the season." The last word I had from Santa is that he's consulting with NASA about retrograding his sled, putting the reindeer out to pasture and tak- ing Mrs. Claus on a second honey- moon on Sanibel. So if his contact with NASA doesn't work out, don't be sur- prised if Santa is AWOL this year, but you can always write your Con- gressman- or consult a lawyer and sue Santa for "non-support!" Regretfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County Citizen arid Taxpayer) records all the facts and the driver's statements, and they can be dam- aging. Here is an incredible story that was taught in P/C school many years ago. A business owner asked his secretary who was going out for her lunch hour, if she would drop off a letter at the post office for him. She did so gladly using her own car. On her way back to the office, she Decided to stop and pick up some coffee and doughnuts for him. Obviously, she was a very thought- ful secretary. She got into an acci- dent on the way back while having made only a slightly circuitous route. One question the officer asked was "where were you going." She explained the details. The insurance company denied coverage claiming that it wasbusi- ness usage of the car, since it \\as only the actions of going to the post office and doughnut shop for her boss that resulted in her being at that intersection and having involvement in the accident. The boss did not have a business auto- mobile policy covering his secre- tary, and her personal police did not cover business usage of her car. Don't blame the policeman for recording the facts as told to.him. Discuss everything carefully with your agent. Wayne C. Switzer, CLU, www.ninjadoggy@aol.com A I : I"I-I.."w'.. ... What is your advice for raising children? Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Dan Shoaf said, "Dedicate a much time as you possibly can to raising the children. They grow up too fast and you S*< can't turn back the clock so once the time, is gone, it's gone. They're like sponges, I good or bad they'll pick it up. I raised three kids of my own, Stwo girls and one boy, and now I have a new granddaugh- ter and another one on the way." Mallie Parrish said, "Spend a "i lot of time with them. Love em'. Try' to teach them the right way to treat other peo- .. pie. It's important to keep -..., them in church, too. I have two grown children, one son : : . and one daughter, with kids ... ': t of their own and one great- .. grandson.".' , William Shroud "Jr." said, "First, let's see, the parent has to do the right thing so the kids will follow. Whatever the parents do the kids will S do it, too. The kids will follow the parents. Ifthe parents S smoke or drink the kids will, too. If parents raise kids with education and religion the kids will go pretty straight." Brandy Hill said, "Spend as """ much time with them as pos- sible and have lots and lots of patience. There's no trick to raising children, its simply r trial and error. Unfortunately, there's no manual to tell you how to do it. I have two girls age ten and eight and one boy age five." Louise Perkins said, "If they got a good mother they will hardly ever fail. That is the first thing God intended. I never took a job out of the house so I could take care of my children. I had eight kids and now I have 12 grandchil- dren and 13 great grandchil- dren and I've loved every minute of it." Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14, 2006 . Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Special delivery Salvation Army Human Service Coordinator Debbie Lavender and American Legion Com- mander Bill Davis stopped by the LaBelle Post Office recently to accept delivery on four hampers overflowing with toys and love for less fortunate kids. LaBelle Postmaster Joanne Massey is pictured on the extreme right. The toys (and the love) were collected by LaBelle postal carriers, who were giving Santa a hand. Part of a national program, the toys collected by the LaBelle carriers from the generosity of their customers will go to local children. Carriers on hand for the presentation included, front row from left: Anna Alanis. Christy Hanes, Traci Calvert, Tricia Howard, Middle row: Michelle Murray, Lisa Davis, Sharon Drapal, Melissa Evans, Debbie Miller, Rhonda Linman, Reba Floyd. LaBelle carriers also collected three hampers full of food for the Salvation Army earlier this year. Herrera to become corpsman Eric Ismael Herrera graduated from the Naval Recruit Training Command at Great Lakes, Illinois, on Friday, December 1: Division 002, Ship#10. Eric will remain in the Chicago area for the Hospital Corpsman training. He is the son of Mary Jane Her- rera. His brothers are Eugene and 'Freddy Herrera. His daughter's name is Leah. Boa4Arngel FREE 2-NIGHT VACATION! Donate Car Boat RV Motorcycle 1-800-227-2643 L www.boatangel.com q=6.^v ES..K m ag-y~w-aBgeg S~~asrwn ar ycg^Z 0 4b aY a c"I M ri o Wireless Sales Service Lady Broncos undefeated The LaBelle Middle School Girl's Basketball team is off and running. Through the week of Dec. 8, the Lady Broncos remained undefeated at 3-0. This group of unselfish girls has outscored their opponents, 124-33 through these 3 games. It appears as though no one cares who gets the credit, as long as they play hard and win games. Good luck to the girls throughout the entire season. Front row, from left: Mackedra Brown, Manager, Jonikka Love, Jaquonza Taylor, Keylee Turlington, Andrea Lutkenhaus, and Gennifer Raulerson. Back row: Kristel DeSantiago, Kiah Tippett, Whitley Byrd, Laura Reed, Beatriz Martinez, Clarivel Medina, Briana Ramos, and Ariana Gonzalez. The team is coached by Kevin Lutkenhaus and Shannon Kvorjak. FPL continues explaining proposed plant ouurnmeu pruto/ Mary Jane Herrera Eric Ismael Herrera STAi ON MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at Discounted Prices! Homes From the Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. F~s JACOBSEN ScotBilt ljS jS vwlilnm l~'li: rrnmul Clewiston 1312 W Sugaland Hwy 863-983-8106 LaBelle 231l wVH C.tAie 863-675-6622 Punta Gorda 5041 Duncan Rd 941-505.0041 C o Accessories Owner Connection Lori White HOURS 863-612-0237 863-675-1570 Fax il,,,:,1.,, Located Next to O'Ferrells'Florist 153 S. Main Street X cingular- LaBelle, FL 33935 coolC' ri 'Ctn-ii' s'.... i .n F Dana Howard Weekley Post 130 /AMERICAN LEG IONI AND THE LEGION AUX IARY Friday Might Fish Fry 3 I) at 699 .. 80 W Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos \ ,]~J 1 /^j ~i l e "lc ':l'ir'T'enl r' hJcud'J I By Patty Brant Florida Power & Light represen- tatives continued to explain plans for the proposed Glades Power Park and its repercussions at a chamber of commerce luncheon No. 29 at Don's Steak House. The 5,000-acre site of the pro- posed plant is five miles northwest of Moore Haven. FPL is also plan- ning a substation to be located on CR 833 in Hendry County. According to FPL, the two-unit, 1,960-megawatt coal power plant will use advanced technology in pollution control to ensure emis- sions are below state and federal guidelines. However, some locals still have concerns that it might not meet future standards for carbon dioxide and mercury emissions. The Sierra Club has also expressed reservations about the project. The representatives said the coal burning plant will be using technol- ogy never before used in this coun- try, although it is being utilized in both Europe and Japan. The plant is expected to help' serve energy needs for a growing statewide for some 650,000 homes. Construction is to begin in 2008. The first unit is expected to be on line in 2012, with the second phase coming online the following year. However, the process has a long way to go before construction can begin. Incoming Governor Charlie Crist and his cabinet will have the final say as to whether or not FPL gets its permitting. According to Terri Electricity usage in Florida has increased by 30 percent in the past 20 years. She said FPL diversifies the fuel sources at its plants, using oil, natural gas, nuclear energy and a small portion of other fuels. Diversi- fication helps ensure continued availability and helps guard against interruption in supplies caused by political and climate disruptions. The representatives explained that FPL does not use more renew- able fuels because it is notyet viable on a large scale in Florida. The coal to be used at the Glades County plant will come from Appalachia and also from South America. Two railroad lines will make supplying the plant easy from both east and west, further ensuring accessibility. To further guard against possi- ble fuel disruption, the plant will have the capacity to stockpile a 60- day supply of coal, which will be. brought in on specially-designed railroad cars that minimize any loss ofcoal. Economic benefits to locals include construction jobs for some 16,000 people for five years as well as 180 full-time permanent jobs at Students of the Month for December, 2006 from Upthe- grove Elementary School: Row 1: Fernando Santiago, Leah Gutierrez, Odalys Martinez, Emily Royal; row 2: Briceida Guzman, Carl Willis, Micholas Williams, Felix Flores; row 3: Sandy Dossou, Cristian Venegas, Elyssa Willis; row 4: Jessie Miller, Sheena Heuer, Michael Her- nandez, Garrett Coker, Hunter Spargo; row 5: Christian Trejo, Cindy Alvarado, Jasmin Gonzalez, Kendrick Rivera. the site and another 150 indirect jobs. The process will also provide ash and gypsum as saleable by- products. In addition, Glades County can expect to receive $21 million per year in tax revenue for 40 years.' Hendry County stands to receive several million annually in taxes from the substation. You can e-mail Patty Brant at: cbeditor@newszap.com r-.---------------- SSPORTS FANS! . I I IYOU . I I DIDN'T KNOW I I I S Brought toyouby I Lor Langford I I I At the end of the 2006 college football I Season, which two Division I-A teams I had played each other the most times? ISurpisingly, the answer is Big Ten rivals Wisconsin and Minnesota with I 116 battles. For half of those years, the I Coach at St. John's University down the road in Minnesota has been John Gagliardi. In his 58th season, the amaz- ing Gagliardi actually coached get this I I two grandsons of his former players. SThe winningest coach in college football history, in 2006 Gagliardi became the first active head coach ever inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. I I Did you hear about the quarterback who lost twice to the same school play- Iing for two different teams over a six- Sweek span? It's not easy, but here's how it happened. One week after Colorado I lost its 2006 season opener to Montana IState in a shocking upset, Colorados QB IBrian White transferred to Division I- SAA Portland State. He was able to suit I up because I-AA transfers are eligible to I play immediately. So five weeks later, I Whiteand his new team faced the very I I same Montana State team, and White I I found himself on the losing end yet I I again. I I. I I S The young NBA superstar trio of SLeBron James, Dwyane Wade and SCarmelo Anthony has basketball fans dreaming of the magical Michael SJordan-Magic Johnson-Larry Byrd era. But during the 2005-06 season, the new guard accomplished something never done by Jordan, Magic and Byrd in the same season. All three averaged at least 26.5 points per game in only their third years in the league. The last trio of third-year pros to do that was Jerry West, Oscar Robertson and Walt Bellamy way back in 1963. S I'll bet you didn't know, coming or going, that when the rubber hits the road, ou can't afford not to buy from Langford. I I I ***** I LANGFORD I I I I II "Y'anSpoken Hercd" 675-1686 I----------------- r cF*'TA5si r " dp~~ )CPi~2JJ * 41HP 4WD Glide Shift Transmission O DOWN 0% for 3 Years $527 per month or extended plan stating as low as $350 per month Model 91-.i331Ii(S 1 21HP Diesel Engine Commercial Quality Zero Turn Mower 0 DOWN 0% for3 Years S $355 per month or extended plan stating as low as $187 per month All Around You. All Around You. Diesel Engine HydrostaticTrans., power steering, disc brakes 0 DOWN 0% for 2 Years $415 per month or extended plah stating as low as S203 per month Model #RT'90L)G Full Factory Parts and Service! We Service All Makes. We make hydraulic hoses. Model vJl.J)2 31HP 4WD Standard Shift Synchronized Trans 0 DOWN 0% for 3 Years $407 per month or extended plan slatinm as low as S257 per month Absolutely .y Zero Down i i Payment , Model ##L31301) - Tur T f &e 549 East Sugartand Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 Tractor 863-983-4484 *$0 down, 0% A.RR. financing for terms up to 36 months availablethrough December 31, 2006, on all new Kubota EX, B, Land M (except theM5040, M6040, M7040, M8040 and M9540 Series) in inventory at participating dealers. Example: A 36-month repayment term ot 0% A.P.R.requires 36 payments of $27.78 per $1,000 borrowed. 0% A PR, interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Financing is available through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply.See your local Kubota dealer for details on these and other low-rate options or go to I Save money on your favorite grocery items. .f, I I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! it I I newszap.Com Community Links. Individual Voices. L ------------------------j Are you fired anl legq weay alitr your round bf gol? Our product was designed especially for YOU. Enj ;,oy;/ i!u, ,~r if ' Try our new Nutrieit Supplement Nutra-Z-Aide ror FREE! Just send us your mailing address and we will send you, I HIt i.plie ofa new ,r.', il l ii III I .'tm i i ,I r rihi'lr . Nutra Z-Aide" is aS,.l, r r l- Suliri, i, iI' i ). I I,,,o i, ,. riril .r . I lellh \lide ,ll0 ( ll. %1 5.l11 llin ii \ 11'2 r ,I l ti ..I l'lllllml ,' .11 L n.n11 I Y m Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14,2006 S FORD FOCUS ZX5 SE 516.265 TOYOTA MATRIX FWD S15,260 Standard Not Available Optional I t' 160 130 126 Optional Not Available Not Available Standard Standard Optional Standard Standard Optional Not Available Standard Not Available Not Available Not Available Optional Not Available Standard Not Available Optional Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available 4 Not Available Not Available Optional THE ALL-NEW 2007 DODGE CALIBER. .L IT'S ANYTHING BUT CUTE. k\ a MIII-I." 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Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 .......... iI S U II P'I MAZDA 3 $17,930 ' '" ;I *. ali;.' : ;: Standard Standard ~ai~"ll~sslL~ :: ` L: :, lirs~,~ ~C i r, i~t..r~ ;i' ~i~f:::Z: ; i.~-fa~~.ir: .U*"-?:'" '~-"i9;i .~;_ *'7'~~*~4r_- r ; .x ~jqg~i~i~ r.. " Pp.4~ ... i :*: ): . LrrrCICr~ej~~ ..,.nra~* : -R IO -` *6 i*~ ,r ILI Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14, 2006 HE CALOOSA BELLE HOM BYE 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 S863 '.75-1973 If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! HEC ,uS 'isOLIT (J NiE. wnw.newhorizons-re.com Hi 1bi-iNt Eslr:,,, immaculate newconstrucuonCSB home j. trud i., ?nnM fmt. ;Bpp/t? ? rir IaIpemuirl e lt'ed c,,I. i. J 2...,9 ,0 .- -. .* U 11 'A P... f... '.:.Ff .... Ji. 1 .ur.. | W,- r II ,t n l l :. '| I t, ,- t.'r .-P hi, ,I B tr :.a.- I on 5 acres. Cedar wood walls and ceilings, stone fireplace, new roof, super large workshop with RV parking. Majestic ve Oaks make the acreage feel like a park. you owe it to yourself to see! $699,900. * Perfection Has and Address! Immaculate in design: endearing in character, this Country style 3/2 home offers peerless quality inside and out. Nestled on lovely shaded .62 acre homesite. Call for the impressive details (349,900. Sweet as Grandma's house. Fronts on a deep water canal r .- .i i a few paddle strokes to the mouth of the ri l... .-.:hF. i' R ,ci Tl;' .".t ....IJ i r ....r. h t c'ir , | j f -, I' .i 1 -,.in ,,,i .1 .-' lr.ir Ii 1.. _li : l ,ll" ir., i.. I i t.. i .'t. i ':,i I,,:,, T,,: ri i. c ,li ,. ifclI l r...l hf t l.. i :..c Ic.:|1.. t .. i" ., J.'ic) lel I.. ' 40x40 covered workshop plus lots more. An unusual find at only $340,000 REDUCEDI! * New home.under construction. A beautiful 3BR/3B home that will be finished in lateJuly. Lots of upgrades and lots of room. $285,000. * 3BR/2B brick home located in town on a canal loaded with fish. Home features a new roof & A/C, ceramic tile & wood laminate flooring, and a screened porch w/ jacuzzi. WATERFRONT RIVERFRONT FLORIDA STYLE 2 STORY HOME on Ft. Denaud Rd, 3/5.5 with huge wrap around porch. All bedrooms have full baths, first floor master suite has i.i-r':n .,:i,. I .2r cir;, s,., -I ,:.i lJ- ri m : : -i i. r i .., : i oi.... r.ll,: s. :.r , ;',ll: 7',.)I{' { .. ':l:l ,'_, i'l, : l,3' i ," f ilhr, i tj',_',.'-: ,:,[ [,lj ljl,,: ri, orange and grapefruit trees. Property maybe split into 2 river- front sites, $1,100,000. REDUCEDII 2 STORY HOME ON2.5 ACRES in the coveted Port LaBelle Ranchettes. Located on the river side, with only a greenbelt between you and the Caloosahatchee Intracoastal, build your boat dock in the safe harbor of the ArmyCorp main- tained waterway Live in the country, just seconds from the heart of LaBelle, horses welcome. $595,000 -:a+ _ ]PENDING r. MORE THAN MEETS THE EYEI Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Lqw maintenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include trayceil- ings. interior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash and granite countertops, allwindows have wood cas- ing surrounds a brick fireplace, and wood floors throughout fin. ish the look. $459,000 REDUCED 50 FT PRIVATE DRIVE leads to expansive 6.7 acres with 470+/- Ft of riverfront located close to town. Build close to the waters edge with almost viturally no Corp. Easement. $2,500,000. SIVERFRONT 5 ACRES with 215+/- feet of frontage. High ele- vation reveals spectacular views. $895,000 REDUCED RIVERFRONT 1.15 ACRE homesite on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $525,000 REDUCED PROTECTED HARBOR lust one lot in off the main channel of the Caloosahatchee Waterway. Build your dream home under the scenic oaks in this park like setting. Located in Caloosa Harbor S/D. $450,000 .OTS AND LAND 318ACRE HUNTERS PARADISE Old Florida its best, Enjoy the tranquility of the wild life and natural habitat with several gorgeous oak hammocks a beautiful creek and several ponds. ITurkey, deer, wild hogs, leave evidence of their presence on the property $4,777,500. DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced Independently) for an SEiNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. tl.j f,'.l1 s ,ll I l:Ij. : .Jl. ,t. ''. .13|j 1259,901.1 t r, 1 .ir:,,.,~ 1 I'..' l ,0m. r ih ,i : ,.. r i.,. cr i. .J -f I ,.- 11 ,',, ,I -A -7V i.!-Ih J I I d 1-klj i I IIr 10-. 1 S .,'' $225.0ht' *- R D U C E D it ,. I- 1 I ,..I,. I. t. V -,t ib6 5 :. .: .It. ilh t dIJrvt ,.ff':, L['i LiE:ll .7.I. fr I lun- .. ,.Iu'I'. j ill. Ri D i .' r. .t l, .... ] i.. :.:. J C .! .:l. C.l -i t .. :. anid a 'ni d l. it .ir ',i5il $220,(I u. ,' I. I,.- ,,I ,,II : l.: 1 ,: Ih i .lir t'" r ih : ll: l h .. ,|: 'v:., i/]1:. "1 0,,:, 11 ., l r',.l \ iil i.:l 11 -c1-A05. ll 0 : I", i i, i. ,.i.. ,, ,i ) ;f. ,,...Jr. i ..ir -..: i, ,l"'i i|. \ n..l quality, trom trie new narty-iioard salmg to the wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and vanities are all less than 2 years old. New roof being installed. Call today for this worry free home! $189,900. * Super Deal for a Super Family! Spacious 3/2 with vaulted ceilings. Park like fenced backyard. At this super price you need to see super soon! $159,900. " * Magnificent towering Oaks cast shade over this quaint 2BR/2B home built with care. This home has been recently priced to sell. $139,900 * Great investment potential! 1BR/1B home on a corer lot. Homes needs some viork... but is priced to sell. $35,000 i ['i' J 11 y...,j l r i i .i 0 I, I ,: your new home look nofurther, located in the sought after K im lT .:.i'I [. ri L -. : T1,i j im i, .Ji r * Il.. I .l, 11 .900 * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $59,900. Possible seller financing. SBeautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle lim- its but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss i, r,. ,,b l t .r L.,b. ii.. i6.9(m). * C(Al aboul our Port LaBelle loWs! iJ rli' ,. Ij... i :. I1 i J, " 1 r FA A l '-J ill. il., ... ,i, 179.900 St ,'rJ ,,,', I.,,', ,.! ,.. 1 '.,q i ,',l l.2. h , " V i 6' h .fT, -,, Ill -r, 11 I I ill, t ff, I1 1 ...1I.. IliTill room w/stone replace, master suite w/office, covered porch, and fencing for horses. This one is a steal @ only $450,000 *Size will surprise you! 2BR/2B home on 10+/- acres Is very well kept and former module home. Features a warm com- fortable living room w/gas fireplace, spacious kitchen, front & real covered porches..$400,000 * Bring your horses and relax the rural way! 4BR/2B manufactured home with over 2400 sq. ft of living area sitting on a georgous 6.5+ acs of land & fenced for hors- es. Too many extras to list, call for an appointment today! $299,900 * Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped grounds are a fitting introduction to a superb 3/2 home! Huge 'J.:.:.ivi liii ,, .JLrjd ,.j.a .,.i ? .n.i, i,,.j jJji;.,,,..l l i r .,,..'l '.i,, .. I i r ,,lr i r l 1.1 r,'d i ,. .],,,'ir ,ll' lI'i alout qmuic! 199,900. * 2/1'home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot tucked away on a quiet street. Oak trees create a back yard of enchanting beauty. A must see! $165,000. * The Luxury of Space! Both inside on outside. 4/2 immac- ulate home nestled on 1.25 acres. Stunning stone fireplace in Faml WNDiCPiiWgONli RiAlgli lots of cabinets and countertops. Tranquil Master bedroom offers a personal retreat room add lavish bath. Spacious and smart buy at $154,900 * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy.'SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 * Privacy + Peace & Relazation! 3BR/2B doublewide.w/1,300 up: il i:riiiil pr.:.Ei. $150,000 per acre. SECLUDED HEAR YOURSELF THINK 20+/- acres west of LaBelle off Ltit' r ni j[l Ti|':rn ii..l ps i lll l-J?,1 ash Ir. l.ri du ."' :ril i iari plus l,:, fillfil for ,'usiCr $380.0J0.000. PORT LABLUL RAN(HE TIl I,.: .., a on Frontier 'Cr 2.53 Ar.- hi..,:I. up Io gi,:.rinL,":l ir i r~diJ horses are welcome, Restricted to site built single family residences. $275,000 OAKHAVEN 2 ACRES Oak filled in one of LaBelle's most desire' able deed restricted communities. Complete with paved and lighted streets. If you're looking for quite seclusion and majestic oaks, this is it $215,000. 5 ACRE TRACT located In Ortona, Enjoythe peace and quiet of country living. Located on Wyman's Rd with easy access to SR 78 and SR 27. $200,000. EXECUTIVE HOMFSITE Gorgeous wooded 2 Acres. Make i,'' ,*:l. L ,': p''Ou ..-:lTrnvT, i- j..Ij Jri, i [i'f ,:r n but seems . i.. ,k: .-il:: ', Erii'., 11 I- : ...:. .-,r,.i:r fi,] phi i :',', $170,000, OVERSIZED HOMESITE convenletly located in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres manicured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. Was $105,000, reduced to $79,000 for quick sale. PORT LABFITF LOTS close to new development area & mari- na. Priced from $24,900 and up. Call for inventory list Over 60 SELLERJINANCING AVAILABLE with 20% down to qualified buyer, Port LaBelle 1/4 ac. lot. Many new homes under construc- tion in the immediate area. Asking $45,000. Nice Buildine Lqt in Horseshoe Acres for mobile or site built home. Only $18,500 LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING Horses Welcome Upgrades Include wood floors, stacked stone fireplace, granite counter- tops, stainless steel appliances, crown moulding, skylight dorm- ers, and top of the line ceiling fans with decorative medallions, The caged pool features, spa jets,- pavers, and a generous lanai. The 12 acres is everyhorse lovers dream. It includes a large barn with 5 oversized stalls and tack room with shelving as well as a fully irrigated riding arena and a 24x44 workshop/office. Additional Acreage available, offers must be contingent upon Glades County approval for propertysplit. $695,000. OAK FILI FD PROPERTY with 3/2 home featuring a Mother-In- Law apartment in the city limits.Seller will contribute up to $8000 toward buyers closing costs. $377,000. BEAUTIFUL NEW CONSTRUCTION 3/2+den/office (could be 4th bedroomiWnlr i i iu surface countertops, stainless steel aplUt f ll Ji flp~ier suite with luxuri- ous bath and waseryer Lcate d Ct. Hendry Dr, close to everything, Price reduced to $361,000. RUSTIC CEDAR HOME 4BR/3.5BA on oak filled acreage, in ground caged pool, horse barn and dog pens are just some of the existing amenities. Newgalvalume roof. $324,900. COUNTRY OUIFT living on 3+/- acres. Spacious great room conceptwith fireplace. 3Bed/2Ba plus office, property features a f.ll.'.II. I .l ..- Ifll I ... Ni l ,,i. .', ,1 ,| 1,: f,, ,'l. ji,. ,fl, l, ,J,: ,,i h u , Florida rm & BBQ.deck. $139,900 ' * Rare find outside eii: fPAi. .r r, .. fr i'. schools or shopping. .i'- :' .', ii.] r.. r.-.l r,.:., features : h.l I' i.'.: p'j i -i.,ri r : .'' :"- .1-1 !. J1 Ih i 11 jI..l'l Ii ', i1"1 1i -i' :, .Ijlii: i'iJ '{11'.1 ,T,,,v .dI .:,. ,n.'. ,:.,: ( ?132,000 * REDLiCEDI *.ii ,,".' F,,,l r,, ll, -,, v ." : "i f*:(ih' ltl ,ll J l i .. 1 .'l 'l" 'lj beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring yo ' r..i), i,:, -:,: ..-,, $,:, 2, t 12l .000 * R E D I.C E D R E DL ,CS D ,bl' -. b .:, n',: : er .-,, UNDER I1COFNTRACT' V ,lh I i..," l rl.:..J U I',J I,.. 4 r. l... I-.- ) j1c nvorl..,h:,.f i.:i LI, n,.J big kitchen for Mom! Ju $109,000. -Ip~~`s.l~ ~ jBi REDUCED 2.5+/- acres, fenced, barn, 2/2 Adorable Mobile Home and more. Come enjoy the ... peace and quiet of Muse and S bring your horses. Pond with dock., 2 Stallhorse barn. Must see. Call for more information. Only $153,000 ,1. ou ust A * Best Bargain for Miles! 35 beautiful secluded acres at ONLY $25,000. per acrel WITH Pole Barn, Electric and sev- tril 0 l '.lil i: I... h.. ...II s's5, t U * locationn with a Future 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres lireid' -"oie PC1 K urmsunwied hv iup'l- e subdivision. Jpc nd c.ilri, t.r 1id,.:'r.:.. is80o,000 * 5+/- acres in'Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * t r .-. w ,snr rove. located off Sears Rd. Only $132.000 Id i -flh J ',:i d ]'iJ hIc ,. ld Il', lh 'fl,.,:I ; o jnb',,.,,JI lt h.., city pressure and enjoy the country. $128,000. * 2.5 acres on Case Rd. cleared and ready for your dream home only $125,000. S1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $85,000. * 3BR/1B manufactured home on a canal in Rivet Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $110,000 * Genuine Country Feell Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs: Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura lastingsl * POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled locatioriof this 8+/ acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and elec- tric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * Beautiful .25+/- acre comer lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single fam- ily w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. large screened porch and a detached pole barn with enclosed storage. $229,900. NEW CONSTRUCTION RFADY TO MOVE IN. Up grades galore, solid surface counter tops, wood cabinets, 18x18 ceram- ic tile, 10 ft ceilings, custom vanity in master bath and more. $219,000. 