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Sports Page 15 and 16 DLOOSAT Delivering Western Hendry County's LMS readers shoot for rc _Page 5 T t CAR--RT LCOT3:B-: 01" 205 SM U. F LIBRARY OF FI.ORIDA o. H 0i'0 BDX 1.1..70Ci:i7 SGAIN ESVILLE Fi.... 326 1-7007 News Since 1922 VOUM 84NME 0TUSAY,0CTOER12,00 At A Glance Help to preserve downtown Driver's license. office relocates Remember: the Driver's License office has moved to the old Jaycee Building on Jaycee Lions Bl\d., off of Main Street South. Chamber banquet Oct. 16 The Greater LaBelle Cham- ber of Commerce invites you to its annual banquet Monday, October 16, at the civic center. Social hour begins at 6 p.m. (no alcohol); dinner at 6:30. Tickets are $20 each: table sponsors are $250, (includes eight tickets and \our business name in the bulletin): The - menu includes chicken and dumplings, roast pork, black eyed peas, sweet potatoes and corn bread. Get \our ticket by September 30. in the mean- time, be sure to send \our nominating letter for the 2006 Citizen of the Year. Also, remember to seid in your ballot for new board membersby September 30 Sign up for Relay for Life Come to ihe Relay lor Life Rall\ at 6 p.m., Oct 24, at Flora & Ella's Restaurant. Anyone interested in serving on the committee or who needs information on the 2007 event is welcome. Come find out what this cancer fundraiser is all about and enloy free pie and beverages. SCF:Youcan still do poster The SCF committee has postponed its poster deadline till its Nov. 6 meeting. Please us the ne\v theme: It Started with a Seed. Time to think about their nominations for the Pioneer Family and Grand Marshal. Pioneer Families should have been in the area for at least 50 years and the Grand Marshal needs to be a strong commu- nity-minded and active individ- ual whose actions have bene- fited the entire community in some way. SCF meets the first Monday monthly at 6 p.m. at City-hall through December. Weekly meetings begin in January till the festival. Education support available The Community Services Block Grant Family Self-Suffi- ciency Program of Hendry County is looking for ten full time students that have obtained grants or student loans for ongoing education or long term job skills that need to drive excessive distances for classes. Gas vouchers will be pro- vided as class attendance is verified to assist low-income persons to continue their pur- suit of education and/or job skills with increasing gas costs. Call 675-5356 in LaBelle, 983-1469 in Clewiston for an application. Index Classifieds ....... 13, 14 Editorial ............ .4 Speak Out .......... .4 Social News .......... 5 Sports ..........15, 16 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 8 16510 00019 1 By Patty Brant The first question is: What do residents want LaBelle's down- town to be like in the future? The second question is: How do we make it happen? Those two questions form the starting point for a group of residents whose goal is to ensure that LaBelle's downtown area does not die out as growth comes and at the same time pre- serve LaBelle's unique charac- ter. By Patty Brant Candidate for District 16 US Congressman Joe Negron made a quick stop in LaBelle at Flora & Ella's Restaurant Friday morning, part of a campaign trip through the district. He and his wife Rebeccawere meeting and greeting folks, giv- ing them a chance to get to know him in the few weeks left before the Nov. 7 General Election.. In addition to getting his own cam- paign messages out to voters, Mr. Negron is faced with having to counteract any backlash frorn Mark Fole\ 's downfall. Foley had been the, District 16 US Congress- man since 1994, but resigned Sept. 29 after admitting to send- ing inappropriate e-mails and text messages to underage Con- gressional pages. Although Mark Foley's name will remain on the ballot, voters should know that, in voting for Foley, they would actually be vot- ing for Negron. He is facing Democratic candidate, business- man Tim Mahoney. Some 150 people gathered at the civic center Oct. 3 to hear a presentation by Glatting Jack- son, an Orlando based company dedicated to community plan- ning and design. The collective core values cited by the group boiled down to preserving: LaBelle's natural Sen\ironment, heritage'culture and Iriendl\ atmosphere. Several vehicles for revitaliza- tion were discussed, including 'the Main Street Florida program (which requires, a $100,000 commitment from the commu- nity) and Front Pbrch (geared mainly toward providing techni- cal'and educational experience Sfor distressed communities). Currently the group is consider-. ing setting -up a Community Revitalization Agency (CRA) for : downto\\n LaBelle. The Glatting Jackson repre- sentatives explained the basic principles of a CRA: retaining, reorganizing and redevelopment - ---- ---i - Candidate Negron chatted with the breakfast crowd in this case folks at Flora & Ella's "round table" listened to his message. He was a hard sell, though, to Raymond Crawford, far right. Walter Ferguson, left, and Hendry County Republican Party Executive Committee Chairman Mel Karau, look on as the candidate attempts to draw Mr. Crawford into the discussion. Outside Flora & Ella's, Mr. Negron said his priorities as a US Congressman would be: Reforming homeowners insur- ance, which would include set- ting up a national hurricane fund to spread disaster insurance pre- miums throughout the country, See Negron -Page 2 using private and public invest- horizon, organizers hope a CRA ment. would offer a strategy for balance People seemed intent on capi- downtown. talizing on LaBelle's beautiful Future transportation issues - river setting with a boardwalk, particularly the LaBelle Bridge - walking district and bike path, will perhaps have' the largest focusing on cleaning up.and impact on LaBelle's character. keeping the remaining historical Hoiw do we amo\e traffic withoutt elements"intact. stifling what we have? - However attendees did t interested in a C ad is cau- want LaBelle to be just a tourist tiousltedin. .. n p.arid -i n destination, feeling the town tiously considering partnering should cater to the working pub- lic and, with a Walmart on the See Agency -Page 2 LaBelle hears FPEs plans By Patty Brant LaBelle area residents got a chance to hear details about the Florida Power & Light plant proposed for Glades County Oct. 5. FPL held the third in a series of open houses geared to. -help residents understand how a coal-burning plant produces electricity and what that process means for the sur- rounding area. Although the plant will be located in Glades County, its economic and environmental implications will have a strong impact on Hendry as v ell. The twin 980-megawatt unit plant will have a $2-3 billion taxable value in Glades gener- : ating an expected $20 million in taxes annually. A 100-acre sub- station on CR 833 \will mean several $100 million in addition- al taxable value, providing sev- eral million dollars in taxes every year for Hendry County. From that substation, power will be transmitted to the statewide electric grid. During the construction phase the plant will provide about 1.600 jobs for five years; with some 180 permanent full time jobs for folks throughout This area. It is also expected that the construction will require hundreds more support jobs throughout the community. Aside from the economic boost, what will this plant mean to this area? Several knowledgeable resi- dents, including agricultural engineer John Capece and Har- ris Friedman, expressed con- cerns about carbon dioxide and mercury levels the plant might produce for the entire area. See Plant-Page2 Put farm tour in your plans The Hendry County Farm- City Tour Council will hold its 25th annual farm tour of the Hendry County agricultural industry, Saturday, December 2. Tickets for the tour cost only $50.00 per person and the par- .ticipants will be able to catch a modern air conditioned tour bus at the U-Save Supermarket Cen- ter on Palm Beach Blvd. in Fort Myers or at the Rodeo Grounds in LaBelle. You will then be transported with knowledgeable tour guides to various stops around the county where you can get a close up look at some of the most efficient farmers in the world. Hendry County is one of the largest agricultural counties in the state and was the largest pro- ducer of round oranges in Flori- da during the 2004-2005-crop year. In addition, Hendry County is the second largest producer of sugarcane, third largest in veg- etable production and fifth largest in beef cattle. This year's tour will feature a variety of interesting stops at some of Florida's most sophisti-. cated agricultural operations including vegetable transplant nurseries, citrus, sod, sugarcane and vegetable production as See Farm -Page 2 Kids: Be safe in cyberspace By Kristin Hunter Vickie and Glen Roddell, from LaBelle, are internet gurus. Vick- ie is also the author of many great books on internet safety. They know all about how dangerous it can be. They said, "The internet can be a great resource or a scary thing. Internet safety is becoming more and more of a problem because more people have access to computers and they are running at a faster pace than they used to," so Vickie and Glenn Roddell started a Website called ccmostwanted.com to help pre- vent cyber crime. They started their Website back in 1999 when it was the first cyber crime pre- vention website of its type. It is a pretty extensive site with 20,000 links including links to various legislative sites, links to cyber crime units, as well as informa- tion on spyware and privacy. Glen said, "You couldn't cover the Website in a month there is so much information on there." Vickie said, "We started this site because we were on the internet back in 1998 when somebody hacked into my husband's com- puter. A hacker was following us with a faster connection." They really want people to know, "Don't keep the computer connected when it's not being used for an extended period of time because while you are sleep- ing or enjoying a vacation some- one can do considerable dam- age." Having a firewall and antivirus software can substantial- Caloosa Belle/KristIn Hunter See Web Page 2 Author Vickie and husband Glen Roddell Elections: Whistle stop in LaBelle -imsr-a Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant 16th US Congressional District Republican candidate Joe Negron, left, met Sheriff Ron- nie Lee, center, and old friend Joe Spratt. a former colleague in the Florida House of Representatives, last Friday. The candidate made a quick stop at Flora & Ella's on his way to Sebring to meet with still more voters. LaBelle meets Joe Negron ~f~Bg~B~B~"=~"~" """""I"~~I~B""~gspf~6P~ 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12, 2006 Almanacs Masonic Lodge LaBelle Masonic Lodge #379 iinvites all Master Masons, to join them, in. Lodge at 180 Jaycee Lions Drive, on October 14, at 9 a.m. for breakfast. At 10,a.m. sev- eral Brothers will be raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. For more information, please call Kevin Nelson, at 863-673-5175. LMS Band Concert -Monday, October 30, at 6 p.m. LMS will have a beginner band debut concert which will include the beginning band and the advanced band at LMS. Caloosa Humane Society The Caloosa Humane Society has kittens that were spayed for free by the Clewiston Animal Clin- ic in their quest to create a Guin- ness Book of World Record for spaying female cats. Their adop- tion fee has been lowered to $40 including: vaccines up to date (except rabies), worm treatment, flea control, felv/fiv combo test and a nationally registered ident- a-chip. Become a Dalmation member Dalmatian members can enjoy six live theater performances for the price of five. Ayear's member- ship is only $50. You are also guar- anteed a reserved seat.for each show. Anyone who has not taken advantage of this program can still do so before the season's first performance, "If the Shoe Fits," by Matt Thompson, Matt Chiorini and Dana Vermette which starts October 20. To obtain your season ticket, mail your request to Firehouse Cultural Center, P.O. Box 958, LaBelle, FL 33975. You may pay by check with your reservation or use your MasterCard or Visa the. first night you pick up your season pass. For further questions or for more information, write to the above address Trick or Reading at Barron Library The Second Annual "Trick or Reading" will be at Barron Library on Monday, October 23, from 7-8 p.m. time with a campfire Hal- loween story, and lights out fdt'a spooky candy scavenger hunt! So come on out to Barron, wear your costume, and get ready for some Halloween fun! All kids age five and up are welcome! Christian Men gathering Plan to join and support the Gathering of the Christian Men of Hendry County fbr the monthly meeting. This is a non-denomina- tional gathering to unite the Chris- tian community to the glory of God through Jesus Christ. Dinner is included. The meeting will be held on. Monday, October 16, at the Dallas Townsend Building at 7:3Q p.m. with guest speaker Henry Avery. For more information contact Dave Alexander at 675-0500. Birders heading to STA-5 The next STA-5 birding tour will be Saturday, Oct. 14. Meet at the main gate at STA-5 at 8:30 a.m. or carpool with Margaret England from the LaBelle McDon- ald's at 7 a.m. or the Clewiston McDonald's at 7:45 a.m. Contact Margaret England at sta5bird- ing@earthlink.net with your name and contact information including an emergency cell num- ber and the number in your party. You may also leave a message at (863) 674-0695 or (863) 517-0202. Tours are subject to cancellation in case of inclement weather. Directions are available at: htip: "'x\\.orgsiles comTl'hgau dubot r Eastside plans Fall Festival Easlside Baptist Church on Hw. bOiE \will host its annual Fall Festival on Tuesday, Oct. 31, from 6-8 p.m. there will be free food, f.n and fellow ship for everyone.' Make plans to come and enjoy all the festivities. Enjoy Clewiston Imuseuim tour LaBelle Heritage Museum is going to the new Historical Muse- um in Clewiston, Saturday, Oct. 14, at 10 a.m. for a private guided tour. Meet at the museum in Clewiston or to car pool, be at our Museum at 8:30 for an 8:45 depar- ture. The Museum in Clewiston is a short way down Central Ave on the right. Central Ave is a right turn off US 27 in the center of town. Future field trip: tour of Port Manatee, possibly in November, combined with the Steamship Historical Society. This is a guided trip in a motorized tram. Help health dept. help humane society It is the "National Day to Help Others" so the folks at the health department are going to have a .cleaning supply drive at each service site to benefit the Humane Society. They need: bleach, laun- dry soap (any cheap kind), paper towels, old towels, blankets, etc., cat litter (cheap is fine), basic household cleaning items. Dr. Fer- nandez will deliver the donations on Friday, Oct. 27. The public is invited to help out with donations as well. Benefit for Wilma victims planned A benefit concert is being organized to raise funds to assist families with Wilma-related repairs. Church choirs, Gospel music groups and soloists in Clewiston and surrounding areas are invited to participate. Come hear some of the most outstanding Gospel music you've ever heard. There'll be a wonder- ful variety of musical styles. The concert will be Saturday, Oct. 28, from 4-7 p.m. at the John Boy Auditorium in Clewiston, 1200 South WC Owen Avenue. The concert is free, and a love offer- ing will be taken. To participate, contact David McClusky at (863) 983-5060. - Listen to gospel music Hand & Hand Ministries invites everyone to the Palmdale Community Clubhouse on Oct. 14 for food and fellowship at-7 p.m., gospel music and the \Vord, brought this month by Norm Edwvards of Ocolea. All welcome. LES fundraiser LaBelle Elementary School is selling nuts till Oct. 17. All items must be pre-paid. Checks should be made payable to LaBelle Ele- mentary School. Students will deliver items. . Humane Society On spay-neuter surgery days* only vaccination service are offered on a walk-in basis. Octo- ber dates for the vaccination clin- ic are: Oct. 20, 10 a.m.-I p.m.,Dif- ferent vaccine packages are available for dogs and cats. Please call or email Suzanne M Bonnell, Director of the Caloosa Humane Society, Inc. at 675-0997 or dogncal.petfinder.com dognpup- py(:'earthlink.nel Benefit Team Roping There will be a team roping benefit for Donna Whitney at the LaBelle Rodeo Grounds Arena on Hwy. 29 South on Sunday, Oct. 22. All donations will be accepted. For information call Veda Pierstorff at 673-5665 or Jesus Gonzalez at 673-0774. Call in till Oct. 18 from 5-9 p.m. at 673-5665; only three ropers per call. Must have a current USTRC, NTRL, or SWFTRA card. Must show card to collect prizes. Man- agement has the right to reclassi- fy. LES Halloween Carnival LaBelle Elementary School will host its annual Halloween Carnival in Barron Park on Satur- day, Oct. 28, from 3 p.m. to dusk. The costume contest will begin at 3 p.m. Every participant will receive a treat and the winners in each age group will receive a tro- phy. Following are the times for the different age groups: 3 p.m. 0- 3 years old; 4:15 p.m. 4-7 years old; 5 p.m. 8-11 years old..The costume contest will take place at the pavilion. Upcoming 4-H events Oct. 21 Hendry County 4-H Alumni Fundraiser Nov. 4 -.Poultry Seminar, Pio- neer Community Park Nov. 4 LaBelle Youth Live- stock Swine Weigh-in Dec. 2 Hendry County Fair Swine Weigh-in : Auxiliary cooks breakfast Come to the American Legion Auxiliary breakfast every Sunday in October from 8-11 a.m. at Legion.Post 130, Hwy. 80W $6, all you can eat! Hey, boaters! It may only be mid September with hurricanes on our minds, but it is less than ninety days until the LaBelle Christmas Boat Parade, set this \ear for Saturday, Dec. 9. Last year was the biggest and best ever: get ready to make this one even better. Find out 'If the Shoe Fits' The Firehouse Cultural Center, 241 North Bridge Street, is begin- ning its 14th season. The comedy "If The Shoe Fits" is written by Matt Thompson, Malt Chiorini and Dana Vermette, is a wacky tale of love, murder and shoes! The curtain opens at 7 p.m., nightly. Performances will be on Oct. 20-22 and 27-29. Oct. 22 and 29 are Sunday matinees and begin at2 p.m. Admission price is $10 with reservation and $12 without. Visa and Master Card are accepted. Reservations can be made by call- ing the theater at 863/675-3066. Grant awarded to Salvation Army Salvation Army needs dona- tions to match aChallenge Grant Award of $2,500 from United Christian Giving, Inc. for its prison ministry. For more information or to contribute, please call 863-674- 1441 or send a check payable to LaBelle Salvation Army, P.O. Box 218, LaBelle, Florida, 33975. Agency Continued From Page 1 with local business owners to ensure the downtown area remains healthy. Although the city may renovate and improve areas like the riverbank and roads, local business owners will have to sign on to any overall plan. The city is on a learning curve right now. Hendry County Commission Chairman Darrell Harris said the county might be interested in par- ticipating in a CRA, however, all the facts are not known,as yet. Hendry County Planner Vince Cautero said he would like to see downtown LaBelle with a mix of office, retail, residential properties. Negron Continued From Page not just Florida; Keeping govern-, ment spending in line, making Congress live within its budget; and national security. Mr. Negron lives in Stuart and said he understands this part of Florida Old Florida and is famil- iar with local places like Belle Glade, Clewiston and Pahokee. He served in the Florida Legisla- ture for four years with LaBelle's Joe Spratt, former District 77 Rep- resentative, before term limits forced Mr. Spratt to leave office. Mr. Negron said he is a fiscal conserva- live who served as chairman of the Judicial Appropnations Committee 2003-04 in the Florida House. Mr. Spratt came down to meet Farm Continued From Page 1 well as one of the largest beef cattle ranches in the state. There will also be fresh Florida orange juice breaks at strategic stops along the way. As an extra-added attraction. lunch will feature a delicious melt in your mouth steak lunch with all the trimmings served by the Hendry County Cattlemen's Asso- ciation at Cannon Hammock Park- a peaceful tropical hardwood ham- mock on the edge of the Glades. At the end of the day, you will be transported to the Hendry County Extension Office and will be given a free bag of vegetables, citrus fruit and other items from the agricul- tural industry of Hendry County to take home with you. Chairman Harris said in July the Florida Department of Trans- portation (FDOT) began a two- year grid study to determine an exact location, costs and timetable to replace the LaBelle Bridge. The.county is also consid- ering placing a bridge across the Caloosahatchee just inside Hendry Countyk east of the Hendry-Lee line. The key to forming LaBelle's transportation character is to get ahead of the curve, Glatting Jack- son representatives said, ahead of FDOT. The ne in this long process t for Glatting Jackson t un ize the goals and objed es pvided to them, then set u eering committee. his old friend and had some good words to say about the candidate. "Joe worked hard and knew how to get things done. He always did his homework. He's a super guy and if he told you something you could 'take it to the bank.'" He added that he believes Mr. Negron would do well in Washington because his "Tallahassee skills would translate to the larger stage. All you've got is your word up there." The 45-\ear-old Florida native was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2000, represent- ing District 82, including parts of Palm Beach, Martin and St. Lucie counties. He has practiced law since 1986. He graduated from Stetson University in 1983 with a degree in political science and earned his law degree from Emory University in 1986. In addition to the opportunity to seeFlorida agriculture up close and personal, you \will tour some of the most unspoiled vild lands in all of southwest Florida where each turn of the road will reveal natural splendor and a chance to see a variety of wildlife Deadline for ticket sales is November 24. For additional infor- mation about the tour and how to purchase tickets for the tour, you may go to the Hendry County Extension Service Office, which is located at 1085 Pratt Blvd, LaBelle, Florida. You may also contact the office as follows: phone (863) 674- 4092; fax 1863) 674-4098; ,e-mail gmcavdy@i'ifas.ufl.edu or send a letter to: Hendry County Extension Service, P.O. Box 68, LaBelle, FL 33975-1085. Make checks payable to: Hendry County City-Farm Tour. Plant Continued From Page 1 For John Capece, the pro- posed plant remains an unknown quantity. Although FPL provides assurance that this plant's ultra supercritical coal-fueled power technology is highly efficient by today's standards and will reduce C02 emissions to environmental- ly acceptable' levels, Mr. Capece worries that it won't be enough in coming years. He warns that, if a large carbon tax is implemented, it could tip the economic balance that makes the plant feasible. Scientists warn that C02 in the atmosphere is responsible for global warming. Mr. Capece said his idea to build the new plant so its environ- mental technology can be expanded as that technology improves, was well received by FPL's engineers, but would still have to be approved by the com- pany. Mr. Capece agreed that the country needs to use more coal - as cleanly as possible but cannot rely on natural gas too much either. The country needs to keep the nuclear power it already has as well as alternative power Web Continued From Page 1 ly reduce your chances of cyber crimes. "However, the only 100 per- cent safe computer is the one that is not connected to the internet." "Parents have to take a hands- on approach. A person can not just sit back and let the program work alone because there is no way to age proof websites. Someone can pretend to be 16 but actually be 30 years old and there's no way of telling the difference. It doesn't work that way. Programs against cyber crimes help, but they are not 100 percent effective." Every child should be moni- tored closely. Children should not have a computer in their room, behind closed doors. It's too dan- gerous. It's like sending them to a bar or any other dangerous place. A ualoosa Ielle/Pary urant From left: Glades County EDC Director Tracy Whirls talks about some of the possible drawbacks of a new coal pow- ered plant with John Capece and Harris Friedman. sources like wind and solar ener- gy; and to utilize conservation methods, he said. "I did my research," he added, saying the country needs an infor- mation clearing house to take the "scientific gobbledygook" and make it understandable to the general public. He sees the Glades County plant as an oppor- tunity to do this. Harris Friedman is concerned that the plant could add to a sub- stantial mercury problem the entire area already has. He points out that habitat for the swallow parent has to watch their kids because the internet is like one big party. You can find out anything you want to whether good or bad. A lot of elderly are being taken advantage of because most of them are not computer literate since computers are so new to them. They don't realize the danger. There are more scams on the internet than imaginable, said the Roddells. Bottomline: "No system is perfect! Just because you have the software to work against cyber crimes that does not mean that you are protect- ed 100 percent because people are people. They don't change." Rules 1. Do not keep broadband or telephone line connected when you are not on the computer for any length of time. If you are going on vacation unplug/disconnect tail kite, a threatened species, is just five miles away from the site. Although FPL says the plant has technology to capture mercury, Mr. Friedman worries it may not be enough, given current high lev-. els of mercury in the ground. Attendees learned that FPL diversifies its energy use, building plants that use coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power and a small number of alternate sources like wind and solar energy. The Glades plant would be coal burn- ing in order to continue FPLs bal- ance of energy use so as not to your computer. Somebody could wipe you out while you are on vacation. It only takes seconds to wipe out a computer. 