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EDC plans annual meeting Page 11 CL OOS Delivering Western Hendry County's News Sports Pa op 7 .5 , ,/ I Since 1922 VOLUE 8 Au *utj020 At A Glance Hope begins elder services Come to Glades political rallies There will be political rallies Tuesday, August 15, 6:30 p.m. at Ortona Community Associa- tion's Library,3000 Coffee Mill Hammock Rd., behind the Fire House on Ortona Rd. and on Thursday, August 17, 7 p.m. at the Muse Community Center, 25895 Loblolly Bay Rd (CR 720) in Muse. Come hear local candi- dates; refreshments to follow. You can be a star! Come one, come all to the Firehouse Cultural Center, Inc., 241 Bridge Street, for variety and talent show auditions on Saturday, August 12, 10 a.m. till noon and Wednesday, August 23, 6-8 p.m. Clowns, comics, skits, singers, mimes, story tellers, musicians, jugglers, dancers, puppeteers, ventriloquists if you have a talent you'd like to share come on down! . Talent will be judged if you. want or just displayed, \our choice. Shows \ ill t'e January 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, at 7 p.m. Thursday-Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Call Donna Baines 863-675- 2993, or just show up.- .- New GED day lab opening Sign up now for the LaBelle Adult'School. Classes are free but there are limited spaces available. There are morning and afternoon sessions avail- able from 8-11 a.m. and 12-3 p.m. It is located on 1100 Forestry Division Rd., by the LaBelle Youth Development Academy. Work at your own pace in our new computer assisted learning lab. Teacher support included. Call 612- 0706 or 674-4118 for more information. Don Crebs is the instructor. Don't delay. Call today to register. Gun safety classes scheduled Gun safety classes continue at the Sheriff's Office in Clewis- ton on August 15, 22 and 29. Each class will begin at 7 p.m. Classes will be held at the Sher- iff's Office in LaBelle on August 16, 23 and 30. Classes begin at 7 p.m. Classes will also be held at the Gun Range Office on August 12, 19 and 26 at 9 a.m. Fee for the class is $5 and the class lasts approximately one hour. Reservations are suggest- ed and can be made by calling 863-673-6106. The safety class- es are required prior to using the gun range facilities. The gun range is now open to the public with the following weekly schedule of events. Saturday: 8-11:30 a.m.- skeet/trap range open; 12:30- 3:30 p.m.-pistol, rifle and shot- gun range open; Wednesdays: 8 a.m.-l p.rm.-skeet/trap range open. For additional information regarding the gun range, please call Nick Smith at 863- 674-4060. Index Classifieds .......14-16 Editorial .............4 Speak Out ...........4 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newuszapcom Community Links. Individual Voices. S 16 I I00lll9 8 "16510 0001 9 1 Senior Connections struggles to survive By Patty Brant A week after Senior Connec- tions lost the contract to provide services to the elderly in Hendry and Glades counties, changes are becoming evident. Senior Con- nections lost the contract because it fell behind on documentation as the organization struggled to pro- vide services through two devas- tating hurricane seasons. Hope Connections, part of Hope of Southwest Florida which also provides hospice and other services, was awarded that con- tract by Area Agency on Aging (AAA) a move being contested by Senior Connections. In fact, Senior Connections, which has provided services to seniors for some 30 years, has even engaged an attorney in the matter and has refused to allow Hope access to its facilities. However, Hope is already beginning to build a meals and in- home service program in Hendry/Glades. The group offi- cially took over Senior Connec- tions' contract on August 1. On August 2, seniors who had been receiving hot meals deliv- ered to their door by Senior Con- nections volunteers were sur- prised to find a package containing seven days worth of meals delivered to their doorstep. L.H.S.: Strike up the band! Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Band director, Kelle Greenleaf leads her band in the National Anthem at practice in the band room during Band Camp week. V -; Front to back: Jamie Batton playing clarinet, Griselda Santiago also playing clarinet and Ricardo Botello playing trumpet. Music filling the air at LHS By Kristin Hunter The'band's half time show this year will be a "Tribute to Charlie Brown." The show fea- tures songs such as "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown," "Christmas Time is Here," "Linus and Lucy" which is the Charlie Brown theme song and "Happiness." There are 38 stu- dents in band this year with two drum majors including Nick Proverbs, who plays the tuba, and Robert Higginbotham, who plays the trumpet. See Camp Page 2 Senior Connections Executive Director Christine Nolan was con- cerned that the meals and the service were inadequate for the clients. She contended that many of the clients are unable to heat up meals on their own and that they really need the few minutes of human contact provided daily by volunteers delivering meals. Ms. Nolan admitted that such prob- lems are bound to come up in this type of situation, saying that Hope was "ill prepared" to take over local services, particularly meal service. Hope Connections Director Samira Beckwith admitted that her group was unprepared for home meal delivery, but said that hot meal delivery would begin this week. She said the initial home delivered meals were a "stop-gap" measure, and described them as "shelf stable," meeting the dietary requirements See Hope Page 2 LaBelle mourns a true friend Kenneth John Curtis died peacefully at his home on Ft. Denaud Road at the age of 101 on August 3, 2006. Well known as a man with a great heart, he led a full life, sharing the wealth of his soul as freely as he did his Kenneth earthly John Curtis treasure. Onh !: his 100th birthday, he was sur- prised by over 100 well-wish- ers who helped celebrate the life of an extraordinary man. Mr. Curtis was born March 24, 1905, in Negaunee, Michi- gan, the son of a miner. From that humble beginning, he took with him a good dose of "horse sense" that he relied upon throughout his life. He worked many years for Chevrolet Motors and Coca Cola Corp. as an accountant and auditor. When he retired, he and his wife, Isabella, bought a sailboai, and'sailed to Florida. On a trip up the Caloosahatchee River in 1954 they fell in love with the LaBelle area and bought prop- See Curtis Page 2 HRMC gets a new director Hendry Regional Medical Center is pleased to announce that Dr. Denise Semashko has accepted the position of -A - the Emer- . agency Room : .. Medical . Director, effective August 1, . 2006. Dr. Semashko began her training at Dr. Denise Mount Sinai Semashko Medical Cen- ter in New York, one of the nation's finest teaching hospi- tals. She has also been employed by Mount Sinai Med- ical Center, the highly notable Cornell Medical Center in New York and Capital Health Systems in New Jersey. In addition, Dr. Semashko has worked at several Florida hospitals, with her past 14 years being dedicated to emergency medicine. Board certified in both sur- gery and emergency medicine, the hospital views Dr. Semashko as a tremendous asset to its medical staff. As medical director, she will estab- lish and oversee a group of highly qualified and competent emergency room physicians. Furthermore, Dr. Semashko has stated that she will begin insti- tuting programs which will enhance emergency room operations and improve cus- tomer service for the citizens of Hendry County and its sur- rounding areas. WWII gunner 'kept a cool head' By Jo Coombs Raymond Bost was born July 16, 1914, at Mooresville, North Carolina. When the USA entered World War II in 1941, Mr. Bost was single, so naturally, Uncle Sam wanted him. The Army told him there would be no more deferments. Mr. Bost asked when would he have to be sworn in and was told "that day." He asked if he could have ten days to get his car and belongings to his father in North Carolina, before being sworn in, and the leave was granted. Mr. Bost had already decided that he wanted to go into the Navy so he walked down the street to the Navy, signed up and was sworn in that day. The Navy then grant- ed him a 15-day leave for the trip to North Carolina. Mr. Bost trained for four weeks as a machine gunner on a 20 millimeter aircraft gun before he was assigned to a cargo ship that took supplies to England, Africa and Italy. These ships were usually over 450 feet long and 55 feet wide and would reload in Norfolk, VA or Balti- more, MD. Supplies such as fuel, ammunition, weapons, grain and other foods were kept below deck and sealed in hold- ing areas below water level. These cargo ships were also known to carry planes, tanks, trucks, heavy machinery and even a few railroad locomotives above and below deck. These ships weighed over seven tons empty and over 14 tons when full. Mr. Bost crossed the "Pond" (the ocean) numerous times. The biggest water convoy that he remembers was 85 ships consisting of cargo ships, air- craft carriers and destroyers which acted as escorts. When a sailor went on leave, he would be put on a different ship because the prior one would have already left port. When in a war zone, the sailors had to stand watches. Everyone who got a chance to get 40 winks had to sleep in their clothes and shoes. Sometimes weeks went by before anyone got a bath. Not because there weren't showers, but because of air raids and having to be at your post in a minute's notice. Mr. Bost said that the weather on the Atlantic was very cold, some- times as low as 40 below. When this was the case, he had battery connected pants and shirt for warmth, gloves and a mask/hood for his head. 1942 was rough! Hitler had submarines to sink cargo ships. Mr. Bost's hip and leg were injured because of metal shrap- nel during a torpedo hit on his ship. This ship was 180 miles off See Gunner Page 2 Caloosa Belle/Jo Coombs Raymond Bost has osteoporosis, but at age 92 still rides his 3- wheel bicycle. n- 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 Hope Continued From Page 1 set up by the AAA. Ms. Beckwith said, as of last Monday, Hope has taken on 15 of Senior Connections' former employees and expected to take on more. She said this will help ensure continuity in services for clients. Hope Connections also expects to have its own facilities soon in LaBelle, Clewiston and Moore Haven and will also be adding a socialization component to its services in Hendry/Glades. It was late June when Senior Connections got the news that Area Agency on Aging (AAA) was pulling its contract and awarding it to Hope. Since then, Senior Con- nections' personnel have been working to salvage as much of the 30-year-old program as possible. Senior Connections owns the L.J. Nobles Senior Center in LaBelle. Although the building is paid for, due to federal regulations on a grant used in its purchase, the building must continue to be used to provide senior services for at Gunner Continued From Page 1 the coast of Newfoundland in an area commonly referred to as "Torpedo Junction." During a short period of time, as many as 17 ships were sunk by the Ger- mans in this area. This injury caused Mr. Bost to be hospitalized for three months at St. John, New- foundland. In Naples, Italy, during an air raid, the German planes were bombing the ship. Each gunner wore earplugs. Mr. Bost was man- ning his gun and positioned next to a bigger aircraft gun when his earplugs fell out. That particular gun was so big that when it fired the deck would shake. Mr. Bost stated, "You know, you can't be down on your knees during an air raid trying to find your earplugs." Unfortunately, this incident caused his hearing loss in both ears. On December 24, 1943, Mr. Bost landed in Hawaii for a three- month tour at the Pearl Harbor Ship Yard before being transferred to Guam. In Guam he was assigned to Admiral Lockwood as a driver (everything from jeeps to heavy equipment and also offi- cers)..Admiral Lockwood was in charge of the submarines. The A-. least another two-and-a-half years. Ms. Nolan said staff continues to keep its doors open and remains a "lifeline" for clients. While at the Nobles Center last Saturday, Ms. Nolan said she answered a phone call from a diabetic client who was feeling dizzy and weak. She called an ambulance for the client. "We will continue to do the right thing," she commented. Senior Connections also owns its Moore Haven facility at 101 First Street, but rents its Clewiston facili- ty, located next to the John Boy Auditorium. In Buckhead Ridge, it shares a facility on CR 78E with the community center. In Immokalee, Senior Connections owns the, Roberts Center, which is located on property leased from the Immokalee Chamber of Com- merce until 2015. The contract for Immokalee services went to Senior Friendship Center. Ms. Nolan said Senior Connec- tions fronts the money for services and, in the past, has been reim- bursed by AAA. On August 4, Senior Connections was notified that access to the statewide data base used to generate monthly bombs that were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan, came out of Guam. Mr. Bost left Guam in January of 1946, and landed in San Diego. The Navy would only discharge. him in Norfolk, Virginia, so now it was time to start the easterly trek. Men from all branches of the serv- ice were put on a train that had three Pullman cars and numerous cargo cars. This train went up the west coast, to Washington State before turning toward the east coast. It stopped at every "dip" (town) next to the tracks to let off and take on passengers and cargo. Sometimes these Pullman cars sat on.a side track for two or three days. It took Mr. Bost two months to reach Norfolk. When asked about the war and the hardships that he has had in life, Mr. Bost said, "I've faced hardships and death a number of times felt like I would make it - kept a cool head." Mr. Bost has been a resident of Florida since 1950, and has'lived in the Felda area for about 30 years. The first time he came to this area, he was working for a machine shop on the east coast. He was sent to set-up machines for John- son Brothers in Immokalee. Mr. Bost stated, "That was when cattle were still walking around in the streets in Immokalee." After numerous Immokalee machine reports for that reimbursement would be cut off and all its data needed to be input by 8 a.m. Mon- day. Ms. Nolan said she worked all weekend to make sure the infor- mation was provided. Senior Con- nections as a $1.3 million annual budget; of which about $1.2 mil- lion came from AAA. In early July, the Hendry County commission- ers voted to help finance three additional months of nutritional services for Senior Connections and offered to support them with a letter writing campaign. Glades County commissioners and Moore Haven City commis- sioners share concerns about elder services and.have set a joint meeting with members of Moore Haven and Glades county com- missions, AAA, Hope and Senior Connections for 7 p.m. August 21, in the commissioners room at the Glades County Courthouse. Ms. Beckwith said Hope pro- vides support, such as homemak- ing and in-home nursing visits, and counseling visits. If anyone who needs services or has questions can call Hope toll free at 1-866-659- 7223. set-ups for the farmers, he decided he liked the area and it was time to stay. Mr. Bost's wife passed away about 20 years ago. They had three children which are all deceased: a son in the Viet Nam War, a 48-year old son from health problems and a daughter in a car accident. He still has his "adopted family" (the residents of Palms and Pines in Felda), and now he has a new family, the staff and resi- dents of Oakbrook of LaBelle. Mr. Bost was still driving a car when he came to Oakbrook, but decided to give it up. So now his three-wheeled bicycle has its own special parking place inside. When he wants to take his "blue beauty" out for a spin, he takes off down the hallway and through the nursing home. With a bell on the handlebar, which he frequently uses to let people know he's com- ing, he has been nicknamed "The Ding-a-ling Man." Because of the rain, he rides mostly in the parking lot, but he's no stranger to any of the streets around Oakbrook. Mr. Bost also enjoys riding down to Sav-a-Lot. So if you just happen to come up on Raymond Bost and the "blue beauty" some- where, take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to chat with him. It will be an experience you won't soon forget! those who donated to the band: newdrums." C m p Thanks to Mrs. Dickey, who She added, "We're really excit- donated a baby grand piano; Mrs. ed'about this upcoming year and Continued From Page 1 Zaylor, who donated an accor- we'll start our year off at the kick The band has been very fortu- dion and a double bass. She off classic August 18. We will also nate to acquire new instruments thanks the community for helping be competing in North Port on them at their fundraisers as well, October 14, Cape Coral on Octo- for this season. Band Director saying, "With the money we ber 22, and Ft. Myers High School Kelle Greenleaf wants to thank raised, we were able to purchase for FBA on November 5." Almanacs Come to lawn friends will visit Rome, Anzio, 24 at 1 p.m. in the main confer- Cassino, Florence. Futa Pass-Mt. ence room of the Dallas B. mower racing Battaglia, Bologna, Venice and Townsend Agricultural Building. Lawn mower racing will have American military cemeteries. Meetings are open to the public. free admission for spectators, on Family members and friends of Sunday, August 20, at 1 p.m. veterans \\ho battled Nazi forces Register for behind the LaBelle Rodeo from 1943 o 1945 will visit RCadStart Grounds. Bring your own lawn for 10 dak s from Ma- 7-172007 for RCM Head Start chairs. Racers wanted for all class- a nostalgic tour of cities, towns RCMA is looking for children 0- es including ladies, seniors, ban- and places their fathers, grandfa- 5 years old for the 2006-07 Head dits, euros for drag races, pure others, and friends fought and died Start Program. The child must be stock, cutter and modified. Bring Those interested in joining this years lead by September 1. For your mower and race with us. tour should call Sy Canton at 561-early Head Start the child must be Tech opens at 11 a.m. Member- 865-8495 or write him at 5121 B age 0-3. Families must meet feder- ship fee of $50 for remainder of Nesting Way, Delray Beach, FL al income guidelines. Please season; One day membership 33484. bring: child's certified birth certifi- $15. cate, proof of income (2005 feder- Vets to tour Europe Soil conservation al income tax return or pay stubs for last 12 months). RCMA pro- Reunion tour of the associa- to meet vides services to children with dis- tion of fifth army veterans of The Hendry Soil and Water abilities. Stop by or LaBelle CDC, WWII Italian campaign, and their Conservatidn District will hold its 3749 Highway 29 South or call sons, daughters, families and regular board meeting on August 674-4511. A,,. "I will continue to be your voice in our County Government. Great things are happening in Glades County!" It ' 8700 N. Wayman Rd. Moore Haven, FL 33471 863-946-0213 or 863-227-0911 Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by the Alvin Ward Campaign Account. Democratic candidate for Glades County Commission District 2 *ps i i lo e o n y ..'-t*-..l*.^S V Curtis Continued From Page 1 erty on the river. He was instrumental in form- ing the Hendry County Bank in 1963 and was president of the bank from the time of its forma- tion until shortly before merging with Florida Community Bank. Of modest needs himself, he always "wanted great things for other people" including not having to choose between work and an education. After Isabella's death in 1987 he started the Isabella Curtis Memorial Scholarship program for LaBelle High School students. To date over 1,000 students have received full scholarships at Edi- son College. He continued to contribute to an endowment fund that will help local students receive a college degree into the foreseeable future. He was also a major contributor to the Edison campus being built near LaBelle. Mr. Curtis was also very gen- erous to the Caloosa Humane Society. Mr. Curtis was named the Greater LaBelle Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year in 2002. A nomination letter by Tully Dunlap read in part: "Since arriving in LaBelle in 1955, Ken Curtis has worked diligently for the betterment of our communi- ty... Ken Curtis is a man of quiet dignity; a private man; man of tremendous stature; a man of loyalty and dedication. A man who is willing and anxious to share his financial blessings with his fellow man." In addition to the many LaBelle residents to whom he was so dear, he leaves to mourn his' passing a nephew, Buck Cur- tis; niece, Sharon Fritz, and a host of friends. Cremation will be by Akin-Davis Funeral Home- LaBelle. At his request, there will be no memorial service. I Save money on your I favorite grocery items. I I Go to newszap.com to Download and print coupons \ i I online!I Snewszap.com I Community Links. I I Individual Voices. L -,,-------- CALOOSA To Reach Us L i:: e F:. ; :75 Ph,: .:r -i.