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Cowboy traii's arollin', SPage 6 '" "~L'-4 C Checkthe Alma cs Page 15 0- X 1.f-.iL L_ .32I--F FLF 4LOOSA_ Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 192-2 IDA IT-ii VLM 83 4 IIER39TURDA, COBR ,20 At A Glance Foley resigns; Negron in race Chamber banquet Oct. 16 The Greater LaBelle Chaim- ber of Commerce invitesyouto its annual banquet Monday, October 16, at the civic center. Social hour begins at6 p.m.'(no .alcohol),.dinner at 6:30.Tickets are $20 each; table sponsors are $250 (.includes eight tickets and your business name in the bulletin). The menu includes chicken and .dumplings, roast pork, black eyed peas, sweet potatoes and corn bread. Get your ticket by September 30. In the meantime, be sure to send your lmnatinifg letter for the ~2006Cilizea~ioleVear. Also, remember to send -in your ballot for new board ,members by September 30. SCF: You can still do poster The SCF committee has ,postponed its poster deadline till its Nov. 6 meeting. Please us the new theme: It Started with a Seed. Time to think about their nominations for the Pioneer ,Family and -Grand Marshal. Pio- neer Famies should have been in the area for at least 5) years and the Grand Marshal needs to be a strong community-mind- ed and active individual \\hose actions have benefited the entire community' in some way. SCF meets the first Monday monthly at 6 p.m. at City hall through December. Weekly meetings begin in January till the festival. Sign up for Relay for Life Come to the Reia\ for Life Rally at 6 p.m., Oct 24, at Flora & Ella's Restaurant. Anyone interested in serving on the committee or who needs infor- mation on the 2007 event is welcome. Come find out \%hat this cancer fundraiser is all about and enjoy free pie and beverages. Education support available The Community Services Block Grant Family Self-Suffi- ciency Program of Hendry County is looking for ten full time students that have obtained grants or student loans for ongoing education or long term job skills that need to drive excessive distances for passes. Gas vouchers will be provid- ed as class attendance is veri- fled to assist low-income per- sons to continue their pursuit of education and'or job skills with increasing gas costs. Call 675-5356 in LaBelle, 983-1469 in Clewiston for,an application beginning October 2. The client must be low- income, full time attendance Sand travel more than 30 miles to the education facility. Eligibil- ity is determined on the total household's income. Families 'that have never received funds From the CSBG Family Self-Suffi- ciency Program will have priori- ty. Index Classifieds ...... .13-15 Editorial ............4 Speak Out .......... .4 Social News ..........5 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. e 16510 00019 1 By Katrina Elsken INI Florida Fallout from the scandal involving inappropriate emails and instant messages from Con- gressman Mark Foley to teenage Congressional pages continues this week with questions about how much Republican Party leaders knew and when they knew it. On Sept. 29, Congressman Foley resigned his seat in Con- gress, following reports in the media that he had engaged in sexually explicit com- munications with these - teenage boys over the Inter- , net. "Today I have delivered a letter to the "-' Speaker of the Mark House inform- Foley ing him of my decision to resign from the Li S. House of Representatives, effec- tive today," stated Mr. Foiey on Friday. "1 thank -the people of Florida's 16th Congressional Dis- trict for giving me the opportuni- ty to serve them for the last 12 years; it has.been an honor. "I am deeply sorry and I apol- ogize for letting down my family and the people of Florida I have had -the privilege to represent," he said. Constituents in Foley's 16th Congressional District expressed shock at the news. Education: Votech in Action 'Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter The Education Center of Southwest Florida (ECSWF) has its first graduating 'class of heavy equipment operators. 20 answer opportunity's knock By Kristin Hunter The first graduating class for the heavy equipment oper- ator license, sponsored and funded by the South Florida Water Management District and coordinated by the Educa- tion Center of Southwest Flori- da, held a ceremony at the Bar- ron Park on Friday, September 29. Everyone enjoyed good barbecue catered by Buddy's from Felda, paid for by the safety school and by dona- lions. The 20 graduates from Clewiston, LaBelle, Lehigh Acres, Immokalee, Naples. Cape Coral and Ft. Myers, received their level one opera- tor certification, a camouflage cap, a certificate of achieve- ment from ECSWF, a CPR and First Aid certification card, SFWM t-shirt, writing pen and button. Sonny Hughes and Geri Yoraschek 'from ECSWF, along with Rhonda Haag from SFWM, presented the students with their certificates. Rhonda Haag said, "This class is away to give back to the community for buying the land. It would have cost these people a cou- ple thousand dollars but instead it's free and we are producing jobs." . Paul Neumeister led the training and safety school. The five-week training program consisted of different tests on many different heavy equip- ment machines such as a front end loader, back hoe, tele- scopic fork lift, Bobcat, exca- vator and vibrating roller, through the course of 200 hours or the last two weeks Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. filling up holes,. knocking. down shrubbery, clearing 'land, etc. Students --also received training in safety, first aid, CPR and OSHA standards for the first three weeks. The training center is locat- ed on 151 acres on CR 78. The land is owned by SF\-'M. The Education Center leased the property from SFWlM for a \ear free of charge. Luis Cantu, ot Clewiston, is one of the 20 who graduated. At 27 years of age, he's been selling cars for the past three years and before that was an account manager at Royal's furniture for two years. When asked why he decided to take this course he said, "To be honest, 1 felt bad selling cars. I hated getting as much as I could from a customer. It was like robbing them without a gun," All the jobs I've ever had were inside office jobs but I, wanted to try something ne\\." He added, "This experience has meant a lot to me. it has given me an opportunity to learn how to operate heavy equipment which I've never done before, as well as give me a steady job. I'm going to work at the school as one of the instructors." When asked how he was chosen for this job he said, "I happened to get some of the best grades in the class and I did well on the machines. I still have another 30-hour instructor's course to take for my new job, but I'm very much looking forward to it." He starts on Monday just in time for the next class to begin. The next class started Mon- day, October 2. The class takes up to 20 people and already . has 19. George Roman, 31, of Ft. Myers is another graduate. He used to vorik for a garbage company in Ft. Myers for about a year, but lost his job because the company moved from Ft. Myers to LaBelle and he didn't have transportation. He said, "My plan is to achieve my goal and learn more. I %\ant to go on to get my level ii and level III licenses. I want to operate a crane machine tut I have to take another class for that First, I \want a job because I have a girlfriend and son to support " The idea is to train these people for the SFWM C--13 Reservoir project that starts in March or April of nexi year. in the meantime Rebecca Muller, the service coordinator for the Career and Service Center of S\\TL, \as there to help with job placement Most of the completers of the program will be going to Work for southwest Florida businesses and some will remain in the training pro'- gram for level II and level III training. If you would like informa- tion about the construction trades worker or the heavy equipment operator training coordinated by the Education Center, contact the director, Sonny Hughes at 863-675-6800 or SHughesedcenter@earth- link.net. There are openings in a construction trades worker training program beginning October 16, in LaBelle, coordi- nated by the ECSWF for resi- dents wanting to work for local construction companies. "It was a shocker," said Mel Karau, Hendry County GOP Executive Committee Chairman. "We visited Mark Foley in Wash- ington. I think he's done a lot of good work for District 16. It's a shame if the allegations are true." In Pahokee, Mayor J.P. Sasser said Foley was a constant source ot support for the Glades initia- tives in \Washington, D.C. "Even though we're not in his district, he always had strong feelings for the Glades. 'He \as a supporter of our regional water plant," said Mr Sasser. He said news of the scandal took local residents by surprise. "Like everyone else, I'm com- pletely shocked," said Mr. Sasser. "I just did not know that side of Mark, which is a private side. My prayers go to everyone involved." On Monday, Foley's attorney, 'David Roth, told the Associated See Foley Page 2 What will a half mill buy? By Patty Brant For the first time in about 15 years the City of LaBelle -has increased its millage, from 3 to 3.5 mills provoking loud protests from a number of busi- ness people and residents. That .5 mill \ as necessary to cover and additional $283,398 in expenses. The operating budget expenditures for 2006-07 repre- sents an 8.9 percent increase o\er 2005-06. So, wvhat can -resi- dents expect -to get foi this increase' The largest addition to Ihe city's budget is in the form of three ne\\ emplo ees: a plan- ni r ($'62,000 including equip- ment i; inspector plans revile\- er '($72,500) 'including equipment-and a vehicle; CADD.GIS operator ($56,000 including vehicle and equip- menti and part time Animal Control employee $2,(000 for equipment). Remodeling the civic center to serve as commission cham- bers and the current chambers into offices ($-10,i:0 0) as well as insurance, fuel and electric increases (just over $50,000.1 also fall under new expenses. Sheiia Johnson of Barroco Engineering has been serving as part time planner foi a cou- ple months, but a full time posi- lion is in the new budget. Mayor Bengston praised the volunteer code review board that has been working diligent- ly for several years to get the city's codes in -order, but noted that most of its members are -real estate people and develop- ers w\ho 'have a vested interest in the city's codes. City Attor- ne OwC)en Lucke\ has been looking after the city's interests on the code review -board, but his time is limited. The mayor wants to make sure the resi- dents are represented as well. A proposed inspector.plans reviewer \will relieve some ot the workload from Superinten-, dent of Public works s M'ike Boxle, who has been wearing many hats tor a number of years. This job \%il entail re\i\ling residential and con- mercial construction plans. -A CADDGIS operator \vil help upgrade city' maps and lay- ers, working with the planner. The mayor points out -that the commissioners studied the proposed budget, making cuts at the budget workshops, including, a plan to hire one police officer for the city; a new dog kennel and new truck; and equipment from the Streets Dept. Commissioner Zimmerly also voted for the .5 mill increase, along with Dave Lyons and Mayor Bengston. "People aren't seeing the whole picture," she said about the increase, "we won't have a lot of mone\. This is onl, 50 cents on $1,000 and they ha\e to remember that we didn't appraise their proper We See Tax -Page 2 Hospital lowers village rate By Glenda Wilson Thes Hospital Board of Authority held its final public budget hearing meeting on Thursday evening, September 28. Local community citizens who attended the meeting voiced their concerns over the rise in county tax assessments and urged the Board to con- sider lowering the millage rate of Hendry Regional medical Center. At that meeting, the Board voted unanimously to lower the millage rate from 3.1 mills to 3.0 mills. In addition, the Board adopted the 2007 Hos- pital Budget. The Budget con- tains provisions for improved . healthcare services in both Clewiston and LaBelle. Kids Day: Loads of fun! By Kristin Hunter The annual Kiwanis Kids Day at the Barron Park was packed with kids of all ages as Kiwanis gave out a total of $400 in raffle prizes including a bicycle, donat- ed from Ace Hardware, games such as Connect Four and LIFE and a basketball goal. A of people who helped make this event possible includ- ing First Bank of Clewiston, which had fishing games, the Corps of Engineers with infor- mation oh water safety, the Legion Riders, who were there with their motorcycles for kids to get a picture on. The Depart- ment of Transportation gave out free helmets and safety informa- tion, the Hendry County Health Department/Early Learning Coalition provided out informa- tion on autism awareness, quali- ty child care and volunteer pre- K, the Humane Society brought three adorable little puppies, the Sheriff's Department fingerprint- ed kids and the fire department gave demonstrations to those brave enough to face the scary equipment that the fire fighters have to wear. Caloosa Belle.'KrnS Hunior Seven-year-old Tanner, three-year-old Miah and five-year-old Brady Hippie hug tthir fred stuffed animals. .-' ~.asr~pll~-~~~ _~l___..__-~Ia _.. Llr~F~xsmnnsaaaaE-~~ ~~5 -- SMA :ir- i S-ili-~nl-.-, Tax Continued From Page 1 have to look forward, not back and take care of or future needs." The commission did want to keep its three-month emergency reserve which would altow the city to continue operating in the event of a major disaster, FEM would help eventually, but it is unreasonable to expect any assis- tance for months To facilitate better budgeting, city department heads are now creating a five-year plan outlining. that department's projected needs in an effort to plan and pre- pare better for the futre.. Other needs Mayor Bengstonr said that, whea he was campaigning for office fast year, residents corn- plained that the town looks "dirty" and many roads, especia- ly neighborhood roads, are in di- repair. He has made a primary goal of repaving as miaay streets as possible. He notes tht the area of Ehm and E. Eincol is especially in need of repairs The sidewalk area on the west side of Martini LOWter King Bld. is in serious need of attention. Wik the walk- ing area ony separated from te traffic lane by a double yellow ne, f it a safey hazard for wafu- ers and school child re waiting for the bus. OTe0 wa ed he d y at te dole yelow Mes add to the confusion since they idlate a no passing zone inM he Aceter of the road. The cy does not have te money to it iI a proper sidewalk,, however, it is.-in me posiEtionof having to miakedthte area safe. So, the mayor said workers will be installing "traffic delineators," collapsible poles- that will mark off the sidewalk from the street, as a temporary measure. Money for that project is in the budget. The speed Kmit has also been reduced to 25 mr.p:.h Recenffy sr e City commissIon voted to d6 some stop-p rep wore oi soitBniege StreeL A new $28 million, 4 9illfon galon per day reverse osnmois water plant has to be at the top of thae city's "to d" liet, foowed by cornetilgr residents to the sewer- plant The city is currency in the process of lining up funding for the water plant, beginning with a, consriurm ot local banks. The plant wil be located off Helms Road in the Pad property aea. Crrenty, Me cily i speSndig $2 miB~on to do testwe and per- Filndig space The city is tying to sole its spea mrmc y uacEbiy" g part of the deicenter as commission dhamaber and ofiem space Tha wVil allow oe ernfrcesne fi to move bacto dty Eai frOmn the Barron Park House. Pflas are to eliminate tWe iie enter stage and irse tat area down to he frst pilar for a commission cdir- ber/office space. 'hat wil leave adequate sie for nest omam- nir events, May" B o 'gs addl tat inQ ianf t m se e ema - rentag* ditecwkcenfeir aearMt am firm aLa lee Te otaW eost 61o an ame leflrIag $SOP vwtie & in- M fe budget for the Upsta~is offices at cty halt were recently reparioaed to accommodate more employees aswelL Mayor Bengston pointed ozt that, just because a position is onl twe bieos,1 doesft me itwiiwB be Sfied immeiratelyf. Fst yo hare to find ISe right person, get stmi on board and up to speed before rePirmalres cabe m&-E Thre- fre, me ity needs to sgt ated now.se May" Bengslto noled Oat addM~io fning is needed to keep up with- laBeBets growled. f m e als and maed be empaded to IacMom a e new anilaeatanttianesmoney.Ttn trying to do smy st e he said, "Hmprot vye wl e 8fl pal dfe sa~iff tin hJanany after tx oniey te omein he a eMeaitiv adig, andertiansd tme b/fte Eidgt acfwards and ftowardsE Tve done it fr yeaws& rIm keoaingM e dl3y iodge#, kartMI g tae Potess and (am wb staff We mast go fekwadl We dent fowtwfegwN hama ise B geadc yewBrblt t hame to faam to beabketco~nkme. "We doWr'l set ft asess- menets"' he added, saying iighi property assessments have tVaMs- lated iwto exepm*l i y igas toetx bills th year. W bh Wnildibg beginnings to stow down, vak es are coming back to more rearti -evese, but psopesties won' he igasse5sedundiiiitnesEtyeaar- I Ga to re~iaant~e~ r uala aa8pinist cesiponsa online! I r~r~nndii~lpi If~ A -Tte 5. otheI Glaes LL has a new *ain A Clear Tide Company of the Gades,. LLC has re-located their office from II0 lrN. Main Street, LaBelle to 777 W. Hickpooeee Avenue, Suite B, Saunbelt Professional Center, Lalelee. The company provides the area with prompt and professionalU title insur- ance and real estate dosing services.. For more information, contact the LaBede office at (863) 675-6705 or the Moore Haven office at (863) 94&3705. You r,.- r ux c E a~ a Foley CoatinMed From Page 1 Press that Foley checked into an afcoholfsm rehtabltation faeity over the weekend. He refuse to, identify the facility, Florida Democratc' Party ffi- dais are calling for an inestiga- ton of Markl FPoey aid of otsber who may have known; about ae- gations against hiMw "These Repufiean fai9edl to safeguard vulnerable youths for whom they were directly respon- sible. That's the bottom line. The Foley Five must be fully investigat- ed' and held accountable for their negligence," Florida Democratic Party Chair Karen Thurrna said. "The Foley Five should suspend' all' campaign activities until the investigation is complete, and a#W recipients of Foley-tainted money' ought to donate those funds to' the National: Center fo Missing. and Exploited ChiMren iimeriei- ately or they risk implicitly sup- porting the actions of those whio protected Mark Foley." The "'oFey rve" as designated by the Dem'orralic leadership,, include: U.S. House Speaker Den- nis Hastert, R-ll.. U.S. Rep. T'ob Repyoki., RX, U.S. Rep., John Shtiikls, RMhe tUe to se Maei- Ry Leader John Boesirer, R-Oio,. and U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander. R-a. Acerdinig to report thi flt AssociatedPutess. thwe FBIb inves- p&t ca m (h soeab*, *,tee Mey cotul end up being prosecuted Wonder' chaid protection laws he helped enact. FoFey. a Repubians from Fort Pierce, was elected to Congress in 1994.. Prior to his election to Congress, he served in the Florida Legislature. Under Florida law, Foley's name wilB remnn on the ballbt. lThe ballots have ateadiy been printed and some absentee bad- tots have alreadybeen sent out. On' Monday afternoon, the Florida Republication Coimittee narsed Joe Negroni as the new candidate for the Distriet Nl Cos- gressional Seat. Votes cast for Foley will go toMr. Negron'. State Represefettive Nevgrim, 44, is anm aftorney foum tarif He was eleteld to the Florida Homle of Represetataires in 2m00 and was subsequently re-elected. As a state representaiM re served on the Fiscal Council,.the Legislative Budget Commission, the Select Commite on Medicaid Refaorm and the Rules and Calendar' CounciL He began a ampaig. fo Florida Attorney General this year but dropped out when for- mer US. Rep. BOll McCoftim detidedtorumi. The lhiam pw ias- trict inchdes. Glades, Highlands, Okeechobee counties, as weR as parts of Hendry, Charlotte, St. Lucie, Martin and Palm Beach' counties. Unit the election', the Wash- ington, D.C. office and the district offices of the former Congress- man Foley will continue to serve the peopFe of the T6th Cofigres- stonal District of Florida under the supervision of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, Karen Haas. Staff members of Repre- sentative Foley's office remain' on the House payroft under the supervision of Ihe Clerk of the House to offer other general con- stituent services provided by House offices. The Washington, D.aC office and the Forida district offices are open on a daily basis to accom.- modate congressional business. Under House rules, the Clerk manages the offices when a Member dies, resigns, or is expelled This artihorily, which does not inchre noting erepsen- tatinm continues uiati successor is elected to il the vacan seat The Washington offie for Congressional Distict 16 is loat- ed in 4 Cartnon House Office Buildmig, telephone (20) 225- 5792. Mal addreed to the Office of the Si eea Congressiona District of Florida. Washington, D.C. 20515, will be delivered through the integral House mati distribution system. The district offices are located at 444 PGA Blvd., Suite 406 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410, (561- 627-6192); 18510 NMrdock Circle, Suite 536, Po t Charlotte, Ft 33948, (941-627-9100); and CO Annex Building, 250 NW Comntry Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 (772-878-31581. Some of the instant message exchanges between former Con- gressman Mark Foley and a teenage Congressional Page have been posted online at the ABC news Web site at http://abc- news.go.conrWNT/BrianRoss/st ory?id=2509586&page= 1. Warnings are posted that reader discretion is strong advised. atty Brant and Jose Zaragwzacon ibued to this ri- -q q :-" ,*. .i -: ; ..:. :*- ICALOO'SAR To Reach Us LaBehl kFLBUS .Ml r Thompson Ave Phou= (").67--52.41. Famr (963)6'-15i4p Websitavw f nerszprom labeled To Submit News To Plah a Cbssfiied Ad i LBO8l O place a Clwaad' kow Wht danOs U=r deramg is i ttom4 a* a u ii a ol ai io a folibwtng Fax. aeqr4 N;- 3Mpt~ E-ork einsadubsPcriptions ForS "otisJ~korx The Camboim Beff welcomes, submi.-I S fromits, reakezs. Opinins, .aren- I Phone: (") 353-4-4 dar items. story ideas and photographs: 1h oos 000-ropie' arewelbomem. Cail (863) 67'5-25411 roLn Ite LaBe1. and VWisrtern Fleiidr. rea our o newsvoim. fremr m m be' Coac v eaevev w%'rtesdmsj- CCopie. .t mskA taxed or e-maiued. ff I 1 !the-pFa p ecm be found ir anou .rorre: sending Og boappi's ta e-mai please thriounmt ra n and .ejkC.tg io rnecm send themM ]JPEG Fo r. also please:e dnot send WORD docamenrs. just: efltO! cmpnronc hrv i. dd paure these messages ult the body f, ery Fi'vrscaeM m1ail0-Wl riper[C Irxe tre e-mai. Office documents are ok acalable t $J10' per pe-r and $25 fcr :,. The deadline for all'news itemsisk a.ILm nxrnthz. =a Monday prior co she ieoawring Thursday,'pnhkiuadfd.,Printing E-Mail: cbesrrau@sfaaua Speakot2L (9s0,)5 54,M6 Thr Cik;. C a 3- -rLnted i r;un;l.11A To Place a Display Ad .uld 1f LdleoJ.:nt Pprom:se "drs-25m 1.ma ik prii n .V'Z-%x5irai et The deadline for all advertsi% is 4 PM. on, Ftwiy for the tWiowimg y 'LTrwndwu mu ew sz ai pubbctim ND~ E-maif cbefle''stro net E-rnnilea~R hilheampewseajeco _______________________________________________________ ,-.---, newszap.com CITY OF LABE.LE. NOTICE OF PROPOSED ENACTMENT The City Conissiof of the City of LaBee poses to adopt an ordinance which amends the City of LaBele O(ff.icial Zoning Map by changing the zoning n a specific area within the City of LaBef e and having the following tide ORDINANCE # 20W-S CTY OF LABELLE Zoning Change Whalfey (-Iu to R-2) Hendry Street AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF IABEILLE, FLORIDA, PROV HIDING FOR AMENDING OF THE CITY OF IAISELLE ZONING MAP; PROVIDING FOR CHANGING THE ZONING OF LOTS: 22, 2, 2, AND 25, LA BELLE ANDtEWS ADDITION TO LABELLE PARK LABELLE PARK SUBDIVISION, CITY OF LABELLE FROM Il TO R-2; PROVIDING FOR PROCE- DURES, PROVIDING FOR INTENT PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATEf COPIES OF THE ORDINANCES AND COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BY METES AND BOU N DS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST AT THE LABELLE CITY HALL. The Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, October 12, 200 at 7'00 p.m. At City Hal on 481 West Hic kpochee Avenue, LaBelle, Fieoida, Ordinance is available for review at City HalL All inter- ested persons are invited to attend and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances, Interested persons may appear on their own behalf or by agent or attorney. If anyone decides to appeal a decision made b the Comnriass i with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hearing, a record of the proceeding wift be needed for the appeal and that for such purposes, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testi- mony and evidence upo'i which the appeal is to be based. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: iF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL, AID OR SERVICES AS ADDRESSED IN THE AMERICAN DISABILITIESACT, PLEASE CONTACTTHE CITY CLEAR K'S OFFICEAT 863-675-2872, NO LESS THAN FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABOVE STATED HEARING DATE. City of LaBelle City Commission Randal A. Bengston. Mayor FOSraSWA Ii 7 IL ___1 wy a6 : 4 li t I1-- 4 1- k-2 -2---- n 1 r ,,wf 5 4 I ' - ; ------.---, -- '------ n ii 14 IT IS Iil / State Road 80 OWNER REQUESTING ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY TO R-2 DUPLEX TO BUILD DUPLEXES Reason #24 t o join Suncoast. We make you feel at home. i,,.:: i.. f TH i'.-.* J. - .. . :::. S'.r.@, :,. r! E N WE HELP YOU qualify for one. SFor some people, buying their first home is more than a big step. It 'eems like an impossibility. Maybe you're one of those people. Either you i.haven't qualified, you're afraid you don't make enough money, haven't i':;' been able to save enough for the down payment, or banks want to charge an interest rate so high you can't afford to take the risk. S. Suncoast encourages you to give ownership another try. Our Helper Home Mortg homebuyers, and offers a low down payi I.:, ' Who's eligible to jo-in Suncoast? Ir Toe LIVE I KN H2NY COUK4TY. YOWIM VUGMLI5L F09 16fEBBFBS~ff 1&.T St(flCOAST.' PLUS, AXYOqWXE D'RO Voltea. WORSHlIPS Of TTtNOS sCHOOL HER CAN JOIN. t&QCEDIATE FAMILY MEMtBERS CA 14 NY TOO. age is designed for first-time ment,' discounted interest rate. and low monthly payments. Suncoast is not-for-profit, so our decisions aren't all based on the bottom line; they're based on helping our members. Call 800-999-5887 or go to joinsuncoast.org to find out more. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org 'Lam..ms tbicuteto credit quwahffataon h rhWn, Lanome Liman ,.d main,. Lun .rn l Apph B it a afi S rdO yaiytO&nd 'Unaopemed .rhuelr pat how I [ Digqnmd .:ib ""- - *1 Lm~J ---- --r- IYII11II IIIIlIIIII I 1 1 I 1 I ff Wilson amm I -- - --- --- --- -- om m ommmo --- r l . ir -1 AWTM -- Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 5, 2006 Arrests Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Giving for life Giving the gift of life: Max Harrelle donates blood. This is Max's 20th time donating blood. He has donated a total of 2 1/2 gallons of 0 positive blood. There were 51 donors and ten referrals. Lunch was donated by the Legion Auxiliary. Desserts: Barbara Concran, Mary Bar- toshuk, Diane Davis. The $20 gift certificate from Log Cabin went to Tammy McCluskey. Banda found uilt Banda found guilty of grand t Former Clerk of Courts employ- ee Angela N. Banda-was found guilty of grand theft and sentenced to five years probation by Judge Edward J. Volz, Jr. on Sept. 18. She is also required to pay court costs. Her sentence may be reduced by half with full restitution. She had pled nolo contender and waived her right to appeal. The accusations came to light April 6 after Clerk of Courts Barbara Butler provided information to the sheriff's office, that a large amount of money -as rnuch as $60,.I. - was found to be missing from her ;heft office between October 2005 and April 2006. Employees discovered that monies had been missing fron- their deposits since October 2:1.15 Clerk's Office emplo\ ees researched their records and found that the\ did not accurately reflect what should have been deposited into the bank accounts and that the bank deposit slips did not balance \\ith the couritl 's records Ms. Bandahad been employed as a finance clerk by the Clerk's Office since November 17,2003. Batalone sentenced to life in prison Thirt-.ear-old Jorge Aguilar Batalone \\as sentenced to life in Prison on Sept. 18. On August 23, a jury found him guilty of capital sex- ual battery on a child under 12. The public. defenders, office was appointed to appeal the case. SBatalone was arrested January 12, 2004, after an 11-year-old girl * told her mother he had sexually assaulted her: The incident took place at a motel where Batalone had taken the victim and two other young girls to swim. There was no forensic evidence in the case. The victim did not tell her mother for a month after it occurred because she was afraid to However, she did call one of the other girls in from the pool after it happened and confided in her. Batalone also called the vic- tim's mother and apologized At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries., Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com: Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one ,it ho has departed with a special Alenmorial Tribute in this newspaper ew s' < e Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.coi/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam I Includes 6 month follow-up Disclaimer: The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- cel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is per- formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted fee I or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. (239) 657-2266 LaBelle A juvenile was arrested Sep- tember 22, and charged with battery on an officer, battery on an elected official or education employee and resisting an offi- cer with violence. James Clerk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. A juvenile of LaBelle, was arrested September 25, and charged with vehicle grand theft. Suzanne Higby of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Edward Lee Ward, 20, of LaBelle, was arrested September 27, and charged with possession of cocaine. Brett Edward Daley of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Daniella Nella Herrera, 22, of LaBelle, was arrested October 1, and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. Rolando Gajate of 'the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Juan Carlos Escobar, age 29, was, arrested September 30, and charged with possession of cocaine and aggravated battery. Rolando Gajate of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Billy Rodriguez, 24, was arrested September 29, and charged with possession of cocaine. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Alejandro Maldonado, 24, of LaBelle, was arrested Septem- ber 29, and charged with cruelty toward a child-abuse without great harm. Michael Home of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Amy Ballard, 35, of LaBelle, was arrested September 29, and charged with buglary. George Elver of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting offi- cer. Kevin Thomas Hellard, 31, of LaBelle, was arrested on Sep- tember 17, and charged with burglary and larceny ol $300- $5,000. Suzanne Higbv of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Obituaries Anne Teresa Weisbeeker Boland Services for Anne Boland, age 86, of LaBelle, will be held Sunday, Oct. 8, at American Legion Post 130 at 3 p.m. The Legion Auxiliari \'%ill conduct the service. in lieu of flowers contributions ma\ be made to the American Legion Child Wel- fare Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN -16206. Loretta Wilder Lay Locretta \\ilder Lay, age 79, of LaBelle, passed a'way Septem- ber 30, 2006, in Fort Myers. She was born Nov. 18, 1926, in Calvin, Kentucky ato Andrew Jackson and Elizabeth Ivena Cathern (Watkins) Wilder. Loretta devoted her life to car- ing for her husband, children, family and taithfully served the Lord. She loved gardening and flowers. Survivors include daughters: L. Cathern Bailey of Mont- gomery, AL, Mavellen Jacque- line Scudder (Jerrne', Talla- hassee, Phyllis Ann Hughes (Mike). of Cape Coral,, son: Luther Clyde "Luke" Lay, Jr., Tal- lahassee, sisters: Elizabeth Ann Greene (Don) of Pineville, KY Wilma Fallang (Lyle)' of Col- orado Springs, CO, brothers: A. J. Wilder(Merlene) of Dayton, OH, James Joe Wilder of Over- land Park, KS, bother-in-law: J. C. Lay(Opal) of Williamsburg, KY; sister-in-law: Roberta Sue Ne\ manl Marvjin., Lehigh Acres, Rhoda Sue Webb(Slan- ley), Cincinati, OH; grandchil- dren: Paige Lay, Tallahassee, Jason Hughes, Ft. Myers, Teresa Mary Scudder (Ron Nledcalti, Ft. Lewis, WA, Cathern Ann Scudder, Boca Raton, Charles Edward Lee Scudder, Tallahas- see. She w\as preceded in death by her parents; husband, Luther Clyde Lay; grandsons: Tyler Clide Lay and Tra\is Jacob Bai- ley. Services will be held Thurs- day, October 5 at the Akin-Davis Funeral Home Chapel-LaBelle at 6:30 p.m. with Reverend Jerome Sears officiating. Inter- ment will be Friday at 10 a.m. at the Ft. Denaud Cemetery. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home LaBelle. LOST _ YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck I I |t 03 & Auto Repair, Call / THRNK YOU Dear Fellow Citizens of Hendry County, I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank you for your continued confidence in me by allowing me the privilege of serving you as a board member for the Hendry County School System. I would like to assure you that between our teachers, and all the non- instructional personnel as well as volunteers, we have a very good staff involved in educating out young people of Hendry County. Many of these people stand up for their Christian and moral values by teaching and setting a good example for the students, both inside and outside the classroom. It takes everyone working as a team to be successful and I believe we have a very good team. I would also like to assure you that we will continue to be committed, to provide the type of education 'you expect and our students deserve to prepare them for the future. Again, I thank you and pray for God's protection and blessing for you arnd everyone involved with the school system here in Hendry County. Sincerely, Pat Langford Hendry Cohnty School Board Member District 3 Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Pat Ldngford Non-partisan candidate for Hendry County School Board, District 3 -- -- -- -: ';+ ;.. *.*: ,;' > "i,*;l' .." h '. -s .. .........."."...... ....... QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated Electrical Service Company Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Landscape Lighting and surge protection Call for A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 9-5 call 863-9B3-4 101 Rn-.P9-.4138 24 E...rm-LjnbVLy Service Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 Nationwide and international opportunities Be your own boss and make thousands of dollars without a license or experience. Free training, web tools, marketing material and complete support. Be the first in your area. Conditions apply CALL NOW AT 1-877-300-1595 -DEn[lutarURIE mlalupl! 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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF LABELLE SPECIAL EXCEPTION Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of LaBelle will hold a public hearing Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Room, LaBelle City Hall, 481 W Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, for the purpose of considering the following: Merit Petroleum Company is requesting a special exception to the City of LaBelle Code to allow an automotive repair and/or automotive rental facility in a B-2 zoning district. The property location is at the Southwest coiner of E. Hickpochee Ave. and Lee Street, and is commonly known as 141 Hickpochee Ave. E. LaBelle, Florida 33935. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Interested persons may appear on their own behalf or by agent or attorney If anyone decides to appeal a decision made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hear- ing, a record of the proceeding will be needed for the appeal and that for such purposes, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record'includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL AID OR SERVICES AS ADDRESSED IN THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT 863-675-2872, NO LESS THAN FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABOVE STATED HEARING DATE. City of LaBelle City Commission Randal A. Bengston, Mayor EMBARGO THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE.'" Voice Data Internet Wireless Entertainment I I K-'l~~t II'v: ij-J- f.1ici, I.... I h.: t-1-:' 1YIICI T1.: ir:I11 IT1. rd k.- !v 'flui. -W IIIl Illliiil I Same Day Service * MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October S',20:06 4 OPINION Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http/Avww.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 6754516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. MOTIVES?: There has been a lot of commotion in town regarding our Property Appraiser Kristina Kulpa and the assessed values of our real estate in Hendry County. Why do you suppose one real estate bro- ker is so interested? Is there a personal agenda here? WALK A MILE: I am outraged by some of the behavior at the civic center meeting Sept. 26. Kristina Kulpa, Hendry County Property Appraiser is a professional. She has set the values of the property in Hendry County according to the mandates set down by the State of Florida. She knows that these values are disturbing because they rose so rapidly in just one year. This phenomenon was not isolated to our county alone. This is something property appraisers are struggling with all over the state and other parts of the country. I'm certain she is doing everything she can to cope with the problems created by the inflated real estate market and high selling prices of the last two years. I dare anyone to "walk a mile in her shoes" prior to passing judgment. REAL ESTATE DILEMMA: Aren't real estate brokers supposed to be professionals in their field? Aren't they supposed to be conducting the very same comparative market analysis that the property appraiser uses? How come I don't see anyone complaining about the high prices real estate companies set on their listings? They are even higher than the assessed values imposed by the county. DO YOU REMEMBER?: Doesn't anyone remember when a certain real estate person fought like a pit bull to get an agricultural extension on property purchased from the Oxbow-auction? She won and was awarded the exemption. I think we've caught "the pot calling the kettle black." CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS: People in LaBelle are talking out both sides of their mouths. They want to sell high and pay low taxes. WIN ONE, LOSE ONE: Thank you, Hendry County commissioners, for understanding that in a year when assessed values have been raised so dramatically there is no need to raise the millage. It's a shame that some of the city commissioners lack the ability to comprehend basic math. SAD STATE OF RENTAL PROPERTY: I'm calling about the rentals here in LaBelle. It's crazy. In the season they can get $300 week from illegal pickers, and nobody else can find anything. If you're lucky enough to get one of those crappy trailers, you pay triple. END OF MY ROPE: I have called the dogcatcher on the same dog five times and two of my neighbors have too. Nothing was ever done. Somebody tell me what can I do? Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Thank You Kids Day sponsors ,: Kiwanis again thanks those who assisted in making another great Kid's Day at the"park. We appreciate U-Save Market, Army Corps of Engineers, Ace Hard- ware, Crystal Spring Water, Jim Mace, LaBelle Fire Dept., Sheriff Ronnie Lee and trustees, Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary, Betty With- nell, Fun Van Ken Stanchi, and Caloosa Animal Shelter. Thank you! Thanks for the uniform The LaBelle Middle School Broncos were sporting their new football uniforms this past week. The uniforms were donated by Terry Cross, the director of the Hendry County Recycling Pro- gram here in LaBelle. This dona- tion comes at a time when LMS has needed some support in the initial sea- son. The coaching staff appreci- ates the generous support of the LMS program and looks forward to working with the LaBelle com- munity. Kevin Lutkenhaus, Vice Princi- pal at LMS Teens doing good work While visiting the Fort Denaud cemetery on September 23, we were so thankful to see a group of teens from the LaBelle High School Honor Society spending their morning at the cemetery. They were volunteering their time to clean, weed, rake, etc. the grounds so as to do their part in beautifying the area. .What a blessing it was to us to have teens around who were willing to take the time to do such an honorable duty. Also, a big thank you to their advisor, Mary Sue Smith for initiat- ing this project. SL Sincerely, Seth andVicki Howard Honest folks in LaBelle I would like to thank the folks at Hari's Pizza for being so helpful to me. I accidentally left my bank withdrawal envelope at their store. When I went back the next day, they had found it and instead of just keeping it, they turned it into the Sheriff's office where we could pick it up. Thank you again for confirming my faith in the honesty of our people here in LaBelle. Arthur and Donna Waldron CALOOSA BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards All after-tax surpluses are reinvested In Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support oi the community's deliberation of public issues. We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: * To operate Inis newspaper as a public trust * To help our community Become a belter place to live and work through our dedli cation to conscientious jour- nalism * To provide the information cit- izens need to make their own intelligent decisions about public issues T To report the news with hon- esty accuracy, purposeful neutrality fairness objectivity. fearlessness and compassion * To use our opinion pages to facilitate community debate not to dominate 11 with our own opinions. * To disclose our own conflicts or Interest or potential con- flicts to our readers * To correct our errors and to give each correction the prominence it deserves * To provide a right to reply to those we write about. * To treat people with courtesy. respect and compassion For More Information See At Your Service On Page 2 News Editor. Patty Brant Reporter: Kristin Hunter Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt Sports: Roger Alexander ADVERTISING: Advertising Director Judy Kasten Advertising Manager Brenda JaramillUo Advertising Services Coordinator: Dale Conyers Advertising Services: Barbara Calfee National Advertising Joy Parrish Independent Newspapers, Inc. Chairman Joe Smyth President Ed Dulin Vice President of Florida Operations Tom Byrd Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Letters to the Editor Living on a racetrack Editor I live in N. LaBelle, across the bridge. I feel as though our sher- iff's dept. doesn't like to come over here. Living on County Line Rd., I am 15 feet inside the Hendry County line. We seldom see patrol cars and many, many cars use the road like a drag strip. There is a four-way stop at the intersection with Thigpen and the posted speed limit is 35 m.p.h. Most people who use this road don't bother to obey the limit. Some go as fast as they can. I real- ize our sheriff has a budget but we pay taxes, too. We deserve the same protection given to people on the other side of the bridge. ThankYou ClaudiaJ.Wilson No show Editor: Where was our Property Appraiser on Tuesday night? I asked Kristina Kulpa if she would attend the county commissioner meeting and explain the values and she replied if she was asked she would be there. The commis- sioners invited her to attend and she was unable to attend but would send an employee. Need- less to say no one showed up. Kristina, the greenbelt laws have been in effect for many years and the enforcement of these laws is your responsibility. I have no problem with legitimate Ag exemptions, it is the properties I have mentioned to you since 2005. Isn't it a shame that a taxpayer had to bring it to your attention (again) that properties were get- ting agricultural exemptions that did not meet the standards for ag exemption? Just think of the tax money Hendry County would have coming in for all those river- front properties that you are allowing agricultural exemptions. Have you corrected the taxes on the riverfront properties or are those individuals still paying minute amounts? Hendry County taxpayers will be watching you and remember an election is coming. Thank you to our County Com- missioners for lowering the mill- age to 6.5 percent. Citizens of Hendry County have to remem- ber they did this to help us and we will be losing state funds because of this. This will be a belt tighten- ing year and the commissioners may not be able to have road work done as rapidly, but they have put our pocket books first. Each one of us owes the commis- sioners a Thank You and I person- ally send my appreciation. DonnaKane A bit of insurance claims depart. humor A bit of humor from.the insur- ance claims department First, due to a scanning error in last week's Caloosa Belle, the IRS. form I referred you to was wrong- ly shown as Form 700 (seven hun- dred), it should have said Form 706 (seven hundred and six). This is the Federal Estate Tax form that gets filed on behalf of decedents after death. It is about forty pages long. Everyone who has a size- able estate should pick one up and review it. They are free. It will give you a new appreciation for CPAs and Tax Attorneys. Now, for the first time in this column, I am going to give you a little laughter. Some real claims sent to insurance companies will tickle your funny bone. Remem- ber, these were real actual claims sent in for payment! And, these are drivers out there on the road with you and me. We sympathize with the law enforcement officers who have to deal with this stuff. Coming home I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don't have. The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its intention's. byWayne C. Switzer I thought my window was down but I found out it was up when I put my hand through it. I collided with a stationary truck coming the other \'a A truck backed through my windshield into mywife's face. A pedestrian hit. me and went under my car. The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him. I pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my moth- er-in-law, and headed over the: embankment.' In my attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole. I had been shopping for plants all day and was on my way home. As I reached an intersec- tion, a hedge sprang up, obscur- ing my vision and I did not see the other car. I had been driving for forty years when I fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident. I was on my way to the doc- tor with rear end trouble when my universal joint gave way caus- ing me to have an accident. As I approached the intersec- tion, a sign suddenly appeared in a place where no stop sign had ever appeared before. I was unable to stop in time to avoid the accident. To avoid hitting the bumper of the car in front, I struck the pedestrian. S* My car was legally parked as it backed into the other vehicle. An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my car and van- ished. I told the police that I was not injured, but on removing my hat, I found that I had a fractured skull. I was sure the old fellow would never make it to the other side of the road when I struck him. The pedestrian had no idea which direction to run, so I ran over him. I saw a slow-moving, sad faced old gentleman as he bounced off the hood of my car. The indirect cause of the accident was a little guy in a small car with a big mouth. 