2. Use antivirus, firewalls, anti- spyware. Every home computer needs them. Run everything through the software. 3. Handy gadgets like comput- ers, phones, etc. are tools and can be used for good or bad purposes depending on who's using them. 4. Watch your kids at home and away from home. Check with your child's friends' parents to make sure they are using a computer that is closely monitored and not behind closed doors. Watch for changes in behavior. Relate the internet to everyday things such as dating. If you wouldn't let them do it in real life, don't let them do it online either. Victoria Roddell has books for be too dependant on any one type of energy. With a good domestic as well as offshore supply of coal and a site adjacent to rail lines running east and west, the Glades plant is a good candidate for coal. The permitting process is a long one. FPL first files an application with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, which is also reviewed by a host of government agencies. Once all those hurdles are cleared, an advocate law judge would hold a public hear- ing to consider FPL's application, design, environmental, social/economic) agency reports; and to take public comment. Ulti- mately the license application goes to the Governor and Cabinet for their approval as the Siting Board. It's a 12-18 month process. The proposed plant will have two units. Their stacks will be bundled together so they will be seen as one stack. FPL representa- tives assured the public they will see no smoke or soot, although they may see some water vapor or steam occasionally, and there will be no odor from the plant. The timeline shows the plant under construction in 2008, with unit 1 going on line in 2012 and unit 2 in 2013. the whole family that include the: "Internet Safety Parents Guide," "Internet Safety Kids' Guide," "Internet Safety Family Guide," "Internet Safety Young Readers Guide," "2007 Southwest Florida Woodlands" calendar and "Scenes from Southwest Florida." The fami- ly book review is a good summary of the Website. The family and par- ent book emphasizes that the com- puter is a tool to accomplish what you used to. The kids' book empha- sizes respect, listening to your par- ents and staying safe. "The Internet Safety Parents' Guide" emphasizes the importance of parental supervi- sion. For more information on cyber crime prevention go to the cyber crimes most wanted website at ccmostwanted.com. For more information about the books go to lulu.com/Internet safety. BEDROOM DINING ROOM SUITES SUITES LIVINGROOM ODDS SUITES 8 ENDS CALOOSA*'BELLE To Reach Us h I dr, AddrL- P 0 F Pox C. .I_ LABeU FL i3375 Ph, iicalJ ,.idrte :2 Fr Thompsonr.ie .Fh r,e itr." '.: 2541! Fr.. ii-c.' f 1-9. v.To S it'.. ne.- : 'pcomi belJe To Submit News STo Place a Classified Ad Call i87) 353-2424 t.:. pLiace cl-id,:,3 line adicrtimnent from h:.mrrI Thlie de.I Lne for all Ili-iched bnc id'.ert,_ ,in : .lonrday at I! a m. loi the toul...' in Thurs-days pulicarron Fax 18771 354-2424 E-lad i:ssbad'*ne .i:plom For Subscrit ions The Cl.io-.l Belle welcome submis-i s)in; from itr readers OpLnion-s ciaen- Phone (877) 3532-1424 car Items,. stor ideas and photioraph; The C l.,-:. Belle .Itrbtucte- 7.'000'L'Cpie are welcomee Cdi (863) 6752-1541 to in the LaBelle ind \Vetcrn Heidri- reach our re'.'. broom Items may be C,:.unr, area.- e er' ,\t.dneid ,',:re- .:. maJied. fI'ad or e-miled if \ou are the paFrer cn ibe found it .ar:.u i tor.: sending photographs via e-mil please .:ghout ,n.e.:ted h.:.c send them in jF'EG ormar. liJo please t.er!e .no v i'p!e nr, i',r, r.:!. do not -end \\ORD documents.. i Laelle l njov pe .r d pi-te the-e me-sa ; min o the body\ of er, F-,ritc I i .:ul:.,ci.r,,,. ,r, the e mr.l. Office documents are ok nljb!: it $50 per e.r and $25 tor .L.. The deadline ior ill nev..; items ,s II a m month- on Monday prior to the following Thurdav-'s publication Printing E Mad icbecdjorf~.a-oneto ret Speakout. (863)675-4516 The CaJc.Li BelIc l rirnted ir Sur,- hr.e To Place a Display Ad Phone- 18631 675 2541 E-maJ p.o rir, .:ri ';. i.:r ThI-.:. c:k dhrli t e : d. rl d: ine is 4 pm cnr Fnr.a, or the IoIl.:.c -n ThurdN s I P"bc.rion Newszap! E-mail: cbelle@strato.net Online News & Informaton Billing Department Get the latest local news at Swww.newszap.com/labelle E-mail: billteam@newszap.com ,- i ]-- ---- Pri nii l i re 1 ut-A li r., .--t ri J ., :.e r. d .: r. Nev. ipporm~r Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12,2006 'Arrest Report LaBelle Alejandro Maldonado, 24, of LaBelle, was arrested Septem- ber 29, and charged with cruelty towards a child- abuse without great harm. Michael Home of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Antoinette Thomas, 42, of LaBelle, was arrested October 2, and charged with dealing in stolen property. Frank Marcus Pensak of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Joseph Andrew Munson, 18, of LaBelle, was arrested October 3, and charged with burglary. Christian Buchhofer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Miguel A. Vasquez, 38, of LaBelle, was arrested September 29, and charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell, producing marijuana and pos- session of over 20 grams of mari- juana. Robert L. Archer Jr. of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $20,000 cash/surety. Daniel Lopez Hernandez, 34, of LaBelle, was arrested October 5, and charged with aggravated assault with intent to commit a felon and robbery with a weapon. Perry Short of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Clewiston Harold Tony Hall, 52, of Clewiston, was arrested October 12, on a warrant and charged with grand theft from $5,000- $10,000 and dealing in stolen property. Sabrena Thomas of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $30,000 cash/surety. Nicole Joy Martinez, 24, of Clewiston, was arrested October 14, on a warrant and charged with violating probation. Suzanne Higby of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Chuck Cornelius Gilkes, 26, of Clewiston, was arrested Octo- ber 5, and charged with violating probation. Teresa Helmlinger of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Carlos Deahora, 46, of Clewiston, was arrested October 1, and charged with possession of cocaine. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Juan Ramon Fuentes, 35, of Clewiston, was arrested October 4, and charged with driving with a suspended license. Eddie Wilcox of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Reginal Jerry Mila, 21, of Belle Glade, was arrested Octo- ber 5, and charged with driving with a suspended license. Rolan- do Gajate of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Wayne-Howa Alvin, 20, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 29, and charged with grand theft between $300-$5,000 and robbery with a firearm. Chad Pelham of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting officer. Jacob Starling, 28. of South Victim identifies alleged attacker Cpl. Perry Short of the Hendry and a person fitting the descrip- County Sheriff's Office investigat- tion of the suspect at 1040 Luckey ed an alleged armed robbery that Street. The victim was then taken occurred on Luckey Street at to the scene and positively identi- about 4:25 a.m. October 5. The fled the person that robbed him of victim told deputies he was $40. Sheriff Ronnie Lee said approached by a man brandish- Daniel Lopez Hernandez, age 34, ing 'a knife who demanded his was arrested and charged with money. He also gave deputies a Aggravated Assault and Robbery description of the \ vehicle and sus- with a Weapon. Bond was set at pect. Cpl Short located the vehicle $30,000. Humane Society gets $4,320 grant Response from the public has quickly made the Animal Friend spay/neuter license plate a popu- lar selection. In its inaugural grant competition, the grant selection committee evaluated 58 com- plete applications requesting $865,637. Each committee mem- ber read all of the grants and scored them in 12 categories including cost/benefit ratio, track record of the applicant and evi- dence of compelling need for the program. The proposals were excellent, and the committee found it very difficult to rank them in order. Ultimately, 18 grant applications were funded for a total of $202,320. The Caloosa Humane Society has been selected for funding in the amount of $4,320. Most of the applications were funded for less than requested in order to provide support for as many projects as possible. Bay, was arrested September 29, and charged with accessory to a first degree felony and posses- sion of a weapon by a convicted felon. Chad Pelham of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting officer. James Thomas, 48, of Clewiston, was arrested October 5, and .charged with burglary. low COST PET VAccOINATION AflU flanu CIooinTIonSi OR DOGS. OATS & FERRETS SAVE on Heartworm Prevention & Flea Protection Products Rabies $7.00 Available at LABELLE RANCH SUPPLY 281 S. Bridge St., LaBelle (863) 675-4250 Saturday, Oct 14 from 7:30a.m to 9:00a.m. TRACTOR SUPPLY 2395 S. Olga Rd. SR 80, Ft. Myers (239) 690-3002 Saturday, Oct 14 from 9:30a.m to ll:00am. Call 1-888-63-8838 or More information OR visit our website at www.888petvet.com Same Day Service Lab On Premises S$ S FUL ST S PARTALS 365 Eac .ocli n ht GENERAL AN CALL FO QUOTE Al 1-866, T( vESTHESIA AVAILABLE OR YOUR PRICE ND INFORMATION. -226-9400 OLL FREE I ",,! | lruli |l ]r.J J,.'| l-" I :,,. I,;,:, ,,l ,.- ,,LlI ,:l.: I;:,[ ,Jl i,, h ? l-a i .. i u f I,., .: '.l |T,. .:l fJ fl .- I i .T .I:,m l,,r.:,J II. I : | f -, i.] I'i: i f:, Jr ic l j l .,: i W:. Ih hi: t,,: ,,Jl: I. |! 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Your locally owned and operated Electrical Ser\ ice Company SMain Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Landscape Lighting and surge, protection Call for A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 9-5 call 863-983-4101 863-228-4138 24 Ei..ri-Jienl.y Service Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee -s-S" -'-,^a.A- ^B--' .;;' Obituaries Theron "Ted" Newton Theron "Ted" Newton, age 91, of LaBelle, passed away October 6, 2006, in Cape Coral. He was born Jan. 15, 1915, in Marion, IL. Survivors include his fiance: Delores M. Dyson of LaBelle; brother: Walter Norman (Carol) of Bonita Springs; grand- daughter: Sherri O'Connor (Bob). He was preceded in death by his son: Bruce Newton. Funeral services were October 10 at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, in LaBelle with Reverend Cliff Avery officiating. Interment followed at Fort Denaud Cemetery. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home LaBelle. I Save money on your favorite grocery items. , I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I I newszap.com Comimunity Links. Individual Voices. I *I W'e... b ... ..i I SALE OF FALL Big Savings on Bedroom, Dining Room and Living Room Furniture Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle W PAT evos pac Se rice: Women' rnal Med and Edu Rad i ,. P,. I.',. :, For Call i Wal iI;-. Enrih /'"; a .~~r IENTS ACCEPTED! :ientes son acceptado! , s: Family Medicine. , SHealth, Pediatrics, icine. Dental, Outreach cation. Laboratory, )logl), Pharmacy '". rltlic'tt[,l'v G' t.. '0,a ; / an appointment (239) 658-3000 Ik-in's Welcome i ;h, Creole & Krunot-Ab Sp,:ken : , .,,.,...,,, '!*.;.,1,1 ,,t .:.! t, \ i^ -' .^ Louis Morales of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Troy Ivory Johnson, 27, of Clewiston, was arrested October 7, and charged with cruelty towards a child-abused without great harm. Justin Spence of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting officer. Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. I 3 Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 N.River Rd. (Hwy 78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 wwwfamilyeyecarelabelle.cbm MVore llian Meets the Eye! 4009 Oak Haven Drive From:LaBelle, SR 80 to Birchwood Pkwy., Turn south, then turn into Oak Haven Subdivision. Look For Sign. OPEN HOUSE! on Saturday, Oct 14th Noon to 3:00 PM 863-675-7522 SMemorial Tribute Remember a loved one w "ho has departed with a special 4fMAlemorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversaryofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.coniV/memorlia for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 0%W D 675-3233 TouL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CALL NOW TO HAVE YOUR A/C COMPREHENSIVELY CHECKED BY OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TECHNICIANS! MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS i V' .~. . S NE7 Nu Inter 5s5A S... . Sa ---\l ": " with SBobby Bell From Dayton, Ohio October 16th 20th at the FAITH WORSHIP CENTER 3025 CR 78 West LaBelle For information or Directions call 239-229-4094 or 863-673-0507 ~e~- -.-~a~i~-~~rp-----1-~--~--~ I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12, 2006 1DIMUIluI Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http//vww.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. TO A CITY COMMISSIONER: I would like one of the city commis- sioners to answer this question: Why should, and how does growth help the average person living in LaBelle? Whether they're in Aqua Isles or working at Winn Dixie whoever how does growth benefit us and why should we be paying for it? If your answer is we have a Wal-mart coming, I really don't care. I'd rather drive to Wal-mart. They're just going to come in a put our stores out of business anyway and offer low paying jobs with no benefits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: *LaBelle Issues: http://www.newszaptorums.com/lorum56 *Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforurs.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." STRAIGHT TALK I know there are an awful lot of- property appraisals being recon- sidered now, what with the sky high values. I was wondering: how will this work? If I get a tax bill and I haven't heard back on my petition, should I pay it? And there are so many petitions how long will it take to get through them all? If there is not a resolution to your petition by November: II you don I pay your taxes and lose your .petition the taxes would be due at the current rate. If you pay your taxes in November and win, a correction will be issued and a refund \\ill be given. If you don't pay your taxes and win your tax will be prorated from the time of correction. As to how long this \ill take, it is unknown. The Clerk will sched- ule the hearings and will be send- ing you information as to when your hearing date will be. Letters to the Editor Trhu Center Editor: cate the Civic er? A Bad Idea! The Caloosa Belle reported on 5 Oct. that $50,000 of new tax money would be spent convert- ing part of the Civic Center, including the stage, to a com- mission chamber and office space. According to Mayor Bengston, this would leave suffi- cient room for most community events, many of which are com- missioned by outsiders anyway. I would invite Mayor Bengston to stop by the Civic Center some Friday or Saturday night and ask anyone from the usual ample crowd where.they reside. The Civic Center is much used and depended cn by local folks for wedding receptions, coming out parties and most recently a locally .organized revival with 1,200 attendees. There is no way these events could take place in a truncated facilityminus its stage. Could that be the real intent? The political fallout could be intense as thousands of would be Center users are left with no place to gather in their own tow n. Surely, there is some- where else the commission could meet and spare our com- munity the polarizing image of "us versus them." Phil Star LaBe Thank you. nsly, 17-year lle Resident From the months of babes I am Isabella Parrish; my friends and loved ones call me "Bella." Ilike that. I am the little 3 year old girl that had a tumor and cyst, in my little head. When the doctor opened on me and looked inside, he saw a tumor and a.cyst, each one as big as my Grandpa Scott's golf balls. The doctor took out as much of the bad things as he could. Parts of the tumor are still in places they can't get to. The cyst came back and has to be drained with a big needle . My grandparents had a Bar-B-Q to help my parents pay a big pile of bills. I want to thank all of you who helped and all Ihe others who ordered dinners. Thank you all. The doctor that looked in my head told my father that he did all he could to help me but that he needed a big flash light called a "proton beam" that could see all the parts of the tumor he could not reach. I don't know what that is but I sure don't know if I will like it! The trouble was they only have two of these big things in the world and it was really hard to see the doctors who run this big tumor finder/burner. I had good news. The doctors who runs the big tumor-getter-rid- of machine will see me and see if my head was the kind they need- ed. Good luck and a ton of prayers by all my family and friends helped me to see the doctor in Boston where this machine is. I saw this big machine; is it ever big! They told me it was 5 stories high. I sure hope it doesn't slip. I would be nothing if it did. My doctor told me not to worry; he will take good care of me. That's all for now. Please keep me in your prayers 'cause I will be in this hospital for six more weeks to get rid of the tumior. God Bless all of LaBelle. Love, Bella Parrish Response: Letter to the Editor "No show" October 5,2006 I apologize that I was unable to attend the budget meeting held by the county commissioners Tuesday, September 26. Due to the issues created regarding increased property values throughout the state, I felt it was imperative to attend a prior scheduled Property Appraisers' Association conference. Not only was this a critical meeting with the Department of Revenue dis- cussing next year's tax approval process, there are also important legislative issues coming forth that will be affecting you, the citi- zens of Hendry County and this office. Donna Kane, please don't feel ashamed for bringing forth any issues regarding this public office. It is my duty to enforce the green- belt laws and insure that all agri- cultural properties be treated fair- ly with reasonable time given to comply with the requirements. As previously stated there are several criteria that agricultural properties must meet to qualify for the classi- fication. The office values each property according to these spe- cific criteria regardless of where they are located in the county. I would like the citizens to know, I-have a very hard working staff that is here to serve them with courtesy and professional- ism. My staff has done a tremen- dous job dealing with the enor- mous changes and challenges this county office has been facing in the last several years. They have done well in performing their duties and I praise them for being a part of my team. Please remem- ber, the Property Appraiser's office is your office and my door is always open to you. WVe are always looking for. ways to improve the job we do and thanks again, for your input. Please be assured we are looking into your concerns. Thank you. commissioners, for being conservative in your budget process and lowering our taxes. County property appraisers do not determine the tax rate, our job is to assess property at market value, produce a fair, certifiable tax roll that insures our citizens continue to receive the services they so deserve, such as law enforcement, schools for our chil- dren and hospital services. Kristina Kulpa's Rights and Concerns I just recently read a couple of- letters published in a local news- paper. They were interesting. The first letter was what appeared to me as a series of either questions or items that, as a voter, would have some interest to me: Items that a voter would like to have clear answers about in order to: make an informed decision. The problem, although insignificant, %as according to a rebuttal letter about the definition of residency. A more accurate term would have been either "domicile" or "proper- ty owner." Again, an insignificant problem. The more important items were the issues that were mentioned in the initial letter. They may have been factual, rumors, informational or simply questions that an American'citi- zen had and was in reality looking for answers. I would say that the questions and comments could have significant impact to a prop- erty owner regardless of where that person may call "home." It is an interesting fact that a property owner, who by the way must pay taxes so they are also taxpayers of that