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Cowboys end thrilling season, S_ Page 12 NHS at Nationals, Page 5 Delivering Western Hendry County's N 7 VO UM 8U ...............0 At A Glance Last chance for Hendry tickets There are still tickets avail- able if you want to attend EDC's Captain Hendry Holiday Dinner on Thursday, Nov. 30 at 5:30 p.m. Italian fare served atl the Captain Henry House on. Fraser Street in LaBelle is avail- able for $25 per person. Pro- ceeds benefit the Education Center of Southwest Florida Silent and live auction of deli- cious and decadent desserts, BBQ for 25, Golf package, wine package and other surprises -are available for you to bid on. Both the EDC and Ed Center staff will be at the Capl Hendry House all day on the 30th so call 239-860-8592 for your final chance to reserve your tickets and help support the much needed vocational and career training now being offered in Hendry Countv. You could be SCF queen All young ladies from age 12-21 are invited to take part in the 2007 SCF Miss LaBelle Swanip Cabbage pageant Feb. 10. Practices are Sundays 2-4 p.m. at 275 Fort Thompson Ave. The pageant theme \\ill be "American Heroes For more information, call CathrnTi Miller 675-3966. Boat parade December 9 The LaBelle Heritage Muse- um's Lighted Christmas Boat Parade will soon be here Set for Saturday, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m., boaters be decorated and ready one half mile east of the LaBelle Bridge by 6:30 for a prompt 7 p.m. start. No pre registration, no entry fee, no minimum dec- oration, but the more the bet- ter. Viewing will be good almost anywhere on the river. Boats will single file close to all public areas and twice past Bar- ron Park. The Caloosa Humane Society will have refreshments available at the Park. If viewing from .the bridge, remember it may need to open. Rain date, next day, same time. More info, call 674 0647. Gardeners plan campfire picnic At the Riverside Retreat Campgrounds ,(formerly The Methodist Campgrounds); CR78 west.of the Swing Bridge Sunday, Dec. 3. Come early 4 p.m. if you'd like to take a hike along the newest nature trail; 5:30 covered dish dinner served, followed by songs & stories around a campfire. Roasting marshmallows and fixin's for S'mores. This will be the Nov/Dec meeting for The Greater LaBelle Garden Club. Qther groups, clubs, family and Friends are invited to this special evening. Enter the campgrounds, fol- low the signs to the Rustic Pavil- ion. Car pooling may be arranged. Call or e-mail Nikki at863.675.3394 or 239.564.2005 Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Index Classifieds ........ .13-15 Editorial ..............4 Speak Out .......... .4 Social News ......... .5 Sports ............ .12 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newuszal.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 8 16510 00019 1 Reach out to the homeless By Patty Brant The Homeless Coalition of Hendry County is planning ahead for the inevitable cold spell that normal. hits this area in January. ' The group will be collecting blan-' kets and hand warmers to pass out to those living in wooded areas and out of the \\ ay places. '\ u can drop these items off at the Chain- ber of Commerce Christmas in the Park after the Christmas Parade December I. Park activities \Jill be from 68P p m. in Barron Park. Bring your blankets and hand warmers to drop off at the box in the park that night, or at the United Way House on Ft Thompson Ave The coalition continues to plan for a shelter to be built next to Free- dorn Fellowship Ministries on SR 29N Planned as a combination shelter and storage area, the facility \\ill only be used as temporary shelter for families while e they make more permanent plans The- group continues to seek volunteers to help build the concrete block structure which includes two bed- rooms, bath and kitchenette. They have plans, but need a general contractor to pull permits anrd do the scheduling. Lynn Jordan ofJor- dan Framing has stepped up to assist with hame-or k. Cal\in Fill- ingame has volunteered to dco the all conditioning \, ork and the group is seeking licensed electri- cians and plumbers, along ,.ith oo(d hearted residents, lo help in the actual construction Furidrais- ing is a nev\-l-ending process. All donations ;are \\elc:mne. Pleame- rnake checks ut to Freedom Fel- lowship Ministries. Folr more infoi- mation, call Arlene at 675M-8383 Attorney Jim Luckey is working oi submitting paperwork for the grol:up's 5l1 ,3 c nonproil status. TheI annual Point in Time sui- ve\, which attempts to count as mani of the horneles; as possible in one da\, \wiII be in late Januar\ volunteerss are needed to cgo o:ut that da\ and help count. The count is the basis 1o:r the \ear's funding foi homeless issues During the survive, each homeless person is asked some simple questions under strict confidentiality, -and each receives a packet of personal hygiene products. Last year, 420 homeless were counted in LaBelle.' Horin-iless coalition meetings are held the tirld Thursday month- I at 10 a.m at the United \\ay House on Fort Tlompson A\e Thiee -will be no meeting in Decemnbei. The next meeting will be January 18. You can reach Patty Brant by e- mail at pbrant@newszap.com By Kristin Hunter The holiday season is not about receiving, it is about giv- ing to others less fortunate. It takes many angels to run the Salvation Army throughout the year. The Salvation Army does- n't only run during the holiday season but is open to help the community all year long. Debbie Lavender is the Human Service Coordinator at the Salvation Army. She said, "To hear the bells ringing' is such a blessing because it Margaret England, well known and loved librarian for LaBelle Ele- mentary School, was recognized at the Florida Master Naturalist Program's first state conference in Lake Wales Saturday, Nov. 4. She was recognized for having completed all three modules of the Master Naturalist program - Coastal, Wetlands and Uplands. Her many other activities include preparing curriculum for the Ft. Denaud Oxbow Restoration Pro- ject, serving as vice president for Caloosahatchee Riverwatch, act- ing as secretary of Hendry/Glades Audubon Society and working as a volunteer bird tour leader at the Clewiston Stormwater Treatment Area 5. Martie Main and Ginger Allen, both with University of Florida Extension and the originators of the Master Naturalist program, were on hand to present Ms. Eng- brings the Christmas spirit to LaBelle. It humbles us to know we're helping the needy by bringing Christmas toys and a Christmas meal.to those who are less fortunate." People can donate food.all year long; per- ishable and/or non-perishable items. The Salvation Army rings bells at five different locations throughout the holidays: U-Save both doors, Winn Dixie, Ace Hardware and Save-A-Lot. It is their main fundraising event that provides needs for housing, land with the award; They praised her willingness to get involved in local outreach and education. Margaret was also singled out for her dedication to environmen- tal concerns earlier this year. On May 6, Audubon of SW Florida, Inc. recognized her as Conserva- tionist of the Year for 2005. Mar- garet is an educator, Secretary of Hendry/Glades Audubon and a Florida Master Naturalist. Margaret is a Certified Florida Master Naturalist with a special gift for sharing her love of nature. She is well known in LaBelle as an active, dedicated environmental- ist. She can readily be found par- ticipating in Oxbow Restoration educational activities and LaBelle Nature Park projects. Untiring, Margaret has served with other community organizations, and is past president of LaBelle Kiwanis. rent, shelter, food, prescrip- tions, transportation, electric, water, Pampers;, eye glasses and drug and alcohol: rehabilitation. On, Tuesdays from 11 a.m. until the\ run o:,ut, the Salvation Army. gives out loaves of.bread. They also give out Thanksgiving food boxes to those most in need. Two loaves of bread and one sweet a month is offered per client. There are currently about 15 See Ringers -Page 2 Ah, Christmas in LaBelle Cool ternperatules, the spirit of giving and sno\\. 'es, snow' Twelve Itons oI it Don't believe it' Come to Barion Park Dec. I at-er the annual Chrislmas parade andi gbi ing \our gl.,l eS' Sno\\r Lall alerts are out foi the park that eC eninig, so be ii e E\ en Ronald lcDonald \oill be onr hand for the big celebrationi He'll be in the parl from 6-S p.m % ith garners and lots of gi'e- a\.vays. The Christmas parade line up at U-Save parking lot begins at 5 p.m. The parade starts dov\nr Main St. appioximalel\ 6 p im .(dusk ending at Bann Park Christmas in the Park will Include lots of great stuff, includ- ing fun and games courtesy olI tile LaBelle Ki\\anis Club. All American hot dogs, chips aud a Coke for $3 by the LaBelle Rotary Club. The Homeless Coalition %\ill be collecting blankets and hand .warmers for our less fortunate neiglhbo:rs Bring them to the park that night or drop them off, at ti.ie United Way HousJ.e on Ft. ThomIl pson Ave' Crime prepared foi some gieat hi liday entertainment bO local choirs and bands and, of co:use, Santa and the Missus \ith their elves The Sorority will be laling free photos of kids \ ih the Jolly Old Man so \ou can albwas remember the fun. To keep things orderly, kids \ill be asked to pick up their free tickets foi events. Look for a table in the park whenyou gel there. If you i\ould like to be in the parade, please call 675-10I90. If your church or group would like to pa!rli.ipalte at the paik, call Saa t at r-5-01-25. Light up LaBelle Don't forget to register for the Light Up LaBelle Christmas light- irig contrest t,', rNov. 30 Great dec- oi,.lrions make the season really special ifo e\-r'N one. County to fund Bridge study By Patty Brant Hendry County commission- ers have agreed to advance $675,000 to the Florida Depart- ment of Transportation (FDOT) to fund a Preliminary Design and Engineering (PD&E) study of the LaBelle Bridge. FDOT will refund the money to the county in 2009-10. The action was taken at the board's Nov. 14 meeting in Clewiston. The county also received ten- tative notification that FDOT will begin a PD&E study of SR 29 all the way from US 27 in Glades County to CR 82 in Collier Coun- ty. The project would include -.1. widening some portions of SR 29 from two lanes to four lanes, and others from four lanes to six lanes. Both studies should begin on fiscal year 2007-08. Help for damaged homes The first five homes to receive renovation through the Hurricane Housing Recovery Program (HHRP) should soon be getting the repairs they need from hurricane damage. The See Study -Page 2 .- I ~ ~: . i' i rr. *, r AI"'arIVA A&R-Lisr Submitted photo/Martha Pierce Margaret England, left, with Martie Main and Ginger Allen, who started the Master Naturalist Program six years ago through the University of Florida. Snow is in area's future Bell ringers: Angels among us .- , P0. Caloosa Belle/!Knsln Hunler Part of the Salvation Army ministry is taking care of the young and old. Salvation Army volunteers Vickie Howard and Janis Davidson with Debbie Lavender's foster children two year-old James and 8 week-old Arianna. Giving to those less fortunate Master naturalist earns recognition i m "'" , . a ., C~'" B 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23,2006 Almanac Family Care Council presentation The Family Care Council of SW Florida Hendry/Glades Satellite Division proudly presents: "Plan- ning for Lifetime Care of Your Spe- cial Child" on Monday, Nov. 27, from 5:30-7 p.m. at the United Way House, 117 Fort Thompson Ave. SMeet a special needs team for information on financial, legal and social issues. A team of experts will provide you with information to help you with the financial, legal and social issues in.caring for a special loved one. Please register by Friday, Nov. 24, at 675-8383 for this free pres- entation. Drive-Thru spaghetti dinner Carlsonl Memorial United Methodist Church will have a Drive-Thru Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, December 1 from 5-7 p.m. Dinners include spaghetti, salad and bread. Tickets are $5 each and must be purchased before December 1. Desserts will be available for $1 each. The drive- thru will be located on Riverview Drive at the north end of the church. For tickets, please call the church at 675-0656. The church is located at 310 Campbell Street. Rummage sale planned The Good Shepherd Episcopal Church \%ill be having a rummage sale on Saturday, December 2, from 8 a.m.-noon on ine corner of Collingswood and Eucalyplus. Christmas brunch and auction Beta presents the third annual Delta Kappa Gamma Christmas brunch and auction on December 2, at 10:00 a.m. at Friendship Bap- tist Church. The cost is $5.00. All proceeds go to teacher/edu- cation scholarship recruitment. Garden club holiday campfire picnic The garden club will be having a 2006 holiday covered dish and campfire picnic on Sunday, December 3, at the Riverside Retreat Campgrounds I.orm.eily. The. Mlethodi,,f Campgiounids CR78w est of the Swxing Bridge -. Come early at 4 p.m. if you'd' like to take a hike along the newest nature trail. At 5:30 p.m. the covered dish dinner will be served followed by songs and stories around a camp- fire roasting marshmallows and fixin's for Smores. This will be the Nov/Dec meet- ing for The. Greater LaBelle Gar- den Club. Other Groups, Clubs, Family & Friends are invited to this special evening. Once you enter'the camp- grounds, follow the signs to the Rustic Pavilion. We are working to arrange car- pooling or a ride from the U-Save Parking lot. Call or e-mail Nikki (1) for more info; (2) to arrange for a ride or (3) if you are able to take a few passengers at 675-3394 or 239- 564-2005 or email Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com. LMS Band fundraisers LMS Band is selling Fresh Geor- gia Pecans through the Thanksgiv- ing and Christmas holiday season. Please call 674-4646 and ask for Amy Noon, Band Director or any LMS band member to buy your 12 oz. bag. They are $10 each. The money made on this fundraiser will go directly towards the spring trip fund to Nashville/Memphis, Tennessee. Thanks for your sup- port! The band is also selling Christ- mas poinsettias starting Novem- ber27. Please call Amy Noon or see any LMS Band member to reserve yours today. $10 for each Freedom Red Poinsettia. First come first served. Quantities are limited. Call 674- 4646 for more details. Come to LMS concert The LaBelle Middle School Band would like to invite the com- munity to join them for their Christmas Concert Celebration on December 5, at 7 p.m. The pro- gram will include the beginning band, intermediate band, advanced band and Jazz band. Get into the Christmas spirit at a night of wonderful music in the cafeteria. The spaghetti dinner \\ill precede the concert at 5:30 p.m. with a special exclusive perform- ance by the LMS Jazz band. Adults $6 and children $3. Attention birders The next opportunity to bird STA-5 (Stormwater Treatment Area) in Hendry County, south of Clewiston, will be Saturday, November 25. STA-5 is not nor- mally open to birders but due to efforts of Hendry Glades Audubon Society, in cooperation with the South Florida Water Management District, birders can drive on the STA5 levee to bird during one day twice a month November-April. They \\ill meet at the main gate at STA-5 at 8:30 a.m. or you can carpool with Margaret England from the LaBelle McDonald's at 7:00 a.m. or the Clewislon McDonald's at 7:45 a.m. Informa- tion about upcoming tours is post- ed at hllp:..., www.orgsites.com/.fl'hgaud ubon/ Auto Bike Night planned LaBelle Auto Bike Night is the first Wednesday of each month at Popeyes at 6 p.m. Bikes, 4x4's, low riders, customs, antiques, hot rods, muscle cars everyone is invited come by and show off your. ride. For more information call Katie 239-246-3045 or email-fullthrol- Llekatik.aaol.com. Come to pet. vaeeinatio eliC e The Caloosa Humane Society will be having a vaccination clinic Dec.15. (Dates may change so be sure to call.):,No appointment needed. Call each month for new dates. The Caloosa Humane Soci- ety is located at 1200 Pratt Blvd. Telephone number is 675-0997. Email: dognpuppy@earthlink.net., Cat packages: 4 in 1 vaccine, Rabies for $15; 4 in 1 vaccine, Rabies, Wormer for $20; *4 in 1 %accine, Rabies. Wormer, ident-a- chip for $-10. Dog packages: 5 in 1 vaccine, Rabies for $15; *5 in l vaccine, Rabies, Wormer for $20; 5 in 1 vaccine, Rabies, Wormer, ident-a-chip for $40; add Bordetel- la vaccine for $5. Bookclub discussion slated LaBelle Book Club will meet Monday, Dec. 11, 7 p.m. at Barron Library. Their discussion will revolve around The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. All readers are welcome GOPs to meet The Glades County Republi- cans will hold their first meeting of the new year on Jan. 9 at 7 p.m. in the Moore Haven Library. All inter- ested in showing support of the Republican Party are welcome. If you have any questions please call 863-673-0452. Study : Continued From Page ;1 ; homes are located throughout Hendry County: two in Harlem, two in LaBelle and one in Clewis- ton. Dog House Construction was the only bidder on the projects. LaBelle Fire Department- : , The commissioners approved a new interlocal agreement with the City of LaBelle covering the fire department. The document will now be submitted to the City of LaBelle for its consideration. As it stands, the new agreement states that: .: S1.'The 1995 agreement is null and void. . . 2. The agreement has a one. year term, with automatic one- year renewals 3. Either party may terminate it \\ith six months' written notice. If the agreement is terminated, any jointly-purchased equipment will be divided according to the then- current ratio of budget funding. 4. Budget funding will be based on a five-year rolling average of the percentage of county calls vs. city calls. The county's portion will be due quarterly. 5. The city will operate and administer the department. 6. Both the city and county must approve the annual budget. 7. In disputes between the city and county, either commission may request a negotiation. Each Ringers Continued From Page 1 volunteers that work about one day per week at the Salvation Army to help keep things running all year long. They do things such as pick up bread from the store, hand out the bread on Tuesdays, help interview people and hand out food boxes. The Salvation Army works closely with Hendry. County Social Services and the Homeless Coalition to provide for those in need. The Salvation Army needs. your help. The fundraising event of bell ringing began on Monday, November 20, and will continue until December 23, from 9 a.m.-8 p.m. The week of.Thanksgiving the bell ringers will ring on Mon- commission will appoint a repre- sentative for the negotiation. . 8. Volunteers with 40 hours of training may continue working for the department performing func- tions commensurate with their training. Legislative appropriations County Administrator Lester Baird presented a draft of the coun- ty's Legislative appropriations and grants wish list. It tentatively includes: $350,000 for small county courthouse improvements; $1.5 million for stormwater implemen- tation at Airglades Industrial Park; $1.6 million for stormwater improvements at Airport-Sears; $800,000 for stormwater improve- ments at Mid-County; $500,000 in stormwater improvements at Four Corners; $250,000 for a Stormwa- ter Master Plan Phase 11; $300,000 for Ft. Denaud bridge improve- ments; $250,000 for a Lake Okee- chobee National Pollutant Dis- charge Elimination System; and $900,000 for Port LaBelle Utility System wastewater treatment plant. In addition, the county will seek grants for $1.8 million for an Emer- gency Operations Center; $200,000 for Clewiston East Park; and $6.7 million for the CDBG 2005 Disaster Recovery Initiative to help housing recovery efforts from Hurricane Wilma. In other business, the commission: Approved a 20 cent per gallon day-Saturday except for Thanks- giving Day. All the other weeks they ring Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday. The money raised during the holiday season is used throughout the year to help meet the needs in our community. The schedule can begin with one hour but you can ring the bells as many hours/days as you would like to. Volunteers are the heart and hands of our ministry, said Deb- bie. Please call the office if you can volunteer at 674-1441. Debbie wanted to say thank you to all the bell ringers that come from up North. She said that the Salvation Army has been really blessed over the years with Northerners who fill the time slots and help ring the bells over the holidays. You can reach Kristin Hunter by e mailatcbnewsrm@newszap.com Cruises feature oxbows, riverlore The Caloosahatchee River Citi- zens Association'Riverwatch and the Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation will launch their next Sunday afternoon riverboat cruise on Sunday, December 3, from 1:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Travel back in time as you explore the historic oxbow s of the Old Caloosahatch- ee. ' The cruise' leaves the WP Franklin Lock and Dam Park, off SR 80 in Olga. Advance.reserva- tions and ticket purchase required. Cost is $30.00 per per- son. Checks must be received in advance. Mail payment to CRCA, co Manatee World, 5605 Palm Beach Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33905. Space is limited so reserve your spot by calling 693-1434. Don't miss this unique oppor- tunity to learn about the Caloosa- hatchee and its colorful history under the expert.guidance of Ms. Rae Ann Wessel, scientist, conser- vationist and river advocate. Ms.. Wessel's vast knowledge of the river, its' history and impact on Southwest Florida will keep you informed and entertained., Riverwatch. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the pro- tection of the Caloosahatchee River and its watershed, through education and promotion of responsible use and enjoyment by all people. For more informa- tion, please see the Riverwatch website at crca.caloosahatchee.org. The Caloosahatchee was recently named the #7 "Most Endangered River" for 2006 by American Rivers due to water quality concerns. The Sanibel Captiva Conserva- tion Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of natural resources and wildlife habitat on and around the Sanibel/Captiva barri- :er islands. For more information, please see their website at www.sccf.org. -. Caloosahatchee River Citizens Association (Riverwatch) .PO Box 1165, Ft. Myers, FL 33902 PO Box 2199 LaBelle, FL33975 Tel: 863-674-5727 Efax: 561- 828-8458 , www.crca.caloosahitchee,org SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 S-SD 675-3233 ToLL FRm 1-800-925-1660 STATE CEnRIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 m PATICIPATIAG CONTRACTOR CALL NOW TO HAVE TOUR A/C COMPR EHESIVBLY CHECKED BT OUR PROFESSI1ONALSERVICE IEWIQW ;ANMS discount on fuel at LaBelle Airport .on Saturday, Feb. 24, during the Swamp Cabbage Festival. ; Sixteen applications for coun- ty administrator to replace Lester Baird have been submitted. All but 6ne meet position requirements. The position will continue to be advertised through November 0 :Commissioner Kevin McCarthy was designated as the new chairman; Janet Taylor will serveasvice-chair. The commissioners did not waive a special exception fee of $2,500 to operate a mobile class- room on industrial property at 30191 Dellwood Terrace. However, the commissioners did fund ihe fee- from economic development. The; request was made by the Educa- tion Center of South Florida, Inc., a' non-profit technical education:; school. The facility is used to pro- vide construction trade training. The next regular meeting will be at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12, at the Clewiston City Hall. The second'; regular meetings in November and December have been cancelled. You can reach PattyBrantby e-mail S atpbrant@newszap.com. CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle. FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1V', 3rd& 5'h Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. there evierybod ii Somebodi and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 N. River Rd. tH -y 78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net CAUT-AI HNENILE 'AlTISTS AN[ CL 'a Errcs A 'INTI CCtFr SHC, WHV l inrc : BARRON PARK, LABELLE W/ -EN: SATURDAY, DEC 2, 2006 SThar: 8:30AM TO 3PM S\ookwork Ceramics Jewelry Toddlers Denim Victorian Gifts Swamp Cabbage Salsa Stained Glass Nlany more arts & crafts to choose from! lNany more arts and crafts to choose from. Come one come all and bring your friends! .4 rtibts and crafters welcome. For more n. f infonnahin please call Cobie at 863-517-0369 STC FFINANCE LicerLed Floridi Broker Business 100% Financing Available Full Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements SSingle Family Homes Manufactured Homes i9 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBeUe 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espaiol I Free Vaccinations ' I I wI hen you purchase aI a- Annual Wellness Exam Includes 6 month follo-w-up T Disclaimel Tne Patient and any oiter person resporisible for payment has a night to refuse to pay, car- cel payment or be rembuured fo. payment for any oiner service eyam.naton or treatment whicn is per- I formed as a result of and within 72 hours o1 responding to the advertisemeni lor the free discoured fee I oi01 reduced fee service evsamnasor. or trealmenr IM OALE *A IML LII QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 rs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated Electric Service Company Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement SLandscape Lighting and surge protection Call for A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 9-5 call 863-983-4101 863-228-4138 24 Ei.iw-ijwhl.y Service Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 CALOOSA- BEL CALOOSA BELLE To Reach Us PO Box .