1BR/BA HOME conveniently located within LaBelle city lim- its, close to shopping, schools, etc., new kitchen, A/C and duct work. $209,500. REMODELED ~BR2BA plus den (could be 4th bedroom) on large corner lot. New kitchen, one of the best floor plans in Pt LaBelle, fenced backyard. $179,500. 19W0'S FLORIDA CRACKER HOUSE -2/1 on oversized down- town corner lot. Adjoins B-l zoning on three sides, with poten- tial for business zoning of its own. If you're looking for a slice of old Florida Architecture, this one's for you. 169,900. WANT A LARGE YARD? Here is a 2.5 Ac well shaded & beauti: fully treed property with a well maintained 3/2 manufactured home. Start enjoying the great outdodrsl $160,000. INDUSTRIAL /COMMERCIAL PRIME CORNER with approx. 590 ft. on well traveled CowboyWay and 520 ft. on Elm St. The front 2.7Ac are zoned Light Industrial with the remaining 4 ac zoned Heavy Industrial. Great opportunity for flex space development, Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located across from the State Attorney's Office and close to LaBelle Airport $3,064,466. COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL 4 ac. located approx 1 mile west of Cowboy roty with 800 lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the proposed future Wal-Mart location. $1,500,000. t ACRES OF MIXED INDUSTRIAL USE with 176 ft. on promi- nent Cowboy Way. Asking $915,000. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4.65 AC with 2400 Sq, Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access, just outside the city limits. Could be split under current zoning. $819,000. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL 1 AC SITE just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000 IARD TO FIND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $269,000. SR 80 FRONTAGE SRlIE t7 f rea of new growth $260,000. s i U U U. Call 863-675-0000 ISPENCER R E ^ ILT Y Fran W. Sprn-n. U.. BroL,, 43- 5R0 %X'r LaB k, F-L (8631 675-1203 (863) 6"-i555-4 Web, -Av~wa nc"rRca-In L-com PRICE DROPPED AGAIN FOR QUICK SALEIII' SELLER WANTS AN OFFER! If you like oaks in the city, this one's for you!!! This 3 bedroom CBS home is in immaculate condition. E:":,f.jpp-:,;:'.inijiel\ 3 years old completely' renic,:deld inside sth ner. cirpetng aird ide throughout, side-by-side ice and v.ier-in.dour reingeritor, custiom decoirated Front and back yard shaded Lt miassi-e oaks, thce iides arid ba:,l. ti'rd Ienced screened pitao 'ofi kitchen and.living romn i, pjaed drie, redl .precl serncejiAl fartil', h':,nie n.thir ilking disiri],:e I.: eer)yhing Super rice neighborh :rod ngright in m an' i$19.900 2.5 ACRES WITH 3 2 TOP OF THE LINE" MANUFACTURED HOME!!! Perlect home ifyou "need your space,' Io.iatd in Ft Denaujd .crec Ever nen ced for .:ourr horses M.ini extras including ceramic tile floors, upgraded appliances, garden tub, and large split-floor plan. Ready to go!'$219,900 RIVERFRONT HOME Huge 2-story country home on % acre right in the city! $2,500,000 3/2 WATERFRONT HOME IN BELMONT with ceramic tile and gorgeous brick fireplace. Just reduced to $289,900 3/2/2 IN DESIRABLE AREA OF CITY with big back porch and extra large yard. $279,900 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT *RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: ED HACKIN SCOTT HACKMANN ROKEIRUCE M'u AND DON BURDICK S675-0500 R EALTY E C NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST SOn the comer of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTOo S. Ii SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE HOMES FOR SALE NO PETS JUST LISTED IN'THE CITY LIMITS - ON THE RIVER CALOOSA DR 3Bedroom/1.5Bath on Missouri. Large 3/2/3 Car, boat dock & lift $1,800/M yard, 5+ oak.trees in yard, pole barn. ON THE RIVER 3/2/2 Car, with boat Asking $179,900. dock- $1,500/M ON SUMMERALL RD. IN MUSE 3/3/1 TWO MASTERS SUITES Extra 3Bedroom/2Bath on 1 acre + home has space $1,000/M Off Gibson/Ft. Myers new cover. Covered porch and privacy Shores. fence. Asking $150,000. 3/2/2 Car on Oak Leaf. $1,100/M. ON E. SUNFLOWER CIRCLE - 3/2/1 Car on E. Palomar $850/M 3Bedroom/2Bath on corer lot recently 3/2/1 Car on S..Edgewater $850/M painted. Asking $189,900. COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE REDUCED! IN FT. MYERS SHORES- $800+tax/M 3Bedroom/3Bath, 1 car garage, over LOTS STARTING AT $22.500 1,900 sq. ft. living area, new roof and A/C. Priced at $269,900. 863 675 4550 OF 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle el Rodney Murray & Seth Howard Lic. Real Estate Brokers $StOte cto Associates:-Phil Lewis, _-_ I CTamra Franco, Kyndel Murray 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & partially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $254,900. Immaculate 4/2 well maintained home with an awesome workshop 20x30 workshop, 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. $269,900. Very Nice 3Br/1.5Ba on large corner lot w/in town con- vienience, fenced back yard & 2 yr old roof. Only $169,900. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 19 acre orange grove. Located in Hendry Co. $11,900 per acre. 40 acre orange grove. Located in Hendry Co. $11,900 per acre. 365 Acres w/3,000+/- ft. on Hwy 80 and 1,300+/- ft. on Old River. UMA PAUL ROSER REALTORS 863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL R08ER, Broker Nikkl@NikkIYeagerRoseri.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 238/584-2005 cell 239/584-2002 ' --E~iiii11-F mr--i-q7C I ~--~~ ~~~~ --~----~~~~~"~-~~-" --~-~'-~-"-- I 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14, 2006 WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN? BD. _2BA r n2 21 ) 3BD/2BA 1691 SqFt. e BD2lBA acres 1620 Sq Ft Huge 1/2-acre parcel 2040 SQ FT $185,900 $189,500 Owner says Sell REDUCED$215,000 Vacant Land Montura 1.25 acres. $36,000. Poo[' Kili l0o 1: ir i..... I $23,500 .,B11 [ eA iB I, ri -U _r. l l [ the a,,' $189,500 (al Uitigoffice for dails! $2t44,900 eller Motivaed ., GUIDE --.811 T' -S $ 1 F -U 23 rde t L leF 395-.6-7586 Lis Anr*v*s ic* Rel E tatSBrke Asocats SndaAlxadrLid Dld aNis ox in isers Kevn Nlso, Rse hso, Tiniv Oim6 BritanyKiney, tac Pac, D stNPat HOMBE. $1EI69.900 Ii. Pf P T., Kis,' lb I, S116.00. :bAL.'.II...l E .in 'nr s~n, ':r? 5k)0 'in n.. : i.. .nl.nI Ij i c "1~: Il'' II.lii I'1 rn- 5':1 I Jr i'~~l d.C '-'--51. %.:.r I i iis, I rn-ri ,f rjrI.. 1 142.000 1,1-: ;n. B, lJ' :- l..r. .n. il W i( 1 r .I.l I 1i I i I -I J r.Ii l dh . pi ..r1 l s O jli-, br 11 I''''., s -s I Ii rS r -rui c ,i i .11-111rlr il k.a h -. (i 0U r.. 1-7 1 J 'rfn I -' I:"IFu n~,, b r..J i lb r.rI. J 'J .,..I I n I .I.. . u:~n l t:.i ':- 'r .- I on- in v :] -i .. A is,,nii.nn inir ,,.'. t i*J' r -I I, Ar s l Su.: MOBILE HOMES: $195.00 .Iit ,P%; rn.i~i I rn,. I J. I~r u*I -'ull~rI iI,,In i-.rn .nrlu~l'. ,r1 $4u19.000 tfj i r.11 9.900 jp7's itit' b mlis' i.ri..d jr-- .-i hr-I s-1hi ii, ..lnr.1. II.rr~i~.l.l *uli I ej,.r I u r,5 r. l.. Jr1ri r rr r .ilrrr, I if lkj hrr, Srl il..rn h a..ic",rl rn.Ilr th, hi ffrsr nnnof! ip irF-rl-j1c 1-1 11, P.,n l, 'i.-I. i'biiji ,1 .ini r~r,-. bn S a i ACRBIGE- inl$ 269.9 I .1 I269 00iF [r-j, itS S I I, j I -, j Is.. i r r i b, tuljr, 1. i i. rr ,I,: l 1 ..... Ilk.. r*n ,s~i,,r,, r, . * ~90I)0 C' -',1W. ;5.Bf-O 'L% Io 5 -- .r--.. SI W .II., II ...sr m Ii s Renpials avaiilnble. canlI fr information 21 offices throughout Southwest Florida! TION in a deed restricted community on a Greenbelt. Carpet, vinyl, walls and cabinets like new. New roof in 2005. 2 car garage with half bath and workbench. 20x10 screened back 'porch overlooks fruit trees. Irrigation well sup- plies plenty of water to keep the shrubs, lawn and fruit trees in excellent condition. City water and sewer for home use. $192,500 MLS#200685745 THE.SHORES AT NAPLES 3/2 carriage home, 1-story end unit on a cul-de-sac. $350,000. MLS200688391 .... - IDEAL LOCATION in a fast growing area, near schools, 3/2,2 car garage, 1,455 sq. ft., laminate QU wood flooring, breakfast bar, Corian tops, wood ma cabinets. Ready to move in. MAKE AN OFFER th NOW! $230,000. MLS200673413 iar 3BR/2BA.HOME IN EXCELLENT CONDI- A MUST SEE! 3/1, 1 car garage, 1,404 sq. ft., new kitchen/wood cabinets and designer tile floor. Spacious living room and separate din- ing room. Nicely landscaped, located in quiet neighborhood. $189.900. MLS200690297 IET IN PIONEER PLANTATION 3/2 nufactured home on 2 1/2 acres located at end of paved street. Features include: ,e oaks, newer metal roof, additional m on rear with disability access,.pump ise, detached 2 vehicle carport, 10'x12' ritage Shed and Boss water conditioning em. If quiet and country is what you're king for, this could be it. Home being sold IS" with right to inspect. $175,000. S200665036 large roo hoc Her syst lool "AS ML! VERY WELL MAINTAINED 23x48 .manufac- tured. home with raised screen porch and extra high and long carport. This original model home features vaulted ceilings, huge master bedroom suite and two large living room bay windows overlooking a natural lake with private sandy beach. The surrounding palm trees, exot- ic fruit trees and plant are a Perfect Florida Paradise Setting. PRICE REDUCED! $125,000. MLS200679268 LOTS AND ACREAGE 40.14 CLEARED AND FENCED ACRES IN MUSE -about 10 minutes from LaBelle, quiet secluded location. Perfect for farming, cattle, horses... Asking price $725,000. MLS200688916 HOMESITE ON LAKE! Property is in a new development area called Sky Valley approx. 4 miles west of Clewiston on north side of Hwy 27. Access roads are under construction. Lot is approx. 1/2 acre on lake. $115,000. MIS200659756 HOMESITE AVAILABLE ON ROYCE ROAD in Unit 12 of Port LaBelle. $46,000. MLS200602304. Adjoining lot also available $46,000. MLS200602306. Seller financing available with 25% down payment. Seller has additional lots. . I ; i ~ *j. )* 1. THIS NEW 2BR2B MANUFAC- TURED HOME ...n 51:l+ ar,: Ijl Is. 'ri-nty i ti .:ir .' lr:.nl n -- Till- hr:n i- is. rij-u" l-i-' -ii ,jd-- ,--II .,':.i-" i siirrirn r,-.url srrl .nd n. arSIi iii'.l S99.900 2. THE PERFECT VACATION HOME! flir IBri i \ill located 'betiie'rn In. i bo I- rel aind Nl.,rina A.-s.:.t:iaUrr monthly Ife: .:.1 124 01i will include-excess to the community pool and no yard work. Call Today! $99,900 3. THIS 2BR/2B MANUFACTURED HOME sits on .50 +/- acre. with beau- tiful oakIs and completely fenced yard. Hurry, this won't last long. Seller Motivated! $102,000 4. SPACIOUS, AFFORDABLE HOME ON ACREAGE! This 3BR/3B manu- factured home with dining room, eat- in kitchen, fireplace and much more on 1.25+/- acres. Located in Montura Ranch Estates! $158,000 5. THIS 3BR/2B HOME with a new roof and fresh coat of paint sits on a greenbelt. Located only minutes away! $170,000 6. IN TOWNI!! This 4BR/2B 2 story home on one of the nicest established neighborhoods in LaBelle., With a lit- tle work this could be just the deal you have been looking for! $185,000 7. STOP LOOKING! This brand new 3/2 CBS home has a double door entrance, cathedral ceilings, tile, plush carpet, white raised panel cabi- nets, plant shelves, and a 27' lanai. $240,000 8. BRILLIANT FLOOR PLAN Walk thru this 3BR/2B home to discover an amazing level of livability. Granite countertops and lots of cabinet space. Call Today! $249,900 700 S. Main' Street LaBelle, FL. 33975 863.675.4500 Realtors: Emily Ankeney Tony Barnes Gregory Bone Lisa Cleghorn Shelly Cole Bonnie M. Denning, CPA Ward Dickinson Joyce Gerstminn Lisa Herrero Phyllis Kelley-Miller Wayne McQuaig Paul Mleador Dan Pool Katie Solomon Syncla Williams Tracey L. Williams 9. EXTRAS! EXTRAS! EXTRAS! Tlis '',BR 3B h-imie witnh ,r..mpulrer r,-.n'm --ll.r jai -d p?,: .1 r-:rreenr- pF r.:h. ar'i'._hti d i,.,rl;sh.p Omli e ipra-. dJe ]i:hed i-r,:.r-.s.:,p 'l&th ltor. -: aidJl, uo, u. ,ind r outi mr :,r Take i il:.lk ltodai 8259,900 10. 9.6 +... CLEARED ACRES wiJl ai brand net- 2BR.2B riianula:tIurld onlme This could be just I-l- place that you have been searching for! Just minutes from town! $335,000 11. RIVERBEND ESTATES HOME! This 3BR/2B home with split bed- rooms, formal and informal living areas. Absolutely beautiful custom wood floors. Home sits on 1+/- acre with enormous oaks. $349,900 12. ADORABLE COUNTRY CHARMER! This 4Br/2.5B three sto- ries concrete block home. This home features two fireplaces and wood flooring, all new appliances and much more. Be prepared to fall in love with this home. Located in Town! $362,000 13. SPACIOUS 3/2 HOME! Sit and relax on the screened lanai by the pool and Jacuzzi and enjoy the 25' x 40' workshop which makes this home a perfect buy! Backyard is also fenced. Located in Clewiston. $394,000 14. CUSTOM RIVERVIEW HOME! Enjoy living in a deed-restricted S/D with this 3/2 custom built home on 3 lots. Home boasts 2 single car garages w/ center workshop and full bath - easy for conversion into mother-in-law or guest apartment. $495,000 15. THE HOUSE THAT LOVE BUILT! This beautiful 3/2 brick home is breath taking and has many quality you can respect! Just minutes from town. $595,000 16. EASY TO MANAGE RANCH! Thi-- pioperri r hori' .'i i.. r + sq II -,B 2B bri k. l. i.m i: I.r,: i. i l'Jlkjli ir-d h: I_ m Ir i. u'l ulr \.. .:a,'n r, I:, -i' Jiu- Ilirnutfl Ir: lion I.:.ih.i S600.000 17. CHARM WITH A PASSION! This bt-'iUtilul iojunlrit\ hI,..in it oi, .4 35+ - aii, l .1 nl.e F'li Birn a.r1r ll.I.rs,: .1ihii and is wailin l- r.'.'iJl tri i 'l $650,000 18. PREMIER LOCATION! -This 3BR/2B home in immaculate cbndi- tion with many luxury features! Like new detached 3 car garage with con- crete pad. Located on a quiet dead end road leading to Hidden Hammock. $725,000 19. COUNTRY LIVING! New in 2005 3/2 home, privately situated on 10 +/- fenced and cross-fenced acres behind entry gates into Riverbend Estates! Enjoy great porches, a spacious great room, eat-in kitchen, and laundry room. $795,000 20. TWO HOMES ON 24.39 +/- ACRES! This 24.39 +/- acres with improved fenced pasture. This includes two immaculate turnkey homes one with 4BR/3.5B and the sec- ond with 3BR/2B. All of this in an area with the possibility of being sub- dividable! $925,000 21. RANCH-TYPE ESTATE sits on 5+/- beautifully wooded acres. This 3BR/3B + 3 car garage home & 1BR/1B guest house. A detached screened room for barbecuing/enter- taining, Pole barn and much more. $1,150,000 S u- t Call our kniolecldgerble and friendly staff about Southern llandJbor 1/4 acre to 100+ acire!" I WE'RE LAND EXPERTS! Investments 8 Real Estate Sherri Denning Licensed Real Estate Broker _i -I www.soland.com IU ---- o~rponruNITY Toll Free 877.314.3048A 6 .Ir I Cal -86-572..9 wwcSsubetIo Cap Coal-Fot4 yrs-Pie san* -Lhih- urtStr Eser 0-So *Crls L l -Nale I0orhPot okms *Eng 0wood HrnCre Ope I ~ I IIL~ I l. r, ri j 1 7 111111 j. I,: ht IIIi Iciio .. ...... .-.ji, i I I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14, 2006 Central Custom Builders New Modular Homes M E -YgE RStarting at $109,000 on your lot! Includes Impact Fees & Allowance for 6lot prep Home and Land Packages Starting at $149,900 We have homes ready to move in now! Home ,. Builders Visit Our Model Center: 2480 E State Road 80 Open M-Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 7026 G I Cir 32 207,900 5 uneir S6,400 Great Builder Mortgage inter 1.5%-6st yr & .5% 2nd y y i 'P |FREE Pre-Qualification wit An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Hor 3004 Holt Ct. 4/313 $332,900 www.chl/hor Vacant Loit Available QB39)022 Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder Deals!!!! r's Discount est Rate buy down r 30 Fixed rate wl CHL HM th: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. ne Mortgage (863)612-0012 mnebuilders com Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soor Lorida 10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months ' All Sprec Hon, Iincludri a.re hourii: ,l e Pav'd Roadi '*(l.onI3) Water' *"Poa ii-. 9016 Lamkin Cir. 3/2/2 $229,900 .*, . 2029 N. Montana 312/2 $211,980 nt Cypress 01 Rental Available S1200 Nith For FREE Credit Approval Call (863) 675-8888 or (863) 673-4325 cell FEATURES OF THE WEEK the rina rliner Pern'i- are ;n place )t 2BR/2BA UNIT WOLULD MAKE re-dredge oxb....s. $499.000 GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT Irr hull. lime residence L..cxcid on the first floor rhi' condn leaturei rile throughi.u[ (except bcdriooms, ncrw carpet in' bed. rooms, new paint, solid surface counter tops & lanai. Comfortable living awaits your arrival! $175,000 mr 3BRl/BA [N COUNTRY VILLAGE Nice floor plan. le rough out. Pnerd uo sell $110,00 WATERFRONT HOMES i LOTS LOCATION, LOCATION. LOCA- TION!!! This 3 +'- acre peninsula has over 700'- o Caloosahatchee Riser frontage with H%,\ 29 access Zoned C- 2 your possibilities are endless' $3,300,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT PARCEL! Two buildable lots n, 61l pro- tected-docklon old riser, oboUi. Prisulne views: up" river & acioss to protected state owned land. Plus rno o rps setback. approx. 200 ft. ofwaterfront & situated on both the Caloosahatchee River ilntracutotal \'atermail and the uld rier o\bo $1.5000000 WATERFRONT &- PRIVACY AT ITS BEST! Thi recentih renol ated 3BR 2BA home is located at the Ortcrna Locks. Fish honti \sr oown prnate dock iPermi in i.lace to add net, dock w, lhi ri ,ced r,, sell"' $499.900. BEAUTIFUL RIVER\IEWS fro,.m thi, -.atertront home mte on deep-. ne i ri\er oxbo. %, pl-ate d.ock in place Home site is located appriol 1-5 ft from SOMETHING SPECIAL run NATURE LOVERS. Thi. 22 CBS Home & Guest mubile s o.n jack's Branch wriner access This Linique roerty also has its own private ISL D. tGor-eots propel is ;co'.ered w/large oaks.. Cjll toi nmoie detail $475.000 GORGEOUS RIVTRFRONT! This 1.1.4 acie lot i, \ooded & located on Cblinti Road "8 Build \sour dream hone on thl, paiel & enjoy \ endless views of the Caloosahatchee Riser. Seller Motivated! Bring all offers' Price Reduced $399,000 INVESTMENT OPPOR- TUNITY' 2.10' WIDE, lDEEP voterR 5Pnate can.J fiontage leis than 6,1O to C3a o.ahatchete River Currend) zoned for up to 12 units w th seer and water Prime locinon, walking distance to DI., to" n LaBUe.ulleSt East Bindge. creat ,,hmt.rnntalue' $550.000 HOMES 1NTHE CITY AFFORDABLE ALND WELL MAIN- TAJNED 13BR 2B n manlutctuiel .hoie i.ficte ao po,-ible l4th bedi,,um Perfect starter home or rental invest- ment. Located within city limits, com- pletely fenced & priced to sell! Price Reduced $89,900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3BR/2BA manufactured home has a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! Possible owner financing available! Owner will consid- er all offers' Price Reduced $105,000 IMMNACLiL TE 3BR'2BA MANLiFAC- TURED HOME situated on shaded oTerszed lot in toun & completely tenced Home features .\ulted ceilings. -plit lcn plan. kitchen ,nih pantn & breakfast land. Reduced $13-1,900 PRICED TO SELL! Home in the cuis t man\ oaks This BR 2BA features gal- salume r.LofI. nei ntinelli -alp.. open living area, eat in kitchen & open din- ing. Fenced back ard with well for lasrn irrigation s(oi ge shed $179,900 CHARMING 2BR/2BA CEDAR HOME sit, on on\eisied corner lot in the cis reatuies are saulted ceilings. ule, Fiench doors, fenced back sard & extra storage $199.900 HOMES OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE, 2BR,B on R 29 stua on SR9 tuedn '. acre $99,500 3BR/IBA IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. Nice Iloor plan, tile through ,out Priced to sell $130.000 3BR'2BA HOME wllde though out blv- Ing area, Laige living loom + lamil\ I oom. Fenced back ,ard s manv utpicals BBQ Ioni Price Reduced $179,900 APPEALING 2BR12BA HOME located in a desirable neighborhood apprusi- nmtelh 5 miles V.esl ot l.aBelle. Features include open tloor plan, ne\, metal rol. ceramic uLe, fenced real ya'd, and gorgeous curb appeal. Home recently painted inside and out is situ- ated on a beautiful.25 acre lot. Move in ready! $187,000. 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEAN! This home is truly a beauty from the inside out. Features: ceramic tile, bonus room w/:hurricane shutters, screened orch, alarm system & spa- cious bedrooms & bjihre-_oms Well manicured corner lot %, irrlgauon svs- tenl irnu't rce $189,000 RR,')RA CRs i HnM W PAnOl IN LAUREL OAKS. .er\ deis;rabicl eigh-, bu hoiodi gip eat flooi plan tor a grow- ing larnl\ Properit i .urrironded b', laige oaks Home pi-ol needs TLC. being sold .AS IS PiLte Reducedi. $199,900 CBS HOME- PORT LABELLE UNIT 102. Features open floor plan, split bed- rooms, Frigidare stainless steel appli- ances, tile throughout, separate tub and shower in master, vaulted ceilings, patio and tiro car garage. $219,000 IMMACULATE 3BR IBA CBS HOME w' bonus room Situated on a '. acie corner lot n.great curb appeal Price includes additional biu,1dable lot. $219.500 NEW CONSTRUCTION 3BR/2BA CBS HOME! Split floor plan. 2.000+ totil sq ft granite counted topo, 1'" celamict ile, vaulted ceiling and man\ more upgraded features $245,000 3BR'2.5BA CBS POOL HOME, spa cious floor plan boasung reil L2.01) It o erlooking beautiful lap poo, patio and court) aid. Also features office/4th bedroom, walk in closets,'brick paved deck and new roofin 2005. $310,000 HOMES ON ACREAGE SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. This 4BR/2BA oversized home. features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in living areas & many extras! Price Reduced $265,000 SPACIOUS 4BRK2BA NMANUTACTURED HOME.on 4 -4 + acres w pond & mostly cleared. Sphi floor plan, large master bed:o,,m blth. office ncrle'l . formal living loom. ranil loo.iii open kitchen. t, island $325,000 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/- acres tro inn g ,on pa.ed i.,ld at ppro,\ "3 nrie. fromi' ton. PlopeltN is t elc.d &. clut, tlerted ,icousis >,:'k ind holr, e .i -i bli 5490.000. HWY 78 FRONTAGE, 0(e i 1 ciecs %, 2 lrne urnit, Homesteaded ir9n 163 t\ \\illhin. Henr\ l'hViwIder, ist ml be hjrd r, tirnd a more detsiabl, site A prime location in an area of proposed future development in beautiful Fort Denaud Frcatiuit ja 32 CBS home & rental m,..ile home on 12.03 acres ILh' nm,sse old oa,,s and palms I-ocjted appruu\rimatell i 2 milc, es\\ ,, LaBclle irl I li.ieage .,il Hwl 7i & N,. ins R-J $900,000. UNIQUE OLD FLORIDA ESTATE! 10 53 sq ft under roo, + 2 5.5 sq ft pool & pauo aica' Excltu,i.ve pool home locared East Io LaBelle on 5 beauulul. oak- & citrus-filled acres fronung on SR 80 Home ,teaules nmn\ architectural detail, from laulted ccdings and sk\- lights, to panrh ule Ilooring Custom floi plan includes .5 master suite. pri- vate sitting i ,.,.m. French door, to large lanai, covered, aulk i, as, ponklsde rec room, 1BR/1BA cottage. is elk -bal\ workshop w/garage. electric gjte entranceway, paved drive & completely fenced. One offakind! $1,500,060 COUNTRY LIVING... minutes from. t-.%,n Lucated in the path of Jerelop- ment' Thi-1 31.1 acre piopelli I, custom 2BR. 3B hinope ctfes income from grove, privacy & the possibility of future development with county approval. $2,000,000 LOTS 3RD AVENUE .45 Acre $69,000 CALHOUN STREET .64 Acre $89,000 201 N. HICKORYSE 62 Acre $98,500 PORT LABELLE LOTS AVAILABLE $24,000 $48,000. Call for details. MONTURA RANCH ESTATES- Rr inJr ntal h..inies.tei 1 aii .ibll: COMMNERCLUL.BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned propcrt, Ic.icd in Dr. rni.-.,,n LaBellc Pertectl, situa[cd .o-n the c.,inec i ul iH\\\ '24 i Bridge Strcet aond Park .\senue, less than I block from the Caloroah~tchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Hi-t, icrial r'llji ima-St le two story build- ing fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000. BRING VOUTR BUSINESS TO THE HEART OF THE CITY Th-, biusinc~ zoned propertL i: In.ated 1ii LaBele on I-lhvs 80 Impro\ements include CBS building ,,44 x 24 canop. $399.000 BEST BUY! .Alordable Bumness Zoned Proper cm ThlrT BR !IBA h..me a sirioat.e on a high naffit L !.d in the ion Just 2 blocks north ot H-i 41.i and I blcd, east ol Bndge Street and surrni,-lled b\ local huaks and busmesses Pnced toSel' $150.000 INDULSTRLAL INDLISTRIAL PROPERTY! Evxuecnt Iln\e'inent upp.:-i tuni 277 frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on irnel of Hwy 29 and N. Ind.lstr.il Lcrp Rcad. 3 steel buildings- (\\'arehiuse-..i..11 siq ft..; shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The G.ator Bait Pub his been a 'thri-.ing biusiners ;n the Pilneei Corinmunit hor man\ years If 'o .e e\tir iwntr.ed to. run aSui own Restaurlian anii L'o:unce liec: d Our chance. This quam.r' ersabhishmenr ci-.i:- 15il) furnished, i.o:mpl teel cqiipped' kilchelln & ir.ci' j i jr leat ; tor an\ rniticpienrei $171.500.00. I yn Ei L.ied Re $b'ete Biker -'Is,. '.1 "5' iii. ~*. Ssstkn SheiMd, Jud'gm~jOss~~ M* tbtc hd ~lpI ~is s~ori~ies - NrT RkEDCED Ww er'jc home. l LAMY LMVIT6A De t TO WCH NAD IN YOLE OWN 's {tLIL SAn:I "BRMNG d O.FFmrS ro~loJ~Ee l~ It~PqL~ dt ~ BHixn r9YA WUfro flfr,~o ml~aoau I(.- ukribsCII lilt." sftc i f~. vc~ and afff.,rdU 6rtrer Jt7.innL-.rhj bce lsn ue~ sktuatehd 'stoa12 Feaeeew la"r mkrtalae ,JrIrailRarssgJE Tte i -~': Ilfr,2fl:Abt~siiotib~~pl~flocrpi~rt Lo th ftb deIn C Rivec t~li6 !nle'ftor Iif W1 i n art., tri JiTh.Th-. Three, d iant,'on ius! atk !-OMW9, cbzw Bit+ .)M dreq Vaah~hddc] M- tv, wa -In r ra aw muttr W his ja4 rl'tu b~2 I wasa, l ThIr rjim oflers okrLrd trslll iwzlk"3i nrrrtsiijr lul thea c erl rurb -rg- c i Th:' ii~l~d kuni va't a fe1 i otht- s~ee~e.b~k: p~h'ii~d rfrciid 14h~ard~.~ dsucib~6i~ al pail lras.a rlrdr ~i a 17 ,T~rtcrw~l srci rwslet A nrlt srhre ~mo~aR L~~ tixrl [neiC r ].,l t ~~ .n IIcsp~n tirais Srth.a n~ed unr~i~t t'it g~eetitel KI~rBDS YfdIara 1lmStrvr~ .5EjM~ WRLa NWdUl ~pFEu.T h'~s -SQhk4.t'e ~ r~p~gt~ ~ ,o~i~~:~~~\r~ ~ i~SBOR i. ittuI~sflre~,la~*ieo~mirthwr~m!:r uid~J3L5lO . 'Will kt %74 -Ll*jp.ta.4 WATERFRONT HOMES SUNSETS. BOATS and deep after r dock along with a 3BR.'BA CBS home on 1.35+.- ac... $825,000 PANORA.MIC VIEWS of the Caloosahatchee Rrler asait you in this 3BR.2 5BA home v.ith an o\eriued pri-ate boat dock Commulnit\ pool. boat ramp, & rtennii court. $749,000 UPGRADED 3BR/2BA HOME FEATURES 125 ft of rirer htrc.tage. Conenientlv located within I moilc of marina, restaurants and grio cnurse $599,900 IT IS HARD TO BELLEVE an lntracciastal riler-ront home at thli price. 