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Cowboys riding high! , Page 11 CALOOSn Delivering Western Hendry Pa- "~hn-~i iUI 3TET-7,-t 1 t 2u05 EA LF t GF opfnR I :O EO 17007 CuAINEntyIL' FL' Cou- nty''~e r ~ ------ VOUE 4NUBR 8TURSDYSEPEMER 8,00 At A Glance County drops back to 6.5 mills Chamber plans events The Greater LaBelle Cham- ber of Commerce invites you to its annual banquet Monday, October 16, at the civic center. Social hour begins at 6 p.m. (no alcohol); dinner at 6:30. Tickets are $20 each; table sponsors are $250 (includes eight tickets and your business name in the bulletin). The menu includes chicken and dumplings, roast pork, black eyed peas, sweet potatoes and corn bread. Get your ticket by September 30. In the mean- time, be sure to send your nominating letter for the 2006 Citizen of the Year. SAlso, remember tosend in ' your ballot for new board members by September 30. SCF to choose poster The Swamp Cabbage Festi-- val committee will choose a poster for the 2007 festival at their meeeling Monday, Octo- ber 2, at 6 p.m. in the LaBelle- City Hall. The festival will be held February 22-24 with the big parade on Salurday. Feb. 23, fol!:(ied by.a full da) of activities. Once a poster and theme Share been chosen, folks need to start thinking about their nominations tor the Pioneer Family and Grand Marshal. Pioneer Families should have been in the area for at least 50 years and the Grand Marshal needs to be a strong commu- nity-minded and active indi- vidual whose actions have benefited the entire commu- nity in some way. SCF meets the first Monday monthly at 6 p.m. at City hall through December. Weekly meetings begin in January till the festival. Hey, boaters! It may only be mid Septem- ber with hurricanes on our minds, but it is less than ninety days until the LaBelle Christ- mas Boat Parade, set this year for Saturday, December 9. Last year was the biggest and best ever; get ready to make this one even better. Education support available The Community Services Block Grant Family Self-Suffi- ciency Program of Hendry County is looking for ten full time students that have obtained grants or student loans for ongoing education or long term job skills that need to drive excessive dis- tances for classes. Gas vouchers will be pro- vided as class attendance is verified to assist low-income persons to continue their pur- suit of education and/or job skills with increasing gas costs. Index Classifieds .......13-15 Editorial ............ 4 Speak Out ...........4 Social News ..........5 Sports ..........12, 15 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. IIII III IIIIII s 16510 00019 By Patty Brant period. After listening to story after In and unprecedented move, story from residents, Commis- Hendry County commissioners sioner Bill Maddox moved to set dropped the millage for 2006-07 the millage at 6.5, with a second Tuesday night to 6.5 mills two by Bo Pelham. In a roll call vote, mills lower than the proposed Chairman Darrell Harris joined 8.5. them to pass the motion, All five commissioners came opposed by Commissioners to the meeting prepared to Janet Taylor and Kevin make some adjustments to the McCarthy. budget to provide the tax relief. Although many of the resi- numerous residents pleaded for dents in attendance were well during the public comment pleased with the vote, it did not come without a price. By going below the minimum 8 mill mark, the counts will lose mil-. lions of state revenue sharing dollars at least $2 million in road construction assistance; possibly as much as $5 million in total: Commissioners Taylor and McCarthy were inclined to sub- scribe to a plan forwarded by former commissioner and busi- nessmani Cecil Akin who sug-, Economic Development: Top businesses earn honors 4 *. ** ..' ... Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant From left: EDC Outgoing Chairman Deborah Van Sickle with Outstanding Business Appreciation Award recipients Sunny and Usha Patel owners of Best Western and Hol- iday Inn Express in Clewiston and EDC Executive Director Janice-Groves - EDC banquet honors successes By Kristin Hunter The Hendry. County Eco- nomic Development Council Business and Industry Appreci- ation and Annual Dinner or (EDC) banquet was held Friday, September 22, at the Civic Cen- ter. The EDC is an intermediary, between businesses and local elected officials to aid in local economic development. 'There were two outstanding businesses this year. The criteria for becoming an outstanding business is making a contribu- tion to economic development. Sonny Patel and his wife Usha, the owners of the Best Western and the Holiday Inn Express in Clewiston have achieved this. CHL Home Builders, Inc. has constructed over 100 homes in Port LaBelle in the past two years and is currently in the process of developing a town house project. CHL has been an active business, making the community better. Mark Lapp, the attorney for CHL builders accepted the award for Out- standing Business. The outgoing chairman Deb- orah Van Sickle said, "This past uLe uurgoing Cnairman ueooran van ICKle presents Mark Lapp, the attorney for CHL Home Builders, Inc. with the Outstanding Business Appreciation Award. year the EDC has worked on a visioning process of issues Economic Development Lead- that are important to citizens ership creating jobs and an infrastructure to do so through See EDC -Page 2 gested the county set the mill- age at 8 and set aside 1.5 mills for the hospital; then, try to coordinate a deal with the hos- pital authority to decrease its. .millage by 1.5. He reasoned that taxpayers don't care where they get the break, as long as they get it. He said if the hospital authori- ty did not reduce its village, the county could then appropriate the -mone it had set aside for'its own needs. Mr. Akin admonished the commissioners to "get your eco- nomic house in order" and tem- porarily go back to the 2005 budget, let the current property appraisal deficiencies even out, then possibly amend the budget in January. He told them, "think how\ you can play your cards, then get it done." Chairman Harris warned the coming year will be a difficult one with the county and require a lot ofbelt tightening. City village raised to 3.5 Residents vent disapproval By Patty Brant Residents' frustration with an especially heavy~ tax load this year boiled over after LaBelle city commissioners voted in the proposed 3.5 millage rate. They peppered the elected officials with remarks and questions at the September 21 meeting. Afterward many lingered out- side city hall, venting their anger and disappointment. A number ol them had pleaded with the commission- ers to lea\e the village at its current 3 mill mark. where it has remained for many years. However, three commissioners - Dae Lyons, Hilda Zimmerly and Randy Bengston were unswerving in their belief that 'the additional .5 mill was nec- essary to help the city prepare for coming growth. Commis- sioner Paul Puletti and Bob Miller voted against the increase. During discussion, Commis- sioner Puletti tried to find a way to stay at 3 mills by suggesting the city only hire one new employee and purchase used vehicles a plan which Super- intendent of Public Works Mike Boyle said could work With See Mileage Page 2 CTST looks at vehicle safety By Kristin Hunter At the CTST meeting on Thursday, September 7, Shane Parker, County Engineer, said that the sidewalk on Cowboy Way has been cleared and will be finished as soon as it dries up. He also said that there are approximately 200 signs in the county that need to be fixed. One member mentioned that there is currently no sign at Cap- tain Hendry Dr. Shane Parker, assured him that it is on the list of signs to get done. The Summer HEAT cam- paign is now over. Summer HEAT stands for Heavy Enforce- ment of All Traffic. The cam- paign reminded everyone to drive safely and obey all traffic laws. Preliminary data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) shows that 487 peo- ple died on Florida roads last summer in less than a two month period. Almost 62 per- cent of those killed in vehicles equipped with safety belts were not buckled up at the time of the crash. About 34 percent of the total fatalities last summer were alcohol related. According to clickitfla.com last summer there were almost 39,000 traffic crashes in Florida. The risk of sustaining life-long injuries or being killed in a motor vehicle crash is very high. Always using your safety belt, driving the speed limit and driv- ing sober will help you and your loved ones significantly decrease the risk of being seriously injured or dying in a crash. CTST meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 1 p.m. at the fire sta- tion. Meet Captain Emily Ankeney By Kristin Hunter Emily Ankeney is from Des- tin, in the panhandle of Florida where she grew up on the water. She went to school at FSU where she graduated with a Bachelor's of Arts degree in bal- let and modern dance with an AA degree in theatre. After grad- uating from college she decided that she didn't want to go to New York and become a profes- sional dancer, so her "second mom" suggested that she apply for a stewardess position on a 120 ft. yacht that was in the clas- sified section of the paper "to get her out of town." She didn't get the job, but a year later the cap- tain of that same yacht came to the marina that she was work- ing at and asked if she would like to be a deckhand. At the marina part of her job was fuel- ing and tying up boats so she was around boats all the time. She said, "Most of the boats were sport fishing boats except for the one 120-ft. yacht that I ended up on." She was, sur- prised that the captain asked her if she wanted a job after a year but was glad that he did. He told her that she wouldn't have liked to be a stewardess and that's why he didn't hire her for the position a year earlier. So she decided to take the job as a deckhand. She agrees now that she would not have liked being a stewardess and is glad things turned out the way they did adding, "Working inside is not my thing. I'm more of a tomboy." She worked with a crew of five people on that 120- ft. yacht and other yachts she worked on. Three were females and the other two were males. The females included a chef, stewardess and Emily, who was the deckhand. The 1st mate and the Captain were both males. She crewed on yachts for about nine years. She started as a deckhand and worked her way up to being a 1st mate. She started on private yachts and eventually went to chartered yachts going to Europe, the Caribbean, specifically the Bahamas. She said the reason she likes to sail is because she likes traveling, diving and fish- ing. The schooling for this type of license consists of all sorts of things including: two weeks of official classes at the Star Center Maritime school in Ft. Laud- erdale, five days of firefighting school in Davie, FL, three days of STCW or safety class, a physical, drug test and a Coast Guard approved CPR and First Aid course. To attain a 100-ton captain's license you must be at least 19 years old, you must have cor- rectable vision to 20/40 in each eye, you must be able to docu- ment at least 720 days of experi- ence in operation of a vessel, 360 of these days must be on the ocean or near-coastal waters. See Emily -Page 2 Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Emily Ankeney Emily Ankeney wears many hats. She holds a 100-ton cap- tain's license, she has a Bachelor's degreejn dance and an AA degree in theatre, she is a licensed tijl agent, a realtor at Southern Land, she teaches dance at thie LaBelle Dance Stu- dio and she also helps with the children's program at the Firehouse Cultural Center. Here 'she is aboard one of the yachts she's worked aboard. '; .a A...'. _:- --*.-J.ia.- USA Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28, 2006 2- Mileage e Continued 'roi Page I the necessary three-to-six month reserve to allow the city to contin- ue operating in the event of a dis- aster, he felt the city could contin- ue for another year on 3 mills, saying, "I think we can hold the line." However, when the vote came up, it was three-to-two in favor ofthe .5 mill increase. Commissioner Lyons, who had to come from his business in Clewiston to the 5:30 p.m. meet- ing, was late further angering residents because he voted with- out having heard the public com- ment. The audience was incensed, feeling that all their input had fallen on deaf ears. Emily Continued From Page 1 Depending on.the size of the ves- sel your experience is on the license will be limited to vessels of 25, 50 or 100 gross tons and limit- ed to near coastal waters, not more than 200 miles offshore. To receive the 100 gross ton endorse- ment you will need to have 360 days on a vessel over 35 gross tons. EDC Continued From Page 1 such as the Southwest Florida Education Center, a career and technical school, which is a-long term project. The SFWMD helped pay for heavy equipment operator classes from a grant that was helped written by EDC donating $250,000 this year and $300,000 next year. This will allow people to get heavy equipment jobs to build the C-43 project that is sup- posed to be started in the spring After the vote, Commissioner Lyons explained that he had heard from many residents on the issue even though he did not near those at the meeting. He felt the added revenue would be impor- tant for the city to try stay ahead of the growth coming this way. He added that the city has been remiss in not increasing its mill- age gradually over the last 15 years. Commissioner Zimmerly explained her position, saying she had studied the budget thorough- ly. She agreed with Commissioner Lyons that the extra funding was needed for impending growth. She added that .5 mill (1 mill = $180,000) was not a large increase. She said, "I probably wouldn't go out full time again because it's a'24/7 job on the boat. I like hav- ing my home and my dog. I would certainly love to.take a week's trip though." When Emily moved to LaBelle she wasn't sure if she was going to stay or go to the East Coast sb Sherri Denning got her an inter- view with Tri-County Title. Emily received the job starting as a receptionist, and working her way up to closer and finally appiHinag of 2007. Deborah v. wanted Iw thank the people/businesses who have helped cultivate the c..ininm unity because she said, "without the risk takers, economic develop- ment would cease to exist." She said, "The council has continued to develop and grow through an effective budgeting process." The EDC has focused a lot of time and energy on growth. With the help of businesses they have made a difference in the community." The C(I\ a' I.l:'n Commerce' Park at the old airport site is another important EDC endeavor to promote job creation. The EDC LOST YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck 675-1032 & Auto Repair, Call 0 .. ..... S, . Wft 1iscouon Q/11* epie 99900 Climate Control Systems, Inc. Ii SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 VISA W w - ZW^ 675-3233 TOLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CACO08030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CALL NOW TO HAVE YOUR A/C COMPREHENSIVELY CHECKED BY OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TECHNICIANS .- --:-'-: ,, ,-., ; .... '. '.L7-";qr; ; ,, ..'. iJ2- - .; . -.i.. S I r..:erm i ndepen' .:...... .-r,.'-l Fi on. r: J..lo PLUS e,:-]ro: l), -.l,- ,-JrcZhi o.L Public comment Former mayor Sherri Craichy read an e-mail answer from Gov. Jeb Bush to a message she sent him asking for some form of relief for Hendry County taxpayers caught in the crunch of astronomi- cal property assessments on top of huge increases in insurance rates and other financial strains. The Governor could, only suggest rolling back tax rates or offering rebates, but offered some hope in the form of a special ruling cur- rently being considered by the Legislature about property taxes Resident Debbie Hudson was unconvinced that the city needs the extra revenue, but complained that her biggest problem is the 3.1 mills collected by the hospital and passing the title license exam- ine and working as a licensed title agent at Tri-County title for two years. When she decided to stay, Sherri asked her to come to South- ern Land where she now works as a realtor and broker's assistant. Referred to as "Mama Sherri" Emily said, "Sherri has been a huge influence in my career." In Emily's spare time she teaches beginning and advanced modern dance at the LaBelle dance studio on Tuesdays from will be donating $250,000 from set aside funds approved by the county comminissioners toward this project matching $.250,001) fromthe Cita of' Cleiiston. Another project of the EDC is the new Hendrv Glades Leader- ship program. The orientation dinner will be held October 21 for the pioneer class. Tw\ernty people from a variety\ of businesses 'x re chosen for this first ,eai There will be six sessions one day pei moanth.. It is an.: educational process that will be applicable to everyday work life. They will be authority through county taxes. She advocated finding a way to "get rid of the problem", then everybody would see some tax relief, she noted. Long time resident'Carl Baker's assessment has doubled, although he said he's only painted and fixed the roof of his old house, adding he was afraid to replace the door for fear it will increase his assess- ment. Lavita Barnhardt, who is raising three young nieces, explained that she is "maxed out" with no help coming in from anywhere. Real estate agent Donna Kane told everyone to appeal to the val- uation adjustment board. A-poterniia resident asked what the city is doing to find other finan- cial resources and to bring busi- 6:30-9 p.m. and'she also helps out at the Firehouse Cultural Center with the children's program. Emily just renewed her 100 ton USCG Master's license and said it's good for five years at a time. To kIeep the license valid she must sail at least 90 days in the last three of the five years. She said she'll have to take the time off work to get this done and will probably\ crew in Naples or Ft. Myers but she'll keep up -he license for a long time to come . discussing important topics including environmental, grow\\h, and civic and cultural issues L A. silent auction featured paint- ings donated by local artists, Sheila Robinson, Esther Beavers and Ma \' tWalsh. Winners were Tuesday Tritt, \\'ho bid $125, for the first painting, Marilyn Sears who bid $250 for the second painting and Scort Royal who bid $1510 for the third painting. The pf6ceeds go to the small business assistance fund to fill the gap for immediate small business expenses., Same Day Service Lab On Premises I.I Pocli an White'~i~ k A' 'Il Whe Se A .r MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS U GENRA ANSTESI A4ILS9 GENERAL ANEST-HESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 ...TOLL.FREE, .... ON, "4i . I I -f -m J' - X F An wg~ zip,,-, Pu'blic Issues Forum Local Linls ert's "h (. r'ra a ia 'Ci An open forum in which issues ot the day ore debated sometimes 'Jgorously. Post For Free Post your personal message ron on open B.illefin Board for Florida residents. A directory of vvebsites for locoaion governmrrent team'- organizations & columnists. Classified Ad; The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers distributed to 31 000 homes. Conal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Ba,,' , . .a.. a.. .r-~i c rr;.aYlnrhsrr~lDP S~r a. Cle..i;-orn t,.Ioore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Feldo LoBelle Immokolee Pioneer Plantation Bl...ickheacd Ridge Okeechobee Bosinger Frostproof ness. Mr. Boyle explained that the city has received CDBG grants for economic development. Jim Singer of Aqua Isles asked if the city could keep down expens- es like unnecessary mowing. - Trish Arnold argued that people need temporary relief- "we're not asking that the city never increase taxes," she said, adding that every- one is experiencing the same problem. Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam I h Includes 6 month follow-up Disclaimer: The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- cIel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is per- I formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted feeI , or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. (29 5726 l.- AR A .A. Be prepared if a HURRICANE STRIKES. c .a IllA...,. lil I' H I 11' I ''U1,L 114 1 1.,.l I 10,, i. 1 DiPoli InsAgcy Inc re" 0011a r "M2~aIL dTn lAal ri" LYKE A GOOD N IGHBOR %TATL FAR.MI'IS 1HR 0 aaaTaH 0 ai tns:'0inWcA Trat. l arkimiAta4 4 aTa0aC. You~einvited to..... AMERICA'S EVERGLADES Constructon Symposiulm andE'\hIbition October 1I3. 2006 Ill. ,uaalita lI.an-d~a N'A~ r M;.t.u -0, a caa.al [)a~tnam %%ill 11.),l 11 .', ai liat \.za.'eLcS n Cjpo. a"111 l' -atl .a \Ilb i aLn I ridia' t ,thcrI 211i)- all I1l'"".1d" u (.,a'iI a'6 eri.a i\ l. 'aa'ma.a OC aI -da ~IIl t.a a.Onl ni ,', Ca .tT.,C I')a".. p 'lh :a'a air. 10,11 %cndoia.' amad aaa-ak- ic~ .e dt ,ie'. ham..'Il.1 W n~eIa.%%ill prok id-ad., art"n11L ,a1' on aa.1. p r.'ajea aaei .' dI ar1 a.r l 'I, re. .ir. a aaaa Conlstruction1 on these' projects has already' begun, but contractors anld alai~il ..a ie P )a'. a~lie '.aiaaa Laoa-w.'. l2aill, \eea.l.rS .a ia l 11 ..W Acceler is .aamajor h-.,-t r,., I .vrla 1a'. oala f .'n J.fjrns the comrmitynclit 'qi..I.& a;:l-,tA pI.amu .~~ir: hap to i,'' at di,ada.ieaecosystemi pl a ao argl&An"-lb'A O.rT N1i hen.: Iniala.. OvIlbvir 13. 2006k8 AM LIuntil 3 PN'I) M Iterv: Florida. (~uIrCoastt Unl'eir,.%.I. n dieiAlicti k't'un. flkplo, haooftlai arc a'ailabler for vendors, a.'ailator,'te'.rz..sp+illv ..aahea.'traael'ra.m d%% trttNrk d. apieui.aela I..'L eaw c l l jr detail. lejli.;aii re!qured iat .'ic id. Please visit our web sit --q-lr:' :kdemaam%.or-ta'ethe aplplia. ati im, ...\ ui a' La t at a''] an i'r ,'iia.a tae 1Lia -i' a ilie e-C t Call i'.dj. a r.ot'%aaaaa' Id .,: ioi.aLL..fn i, n .a1.Jwoi an ii Olaa. im pa'.rtni c cill .ll Ifra. at i *o 4t:S- 12.5 CALOOSA"* BELLEE ConstructiTo P!ipo ilac an ClassiifiiedA To Reach Us Mailir.c *'dr...-i; P.O. B.' il! LaBel h. Fi L *9-r Physic.-l 'J.JAiec: 22 Ft. T'.r-.p;.:.n \ .. Phone: (863) 675-^ 2. Fax: (863) 675-144- Website: www.ne'. -: p '.a"m i ..it.i. To Submit Ne\-s The Caloosa BeEe .eIoine,,s ub.m:n sions from its reader Opunioai c.ien- dar items, story ide-is .and phota.gr.iphi are welcome. Call t8631 :.75 2541H to reach our newsroor.'T Items ii.n be mailed, faxed or e m niled If '.u .u .: sending photogrsph-. 'i. e n.iIl paI: i;' send them in JPEG trmirt dil- p!c.aie do not send WORD document's l|at paste these mess.~ia,:, nto the bad\ ol the e-mail. Office document. ire Ak The deadline for atl never. irem- 1 II i m on Monday prior to the lollov ng TF.r;i.J,\ a publctuon .',- iL,.,8t 6iJa .Ija 5 4516 To Place a Display Ad Phone (863' 675-254i I I-,._ .:l.. ,r,' ':.r i1l *id"',:r.U .,Ira .' I .r on Friday for thi k.il,-. in Thur..lI . publication E-mail: cbelle@strato.net Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Place a Classified Ad CA 1 7. | 35.3- 424 r,'. p|,.: .:li.:t,..d In!r.. iad i r I: eri t ,:,m li,.m-o ThI J.. r.I Ire i,',r ill *l a; i' aa' 1ja..:r: .rc , l.l,:,,-..j ,;, .t !0 J M h:,,- th,; I.-.ll,'.' 1 ',; Th iur-.3,, pul.l_,.dan,',r, Far |87) 354.2424 E M ail : -,a...I -, :. :r ,..?rr. For Subscriptions Phone (8771 352! 2 24 In I '-. LaB.l.. ,n.J \'. i ,r H,:ridr ,- .:..jr. r, c i -: -_'=,r', '.: r..: ;J i, : _. :.'n 1" [he p"'per .. n I.e Ih :'ur.J jt. .ir,..u: "t'',".i. rhir.-.i ch,.. r :. ii,- '.,..l :cil,.l: d h.-., .. ,,m L ,tl ..'[ _njo, '.Tpl.:r' .o-t h.'. ..I ..-. F ,r ., 'I : r. .. ' a i l-.I._ a 1 $50 pc r. ,.- rd 2 1 .: Printing T M l,- .'.. .. II. ;' r r... :l ,t E-mIUl prnri .;;' r.. r..t Newszap! Online News & Information Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle Take Pride in the ownership of a Timeless Masterpiece The Heartbeat of the Home.. Shouldn't your Family start it's History and Your Legacy with a Ridgeway Grandfather Clock? ACK Jackson River ERHome Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle . ---- --I - =am6aara~~s ,~----- -------,~II~-~----- ---~ma ... I j d I 1.. 1. ~~~~l li II:li:. .. f -i. ... I I. .C I I I .:.~ I -. c I ..