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Sports a Page 6 A: ,S a t ,- jH Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Vo.84No47Tusa.o-me-02 6 At A Glance Locals submit bills to state Legislative Delegation meets Dec. 12 The Hendry County Legislative Delegation will meet at from 9-11 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12, at LaBelle City Hall. All proposals for appro- priations and local bills will be presented at the hearing and should be in bill form, accompa- nied by a resolution from the local government supporting the request. Copies of the informa- tion were to be submitted to Dis- trict 77 Rep. Denise Grimsley's office by Dec. 1. The agenda for the hearing will be set by Dec. 8. Decisions to introduce legislation for the 2007 Legislative Session will be made at the public hear- ing. After discussion of local bills and budget requests, the delega- tion will hear other presentations and public comment. Also on Tuesday, Dec. 12, the Hendry County Delegation will meet from 11 a.m. till noon at LaBelle City Hall to consider legis- lation to amend the manner in which the board of supervisors to the Central Water Control District are elected. The agenda will be set by Friday, Dec. 8. Anyone wishing to enter testimony on the proposed local bill should attend the public hearing. If you have questions or would like to be placed on the agenda, contact Rep..Grimsley's office at 863-385-5251, toll free at 866-888-6516 or e-mail Marty Mielke at marty.mielke@'myflori- dahouse.gov. Snow forecast for LaBelle The big Christmas season kickoff will be Dec. 1, begin- hing with the annual Christ- mas parade down Main St. Line up at U-Save at 5 p.m. and the parade starts at dark (about 6 p.m.) heading to Barron Park. Ronald McDon- aid will be at the park to tick- le your funny bone. The Kiwanis will have kids' games and the Rotary will offer hot dogs, chips and a Coke for $3. All proceeds will go to the Salvation Army. Look for other surprises, too. Bring a blanket to donate to the homeless (or drop one off at the United Way House on Ft. Thompson Ave.). Local bands and choirs will help provide the spirit of the season. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be there with their elves and they're bringing a pile of snow, straight from the North Pole for their LaBelle friends to enjoy. Remember to pick up your tickets for the fun at the park, just to keep things orderly. You could be SCF queen All young ladies from age 12-21 are invited to take part in. the 2007 SCF Miss LaBelle Swamp Cabbage pageant Feb. 10. Practices are Sunday, Dec. 3. 10, 17 at 2 p.m. at the Nobles Senior Center on Cowboy Way, across from Jorgy's Restaurant. For more information, call Cathryn Miller 675-3966. Little Miss, Mister contest coming The SCF Queen and Princess Pageant proudly announces the Little Miss and Little Mister contest from Dec. 10-Jan. 31. Ages birth to 10 years. See Melinda at Langford Ford Service Dept. for information packets and entry forms or call Cindy Miller at 675-3966 Lighted boat parade only a week away Viewers, pick your spot. Just about any public place Sill be good, as the boats will Crisis cross the river to pass near all of them. Several will have music and you will be able to hear it. Santa Clause will be on one of the boats and he will be close to you. Boaters, be decorated and ieady one half mile east of Phe LaBelle Bridge by 6:30. Lead boat will pass out last minute instructions and a small brass plaque for all par- ticipating boats. Lead boat will have an orange strobe light and be on marine CH 71. All you need to do is be there, ready to go. Rain date, next day. Index Classifieds ...... .18-20 Editorial ........ .4 Speak Out ............4 Social News .........5 Sports ............ ..6 SSee Page 2for information about how to contact the newspaper. neUwszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 8 16510 t0019 Family tradition: Four generations together caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Like many other families in LaBelle, the Conners got their Christmas ti Thanksgiving from the Key Club outside the Kiwanis Thrift Store. Stal (ill( the tree are five-year-old Tye and three-year-old Call Conner. Holding. dad Tom Conner Jr. and Key Club volunteer Dave Blake. Standing behinm-ne-ree irum. left are: Great grandma Mary Katheryn, Kristin Croll with six-month-old baby Trinla, hus- band Jesse, Tom ConiierSrradnd'Joyce-Coni ner, .., Okay given to new PUD By Patty Brant Residents can expect to see some activity on the vacant parcel next to the Presto on SR 80. Cleared for some time, the developer has finally received the zoning to continue its plan. The 18.41 acre tract Planned Unit Development (PUD) will be mixed use, with commer- cial property along the high- way, townhomes and some commercial in the interior. No duplexes on Hendry St. The city commission denied a request by Margaret Whatley for a special exception to build II1l Commissioner Paul Puletti agreed that it is a "quality neighborhood," saying he pushed for the rezone. Addressing Ms. Whatley, he said he could not support her request. He added that duplex- es are wrong for that area, even though he knew hers would be well constructed. Her request was denied, 5-0. MLK safety Superintendent of Public Works Michael Boyle told the board that the delineators for MLK Blvd. are in. His crew will paint white stripes in the side- walk area and school bus sign will be erected. With no distin- __ l,,L-,,voc.r.n -anAr. Lr -jlmauishahle.sirawalk along the street, safety IIlllll'll' l "'I f jll .ll"' iiillllfi"lillll'" issue there. rted that the auplexes on rounots-mere-,as--c y uui nCa to be shored she had originally intended. A up. It is sagging due to age. neighborhood outcry cited fear k p of..increased traffic, deteriora- Park plans tion of the neighborhood, high Bubby Owens appeared to turnover and noise influenced the commissioners' decision. See PUD Page 2 Journey begins for initial class People wait in lines for all the great deals at the grand Thrift Store. Christmas is in the By Kristin Hunter The Kiwanis Thrift Store was filled with people the day after Thanksgiving at their grand re- opening. Still in need of having their front lights repaired, the store was up and running. Peo- ple lined the register to get their special holiday purchases early. The store is full of all kinds of holiday treats such as holiday placemats, artificial Christmas trees, holiday trinkets in all shapes and sizes, Christmas tree ornaments, wreaths, Christmas lights and even some holiday clothing. While most were enjoying a day off, the LaBelle High School Key club worked hard selling Christmas trees. The prices are re-opening of the Kiwanis air again listed depending on height from $35 for a 5-6 foot pink ribbon tree, $45 for a 6-7 foot blue rib- bon tree, $60 for a 7-8 foot yel- low ribbon tree or $75 for a 9-10 foot white ribbon tree. The Key club will be selling trees until they run out from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. on weekends and 3 p.m.-7 or 8 p.m. on weekdays. Checks can be made Out to Kiwanis. The Pioneer Class of the Hendry and Glades counties began its first year learning about the judicial and govern- ment entities within the Hendry/Glades area. Both elected and administrative offi- cials participated by giving the class overviews of their duties and responsibilities. Janice Groves, Executive Director of Hendry County Eco- nomic Development Council, welcomed the class and intro- duced guest speaker, Mayor Randy Bengston who opened the day with a motivational presentation on the daily tasks of being a leader. He spoke of his responsibilities as Mayor of LaBelle and as Director of EmergencyServices. The group participated in a panel discussion with Tax Col- lector Peggy Hampton; Super- visor of Elections Lucretia Strickland; Property Appraiser representative Cliff Woods and attorney Jimmy Luckey before heading to the Hendry County Courthouse for a presentation by Judge James D. Sloan. The group traveled to the Port LaBelle Inn before heading to Glades County. A presenta- tion by Glades County Manager Wendell Taylor and Chair of the Glades County Commission SButch Jones was followed by a panel discussion including Sheriff Stuart Whidden; Angela Osceola, Director of Emer- gency Management; Michael See Leadership- Page 2 Pee Wees, juniors making history The LaBelle Longhorns Jr. Pee Wee and Pee Wee cheer- leaders competed Friday, November 24, in the Southeast Region Competition and have returned with some exciting news. The Jr. Pee Wees hit the mat in the morning and made LaBelle proud by performing a flawless and exciting routine. Later in the afternoon the Pee Wees took the mat and had the crowd gasping with amaze- ment They competed against some of the best teams in Flori- da and came home with a sec- ond place trophy. They have now won a spot at Nationals. This is the first time in the LaBelle Longhorn's history that a team has advanced to Nation- als to compete with the "Best of the Best." Their coach Alyssa Herrera, a 7-year cheerleader for the Longhorns and a current LaBelle High School cheer- leader, has taken this novice team to advanced level in one season. She has been a positive role model for these girls and has had complete confidence in them to take it all the way. Alyssa has herself been to Regionals as a cheerleader five years in a row and knows first- hand how phenomenal this opportunity is. It has been a lot of hard work for the girls, par- ents and the coaching staff but through all the hard times, bruises and frustrations they have come out winners. As See Cheer-- Page 2. mnoio suomimea/Margaret narvey Front row from left: Victoria Bass, Alarl Foutch, Ashley Curry, JackIe Chavez, Logann White; Second row: Jasmine Chavez, Kayla Gutierrez, Arlana Hernandez, Karra Gutlerrez, Nancy Garza, Angelica Castillo; Back row: Brittany Deres, Taylor Harvey, Lyndsey Crews, Coach Alyssa Herrera, Victoria Bhagwandin and Alex Pequeno. ' ,~ . 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30, 2006 Almanacs How to become a foster/adoptive parent The Children's Network of Southwest Florida will be holding an orientation on "How to become a Foster Parent/Adoptive Parent" on December 12, at the Department of Children and Fami- lies, 485 East Cowboy Way, at 6 p.m. Children's Network of South- west Florida serves as the lead agency to oversee foster care and adoption services in Collier, Lee, Charlotte, Hendry and Glades counties. Children's Network of Southwest Florida has partnered with Family Preservation Services, Lutheran Services Florida, Ruth Cooper Center for Behavioral Health Care, and the Florida Bap- tist Children's Home to recruit more foster families in our five county region. For those interested in becom- ing a foster/adoptive. family, please call 1-800-89FAMILY. Get your GED SIf you left high school without graduating, the GED provides an opportunity to earn your high school diploma. Getting a diplo- ma can make a big difference in your life. You can... continue your education, get a better job, feel better about yourself and invest in your future. LaBelle Adult School now has a day lab open tb al. Classes are free and offered in the Morning and afternoon. For more information, please contact Don Crebs at 612-0706. Get up, get active Mark you calendars for the Get Up Get Active Florida Arbor Day Event in the Park on Saturday, Jan. 20, from 9 a.m.-noon. Free HIV testing Hendry and Glades County Health Departments will offer free HIV tests on Friday, Dec. I, for World AIDS Day. Free testing will be available from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p1m. at 1140 Pratt Blvd. (LaBelle), 1100 Olympia St. (Clewiston) and 956 H%\y. 27 SW (Moore Haven). Stop AIDS...gel tested. American Legion Century Club Dinner On Saturday, Dec. 2, Dana- Howard-Weekley American Legion Post 130 will- have its Annual Century Club drawing and dinner beginning at 5:00 p.m. All Century Club members are Invited for the cash drawing to be held after the steak dinner which will also be followed by music by "Impact." - Enjoy LHS Christmas Concert Ring in the season with the LHS concert band. All you can eat spaghetti dinner for $5 a plate with salad and tea from 5-6:45 p.m. . Christmas concert begins at 7 p.m. with many holiday favorites. Please come enjoy the music of the season with us Thursday, Dec. 7, at LHS Cafeteria and Audi- torium. Benefit barbecue There will be a benefit barbe- cue for Mike Zimmerly and family on Friday, Dec. 8, at the Barron Park from 4-7 p.m. The dinner includes barbecue chicken, baked beans, coleslaw and sweet tea for $7. For ticket information call 673-3010.. Proceeds will benefit Mike Zimmerly to help him pay for medical bills. He has recently had a stroke. LHS band plans rummage sale LHS band will hold a rum- mage sale on Dec. 9, from 7 a.m. until noon. Please call Kelle Greenleaf at LHS 674-4120 Ext. 274 if you have donations that you would like to have picked up. Christmas caroling in the park On Dec. 10, from 4-7 p.m. at Barron Park there will be Christ- mas Caroling in the Park. Come enjoy food, hot chocolate and lis- ten to the Christmas music. This performance is put on by the churches of the LaBelle area. For information call Linda Clark at (863) 990-8077. Collect supplies for Afghani students Girl Scout Troop 566 is collect- ing school supplies for children in Afghanistan. The supplies will be forwarded through U.S. soldiers building schools in Afghanistan. Supplies can be dropped off at Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church, Mon.-Fri 9-4. For more information call 675- 7034. Enjoy WES band concert West Glades Elementary will have its annual Christmas Concert Thursday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m., fea- turing performances from grades K-6. In addition, there will be two band performances a full per- formance of Christmas and patri- otic songs from the 7th and 8th grade band and some early band pieces from the 6th grade band (their first year). Everyone is invit- ed. Clean up Nature Park The Hendry/LaBelle Recre- ation Board and Coalition for Eco- Recreation would like to invite community .organuzalions, youth groups and individuals to a 1 .2 hour LaBelle Nature Park Trail Clean Up on SatuTdyv, Dec. 2, from 8-9:30 a.m. The Recreation Board will provide trash bags and some tools for the event. Hats, gloves, long pants, sturdy.shoes and insect repellant are recom- mended. Participants are encour- aged to bring their own rakes and shovels.. Water will be provided. The Coalition for Eco-Recreation will be at 380 Riverview Drive (corner ofFrasier and Riverview Drive) at 10 a.m. after the Trail Clean up. Call Margaret England at 674-0695 for information. Mark your calendars for the Get Up Get Active Florida Arbor Day Event in the Park on Saturday Jan. 20, from 9a.m.-noon. Come to pancake breakfast The Ortona Community Asso- ciation will hold its first Pancake Breakfast of the season on Satur- day, Dec. 2, from 7-9 a.m. at the Ortona Community Center, 3000 Ortona Locks Road (Highway. 78A). The all-you-can-eat break- fast includes sausage, pancakes,_ juice and coffee for $4: Welcome to worship On Thursday, Dec. 14, at 6 p.m. join Hand & Hand Ministries for food and fellowship at 7 p.m. Gospel music and the word: brought this month by Tina Wills of LaBelle with the Freedom Fel- lowship Ministries praise and worship team Located at the Palmdale Community Building on the corner of 5th and Main. All are welcome. Formerly Cowboys for Christ, this group is not affili- ated with any organization. They preach from the King James ver- sion of the bible. Contact 863- 612-0640. Drive-thru ,spaghetti dinner Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church will have a Drive-Thru Spaghetti Dinner on' Friday, Dec. 1 from 5-7 p.m. Din- ners include spaghetti, salad and bread. Tickets are $5 each and must be purchased before December 1. Desserts will be available for $1 each. The drive- thru will be located on Riverview Drive at the north end of the church. For tickets, please call the church at 675-0656. The church is located at 310 Campbell Street. Rummage sale planned The Good Shepherd Episco- pal Church will be having a rum- mage sale on Saturday, Dec. 2, from 8 a.m.-noon on the corner of Collingswood and Eucalyptus. Garden club holiday campfire picnic The garden club will be hav- ing a 2006 holiday covered dish and campfire picnic on Sunday, Dec. 3, at the Riverside Retreat Campgrounds (formerly The Methodist Campgrounds); CR78 west of the Swing Bridge. Come early at 4 p.m. if you'd like to take a hike along the newest nature trail. At 5:30 p.m. the covered dish dinner will be served followed by songs and stories around a campfire roasting marshmallows and fixin's for Smores. , This 'will be the Nov/Dec meeting for The Greater LaBelle Garden Club. 'Other Groups, Clubs, Family & Friends are invited to this special evening. Once you enter the camp- grounds, follow the signs to the Rustic Pavilion. We are working to arrange car-pooling or a ride from the U- Save Parking lot. Call or e-mail Nikki (1) for more info; (2) to arrange for a ride or (3) if you are able to take a few passengers at 675-3394 or 239-564-2005 or email Nikki@'NikkiYeagerRoser.com. Get involved in bicycle safety LaBelle Area Bicycle-Pedestri- an Advisory Committee has a new meeting time. Anyone interested in promot- ing cycling and pedestrian safety in our growing community is encouraged to attend at 5 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 5, at Barron Library. LMS Band fundraisers LMS Band is selling Fresh Georgia Pecans through the Thanksgiving and Christmas hol- iday season. Please call 674-4646 arid ask for Amy Noon, Band Director or any LMS band mem- ber to buy your 12 oz. bag. They are $10 each. The money made on this fundraiser will go directly towards the spring trip fund to Nashville/Memphis, Tennessee. Thanks for your support! The band is also selling Christ- mas poinsettias. Please call Amy Noon or see any LMS Band mem- ber to reserve yours today. $10 for each Freedom Red Poinsettia. First come first served. Quantities are limited. Call 674-4646 for more details. Come to LMS concert The LaBelle Middle School Band would like to invite the community to join them for their Christmas Concert Celebration on Dec. 5, at 7 p.m. The program will include the beginning band, intermediate band, advanced band and Jazz band. Get into the Christmas spirit at a night of wonderful music in the cafeteria. The spaghetti dinner will precede the concert at 5:30 p.m. with a special exclusive performance by the LMS Jazz band. Adults $6 and children $3. Auto Bike Night planned LaBelle Auto Bike Night is the first \Vednesday of each month at Popeyes at 6 p.m. Bikes, 4x4's, low riders, customs, antiques. hot rods, muscle cars everyone is invited come by and show off your ride. For more information call Katie 239-246-3045 or email- fullthrottlekati@'aol.com. Come to pet vaccination clinic The Caloosa Humane Society will be having a vaccination clin- ic Dec.15. (Dates may change so be sure to call.) No appointment needed. Call each month for new .dates. The Caloosa Humane Society"-s located at 1200'Pratt Blvd. Telephone number is 675- 0997. Erfiail: dognpuppyvearth- link.net. Cat packages: 4 in 1 vaccine, Rabies for $15; 4 in i vaccine, Rabies, Wormer for $20; *4 in 1 vaccine, Rabies, Wormer, ident- a-chip for $40. Dog packages: 5 in 1 vaccine, Rabies for $15; *5 in 1 vaccine, Rabies, Wormer for $20; 5 in 1 vaccine, Rabies, Wormer, ident-a-chip for $40; add Bordetellavaccine for $5. Book club discussion slated LaBelle Book Club will meet Monday, Dec. 11, 7 p.m. at Bar- ron Library. Their discussion will revolve around The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. All readers are welcome Bell ringers The Salvation Army fundrais- ing event of bell ringing is through Dec. 23. The money raised helps meet the needs in this community. Volunteer one hour or as many as you would like. Volunteers are the heart and hands of our ministry. Please call the office if you can volunteer at 674-1441. Caloosa Cowboy Claus raffle set The Caloosa Humane Society will be raffling off a hand-crafted original art Santa doll on Satur- day, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. at the boat. parade at the Barron Park. Refreshments will also be avail- able. Tickets are $10 a piece available at the shelter. You do not need to represent to win. All proceeds benefit the Caloosa Humane Society. The 18-inch high doll has a hand sculpted head and hands made out of polymer clay. The body is stuffed with wire arma- ture embedded in the base, with handmade clothes and many accessories. Horse body from the "American Girl Collection." This Christmas Santa doll was donat- ed by a local doll crafter especial- ly for the benefit of the Caloosa Humane Society. WELCOME NORTHERN BACK FRIENDS BACK Randy's Garage, Inc. 675-1032 737 Bridge St. LaBelle ,unmiwa[ri i0 Off $ 30ff S 0 affi AC 'Work ." OilChange Brake t'ork ------------------ ------------------ Sit.' uiis coupon Offers expire 12.28,-06 Is Medicare Part D 'Putting the Screws' to You? SConfitsing calculations ":s"" < i High deductibles T Outrageous Preniunms .- 'IT The Donut Hole WHO NEEDS IT?? Don't be a flat-head! Call Concord Drugstore, in Canada, and save some real money over 50% on most popular medications: 1-800-506-3880 ... me ,nt Ilrut.rcrem is i fully-lIcens1 d, as. -rrdiwed *' : plimrrnra luccated in Calgary. .Alberin 'aiwda V f CALOOSA To Reach Us Mailing Addre: PO Bo\ 518 LIBede, FL 339:5 Ph\ical Aiddre - 22 Fr Thompson. Ae Phone (iL636.5-.2541 Fax. 863i675-14-9 \\vebte wv. nev. s-ap corm Lbelle To Submit News BELLE To Place a Classified Ad Call (877) 353-2424 to place a cblafied line iadermsement from home The dead- [re for all clisified ine advemsLng is Monday at II am. for the lolloUing Thursday's publhcarion Fax: (877) 354-2424 E-Mad. clasIad@'new~sap corn For Subscriptions The Caloosa Belle \welcomes subnus- sions from its readers. Opinions. calen- Phone (877) 353-2424 dar items, story' ideas and photographs The Caloosa Belie dismbutem 7 000copie- are welcome. Call (863) 6752541 to in the LaBelle and Western Hendry reach our newsroom Items may be Countv areas every Wednesday. Copiesof mailed, fixed or e-ma-ded. If you Ire the paper can be found it vanous stores sending photographs ia e-mail please trougout to and eld homes i send them in JPEG format, also please do not send W'ORD document., lut LaEelle erjot complementary home delay paste these messages into the bod, of ery. Fasrt clia mill ubsc:rpt,on; are the e-ma Office documents are ok available at $50 per year and $25 tor i x 'The deadline for all news s items is 11 a m. monrh- on Monday prior to the following. Thursday\ s pubhiation. Printing E- lad .:bnewatir-iews'ip com Speailout (863)675-4516 The CJoo-.a Bellc printed at Sunlhtne PUD Continued From Page 1 ask city to utilize property on old City Ditch Road as a ball park. Commissioner Paul Puletti told him the city is studying a plan to put ball park complex there. Mr. Owens said the financial backing is available to put in the field if the city will obligate the land. Construction classes Rhonda Haag of the South Florida Water Management Dis- trict, along with Sonny Hughes and Geri Yorashek of the Educa- Leadership Continued From Page 1 Burns, Public Safety Director; and Larry Hilton, Glades Director of Community Development. A wrap session was held with input by the Pioneer Class before Cheer Continued From Page 1 always with this exciting news comes the issue of expenses. It is going to cost approximately $700.00 per cheerleader to go to Disney's Wide World of Sports to compete. If you would like to help make LaBelle history, please contact Margaret Harvey at 863- 673-4588. The support they have tion Center of Southwest Florida explained the status of the C-43 Reservoir. Construction on the reservoir is to begin next summer. Meanwhile, ECSWF is conducting construction and heavy equip- ment' operator classes using a $550,000 grant from SFWMD. Graduates will be able to work on Everglades Acceler8 projects as well as other construction proj- ects. In other business The city will close Main Street at 5 p.m. Dec. 1 for the annual Christmas parade. At Commissioner Puletti's adjournment of the day. Cour Curatolo facilitated the day. Bridge Street Coffee and Tea Company and Hendry County Economic Development Council sponsored breakfast. Gold level sponsors are Alico, CHL Holdings, Lykes Bros. and Port LaBelle Resorts. Silver spon- sors are Bonita Bay Group, gotten so far from the community to get these teams to Regionals has been greatly appreciated. Please help them to get to Nation- als. The girls will be leaving for Disney World on Tuesday, December 5, so time is of the essence. The squad would like to thank the following businesses for their help in getting the girls to Regionals: Double Down Express, Inc., Alico, Inc., Dale Newell Concrete, Inc., Cochran request, Attorney Jimmy Luckey is looking into the possibility of pulling back the city millage to 3 mills perhaps as a rebate to tax- payers of the newly-approved .5 mill increase. There is apparently no precedent and Mr. Luckey will seek the attorney general's opin- ion on the matter. Commissioner Bob Miller reported again about noise from events at the civic center. The city will be looking at ways to confine the noise, perhaps adding an additional deposit to renters. David Whidden Aim Engi- neering reported that the city could add the Bridge Street/Cow- Embarq, First Bank, Southern Gardens, Talkin' Monkeys and the bronze sponsor is Gulf Citrus Growers. Leadership Hendry & Glades Counties is a new leadership pro- gram for future leaders and those. who want to know more about leadership in our counties. Construction, Don's Steakhouse, Berry's, Vault Structures, Inc., Bob Paul, Badcock Furniture, Cox Air Conditioning & Electric, Pero Vegetable Company, Jewell Cox, Rick Redish-Nationwide Insur- ance, Hendry County Recreation Board, Ocob, Whiddons Hoe Ser- vice, Me Keim, Nobles-Collier Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Foutch, LaBelle Fire Department, Universe All Stars (Jr. Pee Wee) and Dynasty Elite (Pee Wees). boy Way intersection to resurfac- ing work already being done. It would improve the radius for trucks turning at that corner. The next regular city com- mission meeting will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14, at city hall. PattyBrant canbereachedby e- mailatpbrant@newszap.com To Place a Display Ad Printing a iubildar c-f inpndependent Ne' sdpaperi Phone. (863 675-2541 E-maul. pnntmng-: rrat.' net The deadJine ior all ad 'erdsing is 4 p.m :.n Fnd'.' for the torU*'.'.inig Thursday's T AEeI Y I :,bb',: L,,n liP w! E-mail. icbelklcstrkto.nec Online News & Information Billing Department Get the latest local news at I www.newszap.com/labelle E-mail: biUteam@newszap.com '----~--c-- '- ""''- '- Iq'ap Ovr 0 Items O Our UH Bet de I0 U BdAo Ri Ha miS OPEN KITCHEN, FULL SUSHI BAR, FULL LIQUOR BAR, CHINESE BBQ ling Tower ""*PajM1u rsiS3nel 235 Joel Blvd. Lehigh FL 239-368-2222 10% OFF Lunch or Dinner Only (must present coupon for discount) Mling Tower 235 Joel Blvd. Lehigh FL 239-368-2222 Good Until October 31, 2006 Same Day Service Lab On Premises t'l Repairs & Relines While You Wait Porcelain & Whitest Shades Available Spike and Doc MDI Implants No More loose Dentures MERCER DENTAL CLINIC FREE CONSULTATIONS On US41, South Fort Myers 1-866-226-9400 SGeneral Anesthesia Available For Extractions Toll Free The patient and any other person responsible for payments has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. American Breakfast Buffet: S5.95 Buffet de desayuno Americano Tues-Sat 6-70:30am, Sun 6-1 1am Lunch Buffet : S7.25 Buffet de Almuerzo Chino Mon-Sat 11:30 am-3:00 pm, Sun 12-3pm Dinner Buffet: S10.95 Buffet de Cena China Mon-Sun 4-1 Opm (stop seating at 9p.m.) I i Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30, 2006 3 Briefs Three vehicles involved in accident According to the Florida Highway Patrol, there was an accident on November 23, at 4:06 p.m. on E. Cowboy Way and Birchwood Parkway. A 1996 GMC SUV was southbound on Birchwood Parkway approaching the intersection of E. Cowboy Way. A 2004 Ford pickup was westbound - on E. Cowboy Way. A 1998 Chevyvanwas eastbound on E. Cowboy Way. For reasons unknown Angel Borges, of the 1996 GMC SUV failed to observe the stop sign on Birchwood Parkway and traveled into the inter- section. The front of the GMC SUV collided with the right side of the 2004' Ford pickup. After impact the 2004 Ford pickup continued westbound on E. Cowboy Way. The front of the Ford pickup collided with the front of the Chevyvan. The driver of the 1996 GMC SUV Angel Borges, age 77, was taken to Lee Memorial Hospital in serious condition. The driver of the 2004 Ford pickup, Joaquin R. Hernandez, age 29, was taken to Lee Memorial Hospital suffering from minor injuries. His passen- gers Maria C. Rosas, age 28, Cecelia Hernandez, age 2, Johnathan Castro, age 5 and Marino C. Carrerawere all taken to Lee Memorial Hospital. The driver of the 1998 Chevy van, Carlos A. Sandoval, age 54, had no injuries. Angel Borges, was charged with failure to stop at a stop sign. Agencies collaborate in cocaine bust Within the past six months, the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Crimi- nal Investigations Unit developed leads involving major cocaine/crack suppliers for Clewiston/Hendry County and adjoining counties. After evaluating the magnitude of information developed, plus the judicial boundaries involved, Sheriff Ronnie Lee requested assistance from the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. After obtaining sufficient evidence, search warrants were issued and served on Tuesday November 21, at 1038 Della Tobias, 822 Florida Avenue, 380 North Nogal, and 929 Arkansas Avenue, in Clewiston, result- ing in four arrests and the confiscation in excess of one quarter kilo of crack cocaine and several ounces of powdered cocaine with a street value at over $150,000.00. Also seized were two firearms and approxi- mately$10,000.00 U.S. currency. Arrested and federally charged were Laart Ronjik Gary, age 26, Michael Deangelo Holmes, age 40, Tarsha Brooks, age 31, and Jathaniel Reggie Brooks, age 29, all four of Clewiston. Sheriff Lee wishes to extend his thanks to the specialagents of the Fed- eral Drug Enforcement Agency the Florida Department of Law Enforce- ment, the Collier County Sheriff's Narcotics Divisions and the Florida Highway Patrol for their assistance. Help identify victim The Florida Highway Patrol is conducting an investigation in a hit and run crash invoking a pedestrian in Hendry County. The crash occurred on SUS 27 near the intersection with SR 80 on Nov. 18, at midnight. There is no information about the vehicle involved. The pedestrian died as a result of the cash. He was a Hispanic male, approximately 25-30 years of age, 5' 9" tall, weighing about 160 pounds. He carried no identification. He also had unique dental bridge work per- formed on his teeth. - FHP is asking for help to identify the victim. Anyone with any informa- tion about the crash or the victim is advised to contact Cpl. Roger B. Crews at the Florida HighwayPatrol in Arcadia at 863-993-4618 ext. 213. Arrest Report LaBelle Diane Sharon Grady, 31, of .LaBelle, was arrested November 21, and charged with burglary of a dwelling unarmed no assault or battery. Perry Short of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Ruby Yolanda Parker,'31, of Mississippi, was arrested Novem- ber 20, and charged with.triple homicide willful kill murder while engaged ina certain felonyoffense and robbery of a residential home invasion Bonnie Weaver of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Matthew William Moffitt, 41, of Key Largo, was arrested November 25, and charged with fleeing/eluding the police and vehicle grand theft in the third degree. Perry Short of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. AnthonyBlake Smith, 29,'of LaBelle, was arrested November 22, and charged with possession of drugs-marijuana over 20 grams or controlled substance without a prescription. Donald Davis of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office \\as the arresting officer. a Erik Crespo, 27. of LaBelle, was arrested November 22, and charged with possession of cocaine. Robert T. Shaw of the Hendrv Cpunty Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Tiodoso Cisnero, 36, of Boni- ta Springs, was arrested November 22, and charged with driving with a suspended license habitual offender. Bruce Slade of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Daniel Joseph Barker, 28, of LaBelle, was arrested November 20, and charged with burglary of structure unarmed without person inside and larceny of $300-$5,000. Jesus Olvera of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Clewiston A male juvenile, 16, of Clewis- ton, was arrested November 21, and charged with burglary, larceny theft from $300-$5,000 and larceny grand or firearm. Nathan E. Kirk of the Hendry'County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. A male juvenile, 16, of Clewiston, was arrested Novem- ber 21, and charged with aggra- vated assault with intent to com- mit a felony, aggravated battery person uses a deadly weapon, fire weapon into dwelling and damaging property criminal mis- chief of $1,000 'or more. Julio. Perez of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting offi- cer. Jacqueline Hoopes, 37, of 'Clewiston, was arrested Novem- ber 21, and charged with driving .under the influence. Michael Stevens of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. *. Clementine T. Jackson, 49, of Clewiston, was arrested November 26, and charged with possession of drugs-marijuana over 20 grams or controlled sub- stance without a prescription and destroying evidence tmper with or fabricate physical evidence. Justin Spence of the Clewiston Police Department was ,the arresting officer. ePamela Womack Johnson. 