3BR2BA home with a bo,.s duck. 12.000 Ib boat lift and covered boat house Home has corman countertops. Florida room. tile and carpet floors. Lush lawsn has irrgaion :,tlem with riter water as source. $565,000 SAVOR THE SUN at ,your pnsate waterfront retreat 4BR'2BA manufactored'home its ma lestcalls at the end of a cul-de-sac. Chersized back porch looks. over ihe rier for endless river vieas $ 524,000 SUMdTER FUNI 4BR/'2B.A N/H includes 135 ft. of river access, making an easy launch for let skis Detached garage and high quality upgrades. $395,000 NJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS with this 3BR 'BA home. rnaigable creek offers direct iccesis i the Caloosahatchee River. $369.000 PERFECT SIZED front M H include landscape. $145,00 IVATE. MAKE THIS 200 2 50i + ac. of ii easement has access IMPROVED WA HARBOR. Include ed harboriage Ohe 240 FT OF NAVIG rlier access, and di t,. '+.- ac. $429,( 230 FT ON THE RANCH ETTES. 2. community, $425.1 TAKE IN THE BE +,- ai home site gre nbelt betiweei allotted $410,000 GORGEOUS CUL water frontage and 3 BR/2BA CBS HOME on 21i + ac tbrasts. a r:u workshop (indudies office i'd. brn, pas.cJ dnve, dartrL.i flair mets :ountrv charm $999,000 -sBR'2BA HOME ON 6+.- AC. Pn-ic -i t:kcd pond. *ancrfa' oiuri tirels il, i sheI.iJ & .)(. ponlf barn Wil.dlo Iofor "li hmeIei $699.900 3BK'2BA CBS BOME un 5+ t ri as fened pJn .uke tJ Jdarr gee of r rim. lringe wilrh a I,..rteruert d'me $595,000 QUIET COLINTRY LIING un 10i) -,-rJ A.r.s Luaecli sBl.2BA BS him1 Alme r 11)i .I-it B uIsh 'p $589,900 PKCTURE PERFECT .Bi'.BA I i rr. e>lcr hr:.me i iarurc, pnrmre p..rol and nr 'r.-':'. iorar, the Cou.inirltry buat rjmrp $549.900 SUBMIT AND OFFER, NOTHING TO LOSE, OWNER WAN rS rO MOEvEI 1B. 'B'R .:ui.ruin I1g hno.e onr 5 frn..ad pru'jte a rcs ir, MI :e H.r-m e feature -r-r ui u icni l fg 'torne fIrrfpjl.i.e ;.le'.cjr r ile flujni, her rml pine wlrd.m.. .rteen pwi'th. ovrri,-edJ ded. p:rndl '-oid.t:.p..iJ p:.le to..irrn, 50,000 3BRu2BA 2-STORY HOME SITUIATED un ? 5' + c r.3ll,'. pI-le t..Im. 12 Iei.Lc.hk..p OI. i,:o.:reJ acreage $j.39,000 DREAMS NEVER END In Ihbs Iu:l.rm 'P.BRK2 A [,xl hnrr, '.ith a gI.'r ig [lurpl. .e Suiring :cirrgin Jcn ind a .uirmer ihicher, $399,900 180 N. Bridge St. LaBele, FL (863) 675-6788 IeTAl E LA D O 1-888-675-6762 LAND.heritaelanco.com I W"A%.heritagelandco.com I is ]Is GET-A-WAY OASIS! 5 BR 2BA canal ACREAGE es detailed upgrades and thoughtful 39 AC OAK PLANTATION Completely fenced 0 ..,ilh l -b cabin, shooting range, lots of wildlife, F NT M.IT 1-re- Itad. 3-8 year old oaks planted would RFRONT HOMES SITES r mak teatbusiness. $1,800,000 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE YOURS. IN OME PRODUCING ORANGE GROVEw/ erfront acreage isiih removable spoil min..l..ler irrigation. 80+/- ac. Can be split for !s from CR 7,: $795,000 n.rJlce. Irdilding possibilities. $12,500 per ac. TERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA 43.32 +- AC. OF oaks, pines, cypress trees, -s boat dock, stell, electric and protect-. dJ Il- ure. Well and power on site. Zoning is r 16 t f i aer f-,lt $..499.000 rne .iri.:.m:site per 5 ac. $1,190,000 r R16 K FIt of tRerfirlt $-199.000 OAK HAMMOCK, CYPRESS AND PALMET- ABLE CREEK FRONT. River \iews, rOS gr, .e this 48.07 +/- ac. Flowing creek ock permit. Deed restricted communi- dJJ.. ., [he charm $1,100,000 000 -1O +- AC. OFF well maintained dirt road. RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE Limlirir.tJ potential at $30,000 per ac. . .53 +.'- ac. in desirable deed restricted Manigcjble Orange grove in Ft Denaud offpri- 00 iate .u.l. $850,000 "' 00 .30 +-AC. OF IMPROVED pasture with wood- -AUTY OF THE RIVER from thir- 2 88 r, p., .hes Picturesque flowing creek, and in Pt LiBelle Rancheites. 200 ft of ,amp h. -iises. $705,000 n home site and riser, boar docks 20 +/- FENCED AC. of improved land. f.',.cllerir potential. $660,000 -DE-SAC LOT offers approx 175 fi of 20 +. A RES OF SERENITYina park-like set- I tons of prisac% .. $250,000 Ing ced in Muse.l Additional parcels aval- ""able $490,000 20 +/- AC. WITH plenty of space for your THIS 3 BRI2BA CEDAR SIDING HOME Ii liccjaTd h.me Bim ki up ... Likc: BrotlhFr: a'.dJ klin:ed 35 mile, S.iih of LaBllee Home Leatures rn.JuJei 'on thrre side- $458.000 bejaunrfl .:urom wo.:.d pareling nullhed: ending 3 AND 1 ACRE HOMEl"'S Ilubij ir. P:.nil HI Heo. uwalk-in dL ,eLs, rc erLsued wJallkin slhoiw r.1 IjBell.: Idir.:h l:c, ..tme .l rir. ...,:. .ii.ni large caeered. in bak pLrdi open irtfnt porch Ai v.-, $3-15.000 lo $410,000 sheJ po'leb tr are prutidlJ [oro'urt inrage netCi 18.5 ACRES I 1...la:J ,rt .t Si cfll., i J 'f..r lrher ferutes int lude fruil iree, flo:enrig pbrnt i& '.i.oli 5359.000 ir3.1 i .anir on .\: lm $350,000 15 + AC for ,.-.ur i-:.'. ..uirn hor. .,.rin:..I PORRAIT OF PEACE P TiBk 2BA-.pit tlu.i plan - hmra Ir. R bertrid Esuit.o julLaei d .etilirngs .eunri s-renm c.i p.irquel Ilol,rr, g separidie lsing dndr Iamil) ro.m i-.ind J a lari.in: minerit rh $315,000 A HOME WITH PERSONALLY AND CHARM '.BR BA.CBtS hmt.rnc ;al ll.i r plil $23.,900 3BR.2B4 WiHi 1.656 SQ. FT. LI ING ARIA. Budilt n ;0i5 .criemnd lindai -Ah h.l rub $215.000 3BD,2BA ON SP4CIOUS GREENBELt rhe holrme r... hae.: for cnnou, i..,lr $210.000 NEWER 3BRi2BA..UNDBRirGONTRAIGT PARIIAUIY FURNISHED .BRIBA home irnlude cjrpAr.n-,i -irir. ihed Near ..id and. .:r-rmmuirir) pov.l $160.000 TOTAL MAKU OVER Lr. rh1. 1BR2B\ hr.-.nmt Ncv roIor A I: .in djuct work ricU kiju.hen r bircti, .ith iolid surlfccur unlerrrop $159.900 DON r W~IT rr r. ff~ourJ f h. ahG TRAO9,90o. 3BR'1BA COiNTRY VILLAGE HOME. e- ,iin hdndjltr ,ind irJeir.irg untr I*,0)4 ".I fi udiati 1ii ScrecneJ porch Crou. he th .Oft the home 'Commrunnr l pi:.l witlh a lubhouse and ame. i[ rur'm cr,' affordable $159,900 NEW CONSIIUC nON CUSTOM HOMFI 3BRBA CBS home Aith s-i.odJ I.luun II unral eiJ i r'.:-uFd or, a gei-er.-.'i...lI .dlrr 'lot., 'uairvy suio'undiin es. nertlr nt .i D 53"'5,000 EASHIONABLE AND FUNCnONAI new eonr.riualun .B r. 2BA Cbi hume or,n .1a. InIuil f.if S 1D339,000 BE FIRST TO LIV'E i- ir.his ABR"'2 'i h.jrme th.a I jureL Ar alj.ldiorn l I i II ra..rr, thar .:.'. ulJ 1 uedsj iu. Ih bl ..rfif e .Qr t. n l ..ir i Oicr:.ired .- r f u _',rripleJ Lt., 11 l ,-. L -, 52-1,900 BUDGET FRIENDLY NtW CONSTRUCTION. iB. 2A,. wIidt rrcnccl. i s.u.e tr.nii, Reduced to 5 199.000 wi$6.000qeller's couhribulon. Bring.ULL offers I I11'JUT IN' nIlE '10 DECORAfl. '-I ~t~lmh ne.. .jrc~rru ~l',r h.~m.:j L lureI jikJ S. 13 t~r,,rn~rrr Ii.; I i):I~f; I PMT 111:01; (orom er Il.; I ,n .ina t$389,900.HO I (OIN'M CHAPUR -,r, 5 KreT'BR2 homeorre miau :" p'hde' ;ifil oIl h,. c b in 5$5.000 1 per 5 ac. $349,900 ' 20 +/! AC. of investment property in Western Muse. $299,900 5 +/- AC. west of LaBelle & only a short dis- tance to Ft. Myers. $269,900 MUSE 5 ACRES on Loblolly Bay Rd $200,000 5 ACRES in Felda...$170,000. LADECA ACREAGE, peaceful get-a-way on 5 +/-ac. $165,000 2 AC +/- on Phillips Rd $141,900 5 AC+/- Gerber Grove $25,000 PER ACRE 8 AC+/- Gerber Grove $16,500 PER ACRE MONTURA RANCH ESTATES. 1.07 to 1.25,+/- ac tracts. $28,500 to $49,900 BEAUTIFUL, WOODED 2.5 ac +/-lot with large oaks in Muse. $50,000 HOMESITES REFINED HOMESITES available in deed restricted Laurel Oaks. From $90,000 to $110,000 new construction homes also avail- able. HARD TO FIND OAK FILLED corner lot in the city. $150,000 ENJOY THE QUIET of a tree filled V +/- ac. in town $99,900 .40+/- AC LOT OFF CR 78 in nice established neighborhood. Cleared lot with trees that skirt die p' purni ($89.900. .40+- AC LOT ACROSS FROM CALOOSA ESTfEr S S D. 21.1 21.1i .i ll licd ,sell ..r. ,..'. r erTr un.rl.-.p,.u i,] ..I.. crXnl:' e $89,900 3.- AC BUILDABLE LOTF ..l l. ui:iA. Iif-..: ir -ic l,:. l ilI, ,en.J .-.I Hir.:l TI 1l $8%,000 CHERISH THE CIH'RM ,.I rh, he u.iriilul ..j rllJ .:,h 1...1 4I i .r,. $85.000 3BRI2BA ON 6+.- CROSS-FENCED ACRES inr..u .tl*':IC .:- ..ip .-.r irplere V I' r et up, djcud'ii l g'iija c ind rliu..h r Tr.re $399.000 LIKE NEW B 'b 1\ RJ,:.Jubl. ,ui. M. H .n ') + + $399,000 LOOKING FOR ACRLAGE AND RENTAL INCOMblEi 'hi r, i Ill -+ j-,-:. ijLh a t '-.- 2 BIE. 2BA mkoib-lc ] l...| l- mr .m i i Hcndri', r, .,, - pje.l r ru-I m url.r : i .:'ifrr LiB elle ard Si (r .mpieicl I ':rci l .lth '-i. le j are rV.0r of reraul ,r.....trern mi 199,900 STARED FOR SPACEL Infrlenide on i + ,, r.' I F1 ., i II.hng, h f rn ii.r fireplute, I in.grr un p.-._,l ir.d ,utJo.- r .:.r -ri h p.,: 1941,900 2BR'2BA VITH DEN an li:-lu: -'i" A:re igerain be srlii r,..i aJ.Jn.r,.d huTre SI e i 19",900. 2BR2BA MOBILE HOME ..-n r -:rc, 1199,900 SPACIOLS 1.809 SQ. Il MANUFACTURED HOME i ,.. I a.:re F uiulr IentltrLI,' bI B2 \ [f.ijtir' f. in l 6u .-i si '..l iru o io'' m., bre kthsi barii.. er. i.e-.d n,-i r I,:.dr r, a.' i id I ,,h Ail.:ordi.bl, pn':ed $155.000. GET OLiT OF TOWN PRICED TO SEIL LBR. 2.A r.lH n'ii 2 i s ,ll i ,j.uk p' erisLi ne1 l'...'-T $150.000 ---ww--- TROPICAL GULF ACRES, Homesites in Charlotte County 2.5 AND 5 ACRE Parcels in Pioneer Plantation. Priced from $75,000 to $175,000. LEHIGH ESTATES .297 +/- ac. Conveniently located to Ft. Myers $66,900 PRIVACY PURE AND SIMPLE on these 1.25 to 3.75 +/- ac. parcels. Lehigh Properties priced from $65,000 and up. 1/2 +/- ac. buildable lot west of Joel Blvd. in Lehigh. $62,900 CANAL FRONT PARCEL .30 +/- ac. Easy access to Hwy 80. $60,000 INDIAN HILLS .45 & .67 ac. +/- $53,900 to $55,000 .60 +/-AC close to town. $40,000 .60 +/-AC ZONED for mobilehome $40,000 MANY TO CHOOSE FROM 1/4 +/- ac. lots in NW Lehigh Acres, $36,900 and up WIDE VARIETY OF HOMESITES in all units of Port LaBelle. Something for everyone -1/4 ac. to 1/3 +/- ac. Starting at $20,000. COMMERCE LA -1.61 +.- C\ ZONED 1-2. i,. ritr. C. -.rf.,iJal Bui. ik, liii r, i .,ll .....i l.: j ..'.i h.u l i-,, r l'lj l';J .ch i h.l l *, "..Ii .*' fK u ,. Ii.. rclr ti.., I. ,*Ii.'. a,.ch-lii. u : ,. ii i r'lI II l.:.Il Blldl.lll-l c Jr jlil. J n.- ei c. 1,jll4 F-'rr .,i I l bur ajn.J -clc $39.900000 3.09 ACRES OF R-3 ZONED PROPERIn ,',:,. :r.a,- ir,:,-,, ,...l:* I !, 1. ... J.-,. I .:d F 'i:, r: i,.ur",-,iil ,'',iI':J .\. ,Ji'-inr ,,t ,,.: - iJ -.,,, ir.J:. l I... ',|l,', I., r li t *I'. I ,ri J.llr .lf hirlu '- ,.clJ. mIr':Ir .l II J al,1",l| ..,I, I.r..::r...i 3, 000,000 1.02 ACRES OF PRIME B-I ZONED PROPERlY I-. ..1, liir ,.pr.r l i, i ,u. iiir l r h $1,200.000 GREAI BUSINESS POItENFLM ..ui, i ,21' . i -i, I + r:. .l 11 --.. la i h,,,_ $499,900 YOUR BUSINESS BELONGS -., rhi I,,: ,. ,', -IJi. l I ,.r.'cJc. .'.'.i' J I., rjl i..r i iu ' il-i ,i.ili'iir .J 0 ,,._,r,;.-,[..l 54- '9,2-48 OFF HH1 80 IN LABELLI[ + II hl .-'l.. .. ,, l.'.p.l. hi. u l ,: 1 .r 1 ,, f-535.000 MOI\E OUR BUSINESS 10 LABEILL! H i,.,w: v. I.u. 1.,11,,; 1.. 1: -:Al.,.I Ill ,..l ,,l'l'. I,,l l I[I, ,.. I uij I I i ,[ h ,: , ,,,u .. .. .. w, $22-4,500 COMMEIRCIAL L01 ... I, 1:l1. : i ,. I r A ,, .. r. i, 1 .l'.l. ..,. 13'.000. Fori L abelle, L~*~B~ II II I I _ I I e I 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14,2006 "WE ARE MAKING IT SIMPLE TO BUY A NEW F*SERIES OR RANGER." Now THROUGH JANUARY 2ND WE WILL SHOW YOU OUR FACTORY INVOICE. OFtFE US ANY PROFIT, SUBTRACT THE REBATE, AND THAT'S YOUR DEAL! Stk6t747 / !i - Stk7t51 Stk7t80 Buy a ne 2L0-. F 10Su r CrewC -X-i nd ake -u to Buy a new 200 2 Cr Cab i nd ke up to Bru ev a new v, i Ran and Stereo r Lsreo or lust 9000F $880 Sio 0.220* M"RP* SRP*$ B ANY NEW FORD AND GET BIG BUCKS BACK FROM FORD FOR THE HOLIDAYS! PUT US TO THE TEST WE CAN MEET OR BEAT ANY DEALER'S LEGITIMATE ADVERTISED PRICE OR PAYMENT ON A NEW FORD! iler rt lr 5e l Deti l !:.r d le \ehilde m a, bd 'ubject .i prhor .ale ae Io.r ilirt.[rat..:-, pur[ .. i, N.,r r- p .nh: ,.,. Ip... p .._.. i| I..i i : I- i l n 11. 005 FIVE HUNDREDS 20Z6 SENTRA 2006 MUSTANG GT l.- '} .c il TiJ f irn l ,, r,h 1. i il. ,.. j r in : ,:jr :. Ip .-rir, j in l-,ur.i l,r l r. rcI .',:rrJct-- .; ri i l u o Iil: 'rii Lrrnc... r coE ..cr i',: ulrn, i- m i.i i n, ii:: ..rl I ,:' i, ll I.. hi .Jr J T o i_ ,l u r ,ri ,I- l, ir ,: ,n.a l ,, r..-,I l ., I,1, l.. i_ r, rl, :TqJ r ,,,: l r 1 if',,j .lu d iL ,1 r -. : ,p ,-, 4, ,:u h l n Iu l, .L ', l .. :. J u l tp Li .iT i ai r ) i r. l, r ... I r- i :l. ,, ,: ,,- r, ,l r,,T F'.. I r m, ':.r it, r ,. A f. ..lfni l 'i,- .: w r.'F ,. lu l, : rl, rl', -I r j ii. r ull .,, i .I ,Il,:.I ,,-, ,, ,..[ j',- ,I r,r, n i-ce : lj I'ir', le preJ '" TI;,T rh2 13 l-..: i l' I.cr jr l. i SI3,450 $1 1,200 $23,200 6UUO Io6AUQ r 0 QOU l uLI, hl ,-d 3red [1.r< r.e ,rh rdl i.i,. .. l ,m r .',1ed rijir lj h"I .lu.1.1 j 5' :,L '., nr '.|, _1 jul, .r A'.: .lu0 :rn, ,-l- im : ,: 1',l 1 A C po. er r.,,.. i-.o. u.. ;jri...ci i- ifr,, iu.imr rrc.rj, o J, Ijrhrcr :cjl .aith A LC Shc jr l l I,...I t .- I .- er ur,.hj,J, r, cJ .'.1 ; r, p l.Ck . m :,,ni rlr ,c i C jr, l j,.,1 ri .. ifi .i r, ,T..:. $30,250 BuuX unaunvAAA ua. i, .,lrj cIlJr. .:,:,l '.i -i h :r.l 2.,L iil,.: j ,. lj ; lu pp,.lJ i.Lhl ' i ir.flu'J .- a r. -d i i jui .. 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A C. ,I. ,: rl p.: ll.n Wil. i l ,1' .. r v.I: ....- ..--, rr,-, -.: I, ..' J-, IA- ,jil iiL, ,, fen ,, J p v. -i.j 'o ,J.po r lt.,:ck iil ahcl i. crile con- ): Jll ... l,:l,-: :.J ,,,J 11 'r l 11 1. I rl|I. l' .h.,. I l .. II I ..r l IO1 jl l,, ll.ls ie lr '.li la r ll :.. :I J pII I r.-, e m: lldc' iC . ..riin iri mrri- 1.15723 c irr) j .i''i .J i. Arj ijntl UI Ii $10 994 $22,800 MVwwV aaVVI Uaalu w itWWVI]ViI S.R W I W*V'A% Tis the season to ride with the top down and this is the right car! In excel- Extra clean and affoi:,djbbic illh ill Ih c o.ir irn ii '.~ i ,i.-L. ,r. lent condition with only 20K miles and loaded with features including a ij'r... ,'p i' .... ''i .i. ..,::iri r,.,., ' rI :, Jui. i i' r. i'J p/doorlocks, tilt, cd, l/moon roof, all.' u I ; .l i le i c r-i jI. ru,.h ..l:r. : ..I lh ,.r e .ji, trr rinr.: ,i ji,,, I I.- L .:i ..r I... i,:.., entry prem ium only69K wellmairni r,:, l r mii:, i i ,. $16,923 $6,825 -.,-'.--'e So~ 'C. '.5'.~ 2005 ESCAPE LMT 2003 DURANGO SLT T il ,, iif .J .. i... ,i1.i .:1 ,, i,,,J ,, h i ,-, ,lni,: i ,- iL Extra clean and nice with only -. rrl r. "i.j a ,d e.u.rr'ed ri-hr' fjiclurl e VL, ,. n,- ,,: =,,i.,.,, ii. ,, 1,1 include a 47 L V8 engine, auto ,,1 ir In. \ C i:,r,:Tn.u.i I |j[hrr i n,-.r p i...... i ,, I i. ..I ..i .,: ., r, I with 3rd;row seat, rearA/C, fullp,: c.i Fg fv. FM rrer -. ii asi:l .c - lhi...l. I .iTi-. I I.I.. ,i ii ,11.1 ..1 r, ,.ni .-,' .1 ,-1 i ,,.lr alum inum wheels, privacy glass, ircjr ,rl.:'.. ..l.'i.,''. salj i ,iirr'l'-m i I.c U5736 less entry with panicalarm. On sale now! 6T636A 8 15995 812,4012 1~~ ,J,lt : iy~t 2003 RANGER XLT SC 2003 F150 LARIAT CC 2005 F250 XLT SC 4X4 This 1 owner trade-in has only 27K original miles and is in excellent con- This double sharp pickup is loaded with extras including a 5.4LV8 engine, This truck is ready for work or play and equipped right! Includes a 5.4LV8 edition. Features include a 3.0L V6 engine, automatic od trans, A/C, p/win- 4 speed auto OD trans, A/C with auto temp control, leather interior, full engine, automatic od trans, A/C, p/seat; p/windows, p/door locks, tilt dows, p/door locks, stereo cd, alloy wheels, bedliner, sunscreen glass and power pkg., power adjustable pedals, remote keyless entry, tilt steering, steering, cruise control, stereo cd, tow pkg., bedliner, cab steps, premium remote keyless entry. On sale now! 6T688A cruise control, 6 disc stereo CD player, cab steps, aritilock brakes, trailer stereo 6 disc cd player, chrome wheels, remote keyless entry and factory tow pkg., 3.55 limited slip axle and much more. On sale now! 6T431A1 warranty withonly 27K original miles. U5733 $10,650 $6100 $22,500 $10, O- 'S 9 to Compare and save big on this nicely equipped work van with only 33K original miles. Features include a 4.6LV8 engine, 4 speed auto trails, A/C, 4 wheel anti lock brakes, tilt wheel, p/windows, p/door locks, remote key- less entry with panic alarm, AM/FM stereo, rear door glass and the balance of the factory warranty Extra clean and sale priced! U5668 $13,453 . _________ 675-168q,-.. HHighway 29 South wwInjlBturi'UuEl~cuw 'N C) [I NO N 0 1-,' .1, R 17) a N C) t tc, I- 111A.", trcb, "IC h. S*\,rtiz'tnever-," I - -, - - -- I - - ~9.~E~Fllll~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14,2006 to SCountry Oiks -Mrs. Schroeder SFourth Grade Dear Santa, I have been very good this year Sbut all I want is a happy family. My Uncle Erin was in a bad car Swreck. I want my dad to come S.visitthis Christmas, but he already .has plans. I wan everyone I know to have a very happy Christmas - this year. SMerry Christmas, Breanna Brown P.S. I do not want anything for SChrismas (you know presents) Dear Santa, I've been lazy and so does the - mean I'm bad? My sister has been Good and helps unlike me. I saw What she wanted was a camera. My mom is a teacher Ist grade. Can you get her some safari ani- mals. The main thing she wants is a 50" pillow with a snowman My dad wants a 42" plasma tv. He also wants new pipes for his Honda VTN 1300. My dogs have their toys so don't get them for them because we have them. My Grandpa %%ants a new yellow Dodge Nitro. One more thing my dad wants is a mil- lion dollars. There are two things I want. The first is an MP3 player, with a video player in it. The other thing is a dirt bike. From Michael P. Dear Santa, How are you doing at the North Pole" I hope your doing fine. I want to tell you that I'm doing fine at school and at home. Santa, at school I don't do bad things. At home I don't hit my sis- ter or my brother. I don't do bad things at home. Santa, are the elves doing fine" I think they are tired of making a lot of presents For Christmas. Do you see the elves tired when they are working they should they had been working all this year just give them a rest? For Christmas I think I want a laptop so I could do my Home- work. i even want a puppy because at home I play all by myself and I could play with him I want a ipod so I could listen to music. I even want a Bare doll because when it rains I'm bored so I could play with the Barbie. This is the things I want for Christ- mas I hop you have a save flight. Love. Jessica Leal Dear Santa, Hello how are you doing? I- saw the Polor Express it was hilar- ious. My favorite part was when the little boy got on the train.What, was yours? It's good Christ was born on that day. You are a legend Santa. You have the red nosed Raindeer. Can I lead you sleigh? I think you need to make more Christmas songs. Why is it so cold on Christmas: What I want for Christmas is the Twin travel doll system set. My brother wants a ball. My mom wants a hat. My sister wants a doll. My dad wants tools. Love, Eileen Smith PS. Ho-Ho-Ho Merry Christ- mas. To Santa, Santa, I have been a bad boy and a good boy. I work hard in math and on reading. Sometimes I get As and B's. When I get A's my mom gets happy and when I get F's my mom gets mad. I want to go with my dad but he is in jail. always fights with my mom. I want black heel'ys because it feels that you want to fall but it you get good with the heel'ys you could go fast.If you are not good you could fall. I want to get my sis- ter a ring it cost six dollars and for my little sister I want to buy her a scooter. I want to buy something for my momr and dad because they give me food, shelter and clothes. I help my mom to watch my little brother I clean the house when my is at the hospital with my little sister. I want an xbox with two controls and 3 games. From Francisco Dear Santa, Santa I have been a good and bad boy. The good thing is that I work hard help my mom. I got a lot of B's and A's in math because I love math. If I do a good think I go get a treat. The bad thing is that I took a test for Francisco and Francisco took a test for me, andwe went to the office. He was going to tell us to miss five days of school. Then we wrote a not to our moms to see what we did. I hope you bring me some presents on Christmas and I'll be a good boy. Don't be a bad boy like me I want a play sta- tion 3 and some discs for the play station. From Jovani Bedolla Dear Santa, My family and I get together with friends, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandpa and grandma. Eery year we get together and celebrate Christmas. We always have fun when we get together and celebrate Christmas. When we get together we sing carols, watch the Polar Express and have fun celebrating Christmas. I have fun celebrating Christmas with my relatives and friends. In Christmas my family and I always get ready to decorate all around the house. My family and I always help each other decorate around the house and put up the tree. We put up reindeers and polar bears. \Ve always put stock- ings up We always decorate our house all around. Every year we decorate our house; Santa these are some things I will like for Christmas a PSP, I-Pod, MP3 player, game boy SP, laptop, Also I would like heels and a cell phone. I will like something for my mom and dad for my mom I will like some pillows for her bed, table, stove and a refrigerator. For my dad I will like a new toolbox, a watch and a necklace. That's somethings I will like lor myself my mom and dad._I have one 'question for you. Have I been good or bad to get all the stuff I want? Sincerely, Juana Gomez Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? You know Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, cupid, Donner, and Blitxen. And you recall the most famous reindeer of all, Rudolph: The elves are working hard this :ime of year, right? Please ask them if can get a Yasmin Brat doll. So I just want to let know how you, the reindeer and the elves are \\ ere doing and to wtish you a very Merr) Christmas. Love, Amanda Phipps Dear Santa, I've been a good boy. How long does it take to bring presents to all the good boys and girls in one night? Do you really give bad boys and girls coal? How's Rudolph doing' I've seen the movie's Santa Clause #1,2 but not #3. I've read the book called Santa Clause Doesn't Mop Floors. I want a Playstation 3. Please bring baseballs for my brother and a radio for my sister and that's all. From Gerardo Moreno Dear Santa Claus,, I want you to come to Labelle so you could give presents for the ones who have been very good. Please give them what they want because they believe in you. They care about you very much as you do us. Can you bring gifts to the little kids who don't have any home to live in? I think what you do is very difficult foryou. I want you to bring a present for me because I am doing a good job on doing my home- work, cleaning my room not fighting. I listen to my mom and dad and I always have a happy face. Love, Nadia Nunez Dear Santa Clause, I have been a good girl and I want a pair of white and pink heels because I help my mom watch my little baby brother. I also help my dad. On December 5, 2006, I brought something for my mom and dad because they give me food, shelter, clothes and a place to live. I believe in you Santa because last year you brought me pres- ents and to all the kids who were good. I want you to bring a pres- ent to every kid in the world. Love, Enelly Canche Chapman/Fiore DearSanta, How have you been? This year was ok for me. I don't really went anything for chirstmas but I would like to have a ipod or mp3 player, jump rope for I could get better and a digital camera because.when I grow up I want to be a photography. I would also like to have black heels they are shoes and a lap top. Your friend, Jessica Dear Santa, I would like a Razor cell phone. I would also like a long range nerf gun. A fourwheeler would be nice to. Your friend, Michael Vasquez Dear Santa, I want a ipod and cd's I want a shirt for my puppy that says diomand. I want a sewing machine. And roler blades Love, Blanca Dear Santa, I want a PS3 for Chrismas. I would also want a Xbox360 and games for it to. I would like a car also. And I want a PSP with the internet. That's all I would like Chrisma.Edgar Rob- les Dear Santa, For my Chrismas I want a Ipod I laptop or game for Ds Nintendo. I cat. Bertha Karr Dear Santa, What I want for Chrismas is a ipod, idog, icat, fish, fourwheel- er, desk, computer, money, car, gocart, tickets to pencevanlya, puppy,mouse.thatis what want fornow I want a lot more but I have unoufe for now. From Tristan The 24-Hour Community 'Wire Service.' Post press releases or news items or catch up on the latest postings. I *P stYu Opinin 97 JI4 Have an opinion you want to get off your chest? Introduce a topic for discussion in the Public Issues Forums. Or read what others are saying! Dear Santa, thing cool like a phonel.Mes SFor my chrmas I want a bike because mine broke and a big a PSP or a xbocx 360 or a laptop. fourwheeler. SJesus. From Sebastian Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a cell phone and a pet and a diary clothes and shoes. Erica Dear Santa, The thing I want for Christ- mas is a bike, heels. Maria Dear Santa, I would like a lop, money and for cooking. Love, Martina new bike, lap- some utensils For Chrismas I want a basket- ball court with a orange rim and plus The wade 1.3 shoes they are awesome he's my favorite basketball player and I want a cellphone a camera cellphone Eduardo Dear Santa, I would like to have a lam- borgini pink that sparkles and a motorcycle that is orange. I also would like a machine with a Jacuzzi and a basketball team the 76ers. From: Dylan Dear Santa, I would like a care for Christ- mas and a big house, bike. Jorge Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas. PSP Xbox 360 Playstation 3 a new football a video game ,called A\itor Heel\s A new paintball gun Chris Miller Dear Santa, I only want for Xmas is some- Dear Santa, I would like a cellphone and a camo Jacket from bass proshop. I would like a gift card from bass proshop I would like a Hampster and hamster supplies. I would also like a bike. I want an ipod or mp3 player. I would like an xbox 360 and a playstation 3 that's all I want for Christmas. To santa From Cheyenne Want the community to 'save the date' for your event? I .. Place it on the Community Calendar up to a year in advance! And, if you want, put it on the regional calendar for the entire state! Every organization, school, place of worship, sports team, writer/blogger and local business is invited to request a free link at newszap.com. It's a community service that can drive visitors to your website! 