-rnep . -2 Ft I l :.. '.p ' - :,. e .' .449 | ,P i.e. 1:..:" m440 '.' ,,b, re ,., r : _,.*r | t lib Uie To Submit News The C3l.iii, BeUe ,Nelcomei -ubrm-- sion- frim ir reader; Opnion;. ,cJen- d r terms. s-trrv iidic d photographs "re ueklome C il 1Sc631 75 25-1i to .e.h our nev.-~roorm Itemn m1, be .-niied l-\ed or em.iiaed iit vou 'ie sending photoraph .-,a ., .mai pleaie send them in JPEG lormat. alo please do nr send \\ ORD document,. lust paste thcee me-.s ae into tih: blodv o the e.mul Ofiice dr'iumenii ireC ol. The deidhrie for iil netv s irems b1 II a m cn Monday pr or to Lhc folli.o in Tliurtd,, s pubbicaron E-Mail cl:. it.r ratj.:n r Spe'dioutr 163)---5.4516 To Place a Display Ad Phone. (6631 67 -25-11 Tlh J,:.:-[lne .-rt :. 1a: -I t-i se i, 4 p m on Fr.dJi, l.-.r tl-: !,:. i-ri.. L Thurt '.'d - p.ubkb.: ai r,,i e-mail. cbclleVsLrato.net Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Place Call (77,1 353 Line a'l er, n-i r,,: for ai .:d3 A.k.nda it II Thur.d-:c pub Fi. 18-7 354 E MidI cli, .J For Subsc Phone. 1 877 35 Th.: C !.:.osi B.I i, t e I iB,:U ,,:'ur.r.' *iren] .-" the paFp'r rcan 1 thLu:.ue h.ou: rC:. i ihelJe ,:.nj-,', .,, er. F,.rr.- ,i ,: i.;.id lt I-, $5: Printing The C I, ,F. Prlr, r~r,. t u r-trir, ia E mj A .r!iri-n Nei Online Ne Get the la www.new BELLE a Classified Ad 2424 t: pl ce a. .,:! hcd in-r t.::,,! h-.:.m. The deaiJ *sied h r.l : Ad'.err i:.r : I m tl-r. the t.:.Uo -L I ne S i..'-o r. 2424 criptions 53-242-14 f di -r iuaces I ,' cop' e; * n, ';..i,:,-tern Hed-er ,r, er; i 'edn e: dai ,-..pIe.i .I :,: tjur, d r m' aI:-u i*.:'r. r. nd .eli:.cdi o horrm. in -,rp!..mcr~ r r, hi .r dcl m: i ubsi ft-,-:,llp n (: 0 r 2 .: .- 25 :o .11,! pnr cd jt j uri hrie i". rr n I-,. 1.a ci.: .t ,ri .. Arszap! ws & Information [test local news at rszap.com/labelle Your paper, not ours. ICIA 10 408. Ci ,i 3,. A'P S,. . S ,. ' .. *- .l .r' ai A-9- We pledge to operate our newspaper as a public trust. We believe journalists are nothing more than guardians of every cit- izen's right to a free press. We have no authority to compromise, bar- gain away or dishonor the principles underlying the First Amendment. We don't play loose with the facts. We give notice to your opinions, not ours. We encourage vigorous discussion of public issues, but try to keep everybody's comments within the bounds of fair play. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your edi- tor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism I Save money on your favorite grocery items. { I 1 I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I SI SlneWSzap.c0m Community Links. Individual Voices. I L-------------------------------------- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY :". LOVE JONATHAN, DYLAN & KENNA GTO/PRO 'f Celebrating 30 Years i I I i 1 in iSW FL ANDMOEAC,, SERVING LEE & FAAC ELITE S El,! i i AND MORE llltt t HENRY COUNTY ALE SkVICE INSTALLATION COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Emergency Repairs STORAGE FACILITIES SERVICE CONTRACTS Some Day Service BO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES EC13002326 FN0400991 Ft. yer L lele lew ston Are 23 -7 -52 R839215 ~xlaoab~a~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 City to discuss MLK sidewalks By Patty Brant The lack of adequate side- walks along Martin Luther King Blvd. is a recurring topic at the monthly Hendry County Comn- munity Traffic Safety Team meetings. The walking area on the west side of MLK is incor- rectly marked by a double yel- low line, making it easy to be mistaken for part of the road. At one time, concrete borders that look like parking backstops were installed along MLK to des- ignate sidewalks, but they did not last long. A while ago, the city marked the area off with a double yellow line, which actu- ally designates the center of the road. Traffic Safety Team members have been concerned about this issue for months. At the August 3 meeting, Mayor Randy Bengston agreed that the yellow stripes are confusing to drivers and need to be changed, at least to white stripes. He promised to bring the matter up to the entire city commission at their August 17 meeting. School traffic safety The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will pro- vide fliers to remind Hendry Coun- ty drivers to buckle up for safety. All passengers 17 years of age and under must wear seatbelts or be secured in a car seat; adults must wear their seatbelt if they are in front seat only. In an effort to make parents of young children aware of seat belt laws, HCSO School Resource Offi- cers will pass out fliers early in the school year at all elementary pick up areas. The fliers will be written in both English and Spanish. Glades County is also taking the beginning of school as an opportu- nity to reinforce the importance of seat belts. HCSO Sgt. Barbara Brown reported that there are no crossing guards at all this year. School Resource Officers will man the crossings at LES, COES and LHS. The sheriff's office continues to seek prospects for crossing guards, who work for only three hours per day, split between morn- ing and afternoon hours. If anyone Arrest report LaBelle Diane Delaine Pent, 21, of LaBelle, was arrested August 3, and charged with larceny; theft between $300-$5,000 and dealing in stolen property. Frank Marcus Pensak of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Dewayne Lamar Boswell, 35, of LaBelle, was arrested August 6, and charged with trafficking cocaine 28 grams less than 150 kg. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. William Tyrone Smith, 30, of LaBelle, was arrested August 6, and charged with trafficking cocaine 28 grams less than 150 kg. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Kevin Lee Bridges, 27, of LaBelle, was arrested August 6, and charged with possession of cocaine. Juan Soto of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Fulgencio Mastacha, 37, of LaBelle, was arrested August 5, and charged with fire a weapon and having possession of a weapon by a convicted felon.Perry Sh.pot;ofthe Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Obed Hernandez Martinez, 22, of LaBelle, was arrested August 4, and charged with firing a weapon into a building. Brett Edward Daley of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Miguel Reyes, 19, of LaBelle, was arrested August 14, and charged with possession of cocaine. Frank Marcus Pensak of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. A male juvenile was arrested July 31, and charged with posses- sion of marijuana over 20 grams. Brett Edward Daley of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Laura Ann Warren, 35, of LaBelle, was arrested August 4 on a warrant, and charged with violating probation. Teresa Helmlinger of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Tommy Ray, 34, of LaBelle, was arrested August 6 on a warrant, and charged with possession of cocaine with intent to sell. Donald Davis of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting officer. Dustin Thomas Drennan, 31, of Stewart, FL, was arrested August 4 on a warrant, and charged with violating probation. Lee Page of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Clewiston Hugo Francisco Lopez, 42, of Clewiston, was arrested August 3, and charged with driving with a sus- pended license. Brett D. Callahan of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Trumane Jehovah Moody, 22, of Clewiston, was arrested August 5, and charged with possession of cocaine with the intent to sell. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Paula Elizabeth Ferrer, 23, of Clewiston, was arrested August 2, and charged with arson. Tiffany Arnold of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $20,000 cash/sure- ty. Rolin Lee LaFollette, 19, of Clewiston, was arrested August 2, and charged with arson. Tiffany Arnold of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $20,000 cash/sure- ty. Ricky Allen Nealy, 45, of Clewiston, was arrested August 5, and charged with aggravated bat- tery with a deadly weapon. Brett Edward Daley of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Cornelius Hill, 28, of Clewis- ton, was arrested on a warrant on August 4, and charged with violat- ing probation. Jonathon Reyes of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. is interested in this important part time job, they can call the sheriff's office at 674-4060. Sgt. Brown also noted that LaBelle Elementary School after- noon student pick up is again from Main Street only. There will be no entrance or exit on Cowboy Way. In other business Jim Graham of the EMS is the new chairman of the Hendry County Community Traffic Safety Team Linda McVey is vice-chair- man Florida DOT CTST Program Coordinator Debra Stallings said another Click It or Ticket Wave operation is planned for the Labor Day holiday, from August 18-Sept. 4, focusing on seat belt use. Several CTST members com- mended the sheriff's office on more traffic enforcement on SR 80 and LaBelle City Commissioner Hilda Zimmerly said she's heard more traffic citations have been written recently. Recently two officers were killed in separate traffic incidents as they had motorists stopped alongside the road in Hillsboro County and Haines City. CTST warns motorists to look for more enforcement of the Move Over law, requiring motorists to give more space to officers conducting traffic stops. The sidewalk along Cowboy Way from the FPL facility to Wallen St. for LaBelle Elementary School students is not done yet. According to County Engineer Shane Parker, the county just got the right-of-way and the sidewalk is expected to be complete in several months. He added that Hendry County now has designated crew for sidewalks. Linda McVey suggested the team approach PTOs to work on seatbelt awareness and the We Have A Little Emergency (WHALE) program that supplies stickers for the back of vehicle win- dows to alert emergency person- nel that there may be a child in a vehicle involved in a crash. County Commissioner Dar- rell Harris noted that turning arrows on Bridge Street need to be painted. The CTST meets the first Thursday of every month at 1 p.m. at the LaBelle Fire Station. The public is welcome. Two in custody in Montura arson case An investigation of a suspi- cious fire by the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Criminal Investi- gations Division has led to the arrest of two Montura residents. According to Sheriff Ronnie Lee, Criminal Investigator Tiffany Arnold responded to a call at 860 Romero Street in Montura. Upon arrival she made contact with persons known to live in the burning mobile home. During the interviews with the residents of the mobile home information was revealed that the fire was not accidental. Authorities believe that Rollin Lee LaFollette, age 19, of Montu- ra and Paula Elizabeth Ferrer, age 23, of Montura had inten- tionally planned to burn the mobile home. LaFollette and Ferrer were both arrested for arson and booked into the Hendry County Jail. Bond for Ferrer was set at $103,500.00 and $130,000.00 for LaFollette. Obituary Margaret Hazel Crews Hazel was born on January 30, 1928, in Beulaville, NC. She was called home on August 6, 2006, in Bonito Springs, after a short visit w\ilh Hope Hospice. She is survived by one son: Jimmie Lee and Jessie Crews of Immokalee; one daughter, Jenet Leigh and Jay Whidden of Immokalee; one grandson: Justin Randall Whidden of Immokalee; and one brother: Herbert Penny of Beulaville, NC. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jim Paul Crews in 1998. She became a resident of Immokalee in 1971 when she 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) METAL STRUCTURES LLC - Many Sizes Available - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code 866-624-9100 -Florida "Stamped" Engineered www.metalstfictUesc.com Drawings (included) EMBARQG THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE.T Voice Data Internet Wireless Entertainment and her husband moved their family to operate Gateway Supermarket. She was a mem- ber of First Baptist Church. ,Arrangements handled by Lee Memorial Park. C *S O Save money on your Favorite grocery items. Go to newszap.com to Download and print coupons \k,, Ionline! newszap.com SCommunity Links I I Individual Voices. ' L - - -- t CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1", 3rd&5th Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. p- Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord I 863-675-2733 N.RiverRd.(Hwy78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net A New Twist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. ".. A revolutionary new way to think 1 about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours No Relraming. No Painting. No Mess E SOLAR P ED Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights ATiC FANS Let our Certified Installation Consultants show you the Difference Solartube can make in your home today. LHurricane Tested & Approved S"i' k .-"!*': SOLATUiBS aiori THE M r M'RA IIC-HSTc.HT -.iliiii l m Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one S"" I'lwho has departed with a special -A memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and-special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Vit www2.wne* .conm/memorals forsampleads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. VOTE & ELECT Cynthia Luevano Potter for School Board, District #5 on September 5, 2006 / Bilingual and Lifelong Resident of Hendry County / Bachelor's in Human Resource Organizational Management \/ Masler's in Educational Leadership from FGCU / Florida Educator's Certificate in,ESE (K-12) and. Primary Education (Age 3 thru Grade 3) V Classroom Teacher Experience in Hendry & Palm Beach Counties THE TIME HAS COME TO / "SECURE OUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE" Pblilical advertisement paid for and approed by Cynthia Luevano Potter, No Pbrty Affiliation, School Board Disrict # 5 ALL STEEL BUILDINGS .- ..Q .a- ,J-I 4 OPINION Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http;//www.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. AS PEOPLE MAY KNOW BY NOW the store in Ortona and the girls that worked there for so long are no longer there. I was told when new owners took over the girls weren't treated very fair. That's sad to hear because I'm a regular customer and them girls always did a wonderful job. And they always kept that store clean. I believe their restrooms were the cleanest I ever seen traveling on the road. I sure will miss them old country girls. NEW CHANGES AT ORTONA STORE I'm a long time Ortona res- ident and frequent shopper at the Ortona Store. I can honestly say that I'm not sad to see those girls go. I could probably count on one hand the number of times I walked into the store and was greeted with a smile and a hello. I applaud the new owners of the store. They came in and saw problems and they fixed them. Now when- ever you enter the store you feel like you are welcomed. Change is good! I wish the new owners the best of luck. THE WRONG CROWD Jon Lowe is a mild mannered gentle- man. His true passion, other than his family, is flying. For many years his smile, white T-shirt, and white hair brightened the LaBelle hanger. In the early years he towed banners, spotted fish for local fishermen, and was an exceptionally skilled "over the water pilot" and that is how he met the wrong crowd. He was in the clutches of the drug industry. He was apprehended and spent terf years in prison. Jon set up shop on the LaBelle airfield. He made no pretense of hiding his past. He bid for the larger Main Hanger. The.trouble was the crowd that operated the airport; if you wanted to get anything done or sanctioned, one had to go through innumerable people. Someone in the crowd did not care for Jon's success. It was alright that he cared for disabled transient aircraft, helped form Friends of the Airport Assn., assisted with holiday celebrations, and the Ameri- can Cadet Corps, he and his wife served at the Senior Connec- tions/United Way Extravaganza and many other humanitarian acts and kept passions in bound. Jon was denied the opportunity to operate the Main Hanger. He purchased land next to the LaBelle airport and built a large hanger, for it was told to him that he could have access to the airfield. This statement was later rescinded. He and his wife have sold their house and the hanger of his dreams. He still smiles, his T-shirt is as white as ever and his hair a little bit lighter as he loads the trailer with years of planning. I won- der if he thinks that again he picked the wrong crowd. Thank you Jon, for all your years of service to the aviation indus- try of LaBelle, from the Friends of the Airport; Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on"community forums and links." Thank you Thanks to Oakbrook of LaBelle We wish to take the opportu- nity to thank the staff at Oak- brook for their care of my Moth- er. The medical and emotional consideration given to her dur- ing her stay there was beyond expectations. The kindness shown was such that one would have thought she was a family member. I Would name the staff individually, however, I fear that I might leave someone out. The family of Irene Porter Public servants earn praise My 92-year-old mother who lives in LaBelle did not respond to her medical alert call and did not answer her phone. Living several thousand miles away I did not know where to start. Her friends were on vaca- tion; her neighbors at work. Within the hour, after, several attempts by the Hendry County Sheriff's Office to rouse her, we found she had fallen, wrapped a deeply cut arm in a towel and returned to sleep and in spite of gallant efforts by the sheriff's officer, she could not be awak- ened. Finally I reached her by phone, the dispatcher sent para- medics, an incredibly kind neighbor took her all the way to Health Park South Hospital (as required by her insurance com- pany, took her to another doctor and eventually to the Wound Center. Throughout this seemingly endless harrowing experience for her, the sheriff's dispatchers and officers, paramedics, hospi- tal emergency room staff, nurs- es and doctors were incredibly kind, patient and caring. My mother and I are eternally grate- ful. Her neighbor, Felicia, was and remains an angel in dis- guise. How can we sufficiently express our thanks other than to do so publicly? People who work for the government are often referred to as "Public Ser- vants." It is a praiseworthy title and most certainly deserved by all the wonderful people who helped that day. Thank you. Sandra Goodwin, Dewey, Arizona CALOOSA FBFIIF Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent Is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens or the community. Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on profit margins below Industrystan- dards. All arner-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission or lournalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the Fust Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. ....................................................... ..... ... ....... ... .......... We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: Tio.pezate lhis newspaper as S r t newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant t* o help our community Reporter: Kristin Hunter Dec.ome a Defter place to live Reporter- JerriLynn Merritt and worK through our dedl- Sports Roger Alexander cation ro consciennous joui- ADVERTISING: nalism* To provide the information ci Advertising Director izenr need to make their own Judy Kasten Inleilgeni decisions about Advertising Manager public issues Brenda Jaramillo To report the news with hon. esty. accuracy purposeful Advertising neutrality. fairness, objectivity Services Coordinator fearlessness and compassion Dale Conyers T rT use out opinion pages to Advertising Services- facllltale community debate Barbara Calfee not to dominate It with our ov.'n opinions National Advertising To diclose our own conflicts Joy Parrish cI intetesL or potential con- .................... llicli to our readers Independent Newspapers, Inc. To correct our errors and to Chairman give each correcton the Joe Smyth prominence It deserves President To provide a right to teply to Ed Dulin Tnose we write about T Tro eat people viir courtesy Vice President respect and compassion of Florida Operations For More Information See ExTom Byrdi At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina ElskAn Stand up now to save the river From River Watch The Caloosahatchee River is #7 on the list of the top ten most endangered rivers in the United States. At a meeting in December of 2005, Senator Bill Nelson expressed his concerns of the Caloosahatchee River, saying the river plays an essential role in peo- ple's lives, in terms of living condi- tions as well as well being. It is a vital part of our economy and property values have skyrocketed. Concerns for the state of the Caloosahatchee grew in August 2005 with blue algae that can cause health problems and cause fish to die. According to River- Watch, a lot of the blame is addressed to the South Florida Water Management District. In 2006 a public board meeting was held to let citizens know what is going on. They said, "It is killing our real estate industry. It is absolutely tragic. It is about agri- culture and tourism and quality of life in this state." About 11 years ago worried citizens started the CRCA-Caloosa River Citizens Association (River- .WAtch); an advocacy group, to help the river have a better quality of life. They said, "The problems are great; they are huge. We can't stress enough that the river has been dying for the past 15-20 years due to new development and a lot of different forces." The influential aspect most critical to the decline of the river has to include the dredging in Kissimmee and Cedar Key in 1881. By the early 1900s Captain Hendry and others complained about the drainage and how much flooding it was creating west of the lake because now the Caloosahatchee and Lake Okee- chobee were directly attached due to a canal. Therefore, the water runs faster than it used to. Before, a chain of lakes used to slow the water down so there was a lot of natural old water treat- ment, but not now. Water comes to the Caloosahatchee too fast with no retention and no natural treatment time. The hurricanes of 1926 and 1928 that hit Moore Haven and Clewiston were the next two most important impacts on the river. The SFWMD included widening and deepening of the locks on its agenda. The river went from being 8-12 ft. in the '30s to 25 ft. in the '40s and '50s. The Army Corps of Engineers and the SWMD have to deal with being blamed from many differ- ent parties. River advocates worry that the problems will take a generation to fix. There is now either too much or not enough water. The river is out of the appropriate flow range about 40 percent of the time. There is too much water in the summer and not enough water in the winter. Fishermen also suffer from the situation. Fishing for a living is almost impossible. The fish popu- lation has been trimmed out tremendously because of the red tide and algae blooms and because the food that the fish eat is becoming less and less. The entire area is suffering. Matlache, Pine Island, all bodies of water are being affected from the pollutants coming down the river. Research shows that the fish population has tremendously decreased from the river situation. A regulation schedule is cru- cial in the river. The local runoff causes problems from agriculture and storm water. In urban areas water that is allocated from rain- water goes directly into the river. Agriculture is the driving force for the economy in the region. It takes in more than $15 million a year, up to a $1 billion a year from sugar factories, such as US Sugar, which is the largest in the area. It provides 10 percent of all the sugar in America. Runoff from agricultural lands supplies the nutrients that get into the river. This is one of the main causes of blue algae. It has severe- ly degraded fish, birds and other species. There is a huge dissatisfaction with the Water Management Dis- trict. There is no election for this board. Some people feel that the money is being used incorrectly. The board members are involved in agriculture and development, one of the board members is an attorney whose number one client is the agricultural industry. There is a need for dependable irrigation around the lake. Agri- cultural interests lobby to the gov- ernor to have their interests implemented. The President of US Sugar sits on the Water Man- agement Board which some think is a clear conflict of interest. The President of US Sugar said, "When people... get upset, what they don't realize is that the rea- son I was appointed is because agriculture is an important eco- nomic part of Florida." At the moment there is certainly no con- sensus. Lee County has a lawsuit to stop the discharging of water from the river that affects the estu- aries. The district funds many proj- ects. Currently we are in a crisis mode because of the hurricanes the past couple years. The hurri- canes produce bad water quality in the lake because the sediment has been completely churned up. Not everybody agrees that the state of the river has been caused by the hurricanes, but everybody agrees that something needs to change the state the river is in. It's all going to be a balancing act in the next 20 years or so to restore the whole 16-county ecosystem. Taxes will be an issue. Hope- fully, the natural system will sur- vive. What should be done first is a basic fundamental water policy in Florida to develop a commis- sion that will evaluate these prob- lems so that a particular interest group does not over rate the poli- cy. We need to get away from the social and political problems to potentially benefit the entire water system. This needs to be anr elected board from now on. It needs to be separated out accord- ing to population. Lee, Collier and Charlotte County would win the most votes due to population and that's not fair. The pendulum is starting to swing back, which will have an effect on this policy. Our river i$ dying, our lake is dying, some- thing is happening to it and we cannot allow that. Ready, aim, fired in Hendry County Short of any other explanation as to what the "sam hill" is going on with all these governmental "firings," I have concluded it's a publicity stunt. A publicity stunt promoting the opening of the long awaited Hendry County Sheriff's Gun Range. Makes you kinda have to stop and think if that old saying "A moving target is still harder to hit," is still meaningful for anyone holding a governmental office in Hendry Now I'm sure people more knowledgeable than I am about the idiosyncrasies of gov- ernment extravaganzas, can and will justify the ends satisfying the means. We've all heard that expres- sion, "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush." Well, that being the It's your wori lGet Involved case, it occurs to me that maybe you should be very careful who you shake hands with from now on. Although it might be easy tq reconcile our local incidents as growing pains. Right or. wrong, global warming, terrorists, porous borders, no action of gov- ernment is sacrosanct at any level. Five thousand years ago Moses said, "Pick up your shovels, pack your asses, mount your camels and "T 'shall lead you to the Promised Land." 'To hundred plus years ago, John Smith said, "Get off your asses, use your shovels, clear the land, raise sheep, cattle, camels, cultivate crops and it will be your Promised Land." Last month the Congress of the United States said, "Amigos, throw away your shovels, sit on your asses and light up your Camels. We're giving you the Promised Land." So amidst all this conflict, con- fusion and consternation, what is the average citizen to do? Where and to whom can they turn? Well, I wasn't there, but my Mother orphaned at 12 years old and put in charge of her two younger brothers sustained her- self and brothers in 1918 by a daily recitation of a verse in the orphanage. I won't repeat all of it, but using her experience as a possible comfort, here are a few she cher- ished the most: "When you are tired and dis- couraged from fruitless efforts - God knows how hard you have tried." "If you feel as if your life is on hold & time is passing you by - God is waiting for you." "When you've tried everything and don't know where to turn - God has a solution." "When nothing makes sense and you are confused or frustrat- ed God has the answer." "Remember that wherever you are or whatever you are fac- ing God knows and cares about YOU." Respectfully, T. W Bill Neville (Hendry County Citizen and Taxpayer) Community Calendar Friday, August 11 American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyp- tus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Bingo! Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Reg- ular at 7 p.m. NO Smoking Sunday, August 13 AA: 7 p.m. Port LaBelle, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday, August 14 AARP Chapter Meeting: 1 p.m. Dallas Townsend Agricultural Center, Pratt Boulevard Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m. American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Chamber of Commerce: board meeting, 6:30 p.m. Pioneer Homeowners Assoc.: 7 p.m. Pioneer Community Center. OLQH Women's Guild: 7 p.m. Parish Hall Pioneer Neighborhood Watch: 8 p.m., Pioneer Community Center Moose Lodge #2398:8 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shep- herd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Tuesday, August 15 Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora and Ella's, Hwy. 80 Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m., Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restau- rant, noon PLB Garden Club: noon at the extension office, Pratt Blvd. Teen Center: Hendry County Health'Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 p.m. School Board: 5:30 p.m. Clewis- ton sub-office F&AM: lodge on Jaycee/Lions Blvd., 7:30 p.m. County Commission: 6:30 p.m. Clewiston SAL: 7 p.m. Woman's Club: 7 p.m. LaBelle Masonic Lodge #379 F&AM: 7:30 p.m. 180 Jaycee/Lions Blvd. AA: 12 Step/Big Book study group, 8 p.m. First Christian Church, Ford Avenue, open meeting Wednesday, August 16 A.A. Big Book Meeting: noon, Episcopal Church of the Good Shep- herd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Wednesday Night Kids: 6-7 p.m., Caloosa Baptist Church, for youth in grades 6-12 at 500 W. Hwy. 80. Phone 675-2348 PPVFD: drill 7p.m. 40&8: 8 p.m. LPA: 8 p.m. county commission room, courthouse AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recreation Hall. Thursday, August 17 Florida Rural Legal Services: Representative will be at the L.J. Nobles Senior Center 9:30-11:30 a.m. Call 675-1446 for an appointment Overeaters Anonymous (OA): Thursday 5:30 p.m. in the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 1098 Collingswood Parkway @ Eucalyptus, one block south of SR 80 east of LaBelle. AA: Open discussion, 8 p.m., First Christian Church, Ford Ave. City Commission: 7 p.m. City Hall, Hwy. 80W ABWA: American Business Women's Association, Woman's Club on Hwy. 80W, 7 p.m. Letter to the Editor Attention parents of all L.E.S. students Effective Monday, August 8, 2006, all parents picking their chil- dren up from LaBelle Elementary School in the afternoon are asked to enter parent pick up located on Jaycee Lions Drive from Main Street. Our county has grown considerably in the last several years, and unfortunately our roads have not caught up to the growth. You and your child's safe- ty are our primary concern. The traffic congestion on Cowboy Way in front of LaBelle Elemen- tary after school has become a safety issue. The only solution at this time is to close Jaycee Lions at Cowboy Way and have parents enter and exit from Main Street. We apologize for the inconven- ience this may cause some par- ents, but at this time it is the best solution to a potentially danget- ous situation. At this time, the road closure will affect only after school pick up and will not apply to morning drop off. Thank you for your coopera- tion in this matter. Yours in Safety, Sgt. Barbara Brown Hendry County Sheriff's Office iw For veteran teachers: How have you changed your teaching technique in recent years? Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Mrs. Megan Greenleaf, a 19- year veteran teacher who S. now teaches third grade at Y. ;; Upthegrove Elementary, S.said, "I now do more hands- on learning. I am more of a ,.. 1. facilitator with the children ; in charge of their learning, ^and I also make sure the children have time to read ." every day in class." Mrs. Debbie Foutch, a 25-year vet- eran teacher who now is the librar- ian at Upthegrove Elementary, said, "Technology has played a big part of change in lesson plans. Teachers now need to include the ., latest in technology such as conm- puters and white boards in their lesson plans. Kids are now giving presentations to the class using technology, whereas they used to use pen and paper." Mrs. Robin Jones, a veteran ,,iL teacher who teaches fourth i grade at Upthegrove Ele- S ._ i mentary, said, "We include a 1" Ilot more technology to gath- er data on the students to address their individual needs and we teach more to |. the individual students to add curriculum needs and to update student information." Mrs. Kathy Causseaux, a 28- year veteran teacher who now teaches Kindergarten at Upthe- grove Elementary, said, "Cur- riculum has changed drastical- ' ly with the "No Child Left Behind Act." Kindergarten is not the social play time it once * was. It's very academically ori- ented now. What I taught first graders 15 years ago, I'm now teaching kindergarteners." I I I , Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 4 OPINION :Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 b SCHRYSLERDDEI, rANN O[U IE S ;!^^ FaIV 4%S L- EF Jeep PLUS 0% FINANCING OR .... UP TO $4000o : SREBADODGE GRAND CARAVAN I REBATES WITH SEATING AND STORAGE DODGE CHARGER ON NEW E' c E '06 MODELS DODGE DURANGO S***HIGHEST GOVERNMENT SFRN. FOTAL CRASH TESTA RA J i Jeep IImiTrC Olla Filter Change ,m 16-Point Vehicle Checkup $22.95 INCUMIES - Lnqine aii replBacemenlt ou pto 1 - fN-3'A M opar _0 ti -r ---- 1")pfor3E VI -0 fluir'gd disposak, I' 3 semi-synthe-fic en Pfus, in-spo Irn ET ofte g and d canni d 1l i tem, s noI t I tsd: W Vindnh'i ufd v'' pr &j's*.t, r .evd -s. I Ait fiI'w's Pric &u'- dfem lot. inclEIdo- rapuir.s uwihit req.' uis rd after inspection. Ask Ser-vfl5 Ad'visor fard --iESl;l pi ti ires: 816L -- - - - U1_ Wiopar Value Line Brake Pad or Shoe Rtelaceement r $119095 INCLU. tf UDES F i i i[ j r-c c., bi .-j 1- C, Li, c,(3 I. :c. P 1 : : b j ". II rq Ma"p arr Vatu e Line Brakes (sevni -vnet-n~l~a Ili c) Q nsppct~C ro-tarf, rimm and a~t~ iq ~ ~ Choch*k bra-k c M.Ad covet IiR \,.Ald;- t rsit' vc i c I a t Chr"ci tl'' bs Trucks *?I' III, rrt iIE l I 11 s r I~* 5'~''~E ,'rehic-10s riot COVrV~rod bV r..i, .1j: r V,.- Ik t p- 1. ; n 1 r I,-,N ,: s A e h 0 h ' S -- Expires: 8/16/06 . HAMIPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP -_ frHENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP *U&N It really does make a di (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. DEALER erence! / FIV* --A- -l - "Oiff CarI Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 * SPECIAL FINANCING RATE ON SELECT VEHICLES TO QUALIFIED BUYERS THRU CFC WAC. TERMS VARY. EP NOT AVAILABLE ON VIPER, SRT10, CROSSFIRE, AND SPRINTER. PROGRAM GOOD THRU 8/31/06 I II [ o II I I I I1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ICHRYSLERI - -- ~:'PI"~ P 16p- ,; ~L~s~ EMwffwlwww qw w w w w = -- : w -w-l -Mmm '=W mw m w m mm .4 F- -- I I i Ak 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 First Baptist goes Same Day Service Lab On Premises Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Susan Hill Relay for Life offers thanks Relay for Life is a fun filled overnight event in which teams raise money and compete against each other in silly con- tests. In 2006, 13 teams raised $46,246.37 to be used for cancer research and patient services. Each year the LaBelle Relay for Life is held on the LHS football field. The committee would like to thank LHS and Coach Doug Kelly for the use of the field and for all of their assistance and support. They truly consider LHS the "home" of the relay. Births Kadence McKenzie Gates Kadence McKenzie Gates was born July 7, 2006, at Mission St. Josephs Hospital in Asheville, NC. ... Her parents are Garrett and .4 Kate (Schutte) Kadence Gates of Mar- McKenzie shall, NC. Maternal Gates grandparents are Mary and John Hollingsworth of Pioneer Plantation and Carol and George Schutte of Babylon, NY. Paternal grandparents are Barb and Glenn Gates of 'Palm Beach Gar- dens. Courtney Louise Braido Anthony and Jessica Braido of Miami and LaBelle are proud to announce the birth of their daugh- ter, Courtney Louise Braido. She was born on Saturday, August 5, 2006, at Health Park Hospital in Ft. Myers. She weighed six pounds seven ounces and was 19 inches long at birth. Courtney was welcomed home by big sister, Calista Jones. Maternal grandparents are Jimmy Jones and Lynn Banta of Clewiston and Montecello, KY. Paternal grandparents are Anthony C. Braido Sr. of Miami. 1 6 r g S -L lleF Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam Includes 6 month follow-up Disclaimer: The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- Sel payment or be reimbursed or payment for any other service, examination or treatment which s per- I formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. (239) 657-2266 on missic Thirty-five youth and adults from First Baptist Church of LaBelle recently completed an eight-day mission trip to Jamaica, where they taught Vacation Bible School and led revival services at two churches near Mandeville. The LaBelle team was responsi- ble for taking all of the supplies, snacks and prizes needed for Bible school with them to the island. They also had to take a good portion of the food and household items the teams needed during the trip, which lasted from July 14-21. While on the island, the teams also made dona- tions of clothing, bedding, toiletries and money to the people to whom theywere ministering. Jeff Perry, youth and music director at First Baptist, headed the mission trip. Mr. Perry is a student at Luther Rice Seminary in Atlanta. He and the LaBelle group joined with other teams from Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. All were under the direction of Dr. Ronald Long, director of missions at the seminary. While in Jamaica, the groups were headquartered at Bethel Chris- in trip tian Mission, a training and retreat center located atop one of the mountains surrounding Mandeville. Members of the mission team raised the $42,000 needed to fund the trip through contributions from church members, love offerings from community and family mem- bers, a series of Saturday doughnut sales and several dinners. Students and adults who went on the trip were: Jeff, Carmen and Courtney Perry, Aarika Deerey, Danny and Kelly Jones, Drew Dyess, Jennifer, Alexa and Tanner Redish, Vicki Grimaldo, Paul Pullet- ti, James Holland, Katie Gatch, Mal- lory Allen, Noah Pierson, Chris, Jonathan, Angela and Greg Zirn- merly, Luke Myer, Brennan Causseaux, Roy, Kathleen and Mar- lena Herrera, Amanda Hudson, Thunder Loredo, Patrick McLymont, Jeremy Peerey, Kimber and Kaci Ringler, Jacy Sealey, Christina Smith, Brandon Temples and PatriciaWalker. This is the second time First Bap- tist has sent mission teams to Jamaica. r Submitted to tohe Caloosa BelletReverend Frank Deerey Jeff Perry, youth pastor of the First Baptist Church, gets a buck- et out of the water for drinking after giving the children bibles. QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated Electrical and Air Conditioning Service Company SAir Conditioning Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Landscape Lighting and surge protection Call for A Rempdel Quote or -- home generator accessories & hook ups 863-228-41 38 24 Ehur-ijlmccy Service licensed & insured #EC0000661 SINLES39 a.gl FULL SE.70-PeiumI PARTALS$3 65-Eac .a d MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. Pr. MYERS p - GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment orbe reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is preformed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service., examination or treatment. AUGUST SPECIAL METAL ROOF SYSTEM AT SHINGLE PRICES Hassle Free HOME IMPROVEMENTS begin with a simple phone call: 863-385-9403 S REMODELING REPAIRS TE WART RENOVATIONS CONSTRUCTION www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. # CCC1325639 A .su---R Lic. # CBC047717 SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 -- U 675-3233 TOLL FRs 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CALL NOW TO HAVE YOUR A/C COMPREHENSIVELY CHECKED BY OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TECHNICIANS! '_." ,: .. -- ", Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! 4 lines for 2 weeks 1 usediten .-: ? SPrice must be priced at $2,500 included in ad or less * Private parties only * 2 items per house- Shold per issue Sell your personal valuables if the' re $2,500 or less for absolutely free! Le.lb lms. No fee, no E-M * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. SDeadline 11 a.m. Monday ) Catc o, no, tc ...... CAL OOsA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry Couttys Ntews Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 ail: classad@newszap.com U.1 CITY OF LABELLE NOTICE OF PROPOSED ENACTMENT The City Commission of the City of LaBelle proposes to adopt an ordinance, which amends the City of LaBelle Official Zoning Map by changing the zoning in a specific area within the City of LaBelle and having the following title: ORDINANCE # 2006-33 CITY OF LABELLE Zoning Change Whatley (R-1 to R-2) Hendry Street AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LABELLE, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR AMENDING OF THE CITY OF LABELLE ZONING MAP; PROVIDING FOR CHANGING THE ZONING OF LOTS 22, 23, 24, AND 25, LA BELLE ANDREWS ADDITION TO LABELLE PARK LABELLE PARK SUBDIVISION, CITY OF LABELLE FROM R-l TO R-2; PROVIDING FOR PROCE- DURES; PROVIDING FOR INTENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COPIES OF THE ORDINANCES AND COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BY METES AND BOUNDS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST AT THE LABELLE CITY HALL. The Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. At City Hall on 481 West Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida. Ordinance is available for review at City Hall. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Interested persons may appear on their own behalf or by agent or attorney. If anyone decides to appeal a decision made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hearing, a record of the pro- ceeding will be needed for the appeal and that for such purposes, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL AID OR SERVICES AS ADDRESSED IN THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT 863-675-2872, NO LESS THAN FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABOVE STATED HEARING DATE. City of LaBelle City Commission Randal A. Bengston, Mayor Fraser Ave 4 i i *i ' M Mi 4R 2 R,1 ..... R-2 U ------ .R-1 Wilnnn Avu State Road 80 OWNER REQUESTING ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY TO R-2 DUPLEX TO BUILD DUPLEXES == o 1~11 a I I I I _1 11 I V-^*algaw I i 7 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 iJ il Sports Shorts Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Moving on 2006 LaBelle High School graduate Chelsa Causseaux is the first ever recipient of the $1,000 Junior Pro scholarship. Chelsa was seventh in her graduating class, a member of the National Honor Society, Student Government and Key Club, and was female Athlete of the Year for LHS. She will be attending the University of North Carolina this fall to study athletic training. She also received a volleyball scholarship. Chelsa's parents are Keith and Cathy Causseaux. Junior Pro Coordinator Darrell Harris made the presentation. Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Volleyball The varsity Cowgirl volleyball season opens up Thursday, August 10, with a preseason jamboree at Bishop Verot High School. Captains for the Cowgirls and two returning starters are senior setter Dani Blake and senior outside hitter Heather Raulerson. Also returning to the team are juniors Alexa Redish, Vanessa Ostolaza and Lacey McCall. New players for the varsity include seniors Tiffany Terrell, Shayla Wilson, Suzi Greenleaf, junior Jacy Sealey and sophomore Blake Rice. The season officially starts August 16 against Cape Coral High School in Cape Coral. Junior Lacey McCall is pictured digging during volleyball practice. Pop Warner Longhorn Football Schedule These are the dates for the home games: August 20: Tiny Mite and Mity Mite Jamboree (ages 5-9) Sept 16: against North Port Sept 23: against Ft. Myers Oct 7: against Riverdale Oct 14: against Cape Jr. Universe All-Stars sign-ups Does your boy or girl like to compete? Does your boy or girl like to travel to exciting places? Come by and join our team. Universe All-Stars is a traveling competition squad for cheer- leading and hip-hop dance. We have experienced coaching staff from LaBelle and Ft. Myers. We offer advanced tumbling classes as well. Our new and exciting season is about to begin, hope- fully becoming state champions for another year. Our gym is located on South Industrial Rd. Stop by on Tuesdays from 6-9 p.m. to inquire or sign up. For Football two a day practice Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Junior Lucas Pratt also sweating it out on the sidelines During afternoon football practice in about 100 degrees. The Cowboys are working hard to get ready for the football season. more information call 863-675- 3737. Hope to see you there. r-----------------9 SPORTS FANS I I I BET SYOU DIDN'T KNOW I Brought to you by Lori Langford How can a pitcher give up a hit but be credited with a no-hitter in the record books? That's exactly what happened on June 12, 1959 to pitcher Mike McCormick of the San Francisco Giants. After tossing five innings of no- hit ball, McCormick surrendered a hit I in the sixth. But then the skies opened, Sthe rain poured down and the game was called. According to baseball rules, everything reverts back to the end of the Previous inning, and since five full innings played count as an official game in a rain out, McCormick was credited I With a no-no. SHere's another one. How can a batter Swing and miss for strike three but not I suffer a strikeout? In June of 2006, Jason Childers was pitching for the I Triple A Durham Bulls. Ramon I Vazquez of the Buffalo Bisons was at I bat with two strikes on him. Vazquez I swung at the next pitch but missed - I because the ball hit a seagull before I I reaching the batter. According to the I I rules of baseball, play is immediately I I considered dead if a pitch hits a foreign I object on the way to the plate. Vazquez I Igot another chance and promptly I I grounded out. Amazingly, the seaull I I survived. I ... I I I I And now yet another sports oddity, this I Ione from the world of horse racing. On I Sthe day of June 6, 2006 that's 6/6/06 - Sat River Downs racetrack in Cincinnati, I Sthe number six horse (named Cinnamon I SBay), running in the number six race of I Sthe day, crossed the finish line at you Guessed it number six. But the sixes Send there, because the odds on SCinnamon Bay winning the race were 30-1. I I I'll bet you didn't know, coming or I Going, that when the rubber hits the I I oad, you can't afford not to buy from I Iangford. 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Cal 80 )- 88- o6 r go to joinsuncoast.org to find out more. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org NU A "* ..... .l.,- ".. -. ,J .... ..... .. .. Jr l.ni ...... I. .... ....... LpS "'J _.*'^ "; ,* t* ,.' ] } I ri" ,i-.i.". I r .i.-i I r,, *r ,r-J ), .-iriiir nill p?,,. r. Ill ir i~qul~rd M f u 2/5PY* 5 Month CD $10,000 new money required Call, visit, or go online to take advantage of this great limited time offer. 800-706-9991 Arcadia 1601 E. Oak Street Clewiston 300 S. Berner Road LaBelle 17 N. Lee Street Lake Placid 199 U.S. Highway 27 North Moore Haven 601 Highway 27 Okeechobee South Parrott 1409 S. Parrott Avenue Okeechobee North Parrott 500 N. Parrott Avenue Wauchula 202 N. 6th Avenue Seacoast NATIONAL BANK NASDAQ. SBCF www.seacoastnational.com 1 1. a,1,;i h .' ,rSeacoast Banking Corporation of Florida * Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal may result In penalty. Rate subject to change without notice. been able to s5ae enciough for the down payment, or bank I a nt tio charge an interest rate sr hizrli vou can't atffrd tu take the risk. Suncoast encouirages you to give ownership // 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 LOOKING FOR A HOME IN LABELLE? a. f -. Ideal home for you and your horses. 10.28 beautiful acres, -r., fenced and cross fenced. Exceptional pasture with spring fed pond. 1997 3/2 manufactured home features a split Complete master bath with garden tub. Roll down storm shutters are easy to operate. Large island kitchen with all appliances included. Pole barn, 24x30 CBS garage. Owner will allow a carpet allowance for living room carpet. May be divided into 2 five acre home- sites. Price Reduced to $575,000. MLS#200658466 HOME IN IMMOKALEE: 3/1 CBS home, new porcelain tile floors, remodeled kitchen, bath- room has all new fixtures, new carpet in bedrooms. Roof recently finished. $199,000. MLS#200660321 HOME IN LABELLE: REDUCED!! 3/2 manufactured home. LOCATED one lot off SR 78. Walking distance to River Front Park. Boat ramp near by. Large front and back porch. Building in back was used as business office. Great opportunities. $215,000. MLS#200607400 WATERFRONT HOME IN ORTONA: direct access to intercostal via deep frehswater canal, this 2/1.5 home sits on 65 ft. lot. This home features STILT with screened porch, a 6 ft. sliding glass door out to the lanai. A MUST SEE FOR THE SERIOUS BOATER. 399,900. MLS#200632282 Beautiful 4BR/2BA Pool Home, with-in LaBelle city limits. This remodeled home is ready for immediate occupancy. Features include: New Hardwood floors, New Frigidare appliances, Wrap Around Porch, Crown Moulding, New Pool, Carved Wooden Pub, Hardiboard siding, Jacuzzi tub in master bath, Smart House wiring, and much more! Call Jill Dillman at 863-673-3822 for more information and to set up a showing. $449,900. PoO LaB larg floor ora: Loc Esta i Home just west of elle. Beautiful 3/2 with e two par garage. Split )r plan'with a view of the nge groves behind. ated in Park Woods ites. Over half and acre. $295,000 Please call Jill Dillman 863-673-3822 SUnspoiled natural beauty surrounds this stunning 10+1- acre country home! You'll love to entertain your friends in this magnificent custom built 3/2 home. Over 2,400s.f. with vaulted cedar ceilings in living room, rock fireplace, wood floors, a large family room, country kitchen & much more. Comfort & Convenience! Call Stephanie Weatherford @ (863) 612-0000 Awl* B edroam/2 Bath/50'x40' detached garage .* 24i0OSq. Ft. Living Area 7o* codandCarpetFlooring e ':ar lined closets F.o.k Fireplace S i. tlted ceiling in Living Room LareLaundry Room I* 1S#200519971 WATERFRONT HOMES: $1,000,000- Stunning views from this 2 story Riverfront home. Home features 3BD/2BA a spa on the deck off the master suite and more. Enjoy Beautif sunrises and sunsets from your own dock. Call today for more info. HOMES: * $526,000 PRICE REDUCED! 4BD/3BA home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof studio, moveable island in kitchen and an above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. * $525.11i1ii PRIc REID ti O' -. : 1 ..iiT.- I-i 2.34+/-," ,r,,a(la,: uo- lo, .,n,,: uu Il,.. l ii, ,:,:,.1 I m lq.5 ,',,,ll .111 ',,! .i a ,,: r l .. l h,,,,i f.w OwneriAgetm brng anyl Snuus ulile. * $229,900 PRICE REDUCED! Goigeous niew 3BD/2BA house with garage. Split floor plan, living area w/fire place. Master bathroom has a garden tub and dual sinks. Carpet and tile throughout. This is a must see! * $204,900 -New 3BD/2BA home on a beautiful lot. Master bathroom has a garden tub w/separate shower. Kitchen fea- tures an island w/extra'sink & more don't let this one slip by! * $180,000 Completely remodeled 3BD/1.5BA. Roof and A/C less than 2 years old. New paint inside and out. * $179,900 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on a corner lot in Port LaBelle. Spacious living room and sep- arate dining'room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate workshop and small tree house great for kids. * $169,900 PRICE REDUCED!- New 3BD2BA home. This home features split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning room * $149,999 2BD/1BA spacious home, features a com- pletely fenced in yard and an above ground pool. * $94,900 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in LaBelle. This home has new tile, carpet, paint, cabinets, hot water heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty: Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: * $499,000 This 3BD/2BA Mobile home sits on .44+/- .... ; ,-,:. l 1 ] ,. ,-; i.. 1 ,A tures a screened in porch, fireplace, new carpet and is wheel chair accessible. This is a must see! * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond $* 4tii, i PRiCt RE i I iCEDI .1I l ,i I i Ii li i ..III 1 i i l ..ll ll .llllll ll l * $31.U ,IIIJu .i t' ItI .illlllll i......1 ... which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $197,900 Immaculate 21/2 year old 4BD/2BA manufac- tured home across from the river and boat ramps, many, many upgrades. A shed and irrigation. Call for more info. * $189,900 Spacious 3BD/2BA on 1.88+/- acres in Muse. Home features a split floor plan. The living area has a fire- place; kitchen has an island and pantry The nmster bedroom .... : A .'ll i l 'i d -p l.. IM fi: i i" il....h ,,, h ,i appointment. * $165,,i. n D 2 fatujM~~~tome on 5+/- acr a .~ ll,,odiaFWndn $U nd new above ground pool. Call for more info. * $115,000 Location!Location!Location!This corner lot in the city features a 3BD/2BA manufactured home. This home was remodeled in 2003, roof was also replaced. The yard is fenced and there is also a separate privacy fence in the back yard. * $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes new and under construction in the MHYC. The MHYC is a 55+ own- ership park. Call today for completion date! * $94,900 Looking for a 3BD/2BAmanufactured home on 1.25+/- acres?This home features a split floor plan. Call today for more info and for an appointment. * $85,000 -. P .1. .; 1,.i ,,:. ;,..:,,,:,, .., i- i-, l-,,.,, New carpetan I .i: 'Il' j iu I ." h'. '.. i... * $79,900 Remodeled 3BD/2BA manufactured home on .44+/- acres in Charelston Park. Great room has a built-in entertainment center. Call today for your appointment. * $69,900 This 3BD/2BA mobile home is situated on a double corner lot in LaBelle. Mobile home is being sold 'as is.' ACREAGE: * $1,600,000 12.76+/- acres lots of old oaks. Currently being used as a rental park. Please call for more info. * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. $ (1,335,900 Hwy'80 frontage. 2.7+/- acres in LaBelle F....i .. ;,-,: r,; I ,-, P ,-;,, .... ,:,f -,- , * |,2 i,,lilln [....ll+. 4,.. :..:at Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town shops and much more! * $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized w/clean bill of health. * PRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres adjoining Babcock property in Muse. Paved road access. * $850,000 -40+/- acres beautifully secluded with pasture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. * $650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR 80. * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the prop- erty. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. HOMESITES: * $13,000 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES EEI~F~ EL U11E CEFTI-rI E- -.:: RIDE THE HORSES, RELAX2.t1152 SQXI. OF COUNTRY CIARM NEW, SWEET AND AFFORDABLE' M,!2* ON 5 FENCED ACRES -N HOJ cam ORDABLE k ..( r'Yjt--, Ihim r r, B Y T HEl P O O L r hiscb oe L fe d-_6b' W IT H N E W R O O F i W Aelf. larjze rdt-d sun rco)rn ookr fkor plan h 3roe -1 h,, -4-- dimerts, ;,r,- i Cile in finag a'nd OA xirT4 tji~ d~ d l io ji'.'and F" ll t !i- 4ii~n slhIiu~a, mrn a-df ii ;r,'lnq moldnga r~ gish r Jufl~l' .i dcs ~ r'AiI~ Ir,,Idd rn O rirn. flCW- Cali~el. 'La' ed; 'am.* firmed andI 1;11 crcv.', fenced F-kmt harr,. ~ rcsttarde buaeri drwming ent Ll tuU cl. t '199.900). i'.~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ir,. iirn.isula5 u'neinot ad F itd -.ell 113I.00 'se'a s i,.l o Ia ubri sie scksivnew20C WATERFRONT HOMES STUNNING RIVER VIEWS ':an tbe -e.n frum rlre ii.s1, i ir iii' h.ii,,,n, t f tihil, rin ilfiont iBR .BA '.!-r..,r li..-m.- Hige lanti tiili it i. ngruni Jat-,/i spai iihd iritch rii.I:' $798.000. PRICE REDUCED PANORAMIC VIEWS ...t the Ca(l...ahatch.ee Rlter iI. .i ii 'l' his s R..bR i2' B.\ home iti~h .in o ei:edr [p I "*h. l....,t ,.J ._.k t'>' lurn.inn.,, ,.iu -h ,lu"-e ,ntd rlhde.[ p, l,, I,.jI IIInIp A: tIennin .....,rii $749.000 UPGRADED 3BR2BA HOME FEATURES 11'5 It ,.1 :l.c l t ni -.i ,:l (iV ....,ieat t' li Icai erl ~iilhin l m ilte ... i nI i In. e I. 11nit ll .r .iglF .:,Itu-.t- $599.900 SAVOR THE SUN .ii r.iui pr,.., tui atelhotd i-c.i a iR. "' ,.I nil.,i.i- !' u i,. h' o mlt ;it, i i .t sui a .lla' "tn thIe I,. l II-d ?-l--.].. i l O .ci0l i ..tick porch l I, .o '*\,:l tilh i l l .... l,. $ 524,.000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS ,ihl tins .BR 2. 2I ih li,,ine n,.'. _ialile u:reek 'ofei s d'ire.-t a. te.. tiu il. i i'.. l. Ith i R i' $399.000 SLIIMMER FUN! 4BR 2LU.A M [-I icludes 1 .5 ti ..i rt.ic , Ekll; ', I IurII h t..r I.-r sk, DeC [..l Il l ' r-' ,,I .I ,1 11 ,I 1 n o dr.vr ,s L ny.i_\ rII !, I,' $395 .000 PERFECT r SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS! BR R2BA ial Iront M 1 H ir.Jurie I:lnhlape $115.00 WAT El DREAMING OF sti:lule I c I1 I i d MAKE THIS 20 YOURS. '- 11i + - 'iht p..ll i a'.-lri I.l IMPROVED WA -HARBOR. i!,,.lud, r,= '?te, li h ll ,,i ti tL2I' ( 240 FT OF NAV Ir, rl. t._ i ll CI-. C i-nllll llll n ., + 230 FT ON THE RANCHETTES. 2 crl c liniiuninti $42 TAKE IN THE B -' 'a-, + .It ...Ill . ,.1 r ,i '. lt b.e t . .llh,.. .1 $410,000 IT DOESNIU~N HOMES 3 BR 2B.\ CBS HO M E .n I. 'm + -. .. L,. _..I rl 4.11 .,411 1.I-hi, I l, ..,. :' .' I I I. I i. .I J. .' I I Iq Ii .i i n t I .I r.r, i % .i h ll 1 $999.111111 4BR 3B.\ BRICK HOME ON II + AC. Ji ,li..,lr..-lJ I.t.'lis 1.1I. .I[, ,ni |Ll I..... l .. I ...lli_, h.I, l-. ,i ris Jnd ....rk Ih ... '. o ('.i .,UL ii I .1 l: $ 999 1.1001 4BR 2BA HOME ON 7 + AC. Priiott- i...u.krc p..,n.l .r. :t, .I I lr ,..,. 2' I I h .I I -i\' -'.-1. I :..,I, l In \'il .I ..li..- I ..r hai.m -. .lr $699.90n PICTURE PERFECT Il,.I 'A1 I- .,u.- h-r.t.r h.t ii t iii .1 i i iL .,,,,1I .,.i( I i ....., .,.,. h..h.m il iO L I ..ii im.lint l t..l.ll r m p $625,.000 3BR2BA. CLiSOM HOME ON 3.52 + FENCED \C. t ,.,,,. il.rI. ... i ,. I'- 111, ,,.- 1 1" 'h,,: ,I.-,:. t.'I-,.h 1I I. l e. hI uh.li .59l 9 $ l)IL l 3BR 2BA CBS HOM E ,.,, +- .a ,,'.:-, In.,,j p.,,' i.,k,. ,:l..Im .. ,, I ,,.t ..r .. i ,. ..i. i ,.i ,c $595.000 DREAkMS NEVER END i, rhii. : .it.,rn :HR ..nA A F"- hi. ,,c li .1.l ...r,1 lit. 1I ,. ,-. ., i.,. ..,. ii ,vt i ir, 1 ,,Liit L Il ,, .:$469.000 3BR 2B.\ 2-STOR HOME SITUAi.TED ,.r, ,',' + -. Pi: [,.hi 1.1,,I i.' ... *l... t .... ,I.1 ). .I.. r. $ 115.1100 3BR ?2BA CBS HOME ON 4.82+-AC. II....e .., :l iJiu..I h cl ,. .ir I.. 8IO N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 LAND coO. 188-675-6762 w-ii .heritagelandco.com S[ H\ BL~ EPNOt'L MLS .1 s dletaile,.lI upgi',. s arid rhoughrfil ACREAGE )0 39 +/- AC. WITH INCOME POTENTIAL. RFRONT HOMES SITES Includes 2BR hunting cabin, 4,500+/- young OWNING YOUR OWN 1264 + live oaks, laser leveled land, and water permits. WN.--0.000 $1,800,000 I $11.40.0 INCOME PRODUCING ORANGE GROVE )0 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE w/microjet irrigation. 124+/-ac. Canbesplit . iI v il h-liont .tt.i et ge nih rtmo, for endless building possibilities. $12,500 per t hI. ,c i ,II i.:,r, LCR 7S $965,000 ac. TERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA 43.32 +/- AC. OF oaks, pines, cypress trees, e di.ii 'h L %.-1 elii.ic anrd pro- and pasture. Well and power on site. Zoning is O.l.r I;,I.t l ,.I uasleoni $499,000 one homesite per 5 ac. $1,190,000 IGABLE CREEK FRONT. Risa.r OAK HAMMOCK, CYPRESS AND PALMET. i I tr TOS grace this 48.07 +/- ac. Flowing creek .II* I 0l,, _,.. ittt ._l-CI 'ic-Irted adds to the charm $1,100,000 a.. $429.000 40 +/- AC. OFF well maintained dirt road. RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE Unlimited potential at $30,000 per ac. '. + ,. ir. dj 'tillt Jle d iel Iaet'-ri- ManageableOrangegrovein FtDenaudoffpri- 25.000 vate road. $850,000 EALITY OF THE RIVER from ihi. 30 +/- AC. OF IMPROVED pasture with .ir tL Pi l. iell. R ,nchettes 2t00 fi wooded patches Picturesque flowing creek, -n hI.,.'.< -,r : .uh. Il '..- di..- k, rand camp houses. $705,000 20 +/- FENCED AC. of improved land. Excellent potential. $660,000 RLIWB'WF OT= $225,500 20 +- AC. WITH plenty of space for your home. Backs up to Lykes Brothers and fenced 1,. ,, -I. l e r._' c I.,._ p, h ,, ,-,r, .r .., -f90 8.000 ii....', Iil ,._ ,, Il', i .. I i n L '.i t LARGE, L[OVILY HOMISIF :E ". + ,.. 1,1, $395.000 h i l: i ....I ,l.i i 389,000 QLUILITY IS ON DISPLAY! Nc- ,. .i- .02 +- (. r. i.l, .-......r, i ,,,h.... -Li i.i.. in ic i'e.ii the gi ll ::tti .ii :- 'ld .II. I r.. J J,. ri a.. J .. I l,'i I ..ili 3~} 5,000 Ii i -. C I'_Jll 1I.. ni..ir: dcrallcd intorrmr E E C ITCHING : ; + ft L, l. -i. r...i. $299.000-$399.000 f'.m, I;.,.: $329.900 3 BR2B.\ CBS HOME IN THE CITY. 10+-. A. TR CtI r( ,ilu I..- ...iI ,,,1i ,.1-,, 11 i, ,i it. I-,di ln ,e n a 3iJ i r r :.if. .I .', rI n. .r n, ;|. ri i. ipIh : a Scncc -, r l- .".. I ii"' "1 A .ni..st ',e t l $224.900. IOC\ TION, LOCATION. LOCATION. ImTpe-.-i.e I .r~ i-.n. BR i:;\ i.ir,, I". dii, 1 i ..irt .r.iirag c...mmui n.,. $279.000 3BD 2BA ON SPACIOUS GREENBELT. The honit met hae ftu sera.s tkI.L' $210.1100 PARTL.ALLN FlURNISHED 'BR 2B3 \ hi.reC inclaid,.- ,.arp-.iL sti ig t .hIJ NC-.i ai. ,i, 'd t .,~,'i..iia t\ p -a 'I $175,000 AFFORDABLE LIVIN G: 'BR i'B i I ar gja~, a T%, 'Fpar roumn' i IcIL.'. I,, lk i- .l, ..: '.i ri'r'.l pulir.h mI i et1 rl BR h.lIs jarqacLt uL ll,-ur'l K KR-1, iI I i ' ,,,' il.:1 P..lc t. up ,.. greenbtri ()Iinl $164.900. G;RET INA'ESTMENT RENTAL PROPERTY. iLuple.. I..citedJ on Ml.k [I I ,,.r .n,..l. ... | tii1 pel m .nth OnJi $39.900 NEW CONSTRUCTION S 1'[.ISH HOME! '.BI _B-bX CBS home ilh t .t.h.-,.- h,.ar, l.Ut Un.allh:'d I .., aitl .- .. i..,.r. _i..u. ...tf-iat i 1.,i li udl4 l saurro.arii rnai ii.er.rinti D $389.900 F-SHIONABLE AND FLNCTIONAL ie-- ...iirtiua.u,.rn 3R.i'LB\ ['t.s l,.n .. + .,...i- ui. Ri.r, 5 D $339.000 BUDGET FRICEiDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION, sbR 2B a,.dr ec-i,.lt, ,i,.,.i.. p n' .i.', $199,900 Q LIT T IS ON DISPLAY! TLke a Joco l..ok on Augutt 149 t iur .