9 I was thrown from my car as it left the road. I was later found in a ditch by some stray cows. The telephone pole was approaching; I was attempting to swerve out of its way, when it struck my front end. I once wrote an automobile policy against my better judgment on a family with a new sixteen- year-old male driver. The:mother assured me her son was very mature and responsible and a careful driver. Six months later he had an accident The mother told me it wasn't his fault, because he was driving on a street that he had never driven on before, so:he had no way of knowing there was a stop sign on it. Be careful! vWayne C. Switzer, CLU, www.ninjadog- gy@aol.com Power plant provides environmental opportunities October 2,2006 Dear Glades County EDC Directors: I ask the EDC Board of Direc- tors to consider amendments to the FPL power plant endorsement resolution. These amendments are designed to protect the longer-term economic health and well being of our region while we also pursue near-term economic growth. The amendments boil down to 2 basic additions: : 1. Encouraging FPL to incorpo- rate capture-ready design princi- pals, so that in the future, if cap- turing greenhouse gases from power plants becomes,part of our national strategy to combat global warming, it will be possible and economically practical for our new power plant to make this transition. The design changes required to make the power plant capture-ready would be modest, involving providing space, valves, etc. for the CO2 connections to be made at later dates. 2. Encouraging FPL to fund in Glades County, the creation and maintenance of a new, non-profit organization to provide people throughout the USA with informa- tion about capture-ready technol- ogy and advocacy. This past week I have called many of the leading scientists to learn more about car- bon sequestration, particularly how it relates to new coal-fired power plants. I was amazed to see how few scientists, engineers and policy advocates are working on the issue and to discover that there was no centralized source of information on the subject suit- able for use by concerned citi- zens. This represents a significant gap for the nation and another unique opportunity for Glades County economic development. If we incorporate these two new aspects into our resolution, we will be making national news (positive news...unlike our cur- rent negative national political notoriety). We will be one of the first communities in the country to both embrace a power plant project while simultaneously pro- moting capture-ready designs. Furthermore we will be the only community to seek a carbon sequestration & capture ready information clearinghouse to serve the nation. It will be.news - good news! EC members should be aware that. our resolution, is.of conse- quence. FPL has a web site wait- ing to present our endorsement at http://www.fpl.corm/envirbn- ment/plant/gppsupport.shtml. Whatever we decide will be trace- able to each of as published direc- tors of EDC on the organization's web site. If operational today, the Glades Power Park would be the largest coal-fired power plant in Florida. It would be the 6th largest of all power plants in Florida (the larger ones are all nuclear or natural gas). Florida is particularly vulnera- ble to the effects of global warm- ing and sea level rise. We should, therefore, be leading the efforts towards prudent measures to safeguard against such a fate. If we incorporate these additions and adopt the resolution, we will have endorsed the power plant project, but with a clear indication of our social consciousness. Decades from now, when peo- ple look back and ask why the people of previous generations did so little to address global warming, I would like our actions in Glades County to represent a clear example of prudent efforts towards wise economic and envi- ronmental stewardship. We will either demonstrate that we attempted unsuccessfully to address the problem or, if we actually succeed, we will have been among the first counties to have started down the path of change that led to solutions and positive outcomes. The U.S. Department of Ener- gy, Electric Power Research Insti- tute, and the Coal Utilization Research Council currently list CO2 management as one of its top criteria in new coal power plant performance standards: 1. Air Emissions (S02, NOx, Hg, and particulate) 2..C02 Management 3. By-product utilization (ash) 4. Water Use and Discharge , S5. Plant Efficiency 6. Reliability Availability S7. Capital ahd Product Cost (power and fuels production) You may also want to read the comments of President Bush from 5 years ago when he decid- ed not to sign the Kyoto Protocol. (www.whitehouse.gov/news/rele ases/2001/06/20010611-2.html) "The effects of greenhouse gases and global warming are becoming an increasingly accept- ed part of our planning formula." "There are only two ways to stabilize concentration of green- house gases. One is to avoid emitting them in the first place; the other is to try to capture them after they're created. And there are problems with both approaches. We're making great progress through technology, but have not yet developed cost-effec- tive ways to capture carbon emis- sions at their source; although there is some promising work that is being done." While society may not yet be prepared to pay the cost of car- bon dioxide capture and seques- tration, we as the EDC should help reserve this option for the future by encouraging the design of a capture-ready power plant with sufficient flexibility so it can efficiently incorporate future tech- nologies at modest costs. Coincidentally, the same geo- logic research that SFWMD has done to investigate the potential for Aquifer Storage and Recovery of fresh water, is also useful in the process of carbon sequestration site investigation. The top nation- al scientists on the subject have published reports that Florida's deep geologic formations are suit- able for carbon dioxide injection. Think about it...15 years ago, nobody would have thought we would be paying $1.00 per thou- sand gallons to store water in massive artificial reservoirs for environmental protection rea- sons. (Those are rates compara- ble to utility supplies.) But today, that's exacty what we are doing., Our' socie my .ma very well be going through a similar value transformation relative to carbon dioxide and our atmosphere. Today, our EDC can demonstrate leadership and vision by taking steps to make adopting future environmental protection tech- nologies more affordable. I encourage EDC directors to consider the suggested amend- ments. I will offer them at our meeting where we cal discuss the subject. Sincerely, John Capece, Ph.D., Agricul- tural Engineer Southern DataStream, Inc. Suggested amendments: Whereas the Florida Power Plant Siting Act requires a bal- anced submittal by any power company seeking new sites, and - Whereas Glades County is a small, rural county seeking eco- nomic development expansions such as offered by this power plant, and Whereas, the sophisticated technical staff needed to under- stand the other involved conse- quences and to recommend needed mitigation actions are not affordable by the County, Therefore Glades County requests that the public agencies involved in review and recom- mendations of this power plant please act as agents of Glades County in understanding the addi- tional impacts such a power plaht may also have, and make recom- mendations and requirements common to more populous County staff reviews that resolve the conflicts. Taxing times in Hendry: We have a problem Gauging by the volume of citi- zen letters to the Caloosa Belle regarding the announced and pro- posed increases in the City and County real estate taxes. I'm reminded of that scene in the movie Apollo Thirteen. The scene where Tom Hanks advises that, "Houston, we have a problem." Now, of course, to compare that, "out of this world experience" to the taxing dilemma might take a little getting used to, but, like so many other of life's experiences, there is nothing new in the world today except the history you don't know about. This is particularly true if you are under the age of 60, and have never known a depres- sion or a major financial crisis. I'm reminded of a saying my Mother used to refer to quite often after having survived the "Great Depression" without having to go on welfare. fs your world Get evolved! She said "No matter how you try, there are two things you can't avoid in life, death and taxes." Today, I think she might have expanded her saying to include "Develpomentitis." In my articles I have tried to point out the perils and pitfalls attached to that Catch 22 social phenomenon, "Developmentitis" and the resultant "land rush" of the past two years, inflating property values that is now hitting you in the wallet. Not to minimize the severity and hardship of the real estate tax increases, they're really just the tip of the iceberg. Wait until the school Board announces their increased budget needs for new schools and all the necessary auxiliary needs, includ- ing teachers. The proposed tax increases only address, not satisfy, all the infrastructure needs that the already approved major housing developments are now requiring countywide. The County has already sig- naled that current county facilities are inadequate to meet current *service needs in administrative, law enforcement, incarceration, judicial and overall county services, countywide. One of the most valuable les- sons I was fortunate to learn and retain was to always review your options. Option # one is in order to deal with the current situations and the outlook they potentially propose, the Board of County Commission- ers, and your City Commissioners need to be deluged with your con- cerns and constructive criticisms.' Once you know what the Comr missioners, are. going to do in response to your stated concerns you can implement the other options that satisfy your needs. On a lighter note, I don't know how many of you remember the TV show, Hollywood Squares. If you remember the MC, Peter Mar- shall, posed questions to a panel of actors such as Charley Weaver. Peter asked Charley, "Which of the five senses tends to diminish as you get older?" Charley replied, "With me it's my sense of decency." So before you, and they, get any older, let's all plan on appealing to our County and City Government's elected officials "sense of decen- cy"! Respectfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry Cou-iW ty Citizen & Taxpayer) 1 -- i Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 5, 2006 D Lapp is named new county attorney By Patty Brant Commissioners approved two new appointments at their Sept. 26 meeting. Mark Lapp, general counsel for CHL Holdings, Inc., is the new county attorney. In addi- tion to experience in land use matters, environmental permit- ting, project planning, litigation and corporate law, he served as attorney for South Florida Water Management District from 1990- 2004. The county also has a new Emergency Management Direc- tor. Maria "Lupe" Taylor's appointment was confirmed by the commissioners. She has been working for the county for several years and is certified in Emer- gency Management. Senior Connections update Senior Connections Executive Director Christine Nolan explained to the commissioners just where that agency stands now. Senior Connections lost its funding last summer and Area Agency on Aging designated Hope Connections as the new provider for services to seniors. Ms. Nolan reported that Senior Connections is regrouping, work- ing on a partnership with Good Will Industries. During the month of August, Senior Connections served 1,759 meals to 105 clients (52 in Clewis- ton, 53 in LaBelle). In September, 1,581 meals were served to 71 clients (32 in Clewiston, 39 in LaBelle). Hope Connections Hendry County School Board member and former Dean of Edison College's LaBelle campus Sally Berg and current Dean of the Edison Campus Lucinda Kelley presented a memorial proclamation to the Hendry County commissioners, heralding Ken Curtis as a "role model for others through his work, his leadership, his concern for others and the peace and dignity with which he lived his life." In addition to his civic contributions, including helping establish the Hendry County Bank and his support of education through the Isabelle Curtis Scholarship which has helped educate over 1,000 local students, the proclamation expressed respect for his "selfless contributions which have accorded him a special place of honor in our hearts and minds." Pictured from left: BOC Chairman Darrell Harris, Sally Berg and Lucinda Kelley. opened its congregate meal site in LaBelle. As of Sept. 20, about half: of Senior Connections clients at the Nobles Center \\ere transi- tioned to Hope's meal site; 26 were receiving home delivered meals from Senior Connections. SIn' Clewiston, as of Sept. 20, only Senior Connections was serving congregate meals and 20 were receiving home delivered meals. Ms. Nolan told the commis- sioners that Senior Connections is transitioning its Clewiston congregate meals site over to Hope Connections. She said currently there is some duplica- tion of services, but as of Octo- ber 15, she said, all client should be transitioned over to Hope. The Edison campus continues to grow The Edison campus in LaBelle is up 55 percent in attendance from last fall. Due to such growth they now have a full time English teacher to accommodate the many students. The) are now offering Criminal Justice classes, as -well as some Engineering classes. They have a really strong Early Childhood Program where one can attain a CDA license or director's credentials. They offer a broad range of General Educa- tion courses toward earning an AA or transferring to a university. Due to such a boost in atten- dance more classroom and park- ing spaces are needed. They offer a full lab that is open Monday-Sat- urda\. Generally all ,;~,e,dIation requirements can be met at the LaBelle campus. Lucinda Kelley, Dean of the Edison Campus said, "We're get- ting a lot of people from Lehigh due to Hwy. 80 being done." '. ..' Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Amanda Lehrian is the new first full time English faculty member at the LHS Edison College campus. She has a full schedule of classes. She formerly taught English at CHS and recently received her Master's degree from Penn State. Spring registration will start Oct. 23 on the web. Walk in regis- ration starts Dec. 4. Spring class- es start Jan. 4. Mrs. Kelley added that they try to meet the needs of degree and non-degree seeking students They have students of all ages from a 15-year-old dual enrolled student to a 78-year-old student. They offer day and night class- es with three types of courses to suit the needs and schedules of all. They offer traditional classes such as those in a class setting with a teacher; blended classes which are part online and partly with a teacher; or a fully online course. The new Edison campus is still in the capital funding campaign stage. It is expected to be in the started b\ 2010 or so.'"'In the meantime we're still moving for- ward adding new classes every semester and giving people access to programs that the\ are interested in," said Mrs. Kelley. Almanacs LES fundraiser LaBelle Elementary School will be selling nuts from Oct. 3- 17, just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas. All items must be pre-paid. Checks should be made payable to LaBelle Elementary School. Items may be picked up on Mon- day, November 2, 3:30-5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Students will deliver items.. Humane Society On spay/neuter surgery days only vaccination service are offered on a walk-in basis. Octo- ber dates for the vaccination clin-. ic are; Oct. 6, and 20, 10 a.m.-l p.m. Different vaccine packages are available for dogs and cats. Please call or email Suzanne M Bonnell, Director of the Caloosa Humane Society, Inc. at 675-0997 or dogncat.petfinder. corn dognpuppy@earthlink.net OCA offering pot luck The Ortona Community Asso- ciation will open its first member- ship meeting of the season with a potluck dinner at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10. Members are asked to bring a dish to share. Drinks will' be furnished. Meetings are held at the Ortona Community Association, 3000 Ortona Road (Highway 78A). All are welcome! Auxiliary cooks. breakfast Come to the American Legion Auxiliary breakfast every Sunday in October from 8-11 a.m. 'at Legion Post 130, Hwy. 80W $6, all you can eat! Hey, boaters! It may only be mid September with hurricanes on our minds, but it is less than ninety days until the LaBelle Christmas Boat Parade, set this year for Saturday, BOO-BOD'S RESTRURRNT 653-675-4870 Tuesday Friday from 11-3 All you can eat soup and salad $6.99 with Free iced tea Thursday Lunch Special GYRO's for $8.95 ELVIS IS COMING SAT.,OCT 7 & SAT, OCT 21 Call for Resernations HAPPY HOUR 3- 6 PM 40 Cent Wings from 3 to 6 50 cent Drafts FAMILY PIZZA PACK 1 LG Pizza w/2 toppings 20 Wings Salad Bar for 2 $27.99 TO GO ONLY SUNDAY DINNER 11-8 8 Roast Pork. 1/2 chicken $12.95 Includes iced tea, dessert & salad bar KARAOKE FRIDAY 6 week contest underway GREAT CASH PRIZES!! The tichen is open untd nudrught nr, Fridas and uniti 10 pm oIn Saurdj\. 675 Hickpoochee Ave. (Hwy 80) LaBelle. Florida I A'1 kr t n-'A A_ Dec. 9. Last year was the biggest and best ever; get ready to make this one even better. Find out 'If the Shoe Fits' The Firehouse Cultural Center, 241 North Bridge Street, is begin- ning its 14th season. The comedy "If The Shoe Fits" is written by Matt Thompson, Matt Chiorini and Dana Vermette, is a wacky tale of love, murder and shoes! The curtain opens at 7 p.m., nightly. Performances will be on Oct. 20-22 and 27-29. Oct. 22 and. 29 are Sunday matinees and begin at 2 p.m. Admission price is $10 with reservation and $12 without. Visa and Master Card are accepted. Reservations can be made by calling the theater at 863/675- 3066. I Save money on your favorite grocery items. A I Go to newszap.co to download and print coupons online! I I y-y-s,-s'-ysy p I Snewszap.Com Community Links. Individual Voices. i .I L -- -_:.-- -- D - YOU CAN OWN UP TO $100,000 SI i K LIEINSURANCEa V Absolutely NO Medical Exams or Questions V Easy, One-Time Premium V Worry-Free Wealth Transfer Payment (O5,0o raimum) to Loved Ones or Charity v' Ages 45 to B5 /6 '0o Gonline! ww .stratgicquotecom I S BtmgicllMotle*841ai PlneilMiwMi-121htiftw-l*a eavBBll.R 322)7 Nabors Offshore Corporation We are now accepting applications for experienced Roustabouts and Floorhands to work offshore. We offer a 7/7 and 14/14 work schedule and an excellent benefits package which includes Medi- cal, Dental, Life & AD&D Insurance and a 401 (k) Reiirement Savings Plan. Apply in person, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1 ;00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., 3640 Peters Road, Harvey Lou- isiana 70058. Equal Opponunir) Employer HOM. Of mt "O6i$A[ Make UP.-o$2,500- 4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used Iter , grogMake up Price must be priced at $2,0O0 ' included in ad or less Private parties Independent only tNewspapers 2 items per house- reserves the right to hold per issue disqualify any ad. elly i" lr cir Deadline 11 a.m. Monday for absolutelY free! No fee, no catch, no problems! .", -. ,S .,-ELLE )Delivetri weMstern Cndnry Costi'ews veSince 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com Glades County Republican Executive Committee proudly endorses SDonna Storter Long for Glades County Commissioner Dist. 2 Its timefor a change." We supported Gov. Bush's 2004 appointment of Donna when she served as interim Commissioner and encourage all Glades County voters to recognize the better choice we now have for accountable representation in our county govern- ment. It is time for a change. Donna has served Glades County as Member of the Glades County Building Planning Zoning Board of Adjustments, as a Director and Treasurer of the Glades County Economic Development Council, and as President, Secretary, treasurerr and Director of Ortona Community Association. It is time for a change. As concerned Glades County voters, we urge you to vote for Donna Storter Long to make this needed change. Call 1.877.445.2337 to request an absentee ballot. Political advertisement approved by Donna Siortcr Long, Republican, Candidate for Glades County Commissioner District 2 Paid for by (;liades County Republican Executive Committee. I 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 5, 2006) Volleyball edges S. Fort Myers Another victory by the Cowboys! The Cowgirl volleyball team defeated visiting South Ft. Myers in a five game match up. The Cow- girls took the first two games 25- 17, and 25-13. Then South battled back in the second two, 16-25 and 23-25. The Cowgirls went into a rally score fifth game, taking the match 16-14. Seniors Dani Blake and Heather Raulerson paced the Cowgirls picking up big numbers in all statistic categories. Blake dished out 36 assist and 6 aces while scrambling for 9 digs. Raulerson put down 10 kills and 4 aces and led the defense with 18 digs. Alexa Redish led the way offensively with 12 kills, while Blake Rice-added 8 of her own. Alexa and Blake also contributed defensively both picking up 10 digs apiece. JV volleyball The JV Cowgirls defeated South Ft Myers in two games 25-18 and 25-19 to bring their record to 5-3. Stephanie Pack led the Cow- girls with 12 digs and 7 kills. Ada Johnson contributed 11 digs and 3 kills, while Brianna Sanchez added 5 aces, 4 digs and 2 kills. Setter Kaylynn Cash had 12 assists, 3 aces, 2 digs and 2 kills. In Clewis- ton the JV girls came up victorious in two games 25-3 and 25-14. Ada Johnson led the Cowgirls with 12 aces. Brianna Sanchez added 7 aces and 4 digs while Kaylynn Cash had 5 assists and 4 aces. Against Cypress Lake the JV Cow- girls won in two games 25-14 and 25-9. Brianna Sanchez led with 7 aces and 4 digs. Stephanie Pack and Ada Johnson contributed 6 aces and 2 kills each. Kaylynn Cash added 6 assists and 2 kills. Beatrice Hemandez finished it out with 2 kills and 3 aces. Jr. Varsity still undefeated, 5-0 By Mallory Allen and Ron Dunbar The Cowboys Junior Varsity has awed many with their efforts this season. After winning their game against Lemon Bay, 40-0, the boys were all action. The top runner of the game was tailback Dadrion Williams with 8 carries for 70 hard- eraned yards. As a sophomore he has shown great skill and leader- ship. Freshman Brian Hull also did an excellent job as quarterback, completing 6 of 9 passes for 100 yards and four touchdowns. He led the team by throwing many pass- es. Scorers of the game, Hobbs Crockett, Josh Grimaldo, Ricky Rodriguez and Dorian Deas, all scored one touchdown. Angel Alvarez was the only Cowboy to score two touchdowns. Defensively the Cowboys were led by freshman Dale Thompson as he recorded 8 tackles and recov- ered one fumble. Sophomore line- backer Robert Ford also had 8 tackles and Alvarez contributed %with six. The coaches as well as the fans were all very proud of the team. As many of the fans drove thehour and a half drive to Lemon Bay, theywere not disappointed byaboring game. "The boys were scoring left and right!" One excited fan and mother said. "They really have their game on!" This season the boys have stayed tough through some of the hardest of games. Their teamwork is one of the best in the school and the effort is endless. They have done a great job this season. Hopefully the boys can come together again as they replay the Clew\iston Tigers on October 5. Cross country teams running well There were five teams total at the cross country meet Sept. 26 the most ever including LHS, Bishop Verot, Clewiston, Lake Placid and Desoto. The Cowgirls finished 2nd to Clewis- ton. Brooke Norris ran a great race finishing 3rd over-all with her best time of the year at 23:52. Irene Garza also ran well for LaBelle finishing 4th over-all with a time of 24:49. Karina Marines was next in with a time of 25:50. Shayla Wilson was the 4th runner in for LaBelle with a time of 26:55 (Her best lime of the year) and Nancy Vasquez finished the scoring with a time of 27:43. Vanessa Cantu and Emily Hull