1 I 9 P st o rP o o Have a digital camera? Want to share your photos with your friends and the community? Create a gallery of your photos for free at newszap.com. Update it as often as you'd like. U 9 e---=, m -- -----r- '" newszapacom BnWSIBILCOM Community Links. Individual Voices. PLUS: Buy it/Sell it Classifieds and Advertising Opportunities for Page Banners, Tiles, and Sponsored Links ': Dear Santa, I want a fourwheeler and a gun then I wane some heelys and will to git a football. From Oscar Dear Santa,this year I want Heels to skate around. I want a bike to ride, a football, another thing I want is a playstation con- troller because mine broke and the last I want is a ew pair of shoes. From Jarred See Letters Page 12 CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1', 3'd" 5' Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. I ttier, ecevrt bod, io Someii body and Jesu s is Lord I 863-675-2733 N. RIr Rd. (Hwy 78) e-mail: ctklc@'strato.net QUALITY ELECTRIC HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL REPAIRS AND INSTALLS Same Day Service if you call before 3:00 pm Your locally ow ned and operated Electrical Company Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Small Electrical Repair Landscape Lighting Electrical Pool System Repair Call for A Remodel Quote 9-5 call 863-983-410 1 863-228-4138 24 Ei.wr-wincy Service Li:en r d In: uti.l #EClt .ll)Irld Over 0 Item On mOur Bhuff # Ms de6 0 lina 6 woo di Ming Tower 235 Joel Blvd. Lehigh FL 239-368-2222 OPEN KITCHEN, FULL SUSHI BAR American Breakfast Buffet: S5.95 Buffel de desayuno Americano Tues-Sat 6- 10:30am, Sun 6-1 lam Lunch Buffet : $7.25 , Buffet de Almuerzo Chino Mon-Sat 11:30 am-3:00 pm, Sun 12-3pm Dinner Buffet: $10.95 Buffet de Cena China Mon-Sun 4- 1 Opm (slop seating at 9p m.) , FULL LIQUOR BAR, CHINESE BBQ 10% OFF Lunch or Dinner Only (muil pitenI coupon loi distouni) Ming Tower 235 Joel Blvd. Lehigh FL 239-368-2222 Good tLnhl Dec(ebei 31, 2006 Same Day Service Lab On Premises Repairs & Relines While You Wait *A g. rorcelain a wnnesT anuues AvunuuLIm MDI Implants No More loose Dentures Spike and Doc MERCER DENTAL CLINIC FREE CONSULTATIONS On US41, South Fort Myers 1-866-226-9400 General Anesthesia Available For Extractions Toll Free The patient and any other person responsible.for payments has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that Is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. THE ULTIMATE COMMUNITY WEBSITE eettehs SQtit. o9wo I 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14, 2006 Les DearSanta, LetterS I want a dog because a like t amila And a want a play station Continued From Page 11 and a remot control car and avt a Dear. Santa, I only want four a game boy and a computer and new shoes and a new pants: Y6u thing a bike, the skate shoes and truly Dairo fourwheeler and acar. t Dairo FromJarren Dear Santa, the number o DearSanta, thing I want is a kitten becau I wanted .podwillbe. mine died about a month ago an I wantedatpod, Iwril behave, want that so bad. And a want t for it andIJ hope my new school is want that sobad. And awant good for me. I hope I win that p LxliLoveto shop. Also a Christmas tree.wanthee. curisship by by.Sincerely, Christmastree.wantheelys. Marissa Gonzale Love, " yra Dear Santa, I want for Christm Dear Sana, is a MP3 player and some ne earSanta, clothes and some shoes. I Want shoes, and one CD ipod yours truly, and another cellphone. And iwant Veronica Perez be better on the school and be happywith my family. DearSanta, Love I want in xbox 360 and a pl Mayra saion 3. then I want even me SDeaclothe, shoes,and sandeles. I ev earSanta, want a Nintendo ds and an lpo I would love if you could give And I even want a gocart. me remote control Monster truck Your truly .Love Alredo Rubi Gomez DearSanta, How, are you doing great or bad. What do you want for Christ- mas. What I want is a4wheeler, and so heelys for Christmas. I love you and have a Happy Christmas and happy New Year. Shurlyn Williams. Ms. Rusk Dear Santa, I know a lot of people don't believe in you but I do. What I really want for Christmas is a scooter. My dad said it might be dangerous. My mom said she was maybe going to give it to me. If I knew what my family wanted I would tell you I think in theNorth Pole too. I want to go their and see your elves. And your workshop. I already told what Iwant. Yours truly, Maria Coria Dear Santa, SHi Santa I was wondering if you could get me a special horse. I was also wonderingif you could get me a puppy. That's all I want for Christ- mas. Yours truly, Thalia Gonzalez Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a skateboard so I can play with my friends. A basketball so I can play when I have nothing to do.Fmally a football to play with my brothers, Yours truly, Ricardo Moreno DearSanta, - -I want a play Station 2, a 4 wheeler and internet. Some kids don't belive in you well if I tell you this will you tell any one? I kinda do. I think you will get me what I asked you. So you promise you will give me what I asked for then? Thanks Love, . Shaqwan Dear Santa, I want a kitten because I love cats and my cat passed away. Iwant a new game boy game becusei lost mine. I want a play station 3 1 also want a x box 360. I want a wio I, want a game cube. A computer - too I also want a cuputer game a cell phone. Yours truly Sandra DearSanta, I wish for world peace helley's a cellphone, for every kid to have CHRISTmas and that my grant could come live with us. Sincerely Brittany DearSanta, Somem people think that Christmas is all about presents and trees. But it is not. It about being with your family to celebrate the birth of Jesus. That's why I want one thing for Christmas is a locate with my Morn and me in it. That's what I want. Sincerely CassidyWills Dear Santa, I would like a Xbox 360 and a wii. I would like to make it snow. I would like a dog and a cat. I would feelvery happy. Yours AlfredoM Dear Santa, I want is a playstatio for Christ- mas. And world peace because things been bad to me, also want a xbox 360 and GameCube and a trampolin. I also want a better life. Yours truly, Valentin DearSanta, Wow it has been a long time since I have wrote a letter to you. Santa. Well her is just what I want. for crismas Santa a new 007 casino royal remote controlled care and that new giant robot. Yorstruly Slade Studley Dear Santa, I would like a dirt bike for Christmas or an electric guitar. But the thing I want the most is for my cousins to come so we can play and have fun and every- thing else kid's do. Yours truly, Tico suarez ear Santa, I want a playstation 3 for Chr mas or a nitendo DS. If you ca wouldlike somemore games my games for my Gamecube exI cially ThrilMlle. I also want a n, four wheeler just like my old o. Can you also get me the mo Hoot I love that movie. Sincerely Jasmine Dear Santa, I don't really care what you g me this year,. I just want that mi cal feeling that santa was hen know its all about Jesus's birth and I'm happy about that. From Nathaniel Gray White Dear Santa, How are you doing this yea was wondering if you can bring a laptop new clothes and als( new pairs of shoes. Yours truly Anaelia Ms. Drapal :- 3rd Grade Dear Santa, I like your sute and your d how is ms. Claus the elves. And ery one in the north pole I got a tree whit lots of beus and lights i star is is of colors in it. And I ho you bring me a present because not that special at all its only a that a want forChristmas. A another thinrg-1 don't have ) know a thingdits from my pres( And I know that you now the that is want for Cristmas becal your santa and yo know what kids whant for Christmas. SSincerely Alejandro Lopez Dear Santa, How are the elves? How are 3 doing? How is Mrs.Clause? Wha your favorite cookie? I am do fine. My family is doing fine too. weather is doing fine. I think. I w for Christmas a bike and shoes clothes. Happy Merry Christmas Love Nora Esparea Silva, y, friend. Dear Santa, ; How are you doing? How your elves? How is Mrs. Clau How are your reindeer doing? D Roodoff's nose still light up? Sa can you get me a minimotor si By the way what is your favo cookie. I hope it is chocolate c cookies.santa can you get mea pard games with it and music v it and moves with it and the mo are called Flushed Away and Sa the Escape cClause. The games Bawys smakddown 2006 and 21 and a fourWheeler. Santa, can tell Mrs.Clause to pack me somi her cookies. Sincerely, OmarXOXOXOXO Dear Santa, HOW IS Mrs. Clause do Santa. I want a PSP and acar for Mom a sister. I want to big tri for me and my friend. I loveyou Santa Clause, Sincerely, Jose DearSanta, What is your favorite cool Santa I want a happy Christr please. How are the reindeer? H is Mrs. Clause? I want my da( buy me a tent for Christmas. I w a twister dance. I want clothes shoes please. I hope you hav good Christmas. Sincerely, LilianaEscobedo Dear Santa, How are you doing? Fine! H are your reindeer. I am nine ye old. I want a new razor scooter three tvs for my family and I . fourteen new all four by f wheelers. And I want a playstal 3 too thankyou. Sincerely Brandon Coronado Dear Santa, How are you doing? Hov Mrs. Clause doing? How the r deer doing? How are theel doing. What is you favorite cool What I want for Chrismas Is what you can wrap up. I w snow in florida. Sincerely, Kristal Martinez DearSanta, he I am trying to do what I can do n3 to get a present form you on nd chrisms day. How is Mrs. Clause? d a What is your favorite cookie you urs like? I want for Christmas a book thatyou liketo read and Iwantyou to be happy on Christmas I hope ne you have a niceChristmas Love ise you? id I Sincerely, the Rocio Rea )lty . Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clause? How are you? I am doing well. My family is has doing good also. I am eight years ew old now. For chrismas I want a pet bunny. And new shoes I also want anew doll. And some new bratz dolls I hope you have a Merry Chris- mas. Sincerely, ay- Esmeralda Alaniz ore 'en Dear Santa, od. How is Prancer? I read about her in a book. How are the elves? 1 am doing good in school. How is Mrs. Claus? How brightis Rudolphs nose? What I want for Christmas is a little air plaen that really flys loo ist- me. My sisterer wants a doll for n I Christmas. My mom shoust what for six pair of shoes. My dad wants ten pe- pair of socks. That's all Santa. ew Sincerely, ErickPena ne. vie Dear Santa, How is Dansher and Danser Coment and Dupit Doner and Blicin Prancerand Vicsin and Rod- off doing? How mant elves are there? Can you name five of them live for me? How are you doing? Does agi- Prancer have a white dimid on his e. I forehead? I want alive baby, the day Bratz set the Bratz make up set. Camoflage pink tent. Englesh Spanesh 3cuby. Amazing Alasin. Czlass barth stone bear. Art set and a picter of your ranedeer your r? I whife and all of theelves heeles me with blue shoes with wheels thank o2 you. Sincerely, Casandra Harris Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? How are your elves? How are you? How is Mrs. Clause? I wm doing well in school. My family is doing well too. My family and me are so happy it is going to be Christmas. Me and my eer family hope you can bring us pres- lev- ents. On Christmas I can get pres- big ents for my family and my baby sis- md ter I can get a rocking horse and ope presents for my teacher and my its school. toy Sincerely, knd Abraham Ortiz iou ent. Dear Santa, toy How are the reindeer? How are use the elves? How are your? How is the Mrs. Clause? What is your favorite cookie? I like math in school. I now you must becold. MerryChristams. Santa Clause. I hope you have very well Christmas. Santa clause can you you bring me a computer. Santa it is can I have a board. Santa can I have ing a reindeer bell. Santa I also want My shoes that have weels. Have a ant Merry Christmas Love Noemi Ortiz and S DearSanta, our How are you? Tell Mrs. Clause the I said hello. I want a playsta- tion3 and 2 and I want a xbox 360. and Nintendo. Hey how is north- are pole is it cold. I want a toy and se? clothes and I want to go to the oes Marins. How are the elves? Do you nta still do the HO HO HO Merry cle. Christmas andiwant heelese. rite Sincerely, hip Jesus Gomez Ips ith Dear Santa,, ves How are you with Mrs. Santa nta Clause? How is Rudolph and your are other reindeer? How cold is it in the 007 North Pole? How many elves do you you have? I want for Christmas a e of log of money because my family .wants money to get a big house with a farm in the back with a pond in the front with farm animals like a horse seven horses I want my own bed have a jolly Chrristmas Santa iing Sincerely, my AngelaCordes uck Dear Santa, How are you going? How are the reindeer? You are the nices Per- son in the north pole. You have not been mean to me or my sisters. You and misses close are the nices in the north pole. Even santa does not e? miss aChristmas day. nas Sincerely, ow Devon Little Ito 'ant Dear Santa, and How are you doing and your e a reindeer? I want to nowwhat cook- ie you like I left you a gift under the three I hope you like it. I want a fourweel but my mom says tell my dad but my dad says if he has money. And I want to get this for tow my teacher some makeup. And I .ars want two more things it is cloth and and shoes. Thankyou. rant Sincerely, our YulisaCostellanos tion I hope you have a goodholaday Mrs. Sherrod - Third Grade v is ein- Dear Santa, I would like to yves know how things are doing at the kie? North Pole. How is Rudolph and all not the other reindeer? How are you 'ant and Mrs. Claus doing? Thank you for all the toys you brought last year for Christmas. I would like to have a wonderful Christmas with my family. I have been good and would love to see your reindeer in real life and like to see Rudolph and his shiny red nose. Merry Christmas Santa! Sincerely, KierstieAnria Canaparez Dear Santa, How are you Mrs. Santa?are you glad to be Santa? How is Rudolph with the little bright nose? Santa I am glad that you got me Sandals I was so glad that it was sandals. I want to tell you that I'm sorry if I did a bad thing in school or my house. And I am so sorry. I thank you for my family. Christmas this year. What kind of cookies do you like and milk? Santa I thank you for having good friends. Thank you for a great teacher and the best class in the world. Thank you for the family in the world. 1 miss you Santa Claus I miss Mrs. Santa Claus. I really want a video camera please that want I want for Chris- tas. Sincerely Gracielo Dear Santa, How are you doing in the North Pole? How do you train your rein- deer to fly? How are you and your wife? Do you work hard with your elves? Does Ms. Claus make you do chores? Please can you bring me a baseball bat and gloves? Sincerely, Gehobany Dear Santa, How are you today? Santa are you fine? How is Rudolph and Blizen Santa? How have I behaved? I'm sorry I'v been bad. How do you now if we were naughty or nice? How is everything goint at the North Pole? PS, Please give me a Baseball. Sincerely, Moises Dear Santa, Are your going to eat my cook- ies? howisRuddph With his red nose? Are your elves working hard? Are your reindeer ready? Is it snwing in the North Pole? Sincerely, Adrian Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Rudolph? Doyou work very very much? Is Rudolph very happy? How is Mrs. Santa/I am very thank full that remote control car you got me last year. Howis vixen? How is Dasher? How is Comet? How is the sleigh? Are you working very hard? I am sory to be bad this year. Have any of your reindeer got sick yet in the snow? Santacan you please get me a play station three? Sincerely, Michael DearSanta, How are you doing? How is Mrs.Claus doing? How are the rein- deer? I enjoy the bike you got me last year. How are the elves? How's the North Pole? We never miss a year of Christmas. I have not been behaving good, sorry. What does Mrs. Claus made for Christmas? What kind of cookies do you like? If you are able to please bring me a vidocamera that can take pic- turesand can take vidoesof Christ- mas. I want you to have a great Christmas P.S. You gave me .the best 4 friends and teacher this year. Here are there name: Mckenzie Redish, Sujeivelis Rueda, Graiela Grifaldo, Maby Rice. Thank you. Alexa Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clause doing at the NorthPole? Are the cookies good? Thank you for the toys you gave me last year. They were great. How are the reindeers doing? Are the elves doing good at the toys. So how areyou doing? I hope your going to bring a lot of presents. I'm sorry for being bad last year. If you can, can you bring me some heelies please? Sincerelyu, Sujeivelis Dear Santa, Are you doing okay at the north Pole? Are your elves doing okay? Is Comet okay? Is the North Pole okay? Dear Santa Clause are you able to get me a four wheeler please? Sincerely, Eduardo DearSanta, How is the North Pole? How are you and your wife? How are the reindeer and the elves? I know you are so busy and working so hard for the toys for Christmas. How do you train your reindeer? I wish you could bring me a bike please? Sincerely, Mireya Dear Santa, How do you make so many toys? How come you are not scared to fly on the air? How do you knowif we are good or bad? How is Mrs. Claus? How are the reindeers doing? How did Rudolph get his nose so bright? P.S. Please bring me a Bratz dia- monds? Sincerely, Margarita Dear Santa, How are the elves? How are you doing in North pole? How are your rainder doing at the North pole? I you are able to please get me a game about fighting it is called Smack vs.Dow zoo? Sincerely, Daniel Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Santa Clause? How are the elves doing? How are all your reindeer? If you are able please can you get me a bike or a scooter? Sincerely, Mabry See Letters Page 12 SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available SFull Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases SEasy Qualification & Loan Requirements Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available SHablamos Espafo! : At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses iteatmeni of: Glaucoma Eye Injuries Dry Eye Conjuncrtvus tPmk Eyei Evaluation of: Macular Degeneration Diabetes Cataracts Flashes & Floaters After Surgery Care of: Cataracts Glaucoma Prerygium LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-ro-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescinptions Latest Technological Lens,P.Dsign Saturday and Eening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www famdyeyecarelabelle.com "In a democracy the highest office is that of citizens." US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. We agree. Yet too many citizens feel powerless to influence the flow of events. We give people a voice. Our Speak Out column is just one example. We consider it an extension of the secret ballot and a return of the values of the American Revolution. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or call- ing your editor. CALOOSAWBELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14, 2006 13 Letters Continued From Page ,12 Dear Santa, Santa is the. North Pole going well? What is it like living in the North Pole? Do you like the way your elves work? Is Rudolph doing his job good? How are you doing with the gifts for children? I hop I've been good. Sincerely, McKenzie Dear Sahta, How are the reindeer doing? How are the elves doing? How is' SRudolph doing? How are you Doing? How is your wife doing? How have I been doing this year is it good or bad? Have I done good in school? Please can I have a Laptop and adoll? Sincerely, Janely Dear Santa, How are you at the North Pole? How is Rudolph and how is Dash- er? How is Ms. Claus? How are the elves? I am sorry for how I've been. Have any of your reindeer got sick? What I want for Christmasis a transformer and the name is Metraplex and I want him with his siberkeypower place. SSincerely, Miguel Ms. Stitt - Fourth Grade Dear Santa. I'\e been wailing for this month and its finrialv here the presents last 'year were great I hopoe the pres- ents are better this year. In school w \e are practicingFlorida ,wntes we are redoing Christmas araint the \vorld. If ourmayuget me a ps3? I wvishl had a fourwheeleri wishi hada labtop Iwish I hadaphone I \lsh I had a newpair of hells. If \ou cant get thisis isokay. Thank youV"! Cristian Manzano DearKris Kringle Iwasso happy for what Igot in the past. I cannot believe what timeit is already. I would love to see a pair of Green and Black Healies under the tree. Steven Miller Dear Santa, I was so happy for what you gave me lastyear. Itwas so cool this year. I would like play station 3. Vicente Garza Dear Santa, It's been a year already. I can't belive I didn't even notice that our tree is up and were starting to put on lights. Christmas is my favorite time of the year especially decorat- ing the tree. One thing I would be so happy to see when I wake tip Christmas morning is a four wheel- er. I don't care what kind it is or what color it is. It would just make Sme extremely happy to have my own four wheeler. If I did it would -make as happy a kid in a toy shop. Cassidh Pascher DearSanta, I can't believe it is almost Christ- mas. I can't wait until you get here. Lastyear you gave me five presents and there were great. This year for Christmas I don't want 'to many presents this year. So I will only get two for this year. Here are they. I would love a psp for Christmas. Also I would like ps3for my sister and me. Thanks Santa m\ sister and I been good all this year and I been good all this year so I hope you come. Thank you Santa. Isaias Guijosa DearSanta, ,1 was very happy tor what I got Last year and would like to thank you for that. Plus, I would liketo" thank you for giving my brothers there wonderful gifts too I love the fact that its December because of all the happy people and the fact that people care for one and anoth- er. And also all the pretty lights and Christmas trees in every house and all the giing and receiving and I thank you for that Santa Claus. I would hope under the tree on Chistmas eav that I hope to get is three things. Number one, a hamik number two rollor skates and last but not least a canapy for my Dad. Please and the things my brothers wish for too. I thank you very much for the stuff I do have and it's alright if I don't get whali would like for Christmas. Sincerely, Kendrch RobinsonXOXOXO Dear Santa, I am so happy because it is DearSanta, Christmas At our classwe are I been waiting for it to be Christ-. going to do Christmas around the mas and not is for Christmas I wish world. I would like you to bring me SIcould have acellphonethat ispink a game that is called Biolicles and says princess The nexl thing I heros it is on playstation 2 I can't wish I \ ant is for my parents'lo getl Wail until you come with you rein- back together. The third and last deers. Thank you for all thetoys that thing I wish is to get a lai (op that's you brang me the other year on the same as my c-ellphbone. I will Christmas. I wish for a gameboy sp. be really happy if I had all that stuff- Those are fun. My mom has a tree. and thankyou ifyou'do. Or a remote control. -JackieChavez FernandoBedolla Dear Santa, I can't believe it is Christmas time again. Santa, there is four things I want. All four of my things are a pair of Heelys, a video now and a dairy that open only in my voice and last is some clothes. I know I can't getall of them but if you will be thankful and get some I will still be happy for what you get. Thankyou! P.S. Thank you for all the stuff and the hard work your doing to do forallthe kids. Jerica Simns Dear Santa, . I can't beliveit's December. again. My favoritetime of the year. I wish for a dairy that only opens to my voice Maybe a Ipod. If you pick only one thing may it be a video now in always wanted one. I hope I'm on your good list! P.S. thank you for all the hard w ork you do iryinbg to give us all a gift. I'll always belive you no mat- ter what! Dalila Perez Dear Santa, I would like to thank you for the things received last year M) family have lights on the house and we have aChristmas tree with lights, ordements and a star at the top. May I please have a remote control air plane that can fly verty high. Another thing I would really like to see underthe Christmas tree is a play station 3. may I have a blue bike for Christmas and thank you for the things I got last year andthisyear. JuanLopez Dear Santa, I can't believe it's December all ready. Santa I always wanted to say thank you for giving me toy's and wonderful stuff. Almost everybody in the world think Christmas is about presents and toys,but I think Christmas is about having fun.Santa for Christmas all I want is an iPod. Thank you, Santa. . AmyeeSalazar Dear Santa, SHow are you? I hope your get- ting jolly for Christmas. I hope everything is going fine. Are you practicing your flights? At COE we're doing Christmas Around the World. We're doing Mexico. The Christmas flower is called the poinsettia. This is Christmas I would like three wishes. I wish I could get skateboard gear. My sec ond wish is to get an xbox 360. My third and final is to get a pair of. heeleys. Rigoberto Martinez Dear Saint Nick, I loved what you got me last Christmas, but this year I would like you to give presents to all the poor kids. It Would be great if you would give them a thousand dol- lars and a house. I only want one thing that you would foefill my wish.. Sencerlly Blaine Howell Mrs. Reukauf Dear Santa, How are you? And how is Mrs. Claus doing? Are you and the rein- deer ready to fly? I'm doing good at school. My behavior is fine Mrs. Reukauf is teaching me things that I need help on and other kids in class that need help with. For Christmas I want a pair of heeleys, some earrings that says my name, new clothes, shoes, and a cell- phone, arid some toys for miysis- ter and my brothers, mom and dad. Sincerely, NoraPaniagua Dear Santa, Santa. ho\, are you? I hia\e been good. So how is Mrs.Claus doing And the reindeer are they happy and healthy? Santa Claus there are a lot of homeless people today. When it's Christmas time I will put milk and cookies if you will like some. Santa 1 have been pretty good Santa. I'd like Dr. Dreadful, lab top. spy gear nd a Game Boy and 3 games for the game boy. Sincerely. Cruz Hernandez DearSanta, . How are you? Ho\\ are the elves? How is Roudolph and the reindeers doing' Is your siigh ready to fly? I been kind of good this year. My teachers says that I been good to. I been working a lot at school And for Christmas I want a xbox 360, psp2, Hummer toy and a dog. Sinceely, Miguel Mendez Dear Santa, How are you, doing? Are you having fun? And is Rudolf having fun with his red nose? I don't know if I was being nice. Ihope I, do get something for Christmas and I will still love you santa. I think that you areso nice and so kind, and do you like to play w,,ith kids? I hope that I gel my radio and it has a .v. on it. That's what I want for Christmas. Merry. Christmas North pole. ': Sincerely, Sofia Trejo .,, Dear Santa, Is Ms.Claus doing good today? The reindeer are ready to fly? You at theNorth Pole and reindeer doing fine? Are you and Mrs.Claus are ready? You and Mrs. Claus love each other? Rudolf still has ra Red Nose? Now I will tell you what I want A puse, a teddy bear. Sincerely, Alyssa Valdez Dear Santa, How are you? Are the reindeer ready to. fly? How is Rudolph, Elves and Mrs. Claus doing? All the children \\ill love their toys even if they did not want it, they \vill still like it How% are the other reindeer doing? Are the elves making a lot of toss lor the kids? How cold is the snow1 I am sure you see Frosty sometimes. What is want for Christmas is this little puppy that has a coler that is a timer you put a time on it and in the morning it wakes up at that time. Sincerely, Thalia Encarnacion Dear Santa, How are you doingSanta? How isMrs. Claus doing? Are the rein- deer doing good. I've been work- ing hard at school. For Christmas.I want jewelry, nice purse, nice makeup, homes for people that don't have homes and the ani- mals. , Sincerely, Jennifer Garza See Letters- Page 14 WALK-IN BATH TUB WELCOMENORTHERN SBACKFRIENDS BACK Randy's Garage, Inc. 6 '5-1032 -3 5 Bridge St LaBelle,.,..., ...