county, living in another county or state appears to have no rights. If that property owner-had a unit in a condomini- um he would have voting rights in that particular association and his opinion would carry .some weight. A renter in the condomini- um paying no.taxes would have no rights. However, a renter of a piece of property that he or she calls a residence and paying no taxes and owning no property has a vote. The renter also has the potential by voting of dictating to the property owner what kinds of. taxes and impact fees and MSBU's and MSTU's that property owner must pay. I would say that the writer of the initial letter had a very legitimate excuse and a "vested interest" in the county for writing his letter. As an American citizen he had the right to express an opinion. There seem to be clouds of questions hanging over the elect- ed officials in the county that no one ever seems to address and give or get factual answers to. I recently attended a Democratic Executive Committee meeting and an interesting question was brought to the floor. The question was about the accuracy of the addresses that a candidate had to buy from the county election offi- cer. The comment was made "Why should I bu\ a mailing list that has so. many "wrong" addresses'' If my memory serves me correctly back in 1999 the entire country was getting pre- pared for Y2K. All of the banking, business and governmental offices.were mandated to have their computers andsystems Y2K compliant and operational months before the year 2000 arrived. Just a few weeks before the year 2000 arrived here in Glades County the announcement was made that the election office was not Y2K compliant and the computers had not even been purchased at that point and the software was still not even tested. The kicker was- that it is going to cost another twenty thousand dol- lars to become compliant Also there were many address discrep- ancies that had to be corrected. Yes, the writer of the rebuttal letter .hit the nail on the head when the comment "The people of Glades County have spoken " The writer has an astounding 8001 percent approval rating from the voters. Only about 20 percent of the voters showed up at the polls. Loud and clear the other 80 per- cent that did not vote shouted "We do not care!" The elected officials have heard the message. The voters deserve exactly what they vote for, or do not vote for. Respectfully, Fran Koebeit Retired, Voter, Taxpayer, American Citizen. CALOOSAB BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested In Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. We Pledge ... EDrrouAL: To operate this newspaper as News Editor Paty Brant To help our community Reporter: Kristin Hunter become a beller place to live Reporter- JerriLynn Merritt and work. through our dedil Sports: Roger Alexander calion to conscientious lour ADVERTISING: nalism To provide the information cit- Advertising Director Izens need to make their own Judy Kasten intelilgenl decisions about Advertising Manager public issues Brenda Jaramillo To repon the news with hon- Advertising esty accuracy purposetul rv sin neutraitry. fairness. objectivity. Services Coordinator: fearlessness and compassion Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: facilitate community debate Barbara Calfee not to dominate it with our Nio A ii own opinions National Advertising To disclose out own conflicts Joy Parrish of interest or potential con-.................... IIcts to our readers Independent Newspapers, Inc. To correct our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth prominence it deserves. President To provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin those we write about To treat people with courtesy Vice President respect and compassion of Florida Operations Tom Byrd For More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Health insurance: You need to know I frequently get asked about health insurance and would like to share some helpful highlights with you. First, be certain you understand the difference between a Major Medical and a Hospital Indemnity contract. The major medical basically says you pay an annual deductible, then typically 20 percent of your cov- ered medical bills up to $5,000, maybe more, then for the bal- ance of the year you don't have to pay any more. Of course, some things are not covered. The company gets to judge what is a customary and reasonable amount There are limitations and exclusions. There is general- ly a $1,000,000 lifetime maxi- mum, but that is the concept of how it works. The Hospital Indemnity con- tract sounds most impressive, but it is a whole lot less cover- age. It pays a certain stated amount for room and board, surgeon's and -assistant sur- geon's fees, an anesthesia fee, an amount for miscellaneous hospital charges such as x-ray, diagnostic charges, medicines, out-patient expense and the list goes on. Because there are so many named covered items, it sounds really good. However, it is far better to know that every- Financial Tips byWayneC.Switzer thing is covered at either 80 per- cent or 100 percent, without stat- ed limited amounts. Some well advertised policies pay a flat daily amount such as $100 or $200, but these are real moneymakers for insurance companies. Many years ago, I saw some figures from Metropolitan, Pru- dential and New York Life. About 70-75 percent of the premiums collected were paid back out in claims on. health policies. Blue Cross was the highest at over 80 percent. The balance of the pre- miums collected went to pay commissions and company expenses. Cancer policies are one of the worst. They paid about 37 per- cent in claims and were big prof- it makers for the companies However, if you were the benefi- ciary on a cancer policy on per- haps a parent, and you collected $50,000 or more when someone was sick, there is no way anyone will convince you not to buy that policy. If you buy an accidental death and dismemberment policy, be extra careful about studying the exclusions. For example, I know of one lady whose husband died of drowning. When she turned in a claim for the accident, she was told that drowning was "asphyxiation" and was exclud- ed under the policy. Accidental drowning was not covered! Long term care policies vary a great deal from one company to another, not just as concerns assisted living payments versus nursing home payments. It's not fair to waste the time of a lot of agents, but be sure to get more than one sales presentation from one agent when you buy these. You can always call the Insur- ance Commissioner's 1-800 number hotline in Tallahassee and ask about how many claims have been filed against an insur- ance company and how they were resolved. It's public infor- mation. It seems that more and more people are going without health insurance because it cost so much. I place the blame on the doctors and the lawyers equally. VWhat you need to know is that if you don't have insurance, you are running a terrible risk. Many poor people get out of paying their medical bills, but responsi- ble working people are forced to pay, or be turned over to a col- lection agency and their credit ruined. If necessary, take a very big deductible, but don't go without coverage. Lastly, do you know\ the differ- ence between the terms "guar- anteed renewable" and "non- cancelable"" They are important and not exactly what they sound like they should be. If a policy is Guaranteed Renewable, the company cannot cancel the poli- cy so long as you pay the premi- um. However, the company can raise the premium and often does just that. Therefore, it may become unaffordable some day. When the insurance compa- ny adds the wording Non-Cance- lable, it means that the company cannot raise the premium. in addition to the fact that it cannot cancel the policy, as long as you pay your premiums on time. Therefore, you should look for policies that have both word- ings. Wayne C. Switzer, CLU, nin- jadoggy@aol.com. Hallucinating in Hendry County? What wouould you like to see in LaBelle? Whitney Chapman said, "I would like to see something for kids to do besides drugs such as bowling, a skating rink, a movie theatre, video arcades, etc. I would also like to see a Catholic Ele- mentary School and the encouragement for English speaking in school." Ashley Davis, a 17-year-old senior at LHS said, "I want to see a mall in LaBelle. I would like to see anything with a lot more clothing stores, because LaBelle is pretty empty." Kimberly Marinella, a 17-year-old senior at LHS said, "I would like to see a movie theatre. LaBelle needs more places for teenagers to hang out such as an arcade with games and pool tables." Rock Aboujaoude said, "LaBelle needs sidewalks, lots of sidewalks. We also need a business hub such as a profes- sional center downtown. I would also like to see SR 80 converted into two lanes with the outer lanes converted into parking spaces in the city limits. In order to do that you would need a bypass on Helms Rd." David Rolls said, "I would like to see a true riverfront park. By that I mean a place where you can sit on the river and enjoy it, such as a restaurant on the river where people can gather and meet and greet." Strange as it may seam, some days, lately, I have to wonder. Who can you trust? Just pick up the newspaper, turn on the tube/radio, talk to your neighbor and all you see or hear is one scandalous act after another. SLooking for something positive in all this chaos, I'm reminded of a special saying that says "Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you. Jesus Christ and the American G.I.'s. One died for our souls the other for our freedoms." Coincidental to today's circum- stances, I have just received a com- munication from Judge Roy Moore. You remember him. He is the Alabama Supreme Court judge who was removed from the bench for refusing to remove a sculpture of the Ten Commandments from the court house. He was stripped of his Judgeship and is now being hounded to strip his right to prac- tice law in Alabama. Down, but not out, refusing to give up the fight, he has published a poem summarizing his continu- ing fight to restore the "Beautiful" back into America the Beautiful. "America the Beautiful, or so you used to be. Land of the Pil- grim's pride, I'm glad they'll never see. Babies piled in dumpsters, abortion on demand. Oh, sweet land of liberty, your house is on shifting sand. Our children wander aimlessly, poisoned by cocaine. Choosing to indulge their lusts, when God has said, abstain. From sea to shining sea, our nation turns away. From the teach- ing of God's love and a need to always pray. We've kept God in our temples, how callous we have grown. t's your worl world Get Involved When earth is but His footstool, and Heaven His only throne. We've voted in governments that are rotting at the core. Appoint- ing Godless Judges, who throw reason out the door. Too soft to place a killer in well deserved tomb, but brave enough to kill a baby, before it leaves the womb. You think that God's not angry that our land's a moral slum? How much longer will He wait, before his judgment comes? How are we to face our God, from Whom we cannot hide. What then is left for us to do, but stem this evil tide? If we who are his children will humbly turn and pray. Seek His holy face and mend our evil ways. Then God will hear from Heav- en and forgive us our sins. He'll heal our sickly land and those who live within. But, America the Beautiful, if you don't then you will see, a sad but Holy God, withdraw His hand from thee." I've never met Judge Moore and have only press reports and jour- nalistic reports to reference him as a, in my opinion, truly "Beautiful American." Hopefully, we in Hendry County will not disappoint Judge Moore, and taking his words to heart, push aside all the disappointing behav- ior and actions of our elected lead- ers and put the "Beautiful" back into "America." Respectfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County Citizen and Taxpayer) L+ vrlr~lvl~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12,2006 Local youth celebrate 4-H Week Hendry County 4-H members celebrated National 4-H Week the week of October 1-7 at scheduled events during club meetings and events. More than 300 4-H mem- bers and 50 volunteers are involved in the Hendry County 4-H. Club Program. 4-H is the non-formal educa- tional youth development program of the University of Florida's Insti- tute of Food and Agricultural Sci- ences (IFAS) and the Florida Coop- erative Extension Service for boys and girls. It combines the coopera- tive efforts of youth, volunteer lead- ers, the University of Florida, Flori- da A&M University and local and federal governments. The 4-H pro- gram is the only nationwide youth education effort that is an exten- sion of a university system and it is the largest youth-serving organiza- tion in the country. The purpose of 4-H is to help youth become productive mem- bers of society. It is a program designed to help youth develop life skills, such as communication, citi- zenship, decision-making, leader- ship and interpersonal relation- ." i. . Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/ Sonja C. Crawford 4-H Coordinator/Livestock 4-H members learning the art of bow and arrows. Pictured with the bow is Kyle Waldon and the 4-H camp instruction. Jessica Mathis, Kindall Tindall and Nathan Harris are 4-H'ers seen in the background. ships. By acquiring life skills, youth curricula help youth understand learn about practical problems .research-based educational topics they will face in life. Subject matter and learn how to think about and solve problems. In the broadest sense, 4-H is a human develop- ment program designed to foster a sense of confidence, a feeling of accomplishment and a heightened level of competence. 4-H youth grow and learn with help from par- ents, leaders, interested communi- ty members and cooperative extension professionals. You can join the 4-H communi- ty today. To learn how to become a 4-H member or volunteer leader in Hendry County, contact the UF/IFAS/Hendry County Coopera- tive Extension Service at 863-674- 4092 or 863-983-1598 or sycr@ifas.ufl.edu. Here are the dates for some upcoming 4-H events. October 7 Hendry County Fair Steer Weigh-in October 21 Hendry County 4- H Alumni Fundraiser November 4 Poultry Seminar, Pioneer Community Park November 4 LaBelle Youth Livestock Swine Weigh-in December 2 Hendry County Fair Swine Weigh-in 720 students try to break a world record By Kristin Hunter Middle schools all across the state of Florida joined in for "Break- ing a World Record:" Reading Aloud Overseen by the Just Read, Florida office. The event brought together 3 more than 200,000 middle school students in Florida in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the "Most People Reading Aloud Simultaneously in Multiple Loca- tions." According to Guinness World Records, the record for the largest number of people reading the same piece of literature aloud, " simultaneously, in-multiple loca- i tions is 155,128 students from 737 schools throughout the United King- dom who read William Wordsworth's poem "Daffodils" on March 19, 2004. On Thursday, September 28, from 11-11:30 a.m. middle school students attempted to break that record via live public broadcast and Web cast from Disney-MGM Stu- dios. "Just Read, Florida" received an overwhelming response from LMS stud schools interested-in participating in Pearson. this event. More than 250,000 stu- dents in 470 schools submitted this record. interest forms. met in tht Our yery:.own LaBelle A iddle .graders me School ,waas.roe,:,if tlhe schools the 8th ~ra involved in this monumental event. to be a pa Atotal of 720 students, sixth through record. eighth grade at LaBelle Middle There w School sat throughout designated attendance places at the school to help break including K Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter tents read an excerpt from "Peter and the Starcatchers" by Davy Berry and Ridley The 6th graders at LMS person, Darrell Harris County Com- e new library, the 7th missioner Chairman, Barbara Butler tt in the band room and Clerk of Court, Rand\ Benrgsl'in ders rri 'in i hecafetni"a' May or o LaBelle, Ja\ Go:.iforlh Paist1'r itt of treakirng' axx\ :rld at Carlson United Methodist ChuIch, Mr. Conner Superintendent, Yvonne 'ere also several guests in Dobson Branch Manager at Sun- * from the community coast Schools Federal Credit Union, .C. Lynn Parent/Business Paul Puletti Reading Specialist for Secondary Schools, Lucretia Strick- land Supervisor of Elections. SCo-author of "Peter and the Star- catchers" Ridley Pearson, came up with the idea for the book from his eldest daughter when reading Peter Pan. She asked, "How did Peter meet Captain Hook in the first place?" SBC FINANCE| Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available SFull Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements SSingle Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafiol A New Twist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. A revolutionary new way to think about- skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours No Refraining. No Painting. No Mess Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights r ,""" 1 LeI ,:,ur Certified Installation Consultants show you the Sr e rence Solartube can make in your home today. L- -- Hurricane Tested & Approved SUsia, tr'" *- SO LATUBE., Stla THE MRAc'r q ,(KYUIC.HTS Nationwide and inteniatio-nal opportunities Be your own boss and make thousands of dollars without a license or experieL'nCi Frcl irainin. \eb tlo.ds. niarkciing inaterial and 'omplee support. Be the first in your area. Conditions apply CALL NOW AT 1-877-300-1595 l~lm mmrp~pioa.'arm~mn~~i The Hendry County Republican Party- cordially invites you to attend a Picnic at Barron Park, LaBelle Saturday, October 28, 2006 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. M Guest Speaker: Rebecca O'Dell Townsend t at 12:30 p.m. "Our Constitutional Crisis" Come and enjoy this opportunity to meet State and Local Republican candidates! Visit our website at: www hendrvrepublican.com 863 675 17-48----863 983 2643 rh'olticl adv lrtiscuinl p:id Iii Jind ,ipFm i' b Ih,. HenInr Li.'untl equhli:n E\: cuInI t omTnum i , P.BI ,,\ 114, I .lxlli I'W. 1 't ',,,I .11p ln 1*l bvh indldal Ir ,T nddal,; chmmnllucc ~ :T~:; ' UOaf Of ?UE R6 A - CJ R 9 cocc or ji KoiFinK fRlEUI VjUW^UlLry IP ^ ^N9 l~~~.~iy t^^w"P ^ ^ ^' .... .. , "' *- .' .- *" rai' e f t-.i *' .l.- I . .. : i ,i i ... . Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! *4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used item or I I II I ~i~e; HELLEE.r i FOOR uph ~ECIOS~;PS~ IllalPPlgl~lll*RII~ ~. ..~. ..~.~ -". ,.:- " ""' *itfn> .;:.>* n a Price must be included in ad - Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less Sell your personal valuables if they're $2 500 or less for absc. -- Mblom,.c No fee, ro Community Service Throug~h journalism E-M( A A 'wat hdo: wih 4%nnrs ."I W r %sort uv- fikbl Fl Ow. namriffai A legitimate role for the press is that of "'the public's watchdog." Most citizens can't spend the time necessary to personally observe their public officials at work, or to determine how well public insti- tutions are carrying out their public mission. But too many newspapers these days act more like "mad dogs"' than "watchdogs." We're proud to be different. We try to carry out our "'watchdog"' role as humble representatives of the public, always maintaining a courteous tone and our reputation for purposeful neutrality. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedbackenewszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA A.'BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. 9 Deadline 11 a.m. Monday o catch, no pf00Lte(~a" LALOOSA BELLE~: Deliv~ering Western Mendry Couut'),., Xew )Y Sinve 1922Z TollFree 877m353m2424 rail: classad@newszapocom 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12, 2006 6 - COES Students of the Month Submited to the Caloosa Belle/Debbi Nicholls Kindergarten, first row from left: Shareefa Saheed, Jessica Koff, Fernando Gonzalez, Citlalli Velasquez, Ana DeSantia- go, Jennifer Jimenez, Myra Prince, Novie Kohutek. First grade, second row: Ashley Butivilas, Jailine Gonzalez, Kobe Locklear, Gabriel Calderon, James Alegria, Emma Bridwell, Selena Acosta. Second grade third row: Christo- pher Jimenez, Amelia Allegria, Joselin Mancilla, Kayla Cal- houn, Anahi Montalvo, Joel Jimenez, Lupita Guillen. S .-.. -, -- "I,. It8"L -: Third grade, first row, from left: Omar Figueroa, Rocio Rea, Denise Moreno, McKenzie Redish, Emieigh Eiden, Alma Flores. Not pictured Tania Martinez. Fourth grade, second row: Nikole Zelaya, Esteban Plaza, Andrew Pardo, Enelly Canche, Maria Zamora, Aymee Salazar. Fifth grade, third row: Martina Marquez, Maria Coria, Maniram Rampersaud, Robert Sanchez, Gabriel Moreno, Felipe Paniangua, Not pictured Lillian Briones. Nutrient loading workshop October 19 The South FloridaWater Manage- ment District nutrient loading analy- sis publicworkshop originally sched- uled on Thursday, Sept. 28, will now be held on Thursday, Oct. 19. The South FloridaWater Manage- ment District \ill present the results from the Caloosahatchee River Estero Watershed nutrient loading analhssait the public wor sh-op. The public domain watershed d Management Model uses a data- base platform to estimate annual or \\et-dry seasonal pollutant loads. The purpose ol the meeting will be :o present the \\VMM development and calibration, to describe the analysis of current baseline condi- tions and selected future land use scenarios, as %ell as to demon- state the potential effectiveness of BMP implementation, permit mod- ifications and other potential hydro- logic alterations. The meeting will be Thursday, Oct. 19, 10 a.m. to noon at South Florida Water Management District, 2301 McGregor Boulevard. Fort Myers. For additional information regarding this public workshop, contact the District's Stormwater Management Division lead hydro- geologist, Clyde Dabbs Jr., at (239) 338-2929, ext. 7759, or cdabbsjr@sfwmd.gov. There is no cost to attend and RSVPs are encouraged as seating is limited. To register, call 1.239) 277-6295 or e- mail rosebl.,gravinasmith.com. LES Citizens of the Month Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Delores Agnew LES Technology Specialist Citizens of the Month: Row 1- Emerald Williams, Lam- berto Deras, Juan Valadez, Jorge Hernandez, Estela Zuniga; Row 2-Jose Erreguin, Patricia Earnest, Tyler Flack, Erika Gonzalez, Jesus Callejas, Yoanna Dominguez; Row 3-Brittany Lee, Cinthia Sanchez, Mar- iano Hernandez, Megan Price, Christina Zuniga. Citizens of the Month: Row 1-Maria Silverio, Stephen Howard, Alex Chairez, Juan Isaac Madrid, Harvey Cas- tro; Row 2-Naesa Guajardo, Stephanie Benitez, Stephany Menguela, Madelyon Lofton, Gemma Arroyo, Jaime Deras, Leonel Solis; Row 3-Lizbeth Beltran, Bri- anna Salazar, Luis Victor Flores, Amanda Escobedo, Marisol Gonzalez, Matthew Price. Absent: Evelyn Navar- ro, Angel Browning. - Safety Patrol of the Month Danila Gomez.: .... 