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Hope Connections ., Page 6 DLOOie W Delivering Western Hendry Cowboys 7*-H[~CA R-RT L0-rB-010 J5 SMA UF LIBRARY OF FLORIDA HI F', EALX 1700*7 GAINESVILLE FL 32611-7007 County's News Since 1922 City backs up on millage plan At A Glance Kids Day September23 The Annual Kiwanis Kids Day will.be Saturday, Septem- ber 23, at Barron Park from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The day focuses on all children up to teenagers with lots of games, fun and food. All activities are free. Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks at a very minimum cost. There will be puppet sho \s and a bounce.house. The fire departmn-nl and health depart- ment are also participating \with valuable information for both children and parents. There will be several dra\\ings this year plus the grand prize being a bicycle. Everyone come join the fun! This is just another \va\ Kiwanis shares' its goals with the community Kiwanis is a global organization of volun- teers dedicated to changing the \orld one child and one com- munirt at a time. Chamber plans events The Greater LaBelle Chan-. ber of Co'-mmerce invites you to its annual banquet Monday, (.Alc:ber I at the civic center. Social hour begins at 6 p.m. (no cl d 'u. l., dinner at 6.30. TiILkits are $20 each; table sponsors are $250 includes eight tickets and your business name in the bulletin The menu includes chicken and dumplings, roast pork, black eyed peas, sweet potatoes and corn bread. Get your ticket by September 30. In the meantime, be sure to send your nominating letter for the 2006 Citizen of the Year. Also, remember to send in your ballot for new board members by September 30. The first monthly chamber luncheon will be Wednesday,, Sept. 20, beginning at 11:30 a.m. at Don's Steak House. Speaker will be the Education of Southwest Florida's Sonny Hughes. There will be three luncheon special to choose from. 'Tickets are 1$10 in advance (no refunds). Get your ticket by Sept. 15. Donate blood Sept.14 The community blood drive will be Thursday, Sept. 14, from noon till 7 p.m. at American Legion Post 130. You must weigh at least 110 pounds to donate. All potential donors must present a photo ID, even if you have donated blood before. Buckmaster banquet planned One Shot Chapter will host its Buckmaster Banquet Sept. 15. The Danny Woosley Schol- arship will go to Andrew Taylor and Ramon Marroquin Jr. Each will receive $500 toward col- lege. For tickets or scholarship donation information, please contact Kim Perkins at 673- 0418, Ricky Bass at 673-1940 and/or Kenny Cochran at 673- 4116. Index Classifieds .......14-16 Editorial ..............4 Speak Out .......... .4 Social News .......... 5 Sports ............. .7 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. Fnewszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. I I6 I 1 11III0 8 1 6510 00019 By Patty Brant Residents of City of LaBelle are angry, as they look at increased property taxes for 2006-07. After hearing from a number of concerned residents Sept. 7, city commissioners decreased their proposed tax increase from 5 mills to 3.5,mills. However, many residents will still have to pay more taxes, since the taxable value on their home has increased The final decision will be made by the commission Sept. 21. The meet- ing begins at 5:30 p.m. at city hall. On Tuesday evening, the county commission was expect- ed to set its proposed millage at 8.5 mills, down from the current 8.75 mills. The county's final millage will be set Tuesday, Sept. 26. The meeting will be at the Dallas Towrnsend Ag building and begins at 5:30 p.m. For the City of LaBelle, the 2005-06 actual property tax levy was $530,624. If the village rate increases to 3 5. the 2006-07 pro- 3 mills. The Cityof LaBelle mill- posed levN will be $897,813. age has remained at 3 mills for One of the issues people about 20 years. could not understand Sept. 7 According to the city's budg- w\as \\hv the city was consider- et summer\, the city's proposed ing an increase in millage \vhen expenditures are expected to be $3,270,000 remains unspent in 8.9 percent more than for 2005- its coffers from this year. 06. SThe original proposed 5 mill Special district assessments city tax \\ would ha\e brought in remain the same except for fire $1,282,590'' However, questions protection, \which is proposed to from residents at the budget increase by 41 percent to $71.1.50 hearing resulted in the'commis- per single family unit, duplexes sioners' decision to seek just a and townhouses, improved half-mill increase to the current mobile home RV lots; $12.69 LMS: Bursts into football competition 'Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Here they are fresh from their first victory the per vacant residence, vacant commercial'industrial and vacant mobile home.'RV lots; $.0578 for improved commer- cial/industrial (minimum $100); and $.1410 per acre of vacant acreage (minimum $6.50). . Single family. units will pay $75 for recreation; $55.1250 for police protection, street lighting is 37 cents per foot of front footage. SDetails of the city's proposed budget can be found in an advertisement on Page 6. Glades to get power park This week Glades County commissioners gave their stamp of approval for construction of a Florida Power and Light plant to be built there. The announce. ment of FPLs plans was made by Glades County Community Development Director Larry Hilton. In addition, a substation is being planned for Hendrv County. The advanced technolo- gy coal power plant is intended to meet growth in electricity demand and to address the need to diversify fuel sources. According to information from FPL, the power plant, con- sisting, of twin 980-megawatt units, would be clean, efficient, reliable, and cost-effective FPL plans to have one 980-MW unit in service in mid-2012 and the second unit on-line in mid-2013. ' Together the\ wNill provide power to more than 650,000 homes. Proposed Site: A 5A,0(.i) thousand-acre par- cel located approximately live miles northwest of Moore Haven. Transmission facilities, including lines connecting the electrical output from the plant to an approximately 100-acre substation to be located in northern Hendrv County and to the statewide electric grid in southern Hendrv County. Plant Design: Twin advanced technology generation units, each capable of producing 980-megawalts of eleclricitv. Advanced technology gen- eration results in higher efficien- cy and fewer emissions than tra- SeePlan- Page 2 New Assistant Principal at LHS Chris Garcia carries the ball After the game, Coach Gary White explains to his team the into the endzone. need to "focus." Broncos prance to victory over ECS By Kevin Lutkenhaus The LaBelle Middle School Bronco football team won the first game in school history with a 22-8 win against the Sentinels of Fort Myers. The game, played in LaBelle, saw Jose Ortiz score the first touchdown in LMS his- tory, in the first half, before the torrential rains set in. Coach Gary White and his staff were pleased with the outcome of the game, as the Broncos prevented the Sentinels from attaining any first downs the entire second half. This is the type of defense that the team is looking to play each week. Eighth grader Chris Garcia, simply "played all over the field," as Coach White put it, as he scored two touchdowns and was involved in many tackles; The staff was also impressed with the fans and the enthusi- asm shown at the game. The team travels to Clewis- ton on Thursday afternoon, September 14, to play the CMS team. By Kristin Hunter Jane Hatfield is the new Assistant Principal at LHS. She was born in Connecticut but has been in Florida since the age of six. She grew up in Winter Haven but then moved to Clew\iston in her early twenties. She received her bache- lor's degree in English first from the University of South ,Florida and then went on to get her Masters in English and Education. She then went on to get her Masters in Leader- ship from FGCU. She started her teaching career in the classroom, teaching English for a total of 17 years. She started out Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Jane Hatfield, LHS Assis- tant Principal, teaching English at Clewiston High School for 13 years. After downsizing occurred she went on to teach English at the Seminole Indian Reserva- See Principal Page 2 LaBelle resident GAL of the Year By Patty Brant You might think that nine years of trying to shield a child from being "run over" by adult problems would be enough for one woman. But Donna Baines can't stop there. Sometimes the legal system, which was set up for adults, can present problems of its own. That's one reason why Donna is the 20th Circuit's Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Volunteer of the Year. She has taken on some very complex cases and is willing to "fight the hard fight." For Donna and probably most GALs, it's all about the kids. "I get to work with some great kids," she said, "and I haven't met anyone in the program I don't like and respect." Donna's been in the program since 1997, when she responded to an ad for the program. "I thought it was made for me," she recalls. She and her husband, Ron, came to Florida from Mass- achusetts, where they each had varied careers. As a landlord, Donna became involved in help- ing to take a child out of a bad home situation. She said hearing about the Guardian Ad Litem program made her think, "Maybe I could save another child." Trying to rectify the damage done in situations that shape many children's lives drugs, violence, neglect is emotional. After all, Donna points out, "this didn't exist in my world" that is, until she became a landlord. That was an eye-opening experience for her seeing how little many parents know about raising chil- dren; how selfish and unthinking they can be; and how their actions affect their children. Being able to provide some measure of reassurance and sta- bility to a child in crisis is the reward for Donna and the other GALs. Guardians Ad Litem are assigned to look out for the wel- fare of a child or family of chil- dren whose parents are involved in a court case. It is up to the GAL to get to know the child and learn their views, if possible. Donna says some kids want to talk about their problems, but others take some gentle coaxing. As the mother of one daughter 'and five step-children, Donna thinks she probably has an instinctive "sense of kids" that helps her open the child to accepting her help. From there she establishes a relationship with the kids. Like many GALs, Donna has no background in child psychol- ogy, social work or anything of the kind. "Mostly it's just com- mon sense," she said, "and a willingness to do the job." Being a GAL is actually more of a moral and emotional com- mitment than anything else. Donna said she spends about five or six hours a month on each case. The GAL visits the child's teacher, neighbors, relatives - See Guardian Page 2 Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Donna Baines received the award August 27 at the GAL recognition dinner August 27 in Tamipa where she also attended a seminar on the Effects of Domestic Violence on Children. 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14,2006 Plant Continued From Page 1 ditional coal plants. State-of-the-art pollution con- trol technologies will further reduce emissions and protect air quality. Water Source: A combination of excess stormwater and non-potable water from the upper Floridan aquifer. No adverse impact on exist- ing water users. Fuel Supply: Low-sulfur Central Appalachi- an coal, low-sulfur foreign coal and Principal Continued From Page 1 tion for a year. From there she was offered a job and went back to Clewiston where she taught English at Clewiston Middle School for a year. From there she went to Naples for two years. She started as the new Assis- tant Principal at LHS on August 28. She said, "It is nice being back in this area where everybody is very friendly, patient and wel- coming." She said that she really likes the people that she works with. "Mr. Gilbertson, Mr. Pickles and I have good teamwork." petroleum coke (a byproduct of the oil refining process). Fuel would arrive at the site through a combination of ship- ping, port facilities and multiple rail lines. Up to 60 days' worth of fuel can be stored on site, protecting against supply disruptions. Economic Benefits: *Average of 1,600 construction jobs annually over five-year con- struction period. 180 full-time jobs to support operation of the plant. More than 150 additional indi- rect support jobs in the community. Projected total investment of approximately $2 billion to $3 bil- lion. Her main focuses at LHS are discipline, attendance and cur- riculum. However, one of her main goals is to get better parent involvement. Parents are a cru- cial part of making these things work effectively. If parents are involved in these things at home, she feels it will make their jobs at educators easier. The high school.has a new automated system for tardies to first period thanks to teachers Mr. Bell and Mrs. Blake who implemented the system. "The system is working great so far. Soon, I hope to be able to reward kids for perfect atten- dance," said Mrs. Hatfield. For discipline, the administration Annual tax benefits averaging $21 million in Glades County and several million per year in Hendry County. Environmental Protections: State-of-the-Art Environmen- tal Emission Controls: Low NOx burners, overfire air technology reduces nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.. Wet flue gas desulfurization (scrubber) to remove sulfur diox- ide. Fabric filters (baghouses) or dry electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) to remove particulates. Wet electrostatic precipitator (wet ESPs) to remove fine particu- lates. has implemented a Student Behavior Plan. It is used as an intervention tool to try and get a student to take responsibility for their behavior and change it for the better. "As far as curriculum is con- cerned, I would definitely like to see FCAT scores increase. We're also working on getting more school spirit. The Jr. Class offi- cers have good ideas on how to do that. We would ideally like for everybody to want to come to school," said Mrs. Hatfield. She added, "I used to teach Career classes in Naples and that is my passion. I love doing that. They now use the program that I developed all over Collier Coun- Each of the above emission controls would also remove mer- cury. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) would remove nitrogen oxide and enhance removal of mercury. (SCR is similar to auto- mobile emission controls called selective catalytic converters.) Recyclable By-Products: Ash that forms during com- bustion is captured and can be used for cement and asphalt pro- duction. Gypsum from the scrubber can be used for wallboard manu- facturing or cement production. ty for 9th graders. I really like getting to interact with the stu- dents about their goals. I'm good at guiding them in the right direction. With an English back- ground, I'm good at communi- cation, writing, reading, etc. One thing I really love is working with young teachers. I was a peer teacher three times in Clewiston in Criminal Justice, English and Reading." Although Mrs. Hatfield has not been at LHS very long, she seems to have a firm grasp on where things need to go in the ever so chaotic school year. She is still, however, in the process of settling in and learning the ropes a little at a time. I I I0r '6g 6 U .- Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! ' ---- ---- ------------- People interested in dog obedience are;, invited to enroll in an 8 week training course given by Shewmaker Animial - Hospital in LaBelle. The first ,lass .A' will be held Tuesda\; October 17 at, 7:30 pm, and will end on Tuesda,\ December 5. Pre-registration is required, please call 863-675-2441 for more information or stop by the t hospital during business hours . 1 N S Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam Includes 6 month follow-up Disclaimer: The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- cel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is per- Iformed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. IM OKLE A IM00 LII i 1 i i . I t I r I r 1 I I r i I r I I I I 1 i 1 1 1 I involved in the justice system here -16 have GALs, 39 do not. Ideally, she said, each GAL has just one case at a time; however, occasion- ally they will take on more. The position requires the GAL to attend court proceedings usu- ally just one day per month. Often once you are known, teachers and agency employees will:talk to the GAL on the phone. However, vol- unteers do need some flexibility in their hours. Case Coordinator II Bill Egers is Donna's supervisor. He provided these insights into her service from her letters of nomination: Donna has had 26 cases, serv- ing a total of 38 children; She has voluntarily traveled from LaBelle to Fort Myers to han- dle cases, even though usually GALs in Hendry County are not asked to do so "shwehas never tui ned do\n a case" She feels satisfied when the children's needs are protected and are advocated for; She has taken on cases involv- ing abuse, abandonment and neg- lect. One case in particular went on for several years; She is an advocate for reunifi- cation; "It is impossible to pay a price for services Guardians Ad Litem like Ms. Baines provide to chil- dren." The next Guardian Ad Litem training class starts in Fort Myers Saturday, Sept. 9. Another one will is scheduled to begin in November (Nor. 4,11, 17 and 18). In addition to 28 hours of classroom instruc- tion, volunteers must put in two hours of courtroom observation. Call 1-866-341-IGAL for more information. Corrections Ballot Port LaBelle CommunitN Development District, Hendry Hospital Authority and Hendry Soil and Watef Conservation District candidates will be on the November ballot. They were not on the Primary ballot. Names incomplete The list of names on the picture of Nature Park volunteer workers was not complete. They were: Marti Dalkry, President of "Riverwatch"; Mered- ith Marcum, Coalition for Eco-Recreation; Andrew Newman, Boy Scout; Kira Newman, student volunteer: Peter Newman, Coalition of Eco-Recre- alion, Biologist IFAS; Boy Scout Volunteer John Reed; Boy Scout Troop #9 Leader Faye Reed' Coalition for Eco-Recreation, Community Volun- teer, Mike Reed: Bo3 Scout who will be working on Eagle Scout Project in the park, Margaret England, Coalition for Eco-Recreation, "Riverwatch" and Kiwanis member. Be prepared if a DiPofi Ins Agcy Inc Rf'n, OiPour Agenr UKE A OOIC NE NEOR SAT FARM IES T . V A .,I I 11:J1 r.1 1 i1 nmrn anan, hi 1annwl smV 'r'.'; ,PI.., .'" i I I,, ,, '," ... ... .. .. a n ?.,, w ,i.. ,,- DfiPofi Ins Agcy Inc i ;. 1 .- ' LIfKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR %j' FARM IS rl ."' md', N. - ,; .......... , ll %+, ,,~ h."1211 11, 1; [l' ,I,,, .1 ~ H l : -... : .: ., . .,. . ,... ,, .. o . ....,, ,. ..<......... ,, ..... ... .- + + .. ".,-- :.: .u : ;.' :, .... h = ., -', :. .'R-_ .. , I I I J i1CI j l-Ti~aIJ IB~Bc *~~li!~51~- f VA IT.. 0- Si1 ii S 8i~ii.ire'v. I AS I. ~,,--.--- ~ Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida. PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press Releases, announcements & information from your community. Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post your personal messages on on open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. Local Links A directory of websites for location government. teams, organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers, distributed to 31,000 homes. S. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay .- Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and valuefrom people you trust since 1966 S675-3233 ToLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CALL NOW TO HAVE YOUR A/C COMPREHENSIVELY CHECKED BY OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TECHNICIANS! , CALOOSA BELLE .., .. .`- s To Reach Us Mailing Address P.O. Box 518 LaBelle, FL 33975 Physical Address: 22 Ft. Thompson Ave. Phone: (863) 675-2541 Fax: (863) 675-1449 Website: www.newszap.com/labelle To Submit News To Place a Classified Ad Call (87 I 153i 2424 r.- .i-.i :.. classified SIne Aj. .:rri '.: rir. I-r..- I'-l-in The dead- to.r,: t ,r ll .:l-i ;h l ..l .,, i.. .:(r.-,;, .: | I h ndj:' I II a i i ':' r '.- 1h' ,l-' r I F.T I i r -1 4-1-3 Fj., 19 4._4.4 N E .Madu : ci; :...l, ,-c ..1 :.i ..,:nr,. For Subscriptions The Caloosa Belle welcomes submis- sions from its readers. Opinions, calen- Phl''n. (8'i 33 24-1 dar items, story ideas and photographs Th I: Ilo,. IR ci di Tril-ut e- r I cn copie' are welcome. Call (863) 675-2541 to:i ., o.: Li'Il'.l. 3.J '.' .:: in H.:.:di, reach our newsroom. Items may be; ,i.-.,,,( .:,... .r: i:r..Ji. .. ,i..:.J mailed, faxed or e-mailed. If you are;l.: r :. .r n. .:Iur, I I .. ,r sending photographs via e-mail please: r, uich,.u .. i i .1 homes in send them in JPEG format, also please i L e de do not send WORD documents, just Li ic n -l..: e dev- paste these messages into the body of; F* r' lI: ,s i sl :u.- r,prcions are the e-mail. Office documents are ok. i i' l ,I': r' 5'I.. : ,r ,'. I 25 for six The deadline for all news items is 11 a.m. months. on Monday prior r., the ioll..'.-in Thurd.J pubhlcaiion. Printing F ,I ul .: ,.:.Ji.,:,.i-' .,-[:,r, ctr Speai, ou iRn7r 5 4516 The, I.-,-., Belle is printed at Sunshine To Place a Display Ad Pfir-ic subsidiary of Independent N:To Place a Display Ad : ,,r: Phone (863) 67i'-2541 E.m Irting@strato.net The deadline for all :.. .:.ri .ci i -I I ... on Friday for the f:.!-.: T hur:..l., e a Sza p ! publication Newszap! E-mail: cbelle@strato.net Online News & Information Billing Department Get the latest local news at Emai: www.newszap.com/labelle E-mail: billteam@newszap.com ....--,.,~r~iiimi-iiiiwm8^^- - Climate Control Systems, Inc. THAT PERFECT GIFT for ANYONE [n, A New Mattress Set - Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge ...- 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle EMMUMIAMFOWUl- - ---- --------AF~ -f I 9 Guardian Continued From Page 1 anyone who may have some infor- mation or insight into the child and the home situation. Most often, these people are happy to talk to her because they know she's there on behalf of the child. As a GAL, she is an integral part of a legal system that tries to piece together shattered young lives. Donna believes that what kids need most is stability they need parents who are off drugs; who understand how important their kids are; and are interested in them, she points out. The reward comes when Donna knows she's done her best and the'result is good. "I usually give the kid a big hug and tell them I'm happy fortherm.'; Then she has to walk away and let it go she is, after all, an "outsider." GAL Director Barbara Kroll said, with just four GALs, Hendry Coun- ty is in desperate need of more. Currently, there are 55 kids tj 0- F1U;: ~~""~; ~ ~" Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14, 2006 Arrest Reports Roberto Vidal, 21, of LaBelle was arrested September 9, and charged with burglary and larceny. Brett D. Callahan of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Kimberly Martinez, of LaBelle, was arrested September. 8, and charged with aggravated assault. James Wright of the Hendry Coun- ty Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Philene M. Mink, 45, of LaBelle, was arrested September 10, and charged with possession of drugs. Brett Callahan of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Mark James Gould, 28, of LaBelle, was arrested September 11, and charged with larceny. Perry Short of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting officer. Clewiston A 15-year-old Clewiston juvenile, was arrested Septem- ber 8, and charged with aggra- vated assault. Jesus Olvera of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Gary Basara, 48, of Clewis- ton, was arrested September 8, and charged with possession of cocaine. Rick Perian of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Chris Jamal Wallace, 26, of Orlando, was arrested Septem- Obituaries Christian Eugene Arceneaux Christian Eugene Arceneaux, age 13, of Ft. Myers, passed away September 4,2006, in Lehigh Acres after being struck by light- ning as he was swimming with friends. He was born Jan. 17, 1993, in Fort Myers, the son of Larry Eugene Arceneaux, Jr. and Lisa Smith Christian Holt. He was a Arceneaux student at the Lee Middle School. He was a won- derful young man full of spunk & adventure, He will be greatly missed. Survivors include his father Larry Eugene Arceneaux, Jr. and wife Michelle, LaBelle; mother Lisa Smith Holt and husband T. J., Fort Myers; sisters: Sara Williams, LaBelle, Larissa Williams, LaBelle, Brianna Smith; brothers: Colby Holt, Fort Myers, Brandon Arce- neaux Fort Myers, Justin Arce- neaux, LaBelle, Grant Williams, LaBelle; maternal grandmother: Mary Smith, West Palm Beach; paternal grandparents: Larry and Janet Arceneaux, Sr., LaBelle, maternal grandparents: Charles, and Freda Underwood, Fort Myers, Tom and Donna Smith, Clewiston; paternal great-grandparents: Melvin Arceneaux, LA, Trudy Adcock of MS; maternal grandpar- ents: Buddy and ShirleyTomlinson, Fort Myers; grandfather: Tony (Vicki) Holt, Fort Myers; maternal great-grandfather: Charles (Mary Jo) Prater, Morehead, KY; maternal great-grandmother Cynthia Gillette, Fort Myers; also five uncles: Nick Arceneaux, Chris Smith of Fort Myers, Tommy Smith of Clewiston, Jeff (Sarah) Underwood, Doug (Lisa) Underwood; two aunts: Bar- bara (Joe) Canete and Angie. (Mike) Tomlinson; many other cousins and friends. Funeral services were Septem- ber 9, at Crossroads Baptist Church, Fort Myers with Reverend Richard Holt officiating. Interment followed in Lee Memorial Park, Lehigh Acres. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made at any bank of America where a fund has been set up in Christian's memory the Christian Arceneaux Memorial Fund.. Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Fort QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical E.xperience Your locally owned and operated Electrical Service Company SMain Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement SLandscape Lighting and surge protection Call for A RemodelQuote or -honme generator accessories & hookups 9-5 call 863-983-4101 863-228-4138 24 Ei-.ri-jei cy Service Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 Myers, was in charge of arrange- ments. PaulVasquez Payne Paul Vasquez Payne of LaBelle died Sept 4, 2006, at the age of 82. Paul was born October 7, 1923, in St. Louis, Missouri, and spent most of his life in Miami, until moving to LaBelle in 1992. He was a faithful member of Caloosa Baptist church in LaBelle. Paul served four years in the US Navy where he became a Physi- cians Assistant, and four years in the US Army. He was a 50-year member of the Mason's and belonged to the American Legion and VFW He loved to play golf and rnany other sports. Paul is survived by his wife: Roberta E. Payne; his stepson: Jerry L. Ne\\won and Cindy; step-grand- son: Anthony L. Newton; great- grandson: CodyJ. Newton; cousin: James, Joan, Thomas, Forest Brockman, Jean Steenhouser, Cheri, Joan and Bill. Memorial services \\ill be held at the Caloosa Baptist Church on Saturday, September 16, at 10:30 am. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations ma\ be made to Caloosa Baptist Chiurch Internment \will be private at a later date. ber 9, and charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Orlando Torres of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Douglas Lee Howser, 49, of Clewiston, was arrested Septem- ber 8, and charged with failure to appear for a felony offense. Jesus Olvera of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Homeless group choosing design By Patty Brant The Hendry County Homeless Coalition continues to progress toward building a small temporary shelter. The coalition, part of the six-county Florida's Heartland Rural Consortia for the Homeless, is tailoring its design to house just one family:at a time. Stays would be limited to about three days. Freedom Fellowship Ministries, on SR 29N, has contributed use of a large lot next to the church for the shelter. The area is zoned commer- cial, which allows for only a single- family dwelling. With the completion of plans, ftridraising is to begin in October. The group hopes to break ground next February and open the shelter in June orJuly 2007. Coalition meetings are held at 10 a.m. the third Thursday monthly at the United Way House at 117 Fort Thompson Ave. The next regu- lar meeting is scheduled for Sep- tember 21. If you would like to help make the homeless shelter a reali- ty, please make checks out to Free- dom Fellowship Ministries. For more information call Arlene Betancourt at the United ,Way House, 675-8383.. -- ------------------- -------- -- NOW OPEN NEW LOCATION CHARLES CHANCE AUTO SALES 747 S. Bridge St. LaBelle 863-675-1946 IOpen Monday Saturday 9-5 Buy Here Pay Here SDown Payment with ad I L- --- m--_ -.. __-__ -. J I -- ------------------------------ I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I I neWSzap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. 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"* . by filling in the space above! * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue * 1 used item or grouping per ad priced at $2,500 : or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. * Deadline 11 a.m. Monday o catch, no pro '" ...., CAoOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-4242 ail: classad@newszap.com PRCK ROOFING, INC Family Owned & Operated State Licensed & Insured WE SPECIALIZE IN: Metal Roofs Shingle Roofs Tile Roofs Flat Roofs Roof Repairs Roof Overs Roof Inspections FREE ESTIMATES PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lic #1327233 20 Years Experience! Sell your personal aluabes if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! I I I s-lb mq No fee, n E-M Will - I -~---L~LL =i". i: t'~ i;~sbilli~m~dE 4 OPINION Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http/Avww.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 6754516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. CITY TAXES LEPS THINK AGAIN!: It was really an eye opener to watch the city commission meeting for the first time this past week. Our mayor and Hilda Zimmerly could not wait to almost double the taxes for the citizens of the city, and did not even have a clue as to what they were going to spend the money on. They were ecstatic at the idea of having so much of our money to spend this coming year. The city is going to have over $180,000 more this year, than they did in the past year just because of the new taxable value of the property of the city. And still our mayor and Zimmerly wanted to raise our taxes almost double and didn't even knowwhat theywere going to spend all of the money on! PAY ATTENTION TO TAX SITUATION: Citizens of LaBelle, please take an active roll in your city, not doing it can cost you dearly. Thank goodness that so many concerned citizens showed up, it seemed that Paul Puletti and Dave Lyons were the only ones concerned with the peo- ple of LaBelle and had any idea what was going on. If it would not have been for them and so many citizens showing up, you would be paying almost double what is on your proposed tax assessment, thanks to our mayor and Hilda Zimmerly. TAX PAYERS SHOULD NOT PAY FOR TEEN PREGNANCIES: Your front page article on teen pregnancy was in poor taste. Teen pregnancy is epidemic in this area. I'm glad these resources are available but it tells teens that they can have unprotected sex and the taxpayers will foot the bill. Teens should be educated to avoid pregnancy. This article relieves parents of their responsibility for their teenagers. It glorifies teen pregnan- cy and is slanted like "it'sokay girls, everything will be all right." MUSE NEEDS NEW COMMISSIONER: Maybe Muse will get a new commissioner in November that \%ill represent our interests. UF launches organic agriculture degree One of the nation's first By Tom Nordlie With revenues' fro organic food sales clim almost 20 percent each: demand for skilled work field is booming and a versity of Florida acadet gram will help meet pro needs. Fall semester marks th launch of a science-based agriculture undergraduate program at UF, making the first three U.S. instill offer this major. Colora University and \'ashingl Uni ersit debut similar p this fall. UF has offered a r organic agriculture or year. Both the major an programs are administered horticultural sciences dep part of UF's Institute of F Agricultural Sciences. Florida has a growing food industry, but produce look beyond the state to f ly trained personnel to their operations, sa Cantliffe, chairman of the tural sciences department "This iprogramlI is so that's been long overdue cially for UF and the States," Cantliffe said. "1 big industry, a big dema lack of people who are qu do the work employers ni Organic ..agriculture approach to food produce involves little or no chemical fertilizer and I The U.S. Department of ture has established stri lines for certifying orgai ers. In 2005, organic accounted for $13.8 billion consumer sales, about 2. of total U.S. food sales, a to a manufacturers' sur1 missioned by the Orgar Association, a leading organization. Since 19 enues from U.S. consur of organic foods have ris : average of more than 18 percent per year. And it's not just consumers who are Interested in organic food, Cantliffe said. The LIF major and minor programs were devel- m U.S. hoped partly in response to ongo- ibing by ing student demand. year, the "Another big factor was that we rs in this have faculty and facilities that are new Uni- suitable for teaching this materi- mic pro- al," he said. "As the demand and oducers' the curriculum develop, \ve may' expand the program." ie official Three students have enrolled in d organic the undergraduate degree pro- e degree gram, and many others have it one of expressed interest, said Melissa utions to Webb, academic support services do State coordinator for the horticultural on State sciences department. trograrns "We think a lot more (stu- dents) will come out of the wood- ninor in work," Webb said. "There's no set the past cap on enrollment, so the more, id minor the merrier." ed by the About one dozen students are )artment, enrolled in the minor program; Food and she said. The undergraduate degree pro- Sorganic gram will focus on training stu- :ers must dents to manage an organic farm- ind high- ing unit, said Mickie Swisher, manage director of UF's Center for Organic id Dan Agriculture. honricul- "This gives you the skills and t. technical knc, ledge where if you )mething needed to put 2,000 acres of ie, espe- organic crops into production, United you could do it," said Swisher, a There's a UF associate professor of family, nd and a youth and community sciences. - lalifiedto The program requires 120 eed." credit hours, most of them in sci- is an ence courses including chemistry, action that botany, genetics, entomology and synthetic soil science, capped off by several pesticide. production-agriculture classes.. f Agricul- One required class, Principles ct guide- of Organic and Sustainable Pro- nic farm- duction, was devised specifically for the program; another, Alterna- foods tive Cropping Systems, was modi- )n in U.S. fled to put greater emphasis on 5 percent organic agriculture. according The minor program requires vey com- the sustainable production and nic Trade alternative cropping classes, plus industry at least three credits of electives on )98, rev- each of three subjects crop pro- ner sales duction, pest management and sen by an resource management. CALOOSA BFI I F Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on profit margins below indusrrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. ............................................ : ....... .................................., We Pledge ... EDITOA.: To operate thrs newspaper as News Editor. Patty Brant ro help our community Reporter: Kristin Hunter become a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt and work through our dedil- Sports: Roger Alexander calon to conscientious tour. ADVERTISING: nahisrr o pronde Ihe inlormailon ell- Advertising Director Izens need to make their own Judy Kasten irtelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues Brenda Jaramillo To report the news with hon. Advertising eri accuracy purposeful r.eutralhty latunes oDlecil'.ity. Services Coordinator. learlessness and compassion Dale Conyers rT u.se our opinion pages to Advertising Services. lacilate community debate. Barbara Calfee nct to dominate it with our own opinions National Advertising To disclose our own conlihcs Joy Parrish atl interest or potential con- ................... ilicls to our readers Independent Newspapers, Inc. ro coned our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth prominence II deserves. President To provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin Inose we write aboul To Ireat people with courtesy. Vice President respect and compassion. of Florida Operations For More Information See Tom Byrdi At Your Service On Page 2 Katrina Elsken Katrina Elsken Caloosa Belle, Thursday6 September 14,2006 0 Health disparities, racial From Hendry/ Glades Health Dept Take a Loved One for a Check- up Day, the third Tuesday in Sep- tember of each year, is part of a national campaign by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that focus- es on the health gap between racial and ethnic minorities and the gen- eral population. Dr. Neftalie Femandez, Director of the Hendry and Glades County Health Department, states, "Clos- ing the gap to health disparities can only occur when families and the entire community, including healthcare providers, unite. The time is now! "Taking a Loved One for a Check Up" can initiate the process." September 19, 2006, has been designated as the day this year to promote this effort which encour- ages individuals to see a health care professional on or around Septem- ber 19 or make an appointment for themselves or a "Loved One" in the near future. By focusing our efforts on a sin- gle day, we believe we can help. generate a greater understanding of the importance of regular health screenings while at the same time focus on 'those populations that tend to have the least access to health care. We applaud and appreciate the efforts of National radio host Tom Jovner who continues to lead this effort through his Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day campaign. This year's theme is: He who has health has hope; He who has hope has everything Give the gift of hope, Take a Loved One for a Checkup. . Overview Despite notable progress in the overall health of the nation, many Americans who are members of racial and ethnic minority groups experience disparities in health care. As a result. African Ameri- cans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders and American Indians/Alaska Natives are more likely to have poor health and to die prematurely. Evidence of racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare is with few exceptions and is remarkably con- sistent across a range of illnesses and health care services. Rates of death from cardio- vascular disease are about 30 per- cent higher among African-Ameri- can adults than among White adults. Stroke mortality rates in Flori- da are about 50 percent higher among non-Whites than among Whites. Non-White women are more likely to be diagnosed with late- stage breast cancer and more likely to die from breast cancer than Whitewomen; The colorectal cancer death rate in Florida among African Americans is approximately 1.5 times higher than the White popu- lation. African Americans are more frequently diagnosed at later stages. The mortality .rate for, prostate cancer is about 50 percent higher among non-White men than it is among White men. The diabetes mortality rate for non-White men and women in Florida is approximately 3 times the rate of White men and women. .* African Americans represent 13 percent of Florida's population. but 55 percent of individuals living with HiV AIDS. Racial and ethnic disparities continue to persist in maternal and child healthcare despite federal and state initiatives, and A baby born to an African American mother has more than twice the risk of dying the first lear of life than a baby born to a White mother. What are we doing to cose the health gap? Currently, there are 50 projects in 33 counties that are funded by. Legislature through the Closing the divisions ..I Commissioners: Where are the tax answers? I attended the meeting at City agree with you. I agree with you" Belle newspaper print the pro- hall on Thursday night regarding t I sounds like a cop out to me! "I posed budget. If they don't print it, he proposed tax increase. WOW t UII agree with you" avoids the ques- stop by City Hall and pick up your %%as I shocked! Mayor and City tion or problem and makes it hard copy or call them and have them Commissioners were asking for an. EP Involved for anyone to continue. It says to. fax it to you. There are so many increase from 3 mills to 5 mills. me one of two things: items on this budget that w\e do not Here are the highlights. 1) You don't know the answer have a clue as to what they cover. The Mayor, Randy Bengston 2) You don'twant to discuss it or Here is an example "Culture and never greeted the people that came not be able to afford the high taxes dealwith it. Recreation" or how about "Physi- r eversaidanything to us lettingus with that purchase. The increased Which is it Mayor? I think.I calEnvironment." know what was going on or that taxes on your home even with the know. You don't know what is. I guess what I'm saying is DO they were getting ready to \ote on Save Our Homes may make it going on. It was very obvious that NOT ASK FOR MORE MONEY the millage increase. The Mayor impossible for people to keep mak- th only one who knew anything UNTIL YOU KNOW WHERE AND ust started out b making a motion ing their payments. My taxesonmy and was there to represent the peo- WHAT YOU ARE SPENDING THE nd asking for a first. Dave Lyons omesteaded home went up $250 pie was Paul Puletti. He was the MONEYON! If you can show us that gave the first and Paul Puletti said this year. What about next year and only one who could answer ques- we are in the red and that you have he would second it but only to the next year One of the real tions intelligently and knew how to exhausted all other avenues and. open it up for discussion. We could problems is to those who own ask Mike Boyle and the others intel- resources and what you need more not hear very well and someone rental properties. They do not have ligent questions to get answers. money for then we will be able to asked "\Vhat are \e discussing"' anyprotection fortax increases anid Een though the Mayor sits in the understand higher taxes. The first That \\ as when we were told about some have more than doubled or center of the table and should obvi- vote was to raise the millage from 3 the millage increase. That same tripled! Some landlordswill be pay- ously be running the meeting we mills to 5 mills. It was voted 2 Yea person asked "What do you need ing an additional $200 and up per all realized shortly into the meeting and 3 Nay. The Yea votes were from so.much more money for?" And month in property taxes!! Ifyouare that the only one who seemed to Dave Lyons and Hilda Zimmerly. the Mayor and Commissioners a renter this will greatly affect you! know what was going on was Paul Dave Lyons motioned to raise the really could not come up with an No one can expect someone to Puletti. Mr. Puletti was the one who millagerate from 3 mills to.3.5 mills. answer. rent a property at a loss. Therefore asked why we needed to increase I guess he just came up with that 3.5 It was decided that they should rent will go up to match the the budget. Did we have any oif the top of his head because he lake a look at the budget. Of course increase in taxes. If rent can't be money now or were we out of can't show us what the additional we were not provided with a copy raised enough to cover expenses mone,' Through his questioning moneywillbeusedfor. of that budget until we asked for it. than rental properties will be sold. we discovered that 3 mills is suffi- The vote was 3 Yea and 2 Nay. We had to wait several minutes for We already have a shortage on cient to pay the City expenses. We Dave Lyons and Hilda Zimmerly someone to leave and make us rentals now. Where are people do have a large amount of money, again voted Yea and Paul Puletti and copies. There was another sheet of going to livewhen rental properties right now and are not out of Bob Miller Nay. And the Mayor who items or projects that the Citywant- are sold? If rent is increased how money. That we are not "Robbing says "Iagreewithyou"votedYea! ed to have money for and again no are renters ever going to be able to Peter to pay Paul" as one of the IMPORTANT! These folks repre- one was given that sheet. We were save to become homeowners other Commissioners said was sentingyou are voting now, but you not given that sheet until the end. What are the kids graduating high happening. Mr. Puletti did his will get a chance to vote too. Next Just a note to the Mayor- In the school or college going to be able homework (no pun intended) and time these people are up for re- future you might want to be more to afford? I have two teenagers and found out that the new housing election we will get the chance to organized and have these printed they may not ever be ble to leave that happened last year generated vote for someone who will repre- iathe nest! in advance and handed to people hest foud th st disturb- an additional $180,000 we were sentus! as they come to the meeting!. wat found the most strb- not expecting. Thank you for doing This vote to raise the village is The majority of the discussion ing in this meeting was the serious such a good job and for taking your not the final vote. That will be held from the people was about how lack of knowledge aboutwherethe City Commissioner job seriously, on September 21. It will be a 5:30 . are people in LaBelle going to be tax money is going to, how much is Mr. Puletti. LaBelle is a small town and at City Hall. Be sure to call your able to afford to live here? There still there and why we need to raise and I have heard nothing but praise Commissioner and let them know was great concern for people living the taxes. In actif you ha a con- for Mr. Puletti after that meeting, how you feel about raising taxes. on fixed incomes plus the working cern or question about the tax Wouldn't it be wonderful if all And please be sure to come to the force. With taxes increasing people increase the only thing the Mayor came so prepared? meeting. wanting to purchase a home will seemed to be able to say was I I would love to see the Caloosa DebbieHudson Hendry County's stifling property tax blues .It has been a long time since I when the next tax certificate sale pie at our courthouses, thanks in have had so many phone calls and takes place, it will be the biggest in most part to our Constitutional Offi- emails about an issue here in the historyof HendryCounty! cers. Ditto to the schoolteachers. Hendry County. Right now, our Financial You have some small tax items We need to build a new jail, and we local folks arevery concerned about Financial on your bill which are mandatory. need more courthouse space. So, the property tax situation. For exam- Tips There are three major items on your we are faced with major growing pie, some folks have moved here bill. First is the General Fund of the problems. However, when you con- from another Florida area where County. Second is the Public sider the hardship being placed they owned avery nice home for 25 Schools. Third is Municipalities. upon our citizens, our priority plus years. Because of the Save Our There is some discretion for each of should be to collect only the mini- Homes tax provision, their home- byWayneC. Switzer these. School board members do mum necessary, and no more. steaded property was only costing have some ability to control the Here is just how serious this situ- them about $3,000 per year. Their big tracts of land for subdivisions. expense side of their ledger. The ation is. It has the potential to shut new LaBelle home proposed taxes Simultaneously, the lack of desir- Commissioners who run the Coun- down the Real Estate market in are $22,000, which is approx. able land in Naples and Fort Myers, ty and Cities are where you need to Hendry County! Developers may $1,833 monthly, and doesn't count where there is high-density, has look for relief, hold off on building because they the cost of their homeowners insur- caused individual homeowners to If you believe your individual won't be able to sell their properties. ance, utilities, maintenance or mort- be buying and building here. We property, especially investment Some homeowners may move gage. Had they had any idea when have had over five straight years of property, has been over-valued, you away, and individuals may hold off they pulled their building permits rapidly escalating land values, should start by calling the Property on construction. The combination that this would happen, they may or Has this been a windfall for our Appraiser and tell her why you think of the ad valorem taxes and the may not have built a home here. County Commissioners, who only a it is wrong. If that doesn't help, you escalating homeowners insurance They couldn't have imagined this few years ago were worried about can file an appeal with the Adjust- in Florida, and an already flat real - scenario in a county of approxi- losing revenue to the State of Flori- ment Board, and from there it goes estate market, is bordering on being mately 6,000 people! da, as it bought up land in the coun- to the Commissioners. a crisis. The building department Who is to blame for the very ty and took it off the tax rolls? Yes! The Commissioners have con- permit fees and impact fees which high ad valorem taxes we now For those of us who have owned trol over the millage that is multi- we need will also slow down. By face? Specifically, no one. The Prop- homes here for many years and plied against the assessed value to the time you read this, the County erty Appraiser is Kristina Kulpa and I have lower homesteaded taxes, it is get your total tax. They can lower Commissioners will have just had a have discussed this with her. She is not too bad. However, there are the millage substantially. In fact, public hearing in Clewiston. I don't obligated under law to appraise all some retired people here, especially they could bring revenues all the knowwhatwill have happened, but of our property everyyear at market in the cities, on fixed, limited way down to where it was last year. I do believe they are going to lower or justification