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Halloween fun, __ Page 9 Reba concert winne I :i? -i- .: L [}:.;:',21; :}: :L f:::: : i..T :: r - DLA LOOS m o Sin 1 Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 VOLUME84 NUM43 01 .J I NA __W At a Glance Martinez provides local aid ABWA women's forum set The Second Annual Women's Forum: Working Towards a Healthy and Suc- cessful YOU, is being present- ed by The Caloosahatchee Charter Chapter of ABWA, The American Business Women's Association. Saturday, Nov. 18. 9 a.m.-l p.m. at Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church, Social Hall, 310 Camp- bell Street. Registration begins Sat 8:30 a.m. Brunch is includ- ed. Tickets are $15 per person. Guest speakers are Dr. McP- hearson who will be speaking on stress management tech- niques and Donna Akin speak- ing on women's health issues. Included in the forum vill be a FREE bone density test, com- pliments of Hendry Regional Medical Center, FREE blood pressure check and a FREE five minute message provided by Sherrie Easterli of Caloosa Massage Works, LaBelle. You do not have to be a member of ABWA, or even a Business woman to attend this special event. Tickets may be purchased from any ABWA mtmbter, Badcock Furniture. Chamber of Commerce or contact Sherry 675-3278, Karan 675-9396 or Vicki 612- 1001. SCF: You can still do poster The SCF committee has postponed its poster deadline till its Nov. 6 meeting. Please us the new theme: It Started with aSeed. Time to think about their nominations for the Pioneer Family and Grand Marshal. Pio- neer Families should have been in the area for at least 50 years and the Grand Marshal needs to be a strong communi- ty-minded and active individual whose actions have benefited Sthe entire community in some way. SCF meets the first Monday monthly at 6 p.m. at City hall through December. Weekly meetings begin in January till the festival. Hey, boaters! It is now less than sixty days until the LaBelle Heritage Museums Christmas Boat Parade, set to sail down the river on Saturday evening, Dec. 9. Again this year, no entry fee, no sign up. Decorate your boat as much as you can or care to. Any boat will do; last year there was even an oar powered pram, the more, the better. Even radio control models wel- come. Be on the river one half mile east of the LaBelle Bridge ready for a 7 p.m. start. Pick your theme, no prizes, just fun. Driver's license office relocates Remember: the Driver's License office has moved to the old Jaycee Building on Jaycee/Lions Blvd., off of Main Street South. Index Classifieds ...... .15-17 Editorial ............ .4 Speak Out .......... .4 Social News ......... .5 Sports ..............7 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. IIll IIllllll 8 1 6 16510 000 1 9 1 By Patty Brant Case workers from U.S. Sena- tor Mel Martinez have begun to hold office hours in LaBelle. On Oct. 25 two Tzaicel Hernandez of the senator's Naples office, and Lane Mahood, who works out of his Orlando office, both appeared at the Greater LaBelle Chamber of Commerce. Ms) Her- nandez had been here before, introducing herself to the cham- ber board last month. She agreed at that time to return in October as the guest speaker at the cham- ber's monthly luncheon on Oct. 25. Ms. Hernandez and Ms. Mahood are part of the senator's constituent service team which helps Floridians through the sometimes difficult "maze" of federal agencies. Ms, Hernandez holds officer By Kristin Hunter The Kiwanis Thrift Store is currently closed due to an accident that happened on Saturday, October 28, around 11:30 a.m. when a Ford pickup truck accidentally ran into the front of the store. No one was taken to the hospital, but the store is in need of repair and will be closed until further notice. According to Barbara Costa, who was working the register when the accident occurred, "It was a huge explosion. It was like flying missiles from the concrete blocks and debris from the wall and bookshelf. I was standing against the wall where it happened between a bookshelf and the counter and it threw me across the counter. It was an unbelievable experi- hours in LaBelle once a month at the chamber of commerce. Ms. Mahood specializes in helping with -Social Security, Medicare, the US Department of Education and FEMA, among others. The senator has offices throughout Florida. Ms. Mahood said his offices try to have per- sonnel on hand with expertise important to the constituents in each area. For instance, she said the Miami office handles most of the immigration issues, although any constituent service agent can help in an office. She said the top issue most Fl':ridianr seek the senator's assistance in is immi- gration, followed by Social Secu- rity/Medicare and .veterans issues. If you cannot get to the monthly office hours, you can always call Ms. Hernandez at the Lucy's Angels: Battling breast cancer g.....,i i .. -^ n a ence. I've never had anything happen like that. It was like being in a war torn environ- ment. I didn't get in the ambu- lance that day because I was in shock but the next day I felt much worse. I spent a whole day in the doctor's office hav- ing X-rays and now I have to have rehab. It's been really bad. Luckily, I was the only one in the line of fire that was hurt." Kiwanis hopes to re-open in a couple of weeks. The group will continue to accept donations during business hours of 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon- day-Friday. When they re-open they will have a big Christmas grand re-opening. Kiwanis wanted to say thank you to the customers that notified the sheriff's office when the accident happened. Naples office 239-774-3367 or \rite a letter: 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, Suite 223, Naples, FL 341132; e-mail her at Tzaicel Hernandez@martinez.s enote.gov. You may also go to the senator's Web site: www.mar- tinez.senate.gov for information. SAny of these will connect you \1ilh constituent service, Con- gressional.news and information on views and issues: Ms. Hernandez said the sena- tor wants Hendry County resi- denis to: knir:, that his offices and his staff are available to them. In addition to casework, the senator's office can assist with academy nominations to any of the military academies, informa- tion on the inite n program or fed- eral grant funding, flag requests. If you plan to visit W-~shingLor.n, D.C the senator's office can pro- vide tour information packet. U.S. Senator Mel Martinez' aides Tzaicel Hernandez, left, Lane Mahood can help residents with federal issues. Holiday dinner starts season Heire \e glo again, ihie : p- lain Hendr\ Holida', Dininti sponsored b\ Hendri Cournl\ S Ecornoimtic Deelo,:primint 'o.)n- cii to: benri-l thl e EduLcat-lon |l (1 i r j ji i f,l,,i i ii i ij.i i i \ i'l- a scialI rtin 1 i et anid g. l-.c 1r lands and business asso- >iat ui I":i,'ll ha' e an oppoi i - ni ti,) toul the Captain Henrd\ House and view the delicious desserts (and a l'e\\ other giood ollerinigs) and silenitl bid o thern Bidding will continue Caloosa Belle Kristin Hunter The family of Lucy Perez presents a check for $6,841.57 to Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida, Inc. From left: Gordon and Judy Litt (Lucy's mom and dad), Lucy's daughter Amanda Perez with her two-week-old daughter Aubrianna Briggs, Lucy's son Daniel Perez with his ten-month-old son Isaac Perez and Social Service Director for Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida Ena Mendez. Husband Vicente Perez not pictured. Love is response to tragedy By Kristin Hunter Lucy Perez died September 24, 2005, at the age of 43, after fighting breast cancer for five years. Lucy led a life of helping others. She spent ten years of her life at the Migrant Family Center helping migrant farm workers. Her family wanted to keep Lucy's memory alive by continuing to help others and not let this happen to anyone else so they started raising money to go toward women in Hendry County who can't afford to have mammograms done. A year has gone since Lucy has passed on and the family has managed to raise and donate $6,841.57 to the Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida, Inc. and will continue raising money for this cause. The family started raising money at Swamp Cabbage where they had a booth set up with sweets. They also had yard sales that helped contribute. The free mammograms started Wednesday, November 1, and will allow approximately 100 women to receive a free mam- mogram. Lucy's parents, Gordon and Judy Litt, are originally from Canada where everyone has free health care. They said they can't possibly imagine how a country as rich as America can- not afford to provide everyone health care. If you would like to donate to the Lucy's Angels memorial fund you can call Daniel or Alex Perez at 675-3236 or mail a check to Judy Litt at 13122 East Hwy. 25 #1 Ocklawaha, FL. 32179. throughout the evening. Then lat-r in th'e eerlng, a live.auc- tion \~ ll occur featuring ten of the desserts made by tho'-e \hr-i had rhe highest bids last i i iner starts at picpared Iby ... Eniertailn niennt '. ill be pl, o\ ded. Spl:,nsoi s aglin thi.- \ear '_- Bonita Bay Group and 'c'iuh- F\est Florida workforce e Devel- oprment Board If you ae inter- See Dinner --Page2 You name it and she can make it By Kristin Hunter Fifty-two year old Geraldine Norton can make just about any- thing. You name it and she makes it. She makes an assort- ment of things out of an assort- ment of materials including but not limited to, a cat house, tree table, raggedy Anne dolls, bird houses, Habitat plant house, lit- tle chairs out of pop sickle sticks or wooden spools or whatever she comes across at the time, crosses made out of clothes pins, and an assortment of cro- cheted items as well such as baby blankets, booties, caps, bags, ponchos, bed quilts made using the plastic around coke cans. She gets scrap wood from her next door neighbor who is currently building on a room to his house and uses that to make her many creations. She worked with Habitat for Humanitybuilding houses for many years where she put up walls, helped on the roof, put on siding and did a lot of painting. She even received a plaque from Habitat for Humanity for Hendry County volunteer of the Year in 2002 for selfless dedication, loy- alty, countless hours of hard work and faithful service. She adds, "It was a lot of fun getting to help build some of the houses in LaBelle." She said, "I like help- ing out. It's so nice when they do the blessing of the house." She was watching the 9-11 See Towers -Page 2 Submitted photo/Donna Baines Damage from an Oct. 28 accident is being repaired, but the Kiwanis Thrift Store is tem- porarily closed. Kiwanis temporarily closed for repairs 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2,2006 Almanacs Girl Scout Information Nights Girl Scout Information Nights will be held at Moore Haven Ele- mentary School on November 2 and at West Glades Elementary on November 7. Both programs are at 6:30 p.m. in the school cafeterias. Girls in kindergarten- through 6th grade and their parents are invited to come to learn more about Girl Scouting in Glades and Hendry Counties. Adults are needed to help form new troops. To learn more about Girl Scouting in Hendry and Glades Counties, call Barbara Van Essen at the Girl Scout Service Center at 1- 800-586-3186 ext. 404. LMS Science Club fundraiser The LaBelle Middle School Sci- ence Club is sponsoring a Home Interior Candle fundraiser till November 10. All monies go toward fieldtrips for the Science Club. Please help support our local students. For more information you may contact Carol Grigsby or Peggi Sul- livan at LMS 674-4646. Veteran service office hosting open house To commemorate its 60th Anniversary, Hendry County Veter- an's Services Office will host an Open House in LaBelle on Wednesday, Nov. 8, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the American Legion Post 130. There will be door prizes, refreshments, along with informa- tional material. This event is open to everyone. Richard Marquith, County Veteran Service Officer will be on hand to answer questions concerning veteran's benefits from federal, state and county govern- ments. For more information call 675- 5250. UMC concert Jonathan Martin will appear at Carlson Memorial UMC on Sunday, Nov. 5, at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Widows Support Group The Widows Support Group will meet at Don's Steak House Towers Continued From Page 1 memorial on TV when she saw a woman throw some flowers on the memorial site. That's w hen she got the idea to build a Twin Towers memorial. She says, "It's fun to do something different," so she keeps herself busy doing just that. Originally from Connecticut. Geraldine and her mom Eleanor McNulty have been in the same house in Port LaBelle for 27 years. Geraldine's mom, Eleanor never knows what she'll come up with next but it's always a pleasant sur- prise. Eleanor takes no credit for Geraldine's amazing capabilities. saying that "I can't even thread a needle," but says that Geraldine lived with her grandmother for a long time and she taught her to crochet and such. Dinner Continued From Page 1 ested in a sponsorship for the evening contact the Economic Development Council Office at 863-675-6007. Rhonda Haag of South Florida Water Management District will be guest speaker. Her update on the Heavy Equipment Training, sponsored by SFWMD and the Ed Center, will help you under- stand just how far the Ed Center has come since last year's din- ner. The training is taking place to help provide skilled operators for the big C-43 Reservoir project (west of LaBelle) scheduled to begin next summer. Sonny Hughes, Director of the Ed Center, will give a report on all the progress that has been made this past year. The Ed Center is beginning to take shape and fill the void of vocational training that is so necessary in Hendry Nov. 16, at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. All widows are welcome. RCMA Migrant Head Start RCMA is now accepting appli- cations for children of migrant farm workers, ages 6 weeks to 5 years old. Stop by offices 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please bring the following doc- uments: check stubs, w-2's, appointment cards (WIC, food stamps) to verify address out of state or county, birth certificates or social security card, proof of migrant status. Offices are located at New Beginnings 300 W Cowboy Way LaBelle, 675-4266 or LaBelle Child Development Center 3729 SR. 29 LaBelle, 674-4510. All color 2007 LHS yearbooks The LaBelle High School year- book staff is working on the first ever all color year book for the 2007 school year. Students have responded with enthusiasm by purchasing a record number of books. The books cost afew dol- lars more, but they are well worth the price. Parents of seniors or faculty and staff with businesses are reminded that advertising spaces are still on sale. Reserve your space by requesting a contract. Money and pictures are due by Nov. 3. Late contracts will be accepted until space runs out. There are still Bblack and white ads for sale at half the cost of color ads. UES advisors to meet The School Advisory meeting will be held at Upthegrove Elemen- tary School Thesday, Nov. 14, at 6 p.m. Parents/guardians are anyone from the community are welcome. Get ready for Holiday Craft Sale LaBelle Community Woman's Club presents its Annual Home for the Holidays Craft Sale Friday, Nov. 17.4-8 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 18 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the LaBelle Commu- nity Woman's Club house next to ACE Hardware. Santa will be visit- ing all children on Friday from 7-8 p.m. Begin early Christmas shop- ping with lovely handcrafted items for Christmas and Thanksgiving, plus a Bake Sale and lots of food available. No admission charge. If you would like to participate with a table for crafts, spaces are still available. Call 863-675-4122 to leave a message and your call will be returned for further informa- tion. Shall we dance? A Fundamentals of Ballroom Dance Technique forum is being offered on Nov. 18, Saturday from 9-2:30 p.m. at the LHS cafeteria. $40 per couple or $25 per single. Pre-register by Nov 16. Call Jovita Williamson at 675-4098 for further information. Don't miss this oppor- tunity to refresh and gain new experiences in ballroom tech- nique! Lost book Anyone who may have found a book entitled 50 Years of Nursing by Shirley Waite is asked to contact Barbara Oehlbeck at 675-2771. The book was lost in the vicinity of Flora & Ella's on Thursday, Oct. 28. Auxiliary plans breakfast, dinner American Legion Auxiliary 130 will have breakfast Nov. 5 and 19 from 8-11 a.m. Donation: $6 adults; $3 for kids; all you can eat. They will also have a dinner Nov. 15 - spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, salad, dessert from 5-7 p.m. Donations $6 adults, $3 kids. Be part of river tours The Caloosahatchee River Citi- zens Association/Riverwatch and the Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation are launching their Sunday afternoon riverboat cruises from 1:30-4 p.m. on the following dates: November 5, 2006, Decem- ber 3, 2006, February 4, 2007, April 1, 2007 and Mother's Day, May 13, 2007. Travel back in time as you explore the historic oxbows of the Old Caloosahatchee. The cruise leaves the WP Franklin Lock and Dam Park, off SR 80 in Olga. Advance reservations and ticket purchase required. Cost is $30.00 per person. Checks must be received in advance. Mail pay- ment to CRCA,.c/o Manatee World, 5605 Palm Beach Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33905. Space is limited so reserve your spot by calling 693- uatoosa eille/rinsunt i hunter Geraldine Norton stands beside the Twin Towers model she made which stands in front of her home. County and Southwest Florida. There are a few changes in the way the evening will go. As mentioned above, a silent auc- tion for some of the desserts and a few selected offerings will take place throughout the evening, then the live auction (featuring auctioneer Wayne Wilkins) for the top ten bids from last year's sale will take place and the ener- gy and excitement begins. Last year's auction and dinner raised over $13,500 and over the years the Captain Hendry Dinner event, each sponsored by the Economic Development Council, has raised over $50,000 for the benefit of the Ed Center. Please plan to attend this most exciting and important event as we kick-off the holiday season with the Captain Hendry Holiday Dinner in support of the Education Center of Southwest Florida. Their growth and expan- sion is evident with the new pro- grams now being provided and with their plans for more oppor- tunities coming soon. The $25 per dinner supports and helps fund the daily operations of the Education Center of Southwest Florida. Tickets may be pur- chased by calling the Ed Center at 863-675-6800 or Economic Development Council at 863-675- 6007. 1434. Riverwatch is a non-profit organization dedicated to the pro- tection of the Caloosahatchee River and its watershed, through educa- tion and promotion of responsible use and enjoyment by all people. For more information, please see the Riverwatch website at crca.caloosahatchee.org. Join tour of Port Manatee Join the LaBelle Heritage Muse- um and a couple of interesting groups for a tour of Port Manatee Nov. 20. Port Manatee is a major freight and container port near the entrance to Tampa Bay. Tours have been off limits for several years for security reasons and may close down again, so now is the time. The tour is a narrated motorized tram (riding, not walking) tour tak- ing a little over an hour. Be at the gate at 9:30 for the 10 a.m. start. Get there on your own, or be at the museum at 7 a.m. for a prompt 7:15 car pool departure. For security reasons, you will not be allowed on the tour unless you have called her at 675-2173 before Friday Nov. 10, with your full name and date of birth. Fellowship in Palmdale Enjoy food and fellowship Thursday, Nov. 9, at 7 p.m. gospel music and the word by Tommy Shephard of Venus. All welcome at the Palmdale Community Club- house on the corner of 5th and Main, Palmdale. Audubon tours slated Hendry/Glades Audubon will meet Monday, Nov. 13 at 7 p. m. at the Cooperative Extension, Dallas Townsend Building 1085 Pratt Blvd. in LaBelle. Everglades Agriculture Biologist Elise Pearistin will present an informative program on "Wildlife Ecology in the EAA: Everglades Agricultural Area. Guests and mem- bers are invited to attend the meet- ing and participate in free birding tours to STA5 south of Clewiston on CALOOSA BELLE To Reach Us .-lar,l .iAddres- P) Bo': 51i uLBele FL 3'3975 Ph linal Address 22 Ft Tliomp-on Ase. Phone io3l1675 25411 F.\x 086B)6.5 1449 '.A eb-te *'-.*., ne,' : 3p corn labelle To Submit News Nov. 11 and 25. To caravan to STA5 meet at the LaBelle McDonald's at 7 am. and Clewiston McDonald's at 7:45 am. on tour days. For information call: Steve Buczynski, Chapter President (863) 902-0856 or Margaret England (863) 674-0695 sta5birding@earth- link.net To Place a Classified Ad SCall (877) 353-2424 to place a classified line adercisemenr from home The dead- hne [or all classified line adIerosing I Monday at il am. for the follo,.vng Thursday's pubhcatIon Fa.. (877) 354-2242 E-Mald. classad@newszapuom For Subscriptions The Caloo-a Belle welcomes submis- sions from its readers Opinions, calen- Phone: (877) 353-2424 dar items, storN ideas and photographs The C loosa Belle distributes 7.000 copies are welcome Call (863) 675-2541 to in the LaBelle and \Vestern Hendrv reach our newsroom Items may be County areas every Wednesdy. Copies of mailed. fa-ied or e-mailed If you are the piper can be found it vanou, srore3 sending photographs la e-mad pleasehrou Ln and sele.ad hcme Ln send them m JPEG format, also please thr t n ad ele home i do not send \\ORD document, lust LaB1 e eroy complementar home dehv. paste the-se messages miro the body of, er. First-ctlas mail subscription ire the e-mil. Offce documents areok available at $50 per year and $25 for si; The deadhne for all ne' s, Items is U a m.' months on lMonda% pnor to the following Thursday's publication. Printing E Mal cbeditoam'srato.ner Speakoutr (863)675-4516 The Caloos Belle I printed at Sunshine To Place a Display Ad P n.ng. '"ubs"idia of Independent i Newspapers Phone (863) 675-2541 E-mail prnntngiirrato net The deadline for all id''erMsing is 4.m S1n Fndj ifor the !u.i'.-. .riA Thunilrda,' NT w w p I E-mail: cbele'scrraco.net SOnline News & Infoarmnaon Billing Department Get the latest local news at E-mam www.newszap.com/labelle E-mail: biulteam@newszap.com CITY OF LABELLE NOTICE OF PROPOSED ENACTMENT The City Commission of the City of LaBelle proposes to adopt an ordinance, which amends the City of LaBelle Official Zoning Map by changing the zoning in a specific area within the City of LaBelle and having the following title: ORDINANCE # 2006-33 CITY OF LABELLE Zoning Change Whatley (R.1 to R-2) Hendry Street AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LABELLE, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FORAMENDING OF THE CITY OF LABELLE ZONING MAP; PRO- VIDING FOR CHANGING THE ZONING OF LOTS 22, 23, 24, AND 25, LA BELLE ANDREWS ADDITION TO LABELLE PARK LABELLE PARK SUBDIVISION, CITY OF LABELLE FROM R-1 TO R-2; PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES; PROVIDING FOR INTENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COPIES OF THE ORDINANCES-AND COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BY METES AND BOUNDS ARE'AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST AT THE LABELLE CITY HALL. ;.,.., The Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. At City Hall on 481 West Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida. Ordinance is available for review at City Hall. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Interested persons may appear on their own behalf or by agent or attorney. If anyone decides to appeal a deci- sion made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hearing, a record of the proceeding will be needed for the appeal and that for such purposes, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL AID OR SERVICES AS ADDRESSED IN THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT 863-675-2872, NO LESS THAN FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABOVE STATED HEARING DATE. City of LaBelle City Commission Randal A. Bengston, Mayor R2. ; H i IR-21 - -1 , I '5- I- 'I ..... k OWNER REQUESTNG ZONING CHANGE FROM R-I SINGLE FAMILY TO R-2 DUPLEX TO BUILo DUPLEXES 16 N.Big t .Aa Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam Includes 6 month follow-up Disclaimer: The Patient and an other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- eel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is per- Iformed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. (29 657226 We supported Gov. Bush's 2004 appointment of Donna when she served as interim Commissioner and encourage all Glades County voters to recognize the better choice we now have for accountable representation in our county govern- ment. It is time for a change. Donna has served Glades County as Member of the Glades County Building Planning Zoning Board of Adjustments, as a Director and Treasurer of the Glades County Economic Development Council, and as President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director of Ortona Community Association. It is time for a change. As concerned Glades County voters, we urge you to vote for Donna Storter Long to make this needed change. Call 1.877.445.2337 to request an absentee ballot. Pc-liii.l ,3J.ertu'erent appr.Fj edJ i Drcnn r S,.:ner Long, Republican, Candidate for Glades County.C omrn mssionei' Distrt .C2 ... Pi'd tor'b) Cliade County Republican Executive Committee. Glades County Republican Executive Committee proudly endorses Donna Storter Long for Glades County Commissioner Dist. 2 "tt'c ft;14 ft n Caap7i " Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2,2006 3 Arrests LaBelle Justin Dwayne Searcy, 22, of LaBelle, was arrested October 27, on a warrant for violating proba- tion for a felony. Kelvin Robinson of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Colleen Wayne Simmons, 32, of LaBelle, was arrested October 27, on a warrant and charged with dealing in stolen property. Kelvin C. Robinson of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $5,000 cash/surety. Howard Robert Jimson, 23, of LaBelle, was arrested October 28, and charged with trespassing.Sean 0.:Smith of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Craig Wayne Howell, 28, of Ft. Myers, was arrested October 28, The Hendry County Sheriff's Office working closely with the Hendry County School System and with canines provided by the Col- lier County Sheriff's Office con- ducted sweeps at Clev'iston and LaBelle High Schools on October 27. According to Sheriff Ronnie Lee, HCSO investigators discov- ered a9 mm Ruger handgun under the front seat and a loaded 10- round magazine in the center con- sole of a vehicle that was driven to Clewiston High School by Sergio Garcia, age 18, of Clewiston. Gar- cia was arrested and charged with possession of a weapon dn school grounds and booked into the Hendry County Jail with bond set at $3,500. Also, on October 27 a vehicle and charged with trespassing. James Van Barron II of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Richard Duane Robinson, 30, of Palmdale, was arrested October 28, and charged with trespassing. Brian P. Cobb of the Hendry Coun- ty Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Oscar Rolando Yoc-Mejia, 25, of LaBelle, was arrested October 28, and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon with- out intent to kill. Brett Edward Daley of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting officer. Patrick Laure Taylor, 23, of LaBelle, was arrested October 29, and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon with- out intent to kill. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was search at the LaBelle High School parking lot resulted in the arrest of one 16-year-juvenile for possession of marijuana and narcotics para- phernalia. Sheriff Lee stated that to keep our schools safe that future operations of this type would be conducted. The Sheriff also expressed his appreciation to the Hendry County School System, -members f ,the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Criminal Investiga- tions Division, Hendry County Sheriff's Office School Resource Officers and Sgt. John Poling, Sgt. Andrew Smith, Cpl. Chris Swarthout and canines "Doyle" and "Branco" of the Collier County Sheriff's Office for their participa- tion in the two sweeps. Obituaries Sharon (Shorty) Louise Roberts Sharon Louise Roberts, died Saturday, Oct. 28, 2006, in a car Accident in Nauvoo, Ala. She was born December 23,1945. She was preceded in death by her husband, Melvin Taylor Roberts; mother: yerna Louise Martin; father: Evert James Martin; brother: Roy Wood; and sister: Frances Hendricks. iShe: 's survived by three children: Melvin Taylor (Ladonna) Roberts; James Arron Roberts and Karen FaI\ Hurshel~ Grillis, seven grand-. hildren: Mandy, Rachael, Tabitha, Britney, Tiffney, Stephanie and Ali- son; two great-grandsons: Charles Taylor Williams and Jacob Thomas Mitchell; four sisters: her twin, Karen Marie (Walter) Butler of Nauvoo, Verna Mae Bromley of Hesperia, MI, Mert (Gene Stadler) and Jewel Dean Rose of LaBelle; two brothers: James Evert (Wilrra) Martin of Holton, MI and Floyd William (Debbie) Martin of Bradford, Ar; also numerous nieces and nephews. V' iewing' will be at the Lake' Trafford Independent Baptist church in Immokalee. Thursday, Nov. 2, from 6-8 p.m. The funeral will be at the same church Friday, Nov. 2, at 1 p.m. She will be greatly missed. the arresting officer. Clewiston Patrick Cypress, 28, of Clewis- ton, was arrested October 29, and charged with aggravated assault with a firearm. Marian J. Bryant of the Seminole Police Department was the arresting officer. Jason O'Neal Jones, 24, of Clewiston, was arrested on a war- rant and charged with failure to appear for a felony offense. KeiMn C. Robinson of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Charlene Renee Johnson, 35, of Clewiston, was arrested October 27, on a warrant and charged with driving with a suspended license. Bonnie Weaver of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $5,000 cash/surety. Cathy Doreen Bryant, 51, of Clewiston, was arrested October 27, on a warrant and charged with violating probation for a felony. Teresa Helmlinger of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Henry Coreano, 34, of Clewis- ton, was arrested October 27, and charged with dealing in stolen property. Charles A. White of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Sergio Garcia, 18, of Clewist- son, was arrested October 27, and charged with having possession of a weapon on school property. James H. Clark of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. *Jesus Antonio Sanchez, 42, of Clewist6n, was arrested October 29, and charged with crimes HCSO seizes eighteenth marijuana growhouse Following an investigation by County and had new sophisticat- the Criminal Invesligations Divi- ed equipment installed. sion of the Hendry County Sher- Sheriff Ronnie Lee advised iff's Office, the 18th Hendry that marijuana valued in excess County growhouse was put out of $50,000 was seized along with of business. The house at 7050 the equipment. Sheriff Lee also Tide Circle in. Port LaBelle is stated that the investigation is owned by residents'of Dade continuing. Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available * Full Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases S Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafiol , "* ATTENTION * LOCAL CATTLE OWNERS |g Have you fed your cows lately S No Rain? No grass to graze on? ' against a person specifically com- mitting a felony that could cause death. Julius Taylor of the Clewis- ton Police Department was the arresting officer. Rolando Alaniz, 25, of Clewis- ton, was arrested October 29, and charged with aggravated battery that caused bodily harm or disabili- 0000 rCJAYV 41 Connections ty. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Francisco Ramirez, 24, of Clewiston, was arrested October 30, and charged with possession of cocaine. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Wireless Sales Service Accessories Owner Lori White HOURS 863-612-0237 863-675-1570 Fax M-F 9-6 Sat 9-1 Closed Sundays Located Next to O'Ferrells' Florist 153 S. Main Street X singular LaBelle, FL 33935 W ,,,ga coolconnections@swfla.rr.com Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one Siwho has departed with a special A memorial Tribute in this newspaper. 'our tribune can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. Yop can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem ,or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Vist www2.newszap.conm/emorlas for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. CANVASSING BOARD MEETING NOTICE The Hendry County Canvassing Board wiill convene at 3:00 PM. on November 7, 2006 at the office of the Supervisor of Elections, Courthouse Complex, Annex Bldg., LaBelle, Hendry County, Florida for the purpose of Canvassing the votes and Absentee Ballots cast in the General Election. JUNTA DE ESCRUTINIO PUBLIC SESSION El Hendry Condado Junta de Escrutinio encontrar a 3:00 PM., 7 de noviembre, 2006 en la lugar dentro de oficina de Supervisor de Elecciones, Courthouse Complex, LaBelle, Condado de Hendry, por la objec- to escrutinio Balotas de Votante Ausente por el pri- mario election. 111-*-.--~1 I I I i -- 1111.1. 1. .. ".1.1-1- ', e -1 11 7. -. by filling in the space above! 4linesfor2weeks 1 used item or :i -.,."* Price must be grouping per ad pr Of He a$ Makecu pato$$2,500 ..... i.....:. h'e- spaceab ...... ." .^. 1...,;7-", .. ,. .... '.'-... ..-.. :. '-:. " Price musl be priced at $2,500 Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, n' IluIlUUGU III n U SPrivate parties only or less * Independent Newspapers I s p u r *2 items per house- reserves the rig Should per issue disqualify any a SDeadline 11 a.m. Monday idt to ad. o catch, no prio "tr S CLi OOSAiI BELLE Delivering Western Hendlry County's News Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 : classad@newszap.com * Desserts available for donation . Bounce House for the Kids! . 3 Live Bands - . Raffle Draw for GREAT PRIZES * Advance tickets available . Call Christi Lopez 673-1504 or Stephanie Weatherford 612-0000 Green Tickets g 1 each * 3 Free Oil Changes & Lubes * $50 Carrabba's Gift Certificate * Wood & Iron Decorative Bench 1 I Free Car Wash & Vacuum SMarc Chantetl Leather Purse + Lake Trafford Airboat Ride for 2 * 5 Sets of L-Cross Motor Sports Park Admission Tickets * Decorative Bird Feeder & Seed * $15 Bridge Street Coffee Shoppe Gift Certificate * 2- $20 Gift Certificates for Michelle's Southern Dining 4 $25 Forrey Grille Gift Certificate * Country Peddler Antique Item * Bass Fishing Rod & Reel * 2 -25 Gallons Free Gas Cards! More items on the day of the BBQ Benefitl Must be present to collect green ticket prize. 3 Bands! JI Jerry & The Hurricanes from Okeechobee with guest Robbie Music SLaBelle's Freedom Fellowship Worship Team J Dylan Thomas & the Downhome Bluegrass Band Raffle CTiaket Green $1 Blue $5 Blue Tickets eachh * 12 Gauge Single Shot Shotgun! (new) * $150 Rhino Bed Liner Gift Certificate 1 Gold Coin Collector Set . 6 Passenger 3 Hour Eco Airboat Tour on Lake Okeechobee ($1,025 Value) 19" Color MagnavoxTV S24" Color Sony TV All monies collected are considered a donation and will go towards paying R.J. Otero's medical bills High school sweeps net drugs, weapon Lucretia A. Strickland Supervisor of Elections* Hendry County, Florida ES. 102.141 II******* I I I I I 1 4 OPINION Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http//Awww.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. I JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW: I'm relatively new to LaBelle. I've only been here about six months. I went to a shop here in town the other day and they were very rude. In fact, when I said something about it, they said I should go back to my home state where they're friendly because I won't find anybody friendly here in LaBelle. I went to city hall later and told them about it. They suggested I call Speak Out. Incidentally, they were very friendly there. TO THE PERSON WHO COMPLAINED ABOUT THE TWO LHS FOOTBALL COACHES: for your information: They are dedicated and committed to the football program and to each and every player, on the field, off the field, in school and after school not only for the sole purpose of winning a football game, but hopefully making a positive difference in someone's life. We love our coaches! They do not embarrass us-they defend us, they protect us, they encourage us, they teach us the rules of the game! Maybe you should stay home! Go Cowboys! Our football coaches are nothing to be ashamed of- we respect them and it is an honor to play for them. Cowboy pride rules! The football coaches you were referring to as being an embar- rassment to the LHS program, put in approximately 25-30 hours per week coaching in addition to working a 40 hour week somewhere else. This is what we call dedication, commitment and Cowboy pride. I challenge anyone that thinks they can do a better job to sad- dle up, partner, and bring it on! Changing attitudes in Hendry With all the hullabaloo and hype being expended to get out the vote, I'm embarrassed to share with you the fact that more people vote in the American Idol balloting than in congressional elections. Nowwe are left with the possi- ble conclusions that Congression- al candidates are not entertaining or are hitting too many sour notes. You would think that with all the orchestration, overtures, and long winded auditioning col- lectibly coming from the theaters on the Potomac, we, the audience would be anxiously voting for more. Well, I;m sorry to inform you, .that in this case, more is less, and less is more, and curtain calls are not forthcoming. I've just seen some dramatical- ly progressive proposals for voting process changes designed to turn out the vote. One is that the only day you can vote for Idol contestants is the first Tuesday in November. All votes must be cast at your assigned polling place in your dis- trict, but only after you have com- pleted your congressional ballot Is your woril Get Involvedf voting. Having completed this you will have the option of choosing a vocal track and performing vocal- ly on an Idol auditioning tape. Any and all votes for any Idol con- testants, past or present, for State or National offices will be voided. Another proposal aimed at motivating single voters who make up approximately 20% of the eligible electorate goes like this. A ballot designed specifically for singles designating a vote for derhocracy and a vote for love will be provided allowing for simulta- neous voting of State and Nation- al candidates. With one of the major recognized E-com love matchmaker sites sponsoring the booths and ballots, singles can be matched with profiles of other compatible single voters in their district. Ballots will be designed to allow voters to supply personal information including astrological signs and personal references. A real Love Vote. Now, having addressed two major potential sources and reservoirs with proposals designed to encourage and stimu- late voter turnout, there is one more to be proposed. We'll call this one, "You're probably just as qualified as the candidates," Voter Reward pro- posal. Since most voters probably profess to disliking both or all list- ed candidates anyway, this pro- posal will provide an opportunity for a randomly drawn voter to be drawn as the honorary, winning candidate. Of course they will have the right of first refusal, thereby returning the office to the official majority vote winner. Yes I know, for I too had a skeptical reaction when I first heard of these proposals. Howev- er, coming on the heels of all the adverse publicity and exposure of fraud, malfeasance, and immoral- ity at state and national govern- ment levels, I've decided that maybe the solutions had to come from overwhelming voter partici- pation and not from under- whelming voter non-participa- tion. If these proposals can change negative voter apathy into positive voter attitude, why not give them a try. Before you can change an atti- tude, you must have one, and I'm reminded of a story in which a woman awoke one morning, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only 3 hairs on her head. Being positive, she braided the 3 hairs and had a great day, The next day she discovered that she had only 2 hairs remaining. So being positive she parted her hair in the middle and had a grand day, On the, next day she awoke to find that she now had only one hair on her head, Not to be defeated she decided to wear her hair in a pony tail and proceeded to have wonderful day, Not be to be outdone she awoke on the 4th day to find that she was complete- ly bald and exclaimed, "Yeah, now I don't have ot fix my hair ever again!" ATTITUDE is everything, and once you've either discovered, renewed or established yours, take it not only into the voting booth, but into the rest of your life!! Respectfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County Citizen & Taxpayer) Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Get the Facts Straight! Response to article: Can board hear late petitions? October 26,2006 Kristina Kulpa, Hendry Coun- ty Property Appraiser would like the public to know the facts regarding Value Adjustment Board petitions. The Clerk for the Board, Barbara Butler is responsible for scheduling peti- tions as per Florida Statute 194.032 (2), which states the clerk of the governing body of the county shall prepare a sched- ule of appearances before the board based on petitions timely filed with him or her. Also, the "Rules of Uniform Procedure for the Hendry County Value Adjust- ment Board" state that hearings shall be scheduled by the Board staff before either an appraiser Special Magistrate or an Attorney Special Magistrate. The property appraiser is not refusing to schedule hearings for late peti- To the Editor: I wish to thank the Greater LaBelle Chamber of Commerce for recognizing me as the 2006 LaBelle Citizen of the Year. This prestigious award truly humbles me. It brought me to the realiza- tion of how lucky I am to have landed in this community. This is a place where average people like myself have the opportunity to really contribute to our tiny lit- tle slice of the world. It has been a pleasure to serve my "neigh- bors" through our schools, churches, sporting associations and civic groups. Being sur- rounded daily by so many dedi- cated people, professionals and volunteers alike, who are so pas- sionate about what they do, giv- ing untold amounts of their time, talents and resources to make LaBelle a great place to live is tions because scheduling is not my responsibility. The property appraiser's office requested that one peti- tion be accepted the day after the deadline of September 18, 2006, due to extenuating circum- stances. Again, the "Rules of Uni- form Procedure for the HCVAB" states that the completed peti- tion shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board and that no petition shall be accepted after the filing deadline. The Clerk allowed fughly 100 petitions during the weeks following the deadline. The Value Adjustment Board has the authority to hear peti- tions relating to assessments filed" pursuant t'6 Section 194.011(3), Florida Statutes. The Property Appraiser does not schedule nor hear petitions but defends the assessments at the Value Adjustment Board hear- ings. what really makes me feel like a winner. These unsung heroes' (you know who you are) by their unselfish examples, keep people like myself coming back to serve again and again. Whether it's putting smiles on children's faces, lightening the burdens on dedicated teach- ers, teaching children about God and strengthening their faith, creating homes for deserving families or bringing a little com- fort and dignity to our elderly, each task brings me ten times more joy and satisfaction than it does to those I serve. I have been blessed with the opportu- nity to serve LaBelle and I encourage everyone out there to do the same. Sincerely, K.C. Stanley-Lynn CALOOSA BFI F Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle Is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of Journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. ................ .................... .... .......................................... We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: To operate this newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant a public trust To help our community Reporter: Kristin Hunter become a better place to live Reporter: JemiLynn Merritt and work. through our dedi- Sports: Roger Alexander cation to conscientious lou- ADVERTISING: nallsm. To provide the information cit- Advertising Director Izens need to make their own Judy Kasten intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues. Brenda Jaramillo To report the news with hon-vert esty. accuracy. purposeful Advertising neutrality. lalmess, objectivity Services Coordinator: fearlessness and compassion. Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services- tacllltate community debate. Barbara Calfee not to dominate it with our own opinions National Advertising To disclose our own conflicts Joy Parrish of inlerest or potential con.................... tlcts to our readers. Independent Newspapers, Inc. To corect our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth prominence it deserves President * To provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin those we write aboul * To treat people with courtesy. Vice President respect and compassion of Florida Operations For More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina Elsken The good millionaire versus the bad millionaire Some time back, a client who had been the CEO of Chrysler Corporation showed me a copy of an article that had taken from a Wall Street Journal. It made an impression on both of us. It was a philosophical story. To put the dollar amount in proper perspec- tive, realize that the article was written around 1975. A million dollars then would be perhaps the equivalent of five million or more in today's dollars. There was a man who owned a printing company in New York City. His net assets were about one million dollars and consisted primarily of his successful busi- ness. This man employed a num- ber of people and provided good jobs. He worked more than .40 hours a week, plus commuted to his home every day outside the city. He paid New York City taxes, New York State taxes and Federal Income taxes. He also had a lot of liability exposure and had to worry about being sued because he had money. If he got disabled Financial Tips byWayneC.Switzer or sick, he risked business failure because he was the key employ- ee. After paying all his business expenses and all the taxes, he had a net annual income of around $60,000. Back in the '70s. Ihat \ as a good income, but he \worked very hard to make it. Without question, he was a good million- aire. There was a second man who had lived in New York and like- wise owned a business worth about the same amount. He was tired of all the hard work and risk, so he decided to sell everything and.move to Florida. He took all Chamber Thoughts We October 25, 2006, held our monthly luncheon at Don's for our members to network. Tzaicel Hernandez, Southwest Florida Regional Representative to Sena- tor Mel Martinez as our speaker, she gave the guest avery informa- tive presentation. We also had a caseworker from the office of Senator Mar- tinez's office, at our Chamber Office to assist constituents with concerns ands issues. We are get- ting more service orientated in our area than ever before. It has been a while since I have written for the paper and a lot has happened in the few months passed. We have new officers for our Chamber Board of Directors, Peggy Hampton President, Randy Daniels Vice President, and Andy Higginbotham Executive Director. The New Year coming will be filled with new exciting events for the Chamber. We also have two new directors, Maureen Jordan and Steve Nesbit. I am very excit- ed to work with everyone. Please stop by and give us your news, updates or to join the Chamber. SaraTownsend Almanacs Christian caroling at Barron Park There will be Christian caroling at Barron Park on Dec. 10, from 4-7 p.m. All churches in LaBelle are wel- come to participate. Each church participating will have a booth set up to sell Christmas food and items such as hot chocolate, cakes and cookies. Proceeds will go to that specific church. Any church that would like to participate please call Linda Clark at 863-990-8077 for more informa- tion. All monies collected will go to support the local churches. Become a Dalmatian member Dalmatian members can enjoy six live theater performances for the price of five. A year's member- ship is only $50. You are also guar- anteed a reserved seat for each show. Anyone who has not taken advantage of this program can still do so before the season's first per- formance, "If the Shoe Fits," by Matt Thompson, Matt Chiorini and Dana Vermette which starts Octo- ber20. To obtain your season ticket, mail your request to Firehouse Cultural Center, P.O. Box 958, LaBelle, FL 33975. You may pay by check with your reservation or use your MasterCard or Visa the first night you pick up your season pass. For further questions or for more information, write to the above address Upcoming 4-H events Nov. 4 Poultry Seminar, Pio- neer Community Park Nov. 4 LaBelle Youth Livestock Swine Weigh-in Dec. 2 Hendry County Fair Swine Weigh-in Glades GOP to meet The Glades County Republican Executive Committee's next meet- ing is Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 6:30 p.m. at the Ortona Community Association Building. Anyone interested is invited to attend. If you have any questions or need directions please contact 863-673- 0452. Winn-Dixie holding health fair You are Invited to the Winn- Dixie Pharmacy Health Fair Mon- day, Nov. 6, 10 a.m.-l p.m. Nurses from Cross Key Healthcare will be present to administer tests for Blood pressure, blood glucose, blood cholesterol elevated levels of these are among the main risk factors for heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. All tests are free of charge. Heritage museum meeting The regular monthly meeting of the LaBelle Heritage Museum will be Thursday, Nov. 2, at 7 p.m. This month's program is by Ms. Grace White and some of the events and occurrences while she and her husband, Chief Deputy Truitte White, were living in the former jail/jailer's living quarters back in the 1950's and '60s. Meetings are open to the public and all are invited to attend. VFW Ladies Auxiliary The ladies auxiliary of VFW Post 1010 Hwy. 29 South, will host a pork dinner on Friday, Nov. 3, from 5-7 p.m. at the VFW. The cost is $7 per dinner. It is open to the public. Come and enjoy smoke free dining. his money and invested it in Municipal Bonds that were nearly tax-free. He no longer cared about creating job opportunities. or employing people. Like the first man, he now had a net income of about $60,000. This second man bought a sailboat that was some- times moored in the Florida Keys and sometimes in the Bahamas, as he enjoyed sailing throughout that area. Life was really good for him. However, some people thought of him as a bad million- aire. After all, he didn't create any jobs for his fellow man. He did not have his money at risk in a business or in stocks. He reduced his likelihood of being sued, which isn't fair since other people have to worry about that all the time. He was not contributing to society, and he was paying almost nothing in' taxes. He was just enjoying life. This article did not have a stat- ed conclusion. It was designed to make a successful business per- son think about their risk expo- sure. It did that. Wayne C. Switzer, CLU, www.ninjadoggy@aol.com. How safe do you think the schools are and what can be done to make them safer? Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Lucille Bensheimer said, "I think that " the schools are reasonably safe but that the children have in the back of .. " their minds that something bad could .. happen there too." .