42, of Clewiston, was arrested November 26, and charged with destroying evidence tamper with or fabricate physical evidence. Justin Spence of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting officer. Ivan Ulises Meza, 37, of Clewiston, was arrested Novem- ber 26, and charged with a non- moving traffic violation habitual offender driving while suspended license. Justin Spence of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting officer. Norman Jeffery Billie; 39, of Clewiston, was arrested Novem- ber 25, and charged with being'a fugitive from justice. Richard Car- ley of the Seminole Police-Depart- ment was the arresting officer. Harrison Downs, 23, of Obituaries SLouis James Harvey Louis James Harvey, 87, of Fort Myers, surrounded by his family, went home to be with his Lord on Saturday, November 18, 2006, after San extended illness. Louis was born Feb 25, 1919, in Sanderson. Baker Co, Florida, die son of the late John Richard- and Hattie "Doley" (Daniels) Harvey He \\as raised in LaBelle and Fort Denaud, Sby his grandfather, William Hamp- Ston Daniels and his Aunt Flossie Daniels. SLouis served in the Army Air Corps fromAug. 6, 1941, to Nov. 10, 1945. After serving his country, SLouis worked his own ice route for About five years before going to Work for the Florida State Road SDepartment as an Engineer Tech 4. Louis retired after 30 years with the ,State surveying and inspecting roads and bridges in Collier County. On May 14,1943 he married Ella K. Home, and she survives. Other survivors include: two sons: Frank (Dianna) Harvey and Rod Harvey; Sone daughter: Judy (Max) Perez; 9 Grandchildren: Greg (Megan) Har- vey, Cherrie (David) Consiglio, SDawn (Ted) Haas, Frank (Shelly) SHarvey, Kevin (Marcia) Harvey, SStephen (Beverly) Harvey, Gayle (Rich) Heckman, Duane Cullum and Amanda Harvey; 19 great- grandchildren; daughter-in-law: SJoan Harvey; and many nieces and .nephews. SLouis was preceded in death by' a daughter, Terri L. Harvey; son: SRoger E. Harvey, granddaughter: Shanna Jo Harvey and four broth- Sers: 'John Palmer Harvey, John SRichard Harvey, Billy Crawford and ";i James Bennett Crawford. After retirement Louis enjoyed Gardening, family, friends and espe- cially his grandchildren. He walked Many a mile just carrying them in his arms around the yard. SHe was a devoted husband, Father and friend. He will be greatly missed by all who had the privilege to know him. SGraveside services were Friday, .'November 24, at the Fort Denaud SCemetery, with Dawn R. Haas offi- Sciating. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to the Akin-Davis Funeral Home, 13932 Palm Beach Blvd, Ft. Myers, 239-694-6444. Memorial contributions may be Made to Hope Hospice, 9470 SHealth Park Circle, Fort Myers, FL 33908. Laura J. Brown Laura J. (Neely) Brown, age 87, of LaBelle, and formerly of Franklin Park died on November 20,2006, in LaBelle, daughter of the late William and Olive (McKinney) Neely. Laura was a homemaker, a member of Franklin Park Baptist Church in Franklin Park, PA and a member of Order of Easter Star Moore Haven #116. She is survived by her daugh- ters: Betty Jane (Herb) Davidson of Richland Township and Linda Jean (David) Lyons of LaBelle; sisters: Olive Wehr of Franklin Park and Bessie Sarver of Cranberry Town- ship; five grandchildren: Betsy (Davidson) McVay, Thomas David- son, David Lyons Jr., Laura (Vee) Lofton and Michael Lyons and seven great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her hus- band: Thomas E. Brown; sisters: Alice She\ lin and Grace Wright and brother: Earl Neely Friends received on Friday, November 24, from.2-9 p.m. at the Herbert R. King, Jr. Funeral Home, Inc. Route 8 at 2841 Woodland Cir- cle, (Hampton Township) Allison Park, PA 15101. Funeral services were on Satur- day, November 25, at Franklin Bap- tist Church Nicholson Rd. Franklin. Park with Reverend Robert Cun- ningham, officiating. Interment followed the services in Franklin Baptist Church Ceme- tery in Franklin Park, PA. In lieu of flowers memorial con- tributions may be made to Franklin Park Baptist Church 2470 Nichol- son Rd. Sewickley, PA 15143. Manuel Diaz Jr. Manuel Diaz Jr., age 62, of LaBelle, passed away in LaBelle on Sunday, Nov. 26, 2006. Manuel Jr. was born Apr. 7, 1944, in Havana, Cuba, to the late Manuel and Asela Diaz. He married Norma Prieto Sept. 14, 1963, in Cuba. In recent years, he was involved in the truck- ing business, but his true love and passion was ranching and spend- ing time with his grandchildren. His accomplishments included raising and showing multiple World and Congress champion quarter hors- es. Survivors include his wife: Norma Prieto Diaz, son: Manuel (Kelli) Diaz, daughter: Odalys (Jose) Garcia, mother: Asela Ortiz Diaz; five grandchildren: Normy, Jose, Austin, Lauren and Kami; and his two sisters: Acela Peon and Elsa De La Paz. Funeral Services were, Monday 27, at the Akin-Davis Funeral Home in LaBelle with Father Jiobani Batista officiating. Seldon Pheniox Easterly SSeldon Pheniox Easterly, age 80, former longtime resident of both Naples and LaBelle, passed away Nov. 21, 2006, at Hope Hospice of Bonita Springs. He was born on a house boat in Naples on June 30, 1926, to Charles and Daisy Easterly. Mr. Easterly served his country in the Phillippines. Mr. Easterly was a man who "never" met a man he didn't like and he was a friend to one and all. He loved his family and he didn't mind showing it. He always had a good story to tell and loved children of all ages. He loved to tinker and whistle and you could always find him from listening for thewhistle. He is preceded in death by his wife: Vivian; four brothers: Edward, William, Robert and Tivis; four sisters: Lillian, Mable, Nell and Juanita and great-grandson: Jacob Williams. Mr. Easterly is survived by one 'brother: Jacob Easterly of Alaba- ma; four sisters: Olive Parsons of Louisiana, Eldora Walker of Arkansas, Jessie Farabee of Florida and Naomi Thigpen of Florida; four children: Heidi of the Philippines, Berlene Skinner of Florida, Keith Easterly of South, America and Selda Easterly of Florida; nine grandchildren: Nick Ancheta and FloribelAncheta, both of the Philip- pines, Catherine Rushing, Tyler Skinner, Amanda Wallace, Piper Obregon, Dustin Williams, Rachel Easterly and Amber Easterly, all of Florida and six great-grandchil- dren: MirandaWilliams, Kale Rush- ing, Isaac Williams, Tara Wallace, Aiden.Obregonr and Nivea Skinner, all of Florida. A graveside service was held Sunday, November 26, at Ortona Cemetery with Reverend Sammy Co officiating. Following the servic- es at graveside, family and friends gathered at The International Chris- tian Fellowship Church, 233 Clark Street in LaBelle for a memorial cel- ebration of life. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home -LaBelle. Waldron T 'ally" Pfluge Waldron T. "Wally" Pfluge, 84,, of Billings, passed away Monday, Nov. 20, 2006, at Billings Clinic. The son of Edward and Cora Pfluge, Wally was born Jan. 2, 1922, in LaBelle. He graduated from high school in Tallahassee. Wally served with Company D of the 97th Infantry during WWII. He saw action in the Battle of the Bulge and was stationed in Dussel- dorf, Switzerland and Japan. Wally was called back to duty during the Korean Conflict. On May 20, 1944, Wally married Phyllis E. McCumber in Michigan. After graduating from the School of Mines in Rapid City, S.D., he went to work for the. South Dakota Cement' Company. After going to work for ideal Basic Indus- tries in Three Forks, Wally and Phyl- lis lived in Great Falls before moving to Billings in 1960. Wally retired in 1987. Wally was a member of Mayflower Congregational Church, the American Legion and Golden K Kiwanis Club. He enjoyed golfing, basketball and baseball. A beloved.husband, father and grandfather, "Papa Wally" is sur- vived by his wife: Phyllis of Billings; daughter: Dianna Lea Bliss of Great Falls; six grandchildren: Glenn, Jason, Eric and Brian Bliss and Matthew and Caitlin Pfluge; and four great-grandchildren: Glenn Austin, Abbie, Brandon and Court- ney Bliss. He was preceded in death by seven brothers and sisters; and his son, Charles Edward Pfluge, in 1991. Cremation has taken place. Memorial services were Friday, Nov. 24, at Mayflower Congrega- tional Church. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Golden K Kiwanis Foundation, c/o 3918 Sandpiper Lane, Billings, MT. 59102. Michelotti-Sawyers Mortuary was in charge f arrangements. Margaret Ann Peacock Margaret Ann Peacock, age 65, of Lehigh Acres, passed away November 26, 2006, in Fort Myers. She was.born Dec. 14, 1940, in Wrightsville, GA, daughter of the late Otis and the late Bertha (John- son) Tanner. Survivors- include: four sons: Clarence Eugene (Jenney) Pea- cock of Lake Butler, Timothy Lamar Peacock of Dublin, GA, Carl Edward Peacock of Alva, Richard Donald Peacdck of Lehigh Acres; five daughters: Katherine D. Pea- cock of Rochelle, GA, Carol Ann Smith of Dublin, GA, Cynthia Diane Soriano of Lehigh Acres, Sharon Badener of Quampack, MO, Christina Rivera of Pitts, GA; sister: Bernice Baines of Martinsville, VA; step-daughters: Brenda Barner of College, GA and Darlene.Belflower of Dublin, GA; grandchildren: Melissa Peacock, Hannah Peacock, Andrew Peacock, Angelica Marie Peacock, Margaret Ann Marie Pea- cock, Scotty Peacock, Amber Pea- cock, Brandon Peacock, Ashley Summerall, Juddie Summerall, Nicole Peacock, Miranda Peacock, Shane Barner, Lori Walker, Stephanie Staton, Scott Morrison, Paula Sue Morrison and Tiffany George. She was preceded in death by her son: James Clifford Peacock and grandson: Gustavo Soriano Jr. Visitation was Wednesday, Nov. 29,. at Akin-Davis Funeral Home in LaBelle. Graveside services will be Friday, Dec. 1, at Mount Aarat Cemetery, Eastman, GA with Rev. John Allison Peacock officiating. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home LaBelle. FLand by Home-Towns Funeral Home-East- man, GA. Jesse Cribbs Jesse Cribbs,' formerly of LaBelle, passed away Friday, November 17, 2006, at Hospice-of Naples at the age of 92. He was born in Agricola, April 12, 1914, the son of Solomon Brannick Cribbs and Rachel Virginia Register. He was one of the first beekeepers in LaBelle, and worked cattle with Lykes Brothers, Barney Barron, Hilliard Brothers, Addie Mae Mills and as a farm mechanic with the Holland family. He retired at the age of 75, as a certified welder with Naples Steel. He was preceded in death by son-in-law: Biff Lampton; grandson: Derek Lee Lampton; and son: Richard Dennis Cribbs. He is survived by the mother of his chil- dren, Myrtice Moseley Cribbs, daughters: Carol Roberts, Martha Ratliff, Lilly Lampton, and son Jerry Cribbs; grandchildren: Curtis Roberts, Greg Roberts, Christine Roberts-Wooten, Simon Cribbs, Walter C. Ratliff, III, Richard D. Ratliff, Rex Cribbs, Sherri Cribbs and Burke Lampton and 20 great grandchildren. Clewiston, was arrested Novem- ber 25, and charged with violat- ing probation for a felony offense. Nathan E. Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Osvaldo Cardenas, 54, of Clewiston, was arrested Novem- ber 24, and charged with' a non- moving traffic violation driving with a,suspended license for a third or subsequent offense; Nathan Kirk of the Hendry Coun- ty Sheriff's Office was the arrest- ing officer. Terry Lee Wimberly, 43, of Miami, was arrested November 22, and charged'with dealing in stolen pro:perh1. Justin Spence of the Cle% ision Pol:ice Department was the arresting officer; Felix Rivero, 47, of Clewis- ton, was arrested November 22, and charged with possession of drugs-marijuana over 20 grams or controlled substance without 'prescription and possession of narcotic equipment manufac- ture deliver. Martin Meyer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Caridad Fernandez, 42, of Clewiston, was arrested Novem- ber 22, and charged with posses- sion of cocaine, possession of drugs marijuana over 20 grams or controlled substance without prescription and possession of narcotic equipment manufac- ture deliver. Martin Meyer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office v.,-s tI-h arresting officer. STOP LEG CRAMPS L~CS BEFORE THEY STOP YOU. Calcet I I I, ...r,,, .r :- Tnple Calcium .1 r ' -r,: ,-, ,--j. ,. ] ,t ,r ,. :, -, ", r," ". S Memorial Tribute Remember a lot ed one iiiho has departed i ith a special l memorial Tribute in this nen paper. '. /, Your inbute can be published following th e m m.irial services. or to commemorate an anni\ersar\ nof our loved one's birth or passing. You' can.add' a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure'it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.conmemorials for sampleads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. S* 10 FAMILY GARAGE SALE STO EASTER S'SEALS IN ' ., WHEN: Saturday, Dec 9R 9 am until ?? WHERE: The Parking Lot of *777W. Hwy. 80 *'' 00 LaBelle, FL GARAG863 6Seals-1616 1454 Miadr.nn AAe. Imniokalee Ni' v'n f L. ,~ ""W~u' I-: NEW PATIENTS ACCEPTED! Nuevos pacientes son acceptado! Srvirce-s: F mirnl- [iledi rir., \\'.;.[rnen'- H .:h!t!, Pediiri ,. iir i--Ir .: l M-ledi; int Deitn.0l O, I1 r ,-: I .And Edcl .ari.-'n, L' rb ra.:. R'-d '.I tg.''. Ph rmi jAc'., For an appointment Call (239) 658-3000 Walk-m's Welcome Sp E .i '..... '.. ... ... . d ''ill '''? i. -& '~~.ssr~Pi~-~"~~Eit s 4 I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30, 2006 4 OPINION Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at httpV//www.newszapfomms.coi/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as- space permits. FORGETTING NATIVE BORN AMERICANS: A lot of us native born Americans are tired of footing the bill for illegal immigrants. They use our tax money to give them food and have their babies here. They have plenty of money. They send it all back to where they came from. When is our government going to wake up and do something for the native-born Americans? WHEN IS IT CLOSED?: It would be nice if the Caloosa Belle would print closings for the holiday season. We'd really appreciate it. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforurris.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Thank You Are you proud to be unteers at the gate, concession, sidelines and announcer's booth. a Cowboy? Yes I am. Your countless hours of donated As a LaBelle Cowboy fan, I had, ime do not go unnoticed . to send a note of thanks and con- Thank you to the parents and gratulations to the LaBelle Cow- fans. I am proud to sit in the stands boys Varsity football team. As and cheer for these boys along many of you know, the Cowboys side you. Thank you for your started the season off with lots of unwavering support ofthisteam! doubt, small players and terrible Thank you to the managersfor predictions (as in the "last place taking such good care of the team. ,district finish, and 27th area rank- Attending every practice and run- ing), etc. In fact, I believe we were ning and caring for all those boys ,ranked somewhere around 400th" looks exhausting. They are lucky in the State rankings. to have you and I hope you know I am so thankful that those boys howappreciatedyou are. showed what real heart is. Playing. Thank you to the 2007 Senior the best game possible amid critics Class both the players and the is difficult. 'Finishing first in your countless kids I see in the stands district, 136th in the Stale and in cheering for their friends. You are the top ten of Southwest Florida is an amazing group of talented, pretty impressive. Making it to the smart and motivated kids. What a playoffs, winning against Palmetto great inspiration to the other class- Ridge, standing tall against Glades es and all of the future LaBelle Central and finishing the season 8 Cowboys!. and 4 is even more impressive.. Thank you to .he cheerleaders I am so proud to be a Cowboy and band! Your spirit and enthusi- fan and I just wanted to say thank asm truly helps us all enjoy the you. game even more! Thank you to the coaches for Most importantly, thank you to devoting so much time to these the LaBelle High School 2006 boys and teaching them the amaz- LaBelle Co\wboys. For me, there ing game of football, but even has never been or will ever be a more for teaching them to play better season to have watched or with all their heart and being a been a part of. Thank you for not team despite'the adversity. You all giving up and for playing with all are.excellent examples of the types your heart and soul. Every single of men we can hope these bos game has been amazing to watch grow tobe. and every single moment has Thank youi to the Quarterback made me thankful tobe a Cowboy Club, LaBelle High School admin- fan! istration, teachers and all the vol- Congratulations and thankyou! Community Calendar Thursday, 7 pm., Episcopal Church of the s Good Shepherd, Collingswood & November 30 Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open Overeaters Anonymous (OA): meeting. Thursday 5:30 p.m. in the Episco- Bingo: Our Lady Queen of pal Church of the Good Shepherd, Heaven Catholic Church, Early 1098 Collingswood Parkway @ bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. No Eucalyptus, one block south of SR Smking 80 east of LaBelle. Sunday, December 3 AA: Open discussion, 8 p.m., o i c First Christian Church, Ford Ave. AA: 7 p.m. Port LaBelle, Episco' Christian Youth Fellowship: 7 pal Church of the Good Shepherd, hritian Youth Fellowship: 7 Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port p.m., City Hall, Commissioners LaBelle, open discussion room AA & Al Anon: 8 p.m. discus- Monday, December 4 sion, First Christian Church, Ford Friends of the Library: 3 p.m. Ave., Call Intergroup at 275-5111 Library Cottage Friday,Dec. 1 Teen Center: Hendry County a Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 DJJ and Youth Task Force: p.m. Health Dept., 1140 Pratt Blvd., 10 Weight Watchers: Weigh in a:m.- and registration at 5:30 p.m., meet- American LegionFish Fry: 5-7 ing at 6 p.m., First Christian p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting Avenue. i CALOOSA" BFi F Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle Is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid the company is able to thrive on profit margins below Industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested In Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: To operate Nhis newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant To help our community Reporter: Kristin Hunter become a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt and work. through our dedi- cation to conscientious )our- ADVERTISING: realism STo provide the Information cit- Advertising Director Izens need to make Ineir own Judy Kasten intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues. Brenda Jaramillo * To report the news with hon- Advertising esty. accuracy, purposeful Services Coordinator: Sneulrality, tarness oblectivity. Services Coordinator: tearlessness and compassion. Dale Conyers STo use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: iaclltale community debate. Barbara Calfee not to aommnae it wlUn out own opinions. To disclose ou own conflicts ol interest or potential con- flicts to out leaders. * To correct our errors and to give each correction the prominence It deserves. * To provide a right to reply to those we write about. * To ineat people with courtesy. respect and compassion. For More Information See At Your Service On Page 2 National Advertising Joy Parrish Independent Newspapers, Inc. Chairman Joe Smyth President Ed Dulin Vice President of Florida Operations Tom Byrd Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Survey Mania: There is a purpose By Janice Groves, Executive Director Hendry County Economic Development Council Over the past several years small business in Henry County has been inundated with survey requests. Whether it is for the Economic Development Council Office, a state agency, a consult- ing agency doing a feasibility study for a developer or for other enterprise the small business person feels as if hegets bom- barded with requests that don't do him any good.,And yet, each and every person that contacts a business to participate in a sur- vey has a specific purpose and use in mind for, the information they are collecting. With Hendry County's growth and potential development many questions arise. Will the county be ready for the growth that is coming? How will Hendry Coun- ty face the issues that will certain- ly come forward in the months and years to come? Will H-endry County have the infrastructure, ifs your worll jGet involved technology, money, and develop- ment plan to fulfill small busi- ness growth needs? Will small" business be prepared to face the potential growth and demands on services and infrastructure? Communication is the way Hendry County and the business corhmunity can answer those questions: the survey is the source. It may be time consum- ing, but it is the.most reasonable and effective way to gather in for- mation, especially since our busi- ness community is so diverse. Not every business needs or wants the same services, not every business asks the same questions, and one answer does not fit all; however, a well designed survey can be benefi- cial in various ways. Since July Hendry Coun t\ Economic Development Council has been contacting small busi- nesses throughout the county and asking them to participate in a survey. This multi-purpose sur- vey can be the conduit to find solutions to many of the issues facing small business in Hendry County. Last spring Hendry County participated in a Visioning Process through public input meetings that were held in Clewiston and LaBelle. The meetings were well attended by interested parties and the public had much to say in all areas of county and community develop-, ment. A long list of needs, bene- fits, and desires resulted from these meetings. One way td address many of the issues that were discussed at these meetings is by surveying the business community using a sur- vey designed to deem answers to, the issues the public fell needed attention. The survey currently. being done covers many areas. It is designed to include company information, product services, the market, the industry, manage- ment, \ orkforce, technology, util- ity and community services, plus it gives you an opportunity to express what issues are most important to you. Once the sur- veys are complete'the informa- tion will be compiled and a work plan will be designed. Trends will be identified with a plan to find solutions to the issues most prevalent. The'answers may be through educational opportuni- ties, workshops, networking, and other ways not yet identified. Many small businesses have already contributed their answers. If you have not yet been contacted expect to be soon. By participating in the surveys, you -are taking the first step in helping Hendry County Economic Devel- opment Council help you. One of our many purposes is to help small business through expan- sion, retention, or creation of a business. With your input you help us to find ways to help you. Please cooperate ard allow us around 20 minutes of your time whenyou are contacted to partici- pate.in the Economic Develop- ment Council Small Business Sur- vey. After the fact Wishbioning in Hendry Now that that the "stuffing", is out of the turkey and safely stowed in all of us for another year, I wonder how many of you made a Thanksgiling "wish?" One of our family traditions is to make the wish bone available to the two youngest children at the family table. They are instruct- ed to each grab an end, break.the bone in two while making a wish. The one left with the largest por- tion of bone is supposed to have their wish come true. I remember my brother and' I having more' than one squabble over position- ing our hands to insure a win, and the granting of our wish. When he left and moved to California, we carried but the tradition via the mail until we were into our teens, had a near. death experience. with less squabbling, but with .Upon seeing God she asked ''Is mixed results, usually resulting in' m) ,ime up?" and God replied, atie. "No; you have another 43 years, 2 We spent our Thanksgiving months and 8 days to live." Upon with family in South Carolina and recovery, the woman decided it was poignantly rewarding to while she was there, with the again see our grandchildren promise of over 40 more years, squabbling over a wish bone. It she would have a facelift, liposuc- brought into perspective how.cer- lion and a tummy luck. She even tain little nuances can restore had someone come in and some semblance of worth and change her hair style and color substance to an increasingly figuring she night as well make impersonal, commercialized the most of her "second" time exploitation of the holidays, around chance. As fate would have it, I had just After recovering completely, received word of a middle aged she was released from the hospi- woman who had a heart attack tal, and while crossing the' park- and was rushed to the hospital. As ing lot to her car, she was hit and 'she was being operated on she killed by an ambulance. Arriving in Heaven and appearing in front of God she spoke out, "I thought you said I had another 40 years plus to live Why.didn't you save me from being hit and killed by that ambulance?" After a thought- ful pause, God said, "Sorry, I just didn't recognize you.'