% T. ... i.I ., I .: .: ..T hj r .:. I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28,2006 Obituaries Silvia Hull Sylvia Sidna, Hull, age 68, of Okeechobee, died Sept. 11, 2006, at her residence. She was born Oct.r 22, 1937, in LaBelle. Living in Okeechobee for 13 years. Her greatest passion in life was her family. Sylvia also enjoyed cro- cheting, fishing, camping, cook- ing, sewing and crafts. She is preceded by her parents; son: Stacey Brian Hull; brothers: Billy "Junior" Gomez, Clarence Gomez and Jeffrey "Jeff" Gomez. She is survived by her sons: Jerry L, Hull (Donna) of LaBelle, Steven W. Hull Sr. (Mechelle) of Okeechobee; daughter: Jenise Milligan of Bradenton; 5 grand- daughters, 5,,grandsons, 3 great- granddaughters, and one great- grandson. She is also survived by her sisters, Wanda Mae Gurgan- ious of Okeechobee and Paulette Gomez of North Carolina; broth- ers, John Thomas "Tommy" Gomez of Arizona, Gary Dale Gomez of Montura, Paul Gomez (Daphne) of Montura, James Henry Gomez of North Carolina, Larry Wayne Gomez of Alabama and Jackie Gomez of Arizona. In addition, she is survived by 44 nieces and nephews, many great- nieces and great nephews, all that she loved dearly. She is also sur- vived by her daughter-in-law, Deb- bie Hall of LaBelle. Private family services will be heldat a later date. In lieu of flowers, contributions in Sylvia's name can be made to Big Lake Hospice, 309 N.W. SO' Street, Okeechobee, FL 34972. Arrangements under the direc- tion and care of Buxton Funeral Home and Crematory. Edward J DeWitt Edward J. DeWitt, 72, of LaBelle, passed away 'Tesday, Sept. 12,2006.' He was an employee of the Hendry County Sheriff's Depart-, ment for 18 1/2 years; a veteran of 13 years in the U.S. Navy, one year in the Marines; and a member of the American Legion and Masonic Lodge. Survivors include his wife Norma "Frankee" DeWitt; daugh- ters: Kathleen Talbert and Dawn DeWitt both of West Palm Beach; sons: Robert Franz of Ocala, Tim- othy DeWitt of Montana; grand- children: Hilary, Kevin, Ryan, Matthew, Danielle, Alicia, Michael and Sheila; 4 great-giandchildren Affordable Cremations is in charge of arrangements. Bruce C. Moore Bruce C. Moore 67 of LaBelle and formerly of Boone, Iowa, died on Sept. 11, 2006, at the Mercy Medical Center in Centerville, Iowa, while on vacation., He was born on Nov. 21, 1938, in Ames, Iowa, to Keith C. and Mary Louise Moore Robin- son. He attend- ed school at Boone, Iowa Bruce and Crocker, Moore Missouri. After graduating from high school, Bruce enlisted in the US Navy to serve six years, assisting with the evacuation of the Panama Canal. Bruce was married to Susan M. Efkamp on September 26, 1989, at Jefferson, Iowa. Bruce was a member of the Moose Lodge of Boone and LaBelle, the UTU for 40 years, the Elks Lodge, VFW, American Legion of Boone and the Aqua Isles Home Owners Association. He lived in Florida'for the last 10 years. Bruce was known for speaking his mind and his love of the out- doors. He enjoyed hunting.and fishing; loved Iowa, morel mush- rooms; venison and sweet corn. He enjoyed being with family and friends and the company of his two faithful dogs Tuffy and Selena. He made furniture at the Amana Colonies and drove bus in St. Louis, Mo.; joined the Walbash Railroad and was with Chicago Northwestern and Union Pacific as. a conductor for 40 years before retiring. Bruce is survived by his wife: Susan M. Moore of LaBelle; his children: daughter and son-in-law, Leise Vanderbroek and Les Free- man, son Kurt Geiger (Debbie), son Bruce Bennett Jr. (Christina), daughter Ginger Moore, son Greg Moore, daughter Gail Nichol (Jon), son Greg Anderson (Tammy), daughter and fiance Sherry Ander- son and Dean Ramos; "like a son" Brian Efkamp and his wife Marti, "like a son Jeff Efkamp and his wife Melissa; grandchildren, Josh, David, Brandon, James, Colten, Morgan Heather, Heidi, Soraya, Chad, Mckenzie, Tyler, Courtney, Keaton, Sabastian, Kent, Justin, Kelsey, Jeni, Nathan, Nicholas, Anthony (TJ), Jenna; sister Dr. Patricia Stark of Maryville, Illinois; brothers: Dwight Robison of Pilot Mound, Iowa, and Duane Robin- son of Houston, Texas. His father- and mother-in-law, Ray and Helen Stroot of St. Louis, Mo.; sister-in-law Ann Coulter of Jacksonville; brother-in-law Thomas Andrews and family of Des Moines, Iowa, and many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his father Keith Curtis Moore, mother Mary Louise Moore Robinson; his stepfather, Clifford Robinson; brother Richard Carroll Moore; step daughter Julie Efkamp; pater- nal grandfather Herbert Moore. Funeral services were held Sept. 14 at the Schroeder-Walter Funeral Home in Boone with full military honors by the Boone Veterans Council in the Oakwood Cemetery. The Rev. Paul Fraser officiated. Memorials may be made to the family to be used attheir discretion. Anne Teresa Weisbecker Boland Anne Boland, age 86, of LaBelle, passed away. Sept. 15, 2006, in LaBelle. She was born Dec. 28, 1919, in Katrinstadt, Russia, the daughter of the late Alexander and Amelia (Bissing) Weisbecker. In 1923 at the age of 4 she came to the United Slates from Russia. Anna was proud to be an American citizen. She owned her own needlepoint art gallery, the Needle's Eye, in Sanibel Island. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 130. Survivors include sons: Fredrick Alexander (Sally) Boland, Down- ers Grove. Ill., and Dennis Ray- mond Boland, LaBelle; sisters: Eugenia Diener, Martha Agnes, Mary lannone, Gladys Stahl and Delores Weisbecker; grandchil- dren: Joel Dennis (Caroline) Boland, Michael (Judi) Boland, Susan (Ernie) Pentek, Kelly (David) Solo and Cyndie Jane (Rick) Stiller; Great-grandchildren: Grant, Reily, Jake, Cole, Ernie, Jr., Sean, Zachary, Nicholas, Jeremiah, Luke, Sam, Cameron, Christina, Rebec- ca, Emily, Riley; great-great-grand- children: Kyle, Bryan, Giana, Colin. She was preceded in death by her husband Raymond J. Boland and a sister Julie. Memorial services will be held at the American Legion Post #130, LaBelle at a later date. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN 46206. SArrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Homes, Inc.- LaBelle. Mary Zuffante Mary Zuffante of LaBelle, for- merly from Hollywood, FL. died Sept. 24,2006. She was born in Boston, Mass., and had lived in LaBelle for four years. She was a member of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church. Survivors include children: Joanne McDaniel of LaBelle; daughter-in-law: Irene Zuffante of West Newton, Mass.; brother: Robert Zuffante (Mary Jane) of Los Angeles, CA.; sister: Jilda Johnson (Joe) of Venice; and sis- ter Linda Lima of Plymouth, Mass; also by nine grandchil- dren, 18 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband Salvatore and her son Charles, three sisters and three brothers. SFuneral services were Sep- tember 27 at Our Lady Queen of Heaven. Graveside services were at Hollywood Memorial Gar- dens.- Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Akin Davis Funeral Home. Tiodoso Cisnero III Tiodoso Cisnero Ill, age 53, of LaBelle, passed away Sept. 24, 2006, in Lehigh Acres. He was born Nov. 10, 1952, in Floresville, TX. Survivors include daughter: Teresa Cisnero of Bonita Springs and sons: Tiodoso Cisnero IV, Sonny Joe Cisnero and Johnny Cisnero, all of LaBelle, father: Ted Cisnero Jr. of LaBelle, moth- er: Josefa Moreno of LaBelle; siblings: Bernie Cisnero of LaBelle, Delores Cisnero of OH; Isabelle Cisnero of LaBelle, Roseanne Cisnero of TX, Jessie Cisnero of Lehigh Acres; grand- children: Anissa Cisnero, Carissa Cisnero, Tiodoso Cisnero V, Sonny Joe Cisnero Jr., Sonya Joslyn Cisnero and Shayla Cis- nero. He was preceded in death by his sister, Mary Cisnero. Funeral services were held September 27 at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church with Father Jiobani Batista officiating. Interment fol- lowed at Fort Denaud Cemetery. Red TogetheFlr1 loi Sttieride eoemg Event iOctobr 206 Ph11Zv.Gw*dhwbo bbkmroJinfbcd~w g q or tl~brem,, DC.C wwm~f'oe1&A-r~ro~~aIr g 5pcreon.dby *D W1Ashlugtssmuul~ bad Tg.AueF tiQafro~Meca lawnb cdbrorsw m~nogadbv Mqrdigwomiuvlo~1a*LhmtIdidvSua B Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one who has departed with a special Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. r s- ; ? ' Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and specialart or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszn aip.nmemoak fix sample ads and an online order fo orcall 1-866-379-6397 tol fee. THE ALPHA COURSE What is the point of life? Whathappens when we die? Is forgiveness S possible? What relevance does Jesus have for our lives today? What is Alpha? The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the" Christian faith. It's relaxed, non-threatening, low key, friendly and fun! There is a meal together at the beginning of each session which gives you an opportunity to get to know each other. Listen, learn, discuss and discover. And ask anything. Alpha is a place where no question is too simple or too hostile. And it's supported by all the main Christian denominauons. What's involved? The Alpha course consists of a senes of talks looking at topics such as 'Who is Jesus?' and 'Why and how do I pray?' After each talk we divide into small groups for a time of discussion. Who is Alpha for? Alpha is for everyone, especially: Those wanting to investigate Christianity New Christians Newcomers to the church Those who want to brush up on the basics. What will it cost? There is no charge for the Alpha course, although )ou may be asked to make a coninbution towards food. WHEN AND WHERE? Church of the Good Slhepherd 1098 Collingswood Pkwy. LaBelle,FL 33935 For more info call Tz Wade 863-675-0546 Ten Wednesday evenings, 6pm until 8-30pm - Beginning Sept, 27 One Saturday, 9am until 3pm on Nov 4 l Dir, ion.. I B kio, l o l i.,80 onCollingsaood Pkny in Pl LaBelle I r I ,2' mle r.i, of alelle A h newszap.com Community Links Individual Voices. m YO U'R E IN VIE OAN OPENHIOUSE Florida Power & Light Company is proposing to build a statc-of-the-art. advanced technology coal power generating plant in Glades County. The plant will be accompanied by a new electric substation in Hendry County and transmission lines to connect to the state's energy grid. We arc making these investments as part of our commitment to meet the growing demand for electricity and to maintain safe and reliable service for the future. GLAUS 7 This project will have a major positive M00RE HAVEN economic impact on both Glades i and Hendry counties, as it generates millions of dollars in new property - taxes and creates hundreds of new job opportunities. The plant and Eosnd -...... --."1 "-. transmission facilities will be designed, TRnSMSSIO UNE constructed and operated with a focus on S environmental protection. ' At FPL, we consider meeting and --/ communicating with our future HENDRY neighbors in Glades and Hendry COUNrTY counties an essential part of our process. - We want to hear about your interests and priorities and promise to share infor- mation and maintain an open dialogue %'N --- with you. :**". We would like to invite you to attend .. one of our Open Houses on Monday, FPL GLADES POWER PARK-ASSOCIATED TRANSMISSION October 2, in Moore Haven; Tuesday, LINES -- ALTERNATIVE ROUTES UNDER CONSIDERATION October 3, in Clewiston; and Thursday, October 5, in LaBelle. Drop by any time during the open house to view maps, displays and exhibits, as well as talk to FPL team members, who will be available to answer your questions. Each Open House begins at 4pm and ends at 8pm. Refreshments will be served. The exact location of each Open House is: 4 pm 8 pm Doyle Conner Building 900 S. U.S. Highuwa, 27 Moore Haven 4 pm 8 pm John Boy Auditorium 1300 SW Owemn Ar., Clewiston 4 pm 8 pm LaBelle Civic Center Located behind City Hall 481 Highway 80 W LaBelle If you are unable to attend but would like to learn more: * Visit: www.FPL.com/gladespower * Call: 1-888-256-2206 Or contact: Grover_Whidden@fpl.com or FPL Rachel_Scott@fpl.com. POWERING TODAY. EMPOWERING TOMORROW. A prime business opportunity. Prime less 1/20/ Business Loans Amortized up to 84-months Seacoast National Bank can help you expand your business with a competitive fixed rate loan. Our experienced lenders will work with you one-on-one to get the financing you need. We offer: Pre-qualification so you know what you can afford going into a purchase Fast loan turnarounds, from application through approval and closing We have the resources to help your business succeed. To learn how we can help you, call Bob Thompson 863-467-4663 Seacoast NATIONAL BANK visit www.seacoastnational.com. LENER NASDAQ: SBCF A subsidiary ofSeacoast Banking Corporation ofFlorida * This offer subject to change and may be withdrawn without notice. Loans are subject to credit approval. Offer available in Brevard, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, and St. Lucle counties only. Offer expires October 31,2006. GAF~F~E . - i. -. jl Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28,2006 nDINIOn Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at httpV;/ww.newszapforums.conm/forumrn56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion-line at 6754516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits.. THE OTHER FOOT: Ikeep hearing from some real estate people about how the property appraiser is at fault for our huge property value increases these past couple years. What I want to know is: are any of these real estate people turning down the big commission checks they get for selling properties at these inflated prices? NO RHYME OR REASON: I don't understand why the city went up to 3.5 mills when we have been meeting our budget and could have contin- ued to do so at 3 mills. It seems the mayor has a serious lack of knowl- edge about where the money goes and what it is used for. I think we should look into how he uses the money in the EMS budget. UNDERSTANDING THE PROCESS: I wish someone would tell us how local government works. How can we get rid of a mayor and com- missioner before elections. We need.to do some damage control before then. If we can impeach a president, there ought to be some way of get- ting rid of a mayor and commissioner. TAKING ITTO TALLAHASSEE: I would like to encourage our people. They're hurt, disappointed and disillusioned in some of our officials. We're communicating with Tallahassee and the governor, seeking advice on what to do. I'm taking off that half mill before I send in my taxes. I wish our business owners would participate more in government. HAVE MEETINGS AT APPROPRIATE TIME: I can't see how Dave Lyons could vote without hearing the discussion over the budget. He did n't even hear the part that the millage could stay the same if the city didn' buy newvehicies. I'm checking to see if that vote was legal. We've complained for I don't know how long about having meetings at 5:30 because people can't get to them. Why not change the time? It's ridiculous an elected official, paid to do the job if you can't get there on time, you shouldn't try to do the job. Protecting and documenting assets Some years back, I was work-. ing with a client on Marco Island. He had a really neat cus- tom built home. When, he gave me a tour, he showed me his pri- vate art collection. In all my years of going into people's homes, I have never seen any- thing close to his collection. Original oils from famous artists, and mant of them. I asked him details about his alarm system and his insurance. As it turned out, they were great- ly underinsured. I advised him to allow avery competent property casualty agent I knew in Naples to come into his home and film everything, including imported statues, and other pieces of art. As this was done, he gave, docu- rmentary about each -item, the artist, their purchase pricd, where he bought them and so on. The agent gave him a copy of the film and had a major insur- ance company insure everything at the proper value. Suppose you were to get killed in an automobile accident. Do your heirs know where to look for all your records? Where do you keep a copy of your latest will and.trust document? Your spouse, children and/or your attorney need that information. For example, do you own any stocks or bonds that are not in your regular portfolio?, Do you have a look box? Whose names are on it? Have you hidden things where they are not likely to be found as in your attic? Does anyone have a list of your insur- ance policies? Have you properly retitled ainy properties or chattel you inherited? Regarding your retirement income, IRAs, CDs., savings/checking accounts and titles to all real property do you have everything written down so the family does not have to go on a scavenger hunt? If you have an byWayneC.Switzer in home safe, does someone besides you have the combine tion or key? If a. hurricane c flood or fire should destroy you property, it won't be just you heirs looking for all the pape work! Currently, Congress has give us a pretty good Federal Estat Tax exemption, but it ma change in a few years, so stay o top of it, if you have a large estate. Fortunately, Florida ha no State Death Tax, but you ma own, out-of-state property where there is a state death tax and a ancillary representative needs I be appointed. Regardless, you estate does need to be probate and settled when you are gor and if your heirs don't have a the documentation to wor with, it will be difficult for there Pick up a. copy of IRS form 70 and you will understand what am talking about. Here is a big tip for yoi When reviewing your inves ment portfolio or that of yoi parents, look to see if there a one or more' limited partnersh investments. If so, ask whose idea it was to buy it. Often thi end up in the middle of a larva portfolio and. generally los money. They pay the stockbr ker a bigger than normal cor mission. That one category h. led me to refer clients to an atto ney who specializes in SE fraud, more than anything els Wayne C. Switzer, CLI www.ninjadoggy@aol.com. Letters to the Editor Response to City residents been made. Within a minute or two of Commissioner Lyons taking Tower Talk whipsawed at city hall his seat Mayor Bengston called for Hendry County Property My wife and I have lived in the question. His question was, Appraiser Kristina A. Kulpa CFA, Hendry County for more than 14 "ho is in favor of raising the milt ASA years, but do not live in the City of age rate t 3.5 mills." Within two Thank you Donna Kane for LaBelle. We have been following seconds a rapid muffled votewas giving me the opportunity to the tax assessment process espe- taken to which the audience clarify to the residents how the cially during the 2005 and 2006 rang to their-feet shouting, f Property Appraisers office han- years. The sharp tax increase dur- "What, What, What did you just. dies agriculture properties. ing 2005 completely surprised us say?" Mayor Bengston then With the propertyvalues and when our personal residence responded in a very quick and taxes on the rise it is more Hendry County real estate taxes quiet tone of voice to the commis- important than everthat we and special assessments taxes owners for a show of hands who have clear understanding of doubled from prioryears. Nowthe voted for and against the question. hat types of properties are eli- 2006 proposed taxes and special The vote was somehow 3 to 2 in bwhatl teof properties are elai- assessments have doubled the favor of raising the millage rate to gible for the agriculture classifi- 2005 levels. Thisstunnedus! 3.5 mills. cation. That is why this year we Debbie and attended the City We were sitting on the second have developed a more compre- of LaBelle public hearing on Sep- row and could not hear who voted Shensive set of guidelines to help member 21, 2006 to get some for what. It was done so fast the, -temb 21, 2006, to getw some oud Clarify what we would consider insight into why the city officials show of hands could not even Sto be minimumtypical acreage feels justified in hiking up the city confirmthe vote. Commissioner - by use. These guidelines will be real estate taxes similar to the esca- Puletti clearly spoke up and even applied to properties for- the lating rates in Hendry County. The raised his hand, but we could not 2007 tax year. While reconsider commissioners present during the determine the actions of any of the these to be typical minimums whole meeting.were Hilda Zim- other Board members besides there are exceptions and each merely, Bob Miller, Paul Puletti and Mayor Bengston. It was total con- e property will be considered indi- Mayor Randy Bengston. Paul fusion. Members of the audience vidually. Puletti immediately took control of -began to speak out loudly. Within Agricultural property must be the meeting and raised many pre- seconds the boardroom had a "Bona Fide commercial opera- viously unanswered questions cleared of most of the disgusted e tion" to be qualified to receive about the budget and 'what cityresidents. , Agricultural Classification. Flori- amount of revenue it would take Debbie and I had never seen a Sda Statutes 193.461 states that to adequately fulfill the require- meeting like that. In the past 29 there are 7 criteria that must be ments. He certainly confirmed years of operating a CPA practice Considered in the determination: from the county officials and staff andsitting on man Boards, I have Only one of which relates to size. present that a 3.0 mill rate assess- never seen a vote by any Board SOther important factors that are ment would provide the required conducted in such an unprofes- considered are income pro- revenue without increasing the Sional manner. Are all of the City's duced by the property and pro- rateto3.5mills. normal meetings conducted in ductivity of the land in its current Many city residents spoke at the that manner. oe use. podium \\ith their own cases Onourwayhome, vebegan to Properties wvilh existing agri- demonstrating ho\\v the increased reflect on the sequence of events culture classification that fall 2005 and now 2006 taxes have that had lust taken place. We short ol the new guidelines are presented extreme hardships. thought that meetingwas sup- 0 being reviewed and if needed lVlany residents offered facts that posed to be a public hearing.. the owners are being asked to supported Commissioner Puletti's Commissioner Dave Lyons didn't the owners are being asked to s"od m s hear any of the comments from supply information that helps appeal to leave the 3 0 mill rate in hea any of the comments from support theircommercial status tact in the same Near the assessed the Board, its support staff or the support their commercial stat ues inhe entire state temporar- public. He then cast the supposed Please visit our.website..at w.hendrvprop.org csithe lt spiked upwards long enough deciding vote to raise the millage .hendryprop.org click the for the city appraiser to lock in the rate to 3.5 mills. It begs the ques- Agricultural info to see the record high values. ,Weeks follow- tion, was that meeting really legal guidelines, also if you feelthat ing the appraisals, the statewide and binding? We felt like we just you qualify for the classification, values began to fall as rapidly as watched a scene from the old information and applications are they spiked upwards. Commis- show. Dukes of Hazard coming to. also on, our site just click the sioner Puletti reminded the Board the LaBelle City Hall At this hear- Download forms link. Important you simply don't raise the millage ing no "Y'all" was spoken by the to remember when purchasing rate simultaneously \xith a record majority of the Board members, e property that currently has the climb in appraised values in the butNwhen the Mayor spoke, he did AG classification you will need to same year. A prudent person's mutter in "Boss Hawg." There is ,r make a new application, it does common sense could only con- an old natural law. Whenever you ir not transfer automatically. New elude Commissioner Puletti was purposely injure someone finan- ,r agricultural applications can only right. He had already proven a few cially, they never forget it. Can't r. be accepted from January I minutes earlier for the record, the you city leaders do better than through March 1. dollars would be there for the that? n As always if you have any con- 2006 2007 budget year Really concerned, te cerns or questions my door is Commissioner Dave Lyons BobandDebbieColeman y always open, call orcomebyand finally arrived at the endof the Government? y I or my staff would be happy to public hearing after all of the pub- Co ulpt Government ,p discuss your situation. lic and -Boards comments had Discussion: As always I have is 9y re in to Ir *d ie ill rk n. 0- t I u! St- ur re ip se ey ge se o- n- as )r- EC ;e. U, CALOOSA BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent Is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens oi the community. Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on profit margins below Industrystan- dards All after-tax surpluses are reinvested In Independent's mission ol journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. ..o .. .. .................... ....................... .......... ...................... We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: To operate this newspaper as ews Editor: Patty Brant a public trust News Editor: ristin Hunt To nelp our community Reporter: Kristin Hunter Deccme a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt ana work through our dedi. Sports. Roger Alexander calon to conscientious lour- ADVERTISING: nolism To provide Ihe information cli- Advertising Director izers need to make their own Judy Kasten intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues Brenda Jaramillo To report the news with hon. Advertising estr accuracy. purposelul Servis neutrality,. fairness oblectlvity. Services Coordinator: fearlessness and compassion Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: facilitate community debate. Barbara Calfee not to dominate It with oNu own opinions National Advertising STo disclose our own conflicts Joy Parrish ot interest or potential con-.................... tIcis to our readers Independent Newspapers, Inc. To correct our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth prominence it deserves President To pTovide a right to reply to Ed Dulin thos e wvie e about To treat people with courtesy Vice President respect and compassion. of Florida Operations Tom Byrd For More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Service On Page 2 Exeuti E dit Katrina Elsken many more questions than I have answers. Recently I have had con- versations with many people that complain about the corruption of our public officials. Corrupt is a very harsh term and most people would think that a corrupt person is a criminal and should be thrown into jail. The problem is that there are degrees of corruption and in our "shades of gray" society in stead of a "black and white" or "right or wrong society." We have allowed corruption to be the rule of the day. Corruption can be better visual- ized as rust on metal or on some- thing like a shovel or a rake. If one goes to the store and buys a new shovel it is nice and clean and painted nicely. The first time you use it some of the paint is.eroded away exposing the bare metal. If the shovel is not properly cleaned and put away it will start to cor- rode or rust. That little bit of rust does not really harm the use of that shovel but it does take away from the appearance. If the shovel is not maintained and it is left out- side the rust and degradation is much more rapid. If in fact it is left in the garden for an mended peri- od it will become so corroded and the handle will degrade to the point that it will become useless. A properly maintained and used shovel will give many good years of useful service. I am afraid that \e as a society have treated our right to vote the same way as someone that has not maintained that shovel, We as American Citizens have been given the "'right to vote'. We may have used it once or twice but we never maintained it property. We have left it set some where and we don't even use it any more. Some day when we may want to use it, it will be of no use because it was not maintained. We are corrupt. We point our finger to our officials and say they are corrupt without looking at the number of fingers pointing back at the person doing the pointing? When we as Americans are given a right there are strings attached. There ain't no free lunch. There are responsibilities and obli- gations. When we are granted the right to vote it is our obligation and a responsibility to use and main- tain thatvote. More than two thirds: of ;he voters have not exercised their right to vote so far this year. What is wrong with this picture . Respectfully, FranKoebert -Retired, Voter, Taxpayer, American Citizen Guest Commentary. Is Glades Power Park in the Sunshine? On September 22, 2006, a meeting was held at the Ortona Community Association to dis- cuss the FPL proposal to build Glades Power Park, a large coal- burning power plant, within Glades County. Wendell Taylor, Glades Counts Mlanager, and Grover VWhidden, FPL spokesperson, both presented on this topic and then addressed questions posed by the audi- ence. Mr. Taylor introduced this proposal as involving the largest and most important project that had ever come before Glades County. Several people in the audi- ence raised questions about the way in which the Glades County Board of County Commissioners had made its decision to support Glades Power Park potentially being built in Glades County. Specifically, this item was not placed on the published agenda for a recent meeting of the Glades County Board of County Commissioners and was only added as a last-minute amend- ment to the agenda during the meeting, which precluded the public's participation. And the Glades County commissioners unanimously voted in support of the Glades Power Park proposal without the benefit of citizens' input. Some people in the audience questioned whether there had been any prior meetings between Glades County com- missioners and FPL representa- tives that had occurred in secret. Mr. Taylor assured the audience that no meetings between Glades County and FPL had ever involved more than one com- missioner at a time and that the county's actions were complete- ly in accord with the Sunshine Law, which requires that govern- ment be conducted openly. However, toward the end of the meeting, I asked very point- edly why the Glades County Board of County Commissioners had not provided the public ade- quate notice that this issue, described by Mr. Taylor as being of such momentous importance to the county, would be dis- cussed and decided. Interestingly, my question t's your world Get Involvedd was ignored and there was an attempt to go to the next ques- tion vithlhout addressing mine. I1 interrupted and demanded that an answer be provided to my question. I was then simply told that there was no answer. This leads me to consider the Sunshine Law. First, however, I want to state that I am not an attorney and do not claim to ade- quately be able to interpret the nuances of this complex law. However, I have served on a number of government boards and consequently have received some training on this law. There- fore, I would like to share some statements found in Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshine Manual (Retrieved on 9/23.2006 from F852566F300582C91>), as fol- lows: "The Attorney General's Office recommends publication of an agenda, if available, in the notice of the meeting; if an agen- da is not available, subject mat- ter summations might be used. However, the courts have held that the Sunshine Law does not mandate that an agency provide notice of each item to be dis- cussed via a published agenda. Such a specific requirement has been rejected because it could effectively preclude access to greetings by members of the general public who wish to bring specific issues before a govern- mental body Thus, the Sunshine Law has been interpreted to require notice of meetings, not of the individual items which may be considered at that meet- ing. However, other statutes, codes or ordinances may impose such a requirement and agencies subject to those provi- sions must follow them. Accord- ingly, the Sunshine Law does not require boards to consider only those matters on a published agenda. Moreover, even though the Sunshine Law does not pro- hibit a board from adding topics to the agenda of a regularly noticed meeting, the Attorney General's Office has advised boards to postpone formal action on any added items that are controversial." This Manual then goes on to share an opinion by the Attorney General's Office on a similar case (AGO 03-53), as follows: "In the spirit of the Sunshine Law, the city commis- sion should be sensitive to the community's concerns that it be allowed advance notice and, therefore, meaningful participa- tion on controversial issues com- ing before the commission." I do not know whether or not the Glades County Board of County Commissioners might have violated the Sunshine Law by not putting such a controver- sial and important item on its meeting's published agenda and thus disallowing its citizens' input. A judge would have to decide that issue if someone wanted to pursue making a complaint. However, it surely seems to me that the intent, if not the letter, of the Sunshine Law was violated. I believe the decision-making process used by the Glades County commis- sioners resulted in the public being very poorly served by its representatives in this extremely important matter. Thankfully, this is just the starting point for other opportu- nities to consider the pros and cons of the Glades Power Park proposal. There will be many hearings and administrative pro- cedures that will allow for the public to carefully scrutinize this proposal, the most stringent being the Florida Department of Environmental Protection processes that are governed through the Power Plant Siting Act. I hope all Glades County citi- zens will become thoughtfully involved in this process, as the ultimate approval of Glades Power Park will affect the future of Glades County in profound, and not yet fully understood, ways. I want to end by briefly shar- ing some of my reservations about the Glades Power Park proposal. Burning coal is an extremely dirty endeavor and the best that can be expected from advanced technology is to make it less dirty. Hopefully nobody is naive enough to really believe that there will be absolutely no nega- tive consequences to having a coal-burning power plant in Glades County, particularly in regard to environmental degra- dation and adverse public health consequences. In addition, it appears that this power plant could literally be one of the largest, if not the largest, coal burning plants in the US and the amount of coal processed relates to the amount of its dele- terious impact. On the other hand, there is little doubt that Glades Power Park could pro- vide short-term economic boosts to the county, which are sorely needed. But the long-term economic consequences of this proposal are unclear. Remem- ber, Glades County's main asset is its pristine beauty, as.reflected in natural jewels such as Fisheat- ing Creek only a few miles from the proposed power plant. I believe the county has a promis- ing future based on its natural assets and this future could be squandered by seeking short- term gain that pollutes our pre- cious environment and spoils our long-term quality of life. Sim- ply put, who would want to live or visit, or locate any business other than a garbage dump or prison, in a county with signifi- cant air pollution? This proposal is obviously an extremely com- plex issue deserving careful study and, above all, open debate in which weighing the relative advantages of potential economic growth against poten- tial environmental and public health costs have to be carefully considered. I am not sure whether or not the Glades County Board of County Commissioners made the right decision in supporting the proposal to build Glades Power Park, though I suspect they did not. I do know that tak- ing this action without properly giving notice to the public and allowing citizens' input was a mistake. Harris Friedman, PhD Glades County (Muse) Resident C y ~vr Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28,2006 THE for months' SAVE THOUSANDS NF NANCE CHARGES QuHa FUer Change wlm 1b6POiNt t ehiiO checkup Ii $2295 IINCLUDES- II I I --------- ---.- - 3 l--A V-rs f'irpl u ii r *r- *.II fi I. -uI I -,i F-01[Ie 3 Exteriory Lamps I g I~1IiB I V r. (1 i u l tIL l }Ud0. 1 IILI rsf .. IrL'd aftur 1rs4l ciL IT A-, F Adin o odfaE ,i-- xpires. 10/4/06-- ---- ------ ------ - -- - - -- --- ---- Mopar Value Line Brake Pad or Shoe Replacement ~ ~ ~ 1*Y * INCLUDES- I P * I D ail -3j1i 1 cI:d;. b ; o1 h l 0 |j D I 1 0 S IJu * fr;' (: .:i 1 t. i d r and ' * RU d 13 .i tl hi(tI l1 S .. it. i ., I .''r u [i b'r L .i rp i Expires: 10/4/06 - - --- l- -------------- -l IIllII ---- HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP ___ HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLERDOD GE-JEEP S It really does make a dif (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. DEALER erence!. Iv"P!i F FIVE ETAR *r~ *ii-~ FLmm~ Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 * 0% available on select vehicles when financed thru Chrysler financial. Not all consumers will qualify, good thru 10-02-06. Subject to change. Artwork for illustration purposes only. I CHiLYSLERI I ALL ABO UT Jeep -- ---- I a 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28,2006 Anniversary [L If1CK 'A'SV 1CON NINE! AA- Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! N- w Glasas Top iack-To-School li.s Hendry County cafeteria workers received a Personal Best Certificate for going the extra mile and getting their GED's. They Will also receive $25 each. Back row from left: Asst. Supt. Steve .Stinnett, Edith Hopkins, Ruth Roman, Merieda Leas, Maria Castanda and President of the Food Service Association Bambi Hicks. Front row sit- ting from left: Carol Rivers, Nancy Perez and Maria Equira. Not pictured: EstherBetancur. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Mr. and Mrs. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Roberts Roberts celebrate 50th anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Roberts celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 25. 2006. at the Sanibei Harbour Resort and Spa with a dinner party for 100 of their famnil and friends The were enter- lained by the Big Cypress Band of Naples. Jackie Johns and Richard \\ere married on August 24, 1956, at the First Baptist Church in Wauchula, where Jackie grew up. Richard- grew up in Immokalee. Theynow reside in LaBelle. They have one son, Robert Richard Roberts of Felda, one daughter Neva Roberts of Ft. Myers and one grandson Jordan Dius Roberts who is attending college on a baseball scholarship at Embry- Riddle University in Da tona Beach. New books at Barron Library Don't Look Down memory of Alice Hosang from LaBelle Communty \,oman's ByJenniferCrusie (A romantic adventure about a straight-talking woman and a straight-shooting man). Given in memory of Therese Sansoucy from Gisela and Kevin Ellsworth. Hoyle's Encyclopedia of Card Games (Rules of all the basic games and popular variations). Given in ;Club. The Wedding By Nicholas Sparks Given in memory of - McDonald from Lisa Bennett. The Notebook By Nicholas Sparks Given in memory of J McDonald from Frances Doll. lenny lenny "Poor vision can hinder a child's abil- ity to learn to read. 80% of learning is through sight" Available at The Optical Center Please Family Eye Care le 100N. Main St of our LBclc FL 33935 675-0761 stop by and take advantage Back-To-School Special. Call for Details! METAL ROOF SYSTEM AT SHINGLE PRICES Hassle Free HOME IMPROVEMENTS begin with a simple phone call: 863-385-9403 lRT REMODELING REPAIRS T E W A RENOVATIONS CONSTRUCTION www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. #CCC1325639 Lic. #CBC047717 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $12.50 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net EI :l'|ikH;:1a d Mel Brant 17070 Hwy 80W. Unit #3 Clewiston, FL () 863-983-7840. (C) 863-228-0762 CALL FOR V PRAYER .-,. 6785-7785 Sponsored by the LaBelle Chapter, Order of St. Luke, a Christian Healing Ministry. Return calls only upon request. I-- O]) Z L' ;Ill4 I I. ] Ij Fla. Building & Roofing Inc. Specializing in Metal & Shingle Roofs, Flat and Re-Roofs Office: 863-674-9994 Cell 863-673-0665 Contact: Richard Cockram FREE Estimates Serving the area for over 20 yearsT RB29003105* RC29027104 PRINEVAT I onest & CONSTRUCTION INC Dependable bdd Nreuatt PD. Box 21Y' Palmdald 863 0 -75-0020 Pl.. $3I, -. fift & AP?%W BEDDING 1060 Hwv 29 S. LaBelle 864-675-1717 www.wlas acfurnritnncandappiaiccs-corn 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC08030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights 7 hrllr ) 8 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC I| HC1o017.P Licensed & hAInssed OmFCE (863) 675-8814 DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH FT. MYERS 1-866 226m9400 HANDYMAN CARPET CLEANING- TREE & LAWN MAINTAINENCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us on the web af www.illinl.2rn.corn Se Habla IEspanol LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY ,ACliOlS S ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street 'LaBelle. FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 AB 2171 LA MONARCA SALON 1250 Hwy 29 South LaBelle, FL in La Fiesta 863-675-2940 Ho0111's: Tue Sat 10 8 Sun 9 1 Walk-In's Welcome Stylist & Barber EXTREME CLEANS, INC. Constr.ict lon Cormlercial Residenual 863 675-0810 . 239 344-6712 t o *re iw rbe r3 r H. r.* 7..vc-J !. NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION p)86S-612-0070 f) 863-612-0080 825 E. COn bo Way Suite 108 LaBelle, FL 339,-5 LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 ENeRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500W.Sl mHIwIin .C wi"a 863-983-9121 Randy's Garage, Inc. 863-675-1032 S37 S. Bridge St. S LaBdcl, FL )Lust Nrth ofItng.l'rl Ford' PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hi -uts rriowug gr.asig, lamid clcu uig or oilier jobs? 239-728-6629 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS YOUR LOCAL TUTOR IN WORD, EXCEL, 'POWERPOINT, ACCESS, IN YOUR HOME. WILL DESIGN SPREADSHEETS, ETC. UPON YOUR REQUEST. CALL LYNNE AT. (863)67-7048 OR (238)M4-922S (CELL) PGASUS@STRATO.NE OVERBAUGH FOOTER. Increase your production SLet us dig your footer Commercial & Residential' Office: 863.674.1300 Patt's Cell: 239.246.5106 P.O. Box 187 Alva, FL33920 Dan & Patt Overbaugh operator/owner o4ofe3 05@yaho: :.:.r Lic& Ins #G05105 '.', QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yr Electrical Experience .Your locallyowned and operated Electrical Service Com any *Main Electrical Pandel Repair or Replacement . Landscape lighting and surge protection * CallforA Remodel Qote orhome generator accessories &book ups 9-5CAi01.o 863-228-4138 24 EMERGENCY SERVICE Licensed & Insured #ECO000661 tEl EI.)I: .i. NMrlnn f. frrn I \ "It'I 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 Walkins Welcon IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Trafford Rd immokalee; FL (Wrnn DixiE P laI) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 SH oN ORS DjOER O JEEP - 202 W, Suh1rll Hwy,, Clewistn 863.983.600' 1,888,200,1703 LABELLEI ARPET & TILE oUTLET Wholesale flooring warehouse 110 HICKPOCHEE --HWY 80 Largest in stock Selection Osceola Concrete Services LLC Concrete & Excavation Concrete Work/Demolition, F :.'irr C'ugi.: Poured New Drives & Walks Ho"', 'HI. '.II i i,Culv- u r r- uor Ilearirg Bobcat Services 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 S icensedand Insured BX06-00099/HC1011sp PACK ROOFING, INC. -890 B. Road LaBele, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lie #1327233 20 ~ears S.' Experiencel FREE ESTINL4TES I i8 > FItERS DAILY K-, DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Sluai'nd H (Afross from QCte i n) (863) 902-9494 SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES LANGFORD 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 (' all" Spoken Here! SHE KING Lutheran Chuah 1362 Thigpen Road i .illek F 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper I'. 3" & 5' Sundays Bible Study Sunday at 10:15 am. Q. ': 8 Ctt.t.i.M ..>.'iA 4 a ^ L.i br 863-6-5-2733 :e-mail ctkicestrat net,' atRoo and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES OFFICE: i. t63 675-7045 ~i HIk #L'.'CO'OI--! PETE'S DRAGLINE & BACKHOE SERVICE, NC. Dozerwork Clearing House Pads Specializing in Ditching & Ponds Office: 863.675.1862 Mobile: 863.673.8181 Mobile: 863.673.6738 . .--- CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National /, Life Insurance Company | 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) 111F.M.Mill"llwol"I'llm I I II L I d-I I I I -I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28,2006 I Births Caleb Brock Anderson Ceceila and Andrew Ander- son of Lehigh Acres, are proud to announce the birth of their son Caleb Brock. Caleb was born on iugust o 22at bth. 2006, at Health " Park in Ft. Myers. He a' weighed 8 Caleb Brock lbs., 6 ounces, Anderson and was 20 inches long at birth. Maternal grandparents are Janice and Clint Dawson of Lehigh Acres. Paternal grandpar- ents are Adrenna and Donald Randolph and Glenna and Andy Anderson of Muse. Nicholas Elias (Eli) Kaylee and Baylee Seay would like to announce the birth of their little brother, Nicholas Elias rSt (Eli), born August 24, 2006, at 4:34 p.m. in Fort 1 Myers at Lee Memorial. Nicholas Elias Health Park. Caldron He weighed in at 9 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 20 inches long. Nicholas's par- ents are Bobbi Seay of LaBelle and Octavio Caldron of Naples. Lakefront $69,900 Direct Lake Access $1 1,900 Engagement Victory Imhoff and Grant Hartb Imhioff-Hartman engagement Victory Imhoff and Grant Hart- man will be joined in marriage on October 21, 2006, at 4 p.m. at the Captain Hendry House. The reception will be at the VFW on Hwy. 29 from 5-10 p.m. Jeff Bruster, the brother of the bride, will be giving her away. The best man is Larry Freder- ick of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the maid of honor is Vonda Saunders. Lnewsza.co Community Links. Individual Voices. SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available SFull Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements SSingle Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafiol As of October 5, 2006, Dr. John Geake will no longer see patients at 45 Bryan Avenue in LaBelle. To obtain a copy of your medical records please contact the office at 863-675-3427 Dr. Geake will be relocating to Moore Haven. Notice of new address and phone will be posted. INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State Farm Is there." BankofAmerica '" '' SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle F V Usk'vmo,l 4 it v; I PHOTO ONE PHOTOGRAIY -W AND VIDEO AM O 571 Davis Strcct LaBelle, FL :3 ):35 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-mail: n'. iime llpli hot i I 'ia eairthlliiik.iiEt iJ~T~T ufij~tN~S tm/I -- llli l SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 W. Hwy, 80 (863) 675-1616 Saks Rental F I .i r i i i , Pu your to n .. ir. ' Er Rltace Ptlge MLS: Broke rrlaniger Sew Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call) MUc e= GREG MINERS MLS~.,i Uc Real Estate Broker Fran W. Spencer, Lie. Broker 437SR80W LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1203 (863) 673-5554 Web: www.SpencerRedtyFL.com MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL:: 863-673-4091 liLL1nCdl .ind ini .uircdl ..,.T... HE -- OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 -"eresa R mil 86373- 692 S 19490 Marhall Field Rd. LaBelle .. Aii' Famils. Children Baties & Pes Wedaings& Specialevens Studio or Location In house lab, you take ho ts same day. picturethlslabelte.photoreflectoom COUNTRY HMEts & LANn Ru ESTATE Kathy Hutchins S ic, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Ou Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com 233 N. BRIDGE ST Oam connaOI or wnoe ST atWamMo 863-6750500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com property management rentals sales CINDYL. AEXANDER A---* LIC. Rl ESTATE BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 Bankston Realty A: Q.ia l .ki..n *- Il.u kr . It;;trr~fWas woi r* .ici-ikiiowir- n. i.u ,'*. [_-'ll:^ t,'lN" Ph A: 4'lr ., Sod Replacement & other lawn Midntance CALL (239) 557-2972 Li. & Insured e-n ,ail' ca'perI4'nih4 'Vyala''.,:,c'r The Paint Authority, Inc. Int/ExtPainting Pressure Washing Decorative Concrete Coatings FREE Estimates. 863-675-0200 PT 000527 HC 298.SP J- .;:"- ,' * EDISON PLUMBING, INC. SFoncily p.oll Plumbing Inc. NEW 'ONSTRI 'l 1 ON SMALL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL SERVICE REPAIRS CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824 875 Industrial Ct.