- Bernie Simmonds said, "I think they are very safe. In gen- eral, I think they're the safest place on Earth. There's no other place that I'd rather have my children attending school than in this area; specifically in LaBelle. I would say that the schools would even be S better if the teachers were allowed to teach rather than worrying about being politically correct or sued for something. Discipline has changed a lot over the years. When I was in school I was afraid to do something bad because I knew I'd be disciplined. Now there is no discipline. Instead of parents siding with the teachers they side with their kids instead and that's not good." Lyne Simmonds said, "I do think the schools are very safe. I think the smaller the town the safer the schools. I also think public schools are just as safe as private schools. So if I had kids I would send them to public schools. I agree with Bernie. I think lack of discipline is a cause for more problems in schools." Hueland Johnson said, "I don't have any children in school now, but I think that schools are reasonably safe, but not as safe as they were when I was a student 45 years ago. I honest- ly believe allowing the teachers to take back authority in the classroom 'taii would help. Taking authority away from the teachers was the beginning of a discipline moral breakdown. There has been a huge breakdown in j moral values over the years. Students need discipline but are no longer receiving it. I, for one, am a big fan of teachers. Howev- er, they are overworked and underpaid." Clark Heuer said, "I don't think anything is safe enough. We're at war with terrorists and we have a lot of illegal immigrants too. I taught school for 35 years, 13 in Hendry County, and still don't know the answer to how to make schools safer. Maybe start at the |r y middle school age. Hire somebody ' to watch the kids at the middle school level and break up those little gangs. More importantly, I think . drugs are a big deal because ' younger children think they can get - by without being prosecuted. We - need tougher penalties on younger kids under the age of 18. If they had - tougher penalties they might stop while they're still young, but if they don't feel like they are going to be pun- ished because they are under 18, then they continue to do whatever it is that they are doing." Thank You Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 Las Noticias en Espanol Tutoria gratis Sis u nino asiste las escuelas COE o LMS, el/ella puede ser eleg- ible para tutoria gratis despues de la escuela. Llamar al 674-4108 para mas informaci6n. RCMA Migrant Head Start RCMA esta aceptando aplica- ciones para ninos de trabajadores migrants del campo. Les proveemos servicios para ninos de las edades de 6 Semana a 5 anos. Por favor pase por nuestras oficinas desde las 8 a.m. hasta 4:30 p.m., Lunes a Viernes. Como requisitos se necesitan: talones de cheque, w-2 ingresos reportado por ano, citas de doctor o agencies (WIC, estampillas) con verificaci6n de direction fuera de la ciudad o estado, seguro social y certificado de nacimiento para verificar edad, trabajar en el campo/agricultura. Locacion de oficinas son 300 W. Cowboy Way LaBelle. LLama 675-4266 o 3729 SR 29 LaBelle. Numero de telephone es 674- blemente 12 estudiantes se grad- menteseofrecer n classes de 4510. uar n y una tercera clase de computaci6n. El Centro Educati- manejar tractores, camiones de vo sera reubicado en el complejo ComO aprender basura, excavadoras hidrafilicas y Bonita Bay. Las classes son para otros tipos de maquinaria pesada . n oficio ya comenz6 el30 de octubre. todas las areas incluyendo: El Centro de Educaci6n del Suroeste de Florida es el lugar para ayudar a la gente a lograr un oficio. Tradicionalmente en esta area no se consiguen buenos tra- bajos pero como la populaci6n est creciendo de la misma manera las oportunidades est n legando. El Centro Educativo ayuda a los residents que tomen ventaja de estas oportunidades ofreciendo entrenamientos con certificaci6n que ser n la fundaci6n de un carrera s6lida. Recientemente El Centro gradu6 a 20 estudiantes que lograron la certificaci6n en el manejo de maquinaria pesada, muchos de ellos tienen trabajo con compafifas locales mientras que otros continuar n con un nivel de entrenaminto avanza- do. Otro entrenamiento de maquinaria pesada terminar el 3 de noviembre en el que posi- Adems de los entrenamientos de maquinaria pesada hay una clase de construcci6n. Pr6xima- Henry, ulades, Cariota y colmer. En La Belle llame a Sonny Hugh- es: 675-6800.. 0' Dana Howard Weekley Post 130 AMERICAN LEGION AND THE LEGION AuXIuARY Friday Night Fish Fry S pm at 699 8.R. 80 W Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos ~N lsical -ntertainroent Incloded I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I * newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. L------------------------ REWARD for information on whereabouts of male cat lost in Barron Park, LaBelle in late August 863-673-3973 Your news. is our news, PRCK ROOFING, INC Family Owned & Operated State Licensed & Insured WE SPECIALIZE IN: CILOOS~*&LLE ..A )0.-L-~i ;. Some newspapers seem to take pleasure in the bad news. Not us. We do print "bad" news. (It IS newsworthy when things go wrong/and iti~zeis need to know about problems.) Still, we give most of our attention to good news the kind you clip and tape to your refrigerator door. (This isn't difficult. The vast majority of what happens in our community IS good.) How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Tournalism Metal Roofs * Shingle Roofs Tile Roofs Flat Roofs Roof Repairs Roof Overs Roof Inspections FREE ESTIMATES PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lic #1327233 20 Years Experience! I THE ULTIMATE COMMUNITY WEBSITE The 24-Hour Community'Wire Service.' N ..a Post press releases or news items or catch up on the latest postings. I P o t I o I uIPIh t s i i PP i c Want the community to 'save the date' for your event? Place it on the Community Calendar up to a year in advance! And, if you want, put it on the regional calendar for the entire state! I ,e, I ., r 1 1. -1, Have a digital camera? Want to share your photos with your friends and the community? Create a gallery of your photos for free at newszap.com. Update it as often as you'd like. Pios Your Op Inioln.( Have an opinion you want to get off your chest? Introduce a topic for discussion in the Public Issues Forums. Or read what others are saying! Every organization, school, place of worship, sports team, writer/blogger and local business is invited to request a free link at newszap.com. It's a community service that can drive visitors to your website! OnWSzap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. PLUS: Buy it/Sell it Classifieds and Advertising Opportunities for Page Banners, Tiles, and Sponsored Links 2oOSAN TAMP, t k yl' hi"- IE ,d C'ti KA ~s _ I a I 7 j i i I i i 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006, Mill2 i i0 fi P 'I,..' ."- I~;" ,iiuiri Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Back row from left: Coach Dr. Jeff Moore, Nick Proverbs, Will Burke and Tyler Lewis. Front row: Jenny Milligan, Chelsey Anderson, Cathy McVey and Brittany Baker. Not pictured: Brit- tany Puente, Scott Sloan and Robert Higgenbotham. LHS Academic Team ready to win I SAVE MONEY ON yOUR FAVORITE GROCERY ITEMS. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I I ~% nW8szap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. I L-- ---------------------------- kOvw 6 lims O Our BuOw et* MMs udo 6 Ip w"eomd hihS OPEN KITCHEN, FULL SUSHI BAR, FULL LIQUOR BAR, CHINESE BBQ tAmerican Breakfast Buffet: S5.95 10% OFF Buffet de desayuno Americano 1%O i Tues-Sat6-10:30am, Sun 6-11am Lunch or Dinner Only R Lunch Buffet : S7.25 (must present coupon for discount) Buffet de Almuerzo Chino illml Tomr Mon-Sat 77:30 am-3:00 pm, .- all .Sun 12-3pm M ng Tower 235 Joel Blvd. Dinner Buffet: S10.95 .IWneoMW M Oded l S i Lehigh FL Buffet de Cena China 235 Joel Blvd. Lehigh FL 239-368-2222 239-368-2222 Mon-Sun 4- 70pm (stop seating at 9p.m.) Goo00d Until October 31, 2006 This morning my husband told me that most Glades County oters... 11 This morning my husband told me rhat most Glades County Voters... ft- * don't want to see any more campaign signs... won't go to any more rallies... won't listen to any more speeches... * know what they need to do at the polls. The LaBelle High School Acad- emic team is a group of the best scholars that the.school has to offer. They compete against other schools in tests 'of academic knowledge in Jeopardy-like tour- naments with questions coming from all areas of intellectual endeavor. The LaBelle High School Acad- emic Team enters its first compe- tition as part of the National Honor Society Convention at Walt Disney World, Nov. 3-5. In Janu- ary, the team will face off against academic teams from the other high schools in Southwest Florida on Channel 20. April 12-14 is the date of the Commissioner's Chal- lange, also at Walt Disney World, against all other high schools in the state. The members of the team, in alphabetical order are: Chelsey Anderson, Brittany Baker, Will Burke, Robert Higgenbotham, Tyler Lewis, Jenny Milligan, Nick Proverbs, Brittany Puente, Scott Sloan, and Cathy McVay. These students have a broad range of knowledge, as well as one or more areas of specialization and meet weekly under the supervi- sion of their coach, Dr. Jeff Moore. LES October Citizens of the Month S BCitizens of the Month, front row 1: Francisco Gomez, Luz Flores, Roberto Hernandez, Nadia Chavez, Sergio S .. Sanchez; row 2: William Brogdon, Maria Cavazos, Cesar Sa Dobbins, Jose Ramos, Allie Anderson, Destiny .Cor- Submitted to the Caioosa nelius,Travis Parrish; row 3: Zion Gonzales, Aubrie Belle/Delores Agnew Jones, Fatima Bustamante, Frank Puletti, Freddy Mendez, Safety Patrol of the Month Ernesto Celestino, Claudia Cantu. Not pictured: Annalysa Mariela Raya Montes. So, the choice is clear: SIt's time for a change! ^ For honest, responsible leadership in Glades Counht government ELECT Donna Storter Long i, \Vhen Gov. Bush chose me to serve as your commissioner, he knew that the * FDLE investigation of my background---employment-tinancial-social-civic-per- sonal history---proved me worthy to serve Glades County. SI'm now asking YOU to choose me to serve you and Glades County full time. i" Paid Piollucjl .\,derisernent Pad for and appr,..ied b\ Donrna S:rtei Long RepubiL.i n ,.:nrdidar[, or Glides C.:,unt Commii,.ner Di.tr,, . 4- ,& :n i newszap.comj Coinmunity Links. Individual Voices. 280 N. Bridge Street LaBelle Located in the historic Forrey Building in downtown LaBelle Fcwr r salad bar pasta steaks seafood beer & wine available in "r back bar" monday saturday serving lunch & dinner closed sunday 863-612-0423 Climate Control Systems, Inc. L SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 VISAA& wo 675-3233 TOLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CALL NOW TO HAVE YOUR A/C COMPREHENSIVELY CHECKED BY OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TECHNICIANS! CITY OF LARBFT.LE Notice of Proposed Enactment The City Commission of the City of LaBelle proposes to adopt an ordinance amending the existing Zoning of the following Parcel in the City of LaBelle to a Planned Unit Development and having the following title CITY OF LABELLE ORDINANCE NO. 2006- PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LABELLE, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR REZONING OF OF PARCEL ID NUMBERS 2-29-43-02-300-0000-001.0 and 2-29-43-02-300-0000-001.1 TO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO THE CITY OF LABELLE ZONING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, CHAPTER 4, ZONING, ARTICLE IV DISTRICT REGULA- TIONS, SECTION 4.78. PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW; PRO- VIDING FOR INTENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR,CODIFICA- TION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CITY OF LABEIT.E L.P.A. MEETING The Local Planning Agency of the City of LaBelle will hold a Public Hearing to consider recommending to the City Commission an ordinance which would make changes to the City of LaBelle Land Development Code. This hearing will be held on Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. COPIES OF THE ORDINANCES AND COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BY METES AND BOUNDS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST AT THE LABELLE CITY HALL. The Public Hearing will on the ordinance will be held on Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall on 481 West Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida. Ordinance is available for review at City Hall. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Interested persons may appear on their own behalf or by agent or attorney. If anyone decides to appeal a decision made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hearing, a record of the proceeding will be needed for the appeal and for that purposess, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL AID OR SERVICES AS ADDRESSED IN THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT 863-675-2872, NO LESS THAN FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABOVE STATED HEARING DATE. City of LaBelle City Commission Randal A. Bengston, Mayor CITY OF LABELLE NOTICE OF CHANGE IN FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Two Public Hearings -(1) Notice is hereby given that the Local Planning Agency of the City of LaBelle pro- poses to consider the following comprehensive plan amendments: Ord. #2006- an ordinance providing for a change in the Future Land Use Map to reflect a mixed use district, legally titled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LABELLE, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR A PRO- POSED AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF LABELLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PRO- VIDING FOR CHANGE TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP TO REFLECT THE MIXED USE DISTRICT ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR THE IDENTIFICA- TION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTING THE AMENDMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND REVIEW AGENCIES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR. CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The Local Planning Agency of the City of LaBelle will hold a special meet- ing for the public hearing Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Room, LaBelle City Hall, 481 W Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle. (2) The City Commission of the City of LaBelle will hold a special meeting for the public hearing Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Room, LaBelle City Hall, 481 W Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle to hear the recommendations of the Local Planning Agency on Ordinance 2006- described above. The proposed ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment are available at City Hall for review. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Interested persons may appear on their own behalf or by agent or attorney. If anyone decides to appeal a decision made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hearing, a record of the proceeding will be needed for the appeal and that for such purpos- es, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL AID OR SERVICES AS ADDRESSED IN THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT 863-675-2872, NO LESS THAN FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABOVE STATED HEARING DATE. City of LaBelle Randal A. Bengston, Mayor .1'I VY Nc, j Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 7 Sport Shorts ' Volunteer for Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter The Cowboys have two running backs with over 900 yards rushing; Gabriel Puente and Andrew Tovar. Both have a chance to become the first with 1,000 yard rushing since 1974. Players of the Week are, front row from left: Entire offensive line: Freddie Martinez, Matt Rentz, Blake Barnes, Chris Wills, Noe Moreno, Patrick McClemont and Michael Awbrey. Back row: Practice Player of the Week Josh Grimaldo, Defensive Izzy Hernandez with 12 tackles and Special Teams Rey Hernandez graded out at 100 percent. Cowboys take Wildcats By Coach Ron Dunbar The LaBelle Cowboys rolled to a 38-14 district 3A-13 victory last Friday over the Estero Wildcats at LaBelle High Stadium. With the victory the Cowboys finished their district schedule at 4-0 and now stand at 6-3 overall. The Wildcats gave the Cow- boys all they could handle in the first half behind their explosive offensive attack but watched the Cowboys take control after half- time for a convincing win on homecoming night. Kicker Rey Hernandez got the Cowboys on the board early with a 36-yard field goal before Gabriel Puente reeled off runs of 87- and 1-yard for a 17-14 Cowboy half- time advantage. In the second half the momen- tum really turned in the Cow- boys' favor when linebacker/full- back Andrew Tovar scooped up a Wildcat fumble and raced 20 yards for a 24-14 LaBelle lead. The Cowboys then turned to Puente once again and watched the junior scamper for 60 yards and another Cowboy score before quarterback Caleb Jordan punched in a touchdown on a bootleg keeper for the final score of the evening. The Cowboy running back duo had a great night as Puente carried 17 times for 180 yards and Tovar finished with 9 carries for 151 yards behind great offen- sive iirn blocking. Cross country results King leads AUCTIONS runners in Naples By Coach Jeff Frost Senior Stafford King ran his best race of the year this past Fri- J' 1 day at the Class 2a District 6 championships in Naples. His time of 17:15 was good enough to place him 3rd over-all in a very competitive group. His strong performance helped pace his Cowboy teammates to a 5th Registc-r place finish (top 6 qualify) out of 15 teams, propelling them into FREE the Regional finals at Tampa next 4 FREE Friday, Nov. 3. Jacob Stallings was the second runner in for LaBelle > FREE finishing 24th with a time of 19:08. Drew Dyess was the 3rd thejob runner in finishing 31st with a time of 19:31. Caleb Rhoden (33) and Cesar Mateo (39) finished the ! scoring for the Cowboys with times of 19:39 and 20:02, respec- tively. Jose Guillen (20:13) and Branden Temples (20:26) also ran well for LaBelle. The Girls team ended their season placing 10th out of 12 teams at the District Champi- onship at Golden Gate High School in Naples. Irene Garza led the girls with a time of 24:30. Karina Marines was next in run- ning her best race of the year fin- ishing with a time of 24:56. Missy Olivarez was the third girl in fin- ishing with a time of 25:23. Shay- la Wilson (26:19) and Nancy Vasquez (26:49) finished the . team scoring for LaBelle. Emily Hull and Rhonda Burton 26:50 and 28:26, respectively. Congratulations to all of the girls team members as they had a fine season, finishing 1st or 2nd in all of their dual meets. Post Your News i . Post or read press releases, D N. announcements & information I 2 from your community. Community Links. Individual Voices. j Wide receiver Chad Lutken- haus hauled in 4 passes for 96 yards from Jordan at quarter- back who finished 4-of-8 for 93 yards. On defense the Cowboys received another fine perform- ance from defensive end Ben Daley as the junior totaled 13 tackles and 1 sack. Two-way standout Andrew Tovar con- tributed 12 tackles from his line- backer spot while senior line- backer Izzy Hernandez had a very consistent night with 11 tackles. Junior defensive end Julian Keen added 2 sacks and 7 tackles to help the Cowboy defense also. The Cowboys will close out the regular season next week at home on Senior Night as they play host to the Lake Placid Green Dragons at 7:30 p.m. The famous show cat Prissy is four years old and the ruler of the house. Prissy sleeps during one of her after- noon naps. A M GA Hwy. 268, JeffDavis County, GA Friday-: November 10 -:- 10:00 a.m. TIMBER CRUISE AVAILABLE downloadable at www.rowellauctions.com BOWELL U -*C. 1U0b% Ber'S Premium GALAU-C02594 MUCTIONS ordwe. at www.Jobing.com P-., me Review Career 'I I-' !.i iip Bring a copy of your resume on CD-ROM and make the suggested changes from your Resume Review on-site! v- Lr^a for boys and girls divisions: grades K-2, 3-5 and 6-8. For information please call Darrell Harris at 675- 2565 or Pat Langford at 675-1686. Junior Pro It's time for Junior Pro basket- ball again! Volunteer coaches, assistants and referees are needed rilllllli__lll] r ------------------------ I SPORTS FANS! I BET iYOU DIDN'T :KNOW S Brought to you by I LoriLangford I I What is the longest continuously running program in TV history? The I reason that's a sports question is I Because the answer is Monday Night I I Football, which ran for 37 years on ABC Before switching to ABC-owned ESPN I at the start of the 2006 season. So I I which team made the most appearances I I in those first 37 years? It's the Dallas I I Cowboys with 77 Monday night games. I I How many different broadcasting com- I I binations havetherebeen? Surprisingly, I I .the answer is 15. One more: When did I I Hank Williams Jr. start singing the I I question of whether America was ready I I forsomefootball? Believeitornot, 1990. I I ...* I I Oh-,:. Stairr er.:r,.d the 2006 college fo ort-.iU ieji o'n jrdJ,':.J number-one in I the nation for the seventh time. Can you name the only school named num- Sher ,- i tlie Fp'.i-elo more times Than OSU? The answer is Oklahoma . with nine. By the way, the Buckeyes Have never won the national title when I they were ranked number one ai the I I preseason. But in the 57 years that pre- Iseason polls have been kept, OSU has I I been ranked 53 times, most of any | School. Oklahoma and Notre Dame I I have beenranked 48 times. I I ... I For those of you who doubt whether auto racing is a sport, consider the.fol- lowing: Drivers in all classifications - IRL. Champ cars, Nextel Cup nrj Formula One who have ha their he irt ir.n:,.lr,:,r; d .lucini r i.:L ruttirn, l -"' r e-.t j rjte .'.,' .-,e !41:1 jr.j I200. r, I C j : d ':. L r'. L',"ru Tp[-tr it,. i. r bout tcri t[m,:: ;re'i [r thjr It r:r[ Add r.:' [ h[ 'h t i:l :'I h. ;tnct-i Dr.r Er: I4t n riLh .:':l Iri I vI c r,_. hre r.rjrd~ n[t t['-.;c I|. ,i: Jdo, g L uini pluz 'io cl.o ':-. i himri 3r'd I even fire-resistant underwear. I Ill bet you didn't know, coming or going, that when the rubber hits the. road, you can't afford not to buy from I I n I "Y'allSpokenHerel" I 675-1686 I Ih-------------- Voice Counts. IGo to newszap.com to I I download and print coupons online! I L ---------- YOU CAN OWN UP TO $100,000 1 Aa I FEINASURAN I Absolutely NO Medical Exams or Questions vEasy, One-Time Premium SWorry-Free Wealth Transfer to Loved Payment ($5.o Minimum) Ones or Charity GUARANTEED ISSUE icheC'e Southen VDwi4ai 863-675-8100 Taking Reservations for Thanksgiving Breakfast & Lunch Mon thru Sat Dinner Fri & Sat Friday Night Prime Rib Special At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses T ji nmlint ,, Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Ee ir,,uj,,:5 Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments i. ailable 24 Hour Emergency Availab' New Patients Welcome 863, '65.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.Lc n -- - City IQOkA at waetr p Clew,iston News Newcemetery in Rai-rm er TheSun 4- c c-ty approves plan fur cafelatia hA b ~-.~,4L. "In a democracy, the highest office is that of citizens." US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. We agree. Yet too many citizens feel powerless to influence the flow of events. We give people a voice. Our Speak Out column is just one example. We consider it an extension of the secret ballot and a return of the values of the American Revolution. How are we doing? Let us know by ecnailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor Clewiston News 0GLADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheSun Broker Participation Invited! Call for Details Bill Dunn, CAI, CCIM, Auction Coordinator Rowell Auctions, Inc. 800-323-8388 ip I 0 Li,~ in~.r~n C I L FLIO i. l:ZL -IIGIC I~ InOC Llllh Ill~blllllt)l i i q jBb~ ,;49m-/->-"-- 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2,2006 Johnnie By Kristin Hunter Johnnie Sue Beckworth of LaBelle is the winner of the Gator Country Reba Flyaway contest. She and her husband Billy Beckworth, who are both huge fans, took off to Holly- wood, CA to see the "CMT Giants: Reba" show live. The show took place October 26, but doesn't air until November 19. The package consisted of a 3 day/2 night stay October 25, 26, and 27, at the Hyatt West hotel, roundtrip airfare, $200 in spend- ing money, a private Reba McIn- tyre rehearsal session before the big show, a chance to sing with Reba at the rehearsal, and tick- ets to the brand new show called CMT's Giant featuring Reba. The show is a tribute to. Reba McIntyre with other coun- try singers such as Faith Hill, Martina McBride, Trisha Year- wood and Wynona Judd, will be singing her songs. For the contest, Johnnie had to write a letter to Gator Country stating how Reba's songs have made an impact in her life. This was easy for Johnnie Sue .because she has,had a lot of tragedy in her life and through that tragedy has, always turned to Reba's songs. She lost her dad when she was 6 months old. He went fishing off of Ft. Myers Beach in 1959 with her uncle and three other men when they disappeared. The boat washed ashore at Englewood Beach five weeks later. Till this day, no one knows exactly what happened. She then lost her mom to a drunk driver when she was eight. After that she was sent to live with caretakers where she went through a lot of physical, mental, verbal and sexual abuse from the age of 8-12 years old. When she was 24 she got into an unfortunate marriage and stayed in it for 17 years. She would always listen to Reba McIntyre's songs such as "Somebody Should Leave," "The Last One to Know," and "Is There Life Out There," which finally gave her the courage to leave the relationship. After that her life turned around. She took some college computer courses at Middle Tennessee State University and started making a good income. She went from working as a warehouse clerk to Human Resource safety.manager. Then, tragedy struck again Sue bound for Hollywood Sue bound for Hollywood I Save money on your favorite grocery items. A Johnnie Sue now has many I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! wonderful grandchildren to take I - care of and is enjoying her life. neWSZap.COcm Community Links. Individual Voices. Her kids have been great and are L ......................