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JVCowb oys undefeated! Alma Page 6 Pat D eTiv iW t rIdC N-, of, I. ]. -:, -1-rT -- ,. ------ Delivering Western Hendry County's Newb ,,,,,. 3c U SA VOLUM 84 UMBE 37 TURSDY, -EPTEBE2106 At A Glance Tax hikes rally public ire Come to EDC annual meeting Sept. 22 HCEDC's annual meeting and B & I Recognition Celebra- tion will take place Friday, Sep- tember 22, during a luncheon at the LaBelle Civic Center beginning at 11:30 a.m Two Hendry County busi- nesses will be recognized for their contributions to the eco- nomic development of Hendry County this past year. A brief program from the economic development council office will bring everyone up to dale on some of the exciting things in which HCEDC has been involved. A silent auction show casing local artists will take place dur- ing the luncheon. Proceeds will go to the business Assis- tance Fund being created by HCEDC. Kids Day September 23 The Annual Kiwanis Kids Day will be Saturday, Septem- ber 23, at Barron Park from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The day focuses on all children up to teenagers with lots of games, fun and food. All activities are free. Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks at a very minimum cost. There will be puppet shows and a bounce house. The fire department and health depart- ment are also participating with valuable information for both children and parents. There will be several drawings this year plus the grand prize being a bicycle. Everyone come join the fun! This is lust another way Kiwanis shares its goals with the community. Kiwanis is a global organization of volun- teers dedicated to changing the world one child and one com- munity at a time. Chamber plans events The Greater LaBelle Cham- ber of Commerce invites you to its annual banquet Monday, October 16, at the civic center. Social hour begins at 6 p.m.(no alcohol); dinner at 6:30. Tickets are $20 each; table sponsors are $250 (includes eight tickets and your business name in the bulletin). The menu includes chicken and dumplings, roast. pork, black eyed peas, sweet potatoes and corn bread. Get your ticket by September 30. In the meantime, be sure to send your nominating letter for the 2006 Citizen of the Year. Also, remember to send in your ballot for new board members by September 30. Hey boaters! It may only be mid Septem- ber with hurricanes on our minds, but it is less than ninety days until the LaBelle Christmas Boat Parade, set this year for Saturday, December 9. Last year was the biggest and best ever; get ready to make this one even better. Index Classifieds .......15-17 Editorial ............ .4 Speak Out ...........4 Social News ..........5 Sports ............. .6 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 11ll l!l 1 I11111 8 6510 00019 1 By Patty Brant Residents all over Hendry County are up in arms about this year's huge tax assessments which are resulting in some prop- erty tax bills almost doubling from last year. The commission will set the final millage at its regular meeting Tuesday, September 26, begin- ning at 5 p.m. at the Courthouse in LaBelle. The county commission set the proposed millage for next year at 8.5 mills, down from this year's 8.75. At 8.5 mills, the county's total proposed revenue would be $31,624,151. One mill equals $2.8 million The county's total assess- ment for 2006 is $2,814,131,759 - a $900,035,483 increase over 2005's $1,914,096,276. Included in the county's $31,624,151 budget is a 3.5 percent cost of living increase for employees as well as some insurance and retirement increases. In recent years, the county has used sales tax income to supple- ment the general fund and bal- ance the budget. About a half-cent of the seven cent sales tax goes into the general fund; six cents to the state; and .54 cents to pay for a 1992 bond issue which will be paid off this year. Commissioners % -- to balance budget without I '*infrastructure or .5 cent : ). they proposed the 8.5 'ich includes $4 million ne cent sales tax. CERT:Neighbors caring for neighbor Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Mary Bartoshuk treats Brianda Quiroz, 17, a Hendry county Sheriff's Explorer for a "bro- ken arm and serious hand injury." Emergency response team graduates By Patty Brant For 13 weeks friends, neigh- bors and area residents came together once a week to learn the basics of emergency response. Their goal: to have the knowledge and skills to help themsek'es and their neighbors in the event of emergencN, before the profes- sionals can get there. Recently 60 members of the i I county's first Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) course graduated by demonstrating their newly-acquired skills during a mock emergency at the LaBelle Civic Center. After the mock emergency a gas explosion - teams split up into two groups to critique their performance According to Public Safety Director Randy Bengston CERT volunteers are on the "front lines of emergency response." Their quick response can make a world of difference in the outcome for many victims. "They learn basic See Disaster Page 2 Bill Dunbar and his daughter Savannah assist a "victim." The county is looking at $100 million in future building con- struction, requiring a $4-5 million bond payment every year for 20 years. Originally, the commission- ers planned to set aside $.5 million to design a new jail, $.5 to design a new administration building and $210,000 to build a new suboffice in Clewiston; and other construc- tion projects using that $4 mil- lion. After next year, they would use it to pay the recurring bond for the $ 100 million construction. With Hendry acquiring 1.5 new judges this coming year, and likely more in the future, the coun- ty needs space to put them. Con- structing anew court building is the most practical because of the special security required. Tem- porarily, the county is in the process of rearranging office space now: administration is moving across Lee St. into the Old Courthouse Square rentals. The See Tax Page 2 Ronnie Lee chosen Sheriff of the Year Hendry County Sheriff Ron- nie Lee was presented with the I -;: "Sheriff of the Year" award at the ' Annual Police Chiefs and Sheriffs Awards Luncheon. The awards ._l luncheon, sponsored by the Southwest Florida Crime Pre- vention and Community Polic- - ing Association Region 9 cover- ing Lee, Collier, Hendry, Charlotte, Glades and Desoto counties, \vas held Saturday, September 16 at the Verandah Country Club in Fort M\ers. -- Sheriff Lee was recognized for his outstanding achievements in ' crime prevention and successes ,. in taking drug dealers off the streets and putting drug grow -- houses out of business in Hendr' County. He was also recognized for Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant See Sheriff Page 2 Sheriff Ronnie Lee WHALE program is for child safety Community Traffic Safety Team members will be pass- ing out WHALE (We Have A Little Emergency) check pam- phlets at daycares and the health department. It is an education and identification* program for parents who have children in car seats. Spon- sored through the Florida Department of Transporta- tion, Shands TraumaOne, Injury Free Coalition, Injury Free Coalition for Kids, WAPE- FM 95.1 and Jiffy Lube, WHALE can make a differ- ence in the event of a motor vehicle crash involving your child. Providing vital information about your child will result in a more efficient rescue effort by emergency personnel. In many cases children are too young to identify themselves or their parents should the driver be incapacitated, hin- dering emergency treatment, emergency contacts or special medical needs. WHALE requires the use of three self-adhesive stickers and. one information label. The 6"x4" information label is the most vital part of WHALE check. It provides important information about the child in the car seat, such as name, See Whale-Page 2 Local physician receives honor Dr. John Geake, a local physician for the past ten years, was honored last month in Reston, Virginia, by Health and Human Services National Health Service Corp. Dr. Geake received a scholarship from the National Health Ser- vice Corp. for two years of medical school. He had an obligation to serve the two years after residency in a rural, medically underserved site. In 1996 he became the medical director at the Hendry Family Care Center in Clewiston. Dr. Geake is a D.O. or doctor of osteopathy at Dr. Kyle Stud- ley's office. According to answers.com online "osteopa- thy is the practice of therapy based on manipulation of bones and muscles. This school of medicine maintains that the normal body produces forces necessary to fight dis- ease and that most ailments are due td "structural derange- ment" of the body. Frequent slight strains are held to be capable of causing misalign- ment of bones and various other conditions of the.muscle tissue and cartilage, and treat- ment is directed toward cor- rection of these conditions". Dr. Geake said that there are two fully licensed doctoral positions. They are an M.D. and aD.O. They have the same medical education: The only difference is that D.O.'s also do manual medicine or muscle manipulation. In 1997 Dr. Geake was involved in a motorcycle acci- dent which left him paralyzed from the waist down. He con- tinued to practice part time and over the years eventually fulfilled his obligation to the National Health Service Corp. Dr. Geake and his wife, Ellen, became a part of the commu- nity and decided to make Glades County their perma- nent home. Dr. Geake was honored for his "dedication and commit- ment to provide quality health care to our nation's most vul- nerable population and for his significant contribution to improving the health of our underserved." Dr. Geake was the keynote speaker at the 35th anniversary celebration of the National Health Service Corp's 35 years of Excellence. The Glades County Commission sent a res- olution recognizing his contri- butions to the community, as well as a letter from the Chan- cellor, Dean and Associate Dean of Nova Southeastern College of Osteopathic Medi- cine. Dr. Geake is past presi- dent and has been very active in the Alumni Association. Dr. Geake's last day in LaBelle at Dr. Studley's office will be September 25. He will be opening up an office in Moore Haven in November. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Ellen Hawk Geake Dr. John Geake speaking to the National Health Service Schol- ars and site administrators in Reston, VA on August 11. I a r. IC 1I ~ I I 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21,2006 L yorCm ui tyDretryi us Cikawy Disaster Continued From Page 1 first aid and learn to assess a site for hazards. They always work in pairs," he said. Emergency Management Plan- ner Karen Tharpe, a new employ- ee, was tapped to get the CERT training program off the ground. She said she was impressed with the "high interest, questions and interaction" of the participants dur- ing the FEMA-sponsored course. Karen herself took the class as well as coordinating it. "I was surprised at how many people know nothing about fire extinguishers," she said, "and I realized that in an emer- gency situation... you have to make some hard decisions very quickly." During the mock disaster, partic- ipants demonstrated search and rescue, triage, applying .bandages, splints, and rescuing trapped vic- tims. They learned to look for struc- tural damage and how turn off gas and electric power. They also Tax Continued From Page 1 current Admin space will be used to store microfilm and court files. The first floor space being used for that storage will be converted to another courtroom. Caloosa Beiie/rany uranm Karen Tharpe, Emergency Management Planner, responsible as new employee to put entire CERT training together. Plaque for excellent work presented by Public Safety Direc- tor Randy Bengsgon. Pictured fom left: Lex Cauffield EMS, Barbara Brown HCSO, John Dyess- EMS, Donna Akin EMS, Billy Mehaffey- fire, Emergency Management Planner Karen Tharpe and Director of Public Safety Randy Bengston. learned what they can and cannot do. . A major reason for the success of the.class is, according to Karen, "the phenomenal teachers, all exceptional in their fields, and the receptiveness of the class." EMS instructors Lex Cauffield and John There is another unknown in next year's budget: value adjust- ments. Last year the Value Adjustment Board made $119.000 in value adjustments. This year, the num- ber of petitions has skyrocketed. Monday, Sept. 18 was the dead- line, but Clerk of Courts Barbara Butler will continue to accept Dvess said the CERT class was a great group. They said their most important lesson for them was to assess the patient correctly. HCSO Sgt. Barbara Brown cov- ered the law enforcement portion of the class. She said she tried to impress upon the participants that them until the Property Appraiser starts to schedule hearings. A large number of adjustments could affect the bottom line. Commissioner Bill Maddox's plan is to reduce the millage fur- ther from 8.5 mills or cut $7 mil- lion; use the $4 million from the general fund; cut department budgets by 10 percent; and stop all theirsafety comes first "you can't' . help if you can't get there" and you need to learn to "do the most amount of good for the most peo- ple" in any emergency. CREW Director Trish Adams and her case manager Akiva John- son both took the CERT training. Trish was very impressed with the dass, saying it was "excellent it's what this community needs." Akiva added, "We learned a lot; we're ready to help the community. It's been great experience." Sue Reese from the health department also took the course. She was very impressed that the "community can come together.as a team, helping in a disaster.",For her, the most useful'part of the course was the hands-on practical skill of handling fire extinguishers and experience with bandages. Emergency Management is planning to continue the learning experience with updates for the graduates. If you missed this first class, another is being planned for nextyear some time. unnecessary building for one year The deciding factor in the final budget may well be how much state funding the county would lose if w\e go under 8 mills. That figure is approximately $1.850 mil- lion in SCRAP money (used mainly for road construction). At 8 mills or less, the county would also lose its waiver for permitting fees. newszapcom ,-Community Links Individual V/oices" I ~~~~~~~~~'Y~ c U1 :1 r r~i; r ~~ I TI TI~ Your #1 Choice For Repais and Re-Roots Steel Buildings & Components IAsri si niProducs 41 StQsoeseem t roof &etI R jmnelsUo, Upafn, Ajianets FtA line -of ansondes ALL AMERICAN ,- CONSTRUCTION 1-866-279-5035 fa~' n 4-4qW3-24 .rsew- es Ire...T-y ur Product Informatiol Pricing & Order Fonns www.amencancomponents.com www.americansleelmfg.com CBC 12f17M4 LOST YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck 675 03 S& Auto Repair, Call I6 5- 03l *ag a O~f ^^^^^^^^^W W ^^^^^^^^^^ Whale Continued From Page 1 special conditions and who to contact in case of an emergency. it is important that all informia- tion be printed clearly and be up- to-date. Place the label on the back of the car seat and make sure it is not isible from the out- side of thevehicle, to ensure the privacy of the child. The WHALE check logo stick- ers are to be attached to each side of the car seat. These will be visible from the outside and alert rescuers that the occupant is participating in VWHALE check. The WHALE (removable) static sticker is to be attached to the inside rear window of the vehicle to alert rescuers that the vehicle occupants participate in WHALE check. Sheriff Continued From Page 1 his outstanding record in humani- tarian efforts in assisting citizens of Hendry County during disasters such as Hurricane Wilma. In addi- tion, the association acknowledged Sheriff Lee's leadership in promot- ing special programs for school age children and senior citizens in Hendry County and Southwest Florida. During acceptance remarks, Sheriff Lee stated, "An honor bestowed by your peers is always extra special and meaning- ful." He also thanked and gave spe- cial credit and recognition to the members of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office, his wife Cathy and sons Ron, Jr. and Ryan and the fami- lies of all law enforcement person- nel for the sacrifices they make every day. As of October 5, 2006, Dr. John Geake will no longer see patients at 45 Bryan Avenue in LaBelle. To obtain a copy of your medical records please contact the office at 863-675-3427 Dr. Geake will be relocatirgto Moore Havei Notice of new address and phone willbe posted. QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical E.perience Your locally owned and operated Electrical Service Company Slain Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Landscape Lighting and surge protection Call oIr A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 9-5 call 863-983-4101 863-228-4138 24 Eir.rw-%ij,.y Service Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 CALOOSA -BELLE SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 VIS4 3 675-3233 TOLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CACOO8030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CALL NOW TO HAVE YOUR A/C COMPREHENSIVELY CHECKED BY OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TECHNICIANS! Take Pride in the ownership of a Timeless Masterpiece The Heartbeat of the Home... Shouldn't your Family start it's History and Your Legacy with a Ridgeway Grandfather Clock? JacksonRiver Home Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge S340 North Bridge Street. 863-674-0003 LaBelle To Reach Us tI d ,1w ,,:re- LiBcdlJ ;,"-5 Ph,, ,:lC C .d di-c - 22 Ft TIh.:,p- ir *.: e Ph ,or Ie I .c.'. r.?i :"54 F i-.. i r. 1446 ','_[db te n",P"- r. w rpm'-,',t. ljb'. i':" To Submit News The Ci-oo-l Belie \~leome s submj-i lionf irom Its readers Opuionis. caJen. dir items, store, ideas :nd photo- iphs ire ',.eicome C dU (863l 65-.254i to reich our ne.,.-cirom Items miv be muaed. fa.ied .:r m.oded II ,ou 'ire -endng photoir.iph- ',a -miid plei-e -end them in IPEC- format. also please do not send W\'ORJD documcrt[. just pajte the-e rme'-ac- into the boid of the e-mu] Ofii.e documennr .are ok The deadline ,or Ali ner. 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F.x.\ (s7-7)354 2424 E M i u Llj-.i '..l ,-'r ,..'-:. ,-_-rr For Subscriptions Phone. 1877) 3534242- The t-i ,!,.: C a PerlJe driburt i"i :.r p1; ,-' th.': Li PBl .: 1 r.'d I'.:!t[i rn i- r.:-I. , [,-: p-j'. r in be I.lr.d ir b ir!:.u ;t,-rei tL r:ugh,-ju c ,:,, v., r" in e!...:. .d h.-i,, .; i,' L.,F elc enjci, *:orap!.:nri er i-, r,t, I-,:rr: dl: er, Fart ct i; mL ,b ct[p ,in or fe a.i> k i b it $ 50 p.r ,e.,r ij .. I .- ,. il ill'l ; Printing The .- iJ.:..-: i : FP, -i r... ir r, i hn.: P rrirrig :, 'l d' ir' -, ir- .,el,-pcrid.r-r Nec, :pFipe i E-m ad Fprir..rig; l.-.t,: r.i.r Newszap! Online News & nformaftion Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle _4 1 A....- ------ .r . -....-------- fv 4" :W .. .,.. -- : .. U V ., : q g: i .* -' :' '- I , {"-r H ll I', ]..i~i .. Ifi :: [ih }l\ /'; ',' t t ) "-,.a, ..: ., '. .: .a ~ .': -., '. ..' .,- Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida, PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases. announcements & information from your ,community. Public Issues Forum An open forum in vhich issues of the doa are debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post /our personal messages on an open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glode Local Links A directory of websites for location government. teams, organization & columnists Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers distribuiled to 31 00 homes. * South Boy Ti':,,i. 'F Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LoBelle Feldo LaBelle Immokolee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof %, , J From. 'I '' '''`' I-L- - d, .. =% .. ,tn.., .. . .. . Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21, 2006 Be watchful of foodborne E.coli virus The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is issuing an alert to consumers about an outbreak of E. coli 0157:H7 in multiple states that may be asso- ciated with the consumption of produce. To date, preliminary epidemiological evidence sug- gests that bagged fresh spinach may be a possible cause of this outbreak. Based on the current infor- mation, FDA advises that con- sumers not eat bagged fresh spinach at this time. Individuals who believe they may have experienced symptoms of illness after consuming bagged spinach are urged to contact their health care provider. "Given the severity of this ill- ness and the seriousness of the outbreak, FDA believes that a warning to consumers is need- ed. We are working closely with the U.S. Centers for Disease Con- trol and Prevention (CDC) and state and local agencies to deter- mine the cause and scope of the problem," said Dr. Robert Brack- ett, Director of FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutri- tion (CFSAN). E. coli 0157:H7 causes diar- rhea, often with bloody stools. Although most healthy adults can recover completely within a week, some people can develop a form of kidney failure called Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS). HUS is most likely to occur in young children and the elderly. The condition can lead to serious kidney damage and even death. To date, 50 cases of illness have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including eight cases of HUS and one death. At this time, the investigation is ongoing and states that have reported, illnesses to. date include: Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Wisconsin. FDA will keep consumers informed of the investigation as- more information becomes available. Arrest Reports LaBelle Simon Gabriel Godinez, 29, of LaBelle, was arrested September 13 and charged with violating pro- bation for possession of cocaine. Carlos Carmona of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Arturo Ramon, 47, of LaBelle, was arrested September 15 and charged with failure to appear for a felony offense. Kelvin Robinson of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $710 cash. Robert Christopher Saucier, 19, of LaBelle, was arrested Sep- tember 15 and charged with violat- ing probation for a felony. Bonnie Weaver of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting .officer. Kimberly Martinez, of LaBelle, was arrested September 8 and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. James Wright of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Roberto Vidal, 21, of LaBelle, was arrested September 9 and charged with burglary and larceny, between $300-$5,000. Brett Calla- han of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Antonio Ortiz, 53, of Port LaBelle, was arrested August 31 and charged with sexually assault- ing a victim under 12 years of age. Frank Marcus Pensak of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Vicente Leon Jimenez, 18, of LaBelle, was arrested September 12 and charged with sexually assaulting a victim under 12 years of age. Larry Preece of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Maikel Morejon Herrera, 28, of LaBelle, was arrested Septem- ber 15 and charged with posses- sion of cocaine. Donald Davis of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office, was the arresting officer. Clewiston, A juvenile, of Clewiston, was arrested September 8 and charged with aggravated assault with a- deadly weapon without intent to kill. Jesus Olvera of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Douglas Lee Howser, 49, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 8 and charged with failure to appear. Jesus Olvera of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Alex McCollum, 31, of West Palm, was arrested September 12 and charged with violating proba- tion. Patrick Durrance of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Patricia Ann Yales, 47, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 12 and charged with posses- sion of marijuana over 20 grams. Obituary Mary Lena Kilcoyne Mary Lena Kilcoyne, age 88, of LaBelle, passed away September 16, 2006, in Fort Myers. She was born Sep. 14, 1918, in Trenton, NJ. to Joseph and Margaret (McTigue) Brown. She grew up and attended schools in Trenton. She worked as a clerk with the Dept. of Elections in Mercer County (NJ). She moved to Flori- da in 2001. She enjoyed flowers, was a member of the Garden Club and was active in the Repub- lican Club. Survivors include a son: Larry Kilcoyne of Clermont; daughter: Lynn Kilcoyne of LaBelle; grand- children: Lisa Allen, Heather Kier- nan, Elizabeth, Larry and Phillip Kilcoyne; great-grandchildren: Sarah and .Meagan Young,. William Kiernan, Alana and Sonia Kilcoyne, lan Wolf and Gordon Wolf. Visitation will be Sep. 25, from 1-3:30 p.m. at the Akin-Davis Funeral Home in LaBelle and funeral services will follow 4 p.m. at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church with Father Jiobani Batista officiating. A graveside committal service will be September 28, at Ewing Pres- byterian Cemtery, Trenton, NJ. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home LaBelle and Orland's Ewing Memorial Chapel- Trenton, NJ. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Jorge Alberto DeLeon, 34, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 14 and charged with obstruct-. ing police. Rick Perian of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Juan Omar Guzman, 26, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem-" ber 15 and charged with battery. Frank Marcus Pensak of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. SJennifer Lee Garrett, 26, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 13 and charged with grand theft between $5,000-$10,000. Billy Ware of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting officer. Alfredo Sonny Gomez, 28, of Immokalee, was arrested Septem- ber 15 and charged with battery. Frank Marcus Pensak of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. LaMarcus Dewight Odoms, 19, of Clewiston, was arrested Sep- tember 17, and charged with pos- session of cocaine. Perry Short of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. *Mariano S. Solanzo, 35, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 15, and charged with posses- sion of marijuana over 20 grams. Michael Home of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Carolina V. Mendoza, 35, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 16, and charged with carrying a concealed weapon, possession of cocaine and possession of marijua- na over 20 grams. Michael Stevens of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Ricardo Medrano, 24, of Riceville, Tennessee, was arrested September 16, and charged with possession of cocaine. David John Colburn of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting offi-, cer. Corey Lamrar Kitchen, 37, of South Bay, was arrested Septem- ber 16, and charged with driving with a suspended license Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Marcus Tabris Holmes, 20, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 17, and charged with aggravat- ed batter, kidnapping and sexual- ly assaulting a victim 12 years old or older with a weapon. Larry Preece' of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Preston Wooten, I8, of Moore Haven, was arrested September 17, and charged with aggravated. battery. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. In Memory of LucyJ. Perez May 26, 1962 Sept. 24, 2005 Dearest Lucy, You are thought of and remembered, Every day and night, Mother, Daughter, Friend, Bringer of the Light. We know that you're in Heaven, O :ijiIM t ask for more. : imuiayh)ave lost your battle, But you have won the war. 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Individual Voices, r _ 15 6 .B i .* l Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam Includes 6 month follo-w-up Disclaimer The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- cel payment or be reimbursed for paymeilt for any omter serce, e,.am.rnaon or rrealment whnieh ri per- I ormied as a result oi and witnn 72 hours 01 respon0dng Io me advernsiemenr fo the free discounl.. lee I i or reduced fee servn e examrnsnon or treatment IMMOALEANMLCIC 1400 ~ uRobertsiI Ave. -ImmokaleJetm FL (290 5726 Nd "^ . Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one nwho has departed with a special [Alemorial Tribute in this newspaper. ..* :.i ir&, Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary of your loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one. lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. & : .: . Visit www2.newszap.com/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. THE ALPHA COURSE \h;r is [he point iif life? What hjlppen; vhen we dies I r! ere-s po:,ssble' Vhjt relevance doesiesusi have for our lives [,:'daj What is Alpha? The Alphlj c':urse is an ll pp',or[njr! Ir 1 ,.ir .ne t:i ci .pklre the ChnstuIn tirh i i eilawed, n.:n r hreaiening |IvI b.c, trirendi rind in' fun cre is a meal tisetiher ji the beginr-ng 1A e ,h s ,crsi ;.h, h i >'eg ., an i:,' ,:rpp:riijri[' r, gc ,:1 I'.iow' ei Ch hc Listrin, learn di .:u's and ,ij .i-: er ,sid ail:j i iri_ .Jpl-ij i p.lj' e '.herc ni '.luec :'ri i : ipl: i:',ioo r o '::'. h,:,rile rid if il :,:,,:, :1 jill i1i': mijin Chll ria den:nn i n ir :'rin What's involved? The Alh.i '::ur-.e i':ir f :4 j ren-' i: i!n- oI:iki,-ni 3 ,,pi':- u':h as '\\'ho: is jeus?' and 'Why and h,:, '.,j I prjy Alier icLh Uill ee ,di:iii- inir, majll groups fI:r a nine Ori dilscLu on Who is Alpha for? Alpha 1j for eiferone cpec': ll) Thre .ajn ri,[rr [i:, mni ietj[e ( -,hi'ar. ii 'Men. CI ~i !.- ..:.:.T f' [c Lthe ihur':h Thr:o'e h:. njru [i: t'lu, .h up ..:n llhe t-is.':' What awil it cost? There i nro cihrge for the A ,phi ,i.'jur '. i .! :u i y',u ni. be a1ked [' make a c,:i.nribu[ion:ri [.:c- jrd I.d WHEN AND WHERE? / Church of the Good Shepherd 1098 Collingswood Pkw\. LaBelle, FL 33935 For more info call Tiz Wade 863-675-0546 Ten Wednesday evenings, 6pm until 8:30pm Beginning Sept, 27 One Saturday, 9am until 3pm on Nov 4 ['..' ,..li... w "I i 'i .lF I T : .. I... i 'i.:..: ,i P Pi L I e -' I I f L M Of 11511k Chain NEW SOLAR POWERED ATTIC FANS wahlfo FREE Estimates Perhaps you sent a lovely card, or set upon a chair. Perhaps you sent beautiful flowers. If so, we saw them there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words that any friend could say. Perhaps you were not there at all, just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console our hearts, We thank you so much, whatever your part. The Grandchildren of Vernon Hampton Ford DEEPLY APPRECIATES AND GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES YOU KIND EXPRESSION OF SUPPORT & SYMPATHY! Grandchildren: Brenda Wendall, Ivy Ausbum, Beverly Wolfgram, Donald Waller, Darlene Hauboldt, Rhonda Ballinger, Dewayne Ausbun, Anderson Ausburn and Heather Ausbum Ip Yes, this newspaper is part of a "chain." But this "chain" is unlike any other. We are owned by a journalistic trust. All after-tax profits are invested in our mission of community service through good local journalism. Staffing is local, and we seek out people who care about the community and want to stay here. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feed- back@newszap.com or call your editor. -~6, i~ --~-.~- 'k -T~g(rr~ii6E~r; ~'`' ' ~ktt*8~a~-~:Ls ~'' "' ~"'~"* -51~E;, '- jrw~ Vt' AA 401ia, ri PtI' CDLLmil -rn~ .r~-r r CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1st, 3"r 5t Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 N. Rwer Rd. (Hu 78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net SOLUTIONS I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21,2006 nluNlIN sT Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime the LaBelle issues forum at htp/VAww.newszapforums.com/forum5 It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like ai share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opi ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper spacepermnits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." at id ). n- as THE WAY IT IS: In response to the recent uproar about proposed increase in taxes: I have heard many people say many times that LaBelle is such a quaint, old fashioned, Mayberry kind of town. "This is why we. left Naples and moved to LaBelle;" My thoughts on that are... Every per- son who has moved here from a other fast growing area are turning our quaint little "Mayberry" into a little Naples. The proposed increase in property taxes is going to cause a lot of young people and old people to have no choice but to relocate. LaBelle is a minimum wage town. There are very few jobs available where a person can make the income it will take to live here. And the ones that are available the person's holding those positions must die before someone else can fill them and have "good old boy member" as part of their resume. I have lived in this quaint little town almost my entire life (43 years) and have seen many changes. Some good, some bad. I am not opposed to change, however, what is happening here goes way beyond an increase in taxes. The powers that be soon will have way too much power and the little guy just trying to make ends meet will be homeless. I make $9.50 an hour pretty good money in LaBelle. Now let's factor in I am a single parent (not by choice). I have a mortgage $600 a month (for a 1200 sq. foot home). My utilities run approx. $250 a month. We spend $100 a week on groceries. Home owners insurance is now up to $1500 year. A car payment of $350 a month added to that. After taxes my bring home pay is $1,312 a month. My expenses are around $1,325 a month. Just a quick estimate of the math says I am at a deficit of $13 a month and I still haven't put gas in my car, insurance on the car or paid myyearly taxes! Savings? What is that? Anyone up for starting a "quaint little town" somewhere else? NOT A DOGGIE TOILET: My gripe is people who take their dogs to Barren Park to let them relieve themselves. This is a park for people to go and enjoy the beautiful trees, the river and just enjoy the beautiful LaBelle day, not to have to worry about stepping in someone's dog mess. I have seen several people a lot from just around the park and some come from across the river to let their dogs relieve themselves in the park. There is a large field across from the park, but they take the animals in the park. This needsto stop. TELL YOUR COMMISSIONER: People of Hendry County have you looked at your ne\v proposed property taxes? Please let Nour county commissioner know that the people ol this county cannot afford this. This is one of the poorest counties in the state with one of the highest tax rates. Who would want to move here with our tax rate? Call your commissioner and express your opinion, they are sup- posed to represent us and they can be replaced at the next election. RESPONSE TO MUSE SPEAK OUTS: If Muse needs a new commis- sioner, Muse people need to come out and vote and-participate in com- munity association not rely on secondhand knowledge. WHATS WRONG WITH THIS? Why is it people who don't want to work can get a job,but people who want, need to work and have a family cannot get a job? Community Calendar Friday, September 22 Woman's Club, Hwy. 8bW American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 Rotary Club: Boo Bo's Restau- p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 rant, noon AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting Teen Center: Hendry County 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 p.m. Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyp- School Board: 5:30 p.m. Clewis- tus, Port LaBelle, open meeting ton sub-office Bingo! Our Lady Queen of Heaven County' Commission: 6:30 p.m. Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Reg- Courthouse ular at 7 p.m. NO Smoking F&AM: lodge on Jaycee/Lions Sunday, September 24 Blvd. dinner meeting, 6p.m. Sr Heartland CHADD: (Children and AA: 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders) the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Fourth Tuesday, 7 p.m., LaBelle High Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open dis- School, teacher in-service points avail- cussion able. LaBelle Masonic Lodge #379 Monday, September 25 F&AM: 7:30p.m. Jaycee/Lions Blvd. Weight Watchers: Weigh in and AA: 12 Step/Big Book study registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6 group, 8 p.m., First Chnstian Church, p.m., First Christian Church, Social Ford Avenue, open meeting Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m. American Legion Wednesday, Hall, Hwy. 80W Moose Lodge #2398: 8 p.m. September 27 Moose Lodge Lions/Jaycee Blvd. Big Book Meeting: noon, Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shep- Episcopal Church of the Good Shep- herd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus,' herd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, PortLaBelleopenmeeting Port LaBelle, open meeting Port LaBelle, open meeting SWednesday Night Kids: 6-7 p.m., Tuesday, Caloosa Baptist Church, for youth in Te 26grades 6-12 at 500W. Hwy. 80. Phone September 26 675-2348 Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora and PPVFD: drill7 p.m. Ella's, Hwy. 80 AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recreation Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m. Hall. CALOOSA* BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent Is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of Journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. .. ... ,,.,. .... . . .. . . .......,,.., ,, ,,.=,.,,.=,,.=, ,, .., =..,. ==. . We Pledge ... *, To operate Ihis newspaper as a public trust * To help our community become a better place to live and work, through our dedi- cation to conscientious lou'. nahsm * To provide the Inlormanon cit- izens need to make their own intelligent decisions about public Issues STo repon the news with hon. esry accuracy purposeful neutrality. tainess, objectivity. fearlessness and compassion * To use our opinion pages to lacllilate community debate. not to dominate it with our own opinions. STo disclose our own conflicts of interest or potential con- flicts to our readers. To correct our errors and to give each connection the prominence it deserves. To provide a right to reply to those we write about To treat people wilh courtesy. respect and compassion For More Information See At Your Service On Page 2 EDITORIAL: News Editor: Patty Brant Reporter: Kristin Hunter Reporter. JerriLynn Merritt Sports: Roger Alexander ADVERTISING: Advertising Director Judy Kasten Advertising Manager Brenda Jaramillo Advertising Services Coordinator: Dale Conyers Advertising Services: Barbara Calfee National Advertising Joy Parrish Independent Newspapers, In Chairman Joe Smyth President Ed Dulin Vice President of Florida Operations Tom Byrd Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Letters to the Editor Dancing, anyone? An idea has been simmering for years but came to a recent rolling boil.. .my kids have left the nest so to speak and I was think- ing what is it that I would really like to do? I have always wanted to ball room dance after watching Fred Astaire many a Saturday growing up. But the generation I grew up in did not dance that way and there were no places to really dance in a ball room setting. That all went up in flames in the '60s. Antonio Bandaras has recently been seen in a move called, "Take the Lead" in which a ballroom teacher takes inner city students who then find a new purpose in their lives when they are intro- duced to the world of ballroom dancing. I think that there are a lot of young adults including myself, who is an old-young adult (LOL), that would love to learn Salsa, Ballroom or Swing. This movie definitely makes one itching to try it out at any rate. What I would like to know is: are there people out there like myself who would like to learn dancing without having to go into Fort Myers? Would there be a large enough demand to hold month or bi-monthly dances with either live music or recorded? Is there someone who lives in this community who would be willing to teach or would we try and locate someone from Fort Myers to come to LaBelle? If we can,, then where could we hold the practices and or the dances, and keep the cost to a minimum? I have one lead where an instructor would come for $100 an hour plus $25 travel, so for ten people it would be $12.50 for an hour of fun. That is one possibility. We need something to do. in LaBelle that is low.cost, fun and healthy. Oh, did I say healthy? Dancing seems to be a great way to lose some weight, increase the cardio vascular system and create those happy thoughts like laugh- ing.. Socialization is another aspect of it. Where can we as peo- ple gather together and just have fun and maybe even dress up a bit for that Saturday night out? I am writing this letter to see who may be interested 'in taking dancing lessons, finding out where we could have them and if we could start holding dances of various types throughout the year. I would like to even see a cos- tume benefit ball on New Years Eve in the future. If you are inter- ested and live in the LaBelle area call me in the evening at 675- 4098. If I can gather enough inter- est I would be willing to find a teacher or coordinate this until something can be continued by an organized dancing association. Any takers? Itching to dance with dignity JovitaWilliamson Congestion anywhere costs us money Dear Editor: SI worry about how .much increased traffic- congestion across the country and high gas prices are costing us in higher prices for goods and more high- way construction money. Many of us are not aware that freight traffic has a bigger impact on highway congestion than passenger traffic. Worse yet, transportation officials are predicting that freight traffic will grow .67 percent over 20 years. We need to haul more of this freight by rail. As someone who has been involved with railroading for most of my life, I know well the benefits of shipping freight by rail - decreased air pollution, reduced highway congestion, a stronger economy, and less fuel consump- 'tion which can help decrease our dependence on foreign oil. A bill recently introduced in Washing- ton would help address this issue. The Freight Rail Infrastructure Capacity Expansion act, U.S. Sen- ate Bill 3742, would boost invest- merit in freight rail projects that expand capacity and allow rail- roads to haul more freight. I encourage our Senators and our community to support this bill. Sincerely, Add Austin A timely discussion about inheritance There are many of you reading this whose parent or parents are still alive. Most of them will be leaving some assets to you and your siblings. Do you know if they have, a current will or trust? Do you know what it says? Have you discussed it with them? Is this important? You bet ya! If you are, riot politely on top of this, at their death you may be faced with some really disappointing prob- lems. First, let me say that vou need to honor your mother and father just like the Bible tells you. Sec- ond, you need to show them love and pro\ ide care for then, just as they did when you were a child. And, don't think sellishly about what you are going to inherit. Here is a terrible experience I had during rmy insurance career. I sold life insurance to a client about 35 years old. He ran his par- ents' successful business. He was the key man. Without him, it would have failed due to his spe- cific talents. I had not met either Financial Tips by Wayne C.Switzer parent. Their insurance agent was a friend of mine and he was a sharp guy, but I never discussed any of his client's personal infor- mation \ith him. During an estate-planning interview with my client, I cor- rectly guessed that his parents had a sub-S corporation, and cor- recly guessed at the ownership of many rental houses his parents owned. I told him the things he should discuss with his parents, including planning for the succes- sion of the business. What I had no way of knowing was that his parents could not stand his wife and they Nrever wanted her to know anything. When I delivered his policy to his office a couple of weeks later, I was greeted by his mother who told me off big time for sharing her personal information with her daughter-in-law. I tried to explain, but she was convinced that her personal agent had given me her file and no amount of talking was going to change her mind. Fortu- nately, my client, the son, under- stood and was not unhappy with me. Later on. I got to know his father and everything \~as all right, and they did do the plan- ning. I have seen several occasions when a female caregiver, some- times nurses, have bonded with an elderly sick man, and taken .care of him lovingly before he died. In addition to being paid, he gave them his home in a last minute will. There is one case where I saw a son go to his ailing father and get him to change his will so the family business went exclusively to the son, and an equal amount of cash to his sister. The sister was not consulted. As it turned out, the business included valuable commercial real estate, so the dis- tribution was hot fair 'As your parents get older just discuss with them whether or not they have made a will. It should only be done by an attorney. Without being disrespectful offer to keep an eye on their invest- ments. Far too many times an older person makes a bad invest- inent because they got a convinc- ing sales pitch without consulta- tion of their children, accountant, or attorney. A crook specializes in faking integrity! If nothing else, convince theri to meet with their banker or loan officer \w hom they trust. He or she'is usually weil enough educated to give advice and look for schemes. Wayne C. Switzer, CLU, Realtori:' Due to the heated responses I received from my original 2029 headlines article, I have been encouraged and motivated to detail more specifically local area sequential events. Beset by the forces of nature and abetted by man's attempts at playing God, Lake Woebe- gone,. formerly Lake Okee- chobee, has been designated as the site of the World Mud Bog- ging Championships "by the Soggy Florida Wasteland Man- agement Division, formerly known as the South Florida Water Management District. With the demise of the for- mer lakes aquatic capabilities, a transition of the lake from a tourist magnet to a macabre muck site has precipitated a major cultural and commercial transformation for Clewiston and all other Lake communities. With the loss of the recreational and commercial capabilities of the lake, a major transition to health and beauty related busi- nesses is taking place. All of this based on the discovery that the high chemical loading contents of the lake have medicinal and beauty enhancing capabilities. Former marinas and bait shops are converting to health supplement outlets, as other marine associated businesses. are converting to health spas, specializing in mud packs and related weight loss clinics as the inherent chemicals inhibit appetites. Without the lake, the "Caloosausedtobe," formerly known as the Caloosahatchee River, is now serving as a major excess water storage basin negating several million dollar reservoir projects. This major cost savings is resulting in a major reduction in taxpayer levied taxes and has resulted in the return of thousands of acres back into the tax base and back ts yourword Get Involved into productive agricultural pur- poses. As this major redistribution of tax payer funded revenues is tak- ing place, several annexations, based on reallocation and distri- bution of the burgeoning popu- lation increases, are also under way. Concurrent with the revenue enhancements, a proposition to eliminate district commissioner representation with countywide commissioners is gaining momentum for approval. With this a possibility, Harlem is seeking annexation of Clewis- ton, in anticipation of the upcoming 2030 census projec- tions, and a full measure of: resultant revenue enhancement. Port LaBelle, reacting to simi- lar motivations and emboldened by its population increase to over 30,000 residents, is pro- ceeding with plans to annex LaBelle, excluding Paulsville and the FGCU campus, which had already disannexed from LaBelle. With the conflict of LaBelle's ability to provide utility services for the northwest quadrant, those residents have petitioned for approval of their own city to be called Fort Denaud. Now that we have a full time county planner without "over- taxing" or stretching mutual imaginations beyond any sem- blance of congenial cogitation, I would appreciate hearing what your vision might be for Hendry County in 2029 and beyond. Respectfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County Citizen and Taxpayer) Thank you So often all you read about are the negative aspects of Hendry County Administration. I would like to speak some positive. I would like to thank all my co-workers at Hendry County- Engineering Office, especially Bonnie Hanshaw for all her words of encouragement and support, the administration staff Judi Kennington-Korf for her prayers, for seeing me through a difficult time. I would like the citi- zens of Hendry County to know that their interests are in the hands of a lot of great and caring people. Most important I would like to thank God for allowing me to be a part of Hendry County's work force. Susan M. Blue Secretary II Hendry County Engineering How do you feel about the Hendry County property tax problem and how do you suggest that it be fixed? Donna Kane said, "I am upset at the S inequity that our property appraiser is allowing because it is unfair. For exam- ple, there is a 1.15 acre piece of prop- erty on the river that is only being taxed $38.12 for property taxes. The reason is because it is listed as agriculture. How- ever, in order for a property to qualify for agricultural exemption it has to be at least 2.5 acres and this property is not 2.5 acres and is not being used- for agriculture. This is prime real estate on the river. Another example: There is a 1.53 acre piece of proper- ty on the river that is only being charged $49.38 for property taxes because it is listed as an agriculture piece of property as well. Yet again, it is not at least 2.5 acres and it is not being used as agriculture and it is a prime piece of property. This is just two examples out of many that I have researched and found so far.-If agri- culture exemption is being granted when it's not sup- posed to it's affecting our taxes and making others pay more than they should to make up for it. I think some- body else needs to run for property appraiser. I told the property appraiser about these properties a year ago and nothing has happened. I will be at both the city and the county meetings with all of this information, as well as appealing my own property taxes." Vickie Austin is a real estate agent at Century 21. She said, "I have a customer who is very upset because he bought an investment property in Port LaBelle and now he can't sell it because the property taxes are so high. It is because the assessed property values are so out of line. I think that they need to lower the property taxes." Sue Williams said, "I have received my ,trim notice and I attended the city com- missioner meeting. I left with the impres- sion that the commissioner's were com- fortable with the 3.5 mill increase before they ever went into the meeting. I felt that it was unnecessary due to the already increased property assessed values." Sonya Murray said, "If the commission- ers could settle for the 3.5 mills then why on Earth did they ask for five? They are running people out of LaBelle. The city and county commissioners are hurting us because people won't be able to afford to live here any more and new people are not going to buy houses because the property taxes are so high." More Hendry headlines in 2029 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21, 2006 Almanacs Hurricane Awareness Festival There will be a hurricane awareness festival, Storms of Yes- teryear, September 23, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Clewiston City Park (across from the Clewiston Inn). Enjoy free entertainment and games and check out the newly renovated Clewiston Museum. Muse Town Hall meeting There will be a Muse town hall meeting Thursday, September 28, at 7 p.m at the Muse Community multi purpose building. 25895 Loblolly Bay Rd S.' Glades Coun- ty Commissioner Al i\ Ward, County Manager Wendell Taylor, Property Appraiser Larry Lucky and FPL representative \will present information about the proposed Glades Power Park electricity gen- erating plant. Back to school Bingo The \\est Glades School is hold- ing a back to school bingo Seplem- bei 22, at 6:30 p.m. Play 10 games for $5. The winner gets a $20 gift card Food. snacks anti drinks avail- ableplus a prize of a home com- puter and 50 510 raffle Heudry County Food Bank The Hendr- County Food Bank .\ill distribute USDA commodities Thursday September 21, from noon to 3 p.m. at Our Lady ol Heav- '-.n Catholic Church, 355 south Biiqdge Street. Client eligibility can be one of the following: Food Stamp Recipient, Ternpo~rar Assis- iance to Needy Families TANF, Sup- plemental Security Income I.SSI Mltdicaid, Residence Hosing found- l.d b\ Municipal, Counet, State of Federal Government, Self Declara- iion of Need b, the client (Based on the Department of Health and Human Services Poverty income Chart). LHS blood drive Th'ee .