. So, maybe we should all be careful what we wish for? Seriously! I trust you and yours had a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving, and regardless of whether you got the long or the short of it, so far in 2006, all your wishes do come true! . Respectfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County.Citizen & taxpayer) Letters to the Editor Dear fellow citizens, Sometimes I feel like God pays, us surprise visits, just to see how we are doing. Sometimes I feel as if He was grading us, judging h6w much we have learned. It saddens me to think that this November's past elections might have been one of those times,..and .Iam' afraid to think of what we received on our report card. It was disheartening to see so many. politicians sporting their antigay- marriage/adoption positions dur- ing the elections. But it is even more so to find that the voters of Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin passed amend- ments that banned gay marriage. One might .ask why it saddens me so,'that marriage in some states is being kept between a man and a woman? I would have to answer that that is not the rea- son. The issue over gay marriage and adoption goes far ,deeper than many care to dig. It is more than just being about whether or -not same-sex couples should be able to marry the person they love, or whether or not they. should be able to form families. It has more to do with equality. It seems to me that too many overlook the fact that we are tak- ing away the rights of people. We are telling these couples who love one another that they are not deserving of the same rights as the rest of us. Even in the few states that allow civil unions it is the same. They sport the "sepa- rate but equal" slogans, but one might ask why anyone who is equal deserves to be separate? Given our Declaration of Inde- pendence, it would seem that we should all deplore such things. "We hold these truths to be self- evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalien- able rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- piness."What are we doing by passing such laws but stealing from our own citizens the very things we hold so dear? We do not steal their livelihood, but we chain them to our own ideals of life, we deny them liberty by deny- ing them the same rights that the rest of us have and we seek to pre- vent their happiness by keeping from them the means with which to fulfill those desires. Marin Luther Kiig, Jr. wrote "An unjust law is a code that a majority inflicts on a minority that is not binding on itself." How can we pass laws that ban some peo- ple from marrying the person they love, but still allow others that right? It is very perplexing to me that in a society such as this we would support such laws. Did we not learn anything from the civil rights movements? Is it not immoral, even evil to do so? Mr. King realized when he quoted Paul Tillich that "sin is separation." He also said, "Any law that degrades human person- ality is unjust. All segregation statutes are unjust because segre- gation distorts the soul and dam- ages the personality. It gives the segregator a false sense of superi- ority and the segregated a false sense of inferiority." This issue of gay marriage may not be one of racial prejudice, but it is one of prejudice nonethe-less. Ho\, is it that we are not segregating iand making inferiors of those who are gay by passing such amend- ments? Are we not separating them from us, as the Nazis did to. the people of the Jewish faith dur- ing World War II, or as slavery and segregation did to the black com- munity of America? While simply voting to keep marriage between a man and a woman might not at first appear as atrocious as these things, they are all the same at their core. By making such a-vote we are mak- ing the statement that individuals of a heterosexual relationship are somehow superior to those of a homosexual relationship and thus more deserving of the legal privileges that accompany mar- riage. Separation issin, and evil is defined as "That which degrades humanity, and forces upon them inferiority." So one might see why I fear humanity's report card. We seem to have still not learned the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Yours for the cause of life, lib- erty, and the pursuit of happiness, A concerned citizen Charles B. Holt Protecting the minority Editor: Reference is made to Mr. Boland's letter of November 22, 2006, casting aspersions on the ACLU for its spirited defense of cases involving state sponsored religion. I was taught that the Constitu- tion and Bill of Rights was drafted in part to protect the minority from the whims of the majority. We all know how the majority can easily trample the rights of a few. Does anyone recall the intern- ment of Japanese Americans dur- ing World War II? And there is always the possibility that the cur- rent majority could become the minority. How would we then feel? As an infantry veteran and 'a former member of the American Legion I thought it was my duty to defend the Constitution of the United States, not the rights of a few misguided political hacks who want to stuff religion down our throats for political gain. I salute the ACLU for defending the Constitution. By doing so, all of us are protected. Incidentally, Indiana Congress- man John Hostettler, an ardent supporter of right wing funda- mentalists, was defeated by over ten points in the recent election as his constituents finally woke up. Everette Bailey Aqua Isles LaBelle, FL .: . What is your favorite holiday dish and how do you make it? Brenden Driver is 8 years S. old. He said, "Turkey is my S"a favorite. You boil it, take out SThat's it." is insides and then cut it. Nathan Driver is 5 years old. He said strawberry banana pie is his favorite holiday dish. He said "Um, you put r . some whip cream and then rTT :. W" ; you put in the banana pud- ding and then you put the 4 sugar in, mix the cream cheese with the whip cream and then put the strawberries on the very top of the whip ". . cream." Michael Ramos is five years old. He said that turkey is his favorite. "To make it you put the chicken on the grille. My dad does this. My dad uses this little thing that is heavy to put the turkey on the grille. (That little thing is called a S candle weight to open the lid .of the grille and help turn the turkey). I can't even pick it ,, 4 jup. It's like it's big. My dad S puts beer in the chicken, I S. A mean turkey, and my brother said that's what makes the flavor. I think it's yucky like that." Jeremy Alexander said ham rolls are his favorite. "You take ham slices and then ' you put cream cheese on em' and roll it up with onion ., in the middle. You butter the ham with the cream "-41 " cheese." Carrie Bleumer said that mashed potatoes is her favorite holiday dish. "To make them all you do is peel the potatoes, cut em', boil em' and mash em' up and then put butter on top." I I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30,2006 New members at CDD D By Patty Brant cussion was a long-awaited to be with the county commission- .." 7i /7*', ... L- --L--, ... --i-ri L:A _'r 1-n L _--- Ji -- -- -- --i .. i -. ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ~ e B H Kj .^t'i* jilJ H I The Port LaBelle Community Development District (CDD) met Nov. 21 at its office on Dellwood Terr. Two newly-elected members - Scott Wegscheid and Suzanne Gee took their places with the existing board after being sworn in. The baord heard presentations by both Hendry and Glades County Sheriff's Offices, being updated on current criminal activity and safety needs throughout Port LaBelle. One of the main topics of dis- Henry county snenrifs suDtauuon proposed for Port LaBelle. The CDD requires that it be a full service substation to serve its residents, getting deputies on the streets. The CDD currently pays for one deputy to patrol in Port LaBelle. The CDD has accumulated $50,000 toward the substation, which would also be part of a complex including fire and EMS stations. The sheriff is on board with the idea of a substation in Port LaBelle, however, the sticking point seems ers. ne ooarda ecideu to apply more pressure to the commission- ers to approve the project and to look for grant monies to add to it. Glades County Sheriff Stuart Whidden attended the meeting. He explained that Hendry and Glades county emergency agen- cies have mutual aid agreements allowing officers from each county- to work in the other as necessary. "Cooperation," he said, "is riot a problem." ,iCaluOS d DI-lle-raly Brdin Port LaBelle Community Development District board members include: new member Scott Wegscheid, Pat Whidden, new member Suzanne Gee, William Dunbar and Suzanne Reese. Play opens the world of the heart Love Letters, a play by A.R. Gurney, is not exactly what you might expect. The scene never changes, although the audience witnesses the characters passing through all the phases of their lives. The play manages to encapsulate the lives of two old friends, Andy Ladd and Melissa Gardner, in their letters to each other. Just two actors take the audience through the charac- ters' entire lives. The members of the audience, themselves, provide the additional "scenery" in their own minds, garnered from the poignant words of the letters the two characters read to each other: Andy Ladd, played by Bob Butts, is always looking for things to make sense. Melissa Gardner, played by Nancy McGlasson, sees and reacts to the world with her heart. The two play off each other, convey- ing the changes each experi- ences with a sense of immedia- cy, joy, fear, insecurity and touching intimacy. The product of a wealthy but cold upbringing, Melissa's letters share with Andy her lifetime of seeking love and acceptance. Andy tries to please Melissa with- out ever knowing how, straining to bridge the incomprehensible gap between them with his let- ters. Melissa and Andy always miss each other passing through each other's lives, touching without ever getting a firm hold on each other. They manage to share the high points of their lives through their letters, the ups and downs they experience, muted by a veil of melancholy for the love they are never able to realize. Melissa and Andy go through their lifetimes telling their secrets, sharing so much of themselves but never quite enough. Directed by Donna Baines, this unique theatrical experience is sure to give you pause to reflect on your own Caloosa Belle.Patty Brant Melissa Gardner. played by Nancy Glasson, and Andy Ladd. played by Bob Butts, share tantalizing bits of their lives with each other through letters in the Firehouse Cultural Center's current offering, Love Letters. relationships. Love Letters continues Dec. 1 and 2 at 7 p.m., lhe Sunday, Dec. 3 matinee begins at 2 p.m. Please bring your donation of a CLICK AND SAVE COUI PO NS ONIE I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I I Go to newszap conr to dol-.nload ana print coupons online I I neWSZap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. L --- -- ------- -- Wednesday -:- December 13 -:- 10:00 a.m. EP uthJill noilh Carolina Home;lIw Cheroa ee Count: flonlj I':aroiin I Friday -:- December 15 -:- 10:00 a.m. F,.iellenl Huritinli & Reirealoal R Hit E [t,-iE Plus H'Ferl':.'i0d .jtlll Horne A.' r r Randtol&ii & Terrell Counlhei C.A RRM4 Rowevsll Realty & Auctioni Co.. Inc. 800-323-8388 NCALi26t3 GAL AU'J{OO."b91 i L b, -r nonperishable food item for the Salvation Army. For tickets, call the theater at 863-675-3066. Tickets are $10 with reservations and $12 at the door. Figure your telephone tax refunds The Internal Revenue Service announced the standard amounts that most long-distance customers can use to figure their telephone tax refund. These amounts, which range from $30 to $60, will enable millions of individual taxpayers to request the telephone tax refund without having to dig through old phone bills. In general, anyone who paid the long-distance telephone tax will get the refund on their 2006 federal income tax return. This includes individuals, businesses and nonprofit organizations. The 2006 return is usually filed during 2007. The standard amounts are based on the total number of exemptions claimed on the 2006 federal income tax return. The standard amounts are $30 for a person filing a return with one exemption, $40 for two exemp- tions, $50 for three exemptions and $60 for four or more exemp- tions. For example, a married. couple filing a joint return with two dependent children (for a total of four exemptions) will be eligible for the maximum stan- dard amount of $60. To get the standard amount, eligible taxpayers only need to fill out one additional line on their regular 2006 return. The IRS is creating a special short form (Form 1040EZ-T) for those who don't need to file a regular return. The standard amounts are based on actual telephone usage data, and the standard amount applicable to a family or other household reflects the. long-dis- tance phone tax paid by similarly sized families or households. Those who paid the long-dis- tance tax on service billed after Feb. 28, 2003 and before Aug. .1, 2006 are eligible for a refund. Only individuals can use the standard amounts. Alternatively, individual taxpayers can choose to figure their refund using the actual arrount of lax paid. Though businesses and non- profits must base their tlelphone tax refund on the acual amuuit of tax paid, the IRS is looking lor \ways to make the relund process easier for these taxpayers. The IRS is considering an estimation method businesses and non- profits may use for figuring the tax paid. Details on requesting the tele- phone tax refund will be includ- ed in all 2006 tax return materi- als and on irs.gov. HoM A of t1E4 ",ORIiA[ W CJA-fl ...,1.. ~- ~ ..~..-. ~~ -~"-'' -i "*' ~c~ "'"" "" ] .i.l ~.~..,... J~; ~'" -I : ... ;" "" ~~ : ~;"1V'`- lu*rl '"' .jtff~c-~.; ...,, ~~ur ~ .; i-~n .~l.e ~ql~- i. --~'* ~-~:"*` :T.Z~ ~~- 1~-~3-7~ :.' ~i-"p~.*C*r*'' ~~~ - i.' ~;m~lL i ,-pcg~' ~? .,, "' '!"-~ "Ii' i~R~r ~;r : y~j~rlje~~.%~:, ~:~: m~ -i"r~F;, .... -ai ,~,, ,,~V. U1~j~: '*~'~:i~L~;.r"" ~;s~c"""";id, Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! S4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used item or Sell your personal valuables if there $2,500 or less for absolutely free! , No fee, n * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers bI items per house- reserves the rig y ptt er issue disqualify any a . ..Deadline 11 a.m. Monday 0D catch, no probtemVa" CALOOSA BELLE Iht to Id. Delivering Western Hendry Count' News Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353n 2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com -J TJ 41HP 4WD 21HP Diesel Engine Glide Shift Transmission Commercial Quality 0 DOWN 0% for 3 Years Zero Turn Mower $527 per month 0 DOWN 0% for 3 Years or extended plan slating as low S355 per month as $350 per month or rended plan stating as -lo ' as $ 187 per rm'nl: r---i Al I DOWN All Around You. Diesel Engine Hydrostatic rans., power steering, disc brakes 0 DOWN 0% for 2 Years $415 per month or extended plan stating as low as S203 per month Ma Al .. It 1 \'R V900G Full Factory Parts and Service! We Service All Makes. We make hydraulic hoses. 31HP 4WD Standard Shift Synchronized Trans. 0 DOWN 0% for 3 Years $407 per month or extended plan stali g as low as 5$2,7 .,er'l month Absolutely Zero SDown iPayment Model = i 'I1 EVERYTHING( YOU VALUE Turf & 549 East Sugarland Hwy Sur & Clewiston, FL 33440 Tractor 863-9834484 *$0 down, 0% A.PR. financing for terms up to 36 months availablethrough December 31, 2006, on all new Kubolo BX, B, L and M (except theM5040, M6040, M7040, M8040 and M9540 Series) in inventory at participating dealers. Example: A 36-month repayment term ot 0% A.RR.requires 36 payments of $27.78 per $1,000 borrowed. 0% A PR. interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Financing is available through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., subject to credit approval. Some exceptions opply.See your local Kubota dealer for details on these and other tow-rate options or go to ReiserFoO i neAutio ti s RIN ]RFtPlr% '\ 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30, 2006 LHS boys basketball off to a slow start LHS Basketball Schedules By Coach David Kelley The Cowboys varsity basket- ball team opened up the season with a 74-58 loss at Naples High School on Monday, November 20. Chad Lutkenhaus had 35 points and 6 rebounds for the Cowboys on Monday night. Andrew Tovar sparked the Cowboys with 8 points, 7 assists, 3 steals and the same leadership he brought from the football field. The Cowboys were a little flat due to the fact that 8 of 10 players moved over straight from football season with no days of basketball practice. The Cowboys played at home Monday, November 27, Wednes- day, November 29 and Thursday, November 30. Lemon Bay will be a big district game on Thursday, November 30. The team missed a lot of easy shots and looked tired but all the kids fought hard, con- sidering the circumstances! LaBelle kicker helps Tigers to 13-0 season By Kristin Hunter Will Davis is the 16-year-old son of Charlie and Kathy Davis of LaBelle. Will changed schools over the summer to kick for the Clewiston Tigers and has been on fire ever since. He helped his team end the season 13-0 with his own statistics of 52/52 extra points and 3/7 field goals. The Clewiston Tigers will play in the State Cham- pionship game vs. the private school Jacksonville Bolles Satur- day, December 2, at the Dolphin Stadium in Miami. Larry Antonac- ci is the head football coach/kick- ing coach at Clewiston High School. Before he left to play for the Clewiston Tigers he was the kick- er on the LHS JV football team his freshman and sophomore years. Will has been kicking since the ripe old age of seven-about nine years now. He goes to an off-season kick- ing coach in Tampa once or twice a month. His off season kicking coach is Tom Fee!v, President of Feel kicking school out of Tampa and father of Jay Feely, kicker for the NY Giants. They go over the mechanics and fundamentals of kicking. He has been working with Tom for about two years now and says he has seen improvement. He will be competing in the National Kicking Combine in San Antonio, Texas, on January 5 and 6. There are three age groups: middle school, high school and college. He will be competing for the national kicking title for- the high school age group. In order to get this far, he first had to qualify for the regional and. then semi- final round according to his statis- tics. The camp director is Michael Husted and former 12 year NFL' kicker Doug Brian. He was named honorable mention for Southwest Florida and received two coach's awards against Glades Day and Pope John Paul. He was player of the week against Inlet Grove. In his debut game with the Clewiston Tigers, Will kicked a 37-yard field goal and 3 extra points against Glades Day. Will is a student athlete with a GPA of .3 4. Will hopes to continue his suc- cess and go as far as he can as a kicker. Submitted pholo/Charlie Davis Will Davis with his off season kicking coach, Tom Feely, President of Feely kicking school out of Tampa and father of Jay Feely, kicker for the NY Giants. LHS Math Club initiates new members On Wednesday, November 8, g the LaBelle High School math team reactivated its chapter of Mu Alpha Theta, the National High School and Junior College Mathe- matics Club. As a part of the reac- tivation, ten students were initial- ed into membership. Senior members are Alex Calfee, Suzi Greenleaf, Robert Higginbotham, Tyler Lewis and Nick Proverbs. Juniors are Brittany Baker, Cathy McVay and Scott Sloan. Sopho- more Ryan Higginbotham and freshman Chelsea Lewis also became members. Stafford King and Anna Martinson have also joined math team and will become official Mu Alpha Theta members in the new future. Sponsor and LHS math teacher Joy Bridwell says it is an LaBell absolute pleasure to work with LaBei these students who enjoy mathe- photo. matics. Assisting Mrs. Bridwell is The ma James Maddox, an FGCU sopho- three r more and LHS math team alum. Decemt LaBelle High School/Joy Birdwell e High School Math Club members are back in action. They posed recently for a group ith team will compete in and then culminate its season regional competitions in with a competition at Disney ber, January and February World in May. LaBelle resident on outdoor TV Jake Smith of LaBelle, will appear on Turkey Country, a hunting series produced by the National Wild Turkey Federation. The show will air on The Outdoor Channel Saturday, Dec. 2, at 1 a.m. the segment also aired the previous Monday and Wednes- day. Smith, of Osceola Services, will be guiding Mike Blanton, an NWTF Wheelin' Sportsmen regional coordinator and NWTF member Jim Sursely on a turkey hunt in Florida. The trio will b6 working to help Sursely, a dis- abled veteran from the Vietnam War, harvest an Osceola wild. turkey. Wheelin' Sportsmen is an NWTF outreach program that provides all people with disabili- ties the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors through local NWTF chapter events nationwide. Also on the show, wildlife experts will explain what it takes to be a good turkey hunter and woodsman. As a high energy hunting show, Turkey Country features many of the NWTF's volunteers from throughout North America and mixes tips and how-to infor- mationr to help the viewer become a better hunter. "Turkey hunting is a passion enjoyed throughout North Ameri- ca; and we offer it to our viewers all year long," said Rob Keck, NWTF CEO. "This is a tremen- dous opportunity for the N\-TF to fulfill its goal of providing the best in turkey hunting and conserva- tion information." For more information about Turkey Country or about the NWTF, visit the Web site at www.nwtf.org 1-800-THE-NWTF. Add the Outdoor Channel to any DIRECT or DISH Network package, or contact your local cable network to request The Sports Shorts VFW plans pork dinner VFW Post 10100 Hwy. 29 S. Ladies Auxiliary will host a pork dinner at the post Friday, Dec. 1 from 5-7 p.m. Dinners are $7. It is open to the public. Come and enjoy smoke free dining. Archery events scheduled The Lee County Archers are registering new participants. The following events take place at the Nalle Grade County Park Range in North Ft. Myers: Thursday, December 14, 7 p.m.: Monthly Membership Meet- ing and 20 Yard Target League. Sunday, December 17: 3D Archery Shoot at the Nalle Grade County Park in North Fort Myers. The shoot is hosted by the Lee County Archers. A roving field range consisting of 20 3D target stations, and a 14 station N.F.A.A. field course. Sign up 8- :30 a.m.; shotgun start at 9 a.m A $10 shooting fee applies. Info: Ben Brown (239) 369-6212. Sunday, January 7, 2007, 9 a.m.., 900 Round event. Additional information regard- ing the club can be obtained from: Ben Brown, President, 660 Addison Street, Lehigh Acres, Florida 33936, (239) 369-6212. Gardeners plan campfire picnic At the Riverside Retreat Camp- grounds (formerly The Methodist Campgrounds); CR78 west of the Swing Bridge Sunday, Dec. 3. Come at 4 p.m. to take a hike along the newest nature trail; 5:30 covered dish dinner served, fol- lowed by songs & stories around a campfire. Roasting marshmal- lows and fixin's for S'mores. This will be the Nov/Dec meeting for The Greater LaBelle Garden Club. Other groups, clubs, family and friends are invited to this special evening. At the campgrounds, follow the signs to the Rustic Pavilion. Car pooling may be arranged. Call or e-mail Nikki at 863.675.3394 or 239.564.2005 Nikki@NikkiYea- gerRoser.com Outdoor Channel today. For more information, visit The Outdoor Channel Web site at www.out- doorchannel.com I. ---------------i I SPORTS FANS Y IBET ]DIDN'T .' I B .lah (, 'v, ,' NYOU I Lori LangfordI I What is the longest continuously Stunning program in TV history? The I reason that's a sports question is I because the answer is Monday Night I Football, which ran for 37 years on ABC Before switching to ABC-owned ESPN I at the start of the 2006 season. So Which team made the most appearances I in those first 37 years? It's the Dallas I I Cowboys with 77 Monday night games. I I How many different broadcasting com- I I binations have there been? Surprisingly, I I the answer is 15. One more: When did I I Hank Williams Jr. start singing the I I question of whether America was ready I for some football? Believe it or not, 1990. I I I I Ohio State entered the 2006 college Football season ranked number one in I the nation for the seventh time. Can you name the only school named num- ber one in the preseason more times Than OSU? The answer is Oklahoma I with nine. By the way, the Buckeyes I have never won the national title when I they were ranked number one in the preseason. But in the 57 years that pre- Sseason polls have been kept, OSU has I been ranked 53 times, most of any I school. Oklahoma and Notre Dame I have been ranked 48 times. I I S For those of you who doubt whether auto racing is a sport, consider the fol- lowing: Drivers in all classifications - IRL, Champ cars, Nextel Cup and Formula One rwho have had their hearts monitored during races routinely registered rates between 140 and 200 beats per minute. Oxygen consumption was equal to somebody running an eight-minute mile, and energy expendi- tures were about ten times greater than at rest. Add to that the risk of heat I stress. Drivers sit in a tight cockpit I wearing fire-retardant, three-layer driv- Sing suits plus gloves, boots, helmets and Even fire-resistant underwear. I I I I'll bet you didn't know, coming or Going, that when the rubber hits the road, you can't afford not to buy from Langford. LANGFORD I I "Yall Spoken Here I I 675-1686 I, --------------- [eKIT I] Boys Basketball Dec. 5 vs. Dunbar, A. 6/7:30 Dec. 7 vs. Clewiston. H, 6/7:30 Dec. 9 vs. Bishop Verot, H, 2/3:30 Dec. 11 vs. Immokalee, A, 5:45/7:30 Dec. 15: Sentinal Slam, A, TBA Dec. 16 Sentinal Slam, A. TBA Dec. 22 CSN, A, 3-4:30 Jan. 9 vs. Cypress Lake, A,'6/7:30 Jan. 11 vs. S. Ft. Myers, H, 6/7:30 Jan. 13 vs. Lely, H, 3:30/5 Jan. 16 vs. Estero, A, 6/7:30 Jan. 18 vs. Riverdale, A, 6/7:30 Jan. 19 vs. Moore Haven, A, 6/7:30 Jan.26 vs. Clewiston, A, 5:45/7:30 Jan. 30 vs. St. John Neumann, A, 6.7:30 Feb. 1 vs. Moore Haven, H, 6/7:30 Feb. 2 vs. CSN, H, 6/7:30 Girls Basketball Dec. 1, vs. Lemon Bay, A, 6/7:30 Dec. 4. vs. Sebring, A, 6/7:30 Dec. 7 vs. Clewiston, A, 6:45 Dec. 8 vs. Lake Placid, A, 6/7:30 Dec. 18 vs. Sebring, H, 6/7:30 Dec. 21 vs. Gulf Coast, H, 3-4:30 Dec.:22 vs. CSN, H, 12/1:30 Jan. 4 vs. Lake Placid, H, 6/7:30 Jan. 10 vs. Cypress Lake, H, 6/7:30 Jan. 11 vs. S. Fort Myers, A; 6/7:30 Jan. 17 vs. Estero, H, 7/7:30 Jan. 18 vs. Riverdale, H, 6/7:30 Jan. 24 vs. N. Ft. Myers, A, 6/7:30 Jan: 25 vs. Clewiston, H, 6/7:30 SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available SFull Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements *Single-Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available , S Hablamos Espafiol MEMORY FOAM ETAVAGANZA QUEEN SET e, $1,199 Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor L At-the.Foot of the Bridge .340 North Bridge St LaBelle Proud Sponsor of the 863674-0003U Jef Foxworth.y Countdoui I I ~TA~k For Medicare Enrollees -Are you PAYING TO MUCH For Your Medicare Supplement Policy? -Do You Wish You Had An Alternative That Costs A Lot Less? Now There's A Health Care Plan That Gives You The Benefits You've Always Wanted... TODAY'S OPTI S A Medicare Advantage Private TODAYS 0 U Fee-For-Service Plan From Pyramid Life *LOWEK Monthly Premiums *Freedom to CHOOSE Your Doctors, Hospitals And Specialists Without A Referral *Preventive Services AT NO EXTRA COST To You *Virtually NO PAPERWORK *Emergency & Urgent Care V)WRIDWI DE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TODAY'S OPTIONS FROM PYRAMID LIFE, CALL NOW To Reserve Your Place At One Of Our Seminars: December 5 Clock Restaurant Clewiston 10:30 risCALL 239-936-8667Txo@ A sales representative will be present with information and applications. Pyramid Life is a insurance company with a Medicare advantage contract to offer private fee-for-service plans, available to anyone enrolled in Part B and entitled to Port A of Medicare through are or disability who continues to pay any applicable Medicare premiums and live in the service area. Pyramid Life Insurance Company and its agents are not connected in any way #'542t.PlMI (706) with the federal or sate government or Medicare December 5 II Flora Ella' m w q Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30, 2006 Engagement ..-A "j1 .j Submitted photo/Teresa Hamil Kathryn Gatch and Jeremy Perry Gatch-Perry The bride-to-be is.a 2005 grad- .uate of LaBelle High School. She engagement attends Edison College. She.is Melenda Wood of LaBelle is employed as ,an Accounts proud to announce the engage- Payable with Duda Products Inc. ment of her daughter Kathryn The groom is a 2005 graduate Gatch toJeremy Perry of LaBelle. of LaBelle High School. He The prospective groomis the ,attends Edison College. He is son of Jim and Cathy Perry of employed as a vice president LaBelle. with Central Mobile Homes set- The wedding is planned for ups. December 15, at First Baptist After the wedding, the couple Church of LaBelle. will reside in LaBelle. Birth Jocelyn Hernandez Maternal grandparents are Ricardo and Elena Alvarado. Keisha Olmeda and Benjamin Paternal Grandparents: Juan Hernandez of LaBelle would like and Dominga Hernandez. to announce the birth of their Little Jocelyn was also wel- daughter, Jocelyn Hernandez, at comed home by her. great- 3:10 p.m. on September 22, 2006. grandparents: Daniel and Syviia The young lady .weighed 6 Gonzalez, uncles: Joel and pounds, 6 ounces, and was 19 Nicholas; and aunts: Lizette and inches long at birth. Angelica. Wedding Puente-Howard say wedding vows Miss Lynnmarie Puente and Mr. Derrick Howard were united in rharriage on November 4, 2006, at the First Baptist Church in LaBelle. Lynnmarie is the daughter of Lloyd Puente, Sr.. of LaBelle and Lisa Wright of Ft. Myers. She is a 2005 graduate of LaBelle High School and is currently attending Southwest Florida College, majoring in paralegal studies and criminal justice. Derrick is the. son of Tim Howard of LaBelle and Ann Fussell-Thomas of Ft. Myers. He is a 2001 graduate of LaBelle groomsmen Drew Mann, Willie High School and is the owner of' Cockram and Matthew Christ- Choice Lawn & Landscaping, mas and ring bearer Clay Hanes. Inc. The couple spent a week in Lynnmarie was escorted down the aisle- by her father, Lloyd. The ceremony was fol- lowed by dinner and a dance at the LaBelle Civic Center. The wedding party included maid of" honor Britany Sanders, brides- maids Brittany Herrera, Marina Marines, Brianna Armstrong, junior bridesmaid Aaliyah Lopez and flower girl Kallie Cochram, best man Chris VonFranzius, L- 'm W '~~ ~~~ LWF'. 3 ~ Es Submitted photo/Teresa Hamil Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Howard Montego Bay, Jamaica, for their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard will reside in LaBelle. Classifieds Work! See pages 18-20 * S ) IA 4 fQ p, Wireless Sales Coo Accessories 00 Owner Connections LOnwnite Lori White SHMF 9 863-612-0237 863-675-1570 Fax Close Sundas Located Next to O'Ferrells' Florist 153 S. Main Street cingular LaBelle, FL 33935 Jt,, ~ coolconnections@swfla.rr.com Diabetes affects your body from head to toes. This includes your eyes. The most common and most serious eye complication of dia- betes is diabetic retinopathy.which may result in poor vision or even blindness. "Rehnopatlh" is the medical term for damage to the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) that nourishthe retina, the tissue at the back of, your eye that captures light and relays information to your brain. These blood vessels are often affected by the high blood sugar lev- els associated with diabetes. Nearly half of the people with known diabetes liave some degree of diabetic retinopathy. The longer you have diabetes, the more like- ly it is you'll develop diabetic retinopathy. Initially, most people with diabehc retinopathy experience only mild vision problems. But the condition can worsen and threaten your vision. The threat of blindness is scary. But with early detection and treatment, the risk of severe vision loss from diabetic retinopathy is iimll. At Family Eye Care. we provide dilated eye examinations to thoroughly assess ocular health to prevent the development of ocu- Lii and medical complications of diabetes. Please call our office at 863-675-0761 for more information or to set up an appointment. Hurry, limited time only! a H Haii:ioui'ii-.i-,,.