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Offer available in Brevard, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, and St. Lucie counties only. Offer expires October 31, 2006. /I : Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12, 2006 20 Clipper Ct. 2BD/IBA 1625 Case Rd 3BD,'2BA on $129,900 2.29 Acres. $185,900 1655 Case Rd 3BD/2BA on 29 A9. Acrp s$R1.500 VACANT LAND Port LaBelle Lots starting at $32,900 Caloosa Estates Drive, .54.ac $99,500 COMMERCIAL 141 Hickpoochee Ave 2500 sq.ft. building and land only $1,500,000 Call or stop by to see more :, raii.: i ci O i ri:,or i-i,;to' 274 N Bridge St SLaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 www.melking.com IFln ir. %renic". Lt- BroLer -37R sRo 8%' L, 8 Lk, FL S R (8631 7j.1203 -I(86'3)6-35554 R E = LT Y V aL-b SpcmwRc~ati.FL.xaiai -.i _' i- Gi l 67,1-II SELLER WANri AN OFFERRI'I 1111 `dh FI L lU-II HL--ra l'.0rr s:,:ii' VOld' 2 h, Ti'v. Or, ji~ ., C -fif I'iA h ru mIil. I ..f,' i o rh b idi. h i t'~ icii tuL'I i~crgcc di*LCIkr. henr. rtcly ri.- bri. 1. 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REAL ESTWrE BROKER :CArEs: cDQIti ACKMANN ACKIYANN. RBROOK bRUCE ANo Dci BURDICK iM 675-0500 EALTY AMN NEW LOCATION! 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer ol N a B&, E ST&& W IBrfaiS c 0 -481LO CSPA'CLF i.,- Xk filled ac l I ., .. r I 'l i.L i .li lr '. i.I i l i' i 1 '. I i .r h i l ,i 'i 1 l.,l I' i c rTS id I.. I1 j< .Il i c i nit. i. $2"5.0 00. i2 1ON l + -l- .I\ ( .j I itc .,I i l... C ,aiit,. S2,5000.1)M I1 FLST Fr. Mt'FR.' I *I 'i SL: I hll'u "hI[ it I .ll 'l L' I 'l'- I ~ IIhLi l ii '"r 1d 'd ... i[,d ll.: $279.900. IN PORT IP BFLIR F r j ..i.. l-r .. It ,, icr, l n, I h Il .. 1r,-i 1r.4. I, r,,ii $I189,900 I1( 0 INF.D f -HF C iT'.: i ; 1,>,-lIIr 3.. i1' IiS.OO0. Os Ln K M N \D I h .,,ll- h.' I;ccni i:ii.! . I, ,"'.0.1 ,1l ., .. $129,900. O N P H Il I I PS R I 1-. ;r .' ,-I. ,ii I I i :. + t, i...1.i,, r -1._u1 ,... r 1-i I.-IcI' Iv- 'in I- ri I In i 'rL I I l11.n[ i ri [ n1 | 4 1. .I I. i .I l',i '. ,il. nro i n ih,' h r.,I. lr ,. i _,. ir,M. t,,~~ I,.f] d 1'.."., 45O.{OO. S863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nlkki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PauiRoser.com 239/584-2005 cell 239/584-2002 +/- Ac. & gor- geous home in LaBelle. PRICED TO SELL! a Call Matt Fleming S -- .Today... Call 863-675-0000 HOME BUYERS I GUIDE IN, lorida 863 675 4550 S281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle Rodney Murray & Seth Howard Lie Real Estate Brokers S Asi:.lates Phd Lewis. Tamra Franco, Kyndel Murray 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 plotted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & par- tially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $282,900. 4/2 well maintained home with 20x30 workshop. 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. $274,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. inip 0 e - t-.-- -c._~,rcc ~xf IP cW- --. *~rn ~ --. .- ~r~-r c-rr1Irtr 4 Itae uill I I Deia Minr U7 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 C 675-1973 HF ew (HECK iS OiiT ONUTiNJE AT wwW.nhoro Real Estate S'e hmbim Ecpan.cI Real Estate Corp. .1ccIt i'..,rr ih n- H h -cr]-i'. '.S. -.- *,,J l ", h k I ,., ,,: I,. iur .: J n. l \ . -IJ IT 1. 11': ,. 1..i,: J l rnn i pcl,: i l .' .,:--nl: JliJ J v.it,:,:,J I,":.,:h Ij. u _.i $J225,110 j' *H~q anwil _ - SSLl' ar ': i: ~,: n 1"1. .,'n: lU.I ,,:,", f I". L,, l.u U.[ 6 I' ..' r. : j.: : .,, d ,' /.. I ..,:r ..d .:,- l. ,:,u ,,..,. i i,, i. ,- ,:' $699,l)00 l* h' .-i..i,., 1,, I f.- ,rJl.. l.Ti'm uh lc I,.'' Jc -',i Cl', Al: .'J,'l .11 J : 1C.- 'j11' i lil c "-' h,.,ii ', $ i9.-)uO * [ -I h,.,.T.,: ,jr,,1,. .:. '. nl,.,.hl ,.,i A L., )ul.l-ul ,[:'.i; ", I.. ir '- I ..: ti, i h I ,J .I lul L...l ...l ':j- c'.iJ i,ti ,.,l|.I ,.|.,iT, I 2 ,iJi llj j I...! l- $2--. k.If,90 s,,,, j -'| i -,.,: ,Ji r ie o l ,, m,, Gl ,, o i ngJ wI h. I p i,.:. ...u i Aii if hr11 hA.. i iiI' r i f, i I J Oun. F.- if'-' $2 34.00 I 41n.' hii'-IiI. u' 515.100 tcof up"cr L ic'i rdn c .ci ci '- r F f.- cd- i.. cii 'i- S pr -r,1i Ela! ')t F]'c11'c ..'',jc' 169901 E* i,.l. I[ ,iiiulc.luIcj h:i ': i' .i' J clilA nil i:lcI I 5 r, rl ,, ril I rlrr ,:,i J: Jl |li': p I .,' : lr h $11u 000 iI., l[" ; h.:.Tl.: ,:., LIlt Jl hi l ll, tlm.',.. ,k I :, J i ., hic il i.i. ..,:i.T. r c'. : irfl'l. c ii ii ni c ii .'it. .. c . clc:'- I l" I'. a'Jlll l '., .l'.f ..r F..C.. ii 'l ..c' l c c I i .C ' only $450,000 o'* ,2 ,11 ilri'"-, ': ,,:,u' 2-' t, "F. h,,,-,,,: i0i, I"U+ . ' .: IIl lr.prl J ll l.: : lh :,. : ,: u . c.,jn'i .:. ..ji. l I, : ,',,"i'i ..T cc : fl:c|.l h.., i (..iu I ll.:lhri r,h .,i ,.: ,:-..r, jd -':tci-V: .1 0.,1)110 * P ;,, ,ii ,I h,,,-i r I,. .-hl. I..l: .,ji'.il .j s m ,i Ili.lll',ic'i l.'.,i': .Ilch .' ii Ii 1 I c .I cI'i AI-C ,lli I'..i d Ai I W.ciio. 1 1 .. ci''I'M.:'.'I j.] iji $ u, 1uu00 I I. r -A'I N I.'. cc ll.hii F Irut'irc-l I 1od Icid.. .c I -.-u ml m c j 11,11-imc I..c.Al .t.i U-m i ui hva.itc:' ii l cfill .c t c r r' i ii"'. i. I l ',.- i i ll. cII 1 I -1,11 n pri cc I. ,i pt1ci ir l6j ..p 11. ,, I uin.C i'.q 'i, ii.. I_'%2h 5 ,9O fij w jI- rFin I j r. II .Cri% c *I i 11 '0 ciiccic'. i'. I ,ojii , ."(,Ii, j7i9'900 cci .i:I cIi ci,,icrcll t'.ncJiri An ilc- ~ lji -'.c $16000 I... ji- .. jAI .ii.:c. p.] j i I.: 1..10 :.f.r j i, A 1-1icl run .ii~-' 21 cc c,,ri'. i c hid. r EiitV l otilIiq I -icu fVj %i-r.Pj :c' $1 65,900 0 t.l' [LCED REli-A 4 -ue'.It, if. jv .- .f cI-t.i F, ncri nduci ch il,, [I,.-& *,iff r, ..-: 5...ul irlici .. c Sf~ Li'] cII hr.I i.c i. n r'i.i '1 54,29 (10 I. ii i '' id -17 rlh ,i l n] C Prit.- hc'nii a cFl...I ,r c j ciO.sb 1'j,: .1 1 I9,90 1I 1 qi 1lc 1uc c cij i 'f.: I I'.. ..f11i c iii., Cuijurny rnzunulr.ccr $ii $19.90 i Ccc lic ii] Ou'cc OrcJ. 'I Pu. i i '.ick- i1. ... ic', '.-I ..(,Jr.: $1 3 2iiis r-r III c ; :.: I ri j.-.1~, I- vp Ihi: Ii 1n 1I I I q cc l'iip,4111 ... ~r-cc:~ e I~R~~ff6i,, cc li xf.: suri t-ulldfi cqu I r I i:..j j, 111.500 A I cI 6 'bif00 - L-., c -,l r, iJ'l J fiulucif .! i i NL'UUtc i J t c ' Ar.r- i cjl 'ijl ".. ,.d ,u1 iuri.:.iicd i u|-e.:Alc *.it> ,jd .,,:,,' f. f,'- .-., F..':i.ji .. j, :l.:,r,, $800,000 * j'.l':. i'c p ,:.i'l'' ':' f'ici jI'l1 ii i'l I.[ 'r -"ic [', ili I..-.ri: ,.,, .u i._,,:rui c, ':'- i 516,.1 00 * lr.. i f. r 'u j:i ll i:f, IF [,n.:.., : *+ J O:f',: :,i ;1 * jiJ c i j r":"J "' our Mo-.. J i S i : .i.':,l i r,, i. 'ri l'.i .'i lIh.. i' .' ''i $ 130,00 * l + j,:. l.:..jlr ,J .'. T IT I i i ,: bijr.h f.JIiic I r. Sil| |' 1-"- l h-i. ..I .. I .l p r .J :.- cill, i re. f':.l,::r .i. I ,: i .u. I .*:. .-'.:.J H ..-,I, 8 .000. I l,,-, ,: f,::l' C ) .,,,': h, f ic h .-I I hd ': |',,- 1,- I ,,fi ih, I,',i- JIE ".b.luJ:..l : r.A Fi c'h ,i" Y:p.: '.9 ,900 Call for prices on all our Moiura l-iing:! * ["'-'I.. .l-i' i :,'.,T 'ri.U.-' i".'J I:..'.I]ci: i'] i.." iJr.': cc l' i n '" L',: I...'l [' h i'i .,: ll,.'.: i .h ', 'ii,.', r -iu'c l, i 8 acres on SR 80. in Alva Over 1000ft of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared * J, : -, I h e :|l .. i [' Pr.:i.J I.,..: ,el'u .'.-il Prime 21+/-acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and ust minutes * p':].lir',l .....,.I-d P 1 ,, I f : h,.l ,,: ,IN : O,'LN ,: L IaBLl,: jnnl_ I.nI. l ..filI ITnn-iijI,- f.,J I, ['l. -'n'n1 l. I .-(,, I ,J L ,'JJ lI':'LI. I fi .*; r.r.- ]J. .,:J r.: I I,. I.., i_ t'.IB,: Si6,9I)0 away om wntownLaBelle.3.50persquarefoot. .; ,. ,,: ,-J[ ,,:,'. ..Il hl,: .- .1 : ,:II l.- r l, ,,'jl|:,i ,:t |_h .. 8+/- acres.on SR 80 in Alva. Overial just South ofroad frontage and 3 existing entrances on SR29 80Cleared , l lh .:ll J inJ ,:l,- ,. ll'n I nF : )':'.UI .J,: t i' I lhi lnlr e. 1 ment! $2,750,000. Sw/grea ten0+/ are potential conedfordal parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and f,.I',U-,, d.h iu,:l J :I.,e-. :..l.;r,, sI9M 0OOO w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. *I (. c. '' PcitLIcI11 *1 i-i111'1 I * "Inc II-. 'Ic111 Ic 'iiiii' I '111 I i-.c. ii 11.1 c-c SK- s HIITP HoII' HOP Biiilu Ei~s IULMON I: I(CUION VUaTH I FUTCREL i I-~.I. I-ol P0TTFNTLU PLU'S' I.iN~II, Qr. I.I,. ,,I ~ L'.U,%T OLD FLORIDA\ HOME) f.,, (W I IM MICAlf CIU PIPTEN-111 IN A UROMNUL I, (,~~ i I. II 1.. 1 ,. I I II,, II I I I I. I I' II I ILIILil ~ I I: .li I I.I iii11 r1' JlllIILI 11 4' 1. U0 %1 .1II"I lllll liI ~l . '1.'~.~ .~... I. I liI., 111 111111 11~ 11 111 111 i!11 11111.. (11 1I 1! 111]1 1 I)I hllll l~l?;lh (111 11(11 IrIII1:I~ii111 1I 11 1111 111 1illh IIn SVJU 1101, Ir- r. .(OIl l~ ,~~ .~ 1... ..i.~~~i..~~..,~ ..~. I~1.1 ~ I~.~ ~I~~ ~~~~~ ..~I .,,I,~, I .1'1. L. 11 11 ) I1S l400 1 h. .1ll~i int..r r I.i k5.H ~~ EBR 'Chc Ing ROUP 1 s* 's I TO~~P I w F""A'dmwkL -lq TUrrerr~ OUOWBL. 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12,2006 DO IT YOUR WAY! Enjoy the privacy of oaks and pine frontage on a paved road, go fishing in the pond, BBQ under the oaks, live in the handyman special, 2/2 with den mobile home. Build a new home or add another mobile, 2nd septic already installed on 2:5+ acres in Muse. Clean up from wind dam- age, tree disease and debris required Bargain priced at $135,500 or possible trade. View by appointment through owner. 239-218-4543 3 REDUCED, Waterfront, 1 house to Caloosahatchee. 3/2/2, great view. Call Francine i 7Perez Today... REAL DEALS ARE FOUND IN THE CALOOSA BELLE V Loans That Others Co In't HOME BUYERS Alan Kelly Mortgage 863-674.0091 GUIDE SL Home L Builders Visit Our Model Center: 2480 E State Road 80 Open MI-Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 "." '.' **-" "*"" *: -"- it- .- -- - -.. .. -+ _in ...AF .. - 7026 Gillr. 3/2/2 2,900 345 June ir.42 268,400 5012 Pinetree Cir. 3/2/2 $231,900 = ':--= Great Deals!!! Builder's Discount I" Y IMortgage Interest Rale buy dotn 1.5%-1st yr & .5% 2nd yr 30 Fixed rate w/ CHL HM t ,:.. FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home rMortgage (863)612-0012 3004 S. Balsam Cir. 4/3/3 $332,900 www.chlhomebuilders com Vacant Lots Available Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soon! Lorida 10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months A Ml Spec Hlr.-i .- l,:l.lc-e utC tllll.. e l '. LJ R d :. l. (.'- il. \L'.iLr *rPi' o .r R Call 863-675-0000 MIS felcalf (o-rencp )InC. Ii ~a *- .229.90 ..0 ou- 43 1.)-'u li\ lI.u IH'lp l. .1 .r [ lir, i iii I.L t .1 1. ,L i i illt .inu' lu.: lr.ink.- .ilI.".p[ ti I rl rhii inth ut i-, IU ,- It -I I. Il I, 1l 111" i l" -'1 IAl IT III, i I I r l ". l i h I' 'ilnn l| %-rl i I I I I IIII Tl I llI *,Il' I II Il 1 [Ill l :$315,000-Situated .;, thr, IIll !,r 3BD/2BA with circle .Ir'. .i.i i .1111.1 - ., I .I.! 1- .. u '> l|| .1 l 1 L .h 1 t .k 1 .idJ, i t ,'.., '.' Ci ll1n'; l CAR _'u, i'L..l l r ,,, 1d:,.. ,,i ul. ,l: l l p ll t I'l. hIL . Ir ',.u .( j....f r..I .1 L [l t ItI .I .1 I ,I i .L r ;. l P' I .. .. il;1 hIll h 1 ,J 1 ghI .,iJ4 I B iin, i. .ii,. l -.,I i ,'..].1i rli,: City lU m its! *-235,000 F.. .t'i -.'\ home with iper-!rl'P1 pit -Tbing tro V:|" New c-inets .. Ii h,. ti l i i.l h i l l l i ii r WIIIl r' I-" Ik r ... i ll j i [m IIII ' .l II 1 111.1..,ir I1l('ll tll; iil. li * l" .' 00. itl 2I l.. ti.. lltinr i..' t n -i staner home a corner lot in Port LaBelle. Spacious living r(x)m and separate dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate work shop and small tree I i' i- r II. H I MIOBII.E HOMIS: m^ -^- ... . * $85,000-21311i I slA\ t'lcIl t'iAi.ni.ni IIt %1 .ll[ L ih 111 ..'. i 'f1i.'r 11 .i l 'Jilt.' 'l l', I' :I must See! *$142,800-~ tai ID-25\ .1:nuitl.n iLto..I home on ,r'i .ilis in.i nrlet Sthlitn.Esin in I Belle * 189,900-Si|T...,,u 31 ).BI12 \ j.iAu ,.turul h ti iilill t 4I -i+ Jte.in t .tHh o [I- otne i .- witi. .1 lphi 11. ir pln Ir.in. g ari l h.i I) :i lilre I ll ,iii-, w.inutl hn i i n arn ilaIId .1ndl r.1In % \ II,:I l ii ,ll n lniii i h.i .111 lili .i lu l ri ]i, Ihh t . ll, Ii ui Lt I .in1 .II '.il]Ll ,11 ,ll *Il lll.' r 'lll 'I,.[1 :l1l uI .Ii illi. ,11t it I'l. I .ll l ho ri l 'Il l Jill ,lq i l11 hh 11 4l 11 0% '11 1 i ll'lll H, 11,11111 0e11n HOMESITFS: * 'i- L i.tiuni $13,000 to .72,900 *Port faBelle ots From $25,000W$50,000 ribll 'ninl .nl.l l.illi, >.- ll. -iffia Iflr nlulm inlto *I thl I'i 11' Il.ll -1m 6.900 * i'.l,-.,nutjrl L.n m $i4 l"',000 io 50,0000 *i.11 t lt IILn l. fill tn 20,000 to .1.900 k .l-..r i. l.-', -.t.,11 r.i 1 t $24,900 CAll FOR MORE INTORVMTION ON HOMES, HOMESITES, ACREAGE. AND COMMERCIAL IOTS. SH- OWCFISE PROPERTIES , HUSFHmPRI)ALTY i, th, li bI.\ 0 1 -. -- ONE LOOK AND YOU WILL FALL SPACIOUS NEW CONSTRUCTION RIDE THE HORSES; RELAX BY C triCmi l, hrwt .- S li IniiC :IN., M NVE wih thitcrwnplcieh rtn tl- .4ik2iAK.ihiinwmn' .tri.'itcting THE POOL, Thi, hoeir feaiure icres in Uifu, tl unr. 1r.n tlu6 nk Lul ktiutu d intu h on' pLu. Arui1tu-lu t ',lh -.lit liail L.tli in .e r.uriiuc ule, carpet.-pliu ii ibdl large bmiin t *-too u l>vire. Dmrc,.,.W, cinaltd ctyrlB Lud iniawd :r g.u- i ihiruin m Li, it. nl ilf1 ,l r.imi. sila hic-redi in- 'ki r d.,nw, 'n.,bnu ,| L .taureh .n... hnhul -r ine.'dn ,. 'hii b a tiful pri tn.; vt linkL ,r nulih, uIi.ti r .. nt.lk in tk o r. .'nouiu p'pt I, l w rth r inw il '.pa. I cre th .kin-... ,hli,,l t.i- ,ir ll I } 1H ,i- I lIn l -Uk u"i.iuk'lie i pht aiil tlt J .all :iiliii nln l *it N turu bbith l. LuiX-.. ',Iw -r. f-plnat ... .I t ahi: link fe, nted dog run, -.ge aiS hln. inir, p.,h -.-,ncii.i-l ,It Ik. -tendt.je-itc lted p iipr t,. Irt' I nib. Kililen a h. p.rmn S& h..- ltw.at h.rr. shed. pile 'at with 'actk i i. Lulll, tI" ti Ir.. rnt v-nr Inrw o. ,.i lb.. .i mld zmi',ili; i ii ii, i.ni th- h T,. n i ;r l.r i t.tll k 'ie !>uik Ir S USlH --. [ mX T nmiii lh yiC .i rdr dt.-miuz'- ;s S"l5(l '. tAit b kh -dl i hii .:,in l asemig it- lt. -ilii.i 5339..,0( 0 .. . WATERFRONT HOMES PANORAMIC VIEWS ,I Illi- t'lI.,,l...h .l ini Ri I'si ].I. ii iL iI Ili. 'l.lil "_."i |.\ hIn lm u 111 .hl ,ei ', i/eil I| i I'.: .- I'i, i t 1I,' 1.. i *,i* ulll n ilt l. I| Il, b I I i 11111. It'n - ,ii. .1ii t 5749.0001 EN.IOY THE RIVER liun IIli. 1,.lii ll Iii.tlle .hi ik I l ...I i.r- Ii h li" Ih i I li, c h. i-le,..ii nlllllllh - :I is lil l 1 ,t r'jl.il, I III -i ll c c I ti i i Inl- .. II.l ,I-I .la l,, Ih s .I. Ig l 1n.l unh\ I I1 ish ll-3 tlul |I i.n a !, i ls a l , I; cdu t ..r i,. 698.000. LiPGRADED 3BR2BA HOME FEATURES I-" II 11. II nI (n'1 11I1 1 (['IIIL I l lit-ll'. IUL. J iP. Ilhlll.li 1 1 111l0. ur H MII ilhl. i. I tI.i0ini t n "ild g lF.'1 l t 0 iili $599,900 SAVOR THE SUN :i f .ill il pri,%a i l.tcn. i1, I li ';i HIl R 2 .1\ titmnuitlIttl ii l I, Irlt 1 t1 tli;tle [tut.tlli ,11 tlhe ,, l,* I ,I ,.,,I -d -; .,t t) l,,i.' ll I,.II k p,,i ,1 I, ,,, kl tl't'l fll h i'nr hI ti.lle.- tn.'l tet... S 52-1,000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS ,,lah tIns .tilR ''i MW A ii .i\ .i.lh tuctk l)'f r ,dirc,.u-i i s.ti [1 rir t (.d .,.l...ilt,[.h c Rtt.I r. $399.0001 SUMMER FLIN! 1IR 'BIl\ M.NII iiili.ic, I ;. t ..I tnsI .l' r I, ll kll ;, .III .L11 L,,l |l C (h l i h l 1. I Il, irl' 1.LI ..i l ^ .Hrl III. 'it. llll ll ,l;lar u l .Ir '. Ii llr su r,' 3 RR 2BA .BS HOME ..i _l + .1, .i. ,,1 Ir ..-.rl.. II l I I'h. l' I m l Il 11 1 ll ta 1. ,, nhilt Ihii 11111 5! IBR.3BA BKlCK IIOME ON 11 +- I ... I i,.i iiu.. l lit.'l. h,.1,v I iL e .2 irlIiI p.le h ,r nl .irn.i .< i l,.>j hl i ii F 11111 tR'2B,\ HOME ON 6+'-AC. Ii,,., ,ii.nkF-.l ii.il iitli 2.I 11 2 '. -1.2 ile ,. \\b i] ll,,in i, ,..,i.i $699,900oi i. t-I .i li.Irr, thr I linlllllilill 5 1 'h.ir Il i' S .'-149.910t'I I1RF-%1S NEVER END II. 1 ih. i l Ih, i.. .l l; 'I1 \1i |t.. l hI,,m. % -l. 1 ,...,i ,tu ll. ,,. ,l..,- .i h, I 1.,' .1 ,, i,' Lk h,.! 1 4 7,5(0 .,R B.A 2-.STOR\ HOMt SITUATEDL' ..'. '. i ... i,\'., I. i i. () I.-.- ,1 .' $ 0 S 110 '.PR 'RA -RS 1HOMF.ON -4.2+-. AC I .. .ill it 1 .. ,.I,1 ,, h,1~. ,,,,,h ,.... I ,,1.-.1 [- ,r llih ,. E Il.111n11 1IO N. Briildge t. LaBlelIt-, FL (863) 675-678S ITA LAND CO 67 \n.u-.hentagelandco.com S395.000 A RF(.GF PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS! : BRII21BA a;,l 39 AC. OAK PIANTATION; :l11. i .hll .ii IhonI r 1 H it I ll .s It-de aiied iipgr.des .ilIt lJiiuiu hll'i I J iI il llln rI.IIL. 'l i ._ It llb.. !ti lr,- ."Io l llanld r I)Cp $ -1 5.000 ,nd. I' Ii [lli!: I .. : '1.. i .l-I I l,. 1.1l...1 i i WATERFRONT HOMES SITES -t i I'pr.- h.-i I ,IIi, i .'. s ' DREAMING OF OWNING YOUR OWN 121s+'- i.uk I -. 8 lll liii.il ..1.1 -- I.lI N im ,(. 1 .,i i .l I.kl id- $1,400,000 $ ..ur, ,.i iI-I.i.,, .1,800.1100 MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE INCOME PRODiCTINGC ORAN(.F GRo\T YO LU RS. '2..'il + ,i. 1 in t1111ii o n i, .igv vi a lh ruml '1 ,TIIII ni..[ I it. h.,i p JO 11 '. 11,li , ..lilt-i i p I -.nL' tim i hli.' itt (co. hnfIl C.R 74. $965,000 n llu. lul ...iit .Ii,'" .i."I i12,500 pterac. IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA 43.32 +-AC. OF ...i. iin I ,,..l I,- HARBOR. Ini lui(k hIna, dock, %, ll. clecnr and pr,-1 .mhilI|lnj Il 11.II i,. .' 11i ,. '.. 'i . t.-ic.rd i. t lib rgin- t\Ir 1611tili of talurilont $499,000 ,.i:: I'nlt ii.t i pU i, $1.190.000 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT RH ei OAK HAMMOCK. fY-PRESS AND P LMIET.- .11,'s,. 11n. It .t:-,. ,iid u lid k pemui ir. l)('(I Iest'ulict d TOS 0 a'L III, +'1ll" + I Il..i' 11 '.'.k oliniumtll tt.. I + .1. $4129.000 ..1 Ii l..I r hil- l $1.100.000 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE 40 + AC. OFF ,l niul ai,.l i..n r,.Il RANCHETTES. 2 ).13 +-- ja in dem-nable deed restrii t- II Ithlll I 'tlLiiiii .I > ai i1 .. I i d I tuinill \ $425,000 Man t ...il.. Ur.un r ,.. it I I Ih n ul i TAKE IN THE BEAUTY OF THE RIVER fi,. this pIn: ,r I ...i.-l 0,ItlU. 2 + 4-I- .' li,,tiie sitre iti I' I.i iB ll Ranchlieneu 2110) I 30 + %C. OF IMPRO\lF) .ii --rl, .,I gli ''lhiclr htil\ i-rci henl c slit- :nl d ii6n r, hbIla dorkl V.. il,, .1l p t L Pniii l.. fl-.'. I iL'. .ill ie d. .$-10,000 iii. ii. t l. i $"05.4l00O IT DOESNUNDER ] Wi RT' $225.500 20 +- FENLED AC. iii 1ili"l li1 F 'i l.iii ', liil h.k c i. 600 ,(X100 20 +'- AC WITH Il.;nrt" -f ":prc- for.r wyur PORTRAIT OF PLACE. 1I His li1k 1 211ki \ ,l t I. II I','r r, Iwr I 'elced ...1, inii 'l.c llr .i -Ili 11h .I n h ,aL l in ll., h m l Rl.,,,i .' e 0 ll9 I tli .11 iir,,i I Id .I.J,| ll inh ii: s t i n .1.11 li i,,1 .iii 'l I .IN 4 S RE" HOMF. F1 i ,:1 1 I ir .i- .I -. $M999.000 Il\ 1 ,-1ni1 dill J l-:,,il.isln InI.l I] I lh I ii.t I.it I 1 l. i '.. i:.I 'r..- ., ..,11,I .i I 1,. I. II ShIn.n n lr \l l ). l%.i ls I, k .jr.l %l. ,i Ii- s [ in I. d'il i ,.. 534.15,0010 o l10.,000 .iritir ,il s.iiI-IIn g i Idill.I 5315.000 : 18.5 ACRES Il I, al ,i i 11 t is l1 I. .i , .iniL.g ,lr rl.rll i- LOCATION, LOCATION. LOCATION., ,,,,, $j59,I000 II! III hhir ,tI[IIt' T .:'IIK -I I,,nn, IIh .JI -! . ,11 Il pu IIt i lt II .l t li l I 11 .1 pII rl hiLi.lnig t nllllitn lil.i 5279,000 ,, ,ll lil A HOME WITH PERSONALITY AND CHARM! .311k JIll ( li I. i.nl- ..-Ihl Ih,,, pl.,,i. $248.00U I, II I" .'- 3BR-2BA WITH 1,6.56 SQ. FT. LIVING AREA. Uhll illl it-i trtii'.il lii ,it l Ii l,.i il. S229.900. S IF.. 3BD'2BA ON SPACIOUS GREENBELT. lhi Il Irii r.l I,.r., I. ., ,, ... I k,' hi,, .pI,, I,.., II,,, 210.0( 10 ii, >,.,.n .: t .11] 3BR2BA B J ff g ffl aF T5,000. 3 BR 2BA UNDI ,r J ,l P.ARTI-ALL FURNISHED .IR.'2HB lhiu.ine In linil, Ie I .t .I.i.,gc ..I \,.i, I Im dnl dil ..II tImaIIItN iI.ol $175,000 [HE PRICE 15 RIGHT $149,900. 3 BR IBA COUNTRY VILLAGE HOME. Nt-,i .111 l..ii ll.i .m l .IIIlu.I -iI.Ii .1111 1.11 II' l I n. ln .I tT-,,r.ll l lil j tI [hI, t IJLk III li 11.,. 1 '.n .n.1 110. ln ' ) '.' 1 nlh .1, ihll .se *1dW I Igame in tef i \ ll : dll l,lblt-. ',1 I .1il Ars I ^\I NEW CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM HOMEI I1R1 2B-'.( I1% hl,,nti Inltt rin, l IIii | ii, Iil-l.i lll d ILt rnit .1 I iii-c iits iill-.i itni II. L ih ltti 5isul iunlhl.g it rhou i l 11 $389,900 FASHIONABLE AND FUNCTIONAL IIrn t. 11i1illinniin .MIR .-l[1\ t.Il hIt.nltr '.1 . + C. Ii Il i.l R1. S I) S339.000 BE THE FIRST TO LIVE in lIIn. .1 1 5B \ li. t n b.nI lI. tt Ir .iii ll .i Ill. ,.. I 1 l, I I 111. I ll l j IIl l .1 1-14. .l hIt h IS R Ifliri Lt 11 I l ni 1 11.11., ( lI.'I.IA l .- ;l . (l..m l,14 il l. i; I 1I H0 $244,900 BUDGET FRIENDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION. ;lB 211;\. iilt" ;., r.iil.l .i...I . IlinIi i ReduLed io $190,000 ,.SS.000 seller's conlribution JUST IN TIME TO DECORATE...'; ,lli>l 111-. it11.11 ..in Iii.iiu I tIil l I) 1ik, 1 II ( ,, 1 1tm ,l I. 11I I 1 a 1 1t I' I if 1 M 1III.I .111. 1 I. It'., .1 E I ll ,,rl I I I..k, .In t iii i 'r ,I l i r' r I rn t' III il',r < ; hilll t Ihl -, I I'I''ll l ..ir il I1 $289,91.). 15 -" A( M I r '1 -n I ,IIII"-- 1 1" ';!, /.,I,.J I J... 1 i349.900 20 +.- .4~ 1.1 i' 'I if. 't ln'. iI \,ti .tli .i., $2199,900 5 -,. A(C. .' r .. lil.kI .: ai II lrt .I -- i.,n -, l t ,'.I.. 5269.900 I)+ .- AC TRALT ,n .o-.. k.-i.,... .,, JIt Il. i .,Il: i r, 1, II. ..* .l 52i9,90(l MUISF. 5 A( RFS n l.,h|.dl,, I'i bJ 5200.1100 L DF(.A ACRF lG .E, i..i..i.ti l I:'.I'-...I 1. i + 4165,000 ,MONURAL R.NCII FSI.I-TS. Il A I -.1 + -,. 11.M, $39,900 1> $6',500 5 WCRES IN FELDA.....1I0,000 HOWS11F I rFINJ ) I1 I l ir s I [ d it. i* n ,il v prtni. HRI) r() FIND (OAK FIII.D. .II.I ii .i 11 Ii, i r. $150.00J ENIOY THE QLIET.I iI .. fL..I '. . .n, ....$')9.900 (-NA\l. FROM PARCLF.l 1 .- I. i, ,,.. I, | ... $900.01l0 CHERISH I'HE CI-ARJIM ,I I itl- .-.ifill .it filklr' I r\ It i .12 .1,. SH5.000 WIDE VARIETY OF HOMIESITrS rn .ll ,1.- ,f P. i I I h ll..I: thing f.',r P r1., IL I I.. I, I. + -., ui it $2"'.900. TROPIC AL GULF ACRF, H.,r. -,t 111. 2 2.5 A( RE PARCELS il i,' r.t.i- i i irJ I niiAl :ih t .$8".500 each. PRI.vCY PLKF ,ND SIMPLE it ik-, i I LI , -; t j.i p.il. I.I l.Ihlh i li I l''I -rt. ,. Pri.,l Ii. ni $85,000 and up. 2. AND5 NI) CRF. R .'u.t' r l i1 Pi. irril t .ri Pn Il Inim $71,000 to $175.000. LEHI(GH ESTATES J ( ,rni.nt..ll- I'" ,.i i I | I ,L t .i, $66.900 I 2 i- 1, ,11.1.il .. Im.r ..-t ,1 .1 I. I bll mn L,.ih 062.900 INDIAN HILLS ..\ .- \ + $5?.900 to $55.000 3 TO (H)OOrE FROM I I ., l; lin :.\\ Ltin:lll \1.- $-19.900 to $54.900 GORGEOLUSCL.L-DE-(i. .I. ir, IP-.n' 'I-: I J.l IJ.1l j ..| li.ll,, .i t,,I t r S' 250.000 40+1- AC LOT OFF CR 78 in nice estab- COMMERCIAL lishcd neighborhood. Cleared lot with trees rh.firl-.T t-h prorin- $89.900. 4.61 +/". AC. ZONED [.2. Owners .40+- \( 101 S( RO%% FROM (.U (k)I A Conceptual Buikling 'lan will include a one F USE IS ID.2 I I ... l I n ,, .. .i ilj,,r,, -,lj i i .i.1... 1. with 67,600 sq. ft. LT i l. ir.ll ,llii!l.I IL I l. u -c i,89.900 concrete blckl ofkie/warehouse with a metal 14 .(. I'ilD.XBIF LO F .,f I., itl. lu .ru. roof. Building details re negotiable Ixtween Slitk I i r III. i, I,,ln i1 l lll rin. $R5,00 ) bul\y rand( seller. $3,900.000 3.056 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING MANUF.AC TUHED HOhlMES n r" I + llli inth. ..r.. I..,i I... COLINTRY CHARM ON 5 ACRES. l,-l, ll-I pl,,LIrlI $1.250.0110 lk. 2 .u -j II hI .iiit ler ies-. i.,"ic 1 02 ACRES OF PRIMF B-1 ZONFI) I,, ..it ltr. ,. .u .. I.,,l nl li. n i .in. h- PROPER IY ,, u t ,, i r ,,.., i ,.I ;,, l l ,i i.illl l. ,r. 'h.. i.,i II lt. l ,. 1 r. .u,-,iL lr 1,- l 20 .000 S,,. i [..i. i J ,l, 'i,, ll ..i.li li- EXCEILEMEN LOCU_ IO1 FORYOURBL%'I- i,.tiii.r IIrt $525.0 0. NTCS I il.ltilllil 'I II ]..i !. I.lIIt L.IKE N EW I IS R I I.i l' -.. 'lt< M H I ,, [,., ,,,,,, "| .' \ , 1, ,i I ..i $399,000 BLtLrTIFLUI. WOODED 1.27+.-AC. IOT '"OiI 8,....i l I" 'I i11 $ ,9100 1i, I| ,|. L. .:I.IR' 1 \ I421 I,,,i,1ihluI..h. MI H & GRlF-lr B llGINESS POIENFlU ,i thi : .I .., I' II i ilig L'.uiL' \1 11 $2.15.'L, 000 h! ll' In 1t '. ir i. i i I ll y. i 11.. 1 STARVED FOR SPACE. I ,l-.iitie ,I.i 2 1lii-. ii i ,-. i,, ,,i .,.... 499,l1 + t L.i. l It h iini.h. l i l, t- lOUR HUSINESS IIFION -.'S i -. I, i Il.,, ii, ; I 1 i u.~l'r nll P' p *.i i ,l I .,u . .1-. r rkl l, $1 99.900, i ,.I. /.,,, .. .. 2BR 2BA W ITH DEN n., 2 li. p ii -..t i i,'lll h .iii ',.l I.. '9.2i i \, nl 1.-, .i.I II -ip111 1i .tiilitlh.11l ih lli.- OFF Hi Y 80 1 LIU B LI. -i i ..11 111- $197,900. ,,i, j il l i .. 1. .. .. MINT CONDITION 311R-'1n 5158,00O I i ,,, . LOOKS SMALL, LIVES BIG: 2-" \1 II i,; I + i IF ..iir ..i-' i'l. r euikitl.ig '35('00 n.ik.li,, it ,,ha .l ln,11111I. .