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PopWarner gets rolling .. nh nI Page 7 i X i j ijr I l f Iy Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 VOI~fI,j'84 N MBE'N3)12 HURSAYAugs .*,20 At A Glance Come to LHS Open House The LaBelle .High School Open House will be on Thurs- day, August 17. The L.H.S. Band will have a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser from 5-6:30 p.m. The cost is $5 per dinner Open House will be from 6-8 p.m. All parents and guardians are encouraged to attend Buckmaster banquet planned One Shot Chapter will be hostng their annual Buckmas- ter Banquet Sept. 15 and will present the Danny \'oosley Scholarship to Andrew Taylor and Ramon Marroquin Jr. Each will be receiving $500 toward college. For ticket sales or scholarship donanon mnorma- ion, please contact Kim Perkins at 673-0418, Ricky Bass at 673-1940 and or Kenny Cochran at 673-4116. EDC planning annual meeting Hendry County Economic Development Council (EDC) has scheduled Friday, September 22, for its annual meeting The event coincides uith the 2006 Busi- ness and Indust r Recognition. Nominate someone for the Busi- ness and Industry Recognition award until August 31. based on expansion, new' hires. communi- ty invohement. new business or some other notable accomplish- ment that conmbuted to Hendry County's economic development during this past year. Just submit a letter to the EDC explaining why you feel this company'busi- ness should be recognized This year the luncheon will be held m the LaBelle Civic Center starting at 11:30 a.m. Costis $15perper- son. Contact the EDC office at 863-675-6007 to reserve your ticketss. You can be a star! Come one, come all to the Firehouse Cultural Center, Inc., 241 Bridge Street, for variety and talent show auditions Wednes- day, August 23, 6-8 p.m. Clowns, comics, skits, singers, mimes, story tellers, musicians, jugglers, dancers,' puppeteers, ventriloquists if you have a talent you'd like to share come on down! Talent will be judged if you want or just displayed, your choice. Shows will be January 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, at 7 p.m. Thursday-Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Call Donna Baines 863-675- 2993, orjust show up. New GED day lab opening Sign up now for the LaBelle Adult School. Classes are free but there are limited spaces available. There are morning and afternoon sessions available from 8-11 a.m. and 12-3 p.m. It is located on 1100 Forestry Division Rd., by the LaBelle Youth Development Academy. Work at your own pace in our new computer assisted learning lab. Teacher support included. Call 612-0706 or 674- 4118 for more information. Don Crebs is the instructor. Index Classifieds .......16-18 Editorial ............ .4 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. neUwszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. lI II 5 111111 1 8 16510 00019 Meet the judicial candidates By Kristin Hunter the September 5 Primary ballot. years of experience. He said that eight years in legislature as the cases. There are six judicial positions available this year in the 20th Cir- cuit, which is unheard of. Sixteen spoke August 9 at the LaBelle Civic Center. It is likely that one or two of these candidates will be helping out in Hendry County. Each candidate had a total of three minutes to speak to the audience. It is a non-partisan race so every- body can vote. These individuals will be on Group nine Meg Steinbeck is a circuit judge with seven years of experi- ence. She started out as a military officer prosecutor. She was in the armyJudge Advocate General for six years. She said, "I will give fair and due consideration to all parties." Kim Levy was not there. Group fourteen *Steve Holmes has a total of 21 his opponent, Mr. Bruce.Kyle, is inexperienced. He said, "If you want someone with a lot of experi- ence choose me. If you want some- one young with a little bit of expe- rience Bruce Kyle is'your man." *Bruce 1Kle started our by say- ing, "I of course, will disagree with my opponent. I have a total of eight years experience as a prose- cutor not three like my opponent stated .. .I am a lifelong resident of Southwest Florida. I have spent Labor of love: All ina hard day's work appropriation chairman so I have a much broader experience with the law than my opponent." Group twenty-six *Larry Pivacek began his career in New York in 1987 and moved to Florida in 1993. In 1995 and 1996 he was a prosecutor in LaBelle. In 2001 he was a magis- trate of Collier County holding 20,000 hearings. He said he has done everything but criminal law *Joe Simpson has been inprac- tice for a total of 33 years. He moved to Florida in 1973 and worked as a public defender. He said, "I will be fair and impartial and I have great integrity." Group twenty-eight *Stephen Kolody moved to Florida in 1976 where he went to law school at the University of See Candidates Page 2 Help plan SCF for 2007 Believe it or not, planning for the 2007 Swamp Cabbage Festival has rolled around already! The festival will be held February 22- 24 the last full weekend in Feb- ruary-with the bigparade on Sat- urday, Feb. 23, followed by a full day of activities. ,The first step in planning is ala)ys deciding on a theme and poster. At this time, only one theme has been suggested: "It All Started with a Seed." The SCF Committee will choose the theme and poster, which must reflect that theme, at its meeting next month, Use your artistic skills to roll your theme and poster ideas together. Remember, the poster has to include the words "Swamp Cabbage Festival, February 22-24, LaBelle, Florida" otherwise use your imagination. Also, remem- ber, the poster art will be used on the official T-shirt, so make the ar easily transferable. Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Dr. Elton Gissendanner saves a Tom Kat! While spaying one of the female cats, the doc- tor found an infection and four kittens dead inside of her. If he hadn't come across this infection she would have been dead in a matter of weeks. Shelter fills animal needs By Kristin Hunter A lot goes into keeping an animal shelter running properly and the staff at the Caloosa Humane Society was hard at work recently, spaying and neu- tering cats and dogs while car- ing for all the other animals. Dr. Elton Gissendanner is the man in charge when it comes to get- ting this job done. He does about 60 surgeries per month at the Caloosa Humane Society alone: 30 each day, twice a month. On Friday, August 11, he and the staff worked vigor- ously to spay and neuter 26 dogs and 18 cats. While the doc does the sur- geries, a lot more work that goes on. Suzanne Bonnell supervises and helps him with tasks like securing the animals to the table and adjusting their gas and oxygen. Jennifer Mar- tinez gives the animals tranquil- izers and Dawn Gervickas shaves: them in preparation for surgery. Volunteer Aurielle Schock was cleaning their ears after surgery. The doc said that in a regular animal hospital the doctors wouldn't even think about doing that many surger- ies in a day, but time means money and that is something they don't have a lot of at the Humane Society so there is just no other option. The shelter has four full time staff members: Robin Zimmer- man is at the front desk, Suzanne Bonnell is the shelter director, Jennifer Martinez, is the kennel supervisor and Dawn Gervickas helps assist. In the middle of all the sur- geries a 15-year-old golden retriever came in who had carci- See Vet Page 2 The Humane Society just received a horse named Blaze who is a two and a half year old stud. They are now accepting applications for Blaze to find a new home. He is a very friendly horse and is good around the other dogs and cats at the shelter. The committee normally meets the first Monday of the month, but with Labor Day falling the firstweek of September next month's meeting has been sched- uled for Monday, September 11. Meetings are at 6 p.m. in the com- missioners' room at LaBelle City Hall. Everyone is welcome. Please bring a letter of nomination from your business or civic group des- ignating you as its voting repre- sentative. Again this year, 2004 Cattle- man of the Year Emesto Franco is in charge of the rodeo, which hap- pens Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoon BobMiller continues to handle the carnival, Jerry Miller park booths and Kevin Nelson the parade. Lucretia Strickland is SCF Chairman once again. Range security is discussed By Nicole Curry Clewiston News CLEWISTON Hendry County Sheriff Ronnie Lee asked county officials to consider allow- ing one of his deputies to live at the gun range in Pioneer free of charge in exchange for his guard- ing the property after hours. Sheriff Lee said security, is needed on the property at all times because it is isolated and made his case at the Hendry County Commission meeting on August 11 in Clewiston. For security reasons, a deputy of the sheriff's department volun- teered to relocate from his home to a mobile home on the gun range. A police unit on the proper- ty is positioned for all to see, a deterrent to would-be trespassers - if someone decided to break the laws of the gun range, the sher- iff thought, seeing a patrol car would scare them away. Now, the deputy is being asked to pay rent of $600 a month to live in the mobile home. Sheriff Lee suggested that the county allow the deputy to live on the land rent-free because it direct- ly benefits the county. SheriffLee's attorney told the board that the deputy had relocated to the gun range simply because of a request to enhance security on the proper- ty. The sheriff's department, he said, will be responsible for over- seeing his overtime hours and will pay the deputy time and a half.for any overtime accrued while pro- tecting the property against loiter- ers, vandals or people who tried to use the gun range while closed. The sheriff's department currently deducts the cost of the mobile home from the deputy's pay- check In response, county officials were concerned with the proposal - though not completely against the concept and whether or not it was okay to let the deputy live at the property for free. No solution was agreed upon for this problem during the meet- ing, but the county attorney and Sheriff Lee's attorney are expected to meet at a later date to discuss a plan that will be of use to the sher- iff's office and not break any feder- allaws. Motorcycle test available here Perhaps it's the rising price of gas or just the freedom of the roads calling, but drive down the road any road and you will see more and more motor- cycles. Bikers will tell you it's a great way to travel, but it does call for some special training. Bikers also need a special endorsement on their driver's license to operate a motorcycle legally. For the past year, Naples Motorcycle Riding School, Inc., has helped local riders get that endorsement right here in LaBelle. The Driver's License Bureau in Hendry County does not offer the test; and there is no place in Glades County to get it either so the closest places to get the endorsement are in Fort Myers or Sebring. Even there, the test is only offered sporadically. So, the folks at Naples Motorcycle Riding School got with Rev. Frank Deerey at First Baptist Church, who allows them to use the church parking lot for testing. Ron Kerlin, a licensed examiner with Naples Motorcycle Riding School, said the parking lot is a great place to do the testing because it is an unobstructed paved area with enough space 120'x60'. Rid- ers 21 years of age and older can simply take the test; but those under 21 are required to take the full three-day course offered at the school, which is located at the Collier County Fairgrounds on Immokalee Road. Classes are held Thurs- days from 6-9 p.m., all day Sat- urday and Sunday till noon. The school even provides a motorcycle to take the test. Ron said motorcycle riding is becoming very popular partic- ularly with the ladies now. Most recently Carl Manning of Muse got his motorcycle endorsement, running through the course at First Baptist Church without a hitch. Carl See Testing- Page 2 Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Ron Kerlin of the Naples Motorcycle Riding $School, Iji:., logs Carl Manning's test scores as he goes through the paces to earn his motorcycle endorsement. '. 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17, 2006 Candidates Continued From Page 1 Florida. He went to Palm Beach County, then to Rochester, NY and then to Ft. Myers in 1986 where he dealt primarily with tax issues. He practiced in Ft. Myers for 20 years as a litigator. He is a certified family mediator, who says he enjoys learn- ing and is very dedicated to helping his community. *Beth VanArsdale has 20 years- in the law system. She has exten- sive family law experience. She was a general magistrate and a civil trial prosecutor. She said, "I have a broad range of experience." *William "Bill" Whitcomb started his law career in Michigan in 1980. He has dealt mainly with DUI, social security, workers comp and injury. He has a total of 26 years of experience. He said, "I will treat people with respect." Group twenty-nine *Lynn Daley has 27 years of experience in Ft. Myers. She received her law degree from UE She was the first female prosecutor in LaBelle, covering all five coun- ties: Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Hendry and Glades. She has had a private practice in which she was an insurance defender and dealt with medical malpractice suits. Miguel Fernandez was born in Cuba, moving to NewJersey where he lived in a small town. He said, "I think you form your character best in small communities." He has been in private practice for seven _years. He said there are four rea- sons people take this position: #1 for a pay increase, #2 because there is power in the position, #3 for retirement and #4 for public service. He said, "Taking this posi- tion will actually be a pay decrease for me so I'm not in it for the money, I would be lying if I said there was no power in the position, I am too young to .retire, but the main reason I want the position is to be a public servant." He said he is not afraid to say he is a Christian and feels that everyone has a pur- pose and his is to be the next cir- cuit judge. *Bob Geltner has 30 years of practicing law. He started out as a JAG attorney in the Air Force, worked for NATO and then became a law professor He was the editor of a law journal. He then went to private law practice for eight years where he had a personal injury firm. He is a member of McGregor Baptist Church and said, "I am ready." Group thirty *Liz Adams has 20 years of experience in family law. She is very involved in community service. She said, "I want to give back to the community. It has always been my goal to be a judge." She has also won the Child Advocate of the Year Award. *Franklin B. Mann Jr., is a fifth generation Lee Countian, a family lawyer and mediator. He said, "The bottom line is family and kids: I want to be able to do whatever I can to protect children through divorce." *Scott Morris is 50 years old. He has been married for 22 years. He has lived in Cape Coral for 16 years and worked for Lusk, Dra- sites and Tolisano. He has ten years of law experience in Florida and 15 years of experience total. He is an elder in his church and is involved in church activities. He said he wants to be judge because "I want to give back to the community." Group thirty-one *Keith Kyle has been in South- west Florida for 35 years. He has been a trial attorney in the 20th district. He wants to continue the teen court program that he has been involved in for many years. He has nine years in the court trial experience. *Emily Simeone was born in Africa and lived in Saudi Arabia. She has worked in Public Interest Law doing child support issues. She said, "I am younger than some of the other candidates, but with youth I bring energy and vitality. I have worked mainly in Broward County which is much bigger than Lee County and have worked with growth to make changes necessary. People tell me that I have a lot of patience." Injured? Do you have a lawsuit but need money nowb- Victory Funding provides cash to individuals with pending personal injury lawsuits Call today: 888-544-2881 www.victoryfunds.net victory Funding A New Twist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. "~r A revolutionary new way to think 1' about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours No Refraining. No Paminng. No Mess Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights Let our Certified Installation Consultants show you the difference Solartube can make-in your home today. S- .. Hurrlcane Tested & Approved o-.t ,.S *** SOLATUBIE.. *'", h ,rl LTHE M AC.- S rKYtOCH T Triple murder in Clewiston By Ideybis Gonzalez and Jose Zaragoza CLEWISTON In the tradition- ally quiet neighborhood of Avenida Del Rio in Clewiston, at the Whitak- er home, law enforcement agents found one of the most disturbing scenes in the city's history Tuesday morning the slain bodies of the home's three inhabitants. Hours later, police located a sus- pect, who fled from them when he was spotted. When cornered, the man shot himself in the head with a gun; a woman with him was arrested moments later. The murder victims have been identified as Joey Glenn Whitaker 52, Carolyn Cox Whitak- er, 53, and Myrtle Lee Cox, 80. According to Police Chief Don Gutshall, Tuesday morning's discov- ery is the first triple murder in the city's history. The last murder in Clewiston was in 2002. According to information provid- ed by the police department, the call came in to the station at approxi- mately 11:30 a.m. that three bodies had been found.at the te idence. 1 nvestgators conacred the Flond.i Department of Law Enforcement (fDLE) otlake on etheTr .bgan on FDLE agents had not released information on the exact cause of death at press time on Wednesday. There was no visible trauma on the bodies when officials first arrived at the residence, according to the FDLE report. On Tuesday, Wayne Whitaker, Joey's brother, sat inside his pick-up truck at the corner of the street, wait- ing for news about his family. In the afternoon, agents had not yet filled him in any details. According to Mr Whitaker, his brother lived at.the home for many years with his wife, Carolyn, 53, and her mother, Myrtle Lee Cox, 80.Joey suffered from heart troubles, Mr. Whitaker said. He said his brother's black truck was miss- ing and said agents were working on a court order to request its location from OnStar, the GPS system installed in the truck. Shortly after 5:15 p.m., FDLE agents and Semi- nole Police located the missing vehi- cle on Big Cypress Indian Reserva- tion. The driver led officers in a low- speed pursuit, before ramming into two police cruisers. According to the FDLE report, as police demanded the suspect exit the vehicle, he shot himself in the head. Authorities retrieved the gun and arrested the female passenger. According to the Hendry County Jail, the female suspect, Ruby Yolan- da Parker, 31, is charged with three counts of felony capital murder. According to the FDLE report, the murders were apparently con- nected to a robbery. Earlier on Tuesday, at Platter's Chevrolet in Belle Glade, Carolyn Whitaker's co-workers grew con- cerned when she didn't show up for work in the morning. Thinking that Joey may have grown ill, they failed to contact Carolyn by Nextel. Apparently, according to co- workers, the last contact Joey's daughters had with him was the pre- vious night, when they called and talkedto a man who they did not kno\\ He idennficd himnselfas a for- mer EMS worker and said he was a friend of the family."".. According to Chief Gutshall, one of the suspects had had a casual rela- tionship with the victims. He declined to release any more infor- mation. According to the Pearl River County Sheriff, Parker is also regis- tered as a missing person from Poplarville, Miss. Sources say Parker was last seen with Richard Harker. Harker, 35, according to Detective Christa Ben- nett from Mississippi, has a criminal record, including arrests in Orange County and Lake County. He was arrested in 1991 on charges of sec- ond degree murder and was released in 2002. Parker's criminal record reveals only a speeding ticket. Hark- erhas an address in Clewiston. Detective Bennett confirmed that Parker was the same person arrested in Florida. Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam Includes 6 month follow-up Disclaimer: The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- cel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is per- I formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Boo-Boo RESTAURANT 863-675-4870 Presents DINNER & SHOW CHRIS "ELVIS" PURTEE SATURDAY AUGUST 19 NO COVER i CHARGE DINNER 6 PM SHOW 8 PM /' i CALL FOR RESERVATIONS , 675 Hlckpoochee Ave. (Hwy 80) LaBelle, Florida r " Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Ron Kerlin of the Naples Motorcycle Riding School, Inc., left, presents a check to the First Baptist Church in appreciation of the use of the church parking lot for motorcycle rider testing. Randy Way accepted the donation on behalf of Pastor Frank Deerey. T sin-* again and decided to get his TeSt.ing endorsement. Incidentally, Carl gt p s o ni nc-n Continued From Page 1 said he started riding when he was 15 years old on a Honda 300. As his friends got back into bik- ing, he said he "got the fever" got a perfect score on nls nang test. If you're interested, you can call Ron for an appointment at 239-464-1291. V t j they are having surgery, Surgery V~ Drop off between 8 a.m. and 9 ... .. ... a.m., by appointment only, no. Continued From Page,1 wallins.. Surgery pick .up noma. The doc had to give 'the erweei 1-4 n m. o"ly. Fidiy is"' owner the bad news, which was non-surgery day," ~ a.m.-4 p.m. that .the dog would have to be put Saturday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. They are to rest. closed Sunday and Monday. The shelter has a great many adorable animals to offer so come check them out. Currently they have 32 cats and kittens and 38 dogs and puppies available for adoption. They are always in need of volunteers and have a part time paid position available. The Humane Society is located at 1200 Pratt Blvd. behind the Health Department. For more information call 675-0997 or go to their website at www.dos- ncat.petfinder.com The adoption hours may vary as required and are very depen- dant upon staffing availability: Tuesday 12 p.m.-4 p.m. Wednes- day and Thursday 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday closed for adoptions if Correction A story on the passing of Mr. Ken Curtis last week stated incor- rectly that he was a major contribu- tor to the Caloosa Humane Society. Although Mr. Curtis was a member of the Caloosa Humane Society, he was a major contributor to LaBelle Animal Rescue. We regret the error. I Go to newszap.com to I I download and print I I coupons online! I L- .. ...- QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated Electrical and Air Conditioning Service Company Air Conditioning Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Landscape Lighting and surge protection Call for A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 863-228-4138 24 E.ur.-rSw.u.y Service licensed & insured #EC0000661 |FINANCE| Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available Full Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafiol !!: E j 1 1i m i 1i _C o Register online at www.Jobing.com Jji *'U !.-*-- FREE A.risior Brng a copyof you resume )> FREE i, -.slie Rp.v';iew i on CO.ROM in nmdk, in' Suggested changes from your 4 FREE C. r v.oil, slOpS Resume Revie onlste! Thes t4)geom etareer afp Is aeoestbteto t DVaytona Beach OCEAI NFRONTI ......- ... Starting at Iw $74 BEACH Labor Da 1615 SAtlantli. Ave Specials D.viina Beach. FL 32118 3 days/2 Free Cont. Breakfast Third night Rates Valid AugQ4-Oc 2 Sun-Thur Fnr & Sat add .C510 pFdai Exc!udmn' Holidays & Special Events y Sept 1st-4th nights F"r$109 p.'nl c t-aw i-^nlv (P74 Free newspaper Fitness center Jacuzzi Putting Green Shuffleboard Microwaves Refrigerator www.innonthebeach.com CALOOSA- BELLE To Reach Us ,-,- .. [..,; I2. F, L ,- '. !--., : ,, il ',J r,: : 2 Ft Thonmp',ri.. -\. F ", I : I ,- ". "- 1 To Submit News The Caloo. BleUe *el:,.?meis sbmi; sions Irom it. reader Opmin,:,n. ecen dar items, story idea i nrd photograph" are ,, ehome Cil l'8'?,l' 6i-5 25-41 to re,,:h o,,r r', -room items mu\ be rriled. IA-.d or e mrided II ,.Ou ,re isendjn"g ph:,t..r:'p. h e- mil Fleie lid them in [PEG formit ilr pleiie d.,- rot _-en .l _')R[ d, i,.umnent-. lust p i-te th, l:;c, m.:-.i. r into the bI-?odl\ o the i Ol i Jll. .u-rn '-ir Jre o0. Th Jdie dlIr,, lor i.I ni:,.:. tri n is II i m n \lond prior to the [h:IcUo'. ing Thu,':d ,, p1b~hltcion F I ill ,:l-.,.d ,[',r1 *'* it,',* let SFC-il ...ut l.6316: -5 16 To Place a Display Ad Phone ('Sr, 75-2541 T i,. .1 ,.Ih,,,. I..l l ,-'. .- [ : : 4 I '1 f; i' r C iI' F- ,J II.r .' rl-,. -11 .. .,.L, T hL- r.ij I', :. publication E-mail: cbelle@strato.net Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Place a Classified Ad Call I 77t i3S' 24 24 .:. pl.- .: l :'.tied !ni. id' .rl.. l [, I. n 'i h.:n Ir, TI-,: ,j,.' i.j tl:,rd j It Ii m I.-.. rhe loll.i'. i F.L>. IK r. I .5 ... ...- F Ii.,l Ci! s:i's;. re,'. S:J|--',."iT, For Subscriptions Phone (877) 35-.2424 Th,: C i].:l, Bell datlrbure ,' ol: ':.:. In thr LP el!c I _d '.'.:t.-rnii i-i ndr CL uct', arej: er, drn ;.j,, C :.pI. .' rhi- prper ,.n be lhounrd i u i i, i t.:,.: rhr.:.ughonur t,.r -r.,J :el. ..r. d h.',.n'.: ; i L .i',.l,: ,ln:.', ;.;. p!m..: m ..'rr 'r h ,- jeliv- ,.r'. Fir- r 1. I..I .*ul ;..'r'; are .I'.i J ,bk I I50 I .i, .-. I 123 .: i six Printing Th0 .: l ,- [ ,U.. p ,r',t,. I ', u l-.Iine Prrti..-i i ,u li_.Ji., ,:,! li r. J r. ,'.lent E-m adl pncrtrI r' r .'",',,Lr Newszapip! Online News & Information Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle 866-872-3606 ~slsplggpe~8~nsssaeaa*sssaaasaa~~~- -~~rrms~iii~i~.