\51 LiBelle. FL 319-5 FPhiic l i ddrem: :2 tF Thompion -.e Phone 863i0.5 2-41 Fi:. 186a675 1449 'Veb.it V i* -.-. ', n ;.. pcom-labelJ e To Submit News STo Place a Classified Ad I Call (87;) 353-2424 t,:, place 13 Ji, hed Line ad,.ern-.emen tfrom home The dead. hne for ail classified line advermmg Ig M.!onday at i a m. for the folUov.ing Thur-day' F.ubhLcation Fax (877) 354-2424 ' E-.MaI il c sad,-news :ip ,-,m For Subscriptions The CaJoosl Belle welcomes submjis clons from itB readers Opuuons. c.ien Phone: (877) 353-242- dar temr, s-tor ,deis and photographs The C l.o a Belle dis rbute's '700 copie. are welcome CaJl (8631 675-2541 to, ,n the LaBeUc and We.tern Herdr\ reach our nev room Items ma. be, Corr: arear: :verv \edre.;dry Copie.o! mailed. Itxed or e-muled f1 you are, the p'per c.n be tound i[ vanous store sending phot-oEaph. 'ia e.mil pilcse % and elected ho e; in send them in iPEG lormit. al:o ple'e a.e our. o n hme n do notr end \\ORD document, just' LiBelle enjoy complement '. home del, paste thee m.:c;iges into the bod. of "'. F',r t'-cl milT i ubcr,pt,.irn jre the e-marl Ohfice document- are ok i.9ll.le i I,$5-1 per -~,Ir irdi $25 tor tL\ The deidine or all news items I IIt a m mnrth i on NMondai, prior to the following , Thursdi','i publcaLion Printino E M al .:bne ,.,'ne..vzap corn Speikout 1863)65- 4516 The Cjlco.-.3 BRelc i printed it _'un:!hne To Place a Display Ad P ,nt, subzdt, ..:.f ind.:pedenr Neu.-pF.:.,u- Phone (86?) 675-2541 The dei-Ine I or ll jad,.erinng in 4 p 4mr onr Fridr, lor thr.: i-l-- ..U in Thuriday's pubLc o,40n E-mail: cbelle@strato.net Billing Department -i mail .hbit.lle m~'re'.'. P :om -. ,' -- -_ : Newszapl Online News & Information Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle SBig Manls Recliner Sale S 34995 Available in Tan, Green or Cream hMicrofiber Fabric ". .1 While supply lasts Microfiber fabric feels like suede leather and is as easy to take care of as vinyl. Stains can be removed with a wet towel. Big Chair is 40 inches wide and 43 inches tall! AJackson River Home Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge ..... 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle E-maul. prrinting-.-mv. netc 1. . ~.._... - . 11 .- .- m lwtv Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23,2006 Ar resis LaBeile Melissa Danielle Brummett, 21, of LaBelle, was arrested November.:16;,and charged with possession of-..drugs. Michael Home of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting offi- cer. ,. A 15 year old juvenile of Moore -Haven, was -arrested November 16, and charged with unarmed burglary w/o a person inside and larceny theft between $300-$5,000. Marci Martinez of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Lennie Dee Whidden, 47, of Ft. Myers, was arrested November 16, and charged with passing a forged alter bank bill note check draft. Jonathan Reyes of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond waslset at $5,000 cash/surety. -. Clarissa Lavoris Hendry, 22, of-LaBelle, was arrested Novem- ber 15;, nd charged with child neglect without great harm, pos- session of cocaine, possession of cocaine with intent to sell and possession of narcotics. equip- ment. Martin Meyer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Christopher Odell Buendia, 28, of LaBelle, was arrested November 15, and charged with possession of a weapon by a con- victed felon, child neglect without great harm, possession of cocaine and possession of cocaine with intent to sell. Martin Meyer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Nicole Hansen, 20, of LaBelle, was arrested November 15, and charged with child neg- lect without great harm, posses- sion of cocaine, possession of cocaine with intent to sell and possession of narcotics equip- ment. Martin Meyer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Dalid Lopez, 22, of LaBelle,' was arrested November 15, and charged with possession of cocaine, possession of cocaine with intent to sell, possession of narcotics equipment and child neglect without great harm. Mar- tin Meyer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Gilbert Valdez, 38, of LaBelle, was arrested November 15, and charged with probation violation for a felony. Brett Edward Daley of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Robert Skinner, 31, of LaBelle, was arrested November 14, and charged with aggravated battery to a pregnant victim. Rick Allen Shephard. of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Jessie DeLeon, 23, of LaBelle, was arrested November 14, and charged with possession of drugs. Donald Davis of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. A 14 year old juvenile of LaBelle, was arrested November 13, and charged with contempt of court. Melvin Brant of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. A 15 year old juvenile of LaBelle, was arrested November 13, and charged with contempt of court. Kenneth Holley of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. A 15 year old juvenile of Felda, was arrested November 13, and charged with contempt of court. Kenneth: Holley of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. *John Harold 'Murphy, 33, 6f LaBelle, was arrested November 19, and charged with violating probation for a felony. Jesus Olvera of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Vincent Michael Yazvac, 20, of LaBelle, was arrested Novem- ber 18, and charged with burglary without a person inside. Christian Buchhoffer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Jennifer Ann Garrison, 27, of LaBelle, was arrested November 18, and charged with unarmed burglary without a person inside. Christian Buchhoffer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. A 17 year old juvenile of LaBelle, was arrested November 18, and charged with burglary without a person inside. Christian Buchhoffer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. LaBelle man involved Obituaries i traffic fatality A 54-year-old scooter driver died after being struck by a pick up on US 41 in Fort Myers Thurs- day, Nov. 16. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, it was about 9;20 p.m. when Tony C. Armstrong, 42, of LaBelle, was driving a 1999 dodge pick up truck south on US 41 (SR 45).He \vas traveling above the posted speed limit and approached another vehicle from behind, then changed lanes to the right turn lane to pass and eventually turn westbound onto College Park- way. The victim was riding a 2006 Schwinn electric scooter with no lights, northbound in the south- bound lane. Mr. Armstrong's vehi- cle collided head on with the scooter, carrying the scooter and rider for some distance before they were thrown free. Mr. Arm- strong turned into the PublLx parking lot and came to a stop. The victim, whose name was not being released pending notifi- cation of next of kin, and scooter came to a final rest in the south- bound land of US 41. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene by Lee Coun't EMS. Mr. Armstrong was not injured in the crash. Felda man involved in L crash on SR 29 south A 26-y'ear-old Immokalee man the center line and into the path of was, injured in a crash on SR 29, the semi. one-mile south of Experimental The Dodgeandthe.semicollid- Stat(on Road, on Thursday, .oI ed, 'left front to left front, jackknif- 16. The crash-occurted at about ing-the semi across, the, travel 7:30"p.m. lanes ofSR 29. A third vehicle then According to the Florida High collided with the rear o the trailer. way. Patrol, Arturo Gallegos was driving a 1995 Dodge southbound At presslime, no information is on 99 available on that vehicle or its on SR 29. A 1997 semi-tractor trailer driv- driver. en by 50-year-old Mario Lopez of Mr. Lopez was not injured in Feldo, was headed north. For an. the crash. Both Mr. Gallegos and unknown reason, Mr. Gallegos' Mr. Lopez were wearing their vehicle drifted to the left across seatbelts at the time of the crash. Ricardo Vasquez Gutierrez Ricardo Vasquez Gutierrez of LaBelle, 35, died in a motor vehicle accident on Saturday, November 4, 2006, in LaBelle. Ricardo Vasquez Gutierrez was born in Colonia Las Cuachez, Chia- pas, Mexico. He came to LaBelle trom Mexi- co and w worked as a laborer. His survivors include his brother Pedro Vasquez Gutierrez of LaBelle. Calling hours were held Novem- ber 15 at Brister Funeral Home. Ser- vices were in Mexico. He was buried in the Chiapas Cemetery, in Tapachula Mexico. Brister Funeral Home in Immokalee was in charge of arrangements. Lillie Mae Yeomans Lillie Mae Yeomans, age 85, of LaBelle, passed away November 16, 2006 in Lehigh Acres She was born Feb. 14, 1921 in Dunnellon to Fletcher Frank Billups and Joyce Florence (Hale) Billups. She was a resident of LaBelle since 1942. Sturvivo6rs iriclikd''ter s'i: Robert Lan (Cheryl) Ye'6mais6'f LaBelle, daughter: Susan Juanita Yeomans of LaBelle, Nbiece Vapda, (Wallace) Fallin of-LaBelle,'r.and-: childien: Chad Everett (Nickey) Yeo- mans, Matthew Lee Yeomans of Naples and Amy Yeomans of LaBelle and great-grandchildren: Kassie Yeo- mans and Kirsten Yeomans, both of Ft. Myers. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Lee YeomansJr. Funeral services were held Sun- day, November 19, at First Baptist Church Of LaBelle with Reverend Frank Deerey Jr.' officiating. Inter- ment followed at Ft. Denaud Ceme- tery. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home- LaBelle. Susan Addine "Stokes" Lancaster Susan Addine Lancaster was born 1910 in Felda. She went to be with the Lord November 18,2006. She lived most of her life in Felda. She was a Charter Member of Felda Baptist Chruch. She was active in the Order of Eastern Star in Immokalee for many years. She was on the Election Poll in Felda for many years. She was loved and respected by her church and com- munity. She was preceded in death by . her husband Charles Lancaster, two children Hellen Joyce Shoults and Bennard K. Lancater, Granddaughter Susan Hoover, two sisters Carman L. Townsend, and Nita Rimes, three brothers Allison, Frances, and Lester Stokes. She is survived arid truly missed by two daughters Lois and "John" Dail,.Virgina A. Dail, two sons Thomas and "Fredia" Lancaster, Norman and "Janice" Lancaster, 17.. -prandchildren, .6 Great Grandchil- drdn, 8 Great Great'Graidchfildren, and a sister Virginia L. Boney. Friends will be received on November 21, 2006 from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. at Akin Davis in La Belle. Services were on November 22, 2006 at Felda Baptist Church at 3 p.m. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home LaBelle. At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Tre-,urenit of Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glatucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye. Cataracts Pterygiuim Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters \ LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Aailable 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 avw I'amidI~ eecarelabellecomr Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one rwho has departed with a special Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. is Z a a& Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary of your loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one. lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. a,. sl ;'&. Visit www2.newszap.com/memortals for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. Have news? Share it! Ps S S -- '~' ;t~ 1- j' The 24-Hour Community 'Wire Service.' Post press releases or news items or catch up on the latest postings. 1. Y u PuicE Want the community to 'save the date' for your event? Place it on the Community Calendar up to a year in advance! i .nila ofI -I I L AL', S 'I "' L : [p..., II tal I t4 Need a Roof before the Rain gets here? 1(150 Commerce Dr, Suite A, LBelle, FL. 33935 License #CCCI1125950 Specialize in All Roofs Especially metal. Commercial and Residential FREE ESTINLATES Call Today PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL 33935 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 uLc #1327233 I. "if' Edison College is looking for'tlualified individuals to teach part-time- at the Hendry/Glades Center in the following disciplines: Business Computers Foreign Languages Math Please be sure to bring your resume and a copy of your graduate level transcripts. Minimum requirements include a doctoral or mas- ter's degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education in the teaching discipline or a master's degree with a concentration in the t teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester credit hours in the teaching discipline). Doctorate preferred. For information please visit jobs.edison.edu or contact Jessica Seaborn (239/489-9035), icseaborn@edison.edu. EA/EO. S.. ...; Inc. .* : QUALITY MATERIALS ALL WORK GUARANTEED * ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS * FREE ESTIMATES- 36 }ears Combined Experience Metal Roofs Re-Roofi Roof Repair, Roof Coating Soffil!Fa-cia LaBe- e 863-675-7045 Fax. 863-612-1158 Locally Owned & Operated Member of the Berer Bufines' Bureau IWVith appreciation we want to thank everyone trom the very depth of our hears. The outpouring of love and compassion shown at the fundraiser for Mike from our- community is beyond mere words. There are so many businesses and citi- zens to mention and some we don't even know of, we don't want to forget to thank anyone. We want everyone that was involved in the fundraiser to know how much you've couched our hearts. We want to give a special thanks to our Pastor LW Howard and Sister Charlanne and our fellow worshipers at Community Harvest Worship Center for making this all possible. Therefore after we heard of our faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for hLi saints, we do ot cease to give thanks for you, making mention o you in our daily prayers." Eph 1:15 God Bless Each and Everyone Love Mike and Genel Wright 19PstYuOpnoI 4ij , i -.it-~L I;..i i Have an opinion you want to get off your chest? 'Introduce a topic for discussion in the Public Issues Forums. I e otYu htsI Have a digital camera? Want to share your photos with your friends and the community? Create a gallery of your photos for free at newszap.com. Every organization, school, place of worship, sports team, writer/blogger and local business is invited to request a free link at newszap.com. It's a community service to drive visitors to your site! PLUS: Buy it/Sell it Classifieds and Advertising Opportunities for Page Banners, Tiles, and Sponsored Links newszapcom, Community Links. Individual Voices. THE ULTIMATE COMIMUNfTY WEBSITE We Rt & f I Oi ,4 =Am Alb 4 OPNIO Caoos Bele, hurday Novmbe 23200 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. HAVE YOU FOUND A KITTEN? A little girl's calico kitten has been lost in the vicinity of Upthegrove Elementary School. The center of its face is black. If found, please call 675-7034 or 517-0402. IT WAS A GREAT RIDE! Hold your head high. It's been a great sea- son. Ain't you proud to be a Cowboy? Yes, we are! Proud parent and fan Go Cowboys! . Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County issues: hnp://www newszaptorums.com/lorum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on 'community forums and links." Chamber Thoughts The holidays are upon us, Thanksgiving this week and in just a short while Christmas will be here. The Chamber is very busy now with a lot of activities. On November 29, we will be host- ing a luncheon at Don's Steak House, 11:30 a.m. with a repre- sentative from Florida Power and Light as our speaker. Get your reservations in now,. $10per per- son. - Next we are having our annual Light ilp La Belle contest You can pick up \our applicallon at the Charnber office between the hurs ,f 9:00 am. and 3d00 p.m. Rl ida\r tlhru Fiida\, dead line is r':7M riT3fe .j3 so Ret your applica- tion now' Don'tforget there will be prizes. Let's make Christmas spectacular this year! December I, the Chamber'of Commrnerce \\ill be holding its first ever Christmas in the Park. There \will be games, food, fun, SANTA ,CLALISE AND SNOW' I can't wait to make my first show ball' After you watch the parade you just mosie down to Barron Park for the entertainment. As the New Year approaches \our membership dues will be due We hope to have a busy lear at the Chamber so join us for the flun' Happy Holidays SaraTownsend Thankfulness time in Hendry Ci ei ihr mi-an\ past months of hoper l i ful.i lllilling mn\ inlernd- ed p, iip-'osie ':- coni nuriincatint the positives of living in.Hendry County, I've been searching for a way to set the table for a Happy Thainksi.J ir, i,: all. The fates have been kind to me, once again, and I wish to share with the words of the it rio neld poet, l(Ma\a Angelou.. \V"When I sa\-- I am a Christ- ian. i'm not shouting, I'm clean living. I'm whispering, I was lost. Now I'm found and forgiven." \\ hen I say--I am a Christ- ian, I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stum- ble and need Christ to be my guide." "When I say--I am a Christ- ian, I'm not trying to be strong! I'm professing that I'm weak, and need his strength to carry on." \ hen I say--I am a Christ- ian, I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed, and need God to clean up my mess." , When I say--I am"r Christ- ian, I'm not claiming to be per-. fect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it." When I say--I am a Christ- ian, I still feel the sting of pain.. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon his name." When I say--I am a Christ- ian. I'm not holier than thou. I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow." Ms Angelou in a sub note, goes on to say that she hopes that.by sharing this with some- one who already has this under- t's your worlI Get Involved standing, it will serve as belief reinforcement More important- ly, she trusts that for those who do not ha\e a clear understand- ing of what it means to be .a Christian, it will dispel any myths that Christians .think they are "perfect" or better than others. To me her words in light of the all the conflict that exists in the world today, can serve as a reconciling force in the true spir- it intended by our forefathers in that first Thanksgiving, so many years ago. Thanksgiving, falling as it his- torically does at harvest time, should allow each and every one of us to pause and reap the ben- efits of living in one of the few remaining, truly, free societies in thewoirld today One of the easi- est and most rewarding ways to pioperlv give thanks for all the blessings a free society can bestow is to gather together with friends and family, giving thanks for that very privilege of gather- ing. Lest I stray from my appoint- ed purpose of recognizing and honoring :'' "Thankfulness" in Hendry, I encourage each of you, in your own way, to person- ally thank any and all, who you deem worthy of your thanks, and in any way, shape or form, serve as your reason to persist and overcome life's challenges. Thankfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County Citizen and Taxpayer) ---. -- CALOOSA, BFIIF Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belie is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalists service to the citizens ol the community Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on profit margins below Industrystan- dards All aiter-tax surpluses are reinvested In Independent's mission oi journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the UIS Constiulton, and support oi the community s deliberation or public Issues We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: To, ..perate Ih reW-'per .s INews Editor: Patty Brant pnI our community Reporter- Kristin Hunter L.-corme a ceiier place to iyve Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt ar.a *:.',jrk. rnrouh cour deal. c-.olr, 10 con-cienrnous5. our- ADVERTISING: r 'pioe me ni.-nlciion rcit Advertising Director ,_rn nee.a c1 make their ovwn Judy Kasten ir'.iiiaern declsior,- aooul Advertising Manager [I.-LI.C Is ueC Brenda Jaramillo T.;.|,.:-IaI ihe! rv.,i Wnh hanr Advertising er,, "cc,,rc,, pJrpco-elluI reii. ioria, s. 'ler ty Services Coordinator. re.-i. ,neis: .and compass Son Dale Conyers io u.ie our opinrI:.r page. io Advertising Services: I..imlale conmn-unily debate. Barbara Calfee :r o.: on,r ile it with OUr National Advertising o, Jr opliloriz Tc j icloi our o,:wn conflicts Joy Parrish o lrilresi or poleninal con. ....... ........... iiiis I, o-ur readers n Independent Newspapers, Inc. ST,: correct our errors and to Chairman give eA-,Fn correcllion the Joe Smyth ri.:,n-inerice it deserves President -_ provide a right to reply lo Ed Dulin T:. ireJ F eple '.-'ih couresy Vice President :p.l.ciara 'rl conmpaslon of Florida Operations Tom Byrd For More Information See At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Edltor Katrina Elsken Letters Love and service Editor: It is difficult to determine the main focus of this letter. Is it expressing our sincere gratitude to the people who helped us dur- ing the last four days of our Great Danes life? Or is it reflecting on the love and service our Great Dane gave to the wonderful resi- dents at Oakbrook Nursing home? Or is it our gratitude that we live in LaBelle, a community whose professionals treat their clients like family? I don't know.. So I'll start with gratitude. Duke6 .our aged dog, suddenly took ill. He was avery large dog (127 lbs.) and we had no means to physical- ly carry him to Shew\maker's Ani- mal Hospital. We called our. neighbor Pastor Dennis Edgar and he got us to, the vets in his truck. I don't know what we \w would have done without him. It has been a few days since his death and I still say a prayer of gratitude for Dr. Bridget Cochran. She did so much to help that dog and late Friday night after she had w worked all week and a full day Fri- day returned to work and reopened the clinic to relieve the dog of his suffering. Some might say he was just a dog. But love is love,service is service and suffer- ing is suffering. He loved his fami- ly and neighbors, he loved and served the residents of Oakbrook. And when he suffered the com- munity responded to him with love and service. I don't know about you but there is a lesson there for me. Thank you Dr. Bridget, thank you Pastor Edgar, thank you resi- dents of Oakbrook and thank you LaBelle. Duke and Sharon Leduc Preserve American rights Editor: As you know I have written about the ACLU before. I would like to express my feelings about the Public Expressions of Religion Protection Act of 2006 (PERA). The passage of this legislation brings us one step closer to pre- venting legal groups, like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), from collecting attor- ney's fees from the defendants they sue in Establishment clause cases. Eliminating these mone- tary awards will free citizens to. stand up for their Constitutional rights and freedoms and not face crippling judgments and allor- ney's fees imposed upon them by activist judges. A special thanks goes out to Representative John N. Hostettler of Indiana for championing this needed legislation on behalf of all taxpayers in the name of religious expression. The American Legion remains committed to preserving veterans' memorials from litiga- tion brought on by the ACLU and other organizations seeking removal of such symbols from the public square. I hope the com- CommunityCalendar Friday, November 24 American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 AA: Step 11 Meditation Meet- ing,7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the- Good Shepherd, 'Collings\ood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting ,.I Bingo! Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. NO Smoking Sunday, November 26 AA: 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of .the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle. open discussion Monday, November 27 Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. . Bingo: 6:30 p.m. American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80\V Moose Lodge #2398: 8 p m. Moose Lodge Lions Ja cee Blvd. Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswvood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meet- ing panion legislation introduced by Senator Sam Brownback in the Senate (S. 3696) will pass as quickly. Representative Hostettler said the ACLU and similar groups are "profiteering" as well as seeking "to remove every vestige of our religious heritage from public places." He introduced the PERA to restore the right of communi- ties to defend themselves and: remove the financial threat used by the ACLU and other organiza- tions. PERA only eliminates the award of attorney's fees; injunc- live relief is still available as the remedy in successful cases. Rep- resentative Hostettler said "Victo- ry \\as the result ol countless vol- unteer hours on the part of American patriots whio made phone calls, wrote letters, spoke to friends and neighbors, and. gave of their, time to ensure the passage of this legislation. Because of what we did, veterans who choose to fight to keep heir war memorials intact can do so without the threat of prohibitive attorney's lees." The Vote in the House was: Republican 218 Y-as, 6 na\s, 6 did not vote Dernocrals 26 Yeas, 166 Nays, 9 did not vote Independent I Na\ Total 244 Yeas, 17.3 Nays. 15 did not vote. This legislation, if enacted, eliminates the threat of "judicial blackmail" on the Constitutionall\ protected expression of religion by state and local officials by.tak- ing away the authority of activist judges to award huge attorney fees in litigation against religious symbols at veterans' memorials, the Boy Scouts, public seals, and open display of America's reli- gious heritage. The real threat of such judge- ordered fees is that they have ter- rorized local elected officials into surrendering to the plaintiff's demands to remove religious symbols, such as crosses from veterans' memorials, city logos, police badges, and any public environment where the rich reli- Sgious heritage of the nation flour- ishes. II is time to put an end to this outrageous exploitation of a law designed to encourage indi- vidual plaintiffs injured by racial discrimination to seek judicial relief. Attorney-fee awards, although discretionary with a trial judge, are usually approved for the prevailing party;, however, some have twisted this civil rights legislation to achieve results The American Legion believes Con- gress never intended. The Ameri- can Legion fully supports this leg- islation because it fairly addresses the Constitutionally protected expression of religion and recti- fies the excessive awards of attor- ney fees paid from public funds. God only hopes the Senate passes this bill, but with the Democrats in charge God is the only one that can help us now. Dennis R. Boland Witch's Brew \When \oui mrn a cake or w\ hat- ever, the easiest w\ay to clean the beaters and the bot,-Il is to fill it with warnm water and a few drops of detergent and mLx. This is an easvwayto clean the blender too. When tr. ing t, glue a dJow el in a hole the glue alwxays pushes out Cut grooves in the dowel first. This gives the glue a pl.:', to setlt- in I Put a recik:led spray\ top on a bottle of alco:,hl arnud jst to spia\ a paper tosw el Io % ii,? :, oj;r phone and key- board with. To \wash instead of dust your fragile objects just lay them in the sink on a towel ahd spray with window cleaner and rinse with a spray of water and let air dry. Werd for the Week: augh- l'n...You aught'n do that' Birthdays November 23: Glenn Miller, Joanna Johnson, Marian \Voodroffe, Charles Wright, David Novom . November 24: Wilma Sum- frierall, Edwin Dana, Marcella Salmon, Ida Rider, Martha Lucia, Gladys Young, Karen O'Hara,. Dorothy Lamkin, Karen Knight, Katherine Michelle Midgley November 25: Tracy Farr, Anthony Curtis, Nell Summerall, John English, Charles Clemons, Jr., Jeff Hansen, Kevin Alderman, James Ballard, Brandi Hoff, Kaylin Murphy, Lisa Canales November 26: Stele Kinchen, Vernon Furman, Richard Swan, Andrea Molina, Chris Stahler, Beckv Brookins, Donnie McGirt, Ray Field Johnson, Sr.,' Pat McCasland, Andy Eldridge, Rose- mary Andrews November 27:- Pat Chezem, Catherine Scudder, Chris Piecuch, Samuel Medina, Dan Timms November 28: Sue Williams, Betty Bryan, Larry mason, Suzanne Moore, Faye Foster. Ash- ley Harmpton, Linda Brookins, Lisa Brookins, Tommie Lou Brookins, Billy Wright . November 29: John McGill, Patricia Palmer, Elizabeth Thomas; Tommy Vaughan, Mark Green, Sally Johnson, Jimmy Conyers, Cheryl Puletti, Gene Hire, Angela Keller, Marilyn Porter, Rachel Burchard November 30: Dana Jones, Luci Crawford, Janice Taylor, Jessie Lowery, Michael Mason, Tina Beyer, Markel Beddingfield, Jr., Lee J. Granims, Brad David- son, Ronda Sands, Donald Teston, Tejal Patel Avoid becoming victim of identity theft crime First Bank has released tips to help consumers avoid becoming victims of identity theft. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing types of fraud with up to 500,000 cases each year. The tips are part of First Bank's continuing efforts to promote financial education and safety. Identity theft, also called "account takeover fraud," involves criminals stealing individ- uals' personal credit information and assuming their identities by applying for credit in their names, running up huge bills, stiffing creditors and generally wrecking victims' credit histories. "Vigilant monitoring of your personal information and know- ing who you are doing business with are two of the best ways to avoid becoming a victim," said Miller Couse, President, First Bank, Clewiston. "Understanding how criminals get access to your personal information is your first line of defense." For more infor- mation about identity theft, visit First Bank's web site at www.firstlbank.net. Consumers can avoid becom- ing victims by following some simple tips from the American Bankers Association. Do not give your Social Secu- rity number or other personal credit information about yourself to anyone who calls you. Crimi- nals use this information to open new charge accounts posing as you. Tear up receipts, bank state- ments and:unused credit card offers before throwing them away. Criminals can collect bits of information about you by going through your trash. Watch for missing mail and do not mail bills from your own mailbox with the flag up. An identity thief may steal your mail and file a change of address form with your credit card company or the U.S. Postal Service. Review your monthly accounts regularly for any unau- thorized charges. Order copies of your credit report ohce a year to ensure accu- racy. When conducting business online, make sure your browser's padlock or key icon is active. Do not open email from unknown sources and use virus detection software. Protect your PIN's and pass- words and change them frequent- ly. Report any suspected fraud to your bank, credit card companies and the fraud units of the three credit reporting agencies immedi- ately. The fraud unit numbers are: Trans Union (800) 680-7289; Experian (888) 397-3742; and Equifax (800) 525-6285. Should you have any questions regarding identity theft and phish- ing, please call First Bank at (863) 983-8191. Community Links. Individual Voices. W p . IM Ij I LP, c I What are you thankful for and what is your Thanksgiving tradition? Jr;:-I,---; Todd Anderson, "I am thankful for my health and the ability to live in a free society. My traditions are mashed potatoes that have to be lumpy with sour cream and blue cheese and the annual family foot- ball game before we eat. All the kids play and everybody just tries to spend the day together." 2 1/ year-old Koby Spencer said he's thankful for "Babies and their feet. For grandma and grandpa and Uncle Bret and mom and dad and Aunt Carina. Presents!" Kenny Crews, "I am thankful for, family, the country we live in, our freedoms and the people who fight for those freedoms. As far as traditions are con- cerned, we don't really have any, we just get together with our family." Justin Henry, "I am thankful for freedom, everybody serving in the military, family and an 18 oz. T- bone steak. Our tradition is throw- ing horseshoes in the backyard." Gwendolyn Corker, "I praise God every day because without Him we wouldn't have anything. He makes the way for everybody. I am thankful to be alive, for my kids, my job of 3 years, being able to see another year and just being able to get out of bed every morning." Koby Spencer said for his little brother Tanner, "Granny Evelyn, Bre- anna, Aunt Louise, Mike and Trish. (But mostly for my grandma, said grandma.) Sy Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! -l - - - Caloosa Belle,. Thursday, November 23, 2006 4 OPINION Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23, 2006 0 NHS awarded third place in nation The LaBelle High School National Honor Society Academic Team made a very impressive showing at the National Confer- ence in Orlando this weekend recently. They came away with third place in the nation, competing against schools across the United States. After the qualifying exam, the top scoring 16 teams competed in the Academic Bowl. There were r.,.:- '.. ,,;,- .. Submihed photo/Donna Baines Start holidays with love Bob Butts and Nancy McGlasson will take the stage at the Firehouse Cultural Center to perform Love Letters, a touching love story by A.R. Gurney. Don't forget to bring nonperishable food donations for the Salvation Army to help make this holiday season a good one for all your neighbors. Performances are Nov. 24, 25, 26 and 30, Dec. 1, 2, 3. Thursday and Friday performances are at 7 p.m.; Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Advance tickets are $10; $12 at the door. Call 675-3066 for reservations. Community News schools form Florida, California, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Con- necticut,, Ohio, Illinois, Virgin Islands,: New York, Texas, Puerto Rico, and many more.- Those competing from LHS were Cathy McVay, Will Burke, Jenny Milligan, Brittany Baker and Chelsey Anderson. LaBelle High School students were outstanding, and made Hendr. County and the state of Floridavery proud. Ss^ i,. ., LHS National Honor Society/Mary Sue Smith Academic Team: Those competing from LHS were Cathy McVay, Will Burke, Jenny Milligan, Brittany Baker, and Chelsey Anderson with Academic Team Advisor Dr. Jeff Moore. First and second places were awarded to teams from Texas, and they \%ere schools three to four times larger than LHS. The other school from Florida, which placed fourth, was from the Orlando area. The LaBelle chapter's service project was also chosen as one of the top ten in the nation. Other members attending and also accepting.this award were Anthony Hernandez, Rosa Martinez, Daron Orzech and Evan Hoffman. SThis project, "The four-year-old Migrant Christmas Celebration," was presented to over 800 atten- dees. .The LaBelle Chapter of National Honor Society was hon- ored ard presented with a plaque for their dedication to serving the community and making a differ- ence in the lives ol others. Mary Sue Smith, the NHS addis- er, dishess to thank Mr. GilberLson, principal of LHS, for his support. She also wishes to thank the Hendry ('County School Board for providing transportation to Orlan- i c. f Si NI I. Marian fferh, r do. She wants to express her thanks to Dr. Jeff Moore, who sponsors the academic team and went along to help coach them. Most of all, she wishes to thank the community of LaBelle and all of the members of National Honor Society, who worked hard to earn the money that make this accomplishment possible The National Honor Society is working on several community service projects for December. You will see them ringing the bells, for the Salvation Army on December 2 and 9. They will be hosting another Migrant Christmas Celebration party on December 8 for the four- year-olds fi,'j LES. They are also in the planning stages of the second annual talent show to be held in January of 2007. They ~ar currently selling Christ- mas poinsettias to help finance a -trip to next year's National Confer- ence of IHS. It \\ill be held in Atlanta, Georgia. The\ thank you in advance 1oo \our support. 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee Caloosa Cowboy Claus raffle set S'The Caloosa Humane Sciet-\ will be raffling off a hand-craftel original art Santa doll on Satur- day, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. at the boat parade at the .Barron Park. Refreshments will also be avail- able. Tickets are $10 a piece available at the shelter. You do not need to be present to win. All proceeds benefit thie -Caloosa Humane Society The 18-inch high doll has a hand sculpted head and hands made out of polmel~ cla\. The bod\ is stuffed ~ th ni tie ;amar ture embedded in the base, with handmade clothes and man\ accessories Horse body from the "American Girl Collection." This Christmas Santa doll as donated by a local doll crafter especially for the benefit of the Calosa HumaneSociety. VFW plans pork dinner \'F\\' Post 101i00 H\v. 29 S. Ladies Auxiliary \\ill host a pork dinner at the post Friday, Dec. 1 hrom 5-7 p.m. Dinners are $7. It is open to the public. Come and eni.:i smoke free dining. The LaBelle Chapter's service project was also chosen as one of the top ten in the nation. Other members attending and also accepting this award were Anthony Hernandez, Rosa Martinez, Daron Orzech and Evan Hoffman with front row Academic Team Advisor Dr. Jeff Moore and NHS Advisor Mary Sue Smith. Hurry, limited time only! E I ~16m~sI IC I I I I I FUEL SAVER PACKAGE OR LESS Proper vehicle maintenance is key to maximum fuel efficiency. '/Genuine Motorcraft Premium Synthetic Blend Oil and filter change Rotate and inspect four tires /Check air and cabin air filters /Inspect brake system lTest battery /Check belts and hoses VTop off all fluids Up to five quarts of Motorbraft oil. Taxes and diesel vehicles extra. Disposal fees not included in some locations, Hybrid high voltage battery test not included. See participating Dealership for details through 11/30/06 Buy 4 Michelin or BF Goodrich Brand Tires and Get "The Works" Fuel Saver Package on Us.! U-jsi '. r*',ileJ .-rldl lire pu'ch-ies ril I liii are li riet l' -i i ,i 1 r l c ,oiu l l., ', P bi l 3 6 m l tr H lMuin L.j 1 2,' 31 l0 ! b. ,i li)r II rA. '''Jm [ aIIS. is .r JA r wn d "i _.=lcrrl~ l it :.l MAIT d i, lhli.ufw flll, Includes machining Ilrotors and drums ! Install Genuine Ford or Motocraft' pads or shoes on most cars/light trucks at regular price. Front or rear axle. 'a, ,i E i, L pl:rtnil', tierlh leier..hp r.:,ir J l, r.i,urrr I I ijOy, Genuine Motorcraft Brake Service $9995 .7++ OR LESS Get the brakes engineered specifically for your vehicle. i i I l 'or:iA r ri4 i,' il ,,', I [dr.ar;.'Iilit urL o i i( j. r j'.- J nu'j ;ni I ii-,,,,' li i l i i i i ,;r i, ii I-I l i 't I : ...Iln I i[ iil ii. ) r .-ll ii I I r I I, .r ---- ------------------- --------- Genuine Motorcraft' Tested Tough" MAX Batteries as low as $89 95 With 100-month warranty I that includes FREE towing. Get the battery engineered specifically for your vehicle. l]l' Pif ,ill .,, l.,n.'c T .,. -,:1jl]]ii it, Ohfr PFi In' 'I rI.. iO ,11v 'A i j', .m.;rI [ L, .1levy .'i i ,1,:i i l.: i l51 lf r[li, ler.; ,p lIr ,tlI.,,:l e a ,pl, rp i,, r,,1 Ih ,ilt.,l i ,j rjl,' :.I r ,l: m ER ETR. ~ U:1II~WE'E ROIN I. NDW ai OUTOBETH UDGE. BOLD ~een *.t , Visit your local participating Southwest Florida Ford Dealers! 3) N Bo- tesRbaeo7 -]t~krTHE RIGHT PRICE!9 4) NO "fteranyold. trde WfNN'R oi.;FORD MO1 O.R, OMPANY' OPEN SATURDAY! See participating Dealership for service hours. ~cn~iiT~~ 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23, 2006 ...., tpi\ Hom e .L.. Builders Visit Our Model Center: 2480 E Stale Road 8)0 Open M-Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 706 Gill Ci 32 $20900 3045 June F4T.22 2 7026 Gill Cir. 3/2/2 $207,900 045 June3 3004 Holt Ct. 4/3/3 $332,900 Vacant Lots Available Building Communities, 4 One Quality Home at a Timel Hem/dr Corntv's #1 Top Qulity Builder L,-p SB n o. Great Deals!!!! Builder's Discount Mortgage Interest Rale buy down 1.5%1 st yr & .5% 2nd yr 30 Fixed rate w/ CHL HM FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (863)612-0012 www.chlhomebuilders.com Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Sooni Lorida 10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months R M s.]l Spec tionIr.I l IneId e .cie ril i e ih ;le ""Pa' ed Road? "C ount) \\nter Powr:i G- Ulu I UI iIl]lll ti* ll.1-jJa I s%1 f lVV ;:~ --- ...:- i 2029 N. Montana 3/2/2 $211,980 Cypress 1I mental Available $1200 Mth PRICED TO SELL 6.4+/- acres in Alva. Don't miss this opportunity ,for an adorable YI- house with acreage. S Appraised and priced @ $650,ooo00Best Deal in Alva!!! Call 863-675-0000 Look for the Hendry Glades Real Estate Magazine now! BEST BLU! tirdab!e Bu.ines Zoned Property! This2BR/1BAhome is situated on a high traff-: r..ad in dte dr, Tust 2 biU.,r nc.rni ofHwy 81') r.l bhl..Lk -asta.:;t Brdgre 'nr-t ar.-d surrounced b i ..r- I .anrs an, b..-iness., Priced to Sell! $150,000 3BRIBA IN COUNTRY\ \TLLAGL Ni.:- Lh.:.r pl-vLr rile rr,-,ugh .-u. Pncre',l t, sell $110.000 WATERFRONT HOMES LOTS LOCATION, LOCATION. LOCA- TION!!! Thi- + acre penrtr-ull ha. .6 1-: r .II .:.'" ico. hahi:hne Rer f,.ni.r .- :.rhl. H ,., 2' .:o.:c Z.ul, ed .-' your possibilities are endless! $3.300,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT PARCEL! Two buildable lots w/ 60' pro- tected dock on old river oxbow. Pristine views up river & across to protected state owned land. Plus no corps setback, approx. 200 ft. of waterfront & situated on both the Caloosahatchee River (Intracoastal Waterway) and the old river oxbow. $1,500,000 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S BEST! This recently renovated 3 Br / 2 Ba home is located at the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced r., Sell"' $499,900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS froI, thi- Iaterfri.ron home it (en deep.4r jer rler oxbc,'w ,.' prite dock in place Home site is located appr.-,, 75 t firr., the ma.n iier Perrni[ are nI place t- ie. dredge ,-.\bo-. $499.000 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. Th;. .22 CBS Home & Guest mobilSe n oin jjak s Branch i. r.er ac:es This ULnique proper also hjs IL' otn pri..ae ISL.ND c.(orgeou, pr,:IpF r% is c,,errrd largr 'ak.s (_ all (,r r more details $475.000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! Thi. I 04 acre lor .: i.i-.de, d i & located .:.n (Counr Rjjd': 7 Build ,..ur dreiamr h:,nme o i [hl parcel & enjfol} e',dlcis ilei .i- t lie Cdiloaaihrtchce Ri'er Seller M:otnjated' Br.r. all .:.-fer.1 Price Reduced $399,000 INVESTMENT OPPOR- ATONllTA! 21111 WIDE. DErEP r2ATER' Pnrdji car.r orfie o s th be ,,o. -irf c6 I,', Cil,.:,,.:,h3tclte R',,e C D.rrerLl ,a)ri-d Ir r up ro 12 units ',:d ,tk.er and . Uaier PrinT.:_- I..aj..rn %. Jils s tarter home or rental investment. fenced & priced to sell! Price Reduced $550,00 HOMES IN THE CITY AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home w/ office or possible 4th bedroom. Perfect starter home or rental investment. Located within city.limits, completely fenced & priced to sell! Price Reduced $89,900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME This 3BR/2BA mainu- factured home has a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! Possible owner financing uailable' O'nner lll consider all offer' Price Reduced $105,000 IMMACULATE3 BR, 2 BA LANUFAC- TURED HOME situated on shaded ouer. sizedd lot in torn & completely fenced Home features faulted ceilings. spln loor plarn kitchen hlih pantr\ & breaklastj wiland. Reduced $134,900 MOVE IN READ1I Ne-rlv remodeled 1 Br. ? Ba home lotited on large lot in the iIv. New carpet, flooring and interior paint & spacious master bedroom. 5179,900 PRICED TO SELLI Home in the city w/ many oaks. This 3 br / 2 ba features gal- Slume roo. net, ;rierior paint. open liv- ing area, eat i, kircher,n open dining. fenced back yard with well for lawn irri- eat;or. &S itorage shed $184.900 CHARMING 2 BR 2 BA CEDAR HOME ilr, on o',er;ized corner otn in the II) fejatres, are aiulted crelirngi ile. French door., Fen,:ed bwck yard & extra su,.rage $199.900 HOMES OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE. 2BR/2BA on SR 29 situated on %1 acre. $99,500 3BRIBA IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. Nic. 1,:i,:.r pl a, rile rhr. aul ih our Prced to sell $130,000 3BR/2BA HOME w/ tile through out liv- ing areas. Large living room + family room. Fenced bjik ard i,'mjars\ trpicail & BBQ room. Prce Reduced $179,900 APPEALING 2 BR/ 2 BA HOME located in a desirable neighborhood approxi- matel 5 miles West of LaBelle. Features include open floor plan, new metal roof, ceramic tile, fenced rear yard, and gor- geous curb appeal. Home recently paint- ed inside and out is situated on a beauti- ful .25 acre lot. Move in ready! $187,000. 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEAN! This home is truly a beauty from the inside out. Features: ceramic tile, bonus ro-,m .. hurricane shl.aiers. BACK ON THE MARKETI Priced to Sell' screened porch. al.,rm sienlm spacluo u 3 I' +-.' Atres i Coita,.iRe lir hnom lot.i bedrooms & b Iahroo-m, W\'ell manicured ed in Icr.r LaBelle Rancheitte ituated at corner lot .. irrigauon rsteni A mut the end r a culdei sac% peaceful & private see' $189.000 sirlg Cathedral tceling. ceramic tile 3BR'2BA CBS HOME WPOOL IN tl'roughouti. pein llo,.r plan a- ir.ap LAUREL OAKS, %-'n desirable ne;ih-. arun.J porch $325,000 - -__-__ .. ^-, n- I--- -...- PAICrII CA 1 d RD 9 RA MAINL IiAfCT mn11 oorhoo w/ giea floor plan.or a.growing family) Pro pert- is surrounded by large oaks. Home pool needs TLC, being sold AS IS. Price Reduced $199,900 IMMACULATE 3BR/IBA CBS HOME w/ bonus room. Situated on a /2 acre cor- ner lot w/ great curb appeal. .Price includes additional buildable lot. $219,500 CBS HOME- PORT LABELLE UNIT 102. Features open floor plan. split bed- rioomns. Friindaire sitinles, steel appli- ances, tile throughout, tepar:ae ub j il 5ho,,er in m.irer. kaulied ceilings. pain and ito car garage $229,900 NEW.CONSTRLICTION 3 BR 2 BA CBS HOME! Split floor plan. i'.il.:1+ total sq it, granite ,counter topEs, I ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling and many more upgraded features $245.000 3BR'2.5BA CBS POOL HOME, ipiaciiou floor plan boa-isng oi er 2.0.1i it oi a c I, - ing pjc. large fim.1, r,,-m r, .erlockirni.' beauuiitl lap poc.l. pjtio and couriiard .