* IaBell, L CC12'cr&e9 trESTMATmES INOrf I RODNEY MURRAY & SETH HOWARD Lic. Real Estate Brokers LaBelle, TFL 868-675-4550 RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Comer of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 ww.lalxlleUrivrside.corn ( i il rillTr.il ..n i Marilyn Sears gicensctdielfssssaBrker '* -' 8J. | SOD SALES & INSTALLATION ALL TYPES OF SOD SERVING HVDRY, LEE & CHARLOTIEE COUNTIES CALL (863) 673-1491 *M;l;1l I Il! 4' L: "-4il ) [I'5 ,4bdoe4 ad i'ee4 Marine, Inc. (8631 675-7711 [8631675-706 LCflH '2( E 5 SIP 1 1 ALPHA AND OMeGA Need a Permit? Don't Stress, Call Us, We Will Do The Rest Covering: Hendry, Glades, Lee, Collier, Highlands, Desoto, Polk, Okeechobee & Hardee Counties Mobile: 863-673-1050 Sonya Crews Mobile: 863-673-0383 Linda Craft Fax: 863-675-1332 L{REJTA6) LAND CoW 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www. heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol SDONNA KANE il LN I 11 8i Sn L .BiiL PAUL ROSER REALTORS 625.0-898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER. BROKER ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or emall cbelle@strato.net ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.barnes@alenkellymortgage.com Stal tills & T^ tt $&P tl4 $wr l ce" With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates, References & Service Call 863-675-3231 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers "'he kin9 CGRoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 ;I *3^ *t V:o p ^rp ; IQw;w HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (35 Years Experience) SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon -Friday Sp :i.di :irnt m eni Tiln t.: H bl ,. r. T..ir:l Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-lOpm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week Caloosa Stores Waterfront Hfomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 Cell: 23.872-7665 lI d i] :.',- O 5-0000 44 wwa~ itrsoni-weathei *.cnm iMaih y *'' tmatibursor-weahemrs.con ?. *.. K, ": RcAlnrj Group. In\c. lisa Andrews lie. Real Estate Broker 238 N. Bridge St. laBdle, Fl. 33935 863-675-8868 ! FREE 2-NIGHT VACATION! Donate Car Boat RV Motorcycle 1-800-227-2643 L www.boatangel.com -n:. you need a service, a p f o I" "Call 863-675-2541 or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! I I I I I II NORTH CAROLINA Call For Details!, 1 1-866-930-5263,I C I I 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28, 2006 Arrests LaBelle Michael Vincent Yazvac, 20, of LaBelle, was arrested Septem- ber 21, and charged with resist- ing an officer. Shawn Reed of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Emir Delgado, 21, of LaBelle, was arrested September 18, and charged with possession of cocaine. Robert Shaw of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. A juvenile of LaBelle was arrested September 19, and charged with sexually offending a child 12 years of age or less. Fernando Herrera of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Clewiston Katrina Kay Silva, 39, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 19, and charged with proba- tion violation for a felony. Kelvin C. Robinson of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Paronda Laterrian Williams, 33, of Clewiston, was arrested September 18, and charged with probation violation for a felony. Leonard Riordan of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Tammy Lynn Landrum, 40, of Clewiston, was arrested Sep- tember 20, and charged with fail- ure to appear for a felony offense. Bonnie Weaver of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Andy Spencer Gowdy, 37, of Clewiston, was arrested Sep- tember 20, and charged with :possession of a weapon. Nathan E. Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Levi Campbell III, 24, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 19, and charged with proba- tion violation for a felony. Jesus Olvera of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $5,000 cash. iL Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! S-J ----------- --------- CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1", 3rd &5h Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. i S Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 N. River Rd. (Hwy 78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net r .;,=r~1 IE Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/UES UES Students of the Month Upthegrove Elementary Student of the Month, Row 1: Emily Hudson, Mary Cruz Deras, Hannah Mace, Adrian Raya; Row 2: Arleth Ortiz, Pete Rios, Anthony Cisnero, Marshall Platt; Row 3: Malorie Gomez, Marlen Alcaraz, Zenia Mendoza, Zulema Dominquez, Jose Perez-Gonza- lez, Breanna Spencer; Row 4: Maliri Kelting, Landy Dos- sou, Cole Upthegrove; Row 5: Katie Guerrero, Clarissa SMadrid, Sonia Rodriguez. Almanacs Challenge Grant Challenge Grant Awarded to Local Salvation Army Unit Salvation Army Human Ser- vices Coordinator Debbie Laven- der announces a Challenge Grant Award of $2500.00 from United Christian Giving, Inc. to go toward their prison ministry. This is a great challenge, but the funds are much needed to con-' tinue helping with the needs of released prisoners, such as cloth- ing, transportation, bus tickets, food and housing. It is also used to help with providing Bibles to inmates and Christmas to inmate families. In order to receive the grant, the local Salvation Army Unit must raise the same amount of new money. For more information or if you would like to contribute finan- cial support, please call 863-674- 1441 or send a check payable to LaBelle Salvation Army, P.O. Box '218, LaBelle, Florida, 33975. Community Harvest Worship Center Revival The Community Harvest Wor- ship Center revival is Sunday, Oct. 8-Friday, Oct.-13 with Evangelist Phil Redding from Arkansas. Sun- day services 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Monday-Friday at 7:30 p.m. Phil Redding is a former general Bish- op for the Pentecostal Church of God. There will be an anointed worship in every service as well as prayer for the sick nightly. Every- one welcome. For information call Pastor LW Howard at 675-6729 or 673-3216. Community Harvest is on the cor- ner of Orange St. and Hwy. 29 across from the rodeo grounds. COE Cowadunga fundraiser Country Oaks, Elementary Fourth Annual Cowadunga fundraiser will be Thursday, Octo- ber 12 starting at 4 p,m. The cow goes in the pen at 5 p.m. Remem- ber, if the cow leaves a "cowadun- ga" on your plot you will win $ 1,000. Tickets are only $10, so come and pick out your plot early. COE employees are selling tick- ets or come to the office to pur- chase your tickets. Enjoy hayrides, a 50/50 drawing and other activi- ties. Purchase hotdogs, chips, cookies, sodas and other items and enjoy the performances of Mr. Talada's music students that. evening. There is no school the next day, October 13, for students, so come out and have a "Cowadunga" time. America's longest war A major war was fought in our own backyards, and at one point guerilla fighters forced the U. S. Army to sue for peace. ,Noted authors John and Man Lou Missall will speak on the Seminole Wars, America's longest, costliest Indian conflict on Thursday, October 7, at. 7 p.m. at the LaBelle City Hall for members of the LaBelle Heritage Museum. All meetings are free and open to the public. The muse- um is open Thursday and Friday 2-, 5 p.m. and b\ appointment. For information email labelleheritage- museuml'eailhlink.net or call 674-0034. Learn about herbs A program for National Herb Day will be held October 14, at 10:30 a.m. at the Hendry Counth Extension Service Auditorium, 1085 Pratt Blvd. Kaye Cude will speak on Growing, Using and Enjoying Herbs in South Florida. The public is invited. The audience will be invited to visit a local herb garden after the program. Bring a sandwich. Beverage, herbal pumpkin soup and dessert will be provided. Bring any special food or beverage you require. Call 863- 674-4092 or 863-675-8335 or e-mail. gmcavoy@ifas.ufl.edu or wkleah99@aol.com for directions and details. Get a deal on your color yearbook Save $20 on your all-color LHS yearbook through Friday, Sept. 29, during class or at the'home foot- ball game. Purchase a yearbook during school from one of the fol- lowing LHS students: Arianna Rodrigrez, Rachael Boy, Jessica Bechtel, Christina Smith, Callie Burler, Darcee Woodford. Ka\'vlnn Doll, MallcI, Alien, Barbara Brog- don, Ton\ Dominguez, Danielle Robinson Irene Garza and Stephanie Vargas. Contact Naniyvn Akin if you have an\ questions at: (8631 674-4120. Benefit for Alva resident The community group in Alva (Alva Inc.) is sponsoring a benefit barbecue for a long time Alva resi- dent Leanne Yancey (41 years young), diagnosed with cancer. Pick up the chicke-n dinner front I 1 a.m.-4 p.m Sunday, October 1, at the Alva Community Center on N River Rd. Cost is $7 each. For into - mation, call 675-6788. Bicycle/pedestrian board plans meeting The Bike-Ped Advisory Com- mittee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 at Barron Library. The next meeting is Octo- ber 3. All welcome. New worship times Beginning October 1, First Bap- tist Church worship services will be at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Chil- dren's church, ages four through the second grade, during the 11 o'clock service. Sunday school at Home Sweet Homes Neeed Si Loan Sweet Loan N'lC Equal Housing Lender 300 East Sugarland Highway (863) 983-8191 101 S. Berner Road, Clewiston (863) 983-3003 301 Highway 80 West, LoBelle (863) 675-4242 1 175 Palm Beach Blvd. Ft. Myers (239) 437-8191 Moore Haven (863) 946-1515 Member FDIC 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening worship con- tinues at 6 p.m. Everyone is wel- come at the First Baptist Church of LaBelle, 330 North Main Street. Muse Town Hall meeting There \\ill be a Muse town hall meeting Thursday, September 28, at 7 p.m. at the Muse Community multi purpose building. 25895 Loblolly Bay Rd. S.W Glades County Commissioner Alvin Ward, County Manager Wendell Taylor, Property Appraiser Larry Lucky and FPL representative will pres- ent information about the pro- posed Glades Power Park electrici- ty generating plant. Social Security If you have questions about. social security or supplemental security income or need help in completing an application for old age, disability, and survivors insur- ance; Medicare, or Supplemental Security Income benefits, call the number shown above The Fort Myers office is open Monday-Fri- day from 9 a.m -- p.m. except on national holidays. lIfou prefer, you maN meet with a representative at the Nobles Senior Center on 475 E. Cowboy Way, LaBelle from 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3. QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience You r locally owned and operated SElectrical Service Company, Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement S Landscape Lighting and surge protection Call for A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 9-5 call 63-983-4101 863-228-4138 24 E.nw,-ujr...cy Service [.Lc-r_ .j & r.:urrd # 'EC O...I.W Ir -- -- - :;1 HOSPICE ..-s.. m" Your time is precius. Qzoo ~ ~ ~-ar.vs ,ar.* L. WIT l hilSH g~BIIIOsvmCurj ti~ a w -' -l People have so much to do and so little time to do it. To help you deal with your time constraints, we pack this little newspaper with lots of relevant and useful information. We want you to learn what you need to know quickly, so you can experience and enjoy your community fully. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism C t m, L c.0 o, r, bi RW LL (L~QLOISI~JRB-.2. Ftluuty Isad '*C~in IS Vist ur office at Immokaee Career &Servce Cnteror *ng " arna- : ~tBsE~ll~ll~ ~c~ i .~ao~; .......... ;*'' I F I~43 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28,2006 2I. Clipper Ct. 2BD' IBA 1625 Case $129,900 2.29 A VACA Port LaBel Caloosa Es 1655 Case Rd 3BD/2BA on 2.29 Acres. $181,500 $ COMMERCIAL 141 Hickpoochee Ave 2500 sq.ft. building and land only Call or stop by to see more information on all 274 N LaBell 863-6 www.nm e R cre le 13; tat $95 of e,] 51 ne Wd 3BD/2BA on es. $185,900 T LAND Lots starting at 2,900 tes Drive, ,54 ac 9,500 $1,500,000 our listings! Bridge St FL 33935 2-0002 Iking.com P N C R ~ Frana W.Sptncer, Lic Broke S SPENCER 3 S SSOW I.- B. L SL (863) 675-1203 -(863) 673-5554 R EE I tY w^,L-T V Wc, www.SBLRyTa.Bc P.n W. Sp.ter, .ic. Brotck 437 St.SOW LaBfet., FL ($63) 675-1203 (863) 67.-SSS4 Web. *www.SpencfrReuhftyFL~uym SELLER WANTS AN OFFERII! 400 5th Ave LaBelle, FL Belmont Gorgeous 3 year-old, 3/2 home on a comer lot has ceramic tile floors, custom bath with a big garden tub, large eat-in kitchen, really nice brick fireplace, split floorplan. A deck overlooks a small canal. Close to everything. $299,900 3/2/2 ON BEAUTIFUL CANAL. Gorgeous deck overlookifig the canal for the relaxing nights. Extra large front yard, plenty of room for the kids to play One of the most desirable and family friendly neighborhoods in LaBelle. Owner very anxious, bring offers! 3-BEDROOM. NEWLY REMODELED HOME with new carpeting and flooring throughout. Screened patio. Huge yard with big fenced-in backyard covered with beautiful oak trees. Great neighborhood in heart of town; $199,900 2.5 ACRES. THIS SPACIOUS /2 (2003) PALM HARBOR MANUFACTURED HOME features cathedral ceilings, a split floor plan, large bedrooms, walk-in closets. Modern, black kitchen appliances. .Ceramic tile in entry, baths & kitchen. Situated on 2.5 acres. Back pasture is fenced & ready for.your horses! Has several nice oaks. Shows like brand new. $219,900 IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A PEACEFUL COUNTRY LIVING. LOOK NO FURTHER! This is ideal for a weekend get-away, or full time residence. There is a storage in back, a small barn, a detached car- port, dog pens, and lots of pretty trees encased in 2.31 totally fenced acres. The home is a Fleetwood, nearly new model in immaculate condition. You gotta see this one!!! $199,900 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALEI This 2/2 mobile home has just been remodeled, with new carpeting & vinyl throughout, & new cabinetry in both baths and kitchen. The 50' X 400' lot is covered with gor- geous oak trees and.very private. Sits 5 drives North of a small grocery store. $65,900 UNDER CON- TRACT! VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OA CEMENT RENTALS SALES NDY L. ALEXANDER C. REAL ESTATE BROKER OCIATES: EOIDrI HACKMNNN rIACKMANN, ROOKIE RUCE AND DoN BURDICK 675-0500 ITY NEW LOCATION! 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of BFIOGE Sr 8 WAfirnllcITOCr iE HALLO E 4 aCiAIl RENTALS AAILABLE !I'+ 1. ilA. IlleJ J.:r Pr.:premr h s beer, plr NO PETr I. l, + pir.el. l~r.- : J'. j i ".ih yci,. BIR ND NTVW HOME -r i .:l|.- 2 ..ri,.. dj,- ,..:11 I ,- -l, f hi : ; i. ,l FtS000M "" ...i'i j y....:,-r,,-.J iQ r. ,h On l 'olt Acskirig IN PORT LBELLE '. I $50.M 349,.900. IN LABELLE '. 2 i'u-\ $850 M 2 2 ON 100+ ACS in (Glad.: C:.-u., LEHIfH ACRES POOL HOME in $2.500.000. ..-n,[L-,r i..ied ,,,,nij,,r full fu.,r,,l :d IN E~IST F l. t'ERr, i.' -c i ,!."lll 0i fl :, ". + I,'. ih.-" I,. .,-, $2.000 M l,, r,,i ,: -ni,,r, his : m, r-r-, ,.-... r.,i,,t rim HORSESHOE ACRES -iE J ,.f Ljfill, A lc.l d M..,, ir-J .cll,:. ,.k,ri- r-...]l.: iull, ruii-,hh. I $800 M. $279,900. EsT FT. MlT O 1 L-r.a space every IN PORT LABELLE ,n a ,c.rrer lu i 2 where. $1,200/M. newer r-, ri -iiIci.. Pr,.r COMMERCIAL 'OFFICE SPACE newer r..O 189.900. $8OOta/ sell. Onl} $189.900. $800+tax/M LOCATED IN THE CIn'- 2/1 bing .auld A L' LOTS STARTING AT $22.500 $125,000. ON MLK BLVD 3/1 home has been renovat- HOMES FOR SALE ed. Priced to sell at only $129,900. IN THE CITY LIMITS ON OAK ST 2/2 with ON PHILLIPS RD 2/2 two story home on 5+ carport on a double corner lot. Owners have acres. Home features an open floor plan with taken care of this home and it shows. Home is screened in lanai on the back and a balcony on in excellent condition. $182,900. the front. Property has several trees, large barns POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING In Venus and out buildings. Asking $450,000. PAUL ROSER REALTORS 863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSE, Broker Nikkl@NlkklYeagerRoser.com Pafl@PaulRoser.com 239/584-2005 cell 289/584-2002 +/- Ac. & gor- geous home in LaBelle. AI : AIII PRICED TO' .SELL! Call Matt Fleming **: Today... .. al ...l 863-600 Call 863-675-60000 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 If you are Ii40 i'ng ob yling orselling oeiv ts, a call, CHECK:US OUT ONUNE AT www.newhorizons-re.com Se HjbIa Espanol rIjT1I1 I~ &i ,,,.-i ~1:~lJ2 1,ar,, a~ril~ a-i.h .a1 5225.000 HOME BUYER," GUIDE W 863 675 4550 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle sal R Rodney Murray & Seth Howard Lic. Real Estate Brokers l Stte C Associates: Phil Lewis, tI e Tamra Franco, Kyndel Murray 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & par- tially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $282,900. 4/2 well maintained home with 20x30 workshop, 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. $274,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 68 d im O.,n:- SNIew Horizons Real Estate Corp. .-I A ..L rIn ad A I i" i I "',. ;" ~ II,. I l -uggg. g _. * SEult.Ei SAi Ii' LukJ .l iiffEL' Gtinunr cin C tur S flri:|.h,.:, inr ,..i.jl aip':"i Iarec .:.ik-lW ..'p -,II I Patk. p l: ik J ;I, I,., ,:ui cll I.-, :rc 5699.900 Si['f'l-.h,' t l,, ,l], A i,-rl,.ulial.: li dc l:ll .i' -J,1c -,. i. ii ,7,, : j .,,' -l ,.,r I l, c ,rr n. ,-actaIlr _ Atf. [.-ci i, u 0i 1 r$-nJ 0l ,rilU I3-lu,000 REDiCEoDeI ' .c:j i ij. i I..l.rIt A .t-juihl cu lt :I'b and lots ot room. $285,000. * 2BR/2B Brick home.on an oversized lot in the desir- able Quail Run S/D. Features new flooring, screen porch, fenced back yard, and a detached 2 car garage. and lots ot y $239,90 * Solid Decision, Solid House! You'll be glad to see this spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing with * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a 2 acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. * Calling all Investorsll 4BR/2B manufactured home in Horseshoe ls4 f & i3ID l aswis with right to insEett. g g' c il aflde thd you will have made a great investment. $75,000 * Best Bargain for Miles! 35 beautiful secluded acres at ONLY $25,000. per acre! WITH Pole Barn, Electric and several wells! Call ASAP for showing! $875,000 * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RG1. Surrounded by upscale sub- division. Ripe and Ready for developer $800,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * Uncramo yourself on this soadous 2.5+- acres on quailr,, from thc ne, trijnt. Bond ,ding o the wood georg.>, ic of ladnJ & Ik-nud ifr hI. lo nmn) EvansRd. with a i n ndfenced or livestock. So l)r.. Ai', ipplirii., hot ..jicr uLnk d I.,r i ldijil*. crui tIlbt, illfur in ipf.iis-frin till.id' $350000 goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. tncs ire all le- L- tan 2 yjar old New rool being 0 Iatrei ofi beatulilly hihubt'bd and nLrid.iJpcd $130,000. ii>llc. (illi t.daj) Ifr this worry free.home! gruurds ire filu.ng i;ir..dJui.n .to a.uperb 32 hor' 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. $234.000. Huge .crerid Lirn. u, aicicd irn. 2 hrn, h d I dd .- This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. * REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/IB CBS home ionAir.l 4i rll ci-uln. urr.)p Plu piuure for ids pun)' Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $85,000. with Ith bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features W. rth .cllrg tg.ui qu...' $215,900. Genuine Countri Fedl Dai), gne t, ire butk'f cili include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced Bidk on the mirlkrc' Th, 2 5+ re min calte the bci on th, pnvyie & .,udJel 2+.. .i Frtth ii backy,rd, irrig ali:, arid a front deck to die for. Only nrikc l..iJngri.' with i3BR2Bminuthciuredhume ,al' $93,900. $230,000. Featuring cerJmit lilt, rc\irticd ,allk & patiouu Call for prices on all our Montlura Ustin * Fertile Financial Ground! Plant your investment in kidther Onl) $179,900. -._-- this exceptional Duplex. 2BR/1B on each side and ide- 2: 1 r:,.mc Ikaci-d o .ri gtrerouvic I + ar.t lot ill Iiaied in ,ilrn Very nice ith bejiiful yard Nice tucked *way on i quiet street Oik trreres ite a bilck ht- iwat. )...a! $225,000 tard. c,.t hirig tbe.u A Amu. tl $ 165,000. Dr ded gurgeu,' If re It ng f, he drtrm * Super Deal for a Super Finil' Sp.:rit o .2 wilh rhe Lu\ur) l Sp'a.! tfilh ii.dee on ,d -u.idc 12 lor our ntw hume lu n. ifunher e Iai mt in ihE -ugh ulilrd ctiling, Pauk like feInrd tkAl.rd At rhs imm"cul'le home riled on 125 acre, Stunning ahter Belmont SDD in Li cile Th 37+.-.ure imly super pnicc ou ne t l)u ,iee upler juon 169,900. .-ne lireali.. In Frmlyl rnm F-.-rmal ding tiff of dre.ar, s. rue Onh i79,900. huol;e khitrhn with lot ui ticbmrsl nd r iunlreerooP. m .29+/- -at n the Belmont SD Pncc e Ill ~i u nll Tranquil M lrer bctJro:m r a pursornal rer.at room SM.900. lise sbler winMjg. JrJ lhih b.lh Sp irtiouu nd srrt buit 1it 154,900 Beaulu I *-,. i re l,-manes.' Outc Lifil M ium, bhet rural w) lu r d M t turd home limis but onli minutes i'im Io*n' Jut ffii E Ro d [ur I with over, 1100l Ii olimng rea ready for u.upan) m* Call about ow i Pot LIaBll lo~sl *SELLER FINANCINGAVAILABLE! $149,900 *REDUCEDI REDUCED! 'BRB[ homrn eion.efilrod M Bh n inside and out! Watch the sunrise on front deck and n i N .1_II SI sunset on the back deck, Something for everyone with Pr.I (ONIMRCIAL Li.i,. L a L i -[BR'IB minuhllurb] home ur, I troll in ne r 1 a ea rdto e ih,. l hwie pit ,, w.IrJ\rl-d Iea~utr. OIt Itl., S D in O un. C ul d prop i for Dad an big kitchen forM omn just 12,900. ro. d wO. ,n de ,', p ating -rat tpot c,, Privacy + Peace & Relazaionl" 3BR/2B doublewide a i R in r Iii tOad Soon dk w/u,300 sq. ft. under air in town. P fenced on 3 frontage and 3 existing entrance off of SR 80. Cleaed Need more livingroom 2,152 sq ft of luxurious li sides & chain link in rear Baks up to pond Extras withwellandelectric.limesonyoursideinthisinvest- Need more"living"room2,152sqftof luxuriouslivng, include-shed,hugeFloridarm&BBQ deck. $13900. ent! $2,750,000. This4Br/2Bhomeonl0+/-acreshasitall,fromitspacious Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on 78 are Prime20+/-acrepotentialcommeialparcel located family room w/stone fireplace, master suite w/,olice, coy- Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes ered porch, and fencing for horses. Thisone is a steal @ kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to away from downtown aBelle. $3.50 per square foot only $450,000 Country coziness $137 900 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of *Si2ewillsurpriseyou!2BR2B home on 0+/-acres is Rare find outside of LaBelle but not to far from LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and very well kept and former modle home. Features a schools or shopping. 3BD/2BAmanafactured home fea- frontageon Luckey Street.Asking $499,000. warm comfortable living room w/ gas fireplace, spa- tures split floor plan, built in cabinets, separate shower Beautiful 25+/- acre comer lot in downtown LaBelle cious kitchen, front & real covered porches. $400,000 & garden tub in the master suite, and much more! All w/great potential..Currently zoned for duplex or single * Bringyourhorsesandrelaxthe rualway! 4BR/2B manu- on.50+/-acre. $132,000. family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. fractured home with over 2400 sq. ft of living area sitting on $119,900. AKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGE CI SCOTTASSC AK LI REA 1.1l ~scnii;i-~;;- ~ aP~i~~~4l s aM W-~i-r:ii MOM" .11 .1c. ,so I t 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28, 2006 REAL ESTATEH BUYEWS GUIDE DO IT YOUR WAY! Enjoy the privacy of oaks and pine frontage on a paved road, go fishing in the pond, BBQ under the oaks, live in the handyman special, 2/2' with den niobile home. Build a new home or add another mobile, 2nd septic already installed on 2.5+ acres in Muse. Clean up from wind dam- age, tree disease and debris required Bargain priced at $135,500 or possible trade. View by appointment through owner. 239-218-4543 HOE UYR SMIA Century 21 Sunbelt Realty, Inc., and Sunbelt Funding Services are pleased to sponsor their first annual HOME BUYERS SEMINAR & WORKSHOP on Thursday, September 28, 2006 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Century 21 Sunbelt office, located at the cor- ner of MLK Blvd and SR 80, in LaBelle. FREE credit reports, refreshments, and door prizes for seminar reg- istrants. Come in and see how YOU can buy your own home. Special rate packages for service professionals (teachers, fire/rescue, police), buy-downs, 100% financ- ing and more. For more information call 863-675-1616 63- Home --- Builders Visit Our kldel Center: 2480 E. sate Road 80 Open M-Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 . Sto ing, Build rea om Ca r & Pay off Cdit Card We H aced Loans That Others Coqtdn't Alan Kelly Mortgage 863.674.0091 _ .it W '' ' Building Communities, " One Quality Home at a Time! HeimIh' C ,,u, ni # l Top Quality Builder --I 1 {L1Is27: C HI..Z .7,900 (r.4 2 2--68 ---" -i ..[4S. Balsam Cir. 4/313 $033290 Vacant I otS Availahle Great Deals!!!! Builder's Discount Mortgage Interest Rate b uy down i.5%-1 st yr B .5%2nd yr 30 Fixed rate w/CHL HM S FREE Pre-Qualification with. CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. An Alffilate of Weit!s FarIco Home M tl-gage (863)612-0012 A0 www.cnlhomebuilders.com investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soont Lorida 0 Acre tracks A available in 2 months : L .'L I lRi. 11 I.l iil I - * *:il *p i fi l .i,>. 'I'cim l. n ii. I. i '.r..- I Hi a. l I i .J '.i.il T L'I-'HHI. \A ilir r .cr 9016 Lamkin Cir. 312/2 $229,900 - 2029 N. Montana 3/2/2 $211,980 Cypress II mental Available $1200 Mth Thchzdti C~rorip. lu-ic. 23 .BrdeSt 3 e F 335-83-675-886 %\,\,,suh-es tfoidael7 I-S SbaEsao OMIMER( 4: $1,u.;IO.Ou i f- H -I * $1,335,900- ;if.i :- H i..,,.-L ,,:,- ,- *LaBelle's Center Business District. Ei',-r. ,- offers. * $988,025 Looking to expand or t,-. ,,., business. This auto salvage yard is tr Ii .: ..t j kind. Organized and well established,' r ,.I.: i bill of health. * $739,000- Unique 2+/- acres parcel. ,i ,i rl 162' of frontage on busy SR 80. The f..,-,i A.. . zones C-IA for many types ofcommercl u:-. Th,. rear acre is zoned RS-1. The property is 55' deep with scattered oaks. P jrl i... 1- 'i.h. .l' in. ,lu ..h i1,I .-.fer 1.600,000 fl.i. A:' .+ .... i ,.. I .,.IJ liI ITiti- iiihlI !900.61.11. 1 1 I'l IIIJ J L III HUT'.11 j-.W t f,, I-d 1.m .. :i W * $850,000iIi. NJ I pr .:,f+ .: bc~~c a .-.tir ii ~jl':rnr r~. ijh:.~ l ~l: ~ciI.-.. '-'.I ~ l~lll 11 4 r. 1,.