\ill be a community blood diive at LHS Tuesday, Sep- tember 26, from 8.30 a.n. 3 p.m All ue \elcorne. Foster parents needed The Children's Neivork of -Southrwest Florida will hold an ori- entation on "How to become a Fos- ter Parent/Adoptive Parent Septem- ber 21, at the Department of Chil- dren & Families, 485 East Cowboy Way, at6 p.m. Call 1-800-89FAMILY Life Ministries plans programs Freedom from Addictions, a recovery program by best-selling author Neil Anderson, begins Sep- tember 22, at 7 p.m. at. Life Min- istries. $25 includes book and workbook for the 11-week pro- gram. Di\orceCare, a nationally recog- nized video-based ministry, and Hope for the Separated will begin September 23, at Life Ministries H\y n SOlW. The Saturday kickoff from 8-30 a.m -3 p.m. includes a continental breakfast and lunch. The program will continue for ten Thursday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost is $25 and includes workbook. Call Cindy Miller at 675-3966 or Michelle Zimmerly at 675-3834 for more details. Ortona to meet FPL Ortona Community Association will host a Glades Power Park infor- mation meeting September 22, at 7 p m. at the Ortona Commnunity Association Hail, 2,90 Ortona Rd SW\. For inlor- matlon contact Chick at 239-823- 2587 LES Advisory Council meeting dates September 26, Dec 5, Feb. 13, Ma\ 7, at 3 p.m in the LES Confer- ence Roorm.. All welcome' Ft. Denaud Cemetery Cleanup The LHS Chapter of National Honor Society members \\ill clean gra% es September 23, from 10 a.m.- 12 p.rn raking, weeding, sweep- ing and cleaning the public rest- room They %ill provide new flo\weis fot anyone requesting then for a burial site. It anyone has a special tequesl for a gLiaesile and is unable to come that day, please call May Sue Smith after 12:45 p.m. on weekdays at 674-4120 ext. 241. Conservation board to meet The Hendry Soil and \\taler Con- servation District board meets Sep- tember 28, at 1 p.m. at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building. Meetings are open to the public. Gardeners to meet Note the new day of the week: of The Greater LaBelle Garden Club will meet Monday, September 25, at 7 p.m. at the Dallas Townsend Center off Cowboy Way across from the Health Department Sara Townsend, a native gardener, will give insight into composting. The meeting \will close with a plant exchange, 50.50 and refreshments. For information, call Nikki at 675- 3394 or Teri at 675-2392. Bike/pedestrian board planning meetings The second Tuesday of even' month at 6 p.m. is the Biker's.'Pedestrian Advisory Board meeting. Free vision screenings Dr. Parrish and Dr. Youmans are doing "Back to School" vision screenings for all Hendry and Glades students through 5th grade during September. Stop by their office at 100 N. Main Street or any afternoon between 3-4:30 p.m. No appointment necessary. For infor- mation call 675-0761. Widows Support Group The Widows Support Group will meet at Michelle's Restaurant on September 21, at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. All widows welcome. LHS 1982 class reunion LaBelle High School grads par- ents Class of 1982: The planning stage is under way for a reunion. Coordinators are looking for cur- rent addresses for members. Please email this information to Kellie at Loxadog@ibellsouth.net or call Mists at 239-368-3732. VFW brunch and turkey shoot VFW Post 10100 hosts a Sunday brunch from 9:30 a.m.-noon and a turkey shoot at I p.m. the second and fourth Sunday of every month. The Alpha Course The Church of the Good Shep- herd will begin the Alpha Course on September 27. at the Good Shepherd Church. This ten week practical intro- duction to the Christian faith offers NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The Port LaBelle Community Development District has tentatively adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy: A. Initially proposed tax evy ............. ........................... 433,127 B. Less tax reductions due to Value Adjustment Board and other assessment changes....................... ($197.00) C. Actual property tax levy ,,..,....,.......,...,,...................$433,324 This year's proposed tax levy..............................$759,904 This tax increase is applicable to: Hendry and Glades Counties All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on Monday, September 25, 2006 5:30 P.M. at 3293 Dellwood Terrace Port LaBelle, Florida 33935 A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the budget will be made at this hearing. answers to some key questions. Each weekly session begins with an informal dinner, followed by a large group learning time, and ends with small group discussion and interaction. To learn more, call 675-0546 or come to the introductory dinner on September 27 at the Church of the Good Shepherd, at Collingswood Blvd. For reservations or an applica- tion call 675-0546 between the hours of9a.m.-4 p.m. Foster Grandparent Program The Foster Grandparent Pro- gram of Southwest Florida needs seniors 60 years old and over, to provide tutor and mentorto chil- dren in elementary schools, head start and day care centers. Foster. Grandparents will serve 20 hours a. week and receive a tax-free stipend of $2.65-hr., transportation reim- bursement of $.29 per mile, Recognition Party and many more perks. For information, please call Joan Willoughby at 332-5346, or outside Lee County call 1-800- 332-5346. Come to free computer class LaBelle Assembly of God is once again offering its free com- puter class on Tuesday morning starting in mid-September. The classes are one hour each and cover the area of the students' interest. Call (863) 675-0900, (863) 517-0355 or email labelleorie@ hotmail.com. Fill- out a application form at 123 Fraser Avenue on a clip board outside Pastor Avery's office. Space islimited. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS -I `". - 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed- $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) METAL STRUCTURES LLC - Many Sizes Available - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code 866-624-9100 - Florida "Stamped" Engineered www.metalstructuresllc.com Drawings (included) BUDGET SUMMARY - PORT LABELLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE PORT LABELLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ARE 53.2% MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD 35,000 ESTIMATED REVENUES Taxes ad valorem (millage 1,7871) Intergovernment Revenue Interest Income Rental Income Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AND BALANCES EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES Board of Supervisors Administration Department Finance Department Road Department Mosquito Control Culture/Recreation Department Capital Outlay Contingency Fund Reserves TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES 730,500 54,800 7,700 4,400 6,000 265,300 10,300 390,200 25,600 65,700 40,000 The tentative, adopted, and/or final budgets are on file in the office of the Port LaBelle Community Development District. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21,2006 JV Cowboys stun Tigers ( By Coach Ron Dunbar The LaBelle Cowboys Junior Varsity rallied from a 20-7 halftime deficit to stun the Clewiston Tigers 28-20 on the Tigers home turf last week in high school foot- ball action. After the Tigers took an early 7- 0 first quarter lead the Cowboys responded with an 80-yard drive capped off by quarterback Brian Hull throwing a beautiful 10-yard touchdown strike to wide receiver Hobbs Crockett. Angel Alvarez added the point after to tie the score. It was all Clewiston at that point for the rest of the half as a late Cowboy drive in the closing seconds came up short, with the home team taking a confident 20- 7 lead into the locker room. At the start of the second half you could feel the intensity on the LaBelle sideline, as the Cowboys were determined to turn things around. And that they did as quarter- back Brian Hull connected with fullback Angel Alvarez in the flats and the speedster outran the Tiger secondary for six points. Alvarez then added the point after to pull the visitors within six points 20-14. The Cowboys' defense then came up with the big play that turned the game around as defen- sive tackle Brandon Villareal sacked the Tiger quarterback and forced a fumble to give the. LaBelle team the ball back. It was then running back Dadrian Williams' turn to shor- case his athletic ability as he scored on a 5-yard sweep to tie the game. Al\arez's extra point attempt was wide, though, and the end of the third quarter closed out with the score 20-20. The momentum stayed with the Cowboys in the fourth quarter as they put together another drive that resulted in a 1-yard burst by Alvarez and a 26-20 lead. Just about everything went the Cow- boys' way after that as on the extra point there was a bad snap that led to a wild scramble for the ball before offensive guard Andre Jones scooped it up and ran in for two points and the back breaker for the home team! Williams led the Cowboy rush- ing attack with 12 carries for 90 yards as Alverez added 85 yards on 7 carries. Hull had a good night throwing the ball going 9-18 for 155 vards. Crockett had 3 receptions for 31 yards while tight-end Ricky Rodriguez pulled in 2-for-30 yards and lanker Dorian Deas, added 2- for-20 yards. Alvarez. who also plays line- backer on defense, led the Cow- boys with 7 tackles and an inter- ception. The Cowboy victor\ keeps the LaBelle squad undefeated at 3-0 as they host the Okeechobee Brahmas this Thursday at home al7 p.m. SnewZa p .coml] 1050 Commerce Dr., Suite A, LaBelle, FL 33935 License #CC-C037019 Cowgirls win one, lose one TheLaBelle Cowgirl volleyball team faced the Lemon Bay Manta Rays in a district match up The Cowgirls xent four games 17-25, 18-25,25-1 and 15-25 before los- ing to the Manta Rays. Senior set- ter Dani Blake helped lead the Cowgirls offensively, dishing out 24 assists and adding 5 aces. Junior Alexa Redish was also an offensive threat, pounding out 10 kills and 7 aces. Also, pitching in for the Cowgirls were Heather Raulerson 6 kills, Vanessa Oslaloza 5 kills, and Blake Rice 3 kills, 7 aces. Later in the week, the Cowgirls traveled to Dunbar High School, for another district match. The Cowgirls swept the Tigers 25-7, 25-14, 25-22. The Cowgirls were on an offensive attack throughout the entire match. Alexa Redish set the pace with 8 kills and 7 aces; followed closely by teammates Heather Raulerson and Vanessa Ostaloza each adding 5 kills. Senior setter Dani Blake had 22 assists and 4 aces. Heather Raulerson and Blake Rice con- trolled the Tiger offense by pick- ing up a combination of 17 digs together; Raulerson 81i, Rice (9). This week the Cow\girls \\ill con- tinue their district pla on the road against Cyvpress Lake and Clewvis- ton. The girls hope to improve their 4-3 record in these t\\o important district matches. Sport Shorts Caloosa Chase 5K Run : The 12th Annual Caloosa Chase 5K Run \\ill be on Saturday Octo- ber 21, at 8 a.m. at LaBelle High School. The entry fee is $12 before October 18 and $15 on the day of the race. Please make checks payable to LaBelle High School. Awards go to the top three finishers in each age group. Door prizes and refreshments will be given after the race. A t-shirt is guaranteed to the first 60 entries. \bu can pick up an entry form at LaBelle High School or call Coach Frost at 674-4120. Join skeet league Caloosa Sports Shooters is regrouping and forming a skeet league. Any indikiduals"interested should contact Dave Alexander at 675-0500 or Ed Kuntz at 675-6432. Hunter safety course planned Florida wildlifee Commission 12 hour Hunter Safety Education Course \will be held on September 29, 30 and October 1, 2006, at the Dallas B. Townsend Ag Center. For more information, contact 863- 674-4092 or 863-983-1598. To regis- ter, visit myfwc.co m Gun safety classes set Sheriff Ronnie Lee announces that gun safety classes for people wishing to use the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Gun Range will con- tinue to be held each Saturday morning during the month of Sep- tember. Two classes will be held each Saturday at the Gun Range Office. The first class of the day will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a second class to follow at 10 a.m. Fee for the class is $5. All persons must complete the class prior to using the range. Sign up for Relay for Life softball tourney The Southern Gardens Relay for Life team will be hosting a Softball Tournament Saturday, September 30, at Davis Pratt Park in LaBelle. Opening Ceremony will be at 7:45 a.m. and the games will start at 8 a.m. They are looking for teams to come out and support this worthy cause. All proceeds will support. the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. Team registration deadline is September 22. A $25 non-refund- able deposit is needed to register. The remaining money ($10 per team member minus the $25 deposit) and team rosters are due by Sept. 27. For rules and information please contact Rhonda Welky at 863-902-4320 or Linda Anders at 863-673-0248. 4-H'ers: Time for steer, hog show Interested youth ages 8-18, as of September 1, 2006, wishing to show a market animal (steer or hog) in the Hendry County Fair or LaBelle Youth Livestock Show\ must be enrolled in 4-H on or before October 1, 2006. For more information, contact the LIF IFAS 4- H Office at 863-674-4092. 4-H is open to youth without regard to race, sex, disability, demographics, or national origin. Enjoy Audubon tour The next summer tour lead by Hendry-Glades Audubon to Stormwater Treatment Area 5 (STA-5) south of Clewiston in east- ern Hendry County% will be Satur- day September 23, from 8:30 a.m. noon. You may meet at STA5 or carpool from the LaBelle McDon- aid's at T a.m. or the Clewiston McDonlaid's at 7:45 a.m. \We have permission to drive, bicycle, or r--------------------------- I SPORTSFANS! I I I IBET I YOUV DIDN'T KNOW S Brought to youby I I LoriiLarwngi d I I A-n idci '.'.hi the ,-.urce.irt o:ciih in I rhe NFL a.* :f the 'carr ot te ":Oi c. e I I ,rnr' it En ric nlri oa t he i j c'. York I I et; age 35 But the fact thi: I hManin wife, Julie, just might know I More about the inner workings, of pro- I Sfessional sports than her bu-birld doe.l Julie's maiden namre i : h hjro. jad I I *that sounds famjilar it b,.':iu:e her I older brother. Mark i ern r irdi manager Sc.t the CIcrelarnd intJir.: ,..hile liir I I 'aeh.r Ron i; prominent p,cr ,cent I 3I thc a the re' lo our l ungest :,,che c- .ee i.I 42 )eri: old I3 ear, Payton (Saints), Mike McCarthyj (Packers), Scott Linehan (Rams), and the only veteran of the group, Jon Gruden (Bucs). I I I What is the Iongest streak of games I I played without a L te .ar pper r:ce h,, i I major league player' Thrn-k jbout tus. I I It's got to be a pitcher, right? And I I which league has the designated hitter I I rule? Okay, that narrows it down, but not by much. Maybe a top closer like Mariano Rivera of the Yankees? Well, She's second. Rivera went 686 games before batting against the Phillies in June of 2006. But the record is held by journeyman Buddy Grooms 786 games with several AL teams between 1992 and 2005. S A hole-in-one is every golfer's dream, I Sbut the odds against it for even the I Game's best players are so great that I I only a rare few get to experience one. So I I what are the chances of a player hitting Stwo holes-in-one in two days on the .l same hole and using the same club Danny Leake, a 53-year-old Texas insur- Sance agent with a 14 handicap, was playing in the Texas Tech Rawls Course club championship inJuly of 2006 when he aced the 174-yard sixth hole using a S5-iron. The next day he used the same club to ace the same hole, but he still Didn't win the club championship. I *I I I'll bet you didn't know, coming or I going, that when the rubber hits the Road you can't afford not to buy from I Langford. LANGFORD "Yrall Spoken Here" 675-1686 I---------------- walk on the lee\ ee during tours. To Register: Send an e-mail to Mar- garet England, at sla5birdingii.'earthlink net with your name and contact informa- tion including an emergency cell number and the number in your party. You ma\ also leave a mes- sage ati863) 674-0695 or (863' 517- 0202. Tours are subject to cancella- tion in case of inclement weather. Expect the last 2.5 miles to be a dirt road full of potholes. If you arrive early there is excellent bird- ing along Blumberg Road I I miles fromSTA5. 2006: Sept. 23. Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Nov. 25, Dec. 9, Dec. 23 2007: Jan. 13, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, Feb. 17, March 10, March 31 or Apr. I Big C Birding Festival) Apr. 14, Apr. 28, May 12 Inc. QUALITY MATERIALS * ALL WORK GUARANTEED * ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS * FREE ESTIMATES 36 Years Combined Experience Metal Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs Roof Coating Soffit/Fascia SLaBelle 863-675-7045 Fax 863-612-1158 Locally Owned & Operated Born & Raised in-LaBelle CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE OIRECTVI SYSTEM! e FRF( 1 .ir, irernliomrn LdIZsrrA Tf)l?. I T ai prs5t I DIFRff-TR ECII-I rtY'.p r pgew 0 1 REC TV No pomw tv toy~Fi~~Bj~ I a* t laux I&n irii N v 44~k iiruli rurism~.-rJ rrz v.' DON'T WAMTICALtIW 3 WICT SAT TV THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE" Taxes, fees, and surcharges (Crluding a USF charge of up to 8.07% tat varies quarter, cost recovery fees of 0. 5 per na, & statocal ee a vay by area) a excluded recovery anot taxs or govmm reui argues. See my not be available In all areas. Offer available to residential customers only. EMBAR reserves the right to cancel without notice or substitute substantially simRar services at tse dise in. Limlned-tnme offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. Additional restrictions may apply on all offers. Monthly Fee: Monthly rate of $54.90 applies while customer subscribes to Home Phone and High Speed Internet If one of the services is canceled, the standard monthly rate will applyforeach remaining service. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. Local Service: Local and In-state long-distance (induding local toll) services ae governed by the applicable state tarfs andlor state tens and condition. See rates, terms and conditions at EMBARQ.com. EMBARQ high-speed Intemet Qualifying services, $49.99 activation fee, and one-yearterm agreement required.Afee of $99.00 wl be charged forearly tmnation. Performance mayvarydueto condtons outside of network cont. No minimum level of speed is guaranteed. Conditions may Incude variables such as customer location, physical equipment mutations, network congestion, server and ruter speeds of websites accused, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. R ricions may apply. Modem: Modem available for a $12.95 shipping and handling fee. Without credit approval customer will be charged $99.99 for modem. Rebate: Customer must request and submit $50 rebate online at EMBARQ.comhsirebate within 45 days of Instaltation. EMBARQ High-Speed Intermet account must be active and n good credit standing to receive rebate. One rebate per household. EMBARQ will not honor late, misdirected, incomplete, orduplicate rebate forms. Wireless: Requires approved credit. Coverage not available everywhere. Terms and conditions apply. Subject to change without notice. May not be combined wth other offers. See store or EMBARQ.com for details. Device subject to availability. Service Plane: $75 (1-yrterm)or $150 (2-yr term)early termination and, f notan EMBARQ wiretine customer, a $35 activation fee apples per lne. Deposit may be required. Overage charges of $.40 and $.20per minute will apply. Used plan minutes do not cany ward. Parial minutes are charged as ful minutes. EMBARQ may terminate service if a majority of minutes in a given month are used while roaming. DISH Network: Offer is available in the continental United States for new, first-tie DISH Network residential customers. All prices, packages, and programming subject to change without notice. Local and state sales taxes may apply. Where applicable, equipment rental fees and programming are taxed separately. All DISH Network programming and any otherservices that are pmvided are subject to the terms and conditions of the promotional agreement and Residential CustomerAgreement, available at www.dishnetwork.com or upon request Local Channels packages by satelle are only available to customers who reside n the specified local Designated MarketArea (DMA). Local channels may require an additional dish antenna DISH 1000 or Super antenna from DISH Network installed free of any charges withoutsubscription to local cdanners at ie of rastallaitn. Social Secturty number ar used tooblaln credit score and will no released t third parties except for verificaion and collection purposes only or if required by governmental authorities. A service marks and tademarks belong to their respective owners. Digital Home Advantage: Pay $49.99 Actvaton Fee; receive $49.99 credit on first bill with 18-month qualifying purchase. Restrictions apply, including credit approval and monthly fees for receivers. DISH Network retains ownership of equipment. t 4 tners pe account Lease upgrade fees may apply for select model receivers, and will apply for a second DVR receiver (Based on model). *Local channels available n over 160 cities and most TV households. 0 2006 Embarq Holdings Company LLC. Al right reserved. The name EMBARQ and the et logo are ademarks of Embarq Holdings Company LLC. DISH Network Is a registered trademark of EchoStar Satellite LLC. EMB1-6-976 SPORTS ~arm~-- _M r Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21,2006 / WHY ARE YOU PAYING RENT WITH DEALS LIKE THESE? PAUL ROSER REALTORS 863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nikki@NikkiYeagerRosep.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/584-2005 cell 239/584-2002 DO IT YOUR WAY! Enjoy the privacy of oaks and pine frontage on a paved road, go fishing in the pond, BBQ under the oaks, live in the handyman special, 2/2 with den mobile home. Build a new home or add another mobile, 2nd septic already installed on 2.5+ acres in Muse. Clean up from wind dam- age, tree disease and debris required Bargain priced at $135,500 or possible trade. View by appointment through owner. 239-218-4543 Pristine acreage in Felda adjoining state property. Hard to find acreage in the heart of some of the best wildlife areas around. Uplands and wetlands create the perfect setting for camping or make this your own private ranch for your personal retreat. Secured pri- vacy with state owned lands bor- dering the Eastern boundaries. Call for your private swap buggy show- ing! Call Mary Harris $1,220,995 - twa r_~.vst-mew.w.. T~ .-, 'A4r~-ww-------- n~wir ~a- er- .`" 1C S 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 ,;..v d/. o,, .:. lo a call,' CHECK US OUT OiNUN E AT wwm.newhorizons-re.com Se Hablj E pr:.ol Mgi WE de ,,-f.l- Mi lj l ., i [ .S fillUI'C. i' Il il'.'.ii ll ,.',:ca fi' ".]' h I,- ,i LJ.I ,9 iJ Jid j '.j:h:,j dJl PC j ': :11"Il $U 19,900 * SLLE f Ai P T' r.LI At t:' FFf'i Lc.iuric ,ui."-irl Fcl' ii lii, ul. rriA ii bi t.-iuIul 'br 'b h. ,M.r : O. .i .:J ..d I: j d :d:ii-, >i.:.r f.C-,ll,': l.:l....,I upU l- hll ,- :.,:,'l.;h,:!. v ill, 1r', |' ll in ''lJIc l" : Li. '- iu ': Ihe i..cie ': led 'c l II pr, ,,ou 1.-,: ,I I,:, ,,.,u, lf' I., :.c $699.900 * Ic[l, IL:,. Hj- i J H d 'JJ:. ', ITTiculie ,, dJ-gr'i endearing in character, this Country style 3/2 home iff I' p e:.i 1 ,i1l.r .L- i .j.i- .,J ,:u- l rN :ii, .J d .:.ri l:ii. el h ij.Ji r" ioi ': r 1I.. Ir.T e il i rIh: imrl. ip l ic ie,'1 $3i9,900. I ,ip' ,rl :,,,u,,l-l n fl'|ri ., "lllhl hi'll In h': s..i.: l:.J l l P,. .. ll bP 2 t du f h....Tir, 'e .+ - j.,:. .ir, r '.. i ... l r F ; hr, i rJ f- pci I ,.l i.,- h.r.-. u J l,: jlu|r- i i ",Io'4,J ,,. Fl..:op pllu. I..I. o'. v, ui,-.u, fi,i,,. j ,rii) $3-10,000 REDLID!lI * New home under construction. A beautiful 3BR/3B home that will be finished in late July. Lots of upgrades and lots of room. $285,000. * Solid Decision, Solid House! You'll be glad to see this spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing.with quailty, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and vani- ties are all less than 2 years old. New roof being installed. Call today for this worry free home! WATERFRONT ITLErnUIruI riAmjItUiA iTILu. L 3SfIi nuin.O on rt, Denaud Rd. 3/3.5 with huge wrap around porch. All bedrooms have full baths, first floor master suite has Frech doors leading to an office/nursery. Home sits on a beautiful oak filled 2.64 acre site with 228 feet of riyer frontage and a grove of produc- ing orange and grapefruit trees. Property maybe split into 2 riverfront sites of 1 riverfront and 1 off river site, $1,100,000. 2 STORY HOME ON 2.5 ACRES in the coveted Port LaBelle Ranchettes. Located on the river side, with only a greenbelt between you and the Caloosahatchee Intracoastal, build your boat dock in the safe harbor of the Army Corp maintained waterway Live in the country, just seconds from the heart of LaBelle, horses welcome. $695,000 MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE? Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low maintenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside, features include' tray ceilings. interior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash andgranite countertops, all windows have wood casing surrounds, a brick fireplace, and wood floors throughout finish the look. $499,000 REDUCED 50 FT. PRIVATE DRIVE leads to expansive 6.7 acres with 470+/- Ft of riverfront located close to town. Build close to the waters edge with almost viturally no Corp. Easement, $2,500,000. RIVERFRONT 5 ACRES with 215+/- feet of frontage. High elevation reveals spectacular views. $895,000 REDUCED RIVERFRONT 1.15 ACRE homesite on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $525,000 REDUCED PROTECTED HARBOR lust one lot in off the main channel of the Caloosahatchee Waterway, Build your dream home under the scenic oaks in this park like setting. Located in Caloosa Harbor S/D. $450,000 LOTS AND-IAND DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced independently) for an upscale residential project, $150,000 per acre. i* I !SO i 11' "c c" " "-'--- ..+:il RiNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. $231,000. * f'[.,li D lu l...i : l. I:,,i h ..