-Ms,. eature; office 4ih bedro,:.rr., nlk .nr closets, brick paved deck and new roof in 2005. $310,000 HOMES ON ACREAGE 2 BR 2 BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured hcme '13re screened r.cm in Mlrntura on I '. acrei home site cleared i. iai- tered trees Price Reduced $119.000 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond. fenced, cleared & read\ ifr o ,I:r horses, This 4 Br / 2 Ba oter;-.cd home leatures split floor plan, i nodlilke flooring .n li.- ing areas & mans e\trj'l Price Redul:cd $265,000 HOME on 4.84 +/- acres w/ pond & most- ly cleared. Split floor plan, large master bedroom/ bath, office/nursery, formal liv- ing room, family room & open kitchen w/ island. $325,000 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/- acres fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/gore,.w. a..uk,- a3nd h':o.e stable. 5490.000. HWY 78 FRONTAGE, O\er 12 acres w/2 IlnE unusl H.omesre.Jded in 1893 by t\Allim Her.r hiddenden it will be hard I..i tind a more ,dej,rjble ,ite. A prime location in an area of proposed future d-iel.Bpmen in r teaiutil Fort Denaud. reaiulre a 2 CBBS h:,rme & rental mobile home on 12 1.13 acre t,.nh massive old oaks and palms. Located approximately 7 1/2 miles W of L .Belle .,l. Frc..rti.ge .:n H,\, 7, & N,-rris Rd 5900.000. UNIQUE OLD FLORIDA ESTATE! 14i,53S 'q r urndcr r..,:. + -2.9' sq tq pool & patio area' E\,.luIs pe'-.l home located East of L aBelle r. r, beautiful, oak- & citrus-filled acres fronting on SR 80. Home i.eaie, mar., ar,.hitcurj.il details froc .aulted ,.eiling. ind sk)- lights, to Spanimh tile flooring. Custom flool plan ; ciude- 3 nri-i.cr tires. pri- vate ilinr.g rio.om French di-o.r ti.* large lana,, i:c,,ered -.alk-.a)> p..,jlside rec room, 1 Br / 1 Ba cottage, twelve-bay workshop w/ garage,, electric .gate entranceway, paved drive & completely fenced. One of a kind! $1,500,000 COUNTRY LIVING... minutes ir..m town.. Located in the path .:,f desiel..p. ment' This 30 acre property i.custom 2BR3BA home offers income from gro-e. prtac\ & the possibilin of future deielopmenim iuh counr\ approval $2.000.000 LOTS 3RD AVENUE 4' Acre $69.000 CALHOUN STREET 64 \cre $89.000 201 N. HICKORY S- 62 Acre 98,500 PORT LABELLE LOTS AVAILABLE $24,000 $48,000. Call for details. MONTURA RANCH ESTATES- Residential homesites available. COMMERCIAIJBUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned propertylocated in Downtown LaBelle. Pe fectly situated on the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Ciloosahitchee River. 1,846 q tr. H-isorical Florida-Sitle two story building fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000. BRING OUR BUSINESS TO THE HEART OF THE CITY Thi, buiLness zoned property is located in LaBelle on Hwy 80. Improvements include CBs building i. 44'' 24 canonps. $399,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent ,ri.estment oppurrunn\ %, 277' frontage C,r, H,\ 29Q I 59+ acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steelbuildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft.; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Cator Bau Pub has been thriving busmnes n the Pioneer Communit\ for many years. If you've eter .anied to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance This quaint esiablihmrnt comes fulis furnished complete equipped kni:hcr, & offers a great tart for ajn entrepreneur $174,500.00 c.' -" ., n.. I. rluuL~s.4iii,. r[ S&E'HIL~EPPL AF yn Sgf- Lw~edf Re7 Liqqtaze BaBhker tl Msocl~m Nm*!,'flen.x iss'Ma Ppto WlS4"e Me a Ni-endrk 2.~ __hpae Wha~ird.Jlc ~ uu n w- m;- -I ~P.r-~7r- DM p m-Bmrm- wiin-MUSE N OF UNI)LEa S RFBr? ~a ih. rr' Is HAEL) TO BPIFVE in R MIJSSfMrI ANC 'aur (2csrhrc-2.der 2 5 f m b 'l raCjaL.t~l me*Dsl bnmc ati -rd 8se ni-c Ie i nmr df u de, murk, o abd9't~g hunW rin 9 54 k lmnthr acres ME a3.~i~~d~ = o l oi f r e47i i .ei t i -r ev. ai l w r g, ~ ~rNH~nulaP! isnulitc' l$' b it Jqit~sefbLne Cs orlan coun und thla urcimlAcN~e e~ 48R28As tc~rtorps. Rdr'ic dleand'c~irpe cibije home, jpit for an, anll 'f. M h m. Mb ba merv wirn~tat- m i1 rf~e m., nam ac [u-rr swW& Fmks di~dtiei~rta,~i~2 $~si~i i,-~ii~.h-e ~Uoo .rtg ornhm bgo~d bumnougfireplact, Mhedm ..eshng, cme. f& -q 'ii, wd^,bt kd in ii it5 af W!BA tin& eria ld tAk ri Chr U* ainr f ltl Lu. h h ha'.~lrJd n smi 11l06 sys badiha grden ow 2nd sepaztne ihcwt-r $399,00 lwirtrrralss ia *'. c 5i.] This I' ha rusty r sIrlujabas 53I*ritel '$565,000l WATERFRONT HOMES SUNSETS, BOATS and deep r.ater dock along with a 3BR 2BA C BS home on ] 35+,- ac $825.000 PANORAMIC VIEWS ofi the Calr.niahathee Raver aI. aIl r.,u in thi '3BR'2 5B. home iwnih an \cersized private boat dock C:.mnmunii, pool. bo.u ramp. lenrnl ,.:ilurt $749.000 UPGRADED 3BR2BA HOME FEATURES 125 ii ..it inivr frontrine Convisni ntl, located i.nhiln 1 nle of narina. sLstjurant. and ,jolf course $599.900 IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE an Intracoasiil i~nerhtont h,,rne It this price :'.BR'2BA home inlh a boat dolk.. 1-',O00 ib boat lii and covered bojat Ii ot-e Home ha; corian cuuntertops. Florida r,-om, ile and ,.arpc- tiior., Lush lawn has irrigarion v.stcm with iner %iatr EL source. $565.000 SAVOR THE SUN ai \our pri ate 'aeiitont retrce 4BR.2BB\ mantfactorid hoime SaLS malcijeLcail at tht end ofa cul.de-sac Oiersized bhack porch lo.,k i c er the river forr endless riser '.le'i $ 524.000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER- ACCESS i.rli thi .3B,2B \I huine. riatifrabie creel, oFler' dlnecaC jce"s to the CalJo.ahnirliree Rier $399,000 SLIMMER FUN! IBR 2,BA R M H ncuincldec I i :-i rl.r-i accc.ss niaJ.ing .,n e.i'v lunch fr.r ct skis [)etach,.d gil age and high jualiht upgrades $395,000 HOMES 3 BR2BA CBS HOME on 2:i, + ba bou-aa. ( t'0,4ci i rksh.p tii ,r.,rr,. F.a ed Idr-te, artir.c flair mF.ert cc.untr" ch-.,rrS $999.000 4BR 2BA HOME ON 6+.- AC. Pri.ate st.Akc.l pc.nd, '.arL',r .!t 1f & su'2-5 pole barn 1V.1 alli-o for 2 h.'me.nies $699.900 3BR2BA CBS HOME c.n "+.- at Cross fenced, piond. LAke ,-ad'- Silh a .:;,n'enient drut 5595.000 QUIET COUNTRY LIVING con Iu .a.ln.dd ctres Lc tl SbR 5140il I1.BS orksihup 5589.900 PICTLURE PERFECT 3BRR.'B.\ 1 acre ei-vtar hmr ferjure:u i p a,.-:e -r i C'm I' : -.nrini nlii t--,,a I 3mp $549.900O DREAMS NETVR END cn ith .:-utoim aBR. 2b p.-..i hIorm ,r-lh Sojarn crel,rng, den and a courrnme ki:lrcher $447,500 SUBMIT AND OFFER. NOTHING TO LOSE, OWNER W 'Lk -'B i.:L4 ].:..m l.g 1. .r.e. crn ':. n- .r,-cd p .ai ate .c' -ir. Mu .. b riin.r, ,r,.ne 1r rpl ye Mle .:an tll, I],r,. [r?-f crm al pil ,!Il ,.. e~ i'cL dI..k r.:'nl kl, U$ps and pule airarin $450.000 3BR 2BA 2-STOR\ HOME SITUATED on '. y + .. : 1r.11\2 *h.-.[-, ~ oit c...e.ed :jcrc.i,,: $4-39,00fi g 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 LAND COS 1-888,675-67 .LANDriagelandc sws.heritagelandco.com PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS! 3 BR/2BA canal ACRELGE Frent N ,H include- detailed upgrades and tholughdul 39 AC OAK PLANTATION Coil:n.led\ l.en.-I landscape $145.000 Ih .BR .:jabir, ho-:ring rangre I-c ii. e.i wldlicr. WATERFRONT HOMES SITES '. pfe. hi.J i.-ar ',I, ,A, pliird, ,i air a rck a L aI.u:IC1c $1.800,000 MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE YOURS. INCOME PRODUCING ORANGE GROVE ., '? '0 i-- .a,- Iol rierliont acreage ",itl reinov'able spoil m:rri:role irrip2 nr, 1.1i+ i- n I lan he s ili lo ejascmcnt hj- al.ess h.:.ni CR 7 5$795,000 cnJles bhlldinrg r".--'hdiliuc $12,500 per ac. IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA 43.32 +- AC. OF ...iak-',i-.-, .vr-r.s ire.:- HARBOR. Include boat dock. well. electric and protect- Jl.1 i'-il'. \sel a ridpo ..cr o n' i c0 -.ri '-.rc I rinc-h i-pr S a. 1.190.000 ed h.rtborage (- er h161 ft of waterfront $499,000 OAK I-AMMOCK. CYPRESS AND PAIMET- 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. Ruer evws, TOS g1..-.,: ili: '.1r +- .ic ~: .l ic ,:iel. river acces. and dock pertiii Deed restricted comimuni- j.-.:1- r.:.r d .:ljm .100.000 lt. "' + ac $429.000 I 0 +- AC. OFF .ill niainraincd idift ci:..J 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE Uinlimrir.. p,:,ircl .rl 50.000 per ac. RANCHETTES. 2.53 + ac in desirable deed resitritd iMar. /j',jl-.:',rg_ c. F -crc cJ iDe -,ri ri J': -i-,jJ $850.000 c.:nlTnijrt\. $425,0003 + AC. OF IMPROVTDf-, ic. -i -.----:1 TAKE IN THE BEAUTY OF THE RIVER from this 2 8. 8 ,- OFIPRO Il ,,I rt + ac hoirne ite n Pi. LaBelle Rancheites '1)i I' of ..jrrm' i.-u.:- $"05.000 grcenbelt bhii: e home lrri e and i\er. boat docks 20 +- FENCED AC. 0- 0,.rc,,.,-. IJi-.l alli~ .cd $410,000 f-,:l-ciir r ,-rci, 11 660.000 GORGEOLIS CUL-DE-SAC LOT ,oers appro i75 FT ofi 204-- .ACRES OF SERENI r?. jl i' ir ijrer fro-ntagi. ind runs ot privacri 5250,000 tL .- Q 5 .. ,90,000 , -jt, '5 $190,00 20 +- AC. W111H [rla,, ,t.-rJ.,: i:,f l v:,u PORTRAIT OF PEACE. This 3BR B.\' I":'r: r B" J.:.. urp r,:. Ll.e: Br.:.rh.r,-r: ,I,, t,:,:r.I ,;:l|.ide OticeC .6i-ijt split hl0.r plan hurne in Rn ierbend Elit es' :',n T. ':hr. i-,lJ. 558,000 '. da'litd celing.s, return sistem c..at par- i AND 4 A. RE HON[MIlIEiS i. lLjl.a 1o :..ir rjIllic .,2' x I shed quelt flouotn separate Iming a d fam d LiB ellll hi,.ho:| .r:. f i i..'1i ..- I'..:.:'. r .i- i rciiOmT and ad antausic mrasir bath $315,00' .,,-.. $345.000 to 5-110.,001 .n j.c of ru,.ric li'ir.g LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.: 18.5 ACRES I,:.l-.-J .I.i. ,it ii.,illj IfJ t.1.r Imnpe.cJitr e rLi,-,Im aBR.2?BA hcme locate ed .r $59.000 2B C.B' hr,17,. .-Al- in a iquier boanlg co-mmunilv-. $279.000 ., A HOME WITH PERSONALITY AND' 15 +- A( i- %.. -jr -r- c.juri, .- ..-1 .ii.at.- poln arnd ri' CHARM! .',BR 'B.- C.Ba hm.me spin ..... .. tll..or Flian $239.901) a aloir ireplre 3BR2BA WITH 1,656 SQ. FT. LRING AREA. Buil n tlr, 2". 's.rer-i n.e Imi., ih h'.t tub $215.000. ANTS TO MOVE!!! 3BD'2BA ON SPACIOUS GREENBELT. The horne lt hai' Inc r serl....j. ,:,ok Home I-:.riu.r. 'a-- Ii $210.(n00 nd... ..,,-n pi..rch NLWER 3BR.21JNDIMB iBRiCCIO T ACITalle P.ARTLALLY FURNISHED 3BR 2BA h,-me includes carportl:ri age shedJ Niear L uIal ,: rle r I'." ... l.. I ..'-'.lm'in n pool A 175.000 TOT.A.L AKEOVER ...n this 'IlR iBA hLum Nc.' i.-an C ind duct .'-.irk Ne., kitchen ca1t-nets s"h s3hd surface ,c.,nterto ps $159,900 DON'T WAIT ,aUB BRElG 0l K."RA ill be gone. $149.900. 3BRIBA4 COULNTRIY ~7LL4GE HOME. Nem. 1ar handler and .-..ndenming nin nwith a ,:1iblboute and game room \er, affordable $139,900 NEW CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM HOME1 3BR.'BA -C.BS, hl.me .it ih i.ou.d tIltfIa lust intllled Locaicd on a gcneri-Cus ofl.iatcr Ioa dials luri.jundcng,. rn.ei front 5 D $389,900 41 FASHIONABLE AND F~INCTION.L rM crcn-rTuc'u..or .iBR 2I,\ CBS ,h'me In , + ac in Quail Run S-D $339,000 6 BE THE FiRST TO LIVE in ihci JBR.- 5BA home that lriture- an .ilddiion.ll 11i1 I r.:.on rh' t c,,uld hr usce as a 4th BR. oilTfie uar tierl L:ial Oc'cr-i.'Cel garage r... _'-i..-.mr plcie b 15\ I..1S $241,900 SS] BLiDGET FRIENDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION. 3.BRI.'BA, r'iik ic: it-eclt iInf.iue;. pruac,, Reduced to 5190.000 w.$3.000 seller'.s coutribuion. Bring ALL offers. JUST IN TIME TO DECORATE... e6 rI,,hh neL, co,iirr.u.., ,...,i i,, l 1 .' I i., );l O k, S,1. (j. n 1 e l:Cr 1..0.1 N) dlhe Poi [_.aBelle Mll arnna and HaFh .v ( Ci1( 1 i ll ,. t.:, Ll.e S iJ.intjge .t but-r' ,ncenr tLes while I th Ilis Prices aiilt al $289.900. CMANULFACTirRED HOMES COUNTRYI' CHARM .n 5 ..rcs '.BR 2BA home II, r,,:,e- and sItll h..r, barn I 'r 4. .j: $349.900 TROPICAL GULF ACRES, Homesites in 20 + AC. .:. r,,eirc- enitr pic-iperri in r. ier Charlotte County .lu-e $299.900 2 2.5 ACRE PARCELS in Pioneer at Arcadia 5 +- AC ,1 L, s.Belle .r. j -Ih...-n I a nd 8th St. $74,000 each. iJ-.c i.Fr 1 i- $269.900 PRIVACY PURE AND SIMPLE on these 1.25 to MUISE 5 ACRES .-- I...bl .l i BNi Ri.. $200.000 ..75 +/- ac. parcels. Lehigh Properties priced 5 ACRESAn F.c [l.a 51I0000. irom $85,000 and up. LA)CA ACRIEAG. ic' al c a- ,n 2.5 AND 5ACRE Parcels in PioneerPlantation. + -. $165.,000 2 AC + 1'- Phlll.l 1-. I, 15.000 Priced from $74,000 to $175,000. 5 AC + ,Gerl.ci, (..:, $25,000 PER ACRE LEHIGH ESTATES -.297 +/- ac. Conveniently 8 AC+ t.r-.rci-er tr ., 16.500 PER ACRE located to Ft. Myers $66,900 MONTURA RANCH ESTAITS. I i i.. I 2'c + 1/2 +/- ac. buildable lot west of Joel Blvd. in -.i ii: $39.91001o $6.500 Lehigh. $62,900 BEAUTIFUL. WOODED 2 j. + .:r irh CANAL FRONT PARCEL. .30 +/- ac. Easy I iI ':'ji. In iMu:e $50,000 access to Hwy 80. $60,000 HOIMESIlFS INDIAN HILLS .45 & .67 ac. +/- $53,900 to REFINED HOMESITES cIjllc ri J-'.''J $55,000 I.lr, .r,,I .carI F -.r,, $90.10010 3 TO CHOOSE FROM -1/4+/-ac.lotsin NW H 11.00 ., ru.r ,, ,r, I, ,: high Acres, $49,900 to $54,900 HARD TO FIND OAK FILLED ..:,-,.-. 60+/-AC ZONED for mobile home 40,000 ii- -r, $150.000 WIDE VARIETY OF HOMESITES in all units of ENJOY IHE QlIE r. ..t I i-.l + j. c., Iort LaBelle. Something for everyone -1/4 ac. to $i:. 199,900 /3,+/- ac. Starting at $24,500. 0+- A(C OT O[ F CR '8 r. ..-.. .. r.l1l.-l.hi 1 r,.,hl-, ..l ,-,-.1 .I c...i 1 I ,- rir. r ,I, r IIl r i cr I l h.: -r.r-,ll, 589,900. COMMERCIAL .40+- .C LOT ACROSS FROM CAIOOSA. 4.61 +/- AC. ZONED I-2. Owner's EiTATrs s D 2-' 2 ii T..-al .h,:,~i ll.r. pi.-*r' Conceptual Building Plan will include a .,a, ...i'r ..,,, :ard r-...... $89.900. one story building (grade level) with 3 1 AC. BLILDABLE LOT : ti, ir. 67,600 sq. ft. concrete block office/ware- Hc-.:RH I r t He ,c RMi. ,. ir.' tcl il 85.000 house with a metal roof Building details CHLRISH IH +I .'- 85.0j0 are negotiable between buyer and seller. ... ....... ...... .....$3,900,000 $525,000 3,056 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL BUILD- 3BR2BA ON 6+.- CROSS-FENCED INGon 1.28 +/-ac. High trafficarea pro- ACRES ,nclu, ldd. i:L.x6i .jorkhop .:.cm. vides for plenty of potential. plic R%\ et up. deu-ched --cgrage and nimuh $1,250,000 nr,,ic 5399.000 1.02 ACRES OF PRIME B-1 ZONED LIKE NEW 4BR2'b b d.,ubic idr. MN H .,n PROPERTY in city limits operating as a 9 '.I + ac 5399.000 restaurant/bar. $1,200,000 STARVED FOR SPACEi Tiple~c ..n -k GREAT BUSINESS POTENTIAL with + .a, i. 2.ibI s'q It Ili.ng. Lilck tiei G place. .16 24 in-gruind p,:l anJ odutdo.or 245' of highway 80 frontage, you will get p.orkhnp. $199,900 noticed! This 1.02 +/- ac. will not last 2BR.2BA WITH DEN on 2 plus acres long. $499,900 .Areage can Ibe splil !:.r addidiunal h,,-me- YOUR BUSINESS BELONGS on this sue $197.900. heavy industrial acreage. Zoned for vari- 2BR'2BA MOBILE HOME on I -4+' ous uses with unlimited potential. acrre, 5199.900 $479,248 SPACIOUS 1,809 SQ. FT. MANUFAC- OFF HWY 80 IN LABELLE. .74 +/- ac. TURED HOME .nl 1 cre F,,mlls fnen liy will make a wonderful business location 3BR'2BA feature. I.:,rmi, Ioim, andrl dinng w.oin;, b, .- fsht ,,aidIr aeI in cd.nJ. Picturesque property has great possibili- i... Ic-I i rlr hsl .r ties! $435,000 5155,000. MOVE YOUR BUSINESS TO GET OUT OF TOWN PRICED TO LABELLE1 Historic building has been SELL 3BR 2 1\ MrH i.n -' i.- tll make a redesigned to accommodate your busi- perfecit sirt-er home $150.000 ness. Why rent when you can buy ? LOOKS SMALL, LIVES BIG! 2.2 M'H on $224,500 I+ 3a lectures co\enrd parking iwo.ik. COMMERCIAL LOT on Luckey St. and shopi & utbuildings 140.000 1st Ave. with mobile home. $137,000. I i F. III I I I I : r'' I I , J Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23, 2006 Beauiitul iBR 2LPA PppIl Hime, waiiin LaBelle w ir m inrs This renin Icled 1x 'nie is, reidlv for inlhicl ilr fqev ppnr o ilil' lp EcaTii jrp, hi- c!4 id-tieirpliarwin. A1~rra, 1-"pi, li rI.imip., LIA i.ll- IAt)i In anid ex- nici.rIpeii.irce .ii I I..r Cal] 863-6'3-28-1 -U 238 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-8868 Lisa Andrews Lic. Real Estate Broker Associates: Sandra Alcxandcr, Linda Deldc D:t% is, Roxanna Cisneros, Kevin Nelson, Rosc Mason, Trinity Oximm, Brittanv Kinticy, Stac), Pate, Dustv Pate WNV'%V.Solltll-,Nestfloricl,.irc,.tlr.7,7FTTnTY.TnTn- Sc Habla Espafiol Ttcodftj C"-otsp. Ifric AC REAGE $850.000 -ill+ i.:r- r-.T:j Ij[rul .; ,h .: ,:l d jr'- PJ P rur.- p''n'. -, I o :,1 i,. t: -p,..rl I ~ .:.1 i j l>j. : ri[ r. .B.it ,:.:, pr:',perr. ill ,IIo .li.: 11 c r ,plie *to live or for weekend get-a-ways. Bring .your dogs and Horses. Also includes a nice "doublewide. * $899,000 -16.04+/- acres. Great devel- ,:.pmcrir opportunity! Close to schools, re.:rju.:.ri,,j Park, Town Shops and much W49"i mBrAM * $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres of pasture land in Muse. Easy access. Bring the kids, dogs, horses and cows. Currently zoned for 1 unit per 10 acres. (Insert Pic) * $1,500,000 -13+/- acres. HWY 27 road ,frontage. Great Investment potential :* $1,600,000 This 12.76+/- acres has .lots of old oaks. It is currently being used j i-nr. lN Pj l ,ij ll t.-,, ,,-, iri.-, * .'-p,,., -I '-'+ .i,:,''i ,:,r, '.,: r. ,J i5..,l i.,:. .-e 5'.:n e c IreII .ll tr i pjrr h':, l j i' Il ,i I, th.h : .f r r eit'c fi[,-,iip .i[' in':' COMMERCIAL. PROPERRI * $2"9.000 '...ii.:i[ i.i-u iu ri l irp in ncri Fulcnral. IThr pfr:'piL, 1 ,:! .cId and ready for your business. Call today for more info. * $287,500 Prime Business Location. These 2 V2 lots located in Clewiston, are zoned industrial. There is a 1054 square foot home on one of the lots being sold "as is" This is a great location for a new busi- ness. A world of options await you with this property. Priced just right to sell quick- ly. Call for more info.( Insert Pic.) * $739,000 Unique 2+/- acres parcel in Alva with 162' of frontage on busy SR 80. The front Acre is zones C-1A for many types of commercial use. The rear acre is zoned RS-1. The property is 558' deep with * $895.000 Price Reduced HW.'i 9. _F.:,.'' 3i 2 + .,,:re- inr LaBeikle Ic ene Buisri.:'- Drlmi.:i Bnrn ; ,. ;,u .:.lter (-ill ,ithi..- r,:dij I, ir n,,:re inf:' * $988,025 Luuvrng to ..pand or begin your business. This auto salvage yard is truly one of a kind. Organized and well established, with a clean bill of health. Call today. -HOMESITES: * City Lots from $13,000 to $72,900 * Port LaBelle Lots From $25,000- $50,000. Financing available call office for more info. * Lehigh Lots from $46,900 * Montura Lots from $47,000 to $50,000 * Moore Haven Lots from $20,000 to 34,900 * Clewiston Lots starting at $24,900 * Call todayfor more info on Homes, River Front Homes, Acreage and Commercial Listings. U 1. COUNTRY HOME! i i' 3BEF: 2B iTn ir iaJ ;ul.lir,.-d I i.:.n'i ,-,n I .2-. + acre: i thi p'.-rr..- pl1 f':,r -i ic l. end retreat or investment property. Located in Montura Ranch Estates. $89,900 2. THE PERFECT STARTER HOME! This 1BR/11/2B home with an oversized den, single car garage and a nice front porch. Call today! $125,000 3. THIS 2BR/2B STARTER HOME with nearly new roof and quality landscaping on an oversized lot. This home is loaded with many extras and in good condition. $149,900 4. IN TOWN INVESTMENT! Are you looking for a start home? This 3BR/2B home on a fenced corner city lot is waiting for you. Opportunities like this don't come along everyday. $169,900 5. AFFORDABLE LIVING IN- TOWN! This 3BR/2B home has lots of living space with an extra large family room. This older home sits on a beautiful city %I lot with beautiful trees. Make this home yours today! $185,000 6. IN TOWN!!! This 4BR/2B 2 story home on one of the nicest estab- lished neighborhoods in LaBelle. With a little work this could be just the deal you have been looking for! $185,000 7. THE PERFECT FAMILY HOME... This 3BR/2B 2 car garage home com- pletely remodeled with ceramic tile thru-out. A beautiful screened lanai and backyard. This home has many extras. This is a must see home! $193,500 8. INVEST FOR YOUR FUTURE! Close to town duplex! Unit 1 is a 2/1, Unit 2 is a 2/1.5 and is handicap 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL. 33975 863.675.4500 Realtors: Emily Ankeney Tony Barnes Gregory Bone SLisa CCleghorn Shelly Cole * Bonnie N. Denning, CI'A \Ward Dickinson Joyce (Gerisltna Lisa Herrero Phyllis Kelley-Miller Wayne McQiuaig *PIaul M;eador D* Dn Pool Katie Solomoni Synda \Villia is Tracey L. Williams :]Ci- ible) CI.s,- i',:o shopping. s:li .ols -indj churches Thi. duplei- ,ill pFa\ i.,-r !tsell. S225,000 9. IN TOWN GETAWAY! This 3/2 home on a .79 +/- acre park like lot boasts a new metal roof, new septic system, new carport, four zone sprinkler system, large custom stor- age building w/new roof, fenced back yard and much more. NOW REDUCED! $234,000 10. IN TOWN! This 4/2 home with hardwood floors, ceramic tile, fire- place that sits on over a .5 acres +/- with lots of Labelle oaks. Seller says sell! REDUCED!!! $239,900 11. HOME SWEET HOME! This brand new with 3BR/2B CBS home with cathedral ceilings, tile and plush carpet and a 27' lanai. Master bath has boasts dual sink, tile show- er and a garden tub. DYING TO SELL!!! $240,000- 12. BEAUTIFUL NEWLY CON- STRUCTED HOME. This Brand new 3BR/2B CBS home with 2 car garage is wonderfully designed. This home has vaulted ceilings, large laundry room and a screened lanai. This is a must see homely $240,000 13. THIS 2BR/2B HOME with office area sits on .42 +/- acre in a nice neighborhood. This is a must see home $250,000 14. ROOM TO RELAX AND ENJOY! This 2/2 mobile home sits on a beautiful, peace and quiet 2.25 +/- acres with plenty of room. Just minutes from town. $258,000 15. GETAWAY WEEKENDS! Beautifully wooded 5 +/- acres w/ 2/2 cottage and 32' x 29' pole barn with enclosed storage. Property is fenced and cross-fenced. $339,900 16. "LIKE NEW" CBS HOME! Beautiful 3 2 home w split design opera iloorplai. :afirecdrd ,:cilhnes. anid p ourmni. kI tchen' Rear larnai overlooks great landscaping and a full yard irrigation system in Caloosa Estates. $399,900 17. YOUR DREAM HOME IS HERE! This 3BR/2B with a den can be yours today! This home has imported wood flooring & ceiling, custom stone fireplace, garden tub, walk in closets, stainless steel appli- ances and much more! $425,000. 18. BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED HOME! This 3BR/2B with split floor- plan has many features. Stainless steel appliances, solid surface count- er tops, breakfast bar and much more. This home sits on 2+/- acres with a CBS shed/workshop and gal- valume roof. Located in a nice neigh- :borhood! $495,000 19. LOOK NO FURTHER! This property boasts 20 +/- secluded acres and a 3/2 manufactured home w/ features such as front and back screened porches, a Jacuzzi and spa- cious island kitchen. ALSO, a work- shop, storage shed, carport, and horse barn with three stalls. $499,900 20. THE HOUSE THAT LOVE BUILT! This beautiful 3/2 brick home Is breath taking and has many quality features you can respect! Just minutes from town. $595,000 21. TWO HOMES ON 24.39 +/- ACRES! This 24.39+/- acres with improved fenced pasture. This includes two immaculate turnkey homes one with 4BR/3.5B and the second with 3BR/2B. All of this in an area with the possibility of being sub- dividable! $925,000 Call our knowledgeable iad ifiendly staff about land foJr 1/4 acre to 100+ acres!!! WE'RE LAND EXPERTS! .1 . l S .I Southern land. Investments 8 Real Estate Sherri Denning Licensed Real Estate Broker www.soland.com 77931493048r 1r L~ i I 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23, 2006 114 C.A B 863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nikki@NikklYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/564-2005 cell 239/504-2002 HNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. i S veil dwai1 y.u' $225,000 REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/IB CBS home Need more "living" room? 2,152 sq ft of luxurious living. with 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features This 4Br/2B home on 10+/- acres has it all, from it spacious .' ,include walk-in doset, newer air conditioned. iri,.... family room w/ stone fireplace, master suite w/ office, cov- backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die :. 'i.i:, ered.porch, and fencing for horses. This one is a steal @ $220,000. only 450,000 SNotall homes are designed alike. This 3Br2b home has 'Size will surprise you! 2BBR2B home on 10+/- acres is an amazing level or(];, b;lir' Fri.1.) .lr 1 ,1:l;r.. .ef spa- verywelll kept and former modle.home. Features a wvarm dousness in the living room and family room. The comfortable living room w/ gas fireplace, spacious kitchen & dining area were designed w/ convenience & kitchen, front & real covered porches. $400,000 .. f r ,,', ,,r.' J nl ,,n' i thl -., ,..n,, ,r....,l I i,'."' "" 'i iif I.n[.t. ml Ld-n. ,.