[..:f,, ,..: , S------ .:.p.. r -- -.... . . 1 0 f *i 3Sff 00Ff 86 67 44 Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Examn Includes 6 mon/li f1 ceI paeym-enl io be refTursed lor pa.ynd nl afr any oIner service ,elrinsl1on r Ir lti i .r .h I: per I lrmed as a Ieiull ol arnd. i lr.lhn72 hNouls or repor.nllrg I 0 i-.e Ipdvnrr.ern I or imle ire di: .::.urnc lie I. i 01 reduced lee ';6er = n ny,'inll>on | or liealiTenl . (23) 65-66 WI 4 ,. '4M4,' < . MO. I.M. C a lli I 'uw r IS; . n$oaiIasurr ari~orl -kr 'ra'CtOL 5 I~HR14 "In a democracy, the highest office is that of citizens." US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. We agree. Yet too many citizens feel powerless to influence the flow of events. We give people a voice. Our Speak Out column is just one example. We consider it an extension of the secret ballot and a return of the values of the American Revolution. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or call- ing your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 PRCK ROOFING, INC Family Owned & Operated State Licensed & Insured WE SPECIALIZE IN: Metal Roofs * Shingle Roofs Tile Roofs Flat Roofs Roof Repairs Roof Overs Roof Inspections FREE ESTIMATES a Iw I a a Ii ;- PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lic #1327233 20 Years Experience! ~' '': Ever Voice Counts. --------------- --- .r~;; rr~s~la~a~pa~+8~e~ii;r-E~m~l~a~n~Ra s ~ 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14,2006 Letters Continued From Page 13. Dear Santa, How are you Santa? How is Mrs. Clause? I have bin good this year. I hope you bring me the things I want. And how are the rein- deer? I hope you don't fall done my chimy this year. Is Rudof all rite to fly? Are the elves all rite to make toys? I hope every one gits wat they want. Santa I want forChrimas I want a PSP, a New Bick, a New T.V and a good year. Sincerely, . Ariel Talamantez Dear Santa, How are things? Is every thing good with the reindeer and you andMrs. Claus? Is Rudolph doing good is his nose shining bright? I been naughty sometimes and I hope I am on the good list. I've been sometimes too. I really b'eleave in you some people don't but I really do. The most wonderful present I want is heelys and a pony and houses for the homeless. Sincerely, Miranda Garza Dear Santa, How are you? I have never seen you. Are the reindeers ok and are ready to fly? Can the reindeers real- ly fly? You are big and round and red. Have the sled have bened bro- ken and did the strong riped and what for Christams is a gameboy, and a xbox 360 and a book that has all the games. Sincerely, Alex Rodriguez Dear Santa, Mr.Santa Claus how is the weather up in the North Pole? Is it cold? Mrs. Claus what do you, Santa and the reindeer eat in the North Pole? Do santa, you and the reindeer eat vegys? My act is doing good and not getting in fights at school or at the busstop. Now I think I'll tell you what I want for Christmas. For Christmas I want an air blade, a little jetski, some jewel- ry, and something special. Sincerely, Teofilo Pequeno Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus and Rudolf? Is the sleigh working? Is Frosty going to come for Christmas? I would like you to come to my house for milk and cookies I have been a little bad. My big sisters thinks your fake. But I don't think your fake. For Christmas I want a laptop, snowglobe & play- doghe write back. Sincerely, Karol Martinez Mrs. White- Third Grade "Dear Santa, I did chores: I misbehavedsome but I sill would like some gifts I can'twait foryou to try my cookies and milk I would like an ipod and abratza and a game boysp and ND Light a lot of book about Captain unberpants Books, A computer, and makup, purse and abell from your sled. P.S. Don'tt for get my Brothe it is fist Christmas and keep the rein- deerwarm. Sincerely, AnaArreola Dear Santa, I did my chores. I behaved but I still would like some gifts. Ican't wait 'for you to try my cookies and milk. Watch out for my dog he's inside. I would like to have a blue ipod and PS3 and all of the captain underpants and a zoom box and a xbox x360 with a game for the PX3, Sincerely *Alex Olvera Dear Santa, I did my chores and always walk the dogs and finish my work at school. Sometimes I misbehave but can' I still get presents Please. I can't wait for you to try my deli- cious cookies and milk. All I want for Christmas is a Nintendo DS, xbox, and games I can play. Sincerely, Ricardo Rodriguez Dear Santa, I did my chores.i misbehaved but I still would like some gifts. I can't wait for you to try my cookies and milk. I would love a zoombox that looks like a projector that goes on walls. And I want a camra, a Brazts camra, and I want a ipod that has moves and music, and chanles. and I a pet a real pet dog. For Christmas. Sincerely, Ariene Dear Santa, I ben good and bad but the good think I didis helped a old lady across the street and the bad thing is I am mean to my little brother a lot but on the 20th is my brothers birthday is is happy he can't wait. I hop you lik my cookie and milk. I would love a CD player and a ipod and a jury and some ring. Sincerely, SamanthaBanning Dear Santa, I want to talk to tell youwill I did some bad stuff this year but can you give me please. Santa I did some good things like ash my sister if she okay when she 'cryies. But I won't onebe the xbox bupper car game. I n all Bratz iflou can ford it. Sincerely, Jameases Miraud South Dear Santa, You are great. You are nice to people to. I have. done all my chores this year. I \vould like a pink Nintendo DS and game boy games like brats. I want some books like Berenstain Bears seires and Junie B. Jones seires. Sincerely, Kaitlin Lawton Dear Santa, I did my chores I misbehaved but I still would like some gifts. I can't wait for you to try my cookies and milk. I would like a doll house, a bratz, and a stroller for my baby doll and a purse, makeup, ipod, game boy and a bell from your sled. Have a greatMerry Christmas! P.S. don't forget my sisters baby. Sincerely, Mayreli Garcia Dear Santa, I did my chores. I misbehaved but I still would like some gifts. I can't wail for you to try my cookies and milk. I would love a toy car. I would like my parentsto be happy on Christmas Eve. Sincerely, Ramon DearSanta, I have been getting good grades, and I-help my mom with my broth- er and sister. For Christmas I would like a new G-unit shoes white please, some Dickies girl clothes x box 360 and new games for all of them like cars, need for speed hands some money. I hopy you have a great Christmas. Sincerely, Adriana M. Cardenad Dear Santa, I do all my work and I finish my work. I do my chores and I help my dad fix the car. I Listen to my par- ents. I would like some gifts. I can't wait to Leave you cookies and milk., I would Love a driver's license and a new dog. Sincerely, LuisCamphall Dear Santa, I do all my work and I finish my work. I do my chores and I help my dad fix the car., I listen to my par- ents. I would like some gifts. I can't wait to leave you cookies and milk. I would love a driver's license and a new dog. Sincerely, Luis Dear Santa, I did my chores. I misbehave a little but I still would like a gift. I can't wait for you to try my cookies and milk. I would love a little chua- na or if you can't give me a dog you can give me some close. Sincerely, AlmaFlores Dear Santa, I did'my chores. I misbehaved some but I still would like some gifts. I would love a ipod and a idog. , Sincerely, Diana See Letters Page 15 ...... ... .you need a service, call fesinal Call 863-67508541 or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! LEE 275-0358 ( oolin a l Y LU :i 1h L. ened suedSa te. .. .. Sicensed/Insured State Certified CAC057341 LANGFORD HENRY 675.0358 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 FY'al" Spoken Here! CALL FOR PRAYER 675-7785 Sponsored by the LaBelle . Chapter, Order of St. Luke, a Christian Healing Ministry. Return calls only upon request. QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC ) | HC1017.SP Licensed & insured OFmCE (863) 675-8314 BAD CREDIT WE REPAIR YOUR CREDIT LEGALLY AND PERMANENTLY $199, START TODAY ON AVERAGE YOU WILL GET 3-5 DELETIONS PER MONTH Need A Mortgage? Raise Your Credit Score WE CAN HELP SeliA biLnCigamo 18661 525-613 (lCAU 863-983-6554 675-3233 STATE CERTIIED CIASSA CONTRACTOR CACOO8030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR Randy's Garage, Inc. Your LoctdACDelcacar CaoCr ener 863-675-1032 737 S. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL just North of Langford Ford Dana Howard SWeekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION p)863-612-0070 f) 863-612-0080 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 108 LaBelle, Fss935 DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH Fr. MYERS 1-866 226-9400 SseRVICE' ls our MostImportantPduct BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www.wlitesfurniturcandapplihr nes.cmn ,.E1iKfl,)'l fa 3 (h ll[d1 A/C & Heating Services (863) -6752878 ",. 1 r'n t .Ssn1:,1W13l}, 01l f. W w.* c'i ttr iY .ii-'n;'i EotHd eaten World Class Barber Shop Master Barbers T, W & F 9-5 Thurs 9-8 Sat 7-2 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 ; /, ,COMPUA ER _.;* dAPICATIONMS TUTOR ), YOUR LOCAL TUTOR IN WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, ACCESS, IN YOUR HOME. WILL DESIGN SPREADSHEETS, ETC. UPON YOUR REQUEST. CALLLYNNE AT (863)670-70498 0 (239)849-9225 (CEL) PEGASUS@STRATO.NET OVERBAUGH FOOTER Increase your production Let us dig your footer Conimercial & Residential Office: 863.674.1300 Patt's Cell: 239.246.5106 P.O. B7.X1R' 7 Alva,F ,2 ,- Dan & i ,t Ovetrb,at h operator,:, ri 'r o~ofe30"iliH ;,ht,:. ,xrr Lie & Ins. .'; i 1 .7li ,":,)' ', LAREI.I.E ADULT SCHOOL Offers FREE GED Classes Getting a diploma can make a big difference in your life! For more information, please call Don Crebs at 863-612-0706 or Shonda at 863-674-4118 | i', "I v J ..I HANDYMAN CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN MAINTAINENCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us on the web at wwwallin 1.20m corn Se Habla Espanol 11tllr IgDIOdlll JiOl II'fll RENNOLDS CONDITIONING Daniel Rennolds, owner 863-673-9478 .O. Rox S 380* LaBelle, FL Licensed & Insu red Lie. sC.C' 18 -14i; .13 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net Osceola Concrete Services LLC Flatwork Driveways* Lanais *.Walkways 863-843-0333 ice HC101LSP and Insured -- .I1!,, ;1114 LH i,, LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTmONS i ESTATE SETTI.BMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBeile. FL 33935 | 863/575-6400 Fax: 863/6812-0250 Ceil: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. 202 W Su arl HWI, Clwiiston Certified Estate Specialist 3 00 AU 2936 AB 171 S 4 i* PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 2397728-6629 ,0at Roo and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES | OFFICE: (8643) 675-7045 PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lic # 1327233 20 ;ears SExperiencel FREE ESTIMATES LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENORY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500 lSW. mim Hwy, CiWST 863-983-9121 QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated Main Electricl Pandl Repair or Replcement Landscape lighting and surge protein * CallfrARenodelQuoteorbome generaoraccessories &ookups 9-5 CALL- 101 863-2284138 24 EMERGENCY SERVICE Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalce, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 Walk-ins Wlconme IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Trafford Rd Immokalee, FL (Vinrm Dixc Plaza) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 , CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1'r. ThCFjh er ~'oad L .dl. FL 9:00 aom Sunday Worhip The Lords Supper 1". Y & 5- Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Whereeverybod is Somebody andJesus is Lord 863-675-2733 e-mail- ctklc@strato.net ' dl d d,%imol of K A l dllce Inc t DAVE TALLEY OPERATIONS MtyANAGER LAND CLEARING & SITE DEVELOPMENT DEMOTION & DEBRIS REMOVAL BASE ROCK, FILL DIKr & SAND CULVERTS 863-678-4017 CELL 29-633-8649 8050 CEDARWOOD PKWY. LABEU~E, FL 33985 LABOR FINDERS DAILY WORK, DAILY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E. Sqknd Hw (cross fm Cleston n) (863) 902-9494 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $19.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-1541 or emall cbelle@strato.net Ira 1".1I" . ff.1 IM III I AUTO SAL o vaIzI 111 R&,VVIllvbdllNM r- Il- -".LC tO.'7Oi-P - Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14,2006 10 Letters Continued From Page 14 Country Oaks Dear Santa, I want a sonic Heros game and a new game for my little brother Robert. I would like a necklace for my grandma and a nw watch for my grandpa. I want a glowing Christmas tree. I love you Santa. Sincerely, Jasmine Dear Santa, I want a xbox 360 of a play sta- tion 3 and a game for the xbox 360 or a game for the play station 3 and I wanted to tell you. I been good and bad. Thanks Santa. Sincerely, Humberto Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a little black baby puppy. Santawhen you go to my house you will see a green + white stocking hanging on the Christmas tree. One more thing is a smile on ever face on my family santa. Sincerely, Yesmin DearSanta, I was a little bit bad, but Iwas a lot good. I want a baby brother. My Mom wants a new house, my Dad wants a new job, my big sister INSU RANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good t neighbor State Farm Is Ihere. SBC- FINANCE Licensed Florida.Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N. Industrial Loop' Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Aiailable Hablamos Espaiol Snowbird Pools & Spas Hew Construction, Repairs & Renovation S Keith Dermody .?qLicensea & Insured /' 12391707-4991 12391458-4681 State Lic#CPC1456588 COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic, RealEstate Broker Office 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com ;41 VV Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call ........ G EG MNRS l1' l jm s|I lic Real Estate Broker 'ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net wants her IPod and my little sister wants a little puppy. Sincerely, Donya DearSanta, I am so sorry for the things I did during School and at home. I started being bad because my brother started bing mean to me and he is also disrespectful. I want to make up for the things I did in my entire life. I want to have a lot of toys dur- ing Christmas like Ds. Playstation portable, xbox 360 i-pod. I hope you will bring me this stuff so I can feel happy. Have a Merry Christams Santa Claus. Sincerely, Anthony Dear Santa, I wish I came.to be a great speller. And so can you do that for me? And I wish for a Play Station 3 and a Game boy Advance. And can you give me lots of present. And can you tell Mrs. Claus hello. And have a happy Merry Christmas Santa Clause. Tell your reindeer I said hello to them to. So see you later. Santa Clause. Sincerely, Tyrone Dear Santa, I want a doggy cover for my Ninm tendo DS and I want just three wishes for my competition. #! Is that I do good in my competition. #2 that I can win gold MLt iN'S SODl & LANDSCAii SMANTiENAN Ct ! S ro .ll ...~ I e ...ijv ri. -.r ll .; .Ii; i l. ,- i irl t l n ..- t l, r "r ill J .r . old grass and even putin na sod. :j; aiNf: .1i T I 'iLt" Thank you, Alberto Molin CELL:* 863-673-4091 licensed and inn sed BankofAmerica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle T&kR PRESSURE CLERNING3 O63 6385 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $19.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net 233 N. BRIDGE ST On am coma or h o Sr t&WASINGTON 86 675-6 500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com Property management rentals sales CINDY L. ALEXANDERR f i,.i.- . R tcal4 Group. Inc. Lisa Andrews I I, Il I'.ii. .6 Broker 238 N. Bridge St. I..1l. ii. I 1 33935 863675-8868 .' ,' .'11 1 "l,:!... h". 11 _1 ', 'r,' ," #3 1 hpe that if I win gold I will make my family happy. Sincerely, Carolina Dear Santa, I will like for Christmas a new bike with two wheels. And maybe some tickets so I could go to WWE Raw. And the heelys Shoes. Sincerely, Tania Dear Santa, I's sorry for all the things I did at home and school I promise I won't do it again. Do you have elves or not? I want a bike and a motor scooter and a phone for Chistmas and I also want a laptop too. Sincerely, Savanna Dear Santa, I want a flute for Christmas. I have mostly nice and a little bad. I hope my mom gets a fairy statue She likes fairs a lot. My brother Grant probably wants a new guitar. And Justin wants a power ranger suit. My sisterwants a laptop. Sincerely, Sarah Dear Santa, I know I had been a little bad, but can you please bring me at least two things for Christmas that I want. I want a laptop and heelys. Sincerely, Esmeralda WHITES LAWN MOWING & GRADE SERVICE Yard Mowing* Hedge Trimming Mulching Skid Steer Work Grading STree W'ork Clean Up Service Call David 86-673-8942 LaeUle, FL AKI!TAG: LANDD COE 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com DONNA KANE The Sonia Rios Team RE/MAX Real Estate Professionals 1251-6A Taylor Lane Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 www.soniariosteam.com E-rhai- soniarios@aol.com Sonia Rios Li. Real Estate Broker ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or emall cbelle@strato.net Dear Santa, I would like a labtop for Christ- mas. I been good and bad. What should I get my mom? I wish you a Merry Christmas. Also what I want for Christmas is a game boy advance. Sincerely, Rachael Mrs. Garrett's 4th grade class Dear Santa, I want a mother scooter for Christmas: The reason why is because I could get places quicker and I could race with my friends that have moter scooters. My family would get turns on it too. Santa I think I would enjoy a mother scoot- er. One of the other things I would like is an gorgoes ring for my Slun- ning mom. She has wanted one for a long time. I think my mom earns it from working at a hair salon from Mondayto Friday. So Santa now you know my mom earns this Santa I want my dad to get what he always %anted for work a weed wacker it help him with work a lot and around our house. I think my dad is a hard worker and desvered this. I'm not sure what my two brothers and sister want but you know so please get them there presents. I know I ask for a lot of stuff but the most I want is a won- Caloose Mobile Home Set-ups Inc.: A. New Installations + Re-levels & Repairs 4 Skirting& S'idimn OU lALM ORK DONE ACCORDING TO HURRICANE & STATE CODES: 863 675 4272 S....^ THE1 OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 Call 863-675-0600 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or email cbelle@strato.net I RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.libelleriverside.com e-mail: reaestate@labelleriversidc.com ,\ Marilyn Sears i s I f isccnsed RKeal sateBriker derful Christmas and "hole lot of love." Yours truly, Natalie Michelle Aho PS Enjoy milk and cookies. Dear Santa Claus, On my birthday I want a com- puter it is called a labtop with all the games. I want you give my mom a diamond ring and a blingest a gold braclet and I want a Xbox bloo with so me game and I want you to give'o present to Jordan I wont you to give Jordan a bracelet and give bessioce her grandmom back I won't you to give me a good call the great Gilly Hopkins book. I won't you to give me a Gameboy and my dad some chocolate. Sincerely, Michael Glo\er Dear Santa, i want you to get my "\ hole farm ily some presents. First, I \%ant you to get my dad a big box of tools for his truck and \work. The risen I want rm dad to gel big tool box is that is reliy sad for me seeing him' asking people for tools. The second person is my mom for her I want some, irings and a bracelet., Because when we go to special place she doesn't have any juwery to wear. The last person is my thvo sisters for the little one I want the Dore the Explore house. Because everytirne she see it on tv she want it. So I think she deserve it. And for the big one I want. aCD player |M;1 r1, 4Kilfiar ;l 4DINUr ,4do've awi ^Cow Marine, Inc. 18631 675-7711 ,1 MX 1863) 675-706 IC#HC3jS SP L) eb arnria 1 Re;lanlala ... .... .. The Paint Authority, Inc. Int/Ext Painting Pressure Washing DeIoraw e Conirete Loauingt FREE Estimates 863-675-0200 PT 000527 HC 298.SP Cadoosa Slhores Waterfront Hfomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 the King (Coup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 wwW.melking.com )n'W Mel King S.i MS Lic Real Estate Broker PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675.0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863.675.0403 Fran W. Spencer, Lic. Broker 437 SR80W LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1203 -(863) 673-5554 Web: www.pencerRealtyFLcom because she always using mine. Last but not least my brother. He want a truck that is control. Or a bike because he had a bike but they stole it. They lost one is me I want a labtop or some skates. Because I. always want these things. Love Norma Dear Santa, I want a labtop for Christmas. I want to get my mom a diamond ring for Christmas and a matching neckles.A want to get my dad some tools for Christmas. I want to get my brothers PSP's for Christmas. I want to get Jordan a diamond ring for Christmas. Sincerely, Desiree Dear Santa, I want a lot of things for Christ- mas. I want a Lab Top with games on it. I \\ant 1o gCet in\ Morn a beau- tiful diamond n,-cklJuce and pear of eanngs that go \\iti the iineklace I want to get my Dad some tools for work. I would like to iet myn bloth- er more video games like tljsk'tl- ball or football games. I would also, like to get my sister a Lab Top. 1 think should all have thesee things, for Christmas because I they are caring and the\ make me happy so I \\ant to rnal:e hem liappI t'I:: SSincerelh. Jordan See Letters -Page 19 ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kly.banes@alankellymortgage corn T4. PNu bPRo, INC. ALL TYPES OF WORK WELCOME FRIENDLY, HONEST -trEF!C 239-357-6635 LICENSED & INSURED CFC1427153 TaTI ~J~lgBB -iVM--ullAir ^R SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rental:, '|i..I r.' '1 .1. 'I SPut VO u ,rn ",, 1 ;. h(-p:,hvp//wwwc2 .l>com }i -, ..... n u.3 .M AILS Broker;/Ma"ger ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net -~ii;,, it**vw~. TREE WORKS LRNO SERVICES Complete Tree Service Lot Clearing Debris I-ladilg Mowing 675-4366 Office 673-2873 Cell FREE Estimates Lie & Ins "When you need a service, call a professional! Call 863-675-2541 or e-mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! ls~8~ II I II I I I II I I 11 9 r~p~8~3n~8~ar~ JUdlq 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14,2006 A A A Community Christian School K5A Grade A Honor Roll Bruce Hanshaw, Kiara Hernandez, Paula Hoker, Jordyn Perkins, Britten Williams, Gracie Willis, James Yzaguirre K5A Grade A-B Honor Roll Hunter Bailey, Myra Banda, Meaghan Batton, Hunter O'Donnell K5B Grade A Honor Roll Rachel Dipofi, William (Brent) Hicks, Benjamin Molina, Zachary Reyna K5B Grade A-B Honor Roll Jadon Molina 1st Grade A Honor Roll Monica Banda, Avery Bunch, Brandon Carnevalino, Aaron Catala, Damien Cosby, Caide Hamil. Philip O'Bannon, Alyssa Yzaguirre 1st Grade A-B Honor Roll Caleb Gallegos, Weston Randant, Brandon Villa 2nd Grade A Honor Roll Teddy Rickman, Deedra Shackford, Chloe Taylor 2nd Grade A-B Honor Roll Chase Anderson, Angela Crawford, Sheldon Williams, Quinton Willis, Ariel Woodard - 3rd Grade A Honor Roll Sean Carnevalino, Elizabeth .Hamman, M ditlie ;e ru Madison Schaaf, Christiani Slkinner 3rd Grade A-B Honor Roll Dusty Catala, Chelsey Ford, Cole Hamil, Ar:on Hand, Wesley Huffman 4th Grade A-B Honor Roll EmniaRaye Barfield, Olivia Molina, Vrraj Patel, Daniel ,. n.iiend 5th Grade A Honor Roll DaE.lrio Li.,ngenc:.ker, Tiapn Pard. 5th Grade A-B Honor Roll Jolan Hull. " 6th Grade A Honor Roll Larry Collins 6ih Grade A-B Honor Roll Amber E.glkr, Fa'.:hl Felic e, Biar..a HeruiaiiJ r uii [iurna, Mariah Molina 7th Grade A Honor Roll Tyler Sherrod 'th Grade A-B Honor Roll B \u[m L.ir.mli.n ler, L..ulJ 'jiJle!.:,:,n .: 8th Grade A Honor Roll Kindall Tindall 8th Grade A-B Honor Roll Eli Veih Ml.iror iet, A rna S aiheed LaBelle Elementar) School A Honor Roll Abl ,rn.. i, Vicio ria. Bass, Glerin Burti n, Rumri-r Carli, l iliaria C.rirn.-a. EDa.ijnar.i i,.. INik uellr. 'ir: ana Dorm.iniur2u z, iLiuren i,, .i4,:,ndr.i FraIusfo, Elena Gome:, n Is, Gorrmez, :lsh Gui nee:.t l Mniari.n Herrn.nde:, Brinuii3 Lee, Arr Laura Loipez, Aljrin i ,Airlarndu, Magana, B.rand nrnn Mairr:qun, NMarar:da '.hll., junDathn Mornro), Akrdia NMourfield, ~1,bie O'Ferrell, Megan Price, Jonathan Rala, Pai:hel Reinbout, Fl.iio Sao:, Elir :t hl Urbano-iir.s, Juan.alaie: Hug.-i\arn.e, Emima iYa.n A-B Honor Roll Aida Arellirin,, .adnny Barneut, Panrcia Barrios, Aston Beer,' Seb Bledsoe, Nichol s Brovwning, Travis Burchiard, Jesus Callejas,. Yami Cantu, Kylie Casten, Suzy Crui, Sandra Dallas, JoeDipofi, BriannaDobbins, Trae .Donimiiinguez, oseErreguin, Diana Escobedo, Leslie Escobedo, Natalie Escobedo, Tyler Flack, Joana Flores, Rene Garza, Andres Gomez, Savannah Gre4rn,. Chloe: Harringion, Erick Hernandez, Giovanni Herrainde, Jorge Herrnandez, Austin Holt,, P'ai,' Hlariter Courtney Inman, Pam Leonard, Lizbeth Lopez, Lil.uau Lyna, Karen Maciel, Sonny Marbry, Baylen McCormick, Charifler McCormick, Jasmine McDonell, Jailene Mondragon, Eriberto Monroy,: Lorenzo Morales, Sergio Morales, Joel Moreno, Cristian Mota, Dane Mourfield, Estefani Nino, Lupito Perez, Missy Perez, Kar.j Pimnuri E. es Ra:is, Frirst Ra is, er Ree-, lorte Rodriguez, Juan ElR.drigue, Aspcter, o-.e. '.nPer Ru,. Hipi:lir Salinas, Alejandro. 5irnillan, Adrianaj Sau.edI' Eduardo SSauJ:ed:, Bianca Trejo, Rosa Valentin, Anna Vargas, Angel \as.quez, Rei ru Vasque, Pabl,-,et a .l, ea.,ano, iracl Vdla, Enierad 1'A ihanli,. Shewlbv k lliarli Ar':elu i runig Cris -ria Zunila Dolphin Pride Honor Roll Eusebio Diaz, Jc4.e iGonme:, Edga-r Gon;rze:, Eril.a G,:ri Ae:, Mlnirno: G:in-ale:, Michelle Gonzalez, Miranda Ingram, Prince M. \.,l e.Ra m..a Pdro-:, Trres,EstielaZuniga Lipthegrove Elementary School Ist Grade A Honor Roll. '%Mrgrn Bcal:lcr, jes-.ic Belrrj,, Kayley Boddy, Diego Bu-r amjie, Jake Coronado, Daniel DeLeon, Stephen Delorme, Isaiah Devisme, Jaileen Galavez, Marlena Gutierrez, Morgan Guynn, Gabby Home, Jose Jam, Angela Leos, Krystal Maldonado, Alex Martinez, Odalys Martinez, Zenia Mendoza, Marquis Mitchell, Jose Moreno-Trejo, Bryon Morstatter, Alfredo Padilla, Jose Perez, Sarah Perry, Marshall Platt, Adrian Raya, Emily Royal, and Pamela Tully. 1st Grade A-B Honor Roll Leroy Barfield, Felix Flores, Simona Flores, Mercedes Garcia, Navidad Garcia, Karli Henry, Emilie Hull, Alex Ibarra, Madelena Johnson, Bryanna Llamas, DeAnna Martinez Esperanza Mejia, Gabriel Paz, and Karl White. 