- alouusa BellenKrintin nunter Johnnie Sue Beckworth and husband Billy Beckworth with Johnnie's children Travis Drapal, youngest daughter Brandy Drapal and oldest daughter Jeannie Collins. Grand- kids: Six-year-old Brynden Farless, four-year-old Evan Dra- pal, 8-month-old Brooke Collins, two-year-old Taylor McCranie and two-year-old Harley Collins not pictured. when she lost her step-dad very unexpectedly to complications after surgery. He was the only father she had ever. really known. That was when she heard the song, "If I Had Ever Known," by Reba McIntyre. , After the death of her step- dad she went into a ten year spi- ral of destruction. She completely walked away from her home and children and started drinking and doing drugs. So she signed herself into a drug treatment center for 38 days. That is where she heard Reba's song, "I am a Survivor." Her therapist/teacher got her the CD and told her to memorize the song because there would be a test on it later. She made her sing the song in front of the entire class after completely breaking down in tears from hearing all the nice things that her classmates had to say about her. After that song she knew she could make it. When she got out she married a wonderful man named Billy Beckworth to whom she has been married now for eight years. The first country concert he ever attend- ed was a Reba McIntyre concert and he has been a huge fan ever since. taking care of all the aesthetic details for the upcoming event in Hollywood. Her son, Travis Drapal, took her and her hus- band shopping and bought her a dress and pantsuit for each event and rented a tux for her husband. Her younger daughter, Brandy Drapal, took her to have her hair done and her oldest daughter, Jeannie Collins, took her to get a manicure and pedi- cure and bought her shoes for the event. There will be a lot of firsts for Johnnie Sue and her husband. Neither one has ever been to Hollywood. Her husband has never worn a tux and they have never had a honeymoon so this is it! She got a once in a lifetime chance to sing with Reba hoped to be singing "What do you Say." at the rehearsal where she planned to give her a t-shirt that says "LaBelle Moose Lodge Home of the Swamp Cabbage Festival" to leave a little piece of LaBelle with her. Johnnie's two sisters, who she hasn't seen in years, will also be driving from Oregon to California to see her. T CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. j " Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 N.RiverRd.(Hwy78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net Same Day Service Lab On Premises MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE The patient and any other person responsible for paymenthas a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment orbe reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is preformed as a result of and within ". i.u.- ...I For over 25 years, Denise Grimsley has been protecting the health of Heartland residents! SNOV. 7TH -4-s Register online at w zn g.o rn 0 FREE Adrmission Bring a copy of your resume > FREE Resume Review I on CD-ROM and mae ine suggested changes from your > FREE Career Workshops Resume Review on-sitet The Jobingcom Career Eapo Is, ccesiule to inrae th diaabiltlli _I AS .. -- , S S 5 3i p.- -. Touching Lives...Are You Taking Care Of A Loved One At Home? Please Call Toll Free 1-866-231-0921 to Register for the Free Classes! Caregiver Assistance and Regional Education Program Hendry County November 7th, 9th, 14th & 16th 2006 1:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Attend all four sessions! Many different topics will be discussed at each! Hope Connections 60 Calhoun LaBelle, FL 33935 LEE MEMORIAL S HEALTH SYSTEM F S senior Friendship 4WL, ... fr Su ethoA t *iTL.nda. Alvin A. Dubin 1r- Alzheimer's Resource Center wetioint vol`to- 0 CARINe FOR THr ELOERP c -- and Palliative Care T, 7,ntj arcrii'Alle LIII n rl-l fra zri r, Fl,-rrda Hcwe -,,rTh epp -mnre in n uirl hkai~h.:-rm e CIleni I e GrimsI~Y1 ,_ k'.a's f ir s 4.,,,d "he chol'.:n lo.J. 'r~s tSt e 't es ii., obrnminc cu ic.d h.I-rhc.are lf 'their firni I L. SPu I'.. kl V .: p- j; ij :! .*.,,,.)rnc l ..- ho di. t i a th hclir' tp c r ham luw r sn urai,'ct but, are fr.tdb-.- T'tie usw-;al-t u',-P5Cv' cavpmnrw -a yrunrJd.and -11oi mp'~es, cr- who .spend hundorerds ufdo Ij ,,i .,rinh fP.r pu .; r,, 'ri '.w lu fil. mI Tp I In -I e 'I i c, i. .- IP. 11.1. 1. TI. a111 1 .1 1 111 !1,,- 1 9, I E TT L-11nwinp t II ''Y o I 1jr. I 1!-. .1, -1. ) I i- ;1,, Iup*,e...~.i irtro Prp ,,,r,. ~ ppll plT 'ph ,rJ:. r I PI p P I. i~. Prt,,.,r.. II I. L f m Il p, p'j..q ps ,pr- d h ,, P pr vJcar c pP- l pPan o i I I -. rI,..W' SITIe PPP11I 11, c rr t of m Mil d W7,IMP.? .. cl ~r)i ci v[.o.)toX The CARE Program is designed to provide caregiving individuals and family members FREE comprehensive education and pre-admission emergency respite counseling. This program will enable caregivers to provide enhanced care for their loved ones while at the same time allowing the caregiver to better maintain his or her own emotional and physical health and well-being. For information on how to sign up, obtain respite services, or for any other reason, Please Call Toll-Free 1-866-231-0921. DEAR GLADES COUNTY VOTERS: Many branches of government have term limits while other elected officials are con- tinually reelected. If things are running smoothly, there's no need to change it. However, when one compares our county with surrounding counties, it is obvious that something is terribly wrong. While there is limited housing growth, our commis- sioners have adopted impact fees of approximately $8,000 per new residence, while misleading the people saying it is state mandated. Impact fees are NOT mandated by the State of Florida. They are placed in force at the option of the County commission- ers. In Hillsborough County, approximately 30% is impact-free in order to encourage growth in outlying areas and to date, Highlands County has none and has enjoyed phe- nomenal growth, both residentially and commercially. The electric power plant proposed in Glades County will locate here because of the central location and NOT because of local political influence. FP&L approached Glades County with the idea, not vice-versa. Glades County seems to lack real vision as well as leadership. However, Mr. Alvin Ward while being a commissioner has improved his own personal net worth to $1.9 million per his public record financial disclosure. This is many times over what it was before holding a commission seat for ten years. Had Glades County expeditiously tried to promote growth in housing, industry and tourism, the county could quite possibly lead instead of follow it's neighboring coun- ties. A regional landfill is not an economic stimulant and that is the only industry that has received substantial consideration and support. Friends, it's truly time for a change on the 2nd district commission seat. Donna Storter Long has stated she will be that commissioner for a change in leadership. We should at least allow her the chance by supporting this change, for "nothing ventured, nothing gained," then after four years, hold her accountable for what she has protn- ised. But to reelect a 'good old boy' on a 'good old boy' background is just not enough. Charles Klinck, Glades County Taxpayer ... .~ !.~.. ..... ... .yp.. ..' .. ..; .. .. CITY OF LABELLE Notice of Proposed Enactment The City Commission of the City of LaBelle proposes to adopt an ordinance amending exist- ing City of LaBelle Land Development Code and having the following title CITY OF LABELLE ORDINANCE 2006- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LABELLE, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT OF THE CITY OF LABELLE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, CHAPTER 3, ADMINISTRATION OF CODE, ARTICLE I. GENERAL PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL; PROVIDING FOR ENACTMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COPIES OF THE ORDINANCES AND COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BY METES AND BOUNDS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST AT THE LABELLE CITY HALL. The Public Hearing will on the ordinance will be held on Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall on 481West Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida. Ordinance is available for review at City Hall. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Interested persons may appear on their own behalf or by agent or attorney. If anyone decides to appeal a decision made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hearing, a record of the proceeding will be needed for the appeal and for that purposess, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the pro- ceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: IT Y',OU PEQifTf S5PPrL Ll 1r OR SERVICES AS ADDRESSED IN THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE AT 863- 675-2872, NO LESS THAN FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABOVE STATED HEARING DATE. * 'p .pp* City of LaBelle Official Zoning Map City of LaBelle City Commission Randal A. Bengston, Mayor SINGLE$390 -Singl FULL ET $70 Pemiu PARTIAS $365- Eac Casa Bee, Thursday, Nvember 2, 2006 SCaloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 November is National Diabetes Month Diabetes affects your body to your brain. These blood ves- tion can worsen and threaten vides dilated eye examinations to Caloosa Belle/Knistin hunter Costume contest winners 0-3 year olds: First place: Abby Perantha as the Little Mermaid, second place: McKenzie Her- rera as a duck and third place: Janessa Brainard as Dumbo the elephant. Costume contest winners 4-7 year olds: First place: Luz Flores as a fortune teller, second place: Bryce Hall as a soldier from Iraq and third place: Jacob Hollingsworth as King Jacob I. LES Halloween Carnival Many families came out to the including one with free costumes LES Halloween Carnival to partici- donated from the community as pate in the.costume contest as well well as a picture booth where par- as enjoy the bounce house and ents could get a nice Halloween booths. There were many booths picture taken of their kids I Save money on your favorite grocery items.. , I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I Snewszap.Com Community Links. Individual Voices. SL -.----.. --- - - J * *^^B^R^Ip]jf ^g~j3| *^' L^J^B ^ JI from head to toes. This includes your eyes. The most common and most serious eye complica- tion of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy, which may result in- poor vision or even blindness. "Retinopathy" is the medical term for damage to the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) that nourish the retina, the tissue at the back of your eye that cap- tures light and relays information sels are often affected by the high blood sugar levels associated with diabetes. Nearly half of people with known diabetes have some degree of diabetic retinopathy. The longer you have diabetes, the more likely it is you'll develop diabetic retinopathy. Initially, most people with diabetic retinopathy experience only mild vision problems. But the condi- STOP LEG CRAMPS Lscr| BEFORE THEY STOP YOU. CulIet S. Triple Calcium r --------- --- ------------------ ---- ---- ------ All- In One Travel Mug I My wife has Rheumatod Arthritis and small handled mugs hurt her hands. So. I designed the "All In One Travel Mug"to I Sbe lightweight mth a large, soft handle She loves it I S;B I clean restaurant vent hoods for a living whch puts me on the road driwr several hundred miles per day En route to a job, III typically stop fcr gas and a beverage. Using my "Al In One Travel Mug, nmost convenience stores and truck slops Sil1 only charge a small 'refill price for my drink and my mug is designed so that the beverage will last for hours The All In One Travel Mug' cone with is own, sp-cially de- i '" ^ signed holder that is adjustable Io fit your car or truck dors I S21in 2nmmug.com Order Yours Today! : 12 oz.120 oz. $12.95 24 oz /34 oz.-$14.95 Sallinonetravelmug.com [MW.; Se'T[Unil Price rQua nty Prie I Payment Method fc r..'e nei' 1 9 .I... I .;1 Mas1eiwar~ Cliech M.Order .... Phone .... SName(cardholder's). Total I Shipping Address I Credit Card Number Exp. date: __ I Signature Date" _. , Mail to: All In One Mug, PO Box 182, Bethany. OK 73008 L 1------- --- -------1------ your vision. With early detection and treat- ment, the risk of severe vision loss from diabetic retinopathy is small. At Family Eye Care pro- thoroughly assess ocular health to prevent the development of ocular and medical complica- tions of diabetes. Call 675-0761 for more information. ------- -- - 3005 SW 70th Lane, Gainesville, FL Thursday -:- November 9 -:- 7:00 p.m. * 4,700 Sq. Ft. Executive Home Pool, Spa & Entertainment Area * Extravagant Master Wing 5 Bedrooms, 4 Baths Wine Cellar * Gorgeous Master Suite Just minutes To 1-75, Hospital, * 3.5t Acre Tract Overioo, ng Prairie University of FL Campus, Shopping r ii..,,Aai WAI, AAE, CES. Auction Coordinator ROWELL REALTY & AUCTION CO., INC. 800-323-8388 10% Buyer's Premium AU479AB296 oU /l -i II go .. .......... .. a . Ig i Now offering Paul a complete line .: of SElectric, Gas & Wood Burning Fireplace Units By Drimplex & FMI Fill that room with energy efficient warmth, from a beautiful fireplace. Freestanding and Built in Models Available Jackson River VKR Home Furnishings & Decor S At the Foot of the Bridge 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle *' t;-;:. '" ..*. GENUINE PART S SERVICE Hurry, limited time only! S $ Proper vehicle maintenance is key to maximum fuel efficiency. /Genuine Motorcraft Premium Synthetic Blend Oil and filter change V Rotate and inspect four tires '/Check air and cabin air filters /Inspect brake system S"Test battery /Check belts and hoses /Top off all fluids Up to five quarts of Motorcraf oil. Taxes and diesel vehicles extra. Disposal iees not included in some locations. Hybrid high voltage battery tesbt not included. See participating Dealership for details through 11/30/06 Buy 4 Michelin or BF Goodrich Brand Tires and Get "The Works" Fuel Saver Package on Us! . ',' Hle ,,lal lir' l"'; li r; i 1.1111' e r '.arli" 5, o. ulie ~'.i,:' o n1 ti e r r t ,o' 1 11, ,1 ji l'. iI 0: t f) I l ,13k ;-J ,w 3 l, l~ ; . 1 0 1 '.: 1 1 II. 'I. i ,pl ii, fl pii Vtf k:,r H ne T .t b- r.m tu. v I ] I 06 later than 01/31/07. See participating Dealership for mail-in redemption certificate and det aiilsv Ihr:uh ] ii 'I 1" $10 Off Complete brake service Includes machining rotors and drums. .Frt Lor I-eai'ie Firj iTa:: extra. See particiitig D. erh:i; ,r r et ils throui h 11i rPul J ,. Front or rear axle., Taxes extra. See participating Dealership for details through 1/30iD6, Genuine Motorcrafto Brake Service $9995 $99|OR LESS Get the brakes engineered specifically for your vehicle. Install lMatotcraftf pids sr shoes on most cars/light buc ks Froit or rear axle, E ucludes machi iniig rotois or drirs. Taxes extra. See participating Dealership for details through 11130/0S. Genuine Motorcraftw Tested Tough" MAX Batteries as low as $8995 With 100-month warranty that includes FREE towing. Get the battery engineered specifically for your vehicle. iF i I .- I... Taxes and installation extra. FiS e tpowing valid oly wpt sh Dealer-iponstv led eaplca m ai i l Se participating Dealership fcr vehicle application r a ,: ,,ii, ; I^ ^ IB s BWV AND WWAN YOUTOB TH UDE BOLD 0 Visit your local participating Southwest Florida Ford Dealers! Ne rLANGFORD F O4Y 112SN hoy SasYU'LFNDORPRC S AWY 6Th-16S8 Highway 29 South 3) NOw. a ritaBRelbaCte OPEN SATURDAY! See participating Dealership for service hours. FRI" 1 , 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November.2, 2006 Turkey bingo at COE The PTO from Country Oaks Elementary School will be host- ing its 8th Annual Turkey Bingo on Friday, Nov. 17. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the first game starts at 7 p.m. There will be a snack bar available with food such as hot dogs, popcorn, the famous Frito pies and drinks as well as fantastic raffle prizes donated from the -. .__I ma. ____ _ Submitted phoro/COES Turkey Bingo, a tradition at Country Oaks. Pictured from left: PTO Ladies Lora Leon, Beth Lutkenhaus, Doris Faherty and Annie Ayers. community. It is completely open to the community so come and join the fun. It is 50 cents per game/raffle ticket or $5 for all ten games. If you win Bingo you win a turkey donated by the local gro- cery stores. There will be a turkey wall of fame for all the business who donate. HAVE YOU ORA I O NS I F FROM A if you, a deceased spouse or parent suffered from any of the fol- lowing ailments on or before November 21, 1996 and were advised by a treating doctor that the condition was a result of cigarette smoking, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against big tobacco. Lung Cancer Esophageal Cancer Kidney Cancer Laryngeal Cancer Bladder Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Oral Cavity/Tongue Cancer Call Fleming & Associates toll free at 1-800-940-3365 for more Information. Anidivs P~i5eilo t, f tIoTifig 1& A5-O( LL P j Ii troed 10 piartii'-;ri f andu has Iit pificiple efirte leored ir, HoustCnr. X Fleming &Associates,L.L.P 1330 Post Oak Blva., Suite 3030 Houston, TX 77056-3019 I Save money on your favorite grocery items. i I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I I -, -, -, -, I Snewszap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. L-------ne------- inewszLacom Community Links. Individual Voices. 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee r". II NEV Inter F' The hiring of a layer is on imponort decision thoa should nor be based solely upon advernisememls. Belore you decade, ask us to send you free wanen information about our qualifications and expeueince. ~T~T.{ej I ('1k ~ [.11111 [in HENRY LEE 675,0358 275,0358 Licensed/Insured State Certified CAC057341 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net CALL FOR PRAYER 675-7785 Sponsored by the LaBelle Chapter, Order of St. Luke, a Christian Healing Ministry. Return calls only upon request. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net BAD CREDIT WE REPAIR YOUR CREDIT LEGALLY AND PERMANENTLY $199 STAT TOD.AI ON AVERAGE YOU WILL GET 3.5 DELETIONS PER MONTH! Need A Mortgage? Raise Your Credit Score WE CAN HELP" Selt lah apadio 1 08651525-61M3 I (OCAU 863-983-65541 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers T, W & F 9-5 Thurs 9-8 Sat 7-2 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 Dana Howard' Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC j | HC1017. P licensed & lsured OmICE (863) 675-8314 DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH FT. MYERS 1-866 2269400 HANUYMIAN CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN MAINTAINENCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit u on the web at www.ullI .ZOrn.corn Se IHabla Espanol LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS S ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 8631612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 AB 2171 USH HOG MOWING AND LAND CARE SERVICE 863-673-3217 Jeff corey ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as .$1.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net OVERBAUGH FOOTER Increase your production Let us dig your footer Commercial & Residential Office: 863.6741300 Patt's Cell: 239.246.5106 P.O. Box187 . Alva, FL 33920 Dan & Patt Oveitaugh operator/owner . o4ofe3_05@yaho .:. .-iri Lie & Ins. #0051057 r SLABELLE ;.' ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500W, SUDmmgHWLCfWISnO 863-983-9121 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or mail cbelle@strato.net PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush li Iiu!g. mo\..ig graLtiig, land clearnri or other lobs? 239-728-6629 t, t COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ?y TUTOR OUR LOCAL TUTOR lIV WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, ACCESS, III YOUR HOME. WILLDE tSiGi 'PREADSHEETS, ETC. UPOIj 'OUR REQUEST CALL LYNNE AT (863)675-7049 OR (239)849-9223 (CELL) PEGASUSSTIRATO.NE PACK ROOFING, INC, 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lie #1327233 20 Years -Experience! FREE ESTIMATES QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience 'Your locally owned and operated Elel SericeCompan Main Electrical Pand Repair or Replacement landscapee fighting and surge protection Call for A Remodel Quoteorbome generator accessories &book ups 9-5 Cs 398 101 863-2284138 24 EMERGENCY SERVICE Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 Mar--;f^;tL\I LB .rlcn p f.frr ( .i I ', 1 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 WValk-ins Welcore IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Trafford Rd Immokalee, FL tVii Di r 1Plaoa) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 &P~ON QML DODGE JEE A FL M202W, Sugarlfl Hwy., Cleitn - i 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 Y'all' Spoken Herel -----^ ^1^-^^---- ADVERTISE YOUR CHRIST ^lr ,eTHE NG BUSINESS HERE Luth.an Chuch For as little as r-rThtF,: i.3d 610 .so LE'll- FL $12.50 9:00 am. Sunday Worship PER WEEK The Lords Supper 11, 3"& 51'Sundays CALL 863-675-2541- Bible Study Sundays at 10.15 a.m. or email cbelle@strato.net ('1l1)11:iIIC.li' 163.4654114 PETE'S DRAGLINE & BACKHOE SERVICE, INC. Dozerwork Clearing House Pads Specializing in Ditching & Ponds Office: 863.675.1862 Mobile: 863.673.8181 Mobile: 863.673.6738 L .... . "Z " LABOR U FINDERS DAILY WORK DALY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Suiiand Hw, (urossffom lelisti Ikr) (863) 902-9494 ADVERSE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $11.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net t rvi..jl. :; ..',t ',.,J v .54, L l',Tit 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES ,e, OFFICE: (863) 675-7045 J i -L C057019 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson River Where Quality is Done in Style CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior iUberty Underwriter .* NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National # Life insurance Company y 2035 McGregor Blvd F. Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) _--,II! Call 863-875-2541 I or e-mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! N- I I I I I ~I I I I I UOSAr MER Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2,2006 11 Births nal grandparents are the late Diane Ward and Charlie Broughton Sr. of Clewiston. Great-grandparents are Mildred Clark of Belle Glade. Charlize Lauren Lopez Eddie and Chelo Lopez of LaBelle are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Charlize Lauren Lopez. She was born Octo- ber 11, 2006, at 11:45 p.m. She weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20 in. long at birth. Charlize Lauren Lopez was welcomed home by sister Melanie Lopez. Charlize Lauren Lopez Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Pelletier family David Clark 5199,90 Blackshear is a small, friendly community with a relaxed lifestyle, excellent school system and many popular outdoor activities such as golf and hunting. Country Living three miles from Blackshear, GA. 1940s newly renovated brick home contains 2,568 sq. ft, 3 BR, 2 BA wlbonus room. Located on 5 acres with 25 acres pine trees. Spacious yard ideal for gardening, pets or farm animals. For more Information, email benbennett@accessatc.net. QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated Electrical Service Company Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement SLandscape Lighting and surge protection Call for A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 9-5 call.863-983-4101 863-22. -4138 24 E..&rw-.tr..y Service Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State Farm Is there. Bankof America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle 'ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net COUNTRY HOMES & Lan REAr ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic. Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com OIISw Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlinlknet If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! G REG MINERS M S Lie Real Estate Broker Fran W. Spencer, Lie. Broker 437 SR 80W LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1203 (863) 673-5554 Web: www.SpencerRealtyFL.coJ Caloos, Mobile Home Setups Inc. * New Installations + Re-levels & Repairs S. Skirtdig& Siding--... QUALITY WORK DONE ACORBFNG TO HURRICANE & STATE CODES!. 863 675 4272 -- ,; TIHE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $19 .50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or mail cbelle@strato.net TE;1R:RI, FE *Ni CIK 233 N. BRIDGE ST ONTB comNR BEID Sr & Wa~IN~o 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at wwww.oakrealtyinc.com Property management r- *S rentals sales -. .... LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 I Bankston Realty www.bankotonreaky.com Wanda Bankston Owner Broker ,44&'e aad ?'doCc Marine, Inc. (863 675-7711 , 18631675-706 LICHC355 SP and Insured Commercial & Residential The Paint Authority, Inc. Int/Ext Painting Pressure Washing Decorative Concrete Coatings FREE Estimates 863-675-0200 FT 0y052: HC 298.SP Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers RODNEY MURRAY & SETH HOWARD Lie. Real Estate Brokers LaBelle, li. 863-675-4550 RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 wwvw.labelllerihverside.com mail: retakstate@labelerinerside.com Marilyn Stars licensed Real fsate troker M~ LINA'S $S u & LANDSCAUDC MAINTENANCE: looking for smone e to remodd your property? I'm the one to n il. I do landnsapin, t down san l Itveso grass owtting, any kind of leading, small land daring, scrape od gross and even put in new sod. Eslinatesare FREE!! IThnk you, Alberto Molina CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 Iaelly.bames@alankellymortgage.com ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS. HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or email cbelle@strato.net Caloosa Shores Waterfront Hfomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 IRQTA6Q LARD CO 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Do NNA KNE LIc. Rmu EssIM BBowx PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675.0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net StallCa With Us Youll Fiid You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates, References & Service Call 863-675-3231 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net the King QROup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 A rwww..melking.com HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing ExcavatorWork Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (35 Years Experience) SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Ha amos Bspafiol Showlird Pools.& Spas Hew Construction, Repairs & Renovation Keith Dermody Licensed & Insured (2391707-4991 12391458-4681 Slate LIc#CPC1456588 SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rentalh .p.b t "*..m M. ,- ,'ii Putt youLr tI u' i III .i' 1 i' i ., i- f-I M LS- l i" l ,L . i BrokerM manager ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net 1rcAltl Gros.op. inc. lisa Andrews Lic. Real Fsiatc Broker 238 N. Bridge St. l.aBelle, Fl. 593i 863-675-8868 .vOVwsi, t hwccsitfiridfaitc',rIiX oup.c rni I~~4 4J~~tj /L~B Kerensa Pelletier and Country Home for Sale S"When you need a service, call a professional!" ......S call 883-87-2541 y or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! at ~ls~ll~s~P~LB~III I I I 'L I se~-----~d~ Fmi"kil.-I'lasi 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 Central Custom Builders New Modular Homes Starting at $109,000 on your lot! Includes Impact Fees & Allowance for lot prep Home and Land Packages Starting at $149,900 We have homes ready to move in now! I .. I $179,900 3. 