(pen H .,I .- I', 1, Ii c1 t 'a [)I" D iBtI.. the fi trst t ic,, ,ur neih c,.i.r-i[]ii. ti-.I ...ll l'.- i'lr e n m .1 Ji ll % l ir., ple:,.-tc Ill Hliam:L'," [ej iwit lr l,, i .-.i ll - MANUFACTURED HOMES COUN FRY CHARM ON 5 ACRES. .BR -'l \ 2..UL. .-t t hL .,i tp I. ic: .t.1',n i T I s.la. t e i 1 ,a, k in r., ,. inn rnrii r.iiii holdingss and an iniltri g Litnch i .ti li .I-1ii. t.ar '5 1 .ill I .hor. barn in lutA c, ra k losm ai ndi ,aii .=g r_,rr. tit- h .:..r..ialt: .- .. i-. $525.000. Could be two 5 ac. homesites. $299,900 20 +/- AC. of investment property in Western Muse. $299,900 5 +/- AC. west of LaBelle & only a short dis- tance to Ft. Myers. $269,900 5 VUNDERFGONTMOI]E MUSE 5 ACRES on Loblolly Bay Rd $200,000 PIONEER PLANTATION, 5 +/- ac. parcel is your RX for Relaxation! $175,000 LADECA ACREAGE, peaceful get-a-way on 5 +/-ac. $165,000 2.5 ACRES in Pioneer on 23rd St. Culvert in place and property is fenced & cleared. $86,000. 2.5 +/- AC. in Pioneer, high & dry with pal- mettos and pines. $79,900 2.5 +/- AC. in Pioneer plantation, tranquil homesite for only $74,000 MONTURA RANCH ESTATES. 1.07 to 1.25 +/-ac tracts. $39,900 to $67,500 HOMESITES REFINED HOMESITES available in deed restricted Laurel Oaks. From $90,000 to $110,000 new construction homes also avail- able. HARD TO FIND OAK FILLED corner lot in r l-. $...i 150,000 PRIn\CY GULOR.E! + .. 11 .,t i': $ 8,. 125.000 NIo)\ IIIF QUIFI I I I.. hll.. '. + . In I, .. .. 010,'011 CA.NlI. FRONT PUiFI + I , .- I ..II 1 1 :n 01'1)l.01.10 .40+ -.AC LOT OFF (.R .. i 1,1, I,... I K N EW 41,I .'11 \ .I..l ..I. ',! -I .. i, *:j + + -475.inun BEALUITI LL WOODED 1.27 + .AC. LOT in h i.l, .,I it. 1 I '_tl '' \ 1t .. - I.I .I I .. '1 '1t 1 \ 11,., .. aI. l NI II $245.000 MINI CONDITION .I-B '2'L. ',1 I I r i n .-- I I I l I .. 1 1 I 1. I .J h. L ". i I 1 . aI.. il $195.9011 LOOKS SM.AL.L. LIVES BIG! -' 2 '.1 H I,, ,,i'k l..,I. ,. 'hl, '.l I, $5165i,000i GET OLT OF TO\ N PRICTID TO S E L L .1l. '; is .1 -i .., .. ,11i .1. :,. a ul.,n ...1.1 I., 1 ~ 5 1. 111.i 1. 3BR2BA M 1 ON CORNER LOTI ,,,, ,, 1 ,1 l.:,_-k 1 q.99q ENJOY THE 4IMPI[ L :.R! ',1, .1;, ' I': ALt IL 29,. . l..,p 11111 % h...1 1 1 I t. II c I [I $129,0trit neighborhood. Cleared lot with trees that skirt the property. $89,900. .40+/- AC LOT ACROSS FROM CALOOSA ESTATES S/D. 20x20 metal shed, well on prop- erty, underground electric service. $89,900. CHERISH THE CHARM of this beautiful oak filled city lot. .42 +/- ac. $85,000 WIDE VARIETY OF HOMESITES in all units of Port Labelle. Something for everyone 1/4 ac. to 1/3 +/- ac. Call or email for a detailed inventory .Visit www.heritagelandco.com to shop from home. TROPICAL GULF ACRES, Homesites in Charlotte County Call for details on these Punta Gorda lots. 2 2.5 ACRE PARCELS in Pioneer at Arcadia and 8th St. $87,500 each. PRIVACY PURE AND SIMPLE on these 1.25 to 3.75 +/- ac. parcels. Lehigh Properties, Hendry County is located minutes from the center of Lehigh Acres. Priced from $85,000 and up. LEHIGH ESTATES -.297 +/- ac. Conveniently located to Ft. Myers $66,900 1/2 +/- ac. buildable lot west of Joel Blvd. in Lehigh. $62,900 INDLWN HILLS % .. .:a. r, : I.:l $55,000 3 TO CHOOSE FROM I + 1..: I. .r N'r ..ih. :1. ,:.: .149.900 to 554.900 .I.\G l\R BI\D In L.,:l..1 1: c r.. Hi" 52 in,h. lrith,. p. I '...0l.,.j h I -..lh.Jc," i.' u:[u $52.I11i ) (IIl-DI)E-[ 1 ( LOTr -. .. '- l. F ,.:,-. ,, P-ii.e I I I 1, i I $48.000 ()NMM FR( IAL .115%i Q FF COMMERCIAL BLiLD[ING lIl,., ,I ,-i r I 51.250.000 F\( EI.L[NI LOCArION FOR tOLTR BLSI- F ,S !. [- .. 1111.,, 1 '. I .,- j. i.,j I.. l fu lun ... .... I .."" ...J Trj, .II.rut 5.BI1'.' BA ,-I,:,,I ,I i ,.,-, ll,, p-. ,rr',, $899.900 GRE_\I BL'INESS POI[NFTLU sih r2. 4:f hl -i h ... .n ..u ,..11 il ,l O .',ll,: d ' II, I 1; 1II .,.| I il,,r,-. $499,900 W'tl.R BRLSINFSS BELONGS c.r., Ii.- h-ej, I l .. .... I, ,, I ,. I -, 1i ,2 S .11,.i mI""''" I 111 ~W 9.248 OFT H\Ir 8n IN L\AB0LLf. I- .. il $A ; 5.000 .l '. I- .'' f F 2'.; L 'Ii I .. in I- .. l..j .IB i,, ,.. I .. .. ... ,r.., ",B ,\ IB- ,,, i,~,,1 ,l. -, ,. i i.. i. 249.900 M0o\ WLOR BUSINESS 10 L\BELLEI h, l. I.. i u. I J ,t .... r:1 1 II.. .' 11'. I. I%'l I lilth' II : t h l' r[ll R hfl ...u. 1 ....~ 221.500 E I ... ..1-1 211S N. Bridg t aelF 33 863-65886 LiaAn rw i.R s tae roe Asoie: Smda/eadiLid el aisJm s Ti eRxnaCncoKiNesnRoeMs , DN Ii(IlafedtiiN xa rtam Km. I I _ - I II I Nwm -I 5w:Mr.1 Orotq, Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 2008 Clipper Ct. 2BD/1BA 1625 Cast $129,900 2.29 A VACANT LAND 7006 Alfa Cir N $42,500 2015 Ing 3004 Base Ct $43,500 9022 E. Justice 3028 Brairwood Cir $50,000 000 Nei 7004 Brazil Ct 42500 7824 N 260 Caloosa Est $99,500 8024 O 3 Horseshoe $42,500 7010 4 Horseshoe $42,500 8036 Salem C COMMERCIAL 141 Hickpoochee Ave 2500 sq.ft. building and land only Call or stop by to see more information on all 4 /'0 274 N LaBell che Cn9,RC IP 863-6 e Rd 3BD/: cres. $185, 2BA on ,900 glewood $51,900 e $32,500 (Reduced) ghborly $39,900 W 18th- $79,900 live Ct $47,500 Rich $44,900 ir- $38,900 (Reduced) $ 1,500,0 *r 6 | i: 5 I 00 of our listings! Bridge St e,FL 33935 512-0002 SilIl1 29.70 Acres on --- Joel Blvd, near li SR 80. PRICED TO SELL! Call Today... 863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/564-2005 cell 239/564-2002 Thin.ig Aout Where you' Come 'Up With Iie ,ney For A New Home? i h'orry No More A I .. We fHave Solution for youl -4 p), tling, Build Your Drean r!om & Pay off Credit Cards We Hi P aced Loans That Others Cogidn'tti Alan Kelly Mortgage ' Call Bob Hahn Now! 823-674-0091t .. ,.. .. . . .. .. .. .. . ] HOME BUYERS GUIDE PENCER M REALTY Fran W. Spener, Lic. Broker 437 SR 80W W LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1203 (863) 673-5554 Webs www.SpencerRealtyFL.com WE WANT YOUR LISTING!!! Give us a call, we can sell it for you!!! We have World-Wide Internet marketing and can sell any- thing listed in MLS! So come see us, we can help with all your Real Estate Needs! Visit us at our new location 437 SR 80 West across from Log Cabin BBQ. SELLER WANTS AN OFFERI!! 400 5th Ave LaBelle, FL Belmont Gorgeous 3 year-old, 3/2 home on a corner lot has ceramic tile floors, custom bath with a big garden tub, large eat-kitchen, really nice brick fireplace, split floor plan. A deck overlooks a small canal. Close to everything. $299,900 PRICE REDUCED!! This 2/2 mobile home has just been remodeled, with new carpet- ing & vinyl throughout, & new cabinetry in both baths and kitchen. The 50' X 400' lot is covered with gorgeous oak trees and very private. Sits 5 drives North of a small grocery store. $65,900 2.5 ACRES. THIS SPACIOUS 3/2 (2003) PALM HARBOR MANUFACTURED HOME features cathedral ceilings, a split floor plan, large bedrooms, walk in closets. Modern, black kitchen appliances. Ceramic tile in entry, baths and kitchen. Back pasture is fenced and ready for your horses! Has several nice oaks. Shows like brand new! $219,900 IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A PEACEFUL, COUNTRY LIVING, LOOK NO FARTHER! This is ideal for a weekend get-away, orfull time residence. There is a storage shed in back, a small barn, a detached carport, dog pens, and lots of pretty trees encased in 2.31 totally fenced acres. The home is a Fleetwood, nearly new model in immaculate condition. You gotta see this one!!! $199,900 Call 863-675-0000 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKI NN SCOTT HACKMANN, ROOKIE BRUCE AND DON BURDICK S1K 675-0500 !EALTY NEW LOCATION! 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the corner of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON 0 IMS. N 8 SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTAlS W J'U LABIE :r. .:j I I,-. .- :,.:l IN LEHIGH ACRES in I .he F.l:-,n ..n li.ni. ,-ii ti._...., pr in Wesmuniter GCired Golf (C:.n-unurur,. 2Bc;,domln, 2Bd-. Iru uleo, Large Fully furnished 3+office/2/2 with oaks, lots of storage in the out build- pool. $2,000/ NO PETS/NON- ings and large barns and workshops IN FORT MYERS on Gibson St. available for the outside man. Sellers 3/3/1 $1,200/M NO PETS. also have a business for sale at the right 3/1 ON 29 NORTH $700/M. NO price. Very unique property for that PETS. unique person. Pond on property. BRAND NEW HOME in Port LaBelle Asking $450,000. on Montana Circle. 3/2/2 Car $1,800/M. IN FORT MYERS. 3Bed- No Pets room/3Bath, 1 car garage in a great BRAND NEW HOME in Port LaBelle location. Close to everything. Home on Windswept Circle. 4/2/2 Car has 2 master bedrooms, new roof, inte- $1,800/M. No Pets IN HORSESHOE ACRES on Derby rior paint and A/C. Asking $279,900. IN HORSESHOE ACRES on Derby IN P 3Bedroom/2Barh Lane (Towards Clewiston) 3/2 $800/M IN PIONEER! 3Bedroom/2Bath Single mobile/furnished. No Pets large doublewide mobile home on OUR FEATURED fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual fireplace, LISTINGS FOR THIS WEEK walk-in closets, outside building. LOVELY TWO STORY HOME on Asking $184,900. 11 Del Mier 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! 6 f I.. I i.I ... .... .. . * I': Ill .'.. II I.' if I I t I ine Country f .-. .1 i.. : .... I.. 1 ..- ... 11 111l .,.- u tiful 2B ... .. ... ,, .... ,i with RV park- ,,- i 1 : .i ,, ii,.- i ... ige feel like a park. you owe it to yourself to see! $099,900. * Perfection Has and Address! Immaculate in design: enrl'irinc in rhlimrtpr thi' Cljnlr" t,,l n? hnmer ,,Ih. i,,.,.,h. ,i. i, ,,, ,,h: ,111, .. 1, 1 .,I,4.1 l,,,,:l I lI ,,. ,,, h .,, ,,,. ,, ""'', ,,,I 1 I-,11, .' ,,,H: 11 1, 31. 1,1" 1111).. j," ,q ,, Ih ......-, ,...j I hl ,.li ,,,,i1 i nI t tNDI lDl [ i' * New home under construction. A beautiful 3BR/3B j ,, I 1. ,| .. .. i1 ].U .ll A. $249,900 * Solid Decision, Solid House! You'll be glad to see this ., New Horizons Real Estate Corp. spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing with quality, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and vani- ties are all less than 2 years old. New roof being installed. Call today for this worry free home! $234,000. * REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/IB CBS home with 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only $234,900. *Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. featuring ceramicle textured walls & spa- cious kitchen. Only $179,900. Bring your horses and relax the rural way! 4BR/2B man- ufactured home with over 2400 square feet of living area sitting on a georgous 6.5+ acres of land & fenced for hors- es. Too many extras to list, call for an appointment today! $350,000 . Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped grounds are a fitting introduction to a superb 3/2 home! Huge screened lanai, oversized carport, 2 sheds and addi- tional 4 stall carport/workshop Plus pasture for kids pony! Worth calling about quick! $215,900. * Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only $179,900. * 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot tucked away on a quiet street Oak trees create a back yard of enchanting beauty. A must see! $165,000. * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 * Privacy + Peace & Relazation! 3BR/2B doublewide with 1,300 sq. ft. under air in town. Privacy fenced on three sides and chain link in rear. Backs up to pond! Extras include shed, huge Florida room & BBQ deck. $139,900. * Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acrel Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. * Rare find outside of LaBelle but not to far from schools or shopping. 3BD/2BA manufactured home fea- tures split floor plan, built in cabinets, separate shower & garden tub in the master suite, and much more! All on .50+/- acre. $132,000 * Renting? No Privacy?Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a iS acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. * 3BR/1B manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $110,000 * Calling all Investors!! 4Br/2B manufactured home in HorseV Rti4 B -is C4ON irUd with right to inspect. Bring back the sparkle and you will have made a great investment. $75,000 * Best Bargain for Miles! 35 beautiful secluded acres at ONLY $25,000. per acre! WITH Pole Barn, Electric and several wells! Call ASAP for showing! $875,000 * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RG1. Surrounded by upscale sub- division. Ripe and Ready for developer. $800,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your investment dollars here. 25 beautiful acres with Hwy27frontage. Next to water plant. Property was cleared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & seduded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further. Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $67,900. Possible seller financing. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. * Call about our Port LaBelle lots! --t~ POTENTIAL COMMERCIALiocation of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this invest- ment! $2,750,000. Prime 20+/- acre potential Commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/DEVELOPMENT....loove Am k! -, =-.- .. v==::2='- B Se'""w 11L1W ^Tj.ni. isf3_ I I! I.- Hdr, U, ~ ~ A- r (REAF [,PJ L:.frl 1111' 1. 1 -J IM T-.- fl I 1h. I- or rr .cr :. 54.ti .- .0 i0 ., I ii... I ..su, i. .iti. i .. .. , L~f.j I-,v l'r. ' INVESTMENTS OUT OF COUNTY! 'Ii. i l i 1,~- i I I. ,w, I I Ip. Thl.IO .i .1 ....... .1 i ~I;-J~I. I~e ill '-St -: iC-.I." a --F-T P, . IiI -` + tic- l c '..f 'itt tL ,''I.-. II, .ir l [i f.L. 1-~lrll 1 1 I- L: UII.!0.e i IIh \L1v r II 1, d, I -I it 2 9 5,20 " '* ' ln l i.;. ..J-. 1 i' .,,rivl Iitt1 ii i- i and Ati-sult or I o Luni. t I, 'g S llvtS., ts 116.840 iivAi C 1. 1 v- 1 ci 8.00 0.000I It.1 e j~l Pitme dn Aow .0 .niLni~ ulb~ull-hilt !i: 5 0i~ $ 26.84U INN $18.000,000 , -'i, ., : .H .,|Ji| IL,.' :,.,,:,- "i ., l.l:, rit' i D Lifi r.k L.B ELL F tlM. LIS i'it T V .'.ii r I .':' ....ri. : '.'I"..-" IL is11."ll :s I': h: + i,:s7 L I' ,:lH ,.L ,l l rll t I .ll ll t L )"1 ": i" II ,i ,,,,i i ". c .,',, .. 111. i .jl.l l', .. i:e,1 u 1 hf .' F.I'i' 2 n ,0 ., : I .. .. 1.. '. 1i . h.. ... f. .,i. .i. ,- .. i .... u i, h P ill, .-.,I ,rT .' D.: i i tl, ll. i. 1 '.,VI ,,h o ,:rl .,1 I.h"1 1 ... ," r"",1, I I ', '- fJ it ,. C.,0 0.. -I .... , . ,1 I i, i 8 50 ,0 1.*1) i r..'c ,'J ,' **.,Ti il,,,,,.,, 111 .. 11. |II " h o..a..: $.0o,ooo ..............................................................................................................: SHERRI DENNING Licensed Real Estate Broker since I 0S5 Associate, Emnil\ Ankene\ Phalli- Kelle\-Milli Tonv Barnes \'Wane Mkl(.)tuiag Gregorv Bone Dan Pool Lisa Cleghorn Katie Solomon * Bonnie M. Denning, CPA S'nda Williams \\ard Dickin.son T1- ce\ L. \\William Jo'ce (Gerstman '\onne Hallman Lisa Herreio i *Paul Meador . SW- :~IE 'r J~I~slvs i f U ^ TlL, Fillowl p -~sp*a~ "p~ea~C~"9~FPB~F~ ar~a~g~E* i*~i~mtrs~g$d~i~~i~r~^Fn~i~*~a-. ~ii~s~a~i~ ;~B~a~aar~:.~b~ir:ai'~(a~-ra~Z~~ ~1'P.~ 5 ~3~ ~,,~ISISIIP"~% ~"f~lllL 7 1 r ?m Aar*-.- 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 PORT LABELLE LOTS 3014 Beacon Lane $24,000 3010 Arnet Lane $24,00 7006 RichCourt $32,500 8012 Mill Court $38,900 2006 Inglewood Cir $38,900 3027 Hanrard Cir $39,900 3075 NE Beechwood Cir $48,000 2001 Montana Circle $47,500 W Leader Ct (Adjoining Lot available) $45,000 W. Leader Ct (Unit 102) $45,000 MONTURA RANCH ESTATES 165 S. Grania St 1.25 Ac $49,900 175 S. Granja St 1.25 Ac $49,900 539 Hunting Club Ave 1.25 Ac $49,900 372 Horse Club Ave 1.25 Ac 585 N. Willow St 1.00 Ac $49,900 LABELLE HOMESITES 3rd Avenue .45 Ac $70,000 Calhoun Street .64 Ac $89,000 Calhoun Street .42 Ac $89,900 201 N. Hickorv St .62 Ac $98,500 OTHER AREA HOMESITES 924 Wildflower Street Lake Placid .25 Ac $39,900 922 Wildflower Street Lake Placid .25 Ac $39,900 1015 Naples Ave. Street Lehigh $46,000 ACREAGE 5171 Chiusita Dr. (Charlotte Co)10 Ac $79.900 $49,900 40 Acres (Gerber Grove) DBankofAmeritca SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Bank America Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 SFax: 863-675-7744 1 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ONIow certified iX FH/VA rfin n cing $660,000 oida 863 675 4550 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle F eal Rodney Murray & Seth Howard Lie. Real Estate Brokers State co. Associates: Phil Lewis, SHis Tamra Franco, Kyndel Murray 173 Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & par- tially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $282,900. 4/2 well maintained home with 20x30 workshop, 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. $274,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. il68pB a. nd Be among the first to view these stunning new homes on August 19th from I lam to 3pm Within walking distance of the Oxbow Marina Driving instructions: East on Hwy 80-go 2 mires East ofLaBelle to Birchwood Pwky. Head North on Birchwood Pky take first right into Laurel Oaks, first right onto Springview Cir rr _, _ 11.Z1....-' t,... - 2,365 SQ FT 3BR/2BA, Breakfast bar, User friendly kitchen, GE appliances, Peaceful lanai $289,900. 4rERTAQ LAND CO. 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 Se Habla Espaiol www.heritagelandco.com -^ ... ,. 2,365 SQ FT 3BR/2BA, Generous kitchen, Galvalume roof, 2396 SQ FT 3BR/2BA, GE appliances, Silestone counted Impressive Foyer, Private lanai. $299,900 tops, His and hers master closets, Builder's warranty ---- -------------- .........It A /1 r L I. . ...; :. :. :. ..F ,:... ,. 2,486 SQ FT 3BR/2BA, Elegant foyer, Oversized lanai, Galvalume roof, GE appliances. $349,000 - -- 2,534 SQ FT 3BR/2BA, GE appliances, Luxurious master bath, Breakfast bar, Builder's warranty. $349,900 ~~;l.is~. -s 3,038 SQ FT 3BR2BA, Galvalume roof, GE appliances, kitchen island, Silestone countertops, builder's warranty. $390,000 OPEN FOR ADMIRATION 11 TO 3 ON AUGUST 19TH DOOR PRIZES... LOAN CONSULTATION... REFRESHMENTS..... Home Builders Building CommunitUes, One Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder Includes impact Fees & Allowance for Lot Prep | l..l i i I .I. J : iJ[ i J.-.. .l We have IWItWWIiFM MPIS Homes Available Now. 7026 Gill Cir Buttonwood, 3/212 1762sa ft $207,900 3045 June Cir, Maqnolia, 4/2/2 2676sq ft $267,900 5006 Pike Lane, Madison II. 312/2 Cir, I 2032 so ft $227.900 n II. 3/212 2032so ft eCir Cvnryes II. 3/2/2 ft FREE CREDIT APPROVAL with :CHL Home Mortgage,LLC. Call Chuck Pedrey @ (863)675-3245 Lock Rate by 7/31/06 For FREE INTEREST RATE BUYDOWNII Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 Cell: 863-673-5061 www.chihomebuilders.com QB39922 *All Spec Homes Include '/ Acre or More Home site "Paved Roads""County Water*"Power"'4 Schools In Subdivision"" U r IIr- - I -- I I r -; S WATERFRONT 2 STOR' HOME ON 2 5 ACRES r. the ,:.:. etd P.:.r Lait.,Ill Ran,; her t L.:.,atd *-n the ri.cr id- "'ilh -..rI a .rT nblt b liier, i,. and the Ci l.:..:.:ahat,:lI, e, inrra,:.;si al, bul.d ,.ur b.--at. d.- in the l harbor t1 the ..rri\ Ct-.rp rmnai nane.dl ,atcrw3i Ltr. ,r, the -.untrs, l a t: ,c n i. lr-r ihi ih I rt .:.f LaEelle h.:.ri c" .c:l:-ile $7-19,00i0 I - .- '- .... , .-. : "j * '',** ,."' -' ; MORE 1THAN MEETS THE P E' Hard i... lin. h...n e .:nr. j de rdrritd cj ~"r --, t,lj, L.kcd ncti a,, a. yet seconds fron SR 60. backs up to a pnstane rIetn- tion lake with amazing sunsets. Low maintenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceilings, interior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash and granite countertops, all windows have wood casing sur- rounds, a brick fireplace, and wood floors throughout finish the look. $499,000 REDUCED 50 FT. PRIVATE DRIVE leads to expansive 6.7 acres with 470+/- Ft of riverfront located close to town. Build close to the waters edge with almost viturally no Corp. Easement. $2,500,000. RIVERFRONT 5 ACRES with 215+/- feet of frontage. High elevation reveals spectacular views. $895,000 REDUCED * aj' ''"' 2', RIVERFRONT 1.15 ACRE homesite on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $525,000 REDUCED PROTECTED HARBOR iust one lot in off the main channel of the Caloosahatchee Waterway. Build your dream home under the scenic oaks in this park like setting. Located in Caloosa Harbor S/D. $450,000 2 Ajwfp" tF- ak fula LOTS AND LAND DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced independently) for an upscale residential project. $150,000 per acre. SECLUDED, HEAR YOURSELF THINK. 20+/- acres west of LaBelle off Kirby Thompson Road partially filled with freshly dug pond and 40 plus loads of fill for your use. $440,000. PORT LABELLE RANCHETTE I.:..:,cd ..n Fr.-.ncr Cr 2 '.' ,r\?T i.a, k uFp .: ,rccrnb-lt ar.ai ird h.:.rsc crc i.lcui- e Pr T-r.r iI td I.- ite built r i1i;;c lmhn, re . iden.:c, i275.000 5 BLJUTIFUL OAK LADEN ACRES 1.:.,.aed Ex t..iA LaB -clle Queiir i( .urin L' .n I.r ..nl:, 1iO60,00ii OVERSIZFD HOMESITE ,.-n crn.til, I...,:a[. in, ihe oln i nhrl ca ,: ,:i:: S -' 2' 75' A i:.-. mnianicured and read' I-r \,:.ur dican h-:n'm L.:.t -:. .