~~ '*----~"I~"~~ "" iI Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17, 2006 Don't leave critters after hours Think of animal's welfare By Suzanne Bonnell Caloosa Humane Society Director Tuesday morning, August 8, staff arrived to work at the Caloosa Humane Society on Pratt Blvd. to find a cage left at the back of the building. On top of this cage was a plastic bag of soaking wet cat food and a dripping wet note. Inside this small animal carrier were two scared kittens, standing in two inches of water at the bottom of their carrier. Staffer Jennifer Mar- tinez said, "Those two kitties were not happy about being wet, espe- cially for up to 20 hours! We are only closed on Sunday and Mon- day, they should have brought them in while we were open." The note left with these two kit- ties described each and the fact that it likes to play and sleep in the bed, then it went on to say the cats were sisters and that the person leaving them hoped that we could find them a home. It was signed, "Love, N. C., N. L." This is not a legal release of ownership. The find is something that does- n't surprise the staff; it's the total disregard for the animal's welfare and comfort. Some dogs have been found tied to the fence or a vehicle in the back parking area. A few times they have even found the remnants of ropes that had been chewed through by the helpless animal left tied to the other end. Cats are left here in carriers, open boxes or just left at the door with a pan of food in the apparent hope that they will wait patiently at the door for staff to come to work and find them. "We have found puppies and kittens in the road nearby and a pan of food at our door. You put 2 and 2 together and you can sur- mise that the poor animal laying UC I U i Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Suzanne Bonnell Two sad little kittens were left outside the Caloosa Humane Society in a soaking rain. dead in the street had been left at our door while we were closed. It is very sad." says Director Suzanne Bonnell. Two weeks ago, there was a meowing in the brush on the air- port property next door; yet anoth- er baby kitten that had been left in the parking lot even though there were carriers just a few feet away. Suzanne said, "The animals cannot be left at the building while we are closed. We have our busi- ness hours at the front door, clearly visible." The humane society must send the animals to Animal Control. After it has been with Animal Con- trol for five business days, they may or may not be brought over to the Humane Society for adoption. "I am sure that is not what the intentions are of the pet owners when they leave them in our park- ing lot, but, legally, we cannot take them unless we have an owner sign them over." The regular business hours are as follows: Tuesday open noon to 4 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday are a little different. If we are having spay neuter surgery, we are not open for adoptions because we do not have the staff to work both surgery and adoptions, however, if we are not having sur- gery, we are open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Caloosa Humane Society staff asks that for the welfare of the ani- mal, please, do not leave them at the building while we are closed. This puts them in danger and it is illegal! "We desperately need security cameras and recording equipment, this would help us to stop this from happening. We don't have the money for any upgrades in our security, though, as we are com- pletely dependant on donations from the public for everything we do., If you think you can help, please contact the shelter at 863- 675-0997. Understand autism and toilet training The Center for Autism and Related Disabilities-University of South Florida (CARD-USF) will present "Toilet Training," from 7- 9 p.m., Wednesday, August 23, Florida Gulf Coast University, Reed Hall, room 163. The pro- gram is designed for the parents and caregivers of young children with autism spectrum disorders and related disabilities between the ages of 2 and 7 years. Toilet training is one of the biggest milestones of independ- ence that a young child can achieve. It also does not happen automatically. Toileting is learned by observation, imitation and usf.fmhi.usf.edu/video.asp to intentional teaching by a caregiv- view the online training. er. Sometimes children with autism need extra support and CARD-USF training are structure to aid them in the offered as a free public service. process. This workshop provides Pre-registration is required on or the fundamentals of toilet train- before August 18. Call (239) 590- ing including developing a plan, 7771 or e-mail registration infor- collecting data and reviewing nation to cphilbro@fgcu.edu. strategies for young children who CARD-USF provides program appear reluctant to participate. services for individuals with An introductory tutorial on autism, dual sensory impair- toilet training for parents and ments and related disabilities to caregivers of young children is families, professionals and peers offered with audio narration at throughout fourteen counties in the CARD-USF website. Follow west, central and southwest the link http://card- Florida. HCSO: drug house bust nets two men According Sheriff Ronnie Lee, the Criminal Investigations Divi- sion of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office executed a search war- rant on August 10 at 261 Third Ave. in LaBelle. Investigators seized 115 pieces of crack cocaine, narcotics paraphernalia and $460 in U.S. currency. Anubu User Elbey, age 36, and Jamie Lynn Graves, age 19, were arrested and charged with posses- sion of cocaine, possession of cocaine with intent to sell, pos- session of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and operating a drug house. Elbey was also charged with resisting law enforcement with- out violence. Both men were placed in the Hendry County Jail. Bond was to be set by the judge at first appear- ance. Obituaries Naomi Agatha Brown Naomi Agatha Brown was born September 10, 1932, in St. James, Jamaica. She came to the United States in September 1968 and was married to Hanford Brown in February, 1971. She went to be with the Lord on July 24,2006. She is survived by her chil- dren: Joan Moody, Jacqueline White and husband Jarett, and daughter-in-law Tracey Williams; grandchildren: Akono Bryant, Asha Bryant, Anthony Williams, Ashley Williams 'and Robert Williams. Dennis Willard Bryant Dennis Willard Bryant, age 52, of Lehigh Acres, passed away August 8, 2006, in Fort Myers. He was born Dec. 29, 1953, in Detroit, Michigan. Survivors include his father: Howard Willard Bryant of Titusville; brother: Michael Bryant of Minneapolis, MN; and sister: Debbie Diesch of Titusville. He was preceded in death by his mother, Zelda Faye Bryant. A graveside funeral service was held August 14 at Fort Denaud Cemetery with Reverend Frank DeereyJr. officiating. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home LaBelle. Eunice Jeraldine Thomas Eunice Jeraldine Langford Albritton Thomas, age 73, of LaBelle, went to heaven August 11, 2006, in Cape Coral. She was born Aug. 3, 1933, in Lakeport to Oscar Langford Sr. and Gladys Lena (Goggin) Langford. Every- one knew her as Jeraldine or Jeri. She was a native Floridian and has been a small business owner, worked in the trucking industry, newspaper delivery and volun- teered with Senior Connections in LaBelle. Jeri made the best guava jelly in LaBelle. Most of all she was a great and loving mother and grandmother. Survivors include sons: Gary Allen Albritton and Rex Jeffery Albritton; daughters: Nancy Lou Smith (Nick) and Patricia Gale Albritton (Mike); brothers: Oscar Langford Jr. (Tracy) and David Wesley Langford (Donna), sister: Audrey Francis Langford (Dick); and nine grandchildren. A memorial service was held August 15 at First Baptist Church-LaBelle with Reverend Frank Deerey Jr. officiating. In lieu of flowers, please make dona- tions to Hope Hospice, 2430 Diplomat Parkway E., Cape Coral, FL 33909. Cremation Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home - LaBelle. George Harold Hicks George Harold Hicks, 66, of LaBelle, formerly of Jolo, WV, died Thursday August 3, 2006, at his residence. Mr. Hicks was born September 6, 1939, in Bradshaw, WV, the son of the late Claburn and Ollie Hicks. In addition to his parents who proceeded him in death there were also three brothers: William N. Hicks, Robert L. Hicks, Claburn R. Hicks and one sister, DorothyJean Smith. Survivors include two sons: Kenneth (Bambi) Hicks of LaBelle and Randall (Donna) Hicks of Pliladelphia, PA; one daughter: Kathy Brown of Clewis- ton; three brothers: Lawrence (Lois) Hicks of Raysal, W4 Carl (Yuvonne) Hicks ofJolo, WV and Clarence (Pat) Hicks of Radcliff, KY; three sisters: Caroline (Joe) Tye of Martin, TN, Shirley (Charles) Arrington of Jolo, WV and Theresa (James) Wise of Ocala. Mr. Hicks had nine grandchil- dren: Beau and Mandy Hicks of Norfolk VA, Danielle Hicks of LaBelle; Timothy, Randall Jr., Jacob and Hannah Hicks of Philadelphia Penn., Joe Brown Jr. of Philadelphia, Penn., Keith Brown of Clewiston. Mr. Hicks also had two great- grandchildren: Joe Brown III of Philadelphia and Destiny Brown of Clewiston. Mr. Hicks was a veteran of the United States Army. He worked at the Corrugated Box Company in Philadelphia before moving to Florida. He also worked at the LaBelle and Clewiston U-Save stores for a few years as a meat cutter. He retired for a year then went back to work at LaBelle Ele- mentary School in the kitchen as a food service worker. He was looking forward to going back to work this school year. Funeral service was held August 10 with Reverend Roger Pete Woods, Reverend Herman Day and Reverend Ellis Hager- man officiating at the Jesus Church of Bartley, Bartley, WV. Burial followed at the Tom Sparks Cemetery on Rock Ridge near Paynesville where military grave- side rites were conducted by the Sandy River District American Legion Post #175, Bradshaw and the VFW Post 1144, laeger. Friends and grandsons served as pallbearers. Akin- Davis, LaBelle and Fan- ning Funeral Home of Iaeger WV were in charge of funeral arrange- ments. Arrests ALW-- YU.P charged with larceny-grand theft. Larry Preece of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $5,000 cash/surety. Roland Lee LaFollette, 19, of Clewiston was arrested and charged with burglary and grand theft larceny. Tiffany Arnold of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting offi- cer. Richard Thomas Stevens, 25, of Clewiston was arrested August 10 and charged with burglary and grand theft larceny. Tiffany Arnold of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arrest- ing officer. Danny Koger, 47, of Clewiston was arrested August 9 and charged with battery on an officer, firefighter or EMT. Michael Stevens of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arrest- ing officer. Jose Angel Galo, 50, of Clewis- ton was arrested August 13 and charged with battery on an officer, fire- fighter, or EMT. Orlando Torres of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arresting officer. LaBelle Victor Roa, 28, of LaBelle, was arrested on a warrant on August 9 and charged with damaging property, bur- glary, larceny-grand theft and dealing in stolen property. Anthony Lewis of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arresting officer. SA female juvenile of LaBelle, was arrested August 8 and charged with battery on a school resource officer. Ty Marshall of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arresting officer. A male juvenile of LaBelle, was arrested August 9 and charged with burglary. Louis Morales of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arrest- ing officer. Harry Howard Johnson, 50 of LaBelle, was arrested August 9, and charged with possession of cocaine. Robert L. Archer Jr. of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arrest- ing officer. Bond was set at $10,000 cash/surety. Obed Hemandez Martinez, 22, of LaBelle, was arrested August 10 and charged with violating probation. Larry Preece of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Jamie Lynn Graves, 19, of LaBelle was arrested August 10 and charged with possession of cocaine, possession of cocaine with intent to sell and possession of marijuana over 20 grams. Robert L. Archer Jr. of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. *Anubu User El Bey, 36, of LaBelle was arrested August 10 and charged. with possession of cocaine, posses- sion of cocaine with intent to sell and possession of marijuana over 20 grams. Robert L. Archer Jr. of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Julian Charke Tarin, 24, of LaBelle was arrested August 12, and charged with damaging property, bur- glary, grand theft larceny and dealing in stolen property. Robert C. Shaw of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $50,000 cash/surety. Jesus Barraza, 42, of LaBelle was arrested August 12 and charged with possession of cocaine. Bruce Slade of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Ricky Allen Donaldson, 47, of Dunnellon was arrested on a warrant on August 9 and charged with violation probation. Sabrena Thomas of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Charles William Fradenburg, 22, of Ft. Myers was arrested August 10 and charged with violating probation. Louis Morales of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arresting offi- cer. Gerry Ann LeMay, 41, of Sebring was arrested on a warrant on August 11 and charged with violating proba- tion. Bonnie Weaver of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arrest- ing officer. A male juvenile, of Immokalee was arrested August 8 and charged with robbery in a home invasion. Bon-. nie Weaver of the Hendry Counrv Sher- iff's Office was ine arresting ontcer. Clewiston Greg Eric Robbins, 35, of Clewis- ton was arrested on a warrant on August 8 and charged with failure to appear for a felony offense. Sabrena Thomas of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Samuel Lee Jones, 30, of Clewis- ton was arrested on a warrant on August 13 and charged with violating probation. Lee Page of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arrest- ing officer. Ricky Allen Donaldson, 45, of Clewiston was arrested on August 15 and charged with aggravated battery. Brett Edward Daley of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office was the arrest- ing officer. Paula Elizabeth Ferrer, 23, of Clewiston was arrested December 11, and charged with arson. Larry Preece of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $20,000 cash/surety. Tracey Lynn Johnson, 31, of Clewiston was arrested August 9 and ALL STEEL BUILDINGS o 1 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed- $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed- $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed- $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) - Many Sizes Available - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code . - Florida "Stamped" Engineered Drawings (included) METAL STRUCTURES LLC 866-624-9100 www.metalstructuresllc.com August 26 8am-5pm Gates Open at Sam 8 1/2 miles North of Moore Haven Coffey Farms furniture, coll ctbles, clothing At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com -Memorial Tribute SRemember a loved one S", who has departed with a special i Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the.memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders and we'll make sure it all comes together attractivelyand tastefully. it iks, Visit www2.newszap.cimemorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 tollfree. 'VOTE & ELET .. Cynthia Luevano Potter for School Board, District #5 On September 5, 2006 / Bilingual and Lifelong Resident of Hendry County / Bachelor's in Human Resource Organizational Management V Master's in Educational Leadership from FGCU V Florida Educator's Certificate in ESE (K-12) and Primary Education (Age 3 thru Grade 3) Classroom Teacher'Experience in Hendry & Palm Beach Counties S THE TIME HAS COME TO "SECURE OUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE" Political advertisement paid for and approved by Cynthia Luevano Potter, No Porty Affiliation, Sdchool Board District# 5 4 OPINION Speak Out Have an opinion ora question aboutapublic issue? Postitanytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http://Aww.newaapforuus.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and shareyour comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24hour opinion line at 675- 4516. Commentswillbepublished in the newspapers space permits. I'm very concerned about the new Nobles Road, the way the curve turns into Nobles Road. People drive really fast and I think some kind of law should be hiding there to stop them. People speeding and drunk driving in the middle of the road make it impossible to make that turn. It's really dan- gerous and people may die. Children walk along the side of the road and old people do, too. I'm just concerned and wonder if the cops can help out by keeping an eye on drunk people or people that just don't know how to drive. Thankyou. Speaking for myself and mymom that used to work at the Ortona Store (for people that may not know) when I was just a little girl my step-mom used to work there also and she would take me to work with her I'm now 28 years old that should tell you how long I've been in that store. When I was a teenager my mom started working there as night cashier, working her way up to manager. My mom always did her best, getting what people wanted or needed. We always worked our best. Of course, we had people that gave us problems once in a while, thinking they could get something for nothing, forgetting my mom was just a manager not the owner. But things like that don'tjust happen in Ortona. We may have had a few bad apples but there were a lot more good ones. We will miss all the jokes, all the laughs we had with the customers. We may have been smiling, others may have been frowning. Some may miss us and some may not. But who in this world doesn't have a bad day once in awhile? For me and my mom we want to say thank you to everyone that allowed us to serve them and we will miss each and every one of you. We will miss working at the store, but God only knows everything happens for some rea- son. It was time for us to move on and we are happy and doing just fine. Thank you. Nancy andJulie Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforumscom/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Chamber SThoughts ocs '~-. g. t' D"* ~4~ Now that the weather has reached above 90 most of your plants will at some point become stressed. Things to remember: first if your plants look wilted but the soil around them is damp, DO NOT WATER!! The wilting could be coming from the heat and too much water. This is a mistake com- monly made with plants in the ground. Plants in pots, however, may need water, especially the plants in the black nursery pots. Always check before you give your plants a drink. Bougainvillea love thishpot weather, not the rain. Normally the higher and drier you can plant these beauties the betteroff you will be. This time of year they may be on a growing spurt and you may want to trim them regularly. Just. remember the color comes from the bracks on the end of the branches, so the more you trim, the more color you cut off! "In all things of nature there is something marvelous." Aristotle Happy Gardening Sara Townsend Special camp experience I would like to sincerely thank and recognize all the people who made Socialization Summer Camp possible. Your generous support allowed a successful experience for children, parents and some school employees. Goodyear of LaBelle, Marsha Joslin, VFW women LaBelle, VFW men LaBelle, Muse Community Association, American Legion, Amer- ican Legion Bingo, O'Ferrell's, Linda Since I have been here at the Chamber office I have learned a lot of new things, been involved with the community more than I ever have, but now I have been appoint- ed to VISIT FLORIDA'S Rural Tourism Committee of the New Product Development Council. I am not quite sure what this means, but I certainly want to give this opportunity my attention. It will not be hard to sell Florida as a des- tination, nor will it be hard to sell LaBelle and Hendry Count) [have loved growing up and living in LaBelle, I miss some of what has been and am very anxious to see our little paradise grow. Now that school is about to start and our hottest time of the year is upon us, the usual hustle bustle has come to a very slow pace. The weather is so' no one wants to do much. It is, however, the time for businesses to spruce up and get ready for Fall. SaraTownsend and Fran Koebert, Moose Lodge LaBelle, Richard and Phyllis Nelson, Vine Ripe Specialties, Nobles-Collier; D&M Produce, MC Ventures, Kiwa- nis Labelle, Gargiulo, Lykes Brothers, American Legion Riders, Richard Pringle, Very Special Arts Hendry/Lee County Kim Rose, Bren- da Goodwin The Green Crayon, Center of Knowing and All Knowing Brenda Goodwin, West Glades Ele- mentary School Larry LuckeyJr. and Donna Brittian, Dell Schlaht, Linda Hughes, Vicki Murphy and Glades County School Board. CALOOSA' BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens ol the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of ]ournalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. ...,.... .................. .=.........,..........,..................,.........,......... We Pledge ... * To operate Ihis newspaper as a public trust * To help our community become a better place to live and work. through our dedl- cation to conscientious jour- nalism * To provide the information cit- izens need to make their own intelligent decisions about public issues. * To repon the news with hon- esty accuracy. purposeful neutrality, talrness. oblectlvity. learlessness and compassion. * To use our opinion pages to facilitate community debate. not to dominate it with our own opinions * To disclose our own conflicts or interest or potential con- Illcls to our readers. * To correct our errors and to give each correction the prominence it deserves. * To provide a light lo reply to Ihose we vnite about * To real people with courtesy. respect and compassion For More Information See At Your Service On Page 2 N EDrITORL: News Editor: Patty Brant Reporter: Kristin Hunter Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt Sports: Roger Alexander ADVERTISING: Advertising Director Judy fasten Advertising Manager Brenda Jaramillo Advertising Services Coordinator: Dale Conyers Advertising Services: Barbara Caltee National Advertising Joy Parrish Independent Newspapers, Inc. Chairman Joe Smyth President Ed Dulin Vice President or Florida Operations Tom Byrd Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Florida Department of Agri- culture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles H. Bron- son announced a program that will help people who own forest land to manage that resource. Sign up for enrollment in the For- est Land Enhancement Program (FLEP) through September 15. This program, authorized under the 2002 Farm Bill, is available to non-industrial private forest landowners on a 75-25 cost share basis for most practices. Eligible practices include, but are not limited to: site preparation, tree planting, and prescribed burning activities. Landowners who own at least 10 acres but no more that 10,000 acres of land who have a multiple-resource practice plan will be eligible to receive funding assistance under FLEP A maximum of $10,000 will be available for each qualify- ing landowner over the life of the Program as reimbursement for incurred expenses for approved practices. Almost half of the state's 14 million acres of forestland is owned by private non-industrial forest landowners. According to national, regional and statewide landowner surveys, most forest landowners don't have a manage- ment plan for their property. The state's allocation under the pro- gram will be used for implemen- tation of forest practices pre- scribed in existing or newly developed management plans. Landowners can obtain appli- cation forms from their local Division of Forestry office and from other cooperating agencies. The Division of Forestry's foresters will provide technical assistance to landowners and will be the local contact person for participating landowners. For more information, contact David Smith, Program Manager (850) 414-9907 or Bonnie Stine, CFA Supervisor, (850) 414-9912 both in Tallahassee, or your local County Forester who can be located at www.fl-dof.com. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17, 2006 Letters to the Editor Mr. Kenneth Curtis: Celebration of life Hendry County has been very fortunate to have living within its community a very benevolent man, Mr. Kenneth Curtis. It is with great sorrow that we learn of his passing. However; it is really a time for a cel- ebration of the life of a man who had the privilege of living more than 100 years. This is an accom- plishment that comes to few. He will be missed but long remem- bered. The Edison College Campus that is planned for LaBelle will bear his name and will be there for all to see for many years to come. In addition, the Isabelle Curtis Memorial Scholarship, named in his wife's honor, will continue to support a postsecondary education for LaBelle High School graduates. Though he had no children of his own, in a way he did by adopting the children of LaBelle. To date more than 1,000 students have benefited from his largess honor it was to know Mr rare breed of man. Beca generosity he will remain factor to many and his 1 live on. Riverwatch chan water quality Dear Editor, On last week's edit the Caloosa Belle pub summary of a new stud mentary about the Caloc River. The 32-minute vi "Endangered," was create Groningen from Holland sity of Groningen, who e year spent three months learning about our Floi issues. The documentary interviews and comment Senator Bill Nelson, Hen ty Commissioner Bill Glades County Commissioner Alvi LaBelle Mayor Randy U.S. Sugar Vice Presider Wade, Lee County Con RayJudah and others sh personal, scientific and insight about our river problems and the changes neces- sary to improve the river This and other videos about the Caloosa- hatchee are available for viewing on the Riverwatch website at http://crca.caloosahatchee.org. Riverwatch (Caloosahatchee River Citizens Association) is a vol- unteer citizen's advocacy organiza- tion. The goals and objectives of Riverwatch are to protect the integrity of the Caloosahatchee River and its watershed through education and promotion of its responsible use and enjoyment by all of the people. We invite everyone to visit the Riverwatch website at www.caloosahatchee.org to learn more about our river and its water- shed, and perhaps join as a River- watch member. Sincerely,' Margaret England, Riverwa Vice President LaBelle Reinstate Chief Pratt s. What an To Whom It May Concern: r. Curtis, a We were quite surprised to read use of his in a recent edition of the Caloosa in a bene- Belle the article regarding griev- legacy will dances filed against the former fire chief, Dwayne Pratt. Whether these SallyBerg allegations are true or not can be m determined by the city and county nIplnS commissions, however, we really want the community to become acquainted with the Dwayne Pratt that many of us have known and orial page admired for twenty plus years. lished its Over the years, Dwayne has Lent docu- proven to be hardworking, friendly, )sahatchee considerate and trustworthy. He deo, titled holds positions of high responsibil- ed by Lars ity and he shows leadership in the l's Univer- church. Dwayne is well thought of earlier this by the members of the church and in LaBelle frankly, we feel that he would be an rida water asset to any organization. Given y features Dwayne's outstanding character its of U.S. and his dedication and service to .dry Coun- the fire department for the past 25 Maddox, years, we ask that the city and county commissions consider rein- in Ward, stating Dwayne Pratt as fire chief. Bengston, Thank you for your consideration nt Malcom of this important matter. Please imissioner make a copy of this letter for all aring their county commissioners. historical Respectfully, 's current Eastside Baptist Church Hendry: It's the heart that counts How significant can events) be that circumstantially, with no plan- ning, come together in one fell swoop over a short period of time. What I'm referring to is that a few weeks ago I decided to start a series of articles focusing on what I thought were the strengths and underlying unique capabilities and characteristics setting Hendry Coun- ty aside from its neighboring coun- ties. Before going into the events of just this past week that catalyzed, beyond my wildest expectations, these significant events, I want to point out the major role that the Caloosa Belle, under the leadership of editor, Patty Brant has brought to the county. Her sense of community is the defining factor. She steadfastly con- tinues to avoid tabloid generation and insists on emphasizing the posi- tive, negating the negative and reporting not making or editorializ- ing, letting the news stand on the facts, not on her interpretations. I spoke of those events of the past week, one of which was the loss of Hendry County's best friend and benefactor, Kenneth John Curtis. He ledby example and left a rich her- itage of w ords supported by actions that many generations have and will continue to draw substance and encouragement from. I will be mentioning, over and over again, that the people of Hendry County are its strength and hold the key in supporting Patty Brant in keeping Hendry County a community in the true sense of the word, rather than fall victim to the inroads of "Developmentitis. Some time ago your editor start- ed a feature called, "It's Your World. Get involved." Five simply directed words that, if implemented, can and will support your editor's commit- It's your world Get InvolvedU ment to your well being in your com- munity. The article by Sandra Goodwin thanking the HCSO and a neighbor, Felicia, in attending to her 92-year- old mother's emergency would probably go unnoticed in another county, but not in Hendry. Ms. Goodwin didn't say where she resides, only that it is over several thousand miles away. How fortunate a decision it is to have her mother benefit from Hendry's community values. Your editor also started a feature under the title of "Tower Talk," which'this week featured the ques- tion from veteran school teachers, "How have you changed your teach- ing technique in recent years?" Four teachers, with over 72 total classroom years, who perform at the kindergarten, third, fourth and librarian/learing center level, can- didly provided insight into another resource of the community. How your children, the future of any com-, munity, are being prepared to con- tinue providing the backbone for the future of the community. Not to be forgotten was the story: of an unsung American hero, "The Gunner", Raymond Bost, now proudly answering to the alias of: "The Ding-a-ling Man." At the age of 92, with a WW II record of Naval military service, multiple major, wounds and a tragic succession of family deaths with him as the lone survivor, serve as a punctuation point to your editor's dedication and. attention to all ages and facets of the heart and minds of Hendry County,. YOU the PEOPLE! T. W. BillNeville Community Calendar Friday, August 18 American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyp- tus, Port LaBelle, open meeting ," .' Bingol Our Lady Queen of Heav- en Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. NO Smoking Sunday, August 20 AA: 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open dis- cussion Monday, August 21 Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m., American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Mid-County MSBU Advisory Committee: 7 p.m. PPFD, Hendry Isles Blvd. Men's Christian Gathering 7:30 p.m., the Dallas Townsend Ag Center. Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Good Shep- herd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Tuesday, August 22 Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora and Ella's, Hwy. 80 Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m. Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restau- rant, noon Teen Center: Hendry County Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 p.m. School Board: 5:30 p.m. Clewis- ton sub-office County Commission: 6:30 p.m. Courthouse F&AM: lodge on Jaycee/Lions Blvd. dinner meeting, 6 p.m. Heartland CHADD: (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disor- ders) Fourth Tuesday, 7 p.m., LaBelle High School, teacher In-service points available. LaBelle Masonic Lodge #379 F&AM: 7:30 p.m. Jaycee/Lions Blvd. AA: 12 Step/Big Book study group, 8 p.m., First Christian Church, Ford Avenue, open meeting Wednesday, August 23 AA Big Book Meeting: noon, Episcopal Church of the Good Shep- herd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Wednesday Night Kids: 6-7 p.m., Caloosa Baptist Church, for youth in grades 6-12 at 500 W. Hwy. 80. Phone 675-2348 PPVFD: drill 7 p.m. AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recreation Hall. Thursday, August 24 Overeaters Anonymous (OA): Thursday 5:30 p.m. in the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 1098 Collingswood Parkway @ Eucalyp- tus, one block south of SR 80 east of LaBelle. AA: Open discussion, 8 p.m., First Christian Church, Ford Ave. Christian Youth Fellowship: 7 p.m., City Hall, Commissioner's Room SAA & Al Anon: 8 p.m. discussion meetings First Christian Church, Ford Ave. Call Intergroup at 275-5111 for information For veteran coaches niques over the years? Mel Greenleaf :has coached for 10 years and says, "I've kept the suc- cessful and productive and changed or gotten rid of what didn't work." He said, "It is important to adapt, impro- vise and overcome." David Kelley has coached for 18 years and says, "You get used to the cycle that team's go through. At first they are excit- ed and then you have to find ways to keep them motivated. Kids aren't like they were 20 years ago. You have to motivate kids to play sports now because we have become lazy as a society. There are more things to do. You also don't make as many cuts as you used to. You have to be more of a parent and "house break them. There seems to be a big lack of motiva- ,1t ':, tion mentally and physically. They aren't as tough and aren't as responsible as they used to be. It's more like recreation sports nowadays." Russell Bell has coached for many years and said, "I've had to adjust Switch the change of time. You have to change techniques to keep pace with the defenses that are coming UH'e up. I'm a little bit more patient now. X I try to look at things through the S'i perspective of a player. You have to .. ... know when to give a player a pat on r'^ iF the back and when to yell." Craig Davidson said, "You have to adapt to the kids. They are different now than they were 20 years ago. I have a little bit different philosophy now. We were a lot harder on kids H H 10-15 years ago. We had 107 kids in the spring, now we have 51 kids this year. There aren't many kids playing any more for whatever reason. Foot- ball is a tougher game now than it used to be. The game has changed. It is a more complex game now. Offense has changed. It is more ver- satile now." Raymond Marroquin has also coached for many years and said, "The evolution of the game is that there is more technology now so there is less time spent practicing. SYou really need to play all year long because it's so easy to get behind. The work ethic of the individual is really important but that seems to have depleted somewhat. There's not Sas much off-time practice going on, but there are a lot more offenses and defenses, so while the game has become more complex, the practice time has become less." Thank You Assistance available to Florida landowners I _ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17, 2006 i~~~li'b EMPLO EE PICIN PL`J:11 Jeep PLUS 0% FINANCING OR UP TO $4000 IN REBATES DODGE GRAND CARAVAN WITH I "' SEATING AND STORAGE TAKEADVATAG OF EEP ISCUNTS NORALL Oil& Filter Change wMh 16-Point Vehicle Checkup $22. 95 Is- .. I . . ..l.- Urmi syn h o i r CI- IWiUtk -, Plus, i l -ti-0 of thnas avid abit;o;a not IteCI: Tirem~h trn pre".urn ~a C; -.-.; .1 systemr- xf.:rc~ia i Wi n KI sh' i 4 j-4r p r, ,3u Fh.i Inve;'s Exterior Lamps rls~-lea Air ifite price3. d rio Itt. irtIIC 11,1du rop .0i v i'i4 tvhk sh fnky r ov il'wud afto r tion.~e~i~ n Ask ASrvLA- a't bv r frat, '.d ih.s w l w-i. E -- .'-- ---, E -e'' r -- E- pires: 8/24/06 'MoparValiue Line Brake Pad or Shoe Replacement $119095 INCLUDES- F A~ -I-Ir ii c ,r ad 'C bI :1,t, 0L '.'. U .'.L .~ L L Is II N.;. id. r.1g I ar Value Line. 3 kes Csru- rn* 1. I ) *Inspect: rotor, drum a-qnd calrpe~r Check brake fluidl level R tid- tlo rve hi Ico *R -1r I'-i... ly Ax4 e- .L* r 0..! truck s I IjIht- 'Iii. i riot coveauC I by Mop Valtw-rw Un h ra~k es ar.bi(~ jhEr -E E.x.......___ pires: 8/241/06 - HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP _______ HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR ____ CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEPI * It really does make a di r DEALER erence! 0 ***W,.** .FI .E-QR " Off AVI~ (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 * SPECIAL FINANCING RATE ON SELECT VEHICLES TO QUALIFIED BUYERS THRU CFC WAC. TERMS VARY. EP NOT AVAILABLE ON VIPER, SRT10, CROSSFIRE, AND SPRINTER. PROGRAM GOOD THRU 8/31/06 Cl-I iV G I E M I I I I I I I I U U I I I I* I I I I ICHRYSLERI 0!=3m-.^ - I r II-I I I - --r I I ~L -I--' I L = I a I C- -p.-~- ~[- P0 Cl CO cs F 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17,2006 Almanacs LHS Open House The LaBelle High School Open House will be tonight, Thursday, August 17. The L.H.S. Band will have a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser from 5-6:30 p.m. The cost is $5 per din- ner. Open House will be from 6-8 p.m. All parents and guardians are encouraged to attend. 4-H Youth livestock The first mandatory meeting for Glades Youth Livestock will be on Monday, August 28. The meetings will begin at 7 p.m. and will be held in the Doyle Conner Building. The exhibitor and the parent guardian must attend this meeting. If you know of anyone that is new to Glades County or 4H please let them know of this meeting or have them call the extension office. If you have any questions or will be unable to attend this meeting for any reason please call 946- 0244. Signing party set Attention all students who have bought a 2006 LHS yearbook. If you bring your yearbook to the first home game of the season on Friday, August 18, you will have the chance to get your yearbook signed by all of your friends, teachers, and last year's seniors. The signing party will start at 5:00 p.m. and be located under the big tent. You can also pick up your year- book at this time, please bring your receipt. All who come with a year- book will automatically be entered in drawings for cool door prizes. The 2006 yearbooks are going fast and this could be your last chance to purchase one, theywill be $55. Ads for seniors and businesses for the 2007 yearbook will also be available for you to purchase under the tent. Come and join the fun at the signing party while supporting the LaBelle Cowboys! Join Christian Men of Hendry County Plan to join and support the Gathering of the Christian Men of Hendry County for the monthly meeting on Monday, August 21, at the Dallas Townsend Building at 7:30 p.m. This is a non-denomina- tional gathering to unite the Christ- ian community to the glory of God through-Jesus Christ. Dinner is included. For more information contact: Dave Alexander at 675-0500 Food bank scheduled The Hendry County Food Bank will be distributing USDA com- modities to each individual or fam- ily that qualifies on Thursday, August 24, from noon to 3 p.m. at Our Lady of Heaven Catholic Church, 355 south Bridge Street. Client eligibility can be one of the following: Food Stamp Recipient, Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Scott Wegscheid Help a child recover There will be a benefit barbecue for Isabella Parrish on Saturday, August 26, at Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church at 310 Campbell Street. Isabella has been diagnosed with a benign tumor and cyst on her pitu- itary gland and optic nerve. She has already endured two surgeries and will be going to Boston in September for an extended treatment. A donation fund has been estab- lished at Olde Cypress Community Bank for anyone wish- ing to make a donation. The donation and barbecue funds will be used to help pay for medical bills and travel and living expenses in Boston. Isabella is the daughter of Jacob and Becky Parrish, niece of Michael and Kim Par- rish, granddaughter of Scott and Susan Wegscheid, great- granddaughter of Vicki Patton, Stan Wegscheid and Jim and Maureen Hahn and great-great granddaughter of Tillie Patton. You can pick up your dinners between 1-4 p.m. For tickets please call 673-4632 or 673-4630, or you can go to Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church, 310 Campbell St., to purchase them. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TANF, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicaid, Residence Hosing founded by Municipal, County, State of Federal Government, Self Declaration of Need by the client (Based on the Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Income Chart). Food bank planned The Hendry County Food Bank will be distributing USDA com- modities to each individual or fam- ily that qualifies on Thursday, August 24, from noon to 3 p.m. at Our Lady of Heaven Catholic Church, 355 South Bridge Street. Client eligibility can be one of the following: Food Stamp Recipient, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TANF,--Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicaid, Residence Hosing founded by Municipal, County, State of Federal Government, Self Declaration of Need by the client (Based on the Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Income Chart). Girl Scouts host information night Discover how Girl Scouting helps girls build courage, confi- dence and character and about the rewarding volunteer opportunities for adults. Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, Inc. will host a Girl Scout information night on Thursday, August 24, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at LaBelle High School, -050 E. Cowboy Way. The information nightwwill offer a brief description of today's Girl Scout program and adult volunteer opportunities available. For more information, call Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, Inc. in Fort Myers at 239-561-1800 or 800- 586-3186 ext. 404. Girl Scouting is open to all girls, ages 5-17, regardless of ability or racial, ethnic, religious or socioeco- nomic background. Girl Scouting helps girls develop qualities of responsible citizenship and service, build feelings of self-esteem by accepting responsibility, value and respect diversity, develop leader- ship and decision-making skills, and better the quality of life for oth- ers. Come to lawn mower racing Lawn mower racing will have Marwn f f~tfr, 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee ;: NEW PATIENTS ACCEPTED! . Nuevos pacientes son acceptado! Services: Family Medicine. S Women's Health. Pediatrics, '' Internal Medicine, Dental. Outreach 'i and Education, Laboratorn Radiology, Pharmacy b,,ad ,", rt.: fl, t [,o l.ne, .'t, ,. ;(, ,o,, ,i.'.['t' i C It, h': l tl,l'r l ll ,l ,[i,,.,rl '.:Kilt .".I For an appointment Call (239) 658-3000 i Walk-in's Welcome S Spsralh. English. Cr.ke e Kaniob.l Spai ken f* olss ',, .h.' 11" i ,,l ', '. I;, i r, tp ll'+ ',at free admission for spectators, on Sunday, August 20, at 1 p.m. behind the LaBelle Rodeo Grounds. Bring your own lawn chairs. Racers wanted for all classes including ladies, seniors, bandits, euros for drag races, pure stock, cutter and modified. Bring your mower and race with us. Tech opens at 11 a.m. Membership fee of $50 for remainder of season; One day membership $15. Vets to tour Europe Reunion tour of the association of fifth army veterans of WWII Ital- ian campaign, and their sons, daughters, families and friends will visit Rome, Anzio, Cassino, Flo- rence, Futa Pass-Mt. Battaglia, Bologna, Venice and American mil- itary cemeteries. Family members and friends of veterans who battled Nazi forces from 1943 to 1945 will visit Italy for 10 days from May 7-17 2007 for a nostalgic tour of cities, towns and places their fathers, grandfathers, and friends fought and died for. Those interested in joining this tour should call Sy Canton at 561- 865-8495 or write him at 5121 B. Nesting Way, Delray Beach, FL 33484. Soil conservation to meet The Hendry Soil and Water Conservation District will hold its regular board meeting on August 24 at 1 p.m. in the main conference room of the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Building. Meetings are open to the public. Register for RCMA Head Start RCMA is looking for children 0- 5 years old for the 2006-07 Head Start Program. The child must be 3 years old by September 1. For early Head Start the child must be age 0- 3. Families must meet federal income guidelines. Please bring: child's certified birth certificate, proof of income (2005 federal income tax return or pay stubs for last 12 months). RCMA provides services to children with disabili- ties. Stop by or LaBelle CDC, 3749 Highway 29 South or call 674- 4511. Bible study planned Bible study with Vicki and Mike from the Bull Pit Rodeo Ministry on Thursday nights at.7 p.m. at the rodeo grounds. Open to the.pblic. Job training opportunity Train to be a heavy equipment operator. For more information call Sonny Hughes at the Education Center of SWFL Office at 675-6800 located on 13 N. Missouri St. Unit B. The first classes are planned for August and September so sign up now. S ALL AMERICAN toe CONSTRUCTION 1-866-279-5035 fax: 904-493-2842 I ieanedr & Insured For Product Information, Pricing & Order Forms www.americancomponents.com www.americansteelmfg.cori CBC 1251774 LOST E i YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck 675-1039 & Auto Repair, Call 675-1032' AUGUST SPECIAL METAL ROOF SYSTEM AT SHINGLE PRICES Hassle Free HOME IMPROVEMENTS begin with a simple phone call: 863-385-9403 REMODELING REPAIRS RENOVATIONi S - www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. #CCC1325639 YOU CAN'T GET DSL OR CABLE? GET HIGH SPEED INTERNET SERVICE VIA SATELLITE TODAY! 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Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post 'our personal messages on an open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. Local Links A directory of websites for location government, teams, organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers, distributed to 31,000 homes. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay . Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation 6. Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof 25% Off This week take our low everyday price and get another 25% Off All Accessories, Lamps, Pictures, Rugs and Bed Linen Sets Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor 340 North Bridge Street L i "iT' ALaBelle, FL 863-674-0003 Where Quality is Done in Style! tow Cosn Per Yf0om1nATons Alu Annuam Yeooimantno roR DOGS. OaT & rnRRm SAVE on Heartworm Prevention & Flea Protection Products Rabies $7.00 Available at LABELLE RANCH SUPPLY 281 S. Bridge St., LaBelle (863) 675-4250 Saturday, Aug. 19 from 7:30a.m to 9:00a.m. TRACTOR SUPPLY 2395 S. Olga Rd. SR 80, Ft Myers (239)690-3002 Saturday, Aug. 19 from 9:30a.m to 11:00a.m; Call 1-888-63-8838 rbrMorelnformation OR visit our website at www888petvet.com Your #1 Choice For Repairs and Re-Roofs Steel Buildings & Components Structural products Standing seam roof"si R-panels, Lels, U-panels, A-panels' Full line of.apces sor~.aI,.;--| ERA~ub-.i---- CI~---~ ------ -. -* :'; "~"~:" ~~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17,2006 SPOU IS 7 Sports Shorts Birthdays LHS Football The LHS football team will play S. at home on Friday, August 18, at _4 : 7:30 p.m. vs. American Heritage -' 7 Delray Beach. LMS Football LMS football will have its very first football game ever at home at 5 p.m. against Evangelical Christian School Sept. 7 at the LHS field. LHS Volleyball The Cowgirls season opened up on Monday, August 14, and their first home game will be Wednes- day, September 6. Pop Warner Longhorn Football Schedule These are the dates for the home games: August 20: Tiny Mite and Mity MiteJamboree (ages 5-9) Sept 16: against North Port Sept 23: against Ft. Myers Oct 7: against Riverdale p; Oct 14: against CapeJr. Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Universe All-Stars Jr. Pee Wees' Jonathon Rodriguez and CJ Clay on the side- lines; learning from the plays. sign-ups Universe All-Stars is a traveling S r PopW arner competition squad for cheerlead- u p p o ing and hip-hop dance with experi- SPop Warner will have no Senior team (ages 13-15) this year because only one boy signed up. Also, the new middle school team is taking players away'from Pop Warner as well. Each team needs at least 16 boys to play. There are normally about 250 boys and girls total and this year so far. there are a total of about 193 boys and girls: 110 boys and 83 girls. There are plenty of girls, but they could still use a few ^ns.,: en~'w more boys. Cutoff for signups was Monday, August 14. Practice is held Monday-Friday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Davis Pratt Park for football players until Jamboree. After jamboree practice will be cut back to three days on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The cheerleaders are already practicing Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6-8 p.m. enced coaching staff from LaBelle and Ft. Myers. They offer advanced tumbling as well. Their gym is located on S. Industrial Rd. Stop by on Tuesday from 6-9 p.m. to inquire or sign up. For more infor- mation call 863-675-3737. Archery activities planned The Lee County Archers are reg- istering new participants. The fol- lowing events take place at the Nalle Grade County Park Range in North Ft. Myers on Thursday, August 17, at 7 p.m. Monthly membership meeting and 20 Yard Target League. On Sunday, August 20, there will be a 3D Archery Shoot at the Nalle Grade County Park. The shoot is hosted by the Lee County Archers. A roving field range con- sisting of 20 3D target stations, and a 14 station N.EA.A. field course. Sign up 8-8:30 a.m.; shotgun start at 9 a.m. A $10 shooting fee applies. For Information contact Ben Brown at 239-369-6212. Sun- day, September 3, at 9 a.m., 900 round event. August 17: Joyce Abernathy, Lori Timmons, Millard Yeomans, Nadine Searcy, Tony Townsend, Sylvia Arpa, Gracie Johnson, Kim Hull, Stella Holt, Margaret White, Hortense Puente, Wayland Steven Cance Williams, Robin Teston, Lori Rickman, George Wedeles, Amber Barnett, Jose Rosado, Haley Jenk- ins August 18: Thelma Davies, Richard Williams, Melba Felty, Mary Kyle, Judith Moreals, Raymond Mar- roquin, Jr. August 19: Scott McQueen, Nell Broom, Chris Cooper, Brett David- son, Jennifer Kinney, Steve Carroll August 20: Hazel Gibson, Sylvia Rodgers, Homer Cox, Brad Murray, Norman Evans, Kristen Sutton, Jackie Harrell, Janice Miller, Kelly Guntrum, D.J. Timms, George Rails- back August 21: Catherine Howard, Nancy Haskew, Fawn Grigsby, Donat Bourdon, Amy Burchard, David Hunter, Dennis Lockhart August 22: Robert Hanshaw, Steve Ham, Ted Marroquin, Oliver Miller, Debbie White, Mary Furman, Heathe Burdette, Lewis Bussey, Anne Schall, Victor Gutierrez, Clau- dia Arcila, Judith Morales, Casey Rodgers August 23: Dennis Perkins, Sara Townsend, Vivian Mills, Alfonso Vasquez, Jr., Julie Flores August 24: Janet Hill, Bob Haas, Robin Colding, Linda Henson, Julian Noles, Dolly Brown, Jimmy Pittman, Linda Quinn, Daniel Lynch, Sean Kelly, Bob Hegley, Zac Gauss \ RIVERSIDE MARINE 4) r-- \ Live Bait& Tackle \ 3 303 CR 78 LaBelle FL S-- \ (next to the Public Boat Ramp) (/ ^ END OF Help 9-j SUMMER SALE us make 8/18 & 8/19 room for 07 tackle! 675-8828 ( ) Thank You to everyone who kept us going this summer! Same Day Service Lab On Premises *j* I .IGE$90-Snl MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. 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Pavday Loan has .,n Who's eligible to join Suncoast? It "'OLU LIVE IN HENDRY COUNTY, YOU'RE ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP Al I';.NC.OA'.T.' PLUS. ANYONE WHO HORKS. WORiHIPS OR ATTENDS SCHOOL HERE CAN JOIN. IMM.IEDIA-TE FAMILY MEMBERS I.. %. JOivT TOO. annual percentage rate that \,ill not e-sced t18 .',. It gives you thle imoane you need to make ends nmeer uItII i,"til:', "' without costing you your paycheck. To find out more ahrt Sulnco.ast. call us at 800-999-5887 or visit us online at joinsuncoamst org. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org MM C~iSS /7 Lock in a great rate. / APY * 5 Month CD $10,000 new money required Call, visit, or go online to take advantage of this great limited time offer. 800-706-9991 Arcadia 1601 E. Oak Street Clewiston 300 S. Berner Road LaBelle 17 N. Lee Street Lake Placid 199 U.S. Highway 27 North Moore Haven i01 Highway 27 Okeechobee South Parrott 1409 S. Parrott Avenue Okeechobee North Parrott 500 N. Parrott Avenue Wauchula 202 N. 6th Avenue Seacoast NATIONAL BANK NASDAQ: SBCF NASDAQ: SBCF www.seacoastnational.com A subsidiary ofSeacoast Banking Corporation ofFlorida SAnnual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal may result In penalty. Rate subject to change without notice. ": ~ i'7 . /P Sports Shorts Birthdays I IOOI Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! -L J----. .--. .J SPORTS FANS I BET YOU I DIDN'T KNOW .Brought toyouby I Lori Langford I Getting to .500 in baseball isn't nec- essarily a good thing, but it can be remarkable. Tak the Colorado Rockies. In lateJune of the 2006 season, after 64 games, the Rockies were 32-32. Nothing special about that except that they got there by going 16-16 at home and 16-16 on the road. Then there were the Houston Astros. A couple of weeks into the '06 season, the Astros played the 7,014th game in team history, which they won, bringing their all-time record to 3,507 wins and 3,507 losses. The last time the franchise was exactly at .500 was 12 games into their inaugural sea- son of 1962, when they stood 6-6. I Boston slugger David Ortiz is trying to complete a third consecutive season in which he cracks at least 41 home runs and drives in at least 139 runs, having done so in 2004 and again in 2005. Who were the only two other players in I major league history to at least match I those numbers for three straight sea- I sons? It's no surprise that one is Babe Ruth, who did itfor an amazing six sea- I sons in a row (1926 through '31). But you might not guess that the other was I Ken GriffeyJr., from 1996 through 1998. I I Here is yet another incident to file under the heading of crazed European I soccer fans. The Italian team Inter I Milan was upset by Villareal in April of I 2006, which eliminated them from the European Champions League tide. Fans I came to the airport to welcome the team I home but not with cheers. The players I were showered with insults, and several fans turned violent. Midfielder Cristiano Zanetti suffered a bruised head, and two policemen who tried to protect the players were injured. *I I'll bet you didn't know, coming or going, that when the rubber hits the road, you can't afford not to buy from Langford. LANGFORD ralSpoikenHeri" 675-1686 -i m -m - .dl cifl 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17,2006 Dr. Moore now at LHS, back from retirement Dr. Jeff Moore is back from retirement as the longtime band director at LMS. He is now teach- ing at LHS as a llth and 12th grade science teacher. He is teaching a course called Integrat- ed Science. He said, "The pur- pose of this course is to provide opportunities to investigate the theories associated with the bio- logical, earth and physical sci- ences in a way that is relevant and usable." Dr. Moore has been sailing his whole life, so for the past two years he has had the opportunity to sail as a professional sailor as the captain of a 150 ft. sailboat in Chicago and in the Abaco Island, Bahamas on a 47 ft. sailboat cetch named "Osprey." Dr. Moore said, "After sailing for two years, I realized how much I missed teaching. As much fun as it was sailing, it got kind of limiting living on a boat, so I called Scott Cooper and asked if there was anything available that I could do to help." Dr. Moore is teaching science but when asked if he would help out with band he said, "If they want me to help, I would be more than happy to." Although Dr. Moore has a BA MFA and a Doc- torate in Music, he has always been interested in and enjoyed science/physics. He has a scuba license, as well as a pilot's license and a motorcycle license, so although he has enjoyed sci- ence/physics to the fullest, this will be the first time he's taught science formally. Dr. Moore said, "I drive past several dozen schools on my way to LaBelle from Cape Coral, but I'd rather teach in LaBelle schools because there's more of a community feeling in LaBelle." He said he is looking forward to a great year and the journey that lies ahead and adds that, "Teach- ing is the triumph of hope over experience." Save money on your Favorite grocery items. SGo to newszap.com to Download and I print coupons online! I newszap.com Community Links. I IIndividual Voices. L------ ---- R&xJn1 iMCnur. I Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter a Dr. Jeff Moore Beautiful doublewide home w/attached 2 car carport. Con- crete driveway w/swing set and park benches. Inside is nicely furnished, washer & dryer, microwave- many other accessories. Has a shed for mower & other garden tools. Very dean & ready to move in. Master bath has Roman tub &separate shower. Seller is motivated. $124,900. MLS#205080477 ~i~II. LiaAn rl'v ic cl mt Boc 'Ic. WATERFRONT HOMES: $* 1,000,000. Stunning views from this 2 story Riverfront home. Home features 3BD/2BA a spa on the deck off the master suite and more. Enjoy Beautif sunrises and sunsets from your own dock. Call today for more info. HORES; $* 526,000 PRICE REDUCED! 4BD/3BA home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof studio, moveable island in kitchen and an above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. * $525,000 PRICE REDUCED! 3BD/2BA home on 2.34+/- acres in Naples. Home features a pole barn, screened lanai, security system, dual fire place, eat-in kitchen. Owner/Agent bring any serious offer. * $229,900 PRICE REDUCED Gorgeous new 3BD/2BA house with garage. Split floor plan, living area w/fire place. Master bathroom has a garden tub and dual sinks. Carpet and tile throughout. This is a must see! * $204,900 New 3BD/2BA home on a beautiful lot. Master bathroom has a garden tub w/separate shower. Kitchen fea- tures an island w/extra sink & more don't let this one slip by! * $180,000 Completely remodeled 3BD/1.5BA. Roof and A/C less than 2 years old. New paint inside and out. S(179,900 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on a corner lot in Port laBelle. Spacious living room and sep- arate dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate workshop and small tree house great for kids. * $169,900 PRICE REDUCED!- New 3BD/2BA home. This home features split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning room. * $149,999 2BD/1BA spacious home, features a com- pletely fenced in yard and an above ground pool. * $109,900 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in LaBelle. This home has new tile, carpet, paint, cabinets, hot water I -unblt RatyIc * $! 5 i 00i o .5 i 20, i i500 l i ., l I ,,i,,: i ,,,i J j, r ,, if,,"v c, h o, 't', .' s + ' tlCR .l|' l pffl'. l. lll i.11, l r. T1. ,f', ... p Ih:h, .' 1 ,t .' * 9.1,900 |Iron rn lm t j i i, ,,,,,I,',, ij '.,,ir,,. .,, 12' 1 i,.:. ,,_ ,,,,;i.' ,,: I ,.1.11,: 1 i11 I'l:,,,i II I j I .ii 11 I, $ i.l O :.0 l 1 M. 1 ,., 11 r: l ,,: l ,"i I ,n:, I-.:,,,, Nlea' LapiLL ad ilc. ih"i 1 a lUul Aut ',-1 U l lu' ni1. ulo. * $79,900 Remodeled 3BD/2BA manufactured home on .44+/- acres in Charelston Park. Great room has a built-in entertainment center. Call today for your appointment. * $69, jh. e/2 ted on a double comerlot inmaele."obu1esom "Feing sold 'as is.' ACREAGE: * $1,600,000 12.76+/- acres lots of old oaks. Currently being used as a rental park. Please call for more info. * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. * $1,335,900 Hwy 80 frontage. 2.7+/- acres in LaBelle Center Business District. Bring your offers. * $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town shops and much more! * $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized w/clean bill of health. SPRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres adjoining Babcock property in Muse. Paved road access. * $850,000- 40+/- acres beautifully secluded with pasture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. * $650,000- 2+/- acre in the heart ofAlva on busy SR 80. * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the prop- erty,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 -10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. HOMESITES: $13,000 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: $499,000 This 3BD/2BA Mobile home sits on 9.44+/- acres with a ring canal around the coress head. There is also a 2BDMneynW home fea- tures a screened in porch, fireplace, new carpet and is wheel chair accessible. This is a must see! * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond w/island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns & more. * $310,000 PRICE REDUCED! Beautiful 3BR/2BA upgraded manufactured home on 2.29+/- acres. This is a very spacoushome in immaculate condition ad has many extras. Call today for appointment. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $197,900'- Immaculate 21/2 year old 4BD/2BA manufac- tured home across from the river and boat ramps, many, many upgrades. A shed and irrigation. Call for more info. * $189,900 Spacious 3BD/2BA on 1.88+/- acres in Muse. Home features a split floor plan. The living area has a fire- place; kitchen has an island and pantry. The master bedroom has an additional room that can be used as an office or sitting room. The well and septic tank are new. Call today for an appointment. S$165 l fabttome on0 5+/- acr rBf ll[a rn p nd new above ground pool. Call for more info. * $115,000 Location!ocation!Location!This corner lot in the city features a 3BD/2BA manufactured home. This home was remodeled in 2003, roof was also replaced. The yard is fenced and there is also a separate privacy fence in the back 1. AFFORDABLE raised panel cabinets, 12. "LIKE NEW" CBS HOME ON ACRE- plant shelves, and a HOME! Beautiful 3/2 AGE! This 3/2 mobile 27' lanai. $240,000 home w/ split design, home sits on 1.25 +/- .... h.... ..a i,, completely fenced acres and is situated in a secluded country setting in Montura Ranch Estates. $91,500 2. REMODELED FROM HEAD TO TOE! This 2/1 home has been completely remodeled -w/ tile- floors throughout, large enclosed family room surrounded by windows, and an addi- tional large screened porch. $145,000 3. AFFORDABLE FAMILY HOME! This 4/2 home with updat- ed kitchen, ceramic tile flooring, screened lanai and fenced back- yard with greenbelt could be just what you have been searching for. Only minutes from the community pool. $170,000 4. AFFORDABLE FAMILY HOME! This 3/2 home on a green- belt in Port LaBelle has a new roof, new carpet, is very clean and nicely landscaped. This could be the home you have been dreaming of! $184,900 5. NEW CONSTRUC- TION! 3/2 split floor plan in an up and coming neighborhood. Ceramic tile, screened lanai and spacious master bedroom. Close to schools and downtown. $219,000 6. STOP LOOKING! This brand new 3/2 CBS home has a dou- ble door entrance, cathedral ceilings, tile, plush carpet, white 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL. 33975 863.675.4500 Realtors: Emily Ankeney Tony Barnes Gregory Bone Lisa Cleghorn * Bonnie M. Denning, CPA Ward Dickinson Joyce Gerstman Yvonne Hallman Lisa Herrero Phyllis Kelley-Miller Wayne McQuaig *Paul Meador Dan Pool Katie Solomon Synda Williams Tracey L. Williams 7. CUSTOM BUILT BRICK HOME! This 3/2 home features a large great room, inte- rior laundry room and new galvalume roof. Also, a fenced yard and barn w/ plenty of enclosed storage. $275,000 8. RENTAL INCOME PRODUCING! This spacious 2/2 home also offers an attached 1/1 apartment and an 1800 +/- sq. ft. steel building. Beautiful oaks enhance the front yard and the back is fenced. $299,900 9. AFFORDABLE COUNTRY LIVING! This 3/2 manufac- tured home on 5.14 +/- acres has a screened front porch and another on the side. Located in Muse, the property boasts old oaks, a manicured lawn, two storage buildings and 2.5 acres fenced. $299,900 10. ACREAGE LIV- ING! Live on 5.46 +/- acres surrounded by fruit trees and wild life. 3/2 mobile home with large screened porch, storage shed and plenty of room to add everything else you desire! $324,900 11. SPACIOUS 3/2 HOME! Sit and relax on the screened lanai by the pool and Jacuzzi and enjoy the 25' x 40' workshop which makes this home a perfect buy! Backyard is also fenced. Located in Clewiston. $400,000 openly IUUI plalll, cau.le- dral ceilings, and a gourmet kitchen! Rear lanai overlooks great landscaping and a full yard irrigation system in Caloosa Estates. $412,500 13. LOOK NO :FUR- THER! This property boasts 20 +/- secluded acres and a 3/2 manu- factured home w/ fea- tures such as front and back screened porches, a Jacuzzi and spacious island kitchen. ALSO, a workshop, storage shed, carport, and horse barn with three stalls. $599,900 14. CUSTOM RIVER- VIEW HOME! Enjoy living in a deed- restricted S/D with this 3/2 custom built home on 3 lots. Home boasts 2 single car garages w/ center workshop and full bath easy for conver- sion into mother-in- law or guest apart- ment. $649,705 15. ING! COUNTRY LIV- New in 2005 3/2 home, privately situat- ed on 10 +/- fenced and cross-fenced acres behind entry gates into Riverbend Estates! Enjoy great porches, a spacious great room, eat-in kitchen, and laundry room. $795,000 Call our knowledgeable and friendly staff about land form 1/4 acre to 100+ acres!!! WE'RE LAND EXPERTS! www.soland.com Southern land. Investments 8 Real Estate Sherri Denning Licensed Real Estate Broker r I i I 1 1l~ ' OPPGRTUNITY 0- I OPPGRTUNITY Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17, 2006 B Foley headlines GCGA banquet The latest issues facing Flori- da's citrus industry, including canker and greening diseases, as well as new labor regulations, will be at the forefront of the 2006 Gulf Citrus Growers Association (GCGA) Banquet. The 15th annual event will take place Wednesday, Aug. 23, at 6 p.m. at the Harbor- side Event Center in downtown Fort Myers. 'The banquet, spon- sored by the LaBelle-based GCGA, is a highlight of the two-day Citrus Expo, which is set for Aug. 23-24 at the Lee Civic Center in Fort Myers. The banquet's keynote speaker will be Congressman Mark Foley, who will discuss the latest infor- mation from Congress on topical agriculture- and citrus-related issues in Florida. Foley is serving his sixth term as the United States Representative from Florida's 16th Congressional District. Long a major supporter of the Florida cit- rus industry, he currently serves on the Ways and Means Committee. In addition, Charles Bronson, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, will offer an update on Florida agriculture and the state's citrus news. "We are pleased to have Con- gressman Foley as the keynote speaker at our banquet," says Ron Hamel, executive vice president of the GCGA. "The GCGA banquet has become one of the Florida cit- rus industry's most prestigious events 450-plus growers and leaders from throughout the state will attend-and to have one of Florida's most prominent elected officials participating is exception- al." The event will be emceed by Dallas Townsend, extension agent IV emeritus at the UF/IFAS Hendry County Cooperative Extension Service in LaBelle. The evening will also include the latest promotional campaigns of the Florida Department of Cit- rus and a celebration of the GCGA's 20-year anniversary. Hendry Regional Medical Center's operating room staff. HRMC gets state-or-art equipment to expand its operating room With video technology being the trend in today's environment, Hendry Regional Medical Center has purchased several new pieces of equipment to perform upper and lower endoscopic procedures. One component of the new equip- ment has video capacities, provid- ing clearer, and more detailed images, which allow the doctor and the OR staff to look for abnor- malities and also to take pictures simultaneously. The two tests, upper and lower endoscopies, are significantly dif- ferent, but there has been much improvement, especially in the patient's comfort. Depending on your doctor and on your capability ofbemg seate'd, today the' 0 ro' cedures are as easy as getting a haircut (well, not quite). The upper endoscopy consists of the doctor inserting a tube down your throat and snaking it through your upper digestive sys- tem; esophagus, stomach and jejunum. The procedure might be used to discover the reason for swallowing difficulties, nausea, vomiting, reflux, bleeding, indi- gestion, abdominal pain or chest pain. The lower endoscopy (colonoscopy) requires that a tube be placed into the rectum to pro- duce images of the colon (large intestine) from the lowest part, the rectum, all the way to the lower end of the small intestine and display them on a screen. The procedure is typically requested when a patient has unexplained changes in bowel habits. A colonoscopy can diagnose colon and bowel disease, including polyps, diverticulosis and cancer. If you're interested in schedul- ing, please contact your family physician or call Dr. Jesse Eisen- man for an appointment at 863- 983-8704. Farmers reduce pollutants Florida sugar farmers significant- ly reduced phosphorus levels in the water leaving their farms despite greatly increased phosphorus levels in water flowing to the farms from Lake Okeechobee and a second straight year of hurricane flooding. According to recent South Flori- da Water Management District reports, farmers reduced phospho- rus levels by 44 percent for the year. State law requires farmers in the Everglades Agricultural Area to achieve 25 percent reductions in phosphorus through a series of soil and water management techniques. "We are extremely proud that our program of Best Management Practices (BMPs) continued to reduce phosphorus levels," said Judy Sanchez, Director of Corporate Communications.. "With 11 years of success, the 44 percent reduction is even more satisfying when we look at the poor water quality flow- ing from Lake Okeechobee." Ms. Sanchez said farmers are fighting a trend of having increasing- ly nutrient laden irrigation water flowing onto their farms from Lake Okeechobee. Water from Lake Okeechobee averaged 247 ppb this- year compared to a base level of 80 ppb when the program began. The farmers did such an excellent job that this year water came onto the farms at 247 ppb and left the farm at 119 ppb. "While water quality issues in Lake Okeechobee have been exacer- bated by the hurricanes, phospho- rus levels in the lake have been going up every year since 1974," Ms. Sanchez said. "We hope that the projects to clean and store water north of the Lake come on line quickly so that all of the restoration efforts south of Lake Okeechobee are not jeopardized." "Farmers and Floridians can be proud of the success of these restoration efforts, but we all need to support the State's efforts to pro- vide similar storage and treatment areas in other parts of the system," said Robert Coker, Senior Vice Presi- dent, Public Affairs. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY ITEMS. I I Go to newszap.comn to download and print coupons online! I neWSZap.COMI Community Links. Individual Voices. L--- --------------------- ------ _J tCHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1st, 3r 5 Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. a Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 N. River Rd.(Hwy78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net ^^^^^^*uxurv^^wau3rftont ondominium SMOKING ILLNESS ALERT The CoretaFi iin. P,..L.C. is rcrrc.-.. ing F IiJd,i residents, and their survivors, who "-l I';i:ll m cic.l conditions caused by tobacco Ip'rtI dic'. You may be entitledto compensation For In 1minl' related illnesses. (C.ll 'I Iir. i Firm. P.L.LC. tell-free for a free r.,nultalion 1-888-335-2962 1,.,,,, r. .,,.' ,,,, t. I I ,.. .a... . Aitornry Jemi R,: W\ison, practicing in Dalhi, Texs,, is ponsible fou this~ adewrsament. VOTER SIGNATURE UPDATE Voter's may update their Signature on their Voter Registration before the elections, applications are avail- able daily 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at the Supervisor of Elections Office in LaBelle, 25 E. Hickpochee Ave., sub- office Clewiston Town Center, 931 W. Sugarland Hwy., any Driver's License office, Public Library and Public Assistance Office. FECHA MAS RECIENTE DEL VOTANTE El votante puede poner al dia su firma en su registro del votante antes de las elecciones, usos es 8:30 am diario a 5:00 pm en el supervisor de la oficina de las elecciones en LaBelle, avenida de 25 E. Hickpochee., centro de ciudad de Clewiston de la secundario-oficina, 931 W. Sugarland Hwy., cualquier oficina de la licencia de conductor, bib- lioteca pfiblica y oficina de la ayuda del pfiblico. Lucretia A. Strickland Supervisor of Elections Hendrv County, Florida ES. 98.077 hd -^^ ^ ^- A ^ ^ ^ We report, but YOU decide. ClL OO; '..l~'tq s~' W*Pcsxar~lia --c" --i -- . pr l "L SA C'LE I i'aF:dnii' y r Many newspapers aggressively push the opinions of their publishers or corporate owners. But we don't think it's our place to tell people what to think, or to try to control public opinion. Our editors insist on purposeful neutrali- ty. We try to report the news fairly and facilitate a fair but vigorous discussion of public issues. We are proud to be journalists, not power brokers. And we're proud to understand the difference. Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism lOAf Of rYE "oRtiIAh1 T!\w wwSnj1i L IF 9(uf t ^ IvW' l i ~~^ "4 ,, ~c.r Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! * 4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used item or * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue Sell your personal valuables f they're $2,00 or less for absolutely free! , No fee, nb E-M 2 catch, no pruuO,'1, ., LOCELLE Delivering Ie',teru t Hlendryt CbontY 's Vt'ws Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 ail: classad@newszap.com grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. * Deadline 11 a.m. Monday _ -~ ~a~Pc~cx_~a- LI _~ IIIBIWPeP~B~IIII~8 ~ -Ir ~ -Ir i~ ~ i~ i~ i~ i~ i~ i~ i~ 1 '-'' '" L' ( I I. ~L~ ~~ ---"R ~_~~~"~;;~`"pc .~ -- ' ~ . Ir rb 3 ~BII ~tP~l~cr'"`c 'i-5u: ~~ r'i,~s i' P~ `i ~I ( 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17,2006 Food Service Workers earn diploma It's time for school again. Carol Rivers of Country Oaks Elementary Cafeteria, Nancy Perez of LaBelle High School Cafete- ria and Esther Betancur of LaBelle Middle Esther School Cafete- Betancur ria are one step ahead. While working very hard Carol Nancy Rivers Perez for Hendry County School Board/ Food Service Department Carol received her High School Diplo- ma on June 26, 2006, Nancy received her Diploma June 20, 2006 and Esther received her Diploma August 3, 2006. Our Food Service workers are very dedicated to the students of Hendry County. The Food Service Program is very proud of Carol, Nancy and Esther for earning their diploma. LES plans another Walk-a-Thon LaBelle Elementary School's Twelfth Annual Walk-a-Thon will be held on Friday, September 1, 2006. The PreK-2 students will walk from 9:00-9:25 a.m. and the 3-5 students from 9:30-10:00 a.m. Parents are invited and encouraged to come and walk with their children. Please note that the road for parent pick-up will be blocked off from 8:45- 10:15 a.m. Please help us start the year off on the right foot by supporting the LaBelle Elementary School .Dolphins. They are looking forward to another successful school year. With your assistance, they hope * I Mel Brant 17070 Hwy 80W. Unit #3 Clewiston, FL () 863-983-7840 (C) 863-228-0762 T CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Churoh 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship h Se Lords Supper 1", 3' & 5 Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. 'ere evrboy Smebo andJesus is Lord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net PREVATT -onest&i CONSTRUCTION, INC Dependable Todd Prevatt P. Box 202 Palmdale FL33944 Ciring &Insured ,, Mbile 239.872-6734 Direct: 161*23873*4 S #'ic#P03000062936 Fax: 863-675-0020 ' to or;I v;lwi~lm I; t Il ,ill#; In I witI$Will ozI i tIWi HURRICANE SHUTTERS Ic Storm Panels Accordions Rolldowns For FRE Estimate oonfrM": Travis Burchard 863-673-0966 or 863-675-6238 to continue to provide supple- mental materials to expand our technological resources to enhance your child's education. Students and staff thank you for your efforts to continue to make LaBelle Elementary the best place it can be for the children. Spanish El decimo Walk-A-Thon de la Escuela LaBelle Elementary tomara lugar el Viernes, Septiem- bre I de 2006. Los estudiantes de, preK 2 caminaran de las 9:00 - 9:25 y los estudiantes de 3 5 caminaran de, las 9:30 10:00. Invitamos y animamos a los padres que vengan a caminar con 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC08030 FPL PAIPIATING CONTRACTOR World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights 1 Iuin 9- 8 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENT 300 Davis St. En la esquina de Bryan Ave. Domingo: Servicio 10:00 am., Studio Biblico 6:00 p.m. Martes: Servlcio 7:30 p.m. Estudio Biblico y Clase de Ingles Pastor Ben Millican 863-674-0837 Iglesia: 673-0782 Ciro C.: 571-0377 S / COMPUTER APPLICATIONS .)TUIOR YOUR LOCAL TUTOR IN WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, ACCESS, IN YOUR HOME. WILL DESIGN SPREADSHEETS, ETC. UPON YOUR REQUEST. CALL LYNNE AT (8s63)7-7048 OR (259)849-92235 (CELL) PEGASUS@STRATO.Nrr --^-- "SERICe" Is OwuoetahWpowrtantPmdmut a& APq BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www.whitesfumitutaindappliancescom CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior Uberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National t Life Insuranee Company 1 2035 McGregor Blvd FL Myers, FL 33903 (239)334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) sus ninos- Por favor acuerdece que el comino donde se levantan los ninos estara cerrado ese dia de las 830 -10:15, Por favor ayudenos empezar el ano bien con apoyar los Delfines de la Escuela LaBelle Elementary. Esperamos tener otro, ano de buen exito. Con su asistencia, deseamos continuar a proveer materials suplementarlos para extender nuestros recursos tecno- logicos para mejorar la education de su nino/a. Gracias por sus esfuerzos en continuar ayudano hacer la Escuela LaBelle Elemen- tary el lugar mejor Para sus ninos. LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTWiNS 6 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle. FL 33935 863/575-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cel: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald, Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 AD2171 PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 Osceola Concrete Services LLC Concrete & Excavation Concrete Work/Demolition Footers Dug & Poured New Drives & Walks House Pads/Culverts Lot Cearing Bobcat Services 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured BXO6-0099/HC1011st DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SouH Fr. MYERS 1-866 22609400 M I CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN M.\l N,\l NI N'l; CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us on t-h web at www.ailixI.2Om.comn Se HabRa Espanosl t &.mim ;,,Ili INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." FEMA offers tips on hurricane preparedness The U.S. Department of Home- land Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reminds residents of hurricane- prone areas to prepare even though fewer storms are now pre- dicted for the 2006 season. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has announced that it expects seven to nine hurricanes this year, a decrease from earlier estimates. The hurricane season, which began June 1, ends Novem- ber 30. So far this year, NOAA says there have been three named storms, but no hurricanes. "This is not a time to be com- placent. It only takes one storm. People still need to develop family disaster plans and compile kits with necessary supplies to last three days," FEMA Director David Paulison said, "They also should stay informed about local weather conditions and pay attention to emergency information from local and state officials." FEMA recommends taking these steps to prepare for hurri- canes: S* Develop a family disaster plan and know how to stay safe in Randy's Garage, Inc. Your LocalACDcko Car Care Center 863-675-1032 737 S. Bridge St. LaBcUl, FL Just North of I-ingfirJ Ford LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET Wholesale flooring warehouse 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY 80 LABELLE, FL 863-675-8575 Largest In-Stock Selection 4 atRoor and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES OFFICE: lj (83) 67570o4s tic #CC-C037019 -: 5 LABELLE SD ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 5009W. Sa eiH Comi 863-9039121 MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured a hurricane. Discuss what your family should do when a hurricane comes ashore and where you might go in an evacuation to a shelter, hotel or to stay with family or friends. Don't forget about pets. Many shelters will not permit them, so plan in advance what to do with them. Know and review your evacu- ation routes and never drive through high water. Develop a family communi- cation plan. Identify a friend or rel- ative in another state or city to serve as a point of contact in case family members are separated. Put together a disaster kit and store it in a portable container in case of evacuation. The kit should include: At least a three-day supply of food and bottled water for each family member; Battery-powered radio and flashlights with extra batteries; First aid kit with family mem- bers' medications; A manual can opener; Emergency contact list and phone numbers; Hygiene and personal care items; Pet supplies; Copies of important papers and Emergency cash or credit card in the case of an evacuation with little notice: FEMA manages federal response and recovery efforts fol- lowing any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insur- ance Program. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Home- land Security on March 1, 2003. Communityewszap.c Community Links. Individual Voices. j MEMO uI I P-I R~MOO N70'SIDODGE JE? EpLALNGFORD 102 W, Suirli Aq,, Clitloo 8i.M98i.D 14T M 2 Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC SHC1017.8P licensed & insured OFICE (863) 675-8314 QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated Electrical and Air Conditioning Service Company Air Conditioning Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Landscape Lighting and surge protection * Call for A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 863-228-4138 24 EMERGENCY SERVICE LICENSED & INSURED #EC0000661 r MEDICA11 NMrionf.frrn.l..j, I I ,,- 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 Walkins Wdelcome IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 LakeT .dsl ,i!r Rd lIm ol..l I i (Winn Dixie Pt(!c) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or mail cbelle@strato.net 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 ( 'Ta" Spoken Here! EXTREME CLEANS, INC. Co-nsLrnction Com mercial Residenual 863 675-0810 239 344-6712 iri r li: t~I ,.e irtl': re, NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION p)863-612-0070 f 86S-612-0080 825 E Cowbo Wy W Suite 108 LaBelle, FL 33935 FINDERS DAILY ORK, DAILY PAY Ai TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Slrand Hwt M frorVkliston I) (863) 902-9494 SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES g- 41 p4* "a a ..m %0 WEEDING MOWING PLANTING sod Rqplacement & other Imvn yWaidance CALL, (239) 357-2972 Lic. & Insured e-mail: caspedlmb4@yahoo.com Call 8863 76-88 i " or mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! I AUTO SA I r I"r I I II I I Il. I II I _ ~~LJ~YCIJI~C~JIII _ 111~3~~~~i~irr~rrle3I[El~ltt[r3 SCaloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17,2006 Great Dane makes friends at Oakbrook You never get too old to enjoy the company of a great dog. For instance, "Duke" a nine- year-old Great Dane has made lots of friends in the past several months. The 120-pound "baby" volunteers some of his time twice a week to visit friends at Oakbrook. Duke really "puts on the dog" when he comes to visit getting into the spirit of the week's activi- ties and dressing up for the theme. Recently he showed up as a clown, another time as a Hound dog, in honor of Elvis week. At nine, Duke is a "senior citi- zen" himself so he has a lot in com- mon with his friends at Oakbrook, including the aches and pains of arthritis, but his gentle nature ensures that he always puts his best paw forward. For their part, the residents Respond to Duke with as much love She brings them. Even Oakbrook's President cat can't get his hackles up. Owner Sharon LeDuc says these - visits mean a lot to Duke, too. He knows when she's getting ready to head over to Oakbrook on Tues- Sdays and Fridays and his excite- - ment shows. Sharon and Alexander "Duke" " LeDuc have raised Great Danes in Sthe past and when they retired they Decided they needed another one. Still, they weren't prepared for the exuberance of a puppy, so they checked on line with Southwest i , Marine, Inc. Fawto ret "' - Stall Calls With Us bYo ll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Ra3ts, Rlc[.'rclcl:c & Service Call 863-675-3231 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers E&ITAGE LAND COS( 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espaiiol DONNA KANE I lic. Ra Esm BE ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as 910.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net A GBEILEL I RESORT , FUL L HOOKIP- RV. SITES L 11 II. lI 10 i. RENTAL A AVAILABLE CALL, FOR INFORMATION (863) 675-3641 Se Habla Espanol At nine, Duke is a "senior citizen" himself so he has a lot in common with his friends at Oakbrook, including the aches and pains of arthritis, but his gentle nature ensures that he always puts his best paw forward. Great Dane Rescue and found Duke. His retired owners, Craig and Holly Woodson, had to move from Minnesota to a condominium in Sarasota, and were looking for a good home for him. Sharon credits the Woodsons with forming Duke's extraordinarily gentle and giving character. The Woodsons still come to visit Duke when they can. Sharon said she worked in nurs- ing homes for many years, so the idea of introducing Duke to Oak- brook residents was a natural. The residents look forward to his visits and call him by name. One resi- dent, Edie Andrews, always has a treat ready for Duke when he comes calling. Of course, many of the residents have a big hug ready as well. When Duke comes calling, everybody gets their share of atten- tion. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Sharon LeDuc Oakbrook resident Edie Andrews gives Duke the Great Dane a hug and a smile to match his great big heart. Oakbrook residents Mrs. Vaughn and Mr. Powell spend some quality time with Duke. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Kim Marroquin Dixie League All Stars The 2006 LaBelle Dixie League Softball Team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in making it possible for the team to go to the State Championship Tournament In Ocala. They would like to thank the surrounding communities for the financial support and the local businesses for donating the sup- plies for the car wash and BBQ, and for waters and Gatorades for the tournament. Without the support of the community they would not have been able to par- ticipate. They would like to offer special thanks to the coaches and parents for their time and effort. I Save money on your favorite grocery items. , I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! i 1 o n v c-- i Rne8zap.com community Links. Individual Voices. l- lI----------r-L---------------- you comu itDietrisJsaClcAwy ni Lnewszap.cm v\ m unt Lik. Iniia Voices "When you need a service;, Call 863-675-3841 or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bame@alafkellymortgage.com Expect something extra. 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week Calbosa Shores Waterfront Homesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 chBe King CQZoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 Mfsfl^ R 1 1 i I T~~ I N ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or email cbelle@strato. net SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday S[.E"',,:- ,, polc rii.r r i:i. AsiliN jtl, Hablamos Espaiol PHOTO ONE I FPHOTOGRAFY AND VIDEO 571. D vis Street L.IBF l', FL 33935 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 iiP. elll t'-O Ipthl tillti: k.nt i .tiniellphotol .,. c;1ttllitnk.ik-t SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rentals ?r. v..a M' .i.L.'i Put VOIu ti u '. i '.ui.LI 'l .' Hoonzons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a catti GREG MINERS IUc Rsaea Es Broker S .... ." S dl'". 'l en i**: . RcAl II Group. Inc. Lisa Andrews Lic. Real Estate Broker 238 N. ri,,.., .LaBelle, I-I .. 863.675-8868 ww.t.isoulin ,lfflfridlirc;tgi'T)cporm AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. C, Carorl" S Pescreens '.H. .f i uh.r. 5. to , -- N..Trrile umrn-lirr, (863)838-2477 1450 42nd St. Winter Haven, FL 33881 l-, L.: ,CRC 1 32630 I Bankof America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle EDISON PLUMBING INC. :' i $$ *t [',,i,'rl: ID. aug Plumbing Inc. NEW CrON.i i I '- TtII l s.\lu L COMMERCIAL S H.S1 1 ',NI 1 .\1 ',:R\'la RfLP..