2 1,7410 iq. It. I.,:atLd .:n Port L,,rll i,.t .3209,900 3/2 2,220 sq. ft. including garage on Pt LaBelle Lot For FREE Credit Approval Call (863) 675-8888 or (863) 673-4325 cell WHAT AlE YOU AMTG FOR? WHY UTM mT YOU CAN OW? Beautiful 4BR/2BA Pool Home, with-in LaBelle city limits. This remodeled home is ready for immediate occupancy. Features include: New Hardwood floors, New Frigidare appliances, Wrap Around Porch, Crown Moulding, New Pool, Carved Wooden Pub, Hardiboard siding, Jacuzzi tub in master bath, Smart House wiring, and easy maintenance yard for busy family. .Call 863-673-2847 5-.h ..tn~c win'l I * $998,000 Price Reduced- Stunning views from this 2 story River Front home. Home features 3BD/2BA, a spa on the deck off the master suite and more. Enjoy sunrises and sunsets from your own dock. Call today for more info. HOMES: * $795,000 Alva Custom 2005 3BD/2BA home on 3.71+/-acres. Home has many upgrades and the property is filled with mature oaks and much more. A must see! Call today. * $499,000 Price Reduced- 4BD/3BA Home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof studio, moveable island in the kitchen, and an above ground pool just to name a few luxu- ries that this beautiful home offers. * $350,000 Gorgeous 5BD/2BA Home on 3BD. IBA on 2129 acres 1620 Sq Ft $185,900 3BD/2 BA on 2.29 acres 1242 Sq Ft $181,500 Call or stop by 1 Vacant Land *1/2 acre in Caloosa Estates $99,500 *Port LaBelle lots starting at $23,500 Commercial *2500 Sq Ft Commer.il Building on SR 80. Grc i Exposure & Trail. Count. Only Building ,i Land convey. Call Listing office 2"i : Xw/Family Rr for details. $157,900 to see more information on all of our listings! U 274 N Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 www.melking.com 1. AFFORDABLE HOME ON ACREAGE! This 3/2 mobile home sits on 1.25 +/- completely fenced acres and is situated in a secluded country setting in Montura Ranch Estates. $91,500 2. REMODELED FROM HEAD TO TOE! This 2/1 home has been com- pletely remodeled w/ tile floors throughout, large enclosed family room surrounded by windows, and an additional large screened porch. $145,000 3. BEAUTIFULLY UPDATED HOME! This 3/2 home offers a com- pletely remodeled kitchen with stain- less steel appliances, oak cabinets, new carpet and freshly painted. Minutes from town. $172,500 JUST REDUCED! 4. MOBILE HOME WITH MOTH- ER-IN-LAW APARTMENT! Enjoy this nicely maintained 3/2 mobile home on 2+/- acres, w/ a Mother-in- Law apartment, kitchen appliances, two-bay pole barn w/ attached office and miscellaneous buildings. $199,900 5. TIRED OF MAINTAINING AN OLDER HOME? This 3BR/2B with split floor plan is spacious & mod- ern. Featuring soaring ceilings with carpet and ceramic tile flooring, and a screened lanai. $210,000 6. A DEAL THAT WON'T LAST! This beautiful and inviting 3/2 home with double car garage. This dream home has many features and has been! REDUCED! A deal that won't last! $223,000 7. IF YOU LOVE PEACE AND QUIET! this 3+/- acres with cabin is the place you've dreamed about! $225,000 8. THIS 3/2 HOME IN TOWN IS LOCATED ON CUL-DE-SAC. features stainless appliances, a fireplace, master bath with a Jacuzzi tub and his and her sinks, and an above ground pool. Call today for your appoint- f. ..- w .- * $242,000 Like new 3BD/2BA home on a Cul- de-sac that backs up to a greenbelt in highly sought after Unit 102 across from the Ranchettes. This home features 10ft ceilings with recessed lighting, Security System, split bedrooms; open floor plan with a den. Don't wait on this one call today for more info! * $235,000 New 3BD/2BA home with upgraded plumbing fixtures. New cabinets and countertops in kitchen and bathroom. Carpet and ceramic tile throughout. New security system installed with 3 years monitoring service paid by seller. Call today to schedule your appointment. * $176,700 Price Reduced -2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on a corner lot in Port LaBelle. Spacious living room and separate dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. lot has a separate work shop and small tree house great for kids. MOBILE HOMES: * $69,900 This 3BD/2BA mobile is situated on a double lot in LaBelle. Home is being sold as is. * $78,800 3BD/2BA Mobile Home in Ortona. The mobile home is partially furnished. The lot is surrounded in beautiful palm and oak trees. * $189,900 Spacious 3BD/2BA Manufactured home on 1.88+/- acres in Muse. Home features a split floor plan living area has a fireplace; kitchen has an island and pantry. The masterbedroom has an additional room that can be used as an office or sitting room. Well and septic tank are new Call today for an appointment. * $197,900 Immaculate 2 V1 year old 4BD/2BA manufactured home across form the river and boat ramps, many, many upgrades. A shed and irriga- tion. Call for more info. * $300,000 3BD/1BA Mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres. This Mobile home fea- tures a new well and roof. Property is also fenced in with a shed and pond. HOMESITES: City Lots from $13,000 to $72,900 SPort LaBelle Lots From $25,000-$50,000. Financing available call office for more info. Lehigh Lots from $46,900 SMontura Lots from $47,000 to $50,000 Moore Haven lots from $20,000 to 34,900 Clewiston Lots starting at $24,900 Call for more injbrmation on Ilomes, Homesiles, Acreage and Commercial lots. 10. EXTRAS! EXTRAS! EXTRAS! This 3BR/3B home with computer room/office, caged pool/screened porch, attached workshop off garage, detached workshop with storage addition, and much more. Take a look today! $259,900 11. CUSTOM BUILT BRICK HOME! This 3/2 home features a large great room, interior laundry room and new galvalume roof. Also, a fenced yard and barn w/plenty of enclosed storage. $270,000 12. RENTAL INCOME PRODUC- ING! This spacious 2/2 home also offers an attached 1/1 apartment and an 1,800+/- sq. ft. steel building. Beautiful oaks enhance the front yard and the back is fenced. $299,900 13. 9.6 +/- CLEARED ACRES with a brand new 2BR/2B manufactured home. This could be just the place that you have been searching for! Just minutes from town! $335,000 14. PERFECT COUNTRY SETTING! This 3BR/2B home on 4.82 +/- acres with split foorplan features a family room, living room and sliding doors that lead out to a screened back porch. New roof installed in 2006. Property is fenced and cross-fenced with a barn and stalls. $349,000 15. ADORABLE COUNTRY CHARMER! This 4Br/2.5B three sto- ries concrete block home. This home features two fireplaces and wood flooring, all new appliances and U I 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL. 33975 863.675.4500 Realtors: Emily Ankeney Tony Barnes Gregory Bone Lisa Cleghorn Shelly Cole * Bonnie M. Denning, CPA Ward Dickinson Joyce ;erstman Lisa -lerrero Phyllis Kelley-Miller Wayne McQuaig *Paul MNeador Dan Pool Katie Solomon Synda Willianms Tracey L. Williams Souther landL Investments 6 Real Est Sherri Denning Licensed Real Estate Broker www.soland.com $394,000 17. CUSTOM RIVERVIEW HOME! Enjoy living in a deed-restricted S/D with this 3/2 custom built home on 3 lots. Home boasts 2 single car garages w/ center workshop and full bath easy for conversion into moth- er-in-law or guest apartment. $595,000 18. EASY TO MANAGE RANCH! This property hosts a 2,000 +/- sq. ft. 3BR/2B brick home is breath tak- ing and has many quality you can respect! Just minutes from town. $600,000 19. CHARM WITH A PASSION! This beautiful county home sits on 4.35+/- with a new Pole Barn and Horse Barn and is waiting for your arrival. $650,000 20. PREMIER LOCATION! This 3BR/2B home in immaculate condi- tion with many luxury features! Like new detached 3 car garage with con- crete pad. Located on a quiet dead end road leading to Hidden Hammock. $725,000 21. COUNTRY LIVING! New in 2005 3/2 home, privately situated on 10 +/- fenced and cross-fenced acres behind entry gates into Riverbend Estates! Enjoy great porches, a spa- cious great room, eat-in kitchen, and laundry room. $795,000 n Call our knowledgeable and friendly staff about land form 1/4 acre to 100+ acres!!! WE'RE LAND EXPERTS! tate O EAOTUNITY -.ill Free a A7 S 3 4 238 BigeS.*L.leF 395-6-7586 BrtayKne, StayPtDstyPat 1991E I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 13 E^.. ..^ =7 Home t Builders \isit Our Model Center: 2480 E State Road 80 Open M-Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 Building Communities, 4, One Quality Home at aTilme! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder \* Th~ldL~i-vP~u~~..a2C 'S I :S @,IL2I 7026 Gill Cir. 3/22 $207,900 3045 June Cir. 4/2/2 $268,400 5012 Pinetree Cir. 3/2/2 $231,91 Great Deals!!!! Builder's Discount :7 '.:" a):: .1 Mortgage Interest Rate buy dotwn ,:".; ;- '1.5%-1st yr & .5% 2nd yr 30 Fixed rate wl CHL HM -i t./ FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (863)612-0012 3004 S. Balsam Cir. 4/3/3 $332,900 www.chlhomebuilders.com Vacant Lots Available QB39922 Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soont Lorida 10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months '* All Sr.:. H.Su'r l i.'' l' I t' .ii 1. "PritJ RotJ. *"Cou inr, W\di.r PrP w r 9016 Lamkin Cir. 31/22 $229,900 2029 N. Montana 3/2/2 $211,980 Cypress H Rental Available $1200 Mth Look for the Hendry Glades Real Estate Magazine now! RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 3BR/2BA CBS HOME W/POOL IN LAUREL OAKS, very desirable neigh- borhood w/ great floor plan for a grow- ing family. Property is surrounded by large oaks. Home/pool needs TLC, being sold AS IS. Price Reduced $199,900 APPEALING 2 BR/ 2 BA HOME locat- :ed in a desirable neighborhood approxi- mately 5 miles West of LaBelle. Features include open floor plan, new metal roof, ceramic tile, fenced rear yard, and gor- geous curb appeal. Home recently paint- e.3J .i-, d. ..d ..ut ;. .:e. d .,i.a. beauti-, fil -:5 n.:e .:,i Mle nri ready! $187.000. WATERFRONT HOMES / LOTS LOCATION. LOCATION, LOCA- TION!!! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT PARCEL! Two buildable lots w/ 60' pro- tected dock on old river oxbow. Pristine views up river & across to protected state owned land. Plus no corps setback, approx. 200 ft. of waterfront & situated on both the Caloosahatchee River(Intracoastal Waterway) and the old river oxbow. $1,500,000 Reduced $89,900 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR BEST! This recently renovated 3 Br / 2 Ba home is located at the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!!! $499,900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront home site on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Home site is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river. Permits are in place to re- dredge oxbow. $499,000 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jack's Branch w/river access. This Unique property also has its own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered w/large oaks. Call or more details. $475.000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! This 1.04 acre lot is wooded & located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Seller Motivated! Bring all offers! Price Reduced $399,000 % ACRE UNIQUE WATERFRONT PROP- ERTY zoned, for multi- f units. Located with- in the dry of LaBelle dose to Barron Park w/ ready access to the Intracoastal Waterwa, which leads to the Gulf & the Atlantic. One of the few privately owned man-made deep water canals in the area. $550,000 HOMES IN THE CITY AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home w/ office or possible 4th bedroom. Perfect starter home or rental invest- ment. Located within city limits, com- pletely fenced & priced to sell! Price STARTER HOME! This 3 BR / 2 BA manufactured home has a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! Possible owner financing available! Owner will consider all offers! Price Reduced $105,000. 3 RU 12 RA MANMTTAFACTTTU n tCHOM on fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle. Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining. $119,900 IMMACULATE 3 BR / 2 BA MANU- FACTURED HOME situated on shaded oversized 'lot in town & completely ferced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry & breakfast iain d Rcduced $134,900 NMOVE IN READY1 Ne. I, rernc.dclcd Br Ba 1-i.rie locked on I rg >k,[ in rhe city. New carpet, flooring and interior paint & spacious master bedroom. $179,900 PRICED TO SELL! Home in the city w/ many oaks. This 3 br / 2 ba features gal- valume roof, new interior paint, open living area, eat in kitchen & open dining. Fenced back yard with well for lawn irri- gation & storage shed. $184,900 CHARMING 2 BR 2 BA CEDAR HOME 'r. ..On oicriczed coner lot in ltie ,i,, Fte HHire arc .aiulted .: elirrg., ilet French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 HOMES 3BR/1BA IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. Nice floor plan, tile through out. Priced to sell $130,000 3BR/2BA HOME w/ tile through out liv- ing areas. Large living room + family room. Fenced back yard w/many tropicals & BBQ room. .Price Reduced $179,900 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEAN! This home is truly a beauty from the inside out. Features: ceramic tile, bonus room w/ hurricane shutters, screened porch, alarm system & spacious bedrooms & bathrooms. \ell nmanicured corner lot w/ irrigation ;,trem A rrnu.j see! $189,000 CBS HOME- PORT LABELLE UNIT 102. Features open floor plan, split bed- rooms, Frigidaire stainless steel appli- ances, tile throughout, separate tub and shower in master, vaulted ceilings, patio and two car garage. $239,900 NEW CONSTRUCTION 3 BR / 2 BA CBS HOME! Split floor plan, 2,000+ total sq. ft., granite counter tops, 18" ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling and many more upgraded features. $245,000 3BR/2.5BA CBS POOL HOME, spa- cious floor plan boasting over 2,000 ft. of a/c living space, large family room over- looking beautiful lap pool, patio and courtyard. Also features office/4th bed- room, walk in closets, brick paved deck and new roof in 2005. $310,000 HOMES ON ACREAGE 2 BR/ 2 BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured home w/ large screened room in Montura on 1.25 acre home site cleared w/ scattered trees. Price Reduced $119,000 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. This 4 Br / 2 Ba oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in liv- ing areas & many extras! Price Reduced $265,000 BACK ON THE MARKET! Priced to Sell! 3.18 +/- Acres w/ Cottage style home locat- ed in Port LaBelle Ranchettes. Situated at the end of a cul de sac w/ peaceful & pri- vate setting. Cathedral ceilings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan & wrap around porch. $325,000 SPACIOUS 4 BR/2 BA MANUFACTURED HOME on 4.84 +/- acres w/ pond & mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large master bedroom/ bath, office/nursery, formal living room, family room & open kitchen w/ island. $325,000 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/- acres fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse sta- ble. $490,000. HWY 78 FRONTAGE. Over 12 acres w/ 2 living units. Homesteaded in 1893 by William Henry Whidden. It will be hard to find a more desirable site. A prime location in an area of proposed future development in beautiful Fort Denaud. Features a 3/2 CBS home and rental mobile home on 12.03 acres with massive old oaks and palms. Located approxi- mately 7 1/2 miles West of LaBelle with frontage on Hwy 78 and Norris Road. $900,000. UNIQUE OLD FL.ORIDA ESTAT.I! 10,538 sq. ft. under roof + 2,585 sq. ft. pool & patio area! Exclusive pool home located East of LaBelle on 5 beautiful, oak- & citrus-filled acres fronting on SR 80. H.-nme features many architectural details froi, ,..ulrh.d ,ce rl id k, lights, toq S i.. Ir.I r!,- i..-.- ir c-u-lH r.., floor plan includes 3 master suites, pri- vate sitting rooms, French doors to large lanai, covered walkways, poolside rec room, 1 Br /'1 Ba cottage, twelve-bay workshop w/ garage, electric gate entranceway, paved drive & completely fenced. One of a kind! $1,500,000 COUNTRY LIVING...minutes from town. Located in the path of develop- ment! This 30 acre property w/ custom 2 Br / 3 Ba home offers income from grove, privacy & the possibility of future development with county approval. $2,000,000 LOTS 3RD AVENUE .45 Acre $70,000 CALHOUN STREET .64 Acre $89,000 201 N. HICKORY ST. .62 Acre $98,500 PORT LABELLE LOTS AVAILABLE $24,000 $48,000. Call for details. MONTURA RANCH ESTATES- Residential homesites available. COMMERCIAL / BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of(HWY 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida- Style two story building fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000. BRING YOUR BUSINESS TO THE HEART OF THE CITY. This business zoned property is located in LaBelle on Hwy 80. Improvements include CBS building w/44 x 24' canopy. $399,000 BEST BUY! AFFORDABLE BUSINESS ZONED PROPERTY! This 2 Br / 1 Ba home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and business- es. Priced to Sell! $179,900 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Excellent investment opportunity W/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft.; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator Bait Pub has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully furnished, completely equipped kitchen & offers a great start for any entrepreneur. $174,500.00. SE HABLA ESPAIOOL www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis .SHOSUCETSE RO- BOA. AND g, 5UNSET5, BOA AND DEEP STELLAR QUALITY in this spa- TOTAL 4KEOVER ON THIS -r BEAUTIFILOAr FH.,E 4 W:ATER BOAT DoC t hcitus ne. cuinstrrucldon lic-m .i.u A2..L htme Ne" kirhc cabn AC+- LOT thaLt Muld make:' ]H.r 4! i 5 homie on01715 ie" I. 1 ;the< e v u r+ ;h lta -llaT N et leat 0 f.r c,: lo "" "T h"eh 74. U .h1-.LWL th ni.e n t y Ad rrric'- ,,ini Net, gorgeous home sire.$650,000 Ll ti I titheilr L] applaeritndn. DriuNii. frsle a.. in op en halitt. baplioth .. ... are cermic .ile and arpe la !. ". nlo o spacious grear room. --' o The bi.drm om. 'a Per '' .- + .-=, : ., +.- arh. 8U.:-e ,o,... .. bJ" a .1.," IC l oil o.. .. l.. ---:' U .nbele -all mauste hedmnon.1 .amtnkAt ,'J,,d flooring. Cl-. L rha r rr, art.'j Sh detached e tarea tr I e. Ne c hrh his hers walk-mn ct:loets and ers ii all bcrizioo u Fau-i "w ,'I plara- oard. The large h .ardif r k d u has d p wiuer ard will ac.oit m.:janr L rtnaer bath with walk throughal ho ri.S: Marina and golfing ridn blind. .ll nnew liphr t`irure-s De..aratie nrurr. in b.lb ibath- S 75 fi long boar. 5$25,09W nearby. $349,9(00 rnirrnsiact rsard hiU a 4-le ,lat. Huge oAk t re. a tUapi.3p ,. shA *. bom m h.e a flurnx.m i ue Gr-ati .alue al a great pnci. r 159.900 ' .. .. ... """' ... .... .. ..... ...........a I'' .......... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... .... ".I1.111111. I. WALKERFRONI HOMES SUNSETS. BOATS and deep \arei dock alrnke with a- :'BR 'BA CBS Fhin'ie --n I1 I+ .ar $825.000 PANORAMIC VIEWS ol the C:al..:.. a.ai chie ie' ,'al \lOu it l Ll,- 'BR 2 5BA lo rin e iiah 1an1 o:itlrtd prl:,ate bout d>o.k (.ommunitnin' pool, boat ravnp. .- [en- nls i-c:.ir $749.000 UPGRADED 3BR2BA HOME FEATURES 1l t ,:f. rrv.er hfi:nt:aa Ciui.crnientr. loca.r. d ithir, 1 mile ot maria. restaurants and goll ,:cOitrsi. $599,900 SAVOR THE SUN jr s.,'ur pa i iiae iVterfre.nrt reti e.r 4BR 2B.A\ aniufactored home suis imajc-wirall at the end of a cul-de-sac O ersized back porch looks over the rnel for endless river views. $ 524,000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS with this 3BR'2BA home, navigable creek offers direct access to the Caloosahatchee Riser. $399,000 SUMMER FUINI BR 2BA MNH includes 135 ft. of river access. making an eass launch for jet skis. Detached garage and high quiiabi, upgrade. $395,000 PERFECT SIZED GET-A-VAY OASIS! S BR 2BA canal fionr 1 H includes detailed upgrades and tlihughtful landl.:.ipe $145.000 WATERFRONT HOMES SITES DREAMING OF OWNING YOUR OWN 12.64+,'- secduirl atc. island? $1.400.000 MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE YOURS. 2 50 + a.:. of rnerfr.:.nr acreage with remor- able sp',il eaeni'iienl has a,.- s from CR '7S. $965.000 IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA HARBOR. Includes boar doi.k. well, electric: anrd pro- tected harborage Ove.r 160 ft of waterfront $499.000 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. Riuer '.iews. ri-er access, and dock permit Deed rc~uicted community,, +,- ac. $129,000 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE RANCHETTES. 2 53 +.'- acnm desirable deed restrict- ed community. $425,000 TAKE IN THE BEAUTY OF THE RIVER from this 2.85 +'- ac. home sire in Pt LaBelle Ranchetes. 200 ft ot greenbelt beti ..en h:omt sie ind river, boat docks allo..,:l $410,000 GORGEOUS CUL-DE-SAC LOT offers appr o 175 tt :of..i ,lr Ironotge aid rJonis prn\acv. $250,000 HOMES 3 BR.2BA CBS HOME on '.i'i + ac bboii.t a i.-+u i ri h. s urh ,.,'i,": 2.ir, birn p ic,: ilI....:. IJrusu, iL l r r i.eei rjIunin ciiilm. $999.000 IBR 2B.4 HOME ON 6+.. AC. r .n .l...t,-. p.. r.l '' .i 'I .t irujtr '.'. 'I. .l ,h, l- S 'i.'-. ', pI: b.. r. l\ l .11 l,,. o101. ..r.r i. $699,900 3BR 2BA CBS HOME .r, i' ,. + I i,:.,-,r J p,,rid akei rar aria g ,,t ,i i.t'lt I t in.- .- It, c.'. < r.1- 11' .:1 L c $ .O$95,000 PICTURE PERFECT ..BR I.: \ I jp. .,ii : ,,..rtt t. i.irei, a- r. nil m tcr .r i. har tl, CI ( ...l.ro.i n.l L.. i .I ri1- $5419.900 DREAMS NE\TR END r, 1t .: Ih,m-ur 'iR 2B p,-,l I,,rne ,.r .H l., imy rpil, - .iia .:-ilir.~n : Jel, and g.:.iermet kil. h n $4-17.500 SUBMIT AND OFFER. NOTHING TO LOSE. OWNER WANTS TO MOVE!'! 3 .bl< .b \ ,.i% m I.:. g hu,- .,-, 3 iter,...- pjiunEie .iurEc i r. ltr- Hnrv : fr.ttur, -noo bui rlni r,,n- : fi rplice r .-f .iari rib- litr: 11 rmil prnc i.in'lt S ,.tr<-in .r,-h , ;'.- d t-EJ icrk [p..nd 3.-rk..h,.p and p,le t.arn.- $450.0f0 3BR2BA 2-STORY HOME SITUATED ...r, 3 5. + .a. i.:i: l r.lh barp 12' I.,.:rk ihr., at .i .. crc.-l .-,, r ig- 54-115.000i PORTRALT OF PLACE. Thi 'BR'B.s ,pin 11,-, pin .,,,m: n R1ernnd la..i n 'jul,..,J ,: .,lIri; ,c.: r.1 ,,_,;r ':. lk ijirq.,e[ 11 r.,rl ng. :parj- c li in, +rJ, I'rT 1, , 180 N. Bridge S. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 HEITAC E LAND CO 1-888-675-6762 LA D .heragelando.om w .henritagelandco.om [ MLS ' :1~t~ (CRLEGE 39 AC O.K PLNIrI ON r.:,:,rF':li.i fn..c.l .. 'h .I n l' I.'...i u i r, r. ,1 .I .. I Iltic ,:,lr, I IF Ad, J, f. i ,... 1,I r A l.,: I F h,... -,ui,;,n : $1,80(1.000 INCOME PRODUCING RAGE GROI ,, H,,, ,,,-r ,ri .,i ,', r, T r r ,,,- :.ll. ,,lin,:,I 1"-'. ,,hh, : $ 12..500 per ac 43.32 + ,\C. OF ... r'.r'c. ..,,rr. rc.., Ajn. i v r ,ji .. I 11 I ...." c.- .:,n :1II: : .ir( I. ,,, I ,,.,,-,,,..i ,: i[ ,, $1.190.00 0 OAK iHALMOCK. CYPRES A.ND PUSIMET- FOS ;r e f ih. 'ii + .: Fl... '.- ...:ci, JdJ [.: ':..luirif $I,.100,000 40 4-' AC. OFF :,11 ,TisriijiiJcd dlm it d.J Ii. dn, ,J r,-,lejii jr $30,.000 per ac ]1 ] r..l -jr I: i'I ''. i.: .. i i [ Fr [ riiu J '.i ii . Sare r .j.j $850,000 30 + A. OF IMPROVID pisure ..at h ,i.:.,:j.- ':'j r, "J u J"I': 1' '.'l.-ip .:".' i. J",Ji ,:.li,'l-, h,,,: $. $'15.000 20 + FENCED AC. ..r ..T-i-,r,.,,,, I , E,,l.,rr pi, ,i .l .- $660,000 20 + \r \ITH it.:,,r' .,! :0i:' : hr . I-,..i .: :- I..I 1: .: i ,t ,,:. ,, j r i ...., .I -. 1I d ; o ,,+g -i[i ii. i, i, -1m0l. i,,-umrT aari ni flntai masIrrTr Tb.ll $315,0011 D ,RE HOMEIT ., ,I,' i : LOCATION, LOCATION. LOCATION. 4 RE HOMI ri.-pec..able cutl..rm .BR '2b hn.rn ln..aited 1,''.". I "'....l ."'. ""i p' .I i, l,. ". .....: I.i a I ..l bn ur.Lin t. Arnmiluniv. $279,0)0 0 :. iI 1)Ii 10 l lljlllJi. A HOME WITH PERSONALITY AND. 18.5 I\RFS I... r.,1 ..It ..it ,li i,, ,j , CHARM! iBR.2.\ i- 5 lI,.rrn:e .pi, n .p I, $59.(000 Il,-.r pln $24-1.900 3BR-2BA WITH 1.656 SQ. FT. LIVING 1 .r ..- ....,-, t.-.. -.:.-J. .AREA. B.uil in t20." ,,crtd I-r'ai v i., I I'- 5 140.900) ho-' rut, $229.900. 3BD2BA ON SPACIOULS CREENBELT. [I hl.i.-,r Ii hM u l. Ir ..-i..0j. .:..,k' $210.000 NE\W ER3BR2BA ilh b d car garag, in Linit I Id T.le r h. i hi'i .. linrii .. a.nd .1 .,i.u :rl tub in rn-'a4tr i. it a're j, 3at t, .'. ,I he i ,nrr-erill Ir ituic. P'r,.d lu .-eli' $190,000 E'.ra It i x i. l' adIlable PARTIALLY FURNISHED RR '.BA hmr inTI.lrir, ic irl-.,.rl tilu .i shl.d Na,.r, -.il jnd :.irmubn, pioul $175.000 TOTAL MAKEOVER t.n Illt, i K.RBi h.2.,i N, 1 ..-.Il .A Ir .:d .,..t ,.,k N-,. Lhd,:ri,n i -nr'e_ ith .'liJd wurl hrc ,.,.ilnlrit,: ,F., $159.9011 DON'T WAIT ..r ihi, ..ia .adA.I,Hr '1IkR B h'mre .- .11 i.. .-1 .i,- I $149,900. 3BR IBA COUNTR VI\LLAGE HOME. ',..., i,,dllk r t.nd ....nc.n.r.-Ir ,,rr I U 4 : 'i I[ un l, :. oir s 1 ri, .: p.a,I dr' ,li ,' lic L-.act k ...| ii I -., ..m,.: i .nirnrd.ii'. H u. ,A ,irh ., .llI-.au, inm ,a. ., .-.I \In t i a]l:l.r.atbl-: I 39,900 .,r[ .ii Hri I :r-T Om i-l[it[l pr.j[lrr 539.9010) NEW CONSTRLiC TION CLUSTOM HOME! ;P, .R L:'t lE s .irnL .r ........ rIl...i, ,-1, In i .Ii. d I..ICitrI ...r, a iencr..i...i..t-, [te- 1... uahl ii ,iir..u.i l[uL. i,'n., tr'.iri [Is $389,900 FASHIONABLE AND FINCTION.U. ner ...,Im.rIT, u.... ib3k 2i: B\.B lH ..m .... '. + J.: III uadl Run [* D E$339.000 BE THE FIRST TO LIVE th. BR 2 B I,.Nr,,c I .i. 1 u-..t ,rJIiiu..., I I 1..,,:,rr, rlha, ; ,,ld, u'.,l .1 a; 3 til B R ,'.. i,.'. .,r ler I ..ar, (-,r-r.,,i ld ar Kr: t 'r.n-ipli, b\ I, I ', t i. 5 244.900) BUDGET FRIENDLY N NEW CONSTRLiCTION. .B!(.%i. ,-J..J: rc-er.tclt in.r.c rii.j:. Reduced 51 190.0011 $3.1100 seller contribuiinn LiST IN TIME TO DECORATE... -t,.,Ih ,nt, ,,,.n.n.,iurn Ih,.mo, ir, Ljul i .,k. ,D. C.ontr ien .it .l .:. .n ri he pOrr LabIll. M.I! irrn aJnd Ii.' 4 .I ll n... r.. )le .di% i grjgic of buiyr', incenrties -hile the\ Ij.il' Pri~e. .Irr jr 52S9.900. MANLiFACTURED HOMES COLUNTRY CHI-RM An 5 5.ie. -e.BR .B B.,:m me ,ah 2 r..'". h.. dnI ', .rll h. r, barn 20) + A ..a ,,.-r. .rI p f "I .'r ,- liu; .r 299,900 5 + r : : i i ,, r .1 rIjr.,: I.:. t ,,- i2(9.'1 00 itNIIJ E CONTRAlCT MUSE i ACRES -, L.-,I.L. .11i,: i iJ d 200.000 5 C(RFSi n.r .. $1"000il0 L.ADEC \ :RL\G I- ...nl L. r j, ,.,, :r + J. $165.00 2 AC. + l,,. il,-, 1[.J 5$14.,000 5 A(+ i., i.., ...- $25,000 PER \CRE 8 .C+ -... :, ,....: 516.500 PER AC RE MONTURA RINCH ESTATE, S i 1 :.. I 2 + j.: iu,.l. $39.900 o I$6',51)0 BEAUTIFUl, WOODED 2 j.. + I., .-.,rh ljIg-...Al..' ir, -IJ-.i $50,000 HOMESITEts REFINED HOMESITES a ,j.1,.1,1 in ,J,,- j fc.rr,:tijd Lt .ji Oj. F'..Tm $90,000 to $ 110 ,000 -, ...-, i....r I ...r,.I,: jl. .j,l. iih" HARD 10 FIND O(K FILLED .,.i:. h.l .. 1 h-. t, $150.000 ENJOl' THE QLUFI.EI ri... lll, 1 ,,, I.:. ,, $99,000 CANAM FRONI PARCEL. :ii +-. . ......: I.. I ,, $I 90.O I. 40+ IC t01 OFF CR 8 ,,,. 1,1.,. ,: I ,,1. I-.c. r ,, u: h l,, I ,,,.. I. d I. r n 1 I n. Ih I I r l ch-,, ["".:.r W-,9'(0i .40+ A(C 1.)1 .ACROS FROM C.\(100\ ESTATE'S S D ii .' i .. l ..,I ..11 i.,,, $525,u000 3BR2BA ON 6+ CROSS-FENCED ACRES ir'-I l. ls t1i. .... i ., ,, i pli.r R \ : r ujp .Irt J l.,cI ;.t 1 : j"h 't'..