|nu" T i... -. T rn.J lO til ,;r::.ui .l .. ... .. ., ..,..J ...c I -lin r.l,.Ju.l., *|I.., .J if' I j'i tI i, 2 )oT.,' uiunt jl '1. i dIn l d i ]. J TIl-. i. ta jlh i -r I .1. I I I ,I :'. "(* ',.,: rJ I 'ru ,.,cr d.' 2 l .il .. el iiJ l.lj , r.,j il- i, ,,,, ,,= d, ,:rt [, 'i l, i.. ,,ir...l h...J, i .l "T. "}. l l ..r I.. r'L Iu I [.901. -i4 1 *,'i.h' $205,000 S .'l I',,,l ,',.5' i u,. I,' $1 '9,900 i : REDUCEDI Solid Decision, Solid House!You'llbe glad -"1".n I ... .r.c I.I.:..l.. . S to see this spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing 'f"' ', t h 'a I ,ni, ll" a'r'"' I,.:-T" with quality, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the i.'.. '"" ),0., Il.0 .lr'.:ir IIl p .'...' .. i.h.-. wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and 'I I ', 900 S vanities are all less than 2 years old. New roof being 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot -- installed. Call today for this worry free home! $199,900. tucked away on a quiet street. Oak, trees create a back S Super Deal for a Super Family! Spacious3/2 with vault- yard of enchanting beauty. A must see! $165,000. meof edcelings Parklikefenced ba rd.Atthis super pce The Luxury of Spacel Both inside on outside. 4/2 ly shaded filings. Park like fenced backyard. At this super price immaculate home nestled on 1.25 acres. Stunning stone Details you need to see super soon $19,0 sq. t fireplace in' Family room. Formal dining off of huge e r Magnificent towering Oaks cast shade over this quaint kitchen with lots of cabinets and countertops. Tranquil screened 2 l I l i recent- Master bedroom offers a personal retreat room and lavish with new bath. Spacious and smart buy at $154,900 features a Loated inthe desirableBelmontSubdivision the omeis elax the rural wayl Situated on 1.25 ac in growing usual find priced to sell. $139,900 Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home SGreat investment potential! I1BR/B home on a corner with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. iI 3BRv3B lot. Homes needs some work... but is priced to sell. SELLERFINANCING AVAILABLEI $149,900 upgrades $35,000 Privacy + Peace & Relazation! 3BR/2B doublewide 1 W :' 1;-. Ai w/1,300 sq. ft. under air in town. Privacy fenced on 3 sides it built in l 3j iu sau& chailink in rear. Backs up to pondl Extras include lngsl and -- M shed, huge Florida rm & BBQ deck. $139,900 i29,900 *REDUCEDI REDUCEDI 3BR/2B home excep- l loaded tional inside and out! Watch the sunrise on front mlctile& deck and sunset on the back deck. Something for w/jacuzzi. everyone with 1 acre fenced yard to keep kids happy, large workshop for Dad and big kitchen for desirable Mom! Just $139,500. n porch, Rare find outside of LaBelle but not to far from Ige. Only schools or shopping. 3BD/2BA manufactured home S Bringyourhorsesand relaxtheruralway!4BP/2B man- features split floor plan, built in cabinets, separate :nt in this ufactured home with over 2400 sq. ft of living area sitting shower & garden tub in the master suite, and much Id ideally on a georgous 6.5+ acs of land & fenced for horses. Too more! All on .50+/- acre. $132,000 Nice har- many extras to list, call for an appointment today! REDUCEDI Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home N uI DuuIal LVL U1 lurOa eut: AcweI built home. Only $18,500 HOMES MORE THAN MEETS THE EYEI Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low maintenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceil- ings. interior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash and granite countertops, all windows have wood cas- ing surrounds, a brick fireplace, and wood floors throughout fin- ish the look. $459,000 REDUCED 50 Ft PRIVATE DRIVE leads to expansive 6,7 acres with 470+/- Ft of riverfront located close to town. Build close to the waters edge with almost viturally no Corp. Easement. $2,500,000. RIVERFRONT 5 ACRES with 215+/- feet of frontage, High ele- vation reveals spectacular views. $895,000 REDUCED RIVERFROIjT 1.15 ACRE homesite on prestigious Fort DenaudRd, $525,000 REDUCED PROTECTED HARBOR lust one lot in off the main channel of the Caloosahatchee Waterway, Build your dream home under the scenic oaks in this park like setting. Located in Caloosa HarborS/D. $450,000 LOTS AND LAND 318 ACRE HUNTERS PARADISE Old Florida its best, Enjoy the tranquility of the wild life and natural habitat with several gorgeous oak hammocks a beautiful creek and several ponds. Turkey, deer, wild hogs, leave evidence of their presence on the property. $4,777,500. pEVELOPMFNT POTENTIAL 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced independently) for an LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING. Horses Welcome Upgrades include wood floors, stacked stone fireplace, granite counter- tops, stainless steel appliances, crown moulding, skylight dorm: ers, and top of the line ceiling fans with decorative medallions. The caged pool features, spa jets, pavers, and a generous lanai. The 12 acres is every horse lovers dream. It includes a large barn with 5 oversized stalls and tack room with shelving as well as a fully irrigated riding arena and a 24x44 workshop/office. Additional Acreage available, offers must be contingent upon Glades County approval for propertysplit. $695,000. OAKJILLED PROPERTY with 3/2 home featuring aMother-In- Law apartment In the city limits.Seller will contribute up to $8000 toward buyers closing costs, $377,000. RPAUTIFUL NEW CONSTRUCTION 3/2+den/office (could be 4th bedroom, Features include solid surface countertops, stainless steel apAB IJME, itter suite with luxuri- ous bath and wafiepa-9I.4cA. Ipt. Hendry Dr., close to everything. Price reduced to $361,000. RUSTIC CEDAR HOME 4BR/3.5BA on oak filled acreage, in ground caged pool, horse barn and dog pens are just some of the existing ammenitles. New galvalume roof. $324,900. COUNTRY OUIET living on 3+/- acres. Spacious great room concept with fireplace. 3Bed/2Ba plus office, property features a large screened porch and a detached pole barn with enclosed storage. $229,900. SBR/IBA HOMF conveniently located within LaBelle city lim- its, close to shopping, schools, etc., new kitchen, A/C and duct ,:,P-. "i j,..c, TI- .u l .ilh ,J- ,'i il- .l'.,l r I,.,. Il' ,I l',i.,u hjl Il j l, .-'i .' i j .i.i" l.i .l =," :l ll ', h',i ri ,',, l !iI.-.l r.:. I ..,-r.-, ... .: 1 .Oo o l. id. f.- 1. .h ,1 ! ,:, '. i,.- i.J i. I'.iil,,J :. | ir, i' J .' 13.500. * ba l i' Jl_ l lI I" '11: ', i. 10ji1iu l ,:,'ill jJ,:, r, r,: ,I ' ; .1.6 1 111 f .. P t L Il H I i vi : 6 1 1. f i .: .-i. : i ,:,,r~ l p,.*n i" Iu,11 I 'ili -I h. i t.nn I.i' 1 'SO.'lll .' iC t.l :,.111'J ll I'.l. .l'ri 1.un,-lll J t.A ul I .I u ,,.l ..... P1.. ,.,J I'.-.,Jl I-,.r ndl,.,pr| a$800,I)I). * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * 13+/- acre orange grove. Located off Sears Rd. Only $132,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country $128,000. * 2.5 acres cleared and ready for your dream home only $125,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This .Ik. .L r..-,,li a ,ci ial 1.,. i,, i-d 11.t0,000 * <.e..mt I:.a~. i,,- I.,!I' L ,:..1. 1. a, l.l.' ..Il.n: l1: LhL' L ,.,l Ih ,i-, l-t 1 Wc'lu,.1.$ -'5 ,l I 0" 'i',i cial! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listingsl * [ .I ,i:, ,I ',rjt':', LI u ,: I 1 I ,I I, : l-T 1T 1 '-f p ,ul" ., [ '1' I'[.. h.,i rhn .:, I.. ', l ii. l :i u tl', l after Belmont S/D in laBele. This .37+/- acre is truly a n.: n1 ...:. iT n ,Ia, Oil, 19,900. * ,., n riP' B.. lr,.iai [" L n,. i,., i ,L ,i' $59,900 Poiihble selUr financing * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesitesl Outside LaBelle Tl,., ., j l c l ,: ..l. ...: .. I ,i.llc $ 6 ,1 ) i,00 ) * Call about our Port LaBelle lots * POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this + l: ,.I .'lIl- .:. i i 11111 l l : 1 llh ell, -.n rl,: [, .. ,if :o I ,i I- 1.1 ,r ll i r T -i -il $2,750,000. SPrime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot, * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. work. $209,500. REMODELED 3BR/2BA plus den (could be 4th bedroom) on large corner lot. New kitchen, one of the best floor plans in Pt LaBelle, fenced backyard. $179,500. 1990'S FLORIDA CRACKER HOUSE 2/1 on oversized down- town corner lot. Adjoins B-l zoning on three sides, with poten- tial for business zoning of its own. If you're looking for a slice of old Florida Architecture, this one's for you. $169,900. ZFRO % DOWN FINANCING AVATIARTFI Gated and private meandering drive I i i |i, w iFtured home fea- tures include 2 scrnCtop141ilW i op/garage, plus a 12x16 storage bldg. with x-tra refrigerator and A/C, all on 2 Acres. $169,000. WANT A LARGE YARD? Here is a 2.5 Ac well shaded & beauti- fully ttreed property with well maintained 3/2 manufactured home. Start enjoying the great outdoors $160,000. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL PRIME CORNER with approx. 590 ft. on well traveled CowboyWay and 520 ft, onElm St. The front 2.7 Ac are zoned Light Industrial with the remaining 4 ac zonedHeavy Industrial. Great opportunity for flex space development. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located across from the State Attorney's Office and close to LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL 4 ac. located approx 1 mile west of Cowboy Way with 800 lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the proposed future %Wl.Mart location. $1,500,000. 2 ACRES OF MIXED INDUSTRIAL USE with 176 ft, on promi- nent CowboyWay Asking $915,000. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4.65 AC with 2400 Sq, Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access, just outside the city limits. Could be split under current zoning, $819,000. HFAVY INDUSTRIAL 1 AC SITE just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D, Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29, Cleared, filled and culvert in. Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000 HARD TO FIND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $269,000. SR 80 FRONTAGE n i oLrea of newgrowth. $260,000. ; uu u REDUCED 2Bed,2Bath, Fenced and more. Come Z build your dream home on 5+/- acres. Optional 5+/- acres avail- able for purchase to the south and to the East. For additional price. Call Francine for more information. Call 863-675-0000 Fran W. Spu mr ..icr Bcrker S P E' -SR H \. LaBdlle. FL SR 1186.11 67i-120l.1 863i 6-3-555 SA LTY B \Vb.. %w.SpcncerRah l FI ..m PRICF IliST DROPPED FOR IMMIFDLITE SALEI IA hkl lie :ok in ihe .i, rhi .:i'ic or i:u'" IThi h[', 'iT' i -- B- ti : r. [n u.i -.T ij.i ,,i ir. :luin J. .,.Icr.,e.i pjair,',. g:'rrg''ous i a e :. k filled, t-i.]i 'ijlki. rd lIiA dll I Jii: .- r I ciervihi.'ii: 189.900. RIVERFRONT HUGE 2-STOR' COLiUNTRI HOME ON i-'4 ACRE RIGHT IN THE C1T! Tl' i . h.,r lr h I,.:.r. .. .[nrl -.:lij.JI.-i, ,Jji. -',...j ll 'ori] i,, .1jic l -Jih;.1Ir,,iTI. lJb,:rJl,: pcr:..., hi ..% [. [I.rir, .I.l i I Fl .: r 'Il-lrl'C ITiJ'ief tid. ., i.T, high -idJ .:'.i i ..jh.r..-ir i lhi,.u,J h.oijl, 1i' uib ki..heri, ccn O i...u ,TI .r-ci i hi. 'i. i h pri iJie of ii|c U 4LI'', -iih cr.r.ui 'li ro .ni lor .j ,pifjic iT, i -[hY- Irij, .uLinCrr ' b6auiiul :r.. ut i l- r, ili'riri:*rd I i .p~ ap ', haa bin. p.i'lO fromrl euii) f, .0'.0 pe rd * ii.:' .l'' ca r ,i. c i i' ljri, i : i.ip d 1 i f i- r i. c ai caj .:t A c ..In 1%.A l si fLf.' 4-irin $2.500,000. BRING AN OFFERII Srilcr ..,r.li. i g;.:.nrir Big hou- ..-r .,r ri inu-ji. kiJ\ ha:ii T t. r,.e hirnC' j nl i ar ' ill.' i i:rrii,: l i, 'i i,'c, i'l r'j -ilh .il.h r 'j'- ri lu t bit]; .).Ajr ry Li .r. lcr.I .Jlg 'Jul i bi 'JdR .k , a ':nrl'.'i'i|: j l-g ,:) I j ,J' j ep.ir'Jrc: Iuiu dr r.....,rr, ,,r .uh lu-g .:., r'>' I t h re- r il niCe far:pl:ce inrid ,:u5- r.n,, I rid.:. :... iri I j i ..:- k" lu-Ii i du:cd 1t. $289,900. 2.5 ACRES WITH 2 -TOP OF THF LINF" MANUF~,(CriRD HOMIEIII cric.. h-...mc Il I:u ried l':J" pJi f,-'c d 'igJ :. .ig ':-rier l:it ii Fi L'rien ud A :r'- FE lrir.':,J or y.iur h.:r.cr s M% nri i rAi. ri. 'iri. 'U iFir'. ul': l1 'oo'r- upgrijJk d j-p lif r.j-.' i g irl' i n.' J l re I e :i plr.il' .., r priJar. P-r -, u ' 2 19,900. MliUT SEILIII1 2'2 IN DESIRABLE AREA OF CIT111 Ila .5 ri.lll...uing, .ir. i ln ii e1 i:v'ci-rru.: ie, i:ar -di Th. rjri.h -rl i hi:n. hji j lo r 1 onilefi i..L rgh .:.r. Ihe' jrr, big Ir, r FI:''.:ri r .rlc J la. e l d Bring .in ,:,firi' icF 8,.4 2"'9,900. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT' RENTALS 'SALES CINDY L ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMCNN SCOTT HACKMANN, ROOKE RUCE AND DON BURDICK m R675-0500 REALTY N C NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of -BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON 01 A Ir SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE IN THE CITY LIMITS ON OAK ST 2/2 with NO PETS carport on a double corner lot. Owners have ON THE RIVER 3/2/3 Car, boat dock & lift taken care of this home and it shows. Home is $1,800/M in excellent condition. $182,900. ON THE RIVER- 3/2/2 Car, with boat dock 2/2 ON 100+/- ACS in Glades County. $1,500/M $2,500,000. UNDER CONTRACT 3/3/1 TWO MASTERS Extra space every REDUCED! IN EAST FT. MYERS- 3/3/1 over where. $1,000/M in East Ft Myers. 3/2/2 Car $1,000/M. 1,900 sq. ft. living area. Home has 2 masters, 2/2.5/1 car $900/M new roof, new A/C, fenced yard. Motivated sell- 2/1- $850/M er. Asking $269,900. 3/2/1 Car- $850/M IN PORT LABELLE On a corner lot. 3/2/1, HORSESHOE ACRES (East of LaBelle) newer roof, painted on the inside. Priced to 3/2 Mobile. $750/M. sell. Only $189,900. 1/1/1 Car $575/M. LOCATED IN THE CITY- 2/1 being sold As Is' COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE $125,000. $800+tax/M ON MLK BLVD 3/1 home has been renovat- LOTS STARTING AT $22.500 ed. Priced to sell at only $129,000. ON PHILLIPS RD 2/2 two story home on 5+ HOMES FOR SALE acres. Home features an open floor plan with 3/2 DOUBLEWIDE LOCATED IN MUSE on screened in lanai on the back and a balcony on an acre. Home has a new covered porch and a the front. Property has several trees, large barns privacy fence around the back yard. $150,000. and out buildings. Asking $450,000. lorid 863 675 4550 S281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle Sol Rodney Murray & Seth Howard SLic. Real Estate Brokers L StOt o. Associates: Phil Lewis, i I Tamra Franco, Kyndel Murray 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & partially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $254,900. Immaculate 4/2 well maintained home with an awesome workshop 20x30 workshop, 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. $269,900. Very Nice 3Br/1.5Ba on large corner lot w/in town con- vienience, fenced back yard & 2 yr old roof. Only $169,900. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 19 acre orange grove. Located in Hendry Co. $11,900 per acre. 40 acre orange grove. Located in Hendry Co. $11,900 per acre. 365 Acres w/3,000+/- ft. on Hwy 80 and 1,300+/- ft. on Old River. I.l.g~oak~s~.ik.i~k*~1I$~L ~lOai~hB~L~~ ^I~;~j~Lij*~*L~b*~k~~g~~ I I I I L Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23, 2006 9 Two schools earn Bonita Bay grants Two schools in Hendry County have been awarded a total of $28,000 in grants from Bonita Bay Group to support outstanding educational programs during the 2006-07 school year, according to Mitch Hutchcraft, regional vice president of Bonita Bay Group. Hutchcraft explained that Coun- try Oaks Elementary and LaBelle Elementary received the grants to support innovative educational projects that directly affect stu- dent learning, but are not cur- rently funded in school budgets. The Hendry County schools were two of the eight schools in four counties receiving $104,000 as part of the company's annual school grants program. This is the first year that Hendry County has been part of the program. Applicants were required to pro- vide program descriptions, the number of students who would participate, plans for implemen- tation, a summary of evaluation methods and proposed budgets. Country Oaks Elementary School received a $15,000 grant for its cross-subject project that employs sophisticated equip- ment to teach science and tech- nology. When accepting the grant with Principal Vicki Stem at an awards presentation event held earlier this week, kinder- garten teacher Alice McVay expressed her 'appreciation to Bonita Bay Group by stating, "in the words of one of our fifth grade students ... Bonita Bay rocks." LaBelle Elementary School was awarded a $13,000 grant to underwrite a space exploration program that will culminate in a u. JIllIaLU JlIULU/P IIIIaO say ul UIr Bonita Bay Group recently presented project grants to Coun- try Oaks and LaBelle elementary schools. Pictured at the awards ceremony are, from left: LaBelle Elementary School Principal Sue Schaeffer and fourth grade teacher Sandra Tay- lor, Mitch Hutchcraft, regional vice president, Bonita Bay Group, and Country Oaks Elementary School Principal Vicki Stem and kindergarten teacher Alice McVay. trip to Kennedy Space Center. Principal Sue Schaeffer and fourth grade teacher Sandra Tay- lor shared how they had learned about the space program during a summer program at Florida Gulf Coast University. In accept- ing the grant from Bonita Bay Group executives, Taylor said, "We thank Bonita Bay Group for making these dreams come true." The other schools receiving grants included Big Cypress, Colonial, Vineyards and Sallie Jones elementary schools and` Ida S. Baker and Riverdale high schools. COES Students of the Month a- ,i , Submitted photo/Country Oaks Elementary Kindergarten, first row: Alejandra Moreno, Santos Pegueros, Nancy Martinez, Mario Hernandez, Nain Jaimes, Agustin Perez, Alejanrdo, Rivaz, Keishaun :Thompson; first grade, second row: Corbyn Kohutek, Frankie Santiago, Donavan Noguera, Alondra Reyna, Dal- ton Hunter, Abbigail Sigalia, Thayer Stem, Neydel Rego, Yoannes Aleman; second grade, third row: Amberly Gon- zalez, Jordan Russell, Luis Nunez, Lexy Barraza, Laura Hernandez, Hannah Andrews, Gabriela Davis. I Third grade, first row: Joey Leon, Erick Pena, Teofilo Pequeno, Sujeivelis Rueda, Adrian Rivera, Savanna McCain, Diana Leal; second row: fourth grade: Beatriz Cardoza, Isaac Santillan, Miranda Garcia, Gerardo Moreno, Jorge Gonzalez, Isaias Guijosa; third row: fifth grade: Jarred Miller, Nate White, Tania Soto, Jennifer Lucas Garcia, Faith Sherrod Julian Montes. newszap.com &Community Links. Individual Voices. "The School Grants Program is an extension of our commit- ment to education that began 16 years ago when the company chose to help schools and teach- ers provide programs and sup- plies that are not covered by school budgets," said Chairman David Lucas who initiated the annual grants. This year's grants bring the Bonita Bay Group School Grants Program's total contributions to public schools to $-468,267. "These grants are opportunities for us to express our appreciation to our educators for the outstand- ing job they do for our children," I Save money on your I I favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to I download and I print coupons I I online! I Snewszap.com I Community Links. I I Individual Voices. : L---------_J Lucas explained. "During the past decade, Boni- ta Bay Group has expanded its business operations to include Lee, Collier, Hendry and Charlotte counties, and supporting educa- tion through these grants is a reflection of our corporate com- mitment to be involved in and be good neighbors to the communi- ties where we have a presence," said Hutchcraft. In the past two years, Bonita Bay Group has made a strong commitment to Hendry County, entering into a long-term partner- ship with the Bob Paul family to plan and develop approximately 5,200 acres in the city of LaBelle and announcing plans to develop Murphy's Landing, a 187-acre master-planned community along the Caloosahatchee River. Bonita Bay Group is a diversi- fied company involved in the planning, development, sales and management of master-planned communities, free-standing recre- ational amenities and commer- cial facilities throughout South- west Florida. The company is respected for its commitment to meticulous planning, eiviron- mental stewardship, integrity and attention to detail. Bonita Bay Group employs more than 1,500 individuals and is currently devel- oping seven master-planned communities Bonita Bay, Shad- ov Wood Preserve, Mediterra, TwinEagles, Verandah, Sandoval and Murphy's Landing along with -14 golf courses and t\wo marinas. Additional information about the company is available at www.BonitaBayGroup.com. I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I p-- p I I newzap.coGI Community Links. Individual Voices. I L----------------------------- ---.j V A/C & Heating Services p The Services Company others are MEASURED BYI c ...* COUPON* * SalesCK Services $25 OFF AnyServices Installation N PoolHeaters E $89 Clean and Check Refrigeratn 863) 675-2878 Over 60 Items On Our Buffet Ms de N tips de middas din OPEN KITCHEN, FULL SUSHI BAR, FULL LIQUOR BAR, CHINESE BBQ A--rcrn:_ B- fn1tt D.ffa A i E Lehigh FL 239-368-2222 10% OFF Lunch or Dinner Only (must present coupon for discount) Ming Tower 235 Joel Blvd. Lehigh FL 239-368-2222 Good Until October 31, 2006 .inrIm 'e F l F f fYlt ~1~lP hC ~ .W (4i Sn S SS Bankof America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Ban~WT~minln w Mortgage Loan Officer *- 0Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment NTow certified in. FLA/VA -F s cing This 3 bedroom/2 bath plus den manufactured home is a must see! It is located on 1+/- acre in Country Meadows. It includes an above ground pool, a front porch, a two level rear deck, two closets in the master bedroom, as well as double sinks in the master bath, 5 ceiling fans, a large kitchen area with an island plus so much more. This home and property is very clean and in great condition! CALL BRITTANY KINNEY TO SET UP YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY 18.3 acres on sK au in city of LaBelle. Mixed use zoning of Multi-Family and commercial frontage. $6,950,000 1U.4 acres of prime SR 80 frontage vacant land in Alval Commercial potential and. has great access. $2,800,000 * 3 bedroom 2 bath home on 1.97 acres in Felda $239,000 Pending * 3 bedroom 2 bath pool home in Cape Coral $339,000 * 3 bedroom 2 bath home in Cape Coral $279,000 * 3/2 on 10 acres in Bayshore near Babcock Ranchl $619,000 20 acres in Muse on Nine Mile Road! Pretty pines and some scattered oaks. Was once used for cropping but is now awaiting your new home. Just 10 minutes from LaBelle or Alva and has great road access. $525,000 Vc tL sE A reg *1.25 acre Lot in Montura Ranchettes. $35,000 * 7 Port LaBelle lots. Make offer on all for a bargain! $38,900/ea 01.25 acre lot In Montura Ranchettes. $39,000 * 1/4 acre Port LaBelle lot on Montana Cr. $42900 * 1.25 acre Montura lot $45,000 * 1/4 acre lot in Lehigh S45.600 * 1/4 acre tot in Lehigh $47,400 * 3 Pt LaBelle Lots Unit 102 $49,000 for each total * 2 acre in Muse $60,600 u/c *1.25 acre in Lehigh $75,000 *1.25 acre in Lehigh $79,000 * 10 ac. in East LaBelle $240,000 * 15 acres in Felda$405,000 u/c * 106 ac. in Felda $954,000 u/c www.homeandranchre.com j uo-ulin zvuDa iome on 4.5 acres In Felda. Pole barn, stocked pond E morel Beautiful country $433,000 55,250 square foot warehouse on King's Highway in Lake Suzy, Desoto Countyl Solid tenant with steady income. Completely rebuilt after hurricane Charley so it's like brand new! Only 1.2 miles East of 1-75. Great Investment opportunity & great timing $ 5 7 5 0 0 0 0 Buffet de desayuno Americano Tues-Sat &-10:30am, Sun 6-1 7am Lunch Buffet : S7.25 Buffet de Almuerzo Chino S Mon-Sat 11:30 am-3:00 pm, Sun 12-3pm Dinner Buffet: S10.95 Buffet de Cena China Mon-Sun 4-1Opm (stop seating at 9p.m.) I I I L,-~l, I I 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23, 2006 Birth NOBTHEBN *i Puk U Submitted photo/ Picture This Photography Luke Patrick Fleming Luke Patrick Fleming Matt and Jada Fleming of LaBelle, are proud to announce the birth, of their son, Luke Patrick Fleming. He was born on October 9, 2006, at Health Park Hospital in Ft. Myers. He weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces and was 19 /2 inches long at birth. Luke Patrick was welcomed home by Lori Perkins, and Steve, Brent, Lindsay and Brad Fleming. Maternal grandparents are: Pat and Rhonda Langford of LaBelle. Paternal grandparents are: Steve and Debbie Fleming and Sherry and Gary Haas of Ft. Myers. Great-grandparents are Tillie. Patton of LaBelle, Oscar Langford of LaBelle, Jean Morrisey of LaBelle and Marty and John Gasl. BACK P r nluSNj Randy's Garage, Inc. 675-1032 737 S. Bridge St. LaBelle austNor,n.ofanSfoiFond) rL---------------------------------- S -----------=--' 9100ff .3 Off 10 0ff A/C Work Oil Change Brake Work -.