\IlL CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824 87 Industrial Ct aBele, FL crc"t426690 R.I t.lUTS INSURD COUNTRY HOMES a LND REAI ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lie Peol Eflals Btokes Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentratllodatLandSales.poo m 233 N. BRIDGE ST OH cOH C oM r BUOF B STr &WASumTON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com property management fj T. rentals sales -CINDY L. ALEXANDER I-:_ ...R.. .LIC, ESTATE BROKER ISPENCER ..,:.. REALTY Fran W. Spencer, Lie. Broker 437 SR80 W LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1203 (863) 673-5554 Web: www.SpencerRealtyFL.com 41qWi w( PALM HARBOR MODULAR, MOBILE & STILT HOMES CALL OUR FACTORY FOR FREE COLOR BROCHURE 800-622-2832 --U 863-675-7527 Cel: 239-872-7665 .,J, i")-728-999S LaBelle: 863-675-000 s awil~t burson-weathers.oefn E-Mail: nattr@burSon-weaihers.conM 't;1, M E St'. JI1,*i R 1.Mi"1 I l.' RIVERSIDE SREAL ESTATE Comer of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www .abclleriversid, ecorn e-mail: rraecstatcslabellt'r ersidc.com 1 Marilyn Sears Sell. I. nsrdaato Brer ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-3541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863.675.3955 (35 Years Experience) THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 Sor email cbelle@strato.net RODNEY MURRAY &SETH HOWARD 14c. Real Estate Brokers LaBelle, FL . 863-675-45 5 PAUL ROSER REALTORS 67540898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 Bankston Realty Sww.baknh I.rlroraky.cem V Wnia, Baonk.on ,.-ur BrkA r I , -I r I I I III I II w 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17,2006 Mte 'e&4e 4&W IT IS TIME TO CLEAR THE DECKS. GET THE BEST DEALS OF THE YEAR DURING THE 2006 FORD MODEL YEAR CLEARANCE SALE! i i.... ....... - Make your best deal on a new .: Make your best deal on a new 2006 F150 Super Cab and get 2006 F150 Super Crew and get $5,006 Cash Back $4,506 Cash Back * Make your best deal on anew NMake your best deal on a ne\\ 2006 Ranger and get 2006 Explorer and get $3,506 Cash Back $4,006 Cash Back ~----,_.~r ~ --- -_.. --~-- --- Make your best deal on a ne"\ 2006 Focus and get $3,006 Cash Back * Make your best deal on a new 2006 F150 Regular and get $4,506 Cash Back* LETS TALK FUEL MILEAGE** FOCUS Fusion Five Hundred Mustang Ranger Sport Trac Explorer Freestyle Escape Escape Hybrid up to up to up to up to up to up to up to up to up to up to up to 37 MPG 31 MPG 29 MPG 28 MPG 29 MPG 20 MPG 21 MPG 21 MPG 27 MPG 29 MPG 36 MPG WE CAN MEET OR BEAT ANY DEALER'S LEGITIMATE ADVERTISED PRICE OR PAYMENT ON A NEW FORD! Cash back from Ford. Must be financed ;l. q .rl .' d .:r.] .rl ,...ugi F ..j i .jl re, l ~i- l t ni rl, r ..-e,-r e. lic lr .i r l : a ITa.:-.e, .,r ... llu.itr aoI,. p.drp.:.e. .: Not responsible for typographical errors. Offers end'08-31-06 CEKOTTE.........i RCHAPIEAOURLCT PR-NDERMN yUUMU IViUDQ 5A'n1.U AUUO m llbiI uMA AU Sporty and affordable with only 23K well maintained miles and equipped ii Fl Fa...... ..,:iI.,.I, -...,,, ..,C.I, f. ni.:. ]-i.:. ,ij ;, 1.i . right! Including a 4.O L SO H C1V' gi; ir.: if.:.:,j ju .frj,,. : ji. ri l...: t .'. t h i u .: i I iI;i':. m l. .1 .U ,, i,. -, ,.,-i ri.I A I l:i ,.:, (i. n ,: brakes, traction control, .,r...l:, ... i I.,.I r.r ..hw-1 .:rul:, ...o-.,ir,..l. p/seats, p/windows, p/locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, p/sun roof, alloywheels, remote stereo CD and factory warranty. U5636 keyless entry and factory warranty. U5616 ruUi1 un I manuufLI uD AUUO MUD 1flhu LU UV I 1. C .. J*i .r-I j I .r,) ,,i14tr)i, iii.ti V ,l A I j11 IC'r'I'] l'ir .l 5. p i r m r Ii e h i i, ii .-'-IL Iirl, iju .kr np ..i~f if i d* m. im r ii.:F1.1 ,'' i-, Ili I. I, 1~ Ifrft1 %'Eiriik sri ri.js'uJ._ 11 'H [im ~ im W~t~ .L. I p j~jIj~j.ilui'k .'Ji tilt %vhi..i ',.'- 'i. li *hfk., leather interior, p/seats, p/vindows, p/doorlocks, antilock brakes, stereow/6 disc CD fit ri, Ind I I.: 1 .:.R i I i ri r i n 1 ii( ri'. I player, cast aluminum wheels, keyless entry and factory warranty. U5660 $1 5,900 $18,500 $15,400 $19,050 I ls ww sa g. w.Ini..mw a Great on gas with plenty of room for the family and equipped right. Includes a 3.0L V6 engine, 6 speed auto trans, A/C, anti lock brakes, traction control, stereo CD, p/win- dows, p/door locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, remote keyless entry and the balance of the factory warranty with only 21K well maintained miles. 5R11 2004 LINCLON LS 2005 ESCAPE XLT 4X4 2004 EXPLORER XLT This extra dean 1 owner trade has only 29K miles and is loaded with features induding a 3.0L ,i:,.) ji i.t..In ..i:,,i,-.. i.: ii. i, 1-.i..t,,. fi r N I,:, -, ,ni, i,,,I i jrn.ri i.. i...' Compare and save on this fully loaded SUI with only 34K miles. Includes a 4.0L SOHC V6 DOHCV6 engine, speed auto trans, A/C with dual zone auto temp control, stereo 6 disc CD play- VS ,i ......... .'.A i..t ,,., i 0.,,: 1,,., l,.ni i ,i].,l.b .i. ,Ti I ....J i.. ,: I .t ',, engine, 5 speed auto OD trans, A/C, leather interior, 3rd row seat, rearA/C, p/seat, pAvin- er, leatherinterior, traction control, p/seats, pAvindows, p/locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, remote ..: .:,l I ..,, ri '. I ... p ..- p.i ..... l, i. ii ~i..:1, dows, p/door locks, cast alum wheels, running boards, sunscreen glass and the balance of keyless entry and the balance of the 4 yr or 50,000 mile factory warranty 6T568A ,ni ,.,r.,, I. ,. im,, i ..'. in j, ii,,,i .,T -i..I. ., ,i. i rtri. r :,,ii i'. thefactory warranty. Sale priced! 6T581A $17,200 $16,250 ,005 EXPLORER XLT 4X4 Ford Quality Checked Certified including the balance of the 6 yr or 75,000 .mile limited warranty and low APR financing is available WA.C. Includes a 4.0L V6 engine, 5 speed auto od trans, A/C, stereo 6 disc CD player, 3rd row seat, rear A/C, p/windows, p/locks, p/seat, tilt wheel, cruise control, remote keyless entry and more. U5673 S18,550 2006 FR EEa4TYLE SE Save thousands on this very well maiainined Ford Factory Car with only 7K miles and nicely equipped. Includes a3.0L V6 trans, continuously variable trans, A/C, 3rd row seat, rearA/C, fullpower pkg. premium sound system, auto head lamps, alum wheels, remote keyless entry and the balance of the factory warranty. Priced right! U5672 $18,50 2004 EXPEDITION XLT This extra dean 1 owner trade has only 26K miles and is loaded with features. Including a 4.6L V8 engine, 4 speed auto OD trans, A/C, 3rd row seat, rear A/C, p/seat, p/windows, p/locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, 3.73 limited slip axle, stereo casst/CD, capt chairs, alum wheels and factory warranty. 6T592A !!SOLD!! 2003 RANGER XLT SC Easy to own and great on gas with only 27K miles. Includes a 3.0L V6 engine, 5 speed auto OD trans, A/C, p/windows, p/locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, stereo casst/CD, bedliner, remote keyless entry, chrome wheels, ant lock brakes and sliding rear win- dow. Extra ocean and on sale now! U5630 $13,214 0016 RANGER EDGE 2005 FIFO F4 SG Save on this special purchase Ranger pick-up, it's absolutely like new with Check out this double sharp 4 wheel drive supercab with only 29K miles. In excel- only 40 miles and Ford Quality Checked Certified including the 6 yr or lent condition and loaded with extras including a 54L V8 engine, 4 speed auto OD 75,000 mile limited warranty and low APR financing is available WA.C. trans, A/C, bright tubular running boards, tow pkg., p/windows, p/door locks, tilt Includes a 2.3L 4 cyl engine, 5 speed manuel OD trans, A/C, AM/FM wheel, cruise control, stereo CD, sliding rear window, off road pkg. and factory stereo/clock, alloy wheels, dual air bags and much more. U5670 warranty. U5639 2003 F250 XLT CC 2005 F25 XLT SC 4X4 This superduty is in extra clean condition with only 20K miles and Be readyforworkorplaywiththisSuperduty4x4includes a 5.4LV8engine, 5 speedauto equipped right. Includes a 5.4L V8 engine, 4 speed auto od trans, A/C, tilt trans, A/C, XLT Spon pkg., camper pkg. with rearstabilizer bar, p/windows, p/door locks, wheel, cruise control, p/windows, p/door locks, cab steps, anti lock tilt wheel, cruise control, sliding rear window, cab steps, FX4 off road pkg., fog lamps, brakes, remote keyless entry, 3.73 limited slip axle and premium stereo stereo 6 disc CD player, 3.73 limited slip axle, privacy glass and sport cloth capt chairs. casst/CD. On sale now! U5682 Sale Priced! U5678 $2 1,4050 $18,200 $22,000 -~ ., .~.s 'Sit U. -.7.. Lt AN FOR D B 65-,1686 Highwa 29 South WWW Iun3[nuruiiLcggu Make your best deal on a new 2006 Expedition and get $7.006 Cash Back * SSV800 $17,0500 2,9 95.1 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17, 2006 Thinking A4 oat 'Whee you'dComwe Uy VithLTie oneyForfA ew 3om7e?; -worry M More jto 'We HavEe A Solution For Youm st ina. Build %ir"NarmbA WHY ARE YOU PAYING RENT WITH DEALS LIKE THESE? Unspoiled natural beauty surrounds this stunning 10+1- acre country home! You'll love to entertain your friends in this magnificent custom built 3/2 home. Over 2,400s. f. with vaulted cedar ceilings in living room, rock fireplace, wood floors, a large family room, country kitchen & much more. Comfort & Convenience! Call Stephanrie Weeatherford @ 10.4 +/- acres inAlva, FL. Over looo' of Caloosahatchee River and Telegraph Creek frontage. Call today for more information. Call 863-675-0000 www.burson-weathers.com 1III WATERFRONT 2 STORY HOME ON 2.5 ACRES in the coveted Port LaBelle Ranchettes, Located on the river side, with only a greenbelt between you and the Caloosahatchee Intracoastal, build your boat dock in the safe harbor of the Army Corp maintained waterway. Live in the country, just seconds from the heart of LaBelle, hors- es welcome. $749,000 . .' .. -a ."7 MORE THAN MEETS THE EYEl H irj ro finr. hbo. e '.* d1.ect r, rn.:te.1 icrtig.' ruokcti calll.' aia' yet seconds from SR80. Backs up to a pristine reten- tion lake with amazing sunsets. Low maintenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceilings, interior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash and granite countertops, all windows have wood casing sur- i.:,..jd s rl. .k firn- i:,i ,r.: fl l':.--r: r J r u ', ,u r liaj, L L 1. f lF',jv.'u REDLiLLLD 50 FT. PRIVATE DRIVE !-. A- I. -e% e -i -.e 6 7 acres lth .4;I r .f i .er r.rlfT Ir l..aied :lI.:; oC to -.li Build close to the waters edge with almost viturally no Corp. Easement. $2,500,000. RIVERFRONT 5 ACRES with 215+/- feet of frontage. High elevation reveals spectacular views. $895,000 REDUCED RIVERFRONT 1.15 ACRE homesite on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $525,000 REDUCED PROTECTED HARBOR just one lot in off the main channel of the Caloosahatchee Waterway. Build your dream home under the scenic oaks in this park like setting. Located in Caloosa Harbor S/D. $450,000 2 ACRE DEED % IE .J-MESITE in Oak Haven Estates. t up to beautiful sunsets over the LtSt. u oP"A l LOTS AND LAND DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced independently) for an upscale residential project. $150,000 per acre. SECLUDED, HEAR YOURSELF THINK. 20+/- acres west of LaBelle off Kirby Thompson Road partially filled with freshly dug pond and 40 plus loads of fill for your use. $440,000. S2BR/2B Brick home on an oversized lot in the desirable Quail Run S/D. Features new flooring, screen porch, fenced back yard, and a detached 2 * SELLER SAYS TO MAKE AN OFFER! Genuine Country P... I ,I H- I -, l ; I I.. I ... jI ;. I B pr I S.,, I ,,.. 'i, ull 1- ,1 LI. ,L LU i t !6: ..I'd B jI. home that will be finished in late July: Lots of upgrades and lots of room. $285,000. |* 2BR/2B Brick home on an oversizedl lot in the desir- able Quail Run S/D. Features new flooring, screen porch, fenced back yard, and a detached 2 car garage. Only $249,900 * Solid Decision, Solid House! You'll be glad to see this spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing with PORT LABELLE RANCH Cr. 2.53 Acres back up to are welcome. Restricted to idences. $275,000 5 BEAUTIFUL OAK LAD LaBelle. Quiet County Liv OVERSIZED HOMESITE dty with easy access to SI and ready for your dreary maples. Was $105,000, red sale. PORT LABELLE LOTS o to new development are $39,000 to $57,900. Call sites to pick from. SELLER FINANCING Ai to qualified buy erem norht side of HI~ y struction in the immdiaTe HO .ETTE located on Frontier greenbelt area and horses site built single family res- )EN ACRES located East of ing for only $160,000. conveniently located in the R 80. .75 Acres manicured n home. Lots of oaks and duced to $85,000 for quick n the north zide 4f ._ .l.se a & marina Pr.:ed tr,:.3*7 for inventory, .h[r 4t~.W! R .8 a VAILABLE with 20% down B 4 ac. lot on the homes under con- earea, e-,-+r 5$34.SI)0. MES LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING. H.:,rcs \~elomiel lipgrades inLJuc de.-od tlioors. iLta,.d .tote iite. place, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, crown moulding, skylight dormers,, and top of the line ceiling fans with decorative medallions. The caff 11P" lanrIIN iIsCd|r N Iffl& It includes a large barn with 3 oversized stalls and tack room with shelving as well as a fully irrigated riding arena and a 24x44 workshop/office. Additional Acreage available, offers must be contingent upon Glades County approval for property split. $695,000. WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY for the right investors This 20 acre parcel currently has a 1988 cedar home with galvaume roof and a 1997 singlewide manufac- tured home on the premises. Both homes are in need of rehabilitation, Seller has started the process but there is still quite abit to do. Property can be split and is priced at land value only. $590,000 I *- ... -,-. . 2 STORY HOME cose to town just off Ft. Denaud Rd. This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has it all, location, charm, Master suite with office, screened room and more. $279,000 REDUCED. quailty, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and vani- ties are all less than 2 years old. New roof being installed. Call today for this worry free home! $234,000. * REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/1B CBS home with 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only $234,900. SNeed more "living" room? 2,152sq ft of luxurious living. This 4BR/2B home on 10+/ acres has it all, from it spacious family room w/stone fireplace, mas- ter suite w/ office, covered porch, and fencing for horses. This one is a steal @ only $450,000 Need more "living" room? 2,152sq ft of luxurious living. This 4Br/2B home on 10+/- acres has it all, from it spacious family room w/stone fireplace, master suite w/ office, cov- ered porch, and fencing for horses. This one is a steal @ only $450,000 Bring your horses and relax the rural way! 4BR/2B man- ufactured home with over 2400 square feet of living area sitting on a georgous 6.5+ acres of land & fenced for hors- es. Too many extras to list, call for an appointment today! $350,000 Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped grounds are a fitting introduction to a superb 3/2 home! Huge screened lanai, oversized carport, 2 sheds and addi- tional 4 stall carport/workshop Plus pasture for kids pony! Worth calling about quick! $215,900. Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. ZERO PERCENT FINANCING AVAILABLE Gated and pnr.atr meindcring drive leads to 3Bed/2Ba nmiufacituired home features include 2 screened poiche-, a 2;:.3i 0 sh.1p.'igaC, plus i 1'2x16 storage bl-g .itrb \.th retrircrlt.ar and .kC. ill on 2 Acres. $160,000. WHA( A NI( E HOlSEI-On-eoa'ter.'ui In I'ri,'., CEBS 2 Eedr',nl. I CEt1 Ql l .t f I: .oe blotk N...rth .-ft .: -al*llti/MhL Min A igrel bu, al $115,000. " MOBILE ON 1/2 ACR south of LaBelle with lots of paving and a 26x58 polebarn. $79,500. INDUSTRIA'L/COMMERCIAL PRIME CORNER with approx. 590 ft. on well traveled Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm St. The front 2.7 Ac are zoned Light Industrial with the remaining 4 ac zoned Heavy Industrial. Great opportunity for flex space devel- opment. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located across from the State Attorney's Office and close to LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL Located approx 1 mile west of Cowboy Way with 800'lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the proposed future Wal- Mart location. $2,090,880. MIXED INDUSTRIAL USE with 176 Ft. on promi- nent Cowboy Way. Asking $915,000. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4.65 AC with 2400 Sq, Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access, just outside the city limits. Could be split under current zoning. $850,000. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL SITE just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000 HARD TO FIND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $285,000. . 11.11..U - ONLY $25,000. per acre! WITH Pole Barn, Electric and several wells! Call ASAP for showing! $875,000 * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RGI. Surrounded by upscale sub- division. Ripe and Ready for developer. $800,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your investment dollars here. 25 beautiful acres with Htw 27frontage Next to water plant. Property was cleared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees Perfect for the nature lover Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh ail special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura istingsl * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further. Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $67,900. Possible seller financing. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. * Call about our Port LaBelle lots * POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this invest- ment! $2,750,000. - Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-l commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $499,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only $179,900. * 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot tucked away on a quiet street. Oak trees create a back yard of enchanting beauty. A must see! $165,000. * The Luxury of Space! Both inside on outside. 4/2 immaculate home nestled on 1.25 acres. Stunning stone fireplace in Family room. Formal dining off of huge kitchen with lots of cabinets and countertops. Tranquil Master bedroom offers a personal retreat room and lavish bath. Spacious and smart buy at $154,900 * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 * Privacy + Peace & Relazation! 3BR/2B doublewide w/1,300 sq. ft. under air in town. Privacy fenced on 3 sides & chain link in rear. Backs up to pond! Extras include shed, huge Florida rm & BBQ deck. $139,900. * Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. * Rare find outside of LaBelle but not to far from schools or shopping. 3BD/2BA manufactured home fea- tures split floor plan, built in cabinets, separate shower & garden tub in the master suite, and much more! All on .50+/- acre. $132,000 * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2,1 on over a V acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. * 3BR/1B manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $110,000 * Calling all Investors!! 4Br/2B manufactured home in Horsetgng-rgmigst wth right to inspectTBring back the sparRe ana youn will have made a great investment. $75,000 * Best Bargain for Miles! 35 beautiful secluded acres at Frrutj W. Sponr 437 5IR 80 W ,863) 675'-1203 I .1, It IOURE LOOKING ING LO 100 NO FI d 1 l9i9.9 I nonel1 5595.500 iii I UK A PLILML LUU141KI W.lll1~1:111 R THE Rl I I., .-1, -4 II 1, ,, i. .II1. j . z EE L T Nlv -r, Uic. Br.,kcer - LBcRIIl "F1 - (863) 6?.3-555q HOMES'!' 7, 2 5.~ t ili' .i't l~'. I hlll.t'1tM 1J.s'.6 P ,,t -qs r j INf 1 1.1ives11tj, f.1 its silas 5 u il anves mr!R ot a smait grocery store. 465,9uuI?1I :Ill~ll~l VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM* PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER K ASSOCIATES: EDIEHACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN, ROOKIE RUCE AND DON BURDICK 675-0500 NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON M[S. a a SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE 5+ acres, screened lanai on back. IN LEHIGH ACRES in the Balcony on front. Open floor plan, Westminster Gated Golf Community. 2Bedroom/2Bath. Fruit trees, large Fully furnished 3+office/2/2 with oaks, lots of storage in the out build- pool. $2,000/m NO PETS/NON- ings and large barns and workshops SMOKING available for the outside man. Sellers IN FORT MYERS on Gibson St. also have a business for sale at the right 33/1 $1,200/M NO PETS. N price. Very unique property for that 3/1 ON 29 NORTH 600/. NO unique person. Pond on property. PETS. Asking $450,000. BRAND NEW HOME in Port LaBelle 3BEDROOMS/3BATH/1CAR on Montana Circle. 3/2/2 Car $1,800/M. GARAGE in great location close to. No Pets BRAND NEW HOME in Port LaBelle everything. Home has 2 master bed- on Windswept Circle. 4/2/2 Car rooms, new roof, interior paint and $1,800/M. No Pets A/C. Asking $279,900. IN HORSESHOE ACRES on Derby 10+ BEAUTIFUL OAK FILLED Lane (Towards Clewiston) 3/2 $800/M acres with stock ponds. 5 acres has a Single mobile/furnished. No Pets 3Bedroom/2Bath mobile home with OUR FEATURED screened in lanai. The other 5 acres are LISTINGS FOR THIS WEEK set up and ready to be built on. Asking LOVELY TWO STORY HOME on $349,900. I{~r ,,4 ' Home Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder Includes Impact Fees & Allowance for Lot Prep N [ei[raig AyIi [ MP.t7- IFt.-i 't IIi Mi. [J Mll 7026 Gill Cir, Buttonwood, 3/2/2 1762sq ft $207,900 3045 June Cir, Maanolia. 4/2/2 2676sq ft $267,900 00b5 Pike Lane. Madison 11. 312/2 20 9016 5009 I 32 sq ft ;227,900 D32si ft $229.900 224sq ft $231,900 FREE CREDIT APPROVAL with :CHL Home Mortgage,LLC. Call Chuck Pedrey @ (863)675-3245 Lock Rate by 7/31/06 For FREE INTEREST RATE BUYDOWN I MF w''9 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 Cell: 863-673-5061 www.chlhomebuiiders.com QB39922 *All Spec Homes Include /4 Acre or More Home site "Paved Roads~County Water"Power*4 Schools In Subdivision" We have lHomes Available Now. H SOew Horizons Real Estate Corp. i Cir, Madison 1, 312/2 e Cir, Cypress 11, 3/2/2 II I --- r - Iow-Rw- -99w -, ---a~odPb-~6~_~~ I ' it e . t )n e. !S 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17, 2006 AKH, ft 0 ,-Y !i 1 :I r 20' flat panel TV (at closing) with any New Construction home purchased during these 2,365 SQ FT 3BR/2BA, Generous kitchen, Galvalume roof, 2396 SQ FT 3BR/2BA, GE appliances, Silestone counter- Impressive Foyer, Private lanai. $299,900 tops, His and hers master closets, Builder's warranty. $350,000 +, -----.- -,-.: . 2,486 SQ FT 3BR/2BA, Elegant foyer, Oversized lanai 3,038 S FT 3 2BA, Galvalume roof, GE appliances, Galvalume roof GE appliances.$349 kitchen island, Silestone countertops, builder's warranty. $390,000 .; _OPEN FOR ADMIRATION 11 TO 3 ON AUGUST 19TH DOOR PRIZES.... E ,'... ,-. LOAN CONSULTATION... 7254 SO FT nann&A rGE anniianres Ti.viirinous master D'P U IDC'nD T. -TT -C 863 675 4550 lorida 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle Seal Rodney Murray & Seth Howard Lie. Real Estate Brokers state io.b Associates: Phil Lewis, Tamra Franco, Kyndel Murray 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & par- tially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $282,900. 4/2 well maintained home with 20x30 workshop, 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. $274,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 68 =aAj nd im RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 FEATURES OF THE WEEK 3BR/1BA HOME IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. Nice floor plan, tile through out. Priced to sell! $130,000 NEW CONSTRUCTION! CBS home located Port LaBelle Unit 102. Features open floor plan, split bed- rooms, frigidaire stainless steel appli- ances, tile throughout, separate tub and shower in master, vaulted ceilings, patio and two car garage. $249,900 3BR/2BA HOME W/TILE through out living areas, living room plus family room. Fenced back yard w/ many trop- icals & BBQ room. $189,900 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. This 4BR/2BA oversize.l h:,irs.e features split floor plan, wc,...l-hll.i flooring in living areas & man) -s.n ~' REDUCED $265,000 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEAN! This home is truly, h.e- iii, from the inside out. Features: r:el -li. tile, bonus room 1r, i ., r", 'shutters, screened porch, it I. ir' 'i.'iI r:, & spa- cious bedrooms & bathrooms. Well manicured corner lot w/irrigation sys- tem. A must see! $189,000. WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION. LOCATION, LOCA- TION!!! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of. Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C- 2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 INVEST NOW! One of the few river- front acreage parcels on the market. 10.7 Acres w/ 600 +/- feet fronting on the river. Look to the East and West & enjoy views from the raised riverbank. The waterfront piece features lakefront on the South side & riverfront on the North. Parcel's future land use is leisure recreation (LR). Your possibili- ties are endless here! $3,500,000 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S ISLAND. Gorgeous property is cov- ered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 HOMES IN LABELLE CHARMING 2BR/2BA CEDAR HOME sits on oversized corner lot in the city. Features are vaulted ceilings, tile, French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 CBS HOME IN THE CITY 3BR/2BA w/snlit flnnr nlan. large bedrooms. financing available! Owner will consid- er all offers! $125,000 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle. Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining. $119,900 AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN. TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home w/office or possible 4th bedroom. Perfect starter home or rental invest- ment. Located within city limits, com- BESTI This recently renovated .-rr- ...--- r-" --, pletely fenced & priced to sell! .J$9,90U 3BR/2BAhomeislocatedattheOrtona oversized family room & beauif HOMES Locks. Fish from your own private shaded home site. $199,900 3BR/2BA NEW CONSTRUCTION dock. (Permit in place to add new dock MOVE IN READYI Newly remodeled BS HOME Split floor plan, 2,000+ w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!!! $499,900 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in total s ft granite counter plan, 2,000+ ONE OF THE FEW the city. New carpet, flooring and inte- total sq. ft., granite center tosa m18 privately owned man- rior paint & spacious master bedroom. ceramic tilupgraded features. ailing an45,000many made deep water$179,900 more upgraded features. $245,000 made deep water $179,900w/Pool in canals inLaBelle! This OAKS, FENCED BACK YARD. 3BR!2BA CBS HOME w/Pool in waterfront homesite is 3BR/2BA CBS home in the heart of Laurel Oaks, very desirable neighbor- I :car. ir, L iBhli. City LaBelle. Great location! REDUCED hood w/ great floor plan for a growing ir itLaBelle Great location! REDUC family. Property is surroundedby large lir', H.:. ste $179,500 oaks & a few fruit trees. Home/pool include. ..nirership of THIS IMMACULATE 2BR/1.5BA needs TLC. Home is being sold AS IS. the canal I.hIc. pro- HOME is located in the center of town $235,000 S .-. pro teci_ boat close to everything. What a terrific 2BR/2BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured :- :kjagi .i 'd direct homefor someone josit etng outon home w/large screened roomon 1.25 acre .-" the theirown or sizing doi n Home ispar- home site cleared w/ -.irrs.l, Itees. is, aI._.at.teti River.: till-y" furn-ished' &'ready -for- yon! REDUCEDI 119,500 $299,000 $159,900 A HOMES ON ACREAGE -- IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA MANU- NIOUIE. DESIRABLE AND IN THE GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jack's Branch w/ river access. This Unique property also has its own private FACTURED HOME situated on shad- ed oversized lot in town & completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceil- ings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry & breakfast island. Reduced 134,900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3BR 2BA manufactured home has a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! Possible owner PATH OF GLADES COUNTY DEVELOPMENT! This wonderful location is perfect for the active devel- oper looking for that parcel which is surrounded by the approved Lykes Development. Suitable for planned development with approval from Glades County. $1,800,000 UNIQUE OLD FLORIDA ESTATE! 10,538 sq. ft. under roof+ 2,585 sq. ft. pool & patio area! Exclusive pool home located East of LaBelle on 5 beautiful, oak- & citrus-filled acres fronting on SR 80. Home features many architectural details from vaulted ceilings and sky- lights, to Spanish tile floonng. Custom floor plan includes 3 master suites, pri- vate sitting rooms, French doors to large lanai, covered walkways, poolside rec room, 1BR/1BA cottage, twelve-bay workshop w/garage, electric gate entranceway, paved drive & completely fenced. One of a kind! $1,500,000 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/- acres fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/gor- geous oaks & horse stable. $490,000. 3.18 +/- ACRES W/COTTAGE STYLE HOME located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's most desirable communities. Situated at the end of a cul de sac w/ peaceful & pri- vate setting. Cathedral ceilings, ceram- ic tile throughout, open floor plan & wrap around porch. $469,900 SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANU- FACTURED home on 4.84+/- acres w/ pond & mostly cleared. Splitfloor plan, large master bedroom bauL office/nurs- ery, formal living rooim; faniily room & open kitchen w/island. $325,000 QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT! Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. Immaculate home offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment package includes large screen televi- sion w/ stereo & surround sound, split floor plan, built in computer center, large master br & ba w/ garden tub and separate shower. $199,500 COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the cor- ner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida-Style two story build- ing fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 A QUAINT CRACKER-STYLE OFFICE on Park Avenue. Already set up for a business office- including phone lines, air conditioning, commer- cial grade carpeting and landscaping. Screened front porch adds to its Florida charm. $399,900 BEST BUYI Affordable Business Zoned Property! This 2 Br / 1 Ba home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $195,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop; Joad, 3 steel build;ngs- (WarehoseEB,800o sq. ft.; sh..p s 12,i .i sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq: ft.) all, currentlyleasbd. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator Bait Pub has been a thriving business in the. Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint estab- lishment comes fully furnished, com- pletely equipped kitchen & offers a great start for any entrepreneur. 174,500 SE HABLA ESPAlOL www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis __ sI 'O ^rIre B SYOLI'LL LOVE THE VERY HORSEBACK RIDING IS STILL BRILLIANT FLOOR PLAN .w. (S .O.tGEQUS OAKS SUR- NATURE OF IT. 43.32 ac. on A FAVORITE paLime at this CBS nd energ-saving design high- a IND this home nea- Silkerl.ike Rd. Old Florida -" homin ont acres. Countrvcomfnrts light this 3BR2BA home r wth businesses . dcharm abounds widt a natural :I f are loSe.bv m LaBele, A.a or on. o er 3300 sq. ft. under tau.ss- s. p businesses. creek be-d rurung tl-hr.ugh the .Calkbsahatchee r'er. Quaity This beautiful home features. appliancess included in this S.... ..k- .---r the parcel. (ak, pines, and ~B ho Fre aulted high ceilings. fireplace, a gour- a ofortabl , Pres ue dot the land- '. i gs ..walkin closets md a gen- etl kichen and ia den. QuliLty r" g" 7mn o ft l 18 0p scape $1,190,000 s rou., bck porch. Yuur batkard iew is open patmure ernsuoipg shines through-out this newer home wh a maintenance sqt. hoeMo located Pice uuJr privacy $595,000 free metal roof. $447.500. Reduced rt $i.( i I I__ .. ....9...00.. It^ ti r.t... 5[ s _i!rtr. .r.... .... srs. t............. WATERFRONT HOMES STUNNING RIVER V1IEWS ,an I.e ecn fiui u the nits- ter -irte I: bilco- of rhn i i ri.;riflont .BR .B- 2-s t,,ri li.mie lit ge lanlji v.ith 1ii girr.inid .lacllZIl sp.i, nil muchli movie' $798,000. PRICE REDLCED PANORAMIC \%TEWS -.:.1 lh t..il...-.:i.hatsche. Riler -il. 'l ,-,ui n rI s .BR. m 'APi. Ii. rn I Itll .e t a oerlcd I'rr' n, I-.oa]t d''--Jr. C nmitiin,.lir : :i.n ,iho te irr elLndes ps:sIt. I,.,sl ramp & tennis cotlri. $749.000 UPGRADED 3BR.2BA HOME FEATURES 12' fi of r-, r ft irnta6,e CO.'n cmeninl\i l.:c- td cl ,irhin I mile of niaiii na. I eC urant- .iand gol[f c oi-e $599.900 SAVOR THE SUN at '.,,ror p\.re- iac-rhitnrnt letrear 4BR '2R.\ mar.ulaintored home sits nialeiteall, at the chd ol .1 cul-de-sac. Oversized back porch looks oel i the riter for endless ri\er \ie.cs $ 524,000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS with this 3BR SBA home, navigable creek offers direct access to the Caloosahatchee River $399,000 SLIMMER FUNI 4BR 2BA M H Includes 135 ft. of rier ,:i:e's manidig an easy launch f-.r let skis Detai.hed gar.aice anirl high qualmi upgrades E nj.j', ti sun! $395,000 PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAV OASIS! .' BR 2BA ,.:-.ial linnt NM H ir:clude l.indsr.-ap $145.00 WATER DREAMING OF sicludcd ac. Island MAKE THIS 20 YOURS. "2 5. + a al l.c *pt ll ea -e ient IMPROVED WAT HARBOR. Include recied lin bs.r.age. ( 2-10 FT OF NAl lets r;.cr .Lcces- cotlmmuniiY. 'i +'- 230 FT ON THE RANCHETTES. 2. ed community. $42 TAKE IN THE BE 2 + ac home -.f git.cnbelt beire .iltlwed. $410,000 IT DOESNUNDB HOMES 3 BR2BA CBS HOME ,,n "-i + -c h.d-.i Ii i 611..41 wnitkl.p iincidce, '-rtiel. .r.\ i.l. I n. pd'.ld- di.t irt[iii.. lan nl -FLi .ourii, i h.um $999,000 4BR 3BA BRICK HOME ON II + AC. Iuncrinal bicedmin bin i jaulumated Iu,, c- IrtF-rcr. 2 id' I pIcI tljrr.,. dj ndi ,, .~ khp A iui..- I ,iin, I ij .t.te $999.000 4BR2BA HOME ON 7 +.- AC. Ir',li : ,i..%.r:.l pjiid a rltir.: frii rree.. II. I iltl .i\'5 l:. jle burl..n \ ll .ill,. I..i hi..m ies-,i c 5699,900 PICTURE PERFECT .IBR 21\ I laote c;-.wl: h.ii1i fcjtuics .j pirate puncl arn. Li I:,:,:; m t ,i. r- Ci..ni] n _ni bo.ii r.irnmp $625,000 3BR 2BA CUSTOM HOME ON 3.52 + FENCED AC. I. ..rmiis Ile.:le .r -. .l..i s i ri in ihir, d.i l rc-,tiris, :d r.minuiiiL s $619.900 3BR.2BA CBS HOME r.n ".+ ac t s terincd. pond lki. -ids ,rl gin : .o r'iqts. I,.- itL, :iI .-. r .r.,cniten ldit $595.000 DRLE.\ S NEI TR END In Urio ,,r .Rt \ p.,r.. I..me i- h 1 sil..1.s 11. ir t- L. .- i liiiig rtn n aind.l ,.i s..n ir r L k hr..ht n $4-17.5011 3BRBA.\ 2-STORY HOME SITUATED ..n :j.'i + .i,: 'iV';,) p.'Ic b.iin I' ..il 1-'. -. L I, .s le s i. 415,0U0 3BR2BA CBS HOME ON -.82+-AC. H..nr e ,ufrt., .iilcid ,.cngiI. ,plit l... 180 N. Bridge St. LaBeUe, FL (863) 675-6788 HE 1TAQiE -888- 667d5-6762 LAND CO.I wwn.heritagelandco.com SE HSBLA EsPr.NOt I'- ~ianr IkK IEB AIwttMill Ry CURISi itrm^^ s dietaled upgrades and rhou:,glltful 0 FRONT HOMES SITES OWNING YOUR OWN 1264+ - ? $1,400,000 )0 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE a. ,-f riertTont it r-age l l remote - ih -. -- i;-- r 7 f a165-000 ACIRE\G .F ;9 +- AC. VIHIl INCOME POTENTLU. in Iluj.,:' -Tu 1 ,1i11hrI L .. i ',1"111+ ..."'L h,,.: J. l I Ii .I, -0, :1 l i.rI J,. I f,, I , rri $1.800.000 INCOME PRODLiCING ORANGF GROVE i, ,r r ll. I n.JirI i .'rc In+ r 12 ,500 per111 i',X =.n, il,: I?~,~I. I.,l I ri.. $i 12,500 per t IIJ .LCi L L'.'III .1 -Im 1 .. Q J,.1U ac. rERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA 43.32 + AC. OF I"'.. ,r. ic es boar dock. well, eleclri,- and pro- tI..I pj-l..r: cll jdi J Ir".-..' '' .I. .,'.I'ri. O)er 160 ft .:.f vatertront $499,000 s...- T.,r-., I. pc ':. s,. $1,190,000 LIABLE CREEK FRONT. Ri\se OAK LHAMMOCI YPRFSS )kND PALMET- . and dock permit. Deed restricted TOS rs..,: tH,. I.. + I,. Flo:',r, ,i.:-i at $429.000 iJ r.i I.r.l-.uirr. $1,100,000 RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE 40 +- AC. OFF .,-I nslis'rie' Jiln r.ad 53 + ac. in desirable deed restrict- ,.ri n'ed roo',ing. -r '..'I, 'per si . r, n.l ageabl, l': ,r.ng. l ,'. ',', i t, f" [,, rlauJ ,.ll 5,000 ,.l, r .' i:J. $850.000 EAUTY OF THE RIVER from this 30 +- C. OF IMPRO\TD 'r-jlu.- ,r;i' site in Pt. LaBelle Rjnchettes 200 ft -... ,j r,,.h,- pi,i-:... i.:,. irn ..'..: -en home site and ruer. boat dr.iock s jrn.I..ji hu.'u 65 $05,000 20 + FENIED C) ..( I nr,,,ri,.,.l I1j,,, RFLBlWFR al $225,500 i ...:l1.,i, ..I r,,l, $660.000 20 +,- AC. WITH pII.lI ul p) ... t...i ,-.u pIr.-i.,,- p I,. I u .i-. I I Brothers and fenced fl,,.n plan & expar, i %e tLI:Lk p.-adh 1 u i,,, ,, 11.$.: ,I.. $*4).1100) fenc:edpc ture inludcs Lack ro,-im & St- 5 INiD 1 .(RI HOMSIbTES available in Port ble $395.000 LOCATTION. LOCTION, LOCA- i.,:I ir Ir. ." h riveraccessandriver TION. Irr.peccahic- clttu-ln. 3RHR.B'B. -.-. $29.9110 llo $410,1100. home klca de, n i j a j luii hca sting ci-.miiu- 10+- A( IR -FrT in rn I .r...'J ji i .l-j1 :'.l nit.. 5279,000 .. ,,.., I I.- ,, ,I.: $2 ). l)t1 3BD 2BA ON SPACIOUS GREEN- 20 + ( .. i.. .... ,..'i ""i-:', '' .. '.:,- BELT. The ho:rrim Is. hic Itor -i-rni:nsi ,_u.,k.: $5210.000 3 BR-2BA CBS HOME IN THE CITY. riajler., Ifllie iri clu.i.I: ni-i i.u, r i,:..t irn tli.ri t t. te.i &i r& nli appl,, ancu .irh .ip r._-, ls.il 1 h ii A ri t u- 'c c'1 $195.000. PARTIALLY FURNISHED .BR 2B hNr.mn- .rclud r:..irp.-.rt ,i i .ge -liil Nel- c.inr, and cnrimrurrn pu,_l $175.000 .LFFORDABLE LIV1NG: jBR 2B.i. I .ar iaigc -i-,u., ..p.,.C i.,,i- ic large i..'alk.-tr clh.-ti .creenicJ puirch miller HtR h fpJl, tiit tIl I lui'ri. r Ri.ul i. r, irs, ild Bjck ip to greenbilt Ornl $164,900. GREAT INVESTMENT RENTAL PROPERTY. Diplcs Il.:.(.,rred n l K I Rer.tdll mn.-.mc is .-l40j. pei munrh Only $39,900 NEW CONSTRUCTION STYLISH HOME! sBR 2bA. CBS home with ,:. ,d ll-rorn .aIrn-.t.lle Lo.atrlti Soni a ereruus c.-i.,at.er l.ot. .llquit, ,urnrlningrros. i .crf, i.ni S I St $389900 FASHIONABLE AND FUNCTIONAL nreC' conus uj u,.rn tBR 'Bi CBI h,-mti nr, '. +.- a,. In QuCdj Run S 1) $339.000 BiDGET FRIENDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION, ,Bl' 215, ...-d gitrnr.hetl ini,,ie prv. j.: $199,900 QU.LI- .V IS ON DISPLAYI Take c.i ls.,t Ioin l -\ut I':I aIt irur t.F ii H....r-e ir Laurei l ak. 5. S Be iamung thr Ii'.t ti -sc tir iie. I. .,r.iniruti ..:i hnrlcj s I'slii -i and dictdals .ir\ plea',s saJl a i- st t.ic ,:.,., ,,,cii'nL,. l.i i ..., details MANUFACTURED HOMES COLNTRY CHARM ON 5 ACRES. iBR 2B \ '" 0,-2 i II Ir i...mc c-it.ii si,,nc irljUileae ,klr ,ihts ruir0 n 0 iiulJinr". u ruilntn '-l ril a nJ i n Isin kir liii tii I mli.i l', 'i $ i;all h:-ir t Lbj n IncludeN 31u.k rn.-.l( .llr n,] .i..i 1i' ioii ni r.itih csi,.i-tsl L,.-lel i $le $525,000. r.lu-.: $299,900 5 + AC. '.c- .. LjPeltu c .o'% a rt..: ir ..e ir Fti ,i, $269.900 5 -UNDIRiCOMAThf MUSE 5 ACRES -.,. L,:,..:.,I b ,, f,,J $200.000 LADECA ACRLUGE. i.,:-iult ..I ,i .:.r. '. + ... $165,000 MONTLiRA RANCH ESTATE. I,- ri.: I r i + .. ir..i, $39.900 lo $6',500 HO1MESITES REFINED HOMESI'TEi ijdrll-l in, JcJd -iriledJ LJudl (i1'Jl.'. FIr...,T $90,000 10 $ 110.000 ni'.. : 1r, ,ri ll.i. i i .T: :, il- J il jl-le HARD TO FIND OAK FILLED ..o-rn-ir lot in ihe cir $150.000 PRIVACY GALOREI '+ + A.: .:f Lcie Oajl Ljr.e $125,000 ENIOY THE QLiIErT.:.f j ir filled + . r. it: r, $. 99,900 CANU. FRONT PARCEL. i. + j, El, i. .. H, i I-. -1 $90.001) + .AC LOT OFF CR "t ,i n,,;. .. t,. Isll ,J r :i ..:..g-h ,,.,J i l.. I -. ,J I -.' ,r ..,i h ri, .I , that skirt the property. $89,900. .40+/- AC LOT ACROSS FROM CALOOSA ESTATES S/D. 20x20 metal shed, well on property, underground electric service. $89,900. CHERISH M HI CHLARM .1 ihr, beautiful oak fill.: I.:ir, I..i + I: $85,000 WIDE VAUUEn OF HOMESIrES in all units LIKE NEW I4BR 2B.\ d:lubleilNde M i un 9 :.4 + aL $475,000 BEAUTIFUL WOODED 1.27 +.- AC. LOT In. liiirm,-,kal .iBRK.2'A8. Ji,.u ble,, ide NI H & a 2R iP.A irul.-I:.,de: MX H $245.000 MINT CONDITION 3BIR.2BA- M H FI ,n n.nid cic e. i- LtliiCde. r-iian.i sihedl & ca.rp,.i [ $165,767 LOOKS SMALL, LIVES BIGI 2'2 MH ..n I '- a.:. leaIutri s U atreCt paiking, Slr. k.,lip & uutbuilduigs 5165.000 GET OUT OF TOWN PRICED TO SELL.5BR 2BA MH i-,n ri acre, will make .a F.er'e.t -iraer hrme 5150.000 3BR2BA M H ON CORNER LOT ctei lin h gir n.J tainT mil rom-s. te.tnced uick a, lad r-.h J:.- $149,999 ENJOY THE SIMPLE LIFE '2BR.'2BA l i.p nd a sh,.ri S..,L t, the i, r, $129.000 ..-J f-,n Lt llc s,.,, ihT, c l:.r I .. ,'. . S I.:. 1 + ,: r.,r.ng jr $31,900. TROPICAL GULF ACRES, H,,,,..,to.i , irjfl,..rre l.:.unri 2 2.5 ACRE PARCELS in PFi.'.icr ii t .'.JrJI jn -rhit r$8'.500 each. PRIVACY PURE AND SIMPLE :.-r i. -:. I2. :, + J _. Fp l .:-l I '.- l ,r P -hr ,. Pnr...:J fi,:r'lm 85.000 and up. 2.5 AND 5 ACRE Phr"el ,.. Po:tir.r 'lntj iii..r. Pr.....J ir..., $"$'4,000 to $ 1'5,000. LEHIGH ESTArTES. 2* + j.r. i:.. -ri r..l. I.Ajtid toi Fr tser, $66,900 12 -aj.: buildahie I:,t -.., r .1i.:, Bidj in Lrhigh $62,900 INDIAN HILLS i.." c c.:ifiner $:.r 55,000 3 TO CHOOSE FROM I + ..: l.. ., [iAr L-high .i.r:- $-9,900 to $54.900 JAGLiR BLVD. ItI. L hiL:c ...i ..: i. -1. ' hl'4;h iri tir Jt ',: i' **I.I'.' I'," l" i I.' ti $52.500 CUL-DE-SAC LOT in North Ft. Myers off Pine Island Rd. $48,000 COMMERCIAL 4.61 +/- AC. ZONED 1-2. Owner's Conceptual Building Plan will include a one story building (grade level) with 67,600 sq. ft. concrete block office/warehouse with a metal roof. Building details are negotiable between buyer and seller. $4,500,000 3,056 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING on 1.28 +/- ac. High traffic area provides for plenty of potential. $1,250,000 1.02 ACRES OF PRIME B-1 ZONED PROPERTY in city limits operating as a restaurant/bar. $1,200,000 EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR YOUR BUSI- NESSI Beautiful 3.1 +/- ac. parcel's future zoning is "Proposed Transitional." 3BR/2BA rental exists on the property. $899,900 GREAT BUSINESS POTENTIAL with 245' of highway 80 frontage, you will get noticed! This 1.02 +/- ac. will not last long. $499,900 YOUR BUSINESS BELONGS on this heavy industrial acreage. Zoned for various uses with unlimited potential. $479,248 OFF HWY 80 IN LABELLE. .74 +/- ac. will make a wonderful business location Picturesque property has great possibilities! $435,000 1.20 +/- AC. ZONED C-3 OFF SR 29N. Great for Home/Business operation. 3BA/lBA remodeled home includes 2 storage sheds and 12x20 pole barn. Great buy for $249,900 MOVE YOUR BUSINESS TO LABELLEI '..... ,,~ b, '221 .50 I I 11' r a Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17,2006 -.Wid% Las Noticias en Espanol Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Barbara Oehlbeck Reid F. Tillery's book will help you survive Florida's wilder- ness. Surviving the Wilds of Florida A man who has a passion for out- door adventuring, for enjoying most anything and everything that comes under the heading of wild and won- derful....has written a book titled "Surviving The Wilds Of Florida".He is Reid E Tillery of Melrose; Florida. He writes: Florida is a beautiful state with vast wild areas that beck- on to be explored. But to safely enjoy any wilderness setting you must know how to provide for your own well-being, as well as your compan-. ions. Reid is a seasoned outdoors- man, a search-and-rescue techni- - an, a licensed ham radio operator a former army medic, and a former emergency medical technician. Hav- ing had vast experience iall these :fields, he is qualified, perhaps over qualified! to writesuchabook.' He points out that like most adventures; some can be dangerous. Anyone venturing into the wilds must be aware of the danger and act with due caution and prudence. And he further points out that sometimes even our own backyardss" can be dangerous, that is when one encounters a snake, a rabid raccoon, or even the Brazilian pepper com- monly calledFlorida holly (Schinus' terebrinthifolius). He tells us what to do when coming in contact with poi- son Sumac (Toxicodenron vernix), a relative of poison ivy. These plants are pictured in color which serves as an identification guide. He describes these animals and plants extensively and spells out what do upon con- tact. And there are those around who have a notion that building a slanted A-frame shelter for a camp-out would be a great week-end project. Well, it's not as difficult as it may sound; however, there are rules/instructions in this book that will assure success. With palm fronds readily available in most areas, materials will be mostly no- cost. Finding Your Way Without A Compass is detailed and so is Find- ingYour WayWithoutAMap. Reid emphasizes that Wildlife Awareness is of the utmost impor- tance. In this chapter, he writes about the American alligator first, which he says, may be the most prominent symbol of Florida today. Alligators are found throughout the state and are more plentiful now than few decades ago. At one time, their populations were so thinned out by hide hunters it became neces- sary to enact laws to protect them. Now gators have made a significant comeback. Today there are an estimated one million gators in Florida. But in increasingly more people and more gators, the inci- dences of gator attacks in Florida have gone up dramatically. Several pages are devoted to common sense "what to do" and "what not to do" when it comes to alligators. (Pages 133,134,137) These arejust fractions of this 10- chapter how-to book on surviving and enjoying the wilds of Florida. Reid Tillery has done an extraordi- nary job of research which is evident on every page. The illustrations are in color except for diagrams, maps etc. Under Priorities of Wilderness Survival, he writes: You don't have to be in a full-blown survival situation to benefit from this information. Even an ordinary wilderness experi- ence continually presents small sur- vival challenges. Understanding the potential seriousness of and treating simple chills, for example, can word off deadly hypothermia; wearing proper protective clothing and drinking adequate amounts of hydrating liquids can help prevent a heat-related illness; a proficiency with backwoods communications can turn a potential tragedy into a slight inconvenience. "Surviving the Wilds of Florida" can lead to greater enjoyment of your wilderness oi even common outdoor adventures and help brig you home safely every time. "Surviving the Wilds of Florida" 220 pages, Collingwood Publica- tions, is a soft enamel back 6x9 book with color throughout. For detailed information, call, write, fax, phone or e-mail: Barbara Oehlbeck, 25075 Grassy Run-Muse, LaBelle, Florida 33935. Phone-fax same: 863-675- 2771, e-mail doco@strato.net. Servicios. Una semana despues de que la organizacio para ancianos Conec- cion Para Pensionados (Senior Connection) perdiera el contrato para proveer servicios en los Con- dados Hendry y Glades los cam- bios se hacen evidentes. La organi- zacion perdio el contrato porque estuvo tarde con la.documentacion requerida ademas de que tuvo muchos problems en dar servicios despues de los dos ultimos hura- canes. Otra organization que se llama Conecciones Esperanza (Hope Connections) queria usar su edificiQ pero ellos pero no lo permi- tieron. Sin embargo cuando la Coneccion Esperanza comenzo a repartir comidas en las casas de sus clients anteriores los de Conec- cion Para Pensionados dijeron que el servicio no habia sido eficiente. La Director de Esperanza admitio que no se habian preparado bien para dar el servicio pero que con- tinuaran haciendolo de manera mas efectiva. Qince empleados que trabaja- ban con la organization anterior trabajan ahora con Esperanza, pronto tendran su propio edificio y podran tender a los ancianos de Clewiston y Moore Haven.'Debido a regulaciones con los fondos fed-' erales Coneccion Para Pensionados tendra el edificio por dos anos y medio por lo tanto todavia tendra que prestar servicios a los ancianos.. Conneccion Esperanza espera su Ilamada. Se dan servicios de enfermena, \iitas dal hogar, conse- jos y asistencia. 1-866-659-7223 Tienda Nueva Amanda Nelson native de La Belle y maestra de Kinder abrio una tienda con articulos escolares. Es una tienda muy convenient porque usted no tiene que ir hasta Fort Myers para comprar calquier articulo que necesite para trabajar en el salon de clase. En caso de que no encuentre lo que desea se le pide y en pocos dias lo la a recibir. Entre los articulos que la tienda tiene podra encontrar: rompecabezas, libros de practices, manualidades, juegos educa- cionales, regalos para fiesta, cumpleanos y much mas. La tienda esta localizada en La Plaza de La Belle, 417 W Calle 80. Esta abierta de lunes a viernes de las 10 am hasta las 6 pm y los saba- dos de las 10 am hasta las 4:00 pm. Noticias De La Ciudad La falta de aceras adecuadas en el Bulevar Marthin Lither King fue el tema principal a tartar en la ulti- ma reunion del grupo que se encar- ga de la seguridad del trafico. En un esfuerzo para recorder a los padres que se abrochen los'cin- turones y los de sus ninos, se van a poner letreros en Ingles y Epanol. en lugares estrategicoscomo las zonas escolares, especialmente donde se recojen los ninos. La sargento Barbara Brown report que no' hay guards de trafico en ninguna escuela, lqs ofi- ciales son los que estan haciendo este trabajo ahora.Se buscan can- didatos para lenar estos puesto. Si used esta interesado en ser un. guard de trafico vaya a la Oficina de la policia y pida-una aplicacion. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle!Cindy Pearce Successful benefit Johnnie Sue Beckworth, Shirley Carley and Connie Page load up plates at a benefit for cancer patient Hazel Woods at Barron Park Saturday, August 5. Shirley and Chuck Carling were. in charge of the, event, which also Included raffling offa truck. The LaBelle Moose Lodge and Hazels family wish to thank their cooks, Bo Hansen, James Strickland and Ted Milks, as well as everyone who donated food, bought tickets, helped serve or donated yard sale, items. There top many to name, coordinators say, but "you know who you are," so please also know that anything you did was much appreciated. Lunch Menus Secondary Lunch Menu Thursday, August 17-turkey and gravy, rice, green beans, diced pears and a white dinner roll and apple juice Friday, August 18-pepperoni pizza, corn, pineapple, fresh veg- etable and ranch dressing Monday, August 21-hoagie sandwich w/lettuce and tomato, vegetable beef soup, potato chips and spiced apples Tuesday, August *22-shrimp poppers, macaroni and cheese, peas and carrots, pineapple, orange juice and a white dinner roll Wednesday, August 23-nachos with meat, corn, tossed salad and fruitjello Thursday, August 24-beef-a- roni, California blend, mixed fruit, chocolate chip cookie and a white dinner roll Friday, August 25-corn dog nuggets, baked beans, cole slaw with dressing, peaches and apple juice Primary Lunch Menu Thursday, August 17-hamburg- ers, lettuce and tomato, American cheese, banana, orange juice and chocolate pudding Friday, August 18-com dog nuggets, baked beans, mixed fruit, oranges and an ice cream cup Monday, 'August 21-cheese pizza, peas and carrots, tossed salad and peaches ' Tuesday, August 22-breaded chicken, sweet potatoes, green beans and diced potato, apple- sauce and a biscuit Wednesday, August 23-beef-a- roni, tossed salad, diced pears and a white dinner roll Thursday, August 24-popcom chicken, tossed salad, oranges, peaches and a white dinner roll Friday, August 25-sliced turkey breast, mashed potatoes, carrots, frozen strawberries and a white dinner roll Climate Control Systems, Inc. 1, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 WS 675-3233 TOLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CACOO8030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CALL NOW TO HAVE YOUR A/C COMPREHENSIVELY CHECKED BY OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TECHNICIANS! Solo se trabajan tres horas diaries durante las horas que. los ninos entran y salen de la escuela. Se recuerda a los padres de familiar que traen y l1evan sus hijqs a la escuela elementaria La Belle no entrar por la Cowboy Way, deben de entrar por la calle Principal (por la calle donde esta el nuevo lugar de las licencias) Jim Graham es el president de la seguridad de trafico y Linda McVey es lavice-presidenta. Recientemente dos Oficiales se murieron en accidents de trafico, La acera que se esta haciendo en la Cowboy Way para que los estudiantes crucen hacia la escuela elementaria La Belle estara lista hasta dentro de unos mess. S- As seen ' FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on T.V. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794.7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Stmctued Settlenets! Home Buyers Guide DBankf Ameria SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Bank America Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 S1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W Hwv 80 Call for an appointment ltNOr certifliedt1 i FIA!A .lurn cing Cell: 239-872-7665 . Alva: 239-728-9998 LaBelle: 863-675-0000 m. "" www.burson-weathers.com Matt Fleming W Realtor E-Mail: matt@burson-weathers.com Commercial Land Residential l':.> j '* Ideal home for)uu arid -'ur hiorie 10.28 beautiful acres, f"_- 'S fenced and crc, i'enied E .:epr.rj pasture with spring fed F'd p .rj 1 'r arfi.r:urir.J home features a split fluor pljn ihe mr'tJir suiie iriludes office/den area, Scoiplete mater bath vnih ia;rden taib. Roll down storm shiuters are eas) Lt, operate L rgc i..land kitchen with all appliances included Pole birn .30 CBS garage. Owner aill all,..i carpa illio'.ariie o:r living room carpet. MI) be did.-d, into 2 five acre home- sites. Price Reduced to $575,000. MLS#200658466 A AT A 8 *246 ~IM NIMOA.~ /1CShne, neocli ieforrmdekthn ah HOME IN IMMOKALEE: 3/1 CBS home, new'portelain tile floors, remodled'kitchen, bath- room has all new fixtures, new carpet in bedrooms. Roof recently finished. $199,000. MLS#200660321 HOME IN LABELLE: REDUCED!! 3/2 manufactured home. LOCATED one lot off SR 78. Walking distance to River Front Park. Boat ramp iear by. Large front ahd back porch. Building in back was used as business office. Great opportunities. $215,000. MLS#200607400 WATERFRONT HOME IN ORTONA: direct access to intercostal via deep frehswater canal, this 2/1.5 home sits on 65 ft. lot. This home features STILT With screened porch, a 6 ft. sliding glass door out to the lanai. A MUST SEE FOR THE SERIOUS BOATER. 399,900. MLS#200632282 Sh RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 FORT LABELLE LOTS 3014 Beacon Lane $24,000 3010 Arnet Lane $24,000 7006 RichCourt $32,500 8012 Mill Court $38,900 2006 Inglewood Cir $38,900 3027 Harvard Cir $39,900 3075 NE Beechwood Cir $48,000 2001 Montana Circle' $47,500 W Leader Ct (Adjoining Lot available) $45,000 W Leader Ct (Unit 102) $45,000 MONTURA RANCH ESTATES 165 S. Granja St 1.25 Ac $49,900 175 S. Granja St 1.25 Ac $49,900 539 Hunting Club Ave 1.25 Ac $49,900 2008 Clipper Ct. 2BD/1BA $129,900 585 N. Willow St 1.00 Ac $49,900 IABELLE HOMESITES 3rd Avenue .45 Ac $70,000 Calhoun Street .64 Ac $89,000 Calhoun Street .42 Ac $89,900 201 N. Hickory St .62 Ac $98,500 OTHER AREA HOMESITES 924 Wildflower Street Lake Placid .25 Ac $39,900 922 Wildflower Street Lake Placid .25 Ac $39,900 1015 Naples Ave. Street Lehigh $46,000 ACREAGE 5171 Chiquita Dr. (Charlotte Co) 10 Ac $79,900 40 Acres (Gerber Grove) $660,000 1625 Case Rd 3BD/2BA on 2.29 Acres. $185,900 VACANT LAND 7006 Alfa Cir N $42,500 2015 Inglewood $51,900 3004 Base Ct $43,500 9022 E. Justice $32,500 (Reduced) 3028 Brairwood Cir $50,000 000 Neighborly $39,900 7004 Brazil Ct 42500 7824 NW 18th $79,900 260 Caloosa Est $99,500 8024 Olive Ct $47,500 3 Horseshoe $42,500 7010 Rich $44,900 4 Horseshoe $42,500 8036 Salem Cir $38,900 (Reduced) COMMERCIAL 141 Hickpoochee Ave 2500 sq.ft. building and land only $1,500,000 Call or stop by to see more information on all of our listings! t IIA 'T n - "chi king (IR;Oap /t4 N Bridge st LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 -I '----I S M6 &m .mbm Am M It I 372 Horse Club Ave 1.25 Ac $4,y9u JLA 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17,2006 Ca asai.e a B BS -^ *S 6X 66 SJ Toll Free 1-877- 2424 t F I. ABSOLUTE E for any personal items for sale under $2,500 Announcements Employment Financial Services 1II81 ----I IJ ["fii Mobile Homes pZIlilijII Automobiles IIMim kIITIiiBa^ More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach-more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad * Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1 2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) S Must include only one item and its price rememberr it must be $2,500 or less) Call us! H No Fee, No Caich, No Problem! Announcements lI ribl- Ir f oI. I rr-.sr ti r. PFki''e re,1a ,iour 3dj 1 r: r:c ull, Ih-, t.r I J3, I ap -.i ,r. In :. ,; ,:,|i,, .s n- .r I.:. h -. a- .3]h,, 51i ,-,I 'lJ e %,d'ill ip-.. be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's Approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insen b.o.e li :,;,p 'the- word ",..,_-,--: -r'i All . ads accepted are subject to credit approval. All ads must,, conform to rn.dpr-dem Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk*. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 ADOPTION A nurturing family seeks to adopt an infant to love and cherish. We are fi- nancially secure to provide a promising future. Please call Christine and David at (888)322-0924. ABSOLUTE AUCTION HOUSE and 134 Acres in 11 Tracts. Sugar Grove, VA. Minutes from National Forest and Parks. August 19, 2006, 1:00 PM. VA Auctioneer #0326. Visit www.count- sauction.com for details. Do-It-Yourself Ideas L 3 I Victorian Gazebo Do-it-yourselfers can enjoy the beauty and serenity of this gazebo project in just a weekend or two. It measures about 8 ft. across by 10 or 11 ft. tall (depending on how the builder tops the roof). Victorian Gazebo plan (No. 603)... $9.95 Teahouse plan (No. 710)... $9.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), clip and send with check to: U-Bild, 15241 Stagg St., Van Nuys, CA 91405. Please be sure to include your name, address, and the name of this newspaper. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee U.. ABSOLUTE AUCTION Satur- day, 10am August 19th. For Directions, inventory list, pic- tures & terms of sale, see www.mircinc.com/auctionl Restaurant equipment, office furniture, cars, & more. Auction- August 29, 30, 31. 