also ran well, with times of 28:16 and 28:41. respec- tively. The boys finished first by defeating rival Bishop Verot by a scant one point' Senior Stafford King finished first and ran his best race ever and new 5k school record of 17:24. Drew Dyess was next in at 19:30. The third runner in LaBelle was a big surprise as freshman Chris Tirnms broke the 20 minute barrier with a time of S Dana Howard Weekley Post 130 AMERICAN LEGION AND THE LEGION AUXILIARY Friday Night Fish Fry 3- f pm at 699 .R. so w Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos h /J sicol tertainment Incloded METAL ROOF SYSTEM AT SHINGLE PRICES Hassle Free HOME IMPROVEMENTS begin with a simple phone call: 863-385-9403 T E W A R T RENOVATIONS CONSTRUCTION www.mcscontractinginc.com SLic. #CCC1325639 Lic. #CBC047717 19:47. Jacob Stallings and Jose Guillen finished the scoring for, LaBelle, 20:24 and 20:26, respec- tively. Cesar Mateo 20:27, Caleb Rhoden 20:-9, Timmy Fromm 20:51, Oscar Tovar 20:55 and Brandon Temples at 20:58 all finished under 21 minutes to contribute to the Cowboy's vic- tory. By Malloiy Allen and Ron Dunbar The Cowboys did an excellent job this past Friday as they defeated Lemon Bay and won theiirst dis- trict game. Being pumped up and ready at the start of the,game, the Cowboys started strong in the first quarter. The Cowboys had two touchdowns a 21-yard run by sophomore fullback Brandon Vil- lareal and a 15-yarder from senior tailback Andrew Tovar. Rey Her- nandez made excellent kicks for the additional points. This conclud- ed the first quarter of the game with a total of 14 points for the Cowboys and just 3 for the chal- lengers. This started the second quarter leaving the Manta Rays behind vith only a field goal for three points. Andrew Tovar led the Cowboys this game %with a total of 170 yards and three touchdowns. He also had one catch for 23 yards. This was one of Tovar's best games yel. He, however, wasn't the only Cowboy that made a strong effort on the field. Senior wide out Chad Lulkenhaus had the crowd on the edge of their seats as he caught six passes that added up to 119 yards for the game. He hauled in two key receptions from junior quarterback Caleb Jordan while Tovar finished off the drive with a 3yard run and a 20-17 halftime lead. Starting off the second half of- the game was no: surprise as the Cow boys' defense held the Manias back. However, their defense was a different story. The Cowboys man- aged to get the ball into the end zone two additional times. The stingy Cowboy defense took over and created some golden opportunities for the home team. The offense did not disappoint them as Villareal and Tovar found pay dirt from 4 and 19 yards out behind some outstanding blocking from junior right guard Blake Barnes and senior right tackle Mall SCaloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter! Players of the week from left: Defensive player of the week1 Caleb Jordan with 19 tackles, Offensive player of the weeki Andrew Tovar with 170 yards rushing and Special Teams Rey! Hernandez graded out at 80 percent. Rentz and a commanding 34-.17 Cowboy lead. Brandon Villareal was another name that stuck in the minds of many. Being the only sophomore on the team, Villareal made a huge contribution by adding 12 points to the board. Towards the end the Mantas were able to gather up enough force to score two touch- downs in the end of the second quarter. This didn't bother the Cowboys as they, too, put in their teamwork and came up on top. The second half of the game was spent holding the Mantas back and scoring two more touchdowns. This completed the game and ended the score with LaBelle 34, and Lemon Bay 17. On the night Tovar finished with a career high 13 carries for 170 yards and three touchdowns. He also had one catch for 23 yards. Jordan had a solid night at quar- terback thro%\ing the ball going 7 of 8 for 151 yards Most of that yardage went to his favorite receiv- er Lutkenhaus as he pulled in 6 ALL STEEL BUILDINGS :5aI ;11Srj 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2- 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 -10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed- $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) METAL STRUCTURES LLC - Many Sizes Available - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code 866-624-9100 - Florida "Stamped" Engineered www.metalstructuresllc.com Drawings (included) THE ULTIMATE COMMUNITY WEBSITE I The 24-Hour Community 'Wire Service.' Post press releases or news items or catch up on the latest postings. Pi Yor.PblcEvn Want the community to 'save the date' for your event? Place it on the Community Calendar up to a year in advance! And, if you want, put it on the regional calendar for the entire state! I idiendar of V.% c NW a, N .u La a. a.5i Have a digital camera? i. Want to share your photos with your friends and the community? Create a gallery of your photos for free at newszap.com. Update it as often as you'd like. Io' or pno Have an opinion you want to get off your chest? Introduce a topic for discussion in the Public Issues Forums. Or read what others are saying! Every organization, school, place of worship, sports team, writer/blogger and local business is invited to request a free link at newszap.com. It's a community service that can drive visitors to your website! PLUS: Buy it/Sell it Classifieds and Advertising Opportunities for Page Banners, Tiles, and Sponsored Links newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. (DC:D I- I i receptions for 119 yards. On defense Jordan also turned in a stellar performance as he racked up 19 tackles from his strong safety position. Tovar recorded nine tackles from his line- backer spot and junior cornerback Thomas Bennett chipped in with 8. solo tackles. The boys did an excellent job working as a team and winning. their first district game of the sea- son. The Cowboys have made excellent process in becoming a, team and sticking with the game alli the way through. The next game is; scheduled to be away against thel Lely Trojans. LETS GO BIG RED! i i---------- ---------- ---- I SPORTS FANS! I I , I BET YOU I DIDN'T KNOW I BI, ouilt to v\a' I'\ I LLangfol d ' I The Philadelphia Eadles and their L I quarterback, Donova-i lkrr'.ibbb hid 3 II I tough year in 2005. But .IcNa-l. nilI entered the 2006 .eason .-;ith the -ec- I ond lon. et irte:rce.i:,rn rjre in NFL hi. I1 tory. As of the season opener i.kN.ibb had attempted2,90-4 parse;, '.th ijut 06 interception., for a rae of 2 24 Do ou . know which quarterback had the !0o . -irt interception rate of all time' Surprin,rgl, the answer is Neid O'Donnell, iv.'hio ipent mot ofhi career I "ith Patt.burah O'Doruiell thc,' iu-t I 6S mtercepatnn- m 12' irceer paF. i attempts, for a rate of 2.11. I In K.iria, Cir,' io06 cperrig g3me I E LI to Limmiltuon. rnnirig back" Ljrr, ], oL orirn tded t E 7ii:n K1 ,,;rd- tfor the I tirt ri n-. Lr, l') ,ic- Tbht cquiled the l mnrk o1f rune nriirht i00 \'ard g.mes ) jaicoinplihedr b% \ialter Pvrorei Fred ST c,'!,i.r ai d r'uc.e I.lc.Ulci-c But nu-L .'traipht ii onrd o,:d foi third plaice in NTLri-tor;, ic ri, u aru: .l en i -cinrd ' Flhie *ir-h ii :rraicht. but the rC':ord o!d,.r '.-ith 14i 'on:ii :uti.: -c ar'i ,:t ruh'U ng oir 3t le-i t I'1"' ) Jrd i': B rr) I Sanders. . Pitcher Bert Blyleven's dubious record is dirll -'it -sr crf the end of the 2,"., n, jr Iyeue b.3eb.Alj -e.--,rn Any guesses as to which record that is? In 1986, while pitching for the Minnesota Twins, Blyleven set the mark for most home runs allowed in one season when he gave up a whopping 50. Second is I SHouston's Jose Lima, who surrendered 48 long balls while pitching for I Houston in 2000. Third on the list? I None other than Blyleven again, with 46 in 1987, one year after he set the mark. I I Tied with Blyleven at 46 is Robin I I Roberts of the 1956 Phillies. I 'I I I'll bet you didn't know, coming or I I going, that when the rubber hits the I I road, you Cn t lord rort toL bluy' iom I ILangford. I I I I I "Y'allSpokenHere" I 675-1686 1 lll--------llllllll-------lll Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 5, 2006 Bankofa SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BankfAmerica .- Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 '. shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment Now certified in FHA/VA. fin n cing DO IT YOUR WAY! Enjoy the privacy of oaks and pine frontage on a paved road, go fishing in the pond, BBQ under the oaks, live in the handyman special, 2/2 with den mobile home; Build a new home. or add another mobile,' 2nd septic already installed on 2.5+ acres in Muse. Clean up from wind dam- age, tree disease and debris required Bargain priced at $135,500 or possible trade. . View by appointment through owner. 239-218-4543 WHY ARE YOU PAYING RENT WITH DEALS LIKE THESE? a'" PAUL ROSER REALTORS 7. 863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/564-2005 tell 239/584-2002 READY TO SELL 4.2+/- Acres in LaBelle. Just past the Hendry/Lee Co. line. Option to split parcel and only buy just 2.1+/- acres. Call today for more information. RIVERFRONT FLORIDA STYLE i STORY HOME .:.ci F ercil ul l .. ir 1" tIu :e '',t p i .:-ul dJ p'.'-.: h .11I t.d. o;. ir h. i- ru l b. 'i r it i t I :.. rr ,r ui~~. r Ftri- :l-' j .:. "; i. l n- ,l t T .:. ,', 't' '':'- r l':' ,' H '.'. I .- *: 1, t. u rr' u li Oi'"- fiii.- '.' i.- i t*'l'r i d ri. !it, iaii Ie.. r'F..n r ": .,,:i i g .oak -. .. .' i o fr.,, ..i. -i[ :1 ri.r 1 r,.j .. ,, .F r ri -.: r '.-[. ,- , mt ,a t.'e :fplt i r.'. i .' t 'r,. :I r' t: :' I n '-rt'.. ar.ii r i .J.rrt river site. $1,100,000. 2 STORY HOME ON 2.5 ACRES in the coveted Port LaBelle Ranchettes. Located on the river side, -wlr-, .:ri n a -,-.rib.tJi te-rv.. i ,ou u .n itr.. i\.:.: E Ar i h. .h r i; -. i i .uild ur t'.. .r .:'1 ir, the it hartb-.r ..: rl- .t -r, t : ,i m iriir, t i el ar e ir, [hl- ..:.,uri .' ifj r. :e:.ri- f .. ri, rhe reirr .'-f L iE.-ll -I... ,.:....,..- 5695,000 MORE THAN MEETS THE EYEI Hard rt find homr on dleed ,l',-:['i,,.I',d i,:r eiL ruTel ''d l,.- ll,, .. v', ,el .. o r.:.* r id t]...i, SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low maintenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tri, ..:.lihr Irtiii':.i d:..r' : i' i u r.: rl i bIilru custom cabinets .irh til': ti.:l:plh-il i ji.hd i rr.T ...:uir.ri tops, all windows have wood casing surrounds, a brick fire- place, and wood floors throughout finish the look. $499,000 REDUCED 50 FT, PRIVATE DRIVE leads to expansive 6.7 acres with 470+/- Ft of riverfront located close to town. Build close to the waters edge with almost viturally no Corp. Easement. $2,500,000. RTIVERFRONT s ACRES rirt, !1- .-.f -i :.ir.lr'. Hiii elie'.ricr,, i. '-I: l t'.S:I :iulli "'--li 895,000 REDLiCED RIVERFRONT 1.15 ACRE homesite on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $525,000 REDUCED PROTECTED HARBOR iust one lot in off the main channel of the CaloosahatcheeWaterway. Build your dream home under ith,. .--r.: oaks in hi' pJii hi e I- 'r. Located in Caloosa Harbor S/D. $450,000 [OTS AND LAND DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL i. :r:. plui .:.- Fr [e.-ciud Rd Pa'l up with a.i. lLle i eiic rr.ri i Fr -J d i,.j per.-ri.jrdfi .ll i :for .ar uij:.:,ile rel. riitijl p.:.l'-.( $150,000 per acre SECLLiLED. iRElR YOlIiRLF T HI NK i .- j.i -.1- .I L 'eIlli .:,1 :, ,, T i :.ii f I.1 in fll!, i l i, hi, ,lu.1 .:.rl.J [,d 4 r'pllJ I.:, ,:, 'ill l':,t .:lJ lj. $ W-H 0.000 PORT L BELLE RA.NCHETTr I. : j .i-. Fr.:. 'ri ,:r -:. A..i' l:. ..k up ic r:,-ri-e-it i r',. iri. l.r',-. i: r -l.':'ni' ,-;r,:r jl '.ic.- :uitlt :ir.al tin- 'l, reilder..-e.- 5 5,000 5 BEALITIFUL OAK LADEN ACRES l.::rEd. [:r --f i LE ll- ,'ui.-r :..uri r; Lr'ir,~; t:. .: ill; $160,000. tIR_ JZED H lOMESIT .;:r, .,ri..:rly I:.-.:.r j d in r-1,,- ,ir, ., l'. -i ', .:.;.'"' i':' e : .- :La' 'e.. .'.r- rii.:ui-,.u s nd aid ', t' t::r '.": ur .jd.iTI b r.lm- i :ri .... : i.li fiifpl'.O Was 105,000, reduced to $85,000 for quick sale PORT LB E LLE LOTS ..I:*- t:. ilre. .Ji'.-Il.piT.Ctrr i.- . marine fi Pi:.-.d frr.:.i $39,000 to $57,900 '*:1 t.:.r Irer-t.:- ry i ,-r',,," ,1 i h ,,ti. Jr'y c l 'i to pick from, SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE 'pirh Ii'l ,-J.-:.nr, ,i "'l thi'Jd uy)- P'.:-i fr i-i ll i .': t:',r [.l- i ,nr -' 7.:ia- under construction il ili t re iiT r.lr ii'r i .'U. ir.l $-15,)00 . HOMES LUXURY COUNTRY I.ING. Hore" Welcomel UTpgrde.? . p." r. r...d l .'fl.:.' : l. ,lir.i ''.:- .rr l ,-pl .-:.ul.j. r .. 'l'- :IU. r. , ii.:. a- arni r ,:4 tr I ,r.'' ::'ilirg ti r, :U l .,i-.:t '' l eiii- iT.i :li.'.r: Thecagedp.' ...i ft;iur :F' i'r: pl ..-r: i',, generous lanai. The 12 .r-. i: -'r .-; 1- I-: i i.: dr.ii,- ir includes a large barn wi Ih :.. -'. i:i:-3 :1 ill'. i1ld ri, I r.:...-.in with shelving as well as trull, iiarid iidrini i r-n ,r.ii id . 24x44 workshop/office. .Air.:.rnl Aiie i 'ihI.ble .:.rt.r- must be contingent upon Glades County approval for prop- erty split. $695,000. WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY for th.- i1;hr investors This 20 ;'..-', p, :' ,':ui ci ll' 1,. i 1988 cedar home -Mitrb .il1 'lsuiol roof and a 1997 singlewide manufactured home on the premises. Both homes are in need of rehabilitation, Seller has started the process but il-r,.-,: i:ull quite, a bit to do. Property can be split and is pEi':.-:i at land value only. $590,000. COUNTRY QUIET living on 3+/- acres. Spacious great .i.'. ,.:.fi-.r;' ; i r pl ti -iei .- :'- pliu ...i..u -- pfi.. 'r/ :i r. i la -. :.:':.i ,-r.-j ['-':.r., ri d .-i i- d p-.Ic bhirn -...,ih r...i.:: jE :r.:.riC-o 5*229,900. .BR/3BA HOME conveniently located within LaBelle city Call 863-675-0000 PENCER R EA LTY II Wc. s pl,, T. I -.- nrokcr ,'1.7 .it IOU N ., i.. e.ll. rL I3sj) b,--' .oI i . Vb'rhi it- .Srni.M-ior Rclrrt I ..colr liiTnr:, di'.': [: :l.: nppirig.chc:l. .: ,. r.:: nPew kitchen, A du.:r c:il $209,500. REMODELED iBRI.BA plu d'rJ i :..uld l-e i ti bed on lai ,3 r.:.'ri lo Ij h h lt.:-rr r i- or h the i.e: t 1.:.l it, pr LiE ll,-. : i:d ht .:k,,rd 5$ "9,500. ZERO % DOWN FINANCING AVAII ARI FI .latrd a 'itie rieir,,ind iirig dri.' le ,i ic. :.Pea.J2.B minulfa home f iturJr e i r.clude 2 .creered p.:.rc.;, a shop/garage, plus a 12x16 storage bldg. with x-tra ref cr.r rid.A'(:'. ill r.r, 2 A-.: j4169,000. WHAT A NICE HOLU SEI I ire o_ m 1i [ ,ili in '"';' Bodruun i, 1 B ifit riir llflfll -ri No.:kfl 180 wall;ing di;l ir,n'ut- ''0 i', it $145,00( INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL PRIME CORNER ithh Ipproi: '(i bh on -ell ira~le. : T'r ind ?'n0 ft, on Elm St. The front 2,7 Ac.are zone Ilr.du iriil ih the remaining 4- i: zone.l Hiver.y i riljuiri oC.f', hr ri F Ie' [i'.o .: '."'loprric-ii Eti"' i..:',. in ;SF F .3 li. :,,l. a.1c a: :.: t.r.m the Si" Aiorri.-, : '. t:tc irn. LaBelleAirport. $3,064,466. COMIFRCLU. POTENTIAL '1: located approx rt .:. ':., t...' y .i ih t 1:I, 1.r1ie' ft or, Hv y8i [. across from the pr:.:p::.ed future Wal-Mart :.:. $1,500,000. 2 ACRF, OF MIXED INDUSTRIAL LISE with 176 r::r rllr.r-rr[ :.: it:., : V i', Al:,r- $915,000. 11GHrT [NDILTRLUL 165 AC witr, ':n: q, Ft, Ste E.:ell'.rit r.:.'d .: j: iu'r -.ut.iid' the city limits, Cco :plr uri-.1 i :arr- it .:.rnr; 819,000. IfEAVYJNDUSTR IL AC SITE just south of the c its, ici.du:rri l [,:-.p 5 [, EL att access : tor bth S 80 ii, 29. lh i J ,fill-d i -d :ul'.'-rt in. Sell, Finin.:,ri g (f fled Buyer $299,000 HARD TO FIND HFAVY INDUSTRIAL- Euide- .ir c pi' e r,:.ij iniau.i l I.:..p :. [i $269,000. mI8 r ~~~~-"- -p"- ,- --'S-'. 580 S. Main St. S LaBelle, FL 33935 S 863 675-1973 If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT ww .w.newhorizons-re.com Se Habla Espanol [rA PnE.0 4 OM SPerfection Has and Address! Immaculate in home offers peerless quality inside and out. Nestled on lovely shaded .62 acre homesite. Call for the ;, ., ; 1, | I.i.;1 $319,100 * SELLER SAYS TO MAKE AN OFFER! Genuine Country eel! It's relaxing just being at this beautiful 3BR/2B hom e on 5 a. : ', ] .i il ,,,,j ,,, ,... fireplace, ne ,....i l:, ,, ..., I,.. r ,I, 1. ing. Majestic Live Oaks make the acreage feel like a park. you owe it to yourself to see! $699,900. * Enjoy gentle country mornings sitting in the screened lanai of this 4BR/2B Cedar home on 3+/- A_... j .... l I 1 ...1 1 H e. I.. h I .h , . ..... ,1 A il ,,- I,, I,,,I ,,'I. .- .. l I ,I .I . , .id, ..l...... ,111.111 S3BR/2B brick home located in town on a canal loaded with fish. Home features anew roof& A/C, ceramic tile & wood laminate flooring, and a screened porch w/ jacuni. $225,000 I 2BR/2B Brick home on an oversized lot in the desir- able Quail Run S/D. Features new flooring, screen porch, fenced back yard, and a detached 2 car garage. Only $239,900 * REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/1B CBS home with 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features * 3BR/1B manufactured home on a canal S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property deck providing a great place to relax. $11 e"P~u""i~~si8i-g : New Horizons Real Estate Corp. include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only $220,000. * Fertile Financial Ground! Plant your investment in this exceptional Duplex. 2BR/1B on each side and ide- ally located in town. Very nice with beautiful yard. Nice harvest awaits you! $225,000 * Solid Decision, Solid House! You'll be glad to see this spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing with quailty, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and vani- ties are all less than 2 years old. New roof being installed. Call today for this worry free home! $199,900. * Super Deal for a Super Family! Spacious 3/2 with vaulted ceilings. Park like fenced backyard. At this super price you need to see super soon! $169,900. .. .... ... Sl Ol ill..IE -I O I -:E SPrivacy + Peace & Relazation! 3BR/2B doublewide w/1,300 sq. ft. under air in town. Privacy fenced on 3 sides & chain link in rear. Backs up to pond! Extras include shed, huge Florida rm & BBQ deck. $139,900 Need more "living" room? 2,152 sq ft of luxurious living. This 4Br/2B home on 10+/- acres has it all, from it spacious family room w/stone fireplace, master suite w/ office, cov- ered porch, and fencing for horses. This one is a steal @ only $450,000 SSize will surprise you! 2BR/2B home on 10+/- acres is very well kept and former modle home. Features a warm comfortable living room w/ gas fireplace, spa- cious kitchen, front & real covered porches. $400,000 Bring your horses and relax the rural way! 4BRI2B-manu- fractured home with over 2400 sq. ft of living area sitting on a georgous 6.5+ acs of land & fenced for horses. Too many extras to list, call for an appointment today! $350,000 * Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped grounds are a fitting introduction to a superb 3/2 home! Huge screened lanai, oversized carport, 2 sheds and addi- tional 4 stall carport/workshop Plus pasture for kids pony! Worth calling about quick! $199,900. * Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easywith a 3BR2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only $179,900. * 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot tucked away on a quiet street. Oak trees create a back yard of enchanting beauty. A must see! $165,000. * The Luxury of Space! Both inside on outside. 4/2 immaculate home nestled on 1.25 acres. Stunning stone fireplace in Family room. Formal dining off of huge kitchen with lots of cabinets and countertops. Tranquil Master bedroom offers a personal retreat room and lavish bath. Spacious and smart buy at $154,900 * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 *REDUCEDI REDUCED! 3BR/2B home exceptional inside and out! Watch the sunrise on front deck and sunset on the back deck. Something for everyone with 1 acre fenced yard to keep kids happy, large workshop for Dad and big kitchen for Mom! Just $139,500. * Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. * Rare find outside of LaBelle but not to far from schools or shopping. 3BD/2BA manufactured home fea- tures split floor plan, builtin cabinets, seperae shower & garden tub in the master suite, and much more! All on .50+/- acre. $132,000 * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a Vt acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. * Best Bargain for Miles! 35 beautiful sec ONLY $25,000. per acrel WITH Pole Barn several wells Call ASAP for showing $87 * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Der Acres already zoned RG1. Surrounded b) division. Ripe and Ready for developer. $E * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitabl home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * 13+/- acre orange grove. Located offS $132,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.: Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for liv' goodbye to city pressure and enjoy $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch This property has lots of oaks, pines an Perfect for the nature lover Priced at onli * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by a the best on this private & secluded 2+/- special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura /Cand rpla : rid pri- icrured 28x30 rigera- orf rh of 0. d Light 1 ijredI :lid .-' a,,] ,1 r.. ol Fran W. Spencer. Li. Broker 437 SR 80sW LaBd., FL 18631 7 675.1203. 63) 6"1-5554 WVeb wa,.SpcncrrRealtFIF-.m NEIW HIGE 2 MsORi COINRY HOME ON '. ACRE RITRFRONT, ir,: hrme h; i...: :I criri, ilth l.lll, C i l'l,.J, l 'l 'U l,!I hJ, J ,,..,.:"J Il'.":' ,',r :i lr. lI-, rl|',..:.ifl .i jfi r-I ,-pcr.'1 '.l'. :,..i ]c, ...,:l:, ..l ,ill ,n ticr I :1.:'c hlch'c'il'J :u'i :'iTi i'tic"'ci ir, h ir..ug l I...ui nliri i.. 1:hen er iJti ~tla h-i.kl C inI r nct it (g irrl.,: tuko p1 n ,.:' E'.ri:]iiel' r..l_ ,. ]F'.Jp,:, ..ht, l | ,',.l.: "drr, ..-, ;quicl.Jea.l,'r.d 'ltr cc L.:.jl. lc.- hi ari ** il n wi lk. irii div.ii'c: I.: ..i,'rFhl..-i 8 .500.00 . SELLER WANTS AN OFFF R11! 1iii ih Ar Liftcl.e fl iklixii"'i Gic':iu; ear.old, hrome .:,n a tmer I-BEDROOMES. T S REMODELED HOME 'ih ic. /2 (200') -ALI -ARBOR IANU A D HOME features cathedl cel Hu. asit ,a i' i h [ i ". f,,:,:d tii :-') [ '' :. :,ici',J s.ib' tih ri i,.,.. ier T- ,"- ,i '.":'he .rht :,,:.t it : an' ,ltC'in $ 199,900 . 2,5 ACRES. THIS SPACIOUS W/2 (2003) PALM HARBOR MANUFACTURED HOME features cathedral ceil- ings, a split floor plan, large bedrooms, walk-in closets. Modem, black kitchen appliances. Ceramic tile in entry, bilh f.ii.h,'i SitluaJeJ ,-i 2 a". >-rci Balk p i-urc ;* f-r,:efl rei'r tj. v A r ,.,- Ha.! -. er" ni,:e oaks. S:.'.:. like tbratin'e t. $219,900 JF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A PEACEFUL COUNTRY LIVING. LOOK NO FURTHER! This is ideal for a weekend get-away, or full time residence. There is a storage in back, a small barn, a detached carport, dog pens, and lots of pretty trees encased in 2.31 totally fenced acres. The home is a FleetWood, nearly new model in immaculate condition. You gotta see this one!!! $199,900 'ire tl'y VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES A n "CINDY L. ALEXANDER ft. on LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDT.RWHAC RN SBld SCOTT HACKMANN,bROOKE URUCE !l Bldg ASo DON BURDICKr uld be 675-0500 ity lim- d H y'- , quill- ^ I, NEW LOCATION j;,:,,, H M j233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON M^, I[ SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE 10+/- oak filled acres. Property has been split NO PETS into two 5+/- parcels. One is vacant with septic, BRAND NEW HOME in Port LaBelle 4/2/2 electric and well. The other has a 3/2 mobile $1,800/M with a screened in porch on front. Asking IN PORT LABELLE 2/1.5/2 $750/M $349,900. IN PORT LABELLE 2/1/1 $600/M 2/2 ON 100+/- ACS in Glades County. LEHIGH ACRES POOL HOME In $2,500,000. Westminster Gated Community. Fully furnished IN EAST FT. MYERS 3/3/1 over 1,900 sq. ft. in River Oaks 3/2/2 + Office. Non-Smoking. $2,000/M living area. Home has 2 masters, new roof, new With a wood HORSESHOE ACRES (East of LaBelle) 3/2 A/C, fenced yard. Motivated seller. Asking .0,000 Mobile. $800/M. $279,900. -= aB EAST FT. MYERS 3/3/1 Extra space every IN PORT LABELLE On a corner lot. 3/2/1, ii where. $1,200/M. newer roof, painted on the inside. Priced to COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE sell. Only $189,900. uded acresat $800+tax/M LOCATED IN THE CITY- 2/1 being sold 'As Is' n, Electric and 5,000 LOTS STARTING AT $22.500 $125,000. naud. 6.39+/- ON MLK BLVD 3/1 home has been renovat- y upscale sub- HOMES FOR SALE ed. Priced to sell at only $129,900. 