value. If she didn't do incomes, who are hurting financial- Would that be responsible? No. We the millage. Will it be enough? If it, she would be in trouble with the ly. They could have tax certificates have escalating expenses. We need not, you need to personally call Florida Department of Revenue. sold on their homes which would to pay our local employees well. each one and voice your concerns. Developers have been buying up be devastating to them! I predict They deserve it. We have great peo- Wayne C. Switzer, CLU, Realtor. I .4 I i Gap grant program to provide pre- vention, intervention, education and referrals to racial and ethnic populations throughout the state. Targeted diseases are: maternal and infant mortality, cancer, HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and, adult and child immunization and oral health care. Efforts must be continued to: Increase minority health care providers. Increase racial and ethnic diversity in healthcare professions. Increase awareness of avail- able patient care services at local community health centers and county health departments. Increase awareness of the existence of health disparities to the general public, health care providers, insurance companies and policy makers. Ensure healthcare plans are not fragmented along socioeco- nomic lines. Provide more interpreters in clinics and hospitals in areas where foreign-speaking individuals reside. Integrate cross-cultural edu- cation into the training of all current and future health professionals. Provide communities with programs that are specificallY designed and targeted by and for the community to teach prevention aid education. There is still much to be done and we cannot afford to ignore the impact health disparities are having on minority populations. Commu- nities must be better informed and take a more proactive role in their health care. We will then see a posi- tive impact on health outcomes and close the gap. Florida Health Disparities in the Hispanic Community Obesity Hispanics lead the state in the percentage of adults \\ho are overweight. (Hispanics 37.3 per- cent; Whites 35 percent; Blacks 31.9 percent) Hispanics have twice the rate of adults \\ho participate in no leisure time physical activity. Hispanics are 1.5 times more likely to have been advised by a doctor, nurse or other health pro- fessional to be more physically active and advised to eat fewer high fat or cholesterol foods. (Assuming that the patient is showing other risks; Obesity, High Cholesterol, Hypertension, etc.) Diabetes While Hispanics have a slightly higher rate of diabetes than non Hispanic Whites, the statistics show that the deaths from diabetes are steadily decreasing. Cervical Cancer Hispanic women have a higher death rate of cervical cancer but the progress has decreased from 2.6 percent in 2003 to 1.4 percent in 2004. Colorectal Cancer: Although Hispanics have a higher rate of col- orectal cancer they are half as likely to receive screening by a blood stool test and 2 3 as likely to have a sigmoidoscopy. HIV 'AIDS: In 2005, women in the Hispanic community were 3 times as likely as non Hispanic White women to be with HIV, as well as Hispanic men represented more than twice the non Hispanic white e male rate for HIV and AIDS. Eighty-three percent of all His- panic females living with HIV.AIDS cases reported through 2005 were infected by heterosexual contact, 16 percent were attributed to intra- venous drug users. Access to Care: In the past 12 months, Hispanics have 2 times the rate of Floridians who were unable to get medical care. Hispanics are 1.5 times as likely to have no personal health care provider. Hispanics have 2.5 times the rate of Floridians who have no health care coverage. Overall Health Hispanics are 1.5 times more likely than the total Florida popula- tion to have a health status of "fair" or "poor." I t i V Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14, 2006 ALL ABOUT THE C:I "FMlRVS- S.Jeep SAVETHOUSANDSI N FINANCE CHARGES for Selection HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP -___ HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR _ CHRiYSLER-DODGE-JEEP ^% It really does make a di ^TTT^ 'fl 6l~ Kff J kA DEALER rerence! *AV .H FIVE STAR Sa~*ait of^ * ILaudge Ir A I P Ci~qZ (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 * 0% available on select vehicles when financed thru chrysler financial. must score A+. not all consumers will qualify. good thru 10-02-06. subject to change. excludes megacab models, artwork for illustration purposes only. ICHRYSLERI *I=-m ~p~aaaPrsPslslm~a~sraa~~s~sr~e~P II I E ri 7 -~B~r~t.' gs?~rl: ., L. IE m. 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14, 2006 Learn Jewish roots of Christianity Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Reliving LaBelle history with, from left: Laura Jane Smith (played by Savannah Davis), Carrie Belle Jones (Zenna Gatch), Ruth Cook (Rachel Mendoza) and Charles Christo- pher Cook (Robert Butts). History comes alive at the Firehouse Theater Theater goers will have an opportunity to be witnesses to his- tory, thanks to an original play by Joyce Gatch and Henry Avery. Meet Captain Francis Asbury Hendry and his wife, Ardeline, as they move into what is now one of Hendry County's most historic homes the Hendry House in 1914. Then step up to 1920, when the Cook family was in residence. In this part of the play, Charles Christopher Cook, proprietor of Palm Brand Honey, and his grand- children enjoy a visit by neighbor- hood children out on the porch that is so familiar to LaBelle resi- dents. Come enjoythe colorful charac- ters and historic insights, all researched by Joyce Gatch and Jeannie Horlacher for A Page in Time. Come to the Firehouse Cultural Center, 241 North Bridge St. for this unique theater experience. Seating is limited, so please call the Her- itage Museum at 674-0034 for avail- ability. This special play is presented by the Firehouse Cultural Center and the LaBelle Heritage Museum, with funding by the Florida Humanities Council and Hendry County Tourist Development Council. Birthdays September 14: Patricia McGill, Walton Davis, Luci Frank, Stacy Duplantis, "Midge" Gillis, Denise Valkos, Buzzy Ford, Anthony Ozuna, Harold Jenkins September 15: Duke Bailey, Mil- dred Featherstone, Carol Hansen, Lavinia Barnett, Elizabeth Nolte, Lois Summerall, Timothy Fromm, Sport Hall, Brittney Granims September 16: Gene Felton, Christina Williams, Mary Jean Massey, Edna Syia, Michele Russ, Marie Jones, Brandi Armstrong, Virginia Guerrero, Marie Lockhart, 'Stephen Woosley, Ronald Rodgers, Andria M. DeMeyere, Billy Golemme September 17: Lorene Arm- strong, Paul Burchard, Ted Fritz, .Bradley Venables, Marvin Sum- Zmerall, Lisa Roberts, Keyanna 'Corker September '18: Lawrence O'Ferrell, Mamian McCormick, Evelyn Pender, Lynda Rider, Dean Tanner, Wade Cartee, Robin Cross, Dannie White, Terry Ledward, Billy Puletti Neal, Matt Shook, Anita Lozano, Mynion McCormick, JamesD. Miller, Katie Fromm, W.R. Royalty, Tracy L. Ramirez, J.W.C. Dullaart September 19: Vine Burley, David Gregory, Pam Fletcher, Dot- tie Thomas, Tanya Williams, Eleanor Bernardini, Nancy Hen- drickson, Brittany McCormick,. Ernest Smith, Davey Miller, Matthew Williamson, Mallory Williamson, Peggy Pfeil, Lamar Talamantez September 20: Nicole Smith, Frances Doll, John Lewis, John Puletti, Paul Puletti, Berta Whiteak- er, Marie Thomas, Jessica Conyers, Tim Tipp, Norman "Yankee" Ran- dall, Jo Anna Summerall, Stephanie Rodriguez September 21: Jason Dyess, Elizabeth Bowman, Joyce Snell, Teresa Giarratano, Lynn Lyles, Dixie Lyles, Tonia Whidden, Sarah Moree, Eugene C. Stemmle Boris Goldin, a representative of Chosen People Ministries, will speak at Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church Sunday, Sep- tember 24, during the 9 and 11 a.m. worship services. The pro- gram being presented is The Mean- ing of Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur. Chosen People Ministries is an over 100-year-old mission that was founded in 1894 by Leopold Cohn, a Hungarian rabbi who came to believe that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel. From humble beginnings in Brooklyn, New York, Chosen People Ministries has grown into a worldwide ministry with outreach centers in Argentina, Australia, Canada, England, France, Ger- many, Israel, Mexico, Ukraine and the United States. Throughout its long history, Chosen People Ministries has been uwavering in its commitment to bring the Gospel message of salva- tion in Jesus "to the Jew first and to the Gentile" throughout the world. In stressing the Jewish roots of Christian faith, Chosen People Min- istries hopes to make the message of the Messiah more accessible to Jewish people and also to help Christian believers achieve a greater appreciation of the Jewish basis of their own faith traditions. This meeting is open to the pub- lic and Carlson Memorial would like to invite the Christian and Jew- ish community to attend. For more information, please call 675-0656. A love offering will be received. Hope Connections opens meal service locations Hope Connections is providing daily congregate meals in LaBelle and Moore Haven as of Monday, September 11. The announcement was made by Hope President Samira K. Beck- with, who said, "We are honored that the Area Agency on Aging asked us to provide meals and other services in Glades and Hendry counties. We have been ,providing home care services including home-delivered meals to our clients here since August first, and we are now glad to be able to open the congregate meal sites for them." In LaBelle, the meals will be served at Hope's new office, locat- ed at 60 Calhoun Streel, the yellow house at the corner of Calhoun and SR. 80. In Moore Haven, the service will be provided at the Doyle Con- ner Building. Meals will be served Monday through Friday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Hope Connections has main- tained a congregate meal facility in Buckhead Ridge since August 9. Hope Connections offers a vari- ety of services in Glades and Hendry counties, including: Hot meals Personal care Homemaker services Household chores 'Yansportation Medical equipment and sup- plies Counseling Emergency response systems All services are provided by experienced professionals and trained volunteers. To learn more about Hope Con- nections, call toll-free: (866) 659- 7223. The Center for Professional Development at Edison College is offering the following non- credit courses in LaBelle and Clewiston this fall: Learn to Buy and Sell on ebay Thursday, 10/5, 5:30-8:30 p.m.,at LaBelle High Eddie Upthe- grove; Cost $45; Working Toward Well-Being Wednesday 10/04 to 10/25, TBA, 7-8:30 p.m.; Christine Degenhardt; Cost $79. Word I and 2 Mondays 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/16, 6-9 p.m.; Clewiston Middle Gary Break- field; Cost $129. Excel 1 and 2 Mondays 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/27,6-,9 p.m.; Clewiston Middle Gary Break- field; Cost $129. Please register at the LaBelle Edison Office or contact Cindy Miller at 675-3966 or 674-0408. Dos ou See BdgNed epir. Your #1 Choice For Repairs and Re-Roofs Steel Buildings & Components * Stnrui al prmodcts *-. Standing seam roof systems * R-pnl Ui-panels, A-panels Full line of accessories SALL AMERICAN tre CONSTRUCTION 1-866-279-5035 fax; 904-493-2842 1; &A iir M For Product Information, Pricing & Order Forms www.americancomponents.com www.americansteelmfg.com SCRC 1251774 IdW0sveiL &94nsuredM Satury :- Sxmb 23 10:00... Saturday -:- September 23 -:- 10:00 a.m. Property 1 346 Acres, GA Hwy. 32 & Middle Road Property 2 774 Acres, Mossy Dell Road Property 3 21 Acres, GA Hwy. 32 * Prime Investment Real Esatle 744t Cultivatable Aries Zoned R-1 & Ag * Great Developmen Potential 405, Acres Ti~tnrland Beautful Muckalpe Creek Frontage * Excellent Homesiles & Min-Farms Excellent Crop Bases Gieat Hlnling & Fihlng * Outstanding Paved Road Frontair 662,955 Pounds Peanuts SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLEI Bock Heard. Ronnie Reagin. Jason Wiggils. Auc ion Coordtinlors cROWELL AucTIoNs, I0N 1\Bu r s Pi.mm GAL AU- OWELL AUCTION, W. Register For On Line Auction Updates m 800-323-8388 www.rowellauctions.com CHRIST THE KING , Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1t, 3'"d5th Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord __ 1 863-675-2733 N. River Rd.(Hwy 78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net YO UR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! nds Ga Inc.. Randy's Garage, 0Inc. For Complete Truck 675 & Auto Repair, Call SIG ff W Wr orre -ill Looking for a few good people. working kitchen manager, front of the house manager, line cooks, servers and dishwashers. Located in historic LaBelle 280 Nort Bridge Street Please apply in person or fax resume to 863-612-0421 for directions call 863-612-0423 BUDGET SUMMARY City of LaBelle Fiscal Year 2006-2007 THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF LABELLE ARE 8.9 PERCENT MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES. CASH BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD ESTIMATED REVENUES: Taxes : Millage per $1000 Ad Valorem Taxes 3.5000 Special Districts Taxes Sales,Gas and Utility Taxes Intergovernmental Revenue Bond and Loan Proceeds Charges for Services Licenses, Permits & Impact Fees Fines and Forfeitures Franchise Fees Operating Transfers In & Repayments Interest Earned/Other TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AND BALANCES EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES General Government Public Safety Physical Environment Transportation Economic Development Human Services Culture And Recreation Water Treatment and Distribution Water Capital Improvements Sewer Collection and Treatment Sewer Capital Improvements Financial and Administrative Operating Transfers Out & Repayments Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES Reserves TOTAL APPROPRIATED EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES GENERAL $2.255.000 858,000 680,000 1,120,000 1,610,947 625,000 574,735 162,000 25,000 275,000 150,000 89.450 6;170,132 ENTERPRISE FUND $1.015.000 1,724,743 2,000,000 1,132,000 60,000 550,000 55.000 5,521,743 TOTAL FUNDS $3.270.000 858,000 680,000 1,120,000 3,335,690 2,625,000 1,706,735 222,000 25,000 275,000 700,000 11.691875 11,691,875 $8.425.132 $6.536.743 $14.961.875 $900,474 1,795,668 121,447 2,276,200 6,600 194,790 904,987 550,000 117.000 6,867.166 1,557.966 713,425 2,416,698 442,124 1,516,330 286,280 150,000 273.100 5,797.957 738.786 $900,474 1,795,668 121,447 2,276,200 6,600 194,790 904,987 713,425 2,416,698 442,124 1,516,330 286,280 700,000 390.100 12.665.123 2.296.752 $8.425.132 $6.536.743 $14,961,875 THE TENTATIVE, ADOPTED, AND / OR FINAL BUDGETS ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED TAXING AUTHORITY AS A PUBLIC RECORD. NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The City of LaBelle has tentatively adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy: t. A. Initially proposed tax levy ... B. Less tax reductions due to Adjustment Board and other assessment changes ...... .$535,728 Value . $5,104 C. Actual property tax levy ..... $530,624 This year's proposed tax levy .. $897,813 All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on September 21st, 2006 at 5:30 PM. at City Hall, 481 West Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL 33935 A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the budget will be made at this hearing. Bor Boa4ngel FREE 2-NIGHT VACATION! Donate Car Boat RV Motorcycle 1-800-227-2643 www.boatangel.com Edison College is offering development courses SPORTS 7 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14, 2006 LHS Players of the Week Pumped up Cowboys rope Verot, 42-16 Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter From left: Special Teams- Thomas Bennett 2 tackles; Offensive- Chad Lutkenhaus 8 catches for 80 yards; Defensive- Andrew Tovar 12 tackles;. From left: Special Teams- Freddy Robbins 2 kick off returns for 35 yards; Defensive-Ben Daley 9 tackles; Offensive Lineman-Michael Awbrey graded out at 77 per- cent; Offensive-Gabriel Puente-15 carries for 137 yards. LHS runners look forward to season By Coach Jef Frost and David Mock The first race pretty much went as' expected as both teams jumped from the frying pan of daily practice and into the fire of big time competition. The Ft. Myers Optimist Invi- tational is the area's largest invi- tational with some 20 teams competing from Naples to Sara- sota. Teams range in classifica- 'lion from small 1A schools all the way up to large 5A schools. 'As usual the course was wet and muddy so it. contributed to slcouer times for all runners. ,-. This year t' %%uere able to ttake a varsity girls team and both a JV and varsilt boys team. Although the girls varsity team did not place very high (171h out of 18 teams) it was a good learning experience for them. The team was led by Sophomore Irene Garza who finished 60th out of 127 runners with a very respectable time of 25:38. She was followed by Karina Marines 28:17, Nancy Vasquez,29:27, Missy Olivarez 30:53, Rhonda Burton 30:09 and Ashley Pittman 32:03. For the boys varsity, it was pretty much the same story as they finished 15th out of 18 teams. Drew Dyess came in first for the Cowboys (62nd over-all out of 135) with a time of 20:32. Jacob Staples was second with a time of 21:08. He was fol- lowed by Jose Guillen 21:35, Oscar Tovar 22:14, Brandon Temples 24:03 and Benito Garza 24:30. The boys JV team ran strong and will lead to some spirited competition on the boy's team to see who makes \arsity (top seven runners) at the end of the season. Transfer student Jan Blazek finished first with a time of'21:40. Cesar Mateo was sec- ond at 22:04. He.was followed. b\ Ta\I or Saw\atzk 24:33, Juan Gomez 25:07 and John Ramos at 27:38. Competition for:'the top seven boy's \'asitv spots is fur-: ther complicated by the Fact that three of the team's best runners did not compete Satur- day in Ft. M\ ers. Senior Stafford King returns as the team's only runner to qualify for regionals last \eal dnd ne%\comer Tirir.tiN SFromm and sophomore Caleb Rhoden further add to the teams depth. The team's next race is Tuesday, September 19, at Bishop Verot. LMS fields cross country team On Saturday, September 9, the LMS Bronco Cross Country team ran in its first ever meet, the Seahawk Cross Country Invitational in Naples. The girls' team ran their hearts out for an impressive 4th place finish among eight schools. Leading the way for the girls was Miriam Carranza. Also scoring valuable points for the girls' efforts were: Yesenia Resindez, Angela Mar- tinez, Jesse Whitman and Diana Rodriguez. The boys team did not fair as well as a team, but Tyler O'Ferrell placed fourth individ- ually and Nicolas Laredo just missed the top 15 with a 16th place finish. By Mallory Allen Friday was a great day for the LaBelle High School football team. Many were pumped up and ready for the game. That day the high school held its first pep rally of the school year. It was a great way to get everyone excited about the rivalry game against Bishop Verot. With the students, players and coaches excited about the game it was only time before the players would step out onto the field at 7:30 p.m. However, it wasn't until 8:00 p.m. that the game would start because of the lighting that started to fill the sky. In the first half of the game, the Cowboys continuously made great plays and runs as Bishop Verot trailed behind. Andrew Tovar's 40- yard run in the first quarter put LaBelle on the scoreboard first. The star scorer of the game was Lucas Pratt as he made two touch- downs scoring on a 43-yard pass from Caleb Jordan and on a 16- yard pass from Jordan both in the second quarter. The Cowboys had a great scoring game as they fin- ished the first part of the game with 21 points. Also in the second quar- ter, Caleb Lutkenhaus hit paydirt. on a 25-yard pass from Jordan. Verot also scored in the second quarter. In the third quarter, Gabriel Puente's 73-yard run lit up the scoreboard for the Cowboys once again. In the fourth quarter, LaBelle's Julian Keen took it into the end zone again to round out LaBelle's scoring. The top rusher of the game was senior Andrew Tovar with a total of 147 yards. However, in the second half of the game the Cowboys couldn't hold the Viking's back as they scored their first touchdown of the night. The Cowboys held on strong throughout the rest of the game though. With a tough game and long night the Cowboy's succeed- ed in a victory. Two more touch- ALL STEEL BUILDINGS -H ... ,.-. 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10xl0 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed -$28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 ie 1111i Hel/p You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs -e Custom Build (NN e are the factory) -Nlan)H Sizcs Avajilable - Meets or F.weed.; Florida Wind Code -Florida"StWampeiiiped" uginiLced Drawvings (included) METAL STRUCTURES LLC 866-6249100 www.metalstructuresllc.com downs were made which helped the Cowboys take a lead and mak- ing the score LaBelle 42, Verot 16. With that game out of the way, the players can now focus on beating their next opponent. Their next game will be on September 22 on the Clearwater Central Catholic's field. r- -------------- -* SPORTS FANS I I - I BET I 1 I YOU - SDIDN'T KNOW I Brought toyouby I I ILori Langford I Based on the performances of recent I Super Bowllosers you might want to I bet that the Seattle Seahawks are in for Ia rough 2006 season. Amazingly, the I previous five teams that lost the big one I idn't.even make the playoffs the next I season. How many can you name? In I 2005, Philadelphia lost to New England I and did not qualify for the playoffs in I '06. Prior to that, it was Caroina, which I also lost to New England, Oakland (lost I to Tampa Bay), St. Louis (lost to New I England) and the New York Giants S(lost to Baltimore). All of the winners I returned to the playoffs the following I I season. Good news for the Pittsburgh I Steelers, a streak to break for the I Seahawks. . I I I. I S ayne Terwilliger has been a minor I league baseball manager for decades. SDurin the 200,5 season, it age 81, T ier.lger told lu; iewe that if lis Fort Worth Cats won the Central Baseball League's second half title and then the league championship, he'd have his left ear pierced. The Cats held up their end of the bargain, and so did Terwilliger. But this octogenarian is a long way from hip. When his players askedhm about his new bling, Terwilliger didn't under- Sstand he thoughtthey were saying Sblink. SSpeaking of old timers, let's take a Moment to recognize Bill Wambach. SDuring the summer of 2l006 the 80 Syear-old Wambach set a new-U.S. high I jumping mark foroctogenarians, dear- ing 4 feet, 1.6 inches at the Badger State I Games in Madison, Wisconsin. For the Record, the overall world mark for the High jump is 8 feet, Vi inches, estab- Slished by Cuba's Javier Sotomayor in I 1993. * I 'll bet you didn't know, coming or I going, that when the rubber hits the I road, you can't afford not to buy from I Langford. ILANGFORD Y-alSpomn Hrdi" .- . 675-1686 |I--------------- ": a: s'i COMBINE AND SAVE WITH EMBARQ'". IT JUST MAKES SENSE. Sport Shorts Pop Warner board meeting Come to the Booster Club meeting at 8 p.m. September 14 at the Hendry County Recreation Board on Cowboy Way. Relay for Life tourney postponed If you are interested in a Relay for Life softball tournament, please contact Rhonda Welky at 863-902-4320. All money will go to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Pop Warner Longhorn Football Schedule Home games are: Sept 16: against North Port Sept 23: against Ft. Myers Oct 7: against Riverdale Oct 14: against Cape Jr. $55 PER MONTH HOME PHONE PLUS HIGH-SPEED INTERNET Price excludes taxes nd fees. Applies to upto 1.5 Mbps speed. ($50 online rebate covers $49.99 activation fee) Qualifying services and one-year term agreement required. * Reliable unlimited local home phone service with a clear connection and no delays. Plus Caller ID, Call Waiting and Voicemail at no additional charge. SConsistently fast high-speed Internet. A 24/7 broadband connection at a dependable, low price for as long you have the service. * Select a per-minute EMBARQ" long-distance plan. (Additional feesapply.) -ADD- 30 (EMBARQ " 3O WIRELESS SERVICE EACH OR SATELLITE TV PER MONTH Olh tno lydrgesapply CALL 866-2EMBARQ OR VISIT EMBARQ.CI (866-2iL. '277l " One voicemail for your home and wireless phones. SOne bill for all the services you choose, S350 wireless minutes. Tuesday Friday from 11-3 All you can eat soup and salad $6.99 with Free iced tea Thursday Lunch Special GYRO's for $8.95 ELVIS IS COMING SEPT Call for Reservations 40 Cent Wings from 3 to 6 2-4-1 Drink Specials The kitchen is open until midnight on Fridays and until 10 pm on Saturdays 675 Hickpoochee Ave. (Hwy 80) LaBelle, Florida EMBARQM t il THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE.'" .... Taxes, fees, and surcharges (including a USF charge of up to 8.07% that vanes quarterly, cost recovery fees of $0.55 per line, & statelocal fees that vary by area) are excluded. Cost recovery fees are not taxes or government requed charges. Services may not be available in all areas, Ofer available to residential customers only. EMBARQ reserves the right to cancel without notice or substitute substantially similar services at its sole discretion. Umited-irne offer subject to change or canellaonwithout nolne.Additonal restrictions may apply on all offers. Monthly Fee: Monthly rate of $54.90 applies while customer subscribes to Home Phone and High Speed Internet If one of the services is canceled, the standard monthly rate will apply for each remaining service. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. Local Service: Local and in-stale long-distance (including local toll) services are governed by the applicable state tariffs andlor state terms and conditons. See ral testmsa and condlons at EMBARQ.com. EMBARQ high-speed Internet: Qualifying services, $49.99 activation fee, and one-yeartermnagreement required.Afeeof $99.00 will be charged forearly tenmination.Perfomance may vary duetocondieions outsdeofnetworcontrol. No n *mum level of speed is guaranteed. Conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, sever and router speeds of websites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone onditios. Restrictions may apply. Modem: Modem available for a $12.95 shipping and handling fee. Without credit approval customer will be charged $99.99 for modem. Rebate: Customer must request and submit $50 rebate online at EMBARQ.cmslrebate within 45 days of Instalatlon. EMBARQ High-Speed Intemet account must be active and in good credit standing to receive rebate. One rebate per household. EMBARQ will not honor late, misdirected, incomplete, or duplicate rebate forms. Wreless: Reques approved credit Coverage notavalable everywhere. Terms and conditions apply Subject to change without notice. May not be combined with otheroffers. See store or EMBARQ.com fordetails. Device subject to availability. Sere Plan: $75(1-yrterm) o $150 (2-y term) early termination and, f not an EMBARQ wireline customer, a $35 activation fee applies per line. A deposit may be required. Overage charges of $.40 and .20 per minute will apply. Unused plan minutes do not cany forward. Partial minutes are charged as full mutes. EMBARQ may terminate service f a majority of minutes in a given month are used while roaming. DISH Network: Offer is available in the continental United States for new, first-time DISH Network residential customers. All prices, packages, and programing object to change without notice. Local and state sales taxes may apply Where applicable, equipment rental fees and programming are taxed separately. All DISH Network programming and any other services that are provided am subject to the terms and ondi~dn of the promolonal agreement and Residential Customer Agreement, available at www.dishnetwork.com or upon request. Local Channels packages by satellite are only available to customers who reside In the speckled local Deslgnated Market Area (DMA). Local channels may require an additional dish antenna, DISH 1000 or Super antenna from DISH Network installed free of any charges without subscription to local channels at time of initial installaon. Social Security numbers are used to obtain credit sores and wilnot be released to third parties except for verification and collection purposes only or if required by governmental authorizes. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. Digtal HomeAdvantage: Pay $49.99Acvaton Fee; receive $49.99 credit on first bll with 18-month qualifying purchase. Restctions apply, including creditapproval and monthly fees for receivers. DISH Network retains ownership of equipment Urt4 tuners per account. Lease upgrade fees may apply for select model receivers, and wi apply for a second DVR receiver (Based on model) *Local channels available in over 160 cities and most TV households. 2006 Embarq Holdings Company LLC.All rights reserved. The name EMBARQ and thejet logo are rademarksofEmbrq Hldings Company LLC. DISH Network is a registered trademark of EchoStar Satellite L L C. EMBI-06976 'i. 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14, 2006 3 DO IT YOUR WAY! Enjoy the privacy of oaks and pine frontage on a paved road, go fishing in the pond, BBQ under the oaks, live in the handyman special, 2/2 with den mobile home. Build a new home or add another mobile, 2nd septic already installed on 2.5+ acres in Muse. Clean up from wind dam- age, tree disease and debris required Bargain priced at $135,500 or possible trade. View by appointment through owner. 239-218-4543 Thinking .bout Wihere you'll coome uy with ilie ' ANDWORKS OP one lyeor ATxew H3omeo ? Century 21 Sunbelt Realty, Inc., and Sunbelt Funding Services are pleased to sponsor their first annual 'W o Mor 4 W HOME BUYERS SEMINAR & WORKSHOP on Thursday, September 28, 2006 from 5:30 to 7:00 e efave . p.m. at the Century 21 Sunbelt office, located at the cor- ner of MLK Blvd and SR 80, in LaBelle. FREE credit Softion JOf OUr J reports, refreshments, and door prizes for seminar reg- istrants. Come in and see how YOU can buy your own '' s home. Special rate packages for service professionals St ng Buildm (teachers, fire/rescue, police), buy-downs, 100% financ- tn Buid ing and more. For more information call 863-675-1616 Ca & Pay off Crdit Card We -- aced Loans That Others Co"ln SR ,Alan Kelly Mortgage __ 863.674,0091 SuneltReatyInc 77WHy:8 aele l REDUCED, Waterfront, 1 house to Caloosahatchee. 3/2/2, great view. Call Francine Perez Today... Unspoiled natural beauty surrounds this stunning 10+/- acre country home! You'll love to entertain your friends in this magnificent custom built 3/2 home. Over 2,400s. f. with vaulted cedar ceilings in living room, rock fireplace, wood floors, a large family room, country kitchen & much more. Comfort & Convenience! Call Stephanie Weatherford @ (863) 612-0000 * 3 Bedromm/ BaUvS0':/:40' detached garage a 2400"q Ft LwingArea S ,:.'ood and Carpet Flooring Cedar lined dore F.ock Fireplace 'raulled cedingr i Lirtng Room Large Laundry R:oom S MLS# 200519971 Call 863-675-0000 23 rde* t LSleF 395- 6-7586 LiSsa.nrev *c ea stt Boe Asoits ada lxneLna el M ,JmsTanr o ni Cisero, Kvi Neson Roe aso, D igt H tfildTrnit Oxmm Britan Knne, tac PteDuty at i.'c~.et I .I l i,' i l r, .rIr. I -m i 'nndJ n,.r .: l'r.n'r I r rl -; :.ri: I; b. L\ HOMES * $526,000 Price, Reduced! 4BD/P.~ \ ... 4/-acre h-inii- ini. vaulted andcoffer.celings,a .:1 i, 'i,.I I p-I studio, moveable island in I-l. Ii.di ii an above ground pool jus- Ir rin.,- i few of the luxuries that tl- ,, ,,- irLrhIl home offers. [! I = i . * $194,900 Price Reduced i.j 3BD;2BA home on a beirui.l I-.i Master bathroom has a garden tub. with separate shower. Kitchen features an *$11i9.999 I21LD '"IBASJ [ill'. I wifc I. g r'. .1 .pktI',icn' ''J I irw d in.] * ilF9.900 2 1D 2BQ E.:cllknr ijr * $179,900 Spa2BiouE EsDle/2BA on H r ,, i rc" i or l Il -l ,.I l a ,- ol I ,_ in F'P.-,rt L IB: lle p'. J': lou -n.; r., 'in J .: ,e' l li in iurr |: mi, r, S ._rc -i .,r..., .:'1 ,:ni u Lh ba.;. in.ixI Lo:r h' I ::pr:r.i[ac '.''U ,,lf jnd n icll H-L I'.e.u icjtle r h.,! l...1, MOBILE HOMES * $189,900 Spacious 3BD/2BA on ~I s-1'1.We'I IIIM ~u"C i' 'I.lejir'. '.r. ir i. Tl r rH e IIm ii f oly ~ '. i h :6 -' I keIi' e. ~iliefl rias jini.ljnd JnM tiitMal IO1Aii) Ih1- ir C.n ,ri: u.cir1 '1; ,i,[ti:e or sillin loni. The ,well seplicpii: Ljnk ari i .. nii. l I '. .i a, fi.:r I pr',ip inenm . * $125,000 2BD 2B,\ if.nlmuiuired i'.-inr : ''. h H d 1 Fl r:,-i .n 1. 1 - acIe... Thil, home h.t4 n r :ip:r, n InJi and .r,.i.:he.l ,:iport Thi-,s grcJ( deal not .:,nly i i..luJde ie mobil, c lhn:i,| and k ii .t ;| !!r Im.le"- ajn .,d'loirn, l..i, AC REAGE: ,:',i. -'i '+ 1.:r, G I,','w in ',c rr' :...j AJl ,:, V PIP I ,:- I.- Ll ,..-II ,:i tli I ,:,c l.r:r :.Ai irit:a pi r..i''n Call for more info on Riverfront Homes, Commercial, Acreage & Homes. I IIIR I COUNTRY R flumiing cal)i",'Ill Lmss-r 1r iifi.l-I(i d dial [I ~ -'.l~i )ai ".k ICI. njr $1 ,Soo).00 WAT ERI -FRON T HON ES S-1 U N NNING RI TVTR V1NL%% S -in be ,,e i If. i-.i r, i:ii, 3a .1 -. I i .11 I fn ni t .' -I R [... i I1d i. IIIwil ic J3 1A I ZZI '['-11~ 11 jl11; 1r I.-IlMI llLuI:h mco.., $798.mil)O. PRICE. REDU'CED PANOCU)RAIC %IL% L -.1 11, -C..I',.cii, ic'i, '. r [Ill. ID, 11 -11111-10 fiii~ll --kit-11-11LINI: ill!dl ldeS P -A.l~ ll rPGR_%DLDL) 13R 213A HOMIE FEATLIRES 1211 It of $ II $599.900 SAIVOR THE SLIN *r u ii' ,i .jFrrir,_tnL IErca wI-.,,' .. $524,000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS %iohi [hi; I I... i. 1$.399.0410~ SU 'NI NIERrUIN! II I I 2 1 t.:2 .V KI I I -[ Ii.II I roIf '. PE.RF(I 'I SlZEr) GE ANN At OASIS! BI, i.n~ I HOMES 3 IR 21.% CB's HOME I 21' + bi. t 611\411 1 .1. p 11-1 .-11111 o w i r- -BR. 3 ISBRICKi HONIL ON II 1 .+C. i.,,. T''. h.-. IBH 211 %HONIF ON 7+ AC. V'.III, ... wi*" '-,I. I I -,I,. .- p.. LI I-,- I .-11 1 bi _' I-.ni c or.. PlC IURR P1 RFECP T i'.EI( T i''1 11 1 r i wo- i i ti I f. I tIC I.. %.- 1 ii -1 1-.1 o.ii'. ,, I .-o imiq.1 $625.000O 1I111211 N L BN'HOME ... %+ Ii '.- I.r'rii r]ilk 1'. 1, -' A. .E L.L) ''h ''i. $ I95,00 1) i.iI 111 1. . .i ii i ii s 3B112113 N%2"I (ORN IIM()I10 Li.] ED + 'i + .' ..I 1 1 1. 1.1~ ... 1. .1 1.. I ,. I,. 'M 5 ,0 1111 AIR 213 %(.BI HOME (I ON 1.S2+ AC. 11i. it- -.11. il lsO N. Bridge St .-LaBelle, FL c6S 1 675-6788 LAND" Co6 hr er.lwritagelandco.corn 4.14111:0 ,-gOWCHSE... lFIO.PEF!ITHI RETREAT. '- ROOM TO GROW. Ths PICTURE': PERFECT. 39 fenced IBR2BA o.4 :.me -n 6 acres has~its. 3BR2.5BA sits oil 1 +,'.acre ed lndn- pirire pond stocked width veled land h a d creek Itat run along -it, a chamiboatngb g con- en. Enls e wetib .I Lnd.r of the pAt *`"; munity. Summer starts here S: i... ir s ali '. Prprn I old with an in ground pool and 1ag3 and rr-v old oak' Pro perty co uld ^-d- ., ntinple e[fe! sp lit to alloi for ;i a [sarae 2 waiver acLess at the comnmunl- atI e hi.mnIrtie. Ir0xil shed and 20ix25 pole barn allow for t baramp. $625,000 addiii'nal storage. $699,900 .. .ty boa.r mp. $65, IrolIt NM F- include. deil:el;d upgrades jin thho:ughtful ACREAGE Ifnld-.aipe $145.000 39 +- AC. WITH INCOME POTENTI.L. WATERFRONT HOMES SITES Ir. ludj- 2B- ,..r,.'r.c 4.'ir i1+ ,.'u'I . DREAMING OF OWNING YOUR OWN 1"2 .1+ 1 '' I, 1 .14,1 l... .I .,.I' (... 3c kla 'l'$1 .400,111000,1T%, $1,800,000 S,:IdJd 3c Island? 1$i.4100,000 INCOME PRODU([NG ORANGE GRONT MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE+ ( n I. :phi YOURS. 2 5 + .c iol rlerl 'nim t a .eaige \ith l I 1me o\- I,,rer..l,,l i .. ..p .i. -: ild. $12,500per aL.k- Sp..I e.uen.clnt hI- acce.. h liI,1 (R 73. $965,000 ac. IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA 3.5 2+-.AC. OF :i,..ilici. : i''. ..' HARBOR. Include b..at doc:k. ell. elecelic and pro- .ini i..i rjc ll- jn.i.J i-..:..; .,r :..|" | Ite.CE h-.I L.ior i e. )' rr l fi 'f 1t .irI lrio $499,000 ..r.. hI I..nI i I.: p r $1.190.000 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. Ri\er OAK ILHMMOCK. PRESSS .ND P..M[I'- %i.'. r\ilc .icceS- in.l d .._ick pei n-iii. Deed O ret, iced O, 10* ..r: 0 ,.,".,-i r .I.. .. , coming l I ,- .,. $129.000 .iI i,, i,. r, $1,100,000 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT I.ABELLE 40 +.- AC. OFF ell r nr.I drr ...I R.ANCHETTES. 2 53 + -, in i dei able dt..l ,cn1 .- inlIIn,,:, '. h iii i r r Fj I:ll: lli n I ,: . d L'l...milnuiLi $425,0(0111) ,,,i'iJ,; $850,000 TAKE IN THE BEAU'I OF THE RIVER l.ni l', 30 +- .\C. OF IMPRO\TD iirul. .ill. S. + 11- h ,llm e: .le .I I' L.-i'rl e .Knc ll,.lt s '2 1l.1 f' I. I, ,.l,, p,],,;jl.,,l 1l.,. lii. .:r,:.:l .,If giT,_rbr lh l.tlt cCIen hI.,I,, *.i e aI d t \ -, l,:'..Il cl,.l'k .I1,1 1 I-III h.. r.. $1"05,000 -.l,,..'.- i $410. 000 2 0 + FENCED AC. .:,i i, ,r,..,:,J lni, IT DOESNUNDBR=FMiQ TRAC $225,500 F... I,.r I.T-..r niil $660,000 20 +,- AC. WITH plcni ... rpl.:e I.,; .~'ui Sll.., 1.1. p ln .I cIp,.l. n.. : I l.ek portl ,,,, h,..,11.. -. .1 98.000 .,,!L. li-,,p r.nri.i e I ri,.- l,:..id p.iii, ilil -i I,- lk I VND A LRI HOMlESII iT I .dl: ,, l',:-.. ,, ,I|.,I | 5499.000 Itt, t ... i il FI ..: ..I ,,,in Ea.. 1t. TION. ml,.,il.I.. -,h u., i ObR '"BA' '" 2 t o . Im l ', I h ,L n ,.ir II.IiniI S. $279,000 i ...,.. .. .nj $'29q.q00 $699.900 A. HOMr WN'ITH PERSONALITY. 20 +- \C. C. t -:.. T,~,-,r i',ri .:.' n '" r' :'" S p i ..Iol id AND CHARMI LIR Uh.\ C(B h.'.m .. p ill, I1,ti pl.,in $248,000 .r .,- j..iT . ,n .rl, .a gl..-' 33BDU2BA ON SPACIOUS GREENBELT. i lI-.: n-e tonm hav. fcr eui ,iu ,:In.. ~ 147.500 $2 10.000 \ ,: n. 3 BR 2h BA U[ nl iERi MNT ER CT $195.000. P.RTIALLY\ FLRNISHED .BR2Bk home include earrp.-rL'p. ,,r aage -h ,I ,.,: .. _, -, 1,],. ,,, .'- ..."'.i .i h m .n1 ir, m-I ', pl .,l $ 175,000 .AFORDD,]DEB !CR GTR'A aM gaige. $16-4,900. THE PRIA(NEWRI INITRACT GREAT IIJ HW'CDEBbDWEWC 4 P PERTY. $39,900 NEW CONSTRUCTION ^ ST1LISH HOME! ..1R -B\ (.11ABS .one- n.rh .i :d i..or'. .I .r.i t lilleA J ,-L.-dllJ .on j uenrel._,u.- ,.ll- ll.tc I'.tI. quall :Lurioundind g r;ncr-flh ulr 5 U 5$39.900 FASHIONABLE AND FUNCTIONAL net uL.)otrlrituini .BR2B. (..B1 S..i',,,. + .. .i ii, Il RLIh _N D $339,000 Sp Bi DGErT FRIENDLYNE CONSRUCTIONCTION .1'3R \. '.ile ,1,gie nicl In-.,r,- pln-l'T Reduced to $194.000 w'$4.000 seller contribution. LI JLIST INTIME TO DECORATE... I'. [lih rn, ..::onst-rucrnn hrrmie in A ILS I. iurl 10 s-. I_ ) CD ..-iiii.nni Ii..i.-.n I... he Poin L'BelJL M.lrin ., and H',, n (C_,iI n ,' i. L ,ik .,id a ...i t .II b. er'- inc: nin \c.w'hile tl ie', Iti' Pi 11:'. iarl I. $289.900. MANLrFA.CTURED HOMES COUNTRY CHARM ON 5 ACRES. '.BR 2BA 2?.1.'2 .eq it home leaursc t lt,,, L .,|,l,.e-, .,.k',]in.i.' ,:,.,i.n m .i, irin. .. -i, nr. ,eII hn, gi in.d ri in im ihiF lMu.- $299.900 5 +-- AC. .. r. ..I i.1 bell. ,\ ,r.l h.-[ d,. [in..~c r'. I r. '.r. i.269.900 MLiSE 5 \CRES .,in ,1.1..ll, :..i FI- $200.000 LADECA ACRL\GE. r'ea,.er, l i.. :i j .ir. + -. $ 165,000 MONTLiRA RANCH ESTATES. I I,. I ':. + K [Il....I $39.900 1o $6',500 HOME SITES REFINED HOM IIESI IT i II.I.I in J:.-: .J ,. r,,,r,.1 i.. I-,l I |. Flim ,90.000 IO $ 110 .000 .. u ..i l ii i : .I. til jl-... HIRD TO FLND OAKl FILLED ....-.ir In.t . lihe '.,i' $1150.000 PRI'AC GALO)RE '. + ..' oI' l.,e .Oik li.fi $125001) ENIOY THE QLilEr .t c i rc .1- '. + I. In r.. n $99,900 CNALM FRONT P.RCEL. '. + v. [j., I. ., r,, H..i.1 i $ 90,000 .10+- AC LOT OFF CR '8 .. .... c:.r h- Ihl- e J ., ...l. i l...... Jl ,.l,: r,-J I,-,i ... tri'l r-.... : t[1,., dI ill,. r-, ,ri $89.900. .0+'- AC LOT ACROSS FROM CALOOSA ESTAITs S D. .ir2i m.:i l h..J. ..ell ,,', profl:p, r n.i,,le g ,. '..l rl ,.rfl,: M.'''. . $89.900 (HERISH llir (HARM 0s I:.I Ih. i-.hhj l ..,I IIl...J ..I .'.I + j.: $85,000 WIDE VARI[EY or HOIMEITES i.i I ll . ..t F,., I Lihell,. ?I_ I. Ir, ll-I, |,,, :.:C o i ! kichern ,irh ,Il.ind bar 't ltall hIrr e hain intl,-lr o..l roi:lll rlid Itlf ni.gS 'n-. i n i I h oi : nL l s. : i l c I" l e $525,000. LIKE NEW 4HK 2BB \ rldoblcwijide IH rn 9 4 +'. ir $475,000 BELiTWIUI. WOODED 1.27 +..- AC. LOT in Irh .-.kilihc. :'.BKI -'ll.\ nIIn. Iblc:v.dt M' II .& 'UBR lt\ .]lllgk >ilde Ni H $245,000 STARVED FOR SPACE? TIlplpiltd oni +.-I '-'. Rl I.f.[ t I M nlg briik ti r il. i-:. 36l '1 "-4 I .ii-rT iund pinl andrl ,-utdlt ..l % \,)i 1 h-,..p-P, $-199.900 2BR2BA WITH DEN ...l' 2 plui are, ALle d L 1: Jl It l'v" -pill f0l dA lilk. l1 hIon.ti, $197.900. LOOKS SMALL, LIVES BIG! 2.'1l M H- on I+ t: Il,.iuries tuc rted pirkiig, ,,.,rksh<.p &" o.ltbuildinpm $165.1100 MINT CONDITION 'BR "-'I. $158,001) GET OUT OF TOWN PRICED) r SELL 'BR I'lBA MH ..n 2 ajLo: uill iimak :i perkr .tajrrei h.,ine $550.000 ENJ, c jrEI.r$ ,r0T -'" o.n 46 ie.i $129.000 _____________________________________________ . ...... .............. .31 .90 .. j.: .-. I + I. ', [.injngs j $31,900. TROPICAL GULF ACRES. H:nmle-if e in .Ch,.r.r I. c ',iu'tr'n 2 2.5 ACRE PARCELS in Pinr.c-.r ji Ai. adu. ind -ih 51 '8",500 each. PRIVACY PURE AND SIMPLE in llce 1 25 tI,: + a p.ir:tel. Lehigh Piopliielt,, Prnci'd from $85,000 and up. 2.5 AND 5 ICRE Ptr.',. in 'Il.,nrlLr Pli.-i,.lT ,ri Pnr.,. fr.:.m $"-' 000 to $1"5,000. LEHIGH ESTATES 2'i + .: Cj.ns Crind, 1. ...je e .:,, Fi Mlcr,. $66,900 I + .: uildijjl e l'i er 'i ofl Iel BIld. in L..liili $62,900 INDIAN HILLS '., I: .. .rr 1 l$5 555,000 3 TO CHOOSE FROM I + + J I._L. in Ir' kcllgh \'..r ,$ 9.900 10 t 5-,900 JAGiUAR BLVD. II, Ltclhh .,-..,c tH Hi 862. h i;fi, i. i i',: i rt l e '.' I l r I budi.ie pr,,iluct 52.500 COMMERCIAL . -.61 +- AC. ZONED 1-2. Owner's i.::-. :,:i-.i tj.il Iidl .l k ,-'l.,i ,v hll 1."ol i -J i t J r' e ,:, qI,... 1,1,,,_ .j I ,:ll : h : L'.i. .'u c AIII lln i j T il ....f uil.Jnr.' .kulj Ire rcy.i ublei h -rreen l-.u :r -,1 clr $1.500,000 3.056 SQ. IT. COMMERCIAL BlILDING I 2.5 + I High Ili.ilt1 rej p.i -',ii f>o' f',r rl-i,. .. I. ',l, $1,250,000 1.02 ,CRIS OF PRIME B.I ZONED PROPER tY ,n ,.i\ ihi[f, ,,l-.:i-lg ji j .i, ii.i, iri 1.. $1,200,000 LXCtLLFN I LOCATION FOR YOUR BLSI- NESSI fk Iiii 1 I r f. p .el; rB i .: rc,-riE IIl I ., .1 H ...,lr....r $899.900 GRFAI IIUSINMIS POTENrIL. ilih 24 .f I'nl ., -in I.,nil %'.' ''u A ill c1t[ Fko[ di 1 |lu. It) n ... i..I II aliirl...r. $499.900 YOLI BUSLINISS BFIONGS o:n Ihi. lb:e.i i i.lu lln l 11 11 "nril'n.'.: l' ,.m e...r I. '.llUl ll .I .n1 d 4"9.248 OFF HUWY o IN I.ABELLE. "i + ... 'sil IT lr., -, l.. .nI. Iil huqinl.:.- l,"h '.dl1n 'It.I .ll. | '. |' l."| 'l i lJ L 'trel l [Pn :...,lh. l l.'i' $, 35.000 -,,, -,i ., i..l r.', ( O,-,Ff _sR N tGircit i ,, th .., r.,, ,,.. .,-, rj ,.:.r '2 Il .' fci',...l..l ., .,.h ir..:l 2 >I. ... < ,hd l- ,r.,1 .: ii i'1.1.. ..ir, r. 1c i t.u f ior $2.Plil9q MOVE OUR BUSINESS TO LABbUhLL. H l, ',n l.Jilii '.c h t-1 .n r,..k .. l, .,, h .. ,' ,.rIi-, l'..l ], r ti..Ijf -.ii. arn.c h* c'\ .l i " ,.;.u ...-, I'.u ,,224.500 COMMERC1L. LOT .I,. LL.. :,": .' t .-i \.. $13".000. III It I L' IIIPM LL'.WA-Ull II.V AI i r~i ncil 'I I ~s~il Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14,2006 PAUL ROSER REALTORS Cse: 863-675-0898 OFC s,. C Clipper Lt. BD 1 R \ 1625 Case Rd 3BD/2BA on j PERSONAL ATTENTION $129,900 2.29 Acres. $185,900 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING VACANT LAND NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Port LaBelle Lots starting at Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com ...l $32,900 239/584-2005 cell 239/504-2002 HOME BUYERS GUIDE S863 675 4550 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle Rodney Murray & Seth Howard Lic. Real Estate Brokers Associates: Phil Lewis, Tamra Franco, Kyndel Murray Caloosa Estates Drive $99,500 COMMERCIAL 141 Hickpoochee Ave 2500 sq.ft. building and land only e, .54 ac $1,500,000 Call or stop by to see more information on all of our listings! 274 N Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 www.melking.com frin W Spetsir, Lie. Broker I437 SR 80 W-,La Be(le, FL EE (863) 675- i. 203 (863) 673-5554 R EA h.LTY We)b, www.SpC tcrRealIyFL.com ran 'W. Sp tccr, Lic. .Bro fr 437 Sit O W I0 Blif, 8F. t868f} 675- 203 (863) 67355S'i Woa www.Sp.terRtSItyFL..o.n SELLER WANTS AN OFFER!!! 400 5th Ave LaBelle, .FI Belmont Gorgeous 3 year- old, 3/2 home on a corner lot has ceramic tile floors, custom bath with a big garden tub, large eat-in kitchen, really nice brick fireplace, split floor plan. A deck overlooks a small canal. Close to everything. $299,900 3/2/2 ON BEAUTIFUL CANAL. Gorgeous deck overlooking the canal for the relaxing nights. Extra large front yard, plenty of room for the kids to play. One of the most desir- able and family friendly neighborhoods in LaBelle. Owner very anxious, bring offers! 2.5 ACRES. THIS SPACIOUS 3/2 (2003) PALM HARBOR MANUFACTURED HOME features cathedral ceilings, a split floor plan, large bedrooms, walk-in closets. Modern, black kitchen appliances. Ceramic tile in entry, baths & kitchen. Situated on i..i- Back pasture is fenced & ready for your horses! Has several nice oaks. Shows like brand new. $219,900 IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A PEACEFUL COUNTRY LIVING, LOOK NO FUR- THER! This is ideal for a weekend get-away, or full time residence. There is a storage in back, a small barn, a detached carport, dog pens, and lots of pretty trees encased in 2.31 totally fenced acres. The home is a Fleetwood, nearly new model in immaculate condition. You gotta see this one!!! $199,900 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! This 2/2 mobile home has just been remodeled, with new carpeting & vinyl throughout, & new cabinetry in both baths and kitchen. The 50' X 400' lot is covered with gorgeous oak trees and very private. Sits 5 drives North of a small grocery store. $65,900 UNDER CONTRACT! VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDI.I HACK!FNN SCO0TT HACKANN, ROOKIE RUCE AND DON BURDICK A 675-0500 NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the corner of M S..BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTO 1MS. I N SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE has been split into two 5+/- parcels. One NO Pr_ ..1' I r i ` ii. pr':., electric andwell. The BRAND NTW HOME Ir, P.:.r i. Licile other has a 3/2 mobile with a newer roof 2 2 $1,800 M' and a closed in porch on front. Enjoy fish- 3/3/2 $1,250/M ing in your stocked ponds. Seller will con- sider owner financing. Asking $349,900. IN PORT LABELLE 2/1.5 $750/M 2/2 ON 100+/- ACS in Glades County. IN LABELLE 3/2 Duplex $850/M $2,500,000. LEHIGH ACRES POOL HOME In IN EAST FT. MYERS 3/3/1 over 1,900 Westminster Gated Community. Fully fur- sq. ft. living area. Home has 2 masters, nished 3/2/2 + Office. Non-Smoking. new roof, new A/C, fenced yard. $2,000/1 Motivated seller. Asking $279,900. HORSESHOE ACRES (East of LaBelle) IN PORT LABELLE 3 possible 4 bd/2.5 3/2 Mobile fully furnished. $800/M. ba. This home has all the room you could EAST FT. MYERS'- 3/3/1 Extra space need. Over 2,100 sq.-ft. living area. every where. $1,200/M. Includes spa room,, .:1 i,, ,.,ii ii,!, .: rec room, living ari.l tr.n,,, .-,ll nII ri LOTS STARTING AT $22,500 trained home. Asking $310,000. CORNER LOT 3/2/1, newer roof, paint HOMES FOR SALE ed on the inside. Priced to sell. Asking In Venus 10+/- oak filled acres. Property $189,900. +/- Ac. & gor- geous home in LaBelle. - I i PRICED TO SELL! Call Matt Fleming Today... 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & par- tially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $282,900. 4/2 well maintained home with 20x30 workshop, 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. $274,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 68 d : i ,, 0 0 Call 863-675-0000 loo m i r 580 S. Main St. LaBelie, FL 33935 863 675-1973 Ifyou are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! j CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT www.newhorizons-re.com Se Habla Espanol ,. . ON f *) Y. S, 1. 5 .g ig U r De I a. r ail' "if :., ' N Aull ,* i ."' l ast *'ji rrt, i. tj, :.*ii .?1 iii .u n : i.1 i ..: ui r r i .: l$169,900 r J i': j it U J e Q L_[ h ig, ',, ,, n i l:,Ip II a r ..'l 'r eIm ld I o m'u. 1l oi g ,1 w 0. a"','^ qu aut oy, frm t ne w al r.d a4,000 Ri DUi EDI ur0, a. li I .. nit, uh l a lBa '.P l .- ,dI',,,j i lr.vIi,- u I .r ap.ch l'.' e ep Ei~'i. 1 n L I ..rl o. i.i, i : desire l. ', .li,I ..I :,, I ,( o r: l ili ... screen Il, [,..I, b: .J i. v 6:1 J. j: g.I,, garage. $239.900 quality from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood -' lq ] ,.I ,,,, ,,: ,.,,, r ,' ,:, ,.., I, 1 ,, d d s - Horseshoe Acres on .5+/- acres. Being sold as-is with right to insel, d1is l ld you will have made a great mvestmenlt. e if Ilr~ll~sslists~ 8 ~ 4ple RN iaNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. lur...r- A ppli iuices, hot water tank, doors and vani- i.. i,- ill I-, than 2 years old. New roof being .-n.iit.a2 il i:.day for this worry free home! $234,000. * tfiiC(f, i j,, livable; loveable 3BR/B.CBS home ,ithli ii, t,,i:,...iTi/office in LaBelle limits. Features -nu. .J.e ll, i. ..[..set, newer air conditioner, fenced Ina:kyarid, ,rin.mp,.' and a front deck to die for. Only W2.0,0000. * Fillr. lnlrnjdi GCro.unld' Plnlr I |i, imi.-.lmci ;,' Ihlh r ,:.pl.:.rl OD.i pl 2Bk 1B ...- "a .h I I a r.J r.J].I all$ I ".:j iJ in I."' 11 v ir r. wlMIt t- IliulI |ir1 ti,..r h ar l iili i:u' $225,000 S .CBl_-i..l-- ---IC IV--IIB- * 3BR/1B manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $110,000 * Need more "living" room? 2,152 sq ft of luxurious living. This 4Br/2B homeon 10+/- acres has it all, from it spacious family room w/ stone fireplace, master suite w/ office, cov- ered porch, and fencing for horses. This one is a steal @ only $450,000 SSize will surprise you! 2BR/2B home on 10+/- acres is very well kept and former modle home. Features a warm comfortable-living room w/ gas fireplace, spa- cious kitchen, front & real covered porches. $400,000 * Bring your horses and relax the rural way! 4BR/2B manu- factured home with over 2400 sq. ft of living area sitting on a georgous 6.5+ acs of land & fenced for horses. Too many extras to list, call for an appointment today! $350,000 * Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped grounds are a fitting introduction to a superb 3/2 home! Huge screened lanai, oversized carport, 2 sheds and addi- tional 4 stall carportvorkshop Plus pasture for kids pony! i I. .h,,, i.1,, ,,. u, ,215,900 * [t i.... ,r ih. .,,ri'l.' iT .: .' /- acre mini estate .ill ,.i ix ..(i ic i .. ilh j .fcP .[..Tiiil jl j.:ul i..:.J b Il..l' ,:.lur,,'l; .:;,~.' .c Ill', .l ,_j' c. .b ll h p l... .'.J kitchen. Only $179,900. * 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot tucked away on a quiet street. Oak trees create a back yard of enchanting beauty. A must see! $165,000. * The Luxury of Space! Both inside on outside. 4/2 immaculate home nestled on .1.25 acres. Stunning stone fireplace in Family room. Formal dining off of huge kitchen with lots of cabinets and countertops. 'il']. il M I. 1' l: r, m ,' ?ei r'J pti I,'', l :l'' : :i ,,,J ..i jl, l :. ',j : ,*, .