2nd Grade A Honor Roll Brice Beakley, Ryley Bowen, Denilson Casseus, Anthony Cisnero, Jasmine Craft, Tatiana Gallegos, Wyndell Hurst, Yozeli Reynoso, Pete Rios, Cristian Urias, John Walker, and Brooke White. 2nd Grade A-B Honor Roll Marlen Alcaraz, Alejandro Arvizu, Jessica Coronado, Dandy .Dossou, ,Bobbi Erwin, Thalia Esquivel, Valentin Gomez, Katie Hadley, Owen Mack, Aniho m nMacdey. Allison Martin, Bianca Mendoza, Tiffany Mesrer, Sabrina Parin, Kalob Perez, Dillon Powell, Alexandria Ramirez, Brandon Timmons, Alyssa Tittle, Jacqueline w\ilkins, lishuian.a \ade arid Shelb Wtar-d 3rd Grade A Honor Roll las .n Banl-k, Die.go,: DeSanuag:, Alyssia Fa.:unrdo, Michael Hernandez, Cait!\n NMaj :,, Courtney Perry, Cla Upthegi:rte and Cole LipihegrrAte 3rd Grade A-B Honor Roll lose Beirn, Keirsirn B-,si.'.ick, Emmina ah.oonr, 'Thala t-Com:pean, Zenaida Garcia, Nah Gutnerre:, MhIklinii Harrtngtior, 'Tifarn Horne, Stephanie Jlohrnson, Be.:k-y L.ipp, Ebeltuida Marurnez, (Courrtnei M:Ghee, Devrln MeIl:l., lessie Miller. Mjar,.ellous Mi[chell, Rjcardo, R.imirez. NMl,ni.:j Rodnrgue:, Sonu. R.':lringue.-, ia:cks:on Royal, Albert Villa., l ..la.I \\'illuan .Lnrd Tr\srjn 'Z.iIgurre 4th Grade A Honor Roll Ch-srisan Gause, Brando:,n Go:me;, Dominique Hairinriorn, Millr Kielungr, N[iJ.: koIas, Kaleb Rostl:,uh, Hunter Spargi.j .irid Al'- 'Timni 4th Grade A-B Honor Roll Pa:iola radioio,, Klie Bancroft, Janio ianru, .rile i.i anu, GJrrett Coker, T,.:,nv Corrniio, Zulemra Domingue-, Land\ EKL-.SOU, iKarinia Fo:rutnel, Homer Garcu, Sheeri Heuer. Aanjrd.i ledrirk 'i r:l, Car:rline riohror:rn. Melenie L.'pez, Mr:i-,ael Martine.-, Marta R-mire-, Sanjunrlha \\alk'er, El-.ibe[h \.inet, L[ciar \X hite and Leah iohnr:irn 5th Grade A Honor RoU Ci.ndy' Al-arado, l ian Forianl, Alan FoiJkh, Katie Guerrer,:., Eacquiiel luarez, TimutlIh Kelurng, Clarnsa. MaNirtd, lulu. Marl:, Lui, MNaldon.ira, Anngelca PJa, Kendnr:k Rreii, Manjirel Rodriguez, Hale St ephens and Brinneu Tanner 5th Grade A-B Honor Roll Oneemu Barfield, La[eranae Btrret. \Alfredo Crui, Ernestrna a Dera., Pedro Dimas, Tess Frost, Lindsei Garza, Jlasmin Gonj:les, Karra Gunerrez, Kayla Glurerre:, ili, anr, Hernandez, Ne1da Hernande: Che lnne Hunphries, aitherne Marnmez, Celia Resendiz, Danny Robinson, Dal.ou Santo, Cleb Shirlek, Breanna Spencer, Jacob Tliur and Jan \ i ls no n .. Country Oaks Elementary School Kindergarten A Honor Roll Alelandro Abrego, IsreJl Alegna, Adah Andrjde, Hunter A\er), Quinten Aver), Ausnn Bell, lesus Benmez, Eric Berkheiser, Da uon Blanio, Cars':,n Bratcher, Sara Cordova, Danus Daharry, Britn Darvis, Fredrick Dasl, Kala Da\is, MNar,: Delgado, Brandon Dibernardmi,, Jacob Earnest, lose Esqurvel, Ashley Fletcher, Tylor Gallegos, Raul Garza, Emily Grant, Clay)on Griffin, Da) neGrialdco, Luis Gutierrez, Robert "Ian" Guzman, Justin Harris, El:eo Hernandez, Enrique Hernandez, 'Mario Hernandez, Bryce Herrera, NainJaimes,Jessr:a KI :if, J:,elI rnne LaBoy, Timmy Lawton, Jacqueline Leon, Leily L,.pez Ramrs, Edith Madrid, David Mar, Ethan McClain, Brett Miller, Jeneen Mustafa, Melody Paz, Santos Pegueros, Agustin Perez, Maison Piedra, Esdiel Plaza, Myra Prince, Juan. Reyes, Matthew Robertson, Ricardo. Romero, Marco Ruiz,'Sabreen Sabino, Shareefa Saheed, Kennedi Serrano, Ernesto Tamayo, Zion Taylor, Keishaun Thompson, Kenya Tovar, Chelsea Trejo, Citlalli Velasquez, Matthew Villarreal First Grade A Honor Roll Luis Acevedo, Selena Acosta, James Alegria, Joshua Baker, Emma Bridwell, Gabriel Calderon, Nellanie Cantu, Brianna Cardenas, Nicholas Castillo, Cesar DeSantiago, Jeymy Enriquez, Diana Espinoza, Jose Espinoza, Vanessa Fernandez, Ruby Figueroa, Joshua Garcia, Eric Garza, Melanie Garza, Iscel Gomez, Alan Gonzalez, Enrique G:,ni:ale:. L irana Guerrero, i.iag'lie Harris, Kayla Hood, 'Sherrie Homer, Dalton Hunter, Emily Juarez, Kobe Locklear, leandro: Ma rid, Jaso.n Mlat-his, Joshua Miller, Benjamin Nievez, Jocelin Nunez, Ariel Perez, Valerie Preciado, Vanessa Preciado, Jaxon Purvis, Zeida, Jose Ramos, Kassidy Redish, Neydel Rego, Danielle Rennolds, .Alondra Reyna, Michael Rothenhoefer, Miriam Ruiz, Lazara Sandoval, Efrain Santiago, Ramon Santos, Abby Sigala, Markquis Skervin, Guadalupe Soto, Thayer Stem, Caleb Stitt, Aubriana Talamantez, Alyssa Torres, Mark Vasquez, Maria Villeda, Kinsey Winstead, Juan Zamora Second Grade A Honor Roll Hannah Andrews, Kayla Calhoun, Rafael Carrion, Angelica Jimenez, Joel Jimenez, Brendon Herrera, Kayla Howard, Michael Mears, Raul Pardo, Jordan Russell, Chasity Smith, Emily Schwarz, Miriam Villegas, Jakob Wagner, Brady Walker, Hugh White Third GradeA Honor Roll Emrriilh i.:iden. Brinna Herrera, Ariel limenez, Katie Lawton, Joey Leon, Dana Odeh, McKenzie Redish, Adrien Rivera, Frnari Zuniga Fourth Grade A Honor Roll Olhmpia Abre.o. Be.iunz i.a'-rd.a,- Melinda Cisner,'., Jasmine Deleon, GCr.trd:o MoIrenoi, Duan Must-lad, Cis-id) Pascher, Amand Pfhipps Kassie Squires Fifth Grade A Honor Roll Paulina Magana, Jarred hller, Abar Ramircz, Faith Sherrud, ani:i S:oio,, kaerlin Thorn, Michael Vas.quez Kindergarten A-B Honor Roll NC' ic Kohu:k, ( 'hriiuar 5i a First Grade A-B Honor Roll Hug1 Armilo, Tletr Bannirn, Eli Birnes, Ribert.:. Borges. ,A.ili Bit'ilj', Lu's (usi.:ii, Jsnin Dei',ru:, Tanrann.i Dete)er,- Mainc:el- Dinnig .ie, iian Espi,-.za, Anai Flore:, A,.-i' GUarza, Tir.:. G.ai., Erinc Gerarnim, Eduardo Ciime D.arnd Goneale:, liliaine C e, sha.:ra iorinesC, Corbin K ,,hulek, Morucai Li:riar:, A.le'.niri-er MMaldo.ri do, Aleiandro Marnine;, Slmannha Mairinne:. MarN. Melndo::a., dilm Moulds, los: r-Nare:., Tja\llr Neeis Eithr Nier:, DI:ra ian iN':,uera, Fa\inorid Oreniri: Mlargie Pardi., Mir.heIll P.rd:., Ellj Pieric-Lu'i'u:, Gerard.:, FU.i i.Ldl, East..,n R-:,binsori, ia.isn Roidriguez, Omajr Sala, Kie srlIt: ,teli \illedia Danue i\ dlians Second Grade A-B Honor Roll Le-. Barra..-i, kenineih Barrienr:io, Linel Borpa, ESperai.a Briserino,, Etric Canie, AiAdlriru (nja iarl o Crespo:, Eduaji Cru:, Daur:d DieLen, Chjae Drapal, Blarnca Flores., Robenr Gara, ,Aniberl GCn:zaz. Rir:k Gon rialte, Guadalupe Guillen, Camnertrio Gui:man, Knarl Hi.rn, Ale, Herrindez, Estefirimu Hern inde:, L.ura Hlernrinde., Chri-Itipher Jiinener, Rri.illd:' IKirr, Carl' Leal. Trinsten Le.a .rsnumn Lp, e-Goiriez Lcbetl, Liuiri. Eliabetih Marquer, i Ieln Marunez, Rafael llMelgoza, Lui Nunel,, J.or)ie i.er, Beerlye Pia, Noah Pequeno., Aniu Perez, Glcrld Pea re, BE.,k: Phirpp, ,t.se R'odgers. Adiana R.driguelz Amfn R:od.riii:z EIt EsL, ef:.irij Ridngue:, Ale:.. Sara,na.g,, DaEr\ 5:ti;,,. Cheerne Spencer, Anurind.a sul.tri, Darniel villeda, lesica \\'oodard, Ana Zela a Third Grade A-B Honor Roll 'jreli Accedo,, Ariel Aguilar, Miguel Auriliar, Esmeralda .Alaniu2, lessica nAlmasir, GeChl'bajn Aidali, Omar Ba-iha-nindi, Charlene Ballard, lames Bebon, AkJex Benavidez, Adnana Cardernuas Kenneih Carrionr, Liliaria Es.:obedo:, Omar Figueroa, Jainan Florez, Maireli Garcu, Miranda Garza, Jessica G:.Inia;ez, Graciela Grilaldo, Cassandra Harns, Mark Herrande?, Amth:m lean-Bapnste, Diana Leal, Devnri Litle, Margaria Madrid, Nelianne Malae, Karol Maninez, Tania Nlarinez, Rachel McClain, Salanna McPherson, Esmeralda Mendez, Denise Moreno, Britany Morrisoin, Abraham Ortiz, Victor Palados, Nocra Paniagua, Erick Pena, Humberto Perez, Moises Ramierz, Ricardo Rodriguez, Luis R:jas Suievelis Rueda Fourth Grade A-B Honor Roll Natalie .'h.:, Nicholas Aho, Ferriando Bedclla, SkIlar Bell, Enell); Canche, Angelica C.isillo, Jackie Chavez, Zachary Condon, Yasmin Cortez, Adriana Cruz, [orena Cruz. Ashley Fai, Laura Fernaindz, NIart icc Filres, Ammberlrnn Ford, Melanie Fo:reland, ,Amber Fussell, Chriuan Gal'vez, Miranda Garcia, .ia Gomes., uana Goimenz, unsela Gonzalez, Isais Guilosa, Manbi Hernandez, Daud Herrera, Blame Howell, Danny Keller,.lessi:ca Leal, Juliana Leon, Peyton Malcolm, Kasaridra Melgoza, Jusue Orduna, M:lhael Pepitone, lesse Pequeno, Esteban PIaza, Gerardo Rea, Myranda Reiriard, Jordan Rice, Sandra Romero,, Aymee Salazar, Isaa.: anuillan, \\~att Shawi, Alondr.a Vdla, Mcrnique \ dbams, Mara Zamora, Nikole Zelay.a Fifth Grade A-B Honor Roll ;arob ,Ariderson, Perla Buendui, Briuanr Carr, \csenia Erreium,i '..londra Gai danes.Guznun, Ediurdo Gorinldez, Ashley Grci._, T eish-a Gunsbyv, ,Ara:eli Guerrero, Dylan Hinson, Ale'ndr laidlde,Jetrniiter Lucas.Gar.: Miarina Marques, Kyle McClain, Ricardo Moreno, Samer Odeh, Cristal Olguin, Maria Ortiz, Joann Ramos, Manirani Rimpersaud Ni':,hlans Reinard, Kile Rice; Jose 'F:dringuea, 'itritla Sanitlan. Mark 4Slo.ar Slade Studle), Cheyenne ellsls, NaLe whi[e. Shelb W'illis, Sergio Zuniga THIS PAGE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FOLLOWING SPONSORS! ~S-' : ..-: RIVERSID-E REAL ESTATE fl I; IlI II I 1 I-.II t.l, FPL 3I.3935 L4"At3 t os IAnRRNu rPAe-r 863-675-2718 wwwI.lablellerverside.cot n -mail labterversieC'earthlifu k net MARILYNuu SLRS Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret -h -ll. Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod and Judy Cross McClure Riverside is proud to be a supporter of Education in LaBelle SSeacoast :NATIONAL BANK Hwy 80 E LaBelle 675-2300 Proud Supporter of Education in - LaBelle Alice Inc PROUDLY SUPPORTS THE EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN 240 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33935 Randy's Garage, Inc. 675-1032 Proud supporter of Education! !: -; FLORIDA GULF COAST UNIVERSITY i LaBelle High School Honor Roll A Honor Roll 9th Grade: Kyle'Barnhart, Martha Blanco, Megan Bledsoe, Vanessa Cantu, Annalicia Cavazos, Janie Delatorre, Xavier Gaure, Joshua Hernandez, Emily Hull, Kaylee Lai, Miriam Lora, Olivia Luckey, Katherine Lynn, Lizabeth McKinney, Melissa Mears, Daniela Pimentel, Candelaria Rodriguez, Briana Sanchez, Savannah Smith, Lori Spangler, Justin Walker, Stephanie Yanes. A Honor Roll 10th Grade: Bryan Crockett, Irene Garza, Jeffery Johnson, Cecilia Leos, Jacqueline Moreno, Kayla Pittman, Chelsey Ramos, Alyssa Rivas, Gregory Zirmerly. A Honor Roll llthGrade: Chelsey Anderson, Brntian Baker, Evan Hoffman, Carisa Langley, Brooke Norris, Anibal Pacheco, Tulsiram Rampersaud, Alexa Redish, Jayla Yates. A Honor Roll- 12th Grade: Suzanne Greenleaf, Nicholas. Hamilton-Proverbs, Robert Higinbo:tham, Esophia Hiigins, Misty Kapke, Meld:di Kosh, Tiler Levcis, Ma\ra Martinez, Thelma Maninez, lenniler Milligan, \'illnim Murph\y, Heather Rajulerson, lenna st'ephens, Brauli, Tanayo, Titifan\ Terrell B HonorRoll- 9th Grade: luis Aoiita, Justin Aho, Domingo Ajanel, Marlen .Aarit-Diaz, Angel Al rez, Broo:ke Av.brev, (jabriel Baza, Christopher Benner, Dariielle Bennet., Heather Brady, Kara Burns, Ale.,andro C.iarballr:, Beatriz Carranza, Kaylynn Cash, Noemi C alire:, Ciurunner Deanjnir, Pedro Deras, Roberto Deras, James Ea.ns, iesJ. Gamee. Sandra Gane:, lro:oe C-ar:ia, Anilu CGme;, I.an Go.:jnalei,. Ro.:seieli G:rnulez., Shaira Hansenr, Kater Hiit:l Samson Lehnrjn, Chlelea Le-wis, Miaro: Lo:ipez, .ceirjndrro Malcia, KaJ)l Mld:inriad:,, Angelica Marquez, Bla\ne Marshall, Berrnie NMelina, Sariuanan Menguela, Saanartha Middleton, .Vshley Mollnra, Leeann Monranez, D:ilra Molrer:ri-G:cnie7, Adrirjn Perua, lohr, ,im4ni,.., Nora Sanlnago, Sleplarliue Sr.:hatier, lerrina Sihejarr Rer ::j Singletion, Briuranv Snuth, Eliaibed Tovar, Kaleigh Woodard, Meganr \\'roodruft, Mira Zamarron B Honor Roll 10th Grade: MNaamnioorr: .Aueluf, Lirridse) Arkins, lessia Bednar, ,Ai sa. Bourntell. Sierra Broir:wn. rLTanire ajin, Brenrnan auseau':, Galn Cj:,re, Bonrue Da\,i, Christopher Deamer, A.hle) Dean, N.:oile Fii:re, Tfnioth\ Frrnomm, Fortinui Garcla, Atea Gilbertson, ljaudiu Guerra, Betuice Herriandrle:, Marleri Herrera, Stephen Ingber, Br\vntre iasiuk, atle!\ri iKel.i. Ariel Kos.h, lose Luucs, Karnn Marinez. lenritier .ason, C'Len ri i M-Lnmorn-Birch, lulisa ,,Mobell, Darniel MN:reno, Kala Muirraj, Leivis Nobles, Stephiane Pacjk, Franklin Por.iell, Abirael R.imos-Rios, Esperanz.'i Rjia, Ro:..una RJa,., hlichJal Reed, Ryan Rhoden, Kevin Rodgers- Carl;is R:iordnguer, Fjard: Rodriguei Randy Ruz, \'na. Sianimaru.-Griselda Santiago, Ab\gajle Shupe, Jacoib Sieplhns, Holly Srei enson, Kjla Strvles, Sandra Thaxton, Srephanrie Vargis, Nancy Vjasquez, Marcos VilledJ, ?Aleis Virsack, lames Vonfrarinlus .loran \\'allk, Alfredo Zamarron, Nereida Zuniga B Honor Roll 11th Grade: NMJlory Allen, iuridia Arroyo, lessicj-.Anne Bechtel, Thomas Benneu, Rachael Boy, Bob Brogdon, Edilberto t:arraJn:a, Luis Cavazos, Millane Daniel, Jch Djatis, joshiua Djal, Tlny Gi:rn-Dominguez, Margarel Fries, luis Gonialez, Anquiette Goree, Jose Gudilen, nMilijel Heredia, Veronica Jimenez, Miranda Landruni, Fredd) Nlartmne, .AAna Marinso1in, Pedro Mata, Lacey McCall, Amber Oney, Daron.Orzech; Silvestre Perez, Gabriel Puente, Arianna Rodnrguez, Fidel Sanchez, Jacy Sealey, Nicholas Tanner, Daisy Vargas, Christopher WXegsiheid, Christopher Wills, MaNlri Zaiala B Honor Roll 12th Grade: Rene Acevedo, Demetris Beckworth, Sumirtral Beharr), Kerem Betencur, Amber Bird, Jessica Boyd, Barbara Brogd.din. Jarretl Broughton, Daniel Campuzano, lMari Carranza, j:rlseph Crockett, Ri,:l-rd Damin.._,.. Robert Del.criuz, Branrido Dihrlice. Jose Eguia, Seth Freeman, Israel Hernandez, Christopher Hollenback, Stafford King, Fabian Lopez, Chad Lutkenhaus, Debbie Medrano, Emrich Meyer,:Rebecca Moreno, Vi:.irria Morris, Missy Olivarez, Mario Perez, Ie-,i..a Sanche, C Or:a;:i, Sandoval, Adrian arinragi Akhlevr 'Tmirpnr, Eric Trejo, Albert 'Williams, Shayla Wilson. .* -- 'D-- *I- r~ir gri-- - Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14, 2006 I.'. 3. :-2 .-t'. - More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run S1 .your ad in several papers in our newspaper network., Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*!' Call Today For Details! Sources. Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item; (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1 '2 inch .H (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) Must include only one item and its price S(remember it must be $2,500 or less) IIIIAA - Frlad8S 'u, "- ur~irypJl~ise VISA * Iim Announcements Important Information Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an.inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not. be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word ."advertisement'. All ads accepted are subject fo credit apFpr al All ad- must conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These 'classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 IRS public auction!!! 10 beau- tiful wooded acres in Gaines- ville horse country. Sale 12/18/2006, 11 a.m. in Gainesville, FL. Visit www.irssales.gov or call (850)445-4625 (Gary) for nfo. BEAGLE, Female, in Bassinger area, week of 11/20/06, call to identify. (863)467-4823 CALICO CAT- Female, approx 1 yr old. Vic. Division of Fo- restry. Please call (863)763-0215 CHILD SEAT- Graco Instant carrier. 12/03 Vic. of Four Seasons & Treasure Island Way. (863)634-0948 NAMEPLATE- Gold Charin, large, w/ 2 names, Okeecho- bee Area, (863)634-6601 REWARD- Calico cat(f), 2 yrs, white belly, black & orange back & top of head, long blacktail. 863-467-0704 Shop here first The classified ads CAT & KITTEN, 2 yr. old black & white female, shots & spayed & black kitten. (863)946-9133 Moore Haven LAB MIX- 2 yrs old, female, spayed, good watch dog to good home only (863)467-0346 MIXED- 6 wks old, Free To Good Home! (863)763-1370 SALE FT DENAUD ACRES: Saturday, December 16th, 8am-?, 3590 Ft. Adams Ave.; LaBelle (863)674-1755 Furniture, H/H items, Crafts & Fabrcs... See you there! Honing sale LaBelle, 4026 Rainbow Circle Sat. &Sun., Dec. 16th & 17th 8a.m.to?? Multiple items available. S. al NoIce PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday December 16, 2006 9:00 AM Wauchula (196 State Road 62, Bowling Green, FL) CONSIGNORS WELCOME - Traclors, Farm Equip.. Vehicles, Trailers, ATV's, Construction Machinery & Much More. DeM Aucton Co. Terry DeMott, Sr. FL#AU1833 AB1285 Phone (800) 985-5699 www.demottauction.com Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 $10.00 per hour S5.50 plus tips S9.50 per hour S5.50 plus tips S7.50 per hour S10.00 + per hour BOE S10.00 + per hour BOE S10.00 per hour S8.00 per hour S8.00 per hour S8.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $21.00 avg. w/tips $12.50 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these management positions: Public Space Supervisor TAD/Gaming Machine Floor Supervisor Benefits available for ALL employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person TODAY! 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace IVM Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the govern- ment PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Department W21. One man's trash Is anoth- How do you find a Job In er man's treasure. lurn today's competitive your trash to treasure market? In the employ- with an ad In the classi- ment section of the clas- fleds. sifleds a.emisml t ISpeca l Notic IS .ecial Noti IBRYANT CONSTRUCTION AND ROOFING, INC. I lMetal Roofs. Re-Roofrc R.of Repairs ,'L FREE ESTIMATES SResidential & Cuoninercial Licensed & In-ured License #CCC 132r5956i MAember of the BBB ... R Office (863) 675-7045 ==, .._, , CAR RENTAL starting t S39.9 Per Da H-UM ENTERS .U TREE SERVICE S.* Tree Trimming & Removal SStump Grinding Shoping & Topping 863-675-0403 L,,-en'.ed and Insured CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING (.i ',1 .rli I' tRI .ii 14 i. In ...r .r p n ...n .i n. .l ,r' l ird 1 Iii .11 MNDYMLAN REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE ( i, I ,'h 1 i]|u| I ir ] ,. IIr I w r' S,,.,..,, .,,,... 1, (863) 675-7297 Empoyen Ful Tie 111 LABELLE- Sat.,Dec. 16th 1644 Garden St., 8am-1:00pm. Something 4 Everyone! LARGE ing S l 15260 SR 80,5 miles E of LaBelle Sat., Dec. 16th, 8am- ?? Tools, vehicles, equipment, household items & more. Join aH the people who. say, "Isold It in the clas- slfleds." AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. Low tuition feel Many payment options! No regis- tration fee! (866)889-0210 info@americasdrivingacade- my.com. Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- D TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- torcom. Employment - Fun-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Emploment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 $2,900 WEEKLY GUARAN- TEED! Address letters for 'holiday cash. No experience necessary. Free information. Start immediately! Write: A&G Publications, 2370-G Hillcrest Rd. #147-H, Mo- bile, AL 36695. BABYSITTER- Needed in my home. Call for details (863)610-2231 CLASS-A CDL DRIVERS- Now Hiring OTR & Local Drivers- New Equipment; Great Bene- fits; Premium Pay Package. Call Oakley Transport, (877)882-6537. ~COUNTRY CORNER - Seeks the following.positions: Cashiers & Clerks Needed Full Time & Part Time Call 863-675-4554 or 239-572-2970 DRIVER NEEDED- Gulf Har- vesting, Inc., is looking for Semi driver.to haul citrus and loboy. Benefits provided. Fax resume to: 239-369-2267; or call 239-369-9617 DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. DELIVERY DRIVERS Blockers Furniture in Immokal- ee is hiring delivery drivers beginning at $12.00 per hour and warehouse helpers at $8.00 per hour. Blocker's is also hiring sales associates. Apply in person at Blocker's Warehouse 110 12th Street in Immokalee behind John Deere Tractor. Driver ASAP 36-43cpm/$1.20pm + Sign On Bonus $0 Lease NEW Trucks CDL-A + 3 mos OTR (800)635-8669. Driver- REGIONAL RUNS, Home Weekly or: Temp Con- trol, Team Xpedited ($5K sign-on bonus), Dedicated (guaranteed miles). Solos, Teams, CDL-A Grads, L/P, 0/Os. Covenant Transport (866)684-2519. EDE. DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. 800)940-2778, www.drive- forcrst.com. Drivers -Car hauling career. GREAT HOME TIME! Excep- tional Pay & Benefits! Paid Training! Min. 1 yr. Class-A CDL exp. req. THE WAG- GONERS TRUCKING (912)571-9668 OR 866)413-3074. Emlymn FullTime 020 Emlymn FullTim IEiplye Full Tim CALOOSA* BELLE is looking for an Part time time with somewhat flexible hours The ideal candidate will be self-motivated with an outgoing personality, more than average computer skills, bilingual a plus, understanding of digital photog- raphy and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers a unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered. e-mail resume to: jkasten@sltrat.net MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a'franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 -COUNSELOR- Big Cypress Seminole Reservation The Seminole Tribe of Florida has open- ings for the following positions: MA/MS or MSW with minimum 2 years experience in mental health or social work LCSW, LMFT, LMHC or eligible. CAP (+). Minimum 2 yrs. exp. with substance abuse/mental health. Flex hours required. Valid FL drivers license, 401K, medical dental. Fax resume with salary require- ments to: (954)967-3477 or email amdixon@semtribe.com Find t faster. Sell it soon- er in the classfeds Shop here first The classified ads If I rpydo 1II0 =- ISO 0II0 1900TET I III2 1 IlU0Ai I III *- The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and ADVANCEMENT are encouraged to apply TODAY Pick YOUR career and embark on a new adventure Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Count Team Member Dining Room Server Dishwasher Line Cook Maintenance Worker Players'Club Representative Poker Brush Prep Cook Public Space Attendant Security Officer TAD/Gaming Machine - Customer Service Representative TAD/Gaming Machine Technician FIND IT FAST DIR'ECTO a Garage/ Yard Sale s 0145 Garage/ Yard "Sales0145 1800lrg~ 17 13 0 .; . Mg~u tions lMcton Employment 18 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14, 2006 Empoyen FullTim E UNITED STATES SUGAR CORPORATION WELDERS-- JOURNEYMAN & SECOND CLASS JOURNEYMAN Perform welding on various types of steel structures, pressurized vessels and pressurized pipes. Abletbo wed with mig andtig.Able to useaplasma cutter, air arc, acetylene-oxygen torch and related equipment. SAbility to use and read tape measure, contour marker and various measuring instruments. Ability to read blueprints andlayoutwork. Passa welding test SECOND CLASS Utilizes arc. oxygen/acetylene. and plasma methods to safely perform welding anda utting luncions in [he laIdica3rin and/or repair or carbon sieel Knowledge ol welding principles anr methods gained inrougn vocational waning or pracocal expenence. Able to successfully complete 2nd Class welding test. For Immediate consideration please do one of the following *Stop in atthe Employment Center onWC Owen and askfor John or Letty *Email a brief paragraph of relevant experience to SJdooiey@u5s.ugdr coin *, FAX 863-902-2889 US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer commilled to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are Encouraged to apply HENRYY IFIEGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 0k 1 1 iSde.i,111 .- 1 g. iad,,,Ln .'u-t LIFNcl0I d Il. R$inm) S IIP Ni it 1 ( E I Iu, If illIh III Wil Iu llrkhl: *Il. iiiJIh hilk.ffERiRNldqffiids V I ld MII i V ji, ru .VL. I"L [., lliit Pfli t, t .Ilni,21 n i rna him "l ,iy n' kjri'v lr ALLI Vi, Lrn PaDodm-C NAorCNhNAlit I Mi pl .. ,l r..d e d LI C A ji i Tl 1H lri lv lllll hil i.-"CMAI d .1K k 1 6 t' ikIl .I11 t VP' hii CJlI p wil1'in!i ..I d .I.I .. , F l RNud a ir i. t n-ir d uha C I. hr ICI Pen dm- I Talemva V In':k, L' i,, ,, l,\ l ,a* ld 1, ,a C ,' ,-,l miiiii ,L h iin'i ],i 111 Full lile pra Mtr hyT a3pnlt (PrT ui PP. [.inriL.ild i fiii 1 1i j i.up. i, iul A id ii ii':t 1jilp l iJ ar [LB jili A fL j:i ilr L Ni dIe- Pftmia Tedinlan I'i ,r 1 il l | ll h ,Il lJ i ,'ii l ,l Hid.pi Si filin.nTi nl n li [i l Kit Full Tline- PiartAc1mmllepI Full Tr:. CMA or IPN (Cirp lHealh Svcs Iu, i l Eidu, oli',T e EIVIi'g.. ] IL h,,uIIJ'I dt ]i:'in (I, Ihil, u p i jiv n i tibu Ti E Mj d A .r l II.c :rll rt l ir jl Phone: 863-902-307P or Fa resume to: 863 983-0805 S.._ ..-...-o Drug-Free Workplace *EOE-- Drivier-BYNUM TRANSPORT needs qualified drivers for Central Florida- Local & Na- tional OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, com- petitive pay & new equip- ment. (866):GO-BYNUM. Need 2 years experience. FLORIDA BOUND Large organization now hiring 18-23 sharp guys &-gals to work in travel. Fast paced, ':-' IiilTlfbtiviatei:sales team representing news, fashion & sports publications. Lodging and Transportation provided Paid daily. Must be 18 or older and start today. 1-888-74.1-2190 FRUIT & VEGETABLE INSPECTOR AIDES In LaBelle. Seasonal & shift work required. Call 239-658-3500 EEO/AA Employer MECHANIC Douglass Fertilizer has a full time Mechanic position open in our Clewiston Plant. Primary duties in- clude repair and mainte- nance of equipment and welding & fabrication. You must supply your own hand tools. The position offers competitive pay as well as good benefits. Please apply in person at 330 S. San Diego, Clewis- ton, Florida. Douglass Fer- tilizer is a Drug Free Workplace and an Equal Opportunity Employer. OFFICE POSITION Full Time, for busy office. Computer skills necessary. High School Diploma or its equivalent. Call 863-675-6788 OTR drivers deserve more pay and 'more hometime! $.38/mi. 1 year experience. More experience makes more! Home weekends! Run our Florida Region! Heart- land Express (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com. Post Office Now Hiring. Avg. Pay $20/hour or $57K annu- ally including Federal Bene- fits and OT. (800)709-9754 USWA Ref #P5799 Ex- am/Fee Req. ROUTE DRIVER Portable Sanitation Company is seeking route driver. Must have clean driving record. Excellent pay and benefits. Call (863)673-3506 or (863)675-1643 SI-- CENTER MANAGER Community Center Opening in Pahokee, Feb. 2007. Must ihave5 yrs.exp. in business or health care management, organizational, supry, and team building experience. BANBS and/or Bilingual pref. Fax resume & cover letter to: HR (561)844-1013 or email hr(fchcinc.ora EOE/DFWP Financial -- -- ------.... --- Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! SBe your own BOSS Sell Avon. Work your hours, insurance, easy, unlimited earnings. Call Judy 677-0025 NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! What if you could start'your own business today for only $29? Visit www.dpaschal.myar- bonne.com and I'll introduce you to the Arbonne Opportu- nity! NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good tobe true, chances are that it Is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution, -SEEKING-SWAMP CABBAGE VENDOR To retail hand made coffee cups. Easy sales with prof- itable markup possible. (863)675-7422 CASH NOW FOR FUTURE PAYMENTS! We will buy your Annuity, Structured Set- tlement, Lottery or Owner Held Mortgage Note. Call R&P Capital Resources Inc. (800)338-5815. Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessul people Eimplom-n Medical Emplymen Meical LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE Licensed Practical & Licensed Vocational Nurses L-3 (#64084166) Hendry County Health Department LPN to work in an elementary school in LaBelle; year round position working at Hendry or Glades County Health Department's clinic locations during.the summer.months; Bilin- gual English & Spanish helpful; Background screening/fingerprinting-required/EEO/AA. Apply on line: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com or Call Patti @ 863-675-4041x 13,5 for more details. JOB OPENING Job Requirements * High School graduate or equivalent * Ability to work independently Ability to speak English and Creole fluently Job Description: * Trus ppciricin involves doing pre and :usiltesil iourin elnli lor Ire HIV lesiing and case managing appro, 50 HIV poiiiive palleni5s Interested individual please contact Ellen Cordoba in our Specialty Department @ (239)658-3010 -b I inomationj~ DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABOR <4FIN4DERS A02 E. -SugiLaLd Hwqy. iAcroas ,m Cle-ijrtn Inn (863) 902-9494 Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Rp y. r..it ,,r , --- 1,,,. R (1 Ib..,. Call - 863 675-7297 Se Habla Espanol COMPUTER SERVICE lriuble ;nioolntirn s5 -up up.grjade yltemr tiulll lultorinug Win 95 98 211000 ME '.Piliensee CLll Gar 863-675-7925 ALL OCCASION DI ,,, /.. .., -., .., LLg/LL UW uwuut batU Call 863 673-0065 Se Habla Espanol SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contact the Transportation Dept at 863-674-4115 or Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.kl 2.fl.us WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS Copper & Brass. Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760,257-0879 Higgin's Tree Service- -- 25 years experience. Free estimates. Lic. & insured. Call 863-675-3955. READING A "W' NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU MORE INFORMED- AND INTERESTING PERSON. ( a wonder newspaper readers are more popular! Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware. Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins!Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 -Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies,' Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 A/C UNIT- Bard, Self con- tained, 5 ton, Wall mount $750. or' best' 'offer. (863)357-3400 DISHWASHER, HOT WATER HEATER & STAINLESS STEEL SINK: $50 for all. (863)674-0281 DRYER, Kenmore, $100 (863)634-8024 DRYER: MAYTAG, Only $65 863-675-8937 Free delivery. FREEZER- Very large, Like new. $1000. (239)248-4758 GE WASHER & DRYER- Less than 1 yr old, white, paid $700 asking $300 (863)675-3793 RANGE, 24" electric, good condition. $75 (863)357-7065 REFRIGERATOR- Like new, with ice maker. Large bottom freezer. $300. Firm. (239)657-5760 STOVE, Frigidiare, Smooth Top, Electric--Great- condi- tion. Moving. $150. .(863)261-6299 STOVE- Whirlpool, electric, glass top, white, $100 (863)675-1634 WASHER & DRYER, Kenmore, Good shape. $175 for both. (863)675-3976 WASHER & DRYER- White, $300 will separate (863)763-1884 WASHER: Kenmore, Only $75 (863)675-8937 Free delivery WASHER/DRYER- Automatic washer, gas dryer. $50 for the pair. 863-674-0610 WASHER/DRYER- LG, Under warr. til '09. Like new. Pd. $2000. Asking $800 or best offer (239)867-6351 Epom-e I Ful Tim-e 05 COMPUTER DESK, 72"x30" deep, with top tower shelf, excellent condition. $45 (863)763-1997 COMPUTER DESK, with hutch, small drawer, file cabinet & keyboard drawer. $75 (863)763-3191 COUCH & LOVESEAT, Floral Print, Matching. Good condi- tion. $150. (863)467-8223 DAYBED: Trundle, Like new. Only 1 year old. $300. (863)675-0777 DESK, -6 drawers. $20 (863)946-1189 DESK, HUTCH & matching wood file cabinet. Excellent condition $100.. (863)634-5236 KING SIZE MATTRESS- like new, $450 (863)634-5225 TANNING BED- 2 yrs old, ex- cellent condition, $1000 or best offer (863)467-1152 ADULT 3 WHEEL BICYCLE, Miami Sun, $100 or best offer. (989)831-5135 DYNO AIR BIKE- w/green pegs to grind with and rotating handle bar. Good cond. $50' neg (863)634-2974 LOW-RIDER BICYCLE- Like new condition. Burgundy & " chrome. $200. - (863)697-2032 SCHWINN BIKES (2) brand new, never on road, 1 mans, 1 womans, $250 for both will sell sep (863)763-8225' BUILDING SALE..."Don'l Miss It!" Final Clearance Deposit will rioo iiil spring 25':140',.12' $4800 -l0'.60 x16' $12 800. Froni end optional. Rear end in- cluded Others Pioneer .800)668-5-122 STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals Save 1.$ -10 60 o1 100 200 E. 50 100i -12" .= $3.60/sq 'ft. (800)658-2885. www.rigid- building.com.'r . COMMERCIAL SINK, 3 com- partment; stainless steel. IO .186!135C.7T.61 3 DOORS- Sliding Glass, White, Like flew $50 or besi ofiler l86j)'5- 1634- METAL ROOFING SAVE 1.$1 Buy ilre l From Manuljlur- er 21)0 ulor-'. ir i ,l, wih all AC( ? oriies Ou,:'u : luri dround'i Delivery Av3ldtile i3521"98"f,-7 Toil Free (8880393-0 !5 SALE- CRUSHED STONE #' 57 Greal ior rinvewray Call iillyis Eriiepii.es ol La- Belie (2391825-4251 BED- RACECAR. Line Tikes. blue bed only, eLellenii (on dilion. 15:0 18631634--3069 CAR SEAT- Even-llo eiceient condition pink w,' dela;ihable base $30 (8631983-6310 alter PM CLOTHES- Litlle Girls. Size 2T, Never worn 20 ounlls ola01 $130 (863)357-1048 MENS MOTORCYCLE JACK- ET, Black ic31her, wiri pon- 'ho & Iringe, si;,4e 4 11)50 18631357-03-14 WEDDING DRESS- While wi silver beading. Si. '14. paid 1600 asking $150 (8631634-6601 BASEBALL COLLECTION: 12 Autographed Most in cases. Mini condition $2500 lor Ihe i(oniple sel 1863)357-0125 BASEBALL/FOOTBALL CARD over 3000 $800 or Des ol- leri863l167-137-4 STEELERS SPORTS COLLEC- TION w.lei;ev Srirl. CaD & Bear All in 1 paecgtc $;0 18631357-0125 WEDDING GOWN- la:e,' sran - mail rain size 5 52 vrs ud $50i 863--16-06;'i DELL COMPUTER R Onice gjrries. FaSI i1-19 5l6318-3r.0158 QUILTING FRAME, Hinierberg Wo,:deri, For id gii Oi Queen 1-15 186316"7417 5j ACCENT TABLES, (3), white, '(1) rectangle, (1) round & 1 round with lamp, $40. 863)674-1276 ARMOIRE / ENTERTAINMENT. CENTER- Black, all wood, $250 or best offer (863)227-0173 BR SET- Antique, mahogany, 1900's, full size, 2 NS, hdbd, ftbrd, chest, mirror $2200 (863)528-3269 BUNK BED, Loft style, all in one, purchased at Badcock, exc. cond. $500 (863)763-6430 Iv. msg. CHAIRS (35), Brown metal, folding. $10.5 for all or will separate. (863)675-3230 Chase Lounge Elegant, solid cream velour like material, $250 or best offer (863)227-0173 COFFEE TABLE & 2 end tables with drawers, all oak wood. $150 for set, (863)675-4098 evenings COMPUTER ARMOIRE, Dark wood, double doors close with key lock. $100 (863)763-3191 COMPUTER DESK, 3%' long x 4%' tall. Has top shelf and cabinet, $40 (863)763-5067 tion Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. ' ATTEND COLLEGE DNELIIfE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Jus- tice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.onli- neTidewaterTech.com. CAMERA PHONE- Nextel 1850, New in box $250. (863)634-7125 .CAMERA PHONE- Nextel 1870, w/ MP3 and Blue Tooth, Like New, $295. (863)634-7125 CHINA, for 12 + serving piec- es, $60. (863)675-6973 FISH TANK- 55 gal., stand and accessories, $75 (863)610-5237 DINING TABLE, Glass top, Metal legs (Metallic look). With 6 chairs. Like new. $350. (239)537-4253 LeBelle area DR SUITE- 5pc solid wood, excellent condition $275 (863)673-4942 , DRESSER & 2 NIGHT STANDS, $50 for all. (863)946-1189 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Colonial pine, for 65" TV or smaller, $500 (863)983-5364 FUTON MATTRESS- nice, ex- tra thick, forest green.w/mat- tress, cover, $50. (863)763-6369._ KITTEN- Male, orange Tabby & white, approx 8 wks old. bottle fed, $15. (443)262-2740, LOVESEAT W/MATCHING CHAIR- excellent condillon $475(8631673-4942 PEDESTAL TABLE- Round Oak, Old, Good condition $100 (8631763-6342 Okee- chobee area SOFA BED, Beige. background w/green & rose Iloral print Excelieni condition. $350 1863)763-6342 Okee area SOFA- Like.new. Wine col- ored with reCliners ai each end. $250 |8631675-0777 SOFA SECTIONAL, 3 pc sel w,Sleeper & ReLiinei Lighi Deige panern. E..ceent con- doili.i $525 18631357-5754 WING BACK CHAIR, blue.'ur- ounidv qreen i:hei. ad~kirn] $50 1863l675-4098 CARPINE- US Springfield oiTide 18841 has lype "C' Ironi lc sigrh. $.1200 or OeSl iner 19371215-0307 COBRA ARMS- 9 MM Derrin-- ,er hroisler carlrijleS 1.125 or besi oiler (8631983-7915 MAGS- (3) Ruger Mini 14, sieel. not usIed $5145 l863i301-0250 PISTOL- 25 aulomaic. $125 65020931-8101 RIFLE. Ruger All Wejiher stairnlie sleel, 10'22, wiin scope eltras $275 t863)610-0632 Okee SHOTGUN- Springfield 20ga, double barrel $300. (502)931-81,01 SMITH & WESSON- Highway Patrolman model 28. 357 mag, 4" bbl, largely grips & sighls $350 (937)215-0307 TAURAS, 745 45 cal 3.3" barrel, slairless/composile 7 shol semi-auto psiol new in bo,. $450 (8631467-2315 WINCHESTER- Ranger 30-30. mini cond. SKS many ac- cess $1000 lor born will sep (8631763-2032 Iv msg BAR BELL WEIGHT SET-.New. in box. Witn multi-lunclion bench $200 561-722-0401 BO FLEX SPORTS- Mini con- dition Pd $1400 Will sell tor $500 You haul. (863)801 1891 alter 3pm TREADMILL-New, Perfect Westco. Cadence 7E, Fold & store $275 15611)22?0401 WEIGHT BENCH- Greal shape. like newv. 1100 or best owner 18631673-2896 ask for Vicki TRASH CONTAINER- Wood. iecti live lounlry kiicnriri. Oricidis 13 gaillonr Only 1.21" 863-467-8681. DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, w/surrounding diamonds, '.425 rNeo 1863)675-7105 i' 86)b6,73-5023 LIGHT FIXTURES- Fluores- cent. 2'x2' with. cover & bulbs. Never used. Still in box. $10.(863)763-1997 ADJUSTABLE BED, Ultramatic, twin, electric w/vibrate & re- mote. Exc. cond. $2700 new, asking $1100. (863)763-6907 ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR Pride Jazzy w/joystick. Exc cond. $5700 new, asking $2100. (863)763-6907 FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES MEDICARE PATIENTS Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE METERI Am-Med Quality Diabetic, Supplies. LIFT CHAIR, Beige, $300 (863)675-0548 WHEEL CHAIR, Elec., Metallic Maroon. Used 10 hrs. Brand new! Built in charger & rear pocket. $4500; 863-467-1533 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA ap- proved program. Financial aid if qualified Job place- ment assistance. CALL Avia-- QUILTING MACHINE: "SIrelch- Long Arm. Frame & Tracks Everything included $2500 (863)674.1755 'POOL TABLE, slate 8, $300 18631467.8187 SUB WOOFERS- 4, Mempnis 12i In a cusom porled bo, SBrand new $650 or best lof lei 1863634-6416 Teeiso 0 ANTENNA, New! 5 ms 9000 ir, Directional, Amplilied in- door/Outdoor w, internal ro- tor. $139. (863)763-7989 HD PROJECTION TV- 55" ask- ing $500 or best offer (863)983-5364 TV, Large 60", Good condi- tion. $80J i239)248-4-158 BENCH DRILL PRESS, Crafts- man, 1/2" chuck. $100 (863)612-9233 LaBelle COMPOUND MITER SAW, Dewalt, used once, $300' or best offer. (863)697-8837 COMPOUND SAW- Portable Craftsman, cuts angle, new blade and stand $60 (863)763-8797 ELECTRIC PRESSURE WASH- ER, 1200 p,sl, $100 (863)612-9233 LaBelle GENERATOR: EG3500, Honda, brand new, still In box. $950. 863-673-5159 GENERATOR, Powerboss, portable, 5500 watts, 7350 starting watts, brand new. $800 (863)697-8837 JOHN DEERE POWER UNIT, Diesel, 4 cyl. Complete w/radiator & fuel tank. $1500(863)675-1862 MIG WELDER, 25' spool gun with accessories. $1400. (772)332-1438 PRESSURE WASHER: 2700 PSI, Sears. $350. 863-673-5159 WELDER, portable, 200 amp, engine driven, $450. (863)674-1276 BARBIE CAR, 6 volt battery operated. $40 (863)467-4567 SCOOTER, Battery operated, Sunl. $75 (863)467-4567 ORECK XL, lots of extra bags, only used 2 times, top of the line, pd $900, asking $350. (863)983-7011 KARAOKE- Professional, Vo- cal Pro., $100 (863)467-9054 DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. (8am-6pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. SGATSBY WHIRLPOOL TUB - Rectangular, seats 4. Kept in- side, great condition. W/Cover. $1500, 863-843-0913 Lvmsg TANNING BED- Soltech, 28 bulb, Commercial or residen- tial. Excellent condition. $1800.(863)634-1263 TANNING BED- Sun Star, 32 bulb, (3) facial tanners; bulbs recently replaced,. $2400 (863)453-5599 WEIDER PRO SYSTEM- like new, $200 firm (863)763-41132 or (863)634-2171t YAMAHA ZUMA SCOOTER- '05, 49cc, 40 actual miles. Garage kepl $1700 (863)675-6437 DRUMS, Ludwig Junior. 5 piece, wilh symbols & slool Lke new Relail3 $355 asking $150 t863);63-698 GUITAR- JOHNSON Acousic Black, e.,,ceiieni Ilne., seldom used. like new. 3ol1 case, $95 (863634-9316 BEAGLE. AKC reg ,Ir it lor. male. 6 mis. old, sholi uP to dale needs room TO run. $3501 863l610 1197 BEAGLE PUPPIES(41: Fermales 6 ws.s wormed & 1i shul APR rr, ici: perligree Ilil $250ea (i863)63-4 723 CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES UKC Cerl All shols Vel checked $300. l400 & $450 8b3.;6;.-3073 FISH TANK- 150 gallon $300 or be;3 oiner 18631673-2896 a3:lor Vicki FISH TANKS- 150 )gil. 50 gal. 29 gal, (21 10 gal.. all Ior $160 or will sell separate 18631201-3492 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS parents on premises CKC 4 M & 1 F Vel checked & snhis $550 each. (863)824-6781 JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES. (5). ready 12/22. will olnr lii Christmas, $200 each (239)657-8549 LATINO COCKATIEL'S. pair. 6 mo. cld Hand Feed Yellow $70 lor noin (239)657-5760 LR SET- 6PC, North. Carolna brown, DR.TABLE w/5 criais. slurdy. jll lor $500 neg 1863)675-2783 Muse SCHNAUZER silver, 22 mos old eais & lail cropped, all shols $295 (561)271-1032 SPEAKER- 12" auduobahn. 1 truck and 1 car bo.. 200 wallt mp. power, wires & luse,$150(863)697-3865 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to ado 10 my collection Please ca31 to sell coins 8 paper money 239-693-4891 CHRISTMAS TREE, 6 ., with dozen'; oi ,ornamerirj. 25 years old, looks real. 150 S(863)763-5501 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/Products 810 Farm Miscelaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 BALES OF HAY, 100 bales, $200. or will sell separate. (863)763-1370 AOUA 9 year Iol Paoimino Gelding 153 Hjnds. $1875 or Desi owner 863-824-0505 or863-6'7-1981 BUCKSKIN-PAINT, 3.5 years old mare. 16 hrands. Very sweet. Rides Qoodl Incld all tack. $2500. (863.357;.6f-12 Okceechrobee' se-Tradr FREE On Line Ad Servie Buy Sell Trade 863-467-1304 A'w* odeeriobee-hor- e-trddEr com L 3i n Ohechc-,e a red PALOMINO MARE. Arourni, 20 years old, [iro.1 mjie -niry SSADDLE HORSE, registered, police' 15 hands, 13 yrs, gentle disposition. To good home. $1000 (863)467-4049 BAR-B-Q Grill, All stainless steel, complete w/bottle. Like new. $175 (863)610-1120 GAS GRILL, Charbroil, 2 burn- er, with lava rocks. $50 (863)763-5501 LAWN MOWER- Self pro- ,pelled, very good condition, $125 (863)763-8225 or (86 b/.610'0.". RIDING MOWER, Dixon with 15.5hp Craftsman new mo- tor. $300 (239)986-0296 RIDING MOWER, Murray 12hp, runs perfect, needs battery. $250 (239)986-0296 RIDING MOWER: MURRAY, 46", Good condition. $300 Firm. (863)697-1555 TORO ZTR MOWER, like new, S$1695. (863)467-8683 BULL, registered Polled Here- ford, 3 yrs. old, $1000.. (239)728-2173 Alva, ask for David Bull Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales Every Monday-12pm & every Tuesday-11am. 763-3127 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos,/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 IMMOKALEE- 2br, 2ba in gated comm. Incl dining area, comm pool, cable. Avail 01/01/07. $790/mth. 239-481-1610 Cabin al Pioneer Planlations, 2,1. on 2': acies. $150 mo + ,ec aep 954-649-6641 or35-1--137;.311: i LABELLE, 3/2. 1800 sq II with carport,,all new.appl's,, $1200 + 1st,, last & sec. dep Peli welcome w.mep 1863)673-4183 LEHIGH ACRES, Criaming .F lorida style 3BR/2BA, 2 car aIrage. bOuil in 21)00 copleieeiy lenced back yard on' .acie $13'00irmo Call Barb Roce (239)293-14814 Moorehaven 3BR/2BA, All appliances included 30 1 car garage I$150imu: (2) avail. 8j3.9.l6-3333 PORT LaBelle, 3071 Beecn- wood Cir 3bi -b3, Gar. few Home 12100 mo + 1 ; mo : 863-673-3521 Sabreena PORT LABELLE -BRAND NEW 3 BR BA, 2 Car Garage iJejr Sihcujls Avil Imnmed .i12001 mo. + ;e: rer' lu1 iy7l ?.tu CI r 7 yfi0arni ,Ti 3 ijigpiTi-rili3'hitiliTail i:r no RENTTO OWN NICE 2BR,1BA. -11.103 Blinop Circle F' L Belle new ap ,Il'i.., Ile *L850U.'i O 12 390...4' 85 INDUSTRIAL OFFICE/ STORAGE SPACE FOR LEASE Approx: 2100 sq. ft. of s;loragde an d 300 sq I of irlnie spa ce eacr i Wih it's own bathroom. Lo- cated near the airport and ':ui outside of lown Buildirii Is appro:,' Iwo .years old The ohlce has very iC, rmarpelt arn, Iile work There is small re- ceplion jrea 'epjrate Irom inhe main cullrce Building ha a .e uni ,ly syielli drid oul0or , lighlinn Please (all (863)675-,015 lor mcre Snlorm rra i TURKEY CREEK: DDI Wide W/Boal D o(I I full Ameriillie Avail. Seasonal / Yearly. From $750mo. 970-222 7682. " OKEECHOBEE, To srnare 3BR nouse. liiiiiies c (able irn '1,6J100, O 1' ilirlhs, reni t eci reqo 186it i73-6559 FORT KNOX- - SELF STORAGE New ig. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, ea riur niiaarmrn d jrea fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV & trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., SLaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE - Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x2020" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos..' Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 GULF ACCESS Florida. Style 3br/2ba pool home on % acre. $675,000. Contact Er: heim in at Select Realty Associates. 239-810-0203 LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top Area $209K or Annual Lease $1800 Owner. 863-675-1107 LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, 1996 Homes of Merit, 3 large lots. $155,000 (863)675-2759 PALM HARBOR Factory Liqui- dation Sale. 2006 Models Must Go! Modular, Mobile & SStilt Homes. 0% DOWN When You Own Your Own Land!!l Call for FREE Color Brochure. (800)622-2832: PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. Near School. Price to sell. $179,500., or Annual Lease $1800. Owner 863-673-5071 FOR 4 13 63 ,I -224 3 z* sI- RnI Video/Au io I -0 I Apartments I Aartent Job Information rainma Ralle Th.rnsdonv fDecmber 14. 2006 CQIW ,OC WiWll I IlU l *_ | v i-I....I I -. "_ _" New Homes Available 825 E. Cowboy Way, Suite 108 Labele, Flodda 33935 863-612-0070 RENTTO OWN NICE 2BR/1BA, 4003 Bishop Circle, .Pt. LaBelle;. new appl's & tile, reduced to $129,000. (239)849-3856 Seasoned Hunters looking to lease land for the purpose of hunting pigs. Please call(239)348-0202 NORTH FLORIDA LAND FOR SALE: 20-acre Chestnut Or- chard, Suwannee County; 10- and 20-acre tracts, high & dry, Madison County; $8,500-9,500/acre. (850)971-7208. PORT LABELLE, % acre lot, cleared and ready to build. $42,950. Owner financing. 10% down & $258/mo. (863)599-1439 BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLI- NA. MUST SEE BEAUTIFUL & COLORFUL FALL FOLI- AGEI WESTERN NC MOUN- TAINS Homes, Cabins, Acreage & INVESTMENTS. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy. cherokeemountainrealty.com Call for free brochure (800)841-5868. Coastal Georgia- New. Pre- Construction Golf Commu- nity. Large lots & condos w/ deepwater, marsh, golt. na- ture views. Gated, Golf, Fit- ness Center, Tennis. Trails, Docks. $70k's- $300(. (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspointcom. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front 'community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.clnnamon- :shore.com, (866)891-5163. NORTH CAROLINA- BEAUTI- FUL BLUE RIDGE Mountain Views. 3.2 Acre Mountain Estate. Heavily Wooded with Stream. EZ Financing- $29,900. (800)230-6380,. ext620. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realyofmurphy.com. TENNESSEE Affordable lake & mountain properties. Low property taxes. No state in- come tax Four seasons- Southern hospitality. For more info Call Lakeside Re- alty (888)291-5253 www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS Large 5 acre tract along very wide trout stream with private ele- vated homesite, good ac- cess, view, trees, nearby river, $59,500 (866)789-8535. WYOMING RANCH DISPER- SAL 35 acres 49,900; 70 acres $89,900; 110 acres - $132,900. Snow-capped mountain views. Surrounded 3y govl land Abundant wild- ile. Recreational paradise. Low taxes EZ terms. Call Utah Ranches, LLC. (888)541-5263. MOBILE HOME STEPS- with railing $45 (863)697-3090 LaBelle, 3 BR, 1 Ba.. Fenced, No pets. $200 wk wllsl, last wk's & sec. Must have refs & credit check. 6 mos lease req. (863)675-1010 Triple Wide, 3BR/2BA on 40 acres, c/a. screened porch. $800 mo. + sec. dep. 954-649-6641 or 954-437-3044 TURKEY CREEK: Dbl. Wide w/Boat Dock & Full Amenities. Avail. Seasonal / Yearly. From $750 mo. 970-222-7682 -obile Home An 800 sq. ft. living area in Barows Fish Camp, 441 SE, c/a, good cono.. $14,500 neg. 863)763-4149 or (561)-758-4337 CLEAN 2BR/1.5BA, on canal, near Ortona Locks, asking $85,000 (260)224-0700 EobieHom MobileHome- ReD~ntiU-- Caloosa Mobile Homes, Inc. ****************************** New mobile home for family ready to move in. 321-427-9726 or 863-675-4300 CALOOSA MOBILE HOMES 14x70 Brand new home and lot ready to live in, will finance with $5000.00 down. 321-427-9726 or 863-675-4300. 28x60 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath home and lot ready to live in, will finance with $10,000.00 down. 321-427-9726 or 863-675-4300. II you live in an old Mobile Home, Out own your land. purchase a new mobile home with no money down. Call (863)675-8888 LABELLE, in Aqua Isles MHR 1979 Doublewide, 2BR/2BA, Furnished. $42.500 (863)675-3616 Land/Home Packages Ready to move in. 3% Down Payment with your good credit. Call (863)675-8888 LeBelle, DB 2br. 20a, Exc conn, Carport, Porcn, Beau- tiful, Peaceful Senior Park. LOW Mair (863)517-0975 New 4BR/2BA Doublewide in nice subdivision. Ready to move in. Low down payment with your good credit. Call (863)675-8888 New Modular Home with garage. Ready to move in. Must see to believe Stucco siding, fireplace, glamour bath. Financial available. Call (863)675-8888 Trailer & Garage, totally re- modeled, on 4 acres. 2 deeds, !'2 acre, plus 3', acre field In back fenced, 15 mm. from LaBelle on SR 80. (954)549-4499 WHISPER CREEK, Lot 218, 1986 Franklin 33ft, new bed, washer, furnace, carpet & roof $13,900. (863)612-6991 Recreation -I. W Boats .3005 BASS '90- 21 ft., stralos with 200 np mercury, hyd. steer- ing and gps system $5500 (863)634-7735 EXTENSION BAR for pulling boat or trailer. Asking $100. (863)357-6113 HURRICANE DECK BOAT 20' better than new. Loaded. W/trlr. Reduced to $16,000 due to health. Call 863-946-6639/634-2401 JON Boat- 12 FT., transom, great for hunting, green, 6 hp Johnson, trailer excellent cond $400 (863)763-8797 MASTERCRAFT 1995, Ski Boat w/trailer. Great shape' $10,000. (863)675-1307 PONTOON BOAT: 50 HP Mo- tor, Needs work & trailer. $1200. (239)634-0915 RANGER 354V 1992, 150 hp Evinrude XR.SS Prop., Com- plete rebuild w/less than 75 hrs 36 v. motor guide, 3 bank charger, tournament rigged. Ranger trailer w/new wheels 8 tires. Cover. Always garaged Excellent condition. $10,000. (561)262-0493 promaxl3@adelphia.net Ranger 520VX, '01, 225hp Evin., 101 10. thrust trolling mtr., jack plate, steel prop. GPS map w/depth & fish finder, charger sys.. Dimini top, dbi axle trlr & much more.Health problems, Must Sell $18.900. NADA value $24,000.Call (863)634-6134 SPIRIT SAILBOAT- 23', Wind generator. New 9.8 0/B. Good working cond. Just pulled from water $7000. (863)484-0625 Campers/M L3010 Coachmen Travel Trailer '88 Sleeps 4 AC & neat gas range. gas/elec fndge. $4200 in Plo- neei, Henry Co 561-827-2464 Electricity Booster & Surge Protector: Hughes 30 Amp. Auto Former. 863-610-1120 Fleetwood American Dream '00, 40 FT. 2 Slides/1lK, Many extra's! Garaged, $120,000 or possible trade. 863-467-5207 I PullIMcjNtille ANCHORS, Fenders, outrig- gers, $50 for all or will sep- arate. (863)674-0281 2003 HONDA REBEL 250 CC, 2,475 mis. Extra's! Show Room Condition. $2500 Firm 863-634-5862/467-8573 DIRT BIKE: 2004 Suzuki 85 L, Only used.10 hours. $1700. .(863)634-0856 HD Leathers, mens & ladies jackets, chaps, pants, vests, 1 helmet, new & like new, $200. (863)610-1964 TRAILER, Single cycle, tilt with ramp, galvanized, 12" tires, 12'2 overall length. $550 (863)357-2113 BI-FOLD RAMPS- For Dirt- bikes/4 Wheelers. Brand new. $125. (863)763-2007 CAMO 4 WHEELER '06- 70CC. greal kids gift, we are just upgrading $500 neg. (239)633-7173 MooreHaven DIRT BIKE, Powersport, 70cc. Brand new. $550 or best offer. (863)675-0506 or (863)675-3978 LaBelle E-TON 2005 VIPER Jr., Exc. cond. Perfect for Christmas. $700 (863)763-6430 Iv. msg. FOUR WHEELER, '06, 70cc, upgrading, camo color, $500 or best offer. 239-633-7173 ask tor Sam GO CART- runs, $300 (863)634-7706 Suzuki Eiger, '04, w/ramps, 400, 4x4, low miles, new tires, winch, Must Sell $3000 or best offer. (772)240-5038 Automobiles ri'i'i'B j BUICK LESABRE, '89, front end damage but exc. motor, $300. (863)673-0111 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 1992 - Runs great, a/c, $1,500 firm. Call 863-946-1859 CADILLAC.jL DORADO.'97, ETC, Fully loaded, white pearl diamond, has new parts, $5500 (561)723-1849 CAMARO- '94- 143k miles, 18' mag wheels, 2 10" sub- woofers, CD, low profile tires $2000(863)467-0466 CHRYSLER LEBARON 1989 Convertible, $1500 863-824-6112/772-349-8637 CAMARO Z28 '80- all original, 350 auto, Power windows, For Sale or Trade, $1700 (863)634-6601 DODGE NEON 2001- 4dr, sports edition, 4cyl, 5sp, rear spoiler. $3500. 863-447-2276 . FORD THUNDERBIRD '88, .Needs work. $300 (772)597-6240 GEO TRACKER '92- fair condi- tion, $1000 or best offer (863)467-6778 HONDA CIVIC HYBRID-'04, Gray, Low ml. 12,800 mi. Exc cond in/outside. Sirrus $16,000. (561)924-2005 LINCOLN MARK VII '92, 5.0. V8, auto., low miles. $1600 (863)675-7105 OLDS CUTLASS '98- needs motor, very nice car, $1000 (863)612-5457 after 5 PM or weekends OLD'S DELTA EIGHTY-EIGHT, '89, New tires, Runs good, 125K mi. $850. (863)697-0241 PONTOON, 20', w/85hp Force, $1995. (863)467-8683 TOYOTA TERCEL '90, Good condition, a/c works, auto., front wheel drive. $750 (863)467-4537 CHEVY BLAZER '98: AC works, good condition. $3000 or Dest offer. Call 863-835-5813. CJ JEEP '83, Must see, good condition. $5500 (239)707-1848 FORD EXPLORER '97- 4x4. parting out, all or parts $400 Call for details (772)834-4235 NISSAN PATHFINDER '96 4x4, 6 cyl., Leather, Auto., All power. Very nice. Everything works! $5500 (863)634-6235 GOLF CART- Electric. 3 wheel, with charger, $600 (863)634-5225 YAMAHA, Electric, $900 or best offer. (989)831-5135 FORD F350- '94. Diesel, su- percrew. 