33 residential & commercial building tracts & homes in Florida. Rowell Realty & Auctions Co., Inc. (800)323-8388, 10% buyers premium. AU 479 AB 296 www.rowellauctions.com. FOUND: Ladies watch, found in Post Office Parking lot. Describe to claim. See Joyce at Post Office. LARGE DOG- Vic of Ft Drum Ranchettes, Call to identify. (863)697-8948 Find It fast. Sell It soon-. er in the classifieds BORDER COLLIE: Black & White, Granddaughters Puppy. Ft. Denaud Rd. (863)674-0321 REWARD EARRING with dangling dia- mond heart. REWARD! Call Sherri(863)673-0829 BABY MINI POT BELLY PIGS Free. Call Debbie (863)983-7702 BORDER COLLIE- 2 yr old, Fe- male, Spayed, updated shots & heart worm. To Good Home Only! (863)763-9262 FILL DIRT- 200 YARDS You load/haul. For info call 863-675-9300 KITTENS, 1 is 8 weeks, 1 is 3 mos. & mother. To good home. (561)308-6350 KITTENS TO GOOD HOME 8 weeks, litter trained. CUTE! 863-763-3124 OLDIES ALBUMS Over 100 albums, some older. Pis. call 863-467-4253 OUTSIDE CATS (7) Must find a home soon or go to the pound. 1 yr & under. (863)946-9133. Multi-Family LABELLE -701 Broward Ave. Fri. &Sat. 8/18 & 8/19, 8a-? Clothes all sizes, baby items, misc. household & more! U..rge Multi.Family LaBelle;1045 Pratt Blvd. Sat., Aug; 26th, 8am to 12pm HUGE 5 FAMILIES MultinFamily LABELLE- Sat..Aug 19th, 8am-?, 110 N. Main St. lots of GREAT stuff!!. Clothes, baby items, furniture! and much more. AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid training for high paying Avia- tion Career. FAA predicts se- vere shortage. Financial aid if qualify Job placement as- sistance. CALL AIM (888)349-5387. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Jus- tice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.onli- neTidewaterTech.com. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipment- school.com. READING A NEWSPAPER SAVES TIME BY HELPING YOU PLAN YOUR TIME WISELY Y o wonder newspaper readers enjoy life morel I .a Noice Im Ni i~peci N. i I.pca Notice and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES Meial Roofs Re-Ranis Rootl Pepairs Pole Barns Vinyl Siding Sofhll & Faci.3 Office (863) 675-7045 I 1, 11 i n i | "3ss.4 2-g::...I PLACE YOUR AD HERE I~" h ~j~g~8~.,.::0. i! CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting at 39.95 Fpr j, -r HUNTERS ,, ,TREE SERVICE Tree Trirnrning I & Remo .'ol SStumrp Grir-iclinr- SSh-oping & Topping 863-675-0403 Emlomen Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 2'0 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 Builders Choice Supply Looking for a yard man with forklift knowledge, bilingual a plus. 863-674-9900 COURTHOUSE RESEARCHER NEEDED PART/FULL TIME. WILL TRAIN. (877)205-2036 LEAVE MESSAGE. EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS & LEAD MAN (863)673-1907 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING lr, i I. I . ,r .. I L' ., L ,I I- r HANDYMAN REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE i i ... 1 .1 (863) 675-7 29 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. *rr i- - I 1, way House Pads Demolition * I h. im. ; PillDirt Culverts ,rln.rk .;'.1,. II i,.. l, 'ii, i0, ,, R em oval LaBelle, FL Licensed & Insure d OFFICE: (863) 675-8314 Call Kelvin To % .nnd Ce-il I (8?G3) G73-3783 Hi-.-'l,17 SI ~i -~ Employmen ELECTRIC SOLUTIONS ELECTRICIANS WANTED Lead men & helpers Top Pay & Company Vehicle Se Habla Espanol (239)348-8272 FOR SALVAGE YARD IN FELDA (Hwy 29) Needs person with forklift & cutting torch experience for full time position. $450 per week. Call Tony (305)495-7973 F/T ACCOUNTING CLERK AT MERIT PETROLEUM CO. Must be detailed oriented and have good computer skills to handle Accounts Receivable and order Entry. Competitive pay including medical insu- rance, retirement program, va- cation and sick pay. Applications being accepted M-F at 139 East Hickpochee Ave. (SR-80) LaBelle. Get a quick response to any Item you may be sell- inn with a classified ad. Employment Ful Ti e 'I l ASSISTANT STORE MGR. GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Big Cypress Reservation Min. 1 yr supervisory experience. Food sales experience a plus. Excellent.commuication & computer skills. Good leadership skills, positive attitude. Flexible hours, FL Drivers Lic. High School Diploma or GED. Exc. Benefits incl. medical, dental & 401 K, food & fuel allowance. Salary based on exp. Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 CHILD CARE GIVER Child care center in Labelle has an opening for a Full Time Child Care Giver. CDA and experience preferred. Call 863-675-3311, fax 863-675-6162 or Feliciab@ccswfl.org. Ei iy Full Tim Empoyen Full Tim HELP WANTED - Custodian Must be able to work evenings, work independently, and have no criminal background. A valid drivers license is required. Mechanic I. Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred. Mechanic II. Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, 3 years experience.' Both Mechanic positions require class B drivers license. Must have a High School Diploma orGED. Both located in Clewiston. Highway Maintenance Technician I. Maintains. highways, municipal and rural roads, and rights- of-ways in.safe condti~fl.': Must have a valid Florida Commercial DQiverl:,license, Class B or higher with air brake endorsement. Electrical Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a licensed contractor. Building Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a licensed contractor. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Commissioners HR department. Duda Farm Fresh Foods has immediate openings for mechanic and fuel truck driver. Will train. Pay commensurate with '" experience. Medical/dental/vision plans, 401K company match, paid vacation, holiday and sick pay, plus other benefits. We are a Drug Free Work Place. Apply in person or call for appointment. (863) 675- 0545 ext 3135 EOE Duda Farm Fresh Foods esta en busca de un camionero y nmecanico. Entrenamiento disponible. Pago a dwgun experiencia. Plances medico/dental/vision, 401K, plan de retire, vacaciones, dias feriados, dias de enfermedad pagados mas otros beneficios. Sitio libre de drogas. Aplique en persona o llame por una cita a (863) 675-0545 ext 3135 Empleador de Oportunidades Por Igual HiE OR .v 1 EC Pe eCr AL DE n -"i1' <.TaT -eilll.e b 1 ) .rlti"fP ."m c-FIL; I- J r- lr-i,, rJ ,l .:, LPN I or 1 (FtT,. Perdlem) evI I I' II I. In ,hl',o .i- u id Full n ie ER RN IIi Su L 'SuFr'v'or Peiriern RN Nu.'TIg Siiuprrior I, ,J l I... j + |, Jn,. l ..1 -u.1 h,,. : .,. ,:i,i.,.. 'C. S PL' r'L Full llTIe- It.unnce Brler n~l h .l .. ~ ",,il '. :,i t '':' lLM I III ,T. I .I ,,. ,. ,I'.. Il 1.1..l., ..] ,d billh1 l,'> . Per Diem. C NA or C NA Monltr Ted. M., I f..:. .. C N .1 L ',I -1 W d L, l, m :,;, I,',,,,, I lr,,T, ,c, .. ,, Full diie- mlM l-tinalw AitLiasir Full Umci4.PN or CMA :,l I i), 0 -,, ]' 1 -'l .. .I. l l Full urr|e RN Nu.re Mani er Spedj Cri ILR. ICul Full time Risurred Nurse r hI t. ,,' ,: ": : i -i F I ... I-.OT, i.j hF j l I,.J I I l',,--: ,,.. ,, Full time Respiratory Therapslt C[ T .,, j" F.T F, I.: ,.l ilrl I'l ,., C.,, ,,A5 :.-ull ,-.. !.'. '"'. l ]| ltl..I ,.j,,: CL ', Jr,,f' -. ;L_ '3",. Full Uime- Medical Tedir,oloIsl I 3. i .., 1 j i1 1 .dI..3I T.i:,:l,,-... L . Part ime Pharmacy Tech I'.,: h' ,h, ,llh, ,.. ;I.,.h '~-r. 'I, ''' , groun is reQl Per diem- Laboratory Assistant Previous exp. in Phlebotomy is required Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE [FN -I AST9DRECTRY! Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FfEE . s- igns id - inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 i I,-n-c p Rllp- Thuirsdav. AIIAIIt 1 7.f20 uaitnoo u ew, I IriuibucJ, \% 0 I I-- Emiplomen Full Tim MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 STORE MANAGER GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Big Cypress Reservation High School diploma or GED. Associates preferred. Min. 1 yr retail exp. Exc. communication skills. 2 yrs supervisory or management exp. Flex hours, FL Drivers License. Salary based on exp. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, optical, 401 K, fuel & food allowance) Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Research Center Immokalee, FL LABORER To assist with field and laboratory research in insect biology and pest management. Valid Florida drivers license and social security card required. Contact Kris Sytsma at 239-658-3400. AA/EA/EEO FT SALES ASSOCIATE: Some Weekends & Nights Goodbenefits Please apply within: Vision Ace Hardware, .50 W HiIpo,:hei- AvF , LaBelle, FL. DFWP FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER For farming operation in Immokalee. Must be a self starter. Payroll, Ac- counts Receivable, Ac- counts Payable and General Ledger. Will work closely with com- pany accountant and owner of company. Can be a very challenging and rewarding position for the right individual. Please send resume to (239) 657-2884 or call (239) 657-2312, Help Wanted for Cemetery and General Maint Tech. Need experience operating backhoe. Class A CDL a plus, but not required. Apply at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Hwy 80, LaBelle. (863)675-2125 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Full/Time - Welders & Painters Experienced Only Apply. Call Mike @ (863)675-3424 IMMOKALEE PACKING HOUSE Is looking for a "do all" maintenance person for general packing house re- pairs, light welding, and minor electrical repair. We are looking for a self-start- er, self-motivated person that is looking for a good home. 239-657-2227. Payroll and accounts pay- able clerk for produce packer/shipper in Immok- alee. 239-657-2227. LYKES BROS., INC. RANCH DIVISION Has an immediate opening for the following position: PART TIME COURIER Candidate must read, speak and understand English and possess a valid Florida Drivers License. Applications now being accepted at: Lykes Bros. Inc. 106 SW CR 721 Okeechobee, FL 34974 8:00am 4:00pm Affirmative Action/An Equal Opportunity Employer/ Drug Free Workplace M/F/DN THERAPIST NEEDED To provide mental health services to adults and children. License required. Bi-lingual (English/Spanish) preferred. Call (863)612-0728 for information. How do you find a job In today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sifeds National Home Builder searching for Sales Consultants in S.'the Okeechobee S:imarket. Excellent compensation & incentives. Will need Real Estate license. Bi-lingual a plus. Serious minded sales professionals fax resume to: (321)674-7645 Attn: Coordinator PAYROLL SUPERVISOR Immokalee. FL - Assist in the hands-on pro- cessing and oversee of all aspects of weekly payroll process of 3000+ employ- ees; garnishment process- ing; assist in quarterly/ annual tax preparation. Three years experience including general ledger and payroll taxes; supervisory experience and FPC preferred, unquestionable in- tegrity; exceptional confiden- tiality, strong work ethic, Excel skills and ability to meet constant deadlines a must. Hourly with benefits. susanm@sixls.com or fax 239-657-9764 PROPERTY, VEHICLE, AND BENEFITS SUPPORT ASSIST. Immediate opening at the Rol- lason State Office. Must have sufficient experience to per- form specific tasks/projects with only general guidelines from the supervisor. Job re- : pr: .bitiii-; include maintain- ing employee, vehicle, and facility information files. Ex- plains, interprets RCMA insu- rance plans and other benefits to employees and depend- dents and etc. Valid FL DL and clear driving record. Apply with Dana Reeves and/or Augle Montejo at the Rollason State Office, 402 W. Main St., Immokalee, FL 34142 by August 31,2006. We are an equal opportunity Employer. We do not discrimi- nate on the basis of race, col- or, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age or national ori- gin, religion or disabilities. TECHNICIAN Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission Equipment maintenance, burn- ing, and tractor work. Call (863)612-0775 THERAPIST NEEDED To provide substance abuse services to adults. Master's degree and/or CAP required. Bi-lingual (English/Spanish) preferred. Call (863)612-0728 for information. TRUCK TIRE TECHNICIAN Experienced w/valid drivers license only need apply. Call Mark @ (863)675-7704 DENTAL HYGIENIST Must have valid FL Dental Hygienist License. Bilingual helpful. Excellent salary & benefits. 4-day week. Fax resume to (863) 983-9604 or e-mail hrbfchcinc.oro Florida Community Centers, Inc. EOE/DFWP Empoyen EmploymentI Busy Home Health Agency has immediate openings for: Per diem RN's, LPN's, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist and HHA's in LaBelle & Clewiston area. Excellent pay rates and mileage reimbursement. Partial benefits offered to Core staff. Please fax your resume to Dona at 239-332-8477 or call 239-332-8444 HHA#299991373 DIRECTOR OF NURSING Newly renovated facility and new mgmt. team. Looking for experienced DON for our 155 bed facility. Must have a thorough understanding of the long term care regula- tions & survey process. Ex- ceptional leadership, communication & team building skills. Candidates must be licensed in the state of FL with LTC experience. Excellent salary and bene- fits. RISK MANAGEMENT/ PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT Full time Management posi- tion. 3+yrs. of LTC/geriatric & 2+yrs. of mgmt./super- visor experience preferred. Ability to communicate ef- fectively. Interested candidates, please faxresumes to: Attn: Crista, NHA at 863-983-6698 or call 863-983-5123 Palm Terrace of Clewiston 301 South Gloria St. Clewiston, FL 33440 EOE/DFWP LPN-FT Must have current State of FL license. Bilingual English/Spanish preferred. Excellent benefits. Fax resume to (863)983-9604 or apply at FL Community Health Centers, Inc., 315 So. W.C. Owen St., Clewiston, FL. EOE/DFWP CURVES PART-TIME World's largest fitness organization, looking for a Fitness Tech. If you are energetic, self-moti- vated, have an enthusiastic personality and love to work with people, fax resume to (863)675-8447 or come fill out an application, 283 S. Bridge Street. Hours are 4pm-7pm, with some Satur- days possible, and also able to fill in for the morning shift. Per- fect opportunity for someone returning to the work force, P/T HOUSEKEEPER With some elder care sitting. Ref's req. 863-517-1940 or 863-517-0369 after 8pm P/T YARD MAINTENANCE Person/s for P/T yard maint. Own equip, pref. NO lawn svc. companies. 863-675-5887 CERTIFIED CNA/HHA with 12yrs. experience. Avail. immediately. 863-675-1742 WILL DO HOUSEKEEPING & LAWN CARE: Reasonable Rates. Call (863)843-0172 COURT RECORDS CONTRAC- TOR NEEDED! Must have knowledge of Criminal, Civil, Liens, UCC's Real Estate records at the court. Fax & PC Required. Fax Resumes to: (866)322-8246 Attn: Mi- chelle. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. Driver- $1000 Sign on Bonus for Experienced Flatbed Driv- ers. Home Week- ends-$950+/Week. Great Benefits & Equipment. Stu- dents w/CDL-A Welcome. Call PGT: (800)837-7748. DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. (800)940-2778, www.drlve- orcrst.com. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- ED TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out Howl Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799. Licensed Life & Health Agents to market full portfolio of in- surance products including a $0 Premium Medicare Ad- vantage plan with Part D. Un- limited qualified leads. Earn 75k to 125k. Management Position also available for the right candidate. Call Larry or Steve @ (866)224-8450 ext. 5018. MECHANICS: Up to $20,000 bonus. Keep the Army Na- tional Guard Rolling. Fix Humvees, Strykers, etc. Ex- pand your skills through ca- reer training. Be a soldier. 1-800-GO-GUARD.com/me- chanic.html. MEDICAL STAFF NEEDED !!SIGN ON BONUSES!! All Areas of Fla. LPN.(lyr exp.) FLOOR STAFF for HOSPI- TALS. Per Diem or 13/26 wk. C.N.A.S. PHELB. P.C.T. 1-877-80-S.T.A.EE We're raising pay for Florida regional drivers! Home every weekend! Home during the week! Solid weekly miles! 95% no touch! Preplanned freight! $.43 per mile, home- time, money & more! Heart- land Express (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com. Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation '315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! Certified mold inspection and remediation training. Get cer- tified as a mold inspector or remediation contractor. Rec- ognized nationwide. Great small business opportunity. Contact www.MoldCar- eer.com (888)813-MOLD. Dreading Monday? Work from any location and earn execu- tive level income. No com- mute, no boss, total freedom. (Not MLM) Call now: (800)831-2279. Earn $367.97 per day with your own business. No B.S. No boss. Just partners. Free training. www.wahdreamteam.com **GOT A BUSINESS?** Dra- matically increase sales by accepting all major Credit and Debit cards. 0% Dis- count rates! Free start up! Free equipment upgrades! (800)568-9115. GUARANTEED You Will Love This! The Best Health Prod- uct and Home Based Busi- ness On The Planet Earth! Website: www.vibe21.com Phone: (989)413-8591. Looking for successful entre- preneurs only to open fran- chise businesses in town, must be proven in manage- ment, a born risk-taker DO NOT CALL otherwise (800)819-2634. NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs- if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- Ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. 5.2% Guaranteed 5 Years NO TAXES A-RATED SAFE CAPI- TAL GROUP (800)692-6893. NATIONAL BUILDER 0% DOWN when you own land! HOME BUILT ON YOUR LOT starting at $58 per square foot. Call for FREE color bro- chures. (800)622-2832. WE BUY HOUSES Any area, condition or price. No fees, No hassles, many options available. We pay mortgage lates, liens, and taxes. CLOSE IN 72 HRS (866)500-5363 EXT 212. Shop here flrst! The classified ads Services I Babysitti 405 Child Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, tutoring. Win.95, 98, 2000. ME, XR licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 Dis Jokeys Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines 535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer,/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 706 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 A/C- 21/2 TON Package unit w/heat strip. Just serviced. Exc. cond. $450. 863-674-0467 AIR CONDITIONER '05 York 3.5 ton package unit w/heat, new in box. $1750 (954)309-8659 AIR CONDITIONER 3 1/2 ton, Frigidaire, $300. (863)697-2044. HAMPTON BAY A/C unit, 18000 btu, 220 volt, window unit. Runs great, see working.. $90.863-675-6904 WINDOW UNIT-18000 BTU's 220 volt, runs great. $125 or best offer. 863-697-6033 BAR, Handmade green marble top, expandable, from China. Appraised at $3500, asking $900 neg. (863)824-8703 BARBER CHAIR, Emil J. Padair' Porcelain base w/foot rest, all hydraulics work. $500 neg. (863)697-0328 ROCKING HORSE CHAIR, Child, Hand carved. Excel- lent condition. $150. (863)763-7161 AIR CONDITIONER, 18,000 btu, heats & cools. $75 (863)467-8339 ELEC. RANGE, Hotpoint, w/ov- en, black & white, very clean, exc. cond., $200. (863)983-6319 ELECTRIC STOVE- Whirlpool, Good condition. $35. (863)467-5072 FLAVOR WAVE OVEN: Very good. As Seen On TV. $50 (863)675-3401 GE RANGE/ KENMORE DRYER Both good condition. Work great. $200/both or will sell separately. 863-697-6033 KITCHEN APPLIANCES stove, dishwasher, fridge, mi- crowave, all lyr $1800/all, will sell separate. 863-763-1981 REFRIGERATOR- GE, With ice maker. Like new. $250. (863)675-2151 REFRIGERATOR, stays cold, yellow In color, $60. (863)532-9182 SHOW TIME ROTISSERIE & Bar-B-Que: As Seen On TV: Very good. $50 863-675-3401 WASHER & DRYER, Excellent working condition. Belts & hoses new. $150 (863)824-8703 WASHER: Westinghouse & DRYER: Kenmore. Both in Excellent cond. $160 neg. will sep. (863)763-6591 WASHER/DRYER- Whirlpool, super capacity. 3yrs. old, exc.cond. $450. 863-357-0516 WASHER/DRYER Good Condition. $250. 863-610-1000 WATER PURIFIERS By Ecoquest. New in box, 3yr. warranty. $400/both, will sell separately. 863-824-3402 ^^^w^^ ^ Employmen Full Tim DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contact the Transportation Dept. at 863-674-4115 or Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.k12.fl.us LABELLE GENERATOR SERVICE Sales & Service Any Make or Brand 15KW& Up (239)691-9320 . ^^^^ The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from birth to age nine. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays 800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-6pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS Copper & Brass. Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760,257-0879 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Save! Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Catalog CALL TODAY! (800)842-1305 www.np.etstan.com. Higgin's Tree Service 25 years experience. Free estimates. Lie. & insured. Call 863-675-3955. Earn some extra cash. Sell your used items In the classifleds SHAW'S UPHOLSTERY & Window Treatment. All type blinds. Furn. refin. Free Est's. Free Pickup & Delivery. 863-675-5778/863-675-6753 CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, 2 pc. w/5 shelves. Hand Made. Must see! $500 (863)763-8943 COFFEE TABLE, 2-End tables & Sofa table, chrome & brass w/glass tops. $275./all. (863)674-0467. COUCH, LOVESEAT & CHAIR almost new, green plaid. $600 863-357-1859 DR CHAIR- white, cane back, $10 (863)467-1325 GIRLS BEDROOM SUITE Natural wood, incl. bed, dress- ers, desk, nghtstds, mirror, $800 Negot, 561-790-6589 GLASS TOP TABLE 36"w/four chairs. Designer full length mirrors, (2). Ped. sink/fauceL $350. Will sep. 561-625-4306 HEADBOARD- twin size, white wicker, $15 (863)467-1325 HIDE A BED SOFA, 2 & 2 Lazy Boy Chairs, Dinette set & 4 chairs. Good condition $800. Will sep. 863-763-7974 HUTCH, Ponderosa Pine, 3 shelves, 8 drawers & 3 doors. $150 (863)467-1401 KS WATERBED FRAME- w/ pillowtop matt, w/drawers ookcase hdbd w/mirror, $400(863)697-0167 QUEEN SIZE BED, Complete., Chest of drawers, Nigth stand & Chair. $300. Will sep. 863-763-7974 SINGLE BED Complete w/frame & headbd. New mattress. $75.00 863-447-0002 SOFA BY BROYHILL Brown print. Good condition. $50 or best offer. 863-467-8094 TABLE W/4 CHAIRS- blonde wood, brand new, $300 (863)467-1704 TABLES (2) octagon wood & glass end tables, 1 wood dining table all for $50 (863)357-0037 BICYCLES, (3), 26", 2 wom- en's, 1 multi speed, 1 single, 1 men's, 2 spd., $75 neg. will sell sep. (863)635-0772 AWNINGS (4), 1 147" long, 1 3'5" long, 2 are 87 1/2" long, $200 for all. (863)697-2044. DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E. 8ua8ndHwy.TAcro fm Ck0wito rl4 ) (863) 902-9494 Job(l~ Agriculture Jobin,,,,n BUILDING SALE! "MANUFAC- TURER DIRECT Since 1980!' Extensive range of siz- es/models. Example: 40'x100'x16'=3.48/sq.ft. Ends optional. 3-week deliv- ery. 25'x40'2' $3990 (LIM- ITED QTY). Pioneer (800)668-5422. FILL DIRT- 200 YARDS You load/haul. FREE 863-675-9300 HOME WINDOWS- Like new. $150. Will separate. (863)675-8141 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. PLYWOOD: 5 Sheets, 4x8, 3/4". Brand new, never used. $75 for all, will sep. (863)675-8760 VINYL SIDING- Georgia Pacif- ic, light gray, new, one full box of 22 12ft sections. $200 (863)467-7866 PLAYHOUSE, Little Tikes, Step 2. Good condition, green roof, red doors, shutters $200. (863)902-0714 RED RACE CAR BED com- plete, built in toybox at foot of bed. Plastic. $125 or best of- fer. 239-657-2711 SLIDE, PICNIC TABLE & WAGON: Little Tikes, $90.for all, will sep. (863)902-0714 FLOWER GIRL DRESSES (2) Identical, white sizes 4 & 6. Paid $400/both, asking $200. Will sell sep. 863-634-0339 FORMAL GOWN, Size 12, worn once, lavender, great condition. Paid $275, asking $100 (863)634-0339 LOTS OF CLOTHES means, women, kids. Back to school All sizes. Good cond. $30/all orwillsellsep. 239-657-2711 WEDDING DRESS David's Bridal, spag. strap, size 8, was $550, asking $200/neg. (863)697-6690 AVON BOTTLES 90+, and some older books & related articles, $150 for all or best offer. (863)467-5052. ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Approx. 44 yrs. old. Rare items. $600 all or best offer.. 863-824-3358 FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS (3-400)- Racing & Comic. late 80s early 90s Exc. cond. $400 or best offer!! 863-763-8943 OIL PAINTING- On canvas' 4'x5', New $200. Asking $75. (863)763-7161 SALT- n PEPPER SHAKERS 1041 Sets) asking $2500 863)801-4949 COMPUTER- New system, In- tel Celeron D, 2.93, 160HD, DVD-RW, $425 or best of- fer(561)856-2217 COMPUTER TABLE- large, ad- justable heights, good condi- tion, $50 or best offer (863)763-6629 DELL PDA- Slightly used. Wi- Fi & Bluetooth enabled. Lots of upgrades. Pd $500. Asking $250. Neg. (863)447-5393 ONE TOUCH- copier, fax, scanner, excellent condition $20 (863)675-2596 SCANNER- UMAX Astra 1220S, All hardware. Extra software, Win. 98, $25. (863)675-4970 Lv. msg. Furnit1iBuO NEW ENGLAND- hand rifle SB2, 30-06, 3x9, Simmons scope, like new, $450 (863)697-9704 for details ROSSI 44 MAGNUM S&W Special. S/S Model 720, w/holster and shells. $300. 863-824-3402 EXERCISE BIKE & PUNCHING BAG, $185 for both or will separate. (863)467-1401 IMAGE17.0 TREADMILL Get fit fast in the comfort of your own home. Used 1 mth. 400 Negot. 863-634-0761 DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, w/surrounding diamonds, $450 (863)675-7105 or (863)673-5023 FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive aFREE METER! Am-Med, Quality Diabetic Supplies. LIFT CHAIR- Good condition. $350. (863)801-4949 WHEEL CHAIR, Electric, Like new. Originally Cost $5500, Asking $1100. (863)675-0122 LaBelle WHEELCHAIR- Padded with extra seat cushion. Excellent condition. $75 (863)357-8788 eed a few more bucks to purchase omethlng dep? Pick up some sensa buce when you sMl yor used Items hi the classlifeds. Miscllanous ,65 5500 WATT GENERATOR like new, $550. 863-673-6295 CARGO TOP CARRIER, 18cu. ft., Sears X-Cargo, excellent condition. $75 (863)610-0412 or (863)763-5422 PICK "A" PACKAGE ZERO DOWN FROM ONLY 14.95 PER WEEK 37" FLAT SCREENS, DVDS, XBOX 360, IPODS, TEVOS, STEREOS, GUITARS, SPAS, ABOVE GROUND POOLS, CALL NOW (800)868-8966. YOU WILL WANT THIS! Poke- Rhythms...they can't fix stu- pld...but they can fix about everything else. Get yours NOW, everyday, FREE for 10 days http://www.poke- rhythms.com. BASE GUITAR Fender Mar- _cus Miller Jazz, beautifully *crafted, perfect, hardshell case. $750. .863-357-7406 GOLD YAMAHA TRUMPET in'exc. cond. $300 or best of- fer. 239-848-7662 ENGRAVER-New Hermes, En- gravograph, 115 AC/DC, .88 amps, 10K RPM, H.9. 1/15, $1500 (863)763-7609 BEAGLE PUPPY, Purebred, male, 10 weeks, health cer- tificate, adorable. $175 (863)675-4703 after 7pm. DACHSHUND AKC Regis, Vet Cert Health, adorable male shorthalred $350 (863)983-7961 FINCHS- pair, $15 (863)234-1700 JACK RUSSELL PUPS Pure bred, shots/wormed, 2 fe- males. Will deliver. $250. (239)340-8503 KERR PUPPIES- 7 1/2 wks, free to good homes only (863)675-2844 PARROT CAGE- White on wheels with playpen on top. Good condition $75. (863)357-0037 Okeechobee Demo Homesites Wanted Now! In selected areas! For the New Kayak Pool The above ground pool with in- ground features. Save $ with is uniqueoportunity. Free Estimates/FAST INSTALLA- TION/EZ Financing. Call (866)348-7560. BIG SCREEN TV Toshiba, 50", needs some work, but is in working order. $200/neg. (863)634-1220 RCA 61" HOT/V 3 mths. new, asking $2K 863-673-2378 AIR COMPRESSOR- Dayton Speed Air 110/220 volt $145. Firm. (863)763-6629 AIR COMPRESSOR, 5.5 hp, 6 months old. Paid $750, Ask- ing $600 neg. (863)674-0416 LaBelle GENERATOR, Coleman 5hp. $100(863)467-1224 GENERATOR, Tecumfeh En- duro XL/C, 3000w, 120v, 25amp, 5 gallon gas can. $350 (863)467-1704 AIR HOCKEY TABLE 4'X6' like new. $125. 561-625-4306 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn Garden 850 ULivestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ flowers 865 TRACTOR, 20hp, Diesel, facto- ry reconditioned, 3 pt., power take off, new front loader. $4500 (863)674-0701 or (239)281-0792 BAY PASO FINO Gelding, 8 yrs. old, Great on trails. 3500. (863)697-2704 Okee- chobee area. BLACK GELDING- PONY Rides/dives. Gentle. $900. 863-634-5820 GELDING, 13 yrs. old, gray, very fast, used on barrels & worked cows, exc. manners, $2500. (863)673-5058 LEOPARD APPALOOSA- 10yrs old, very nice gentle mare, $1500 (863)357-0232 Buy. i ade Horse. Etc. 863-46-1304 www.okeechobee-horse-trader.com Serving The Greater Lake Okeechobee Area PONY CART & HARNESS, $1000 or best offer. (863)634-5820 Thoroughbred Mare, In foal to German warm blood stallion, super sweet, $2500. (863)357-JUMP CRAFTSMAN RIDING MOWER LC100, B&S, 17.5hp, 9mths. new, exc.cond. $900 or best offer. 863-763-1981 Okee LAWNMOWER DECK, 38" wide, $60. (863)532-9182 MOWER & WEED EATER, $500 dr will separate. Call Sor into. (863)467-1224 MURRAY RIDING MOWER 42" cut, 15hp Kohler com- mand eng: Turn key ready. $450. 863-697-9884 Joe QUEEN PALM 30' healthy, partially promoted by Wilma. You dig & haul. $60 or best of- fer. 239-728-6273 ALVA RIDING MOWER- Snapper'89, $200 or best offer (561)261-0654 ROTO TILLER Huskee 6 1/2 HP rear times. $400. (863)763-6888. SELF PROP MOWER- 6.5HP lyr old, $100 or best offer (863)763-6591 WEEDEATER Craftsman, 3/4 hp, 17" electric. $25. 