-.;k aind napllc- Was $105.000. reduced to SS5.000 for quick sale. PORT LABELLE LOTS :.r., ihe r,.:.rh id, .:.i-, ,:1-.:. to rni, de.le .:.prrneni ar'a v. nimrni iPricd -i ti.:. $39,000 to $57,900 C all I..r ir.,-ent..r', I C .e.r 60 ite,'; t.. pi.:k fr.:.ni SELLER F [NANCING AVAILABLEE .ih d.: n :u ucu-r n e innediO area i .. r , HOM ES LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING, H. r-.r r I.:-,nie Upgrades include wood floors, stacked stone fire- place, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, crown moulding, skylight dormers, and top of the line ceiling fans with decorative medallions. The tlanU t includes a large barn with 3 oversized stalls and tack room with shelving as well as a fully irrigated riding arena and a 24x44 workshop/office. Additional Acreage available, offers must be contingent upon Glades County approval for property split. $695,000. WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY for the right investor! This 20 acre parcel currently has a 1988 cedar home with galvaume roof and a 1997 singlewide manufac- tured home on the premises. Both homes are in need of rehabilitation, Seller has started the process but there is still quite abit to do. Property canbe split and is priced at land value only. $590,000 :,** : . .t 2 STORY HOME close to town just off Ft. Denaud Rd. This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has it all, location, charm, Master suite with office, screened room and more. $279,000 REDUCED. TUCKED UNDER THE OAKS. Gated and private meandering drive leads to 3 B-d'"Ea mjn nrafturd . home features include 2 screeni'e p.F:.r,:h-:, 2- ':'" shop/garage, plus a 12x16 il:- a.- i bl.id mill x-tra refrigerator and A/C, all on 2 Acres. $169,000. WHAT A NICE HOUSE! One owner built in 1995, CBS 2 B RI pF No o di o at $145,000. MOBILE ON 1/2 ACRE south of LaBelle with lots of paving and a 26x53 pole barn. $79,500. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL PRIME CORNER with approx. 590 ft. on well traveled Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm St. The front 2.7 Ac are zoned Light Industrial with the remaining 4 ac zoned Heavy Industrial. Great opportunity for flex space devel- opment. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located across from the State Attorney's Office and close to LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL Located approx 1 mile west of Cowboy Way with 800 lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the proposed future Wal- Mart location. $2,090,880. MIXED INDUSTRIAL USE with 176 Ft. on promi- nent Cowboy Way. Asking $915,000. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4.65 AC with 2400 Sq, Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access,just outside the city limits. Could be split under current zoning. $850,000. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL SITE just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000 HARD TO FIND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $285,000. * RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 FEATURES OF THE WEEK WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS UNIQUE OLD FLORIDA ESTATE! LOCATION, LOCATION. LOCA- 10,538 sq. ft. under roof + 2,585 sq. ft. pool & patio area! Exclusive pool home located East of LaBelle on 5 beautiful, oak- & citrus-filled acres fronting on SR 80. Home features many architectural details from vaulted ceilings and sky- lights, to Spanish tile flooring. Custom floor plan includes 3 master suites, pri- vate sitting rooms, French doors to large lanai, covered walkways, poolside rec room, 1BR/1BA cottage, twelve-bay workshop w/ garage, electric gate entranceway, paved drive & completely fenced. One of a kind! $1,500,000 NEW CONSTRUCTION! CBS home located Port LaBelle Unit 102. features open floor plan, split bedrooms, fiigidaire stainless steel appliances, tile throughout, separate tub and shower in master, vaulted ceilings, patio and two car garage. $249,900 3BR/2BA HOME W/TILE through out living areas, living room plus family room. Fenced back yard w/ many tropi- cals & BBQ room. $189,900 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. This 4BR/2BA oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in liv- ing areas & many extras! $285,000 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEAN! This home is truly a beauty from the inside out. Features: ceramic tile, bonus room w/hurricane shutters, screened porch, alarm system & spa- cious bedrooms & bathrooms. Well man- icured corner lot w/irrigation system. A must see! $189,000. 2BR/IBA HOME, nice yard w/oaks & fruit trees. $144,500 TION!!! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 INVEST NOW! One i if the few riverfront r ag" '- parcels on the | iarkel. 10.7 Acres w/ ; ,01 + leet fronting .-r.,i i,. er. Look to rl L .old West & "F '." *,' 'I"1'' ',*'-S from the '' I :.. .erbank. The f..ll .rc .r piece fea- .,-1. I. li front on the ., "Id, .. & river-front S' .,, it,. t.,rth. Parcel's S to"t' i ,, land use is leisure recreation (LR). Your possibilities are endless here! $3,500,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE w/ over 200 ft. of water- front & already separated into 2 lots. Site features frontage on the main river and the "Old River. Old River frontage includes 60 ft. of protected dockage. No corps setbacks on either lot. $1,500,000 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S BEST! This recently renovated 3BR/2BA home is locatedat the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!!! $499,900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront home site on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Home site is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river. Permits are in place to re- dredge oxbow. $499,000 ONE OF THE FEW privately owned man-made deep water canals in LaBelle! This waterfront homesite is located in LaBelle City limits. Home site includes ownership of the canal, which provides protected boat dockage and direct access to the Caloosahatchee River. $299,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jack's Branch w/ river access. This Unique property also has its own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 HOMES IN LABELLE CHARMING 2BR/2BA CEDAR HOME sits on oversized corner lot in the city. Features are vaulted ceilings, tile, French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 CBS HOME IN THE CITY! 3BR/2BA w/split floor plan, large bedrooms, oversized family room & beautiful shad- ed home site. $199,900! MOVE IN READY! Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interi- or paint & spacious master bedroom. $179,900 OAKS, FENCED BACK YARD, 3BR/2BA CBS home in the heart of LaBelle. Great location! REDUCED $179,500 THIS IMMACULATE 2BR/1.5BA HOME is located in the center of town close to everything. What a terrific home for someone just setting out on their own or sizing down. Home is partially furnished & ready for you! $159,900 IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA MANUFAC- TURED HOME situated on shaded oversized lot in town & completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry & breakfast island. Reduced $134,900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3BR 2BA man- ufactured home has a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! Possible owner financing available! Owner will consider all offers! $125,000 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle'. Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining. $119,900 AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home w/office or possible 4th bedroom. Perfect starter home or rental invest- ment. Located within city limits, com- pletely fenced & priced to sell! $99,900 HOMES 3BR/2BA NEW CONSTRUCTION CBS HOME! Split floor plan, 2,000+ total sq. ft., granite counter tops, 18" ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling and many more upgraded features. $245,000 3BR/2BA CBS HOME w/Pool in Laurel Oaks, very desirable neighborhood w/ great floor plan for a growing family. Property is surrounded by large oaks & a few fruit trees. Home/pool needs TLC. Home is being sold AS IS. $235,000 2BR/2BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured home w/large screened room on 1.25 acre home site cleared w/ scattered trees. $135,000 3BR/1BA HOME IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. Nice floor plan, tile through out. Priced to sell! $130,000 HOMES ON ACREAGE UNIQUE, DESIRABLE AND IN THE PATH OF GLADES COUNTY DEVEL- OPMENT! This wonderful location is perfect for the active developer looking for that parcel which is surrounded by the approved Lykes Development. Suitable for planned development with approval from Glades County. $1,800,000 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/- acres fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse sta- ble. $490,000. 3.18 +/- ACRES W/COTTAGE STYLE HOME located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's most desir- able communities. Situated at the end of a cul de sac w/ peaceful & private setting. Cathedral ceilings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan & wrap around porch. $469,900 SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANU- FACTURED home on 4.84+/- acres w/ pond & mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large master bedroom/ bath, office/nurs- ery, formal living room, family room & open kitchen w/ island. $325,000 OUIET COUNTRY RETREAT! Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. Immaculate home offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment package includes large screen television w/ stereo & surround sound, split floor plan, built in computer center, large master br & ba w/ garden tub and sepa- rate shower. $199,500 COMMERCIALIBUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida-Style two story build- ing fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 A QUAINT CRACKER-STYLE OFFICE on Park Avenue. Already set up for a business office- including phone lines, air conditioning, commercial grade carpeting and landscaping. Screened front porch adds to its Florida charm. $399,900 BEST BUY! Affordable Business Zoned Property! This 2 Br / 1 Ba home is situ- ated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and sur- rounded by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $195,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator Bait Pub has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully furnished, completely equipped kitchen & offers a great start for any entrepreneur. $174,500 SE HABLA ESPANOL www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com m03, Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis 9016 1 5009 1 350,OLX) I " --- ---- -- . . w... , , V I.J. .., .1 r- y. `~"i ,r -~'(:h ~~~iji~rB~BI~Xl~lg~L~` ' i;. ~9~1"~ .,.i ..,.. ..,~~ ,..,,,: Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 EDC planning annual meeting Accepting nominations for business recognition Hendry County Economic Development Council (EDC) has scheduled Friday, September 22, for its annual meeting. The event coincides with the 2006 Business and Industry Recogni- tion event sponsored by the EDC every year. The EDC office is accepting nominations for the prestigious Business and Industry Recogni- tion award until August 31, 2006. Whether it is an expansion, new hires, community involvement, new business or some other notable accomplishment, recipi- ents will be chosen for their con- tribution to Hendry County's economic development during this past year and will be hon- ored during the annual meeting luncheon. A submitted letter to the EDC explaining why you feel this company/business should be recognized is all you need to do. Last year's winners were Joey's Truck Wash and The Wal- lace Group. Other business will include EDC's Annual Report. This year the luncheon will be held in the LaBelle Civic Center starting at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $15.00 per person. Contact the EDC office at 863-675-6007 to reserve your ticketss. Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Teach Me School Supply owner/operator Amanda Nel- son ringing up the school supplies for COE music teacher Richard Talada and COE art teacher Betty Aiken. 'Teach Me School Supply' - everything for learning By Kristin Hunter Amanda Nelson, a native res- ident and former kindergarten teacher in LaBelle, dreamed of one day opening her own busi- ness. When the opportunity arose to open a school supply store she jumped on it. After teaching kindergarten for eight years, four at COE and four at Upthegrove Elementary, she took the knowledge that she had from being a teacher and turned it in to a great resource for the community. The store, called "Teach Me School Supply," offers tons of things any teacher could want such as puzzles, flashcards, workbooks, educational games, hands on activities, crafts, basic school supplies, birthday/gift ideas, gift certificates, resource books, stickers, stamps, bulletin board sets, neat "teacher stuff," hand "fluppets," stuffed ani- mals, teaching bears, and much more. Amanda adds, "If I don't have what you are looking for in stock I can order it ASAP." The store has been open for about three weeks now and has been quite busy with back to school necessities. According to Richard Talada, "Teachers love it because they can get what they need in a con- venient location instead of driv- ing an hour all the w\a, over to Ft. Myers and there is a lot to choose from." Amanda said, "It is primarily for elementary school teachers, but it is not just a teacher store." Not only does she have things for teachers of all grades, but also gifts for baby showers and birthdays. She said, "Every day I get new stuff in." As an added bonus for every $100 you spend, you get $10 off your next purchase. The store has a convenient location in the Belle Plaza at 417 W. State Rd. 80. Store hours are Monday- Friday from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The store also has a Website at www.teachmesupply.com Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available SFull Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements SSingle Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafiol Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Megan Greenleaf Megan Greenleaf was among a number of teacher who recently learned about George Washington's life. Teacher's trip focuses on Washington's life Megan Greenleaf, a 19-year veteran teacher, who now teaches third grade at Edward A. Upthegrove Elementary, had the privilege of going to the George Washington Teacher Institute at Mt. Vernon (the estate and garden of George Washington) from July 22-29 for a weeklong seminar about George Washington. Five ele- mentary school teachers from Florida were chosen to attend. The seminar was intended to inform teachers about the extensive life of George Wash- ington in hopes of bringing him back into the school system. There were authors at the seminar who spoke about dif- ferent aspects of his life as well as character actors who por- trayed historic figures such as Martha Washington who made you feel as though you were liv- ing in his footsteps. The teachers were given pri- vate tours of the Mt. Vernon footsteps. Mrs. Greenleaf added that "It was awe inspiring to see what an understated man George Washington was." She will be having a month long introduction for her students about George Washington to teach them what he did for our country. Not only was George Washington our first, and founding President for two terms, he was also a soldier, statesman and architect. The farm where Washington and his family lived was called the "Mansion House Farm." This is the part of the plantation that visitors see today. George Washington played many differ- ent roles in the founding of our nation: Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary Army, first President and leader of the Con- stitutional Convention to name but a few. And it is in these roles that we think of him today. However, if you were to ask Injured? Do you have a lawsuit but need money now'- Victory Funding ' provides cash to individuals with pending personal injury lawsuits Call today: 888-544-2881 www.victoryfunds.net Wi Victory Funding mansion and the museum as him to describe his most impor- .. .' well as a tour of Washington tant occupation, he.might say .. > ..: -" ' D.C. They were taken on a walk quite simply that he was a ./ through George Washington's farmer. . .: Plan for the day \hen Vour baby becomes a Girl Scouts will host an -COLLEGE FRESHMAN. information night here A GC [and loa Talk to me about the college savingi plan Discover how Girl Scouting helps girls build courage, confi- dence and character and about the rewarding volunteer oppor- tunities for adults. Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, Inc. will host a Girl Scout information night on Thursday, August 24, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at LaBelle High School, 4050 E. Cowboy Way. The information night will offer a brief description of today's Girl Scout program and adult volunteer opportunities available. For more information, call Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Flori- da, Inc. in Fort Myers at 239-561- 1800 or 800-586-3186 ext. 404. Girl Scouting is open to all girls, ages 5-17, regardless of ability or racial, ethnic, religious or socioeconomic background. Girl Scouting helps girls develop qualities of responsible citizen- ship and service, build feelings of self-esteem by accepting responsibility, value and respect diversity, develop leadership and decision-making skills, and bet- ter the quality of life for others. newsza .com Community Links. Individual Voices. As seen on TV. ~t~ a r . -cfo;r ; j~i( NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF LABELLE SPECIAL EXCEPTION Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of LaBelle will hold a public hearing Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. m the Commission Room, LaBelle City Hall, 481 W. Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, for the purpose of considering the following: Dan R. Henthorne as property owner, is requesting a spe- cial exception to the City of LaBelle Code to allow for a security trailer on industrial property. This location is commonly known as 1525 Forestry Division Road, LaBelle, Florida 33935. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Interested per- sons may appear on their own behalf or by agent or attor- ney. If anyone decides to appeal a decision made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hearing, a record of the proceeding will be needed for the appeal and that for such purposes, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: IF YOU REQUIRE SPE- CIAL AID OR SERVICES AS ADDRESSED IN THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT 863-675-2872, NO LESS THAN FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABOVE STATED HEARING DATE. City of LaBelle City Commission Randal A. Bengston, Mayor FALL SEMESTER 2006-2007 LABELLE ADULT 8 COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4050 COWBOY WAY LABELLE, FL 33975 (863)674-4118 FX: (863)674-4117 Beginning August 14, 2006 thru December 8, 2006 Basic and High School Completion Course Course Number Days Begin Date End Date Time Tuition Teacher Bldg/Rm ABE/GED Prep 9900026-111 Mon-Fri 8/14/06 12/8/06 8:00am-11:00am None Mr. Crebs Port # 99-121 9900004-111 Mon-Fri 8/14 12/8/06 8:00am-11:00am None Mr. Crebs Port # 99-121 ABE/Ged Prep 9900026-112 Mon-Fri 8/14 12/8/06 12:00pm-3:00pm None Mr. Crebs Port # 99-121 9900004-112 Mon-Fri 8/14 12/8/06 12:00pm-3:00pm None Mr. Crebs Port # 99-121 Basic and High School Completion Course Course Number Days Begin Date End Date Time Tuition Teacher Bldg/Rm GED Prep 9900026-113 Mon/Wed 8/28/06 12/06/06 6:00pm-9:00pm None Mrs. Spratt LHS-15-012 GED Prep 9900026-114 Tues/Thur 8/29/06 12/7/06 6:00pm-9:00pm None Mrs. Jones LHS-15-012 ESOL 9900040-111 Tues/Thur 8/29/06 12/7/06 6:00pm-9:00pm None Mrs. Barrios LHS ABE 9900004-111 Mon/Wed 8/28/06 12/6/06 6:00pm-9:Q0pm None Mrs. Moon LHS Continuing Workforce Education Classes Course Course Number Days Begin Date End Date Time Tuition Teacher Bldg/Rm Sub Teacher E910100-111 Wed 9/13/06 11/15/06 5:30pm-8:30pm $63.50 Mrs. Greenleaf LHS Basic Computer TBA TBA LHS Conv. Spanish TBA T.BA. LHS Registration fees will be collected at time of enrollment and are non-refundable. Other classes may be offered provided sufficient enrollment. Counseling and tutoring are available. For more information on classes and registration, please call (863) 674-4118. * High School students taking a High School completion course or vocational training courses are subject to a semester fee. LABELLE ADULT & COMMUNITY SCHOOL IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY INSTITUTION. WE DO NOT DISCRIM- INATE IN REGARD TO RACE, RELIGION, AGE, SEX, NATIONAL ORIGIN OR DISABILITY. NOTICE OF TESTING The Pre-election Logic & Accuracy Test of the auto- matic tabulating equipment to be used in the September 5, 2006, Primary Election will be held on, Thursday, August 17, 2006 beginning at 2:00 p.m., in the office of the Supervisor of Elections, Courthouse Complex, LaBelle. AVISO AL PUBLIC El examen de pre-eleccion de logica y exactitud del equipo automatic de tabulacion que sera usado en 5 de septiembre, 2006 de las elecciones Primario el jueves, 17 de agosto del 2006 alas 2:00 p.m. en las oficinas de la supervisor de elecciones, complejo de la corte, LaBelle Lucretia A. Strickland Supervisor of Elections Hendry County, Florida 101.5612, ES. FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! L I - I 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 Las Noticias en Espanol Information comunitaria Bienvenidos a las classes para adults. Las classes son gratis pero el espacio es limitado. Hay classes de las 8 a.m. hasta las 11:00 a.m. y en la tarde de las 12 mediodia hasta las 3:00 p.m. El edificio esta situado en la academia para jovenes (1100 Forestry Division Rd.) y cuenta con un sistema de aprendizaje en la computadora guiado por un maestro. Llame a los numerous: 612-0706 o 674- 4118. Don Crebs es el instructor. Llame lo mas pronto possible para reservar lugar. Arrests El 18 de julio los radiopa- trulleros del Condado Hendry respondieron a una llamada en La tienda Azteca localizada en la Cowboy Way. De acuerdo con el informed cuando los Oficiales Ile- garon se encontraron con una escena sangrienta. Dos testigos declararon que Cuapemo Gomez de edad 20 y Marcelino Gonzalez estuvioron discutiendo y peleando en el estacionamiento de la tienda cuando Gomez apunalo a Gonza- lez por la espalda con un cuchillo largo filoso. Los dos hombres fueron trans- portados al Hospital Memorial para darles asistencia. Gonzalez nececito cirugia mientras que Gomez fue atendido y arrestado por el delito de asalto agravado con arma cortante. Tiene una fian- za de $25,000. Entrenamiento Si usted esta buscando un buen trabajo aproveche la oportu- nidad porque el Centro Educa- cional del Suroeste de La Florida dara un entrenamiento para aprender a manejar maquinaria pesada en agosto y septiembre. Llame para reservar lugar. 