^ KS FUEL SAVER PACKAGE $ Proper vehicle maintenance is key to maximum fuel efficiency. /Genuine Motorcraft Premium Synthetic Blend Oil and filter change / Rotate and inspect four tires VCheck air and cabin air filters /Inspect brake system /Test battery /Check belts and hoses /Top off all fluids Up to five quarts of Motorcraft* oil. Taxes and diesel vehicles extra. Disposal tees not included n some locations. Hybrid high voltage battery test not included. See participating Dealership for details through 11/30/06 Buy 4 Michelin or , BF Goodrich Brand Tires and Get "The Works" Fuel Saver Package on Us! CL 1,=.ale,.," l.ll, v I'~i d lt FE ,pI h.ti1re 0 lf lll ,, f "','. ,' "( _l '" MuioirL3 ,.' l, k ri[,',hrrurr ,,.i i% ri., i lm u i ' I '. l o I l, M l, Dl, W1i i I.iI' eil I .,pd :El S *le ai .l 'ifl am lr[ .i [il, icJ'akd c", : i i 111 1. i .i i 3-l.i Jn i l. ci.. r in : 3N. at 31ii ;1. i in gi m 11/30/06. $10 Off Complete- Sbrake service Includes machihing rotors and drums. a Install Genuine Fr j ,'. : : M :r. l l .u rl u ',l r ,:. I Frantorrearaxle,' d- 1 La. '. 3 +i ,pi i. ,1hi hi Lr al.iII.Lrrb ih II I'l , Genuine Motorcraft Brake Service m999 OR Ug Get the brakes engineered specifically for your vehicle. Install titorraft' pa llrad i ,I[; 'iin& ri t i:jr -IliZpill'ii [r Front or riard'tle lue imachiRni rmng rotis or drumins, laes lira. Se particiFpahin 0e.ilerrhip lor detail thiouCp 11 3.'0O Genuine Motorcraft" Tested Tough, MAX Batteries as low as $8 95. With 100-month warranty that includes FREE towing. Get the battery engineered specifically for your vehicle. MSRP with exchange. Taxes and installation extra. a Fee towing valid only with Dealer-installed replacement battery. See participating Dealersip for while applications and limited-wrranty details. | ^ BOLD 'i- Visit your local participating Southwest Florida Ford Dealers! ARLANGE4ORD 1H n-1eFN Highway 29 South wI Imngsulan mortuwalwou 2) NO hony Sles YOLL F IN 1) U IZ IZ I E I SAIMAY OPEN SATURDAY! See participating Dealership for service hours. WE'E BTTR. E'E POVNG T.ANDWE AN YO T BETH JUGE I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30,2006 Port LaBelle Inn, first class all the way Almanacs By Patty Brant Since the '70s Port LaBelle Inn has been a center of fine dining, entertainment and lodging. In that tradition, owner Mike Lafferty is continuing to improve the com- plex in all areas. Since taking over last Dec. 1, Mike feels the place has again become a "destina- tion." Mike is continuing his quest to renovate all the rooms in the hotel. About a third of them have been completely redone all have been cleaned and sanitized from top to bottom. He expects all renovations to be complete by January 1. Thinking and planning ahead, Port LaBelle Inn will have 100 units currently there are 42 rooms and five suites. Mike envi- sions the additions in two more phases; They will be placed on the east side of the restaurant. Other plans include closing in the old golf cart area for meeting rooms; adding a kiddie pool, out- side eating area and a Tiki bar for next summer. Mike is meeting with architects and with -Pegasus Solutions, which provides reservation and marketing services around the world for the hotel industry. The company powers reservations on internet sites like Expedia and Orbitz. Mike feels his marketing strategies will "put LaBelle on the Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Port LaBelle Inn's Angle Hall has a smile waiting for you. map.' On the Web, people around the world can Google Port LaBelle Inn for information and reservations. - Mike is encouraging local folks to think of Port LaBelle Inn for their weddings and parties all special events. They are setting up now for Christmas parties - including DJs for dances, catering Whatever it takes to make your party as festive as you want it. Looking toward the future, he is working with the Hendry Coun- ty Economic Development Coun- cil on plans to open a convention Center on the complex to attract boat shows and so on. Angie.Hall, the Director of Property, oversees the day-to-day housekeeping and grounds oper- ations Her welcoming smile says she loves her job and the folks she caters to. Angie is celebrating her first year at Port LaBelle Inn. She is one of the original 'employees Mike brought in. Angie.said she can see a big difference over the past year and says her customers are always commenting on the great changes they've seen. She said the hotel is catering to diverge groups like fishing tournaments and cloggers and that customers are noticing the hdtel has set its sights on a "higher standard." Of course, a truly excellent hotel must have a truly excellent restaurant. How about Maine's Best? General Manager Donna Saler- no 'said their philosophy is to please one customer at a time. This is Maine's Best's fifth site Of course, seafood is a staple for Floridians with a long tradi- tion. However, Maine's Best spe- cializes in Maine-style seafood that is hard to find in these parts. Donna said their most popular dishes include lobster rolls, grouper, blackened fish, mahi and, of course, sandwiches. Ifyou have a sweet tooth, you.won't be disappointed either try Maine's Best cheesecake or key lime pie (well, there's one concession to. Florida cuisine). Mike is convinced that, located on SR 80 and the Caloosahatchee. River, Port LaBelle Inn is in posi- tion for great things and he's dedi- cated to making them happen. Caloosa Humane Society Bluegrass Fest Join the Caloosa Humane Soci- ety for a Bluegrass Fest on Satur- day, Dec. 2, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at the LaBelle Rodeo Grounds. Craft and vendor tables are still avail- able. Please contact the Caloosa- Humane Society at 675-0997 for more information. VFW plans pork dinner VFW Post 10100 Hwy. 29 S. Ladies Auxiliary will host a pork dinner at the post Friday, Dec. 1 from 5-7 p.m. Dinners are $7. It is open to the public. Come and enjoy smoke free dining. * Iiic,. - QUALITY MATERIALS * ALL (WORK (;i-GUARANTEED * ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS * FREE ESTIMATES 36 Years Combined Experience Metal Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs S Roof Coating,* Soffit/Fascia LaBelle 863-675-7045 Fax 863-612-1158 Locally Owned 8 Operated Member of the Berter Business Bureau m g gll g @"U-l 1e"ai a or mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! 'I". '4 ( HENrp. HENRY: LEE 675,0358 275-0358 Li.'ersed.Trured Stase Certified CAC05 i341 ***** LANGFORD A 851 S. Main St SLaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 Y all'Spoken Here! S CALL FOR PRAYER -- 675-7785 Sponsored by the LaBelle Chapter, Order of St. Luke, a Christian Healing Ministry. Return calls only upon request. QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC L_| H01017,SP Licensed I sured OFFICE (863) 675-8314 W'i^J i 1i.LU -'ji i I,'lliim Njr sa '7 "K-, "C.' ..' rl .. I! BAD CREDIT WE REPAIR YOUR CREDIT LEGALLY %ND PER\IM FNTL1 $199 START TODAY ON AVERAGE YOU I Lt GET .-5 DELTIMONS PER MONTTHl Need A Mortgage? Raise Your Credit Score WE CAN HtlP!' Se labItb spaiol 118661 525-613 (ICAU 863-983-8554 Is ourMoos Importnt Pmduct ,A & A,9-0 BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www.whitesfurnituresndappliances.com 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC00030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR Randy's Garage, Inc. ,*i. I .1,.,1 ii i ',.oC(a-CarC oeC itcr 863-675-1032 737 S. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL Just North of EL.,f..F! Ford Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL p)863-612-0070 f) 86-612-0080 825 E. Cowboy Way* Suite 10 LaBclHc, H. 33935 DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH FT. MYERS 1-866 226m9400 HANDYMAN CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN MA.IN I'AIM Nl I CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit in on the web at www.arllb in.20am.co Se Habll Esapanol '''i ,i' A/C fr iltiinq Seri'i's (863) 675-2878 World Class Barber Shop Master Barbers T, W & F 9-5 Thurs 9-8 Sat 7-2 216 S. Main Street' Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 .- COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TUTOR IKE YOUR LOCAL TUTOR ,IN WORD, EXCEL, --' POWERPOINT, ACCESS, IN YOUR HOME: WILL DESIGN SPREADSHEETS, ETC. UPON YOUR REQUEST. CALL LYNNE AT (86)679-704 OR (259)849-9223 (CELL) PGASUS@SrRATO.Nr" OVERBAUGH FOOTER Increase your production Let us dig your footer Commercial & Residential Office: 863.674.1300 Patt's Cell: 239.246.5106 P.O. Box187 Alva, FL33920 Dan & Patt Overbaugh operator/owner o4ofe3_05@yahoc.. :.mr, Lic & Ins. #G05105,;'", . ^ LABELLE ELECTRIC' Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial, Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500 W SuitIIBD Hw, CiwiroNl 863"98319121 RENNOLDS AIR CONDITIONING INC., Daniel Renmolds, owner 863-675-9478 P.O. Box 1 SO0 aBelle, FL Licensed & Insuted Lie. 1AC 1.\1;ii ,4 BUSH HOG ..MOWING : AND LAND CARE SERVICE 863-673-3217' Jeff Corey 01llmll[N11 Nlicks0 11'311151174 PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lic #13i7233 20 'ears S Experiencel S I FREE ESTINLATES QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locallyowned and operated EMegIi Serviceompan Main Electrial Pandel Repair or Replaceent * Landscape Lighting and surge protection CallforA Remodel Quote orbome generator accessories &book ups 9-5 LL 3-98 101 863-228-4138 24 EMERGENCY SERVICE Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 I t "i" r"yoo 4 wl 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 \Walh-iaos Widconm IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Trafordci Rd Immokalee, FL IrInt Dixic l'azt) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS 6 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald, Certified Estate Specialist AU2936 AB12171 : D PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 _ 'KMlfCiI^C);-- and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES OFFICE: (863) 675-7045 tIc. #CC-C037010 rWi-~lC^ LABOR > FINDERS DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Suga d K, (Across from Cleston In) (863) 902-9494 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net . t ff-,tl ELB' 900 am. Sunday Worship ' The brdsSupper I, Y& 5` Sundayj Bible Mtudy sunday.s at 10:15 a.in. Where erybo jiis nebody-andjesus is ord 3 86331 6752733 3 e-mail etklestrato.net Free Estimates Phone: 863.612.0822 Cell: 863.697.9042 mxaathig house , ads fithean Chueh P.. Box 2745 CLaBelle, FL I E.l Fl i OPERATIQNS MANAGER :00 .. CLEunday Worship The Lords Supper 1', Y" A 5" Sundays DDUELOHM EN DEUOIOUION & DEBRIS REMOVAL Bible ud Sundaa 3 10:1 a.m.ND ieree erybocyifscmebod- andJesusistlord' 8-867-1675 C 27338-49 email ctklc@strato.net. APhone: 863.6123393 22 Cell: 863.697.9042 ,excaL atig, house pads, fill dirt, laser leveling, septic work P.O. Box 2745 LaBelle, FL S'^/IiJUi 1V 5livi1i1ii nlh i U- l IIII 5, DAVE TAULyN LAn' LIEC VNG& SI L DEMOLI'HON & DIEBIS RELMOVL BA3SE ROCK5 FILL DIK'r 'I S'iS'L) CULVERTS 863-675-4017 CELL 29-633-3649 a050 cE.ttWO PiCW9I) . lB.LE al 33931 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 ackson Rivqr Where Quality is Done in Style CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National 4h Life Insurance Company T 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33903 (239)334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) I I II ,I-I I- I I I a Il ilzi.I m a Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30,2006 LES Citizens of the Month and Safety Patrol - Row 1, from left: Mayra Soto, David Williams, George Velasco, Jennifer Ixmay, Peyton Murray; row 2: Victoria Gomez, Nayeli Erreguin, Jazmin Mejia, Anjelica Gonzalez, Dominic Aguilar, James English; row 3: Marvin Raya, Alexus Tolen, Jessie Mendoza, Jaime Raya, Jannell Ramirez, Ty Burton, Cleyver Avila. Absent: Xiomara Martinez. Submitted photo/LaBelle Elementary School :Row, 1,from left: Leslie Escobedo, San Juana Gomez, Xavier Ruiz, Natali Escobedo, Rene :Garza, Liliana Luna, DeJaun Paseler; row 2: Baylen McCormick, Rachael Reinbolt, Daynara Cox, Joe DiPofi, Angel Lino; row 3: Nancy Trejo, Eusebio Diaz, Victoria Olivarez, Alex Ramos, Victoria Bass. oiery rairru or ne monum; Vanessa Mata. New books at Barron Library SHarvard Medical School Fam- ily Health Guide By Anthony L. Komaroff, M.D. The first health guide for the era of managed care. Given in memory of Henry R. Kirby from Jack and Julia Paul. Speeches that Changed the World The stories and transcripts of the moments that made histo- ry. Given in memory of Dolly Bal-. lard from Doris Poole Pace. 2007 Guinness -World Records65,000 claims processed, 2,244 new records approved, 36 cockroaches eaten, 1 man tat- tooed head to toe. It can only mean one thing.....The latest Guinness World Records. Given in memory of Solomon Whidden from Doris Poole Pace. In the Land of Hummel By Kathleen Saal A special look into traditional Bavarian life and the creator of M.I. Hummel figurines. Given in memory of Jeraldine Langford Albritton Thomas from Doris Poole Pace. Mayo Clinic on Arthritis, Mayo Clinic on High Blood Pressure, Mayo Clinic on Chronic Pain, Mayo Clinic on Digestive Health, Mayo Clinic on Managing Dia- betes, Mayo Clinic on Depression Lead a more active and produc- tive life with answers from the world-renowned Mayo Clinic. Given in memory of Geneva Mar- tin from Bill and Donna Robin- son. QUALITY ELECTRIC HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL REPAIRS AND INSTALLS Same Day Serv:ice if you call before 3:00 pm Your locally owned and operated Electrical Company Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Small Electrical Repair Landscape Lighting. Electrical Pool System Repair Call for A Remodel Quote 9-5 call 863-983-4101 863-228-4138 24 Ei4L.r-s. y Licensed & Insured #EC000061 Service INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofl 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 LLke a good neighbor. State rufm Is there.' FINANCE -i,:red i Fi n.lrd Brol:'r Eu ini'.3 100% Financing Available 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Habamos Espafiol T&R PRESSURE CLEANING 863 673 COUNTRY HOMES & LANl REA ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lie Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com 0_ ew Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a cal l.GREG MINBRS i c Real Estate Broker ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net 4C LINA's SCt AL LAN IS CAL 4U AINJANCL! L, h A' Ii ..'i Iin :dd r".i i y [,ti l aV I lir il i in,, i I, all I Jd.. I,.)r l "u"' ,t 1 ,vil I jIll p, n ili]' ''n -l].), r in, l I. ri.n i nn i]ll luin dt. ri), ailpi .,I.j ) ,'ji'] .i if .iii, in'v ,.. ihinr 11.. i j,, 'IM. ,ii-,] CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and inured BankofAmerlca SHIRLIEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415,6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $19.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net 233 N. BRIDGE ST OHTE coun am Behe or &Wasimatox 863675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com property management -- g rentals sales CINDY L. ALEXANDER TLIC. RRR A N ATE BROKER Rcaltit Grolp. IHc. lUsa Andrcews lic. Real Estate Ulmker 238 N. Bridge St. laeilc, FL 33935 863-6754868 WHITES IAWN MOWING & GRADE SERVICE Yard Mowing Hedge Trimming Mulching Skid Steer Work. Grading STree Work Clean Up Service Call David 863-75-8942 LaBelle, FL .... .THE.. .. OPTIcAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers iEI :#,I P' *"V - fN!TA6E) LAND C 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com DoNNA KANE [I.Ji1 Lic. H E The Sonia Rios Team RE/MAX Real Estate Professionals 1251-6A Taylor Lane Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 www.soniariosteam.com E-mail: soniarios@aol.com Sonia Rios Lie. Real Estate Broker ADVERTISE VOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or mall cbelle@strato.net l1A AII 9..0j 0:f 4 l ; iI MM g Caloos. Mobile Home Set-ups Inc. :New Installations A* Re-levels & Repairs Skirting& Siding OUAIYW WQ I9WNE ACCORMDG C TO HUmRiCANE & STATE CODES! 863 675 4272 The Paint"" Authority, Inc. Int/Ext Painting Pressure Washing Decorative Concrete Coatings FREE Estimates 863-675-0200 PT 000527 HC 298.SP Caloosa Sfiores Waterfront bomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-4541 or mall cbelle@strato.net .RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.labellcriverside.com e-mail realcstateglabxilerivcrsise.corm Marilyn Sears A ticnAtit Real Emtte Somker 5PENCER -REALTY Ftan W. Spencer, Lic, Broker 437 SR80W LaBelle,FL (863) 675-1203 (863) 673-5554 Web wwwSpencerRealtyFL.co A,4oe at4d Bedoaw Marine, Inc. 18631675-7711 . FAi 18631675-706 LICwHC2z SFP arnd Insured Corrmercial & Resldental MCtg: pf pet 'Sf. "'7,T.",a, "'c- With Us You'll FindYou Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transporlalion Avallable For Rates. References & Service Call 863-675-3231 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or emall cbelle@strato.net the Kiifg (CROUp The alternative to ordinary real estate, 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 www.melking.com Jri-.= MCMEl ngb Lie Real Estate Broker PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863-675-0403 = .i.i. ^^i* , ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal llortgage Broker ;825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.barnes@alankellymortgage.comn Snowbird Pools & Spas Hew Construction, Repairs & Renovation Keith Dermody jLcensed & Insuied 12391 70714991 S2391458-4681 State Llc#CPCl 145r.8 ,. , SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-616 Sales Rentals Promlcrty Managemen Put your trust in Number Onec ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as "2.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net e a service, all a proesanal 00 Call 863-6758-54 I1 or mall us at cbelle@stratonet to place your ad! I LI I II II 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30, 2006 Real estate agents learn self defense By Kristin Hunter Real estate agents gathered at -he Masonic Lodge on Thursday. Nov. 16. Irom 5-7 p.m. to learn some helpful self defense tech- niques Some of the information was specific to being a realtor but most was general information that is useful tor anyone. Some of the techniques were. Prevention-Be a, are. Be observant and be cau- tious. Trust \our gut feeling about a situation. Raise your awareness level. Be aware oi your surroundings at all times. Don't ever let your guard down. A good policy is to let some- one else know\ where your going and for how long and what your cell number is. Questionnaire of people looking for a home-Tell someone at the office and take people's information and copy of driver's license and ask what their needs are. If people don't know what they \want and don't want to leave their driver's license may be a lit- tle suspicious. Office should have emer- gency information on employees just in case of emergency. Automatic vehicle locator transponders are a good idea to have so one knows where the vehicle is at all times in case of kidnapping. Have an escape call plan if you have a bad feeling about peo- ple. Have someone follow you discreetly to the house. Hae a code \word to use in case you are in trouble. Take someone else with you i you can. Have an intercom beep sound in your office in case ol emergency Leave your phone open and on so somebody else can contin- ue to hear what's going on Pepper spray is a great deter- rent. It's small, cheap and non- lethal but it will buy you more time to escape a bad situation. Carr\ a second cell phone just in case you need to call 911. All cell phones, even if you don't pay l.r them monthly allow one 10 call 911 in case of an emer- gency. Ha\ e a spare car key. If you do get attacked, give attacker what they want. Car, keys, money, etc Don't wear stuff that you don't want to give up Nice wed- ding ring, heirloom jewelry, etc. A PO Box is better because nobody but iou can go through \our mail. it is much more secure than a home mailbox. Caloosa BellelKristin Hunter Nikki Yeager in defense attack mode using the knee strike and then the shin tactic. Make sure car keys are in hand and ready to go when walk- ing to our car at all times. Look in the backseat of your car to make sure no one is in there. Do not ever get into a suspi- cious looking vehicle. Statistics show your chances of survival are slim to none. Make sure you have gas at all times so you don't have to stop at a shady gas station at night or run out of gas. Don't get out of your vehicle if someone runs into you at night. Call 911 and head that way. They can follow you to the police sta- tion if they want, but do not gel out of the car. It could be a dan- gerous set up. Have a phone charger for every one ol your cars. a Carry a bright heavy flash- light in your car to shine in some- one's eyes or for minor emer- gency such as a flat tire. Things to do at home Have a male voice on the answering machine recording Have male shoes out by the front door to deter suspects. Keep one leg out of your blanket in the case of an attacker. *Have cell phone by your bed and in reach. Have,.pepper spray by the bed and in reach. In sexual assault e\ent make yourself less attractive: \omit, pee, poop, suggest having HIV Either resist the attacker 110 per- cent or pla' dead. If you are going to resist \ou need to make sure you are going to be able to get out the situation because you don't want to make the attacker mad. Criminals go after victims they will most likely have success with. Do not cower Out smart the attacker. Get in a position to attack called a threat posture. Panic comes when you think you are out of options. Make yourself more person- able: Ask attacker personal ques- tions. Have him identliy with you. It makes \our chances of surviv- ing greater. Shock and Awe Technique- Total level of commitment. Threat posture-Loud, aggressive movement The ABC's-Attack, Back up attack, Close in, Disable and Escape Lse blind spot advantage. Bring your hand up from the bot- torn to attack because a person has a blind spot where they can't see. Don't let them see it coming. Knee strike-First distract the allacLer \ Ith your arm then lean in to them and give them a knee kick on the inside of their leg above their knee. Shin-Then run \our foot on the outside of their shin and down to their foot )bu can reach Kristin Hunter by e-mail at cbneu.srmii @neu s:Zap corn Double time Kiwanis Club Community Service Chairman Millard Wagnon, left, and DAV Chaplain John Schall flank Debbie Lavender, Human Services Coordinator for the LaBelle Unit of the Sal- vation Army, as they simultaneously present her with checks to help the needy. Both organizations are staunch supporters of the community. Hutchcraft on Edison College foundation' Mitch Hutchcraft, regional vice president for The Bonita Bay Group, has been elected as a board member of the Edison Col- lege Foundation Executive Com- mittee. The Foundation is guided by a board of directors composed of business and community leaders who.are vitally interested in higher education in Southwest Florida. The Edison College Foundation promotes higher education in gen- eral, and specifically encourages the advancement of teaching and instructional services, student scholarships and support for the Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. Mitch Hutchcraft is responsible for The Bonita Bay Group's eastern region, which includes Hendry and Glades counties. He oversees land acquisitions, permitting and entitlement efforts and develop- ment programs in the area. "I am particularly interested in the future growth of Edison Col- lege in Hendry County and am pleased to participate in it through the campus which will be on one of our future properties," said Hutchcraft. The Bonita Bay Group is a diversified company involved in the planning, development, sales and management of master- planned communities, free-stand- ing recreational amenities and commercial facilities throughout Southwest Florida. The company is respected for its commitment to meticulous planning, environmen- tal stewardship, integrity and atten- Lion to detail. The Bonita Ba\ Group employs more than 1,500 Indiliduals and is currently developing seven mas- ter-planned communities Bonita Bay, Shadow Wood Preserve, Mediterra, TwinEagles. Verandah; Sandoval and Murphy's Landing - along with 14 golf courses and two marinas Additional information about the company is available at \vw.BonitaBayGroup.com. CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1", 3rd 55" Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. 1There everybody i) Somebod'y and Je us ia Lord E 863-675-2733 N Rir. Rd. (Hay78) e-mail: ctklc@istrato.net ' Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam Includes 6 ionu/li ftollow-up Disclainme The Patrit and r any orle-r person reisp ciirble lfr paymeril has a n.ihl i.j refuse to pay can- cel paymern or be rieimbursea lor paymecni ifr any otnei' ierjic',: earrniiaitrion or treanrment w*ich i per- I formed as a reiull o1 and ilhir. ;2 hour roi reipncr ,n.:. I: hire adverni.errnerl Ior r.e tree d.is ountea ieeI or reduced l se nie serve e. na rin qr rea3lmeri l (29 5726 Chain ownership? Yes, this newspaper is part of a "chain." But this "chain" is unlike any other. We are owned by a journalistic trust. All after-tax profits are invested in our mission of community service through good local journalism. Staffing is local, and we seek out people who care about the community and want to stay here. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feed- back@newszap.com your editor. or call * .: M.-,r) l~~ Ir LM~s ILT, i C4 L 00 SA*,FL ol iday Sa le PICK AN ORNAMENT & GET UP TO 25% OFF FU lrnwm eIn C'o2u. u.'r "nn,!.IRutu -pmrar piF-c jF Lim19h I r UioliSly cou-ni u rin", CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism majr3v--- ------aoarra~r~-- -- HOME FURNISHING TERS f 575 S. Main Street La Belle Phone: (863) 675-2999 SCopyright 2006, W.S. Badcock Corp. Any item not stocked In a particular store may be ordered on request from our warehouses. Some prices and specifications are subject to change without notice and some product availabilities are limited due to manufacturer's inability to guarantee prices and quantities. We are pot responsible for printer's erors. m Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30, 2006 1 ~- 1 i ,.~I:: i i,,. ;_- '9 R :' -$ ~I~. +. 6:. 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Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar I 3 3 3I 3 3 3 3 3 3f 30 3 3f 3. 3i it 3 I I 3 3 3 3 3 I I I 3 Az. .....i' ." oo i n s e" .- ..: i; ~ ~ ~ % : .. . I:B~I 1. '" .c .~ ..S .' Cooling. System Service $49.95 FlushlReplace INCLUDES: * Inspection of hoses and belts * Mopar antifreeze replacement (2-gal max) * Pressure test system * Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra *Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher *additional charged for fluid disposal Expires iz/6/o6 I I 3i' I 3. 3; I it ii I I 3. I' Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation $24.95 INCLUDES: SRemove four wheels from vehicle, balance . and rotate Special wheels.. specialty vehicles slightly higher. 6/_o06, s8, .Expires i2/6/o6 " additional parts and/or labor at extra.charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle r are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMIPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 4HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CCHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER I[CHRYSLERI It really does make a dif erence! |0, r e n c t- .- l- -l (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 4 .3 3i * * I I 3 3 I I i I I 1. 3 a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I IU I~a~i ~13-~ kl C I II ----"-~~--U~* ~~1QI" it I~ i I iiL I* i.- ;''*'~~i: a a I % I 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30,2006 Blood drive ends year with abang The LaBelle Blood Drive ended the year with a blast. It was held at the American Legion Post 130 on Nov. 9. There were a total of 55 donors. Lunch was provided to the Workers of the blood drive by -. B Florida Community Bank. It was a meatloaf dinner with all the ..* .AqP trimmings. The meal.was pre- pared by Pat Hashman and the. desserts were prepared by Mary Bartoshuk. Door prizes were given by I Florida Community Bank and . the Movie Gallery. There were seven winners: Carroll Soales, Linda McVey, Donna Wieland, i Raymond Navoi, Phyliss Griggs, Don Soulas and Bernard Nobel. Li, LaBelle Site Coordinator Pat -RE - Hashman wishes to thank all the 'm."-" -i, ::: 2006 workers, callers and nurses Congratulations to Ida Mae and Jane Slater the Florida Blood Wragg who has tried all year Drive Coordinator, to donate and did this drive. Witch's Brew By Pudge Lehman Apply full strength white vinegar to insect bites to stop itching. Wipe your countertop' with equal parts of vinegar and water to dis- courage ants. Before repotting, your ' plants put a coffee fil- ter in the bottom. Keeps the dirt in and allows it to drainwell. An old, serrated bread knifeis a handy garden tool. It makes it easier to cut through roots when' separating plants to repot. An old dried up ballpoint pen makes a nice hole punch when you are planting seeds or small cuttings. An old fork makes a good cultivator for pot- ted plants or a small area to remove weeds and stir up the soil. If you have a decent sized garden and like to work in it on the.spur of the moment, plant a mail box to keep your tools in. Saves walking all the way back to the shed for just a few min- utes of clipping 0r cultivating. Werd fer the Week: Haini... Hasn't "He haint been her yet..." Birthdays November 30: Dana Jones, Luci Crawford, Janice Taylor, Jessie Lowery, Michael Mason,. Tina Beyer,:Markel Beddingfield, Jr., Lee J. Granims, Brad David- son, Ronda Sands, Donald Teston, Tejal Patel December 1: Tracy Power, Hugh English, Florence. Barth, Curtis L. Doub, Leona Willis, Cherry. Thomas, Ida Maxwell, Elaine:Frady, Tommy Thomas, Becky Murray, Stive Perkins, Ben Bengston, Carissa Cisnero, Illiana Urrea, Lory Ann Flores December 2; Terry Kittendorf, Paula Burton, Wendell Prescott, Charlotte Maddox, Robbie Greer, Margie Anderson, Jim Shafer, Tina Heflin December 3: Pat Burke, Beacy Boyle, Jerry Jones, Mary Jane Herrera, Josie Rivera, Skip Brownell, Curtis Moore, Johsue Cantu II, Tammi Marie Flores Serve on Board The Workforce Council of Southwest Florida, Inc., a not-for- profit 501 (c)3 corporation, is seek- ing civic minded individuals to serve on its Community Advisory Board. Members serve a one-year term as primary liaisons between the community and the Work- force Council. Activities include: Quarterly meetings. Community outreach and education Disseminating information about programs and services Providing feedback on poli- cies, processes and standards, and participant recruitment and reten- tion Advising the Board on poten- tial participants' perspectives about programs and initiatives Providing a safeguard for participants' rights Representation at important regional meetings and confer- ences -Send or fax letters of interest to 'Workforce Council of Southwest Florida, Inc., Administrative Office, 4150 Ford Street Extension, Fort Myers, FL 33916. Fax 239- 931-8228. For information call Mary Havener at 239-931-8201 ext 11126. newszap.com C ormmunity Links.' Individual Voices. '' 1 li i I _______ *- __________________ CaloosaBelle/Kristin Hunter Pudge Lehman donates blood. - PRCK ROOFING, INC Family Owned Hendry Regional Medical Center/Glenda Wilson Dr. Mitta meets community Dr. Mitta and his family mingled with members of the community as they enjoyed refreshments at the Open House held in Dr. Mitta's honor by the HRMC Hendry Family Care Center and the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, November 16th. The occasion brought a nice turn-out. Dr. Mitta is from Lima, Peru, and is fluent in Spanish. He completed his Internal Medicine resi- dency at Saint Barnabas Hospital in New York, and is actively raciing-Internal Medicine at the Hendry. Family Qare Center, located adjacent to -Hendry Regional'Medical Center. For an appointment, please call the Hendry Family Care Center at 863-983-3434. December 4: Dianne Miller, Carol Howard, Barbara Bur- chard, Rose Hull, Mancil Gerst- man, Carlds Puente, Wayne Hull, Perry BallArd, Evelyn Greer, Patti Hansen, Sheila Beach, Penny Summerall, Wayne Brown, Maria Soto, Koby Henderson December 5: Lori Howard, Hazel Jones, Martha Dunnaway, Paul Berry, Wallace Fallin, Catherine Kalling, Seth Howard, Bobbi Seay, Tony Bart, Joanie Novarro December 6: Jean Shook, Gennie Evans, Bobby Murray, Johnathan Williams, Heath Langston, Robert Sims, Maura Jencks, Tony Wilson December 7: Raymond Ross, Daniel Williams, Ted Haas, Donna Murray, Denny Edgar, Justin Seary, Edward Graham, O.B. Brown, Kereasa Pelletier, Leon Cloutier, Vicki Skcczewski STAiTON MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at Discounted Prices! Homes From the Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. SJACOBSEN piZewoma HOMES , P. l mII III Clewiston LaBelle 1312W. SugadandHwy, 231W.ridpoocheeAve. 