800,000. IN THE CITY LIMITS ON OAK ST 2/2 with ON PHILLIPS RD 2/2 two story home on 5+ leforsitebuilt carport on a double corner lot. Owners have acres. Home features an open floor plan with taken care of this home and it-shows. Home is screened in lanai on the back and a balcony on Sears Rd. Only in excellent condition. $182,900. the front. Property has several trees, large barns POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING In Venus and out buildings. Asking $450,000. 5+/- acres on stock. So say the country.- Rd. in Muse. d palm trees. y $85,000. 'e back! Relive acs. Fresh air Listingsl * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $64,900. Possible seller financing. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage dose to LaBelle. $46,900. * Call about our Port LaBelle lots! U=_-- CEA MlM ii I._A-L_ * POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on yourside in this invest- ment! $2,750,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-l commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $499,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. i 863 675 4550 O0ri0 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle R l Rodney Murray & Seth Howard S Lic. Real Estate Brokers Stot co. Associates: Phil Lewis, Tamra Franco, Kyndel Murray 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & partially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $254,900. 4/2 well maintained home with 20x30 workshop, 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. $274,900. 61.25 acres. Improved $11,000 per acre. 19 acre orange grove. $11,900 per acre. 40 acre orange grove. $11,900 per acre. pastures & fenced. Only Located in Hendry Co. Located in Hendry Co. 365 Acres w/3,000+/- ft. on Hwy 80 and 1,300+/- ft. on Old River I' II -I ;; www~bellerealty21'com~ 863-65-752 ~u~a~?~s~~l~i~ii~ppiu~irat;B;r~.~ 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 5,2006 __HHome Builders Visit Our Model Center: 2480 E State Road80 Open l-Sun 8-5:30 Fil 6RR37CiA3l'4t mor Toll'Free 866-244-8392 Vacant Lots Available QB39922 Building Communities, 4 One Qua i ty Ho me at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top hQualim' Builder P -.' A- W-'------ . 2 207,900 3 5 une 426 00 5012 Pinetree Cir. 322 $231,900 9016 Lamkin Cir 3122 229 900 , .- , .... -.. .- .. . 2029 N. Montana 3/2/2 $211,980 Cypress II ental Available $1200 Mth REDUCED, 2.7+/- AC in ALVA. Come build your Dream home. Close To Caloosahatchee River and the Franklin Locks. Call today for more information. $275,000 Call 863-675-0000 Look for the Hendry Glades Real Estate Magazine now! ..t. 4-rn5 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. This 4BR/2BA oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in liv- ing areas & many extras! REDUCED sC9rt n0 l& Feature, open floor plan. split bed. rooms, Frigidaire stainless steel appli- ances, tile throughout, separate tub and shower in master, vaultedceilings, patio and two car garage. $249,900 BRING YOUR BUSINESS TO THE HEART OF THE CITY. This business zoned property is located in LaBelle on busy Hwy 80. Improvements include CBS building with a 44'x24' canopy. $399,000 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS ONE OF THE FEW privately owned man-made deep water canals in LaBelle! This water- front homesite is locat- ed in LaBelle City lim- its. Home site includes ownership of the canal, which provides protected boat dock- age and direct access to the Caloosahatchee River. $299,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! This 1.04 acre lot is wooded & located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Seller Motivated! Bring all offers! PRICE REDUCED $399,000 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jack's Branch w/ river access. This Unique property also has its own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is 'c.,.ered with large oaks. Call for more details. This i., a MLUST SEE $475.000 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT ITS BESTI This ecir tl\ renuo .,ted '3BR -BA home locatedd at th-e O)rl.:.na L..,l.- Fish I'from v ,oit o- r. pl te J.:..:l . i Permil in pl..ce V. add nr, .l.-.ck hiII 1 Prnctd,to sell'' $499,900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront home site on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Home site is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river. Permits are in place to re- dredge oxbow. $499,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT PARCEL! Two buildable lots w/60' pro- tected dock on old river oxbow. Prestine views up river & across to protected state owned land. Plus no corps setback, approx. 200 ft. of waterfront & situated c.n -. h h the Cal.ao h -,rlihee R'.ei i lr...:,:..aal \ Ate i ai i rid the- ...Id out. Priced to sell! $130,000 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & i.ci- xtb.oi. $1.500.000 CLEAN! This home is truly a beauty LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCA- from the inside out. Features: ceramic TION!!! Thi 3 + acire pr.intiula hi. tile, bonus room w/hurricane shutters, i. eSi i. ot C l.:.iahalc:hee RI:.cr screened porch, alarm system & spacious fihnuntse ith H..' 2"9 sji:,:e' Zon.rd CJ 2 bedr.c.-.m3 S & bjFahr..'irm. Well manicured \.:.ur p;,-.bilittie are er.ndic! $3.300,000 corner lot w/irrigation system. A must HOMES [N LABELLE see' $189.000. AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- 3BR-2BA HOME W TILE through out TAINED .BR .'BA mjrrula,.iured h -.mni Ir-'"r, are. I- iln ri.:.irm plus family t. r'Ti ..e p,:.i,ble 4th bedr,:..r., room. Fenced back yard w/many tropi- Pertcic, i tier i.rr.e .-1 rental irui- cals & BBQroom. $179,900 ment. Located within city limits, com- 3BR/2BA CBS HOME w/Pool in Laurel pltcdli rnii:ed & pi;.:ed t.. I,:!! $89.900 Oaks, very desirable neighborhood w/ A GREAT RENTAL INVTSTMENT OR great floor plan for a growing family. STARTER HOME! Th,. floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. IS. $235,000 Priced to sell! Po Fi.bie ie- rir,.nr,.i,.i 3BR/2.5BA CBS POOL HOME. spa- available! Owner '.i ,I :.r..:.ei all ..ter-i cious floor plan, large family room over- REDUCED'$105,000 looking oversized lap pool, patio and 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME courtyard. Also features office/4th bed- on fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle. room, walk in closets, brick paved deck Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for and new roof in 2005. $310,000 elnl .sii.ullr. $119,900 NEW CONSTRUCTION IMMACLiLATE 3BR2BA MANLiFAC- 3BR2BA CBS HOME! 'Spll tlot.,r plan.. TURED HOME itIaticd lon ,.r hadcd -.iii.+ tutl q II lgianitc coulnier tlop,. ,:. e 'r: .- 1 .I i[ n t....r(i -i & C:npere!, I"' ciramnic le aule ,d c ,:c ili.n .ond Icr'ei-d I-f.in. t ale A cure. I -i ir.d .-cil).c;s ri...ie ilj g.}led i l t ..i ; $245,000 p1,1 l1,:.... plriii kticher. iitl parni., & ..HOMES ON.ACREAGE bie.,ki- L ilunl'd Reduced $134.900 2BR/2BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured CHARMING 2BR2BA CEDAR HOME home w/ large screened room in ,i. .:,r, .:,.eri.:cd .:c' t ,er I[ i ir he ,:. Montura on 1.25 acre home site cleared Fc tuics a'ie '.ulted c:ciris. t. re.i.ch w/ scattered trees. PRICE REDUCED d .,-:.r, tcr.,.ed track )j.,:l e\i x a [.1 asbe $119,000 $199,900 SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANUFAC- MOVE IN READY! Newly remodeled TURED home on 4.84+/- acres w/pond 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large the city. New carpet, flooring and interi- master L.rdic.T tb.,'rhi. office/nursery, for- or paint & spacious master bedroom, mal living room, family room & open $179,900 kitchen w/island. $325,000 HOMES BACK ON THE MlARKET! Priced to 3BR/1BA HOME IN COUNTRY sel1' 1i + A cic Cottage style VILLAGE. Nice floor plan, tile through h.,:.ni I ...iaed in t I..ri L IBelle Ranchettes. Situated at the end of a cul de sac w/peaceful & private setting. Cathedral ceilings, ceramic tile through- out, open floor plan & wrap around porch. $379,900 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/-acres fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/gorgeous oaks & horse stable. $490,000. FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET! Homesteaded in 1893 by William Henry Whidden. It will be hard to find a mor desirable site. A prime location in an area of proposed future development in beautiful Fort Denaud. Features a 3BR/2BA CBS home and rental mobile home on 12.03 acres with massive old oaks and palms. Located approximately 7 1/2 miles West ofLaBelle with frontage on Hwy 78 and Norris Road. $900,000 UNIQUE OLD FLORIDA ESTATE! 10,538 sq. ft. under roof + 2,585 sq. ft. pool & patio area! Exclusive pool home located East of LaBelle on 5 beautiful, oak & citrus-filled acres fronting on SR 80. Home features many architectural details from vaulted ceilings and sky- light,. to Spanish tilc flooring C.utom t1orot plan inltiade' 3 mja'ei suitet. pri .ate rt-iri rio-,:.m! Tren-h 1do,-:.r t, l>: r c lanai, covered, walkways, poolside rec room, 1BR/1BA cottage, twelve-bay workshop w/garage, electric gate entranceway, paved drive & completely fenced. One of a kind! $1,500,000 COUNTRY LIVING...minutes from town. Located in the path of develop- menti This 30 acre property w/custom 2BR/3BA home offers income from grove, privacy & the possibility of future development w/county approval. $2,000,000 LOTS PORT LABELLE LOTS AVAILABLE $24,000 $48,000. Call for details. 3RD AVENUE .45 Acre $70,000 CALHOUN STREET .64 Acre $89,000 201 N. HICKORY STREET .62 Acre $98,500 MONTURA RANCH ESTATES Residential homesites available. COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS BEST BUY OWNER ANXIOUS! Affordable Business Zoned Propertyl This 2BR/1BA home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and businesses. Priced to Selll $179,900 PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street & Park Avenue, le's than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida- Style two story building fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Excellent in estmrnt opprtunit) i, "277"frohntge' on HIA 29 I 59+ acres on cornerof H, 2y and N. Industrial Loop Road,'i3 [leel building,- i\Varehouse-3.S00 sq. h.: shop 1,600 sq. ft office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator Bait Pub has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for mane eears. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully furnished, completely equipped kitchen & offers a great start for any entrepreneur. $174,500 SE HABLA ESPANOL www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis TO MUSE PORT LBELLE RANCHETTES! ; ENJOY THE PEACE AND a d'stres are Rerrr B'L L' ,Iuri'fl' 3Cr a -'u r-i: QL.ET Wf an ea Il m nraing cur ip d r R/2BA :' .ni 'ht L'h- ;, i er r t tf e ,of coffee in 0,oljr owin .as. sln -. 6-1-6.-"ro*s i. X..arre nei,.hhrhood There is .20n room.Beauo~ul 1.25. rev-,e iid I;Ydt' =I e-. gar r svwith. 36x6(0 f .tu grxtnbel-tipc:e ber eer ,lot 'lrwih th 3BRlBA :,ublewd rn-.Up. .'[+ -. ,. ~ h.omc-rnr and hi rir. main rntc-d manTufactured home w.ith an so '" .i. t b e ,e:. the hiomeo-re. n ,, locia.or. extra 2BR IBA sirglewade mau- a ,ronl ard in 1i ne r to be devoid. Bnat dock can be built on rJhe river lor f;cture- h.um in [mmokalee. Fenced ard ith irrigation affordable so vrsou an at.h:o . ti pr.-l H-ih dod .r \Well and septic "ll he required. em and ? srortge shds. $245,000 place for youf WATERFRONT HUM E PANORAMIC VIEWS of the Caloosahatchee Rjcir await you in this 3BR/2.5BA home \ith an oserstced private boat dock. Commnunitn pool. boat ramip, & r[en- nis court. $749,000 ENJOY THE RIVER from this fully furnished 3BR/3BA 2-story home. This home has been complete- 1, remodeled and features granite countertops, hard- wood floors, large lanai with in-ground Jactzzi spa and a boat dock. Fantastic river siews from each bedroom Reduced to $698,000. UPGRADED SBB/2BA HOME FEATURES 125 11 oi river frontage. Convenientld located within 1 mile of marina, restaurants and goli course. $599.900 SAVOR THE SUN at your private waterfront retreat 4BR/2BA manufactored home sits maI-esciallv at tlh end ofa cul-de-sac. Osersized back porch Irolk u\ i tilhe river for endless river views. $ 524,000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS uith rhis 3BR/2BA home, navigable creek offers diieci attc'e tio the Caloosahatchee River. $399,000 SUMMER FUN! 4BR/2BA M/H includes. 135 ti. ot rl'.c access, making an easy launch for jet skis. Deta' hed garage and high quality upgrades. Enjo) Lhe stin' HOMES 3 BR/2BA CBS HOME on 20 + ac. boasti a tij 6 llt! ,i.i,- 36x36 barn, paved drive. atusnc flair meet country 'ch i mn $9 4BR/3BA BRICK HOME ON II + AC. FunLcr.rr.l brcdi horse lunger. 2 add'l pole barns, and a torkshup .\ ir.;.: f"ti 4BR/2BA HOME ON 6+/- AC. Privaic stocked pantl. iitetr, shed & 20x25 pole barn. Will allcw for 2 h.mestes $699.900 BR/2BA CBS HOME on 5+.'- ac Cro,. len,.ed p..dJ. i'jaker ing with a coneneent dnve. $595,000 PICTURE PERFECT 3BR'.2BA I acre eiaic home Icaull ..: access from the Communilv boat ramp. $5-19.900 DREAMS NEVER END in Lhi' custom 3BR 2B.A 1p.,1] h.. i.; place Soaring ceilings, den an a gourmet kitchen $447.500 SBRMIBA 2-STORY HOME SITUATED in :0 ,'J + a..a nii\'2i, shop. Oak covered acreage $415,000 3BR/2BA CBS HOME ON 4.82+-AC. Honm niTer, valllir.d cit plan & e8 panmste back porch Cro, 'tencced pa.ii- irn,:l,.l..- $375,000 S180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 67h 5.6788 I fE TAC LAND C.O 88-675-67 w%-wb.heritagelandco.com DONNA KANE, BROKER ASSOCIATES: TRISHA AR Afi CURTIS, PATTYMWII, I FRA RUA 1110 $395.000 ACRLEGE PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS! 3 BR.'2BA canal 39 AC. OAKi PLANTATION: :,f. ..~t.i., 1iI: tron N M H includes :dleliled upgr.cldes iand thoughtful '1J h:..Inl.I rrF.ire De[i Tui:c\ H.'l.. nd landscape $145.000 Bid CoIm ,. i ,, j,:,- i-,, I c .: .: lj,-.l ... WATERFRONT HOMES SITES ". he i:d c npici l .-iinced :. -.l d DREAMING OF OWNING YOLIR OWN 12 64-1+- :. .' c.d i.IiAii f.- ', .cd Surt iclud dl .a I! L. drid $1,400,000 i.,'u l .,ir .huie.. $1,800,000 MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE INCOME PRODUCING ORANGE GROVE YO URS. 2 51i +. .ac. of Ilierl,..in .l cage '. ith reir v- -...:. ir,' r.., ui. i. j.ur, I .- : .,pl i able -.poil aseiSneii, li :ia.i tess tirni CR 7. $965,000 I..c:n.ll.. b. lJii r,' iliin $12,500per IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA ac. HARBOR. inr. iurles b.i..iim dock. 'ell. elecui.: ond pro- i3.32 + AC. OF ...k- p,-i. .:sp :- r.c:.- tec aeal liarb-i Te. O '. r I16.i t of ~,teiliitnii $499.000 i.'d ruJtu .'.:l .-l.1 i-,.,.f .-,n IF,. .:r, i. 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. Ri-,ti .-, l.,,i.,: .ip. ,: $1.190,000 l"ci. riveil access. and d,_,uk permn. [ectd restrulted OAKI HAMMOCOL CPRESS AD) PALMET- c.nniiiit',. '.I + at- $429,000 TOS crJ.:L hi- f + Fl... ir.Ic ..i.:0 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE J ri..rhe.:h.rn, l1,100,000 RANCHETTES. 2 -.3 + at: ir liesiable dcud icntricti- -0 +- AC OFF -ell .rijni.iiiflr .il.lr i..iiJj te.l c.:im mI n nti\. $425.000 UI.IhI..L-. J I-c.1p r. ,ealin r i .11. III J.: .. TAKE IN 'THE BEALTY OF THE RIVER from this I ii-.l sr. lI: Or)r.ip: pi-..,: i. Ftr eniu..Il l-4 '2 S. + :i i.ome si r in P. LaPielle Rancelite es t .s It p-r jri i...ad $850,000 .:.I igrent:eli l:i _-,eicn home stie and ti-r. boat dcrks 30 +- AC. OF IMPROVID i...hj: *ith allIuowed $4 10,000 ,..._ i:.l a(..h l:- Pli.:u j: .-lUc 1... i ,..re L. IT DOESNUNDOBaGWERAmi $225.500 -Jn, .i.p h ..u-e $"05.000 20 +-- FENCED AC. .. n,--,.i .1 land E....ill.nr p.-,rcai-nl $660.000 PORTRIIT OF PEACE. tlis .!BR .BA 0 + AC. ITH -lcr, ,-I j. ci ..u.i -up intloui t..ti -. i,. jpii llt.n r'l in hli.me Ir Riuscrbcndi E iate -,..-, ..' -, [,., ., B,. h,: t ,. o 999 .000 iJ l[,d ..ui n -. -urt "k Bi ... |li ... 00 i0 "ii.... ..l Ir i.. n .i.llluni rl.n I Irl rr ll I i.li, *. r. i. .lir i .nlH triJ l.i "' I "'. H"d-: $ 58.000 rne F.i 'Ic $999.0010 ( lO I.. r r..-.,, anl it l, ,. r,, sti- l e r 3 1ND ACRI HOMEMIT S i, jl-1-I: i. .ii t'I lti' trrr 2is!i '. k ..irl pl.l h,. ir I. a nde I.j : l. l ;, I f .l'...Ih :, .'u I,.lh ,. i .. Ji..- jI l\ .. t... t ~ '.I ili'i: $315,000 .. .. 5.)0 O 10 5$ 10000. .ji.rI : I t u..,, i' .. LOCATION. LOCATION. LOCATION. 18.5 ACRES I,.. ir,:,J ..t ,I l, lli- I.1 lt.. Iop ( .l.l.i .I ..o'.a n. BR '2BA I-.,r, I. itr- ,ri L, ,I,.' I i.l .' ..i i n i ijUic L. 'irg ci ..rm m urniu .,. $279.000 .sr n ., gl,.l -ic- A 1IHOME WITH PERSONALITY AND CHARMI 3BR '2BA tCBS hime -. split IIs.',r pi.ii $248,000 I.l h in .. S.. 3BR "BA WITH 1.656 SQ. FT. LIVING AREA. Built 1. 'ili'I Sci-cr.cel ir.I I i h .,_l. ,rn, 1 ,,.,. h o ,. $229.900U. in., splt II..1,, 3BD2BA ON SPACIOLS GREENBELT. The hrmi i. had. Ihi. .-,-i:r i:. c.ll ,.k' ,.,,.l .I, '. $210.000 i BR BA B.SlW OiONT'IBUl !VCT95.000. PARTIALLY FURNISHED .3,R -'P, ht-nrr, ,rni l.'ic iii'-f.tr. ,r,jr-jgt .h<,'l Ncdar .o-.,i el .r,.,, $175.000 THE PRICHNDRTCIBlTRACT 3BR IBA COUNTRY VILLAGE HOME. N.:.. i li.andlcr anrl i.ndern:..in: ,, I n .. I nT 1:rl. ii sicner d p-rch iir.'-' h baLck if hl. houime C..,rnmnrlt..l S.,...I a .....u .- u : ii a n ie r...rri \ir .iloi a -ibl-e f i -;'3*i ii % J n"rNET COUNSrI RULCTION CUSTOM HOME! .13KI :-I.' CBS lhoirn .,h lli d l:....r, lOst mstailld l.,.,:-,t il ii r,.'..u ..11-,. ,icr l '. r.. .ilihr. .-ut r.-.iiind ng in rti. ir,.' D $389.900 SF.FASHIONA.BLE AND FLiNCTIONAL rnec. :nirrut..r., BR 21R CDB' h.:,rr.: ...t + -- ir. nQuail Run l) $5339.000 BE THE FIRST TO IIVE In irh., BR. B'.A\ home that leatuie;. jr. .iddtlaii.al S 1.1 1 I r..,:rr ilt.ii.....i hi. used a a 4h BR...'l'c .ir d r.I L ari (lCItiCs.izc gara1g t_..nuplhtchd ,. luH 1(5 in $244,900 BUDGET FRIENDLY' NEW CONSTRUCTION. :.R 2'A.. ideI, hIccntillt ir.uire priV.ji \ Reduced to $190.000 % $3.000 eller's contribution JUST IN TIME TO DECORATE... i. .i,lh ne.' coi:,snru.i-.n hO.mtie In L4inael II J m D -i rn t c-iui..rt I... ,:t n .hc P :rt- L B% lle Mcalrn.~. an Hi, 3.1 Call- nI 9 .90. Sl.r .th J, nlgc ..tI .i criI i nn tir .li- h... irhe l.r! lti tai, rt ir $289.900. .:..-, $359.000 15 + AC lo:-r .ui i -i: .:-i:unitr, hoi:,iT Z..r- I per S.: $3-9.900 20 + AC.. t -' r,..,riiihnsrr p[, ,pcrr,'i ', ua icrn iliiu $299,900 5 + C. ., ..i Lj .,:llc & .id, a hul J uin...: tr .1i 5$269,900 10+ AC. rF A( s. ilu-.l Ia.:.c .j fJ.J .t I ji-i1 ,:. ,ulJ b,. r-- ., .. i... .: 2-19,900 MUSE 5 ACRES .n 1:.1-.I:ll, lBj, [ :J $200,000 LDEC(- ACRL GE, p: aj,.ul t .a.-. Jait .:.i + .: a $165,000 MONULiRA R.MNCH ESTATES. 1 1. I 2 + j.. .i,.i; $39,900 1o $61.500 HOMESI1TE REFINED HOMESITES j.ailljl-lk iIn .J--il .''.r .l. ] I.J -1l 'il.- Frui--n $90.000 to $110,000 n>: .i ..' ri ui i .r.ii i h....iT jl'.,- j.. aill HAWlD r FIND OAK FILLED c ..i,-ri l-r I,. i rh.: .:,r, $150,001) ENJOY THE QUilEr-f ri,:, f ll.:d '. + t i i,,,.r.n $99,900 CANA FRONT PARCEL. 'i + .j. E.I j -:,: rH- ,- on $90.000 -t0+- A( LOT OFF CR '8 ir. rn....: .'a, I,.rll .J -l.:- ...rl... -I.. JI.:.J 1. ll-n Ircc , tl inrr rhcn : pi.' .:n, 589,900. .-10+ AC LO1 CROSS FROM CALOOSA FS .1Tf ES s 11 ..i. l iI lhcd ...ell ,-.f $89,O00. IANLUFACTLrRED HOMES COUNTRY CHARM ON 5 ACRES. 'BR 2B.\ '2.' "'-' q it honie I.ature.s, ine irepli'.c.. k, li,.hr. :ic-..rn nirtldlng, s'.'ar- ,rig .-edJing jd iii, ll nit i k'iJ-ien utlht bal i'l bdr 5r l.i!l h.ir.i L'ain In clud t AIk in, ai ntd *i'., 1c ij:r, na b oin ,ireec ,:-n[:r i.I $525.000. LIKE NEW IBI- 'B. ,.i'iuhlt,,ide MI'H on i) 'i54 +.- A, $399.000 BEAUTIFUL WOODED 1.27 t'- AC. LOT atn Inin'.-,k.e I ( LIR 2Bi.\ luutblc'de M.'H a 2BR I BA\ ingleivide M,H $245,1)00 STkRVED FOR SPACE? Triple, ide '.n v S- ... v- -' I5S-1 "1 I It iint g. brii.k til.e plaiC. J" 21 inrriiirnd p..-i and out- ,i.,ri ...kLshop' $199,900 2BR2BA WITH DEN un 2 plus daret Si-' age .::n be split for addL.J-.nal hlome- ir.,- $197.900. MINT CONDITION iBR 2BA $158,000 LOOKS SMALL. LIVES BIG! 2-2 N MH i.n I + c a kiir-au ....eril p. ,king, ,,i k .1"h., I or hohliiliii i,' $155,000 GET OUT OF TOWN PRICED TO SELL '.L.tR- 2\h MH n n 2 lcu c will ni.ike a p.citlc .1 rrin.' h.i $150,000 3 4 AC. BUILDABLE LOT offh Ue Oak Lane ncri:led a the end of Htiicht] Tai3l $85,000 CHERISH THE CHARM of this beaunFul oak filleJd il I.: lt 2 + ac $85,000 WIDE VARIETY OF HOMESITES in all units .' P,:,Tn Latelle Sormething for eicr)one 1 4 -c ti I 3 + ac Sjrnmngit $27,900. TROPICAL. GLF ACRES, Homesiles in cthairl'-ri[c C'unrr) 2 2.5 ACRE PARCELS in Pioneer 31 Arcadia jnd .4th St $87,500 each. PRIVACY PURE AND SIMPLE on these 1 25 r,, "-' +. '.; parcels ichigh Propenies, Pn. r: IiroTi $85,000 and up. 2.5 AND 5 ACRE Pjrccls in Pioneer F'lm. i iit. Pn:ed from $74,000 to $1 5.000. LEHIGH ESTATES- 9 + ai Consrenienid, I:,,,ji d t... Ft Myers $66,900 1 2 + ja: hbuldJabi lilt acei of Joel Blid in Lehipl 562,900 INDIAN HILLS .& '.' a3. + $53.900 lo $55,000 3 TO CHOOSE FROM 1 +- at lots in COMMERCIAL 4.61 +,- AC. ZONED 1-2. OAner's '-i.:.rceplual Buiilding Plin sill include a one ,.:.ri hulldiig jiade ki el Bih 6,i"ti' sq ft .: ..:,r,:r b l....'k ,lff.i n areh use with i meul ni.:f Budilri ngtis are neqjllble bertcen hu-.:r Jnd seller $3,900,000 3.056 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING I.'. 1 .: High traffic a'ej poid for pi-rinr ...f p...e- uIl $ 1250.000 1.02 ACRES OF PRIME B-I ZONED PROPERT' nr ia. Imilt operming .3 a r .. rujurwjr 1r 1.200.000 EXCELLENT LOCATON FOR YOUR BUSI- NESS! Bcjutu l i + a 'J,: parel's fuirc ;,.,-,,n i. "Pr.:''i:-cd:J T,-jnsionna BR 2BA ficfulll ru i' ,ir pl'~p $ 8rt', 899,900 GREAT BUSINESS POTENTIAL itlh 245 jof hi'h.huj 11) fr.,'itJage .$ u sl11 get noticed' TI, I C.I + .j. 'ill ii,.i tI >,lng $499,900 IOUR BUSINESS BELONGS .:n thi, heat-j Ir'.u.l.ru l jI:rc ; Ztn' lJ r I n.or iuij ui '' "..- h uinlaiiil .J li ..ienitl $-4'9,2-18 OFF H W1 80 IN LABELLE. ."- + a. c ll mnat.- j a ...fid ri'ul buirness IotAilion p'..url. ..uc ip..ip,-cli h.ia grea p. sitlbllic' $435.000 MOVE YOUR BUSINESS TO LABELLEI HI-1ii.. ludil.l n ihit h i ccr redesigned to I.,. li'l..ii.".l -l' .'"ui tijl'linctu' U h i-ernt ihen .,,,n ...n r ui $224,500 COMMERCIAL LOT rnr LIuJkel St and Ist .\,,: ii ,.,il.: 'l ,,:,-T, $137,000. 'I 'I IIU Great ueals !!! Builder's Discount Mortgage Interest Rate buy down 1.5%-1st yr & .5% 2nd yr 30 Fixed rate w CHL HM FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (863)612-0012 30 www.chlhomebuilders com Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soon! Lorida 10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months R All Spec Hon.' Incliih k r.,: hionm .;I.. l',.L d Roads L-uuil[, *A It Pi.... -' i RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 i I I m _ _I___ ~~~________I_ IW W- 3 10% oosa Belle, Thursday, October 5, 2006 -* Central Custom Builders New Modular Homes Starting at $109,000 on your lot! Includes Impact Fees & Allowance for lot prep Home and Land Packages Starting at $149,900 We have homes ready to move in now! I ," j Beautful -BRB.BA P,::ool Ho'me, I .ih-in LaBelle city limits. Thij reimodklcd home is ready for immediate occupancy. Features include: New Hardwood floors, New Frigidare appliances, Wrap Around Porch, Crown Moulding, New Pool, Carved Wooden Pub, Hardiboard siding, Jacuzzi tub inmaster bath, Smart House wiring, and much more! Call Jill Dillman, at 863-673-3822 for more information and to set up a showing. $429./00. 777 .Hw. ..ae, ^^eutfiwyf fC / TcA-jt COro%.p, Ivc. HOMES: S$795,000 Alva Custom 2005 3BD/2BA home on 3.71+/-acres. Home has many upgrades and the property is filled with mature oaks and much more. A must see! Call today! - Pyy,uuu 'oU/JlBA nome on I+/-acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound- proof studio, moveable island in kitchen, and an above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. * $475,000 Looking for a home on acreage? This 5+/- acre parcel has it all. This mobile home features an addition with its own entrance. Together you have 3 bedrooms, 3 For FREE Credit Approval Call (863) 675-8888 or (863) 673-4325 cell WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? WIHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN? HOMES 3BD 2BAin 2.29 ilcres !1'-' 1.1 S Ft $185,900 3BD/2 BA on 2.29 'acres 12-42' q Ft $181,500 Brlnd New 3BD/2BA 2040 SQ FT $235,000 NEW LISTINGS Lehigh Acres 2BD/ 2BA $157,900 VACANT LAND 1/2 acre in Calobsa Estates $99,500 Port LaBelle Lots starting at $32,500 ,.all .