$15.0 0 MO\MY YOUR HIlSl NF. 10) InElIIF! GEET O F OF TOWN PRICED TO Fll,,t-I I lIIli~ ,, Ii!. i,, 1-t'll I.- SE LL hlIK -'| \ M II i n .. 1 I iI i,- ,.,I ll, i ,1 l ,-m, .l 't r ,l.i .I i .,a l tIl .l.lti [IIII1111 $15 50.000 -.. 11 1 ihlln S22"1.500 3BRK 2BA II i;+ Il ..S-|I I II 1i0 (.OMMFR( IA IOr.... 1 It .. 11 .1 I li.., 'I. ,n ,,I ik.Lh. >p $429.000 %- l ,,,,,,,, .,.. i .000 Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder 2029 N. Montana 3/2/2 $211,980 Cypress II ental Available $1200 Mth 238 N. Bridge St. o LaBelle, FI, 3' )935 86,5-6-5-8868 Usa Andrews Lic. Real Estate Brolcr S411dra Mexander, hnd.i Dcklc Nvis. Romimu (kneros, KeVill \, BrittAIII Kilificy. N(acy pace, Dusly I'mc Sc Ibbb Fspaiiol I ~a~?~~ . . . ASSOCIATE 14. CORTI D 11 I kW FRAJ A I amod , = =. 7 ,,_- --- :' ' I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12,2006 I HRPPY 1OTH.BIRTHDRY Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter The spirit of giving VFW Post 10100 Commander Gary De Pue presented ESE teacher Diane Penn with a check for $2,600 to take her class to Disney World. The VFW also collected $2,250 from a poker run held in conjunction with ABATE of Flori- da (American Bikers Aiming Toward Education) and donated that money to Pastor Graham Chancy of the LaBelle Church of God for the Children's Youth Camp. RBBY LYNN RRNOLD LOVE MOMMY GRMMY A Clear Title Company of the Glades, LLC has re-located their office from 110 N. Main Street, LaBelle to 777 W. Hickpoochee Avenue, Suite B, Sunbelt Professional Center, LaBelle. The company provides the area with prompt and professional title insur- ance and real estate closing services. For more information, contact the LaBelle office at (863) 675-6705 or the Moore Haven office at (863) 946-3705. Ponl Hoi'men jIust x wesrt c.i LaBelle. BC.aurifIl 3/2 with l:lrfe tw) ,..tr garage. Splir fnor planwitli a vinw oF tlthe orange groves behind. Located in Park WI\i Is Esrtiei ()\I lx:t[if r.iil ,,. i.'C. S $295,000 Please (ill 1 Dll Dillm.n 863.-3-322 FIND YOUR NEW HOME HERE AND FIND THE MORTGAGE TOO!!! Central Custom Builders New Modular Homes Starting at $109,000 on your lot! liclud'. ..,.r- .; F.. a -l& ..'.,'.w ;. ..' j*r p Home and Land Packages Starting at Y149,900 We have homes ready to move in now! $209,900 3,2 2,220 -q. ft. including garage on Pt LaBelle Lot 'For FREE Credit Approval Call (863) 675-8888 or (863) 673-4325 cell WATERFRONT 911TYFRONr FO IUDA A TLE 2 STORY io~ni tn Fi. I Ict, III, I Rd :., i %- Jill Wimild P, -10.1111'. 1I li~ .111 P LL11 , ., I I% tu loll Ii .rti, .f ir. I. %-i i 'tntM .irC I IX. 1 1 Lv 11 li-;.- Lading I., in. JiI'ill L I IM-41- I I' IML-.a- .,it I hcnmlin v .uk I'id I d -1,H ii.ILIc -11c, ITI I 22h ILE -f i-xi1cr romn~igc jind qf0'L (11' )I`1dLtx n1,g'rAIll.QL iodimi erCFit Fret.'Priilj'w rwi.ltx plii ii nil o I ntt. roml? -ii.c (. I1ritrLrC1 IiT .11dI (OR dk- .I ;I k$.100,000. Z STORY OME ON L2 ACRES III hth :c's't'tII I'LllF L..IEdIc Pjndi,-Ill. C at onC FO h,.- nt.-i, m' Ic., nh 'iith CLLcohiri -cmFusci ni w,riltoItic C :dc ,wih irhLI. cliiitM.t't .11.1 nh bull' hrCi i I' Ol e IFII tht .- umnli ti ir i lit.tiini m 1, f i r %oi $65,000 ,MORE T 1N MEE-'S TIlE EYE l.ii 5 it I'i'ill-IIIt' CLil MljuclL I Ll imiattin.. LL3lil' 1% Vl. 1% UF-1.1.0nd~lfiom L~~.Jr ..ll i ci FIIIII id It rt :it r. t k Ili~l l II 8 i. I II t nl ', t n hll 1AlNO Kicks up I-, I ''Fto IL roviii Ldt %iih U11-01II ?1 I Ill-, W ili.0: 10 1.0. B's.'IiI 1 ,r ~lil. 111` I ilt 'IL I Ill, --f J Ad l J- 111L (11-l 1~ 110011, 1 -1111 IhC(II 11Id $4"99000 RF.Dl;e ED D 5.0 FT. PRIV~ATE DRIVE kd:I,- ti F c.piniI,- p.icH A c.Fllt qIlo+ rt ,I 1--aI/1 1 I,, T., ,, C011111\111 1 I 1-jl -.L L il %l $2.500.000. RIVERFRONT 5 .CRFS iVLll11;+ IiLL ill iF ilgK HI . I' 10 .111- -iI IF 0 .I"3 111 1.1 II1il lI.l l, $ 9i .0(0 lIDIlu ED Rn"EMFROt 1.15 AC(RE IF' 'lcilt' Ii 'ir 'lipi ti F It ii CHIJ IRd 525.00 R0PDLF(:ED PR(TFECTEP)I RRiki IF i~i F IF ifliflril o Ioir-Iml UIIIJC s.i C Cj i -i't: .ik ill50II- pm-. [ Ill.0Ill C.11, -1 -1.1 IJIi)- If S 1 ; $-50,000 Bak of Ameca SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BankofAmerica~ Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-77144 i i shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwv 80 Call for an appointment Now certified in FH1A/VTA fik S ncing lOTS ANi IAND DEVTI.OPMENT POTENTIAL. U ...1-1 I.I 'I. ri lt tli.iuI Rtl. iP.ll up i'il th ,l l L 'L ... .lr'inr r i n..'i.,'1[ lI. I LI illi i lir i:n iiIp, .il. re sii. il liFot I .i 5150.000 per acre. s( IDFD., HEAR YOURSELF THMI]NK .1 I. r ,,t.il. i I.lkl rr, i l.u l 1t, h] ,Ji!l,,, ,li l .1.l n l: l l fill' I }1 ii r ,hi,. ,l-J ,' 111.1 .. l I p ii.u i f ll f,'.r ;iii II. u S 4.0.000. PORT LABELL. RANCHErTE hIliicd oit I'r.nillei ( 1 13 A\t rw Ihac'k till I i kt'. .'iL ',Fll dii'L I Ji il 'i- L f' t % .Jioin' Rc'utri:led to i builh 'iilc l.niil'. citkn.ii .i-S $275,000 5 8FAlTIFtif OAK I.ADFN A(RF'S I.titl F.i-. of l.i. 1,. i.,I) 1 1, n lI ,, 1 1. .' ,r ,.iil' $160,000. OVERSIZUD H IJOMEI1TF ,.l 'iiio ll Ilr.jittl' ini ilt- in Am i]l xL.', .i .,' l[ 'I .( il 1 ,'i 1 r, nI'- i uLdc .iL l C.l id\' )or ..i dr iiJrt-. nimom i b .I I kI-i.i- '. iiii mpi' lC' Was $105,000. reduced In $'9.000 for quick sale. PORT ILABRIF, LOTS dlic ,i ilc cCJinKlnimn tri.:l & lilllin Pnc r iFr.n $39,000 Itu 5",900 .ill 'II ,ll In rito- n hI (IltLr hiI hIgh llI .Ini sti.c i i, I, k from SELLER FINlANCIN(; \4VAIUBLE II 1 .1.l' doan io Qiul.I Iild h i,.- f P i-ii.-K'lle i ,aci 1., Ml.in 1no% h.-.0 undcr , FrLfiL i n [i 'li t II | itli .'i. |: ,;1r.2 i4.'nri ti145,000. Nice Buildinc Lo l in Horseshoc A rcrt- ; Iin .1 l i ir sltI. iiuilt hiN.mi Oinl. $18,500 HOMFS lIXURY COUNTRY IJVING. IiN( II'i.lik.l'l lt" I Ilgril'. inJulF'. ii 11. ni 1. 1i 1 k i i' i IL h 1r1juk C1LiiM ,' I _Iu i k Iti' sui l." I. i. .. l ''ll'in-- Si r '.n nI.' ul-linI, Sk I.O l i I-Tl. i N r- in' 1 11 i,,' i N l 1 1i.- t1'L llf I iN .l L.OIJIt H niC l.ll!. 1 'N I I I-N- :di l 11. .i I I1r l ': S .in JdA .l Prien._r,.i,. Iinr Ih',: 1 r11, i' ., l h, II l..i'' ii d- -. il in, luII..- 1 ij l i .rn ; ..f h i, .1L'L.I ljlI .i11k l :iii k .i ,fni \.ihas slcart, the pr,'ce a lul' thi is, l sdingl ui n a bit ,da 2r\p rt .t .h.e sp it l, lid l. i \I s .1ric 'at .Jnd I I \, ifn i lll'.. r 1i 1. i.. l .] ii i I n t, G i I ( i it._ I'I .1tl r. .1 1 *.1 .l I 'I pro p- 5I9 1.00lU695.000. \WHATAN .N OPPORlnNIITY Ii riI nIihr Io.I.iI Ihlr, 'I ,1 t I.in I r...I ,I, T nih,.l'. I i t. I "" '.'- .11 I IDDF. i .r 1 l tjI.'jU IL: fn Fi .1 I 1 I 'D' Ci]Cl t'.,idI [i 1iinit.i A liiC l h', i lil li i li.' preIm'. ises, ri1 I rn I r' i -' ii II nI ..t' i, f r i'lui-tIt.i, I ll' r N'l has started the process but there is still quire a bit to do. Propertm can .be split and is priced at land 1.ilui (onhl $590,.000, CONrRyR OUlFT Iringh, +.i- 'I'p|,.I. *jtw . -. 1.- ', L 'II ".1I 11 clOeL] -'I bAL l 28 t pl I ll |iL l ,p ['L '. I,. iif1I.' I 111 .'L "I iiLi il I.f h.11lndI .1 tl .,LhLd id e' II'AM ,%ilh cItl.M til ,, r 5$229,900 3BR'3BA HO IME riinsiut.II! l II r'... ll- I- klAl.Ci Frly limi'., l hs t.' h i pl'i ilg. in' i h a ,.. at .: t f..i.,tl til, r o 62. 5209,500. REMODELED iBR'2BA pIlu- ik 1, ,1null, Iit il lWL hiril ,inm un 1i i' i nTriTi1r l1' l \ ki ll In. 'i.t" oi illi' I i I I 'r pili in PL LiBcllc entiJt bJickk:uid $19.500. ZERO % DOWN FINANCING WAILABLE! (; Il 'tl i pn- vati nliC.t.ltrinlg iL'i\L Irt. s ri o .iI L.l 2B.1 in.jrnuIf' LtruLd h'0'lllL fti.dllit.1 inllu de 2 L nic ncId 'ilthe'. :1 '..1i' slhop.glir.i' plu', i 12r. .'..litor.lgc l i kii nh 'i-l- i refrit c:.i. tir and .t:, : ill.i .2 At 5169,000. WHAT A NICE HDljYi l ic i.,_fll u I [ CBis 2 BEkl'd. im, I liih.i >tUrt ] n 1 hlMI n I .h.k rih .i I80 m ailklina dtisluir i i ,I i' 1u 1 $145,000. INDDUSTRIAlCOMM1RCIAI PRIME CORNER .iil .r I'r" i ;,li1 oi i0. ll 'ii \iJt.J L'II.-ii \\ii. ia d il l' I ll i' Lii 1' ile t ri t '2 I it I 'IA.J Ilfhi IrdJu"Inilru ilI tlA rcili'ul lln I ji /t.'tl I llai'j Inldu-tldrul urcit lF, in'h lil .I.' flo.i e I.dt l ipmini F r. '.- it rue.i'. .i i n 1 I.ilkll A*irr l $3.06-i.466. ( OMMERCIAL POTENIIlAL iiat In:.locl .tApro s. I milc l r t Ca"o h.,'V\ h with 'ph 'illniri,..il n ll o I t.I D teuill'. .iArt, m trl i lhrh | Illp-'S Cti fulilr, \\..ilM.in t l,.iikl.,n 11,500,000. 2 ACRES OF MIXED INDUSTRIAl USE.with 176 ft, on priiinrinl ti.. s,,ln W'.A .-kkiring $915,000. LIGHTINDLSTrRIA, -.65 AC .iilh 2_l 'q [I t SI .l i1ldg F t.-liitlil rF .ul I1tt%% |IlS 1 In' ti lk' Iithi I l i ~l(i'- C. 1t IXi be p. l)in ldvr cur..Tcni /onmgp 5819.000. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL 1 AC SITE liit -miill o i the tn hi i iis Inluiorr.i:d loiii S li FIj i' S I 'I ot1 i s "lII iiid HA- 29 C1 u-Lt I. 11110 .ii' l -ul' l C in n l.L I'Uni.ii '. mi ,r i Jli- rk.JI Bukir 5299,000 HARD TO FIND H FAVYINDUSTRALL Builders acre on a r.liaid r. :il Inmulirnal Loiii S PD $269,000. RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE,.INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 CBS HOME- PORT LABELLE UNIT 0.S Featcures open ilootr plaitn. split bed- rooms, Frigidaire stainll .rLl ppli- ances, tile througlhot.tur, 1.' Ili antd shower' in master, vaulted l,.hi. p iIio ,. l i.... L. .. .- $.I3q ,90( l SPACIOUS MANUFACTURER HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready fbr your horses. This 4 Br / 2 Ba oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like I. .i ;I i li ing areas & mans extras! ,'2." I14 ili .l $265,000 BRING YQUR BUSINESS TO THE HEART OF THE CITY. This business zoned property is located in LaBelle on busy Hwv 80. I improvements include CB. building with a 14' x 24' canopy. $399,000 WATERFRONT HOMES/ LOTS LOCATION. LOCATION. LOCA- TION!'l' This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of C.aloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT PAR(C Ft! Iock o old rl. oxb. ir is I tec ed lock on old i'vet oxbow. Pristitie views up river & across to protected state owned land. Plus no corps setback, approx. 200 ft. of wiatcrfrlont & situated ton both the Caitoosabatchee River(Intracoastal I\\..ii. and the old river oxbow. I .'illi.nnuo WATERFRONT &. PRIVACY T IT'S B EST! II.. II .. i .... I '. I. l :i I h II, -l"u II I,. i. 11 1 I1 r 11 I t i l I I 1 11 Lk. Fish firom your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!!! $499,900 BEALITIULIL RI\E\RVIEWS lill this I uI I llh II 1III. ~Ih1 I11 i,..,. 1 river ,,il,..r. s., pt ,t' ,l., l. ,1 1 [.I H om e site is located approx. 75 fi. Iroim the main river: Permits are in place to re- dredge oxxow. $499,000 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jack's Branch w/ river access. This I.Unique property also has its own private [SIAN). Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Cail f(or more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! "'This 1.04 acre lot is wosoded & located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Seller Motivated! Bring all olers!' Price Reduced $399,000 .ACRE UNIQUE \ AL-RFI'RtKNT PROP- w l ill \', I. '5, I F. h I ' ,I ,,, ,. 1 , wate, Ia i h. .110 0 1 .11 water amalsti ini thntl u $1050,, HOMES IN THlE CmIT .A-FORUABLE AND) WELL MAIN- TAINED ; 1I1 .I It i ,1llll. llillrd i1iii. m I',ri, .L i '.. b Irli i h ,.,.l n Perfect starter home or rental invest- ruent. Located within city limits, corn- ,riIcIf. inL il & priced to sell! Price tili.-dl $S9.900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3 BR / 2 BA manuttactured home has a lot to ofli.r Split loo~r plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! Possible owner "inh. 3 BR/ 2 BA MANUFACTURED HOME on fenced lot wi many oaks in LaBelle. Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect fbor entertaining. $119,900 IMMACULATE S BR / 2 BA MANU- FACTURED HOME situated on shaded oversized lot in town & completely tCenced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry & breakfast island. Reduced $134,900 MOVE IN REAPyJ Newly remodeled 3 Br/ 2 Ba home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interior paint & spacious master bedroom. $179,900 PRICED TO SELL Homre in th e city w/ manny oaks. This 3 br / 2 ba features gal- valtl- t roof. new interior paint, open li, i;r area, eat ri kitchen & open dining. Fenced back yard with well fir lawn irri- gation & stoiatge shed. $184,900 CHAIRMAN 2 BR / g BA CEDAR HOME sits on oversized corner lot in tlhe city. Features are vaulted ceilings, tile, French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 HOMES SBR/ 1 BA IN C, QTNTRY VILLGE, Nice floor pan, tile through out. Priced to sell $180,000 3 BR '2 BA .IOMlI. u. lhl i ,lnu.,l. n 11.ll .l .ll ., I ill I W'. ll 11 i li + l.milll 'l I. IA i 1' nt ll ,.II ..,I., I 1 ,1\ ,,lv i. .1l...L - 1 )11( i,..i hi I'n, I; ,L-,[. L$ $179,900 3 BR 2 BA HOME. WFLI. KF.PT & C LEAN! I hir. li...- I,. Iti l .. hI'.l.n11 from the inside outtt Fteatre': ceramic tile, bonus room w/ hurricane shutters, screened porch, alarm system & spacious bedrooms & bathrooms. Well manicured corner lot w/ iji i i.,iii, system. A must see! $189,000 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH CBS HOME w/Pool in Laurel Oaks, very desirable neighborhood w/ great floor plan fior a growing family. Property is surrounded by large oaks. Holme/pool needs TLC, lbing sold AS IS. $235,000 3 BIR 2 4 4A CS PQQt, HME. spa- cious floo:' pila large family rom over- looking oversized lap pool, patio and courtyard. Also features otlicei4th bed- room, walk in closets, brick paved deck and new roof in 2005. $310,000 NEW CONSTRUCTION D BR/12BA CBS HOiME Split tloor plan. 2,000+ total sq. ft., granite counted tops, 18" ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling and m-any more upgraded features. $245,OCX0 HOMES ON ACREAGE 2 BR/ 2 BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured home wr large screened room in Montura on 1.25 acre home site lclared w/ scattered trees. Price Reduced $119,000 AQSIg -BR BA MANUECTUERp QME on 4.84 +/- acres w.f pond & mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large master bedroom/ bath,, office/nursery, formal living room. family room & open kitchen wi island. $325,000 BACK ON THE MARKET! I'I-,lI,." lir SPrt + LaBel Ra I1.cttes .l ll Situatd t I .the, Port [aiBelUe Randcettes. Sitnat 1 iat tLih end of a cul de sac w/ peaeidil & pi i. ii, .ntini ' (".lhii.T I n-.lC nhgs ceramic tile ihi h Linlrf llui. open thxr plan & wrap around porch. $379,900 3 BR I BA CBS HOME in 8.8+- acres i, rii. i i IInI I |i,, I<.I .l .ipprox. 3 miles hir- 'i ..m n *l l' i ,( i. I t 1letCed & cIross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse sta- ble. $490,000. FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET[ Homesteaded in 189y3 by William Henry Whidden. It will be hard to find a more desirable site. A prime location in an area of proposed future development, in beautiful Fort Denaud. Features a 3/2 CBS home and rental mobile home on 12.03 acres with massive old oaks and palms. Located approximately 7 1/2 miles West of LaBelle with frontage on Hwy 78 and Norris Road $900,000 UNIQUE OLD FLOKIDA ESTATE! 10,538 sq. ft. under roof + 2,585 sq. ft. pool & patio alrda Exclusive pool home located East of L.aBelle on 5 beautiful, oak- & citrus-iilled acres ftnnting on SR 80. lHome feiattures many architectural details from vaulted ceilings and sky- lights, to Spanish tile flormsg. gCustom floor plan includes 3 master suites, pri- vate sitting rooms, French doors to large lanai, covered walkways, poolside rec room. I Br / 1 Ba cottage, twelve-bay workshop wi garage, electric gate entranceway, paved drive & completely fenced. One of a kind! $1,500,000 COUNTRY LIVING,,,minutes from town. Located in the path of develop- ment! This 30 acre property w! custom 2 Br / 3 Ba home offers jicome froni grove, privacy & the possibility of future development with county approval. $2,000,000 LOTS $RD AVENUE .45 Acre $70,000 CALHOUN STREET .64 Acre $89,000 o01 ?. RICKQBY sTREp .62 Acre $98m00 POrT LABLLlE LOTS AVAILABLE $24,000 $48,000. Call for details. MQNTURA RANCHH fESTATES- Residential lioniesites available. COMMERGIAf I, USIS$ PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of(HWY 29) Ih ll.g, Street and Park Avenme, less than I block from the. Caklcsahatchee River 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida- Style two story building fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 AM Aypl AmWFFW&AM AV SS ZONED PROPAATjY This 2 Br / I Ba home is situated on a high traffic road i:i the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and I block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and business- es. Priced to Sell! $179,900 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on cnoner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. t ; shop 1,600 sq. ft; .iie ImCllllll -.,520) sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The ;Gaor Bait Pub has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully furnished, completely equipped kitchen & olffrs a great st;lrt for any entrepreneti, $174,500.00. SE HABLA ESPANOL www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com -" Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker I Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo 'larin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis I a I- ........ ...... . ........... . Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12,2006 October 12: Judy Hunter, Karen Dilorenzo, Carolyn Chastain, J.T. Hall, Lee Barnett, Mike Williams,- Charles Keller, Sr., Christa Holland, Craig Bumaugh, Chelsea Edgar October 13: Nancy Daniels, George Bauer, Dale Small, Luther Steed, Grace Ford, Beverly George, Daniel and David George, Jean Smith, Debra Howard, Michael Power, Justin Hall, Erie Reynolds, Margie Wilson, Paula White, RoseannaFurman October 14: Wildie Summerall, Keith Frierson, Mary Greeway, Betty Sargent, Bunny Puletti Neal, John C. Whiteaker, Margaret Gates, Ron Barard, Cindy Murray, Steve Frazier, Sr., James Parsons October 15: Terri Hutchins, WB. Bush, Greg Jones, Rosa Alexa, Butch Madison, Wimpy Pil- gram, Elinor Herndon, Bill McQueen, Jackie Alexander, James Freeland, Jr., Roscoe Dou- glas, John Carlos Ramos, Cindy Lynn Jones October 16: Edwin Sanchez, Becky Prescott, Dan Murphy Doris Lippencott, Harry McDonald, Branette Howard, Verna Bunck; Carol Grigsley, Charlene Starr, Don Linman, Helen Franklin, Debra K. White, Cynthia Rodriguez, Antho- ny Louk, Paul Roser October, 17: Robert -Collier, Donna Lalman, Gerry Woodroffe, Howard Edwards, Jamie Hawkins, Robert Beavers, Derek Jarvis, Jesse Carmona, ,Ada Nicole Johnson, Tonia Sievert, Ricardo.James (RJ) Otero October 18: Tommy Johnson, Stephen Risley, Martha Holland, Jerry McRoy, Penny Locklear, Joe Leon, Jean Backes, Marcellina Mitchell, Ramiro Gutirrez, III, Lana Downes, Scottie Smith, Elised Rosas, Ricky Banda, Jr., Jeremiah Miller, Manie Lanyon, Henry L. Mills October 19: Jamie Williams, Andy Womble, Daniel Lee, Dana Allen, Ida Kinchen, Jan Patterson, Theresa Somero, Daniel Alexan- der, Ted White, Jessica Risley, Roger Harris, Deborah Ann Hol- land Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Property Appraiser's Office Enjoying retirement David Ennis has retired after 16 years of dedicated service to the Hendry County Property Appraiser's Office. He served as a residential appraiser from 1990 until August 18, 2006. He will be moving to Arkansas to enjoy his retirement. Read Togetherflorida Statewide Reading Event October 2006 Read the book. Play The Zero Game online. Compete in an essay contest for college scholarships (h;gh school students).. Register online for a drawing to win a trip to Washington, DC. www.VolunteerFloridaFoundation.org SponsorMd by Washington Mutual Read Together, Florida is a nonh along reading celebr.aBrn naraged by Volunteer forida kA FOUNDATION Manager of the Governor's Family iteracy Initiative . en ou. ed a service; ia professional all 254 -I- Bit ICall 863-675-2541 Sor email us at cbelle@strato.net i to place your ad! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net. PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES I.ri 1Ak L I IIm iriL o lter o er j,s 239-728-6629 Foo mm s I&II1O .I PETE'S DRAGLINE & BACKHOE SERVICE, INC. Dozewwrk Clearing Houe Pads Specialiing in Dithing & Ponds Office: 863.675.1862 Mobile: 863.673.8181 NMobile: 863.673.6738 -. S..,4 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as Ilttle as PER WEEK CALL 863-675-5241 or email cbelle@strato.net BBBC3~j~l~~ _____ M.NiNIMAN CARIT'T CUEANiNG TREE & LAWVN MAINTAINENCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Esfimates vI'il 1 -i o ilcit Wb ;A .d4I' t I 2ir.cetr S lirabla pn s 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPl PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET Wholesale flooring warehouseC 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY 80 L.arlIj.W, r.L 863.675-8525 Largest In-Stock Selection OW41, PREVATT_ CONSTRUCTION. INC j iIrljbk al C I t, I. V.- 7z '67311 ir,I lt,1'2 ,,m73'4 QU~ ALLTY3SERVICE0 ~- 'i, y ;. p~- i~BL~~ill (hvet 20 yrs Eleetrka Experiemr~ HM aimr ESS PandIpio RIogaeda 4 r. ii L li, inli T,)( IIII:~ 863-2284138 ~~~c l.I;E..~ Hiauil, v Riciof a HElICALCiENTER K63O3D9121 LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS S ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. Certified Estate Specialist AU 293 AB 2171 t CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church L .L-le FL. 9:001 nn. Sunday Worship The lmor Supprr 1'. 3" A 5'j Sundays Bible St dv mioday, at 10:15 a.m. 7T ,',. ,. 1 -..,. ..1 ,, l ,4. .',*r i 863 65-27 33 e-irajl ct kici'.t rM o net; QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC Si'CE (863) 7 Imiiin5 OFFICE (863) 675-8314 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as ittle as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or mail celle@strato.net LABOR r LABOR < FINDERS DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 2 WKhsfHil.(tfrteim Cthl) (863) 902-9494 IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Trafford Rd ( IV ]" ; I .] I('l,,.i Immokalee, FL Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 Randy's Garage, Inc. ] [. l Pr I r .,, '. !:,' 863 675 10321 7, 7 S. RriJc St. Ialcllc. FT Ji.t i oirth 0l ..7Iorl For T ' CALL FOR PRAYER .--, 675-7785 Spoi rid by lie LaBelle Chlpter. Order ot St. Luke. a Clu-stian Hlealing Ministry. Return calls only up oni rnl quest. NEW ICA1ll CONSIRI k"LION p)863-612-0070 0 863-612-0080 ,_'.: t o,.vl.v mil. t08 uit- l]i. .- DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH FP. MYERS 1-866 226-9400 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-1541 or e-mail cblle@strato.net SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES IN I -E 202 W. Sugrland Hwy., COewistn 863.83.600' 1,888,200,1703 Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL OVERBAUGH FOOTER Inc rease tur pmdulon Let us dig vour oter Commenrial & Res.idendal COf ice: .S%3.67.4-1300 Palt s Cill: 239.2.4,.5i)l F *1a'' "' \ [,-n., .& (, \ , m* /r~ LABELLE ELECTRIC Serming L.Belle Since 1979 Industrial Commemrial Residential State Certified & Insured 863673-2463 239-370-7954' 863-674-0003 jlmkono River Where Quahllit I) ine = rin l CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'Ti EDDIE GATES Agent Senior lberty Underwiter NSkA Qullfier ITC Graduate LUTCFellow Liberty National , Ule Insurance Comrtnpy T 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Mye, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 817-0386 (CELL) BUSH HOG MOWING AND LAND CARE SERVICE 863-673-3217 Jeff Corey EXTREME ClAtlS. INC. Construction Cjinllerc'iil Residential 863 675-0810 239 344-6712 iTI '! ;j. 7. ",'. :. : ". " PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, -L Phone: S86i3-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lir # 13272' 200 Years Experiencel FREE ESTIMAITS .. If....... ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or mall elle@strato.net s ourostkmvwrtanlpfrwuct BEDDING 1060 ITwv 29S. i..a-kle- 863-675-0717 www.w hiteraitumtrarndIplmnets.com ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-6755241 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net 10 e Birthday List 5- E~lc ZERO CAME: 11117, m"11111k I P9Ce" 1 I r -' I-' I I ~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12,2006 LMS Broncos join the 'recycling team' Through the continued sup- port of Administration and the Board of County Commissioners, the Recycling Department has implemented another recycle pro- gram: This time with the LaBelle Middle School and their newly formed Broncos Football Team. The recycling program will reduce their waste,.thereby lower- ing the schools disposal costs. The items'recycled will increase the numbers reported to FDEP, which is a requirement for grant funding. FDEP provides the funding for waste management and recycle programs. A portion of the funds is earmarked for promotional items. Under the grant guidelines we support the youth and their activities, with t-shirts, jerseys and various other promotional items. We simply ask that they recycle. Recycle Supervisor, Juan Gaure, coordinates the programs and is currently working with Clewiston Middle School, as he has in the past with the LaBelle Longhorns, Harlem Recreation and Basketball Teams, aswell as Cheerleaders groups. Hats off to LaBelle Middle School and the Broncos. Look out Hendry County Schools, we're coming for your recyclables! For more information on how you can recycle, please feel free to call the Recycle Center at 674- 4162 or the Special Districts Office at 675-5252. Kristi Lewis and Brian Soud Lewis, Soud planning wedding Phil and Donna Lewis of LaBelle are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kristi Lewis, to Christopher Brian Soud of LaBelle. The prospective groom is the son of Chris Soud of LaBelle and Robin Soud of Jacksonville. The wedding g is planned for October 21, 2006, at the First Baptist Church of LaBelle. bre, 2006 de 3las elecciones cuidad de LaBelle el jueves,. 19 i The bride to be is a 2002 grad- de ocrubre del 2006 a las 2.00 p.m en las oficinas de ]a I ". uate of LaBellefromHigh School. She superisora de elecciones. complejo de la corte, LaaBelle .1 : T I graduated from Edison College and is now employed as a Radio- f . logic Technologist with Lee Lucretia A. Strickland Memorial Hospital. Supervisor of Elections The groom is a 2002 graduate Hendry County, Florida 4 ,l. k. of LaBelle High School. He 101.5612. F.S. . attends Edison College and is Publish October 11, 2006 F.S. employed as a construction ubhsh October I1, 2006 superintendent with DSD Homes. CB & CN After the wedding, the couple '_, will reside in Ft. Mers. INSURANCE L i Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A Lalffelle. FL (863) 675-1880 Like ha ood ncighbor. Stale thrm Is ihere. BankiofAmerinca SHIRLEY IMBOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis(thankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle ."!), Lr e -n Aresa R. HaOm 8634673.0692 1949 M rhall Fie Rd.LaBehe as Fam es, C.Cldren Babes& Pets e '.'e nrji &Spectarernts Srt0Jor tLxat:'ln In hcurit LiPb take t,': p enL sam da'y pictuffhisbefe.phOolorifiLcmf SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 \V. H,). 80 (863) 675-1616 *ilt. li p. p r' lain..iri uriu ' 'uI u J.i 1 \ n l-r L'" . in. ',, nri l e P ' Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Man St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a cal Ai S --'[,rff. '&t Frm W. Spcer, Lic. Broke 437R880W LaBel e,FL l8631 6"75120nI (863) 673-5554 Wed: ww.pensxRdtyFLcoim ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or emall cbelle@srato.net I THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 EDISON PLUMBING, INC. t.L (863) 675-8946 4; (239 690-1824 879 Industrial Ct. LaBeue, FL COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Li.e t a! e alOte a er Office: 863-612-0551 F',: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFlorldaLandSales corn Visit us on the web at www.oakrecltyinc.com Spoperty management ri/ erentaels wt CINL i'L A.pLjIrI = : 8-.__ .. .:. ~ct ....i r-r.r r :. - Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 Bankston Realty www.ba nttonrteakycom Witda Bankltos Owter Broker t.a wa. s ta B.e.e WEEPING MOWING PIANTlING od Repl.cimcnl 1 oilier lawn .Mnuanrcc CALL. (239) 357-2972 Lic. l& Iiured.| e-mail: c aplIerb b4!'ah oo).c'i The Paint Authority, Inc. Int.Ext Painting Prssure Washing Decorative Concrete Coatng FREE Estimates 863-675-0200 Pr 0005Z- HEC L'SF ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as 19.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or e-mail cbelle@Strato.net state Co. RODNEI:Y M.RRAY & SETH HOWARD .ic. Real r.sl.ic Broketrs IaFRelle. F1. 863-675-4950 RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.labelleriversile.com c mail r:til tL 1hhlIknTlcr J', ..in Marilyn Sears lkui] tioaddRaxwiie'a SOD SALES & INSTALLATION ALL TYP or SOD SERVING HVDRY,LEE & CHARLOTEE COUNTS CALL (863) 673-1491 ,46ae acd t'dow Marine, Inc. [8631675-771106 [863 615-TOB 1 UC#HC355 SP and Insured Commarrcal S Residenial ALPHA AND OMeQA PenrnJNQ Need a Peimit? Don'c Srress. (.ll Us. We Will Do The Rest Covering: Hendry. Glades, Lee, Collier, Highlands, Desoon, Pc l Okeei-hobie & Hlrdee CounlieS Mobile: 863-673-1050 Sonva Crews Mobile: 8f3-673-0383 Linda Craft Fax: 863-675-1332 LEJ&RTA6E iLAND CO C 18i N Bnldge S L.iBelle. FL (863) 6i7.5-678 1-888-675-6762 'www.iheritagelatdco.corn Se Hablta EsEpaol DI'ONNAlKANI I AIS ti1. FiL Etul B RIti PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675.0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *12SO PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or emall cbelle@strato.net ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Pnrnip.,l /Ifrarrijgr, Bfirokr 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bamres@alankellymorrgge.com Stall Calls With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates. References & Sen ice Call 863-675-3231 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 V'ist our .'wetbs .11t www.burson-weatherscom the k ng (Qoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 Ifcs I HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (35 Years Experience) SBC FINANCE 100% Financing Available I N 1 ji, 'r I : .: ; L - 863-675-3275 [." I. IF.1'I Ii. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $19.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net Cafoosa Sfiores *I I ntcrfront fHomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as 129.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or email cbelle@strato.net *iu;JT iv*37e Rc m4 Cat rolup. 1Inc. lisa Ancdrws ic,. Reald Iatre Brlikcr 238 N. Brkige Srt laIlkle, Fl. i339 863-6758868 l---^^r I^Mf ' you nee service call a professional!" SCall 883-675-2541 or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! : Fut I.v 11 --- II, I I __ I IL I I - 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12, 2006 HAMPTON CBHYSLEL ODGE JEEP We have the expert technicians, factory service information, specialized tools and genuine parts to properly service your Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep vehicle. Automatic STransmission Tune-Up I S$79.95 SDrain/Replace j ICUIDBES Drain fluid/remove filter New Mopar transmission filter Installation of new fluid Necessary adjustments Road-test vehicle Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to special filter S. Vehicles with special fluids may be higher. Imports may be higher. Additional charge for fluid disposal Expires zo/x8/o6 -------------------------- ----- Lube, Oil& SFilter Change I I I I I I I 1. I .,1 Cooling System Service $49.95 . Husn/Replace INCLUDES: * Inspection of hoses and belts * Mopar antifreeze replacement 1 (2-gal max). * Pressure test system * Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra * Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher .additional charge for fluid disposal Expires io/ 8/o6 ~ ~a*1i rr n Yy~u EUr YUn a ~a ~ a*ia I a*~~p a-------- ------- Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation I 1 3 I 1 I I 1 1 1 G 1 ':i 1 F I I I 1 f ii f a 1 L I .hr $2195 $24.95 * *Engine oil replacement up to 5 quarts Remove four wheels Complete chassis lube from vehicle; balance --New Mopar oil filter and rotate ,* Fluid level inspection Special wheels, specialty $ -* Inspect CV joints and front vehicles slightly higher. suspension components Additional charges may be applied for diesel, 1 t V-10s, HemiP V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic Sand synthetic oils. Expires zo/i8/o6 Expires o/z8/06 Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP ______ HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER It really does make a difference!l (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. I "---"=- Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 ICHRYSLERI I^^^^^^f^^^^^ ~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12, 2006 Se- AnnOuncements Merchandlie Mobile Homes ii-J II I I Employment Agriculture IIIII Financial Rentals Automobiles t III -~ K ilI Services 'eal Estate Public notices P T I^'TFIM- EM^pK":"L't [ ^,.I8y^yW:-;^TITI^^ -tWB..-..W^ .:-, i~l- ^ F K!.r11 l-'iI o o o Kif l* I i II fiFiiEt .REIULVJILT for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! I ft 'K For All dOfheik Clussifle Adveftisrig: "- I dpssada~/newsaplrcm, * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1.,2 inch S(that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) : SMust include only one item and its price A "h (remember it must be S2,500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements Important Information: Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word "advertisement. All ads accepted are subject to credit approval. All ads must conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk*. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 ADOPTION A nurturing family seeks to adopt an infant to love and cherish, We are fi- nancially secure to provide a promising future. Please call Christine and David at (888)322-0924. #1704154 ABSOLUTE AUCTION. Estates of Cades Cove adjoins Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Townsend, TN, Satur- day, October 21, 10:30 AM; WWW.FURROW.COM, 1-800-4-FURROW. TN Lic. #62. AUCTION 2,500 Acres Timber- land Bladen & Sampson Counties, NC. Tues., Oct. 24, 6:00 p.m. 32 tracts from 2 to 200 acres. Merchantable timber. Call for info. 800)479-1763 NCAL8397 10% buyer's premium John Dixon & Assoc. www.john- dixon.com AUCTION- Complete Operat- ing 18 Hole Golf Course and 67 +/- Developed Residen- tial Lots and Undeveloped Tracts. Saturday, October 28. Details: ironhorseauc- tion.com or (800)997-2248 NCAL#3936. Auction- Historic Springfield Homes. October 21, 11:00am, 9th & Main, res- taurant & theatre. View all properties, www.goo- dearth.us (866)699-SELL. Good Earth Realty & Auction AU-3285 AB-2421789. SELLING 182+/- ACRES AND HOME at Auction, (SCHLEY CO. GA. NOV. 4) Offered in Parcels, Pond, Two Creeks, Timber, Pasture land, Wildlife and Equipment (866)3 0 0-7.6 53 WWW.LAND2AUC- TION.COM. ORTONACEMETARY On Hwy. 78. (2) plots.. $1000/both. Will sell sep. 863-763-4353 MINI POODLE, Call to identify. (863)357-3225 RED NOSE PIT, approx 8 mo. Female, Found on 10/4, Vic. NW 6th St. Call to identify. (863)357-3697 U'a.e/ Yard Sal ies 01 WHITE CATW/BLACK markings. Large male. Approx. 6 mths. ago,.Ft. Denaud Rd. Call to identify.863-675-2491 BEAGLE- Male, approx 4 mo. :old. Vic. of Belmont area Sunday night. Please call (863)673-5158 CAT, Male, 4 years old, neutered, gray tiger striped, last seen on 30th St, Hwy 98, Mitchell Rd. (863)610-4466 or (954)663-5171 IPOD NANO, Lost at Brahman Movie Theater on Sunday, Sept. 24th. Reward for re- turn. (863)634-9751 TABBY CAT- Male, Gray, white feet & diamond on forehead. Vic. Pioneer Estates. Sat. 10/07(863)634-3200 COUCH Old. FREE! FREE! (863)467-0644 KITTENS, Free to good homes. They are beautiful! (863)983-8560 MICROWAVE Free! Free! Call (863)467-0644 PARROT small, talks, with cage, (863)983-6537 Moving Sale FT DENAUD- Sat. Oct 14th, 8am- ?, Trader Road. Furni- ture, clothing, collectable's, etc. LABELLE, Sat., 10/14, 8am til ?, 3469 Hwy. 29 South, Maytag Washer & Dryer, Freezer, Gas Stove, Refrig- erator, Men & Women's Clothes & Shoes & Misc. lons Sale LABELLE- Sat. Oct 14th, 8am- ?, Hwy 80, 50 miles EAST of Labelle. Shop tools, motor- cycle parts, marine parts, auto parts, shelving, furn, HH items, Rain or Shine Multi-Family LeBelle, Sat. & Sun. Oct. 14th & 15th, Sat. 8am-5pm & Sun. 8am-1pm, 421 Clark St. Lots of furn. Sofa, Tables & chairs. Lamps & Electron- ics. To Many Items To List! Garage/ Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placemenl A.i - tance. Call Tonl Free (866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- ED TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto; Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National. Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tanie; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- torcom m 205 Employment- Full-Thme 205 EM'ployment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. Low tuition fee! Many payment options! No regis- tration fee! (866)889-0210 info@americasdnrvingacade- my.com. ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH TO HAUL FLOWERS? Class A Teams or Solos wanting to team. Home Weekly. Top Pay & Benefits. Call (800)428-0343. www.Ar- mellini.com. Car hauling career. Exception- al pay! GREAT HOME TIME! Outstanding Company Paid Benefits! Paid Training! Mini- mum 1 year OTR experience required. Call anytime 912)571-9668 OR 866)413-3074. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the govern- ment PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Department W21. I -p l Notice I *a Notice I. i ic IS ial ImNt I and Construction, Inc. I' FREE ESTIMATES I S Metal Roofs Re-Roofs Rool Pepairs Pole Bams Vinyl Siding Soffit & Facia SOffice (863) 675-7045 an *:+ PLACE YOUR AD HERE CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting at 39.95 Per Day HUNTERS Iv TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming A & Removal Stump Grinding Shaping & Topping 863-675-0403 Licensed and Insured Emlymn Ful imI00 Driver- ACT NOW...Hiring OTR & Local Drivers *Earn $4,000 in bonuses your 1st year*New Equipment *Pre- mium Pay Package *No HazMat Required -Call (877)882-6537-Oakley Transport, We care about our drivers! DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. 800)940-2778, www.drive- orcrst.com. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950 Shop here first! The classified ads CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING I'.-, .rin h 'l MI 'WJ! *' .' ,...ld,. l J l .,. L .:r \ l l l I' HANDY1AN REPAIRS AND MNLNTENANCE l ..r ] I 1.. In11 l,,[ J ,, r i h. i o r' ,.. ,s ,, ,,i,, (...... (863) 675-"297 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. i. C. ULn\'ti. ;^ House Pads Demolition ('hCring Fi'l lDirt Culverts Sirn.'ik |Slll II,.k l 'I' T i Trimniimm.i & Removal I. ,i',li FI. i.(enu ed &tnsur ed OFFICE: (863) 675 8.314 Call Kelvin Townsend Cell @ (863) 673-3783 HC1017SP Emlymn Ful Tie I'l I I -r Epnymen- I FulTmeyy 0205 U-Save Supermarkets Manager/Assistant Manager If you have experience in Retail grocery operations, we have opportunities for Manager/Manager Trainee in the Belle Glade & Ft. Myers area. F/T position with full benefit package including paid holidays, paid vacation, 401k savings plan, group medical & dental. Fax resume to L. Toledo At (813) 626-4527 or e-mail to ltoledo()bbchi.com DFW/EOE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Exp. Dozer & Backhoe opera- tors. Top Pay. 239-229-5846 LAWN SERVICE Experience required Call (863)673-2242 Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used items In the classifelds. Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale In the classi- fleds and make your clean un a breeze Employment FlTime Emiplym FullTim UNITED STATES SUGAR CORPORATION FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES STAFF ACCOUNTANT Position will be responsible for preparation of income and balance sheel sljlemenls, consolidating state- ments, and various other accounting reports. Respon- sible for cost accounting activities. Will instruct or assgn work to acc onrling clerks along with coordinat- ing acc:ounrlng maners wir olher departments, loca- tions and divisions. Assist in year end closing, annual budget preparation, etc. Must be proficient in the use of Microsoft Office products. Financial Operations Analyst Responsibilities Coordinates, develops and prepares operating budgets and forecasts Monthly operating reports including vari- ance analyses, cost/volume variances and labor reports. Prepares schedules for quarterly financial per- formance reports. Conducts special financial and busi- ness related studies and cooperates with other departments. Requirements Five plus years of previous experience in Accounting and/or Finance preferred. Bachelor's degree in Ac- counting or Finance preferred. Efficiently fluent in Excel and other accounting software (MLS, QAD). Experience in manufacturing environment a plus ABOUT US SUGAR CORPORATION United States Sugar Corporation is one of America's largest diversified, privately held agribusiness firms. We are employee owned and have great benefits. Headquartered in Clewiston on the southern shore of Florida's Lake Okeechobee between Fort Myers and West Palm. For Immediate consideration please Email Jdooley@ussugar.com FAX 863-902-2889 US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply State of Florida'Department of Transportation JOB OPPORTUNITY AUTOMOTIVE/MARINE EQUIP REPAIR SUPERVISOR POSITION NUMBER: 10380 STARTING SALARY: $991.31 $1338.26 Bi-Weekly REQUIREMENT: CLASS "A" CDL LICENSE DESCRIPTION: This work consists of supervising and co- ordinating work assignments for mechanics, installers and repairers as well as direct, coordinate and assist in diag- nostics and repair of automotive fleet. This includes motor vehicles, and heavy equipment. Initiate personnel actions and performance evaluations of subordinates. Must super- vise and provide technical assistance. HOW TO APPLY: Apply on-line via the People First (1-877-562-7287) by completing a State of Florida online job application at www.myflorida.com by 5pm EST closing date. Contact local office @ 880 W. Cowboy Way, LaBelle, Florida. Call (863)674-4027 forfurther information. CLOSING DATE: 10/12/2006 Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424: I i I - I I 13 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12, 2006 amal-o- en Fuili~l Timen^ a-mploymen F3iull T ime - "MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 -~~. I... ENDRY REGIONAt MEDICAL CENTER ' :/"*f'fci^. 'iyt"O' C~Hni. Ldder Pnram .'.c,,e ."r,, 'o LPNior In. PI,. Padml it LPNr L,: & i i.ni ( 1ll 0 l ,, sil il,4 l h .lul Full Ue ERRN III SrSupavcls Vjld fL h Min i t, e o ACL'S PAbl ri.. Parin RN Nursing Snpe ilHF iL Nr k ')1 t Yi e dircal c.p Must hjn it Ii, >lur .ir 'iuitn cirry itriu i ,b PAC LS IE. Fuli n t au-l bs B i + ,i .. i' ,,I.'.I ,l i Fl il A T':e X l "KlrLad t j 'i.f p.I ,: i .rbui,':i. O 'L wup. U8 9: 1 1'. I 'ro ,'i i,,ialn Mvij,," i j1 Miind dl t.ils,: .'. Per Del C.NA or C.AMoltor r Tc M uil p...x i j ili C N A C rl r a r ip Ta iiw. nr.in .hih,,,s, .l:,.i Full time HIM Technlclia irk .0i .ll-J1 4I1b L101:3l pETICicii il.Vliij Ful t.LPN orC.A Mu I p,''-:> r. ,,," '..ul ,:U'1 SI, Jlll ill,'il .1 ll, Full ne RN Nuri MIs r Spdal Clare r IICU) A ILS h L','s bf i.,d l.i S11 Ci. dY i i, i- I l ,tn i 111,,' fj lp Full time Rtsteid Nurse Mut l a,: .-" i siid fL I, ',- ',lb ", leO.3ii Ikr p i 1Ci Aj o rl peli.e Fullum ie Rcspao em Therapls CRT Ci r r RTpilerir St. ti, 1.n I 'l ji, v. p in i ull jd II ;, ii l p.iini r cji BL an AnLS j iiL x Filti Ume Medial Tednologtst Ii DeeI r. 11 ,i c:jl "T c .' aiLf, l Cal.: rL ", fl' .t,, I C.ll u l.. :i. l Y;. S ,IM I.r,hil hli 5 wl l) ,r,-c ll 1 ,, 1, ,. 1 f,)l fl.l: , Full lime- Housekeeper P'-, L., ,,- h '.',Lj 0l -,' l'-,t,', l 1h.- u:c :,'llli ,: ,'1.': Full time- HIM Receptionlis Must possess excellent communication skills. Basic computer skills and clerical exp are req. Medical records exp pref. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE GULF HARVESTING, INC. A citrus harvesting inrdusty is in need ot persons 0o ill two full time regular positions wncn are currerily open Resumeswill be received a Ilax # 239-369-2267, may be mailed lo Gulf Harvesting, Inc., RO. Box 3175, Immokalee,'FL 34143, or you may inquire bytelephone at: 239-340-4737. Citrus Grove Foreman/Supervisor preferably with experience with middle management in citrus harvesting operations. Ability to effectively lead and supervise other employees harvesting. Assist in record keeping, time management, employee sched- uling, and general operations coordination. Bilingual (Eng- lish/Spanish) is a plus. Salary or hourly pay, commensurate with experience. Depending upon the level of experience and expertise the position would possibly be offered as a salaried position, for a high profile candidate. Benefits include company paid health insurance, life insurance, 401K (matching), optional dental insurance, paid vacation and holidays, company vehicle. Citrus Grove Mechanic Helper -preferably with one yr. experi- ence working with citrus grove mechanical equip. Assist with repair and maintenance of company buses, company vehicles, trucks, fruit loaders, irrigation equip. Will change tires and pos- sibley assist with changing major components. Bilingual Eng- lish/Spanish is a plus. Hourly pay commensurate with exp. Benefits are the same as those in the above position excluding a company provided vehicle. SCHOOL BUS DRIVER (BRIGHTON RESERVATION) The Seminole Tribe has opening for a Bus Driver. High School diploma or GED equivalent. School bus driving exp. (+). Valid FL CDL Class B License "P" endorsement w/good driving record. Fax resume to: 954-967-3477 |SALES ASSOCIATE k GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Bdghton & Big Cypress Reservation Excellent Communication skills, good manual skills, cash handling experience. Positive customer service attitude. High School diploma or GED. Flexible working hours. Salary: based on exp. Fuel & food allowance, incentives. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401K) Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 HEAD TEACHER BRIGHTON RESERVATION High School Diploma & C.D.A. Creden- tials. 1 Year experience with Preschool children. Ability to meet County & licens- ing agent requirements. Secure & main- tain CDL License with a "P" endorsement. Fax resume with certifications to (954)967-3477. Find It faster. Sell It soon- n _ever too rate to u rl .i perfect gift. Look i or or In UatN i" e It1 In tit flanitatnde. Business iamesoncI Opportunities 305 hendry.k2.fl.us HATS, Stetson. $25 DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS Money Lenders 310 ? (863)634-5914 children, etc. Only one sig- Money Lenders 310 e nature required! *Excludes Tax Preparation 315 WESTERN BOOTS, Leather n atur e r equired! *Exludes Justin, size 11. $25 govt. fees! Call weekdays PIANO TUNING (863)634-5914 (800)462-2000, ext.600. SPIANO TUNING (8am-6pm) Alta Divorce, l ***************** C llnc bl m LLC. Established 1977. Concert Experience EPIPHONE 330 GUITAR- Semi 35 Years AVON BOTTLES- 90+, and Hollow body, Classic, $600 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do (863)675-2596 some older books & related (863)467-9402 you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- (863)675-2596 articles, $75. for all GLASSDISPLAYCASES chines, Free Candy All for WEBUYALUMNUMALL (863)467-5052. 