|1" n...rc $429.I100 L IK E N E W l-I I 1 i d,-.[% .l ..u l M Hi ,-.,, S, .4 + i: 5399.00n STIRVID FOR SPACE' III.Il, .1. ..r, + 1 2 1 1 n,. I-,,,,' n1 ,..- l -_t '.'4 r- 1...HH. l ,.,... t Ir .. .. . ,.rklI $199.9i l) 2BR2BA I UTH DEN ,, pl ._,,- 1_.:. ,... te l', l .t I .. h hs., ,I I,,.rr :. rir, $197.91i0. MI NUMND#ROM'IRACT .oml LOOKS SMLaLL. LIVES BIG8 .'.1 1- ..n .*l.,|.. ,-,u ,,ll d,| ,,.. $ 155.001,) GET OUT OF TO% N PRICED TO SELL 3BR 2 \ A !H ,I, ,... ..II nl ,.- ; |I ,r-I .[r Sir. r h .. .,. $1'i 1 0 I 3- \C BUILDABLE LOT -..i L-c U l: i.ne ,n I.J r.i c,-,,J. ,i H ,.It. .i Fri rril $85,000 CHERISH THE CHARM -. t [hi b...juiihl ul. Ill l ..ir, 1 .:.1 r + J. $85,000 IROPIC.AL GULF ACREs, H.-.n lr.t.' In 2 2 5 ACRE PARICELS nr P...r,,- jI -:.:.jij ,,,I :. .r $oo.000 each PRIrACI PURE AND SIMPLE...n rh,:: ir i :. , S-. : i' ,j..':i; t.:t.l h iPr'o: rl c:n icn..c.J t,.no $85.000 and up. 2.5 AND 5 AICRE io' ...:: 'i. i,...c. :r PI'l .uri...r fn.,,:, irT .m 14,000 to $1'5,000. LEHIGH ESTArES + I,:.riarHitnrli i..Ji'-hj '. d .l,er: $66.900 S + j.. b ,jlld hi. 1 ..' r .:. 1.:.l Pl.i L, lh ,$62,900 INDLIN HILLS + .., $.. + 553,900 to $55.000 3 TO CHOOE FROM 4 + r.. Il:.t iF,-i I..IlLh .:i.: $41.9010 o$54,900 'IlDE \UARIE Of HOMISI rESi r, jl r,It. .lI l,.lI Ltji'..li,: .r rlhi $r l...000 :. ,,: | I J,. [,, " + j.. ..'...-[Tii jr $20,000 I LI COME Rf LA. 4.61 + ,C ZONED 1-2. i',.-,:.r ':'' ..'I ill L lil.liri, 'l |i-i' 11 i..Ilu.c j i I: ...... I h ..l ] I -.. i ,).oui m iV. j a-.i:r Il h,,, I, ,,, I ,1-, $ .900.0lj00 l.0b SQ Tf. COMMERCLUB BUILDING S ,, I _-. + I. H ,LI, rj tr f. l ', J I-,. ...Jc ',.,l i,-., p.I ..,-ai, $1.250,000 I II .ACRFE Of PRIME B-I ZONED PROPFRIn ... ..,I, irnT. '.,l..:' ,,, , S.. i I ,,, $1,200.000 L\c-ELIETl L[OC TION FOR OUlR BUSl- NEi'E i' l:. mluhlj :. I + j. i,.. l. I jru ,,; R....... A; NE .,. I',' -;.. :. ll.., .0, -:,\ 1.. 1 1i, I ,_.. I.L I f. r $I 899.900 GREAr BUSINESS, POITNiAI...,r, 2: ..-t ih .I 1 + ,. ..ll -...l 1 r I,.s,- 0 q99.400 )OUR RI.SINESS BELONGUs ,1 hil ..: , llll t'.f'.J,_'; ', ,='],,j t,., I s-,,U 0 .. .Ih | -.hr,,hI, I-,I | i,,.,|,.|, I 9 .2 1,. OFF i\ i` 8 |INl LABELLE. .> + ..: I.11 "+d r: I .I :, ll -u i -, I,..' il,,r $ .. : I', *..I h j O,,.r I" '- hD,: ' 1MOi\E OLR BUSINESS TO LBELLEI ... .... .. r ,, $.22 1..0. COMMERC\I LOT ..n lu..l, I-i j... !,I .....11. I ........- $13".000 ............................ .... ......... .CfrP~: I _I I , Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 PAUL ROSER E REALTORS A !863-675-0898 OFC m PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET S. MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/564-2005 cell 239/564-2002 How to Save Money on Home Insurance Perhaps the biggest area where most homeowners would prefer to trim some fat off their monthly bills is with their homeowner's insurance. While such a thought might seem like false hope, according to the Insurance Information Institute, there are a variety of ways homeowners can lessen the blow of their monthly insurance bill. Raise your deductible. Raising your deductible is perhaps the quickest way to lessen your monthly insur- ance expense. Deductibles are the amount you have to pay toward a loss before your insurance company begins to pay.A $500 deductible, the recommended. minimum, means you would have to pay $500 toward damages to your home, and your insurance company would then pay the rest, if those damages were covered under your policy. A homeowner who chooses to raise his deductible from $500 to $1,000, however, might save up to 25 percent on his monthly insurance costs. Make your home more disaster-resistant. Regardless of where you live, your home is susceptible to some type of disaster. Perhaps your region is prone to earthquakes, tornadoes or even hailstorms or hurri. canes. These days it seems nowhere is safe from natural disasters. Therefore, making your home more disaster- resistant is another possible way of cutting your home- owners insurance costs. Adding storm shutters and roof reinforcements might enable you to save you some money. Doing some inside remodeling with newer appliances can also reduce the risk of fire or water dam- age to your home, which should lead to lower monthly insurance costs. Install or upgrade a home-security system. While the initial costs of installing or upgrading a home-secu- rity system might seem costly, some insurance compa- nies make it more than worth your while, slashing your premiums by as much as 20 percent if certain systems are installed. TIpically, an insurance company will you give you the biggest discount if you install a fire or bur- glar alarm system that immediately notifies local police, fire officials or even a company with a monitoring sys- tem. The best way to determine if such systems are worth the investment is to speak with your insurance provider first and ask about which systems garner the biggest discounts. Keep a good credit rating. This is sound advice even for people who aren't homeowners but would like to be someday. Though it hasn't come without contro- versy, many insurance companies are now looking at credit ratings when determining prices for homeown- ers' insurance policies. Having and maintaining a strong credit history is entirely under your control and can save you money in the long run.. Combine your policies. In most instances, insur- ance providers will charge less if you select them as your homeowner and auto insurance provider. Savings can reach as high as 15 percent and make for an easier time when it comes to paying the monthly bills as well. However, do your research. While combining coverages usually works in a homeowner's favor, that's not always the case. Find out how much coverage will cost using the same company as opposed to two, and choose the less costly of the two options. Stay with the same company. Insurance companies typically reward their longtime customers with strong payment histories by offering them lower rates. More often than not, this works on a tier system, where cus- tomers who have been with a provider for X amount of years will get a certain percentage discount. That per- centage typically rises with each period spent with the company. However, keep an eye on rates from other companies just to make sure you're getting the best rate possible. ankuf America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BaMortgage Loan Officer # ~Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment NIow certified iin FHA/VA fi tsnicin.g 1H Viaa 'F.." 'f Pool Home just west of LaBelle. Beautiful 3/2 with large two car garage. Split floor plan with a view of the orange groves behind.- Located in Park \\,i:.,cls Estates. Over half and acre. $295,000 Please call Jill Dillman 863-673-3822 HhIE'~i~~jijiiij~~.r.na~r,,pr IgP~s~ ..nWp.~~- w lt~sr B I-rrX~9 1 I 1~$~l ~ ~~~j -rp~r '--"-.~a,.r'~ rnW.r, ~ r C'""'"t "l 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 Ifyou are l,, ':o trl, ,' y i: IiH or selling give us a call! CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT www.newhorizons-re.com Se Habla Espanol S .. - :iNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. PAM Al sl SiFLI.dEill,, t1r,: IC., ,-Itl ", 16':6-i.:,.- SELLER SAYS TO MAKE AN OFFER! Genuine Country Feel! It's relaxing just being at this beautiful 3BR2B ,. .,. l.. -~,,, T ,, ;:_,' -,.,: ,,-j ; -i l ceilings, stone ,,I' i,,- l j Ii ,. i ,, .: 11, ].:',.:ige feel like, a tl.* r -I". l d, l,,', Ji, I -, I ,,,. late in design: L':' -],.n tn j. hn ir l i'.,,j Crr ryle 3/2 home offers peerless quality inside and out. Nestled on lovely shaded .62 acre homesite. Call for the impressive details ___jW .,,.,,ilc~l I~n~, .. .l lIl. i.i IJ.iltfl),00 RE[I.ED'! 0 1.1-... H .. ,, a, fl r,, l I.. .. .. ~. SELLER SAYS TO MI N O E0.001 REnDU( E Dout New home under construction. A beautiful 3BRI3B home that will be finished in late July. Lots of upgrades and lots of room. $285,000. Immaculate new construction CBS home just built in 2006 features 3BR/2B, 2 car garage vaulted ceilings, and recessed lighting in the spacious kitchen. Only $249,900 3BR/2B brick home located in town on a canal loaded with fish. Home features a new roof& A/C, ceramic tile & wood laminate flooring, and a screened porch w/ jacuzzi. $225,000 RIVERFRONT FLORIDA STYLE 2 STORY HOME on Ft. Denaud Rd. 3/3.5 with huge wrap around porch. All bedrooms have full baths, first floor master suite has Frech doors leading to an office/nursery Home sits on a beautiful oak filled 2.64 acre site with 228 feet of river frontage and a grove of produc- ing orange and grapefruit trees, Property maybe split into 2 riverfront sites of 1 riverfront and 1 off river site. $1,100,000. 2 STORY HOME ON 2.5 ACRES in the coveted Port LaBelle Ranchettes. Located on the river side, with only a greenbelt between you and the Caloosahatchee Intracoastal, build your boat dock in the safe harbor of the Army Corp maintained waterway Live in the country, just seconds from the heart of LaBelle, horses welcome. $695,000 A wl: -. MORE THAN MEETS THEEIEI Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets, Low maintenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceilings. interior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash andgranite countertops, all windows have wood casing surrounds, a brick fireplace, and wood floors throughout finish the look. $499,000 REDUCED 50 FT. PRIVATE DRIVE leads to expansive 6,7 acres with 470+/- Ft of riverfront located close to town. Build close to the waters edge with almost viturally no Corp. Easement. $2,500,000. RIVERFRONT 5 ACRES with 215+/- feet of frontage. High elevation reveals spectacular views. $895,000 REDUCED RIVERFRONT 1.15 ACRE homesite on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $525,000 REDUCED PROTECTED HARBOR lust one lot in off the main channel of the Caloosahatchee Waterway Build your dream home under the scenic oaks in this park like setting. Located in Caloosa Harbor S/D. $450,000 LOTS AND LAND 318 ACRE HUNTERS PARADISE Old Florida its best. Enjoy the tranquility of the wild life and natural habitat with several gorgeous oak hammocks a beautiful creek and several ponds. 'Irkey, deer, wild hogs, leave evidence of their pres- ence on the property $4,777,500. DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced independently) 2BR/2B Brick home on an oversized lot in the desir- able Quail Run S/D. Features new flooring, screen porch, fenced back yard, and a detached 2 car garage. Only $239,900 Fertile Financial Ground! Plant your investment in this exceptional Duplex. 2BR/1B on each side and ide- ally located in town. Very nice with beautiful yard. Nice harvest awaits you! $225,000 REDUCEDI Solid Decision, Solid House! You'll be glad to see this spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing with quality, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, J,.,, ...-. ii,,] j,',lJ :. aj ,: .,1. I.::. 1 ; ,: f ....,I,J r[ ,:., r,:.:,|' :. Ih I jll.J ,ill "Ji- h, .." [l i ....Tr) II.: h. ..Tf -' $199,900. Super Deal for a Super Family! Spacious 3/2 with vaulted ceilings. Park like fenced backyard. At this super price you need to see super soon! $169,900. SIVIj IBILB MC3IIB. 3BR/B manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $110,000 Need more "living" room? 2,152 sq ft of luxurious living. This 4Br/2B home on 10+/- acres has it all, from it spacious family room w/stone fireplace, master suite w/office, cov- ered porch, and fencing for horses. This one is a steal @ only $450,000 *Size will surprise you! 2BR/2B home on 10+/- acres is very well kept and former modle home. Features a warm comfortable living room w/ gas fireplace, spa- cious kitchen, front & real covered porches. $400,000 * Bring your horses and relax the rural way! 4BR/2B manu- factured home with over 2400 sq. ft of living area sitting on a georgous 6.5+ acs of land & fenced for horses. Too many extras to list, call for an appointment today! $350,000 * Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped grounds are a fitting introduction to a superb 3/2 home! Huge screened lanai, oversized carport, 2 sheds and addi- tional 4 stall carport/workshop Plus pasture for kids pony! Worth calling about quick! $199,900. * Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only $179,900. * 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot tucked away on a quiet street. Oak trees cr:al I ti.,.: ; J',.J ..fii ,:i, li t.:J.h ,1 u '. l .,"1:' rf 164,000 ' Th. Li r ) AI. p:.l i,.- Ih .rr,:.d ..i| ul I.k .1 immaculate home nestled on1l.25 acres ,'.,,,,'-n . stone fireplace in Family room. Formal di-,,-, ,-IT ,i huge kitchen with lots of cabinets and cuc,-jil., i Tranquil Master bedroom offers a personal retreat room and lavish bath. Spacious and smart buy at $154,900 * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 * Privacy + Peace & Relazation! 3BR/2B doublewide w/1,300 sq. ft. under air in town. Privacy fenced on 3 sides & chain link in rear. Backs up to pond! Extras include shed, huge Florida rm & BBQ deck. $139,900 *REDUCED! REDUCEDI 3BR/2B home exceptional inside and out! Watch the sunrise on front deck and sunset on the back deck. Something for everyone with 1 acre fenced yard to keep kids happy, large workshop for Dad and big kitchen for Mom! Just $139,500. * REDUCED! Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beauti- ful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $127,000. * Rare find outside of LaBelle but not to far from schools or shopping. 3BD/2BA manufactured home fea- tures split floor plan, built in cabinets, separate shower & garden tub in the master suite, and much more! All on .50+/- acre. $132,000. * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a Y acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. for an upscale residential project. $150,000 per acre. SECLUDED. HEARYOURSELF THINK 20+/- acres west of LaBelle off Kirby Thompson Road partially filled with fr- hi, 'idu. p.:.i;d irnd 41 plu; loads of fill for your use. $440,000. PORT LABELLE RANCHETTE located on Frontier Cr, 2.53 Acres back up to greenbelt area and horses are welcome. Restricted to site built single family residences. $275,000 EXECUTIVE HOMESITE Gorgeous wooded 2 Acres, Make Live Oak Lane your permanent address, Near town but seems like miles away Enjoy the convenience and privacy. $170,000. OVERSIZED HOMESITE conveniently located in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres manicured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. Was $105,000, reduced to $79,000 for qnick sale, PORT LABELLE LOTS close to new development area & marina, Priced from $39,000 to $57,900, Call for inventory list. Over 60 high and dry sites to pick from. SELLER FINANCING AVAITABLF with 20% down to quali- fied buyer. Port LaBelle 1/4 ac, lot. Many new homes under construction in the immediate area. Asking $45,000. Nice Building Lot in Horseshoe Acres for mobile or site built home. Only $18,500 LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING. Horses Welcome Upgrades include wood floors, stacked stone fireplace, granite counter- tops, stainless steel appliances, crown moulding, skylight dormers, and top of the line ceiling fans with decorative medallions. The caged pool features, spa jets, pavers, and a generous lanai. The 12 acres is every horse lovers dream. It includes a large barn with 3 oversized stalls and tack room with shelving as well as a fully irrigated riding arena and a 24x44 workshop/office. Additional Acreage available, offers must be contingent upon Glades County approval for proper- ty split. $695,000. WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY for the right investor This 20 acre parcel currently has a 1988 cedar home with galvaume roof and a 1997 singlewide manufactured home on the prem- ises. Both homes are in need of rehabilitation, Seller has start- ed the process but there is still quite a bit to do. Property can be split and is priced at land value only $590,000, BEAUTIFUL NEW CONSTRUCTION 3/2+den/office (could be 4th bedroom). Features include solid surface countertops, stainless steel appliance package, huge master suite with lux- urious bath and washer/dryer. Located on Capt. Hendry Dr., close to everything. Price reduced to $361,000. COUNTRY QUIET living on 3+/- acres. Spacious great room concept with fireplace. 3Bed/2Ba plus office, propertyfeatures a large screened porch and a detached pole barn with enclosed storage. $229,900. 3BR/BAHOME conveniently located within LaBelle city lim- its, close to shopping, schools, etc., newkitchen,A/C and duct work. $209,500. * Best Bargain for Miles! 35 beautiful seduded acres at ONLY $25,000. per acre! WITH Pole Barn, Electric and several wells! Call ASAP for showing! $875,000 * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft: Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RG1.Surrounded by upscale sub- j, "-,,:,, i fif..: J i' :j .Ji I ,,i .i.:. r l..I'i ,1 i liIIII S '+ + j n.. ir, I:i h .i: rl' Pl l):,Lu ..,1 .'1lIl:l1 : I- 'l :i1.- h"'11 ".:.,: r' t- m jr ui.. I -,,J O ,1n.,1 1 l 5,1l1)1.1 $132,000. *. Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. .., II p..ir. i l,,i I,-.. ., i f i, I,,,... I ,-.. goodbye to city pressure aid enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $85,000. the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! - --------------- * -, l| .l u.. .J II .., ,- I., 1 ..I.. li, ,h ,: ,,.1. 1 ,IL ,Ih. C', .h'l, : [' ,,, I ,l, ,- 1. Ir,, ,, ,,. ,,,,i , all -, , i-,. 'u r. 'l u ,9.lill * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell (t only $59,900. Possible seller financing. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. * Call about our Port LaBelle lots! S. "__. M asa r --I A;.. POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on vour side in this invest- ment! $2,750,000. Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. 1.18+/- acres zoned C-l commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $499,000. Beautiful.25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. REMODELED BRi2BA plus den (could be 4th bedroom) on large corner lot, New kitchen, one of the best floor plans in Pt LaBelle, fenced backyard. $179,500. 1930'S FLORIDA CRACKER HOUSE 2/1 on oversized downtown corner lot. Adjoins B-I zoning on three sides, with potential for business zoning of its own. If you're looking for a slice of old Florida Architecture, this one's for you. $169,900. ZERO % DOWN FINANCING AVAILABLE Gated and pri- vate meandering drive leads to 3Bed/2Ba manufactured home features include 2 screened porches, a 28x30 shop/garage, plus a 12x16 storage bldg. with x-tra refrigerator and A/C, all on 2 Acres. $169,000. WANT A LARGE YARD? Here is a 2.5 Ac well shaded & beau- tifully ttreed property with well maintained 3/2 manufactured home. Start enjoying the great outdoors! $160,000. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL PRIME CORNER with approx. 590 ft. on well traveled Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm St. The front 2.7 Ac are zoned Light Industrial with the remaining 4 ac zoned Heavy Industrial. Great opportunity for flex space development. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located across from the State Attorney's Office and close to LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. COMMFRCIAL POTENTIAL 4 ac. located approx 1 mile west of Cowboy Way with 800 lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the proposed future Wal-Mart location, $1,500,000. 2 ACRES OF MIXED INDUSTRIAL USE witl 176 ft. on prominent CowboyWay Asking $915,000. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4.65 AC with 2400 Sq. Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access, just outside the city limits. Couldi be split under current zoning. $819,000. IEAVW INDUSTRIAL 1 AC SITE just south of the city limi s, Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000 HARD TO FIND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $269,000. SR 80 FRONTAGE 3/4 acre+/- Zoned B2 Area of new growth. $260,000. Thinking About "Whfre /ouW Come 'Uy With 2lie oneyTor A New 3fome? ~ ~ ~ 'Worry No Nore 'W'e Hfave A Solution For yo. oRe ing, Build Your Drean Losm spat & Pay off Crelit Card We P aced Loans That Others Co1ldn Alan Kelly Mortgage 863.674.0091 REDUCED S2Bed,2Bath, Fenced and more. Come build your dream .home on 5+/- acres. Optional ". 5+/- acres avail- able for purchase to the south and to the East. For additional price. Call Francine for more information. , Call 863-675-0000 I ..-1 W %prnct i, Lt. Broker I V- %k8 at, \x' I.dI, fI., (863) 675-1203 (863) 673-5554 R A E .LT \\- .... Spc...-rR.,.lnFI ..,.m PRICE lUST DROPPED FOR IMMEDI IT ~ ,., ii : ..i ,n i-,: i., i,: .i .,r : :,.... ,.,,." Th,, 3bedrooii CBS hone is in immaculate c ,.c i1 .... lA.I, : i, .. i,, :-,,, :1 i I,.:. c..r.,,,. ,.'j ,: ..*,i' tl:.d fenced backyard. Walking distance to everything. $189,900. RIVERFRONT HUGE 2-STORY COUNTRY HOME ON 3/4 ACRE RIGHT IN THE CITY! This 3 3 home has tons of extras, including hardwood flooring, slate bathrooms, elaborate 2-person shower, plenty of closet space, extra-large master bedroom, high-end, custom cabinetry throughout, island kitchen, even custom ceiliL;. i,.,,: ,,, r.: ,i.. ,.. .-1- i, ,- i,.,,:, h... j 'l.. : r., i: ll ..: ,n lj.. q uj.i- r Beautiful set ... 1 ,, 1 ,,IIh ,-,., :, I,:,J ,:, i,.: hu h .,'. f. r.: i.:.o-r -raiF r,.:, c..tI f, j' circle drive, ,-: ..i. .: I,-,I A A'.: -,-, i,,,, i-I. it.: l'< ,.,[, I,, 5' -" i; ,nc 2,500,000 BRU N G ,\N 0 I f R irI .,.. ,, .1 i .. ,.,, h,.. .,, .1,: u,,n,h -., i 1 h,.,,Ti ,- |.ri,,., :' ri|, ,..Jl- ,1,1 ,d ,,,., ,,,,,, h .II,, =1.h ., h. ,,,,I-, 1h .lI 1 "1. jI 1_, ,.. 1 I..I I, -1.ll: 1 J .Jr r l .. :.. overlooking a large canal. Separate laundry room gorgeous living room with really nice fireplace and cus- tom windows. Come take a look!! Just reduced to $289,900. 2.5 ACRES WITH 3/2 "TOP OF THE LINE" MANUFACTURED HOME!!! Perfect home if you "need your space," located on a big corner lot in Ft. Denaud Acres. Even fenced for your horses. Many extras, including ceramic tile floors, upgraded appliances, garden tub, and large split-floor plan. Ready to go! $219,900. MUST SELL!I! 3/2/2 IN DESIRABLE AREA OF CITY!!! Seller relocating, wants an offer! Ceramic tile, car- pet. This ranch style home has a lot to offer. Deck right on the water, big front porch, extra large yard. Bring .... I.. .' i .... 279,900. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDrI. HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN, BROOKE RUCE AND DON BURDICK AX -675-0500 NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON SLS. SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE into two 5+/- parcels. One is vacant with septic, NO PETS electric and well. The other has a 3/2 mobile 2/2.5/1 car- $900/M with a screened in porch on front. Asking 2/1- $850/M $275,000. 1/1/1 car $575M$275,000. 1/1/1Icar $57/ 2/2 ON 100+/- ACS in Glades County. LEHIGH ACRES POOL HOME In $2,500,000 Westminster Gated Community. Fully furnished 3/2/2 + Office. Non-Smoking. $2,000/M REDUCED! IN EAST FT. MYERS 3/3/1 over .HORSESHOE ACRES (East of 1.aBelle) 3/2 1,900 sq. ft. living area. Home has 2 masters, Mobile. $750/M. new roof, new A/C, fenced yard. Motivated sell- EAST FT. MYERS 3/3/1 Extra space every er. Asking $269,900. where. $1,000/M. IN PORT LABELLE On a corner lot. 3/2/1, COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE newer roof, painted on the inside. Priced to $800+tax/M sell. Only $189,900. LOTSSTARTING AT22500 LOCATED IN THE CITY- 2/1 being sold'As Is' LOTS STARTING AT $22,500 $125,000. HOMES FOR SALE ON MLK BLVD 3/1 home has been renovat- IN THE CITY LIMITS ON OAK ST 2/2 with ed. Priced to sell at only $129,900. carport on a double corner lot. Owners have ON PHILLIPS RD 2/2 two story home on 5+ taken care of this home and it shows. Home is acres. Home features an open floor plan with in excellent condition. $182,900. screened in lanai on the back and a balcony on REDUCED POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING the front. Property has several trees, large barns 10+/- oak filled acres. Property has been split and out buildings. Asking $450,000. 863 675 4550 A ea Rodney Murray & Seth Howard Lic. Real Estate Brokers stateC co Associates: Phil Lewis, 0B ,, Tamra Franco, Kyndel Murray 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & partially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $254,900. Immaculate 4/2 well maintained home with an awesome workshop 20x30 workshop, 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. $269,900. Very Nice 3Br/1.5Ba on large corner lot w/in town con- vienience, fenced back yard & 2 yr old roof. Only $169,900. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 19 acre orange grove. Located in Hendry Co. $11,900 per acre. 40 acre orange grove. Located in Hendry Co. $11,900 per acre. 365 Acres w/3,000+/- ft. on Hwy 80 and 1,300+/- ft. on Old River. IMO=S -ANlbbk C-o .1' Ism N" r--- I II I %b" aeds Sr SOLUTn for any personal items for sale under $2,500 Announcements I Merlcandise ol Homes g lg MoileH l Recreation i kFiilMM1"R -0rI', 1:80 . Financial Rentals Automobiles Services ..Real-. stt Puc -tices More Papers Mean More Readers! -f ^R. each more readers when you run your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. r Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center *f Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into I 2 inch -.- (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) SMust include only one item and its price ' (remember it must be $2,500 or less) Call us! ble No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements II il Important Information: Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word "advertisement'. All ads accepted are' subject to credit approval. All ads must conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 Aoto 0r102 ADOPTION A nurturing family seeks to adopt an infant to love and cherish, We are fi- nancially secure to provide a promising future. Please call Christine and David at (888)322-0924. #1704154 Auction- 220+/- acres divid- ed. 4br, 2 1/2 bath log home. Grady Co., GA. Satur- day, November 11, 10am, Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388. 10% buyer's premium GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.com. Auction- 827+/- acres divid- ed. November 9, 10am, Scotland Road, Dublin, GA. Timberland, hunting, invest- ment, development potential. 