-ti r I I f ,...c include walk-in doset, newer air conditioner, fenced brclk-y-d imriPriion -md front derk- Ir die fir Onhl $230,000. * Fertile Finajicil Gr:ur.und' Pimr.i iur inie.mf-,ci ,,, ithh c.:cpUonal Duplex Bklb ,nri c.: ,ih de ad l i, ally l o,: ilcaw d .i i.: ,-r ci ) .n:r, e hI A l ,,-j itu l ) ',,- N ., , harvest awaits you! $225,000 * Super Deal for a Super Family! Spacious 3/2 with vaulted ceilings. Park like fenced backyard. At this Supi ,rn.: :iu nr d i .,: .- ,* $169,900. LaP,,= ,=. .: * irii io'ur h:,r' ir, rr,lI ii,- riJ l n' wl; b - I .jl. gc i r:us r, n, + j ,- .l Ii .d l. I. Id h'.-f. I/.,:i 0 caui rrd hiT i I:1 a.ll i'.i a ip1'." li'iii:'i 1,.,I' $ I,000 * 1.: T: ri, c "li',iig r ':".i1. 2 V i ,, liri li" r.i Thi.i r c.hi: m r' I n j. .il e i i ill Ir m e .il I."i I ' rr, "_ ,T i' i ,, i'T i i ,,. i i: '. Jii.A .... ' ered porch, and fencing for horses. This one is a steal @ only $450,000 Size will surprise you! 2BR/2B home on 10+/- acres is very well kept and former modle home. Features a warm comfortable living room w/ gas fireplace, spa- cious kitchen, front & real covered porches. $400,000 * Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped r:,,j,', i. ug l i ,ii..i I:.i: ,,' 1i :il', 3/2 home! Huge screened lanai, oversized carport, 2 sheds and addi- tional 4 stall carport/workshop Plus pasture for kids pony! Worth calling about quick! $215,900. * ij, r, tIr e iT,. el...i' Clii.. '. j,:- i r.: rn i Ile ,a, k ,, :, .ii' ,, -., ilh ,t i t'S.' T ni,'u'iii urin InT . kitchen. Only $179,900. * 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot. tul,,i: ii ) 4 w 'i ul l 'ulc i i i ti l ic i 1 iE i ta.J yfarj oli ril liniiglriu br Jul A.T il .rc' $165,000 * TrheI luii, io4 'pie' hb. i i-l. '.' iulal. 4i 2 a ir .,,iul l'i i: r, 'ic.il J ,:, I :,; j i 'Iuiiriinrl s.ir: leu pli.. il Fj. ,I) i ,:,: I ri.-,T C j- :,i.u n o' ] ,.l jl, l, b ;70 i :,l :,l i: l- :i ,:, il : tL-., I- r. jih :,fpj.,.i.: ,5J ff1i'il I-ui f 151I,900 * I' l t. c I e fui-l! -ij 'iilui-'J I .-'. I ":' i. :i...i . Mlinlil, bi.lilul ..iiu ui "lln ii ? t' .i.j, i ..liilr. d h, ..'.i with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. SELLIR fillAldi: ili AvA.LBLi' $149,900 *REDULCEDI REDLICEDI .Bf b h ...r. e i...iplL:,i In idJ rid ouJ ll voial .l th: uni- rc ,n fr-oi dl Jr.:l. n sun1 l Or. l 1 t i.:1 do:l S'. :l'.in, fr "'-:e i' e ith 1,1 c Ile..- J ) o l I l.: I Ija lI- lq, .*. . * +r" -, '.'- : i Ri I .1.h..'' ;B l B .J1..ubl -.I- II .1 li.lf II u o id ii i, Ii: ir. Ir i j y l.ll',Ii: . &J. :. I hur. I.Il rcIf 1ji...l upl: I 1.. pii,,J 1i ril in!ud.c -ih,.d huie FliId ri .a ..-ii b .J..: 1. f139,900. * U u i rlT ll ul i I ) f ,c'i 'i ,l ii h ,:,i|T 'I .i r .c ' rh.'.|jlhl hjl | -l ,*,:lIb_'q l-. 'l'll i ..:.. [ijfl, t'CJl ,['.Jll l ,, i Ja id I .- h Alij l,.r t.hlli Ei-,I-, ,., lI ,I I,,l :.,ur i .- r.u-r,,-.' $117,900. * I ic r.J l,,jI -J -, I L ':llI: tI I 1.,. I r rh.:,,, , ,.r III :..fr p l r.i i I "l ITII, ilJ'L i'i:- .i h Ie ': . a : JrJ.:.' Iut n lIr elll M II .Jlilt U "Illl .III .lTII ...r'I ,W .: ,'.lt .i' 132,000 * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that m o m.,i|"n r J.',,J ,,',,( *.. :1i :," ,',:., I'l[', I ,: ..' 2 ,ri n ir " S J.. M A ', ui ld.i tu ,';; .,r 1i:, J 0' )0. * -t lE | l ,llf,:| .'l ,,, ,,,-, i d ,, ,I, I Wi -'li l : l i f 1 "1 e '- J j i l ( I d' i i l l' .... . d ,: I, r l l.. .el l $110.0001 * i lhl t l l jll i ,',ll i.,,ir" -i, ff'i ;:' l llu',lljll.|l I',ll. :.. ,,'lir | I. I_ : i ii _' .. $iA .O.i.i.i 11 r I [- 'C "-' h;.. I P ll,:.. C:,', 1:: iu. l .i:F..uJOJ 11.11: j O)t L'. i.AI i r .,I fi ',:' ITH Pi.i bfi-, Eio:l.-i: i.' .1 'e -.l : ill ,\i.5 l i,, I ij.. l.' '8" A.00 l Jh i ipopi., tp"-. id hl-jiJ lIAr ,J,.: l,,.ici o80 I),o01o ': u :.. n i l '..nc, t i Pl in ,.,r, Su i-it.il: lK, lh u tull Perfect fo,:r ,.. l ri,, : .j ii 165,U00. (l.ih or prie:i .i all our M r + j' ling ,r F, jrur new home loo no l,:r1 ., locd i t.he, .ug ) ...rl -t. : [i; i r 1 i ,, e ij i c'irl: + ilic : -i r I 1i i+ ji.fu: c ': ,J 1,r Ii'.. : f$7 r9i,.90 I' i r u., T h is p ro p ei r h I- ,- r1-. I ,- p ,r,, .j id .-1 I, ,- : Perfect for tr., i.. r Pr ,.,, 1 irl D85000 .cr,.un, ,'.u..I. f:el' 'll ."'.I, t.. li'. l .. tl n : if'i bh I -' ,P pr, AI. .l' Jl : lij.d,] 2+" jc F',-..h jir $sp-,.' 93,900. SCall for price on aouron l nmra hLiangs 7'l'.. l|,l l c.:,,T. ,u ll"| ,,J ,'t.. ,., ,i, ,r .t ,..|, lhl: '.,-)lT, i. ,| for your new home look no further' locaied in the soinght A '.h 66ei--1.i i.F l i '.iic f .i.. ~ ,.r+ \ i'uhi j ment! : r2,750,000. rill $79,900 awa,900. Powssble seller fianc5ng. * Bc1.- ful acres zoned l.: lC commercial lIt S h ln [,I il l Tl, oj ,r i' t .r ) i:, o .l .l,r .: i E i'.:.,I, [,,,l I LaBe.:, ..with 1 /- feet of front on l, 2 a46,00 w Call about our PortLaBzelle Ifor -- -- S 1 -- : -* W PrOTU TiAl O 'l-I D.LaJ l ,:.. ..1 .I j LirL.ur.e' . f.leeWf j[.,'' l .I i, i ell l| ,-|ll, l,.Jl,.r INh- r + ,, ,i ,,, 1 11 ,, i. i ,in Ir 14 1 1 ', ,+,j l'1..dl K J ..1 r, .i L,.I c "arI,-, .. I 4 I Ito. with well and electric. Time's on our side in this invest. ment!$2,750,000. * I''r.: +, i+ ,0: p .,ic l', ..I .'i rri. ..r l o l. :.I-] hl..: Jl',J .I-:n' -':'-I I l.-l .i- El:T ':l'llj l' II" l. h Jild i' I | iT nlul- , away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and fr...-i :.- ...- I u 1.i.-, i ,.o i ,, .1 1 99,l00). * u:llllhjl ': + J- .. :. c''II : I1 l.: l ':' I'II'. [ l le. .fc c wv/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. . SECLLIDED.BiEARYOlR6El HliNK. :1+/-. ..i. acti:i LiEI.ilk ,, itarbt Th:,m p.: *r ',:',IJ pFJfuilyi I'll .,l If Ill, ly j r..:.d i F, d l 11 pl.,1 lcad: At I'l r t.:.r 7i r ai'e IT IO,000. PORT I IBELL RtANCHEIE :1.:..:jl .-.I flr.:i-ini:r ':i :, Ac:re ta..l; upF t,- gc rit.,Ir,- .: i n.d h r-,:rd ii, -ir.::,'n[ Rie.rr:r.:,J r... r,: ,uiJbitr 'r, rrin ul;r :ij:ri..-'- "'5,000 5 BEUTIFLL OAK ADIEN ACRES I.:..ir,.d iE .:. L itfllr Quiet ':.':uri L im r ir.:.r :.il, $160,000. OVERSIZED HOMESITE conveniently located in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres manicured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. Was $105,000, reduced to $85,000 for quick sale. PORI L.ABrilE LOTS close to new development area & marina. Priced from $39,000 to $57,900. Call for inventory list. C,. .-,i :, h i and dry sites -:, pf.I.: i :.iX . SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE with 20% down to quali- fied buyer. Port LaBelle 1/4 ac. lot. Many new homes under construction in the immediate area. Asking $45,000. HOMES LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING. Horses Welcomel Upgrades include wood floors, stacked stone fireplace, granite counter- tops,' stainless steel appliances, crown moulding, skylight dormers, and top oflthe line ceiling fans with decorative medallions. The caged pool features, spa jets, pavers, and a generous lanai. The 12 acres is every horse lovers dream. It includes a large barn with 3 oversized stalls and tack room tii ihiellri as well as a fully irrigated riding arena and a 24x44 workshop/office. Additional Acreage available, offers must be contingent upon Glades County approval for proper- ty split. $695,000. WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY for'the right investor This 20 acre parcel currently has a 1988 cedar home with galvaume roof and a 1997 singlewide manufactured home on the prem- ises. Both homes are in need of rehabilitation, Seller has start- ed the process but there is still quite a bit to do. Property can be split and is priced at land value only $590,000 E X: ,' 7- 2 STORY HOME close to town just off Ft. Denaud Rd This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has it all, location, charm. Master suite w/office, screened room & more. $279,000 REDUCED. COUNTRY OUIET living on 3+/- acres. Spacious great room concept with fireplace, 3Bed/2Ba plus office, property features a large screened porch and a detached pole barn with encl9sedstorage, $229,900. ZERO % DOWN FINANCING AVAILABLE Gated and pri- vate meandering drive leads to 3Bed/2Ba manufactured home features include 2 screened porches, a 28x30 shop/garage, plus a 12x16 storage bldg. with x-tra refrigerator and A/C, all on 2 Acres, $169,000. WHAT A NICE HO SEI One owner, built in 1995, CBS 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, i ari dfaIldelac| one block North of 80-walking distance .or2wriea9 ty0at $145,000. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL PRIME CORNER with approx. 590 ft. on well traveled Cowboy aty and 520 ft. on Elm St. The front 2.7 Ac are zoned light Industrial with the remaining 4 ac zoned Heavy Industrial Great opportunity for flex space development. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 lIcated across from the State Attorney's Office and close to aBelle Airport, $3,064,466. COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL 4 ac. located approx 1 mile west prominent Cowboy Way Asking $915,000. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4.65 AC with.2400 Sq, Ft. Steel Bdg Excellent road access, just outside the city limits. Could be split under current zoning. $850,000. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL 1 AC SITE just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. l Easy access to both SR 80 and Hw 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in, Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000 HARD TO FND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $269,000. Fran W. Spencer. Lie. Broker PENCER 437SR 8 W LaBrlle, FL S P EE (1863l 6-5.120.1 1863) 673-i554 -MiMiW R E A LT Y wb s wwSpc ,ccrRclJtyfLcom f.an u .Spa L i. U-roer ISJ- SR NO %V [ Btllc, fL ib.dl >-S 13O .I INc61 ti 71 iS-ii Wt4l., w..*wt.Spe nrrl-at+I..toI w SELLER WANTS AN OFFER!!! 41111 '. h A.4 LaBell,. FL Belmont GC..rL-eu > sear .:ld, 3 '?' lime on a corner l,, has :eramic ule floor, custom babh inLh a big garden tub. larie eati-n kinhen. real rnit- brick nfireplace. sphi ll -rir plan I deck ov-arl.'.ok 3 a .maIll canal Ct!ie toe :erihing $299,900 3/2/2 ON BEAUTIFUL CANAL. (orgieou deck oierlo...kng the Cana for the relating nights. L\ra large front ard. plenr oi loom for ihe kid i1' plans One ntihth mo'lt desir- able and tarnils friendly rneighbh:rhond- in LaBelle O1.,ner ten an'.i:ou. bnrg rg otferi' 2.5 ACRES. THIS SPACIOUS 3:2 (20031 PALM HARBOR LMANLFACTURED HOME fei tre carjihedri l :iling' a plil 1:.:.:i plan. lirge bedr.:'' n-m' al k.- cri l.,ci Mo:dcrn. black kitchen jpplance, Ceramrri u le in ient bi t.l'hs kiichen. Slujtid I'n "'-' acres. Back Fpaii'r, ilenced & re:di l or ,,oui horse.! Has c er ll rnme toa, a Sho:s lke brand ne,, $219,900 [F YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A PEACEFUL COUNTRY LIVING. LOOK NO FUR- THER! Thi, is ideal for a weektEnd get.-au\. ,or ull ime residence There is a storage in back. smaU barn, a detached .arport. dog pens. and lout of preu trees encased in 2.31 .iuall\ fenced acres The home ,i a Fleetr'od. nreirl, ncr model in immsculite iondinuon ou ilgoi see thi ,:,ne"' $199,900 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! This 2 2 mobile e hre h.. lu.l been rcnidleled. -inh nei, Lrpering .; ,r in I hroughoui & ne, bcatrnmen in bb boih bathsand knithen The 5.' \ 4i' loit i 'ac,.ererd .h gorgeous' olk trees and 'er, pr, iate 'us 5 drives North ofa small grir-,n iore $65.900 LINDER CONTRACT! VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES. CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER I g ASSOCIATES: EDI HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN, BROOKE RUCE Sf l AND DON BURDICK fAl 675-0500 REALTY S*fl NEW LOCATION! 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of M i IS. II SE nABO ESPMiOL RENTALS AVAILABLE ele:In.: and sell Thle oliher hYa a '. mobtdl NO PETSE '.ibh rire er r,,i:..fi d a cl,-ed ,rn poch .or, BRAND -NEW HOME in Po:n LaBelle 4/2/2' front. Enjoy fishing in your stocked ponds. f1,800 M iand a 2 $1.250 M Seller will consider owner financing. Asking IN PORT LABELLE I s 1i $50/M $349,900. INABELLE 3/2Duplex $850/M 2/2 ON 100+/- ACS in Glades County. LEHIGH ACRES POOL HOME In $2,500,000. 'es~tiiTinei Gated Community. Fully furnished IN EAST FT. MYERS 3/3/1 over 1,900 sq. ft. 3/2/2 + Office. Non-Smoking. $2,000/M living area. Home has 2 masters, new roof, new HORSESHOE ACRES (East of LaBelle) 3/2 A/C, fenced yard. Motivated seller. Asking Mobile fully furnished. $800/M. $279,900. 3/2 MOBILE Fully Furnished. $800/M. IN PORT LABELLE On a corner lot. 3/2/1, EAST FT. MYERS 3/3/1 Extra space every newer roof, painted on the inside. Priced to where. $1,200/M. sell. Only $189,900. COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE LOCATED IN THE CITY- 2/1 being sold As Is' $800+tax/M $125,000. ON MLK BLVD 3/1 home has been renovat- LOTS STARTING AT $22.500 ed. Priced to sell at only $129,900. 'ON PHILLIPS RD 2/2 two story home on 5+ HOMES FOR SALE acres. Home features an open floor plan with POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING In Venus screened in lanai on the back and a balcony on 10+/- oak filled.acres. Property has been split the front. Property has several trees, large barns into two 5+/- parcels. One is vacant with septic, and out buildings. Asking $450,000. Home ..._ Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder Includes Impact Fees & Allowance for Lot Prep IMn[].IINtR..! il.l = ,4A 1.dI..UIi gl Ir.llf. .i1g. We have t*aIMMrlkILI pa Homes Available Now. 7026 Gill Cir. Buttonwood. 3/2/2 1762su ft $207.900 3045 June Cir, Maanolia. 4/2/2 2676sa ft $267.900 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II, 3/2/2 2032 sq ft $227,900 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison 1I. 3/2/2 2032sa ft $229.900 500) Piretree Cir, Cypress II, 3/2/2 ;224sq ft $231,900 FREE CREDIT APPROVAL with :CHL Home Mortgage,LLC. Call Chuck Pedrey @ (863)675-3245 Lock Rate by 7/31/06 For FREE INTEREST RATE BUYDOWNII Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 Cell: 863-673-5061 www.chlhomebuilders.com QB39922 *All Spec Homes Include 'a Acre or More Home site "Paved Roads-County Water"Power"4 Schools in Subdivision** Tiring About Were you'fCome up Wti ie AiS~lb o#ney for A New Iome?)bltk A a I , I I 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21,2006 WATER FRONT HOME FOR RENT 4/3 fenced backyard with dock & lift. $2000 a month Ask for Joy or Emily for more info. SoutherniAVa 700 S Main. LaBelle 863.875.4500 SIAL fSTATI Central Custom Builders New Modular Homes Starting at $109,000 on your lot! Includes Impact Fees & Allowance for lot prep Home and Land Packages Starting at $149,900 We have homes ready to move in now! I., A -.- -* -- -' :.. 4% -J $179,900 3/2 1,740 sq. ft. located on Por ,... .. $209,900 3/2 1,740 sq. ft. including garage on Pt LaBclle Lot For FREE Credit Approval Call (863) 675-8888 or (863) 673-4325 cell FIND LABELLE DEVELOPMENT TRACTS A GREAT INVESTMENT! .I This I I/2miles of frontage on Milll l bus SR ,29! Commercial poten- tial for r-iany businesses includ- i ing distribution centers. This location is in eas to work with L "-~ Hendry County: 7 '.: miles from a- Hwy 82: soon to be 4-laned: 14 .. miles from Lee County Line and L i!5 6 miles from Collier C4ounty .. line. $46,620,000 I r i nt :_ "-" --- SUPERIOR LOCATION!! 624.38 +.'- acres on the North side of busy SR 82 corridor, one mile East of the Lee Couint\ Line, in Hendry County. SR 82 is scheduled to be 4-laned in the future. $24,975,200 Pc.iurL-l 113P.K "BA IY:.ol Home, .iih rh LaBelle city limits. ifh'l rniJodiedJ h.:'me is rendy fnr immediate ;:.:upjni:v fe; .->.ri:Iuck n.;i HjaFiji .:,d 1.:.,1 . New Frigidare appliances, \-iFrp Ir.'\und Porch, Crown Moulding, N'. P...:,l C in c. \'.._,,irn FPub, Hji.iik ,,i rj ,,jnig. Ja.:u :i rutub it, in.' .r Lirh, 5'"iiul H,:,u e wiring, and much more' Call Jil Dillman at 863-6'3-3822 for more information and to set up .a b..h,"[ii $449,900. Sunel 1655 Case Rd 3BD -BA on 9e rt0 2 29 Ac .es $181,500 $99,500 COMMERCIAL. 141 Hid.I p.::chee A -,e 'ii 1- fi buildjinr .ind lard n .rlh $1,500,000 -.'ll Or S clp lr I.' Ki mt't ore l n' : ii, jn1 .': i, ali ;'l .'-/ 0' li.i't i 274 N Bridge St' LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 www.melking.com 238 Bide.t* -Laele* F 395.8367-86 Lia nruvsLc.RelEsat roe RIVERFRONT HOMES: . ' .-. .$235,000-New EL, L'i..i,: ... il, up--j .c. ej .'... ...... ......'... plum bing i r i... i.:jlt.,n-L' i .l ..:.ur, .:r- $1,000,000 Stunning.views from this 2 story -., : h. ..,-, h.....,: lI..iit : f1 rjl,:. ".E C' .IA i |:1.J on the deck off the master suite and more. Enjoy beautiful sunrises and sunsets from your own dock. Call today for more info.. HOMES: tops in kitchen and bathroom; Carpet and ceramic tile throughout; I: .',.ur, rc' installed with 3 years monitoring service paid by seller. Call office for more info. MOBIE HOMES: $229,000 Price Reduced- Beautiful 3BD/2BA Upgraded manufacuted home on 2.29+/- acres. $180,000 Completely remodeled 3BD/1.5BA This is a very spacious home in immaculate con- Home. Roof and A/C are less than 2 years old. edition and has many extras. Call for an appoint- New paint inside and out. ment today. 0115,000 ocation!Location!Location! ri,. . r c I. i rl', city I : -[" ii in,, lackiull huli. This I.I: i i I i ? ,na ,,::,r .- .h 1:1- i .,.-. ThI f.J i fenced ira, r jl j i '. .,-i. the backyard.. .'.. . '8.900 CL' e .. .- ..n.. ... ',-, ih., n.I.,b.l. hI,_..Ti c v. Iiur hlli i l Ir,:,l ill. Ilot '. '.urr:unJ,,]: iri hi .,j iu l pJilm j,-i. l. I. hi-.I .. AC( REAGE: 936.489+/- acre Grove' for sale on Sears Road. All or part available. Call office for more info. Port LaBelle Lots Available from $32,000- 70,000. Call today for more info about lots and financing. Call for more Info on Homes, Riverfronthomes, Acreage and Commercial Listings. WE ARE NOW OPEN ON SUNDAYS! 1 TO 4 PM SHELLY COLE WILL BE ON HAND TO HELP WITH ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! ACREAGE LOCATION WITH INVESTMENT! This 40 +/- acre parcel is the perfect location for a Nusery ready equipped with a 2BR,' B Caretakers home, irrigation system and pump station. Property is entirely fenced. \VIHAT AAGREAT INVESTMENT! $1,000.000 DISCOVER THE COUNTRY! This 28.18 +/- acres is the perfect for a geta\,ay, ranch or a great investment. Property is fenced and has plen- ty of room for horses. $845,400 THIS 1 +/- ACRE RIVERFRONT HOMESITE located at the end of private Rope Bend Drive. Where you can enjoy a sweeping river view and lovely trees. $650,000 HIGH AND DRY 40 +/- ACRES is improved agricultural land that backs up to a canal. Cleared and perfect for farming. This is a must see! $500,000 THERAPEUTIC SETTINGS! Enjoy this beautiful riverfront lot with longer range views of the river. 1 +/- acre with approximately 140' of river frontage. 5497.500 RETREAT TO THE WOODS! 22 +/- acre tracts of beautiful creek- front w/ direct access to the Caloosahatchee River! Build your dream home on the creek and enjoy acreage for horses! $475,000 DISCOVER THE COUNRY! This 14 +/- acres is a perfect location for a :getaway, ranch or a great investment. Property is fenced. $422,700 QUIET COUNTY LIVING! This 10 +/- acres is beautifully wooded area with paved road access. Build your dream home under the oak tree canopies. $300,000 THIS 2 +/- ACRES is the perfect location for your home or modular home, on a paved road. Acreage. is cleared with lots of pretty trees. $195,000 LOCATION- LOCATION: This 1 +/- acre homesite is the place to build your dream home. A deed restricted and gated small community that you will love! $195,000. Adjacent lot available also. * 2.08 +/- ACRES HOMESITE that is close to town but still have pri- vacy and seclusion. Is a great place to build your dream home in the midst of this beautifully wooded lot. $189,000 * .65 +/- ACRE IS LOCATED IN THE CITY with beautiful oak trees. Property is fenced and is close to shopping and schools. $85,000 * PIONEER PLANTATION HIDEAWAY! 1 +/- acre homesite is wood- ed in the front of the property, providing extra privacy from the road and mostly cleared in the back. $75,000 * WHAT A GREAT LOCATION! Build your home on this lovely .30 +/-acre homesite located only seconds from downtown LaBelle. $70,000 in1111 ] ,., 1 .... --I- r a U U AMP I SOTU taapff the mm ~: 1" ,--- ~ Xfols- ne" il f lf-.V- Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September21,2006 S"o merica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BanK of-America Mortgage Loan Officer P, Consumer Real Estate o w l ... . Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W Hwy 80 Call for an appointment Nowr certifiedJ in F'I-A/VA ian 9n ciing 1724 Caloosa Estates Court LaBelle, FL A' ~This custom-built pool '.: home constructed in S 2004- features high soar- a" .. E ing ceilings, Silestone countertops, tile foor- ing, fireplace, a mainte- nance free metal roof with over 3300 square feet under truss. The list of amenities could co on and'on. Plan to vie%\ this spectacular home located in the desir- able neighborhood of Ca:,os) Estates. a riveri-ront neighborhood located north o the river in LaBelle. $447,500. For further informano'n contact Hentage Land Company phone 675-6788 or call toll-free 888-675-6762 www.burson-weathers.com ma ltor g Realtort:- E-Mail: matt@burson-weathers.com Commercial Land Residential Century 21 Sunbelt Realty, Inc., and Sunbelt Funding Services are pleased to sponsor their first annual HOME BUYERS SEMINAR & WORKSHOP on Thursday, September 28. 2006 from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Centurv 21 Sunbelt office, located at the cor- ner of MLK Blvd and SR 80, in LaBelle. FREE credit reports, refreshments, and door prizes for seminar reg- istrants. Come in and see how YOU can buy your own home. Special rate packages for service professionals (teachers, fire/rescue, police, buy-downs, 100% financ- ing and more. For more information call 863-675-1616 .d 863 675 4550 o0rid 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle e Rodney Murray & Seth Howard R l Lie. Real Estate Brokers State Co. Associates: Phil Lewls, ih Tamra Franco, Kyndel Murray 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & par- tially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $282,900. 4/2 well -maintained home wit-h 20x30 workshop, 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. $274,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. imp01n' d RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INCC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 RENTALS AVAILABLE 2BR '2BD Hr.rne I.,l:atrled n Lee Street i'.ned Busnc,- Great for small :l'fi.e CALL FOR DET.AILSif FEATURES OF THE WEEK PRICED TO SELL! Home in the ct i, mainr ...ak ThI- \iBR 'BA feature gal-i . alurrn e r.:..A.f n c- rterioi painr. c-per I.1 ing arr:a. eat in kitchen :pen ,dining Fenced back ard ~,ith iell lor lahn ,rri. g3it.:n & ' floor plan. large tfairai rr,.om 5cer looking , -erized l.Ip piol. patio and co.uri; ar A\l,-- lijrures uofics 4th bedroom ~,alk m cl.-eis. trick pa.ed deck and net. lo:',in 2005 $310.000 BACK ON THE MARKET! Priced to: Sell 3 l1 + Acres I.Colage .'le ho,me I.,::ited -r, IPorr LjBelle R rnche'te SittLatcd at th- end f a : ul ,de sca . peacetu! S pniate setting C.jthedral ceilings ceran,. tile throughout. ,open floor plhn & ,rap around porch $379,900 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! ThI I 14 acre lot : i ..-urded S l.caited .'n ,Count R..,J -' Bi Id --.:.r" dre, m b..m.tc -:.n -il parcel -&- enjoy endle : ,- e .:i : i lh.: Cajr.:...; irahir ,:ei River Seller M,.t_ L iledt Blinm all ,.loer! PRICE REDUCED $399,000 COUNTRY LIVING... MINUTES FROM TOWN. Locac i in the path -. development! Ths 3i0 atre pro:pert, , custom 2 Br 3 Ba bome ,er!cr income from grove, pi .ac,, & the p.iSblint . future d c.rpmeri ith ,count apprc.:.-i $2.000.000 WATERFRONT HOMES LOTS LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCA- TION!!! This 3 + jre per-nir-u!a haj ..elr 111' i..l Cal-,iosahatihere R..cr frojnage ,.-th H, '2' ) .access Zoned (.C-2 ;:our pos,bil.ries are enrlic ss' S?.31ii.i.i iO SPECTACULAR RIVFRFRONT PARCEL! TLo blddable Icts a 6J' pro. iered d,:ock on cld rer o,,bo, Preuine i'ei up riter & across to proiteued srte -".rned and Plu, noi corps setback. jppr\ x l.i.i rt ot aterfront & situated or, t.orh the Caloosahatchee Rioer lrnracoastal \'aterua\ I and the old riler o\bow. $1.500,000 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S BEST! ThIs recenUov renovated 3BR'?BA ho:mc ., I'..iated at the Ortona Locks Fish trom our ocn r prnate dock. iPermil in place to add new dock w lift I Priced to Sell'l' $499.900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS From this iaerfront honie sure on dredged rner otbo>, d proiite dock in place Home ,ie is loc.itcd approc 75 il from the man rster Permitn are in place to re- dredge .:.xbo, $499,000 ONE OF THE FEW privatelo owned man- made deep vater canals in LaBelSel This 2 ater- fron homesue is locate. Sed in LaBelle Ci lim- its. Home site include, oi nerhilp of thoe anil. d hch pros ides project. direct access o the I N Caloouahatchee Ri\er $299.000 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. Thil 2-2 CBS H-ime & CGirst mobile r on Jackl' Branch ri\er ,:ee; This Unique proper,, a1lso has its o r.n prl ate ISLAND GC.orgeous property is co ered a ith large oiks Call lot more dletail. Thi ,s ia MLiST SEE $475,000 HOMES IN LABELLE CHARMING 2BR'2BA CEDAR HOME slvi on oversized corner lot In the it',. Features are taulted ceilings, ule. French doors, fenced back ard & eixra storage $199.900 CBS HOME IN THE CITY! 3BR2BA ., plpi flo1:or plan. large bedrooms. oversized family room & beauulhl shad- ed home site $199.900! MOVE IN READY! NeI il remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot In the orc Ne. carpet. fc-oring and interim or paint & spacious master bedroom $179,900 IMMACULATE 3BR2BA MANUFAC- TURED HOME sniuaued on shaded orer-ized lot in to.n & completely fenced Home features taulted ceilings. spin floor plan, kitchen ilth pantri & breakfast island Reduced $134,900 A GREAT RENTAL IN-VESTMENT OR STARTER HOME This 3BR,2BA man. ufactured home has a lot to offer Split floor plan, deck. net. carpet &- paint Priced to sell! Possible oaner financing atailablel Ouner iI,. consider all offers! REDUCED $105,000 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on fenced lot k man\ oak, in LaBelle Home has 12I' 14' deck. perferi fior entertaining $119,900 AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- TAINED 3BR-2BA manufactured home Sotffice or possible 4th bedroom Perfect starter home or rental iniesimeni Located withinn cit\ limits. colmpletelh fenced & priced to sell! $99,900 HOMES 3BR.2BA CBS HOME Pool in Laurel Oiks. er', desirable neighborhood d, great leir plan for a growing farmil Proper; is surrounded bi large oaks Home pool needs TLC, being sold AS iS $235,000 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEAN! This home is truth a beaut, from the inside out Features- ceramic tile. bonus room i hurricane shutters. screened porch. alarm il stem spacious beldr-,om'.' bathri,.rnc', W ell mnlckured corner luotr irrigator, s tem A must see' $189,000. 