-a I m ..., ..: .4 Ih l I. I lj 1 1 1 -1.1 1E fl '- b .1 .. 1'Ctulr HOiNlffl%-' C" i .d F...[,, I I".11i, '2l).940 F. i llc!i i i. Fr.r, $31.000 l 70 .000u trhvh !.-:-t Fi -ui $-16.9I0 * n,,is L. .L ~I, ii.a~ 1r4"001) 10 50.0M1) .i,. Fn20.000 J.9100 A(CRE'.G: * $1,250,000 16.04+/- acres. Great develop- ment opportunity! Close to schools, recreational ..:. ..: .1.: .:.T 1 il.,r .jii I .. l.: i:J ll ... lh.I. i,.. I. : .r.: i, ,.i ru l.- Call ifo more inlo on Hiumb, Ricrfirunhumes, Acreage and Commercial Listings. *~F .L CEILW~F~ PI ~FrTI CURi~ET'iTLY ZONED FT. t 'DENAUD ORANGE i" .. OTh TREES GRACE THLS .9P0ENJOYTHE PEACE MkPACRE YLOT aid '-.BIZ .513A hrme '~ -d mrincp i C'L A RESIDENIAL .GROVE on a pri..ate, .eclud- '- - nir P tv 5 uc Futu %10 Of a InUr-OW iig bLs5 un rceom. Bnuritffi id oad thir ends at reel s b~AUUllil t c rI BA Rv ,'dur-J, nI.f A. 3 ,1L. P itearial h, ,mdrnre i-' it-.r l" .c-& p ea I,.c.21 ,at wo.Ad lr 11Wih IIR-2 BR Pr ul lerm 1 ihs'1. FiA kd I[ drk I U% 1: r I he doublewide manufaai recd liom, din NE COTIIr. (pi. e ). S ,k aWk north of. ccfni c G LR IS 1.i i"O.r .Iu back.,rened pario:-with rn extra 2BRIBA airgliewde pa~znsin~zidrlctt Oa. lri ~, iD' Rhver Rd.iOrarngc ro~, ,-i' I; W,:id IIi .itrirc -n i-auFa,~oued haiire n iirnokaI'-eE part J,; pasfure. 'u ha%,z '1 ", ,4' e s a I t nd apr..duieeas d rmau Wndrrvlu] dlucsun hdrr cziierra nm t lCri lnk. iuAri.-.r, skiier. indnor rero..d ard with u,-igafion a s-rcr and anrage sheds thir-uy K:2 g _t. in-i gt no ih. Zpr 31r11, i Lune. SriIer tsil ti, ronw. L ge pn%-,rr b L',.1t I,.-ICI Gi(,rorn ~r~P-1., hmar $245,000 frinarn- g fin-In- ,re ntg $ .wo .00ri -111 me pr5 O ramp &tb l. a L..mgi rll~nI O Ttrn, ; arr~ n $1.100.000 IdnBU ICIF, 9. tt rln l S ~nh rt-'Jft. *749.004)) WATERFRONT HOMES PANOLRAMIC \IEWS nf the Cil:.-.:,ah ar..:ho Riret ,iiil[ \oi.u in tlils 3BR 2 B. \ hoim, i.h s i n ,r. c-l- lzd piinsii- br-t :.a -.k Comiiu LI.uul, pu.-J.. bo.ai Ili-Tip., N teii- -i. $.-ur[. $749.000 ENJOY THE RIVER fromm thli hillv furnished IB R %BA '-'-su l hron-e This homeir has b;:en I-umnplete- I ,. modeled anid features gpanie coiunrertops hard- '.:,od l1.::.rs a hrpc lari a;- h ith in ground Jac:uzzi pa aind ,t ia :r jiant,- iin e rieti .es hO nm rach bedroom R.Cdu.t-:l to $698.000. UPGRADED 3BR2BA HOME FEATURES 125 t .fi riv.'c liinrit C(. cni..rn tit I'.carel ,.irhin I mnile ,f iariimn res-i iants and i -tl ll cou.irs- $599.900 SAVOR THE SUN : i s,-iur pri ti .later ciront rctrear 4 BR ''B.n\ in uiaruliOtrcrrd home s.it-. indtm niall at the endr .I, c1 ul-de-sac O-)ers--2ed baj-k p.rlrc:h l:,,oks ov'ei rdhr r.',.I o ._i f nr ll,- rl .l:r e i -, $ 524,000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS ..hili hi, '.BRk BA. h..i.,,r nii\rg,iblb cieek ofl'fci ilcLt uLLCS .. . the i al..ui.i.,atc-hie Rler. $399,000 SLIMMER FLN! 4BR BA M H includles 12 5:1. no rr.c-i a:cc-s,. making .in eiit \ launch for icet ski. Detacihed j n lagc inj hIih quality upgIade- r Erjo) e sun' $395.000 PERFECT SIZED GET-A-\.IY OASIS! 3 BR 2BA car.al fih-,i NI II includes iderliled upg iades and thItiighltful lii.Jndscpe $145.000 WATERFRONT HOMES SITES DREAMING OF OWNING YOUR OWN 12 4+.'- sccltdeId ac Island? $1,400,000 MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE YOURS. 2 5u. + .1ac. ot riierir.:.ni acreage iith reii....- .ble s-pol easen, ni lh a, cic-, fini CI-.R '- $965.000 IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA ItARBOR. Includri e- t.ora roliu:k. el L. el -rrli,, .,rid Fpi- t,..r.d i3rLotiaic" O).ci ti1,l ft of v.i iterLirunt $499.000 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. Rilei iM-s.i riier acc iss-. and dock permit. Di.ed restilr ted ,..,niimuliii ',. +'- -c 5$429,000 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT L.BELLE RA.NCHETTES. 2 "'.- + i: r. deL-.ii:blc d:-ud rct- ll i- ed 4,.:.l,',urilt'. $425.000 TAKE [N THE BEAUTY OF THE RIVER li".mni 1lui '.. + sa. home ic in Pr LaBcllc Rar.sd..!tii s I2!I. it ,:,f greenbelt bets.c, n ihore iite and iilci. b...at d,._Sk-. allo ed. $410,000 IT DOESNUjNDIBMBRv# IAC $225.500 HOMES 3 BR2BA CBS HOME .n, 21) + a. I-.a i.L 1.1 I I'. .irkhr1 .r inp i -..lud i .- ,.i~r- r.:-i,: Irjrr. ..edJ dr lr 1iu.il .nr -mI -,tcr ... liti, i.-. fln. 5999.001) 4BRB.BA BRICK HOME ON II + .C. fiunci,,ri.n, brc.-.Jri, Ir.qrn. iur.,n.-iredj h ..f.. 1.,-. ,-r 2 dd I p. lc larn. 3r.l d ,-.i kh rP .-A ltri L iuir,-- L.,1 5999,000 4BR 2BA HOME ON 6+ AC. Pri-'ar .ii cd p,'11d. 'arict, ut truir irte:., -I)K I . ,, p".." b.irr. 1 '.\ ii l li j r 2' lio..h rie.ie $699.900 3BR 2BA CBS HOMtE rnn :+ ;,. C.r.:., fcInc-id pr.'l..I !ake .,rliardi.c ,r t rudsrl : In ni .l ri, >..,i' -c itOnr ri.. 1 $595.000 PICTURE PERFECT ',BR 2b I ,a.r..r. titic honm Ili tur-. pia.i.,c p.-..l irnd rn. ,.,.. ,: hiijm he C.-,n-,urin bratl amd p $549.900 DRfEMLS NEVER END i i ih. u.'-.m ,iBR 'L. p.,-l Ii..me n it Ii loir, ng ihr-. pli ae S:.ar.n c litngllr ,, di:nri ad a ourm-r l it.hcn 54-47.500 3BR 2BA 2-STORY HOME SITUATED ..r. 3 59 + -.,: .-iX'2il p,.,e brain. 12 t.. ik. .1 ,k .:'.., *rrd ji: ...-: 5'il415.00') 3BR 2BA CBS HONE ON 4.82+-AC H. n icT.l u ., I..,.lri ; pi l1.u..r 1< ..,. 1,I i> ,_ .ar. | '.jr .i :k pI.rih (- r.-. lern _.o. lp -rc i nd..udo m n. llr m rr ..:i .;-ijbh:. I ' ; 5.000 PORTRAJT OF PEACE. Thi. 'BR P,. r1plihi Ilr plan ho'mc 1I Kneiiriend EL.1 lc 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 EI TA E LAND CoD1-888-675-6762 LA N D hernagelando.om i s wsm.herlagelandco.com ;" MLs i DONNAKANEBROKE 39 AIC. OAA PIANT MION. 2H : iH lii p1. I. 1. I -- IN(OME PRO'DLUlCINGl ORANE(J lr (nT I I .I'I--F -L Ill- Ill .. 1 11, 1.- 1-101 3ac 43-32 + WC. Of 'i ,,'iu OAK RANhA OCK. C)?PRE% .N~l PARUME I- A 1 1 11 11 1 1, I I '.. .. I 1. '.1 1 A+-N IC OFF -.111111 -o 30 +. WC. OF IMPROpNIL)., lipi.- oli 20 -- p- I F.1.N F)11. hh-.d 1, .11.. '" 1 F ii. ~ Imk"..: $ llliiOVrlI00i 5 '* ,,Iuei d ,'eilt ,:, ti lm,, ', l _, 211 + C 5'FrH II, ., ,l -' .l. .. ,, ] ruui,: Ilo,,rir, i .g cpjr I % i n in j' -r n.l i .r i r. 1 1 Il mi.:, m3, n d r J a -la r.ii .. m u', .r i l T h e I-, .: r .l i, r, _,l .. [.' l l .. I I. ,, )p..:i. .u, Lba k L a rJ pL- d -, i-- r ., i id& e "i. .. 1 .. ,I,': 548),iilll ,r<:',, i...I 1 1. 5 iIldit- $315.000 3 ItND 4 \CRE HOilME'i TES ,1i.. 1,i l..i LOCA61EN. LOCATION. LOCATION I ,II. i ,.l,., .... ,ll .,, .... I, ,: Imp-i. ibl: I :u .rnm R'BH l .1 _- ni. ,c .l m 345,0) o $ Ili 1iiii i ti I" i I]I I l.. unI1 cI omii ml 1c'n r union l 20 + 1 -.,'i l, .1 i, i ,, ,, I' ,,, i, h i,' $ 2 79 ,000 " A HOME WITH PERSONALITY AND CHALRMI 3BR 2B.\CBS ihorri nc L.I I:.r pi..n 248.Ili1n 3BR2BA WITH 1.656 SQ. FT LIVING AREA. Iluilr. i i _ll. ..,-,, Ii. i o Ilut ltub $229,900. 3BD2BA ON SPACIOUS GREENBELT. TI.L h,,m. r. I... I, ..i ..i .. :.,. .. $210,000 3 BR 2BA I M OIMIPN CT195,)000-. P.ARTLULLN FURNISHED .'3ik. 'LA2 h-.ni inclull.id ,ilp', rt ,1 J ..h. -t h".,r L.r.l a did L rimmul l 5.il $175 000 THE PRICJNBER I klACT 3BR IBA COUNTRY VILLAGE HOME. Nc. ii h I, ,..ll-,r .,r..I ,. ,dC.rh,,,C i l- 1 114 1 q L unci der air s:- cn l pt, -ch i .ri :. i .l i i--. i,,,t ( .,-.i ii , pr.r.l i.iLh j ,:lulhiii.. nrd ,ir.imt, I T,'m I ll ,'ia I : iii c.:-,re WI-, ,Idl~ rnl R ,r -_u ,.iT , C.re:r in- ie tt-RilN ER TIoID NEU CONSTRUCTION CLSTOM HOME! 3BR 2-B.\ L(_ h iome ris ..ctI. II.-... ..1 r iri. -ilcil L...- I.J ..I. ig neromu. tT- iter Ir uaiili. urr..ulndingi rv-l eh..-ni $389.,900 FASHIONABLE AND FL' NCTIONAL I ,-i,...ll-nru.:ttor ,'.Ltl -I-s c-B I,.:.r, ,i, '. + i.: r. Q .u l lRun 5 i 5339.000 BE THE FIRST TO LIVE ml in il, bR 3 -? \ I.in-lm E thlij i ic hi .,i .1 .lit,. I |j s I ro'.,m Tr n ,t r..uld be ii,> ,i 4ih [IP ,i o. ,1 ,le.. I or,. t 1 i I ,-l 1 i-. 1 .o,,mpl-.lc.l b,. il I' ,'i. $244,900 BLIDGET FRIENDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION. ;bR l'B1 .... i...,,l., i .n..,.. pri'.', Reduced Io $194,00 I .- 5$4,000 seller contribution. JUST IN TIME TO DECORATE... r -.,-llh inr. ,.,nj .r.il ..i,,.i, h.,I,. n, l. m.,i. (Jjk- D Comier l t ]lr I... ir to the-i F'P:.ri L.i.Bcl. Mirinn, ii,ndJ 1 CIll n.. r.,, Iake ad,.i'.j iilK: ,,1 1nui si ir, _-rin .c. r.h ,i: r.h-i:, inri'i ii, .1'i n1 $'2S9,900. MLANLIFACTURED HOMES COUNTRY CHARM ON 5 ACRES. '.ftis 11'. *I'. I n l l. ... ,, I.,,I fill.l'ace. ). ,0i phl<. cl.ro n m hll. ,ir ,.L i .i Illit .s .,n ., n III ,lt i Lr.h.:1 l I ' -i,., $299,9001) 5 + AC. -. r .,I L.iE,'.!: -:Or.l, i h.,..-r .1 . r ... r.-, 1, ,,i $269,900 10+ \( TR.A( i, ..i ., i.:.n.., dj j.J d ,:,jrJ i., ,,,,I i ,: -. : ..I.,.m .i.:- $24'9.900 MUSE 5 ACRES .:.. iL...tl.:ll Bn Rd $ 200,000 L.D EC. ACRLEAG E, p... ]. ,-uI c ,-r j. ji .ri -. + -. $165,000 MONTLURA RANCH ESTArTE. in 1 21 + i:. I,:r $3.900 o $6,5100 HOMEsI rTE REFINED HOMESITES i...Idibl: ir n cc.. ... .r, .., I iu ,.'l j.- Fr..ni $90.000 lo $110.)0 1 ,,:". 0 ...,| llU..a ... .-l I..,I 1 .. j jil. II ,1- HARD TO FIND OAK FILLED .....-c. I, t .r ii... 11, $150,000 ENJOY IHE QULIET ,t j rc:. ill:l + j.: ", r-,, h 9.900 (:-N-U FRONT PARCEL. -.i + j.: i., i i. -I., -.1 590,000 CO+- 1C LOT OFF (R '8 In i i. : .r-iLb 1 Ih.:,I Ilr, lll.I 'l h.',.., (I 1 :l,: 1...[ l(l', Ir,-,: IIjr I. "-r iI,: $.,.,l..n, 89.4 00 )+'- .\C LOT ACROSS FROM CUOOSA ES fI TS S D 1.21 .'i .- II t h,.,1 .-11 .,i f,. -,.,f, u...I,.,,mo-.J ,k ,.r. $89.900 S4 AC. BLiLD'BLE LOFT ,II i1.1. I':,d Llrn I,...r[Ih:,l II [ .. ..,...I t Hill..l r iljll J$85,000 (HERisH THE CHARM, ,i li-...ijlul :it. il.-.J ,.r, i- + i.. $85,000 .-inar,. 1. .lall ht..r' c barn ircliide t ,t .k r..., di.d -aIJ e ro miir "iLh >,-o,.lnest icerai-. ', 1. 525.000. LIKE NEWv 4B-R BA ,clulewidel Il H .,n : 4i + 5399.000 BEAUTIFUL WOODED 1.27 +- AC. LOT i Imrrhm.',klesc 'BIR -'B.-\ Jublekiiric '.1 H & IBR IB.\ sA,rncledcI M H $245.000 STARVED FOR SPACE? Tripled: c..o '2 + ,, '2, 1 q ftl lih n bric-k tilh rpl, l ,i 24 ,n-i. ouundl po..l and o t-. d.,.. rL ..-rki h ps $199,900 2BR2BA WITH DEN on '2 plus acres .iie s.:- :.,n btr .-pif lor adjdus nal home- .1. $197.900. MII ONxDERlwRcTNmRftC58.0ooo LOOKS SMALL. LIVES BIG! 2 NI.1-1 ,.n I + r. I iirru e.i..ered [iJrking, -..i kl... l :. ur r:U.ib u!.1- $155.000 GET OLT OF TOWN PRICED TO SELL ILI ''bi MIH ir "L 2 acr.- dil male f.. I,..:i litr.r h-.inme $150,000 ENJCtI lER )fT R $129WT0 '.11 4nr ,1,cc 5129.000 WIDE VRUERT OF HOMbSITE ,,11. jllr ur- ,:,t P..r Latb,.I!,: ,,i, h_ i' ; I,, f,:,; i: ': v -,,.1.. I. .,. ,, + j.: ,itririg j a $2"900. TROPICAL GliLF ACRES, i-,..1,- it- i C h il lu-i.: i _. u n ri$ 2 2.5 ACRE PARCELS in i.:.-..t iI .r i,, irj ih ii 1 i$t.500 each. PRIVACY PURE AND SIMPLE ... I h v,:. !,-, + f.1.e L. L if-..-1, : P,,i,., rir.,v, $85,000 and up. 2.5 AND 5 ACREf fjI.:l, I. i.-i:: Plh rin ri...,r, 'r,,.cl i,...T $''.000 to $1 "'5000. LEHIGH ESTATES :" + ,:-r,,. ,-,.. r[, i,, t i. r,-,i t I .i,,- $66,900 S + ,. 1 .,-u.l.Jll. 1,.[ ..,- r ..t I,,,l Bh j ., Li-.cli $62,900 INDLLN HILLS :. i .I: '$R;900 to $55,000 3 TO CHOOSE FROM I i + ,. I.r ,r Vf%. lcihigh A.ie: 1$49,900 to $5.900 JAGUAR BL\D int L,-i ll ih ..I : I I.. I. 2 hi.h r.lff.i. cj k l ':..r --l h u hJ .: ,',.li. 52.500 COMNME RC LIU 4-.61 +- AC ZONED 1.2.. i:.,-..: ,i .ujl B u .I J,-, ..11 ,r..II lr-. ,l ., : .. r..u..ilt B I-l .iri.L .J_ 1i ..' .jCil i ul 'l.,i : l J I ..:l. I-.,,.- J i .ell. ,.900.lJ00 3.056 SQ. FT COMMIRCL.L BUILDING -,,,,r, .,t ...,-,i, $1.250,000 1 02 A(RES OF PRIME B-1 ZONED PROPERTY ,' .:.i Ini~ iI .i,.:- i , [I:- lJ.rI h ,I- $1.200000 EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR '\OUR BUSI- NESS 1 t'.JIl hjl I + .1.: ir,,.I ihll ,. rcii l ,,., r .-.- h-,,. I,':'": WIL$8' ,900 GRELI BLiSINI S POrFNTfL *il. .- iII. I 1. 1+ : Il ...r I r I.....,L 5~09 .0 010 YOLR BUSINESS BELONGS., ,I. I . ., I- Uii l.J -" 'l':II Jl $I 9 2 - .. .- ,J ,, i u 9.248 OFT Hl' I80 IN LABELLE + . S ,- ".. ..,J ih 1i ,l l it: 1., i I. il, f'.l,.ll. ,4uj,7 i-.,,,i-l hI. L.I [, 1 11,11h,. $435.000 Mi0% YOLUR BLISINES 10 LABELLE! Fj h I. 1-7. -LI,: P COMMlER(CIAI 101' ,,, I,.. i :, i ili i ,\,A al, rl-,,l-I, h. ,r, in $ 1P.,0110 rl l I I r r I I 193, I B 26 illGi. 32/ alInnna Bnlle. Thursday. September 28,2006 Cowboys hold off Marauders By Coach Ron Dunbar The LaBelle Cowboys upset the highly regarded Clearwater Central Catholic Marauders last Friday 13- 10 in Clearwater. .With the victory the Cowboys evened out their record at 2-2 and Clearwater CC fell to 3-2. The LaBelle squad trailed 3-0 at the half thanks to some outstanding defensive play from junior defen- sive end Ben Daley and senior Matt Rentz as they put pressure on the high powered offense of the Marauders passing attack through- out the first two quarters. The Llelle offense finally came to life in the third quarter after a key . ': i Ir interception by senior free safety start of the 4th quarter. Chad Lutkenhaus, who returned it On Clearwater's next posses- into Marauder territory and a big sion they came up with a long scor- change in momentum. ing pass play to close the gap to 13- From there the Cowboy offen- 10 after the extra point and create a sive line opened the gates for soph- tension filled finish in the Maraud- omore running back Brandon Vil- ers stadium on Homecoming night lareal and senior Andrew Tovar as for the home team. they ground out tough yardage With just over two minutes to with Tovar scoring on a trap from play the Cowboy offense sputtered 19 yards out and a 7-3 lead after the and had to punt. The Marauders extrapointbyReyHemandez. then connected on third and long The Cowboy defense then from-their own 25-yard line down forced a Marauder fumble on their to the Cowboy 18. next series and the LaBelle offense It seemed the Clearwater squad capitalized as Tovar scored on a would pull out the victory but sen- hard earned 6-yard run upthe mid- ior defensive tackle Michael dle giving the Cowboys a 13-3 lead Awbrey and junior linebacker after the extra point failed, at the Mario Gonzalez forced a Marander ., -. ..... ..s. fumble and senior defensive back Shawn Rolle recovered the loose ball to silence the crowd! The Cowboys then ran out the clock on three downs and left a sta- dium crowd of over 3,000 stunned! Tovar led the offense with 84 yards on 17 carries and Lutkenhaus pulled in three catches for 25 yards. Daley had a career night on defense with six quarterback sacks. Senior linebacker Izzy Hernandez added nine tackles and Rentz fin- ished with seven at his defensive end spot for the Cowboys. The Cowboys will host the Lemon .Bay Manta Rays this Friday at LaBelle High Stadium in key dis- trict action. Game timne IS 7:30 p.m. Credit Players of the week against Bishop Verot from left: Defensive player Julian Keen with nine tackles on defense; Special Teams player Rey Hernandez graded out at 100 percent; and Offensive player Michael Awbrey graded out at 79 percent. Bcju[ilul -IBK trAt ool homc, lMiiinl LaBelke ciq Ihnii This remodeled home is read) for iirmmriediate o):up.min Feiure iri jude Newv Hjrd-iXo-id lo:i:rs. Nec... Fngidare jCplitrie. ',Vrjp Aruiund P,-or'ch, (r-.;n Moulding, !e" P:,:,.l, Cared ouudrlenr Put.b, Hrdilb:',iri sding, lacuzzi oib iti nIimer bath, Smart Houije iringi, arnd much more' Call Jill Dillman at 863-673-3822 for more Inflrmmuori .inr I:i set up a sh4,-ring -$429.000. Sunel STOP PAYING RENT! FIND YOUR NEW HOME HERE AND FIND THE MORTGAGE TOO!!! Central Custom Builders New Modular Homes Starting at $109,000 on your lot! ,.ld ,,JIpu.t Fc', & .AlR, :a J.'1 1"I,, 1 [.- Home and Land Packages Starting at S1 .4'9.00I \\W hae homes ready to m-o, in niin $149,900 3 /2 1. .q. ft. .-n v ed tl.- Lal. ; AP |- L '; "'--- . i i;-.l .^ ---*;, :: ,:',': ^ ,c 4.. .i. $179,900 .3/2 1. 40 q. ft. located n Port L .B ,:IIA _- -..,,\ :,i ; .q 8209,900 3 2 2.22 sq. ft. including gara ,c .i' Pi. LB.ll,- L.-.I For FREE Credit Approval Call (863) 675-8888 or (863) 673-4325 cell E-Mail: matt @burson-weathers.com Commercial Land Residential WATERFRONT RM~RFRONTfIC111Asn I2 ;OR1 HOME :.F Ar 'jII jI111Fr.I-.IIirH)-iIrC.frrj ,f rI h .11 idr.:im. -, I" .:i I :.' II i --- if I :. I II j :[Iii -ir -t j ar r.,r J. r, r ir r .i I I r, .-r b-- I b. C ..j F ,.' I r, I-1.r 1if itA ia,'i.i ij r ni autId .r :.i, c 'r '. I IIif, t U1 L F r f-i i t rTi il~i u :. 1 ~ - WORE illI-INIIIIT ] 1111 ['irl HardH 1 dhrh1 F, -r' A RI~RF O T I 'j.. ~ rn~ ji'-Ik j-I .I --. i- [f: J F jI:. F Ir-i-''1 III. I I--1 F W jF'. 'l m a r. i .. i .. .-I I. I., fI-.r1 i IIn a1 j ii 111- i:r, h. .j.-a r F-rrrr ;rr,, IijE it I1 I- I .i hr,.j .r i .rr I I irrr A ,*lr' tif tic. r I li -. i r irr:.:1 9,000 RE DLiI** ED a iii-. r ii II. r.: i 50 Fi. PRIrTF DRJ'.F lrij. r -h ii- wr-,ii- ii, r'- n a''. I ri a11-. r .E r $2,i1ii.0OI'1. RS ERFROiNi S ACIRrS 11 .'ht rc-i I Ft-'1ira.:- HlH, 'kl~rrr. *iI i., .. l _1 $895.0I10 REL)LICED PJUND RIONT 1.15 .%(-.RE W, in i. I-rr Eieriul Fd $525,00) REDUCED PROTX TED) HARBO R uI :Fi.. lot in F in Tir'5 ai. r,. hiriflli :.[ tir.--' Ii.. i t.I,.., iz--. r Build your 'ii' an I under the scenic oaks in this park III. 'i F *. ii- Cak I!AI. I-. :' I- 10 1 S ANT) LAOD DENTIOPMENT POt[NTIM .',l -r i:'Ir i -:, for )n, u i4 f i I itl FP.'J.'.. r $ 150.01( ) pei acre. SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Bank of America. -- Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirlev.~illis'bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 I. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment Now certified in FH A/VA.A firn cing qFt iOFlD, HLXRY01'ObL'RFt MIN IL."1.1+ 'd-.' I--'L U Ii 'h-''''F' r. vii I --d fraliAr ll-I iri Ih lp l -O~rldInd 1.s- i ii ni POR I I ABEL LE RNCI-ETiT I--- arch L-Cr F-walr r r '- wr F 3r -1.up r.:., Ftin I ii rP f.- r~i ii', i.v jF r -$ r., I..-A 5 BEAUllt L1 O A ILADEN, %Rt I.-. 1i, La r t :i.Q!E-11-i 'jr--i un~ Iii Lr i: r a : 16i 0 ,I600I). 011,TRI4Z[ID 1HOMAESIlF --w' o JCI -a- a r: rt.' r Fir -.r rar ir.: ri ari: d ta-:- f I :ru dr-i Lri L *-.:.r 3i.. a" rrp Was $105,000. reduced to n$85000 for quick isae. PORT LARFLLE 1I0 S .:I.:.- r : r-Ir -I.- rrj, prir tiii si. firr "irrf[a1~ I li--Ti$539,000to0*$5",900 C.:lit .,il .f[x ;FLIER FIN[N4CINL. A.I1AB[LE 'iir,- I:- icr r-:. *)il' Li- 11h:** :- a I 1I 1-- r a. I l i Ia i-t- -,:mf :ijt rF,J. -i ijjF rii frh. rrrrr ;',:1- AI ic, .$-1;.000. HONIE" LY. [UNI FR OIL NRY LIN [I(4H .:.. It .:i .r: r- i ..Iriri.. v r-tic.'F iii*--ilirii: r. i fIf' ri : i,F rirtrik --r-1--ippifwlb. iri-ufi rr: Tat .1-..ai Jf J f.. lh li'- TIir .~- [..:.I F.-irj~ir p, 'i pa i i- r~l i ri ',. (O I r r, I--- r:--r~- t FI.:''.'c i .ir'rin' i; r-r -...rl. l rl r.:. i ii. aI.IIIr imra' r' rljh. I'F~ ii- F. r-1" $69i.000. VI-IAI V OPPOPLTI INITY Ir. .lrv iL-ful Ii.-' I.'. i .1, J.-pai. o I .kuri.iric Iri.ar''ir 'Irfi.ilF r'r ii I r- rI '' .rr1r1,r I i rrrrrriia.: rrr.l. ,: :ri [r i,..rr m 1 i in' Fr. 1* r .,r 'ai un w .it CIF.--irIr. i ar. r 1 1:,*Ir I II.- l i l Fr, rill.:Irj.iir I V-11i... .1 Fr[.1 : r' F, 1: r-im 'jrr'I-A i h,1 Iraiii il $59)0,000 A.t". 2 tORY HW NE .:I.* : r.: r: F,-i j: iu.. -I r f:iari. i -i rI ricii:rr III ".] .1- i !- Ir ri i all l....aii-t u II 1 .Fjrr jifir.;- Fr. ..i ir.-.fv-r--j.1.ii r r $2"),000 REDUICED. COUNTRY O 1 oI I .+il i i -.. :I. -,:,I :.i:i c:iric.: t p ai lri r -,i:plj. M.' Pl pif, .:',,- rn-:-I.'":' F- irurc.- i IU'2 .[i'i-r.-l. pF..:i.,h ai J i r d.:-.i '-, '- C.-':- ir, i'lh er:l.':,: :(.:..ri.r ? $Z29,900. ZERO >% DOWN FIN.M-NCG Il.\MI. l ".IL :..j aird pi.' .' rur,- i irud.i i [ :..r.:-a,-, .I r .:r.-, L .riar "'i .r 'f:-ri', FiU: ru.alil2Fr1Fri31. i' ri--.4 p-1 -I- i ft :pw l- ia II plus a 12 Fl l iriri.ig a ',1,e ri rh s -'r : ,.:-trr.:,-i 'r. ," :a'i ",i A ,. ill 1:.r A,: 69,000. MTAT A NICE HFOUSE) ,:.r, .;..r,-.r t -I-.ul' !':"" "["-: ' -.-dr.iT. 1 41-I016 ,,.'- ',.ll.n r,. ., ..-.,: ._ ., .- ,.,e .$,11 5,000. [N)lSIRLL COMMERCIAL PRIMIE CORNER -Tih if.i-'" a "':'.1 ,o, -i --11, Ia.: F-,.i n ,- -'i- rii :1' 1 11 o-,n r, I i TI',- ',-fii i '" :.. a ir :. i L. l'i :.p i.ur -f I' fi,' .Jtvdcl-,aeir.f -o1i 1 E ', w::: ,-:1 i-r, I- .,: l1,i, il' /i,-- Ili- 7] ihr '..i li'- Allhrr. :t '.,11.4; i l.j r I,:, i I,. L ',illc jif..rr, 5$3,06t,466. COMMAERCLUl POTFNTLUL r.. I .:[:,j i,|pF.:i I ;',l: "-':: .:.[I .F'.' .-..I: ,' .5 .1 -,r 'l Irr,-lr lfr i:.r ,H .' .-,.. l. a..r. rr.-nm ri,- p. [:.:.-:.:, tunr.i : .Iairr I. air, :.F 1.500,000. 2 ACRES 01 MIX)D INDUSTRIAL USE -.l-i !'.. fi :.r, .t.-i.n',i-. i"' ,'.': .t,:.,. A ,. i l.:l,, '.- $91 5,000. LIGHT INDUSTRLU 1.65 AC -,,fhr .'ii"i 3q, Ft. Steel Bldg E:....llcr ror ia ,:,: a Ii'. i .:.ur:,i.j ri-i ir,' limits. Could be .li ur un-e : r-rr ;.ru:f- rir$ill 850,000. FWVY INDUS'Rl-L I AC SITE Iju :.:.urI-. of the city limits, i-ildu:rrl L -..:' I '1 Ef ,' j.:'::; ".i .: l- 'ir i 80 and Hwy 29; ':lci- :- rlik. [r I- i-i ijl..-ir i I r i: fi Irir iI.i[- for qualified Buyer. $299,000 HARD TO FIND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $269,000. RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 FEATURES OF THE WEEK PRICED TO SELL! Home in the city w/ many oaks. This 3BR/2BA features gal- valume roof, new interior paint, open living area, eat in kitchen & open dining. Fenced back yard with well for lawn irri- ' gation & storage shed. $184,900 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. This 4BR/2BA oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in liv- ing areas & many extras! REDUCED $265,000 BACK ON THE MARKET! Priced to Sell! 3.18 +/- Acres w/Cottage style home located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes. Situated at the end of a cul de sac w/peaceful & private setting. Cathedral ceilings, ceramic tile through- out, open floor plan & wrap around porch. $379,900 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded & located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Seller Motivated! Bring all offers! PRICE REDUCED $399,000 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS ONE OF THE FEW privately owned man-made deep water canals in LaBelle! This water- fi, i l .1.-.r I ; .: is locat- rel i- L i,'..;ii City lim- i H.-ni.e .r.: includes o. li -bil of the >:,mn i,, .:l- provides pl. -.rtl ..I .. t dock- .-. iiI ,.lll :Ct access - li', I .i.... thatchee ,.... $299.01i.0 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jack's Branch w/ river access. This Unique property also has its own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S BEST! This recently renovated 3BR/2BA home is located at the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!!! $499,900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS fionl this waterfront home site on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Home site is located approx. 75 ft. fiom the main river. Permits are in place to re- dredge oxbow. $499,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT PARCEL! Two buildable lots w/60' pro- tected dock on old river oxbow. Prestine views up river & across to protected state owned land. Plus no corps setback, approx. 200 ft. of waterfliront & situated on both the Caloosahatctlee River(Inracoastal Waterway) and the old river oxbow. $1,500,000 LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCA- TION!!! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 HOMES IN LABELLE AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home w/office or possible 4th bedroom. Perfect starter home or rental invest- ment. Located within city limits, com- pletely fenced & priced to sell! $89,900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3BR/2BA man- ufactured home has a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! Possible owner financing available! Owner will consider all offers! REDUCED $105,000 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle. Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining. $119,900 IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA MANUFAC- TURED HOME situated on shaded oversized lot in town & completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry & breakfast island. Reduced $134,900 CHARMING 2BR/2BA CEDAR HOME sits on oversized corner lot in the city. Features are vaulted ceilings, tile, French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 CBS HO IN THE CITY! 3BR/2BA w/split I( l j bedrooms, ovci-sizedlK" 13 t: utiful shad- ed home s e. $ ,9 MOVE IN READY! Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interi- or paint 6 spacious master bedroom. $179,900 HOMES 3BR/1BA HOME IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. Nice floor plan, tile through out. Priced to sell! $130,000 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEAN! This home is truly a beauty from the inside out. Features: ceramic tile, bonus room w/hurricane shutters, screened porch, alarm system & spacious bedrooms & bathrooms. Well manicured corner lot w/irrigation system. A must see! $189,000. 