-.i jr I_ _.j i -$154.900 SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 *REDUCEDI l- ULICED' .,1' .I i'l.,: ,. ...:.1. .' -ii inside and out! ,l'.h Ii ;unn-r : .1-o Ir..rI .rI.l.. nd sunset on the back deck. Something for everyone with 1 i... .: a.:... iu. I i...l I. ':c I '-,i .. litre rc .--o.rl-bhop D ,,, + id .0 .I '.h i,: 1 a ,..,.' ..i.j. i l ,.iQnU ., i[, I I nI I]i .I.I' i 1"11 II'l i. ,'i IT.' 1 j.) Iri',,.r.l on 3 sides & chain link in rear. Backs up to pond! Extras include shed, huge Florida rm & BBQ deck. $139,900. C Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. * Rare find outside of LaBelle but niot to far from schools or shopping. 3BD2BA manufactured home fea- f ., ,. h i,-, ,h -,, .11, : }1,.. A u. ,,hn H. i r,. .3 1., ,q,1.. ....l. i.Jll.,l :n *hl'" l 4 on .50+/- acre. $132,000 Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a 1/ acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. Calling all Investors!! 4BR/2B manufactured home in S '. I B l, n i ,' ,, rl.1: .: Ih, uul hj ..,' dJ.. u .j: .J I:,', IJ ONLY $25,000. per acre! WITH Pole Barn, Electric and several wells! Call ASAP for showing! $875,000 * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RG1. Surrounded by upscale sub- d I. ...... ip: Jim i c...ldi I :.r di- :.ii, 800.000 ,+ J. -. ,. if ,,',,,,-,-i F l- h ..l:J l,,.,f ,J ,l '.l, I,,, .I, S,.,.h ,:,iTs .:," .ruf a i:[u'ed :i,i $165,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on ',i-rr J 0 1,, l ..h r v, d f ,,'.J I' h-.l -,, r:' l],,_.,,-.i '" J| .:....Jb : I' '. ..I ir'ic u '.u' in.]J r,:, ihr ...,, rr $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd: in Muse. This property has lots of'oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $85,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air' special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further. Located in the sought allr bki cl,,ril .. in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/- acre in the BelmontS/D. Priced to sell @ only $64,900. Possible seller financing. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss'owning-acreage close toLaBelle. $46,900. * Call about our Port aBelle lots! * POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this invest- ment! $2,750,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located hear West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-i commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $499,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family'w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. ;:4 a w 1 a'i F ~ ~ ('I --'~-a~ A t' ..-,I,....... 1N l I II ,,1 I F- a Fi-)RLRuN(MANI Th. 10(' %T ION %i-li I NI ,FNIF I II .I -a a 111 ..,i-I. I -l I~ II II.11 -.i111 .'., a... IIII I .1il $2i 'r s,,imult. ~ I ii, r i i',. .1. P * mil Ajik,.lia.:% 'nlan-Ili, (i Dcr ii I '. C IA *JF5F a. CF a lu Io. *'t r ~nrc H all1l.i1a *I'. l M .... I l'h l h11. \\ ,M Iha ... S i... .. Is ,i,, ,,rIa,,h,,,,, l, \\ l lIii, , * i, ,.,. [ \\ ti11, ,. ,. 0t LiZ -az I'II k I.., 11 la a',,, rlr 1, I a~1. lI 111 111ENP I Ii-alir- i ii. I111 I I II _I 'IIIIFS PI L i n, . SHREWD ItAi ''L'r'IaIiI I aI,,ia.-a a, -r I.. rap...- tin Ii. .."aa... faar i~r'eer1ia~ MtMtt RANCHL.NII ''' xir-i-- h -- I'.' ~~nl-~ l:~l lil~ln l f. .L F." 11% "!?i~ 1aItN I RI %I DEaT-1'ALCOMMEW[it IFRs.RU IIN %I A 1,h a 4aqil.1. 1 a 1 l .r 1ir P ij aarr'I la... dr I I.:aI a Pp ..I ar,~., $292t.OI10$n .f E PEUI OPPORTF iNlin if i -. .,,: .J.:,elor. . -l ]-..ili: i '..J I b 'ii ,., I ,: -I It : .".'. i h: i fl o '. S I.50 0 .0I0 : i., 1 i.r- I I'. .,J= 52.500,1O00 REISIDENTI-U DflTLOPIENT! i-I'1 -- I~a-. .rrra, 2ar I.., r ..l.r1 J,i~n a'I.. -ri'ai I, I. r' a .uIw ao, aIpj~ taPlI...1 r. ., Iii,. I.. .aaarmartrtr.-p.- ,,-..l.11li.rk Yai D'I[LOP1KFNT POTENf.U PLil i--'- 1-Jr"'dl, 1,1 lr.. li -i '-n *~~ .,..l '.201111:1 * SLUPERIOR 1 i00TIN 1 I ." iarrJo~~,. ]-~i ai~~ oi $,l,- lr 525.626.000 'l(UID UNDER LABELLE FAMOFl'h S 0 FREESI L .e l li -of-31i ia. cliI i , 15' ,,-a.'l t. lri 14 ia'i 2.0 .I -- --s~~~;l~BCsg -~~i :a/iii ----- wtTl4-i~~41~ MINI NTORUG[ EWAR[HOLOW! 11a..-.......a.. D. iCO'aTR FHE COLINVR'RII P h i r + INDLsITRIA PROPFRF! ha' -.-I r a H + ACRE r i-aIr'I 7,i. iWI.- Ii,., h 1. i .11 A jr. ., wrr pi. 1,1: 1 ll CliTT IPil i--I~~n l-h a rP.] i-'' r a''. ll 11-i-.81,1WOt I :T.ira I -'t'l''','' $85. itl0 1 a -' l ,I... I.10rrri, rrIri..-r'n llj. 0ii) .,, ii.$ r arpr' n'.' $500 000 $9n1u10ill QUU'FJNT OLD FlORID% HO)aiE' IIP.,s,,. GRLI 'T BtINESv I'Ol[NTL[S IN IHE HEAR I Of UA! -s p1 ai,Ia- ii,, a n. 1 ....,a, I .. ,,j ra ...- I. ra I, Ii a. 'a~.~ rra.rrr arll~ ~u1 i., ti I'a. I ,,rl. I~ Ii h rI I I $2..~619.91ii ''a~~,..'p I'..,r,-. i~290.l1l)IJ U (--A iI--a( L- LOCATION! I... H1. GRI1t I OIS Itt [1 [0 -..'a IONII III r1r ii'' I P''I., Hr .,rP, 1 a 1 ..,., .-,,i a, -5. NOW OPEN VUNDRYS FROM 1PM , ': 4PMI;: 1655 Case Rd 3BD/2BA on 2.29 Acres. $181,500 I SHERRI DENNING L r.crn el d Rti l L i't L'.;,I 'a 1 .1., I', ". -t.*. 0 -l- jj~AZA-. 4 -A -- K -- '' - = DIANA i 1:j A Irj 10 Caloosa Beile, Thursday, September 14, 2006 Varsity Cowgirls defeat CSN, fall to Vikings By Shelley Blake and Jade Youngblood The LaBelle Cowgirl varsity vol- leyball team hosted two matches this past week, falling to the Bish- op Verot and defeating the Com- munity School of Naples. Against Verot, Head Coach Shelley Blake said, "The Vikings are ranked 7th in the state in the 3A district, so we knew we were in for a tough match." The Cowgirls lost 13-25, 11-25 and 11-25. "We had a really hard time getting things running offensively. The Vikings have a very strong attack, and it forced us to play defense for Xr.I' Fc.^? ^ the majority of the time." Leading the Cowgirls on the defensive end were Blake Rice, Heather Rauler- son and Vanessa Ostaloza. Sopho- more Blake Rice had 10 digs, while Heather and Vanessa com- bined together for 15. (Heather 8, Vanessa 7). The Cowgirls' main serve receivers Heather Rauler- son, Alexa Redish, Lacey McCall, Blake Rice and Brogan Heisler received the Viking's serves at 97 percent; making only one error on 39 serves. The second match of the week for the Cowgirls defeated the Hawks 25-14, 25-22, 25-17 in three hard fought games. Offensively, LaBelle was lead by junior Alexa Redish with 11 kills, and 4 aces. Blake Rice also added to the offense by contributing 6 kills and 2 aces. Shelley Blake said, "I was really pleased at our performance at the net during this match. Our girls not only attacked the ball aggressively, but were smart About where to place their hits." On the. defensive end, Heather Raulerson scraped up most of the digs for the Cowgirls. "Heather was all over the floor, determined not to let anything fall!" She picked up 14 out of the 37 digs for the Cowgirls. "I. was extremely happy with the hustle that the girls put forth for this match. The team is very quick and they're starting to take pride in being known as a scrappy defensive team. [Setter] Dani played an all around out- standing game," said Shelley Blake. She not only dished out 19 assists, but added 6 digs, 3 kills and 3 aces. The Cowgirls were to visit Lemon Bay High School Septem- ber 12, and Dunbar High School .September 14. JV Cowgirls defeatCape Cae oral The JV Cowgirl volleyball team defeated Cape Coral in two games 25-15 and 25-11. Stephanie Pack led the Cowgirls with 4 kills and 4 aces. Brianna Sanchez had 6 aces and Beatrice Hernandez had 3 aces to help seal their victory. The JV Cowgirls were defeat- ed by Gulf Coast on August 24 losing in two straight games 7- 25 and 18-25. Brianna Sanchez, Ada Johnson and Kaylynn Cash each contributed 3 aces in the Cowgirls pursuit of victory. They put a good fight on Aug. 29 losing in 3 games. to the visit- ing Bishop Verot Vikings. Brian- na Sanchez led the Cowgirls with 10 digs and 7 kills. Stephanie Pack also contributed 5 digs and 5 kills. While Ada Johnson had 4 kills and 3 aces. Beatrice Hernandez had 7 digs and Kaylynn Cash had 11 assists. Led by Brianna Sanchez with 8 digs and 6 kills the JV Cowgirls defeated the Community School of Naples on Sept. 9 in two games 25-22 and 25-22. Ada Johnson kept the Cowgirls going with 4 aces and 3 kills, while Stephanie Pack added 3 aces and 3 kills. Brooke Awbry contributed 3 aces and Kaylynn Cash had 13 assists. STOP PAYING: ENT! FID Cell: 239-872-7665 RT INE Alva: 239-728-9998 YOUR NEW LaBelle: S63-675-0000 In R ww .burson-weathers.com HOMEE ERE E-Mail: matt(i@bursor AND FIND Commercial Land THE MORTGAGE TOO!!! .H Home "...- -- ... Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder Includes Impact Fees & Allowance for Lot Prep . [l Icil..lI = ;Io.li.t -01411M Ile I.I.l[.l' .1'Il.M HomesAvailqble rsfow. 7026 Gill Cir, Buttonwood, 3/2/2 1762sq ft $207.900 ... ..:... " 3045 June Cir, Maqnolia. 4/2/2 2676sq ft $267.900 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II, 312/2 2032 sq ft $227.900 9016 Lam kin Cir. Madison 11. 31/22 2032sa ft $229.900 ft FREE CREDIT APPROVAL with :CHL Home Mortgage,LLC. Call Chuck Pedrey @ (863)675-3245 Lock Rate by 7/31106 For FREE INTEREST RATE BUYPOW Nll Call 863-612-0551; or Toil Free, 866-224-8392 Cell: 863-673-5061 www.chlhomebuilders corn QB39922 All Spec Homes Include '4 Acre or More Home site "Paved Roads"County Water"Power"4 Schools in Subdivision" WATERFRONT 2 STORY HOME ON 2.5 ACRES in the covered Port LaBelle Ranrherrei Locared ,o the n'.er s'oe, "ith ol., ia greenbelr between '.u in-d the Ciloosahiarchee intrac(iatal, budd your boar docik in the safe ha-,sor of the Army Corp maintained w.jerwa\ Live in the :omuntr,'' ".uste. cconds from the hearr of La Belle. horse. vs welcome. $695,000 . ... .' ,. .:. . .: MORE TI-LAN MEETS THE EYE! Haid to Find home on deed rearnte'd acreage trcked deady a a',' vet seconds from SR 60 Backs up to a prntme reite nJOn like with amaclug suiiseit Los tiamteilntnme CBBSrucco extenor suth ll the deridls of a rell deguned couitr' home on the inside Fearures include irasl' : (cingO miernor doors all .sj.rom tolluJ. custom cabinets wim rile jack6spl;sh and granlre conriertops, all windows have wood c-ainmg Tur roundi.a r3 ck fireplace, and wood foor thbroubhout fiBsh the look $499,000 REDUCED 50 F. PRIVATE DRIVE leads to e\pannve 6 ; a.:res with 470+<- Fi of nverfron located close to [own Build close to the waters eede with noesti srrurllh no Corp. L aseunti $2.500,000. RIVERFRONT 5 ACRES with 215+/- feet of frontage. High elanaon re''eals spectacular views. $895,000 REDUCED ".~ih?.. 2." RIVERFRONT 1.15 ACRE homjsire on prestiaiosij F;,rt DleDaj d Rd $525,000 REDUCED PROTEC FED HARBOR luatI one lot m offthe main channel of the C ..-'iosaiirchee \Wi3craa Build ',our dream home under the s.:em': aks in thiS park kl.W. sernngei L;oed iri C.lon0is Harbzr S D $450,000 2 ACRE DEED S.lTInESITE m Oak. H-la.en Ettes .lI r p i bpCreauntul suosejt h o.er he .rt I LOTS AND LAND DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 25 acres plu, .:in Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with a il able w ate rfr ont pricedd mepndendtir i or in ups .:il ren.Ienndi pFiroje:t $150,000 per acre. SECLUDED, HEAR \OURSELF TBINh. 2':i+ jT-: .- .:,f L f ell :. ir hErt, Th.:.nip':.. R.,:;P pajrill, hailed with tr ,-hlv dju i p.:.nd rid 4'.' fpli .; .id: ..4 ilfdl for .:.ur ur e $14U.000. Bankof America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer '" Consumer Real Estate STel: 863-675-9065 S1-800-854-5783 esxension 56302 Fax: 863-675-774-4 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now wiih an office in LaBelle at 415W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment 1ITow certified in FHA/VA f n en cing PORT LABELLE RANCHETTE located .n Fron.rer Cr 2 53 Acres back iup to oeeenbeli area ainj hor.ce ire ilekoame Resimn,-d tJo ne bhldli b ile Ijlid', r,::. iden..es $275.000 5 BEAUTIFUL OAK LADEN ACRES l:caitedt E ist : LaBeLle Qumer Couian LviUin for onl, $160(t.l00. OVERSIZED HOMESITE .:.:.en;ricl, !:..:ir.d in the or', snth ieas a'c'ess to SR .:) 7 5 .Acre, iituo._ur-iC and read', or vour dream home L;:,r :sf oak3. in uajples Was $105.000. reduced to $S5.50li" for quick sale. PORT LABELLE LOTS close to new dcEi.:.pr-mea area & marna. Pn:ed from $39,0010 Ic $57.90U Cill for LnrieQnor Lst Ocer 6'0 heih ind dr -ri,:- to' pFi..l Fr uom SELLER FINANCING A AVAILABLE. -.th w 2:r; d,:.. ro qualiied tbu\cr ort LjBellU- 1.4 c !;:-r Man,, -ii home? under construcoon m In e inhinjdliare are llanp $45,000. HOMES .LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING. Horses W\l.:,.miel Upra.des indude wood floors, stacked stone.fire- place grannie cCou.nteri. ltinress steel appliances, crown ioulding, skihligh do:rmers, and top of the line ceding fans ili"t deiranr e medallions. The caged pool features, spajets, pavers, and a generous lanai. The 12 acres is every horse lovers dream. It includes a large barn faith 3 oversiizd rsalls and tack room with shelvmin as well a. a IulI Lr rigated riding arerni and j ):-'4,4 or!.sh.:p .,fi,:. Additional Atreaje i of,.ueable. f'ers i nie te cn 2nido r.r u,p,-in iGladels Coumv approval for proper rn sphi i$6t95'.0). WHAT AN OPPORTLNITY tor the ritlh. .n er.-rH =This 'i0 a':re parcel *:urrend\ bi is I'j): *edar home ,nih g.alva'ULme ro.:,f auda I1'9.7 isnglc~.ie lc nijrai:- cured home .Lo the preuuses. Boh bh.:,ues ire I n c.:l ai re jittljrtii., SeLler hais 'raled rhe pr.r:e; t u- there1 st-ill .quile a bir rodo. F'ropeirn .:-ir ie hr ;r-,t .s pncecd aIld aluO oral' $590,000 .2- -s : ..: '.r. ., r 2STORY HOME dose to r,:0wn just o Fi ier ci3, Rd Tt~hs aunaine E.bd 2B, holne lJ !r iU .11 ..:j.an, charm Mor ter _ite ,ih o:,ffie:, i:reLind r,;-,Em an more $279,000 REDUCED . R. .le Ter Bny- i Ra stt Boe COLUNTR\ (ILIET 'tr a1i n z2- icre, spacio.u gre A r...:-n ..:.r,,.--ep .. ~r tireplac c .E e-b d 2Ba plus .i.,: -p.-rt' ,r,,r.- r i ,r.-i 4cre enJd porch and :, cl I .. ." r., 'n rih i rncloed storagee $229,900. ZERO PERCENT FINANCING AVAILABLE! Gated nad pr,'are ,Licanr. ,'r dn.-. leads to !'Bed 'Ba niriit.ia.rurted- hi:.uie .feanres iljde 2 screened p.r-', .1 29:.3 2 Sh.:.Fp 1 a'e. plus aI x16I0 sorage 1.1e i *..r' i ret ri.:r.ior and .C, All orn 2 Ares $169,000. WH AT .\ N IC i-CU i u 11ll1 In 15, C .S I2 Ei I' '..rI.. aSUr u j uiirJu Jui0net l':k N ru-i ..I 1 ,|,in ,lin -i,,.:e i,.. i .:+. A .ireat bu j at $145,000. INDUSTRiAL COMMERCIAL PRIME CORNT R ih irppFr :.. '. "' ft .:..n i ll ir-aeled Cowboy Wa', si-.1 ." i :.L Fir, si The fr.:,m 7 Ac are zoned Light Indui rini hii-h rherairiini 4 ,v: t oed -4e ', Tndi.r;1l -r ,r ...pp,.:,r ,n ti, r:r 11 ;: p .ace de" el- opment. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located across from the State Attorney's Office and close to LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL 4 ac. located approx-1 mile west of Cowboy Way with 800 lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the proposed future Wal- Mart location. $1,500,000. 2 ACRES OF MIXED INDUSTRIAL USE with 176 ft. on prominent Cowboy Way. Asking $915,000. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4.65 AC with 100 5.4 Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access, just outside the city limits. Could be split under current zoning. $850,000. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL 1 AC SITE just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000 HARD TO FIND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $269,000. RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 st ~ ~,..ss Cii: 'L fI a*- ,C iz :'.r RENTALS AVAILABLE 2BR/2BA Home located on Lee Street zoned Business. Great for small office. CALL FOR DETAILS!! FEATURES OF THE WEEK 3BR/2.5BA CBS POOL HOME. spacious floor plan, large family room overlooking oversized lap pool, patio and courtyard. Also features office/4th bedroom, walk in closets, brick paved deck and new roof in 2005. '$310,000 BACK ON THE MARKET! Priced to Sell! 3.18 +/- Acres w/Cottage style home locat- ed in Port LaBelle Ranchettes. Situated at the end of a cul de sac w/peaceful & private setting. Cathedral ceilings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan & wrap around porch. $379,900 FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET! Homesteaded in 1893 by William. Henry Whidden. It will be hard to find a more desirable site. A prime location in an area of proposed future development in beauti- ful Fort Denaud. Features a 3BR/2BA CBS home and rental mobile home on 12.03 acres with massive old oaks and palms. Located approximately 7 1/2 miles West of LaBelle with frontage on Hwy 78 and Norris Road. $900,000 30 ACRE GROVE includes 2BR/3BA cus- tom home located in the path of develop- ment. $2,000,000 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATIONI! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 INVEST NOW! One of the few riverfront acreage parcels on the market. 10.7 Acres w/ 600 +/- feet fronting on the river. Look to the East and West & enjoy views from the raised riverbank. The waterfront piece features lakefront on the South side & riverfront on the North. Parcel's future land use is leisure recreation (LR). Your possibilities are endless here! $3,500,000 SPECTACUII.AR RIVERFRONT PARCEL! Two buildable lots w/60' protect- ed dock on old river oxbow. Prestine views up river & across to protected state owned land. Plus no corps setback, approx. 200 ft. of waterfront & situated on both the Caloosahatchee River(Inracoastal Waterway) and the old river oxbow. $1,500,000 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S BEST! This recently renovated 3BR/2BA home is located at the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!!! $499,900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront home site on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Home site is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river. Permits are in place to re-dredge oxbow. $499,000 ONE OF THE FEW pri- vately owned man-made deep water canals in LaBelle! This waterfront homesite is located in LaBelle City limits. Home site includes own- ership of the canal, which provides protected boat dockage and direct access to the Caloosahatchee River. $299,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! This 1.04 acre lot is wooded & located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Seller Motivated! Bring all offers! PRICE REDUCED $399,000 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jack's Branch w/ river access. This Unique property also has its own pri- vate ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 HOMES IN LABELLE CHARMING 2BR/2BA CEDAR HOME sits on oversized corner lot in the city. Features are vaulted ceilings, tile, French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 CBS HOME IN THE CITY! 3BR/2BA w/split floor plan, large bedrooms, oversized family room & beautiful shaded home site. $199,900! MOVE IN READY! Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interior paint & spacious master bedroom. $179,900 THIS IMMACULATE 2BR/1.5BA HOME is located in the center of town close to everything. What a terrific home for some- one just setting out on their own or sizing down. Home is partially furnished & ready for you! $159,900 IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA MANUFAC- TURED HOME situated on shaded over- sized lot in town & completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry & breakfast island. Reduced $134,900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3BR/2BA manufac- tured home has a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! Possible owner financing available! Owner will consider all offers! REDUCED $105,000 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on. UNIQUE OLD FLORIDA ESTATE! 10,538 fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle. Home sq. ft. under roof + 2,585 sq. ft. pool & patio has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining, area! Exclusive pool home located East of $119,900 LaBelle on 5 beautiful, oak & citrus-filled AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- acres fronting on SR 80. Home features many' TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home architectural details from vaulted ceilings and w/office or possible 4th bedroom. Perfect skylights, to Spanish tile flooring. Custom starter home or rental investment. Located floor plan includes 3 master suites, private sit- within city limits, completely fenced & ting rooms, French doors to large lanai, cov- priced to sell! $99,900 ered walkways, poolside rec room, IBR/1BA HOMES cottage, twelve-bay workshop w/garage, elec- 3BR/2BA CBS HOME w/Pool in Laurel tric gate entranceway, paved drive & com- Oaks, very desirable neighborhood w/ pletely fenced. One of a kind! $1,500,000 great floor plan for a growing family. 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/- acres Property is surrounded by large oaks. fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles Home/pool needs TLC, being sold AS IS. from town. Property is fenced & cross $235,000 fenced w/gorgeous oaks & horse stable. 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & $490,000. r CLEAN! TTi T: I ,.., ;- .... I,,... f,. SPATTCIOUS 4BR/R2A MANUFAC'rTUREDSI E1A1s1.; il sa IluIc la me truly d UCdUty Ilroml the inside out. Features: ceramic tile, bonus room w/hurricane shutters, screened porch, alarm system & spacious bedrooms & bathrooms. Well manicured corner lot w/irrigation system. A must see! $189,000. 3BR/2BA HOME W/TILE through out liv- ing areas, living room plus family room. Fenced back yard w/ many tropicals & BBQ room. $189,900 3BR/1BA HOME IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. Nice floor plan, tile through out. Priced to sell! $130,000 2BR/2BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured home w/large screened room on 1.25 acre home site cleared w/scattered trees. REDUCED $119,500 HOMES ON ACREAGE UNIQUE, DESIRABLE AND IN THE PATH OF GLADES COUNTY DEVELOP- MENT! This wonderful location is perfect for the active developer looking for that parcel which is surrounded by the approved Lykes Development. Suitable for planned development with approval from Glades County. $1,800,000 home on 4.84+/- acres w/ pond & mostly cleared. Split floor plan. large sister bed- room/bath, office/nursery, formal living room, family room & open kitchen w/island. $325,000 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. This 4BR/2BA oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in living areas & many extras! REIUCE) $265,000 NEW CONSTRUCTION CBS HOME LOCATED PORT LAB-ELL.E UNIT 102. Features open floor plan. split bedrooms, Frigidaire stainless steel appli- ances, tile throughout, separae tub iand shower in master, vaulted ceilings. patio and two car garage. $249,900 3BR/2BA CBS HOME! Split floor plian, 2,000+ total sq. ft., granite counter tops, 18" ceramic tile, vaulted oI..-c... id many more upgraded features. '1 l'1,nInl LOTS 3RD AVENUE .45 Acre $70,000 CALHOUN STREET .64 Acre $89,000 201 N. HICKORY STREET .62 Acre $98,500 PORT LABELLE LOTS AVAILABLE $24,000 $48,000. Call for details. MONTURA RANCH ESTATES - Residential homesites available. COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned prop- erty located in Downtown l.aBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street & Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida-Style two story building fi-onts on Bridge Street. $850,000 A OUAINT CRACKER-STYLE OFFICE on Park Avenue. Already set up for a busi- ncss office- including phone lines, air con- ditioning, commercial grade carpeting and I,nds gaping. Screened front porch adds to its Florida charm. $399,900 BEST BUY OWNER ANXIOUS! Affordable Business Zoned Property! This 2BR/1 BA home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and businesses. Priced to Sell! $179,900 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL "PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwxcy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel ..I.I .... (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop - I.