10% BP Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388. www.rowellauctions.com GAL AU-C002594. AUCTION-New NC Ocean Front Duplex; Topsail Island Surf City, NC. Saturday, No- vember 18, 2PM. Iron Horse Auction Company, www.ironhorseauction.com/, (800)997-2248, NCAL#3936. BOB TAIL JACK RUSSEL- fe- male, recently spayed, vic of Hwy 80 & Elm St. (863)675-2379/342-3464 DOG, Black & Brown, Female, Medium size. Very Friendly. Found at You Save. Call to ID. (239)896-3127 DOG, Found, Chihuahua / Ter- rier Mix, Female, Vicinity of Basinger 700A. Call to ID. (863)467-2112 PIT BULL, Male, found in Okeechobee Little Farms area. Call to identify (678)268-8191 Several Animals for adoption. Cats, Dogs & Ferrets OR need Foster Caretakers. Please Call. (863)763-4333 BEAGLE PUPPIES- (2) 7wks old, vicinity of Little Farms (863)763-3613 or (863)697-2243 Find It faster. Sell It soon- er In the classileds Ba.EBB3 i CAT, REWARD Brown/Black stripe, shorthair white tip paw stomach, chest. 2 yr old male. Fixed (863)697-3207 WALLET, lost @ Wal-Mart on Sun. 10/22 If found please call Carolyn Thomas (863)447-1841 REWARD BIRD DOGS, 1 male & 1 female, started on quail. Need good homes. (561)722-5289 FREE: MIXED DOG Well be- haved, female, good with kids. Bridle color. Call 863-673-1062. KITTENS- 4 very cute, to good homes only (863)763-1893 ask for Bob MALE CATAHOULA/ Bull dog mix. Crack eyes, No Hunting, fenced yd. (863)467-0380 PAINT SPRAYER- commer- cial, 5 gal & 1 gal buckets of paint. FREE (863)675-0247 Musttake all POMERANAN/CHIHUAHUA female dog. Unable to take care of. Free to good home only. To inquire: 675-0949 RABBITS pure bred, w/cages & accessories. Free to good homes. Ref's.863-228-7230 RODESIAN RIDGEBACK DOG, Spayed female, needs loving owner, quiet, housebroken. (863)675-4098 evenings SKUNK, Descented, to good home, if interested, please call (863)843-0336 ,Garage/ MultiFamily HIGHWAY 29 SOUTH next to Pro Auto. Fri. & Sat. 11/3 &4, 8am. Sofa's, dryer, pallot jack, clothes, tools, & lots of preloved items. oring S ale Hwy 80, 5 miles E of LaBelle Sat., Nov. 4th, 8am- ?? Shop tools, motorcycle parts, marine items, auto parts, shelving, furniture, h/h & misc. RAIN OR SHINE! LABELLE Corner of Sl.Rd. 29 N & Nobles Rd. Sat. 11/4,8a-2p Something for everyone!! LABELLE- Fri & Sat, Nov. 3rd & 4th, 8am-?, 486 8th Ave. Off Belmont. Boys clothes, some turn, HH items, misc. LABELLE, Sat.,11/4 8am til ?, 365 Eighth Avenue, Belmont. Christmas Tree, File Cabinets, Feather Bed & More! LABELLE- Sat., Nov. 4th 1644 Garden St. 7:30am-1:00pm. Furniture & more. LaBelle,Sat.,Nov4th, 8am-?, 126 Clay St., Craftsman chip- per vac system, clothes, kids toys, computer, HH items HOMELESS, Educated, Single White Male, 58yrs. old. Smok- er, Non Drinker looking for re- lationship. (863)585-6601 OKEECHOBEE 62 yr. old, Blk. male retired, seeks 45-55 yrs. Christian female telephone pal for friendship. (863)467-7770 Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- D TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- tor.com. Your accredited High School Diploma in 30-days or less. No classes. FREE evaluation. www.FinishHighSchool.com (866)290-6596. Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people! I.pe l NoIt ic What Destroys Relationships? Answer pg 446 Buy and Read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard Send $8.00 to: Hubbard Dianetics Founda- tion, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722. loyment Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 A/C Person Needed Will train right person to do A/C work. 863)675-0358 bet. Oam-2pm, Mon.-Fri. only I.pca ic I7peial Notic DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. 800)940-2778, www.drive- forcrst.com. DRIVERS Experienced Class A CDL. Local, year round. Excellent benefits pkg includes insu- rance, uniforms, paid holidays, paid vacations & bonuses. The Liquid Plant 1000 County Rd. 846 E Immokalee (239)657-3181 Drivers -Car hauling career. GREAT HOME TIME! Excep- tional Pay & Benefits! Paid Training! Min. 1 yr. Class-A CDL exp. req. THE WAG- GONERS TRUCKING (912)571-9668 OR 866)413-3074. Em aloyment EpiIye'n Ful Tie .205 EIplye Ful Tie 111 Empoyen Full Tim CALOOSA BELLE is looking for an Part time time with somewhat flexible hours The ideal candidate will be self-motivated %,ith an outgoing personality, more than average computer skills, bilingual a plus, understanding of digital photog- raphy and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers a unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered. e-mail resume to: jkasten@strato.net I Duda Farm Fresh Foods has immediate open- ings for tractor drivers. Will train. Pay com- mensurate with experience. We are a Drug Free Work Place. Apply in person at 12255 N. Hwy. 29, Felda or contact Robert Atchley at (863) 675-0545 ext 3122 EOE Duda Farm Fresh Foods esta en busca de tractoristas. Entrenamiento desponible. Pago a degun experiencia. Sitio libre de drogas. Aplique en persona en 12255 N. Hwy. 29 en Felda o llame a Robert Atchley (863) 675-0545 ext 3122 Empleador de Oportunidades Por Igual Duda Farm Fresh has several job openings in our shop department. Needed: mechanics, welders, helpers. Top pay, excellent benefits. Will train. Drug Free Work Place. Apply in per- son at 12255 N. Hwy. 29 in Felda or call for information (863) 673-0362 or (863) 673-2780 EOE -EDUCATION ADVISOR- Immokalee Reservation Work with Family Service & Education Depts. to provide counseling services to students at home and school. Develop and follow a Truancy plan. Bachelor's degree in Education or Psychology. Masters in Mental Health/Social Work. MS Word, Access, Excel, Outlook. Willing to work flexible schedule. Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 Experienced, full-time multi-tasking, computer knowledge of QB. Excel proficiency a plus. Good communication skills and a positive attitude are a must. Benefits include health ins. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 * i : ''. Toll' e 15 7 ~r; /. tlihAds: S mo ly 1 ,im foiThmiwt pubteite,& /sit Disp~ds~ __ VISA U - CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL staring at $39.95 Per ay 1. TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming - & Removal SStump Grinding Shaping & Topping 863-675-0403 : ,-I. C ..I.ar, In .Ure., I I I ----m x rlTm. 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 Full Ti-m l0l COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR HENDRY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS POSITION OPEN UNTIL FILLED The Hendry County Commissioners is seeking qualified applicants for the position of County Ad- ministrator. Hendry County is a rural but quickly growing County located in south central Florida. Applicants must have experience and knowledge of quality growth management practices and government finance. They must have knowledge of community planning, rural public works management and have strong leadership and communication skills. Applicants must be able to develop goals and objectives and supervise their implementation. The County Administrator is responsible for the management and supervision of the County Executive Directors. Duties include directing and coordinating the administration of the County government in accordance with policies formulated bythe County Commission. Candidates will be motivated individuals with a Masters degree in Public or Business Administration and five years experience working in a high-level government position, preferably in a growing community. Salary range $90,000 to $150,000 Resume, letter of interest with references should be submitted to: Hendry County Board of Commissioners Human Resource Department .O.Box 2340 . LaBelle, F 33975 ..... ....... ...................... ..... ...... ASSOCIATE PLANNER Hendry County, Florida BACKGROUND-. Hendry County is located in southwest Forida and borders on Lee, Collier, Broward, Charlotte, and Palm Beach Ccunres The county seat is located in LaBelle which is approximately 30 miles east of Ft Myers. The county's eastern municipality, Clewston. is located at the southwest end ol Lake Okeechobee Durng the past several years me county has expenenced a rapid increase in me amount of devel- opment applications and proposals and increased the numOer of staff in the Development Depart- men by 35% We are seeking motivated, talents ndividuals to help me county prepare land use plans and regulations and carry out prolecis to prepare lor future growth. JOB DESCRIPTION Assist in the preparation of staff reports for rezone, variance, special exception, subdivision plat, annexation request, code amendment and comprehensive plan amendment petitions; Perform policy analysis to assist Local Planning Agency and Board of County Commissioners; Conduct field surveys as needed; Prepare written reports regarding long and short range planning issues, housing plans, stralegic plans, and special projects, and Prepare and make presentations to advisory boards, civic associations, and elected officials and respond to citizen requests pertaining 10 land use and zoning MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Bacnelors degree from an accredited college or university with a degree in planning landscape architecture or related feld; or two years experience; or equivalent combination. STARTING SALARY. $40.000 per year plus excellent benefits package including, but not limited to. 11 paid noldays, annual leave, sick leave, medical, dental, and supplemental insurance. Contact: Vincent A. Cautero, AICR Planning and Development Director Phone: 863-675-5240 Cell: 863-673-5993 O0 Box 2340, LaBelle. FL 33975 Email: vcaulero@henaryfla net Website: www hendryfla.net ........................ ........ ..... .. ......... .. ;........... Mechanic I. Basic mec nanic knowledge, expenence as an automotive service worker or Mecnanics nelper preferred. Mechanic II. Graduate irom an approved course in heavy & diese mecrianics, mree years experience. Both Mecnanic positions require class B drivers license. Must have a Hign School Diploma or GED. Botri located in Clewison. Highway Maintenance Technician II. Maintains highways, municipal and rural rods, and rghts-of-ways in sale condition. Knowledge in use of standard equipment and hand tools used in field. Must have a valid Flonda Commercial Drivers license, Class B or higher with air brake endorsement. Heavy Equipment Operator I. This s skilled work in me op ration.ot public works equipment Must have two years expenence ih the operation ot highway'dbnstructon and maintenance . equipmren similar o0 that df aSsgnment or any equivalent comblnaton rof training and evperence GIS Coordinator for the LaBelle office. Must have Bachelor of Science Irom an accredited college or university in computer science, geography, or related field with considerable experience in the use 0 geographic information systems or 8yrs equivalent expenence Annual Salary is between $45,000-$50,000. Aquatics, Art & Athletic Coordinator Must be C.RR. & First Aide Certified, Life Guard & Swim Instructor Certified. Must have knowledge and/or experience with arts & crafts, ceramics,. sewing and culinary & performing arts; also knowledge of and/or experience with baseball, softball, football, basketball, track & field, physical fitness: Electrical Inspector. Must have 8 yrs. experience with a licensed contractor. Staff Assistant III. Hendry County Grants & Special Projects. This is a highly responsible position, must be an independent think and able to multitask. High school.graduation or its equivalent. Staff Assistant IV. Hendry Count Building, Licensing and Code Enforcement Dept The person selected for this position will have supervisory responsibilities over the permitting and licensing functions in the Dept. and will reportto the Director of Building, Licensing and Code Enforcement. Code Enforcement Officer. The person selected for this position will be primanly responsible tor monitoring approved development orders including but not Imlmile, rezones, special exceptions, special permits, and subdivision plats. Tne selected candidate will assure Inal conditions on approved developments imposed by the Board of County Commissioners e g. buftering, setbacks, improvements. etc.. rave been met Position will involve flex scheduling and some Saturday work. Field Service/Meter Reader for Pt LaBelle Utilities. A valid drivers license is required. Tne job consist of installing meters, reading water meters, laying water lines & operating equipment In the field. On the job training & possible job advancement. S.H.I.R Coordinator. Highly responsible work in adminislenng the S H I.P Ahiordable Housing Program for Hendry County High school graduation or its equivalent, and an equivalent combination of training and experience Accounting oack ground a plus Paramedic Openings with Hendry County EMS. Schedule is 24/48. Starting salary of $11.30/hr plus increase with experience credits. Call Donna Akin, Operations Chief at 863-612-0725 for full details and application. Applica- lion deadline for current positions is November 10, 2006. Positions will be open until filled. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Commissioners HR department. 4.'. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY .. Workin through the govern- H9DR VRIEINIDRY REGONAL ment PT No Experience. Call IEIo JAL ENTir- Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask usp%",.Virw y Eure.B.nrc for Department W21. F nP u er ianN du1en1l Alai uw l I 'r, P, Paem l Experienced r Fi i & IV 1. WLi l lu .I ubt tjdu FLORAL DESIGNER F illitWme- FMStma isa Apply in person %Ar.i rLi. Mr h.i, ur AC" S ALSw. LaBelle Florist Pera Rn NhIll Sq Wr 82 N. Main Street I.dL ON s t v Tc dri cal cp.N MI h'j. r.- t.A i .up io rv Lu i LIs hseL I INTERESTED IN A POSTAL FR I nc~- arnam Bi, JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg ..,. W.. ., o ,,*,", 1 ..l t .l a ,,r . Minimum Pay? Our services F~ i rD- C.NA a ru ;J. iw r T can help you prepare for the Mu.i ... i.e i uC1n p m or hi ho ,,,,,,, Postal Battery Exam, Find Full tim HIM Tecildn Out How! Call Today For u -im. ~e xu ,Qed More Information... F .rPN rr.MA (800)584-1775 Ref Code M. ,., o01i,, a i ,iJ i,,,,i iFI #P5799. not affiliated hFulm-RNNueMar SpecaCarc(ER.ICU w/USPS. 'C Lb pi d : 5 I SL lr I ip ..Ii i ,l e. Fu time- Resltered Nure LAWN SERVICE Miurl 'u iei I raId FL Ils.c: nwith ai lail I i .p r- ire idi V[rl,, Experience required rI Ftime Rcalratoy Therptt Call (863)673-2242 C T 'E pI" r.lc.1 ,ih ainn 'l yejnrops uli nd l ,ji.,,l ,pi,,'r l;ir BLS .dJ CLS ji, ,'., MAINTENANCE Fll tim Medial Techologs Own tools preferred. S LCe c" i. Me.rJ.Jl iTe.l in u. ic f bk Ior iicl c ,.. Sule Maple Corner MHP LaBelle. C c.. p Icti p e. .' e ,u n i ou, .i I r, ,'.j i' u ,,,I ',.i,.' (863)675-7555 r,,i ..&l0 ,.vQ -,cl a. ,:.r..... Per diem- Pharmacy Technician OFFICE ASSISTANT I''sieuo: ep .,. ir.e hu ,i hc.cr I ic I, p.ci S ri. miAhi t.-j3r,-..ui i. iCQ Bi Lingual, English/Spanish Part time & Full time ER Registraon Clerk Excell experience necessary. Previous cp in hospital or medical office sttin pref. Knowledge of Call (863)673-1458 medical terminology a plus. Must type at east 45 wpm. Phone: 863-902-3079 orFax.resume to: 863-983-0805 0/0 Driver The F/S is higher Dno Free Workplace EOE here Zero down lease/low PLUMBERS/HELPERS payments. $1.11 Avg. LocalCommercial Work PortLaBelle Inn $2,000 Productivity Bonus GREAT BENEFITS Is now hiring maintenance help. $2,600 Referral Bonus. Base Metro Mechanical Apply at Port LaBelle Inn. Plate provided. FFE 239-275-5325 or Fax We are a drugfree workplace (800)569-9298. 239-275-3352 863-675-4411 I Emlymn Ful Tie I'l DRIVER/FORKLIFT OPERATOR Needed at Ben Hill Griffin Liquid Fert operation. Must have CDL with Hazmat & Tanker endorsement as well as warehouse exp. Excellent benefits package offered. EOE D/F/W Contact 863-635-2251/863-675-7444 or hr(&bhgriffin.com Immokalee vegetable packer and shipper has an opening for a skilled mechanic for general packing house repairs, light welding, and minor electrical repairs. This person should be a self-starter, motivated and willing to work hard to build a long-term career with our well-established company. Call 239-657-2227. Fax 239-657-6037. Email rita(&floridaspecialties.com I Employment Full Time I [i~ul Time 0205! ';Fll ijme 0205 SUGAR CORPORATION MECHANICS $20.06 per Hour 5+ years of experience as a journeyman level mechanic with the ability to install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair industrial equipment such as pumps, motors, conveying systems, hydraulics, turbines, gear boxes and related equipment. Industrial plant experience preferred. Fax 863-902-2889 Email Jdooleycussugar.com Employment Office on WC Owen in Clewiston United States Sugar Corporation is one of America's largest diversified, privately held agribusiness firms. We are employee owned and have great benefits. The Company is headquartered in Clewiston. US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. We maintain a drug- free workplace and perform pre-employment substance abuse testing ^ MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven,, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program .. For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 - or mail'your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 SECRETARY Big Cypress S Reservation High School Diploma or GED. College preferred. Minimum 3 years exp. Excellent computer skills (MS Office). Min. 50 wpm Valid. Excellent communication skills. Valid FL Driver's license. Salary negotiable with benefits. Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 S U ~^ Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Products, Inc. or call 863 675-4410 Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL: Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 - WINDOW UNIT, 220v, works good. $200 neg. (863)261-5758 WINDOW UNIT- Kenmore, 18,000 BTU's, Cool & heat New, Never used. $300. (863)634-4271 HOOSIER CABINET, with white enamel countertop, $350 or best offer (863)634-5914 STEREO SYSTEM, 1970 floor model Zenith, 8 track, record player, radio, exc. cond. $400 neg. (863)467-5117 ELECTRIC DRYER- GE, like new, barely used, $100 or best offer (863)673-5655 GAS STOVE, Tappan 4 burner white. $150. 863-675-1553 Full Time5 !,Full Time5 F m0205 The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and ADVANCEMENT are encouraged to apply TODAY Pick YOUR career and embark on a new adventure. Bartender $9.00 plus tips Cage Cashier $10.00 per hour Cocktail Server $5.50 plus tips Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips Dining Room Host $8.00 per hour Dishwasher $7.50 per hour Line Cook $10.00 per hour BOE Maintenance Worker $10.00 + per hour BOE Public Space Attendant $8.00 per hour Sous Chef. $15.00 + per hour BOE TAD/Gaming Machine Customer Service Representative $21.00 avg. w/tips TAD/Gaming Machine Technician $12.50 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these management positions: Director of Facilities Human Resources Benefits Coordinator - Casino Host TAD/Gaming Machine Floor Supervisor Benefits available for ALL employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person TODAY! J 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL I 1-800-218-0007 The Sem.nole Cas.no is a Orug-free Worlplace IM EE SHIFT SUPERVISOR POSITION AVAILABLE We offer benefits & Paid Drug Free Work Place Vacation! Experience in Excellent Benefits & Pay manufacturing,-trouble- 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance shooting, & employee & Bonuses. mgml a plus Salary based upon qualilalilons & experience. Apply at Apply at- Syfrett Feed Company, 5701 Ft. Denaud Road 3079 NW 8th St., Gulfcoast Trucking, LLC. Okeechobee. or call 863-675-4410 863763-5586 SKILLED REMODELER- need- ed orr Mooile -Home repair, The City of LaBelle Drywall andPaint experience Is accepting applications through November 17, TRIM CARPENTER NEEDED 2006 for a part-time Animal Control Department Call863-675-1090 secretary. Applicant must have a valid drivers li- or apply within cense and a high school diploma or equivalent. 3 N. Bridge St.LeBelle Basic office and computer skills are required. TRUCKDRIVER Applicant must be detail oriented and de- C"a" A CDL License. .,-r Brek, & (', :m blr, tir, pendable. Anyone interested may pick up an ap- Yer Rudi Em.nplT-nt plication at LaBelle City Hall, 481 Hickpochee PdJiH,.rida3,, Hwy 80) between the hours of 8:30 AM to 5:00 Monday-Fridays MMonday through Friday. Equal opportunity Call (239)657-2786 or apply in person.. employer. The City of LaBelle is a drug free work Browning Brothers place. Palms, Inc. P.O. Box 276 Immokalee, Florida -Teacher Assistant- We're raising pay for Florida (Immokalee Indian Reservation) li s j'Hpm every High School diploma/GED ., o e ^rri -i S' i.").. :' I ul.rii, Prepi jriie C.D.A. credential or willingness r. n n. to gain. Valid Florida CDL, class m, monep & re! Heart land ExpresS (800)441-4953 D w/ P endorsement. Comp skills www.heartlandexpress.com. (pref.). Experience working with READING A children. Apply in person @ NEWSPAPER ... Immokalee Field Office/ Preschool .eas you to the bedt piodud. INTERVENTION SPECIALIST a nd rvices. Brighton Reservation Work with Family Services and Education Depts. to provide counseling services to students at home and school. Develop and follow a Truancy plan. Bachelor's degree in Education or Psychology. Masters in Mental Health/Social Work, MS Word, Access, Excel, Outlook. Willing to work flexible schedule. Fax resume to (954)967-3477 m HOUSEKEEPER WANTED experienced and reliable. 1 day every other week. Ref's Req. DAILY WORK DAILY PAY 865-675-3433 ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE SECRETARY F Part-time, 20 hours per week, LA R 4R FINDERS proficient in office details. Call for interview (863)675-6800. 202 E. Sugarland Hwy. (Acroa fhrom Clewlton Int) iVo)i(3 8 (863) 902-9494 PRE-SET APPTS. EARN IM ---- l IM- i $100K + comm./yr. $0 pre- mium programs & other competitive niche products in Senior market. NEED SOUTHERN GARDENS CITRUS Health & Life Insurance Li- JOB FAIR cense. (877)225-5533. Date: November 13. 2006 Financial Rime: 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Location: 1820 Country Road 833 Pr B r We are looking for motivated candidates to fill the following positions: Business Electrician Opportunities 305 Mechanics Money Lenders 310 Cleanup Operator Tax Preparation 315 Process Control Operators Process Testing Technician D ^ Scouts Juice Control Operators For more information call 863.902.4185 or 902.4326 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/dav? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for SGC is EEO Employer $9,995. (888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We mp l will not be undersold! il Distributors wanted Get in to Full Tie 2 the Satellite Internet busi- PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR ness. Low start up cost e- Douglass Fertilizer has a full RECORD KEEPER mail: JAB@CARIBWEB- time Production Supervisor Needed for Re-Packing con- STAR.COM or WWW.CARIB- position open in our Clewiston pany in Immokalee, FL. Appli- WEBSTAR.COM. plant. The position offers cant must be able to read and NO BULL, THIS IS A FAST competitive pay as well as speak English & have basic TRACK! I'll show you how I good benefits. Please apply in computer skills & knowledge make $3,000 weekly from person at 330 S. San Diego, of EXCEL. Responsibilities in- any location. No MLM, NO Clewiston, FL. Douglass Ferti- clude keeping detailed records Lie. Call: (888)657-8461. lizer is a Drug Free Workplace for food safety/HAACP pro- and an Equal Opportunity gram. Will train right candi- Employer date. 50+ hours per week. i c I I Salespeople Needed Top- 10 Please apply at 807 E. Main Salespersons Averaged St., Immokalee, FL 34142. MONEY TO LEND Residen- $66,000 in the Last 12 (239)657-4421. tial/lnvestors/Commercial Months! Experience in Yel- Refinance Your Adjustable low-Page or Phone Book TEAMS NEEDED. Home week- SAVE $$$$$ Bankruptcy, Cover Sales is Helpful. Travel ly. Class A-CDL w/HAZMAT. Turndowns, Stop Foreclo- is Necessary. TOP PAY & BENEFITS. sures 1% Available Call Di- (800)600-6200 (Sunday (800)428-0678. www.Ar- rect Lending Partners alls Accepted.) mellini.com. (866)459-2606 Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING, R ..,i, ,i, Commercial Auto, RV & Boats Call 863 675-7297 Se Habla Espanol COMPUTER SERVICE trouble ,,hi tirin ,. St lup, up-,radje sylems tiull, lulcrng Win 95,98, 2000 ME, P.licr sed Cjll Gjy 86-675-7925 ALL OCCASION DJ Music for everyone Light show available Call 863 673-0065 Se Habla Espanol SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. NEED A LAWYER? Protect, lour Rirl.l lowiii' (rminrali Personri injury Barniruprt cy... Divorce.. Labor Law... Hurt.: Harassed.. Job.. Immi- gration... Wills. ALL LEGAL MATTERS A-A-A Attorney Referral Service Private Trial Lrwyeri, Sllewide 24 Hours Merchandise IITI Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books Magazines 535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets'Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 825 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Item 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 AIR COND- Central package unit, 3.5 ton, York, never in- stalled, $1550 (561)447-6538 I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 17 -I REFRIGERATOR, Crosley Shelvador. $150 (863)261-5758 REFRIGERATOR- GE, Small, perfect for RV, brand new, $75. (239)324-2115 WASHER & DRYER- GE Super capacity, brand new, $500 (863)675-6370 WASHER, Roper, Large Ca- pacity 2.5, Like new. New $229, Asking $175. (863)357-3369 WASHER/DRYER- Auto wash- er Gas dryer, $50/pair 863-674-0610 WASHERS & DRYERS STACK UNITS $95 & up, Up to 1 yr warranty REFRIGERATORS & STOVES (239)694-0778 ADULT 3 WHEELER- Used, But in Very good condition. $90. (863)674-1662 BIKE 2 Wheeler, 20", Mon- goose Model, very sharp, Must see, $40. Call (863)763-0625. GIRLS BICYCLES (2) good condition. $60/both, will sell separate. 863-763-3120 Okeechobee area GIRLS CHOPPER BIKE- ask- ing $100 (863)763-3448 or (863)467-5756 -n SPECIAL BUILDING SALE..."DON'T MISS IT!" 2006 delivery or deposit holds till spring. 25'x40'x14' $5800. 40(60'x16' $12,800. Front end optional. Other siz- es available. Pioneer. (800)668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals. Save $$$. 40 x 60' to 100 x 200'. Ex: 50 x 100 x 12' = $3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885. www.rigid- building.com. METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available (352)498-0778 Toll Free (888)393-0335. SALE- CRUSHED STONE #57, Great for driveways, Call Dillys Enterprises of La- Belle (239)825-4251 TEMPORARY SERVICE POLE, Asking $300"or best offer (863)673-1120 OCEAN WONDERS AQUARI- UM- asking $20, excellent condition (863)467-0826 OCEAN WONDERS MOBILE- Fisher Price, with remote $25 (863)467-0826 SWING SET- metal, asking $50 (863)634-3641 BOYS & GIRLS CLOTHING, Size 12 Mostly name brand $40. Will separate. (863)357-0391 CLOTHING- Womens, name brands, size 3x, pants & tops, new w/tags $80 will sell sep (954)237-4846 [ine, Ma- BASEBALL, BASKETBALL & FOOTBALL CARDS: Appox. 