3BR/2BA HOME W/TILE through out living areas, living room plus family room. Fenced back yard w/ many tropi- cals & BBQ room. $179,900 3BR/2BA CBS HOME w/Pool in Laurel Oaks, very desirable neighborhood w/ great floor plan for a growing family. Property is surrounded by large oaks. Home/pool needs TLC, being sold AS IS. $235,000 3BR/2.5BA CBS POOL HOME, spa- cious floor plan, large family room over- looking oversized lap pool, patio and courtyard. Also features office/4th bed- room, walk in closets, brick paved deck and new roof in 2005. $310,000 NEW CONSTRUCTION 3BR/2BA CBS HOME! Split floo- plan, 2,000+ total sq. ft., granite counter tops, 18" ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling and many more upgraded features. $245,000 CBS HOME- PORT LABELLE UNIT 102. Features open floor plan, split bed- rooms, Frigidaire stainless steel appli- ances, tile throughout, separate tub and shower in master, vaulted ceilings, patio and two car garage. $249,900 HOMES ON ACREAGE 2BR/2BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured home w/ large screened room in Montura on 1.25 acre home site cleared w/ scattered trees: PRICE REDUCED $119,000 SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANUFAC- $24,000 $48,000. Call for details. TURED home on 4.84+/- acres w/ pond 3RD AVENUE .45 Acre $70,000 & mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large CALHOUN STREET .64 Acre $89,000 master bedroom/bath, office/nursery, for- 201 N HICKORY STREET .62 Acre mal living room, family room & open $98,500 kitchen w/island. $325,000 M T A A ESTATES - 3BR/IBA CBS HOME on 8.8+/-acres MONTURA RANCH ESTATES fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from Residential homesites available. town. Property is fenced & cross fenced COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS w/goreeous oaks & horse stable. $490,000. BEST BUY OWNER ANXIOUS! FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET! Homesteaded in 1893 by William Henry Whidden. It will be hard to find a mor desirable site. A prime location in an area of proposed future development in beautiful Fort Denaud. Features a 3BR/2BA CBS home and rental mobile home on 12.03 acres with massive old oaks and palms. Located approximately 7 1/2 miles West of LaBele with frontage on Hwy 78 and Norris Road. $900,000 UNIQUE OLD FLORIDA ESTATE! 10,538 sq. ft. ,under roof + 2,585 sq. ft. pool & patio area! Exclusive pool home located rEast of LaBelle on 5 beautiful, oak & citrus-filled acres fronting on SR 80. Home features many architectural details from vaulted ceilings and sky- lights, to Spanish tile flooring. Custom floor plan includes 3 master suites, pri- vate sitting rooms, French doors to large lanai, covered walkways, poolside rec room, 1BR/1BA cottage, twelve-bay workshop w/garage, electric gate entranceway, paved drive & completely fenced. One of a kind! $1,500,000 COUNTRY LIVING...minutes from town. Located in the path of develop- ment! This 30 acre property w/custom 2BR/3BA home offers income from grove, privacy & the possibility of future development w/county approval. $2,000,000 LOTS PORT LABELLE LOTS AVAILABLE Affordable Business Zoned Property! This 2BR/1BA home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and businesses. Priced to Sell! $179,900 PRIME LOCATION Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street & Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida- Style two story building fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft.; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator Bait Pub has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully furnished, completely equipped kitchen & offers a great start for any entrepreneur. $174,500 SE HABLA ESPAIOL www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com Marilyn Sears Licensed Real.Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis %.#Ct!U%- --QI X -L--WI -- -- IIIIP I-- r I I -I ~_d-'---I I- -I I I 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28, 2006 JV football stays undefeated By Coach Ron Dunbar The LaBelle Cowboy Junior Var- sity football team won-a nail-biter last Thursday 27-20 over the Okee- chobee Brahmans to stay unbeat- en at 4-0. For the second week in a row the young Cowboys used a strong second half comeback to give the Brahmans their first loss of the sea- son. Cowboy kick returned Dorian Deas scored the only points in the first half for LaBelle on a 68-yard scamper to the end zone. Angel Alvarez added the extra point attempt but watched his team- mates fall behind 20-7 as they headed to the locker room to regroup for the second half. As the third quarter began you could once again tell there was a different attitude on the Cowboy side line. The LaBelle defense then took control of the game and the offense lit up the scoreboard like it was the Fourth of July! Quarterback Brian Hull and wide receiver Hobbs Crockett teamed up for three touchdown passes of 18, 14 and 13 yards to shock the visiting Brahmans. Alvarez added two of three extra points and then the Cowboy defense held off a late Okeechobee drive to seal the victory. Hull finished the night 8-for-13 for 108 yards and all three touch- Cross Country Results Girls come up short The LHS Girls Cross Country team came up short Sept. 19 at Bishop Verot narrowly losing 32- 25. Once again weather condi- tions contributed to slower than normal times, as rain showers drenched the course shortly after the start of the race. Brooke Norris ran a strong race and was the first Cowgirl to finish (2nd runner over-all) with a time of 27:11. Karina Marines was next in with 28:29 (5th over-all). Irene Garza was the third LaBelle runner in and 7th over-all with a time of 29:22. Unfortunately, Irene who had been leading the race almost the entire way, made a wrong turn at the end and it cost her. The girls would get a chance at redemption as they hosted Verot, Clewiston and Lake Placid on September 26. The following girls completed the scoring for LaBelle: Shavla Wilson 30:21, Nancy Vasquez 30:31, Rhonda Burton 30:38, Jordan Walls31:28. Congratulations to. following girls who ran well and competed in their first race: Kim Alexander, Danielle Bennett, Vanessa Cantu, Emily Hull, Olivia Luckey, Laura Munoz, Ashley Pittman and Rox- anna Razo. Boys lose close one Boys Cross Country team also lost a close race at Bishop Verot losing 29-27 on Sept. 19. Stafford King was the first Cowboy to cross the finish line (2nd over-all) with a time of 19:12. Drew Dyess and Jacob Staples were next in for LaBelle (5th & 6th over-all) with times of 21:37' and 21:40, respec- tively. Freshmen Cesar Mateo and Chris Timms were next in for the Cowboys at 22:00 and 22:28. Jan Blazek Finished the scoring for'the Cowboys \\ilh a time of 22:42. The Cowboys next race was to be home Tuesday September 26 against Bishop Verot, Clewiston and Lake Placid. I Save money on your favorite grocery items. . I Go to newszap.com to do\.nload and print coupons online! I I neWzap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. , L--------------------------- Huge Construction Equipment IRental oDeot Lijuiditlon 2200 Gil l nville Road. Albany, A " .wll MMalull s d-ElleullNWit PiG "I (CSpecial Preview: Tuesday, October 3 trom 1:00 p.m. '1114:00 p.m.j PAO L mi i, Cml tCUM & Roman Ropin. fl Atton C&:e't.iOr' Rowell Auctions, Inc. IIOWLL 800-323,8388 AIJLCTIONS I i Pt usc r~lGIi U Omrtlne Bidding proxibid. www.proxibld.com down passes to Crockett for a total of 45 yards. Alvarez led the defense with 10 tackles but linebacker Sammy Zamarron added 9 and a key big time interception in the fourth quarter. Safety Dale Thompson also played a key role with 8 tackles and a sack. The Cowboys will be on the road this week at Lemon Bay. Game time is Thursday at 6 p.m. r--------------- SSPORTS FANS! I I I BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW Brought to yoiby I Lori Langford Can you guess which two numbers Share the most common among NFL Hall of Famers? Pick a quarterback's number and a running back's, because players at those positions are the most numerous in the Hall. The answer: 16 and 44, worn by nine members each. Among. those who wore 16 were Joe Montana, George Blanda and Len Dawson. And running backs such as Leroy Kelly, Bill Dudley and Ernie Nevers wore 44. By the way, the only number 92 in the Hall I I is Reggie White,.hcass of 2006. j) cjrc:cr home lruns lad teA.ili ji k. L.'.1 Liae:i belong in the Hill -1. FFje' Appirerntl; not because :c: plljeri hle dclir 'it nJ iord'J oneis in theHall, at least so far. How many can you name? The Hall of Famer is Willie Mays. The others are Bobby Bonds, Bobby's son Barry, Andre Dawson, P.ci Sa.i-ir. )rdr the most recent *I ..''",,, phi,r 're .'e Finley. Oddly, SMays, Barry Bonds and Finley allI accomplished the milestone wearing Giants uniforms. 'Bobby Bonds spent Much of his career in San Francisco, and Seven Sanders played for the Giants for I one season. I *. I I .uc d be j mj:ed i[ ,:nme -.: ii heI I I * big leagutii pi,1; a* hen tic-., o ':'n [hE I road. T:iL _I- D ti. i I, lI.C Cj mertrn. I who ne cc t r':t -_ !I'u: !ii ,deijr Lineni I prj nd hii ,:r. 'r. ; cned ro0om ISnell 1 l,c ho-ie kri:or.j s' ,h ..ri I Gten jao'.d erm: bi bru'-inl. hJi *4. r I 1 .: or, e .r,'mp ,.,r .Jr : BiJrr,' 2Co I ,, .s > ir l. e: ,arnd bjch ; lt si '.,el a; Iu .'T." '-p~n. i l piLUl'. Uli-ir[i T min.i, I Ser Felp.luO Xcr.dli .,.t[h Igen e. I I eJle Dodger e'rek L1.e%- a\\ i) I :nnir n hi. :'Af cliub: Then there's I I Denoit cl.irT Todd ]ri:.i, who packs I I only one pair ct urdeer ejr no matter I how lo)ng th:- roLj trp B[E t he washes I them ei enr dJv or -. I .i', I'll bet you.didn't know, coming or going, that when the rubber hits the I road, you can't afford not to buy from I Langford. . 11 I I I 1LANGFORD: I I S "Y'a] Spoken Herel" I ` 675-1686 L_---- ------- ------ @ In the few minutes it takes to cash sour check, some check cashing services are also taking a significant amount of your money. As profitable as it may be for those places, we don't do business that way. When you join Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union, you pay a flat fee of $3 per month to cash approved checks and receive up to 12 free money orders per day. That's Who's eligible to join Suncoast? IF YOU LIVE IN HENRY COUN-TY, YOU'RE ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP AT 5UNCO.AT.2 PLUS. ANYONE VlHu WORKS. WORSHIPS OR ATTENDS SCHOOL HERE CAN jOIN. iMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS CAN jOIN TOO. less than it costs to cash one check at many traditional check cashing services. And if certain minimum requirements are met, check cashing is completely free with Suncoast.' We think it's fair, and one of the man\ reasons you should consider joining Suncoast. Call 800o-999-588- or go to joinsuncoast.org to find out more. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org S 'Memberahip eligbilly is required. Td e '3 r.unrh fee -ii. -ed II the mnr.br h.s. d I, ecri e -N e, r 5,ir : b .pr j.u V A usur h ua cher.kin d. cnlr cr dir ;sr, or Ir.d, or rrLnlr.a. minim i m Etalnre orf iGo i, Ihelr u.rp,r accur'i .' ULnexpired gj.ertmemn phioi ID i I required 1050 Commerce Dr., Suite A, LaBelle, FL 33935 License #CC-C037019 Inc. QUALITY MATERIALS * * ALL WORK GUARANTEED ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS * FREE ESTIMATES 36 Years Combined Experience Metal Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs Roof Coating Soffit/Fascia LaBelle 863-675-7045 Fax 863-612-1158 Locally Owned & Operated Born & Raised in LaBelle Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! * 4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used item or grouping per ad- . Price must be priced at $2,500"- inIli, n nd OU Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutelY free! catch, o0 probterTI. I CBLOOSArm Ir C Delivering ffiestern MendryS Counr*rs ,Neeivx Sinece 19223 No fee, nM IIIUIUUU III adU * Private parties only or less * Independent Newspapers --_ 1L-- .- -1-1 3[-- .* 2 Hems per house- reserves me rig held per issue disqualify any a ": Deadline 11 a.m. Monday d. Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com Register For OnLia 4ton .stvvv.r w -l c i Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28, 2006 Sd :- 17.-.T -.::- -= .. l f T L-"i- " -87 Announcements Merchandise MobileHomes kF-ITx --- ... .._.,.. -i--r-N -- - mployment kti~ieat F:11..r III30 financial rentals Automobiles Services I III0 for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! ,,' 1-1 sReach more readers when you run - your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. i e Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research- INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1 '2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) : . Must include only one item and its price S (remember it must be S2,500 or less) B Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! AnnouncementsI Ir t IrIform n: Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, p:leae ri,:.iff/ I; pr; r ij ithe de ,nhir h.edj Ve .Ill not be rip.:.',,- .t ,-or n.:ijr Ihdali 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to Insert above the copy the word "advertisement'. All ads accepted are subject to credit approval. All ads must conform .to Independent, Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. - Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage. Yard Sale 115 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 ABSOLUTE AUCTIONS- Wa- terfront, Luxury Home Long- boat Key on Saltwater with Dock, VACANT LOT North- port, 2 Lakefront Homes, Aviation Comm., Hidden Riv- er home/airport hangar, many more. No Minimum, No Reserve. Neal VanDeRee Auctioneer, www.vander- ee.com (941)488-1500. Auction- 341+/- acres 4 great farms offered in 12 tracts. Mitchell County, GA., Saturday, October 14, 10am. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388, 10% buyer's premium, GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.com. GULF COAST Auction: Sat., Oct 14th (Shrimp Festival Weekend) houses, condos, range $200k-$1m on/off wa- ter. Lots, residential, & com- mercial on/off water. Development tracts 20-40 +/- acres, AL 1932 www.targetauction.com Tar- get Auction (205)425-5454. *LAND AUCTION* 200 Props Must be Sold! Low Down/E- Z Financing. Free Catalog (800)937-1603 www.LAND- UCTION.com NRLL East, LLC. Auction Bus. Li- cense:AB2509, Mark Bulziuk Auctioneer License:AU3448, Jeff Johnston Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3449, Stacey Mauk Auctioneer License:AU3447. BLUE HEELER- young female, Call Evelyn Marcy at (863)655-2179 for informa- tion CHIHUAHUA, vicinity of Eden Park on Sept. 13th. Call to identify. (239)657-8549 ELECTRIC DRILL- Found on Ft. Denaud Rd. Call (863)675-2491 to identify MOTHERS RING, VFW Post#10539 Wed. Sept. 13th. Please call to identify. (863)357-2895 LOST FAMILY PET gray lop eared rabbit, since 9/9, SE 38th Trail, (863)634-9564 SUN CONURE, Orange & red with green tailfeather, last seen 9/19, Four Seasons area. Wings not clipped. Dearly missed. (863)467-8871 U..arage/ Yard SaleBsu AKC RAT TERRIER young male, 7 Ibs., very smart, needs adult home w/fenced yd. FREE. 863-675-4858 BASSETT HOUND MIX (2), male & female, about 9 mos. old. Prefer to stay together. (863)227-2600 CAT To good homes. 1 spayed female. (863)467-7536 CHIHUAHUA PUPPY Male, 12 weeks old, shots/wormed. To Good Home Only! 863-697-6618 GUINEA PIGS, To good' homes. (863)357-0054 JACK RUSSELL- older female, spayed, all shots, needs one on one attention, does not get along w/other animals loves people(863)261-1968 KITTENS 2 males left, 10 wks., 1 free adult calico fe- male. (863)763-2379 KITTENS, To good home. Black & white. (863)763-8007 or 634-1207 KITTENS- to good homes 7 just weaned kittens, all differ- ent colors to choose from. (863)946-9133 PUPPIES- Lab Mix (2) 6mos old, Free to good homes only (863)763-1370 RABBIT, adult, black, lop eared, tame, to good home only. (863)675-7422 ROTTWEILER MIX, 4 mos. old, very cute, playful & charming. (863)467-8464 leave msg. HUGE END OF SUMMER SALE Also available; fall & Christmas items. 42 Howe Ave. Next to Hungry Howie's. Fri.& Sat., 9/29 & 9/30 10 a.m.to 2 p.m. B ggS _ LABELLE-2012 SHOWBOAT Sun. 10/1,7:30am. (Country Village) Couches, applianc- es, household, & more!! Moving Sal LeBelle, Sat. Sept. 30th, Bam-1pm, 395 2nd Ave. (Corner of Bel- mont & 2nd Ave). Selling Everything! EIKGarae/ Yard Sales IovingS ail SATURDAY 9/30, 8am-2pm 1224 Park Drive, Labelle Many items, too much to list. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders; Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- tor.com. Heavy Equipment School "Can you Dig it, Let us teach you. 24 day Program Local Job Placement, financing available. Classes start weekly (888)707-6886 Start today!!!!!! What Destroys Relationships? Answer pg 446 Buy and Read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard Send $8.00 to: Hubbard Dianetics Founda- tion, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722. Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment. Medical 210 Employment PartmTime 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. Low tuition fee! Many payment options! No regis- tration fee! (866)889-0210 info@americasdnvingacade- my.com. BUCKET OPERATORS & CLIMBERS w/CDL. 863-227-2462 Builders Choice Supply Looking for a yard man with forklift knowledge, bilingual a plus. 863-674-9900 CAR RENTAL stalling at S39.95 P D,,r 3.o Per DFa prpecal Noice K i. Ic I. Not i I.pa Notice QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. | l Di\r'; House Pads Demoliin *h I t i l-'ill hiri Culverts Siirh rlk .lll liFrk 'Tee PTimmiing & Remn'i :il LaBenlle, FL Licensed & tnsuc.J OFFICE: (868) 675-8314 all Kelvin Townsend Cell@ (868) 673-3783 H It)017.SP HU S PREVATT HUNTERCONSTRUCTION. INC F,:dd Pic j r TREE SERVICE FPl,,..-A STree Trimming F L . & Pemoval Stump Grinding Shopi-ng & Topping r 863-675-0403 l-r:-nr.i ,,l .3 l..ui.l H l ., .. ,,, Emlymn Full Tim Empoyen Duda Farm Fresh Foods, an agricultural employer, is looking for semi-truck drivers to haul citrus. CDL with good driving record required. Drug free workplace. Apply at 12255 Hwy 29 North in Felda, Florida. Contact Bernardo Barnhart (863) 673-0269 EOE/V/H/F/M. Duda Farm Fresh Foods, una empresa agricola, necesita un choferes de trail para transportar fruta citrica. Licensia CDL con un buen record. Lugar de trabajo libre de drogas. Aplique en 12255 Hwy 29 N. Felda, Florida. Hable con Bernardo Barnhart (863) 673-0269 EOE/V/H/F/M. Consolidated Waste Systems LaBelle Based. Looking for Welders & Hydraulic/Electric Technicians. CDL a plus. Salary based on experience. (863)675-7008, leave msg. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the govern- ment PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Department W21. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. How do you find a Job in today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sifleds Employment FlTime Employentll FlTime 00 SOUTHWEST FLORIDA ADDICTION SERVICES, INC Career Opportunity CLINICIAN/GROUP FACILITATOR F/T position based in Labelle. Provide group therapy to adult patients with some type of legal involvement, keeping charts in compliance and maintaining contact with referral sources. Mas- ters degree and/or CAP (preferred) and experience facilitating groups. Knowledge of substance abuse required; knowl- edge of legal system helpful. Join our team of professionals providing care for the chronic disease of addiction in our CARF ac- credited program. SWFAS IS AN EOE/DFWP For more info, visit www.swfas.org. Send resume via email to Human resources@swfas.org, ap- ply in person at 2101 McGregor Blvd, Ft Myers, or fax resume & cover letter to (239) 332-6985. Bi-lingual applicants preferred. Emplymen Emilomn Full Tim S _MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Ltfe Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities, -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 ALICO, INC. Alico, Inc. has immediate employ- ment opportunities in several of its divisions. We are looking for full-time candidates seeking employment for the following positions: general labor- ers, drivers (CDL preferred), tractor drivers, equipment operators, and others. Alico. Inc. is a leading agribusiness comp' ly offering comprehensive benefits and a rewarding place to work for those who are looking to join a quality company. Apply in person at the HR office located at 640 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33935. Immediate openings for mechanics at A Duda. Mechanics will work on the farm equipment and must own tools. Hours will be from 7am-5pm, 5 1/2 days per week. Pay commensurates with experience. Benefit package includes medical/vision/dental plans, paid vaca- tions, 401K, and other benefits. Drugfree workplace. Apply in person at 12255 Hwy 29 N., Felda. Contace Henry Toledo or Joe Leon at (863) 675-0545 ext 3131. EOE/V/H/F/M. Se solicitan mecanicos en la finca del taller de Duda. Deben tener propios herramienta para trabajar. Horario de las 7am-5pm, 5 1/2 dias por semana. Sueldo segun experiencia. Se ofrece un paquete de beneficios que include un plan medico/vision/dental, seguro de vida, vacaciones, plan de retire, y otros mas. empleo libre de drogas. Dirigase a 12255 Carretera 29 None en Felda. Hable con el Senor Jim McVay a su telefone (863) 673-0363. Practicamos una political de igualdad de oportunidades I ACCOUNTING Position available, must have a 2 or 4 year degree in accounting or related field, good computer and communication skills a plus. Benefits Available. Fax resume to (863)763-6169 or Apply at: Syfrett Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street Okeechobee. V-- Llft t -~ kk6irp 11 -- m n, i-a pyiepj MdIW l I' r Ads; uM~ VISA N Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 a I 0-11 r. , . ,:: 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28, 2006 1 jr Em lo- Ful Tim UNITED STATES -SUGAR S CORPORATION Laboratory Supervisor- Sugar Manufacturing Supervises the efficient operation of the refinery sugar laboratory according to good laboratory practices in relation to process control, quality as- surance and quality control of refined granular and liquid sugars. Candidate needs seven plus years in the Refined Sugar Industry, primarily in laboratory procedures. Knowledge of Sugar Refinery GMP practices. Production Supervisor- Orange Groves Familiarity with fertilizing/irrigationiinsecticide pro- grams. Proven record of handling multiple tasks successfully. Willing to woik grove operations schedules. Must be a team player. Degree in Agri- cultural Science preferred. United States Sugar Corporation is one of America's largest diversified, privately held ag- ribusiness firms. We are employee owned and have excellent benefits. The Company is head- quartered in Clewiston on the southern shore of Florida's Lake Okeechobee between Fort Myers and West Palm. US Sugar is an Equal Opportu- nity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. For Immediate consideration please Email Jdooley@ussugar. com FAX 863-902-2889 I The South Florida Water Management Distnci (SFWMD) is a regional agency orl e stare ol Flonda, and is charged with managing and protecting water resources of the region by balancing and improving water qualy, flood control, natural systems and water supply. SFWMD's boundaries extend from cennal Florida to Lake OKeechobee, and from coast to coast. from Fort Myers to Fort Pierce, south through the sprawling Everglades to me Flonda Keys and Florida Bay. Professional Supervisor Clewiston, FL Assilis win me management of physical fiscal,. and human resourices iIul remore regional field laility. Supervises wa-. ler resoiur: operation aand mairienance program efforts in- cluding coordination, Implementation, tracking and communication of comprehensive program and project ob- jectives, milestones and schedules. Documents, reports, budgets, and integrates with other District activities, on one or more field operations activities such asvegetation man- agement, structure maintenance, canal levee maintenance, water management construction, storm water treatment area mainierrann:e, arid pumping operations Providestechnical ano prograrmmatic coordination and interaction with other Olsiln I unli; government agencies and the public. As staff- ing and operarioral needs dicuate, n may be necessary for mns position Io perform work achvities required to achieve Distncl goals. Due o the Districrs response role before, dur- ing and after major storm events and in the total scope of emergency mjnagenmentims position may at times, be re-. quired i :pri:idide worl,' uppori before dunng and after major storm events and emergency situations, such as hurricanes or other declared emergencies; Bachelors degree in engineer- ing or related field and licenses/certifications that are appro- priate fortheir majorfield of study. (NOTE: Degree necessary to properly prepare incumbent in the technical ele- ments of the position. The degree may be waived in those unusual circumstances where experience cleary demon- strates thatthe individual can perform atthe required level of S technical skills.) Seven years experience n the opera- tion/maintenance of water management works including in- creasingly responsible experience in construction/maintenance/operation of which at least three years is supervisory experience. Valid Florida drivers license. Valid certifications and licenses corresponding to program areas preferred. Candidates who previously applied for this position remain under consideration and need not reapply. Job Reference #206180 Please visit our website for more information and APPLYONLINE atwww.sfwmd.gov. - SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Attn.: Human Resources P.O.Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 EOE GLADES COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, Inc. is looking for a full time Administrative Assistant. Successful candidate should be able to communicate effectively, in a professional manner, both on the phone and in person. Should be familiar with all office software, including Microsoft Word, Excel and be willing to learn other soft- ware. Assistant will be responsible for maintaining all incoming and outgoing mail and faxes including bills; maintain hard copy and digital files for member- ship accounts; maintain and track bank deposits, in an accurate and timely man- ner; do general filing, typing, including transcription and run errands as needed under direction of Executive Director. Hours are flexible, to compensate for preparation of monthly EDC agendas, and meetings where the assistant's attendance would be required. Salary commensurate with experience...Position at will of EDC board of directors, subject to a.90-day pro- bationary period. Successful applicant will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Please submit resumes to EO. Box 1003, Moore Haven, FL 33471 or bring to EDC office in Doyle Conner Bldg., 900 US 27 SW, Moore Haven. FARM MECHANIC Must have experience in gasoline/diesel engine and farm equipment repair. Work 55 hours per week. Monday-Saturday. Immokalee area. Call Lynn at 239-657-3694 Lee County Solid Waste Division Has openings for the following positions: Drivers Class "A" CDL with Airbrake endorsement Equipment Operator Diesel Mechanic ASE cert., exp. in heavy trucks and equip. w/CDL lic. For additional information and online application go to: wwwlee-county.com/humanresources and click on the job list or call (239)335-2245. Lee County Is an EOE / At-will / Veterans Preference employer, tt,, ^ ?'rl/.---, w.^l. -W -y- i^ -Vuvyl .'Xf =IW ff M e n s - SIm- Empoyen Emloyme-n Ful iIImr' LPNIa (F.T.fP. erd FL LfN I, & tIV Cen, IW.l.. iaO ort Ii0le 1tl,rduil FllmtreERNRNStldllaEvtsno vi d FL IL h&Mi'l ISe r ACS PL.S iCl PIrdle RN Nuri Stpu vtWd n kN h t W n l Ci.nsl op tlu1i lIur l 'r ..i er , mpernw slluim ACL- PLI Seq F1 tIsr- Irmanc B i inr op i, ihipul .I-i al o i, im.nitklabli td o sU punt .iL..Tibu.-,7,,.,.L S paf UB-92 a'd I SOO i00 l- ii mrni M 3t-iN, ,.' j nldiJ tbt. q.,p Per De C NAorCNA Mr Trch Mus roie i a lld C 4 i (,.n nd Op, m.or;.l u .iv lJ.T. r t:,; ..'l . RFulh e rmldo Sen a esMa Musil ve spyem&ainas I & olIksmlcd, e 0 oipaiae. ,Tal,.., u3,.T.I i7.utjod.i,' I rc i l.d.e iscier. n eilt'iilh F a auK ol Cd Kf.r&i.r..,-La & cit-l EL. AS4Ui !i frsn op in hopmi iorroinioi *' (fi CRT oi RRT pieeifd wluit min. aa OF in jduli tif. rajl fjii cti caRe BLS andrACLS aie xi. FuB,, ll c- ea Tc hnlogsl BS De.e ir. Medical Tecth.ilog: natriul ien .wi fl*..bl, ui. itii .-.. iljl hi le h(oio e'p in ier ic. etai ilo ri ,iu.I'l j,, m rNighl irtl & euiitne on-call n'tek'id *u.id Full lime- Housekeeper Pi.ev ep in hoipiul or hicll oueIepr I. piL Full lme- HIM Rectpllonlis Must possess excellent communication skills. Basic computer skills and clerical aep are re, Medical records exp prer. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-080S Drug Free Workplace EOE. DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE ITI Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers,. students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST' Career Center. (800)940-2778, www.drive- orcrstcom. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Exchange Program Represen- tative semi-volunteer to work with nigh school ex- change students, interview host families, supervising students and work with local high schools Into: (800)888-9040, www.world-hentage org. FIRST APPRAISAL Has the following positions available. OFFICE MANAGER Must be expenenced Outlook an Word DATA ENTRY / BOOKKEEPER Email: firstappraisalO l@earnlink net or tax resume 863-675-1005 Help Wanted for Cemetery and General Maint Tech. Need experience operavng backhoe. Class A CDL a plus, but not required. Apply at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Hwy 80, LaBelle. (863)675-2125 INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay9 Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam. Find SOut How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799. LAWN SERVICE Experience required Cai(863)673-2242 MANUAL LABOR Seeking person for Manual labor position. Must have valid Drver's License and job references. Working days Mon-Sat. Apply in person at White's Furniture & Appliances, 863-675-0717. 0/0 Driver The F/S is higher here Zero down lease/low payments. $1.11 Avg. $2,000, Productivity Bonus $2,600 Referral Bonus. Base Plate provided. FFE (800)569-9298. OTR drivers deserve more pay and more homeiimel $.48/mi.'-'1 year experience. More experience makes morel Home weekends Run our Florida region! Heartland Express (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Local large produce pack- ing operation seeking ex- perienced, hands-on packing house Supervis- or. AgriculturaVproduce industry exp and Bi-lin- gual (Spanish/English) preferred but no required. Apply at 807 E Main St. mmokaleeFL34142 or fax resume to 239-657-9764 RECEPTIONIST Needed to answer multiple phone lines, filing, data entry etc. for 3pm 10 pm shift. HS diploma or equivalent req. Bilingual req., must be able to work every other Saturday. Please apply at 807 E Main St. Immokalee, FL34142 RECEPTIONIST for busy family practice in east Ft Myers. Experience pref. but will train right person. Answer- ing phones, appt. setting, pa- tient records. Competitive wages, benefit pkg. Call Nadia at239-989-1994 Secret Shoppers Wanted We need consumers to secret shop stores across the country! Apply online: www.ShopJobs.org. NEEDS RIVERS FL Ddvw License required. (863)675-4844 Fnd It fast 8ael t soon- t hi teM MUln ud The South Florida Water Management District hat the following positions available in Clewiston, FL Enjoy outstanding benefits including excellent com- pensation & financial enehts, employee devel- opment, healln & lile insu- rance, Florida Reitremeri System. & mucn more. Structure Maintenance Tech (Field). Performs work associated wiln re- pair & maintenance of gates & other structures ol canals & waterways High school graduate or equivalency diploma Two-4 years e.,p in slruc- ture maintenance held & mechanical repair bDjk- ground. Cerrilied in rig- ging. forklill operations tirst response-oil & cnerni- cal spills, tirst aid & CPR cerilications oy American Red Cross valid COL Class B Florida drivers li- cense. Job Reference 206329. , Fleet Tech. Four years e'p servicing, diagnosing 8 re- painng cars. Iruc('s, desel engines & heavv e'quip ment Valid ASE cerliilja. lions in meoiumnirjyvv truck- brakes u CpeniSion & steering, electrical/elec- tronic System. urervelhve mailneriani c nspec Kin Class B CDL required lo road lest equipment I enl sure repaired equpmenill performs to0 peciiiatcjon iwiini air brake endorse- mentl. Class A In:ense may be required Job Rel- erence 206111 Please visit our website for more information and APPLY ONLINE a www sfwmd gjv SOUTH FLORIDA WATER, MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Atn.: Human Resources RO. Box 24680. West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 EOE FL Community Health Centers, Inc. has the following posi- tions available: Medical Assistant 1 year exp. needed Outreach Worker Minimum HS diploma w/exp. in community svcs. req'd. Bilingual preferred. Competi- tive salary and excellent benefits. Apply at 315 South W.C. Owen Ave., Clewiston, FL or fax resume to (863)983-9604. EOE/DFWP JOB OPENINGS Phlebotomist/ Data Entry Clerk needed for laboratory in large medical ctr. HS diplo- ma or GED req. Computer skills & exp. in phlebotomy req. Bilinigual skills a plus. Custodian & Housekeeper needed for busy health cen- ter. F/T work. Exp. pref. but will train honest, hard-work- ing individuals. Excellent benefit pkg. Call Human Resources Dept. for application at:658-3020 Fax resume: 658-3078 Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale In the classl- fleds and make your DEMOLITION JOB Person(s) needed to tear down and remove a mobile home. Must have own tools/equip. PIs. call 863-581-3663 Financial : .. _1--- ---- --- - Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! VENDING ROUTE: All Snacks/Candies, Drinks, En- ergy Drinks Too! All Brands. Al Sizes. Great Equipment. Great Support. Financing Available with $7,500 down. Tom: (877)843-8726 AIN #B02002-037. Ib nformation NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- menl Ihat is illegal or con- sidered Iraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises ol guaranteed income Irom work-al-home programs I il sounds Ioo good to be true, chances are thal it is. II you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise Ihat before responding or send- ing money ahead ol lime. you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 lor previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader ol Ihese charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore. il you call a number out of your area, use caution. Earn some extra cash. Sell your used Items In the classlfleds Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed-110 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 AFFORDABLE CLEANING Ohle: rir H:ifle Law prii: 71 i3y:, '. wi . [I (pr iil j:,,- Div i-eiijtfib AFFORDABLE HOME Cleaning available DeperdajDe rnrd working 863517;-0221 -'. COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shoolng, Sel-up. up.grade:i v'emi bull lulariiO- Wmin 5 '8 2i000 ME :F'li.'rid CjllG.jry S'-.:!. T'25 SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Mu'ii foi r ail ii. iior wei iliia'i p r I1 qunii:eiaer i ;5.16t 5.. DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be 3 Hendry C ouiil SI: nri:ii:l B:, r, Bu; Drisvr i: i:,ir il: l inr Transportation Dept. at 863-674-4115 or CherylJameson at jamesonc@ hendry.k 12.fl.us GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs 863)675-1166 863)673-6388 NEED A LAWYER? Protect Your igihlts Ilow' Criminal... Personal Injury... Bankrupt-. cy... Divorce.. Labor Law... Hurt.. Harassed.. Immigra- tion... Wills. ALL LEGAL MATTERS A-A-A Attorney Referral Service Private Trial Lawyers Statewide 24 Hours (800)733-5342. PIANO TUNING ***************** Concert Experience 35 Years (863)675-2596 WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS Copper & Brass. Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760, 257-0879 11 !V READING A NEWSPAPER., makes you a more informed and interesting person. No wonder newspaper readers ore more successful! Higgin's Tree Service 25 years experience. Free estimates. Lic.& insured. Call 863-675-3955. im BJob ^^- inom ation 0225 Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys 8 Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 710 WINDOW UNIT, MIayi . i1i.000 BTU used 2 sea. on.., 1.20 (86 l)675-1l[' 8 DISHWASHER & WASHER- tbl in good r.ondmlnlOr S.L25 li'r noti or will Sell sep)r 'li .(863)675-1634- DRYER, Whirlpool, greil con- dll.nn runs line,. 175 FRIGIDAIRE WASHER'DRYER Stacked. Lessthan 1 yr. old, : OiJ $'500. 861J-,,.8 I .11.6 : GRILL, New, GE, ele'ri:, used .2 times. $20 (863)763-0141 leave message or call in eve- ning. REFRIGERATOR & STOVE(ce- ramicl lilt new $450 for 0i.lin will sell separate (863)675-1634 REFRIGERATOR, Amana side by side, white, water & ice in door, $200. (863)467-9744 REFRIGERATOR- small, per- fect for RV, brand new, $100 (239)324-2115 STOVE, 24", electric, white, from Park Model, only 8 mos. old, $65. (863)763-3508 Okee UPRIGHT FREEZER- Frigidaire 27 cu ft, like brand new, $500 or best offer (863)467-1232 . WASHER Kenmore, perfect working cond., barely used, $80 Must sell! (863)697-8881 WASHERS'& DRYERS STACK UNITS i.9' .4S u.p i0 1 yr warranty REFRIGERATORS & STOVES (239)694-0778 BOYS 26"- Good condition. $35.863-675-8760 DAHON STOW A WAY- 3 Spd folding bicycle. Very good condition. $150. (302)698-5185 LADIES BIKE, 26", excellent condition. $50 (863)763-3497 STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals. Save $$$. 40 x 60' to 100 x 200'. Ex: 50 x 100 x 12' = $3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885. www.rigid- building.com. STEEL STORAGE CONTAINER 45'x8'x10'. You haul it. $350. 772-334-1045. Located in Palm City. DOORS (3), For mobile home. $60 for all or will separate. (863)467-4328 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. PIPE TRUSSES (10) 2.5" x 13.6' long. New, never used. $200/all. 863-763-8872 ROOF PANELS 4' wide, 3" in- sulation inside, 38' long. (4) can cut to size. $1800/all, will sell separate. 863-763-5011 ROOF PANS (20), 12" alumi- num, 9' long. $200 for all or will separate. (863)467-4328 FullTm0 ANTIQUE CHINA CABillETi e. celleni cl ondllion j..:irng ',30i0 863)46.7-2194- BEDS, Single iteel irame,: .S new maItre .s 1.25 sei Loc :err 120 1239)65l 5.3:55 BR SUITE- OS nodD nighl Iladnds 5 dra.ier bureau, 2' lamps 1.400 139)173.6215 BUNK BEDS- Lie new. .150I (863)l634-318 BUNK BEDS- WoO-de Desk i drawers .ll.),:rned t i,511 , best offer. (863)634-3651 CHAIR & OTTOMAN, Italian. eall-er 'i.20-u :0i'''-32 5.S CHINA CABINET off white, 2 pc. w/shelves and lights up. $75/neg. (772)597-0650 COFFEE TABLE, Clheirv Queen Anne. e, :eilenl i:"rdnai tion. $40 or best.offer, (863)763-014! leave msg. COUCH- Brown & beige flow- ers. $25. (863)983-8131 Clewiston COUCHES (2) grey w/wht. flowers. Good cond. 1.29:V b1ih wil ;ie 'epeia3 ' 8 A(,.'.' VV' I .1 s'!,;' CRIB.YOUTH BED w v reiscr Vi:,in i] Iriam e, .iII,.ti, : ;I t l fer. (863)675-0800 or 863-571-1333 Iv. msg. Daybed/Trundle, wht.metal, Rattan swivel chrs.(2), sm. wicker chest, fir lamp. $350. Will sell.sep. 863-763-8011 DINETTE SET- 4 chairs, but- terfly leaf table, matching wheeled cafe table, $300 (239)738-6215 DINETTE SET, whitewash, rat- tan, 45" round glass top with 4 chairs, $75. (863)234-1306 DINING ROOM SET 6 cane back chrs, china cab., 2 leaves, teak/brass. $450. Negot. 863-357-1352 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Wall unit. Oak colored wood, Excellent condition. $150. or best offer. (863)467-2887 HIDE A BED COUCH & LOVE- SEAT, $400. 863-234-1067 KING SIZE BED- Oriental, 4 poster. Solid wood. Good con- dition. $800. (863)946-3265 LOVESEAT, 60", dual recliner, brown/navy plaid. $95 (863)612-9831 MISC. FURNITURE Recliner- RockerTable w/4 chrs., Mar- ble top coffee tbl., $125/all, will sell sep. 863-763-8828 OFFICE SET, Matching con- temporary style desk, 5 drawer file cabinet, 2 book shelves. $750 neg. (863)674-0844 SOFA, 92", Queen sleeper, white. $95 (863)612-9831 SOFA- asking $50 in good condition (863)517-1974 SOFA, Contemporary fabric, matching leather chair & foot- stool, end tables & lamps. $750 neg. (863)674-0844 TWO MAUVE CHAIRS Recliners. Lg. wall mirror, 40"x47". $220/a11, will sell separate. 863-983-7996 VINYL HASSOCK- brown, & 1 beige storage ottoman $12 for both will sep (863)467-8681 WATERBED- King size, w/headboard & drawers. Ex- cellent condition. $100. (863)467-2887 WICKER LOVESEAT, White, 2 chairs, Coffee table & Cherry Rolltop desk Good cond. $150 Will sep. 863 634-0812 COLT 45, Argentinean 1928, all matching numbers, an- tique. $600 (863)467-1958 MAG For Ruger Mini14, 40 round steel Federal, not used, $60. Ask for Ross (863)983-8661 NYLON 66-22 & SURVIVAL 22 Semi auto. $400/all, will sell separate. 863-467-9892 Okee REVOLVER PISTOL- Colt offi- cers 22 cal. $550. Firm. Vince (863)697-2969 RUGER 22 250 LAMINATED bull barrel, scope, & case. Exc.cond. $800. 357-5754 DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABR FINDERS 202E. Suandw. Acros m Cm n m) (863) 902-9494 BOUNCER, Graco, like new, $25. (863)673-3662 CRADLE SWING, Fisher Price, like new, $70. (863)673-3662 BOYS & GIRLS CLOTHING, 65 pcs, sizes 10-16. Tommy, Nautica, Polo, Levis, etc. $85 will sep. (863)357-0391 ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Approx. 44 yrs. Old Rare leiTiS )500 all or biiftoer 863-824. 3.358 PLATES, Windows ol Ihe Wail ty Higgins Bon] :eli ori "irlh r.Irtiltn:3les $S8l (863l46 144 STAMP COLLECTION . SCHOOL BELL & MiLr- SHALE MACHINE Pic :[50:i 16:q467T-1 325 COMPUTER DESK- lIarg wlh 3dluslatble heirnl gol(il (on diliion $50 Or lesi iler (5r,116t6.J-12, CUSTOM COMPUTER OESF Solid lOd w'lraiwe ir, ruil:hi 6' dcep. -8" wide, 56" rh, E.c cond $.100 8i.3-467-5877 DELL PENTIUM III- Luaded. Iniernel & Snrool Ready War. rjni-ry t Monitor Fecybuajrd . Mou re 1.180 18631634-08t12 DRAPES- Burdine .ustom iined Multi paslel colors "1.50 or et onler l(8631763-6216 i^uritur 061 ACCORDION- 120 base but- tons, 41 treble, 18.5" long, 191bs, exc cond, $500 (863)763-7206 CUSTOM BUILT GUITAR CABINET- 77"T x 42"W, 2 solid doors & shelf, $350 or best offer(561)633-1371 ELECTRIC SIGNS (2) Comm'l grade. 4'x10', 20"x8'. $500/both, will sell separate. 863-763-8872 GUITAR- Fender Nashville Telecaster Deluxe, exc cond., tweed hard case, $450 (863)763-8667 HAMMOND ORGAN upright, blk. shiny finish w/bench. Antique. $50 or best offer. 863-983-8131 ORGAN, Yamaha, $300 (863)675-8134 PIANO w/bench $100 or best offer (863)675-3659 YAMAHA PORTATONE PSR 22 KEYBOARD, with stand $200. (302)492-3308 COMPUTER DESK L'shaped, w/hutch, pine color $100. (863)763-8622 FILE CABINETS- 1 legal size & 1 letter size. $50. for both (863)801-4949 BABY MINI POT BELLY PIGS $35 (863)983-7702 CHIHUAHUA- (2) black, 1 male, 1 female, $400 for both will sell sep. To good homes only (863)675-7092 CHIHUAHUA- male, 2yrs old, potty trained, tan color, $200 (863)824-8749 DOG KENNEL- 2, 10x10, Chain linked. $325. for both, or will separate. Vince(863)697-2969 ENGLISH MASTIFF pure bred, 10mths. old fixed male, shots/wormed. Needs room to run. $1100.239-425-5605 STATIONARY BIKE- Like new, $20 (863)467-7659 TREADMILL Pro-Form GS490, $200. (863)675-2136 HUMIDIFIER- large, almost new, $25 (863)467-7659 LADIES RING, European cut diamonds, white gold, .30 ctw. Will sacrifice at $400 (863)634-9620 Okee area LADIES RING, European cut diamonds, white gold, 1/4 ctw. $200 (863)634-9620 Okee- chobee area CEILING FANS (2), Hunter. USA made w/light kit. Cost $125 each, asking $70 for both, will sep. (561)633-1371 -edial It FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE METER! Am-Med Quality Diabetic Supplies. JAZZY LIKE PWR. WHLCHAIR (Pronto-54) Up to 300 Ibs. Vled ,;:e hiil c.nrir Buhn good :ond $120 863.635 3540 LIFT CHAIR- Good condition. $350. (863)801-4949 POWER CHAIR, Menis. Hold up lr 350jir is liew rnery & retires Pd '1.7598 (w tiUOUi or best owner 123913?1-2115 SCOOTER, Electric, perie,. nonui.itno used ver ,' hlle 1v c riar3 er t, iiicilru iOni c )n die- lver $1250 1ij166; ,i4.64 1 WALKER- 4 wherlk bjsl.el and i;al paid $2000 never us ed will iPelil Ior $ '5 186 i357-3j78 AIRLINE MECHANIC Rai,] iraiirng lir rng. pyirnil Asvi- rorin Carer FAA predilil fre vere hr rita.)i F-rincoiii ll i uailln:v .0 p)1 ) meniTe l 3':- ljriin,: C ALL AIM (888)349-5387. ATTEND COLLEGE OI1lLilE from Home. *Medical, Su;. ui. 'Pi~ P lealegal, SC'i:ITpuier. ': criminal Jus- -i. Jb'ti pli.,iTe ni assis- tance. Computer provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.onli- neTidewaterTech.com. CELL PHONE, NOKIA 5165 wiii charger,.car i:hjri er booklet, works, i.2' ICll 863-763-0625. DIVORCE$275-$350'COVERS children, eli: Onlyy oine ig- naiure required 'E-lludes .uvit iCi:i Cil w e. d o ' 1i 1146.:'.. :' 10 61 e I 600 I ..ii .hn, i I I1 nicin.u r,:e I.LI F i rl: h:,hl d 1977 FAX FILM CARTiODGES., For Brother:, FPC i0 P1 C 301. $29.90 for both or will separate. (863)467-1484 FOG MACHINE. Perfect for Halloween. $30 561)629-6213 or 863)763-6220 , GAS CYLINDER, 1001b., 1/3 full, 1 year old, $75 neg. (863)763-7892 HOT TUB SEATS 5 As is. Complete w/pumps. $250 or best offer. 863-302-1100 Kirby Gen.3 Vacuum w/tech drive, (5) wood posts 10' long. 52" ceiling fan. $400/all, will sep. 763-5011 TANNING BED stand up, by The Tanning Hut, w/28 bulbs, asking $800. (863)634-9119 WATER TANK- 800 gal, $50. Firm. (863)467-2292 ImB^ l FISH AQUARIUM- 25 gal w/stand $35 (239)503-6458 FISH AQUARIUM- 35 gal w/stand and accessories $150 (239)503-6458 FISH AQUARIUM- Executive quality, 200 gallon w/oak base, filters, etc $900 (239)410-3784 FISH TANK used, 55 gallon, w/accessories and wooden storage stand, $150. (863)610-5237 FLORIDA WHITE RABBITS, 3 bucks, 4 does, cages, water system, feeder & more. ,;00 ,ieg (239)280-6082 GERBILS (5), $10 for all. Call anytime (863)634-6087 GOATS- male, female and ba- by, $300 for all -(863)902-0477 Hermit Crabs, tiny to jumbo, easy keepers & perfect pets, incl. .supplies (863)675-7886 KITTENS, 9.weeks old, ready to go. Free to good home. (863)610-2204 REDBONE COON HOUND Puppies, 2 females, 6 males, shots/wormed, 8 wks. Parents on premises. UKC purple. rib- bon bred. $200.863-467-4149 SHIH TZU- male, AKC, shots, $525 (863)675-1112 RESTAURANT BOOTHS- 110) large wooden, you haul, all S$.r 50 1863)697-6464 KNEEBOARD- Hydroslide Revolulinri, $50 i863)67b 5. 136 LADDER STANDS 12 MANIA 12' new, lilIl in box. $85 (863)467-6818 9am-7pm- LARGE MOUTH BASS- 201bs +, wall mount, fiberglass replica, hand painted, looks sharp $105(863)610-1276 POOL TABLE LIGHT- Round Florence. $100. (863)697-2022 SELF CLIMBING TREE STAND $125 863-467.6818 WATER SKIS 67", O'Brien i o- ii lIv 175 ICOM 144MHZ FM 229H, (2), one brand new, one used. $200/both. Will sell sep-rate ,o. f.,34-625, JVC SP95- 2, Digital perfor- mance. Good condition. $75. (863)697-2044 BIG SCREEN TV, 48" with tibs 1.1500 863-234-1067 MITSUBISHI BIG SCREEN TV- i 'i lijuliljl ,;pinlure $300 ; i b l or I ,:. C ',1346.,.2 94 RCA 27"1 (LOU. Tv vr: oiJ:l '.1(10 8 t.9.83.7996 TELEVISION 17",Sanyo, ., iriTiole. a l ing $75. TV, 50 i.1500 1 16J65-8 134 CrIW! AIR COMPRESSOR, 2hp w/25 gallon tank. $75 (239)826-5226 CIRCULAR SAW- 11 amp, Black & Decker, 71/4", good ond 1,25. (863)634-1479 GENERATOR- Homelite LRX4500 watts, 8.5hp, 125/240 volt, $450 (863)610-8152 GENERATOR, Porter Cable, 5,500 watts, 2 years old, used twice. $550 (863)241-1793 MIG WELDER, Miller w/option- al 25' spool gun. Weld S/S steel, steel & alum. $1600. (863)634-7423 MIG WELDER- Snap-on, 300 amp, W/alum. spool gun, 2 tanks w/flow mtrs. plasma cutters $2200.(863)697-9704 PORTABLE Air Compressor 2hp, Speedair, industrial mod- el, works good. $145 Firm. 863-763-6629 KIRBY VACUUM like brand new, used 3x, asking $500. 863-467-8038 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 WANTED: FLORIDA ART A.E. Backus, J. Hutchinson H. Newton, G. Buckner, E. Buckner, L. Roberts, A. Hair, R A. McClendon, S. Newton, BIG $$ (772)562-5567 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed. Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 FILLY- lyo, Belgian Cross, sorrel, $600 to a good home only (863)675-0247 La Belle '.aioUua ItIse Ie I ILIBuay, O'A P LU~yl L-"1j-0.V- BEAUTIFUL4YR. OLD PAINT Very sweet & lovable. Trims & loads, bath/clips. Exc. Exp. rid- er pref. $1500.863-467-7123 BELGIAN MARE- 16.2 hands 1800 Ibs, asking $1500, child gentle, easy keeper (863)983-8646 CHEROKEE, 15.2 hands, Reg. Gentle disposition. Neg. Cog- Sins/UTD vacs., Exp. rider 1500.863-467-4049 DOC BAR MARE- Born in.'96- '97, $1000. (863)467-1617 GEMAN WESTFALEN- Warm blood, XTB colt, 7 mo. Super sweet, Jumper dressage. $2500.(863)357-JUMP - okeehowe (orw/ Trader 0O Urn trice Buy TSl .- Trade Horses, Tik, Etc. 863-467-1304 www.okeechobee-horse-trader.com Serving The Greater Lake Okeechobee Area RED ROAN APPALOOSA, Gelding, 6 years. $900. or bestoffer. (863)763-2379 REG BREEDING STOCK PAINT MARE- 4yo, exc cutting bloodlines, super easy keep- er$2500 (863)801-9188 TB GELDING, 18 yrs, Beautiful Bay, 17 hands, exp. rider, western/english, great horse. $1500 (863)763-6220 WESTERN SADDLE, Fabtron synthetic, 14", $275 or best offer. (863)634-7318 RIDING MOWER- 8hp Snap- per, very good cond., w/bag- ger, $550 (863)675-0247 LaBelle area WEEDWACKER, Homelite Professional, $275 or best offer. (863)467-1958 Shop here first!. The classified ads Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 SOWS- (3) Chester Whites. 3001bs., only 2 yrs. old. $300/all, will sell separate. 239-826-5226 CITRUS TREES OF ALL VARIETIES: Call 863-675-2978/863-447-1291 Lie. # 47219283 PONY TAIL -5FT1 Palm huge -pot -very -healthy, -10yrs old,. $125 or best .offer (863)763-3302 READING A NEWSPAPtR MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERS.ON. o wnd newspepe feaders ar mote popular Rentals R II Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 PORT LABELLE- 1br, 1ba, w/cable & water incid, bed- room furnished, $765/mo newly remodeled (863)612-5037 or lazaro22@netzero.com LABELLE, 4br/1.5ba, avail. Oct. 1, with pool, $1600 mo.