(i00 sq. 1 i..: -I" I ., ,,I I -. .,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator Bait Pulb has .. Ii. ; i. business in the Pioneer ( ............. i I.., many years. If Vyo've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully liFrnished, completely equipped kitcheni & oflers a great start for any entre- preneur. $174,500 SE HABLA ESPANIOL www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClurc and Receptionist Emily Curtis .We.have -'Izjdjy ii 5009 Pinetree Cir, Cypress II, 312/2 I -_I- IICI1 I -I ---, 1 I-- e, ~cas~BI I~ --- - i. r : .. i. 0- Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14, 2006 11 Almanacs Benefit for Christian Arceneaux A benefit to help the family of 13-year-old lightning strike victim Christian Arceneaux will be held at The Shores Bar and Grill, 12156 Palm Beach Blvd. Fort Myers, Sun- day, Sept. 17, beginning at noon. Food and karaoke. Donations at the door. You may also bring donations to Edison Plumbing, 875 Industrial Court, Ste. C in LaBelle or mail them to: Lisa Holt, P.O. Box 2765, LaBelle, FL 33975. For more infor- mation, call Rose at 673-4942.' Food distribution set The Hendry County Food Bank will distribute USDA commodities to each individual or family that qualifies on Thursday, September 21, from noon to 3 p.m. at Our Lady of Heaven Catholic Church, 355 South Bridge Street. Client eligi- bility can be one of the following: Food Stamp Recipient, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TANF, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicaid, Residence Hosing founded by Municipal, County, State of Federal Government, Self Declaration of Need by the client (Based on the Department of Health and Human Services Pover- ty Income Chart). SSchool advisory to meet The School Advisory meeting will be held at Upthegrove Elemen- Stary School on Tuesday, September 119, at 6 p.m. Parents/guardians and anyone from the community are i welcome to attend. Learn about sex offender issues The Hendry County ,Sheriff's Office has designed a program to help educate the public concerning sex offender laws and ordinances. This program will help to clarify sex offender designations and give- some statistics on sex offender recidivism. They will explain abilities and limitations of law enforcement and identity offender/predators located in the area This very informative program will be presented at the September meeting of the ABWA, Thursday, September 14, 7 p.m. at the Woman's Club. The meeting begins with a covered dish dinner followed by the program. Everyone is welcome. Ft. Denaud Cemetery Cleanup The LaBelle High School Chap- ter of National Honor Society needs your help in cleaning and beautify- ing the Ft. Denaud Cemetery. NHS members will be of service to the community on September 23, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. They will make themselves available to anyone in the community who has a request, to clean the grave of a loved one. The members will be raking, weed- ing, sweeping, etc. They have also volunteered to clean the public restroom there. They will be pro- viding new flowers for anyone who comes by and requests them for a burial site. If anyone has a special request for a gravesite and is unable to come that day, please call May Sue Smith, Advisor of NHS, at LaBelle High School after 12:45 p.m. on weekdays at 674-4120 ext. 241. The NHS members will be happy to provide any service within county regulations. Please make a special effort to come out on Sep- tember 23 and help the NHS mem- bers honor our ancestors and loved ones. Any donations toward this project will be greatly appreciated. Any questions, comments, requests or donations may once again be directed to Mary Sue Smith at LaBelle High School. LES Open House Get ready to have a great time at LES. The LaBelle Rotary Club will be sponsoring an All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner on Tuesday, Sep- tember 19. It will be held from 5-7 p.m. in the LES cafeteria. The tick- ets cost $5 for adults and $3.50 for children. All of the proceeds go toward benches for students, to be placed throughout the school cam- pus. The PTO will also hold a bake sale during this event. So come pre- pared for some yummy treats. Also in the cafeteria, LESwill be selling t- shirts for $10, Dolphin bracelets for $1 and sneaker badges for $1 pair. Classroomswill be open forvisi- tation from 6-7 p.m. There will bea book fair from 5-7 p.m. in the media center. Also, there will be a PTO Meeting at 7 p.m. in the cafete- ria. It is recommended that you purchase tickets in advance. Conservation board to meet The Hendry Soil and Water Con- servation District will hold its regu- larly scheduled Board meeting on September 28, at 1 p.m. in the main conference room of the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building. Meetings are open to the public. Gardeners to meet The Greater LaBelle Garden Club will meet Monday, September 25, at 7 p.m. at the Dallas Townsend Center off Cowboy Way across from the Health Depart- ment. Everyone is welcome. There will be a plant exchange, 50/50, Yard of the Month presentation and refreshments. Bring your family and friends. For more information, call Nikki at 675-3394 or Terri at 675-2392. Kids Day coming The Annual Kiwanis Kids Day will be Saturday, September 23, at Barron Park from 10 am. to 2 p.m. The day focuses on all children up to teenagers. Lots of games, fun and food. All activities are free. Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks are a very minimum cost. There will be puppet shows and a bounce house. The fire department and health department are also participating with valuable infor- mation. There will be several draw- ings, plus the grand prize being a bicycle. This is just another way Kiwanis shares their goals with the community. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicat- ed to changing the world one child and one community at a time. Bike/pedestrian board planning meetings The second Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. is the Biker's Pedestrian Adisory Board meeting. Free vision screenings Dr. Parrish and Dr. Youmans will be doing "Back to School" vision screenings for all Hendry and Glades students through 5th grade' during the month of September. Stop by their office at 100 N, Main Street or any afternoon between 3- 4:30 p.m. No appointment neces- sary. For further information call 675-0761. Widows Support Group .The Widows Support Group will meet at Michelle's Restaurant on September 21, at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. All widows welcome. Christian Men of HendryCounty Plan to join and support the Gathering of the Christian Men of Hendry County for the monthly meeting. This is a non-denomina- tional gathering to unite the Christ- ian community to the glory of God through Jesus Christ. Dinner is included. It will be held on Monday, September 18, at 7:30 p.m. at the Dallas Townsend Building. For more information contact Dave Alexandert 675-0500. Life Ministries offering special courses SFree from Addictions, a recov- 1050 Commerce Dr., Suite A, LaBelle, FL 33935 License #CC-C037019 ery program by best-selling author Neil Anderson, will begin Friday, September 22, at 7 p.m. at Life Ministries in LaBelle. Cost is $25 and includes book and workbook for the 10-week program. Divorce Care, a nationally rec- ognized video-based ministry, and Hope for the Separated will begin Saturday, September 23, at Life Ministries Hwy. 80 West in LaBelle. The Saturday kickoff will be from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and includes a continental breakfast and lunch. The program will con- tinue for ten Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost is $25 and includes workbook. Please call Cindy Miller at 675- 3966 or Michelle Zimmerly at 675- 3834 for more. details or to register. Hey, boaters! It may only be mid September with hurricanes on our minds, but it is less than ninety days until the LaBelle Christmas Boat Parade, set this year for Saturday, December 9. Last year was the biggest and best ever; get ready to make this one even better. College Day scheduled College Day will be held at LaBelle High School from Thurs- day, September 21, 9-11:00 a.m. in the gym. Parents should check into the front office for a visitor's pass. Over 30 schools will be coming from within the State of Florida. Students in the 10-12th grade will be attending. Call Jovita Williamson at 67-1.4120 x 224 for information. Widows Support Group The Widows Support Group will meet at Michelle's Restaurant September 21, at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. All w idows are welcome. Gun safety classes set Sheriff Ronnie Lee announces that gun safety classes for people wishing to use the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Gun Range will continue to be held each Saturday morning during the month of September. 'Ivo classes will be held each Saturday at the Gun Range Office. The first class of the day will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a second class to follow at 10 a.m. Fee for the class is $5. All persons must complete the class prior to using the range: Glades plans migratory bird count The first-ever North American Migratory Bird Count for Glades County centering around Fisheating Creek will be held on Saturday, September 16. Volun- teers are needed to count and identify bird species. Staging area at Hendry Camp- ground at Palmdale. For infor- mation about volunteering for this event being organized by St. Petersburg Audubon contact: Don Margeson at donaldon- lo@aol.com or Lorraine Marge- son at donlocomm@aol.com. lou Coor PIr YnoVAoATions Au Annunr YAooimonnons for DOu. O1 & & nRMTi SAVE on Heartworm Prevention & Flea Protection Products Rabies $7.00 Avj ilable o LABELLE RANCH SUPPLY 281 S. Bridge St., LaBelle (863) 6754250 Saturday, Sept. 16 from 7:30a.m to 9:00a.m. TRACTOR SUPPLY 2395 S. Olga Rd. SR 80, Ft. Myers (239) 690-3002 Saturday, Sept. 16 from 9:30a.m to ll:00a.m. Can 1888-623. 8838 For More nfonmaion OR visitor iebsite at www.888petvet.com Oacn Ru bbegr CASH IN ON AMERICA'S FASTEST GROWING RINIEiSM S inolPP RTLiNIT MEDICAL~ Marion f fetjry( I N'l lij 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee i .1L L - . . '" .. ,, -" ', ,t ,,. = : .., : . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ : ,2" '''L ?' :1 j"':" "'''% ''''''" :' ; ', , .: ; ..,:. 2. . . -..- .. :., .: ,. Reason #17 to jorn Suncoast. WE CASH YOUR CHECK. You keep more of it. WIn the few minutes it takes to cash your check, some check cashing services are also taking a significant amount of your money. As profitable as it may be for those places, we don't do business that way. When you join Inc. QUALITY MATERIALS * * ALL WORK GUARANTEED * ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS * FREE ESTIMATES 36 Years Combined Experience Metal Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs Roof Coating Soffit/Fascia LaBelle 863-675-7045 Fax 863-612-1158 Locally Owned & Operated Born & Raised in LaBelle Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union. you pay a flat fee of $3 per month to cash approved checks and receive up to 12 free money orders per day. That's Who's eligible to join Suncoast? IF YOU LIVE IN HENRY COUNTY, YOU'RE ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP AT SINOOAST.2 PLUS, ANYONE WHO WORKS, WORSHPS OR ATTENDS SCHOOL HERE GAN JOIN. IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS CAN JOIN TOO. less than it costs to cash one check at many traditional check cashing services. And if certain minimum requirements are met, check cashing is completely free with Suncoast.' We think it's fair. and one of the many reasons you should considerjoining Suncoast. Call 800-999-5887 or go to joinsuncoast.org to find out more. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org N UA I, h ...'b, l,,Li .::o. ..ri i rJ l rd ,, IJ -. | .. .,,e,' nl.r .. t,. ne, In liret.e riiii ,",f .a S ''-.-rp i -rr d go.rn, etn ph-to11 iID I tulred Ln Map-- s~i-~~ 9PPDP- ,, I 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14, 2006 Las Noticias en Espanol Dia de Uevar Alguien Querido a' unasitaMedica Desde el Departmento de Salud El Dia de LlevarAlguien Querido a una sita Medica es una iniciativa national que promueve que las personas reciban sitas medical rutinarias. El dia se observa este ano el 19 de septiembre del 2006. El tema de este ano es: El que tiene salud, tiene esper- anza; El que tiene esperanza, tiene todo... De el regal de'esperanza, Lleve alguien querido a una sita medical La premisa del Dia de Llevar Alguien Querido a una sita Medica es que las personas identifiquen alguien quien sepan que no visit a su medico rutinariamente, que le hagan una sita y que el dia de la sita, eleven a la persona al medico. Tambien el dia sirve como recorda- torio a todos que no nan hecho sitas para si mismos de la impor- tancia de una sita medical. Las personas sin seguro o aque- llas que no tengan buena cobertu- ra, deben de Ilamar a su departa- mento de salud del condado para obtener information sobre servi- cios gratis o de bajo costo. El Dia de Uevar Alguien Qierido . a una sita Medica se observa el ter- cer Martes de cada septiembre. Esta iniciativa es apoyada por el locutor Tom Joyner y la Oficina de la Salud de las Minorias'del Depar- tamento Nacional de Salud y Servi- cios Humanos. Los departamentos de salud de los condados, juntos a socios aflia- dos, ofreceran servicios medicos para asistir con la promotion del Dia de Llevar Alguien Querido a una sita Medica. Las personas que no pueden hacer sita para el 19 de septiembre, deben de hacer sita para una fecha convenient y establecer una ruti- na de chequeos medicos. Arresto El 23 de agosto el jurado de LaBelle encontro a Jorge Aguilar Batalone culpable del delito de agresion sexual en contra de una menor de edad 11. El 18 de sep- tiembre se le dara sentencia. Bat- alone fue arrestado el 12 de enero del 2004 despues que una menor de 11 anos dijo a su mama que habia sido sexualmente atacada. El incident ocurrio en un hotel donde Batalone habia Ilevado a la victim y otras dos menores mas para nadar. No hay evidencia forensic en el caso porque la victim dijo del asalto a su madre hasta un mes despues ya que se encontraba muy asustada. Sin embargo, ella le conto el incident a una de las otras menores que estaban en la piscina.- Batalone tambien llamo a la madre de la victim y pidio disculpas. Education para adolescentes STener una carrera y ser buenos padres son las dos cosas mas importantes que se pueden tener. Generalmente cuando las sabilidadyyo quiero hacer muchas cosas, quiero estudiar medicine pediatrica, tener a Jakie me hizo reflexionar en lo important que es la education. Como voy a sportar mi hija si no tengo una profession? Hoy tengo al padre de ella manana yo no se por eso yo necesito estudi- ar para apoyar a mi hija. Yo aprendi esto de mis padres, mi madre siem- pre estuvo en la casa pero papa se accident y mama tuvo que traba- jar. Yo me quiero casar algun dia pero por el moment necsito conocer bien al papa de mi me bebe porque era diferente cuando salia con el, era diferenta cuando estaba embarazada y ahora es diferente. Mi meta es graduarme de la escuela, los programs Familias Saludables y Comienzo Saludable me han ayudado much. ' Ijj dill w 0 I F UNIVERSE ALLSTAR Ages 3-18 150 S. Industrial Loop Rd LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-3737 Mel Brant 17070 Hwy 80W. Unit #3 Clewiston, FL ( ) 863-983-7840 (C) 863-228-0762 CALL FOR PRAYER S675-7785 Sponsored by the LaBelle Chapter, Order of St. Luke, a Christian Healing Ministry. Return calls only upon request. Fla. Building & Roofing Inc. Specializing in Metal & Shirgle Roofs, Flat and Re-Roofs Office: 863-674-9994 Cell 863-673-0665 Contact: Richard Cockram FREE Estimates Serving the area for over 20 yearsT RB29003105 RC29027104 -- >>^it^ K- f seurrce" kA Our MoW tqlmportunmnPwt BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www.whitesfumnrunriandppltanae.conm !r_ h~ ] ']U ( L [ 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CACOOO830 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers LaB' Nights Thurs 9- 8 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle. FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC |j< Hio17.aP Licensed Insured OFFICE (863) 675-8314 DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH Fr. MYERS 1-866 226-9400 HANDYMAN CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN MAINTAINENCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us on the web at www.allinl .Oncom Se Habta Espanol LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS 6 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 AB 271 LA MONARCH SALON 1250 Hwy 29 South LaBelle, FL in La Fiesta 863-675-2940' Hours: Tue -Sat 10 8 Sun 9 -1 1 'alk- In's Welcome Stylist & Barber EXTREME CLEANS. I Construct cion Comniercial Residental 863 675-0810 239 344-6712 l'*" rr th l ,.h L,','f '. rw ..' Hfr.-h71,J NEW HOME CONSTRIL ACTION p)863-612-0070 f) 863-612-0080 825 E. *,w, oyr \Vt\ Suite 108 !itInl.C .il. :339' SLABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certfied & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENRY REGiON MEOICA CENTER 500W.SWuiN HmW, Cmiost 863-983-9121 Randy's Garage, Inc. i.i i,,,I, ,, r i),l,,, "it .- f', C- 863 675-1032 737 S. Rridlc St. ...aB llc, FL i\ ,t North Iof Llanfordl oiJ I !'] I li PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land cleariit, o oill iAbs? 239-728-6629 NC. COMPUTER APPUCATIONS TUrOR W-1.117, LCIt L TZrF A C C. C i F H-7LIP HOME WILL DUEIC-l S 'PFCPEALHEErT, ET,'-- CIIV UP R111-:-11 CALL LYNNE AT (863)670-7049 OR (239)845-9223 (CELL) PEGASUS(S3rRATO.NET OVERBAUGH FOOTER SIncrea'e your production Let us dig your tooter Commercial & Residential Office: 863.674.1300 Patt's Cell: 239.246.5106 P.O. Box187 Alva, FL 33920 Dan & Patt Overbaugh operator/owner r o4ofe3 05@yahc.:...m Lic& Ins. #G0510'.-ll. QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated ELiccda ISerrvice Company Main lectrial Pand Repair or Replacnent * Landscape lighting and surge protection * CallforA Remodel ote or bome generator accessories &hook ups 9-5 CsLL4 101l 863-228-4138- 24 EMERGENCY SERVICE Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, Fl. For appointments call 239-658- 3000 W;dk-ins ,Welcome IMMOKRALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Trafford Rd Immokalee, F. (Whuint Dixie Plaza) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 U uDllb kjtD] fff T I0N W Snuarlnd l uH,, Clewitln HWY 80 LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET 1W wholesale Ooiring warehouse 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY 80 LABELLE, FL 863-675-8575 larges In-Stock electionn HHI] ; ;| : :.j1:4 ;ltt h hi Osceola Concrete Services LLC Concrete r Excavation u.r,. s W rk "E,-m.-i 'ri F,:,-:,e[ C'ug .s 'I:,'ur d New Drives & Walks H.:u,- Pads ulvwrrt 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 licensed and Insured BX06-00099/HC1011sp ---Dfi]& 0 1 ;pllM 9 [I 1i PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL Phone: 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lir #1327233 20 ears Experience FREE ESTIMATES LABOR FINER DAILY R Dfl DAILY a ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E S.irand % (Aross fmr Cle~istn #n) (863) 902-9494 SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES LANGFORD 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 "Y'all" Spoken Here! SCHRIST THE KING Lutheram Chuamh 1 .62 Thgpen Road LaBelle, PL 9:00 am. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper ', 3"& 51 Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 am. alvv, nit.)a awsbc'jA F tioId1 863-675-2733 e-mail ctklc@qtrato.net and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES OFFICE: (863) 675-7045 L lc. CC .ci03019 PETE'S DRAGLINE & BACKHOE SERVICE, INC. Dozerwork k Clearing House Pads Specializing in Ditching & Ponds Office: 863.675.1862 Mobile: 863.673.8181 Mobile: 863.673.6738 -..^ ', "--; n -;-7 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson River Where Quality is Done in Style CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN1" EDDIE GATES Agent Senior liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate WUT Fellow Liberty National/_h Life Insurance Company T 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft.Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) s17-0386 (CELL) wheil you need a service, calfl a fi Call 863-675-2541 or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! muchachas se embarazan y todavia estan en la escuela la mayoria lo que hace es renunciar de los studios, ahora gracias a un program que dirige Joyce Conner las adolescents embarazadas pueden continuar su education mientras esperan sus bebes. El Program Para Padres Ado- lescentes ensena a los futures padres conocimientos para que ellos finalicen sus studios y sean buenos con sus hijos. El program es voluntario solo require la firma de los participants. La fase numero y dos incluye crecimiento del nino, abstinencia, reproduc- cion humana, planeamiento de la familia, cuidado prenatal, cuidado despues del parto y discipline apropiada, Unavez que los futures padres jovenes han concluido la fase uno y dos del entrenamiento recibiran transportation gratis y cuidado de su bebe mientras se graduan de la escuela, tambien recibiran classes de una maestra dos horas durante seis semanas despuesquenacioelbebe De acuerdo con el sitio de la computadora myflorida.com, la acliMdad sexual de los esludiantes es double cuando estan entire noveno y doceavo grado, aproxi- madamente el 50 por ciento de los que se van a graduar son sexual- mente activos. Si las muchachas van a eslar embarazadas eventual- menle van a ser madres entonces ellas deberan de saber los conocimientos para darle a sus hijos unvidasaludable. Maria Erreguin es la madre de un nina saludable de dos anos y medio llamada Jaqueline. Ella quedo embarazada cuando tuvo sexo la primera vez con su novio que en ese tiempo tenia la edad de 17. Ella dijo: "Cuando yo me di cuenta que estaba embarazada, me asuste pero afortunadamente pude entrar a las classes de padres en la escuela median, falte a seis meses de escuela porque tenia un embarazo riesgoso por mi edad. Yo tuve presion alta, transfusion de sangre y otras complicaciones que me dejaron en el hospital mas tiempo, afortunadamente inis padres me apoyaron en todo moment ellos cuidaron de la nina, yo no se que hubiera hecho yo sin su ayuda." "Me costo 12 meses recuperar mi salud despues de teneramibebe". "Algunas muchachas que yo conozco que saben que yo tuve un bebeme piden consejos acerca del sexo. Primero yo les cuento mi experiencia y lo dificil que es estar embarazada lan joven, lanmbien les digo que si el muchacho de \'erdad las an-,a el a a esperar y asi tendran tempo para pensar si esa es la per- sona correcla para hacer algo que las va a cambiar por el reslo de sus vidas." Por las classes de los padres yo aprendi corno cuidar a mi tlebe, aprendimos lodo junlas. "El padre de mi hija y vo \irimos juntos ahora pero vamos a esperar un tiempo muy largo para lener otro hijo porque es un gran respon- A New IWist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. -I, A revolutionary new way to think about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours No Relraming. No Painting. No Mess Cost Mucn Less than Old Fashioned Skylights ANTIC FANSP SLel our Crin.eo Installation Consultants show you the Sditaerence So3lalube can make in your home today S_ Hurricane Tested & Approved SKiu 0 SOLATUBE "'-0w. t. Tni M .N tSKVlGRT. ___t__-__ " FINANCE| L.:enJed Flondi Broker Bumine s 100% Financing Available Full Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases S: Eas Qualification & Loan Requirements SSingle Family Homes Manufactured Homes -i1 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available SHablamos Eipaol II - I Ir rll ~I r I r I I r c,_l~~~Il -sP '- C ' 13" Cralnncs RAiI_ Thursdav. September 14.2006 LaBelle Elementary starts the year Yws P Friday, September tur ne lowing students collected over to be a fantastic day for walking at '$100 in pledges: Loryn Taylor,m T PD.olla .,.. m n tqrv XT/lIA_ Arhri _Jnes, Alex Chairez Pev- Community Links. Individual Voices. Law.Dllt II lCLementa. ile vva -V.,--- Thon once again proved to be a great success. This walk is the per- fect start for another outstanding year at LaBelle Elementary. It was refreshing to see so many parents, grandparents and volunteers participate in this won- derful event. There were a total of 110 volunteers on campus and their help and involvement was instrumental in making the day a success. Everyone students, teachers and parents walked together with a common purpose. The purpose is to provide transportation so that each class is able to take one field trip and to have additional funds, which will enhance the existing curriculum at LES. suominea to me t ialoosa eiie/Sneloy r-agan Students and teachers trucking along on the walking trail. The students who collected the the winner was Meghan Martin. most pledges in grades Pk-2 and The 3-5 winner was Meghan grades 3-5 each received a $50 gift Golemme. These students did an certificate from Wal-Mart. In Pk-2 excellent job. In addition, the fol- Beneath the sun, beside the waves, lies your Sand Castle by the sea. R E LT T NV .: Investin OakIsland- Brtnswick( :t Coll. NC BLIVIRS IARKM TI! Great Iargailnm on hoines annihonmeslte! 80U 6371 -438 1 ................O 010 7 ) Wlt V.A%,,M .CASTl.r BV[ lI SII .IC.IOM ton Murray and Megan Price. These seven students received a dolphin t-shirt for their hard work. All students at LES did a fantastic job walking and collecting pledges. LaBelle Elementary School is very thankful for the support from the community. They would like to especially thank the Sheriff's Department, Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Alico, The Bonita Bay Group, both the Clewiston and Lehigh Wal-Mart, U-Save, Save-A- Lot, Winn Dixie, McDonald's and Crystal Water for their support. Having a caring community is one of LaBelle Elementary's greatest gifts. I I Waiting for payments OVER TIME on a settled lawsuit? Get More Cash. Deal Direct with the Leaders. NovationCap.com 1-800-337-6409 I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I neWSZap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. L -- -- ----------------------------------- ------ If you, a deceased spouse or parent suttered from any of the fol- lowing ailments on or before November 21, 1996 and were advised by a treating doctor that the condition was a result of cigarette smoking, you may be eligible for a cash settlement from big tobacco, Lung Cancer Esophageal Cancer Kidney Cancer Laryngeal Cancer Bladder Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Oral Cavity/Tongue Cancer Call Fleming & Associates toll free at 1.800-940-3365 for more information. oIgle M Iemrin is Iienstd ir I aith pfniin pal oftr: Am inM ioon. FA arid astxalm with eIprokti(Fd lowyers hioutghoul lie LI S. Fleming &Associates,L.L.P 1330 Post Oak BIvO.. Sure 3030 Houston TX 77056-3019 1h, hiiig ,)i a lawyer s an important deosion that should not he based solely upon advertisemens. Belore you decide, ask us to send yoru hee witten informanon aooul our qualiftarioris and epehiierpe. S.I INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neigtnor. SSrue Farm is rhEr.' BankqtAmerica - SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 "Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.-willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle SPHOTO ONE PHtOTOGRAPf :571 Davis Street IFLtcllc, FL 33935 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-mail: illp.rii-ellpl-hoto 1 i t 'e rtlinl k.net :t4ism Pur I I~ lll'WI Al SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rental. i r .rt, i., .n', Put your t i itii l ,.\' r iii, ' ,ii v.,' i '.. ,' il. ,. , ^ ^c RlTrace 1 Virs Rrce PFluge ...-... i I BrokerS/iManger Sew Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call GR ic N Es kerS _________ [S| c Real Estate Broker Fran W. Spencer, Lic. Broker 437SR80W LaBelle,FL (863) 675-1203 -(863) 673-5554 Web: www.SpencerReatyFLcom MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 likcin-.d and inurud THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 Teresa R Hamil 863.673-0692 19490 Marhall Field Rd. LaBelle ,jrA Fiarriles Childien Babiis Pets e( dngsS& Special even Studio or Location In house lab, you lake rhme prints same day. picturethislabelle.photoreflect.com COUNTRY HOMES & LANe REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com 233 N. BRIDGE ST Ox TH cowonR Bftw sr & WiEsWTON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com property management [i ] rentals sales INDY L. ALEXANDER LIC REAL TATE BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 Bankston Realty '4 mud Fq-'l.crt'ntl z: onl.r Ln..n i.LII lu.ri . CALL (239) 357-2972 I.n L ,; Ih -r I c -i1n al ca ..is perlhlli'1 '",:h1 oo.c.,ll The Paint Authority, Inc. intLxt Paining Preiure \W thing Decora De Concrete Cojanign FREE Estimates 863-675-0200 PT 000527 HC 298.SP EDISON P PLUMBING, INC. :,,I l. l,. ' ( :S'7..J tirlllir- lilt. NEW C1'K, I t:l '. Il1l'/ LUAL1I. COMMERCIAL Rl.M 'I, N I[ SL, HVIC1 :1. A I\IK., cOi (863) 675-8946 ot (239 690-1824 875 Industrial Ct. LaBelle, FL crC1426690 Zs rmE nMAl INSURED i ; ~ RODNEY MI TRR.\Y & SETH HO\'A:\R[K Lic. Real Estate B ,I l i . LaBelle, FL 8638-675-4550 RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 N% -% % I Ii k ,l 1 -,cr-.l- d mn c( I 1 I l I I I l .'" lI .l' 'l, ri ..r- i.i .L in S Marilyn Sears ,I MLS lI.kLsed al Istalteroer ALPHA AND OMegA PeRnAwTN m Need a Permit? Don't Stress, Call Us, We Will Do The Rest Covering: Hendry, Glades, Lee, C.:,llhr. H-iihlands., ULcoto, Polk, Okr(ch.-.:bt& & H irdc Counties Mobile: 863-673-1050 Sonya Crews Mobile: 863-673-0383 Linda Craft Fax: 863-675-1332 fEREETATE LArD CO co 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espaftol lic. REL. ESME- BROKER PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER MpiMv, ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bamesr@alenkellymortgage.com _- Stall calls With Us You'l Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse T-ransporLaton Available For Rates, References & Scn icc Call 863-675-3231 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers Zhe King C;Roup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 N- -=m MrsHta HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863.675.3955 (35 Years Experience) SBC FINANCE L,. r:xL .T Fi,:,rid E 'l: r L.,u ii, : 100o Financing Available I lI Jnu:iijd L' ooxp Rd i elle 863-675-3275 Mo.r Fon d.il' pi d, [cFr,rjTii rii; A\ iii il'k tH .l-r,.:.: TE-,fil l Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-1Opm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week Cafoosa Sfores Waterfront Hfomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 Cell: 239-872-7665 Ava: 239-728-9998 wwwiburson-weathes.t. oi B-Mail: *> ' inat@burson-weathers.corni ' C Commercial Land Residential ReAItM Group. ItI. Lisa Andrews lic. Real Estate Broker 238 N. Bridge St. laBelle, FL.33935 863-675-8868 ., .. ; l .l i -, i, ,r hl l I .1, 1 HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863-675-0403 Q _~,Ib- l- "When you need a service, call apessoal! SCall 863-675-2541 . or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! VUIVVUu'r-I --T--~) --r _ I I II I a I N I a _I I I II wRiftfill Will filk V.31411 T 14 1-877 FITI I Financial Services MIlcTI ISO 1800 IIII Mobile Homes Recreation j Automobiles | Public Notices Fi C0ICOS SSil -Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14, 2006 l d for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run .: your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. re 1-877, Our newspaper network consists of eight papers.- one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Puls- FRe.3R: i.er Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! t To qualify, your ad SMust be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) SMust fit into 1 2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) S iMust include only one item and its price (remember it must be S2.500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! RET Dlinep-AdsIm MipW~lay;Aft ;:-~ 5 p-3 m. d an uy pablVCtt9 R# VISA Announcements Pleai e repad ,.:n jl r j .'rj ll I, : ,r', dr I _.erarrr In .:.t n rr,-_.r *" h :ri i d.eni erh . I pl .i, C.iF'.,, u" p."r.:.r I., i. he 1 n.: I ,-l Ad e l rn, S- r p: n' .5 Fbl:r n':,r Sirn : .. -.r l .-. :.r t .:.r rrr.:.re IIh, r, h:I l rl IOf thi i.r rn,',d i .-lr ..nluel -; b., wth an asterisk . .Shar e ride r11 Card of r.3Thranks 120rr r. p,-,r.;.billt, .:,r '., ,:lain,. In Memoriam 125 Lost 135 d.-r,.3 Giue Away 140 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 *LAND AUCTION* 200 Props Must be Sold! Low Down/E- Z Financing. Free Catalog (800)937-1603 www.LAND- AUCTION.com NRLL East, LLC Auction Bus. Li- cense:AB2509, Mark B:ul- Or p |..i:l rn,, .:.r ill ,:,:,p.. ,',d ziuk r Auctioneer License:AU3448, Jeff John-: cense:AU3449, Sta l ney S:.rTMauk Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3447. GOATS- 2, Male & female, Brown &r white, Long ears. rVi. Behind Four Seasons t ,- i ra qo- i3 require sin:e 8/27 (863)248-1658 REWARD OFFERED- missingote within aste3bsk, of First Baptist Church/CVS Store, Immokalee, Call Auctions 10(239)289-5210 UCar Pool 110 FEMALE DOG brwndblk. Share a ride 115 FREE KITTEN 9 weeks, fe- male, litter trained. 863-634-3503 lv. msg. SHEPHERD, CHOW & CUR X,Card of Thanks old,120 (863)675-2598 lv. msg. In Memoriami 125 Kids outdoor swings,130 house, clothes, collectibles & Much More!! Lost 135 Give Away 140 GaragBelleYard- Sale 145 Person7:30am-? 170 BryanAve. New & Special Notes, furniture155 900 Numbers 160 toys & lots of misc. items. LANDToo many to list200 Props Must be Sold! Low Down/E- Z Financing. Free Catalog (800)937-1603 www.LAND- AUCTION.com NRLL East, LLC Auction Bus. Li- cense:AB2509, Mark Bul- ziuk Auctioneer License:AU3448, Jeff John- ston Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3449, Stacey Mauk Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3447. GOATS- 2, Male & female, Brown & white, Long ears. Vic. Behind Four Seasons since 8/27 (863)248-1658 REWARD OFFERED- missing Pit Bull Puppy, grey w/some white, 35 Ibs, 5 mos old, vic of First Baptist Church/CVS Store, Immokalee, Call (239)289-5210 CHEVY P/U 82, V8, Auto; Utility bed, Lift gate. All dis- sembled. FREE! You haul! (863)674-0375 FEMALE DOG brwn/blk. spots, unique markings. Smaller. Good family dog, to good home. 863-227-4311 FREE KITTEN 9 weeks, fe- male, litter trained. 863-634-3503 Iv. msg. SHEPHERD, CHOW & CUR MIX, 8 weeks old, (863)675-2598 Iv. msg. Multi.Family 441 CYPRESS STREET Sat. 9/16, 8am til? Kids outdoor swings, doll- house, clothes, collectibles & Much More!! LaBelle Sat. 9/16 7:30am-? 170 Bryan Ave. New & used clothes, furniture toys & lots of misc. items. Too many to list! UGr . I Garge Yard Sales Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 Samployment i~ul Tme 20 LABELLE, Sat., 9/16, 7am til ?, 350 E. Yeomans Ave., Couch & Love Seat, Coffee Table, Clothes & Misc. Items Em loment m Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment 1 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 AUTO TECH./MECHANIC Experienced, Driveability & A/C TECH. $18-$24 Hr. DOE (863)675-1032 Builders Choice Supply Looking for a yard man with forklift knowledge, bilingual a plus. 863-674-9900 Case Manager & Construction Coordinator C.R.E.W. Inc, is looking for individuals that want to be apart of a growing team. The ideal CASE MANAGER can- didate will posse an in-depth knowledge in the desired field, have a high school di- ploma or equivalent and at least two years experience in case management or a relat- ed field. The ideal CON- STUCTION COORDINATOR will have knowledge of state and county building codes, able to oversee and com- plete various construction projects, and have local cer- tifications and/or licensure. For more information please contact us at 863-983-2390 or e-mail us your resume to Crewheadquarters( hotmail.com CONCRETE BOOM PUMP OPERATOR Class B CDL required. Exp. preferred but not nec. Call (239)872-7444 Consolidated Waste Systems LaBelle Based. Looking for Welders & Hydraulic/Electric Technicians. CDL a plus. Salary based on experience. (863)675-7008, leave msg. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Opportunity. Serious Inquir- ies Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. 800)940-2778, www.drive- orcrst.com. - Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your'op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the gov- ernment PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Department W21. Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- ED TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- torcom. INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our servic- es can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799.k. LYONS PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY Needs store help for its Clewiston location. Good hours, pay & benefits. Apply in person at 402 E. Sugarland Hwy Clewiston, FL Mace Welding is now accepting applications for WELDERS Apply within at: 90 Evans Rd, LaBelle (863)675-6683 I i i I i .pecial I I I.pecia Nti I a N ti I and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES I Melal Roofs Re-Rools Roof Repairs Pole Barns Vinyl Siding Soffit & Facia Office (863) 675-7045 I.: ,L I.i 'll" PLACE YOUR AD HERE I CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting t S39.95 Pr, 51S-a i S QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. . -17 -i- Ltit'I t :1 House Pads Demolitioi, - I l :i.Ine Fill -I .iki Culverts SitemiL'k Sh. I lihu-k TrI',-. 'i'iuunii'n.; & Rem"m -il 1.,,1',.h1' 'fi. .Licenscd & insuredd OFFICE (863) G75.8314 L'alU ieelvin To% nsend Cell (863) 67.3 3783 HCin017 [' ** .* PREVATT T EJ CONSTRUCTION. INC TREE SERVICE :li , I-L ... 4I TIree Tri i n-11,1 l.,I & Ren- l 1 'I Stur'np G ri-lin.-ng Shopir.i & Top:.; ,i r[- ' 863-675-0403 IL '" I I.- ..,. -,, MANUAL LABOR Seeking person for Manual laborposition. Musthave valid Driver's License and job references. Working days Mon-Sat. Apply in person at White's Furniture & Appliances, 863-675-0717. Need person on Mobile Home setup crew. Must have good transportation. Call 863-675-4300 or please leave message. NOW HIRING Real Estate Sales Associate No experience'necessary Home & Ranch Real Estate 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 105 (863)612-0000 RECEPTIONIST for busy family practice in east Ft. Myers. Experience pref. but will train right person. Answer- ing phones, appt. setting, pa- tient records. Competitive wages, benefit pkg. Call Nadia at 239-989-1994 RECORD KEEPER Needed for Re-Packing com- pany in Immokalee, FL. Appli- cant must be able to read and speak English & have basic computer skills & knowledge of EXCEL. Responsibilities in- clude keeping detailed records for food safety/HAACP pro- gram. Will train right candi- date. 50+ hours per week. Please apply at 807 E. Main St., Immokalee, FL 34142. (239)657-4421. SALES New York to Hawaii. Large or- ganization now hiring 18-23 sharp guys & gals to work in travel. All major shopping me- cas on east coast visited. Fast paced, highly motivated sales team representing news, fash- ion & sports publications. Paid daily. Must be 18 or older and starttoday. 1-877-749-3794 SECURITY OFFICER Wed & -ir', I hirl 10PM- 6AM, $8/hr. in Labelle. Will Train WEISER SECURITY 1-877-229-2647 BB9500015 EEOC NOW HIRING Book Keeper/Marketing Director Full Time M-F 8-5 Experience Required Home & Ranch Real Estate 825 E. Cowboy Way, Suite 105 (863) 612-0000 Truck Drivers: CDL training. Up to $20,000 bonus. Accel- erate your career as a Sol- dier. Drive out terrorism by keeping the Army National Guard supplied. 1-800-GO- GUARD.com/truck. We're raising pay for Florida regional drivers! Home eve- ry weekend! Home during the week! Solid weekly miles! 95% no touch! Pre- planned freight! $.43 per mile, hometime, money & more! Heartland Express (800)441-4953 www.heart- landexpress.com. WAREHOUSE MANAGER Needed for Agriculture grower/ packing company in Immokal- ee. Manages inventory ware- house for irrigation parts & supplies. Hourly + benefits. Prepare, receive and ship warehouse supplies. Computer skills required. One year expe- rience. Please apply 807 E. Main St., Immokalee, FL or fax resume to 239-657-9764. One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad In the classl- fleds. Empoyen Full Tim Empoyen Ful Tie 001 (^MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid. Moore Haven. LaBelle, Cle\\iston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic. honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -E.cellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 -.,R, E iRV REGIONAL ,."', ,.,I- MEDICAL CENTER- Copetrtlile .3,1 Earullri-cit Be-vm ." ,' ." l Clr, l-l LaJJ ir'- rm Lduijullon l.rance LP Nlorl Fl.PT. Patral FL LPN Lic. & IV Cerli. .,lli,, r. .,,, l,- l,,,. Full narm. LER N ll jSuatu liii 1 1 .1 '.l : ,r. u. ,p Lcil r b .- , Pa.rdm RN Nurlng Suplr~or ,'ld l f l J I., '* i ',I I y',i.. l i. C' M au l ' ,l l t..' a.r 1-- L: MA Full I,. Infji-,Tu, i ,dq ...vlfi. tli.ag . ,I ,, ,l.li -i,. I -I ,.h,. hu1 j '. JN'rl,, i, &.-1-. '- 10 El f -.' : , HlMl tlUr .LP l oChMA, J,1,j I f.,', ,. ,.,- I', I .. u' l ',.: jr.j l I'm .r 1. ll Full OInT Rh Nurnc M,. u i Sp. e l rt (iR Iu'l Full nu e Rr .l're'. Nunr Full IT Im pi'tpl.- v Thera'Li p, ,j t. b.f..1 1 "A 1 1'j.J ] A', :. j1I ',)1.Co, Full IhTic. M edla Te.:hnol.);l ,.I ~d.j." ," 1 tld ,' I.I r,,.l, N I ei ,l.. ,,'lI '.J 1 S, b l ,' I T, Full time- Housekeeper Prev exp in hospital or hotel housekeeping is pref. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE Duda Farm Fresh Foods Citrus Packing House is accept- ing applications for forklift operators, graders, packers and office clerical. Apply at 6118 S. SR 29, LaBelle, FL (863) 675-2600 ext. 3552 or 3554. EOE and drug free compliant. La empacadora de fruta citrica de Duda ubicada en 6118 S. SR 29, LaBelle, FLsolicita personal para oper- adores de montacargas, clasiar y empacar fruta citrica y oficinistas. Aplique en persona o llame al tel6 (863) 675- 2600 Extension 3552 o 3554. Empleador de Oportunidades por Igualdad y en con- formidad libre de drogas READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU GET INVOLVED IN THE COMMUNITY READING A NEWSPAPER... lead yaou tothe baet products and ervles. 4GJ3 WOnder uNwpapOr recden ha.,, or~oe tarn! -:. FIND IT FAST DIRECTORY! -- ---------- - I I I I -- . Calnsa Be lle. Ti rsdav 5Antemher 14. 2006 Employmen Ful Tie 111 IEmpoyen Ful Tie 101 Employmen Full Tim Eimploymen Full Tim SOUTHERN GARDENS CITRUS TWO POSITIONS-GREAT BENEFITS STAFF ACCOUNTANT Position will be responsible for preparation of income and balance sheet statements, consolidating statements, and various other accounting reports. Will review and verify accuracy of journal entries and accounting classifications. Responsible for cost accounting activities. Instruct or assign work to accounting clerks along with coordinating accounting matters with other departments, locations and divisions. Assist in year end closing, annual budget preparation, etc. Must be proficient in the use of Microsoft Office products. This position is fast paced, deadline oriented, and requires some overtime. Prefer Bachelor's degree and 3-4 years of experience in a related field. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Familiarity with fertlizing/irrigation/insecticide programs. Needs to demonstrate a proven record of handling multiple tasks successfully. Need a valid driver's license with good driving record. Computer skills such as Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. Excellent communication skills. Proven record of handling multiple tasks successfully. Willing to work grove operations schedules and be a team player. Degree in Agricultural Science preferred. ABOUT SOUTHERN GARDENS CITRUS Southern Gardens is the world's largest supplier of 100 percent pure Florida not-from-concentrate (NFC) orange juice to the private label industry and major brands. We are a division of United States Sugar Corporation, one of America's largest diversified, privately held agribusiness firms. We are employee owned and have world class benefits including outstanding medical, 401K, retirement income and employee stock ownership. The Company is headquartered on the southern shore of Florida's Lake Okeechobee between Fort Myers and West Palm. US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply Email your resume to Jdooley@ussugar.com Fax 863-902-2889 US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to-a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. S, __ / I The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic.and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and ADVANCEMENT are encouraged to apply TODAY Bartender $9.00 plus tips Cage Cashier $9.50 per hour Cocktail Server $5.50 plus tips Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips Dishwasher/Steward $7.50 per hour Human Resource Clerk $10.00 per hour Maintenance Worker $10.00 per hour Players Club Representative $10.00 per hour Prep Cook/Expeditor $8.00 per hour Public Space Attendant $8.00 per hour TAD Customer Service Rep. $21.00 avg. w/tips TAD Machine Technician $12.50 per hour Wardrobe Clerk $9.00 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these management positions: Director of Facilities Human Resource Recruiter Public Space Supervisor Security Supervisor TAD Floor Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person TODAY! 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace ............................... Driver Wanted! We are looking for a minimum CDL "B" with Hazmat who is looking for a better opportunity. Our starting pay is a minimum of $12+ hour and we guarantee a minimum of 45 hours per week, plus quarterly cash bonuses. In addition, we offer a benefit package that includes Health Care, fully paid short and long term disability, life insurance and a 401K retirement program with matching S employer contributions. Cut out the long commutes and call this LaBelle company today. 800-330-1369. -I-I DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE A- LABOR <4) FINDERS 202 E. SugEland Hwy. Acros fom lewiston Irn) (863) 902-9494 -7 - S I OAK BROOK OF LABELLE Now taking applications for: Assistant Director of Nursing RN with MDS and LTC experience preferred. Apply at: 250 Broward Ave LaBelle or Faxresume to: 863-675-7415. EOE, Drug Free Workplace. READING A NEWSPAPER MAIES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. 0 o wonder newrpapa reader are more popular! Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 #1 HOME BUSINESS PERI- OD! Get Facts NOW! Don't Lose Your Dream! Award Winning Giant is Creating $$$$$! Featured on CNN! Ride Wave to Financial Freedom. www.passiveau- tomatedincome.com ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! Imagine. you are... Looking To Buy Or Sell A Business & Are Matched With The Right Opportunity Quickly NBCS Worlds Largest Match Maker Of Businesses CALL (800)999-SALE Or Visit www.NBCSLLC.com. I m L L- NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages; we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. Vending Route: Full-line Snacks, Drinks, All Brands. Great Equipment. Great Lo- cations. Financed with $6500 down. (877)843-8726, Local. AIN #B02002-037. RETIREE: Boost Income, Low- er Risk, Save Taxes, Don't Outlive Your Money. Free On-Line Retirement Seminar! Tues. Sept. 19 at 4, 6, or 8 PM. Register at www.ralpha- dorno.retireRX.com or call (800)551-7934. Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction -120 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services135 AFFORDABLE CLEANING Office or Home Low prices 7 days/week Dependable & Reliable (863)673-3662 AFFORDABLE HOME Cleaning available. Dependable, hard working. 863-517-0221 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting. .et-up. up-grades. systems bull lulorinng Win 95, 98. 2000 ME. XP. licensed Call Gary 863-6'5-7925 SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music or all occasions weddings, parlies. quinceaneras. 6751625 DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a eindry County School Board Bus Ornver Conlirlne Transportliori Deptl a 863-E.671-4151 ur Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.k12.fl.us GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs (863)675-1166 (863)673-6388 WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS C oppe Brjss. Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760,257-0879 Trle RemovaI ,T r~imming Higgin's Tree Service 25 years experience. Free estimates. Lic. & insured. Call 863-675-3955. Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets.'Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools K Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television,.Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys a Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 AIR CONDITIONER 3 1/2 ton central unit, Frigidaire, A/C & Heat. $300. (863)697-2044. BABY ITEMS Baby front car- rier. Infantino baby carrier. $25/both. Will sell separate. 863-673-3662 HANDMADE BABY QUILT- $50. Call Diane (863)763-3265 HIGH CHAIR- Greco. Good condition. $20. 863-673-3662 HIGHCHAIRS, CHG. TABLE '& Garden Center for kids. $75 for all, will sell sep. FREE box clothes. 863-675-1847 TODDLER BED & DRESSER, ' good condition. $200 or best offer. (863)697-8084 PLUS SIZE CLOTHES- size 20, with access, pant suits, skirt suits, shoes, hats, $450 for all will sep (863)635-0522 SCRUBS- 15 tops, Some pants Size small. $50. (863)697-8084 ELVIS COLLECTION, Many items, Rare albums, items from Graceland, memorabilia. $450 neg. (863)467-0627 FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS (1000)- Racing & Comic. late 8s early 90s Exc. cond. $400 or best offer!! 863-763-8943 PENTIUM 4- Complete, key- board, mouse, educational program, $250 (863)843-0158 SCANNER- UMAX Astra 1220S, All hardware. Extra software, Win. 98, $25. (863)675-4970 Lv.msg. CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, 2 pc. w/5 shelves. Hand Made. 6'.tall, 4" wide. Must see! $500 (863)763-8943 COFFEE TABLE, Cherry, Queen Anne, excellent condi- tion. $40 or best offer. (863)763-0141 leave msg. DINING ROOM TABLE- Tile top, White wash, Peach tile w/pattern, Seats 4. $150. Firm (863)634-0387 DINING TABLE custom made w/glass top, nice cond. Cost $1150 new, sacrifice for $125. (561)633-1371. ROCKER / RECLINER La-Z- Boy. Brown, 5 mos old, Ex- cellent condition. $300 (863)763-4920 SOFA, Reclining, pastel colors, $100 neg. (863)261-3568 SOFAS (2), Matching, gray w/flowers, good condition. $150 or will separate. (863)357-1352 I I CHIHUAHUA- male, 2yrs old, potty trained, tan color, $400 (863)824-8749 CHIHUAHUA PUPPY L Male, 12 weeks old, shots/wormed. $350.863-697-6618 COCKATIELS (2), with cage. $75 (863)675-0247 LaBelle CONURES (3), Mated pair & older baby w/large cage. $600 (863)675-0247 LaBelle FREE HAMSTERS, (4) adults, Need taming. 863-801-1302 Hermit Crabs, tiny to jumbo, easy keepers & perfect pets, incl. supplies (863)675-7886 TOY FOX TERRIER & Japa- nese Chin both males $450. for both. Or will sep. (863)983-6537 BILLIARDS TABLE- Older model, Felt needs to be re- placed. $100. (863)467-3051 POOL TABLE- with balls, good condition, $500 (863)634-3923 Find It faster. Sell it soon- er In the classifieds SUB WOOFERS (2), 15" Quan- tum. $300 (863)634-6476 HOBART TIGMATE WELDER, w/stick & tig welding, like new, cost $1300, sell for $850. (863)467-5725 PORTABLE Air Compressor 2hp, Speedair, industrial mod- el, works good. $145 Firm. 863-763-6629 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 OLD FLORIDA ART- paintings, pics, and drawings, & Older Firearms: WinWbys, pistols (561)281-4153 Wanted: Viking Lot, high & dry w/road access. Rea- sonable. (772)692-4114 0 I I A/C UNIT- Commercial, Bard, 4 ton A/C Package unit Wall mount, Was installed, Never used. $750. (863)357-3400 CENTRAL A/C UNIT For M/H or small house. 3 ton a/c & heat. $200 or best offer. 863-467-6865 BARBER CHAIR, black leather w/porcelain base, all hy- draulics work. $800/neg. (863)697-0328 GUMBALL MACHINE, 1 cent machine, about 50-60 years old. $40 (225)753-0205 DISHWASHER, Whirlpool, $100 (863)634-0517 FLAVOR WAVE OVEN: Very good. As Seen On TV. $50 (863)675-3401 GE DISHWASHER 4 yrs. old, works well, like new. White. $75.863-675-1929 GRILL, New, GE, electric, used 2 times. $20 (863)763-0141 leave message or call in eve- ning . HOT WATER HEATER new, never used, 50 gallon, GE, electric, will sell for $190. (863)634-5113 REFRIGERATOR- small, per- lect lor RV urand new $100 (239)324-2115 SHOW TIME ROTISSERIE & Bar-B-Oue: AS Seen On TV very good. 50I 363-675-3-101 STOVE- GE glass top w/oven, Beige, Wor s good. $100. 