1 brown, 1 white. Glass front, $9,995. (888)629-9968 WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL 1 brown, I white. Glass front, 02000033. CAL US: We KINDS Copper& Brass. ELVIS COLLECTION, Many glass shelves, good cond. notB0200033. CALL US: We Closed Sunday. Call first items, Rare items, items from $50/both,will sep. 697-9979 wi note unersold 863-675-8760, 257-0879 Graceland, memorabilia. $550 MOBILE HOME STEPS- 2, fi- VENDING ROUTE: All neg. (863)467-0627 bergiass, 5 steps with rails. SnacksCandies, Drinks, En- HARLEY DAVIDSON TELE- $250. Will separate. ergy Ddnks Too! All Brands. PHONE- Fat Boy 2003, nev- (863)697-2704 All Sizes. Great Equipment. Oer out of box, $50 Great Support. Financing Io, Higgin's Tree Service (8)467-2112 after5m TANNING BOOTH stand up, Available with $5K down. owolernewspper 25 years experience. Free (86)467-2 term by The Tanning Hut, w/28 Tom: (877)843-8726 AIN readersenjoylife morel estimates.Lic. & insured. PENDULUM CLOCK, Like new, bulbs, asking $600. #B02002-037. Call 863-675-3955. $100 (863)634-7359 (863)634-9119 E ESemices Mlercandise SWORDS,- KNIVES, DAGGER l | | & more, approx 71 items, FOOD SERVICE ASSOCIATE/COOK 3/4 new in ox $225.for all. BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION Or best offer863467-5052 Excellent communication skills. CW darcl,, 44 ',uplis 58 C"ed CareOffSR EV4AON Good manual skills, cash handling st,.,t COMP-AQ PENTIU experience. Exp. as a fast order Serices Offered425 Complee, keyboard, mouse, arance -43G 5 Compleee, keyboard. mouse, cook preferred. Positive customer Mi educor. 8 program, $250 service attitude; High School Diploma LAPTOP Dell nspron 3500. or GED. Flexible working hours. Salary c- inft, u:" 550 Pentium II. 386 mnz proces- 'CarpetC n'g em 555 sor, 128 mb ram, $150. $9 per hour based on experience + Ciaidrn'alt 55 sor. 28 mb ram. a150. fuel & food allowance, incentives. CARPET S NER6 UMAX As6ra Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401 K) C CRtPiT.a. W. s 5 *S C 12205, All hardware Extra Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 UPHOLSTERY Cq ,/V.I~ 6 software Peni I or 1 25 CLEANING C8ti ppi R (863)6;5J4970 Lv. ,rsg iCLEANING i i :..:i.~ WEB TV- computer w/2 key- KRl ,,i al,(C F.mr -r DT Ji 4 oo boards. $75(1863)902-0257 STORE MANAGER C Fbi t; u 5'9 Gas/Corivenience Store Call FPLO (4: & ,AA, deco- .He i, ;! -di;W m .Y f.. PILLOWS (4) &AFGANdeco- Big Cypress Reservation 863 2*W rative green. $15 or all. High School Diploma, Associates Degree 675-7297 &w,86-,-l8Ol preferred. Minimum of 1 year retail Se Habla Espanol ji i .;-:' 63f experience. Excellent communication skills. BED%3Q queen sze head 2 years supervisory/management e M BED- Oueen SZew h 00ea experience. Flexible hours, FLdriver's Miscelfaneo e 655 (863 65-095 license. Pay based on experience, with AFFORDABLE CLEANING Musicalnrnts 660 BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESS- OncE or Him Offie Supp / Goodl condillon $100 benefits. Fax resume to 954-967-3477 Tie prn -. 3y, week eisen 605 863)357-0023 L rpice ,s e aoe Peta/iipplles/ S. DepernaDle& Relable P ets/s8 p / 67q BOYS BUNK BED- while, met- SPhbjotraIEv 7 al, mattresses, 2 set of In- Plumbing M iun ples 680 ens $200 (863)467-4449 ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER Poole & SuppIHe 685 BR SUITE- 45+ yrs old solid Restaurant cnerry chesI. dresser, rri.r- GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Equipment 690 ror. rule stand. ec cond Brighton Reservation J Satellite 695 $450 (8631357-2555 Sewin Machines 700 Sportin Goods 705 BUNK BEDS- Like new, $100 Min. 1 yr supervisory experience. COMPUTER SERVICE Stereo pent 710 (63)634-7318 Excellent communication & computer rCiUbles s, let, T ion/Radi 715 DINETTE SET- Table W12 up-grades. ytemsbl. TbTicokets' 720 leaves. 6 Cap. cnairs. solid skills. Good leadership skills & positive rulurnn8. Win 95.9720 l 6 plains, sid attitude. Flexible hours, FL Drivers Lic. ?2aOj ME. XP. Icesed T l 730 6 d 150 ne High School Diploma or GED. Exc. W735 Gary 863-6n5-e9p5 DINING ROOM SET3 Seats 86 Benefits incl. medical, dental & 401K. Reading a newspaper Wanted to By 740 DINING ROOM SET. Seats 8 Benefits medical, dental & 401K. helps you understand waln 6 chairs $100 Salary based on exp. Fax resume to the world around you. (8631357-1430 (954) 967-3477 No wonder newspaper ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- readers are more scu- iColonial pine, lor 65' TV or cesslul people! smaller. $500 A/C UNIT- 2 ton, Brand new. 1863)983-5364 INTERVENTION SPECIALIST $1500.18631517-2106 FUTON STYLE bunker bed. lold Big Cypress Reservation AIR CONDS 121 window units, do wn clress or Work with Family Services and Education ALL TU. 220 V 200 will sell Departments to provide counseling services OCCASION separ 1863)697-6033 GLASS TABLE 30 Perod 1. to students at home and school. Develop and 1/2" -thick, use for smal roud e. follow a Truancy plan. Bachelor's degree in $35 iirni.(863)467-5877 Education or Psychology. Masters in Mental i,,,. .... ANTIOUE BREAKFRONT- ma- KING SIZE HEAD BOARD- Health/Social Work, MS Word, Access, Excel, L .,. ,.. nHlgany. beautiful condllon wooden, ornate, e.iepieni Outlook Willing to work flexible schedule. $500 or pest otter condition includes bed Fax resume to (954)967-3477 Call (367-me $3001863352555 3ANTIUE LAWN'& GARDEN LARGE MIRROR- 28x46, leal 863 TRACTOR,-John Deere,,all design, like new $45 original runs great.$2000 (863 610-1276 FARMMECH IC 673-0065 RC CHAIRS- wood Must have experience in Se Haba Epano COFFIN wilh ully wre skele- $50 fr oth or wil separate gasoline/diesel engine and. farm ton. $1 000 863)675-4981 1863)675-3944 La Belle gasolne/diesel engine and farm SLEEPER SOFA- Queer l e. equipment repair. SALLY MAE lignl brown, very good cuona Work 55 hours per week. DISC JOCKEY RANGE & DRYER- elec. excel 5$150 neg (863)634-5095 -Monday-Saturday Musc lorall occasions: lent condition $200 for both WATERBED- Soft sided. weddings, padres, or will sell separate uee, size. like new. $700 Imnmokalee area. : quincearne 675-1625 (86j3697-6033 (8631634-7864 C ill ynn at 239-657-3694 REFRIGERATOR- GE, Small. F perlect for RV. brand new, tiM 1. $75 (239)324-2115 AMMO tye 223 Re. 2 DAILY WORK DAILY PAY REFRIGERATOR- Whirlpool, rounds lpd, $50/w, divide ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE Equipped W/ice maker. Runs Call Ross, 863-983-8661 STOVE- Gibson, Self cleaning asking $150 (8631763-4961 $100. or best offer 202 E. Sarland Hwy.Acrs m mon In 1863)763-0669 RIFLE, Thompson Cenler, 36 (863) 902-9494 cal., as new, in bo., uses ) STOVE- Light base, Self clean- #11 percussion caps. $300 ing. Good condition $75. 8(63)697-9616 (863)228-2351 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE UPRIGHT FREEZER- almond 2 50LAMINATED. UPRIGHT FREEZER almond jull barrel, scope. & case. color, 28"w X 25" deepX34" Exc.cond. $700 357-5754 Must have a successful banking background with wide. $75.863-697-9979 strong customer service skills. In Labelle. t e Bi-lingual a +. Excellent compensation package. WASHER & DRYER- GE Super E i e Is I Apply in person: Seacoast National Bank, capacity, brand new, $500 17 N. Lee Street, LaBelle, FL 1863)675-6370 BUN & THIGH ROLLER EOE/AA/H/V Drug Free Workplace WASHERS & DRYERS as een on TV, great cond. STACK UNITS $40. 863-634-3931 Okee FRUIT& VEGETABLE 95 &up, Upto 1 yrwarranty M ilII INSPECTOR & AIDES REFRIGERATORS & STOVES InlmmokaleeorLaBelle. lFui "'I I(239)694-0778 DR. SCHOLLS PARAFIN Seasonal &shift work e A Bil1 BATH; Scented wax, insulated Call239-658-3500 NOTICE hand & foot cover, new condi- EEO/AA Employer Independent Newspapers will RALEIGH, ens 10 speed, tion.$25 neg. (863)675-2596 never accept any advertise- race style; excellent condi- FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! INTERESTED IN A POSTAL ment that is illegal or con- tion. $75(856)358-8625 MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg sidered fraudulent. In all Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 Minimum Pay? Our services cases of questionable val- SCHWINN, 1970s Stingray, and receive a FREE METER! can help you prepare for the ue, such as promises of with Schwinn tires, excellent Am-Med Quality Diabetic Postal Battery Exam, Find guaranteed income from banana seat, good original Supplies. Out How! Call Today For work-at-home programs -if ond.$140 (856)358-8625 More Information... it sounds too good lo be POWER CHAIR, Meritis, Holds 80)59 4-1775 Ref Code true, chances are that is. up to 350 Ibs. New battery #P5799. If you have questions or Q tires. Pd. $7,598. Now $600. doubts about any ad on or best offer. (239)324-2115 We have drivers projected to these pages, we advise that METAL BUILDING- 30'x30', VICK'S VAPORIZER & SOLU- earn $56,000 this year! How before responding or send- Never used. $6450. TION, in original box. $10 or much will YOU earn? How ingmoneyahead time, 863)946-3282 or bestoffer 863-675-2596 much will YOU earn?Home you check with the Better 954-605-4300 "m ,[lI, weekly! HEARTLAND EX- Business Bureau at STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory PRESS (800)441-4953 772-878-2010 for previous ____ Deals. Save $$$. 40 x 60' to www.heartlandexpress.com. complaints. 100 x 200'. Ex: 50 x 100 x AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid READING A Some 00 and 900 telephone 12' = $3.60/sq ft. training for high paying Avia- NEWSPAPER.. numbers may require an t i800)658-2885. www.rigid- tion Career FAA predicts se- NEWSPAPER ... numbers may require an ulldng.com. vere shortage. Financial aid if extra charge, as well as buildingcom vere shortage. Financial aid if Ia w. extra charge, as well as qualify Job placement as- r o de 10ong distance toll costs. We UTILITY SHED- 10x20, Good Sistance CALL AIM ,and or,,,. will do our best to alert our condition. No leaks, Skid (888)349-5387. reader of these charges in mount Ted Shed Replica. You the ads, but occasionally move. $1000. (863)674-0416 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE weomaynotbeawareof the from Home. *Medical, charges.Therefore, if you *Business, *Paralegal, call a number out of your *Comuters *Criminal Jus- area, use caution. a tice. Job placement assis- a CEMENT BLOCKS- 700, Good tance. Computer provided. condition. $300. Will separ- Financial Aid if qualified. Call READING A DELIVER OUR ate. (863)824-0505 (866)858-2121 www.onli- a RADI A PRECIOUS CARGO: neTidewaterTech.com. NEWSPAPER SAVES Be a Hendry County #57, Great for driveways, DISH NETWORK FREE 4 Fiaciai B I 6School Board Bus Rooms! Over 240 Channels! TIME BY HELPING YOU Der Call Dillys Enterprises of a- Rooms! Over 240 Channels! Sta Drver. Contacted Bee (239)825-251 FREE iPod Shuffle! FREE PLAN YOUR'TIME Transportation Dept.. p Movie Channels! FREE DVR! at 863-674-4115 or FREE HD Upgrade! Call Now! WISELK CherylJameson at FE (800)318-4039 market? In the employ- -arm Property - ment section of the clas- Rent 925 8sfled1 House Rent 930 II Land Rent 935 S Resort Property - Rent 945 GAME BOYS (2) Advanced Roommate 950 SP x-box. $150/both or will Rooms to Rent 955 sell separate. 863-763-6507 Storage Space - ZRent 960 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- Ap rte m ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & PORT LABELLE 1BR, 1BA - paper money 239-693-4891 community pool, water/cbl., OLD FLORIDA ART paintings, BR furnished, newly remod- pis, and drawings, & Older eled, ideal for 2 people, no Firearms: Win,Wbys, pistols pets.$670/mo. 863-612-5037 (561)281-4153 WANTED: FLORIDA ART I A.E. Backus, J. Hutchinson H. Newton, G. Buckner, E. LUXURY CONDO, 2br fully fur- Buckner, L. Roberts, A. Hair, nished, No pets, No truck, R A. McClendon, S. Newton, Lease Sec & ref. $850. mo BIG $$ (772)562-5567 + util. WRG 863-675-0779 in, reiir05 Agriculture ULTRA-FLAME S/S GRILL Agr l Like new, extra large. 4 burner + side burner. $375. 863-675-4409 - WALKIE TALKIE (21 Conirac- Christmas Trees 745 for grade, Motorola XTII se- Farm Equipment 805 nes, $200 (863)763-4961 Farm Feed/Products 810 -Farm Miscellaneous 815 aa -M I I Farm Produce 820 Farm Services AMAZON PARROT- Double Offered 825 Yellow Head, male & cage Farm Supplies/ $700 (863)467-1950 Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 AQUARIUM- 125 gal Salt wa- Horses 840 ter Oak base. pump & filtra- Landscaping lion Rocks & lolajge. Supplies 845 $1000 (863)467-8250 Lawn & Garden 850 BOA 4'- with cage. $100 Livestock 855 o8A63 34-70 Poultry/Supplies 860 (863163-bi109 Seeds/Plants/ BOA CONSTRICTOR- 5' 100 Flowers 865 Firm (863)801-3622 or 801-3877 BOSTON TERRIER- AKC with papers. Male. 9-10 w.:s old a m $350. (863l214-1286 $350. 8634-1286 HITCH BAR 3 POINT- wir ad- Catahula Leopard Hound justable bar, $50 or best of- Pups, 2 m colored males. 8 fer (863)634-7765 wks. old, 1st shols, vet ck'd.I 520055-1 sell sep.,Fr COCKATIEL, 30 1863)467-5709 HIVES OF BEES- $75 and up (863)675:6224 DOG CRATE, lor me back ol (863)675- Iruclk 4>'4 Diamnond Plale $350 1863)673-1464 - DOG HOUSE- medium sie, APALOOSA MARE 3yrs. great portable. almost new, I ,leble w/krls Wellmannered. No plastic door. $25 bad habtis, $2K Neg. 8631983-8646 863.805-8169/599-9477 DOG KENNEL 110 L BELGIAN MARE- 16.2 hands DOG KE Pd EL238 A0 1800 Ibs, asking $1300, $150. or best oiler clge 3 sy eper 1863)467-0354 (863)9 .83-64 .6 GELDING 7 yr: old, good trail DOVES (13), $75 lor all or wll horse, 1 high while socks & separate (863)675--1981 bla:z, beauty $1800. ENGLISH BULL DOG- 12wks (863)509-3446 old. beauuiul. AKCa, wormed. GELDING, 13 yrs. old. gray, vet c riecea, $450 very fast, used on barrels 16781865-4919 worked cows, exc. manners, GOATS i NuDian temale, 1 $2500. (863i673-5058 pygmy female $80/Dol. will HORSE TRAILER: Logan '88, 3 sell seperaie. 239-465-1393 norse, slant sick tiaiier wife- GOLDEN RETRIEVERS PUPS- movable lac' wall $1250 neg AKC, Ready 10/2, Health 863-699-97(i1/239-280.6082 cern.. Wormed 1sI shots Junior Weslern Sddrle Pro- $600.(86324-1-3162 le ,,:,inj Line Saddle K.ino MATA MATA TURTLE- $250 r Ou- e3rl r irdcrjlle-j (8631697-1443 I $3.ii i.863i63-650T YORKSHIRE TERRIER,AKC MARE Ouarterhoise, 4 yrs Available lor Stud Services greci broke needs goon Pleasefcall 1851675 hi ome $0rj 239-07-(5423 Please cal (863165-1410 Cal naron -in Labelle area 2006 MODEL BLOWOUT!!! Warehouse Clearance Sale on the New Kayak Pool. SAVE $ iriousands on selecl- eo models limited supply ~'k e FREE ESTIMATES Easy FI- "O eTrd nance FasIl insialallin Call FREE 1866)348-7560 www.ay- akpooisiloridl :o. On Line At Service aBuy Sell Trade 863-467-1304 COMPOUND BOW, Jennings wW, okeechoee- ehose-trader.com Uni-lech XLR, 7QOJJb w. ,& .,ar.grna re. 29- draw. Pd. $450. skrIya iLs. OOr-.cooua .-I $230. 18631635-00 9 PFHA. 1.', ear old Bay mare KNEEBOARO Hyilroslide Gre3a oin Irad.l ,1800 or Revolulion, 150 bes I ie. r. 86i ?.69 -27,0 (8631675-2136 SORRELL QUARTER HORSE POOL TABLE Imperial Sharp- 4 yrs p"illy, 14 nands, lies. shooter, 4' x 8', regulation, slan.d lor iarrner $1500 or slate, good cond w/access bestonher 239.-65-1393 $600 1863)634-2812 POOL TABLE LIGHT, $60 (863)634-7318 ENGINE- Briggs & Slralion S12 5HP eleC siarl, asking t,2 50 Ll.e New (863)467-0363 FOSTEX 24-CHANNEL DIGI- (83)467-0363 TAL stereo recorder Built in ENGINE- Craftsman, 9p Hon CD burner. $800. :o .ii sri,1. s.'nrg .150 863-467-9402 (863) 4J67-(363 SUB WOOFERS (2),10" Mem- LAWN TOOLS, Chipper/Shred- phis, in ported box der & Lawn Edger $110 for $260/best offer. Call Ltcin .r will se1arale (863)634-6476. (a.lb.,-49t SURROUND SOUND, with MOWER DECKS, 38" wide, amp box, like new, $50 $60.Call (863)532-9182. (863)634-7359 One man's trash is anop-n Okeechobee Livestock or man's treasure. Turn Market Sales your trash to treasure Market Saes wit an ad In the class Every Monday-12pm & every iaeds. Tuesday-11am. 763-3127 HD PROJ TV- 55" asking $500 or best offer (863)983-5364 BIG PLANT SALE TELEVISION- Zenith, older Sat. & Sun. model, off white cabinet, Hwy. 720 (Muse Rd.) works well, $25 (863)467-2112 after 5pm FOllow signS. All palm trees, exotics, plants of GENERATOR 4000- Coleman, plenty. Cheap, good Runs good. $300. or best of- prices. We got what fer (863)801-3622 you want. Developers JOINTER/PLANER- Crafts- & landscapers man, never used 6 1/8", welcome. $200 (863)763-4149 or (863)673-2931 or (561)758-4337 cell 954)818-7757 TABLE SAW, 10" & 4" Planer combination, cast iron, $100 (863)675-4991nt TABLE SAW- Craftsman ,10", U l li O cast iron table, vintage, $70 (863)763-4149 or (561)758-4337 cell VALVE MACHINE Black & Decker, good cond. w/tools Apartments 905 & cabinet. Foreign/domestic, Business Places 910 diesel. $2K. 863-805-8769 Commercial Property 915 How do you find a Job In Condos/ today's competitIve Townhouses Rent920 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12,2006 15 GREENTREE SOUTH APARTMENTS A Farm Labor Rental Community Available for Immediate Occupancy 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments * Rental Assistance Available to qualified households * Must earn a minimum of $3998 from agricultural or farm labor activities SSpacious Apartment in quiet, country setting * Full time bilingual Site Manager * Community Room, Tot lot, Playground, Activities * Sewer and trash included in rent no additional charge to resident * Handicap units available * Rental rates starting at $487 Call 675-0313 or drop by to see one of our affordable apartments. TDD # 1-800-955-8771 40 Greentree Drive, #101i Labelle (On Hwy 29, 5 miles South of Hwy 80) 9:00 AM -5:00 PM, Mon-Fri Equal Housing Opportunity GREENTREE EAST APARTMENTS Newly Rehabbed Apartments A Farm Labor Rental Community Available for Immediate Occupancy 2 Bedroom Apartments Rental Assistance Available to qualified households Must earn a minimum of $3998 from agricultural or farm labor activities SSpacious Apartment in quiet, country setting SFuill time bilingual Site Manager Rental rates starting at $429 plus Utilities , Call 902-1577 TDD #1-800-955-8771 701 W Ventura, Clewiston 8:00 AM- 3:00 PM, Mon-Fri Equal Housing Opportunity I FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH APARTMENTS IN LABELLE $750/mth S1500 Security Deposit Call 863-227-431 1 954-4 t 0-2498 BEAUTIFUL 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba. Manulactured Home. wheel cnair accessible. 2 car garage. Near Glades West Elementary. No pets Non SmK. Env..Good ref's& sec. dep. req'd. Rent Unfurnished $1100 mo. or Furnished $1200 mo. Margaret Barber Real Estate. (863)675-5968 LABELLE, 2br, $950. mo Some utilities included. Call 239-290-9137 LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, 5 mi. S. of Labelle, $215 per week & 1st, last & security. (863)328-0002 LABELLE- large 3br, 2 ba, w/garage, on corner lot, new carpet throughout, spacious rooms throughout, $1000 (863)675-0104 or517-0566 PORT LABELLE- 3br, 2ba New Construction on Beech- wood Cir. Avail: Dec; 1st $1300. mo. (863)673-0066. PORT LABELLE- 3br, 2ba New Home in Ranchettes. Avail: Nov. 1st $1300. mo. (863)673-0066. PORT LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, new, 1 mile from the high school, $1400 mo. + $1,000 sec. dep. For more details call (863)673-0846 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, each unit alarmed, area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV& trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE - Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. .8'x0' $53.50 mo. incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. -.---.. . Real Estate ~~- I w nes Places - Sae .. 100 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 fi e nstment' Prperty Sale 1036 Land Sa 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection1060 Real Estate Wanted1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 $0 DOWN HOMES Gov't & Bank Foreclosures! Low dr no down! No credit OK! Call Now! (800)749-2905. FOR SALE BY OWNER -- 2BR condo, St. Petersburg. 1 mile from Gulf of Mexico/Don Ce- sar. On Isla Del Sol golf course. Completely fur- nished. $370,000. Call (859)608-2213. LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top Area $209K or Annual Lease $1800 mo. 863-675-1107 PALM HARBOR Factory Liqui- dation Sale. 2006 Models Must Go! Modular; Mobile & Stilt Homes. 0% DOWN When You Own Your Own Land! Call our Factory for FREE Color Brochure. (800)622-2832. Join aH the people who say, "I sold It In the clas- sifleds." I Apartments 09705 I Apartment I Apartments 0905 1 Recreation LI I TI l1 I PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. Near School. Price to sell. $184K, or Annual Lease $1800. Owner 863-673-5071 HUNTERSII- 63+/- wooded acres located in Crittenden County, KY. Call (863)227-0996 Nice 2.5 acre lot, in Pioneer on Tampa Ave., $106,000. (817)729-9023 delgado42000@yahoo.com Port Laibelle; Tio'.25 ac. lots For Sale. Side by side Green- bell $49K ea. or both lots for $90K. Call 630-715-6828 20 acres with pond near State & Ijail parks Camp. Fish. Hunl $89.900 owner tin. $4995 down (800)352-5263 Florida Woodland Group Inc. Lic RE Broker A LAND BARGAllI WYOMING 35 acres $49,900: 50 acres $59,900. Loatled 90 minutes east of Salt Lake in mie foothills o0 te umila Mountains. Snow-capped mountain views. Surrounded by gov't larn Recieartonal paradise EZ Terms Call Uah Rancries, LLC 1d881541-5263 BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA ESCAPE THE HEAT ill THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC Homes. Cabins. Acreage & INVESTMENTS CHERO- KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC REAL ESTATE. rnerokee- riounlainreally cIom Call Ior' Iree broinure 1800)841-5868. East Tennessee- Norris Lake 5.6 acre wooded LAKE- FRONT lo1- $66.500 5 1 ACRE WOODED view loi- $28,900 Call Lakeside Really @ (423)626-5820 Or Vi;si wwNw la'.esiaere3lry-7i.com GEORGIA/ NORTH CAROLINA Capivating mountain views. lakes, rivers. waterfalls Homesites siariing @ $39,900 LandlLog nome kits packages I 1$99 900 Limitern ava1liliblly Call 1888)389-3504 X 701 Gulf Iront lois $595.. Homes starting mid $300k New master planned ocean Ironl community on beauliful Mustang Island, near Corpus Cnristi, TX www cinramorn- shore om., 66i891-5163 HOT! HOT! H:OT' Sparia, Ttl Land mimgnlicenl views, only 5 Iracts lel Call immre- diaTely' 1888)485-3141, Jane or Ruby @ Century 21 The Wrighi Choice -www.century21thewright-. choice.net LAKEFRONT LAND SALE LAKEFROITS. FROM $29,900! TENNESSEE MOUNTAINS! GRAND OPEN- ING! TWO DAYS ONLY! OC- TOBER 28-29 Lake Access Parcel with 2,000 sf Log Cabin Package Only $59,900! .Call 1rlpwi (866)950-5263 Ext. 1705. LAKEFRONT PREDEVELOP- MENT OPPORTUNITY! www.grandeharbor.info All water- access homesites di- rect from the developer. Beautiful East Tennesse:Lake Living. Most amenities al- ready in. From only $79,900. -.Possible 18 mo NO PAY- MENTS! Call Now! (888)BY- LAKES. Grand Vision Inc. Broker. LIQUIDATION LAND SALE. 5 to 138 Acres. A limited 'num- ber of spectacular parcels are being sold at 30% below appraised value, Located in Central FL w/ good access;, utils, survey, recent appraisal & exc fin. Call today (866)352-2249 x 847. MOUNTAIN GOLF RESORT LIVING Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountain location. Cashiers, NC. 70 degree July days. Reconstruction event Octo- ber 27- 29 during leaf sea- son, so call now to attend and for more information. (888)743-2975 and www.riverrocknc.com. Vi- sion Rock LLS, Broker. Mountain Waterfront Sale. Lakefront homesites & con- dos w/boat slips on beautiful Lake Chatuge in Western NC. Call now for Nov. 4 reserva- tion. (877)234-8850 x.102. New, Pre-Construction Golf SCommunity- Coastal Geor- gia. Large lots w/ deepwater, marsh, golf, nature views. Gated. Golt, Fitness Center, Tennis, Trails. Oak Park, Docks. $70k's $300K. (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspoirit com NORTH GEORGIA Lovely 7-arere rerejl, located ,n ihe CierokeeiPicens County Line. Ha? 600 11 iroul stream iroriage in rear 5B4BA niouse, pool hnt tub, pasture & woodlands Listed lor $575,000 Ron Zalk.irid. MeitoBrol ers!GMAC. (70627 3-0459 VA MOUNTAIN LOG CABIll untinisnied inside, view Irees private, I irge creek ana river nearbv $1 9 500 owner (86f)789-8535 VA94.comr WATERFRONT RESORT LIV- IiG WILMIN.GTOIJ. I1C HiS- toric Porl Cily COSl il Developmenri The Blulls on ine Cape Fear Fa:lesl Grtow- ing Counly in NC Public Grand Opening Oci 21 Di- recl Ocean Access Pre-con- siruclin rincentnves o call no ww w heblutlsnr 1 o 186F1725-8337 iape Fear Bluhs. LLC Broker Western New M.,cco Private 36 Acre Ranci $52 990 MI views. irees. rolling rills. paslureland close lo BLM. Horseback riding, hiking. hunting. Perleiti lo vac:aron diversilviil r your porttOlio, reiriem eni. Elei.riciry 100,, tiiancing Alddlrnrial parcels available. 