3BR'2BA HOME WTILE through out living area, Iitin room plus Iamil, room Fenced back \ard %, mam iropi. cali & BBQ r-oom. $189,900 3BRIBA HOME IN COUNTRY 1ILLAGE. Nice door plan. ule through out Priced to sell! $130.000 2BR2BA "LIKE-NEW' manufactured home %'.large screened room on 1.25 acre home site cleared iiscatered trees REDUCED $119.500 HOMES ON ACREAGE LiNIQLE OLD FLORIDA ESTATE! 10i..538 sq t under roof + 2.585 sq ft. pool pauo: area' Ecliusive pool home located East of LaBelle on 5 beauuul, oalk & citrui-filled acre; fronung on SR 80 Home features man\ architectural details from faulted ceilings and sks. lights. to Spanirh ule fooring Custom floorr plar. inclu-dr ? master suites, pri. .ate s.iting ron,,m, French doors to large lanai. covered .alkai poolside rec room, IBR'l1B4 cottage. tielie-ba, workshop p w garage. electric gate entrancewaN, paied dine 8& complerelh fenced One ofa kind $1,500,000 FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET Home,teaded in '1893 b \William HenrN S\hidden It ,dl be hard to find a more desirable site A prime location in an area of proposed future de\elopmeni in beau- tiful Fort Denaud Features a 3BR.2BA CBS home and rental mobile home on 12013 acres ,iih masi'e old oaks and palms Located approximatel; 7 1'2 miles West of LaBelle with frontage on HN 78 and Norri Road $900,000 3BR:IBA CBS HOME on 88+ acres fronung on pated road approx. 3 miles from toln Propert is fenced & cross, fenced % gorgeoii oaks & horse stable $490,000. SPACIOUS 4BR2BA LMANUFAC- TURED home on 4 84+1- acres ,, pond & mostly cleared Split floor plan. large master bedroonmbath, office nurser-, for- mal liung room. fami room & open kLtchen islandn d $325.000 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property\ has pond. fenced, cleared a read; for \our horses This 4BR'2BA o\erized home features split floor plan. w.o.od-like1 flooring in Ih- ing areas & mans etras' REDLiCED $265,000 NEW CONSTRUCTION CBS HOME- PORT LABELLE UNIT 102. Features open floor plan, split bed- rooms, Frigidairemsiale's te~ l ppib- ances, tle throuighoul, separjie tub and shower in master, aulted cedings. pauot and tao car garage $249,900 3BRu2BA CBS HOME! Split floor plan. 2.00tA+ total sq fti, granite counter tops. 18' ceramic ule. Laulted ceiling and man\ more upgraded features $245.000 LOTS 3RD AVENUE 45 Acre $70,000 CALHOUN STREET 64 Acre $89.000 201 N. HICKORY STREET 62 Acre $98.500 PORT LABELLE LOTS AVAILABLE $24,000 $48.000. Call for details MONTURA RANCH ESTATES- Residenual homesites atallable COMMERCIAL'BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Dontown LaBelle Perfectly situated on the corner oi t iH 29- Bridge Street &- Park A.enue, less than I block from the Cahloosahatchee Riser 1.846 sq. ft Hitorical Florida- Snie l .o tilon budding trontL on Bridge Street $850.000 A QUAINT CRACKER-STYLE OFFICE or, Park A.enue AJread s;et up for a business office- including phone Lnes. air condiuinrung, commercial grade carpet- ing and landscaping Screened front porch adds to iti Florida charm $399,900 BEST BUY OWNER ANXIOUS! .Afordable Business Zoned Propert;' ThiJ 2BR I BA home i situated on a high traffic road in the ary Just 2 blocks north of Hi,% e) and I block east of Bridge Street and surrounded b, local binks and businesses Priced to Sell! $179,900 INDUSTRIAL INDUSIuAL [PROPERTY! Excellent tn-.esment opporiurmi ;w 277' frontage on H1\ 29 J 59-..- acres on corner t H., 29 and N IndulsriJl Loop Road. 3 steel buildings- Warehouse-3,800 iq f . shop 1.6l00 sq It office building 2,520 sq. ft I all currently lead. $1.300.000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator Bait Pub hia been a thlriing businei: in the Pioneer Communir for man; ,ears If oou'e e'er .ar.red to run \our oin Restaurant and Lounge here' \our chance Thiusquaint establishment comes full) furnished. completely equipped kuchen & ofTers a great start for 3n\ entrepreneur $174.500 SE HABLA ESPANOL www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com ,, Marii n Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales As;ociates Nanc\ Hendrickson, Margaret Whatle\. onne Doll. Consuelo Tanr Lopez. Suzanne Sherrod, Jud\ Cross McClure and Recepionist Emil\ Curtis *4 0 ACRES ON,.MAUOGA.nl A AVENUE IN .fIUSE. Pierieaof pptrfect homesite. Enjoy the. I uiet and watch the wildlife as. i he suae-ers. Pure CGld Counri-; Living u8at:k up.tr L .9ars Brothei4 arid is j fcedi`on three sides'$498,000 '- .. ,: :. : L.. FtibLk' CHARMiNcN 0. ON' w CP.ESr 3B'- SBD12BA 2tory umsniehQ-~jfai :~usittedart o- - .~ 3--pg~'e ouacc res This 'rtq'iE at tes dual, Ioried AC-C. M47.16%.p i-ienc ces. and - ra oE.ineri e II -pjg ta bchard elil 44 QO -: 5 Q0O WATERFRONT HOMES STUNNING RIVER NIEWS can be seen from the mas- icr suite balcony of this rikerrontr 3BR3.'BA 2-ston heroine Huge lanai with in ground Jacuzzi spa and much niore' $798.000. PRICE REDUCED PANORAMIC VIEWS of the Caloosahatchee River await ',oii : m this 3BR' 5BA. home sith an oleisied private b-.:at dock C:mmunilt clubhouse include- pool. boat ramp S& tennis ts Curt. $749,000 UPGRADED 3BR'2BA HOME FEATURES 125 ft of ii-cr trontage. Conenienrtl lIc-:ated iifthin mi le of marina. restaui ants and golf course. $599,900 SAVOR THE SUN at \our ppiiate v.atertront retreat. 4BR.2BA. manulact:ired h-.me sius m:rjesiicall% at the end of a cul-de-sac Oversized back porch looks oer the ier .:.r -rndless r;.er es,, $ 524.000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS wiLh this 3BR ''BA home. natigable crcek offers direct access t,:. [he C.loo:rsahatchee Riser. $399.000 SUMMER FUN! 4BR 2BA lMH includes 135 ft o river access. inaking an easj launch tor jet skis. Detached garage and high qualirv upgrades. E.njo, the sunl $395.000 PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS! BRP2BA canal HOMES 3 BR2BA CBS HOME rn 2'i + ,,. boasts a 60\40 .sorksh *6\-'. brn, pac.l dtli e arti.rinc ilat rmee c ut couur, charm $S 4BR3BA BRICK HOME ON II + AC. Funiuona! breed horisc longer 2 add'l pole barnT and *i i..orLh rhp A true Equi 4BR2BA 1IOME ON7 +'-AC. iPriiate sirked-pond. \anet', sh,1:,1 K& 1i.i pole barn ', ll l all iL' 2 ,..mtsies- $699.900 3BR,2BA CBS HOME .n ,+ a,: Crss leniced pond. tae ad Inc i-. h a cr,,n reier.iert irne $595,100 PICTLRE PERFECT '3B.R 'BAI I ,:rc t ir:te h.,.me feature- a p acner.' from the C.:.rumnrrnul, hit.ar ramp $549.900 DREAMS NEVER END irr thl cut-.,m sbR -BA. p0...l home pl.ucc ,.rirint! ,::illn rlen jnd a c iurnetr klchen $447,500 3BR'2BA 2.STORY HOI-ME SITLATED ,,n i. '9 +.. 60\?20 sli.p ( .ik .isrc. l .a:rdag 5$415.1000 3BR 2BA CBs HOMtE ON 4.82+-AC. I-l-.ric rifers arhed ,.el pl.,r, -c tpp.itrn-i Lb,.:k parch Crc~- fenced rpamuurc mnlude; $375.000 PORTRAIT OF PEACE. I'h-.s BR. 'H.% splI fl.,o-r plan hnrme 180 N. Bridge Sr. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 E I TAC LAND 1-888 65 6"'6, LA.herigelandcoo ;r;ws.heriagelanlco.com tront Nt-H includes detailed upgrades and thoughtful AL(.A.t landscape. $145,000 39 +/- AC. WITH INCOME POTENTIAL. WATERFRONT HOMES SITES includes 2BR hunting cabin, ,*.i00+ 'young DREAMING OF OWNING YOUR OWN 12.64+.-- live oak., laser leveled land, and water per- secluded ac. Island? $1,400,000 mits. $1,800,000 INCOME PRODUCING ORANGE GROVE MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE PU IN ANG G V .mMAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE icrojet irrigation. 80+/- ac. Can be split YOURS. 2 50 +.- ac of riverfront acreage wnth remov- ,fr endless building possibilities. $12,500per able spod easement has access from CR 78 $965.000 ac. IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA 43.32 +/-AC. OF oaks, pines, cypress trees, HARBOR. Includes boat dock, well. electric and pro- and pasture. Well and power on site. Zoningis tected harborage. Over 161) ft of waterfront $499.000 i ne homesite per 5 ac. $1,190,000 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. River OAK HAMMOCK, CYPRESS AND PALMET- news, river access, and dock permit Deed restricted TOS grace this 48.07 +/- ac. Flowing creek community. +- ac. $429,000 -dds to the charm $1,100,000 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE i0 +/- AC. OFF well maintained dirt road. RANCEETTES. 2 5:1 +.- ac. In desirable deed restrict- i.Inlimited potential at $30,000 per ac. ed omnunity. $425,000 .Manageable Orange grove in Ft Denaud off ed community. $425,000 private road, $850,000 TAKE IN THE BEAUTY OF THE RfVER from this 30 +/- AC. OF IMPROVED pasture with 2.88 +/- ac. home site in Pt. LaBelle Ranchettes. 2100 fi wooded patches Picturesque flowing creek, of greenbelt between home site and riser, boat docks and camp houses. $705,000 allowed. $410,000 20 +/-/ FENCED AC. of improved land. IT DOESNUNDI L WE8 RAI~ $225.500 Excellent potential. $660,000 20 +/- AC. WITH plenty of space for your -m .-c ilr cup to I.v-, Brother3 anrd fenced w.'aulted ceding., security siLEm. i a kj ,, le $:j. $-198,000 op ,inndudes office), parquet tlooring.separate lirig and [alm-' 1 .. 4.IT n 0 999,000 il rooms and a flaintaiu ma crb3Lh The I 3 AND -I ACR HOMEIITES a!latlI- i 'iil ng barn, automated .paaocus back .ard pia; hc.st to a videt Ljbiclli R ir..lle.-s ...i.mcs ilh o iitcrj...ce- ji ijnr ne Estate $999.000 a ariner u! vislunlg wililtle $315,000 .,,: 345,000 to $-110,000. uo fruin tees 20xI I LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.' 10+./- AC. IRACT n Mur rn....c and .:le Irnd Impeccable custom 3BR.2BA home lacal- i ,,,,jl t,: r.- a:, h.rr.- ii.r $2 9,900 vantagee of rustic ly. ed in a quiet boating communut. 20 + -AC. ,-,n.iine ,i pr.r, ,i- i ri V .-.rr, $279.000 r.. . nrate pool and noer A HOME WITH PERSONALITY AND CHARMI SBR,2BA CBS hnmc n split floor plan $248.000 w.ih a glowing fire- 3BR/2BA WITH 1,656 SQ. FT. LIING AREA. Built in 2i05 Screened iana with- hot tub $229,900. pole barn 12' iork. 3BDi2BA ON SPACIOUS GREENBELT. The home ti, hjae for serious cooks! $210,000 hngs, split fonr tloor 3'BR'2BA DEI OWlU M nC .195.000. tack raum & stable. PARTLALLY FLrRNISHED 3BR.2BA home include carport'sitorage shed Near canal and communiriuypool $175.000 in Rikerbend Estates AFFORDABUN C II M ,ACi ]rage 5164,900. THE PRI CUMG IA 3BIRLBA COY'LLA HOME. Ne, uar handler and condensing unit 1.044 sq. ft under air screencd porch across tLhe back if the home Communint pool sith a clubhouse and ame rrn-Oi \cer affordable 11 39.900 Sre alinveamOBaHJC wtttTFB a -* RfRCO RURCTION STYLISH HOMEI 3BR.2BA CBS home ulth rood floors just installed Located on a generous ofl-water lot, qualbi surrounding.. ri\erfront S D $389,900 ]E FASHIONABLE AND FUNCTIONAL new- cuntraiivun SBR.2BA CBS home on 2 .+'- ac. n Quail Run S.D $339.000 BE THE FIRST TO LIVE in tius BR.2 5B.\ hume that features an addauonal 13x I 1 roum tha coauhl be uitd as a -4h BR. oRice or den Lanai O.erstizd garage Completed bv -. I : ,1 $244,900 AS. BLrDGET FRIENDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION, 3BR -BA. itde greernhelt inures pnvacj Reduced to $194.000 % $-4.000 seller contribution. LIST IN TIME TO DECORATE... 6 sr.liji ne, ionusru.uon homes in Laurel aks S,D. COin.enieni louaiinn t: the P.rr I.aBelle Mlarina jnd Hssv 80 Call nnro to take adsanLagec f tiuier's incenutes hile the la'.l' PIIceC stait or $289.900. SCNbLMkNLIUFACTrURED HOMES COUNTRY CHARM ON 5 ACRES. 3BR BA 2.'I 52' sq ft home fearure. ltone Musc $2Y,9YUU '5 +/- AC. %test of LaBelle & only a short dis- iari.:e r Fi M.ers $269,900 MUSE 5 ACRES on ilbloill) Bay: Rd $200,000 LADECA ACREAGE, peaceful get-a-way on:5 +/-ac. $165,000 * MONTURA RANCH ESTATES. 1.07 to 1.25 +/-ac tracts. $39,900 to $67,500 HOMESITES REFINED HOMESITES available in deed restricted Laurel Oaks. From $90,000 to $110,000 new construction homes also avail- able. HARD TO FIND OAK FILLED corner lot in the city. $150,000 EINOY THE QUIET of a tree filled '/ +/- ac. in town $99,900 CANAL FRONT PARCEL....30 +/- ac. Easy access to Hwy 80. $90,000 .40+/ AC LOT OFF CR 78 in nice estab- lished neighborhood. Cleared lot with trees that skirt the property. $89,900. .40+/- AC LOT ACROSS FROM CALOOSA ESTATES S/D..20x20 metal shed, well on property underground electric senire $89,900. PRIVACY GALORE1 + j: :-ff iite ual. tanc $85,000 CHERISH THE CHARM :-i t-,hr beaujiitil ,:ji.t filled .:iry loi i2 + j.: 85.000 WIDE VARIEnT OF HOMESIrES .n all uniu .- P..n Ljat.lle .:'mrtiihiN g i:f rc ~ri.:.n c 1 I -------- --- -- --- fireplace, slolighit, cru.r, molding soar- ing ceilings and an inviung kitchen with Liland bar 5 stall horse barn indudes tack room and storage room wuth concrete center isle $525,000. LIKE NEW 4BRI2B.-\ duublevide MNH on 9 54 +.- ac $399.000 BEAUTIFUL WOODED 1.27 +r- AC. LOT in Immokalee 3BR/,BA doublewide NM H & a BR IBA singleside M,H $245.000 STARVED FOR SPACE? Tnpletsde on 2 +.. ac.. i- 2.184 sq. ft. living. brick fire- place. 36 24 in-ground pool and out- door workshops $199,900 2BR/2BA WITH DEN on 2 plus acres .Acrege can be spit for addimonal home- ite. $197,900. LOOKS SMALL, LIVES BIGI 2'2 Ml'H on 1+.. ac features covered parking. t-orkshop & outbuildings $165.000 MINT CONDITION 3BR2BA. $158,000 GET OUT OF TOWN PRICED TO SELL 3BR.'2BA MH on 2 acres till make a perfecL Lsarter home. $150.000 ENJ Hc RN OMTfP 02BA on .46 acres $129,000 .a 1 r.' .s uruigt 3L at ,uu. TROPICAL GULF ACRES. Homesile,. in (C hrk-liio .- iunrr) 2 2.5 ACRE PARCELS in Pionter at Ar,:.adn and 8th St. $87,500 each. PRIVACY PURE AND SIMPLE on these 1.25 to 3.75 +/- ac. parcels. Lehigh Properties, Priced from $85,000 and up. 2.5 AND 5 ACRE Parcels in Pioneer Plantation. Priced from $74,000 to $175,000. LEHIGH ESTATES -.297 +/-ac. Conveniently located to Ft. Myers $66,900 1/2 +/- ac. buildable lot west of Joel Blvd. in Lehigh. $62,900 INDIAN HILLS .45 & .67 ac.+/- corner lot $53,900 to $55,000 3 TO CHOOSE FROM -1/4 +/- ac. lots in NW Lehigh Acres, $49,900 to $54,900 JAGUAR BLVD. In Lehigh, close to Hwy 82, high traffic area perfect for builder product. $52,500 COMMERCIAL 41.61 +- AC. ZONED 1-2. OCnIer i-'.o cpluil Build liPr Plhr .J1l iri lud.- J ,- : iu:.r i g,, dlgii rn..'l Ic,- li A it. ,..l ,i.I.- '4 I 1 c:,r,.rie bl-:..k office .areh:ou-i wilh j rrelajl r,-o.I Building deLil- Jre rueg.ij[labl t:.r.,ce n hbuer ar.Jd cller $,500,000 3.056 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAl BUILDING -..n -r, I i h rarTi a, pr-.a r J ':. i.:-. rpl-.rr ...I p..-reinlul $1.250,000 1.02 ACRES OF PRIME B-I ZONED PROPERTY in uitl lirrllat- rl. ig a r, ljurjnti hb $1.200.000 EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR YOUR BUSI- NESSI PE'l.j irul I + pia rr.,:l ruture iig I'. Pr,;p,- Tr i..riiln I cll . fic lul .u-ji s .;,r Ih e pr-...p-:rnr, $899,900 GREAT BLSINTSS POTENHTAI. alh :'.-i l hirh-i .J a ', .1 l.:riaj e -.:,,ji ill '.[ riculi.: .J' This 1 1 1.' + ,: ll ,-. I:a l. .o g $499.900 1OtiR BUSINESS BELONGS on rihir h-ma) iii-aJuiduwal .xcI'gg ZonreJ ''-r .-an-'u-'- use: wiih ui'Airrie d p:tirtnl $4"'9,248 OFF HWY 80 IN LABELLE. .'4 + j a: ill alJ. a a-,A:,ridetrul b.ruSircis l,:,cJl-:in P-:lure--ue prr.,.crnl ha- great pu-it.-ilhtme ' $-35.000 i ., + A : .:r :[r i. rff sr '!i Cr.: ii I..r H. -it: u .-i' .- -.r. '.b.\ ibA '.iTi':".,-1.I.,J h,--ri-: ir,,.lui.- 2- .I,.-rage .l,,:. : rild I f.,ii pl .- in' c l.l .n 1-i.-r $2-9,900 IMOT YOUR BLiSINESS TO LBELLE1 Hri-.'.i,: tbuildlinj g ,: t-'.-'ii cde,.irgnir I,: :...:. -irr.dj li )ur lbu-unc 'al-., rani .-.h,..l ,-.u -:in bui, t224.500 COMMERCIAL LOT -.,-r I.,-A-.. i a n.J I.I Av .. $13".000. TM'~4 1jPbidrT ~Th Spa, wil ILAN dt l AAOKIMM I I .~ ' m" m. mimm 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21,2006 THE FORD MODEL YEAR CLEARANCE IS ON. i DEEP DISCOUNTS AND BIG REBATES ADD UP TO SOME SERIOUS SAVINGS. Save up to Sae up to Sae up to 11ISar $7, r $$537a74 on a new 2006 Expedition* on a new 2006( Explorer* on a new 2006 F150* R ti 1 1k5 _',it, '1 '['Stk.6tgo :i4_ Save Lp t Save up to Save up to Sa|e tp to $10,221 $7,309 $4,%B9 5,446 on a ne\\ 2006 F250* on a ne\w 2006 Freestar XWagon* (on a new 2006 Five Hundred* on a ne-\ 2006 Focus* WE CAN MEET OR BEAT ANY DEALER'S LEGITIMATE ADVERTISED PRICE OR PAYMENT ON A NEW FORD! % 1rig; inrclu-j, De3ler dic un and F r rrd relbacle Mui s b t fin.inced i-, h apr.:. d r.r iu r ,,ri C, .r.j C i e lJ lr .. r i. :i ar are I:,r l,l!u rie- .:. purp.:,c ,:,in, N.:. c F r ,c: nbl, I.,r r,p,:p 4-hIapt:l rr.:.r, Offer; end I I ,'.ri6 CirHC O T T H E E A BT & ^ PEO EA I I I I TMEN q IEE I q r ;FtA ii 'S V IE C:Z *In .,,... -7 ..7 ,.,... 2005 FIVE HUNDRED SE 2005 MUSTANG CONVL 200 DEIS 2006 MUSTANG GT --11 ,r,,s i .re i.j ,jlpr[ ..r, h rl l\ lr-: .e-i..-.n J i cb ,'rr i ,i ,, Cl Lh [I u I r I ji. .Ari t '-.. nly lii K m rd ,:.d1 blc L .it e in .' r el F.o:,r,d : i c l-, [ hne i ri .L ,l Tudir .lFic :Th L lrni-c ir h liirm i 1r pi.rlcO lur. m n...'ii [ht i li.e icv i~T .* lih or il) .r, '..i| ,T, iii r,,d: ." i : li rik,.. rd ,ln- ,:, k- hll ,:,o,-- In i e ,,,Lr,,j, ir,, idlud- j ..i L '.i CH ',',r, Cr, .,: ju.,:, p is ,N r-ur .-1 ,:,Lra i'AI r;,\ ir,-:. u i.,. Ir,j k C w't uk rrith u),,I.ie lI. j. l I ,il-ei-- i i ude -, l ,i mi i. : VS cri'giiic 5 -peed nmriul ,', I ~Ir ~, *l. .i r1l.- i n"-'Is'- '. 2 u" 2 tr 1':arr, rriu, A C rk ihcr bu" i l :r ,,:"i t fill r"--c I -.luipPT..m. pr.. j .I i r.M dl .i rI. nr,fr,. p. 1 i-kp ( hll"rj. dc- l ..:u" -"i L".ll ..- H: iir r ii rjf- n Au: fll r p i' 'e .. rc -i r-i t.n-.r ...tupic pk .t fri 1-Fr C C% shikeI ~F Tcc r E.juiic -. i -- *r *c .ji n- k r iI i I c u- i l i j rc ry- I- D Jr,. C Cl YO f ,,it,, ,l n di f .h f trrd .i-,r,. ,,cru-,, ,rrn..T Ih 4ir- l l i r, uim j'd rI1 c>,,,ri L. k l,.d' LI--.,r i 1 .1ihe ,. i. -. Ic ,:,t -. :. t 2. r4,, 9,r _. n -- l $14,934 $ 8,926 $12 ,248 $7,950 2005 TAURUS SE 2003 LINCOL LS 2005 GR MARQUIS LS 2005 ESCAPE XLT 4X4 with rd.-, j A r, hi ,,n -: l r -ll j : v. F ,F ir~.ic CD/casst., cast Sport Pkg. with 17" machined alum wheels, full power pkg., remote key- I.ith d..al climate h ontrl leather interior, p/windows, p/door locks, tilt cruise cnt., 3.7 J limited slip axle, 4-wheel disc anti lock brakes, p/windows, less entry with panic alarm. On sale now! 6T636A privacy glass. U5686 and remote keyless entry with panic alarm. Ped right! 6T595B and the balance of the factory warranty 6T592A ,r, i lv ,.le ,'u i 'i ",h .r, Lnn i. iju ., .>-.J [rir .\ e .i i-,-, p :i-. p l -l :ludu-,L; |-e *- ._ 1,a-rA :. l r. . " -,-d.'.-" 1. 1...L_ .-fru- .- ,,,- ,.l i.- .|[ +. l .[rrc i.CD e, k rlJOd k shlt it n.I A in "n iC Sh tiVji- ne I uiJ : f-r ....urii- ..If[, r uLl p-, .cr l I.r i.du n .d. cfil -.:ir,-, ml,-- .d ru-- ri.,A .: 1- -l '. jut.:. i .-I l mp .- ii .:.l ull pi. :r p.l I.. 1ehcr iik Ar, kilr J JI 11 .L du .i'c, :,i ,: i :,,:,ji iui.. ,.J iAi: AI A ul ,.:* ",,ij [ih -, lji .,- ,. I i-.. Ij.' ,.-. r pii .t-,t !--, sp, n [t iird -iJ- er, .ori jrnd [I-e l].dr..:,: ,l lie ,:r,:,r, r rj I jr~d ,T,,.:h ri .,_ : piui T I c HI e ,alm ,: I.,C [ tF..- i..n' .Irr ,n-', Ll',',-. [.ci.m cicc ,.i T,, r-r,v-]. gl,. .- ,1 ii ,,,rc In .I1 ri-,r , $11,52 $142900 $1,99100 $17,200 included warant aind low A in ancn C premium leather .C. nteriol extras. Including a .0 e SOHC V6 engine, 5 speed auto od trans, A/C, XLT equipped with all the extras. Includes a 4L V engine, 5 d auto od trans, A/C V8engine, autood ranks, dualA/C7pass seatingwithn oth apt. chairs, tiltwheel, with 3rd ronly 40\ o ,-- iles and pr. I ice-oCD/casst.,hcast Sport kg. with 17" machined alum wheels, full power pkg., remote key-. ith dual climate control, leather interior, p/windows, p/door locks, tilt cruise cont., 3.73 limited slip axle, 4-wheel disc anti lock brlockes, p/windows, Features include a 2.3 L 4 cyl engine, 5 speed man od trans, A/C, raised remote keyless entry, 4 wheel anti lock brakes, chrome wheels, bedliner, sliding rear window, brt polished aMb steps, trailer towing pkg., premium less entry with panic alarm, AM/FM stereo, rear door glass and the balance aluminum wheels, privanted glass, rear window defogger and remote key-/FM tlt wheel, cruise control rear jump seats and premium cloth 60/40 front AM/FM stereo 6 disc CD, fog lamps advanced security group, alum of the factory warranty Extra clean and sale tow pkg remote keyless entryU5668 less entry with panic alarm On sale now6T636A privacy glass. U5686 and remote keyless entry with panic alarm Priced right! 6T595B and the balance of the factory warranty 6T592A $12 ,950 $15,427 $11,9910 $17,919 2006 RANGER EDGE 2003 RANGER XLT SC 2005 F250 XLT SC 4X4 2005 E 150 CARGO VAN Ford Quality Checked Certified with the balance of the 6 yr or 75,000 mile Fully equipped and in extra clean condition with only 27K original miles. Be ready for work or play with this extra clean superduty. Fully loaded Compare and save on this nicely equipped work van with only 33K ongi- limited warranty and low APR financing is available WA.C. In absolutely Features include a 3.0L flex fuel V6 engine, 5 speed auto od trans, A/C, with only 23K miles. Includes a 5.4LV8 engine, 5 speed auto od trans, A/C, nal miles. Features include a 4.6L V8 engine, 4 speed auto trans, A/C, 4 like new condition with only 40 miles and priced thousands less than new. power equipment grp., AM/FM stereo CD/casst., XLT Appearance grp., 4x4 shift on the fly, p/seat, p/windows, pAocks, tilt wheel, cruise control, wheel anti lock brakes, tilt wheel, p/windows, p/door locks, remote key- Features include a 2.3 L 4 cyl engine, 5 speed man. od trans, A/C, raised remote keyless entry, 4 wheel anti lock brakes, chrome wheels, bedliner, sliding rear window, brt polished cab steps, trailer towing pkg., premium less entrywith panic alarm, AM/FM stereo, rear door glass and the balance power dome hood, solar tinted glass, anti lock brakes, long bed, AM/FM tilt wheel, cruise control, rear jump seats and premium cloth 60/40 front AM/FM stereo 6 disc CD, fog lamps, advanced security group, alum of the factory warranty. Extra clean and sale priced! U5668 stereo, XL trim pkg., alloy wheels and 24 hour roadside assistance. U5670 seat. Sale priced! U5630 wheels, privacy glass,.3.73 limited slip axle and factory warranty. U5697 $11,950 $12,962 $22.976 $13,953 -. . .. .. .. .. .. = _= .. . _. = .. = .- -. .. --- --- .' ...-- .' -_.... .." "... ...'. LANGFOR D B1SHishwaS 29 Soub rw-w-u sarrssew -arm, FOR OVER. 4.1 YEARSI NO GIMMICKS! P[,Tr L JS TO TIl-E- TEST! YOUT"l-l- FIND Ot"RPRICE IS AfAVAYS THE RIG-11T PRICE! W I N N R. 0 1, Fo i., i NM(-.),vot'Z C(AAPA NVS If -C s A\VARU) FOR 01-11STANDINNG L,:STONIFIZ SFRVICE NO t-,--'I..idc'lcn Dealer Fees,: N -PI-1- on NO I'logus RcJ---)atcs f I J.-adc. 4) NO*. After Any old t N 7 orth'. \.N:,, hatevc.l...... I _ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21, 2006 ALL ABOUT AC" JeCtep .. 1 Jeep TP- THE for months SAVE THOUSANDS NFI NANCE CHARGES * Op ,S af TSr Oils RFiler Change with 16-Point Vehicle Checkup $22 95 IHCLUDIS: '.j 1 '. 'if -'- l -I i ,- I .. -n -!. I fl '' I -' i l !', "'"" .. fln ir n .."* o. of irl 1mrf i t I j j not I!s t ;d' I S r is r Expires 9/28/06 5- ------- ---.- - Mopar Value Lne Brake Pad or Shoe Replacement $119.95. , INCLUDES: a '^ Frfiit or rc r dir bialLi i ILu0 -; L :ipl j;t'.LiL a lL I g,' l Ith |. .:n1- ',:lp i ', "l : I.III, Ijl,_kt.i'k ( lOr' t-i'tiiL't/ti l ) I f rppet fr,.,ln drum imr'i lhper S l;t(:c < fh.lk d ll ri, I Iv Ru.n ;. l I ;1 '/..tfL: I R;-ttI HM.jd V- J, I'.lf ..,?1./'fl)[.v3:Q00 If LI 'C hi i]1ill r Vc'i'h ,c ; Iu not:.P. .tr '..I by M upt r I V-ili- I ni c hrak s ., P hinhrii S----- Expires: 9/28/06 % H i I t I i l / i m l d -N a' i a a a HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP _____HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR _ kCHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER ICHRISLERKI| It really does make a difference *I--tw. -M *a. I - (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. gadm- Vi rfHSuf,/Jt Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 * 0% available on select vehicles when financed thru Chrysler financial. Not all consumers will qualify. good thru 10-02-06. Subject to change. Artwork for illustration purposes only. Hadg Car Idwowr __ I I~ I I I w l0 I 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21, 2006 Birthdays September 21: Jason Dyess, Elizabeth Bowman, Joyce Snell, Teresa Giarratano, Lynn Lyles, Dixie Lyles, Tonia Whidden, Sarah Moree, Eugene C. Stemmle September 22: Jason Hall, Karen Hall, Craig Hampton, Mary Ann Medina, Sara Beth Weather- ford, Paula Morrison, Randall Stahler, Edna Wolfe, Mary Fredrick, Thelma Mosier, Ashley Woosley, Sherry Howard, Krystal Ramirez September 23: Judy White, Regina Richardson, Jay Sanabria, Bryan Quinn, Thomas Dean, Lucy Collins, Hazel Woods, Samuel Martinez, Brenden Nicholas Banda, Zakary Lopez September 24: Katie English, Joe Thomas, Martha Jo Lofton, Martha Kate Storm, Leith Harrell, Thelma Saucier, Norman Taylor, Rosa Vasquez, Donald Finks, Mike Cardimen, Allen Richardson, Brooke Murray, Pat Keller, Melin- da Brant Orlinski, Joseph W. Miller, Kitty Whitt, Ronald W. Boyce, Billie Smith, Dallas Hicks, Justin Hill September 25: Susan Yeo- mans, Norina Peoples, Steve McDonald, Gary Rosario, Doris National Honor Society Winners : .. . Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter LaBelle High School NHS Officers are, from left: Treasurer: Suzi Greenleaf, Historian: Jessica Bechtel, Vice President: Anna Martinson, Parliamentarian: Will Burke, Secre- tary: Chelsey Anderson and President: Jenny Milligan r ii iLaBelle High School E 0iI 10i National Honor Society A President Jenny Milligan was elected to a state office in the Florida Chap- ter of National Honor Soci- S- ety. Jenny will serve as the I state secretary for the '06- '07 school year. The NHS .Rally was held at West ..... Orange Park High School in Winter Gardens. Other rep- resentatives that attended ..