50,000. $2500 for all, will sep. (863)902-0474 ELVIS COLLECTION, Many items, Rare items, items from Graceland, memorabilia. $550 neg. (863)467-0627 PIN BALL MACHINES (3) not working, very collectable, $500 for all (863)328-0002 PORCELAIN DOLLS & DOLL MOLDS- Byron molds, See- ley, etc. $2000 All or sell sep (863)674-1906 SWORDS, KNIVES, DAGGER & more, approx 71 items, 3/4 new in box. $175. for all. Or best offer 863-467-5052 COMPUTER DESK- large, with adjustable height, good con- dition $50 or best offer (561)676-0427 DELL COMPUTER- XP, Office, games, Fast, $175 (863)843-0158 LOGITECH Quick Cam, for Notebooks Deluxe, new cond., $25. (863)675-2596 SCANNER- UMAX Astra 1220S, All hardware. Extra software, Pent I or II, $25. (863)675-4970 Lv. msg. SEMPRON 3000+ new/reser- viced, 512 mem, 40gb.hd, burner, loaded w/prgms., w/guar. $339.863-763-4376 MYSTERY SCRAPBOOK LOT- over 800 items, brand new, paper, punches, pencils, etc. $350 neg (863)634-8433 2 ESPACIOS DE MUEBLES S61o $29.99 par la semana! La Ilamada para tenerlo entreg6 hoy! 863-675-7368 2 ROOMS OF FURNITURE Only $29.99 Per Week! Call To Have It Delivered Today! 863-675-7368 ARMOIRE/ENT. CENTER, Very nice, call to view. $125 or best offer. (863)675-8937 BROYHILL HEADBOARD- white, king size, dressers, night stand & armoire $350 (863)467-1662 BUFFET & HUTCH- dark pine, $300 (863)763-0215 CHROME & GLASS D/R TBL. 5.8x3 Table only, good cond. $50.863-675-1553 DAYBED/TRUNDLE- (2) with mattresses, $300 (863)763-6936 COFFEE TABLE & 2 end tables with drawers, all oak wood. $175 for set, will not separate. (863)675-4098 evenings COUCH & LOVESEAT, Like new, $200 (863)357-6997 COUCH, PLAID, Sleeper, 2 end tables & coffee table Pine wood finish) $150. Will separate. (863)673-0081 DR SUITE- table, 5 chairs, chi- na cabinet, server, cherry wood, $525 (863)328-0002 DR TABLE- Broyhill, w/2 Capts. chairs, 2 reg chairs, 1 bench, 2 leafs, dark pine, $300 (863)763-0215 ENTER CENTER- fits 32" TV, wood, $50 (863)634-3641 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, 3 piece, cherry stained, wood, 9' long, holds 27" tv. $300 or best offer. (863)697-1706 FUTON MATTRESS- Deluxe 6", with cover. Like new. $50. (863)763-6369 LOVESEAT, Light Blue, Good condition. Only $50. (863)675-4453 LaBelle. MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS, Queen, 9", NASA, as seen on TV, in factory package. $475 cash. (239)223-8103 PINE HEADBOARD- King size, .w/frame, dressers included, all light pine $250 for all (863)697-6570 TRIPLE DRESSER- 54"x 18" With attached mirror. Hard rock maple wood. Good. cond. $150. (863)763-2458 TWIN BED & NIGHT STAND, matching set, good condi- tion. $100 for both. (863)675-1617 after 6pm WALL UNIT: Rosewood, Lighted with glass doors & drawers. 100"Wx82H. $250. (561)996-0421 ples Is61m AMMO- 30-30 Win, 200 rounds, boxed, $70 will di- vide (863)301-0250 REMMINGTON 700 22/250 cal., scope, sling & case. Exc. cond. $600. .863-357-5754 RIFLE W/ SCOPE- 22ga, ask- ing $150 (863)674-0634 MOMENTUM 610, takes up 35" floor space, new. $75 or best offer. (863)634-5914 CEILING FANS (2), Hunter. USA made w/light kit. Cost $125 each, asking $70 for both, will sep. (561)633-1371 FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call SUs Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE METER! Am-Med Quality Diabetic Supplies. JAZZY ELECTRIC Wheelchair - needs batteries. Good cond. $500.863-357-1632 POWER CHAIR, Meritis, Holds up to 350 Ibs. New battery & tires. Pd. $7,598. Now $600. or best offer. (239)324-2115 SCOOTERS (2), Rascal, bat- tery operated, like new, 1 needs work. $400 for both. (863)697-2198 WHEELCHAIR RAMPS good condition. $200/set. 863-357-1632 ~rrfl^^l*gI. #1 TRUE HELP Readings by Angel 1 Free Consultations by phone Instant Love Solutions Call Today for Help tomorrow 1-800-697-9530 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career FAA ap- proved program. Financial aid if qualified Job place- ment assistance. CALL Avia- tion Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Jus- tice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.onli- neTidewaterTech.com. BALE OF HAY, 2, $200. or will separate. (863)763-1370 CHRISTMAS DECOR, Outdoor, $50 for all. (863)983-8216 after 10am Demo Homesites Wanted Now! In selected areas! For the New Kayak Pool The above ground pool with in- ground features. Save $ with this unique opportunity. Free Estimates/FAST INSTALLA- TION/EZ Financing. Call (866)348-7560. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. (8am-6pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. DRUMS (10) 55 gal., for Burn- ing (10) 15 gal. & (10) 55 gal. Plastic, Water Tight Drums. $150 will sep. (863)763-5062 JACUZZI 5 person, in good working cond. Complete w/pumps, etc. $500. You haul it. 863-467-7267 Qualified Hurricane Shutters Distributors wanted immedi- ately. Contact: info@ehurri- caneshutters.com (305)322-4757. Clear Pan- els Rolling Shutters Ac- cordian Shutters. TANNING BOOTH stand up, by The Tanning Hut, w/28 bulbs, asking $600. (863)634-9119 TEXAS INSTRUMENT 92 Graphing calculator & guide book. Like new. $50. 863-612-9233 Labelle area CUSTOM BUILT GUITAR CABINET- 77"T x 42"W, 2 solid doors & shelf, $350 or best offer(561)633-1371 YAMAHA ELECTRIC PIANO - exc.cond. $750. 863-234-1067 Labelle area AQUARIUM- 75 gal, Stand,hood Salt filtration. Reef white. $450. (863)673-0081 CHIHUAHUA- 5 mos, male, cream/tan, asking $130 (863)673-0538 CHIHUAHUA PUPPY, 8 weeks old, very tiny, female, black w/white markings. $300 neg. (863)763-7563 COCKER SPANIEL- Full blood- ed, 2 yrs old, Very friendly, Good with children. House dog. $1000. (863)634-5473 COLUMBIAN RED-TAIL Boa, 2 ft., good appetite, 10 gal. tank w/access. $150 or best offer. 863-673-6508 CURR PUPPIES, 6 males & 4 females, 8 weeks old, $50 each. (561)644-1957 or (561)-262-7869 DOG KENNEL- 2, 10x10, Chain linked. $325. for both, or will separate. (863)697-2969 ENGLISH BULL DOGS- 2, Fe- males, AKC registered, 2.5 yrs old. $1600. (863)634-8795 MALE PUG- has papers, need to sell immediately $500 or best offer (863)634-0790 MINI PIN PUPS- AKC, 8wks old, blk/tan & reds, M/F, adorable, 1st shots, $500 each (863)946-3857 PET CAGES- 1 large, 1 medi- um for traveling, $65 for both or will sell sep (239)657-4348 TRITON COCKATOO female, very beautiful & loving. Needs lots of TLC. w/cage+ Must sell $1500.228-7230 BATHTUB, brand new, porce- lain, stainless steel, still in box, $175 or best offer. (863)357-2271/261-4633 HOT WATER HEATER- 40 gal, asking $70 (863)675-7105 SEWING MACHINE- asking $25 call for information, too much to list (954)237-4846 FISHING ROD- Steve Daniels signature series, excellent condition, 7', med light, $8 -(863)610-1276- - LARGE MOUTH BASS- 201bs +, wall mount, fiberglass replica, hand painted, looks sharp $75 (863)610-1276 SUB WOOFERS- 10", Mounted in a box for a P/U Truck. Good condition. $20. (863)697-3008 HITACHI 40" WIDE SCREEN Like new, works perfect. $500. 863-261-4999 TV, 56", High Definition, 1 yr. old, $800. (863)234-7807 READING A NEWSPAPER... makes you a more Informed and Interestng person. No wonder newspaperreaders ae mre e successful AIR COMPRESSOR 5.5 Hon- da/lngersoll Rand, dual tank, no hrs. Sacrifice at $550. 863-674-0416 Labelle AIR COMPRESSOR- like new, Porter Cable 1.6 HP, 4 gal pancake type, new $169 asking $135(863)357-3369 GENERATOR, Porter Cable, 5,500 watts, 2 years old, used twice. $550 (863)241-1793 GENERATORS (2) 4000 Te- cumseh & 3500 Nokita. Both work great. $500/both, will sep. 863-447-6054 Iv. msg. SPRAYER, 80 Gallon: On trail- er w/ 756C nylon roller pump and gun. $550 (863)675-4851 PSP w/2 games. GTA and Socom. $250 or best offer. 863-697-9014 ELECTROLUX, with bags, $25 (863)983-8216 after 10am ENCLOSED TRAILER, used, 7x10 or 8x12 with loading ramp. 863-675-5825. NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 OLD GUITARS WANTED! Fen- der, Gibson, Gretsch, Martin, D'Angelico, Stromberg, Rick- enbacker, and Mosrite. 1930's thru 1960's. Top cash paid! (800)401-0440. Casey Court Rpts NEWLY RENOVATED APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH IN LABELLE November move in special Ist Month FREE.!! $750/mth $1500 Security Deposit Call 863-227-4311 954-410-2498 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 APPALOOSA GELDING, white, 12 years old. For intermedi- ate rider. $1000 (863)763-0367/801-1849 GELDING 7 yr. old, good trail horse, 4 high white socks & blaze, beautiful. Reduced to $1200. (863)509-3446 Rorrerader FREE On Line tSrvice Buy -iW Trade 863-467-1304 www.okeechobee-horse-trader.com Serving The Greater Lake Okeechobee Area POCO HEADSTALL REINS, New. With silver, $25. QUARTERHORSE MARE 6 yrs., needs exp. rider, $3500 or best offer. Need to sell! Great bloodlines863-634-7065 RED ROAN APPALOOSA, Gelding, 6 years. $800. or best offer. (863)763-2379 REG BREEDING STOCK PAINT MARE- 2002,- exc perifor- mance bloodlines, $2500 (863)801-9188 SADDLE- 14" Bob Marshall, Treeless, Barrel, Floral pat- tern, With silver. Asking $1600. (863)697-2022 SADDLE- 14" Western, Fab- tron, Fiberglass tree. Good condition. $275. (863)697-2022 SADDLE, Ausie/Western, New, with bridle, breast col- lar, 17", $250. (863)983-8646 TRAILER- 2 horse bumper pull escape door tandem axle, good tires, dividers, rubber mats $950 (305)807-2500 CHIPPER/SHREDDER, older but in good condition, $75 or best offer. (239)634-4040 LaBelle, leave message COMMERCIAL SPRAYER- Honda XL 32000 psi, 11 HRP $350 (863)675-0247 - GRILL, Jennaire, stainless steel, $200. (863)234-7807 RIDING LAWN MOWERS (2) - w/good engines for parts. $200 or best offer. 863-467-8856 ROTOTILLER, Craftsman II, 5hp, Briggs, rear tine, 17", very good condition. $300 (239)634-4040 LaBelle TACK PONY SADDLE- $50, halters $5. misc bridles $10 (305)807-2500 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 CLEWISTON, 2BR/2BA Condo overlooking Roland Martin Marina, fully furnished, recent upgrades, small pets allowed, call for details. (863)228-3013 breakfonyahoo.com PORT LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, new, 1 mile from the high school, $1400 mo. + $1,000 sec. dep. For more details call (863)673-0846 NEW 2006 3BR,2BA CBS Home in Port LaBelle $1200/mo. Call 863-673-6659 BEAUTIFUL 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba. Manufactured Home, wheel chair accessible, 2 car garage. Near Glades West Elementary. No pets. Non Smk. Env. Good ref's & sec. dep. req'd. Rent Unfurnished $1100 mo. or Furnished $1200 mo. Margaret Barber Real Estate. (863)675-5968, FT. DENAUD, 4BR/1.5BA, with pool, $1600 mo, (863)673-0081 PORT LABELLE, 2br/lba, 1 car garage, $950 mo. (863)673-0081 PORT LaBelle, 3071 Beech- wood Cir. 3br, 2ba, Gar. New Home $1300. mo.+ 1st mo. 863-673-3521 Sabreena PORT LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, with garage, $1100 mo. (863)673-0081 LaBelle- 5 Acres- corner lot, Crescent Ave SW & Fay St. (305)812-2008 OKEECHOBEE- $125/week, first & last req., (863)634-8374 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE Newlg. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, each unit alarmed, area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers RV & trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale 1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 b5 Sale!D25 $0 DOWN HOMES Gov't & Bank Foreclosures! Low or no down! No credit OK! Call Now! (800)749-2905. CLEWISTON, 3/2 CBS CA/H, 1.5 Fenced Acres in Flag- hole, Built 2001 $249K, 863 983-8114 LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, Belmont Subdivision, 1 year old, 2,219 sq. ft., $205,000 (863)675-3397 OKEECHOBEE 3BR/1BA, could be 4 or 5, CBS, approx. .3000 SF, hardwood firs, FL rm. & work rm., Lg. 2-story barn w/lots of tools incl. Ask- ing $152K. No reasonable of- fer refused.863-447-1 090msg HUNTERSII- 63+/- wooded acres located in Crittenden County, KY. Call (863)227-0996 BUILDING LOT Located in Port LaBelle, .23 Acres, asking $26,000. (863)675-3593 LOT SALE located on Hwy 29 in the LaBelle area. Fairly new septic, well water & electric. $37,000. 863-673-5272 MONTURA& PORT LABELLE 3 Lots in Montura- Starting at $36K. 1 Lot in Port Labelle (Unit 8) $37K. 786-512-9333 or email visualyeh@aol.com N. Fla 1-350 Acres 30 Ac+/- low as $6500/acre Only 4 parcels Owner Fin avail 800)294-2313 Ext 1285 A ar Sales Inc. 7 days 7am-7pm Port Labelle, Two, .25 ac. lots For Sale. Side by side Green- belt $49K ea. or both lots for $90K. Call 630-715-6828 BEAUTIFUL BLUE RIDGE, NC Mountain Views. 8+ Acre Mountain Estate. Heavily Wooded with Stream. EZ Fi- nancing- $49,90.0. (800)230-6380, ext.120. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA Affordable Homes in the Mountains. Affordable Homes, Mountain Cabins and Land. CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REALTY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROPERTIES www.ex- itmuiph.iy.com. CALOOSA MOBILE HOMES 21/2 acres on Case Road with New 2006 4 Bdrm 3 Bath, 2,255 sq. ft; energy saver w/ 2"x6" sidewalls, beautiful inside & out w/lots of special touches. Fenced and landscaped, $229,900. Call 863-675-4300 or please leave message. Crescent Acres- New 2006 14'x72', Home & Land 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath $59,900., 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, $89,900. Owner financing with 20% down. Call 863-675-4300 or please leave message. OutfStat BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC Homes, Cabins, Acreage & INVESTMENTS. CHERO- KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC REAL ESTATE. cherokee- mountainrealty.com Call for free brochure (800)841-5868. Dockable waterfront & deed- ed boat slip water-access homesites. Below Appraisal! Lake Chatuge, GA/NC Moun- tains! Excellent Financing! Two-Day Sale Nov. 4th & 5th! Appointment Only! (877)234-8850 ext.102. East Tennessee- Norris Lake 5.6 acre wooded LAKE- FRONT lot- $66,500 5.1 ACRE WOODED view lot- $28,900 Call Lakeside Realty @ (423)626-5820 Or Visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. MAINE SPORTING PARADISE! 500 ACRES only $299,900. Hunters & fishing enthu- siasts wanted! Private 500 jcre parcel of land ideal for hunting offers access to crystal clear trout & salmon stream- unbelievable fishing. NEW TO MARKET! Great owner financing. Call L&S Riry (207)781-3343. 11C Gated Lakefront Commu-, nity. Pleasantly mild climate. 15 acres, 90 miles of shore- line. Never offered before wim 20% pre-development discounts, 90% financing. Cjal (800)709-5253. NC MOUNTAIN 7 acres on mountain top, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, paved private ac- i:eFs, gated community, 199,500 owner (i66)789-8535. New, Pre-Construction Golf Community- Coastal Geor- gia. Large lots w/ deepwater, marsh, golf, nature views. Gated, Golf, Fitness Center, Tennis, Trails. Oak Park, Docks. $70k's $300K (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspoint.com. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. NORTH GEORGIA MOUN- TAINS Secluded 7-acre re- treat, located within 50 miles of metro Atlanta. Has 600 ft. trout stream frontage in rear of 5B/4BA rustic home, pool, hot tub, pasture & wood- lands. $575,000 list price, motivated seller. Ron Zal- kind, Metro Brokers/GMAC, (404)843-2500. TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY From $49,900, with boat slip. Call it: (877)293-5253 or Click it: www.GrandeVls- taBay.com. Waters-Edge Properties, Inc./Broker. View Western North Carolina, North Georgia, Eastern TN, Real Estate. Excellent retire- ment area. Very affordable homes, cabins, land. Low taxes. Good paying jobs available, www.mtlakesre- guide.com. WYOMING RANCH DISPER- SAL 35 acres 49,900; 50 acres $59,900. Snow- capped mountain views. Sur- rounded by gov't land. Abun- dant wildlife. Recreational paradise. Low taxes. EZ terms. Call Utah Ranches, LLC. (888)541-5263. Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes- Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 MOORE HAVEN, 3br, 2ba, Fur- nished w/ W/D, Horse Shoe Acres $650. mo. + Sec dep. (863)675-2920 REMODELED 3BR/2BA Ig. single wide, oak trees. $225/wk. + $500 Sec. 863-675-3665/863-673-5704 TWO OR 3 BEDROOM $800-$900 Dep. $115-$125 weekly. Lazy T Ranch. No dogs. 863-675-1614 BOAT LADDER- Removable Aluminum Seawall. Very good condition. $50. (863)763-2458 Classic Triumph Chopper '69 Project, 650cc, 90% done, good title. LaBelle area. $2500 (863)674-0898 HONDA 2000 XR70 small dirt bike, like new. $1100. 304-667-7855 HONDA XR50 '03- completely modified from stock, $2499 (863)697-2605 MOTOR CYCLE TRAILER, Single rail, new tires, lights & fenders.$1450 (863)674-0898 LaBelle area SUZUKI TL1000S '97- very fast, needs some work, ask- ing $1500 or best offer (239)259-6017 YAMAHA 1000 VIRAGO, '84, good condition, great on gas!! $2500 (863)357-3773 ,,ATs 3 ATV TRAILER- new, 3x4, Stainless steel dump bed, $175 (863)357-5754 DANCHEE '05 200cc 4 wheeler, elec.start, shaft driven, 4 spd., reverse, man. citch. $1100.772-528-1255 I Aprtme ts CHEVY 1500- '94, Will sell for parts. $2500. (863)634-6196 DIFFERENTIAL GEARS and misc. parts. $100 or best of- fer. 863-467-8856 FACTORY RIMS- For Dodge truck. 16x7, Silver Alloy, 5 lug. Like new. Asking $200. or best offer. (863)697-9117 FORD BRONCO II '88- good body, needs head, manifold gaskets, rebuilt trans, $300 or best offer (863)467-4994 FORD F600 4 DR. DUMP Truck, '77. Bed size 10'x7 x2'sides, Motor stuck since hurrcane. $600. 763-1370 HITCH, Reese Load Leveler, for travel trailer & car haul- ers. $150 or best offer. (863)697-3299 RACING SEATS- Black & Gray, Tenzo Sport. Good condition. $300. or best offer. (863)697-1810 SUB WOOFERS- 10", Mounted in a box for a P/U Truck. Good condition. $20. (863)697-3008 TIRES & RIMS Set of 4, Asanti Zebra 18" rims w/3 extra tires. $1100 or best of- fer. 863-697-9014 TONNEAU COVER Sportsmas- ter Slant side & Rubber bed mat, fits '99 to '06 Chevy 6.5 bed. $150. (863)467-9927. TOPPER/CAP, Glas/tek fiber- glass, fits full size long bed truck, tan in color, $700 or best offer. (863)697-9117 I Apatment Fi14a urA U2 Sa) PCI 9o Mobile Home Sale Moble om NEAR LeBelle, Mobile Home 2br, lba Needs TLC, Large acre, Fenced, Sheds $95,000. (239)565-0490 WANTED: Damaged SWMH '94 or newer, Zone 3 I will move. (305)409-2341 Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skgs 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Misellaneo s 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 BASS BOAT '78- runs Qood, needs minor -epjir, $1200 or best offer (863)634-5289 BOAT, Aluminum, 16/2', w/60 hp. Johnson & trlr. Runs good. live wells. New pumps, battery & tires. $1800863-467-9390 BOAT DOCK FOR RENT- No fixed bridges, $175/mo. Or- tona/ LaBelle area (954)818-5822 CANOE- 14' Aluminum, square back, $275 (863)675-0300 CRISCRAFT '84- 15ft, with trailer, Chrysler motor, needs work $300 or best offer (863)467-4994 DECK BOAT 23ft 130hp Yamaha, full Bimini. w/trlr. F/F, depth. Good condition. $. 500 18)61;'67 -7 7 ev.: JON BOAT, ,14',bneeds minor repair. $100 (863)234-9663 or (863)467-5906 JON BOAT- 16', full equipped with trailer, Must See !!, $2000(863)673-0242 PONTOON BOAT- 20', 65HP motor, just rebuilt, trailer, ready to fish $3200 (863)673-0242 PONTOON BOAT, 24', 60hp Evinrude, $2495 firm. (863)763-9998 PRINCECRAFT 1996,18 Ft., Aluminum, Deep V w/115 hp. Evinrude, Trailer, Custom Cover, 44V Trolling Motor, Double Live Well & Bait Well. Fishing Machine! $5,995. (863)484-0096/484-0097 garyle49@surfinthenetnet SEA KAYAK- Touring Style. Top Brand Name. Good con- dition.$500 (863)357-7406 COACH 1987,34 Ft. w/Florida Rm. New elec. hot water tank & vinyl windows. Must see! Whisper Creek. Must be move. $5,000. 863-675-0279 or 330-807-1425 RV ROOF AC- New, 13,500 BTU, still in box w/ceiling controls $525 (239)297-4006 OBRIEN SLOLEM SKI case & tow rope. $50. 863-612-9233 Labellearea. PONTOON BOAT TRAILER- '2000, Surge brake, Single axle, $950: (863)763-2407 HONDA CR85R '06, Big Wheel. Expert, runs & looks great, comes with riding gear, $2500 neg. (863)599-0788 TRAVEL TRAILER,'88 Hi-Lo, 27 foot Good condition, $2500. (863)763-4475 Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 FORD ESCORT- '94, 4 door Wagon. Runs good! $1000. or best offer.(863)634-1220 FORD T-BIRD '94 & Mercury Cougar '88, excellent body, bad motors, have motors. $600 neg. (561)676-0427 HONDA ACCORD '85 runs great, 5spd, a/c, 4 dr, needs very little work, no rust. $600.863-228-7230 LINC TOWN CAR '84- Must see to appreciate, $1800 or best offer (561)358-2628 or (863)675-2610 MAZDA PROTEGE- '93, Good car. New tires. Needs motor. Have a another motor to put in. $500. (863)228-6141 NISSAN MAXIMA- '93, Runs, Needs minor repair. $700. (863)228-6141 NISSAN PATHFINDER -'96, 4x4, needs motor work. $750. (863)635-0079. OLDS 98 '89- 4dr, white, blue. interior, $2100 or best offer (561)358-2628 or (863)675-2610 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME '84 runs good. $1400. 863-697-0878/261-7007 POLICE INTERCEPTOR MO- TOR 302 1986, must take entire car $450 or best offer (863)697-1600 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX- '80, Good condition. $1000. or best offer. (863)675-3979 TOYOTA COROLLA- '92, Clean, new tires, A/C works. Solid motor & transmission. $1600. (863)763-7475 TOYOTA COROLLA 9% 4 dr, aulo ai. all pwj. CD, newv tires, good mpg. minor body damage. $3K 863-673-6173 VOLVO 240,'93, Great for new driver, built like a tank, $1900, Or best offer. (863)634-4518 VOLVO 740 ELE '85, 4 door, good body, engine, trans- mission, needs wiring under hood. $400 (863)467-8041 WE BUY JUNK CARS (863)675-1940 800)997-5858 FORD F150 '89, 4x4 flatbed, $500 or best offer. (239)210-1608 JEEP WAGONEERS (2) both run, fix up one use other for parts $2300 (863)673-0242 JEEP WRANGLER '89, V8 Chevy 350, 33" tires, auto., hardtop. $7500 firm. LaBelle (863)674-0898 Shop here first! The classified ads EASY GO GOLF CART, three wheel, runs great, $500 or best offer. (863)675-6214 after 6pm GAS CLUB CAR '95 Reconditioned. $1695. 863-675-1472 GOLF CART Older pargo, 4 whl, w/batt. charger, runs & looks great. $800 firm. 863-697-2631/763-7666eve ^ .6, ABA TRUCK PARTS- 2, Corner lenses for '97-'03 Ford F150. Still in box. $45. (863)228-2351 CAMPER TOP- For on Ford, Good condition. $250. or best offer. (863)697-6618 CHEVY SILVERADO '99- good cond., all power, air, 140K, $5500 (863)517-1974 CHEVY STEPSIDE PICKUP TRUCK,'64, some rust, 61k mi., $2500. (863)467-0380 DODGE DAKOTA '95- manual trans, 4 cyl, $1300 or best offer (863)983-8560 Iv mes- sage FORD F150 '88, 5 spd, 4.9L, wide tires & rims, short wheel base, engine needs work. $400 firm. (863)467-8041 FORD F150 '93 -300 eng., 5 spd., runs good. $2500 or best offer. 863-634-1867 FORD F150 XLT Super Cab '04 2 WD, low miles, auto, all pwr, cold a/c, bedliner, runs great.$16K. 239-253-7054 FORD F250 '88 runs good, no bed, set up for a goose neck. $1K or best offer. 863-634-1867 FORD F250 '99 XLT, crew cab, 4x4, pwr.stroke diesel, auto, shortbed, 1-owner, NICE!$16,800.772-465-6496 FORD PU '87- F250, 4.9 300 straight 6 engine, cold AC, new seat, good cond, $2400 (863)357-2177/634-4210 FORD RANGER 2005 Ext. Cab w/Camper Top. 5K miles. Excellent condition. $11,800. (863)675-1446 FORD RANGER XLT- '92, 4 cyl, standard, Cold A/C, $1400. Neg. 863-763-4149 or561-758-4337 FORD SUPER CAB SHORT BED '74- no motor, no trans, very little rust, must see $450 (863)697-1600 FORD HUNTING BUGGY - runs, needs some work. $1500. Call Erik 863-634-0771 NISSAN PATHFINDER '04 - 21k mis, like new cond., $21,200. 863-467-1829 or 634-5530 Cell. Okeechobee TOYOTA- '89, 4X4, Good con- dition. $2500. or best offer. (863)675-3979 HOMEMADE TRAILERS (2), 7X16 & 6X7. Need tires. $550/both or best offer. 863-447-6054 v.msg. OPEN TRAILER- 7x16, with split gate, $2000 5611261.138 UTILITY TRAILER, i6. 'i.lUOli or riest oer (239)3-0-41739 UTILITY TRAILER- home made, triple axle, heavy duty, pull behind trailer, $900 or best offer (863)634-5289 Ford Hightop Van, '89, tow pkg, full power, seats 8, TV, CB radio $2000. LaBelle Area. (863)675-4970 msg. Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Area Housing Commission of Cle- wiston, LaBelle and Hendry County will hold the Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday November 2 2006 at 5:0 M. at The Greentree South Commu- nity Center at LaBelle, Florda, Hendry County. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct the general business and consider any other matter that may be brought be- fore the Housing Commission. Any person or persons wishing to appeal any decision made at such meeting must ensure that a verbatim record is made upon which the appeal is to be based. The meeting will include any business before the "Hendry County Non-Profit Housing, Inc." 172049 CB/CGS 11/2/06 18 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, November 2, 2006 LL i......... HAPPTON HRYSLER DODGE JEEP We have the expert technicians, factory service information, specialized tools and genuine parts to properly service your Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep vehicle. Automatic Transmission Tune-Up $79.95 Drain/Replace INCLUDES, * Drain fluid/remove filter * New Mopar transmission filter * Installation of new fluid * Necessary adjustments * Road-test vehicle * Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to special filter -Vehicles with special fluids may be higher Imports may be higher Additional charge for Fuid disposal - -Expires xz/8/o6 Lube, Oils Filter Change $21. 95 INCLUDES: * Engine oil replacement up to 5 quarts * Complete chassis lube * New Mopar oil filter *Fluid level inspection * Inspect CV joints and front suspension components I a a- a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a. a a a a a% a a. a -. Cooling System Service $49.95 , Flush/Replace t1H8DES : , * Inspection of hoses and belts * Mopar antifreeze replacement (2-gal max) * Pressure test system * Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra *Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher Additional charge for fluid disposal ^, Expires xi/8/o6 - - - - - -~~~~~~ Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation $24.95 INCLUDES: - *Remove four wheels from vehicle; balance and rotate Special wheels, specialty 1 vehicles slightly higher. :,/ 'A!f Additional charges may be applied for diesel, V-10s, Hemi V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic and synthetic oils. Expires zx/8/6 Expires zz/8/o6 , Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP _________ HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP ICHEIYSLERI FIVE ZTYR (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. DEAI VER F'I'JE s,A Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 It really does make a difference -V"VVW.Cle 0l*.4ton .6 *)2: 0 staR ea "Od~ car Ampl~~p fort~p |