86l1b365-2825 With Tennessee's Beautiful Lakes & Mountains. you are sure to find ime perlecl spol to call home. Call Nancy Gaines, Gables & Gates | 8 6 5 1 3 8 6 7 7 0 3 8b65);;7 Y1 w11 ww niancy- gaes : om Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes. Rent 2015 Moblil Homes Sale 2020 MoiEHoel ATV TRAILER- new, 3x4, Stainless steel dump bed, $175(863)357-5754 HONDA RANCHER, '2005, Low hours. Great Christmas gift$3500.863-517-0448 YAMAHA KODIAK 450'06 auto. 4x4, 2yrs. ext. warr., push button 4whl. drive, low hours. $K. 863-228-1730 FOUR WINDS '96, 36' with slide out, fully furnished, utility bldg. included. In Palm Dale, FL. $8,000. (419)747-2923 Marian Wscellaamme 3W25i Mot y3les 6300 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 BOSTON WHALER- 13', 40hp Yamaha, Pwr tilt, Motoguide trolling mtr, fish finder. Trlr. $2195. Neg. (863)467-8629 CAROLINA SKIP, 16ft., 25hp Mariner motor. &trailer $650 (239)770-6718 EXTENSION BAR for boat, 4', total 5'3" long, made to use w/4' overhang camper, $100.(863)357-6113 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYS Garmin GPS II. Hand held or deck mount. $75,. (863)675-6973 . PONTOON BOAT, 1811, Lowe. 50rp Evinrude engine, good shape, $2500 (863)763-5154 PONTOON BOAT, 24', 60np Evinrude, $2495 lirm. |8631763-9998 YAMAHA 150 V-MA.\' 01- iuel'oC1 Inlecled. e'. coLrd.. 1" owner, low hrs $5500 w/i controls (772)584-0147 Love the earth Recycle your used Items by sell- ing them in the clasl- fieds. CAMPER- 99, Needs work $1000.(863)634-77800 TRUCK TOPPER- For short bed full si;e P/U Good cond- Iin. $2 5. i.63,I824-00 WAVE RUNNER- Yamaha, '91, Low hours, Trailer included. $1000. (863)863-517-0448 BOAT MOTOR, 20hp Mercury jet motor, used on Zodiac or flat bottom boat, runs good. $250 (863)697-2525 CENTER CONSOLE- nw liber- olias, ir oa31 or pontoon. ,300 (561)723-1690i YAMAHA 04, 4np cycle mo- lot like new, less man 100 nr l0ull Tracker boat lank, oar $1700 (863)675-0162 'Mm Ifl e 03 FACTORY RIMS- For Dodge Iruck 16x7. Silvy Alloy. 5 lug Like new. Asking $300. or best other (863)697-9117 FORD F600 4 DR DUMP Truck, '77. Motor stu:k since hurricane..$800 763-1370 FRONT BUMPER Boss Hawg replacement, fits 03-C Dodge 2500/3500 HD, $1000.;(863)697-0328 HITCH, Weight alsinburng, w/ 2 5/16 balls. equal3er i alls sway bar & all anacnminerls $250 18631228-4202 RIMS- BIk'& Chrome Spider 4 lug rims, w/205/40/17 Kuh- mo tires,.like new, $300 or best offer (863)261-2546 TIRES (2) 33/1250/15 $100.863-517-2077 TONNEAU COVER Florida Line, fits 99-ip F250/350 Super Duty short bed, ma- roon, $650. (863)697-0328 TOPPER/CAP, Glas/tek fiber- glass, fits full size long bed truck, tan in color, $900 or bestoffer. (863)697-9117 ' TRANSMISSION Auto, for '97 V6 Chevy S10, $400. (863)783-2389. WHEELS, 16" Factory 2006 Mustang, brand new BF Goodrich Radial tires, will in- stall. $800 (863)697-0467 I Pb ic o i I I P lic Ntic NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Area ency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc., announces a Board of Directors Meeting. Date: October 12, 2006 Time: 10:OOA.M. Place: Senior Friendship Centers, Inc. 23 North Polk Avenue Arcadia, FL34266 For additional information in regard this meeting, or if you are planning to attend, please call 239-332-4233 or 1-800-398-4233. Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc., is a not-for-pmfit organton working cooperatlively withthe Florida Department of ler AAffnirs The primary role oAea Agenc n Aging forSouthst Fo n is promote and cor- dinatea network of services forindivduals overs years of age. Thesesrvc- es address both the short andong-term needs ofseniors. AeaAgency on Aging forSoruthwest Florida, Inc., an Aea AgencyonAging, servessevenounties. 167793 CB/CGS/FN 10/12/06 Const r uctio 4 ForegCare 4030 r Wheel Drv 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts -Repairs -.4045 Picakp.Tracks. -4050 Sport Utiy 4055 Tractor oilers 4080 Utility Traier 4085 Vans .4070 CHEVY CELEBRITY '89, Sta- tion wagon, as-is; $800 or best offer (863)983-9780. Chevy Monte Carlo SS, '86, 350 mtr., turbo 350 trans., $2500. 863-675-4697 or 239-872-9884 EAGLE TALON, 91, brand new all., turbo charge & clutcn, blown head, new tires $1000 or best offer. (863)801-6081 FORD ESCORT LX '97, 4 door, excellent condition, all pow- er, $1500 (863)357-1430 FORD TAURUS 1989 Station Wagon. New brake job. Good work car $750 neg.. (863)675-6822/675-1907 HONDA CIVIC EX '94- red, 2 dr, sunroof, souped-up, needs TLC, $1500 firm (863)467-2446 HONDA DESOL '94- white, convertible, $3000 (863)763-7060 MERCURY COUGAR -1989, needs work, good 3.8 w/re- cent top end rebuilt, good trans. $600. (863)634-2812 MERCURY COUGAR, '95, U-6, V8, a/c works, radio/cd, au- to, 1 owner. overdrive, $1500 neg (863)763-3939 VOLVO 240, '93, Great lo new driver, built like a lank, $1900 Or besl otter. .8663)634-4518 WE BUY JUNKCARS (863)675-1940 (800)997-5858 DUMP TRUCK, 1 ton, 8'x12' bed. 4' sides, Strong truck. $3000. (863!509-3260 GOLF CART 4 whl, w/battery charger, runs & looks great. $800 irm. 863-697-2631 or (863)763-7666 eves Part/Reairr 404 BOX VAN TRAIL MOBILE, 48Ft Good tires Iew drake .lob Ro:adWortnry $2250 . 863)675-6822.6;'5-1907 FLAT BED TRAILE,.8x14, double axle, wih ramps. gooseneck, steel floor. $1450(863)697-9704 OPEN TRAILER. '07 6.'12. Tandem axle, 3'sides, brand new. $1200. 863-634-1183 UTILITY TRAILER, '06 4x8 Open flatbed, tilt, $585. (561)670-3636 UTILITY TRAILER- 5'x8', $400. Call (863)763-1622. UTILITY TRAILER, Triple Crown, 4ft driver on gate. On- board Diamond tool box. Exc. Cond. $900. (863)763-6909 CHEVY VAN '93, 1 ton, needs engine, rebuilt trans. $400 (863)634-9345 DODGE '91, 1 ton, 318 cu. in. $1000 (863)634-9345 Ford Hightop Van, '89, tow pkg, full power, seats 8, TV, CB radio $2000; LaBelle Area. (863)675-4970msg. GMC HIGHTOP VAN Ice Cream Trk, clean & ready to go, $2500 neg (863)697-1181 10am-6pm PLYM. GRAND VOYAGER'96 auto, a/c, 4 cyl. eng., 27mpg, Looks/Runs great. No rust! $2250. Neg. 863-763-3190 CHEVY 1500 FULL SIZE'90 runs good, cold a/c, $2K or best offer. 863-467-8445 or 863-697-8073 CHEVY '86, 1/2 ton, 2wd, a/c. $2000 or best offer. (863)697-9806 CHEVY S-10, '87, V8 conver- sion, overdrive, a/c, runs very good. $2500. (863)697-2525 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500 '88, 1 owner, cold a/c, $2500 (863)610-0732 DODGE DAKOTA '95, 4 cyl., manual trans., $1300 or best offer.' (863)983-8560 leave message DODGE DAKOTA '96- 4 cyl, 5 spd, AC, good cond., $2500 (772)618-0607 FORD F350 '86- 4dr dually, diesel, needs work, $750 (863)673-0951 FORD F100, '83, auto, air, 300 6 cyl., 2 tone blue, new tires, $900 or .best offer. (863)467-8464 FORD F150 XLT- '03, Reg. cab, Auto. V-6, Loaded, 57K mi., 4 new tires. All pwr, Tow pck. $10,000. (863)467-6079 FORD F250,'80, motor runs, Body good shape. Needs new auto. trans. $600. or best offer. (863)673-5058 FORD F350, '84, Diesel, 4 door,. $1200. (863)517-0448 FORD RANGERXLT'92 4 cyl, standard, cold a/c, $1200 Negot. 863-763-4149 or 561-758-4337 FORD UHAUL TRUCK '79 14' alum. w/grandma's attic. Good for storage. Does not run.You move$500.239-368-7291 aft3 GMC SIERRA S15 '89, Good trans., engine blown, excel- lent body. $500 or best offer. (863)634-2280 NISSAN PU XE '95- ext cab, 6 cyl., asking $2500 (863)261-2729 IlmityTriles 06 Sport Shorts Trojans stop Cowboywinning streak Volunteer for Junior Pro It's time for Junior Pro basket- ball again! Volunteer coaches, assistants and referees are need- ed for boys and girls divisions: grades K-2, 3-5 and 6-8. For infor- mation please call Darrell Harris at 675-2565 or Pat Langford at 675-1686. Soccer sign-ups The LaBelle Youth Soccer Association sign-ups will be at Winn Dixie: Saturday, October 14, from 10 a.m. to noon; Sunday, October 1, Sunday, October 15, from 1-3 p.m. Cost: $25 per play- er. Fishers of Men SOn Saturday, October 14 and' 21, Fishers of Men will hold its first Hendry County Snook and Bass tournament at the LaBelle boat ramp for teams of two. There will be $35,000 worth of cash and prizes. First place: Triton TR186/150 Mercury Motor Bass Boat. The pre-tournament meeting is mandatory on October 13 and 20 at the LaBelle High School Cafeteria; cash only. There is a $300 entry fee before Oct. 7; $350 after. Contact Florida Southern Director FOM Jack Ott at 239-947- 4311 or jaosol974@juno.com or www.fomntt.com Limit: 100 boats. Caloosa Chase 5K Run The 12th Annual Caloosa Chase 5K Run is Saturday, Octo- ber 21, at 8 a.m. at LaBelle High School. The entry fee is $12 before October 18; $15 on race day. Make checks payable to LHS. Awards go to the top three finish- ers in each age group. Door prizes and refreshments provided; t-shirt to the first 60 entries. Pick up an entry form at LHS or call Coach Frost at 674-4120. Join skeet league Caloosa Sports Shooters is forming a skeet league. Contact Dave Alexander at 675-0500 or Ed Kuntz at 675-6432. Enjoy archery Thursday October 12, 7 p.m. Monthly membership meeting and 20 Yard Target League. Sunday, October 15: 3D Archery Shoot at the Nalle Grade County Park in North Fort Myers hosted by the Lee County Archers. A roving field range con- sisting of 20 3D target stations and a 14 station N.FA.A. field course. Sign up 8-8:30 a.m.; shotgun start at 9 a.m. A $10.00 shooting fee applies. Info: Ben Brown (239) 369-6212. Sunday: November 5, 9 a.m.., 900 round event. By Coach Ron Dunbar The Lely Trojans scored three quick second quarter touchdowns and then coasted to a 55-21 non- district high school football victory over the LaBelle Cowboys. The Trojans took advantage of two Cowboy turnovers and a fourth down defensive stop to up their record to 4-2 while the Cowboys fell to 3-3. "We didn't play well on both sides of the ball at times. We need to be more consistent if we are going to make a run at the play- offs," Coach Dunbar said. The Cowboys did continue their consistent running game on offense as Senior Andrew Tovar carried 17 times for 137 yards and a touchdown. Junior Gabriel Puente had 14 carries for 113 yards and also a touchdown. It was Puente's first game back in three weeks due to a knee injury. Senior wide receiver Chad Lutkenhaus continued his stellar Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter From left: Players of the week: Defensive Andrew Tovar with 12 tackles; Offensive Freddy Hernandez graded out at 78 percent; Practice Player of the week Jacob Sawatzky and Spe- cial Teams Rey Hernandez graded out at 100 percent. offensive performance for the Cowboys catching six passes for 61 yards and a touchdown which gave the LaBelle squad an early 7-0 lead. apiece. On defense the Cowboys were The Cowboys will travel to Dun- led by Tovar and junior defensive bar High in Ft. Myers next Friday for tackle Blake Barnes with 11 tackles a key district match-up at 7:30 p.m. Junior Varsity Cowboys defeat the Tigers For the second time this sea- son the LaBelle JV Cowboys defeated the JV Tigers of Clewis- ton. But, unlike the first contest where the LaBelle squad won a tight 28-20 contest, the Cowboys year by completing nine of 16 passes for 149 yards and two touchdowns. Both touchdown passes went to rising sophomore star Hobbs Crockett. Hull also connected with Sophomore strong rushing performance as the sophomore carried 11 times for 100 yards and two touch- downs. His counterpart in the backfield also had a great night as Angel Alvarez powered his .-,- .. F- .- 1 19 .... ... ..- r :^n The stingy Cowboy defense was led by Junior Felipe Deras with nine tackles from his defen- sive end spot. Freshman safety Dale Thompson added seven tackles and one interception. left no doubt by crushing the Dorian Deas four times for 68 way for 112 yards on nine carrie Hull continued his outstanding Williams turned in another and added a 26 yard field goal. p.m. on Thursday. iPublic Notices Pu c Nic #tia 5001'. Legl Notice '.5500 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILENO.:2006-125-CP IN RE: ESTATE OF Elizabeth Glorida Tompkins Deceased SNOTICETO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ES- TATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Adminis- tration has been entered in the estate of ELIZABETH GLORIA TOMPKINS, de- ceased, File No. 2006-125- CP; by the Circuit Court for Lee County, Florida, Probate Division; the address of which is RO. Box 9346, Ft. Myers, FL 33902; that the decedents date of death was March 17, 2005; that the to- tal value of the estate is $50,000 dollars and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: Jacqueline Milkovich 9 Constitution Drive Cold Spring, NY10516 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the de- cedent other than those for whom provision for payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must hie their claims wilh Ihis court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE. ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH 15 BARRED. THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE IS OCTOBER 5,2006. Petitioner: Jacqueline Milkovich 9 Constitution Drive Cold Spring, NY 10516 Attorney for Petitioner: Thomas E. Drasites LUSK, DRASITES & TOLISA- NO, RA. 202 Del Prado Boulevard Cape Coral, Florida 33990 (239)574-7442 FLORIDA BAR #0304697 165165 CB 10/5,12/06 'NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP pives Notice of Foreclosure of Len and intent to sell these vehicles on 10/22/2006, 10:00 am at 49 N Indus- trial Loop Bay B, Unit 3, Labelle, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the orida Statutes. HENO- RY'TOWING & RECOVERY CORP re- serves the rightto accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1997 Chryler 1C4GP54L8VB476679 165353 CB 10/12/2006 LaBelle, 3 BR 1 Ba., Fenced, No pets. I'00I wl w/1st, last wk's & sec Musi have reri credit (neckr 6 mos lease req (863)675-1010 TWO OR 3 BEDROOM $800-$900 Dep. $115-$125 weekly. Lj;y T Ranch. No dogs 6.t3-6,75-1614 Grab a bargain from your neighbor's garage, attic, basement or clos- et in today's classifeeds. GENA DOUBLEWIDE- 2004, 241.48, 3Dr. 2b garderi tu6b, skyliyhis vOU MOVE, $35000 (239)872-7862- NEAR LeBelle, Mobile Home 2br, 1ba Needs TLC, Large acre, Fenced, Sheds $95,000. (239)565-0490 Buying a car? Look in the classifleds. Selling a car? Look.in the classi- fleds. SCOOTER, Kasea, 50B moor- itij :i t'v Ouinll runs g 0oi. can be lagged I'or road use 1.500 18631228-4202 SUZUKI BLVD C50T, '05. Dik /chrome, saddle bags wind shield shitt drive, IIquid cooled I2 5k mi ,clean, 41i+rmog4 4 80 863 467 A9390 SUZUKI GS550L, '79, runs good, low mileage, exc. cond:. $1800 or best offer. (863)634-2280 When doing those chores Is doing you In, It's time to look lor a helper In the classifleds. ,'SportWs eicles/ AT^s 3035 ~.-.lge -ar~uurr. ... ...,. r~l+ar;p~Ps~8888888888888888888888888888 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 12,2006 Cross Country Results Cowgirls go two for three in the week Cross country running well Five teams were at the cross country meet Sept. 26 the most ever including LHS, Bishop Verot, Clewiston, Lake Placid and Desoto. The Cowgirls finished 2nd to Clewiston. Brooke Norris ran a great race finishing 3rd over-all with her best time of the year at 23:52. Irene Garza also ran well for LaBelle finishing 4th over-all (24:49). Karina Marines was next at 25:50. Shayla Wilson was the 4th runner in for LaBelle at 26:55 (Her best time of the year) and Nancy Vasquez finished the scor- ing at 27:43. Vanessa Cantu and. Emily Hull also ran well, with times of 28:16 and 28:41, respec- tively. The boys finished first by defeating rival Bishop Verot by a scant one potnt! Senior Stafford King finished first and ran his best race ever new 5k school record of 17:24. Drew Dyess was next in at 19:30. The third runner in LaBelle was a big surprise as freshman Chris Timms broke the 20-minute barrier at 19:47. Jacob Stallings and Jose Guillen finished up for LaBelle, 20:24 and 20:26, respectively. Cesar Mateo 20:27, Caleb Rhoden 20:49, Timmy Fromm 20:51, Oscar Tovar 20:55 and Brandon Temples at 20:58 all finished under 21 min- utes to contribute to the victory. Sebring meet In Sebring at the Highlands Hammock State Park a five team meet included LaBelle, Avon Park. Lake Placid, Sebring and Walker Academy. LHS won the race W\ith a score of 2,3. Sebring w\as second with 39, kAvon Park 76, Walker Academy 108 and Lake Placid had. no team score. In the boy's varsity race Stafford King was first overall with a time of 17:28. Jacob Stallings was 4th overall at 19:01, while e Drew Dyess continued to run consistently under 20 minutes with a time of 19:43. Caleb Rhoden led a pack of LaBelle runners with a time of 20:10. Cesar Mateo and Timmy Fromm; were next at 20:15 and 20:32, respectively. SJan Blazek was the first runner in overall in the JV race with a very good time of 20: I8. The LaBell girls also finished first %\ith a scole of -0 followed by Sebring 62, Lake Placid 79, Walker 85, Avon Park 90. Irene Garza was first in at 24:58 (5th overall). Brooke Norris ran another strong race finishing 6th overall at 25:54. Missy Olivarez and Karina Marines were the next at 26:31 and 26:37. Shayla Wilson finished the scoring for LaBelle at 27:02. Rhonda Bur- ton and Nancy Vasquez also ran well for the Cowgirls recording times of 27:04 and 27:15. Emily Hull was the first girl in, in the JV race with a personal.best of 26:35. LMS Cross Country The LaBelle Middle School Cross Country team had a very good showing at the Gulfview Invitational in Naples. The teams were divided into 6th, 7th and 8th grade races. The 8th grade girls were led by Laura Reed's 10th place overall finish, followed closely by Yesenia Resendiz,-Miri- am Carranza, Beatriz Martinez and Araceli Gomez. In the 7th grade race, Ashley Golemme fin- ished an impressive 3rd overall. And in the 6th grade race, Nicolas Loredo placed 7th for the boys, and the girl's team \vas led by Jesse \Vhitman's 9th place run, who finished just ahead of Diana Rodriguez and Jaquanza Taylor, who placed 11th and 121h, respectively. By Coach Shelley Blake The Cowgirls started off a busy week taking on the Estero Wildcats in a district match up. The Cowgirls defeated the Wildcats in four games: 25-12, 25-21, 19-25, and 25- 22. Alexa Redish, and Brogan Heisler led the Cowgirls in kills. Redish pounding out 12, while Heisler hammered down 9. Lacey McCall added to the attack, picking up 5 aces and propelling the Cow- girls through some tough serving situations. Defensively Dani Blake, Heather Raulerson and Blake Rice shared most of the responsibility.. Dani Blake picked up 18 digs, while Heather Rauleron and Blake Rice each scooped up 16 a piece. Win- ning this district game secured the second place spot for the Cowgirls. Game two for the Cowgirls was against the Sharks from Gulf Coast. This is the second time the Cow- girls have faced the Sharks this year, and the Cowgirls had some- thing to prove after a poor showing in the first match up. The Cowgirls brought their "A" game, serving with 92 percent accuracy and receiving at 81 percent. Alexa Redish, Blake Rice and Heather Raulerson led the Cowgirls in kills Redish put down 9 and Rice and Raulerson both had 8. Dani Blake passed out 24 assists. The Cowgirls were defeated 22-25, 26-24, 19-25, and 25-11. "Gulf Coast in a very good team. Their coach was very impressed with the improvement the girls made this .year and thought that they all played with a lot of class," said Coach Blake. Finally, the Cowgirls hosted Riverdale in the last district match up of the season, defeating the Raiders 25-21, 25-16, 26-28 and 25- 19. Alexa Redish had a season high 17 kills, followed by Heather Raulerson at 11. Dani Blake tied her season high with 36 assists and collected 16 digs.' Blake Rice, Heather Raulerson and Lacey McCall were key in defending the court. Rice and Raulerson each picked up 11 digs a piece, while McCall dug up 10. JV volleyball - By Coach Jade Youngblood This week the JV Cowgirls defeated Riverdale and Gulf Coast while falling to Estero. Brianna Sanchez led the Cowgirls with 40 digs, 16 kills and 8 aces. Beatrice Hernandez and Stephanie Pack- both contributed 17 digs. Stephanie also added 9 kills and 5 aces while Beatrice added 6 kills and 8 aces. Ada Johnson had 12 digs and 11 kills and Rebecca Sin- gleton had 5 aces. Kaylynn Cash had 29 assists and 10 digs. S Dana Howard Weekley Post 130 " AMERICAN LEGION AND THE LEGION AUXILIARY Friday Night Fish Fry 3 7 pm at 699 $.I. O8 W Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos SJsical nrCertl'inment In'clded Home Sweet s Loan structeionLoa 300 East Sugorlond Highway (863) 983-8191 3 Q U101 S. Berner Road, Clewiston (863) 983-3003 301 Highway 80 West, LoBelle (863) 675-4242 Member Equal Housing 175 Palm Beach Blvd. Ft. Myers (239) 437-8191 FDIC Lender Moore Haven (863) 946-1515 549 East Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, Florida 33440 Monday. Friday 8am 5pm Saturday 8am Noon 863-983-4484 STurf& Tractor Full factory authorized sales and service. :.0 down. Oqf. A P.R funting [of s up In 36 months and no payn'enl rf m6month iaai8bletIMoughDecfmbIr 31. 2006 un ubuL T TGi GIG CF ZI ZG F.., nr .,jr..-nir, ai parfipiiIng dealer s b.nple A36.m-inthrepayment ibirnmif OrA A Prtrequires 6payrnmeto of 27 idper $1 O0b.rion.wed. 0% A-PRnFrin ,. ,3"il.blIIt 'fro daxurnernnok'rIon plrpriorr. e I icroed Dealre.l r.srqe for dxcrjnt pieprardonl F-tha be In rdncA with -am ; imirino,,cr..] aalu..jteit.ouq I r., Oiouoc, -n( I. US A subijecttI .edl t.jPPnr. S meerepiins ipi..See your local iUwtBT dt~erfordI~Ead; o I h!E dtd loic, I ecplion; i q, it. k-jbui[ 6 TornIfm mc ii ovorr.31'c" THE ULTIMATE COMMUNITY WEBSITE The 24-Hour Community 'Wire Service.' Post press releases or news items. or catch up on the latest postings. I o P s o r P b i v n Want the community to 'save the date' for your event? Place it on the Community Calendar up to a year in advance! And, if you want, put it on the regional calendar for thie entire state! 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