863-983-8106 863-675.6622 Punta Gorda 5041 Duncan Rd., 941-505-0041 & Operated State Licensed & Insured WE SPECIALIZE IN: Metal Roofs Shingle Roofs Tile Roofs Flat Roofs Roof Repairs Roof Overs Roof Inspections FREE ESTIMATES PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax S863-674-5772 Lic #1327233 20 Years Experience! noticed our new colors? That's just the beginning of the good news. Now you get free online banking. Free bill pay. You get every financial service from A to Z, supported by up-to-the-rinute technology. And the best news of all you won'l give up that personal, small bank attention you like. Because that's how we like doing business, too. One-on-one. We may have a snazzy new name, but our good old-fashioned approach to banking hasn't changed a bit. So stop by soon. Or give us a call a real, live person still answers the phone. Feelgood about your bank Seacoast NATIONAL BANK BIG LAKE 800-589-1657 www.seacoastnational.com 4 subjsdar1 5 S r Bv3---amBanh- .pi-frl,.. Fl.)r.d CcONcIIATIiULATIICNS ABAELMt0 On having over 1,000 yards this season and being a part of the District Champs Team. We are so proud of you! Good luck next season'! Love You, All Your Family Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30, 2006 Further concerns regarding Glades Powerpark The majority of what has loser, despite tax revenue beenwritten about Glades Pow- increases. erpark, the proposed FP&L coal- However, FP&L has assured burning power plant, has been all that Glades Powerpark will in its favor. Two main arguments have no adverse effects on the have been presented supporting- environment. For example, at a it being built in Glades County: recent Muse meeting hosted by economic benefit and lack of FP&L, I asked Grover Whidden environmental harm. (FP&L's official spokesman) The economic argument rests about possible mercury prob- primarily on anticipated employ- lems, the most dangerous imme- ment benefits and tax revenue diate threat from burning coal. increases. But the extent of eco- He denied we have a problem nomic benefit from employment locally with mercury. He also appears questionable. During claimed the power plant would construction, few. workers use proven technology that would reside in the county. For would keep mercury emissions those residing locally, few would at minimal levels. And he put down- roots when only claimed any mercury not cap- employed short-term for con- tured would not become a local struction; instead,'most would problem because it would be. rent. Rental housing owners transported far away due to the would benefit, but current plant's extremely tall smoke- renters, disproportionately the stacks. Perhaps some were reas- poor, would suffer from sured by these statements, but increased rental rates and cord- there is another Sideto this story. petition for available rentals. First, south Florida, including Some local businesses, such as Glades County, does have aseri- resltaurants, would, benefit from ous mercury problem: There increased customers during con- are State Health Advisories urg- struction. Cnce constructed, ing people not to eat large quan- sorne Giades (County residents titles of certain fish from Flori- might qualify for higher paying day's fresh water due'to high' jobs, but more seeking work at mercury levels. Mercury is part lower pa wouid benefit. Most of the natural environment here qualifying for higher paying jobs and is being released now ih vould likely continue tt live out- dangerous amounts, such as side the county. The speculation through someof our agricultural that Glades Powerpark would through. of our agricultural seriously boost the county'sIt is alsobeing economy through employment released as a byproduct of our is doubtful, though some eco- garbage, such as in discardedI is doubtful, though some eco- fluorescent light bulbs. It also nomic benefits would likely fluorescent light bulbs. It also materialize in the short-term comes from coal-burning power from the influx ofworkers. plants. elsewhere, carried Increased tax revenue would through the atmosphere. The undoubtedly be the major bene- impact of mercury is an fit after the power plant is con- extremely serious matter: it is a structed, but this impact also major human public health haz- seems questionable. During ard, such as related to increased construction, there will be no tax incidences of birth defects, and revenue produced, but there will threatens both the environment, be associated costs through such as endangering many demands on county services, species, and economics based Once constructed,.the economic on the environment, such as our' impact of increased tax revenue local bass fishing:. Any addition- will not be all profit, as there will al mercury in the local environ-, also be many costs connected ment, even a very small amount, with this growth. However, this seriously increases its danger. . anticipated benefit is intertwined Mr. \t\hidden's claim that there is with Glades Poweipark's poten- ciurentll no mercury problem tial environmental impact. If the locally is simply untrue. The power plant reduces the area's other claims made by Mr. Whid- altracti\eness to new residents den regarding mercury are pre- searching for high quality mature. lifestyles and hurts ecotourism FP&L held an event in through damaging the county's LaBelle, where I had the oppor- lmoi-s important ec:onomc asset, tunity to speak directly with its its pristine beauty, this project engineers about Glades Power- vwill .become an economical park. One FP&L engineer told Slow down for manatees Florida Fish and Wildlife Con- servation Commission (FWC) officers want to remind boaters of the seasonal speed zone changes that will take effect this week as manatees return to South Florida for winter. Wednesday, Nov. 15 marked the first day of changes in posted speed zones, which include reductions or increases in lawful boat speeds. "There are more boaters and more manatees in the water dur- ing the winter season in South Florida. Although we will issue citations to violators, we hope all boaters will comply with the sea- sonal changes and watch out for manatees," FWC Maj. Brett Nor- ton said. "Our objectives are to protect human life, as well as that of the manatee." As the weather becomes cool- er, manatees, will seek refuge in warmer water. Boaters should wear sunglasses with polarized lenses, obey posted speed zones and keep an eye on the water in front of them. Anyone who spots a strug- gling, beached of injured mana- tee should not try to assist the ani- mal but should call the FWC Wildlife Alert hotline at (888)-404- FWCC (3922). For online infor- mation about manatees, visit MyFWC.com/manatee/. me that the various technolo- gies, such as scrubbers and cat- alytic converters, were not yet selected since a request for bids had only recently been sent out and the specific technologies would be picked on cost, not just performance.- Furthermore, some of the technologies could be untested, since technologies are constantly changing, and there would be no advance data on how the various components coupled to each other would actually work in synchrony. .He also stated there would be sever- al types of coal, varying in amounts of mercury and other related elements that would impact the amount of mercury released, that would be burned based on availability and cost. The technical, in contrast to Mr. Hidden's, answer about mer- cury emissions is FP&L will not fully know about this until it measures what comes out of the smoke stack when the power plant starts running-and that could change from day'to day based on the type of coal burned and how well the technologies actually work. At that same LaBelle event, another FP&L engineer acknowledged to me that there would Ibe some relationship between the distance from the smokestacks and the amount of mercury deposited-the closer to the smoke stacks, the more mercury deposited, although many factors such as speed and direction of winds would affect .this. He also admitted that FP&L did not yet know where emitted mercury would go and in what amounts Both of these state- ments contradicted Mr. Whid- den's claim that mercury emis- sions would be carried far away, as the FP&L study of this has not yet been conducted. Evidently the potential adverse effects on local mercury levels \xill depend on, among other factors, which way the wind blows I share this information because there is a major discon- nect between what FP&L is say- ing through Mr \\'hidden, its public relations person, and the facts presented through its own technical people. This discrep- ancy is known as disinformation or spin. Sadly, it appears that too many people in Glades County, including the County Commis- sioners, have been blinded by the allure of economic possibili- ties, which may or may not inaterialize, and have accepted what is being told to them by a company whose primary motive is not the best interests of Glades County but, rather, its own prof- its. I want to.conclude by sharing my gravest overall concern. about-Glades Powerpark, name- ly carbon dioxide emissions. This is not so much a local prob- lem, but.it.is leading to global consequences that could become locally devastating. My .concern is based on the estab- lished fact that global climate change ,is happening and humanity has a narrow window of opportunity to shift what appears to be a disastrous future direction for the Earth. The pre- dictions are that, if \ve do not stop putting out so much carbon dioxide, the Earth's overall tem- perature will continue to rise, causing accelerated melting of glaciers that hold huge stores of water, leading to sea-levels rising at an increasing rate, along with more frequent and powerful hurricanes. In this scenario, much of south Florida will sim- ply go under water in the next 50 years, while the rest will be rav- aged by hurricanes and other problems, such as the return of malaria. Globally, billions of: people could die and many more could suffer famines, dis- ease, and displacement in a catastrophe of unprecedented magnitude. A coal-burning power plant in Glades County will increase the chances of this impending horror occurring- and this is the most pressing cri- sis facing both south Florida and our entire world. In this regard, burning coal is going backwards and people need to turn to less destructive energy sources, such as solar and even nuclear, as well as to learn to better con- serve energy. As a minimum, if coal is to be burned to meet short-term needs, efforts to capture carbon dioxide in the future should be included in ne \ coal-burning power plant designs, even though this technology is still under development. \\'hen directly asked about this, the chief FP&L engineer responded, "''e cannot use today's dollars to bu\ tomorrow's technology " Economically this makes sense in terms of FP&L's short-term profits, but it is this type of rea- soning that threatens humanity's future.- There are many things to con- sider regarding the proposed power plant. South Florida is growing and needs additional power. Political pressures to diversify fuel sources and' to keep energy inexpensive are real. But a coal-burning power plant, even one that is cleaner than most, is by no means a wonderful thing. Portraying it as the best thing to ever happen to Glades County is deceptive. The bottom-line is that burning coal, even as made cleaner through today's most advanced tech- nologies, is still a dirty business. Harris Friedman, Ph.D. Glades County Resident SDana Howard Weekley Post 130 AMERICAN LEGION AND THE LEGION AUXILIARY jQod .ad ea4mA Friday Night Fish Fry S pm at 99 .R. 80 W Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos l"%isical tFertainment Included Fill Material $70 per load on your truck at Caloosa Shores Please call 239-728-5481 (office) or 239-292-2724 (cell) for scheduling v.li ~ I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I SGo to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I WI nsapc01 Communiy Links. 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EMBARQ Is not affiliated with Nelflix or this offer. 2006 Embarq Holdings Company LLC. All rights reserved. The name EMBARQ and the jet logo are trademarks of Embarq Holdings Company LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. EMB1-06-1414 ~ .:~t~. C. : "' -.c; r : 3' *' a'' ~i ~. ti .. iR I'rtic ~"i-: -~ ! ~ -I ' '-:i. ;~~' '' ir I)! t ~. pi:.- _ ~ ~ Toil: i, I ow i, -it i I; I Ilf I 1'L' I ILL11S. ~ 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday,'November 30, 2006 REAL DEALS ARE FOUND IN THE CALOOSA BELLE S.h 'HOME BUYERS GUIDE Central Custom Builders New Modular Homes Starting at $109,000 on your lot! Includes Impact Fees & Allowance for lot prep Home and Land Packages Starting at $149,900 We have homes reedy to move in now! "~"`m 4LI&-c-. a. $149,900 3/2 1,392 sq. ft. on oversized Irt in Part LaBehJI $179,900 3/2 1,740 sq. ft. located on Port LaBellc lot $209,900 3,2 2.220(1 q. ft. including gardae (:,i Pt L.aBIkt Li,. For FREE Credit Approval Call (863) .675-8888 or (863) 673-4325 cell I -- -. m- - 20 acres in Muse on Nine Mile Road! Pretty pines and some scattered oaks. Was once used for cropping but is now awaiting your new home. Just 10 minutes from LaBelle or Alva and has great road access. $525,000 0 0 E Aceag I9Hme Commrcia 3 I, on 10 acres ,n taysnore near homea dranchr Baoc oc Ranchi $619,000 W W. meandranchr.com .- retFi . : .,o.p. l.. c. Re.'-lt r'olp. I . 23*N BidgeSt.- a' aF 395 8367-86 .is Adrws. i. RalEsae roe Asocats:Snda leane, ina ekeDais mxann inrs KeinNlsn Rs M snTioiS *. gm Britan MoeySt cy aeD styPt AV%,,,sltI U flrdacif*T *sm. Se aba s. Uo ACREAGE $850,000 40+/- acres. Beautiful secluded area. Pasture ponds, lots of cab- bage ponds and.oaks. Adjacent to Babcock property with lots of wildlife. Great place to live or for weekend get-a-ways. Bring your dogs and Horses. Also includes a nice doublewide. * $899,000 16.04+/- acres. Great devel- opment opportunity! Close to schools, recreational Park, Town Shops and much More. * $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres of pasture land in Muse. Easy access, Bring, the kids, dogs, horses and cows. Currently zoned for 1 unit per 10 acres. (Insert Pic) * $1,500,000 13+/- acres. HWY 27 road frontage. Great Investment potential * $1,600,000 This 12.76+/- acres has lots of old oaks. It is currently being used aS. [' r.[i l [.irl. dl1I hr n.f., ui.im . * 9uo.%8yt,- ticre o01 Oeals Rd. buillc Grove'Soine Cleared. All or part fro sale. ,Call our office for more information. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. $279,000 Great Industrial Investment Potential. This property is cleared and ready for your business. Call today for more info. $287,500 Prime Business Location. These 2 V2 lots located in Clewiston, are zoned industrial. There is a 1054 square foot home on one of the lots being sold "as is" This is a great location for a new busi- ness. A world of options await you with this property. Priced just right to sell quick- ly.Call for more info.( Insert Pic.) * $739,000 Unique 2+/- acres parcel in Alva with 162' of frontage on busy SR 80. The front Acre is zones C-IA for many types of commercial use. The rear acre is zoned RS-1. The property is 558' deep with , il i. lr ,-, i " * $895,000 Price Reduced hi-WM' 80 Frontage 2.7+/- acres in LaBelle's Center Business District. Bring your offers. Call office today for more info. * $988,025 Looking to expand or begin your business. This auto salvage yard is truly one of a kind. Organized and well established, with a clean billof health, Call today ItOM SITES: * City lots h..,,- c13,000 to $"2,900 * Port LaBelle Lots. From '$25,000- $50,000. Financing available call office for more info. * Lehigh Lots from $46,900 * Montura Lots from $47,000 to $50,000 * Moore Haven Lots from $20,000 to 34,900 * Clewiston Lots starting at $24,900 * Call today for more info on Homes, River Front Homes, Acreage and Commercial Listings. I HOWsrSbwcs PROPERTIEu iNJOY 'THEI ENDLESS RBEU' TY i I.- Cilo'a twshm kr- -. fi. i F , 1014.dFihll& wilh 12.1cn -,) h, l,' f -t i "1 I ..-' .:. mf tire ,,! ,i._ irha. 'n-,_" m -iA t th i r 0 1.Q tmArjfi","-Mi Llaa6r" oiiIL -- m"er 'bc r d i"' m ,' r rc icd a., . "s-wa ." h (1Mw a ',,nd,,a..s I,., 'ia InC r,i -' prtAld. s,". .. hk r. 'e cLha-r ditrdm r, iritny ic se wi: , it armIrspC iL i :i *i I c ,rnm 'n: IUJ. J 'iu leO alutkJ In v4l1BRIAhormn Er rs-liJ ri c-''rim x ihimc flha.'tn M ats u'snlm Iali4dIrorUcitlitfln aTril, ,-ul. Ir 6 941 Ailoo IT IS HARD TO BELIEF ain as. hii, Imsito-.tialti r terfarnr homrre at this i :,,o -' ,bZR.BA homl .t b ai boat ..aZ .' c. 1d.' 12 I blII ail ILft anf d o'.r ed '--.- 1-ja Itr i. '1 Ho1rne ha '.ci.,rian a-.un- Tel op,, Fl .,i j iO (iJe artl a lnd per tliors I lsh a ITrit hr 'J is rs,.l I3a ,,ti er a Itr h nm t Iet wi;rel.isa 'OIlrC $565.000 -a,- ":... ........:-..- MUSE MINI RNCHR v.inng fr '.:.ulr .'-n ldy L r' ,ew riouble'ile -r;ahmjle i.. h,,re r f, iq + + lc.tred ari withll . Large Js.i kd oJ p irrt CoDrJtrn fence sur Ra. "1,r'ir,.l- r illu immnia,:uljtc I,.BR B. : ii I ,,lk I ,- le ,phll Il:cur,@ .n family room. 0 h It~. rma w l-t r h o-. t I [ tni.,,' hr'r:pl.e. car hedral c: rlk;..,, ri.i:er tAI lia. 4Aist.len c i b ..trl, :l' fJE i ish.N 'er $399.000 "NTFW i(N%]RL II''N' .i' I -. II '.ol.ll=h L t10 1". *l' tJ! 's-p- ,'. ,, ,,, I' ,. i i .I- I J1 Si 11 1.', It -Is-. I. ,al j n i-.. r iA.. .. I -- 1 ,, ,rill; ,l... -,... c" ,, s iI'I I.II.rI I,,"s.i- 1,.. ..-',a,! a ,vi I 1 d't'l Li. n'. L-.'7 U.. 1 -f "IT WATERFRONT HOMES SUNSETS. BOATS and deep .arter do:.ck ; l a.,.n itah ai ,4R2Bk C1B5 h,:,nm on 1.35+.- ac $825.000 PANORAMIC VIEWS AJ the Ca!,ra3_latce l ei at .''a in r',h :1BR 2 5B. home ith ian i ,cl,.,'t-ed pli. L I a. a dock C.-niunu ,r, p.ol. bIta'i ramp t ra,' a..,llit '1,749.000 UPGR DED 3BR2BA HOME FEATURES 1I.5 fi rI a,..r froniraK (Co.ncni tldc l lact h ia.rd l ed lll .,i I mit aai ,,arm.f.,.retr alran Ln daid ,(,all o..,u r $599.900 IT IS HARD TO BEL [EV .an Innr..,.i.. Ir iei!'ir. ' I ,,l e .u rthi. price 3BR '8.A -b.ne ih lh ai Lr..a Jd'Lk 2 rrll l b taI I ;f r i nd crmiCred boat I1,iu.c Iio'me I,,l ,. a, a. unro rl.-.p,. tii dia r ,room. Ik s ra l rarlp-r itI..-,-. L I.'a i[,.n ha- irri au,,i-r. a,_r, m v..ah ir'-r trr a- i" $565.001) ,.\VOR THE SUiN It 'our priaj't .!ciir.lran relra, r !BR t 8. BAr i marltaat.red hora-,i ca minsm ,allr a 5t [Fae ,-a I ,ic.ul-der..a OC~cerarted back pur.. I ",..,rk.. ac i-,, -r 1,,, endlei, riter vila $ 524.000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS -.,ll irh- .Bl B B home. na able c" k ,.'iters adire. ia LCe. [.', rliU- C.-l' aa-;haarclhe Rl\er. $399.000 SLiMlIER FUN! 4IBRPBA. M HI-I incldca 1t.. It o! 11. r .it.es. making an eash launch firr let 'ksa Deiai edul Sirage and hi jali-,lr' upgrades $395,000 PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS! e BRi-\ ,:.,r, fr..inr .t ii- a i'_.iteu % Ja:] 1. lIi [ aIi r.''[ ,ae'hiI .aiarI ihr.a.ii htlul l.lrar .._ ac $145.000 WA.TERFiRONT HOMES SITES MAK.E THIS 200 fT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE 'YOURS. c licr m I I., h $7.... .. !,, _5 -i $'79511000 IMNPRO\ED l\.'VIRT RON I LOT IN C.ALOOS.A H ARB O R I,. rI,-, I...1I- 1.-, II cl,: I .x...I,, ., I ..:,. =.1 .II .1l.,,r- .. (,.,.r 1,,,, h1 III,. ,,_, ,,, I.499.|100| 240FTOF NAVIGCBLE CREEK IR()NT. R..,I s,. a [ $, + ,,, 429.0111) 230 F ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT L&BELLE R.ANCHETTEs :. : ... ,b':'i Itc dCl 'l l r". t.: ,i.irit1IrLr111 $425 .01.14 TAKEL IN THEIR BE.ALTY OF THE RIVER I,-r.i tl-. 2 '. + I. l.l' !ir is ,i i l- i, R .Iii is ilr l .t 1.1 !11 a ._r:c l.cl[ I,,:[,a~ s- r-n is,,i.n -ir_ i.i ri.c l' 15.al d.,,.ki Ir,, c ,: $4 1ila.0a00 GORGEOUS CLIL-DE-SAC LOT ..i-r. ippi.. 7 ftl,.,i ,'a' .r fa- ,iriii g.' ,,,il i-.'. a.I p-". -. 5250,000 HOMES 3 BR 2BA CBS HOME ,in 210 1 ,- b..,s.- 1 r.I,,-, i...._rl h..p I..,I .I i. 1 I I 1 . 1.:il r.. p3 ed die adrr-t, lairairine'-r .'.it',nr b t'. .1m' $999.01,1 4BR2B -HOtME ON 6+,- AC. Prrl'ate ..a.Lk,. p.rad it, ..I iru.u- '. ''.. II1 ,-J S'2,x'2. p..le ba1 r. 11n 11 hll,, -1 r 2 hI rn %' .. 6699.900 IBR.2BA CBS HO ME .:.n 5+ ar Cr. Ir,'. :c,.l. -Pi ..,1,1 ra." 1. r.jI.. .. ,.r.. I,., ,ilthi a cor, elihln lriTet $595,000 QUIET COLINTRY LIVING on if' \\,'A.de.! .kj i......i .:I'R ':i (. h, ni ..... -, 50S,.41. CBS ,aurlhnp $589,900 PICTURE PERFECT 3BR'2B.A I aIcrL etatc hm0 M r-]iret a pI. p,.,.I .,I,,I .i.'e" -from the Comnaunami hoar lamp $549.900 DRE- MS NE''ER END In lAs ta stom 3.13R 11A\ l.P.l bi. .ul I. .I ... i i I-,.i t .... So.armg cl.nis. dr.n .Ind a gaurrratr kllchen $4-1 ,500 SUBMIT AND OFFER, NOrHING TO LOSE. OWNER WANTS TO M:)\-E!!! .3BR 2BA. utom .lug hme un ifenced privalE a.Ir.C m llie t,1k.rril I..Ir.I. r ..-,..I burning m tine efireplace, Meiacan rile flrorr, t erir aI pian ir,Ini.l--. ...ir I I h- ,I,.eaztJd deck. pn,:d, workshop and pole barn, $450.000 3BR'2BA 2-STORY' HOME SITUATED Cri j59t + a IN'2 iol, hi1i. I, -'. - hop Oak covered .triage $439,000 -- rl~lwal DONAKNE ROE a.CIATS: .RIHAIA~ CURTI, PAT~jijl I :1 I, ~msr~llI 'rII ----r--~---~ IU '( RELG A h -: 1 11 -.1. 1 ]1 1 .1. 1 - ') 'at OUk Pl ri' a \ .R.l-O, .i l..... ,l., 1 ,si,,I... ,I ,,a ,r a I l, , INCOME PROD1LlING( 1OR.1N(j GROi)l ..,,..... I,,l.h ,, I ,..1 .1, .. 1'2 ,'k 0) po r .ic S+32 + .(. 0l ,,,i I i,-.. . I,,,, .I I. I I ,1 1 ,. 1 .1 1. 1 OS, IIIC()C K. ([IIPRLs \NI)Ia Ia MII- IO S ', ,.. h m m- + ., I. .. ,, .,.I ,I.1. i. 1. ...i i .. .I.. l '~l alal ' aII + 'l. O r O .ii ...,.,I ... l .h.l ..., I I. i.. .. ... niaa Iaa .jna .l,.I i. II + -,C. OF IMPRO.C i.,T i ..,is .. 21)0 +- FENCED ) ( 'a .-. .... I lII f .. II6.-,i i,,i, .1 iit1 i ,l n) 20+ -.MlRE OF FRENiIF ..E..N.i .1, I, 20 +,-AC,. \1UTH Itl, s .i u. b'n .s: ,n PORTILAIT OF PEACE. I P.. iB ltu a hi 'i'- v`''s-,. 'i ,H,,., ,,, ., II ,- Ill .- ,. .... 11, .,.1 I ,..111 i.h ..l.I, --L ....:.. --mV .r.u -. ,t. I-, 3 A ia[) V AaRE HOiaI lif) I1 ,1. ,n. I's-s ..... .,II. EI s, i1.1. mr 1. i bha 5$ 15 000 .,, Iadai .lll l IO $d aaiaII.1 [.t) CArIO N. LOCATION. LOCATION. 1N CREST S l.I... I .I .. .,,i I I 1 ., ..Iy i... I ...,i.r.C -...,m muriari. $279. 10 1 ,\ [IIOM E \'ITil PERSON .LIT\ XND '-+ 1 l-. ... .. s l I a... ...-.' I CH .- RAI! Lit, \ ['. hI..- : I -1.11, i.i... i.* I. 5$234. 900 JBR m B a WITH 1.656 SQ. FT. LIVING ARLl. Lti ht' i, ',,,,. ,..i,:...I I ,., .rl. i i ,,r r'la $21 |.iiiia,). :.BD2BA ON SPACIOLiS GREENBELT. IIh, i,..m i ... .i..i.. ..... i -.k $210.6a00 NEWER 3BR 2"UINDURCCNPSRACT ,,lI.,, PARTIA LLi FL'RN ISI- IED .'i1 R .A liA [-- e m- Il Iridd : : p..f ,_,, .h... N. .i ,.,r ,I - I ..... r......; Ip .I $ 175,0001 ia T 'aLt N I 'nFOVER ,,n rda .1 6,_ I,,rAt N. ,,-,I ,\ I .IhI .t. ,I. N., i,.. .' ....a. .I I ., ,,., 'r l99 JU DON'T -\'WIT ..UNDEBRIIcnRA A90,.l I-..- _...r, $SI9.Ola. 11B IP.\ (O.LIUNTRI' \ILLAGE HOME. N: -. h,,m..ii. .i.rii ..,,iil.i r,..,1 ,..a Il l| i..II, ii.i r a c. ., ri, tarI.h-, h ,.i, i,. ir..eh ,iT a .-aT,,,r i i,...I ,. _aiic I,,_, 'aria ill i.J,- .d Ih: $1 19,901 NEW CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM HO .M ) I sR si (t211'N b.-In', :. ia, a ....:a,, 1 .- a r rp., ,n ..] I .... ,I . --r, II.. 11I. i lr' I li, .lu l, -i1.uia..a rarl,.b_ aIo ca!...ni ; f)l $389.901) -.\SHIONA.BLE AND FUNCTION.AL m.i t..n.. a i...n si.1sia -r t L. Ia... ...'..1 ' + ... r,- ii ,I'.a N I4 1 339.00(1 BE. THE FIRST TO LIVE ri.. '.Bv '_M a .,h II, .I I ,i. .. i, I.., I ..I . .... l -, 1.1 t ,d : ., 4 1, b l, .,II.,_,. -1.I I ,,, ', ., , o '..;. .". i l I $244.900 UID( C.ET FRIENDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION, sbal \ ., i ,,,,I.-Ii .. .. I. S... I, : rd ed i i 19a0,$i)J0 a~ .013iial seilel contribution. Brink t, 11 L offer . JUl.lS FI HIMll TO DECOR. I E... I .I., I ... ...I...- a..... hIi. ... ... I .... I . ". i i .. ..I I ., i.., ..t. I',,. i t I IIi r.1I r.,, ,,I, I I ,11 I I I-AN IF.ACTUR IED IIONIM ' C(:OLNT' RY CIIA RAII. .... -iP .s .rr- .i.. i hi .. ... I I II ... I I i-: $349,000 20 + \I ..t .. .,,. '-"'' ," . .- IR ,4200',')0 'a + ,' r. ,, [.5 I ,is 5. l i I,,,ii i. , K'R' s ,, I .I Al" 0.I aI M N 1Wa5.ipl0,01 + -s, i 'i I j h AL + -.....i l I. .1 F.I -I I V.111 I 5 \ Ca -...' .. ... H 2 i1 % OPFR 1 RE ,(l_--. -,'... .-.., i ,ul PERl ,\(_-RE M'INFi'a R'aN HF 1'a[s -, 25 + '. h ),0)'liO 10 '.o)500 BEalillFI. \1.[11 0 0 F ) : + -Isr .I. IIOM[.aIF IIa Rt IN. HI. II H m i, II .S.. .. ,,. h i I ...... S )Q0.0l0 $1103}1 ,,. ..... ..... I...... HARD O fND OK ILLED....,,, [ 10 i THE QUI .1 .. ...h l...I l'. ..+ n +- 'a 1O Ofl _LR .'S .. ... .,., h.I .. h ....I j .. ..j .I lh i i.... I,r I i -, Ml', TIl l ) 'l .4o+- ,l LOt f ACRO)s FROM L.UlLOO%.a 1m -d l 1. I 1 li .... ... 11 ri, .lih 1 m Iii $ a' I ,$4 i. i I(HFRIH IHf (HARM .,I t,,i-c ,l ,l l I l.i.,r, i.r .. + .. f8q .000) $5'25.0a00 3BR 2BA1 ON 6+'- CROSS-FENCED AC RES. ll .l. I 11i'Ii1 ..l,,l l L.. i p ut' rl- p.hii-iW, i .et 'i. .. r.acll..dii aai ld n-nli r,.,, $399.000 LIKE NEW 4tBR uB.' ,l-i, adku I' I- + .,,:a $399.000 STARVED FOR SPACE lTrrpl e icl .r. " + It i i 4 11 aing r1) ak c -e. .1 4 i ,n ,-,l ,_,,,- .lh d .ll ...r ,_. -,,. ~$199,900 2BR2BA WItiTHI DEN .,, 2 pl2 I ,1 t c.L.c .al- 1, .[,.j h.l a'ldiilr-..rI hI,,m - a" $197,9110 2BR2B.A MOBILE HOME -.I, I. + ., i r i$199,900 SPACIOiUS 1.?1iq SQ. FT. I ANUFAC. TIUED HOME .-.- I ..i,. rF ..I. ...Ohdi.l a.b l' '. I1.. 1 ., r... .i 1 1 :.a j .a d ,,jri i. I..',, Ia.' -kli -i I ,.. ., ri l .- .[l 1 I' -,r 1 .ElT IOUIT 01 COJaN PRICED TO SELL 'll' .I '11-1 .... ,a. iii ai , l,,,k *, ira l I..,,i.. I i aaalllll LIOO C -M,' L. 1 I[% S Bir.' : 't i i.,I a. ,, .d ,, .hl. .. l i II.I-a' ' rI oPILAi GLlIF \(" ...R I,- I -... .- 2- 2 rR. P.'R R(E I... ,,,I'd, I I -_' ,1 i -IIC. 1i . PRl\C' l1 PURE AND SIaIPI I I I I I ..l . h ..... p ,.i.aIJi and up I eo .... 5*' I aI s i ... I O i. i I1111 ,I,)I ,I)I lt'" -''. IfN I[IIIG II [ ill+ II'+ .... ., I. ,r I I CO..I aaoe I l1, ,1 1 -.Iii % SII II CLkil. FRtM PA I.L(_t .' L ,. t, I3 )56I. HIII r : ,- ,,>RC ,31 B .D- i .i I( ,., F. I RO I i i .:" (aPl +O P.' T ) ,-, ...I% i. i,. 1- 1i1-a... I '_I i I' 'AII III- I II, I I. ..s II (IOMMI R( I,' I,, E Him, L ,,,,,.i 1',.. i ,,1,111lh,,,1 i 'l,.i l long. $4900.09,900 Otis uses with un:limited potential. 3.056 ,(. Ft. tOMMlIER-I.1I B01lI.D- INGOFF HWY 80 IN LABEL Iii. I/- a'c. ,,ill, I .ma,-sr f .rl s o I" ,,. r l ties!,2$435,00 YOUR BUSINESS BELONGS on this heavy industrial acreage. lZoned for vari- ous uses wv ith unlimited potential. $479,248 OFF HWY 80 IN LABELLE. .4 +/- ac. will make a wonderful business location Picturesque prolerOt has 1at c pssibili- ties! $435,000 mo000. MOVE YOUR BUSINESS TO LABELLE! Hiistoric buikling has been redesigned to aCecoimnatie your hbsi- ness. Why rent when i' so can buy t $224,500 COMMERCIAL LOT on Luckes St. and lst Ave with mobile hiln. $137,000. ~pl- I- I - I I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November30, 2006 15 PRICED TO SELL 6.4+/- acres inURCHASE OME W NO M$NEY Alva. Don't miss this opportunity for an adorable COMPRE S U ' house with acreage. . Best Deal in Alva!!! $169,900- Adorable 3 bedroom 2 bath $55,900 Beautiful lot inimmokalee,lot home, recently remodeled with new tilel 0.40 acres, city water and sewer carpet flooring, freshly painted Inside & great opportunity to build your dream out, new range & morel Located in Labellel home on ths lotl Great location * $209,900 Located In East Lehigh, quick $239,900- 5 ACRES, Lot has been $6.52900 access to SR-0 near Labellel Includes 4 cleared and includes the drt house pad 6.ACRES, Call 863-675-0000 bedrooms, 2 baths, all appliances, tilel for construction, a pond, a rock circular 3 bedroom,2 baths, carpet flooring, spacious home & morel driveway, RIGHT OFF OF SR-821 gated property wl Spond, belong w ground Seated pool, shed, $199,900 1.3ACRES, 3 bedrooms, 2 $109,900 Great opportunity for rental Island & breakfast 3 675 -4550 baths, new vinyl flooring, tropical i nvestment, traler centrally locateIn bar n kitchen & rld 8 8 landscaping, extra utility room outside, Immokalee, city water and sewer and much morell 281 S Bridge Street LaBelle shed & morel Located in Immokaleel much morel Great priced trailer Located in Labele ae Rodney Murray Seth Howard ". Lie. Real Estate Brokers Associates:Phil Lewis, t Tamraa Franco, Kyndel Murray TSA 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $8,400,000. Owner Anxious. ; 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & partially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $254,900. Immaculate 4/2 well maintained home with an awesome workshop 20x30workshop, 150' Irrigation well, fenced yard,. within walking distance to schools & shopping. $269,900. Very Nice 3Br/1.5Ba on large corner lot w/in town con- vienience, fenced back yard & 2 yr old roof. Only $169 ,9 5 Main S REDUCEDI REDUCI 3 BR/2B home excep 0 M tional inside.and out! Watch the sunrise on front 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only LaBelle, FL 33935 deckand suet on the back deck. Something for every one with ac nfesni ed yard to keep kids $11,000 per acre. happy, lag workshop for Dad and big kitchen for 19 acre orange grove. Located in Hendry Co. $11,900 Mom Just$900.0 per acre. 675-1973 40 acre orange grove. Located in Hendry Co. $11,900 fyouare thnkngofbuying :. Bes Bargain for Miles! 