- from LHS were Will Burke, Evan Hoffman and Chelsey Anderson. They all partici- Spated in the rewriting of the Florida constitution of : i-NHS. They were exemplary in representing LaBelle Si High School. Jenny is pic- t lured with NHS Advisor S Mary Sue Smith. Reason #24 to join Suncoast. We make you feel at home. Smith, Chad Fussell, Ismael Sauceda, Jeanie Conklin, Mae Smith, Sonny Dan Backes, Tina Moore, Melissa Daum September 26: Steve Gilley, Elizabeth Sapp, Pat Luckey, Nat Hollingsworth, Grace McVay, David Hill, Guadalupe Sanchez, John Schall, Ryan Reynolds, Angelica Maria Zamarron, Melissa Dawn, Benjamin Cuellar September 27: Bill Sanders, Justin Jones, Linda Cockran, Ash- ley Gilmore, Sandra Fritz, Mary Lewis, Jacob Cuellar, Anita Coro- nado September 28: Sarah Ledward, Richard Rue, Jr., Shirley Morris, Clara Wilkison, Julie 'Howell, Frankie Herrera, Anna E. Cruz, Brandon Calfee I Go to newszap.com to I I download and print I I coupons online! .. .. Jii i i NO EXPERIENCE Apply Onlle at NO PROBLEM. sch"el""labs.ce Asa trvef lor Scrnede ?Naonai Or all xTel train you ee1-DE 11-80447-74331 * CoNrfy- p-cv CDL t ra r . M Srt ERai C ER-w; ...r C W.WS * Lojn-owr tiR, wc cft :.m.1. Same Day Service Lab On Premises . iMnni GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE InMERCER CALL FOR YOUR PRICE DENTAL CLINIC QUOTE AND INFORMATION. DENTAL CLINICYR 1-866-226-9400 ON US 41, S. FT. MYERS TOLL FREE I,:'I" I',i)' r iii i.: rq jm i'ic c ,rLjrruj,:,- i, I : iiTL I,'ii'i'll ihjl ii ,iari t: 1 uI I ,)i ~"1, lll qll ^ h:l", 1 lI r. i.:), firIi IK. irc j,0J l1 | .5I-I'II ].:. Ii' t ,h.' ',U I 'J r':, ,1' ] u J Ir' -rn.: .t lTLi]' li.,'i '' 'CJjTi:ff l Thank You! , Glades County Voters: "I feel that a vote for a candidate is a very personal and valied gift. I am (deepl) honored to hav e your faith placed in me as your candi- (late for District 2 commissioner. "I. respectfully ask for your support in the November 7th election." "Together, we can make our county an even greater place to live, to work and to raise our children." ON Nov. 7th vote Alvin Ward** PuIr '[..hlIr.wi J ,xT3nI:r., .T.rirl h u.d Ih.' frJ ,ipp;.-, J t.) [F., 1,. m r.J C j ,l rrili .p n k..:i.i i [ ,,l-:i ,.: .: -InJ l, 1 1 P i:lji. i:,: ..-ir, .'i ,: i,.r : Lock in a great rate. THEN WE HELP YOU qualify for one. S For some people, buying their first home is more than a big step. It seems like an impossibility. Maybe you're one of those people. Either you haven't qualified, you're afraid you don't make enough money, haven't Who's eligible to join Suncoast? IF YOU LI'E IN HENRY COUNTY. YOU'RE ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP AT SUNCOAST." PLS,. ANYONE WHO WORKS. WORSHIPS OR ATTENDS SCHOOL HERE CAN JOIN. IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS CAN JOIN TOO. another try. Our Helper Home Mortgage is designed for first-time homebuyers. and offers a low down payment.' discounted interest rate. and low monthly payments. Suncoast is not-for-profit, so our decisions aren't all based on the bottom line: they're based on helping our members. Call 800-999-5887 or go to joinsuncoast.org to find out more. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org L _' .rr ..q..c1n. e .f i tq ir qu .Ltu l M.u I, .. r. red Iiraii .uc d r nal I bn. I a r c .r-u. gU, ppl '"'.fWSVS" 'u".n.,.In iin equni ..ppoarurnl,,Iat lc .nec a 'nipie.1 goittrrir,i.n, phuts ICE, if Tc.nreJ iyr 5.25 5 Month CD $10,000 new money required Call, visit, or go online to take advantage of this great limited time offer. 800-706-9991 Arcadia 1601 E. Oak Street Clewiston 300 S. Berner Road LaBelle 17 N. Lee Street Lake Placid 199 U.S. Highway 27 North Moore Haven 601 Highway 27 Okeechobee South Parrott 1409 S. Parrott Avenue Okeechobee North Parrott 500 N. Parrott Avenue Wauchula 202 N. 6th Avenue SSeacoast NATIONAL BANK FRtlEBi www.seacoastnational.com LENDER NASDAQ: SBCF A subsidiary ofSeacoast Banking Corporation of Florida * Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal may result in penalty. Rate subject to change without notice. been able to save enough for the down payment, or banks want to charge an interest rate so high you can't afford to take the risk. Suncoast encourages you to give ownership : i '' ;'- u a,. iua Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21, 2006 S.I. First Baptist sets new worship times The First Baptist Church of LaBelle on Main Street is being blessed. They are bulging at the seams and are soon to start a build- ing project that will increase their education space and worship space. To accommodate growth while the buildings get planned, designed and built, the church is going to two worship services every Sunday morning starting October the first Sunday in Octo- ber. This is so everyone \\ho wants to come and worship w\ill have a seat. The first worship service will start at 8:30 a.m. and the second worship service will start at I a m. Children's church for ages four through the second grade will be during the 11 o'clock service. Sun- day school time will be changing to start at 9:45 a.m. instead of 9:30. This change will occur on the same Sunday that the t-o services start. Sunday\ evening worship ser ice will not be affected b\ Ihe changes on Sunday morning, con- tinuing on Sunday evening at the regular time ot t p.m. As always everyone is welcome at the First Baptist Church of LaBelle The First Baptist Church of LaBelle is located at 330 North Main Street You may contact the church office if \,u ha e any ques- tions or need help sorting out the new times. Read Toether, Florida Saeie Reding Evt Okber 2006 Pf 9, r....-i, f-aii.4. .rr.% .l -, j I ,t *ir(; tInP '1 tY r ti( MISBFR3'% ...w Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Eight workers honored Hendry County cafeteria workers received a Personal Best Certificate for going the extra mile and getting their GED's. They will also receive $25 each. Back row from left: Asst. Supt. Steve Stinnett, Edith Hopkins, Ruth Roman, Merieda Leas, Maria Castanda and President of the Food Service Association Bambi Hicks. Front row sit- ting from left: Carol Rivers, Nancy Perez and Maria Equira. Not pictured: Esther Betancur. Great Smokey Mountains SHERWOOD FOREST RESORT PIGEON FORGE, TN oiwipws iLphWfln* 3S CMon Los FawsWen set2 W *" sr Cas ChoseP from 6 Beadcmrns & S B.:hs oc 2 Baerooms & 2 BEahs ." ?'-. L ll tii 3;J ti ; ",.' Si:"i: q: ..z IL. !'i. iir i r.O I~ 'l I i ; ti. ti :.r'd'itnita.t -d:! -3"J A -A.s; I 'tisr D .it L'M .:I! Orde! 5 ii'itinlt.". !I .'a a3l: )!-,',- *;.,:.t, Ar,;f C-,: 2 '* fa!t uli : .-.; il 4 7 Business opportunity and lifetime travel benefits Call 1-800-378-1169 to find out WHAT and HOWI MWrcOU IDM26LM SERIOUS INOUIRIES ONLY! j41n-JmT.hTA.l.1 Arj--T-rTThnh- jfT""h 'T""T -- T- h cnhm x 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee M14"r 1 )1(-.: X NEV Nu Inici v4y i S S'c~ UNIVERSE ALLSTAR CHEER & DANCE Ages 3-18 150 S. Industrial Loop Rd LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-3737 *S Mel Brant 17070 H~w SOW. Unit #3 Clewiston, FL (C) 863-983-7840 (C) 863-228-0762 CAL FOR it PRAYER 675-7785 Sponsored by the LaBelle Chapter, Order of St. Luke, a Christian Healing Ministry. Ret urn calls only upon request. &I i s ;ii d J, S] Fla. Building & Roofing Inc. Specializing in Metal & Shigle Roofs, Flat and Re-Roofs Office: 863-674-9994 Cell 863-673-0665 Contact: Richard Cockram FREE Estimates Serving the area for over 20 yearsT RB29003105 RC29027104 ]bdd frflatt P.O. Box 2I09 AK Patmdalo flas ing GI,49ins Mobile239-872-734 ;! e 161238734 u c. Mix(2 Fax: 863.675-0020 SERVICEC" h Our oatlnportiwtnt Product BEDDING 1060 Hw 29 S LaBelle 863-675-0717 www.whitesfunitureandappllances.con 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CACOO08030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRAcrIOP World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Lati Nighls Thurs 9 8 216S. Main Street Unit 3 I.aHelle tLH 863-674-1775 Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC HC1017,1P Licensed & Insured OFFICE (863) 675-8314 DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH FT. MYERS 12866 226m9400 CARPET ClI .ANlIN TREE & LAWN M.\IN1.\IN,'N' T CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us on the web at wwwallin12ol recont Se labla tqatlol LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTjOBS S ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle. FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. Certified Estate Specialist AU 936 AB 2171 LA MONARCA SALON 1250 H\' 29' S outhl* LABelle, FL i iLa Fc-.i3a 863-675-2940 Hours: Tue -Sat 10-8* Sun 9- 1 Walk-ln's Welconme Stylist & Barber EXTREME CLEANS, INC. Coinsiruction Commercial Residential . 863 676-0810 .: 239 4K-. 344-6712 - 0:r d rlrill pf 11 's' B:.I** I...' NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION p)863-612-0070 0 863-612-0080 825 E. C, ,\bL. Way Suite 108 LaBeBdl, tL 33935 Q LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 I HENiY REGIONl MEDICAL CENTER 500 W, Su010mi HwY, eC 863-983-9121 Randy's Garage, Inc. ,,1, N_.I,.ll -lL Dl:h -J a, -r o l- - 863-675-1032 737 S. Bridge St. LaBelc, FL lu t North of Lin l,.rd1 FLrJ -. l ' PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush logig. rowing gradingg. land clearnng or other cJbs? 239-728-6629 COMPUTER SAPPIuCATIONS X 4- TMR 7 0 'U L OCA L T iTOR III WORD, EXCEL, PO-- WE P RPOH IT ACCESS, iH YOULP HOME 'WILL DESCIGI FP[rADSHEErS, ETC UPF 'OIJU" REQUEST CALL LYNNE AT (863)679 7049 OR (29)849-9223 (CELL) PEGASUS@SIRATO.NEr OVERBAUGH FOOTER Increase your production Let us dig your footer Commercial & Residential Office: 863.674.1300 Patt's Cell: 239.24o.5106 FL Dan& PattLL Overbaugh operator/owner o4ofe3_05@yahc.o:..::.m Lic & Ins. #G0510' ,,. . QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated El rical S ce Corn- n Main Electrical Panel Repiir or Replaceent * Landscape lighting and surge protection * Cll forA Remodel Quote orhome generatoraccessories &book ups 9-5 tCAL 98 101 863-228-4138 24 EMERGENCY SERVICE Licensed & Insured #EC00000661 IMMONALEE FAMILY CARMEICNTER Mur, n. tC E .N I LH 1454 Madison Ave. Immoldclee, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 Wallkins Wdconw IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Trafford Rd Immokalee. Ft. (W'rnn Dixie P'a.o) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 HiPTON CHRYSlR DODm JEEP LanB^ ^^^an 2I I,Sbfil Hin iClIAon Sa.983.600, 1.8SB200.1103 LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET 1\ wholesale flooring warehouse 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY 80 LABELLE, FL 863-675-8575 Largest In-Stock Selection Osceola Concrete Services LLC Concrete & Excavation Concrete '.X:r 1:ri moiriton r. [,F[,',Dug& F,..,urred 1':w rivms & 'Walks HOjuse: PJ'di,ulvFrr Lot Cleinrarg Eu'.our vices 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 licensed and Insured BX600099/HC1011sp fl A' " - ,A C K .' ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lie #1327233 20 Years D Experiencel FREE ESTIMATES DAILY WORK DIffLYPAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Sirand Iy, (Acrs irom CIeiston n) (863) 902-9494 SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES LANGFORD 8I1 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (363) 675-1686 'aU" Spoken Here! CHBIST STHE KING Lutheran Church | !-, 'T hi ep-n oi.J LJaclle, PL 9:00 aimn Sunday Worship The Lords Supper ", 3' a 5 Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. 'n11 .- mt r 'iI, Y.o''i.''''.A .1I' I;.u. T i;r.! 8636 75-2733 e-mail: cetkiestrato net a t RiooS S and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES OFFICE: (863) 675-7045 bst , h, O ;I u PETE'S DRAGUNE & BACKHOE SERVICE, INC. Dozerwork Clearing House Pads Specializing in Ditching & Ponds Office: 863.675.1862 Mobile: 863.673.8181 Mobile: 863.3.6.638 t.-' 1 ,L:- Yrit~lfl~iT~iqO 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 ackson River Where ! quality is Done in Style CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior liberty Underwriter NSAA Qulifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National 4 Life Insurance Company 3 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) I Jl I` lr -I- I r 'I It I I I k i k PIIFUT-.lilj 'M b ill"I'llm . 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21,2006 Memory Mobile coming to Oakbrook Many caregivers for persons with Alzheimer's Disease or related dementias are unable to leave their loved ones alone or travel the distance to receive needed services and informa- tion. That is why the Alzheimer's Association is bringing its free services to Hendry County through a fully equipped mobile office called the Memory Mobile. The Alzheimer's Association - Florida Gulf Coast Chapter invites you to visit the Memory Mobile October 2-5 from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m at Oakbrook of LaBelle, 250 Broward Ave. Visitors can obraina free memory screening, obtain litera- ture related to Alzheimer's dis- ease and caregiver concerns, view caregiver training videos or talk with an Alzheimer's Associ- ation Program Specialist about their family's specific needs. The Memory Mobile is made possible through funding provid- ed by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. Services include: caregiver training, support groups, infor- mation and referral services memory screenings, lending library, family care planning assistance, health information service, safe return for wander- ers, 24.7 toll free helpline 1-800- 772-8672. New Glahs-s-s Top BacTo-Tch ool Ust "Poor visior can hinder a child's abil ity\ to learn [ t, rcad 81':, of learning is through sight" A ,, A The Optical Center I... 1,J Please iBll Fi :R-.' .. 675-0'61 e stop by and take advantage r Back-T-School Special. Call for DeCails! HRMC can provide remote pharmacy coverage Hospitals today need to com- ply with a long list of regulatory standards and be in a constant state of readiness. Having access to pharmacy services on a 24,7 basis is crucial to stay in compliance and meet patient needs. Considering these stan- dards, Hendry Regional Med- Sandy ical Center Woodall became the first hospital in Florida to acquire the services of a Remote Phar- macy. whereby it can provide continuous pharmacy coverage. Physician orders are entered and reviewed during "off" hours, FINANCE medication errors are reduced, and the morning back-log for staff is decreased as a result of the services provided by Pharm- Pro. Market researchers estimated that 88 percent of American hos- pitals have gaps in their pharma- cy coverage at some time during nights or weekends and tradi- tional staffing is not a cost-effec- tive option for many of these facilities. Sandy \Voodall, the Pharma- cy Director at HRMC, stated, "With the Remote Pharmacy services, the staff can now tap into a seamless, around-the- clock, remote order entry and prescription verification service when the need arises, without a gap in pharmacy coverage. The hospital remains in compliance Regional Medical Center stands and fills patient needs safely behind their motto, "It's all and reliably." Staff-says, Hendry about getting better." I Licensed Fl:rinda Bri,:Lcr Busines' 100% Financing Available * Full Dio or Stated Loans Retinances Cash Outs Purchases SEas, Qualificauon & Loan Requirements SSingle Famil. Homes Manufactured Homes -i9 N. Industrial L oop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appiiniments Available HjLdlamos Es'icl-,,il BOO-BOO'S RESTRURRNT 863-675-4870 Tuesday Friday from 11-3 All you can eat soup and salad $6.99 with Free iced tea Thursday Lunch Special GYRO's for $8.95 ELVIS IS COMING SEPT 23 Call for Resen'ations HAPPY HOUR 3- 6 PM 40 Cent Wings from 3 to 6 50 cent Drafts SUNDAY DINNER 11- 8 Roast Pork, 1/2 ckn $12.95 Includes iced tea, dessert & salad bar KARAOKE FRIDAY 6 week contest underway GREAT CASH PRIZES!! The kitchen is open until midnight on Fridays and until 10 pm on Saturdays 675 Hickpoochee Ave. (Hwy 80) LaBelle, Florida r~rr^IS A ou need a ~~vice~a11 ~t~I1~" "When you ee a evilll a-profesio l Call 863-675-2541 or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! W RQ FuI IRI INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Ltke a good -eighbor, State Farm is Iere. BankofAmerica 4 SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle 6 PHOTO ONE PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO 571 Davis Stlrcet LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-mail: nilp.,liel l lpotOl .irliiiik.I nti -I^Hu9^ iFEW BHI SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rental P i .ri, 'f.ir' ..i.,, Putyour tr,, I 'inl Ir I ' i112 E 11a_..ce lluge l ALSI BrolIcr/itMair.itr Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call r I--:-- GREG MINERS Ai-_L^S TrIUc Real Estate Broker SPENCER m- REALTY Fran W. Spencer, Lie. Broker 437 SR 80 W LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1203 (863) 673-5554 Web: www.SpencerRealtyFL.com MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 8673673-4091 licensed and insured THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. :LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 'J I ,IL Im I:t J: I aw, 6%6 r-66rpkV ', Teresa R.Hamil 863,673-0692 S19490 Marhall Field Rd. LaBelle ,ns, Fam n ls. Children Baie i. Pets S '- Weaings & pecialevenis Sltudioor Locaion In house laD, you taIe nome pryins sm day picturethislabelle.photoreflect.com COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Li, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at CentralFlorldaLandSales corn 233 N. BRIDGE ST ON T coNEaR OR BOIDO STr & WAHmINSON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.ockrealtyinc.com property management rentals sales CINDYL. ALEXANDER LIC. K. ESTATE BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 iBankston : Realty Swww.ba nkstonrealty.com Wanda Bankston Owner Broker A&- A** m'. V14 A"C M >u 0f* 0-* 'AtEEDIIN ll A MN INCG FIIANTING SuJ Pqilwciw'nt & other Lnn Maurulni.e CALL (239) 357-2972 Liic In. i iured e-nmil:c asperbln4' ya o.coni -The Paint Authority, Inc. Int/Ext Painting Pressure Wasahing Decioratie Concrete Coiatmng FREE Estimates 863-675-0200 PT 000527 HC 298.SP EDISON PLUMBING, INC. pj iOPls.ll. tll, : I'lin in Inc. .NEW CONSI rf; I'lo[l ,AL\I.I C1 OM t FCL\L rJ -,L,'IN i AL i 'CL F Ef. itS CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824 875 Industrial Cl. I*aBelle, h CrCl4260 RE rs,trAEt'l;S INST UI . f-~r ~F *I ROIDEV\ M ARRAYY & SETH HOW\.\Ai lic. Real Eslate Brokers LaBelle, FL 863-675-4B50 RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.labellcriversidc.com. e- r,ai id l jI. ii .l Ik ri'. r 'ic .,,i - [_i rMarilyn Sears |licnscl Keatl Etatei tr SOD SALES & INSTALLATION ALL TYPES OF SOD SERVING HENDRY, LEE & CHARLOTTEE COUNTIES CALL (863) 673-1491 Above anTd Eow Marine, Inc. (8631675-7711 /- FAX [8631 75-7060 LIC#HC355.SP ) and Insured Commercial & Residential ALPHA AND OM GA Need a Permril Don't Stress, Call Lis, We Will Do The Rest C.i*enne Hendn., Glades. Lee, C.llier. Highlands, DnsotL, Polk. Okecehobee & Hardee Countiuc Mobile: 863-673-1050 Sonya Crews Mobile: 863-673-0383 Linda Craft Fax: 863-675-1332 IRERJSTATE LAND Co.y 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espaflol ,* DDONNA. KANE T E i RB.L ESMB- BIOKIR PAUL ROSER REALTORS 625-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER. BROKER ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or email cbelle@strato.net ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Prncpal Morxgage' Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.banes@alankellymortgage.com Stall Calls "..'(i ;.'1w y.p n ?.e e - Willi Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Frends Behind Horse Transporlalion Available For Rates, References & Scn ice ' Call 86,3-675-3 3 1 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices .. .'i : .:,;' Ft,:',.. .-. ;. ~f-s the Kin C(ROUp The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 [BIII HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675.3955 (35 Years Experience) SBC FINANCE L ,.:eriej Flo, rld i B .::r uI r,,..;. 100% Financing Available 4t, NH Indusnial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9*c, Mon Friday Spe:lil Appolninmients A\'nl3ble Hablamos spaiol Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm I OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week Cafoosa Sfiores Waterfront Homesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 Cell: 239-872-7665) Alm 239-728-9998 Laelle: 86367-000 n'ww Wsoti-weAthers c (As ll~ , martn@hsrson-weathers.co m G. r Ieritertil Ln.J P l.,Ii HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863.675-0403- L r - I ---. i. I I I I I LI I Wnojmvlli Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21, 2006 ed FIuni cements eriais M eHomes Announcements Merchandise i Mobile Homes r 1 Employment Hill Illa Financial Rentals Automobiles .............................. Public Notices Ilil I for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers!- Reach more readers when you run . your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. ..Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1 2 inch -- (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) ::" -' -.; Must include only one item and its price S (remember it must be $2,500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements .o.III. .. Important Iniormaton, Flease rad. ,our ad careillll the hrst d, ai ,pFars In ca.ee of sn inad.,,erier .i-rrr pl=1e- ri,,,r;' u3 pnr.:r 10 Ihe deadlirh. .i-d. Vle e li n ,r, be responsible, hor mn.re than .1 incocrr-i n-irenn. or For more Ihsn ihl- ee-ilr cif the ad rendered .aluele:s b, such errors. Ad.ert ier assumes rosponsibihI,i for all statements. names and coar tent of an ad. and assumes responsibiliry for any claims against independent Newspapers All ad'.erising is Subject to publisher's approai3. The puDblher reer.e Ihe nhl 1, aI.,:cp - or rej ,_:r a ,-,r all ., an " to n srt abo..e Iei copl ihC word advertnierr.ent' All ads accepted are .ubject I: credit appro.. l All ad, must conforTnm to Independen Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 0 Numbers 160 ABSOLUTE AUCTIONS: Selling Florida September & Octo- ber. Luxury Longboat Key. home/dock, Luxury Tuscana home in Sarasota, Hidden River home/airport hangar on the airport, many more. Neal VanDeRee Realtor www.van- deree.com (941)488-1500. .1'1 t arago r-------- ---- - Sm PUBLIC AUCTION ISaturday, Sept. 23, 2006 9:00 a.m. I -Dade City- Darby Farms 27535 Miller Rd. Tractors, Farm Equip., Const. SMach., Trucks, ATV's, and More i DeMott Auction Co., Inc. 229-985-4565 www.demottauction.com Auctioneer: Ternr DeMott, Sr. AU1833 AB1285 U,,r-f- 229-891-1832 "-- - - - - "LAND AUCTION" 200 Props Muili be Sold LOw DurwniE- Flnnaricin Frep C i ,;i g 18000 937.-160" www.LANDAUCTION.com NRLL East, LLC Auction Bus. License:AB2509, Mark Bul- ziuk Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3448, Jeff Johnston Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3449, Stacey Mauk Auctioneer License:AU3447. CHIHUAHUA, vicinity of Eden rk ,,oi Scpi 13th. Call to oinlily j239)657-8549 LOST FAMILYPET-gray lop eared rabbit, since 9/9, SE 38th Trail, (863)634-9564 AKC RAT TERRIER young male, 7 bs., very smart, needs adult home w/fenced yd. FREE. 863-675-4858 BASSETT HOUND MIX (2), male & female, about 9 mos. old. Prefer to stay together. (863)227-2600 CAT To good nome : 1 spjvae female. (863)467-7536 FEMALE DOG brwn/blk. spots, unique markings. Smaller. Good family dog, to good home. 863-227-4311 FREE KITTEN 9 weeks, fe- male, .litter trained. 863-634-3503 Iv. msg. GUINEA PIGS, To good homes. (863)357-0054 JACK RUSSELL- older female, spayed, all shots, needs one on one anenlion, doe.r nol nge along w/olner animals lovrs peopie(8631261-1968 KITTENS, 9 weel:t oii, ready KITTENS- o gooj norres 7 iuSt weaned kineris, all diher- rit colors to choose Irom (863)946-9133 RABBIT, adult, taiak lop ear o lame, to good rome only 18631675-742 2 SHEPHERD, CHOW & CUR MIX, 8 weeks old, (863)675-2598 Iv. msg. Garag. YARD SALE Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 LABELLE- Sat Sepl 23rd '8am-Noon, 1675 C.lioosa Elales Lane, GENTLEMAN, 70 years old. would like livein lady 45-65 lor companionship, nalionairy no concern. English speaking t863j675-0604- Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and.Read DIANETICS by L Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. Employment - Fun-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Pa.rtTime 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. Low tuition fee! Many payment options! No regis- tration fee! (866)889-0210 info@americasdrivingacade- my.com. AUTO TECH./MECHANIC Experienced, Driveability & A/C TECH. $18-$24 Hr. DOE (863)675-1032 Builders Choice Supply Looking for a yard man with forklift knowledge, bilingual a plus. 863-674-9900 CAR HAULING. Southeast Re- gion. $1,100+/WEEK! Great Home Time! Company Paid Benefits! PAID TRAINING FOR DRIVERS WITH MINI- MUM 1 YEAR OTR EXPERI- ENCE! (912)571-9668 OR (866)413-3074. Consolidated Waste Systems LaBelle Based. Looking for Welders & Hydraulic/Electric Technicians. CDL a plus. Salary based on experience. (863)675-7008, leave msg. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- ' uired. Excellent Career Op- . portunity. Serious InQuiries Only i.00Cii34_1-9636 Ext. 700 DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE iTi Solo, learns, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- giaona. dedic.l'd. long haul. Van. liatbed Mu.lI be 21. CRST Cjre.r Center. 00i)940-27;78, www.drive- orcrst.com. Driy.er-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS lor Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working throughthegovern- ment PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Department W21. Help Wanted for Cemetery and General Maint Tech. Need experience operating backhoe. Class A CDL a plus, but not required. Apply at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Hwy 80, LaBelle. (863)675-2125 INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799. LAWN SERVICE Experience required Call (863)673-2242 MANUAL LABOR Seeking person for Manual labor position. Must have valid Driver's License and job references. Working days Mon-Sat. Apply in person at White's Furniture & Appliances, 863-675-0717. MECHANIC NEEDED at Feed Mill. Experience on Semi Tractor Trailers a benefit; Benefits avail. Apply at: Syfrett Feed Co., 3079 NW 8th St., Okeechobee (863)763-5586 POLICE OFFICERS: Earn up to $20,000 bonus. Train to pro- tect your fellow Soldiers and be a leader in the Army Na- tional Guard. 1-800-GO- GUARD.com/police. I Io ice0 I *m ic I .p a Notice I c i I antRoo% I and Construction, Inc. I FREE ESTIMATES I I Metal Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs S* ;. I Pole Barns Vinyl Siding Soffit & Facia SOffice (863) 675-7045 SI. Ir-.'ornisl SBi ^*^^ -^ ^ - PLACE YOUR AD HERE CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-254 1 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting at $39.95 Per Day CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING r. r .,pllj IriJ,,_ k i. u n %% t,.i I: -.h. r ,' Iini i r iu L':,iA j',l Fi\ Ll :-r ",.. ii. .'.