-- -- --------------- o------------------------------ \ilthlih oupo0 O f 1 r I .'L-- - - Caloosa Belle/Krislin Hunter Celebrating 60 years of service to vets The American Legion celebrated 60 years of LaBelle's veterann Service office serving veterans and their families since November 9, 19-16. Richard Marquith is the veteranss Ser- vice Officer at the county Veterans bered past and present sericemen Service Office located at Courthouse and specifically officers Douglas G. Square south of the Save-A-Lot Pearcy, Frank E. Neltre, Robert L. plaza. Richard and his %wife. Patsy, Morgan, Bruce C. Embrey, Thomas pose with the cake that remem- L. Messickand Richard J.Marquith LVL"U~ :4; ' HENDRY 675-0358 LEE 275-0358 LU:en .edns ured Srate Cerulied CAC052341 ***** LANGFORD 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 "Y'al" Spoken Here! CALL FOR PRAYER 675-7785 Sponsored by the LaBelle Chapter, Order of St. Luke, a Cluistian HealiNh Mnilishry. Return cills only upon request. f 'i w We ;lllI4J i (' NL\\ HOME CONSTRUCTION p)863-612-0070 ) 863-612-0080 825 i. .~ri.' ,1 ay Suite 108 LiJ1k,, ii. 33935 BAD CREDIT WE REPAIR YOUR CREDIT LEGALLY AND PERMANENTLY $199 START TODAY ON AVERAGE YOU WILL GET 3-5 DELETIONS PER MONTH! Need A Mortgage? Raise Your Credit Score WE CAN HELP! Sialtabitapdiol 118661 525-673 (LOGAU 863-983-8554 I- ~fl t ;~s - -'Uie & Ap r- BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www .whitesfurnitur nndappliatccsxcom 675-3233 STATE CEPIIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC08030 FPL PARTICIPATING COrJiRACTOR Randy's Garage, Inc. Your Local ACDeco Car CiCare atcr 863-675-1032 737 S. Bridgc St. LaBelle, FL Just North of Langford Ford Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL OVERBAUGH FOOTER Increase your production Let us dig your footer Commercial & Residential Office: 863.674.1300 Patt's Cell: 239.24o.' 510 I :. j 1" Over li, I i operator Lic &ns, ., DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH FT. MYERS 1-866 226m9400 !.FAHIXAZIli Ai DYlVtA& CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN MAINTAINENCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visi us on thet web at www.ilill .Zmon-corn Se Nlabs Espanol N Tor-riil'l i] ilA [I]I I[ 4A/C & Ieating Services (863) 675-2878 World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers T, W & F 9-5 Thurs 9-8 Sat 7-2 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 rOE1FT01 FI 1 LL DEICH i'PUiDHEE " !- COMPtE1R LYN APICATIONS III VOPM92 C(CEL., P-G-AS U OvISERPO IIlT ACC K II'IO HO .'.ILL DE aiCI *PrEAlDSHEET ET,: iFpOC i ','OlJR EQl.lPho CALL6LYNN AT (863)679-7048 OR (29)849-9220 (CaLL) PrGASUSISTRATO.NET ^ '{1 ;llJt[i [']-- PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 863-674-5772 Lie 13J072D3 20 t,,ar. Experience! FREE ESTI MATES l llll_ ~ .;.. : ,-:, . :'.'i<.= ,^ :...,..,: ' LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 50 W, mSuiDlewn1CltliSm 863-983-9121 4FITlTotiviadlvall M I RENNOLDS AIR CONDITIONING INC. Daniel Rennolds, owner 863-673-9478 P.O. Box 1.80 La Belle, FL Licensed & Insured I.L. h .'AC 1814 il.3 BUSH HOG MOWING AND LAND CARE SERVICE 863-673-3217 Jeff Corey L POOL i QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Landscape lighting and surge protection Call w rAReodel Quoteorhome genera or accessories &ook ups 9-5 CALL 863-98-4101o 863-228-4138 24 EMERGENCY SERVICE Licensed & Insured #ECOO0661 Narinhl f.frI F I'EIt 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 WaFL :.W'elcome IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 Plea, e Call. 239-657-6363 LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS 8 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald, Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 AB2171 PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush ho ggig, mo.irng graiiig,. 1uild clearug or olher .ibs? 239-728-6629 and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES OFFICE: >^ (863) 675-7045 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or mail cbelle@strato.net -l'Jslj-J-- h i < FINDERS DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Sqa nd ,iwy (Acrossifrom Cl ston (863) 902-9494 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net I 202 Surand Hwy, Ceistoo O863.983600 1.888,200.1703 L B,-l I k. FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Wor;hp ad Nijlt vu ,Iu.rlC 863-675-27-33 e-mai or etkiestato net QUALITYCONSTRUCTION, INC 9.:0 ac.m Sunday h rr m OFICE (863) 675-8314 e-.'il CClc-J'strato neM1 a d dl', ,k)r- ri I lIn; It DAVE TALLEY IANP CI.ARING & 511T DLVEL&WMENL i 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLELITY, F INCL 863-674-0003 ackson River Where dduali is Done in Style CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T EDDIE GATES Agent LU GraduateLUTC Fellow Liberty National h. Life Insurance Company 1 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) (863) 517-0386 (CELL) Syou nee service, ca a fessio Call 863-675-2541 i 01or e-mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! ---- -.. ---------- -I I I~_LI _CII I II I c~ 1 111FITTI(l) Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23,2006 Troop 9 food drive a success LaBelle's Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts joined forces and collected about 20 cases of food to help restock the Salvation Army's food bank. Thank you to the community and volunteers that helped out. If you're still interested, dona- tions can still be dropped off at the LaBelle Salvation Army at 180 N. Main Street or by calling 674- 1441 for more information. Boy Scout Troop 9 went to Merit Badge Weekend in October at Price-Sanders Scout Reserva- tion earning merit badges like citi- zenship in the nation and orien- teering. The Boy Scouts also held a Court of Honor on October 24, with the following boys advanc- ing in rank: Kyle Fuehrer to Boy Scout, Stephen Yarger to Second Class, Jarad Plair to First Class, Stephen Riggs to First Class, Stephen Yarger to First Class. Upcoming events that the troop has planned are a back- packing trip on the Florida Trail and a Camporee event the first weekend of December. Troop 9 meets every Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. at Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church, 310 Campbell St. in LaBelle. Call Roy Riggs at 863-983-7719 or Larry Yarger at 863-675-7334 for more info. Community News Caloosa Humane Society car wash Make your car happy. Take it to the November 25 car wash at the LaBelle Motel on SR 80 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Support your local shelter and your favorite team. Hot dogs and soft drinks are $3. Car wash is $7. Donations accept- ed. Please contact the Caloosa Humane Society at 675-0997 for more information. 'L- Go to newzap.com to download and print coupons online! L------------------------ LaBelle Woman's Club/Lynne Campbell Quilts for kids The LaBelle Community Woman's Club made 23 quilts to be given to the children at The Children's Hospital at Healthpark. These quilts are given to the kids that are put into ICU, it helps to make them feel a little more cozy and in less of a hospital environment. After their stay, they take them home with them. The ladies that made the, quilts from left to right are: Margaret Parker, Marion Vale- Hull, Carol Kraft, Kit Ramirez, Lynne Campbell and Linda Davidson. If you would like to be a part of the wonderful things the Woman's Club does for the community, you are invited to come to one of their meetings. They meet the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. They would love to meet you! you Comuit irctryi JstalckAwy newszapcesm &Comrnunity Links. Individual Voices. A7 U A %Mat -. z - or mail usat cbelle@strato.net M~,to place your ad! IINSURANCE| Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor. State arm Is there.' SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available HaUamos Esparol ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall celle@strato.net COUNTRY HOMES & LANa REL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins lic Real Estate broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fa: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call \ GG MumBs li Real Estate Eroker ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or mail cbelle@strato.net ,oCL INA's sC, & LAN I'CA I:[ .hAI1NT ENAN CE,! I ,a ] li l.r'm ,w'i ir, lri-,d j o,. :t f r I'fT l Itr i.r k r.i. ll I dI.ji) l ":a]p re], iul ,J'wr riill iu ip : ,q r:: iirr, r -,- br Ml iAlTd r ll Iril d 'iip j., a ,i ,id l].,in d tn.3 iT i P T L.,A i : r 1" I't" Thlirk. y'j. W dll ,ii il, '., CELL: 863-673-4091 l.:.'r d rd rinired BankofAmerica . SHIRLEY. IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirlev.willis@'bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as 12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or mall cbelle@strato.net mAWE ; Y, visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com property management rentals sales I_- ICINDYL. ALEXANDER tLIC. EEAL ESTATE BROKER SourAH v F^1I.i b RAc.ltl iGeO p. Inc. Lisa Andrews lic. Real state rmiker 238 N. Bridge St LaBelle, FI 33935 863.675-8868 i',r ,tt ti l ,'i ,ill Llr,..jin 'i' ,Iup' ii mii WHITES LAWN MOWING & GRADE SERVICE Yard Aowing Hedge Trimming Mulching Skid Steer Work Grading Tree Work Clean Up Service Call David 863 -73-8942 LaBelle, F THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Or.c, a,. .4r.i an.i [:k-i.w',wn. For M'/"ns RODNEY MURRAY & SETH HOWARD lie. Ri.l Esl;alc Brokers aBcllc. II. 863-675-4950 The Sonia Rios Team RE/MAX Real Estate. Professionals 1251-6A Taylor Lane Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 www.soniariosteantcomn E-mail: soniarios@aol.com Sonia Rios Lie. RealEstate Broker ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as.little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or emall cbelle@strato.net l1 I I: it.'r, 1IJ 9;'i ,r ii;iTur Caloos, Mobile Home Set-ups Inc. +' New Installations 'o Re-levels & Repairs *, Skirting& Siding SOUMmIT WORK DONE ACC4tB9MNC TO Ij-RRICANE & STATE CODES! 863 675 4272 The Paint Authority, Inc. Lnt'Ext Painung Pressure Washing Decorative Cone rete Coatings FREE Estimates 863-675-0200 PT 0):,': HC 98 SP Ai-P--6- Catoosa Shores Waterfront foimesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 CrEI'TAGE" LAND CO. 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com DONNA KANE LIC. RBA Ea s BU o AB * RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80.& 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.labellerivcrside.com c-.mil: reaktatelabdleriveRsi&.com Marilyn Sears ticcns d Real Esatt Brker SPENCER REALTY Fran W, Spencer, Lic Broker 437 SR80W LaBele, FL (863) 675-1203* (863) 673-5554 Web wwwSpencerReaktyF.com 'rn~. &-Pet ~l .aP"~!ce With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates. References & Sen ice Call 863-675-3231 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as 12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net Chc Ki CqRoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 www.melktlg.com ' Mel tang I.i Real Bstte t Broker PAUL ROSER REALTORS 65.-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER- BROKER HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863-675-.0403 .^^ 'V'S ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bames@alakeUymorgage.com Snowbird Pools a Spas eHw Construction, Repairs & Renovation Keith Dermodyl jLicensed & Insured 123911074991 12391458-4681 S Slate Llc#CPC145588 ^rrr SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rcnv:[s Pr.,p.ny tbnagnlmcni Put ',Iur Iusl ir, sNumntr On,' hiip ,,'r ww21 2 Il u om STract ePflug- ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as M12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-5241 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as 12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I niwszap.cOm Community Links. Individual Voices. _, L-_-_------------- ---- --------- --- .0 J 0oa Wireless Sales 1 o Service Ctol Accessories 06Owner Connections Lori White 9I M863-612-0237 863-675-1570 Fax Closed Surdays Located Next to O'Ferrells'Florist 153 S. Main Street X acingular LaBelle, FL 33935 ........ coolconnections@ swfla.rr.com Dana Howard Weekley Post 130 AMERICAN LEGION AND THE LEGION AUXuARY Friday Night Fish Fry I pm at 699 S.B. Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos v _sical 5jerrainment Inclded III _ i* r'l 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23, 2006 Girl Scout News S.. .. -Submited photo-LHS--- . The Cowboys will graduate 11 seniors that will be missed tremendously. These 11 seniors The Cowboys will graduate 11 seniors that will be missed tremendously. These 11 seniors played their last game as Cowboys, ending a great season and winning a district title. Pic- tured are #2 Andrew Tovar, #4 Izzy Hernandez, #6.Charlie Green, #11 Captain Chad Lutken- haus, #24 Shurn. Rolle, #40 Albert Williams, #53 Tyler Hansen, #56 Captain Matt Rentz, #61 Patrick Mclymont, #62 Thomas Perez, and #77 Captain Michael Awbrey. Raiders stop Cowboys playoffrun By Coach Ron Dunbar The LaBelle Cowboys state playoff run came'to an end last Friday as they fell to the highly regarded Glades Central Raiders 49-10 in Belle Glade. "We did everything possible on offense to control the clock and showed them a lot of diller- ent looks on defense to slow them down, but the boltom line is they just had too much talent for us to match up with. I'm proud of our kids and Ihe positive effort and energy they gave the coach- ing staff all season," said Coach Dunbar The Cowboys did receive a 39- yard field goal from junior Rey Hernandez for an early Cowboy lead and a beautiful 84-yard touchdown catch and run to sen- ior wideout Chad Lutkenhaus from junior quarterback Caleb- Jordan in the third quarter for LaBelle's only scores. Senioi linebacker Andre\v To\ar finished the night \with II tackles on defense for LaBelle and Lutkenhaus also had an inteicep- Daisy Girl Scouts have been busy learning all about Girl Scouts basics, learning new songs and. games, making crafts, and even traveling to our first Daisy Family trip to Henscratch Farms in Lake Placid where we fed hens, held eggs, decorated pumpkins, went on a ha ride and made apple :cider. Brownie Troop has started the year off in high gear too...earning try-its, completing their QSP fundraiser, and having their first camping event for this year'! The fun is just beginning. . Two troops went to Arnold- Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and learned about panthers and other wild cats. They are planning a Canoe-camping trip in December. The cadets collected supplies for the Humane Society on Octo- ber 28. They are currently work- ing. on a performing arts project that includes putting on a band performance, touring Barbara B. Mann Theater, and attending a Beach Boys concert. They are also working towards a trip to Washington DC in June. The neighborhood is also planning a camp out for all the troops togeth- er and a day playing putt-putt golf. Anyone interested in joining Girl Scouts should call Barbara Van Essen at 1-800-586-3186. tion for tie visitors. The Cowboys close out the 2006 season with an unexpected 8-4 record and their first district title since 1995. They will gradu- ate 11 seniors that will be missed tremendously. They are #2 Andrew To\at, #-4 Izzy Hernan- dez, #6 Charlie Green, # II Cap- tain Chad Lutkenhaus, #24 Shurn Rolle, #40 Albert Williams, #53 Tyiler Hansen, #56 Captain Matt :Rentz, #61 Patrick Mclymont, #62 Thomas Perez, and #77 Cap- tain Michael A\vbre\ Submitted prolo/Mark Reith Mark Reith and his son, Marcus, won the father-son cat- egory in the first ever Fishers of Men Bass-Snook tour- nament held in LaBelle last month. Fishers of Men is planning a Toys for Tots tournament in LaBelle on Dec. 2 at the LaBelle Boat Ramp from safe light till 3 p.m. Entry fee is $150. there is a mandatory meeting on Friday. Dec. 1. For more information call Jack Ott 239-947-4311. Sport Shorts LaBelle Longhorn Boosters to meet The LaBelle Longhorn Booster Meeting \will be on November 30, at 7:00 p.m. at the Rec. Board on Caloosa Belle.,Kristin Hunter Graduates Jonani Beard. Calvin Dimsdae eu err.JsnHml.Cli Joe, Cowboy Wiay Nominations for next yeal's board mrermbers should come. Also, if you are interested in becoming a booster member please come to the meeting. you comu ity iretr sJs lc Aay Demetrius McAllister, Jamie McAllister and Yareesha Sewell stand in front of one of the two sheds they built. ; l First construction graduates join workforce n w em Eight students graduated from construction. They built two week Training Program Cmmuniy Links Individual Voices. thp iri Ct t r(',.-, ;, TAori "mi';;i hnuq'q" orm c-hulni nit of irs Iiai CP Otifir.-ate'Cf ot Voic {-]-n ;.o /" n~l ,,f~nn 'T'.' .' e n~n "hn~en n eh rle n,, ny a.a. !x apo naaa5 ... h--a f,.. "rlf - tle tr11 stL onstructionI 1 rales Worker Class on Friday, Novem- ber 17. They finished a five week 19S hour course funded by the South Florida Water Manage- ment District, coordinated by the Education Center of SWFL with the training provided by Steeltek, a local construction company. It is to prepare workers in the con- struction industry preferably for construction work that will bene- fit proiec-ts of the SFWMD and the Acceler8 Projects. Students from LaBelle, Cle' ision and Lehigh have received instruction in CPR, First Aid, OSHA, construction math, employability, hand tools, power tools and hands on work in the actual construction of small buildings learning all aspects of STANON MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at Discounted Prices! Homes From the Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family, Owned Since 1981. JACOBSEN FaMweaE HOrMES ScotBillti i A01 l l I INC. Clewiston 1312W.Sugarland Hwy, 863.983.8106 LaBelle 231 w Hd ocheeAve. 863-675-6622 Punta Gorda 5041 Duncan Rd. *941.505-0041 mn1111111 ouses or s u s ou ol steel from beginning toend dur- ing the course. They received a goodie bag filled with tools needed to get started: a tool belt, ruler, speed square, sheet rock knife, hammer, calculator, crow bar, sheet rock saw, ratcheting screwdriver, chalk backs, line level and tape meas- ure. South Florida Water Manage- ment, The Education Center of Southwest Florida Inc Lee Coun- ty Schools and Steeltek celebrated a coordinated effort with the grad- uation of local students in the Construction Worker Trades Pro- gram, Friday afternoon. The class of eight students from' LaBelle, Clewiston and Lehigh Acres completed their five uJy re;eIVII8 g I eIIr U L% 5 U1 Completion from Chairman Geri Yoraschek of the Education Cen- ter of Southwest Florida, Inc., and Lee County Schools Expansion Trade Coordinator, Clyde Grant. Tee- Shirts and Congratulations were extended to the students from Rhonda Haag Project Manger, for South Florida Water Management District. Steeltek representatives Anne Vancil and Ed McGlynn' presented the gradu- ates with tool belts completely outfitted with start-up tools. Photographs were taken of the students in front of the small houses they constructed during the program and a delicious lunch was enjoyed by everyone. Lunch was prepared by student Joani Beard and her family. Diabetes affects your body from head to toes. This includes your eyes. The most common and most serious eye complication of dia- betes is diabetic retinopathy, which may result in poor vision or even blindness. "Retinopathy" is the medical term for damage to the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) that nourish the retina, the tissue at the back of "oLu ecy.e ilit captures light and relays information to your brain. These blood vessels are often affected by the high blood sugar lev- els associated with diabetes. Nearly half of the people with known diabetes have some degree of diabetic retinopathy. The longer you have diabetes, the more like- ly it is you'll develop diabetic retinopathy. Initially, most people with diabetic retinopathy experience only mild vision problems. But the condition can worsen and threaten your vision. The threat of blindness is scary. But with early detection and treatment, the risk of severe vision loss from diabetic retinopathy is small. At Family Eye Care, we provide dilated eye examinations to thoroughly assess ocular health to prevent the development of ocu- lar and medical complications of diabetes. Please call our office at 863-675-0761 for more information or to set up an appointment. -791]I 1 Save money on your Favorite grocery items. I I Go to newszap.com to I download and I I print coupons I Ionline! I W newszap.com I Community Links. I Individual Voices. i I r ------- --- -__.__. _--------_- I SPORTS FANS J IBET SYOU DIDN'T KNOW, I LoriLangford , I What is the longest *.:ntinu.-.ulv I Iruriing program ini TV ust:ir)' The I rcii- i i a F.?itt question isi be,':ju': the iniier i I.londjv Night I IFootball, which ran for 37 years on ABC I t'ore switching'to ABC-owned'ESPN I r the stjrt if [he "':1C6 season. So I I which team made the most appearances I In thoi. first 37 eiris' itr. the Dalla. I I C 'o. boi ; .'.t t.io.nda', might game n I I Hoj mir.i dillerent bro'3ld:asjrig com- I I binrirdon:.hi there b.eenu' Surpri ingly. I I thE an,. r i ': t i 'ir,,. iorc \'henr d I I Himn ". ihrn., ir rtart inering the I q ue :riirt i f .c whether kreni. a red',' I I l r r.'iT-'ro[t. Ll' Pebe'. it or not 1990 1 I I 1 Oh,"'h t re entered thie 2006 college oorbl i,: .:. ranked rumnber one u-1 I he njri,tr tIr [hei ei.nth ntune Cin 'ou a.me the :rdiv icho'o rin mid numr I bei Ori. -r, the pFrI:acj.'.r mriore cire Ie Stbmi Or'.L' The a3n." .er i4 Oklahorom I I ..l rurn,: B', the i,' the Bu,:ke. i I hje nre cr .. .o the raoroal rnite t ..'hen .I h', "'.Cre rirdcked number rone n r the preci ., :, Eu n 'Tue e ,n iNhat pIre I ,I ._l ,:,r. FI:,U,, hi c b e-i pt C S i-i hi - S .,.ern rar i'cd 5 ', r Tie' r :,it ?, jat,,' I -I hi,- 'ilihoi, arnj d N.:,t.' ru_,, I I i b,..'o r nrlr,.,J 4 I in-. - I ,. I F-.:,r i .' .: ,,t u I u, c c[. n er u'Jto tLr ,.LntI ,i -;F"r iO:'rlid rh th tol iL, L -h ikm .cr i. _ie'e.':rel C dJ' 3rd ,-,r ulri ,',_ "' i'_. h their i-.irr : .i-1,ru ,:.: d duri ri re." m ijurieJv '. 1.-rit r, .J r i t lI: ber rcr. i 146 ,.l Jr'C" I *, 'it' i -r": U rrDur Lut '- '' c', r, .:..p ri u i ip[r i'n was equal to somebody running an eight-minute mile, and energy expendi- turesx. r: tl.:.ut tin rim rrie: gecer [t r. at rest A .. ['.' rh'i it [he ri .k : heat I stress. D i r:i :r ~ uiehEr .xkpir rv[-- 'iL I:;! : C : ..c: h-,:,; /r!lTict; Willd e '. n l i:, r: i; jrjnr ur I .J,. i ir I I I'll bet you .ib.id [ rn... comririrC C.r going, that w'ern rhe nalber hul : the road, you cir, ilr.ord nr:ir to buy from Langford. . II S1LANGFORRD: 'Y"all Spoken Hcrc!" S 675-1686 L_-- --_-- --------- --- pIi ,= ,=,,= ,, 1 I IFor Medicare Enrollees -Are you PAYING TO MUCH For Your Medicare Supplement Policy? -~Do You Wish You Had An Alternative That Costs A Lot Less? Now There's A Health Care Plan That Gives You The Benefits You've Always Wanted... TODAY'S OPTIONS ,, A Medicare Advantage Private Fee-For-Service Plan From PyramidLife *LOWER Monthly Premiums -Freedom to CHOOSE Your- Doctors, Hospitals And Specialists Without A Referral SPreventive Services AT NO EXTRA COST To You *Virtually NO PAPERWORK SEmergency & Urgent Care WOWRL DE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TODAY'S OPTIONS FROM PYRAMID LIFE, CALL NOW To Reserve Your Place At One Of Our Seminars: Same Day Service Lab On Premises Repairs & Relines While You Wait 11 I em porcelain a vvwnii I onuua es VUlIUUIU Spike and Doc MDI Implants No More loose Dentures MERCER DENTAL CLINIC FREE CONSULTATIONS On US41, South Fort Myers 1-866-226-9400 SGeneral Anesthesia Available For Extractions Toll Free The patient and any other person responsible for payments has a righl to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that Is performed a a a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced lee service, examination or treatment. November 28 Clock Restaurant Clewiston 10:30 & 1:30 i =reCALL 239-936-8667 -11 A sales representative will be present with information and applications. Pyramid Life is a insurance company with a Medicare advantage contract to offer private fee-for-service plans, available to anyone enrolled in Port B and entitled to Part A of Medicare through are or disability who continues to pay any applicable Medicare premiums and live in the service areo. Pyramid Life Insurance Company and its agents are not connected in any way #Hs42I-t.PLO, (16) with the federal or sale government or Medicare Lar~elle 11:0 13 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23, 2006 Class ':!.