675-6800. El edifi- cio esta ubicado en La Calle Mis- souri 13 N Unidad B. Almanacs Bible study planned Bible study with Vicki and Mike from the Bull Pit Rodeo Ministry on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. at the rodeo grounds. Open to the public. Lost bull If you have a lost bull in the Montura area of Hendry County, please contact the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Agricultural Crimes Unit at 674-4630. Job training opportunity Train to be a heavy equipment operator. For more information call Sonny Hughes at the Education Center of SWFL Office at 675-6800 located on 13 N. Missouri St. Unit B. The first classes are planned for August and September so sign up now. LHS Band room open for practice The LHS Band room is open for practice, questions or meetings with members on Tuesdays from 2-4 p.m. during the summer. Come practice and learn new things. Learn how to clog Beginning for all ages: Thurs- days at 5:15 p.m. taught by Country Rhythm Advanced Clogging Team and Pat Beddingfield. Six weeks class for $35. Intermediate for all ages; Thursdays-6:00 p.m. taught by Country Rhythm Advanced Clogging Team and Pat Bedding- field. Six weeks class for $30. Sign up at LaBelle Program Center. Any questions call 675-4130. Widows to meet The Widows Support Group will meet at Forrey's Grill August 17, at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. All wid- ows are welcome. The Alpha Course The Church of the Good Shep- herd will begin the Alpha Course on September 27, at the Good Shepherd Church. This ten week practical intro- duction to the Christian faith offers answers to some key questions. Each weekly session begins with an informal dinner, followed by a large group learning time, and ends with small group discussion and interaction. Alpha began in London and is now held in thousands of churches around the world. To learn more about the course, call 675-0546 or come to the intro- ductory dinner on September 27 at the Church of the Good Shepherd, located at Collingswood Blvd. For reservations or an application call 675-0546 between the hours of 9 a.m.-4 p.m. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL KEEP YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS UP AND RUNNING .24 HI Blaocout Protection *Secuill & Peace Of Mind --- A..lIA ,[(mpletely Automatic iL, Natural aos, Diesel ,. *Adds Volue To Your Home *15,000 10 200,000 Waits KA70LfT '*ictooly Authorize Witrrnly Service -, BO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES e At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com _~~~~~ lLICIII~I World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights Thurs 9 8 216 S. l.uin Street Unit3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church .1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1, 3" & 5" Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Wbae everybody is mebody and esus is lord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net I -r !;Jt-i~zll tl 'SERVICE" Is OwurMotaapwont Product BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www .whistresf mittu readappliaitces.'o |tip ;I[a mm I mm; tlli*ii iq;1.1 HURRICANE SHUTTERS INc Storm Panels Accordions Rolldowns For FREE Estimate oonlaoff: Travis Burchard 863-673-0966 or 863-675-6238 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONrPACTOP CAC006030 FP PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as l10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENT 300 Davis St. En la esquina de Bryan Ave. Domingo: Servicio 10:00 a.m. Studio Biblico 6:00 p.m. Martes: Servicio 7:30 p.m. Estudto Biblico y Clase de Ingles Pastor Ben Millican 863-674-0837 Iglesia: 673-0782 Ciro C,: 571-0377 DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SouTH FT. MYeRS 1.866 226P9400 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National ' Uife Insurance Conilmity 1 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33903 (239)334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) A 5A I LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY RACTIUNS 6 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle. FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 853/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald, Certified Estate Specialist AU 8936 AB2171 *** **sD ^G in i OTB .. : r. . PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hqggirg, mowirg/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 Osceola Concrete Services LLC Colored Stamped Concrete Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exterior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair and Resealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured L ABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certfied & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 1 f;.Ie I Z HANDYMAN CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN 1.I1 .VI'.\INI \''I CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit s on c th web at www.alliin .20mo om Sr ilablat Easpiutol INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.- Randy's Garage, Inc. Your Local ACDde Car Coar Ca tcr" ,~. 675-1032 737 S. BJiigc t. LaiBec, FL Just North of m .inl .1 Ford LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET Wholesale flooring warehouse 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY-80 LABELLE, FL 863-675-8575 Largest In-Stock Selection and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES VZ' OFFICE: (863) 675-7045 I,, -s-ve s ** ,1 QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience I:,jr I ..: ..ll, ... i- and operated Electrical and Air Conditioning Service Company *Air Conditioning Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement * Landscape Lighting and surge protection * Call for A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 863-228-4138 24 EMERGENCY SERVICE LICENSED & INSURED #EC0000661 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500 W. mMsu Hw, CLEmis 863-983-9121 MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured Ron, I{~Ysiuo e 1E JEEP .1LA~NGFORD W863.984600 1.8 017031 Dana Howard Weekley Amnierican Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 cbelle@strato. net LABOR I FINDERS DALY ORK-DDA ILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Strand H, (Across from C stone n) (863) 902-9494 Nnroinr f.fa i 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalcc, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 Walkins WelcoEm IMMOKALEE FAMILY ( or il a CARE CENTER 1502 Lake, ,I .,. Rd lhmokalec, rI: Appointents Are Necessary Please Call 239-657--6363 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net ',"' 851 S. Main St 'j i" LaBelle, FL ,A ) .J (863) 675-1686 i ;j';ah'l Spoken Here' EXTREME CLEANS, INC. ( .-ii nic'it":I I' P'es,,nlent.l 863 675-0810 239 344-6712 1Homes ,N II Ii \ I F CONSTRUCTION p)863-612-0070 f) 863-612-0080 825 E. Cowboy Way -Suite 108 L.r, 1I FL 3" 3Y935 0 tliA i f;. * 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson River Where Quality is Done in Style N[Jio,14 Jm I z b 4:4 11; 101 SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES WLEEL)INC MOW:ING: P~LANNG sorl Rpu5weinelI oi lierlaw M~ta siasinuee CAkLL (239) 357-2972 lk. & Insured e-nmail: casperbnsb4(oo~csus S"When you need a service, call a professional!" Ia Call 863-675-2541 S:r- or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! b ~F~~PI~~-r I II' -~nll II rI- ~I~PIE~E~E~E~E~E~E~E~E~E~E~E~E~Eif-f~?- I _ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 1o Schools better prepared for medical emergencies Students, teachers and visi- Cardiac Arrest (SCA). tors at Hendry County's middle During an SCA the normal and high schools now have an heart rhythm suddenly becomes Community Links. Individual Voices. j aaaea safety precaution. Eaci received a new Automatic Exter- nal Defribrillator (AED) which will be located on school grounds. The Florida Legislature now requires that each school partic- ipating in the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) have access to an AED, along with trained personnel. Some staff members have already received the training and many more will for a total of some 80 school employees. According to Hendry County Director of Public Safety Randy Bengston, these defibrillators are safe and easy to use by the general public, with built in safeguards. The unit actually talks the user through the process and pictures show where to attach the pads. The unit is designed so that non-medical responders cannot use it to shock someone who doesn't require it. According to the maker, AEDs interpret the victim's heart rhythm more quickly and accurately than many trained emergency profes- sionals. If the AED determines that no shock is needed, it will Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Hendry County Director of Public Safety Randy Bengston, left, recently presented Superintendent of Schools Tom Con- nor with four new Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs). They will be stationed at both Hendry County high schools and middle schools for emergency use. not allow a shock to be given. ence between live and death AEDs can mean the differ- when someone suffers Sudden chaotic. The heart can no longer pump the blood effectively and the victim collapses, stops breathing, becomes unrespon- sive and has no detectable pulse. When used on a victim of SCA, the AED can be used to administer a life-saving electric shock that restores the heart's rhythm to normal. Anyone can have an SCA; however, athletes may be some- what more at risk. Although Hendry County schools have never had an instance of an ath- lete suffering a SCA, fast, easy defibrillation is an important capability. LaBelle High School did have one instance a year or so of a teacher who collapsed and died from a heart attack. AEDs are also now stationed at the Courthouse, LaBelle City Hall and the Department of Chil- dren & Families. Other public buildings will also be outfitted with the lifesaving devices. I SAVE MONEY ON YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY ITEMS. ( Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I I newszap.cm Community Links. Individual Voices. L .__--- --- ------------------- (4 *}- -& RIVERSIDE MARINE Live Bait & Tackle 303 CR 78 LaBelle, FL / \ (next to the Public Boat Ramp) / -END OF Help SUMMER SALE us make 8/18 & 8/19 room for 07 tackle! i 675-8828 ) Thank You to everyone who kept us going this summer! LOST YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck 6 - & Auto Repair, Call 675-1032 1: ffII r ,44ae 44d UW Marine, Inc. (8631675-7711 1863)0-706t Ifisa -iood: LIC#HC35S. SP and Insured Commercial & Residential Stall Calls With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates, References & Service Call 863-675-3231 Call 863-675-0000 .Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers fE TAGf LAND CO- 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol ..DONNA K1NE |LI.c-. R L EL a ES BT cOR ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net I IAGBELLE l W 'A's LRESORTo FULL HOOK-UP RV. SITES CLUBHOUSE RENTAL AVAILABLE CALL FOR INFORMATnON (863) 675-3641 Se Habla Espanol ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935, Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bames@alankellymortgage.com Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week Cafoosa Stores Waterfront homesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 The kinmg CRoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net SBC FINANCE' Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N, Industrial Loop Rd, LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Epafol g; r'rm~ PHOTO ONE: PHOTOGIAYo AND VIDEO 571. Davis Street LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-mail: mpannellphotol@earthliik.net 10mw+,v, ~l SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rentals Property 'I., .'i. i, Put your trust in Number Onet 'I E r, ], ].. .L.. &- i i ; +-*ew Hlorizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a ca2li JfF--- GREG MINERS iec Real Estate Broker S '. .. ^*y.urh \-ar vcst li nReallt9 Coro Lisa Andrews Lic. Real Estate Broker 238 N. Bridge St. Laselle, F. 33935 863-675-8868 wv's)uihwesiflaridamralcygrotipcom AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. Screen v Carrporti J^ 8 Pescreenr r c-O . Z" r:sGLIuers o to 6' S SirrmlPes NruminuL'i (863)838-2477, 1450 42nd St. SWinter Haven, FL 33881 StatefLic..,#.C,13263.Q,.. Bankof America ^-~ SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W.Hwy 80 LaBelle EDISON PLUMBING, INC. h,2 o n n'l in,. lic. NEW CONSTRUCTION SMALL C OM.iuLk I..\, RESIDENTIAL, St.RVI1. I REPS CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (289 690-1824 875 Industrial Ct. LaBelle, FL CrFCl2 OSi; RIl;S icit'r;ES INSt'RtD COUNTRY NMIES &8 LAND RAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic e,?? ,-io'oe Brotker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CenttalFrlordLandSales oaiii EJfITY IN A 233 N. BRIDGE ST OH E coNSM O BRIDG ST & WaISHMsON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com property management ; rentals sales S Is aNDC 1 ALEXAINDER "-.m S IC. elkL EA'TE BROKER llhrr~ ;IiSto BmI JSPENCER REALTY Fran W.Spencer, Lic. Broker 437 SR8 W LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1203 (863) 673-5554 Web: www.SpencerRealtyFL.com -- 90; :4 AMM;WI (H PALM HARBOR MODULAR, MOBILE & STILT HOMES CALL OUR FACTORY FOR FREE COLOR BROCHURE 800-622-2832 La elle: F6rso3h3e . E-Mai: w tt@bu!;irs.nrtws ahrst e o ' * ^ ^ I i i : 1 * RIVERSIDE .REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview I.aBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.1abcrlcriverside.com M mail: r1.icst.atIlabcilerivc 'sido.com Minlniyn Scars l MLS fild Latt oker ADVERTISE VOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (35 Years Experience) THE OPTICAL CENTER loca ted in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net state R l RODNEY MURRAY & SETH TOWARDD Lic. Real Estate Brokers LaBelle, FL 86S-675-4550 PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 '.Th IBankston Realty n .www.baukstonreaky.com SWanda Bankston Owner Brok.r ---Jtl at t;qI - .. -- Wh yuu need a service, call a professional! -+ ii=- p- I il Call 863-675-2541 -_ fa t or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! I I I -I '" I I s I-r I Ca :~B~s~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 Cl ausis ewp ull r ee 1-877353-2424 il ABSOL __for any personal items for sale under $2,500 iAnnouncements Merchandise Mobile Homes EmploymeL :lI'M ^ lll~ Financial EnIB Services Ll~IK MIII1 -is Automobiles Real Estate Public Notices f 14-TITII.M More Papers Mean More Readers! ^ Reach more readers when you run --- iS .. 1.... I. I .. .. ._ your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) hilust fit into I 2 inch (that's 4 lines. approximately 23 characters per line) ..: Ivlust include niily one itern and its price (lemember it must be S2,500 or less) Call usNo No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements Irn.,-.I h,1 - Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the ."Ordl il .erd hi.. rn,-.ri All ad a.:-.pte, J a ,re .aub|:I to .rJ.'1 3 |..-" '-" ,1 'I .5- ,,ust conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage,/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 ADOPTION A nurturing family seeks'to adopt an infant to love and cherish. We are fi- nancially secure to provide a promising future. Please call Christine and David at (888)322-0924. l^uctions NO FOUND: Ladies watch, found in Post Office Parking lot. Describe to claim. See Joyce at Post Office. BORDER COLLIE: Black & White, Granddaughters Puppy. Ft. Denaud Rd. (863)674-0321 EARRING with dangling dia- mond heart. REWARD! Call Sherri (863)673-0829 LOST: 3 Chocolate Labs, in the Ortona Locks area. (863)227-4311 P--------- BABY MINI POT BELLY PIGS Free. Call Debbie (863)983-7702 BORDER COLLIE- 2 yr old, Fe- male, Spayed, updated shots & heart worm. To Good Home Only! (863)763-9262 KITTENS, 1 is 8 weeks, 1 is 3 mos. & mother. To good home. (561)308-6350 KITTENS (3), 8 weeks. 2 male & 1 female, gray & white. To good home only. (863)261-4166 LUGarag./ KITTENS TO GOOD HOME 8 weeks, litter trained. CUTE! 863-763-3124 OLDIES ALBUMS Over 100 albums, some older. Pls. call 863-467-4253 ROTTWEILER- puppy- parents direct import from Europe, 8wks old, $600 (863)763-3910 LABELLE- Mon. Fri. 8/14 thru 8/18. 7am-3pm, 1020 Case Rd. ( Rain or Shine) Car- ry-over but many items still available. Marine paintings, tools, guitars, patio turn, more! LABELLE- Sat. Aug 12th, 7am-?, 3720 North River Rd. in Ft Denaud Acres. READING A NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INItRESTING PERSON. D o wander newspaper readers are more popular YOU WILL WANT THIS! Poke- Rhythms...they can't fix stu- pid...but they can fix about everything else. Get yours NOW, everyday, FREE for 10 days http://www.poke- rhythms.com. Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free [866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT D TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Irail, Le. canto, Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipment-school.com U.. Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 'Fl A l lU Nh 204 ACCOUNTING POSITION Available must have a 2 or 4 year degree in accounting or related field, good computer and communication skills a plus, benefits available. Fax resume to (863)763-6169 or apply at: Syfrett Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street Okeechobee. Builders Choice Supply Looking for a yard man with forklift knowledge, bilingual a plus. 863-674-9900 CAR HAULING. Southeast Re- gion. $1,100+/WEEK! Great Home Time! Company Paid Benefits! PAID TRAINING FOR DRIVERS WITH MINI- MUM 1 YEAR OTR EXPERI- ENCE! (912)571-9668 OR (866)413-3074. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op.. portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext 700. DETENTION OFFICER: Phoe- nix, Aiizona Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. $14.99/hr. Excellent benefits No experience necessary. Contact (602)307-5245, (877)352-6276, or www.imcso org. 400 vacan- cies including civilian posi- tions. DRIVER NEEDED COL Class B drivers license required. Must have clean driving record, Good benefits pack- age. Drug Free Workplace. Call (239)657-3168 and ask for David Carreno or apply in person at: United Agri Products 116 Jerome Dr Immokalee, FL Looking for a place to hang your hat? Look no further than the classi- fieds. IKe.^a iIm I A wK1 LANUORD [ ia ic I Di a Noic I l *timc05m A Marine Inc. r iiis D ck uf I N~ ^S -L- ;'* .fi'' 'n N, :- " V ,t ... , PLACE YOUR AD HERE CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Shaping & Ti -pir l i 863-675-0403 Licensed and Insured Driver- OWNER OPERATORS *Increased Pay!! *Lower Cost!! Insurance & More! It takes 1 call to find out: Call Missy, (800)437 5907, #2 Knight Transporlation. www.knighttrais.corn. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment Need 2 years experience. Call By num i l'aispol roi youi up portunity tnday. (800)741-7950. ELECTRIC SOLUTIONS ELECTRICIANS WANTED Lead men & helpers Top Pay & Company Vehicle Se Habia Espanol (239)348-8272 Help Wanted for Cemetery and General Maint Tech. Need experience operating backhoe Class A CDL pre- ferred but not mandatory. Apply at l i 1j. 11. 