| ,..r. .. L. j.. J ] J.J a ll 1jrL. I INDYMAN REPAIRS AND MANTENANC" 1 1, 1 | r... .l i ,. | u ll lIj i j.. ri I,'1 r! ,,,,, .. r,,.. ,, i,, (863) 675-7297 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. I rr i,:i House Pads Demolition * I'l-'ii, FPill Dirt Culvorts Sitework .Swhell hli'ik Tree' Trimming & Riemoval I LaBlle, FL Licensed & Insured OFFICE: (863) 675-8314 Call Kelvin Townsend Cell @ (863) 673-3783 HC1017SP *IR & PREVATT HUNTERS CONSTRUCTION. IN I ~ -i ^ ^ w ~ ^^ s- ^fi Todld Pr\j atr ^ TREE SERVICE I , *-. Tree Trimming A & Removal SStump Grinding *Shaping & Topping 863-675-0403. Licensed and Insured L: i ,).. Emlymn Ful Tie, 20 Need person on Mobile Home setup crew. Must have good transportation. Call 863-675-4300 or .please leave message. OTR drivers deserve more pay and more hometime! $.48/mi. -1 year experience. More experience makes more! Home weekends! Run our Florida region! Heartland Express (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com. RECEPTIONIST for busy family practice in east Ft. Myers. Experience pref. but will train right person. Answer- ing phones, appt. setting, pa- tient records. Competitive wages, benefit pkg. Call Nadia at 239-989-1994 Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale in the classi- fieds and make your clean un a breeze! READING A NEWSPAPER... makes you a more informed and intnrcting person. No wonder newspaper readers oar more surcesfsulr a Iloymen Iki~ Empoyen Lawn Maintenance, Foremen and Laborers State Certified Pest Control Operator Must have State License, Fertilizing, Spraying Experienced Mechanic Wanted For repairs and maintenance on heavy machinery Excellent pay, Full Benefits, Must be able to pass background check. DFWP Fax resume to (954)894-4116 or e-mail agalvan()fivepointscorp.com Services EIIKC r :Otspiay ~id~ ~ib~'lpm ~lhlrc~i~vprrbll~lnsa~ ~., 1. ''' i:c- ~I tl;::: '; *' ~.- .- S _. .--. .-- '.... -, _---unl i The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from birth to age nine. IANOFORD .4wk Lacelle pn A 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21, 2006 FullTime 0205It Hn~l~ III IEm ployme FullTim Empoyen FullTim FL Commriuniy Healln Cenlers, Inc has Ihe following pos1- iions availa3 le Medical Assistant 1 year exp needed Outreach Worker Minimum HS diploma w/e.p. in community svcs. leq'o,. Bilingual pielerred Compeli- tivesa jlry ana e.rcelleni benelns Apply l 315 Souin WC Owen Ave Clewisorn. FL or la:. resume io 1863)983-9604. EOE/OFWP OAK BROOK OF LABELLE Now laking applciations 1or: Assistant Director of Nursing RN wilh MDS and LTC peeciirnice pirelrred Apply at: 250.BrowardAve LaBelle or Fax resume to: 863-675-'7415. EOE, Drug Free Worlplace t he GEO Group. inc The GEO Group a wor!id(lw , leader in privatjLed Correti0ons :1ithi r. r llenging & e,'iingl opporturinrl WE OFFER: t1p Pay, Medical, Denial, Visin S riot-term DiS3bility, -4ii0, Paid Vacation & Holmays PSYCHOLOGIST (Doctoral Degree in psychology, counseling, or related mental health field. Possess appropriate state licensure or certification.) PSYCHOLOGICAL SPECIALIST (Master Degree in clinical, counseling or applied behavioral psychology). LPN NEEDED THE GEO GROUP INC. South Bay Correctional Facility 600 US Highway 27, South South Bay, Florida 33493 Email: vharrellO thegeogrouoinc.com Phone:561-992-9505 Fax: 561-829-1902 EOE, M/F/V/H Love the earth Recycle your used Items by sell- ing them in the classi- flieds. ANIMAL CARETAKER Must enjoy working outside w/animals, be able to speak English and work Sat. & Sun. Leave message @ (863)674-0321 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifl- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equlpmentopera- tor.com. Heavy Equipment School "Can you Dig it" Let us teach you, 24 day Program Local Job Placement, financing available. Classes start week (888)707-6886 Start today.!!!! financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! Dudj Farm Frecsh F:ood:,J. jan iagn'ulrurjl ermplo'yer, is l:.okincr,: r -.w imi .[ruck drn ers [o haul .urus CDL [aith giodJ dning record reqi irei Drug Iree :..':rl.'lc Apply .at 122-: Hiwy. 9 North in Feldj, Fl:ni:l.i Ci:onj.i. Bernard, Barnhhn 8,it ,:. 3-i:2' EOE V H F M [Duaj Farm Fresh Foodl, una empre J r:o:1J, no:e-ira uni .:h 1|':.re de trfil pafrl LrafSipirLLr tru[u ,:tiu .j Ll.:en-1i I DL c:n unt bltun reo,:ri Lugar de trJbjlo lO ib'r de di'': -Aplique en 12255 Hw 29 N FeldJ Fli:nda Hjible :c.n BerrnardoJ Barnhan 16 1.,i (i:.'.li026 EOE V HF M1 ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Big Cypress Reservation Min. 1 yr supervisory experience. Food sales experience a plus. Excellent communication & computer skills. Good leadership skills, positive attitude. Flexible hours, FL Drivers Lic. High School Diploma or GED. Exc. Benefits incl. medical, dental & 401K, food & fuel allowance. Salary based on exp. Fax resume tq (954) 977-3477 --- Duda Farm Freh f::'ds (iiru- Pda rine H.:'ut i : .1:cepr' ng .p a tr:.r fi: rklilf .:lper or. T ra de;, pI- ',:Lr- a . and :fi.c dleri.:al Apri t ,511 S SP 29, i[aBelle Fl i :" !: ,"'. .'..i. 3". 2 or 35iL EOE and drug free ccomplhiin La empaiadori de fruit .:tri3a 'de Duja ubla:iaj en 6118 S. SR 29, LaBelle, FLsolicita personal pjrja jper- adores de montsrargas, clasiar y empacar fruta citrica y ':fiinimstas Apliqu- en personal llame al tel6 (863) 675- 2'..i.1. E' itenrI'.n .r352 o 3554. Empleador de Oportunidades por Igualdady en con- formidad libre de drogas.. NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. Vending Route Local: All Snacks, all drinks (energy drinks too). Great Equip- mentl Great Locatlonsi Fl- nancing available with $6500 down. Tom: (877)843-8726 #B02002-037. Shop here irstl The classelled ads STILL HAVE AN ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE??? CALL US NOW FOR A FREE LOAN ANALYSIS. RATES ARE STILL LOW, FIX YOURS NOWII! BEST SERVICE, HUNDREDS OF LOAN PRO- GRAMS, FREE APPRAISAL. ALL CREDIT TYPES WEL- COMEI!! TOLL FREE 866)348-1544 LOCAL 770)874-9501 ,, -, , READING A NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. On wondn wsmpaper minors a moIM populairl Services ! Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 AFFORDABLE CLEANING S Office or Home' Low prices 7 days/week Dependable & Reliable (863)673-3662 AFFORDABLE HOME Cleaning available. Dependable, hard working. 863-517-0221 I g HH COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, tutoring Win,95, 98, 2000. ME, XR licensed, Call Gary 863-675-7925 IX mltmB-- SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Musicfor all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contact the Transportation Dept. at 863-674-4115 or Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.kl 2.fl.us GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs (863)675-1166 (863)673-6388 4VM CI The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and ADVANCEMENT are encouraged to apply TODAY Pick YOUR career and embark on a new adventure. Bartender S9.00 plus tips Cage Cashier S9.50 per hour Count Team Member S9.50 per hour Cocktail Server S 5.50 plus tips Dining Room Server S5.50 plus tips Dishwasher S7.50 per hour Human Resources Clerk S10.00 per hour Maintenance Worker S10.00 per hour Player's Club Representative S10.00 per hour Public Space Attendant S8.00 per hour . TAD Customer Service Rep. S21.00 avg. w/tips TAD Machine Technician S12.50 per hour Uniform Clerk $9.00 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these management positions: Director of Facilities Human Resources Recruiter Public Space Supervisor Security Supervisor TAD Floor Supervisor Benefits available for ALL employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person TODAY! 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL 1-800-218-0007 Tre Serrminole Casino is a Drug tree Workplace FRIGIDAiREWASHER/DRYER Toll Free (888)39-0335. PLATES, Windows of the stands, 5 drawer bureau, 2 FRIGIDStac Ls tn 1 EPET S () World by Higgins Bond, set lamps, $400 (239)738-6215 Stacked. Less than-1 yr. old, PIPE TRUSSES (10) of 4 with certificates. $80 exc.cond. 500. 2.5" x 13.6' long. New, never (863)467-1744 CHINA CABINET off white, 2 863-697-8106 used. $200/all. 863-763-8872 pc. w/shelves and lights up. GE DISHWASHER- 4 yrs. old, STAMP COLLECTION & $75/neg. (772)597-0650 works well, like new. White. ROOF PANS (20), 12" alumi- SCHOOL BELL & MILK- CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, wo we, lie new. White long $200 for all or SHAKE MACHINE, etc., $500 2 p. w/5 shelves Hand $75. 863-675-1929 will separate. (863)467-1325 Made. 6' tal, 4 wide. Mustan GRILL, New, GE, electric, used (863)467-4328 see'$500 (863)763-8943 2 times. $20 (863)763-0141 Find It master. ell It soon- leave message or call in eve- S/S DBL. CORNER SINKp r In the classleds COFFEE TABLE, Cherry, ning. w/faucet. Countertop cutting Queen Anne, excellent condo board. Like new, $50/all. tion. $40 or best offer. HOT WATER HEATER new, 863-675-1929 Sties(863)763-0141 leavemsg. never used, 50 gallon, GE,' -(6)301 electric, will sell for $190., L CUSTOM COMPUTER DESK COUCH- Brown & beige flow- (863)634-5113 Solid wood w/drawer, hutch, ers. $25. (863)983-8131 REFRIGERATOR & STOVE(ce- BABY ITEMS Baby front car- 26" deep, 48" wide, 56" high Clewiston ramic) like new, $450 for rier. Infantino baby carrier. Exc.cond.$100.863-467-5877 DINETTE SET- 4 chairs, but- both will sell separate $25/both. Willsellseperate. terfly leaf table, matching (863)675-1634 863-673-3662 nDELL PENToUM III Loaded, wheeled cafe table, $300 Internet & School Ready War- (239)738-6215 REFRIGERATOR- small, per- HANDMADE BABY QUILT- ranty 17" Monitor, Keyboard & (9) fect for RV, brand new, $100 $50. Call Diane Mouse $180. HIDE A BED COUCH & LOVE- (239)324-2115 (863)763-3265 (863)634-0812 SEAT, $400. 863-234-1067 __ 0 0 . I . - I MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and ALICO, INC. Okeechobee. We are a franchise with Alico, Inc. has immediate employ- 27 restaurants throughout South ment opportunities in several of its Florida and are hiring energetic, divisions. We are looking for full- honest, and responsible individuals time candidates seeking employ- We offer: ment for the following positions: -Excellent Salaries general laborers, drivers (CDL pre- -Medical and Life Insurance ferred), tractor drivers, equipment -Dental Insurance operators and others -401K Savings Planoperators and others. -Paid Vacations Alico, Inc. is a leading agribusiness -Advancement Opportunities company offering comprehensive -Training Program benefits and a rewarding place to ,work for those Who are looking to For an interview please call: join a quality company. Apply in 863-9834224 person at the HR office located at or mail your resume in confidence to: 640 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL Pauline Alvarez 33935. Southern Management Corporation , 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. ALICO, IN(C. Clewiston, FL 33440 La Incorporacion Alico tiene opor- Ctunidades inmediatas de empleo en I varias de sus divisions. niniedixe pentrr: t,:.r nIriu:s a Du.1 Nosotros estainos buscando can- .Mchari,. i -..r i. on [-.L I.irni [ i:uiprl ririr iius didatos de tiempo complete para las ,:.rn [c.Is Hours ,ll t, h,.-ni, m .'pr.rp,', 2 d.1 _pe S-eek Pa corrrenssr. i h e'peer,,ne B l posiciones siguientes: laborers gen- package irinlude.- med.:.i il r. I-rrl plir.-, ,i ~u.a erales, choferes preferiblemente t,,:rr, 101-K, and iher i. ,,r:l, [,ii i rulre r...", rl.u,- :Appl in p-rr.:rn, it. H.r- "' IH .F-eld (.,r..,:e con licencia (CDL) para manejar -r .:.l) J,, ,:.or i.ie LHr. at r~.,. ..,'.-.*i' c.r j. 5 camion., maquinaria pesada y otros. EI:E '. H F iM La Incorporacion AJico es una com- .',l,:j nir,,:arii.:.:, ail i..; l-i re [uJi ,,eli,,:r' paflia de negocios agricolas que ', rrz,'i ''.: heri.ir ,r"r.i.i l r ir.ijtul:. H ,rjno : j- pa i ?anl-.pmi 5 n I 2dh.s penr :,irina Suildoj:eur' e-.pCir-a ofrece beneficios y un lugar renu- 5e r.:e i pjque c d ,-ic'ic ... que inI.:iu u, pl.ir1 nerativo de trabajo para todos n,ed 9,.,, r.n canl reuri,, de 1 ,:,ic ne, pl. n diri e aquellos cque quieran entrar a una reur,:,. i ,:,rr:,s nu'- enrpi,, Ib: dh 1a ,t, inij c r a1e a - 12245 Crreire 1t' :.rr en FeldJa iHale iron l Vii,-r .rim compaiia de calidad. a.:v'.iv a u -irule -.nc I,.-, .':, ,,1.d Aplicque en persona en la oficina 610 S. en La Calle Principal LaBelle, I FL, 33935. .,.-,.. rMELND V REC;Il ,tNAL rfP, 7. } -; ';- "l "1 ; Cp.o.' ir-lir, a, Eicel-T ( _-riL= I ;": r. dp" i' .U.l"- ...;.j. SALES ASSOCIATE S i r In p T. p ~. ,,GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE ti, ,,-. L,,,R RN so ,w Brighton Reservation F. i1 L h. M,,', 1 ; ,p A f;' ,,-. , P'd -. R4 Nurin S, up-r7 Excellent Communication skills, ..., ..,, ., good manual skills, cash handling ll, ,,,,,, .. ,.. ,,,, experience. Positive customer service ,,, i ,,, .,,,,,i,,,, .C T ., attitude. High School diploma or GED. rfr,,-,.... C r ,ili:j,,,, I. Flexible working hours. Salary: based on -,-,,r -r,.I,, ,M. i, exp. Fuel & food allowance, incentives. ,iiid ,,- ,. ,,.. ,,,,, ii ,.--......,id 1. Excellent benefits (m medical, dental, 401K) F*Wl -l" I'a r, Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 il I ,,. ,,I',l I _: L.- ,,.] '.1..... l h1.11. Full ,lTre R1 NuI4 Ml ue Spriita l Care (lR. ICUI 1w ,llI "'i C1.,1,_1 -l'l._lp I J l~ ,T, ,i, ,., ,.hv :. . Full ] me- Re~sIered Nurse INTERVENTION SPECIALIST .. '" ll d' i i r r e '"'' Re" Big Cypress Reservation Cr P ,T i ,,II 31 ll, l.-, Work with Family Services and Education Full t me- Medial Technologri Departments to provide counseling services 8.5 ucrce ,,', Medial ki lii.il, i. r., dlo,' .:(ri car lp bleI h:,," .1.,I ,., '."'iA A i,, i. eF.ri.,l ; ,i iiii ., ,,ti,, ,t i IIi ..i i ,:.. i ,,, ,,,,t. ,,,, to students at home and school. Develop and J'.h i ;.iiiL-,' a.' :, j. 1 r... .,. follow a Truancy plan. Bachelor's degree in Full lire. Houselee er ,-, ,. .:.11 .. e,, .r,,, Education or Psychology. Masters in Mental Full rime. HIM Recepllonlsti Health/Social Work, MS Word, Access, Excel, .:,: r~,O,,.. .l outlook. Willing to work flexible schedule ... .:o- .. ... ..Fax resume to (954)967-3477 or resumes ,. ,,iIIci .u..... to editharill( semtribe.com AUTO PARTS COUNTER PERSON GULF HARVESTING, INC. COUNTER PERSON For busy wholesale counted: A citrus harvesting industry is in rneed oi persons Io itii two full Must be experienced. Benefits. tim regular posillons whr. aere curtenlly open Re.umes will be received ai la: # 239-369-2267. may be mailed to: Gull Ft. Myers Automotive Harvesting, inc. PO Bo.k 3175, Immokalee, FL 34143, or you 3755 Fowler Street may inquire by leleprrie al 239-340-4737. (239)936-3917 Citrus Grove Foreman/Supervisor preferably wiln experience with middle maindame n ieriin i:ltrus riaveriaihj operatoni. Ability iW sto emecli0 vely lead and supervs otner erpi)yp', ,in n3rvesing i lAsiesi in rn cord keeping, ti ine mnanajaTienrl employee scnea- Suling, and general operjllons coordinallon Bilingual (Eng- PIANO TUNING WASHER & DRYER- both in iini/Spariisri is a plus Salary or nourly pay, commensurate **************** od condition. $100 will wnr e.perience. Depending upon Ihe level ol eperience and sell ,parai b186jt612.096' e.perLte Ihe ie position would piossioly bie offired a a Salaried Concert Experience po; lorn l, a nirn profile Cianaildli ereli include c oTipany 35 Years:. WASHER Kenmore, perfect paid hiealiri inriuraniie Ile iriur arn:e 4-1u.11 mal( i ingl cl,,l iill ( b"b$b -0b b f ]0IJ I\ s enllI_ I (863)675-2596 u dsntarl I-ur ni, pSd vSllion ndholid y :0mpan vena WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL (863)697-8881 KINDS Copper & Brass. WASHER/DRYER- washer Closed Sunday. Call first needs timer. Gas dryer, HIGH CHAIR Greco. 863-675-8760, 257-0879 works well. $50/both. Good condition $20. PENTIUM 4- Complete, key- 863-674-0610 863-673-3662 board, mouse, educational I program, $250 (863)843-0158 Higgin'stree Service SCANNER- UMAX Astra rsrexpp erin ce. F ST TA i BOYS & GIRLS CLOTHING, 65 1220S, All hardware. Extra 25years experience. Free STEEL STORAGE hONTAINER pcs, sizes 10-16. Tommy, software, Win. 98, $25. estimates. Li insured. 45'x8'x10'. You haul it. $350, Nautica, Polo, Levis, etc $85 (863)675-4970 Lv. msg. Ca863-675-3955. 772-334-1045 Located in wll sep. (863)357-0391 A/C UNIT. Commercial, Bard, ELVIS COLLECTION, Many DRAPES- Burdlne custom 4 ton A/C Package unit, Wal ALUM WINDOWS ( 36x62 Items, Rare albums, Items lined, Multi pastel colors, mount Was nstaled Never and (3LUM W OWS (8) 36x62 from Graceland, memorabilia, $50, or best offer. used. $750. (863)357-3400 Ing $200 (772)618-0607 $450 neg (863)4670627 (863)763-6216 ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR m I m 0DOORS (3), For mobile home. COLLECTION: Approx. 44 yrs. $60 for all or will separate, old. Rare Items. $500 al or ANTIQUE CHINA CABINET- DISHWASHER & WASHER (863)467-4328 bestoffer. 863-824-3358 excellent condition, asking both r wn good condition $125 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS $300 (863)467-2194 (863)675-634r both or will sell separate Buy Direct From Manufactur- Racing& Comic. late BEDS, Single steel frames & DISWSHR hilo o 0 colors in stock with all 80s eady 90s Exc. cond. $400 new mattress. $25/set. DISHWASHER, Whirlpool, Accessories, Quick turn orbestofferl! 863-763-8943 $100(863)634-0517 around! Delivery Available BR SUITE- QS, hdbd, night I .AVpWPFwpR I&ASC.A rPMC EXPERIENCED FORM CARPENTERS Payrate $14-$18 hr. (561)993-3333 NOW HIRING Sales Associate Full Time M-F 8-5 Experience Required Home & Ranch Real Estate 825 E. Cowboy Way, Suite 105 (863) 612-0000 DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LUAB <*> fMWNeRS 202 E. Sugarand Hwy. Acro om lewiton Inn) (863) 902-9494 DINING ROOM TABLE- Tile top, White wash, Peach tile w/pattern, Seats 4, $150. Firm (863)634-0387 DINING TABLE custom made w/glass top, nice cond. Cost $1150 new, sacrifice for $125. (561)633-1371. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Wall unit, Oak colored wood, Excellent condition. $150. or best offer. (863)467-2887 OFFICE SET, Matching con- temporary style desk, 5 drawer file cabinet, 2 book shelves. $750 neg. (863)674-0844 RECLINER, Lane, swivels & rocks too. Good condition. $75 (863)467-8681 SOFA- asking $50 in good condition (863)517-1974 SOFA, Contemporary fabric, matching leather chair & foot- stool, end tables & lamps. $750 neg. (863)674-0844 SOFAS (2), Matching, gray w/flowers, good condition. $150 or will separate. (863)357-1352 WATERBED- King size, w/headboard & drawers. Ex- cellent condition. $100. (863)467-2887 WICKER LOVESEAT, White, 2 chairs, Coffee table & Cherry Rolltop desk Good cond. $150 Will sep. 863 634-0812 WOOD BUNKBEDS can separate Into 2 twins. Engraved w/horses, $200 or best offer,863-634-8445 COLT 45, Argentinean 1928, all matching numbers, an- tique. $600 (863)467-1958 GUN RACK/ WALL MOUNT 22x29" holds 4 rifles, 1960's. Small drawer, $25. 863-610-1276 REVOLVER PISTOL- Colt offi- cers 22 cal. $550. Firm. Vince (863)697-2969 RIFLE MARLIN- Simmons 4-12X4 Scope, 22 mag, SS, laminated stock, in box $350 (863)763-4961 RIFLES & SHOTGUNS, 9 to choose from. $300 $400 each. (239)872-8504 TREADMILL Pro-Form GS490, $200. (863)675-2136 SILK TREE BUSHES (2) Ask- ing $50 for both will sell sep- arate (863)610-1276 Emplymen B~informtion 022 Job I~ SOUTHERN GARDENS CITRUS FOUR POSITIONS- GREAT BENEFITS SSTAFF ACCOUNTANT Responsible for preparation of income and balance sheet statements, consolidating statements, and various other accounting reports. Will review and ,verify accuracy of journal entries and accounting classifications. Assist in year end closing; annual budget preparation, etc. .Must be proficient in the use oi tlicro;sol Office products. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Familiarity with fertlizmg irrigation insecticide programs. Proven record of handling multiple tasks successfully. .Willing to work grove operations schedule- and be. a team' player. Degree in Agricultural Science preferred. UTILITY OPERATOR / MECHANIC Operator mechanicc uith 3 to 5 ,ears experience v.orking with utilirh systems including potable \arer. steam. compressed air. ammonia refrigeration, and v.aste water systems. Shift .'.irk and weekends required. ELECTRICIAN Familiar a th principles of motor control-. \TD irstallation and se up, process control circuits, read and understand electrical schematics and familiar \~ith NEC. Troubleshooting high oliage. irstallatioii ol all types f conduit, three phase .Airing. -48' \iolt Ighling. process control circuits and PLC 'ith mininial .upervision. ABOUT SOUTHERN GARDENS CITRUS Southern Gardens is the c world's largest supplier of 100 percent pure Florida nor-from- conrcentrrate orange luice to the private label industry and niaior brands. \Ve are a di\Tiion of Linited Stares Sugar Corporation. one of America's larges1rt elrsiied. prijately held agribusiness firms. The Company is headquartered on the -uutihern shore of Florida's Lake OkeeCchbee btcr.een Fort NMyers andWest Palm LiS Sugar is ar. Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diterse i c rkforce. \\cmn-n and Minorirles are encouraged to apply Email your resume to Jdooley(@ussugar.com Fax 863.902.4315 LIS Sugar ir an Equal OpportunrJU Ermployer conmilted ro a di'erc \iork!Lorce \Women and Minurimies are enc~g,urii~d to apple) I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21, 2006 I -lllliNlltic l alI DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, w/surrounding diamonds, $450 (863)675-7105 or (863)673-5023 CEILING FANS (2), Hunter. USA made w/light kit. Cost $125 each, asking $70 for both, will sep. (561)633-1371 Swag Lamps, (2), Tiffany style, cream & dark green, $100 for both. (561)629-6213 FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE METER! Am-Med Quality Diabetic Supplies. JAZZY LIKE PWR. WHLCHAIR (Pronto-54) Up to 300 Ibs. ed. size lift chair. Both good cond.$1250.863-635-3540 LIFT CHAIR- Good condition. $350. (863)801-4949 MOBILITY CHAIR- Jazzy, ex- cellent condition, $750 neg. (863)675-6630 LaBelle POWER CHAIR, Meritis, Holds up to 350 Ibs. New battery & tires. Pd. $7,598. Now $600. or best offer. (239)324-2115 WALKER- 4 wheels, basket and seal, paid $200, never used, *illi el lor $75 (863)357-3I1-; 'Miscellaneou06 5 AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid training for high paying Avia- ton Career. FAA predicts se- vere shortage. Financial aid if qualify Job placement as- sistance. CALL AIM (888)349-5387. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. 'Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Jus- lice JoD placement assis- tance. Computer provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 wwwv.orilh- nrTielewalerTech.com. DIVORCES275-S350'COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nalure required' Excludes govi. lees Call weekdays 800J462-2000, ext 600. (am-6pm) Alla Divorce LLC. EstaDisned 1977. FOG MACHINE, Perfect 1r Halloween $30 1561)62629 13 or (863)763-6220 HOT TUB- SEATS 5 As is Complete w/pumps. 5250 or bes ottter 863-302-1100 TANNING BED stand up. by Tne Tanning Hut w/2 bulbs, asking $800. 1863)634-9119 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct arnd Save' Full Body unrls Irom $22 a mornil .FREE Color Caaalog CALL TOi: A"i'' 18000184-1 I- SwwA np.elSlan.com ORGAN, Yamaha, $300 (8631675-8134 ACCORDION- 120 base but- tons, 41 treble, 18.5" long, 191bs, exc cond, $500 (863)763-7206 ELECTRIC SIGNS (2) Comm'l grade. 4'x10', 20"x8'. 500/both, will sell separate. 863-763-8872- COMPUTER DESK L shaped, w/hutch; pine color $100. (863)763-8622 FILE CABINETS-1 legal size & 1 letter size. $50. for both (863)801-4949 PesSupies BABY MINI POT BELLY PIGS $35 (863)983-7702 CHIHUAHUA- male, 2yrs old, potty trained, tan color, $400 (863)824-8749 CHIHUAHUA PUPPY Male, 12 weeks old, shots/wormed. $250 or best offer. 863-697-6618 COCKATIELS (2), with cage. $75 (863)675-0247 LaBelle CONURES (3), Mated pair & older baby w/large cage. $600 (863)675-0247 LaBelle' DOG KENNEL- 2, 10$ 10, Chain linked. $325. for both, or will separate Virnc18631697-2969 ENGLISH MASTIFF pure bred. l0mins. old i',ed male, shots/wormed. Needs room tlo run. $1130 239-425-5605 FISH TANK u;ed 55 gallon w/accessories and wooden storage stand $150. (863)610-5237 FLORIDA WHITE RABBITS. 3 bucks, 4 does. cages, waler system. feeder & more $300 neg. (239)280-6082 FREE HAMSTERS, (3) adults & (3i babies Need taming. 863-801-1302 GERBILS (5), $10 for all Call anytme 18631634-6087 GOATS- male, female and ba- by. $300 lor all (863)902-0477. - Hermit Crabs, liny to lumbo, easy keepers & perte:l pels incl. supplies 18631675-7886 MINI PINCHERS (2). 2 year old imioner & 7 mos. old pup w/shils. Greal doqs. To good nomes only (86363-1-3748 REDBONE COON HOUND Puppies 2 females, 6 males snolsiwormed, 8 .ws. Parents on premises UKC purple rib- ben bred $200.863-467-4149 SHIH TZU- male. AKC. shots. $525 1863)675-1112 TOY FOX TERRIER & Jaoa. nese Cnin boln males $450 for Dth Or iill sep ( 6.3,98:.- 37-... E qupment 0690 a1!I~ RESTAURANT BOOTHS- 110) large wooden you haul, all lor $1501863169'-6464 ICOM144MHZFM 229H, (2), one brand new, one used. $200/both. Will sell separate. 863-634-6205 JVC SP95- 2, Digital perfor- mance. Good condition. $75. (863)697-2044 SUB WOOFERS (2), 15" Ouan- tum $300 (863)b34-6476 BIG SCREEN TV, 48" with base, $1500.863-234-1067 MITSUBISHI BIG SCREEN TV- 40", beauiilul picture. $300 or besi offer (8631467-2194 TELEVISION 17" Sanyo, w/remoie. asking $75. (863)763-8622 TV, 50", $150 (863)675-8134 AIR COMPRESSOR, 2hp w/25 gallon rank $75 1239)826-5226 CIRCULAR SAW 11 amp, Black & Decker 7 1/4", good cond., $25.(863)634-1479 GENERATOR- Homelile LRX4500 waits. 8.5hp. 125/240 voll, $450 (863)610-8152 MIG WELDER, Miller w/oplion- al 25' spool gun. Weld S/S steel, steel & alum. $1600 (8631634-7423 KIRBY VACUUM like brand new, used 3X. asking $500. 863-467-8038 Need a lew more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you seH your used Items hi the casslselds. NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing 10 add to my collection Please call to sell coins & piper Tioney.2j9-693-4891 WANTED: FLORIDA ART A.E. Backus, J. Hulchinson H Newton, G. Buckner. E. Buckner. L Roberts A Hair, R A McClendon,.S Newton, BIG $$ (772)562-5567 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Quick & Scrappy Quilts It doesn't matter if you're a veteran quilter or you've only been at it for short time: odds are that you have a cherished fabric "stash." A new, 56-page guide- book, "Quick & Scrappy Quilts," features 17 fast and easy quilt designs created especially for scrappy assortments of fabric. Utilizing quick-piecing tech- niques, each design is geared to a specific family of fabrics (flannel prints, plaids and stripes, denim, etc.) and includes a materials list, step-by-step instruc- tions and full-color assembly diagrams. Quick & Scrappy Quilts guidebook (No. LA3954)... $11.95 Also available: I Can't Believe I.m Quilting guidebook (No. LA3649)... $12.95 Please add $4.00 s&h To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD craftbook.com Money Back Guarantee ROUNDBALES For bedding or mulch. (41) $250 Wll sell separately. 