**" ": ::,'.: '";" '% :;-':"^-{ e!S; t:""'- *y w'F%;" *; --" ; I-""" o ^ '--^*^ '/ ^ ^ .: -. .: ..a 1 77 35"3 2424 mi ^ % /" %/ i; A^ ^a : ^^ ' f r n l items for sale under $2 500 Mobile Homes --- - 150 % Employment Agriculture iI .4 v __._ i I____ Financial | Automobiles i .I .... . Services Real Estate Public Notices --- -- . IVI Uyll, p IuV IIU I olll '1 Ie sUI ,VlU l ,,1 IJ More Papers Mean More Readers! ^is ~ Reach more readers when you run ..... ... J :. .. .. .... I ..... : n your a a in several papers in our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research: INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items. pets or animals) Must fit into 1 /2 inch .. (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) .4 ; Must include only one item and its price i (remember it must be $2,500 or less) S Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements Imp",rtanl Ini:,rm aln Please re.d your ad Careiully the fihrl day ,t 3ppei- Inr case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to' publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word "advertisement'. All ads ccprcd am -.. ed .iare t.) credit appro.. al LII ci. .mTu. conrrm Il.:. Indeprndenrr eVaEp3er3s rtlei srad ire reslrlt-d It, tiher prp-r classifications. Some classi- fied categories r,,-;r. advance payment. ThE-e classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 Absolute Real Estate Auc- tions: Homes, Condos, Gom- * mercial, Land, Waterfront. AllI will sell at Auction, Brokers & Phone Bidding Welcome. Neal VanDeRee Realtor/Auc- tioneer (941)488-1500 www.vanderee.com. *LAND AUCTION* 230 Props SMust be Sold! Low Down I E-Z Financing. Free Catalog S(800)937-1603 www.LAND- UCTION.com NRLL East, :LLC:AB2509,, Bule- ziuk:AU3448, John- stonM:AU3449, Mauck:AU3447. l~uction' iS.ea Noice I-pca Noice0551 Mon., Dec. 4 11:00 AM E.T. 3BR / 3BA Caloosahatchee Riverfront Home Must See Property! Appraised $1,000,000 Will sell over minimum bid , of $590,000! ": -36 0 On-site, 3015 Shell Lane, LaBelle. FL 2.3 Ac. Res. Lot in Pioneer Plantation Will sell over the opening bid of $20,000! DG-3730 4601 Pioneer 18th Street, LaBelle, FL Auction Location: DG-3670, 3015 Shell Lane. LaBelle, FL Other Properties: Dania Beach & Ft. Lauderdale V;I, 11 Li.,j..lrr.: III L,,: i I l | : l i '. I ,-, tranLzon DRIGGERS uUTi: "L I: -L u.,:,I: PrEiun, 888.404.9977 | www.tranzon.com Developers Closeout AUC- TION -12/2/06 14 Residen- tial Condominiums, Pompano Beach, FL Financ- ing and Online Bidding Available 2% Broker Coop- eration www.fisherauc- tion.com. L. Fisher AU93; AB106 (800)331-6620 x 16. In Cooperation with Lauro Auctioneers Sale subject to all terms. GIGANTIC 2-DAY Auction No- vember 30th, December 1st, 2006, Montgomery, AL. Sin- gle, tandem & tri-axle dumps, truck tractors, low- boys, crawler loaders & trac- tors, excavators, motor graders & scrapers, back- hoes, rubber tired loaders, right of way machines, drill- ing EQ, forklifts, paving skid- ders, feller bunchers, log loaders, farm tractors. J.M. Wood Auction Co., Inc. (334)264-3265, Bryant Wood AL LIC #1137. BEAGLE F, sm, tri colored, weang a pinklaid collar by Caloosa Belle Office. Turned in to LaBelle Animal Control. Shop from a gift catalog that's updated regulaly: the classmfleds. Toy Chest & Bench Here's a great chance to get a jump on storage for all those new Christmas toys. Made from a single 4-by- 6 sheet of plywood, this toy chest and bench makes a great gift for a special little person on your holiday list. It's easy to build-the curved cuts for the arms and back are traced directly from full-size patterns. The chest measures 32 inches long by 20 inches deep, and requires only six pieces in all. Toy Chest & Bench plan (No. 248)... $9.95 Children's Furniture Package (No. C79) Four projects incl. 248 ... $24.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u -bild.com "S. Money Back Guarantee SOUTHERN RESPIRATOR, on 10/31/06, on Cascade Lane. Call to identify. (863)612-0266 BOSTON TERRIER, Black & white, last seen 11/9 in Bass- wood area. (863)763-6182 Leave message. REWARD- Calico cat(f), 2 yrs, white belly, black & orange back & top of head, long blacktail. 863-467-0704 COMPOST- free, you must haul (863)357-3770 FREE KITTEN, Blonde, To Good Home Only! Call Lisa (863)675-4869 or 675-0224 HAMSTERS: 2 Males, 1 Black & White, 1 Tan & White. Ba- bies, approx. 8 wks. old. Too good home. (863)801-1302 KITTENS (3)- Fluffy, Free to good homes only. 5 wks old, litter box trained, 2F, 1M (863)612-1003 MIXED- 6 wks old, Free To Good Home! (863)763-1370 PATIO DOORS, (2), 6' wide, 8' high, good condition. (863)675-7926 PUPPIES, 8 weeks old, Golden Retriever & Red Nose Pitbull mixed, to good homes. (863)467-6651 WASHER & DRYER, Roper. (863)674-0676 FT. DENAUD- Cemetery Rd, Nov 29th, 30th, Dec 1st, 7:30am ?, 249 Trader Rd. Everything from dishes, clothes, tools and much more! Signs Posted LABELLE, Sat., 11/25 8am til ? 210 Evans Rd. Little Bit of Everything!! Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sel your used items in the classifelds. GREAT WEBSITES $9.99/MONTH, includes de- sign, hosting, e-mail & www.yourname.com, No hidden fees. Great Web Packages. Toll Free (800)882-7226 www.great- webpackages.com. Shop here first! The classified ads Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance: Call Toll Free 866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- D RAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- torcom. HANDY INVESTOR SPECIALS Great Deal for Rehabbcrs! (863)675-0748 What Destroys Relationships? Answer pg A46 Buy and Read Dic,!cs by L. Ron fiubbard send $8.00 to: Hubbard Dianetics Founda- tion, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722. Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment . Medical ?10 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employn ent Wanted 2 ,. Job Information 2'5 Job Training 2;i Sales 230 $2,900 WEEKLY GUARAN- TEED! Address letters for holiday cash. No experience necessary. Free information. Start immediately! Wrilo: A&G Publications, 2370-G Hillcrest Rd. #147-H, Mo- bile, AL 36695. BARBER WANTED: Full Time for World Class Barber Shop in Labelle. Booth Rental or Com- mission. 863-234-9966 CLASS-A CDL DRIVERS- Now Hiring OTR & Local Drivers- New Equipment; Great Bene- fits; Premium Pay Package. Call Oakley Transport, (877)882-6537. Coordinate Exchange Pro- gram! International High School Exchange Program seeks enthusiastic coordina- tors and ESL instructors. De- velop exciting short-term programs for international students. (866)658-5444, EasternregionLCE@cox.net. Find it faster. Sell it soon- er in the classified I.ipaNim I.pca ic BRYANT CONSTRUCTION AND ROOFING, INC. Metal Roofs. Re-Roofs. Roof Repairs - I FREE ESTIMATES I- Residenual & I: C nirnercial Licensed &' Insured Li.:ense #CCC I132595) SMember of Ihe SBR Office (863) 675-7045 i~~0 f-"""s' ss PLACE YOUR AD HERE CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting at $39.95 er Day LAN .... Li-' r CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING l -"i-.%r li d I iariJ .r,'-. I l .IlS awliC l K\ O.ar ." .: p.. 0...r_ i U.-h..iL_.I:,J J.J 1 ureuL, HANDYRAN REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE (,, r h 1 .-- .h i.,ii I, ,r *,.,siir I,.:' .JI .. r. .,, ,|,,, ,..(863) 675-7297 .. . QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Ci'l,;riing Fill Dl Di l (,i\iil S \il 'erk La.elle, F'l. ,I. -n~-Id I&i-nur ird OFFICE: (86a) 675-8814 Call Kelvin Townsend Cell @ (863) 673-3783 HC10r17.SP SU N T E RS PREV'F H U N CONSTRUCTION. INC Todd Pri att ^ TREE SERVICE Ims.ale PPFL 33944 Tree Trimming , & Removal S Gradi Site Stump Grinding icen Shaping & Topping l"nsu 863-675-0403 M0 Licensed and Insured "Lic#PO03000062936 Emlymn FullTime 020 Empl Ful imi115 Drug Free Work Place Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Trucking, LLC. or call 863-675-4410 DRIVER/FORKLIFT OPERATOR Needed at Ben Hill Griffin Liquid Fert operation. Must have CDL with Hazmat & Tanker endorsement as well as warehouse exp. Excellent benefits package offered. EOE D/F/W Contact 863-635-2251/863-675-7444 or hr(a)bhgriffin.com E e IFI F l i Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED Must have Class A CDL Benefits Available Apply at: Syfrett Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street, Okeechobee Grab a bargain from your How fast can your car neighbor's garage, go? It can go even faster attic, basement or clos- when you sell It In the et in today's classlHeids. classified. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. FleAiDle Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344.9636 Ext. 700. DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. S800)940-2778, www.drive- orcrst.com. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great beneiiS cormpeliiiv pay & new equipment Need 2 years experience Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. '800)741-7950 Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the govern- ment PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Department W21. LAND CLEARING COMPANY Seeking Experienced. Loader Dozer Operators. Top Pay & Benefits. Must be experienced in land clearing (239)567-1089 OTR drivers deserve more pay and more hometime! $.48/mi. -1 year experience. More.experience makes more! Home weekends! Run our Florida Region! Heart- land Express (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com. Sales/Sales Managers/ No- Fee Distributors $9K Wk High/ $100K Yr $1 Million Yr/Future 2-3 Pre-Set Leads Daily- Overrides/Bonus- es/Mgrs Not Multi-Level (800)233-9978. WELDER/FABRICATOR with mechanical & electrical experience forindustrial plant. Reliability a must! Call 863-675-9300. CHALLENGE THE CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT TEST Classes starting soon. Apply in person for details: Oak Brook of LaBelle 250 Broward Ave. LaBelle, FL 33935 Drug Free Workplace EOE HOME HEALTH Fast growing Medicare agency new to Pahokee/Belle Glade/South Bay needs SOC per diem exp. RN's / LPN's for visits now. Also PT/OT/MSW/HHAS. Call Jan/Andrea/Jess @ 1-888-733-3570 or 561-742-7350. Fax resume to 561-733-3931 ---- READING A NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. n o wonder newspaper rades are more popultrl Announcements ?:-. *. Do-It-Yourself Ideas - --O Or"'s- - LFIND'IT ,,FA-S.T.,,DIREC,,,TORY! ............. ar..r. .:--- l~cton I Auctionsm c\ 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23, 2006 14 -Rfil II1 MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, .Moore Haven; LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 I CALOOSA BELLE is looking for an Part time time \\ith somewhat flexible hours The ideal candidate \\ill be self-moti\ated \with an outgoing personality,;, more .than average computer skills, bilingual a plus, understanding of digital photog- raphy and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers a unique work environment \\here employees are trusted and emipo\wered. e-nmail resume to: jkasten@strato.net ' .;,,.,j~MED ICA ,$-itlkt : ;:On," W -. P,-.-- t..- ... *us ie.=vw- eji.,,i L...CId P'Oyre-r' nw-a~oi 'A..up .1.. LPN Ior 9(FI.Pl. k&Wsm Fune ER N 6 Stialyau tr Pedilon -Nlf NuragSicniavtsne VA fIt RN 6.I14 vi) dII(Al 011 Mud tlie 3 vr tIi'. C C Per Dien- CAANArC.NA MouT ech Mu 1pu i hiop ol NA c~' iud oP vUvdr'v1. h)ih, c'.,'l,',,l Fd ~R4J1NaC.NA F In RN NseM M3W *a CU(A 1121) A(ci l'LS 1" Ful b hI rline e it/Ily i i 'l .1 dfft12[ Full Un NiedlVie 166Ifk: In Q10aFl. i'J e t Mni illi 31 VISI I Ytip in JaJ ol tFytnis Full ftIRespirat Then"h M c., F.t pitfirird rVib An I") YUvOp I iiAU iLII 3rnd yntc31 rimip i '.air iLS vd ACLS rc i Cc Full Une- Mecdal Tednologis Bi: EX CIf,' hidli- rcthcicIqv ratioal LtuI or rii~llbtIt)l, (0l 01 Siai h(~ op~rj i'11 10 iti ufidre.rdor. Quii' li onil arid irL:iv'%If i Tiarir 131 1hili :hi h 0 rujiiqi*i cu-call & ivcdlcid iotaoiio Per dies- Pharmacy Technician PCfeijLv III t' ti cilb 3 rid f (1litf StiLng ,11 ih Tiulgonud iijii Part time & Full lime ER Registration Clerk er.' iIro hrrial ci ifL pi[t kcrcc'dry ll ~ di cvrf o F ,TMcdiu.l I, 1,,iivutOll I j [416 N l~ YPV 31 V ai 4 S 'AlT Phoie, 863-902-3079 or.FaX resume r o.863-983-0805 0-4 FrvC 1Ioypic COE GROVE MECHANIC Consolidated Citrus LP seeks qualified candidates for the. position of Grove Mechanic at .. our Immokalee location. Must have at least 3 years of experience. Must have welding experience and diesel repair skills. We offer a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits package,- including a 401(K) plan. Interested applicants should call (239)253-4893 or (239)657-4095. EOE/Drug-Free Workplace Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay .401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Products, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 READING A NEWSPAPER ... i...*ouravns rhem b pm*******=" srlt. your uiuyI Structured ,- be tutoring. Win.95, 98,, old. $400. (863)467-9402 chain with motorcycle medal- makes youmore informed lion, new $150. Asking $ 90 tlement, Lottery or Owner 2000. ME, XR licensed. WE BUY 18TH lion, new $150. Asking $90 peron. No Held Mortgage Note. Cal Ca r63-WE7BUY-8TH CENTURY 863-634-9316. and Interesting per.No R&P Capital ResourcesInc. all Gary 863-675-7925 American Furniture. Old oil wonder newspaper leaders (800)338-5815. paintings & silver, RussianI me moe sucessfoll paintings & silver. Pay top $. READING A 'Call Frank READINGA 754-245-7001/954-588-3288 CHANDELIERS- 2, Gold, Like NEWSPAPER.. A new. $50. Will separate. ALLSAPE ... L ~(863)946-1728 or599-1534 ends you FLOOR LAMP- Solid brass TMX ELMO, brand new, still in r ,, t,,* OCCASION REFRIGERATOR, Roper made with light on swivel arm, box, never opened, $70. best Pro s D by Whirlpool, 18.2 cu. ft., great for easy chair reading (863)467-5299 like new, $175. 40(863)763-2458 iMusic for everyone (863)675-8120 Light show avJh ,ailable STOVE, Whirlpool, electric, 3 SHARP 4-HEAD, Hi-Fi Stereo ightshow available years old, very clean. $140 ADJUSTABLE BED, Ultramatic, VCR w/35+ movies, 1 XXX. Call (863)467-0024 twin, electric w/vibrate & re $150 or trade for gun. WASHER $100 call for more mote. Exc. cond. $2700 new, (772)461-8822 863 information (863)675-4675 asking $1200. (863)763-6907 How do you fnd a Job I 673 00 5 WASHING MACHINE- 4 yrs ELECTRIC LIFT- For wheel- today's competitive I D6 3-0U old, Kenmore, top load, chair or scooter. Hardly market? In the employ- SSe Habla Es l White; Extra clean cond. used. Good condition. $650. ment section olthe cla S,, se Habla Espanol $100. (863)763-1504 (863)357-8788 s Employment Full Time 02 ! appliances included, 30' 1 car mountainrealty.com Call for garage, $1500/mo. (2) avail, free brochure 863-946-3333 (800)841-5868. I I I I I . I Apartments ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR SPECIAL BUILDING Pride Jazzy w/joystick. Exc SALE..."DONT MISS IT!" De- cond $5700 new, asking ... bcember delivery or deposit $2300 (863)763-6907 holds till spring. 25x40'x12' SM$4800. 40B60 X16' $12,800. FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! Front end optional. Oter siz- MEDICARE PATIENTS' Call es limited. Pioneer. Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, 1800)6685422 d receive a FREE METER' energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's STEELBUILDINGS. Factory u liyDi3beti HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately ls. Save $$$. 40 x 60' tory S Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES 100 x 200'. Ex: 50 10x x 12i = $3.60/sq ft and ADVANCEMENT are encouraged to apply TODAY (800)658-2885. www.ngid- AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train "" :,. buiding.com. for nigh paying Avialcn Pick YOUR career and embark on a new adventure bulaing.com. arinenance areery FAA -on Buidn proved program. Job place- Cage Cashier $10.0 per hour ,IM J r ment assic lance CALL Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips Avialion Inslilule ol Mainle- Dining Room Host S8.00 per hour CROWN MOLDING, (361 16tt nance 18881349-5387 lenglhs Primed & ready Io Dishwasher $7.50 per hour paint. Hall pnce at $375 for ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE Line Cook $10.00 + per hour BOE all (8631675-2491 from Home. 'Medical, Maintenance Worker $10.00 + per hour BOE BMETAL ROOFING SAVE $ usinCompulerss 'CPmnal Jus- Public Space Attendant $8.00 per hour Buy Direct From Manulaclur- lice. JoD placement assis- TAD/Gaming Machine er 20 colors in stock wilt all stance Computer provided. Customer Service Representative $21.00 avg. w/tips .* '; Accessories. Quick turn Financal Aid it qualitled. Call min M ie Tecniian pe o around' Delivery Available (8661858-2121 www on- TAD/Gaming Machine Technician $12.50 per hour (352)498-0t;78 Toll Free neTidewaterTech comrr We are also seeking candidates for these management positions: ROOFING: 2 Lng CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS PAN ROOFING: 10-12 Fl Long lir Outdoors. 2 1lohled rein- Director of Facilines Human Resources Benefns Coordinator $7 ea 18631675-8760 deer & 1 Ilgnled sleigh $75. Executive Casino Host TAD/Gaming Machine Floor Supervisor SALE- CRUSHED STONE (8631467-00-44 #57. Greai lur driveway., CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, for oul- Call Dllys Enlerpris s 01 La- slde & animated Sadla & Belie 2391825-4251 Mrs Claus $100. Benefits available-for ALL employees SLIDING GLASS DOOR, new. 18631467-0044 www.theseminolecasino.com while, lor mobile home. with DIVORCES275-$350'COVERS Apply in person TODAY! Irame. $385 children, etc Only one sig- 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL i863)634-5236 nature requiredi' 'Ecludes 1-800-218-0007govt ees' C311 weekdays Tne Seminole Casiro is a Drug-free Workplace MM E B(8am-6pm) Alla Divorce. CRIB/YOUTH BED, with LLC Esa3blished 1977. s J o dresser wood Irame. $1 ;5 EPIPHONE 330 GUITAR- Semi rIr Oe ob e Ir best ofler (863)675-0800 Hollow body, Classic, 1450 O k eeSALLY MAEI msg.s (63)467-9402 N e DISC JCKEYE SHELVES- 2, Heavy duly, w s DISC JOCKEY rt''x8, 5 levels, adiuslable, Music casion MATERNITY CLOTHES era $100. or wll separate weddings. parties, small to medium. $50. (8631)7615062 nceaneras. 65-1625. 1863)675-3659 ULTRA-FLAME S/S GRILL T E~A M M M E ,Lw Like new, e ira large. 4 burner + side burner $150 The Okeechobee News is looking for a PIRELLO PLATES, 2 sets, 863 .65-4409 highly creahve individual to be a part of our NEED A LAWYER? Protect Chielrains 1 & 2. $500 or WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy ad services team. Do you enjoy a fast-paced, Your Righls Now Criminal Dest oler (8631697-1443 Direc and Save' Full Body uioIis, Irom $22 a morithli deadline-driven, creative and fun environ- Personal Inlury Bankrupt- PORCELAIN DOLLS. $100 will FREE Color Calalog CALL ment? Put you creativity to the test by help- .. Divorce Labor Law sell separately TODAYI (800)842-1305 Hurl Harassed.. .job. Imrn,. (8631)65-5 i;',w r i np ellsan.com ing local businesses generate tirafic by devel- gration.. Wlls ALL LEGAL (8 3 5 np hoping attractive newspaper advertisements. MATTERS A-A-A Attorney C u Mu You'll work closely\ with ad reps to design Referral Service Private Trial S 5I nI I .. I Lawyers Statewide 24 Hours both retail and classified display advertise- (800)733-6337 DELL QUALITY COMPUTER, DIGITALPIANO/ORGAN- ment_. You'll also be mivolved in producing Intenellschool/ohce ready. ISawal, brand ntw. used only special advertising sections This position a Warranty & tele support. 5 limes $500 or best ofer. require- experience with Windows, knowl- $18018631634-0812 239-425-5605 edge of Quark and Photoshop, solid design PIANO TUNING IBM Eleciric lypewriter, 11' ENGLEHARDT UPRIGHT techniques and the ability to work quickly ***************** barrage, self Corlecing, cjr- BASS- Slaind. Gig bag and under deadline pressure. There may be some Concert Experience lying case, excellent cone. Ele ric hook up, $1200 e\erung and weekend work. This is a full 35 Years 0863167-587 (3635.5826 stproo time position. Apply by e-mail to Judy (863)675-2596 LOGITECH Quick Cam. for GUITAR- Johnson Acoustic, Kaimen okasten.A bmsJatodnet.' or (863)I243-9691 Note.ooks Delu.e new Blac Marlin slrlnqs, etc Kasten jkasten@strato net. or (863)2-961 cod.. $30 or best oiler lone like new, soil case. The Okeechobee News offers: WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL 1863675-2596 $95 863634-9316 KINDS Copper & Brass. PALM PILOT, Zire 2 Model, HAMMOND ORGAN Uprigrl Potential for advancement Closed Sunday Call rsI w.'sotlware & 2 power Ilk :hiny irnisn w.'bench A unique work environment where 863-675-8760.257.0879 r.ales 5$5 8631i675-3:94- Anicque. $150 ir besl OIler employees are trusted and empowered I_ 863-983-8t 1jClewion Competitive pay based on experience i SAXOPHONES (2). 1 allo. 1 eneroyq:q ime off program BED, twin. chias. w.'lide, tenor Selrrer $400 for bolh .. .win .i.i, wit will ?eparatp T,,: C ,, ,,.,r .:,; ,,,,n. ,Higgi's Tref Service l' e oranid raliral wood '63691-1i 43 "9'"5yeaE BieenpreI LFre1 'c o, ri6:' d 50 '$ (863J169;-114 estimates. Lc & insured. 1863)675-3944 TAKAMINE ACOUSTIC BASS cAd and863sb e Likr,'w, $1 00 1ka aO$400 (8630357-1576 or 18631357-69981 Apperchanc ises 515 51501863)763-2458 CHIHUAHUA- Puppy, M DAYBED: Like new Only 1 year old $300. NAI1863675-077 AQUARIUM- 1-90 gal & 1-50 SDRESSER- large. 5432,'. 3 8 gal Wih covers & I0gnls AF conanciditiane 505 W bLk mrror. 8 draw i, Gor cndi on. 1 150 Will Antiues .510 hird rocr maple 0ood0 Ciord eparale (863635-2759 SCAppliances 515 $1550 863);763-2458 CHIHUAHUA- Puppy, M. ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE Bicycles 530 his a 27' TV. you naul oer3 iity, 35 sVi Cr3 LLEBo oksC Magabrines535 (8636A75-46o5 s -3 --, a Carpets/ FiRug 550 Q$3een size. like new. #6000 LiP e nMew $F 5 202 E. Sugand Hy.A ~ C cl~ m)Children's htems 555 RIDER/GLIDER ROCKER- M- 1863)675-062i (863) 902-9494 Cina, glase E. 5605 pe w/Ottomn. Removable J R tenale Cle1hie g565 pads. Good condition. $65 oli s. 570 (863)35,-8788 spayed. 3 yrs old Free to s/atasugps 7good home. 863-843U0208 Oin ai l 305 aSeriee Furniture SOFA- Lie new. Wine col- M a cial s services omputer/Videon 5820 rGd. with recliners at each MII PN Ps SCrafts/Suppilies 585 end. $250 (863)675-0775 rld. blk/lan & reds M/F. M 4 Cruises 590 il (86323-1adorable,, o $s350 rM IsI ckls Dip a p Light&e s 640 WATERBEDL Sof sided each (863)946-3857 ALLuCASH CAONDY RTE o 9 tm 3 ^ A scope 0 00 davLF.3. pi lace Fixture s600 Queen size like new. $600 SHEPHERD MIX F, 2 yrs, BISreis nr d "605 8631634-7864 Shots up to date, Unable to eainings calluay6770025 CLEANING Pools. Spless 685 40 _ oLearnt buy Foreurcl 61 catre for. loving home only, Monse and hs lr penn31e 0 Fs Loves Kids. (56 11722-3361 Soey lar lenders 31,0 H eath Rachin g 7d CHAN AW St MS390 :x Preparatso 315 Child Care Offered415 Health & Reducin A 3 MD YR oN BUS Instruction 42-0 Equipments 20 GUNS 2 1 TAURUS 38 Ulla Services Offered425 ailats lnj Eqip mn.V Lignt Tilar um.& 1) ROMA- S!tsance w430 Supplo 8625 IIAN Semi Aulo AK47 $725 DIGITAL CAMERA, Canon Meaidial e.myeon435 Honldtem. 630 will sep (863)23u-120 PowerShot A40. $60 Jewelry 635 MARLIN Model 882 5$, 7 (863)675-6973' Lamp/Llgh should 13ol gallon. Only $20. ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do Lu ge 645 9, 32 WA snmmons scope U *- I 91 863-467-8681 tm 6 Syou earn $800!day 3U M u t oa nti70 450GLD NECKLA93 CE 1 4K, 20" c9.e95 F888rny29-9968 Musical Instruments 660 REMINGTON 870 410 ga, HOTTUB, seats 7, you remove 902099533 CALL US We CARPET Office Supplies, 25.. VR T3.Slo jnlder drller. &haul.$100(863)675-0215 800003 CLL US Wed Equipment 665 41 3 ]2 ScOpe. 1980's. .550 - wAND Pets/Supplies/ 193;7215.1,307 m I I -Be your own BOSS Services 670 SellAvon Workoyourncurs UPHOLSTERY Ph.toguaph 675 WINCHESTER, Model 12 12 insurance. easy, unlim td Plumbing Supplies 680 .3 P ernings CallJuody677-0025 CEu.A NING Pls & Sup.plies 685 Wb. l46,- 8 (863)801t1308 Learn to buy Foreclosures, tax ""' uipment 6 e h rSatellite 695 on the douta, Mentor wa, S Call Buw,., Machine$ 700 CHAIN SAW Stihl, MS390 ensu Ir,,ugh SUCCh del A-S io Sportlnu Goode 705 WEIGHT BENCH- world yi:iJr $325. (863)234-1230 ensure SUCCE.SS 863 stereo EquIpment 710 arms a-il ells ,00iOO .~- ,(800)433-4556. TelevisioniRadio 715 in g t.0 Itrm For as little as $29 you can Se Habla Espanol I ools7 start your oar, buSines, For. V Games 730 lull detlals and 3 FREE sr.i 740 pie visit: www.dpas- r Wanted to Bu TRASH CONTAINER- W I chli.myalbornne.om. decoltaive counlty, kilnen, holds 13 gallons. Only $20. CASH NOW FORFUTURE COMPUTER SERVICE CHINA CABINET w/Side READIG A PMET We w lbuR Itrouble shooting, set-up, Board, Cherry or Mahogany NEWSPAPERflf PAYMENTS!.We w! /buy up-grades, systems built, Wood. Good condition. 70 yrs. GOLD NECKLACE 14K, 20" ,,, I Apartments I Casey Court Rpts NEWLY RENOVATED APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH IN LABELLE November move in special I t Month FREE!! $750/mth 51500 Security Deposit Call 863-227-4311 954-410-2498 E I I Agriculture i H s '-IR ' Sgrc NEW 2006 3BR, 2BA CBS Home in Port LaBelle $12001mo Call 863-63-63-6659 Christmas Trees 745 PORT LABELLE- 3br, 2ba Farm Equipment 805 [lew Conslruclion on Beech- Farm Feed/Products 810 wood Cdr. Avail. Dec. 1St Farm Miscelaneous 815 $1300. mo (8636;73-0066 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm SUp4P ds / LaBelle- 5 Acres- corner lot, Services Wanted 830 Crescenl Ave SW & Fay SI Fertilier 835 13051812-2003 Hares 840 Landscaping. ~. Supplies .. 845 Lan & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 INDUSTRIAL OFFICE/ Seeids/Plants/ STORAGE SPACE Fir wers .865 FOR LEASE Approx. 2100 sq. ft. of Storage and 300 sq. ft of olhice space each with it's own bathroom. Lo- BALES OF HAY, 100 bales, caied near the airport $200. or will sell separate and just outside of town. 1863)763-1370 Building Is approx. two - Arl years old The office has very nice carpet and tile work There is a small re- APPALOOSA 8 yr old Male, cepllon area separate has been doing speed Irom Ihe main office. events. Gre31 on trails romhemainoce. $ .1800 l863)69 4 Building has a security system and outdoor APPALOOSA Gelding 6 yrs lighting Please call old, 15H $1000 or Dest oier (863)675-7045 for more (863)634-9232 Information. BAY MARE- 18 yrs old. $350 (2391340-8502Ro m e 9 BLUE ROAN STALLION, 1'1 yrs. old, gentle, stands, ies. ROOMMATE: Fully furnished leads, Must Sell' $500. aparlment w/Washer, Dryer. 1863)673-0065 Microwave, Bed etc. Kings CRACKER HORSE- 13 h, Aged Bay, $425/mo (787)538-1366 mare Greal lor barrels & seeking 30+ Proessional poles or youth, $400 Seeking 30+ Professional poies or v o share 3br 2na New appl (863)'63-6968,634-0253 mnil W!D. Deck. 2 5 ac FILLY- 5 mo old. Regislereo fenced. Dogs 01. $500. rmo Ouarter Horse, Running bred, + uliI. Owner occupied Gray, Very gentle. .600. wkedsonly 239-910-5115 (86j)763-6968'634 0253 S ; FORT KNOX ', SELFSTORAGE Jew l units avail, air (Okl, o, wr, rndir.ll"" d & ricon-air, earn iu jlajrmea area lorwe Trdae lenced & well lighted, I. E ,, ,. .Jpace u talks tdllers, . tiruiLK. Manager on- One UnelA Srvice iI e 1025'CdrhmerceDr.. Buy SWtl.' Trade LaBelle. 863-675-1025 863-467-1304 al E m okieecihobee-riorse-trader com Real state Serlng ,he GrCamr Lae Okei.-hovee Ar3a . SADDLE- 15'Siverking, blaci: f iTII wltn Iw,-lorie silver flewn never used $300. Business Places- 239-465-l33 Sale 1005 SORREL GELDING, 2' yrs Commercial old. genlle loads lies, Property -Sale 1010 island's Qreen brole. Musl Condos/; Sell' $500. (8631673-0065 Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 SORREL MARE. 10 yrs. old, Houses Sae 1025 Slle, easy loaer, easy Hunting Propart;1030 ide, MUSI t Sell' $800 or tiesl Inestment offer (8631673.0065 Property Sale 1035 SORREL QUARTER HORSE- Land Sale 1040 4 yr old pony. 14 nands. Lots Sale .. 1045 broke 1o ride, inish her your Open House: 050 way $700. 239-465-1393 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Thoroughbred Mare, n loal 1o Property Inspetionl60 German warm blood slallton. Real Estate Wanted1065 super sweel, $2501) Resort Property - 1863)35 -JUMP Sale 1070 Warehouse space'.1075 Waterfront Property 1080 BOX BLADE: 6 Fl. Like new $250. (863)763-4982 RIDING MOWER- '01 Murray, NEWER 3br 2ba home w/ 12.5 hp, 40" cut, 5 speed, double garage on a nice lot runs L& oul great $400 nieg in Port Labelle. $1500/mth (863)517- 1704 rent or.$240,000 to buy. nB'786-251-2836 NEWER 3br 2ba home w/ CALF TABLE- very useful for double garage on a nice lot goats, sheep's, calves shots, in Port Labelle. $1500/mth dehorning, hooves, $200 rent or $210,000 to buy. (863)946-0912 786-251-2836 dation Sale. 2006 Models R tI dMust Go! Modular, Mobile & I Stilt Homes. 0% DOWN ENT When You Own Your Own SLand!! Call for FREE Color -... Brochure. (800)622-2832. Apartments 905 rl 1 Business Places 910 Com ercial 915 IN MUSE, Two 5 TAC TS Condos/ 1 W/SWMH, Fenced. $255k Townhouses Rent920 1 Fenced, only $195k Farm Property Zoned R/AG. (863)673-9200 Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property *LAND AUCTION* 230 Props Rent 945 Must be Sold! Low Down / Roommate 950 E-Z Financing. Free Catalog Rooms to Rent 955 (800)937-1603 www.LAND- Storage Space AUCTION.com NRLL East, Rent 960 LLC:AB2509, Bule- ziuk:AU3448, John- ston:AU3449, H Mauck:AU3447. Duplex, 1BR/1BA, 311 B, Hickory Ave., LaBelle, up- . graded kitchen & apple's. Call120 Acres Nrtheast Alabama Trace @ Century 21 Sunbelt 12 ores Northeast Alabama Realty. (863)673-6533 private lake frontage, pano- ramic views, abundant deer, I I turkey, good fishing, good timber value, excellent in- vestment $240,000 call Phil- Country Village, 1BR/1BA, 1 lip (256)239-7808. car garage, available imme- diately, freshly painted, new BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. carpet. (863)673-0066 ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE IMMKALEE, 3R, 2BA, nar BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL IMMOKALEE, 3BR, 2BA, near MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN Lake Trafford. Call Andrea MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN for more information. NC Homes, Cabins, Acreage for more inormaton. & INVESTMENTS. CHERO- (239)657-2779 KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC Moorehaven 3BR/2BA, All REAL ESTATE. cherokee- Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23, 2006 825 E. Cowboy Way, Suite 108 Labelle, Florida 33935 863-612-0070 us - Coastal Georgia- New, Pre- Construction Golf Commu- nity. Large lots & condos w/ deepwater, marsh, golf, na- ture views. Gated, Golf, Fit- ness Center, Tennis, Trails, Docks. $70k's- $300k. (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspointcom. GA/FL Border. Pre-Construc- I tion Grand Opening. 20 AC $99,900. Pay No Closing Costs. Terriic opp'y to own 20 acres in GA Coastal re- gion. New survey, subdivi- sion potential, excel financing at the unbelievable price of $99,900. CALL NOW! (800)898-4409 X1002 CLP-GA Land Servic- ,es LLC. Licensed Real Estate Broker. Gulf front lots $595k. Home 'starting mid $300k. New Master planned ocean front community on Deauliiul Mustang Island, near Corpus Cnnsr'. TX www.cirinamon- snore.com (866)891-5163. NC Gated Lakelront Commu- nity. Pleasanlly mild climate 1 5 acres 90 miles of shiore- line. Never offered before wihn 20% pre-development discounts. 90% Inancing Call 1800)709-5253. NORTH CAROLINA- BEAUTI- FUL BLUE RIDGE Mountain 'Views. 3.2 Acre Mountain Estate. Heavily Wooded with Slream E; Financing- $29 900 1800)230-6380. ext 620 TENNESSEE Affordable lake & mountain properties. Low property taxes. No state in- come tax Four seasons- Southern hospitality. For more info Call Lakeside Re- , alty (888)291-5253 www lakesiderealty-tn com. VA MOUNTAINS Large 5 acre iract along very large troul stream With private elevated nomesiie, good at ess, view. Irees. nearby river, 589,500 (866)789-8535 WYOMING RANCH DISPER- SAL 35 acres 49.900- 50 acres $59.900. Snow- capped mountain views. Sur- founded bD govi land Abun- cant wilalile. Recreational paradise. LOW taxes. EZ lerms Call Utan Ranches, LLC (888)541-5263. Mobile Homes I :Mai lsome.% t 2005 Mobile Hosme Parts 2010 Moebilomes.- Rent 2015 M bHe Homs- Sale 2020 LeBelle DB New 3br. 2ba. new appl ncl W/D, W/deck. 2.5 ac. Fenced Dogs OK $1000 mo t Util.239-910-5115 New Homes Available New Homes Available SKI D0 '04, GTX Wakeboard Edition. $7,000 or best offer. (863)697-3076 READING A NEWSPAPER HEELS YOU ET INVOLVED IN THE COMMUNITY Automobiles MUSE, 3br trailer $125 wkly + $900. deposit. Lazy T Ranch. No dogs. (863)675-1614 ALL NEW STOCK MODELS MUST GO! Very good deals offered on dealers inventory. Call Kenny at (863)673-4325 An 800 sq. ft. living area in Barlows Fish Camp, 441 SE, c/a, good cond., $14,500 neg. 863)763-4149 or (561)-758-4337 HOMES OF MERIT Fair Model. Must be sold. Reduced to owners cost. Call Kenny at (863)673-4325. OWNERS SPECIAL 32x80,4BR/2BA, sold at dealers cost. Contact Kenny at (863)673-4325. Must, have 31 least average credl WIND ZONE II Used 3BR.2BA Doubleiide Must go to Glades County 1.29 900. Includes ei-up & AGC. Call 8631675-8888 Recreation Boats 300 CaRmpers/RVs 3010 Jet 9sdis 3015 Marine Accessries 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 .Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicls/ATVs 3035 ALUM. BOAT, 14 20hp Elec stan molur. tolling motor, al working, trlr winew lires & spare $1200 (863)4670560 ALUMINUM 15FT- wi30 HP Manner mot. & irl., $1000 or best offer 1863)946-0988 or (810)845-5083 Cell ALUMINUM 15FT- w/30 HP Mariner motl & Ul.. $1000 or be'st oifer (863)946-0988 or 8101845-5083 cell BASS BOAT '78- runs good, needs minor leo3irs. $1200 or bes otfler (8631634-5289 IPulicNoIeI I Pbi No IIce BASS TRACKER '87, 16'6",'92 50hp Mercury Marina, '78 EZ Loader trailer, runs good. $2500 (863)467-1401 BASS TRACKER, '89, Tourna- ment V. Alum., 17', 60hp Evin- rude, New trailer, Trolling motor. $3100. (941)815-2909 BOAT DOCK FOR RENT- No fixed bridges, $175/mo. Or- tona/ LaBelle area (954)818-5822 BOSTON WHALER- 17ft, Mon- tauk, 90hp Yamaha, trailer, $5900 or best offer (863)763-8568 CAROLINA SKIFF, 14', $600. (239)980-4072 COBIA 17FT center console, new paint, bimi top & cover, fish finder, 70 evinrude & trr $2500 (863) 467-9511 FLAT BOAT 1990: w/1999. Yamaha 115 engine & Irailer. Runs greatly $6000 or best of- fer. (863)673-0013 MOTOR- Evinrude '86, 10 hp.; long shaft, good condition $395(863)610-1126 PONTOON- 24', 75hp mercury ,in water ready to fish. No trailer. Will deliver. $2000. (8631357-3163 PONTOON BOAT- 201t. 90HP Mere, new deck & seal cov- ers. bimiln top. wi/lr, $2500 Neg (614)452-1600 LaBelle Ranger 520VX,'01, 225np Evin 101 lb. Inrust trolling mir., lack plate. steel prop, GPS map w/depln &8 ish finder, 4 bank cnarger, DI- mirn lop. dbl arle trr & mucn more Musl Sell $19,500. NADA value $24;000. Call (863)634-6134 P/U CAMPER- Sportsman, '02, E (8631946-1728 or599-1534 The classileds are the most successful sales- person In town. NOMAD- '90, 26', Very good shape. Fully equipped. $4300 or best oiler. (863)467-0602 .CHEVY CAVALIER WAGON - '92, needs work. $200. (863)467-4864. ,HONDA ACCORD '93 new iires, needs work, $500. (863)675-2844 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, '94, Runs bul, engine make nois- es $500 (863)801-1398 or 697-0235 MERC ZEPHYR SW '81- runs, needs TLC, straight 6, Clas- sic, $1000 or best oiler (8631634-7598 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 1995 Needs minor repairs. Runs good. Very good condition. t500neg (863)634-5289 SATURN, '96, new battery & engine, 5 spd., excellent on gas, nice car, $2500 or best ofer. (863)697-3300 VOLVO 240, 93. Great lor new driver, bill like a tank. $1900 Or best ofler. (8631634-4518 BUGGY PARTS. 4.3 & 3.8 Trans. & transfers, 1 ion rear, 4-16.9x30 tires, rims etc. (239)872-8504 GAS CLUB CAR '95 Recondi- tioned. $1695.863-675-1472 LEGAL NOTICE Hometown Broadband Southwest Florida, LLC We ar pruw Ic lav ialnl *jridr ,[Fi hnuil Brua,'lO.inl A.i:ci L.,i Lar, Loi,, Guardrnee Prmraem fnriqa ail.4itniii .e v t If't u.il Ui.'loipe.ii LInUrITiF Pio. grajni (RDUP) united Sule' Lepar fiirn .'l Aguitulrur WWe le re uldn a3 a proipertme apilicalrjnI o ao'iui'i.:.ur iiniil l (u"v)u'e IoIuc: n ak rciti: 100 kloilS upilfii T. ia dOwn"ir,' la In li ljrl: 01 f'I.14j ,in [fi lIOlluwirn'] C ST imu11uWra~n unfriic Apoll BuiBr.n Bi.omniT 'ii Bgd e Sovn itI'.hoil.' fI rPiic Vll.. Rri,.re. RAs sJi WiiT.'auiTr Cr.il .," S'u.i' At i i'U Lury .i' hural Arei; In HIlliiSOriugh LOtllry Flo.il ij lln.lori Melilris PjiTienl.) Colllz holimes Bsea3h Wr.nrell ,.r ural A : i,: lM.nae j;t Ll'u'ry Ljurpl IJoloiTl Souri Vefirce vriice Vte.i: c aiilnrii n Mirin.ail pu.."y: 8e ARide i Fuil villa Lat Sjrial013. LoagboulS ,ry Pli,3Ti.,,'r 'n.r3 Sn rni j' i.13 hey The M3adows 3a. Rural Area: in, 'Sar ,ij j (i.nu i rnarne Parj [levlnari Hai- bOur O Il 0Il S 1on11 El lpgis o M,1l.:..lir A y Purli C' J I. RaiRlnli Jaid Ru- ral Aresi .i Cr.anone l 'unry florio Ai.i Bi6'er qri.iiT. eBunr 'i.0 Marli. iancloNils .la. Cypnri: L3ar Fori Myti: i*nriltei si My,.". B,,icr Giliway Hi.i h.llgn I al Mi',i.' l..i Pet P01 aipP Pi, MUi,,r Pui.r3 ai r sin Cairl Pairk Tre O.i ni: [le V.iiai Wr.niy (ltyi e iin Ly.ii.C ; LJ, EtMl Ounbar. Esro Majllln.l Mila'r, ia'l M.)'IO.cnIj ';*.rC.: ilibiii Pjn P.n, Islara Cenltr Prrila, aii J.riTei Cy i ..iil :.u":j.1 E' i" Bncill a"l Alu AIejs in Lie Cuunty fi(,ial Ij1ly; Pa Loly Lrly iRefon Marci I:bJi Golialhni vlniyirdli. Pr., Apc .i Or.irinre c'P.: l .Bay uo)jljind Myi.ra, I.. iand id RRural Areas .i Colier f(urnty Frlat Liej 8li Pl La B u 8il. idS ual Areas in Henary Lv.uiy FiLrindl In.:uanr,.im .ioaj3a3jl er.vie .dij r.l ri 31 jys i rom in ir oe r le i gil Nviii g .. Ib." ir..rii. iP di i rfi are cuia lly p.,' lding 'broanbar',d i.ervl I1 ri: aiL ; r J it 5Ley rav, a Ji olTiT.Ti ,Tll-1 E IOiU'dr sresne n I[iict rea,, I-,uTibe nI bmuarit i evl v:e pru..:liiers *reU u l, l ld ROUP 0o 3 lomTn piriletiIi'a ty RODP rI, nOuiir nl .f6d.,ni,31 :u l.imeli dIe ce,oi li r,3imbal na servpit Ih., i rorioihl .r c area it Drate lo iTa 1raIan ffil'l, 1 .'i r 1. me p 0~ 1 :ci l r I 3 Ir,1:e Ai 'rtul 'O T i I lii, mii m rrirrl l' Reullt At lle Ii Pc tr.oitiilul uMlit 00are A iA thoull li;'3 Al N 00ul'l1,l ShiAw! 9r1 t'oud31'tc 0l youir Wt',ihHU 'cj in n clH li) [Cit CumT..iT-N. .lbnu a u 1iu 11 ty.o IlnC RtcP'J".i roln cJi'l i(3 ool.oi3'd roilT. IUil wrelll', Il *lWW uw ,u ,e uu'lti,,oT. 174364 C' 111 ,l6?2:(l NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Arna Ajency on Auiri loi Iur01 .oulr :I flju l., ,i,' j,'i'.onir.i:r. i d] [i r ilil,,-" Meuli',ig PTla Dio0,IFT, r IlJSCAr. 23i0 We .I Fyrs.['oB, Fir Myers rL 3n901 RFr 'lddmoral IniiTi.jl lOl ii rril.rd I i. iTiirnill or II evyu ,it jlrinirj l A jt ril ployca.ill .? 1 a j. 3 Oi : Io."i0-1 3s A ri Aileny urn APjri i O ll.' C. I lr ) I rl OI I .'. l" ..ii.,ilja .i.n i, o llig ul tio rjBvr ly i rtion :thi Fi-ionr lhii j!,'Ti|rirl -) [' l, r Aniin, I r. in iTi.Jiy r( le t 1 A ra i A 'ir 'IL y or, A g o r I .u' "ul r '* : 11 I: l i0 j I f.L '.K I Ap ii. .I h .m 'l i .- 0i31 3 i e3 r O servwlu' 'unul;:' l'r I 'uin'vdual: ovui' .rvi y-rv, i.l in:, T iar .i , ei j'adr 't'i meB ineort anu lolA.inrm.n i ii:as 1e. or ;nr i Arla Ag,': n ArAging l.'r Suilwev Floni-li in ,arrlA3 Agien: yO Aijig)l ,.',; ..,:,oula,, . S1;532S, 1cl l,2jil0, FORD- '93, 4 3L, dependable. runs nood. brand new Iires, $1500 8631634-8823 FORD F150 '94 XLT- P/W. P/S, new tires runs well. good body, $2950 neg (863)675-1168 GMC DUMP TRUCK, old. hy draulics good good parts $500. (8631675-2844 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LA- REDO- '98, Silver Ec( cond V-6. All pwr, Cruise. AM/FM CD, A/C 128K. Well main $5 500.00 863-763-3191/697i6680. New family practitioner located at health department Hendry/Glades County Health Department Director, Dr. Neftali Fernandez has announced the selection of Dr. Miguel Lopez M.D., as a Family Health Practitioner to be located at the Moore Haven office. "We at the. Glades County Health Department re extremely. happ\ and thankful that Dr. Lopez has accepted this position and his presence comes at a time when it has been estab- lished that patients need to pick a "medical home" and with the addition of Dr. Lopez the resi- dents of our communities now have a very well trained, caring and dedicated physician topro- vide and direct their care," said Dr. Fernandez. Dr. Lopez received his M.D. degree; from, the Autonomous University General Hospital, Ciu- dad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico in 1991. He has done acadentic research centered on the topic of common acquired parasitic infestations. During 2004- 2005 he received the Best Medical Record Compliance Award from Wheeling Hospital Wheeling, West Virginia. He is a member of both the American Academy of Family Practice and the Amer- ican Medical Association. .. He has held several positions in Family Medicine both in this country and .in Mexico. Dr. Lopez has also held posts as an Emergency Room Physician most recently at the Poliplaza Medical Hospital, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico between 1992 and 1993 and at Columbia West Hospital in El Paso, Texas during 1998-1999. Prior to his appointment as a Family Practitioner in Moore Haven, Dr. Lopez served as a Family Practice Intern in the San Pablo Hospital, Bayamon, Puer- to Rico and a Resident at the Kansas University Center for one year and a Resident in Wheeling Hospital for the last two years. During his training Dr. Lopez has presented both to faculty and medical students on various top- ics and enjoys teaching students and patients. Dr. Lopez is Bilingual in Eng- lish and Spanish and is proud to be practicing medicine in a rural area and lboks'to forward to helping our.ommunities both in Glades and H'endry Counties. He will be available for receiving patients during regular working hours, 9am-5pm Monday through Friday by appointment. The Hendry/Glades County Health Department promotes and protects the health and safe- ty of our two counties through the delivery of quality health services and the promotion of health care standards. For addi- ibonal information please con- tact us at any of our three sites or via our e-mail address at: http://doh.state.fl.us/chd- Hendry/home.html HOME Of THE "tidAL u. iu : .... .'.- . -.. 1;; ., ',F.:7;. .. -. .. . ,i, :*, :, *:*. i-, "'. 1'"^- *. ..-= ,.' ....-:. .:*'* "',,.. ...'.*,. ,-T .r> -* . ..-'; : ..,, -.: ,t"r e._ '. .'- ,. .-.- ?. EOr, -" **-- ;'t '-", : ,-"";'', ..... "- *' -- "4; > u-': -. "' "-'*"'' ' "IL :. '.r.. ... -. *.-. t ",' ... -- ^ fc '. :4. ,--- ." ., .; ., ,: .; ) ... -, .. Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only *2 iems per house- Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutelyfree !nm usedd itemn: grouping per at ..S priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to hold per issue disqualify any a *Deadline 11 a.m. Monday Id. 3 catch, no p' w"b" - CLOOSA*-- R LLE DelUvering Westerno Iendry County 's, .ews Sincet 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 ail: classad@newszap.com Your right to reply. "-" C' a7~n tt" ,r"' LLE u~iy-,u',, ut ~res w w inee s~ hq. Itr. Il! CaIe3nrm nrrne t- W WS I iP U1 L4Ot,'O-ur. C F - '- u , We are pledged to operate our newspaper as a public trust. Fairness is extremely important to us. We admit our errors promptly and we don't "bury" the cor- rections. (If error appears on the front page, that's where we print the correction.) Sometimes people don't like what has been written about them. In those cases, we offer a "right to reply" and allow them to tell their own side of the story. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or call your editor. CALOOSA < BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism CADILLAC MOTOR 500- Suitable for air boat $650. (863)634-6597 TRAILER, For Air Boat. Good conaliion. $350. (863)634-6597 SCOOTER-'04 Honda Elite 80, Excellent condition 1300 mi. Red $1500 (863)763-6646 SUZUKI BLVD C50T, '05, blk /chrome, saddle bags, windshield, shaft drive, liquid cooled, 12.5k mi, clean, 40 t mpg. $4800 negobable. 863-467-9390 HONDA 4C0EX '99. Engine rebuilt, has custom & stock plastics & rims, blown head gasket. $1000 (863)357-1974 YAMAHA'00 '93, Only 317 miles, great condition. $1100 (8631673-6333 YAMAHA RAPTOR 350 2004. Arter marvel add on's. 2 extra tires w/rims $3100 or best of- fer. (8631983-5984 YAMAHA WAVERUNNER, '93. win trailer, $1200 18631467-5299 No fee, n E-M I _ --- I I LI 7 lamBfflfmbl DANA 70 RUNNING GEAR- with 4 88 gears, $1100 (8631824-0505 or (863)697-1984 RIMS & TIRES (4). 1618 nms 285/75/16 Firestore Desli- nation MT, call for details. $200 (561)261-6421 RIMS & TIRES (41, 20". lls 5 lug vehicle, less tnan 2k on tires. $1500 (863)357-1576 or (863)634-7210 CHEVY 1 Ton, 95 reading ublity body, lows cold, new paint, runs and drives good $3995 (863)634-6624 UTILITY TRAILER: Home Made, 5' 9" Wide x 21' Long. Lights on inside. Ready to pull. $600. (863)675-8760 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER, '95 Al pwr., NC, Seats 5,159K mi Well main ,2500 863-763-3191/697-6680 PublicNotices Public Notice;. 5005 LL rrim0cE [r rjni'e, ir, lng ja Reiuivry will iell Ihe lllolglny l ehl'lyI Sy JUL lOu n "a- 210 i IlduWlrilL Lou jBIaB le. FL .Ynf ',n irni 9ht. day ol rfirl [oir ;lr( D -'o O0 AM 1u. 1a rn i, p[yiirm 01 I.',w.ri .ind Solud c airgi.jrt : Fur. uanil 'i, ub Seiliun ; 3 76 oi int LO ely e-. li n Ir nihl 10 j:.crpl ,:r' ltn f.yidod.or'illO d 1O1994Chev 211995Chev kira.C"r FlSp?22Thjilr 311997 Pirb. RVril I;PS'ODRyy'lvNU1: 9g l60 CI:l)ICB I I"urf. 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 23,2006 41 I HAMPON CHRYLER D1K EEP We have the expert technicians, factory service information, specialized tools and genuine your Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep vehicle. .< '" .- . ... .. ..... .. : .,. ,i - Automatic Transmission Tune..U $79.95 DrainlReplace INCLUDES: * Drain fluid/remove filter * New Mopar transmission filter * Installation of new fluid . SNecessary adjustments SRoad-test vehicle * Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to special filter SVehicles with special fluids may be higher. Imports may be higher. Additional charge for fluid disposal Expires 11/2 9/o6 a ' Lube, Oil & Filter Change parts to properly service Cooling System Service $49.95 SFushlReplace - INCLUDES: Inspection of hoses and belts Mopar antifreeze replacement (2-gal max) Pressure test system Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra *Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher *additional charge for fluid disposal Expi-res 11/29/06 - E r s aa a a a *- a a a a a a - - - - -- ; -- - - - - --W*M fS&MW I I I Ir K I I I I ai I $21.95 INCLUDES: -I * Engine oil replacement up to 5 quarts * Complete chassis lube * New Mopar oil filter * Fluid level inspection * Inspect CV joints and front suspension components Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation $24.95 INCLUDES: SRemove four wheels i from vehicle; balance and rotate , Special wheels, specialty vehicles slightly higher. NV- R I I 91 K K K i .1 I, I I' I i I' BI i% I I I I I Additional charges may be applied for diesel, k V-1Os, Hemp V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic and synthetic oils. Expires I/z/29/06 Expires I1/29/06 Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler..Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP ____ HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-Jl It real does make a Fi-ve 5 TA3 . (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. DEALER difference! 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