1863-167.305 STOVE. Hlopoint, Eleciri: good condilun. $30 (863)634- 6325 WASHER/DRYER- washer needs timer. Gas dryer woris wni el 50 'Dirn 863-6-40610i - STEEL BUILDING SALE! "MANUFACTURER DIRECT Since 1980''" Other sies. E'- ample. 35',50'71 59900 Ino aooi OJuijc, delivery 25.40.. .t1 $i800 iLIMITED QTY.) Front end optional. Pioneer. (800)668-5422. ALUM. WINDOWS (8) 36x62 and (3) doubles 50x71. Ask- ing 120r0 i.;;2618-.0607 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufac- turer. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. S/S DBL. CORNER SINK w/faucet. Countertop cutting bird Like new, $50idll 863-675-1929 PIER 1, Natural Grass woven rug. New.r 90 sq. ft: .100 or best offer. (863)441-1301 illij!" WOOD BUNKBEDS can separate into 2 twins. Engraved w/horses. $200 or best offer. 863-634-8445 GUN RACK/ WALL MOUNT 22x29" holds 4 rifles, 1960's. Small drawer, $25. 863-610-1276 SILK TREE BUSHES (2) Ask- ing $50 for both will sell sep- arate (863)610-1276 DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, w/surrounding diamonds, $450 (863)675-7105 or (863)673-5023 CEILING FANS (2), Hunter. USA made w/light kit. Cost $125 each, asking $70 for both, will sep. (561)633-1371 Swag Lamps, (2), Tiffany style, cream & dark green,' $100 for 'both. (561)629-6213 LG. CHARCOAL BBQ GRILL Barrel inapled Good laondinjon, 1.50 or bel ollher 863-697-6507 anytime FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE METER! Am-Med Quality Diabetic Supplies. MOBILITY CHAIR- Jazzy, ex- cellent condition, $750 neg. (863)675-6630 LaBelle POWER CHAIR, Mferii. HOjlil up 1' 350 It.; 1 lew D0 nery .1, tires Pd $7.598 Ilow $600 cr bei ioher 12"903:'21-2115 SCOOTER, Sonic, 3 wneel brjnd new., OIj easy t iii iri Irunk $500 l239)823-11-4 VIC'S VAPORIZER- New cond. in box. Bottle of solu- lion indl ',1-1 or best offer. :36.3-6.75-2596 " AIRLINE MECHANIC- Rapid Irainng ljir nigh paying Ava- iun C.arer fAA predn 1i'c o - vipe injrl,.f.je Firirici jI.n l if qualify Job placement as- sistance. CALL AIM (888)349-5387. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Jus- tice. ot lacemrenl asii; - tance Computer provild4d. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.onli- neTidewaterTech.com. DIVORCES275-$350"COVERS hildrern eic Only one signa- lut r required' 'E' lude:, govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. In ljT6prri Alta Divorce, 'I.C Eslablish id 1977. OWN BY PHONE! Zero Down- 50"1 Plasma HDTV $39.50 per WEEK, X-Box 360 22.50 per WEEK, 1000W Stereo, I-Pods, TEVOs, Gui- tars ALL @ $24.95 Per WEEK! For FREE DELIVERY Call Now (800)868-8966. QUILT TOPS- 4, Squares for more. Needs to be finished. All for $10. or best offer. (863)234-1700 STEEL SHELVING Good for shed or shop use. 4 shelves, approx. 4' high, 20" deep, 42" long. $12. 863-675-2596 ^^I. I WANTED: FLORIDA ART A.E. Backus, J. Hutchinson H. Newton, G. Buckner, E. Buckner, L. Roberts, A. Hair, R A. McClendon, S. Newton, BIG $$ (772)562-5567 Love the earth Recycle your used items by sel- ing them in the classi- fleds. Agriculture I -I Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed.'Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies.' Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden B50 Lvestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 ROUND BALES For bedding or mulch. (41) $250. Will sell separately. 863-634-9111 BEAUTIFUL 4YR. OLD PAINT Very sweet & lovable., Trims & I3ija i b lh l i: rp- EI Eq, r -J Okediwbvee' On LineAU Service Buy Sel.-: Trade Horses 1 ck, Etc. 863-467-1304 www.okeechobee-horse-trader.com Serving The Greater Lake Okeechobee Area- PALOMINO- Mare, 2 yrs old, -,larled u'rider .iddIM l. $1000. 772-519-2292 Thoroughbred Mare, in foal to German warm blood stallion;, Super ~wueel $2500 (863i!157. JuMP Do-It-Yourself Ideas Quick & Scrappy Quilts It doesn't matter if you're a veteran quilter or you've only been at it for short time: odds are that you have a cherished fabric "stash." A new, 56-page guide- book, "Quick & Scrappy Quilts," features 17 fast and easy quilt designs created especially for scrappy assortments of fabric. Utilizing quick-piecing tech- niques, each design is geared to a specific family of fabrics (flannel prints, plaids and stripes, denim, etc.) and includes a materials list, step-by-step instruc- tions and full-color assembly diagrams. Quick & Scrappy Quilts guidebook (No. LA3954)... $11.95 Also available: I Can't Believe I.m Quilting guidebook (No. LA3649) ... $12.95 Please add $4.00 s&h To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD craftbook.com SMoney Back Guarantee %UIUvbd Dfllt:, I I IUI~ r~-r- ~ - ,,,, Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 CITRUS TREES OF ALL VARIETIES: Call 863-675-2978/863-447-1291 Lic. #47219283 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos' Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 ',patments 090 FENCE GATES Farm Master, Jhiv'anied mehr 121 1 ji (1) 12', very ~a:ill :inil 100. (561)315-7731. RIDING MOWER- Craftsman, 418" :ul 18HP, runs good, 1. 550 or best offer (863)634-4818 RIDING MOWER, Snapper, 12 HP, 30" cut. $500. (863)517-2077 Labelle DUPLEX, Full Kit., W/D, 2br, 1ba, Renovated, Desirable neighborhood $800 mo. + 1st, last & Sec. req. 239-290-1441 FURNISHED APT: 1 Bdrm., 1 Ba., Near center of LaBelle. $650 mo. + 1 mo's sec. dep.. & ref's. 1;4iib674-j06 0 MUSE AREA, Eh,:ileni:v ior in'glE ptrrsj eildo rly prt- ferred. Tom Coker Rd. Call after 6pm,(863)675-6129 BEAUTIFUL 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba. Manufactured Home, wheel chai j),:,:: :;bLie l i:.ir ,-.jr c Nea" ,lrji iWe tr E ti,-nrixrv No ,el: [li:ni Env Gooll I'rl i, L dep r[eiq'] R ln.Inlurnlrir.ed il,l iiCom or Furnished $1200 mo. Margaret Barber Real Estate. (863)675-5968 LABELLE, 2 BR Furnineri Home, In town T.850 iT, Some utilities included Call (863)517-1000. LABELLE, 4bri/.5ba. avail ,i 1 w i r pNOL ` ,16o0 0 kTi l. ,.|h; I.-0081 PORT LABELLE, 2br/1ba, avail Oct. 1, $900 mo. (863)673-0081 POOL HOME 2BR/2BA Sep. adjoin, room w/priv.ent., Ig. pool w/screened end., $750/mo. F/L/S. 675-0104 or 517-0566 PORT LABELLE, 2br/2ba, 1 car garage, $950 mo. (863)673-0081 Port LaBelle: 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba. Brand new...never lived in! 2 car gar. Energy officiate home 1V acre in cul-de-sac w/in 1 mile of schools. Close to main rd. ADT Alarm Sys. $1350 mo. + sec. & ref's. (954)295-4089/943-2986 Get a quick response to any Item you may he sell- Inn with a classlled ad. LaBelle- 5 Acres- corner lot, Crescent Ave SW & Fay St. (305)812-2008 INDUSTRIAL OFFICE/ STORAGE SPACE FOR LEASE Approx. 2100 sq. ft. of storage and 300 sq. ft. of office space each with it's own bathroom. Lo- cated near the airport and.just outside of town. Building is approx. two years old. The office has very nice carpet and tile work. There is a small re- ception area separate from the main office. Building has a security system and outdoor lighting. Please Call (863)675-7045 for more information. Late Summer Discounts and Free Golfl Dale E Peterson Vacations. Navarre, Okaloo- sa Island, Destin, South Walton, Panama City. www.destinresorts.com (800)336-9669. SHARE HOME, -ul nouse privi- leges, non-smoking environ- ment, $500 mo., 1st & last. (863)675-0866 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, each unit alarmed,area fenced &well lighted, .;pace ior bt[) i tradiiers, RV 1 rucki Manager i.i- 1i 21: iiammerr.e Or. LaBelie 86-6'75-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- Cuwuuy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x0' $42.80 mo. incl. ta"ta E'10, $35350 mo incl. tax. 10iu 1 ,58 85 mo. incl. tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 relurn.iali i ey deposit. 8.3.-675-2392 "I I Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property- Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale 1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top Area $209K or Annual Lease $1800 mo. 863-675-1107 LaBELLE- Single family home, corner lot, Shawnee Ave. & Noble Rd. $145,000. For Sale By Owner (305)812-2008 LOG HOME LEADER SEEKS DEALERS Original Old Tim- er Log Homes. Quality Kiln- Dried Logs, High Commis- sions, Stability, Support & Training. Contact Mr. James Today! (800)467-3006 www.oldti- merloghomes.com. NEW HOMES in OCALA, FL Pre-Construction Pricing, Zero Down for Investors, Realtor Inquiries Welcome. Call Kinder Homes at (352)622-2460 or www.ln- vestinOcalaFL.com. Nice 2.5 acre-lot, in Pioneer on Tampa Ave., $106,000. 817)729-9023 delgado42000@yahoo.com PALM HARBOR Factory Liqui- dation Sale. 2006 Models Must Go! Modular, Mobile & Stilt Homes. 0% DOWN When You Own Your Own Lajrid IC 311 our Factory for FREE Color Brochure.. (800)622-2832. PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. Near School. Price to sell. $18-5F or Annual Lj ;' $18(") Ovi-e r 1.I ; 30"i ..50: 7 l iii - MIDDLE GEORGIA Deer, turkey,.wild boar, fish- ing. Prices start at $200K. 888-486-8386 CLEWISTON: 1.93 Acres on Midway Acre 250 Taft Blvd. w/ All improvements. 509' Front- age. $124,900.561-993-5886 LABELLE, Horseshoe Acres, 1/2 acre home site, $15,500 owner financing available. (863)675-4858 MONTURA RANCH ESTATE 1.25 ac. on paved main road. 412 Bald Cypress Ave. $49,900 neg. (561)993-5886 Lot with 2 Greenbelts, Port j.lle', Unit 9, asking $55,000. By Owner. (954)680-0340 1+ ACRE WITH POND TN 1.2 acre wooded parcel with a gentle slope, front to back. Pond on the northeast side. Some bluff views available after clearing. Cii:i,i lo hule state park. Orly i'.4,'40 i' Call (866)292-5769. 19+ ACRE WOODED PARCEL On the TN/KY border. Beau- tifully wooded 19.68 site on a gently rolling hill. Minutes from Land Between the Lake rec. area. This one won't last at $39,200! Call (866)339-4966. 20 acres, $59,990 Mature Pinion Pines, mtn views, wildlife, close to BLM. Horseback riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect for vaca- tion, investment, retire- ment. Electricity. 100% financing. Larger acreage available. (866)365-2825. East Tennessee- Norris Lake 5.6 acre wooded LAKE- FRONT lot- $66,500 5.1 ACRE WOODED view lot- $28,900 Call Lakeside Re- alty @ (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakesiderealty- tn.com. BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC Homes, Cabins, Acreage & INVESTMENTS. CHERO- KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC REAL ESTATE. cherokee- mountainrealty.com Call for free brochure (800)841-5868.. EUFALA ALiWATERFRONT Gated community 2 hours from Atlanta & the Coast. 1/2 to 3 acres from the $40's..Fishing, boating, swimming & more. Club- house, boat slips, nature trails. (866)880-2976. GEORGIA/ NORTH CAROLINA Captivating mountain views,. lakes, rivers, waterfalls. Homesites starting @ $39,900. Log home kits @ $39,900. Limited availability. Call (888)389-3504 X 700. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes iji iin] i mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. How do you find a job in today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- silleds MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins, Land CALL FOR FREE BRO- CHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REALTY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROPERTIES www.exitmur- phy.com. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, View: S tre rm:.. Homes, rCbin, i Acr~ -je FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. North Carolina Mtns. Ashe- ville Area Starting @ $89,900 for spectacular parcels with views, water- falls, mountain streams, amenities & much more. Call for appt. (866)930-5263. VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on large pristine creek, fishing, canoeing, good access, private, near New River Trail State Park, $49,500. Owner (866)789-8535 www.moun- tainsofVA.com. How fast can your car go? It can go even faster when you sell It in the classified. Walerlionl Wilmington, tiC Hiinri Port City Coasial De- vlOpiTilni Trhe Blun rn Ie Cape Fear. Fasles iGrowinrfg Curnrv in NC Grand Opei- .I In Fall 2006 Direct Ocean Access. Preconstruction in- centives to call now. www lh itlullS1 i om Ei 6)725-8337 Cape Fear Blufrt LLC Broker. Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 LABELLE, DOUBLE WIDE 4 br, 2 Ba, $250 wkly. + $500. Sec. 863-675-3665 TWO OR 3 BEDROOM $800-$900 Dep. $1.15-$125 weekly. Lazy T Ranch. No dogs. 863-675-1614 Grab a bargain from your neighbor's garage, attic, basement or clos- et in today's classileds. SaloieHome Caloosa Belle, Thursday, September 14, 2006 i I_ ' CALOOSA MOBILE HOMES 21/2 acres on Case Road with New 2006 4 Bdrm 3 Bath, 2,255 sq. ft; energy saver w/ 2"x6" sidewalls, beautiful inside & out w/lots of special touches. Fenced and landscaped, $229,900. Call 863-675-4300 or please leave message. Crescent Acres- New 2006 14'x72', Home & Land 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath $59,900., 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, $89,900. Owner financing with 20% down. Call 863-675-4300 or please leave message. IN MUSE, Two 5 AC TRACTS I W/SWMH, Fenced $25'51 1 Fen(kd only i195k Zoned R/AG. 186 36;3-9200 Land/Home Packages. Ready lu move in Low Dowin Pay- meni. Liw Minninly Pay- mfn1l; ': acre lois in new subdivision. Cjll 18631675.8888 Rent to Own! lew Dcublewvill]e HiTlmer, ready l iTiomv iin $5 IO0( down .1 450l monthly Cill .enny 1863l1675.:888 Replace your old Mobile Home wnri no money down il you o)wn vour own land All homes on sale C ll 863 675-8888 Recreation Boats 3005 Ca mpers/RVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehlcles/ATVs 3035 BASS BOAT. MOTOR/TRLR. 1991 17' Grumman iw.T0hp Evinrude Troll mlr, new bajn $2500.863-467-8292 Iv.msg. BASS BOAT-Skeeter StarFire 175, Johnson GT 150hp & trolling moiour Sl eeier Trlr $7500 0S. 86 3-824-0u--11 OUTBOARD MOTOR, 1S1 Sri runs agrejl, tl00 orD be: o1. Ier 86b3)41"-.5725 SAILBOAT- Hobie, 14', good condition, older model, new marine paint &,new parts. $450 neg. ?2391634-4041) SAILBOAT. Spirit, 2j roller feel 99 Iissasn, wilh ,en- 'rair .& Irillet. 1,251:0 (239)823.114 SWEETWATER, '91, tripon ponloor, '99 75hp Suzuki eng., good cond., new seats & generator, no trlr., $3500 orbestotfer 18631467-8161 ARGOSY AIRSTREAM, '76, Limited Edition pull camper, exc. cond., $7500 or best offer. (863)467-9234 WAVE RUNNER- '00 Yamaha, GP1200R, low hours, asking $3000 or best offer (863)673-5891 FISHING OUT RIGGERS- alu- .minum, asking $100 8631675i.7j39 ,Mtocyles . HONDA CBR F3-600'98 Ru-r go)od' $2500 863.67,555-40 SUZUKI GS550L, 9. blck.. erc ,orna. 1800 jr oesl oner (863)6j-.I2280 ELECTRIC SCOOTERS. 121 g]:j:ld C::nd l jiely uied 'l 75 oin Dolr rr will sell .rfjrAjtlly (863)467-2687 FOUR WHEELER- 01 Honda Rancher 350, 4I4, great shape, $3000 or besi olier 18631673-5891 GO CART- Runi Pull start 2 seater .300 (186313.J -915 VW SANDRAIL- 1600cc. 2 sealer, In grear shape $2500. or trade lr 3 4 Wheel:r (954)520-6707 Automobiles -- -- -- -- Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 FORD MUSTANG COUPE'87 4' cyl. auto, 10 Hole mags, new Cooper Cobra tires, 30rrlp $11995 863.97-28q?2 FORD TAURUS '03, SES, load- ed, exceptionally clean, 25k original, $9000 blue book, asking. $8500 (863)673-0829 FORD T-BIRD '94 & Mercury: Cougar '88, excellent body, bad motors, have motors. $600 neg. (561)676-0427 LINCOLN MARK VII '92, 5.0, V8, auto., low miles. $2000 (863)675-7105 When Others Say Nf WE SAY YES!I At Jim Walter Homes, we have expanded our fnancin' options to help you build the home of your dreams. Moble om I Houses Sale 1025 1 Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Baby booties Even the little boots got into the act last week as the LaBelle firefighters, assisted by the American Legion Riders collected money from drivers at the intersection of SR 80 and SR 29 for their annual Muscular Dystrophy Drive. Pictured from left: Kenny Wirigard of the Legion Riders with seven-month-old Landon Adam Marquith, LaBelle Fire Fighter Tim Allen, Diane Davis, Mel Brant and Bill Davis, all of the Legion Riders. The group pledged $2,800 for MDA. Another crew worked the corner Saturday. Little Landon is the son of Adam and Amanda Marquith, both EMS employees in Clewiston, and the grandson of Hendry County VA Officer Rick Marquith and his wife, Patsy. Witch's Brew By Pudge Lehman I love working at the polls on voting day. I get to see people I don't get to see any other time. Homer Brewer is our deputy and our entertainment. His latest joke: - A man had a flat tire in front of an insane asylum. He proceeded to take the lug nuts off and acciden- tally kicked them into the storm drain. He stood there scratching his head wondering what to do. ivo boys were sitting on the fence surrounding the place and one said "Mister, just use two off the other wheel and that should get you to a garage if you drive slow." The man asked why they were in an asylum seeing as how smart they were. The kids answered "We're crazy not stupid." Speaking of voting... We as a county should be ashamed. The turnout was embarrassing. It takes just a few minutes of your time to try and change things. If your magazines start piling up on you promise yourself to go through two whenever you sit down to watch the news. Save articles you want and toss the rest. This quip from Homer. We were waiting to get into the polling place and the mosquitoes were eating us and Homer took his cell phone out and said "It's time we called in the SWAT Team!" Community Calendar Friday, Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- Hwy. 29S lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recreation September 15 Hall. American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 Tuesday, p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 September 19 Thursday, AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora and September 21 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Ella's,Hwy.80 Homeless Coalition: Third Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m., Thursday monthly, 10a.m., United Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open Woman's Club, Hwy.80W. Way House, 117 Fort Thompson meeting Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restau- Ave. Bingo! Our Lady Queen of Biven olcChur Lady Queen of rd antnoon vereaters Anonymous (OA): Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird Teen Center: Hendry County Thursdays 5:30 p.m. in the Episco- 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. NO Smok- Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3 to 7 pal Church of the Good Shepherd, ing p.m. 1098 Collingswood Parkway @ Sunday, F/S Community Meeting: Eucalyptus, one block south of SR Daniels School/Community Cen- 80 east of LaBelle. September 17 ter, 6:30 p.m. AA: Open discussion, 8 p.m., MAA- 7D. DAD.S.: 7 p.m. city hall First Christian Church, Ford Ave. AG 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of AA: 12 Step/Big Book study American Legion Post 130 & the Good Shepherd, Collingswood group, 8 p.m. First Christian Aux 7 p.m. & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open Church, Ford Avenue, open meet- Domestic Violence Task Force: discussion ing. nABA nw m s on te noon, Children & Families confer- M d ABWA now meets on the third fence room, Cowboy Way Monday, Tuesday of the month instead of ence room, Cowboy Way September 18 the secondThursday of the month. Au Legon ost 130 & 7 p.m. at the Wonian's club. Aux.: 7p.m. Weight Watchers: Weigh in pmae ancuHendry/LaBelle Recreation and registration at 5:30 p.m., meet- Wednesday, MSBU: 7:30 p.m. City Hall ing at 6 p.m., First Christian AA & Al Anon: 8 p.m. discus- Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford September 20 sion meeting, First Christian Avenue. AA Big Book Meeting: Noon, Church, Ford Ave. Call Intergroup Bingo: 6:30 p.m., American Episcopal Church of the Good at 275-5111 for information Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Shepherd, Collingswood Parkway, Christian Youth Fellowship: 7 Mid-County MSBU Advisory Port LaBelle, open meeting p.m., City Hall, Commissioner's Committee: 7 p.m. PPFD, Hendry Wednesday Night Kids: 6-7 room. Isles Blvd. p.m., Caloosa Baptist Church, for MUSE Community Association Men's Christian Gathering 7:30 youth in grades 6-12 at 500W. Hwy. Meetings Every 3rd Thursday of the p.m., the Dallas Townsend Ag Cen- 80. Phone 675-2348 month. 7 p.m. at the Muti-Use Cen- ter. PPVFD: drill 7 p.m. ter-25895 Loblolly Bay Road SW Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m., Jaycees: 7:30 p.m. Jaycee Bldg. (County Road 720) call 674-0773 Episcopal Church of the Good VFW Post 10100: 7:30 p.m. for more information. N Cu Lnewszapccom iConmunlh LMs Indl iduol 'b/ces. P . Houss. -Sal Trhe Savanrnah *2. 3 aLidL 4 BR de *Ili-bousen beitide.r feea,ePesi7 'g $10 Je'r .aeient1 i ealh landowitiet'IJ NOJVL arpp~lk,6.li'Je I'. ole. c'O IUJ4 1411,7 C1146t.Vi' paymetifdue lring un s t itel fil,.~ *Land ai ~5d bIea,,e.I'Mieeeciiia t,iika~lb .tblee11,iile Walter .'Iv'haae Coppiepaj qj I House Sal Houses- Sal MERCURY SABLE -1996, front end wrecked, brand new trans., 60K, $1000/neg. (863)634-4579. WE BUY JUNK CARS 863)675-1940 800)997-5858 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD 1959, New mufflers, Battery, Tune Up. Exc. cond. Beautiful car. $6950.863-357-7214 after 5p ADR RIMS (4), With Kumho tires, 205-40-17. $300 (863)610-0569 CHEVY WAGON '82 Good motor for parts. $150 or best offer. 863-467-9046 FORD MOTOR'98 5.4 L, good running condition, complete w/wiring harness. $900.863-634-5289 HEAVY DUTY SPISER TRANS. 5 spd., standard, for big trucks. Reconditioned. $850. 863-673-5852 HITCH, Reese type, for'97-'02 Expedition or '98-'02 Naviga- tor, $65. (863)610-1000 HOOD FOR FORD VAN New in box, fits 1975 or new- er. $75 Firm. 863-763-6629 PARTS FOR '77 OR '79 POST- AL JEEP- front grill, radiator, :iolhlor 175 86 3946-i 89 RIMS- All gold knock off wire wheels, 100 spoke 15x7, No Hubs. $195. or best offer. (863)763-3334 TIRES & RIMS 15 assorted 16" lres and 8 lug rims, $150 for all. (863)467-7415 TIRES (2) 33/1250/15 $100.863-517-2077 CARGO TRUCK, '88 GMC 2-! fiberglass box, A.L, Runs Good condition $,2500 l5br102-771 CHEVY- '90's model, 4x4, Runs. $800. or best offer. (863)634-9153 CHEVY S10- 97 hieed; molr r or will sell r ,ar; l 0. 1, J00 or tesl orli i863j763,-821:il DODGE, '78, 1 Ioin 4 -rheel drive, needs minor work, runs good. $1500 or best of- lei (863)634-4221 DODGE DAKOTA '94 --New nmoior, :.o) a,'( new lires & briles Runi: ood i25i00 83-6J34l1254 ni 0 ee DODGE PICKUP 1991, Cilm- minor. diesel eng., trans & rear end good. $800/neg. (863)634-4579. FORD '77, many riew parts ii- r. ludijig i Ti:M:f1 r $8,0F (86 3)69-8575 . FORD F150'884x4 auto, new tires, needs some work but runs. $950 or best offer. 863-673-0568 Iv.msg. FORD RANGER XL- '95, cold A/C, 136K, $1000. Or best offer. (863)357-3400 TOYOTA PICKUP'82 5 spd., 30+mpg, does not smoke, 1 owner 18 yrs. 2 spares. $675.863-697-2882 JEEP4X4'91 Needs rear end work. $1200 or best offer. (863)467-9046 CAR HAULER, Steel Diamond plate bed, new tires, springs, lights, wiring. $1300 (863)946-3857 DUMP TRAILER, $2500. (239)633-7173 FLATBED- for a 1 ton truck, 8 x 11, asking $500 (561)996-9264 HOMEMADE HEAVYDUTY TRAILER, Bed 11 1/2' x 5 1/2'w, pull out ramps $530 (863)635-0079 STORAGE TRAILER, 8ft x 18ft, aluminum Kidron Reefer Box, no cooling unit, w/gooseneck trr.$1200neg. (561)996-9264 TWO TRAILERS 1 enclosed, 1 7x16 flatbed. Heavy duty, tandem axle. $1000/both. Will sell separately. 863-675-8760 Utility Trailer, 5'x8', ramp gate, new, $750. (239)633-7173 CHEVY CONVERSION VAN- '85, New tires, Runs good, A/C, Frig. $1100. (863)697-1493 DODGE CUSTOM '85 Runs good.$700.239-462-7722 Ford Hightop Van, '89, V8, full power, seats 8, TV, CB radio $2000. LaBelle Area. (863)675-4970 Leave msg. FORD WINDSTAR'94 new tires, alarm, keyless entry, needs crank kit. $600 or best offer. 863-634-4306 MAXIVAN- '87, 3/4 ton, Good condition $1100. Or best of- fer. (863)357-1741 PLYM. GRAND VOYAGER 96 julo a 4: 4 cvl eng.. 2;mog Lools/Runs grfel tlo rusl' $2500. Neg. 863-763-3190 Public Notices Pubic Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTICE OF MEETING Tr,, i.ji.- Wlvir i,.,L'ii I MIh.i i0 1l ,:.1 .:v riw 1).. 1will r V: I r1 IIII'I li | ,',111. 1 .1 Ir. [h:n.,. 4 "Ikl , e f F, IL36l tl',: I:, ],.,i The purpose of the meeting is to'conduct routine business which may require Board action. This meeting is open to the public. Mark Colbert, Chairman 160643 CB/CGS 9/14/2006 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HEr l iTO l, l C 4 E.l:( r ER (1 P n- n arne :, ., l ,, r,.l; i: I ,r h l r i- I'I I 'I.II'II:, I111 11 i'n ,l ]') ; "I J:' I-,,l l.."i(' Lj, ,tl L :' i:") A.'. iit: ,i ,,E ,, 1 ,,,:. |It,, ,,qr, l i, 1G8ZK8278SZ230081 1995 Saturn 2G1WW12E929195377 2002 Chevrolet 161355 CB 9/14/06 PUBLIC NOTICE r..- u .. I 'I .i. j : Beginning October 17, 2006, the follow- ing changes will occur to your channel lineups: . -, ii ,TO,' ; ,',i ',,'...i "1 move from I,.rI ,- i N I ,',,' I.. I J, 1 5.41 N m:'1 : .' H%.f I . READING A NEWSPAPER.,, mlkes you a mone informed and Intereling person. No wonder newspaper readers are more sucessfull 00-00 o 11, a 1. jj..W. T. .I. yl J. 11 j..) ,:,,rg r. r.-C. 1 1.:. h.: j.-. j.-.j oc. ....... _jW H-i-.- 1".: |