863-634-9111 i ^o s0840 Htorse Trcer 863-467-1304 www.okeechobee-horse-trader.com Srving ne Greater L Ake Okeecnobw Area WESTERN SADDLE, Fabtron syninetic. 14', $275 or best offer. (8631634-7318 WESTERN SADDLE, Fabiron synthetic 16', $276 or besi ofer (863)634-7318 RIDING MOWER- Cratisman. 48" cut. 18HP, runs good. $550 or best citer (863)634-4818 RIDING MOWER- MTD, 42" cut, 16 HP Bnrggs, runs good, needs rear end, $150 (863)697-2032 RIDING MOWER, Snapper. 12 HP, 30" cut. $500. (8631517-2077 Labelle WEEDWACKER, Homelite Protessional. $275 or best offer. (863)467-1958 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon 12pmr &every Tues. 11ani 763-3127 SOWS -(3) Chester Whites 3001bs., only 2 yrs. old. $300/all. will sell seperaie. 239-826-5226 S e d / l n s BIG PLANT SALE Sept. 23rd & 24th Hwy. 720 (Muse Rd.) Follow signs. All palm trees, exotics, plants of plenty. Cheap, good prices. We got what you want. Developers & landscapers welcome. ' (863)673-2931 or (954)818-7757 CITRUS TREES OF ALL VARIETIES: Call 863-675-2978/863-447-1291 Lie. #47219283 PALM TREE- 5FT Pony Tail, huge pot, very healthy, 1Oyrs old, $125 or best offer (863)763-3302 Rentals * g REN Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 DUPLEX, Full Kit., W/D, 2br, 1 ba, Renovated, Desirable neighborhood $800 mo + 1st, last & Sec. req. 239-290-1441 MUSE AREA, Efficiency for. single person, elderly pre- ferred. Tom Coker Rd. Call after 6pm (863)675-6129 ^m ^KHH^ BEAUTIFUL 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba. Manufactured Home, wheel chair accessible, 2 car garage. Near Glades West Elementary. No pets. Non Smk. Env. Good ref's & sec. dep. req'd. Rent Unfurnished $1100 mo. or Furnished $1200 mo. Margaret Barber Real Estate. (863)675-5968 BETWEEN LaBelle & Clewis- ton: 3/2/1 on 5 acres. Pets okay. $1200 mo. + sec. dep. & refs. 239-297-5864 LABELLE 2BR/2BA, scn. porch, gar., comm. pool, $750/mo. 863-446-6203 LABELLE, 4br/1.5ba, avail. Oct. 1, with pool, $1600 mo. (863)673-0081 FOR ONLY S110 WEEK get your very own room & inrone, share house Loud mu- sic, smoking & pels under 1000 IDS. okay. 239-462-6882 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. unils avail., air conlitioned & non-air, each unit alarmed. aiea lenced & well ighied, space for boats, tirdilrs. RV & trucks Manager on- sile 1025 Commerce Dr.. LaBelle. 863-675-1025 LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE - Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10 $42.80 mo inl. lax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo incl. la< O'10' $58.85 mo incl lax 820'202" $85 60 mo. ncl. tax 24 nr access $25 returnable key deposii 863-675-2392. Late Summer Discounis and Free Golf Dale E Peterson Vacations Navarre, Okaloo- sa Island. Destin Souin Wal- ton Panama City www.destinresorIs com (800)336-9669. RealEstate Business Plpces1 - Sale 1005, Commercial, ' Preperty-Sale 1010 Condos/ a Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property- Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lotse-Sal.. 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property InapeationlOB6 Real Estate Wapted 1065 Resort Property -. Sale. 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 LaBelle 3/3 Down Town Near Courthouse Lg. rooms. Top Area $209K or Annual Lease $1800 mo. 863-675-1107 Nice 2.5 acre lot, in Pioneer on Tampa Ave., $106,000. (817)729-9023 Sdelgado42000@yahoo.com PALM HARBOR Factory Liqui- dation Sale. 2006 Models Must Go! Modular, Mobile & Stilt Homes. 0% DOWN When You Own Your Own SLa3ndi Call our Factory for FREE Color Brochure. (800)622-2832. PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. ,i Near School. Price to sell. $184K, or Annual Lease $1800. Owner 863-673-5071 I mo inf or ato LOCAL OKEE. RESIDENT Wanting to purch. yrly. Hunt- ing Lease. Willing to work land & maint. Willing to pay $2000.-$4000. per season. Call Roy 863-467-8487 MIDDLE GEORGIA Deer, turkey, wild boar, fish- ing. Prices start at $200K. 888-486-8386 NEW HOMES in OCALA, FL Pre-Construction Pricing, Zero Down for Investors, Re- altor Inquiries Welcome. Call Kinder Homes at (352)622-2460 or www.ln- vestinOcalaFL.com. CLEWISTON: 1.93 Acres on Midway Acre 250 Taft Blvd. w/ All improvements. 509' Front- age. $124,900. 561-993-5886 MONTURA RANCH ESTATE 1.25 ac. on paved main road. 412 Bald Cypress Ave. $49,900 neg. (561)993-5886 I LOOK !! S LAKE ROSALIE 5 miles easi ol Lake Wales ot Hwy. 60. Lake- view lots, tree covered, no M/H's. 50/200' $25K. 100'x200' 60K 200'. 87' $110K1 Free Communiry Boat Launch & Manna. 863-696-4038 or cell: 863-944-2460 or e-mail kinaoneartsl 3,'aol.com PORT LABELLE Nice lot. close to schools 9008 LamKin Court Ready to build. $43K. 239-641-3766 How do you ind a Job In today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section oa the clas- Iaa ASHEVILLE, NC AREA Breain- taking mountain view & river parcels. I to 8 acres Irom the $80's Naluie trails, cus- tom lodge, river walk & much more. 5 min rom town. 1866)340-8446 BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC Homes, Cabins. Acreage & INVESTMENTS. CHERO- KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC REAL ESTATE. cherokee- mountainrealty corn Call tor Iree brochure (8001841-5868. GEORGIA/ NORTH CAROLIJNA Captivadning mounlain views. lakes, rivers, waterfalls Homesites starting @ 39,900 Log home kits @ 39,900. Limited availability Call (8881389-3504 X 700. Gulf front lots $595k Homes starting mid $300K New master planned ocean front community on beautIful Mustang Island, near Corpus Chrlsti, TX. www.clnnamon- shore.com. 1866)891-5163. New, Pre- Construction Golf Community- Coastal Geor- gia Large lots w/deepwater, marsn, goll, nature views. Gated. Goll, Fitness Center, Tennis, Trails. Oak Park, Docks. $70k's $300k (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspoint.com. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. NORTH CAROLINA MOUN- TAINS- Gated community with spectacular views, pub- lic waterincluding fire hy- drants, DSL accessibility, paved roads, nearby lakes; preselling phase IV $35,000+ (800)463-9980 www.theridgeatsouthmoun- tain.com. SAVANNAH AREA DESIRABLE RICHMOND HILL LAKE COMMUNITY 1 TO 3 ACRE LOTS from $79,900 Gated entrance, great schools. Lakefront and Marshfront available. Premium amenities package. Excellent financing. RE- CONSTRUCTION SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH CALL FOR MORE IN- FOI (888)525-3725 X1796. VA MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN unfinished inside, view, trees, private, large creek and river nearby, $139,500 owner (866)789-8535 VA94.com. Waterfront Wilmington, NC Historic Port City Coastal De- velopment The Bluffs on the Cape Fear. Fastest Growing County in NC. Grand Open- ing Fall 2006. Direct Ocean Access. Reconstruction in- centives to call now. www.thebluffsnc.com 866)725-8337 Cape Fear Bluffs, LLC Broker. Western New Mexico 62 acres $110,990 Trees, mtn views, wildlife, close to BLM. Horseback riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect for vacation, investment, retirement. Elec- tricity. 100% financing. Larg- er acreage available. (866)365-2825. With Tennessee's Beautiful Lakes & Mountains, you are sure to find the perfect spot to call home. Call Nancy Gaines, Gables & Gates 865)388-7703, (865)777-9191 www.nancy- gaines.com Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people Mobile Home -Lpts 005 Mobile Hoie- Parts 2010 Mobile ,omes- Rent 2015 Moble Homes Sale 2)20 TWO OR 3 BEDROOM $800-$900 Dep. $115-$125 weekly Lazy T Rancn No dogs. 863-675-1614 ,Mobl Hom Sal 2 0 IN MUSE, Two 5 AC TRACTS 1 W/SWMH. Fenced $255k 1 Fenced. only $195k Zoned R/AG (863)673-9200 Land/Home Packages. Ready to move in Low Down Pay- ment, Low Moninly Pay- ments. ': acre lots in new subdivision Call (863)675-8888 Rent to Own! New Doubiewide Homes ready to move in $5,000 down $1,450 monthly. Call Kenny (863)675-8888 Replace your old Mobile Home with no money down it you own your own land. All homes on sale Call (863(675-8888 WHISPER CREEK- 55+, fully lurn, '84 34" Prowler wi10O20 carpeted Fla Room, side by side Refrio., W.'D. spiil banh."newly pamnt'ei alum awnings, covered-side porch and Dack patio, I Shed, asking $21,500 (863)675-6627 WHISPER CREEK, Lot 218. 1986 Franklin 33f1, new bed. washer, furnace, carpet & roof $15,000(863)885-1053 Recreation ~~eTI AIRBOAT -13' "BIG 0" '99 220 groundpower mtr, grass rake, cage, new wood prop. W/Trr. $6500.772-263-2269 Bass Tracker ProTeam 190TX Spec. Ed., '06, all welded costt, 90hp Merc. Optimax, $16,200. (863)763-6854 BAYRUNNER '92, 100hp Mer- cury. $2000 (863)697-9806 BOAT w/trailer, 1977, 14', w/18 hp Evinrude motor, $600/best offer. (772)597-0650 BOAT-17.6 ft, center console, 115 Mariner, T-top, Trailer, $2500 (863)902-0477 LOWE PONTOON 24' xtra Ig. pontoons, new deck, carpet & seats. Full end. w/bath, new trlr., 90hp Honda 4 stroke. $7200. 863-763-2634 Bob SWEETWATER, '91, 20' tripon pontoon, '99 75hp Suzuki eng., good cond., new seats no trir., can deliver, $3000 or best offer. (863)467-8161 ARGOSY AIRSTREAM, '76, Limited Edition pull camper, exc. cond., $7500 or best offer. (863)467-9234 REFRIGERATOR, 6 cu. ft. for RV, gas & electric, new with warranty. $750 (239)297-4006 YAMAHA WAVE RUNNER, '93, w/trailer, cover, garage kept, needs tuneup & battery, $900. (863)824-3354 FISHING OUT RIGGERS- alu- minum, asking $100 (863)675-7391 POLYMER 6'X12'X1/4" SHEET $270. 863-467-6960 RACING PISTONS, Suzuki 600 GSXR J&E racing pistons & rings, $700 new, asking $400 (863)763-6220 m Agriculture CRAB TRAPS (2), $15 for both (863)763-0625 KNEEBOARD- Hydroslide ____T_0 Revolution, $50 (863)675-2136 POOL TABLE LIGHT- Round Florence. $100. (863)697-2022 POOL TABLE- with balls, good condition, $500 (863)634-3923 WATER SKIS 67", O'Brien Celebrity, $75. (863)675-2136. Buying a car? Look hIthe classifleds. saein a car? Look hi the ciassi- fIinds LABELLE, 2 BR Furnished Home. In town $850 mo. Some utilities included Call (863)517-1000. PORT LABELLE, 2br/lba, avail Oct. 1, $900 mo. (863)673-0081 PORT LABELLE, 2br/2ba, 1 car garage, $950 mo. (863)673-0081 Port LaBelle: 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba. Brand new...never lived in! 2 car gar. Energy officiate home 2 acre in cul-de-sac w/in 1 mile of schools. Close to main rd. ADT Alarm Sys. $1350 mo. 1+ sec. & ref's. (954)295-4089/943-2986 PORT LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, new, 1 mile from the high school; $1400 mo. + $1,000 sec. dep. For more details call (863)673-0846 Port LaBelle, Brand New, 3br, 2ba & 2 car gar. 1/4 ac. Quite area. $1400. mo. + sec. & st mo. (5611294-8060 CALOOSA MOBILE HOMES 2/2 acres on Case Road with New 2006 4 Bdrm 3 Bath, 2,255 sq. ft; energy saver w/ 2"x6" sidewalls, beautiful inside & out w/lots of special touches. Fenced and landscaped, $229,900. Call 863-675-4300 or please leave message. Crescent Acres- New 2006 14'x72', Home & Land 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath $59,900., 4 Bdrm, 2Bath, $89,900. Owner financing with 20% down. Call 863-675-4300 or please leave message. Automobies 4006 Autos Wnted 4010 Classic Cars, 4015 Commercial Truo k 4020 ,Constructio .4 Eqi pmeot.- 4025 Fo rign Car. ,-4030 F'ouwWheel Drive .4035 Heavy Duty ks4040 Parts i Repars 404 Pickup l icks 4050 port Utity "'405S Traotor Trai r ., '4080 Utility railpr. --4065 V"w: 4070: AIutomo-ils 00 CAMARO Z28 '80- all onginal 350 auto, great restoration prolecl. motivated seller. $2500(863)634-6601 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 1988 Looks good Runs great Cold A/C. 4 Door & 4 New tires $1000 (8631675-1754 Ford Mustang, '94. sporty. linled windows. stereo, a/c, last car. great on gas. slick. $2500 (863)983-7211 FORD MUSTANG COUPE 87 4 cyl auto, 10 Hole mags. new Cooper Cobra lires. 30mpg. $1995 863-697-2882 FORD TAURUS '03 SES, load- ,e. exceptionally clean. 25k original. 19000 blue booK, asking $8500 (8631673-0829 FORD T-BIRD *94& Mercury' Cougar '88. eNcellent body, bad motors, have motors $600 neg. 561)676-0427 HONDA CIVIC'89 4 cyl AC, CD, 4 dr. blue. manual. $900 Iv. msg. 863-763-7507 LINCOLN MARK VII '92, 5.0, V8, auto., low miles. $2000 (863)675-7105 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS- '96, Good gas mileage, Ex- cellent condition $3000. (863)467-3070 or 610-8691 MERCURY SABLE 1996, front end wrecked, brand new trans., 60K, $1000/neg. (863)634-4579. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SE '98, Dark green, a/c, all pow- er, leather interior, immacu- late. $3990 (863)467-6110 TOYOTA COROLLA'99 LE 5 spd, loaded, very clean, 38mpg, runs perfect. $3950. 863-675-4858 WE BUY JUNK CARS 863)675-1940 800)997-5858 GAS CLUB CAR'95 Reconditioned. $1695. 863-675-1472 GOLF CART 4 wheel, w/bat- tery charger, runs & looks great. $1000/neg. (863)763-7666 Yamaha '05, $3500 (863)763-7815 CHEVY WAGON '82 Good motor for parts. $150 or best offer. 863-467-9046 DODGE RUNNING GEAR, 1 ton, Dana 60-70, 456 gears. $1300 (561)719-9391 after 6pm FORD MOTOR '98 5.4 L, good running condition, complete w/wiring harness. $900.863-634-5289 HEAVY DUTY SPISER TRANS. 5 spd., standard, for big trucks. Reconditioned. $850. 863-673-5852 HONDA MCGX240 8.0 Go Kart motor. Like new cond., only 5 hrs. $200. 863-634-6205 MOTOR & TRANSMISSION, For '99 Lexus. $600 (561)719-9391 after6pm PARTS FOR '77 OR 79 POST- AL JEEP- front grill, radiator, both for $75 (863)946-1189 SATURN 2004 RADIO/CD factory. $100.863-467-8038 SPARE TIRE HOLDER, For pickup bed, brand new. $15 (863)763-0625 TIRES (2) 33/1250/15 $100. 863-517-2077 TIRES/RIMS- Set of four, for truck 35" GM, 8 lug, BF Goo- drich 35/12/50, Helo rims. Gd.Cond.$600. 239-425-5605 WHEELS, 16" Factory 2006 Mustang, brand new BF Goodrich Radial tires, will in- stall. $800 (863)697-0467 SUZUKI GS550L, '79, black, exc. cond., $1800 or best offer. (863)634-2280 RED FOUR WHEELER '06- 1 O/standard, ridden twice, $800 (863)673-2889 SWAMP BUGGY- Custom built, runs good, elec start, hi-low range, call for details $1500 (863)697-2032 VW SANDRAIL- 1600cc, 2 sweater, In great shape. $2500. or trade for a 4 Wheeler (954)520-6707 Automobiles CHEVY CONVERSION VAN- '85, New tires, Runs good, A/C, Frig $1100. (863)697-1493 CHEVY VAN '00, Express Car- go, excellent condition. $5500 (863)357-0037 email looskincaol.com DODGE CUSTOM '85 Runs good. $700. 239-462-7722 DODGE UTILITY VAN '95- 54K, 1 owner, good condi- ton, $1500 (863)983-4743 FORD CLUB WAGON'98 good cond., runs good. 3200 Firm. 863-697-6473 Ford Hightop Van, '89, V8, full power, seats 8, TV, CB radio $2000. LaBelle Area. (863)675-4970 Leave msg. FORD WINDSTAR'94 new tires, alarm, keyless entry, needs crank kit. $600 or best offer. 863-634-4306 PLYM. GRAND VOYAGER'96 auto, a/c, 4 cyl. eng., 27mpg, Looks/Runs great. No rust! $2500. Neg. 863-763-3190 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER- '95, Good work van. $1000. (863)467-3070 or 610-8691 Public Notices ITlllI AAll ga aggIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Hendry County Construction icens- ing Board will hold a regularly sched- uled meeting on September 28, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. to conduct routine busi- ness. The meeting will be held at the Dallas Townsend Agricultural Bldg., 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle. 162309 CB/CGS 9/21/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP knives Notice of Foreclosure of iUen and intent to sell these vehicles on 10/02/2006, 10:00 am at 49 N Indus- trial Loop, Labelle, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the lorida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 12122361970 American LaFrance 1FTCR10A2RUD96889 1994 Ford 162450 CB 9/21/06 Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sel your used Items in the classfelds. lmn-~l U K-4.. rn r D.hihifia nfr a PikpT Request for Proposals Nutrition and Supportive Service Programs The Area Agency on Aging for SW FL, seeks proposals for supportive services for seniors in Glades and Hendry counties and for nutrition programs in Collier, Glades and Hendry counties. The contract is for a one year period, beginning January 1, 2007. Services may be provided directly or subcontracted. Federal Older Americans Act Funds are available to coordinate / provide these services in the three counties. The RFP and instructions for submittal may be obtained as of 9/27 from the Agency by calling visiting: 2285 First Street, Ft. Myers, FL 33901. Phone: (239) 332-4233, Far (239) 332-3596 or Email: romramOaaaswIl org Name, agency, address and phone number must be included in yourrequest A Bidders Conference will be held on October 10, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. at the above address. Deadline for submittal of one (1) original and two (2) sealed proposal copies will be 5:00 PM, October 31, 2006. Questions concerning this request may be addressed to Catherine McGinnis, Program Manager at above address. AAASWFL Leigh Wade-Schield, Exec Dir 162295 CGS/CB/B 9/21/06 ,I I - IPI~bile Notice buub I Mobile Homerr CARGO TRUCK,'88, GMC, 24" fiberglass box, A/C, Runs, Good condition. $2500. (561)902-7715 CHEVY '86, 1/2 ton, 2wd, a/c. $2000 (863)697-9806 CHEVY- '90's model, 4x4, Runs. $800. or best otter. (8631697-0398 CHEVY BLAZER'95, fully load- ed. tinted windows. beautiful. cd stereo, a/c, great on gas. $5400 neg. (863)983-7211 CHEVY S10 '97, Needs motor or will sell for parts. $300. or best offer. (863)763-8201 DANA 70 FRONT & REAR RUNNING GEAR- 4.88 gears. $1100 (863)824-0505 (561)719-3641 DODGE, '78, 1 ion, 4 wheel drive, needs minor work. runs good, $1500 or best ot- ler. (8631634-4221 DODGE DAKOTA '94 New motor, cold a/c, new tires & brakes Runs good. $2500. 863-634-1254 in Okee DODGE PICKUP 1991, Cum- mings diesel, eng., trans,& rear end good. $800/neg. 1863)634-4579. FORD RANGER XL- '95, cold A/C. 136K. $1000. Or best offer. (863)357-3400 GMC -1985; show potential, strong engine, sound body & nice interior, bedliner, $2500 (863)893-5789 TOYOTA PICKUP'82 5 spd., 30+mpg. does not smoke, 1 owner 18 yrs. 2 spares $675.863-697-2882 JEEP 4X4'91-Needs rear end work. $200 or best offiler. (863)467-9046 CARGO TRAILER '07 6y12, tandem axe, brand new. $2500 863-634-3328 DUMP TRAILER, $2500. 1239)633-7173 FLATBED- for a 1 ion ruck. 8 < 11 asking $500 (561)996-9264 "HOMEMADE HEAVYDUTY TRAILER, Bed 11 1/2' x 5 1,'2'w. pull out ramps $530 1863)635-0079 OPEN TRAILER -'07 6x12. Tandem axle. 3' sides, brand new. $1500. 863-634-3328 TWO TRAILERS 1 enclosed. 1 7x16 flatbed. Heavy duty, tandem axle. $1000/both Will sell separately. 863-675-8760 CLHV CSL 18 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 21,2006 Miller Hofer named Wedding volunteer of year Florida Agriculture in the Class- room, Inc. honored its Outstanding Volunteers of the Year for 2006 at its annual State Teacher and Volun- teer Workshop recently for their dedication to educating Florida stu- dents about the importance of agri- culture. Kelli Miller Hofer, a member of the Marion County Farm Bureau and former LaBelle resident, received Florida Ag in the Class- room's Outstanding Volunteers of the Year Award for 2006. Ms. Hofer graduated from LaBelle High School in 1995 and from Florida State University with a degree in education. The High School/Col- lege Coordinator for Central Flori- da Community College in Ocala, she is the daughter of Robert and Phyllis Miller of LaBelle. "These volunteers are bringing agriculture to people who might not have much experience with it. They strive to promote awareness and to show the importance of agriculture in everyday life," said Heather Nedley, chairman of Flori- da Ag in the Classroom and execu- tive director of Polk County Farm Bureau. Ms. Hofer has served as chair- man of Marion County Farm Bureau's Ag in the Classroom Committee for three years. She organizes Ag in the Classroom's Ag Literacy Day readings in Marion County in March, and oversees the movement of the Ag Learning Barn from school to school. In addition. she makes sure Ag in the Class- room activities receive attention in the local news, and promotes sales of Ag in the Classroom's source of funding, the Ag Tag, in local Farm Bureau offices, among other loca- Kelli Miller norer tions. The volunteers were hon- ored at Florida Ag in the Class- room's "Discover Florida Agricul- ture: Education's Greatest Treasure" June 15 at the Hallt Regency Tampa. ' Florida Ag in the Classroom can offer these awards thanks to the funding it receives from the agricul- ture specialty tag or the Ag Tag Florida Ag in the Classroom selects Volunteer and Volunteer Program of the Year Award winners annual- ly. It is a Gainesxille-based, non- profit organization charged with educating Florida students and teachers about the importance of Florida agriculture by providing curricula, materials and programs with agricultural applications. Bill and Carol Lare. University of Florida.IFAS master gardeners in Hernando County, were also rec- ognized for their contributions to the program. oUUIIIllltU LU lilt adlUUo d Dot'IelLIII.ua iviUcy Girl Scout fun Members of Girl Scout Troop 566 enjoy a "cool" time this summer tubing down the Ichetucknee River. Pictured- from left: Alyssa Paterson, Clara Braudway, Jessica Smith, Tori Clay, Chandler Bridwell, Brennah McVey. Chad Gnagey and Melanie Rogers Chad Gnagey and Melanie Rogers would like to announce their forthcoming marriage. The wedding will take place Saturday, September 30, 2006, at the Veran- dah Country Club in Ft. Myers. Melanie is the daughter of Tom and Susan Lernley of St Augus- line. Her grandparents are Jim and Anita Shade also of St. Augus- tine. Chad is the son of Terry and Get a deal on your color yearbook The LaBelle High School year- books will be all color this yeai' Make sure to save the most amount of money and pre-order your book Monday. September 25. This all color book is worth $80 when it arrives, but you can pre-order the book for $50 on Monday. \ou still save $20 Tuesday through Fridal. Books will be on sale for $60 the rest of the week. You can purchase a yearbook during school from one of the fol- lowing LHS students: Ananna Rodri- grez, Rachael Boy. Jessica Bechtel, Christina Smith, Callie Burley, Darcee \Voodford, Kaylynn Doll. Mallory Allen, Barbara Brogdon, Tony Dominguez, Danieile Robinson, Irene Garza and Stephanie Vargas. You will also be able to purchase a yearbook at the home football game on Friday, September 29. The yearbook staffTvill ha\ e a table set up at the game for quick and easy pur- chasing Don't miss out on this very spe- cial and colorful yearbook! Buy our 2007 yearbook from September 25 29. Please contact Nanlyn Akin if you have any questions at. (863) 674- 4120. aHOMAE Ofp roe $((OlI bl .'. r r -. -. by fil,, ng in the space above! Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! !1 ,. ,.-,- .,, -. :.. ..:', '_% > ?, ....-.- ..' .:.; ,r _:.-.;.. ..' "..... 7- -". 'fl"."',-' L f -., '-% f. '--- t :1- .... by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuabes if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! for a!s No fee, no 4 lines for 2 weeks Price must be included in ad Private parties only :,2 items per house- ,loWd per issue i',Deadline 11i * 1 used item or grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. a.m. Monday Scratch, no problem Oe WCOOSAF BEiLLEe Delvering W.estem Hendry County's News Since 1922 (Sheila) Gnagey of Alva and Deb- bie and (Kenny) Tillman of LaBelle. His maternal grandpar- ents are Roy and Maggie Miners and Jean Miners of LaBelle. His: paternal grandparents are Bar- bara Gnagey and the late John Gnagey of Ft. Myers. Chad is a firefighter with the Tice Fire Department. Melanie is a dental hygienist, but is currently not working. After the wedding the couple will reside in Buckingham. .FHomiaeSFieet HoRnes Ldoan S a lIoan " .i .m...... i..U S D A.. ,- ..,- -.:.- ..L..n. Equal Housing Lender 300 East Sugorland Highway (863) 983-8191 101 S. Berner Road, Clewiston (863) 983-3003 301 Highway 80 West, LaBelle (863) 675-4242 1175 Palm Beach Blvd. Ft. Myers (239) 437.8191 Moore Haven (863) 946-1515 Member FDIC Florida Power & Light Company is proposing to build a state-of-the-art, advanced rcchnlIogy cal power generating plant in Glades County. The plant will be acconmpanitd by a nev.- eflcrric substation in Hcndry County and transmission lines to connect to the states energy grid. c arc making these investments as part of our commitment to meet the growing demand fur electricity and to maintain l o s saut and reliable service for the future. GLADS 1 3 ;.' ' This project \sill have a major positiveMOORE HAEN economic impact on both Glades and Hendry counties,, as itt generAtes - .-, | CLE WISTON millions of dollars in new property taxes and creates hundreds of new ' job opportunities. The plant and MInG l,,,.,,,.., ... transmission facilities will b: designed, STRAMsiasSOINE constructed and operated with a focus on i environmI.ntal protection. - At FPL, we consider meeting and / communicating with our future HENDRY neighbors in Glades and Hendry COUNTY counties an essential part of our process. We want to hear about your interests and priorities and promise to share infor- mation and maintain an open dialogue "j as j - We would like to invite you to attend ... one of our Open Houses on Monday, FPL GLADES POWER PARK-ASSOCIATED TRANSMISSION October 2, in Moore Haven; Tuesday, LINES ALTERNATE ROUTES UNDER CONSIDERATION October 3, in Clewiston; and Thursday, October 5, in LaBelle. Drop by any time during the open house to view maps, displays and exhibits, as well as talk to FPL team members, who will be available to answer your questions. Each Open House begins at 4pm and ends at 8pm. Refreshments will be served. The exact location of each Open House is: 4 pm- 8 pm Doyle Conner Building 900 S. (.S. Highway 27 Moore Haven 4 pm 8 pm John Boy Auditorium 1300 SW Owens Ave. Clewiston If you are unable to attend but would like to learn more: * Visit: www.FPL.com/gladespower * Call: 1-888-256-2206 Or contact: Grover_Whidden@fpl.com or Rachel_Scott@fpl.com. POW 4 pm 8 pm LaBelle Civic Cecntcr L.catcd ehiind Cin Hall 481 Highway 80 W LaBelle FPL IERING TODAY. EMPOWERING TOMORROW. '" Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mai: classad@newszap.com I Save money on your favorite grocery items. A I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I '.e-y-s -y.-s -s -y-s ,-y-s -s-y i ' InuwSZap.CMI Community Links. Individual Voices. L-- -- ------------------------- ----- Boa4Anogel FREE 2-NIGHT VACATION! Donate Car Boat RV. Motorcycle 1-800-227-2643 www.boatangel.com Nationwide and international opportunities Be your own boss and make thousands of'dollars \ithoul a license or experience. 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