220 K, runs needs work, $1500 (863)763-7831 or (772)370-1634 CAR MOTOR- Ford, 302 High output. Used. $700. (863)983-2255 CHEVY MOTOR 305, out of '87 Chevy truck. $100 (863)673-6684 FORD F150 '87, Has blown motor. $500 or best otrer. (863)484-0504 FRONT CLIP, Complete for '88 F150. With radiator & shroud. $150. (863)763-2044 PARTS, 4x4, trans., transfer cases & other parts. Ford, Chevy & Jeep. $500 for all, will separate. (561)644-4840 RIMS & TIRES- (4) proline al- loy, 8 spoke, silver gray for '01. Nissan Altima SE, $200 or best offer (863)902-1159 RIMS & TIRES, Factory, from '07 Chevy Impala LTZ, 17" rims, 225/55/R17 Goodyears. $1500 neg. (863)697-0328 TAILGATE, Off a'01 Dodge truck. $100 or best offer. (863)634-7318 TIRES & RIMS- Ford P150 tires & Unlv. rims, P265/75R15 Goodyear $200 (863)261-1562 TIRES (4), LT285/75/R16, 60% good. Bugsnot Maxis Mudders. $150 (863)763-0852 .. TIRES(2)- Michelin, 255/80R, 22.5, for RV. $100 for pair. 772-597-2426 TRUCK BED, 8 f lits '01 Dodge Ram, with bumper, lights & bedliner. $900. (863)675-1862 WEIAND TUNNEL RAM IN- TAKE, with 2 4-Darrel carbu- retors. $400(863)673-1258 CHEVY- '83, 1 ton Dually, With hydraulic lilt dump bed. $1000. or trade. (863)634-7706 CHEVY '83, "'Ton, 350 auto., 2wd. needs work $1500 or best offer. (863)763-0852 CHEVY '86, 1/2 Ton, 2wd. a/c. $1500 or best otter. (863)697-9806 CHEVY TRUCK 1994 Stage Coach Conversion, 71K mis., 350 cu. in., Show Room Con- dition Must see' For more in- lo. Call Smoky (863)634-5862 1863)467-8573 FORD F150 '92- 4x4, needs a motor, body in excellent cond., $1000 or best offer (863)634-5289 FORD RANGER 1996 4x4, Needs transmission. $2000. (863)612-1606 FORD RANGER- '95, White, Cold A/C, 4 cyl., Auto., $1000. or best offer (863)357-3400 CHEVY BLAZER- '85. K5 Mud truck, 6' lift 36" tres. 305. V8. GM 14 boll rear. $1800. Call for more info (863)697-3865 CHEVY TAHOE '02, 49k miles, lots of extras, excellent cond. $21,000 (239)707-1848 FORD HUNTING BUGGY, runs, needs some work. $1500 Call Enk 863-634-0771 NEW TRAILER- 5x8, with mesh ramp. $625 1863)357-5754 TSC 4X8 TRAILER-brand new $400 (863)467-6778 UTILITY TRAILER- 5x11 dove- tail, all metal construction, new lights, new wires $400 (863)467-6475 CHEVY ASTRO VAN 1994 $1000 or best offer. (863)612-1606 SPECIAL NOTICE FLORIDA DIVISION OF FORESTRY Pursuantto Florida stalutes chapter 590.125, be advised that e RORIDA DIVISION OF FORESTRY wil be conducting fuel treatment (control burnng,'mowing or chop- ping) in selected parcels in the following designated areas during the period Nover.- e 2006-December 1, 2007. These treatments are for reducing the tire occurrencejazardandtoestablishfuelcontiuitybreaks. Townshlp43-Range29-Sectlons-10,12.13and14 Township43-Range30-Sections-7and8 . Township43-Range31-Secions-21,22,27,28,33,34and35 Townsdp 43-Range32 Sections-29and32 Towshp 44-Rnge 28- Sectons-6,7,18,19,30 aid 31 Townhip 44 Ra 32 Sections -13,1415 22, 23,24,25, 26,27,34, 35and36 ToAnsrip 44.-Range 33- Secnons w*e nail tf 18 and all of 31 Towsrnip 48 Range 33. Section 9 II your reI property is uot Icated in t e asgnate areas anova you need not con- cern you edl wth tuhs mrsl OrnerAese fl you should have any oblecons or ques nons please cirIerane Ito me FLORIDA DIVISION OF FORESTRY 10941 Plm BeacnB Br Fort Mu r F 33905 180862 C8 12/14.2106 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUN- TRY 1994, Runs needs work. $500. (863)675-7419 DODGE CARAVAN, '93, blue. auto, a/c, new tires, brakes & battery, 185k mi., $1500. (863)885-1026 Get a qick rosposo to any Hm you may bo s- bt wulth a Classild ad. Public Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Tne Pori LaBlla Comrrur.ty ieveilop- morm Ditnri will noid 3 boar ol Su- I' siri Meeing or, Wearieday. ceberobei 20.2006 at 5 30 pmrn a m orice ol me Ditnec locarcled l 3293 Dellood Terrace The purpose o of is meeting will D 10 ito siducl Iiulifle buslaesiS haiyh Te:yn reedse .nairr bf tIe Board rne ntl8g is. oer, to ir e public Willlji, Dlisrij Cr.,armri.i 1803 CIGcGS 1211406 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Aiej HouSirig COmiTnSlion (I Cle- Hsleon. LaBlle ie d Htilry Courny iil nold e Regular Mointly Mc ting O. ThurOir December 141 i006 a i M atl Tr Gleea nu SOulr, CEnriTl- rni Clrilr 11e Runda Henr.dy The ouroase lo sre mseer 1 in T oi) luil mT e o ir,,s-aj E..nl ri 10D ,co r ,ea sorirr ijni ilt ,riliy ti triouglJT e lore IOe HoU i'h l Cosrmii.iorl Alny Ierlur, n 0i OerLoi .r ShingJ ITOdPacl any deCisli, m' illri jl r iir Tircllg mil-, eiture It.la r,'nmrr, reCimid i lrde upon1 nfiih Iaet ajS l Os T I O Oe Ine mfehrig iull i,,'illu c y builiress Deloie O UI Hciory Couumy tor Profri Hosing. In ' 180727CB/CGS 114i6h NOTICE OF PUBUC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Noite of Foreclosure o Uen and islent to sell these vehicles on 12/262006. 10o00 na 31 49 at indus- intl LOOP Byy B. Unn 3. Labeill. FL 33935-5456. pli'suam 1lo OuOiection 11 78 ol me Flonri Stairtes HEI[- Re TOWING & RECOVER CORP r- iervesir rie ri to ,:,:c(,t or rotl 3any ari 'r all ruj S9880ldmobilel IGIEVl1G5jUJ12895 180807 CB 12/142006 Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some msra bucks whn you sell your used Items h the dassnl s. NOTICE OF PUBLICSALE HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gas Notie ol Foreclosure ol Lien aa ilaenl i sell Ihese vehicles or, 12/29/2006. 10 00 m al 49 N Indus- ial Loop Bey 8. Unr 3. Laballe FL 33935-5456 puisuani TO suoDScdo01 713 78 of tre Floria Starts HENO- RY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP ie- serves me ngm Io accept or reject any aid/or all Dlas 1998Ford 1FTYR10CUC6uc4608 180811 CB 12/14/20M NOTICE OF PUBUC SALE ives Notice ol Foreclosure ol Uen am Inenl lo sell these vehicles on 12/29/2006. 1000 am al 49 N Inmds- 31l Loop Bay B. Unit 3. Labelle. FL 33935-5456. pursuant to suosecton 713 78 of Ime Fonoa Staes HEND- RY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP re- serves me ngm o accept or reject any anaor all blds 1987 Chmnlet 1GNDM1510HB242829 180805CB 12/142006 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP g,Ves Notice ol F eclorue o ULien a .. ineni 10 sell these vencles on 12/292006. 10 0 am at 49 N Indes- nmil Loop Bay B. Unn 3 Labeiie. FL 33935.456. pursuaitlo sO usectlor 71378 ofl e Flnda Statule HEND- RY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP re- seras tria ngri to accept or reflect any aid'or all bids 1990PonUac 1GMCU06D4LT232479 180600 CB 12142006 NOTICE OF PUBUC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP giles Nonce ot Foreclorure of ienr and intenl io sell Ihese vehicles on 12,29/2006 1000 am an 49 N Indus- trial LOOp Iay Unit 3 LaDBlle, FL 33935-5456. pursuanl o Suosection 713 78ol Ire Foflraa t Sat HEND- RV TOWiNG & RECOVERY CORP ie- serves tie rion o Iaccept or reject any arer all bids Letters Continued From Page 15 Dear Santa, What I want for me and my family. I want a little pool table the ones that have a white ball and hit other heavy balls. That's the thing I only want. Now it's my family's turn. First my sister Jailine. I am not sure what she wants but I think a doll that does all sorts of things. My mom I have no clue what she wants. Maybe perfumes or clothes. Mydad maybe wants? I don't know well because they did not tell me. Butyou knowwhat I want. Love, Jorge G. Dear Santa, I want a Game cube for me, I want a Game Cube because I am always board. Both my two game- boys and my Nintendo DS were broken, But a Game cube will not break unless it fall really bad. My baby sister won't break it. And I'll need controllers to play. Also I want the game Mario Kart Double Dash. But if you don't get me the game or controller I'll buy them. I feel as if I was playing the Game Cube. Love, Roel Dear Santa Class, I hope I ben a good little girl this Chrissmass. I would like a PSP, Comepupter, phone, and a charm- nakelass. I would like thess thing because they are cool thing that are fun to play with but not the charm- nakelass the Charmnakelass is just to ware See you next Chrissmass. PS Have aJoly Chrissmass Love: Kalya Conde To: Santaclass Dear Santa I Hope you bring me a Pocket rocket because I like to ride on things. Pocke rockets are fun to ride on because they have mothers and go fast. They ride for along time if you put a lot of gas. Santa I hope you give my family parents to because they are special to me. I like they She get it because I get parents. I love my family that's why I want they to get parents too. Santa I hope you get me a PSP because I lost the cord to my PS2. I get to Play in the car if I get a PSP. And I get to go on line and lisin to music. PSP's are fun too. Santa I hope you bring me a Snow globe because I like them. I like them because they have snow blowing in the air. Someones have cute snowmen in them. Santa I hope you do all the stuff for me. I want you to because I my family antoys. I what my family and I to have fun. NicholasAho Dear Santa, I know I wanted a dirt bike, two dogs, a bike, four wheeler, and a Nintendo, xbox, and new game for. all of the nintendos, xbox because so I won't be lethargic in the morn- ing. And I want all of that stuff to have fun in the moving, after noon and evening. I never had that many stuff last Cristmas. Love, Adrian Dear Santa, for christmas I would like a new bike because mine got stepped from a car, and it fits me to small. I would also like shoes with wheels because I want to know how it feels like to have wheels in shoes. And finally what I want for christmas is a tree house for me, my brother, and my sister. This is all I want for christmas. Thankyou. Love, Maria Dear Santa, ...Here are some things that I would like for Christmas, I would like a; memory card, tv set, a game for playstaition 2, a bike, and a new xbox. The reason I like these things are because I deserve these things. The reason I deserve these things are because I'm nice to everyone. The last reason is because I've never got sent the principle's office. Love, Eduardo DearSanta, For Christmas Iwould like a bike. Because my bike has nasty handle- bars. I also want a DS Because I want some games with it. I want syoer Maro brothers. Because, It will go with my DS I asked for. Love, Melanie Lee Forehand Dear Santa, I would like to have for chrismas is a ps3, xbox, a game boy, a game cube, and psl. That is what I would like to have for chrismas. Yours truly, JT Dear Santa, I would like a game system call wil and the game Zelda why for ficycle actives. A new skate borad for my brother Patrick. A new modum for my mom's com- puter. A new mountain bike for my brother Johnny. A new foid truck for my dad and a Dora magic castle for my sister emily. From Ryan Dear Santa, My sister wants for Christmas a barbie girl. Because she's been ask- ing my dad and my mom one but she never gets one. For Christmas I want a bike one that run's fast and are big. Because last time my dad bought me one they stole it and never returned it back. My sister and me want that for Christmas and nothing else in the world. Love, Jorge Jimenez Dear Santa, Seens I was 9 1 wanted a Ipod. And for my sister a labtop because she needs it for her nursing world and for my dad a lot of tools. He likes to fix thing or fix cars. So for my mom a new things for the chicken. And for my bother a gameboy he wants one when we go to the mall. Love: Dalia Gomez Dear Santa, I would like to get a new game boy. For my little sister a new bike. For my mom something that's nice for the kitchen. For my dad a new suit for church. Thats what I would like to get for my family. Dear Santa, I want a puppy because I've been dying for one. And the most important thing I want for my family is for my grand- ma to do better because she isn't doingwell. From, Alondra Dear Santa, I want a netendo DS. I think my sister wants a Barbie for Christmas my other sister want a new bike she away ride her friend my brother wants a remote croll car with turbo on it my big brother wants a fourwheeler I think my mom wants a new house my dad wants a new mostertruck. From Andy Dear Santa, I want a mini bike. I want a mini bike because I have never had one. I see people ride there mini bike all over the town. I think it well be fun to get a mini bike. Another thing I want for santa claus is present for all my family. I think they could deserve a lots of present. Love, Felix Dear Santa, I want an NFL foot- ball game for my GameBoy Advance. Last I want a play station 2 with no games with it because I could just rent games from the movie gallery. Love, Jesse Pequeno III Dear Santa Clause, ...The first thing I would like would be a race car toy for my brother. My brother likes to race and I think he'd like it. The Next thing would be a locket for me with a picture of my family inside it. Another would be a blue mini flashlight with a mini rench and hamer for my Daddy. My Daddy is a busy guy in building things. Last but most special would be some diamond jewlrey for my hard work- ing Momma. She deserves it! Those are the things I want. Love, Myranda Mrs. Dana/ Mr. Wedeles 3rd grade Dear Santa: I was just wondering how you and Mrs. Clause were doing. Are you going to be ready for the big trip? Hopefully it won't be foggy so you can get all the good kids pres- ents. Are the elves making lots of presents? And are all of the reindeer doing good. Sincerely, Joey Leon Dear Santa: , How is everybody doing?.Do you like Chocolate chip cookies? I like Christmas because it is Jesus birthday and I can celebrate Christ- mas with my family. What I want for Christmas is a cat. You pick the rest. I was bad and good. Sincerely, Yaray Dear Santa: I had been a good girl this year. I would like to give you sugar cook- ies. How is Mrs. Claus? How is Rudolph? Is Rudolph ready for his trip? My favorite part of Christmas is that we get lots of presents from my family. Santa could I have a cell- phone? Sincerely, Jasmine Dear Santa: I'm sad because we never get gifts for Christmas. We.go to Mexi- co instead. I wish we get gifts this Christmas. All we do is just watch people enjoy Christmas gifts. But I like visiting my family. I don't now if I'm bad or good. But less about me more about you. How is Rudolph, is he okay? Is Rudolph a family member of the horse? What do you do when it's not Christmas? How are the elves up in the North Pole? Christmas is really fun! Sincerely, . Jessica G. Dear Santa: What I like most about Christ- mas is when half of my family comes. And we all open are pres- ents. Everyone runs with their pres- ent wearing them j playing with them. Ok enough about my favorite Christmas. What about yours are you busy, do you see your family, do you see who is nice or noty? What kind of cookies do you, like? Do you want cupcakes? Sincerely, Ariel Dear Santa: I want from you is a baby Pet Rabbite. I want to know if you word like a favorite cookie? I want fake money from Christmas. From Christmas I want a lot of.stickers. I hope that you Rudolph get a gift to you. I want from Christmas is everyone has a good Christmas. I want a nice Christmas. I hope that Jesus has a good Birthday. Sincerely, Bridget i Dear Santa: I want an xbox 360 for crismas. I hope you are getting ready. What I love about Christmas is Jesus Birth- day on Christmas eve. I want one tent and new laptop and a new CD player and the best head phones. Sincerely, JamesB. Dear Santa: How is Mrs. Claus doing? Santa I am doing good at school and I lis- ten to my parents every day. Are the elves working hard and the rein- deer too? Please can I have a xbox360. I want a psp. Also can I have video games. Sincerely, Mark Dear Santa: This year for Christmas I. want the heels shoes, cloths, a pet rab- bit, a hamster, fish and a baby dog. How are the Raindeers? Are they sick? Some times I am nice some- time I am mean. The best thing I like from Christmas is opening my presents. How is Mrs. Claus and the elves? What is your favorite cookie? Sincerely, AmyA. Dear Santa: I love Christmas because it is a special holiday. Cause is some one's birthday and that's Jesus. We wish we can see Santa Claus in real live and tell him how happy I well be if I see him, and tell him what kind of cookies he wants. My broth- er wants to tell Rudolph if he's ready for Christmas. I like Christ- mas because you get gifts. Me and my brother are behaving good on Sunday I bought both two waters for my uncles. Been so good my mom give me five dollars and we all had a happy Christmas. The End! Sincerely, Luis Dear Santa: : I love Christmas because it is Jesus' happy BirthDay. I do not know if I behaving good. What is. your favorite cookies? How is the elves, Mrs .Claus, and Rudolph? I wish I had a New bike, book and dog. Sincerely, Eliudan S. SDear Santa: I. love Christmas because it is: Jesus' birthday and my family loves.. Jesus. How are Mrs. Claus, Rudolph, and the elves doing? Mr. Santa, could I please have a cell. phone and some heeley, shoes? What kind of cookies doyou like? Sincerely, Aliya Dear Santa: What is your favorite cookie? How is Rudolph, the elves, and Mrs. Claus? I hope you are ready for Christmas Eve? This is what I want for Christmas. I want a gray laptop, and moon shoes, and Nintendo Ds pink, Digi Makeover Game, The Cheetah Girls 2 CD, Cheetah Girls Speaker Pillow, Quick gems. Sincerely, Chavelly Dear Santa: I would like to visit you at the North Pole. I will give y u choco- late chip cookie's at Christmas night. Christmas is fun because you get present from Santa Claus. Hey and how is Mrs. Clause and the elves? I hope they are fine. Wait, do you like chocolate chip cookies? I hope you do. My mom does not know to make chocolate chip cookies. All I want for Christmas is cell phone and a laptop that has internet. And Quick Gems. Sincerely, Jessica See Letters Page 20 19 IIublic Noice 5005 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, December 14,2006 Students explain finished projects to LaBelle By Kristin Hunter Students from Marilys Nepomechie's Graduate Design III class at Florida International Uni- versity returned to LaBelle to fur- ther explain their now finished architectural projects. They were here back in October at the First Baptist Church to present their projects to the LaBelle community at the halfway point. Now they are finished with their projects and most have made a few changes. Most of the projects became more specific. They didn't really change their projects, they just expanded on their original idea. They have continued by figuring out what the inside and outside materials will be. Most of the students chose the river as the location for their new buildings and decided to tear down the existing library and move the bridge on Bridge St. to a more con- ducive part of town. All students noticed that the traffic by the bridge is too busy and too dangerous in the middle of downtown and needs to be re-routed for safety. One of the projects was a Marine Biology Facility on the river done by Abdel Martel. He chose to tear down the existing Barron Library and demolish the existing bridge and would build two new bridges between Lee and Main St. His building is of contemporary architecture that is mainly con- crete. He uses an all glass curtain Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Abdel Martel explains his model of a Marine Biology Facility to Linda McVey and Mac Baker. wall so that the view of the river and the city is seen at all points throughout his building. His build- ing also consists of a media center and auditorium on the second level for community use. He also chose to build an on-site housing pro- gram a.k.a. apartments across from his building on the other side of the river for student housing. The University of North Carolina, as well as University of Miami both have buildings similar to his Marine Biology Facility but on a much larg- er scale. The idea of his building is to be similar to the Parliament House in Australia which is an urban center that combines func- tion and entertaining at the same time. Patricia Galleagos designed a floating museum and library. She also chose to tear down the current Barron Library and use that space as her building space The building is both accessible from the bridge or by dock. The floating museum is intended to be stable and mobile so people can hop on and ride down the river while learning about the history of it. It would be similar to a river tour or they can be attached to the bridge and learn about the history from there. The library is accessible from the ground up, meaning that people can walk on the roof of the library. Daphne Rosas designed a com- munity centered building that she originally planned to sit on 400 (t. of the riverfront. She changed her mind and decided to angle her buildings to be an extension of the city rather than running along the bank of the river. Her buildings also became more angular. She also chose to use the glass wall approach SQ as to have a great view at all times. Isis Dorado designed a civic center, restaurant, market place and retail building. She decided to change the look ot her building and also added a hotel. She also changed the direction of the river water flow into the building from clockwise to counter clockwise. Her building is narrow because it helps with light and air flow into the building. All the walls are made of glass to get a good view of the river and city. She also decided to re-route the bridge over to Lee St. and change the bridge into a mari- na. Alberto Corripio designed a library museum multi-use space Third class of HEO graduates building. He .changed his land- scape and interior designs and added a kids' playground aswell as an outdoor exercise area where the current Barron Park is. Daniel Garcia changed the angle of his building and added a zone of activity for basketball and tennis. His design is intended to break up the active and non-active zones. Daniel discussed the major issue with the bridge being where it is currently located because it is very dangerous and sees too much heavy traffic. He discussed different options of placing the bridge in LaBelle in a different location with agriculture engineer and river expert John Capece. They dis- cussed areas such as'City Ditch Rd., Collingswood, Birchwood and in between Lee St. and Bridge St. Citizens of LaBelle were there to look over the students' ideas and were very hopeful for the future of downtown LaBelle. Save money on your favorite grocery items. Go to newszap.com to download and I print coupons I Ionline! I newszap.com Community Links SIndividual Voices I L------------i CEoa55 MIBBMage Works Gift Give a Cerifficj'IN The Education Center of Southwest Florida and the South Florida Water Management Dis- trict recognized ten graduating students from the third Heavy Equipment Operator Training Class on Friday afternoon at the Port LaBelle Inn. Students received certificates and certification cards from the Education Center of Southwest Florida, the Safety and Equip- ment Operator Certification School of Southwest Florida and the Southwest Florida Safety Council. Lunch was catered by Gator Hammock. Students receiving the recognition are: Julius Bishop, Uriah While, Mar- cos Gutierrez, David Arnold, Her- bert Bell, Edward Triplett, Efrain Ruiz, Jesus Desantiago, John Donnelly and Jerry Hall. Train- ers, Robert Johnson, David Ross, Ron Delay and Luis Cantu were recognized and thanked for their leadership. Special guest was Becky Meeler from the Hendry/Glades Career and Ser- vice Center. Heavy equipment operator graduates. The Education Center has coordinated the training of 43 students in level one Heavy Equipment Operation through the Safety and Equipment Oper- ator Certilication School of South Florida since August 28, 2006, at the Ft Denaud training site. Another class which has start- ed is the Construction Trades Class, in which eight students have received training in the pro- gram since October 16 at the Steeltek business site in Port LaBelle. Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Anyone interested in partici- pating in either class, please call the Education Center Director, Sonny Hughes, at 675-6800 for further information regarding the programs. The next classes are scheduled to begin in Janu- ary 2007. New director of land development named Daniel J. Ciesielski has joined Bonita Bay Group as director of land development for the Eastern Region. According to Mitch Hutchcraft, regional vice presi- dent of Bonita Bay Group, Ciesiel- ski will be responsible for manag- ing the development of the company's communities in its eastern region, including Hendry, Glades and Highland counties. from conceptual planning through construction. Mr. Ciesielski has more than two decades of experience in land Letters Continued From Page 19 Dear.Santa: I want to know howyour doing. Can you come over here so we can see.you. How are your elves doing. I have been a good boy. I hope you bring your reindeer Ruddph with you. Can you bring me a remote control car for Christmas. That is all I want for Christmas. Sincerely, Omar Dear Santa: I would like a remote control car for Christmas. My dad needs some new clothes. My momwould like some perfume. Santa I have been a good boy. Santa I hope you and Rudolph have a safe trip. Sincerely, Adelaido Dear Santa: I want for Christmas is a new Batt MiddEarth too. I want army men. I Been good But my brother is naughty. Wat is your fevit cookies Santa Claus. The Christmas tree and the presents. Sincerely, Damne Dear Santa: I want to see you Santa Claus. I want for Christmas is a brand new Trampoline. I am behaving really good. How is Mis. Claus, the elves, and reindeer? On Christmas eve I like to open a lot of presents. Sincerely, Marvin H. Dear Santa: I love Christmas because it is Jesus' birthday. I am doing good at School because on my reportcard I got AB Honor Roll. How is every- development He most recently served as director of land devel- opment for a development com- pany in Southwest Florida where he %\as responsible for eight com- munities with a total budget of more than -$85 million per \ear. He has also served as city con- struction manager for the city of Homestead, and as a design engi- neer for \VilsonMiiler. He, earnedhis B S.C.E. degree from the university of South Car- olina, and he is a member of the Urban Land Institute. one doing? Can-I have a gameboy Please and Thank you. What kind of cookies do you like as your favorite cookies? Sincerely, love Charlene B. Bonita Bay Group is a diversi- fied company involved in the planning, development, sales and management of master-planned communities, free-standing recre- ational amenities and commer- cial facilities throughout South- west Florida. The company is respected for its commitment to meticulous planning, environ- mental stewardship, integrity and attention to detail. Bonita Bay Group employs more than 1,500 individuals and is currently developing seven master-planned communities - Bonita Bay, Shadow Wood Pre- serve, Mediterra, TwvinEagles, Verandah, Sandoval and Mur- phy's Landing along with 14 golf courses and two marinas. Additional information about the Submitted photo/Bonita Bay G Daniel Ciesielski .company is available www.BonitaBayGroup.com. SA/C & Heating Services p The S-er,.ces CompanNy others are MEASURED BY! S* COUPON * Sales K sn 0 $25 OFF Any Services Installation Poog Heers $89 Clean and Check CAC 526 (863) 675-2878 SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. 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