35 beautifulsecluded aCre at e ONLY $25000, per acre! WITH Pole Barn, Electric and per acre. orsellnggie us a call several ellslCall ASAP or showing! $85, 33nU.- Location with a Futurel 1700Ft.Denaud. 6.39+/-Acres 365 Acres W ,000+/- ft 80 and 1,300 ft n CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT already oned RG. Surrounded by upscale subdivision. Old River. www.newhorizons-re.com E sta te o r ai d Ready fr developer. $800,000. SSe Habla, Esp anrol i 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built : ".75-0500.. .. home or manufactured. Only $165,000. .REDUCED this livable, lovebie 3B1/IB CBS home T hhis 4Br/2B homeon,10+!creshs it al, from spadous 3 acre orange grove. Locate off Sears Rd. Only vidth 4th bedroom/ofce inLaBelle limits. Features family room w/stone fire ace, master suite w!office, coi $132,000. : include, walk close, newer air conditioner, fenced ered poh m hoss. Thisoneisasteal@q .Uncrampyuref othissadous2 - VISIT US ON THE WE AT WWW.OAREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES d lo new nditi e rch, and fencing f orses. Thisone is a steal Un 2.5+/- acres on backyard, irrila on and-a a ent dect k to die for. Onlyoy$450,000 E nnRd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say CINDY L ALEXANDER $220,000 *Size will surprise youl 2BR/2B home on 10+/. acres is goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. S*FeffUH I IM *ile Financial Ground! Plant your investment in a-walk in clet r spacious master nath. Every detail of ores.y o omany 0 extr s to list, call for an appointment for henature lover Pnfced at only 85,000. s RL eptiEl Duplex.E B28 on ch side and ide .t a homesdesib e ere See forouelf tda.. today! $299,90 manufactured home weeptan rmera canal in River Oaks O- AwTETs: n lii C u l NN an amazing level of Iiability!2 Enjoy the feeling of a comfortable living auroom fulgas fire lance, l S/D in On ona Canal ce ds at the proper y with a wod Serves ats ou! 22000 *REDUCED Solid Decision Solid House! You'llbeglad grounds are a fitting intxctin to a super 3 hol dckproviding a greaplace o relax 110,000 233 N. BRIDGE ST with quailty, from the new Hardy-Boarl siding to the tional 4 stall carport/aorkshop Plus pasture for kids ponyl thebestonthisprivate&ssecluded 2+/-acs. Freshlairspe- NEW Do LOKEBUCK o sner the iovin romadely room. The kitchen, front & real covered porches. $dn0ee000 n4 t cr FE kitchen & lnis ng area were designed w/aconvenience & o and ling about quick! n$199900. rlriaal t h y$.593,900. S' 675-050 -Sc comfort n mind making your holiday meals even more manufactured homewitt hover 2400e s .ft of ivingauilB home /-acre oJack rnc .m use. s Sen oyabe. Themaster bedm rom, i situated for privacyv w/ sttingd aon ageorgous 6.5+ ace of land & fenced for Property has ts of oaks, pines and palm tres. Pct SAFerleFinanc al Grund Plantyou r ivestmen aAk n ce& ousmaster f verydeai of horses.Toomany extrastolist, callfor an appointment for the nature lover. Priced tonl $85,000 RENTALS AVAILABIF IN THEC ITY IMITS N OAK ST 22 with new roof, superlarge workshop with RV parking. Majestic ed n \ M Plke A, ,his s,,er pric Only $179,900. . B.Eml carpon on a double corner lot. Owners have veaks mke the aeage eellike a parkyou owe it to &ospao usmaseestrbth vr dutai ,oI90A*21homelrcate d on a enero usie dl +ae t D deadgoleo y'l ingorteramklo ON THE IVER 3/2 Car, l (lxk & lift. taken are of this home and it shows. Home is | klress! Immaculate in des Magnificnt towering Oaks cast shade over this "uaint tucked awaha it strA s a bak fo"rn w home look no fourth r Located in the sought n nthis exceptional Duplex. 2BR/1B on ech side and ide- this home desm esi perfetie n See for yourself today today! $299,900 3Bte/ 1B manut e l aBellet s.- a can in Rer Oa allyN loted in twn. V ie an with beautiful yad. Nice $205,Bel t S0 Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landstcapeS/D in Or ona. Canal ends at the property with a wood4990 nSI yx Epac every REDUCEDlINEASTFr.MYERS 3//p over lecounse mornings sitting in h e screened Great investment potential ed8lB hIome on a Huer scrhen in lo rs aofp bine2t Beauti- wooded +n/ui n acre honesbaes Oubside laBelle 233N. BRIDGE STwithuai m the new HardBa siding to thetional 4 stall carport/workshop Plus pasture for kids ponyl thebest onthisprivate& secluded 2+/-acs. Freshairspe- 32/ Car $1,000/M 1,900 sq. ft. living area. Home has 2 masters, anal ofthis 4BRl2B Cedar home on +. acres with new lot. Homes needs some work... but is priced to sell. ath.Spacious and smart uyat $154,900 limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't 2/2 5/leara 90 /M Iiewrof, new A/, fenced yard. Motivated sell- metal roof This land is perfect for horses, and features a $35, Privacy + Peace S Relazation! 3BR/2B double wide miss owning acreage close to laBelle $46,900. SO the com90er owoo0. d ooA/C 40alia40 covered workshop plus ncd Worth calling about quick! $199,900. i abl Por Be$93,90lelots RIDGE S&WASHINGTONSE SAYS TO MAKEAN OFFR Genuine Country anites re all l an 2 old Newroof in Backonthemarket!This2.5/-acreminiestatemakes Call or es on our Montra Lstins! 3/2/iCar -.$850/M; IN PORT I P.Anu On a comer lot. 3/2/1, .New home under construction. A beautiful 3BRvB 38S shed, huge Florida rmi &BBQ deck. $139,900 " ORSESHOE ACRESt's relaxing ustee) n rroof painted on he inside. Pricbeingatto thisbeaufthat will be finished in late 3Bul. Bots of upgrades ll io e Ra find outside of aBelle but not o far from 3/2 Mobile. 750/M sell; nly.189,900. andlots ofroom. $285,000. schools or shopping. 3BDBA manafactured home POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! 1/1/1 Car $575/M. LOCATED IN THE CITY-2/1beingsold 'AsIs' Immaculate new construaion CBS home just built in -o features split floor lan, built in cabinets, sepertee Generations will file past well-traveled location of this LOTS STARTING AT 2 0 edPricedv t sell at only 1l29,000. nwith sh. Home feature a new stroof& ICceramic tile fi on .7 acre! Thoughtamc l design withuredt floors plan, ci he 2 0. RENTALS AVAILAIF IN THECIP IMITS ON O STr 2/2 with new roof, super large worinkshop w oh R w/Rex e rural wy Situateon 1.25 ac in growing Mc. t ti nC Os $179,900. OMES FOR SAIP acres. Home features an oen foor plan with h B ric k home on an oversized lot in the desirable Mot ",uu new 26 3 manua d home / located on a generucs-saop throwing.1 ae allht t ro delads emer If u'rlooingu for tine deam lt DO E RIVER 32Cr, IN ock & lift take d in lana o n the back and a baloney on Run S/D. Features new boring, screen porch, wih over 100 t ofliving e foroccupanc money and see how great ownership es2/on aa fom downtown aele. 3.0 persquare foot. an acre. Home has a new covered porchad a the front. Property has several trees, large barns rfenc back yard, and a detached 2 cr garage.n Only SE tt FINANCING AVABLE! $ t14, over a Y acre ya S tart building equity today! Beuul.25/ acre corner lot in downtown LaBele pricy fencearoundthbackyin excellent t bui ditiongs $182Asking ,000. en$9,90 i character, t is Country style 3/2 homeoers "y of S th ide n 4a.$ ne o O Tie/M 3/2 .Ca, withboat dock -2/2 ON 100+/- ACS in Glades County. peerless quality inside and out. Nestled on lovely shaded 1y t u,-mm immaculate honfnested oi154cres. Stunni stone dre a come true Only $49,9.0 $1500/M62 re homesie, Call for the impressive details m eika arenoesfirenlahma rmn fe, T54d= l uge -29+k- acre in the Belmont /1). Priced to sell @ only 3/3/1 TWO MASTERS pExtraqspaceevery$39 .9.qithn$59,900. .aentellor e .. where. $1,000/M in Fast Ft Myers. REDUCED! IN EAST Ff. MYERS 3/3/1 over Enjoy gefite country mornings sitting in the screened itGreat Investment potentialIR/lB hime inn a co e e Master bedroom offers a personal retreat roomand lavish Beautiful voodred I+/- acre homesiteslOutside LaBelle 3/2/2 Car $1,000/M. 1,900sq.ft., living area. Home has 2:masters, lanai ofthisn4BR/2B Cedar home on 3+/!-acres with newv ht Homes needs some work...hbut is priced to sl Ibath.Spacious andsimart buy at $154,900 limits but onlynunutes from tonwaJustniff E Road. Don't 2/2.5/1 car.$900)M/ inew.roof, new A/C, fencedard. Motivated sell. metal roof. This land is perfect for horses, and features a 3i ,c* Povacy + Peace & Relazation! 3BR/2Bdoublevide mi'msowrungacreagelose toLBdlee.$46,900. 2/1 4$856/Mer.4Asking $269,900. 0x40 covered workshop plus lots more. An unusual find DOs w/1q300q ft.untler air in town.Privacy fenced on 3 sides Cal about our Port l.aftlle lots! P/1 -$850M I LA~kiLg i90 -On aserl 3at only $340,000 REDUCED!a & chin link in rme Backs up to pond! Extras include - 3/2/i Car-.$850/M .NPORT L* IF -.On.a corer lot.3/2/1, New home under Construction. A beautiful 3BR/3B shed, hnge Flooida m & BBQ deck. $139,900 |IORSESHOE ACRES (East ofILaBelle) i newer roof, painted on the inside. Priced to home that will be finished in late July. Lots of upgrades -Rare find outside of LaBelle but not to far from I/1/1 Car $575/M. LOCATED'IN THE CITY- 2/1 being sold 'As Is' Immaculate new construction CBS home just built in features split floor plan, built in cabinets, seperante" Generations will file past well-traveled location of this COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE $125,000. 2006 features 3BR/2B, 2 car garage vaulted ceillngs and shower & garden tub in the master suite.,and much 8+/.!acres on SR80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage Srlecessedlikhtingeinthedspaiouswkitchean.Only$249,900 atmore! All on .50+/- acre. $132,000 and 3 existing entrances off of SR 00. Cleared with well jOTS STAR''IIG AT $22 500 ed. Priced to sell at only $129,000. with fish. Home features a new roof& A/C, ceramic tile & on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, $2,750,000. ON PHIH !11G 2 RD 2/2 two story home on 5+ wood laminate flooring, and a screened porch w/jacuR l beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bongu Pe0+e.. LTOMES FOR SAT IF acres. Home features an open floor plan with -$2BIV2B Brick home on an oversized lot in rse desirable M tutmi, beautiful newSi2006 3/2nmanufactured1homeR eningm family to Countrykitcheoi ndcoaineas!ash$127,000.Materb th.B ngu rmest0Glades otentaryinlMus e la tes 3/2 DOUBT WIDE LOCATED IN MUSE on screened in lanai on the back and a balcony on Quall Ran S/D. Features new flooring, screen porch, with over 1100 sl ft of living area ready for occupancy. money and see how great ownership feels' 2/1.6n away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. an acre. Home has a new covered porch and a the front. Property Ihas several trees, larebarns '' enced back yawl, andadetached2cargarage. Only SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 over a V2 acre yard. Start building equity today! beautiful .25+- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle privacy fence around the back yard. $150,000. and out buildings. Asking $450,000. $239,900 Need more living" room? 2,152 ft of curious. w/great potential. Currently owned for duplex or single p"o"vgrm2$113,50l.gfamily w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30,2006 ,, ., FCB increases quarterly income SnBevrlyKing CoCo tih I am 9 weeks old and I am a little girl. My mom named me CoCo, which I don't like one bit. Just look what she did to me. She what's me to be a cowgirl. I told her the boots were too big, andIhit Ilteaifitfrer r6d. You know how moms are. I just can't wait till she puts me in a pair of Wranglers, and you just watch. F-, if- Stephen L. Price, President and CEO of Florida Community Banks, Inc. has announced the unaudited third quarter earnings for the company. Florida Commu-- nity Banks, Inc. is a bank holding company headquartered in imrriokalee, %\ hose primary oper- ating entity is the 83-year-old Florida Community Bank. Mr.. Price is pleased to announce that net income was $5.9 million t$0.89 per diluted share) for the third quarter of 2006 compared to ;$4.9 million ($0.74 per diluted share).in the third quartet.of 2005 (a.20 percent increase). The com- pany also reported that unaudited net income increased 19 percent for the fist nine, months of 2006 compared to 2005. Net income wvas $16.3 million ($2.44 per dilut- ed share) for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 com- pared to $13.7 million ($2.06 per diluted share) during the same period in 2005. Earnings for the third quarter represent an annualized return on average. assets, of2.3 lu._and an annualized return on .average equity of 28.47%. The Company finished the quarter with assets of $1,024,426,454, a 20% increase from September 30, 2005. Share- holders' equity at September 30, 2006 was $84,541.781. The Com- pany's primary investment is in loans, which were $891,088,523 at September 30, 2006 compared to $743,067,522 a year earlier, an increase of 20 percent. As a result of the favorable earnings performance, the com- pany' has declared a $0.25 per share cash dividend payable November 17, 2006 to stockhold: ers of record on. November 3, 2006. \Vhile this is the same amount per share as the same time last year, due to the Decerri- ber 2005 stock split, this repre- sents a 20 percent increase in cash dividends. The company has also announced a 1.2 for I stock split on December 1, 2006 to stockholders of record on November 3,2006. You are encouraged to visit the website at wvv.i.floridacommuni- tybank.net where you will find information about products, edu- cational material on hot topics within the banking industry, con- nections to community events and many other useful tools.at your fingertips. Their online bank- ing product offers personal and business banking, as well as cash management services. .Florida Community Bank operates ten Branch offices in Collier, Lee, Hendry, and Charlotte counties. The bank plans to open additional locations within the next two years. S ." ;I"?"Uif-.- ATTENTION* LOCAL CATTLE OWNERS Have you fed your cows lately? No Rain? No grass to graze on? S Citrus peel from locat plant lou pay for trucking ouly Contact: Sidnev Perkin, Perkins IV;-Truckingl 'i A 863" . 675-2792 '"' '.:1 REDUCED 2.5+/- acres, ,. .- fenced, barn, 2/2 Adorable Mobile Home and more. Come enjoy the peace and quiet Sof Mfuse and bring your horses. Pond with dock 2 Stall horse barn. Must see. Call for more information. Only $153,000 Call 863-675-0000 WHAT ABE YOU WAmTIEG FOR? TY RENT M YOUCAN OWN? 3BD. 2BA on 2.29 LiBelle 3BD. 2BA lo1l Brand New 3BD 2BA acres 1620 Sq Ft Sq Ft $189,500 2040 SQ FT $185,900 Owner says Sell REDUCED$215,000 Vacant Land . *1/2 acre in Caloosa Estates $99,500 *Port LaBelle lots Investment Opportunity! starting at 23,500 Lehigh Acres 3BD/2BAIn Town! Call Listing 4BD/2BAw/1,785 sq. ft 11-0 Il. FiT 189,500 office or details. $259,000 Seller Motivated -ll *jr siop b1 to see IWO.:re tl/;:i'.n 'i on On all h,' 1tl It nlml' 274 N Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 863-612-0002 www.melking.com Mel King Lie Real Estate Broker WATERRONT up-A 'd RIVERFRONT FLORIDA SIE 2 STORY HOME ori Ft [ern u .l F'd .'. '. wtth hiuge s p around poai:h All bedroom rh ,'e ull larrm, iri afl ni mail r ;uiie h i Fireh ,soor. ICdiir~ .ijii ou .:'J l' reI' Home J il; on l:'ia uiiful o il. le .s 2 ,i j,:e :II: ?iimh 22..1 le l ci rir tironrii and.1 rove of ( .i o ujic :iri o i',e ind 1rp:lrip uiti ii reev. opert,' m.ir t'ie htpli ino' o fi.er.- fi:roi le $I,100,000. ,.EDUCEDII 2 STORY BOME ON 2.5 ACRES in ithri C,;Vtled ()rt LaiBelle R;anihe i:ne Lo.aied on ihe. rci 'f ilje, 'Ilth onl; 1 _'*r t,.-'rdi..ll t'rc's, r, oun -d l h .. l:" ,,;h.ih:hce Iril.r ,':oa ul. tijil.l .C'sr I,: ,i r .S,,Il. irn I, : jk h f l:,,:,r ,[ hA I ,v i,'' :,r :,i i JTi . iin .sr ,.iij ,nl i.i:'- in ihc :'s,ojrir. iu i O i,' boi 'i 'lTi il h reatri ,, ip,'i]. hort,: l:umrne 5$595,000 PENDING . ., deed y", -' -" MORE THAN MEETS THE EYEI H ird i fin r home .:.r. deed re.';l.l,-d ~reage mu.ci i d ri.ml i) ::I' )y 'et. n E l'm 1( t80. F' 'i-cI up 3 F'i'.ilC eriiiorl I i f nl h jmTI .ri'ir .urz:r:i Low rii, nl riinr: ri.: E-'S, 'id,:., eit I: ',flh 311 iri ,J'I :ul; Cf i well ,h ;igr'--1 dr.,:jriir, rir, c n 11-i- ,"r i"i, Fe iurc i ,:lu.jel irji' ceil- iC h irnii rior ,lor,', 311 1 ,- u;I' ,- ui|Uli, ujioi i- ,:.iit'nif ci t iilh tile I:,r'Fl. sh Mri dctl u'l\. ,,*'suri iop, 311 wl ,1,-,d.:. ,r ri ,.i:io ,C : .:i :flf : u uiI',j i ,:!' : t '-: fi ,pl { ':. j'.J.l ,io .d ll:''_r ih u ih':,ui lifi ::, the lru: $159,000 REDUCED 50 FT PR ATE DRIVE k 10 o expansive 6.7 acres with I1-+, FI io 1i tironii lo: i-jd .:l,.:< to town. Build close to the waters edge with almost .ilumiily' no Corp. Easement. $2,500,000. PIVERFRONT 5 ACRES with 215+/- feet cot ir:onLt Hi:h ele- vation reveals spectacular views. $895,000 REDUCED PIVERFRONT 1.15 ACRE homesite on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $525,000 REDUCED pROIE( TEnDJBBOR iu'i o, loi it ir, ff ISC iifi channel of ii: jIo,:hi .:n':e ';i7r; i,' build 'yourt 'ir(iri hcm'i ucid.ir itL, :.:'e ii: ,:'.Lk in ihri pfl. hli:. ill'in-i :, i i)ed in ,.jJ.,:y.j H)ito.r ', $-50.000 101S AND LAND ' 8 ACRE HUNFERS PARADISE ',Id Florida its best, Enjoy the iinqujilii nf ; ie Tel,. life 'ij nl lur]l )tii..i i r :'at ',vei g j .:ou: -,;I. h rnr',i .:i: t" :aulifuli :rled. and several ponds. ITulv ,' eerl. -,, rii.. 'i,;, l. *:, ,' i, r.' of ih',,-io pir.:': .: 'r the [*r,:,Fr.rr -.'"",500. DEVELOPMENIPOTI.NIU4 2. :,c: plu: i.n 1 [ciud il-j l3ir up fwiih i jilaitl.: wiiter t.iof p l.:. iridJ'ip r .'i-rid' l. i f i b f VZRS'I Dr REAt. N C A45 South jive'relew *, ; e ex- 52784 l75 171 FEATURES OF THE WEEK ..- . BEST BUY! Affordable Business Zoned Property! This 2BR/1BA home is situated on a high traffic road in the dty.Just 2 blocks north ofHwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and businesses. Priced to Sell! $150,000 3BR/1BA IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. Nice floor plan, tile through out. Priced to sell $110,000 WATERFRONT HOMES / LOTS LOCATION, LOCATION. LOCA- TION!!! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT PARCEL! Two buildable lots w/ 60' pro- tected dock on old river oxbow. Pristine views up river & across to protected state owned land. Plus no corps setback, approx. 200 ft. of waterfront & situated on both the Caloosahatchee River (Intracoastal Waterway) and the old river oxbow. $1,500,000 WATERFRONT &i'PRIVACY AT IT'S BEST! This recently renovated 3 Br / 2 Ba home is located at the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell"! $499.900 BEAUTIFUL RI\RRV'IEWS r,.-.m Ih. aterdl TorOn l .oni lie ,..,-i dl,_.p-"n 1, 1 r i.r out,,i ,. p ,jn e.1c d ',:lk -, pfli .,- Him ;ite lo,. ted appr>:.\ 7-. t, Irh .'.' iic. m jin river Perno arc IIn ll l1,:ic r -" dldr-ge b.... $499.00(1 SOMETHING SPE(.L L FOR NATURE LOVERS. Thi-'. .2 I 'B H',.n., & (-,,. mobile is on Jack's Branch w/river access. This Unique property also has its own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered w/large oaks. Call for more details. $475,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! This 1.04 acre lot is wooded & located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee Rivet. Seller Motivated! Bring all offers! Price Reduced $399,000 INVESTMENT OPPOR- TUNITY! 200' WIDE; DEEPWATER! Private canal frntage less than 600' to Caloosahatchee River. Currently zoned fbr up to 12 units with sewer and water. Prime location, walk- ing distance to Downtown LaBelle, just East of Bridge. Great waterfront value! $550,000 HOMES IN THE CITY AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home w/ office or possible 4th bedroom. Perfect starter home or rental investment. Located within city limits, completely fenced & priced to sell! Price Reduced $89,900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3BR/2BA manu- factured home has a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! Possible owner financing . il'ble' -i,:N r ill ,ii..nsidc r all .,lf rs' Pr.,:e Re.Ju,.cd $105.000 IMMACLiLATE 3 BR 2 BA N.ANULFAC- TLRED HOME .iial].rt.:J .in ,l.i :dd r. , 1'ei loit .ri ...' n & *.:,rrn pli ,-l', fi.n,(e H1 .me I klj lur 1 lcJ i dlp:il'.n 'pl lloor pla i. Li,_hii lu h pj.ritr, & ,hr akljat lnd Re.J,:,:J $134.900 MOVE IN RELADY! Ne .l) icmoudclctd i Br / 2 Ba home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interior paint & spacious master bedroom. 179,900 PRICED TO SELL! Home in the city w/ many oaks. This 3 br / 2 ba features gal- valume roof, new interior paint, open liv- ing area, eat in kitchen & open dining. Fenced back yard with well for lawn irri- gation & storage shed. $184,900 CHARMING 2 BR / 2 BA CEDAR HOME sits on oversized corner lot in the city. Features are vaulted ceilings, tile, French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 HOMES OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE. 2BR/2BA on SR 29 situated on Vs acre. $99,500 3BR/1BA IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. Nice floor plan, tile through out. Priced to sell $130,000 3BR/2BA HOME w/ tile through out liv- ing areas. Large living room + family room. Fenced back yard w/ many tropicals & BBQ room. Price Reduced $179,900 APPEALING 2 BR/ 2 BA HOME located in a desirable neighborhood approxi- mately 5 miles West of LaBelle. Features include open floor plan, new metal roof, ceramic tile, fenced rear yard, and gor- geous curb appeal. Home recently paint- ed inside and out is situated on a beauti- ful .25 acre lot. Move in ready! $187,000. 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEAN! This home is truly a beauty from the inside out. Features: ceramic tile, b,.inu. i i'rm hurrri.ane iijiiL rs, ,:r''e.:ite d p,.Iih. :i. jn. i rTm & .pl:J.l.u LICdru..m. \ L.,.h.i.r ,nii \\:ll h.iii. r- n. l ed crner lot r inr'T-"h...n 'iin' -\ mIl ,:' $189.000 3BR,2BA CBS HOME W POOL IN LAULREL OAKS, I d.-.,rAL,.i ncrlihl t....h,...JI I gicJa 1..,,-l pl3.1 :'0 a lrI, ing famIl) I' j,.pert) ,, ..,r ,-.in J d h.) I.11 c oaks. Home/pool needs TLC, being sold AS IS. Price Reduced $199,900 IMMACULATE 3BR/1BA CBS HOME w/ bonus room. Situated on a V/2 acre cor- ner lot w/ great curb appeal. Price includes additional buildable lot. $219,500 CBS HOME- PORT LABELLE UNIT 102. Features open floor plan, split bed- rooms, Frigidaire stainless steel appli- ances, tile throughout, separate tub and shower in master, vaulted ceilings, patio and two car garage. $229,900 NEW CONSTRUCTION 3 BR / 2 BA CBS HOME! Split floor plan, 2,000+ total sq. ft., granite counter tops, 18" ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling and many more upgraded features. $245,000 3BR/2.5BA CBS POOL HOME, spacious floor plan boasting over 2,000 ft. ofa/c liv- ing space, large family room overlooking beautiful lap pool, patio and courtyard. Also features office/4th bedroom, walk in closets, brick paved deck and new roof in 2005. $310,000 HOMES ON ACREAGE 2 BR / 2 BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured home w/ large screened room in Montura on 1.25 acre home site cleared w/ scat- tered trees. Price Reduced $119,000 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. This 4 Br / 2 Ba oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in liv- ing areas & many extras! Price Reduced $265,000 BACK ON THE Nt JK.ETI Pi,,--i, it. c l' niiii'' TI'i pi-. puiii -jrhini I.'. Ix + Aoc, 1, 5'll.ll' t~ l~1~le -,C R- 2B 1" 1 -% I-,. rm ofc i ----t I i n.11111 Ihe c ..''I.d is:o c -i, v i',i lfkit. .N. p~ 2hRi 1.-il ~III,-i.,~ri ,ii1..ng,'.. c il' piin&r1 a i li LOTS i,..ind p'e. h $325.1)0100 1E) .%rEN LIL jr. $69.1111 SPACIOUS 4 BR '2 BA MNI1-TACTRLRD R HOLIME .r. 44 + .., r" .. p..r...I &. n7.-r.- ly cleared. Split floor plan, large master bedroom/ bath, office/nursery, formal liv- ing room, family room & open kitchen w/ island. $325,000 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/- acres fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and hiorse stable. $490,000. HWY 78 FRONTAGE, Over 12 acres w/2 living units. Homesteaded in 1893 by William Henry Whidden. It will be hard to find a more desirable site. A prime location in an area of proposed future development in beautiful Fort Denaud. Features a 3/2 CBS home & rental mobile home on 12.03 acres with massive old oaks and palms. Located approximately 7 1/2 miles W of LaBelle with frontage on Hwy 78 & Norris Rd. $900,000. UNIQUE OLD FLORIDA ESTATE! 10,538 sq. ft. under roof + 2,585 sq. ft. pool & patio area! Exclusive pool home located East of LaBelle on 5 beautiful, oak- & citrus-filled acres fronting on SR 80. Home features many architectural details from vaulted ceilings and sky- lights, to Spanish tile flooring. Custom floor plan includes 3 master suites, pri- vate sitting rooms, French doors to large lanai, covered walkways, poolside rec room, 1 Br / 1 Ba cottage, twelve-bay workshop w/ garage, electric gate entranceway, paved drive & completely fenced. One of a kind! $1,500,000 COUNTRY LIVING... minutes from town. Located in the path of develop- CALHOLiN STRIELT .1 \...._ $9.0l.0l 201 N. HICKORY ST. -.62 Acre $98,500 PORT LABELLE LOTS AVAILABLE $24,000 $48,000. Call for details. MONTURA RANCH ESTATES- Residential homesites available. COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (IHWY 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue, less than 1 block liom the Caloosahatchec Rivel. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida-Style two story building fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000. BRING YOUR BUSINESS TO THE HEART OF THE CITY. This business zoned property is located in LaBelle on Hwy 80. Improvements include CBS building w/44' x 24' canopy. $399,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouisc-3,800 sq. ft. ; shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 T'he Gator Bait Pub has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community lor many years. If you've ever wanted to run your ownI Restaurant and L.ounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully furnnished,t comnplctcly equipped kitchen & offers a great start tbr iany entrepreneur. $174,500.00. am E- pil realestate@I4b 'omMA SE HALA EsPAt r -muiabqllenwse0an de~ iic' Aeilleelirverslde,'.a,` SE HAilfm~i~-k ESPNL *eiie S~- wwabeIHed~s~d &to M t E aMr anoaneoil opez, Crs McCje and Receptiionihr Emijy Curtis Mairii) n SoA -d c diie a 0 rO.