-, *:.f i.' /,-, :*. i.ib ,,-,i e;ei ,,,9, *-,i ,all o' .:. ':,,i li,'l't 274 N Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935- 863-612-0002 www.Wiq.elkingpm, ,' 238 m. Bidg t.-La'BeleFL3335- 6367-86 Lisa Anrews Li. Real s taeBoe d[ dhll. j 1 II-1'1 [ L I'Wll l lr I ""11 hI11 -Ih . addlItuf[i, I, ul[.L/h,. d it 0t 11uui1, .id n nLlt more! The property features a pond with an island and a bridge going to the island, an above ground pool, 2 barns, 2 sheds, and beautiful oaks, palmsmaples and more. Don't let this great deal slin hv! * $315,000 Situated on three full lots. 3BD/2BA with circle drive/carport and detached 2 car garage with a work shop. Back yard fenced with drive thru gate. Completely remodeled and updated. New paint inside and out. Roof and a/c three years old. Sewer is hooked up. This house is as new as it can get. Priced reasonably in highly sought after Belmont Subdivision inside the City Limits! * $176,700 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on a corner lot in Port LaBelle. Spacious living room and separate dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate work shop and small tree house great for kids. MOBILE HOMES: * $199,000 Beautiful 3BD/2BA upgraded n,jr,ujflj'.rcJ h':.n :.n 2 'N+ .acrc -h'1 I J vTry apdalIuub hume in ninnia.uldae cuindljuil and had many extras. Call today for an appoint- ment. * $197,900 Immaculate 2 V2 year old 4BD/2BA manufactured home across fromthe river and boat ramps. Many, many upgrades. A shed and irrigation. Call for more info. * $85,000 2BD/1.5BA Great retirement or starter home. New carpet and tile. This is a must see! HOMESITES: * LaBelle City Lots From $13,000 to $72,900 * Port LaBelle Lots From $30,000 to 70,000. Financing available call office for more info. * Lehigh Lots From $46,900 * Montura Lots From $47,000 to $50,000 * Moore Haven Lots From $20,000 to 34,900 * Clewiston Lots starting at $24,900 Call for more information on Homes, Homesites, Acreage, and Commercial lots. 1. WEEKEND RETREAT OR carport, four zone sprinkler sys- INVESTMENT PROPERTY! This tem, large custom storage building 3/2 mobile home on 1.25 +/- acre w/ new roof, fenced back yard and is waiting for you! It's a perfect much more. $239,000 location for a weekend getaway, affordable starter, retirement or rental home. Located in Montura Ranch Estates. $89,900 2. JUST IMAGAINEII This 3/2 mobile home sits on 2+/- acres cleared, fenced, level and well- drained. Make this home ,your today! $149,900 3. SPACIOUS, AFFORDABLE HOME ON ACREAGE! This 3/3 mobile home with formal dining room, eat-in kitchen, fireplace and much more on 1.25+/- acres could be just what you been looking for! Located in Montura $158,000 4. AFFORDABLE COUNTY LIV- ING! This 3/2 mobile home with fireplace, screen lanai, large garage. This home sits on 2.5 +/- acres. Owner anxious to sell! $179,900 5. IN ESTABLISHED NEIGHBOR- HOOD... This 3/2 home has lots of living space on V4 acre lot with fenced yard, sprinkler and many trees. Located in Town $185,000 6. THE PERFECT FAMILY HOME... This 3/2 home has been completely remodeled with ceram- ic tile thru-out designer lighting fix- tures and screened lanai and includes a 2 car garage. $193,500 7. GREAT FAMILY HOME WITH ROOM TO GROW! This 3/2 home has many extras including all kitchen appliances, slit floorplan, utility room, etc. Make your appointment today! $220,000 8. IN TOWN GETAWAY! This 3/2 home on a .79 +/- acre with a new metal roof, new septic system, new 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL. 33975 863.675.4500 Realtors: Emily Ankeney Tony Barnes Gregory Bone Lisa Cleghorn Shelly Cole SBonnie M. Denning, CPA Ward Dickinson Joyce Gerstman Yvonne Hallman Lisa Herrero Phyllis Kelley-Miller Wayne McQuaig *Paul Meador Dan Pool Katie Solomon Synda Williams Tracey L. Williams 9. BEST DEAL AROUND! This 3/2 brand new CBS home is won- derfully designed, spit bedroom plan with a screened lanai, vaulted ceilings and much more! Hurry this one will not last... $240,000 10. STOP LOOKING! This 3/2 brand new CBS home with cathedral ceilings, tile in wet areas, plush car- pet, plant shelves and a 27' lanai. Don't delay, call today! $240,000 11. IN TOWN This 4/2 home with hardwood floors, ceramic tile, fire- place that sits on over a .5 acres +/-- with lots of Labelle oaks Seller says sell $249,900 12. INVEST FOR YOUR FUTURE! Close to town duplex! Unit 1 is a 2/1, Unit 2 is a 2/1.5 and is handi- cap accessible. Close to shopping, schools and churches. This duplex will pay for itself. $250,000 13. THIS 2/2 WITH OFFICE AREA sits on .42 +/- acres in a nice neigh- borhood. There is plenty of room to ad additional bedrooms. This is a must home! $250,000 14. BEAUTIFULLY LAND- SCAPED... This 3/2 home has new galvalume roof, main bathroom completely remodeled, new tile in kitchen and dining room., This home sits on 1+/- acre in a very peaceful neighborhood. $265,000 15. GREAT POTENTIAL IN THE HEART OF ALVA! With a little work this 5/4 home originally built in 1920, could again be the show- place of Alva! Huge screened lanai, and a completely fenced .45 +/- acre yard compliments this very unique home. $290,000 Southern land. Investments 8 Real Estate Sherri Denning Licensed Real Estate Broker www.soland.com 16. .MAGNIFICENT TOWERING OAKS! This 3/2 sits on.63 +/- acre with mother-in-law suite or apart- ment complete with kitchen. Newly renovated bathroom including new jet-spa tub. $379,900 17. RETIRE TO PEACE AND TRANQUILITY... This 2/2 country home with hard wood floors, ceramic tile, imported wood burn- ing stove/fireplace walk-in pantry and much more sits on 4.3+/- acres with running creeks and canopy of majestic oaks. $430,000 18. YOUR DREM HOME IS HERE! This 3/2 home with import- ed wood flooring and ceiling, cus- tom stone fireplace and garden tub walking closets, stainless steel appliances sits. $450,000 19. BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED HOME! This 3/2 home on 2 +/- acres with stainless steel appli- ances, solid surface counter tops, breakfast bar and much more. Include a CBS shed/workshop with galvalume roof. Minutes from town. $495,000 20. LOOK NO FURTHER! This property boasts 20 +/- secluded acres and a 3/2 manufactured home w/ features such as front and back screened porches, a Jacuzzi and spacious island kitchen. ALSO; a workshop, storage shed, carport, and horse barn with three stalls. $550,000 21. LIVE, WORK AND PLAY This 3/2 manufactured home with full length screened-in front porch and the possibilities that come with having your own 60'x35' work- shop. This manufactured home sits on 17.9 +/- acres $700,000 Call our knowledgeable and friendly staff about landform 1/4 acre to 100+ acres!!! WE'RE LAND EXPERTS! ^' l '* FU U Toll Free87.3 14,304 U a I ~ -r 'Che (Rou 0 0 - ,~ I I---I 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 5,2006 Wedding Birth White-Fults are married Jennifer Lynnette White and Jason Winson Fults were joined in marriage on July 21, 2006. The bride is the daughter of Bobby and Debra White of LaBelle. The groom is the son of Jack and Joyce Fults of Nashville, TN. The wedding ceremony was held at The Diamond Head Beach Resort on Ft. Myers, Beach with Reverend Frank Deerey officiat- ing. The bride was given away by her father, Bobby White. The beach was decorated with white archway ribbons and greenery with purple accents. The children of the groom are Hunter and Jackson Fults of Nashville, TN. Both joined in the unity ceremony, pouring match- ing sand from purple sand pails into a clear vase, representing the beginning of their new lives together as family. The bride wore a silk gown, ivory in color, vith vine beading and soft chiffon ruffles at the neckline and skirt. Purple orchids were delicately placed in her hair. She carried a bou- quet of soft purple and white roses. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Dia- mond Head Resort Restaurant. The couple plan to honeymoon in Las Vegas, Nevada. The couple resides in Anti- och, TN. (Nashville) where the groom is employed as a firefight- er/paramedic with Metro Gov- ernment, and the bride is employed as a Behavior Anal st with Metro Nashville Public Schools. A New'Twist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. A revolutionary new way to think L about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours No Refraining. No Painting. No Mess NEW SOLAR POWERED Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights ATTIC FANS L1 our Cearl,e Ir,l~a llaiOn Consuillanis anow yOU Ine .jlsern cr- S.lanucr can m Irl Vow homrn oe o3al L Hurricane Tested & Approved "'" ,i ,, 9 SOLATUBE. ar.i. THE'M]i rToF SK IHT - Crystina Linda Marquez Nora Linda and Jose Angel Mar- quez of Lehigh proudly announce the birth or their new baby girl on September 27, 2006, at Gulf Coast Hospital in Ft. Myers. She weighed 7 Ibs. and was 20 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Gloria and Bias Molina, Jr. of LaBelle. Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Lynnette Fults SCHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church :1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle. FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1', 3r3'5'" Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. . hilitro t', vb'.,lv is S:rn:td. and Jesus is Lord 86:3-675-273:3 N R, er Rd. iH!)"i "8 e-mail: ctklic'strato.net t Maternal great-grandfather is Andres DeLaRosa of Immokalee. Paternal grandparents are Adeli- na and Manuel Rodriguez and Jose M. Marquez of Immokalee. Paternal great-grandmother is Adelina S. Moreno of Brownsville, Texas. Crystina was welcomed home by her big brother Julian Antonio and big sister MyLyndaEstrellaMarquez. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net *HlB Mel Brant 17070 Hwy 80W. Unit #3 Cle\e sion, FL C) 863-983-7840 (C) 863-228-0762 CALL FOR, I PRAYER 675-7785 Sponsored by the LaBelle Chapter, Order of St. Luke, a Christian Healing Ministry. Return calls only upon request. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net P"lE'TI o F Honest & CONSaRm1E-TION, INC pendable Todd Ftevatt Fl, M'444 Moble: 239-872 1 ) a e 161*2083' L e m:80675-0020 ;wwkmilmm WI(E & APY ' BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 wAv w.whitesfarniturndaippliances.comn 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CACOO8030 FPL PARTICIPATiNG COTRACTOR World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Ngiuls Thurs 9- 8 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 L.aBelle, FL. 863-674-1775 Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC SHC1017.BP Licensed & sured OEFCE (863) 675-8314 DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SouTH FT. MYERS 12866 226,9400 HANDYMAN CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN MAINTAINENCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us oe the web at www.Allnil.ZOm.coni Se BIaba Espanol LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS S ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle. FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 2391246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 AB 2171 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net EXTREME CLEANS, INC. C: 5[[.ir.i.,:[!n C:,mninerci. d Residential 863 675-0810 239 344-6712 NEW HOA1: ON p)863-612-0070 f) 863-612-0080 825 E.t. b.' W. ay Suite 108 S LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500W. SummRo Hwy, CnwiSiu 863-983-9121 Randy's Garage, Inc. i ,a. L_ ..I .uu i A .Lr a. 1 .. 1" t_ iti, 863-675-1032 737S Bridge St. LaBcUc, FL i 4 North o Unain, fo] J I,, |^^^HH]~~IT0~51|^ PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush likggag. movng 'graduig i.Ld ckle.ualit o"iclei obi's' 239-728-6629 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TUrOR r ? YOUR LOCAL TU TLF: S IN WOPD EXCEL POWERPOINT, ACCESS, IN YOUP HOrE WILL DtST CIPP StF.;.DVHM T', ETC. UPOIJ 'Olilj- JLQirECT CALL LYNNE AT (863)679-7049 OR (2s9)844-22s (CELL) PEGASUS@STRATO.NET OVERBAUGH FOOTER Increase your production Let us dig your footer Commercial & Residential Office: 863.6741300 Patt's Cell: 239.246.5106 PO. Box 187 Alva, FL33920 Dan & Patt Overbaugh operator/owner o4ofe3 05@yahoc. - Lic & Ins. #G051057,':)(:. a QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated lecticalSerice company Landscape lighting and surge protection * CallforARemodel Qote orhome generator accessories ook ups 9-5 CALL 863-9834101 863-228-4138- 24 EMERGENCY SERVICE Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 Marion ',f. ftr I I I. j 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalce, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 Walk-ins Wedcomn IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER I '111 i .i ri i" I Rd Immokalee, L. Vimn aixi rr 1'laaj Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 cm m ItI H TONCHRYSLER DODGE JEEP - 201 W. Surlad I Cleiton 83,983. 00 1,888*200,1703 LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET \V hosalae flooring warehouse 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY 80 LABELLE, FL 863-675-8575 Largest In- stockk Selection Osceola Concrete Services LLC Concrete & Excavation ,l ,,r, [ ,;- [ ,(rjk riri .-.,li ,i.;. Footers Dug & Poured New Drives & Walks H.:.ute 'i',l l:ul.'411 Lot Clearing Bobcat Services 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured BX06-00099/HC1011sp PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle,FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lia #132;233 20 sears SExperiencel / i FREE ESTI LMTES lBQR<4 FINDERS DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, SaAnd w (y,kcr from Ce~iston kn) (863) 902-9494 SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES LANGFORD 851 S. Main St ( j ^ LaBelle, FL (f ) (863) 675-1686 Y. "Y'al" Spoken Here! e CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church LIoelle.FL 9:00 ajn. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper I", & 5" Sundays Bible Stud) Sundays at 10:15 anm. r, ,it rrt,',, IV..A 'a. p, Jt 1. W' d 863-675-2733 - e-mail: ctklc@strato.net ant R0oo and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES S OFFICE: -( (863) 675-7045 Li O! *. O.,i0 PETE'S DRAGLINE & BACKHOE SERVICE, INC. Dozerwork G Clearing House Pads Specializing in Ditching & Ponds' Office: 863.675.1862 Mobile: 863.673.8181 Mobile: 863.673.6738 - =I UaO{YJ;, CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'Tl EDDIE GATES Agent Senior Liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National /Z Life Insumuce Company | 2035 McGregor Blvd FL Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) ......... c a ll. .. ....... -" -r "When you need a service call a pro Call 863-675-2541 ^ or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! I I I I a I III OF Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 5, 2006 Prestoh graduates at Sport Shorts LacMkland AFB Air Force Airman 1st Class Steven Preston has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. During the six weeks of train- ing, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organization, and military customs and cour- tesies; performed drill and cere- mony marches, and received physical training, rifle marks- manship, field training exercis- es, and special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits toward an associate degree through the Community College of the Air Force. He is the son of of* LMichelle Burke of E. Sunflower Cir- cie,' .and nephew of Rob Spence? Airmpanlst of Rainbow Class Steven, Circle, both of S LaBelle. Preston Preston is a 2006 graduate of LaBelle High School. \ Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! S- L.. --------------------- Your #1 Choice For Repairs and Re-Roofs Steel Buildings & Components *Structural products Standing seanm roof systems R-panels, U-parels, A-panels Fu line of accessories ALL AMERICAN e CONSTRUCTION 1-866-279-5035 fax: 904-493-2842 I eniensd Inseur-d For Product Information, Pricing & Order Forms www.americancomponents.com, www.americansteelmfg.com CBC 1251774 Fishers of Men On Saturday, October 14 and 21, Fishers of Men will hold its first Hendry County Snook and Bass tournament at the LaBelle boat ramp for teams of two. There will be $35,000 worth of cash and prizes. First place: Triton TR186/150 Mercury Motor Bass Boat. The pre-toumament meeting is mandatory on October 13 and 20 at the LaBelle High School Cafete- ria; cash only. There is a $300 entry .fee before Oct. 7; $350 after. Con-. tact Florida Southern Director FOM Jack Ott at 239-947-4311 or jaosol974@juno.com or www.fomntt.com Limit: 100 boats. Caloosa Chase 5K Run SThe 12th Annual Caloosa Chase 5K Run is Saturday, October 21, at 8 a.m. at LaBelle High School. The entry fee is $12 before October 18; $15 on race day. Make checks payable to LHS. Awards go to the top three finishers in each age group. Pick up an entry form at LHS or call Coach Frost at 674-4120. Soccer sign-ups The LaBelle Youth Soccer Asso- ciation sign-ups will be at Winn Dixie: Saturday, October 7, and Sat- urday, October 14, from 10 a.m. to noon; Sunday, October 1, Sunday, October 8, and Sunday, October 15, from 1-3 p.m.; Wednesday, Octo- ber 4, and Wednesday, October 11, from 6-8 p.m. Cost: $25 per player. Volunteer for Junior Pro It's time for Junior Pro basket- ball again! Volunteer coaches, K-2, 3-5 and 6-8. For information assistants and referees are needed please call Darrell Harris at 675- for boys and girls divisions: grades 2565 or Pat Langford at 675-1686. I Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available SFull Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafiol "When you need a service, call a professiona at Cf 1 all 863-675-2541 Sor e-mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! C llffkli INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Ltke a good netgrbahor State rarm is here' iBank ofAmerica I-/---- SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.4-15.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle 8 HOTO ONE Y rHOTOGRAPY AND VIDEO 2 iI-g ' 571 Davis Street I.;aBell, FL 33935 (863) 675-7328 (868) 843-0232 c--ni al :npainiellphotol e.tinlihiik.nel ---n~j~:I 'ffii P Vi7? _ eWw Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlinknet If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call/ GRG MINERS *_S_ Ulic Real Estate B oker Fran W. Spencer, Lie. Broker 437 SR80W LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1203 '(863) 673-5554 '. 'ib: wH .SpcrurReJa]yfL.om ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *12.50 PER WEEK. CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net TiE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 Pesa R Hamil 863-6730692 S 1940 Marhall Field Rd. LaBelle . .Se is Fam ire Co Idn Baies & Pets teliri & Sp 'ial enl Studio or Location In house lab, you take-home prnts same day. picturethislabelle.photoreflectcom COUNTRY HOMES & LN REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFlorldaLandSales.com 233 N. BRIDGE ST ONs ME cOmaeR or aS Sr &WAHwa roN 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com property management rentals sales CINDYL. ALEXANDER IC. REAL B TE BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 a Bankston .. Realty ": I.'.,J u Paik ,,, S,:,.u.r i ".k.r ~p.,&*V ta V E [lc 1GMWINUllNG I.AIJITINu i'.Il FciLp:en]iWlll & oillir irrn r.l.ruiunLe CALL (239) 357-2972 1.1. & l iuri d c-tn il: s-ipeiL'i ll'4 a'.,ahIdo c0Ol ^S^} .ilf --r j- The Paint Authority, Inc. Int/xt Painting Pressure Washing Decorative Concrete Coatings FREE Estimates 863-675-0200 TI :' HC 298.SP S- - EDISON PLUMBING, INC. Fomrerly Doug Scratchley L'liiibiih -,' Inc. Nica 'ltllbl:- leno NEW CONS I [M [ fIl'N SMALL CO -Mt'iC I.1. ll.SII 't.N''I.'lL.' SERVICE REPAIRS CA-L (863) 675-8946 01 (239 690-1824 875 Industrial Ct. LaBelle, FL CFC1426(90 rRIEEf:inMATES INSURED lorida state co. RODNEY MURRAY & SETH HOWARD Lic. Real Estate Brokers LaBelle, FL 863-675-4550 RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.labellerivesride.com e- Tr il r .ll :rc ."i I Il ri, i ttI- i i Marilyn Sears B Ieans Realcs E iaitmer SOD SALES & INSTALLATION ALL TYPES OF SOD SERVING HFNDRY,LEE & CHARLOTTEE COUNTIES CALL (863) 673-1491 ..o,4 e a.d gde'l Marine, Inc. (8631 675-7711 ,f% FAX (163167i-7061 1IC#HC355.SP f J and Insured Commercial & Residential ALPHA AND OMegAA PenRwnITNG Need a Permit? Don't Stress, Call Us, We Will Do The Rest Covering: Hendry, Glades, Lee, Collier, Highlands, Desoto, Polk, Okeechobee & Hardee Counties Mobile: 863-673-1050 Sonya Crews Mobile: 863-673-0383 Linda Craft Fax: 863-675-1332 RELISTAGE LAND CO C. 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafol R RI eC. RN L EST1 B BlROtl PAUL ROSER REALTORS 625-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $19.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal lfortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bames@alankelymortgage.comi Stall Call With Us Youll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transporlnmion Available For Rates, References & Service Call 863-675-3231 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers the King QPoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 mi' SBC FINANCE licn.I;, Florda Broker business 100% Financing Available 1'4 [ o indi rlal Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 r,9. Mon Friy, Sp-,:,il q .po iri, mlnr A, A l:,lc Hatlamos Espanol ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net Caloosa Shores Waterfront Jfomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net RcAn% Groiup. Inc. Lisa Andrews Lic. Real Estate Broker 238 N. Bridge St. aeBdle, Fl. 33935 863-675-8868 I. ri ; "Iu :l ,o .''I HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (35 Years Experience) ULt"Ibuli a lllul= I' I I I lg ~C I III 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 5, 2006 mAMPTOI C HRSLER DODGE JEEP We have the expert technicians, factory service information, specialized tools and genuine parts to properly service your Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep vehicle. - -a aa ,,,a aa a- -a - 'Ia~gL ~ i Automatic Transmission Tune-UP $79.95 Drain/Replace INCLUDES: SDrain fluid/remove filter * New Mopar transmission filter SInstallation of new fluid * Necessary adjustments * Road-test vehicle * Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to special filter *Vehicles with special fluids may be higher. Imports maybe higher. Additional charig for fluid disposal E .pire io/Ix/o6 Lube, Oil& Filter Change $21.95 , ^ ** n a...m a --s a -- a M- / a -* ,- ---- -- ta SCooling i System Service I Flush/Replace INCLUDES: Inspection of hoses and belts Mopar antifreeze replacement S (2-gal max) . Pressure test system a Diesel engines and additional pars/labor extra S.* Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher . -additional charge for fluid disposal Expires ,o/z1/06 6. a a aE a$ a a I; ag a a a a' a. a at a a a a a a I a a a I at at a a. a a a - -. - - --- - Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation $24.95 l ../', S INCLUDES: IN CLlDES: f Engine oil replacement up to 5 quarts : Remove four wheels Complete chassis lube from vehicle; balance New Mopar oil filter and rotate F *Fluid level inspection Special wheels, specialty Inspect CV joints and front vehicles slightly higher. suspension components A Additional charges may be applied for diesel, i I V-10s, Hemi V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic I and synthetic oils. Expires io/r /o6 Expires o/zz/o6 Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service, Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER iCHRYSLERI It really does make a difference! I* -I i ET sreoe FIVE S ...AR Sgag (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 'a a: a a a- aE I I~ a a 'a a I a a I .a I a * I I ~ I 0- 1 1~1~1 -. ---- la I I ,# 13 iwoosa Belle, Thursday, October 5, 2006 Opel, I353 FIND IT FAST DIRECTORY! 