863-697-2033 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 OLD TIMER ROPING SADDLE- 15", $100 cash (863)234-1700 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial 'Property .915 Condos/ Townhouss Repjt2O House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 ---i, FURNISHED APT: 1 Bdrm., 1 Ba., Near center of LaBelle. $650 mo. + 1 mo's sec. dep. & ref's. (863)674-0610 LaBelle, 1BR on River Front, Very Plush,furnished, utilities not included. No Pets, No Smoking, No Children, $1000 monthly, 1 yr lease + Sec Dep. (239)337-7514 k I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 17, 2006 18__ ..... I~ubli Notic -ubllTiTicN ice l HOUSE FOR RENT: 2 Bdrm., 2 Ba., Near center of LaBelle. $950. mo. + 1 mo's sec. dep. & refs. (863)674-0610 PORT LABELLE, 3BR/2BA, corner house w/1 car garage. $1200/mo. (863)675-2373 PORT LABELLE-BRAND NEW 3 BR/2 BA., 2 Car Garage. Near schools, Avail. Immed. $1200 mo. + sec. & refs. (305)971-3710 or dynamic manaoementhhotmail.com PRIVATE ROOM & BATH, Pro- fessional, Non smoker, Full house privileges. $550. mo. + 1st, Last & sec. Split until. Background check. (561)629-6213 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, each unit alarmed, area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV &trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. LAKE ESCAPE at The Ridges Resort & Club. Bed & Break- fast at Our Beautiful Lakeside Mountain Resort in Hiawas- see GA. $99-weekday to $139. TheRidgesResort.com (888)834-4409. Real Estate I I *. nunting rroperty i u1 Investment Property -Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection1060 R Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 FITNESS CENTER For Sale Great Commercial Equipment & Great Clientele. Call for details. (863)673-2525 COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL SPACE 2,000 +/- sq. ft. on SR 80 & Calhoun St. Newly renovated. Call Sherri or Emily at Southern Land (863)675-4500 COUNTRY VILLAGE 3BR/1BA New roof, tiled throughout, newly remodeled bathroom, Asking $162,500, bring offers. 863-223-1822 DUPLEX IN CITY: 1/1 Tile & Carpet Call Eric Pfluge -Century 21 Sunbelt (863)675-1616 LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top Area $212K or Annual Lease $1800 mo.561-441-2800 DUPLEX IN CITY: 2/1 Large Living Room & Kitchen, Tile & Carpet, 1 Car Garage. Call Eric Pfluge-Century 21 Sunbelt (863)675-1616 PIONEER PLANTATION 3/2, Approx. 5 acres, pond, gazebo, work shop, Call Edc Pfluge -Century 21 Sunbelt (863)675-1616 PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. NearSchool. Price to sell. $179,500. or Annual Lease $1900. Owner 863-673-5071 cshdz 04@earthlink.net CLEWISTON: 1.93 Acres on Flag Hole Rd. 250 Taft Blvd.w/ All improvements. 509' Front- age. $149,500.561-993-5886 FELDA, 5 Acres w/2 BR, 2 Ba. M/H, 2 Barns, Chicken Coop, Greenhouse, etc. $150,000. (863)673-1057 LAND- 5 TO 145 ACRES www.tommycland.com MILLION DOLLAR VISTAS with cool mountain breezes high atop the Smokies be- tween prestigious High- lands/Franklin/Dillard. Exclusive, Private, Secluded. Huge homesites from $175,000 (800)679-7976 www.highlandspass.com. MONTURA RANCH ESTATE 1.25 ac. on paved main road. 412 Bald Cypress Ave. $55,000 neg. (561)993-5886 PIONEER 4055 Pioneer 15 Street Mobile home on 3.33 acres of clean land. Asking $140k neg. For info and showings call Luca (305)975-0897 or e-mail Idottone2(kbrealty205O.com CALOOSA ESTATES LOT Gorgeous, lots of trees, Bee Branch Creek access to Caloo- sahatchee. $210,000, bring offer: 863-223-1822 Corner Lot, Loads of Oaks, lo- cated In city'limits, $69,000. (863)675-01.04 CORNER LOTS: Port LaBelle (3) 2 acre lots. $85,000. each Call Elijah @ 239-470-6700 SKellerWilliams World Class Realtors Low Wholesale Prices. Inves- tor Lots 1/4; 1/2 and 1-full acre lots. 6, 7, and 13 Acre Parcels. Fully-platted and buildable. Highlands and Hendry counties. Call Mr. Lawrence (800)796-6569. How fast com youp car go? It can go even faster when you sell t In the classidlle. Acreage! VA, Blue Ridge Mountains. Build Your Dream Ho~ter Estate homesites from 3 to 5 acres starting at $89,900. Interest only:fi- nancing programs. (800)420-2278 www.stone- ddgebentmtn.com. BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC.Homes, Cabins, Acreage & INVESTMENTS. CHERO- KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC REAL ESTATE. clerokee- moUntainrealty.com Call for. free brochure (800)841-5868. COASTAL NORTH CAROLINA Waterfront Community. The Preserve at River Sea. Devel- oper Closeouts. From $129,900. Incredible loca- tion. Far below market value. 18 month no payment plan. (866)213-6315. Broker, Neighborhood Properties, LLC. Costa Rica Property! Free In- formation! 1 1/4 acre Titled Lots $46,900 Predevelop- ment. Roads Utilities/Hot!! Investment-Financing. For Free Passport Travel Pouch- es. Toll Free (866)884-4634. East Tennessee- Norris Lake 5.6 acre wooded LAKE- FRONT lot- $66,500 5.1 ACRE WOODED view lot- $28,900 Call Lakeside Realty @ (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakesidereaity-tn.com. EUFALA AL WATERFRONT Gated community 2 hours from Atlanta & the Coast. 1/2 to 3 acres from the $40's. Fishing, boating, swimming & more. Clubhouse, boat slips, nature trails. (866)882-1107. GEORGIA/ NORTH CAROLINA Captivating mountain views, lakes, rivers, waterfalls. Homesites starting @ $35,900. Log home kits @ $39,900. Limited availability. Call (888)389-3504 X700. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. KY LAKE CUMBERLAND LIMITED LAND SALE Up to $10,000 OFF all waterfront parcels! Parcels with gener- ous 120' frontage are being discounted for a limited time. Pool, tennis, walking trails. (866)462-8198. LAKE BARKLEY, KY LAND Sunsets and serenity are yours at this beautiful lake- front community on the TN/KY border. 90 min to Nashville. Close to natl rec- reation area. 1- 40 acres from the $40s. (866)339-4966. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins, Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877837-2288 EXIT REAL- TY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www.exitmurphy.com. NC MOUNTAINS 7 acres on mountain top in gated com- munity, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, paved private access, $99,500 owner (866)789-8535 NC77.com. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.reatyofmurphy.com. North Carolina Mtns. Asheville Area Starting @ $89,900 for spectacular parcels with views, waterfalls, mountain' streams, amenities & much more. Call for appt. (866)930-5263. ROCKY RIVER VISTA -TN Spectacular 1 to 5 acre par- cels from the $40s. Choose Doun view, wooden or Pond .iies Clubriouse with fitness center. Nature trails. Min. to Fall Creek Falls State Park. Call (866)292-5769. With Tennessee's Beautiful Lakes & Mountains, you are sure to find the perfect spot to call home. Call Nancy Gaines, Gables & Gates (865)388-7703, (865)777-9191 www.nancy- gaines.com Mobile Homes I Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 MOBILE HOME DOORS- Interi- or, Exterior & Cupboard doors. $175. Will separate. (863)675-8141 DOUBLEWIDE, 3BR/2BA on 2 1/2 acres, $900 mo. Ne- gotiable (863)674-0677 LaBelle, SINGLE WIDE 2 br, 1 Ba, $200 wkly. + $500. Sec. $700 to move in. Call for info 863-675-3665 North LaBelle: 2 Bdrm., 1 Ba. on Private Lot No pets. Call 863-675-2286 or 863-885-1069 for more info. TWO OR 3 BEDROOM $800-$900 Dep. $115-$125 weekly. Lazy T Ranch. No dogs. 863-675-1614 LIBERTY '98, 2BR/2BA, on 1 acre of land, double porches, fenced yard, lots of trees, 10x20 shed. (863)675-3793 WANTED: Damaged SWMH '96 or newer, Zone 3 I will move. (305)409-2341 Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accesesois 3020 Marine Kfiscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehices/ATVs 3035 ALUMACRAFT V14, seats, an- chors, lights, $1250/best of- fer. Includes tackle. Call 863-677-2002. BASS BOAT, MOTOR/TRLR. 1991, 17' Grumman, w/70hp Evinrude. Troll mtr, new batt. $2500.863-467-8292lv.msg. BASS TRACKER, 88, 40hp Johnson, new trolling motor, tandem trailer, $1500 or best offer. (863)673-5058 BAYLINER- '87, 115hp, Needs starter & TLC. $2500. (863)634-5877 BOAT- 17.6 ft, center console, 115 Mariner, T-top, Trailer, $2500 (863)902-0477 OPEN BOW, 15', 50hp motor, $1500 or best offer. 863-946-1856 or 248-935-3837 PONTOON BOAT, '05 Bentley 200 Fish. 50hp Mercury out- board. Excellent condition. $10,000 (863)699-0936 QUACHITA- 14FT, center con- sole, fiberglass, 25HP Evin- rude, Continental trailer $1500 (863)467-7866 RIVIERA 1987, 15 Ft. Boat, 50 hp O/B motor, 1500 or best of- fer. (863)946-1856 or (248)-935-3837 Moore Haven CROSS COUNTRY- 30ft, new tires, $2500 or best of- fer(863)675-2844 DUTCHMAN 1994, 27 Ft. w/ Florida Room. Whisper Creek Lot 153. Must be moved. $2500. neg. (989)656-9933 SWIVEL CHAIRS- 2, for RV, Van or Motor Home. $80. Will separate. (863)467-9413 BOAT MOTOR, Johnson Evin- rude, 14hp. OMC. Runs great. $700 (863)763-7609 EVINRUDE '89, 70hp Out- board, runs excellent, can demonstrate. $700 (863)634-2998 Classic 1967 Triumph Chop- per Project, 650cc, good tie, complete bike, needs ring job. $2000 (863)674-0898 MOTOR CYCLE TRAILER, Custom built, new tires & fen- ders, tailgate lights, aluminum ramp. $1275 (863)674-0898 POLARIS TRAIL BOSS 325, '01, new chain & sprockets, runs very good, $1800. (863)697-2525 HOLIDAY TRAVELER 25 '77 new A/C & water heater, all works great $3000 or best of- fer. 863-675-4006 Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Aetos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Coeanercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equi t 4025 Foren Cars 4030 Four Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 BMW rare 535i 1990 Great for the $. White w/tan leather, new motor, trans, AC & more. Only $2500. (772)475-6194 BUICK SKYHAWK 1987 Runs great. Asking $700. 863-675-1113 CHEVY CAMARO- '94, Red, T- Tops, CD player. $1200. (863)634-5888 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER - '96, 4 dr, $2,000/neg. (863)697-6690. FORD CROWN VICTORIA 1988 Looks good. Runs great. Cold A/C. 4 Door & 4 New tires. $1000. (863)675-1754 FORD TEMPO GL '92, 67k, Clean, runs good, cold a/c. $1500 or best offer. (863)467-0668 LINCOLN MARK VII '92, 5.0, V8, auto., low miles. $2000 (863)675-7105 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 1998, 1 Owner. Well maintained. All receipts. 110K mis. $8500. (561)261-9393 Okeechobee LINCOLN TOWN CAR, '96, nice ride, good condition, cold a/c, $2450. (772)260-1545 MERC MARQUIS '97- loaded, exc cond., 91K miles, $3900 (863)675-0779 PONTIAC LE '88 4 dr, 77k mis., new a/c compressor, battery, brakes & tires. $1200 Neg. 239-728-6273 ALVA TOYOTA- '88, Sports car. 2 seater, 32-36 MPG. Tires good. Needs compressor clutch $1300. (561)924-2208 DODGE RAM CHARGER '90, 5.2 engine, B&M transpack, good condition. $2000 or best offer. Call Lee (239)369-9725 AXIS RIMS, With tires. Good cond., $500. Call Orlando @ (302)943-1777 Or leave. message AXLES, for '62-'65 Volvo PV544 Sedan, $200 or best offer, will sell separately. (863)635-0772 FORD TRITON '98- good run- ning cond. $900 or best offer (863)634-5829 RICHMOND PRO GEAR Ring & Pinion for 9' Ford. 4-86 ratio, $200. (863)697-2724. TIRES- 4, Goodyear, P195/65R15 Like new. $180 or best offer. (863)763-0039 Ask for Roger TONNEAU COVER, A.R.E. Fi- berglass, Fits '01-'03 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab, white. $300 neg. (863)697-0328 TRANSMISSION, 5 spd., for 1985 Chevy S10. $200 (863)763-3451 TRUCK CAP aluminum, for small truck, teal, $275. (863)763-3361. WHEELS, 16" Factory 2006 Mustang, brand new BF Goodrich Radial tires, will in- stall. $800 (863)697-0467 WHEELS, 4 mag, 8.5"x15", 5 lug, & 2 7"x15", fits Ford pick- up. $150 for all, will sep. (863)763-5422or610-0412 - CHEV DUALLY '77- 1 ton, strong V8, auto, w/ headers, $1800 neg. (863)763-4149 or(561)758-4337 CHEVY 1500 1988, Ext. cab Runs good, Cold A/C, $2200. 863-675-0107 or 786-255-8096 LaBelle CHEVY S10 P/U '84 4x4, runs excellent. $1300 or best offer. Must Sell! Great Work Truck. 863-610-1603 CHEVY S-10, '87, ext. cab, small V8, 700 R4 trans., very clean & runs well, $2500. (863)697-2525 CHEVY S10. EXT. CAB PICK- UP, '98, shell cap, 4.3 V6, auto, a/c, exc. gas mileage, $4900. (863)763-7763 CHEVY S-10 PICKUP'96 4.3 V6, as is. $1200. 863-673-6295 DODGE MINIVAN BENCH gray, $40 (863)635-3390 FORD F150 1994, Ext. Cab, Keyless entry, all electric. Exc. cond. Like new tires. $3000 or best offer. (863)634-2280 FORD F150 '87 2 wheel drive, 4spd., p/w, p/l, tilt/cruise, good work truck. $1200. 863-632-9166 FORD F150 '89, 300, 6 cyl., 5 spd., has electrical prob- lems. $1200 or best offer. (863)467-4440 FORD RANGER '84 4X4 V6, w/title. Needs alignment. Great for mudding, $1500 or best offer. 863-254-3580 GMC P/U 1983: Great truck. 2nd owner. Newer engine, trans. Only $2,500. 772-475-6194. 'ISUZU-'95, 5 spd, Runs well. No A/C. Good MPG. $2500. (863)467-7859 or 634-6228 REAR END SPRINGS- Fits '2000 to '2004 Chevy pick- up Heavy duly $100. (b863-17-8qi12 GMC JIMMY 4X4 '94 cold a/c, auto, p/w, p/l, runs good. $1800. (863)467-5052 ISUZU HOMBRE 1999 136K mis., 2 wd w/Camper Topper. White. A/C's good. Radio. $2500. (239)543-2222 ENCLOSED TRAILER- Cargo King, 5'x9'. Liked new w/new tires, Garage kept. $1250. (863)467-8942 FLAT BED TRAILER 8'x14' 2 axle, metal floor, new tires, 5th wheel. w/5th wheel hitch $975. Will sep. 863-697-9704 FUEL TANK- 500 gallon, trail- er, aluminum, $500 (863)675-0952 La Belle HAULMARK CARGO TRAILER 2007, Enclosed, 6'x14', Never been used. Brand new. Sac. @ $2500. 863-634-1018 LAWN TRAILER- 12'x7', Low tilt bed. Lock box. Like new $1000. (863)357-4933 MC TRLR- '90, Enclosed fiber- glass, HiPoint, 15', A/, Side & ramp rear door. Exc cond. $3800. Neg. (863)634-5820 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE, '97, power everything, cold a/c, $2000 or best offer. (863)201-3492 Ford Hightop Van, '89, V8, full power, sofa bed, TV, CB ra- dio $2000. LaBelle Area. (863)675-4970 Leave msg. PLYMOUTH MINIVAN '92, Mitsubish Motor. Standard 5spd., new tires, 4 cyl., cold a/c. $2500 (863)763-3451 Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on 08/19/2006 at 11:00 AM at FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE, 1025 Com- merce Drive, LaBelle, FL, 863-675-1025, the undersigned, FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE, will sell at Pub- lic Sale by competitive bidding, the personal property heretofore stored with e undersgned: 863-675-1025 Chairs, old wheel chair, furniture & misc. items Misc. items Misc. Items Misc. Items Mattresses, high chair, misc. items Matresses & misc. items 2 copier machines, filing cabinets & of- fice chars Furniture & misc. items Boxes, file cabinet, refg. & chairs 153673 CB8/17/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The .Hendry County Construction Ucens- ing Board will hold a regularly sched- uled meeting on August 24, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. to conduct routine business. The meeting will be held at Dallas Townsend Agricultural Bldg., 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle, Florida. 153581 CB/CGS 8/17/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehicles on 09/04/2006, 10:00 m at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the torida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1FTYR10C6WUC64608 1998 Ford 155464 CB 8/17/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 09/04/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1MELM62W2VH607711 1997 Mercury 154355 CB 8/17/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehicles on 09/04/2006, 10:00 am at'4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1NXBR12E32Z626291 2002 Toyota 155494 CB 8/17/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell.these vehicles on 09/04/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florda Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1G3HN53L3P1800352 1993 Oldsmobile 155489 CB 8/17/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehicles on 08/31/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, ursuant to subsection 713.78 of the lorida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1GTCS194XX8536310 1999 General Motors Corp. 154349 CB 8/17/06 Your new car could be In today's paper. Have you looked for It? HENDRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE SUBMITTED BY: R. Scott Cooper DATE: 8/22/06 SUBJECT AREA: 229 Sick Leave Bank EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE: The proposed rule establishes the policy for sickleavebank. CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITY: 1012.22,1012.61,1001.42 and 1001.43, FS. CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE: 1012.22, 1012.61, 1001.42 and 1001.43, F.S. FULL TEXT: A copy of the full text of the proposed rule may be obtained, without cost, at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed rule establishes the policy for sick leave bank. STATEMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS: The proposed policy revision will create no additional district economic impact in excess of $100.00 except for the costs of printing and distributions. LOCATION OF MEETING, TIME AND DATE: Hendry County School Board Meeting Room, 25 E. Hickpochee Avenue lle, FL at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on August 22, 2006. Notice: Any person who wishes to provide the School Board with information re- garing me statement of estimated regulatory costs, or to provide a proposal for a tower cost regulatory alternative must do so In writing within 21 days after publi- cation of this notice. Notice: If requested In writing and not deemed unnecessary by the Agency Head, a Rule Development Workshop will be held at a ime and date to be advertised in the future. Notce: The procedure for obtaining a public hearing on this proposed rule isto re- quest, n writing, a hearing. The request shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools, In writing, within 21 days after publication of this notice. The request shall specify how e person requesting the public hearing would be affected by the proposed rule. The School Board, upon appropriate request, shall give affect- ed persons an opportunity to present evidence and argument on the issues under consideration. Notice: Inspection and copying of all written materials continuing public records submitted to the agency regarding draft rules may be obtained by request, In writ- ing, to the Superintndent of Scools. Notce: The School Board may recognize any material which may be udicially no- School Board may incorporate material by reference nto the proposed rule. Notice: f you need an accommodation in order to participate in this process, please notify Thomas W. Conner, the Suoerintendent of Schools at (863) 674-4642 or at the Hendry County Courthouse, LaBelle, Florida 33935 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting orworkshop. Notice: if the School Board adopts the proposed rule, one certified copy of the pro- posed rule shall be filed in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools pursuant to 120.543)(e), F.S. 150289 CB 8/17 CGS 8/3,10,17/06 HENRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE SUBMITTED BY: R. Scott Cooper DATE: 8/22/06 SUBJECT AREA: 410 Adult Program: General Policy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE: The proposed rule establishes the policy for adult program: general policy. CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITY: 1001.41, 1001,42, 1001,49, 1001.51 and 1001.43, FS. CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE: 1001.41, 1001.42, 1001,49, 1001.51, and 1001.43, F.S. FULL TEXT: A copy of the full text of the proposed rule may be obtained, without cost, atthe Office of the Superintendent of Schools. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed rule establishes the policy for adult program: general policy. STATEMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS: The proposed policy revision will create no additional district economic impact in excess of $100.00 except for the costs of printing anddistributions. LOCATION OF MEETING, TIME AND DATE: Hendry County School Board Meeting Room, 25 E. Hlckpochee Avenue, LaBelle, FL at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter maybe heard on August 22, 2006. Notice: Any person who wishes to provide the School Board with information re- garding te statement of estimated regulatory costs, or to provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so In writing within 21 days after publi- cation of this notice. Notice: If requested In writing and not deemed unnecessary by the Agency Head, a Rule Development Workshop will be held at a me andt dae to be advertised in thefuture. Notce: The procedure for obtaining a public hearing on this proposed rule is to re- quest, in writing, a hearing. The request shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools, in writing, within 21 days after publication of is notice. The request shall specify how the person requesting the public hearing would be affected by the proposed rule. The School Board, upon appropriate request, shall give affect- ed persons an opportunity to present evidence and argument on the issues under consideration. Notice: Inspection and copying of all written materials constituting public records submitted tohe agency regarding draft rules may be obtained by request, in writ- ing, to the Superintendent of Schools. NoIce" Tr, i ,cr, boI j n'sO ,.e Uo.,,'lr ,T .l, m w r. rl. il,.y II5i lu'i :ll.ls '1 . :l. "1 i'i ,' a emini r i.'em1 It'll nir ] u .'h ,1] .I it. ljl,; u l i. ii'i il ri. .':ri:: .l .1 r:., r r:.. il t v ,rui'- .': r ... c,.' : .;' :' ruir Notice: If you need an accominm'dation in order to participate in this process, please notify Thomas W. Conner, the Superintendent of Schools at (863) 674-464 orat the Hendry County Courthouse, LaBelle, Florida 33935 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting orworkshop. Notice: If the School Board adopts the'pmposed rule, one certified copy of the pro- posed rule shall be filed in the Office of e Superintendent of Schol pursuant to 120.54 3)(e, F.S. 150277 C 8/17 CGS 8/3,10,17/06 NOTICE OF PUBUC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 08/31/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, ursuant to subsection 713.78 of the lorida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1FMCA1147PZC50712 1993 Ford 154347 CB 8/17/06 NOTICE OF PUBLICSALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 08/21/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the rightto accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1G6CD5336L4328740 1990 Cadillac 154354 CB 8/17/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehicles on 09/01/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the orida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1G1LV13G1MY182207 1991 Chevrolet 154350 CB 8/17/06 NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. o wonder nFewspaper readen mO more popM1r0 New EAA Reservoir Project gets federal approval In another important milestone for Everglades restoration, Florida has received federal approval to begin construction of a massive reservoir in the Everglades Agricul- tural Area (EAA). The flagship proj- ect of the state's Acceler8 initiative to fast-track eight key restoration projects, the reservoir will provide a new option for redirecting and storing Lake Okeechobee water releases-reducing harmful dis- charges to coastal estuaries. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pre- sented the federal permit, which authorizes the South Florida Water Management District to build the EAA Reservoir south of Lake Okee- chobee, at the Governing Board meeting in Miami. "By acquiring this permit and beginning construction, Florida is keeping its promise to restore the famed River of Grass and protect Florida's estuaries," Florida Department of Environmental Pro- tection Secretary Colleen Castille said. "Water storage is a key ele- ment to the restoration process, not only for controlling water releases but also for flood protec- tion and wildlife habitat restora- tion." The EAA Reservoir will be con- structed on a 16,700-acre parcel in western Palm Beach County, just west of US 27. When complete, the aboveground structure will store up to 190,000 acre-feet of water, or 62 billion gallons of water. The reservoir will also improve operational flexibility for moving water within the EAA, opti- mizing water flows into stormwa- ter treatment areas. Other project benefits include storage of stormwater runoff in the EAA, additional water to meet Ever- glades water needs and improved regional flood protection. Kevin McCarty, Chairman of the South Florida Water Manage- ment District Governing Board, received the required construction permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. "This permit is vital to our envi- ronmental restoration progress," McCarty said. "The planning, engi- neering design and agency coordi- nation needed has been enor- mous, and I'm extremely pleased with the results. We are ready to start building." State legislators, county com- missioners, representatives of fed- eral/state/local agencies and other organizations were also on hand to witness the presentation. "Granting this permit is a vital step forward for restoring and pro- tecting our estuaries," said Michael DiTerlizzi, Vice Chairman of the Martin County Board of Commissioners. "These waterways are the lifeblood of our communi- ties." Tammy Hall, Chairwoman of the Lee County Board of Commis- sioners, agreed. "We strongly sup- port any project that will provide additional storage opportunities for Lake Okeechobee water," she said. "We depend on the estuaries for our environmental and eco- nomic health." Construction will be managed by a joint venture of Barnard Con- struction Company, Inc., and Par- sons Water & Infrastructure, Inc. The $400 million contract was awarded to Barard-Parsons earlier this summer. Groundbreaking is scheduled for next month. Announced by Governor Jeb Bush in October 2004, Acceler8 is stepping up the pace for funding, design and construction to com- plete eight critical Everglades restoration projects over seven years. At substantial savings to tax- payers, the projects will restore 100,000 acres of wetlands, expand water treatment areas by close to 29,000 acres and provide 428,000 acre-feet of additional water stor- age for Everglades restoration a decade ahead of schedule. Under the leadership of Gover- nor Bush, Florida has forged ahead to implement the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan with an investment of $1.3 billion and a commitment for an additional $3.2 billion through the end of the decade to clean up and restore the famed River of Grass. For more information on Accel- er8, visit www.evergladesnow.org. Stormwater treatment area open alligator hunters With only their dark snouts and heads visible above the waterline, American alligators often manage to elude even the most dedicated daylight observers. It's a different story at night when the reptiles' glowing yellow eyes easily reflect the glare of a high-powered spot- light. Soon, that knowledge will be put to use by hunters as they spread out across Florida's marsh- es and lakes to take thousands of alligators for meat, hides and tro- phies. For the first time, 50 of those hunters have the opportunity to test their skills in STA-5 in Hendry County, an 8-square-mile stormwa- ter treatment area created by the South Florida Water Management District as part of the Everglades restoration effort. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will let hunters take 100 alligators out of STA-5 over nine weekends in August, September and October. A small percentage of the abundant aquatic-loving lizards, about 1 mil- lion can be found statewide, are hunted annually following regula- tions set and monitored by the FWC. The District's stormwater treat- ment area is one of four new land areas approved for alligator hunt- Sing by the FWC this year, said Jen Williams, public hunt area biolo- gist for the FWC's south region. The District agreed to open the wetland area as part of its continu- ing commitment to broaden land access for public recreation, said Fred Davis, Division Director for Land Stewardship. For the last few years, the Dis- trict has welcomed hikers, bird watchers and duck hunters in the wetland southwest of Clewiston off Blumberg Road. There are plans to add public restrooms and a parking area on site in 2007. There are also boat ramps at STA-5, an area designated by the FWC as alligator harvest unit 406, but hunters aren't allowed to use motorized boats at the site to help them capture and kill alligators. Alligators can be hunted on foot from the levee banks or from boats that can be paddled or poled. The boating restriction is designed to prevent motors from stirring up phosphorus in the stormwater treatment area. Stormwater treatment areas are constructed wetlands designed to reduce levels of the growth-stimu- lating nutrient in surface water flowing into the Everglades. High levels of phosphorus encourage the overgrowth of non-native species, altering habitat for Florida's native plant and animal life. Alligator hunting in STA-5 is scheduled on Friday and Saturday evenings of Aug. 18 and 19, Aug. 25 and 26, Sept. 1 and 2, Sept. 8 and 9, Sept. 15 and 16, and on Oct. 6 and 7. Hunters with permits to take alligators from STA5, but who didn't capture their limit of two alligators, can try again Friday and Saturday evenings of Oct. 13 and 14, Oct. 20 and 21, and Oct. 27 and 28. Camping is not allowed in the stormwater treatment area. For a map and additional infor- mation about alligator hunting in STA-5, visit the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website, http://myfwc.com/gators/public/S TA-5_info.pdf |