&A-qLicec ~es Na Hedrhson Nl)-gl. Co!xseelo TWW ope BC Slai od a~e~wtaten~fl~t -.Z;e Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 30, 2006 'i Las Noticias en Espanol Examen Los residents de LaBelle ten- dran la oportunidad de hacerse Sexamenes'para reducir los der- rames cerebrales. La Legion Americana localizada en La Calle 80 ofrecera examenes desde las 9:00 a.m. el 13 de diciembre. El examen cuesta de $109 a $129. Tiene que hacer una cita para que lo atiendan. Llamar al numero: 1- 877-237-1287. Tienda de Segunda Abierta El mes pasado Habitaci6n Para La Humanidad habri6 su tienda de segunda en LaBelle que se encuentra localizada en La Calle Principal 860. Esta tienda tiene la misma calidad de articu- los como las tiendas de Fort Myers en cuanto a muebles, ropa, artic- ulos de bebe, y articulos.para el hogar a excelentes precious. La tienda esta abierta los jueves de 10, a.m. hasta las 5p.m. Los viernes de las 10 a.m. hasta las 8 p.m. y los sabados de 9 p.m. hasta las 2 p.m. Tanya Soholt quien es la vice president de la organization sin fines de lucro dijo: "Nuestra tien- da estuvo cerrada en Hendry a principios del afio por motives de reestructuracion pero ya estamos lists otra vez para brindar nue- stros servicios a la comunidad con products de calidad a bajos precious y asi incrementar la pres- encia de Habitaci6n en la comu- nidad." ' Todos los fondos recaudados * de las tiendas se usan para con- struir mas casas. Por ejemplo, las ganancias del afio pasado permi- tieron a construir diez casas, en julio se abrio una tienda fina en Cabo Coral que ofrece precious mas altos al pfblico. Habitaci6n Para La Humanidad es una organization sin fines de lucro dedicada a con- struir casas para gente de escasos recursos. Con la ayuda de materi- ales donados, mano: de obra y dinero Habitacion construye casas decentes para las families que no pueden obtener una vivienda. Los calificados deben de disponer de un fondo de $1.200, completar una series de classes como futures duefios de casas y poner 500 horas de mano de obra. Desde 1982 ellos han con- struido 650 casas, pero todavia miles de families necesitan ayuda para la casita de sus suefios. Se reciben donaciones para la tienda. Accidentes Un chofer y dos pasajeros murieron el 11 de noviembre cuando su carro Chevrolet 1993 se dio vuelta y pego a un camion- tractor. El accident ocurrio en La Calle 835 acerca de la 1:10 p.m. De acuerdo con La Patrulla de Caminos el carro se encontraba en el carril norte de La Calle 27, al tratar de virar hacia la izquierda de La Calle 835 se dio vuelta en el mismo carril sur donde iba el trac- tor manejado por Felix Navarro de edad 48 resident en Miami. El tractor le dio al carro en el lado derecho que quedo atrapado al frente del motor, arrarstrandose hasta pegar a un poste de energia electric. Finalmente el tractor se detuvo cuando el carro estaba completamente depedazado. El chofer del carro murio asi como sus pasajeros Abel Misrrain Velasquez Ramirez de edad 23 y Joel A: Toledo tambien de edad 23. Sus direcciones son descono- cidas. El chofer del tractor solo sufrio heridas leves pero de todas man- eras fue transportado al hospital. En otro accident ocurrido el 4 de noviembre acerca de las 5:55 en la interseccion de La Calle 80 y La Calle Cowboy, segun La Patrul- la de Caminos un Honda 2001 manejado por'Raymond R. Rho- den iba en la linea de la intersec- cion. Un camion de basura Mack 2000 estaba detenido por la luz roja. La luz se cambio averde y el camion comenzo a moverse, el chofer del carro Honda cruzo a demasiada velocidad pegando al camion. Fue chofer del carro fue transportado al hospital para declararlo muerto. El chofer del camion Mack 2000 Matthew Cru- saw Lewis resident en Sebring no sufrio ninguna herida. Magnifiea Presentaciou El sabado 4 de noviembre La Banda de La Preparatoria de LaBelle hizo historic pbrque se ganaron el puntaje de Superior en una competencia de pandas. .Ana Martinson. y Nicolas Proverbios fueron noninados por sus talents musicales a partici- par en un concerto en La Confer- encia de Educadores de Musica donde tocan los tres mejores Estados. Felicidades a estos estu- diantes. En la competition los jueces evaluaron la march de las ban- das en color, music de march, maniobrasy efectos generals. El puntaje logrado por La Banda de LaBelle fue Superior por la music de march, manio- bras y efectos especiales. Fueron excelentes por colors y music, ellos. presentaron un program musical Ilamado: Un tribute a Charlie Brown. Todos estos talen- tos sumaron la calificacion de Superior. Los 33 miembros de la banda han estado ensayando. desde el 31 de julio., "Nuestro nivel continue creciendo asi como los estudiantes crecen musicalmente, de esa manera le presentamos a la audiencia algo con calidad. Hemos practicado unas 110 horas pero cuando uno mira el resultado vale la pena el esfuerzo," dijo Kelly Greenleaf, Director de la banda asistida por , ,su esposo Jack Collins y Lisa Brookins quien es la patrocinado-. ra auxiliar. Todos ellos juntos tra- bajando con la administration y los estudiales lograron este pre- mio tan merecido. Graduation , Trece estudiantes lograron. pasar el curso de maquinaria pesada nivel uno y estan ansiosos por empezar un trabajo nue\o. El curso fue coordinado por el Cen- tro de Educacion del Suroesle Floridlano. La ceremonia degrad-, Local horticulture professional earns certification T.J. Thomas of The Palm Shop, L.C. and also the garden center manager at Vision Ace Hardware in LaBelle, is a mem- ber of a group of professionals who are FNGLA Certified Horti- culture.Professionals (FCHPs). . This designation was earned by T.J. Thomas after an exam that measures horticulture knowledge and professional skills through an extensive writ- ten exam. In demonstrating his skills in many areas such as plant identification, disease and.insect control, landscape design/man- agement and retail procedures, the professional designation of FCHP was earned. Established by the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association (FNGLA),' the FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional program has been administered since the mid-80s. The program was designed to increase professionalism among Florida's growers, landscape professionals and retail employ- ees: This is the industry's only standard for measuring horticul- ture knowledge. "When dealing with hortitul- ture professionals, people \\ant someone who has the profes- sional know-how to solve horti- . culture problems," says Ben Bolusky, FNGLA Executive Vice President. "Individuals who take steps toward certification develop the background needed to answer consumer questions." The Palm Shop, L.C. has been in business for 5 years with a specialty in exotic palms, land- scape consulting and landscape design. Its services include: landscape design, landscape installation, landscape lighting design & installation, mulch installation, and landscape con- sulting. For more information on the FNGLA'Certified Horticulture Professional (FCHP),program, or any of FNGLA's, industry certifi- cations, contact Marilyn Sileven or Merry Mott at FNGLA, 1-800- 375-36-12 or i\\w~wv.fngla.org. uacion tuvo lugar en el Parque Barron el 3 de noviembre pasado. Todos los que se graduaron reci- bieron sus. certificados del curso, primeros auxilios y seguridad. Se extiende una apreciacion ecpe- cial a la administradora asistente Dawn Gagne por sus esfuerzos en la preparation del program final. Contacte a Sonny Hughes para information de contratar a estas personas o los entrenamientos que El Centro de Educacion ofrece. Telefono: 675- 6800. El 17 de noviembre se grad- uaron ocho estudiantes del curso de costrucccion.ademas de su certificado se les dio una caja con herramientas para empezar a tra- bajar. At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Exminations , Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts EyeInjuries DubAces Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-io-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Qualty Name Brand Frames Sanie Day Service on Some Prescriptions Late-s Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments A~Aalable 2-1 Hour Emergency Aailable New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 wt'\ .familyeyecare1abelle cor SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes :,New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. 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Hwy 80 Call for an appointment NTourw certified in. FlA/VA fin s~ cinig With deals like these.. Why are you still paying rent?? Thinking about MWhere you'd Come 'Up "Withi ie OiN Lxoney or. A New 3fomern? iq being, Build Your ea Jome & Pay off Credit Cards We Ha I Loans That Others ColIdn't Alan Kelly Mortgage 863.674-0091 .* .: . f:. Home ... .Builders Visit Our Model Center: 2480 E. State Road 80 Open M-Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 s;giIYim':Ih Vacant Lots Available ,. 5iune 4ir. 4i/2 68400 5012 Pinetree Cir, 312/2 $231,900 Great Deals!!!! Builder's Discount Mortgage Interest Rate buy down 1.5%-ist yr & .5%2nd yr 30 Fxed rate w/ CHL HM FREE Pre-Qualffication with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (863)612-0012 www.chlhomebuilders com Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soon! Lorida 10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months Q439922 *All Spec Hones Include acre home site" Paved Roads **County Water *Power R 2029 N. Montana 3/2/2 $211,980 Cypress 11 ental Available $1200 Mth Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Fhendit County's #1 Top Quality Builder 'Worry No More 'We EHve A Solution For oud Uled 177-353 242' INu IT FASE.J IRECTOR Ann0uncemelts k II 'liligI Ill.. Employment Agriculture Recreation ILUTEL' IUI UaIIay r iJ l aaII l IU IUI JUI U IUCI &,Vh --I More Papers Mean More Readers! consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Financial Services ill IT Automobiles IHII IIII kIiIlJ-ljlU Call Today For Details! SSources Pulse Researih I..lar'I- Survev, Snmri.:,-is vlMarkel Research: INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! I To qualify, your ad * Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) S"Must fit into 1 2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) : ' Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be $2.500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! / Mon-Fri /, MwF e .-aspm. :58par-.6 p.m.' / .ine.Adsb . M difay 1inm Floi Thiwdav.publcmOiat . r/ MsplayAds I Ir U- '.. Announcements Important Inromraioin. Pleaseread your ad carefully the. first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We' will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes. recspor.;ib;lir,- for all salerrenrts, rnam-e. and il:o tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against. Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. _The publisher re.-.er i.e h rhi 1.:., a:e.pi or re,:t any, or all .cop,. and I., nirn at-:..,e Ihe cr.p, Ih ~, d)rd 'advenr1iierren' A 3ds accepl ed are ;ut..llEI ' cri,-dl appro..ai All sd adTuir :Ofinirrm lt Iipc.-i. j -n r if-Jepap-.rz' r-,l ard r- restricted to their prc.per classifications. Some classi- fied Ialegorie require Sad.arn.e pa,,Tert. -These lassi,hcaion-s are denoted with.an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 Absolute Real Estate Auc- tions: Homes, Condos, Com- Smercial, Land, Waterfront All will sell at Auction, Brokers & Phone Bidding Welcome. Neal VanDeRee Realtor/Auc- tioneer (941)488-1500 www.vanderee.com. Auction- 139+/- acres Di- videad 'wn Road. J.en Davis Co GA Homeslies Farm- ilandi. Timber, Saiurav De- cember 9. 10:00am (8001323-8:85. GAL AU- i002594 wnww rowellauc- lionco irm 'LAND AUCTION' 230 Props Mul be Sord' LOW Down/ E-Z Firinring Free Catalog (800J137.1603 www.LAND- AUC'iuN.com HIRLL East, LLC AB250i9 Bule- . uk AU3448 John- s on : A u 34 4 9-, MaucK:AU3447. DOG, Adult, Female, Found in the Port LaBelle area. Call to ID. (863)675-0694 MIXED DOG- Black with white spots. Brown collar with spikes. Vic. Four Seasons Call (863)357-7145 BOSTON TERRIER, Black & white, last seen 11/9 in Bass- wood area. (863)763-6182 Leave message. DOG- Female, yellow leopard cur, limp, needs meds, vicinity of SR 78 & 29,(239)633-2512 or(863)673-4849 PUPPY- 8 mo old pitbull, cream & white, family pet, missed terribly, near Citgo- Treasure ISL (863)357-1915 REWARD- Calico cat(f), 2 yrs; white belly, black & orange back & top of head, long blacktail. 863-467-0704 ' HAMSTERS:2F, 1M Babies, appiox. 8 wks. old. Too good home. (863)801-1302 STOVE/MICROWAVE COMBO, White, : eJectric. (863)674-0281 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Two 'Antique' Chests Once commonplace, chests like this were used for travel and storage. They were often covered with metal, canvas or leather and lined with paper, linen or cloth. Those old chests are hard to find and expen- sive now, but do-it-yourselfers can build two "antique" chests, including this one, for far less. The two designs are based on actual antiques, but the materials and hardware have been selected for ease of construction and current availability. This one measures 30 inches long by 21 inches tall. Two Antique Chests plan (No. 762) $9.95 Blanket Chests Package (No. C74) Three other projects .. $21.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD Su-bild.com Money Back Guarantee KITTENS (3- Fluliv. Free I0 gocd nomesf Ofnly. .5 wks old, litter box trained, 2F, 1M (863)612-1003 PUPPIES, 8 weeks d6d, Golden Retriever.& Red Nose Pitbull mixed, to good homes. (863)467-6651 CRAFT SHOW- Sat. Dec. 9th,- 8am-1pm, Whisper Creek RV' Resort, Hwy 29,1 mile No. of bridge. Refreshments, door prizes, free admission. FT. DENAUD- Cemetery Rd, Nov 29th, 30th, Dec 1st; 7:30am ?, 249 Trader Rd.' Everything from dishes,' clothes, tools and much more! Signs Posted; LaBelle, 4506 Ida Court 4 mi. E of LaBelle, turn on Birchwood to Laurel Oaks, Springview Circle to Ida Ct. Sat., Dec. 2nd, 7am to ?? Dining room table & 5 chairs, portable sewing machine, girl's Schwinn bike, sofa & chair, clothes & misc. items. SAIE LaBelle, 720 111 I lji liaj Avp Sat.,Dec. 2nd, 8am to?? Some furniture, country decor, crafts, kids clothes, toys & much more. LABELLE: Friday & Saturday, Dec.1st& 2nd,7am-? 1760 Evans Rd. Bicycles, Rocking Chair, .& Lots of Miscellaneous. Antique Tables That Can Be Seen By Appt. Only. (863)675-2006 Sml"'"lrl .; LABELLE- Sat & Sun Dec 2nd & 3rd, 9am-5pm, 19840 Marshall Field Rd. HH items, building supplies, window, Mob home doors, automo- tive, clothing, Christmas LaBelle, Saturday, Dec 2nd, 7a-?, Behind Akin Davis Fu- neral Home. Fisher Price tod- dler toys in great condition, clothes, various VHS movies, and much more. Great items for Christmas gifts! Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people! Tall Guy, Secure, Stable. To meet Attractive Gal or Couples 40-60 yrs. for Dining, Travel- ing, etc. (863)946-3123 PLACE YOUR AD HERE DJL Rt C# E I CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting at $39.95 P, Oay LNO L e * lp a i I gr l Notice I1ca- 9 ESI CARPEr AND LIPHOLSTERY CLEANING I'ft,. 0.. l ItP \ i. ,lhl h. i I .. ,I' '. ,'l h .l,, f 1 i ]|l .' 1 I,,. , HANDYMAN REPARS AND M INTENANC.E S I r i .i r l r ' .,, ., ........, .,,.,,,,,,. ,I .... (863) 6"5-729 ' QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. I i i.\\1\v hluo l-i I':llh s I lrinilni ll * 'h'.ir1n1 F l 11 l l i ulv\i- .11 ri 'rk s .hli, II l ink 'I luminung & Lmunval(\. I.,i"'ilr II. I i ,.,ill-- A & In -.it i OI:ICL' 186.3) G75 8314 Cial Kelvin Tonns.rnd (Ct-U ti. '803) 673 3783 Hi 101751' HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Tree Trimmihg & Removal Stump Grinding Shaping & Topping 863-67, GREAT WEBSITES $9.99/MONTH, includes de-. sign, hosting, email & www.yourname.com, No hidden fees. Great Web Packages. Toll Free (800)882-7226 www.great- webpackages.com. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE. MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. Low tuition fee! Many payment options! No regis- tration fee! (866)889-0210 info@americasdnvingacade-' my.com. Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- D TRAINING SERVICES. 5177 Homosassa Trail, Lc- canto, Florida, 34461. Your accredited High School Diploma in 30-days or less. No classes. FREE evaluation. www.FinishHighSchool.com (866)290-6596. 5-0403 Licensed and Insured HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- torcom. HANDY INVESTOR SPECIALS Great Deal for Rehabbers! (863)675-0748 PART TIME COORDINATOR needed for highly reputable student exchange program. This work from home posi- tion requires a motivated in- dividual who enjoys recruiting, training and su- pervising volunteers and like working with young people from abroad. Some travel; expenses reimbursed. Please fax resume/ letter of intro- duction to (703)518-5033. What Destroys Relationships? Answer pg 446 Buy and Read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard Send $8.00 to: Hubbard Dianetics Founda- tion, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722. Employment Employment - Fun-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Taining 227 Sales 230 FsullTimlle 20 CLASS-A COL DRIVERS- Now Hiring OTR & Local Drivers- New Equipment; Great Bene- fits; Premium Pay Package. Call Oakley Transport, (877)882-6537. [3pc al -'Ic CLERICAL/ INVENTORY i Busy greenhouse in Felda needs one ; person for general i clerical and inventory duties. Basic computer :. skills are necessary. Applicant musl be available to work [ Sunday. Call 18631)65-1394 for more iilormalnon Coordinate Exchange Pro- irjm lni l arin linri)l HiQr i .. "rr ltlu i ii i L<' ordin3- , I,. fl nl EI .L t iri- usi H J'r, De- ; *rig li3Ii 0, |--Il l . ri' i z'L i' i'" tI' j"" ro' l . COUNTRY CORNER - s.!P 1: in c illI ri.i i v il JI. l Cjrerirrt. Cieris rile- ull Full TiT I1 Pjrl iTlT'I .Call 863-675-4554 or ~ 239-572-2970 - DATA ENTRY! Work From , Anywrire Flexible Hours. k Personal Computer Re- - quired. Excellent Career Op- * portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 4 700. Driver- REGIONAL RUNS, 'Home Weekly or:,Temp Con- ' Strol, Team Xpedited ($5K . sign-on bonus), Dedicated - (guaranteed miles). Solos, Teams, CDL-A Grads, L/P, .O/Os. Covenant Transport * (866)684-2519. EOE. : DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE J' HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, - students, recent grads, re- t' gional, dedicated, long haul. . Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. 800)940-2778, www.drive- - orcrst.com:. Driver-BYNUM TRANSPORT : needs qualified drivers for Central Florida Local & Na- tional OTR positions. Food grade tanker, 'no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, com- petitive pay & new.equip- me nt. (866)GO-BYNUM. - Need years experience. Drivers-Car hauling career. GREAT HOME TIME! Excep- tional Pay & Benefits! Paid. Training! Min. 1 yr. Class-A CDL exp. req. THE WAG- GONERS TRUCKING 912)571-9668 OR 866)413-3074. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY- * Working through the govern- ment PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask Sfor Department W21. ENTHUSIASTIC & FRIENDLY HAIRDRESSERS & NAIL TECHS NEEDED Please contact Julie at (863)983-2887 PURCHASING CLERK Needed for Agriculture grow- er/packing Company in Im- mokalee. Prepare, receive and ships supplies. HS diploma or equivalent required. Good phone, computer, and math skills, needed M-F One year experience. Hourly + Bene- fits. Please apply at 807 E. Main Street, Imnlokalee, FL or Fax resume to 239-657-9764 Post Office Now Hiring. Avg. Pay $20/hour or $57K annu- ally including Federal Bene- fits and OT (800)709-9754 USWA Ref #P5799 Ex- am/Fee Req. READING A NEWSPAPER ... makes you a more Informed and interesting person. No wonder newspaper leaders ore more suressfull $2,900 WEEKLY GUARAN- TEED! Address letters for holiday cash. No experience necessary. Free information. Start immediately! Write: A&G Publications, 2370-G Hillcrest Rd: #147-H, Mo- bile, AL 36695. BARBER WANTED: Full Time for World Class Barber Shop in Labelle. Booth Rental or Com- mission. 863-234-9966 CDL DRIVER NEEDED Full Time Call 863-673-8373 DELIVERY DRIVERS Blocker's Furniture in Immokal- ee is hiring delivery drivers beginning at $12.00 per hour and warehouse helpers at $8.00 per hour. Blocker's is also hiring sales associates. Apply in person at Blockers Warehouse 110 12th Street in.lmmokalee behind John Deere Tractor. When you want something sold, advertise In the classifeds. Mon., Dec. 4 11:00 AM E.T. 3BR /3BA Caloosahatchee Riverfront Home Must See Property! Appraised $1.000.000 Will sell over minimum bid of $590.000!0 On-site, 3015 Shell Lane, LaBelle, FL 2.3 Ac. Res. Lot in Pioneer Plantation Will sell over the opening bid of $20,000! DG-3730 4601 Pioneer 18th Street, LaBelle, FL Auction Location: DG-3670, 3015 Shell Lane,:LaBelle, FL Oilnr Pro)perl;ic's L Djr Beh & Ff LjuJOrdJJl WV ail Drngs. r.: III L": H al E il.le Br,:".-i trannon DRIGGERS .u: s I u." 10,I, lun, 888.404.9977 I www.tranzon.com I I I Fucton' lNcton l~ucion -; b~ Caloosa Eeile, Thursday, November 30,2006 SI - Emplymen Engineer In Training or Professional Engineer Hendry Count is seeking an entry level engineer with a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering or.a related degree, to assist the Hendry County Engineer in the design and planning of roadways; hy- draulic systerrs, water and sewage systems, storm water and drainage facilities, irrigation and water conservation projects and other engineering projects. The minimum requirements include a Bachelors Degee in civil, agricultural, rural, or related field of engineering; knowledge of CAD and GIS software. Call 863- 675-5222 for a complete position announcement. Applications, job description and requirements can be obtained from the Personnel Department located in the Courthouse Square, 165 South.Lee Street in LaBelle or at the Hendry County Sub Office in Clewiston. Salary range between $36,920- $60,000 depending on qualifications.. Veterans' preference as outlined in the Florida Statutes, Hendry County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Dru/Smoke Free Work Place. Applicants with disabilities or needing assistance in the application or hiring process should contactthe Human Resource Department This position will beipen until filled. Bridge TendilaBelle Airport- The person selected forthis position will be responsible for inspecting mechanical, electrical devices on the bridge & maintain a look out for boats. Also assist plots, answer radio, check fuel facilities and fill out appropriate daily forms. Knowledge d boats, boating procedures, & bridge controls preferred. Must have a clean Florida Drivers'License. Staff AssistabtI.for the Hendry County Engineering/Road & Bridge Department. Must have good communication skills & basic computer knowledge. Bookkeeping knowledge is a plus.. Must be dependent an ble to mulittask. A High School Diploma or GED required. MEhlani Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred. Mechanic II. Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics; three years experience. Both Mechanic positions require class B drivers license. Must have a High School Diplomaor GED. Both located inClewiston.. Highway Maintenance Technician II. Maintains highways, municipal and rural roads, and rght-bf-ways in safe condition. Knowledge in use ofstandard equipment and hand tools used in field. Must have a clean, valid Florida Commercial Drivers license, . Class B or higherwith air brake endorsement. Heavy Enuioment Operator I. This isskilled work in the operation of public works. equipment. Must have two years experience in the operation of highway construction and. maintenance equipment similar to that of assignment or any equivalent combination of training and experience. Maintenance Technician II- Semi skilled manual work involving various maintenance * construction, & plumbing tasks. Requires plumbing experience, possession of a valid Florida driver's license with acceptable driving record. Must have a High School Diploma or its equivalent. GIS Coordlnator for me LaBelle office. Must have Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or university in computer science, geography, or related field with considerable expenence in the use of geographic information systems or 8yrs equivalent experience. Annual Salary is between 545,000-i50,000 Staff Assistant II. For the Hendry County Building Licensing & Code Enforcement Dept. This posion manages a variety of general activates including office work, clencal activities and assignment to projects. Must have good communication skills, computer knowledge. experience with data entry and a high school diploma or its equivalence. Eleclrlcallnsoector Must have 8 yrs. expenence ith a licensed contractor. Emeroency Management Planner- Facilitates, coordinates and Implements a county emergency management plan structured for anticipation and dealing with emergency incidents involving participants at all govemment levels and public sector. Must have computer skills, experience with Microsoft programs & excel Mustbe able to work independently, be self motivated & organized. A High School Diploma or GED required. The positions are full time withmedical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. STnese positions will be open until filed. - Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse Square in LaBelle in the HR Department Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Commissioners HR department . CAICH uHE w' The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's i. HOTTEST e eintersaliim ent venue Immiediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and ADVANCEMENT are encouraged to apply TODAY Pick YOUR career and embark on a new adventure Cage Cashier . Dining Room Server / Dining Room Host/ Dishwasher Line Cook Maintenance Worker Prep Cook Public Space Aitendant TAD/Gaming Machine - Customer Service Representative TAD/Gaming Machine Technician $10.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $8.00 per hour $7.50 per hour $10.00 + per hour BOE $10.00 + per hour BOE $8.00 per hour $8.00 per hour $21.00 avg. w/tips $12.50 per hour We are also seeking, candidates for these management positions Director of Facilities Public Space Supervisor Executive Casino Host TAD/Gaming Machine Floor Supervise Benefits available for ALL employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person TqDAYI 506 S. 1st St. Immoka!ee, FL 1-800-218-0007 / The Seminole Casino is/a Drug-free Workplace Do-It-Yourself Ideas A\ t Doll Carriage Sure to be the envy of all the kids in the neighborhood, this doll carriage project is anat- ural for the holidays. Made of plywood, all of the curved cuts are traced from full-size patterns. The project mea- sures about 28 in. long by 27 in. high by 10 in. wide. Doll Carriage plan (No. 719)...$7.95 Doll Furniture Package 4 other plans (No. C106)... $16.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects)... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), clip and send with check to: U-Bild, 15241 Stagg St, Van Nuys, CA 91405. Please be sure to include your name, address, and the name of this newspaper. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee CALOOSA BELLE is looking for an Part time time with somewhat flexible hours The ideal candidate will be self-motivated with an outgoing personality, more than average computer skills, bilingual a plus, understanding of digital photog- raphy and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers a unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered. e-mail resume to: jkasten@stratc.net READING A NEWSPAPER .. Ivads wont U"to h.o - dfta"d s.nds r ni 'Sym m i U_ OUTHE&t GARDENS MECHANICS $18.05 PER HOUR Three plus yearsof.experience.with.the ability to install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair industrial equipment such as pumps, motors, conveying systems, hydraulics, turbines, gear boxes and related equipment. Southern Gardens is the world's. largest supplier of 100 percent pure Florida ndt-from- concentrate (NFC) orange juice to the private label industry and majbr brands. We are a division of United .Stites Sugar Corporation, one of' America's largest diversified, privately held agribusiness firms. The 'Company. is headquartered on the southern, shore of Florida's Lake Okeechobee between Frt Myers and West Palm. If interested please do on one of the following: Stop In Employment Office on WC Owen Drive in Clewiston Email Idooley@ussugae.com Fax 863-902-2889 US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to. a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. |MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. :We offer : .. ' xcelent Salar" -Medical and L(f Insurance -Dental Insurance S401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvatre Southern Mn i gem t Corportion 1014 W. Sugriland HWy. Clewiston, FL 3440.. ~ ~ : .- .., LPNl or Itrsk W RLPuN Lk & IV cni. WilngloeIABoad*shedule. upeiwrntuAasftCS. w Mdst ~po s vlld C NA CA aid .NAImTaig MW a IpAS M BS At A S Adal Pi irpuorda~cp. R FthueK- I=Now Must pivsa vald tense vilh itilast lyr. ep inarea oifpeerli PMtbiRlOW ao" Tk S: CRT or RRT preferred. aith min 121years cup in aduil and rural patlent care. BLS aid ACLS are req RA Hine- McdW TdsmlviLs or BS)cere in Meda i li ehriologiv r loklroal or eitbmeor ce o Stat lic. recEpal e'p In stea nterpretlation. Qity conitrl and instutment inat. Night shift & rei~lres Odl&Weekend reaixn. Per d(em- P ri Tedmida Nrevion exp In the lealthcare fid 6S pr g ir ngaatbacklground6 req. Part Ume & Fill Ume ER Repsrat lonCkik Pmvoius op in Ispiroi rmedlcal offe s nuin pef. lii ov led of medial leiminoloy a plus. Must Iype am enW 45 wpm. Phobnc: 863902-3079 F~mai lesu.e tL:863-9837080S Drug Free Woirbkw ,-EOE SBUSINESS ANALYST Lykes Bros.Inc., an over 100 year old privately owned corpo- ration located. n Glades and Highlands Counties, has an imme- diate opening for an Agricultual Business Analyst. Qualified applicants will possess a MBA degree in Agricultal Market- ing, Finance or Agricultural Operations Management (AOM) and/or have 3 to 5 years experience working in new cropod- uct development and/or special projects coordinator. nowl- edge of Best Management Practices (BMP) and agriculture background preferred but not required Lykes Bros. Inc. offers competitive wages (Including participa- ton in.the company's bonus plan) and benefit package includ- ing Medical, Dental, Life, AD&D and LTD Insurance.plus paid vacation and holidays. Interested applicants should e-mail their resume to rich.hethertonflykes corn orfax to (863)465-1672, Lykes.Bros. Inc. is an Equal.Employment Opportunity Employer /AffirmativeAction/Drug FreeWorkplace, M/ND/ Site Manager Immokalee Reservation Supervise cooks, janitors and volunteer staff to the Hot.Meals program. : Ability to communicate effectively with elderly. High School diploma/GED. Minimum 1 year supervisory experience. Good leadership skills, positive attitude. Valid FL Drivers License. Excellent Benefits incl. medical, dental & 401K Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 Drug Free Work Place . Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Applyat: 5701 Ft. DenaudRoad Gulfcoast Trucking, LLC. or call 863-675-4410 I ASSISTANT CONTROLLER/FINANCIAL ANALYST Lykes Bros. Inc., an over 100 year old privately owned corpo- ration located in Glades and Highlands Counties, has an imme- diate opening for an Assistant Controller/Fnancial Analyst. Qualified applicants will possess a Masters degree in.Account- ing or Financ, have earned CPA/CMA designations plus have at least 5 years experience working in a financial analysis posi- tion. Work with a public/private utility preferred but not re- quired. Applicant must possess good communication and esentation skills plus have excellent knowledge of Excel and power Point applications. Lykes Bros. Inc: offers competitive wages (including participa- * ion in the company's bonus plan) and benefit package includ- ing Medical, Dental, Life, AD&D and LTD insurance plus paid vacation and holidays. Interested applicants should email their resume to rich hetherton(lykes.com orfaxto (863)465-1672, Lykes Bros. Inc. is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer /Affirmafive Action/ Drug Free Workplace, M/F/DN I. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER Lykes Bros..Inc., an over 100 year old privately owned corpo- ration loced in Glades and Highlands Countles, has an imme- diate opening for an Environmental Engineer. Qualified applicants will possess a BS degree in Environmental Engineer- ing or Environmental Science and.have at least 3 or more years experience working in an environmental engineering related field. This person must have good cmmunication/presenta- tion skills and be comfortable performing both fieldwork and office analytical analysis. Experience in GIS preferred but not required. Lykes Bros. Inc. offers competitive wages (including participa- tion In the company's bonus plan) and benefit package includ- ng Medical, Dental, Life,.AD&D and LTD insurance plus paid vacation, and holidays. Interested applicants should email their resumeto dch.hethertonolykes.com orfaxto (863)465-1672, Lykes Bros. Inc. Is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer SAffirmative Action Drug Free Workplace, MFDN Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 0 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 FtDenaud Road Gulfcoast Products, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED Must have Class A CDL Benefits Available Apply at: . Syfrett Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street, Okeechobee HEALTH SUOPORTAIDE (Home Healh Aides L1) (#64038459) Nursing Assistant position at Glades County Health Department, Moore Haven working primary care clinic;.medical & computer work experience helpful. CNA or PCA certificate preferred; Bilingual English & Spanish required. Background screening/ fingerprinting required. EEO/AA. Apply on line: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com CallAlia 863-946-0707,x208 for more details -bB Inora t n DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALU'. YPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 B.Sua(iaal86) y.Aro902- Cemn (863) 902-9494 Im -pm FullTime 'I ' i CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential, Commercial Auto, RV & Boats SCall 863 675-7297 Se Habla Espanol 9 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, r up-grades, systems built, tuonng. Win.95, 98, 2000ME XP, licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 ALL OCCASION DI Music for everyone Light show available Call: 863 673-0065 Se Habla Espahol SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: i weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. FMd It aster. Sal It ai. - rIn ttb clastle at :Miscellaneou Financial k1IT I We have drivers projected to eam'$56,000 this year! How uch. will YU earn How much will YOU earn? Home weekly! HEARTLAND EX- PRESS 4-4953 www.h ,-nd. s.com. CHALLENGE THE CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT TEST Classes starting soon. Apply in person for details: Oak Brook of LaBelle 250 Broward Ave. LaBelle, FL 33935 Drug Free Workplace EOE. Fast growing Medicare agency new to Pahokee/Belle Glade/South Bay needs SOC pet diem exp. RN's / LPN's or visits now. Also PT/OT/MSW/HHAS. Call Jan/Andrea/Jess @ 1-888-733-3570 or 561-742-7350. Fax resume to 561-733-3931 ites abuli atB Absolute Gold Minell $400,000/yr Goji, #1 health product As seen on Today how, MTV, Time Magazine. Top producers Averaging $40k+ Per MONTH. (800)605-8675: ALL CASH CANDY. ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! Be your own BOSS ~ Sell Avon. Work your hours, insurance, easy, unlimited earnings. Call Judy 677-0025 Do You Need More Than a J- 0-B? Just-Over-Broke! Leam from Mike Kozlowski, Mil- lionaire Landlord Expert. Everything on website is FREE! http://www.wowbig- m o n e y. c o / (630)552-7133. Learn to buy Foreclosures, tax liens, and rehabs for pennies on the dollar. Mentor walks you through each deal A-Z to ensure SUCCESS (800)433-4556. It IeWP too late O fnd Utm perfect ri. Ltk f or *11ogo 'u'N . The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from birth to age nine. Higgin's Tree Service 25 years experience. Free estimates. Li. & insured. Call 863-675-3955. Herchandise I &a V Eiply -ent I I Employment Employment" E ni p Ioyme il Emmm 1 MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS For as little as $29 you can start your own business. For full details and a FREE sam- ple visit: www.dpas- chal.myarbonne.com. READINSGA A NEWSPAPER MAIES YOU A MORE INFO ED AND ImtURSTIN PErsON. Ows ac r Mopr CASH NOW FOR FUTURE PAYMENTS! We willlbuy your Annuity, Structured Set- tlement, Lottery or Owner Held Mortgage Note. Call R&P Capital Resources Inc. (800)338-5815. Residential/Investors/Com-. mercial Refinance Your Ad- justable SAVE $$$$$ Bankruptcy, Turndowns, Stop Foreclosures.1% Available Call Direct Lending Partners (866)459-2606 Services TIRE- New, ST 205/75 R15 C. Good Year Marathon. $50 or best offer, (863)385-2924 -apt Slann CASIM L J ob , AC W/HEAT- Central package unit, 3.5 ton, York, never in- stalled, $1550 (561)447-6538 Aiques 050I ANTIQUE TOYS- Over 100 years old. Fire engine, car $600 will separate 863-467-1325 CHINA CABINET w/Side Board, Cherry or Mahogany Wood. Good condition. 70 yrs. old. $400. (863)467-9402 WE BUY 18TH CENTURY American Furniture. Old oil paintings & silver. Russian paintings & silver. Pay top S. Call Frank 754-245-7001/954-588-3288 DRYER, Kenmiore, $100 (863)634-8024 FREEZER, Uprigh Deep Freeze'. Works well. $75. (863)612-5676 REFRIGERATOR & RANGE, Kenmore, water & ice in door & elec. flat top range, $600 (863)675-5865 8am-5pm BICYCLE- Womens beach bike, 7 speed, purple w/white Ilowers,"$50 (863)302-1126 SPECIAL BUILDING SALE...DON'T MISS IT!" Fi- nal Clearance. Deposit will hold till spring. 25'x40'x12' $4800. 40xO6'x16' $12,800. Front end optional. Other siz- es limited. Pioneer. (800)668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals. Save $$$. 40 x 60' to 100 x 200'. Ex: 50 x 100 x 12' =- $3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885. www.rgid- buildlng.coim. . METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available (352)498-0778 Toll Free (888)393-0335:;, PAN ROOFING: 10-12 Ft Long $7 ea. (863)675-8760 SALE- CRUSHED STONE #57, Great for driveways, Call Dillys Enterprises of La- Belle (239)825-4251 STAIN GLASS STYLE WIN- DOWS (4) 13"W x 44" H, $20 will sell separate (863)763-1997 ..: WATER PUMP- h hp, bladder tank, $100 (863)467-7415 .WOODEN STEPS- heavy, 2 steps high, 171 x 46" wide, $10(863)763-1997 CHINA, for 12 +.serving piec- es, $60. (863)675-6973 GOBLETS (8), Ruby Red, Hob- nail base, with clear stem. $200 (863)763-6507 MATERNITY CLOTHES, extra small to medium, $50. (863)675-3659 ELVIS COLLECTION, Many items, Rare items, items from Graceland, memorabilia. $550 neg. (863)467-0627 GLASS ELECTRICAL INSULA- TORS- 53, $100. (863)467-5052 PORCELAIN DOLLS, $100 will sell separately. (863)675-5737 TRAIN SET- 'Lionel Santa Fe', 4 pieces, track, transformer, $ 25 or best offer. (863)983-7915 I ~m ) Caloosa Belle, Thursday, Novembe 30, 2006 COMPUTER DESK, 32' long x 4'/'tall. $40 (863)763-5067 COMPUTER DESK- large, with Adjustable height, good con- dition $50 or best offer (561)676-0427 DELL COMPUTER XRP Office, games, Fast, $175 (863)843-0158 DELL QUALITY COMPUTER, Internet/school/office ready. Warranty & tech support. $180(863)634-0812 PRINTER- Cannon S300, soft- ware, extra ink, $30 (863)467-7415. BED, King size, with mattress. $150(863)467-6375 BR-SUITE- Queen bed, Dresser, nite stand, full mir- ror, very good cond., $250 (772)460-9733 BRASS BED, Full size, from 60's. $600 (863)763-6507 BUNK BEDS'- Wooden with dresser, $200 (863)228-3651 BUREAU, Large with mirror; 54"lx32"hx18"d, 8 drawers, good condition. $125 or best offer. (863)763-2458 COFFEE TABLE, 2-End tables & Sofa table, chrome & brass w/glass tops. $250/all. (863)674-0467. COFFEE TABLE- 3x5 glass, black frame, very pretty, $25 (863)302-1126 DAYBED: Trundle, Like new. 'Only 1 year old. $300. (863)675-0777 DINETTE SET (5) piece. glass top w/ iron chairs, $30C (863)228-3651 DINING SET, Table wiln 6 cnairs 3-400 (S631467-6375 DRESSER, 4 Drawer, brown. 1.40 (816373-506; FURNITURE: Matching formal Living] Dining Room Sel Family Oice & KRng Size Bed- room Ior sie 1863)983-3867 Moving. Music SellI KITTEN- Male Dark orange & white appro. 8 wki old. $15. (143)262-2740 LIVING ROOM SET. Sola love Seal cnim3r all recline. Oakj ofhee & 2 end tables. 1500 18631675-5865 8am-5pm SLEEPER SOFA- Ilng si:e pad;lel loral, leingrin, ry good cond., $150 or best oI- ier ;i772)40.9733 SOFA- Like new. Wine (a:i- ored wiin recliners 31 each end. i29) ltji 6I6,5.77 TABLE, Custom built,'solid oak, 42"'square with 4 match- ing Windsor back chairs. $250 neg. (863)763-2458 TRUNDLE BED- Clean, Great shape $' 1.100 1863)697.97:04 WATERBED- King size, 4 post, Solid dart woid Carved head- bored Sernmi low Wiveiess 1100 (863)467-8464 GOLF CLUBS- Complete, matched set, metal woods, irons, bag, putter & Callaway BB #1. $175.863-946-3123 SET OF GOLF CLUBS 'com- plete, woods, irons;.etc. Good cond. $125. 863-467-9892 GUN CABINET: Holds 10 guns. Hs 4 srhelves & 1 drawer. $90. (863)467-1401 ,GUN CASE- 2 rifle, locking, hard sided, gray,'$50 (863)763-4098 GUN CASE, Aluminum, Holds 2 scope guns, excellent con- dition. $65 (863)357-5754 HAND GUN- Springfields Ar- mory Ultra compact model 1911 Al 45 cal. Auto. Ported $900.(863)467-1958 MARLIN Model 882 SS, 7 shot bolt action, 22 mag., 3.x 9 x 32 WA simmons scope $450 (937)215-0307 REMINGTON 870 410 ga, 25" VR, Tasco golden antler, 4 x 32 scope, 1980's, $550 (937)215-0307 SHOT GUNS- 2, $800. Will separate. Call for more info. (863)467-1958 TAURUS PT-92-AF, Semi Au- -to, 9 mm. $500. (863)234-1230 WINCHESTER, Model 12, 12 gauge, scope. $350 (863)467-4328 WEIGHT BENCH- work your Swarms and legs; pd $300 ask- ing $200 firm (863)763-4132 Iv-msg. HEATER, Small, Electric, Portable w/tip over safety switch, 3 speed fan. Regu- lates. $15. (863)675-2596 Hlffl^HUD GOLD NECKLACE 14K, 20" chain with motorcycle medal- lion, new $150. Asking $90 863-634-9316. CEILING FANS (2), Hunter. USA made w/light kit. Cost $125 each, asking $70 for both, will sep. (561)633-1371 CHANDELIERS- 2, Gold, Like new. $50. Will separate. (863)946-1728 or 599-1534 ADJUSTABLE BED, Ultramatic, twin, electric w/vibrate & re- mote. Exc. cond. $2700 new, asking $1200. (863)763-6907 ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR Pride Jazzy w/joystick. Exc cond. $5700 new, asking $2300. (863)763-6907 FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE METER! Am-Med Quality.Diabetic. Supplies. WHEELCHAIR CARRIER, Hammer, For electric chair or scooter, fits on hitch. $1500 -(863)467-5126 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA ap- Sproved program. Financial aid if qualified Job place- ment assistance. CALL Avia-' .tion Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE Irom Home. 'Medical. 'Business, 'Paralegal. *Computers *Criminal Jus- tice. Job placement assis-. tariLe. Computer provided Financial Aid I quadilied. Call (866f)858-2211 www.onli- neTidewater.Tech.com. DIVORCES275-S350"COVERS children, cli Only o:ne sig. nature required' 'Excludes qowl lees' Call weekdays (800)462-2000. el 600 (Sam-6pm) Alla Divorce. LLC. Esiablished 1977 EPIPHONE 330 GUITAR- Semi SHollow body, Classic, $450 (863)467-9402 PA SYSTEM, Tosh, 250 wan, with monitor speakers & mi- crophornes 1.1500 18631675-06)04 ULTRA-FLAME S/S GRILL Like r*ew. etr3a large 4 burner + side burner $150 863-675-4409 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direcl jnd iSave' Full Body uni'i Irom $22 rmunrin FREE Color Ctlj1og CALL TODA1i 80010842-1305 www np eislan com CUSTOM BUILT GUITAR CABINET- 77"T 1 42-W. 2 solid doors & srielf. $350 or t est ottner561)6j331371 DIGITAL PIANO/ORGAN- Kawa.ii Drand new uied only 5 lime' 1.500 or besl owner. 239-425-5605 ENGLEHARDT UPRIGHT BASS- bSand,r Gig bg jnd Ele:irii nui:iU up 11200 l631tj635-5826. IF.opril)lll GUITAR- Johnson Acousiic, Back I Marlin itrings, 'exc tone, like new, soft case, $95 863l)634-9316 HAMMOND ORGAN Upfrgrn, blk. shiny finish w/bench. Antique $50 or best offer. 863-983-8131 Clewision TAKAMINE ACOUSTIC BASS GUITAR, E( ,coridiion 14(-1 1863r357.1576 or 1863)634-7210 AQUARIUM- 55 gallons. Includes IIglis and all accessories. Only $75! 863-675-2216 BABY GOAT, Raised on baby. bottle, 2 weeks old: For pet only. $100 (863)675-0247 BEAGLE PUPPIES, 5 weeks old, females, APR reg., $350 each. (863)634-7723 BLUE HEALER PUPPIES: Males & Females available. Shots & Wormed. $250. 863-763-3631/561-718-1212 COCKATIELS, (2). bleeder pair. wirn large cage on wreels 1?200 oi besi riler 0863169;7-3346 CONURES (4), Mated pair & 2 month old & older baby w/large cage & small cage. $500 (863)675-0247 LaBelle DOG BOX for small truck, 2 gates, 2 sides, $300 or best offer. (863)697-3346 Don't Miss This One PIT BULL PUPPIES: Wriile 1 Female, 2 Males, Shntr ,. dwormped 125 86i-;-24-0505 8.63-697.i984 RAT TERRIER PUPPY- Male, 5 mo., 71bs, Neutered, All shots, No papers. $250. ,(863)467-4498 HOT TUB, seats 7, you remove & haul. $100 (863)675-0215 SATELLITE DISH, New. Single LMB. $25 or best offer. (863)824-0801. HEATER, COLEMAN Propane, Portable w/Electric Ignition. Camping or Stadium, 5000 btu. $20. (863)675-2596 POOL TABLE, All access, in- cluded. Good condition ' $150. (863)801-1398 or 697-0235 a I Mitsubishi HD Big Screen, 60", works perfect, wf3 pc. entertainment center, $1300 neg. (863)612-5676 BENCH SAW, Craftsman, 10", 1hp w/miter cut & rail. $100 (863)467-1401 TMX ELMO, brand new,'still in box, never opened, $70. (863)467-5299 DVD MONITOR: PIXELON 15" Flip Down, TFT LCD w/roof mount, remote & hardware. New! $150 (863)612-5470 CHRISTMAS TREE- white, used once, 6.5 feet tall. Only $25.863-467-1325 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services . Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865. TRACTOR- 656 Inti Farm needs minor repair wor, runs 'i.4750 or betl miller H863l35;7 0966 APHA GELDING, 4 years old. brokle greal manners, $1800 Sor bDes her (i;2)201.7633 APPALOOSA Geldili-g 6 vis old. 15H i $10, o r best onier (8631634-9232 APPALOOSA PONY, 11 r.ndO lot eperienead hids 0Jme Iradils nril SpOO .'y '1.700) i beSl ohter i712)2,01 763'; BAY MARE- 18 vrs old $530 !23'9)410-8502 BLUE ROAN STALLION, i. yrs. old, gerinl.e lt- nd loe'., leads, Musi Sell' 1,500 (863)673-0065 HORSE TRAILER FRAME- lan- Sdem axle, good tires, lights. wilk j350 (8631'46-0912 MISS BETTY'S PACK: 2240 Howard Rd. & Hwy.;78 1863)675-3032 Bu @ tlOoleale 'Pries Liv-A-Way Aviiljbie Open Oailv: Ipm-6pm & All day Sunday SADDLE- New. 20' Auslr.iia.in (Wesiern 18') W amjiCnng or easl pdlai 1. 300 18631983-86-46 SORREL GELDING, 2' vs old qenlie. lojds. iies, islands, green broke' Musl Selli $500 (863167 30065 SORREL MARE, 10 yr, old, gentrie, eay loader, easv nde. Music Sell, $800 or besi owner (863167;3-0065 SORREL OH BROODMARE- 12 yr old. ec blioodlin l siociky e'p rider needed 1O1500 (863)25 -392.6 CHIPPER/SHREDDER, Crafts- man 3 way system, new. condition. $250 (863)674-0467 MOWERS, Huskee G/T 54" cut, runs good, Honda mower, needs deck, $750 for both, will. sep., (863)697-9704 PUSH MOWER- Murray, 22", 4hp, excellent condition $40 (863)763-4098 RIDING MOWER- Craftsman, 42" cut, 19 HP, two cylinder Briggs, Auto trans, $550 (863)697-9884 . Rentals i Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 PORT LABELLE- 1BR, 1BA, good area, community pool, water/cbl. & light. BR fur- nished, tile floors. All newly re- modeled. Pay no bills. Ideal for 2 people. $770/mo. Avail 12/01/06. 863-612-5037 Se habla espanol. IMMOKALEE- 2br, 2ba in gated comm. IncI dining area, comm pool, cable. Avail 01/01/07. * $790/mth. 239-481-1610 Country Village, 1BR/1BA, 1 car garage, available imme- diately, freshly painted, new carpet. (863)673-0066 PORT LABELLE, 2br/1ba, 1 car garage, Very nice, must see! $900 mo. (863)673-0081 PORT LABELLE, 3/1, $850 mo., 1st, last & security. (863)675-8937 PORT LABELLE- 3br, 2ba New Construction on Beech- wood Cir: Avail: Dec. 1st' $1300 mo (863)673-0066 INDUSTRIAL OFFICE/ STORAGE SPACE FOR LEASE Appro. 2100 sq II o0 storage and 300 so n1 o Ouic e epacte erch wih il'. own balhroonm LO- caled rncr tIe airport anrd ust Oulside o1 lowrn Building is approi Iwo year, old The :lilce has very nice c3rpel and Ile work Th ee is a smjll re- .eplion area separale Irom the main Ollie Building has 3 s .curily system anid Ouldoor Ilqhiing Piei- e call 18631675-7045 tn more nlormaiion TURKEY CREEK: Dtb Wvie w '6,)it [0,:i Full Ameiniiei Avail asorijl lejrly Fr:,Ti , m50mr, 970-'222-7.68- OKEECHOBEE- 4br rouie lull ne priv W'D0 pool gar Qe $6001'mo + J.50 ull 6 mos' le.j e. 15 )254-9326 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE ':rd riu neil ori- .11 3 ni,:rned v oll 11li, L . -.;0ite ,,r bi, Ira i eiis MV Iru s Marinjir er ion- l. 105e, i0 5 Tcimiiieri.e I, SLiBellie t863-65-1i02. Real Estate I Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/' Townhouses Sale 1015 Farms Sale, 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 DUPLEX- Brand,new, 3br/2ba,.1. car garage on each side. Live' one side, rent the other. Only s 3 ii ,n, owner financing. Discount if you close by 12/30/06. Call 239-561-1796. IMMOKALEE, 3BR/2BA, 2 car garage, gorgeous, spacious, fui rnih.i' built in '04, 1,669 so. ft., located in Jubilee. $295,000 (239)682-4447 NEWER 3br 2ba home w double garage on a nice lot in Port Labelle. $1500/mth rent or $240,000 to buy. 786-251-2836 NEWER 3br 2ba home w/ double'garage on a nice lot in Port Labelle. $1500/mth rent or $210,000 to buy. 786-251-2836 NICE 2BR/1BA, 4003 Bishop Circle, Pt. LaBelle, new .appl's & tile, reduced to $129,000. (239)849-3856 PALM HARBOR F.,:ilrv Liqui- I lInI I i A i- 21:1A l ',l'li:'d '. I/IIJ l i ",Oi M ,tld u lj r Ms1' iti: e '. Stilt Homes. 0% DOWN When You Own Your Own Land!! Call for FREE Color Brochure. (800)622-2832. Hunt big game on our ranch elk, whitetail, buffalo, red- stag, boar. Check our web- s i t e www.highadventure- ranch.com. Guaranteed hunting license $5.00, we have a NO Game-NO pay policy, our season now-3/31/07. Call office (314)209-9800/Evenings (314)293-0610 IN MUSE, Two 5 AC TRACTS 1 W/SWMH, Fenced. $255k 1 Fenced, only $195k Zoned R/AG. (863)673-9200 *LAND AUCTION* 230 Props Must be Sold! Low Down / E-Z Financing. Free Catalog (800)937-1603 www.LAND- UCTIlON.com NRLL East, L'LC:AB2509, Bule- zluk:AU3448, John- ston:AU3449, Mauck:AU3447 >F" riKenvwocix S Nw Homes S New Homes Available il 2 B E 3RI I2 A TA RTMET IN A.ELL 120 Acres Northeast Alabama ' private lake frontage, pano-. ramic views, abundant deer, turkey goe d Fishiinq, good limber value eiceileint in- vestrmenr $'240 000 (all PhilV lip 1256l239-7808 BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC HomIes. Cabins. Acreage & INVESTMENTS. CHERO- 'EE MOUNTAIN GMAC REAL ESTATE cherokee- iTr unlainreally rom C311 lur iree bro Hnufe (800)841.5868 Coastal Georgia- New. Pre- ( riilruciion Coli Commrriu Aily Large liS';1 6 iondo, w/ deepwaterf, iiarsh. goll na- lure views Galed. Coil, FIIt ness Clner,. Tennis Trails. lo, c 7., 's- $300k 1877166.7376 www vVooip- erspiini Ci Ti GA/FL Border. Pre-Coirrniruc- Iljoi Grarn Openring 20 AC 2.99 900 Pay No Clo0ing 2Co0 Trfrili. oppprt 0 iown 210 acres in GA Coa iil ri- qioin New survey subd do. i 0 i Ienl 1 i ce I lirianciniln t e un eilevatble prci i'i $'39.90:t0 CALL rlowi i 001b98-4409 1002 CLP-GA Lind Servic- e,. LLC Liu:.`Red 1Re;al E t li Broler Gulf front loliS '1195' Hoimes arii ) i diT a i..31)1 IJew ma.iler planned c(iiean IrOail CTirniunillv On bejeuliul MuildJ3no Iland, neir Cl:rpun' Cnri.ii T' wwiw cinnamorn- Sshore.dcon, (866)89!1-163 'NORTH CAROLINA- BEAUli. FUL BLUE RIDGE Mouiunlair Vnien;, 2 AiI Mll uniair Estate Heivily Woided wirn ilreaTi r F i- n nir: n - $29,900 6OlO)j2306bi. ext.620. North Carolina Cool Mountain ,Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. wwwN realtyciTlmuiphy COl;. TENNESSEE Affordable lake & mountain properties. Low :inperlv lae. N,1: :,;ale in- :,ome l. Foui seasons- Siulnern nOspiilly For more'info Call Lakeside Re- alty (8881291.5253 www.lakesiderealty-tn:com. VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS Large 5 acre tract along very large trout stream with private ele- vated homesite, good ac- ,cess, view, trees, nearby river, '. $59,500 (866)789-8535.. WYOMING RANCH DISPER- SAL 35 acres 49,900; 70 acres $89,900; 107 acres - $129;900. Snow-capped mountain vidws. Surrounded by gov't land. Abundant wild- life. Recreational paradise.. Low taxes. EZ terms. Call Utah Ranches, LLC. (888)541-5263. Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 M/H FRONT DOOR -73"x32" $25.863-357-5754 LaBelle: 2 Bdrm., 2Bath, 2 niles west of the bridge. w/1 Horse Stall. $800. mo. + sec. dep. &ref's. (863)675-6314 MUSE, 3br trailer $125 wkly + $900. deposit. Lazy'T Ranch. No .dogs. (863)675-1614 ALL NEW STOCK MODELS MUST GO! Very good deals offered on dealers inventory. Call Kenny at (863)673-4325 AQUA ISLES: Nicest Home! Double Wide on nice lot. $69,995. (860)305-9122 -guimondrj@sbcglobal.net HOMES OF MERIT Fair Model. Must be sold. Reduced to owners cost. Call Kenny at (863)673-4325. If you live in an old Mobile Home, but own your land, purchase a new mobile home with no money down. Call (863)675-8888 Land/Home Packages Ready to move in. 3% Down Payment with your good credit. Call (863)675-8888 New 4BR/2BA Doublewide in nice subdivision. Ready to move in. Low down payment with your good credit. Call (863)675-8888 New Modular Home with garage. Ready to move in. Must see to believe! Stucco siding, fireplace, glamour bath. Financial available. Call (863)675-8888, OWNERS SPECIAL 32x80, 4BR/2BA, sold at deilersiost ConilriKennv ail863)673-4325 Musl iave 31 le Il .3veraige iredii WIND ZONE II Used.3BR/2BA Doublewide. Musl go l Glade." County $2'.l9,10. Iniluode Tel-up & AiC Calln 863ltd7-8888 Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet.Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 AIR BOAT: 12 FI. Fitperliass I. 11p ;' Prly M.re '(i4500 or besl ,,ll, ir ll Kenny l772i260-479'92 BASS BOAT '18- runi go.od needs minor repairs $.120O or besl :nor i86l31J1-5289 BOAT: 05, 18 Fl Aluminum 90 rhp 'amrnji w.Conier (Cor- i:P, Fa clouv w3rrariee. Lite niwi,$8,775 5f61-346-6176 BOSTON WHALER- 1711. Mon. auI':, 90nop ~mianr ljiallei i,5900 ,)r ,bet ofler 86317;63-8568 MOTOR- Evinrude'86. 10 hn :lo g riha I good i: o ndii in i,;i35 i.,610.r1 VS, PONTOON- 2i:1n h.rip linaisu mr llor Ilt rui O I.n: i] d, trailer i rOuj t h 1 7', i rm l 863.946 1539 PONTOON- 24', 75hp mercury, in w3ter ready to fish. No Irailer Will driver. $2000. 863|357,-3163 ' PONTOON BOAT, 2011i. .SOhp moior, roll o1 litiler $.3500 (863)763-9371 PONTOON BOAT- 20ft, 90HP Mere, new deck & seat cov- ers. bDimn lOp w Irlr. I,2500 Neg (. 414152-1600 L3Beil Raiger 520VX '01. 225hp Evin., 101 0 [nrusl trolling mtr., jact plale steel prop GPS map w/depth & iish finder, 4 bank charger, bi- mini top, dbl axle trlr & much more. Must Sell!: $19,500. NADA value $24,000. Call (863)634-6134 STARCRAFT 16'- 50hp Evin- rude, trolling mtr, fish finder, good shape, $1500 (863)357-0215 P/U CAMPER- Sporismin -02 Exc cond Slove FIg].. AiC. Sleeps 4 $6501) (863)946-1728 or 599-1534 SPRINGDALE 1999, Needs work $750. or best offer. 863-634-7780 SWINGER'83, 31', By Georgie Boy, 10k original miles,'new, tires, a/c, 44hrs on generator. $3800 neg. (863)763-4968 TRAVEL TRAILER 1995, 26 Ft., Sleeps 6, Great condi-' tion. $4000 or best offer. Call ienny (772)260-4792 CARRIAGE 40' '93 5th wheel, New awnings, screen end., all extras. Like new, $10K neg 863-357-1784/863-634-2454 FIFTH WHEEL TRAVEL TRLR- located in LaBelle park good cond., '84 Cree, 32', must move $2400 (260)490-6684 NOMAD- '90,/26'; Very good shape. Fully equipped. $4300. or best offer. (863)467-0602 PRAIRIE SCHOONER, '89, 35', 2 slide outs, good cond., $6,500. (863)824-0036 Iv. msg. SKI 000 '04, GTX Wakeboard Edition. $7,000 or best offer. (863)697-3076 YAMAHA WAVERUNNER 1993 with trailer. Runs good. $1000(863)467-5299 CENTER CONSOLE- new fiber- glass, for boat or pontoon. 300 or best offer (561)723-1690 Marine 2 Way Radio, Uniden, .portable, perfect condition. Asking $100 (863)824-0801 ANCHORS, Fenders, outrig- gers, $50 for all or will sep- arate. (863)674-0281 CADILLAC MOTOR 500- Suitable for air boat. $650. (863)634-6597 CONTINENTAL 220 GP.U- Good condition. New oil rings. $2500. or best offer. (863)357-5755 TRAILER, For Air Boat. Good condition. $350. (863)634-6597 I Pllcl a R rs. ;I N. -ar BEDLINER, Like new, fits '05 - '06 Dodge Dakota 4 door. $195(863)467-5910 DANA 70 RUNNING GEAR- with 4.88 gears, $1100 (863)824-0505 or (863)697-1984 RADIATOR, For '92 Pontiac Grand Am, brand new in box. $100 or best offer. (863)261-1872 RIMS & TIRES (4), 20", fits 5 lug vehicle, less than 2kon tires. $1500 (863)357-1576 or(863)634-7210 RIMS & TIRES (5), Borbet 17", low profile Toyo tires. $500 (863)983-4940 TRUCK TOPPER: Red, Fiber- glass, for Full Size (off a Ford). $250. (863)257-3482 Frostproof. 3 -edoo.06 at .2* a Garage ,, 6 ea6 yNow6 825 E. Cowboy Way, Suite 108 Labelle, Florida 33935 863-612-0070 ~i~i~m I Apartment I Apartments 0905 HONDA 2000 XR 70- dirtbike, exc. cond., $1100 (304)667-7855 HONDA ELITE 250 '85- Scoot- er, 6900 miles, stereo, exc cond., $1.350" (304)667-7855 SCOOTER- '04 Honda Elite 80, Excellent condition. 1300 mi. Red, $1500 (863)763-6646 YAMAHA 1000 VIRAGO '84, Windshield, saddle bags, king/queen seat, great on gas!! $2500 (863)357-3773 GGO CART: 1 sweater, 6.5. $300. 863-357-0999 'GO CART, Scorpion, 2 years old fIrrrl Srji i000 Call S(hirle: i8631,G:IT. i'i' GO-CART, $400. (86:)147 63.t85 HONDA 4 WHEELER- '05, 300TRX Red & black, Runs gi' id i.25ii I: Firm. 1863l167-2032 , SUZUKI 80- 201 )1:11 oo ::]n. ,illiiny G eal h iid y gift! Pin:e reauLld Il, 1.2000 (863)467-0109 YAMAHA 2004 KODIAK 400 4'4 AuIo., Bliu ECreiinli c ndilion $3 '00 1863163--4405 L.aBele YAMAHA 600 '93 Only 317. milte, grrjl c ondilion. 1 t11:1 i ,t,6316 :-6:133 Anutmobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 BUICK CENTURY STATiONl WA ,iilO ''i a, iv y :I~ i i ., BUICK ESTATE WAGON- '90 only ri pide 1 y .it' 11 i (, ,)i til l neri i: I6 -2'r . CAMARO Z28 '80 all original, 350 auto, great restoration pirolj i. runs, $1700 t 1831634.I6: l CORVETTE 84. 85.i original itle ie e pd: pajil iilerior runn god 1.1C)II: rng (863)763-5156. . FORD T-BIRD '94 & Mercury Cougar '88, excellent body, Dad n molors hrjve o iTiiIr, $6 0 1ne,.y ( ,li,[F.-.042[ HONDA DESOL '94 Wnile. colriive itil, Iljnalir. 195 . mis. $2500. Firm (863)763-7060 LEXUS, '93, $2500. (863)697-9122 LINCOLN TOWN CAR- '05, Signature Series, Perfect cond. Loaded, 7400 mi., $26,500. (863)634-3740 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, '94, Runs but, engine make nois- es $500. (863)801-1398 or 697-0235 MERCURY SABLE, '98, $4200.(863)946-0355 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 1995 Needs minor repairs. Runs good. Very good condition. 1500'neg. (863)634-5289 PONTIAC GRAND'AM- '93, Great condition. Great Christ- mas gift. $800. (863)612-5570 SATURN, '96, new battery & engine, 5 spd., excellent on gas, nice car, $2500 or best offer. (863)697-3300 VOLVO 240,'93, Great for new driver, built like a tank, $170a0,, Or best offer. (863)634-4518 VW GOLF '2000, Great condi- tion. 61K mi., $7000. or best offer. Call Kenny (772)260-6580 :FORD T-BIRD '76, 58k, 1 owner, Estate' Sale, very good. condition. Make offer. (239)657-5271 or 259-6067 CEMENT MIXER- trailer mounted, Stone 3 bagger, needs minor work.$950' (863)357-0966 FORD 3/4 TON 4WD 1978, running gear all in tact. $1500.863-675-2216. ''a. r^^lI' I I Public Notic I NO1lli Or PUBLIC SALE HEIII:lR, iiwirm,, 5 AEIc.V lin I'.Vl I ll .. I i li i', l n '. i l irildU tn ir ,- ,, ,l 4ll i ,h I . Yl. 1 .1: jI..i. 'c3, t . 1.h-r I"5i'?l.bum orliLEOF PuBLi SALE HmcliI-: i ,nlm.' iJt l n sK i.'lilu ':1i:i0 ,jl .,- I,.,I,, ,- ...I fl, r .i. .l 1 ,1 i ... -I 1 11-, in'l l ,m ii, ii) i : i ii1 .ir : rllt It in i1"- A i .1 .1 h,1 i,,,]ii iul,:': HIIIin ." A.wir, I Ai ., l h i:ijci. l Hi: 'i 1 S2003Tovola I I T, 1 61:, I jI di |], -;/llll I 1 , HENRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE SUBMITTED BY: R. Scott Cooper DATE: 1/126 hl.T.Nl.m .rr-h Tl. lu.hun ll rllir,,.. ,.lTl 'U EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE: The proposed rule establ,hes the policy for instructional experience increments, performance pay and admi istrative tuition re- imbursement. CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITY: 1001.41, 1012.22,. 101266, 1001.42 and 1001.43, F.S. CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE: 1001.41, 1012.22 1012.66, 1001.42 and 100,1.43, FS. FULL TElT A ,.:,, ,,i, ii, i,.ii i-.i ,i ih: ,,:,,' ',ui,- iT., ti. obtained, without , Ir I I,1 r n,,1 Ir,, *: .,.-|,li ,.dr],liiil ', ,r,,,.l . printing ad distributions. LOCATION OF MEETING, TIME AND DATE: Hendry County School Board Meeting R,:,,:, J i .......,j v;,,, i,.. I ii rL 1i f ii i mi:iw )i'iihi.; l . Ir.1 ,i" 0ai .0' 'i N t .I ; w1, |'I. IT|[ .0: ll, ; 'in.i J llnil 'l IrN: j.l ,T ilti l 1."I T [ll i il .,m:ljl,.." ui l.,i. I III pr .,]l j i..:'i(j: I lji' j. Il'ilt, i: t .l'l.l,.l ill '.1 ii L IT.14 i u .I I ,l.i' llln,.l lll i llli i ,i; r rlln ,l.'ll. |j I lll I I I l :. i i',, n future. li,'Ir, r l, ,,, 1.i I,,, ll .' illp.ill u I l.I: I.'1 .,in] (r. .. i, ,n ,:l >l,: i : I) I.r lUt .i ni I rs''l L i i.ll i i.l l r, ll r l jr ,'lulp iTll n l I.)l l .r Iv ie'liljrl: l III Ni on. i ir'l rl'.h.i .'a'iirn "l '''Pp I' ip U[ i'"31,.iI :,i ril. iT.Is it ir ucl..aii. '.lull '1(i i1 I I, I .I r (1:1 .l.l 11 I j l I Ijr, hl, r.r,,l-.' I j.).jl, [, l l El:| 1 [l, irt l, :, e.. lil lllh il'ht ':.ril ll, r,,, ll i l .I- r, ,ill.. 'lj ll il'l ir ll I i l ll r Inr.I.) I rr ,1. meetng a wisnip. li ,' I. llJ, ci i : l llllr h rF .1 I, jll d I lljlji r in ll .,11-I l r l ". l.l : I. l'l:l i Ilr Illll..' HN llCe li'.uI l .l'i'j'l Ih'.l i'IIIIp'l.' l MI ,ill ll-In:f" iT i l1: .I.1i hlll. 'qli ) l bih.i l, i>:>:i.hlI: .i ll.li l 1 Ilr) Il ,i rrl l..I .ll 'ri ..I i ll ljl e. li nl i li |l ) [. ll lj I hl ell :'II li:, Ir '. vv,, INI "TI'.|;..k:.. : l .k 1". r.J.. ;l N1' Ili ftid ':. r.j.l 8'. .i iT ly r., i... n;.' .,'y iT r.i-ll ril. 1 .T ,,iv [,t pl..:, lli.. r. meeLng o woisnop. 1ul aCe II ir-r :" -rn....l 1.',. l .I'i "ll: It"l: l t'l l.-1W "I ": : 'A h ..upl "Ir rr l 1m,: I: & : n Ill : rl l tr h, il 1.1. 1 i.'l r .i. llf .. :..I il'lt .:UprI'l'll rlr.'ll Iijl ,Irll nUl .1.1 jild I- it ilIutiii 't l' I- I I |.||' ... .| ...II Th T|- ). 1 Ir: ir, .1i: j i-,. ,i: ir i ,A r f r .,, L ,,r. '. iT, r'nI ,.(, .: Ihji.-I ^ ll ir [ "j.",' 1. 1 I', I r-, I rj I "i l n 1, 6 l 'r Hi ,r, Ini r], j.li j.ii. Tr,,: ,inr.ii. ,ij. A I ll.r o(i 2 Rr,. l..hri.r il .nli r, U,::,T.i:, ,n1' "i'll I'I.- '6 06)"i h Ir I ,I ,Ih.,T| w -l Ih l, ,.iiTll lUlll,, 1 :4l .1- I" 1,- 1:.' n Ih:l. ..i, h,,l'li li i,, r .,, ,. 1 r i r i ji ir, jI. 1-, 11n i ,. .N "i I.'" irl I I':_ Ai ( i I I .11.1 1 .1 , CHEVY P'U '1%. Lil'C 1O, new pD rli; ne w lnit", ne- .n i-: psini1 I tl .2'I lI r I e'l I 'e-. 'ilt r 1863 :05.7 71 DIESEL TANK- irm1Tii'iid pljlr wilh pilJrTip u, M'i l't i1i :lie T OO 6:!| ,'J ?ri]'.2 DODGE RAM 05 1 ir Hlnim, %v R ; i ':-e i i W i niejil]i: I.1e miens ', 'OI."l Must See! FORD 350 PWEF: sTROiE DIESEL '0'- asking $8000 I .i 6 '1 FORD- '93, 1J L dpil.idcbli. run! Q'odi. brin ri new linr 'S. .Ill.63.,'Iff.-1,J.;2. FORD BRONCO In '8. Good bodil' J le : ni,:nIg r wirl. Rebuilt transmission. $200. (863)467-4994 FORD F100. '83 au l air inII) vi., ron Llj l inew v les. .un0.i bur ri-edi. wl iOrk 4800 t. "leg 586,i1.67.8461 FORD F150 94 -LT- P.W, P/S; new tires, runs well, good body, $2950 neg (863)675-1168 NISSAN FRONTIER '00, 5 speed, a/c. $4000 or best offer. (863)634-2684 JEEP Grand Cherokee Laredo, '98, Exc. cond., V-6, All pwr, Cruise, A/C, 128K, $5,500 neg. 863-763-3191/697-6680 NISSAN PATHFINDER '04 - 21k mls, like new cond., $20,000. 863-467-1829 or 634-5530 Cell. Okeechobee UTILITY TRAILER- 12x20, air cond, carpet, asking $8000 (863)763-9527 UTILITY TRAILER: Home Made, 5' 9" Wide x 21' Long. Lights on inside. Ready to pull. $600. (863)675-8760 How do you find a job in today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sifieds CHEVY 15 PASSENGER VAN '93- cold air, $2490 (863)673-0782 FORD MINI BUS '89- diesel, 16 passenger, $2490 (863)673-0782. PLYMOUTH VOYAGER '95, V6, All power, A/C, Seats 5, 159k, Well kept. $2500 neg. 863-763-3191/697-6680 Public Notices b1IlilEa Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on 12/02/2006 at 11:00 AM at FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE,'1025 Com- merce Drive, LaBelle, FL, 111) IF F Jll ii i F ,.1. 1 1 ii ii i ii lic Sale by competitive bidding, the personal properly heretofore stored with the undersigned: 863-675-1043 Misc. items Furniure, TV & misc. items Misc. items Tool box, speakers & misc. items Generator, misc. furniture 176474 CB 11/30/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 12/11/2006, 10:00 am at 49 N Indus- trial Loop Bay B, Unit 3, nabelle, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of Ihe Florida Statutes. HEND- RY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP re- serves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 2000 GMC 1GTEC19V5YZ218332 177676 CB 11/30/2006 |