(863)673-0081 LABELLE- large 3br, 2 ba, w/garage, on corner lot, spa- cious rooms throughout, $975. (863)675-0104 or (863)517-0566. PORT LABELLE, 2br/lba, avail Oct. 1, $900 mo. (863)673-0081 PORT LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, new, 1 mile from the high school, $1400 mo. + $1,000 sec. dep. For more details call (863)673-0846 Port LaBelle, Brand New, 3br, 2ba & 2 car gar. 1/4 ac. Quite area. $1400. mo. + sec. & 1st mo. (561)294-8060 READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU GET INVOLVED IN THE COMMUNITY a wonde newpaper read,,, hve __ mere (Ut FOR ONLY $110 WEEK get your very own room & throne, share house. Loud mu- sic, smoking & pets under 1000 Ibs. okay. 239-462-6882 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New 1g. units avail., air 'coditioned& non-air, each unit alarmed, area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV& trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH APARTMENTS IN LABELLE $750/mth $1500 Security Deposit Call 863-227-4311 954-410-2498 leal Estate P NEW HOMES in OCALA, FL S Pre-Construction Pricing, Zero Down for Investors, Re- altor Inquiries Welcome. Call Kinder Homes at (352)622-2460 or www.In- vestinOcalaFL.com. rrudprry rwe i u Condos/ Townhouses ale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open Rouse 1050 Out of State . Property Sale 1055 Property Inspeotionl060 Real Estate Wanted1065. Resort:Propqrty - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 $0 DOWN HOMES Gov't & Bank Foreclosures! Low or no down! No credit OK! Call Now! (800)749-2905. 10HOUSESFORSALE Owner Financing Lease Option (863)202-0753 danhmp@adelphia.net Beautiful Victorian home in Live Oak, FL. Totally renovat- ed with upgrades, near, schools and shopping. This is a true must see! $239,500 Call J.W. Hill, Lic RE Broker (888)821-0894 FOR SALE BY OWNER -- 2BR condo, St. Petersburg. 1 mile from Gulf of Mexico/Don Ce- sar. On Isla Del Sol golf course. Completely fur- nished. $370,000. Call (859)608-2213. LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top Area $209K or Annual Lease $1800 mno. 863-675-1107 PALM HARBOR Factory Liqui- dation Sale. 2006 Models Must Go! Modular, Mobile & Stilt Homes. 0% DOWN When You Own Your Own Land!! Call our Factory for FREE Color Brochure. (800)622-2832. PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. Near School. Price to sell. $184K, or Annual Lease $1800. Owner863-673-5071 LOCAL OKEE. RESIDENT Wanting to purch.yrly. Hunt- ing Lease. Willing to work land & maint. Willing to pay $2000.-$4000. per season. Call Roy 863-467-8487 20 acres with pond near State & Nat'l parks. Camp, Fish, Hunt. $89,900 owner fin. $4995 down (800)352-5263 Florida Woodland Group, Inc. Lic RE Broker. CLEWISTON: 1.93 Acres on Midway Acre 250 Taft Blvd. w/ All Improvements. 509' Front- age. $124,900.561-993-5886 MONTURA RANCH ESTATE 1.25 ac. on paved main road. 412 Bald Cypress Ave. $49,900 neg, (561)993-5886 Nice 2.5 acre lot, in Pioneer on Tampa Ave., $106,000. (817)729-9023 delgado42000J yaho-o.com PORT LABELLE Nice lot, close to schools. 9008 Lamkin Court. Ready to build. $43K. 239-641-3766 Port Labelle, Two, .25 ac. lots For Sale.'Side by side Green- belt $49K ea. or both lots for $90K. Call 630-715-6828 1+ ACRE TN HOMESITE 1.8 ACRES large lot with nice view. level building siie on top. Slone outcroppings lor natural landscaping. Pond on the east side: Close to large state park. Only $89,900! Call (866)292-5769. ASHEVILLE, NC.AREA Breath- taking mountain view & river parcels. 1 to 8 acres from the $80's Nature trails cus- tom lodge, river walk & much more. 5 min.from town. (866)340-8446 BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE 'BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC Homes, Cabins, Acreage & INVESTMENTS, CHERO- KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC REAL ESTATE.'cherokee- mountainrealty.com Call for free brochure (800)841-5868. GEORGIA/ NORTH CAROLINA Captivating mountain views, lakes, rivers, waterfalls. Homesites starting @ $39,900. Log home kits @ $39,900. Limited availability. Call (888)389-3504 X 700. Grab a bargain from your neighbor's :- garage, attic, basement or clos- et In today's classileds. I Apatment 090 I Apartments III Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. MISSOURI OZARK MTS- af- fordable living, very low tax- es, low priced acreage, homes avail, protected fly-in community, owner financing, Springfield/Branson area. Call locally (863)674-0898 johnstonsnest@juno.com New, Pre- Construction Golf Community- Coastal Geor- gia. Large lots w/deepwater, marsh, golf, nature views. Gated, Golf, Fitness Center, Tennis, Trails. Oak Park, Docks. $70k's $300k (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspoint.com. NORTH CAROLINA MOUN- TAINS- Gated community with spectacular views, pub- lic water including fire hy- drants, DSL accessibility, paved roads, nearby lakes; preselling phase IV. $35,000+ (800)463-9980 www.theridgeatsouthmoun- tain.com. Prime North Florida hunting properties from 60 acres to 480 acres. Starting at $3,000 per acre. Call J.W. Hill, Lic. RE Broker (888)821-0894. SAVANNAH AREA DESIRABLE RICHMOND HILL LAKE COMMUNITY 1 TO 3 ACRE LOTS from $79,900 Gated entrance, great schools. Lakefront and Marshfront available. Premium amenities package. Excellent financing.' PRE- CONSTRUCTION SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER .30TH CALL FOR MORE IN- FO! (888)525-3725 X 1796. STEEL BUILDING SALE! "MA- NUFACURER DIRECT Since S1980!" Other sizes. Example: 35'x50'x17' $9900 (no door). Quick delivery. 25'x40'x14' $5800 (Limited Qty.) Front end optional. Pioneer. (800)668-5422. VA MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN urifinizrned ;nside v;ew Ireis prlvdl jlrge crelG and river raruy, $ 1 39,500 owner (866)789-8535 VA94.com. Waterfront Wilmington, NC Historic Port City Coastal De- velopment TheBluffs on the Cape Fear. Fastest Growing County in NC. Grand Open- ing October 21. Direct Ocean Access. Preconstruction in- centives to call now. www.thebluffsnc.com (866)725-8337 Cape Fear Bluffs, LLC Broker. Western New Mexico Private 36 acres $52,990 Trees, mtn views, wildlife, borders state land. Horseback riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect fami- ly ranch, get away, for retire- ment. Electricity. 100% fin iri iing. N-ALC. (866)365-2825, . With Tennessee's Beautiful Lakes & Mountains, you are sure to find the perfect spot to call home. Call Nancy Gaines, Gables & Gates (865)388-7703, (865)777-9191 www.nancy- gaines.com Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people IN MUSE, Two 5 AC TRACTS U AW ""-.U - 1 W/SWMH, Fenced. $255k c 1 Fenced, only $195k .. . Zoned R/AG. (863)673-9200 H 0 '05- 883 Custom Sports- WHISPER CREEK- 55+, fully ter +/- 1k.mi, black cherry, furn, '84, 34" Prowler, lowering kit, mustang seat w/10x20 carpeted Fla Room, $10OK (863)673-4220 side by side Refrig.. W/D, split jalh, newly painted HONDA SHADOW '84, 26k, alum awnings, covered side needs tires. $1500 Call Don porch and back patio, 6x8 (863)467-1261 Shed, asking $21,500 RACING PISTONS, Suzuki 600 (863)675-6627 b3S\ J&E rai& n p; io,,S & WHISPER CREEK- 55+, fully. wingss $700 neiw .lkng furn, '84, 34" Prowler, $400(863)763-6220 w/10x20 carpeted Fla Room, side by side Refrig., W/D, S i c split bath, newly painted alum awnings, covered side porch and aaLc pario. 6x8 RED FOUR WHEELER.'06- Shed, asking $21,500 .110/standard, ridden twice, (863)675-6627 $800 (863)673-2889 WHISPER CREEK, Lot 218, SWAMP BUGGY- Lusimr 1986 Franklin 33ft, new bed, uIjil small, runs good. lei washer, furnacecarpet & roof start, $1200 or trade. Call $15,000 (863)885-1053 (863)697-2032 for details. Recreation Automobiles Boats 3005 CampersWRVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles. ATVs 3035 AIRBOAT- 13"BIG 0'99 220 ijrounlpower mir. grji., rji'e ,:'.i? i net WOL:id prop W .Tlr '6500 :?2-263:-22'69 BAYRUNNER '92, lOOnp Mer- cury. $2000 (863)697-9806 BOAT w/trailer, 1977, 14', w/18 hp Evinrude motor, $600/best offer. (772)597-0650 BOAT- 17.6 fi iceier console, 115 Mariner, T-top,. Trailer, $2500(863)902-0477 GAME FISHER, 12 Ft., Flat Boniom Awifn Irolling mulur & oars. 2 cush seaxs $325 will sp 863-509-3260 GRIZZLEY TRACKER1648 '06 all welded alum., 25hp Yama- ha 4 stroke, troll. mtr., galv. trir., $5k firm. 239-229-2974 HYDRASPORT, '85, 19', 3" aluminum trailer. Needs work $1500. or best offer. 186t367-4049 TRAVEL TRAILER 20' long, no leaks, needs work,' no ti- tle, $500. (863)946-0912 III - Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 40-50 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 ,Autmobles 005 BUICK CENTURY- '95, 4 new tires & battery. $1200. (863)763-8260 BUICK LESABRE 98 Runs good a'r., .2510 or Ltx ilher 863.467.r_7 i , Buick Roadmasltqr p; pb. ABS. cruise c ilnii new $2200 neg (863)6b74*0lCl0 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD- '94, White with rims. Stereo, Leather int. Runs & looks great. $4500.863-673-6266 CAMARO RS '99, Convertible, runs, needs exhaust/brake work & new top. $3500 book, $2400 neg. (863)673-3513 CAMARO Z28 '80- all original, 350 auto, great restoration project, motivated seller, $2500 (863)634-6601 Mobile Homes MolbileHome Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 obile Homes -Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 M/H FRONT DOOR 73"x32" $25. 863-357-5754 TWO OR 3 BEDROOM $800-$900 Dep. $115-$125 weekly. Lazy T Ranch. No dogs.863-675-1614 , CADILLAC 500 MOTOR, $850 (863)634-6597 DODGE RUNNING GEAR, 1 ton, Dana 60-70, 456 gears. $1300 (561)719-9391 after 6pm FLARE- Dodge Dooley drivers side, good cond. white, $150 (863)675-0188 G 835 PQSI DIFF- $150 or ibeSi offer i863i167.8856 ;HONDA MCGX240 '8.0 Go Krl moior Like nrie i)rn orily 5 nrr $.200) 863-634-6205 HOOD FOR FORD VAN, New in box, fits 1975 or newer. $75 Firm. 863-763-6629 MOTOR & TRANSMISSION, For '99 Lexus. $600 (561)719-9391 after6pm SATURN 2004 RADIO/CD factory. $100. 863-467-8038 SPARE TIRE- For Ford F150 P235/75R/15. Less than 50 miles. $50. (863)509-3260 REFRIGERATOR, 6 cu. ft. for RV, gas & electric, new with warranty. $750 (239)297-4006 TRAVEL TRAILER- '95, 26ft., 5th Wheel, Exc. cond. Very clean, $3800 863-763-7727 or 772-263-1803 YAMAHA WAVE RUNNER, '93, w/trailer, cover, garage kept, needs tuneup & battery, $900. (863)824-3354 FISHING OUT RIGGERS- 15' aluminum & S/S $100 (86316;5-7391 ner6piTr POLYMER 6'X12'X1/4" SHEET t07n 8CQ.Ai7_RQR9n CHEVY CAVALIER-'91, $600. (863)201-3492 CHEVY CAVALIER-'97, 2 door, Good cond., Runs, $2500. 863-634-6720 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 1988 Looks good. Runs great. Cold A/C, 4 Door & 4 New tires. $1000. (863)675-1754 FORD ESCORT WAGON '97- 5spd, good cond., needs 02 sensor, $750 (863)983-8646 Ford Mustang, '94, sporty, tinted windows, stereo, a/c, fast car, great on gas, stick, $2500. (863)983-7211 FORD T-BIRD '94 & Mercury Cougar '88, excellent body, bad motors, have motors. $600 neg. (561)676-0427 FORD TEMPO GL '92, 4dr, 68k, Clean, Runs good, Cold air. $1500. or best offer. (863)467-0668 HONDA CIVIC '89 4 cyl., A/C, CD, 4 dr. blue, manual. $900 Iv. msg. 863-763:7507 HONDA CIVIC- '89, AC;, 4 cyl. 5 spd, CD Player, Runs, Good cond. $900. (863)763-7507 Leave msg MERCURY SABLE 1996, front end wrecked, brand new trans., 60K, $1000. Or best offer. (863)634-4579. MERCURY SABLE- '89, 3.0 motor. Needs transmission. Excellent parts car. $75. or best offer. (863)763-0967 SATURN- '93, 2 door, Needs work. $200. or best offer. (863)673-6266 TOYOTA COROLLA'99 LE 5 spd, loaded,, very clean, 38mpg, runs perfect. $3950. 863-675-4858 WE BUY JUNK CARS (863)675-1940 .(800)997-5858 EZ GO GOLF CART 3 wheel- er, w/charger. Runs well. $500.863-675-7825 GAS CLUB CAR'95 Recoridiullinel 1695 860-635.1;2 GOLF CART 4 wheel, w/bat- tery charger, runs & looks great. $1000/neg. (863)763-7666 Yamaha '05,. $3500 (863)763-7815 ;Pas ep 4045 Sport Shorts Fishers of Men On Saturday, October 14 and 21, Fishers of Men will hold its first ever Hendry County Snook and Bass tournament at the LaBelle boat ramp for teams of two. There will be $35,000 worth of cash and prizes. First place wins a Triton TR186/150 Mercury Motor Bass Boat. The pre-tournament meeting is mandatory on October 13 and 20 at the LaBelle High School Cafeteria and only cash is allowed. There is a $300 entry fee before Oct. 7; $350 after. For more informa- tion contact Florida Southern Direc- tor FOM Jack Ott at 239-947-4311 or jaosol974@juno.com or www.fomntt.com Limit: 100 boats. Caloosa Chase 5K Run The 12th Annual Caloosa Chase 5K Run will be Saturday October 21, Nationwide and international opportunities Be your own boss and make thousands of dollars without a license or experience. Free r,iinitg web tools, nim.rkciiin nimul-ri.il and completWe support. Be the first in your area. ( ntlitirns ipply CALL NOW AT 1-877-300-1595 If you, a deceased spouse or parent suffered from any of the fol- lowing ailments on or before November 21, 1996 and were advised by a treating doctor that the condition was a result of cigarette smoking, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against big tobacco. Lung Cancer Esophageal Cancer Kidney Cancer Laryngeal Cancer Bladder Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Oral Cavity/Tongue Cancer Call Fleming & Associates toll free at 1-800-940-3365 for more information, Geo IJe 'f i i I i-," .! 1 i IX o with pri i- pl ofices in IHouston, TX ond msotiates with ,, I,'.ll, Mli].. ,m i ,,lugl I Ifp 1 Fleming &Associates,L.L.P 1330 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 3030 Houston. TX 77056-3019 TIhe hiing of a lawyer is on important decision that should not be based solely upon adverisemenls. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. at 8 a.m. at LaBelle High School. The entry fee is $12 before October 18 and $15 on the day of the race. Please make checks payable to LaBelle High School. Awards go to the top three finishers in each age group. Door prizes and refresh- ments will be given after the race. A t:shirt is guaranteed to the first 60 entries. You can pick up an entry form at LaBelle High School or call Coach Frost at 674-4120. t ALL AMERICAN fr CONSTRUCTION 1-866-279-5035 fax: 904-493-2842 Ucensed & Insured Narlon f.frlf I :. NE- Nu .- I - ,KJ i, Soccer sign-ups The LaBelle Youth Soccer Asso- ciation is holding sign-ups for soc- cer for all youth ages 4-14 for the upcoming season. Sign-ups will be at Winn Dixie: Saturday, Septem- ber 30, Saturday, October 7, and Saturday, October 14, from 10 a.m. to noon; Sunday, October 1, Sunday, October 8, and Sunday, October 15, from 1-3 p.m.; Wednesday, October 4, and Wednesday, October 11, from 6-8 For Product information, Pricing & Order Forms www.americancomponents.com www.americansteelmfg.com CBC 1251774 1454 Madison Ave. Imrnmokalee W PATIENTS ACCEPTED! evos pacientes son acceptado! Se-r- ic,-j- Farii, N Rdicin , 'komern's Health. Pediatricfs. rnal Mldicine. Denital. Outreach and Education. Lstrator ' Radiology. Phrm.c .. For an appointment Call (239) 658-3000 j Walk-in's Welcome : nallh. En cinlh Cr-K. iii.;tjl Sp.kr n ;h Er ./ "r:, ., ,-, *,' ',. I, . p.m.-The cost is $25 per player. Little League to elect officers LaBelle Little League will elect officers at the October 4 meeting. Nominations will be accepted at that time. The public is welcome. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at the Rec Department on Cowboy Way by LaBelle Elementary School. A New Twist in Skylights- Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. .. A revolutionary new way to think About skylights. . Professionally Installed in 2 nours No Reframing. No Painting No Mess NEW SOLAR POWERED Cost Much Less than Ola Fashtonred SKylights ATTIC FANS Let our Certified Installation Consultants show you the difference Solartube can make in your home today. S .. Hurricane Tested & Approved ,, -)SOLATUBE. t l z THE M .RACI SUIVSIGHT BOO.BOO'S RESTRURRNT 863-675-4870 Tuesday Friday from 11-3 All you can eat soup and salad $6.99 with Free iced tea Thursday Lunch Special GYRO's for $8.95 . ELVIS IS COMING FRIDAY, OCT 6 & SAT, OCT 21 Cat1 for Reservations HAPPY HOUR 3. 6 PM 40 Cent Wings from 3 to 6 50 cent Drafts SUNDAY DINNER 11 8 Roast Pork, 1/2 ckn $12.95 Includes iced tea, dessert & salad bar KARAOKE FRIDAY 6 week contest underway GREAT CASH PRIZES!! The kitchen is open until midnight on Fridays and until 10 pm on Saturdays 675 Hickpoochee Ave. (Hwy 80) LaBelle, Florida i ia S a a lJ Your #1 Choice For Repairs and Re-Roofs Steel Buildings & Components * Structural products Standing sealr, roof systems * R-panels, U-panels, A-panels Full line of accessories TIRES/RIMS- Set of four, for truck 35" GM, 8 lug, BF Goo- drich 35/12/50, Helo rims. Gd.Cond.$600.239-425-5605 TRANSMISSION- Rebuilt Tur- bo 700 w/rebuilt converter, $350 or best offer (863)467-8856 WHEELS, 16" Factory 2006 Mustang, brand new BF Goodrich Radial tires, will in- stall. $800 (863)697-0467 CHEVY '86, 1/2 ton, 2wd, a/c. $2000 (863)697-9806 CHEVY '89, Heavy Duty 3/4 ton, flatbed. Rebuilt 350 en- gine, new trans., steering, ball joints, calibers, rotors & drums. $4000 (863)467-7859 DANA 70 FRONT & REAR RUNNING GEAR- 4.88 gears, $1100 (863)824-0505 (561)719-3641 DODGE'93 1 TON DUALLY 350 turbo diesel, needs trans. work. $1200 or best offer. 863-467-9402 FORD F150 '06- 5K, 5.4 liter, 20" wheel, 4x4, loaded, crew cab, MP3, 6CD, fact warr $37,000 (863)673-4220 FORD F350 '84 4 dr., 4X4, 460 V8, Edelbrock, new pwr. king tires, needs paint & muf- fler. $2500, 863-634-6341 FORD F350 DUALLY'90 Gas, runs good. $2500. See at: 6420 Hwy. 98 N. Okee. 863-697-2434 GMC 1985, show potential, strong engine, sound body & nice interior, bedliner, $2500. (863)893-5789 DUMP TRAILER, $2500. (239)633-7173 OPEN TRAILER-'07 6x12. Tandem axle, 3' sides,, brand new. $1200. 863-634-3328 RI niH!B DODGE UTILITY VAN '95- 54K, 1 owner, good condi- tion, $1500 (863)983-4743 FORD CLUB WAGON '98 good cond., runs good. 3200 Firm. 863-697-6473 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER- '95, Good work van. $1000. (863)467-3070 or 610-8691 Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 '"NOTICE OPPUBLIC MEETING. I The Area Housing Commission of Cle- wiston, LaBelle and Hendry County will hold the Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday Sentember 28 2006 at 50M eM. at The Greentree South Commu- nity Center at LaBelle, Florida, Hendry County. The purpose of the meeting isto conduct the general business and consider any other matter that may be brought be- fore ir,: hiu ,] ii iTii n ;,. i 1 persr, ,, ,': ,.rn'' I: .. i any I:I.' 1:' "1 Ti.,.ir ,i iuii ri. ir: ll,. must ensure that a verbatim record is made upon which the appeal is to be based. The meeting will include any business before the "Hendry County Non-Prolit Housing, Inc." 164414 CB/CGS 9/28/06 nnlrfon Rallz Thi irqei~iv- Rnntpmher 28. 2006. 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 28,2006 Train for the The South Florida Water Man- ered son agement District is recruiting.. Hendry Cc candidates for training programs areas. We that ard being conducted in the'SFWM Hendry County to prepare work-' employee ers for jobs as heavy-equipment job trainir operators, according to Alice J. will stren Carlson, governing board mem- and contri ber for the SFWMD. The training health onr and workforce development is ea part of the CERP Outreach Pro- ties. gram to prepare residents to be hired by construction contrac- tors or subcontractors. Trainees learn to operate bulldozers; dredges and other heavy equip- ment. CERP is the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project, a decade-long, state and federal program to restore and protect the Everglades, and one of the projects is in Hendry County. The $400 million, C-43 reservoir is one of eight projects that have been fast-tracked as part of the - state's Acceler8 initiative. The "'" 25-square-mile, water-storage area has been designed to better Con manage the amount and quality of water released from Lake Some 5 Okeechobee into the Everglades ered at and coastal estuaries, what or The SFWMD is .partnering.. meeting with the Education Center of Americi Southvwst Florida, a vocational, people training center that has been months, providing job skills programs, other. S classes and other educational and exc opportunities in Hendry County ty. In a for three years. After completing attended the five-week program, trainees Lee- ma are not required to %work for the Week. SFWMD oh the C-43 reservoir Wee project, but the SFVWMD will be encouraging them to stay on by offering bonuses and other incentives. "We have been able to sched- ule the training in Hendry Coun- ty instead of asking trainees to- go to Jacksonville where classes are usually held," Carlson said. "That means more people have access to the opportunities. However, students still have the choice of attending either site. Incentives such as scholarship money may be available to qual- BEDER ified candidates, so the training can be provided at \ery low cost SUI or possibly no cost to the appli- cant." When the reservoir is com- plete, it will be one of the largest SUI in the worldd according to'Carl- son. "The sheer magnitude of the project is adding a significant number of jobs to-the local economy, which is especially important here. Hurricanes dur- ing the last two seasons deliv- Everglades ne harsh blows to The next trai )unty and surrounding Oct. 2, 200.6, are very pleased that monthly there D is able to bring both year. For mc ent opportunities and aboutthe jobs call Sonny Hug ig to the area, which 6800, or Rhond then the workforce at (239) 338-29 bute to the economic tion about tht urrounding'communi- Water Managen www.sfwmd.gc jobs .ning class begins nd will be held ifter for the next ore information raining program, hes at (863) 675- a Haag, SFWMD, )29. For informa- e South Florida nent District, visit )V. ing together 50 real estate agents, brokers and realtors gath- Boo Boo's Restaurant last week for the first in organizers hope will become a regular series of is. The coordinator was Shirley Willis of Bank of a who pointed out that, with LaBelle real estate in the business from 30 years to just three ,there are many things they can learn from each ;he hopes the regular meetings will spur energy- itement in the LaBelle area real estate communi- ddition to sharing information and socializing, es heard a timely presentation by Sheriff Ronnie de on safety especially for Real Estate Safety ROOM DINING ROOM rES SUITES ROOM ',ODS - TES 8 ENDS . . Volunteer at Hendry hospital Bored? Too much time on your hands? Tired of soap operas or football games? Get involved. Volunteer as a HRMC auxiliary member! You can get a break from the hum-drum of your daily routine by getting,out of the house for at least four hours a week and. giving some time to your com- munity. Hendry Regional Med- ical Center is looking for men and women who would like to volunteer their services to the HRMC Auxiliary. Although they are located most often in the gift shop, the Auxiliary provides assistance in other departments as well. They may be seen folding tow- els, offering directions or mak- ing copies. The Auxiliary uses proceeds from the gift shop to their most recent purchases - make purchases for the hospi- the beautiful new furniture, tal. In prior years, purchases lamps and other amenities. have included surgical blood Please stop by the hospital pressure monitors, bed-chairs gift shop for an application or for family mtiembers and labora- call Pat Mason, the HRMC Auxil- tory equipment. If you visit the iary President, at 863-983-2080 hospital lobby, you can admire for more information. A U C T 1 0 N SAUDY ETME 0-1:0AM Great Smokey Mountains SHERWOOD FOREST RESORT PIGEON. FORGE, TN DaevsloprsLiaion *38 CabinL ots- FaHulous Views 2 "NEW"Cabins Choose from 6 Bedrooms & 5 Baths or 2 Bedrooms & 2 Baths Breathtaking views of the Smokey Mountains. Best resort in area with conference center and pool. Owner Must Sell! Only 5 minutes from downtown Pigeon Forge and 20 minutes'off 1-40, Exit 407. 865521741 ws ly- 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) - NMany Sizes Available - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code - Florida "Stamped" Engineered Drawings (included) METAL STRUCTURES LLC 866-624-9100 www.metalstructuresllc.com PRCK RooFING, INC Family Owned & Operated State Licensed & Insured WE SPECIALIZE IN: Metal Roofs * Shingle Roofs Tile Roofs Flat Roofs Roof Repairs Roof Overs Roof Inspections FREE ESTIMATES PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lic #1327233 20 Years *I Experience! Your time Is precious. SPIF ^^^ ^B y^ (AfT~^pl C4Z C4LOO.Sim&g.LL gunk,*@ row pow.05 mul. A5 UjmnrFSWIV om ';A L M aps; I- People have so much to do and so little time to do it. To help you deal with your time constraints, we pack this little newspaper with lots of relevant and useful information. We want you to learn what you need to know quickly, so you can experience and enjoy your community fully. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism ALL STEEL BUILDINGS V-BI ' .. -w- P-T. I |