12 IAnnoucemenlts erchandise I Mobile Homes FII "-. I O~i>I Agriculture I Recreation LL'g.r "^i Financial Services I FA[ T IH Aulomobiles Public Notices I aIUJIfll for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run your ad in several papers in 4 our newspaper network. ( Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one 4 daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1/2 inch S .- (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be S2.500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements Important Informar.on Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word "advertisement'. All ads accepted are subject to "credit approval. All ads must conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment, These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. :W tlonl -' 05 Car Pool -110 S.hare.a ride 115 ;,d pf .Thanks 120 SIn.emoriam' 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 Auction- 341+/- acres 4 great farms offered in 12 tracts. Mitchell County, GA., Saturday, October 14, 10am. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388, 10% buyers premium, GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.com. Auction- 789+/- acres Of- fered in 39 tracts, prime Cook County, GA real estate. Saturday, October 14, 10:00 a.m. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388, 10% buyer's premium, GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.com. AUCTION- Complete Operating 18 Hole Golf Course and 67 +/- Developed Residential Lots and Undeveloped Tracts. Saturday, October 28. Details: ironhorseauc- tion.com or (800)997-2248 NCAL#3936. GULF COAST Auction: Sat., Oct 14th (Shrimp Festival Weekend) houses, condos, on/off water. Lots, residen- tial, & commercial on/off wa- ter. Development tracts 20-40 +/- acres, AL 1932 www.targetauction.com Tar- get Auction (205)425-5454. LAND AUCTION* 200 Props Must be Sold! Low Down/E- Z Financing. Free Catalog (800)937-1603 www.LAND- AUCTION.com NRLL East, LLC Auction Bus. Li- cense:AB2509, Mark Bul- ziuk Auctioneer License:AU3448, Jeff John- ston Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3449, Stacey Mauk Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3447. -- a IB ORTONA CEMETERY On Hwy. 78. (2) plots. $1000/both. WIll sell sep. 863-763-4353 BLUE HEELER- young female, Call Evelyn Marcy at (863)655-2179 for informa- tion ELECTRIC DRILL- Found on Ft. Denaud Rd. Call (863)675-2491 to identify MOTHERS RING, VFW Post#10539 Wed. Sept. 13th. Please call to identify. (863)357-2895 Garage/ WHITE CAT W/BLACK markings. Large male. Approx. 6 mths. ago, Ft. Denaud Rd. Callto identify.863-675-2491 . IPOD NANO, Lost at Brahman Movie Theater on Sunday, Sept. 24th. Reward for re- turn. (863)634-9751 SUN CONURE, Orange & red with green tail feather, last seen 9/19, Four Seasons area. Wings not clipped. Dearly missed. (863)467-8871 FLORIDA CUR, Female, 5 mos. old, shots & wormed, needs room to run. To good home only. (863)902-0257 KITTENS 2 males left, 10 wks., 1 free adult calico fe- male. (863)763-2379 KITTENS, Free to good homes. They are beautiful!! (863)983-8560 KITTENS, To good home. Black & white. (863)763-8007 or 634-1207 PARROT small, talks, with cage, (863)983-6537 PUPPIES- Lab Mix (2) 6mos Sold, Free to good homes only (863)763-1370 FYARDI SALE LABELLE- Sat.Oct.7th, 8am-12pm. 691 BennettAve. Lots of Odds & Ends LaBelle 4785 Crescent Ave. SW Sat., Oct. 7th, 8am to ?? Clothes, baskets, household items & much more. MultiFamnily LABELLE-Frl & Sat, Oct 6th & 7th 7am-1pm, 1st Annual Community Yard Sale. 300-500 Hand Ave & 300-500 Carlatta Ave. Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items In the classlfelds. Uarg . MUSE, 1200 Summerall Road (Call for directions (863)675-6413) Sat. & Sun., Oct. 7th & 8th 8 a.m. to ??? Women's clothes, toys, etc. Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- D TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- tor.com. Join all the people who say, "I sold it n the clas- siffeds." : Mountain Waterfront Sale. Lakefront homesites & con- dos w/boat slips on beautiful Lake Chatuge in Western NC. Call now for Nov. 4 reserva- tion. (877)234-8850 x.102. What Destroys Relation- ships? Answer pg 446 Buy and Read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard Send $8.00 to: Hubbard Dianetics Foun- dation, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722. Employent Employment - FuI-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales .230 Advanced Water Technolo- gies looking for full time ser- vice tech/salt delivery. Drug free work place. Apply at 80 SE 31st Lane or call (863)357-1748 mf al ic - Seia N i I IPC AL PRO CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Power [rudck Moun 5yltem Rlko denia C iiil.Ti, iJto iad RW Ovvi, 2').pCcs> .tciemic LLircn'cJ and l lr[b l HANDYMAN REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE CG i:ob l or srnail or a .,rr i i' r', ,. .i,.,.(863) 675-7297 CAR RENTAL , starting at S39 95 QeUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. s Per Day 8 A U 1 E S DISTRi\, HousI e PadsIN DTnali, iln - C 'h ring-" Ill i irl Culverin. Sllo ,rk rShell rRk Tree Trimming & Removal eLaBelle, r *gDirnecd &ned*23873*4 ir I -OFF'ICE: (86 F : 67.5-8314 8SMnt,56Call Kelvin Townsend Cell@ (863) 673 3783 .) i HC1017 fSP H N T PREVATT Honest H U N T E R S CONSTRUCTION, INC Dependable Todd Prevatt f, TaEE SERVICE P. Box 202clearin FL33944 DiCing Tree Trimming Excavating' & Removal Grading SitePrpv SStump Grinding Licensed , Shaping & Topping ~ P&( Insured .' Mobile: 239-872-6734 863-675-0403 Direct:161*23873*4 LU.:er n5 d j Iniuro d **r Lic#P0O000062936 Fax: 863-675-0020 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving ca- reer today! Offering courses in CDL A. Low tuition feel Many payment options! No registration feel (866)889-0210 in- fo@americasdrivingacade- my.com. ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH TO HAUL FLOWERS? Class A Teams or Solos wanting to team. Home Weekly. Top Pa & Benefits. Call (800)428-0343. DATA ENTRY Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700, Driver- Now Hiring OTR & Lo- cal Drivers *Earn $4,000 in bonuses your 1st year * New Equipment *Premium Pay Package We Care About Our Drivers! (877)882-6537. DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. (800)940-2778, www.drive- forcrst.com. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the govern- ment PT No Experience. Call Todayll (800)488-2921 Ask for Department W21. EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Exp. Dozer & Backhoe opera- tors. Top Pay. 239-229-5846 Shop here frstl The classified ads ELECTRICIAN Maintain, re-wire conduits, pull wire, and minor control work in packing house. Req's min. 2 yrs. exp., on call time and out of state travel. 50+ hours during peak times. To apply, please fill out apple. at 80 E. Main St., Immokalee FIRST APPRAISAL Has the following positions available. OFFICE MANAGER Must be experienced in Outlook and Word DATA ENTRY/ BOOKKEEPER Email: flrstappraisal0l @earthllnknet or fax resume 863-675-1005 INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799. LAWN SERVICE Experience required Call (863)673-2242 MANUAL LABOR Seeking person for Manual labor position. Must have valid Driver's License and job references. Working days Mon-Sat. Apply in person at White's Furniture & Appliances, 863-675-0717, We have drivers projected to earn $56,000 this year! How much will YOU earn? How much will YOU earn? Home weekly HEARTLAND EX- PRESS (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com. One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad In the classi- flads. Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale In the classl- fleds and make your clean un a breeze S iNo ic BISpei mNaoi B Empoyen F u l -i m I l Emlymn Ful im 005 SUGAR CORPORATION TWO POSITIONS PAYLOADER OPERATOR Safely and efficiently operate heavy equipment (specifically pay loaders) Read, write and speak English as well as complete required paperwork. Communicate via radio with supervisors and boiler room operators. Ability to pass the Trades Operator Test Multi Craft Mechanic & Welder SMust be qualified as a Journeyman Mechanic and Journeyman Welder *Maintain agricultural and Industrial equipment Including cultivators, discs, tractors, bulldozers, backhoes, stationary pumps, and OTR equipment. *Perform engine, transmission, drive train, brakes, chassis, diagnosis and repairs on cane harvesting and industrial equipment *Must successfully complete the company TOST Test *Seven plus years of Industrial Plant Experience ABOUT US SUGAR CORPORATION United States Sugar Corporation located in Clewiston is one of America's largest diversified, privately held agribusiness firms. Employee owned and great benefits For Immediate consideration please Email Jdooley@ussugar.com FAX 863-902-2889 STOP IN at the Employment office on WC Owen Drive US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply (.MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 ~aub~c.Iu'p Mo'Fyii t Disply i vs'1 Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 I StO and Construction, Inc. I FREE ESTIMATES I Metal Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs Pole Barns Vinyl Siding Soffit & Facia Office (863) 675-7045 Ur 90:40j"011 .- L1 "'"V~.r ..r i - ~---------~--------- -;I--I-~-~~~~~ I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, October 5, 2006 14 igmlm ia iW Full Tie 'I'l LPFN orll i3r-nadmY ni LPN Ia. & [V CerI W .i, Ir. ourt lei I~ idcdle fig ama ER RNlM5sl a* ,. .t ii h ,' jri, o p.ACi PWALSN I Fa$IMrhMecBPmcha W-d fit Ph k + yi d 3A cip. htteav iiTsdiaryOr :uper>rv 3.1irns ACiS MIS ieQ Rilnia- bburm ffier 3 + r, op i y, l r, al oilr l.inc aricd oe ii .i pt r .i.TLU,-.T..ve r.pwp U8B9 .'dI .00L S',:hnrr,.Mn M icdit Mcddri bii .y ap Pa Diem- CNAarC.NiA hMorul Tedh Miu .si n j i. lihd C N .A Cen w 1 cip .i.y orloir i.+ii.Tr.l,'.in Full timne- IM TeduRclun b.ii :,iipbilr kIS. dA ,i e rpeen ,eaiuol M.i1 1.snes .- er wq Kn si ci w .i""Iii ln Mul f RNN I Maqur Speel Ce ICIA ACbS WsA prd ai av5yra s Ch .ic .w l i i.to ia e op FbI tiRme-isted Nurse Mhlu poai aj 3lid FL licei twilh l as 1~a .ri ip 'I n 3r ol t~ 1.u'ple Full timRmaeFr9yTherWaL CRT or RRK pieleired mr i min F 1r5 p r iduli anJ ynerjl p3lier caie BLS arid ACL are re. Full imw- Medal Tecdnologst BS De ee in Medical echriolog. aioiat :en or. elitgble foi i ce or SLule L leIt nic3l op in leil ir.trpreutlk'n. ~Qjullr iC.ona I jd insirt~TealIl manr Niogl ihil & rieQuires iwall & .eeernd ro3ani Full time- tHousekeeper Pre% cp in ripiul r o howt huMLef n b pret' Full time- HIM Receptionlst Must possess excellent communication skills. Basic computer skills and clerical exp are rea. Medical records exp pref. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Fre Workplace EOE SALES ASSOCIATE GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Brighton & Big Cypress Reservation Excellent Communication skills, good manual skills, cash handling experience. Positive customer service attitude. High School diploma or GED. Flexible working hours. Salary: based on exp. Fuel & food allowance, incentives. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401K) Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Brighton Reservation Min. 1 yr supervisory experience. Excellent communication & computer skills. Good leadership skills & positive attitude. Flexible hours, FL Drivers Lic. High School Diploma or GED. Exc. Benefits incl. medical, dental & 401K: Salary based on exp. Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 HEAD TEACHER BRIGHTON RESERVATION High SchoolDipldma & C.D.A. Creden- tials. 1 Year experience-with Preschool children. Ability to meet County & licens- ing agent requirements. Secure & main- tain CDL License with a "P" endorsement. Fax resume with certifications to (954)967-3477. FOOD SERVICE ASSOCIATE/COOK BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION Excellent communication skills. Good manual skills, cash handling experience. Exp. as a fast order cook preferred. Positive customer service attitude. High School Diploma or GED. Flexible working hours. Salary $9 per hour based on experience + fuel & food allowance, incentives. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401K) Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 SCHOOL BUS. DRIVER (BRIGHTON RESERVATION) The Seminole Tribe has opening for a Bus .Driver. High School diploma or GED equivalent. School bus driving exp. (+). Valid FL CDL Class B License "P" endorsement w/good driving record. Fax resume to: 954-967-3477 STORE MANAGER Gas/Convenience Store : Big Cypress Reservation High School Diploma, Associates Degree preferred. Minimum of 1 year retail experience. Excellent communication skills. 2 years supervisory/management experience. Flexible hours, FL driver's license. Pay based on experience, with benefits. Fax resume to 954-967-3477 Full Time Fish & Wildlife Technician Moore Haven, Glades County Responsible for daily land management activities creek clearing, large acreage mowing, roller chopping, herbicide spraying, prescribe burns. Able to operate, maintain, and do minor repairs- farm equipment, excavator, loader, swamp buggies, ATV's. Class A CDL license is required within 60 days of hire, minimum of 1-3 years experience, and lives within 30 mile radius of Wildlife Management Area. Apply online before October 11th, ittps://peopleflrst.nlyflorida.com EpIoyment Full Tim Employment Ful Time ACCOUNTING Position available, must have a 2 or 4 year degree in accounting or related field, good computer and communication skills a plus.- Benefits Available. Fax resume to (863)763-6169 or Apply at: Syfrett Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street Okeechobee. FARM MECHANIC Must have experience in gasoline/diesel engine and farm equipment repair. Work 55 hours per week. Monday-Saturday. Immokalee area. Call Lynn at 239-657-3694 PAYROLL SUPERVISOR -Immokalee. FL - Assist in the hands-on pro- cessing and oversee.of all aspects of weekly payroll process of 3000+ employ- ees; garnishment process- ing; assist in quarterly/ annual tax preparation. Three years experience including general ledger and payroll taxes; supervisory experience and FPC preferred, unquestionable in- tegrity; exceptional confiden- tiality, strong work ethic, Excel skills and ability to meet constant deadlines a must. Hourly with benefits. miimenezasixls.com or fax 239-657-9764 JOB OPENINGS Phlebotomisl/ Data Entry Clerk needed for laboratory in large medical ci HS diplo- ma or GED req Compuier skills & exp in phlebotomy req Bilinigual skills a Plus. Custodian & Housekeeper needed for busy health cen- ter. F/T work. EAp pret but will train honest, nard-work- ing individuals Excellent beneti ipkg Call Human Resources Depl [or application at 658-3020 Fax resume 658-3078 CARPENTER/REFURBISHER of furniture needed to re-glue dining chairs in your shop. Pis. call 863-675-1132 Financial miI ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for- $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! GOLF BUSINESS Play Lots of golf and play better, tourna- ments played in US and World Raise Money for charities Earn awesome in- come www.SGSPresenta- tions.com (800)861-9456 24/7 NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. VENDING ROUTE: All Snacks/Candies, Drinks, En- ergy Drinks Too! All Brands. All Sizes. Great Equipment. Great Support. Financing Available with $7,500 down. Tom: (877)843-8726 AIN #B02002-037. I Buy Mortgage Notes. Find out how to convert your local monthly payments to a large lump sum of cash. Old Note Quote. Call Today! (305)387-6780. REFINANCE/PURCHASE ANY CREDIT YOU are our Priority Bankruptcy, turndowns, stop foreclosures Residential/In- vestors/Commercial We get the job done "The Right Way" Call us Direct Lending Part- ners (866)574-7216. Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cassful people REFINANCING REPORT. WHAT 8ANKS DO0 NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW' Tam- pa Relinancing your nouse is one ol tie most important financial steps you will lae Do nol make needless mis- takes thal will coi vou thiu- sands of dollars and lie up your cash lilw and wedlli lor yeasi to ome Find iul Ine TRUTH Ijl banks and brokers do not wanl you o1 know Call our aulomared 241 hour loll Iree line ai 1-800-775-5577 to hejr a tree recorded message an] we will send you Ine FREE REPORT Ioday inai may save your financial tulure In. veitols welcome Services ~II I Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical 8ervices435 CARPET UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential, Commercial iat... TV & Boats Call 863 675-7297 Se Habla Espanol AFFORDABLE CLEANING Office or Home Low prices-7 days/week Dependable & Reliable (863)673-3662 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, tutoring. Win.95,98, 2000. ME, XR licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 ALL OCCASION DJ Music for everyone Light show available Call 863 673-0065 Se Habla Espanol SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contactthe Transportation Dept. at 863-674-4115 or CherylJameson at jamesonc@ hendry.k 12.fl.us NEED A LAWYER? Protect Your Rights Now! Criminal... Personal Injury... Bankrupt- cy... Divorce.. Labor Law.. Hurt.. Harassed.. Immigra- tion... Wills. ALL LEGAL MATTERS A-A-A Attorney Referral Service Private Trial Lawyers Statewide 24 Hours (800)733-5342. PIANO TUNING **** ******* ***** Concert Experience 35 Years (863)675-2596 WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS Copper & Brass. Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760, 257-0879 Higgin's Tree Service 25 years experience. Free estimates. Lic. & insured. Call 863-675-3955. Merchandise IIN.. 0 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Colectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700. Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 WINDOW UNIT, Maytag, 10,000 BTU, used 2 sea- son2 ,20 18631l;5-10i98 ANTIQUE BREAKFRONT- mi. logadny, beaCduiul coniiillon, $500 or best offer (863)467-6805 COFFIN, with fully wired skele- ton.$1000 (863)675-4981 DRYER, Whirlpool, great con- dition, runs fine, $75. 863-234-1306. , REFRIGERATOR, Amana side by side, white, water & ice in door, $200. (863)467-9744 REFRIGERATOR- small, per- fect for RV, brand new, $100 (239)324-2115 REFRIGERATOR- Whirlpool, Equipped w/ice maker. Runs great.$80. (863)467-4328 STOVE- Light base, Self clean- ing. Good condition $75. (863)228-2351 UPRIGHT FREEZER almond color, 28"w X 25" deepX34" wide. $75. 863-697-9979 in Labelle. UPRIGHT FREEZER- Frigidaire 27 cu ft, like brand new, $500 or best offer (863)467-1232 WASHER & DRYER- GE Super capacity, brand new, $500 (863)675-6370 WASHERS & DRYERS STACK UNITS $95 & up, Up to 1 yr warranty REFRIGERATORS & STOVES (239)694-0778 BOYS 26" Good condition. $35. 863-675-8760 LADIES BIKE, 26", excellent condition. $50 (863)763-3497 RALEIGH, Mens 10 speed, race style, excellent condi- tion. $75 (856)358-8625 SCHWINN, 1970s Stingray, with Schwinn tires, excellent banana seat, good original cond. $140 (856)358-8625 METAL BUILDING- 30'x30', Never used. $6450. 863)946-3282 or 54-605-4300 STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals. Save $$$. 40 x 60' to 100 x 200'. Ex: 50 x 100 x 12' = $3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885. ROOF PANELS 4' wide, 3" in- sulation inside, 38' long. (4) can cut to size. $1800/all, will sell separate. 863-763-5011 SALE- CRUSHED STONE #57, Great for driveways, Call Dillys Enterprises of La- Belle (239)825-4251 CRADLE SWING, Fisher Price, like new, $70. (863)673-3662 HATS, Stetson. $25 (863)634-5914 -WESTERN BOOTS, Leather Justin, size 11. $25 (863)634-5914 COMPUTER DESK- large, with adjustable height, good con- dition $50 or best offer (561)676-0427 LAPTOP Dell Inspiron 3500, Penoum II. 386 mnz proces- sor. 128 mb ram. $150. (863)675-2136 SCANNER- UMAX Astra 1220S, All hardware. Ex.ra software, Pent I or II. $25. 1863)675-1970 Lv rrsg WEB TV- computer w/2 key- boards. $75 (863)902-0257 OUEEN COMFORTER. 2 Snams. Dea sikir.l malcn. sheets & pillow cases $50 863-467-8681 L^^^^^ BED- Queen size. Win nead- board. Like new $200 18631675-0957 BEDS, Single iseel Irames & new matirrss. 125/set LoCkers $20 239)657-5355 BOYS BUNK BEO- while, met- al, matrsses. 2 sel of lin- ens $200 1863)1467-4449 BR SUITE- 45+ yrs old solid cherrv cnesl, dresser mir- ror nile sand, e BUNK BEDS- Like new. $150 1863)634-7318 BUNK BEDS- Wooden Desk & drawers atachred. $50 or bestorter (8631634-3651 CHAIR & OTTOMAN Italian leaner $200 18631946-3265 COUCHES (2) grey w/wnt. Showers. Good condo. $250/ooin, will sell seperale 863-357-1352 CRIB/YOUTH BED w/dresser, wnocd Irame $200'oest oi- ler. 0863i675-0800 or 863-571-1133 Iv. msg. Daybed/Trundle, wht.metal, Rattan swivel cnrs (2), sm wicker dhest, Ir lamp $350 Will sell sep. 863-763-8011 DINETTE SET- Table W'2 leaves, 6 Capi cnairs. solid wood, good condo. $150 neg (863)634-5095 DINETTE SET, wnitewasri ral- Ian. 45" round glass lop with 4 chairs, $75 1863)234-1306 DINING ROOM SET 6 cane * back chrs, china cab., 2 leaves, teak/brass. $450, Negot. 863-357-1352 " DINING ROOM SET, Seats 8, with 6 chairs. $100 (863)357-1430 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Colonial pine, for 65" TV.or smaller, $500 (863)983-5364-. FUTON STYLE bunk bed, fold down couch w/mattress on bottom, twin on top, blue, $60.863-532-9182. GLASS TABLE TOP, Pier 1, non-tempered 30" round & 1/2" thick, use for small table. $35 firm. (863)467-5877 KING SIZE BED- Oriental, 4 poster. Solid wood. Good con- dition. $800. (863)946-3265 KING SIZE HEAD BOARD- wooden, ornate, excellent condition, includes bed rame $300 b86J1357-2555 LARGE MIRROR- 28x46, leaf design, like new, $45 .(863)610-1276 LOVESEAT, 60", dual recliner, brown/navy plaid. $95 (863)612-9831 MISC. FURNITURE Recliner- RockerTable w/4 chrs., Mar- ble top coffee tbl., $125/all, will sell sep. 863-763-8828 RECLINER, Rocker, blue, good condition. $100 (863)357-5754 ROCKER/RECLINERS, (2), w/footstools, beige, exc. cond., never used, $125 for both. (863)634-7359 ROCKING CHAIRS- wooden, $50 for both or will separate (863)675-3944 La Belle SLEEPER SOFA- Queen size, light brown, very good cond. $150 neg (863)634-5095 SOFA, 92", Queen sleeper, white. $95 (863)612-9831 TWO MAUVE CHAIRS Recliners. Lg. wall mirror, 40"x47". $220/all, will sell separate. 863-983-7996 VINYL HASSOCK- brown, &1 beige storage ottoman $12 for both will sep (863)467-8681 AMMO type 223 Rem, 200 rounds clipd, $50/will divide. Call Ross, 863-983-8661. MAG For Ruger Minil4, 40 round steel Federal, not used, $60. Ask for Ross (863)983-8661 NYLON 66-22 & SURVIVAL 22 Semi auto, $400/all, will sell separate. 863-467-9892 Okee RIFLE, Thompson Center, 36 cal., as new, in box, uses #11 percussion caps. $300 (863)697-9616 RUGER 22 250 LAMINATED bull barrel, scope, & case. Exc.cond. $800. 357-5754 DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE m 4l' FINDERS 202 E Sugadd Hwy. Ac.ros eo CesistM.n .0 (863) 902-9494 AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid training lor nigh paying Avia- tion Career. FAA predicts se vere snoriage Financial aid if quality Job placement as- sistance CALL AIM 1888j349-5387. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE Irom Home 'Medical, 'Business, 'Paralegal. 'Computers 'Criminal Jus- ice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer provided Financial Aid it qualified Call (866)858-2121 www onli- neTidewaterTech.com. CELL PHONE, NOKIA 5165 wiln charger car charger, booklel, works, $25 Call 863-763-0625 DISH NETWORK FREE 4 Rooms' Over 240 Cnannels' FREE iPod Snullle' FREE Movie Cnannels' FREE DVR' FREE HD Upgrade' Call Nowi (800)318-4039 DIVORCES275-S350'COVERS children, elc Only one signa- lure required' 'Excludes govt. lees, Call weekdays 18001462-2000. evt 600 (8am-6pmi Alta Divorce LLC Estabiired .1977. EPIPHONE 330 GUITAR- Semi Hollow Dody. Classic. $600 1863)467-9402 FAX FILM CARTRIDGES (2). For Brothers, PC 201 & PC 301. $29.90 for both or will separate i863)467-it484 GAS CYLINDER, 10010.. 1/3 lull. 1 year old. 575 neg (863)763-i892 GLASS DISPLAY CASES 1 brown, 1 white. Glass front, glass shelves. good cond. $50,Dolh.wll sep 697-9979 Kirby Gen.3 vacuum w/tech drive, (5) wood posts 10' long. 52" ceiling lan. $400/all, willsep,763-501-1 ULTRA-FLAME S/S GRILL Like new, ex.ra large 4 ournier + side burner. $375. 863-675-4409 WATER TANK- 800 gal $50 Firm (863)467-2292 CUSTOM.BUILT GUITAR CABINET- 77"T x 42"W, 2 solid doors & shelf, $350 or bestoffer(561)633-1371 GUITAR- Fender Nashville Telecaster Deluxe, exc cond., tweed hard case, $450 (863)763-8667 HAMMOND ORGAN upright, blk. shiny finish i/,bencnh Antique. $50 or best offer. 863-983-8131 PIANO w/bench $100 or best offer (863)675-3659 YAMAHA PORTATONE PSR 22 KEYBOARD, with stand $200. (302)492-3308 PetsSupleie 0 I BOA 4!- with cage, $100 - (863)634-7109 BOA CONSTRICTOR- 5', $100. Firm (863)801-3622 or 801-3877 Catahula Leopard Hound Pups, 2 tri colored males, 8 wks. old, 1st shots, vet ck'd, $200 sell sep. (561)575-1790 CHIHUAHUA- (2) black, 1 male, 1 female, $400 for both will sell sep. To good homes only (863)675-7092 CHIHUAHUA- male, 2yrs old, potty trained, tan color, $200 (863)824-8749 DOG CRATE, for the back of truck, 4x4 Diamond Plate. $350(863)673-1464 DOG KENNEL- 10x10x6, Like new, Pd. $238. Asking $150. or best offer. (863)467-0354 DOVES (13), $75 for all or will separate. (863)675-4981 FISH AQUARIUM- 35 gal w/stand $35 (239)503-6458 FISH AQUARIUM- 75 gal w/stand & accessories $150 (239)503-6458 FISH AQUARIUM- Executive quality, 200 gallon w/oak base, filters, etc $900 (239)410-3784 GOLDEN RETRIEVERS PUPS- AKC, Ready 10/2, Health cert., Wormed, 1st shots. $600. (863)241-3162 PUPPIES, Boxer/American Pit Bull Mix; 6 weeks old. $100 each. (863)467-6143 TURKEYS- Bourbon Red breeding pair Turkeys. $30. Firm. (863)801-3622 or 801-3877 YORKSHIRE TERRIER, AKC Available for Stud Services. Please call (863)675-1410 Job information 02251 NEW COIN COLLECTOR wanl- ing to add 10 my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 OLD FLORIDA ART- pjriill.iQ, pics, and drawings, a Older Firearms. Win Wtv:. piii"i1 (561)281-4-1153 OLD USED GRAVELY MOW- ERS. CALL (863)467-2446 WANTED: FLORIDA ART A E. Backus. J Hulchinsoir H. H.ewlorn G Bucki-ier E. .Buciner. L.Roberis A Hair; RA McClendon. S flewori, BIG l$ (772i562-556 Agriculture -- ---_ - Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm FeedProducts 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 FORD 3000 TRACTOR Runs good, $4800 Negotiable. 63-763-4149/561-758-4337 HITCH BAR 3 POINT- with ad- justable bar, $50 or best of- fer (863)634-7765 APALOOSA MARE 3yrs, great w/kids. Well mannered. No bad habits, $2K Neg. 863-805-8769/599-9477 BEAUTIFUL 4YR. OLD PAINT Very sweet & lovable. Trims & loads, bath/clips. Exc. Exp. rid- er pref. $1500.863-467-7123 BELGIAN MARE-16.2 hands 1800 Ibs, asking $1500, child gentle, easy keeper (863)983-8646 CHEROKEE, 15.2 hands, Reg. Gentle disposition. Neg. Cog- gins/UTD vacs., Exp. rider $1500. 863-467-4049 DOC BAR MARE- Born in '96- '97, $1000. (863)467-1617 FILLY- lyo, Belgian Cross, sorrel, $600 to a good home only (863)675-0247 La Belle GELDING, 13 yrs. old, gray, very fast, used on barrels & worked cows, exc. manners, $2500. (863)673-5058 GERMAN WESTFALEN- Warm blood, XTB colt, 7 mo. Super sweet, Jumper dressage. $2500. (863)357-JUMP Junior Western Saddle, Pro- fessional Line, Saddle King, Ozark leather, handcrafted, $300. (863)763-6507 MARE Quarterhorse, 4 yrs., green broke, needs good home. $500.239-707-5423 Call Sharon in Labelle area REG BREEDING STOCK PAINT MARE- 4yo, exc cutting bloodlines, super easy keep- er $2500 (863)801-9188 Job~~hr* each unit alarmed, area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV & trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. Employmen Porses 084i~a LADIES RING, European cut diamonds, white gold, .30 ctw. Will sacrifice at $400 (863)634-9620 Okee area LADIES RING, European cut diamonds, white gold, 1/4 ctw. $200 (863)634-9620 Okee- chobeearea CEILING FANS (2), Hunter. USA made w/light kit. Cost $125 each, asking $70 for both, will sep. (561)633-1371 FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE METERI Am-Med Quality Diabelic Supplies POWER CHAIR, Meritis, Holds up to 350 Ibs New battery &. tires. Pd. $7.598. Now $600 or best offer (239)324-2115 SCOOTER, Electric, perteci condition used very imnle. * charger & instructions, can de- liver. $1250 (863)634-6491 Miclaeos05 2006 MODEL BLOWOUTI! Warehouse Clearance Sale on the New Kayak Pool. SAVE $ thousands on select- ed models limited supply! FREE ESTIMATES Easy Fi- nance Fast Installation. Call (866)348-7560 www.kay- akpoolsflorida.com. COMPOUND BOW, Jennings Uni-tech XLR, 70 Ib draw & 29" draw. Pd. $450, asking $230. (863)635-0079 LADDER STANDS (2 MAN) 12' new, still in box. $85 1863)467-6818 9am-7pm LARGE MOUTH BASS- 20lbt + wall rmount. fiberglass replica nand palmed, looks sharp $145 8631610-1276 POOL TABLE Imperial Sharp- shooter, 4 < 8', regulation. slate, good cond, w/access. $600.(863)634-2812 SELF CLIMBING TREE STAND $125. 863-467-6818 FOSTEX 24 CHANNEL DIGI- TAL stereo recorder. Built in CD burner. : $800. 863-467-9402 SUB WOOFERS 12) 10" Mem- prus in porled box, $260, Desi oiter Call (863)634-64b6 HD PROJ TV. 55" asking .$00 or best oher(8631983-536- RCA 27 COLOR V 2vrt Old $100 863-983-;996 GENERATOR 4000- Coleman Runs good. $3001) orl ul- lei (863)801-3622 GENERATOR. Pourtr CarUle 5,500 wajll 2 years used IwiCie $550 (8631241-1793 MIG WELDER- Snap-on. 300 amp. W/alum spool gun 2 lar3i. w/lloWn mrs. plasma culners $220 1863i16-A9;I-O PORTABLE Air Compressor 2np, Speedair industrial mod. el worls good i1-45 Firm 863-763-6629 VALVE MACHINE 8Iack & Decker, good cond. wtoiiols Scabiner Fofrein dome il,: deiel. $i2K. 863-805-8769 WantedToBuy07 forwrader FREE On Unes Service Buy- O t Trade 863-467-1304 www.okeechobee-horse-trader.com Serving The Greater Lake Okeechobee Area RED ROAN APPALOOSA, SGelding, 6 years. $900. or " best offer. (863)763-2379 TB GELDING, 18 yrs, Beautiful Bay. 17 hand. exp rider. weslirnienglish grea. horse. 51500(86b3);63-6220 MOWER DECKS, 2 38" wide, $60. Call (863)532-9182. RIDING MOWER- 8hp Snap- per, very good cond., w/bag- .ger, $550 (863)675-0247 LaBelle area Okeechobee Livestock MarketSales Every Mond)y-12pm&every Tuje ay-l arn. 763-3127 Love the earth Recycle your used Items by sell- Ing them in the classl- fleds. BIG PLANT SALE Sal. & Sun. Hwy. 720 (Muse Rd.) Follow signs. All palm trees, exotics, plants of plenty. Cheap, good prices. We got what you want. Developers & landscapers welcome. (863)673-2931 or (9541818-7757 CITRUS TREES OF ALL VARIETIES: Call 863-675-29'78/86i3-447-12913 Lie. #47219283 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 ONE BEDROOM one bath, omnriuniiv pool, water/cbl., 3P, lurrniriel. niwly emird- l1 i, ide I lor 2 nprii rle no pets. .i7;Ormo 863-612-5037 LUXURY CONDO. 2br lullv fur. nishec, ho pi ri o I, irul , Lease Sec & ref; $850. mo + until. WRG 863-675-0779 BEAUTIFUL 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba. Manufactured Home, wheel chair accessible, 2 car garage. Near Glades West Elementary. No pets. Non Smk. Env. Good ref's& sec. dep. req'd. Rent Unfurnished $1100 mo. or Furnished $1200 mo. Margaret Barber Real Estate. (863)675-5968 LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, 5 mi. S. of Labelle, $215 per week & 1st, last & security. (863)328-0002 LABELLE, 4br/1.5ba, avail. Oct. 1, with pool, $1600 mo. (863)673-0081 OKEECHOBEE- brand new 3/2 + Bonus room, deluxe interi- or, Avail immediately, $1300/mo (561)307-2502 PORT LABELLE, 2br/1ba, avail Oct. 1, $900 mo. (863)673-0081 PORT LABELLE- 3/2, 1 car garage, $950/mo, (239)572-2970 or(239)649-8892 PORT LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, new, 1 mile from the high school, $1400 mo. + $1,000 sec. dep. For more details call (863)673-0846 How do you find a job In today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sileds FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, helk wil rind~luel U~aiwr not dW~w! ft mob Wi Q! 00ll RNMEbW1111111101-2HP GOD St.P bm%7p.,ele hm W Of MW ~JPO 1 9& %are. n Is la Me], l SIDI: course. Comp.l:eaefayl irkc flIShl $170,000Q1 Galin l85gI60OaiTa haM H T 3 M Obwm twit. NWt Courinhiosse 4. mUam To Amerm 2IM v r AmuaIl Mmoae MWkE kEHRT Famy Iiqui- talmOr Sale& 2.006. odels Mbst Go', M rfljr. ltohle & sm-'r Ktames. 0-% ROW4h When Ybu Own Your wni La-d)'1: 9a,11 auf fFacimew far PRlE E aBl'Ir llviaclueE elauir, Mamie& Sbtilt lHam, 0%, BUDWN'*henm 1i own, your laa. hCall, r &QE f. ,a'o r lhrmohbras, cG0ool6~22832. PW L kaBBk4/2' Upgdes .iajrjrp, Li Poams, Lg. Ya' Rear Soamoo. Pce'ro sell. 18i4k. rltnnuakLeaso $i800. 0une63a-671507N SEEKING QUALITY L-66 Ogiffat W 11aeIrIllif og aO Names Ike& ffewkrW to Ymn~ Ama~t. RVWW Taft-intt ry,, brgh CrGnaonisslfrs, PMr bearY 8fM46--3t16 w, at. a LI! im me r ; (y - & NW pmrttr~am It FrA OWLt. $8%9W =owar fmc $M =PNIMn ~~-6~ Fbri&~ s~r in~R ir ke-pW1111- IImbnlff Igf ACIlE StMmno iUl hi qmim vim aIreabslanldng sen wa. mo! Smw Mitimpfill fbr sautepauL Brlq SMANit * ISNEHEWL PK U BhaaM R- taking m. jatait m & P 15 Iparcatin& I'a mw f('wii flief NO"ure20inl. n1 corrr-aia4E ridae -' REiL s1ral1E.~ i Tr l 5 no tu L~BIICI UUIlUU, EANUa TiInMI~L P EICEar Rle mom Cdft .7ammini go m, W f&~~n~~n LAKEe CGEML-Al~aas~o~ gala Coll M-4 mall nift & mat mam cue miatt~ &I ck offek mukal. Oak UOS ad a caf tar~e 3 rmSWO6 24P AW~. mn ,12 mwmD 2 aIn AFRTf ENTSn-a~Is IN LAIWJLW Al. .akacs New safety schedule Fireanmssafetycmasses-wics tibe each Saturday at 10 am, -begmg Omd 21. The class s required for those pasois wishiq to use ffe iSheffs .n Ra e fao target practice or seeOtWap soot- ing.Clasieswainot!beheldonOct. 6 or Oct. 14 and the range w B be ckosedfromOct 14-20. Benefit for Muse firefigter A benefit is being planned for 30-year-old firefihter and cancer victim Frank Ryder of Muse by the Muse Vokmteer Feie Dept He is. currently taking radiation treat- ment. The dinnerwilbe heldatlhe Muse Comnmurty Association, 25895 Lbloy Bay Road,from 5-8 p.m. Monday, Oct 9. Spaghetti and meatW,, Itali sausage Sgaic bread ad tea for $7.50 per pate fr tidiefs cdal 673-'2t or 675- Gades R toemiet Tie Gedes oatyt C i iRep*&=a Execumse teC mitee wir BaI a licm at 630 p.m. All are enwaour- aged to attend. I you have any questions or need directions, call 863-673-0452. Lost ow HCSO has found a lost cow in tihe LaBete area. If you have Mst a cow, please caBl the Ag~ricaulrat Crimes Unit at 7-I630. Grant awarded toSalvationArmy Salsvation Army Human Ser- vces Coordinator Debbieie. ~aemi- deir annotiHMces a Criallenge Ghain Award o $2,500 Ioom United Chrs- tian, Givig, ths. for its prison min- istry The funds hetp. with the needs of released prisoners, such as catbkw, bmaB pwMta bws ti^- used to Ihelp with providing BisoLas to in, mates anid Clarismas to inmate fales. th order to receive the grant, the local Salvation Army Unit must raie the same amiou. .of new money. For mote ifonmmidainorr if you would ike to contribute ftan- cial support, please: ca 863-674- 1441 or send' a. check p table to LaBelie Salvation Army, PO Box 2 IS, aBelle, Fi-lrida 339'75. Worship enter plans revival The Community Harvest Wor- sip Center revival is Sunday, Oct. 8-Frdaay, OhrL 113 wvldba day servces 111 aIm. asnd 6 m; Theve v ab t an a 0 imkmo Ph for the sick mrsdig4 Eveymie- wvl For irnfoornallfti aml Pasb1W Hc"'vard at 6VS~6M2 at673MMI6 CornuRnunihv 1Htest is Qanthecre- tier off Oran ge SR. a~d Hvw3. 29 across from the rmdeo grourlrds. COEICOwad'anga fundraiser Cc:irtrj Oaks Eiertentlay, Fo:unt ri. Annual Cwadcu g tundaise r wil fbe.Thusday, ctW.. 1,. st-tning at. 4 pn.m ThiT COWc wges int the pent atS pSpin Remembet. if the caw leaves a 'on adbina?' an yurpibtyauwfflwkSI OW$ ,~lfL'lck- eks orc~li~ s cm to & O weto pw wamtjoarwaawas ' aOSW bravdmgalls.ad aftm OW& ~i ~ ODAMuSY Wfx aind 00" mm mal ots~ri~ spakm on tt~rzm Sennoe Ipus, mereis!ra O Innw.oswlestw A qlpte prarmrrqr war was kngM. ii mw o%-.n Back-aeds. and~j~ at m b- poktn gua,U~ ffibters; fteed M* U~4~ n.. S. vAll speak m th 1wrmnole. V&Lq Am e mia,~ s. b L~es, Cu~sdiest kadianE~r mnlicm o iursdy .Oct 5 ,alt 7 pm.rnL at te La,&-le City Haiti fmu membnnl eof the LaBelleHem,-rut open to &ephk T -5wamm is open Thmsday aand %dqy ZI-5 pmLFF~~F ~, sw lp I ploppor fm NFelamd He* Dw,& &he 0& IO amsj~b~tbapc]et a%r te pmeraft B&1 Ip~aS a swd Wkh. Bemw he" ib PuU MjPVD~p~ 8614754= eam 11~~aa~pn vmaeahs9@admm fm dledim o addetml&~ if you, a deceased spouse or parent suffered from any of the fo lowing ailments on or before November 21, 1996 and were advised by a treating doctor that the condition was a result of cigarette smoking, you may be eligible to fie a Lawsuit against big tobacco. * Lung Cancer Esophageal Cancer * Kidney Cancer Laryngeal Cancer * Bladder Cancer Pancreatic Cancer * Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) * Oral Cavity/Tongue Cancer Call Reming & Associates toH free at 1-800940-3365 for more information. - M.eb IA. is kermi t buapi* pd am ak T M1I X S a~d baSdbt expeuid wm khoo* ~wts a. S, Fkemmg &AssociatesLLP 1330MPost mOak .d Sue 303D mmmtnnm TX Tfoisiaod Tie urs ot a bwM is i i fWW de:i.:t sk:;:Et:bel; .so* UM s werui n Before you &(dcie, #A usp to %W ympo fmee wift eWmmft &d m W e~ ~~i~~Edm wd We ace.iena~ Read Together, lorida Sttewide Reading Event Odober 2006 Read the book. Play The Zero Game online. Compete in on essay corNest for college sclroisips (hoh school students. Register online for o dara %ifg to win arip 'o shingto, DC. 6, waingtimmutmd Rehd To*-ier, FPorid& mc; rg -odnq :brnndr i-az'ael by Mr d ouer q a6&A FOUNDATION Managw o Om C overnor's P rAy kkem*W bafmive We Buy Loas 11111m W ha 4 siialle. Eil. nTdr. O ar* I wa & nmEIl mJ. i f 7 s imn o gan $_Mw lb% W" vIt afta mmt~es fthLand it tir: '4923g-22R-2T4 VNIRnag iaWa M 1 mfiW [!!1d ac~obbossa~mAol"t.U~n $$ L'S1 PI I $ U*Ark~edvAi rnAW TVETMLM t W I -Iq S3Mf mn.- [Ora 1%Mm (954)2 715 er* ~~s a f-5fMcr. i o"tg" 'I~BaY~~~B$l~ll nB ono(954 97-7595 EUB. X 9- 4n dn EUR1- MiQTdW. M Ii12dfNeffot (W7fi hwnr L1V Txwxtrfl. j(bay RR~i1UiB~Bo bira afp lf 1tr8rA ?9 7 exct r tllm tirtI1 Mmrrt;fa l lp W r uj-W 9 i w a w S 1 1 Erlancrn Armrttm QM E Iiaiee fliilt-m m t INf WW ffime- y"I91, Ta &R, w k amlit Goo tt n~omniw'~jMmms~ se 5JsliTi (8Yc~0r Rwi~7-BdJ hui~~2ff I vin~rdrt m~JI Ilrr-.. l it~~mee ~ l I t4WS., flQ. w12Low 4. SlliTf in' fluut mr parraohr s r (f M E SM Rr 1c MIR IF Il1Y1. 1QFV [IIMl m.-M 9defti i corn T&ua fs rr/ it f y HW I 9re ?M IAnP lb w t err og "r- I. uru CUE) slum faq. urn -r,wa %m wm qM I.. (a s~arrtrjg M.J RiL lJ. Nfw mit9 00Z-11 rom feanw frorrt raEntr. 11111Ttllf, Drr aduwi I at. 1*2IazP z G i mI.. 7ilr nuWMnsOWIr rhornitwarwma Mrie pi lO 1W4QM oaQ15r MmMnMRQUJS'I- 4iFf& Gimi*tli cR waft W nv s If1.11911 1111UnoneRNww *M Vihd oonm 1111t;'ow a umoLv: im L o tdaioS R *ff mi ll 3 ftmw at vietwa am m rr11irg M11% ~in, i futtil~wll Eufl1UIIui'lWJffisBI- 1 9Bri. A I W cawtar1 2t a'of t"'. MU.Inuagibim im- D3~1& 8P)LY11OC. Lu*, fl~urS GrO% GWrislmae M%-' 61111WR~ 5 1 M8 TAR E-. FeR id ; RWa/ rn ra 81 71qQrsj A~lI 11101*1IM103S8rm KafrR1 Li M ga d~ab~rir ~aoI~agj~I @nyi' tin. 1' awrrb~~0l rtihrv&. WiIgj'~09~2 ~ J8t l ctM'U. l N~GI~rV~IPIC W5~Nj i bll ~ t UI~E~t W]Ai$ 5i ionj otoa reL.I.rRWdMfl-lJ; iufta 99-4 125(119ft Q lariiawaiah/a~si ~ erlel 31BIi i a. L~~. rIIFen-o Ir ~r hillY rlrrfej. nhty rsnil dil wrlel araak flrtoln~ row wPoI ~K nsvlr jj UQ~f~fFY1~~.a~ I 1Ti~Its 111111GNhlflfl1We Gat~Olalfirigs, ; mortmam WM Lvias a MMM r ILM Pbale on 110ftm. or, ftitha twam llpffi mrm~e~r~.ufm rrm~ HEEl f tars. alm.wsrnwr M v IQ. w. wme SITN rIM ilufed inlCar ~ u lerfow.t11SR. W. tG iaw i OT o m 910:1T. ; mu. vr.~o~l W W M eua. ~ wts Mut la~ ers& L ~oa 1~47-2~ bSt1f~ 8&i4-5~ &ao a3.g~i fA4 au1 Waft (111111111111111111hg W$amerZ spill ea stu ci 863.679alrl; nft % Im mola' Nee4.WIlans maolL3I'flafls.. E T 3OsroW o &,,aIi a~nIfaMA*WPD. 1t Lifl?74ir. Vb (IT,71M, maip EL& RY' S 11 hrrr 8 VI. 3 fta IOD m atOA~~.ci. af2&-, inaM. leu, SM _011,'Bilft 10 f MiV MIlIar~stbmneniUvaJ el& 'fimn I ftr~mvs;n AUIUIBlg F~LUUII E~cereri p3158~6~I '3tinr.cW L'.5\l Qf~m U 101i3198-a5110 w I I NdN= MWMWK MK. ljffiM4FZ4* ,Z "Wrn rrmrbam atnpmin;l eVelA~Ro eiis~i~n Psiblo r~fnketrO. Iti4lit8tlr: Ii~ I'g~'I~h~~yc~c Dt~_hTB lriab3-011 mes. s~lsz~s;noa.~smaer~~r C hiiu~en~larvirmurti-tv W, M UMAL-1 9=1 G-11101L. '71 Pea MEW,=$ U..,mi~l' Isll~~~S~UT ILB~rlPP e Vva Off" iffDIr Noj" ILHBE,05 I& RASmw'. ami. Is. IRJQVaualaiat0 woj. = MA~ r Det OV,. 6jm wn 3troil new. Mt I8B~W~UIEi nnwlarre loditrrran.QI Clv waer& sw- d''r l~F61.62~ 0 f9-St mg gYI iINllflttAX ) R~~P Difft... ri elmairam mmrrnain'tg fS armf taW : zBuq~rrn o s-iin l. auPB~IIUI-~IPI~RehIn. U.OONUI~ 'IS ein build: eosm. t U 000'BIP(I1~& I ,& WYfiJ~fJAIN1gAUL TIMPNW r6m.-i I ___ IL___________ W1 v.8 au mct, w.i q ibl E wIor MIWalla : szkI Ceor ig wilt;-'ra nruft gmA 1=ffirgaa WE 93 HIMar nv~~tr~F ttm mt- a~lBItt~. li ~I~ N as-,p'in Ru7WDOr iN81 TVA MUIS W531QC- Lw nu-,Gea.Drs5nGRY%1 8-427V8, 6lv3-Z11 ~ o52Qff fBWl 1AN 41VM RM nomesall puroneemw t Z 10 1 V1 Uy-is 39c i 5. wI aitsM$/ u- y. 'bDAN N DU 1 $59NInGI(Y1 al, 1%*01j( M,M DW tRIJP51$ -4O. k(4 limw.% 'm'wi ..suini ndw CFLM RIREe RESCEnea IRE '86m7Ei 3 'ui ; Wily. tbruL.irai urif y I, itear. a 1-cr w.rems, aaIuhI I ANI OF TIMIS M a Is RWi n 1d 3'ra $2S2l11evbasIt FS3SRU'n.loa & ainuamr [Yale, aw- irlans.. HIOSQR, TOJ&rjrl O 2.IuJinr'r. mua 7ievm, s~g m~U~83e Ie- -sLCbC Kuic~1it Rnruhwkr 'n1 p~o. xrGtt-4wl2~l sei aura e. rjt'3eMlwrea~m; Wx~l igmudiehirtiualmu. All ereart check.. 6 mos lease m MERCURY' SAnsg~mrh.clmdti- q& Lao f~sl~runis: reau Nw ruO.,k~l watarnwr rurai iNunersiti l ie8r S. R'3asa ,anirolirewa t e OIi5r,. 5a n 3. w L k I1iE -Dar: lik ,i 4 if' V25 "' 0,lilag dPJ, 7n FarIJ0 flOOJ.v 186'ldT4-00017 from, i6j3 message. It~%ReEs, I~af.~ ~ 5~fS 3 UFCR -4rl wIrt~wha potwire h~i ISO(I3Mhllf: alf~kl: g~w~,Wrwm~~ur1W~r,~ in, MG ) )mb I;&mal, N, S trl i- 191 Z door. M CaN- CtwWo 1A'L'31U- '7, 22' Jim.. ms l a ,5f lI t ll PA~dERTS11 Cald, 1 Th 1 86aOWu5' 3BR 3 $21.,2001or-ue ro f, la,4M lls 70 to $38 hiems A lirridw. num i Egg Of00. Y6ti, NowtoA. 4V0 IIWQZA:96 ru GA~re~ (~~7~rwr, roll, neviE~III~ Im d spliramwaR arms I R 66 I=)RM'OR-3. 5.-L, 1 901rll L W qwc auml t ba I ld: n-aime. ST5, 0 0:01 E.2qna Sll'(il-Ei P I 4M% c.dtEBAMaayem IWIR, %ar".mm alipgaimi Iliquirtmlodft 4 I B161 L A d AT, II ~ htlll: 5R i Ba. enzO lO~W.IDS'~ 3 W. rleffl~I ~l& Iq~~Ia;.trlja -M511m: 163)9T-f1 1i~mam JII1 ~u;hlV trn114m:un1, V.8, a aruffik P1 i Rik netws ~l mmmn~ I as, Ila* P-MI X%1111111111111UM & Iiii 40M. A M SIYBj tem $x. MQ* Nita bill to. im tea-* dnIj- - rrom es, availt pfromm hymin, 411111% bm %des, S1 II titud MI am 4 bibci~il~B~iuttaRmri l Call! IDI (AU67--r- mPOM FORM P38: L dr. 4XA ;10 1 15 DRU AT05, "I 4111111111111111111ARLaW~ \rvim. rovilliZi, PIg I I tt, n M0,5 1 i 1VA P GM r 4. Ereno Eg nlbf am II OVA 100.1"44 tr~lllwm kin, bim I paint& rnw jiljIojhaj10 -dau t, ~ ~ K.E! I~r Rama, lCdr~f~.w & Snow M. M a rim SM l 865Crit 1wer :P~p G~pnsaRS Im. W. 1 masQ 2111111111111111r~e m L 863L46;', .91 v Win k firill'b'. 71-11, It- (bit-- vii, rim-a writrim LI ~a~m~ R gCARR= ZIP 1, M., 29v i E luick W I. &Ulm k f. li [VIX.M. Imima- 0111111E1IFH!.Il~~l~BIE~H~Bh~B L eurr Iilm Owr m~ri I s 0 r i~W~.~ r Vi, i 7 C: R72LM-94 1 Iarag~ m~al~la lLqU nqi. PIrWM 1-001T. 1 RQ08 WORR rpi-I SWIN ci ~ wvne r, ftor I 1 Szed mat- R -mm Mi irritil. affimlWN teRh Lv iiw ** $2wt jt --,3- 6j4, 6 BaePO I I glfieasms .1g CaloosaBelle. Tbursday,aDtaerS5, 209 Girls golf update The girl's golf record stands at 3-2 tight now. They have beaten Immokalee twice and Lake Placid once. They lost to Sebring twice. They played Riverdale on Septem- ber28, in Lehigb and Dunbar on October 5, at Ft. NMyers'.Contry Club. Districtsare October.9. Jessica Bechtel (junior),is the #1 golfer. She has been averaging BEy GlendaWilson Pharmacy business at Hendry Regional Medical Center will con- tinue as usual, but employees say, "It will not be the .same after Sep- tember 2Zth -no.t without Sandy Woodall." After18 years of serv- ice as the hospital !Pharmacy Director, she has decided to retire. Hospital employees.held.a sur- prise reception on Monday after- noon to honor Sandy Weoodall, B.S., Pharm.D who was-evenfur- ther surprised when her !mother joined the reception. (Friends and family had made arrangementsito have her flown in from North Car- olina . Although Dr. Woodall'has con- tributed too many accom.plisb- ments to list during her years ol dedication to the hospital, she can hbe recognized for implementing .remote order entry and .Adeo Yve- fication processes Ao reduce irnead- tcation errors -andithe ;mediecat Alans 'HIS 1982 class retnion LaBelie High School grads par- ents Class of 1982: The planning stage is under way for a reunion. Coordinators are looking for cur- rent addresses-for members.Email information to Kellie at Lox- adog@'abellsouth.net or call Misty.at 239-368-3732. Post your News Post or read press releases, announcements.& information from your community CommururA LnkinKds duol Voices 4.. 14 in.the 50s.Sav.annahSmith (fresh- man) starts at ~ she has-been I shooting in the high 50s-low 60s. CallieBurley (junior) #3has been shooting in the high 60s-low 70s. Annalicia Cavazos (freshman) #4 shooting in the 70s. K. C. tynnl (freshman) mid ite high 70s. Anoalicia and K. ;C. are neck and neckforthe #4 and-#5 positions. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Scott Wegscheid LHS golf building each season The LaBelle High Schools Boys Golf Team just completed its second season after having no team for a few years. This year's final record is 6 wins and 5 losses, which is a great improvement over -last year's 2 win, 7-loss year. The team has 9 players, all of whom will be back next year so fans expect that next year's record will improve even More. The team will compete in District competition on October 9 at Rotona Golf Course in ;Englewood. Team .members are: juniors: Anthony Hernandez, Scott Sloan, Christopher Wegscheid; sophomores: Blake Broom, Carter Butler, Cody Crawford, Christopher Deamer, Lewis Nebles .and Greg Zimmerly I Save -money .on your favorite grocery items. i Go rtonew6zap corn to download and print coupons online' I I iliWSZaLCBi Community Linms Individual Voices L--- --- - -------- - - - ,ieoancdiliatikx jgram that retrieves-retail patient prescription information. In addition, Dr. Woodall'sipublication about Tele- pharmacy, which -was published by the Joint Commission, was a -credit to her man, achievements. Sandy said that she would like .io thank the Board.of Authority -and Hospital Administration for their -support throughout her years of employment. She.also credited the pharmacy and nurs- ing staff for.being instrumental .in her successes. 'One r'f -ier ,last comments was, "It has been -fun; -we'.ve:m.adea difference." Jackson River Home Furnishing 8& Decor At the Foot of the Bridge. S 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-003 LaBelle A . ,Hotme, Sweet Homes ui '. Need A CL ISTN BEL LE "-F ..M ER :' QLoan Sweet, Loan No I --.:.i.,C s .*g .:. - Equal Housing Lender 300 East Sugariland Filgh.voy (863) 933-8 191 i01 S. Berrne Road, Clev.,srone (863) 933-3003 301 Highway 80 West. LaBelle (863) 675-4242 1175 Palm Beach Blvd Ft M-yers '239) 437.8191 Moore Haven (8631 946-1515 Member FDIC slt' d' .: .i-.." iHH -*.. ., ., i-.i... ;._....~. ... r;a'e'rfluIU 'sete t.I "In a democracy, the highest office is that of citizens." US Suprnem Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. We agree. Yet too many citizens feel powerless to influence the flow of events. We give people a voice. Our Speak Out column is just one example. We consider it an extension of the secret ballot and a return of the values of the American Revolution. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or call- ing your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism PRCK ROOFING, INC Family Owned & Operated State Licensed & Insured WE SPECIALIZE IN: Metal Roofs Shingle Roofs Tile Roofs Flat Roofs Roof Repairs Roof Overs Roof Inspections FREE ESTIMATES PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lic #1327233 S20 Years :.. Experience! OPIpe HRMC pharmacy director retires E 3-:r~. ,.- ;I-i- p"4-.-r'sk ; -~h itt. newszanoem ,Community Links Individual Voices 4 BEDROOM DINING BOOM SUITES SUITES -LIVINGROOM ODDS SUITES .6 ENDS gg -U 0 -. ^ -, -<... ---. /-."; ;-ji T.-W w~j-fsrd y v ,,, % -1 4^2 3 ,, "! R .; :.,., '., .,. . |