1 j i. :, j Home, Hwy 80, LaBelle. (863)675-2125 FOR SALVAGE YARD IN FELDA (Hwy 29) Needs person with forklift & cutting torch experience for full time position. $450 per week. Call Tony (305)495-7973 F/T ACCOUNTING CLERK AT MERIT PETROLEUM CO. Must be detailed oriented and have good computer skills to hadrdle Accounts Receivable aid ordei Entry. Competitive pay including medical insu- rance, retirement program, va- cation and sick pay. Applicatons being accepted M-F at 139 East Hickpochee Ave. (SR-80) LaBelle. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Full/Time - Welders & Painters Experienced Only Apply. Call Mike @ (863)675-3424 Shop here first! The classified ads FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER For farming operation in Immokalee. Must be a self starter Payroll. Ac- counts Receivable, Ac- counts Payable and General Ledger. Will work closely with com- pany accountant and owner of company. Can be a very challenging and rewarding position for the right individual. Pleasesend resume to (239) 657-2884 or call 239)657-2312, NEEDING: Two individuals with CDL license Class Ato train students to obtain CDL. Mist have 1 year experience and clean background Bilingual plus. Please stop by or call 863-675-0755 ask forAngie 250 E Cowboy Way LaBelle, FL 33935 Get a quick response to any item you may be sell- Inn with a classified ad. IMMOKALEE PACKING HOUSE .Is looking for a "do all" maintenance person for general packing house re- pairs, light welding, and minor electrical repair. We are looking for a self-start- er, self-motivated person that is looking for a good home. 239-657-2227. Payroll and accounts pay- able clerk for produce packer/shipper in Immok- alee. 239-657-2227. INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799. LOADER OPERATOR Now being hired at Ortona Sand Company Call (863)675-1454 Epomn Full Time Empoyen Full Tim Duda Farm Fresh Foods has immediate openings for mechanic and fuel truck driver Will train. Pay commensurate with experience. Medical/dental/vision plans, 401K company match, paid vacation, holiday and sick pay, plus other benefits. We are a Drug Free Work Place. Apply in person or call for appointment. (863) 675- 0545 ext 3135 EOE Di.-'lt Farm Fresh Foods esta en busca de un camionero y mecanico. Entrenamiento disponible. Pago .1 d'. giii' '- .='-i iiI Plances medico/dental/vision, 401K, plan de retire, vacaciones, dias feriados, dias de enfermedad pagados mas otros beneficios. Sitio libre de drogas. Aplique en persona o llame por una cita a (863) 675-0545 ext 3135 Empleador de Oportunidades Por Igual Citrus Belle has immediate openings in the fruit processing plant. Mechanic helper responsibilities involve making minor adjustments to various pieces of equipment and pre- ventive maintenance. Laborers have duties in sanitation, housekeeping, load & stack various product containers. Overtime, -. ,ii. .1..i iI ., ,. paid holidays, vacation, sick pay, Company match 401K, and other benefits. Apply in person at 6007 SR 29, LaBelle, FL (863) 675-0336 EOE/Drug Free Workplace compliant -- -- ----------- La jigiiera Citrus Belle tiene puestos vacantes el la plant. El mecanico aprendiz se envuelve en manten- imiento preventive y hacer ajustes menores a diferentes equipos. Obreros mantienen ireas limpias y sanitario, car- gan y pilan contenidos de product. Tiempo y medio, places medico/dental vision, dias feriados, vacaciones, enfermedad pagadas, contribuci6n de Compafifa en plan de retire, mas otros beneicios. Aplique en persona en 6007 Carreera 29, LaBelle, FL. (863)675-0336. Empresa de opor- tunidades por igual. Cumpliendo con la Icy libre de drogas. HEALTH EDUCATOR (Health Educators L2) (# 64002107) Position in Clewiston to provide education & teach curriculum with new Community Based Abstinence Education Program, Hendry County Health Department; Bachelors Degree or equivalent; experience in human services, abstinence or teen pregnancy prevention; ability to travel & flex work schedule when needed; Bilingual English & Spanish helpful; Background screening/fingerprinting required. EEO/AA Apply on line: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com or Call Tony @ 863-674-4041 x175 for more details ASSISTANT STORE MGR. GAS/C. STORE Brighton Reservation Min. 1 yr supervisory experience. Excellent comm. & computer skills. Good leadership skills, positive attitude. Flexible hours, FL Drivers Lic. High School diploma or GED Exc. Ben. incl. med, dental & 401K Salary based on exp. w/ben. Fax res. to (954) 967-3477 Owner Operators: Did you av- erage $1.88 in your Tractor or $1.41 in your Straight Truck last week? Our Owner Operators did! Tri-State Ex- pedited (888)320-5424. SHOP HELP/MECHANIC Will train. All Coast Tractor 6451 W. SR 80 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1111 Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE - signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 nt Roo - Sand Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES I I. lel R.:r P .re P. R-fe R.f P of Repairs Po-le P3jis inl i ird g Scho & Far'a Office (863) b75-7045 e:.4 usa4h a C.AIRlH AND ijI'vIOLs FR) (LEl.NING ILOA~IL'VtN RIPXIRS A-ND LUJN1NANICE .'..1 n ~,n .(863) 6'5-2297 CAR REN I [ PLACE YOUR AD HERE airt l at S-, r I 1 '41-Jrh II, oi 1 n39. I ;L 14 :+~ TIll Frgg Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 PLAYHOUSE, Little Tikes, ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE BAY PASO FIND Gelding, 8 Higgin's Tree Service Step 2. Good condition, green from Home. *Medical, yrs. old, Great on trails. HELP WANTED 25years experience. Free roof, red doors, shutters $200. *Business, *Paralegal, $3500. (863)697-2704 Okee- Sestimates. Lic. &insured. (863)902-0714 *Computers *Criminal Jus- chobee area. Custodian/Floor Technician Must be able to work Call 863-675-3955. RED RACE CAR BED -com twice. Job placement assisHAY, evenings, work independently, and have no crimi- SOUTHERNLANDSERVICES but in toybox at FinancialAid if qualified. C ANADIAN TIMOTHY HAY nal background. A valid drivers license is re- The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, In Moore Haven bed. Plastic. $125 or best of- (866)858-2121 www.onli- (239)470-3113 na background. A valid drivers license is re- TheSeminoleCasino inImmokalee is seeking fun, Landcleang, treeork, fer. 239-657-2711 eTidewaterTech.com. JACK-DONKEY quired, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's demolition & debris removal. SLIDE, PICNIC TABLE & AVON 58 older pcs., mostly 18 mths., good with other live- Mechanic Basic mechanic knowledge, experi- HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Licensed & Insured. WAGON: Little Tikes, $90.for full,most all in boxes, $50 stock/people. $250 or best Call Sam 239-633-7173 all, willsep. (863)902-0714 forall (863357-3uck- offe 863-634-5820 ence as an automotive service worker or Mechan- y individuals seeking ARER OPPORTUNITIES head Rie rea. LEOPARD APPALOOSA- yrs ic's helper preferred. Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES UhsrC in0 head Ridge Area. LEOPARD APPALOOSA- lfyrs ic perpreerreand advancement are encouraged to apply TODAY DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS old, very nice gentle mare, .SHAW'S UPHOLSTERY FORMAL GOWN, Size 12, children, etc. Only one sig- $1500 (863)357-0232 Highway Maintenance Technician I. Maintains Bartender $9.00 plus tips & Window Treatment. All type worn once, lavender, great nature required! *Excludes highways, municipal and rural roads, and rights- Cage Cashier $9.50 per hour blinds. Furn. refin. Free Esrs. condition. Paid $275, asking govt fees! Call weekdays of-ways in safe condition. Must have a valid Flori- Cocktail Server$5.50 plus tips Free Pickup & Delivery. $100(863)634-0339 800)462-2000, ext.600. da Commercial Drivers license, Class B or higher Cont Team Member $9.50 per hour 863-675-5778/863-675-6753 am6pm)LOTS OF CLOTHES- mensivorce with air brake endorsement. Dining Room Hostess $800 per hourercha ise women, kids. Back to school! ith air brake endorsement. Dining Room Hosess $8.00 per u All sizes. Good cond. $30/all FENCE- Chain linked, 800 or Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips orwill sell sep. 239-657-2711 900 ft. & 2 large gates. Oc GIS Coordinator for the LaBelle office. Must have Human Resource Clerk $10.00 per hour WEDDING DRESS David's $800. (863)675-0379 &ervge Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or Players Club Representative $10.00 per hour BridalD spa straw, size 8 LP DRECORDS (40+) & 3t5 i university in computer science, geography, or re- Poker Dealer $28.00 avg. w/grat was $550, asking $200/neg. PLAYER, Orchestral & sym- On Uie Al Se ice late field with considerable experience in the use Prep Cook $8.00 per hour (863)697-6690 phony music. Very nice condi- Buy Sei-r Trade of geographic information systems or 8yrs equiva- Public Space Attendant $9.00 per hour Air Conditioners 505 tion. $250 (863)946-3570 Horses,; ck, Etc. lent experience. Security Officer $10.00 per hour Appliances 515 VIDEO CHAIR- Excellent con- , TAD Customer Service Rep. $21.00 avg. w/tips Applance Parts 520 FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS dition.$15. (863)634-5038 863-467-1304 Staff Assistant I. Must have good communication TAD Machine Technician $12.50 per hour Beauty Supplies 525 (3-400)- Racing & Comic. late WINDOW AWNINGS (2), $30 www.okeechobee-horse-trader.com skills & basic computer knowledge. Bookkeeping Vault Cashier $10.00 per hour Bicyls 530 80s early 90s Exc. cond. $400 (863)634-3234 ServingThe reader Books & Magazines 535 o yLake Okeeshobee Area knowledge is a plus. Must be independent and We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Buding Materials54 orbestoffe863-763-8943 Thorouhb re in foal to sBuilding Materials540 Thoroughbred Mare, in foal to able to multitask. A High School Diploma or GED Financial Analyst Business Equipment 545 OIL PAINTING- On canvas, nIr,,, German warm blood stallion, required: TAD Floor Supervisor Carpets/Rugs 550 4'x5', New $200. Asking super sweet, $2500. Benefits available for all employees hildren's Items 555 $75. (863)763-7161 BASE GUITAR Fender Mar- (863)357-JUMP Benefits available for all employees BASE GGTIR-5FenderMa- ( -JUMP Electrical Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience www.theseminolecasino.com lothin 565 cited, pMiller Jazz, beautiful with a licensed contractor. Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St. Coins/tamps 570 case. $750. 863-357-7406 Immokalee, FL Collectibles 575 Building inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience Computer eo580 COMPUTER- New system, In- DRUM SET TAMA Rockstar GRILLde table Building inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience 1-800-218-0007 Crafts/Supplies 585 tel Celeron D, 2.93, 160HD, 5pc. set + 5 prof. Sabian A buGRILLner, Full size, side table, with a licensed contractor. The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace 1 Cruises 590 DVD-RW, $425 or best of- Stage/Studio cymbals. Pro burner warming rack, flame Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 fer(561)856-2217 heads. $600. 863-675-3838 control. $30(863)634-3234 Code Enforcement Officer All candidates must be MA Services Fireplace Fture 600 DELL PDA- Slightly used. Wi- SPINNET PIAN- Mahogany, LAWNMOWER DECK, 38" computer literate, able to multi task, and become OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT Firewood 0 Lots of really good condition, with wide, $60. (83)532-9182 certified as a code enforcement officer within six CONSULTANT I uiture 61 upgrades. Pd$500. Asking bench, $300 (863)467-1704 MOWER- Snapper, 21" self PFure 615 MOWER.N 0.( Snappeed run s e months of hire. (Management Analysts L3) I l Health & Reducing $250.Ne. (863)447-5393 rope Ru eooed. us. t (# 64080437) Equipment 620 IMAC, 17", Intel, 160 HD, 1 serviced. $75. Firm. The positions are full time with medical benefits, (# 40 47) ating Equipment/ GB Ram, 2 mos. oiorig BLUE HEALER/BORDER Collie ,86 retirement, sick and vacation leave. Bhabysittn Supplies 625 box & discs. $1420 Lovable, great w/kids. $50. RIDING MOWER- Ilhp, older reremen, an vacaon leave. Program Manager for HIV & STD services at Car edesehold Items 630 (863)677-059 863-634-1343aftert ids5pm. model Snapper, stilrunsder These positions will be open until filled. Hendry & Glades County Health Departments; ChildCare Offered415 Jewelry 635 MS OFFICE STUDENT mows, needs TLC, $200 These positions will be open untilBfilled.*Lamp0/Loretsal xOXER Bachelors Degree or equivalent; experience Instructi on 420 Luage 645 ADOBE CS2 ACAD., $400 or BOXER PUP, AKC Champion (863)697-6565 Services Offered 425will separate. Pedigree, 7 old, beautiful Job description & applications can be obtained in budget management, grant writing; must have Inrance 430 s 650 (863)677-045976ind66efer the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Court- good computer skills & ability to manage/super- Medical Services435 Miscellaneous 655 863-6H- c er f lasy brindle mal$ ()2R G M R- er Musical Instruments 660 ONE TOUCH- copier, fax, (561)261-0654 house in LaBelle in the HR Department. vise staff; Background screening/fingerprinting re- Office Supplies scanner, excellent condition DACHSHUND AK Regisears quired. EEO/AA. Equipment 665 $20s(863)675-2596 Vet Curt Health, adorable RIDING TRACTOR- Sears, quire. /AA. Equipment 665 $20 (863)675-2596 male shorthaired $350 16hp, twin cyl, 44" cut, $400 Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing as- Apply on p:uppe670 SCANNER- UMAX Astra (863)983-7961 (863)467-6475 distance in the application process should contact Apply online: https://peoplefirst.myflrida.com Service 67 1220, All hardware. Extra I o allPat@ 7Ph01otography 675 software, Win. 98, $25. PARROT CAGE- White on WEEDEATER Craftsman, 3/4 the Hendry County Commissioners HR depart- or Call Pat@ 863-674-4041x 118 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Plumbing applies 680 (863)675-4970 Lv g. wheels with playpen on top. hp,17" electric.$25. ment. for more details .TUTOR Pools & Supplies 685 Good condition $75. 863-697-2033 Tutoring in Word, Excel Restaurant SCHOOL COMPUTER- moni- (863)357-0037 Okeechobee ff^- mPower Point, Access in Equipment 690 tor, keyboard, mouse edu- ,, r Ni YEARLING PHILLY, Appaloosa Job_ 9_ M W yourhome Satellite 695 national program, $150 PET CHICKEN, For pet ONLY! Belgium Cross, $600 nfWill design spread sheets Sewing Machines 700 (863)843-0158 $3 (863)843-2495 (863)843-2495 etc upon request. Sporting Goods 705 ZEBRA FINCHES, mated pair, A TA ITT Call Lynneat Stereo Equipment 710 with cage, $20. Buying a car? Look in the M ANAGEM ENT DAILY WORK DAILY PAY (863)675-7049 Television/Radio 715 (863)697-8731 classilieds. Selling a ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE Tickets 720 BED FRAME, King size, 4 post, car? Look In the classi- Tools 725 black metal. $140 6 Pools fields . 1 Toys & Games 730 (863)634-0339 S ie 08 Immediate restaurant management LABOR 41j FINDERS ys VCRes 735 0 (63)6 t- i woo openings in Lake Placid, Moore 202E. Su dHyC ato )COMPUTER SERVICE Wanted to Buy 740 CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, ( )openings Lake Placid, Moore set-up, t 2 pc. w/5 shelves. Hand Above Ground, 13'x21'x4', Haven, LaBelle, Clewston and (863) 902-9494 trouble shooting, set-up, Made. Must see! $500 splash super pool, incl. Okeechobee Livestock up-grades, systems built, (863)763-8943. pump, like new, $2000. Market Sales every Okeechobee. We are a franchise with tutoring. Win.95, 98, (561)722-9565 Okee Area Mon.2pm & every 27 restaurants throughout South 2000. ME, XP licensed. COFFEE TABLE, 2-End tables 27 restaurants throughout South CalGary 863-675-7925 & Sofa table, chrome & brass Florida and are hiring energetic, A/c-21CR/2TON 8 63e) 46p7s. $275./all. .Rn 011 t s honest, and responsible individuals. CERTIFIED CNA/HHA Package unit wheat saip. Just eDUAL CASSETTE PLAYERiRE-R e htals honest, and responsible individuals. PAYROLL SUPERVISOR with 12yrs. experience. Avail. serviced. Ex. cond. $450 COUCH, Loveseat, 2 ReclinersDUAL SSETTE LAY RE We offer: -Immokalee. FL immediately. 863-675-1742 ALL 863-674-0467 &2 End Tables. Great shape! CORDER- Sony,hooks to I I As e$700 for all, will s Enter. Ctr, not portable, nev- -Excellent Salaries css in t and ovee ro OCCASION i (863)674-1442 erused$50(863)675-2596 -Medical and Life Insurance aspects of weekly payroll DINING TABLE custom made SUB WOOFERS (2), 15" Quan- Apartments 905 -Dentalprocess of 3000+Insurance employ- lpDJ BARBER CHAIR, Emil J. Padair w/glass top, nice cond. Cost tum. $350 (863) 34-6476 Business Places 910 -Dentallnsurance es;garnishmentprocess- q Porcelain base w/foot rest, $1150 new, sacrifice for n e Il Commercial -401K Savings Plan ing; assist in quarterly/ Call all hydraulics work. $700 $150. (561)633-1371. Property 915 -Paid Vacations ars experience 863 neg(863)697-0328 DR CHAIR- white, cane back, RCA- Brand new 20" Tru Flat Townhouses Rent920 -Advancement Opportunities including general ledger and ROCKING HORSE CHAIR, $10(863)467-1325 screen MTS/Stereo, Elec- Farm Property - Training Program payrolltaxes;supervisory 673-0065 Child, Hand carved. Excel- DRESSER & HEADBOARD, tronic V chip. $125. Rent 925 Experience and FPC lent condition. $150. -Moving, must sell. $50 or (863)467-2149 Leave msg House Rent 930 preferred, unquestionable in- preferred, unquestiona l confiden- REAING A 863 (863)763-7161 best offer. (863)467-8094 TV, Wide Screen: 42" & Base Land Rent 935 For an te ew please call: tiality, strong work ethic,AP 6 2- 108 HEADBOAR- twin size, white $1500. (863)674-1442 Ret 945 863-983-4224 Excel skills and ability to wicker, $15 (863)467-1325 Roommate 950 meet constant deadlines a makes you wre informed Se Habla Espanol FLAVOR WAVE OVEN: Very HIDE A BED SOFA, 2 & 2 Lazy Rooms to Rent 955 or mail your resume i confidence t: m ust. Hourly with benefits. cam iltered.tng pereoa HF good. As Seen On TV. $50 Boy Chairs, Dinette set & 4 AIR COMPRESSOR- Dayton Storage Space - Pauline Alvarezorax 2 6 wonder new perre(863)675-3401 chairs.Good condition $800. Speed Air 110/220 vol Rent 960 Pauline Alvarez or fax 239-6579764 nd nepam per s ludesl Will sep. 863-763-7974 $145. Firm. (863)763-6629 Southern Management Corporation PROJECTITEare ALY ME REFRIGERATOR, 6 cu. ft. for Southern Management CoPROJECTSITE SALLY MAE RV, gas electric, new in LOVESEAT W/SOFA BED AIR COMPRESSOR, 5.5 hp, 6 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. SUPERINTENDENT DISC JOCKEY box. $700 (239)297-4006 10oks new, $50 months old. Paid $750, Ask- Clewisto, FL 33440 Needed for facility in Belle Music for all oc ons: REFRGERATR-GE thice EEN SIZE BE, complete g $600 LaB neg Glade. Min 5 yrs exp. in financial weddings, partieWith ce UEEN SIZE BED, Complete. (863)674-0416 LaBelle sto, F 33440 Gladcommercial coyrsexp.in weddings, parties, maker. Like new. $250. Chest of drawers, Nigth AIR COMPRESSOR commercial construction quinceaneras. 675-1625. 63)675-2151 mgmt req. Mail resume to: qu (863)6752151 stand & Chair. $300. Will Snap-On brand. Nearly new. HR Dept. P0 Box 1109, 1-REFRIGERATOR, stays cold, sep. 863-763-7974 $600. 863-634-3328 .F. ,S it _B:r a F..x. a oor yellow in color, $60. RACE CAR BED FRAME- Little CRAFTSMAN COMPRESSOR S....... ..-63-64 3 Business ge t (863)532-9182 Tykes, blue, mattress not in- 20 gal twin cylinder .. ft. A L ,,, ,. A _. 863-644-5973 Business 2hp, 20 gal., twin cylinder, A PA R T M ENT S S P Opportunities 305 SHOW TIME ROTISSERIE & lauded, excellent condition, hose, portable, 150psi. $60 I "I 1. a UCT IN INSURANCE HISTO- Tax Preparation 315 Bar-B-Que: As Seen On TV: 863-697-2033 LPNIorll (FFFT Perdlem) SELL THE HOTTEST PROD- Money Lenders 310 Bar-B-Que: As Seen On TV: 863-697-2033 ,.i ,F i, ,.n .d UT IN INSURANCE HISTO- Tax Preparation 315Rr DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS Very good. $50 863-675-3401 RECLINER-over ed CUTTING TORCH acetylene U h flh 3 IiS (,RY. $0 Premium Medicare CARGO: Be a Hendry heat and massager, Comfy, outfit, w/cart, $300. ,,.,.,yN.:, s ,,,CARG0:BeaeAdvantage With Part D In-noutfit, w/cart, $300. Perdie Nuli Advantage With Pat D- County School Board Bis STOVE, FRIDGE & Stackable $100 (863)357-0060 (561)633-1371. Prdi- N Nu prn 0Driver. Contactthe W/D $350. Will separate. SOFABYBROYHILL ,P. ::., ,,ur,:L, ,.,. Weekly. NO prospecting or Transportation Dept. at 863-763-7974 Brown print. Good condition. u I,,dFII e. Ilrun er, cold calling. Very high clos- 863-674-4115 WASHER & DISH WASHER- 0 or ,h ..,,, .., ..i ii. I.,, ,,,..,,, n. LIFETIME RENEWALS ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do Cheryl Jameson at Like new. Exc. condo. $100. 863-467-8094 im.., CI. N. p quired. Call (866)224-8450 you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- jamesonc@ Will separate. 772-260-0918 TABLE W/4 CHAIRS- blonde VACUUM CLEANERS, (2), Kir- P .rDiem.CNAMto rred .,ex.51all (866)224-8450 chines, Free Candy All for hendry.k12.fl.us or863-63-6023 wood, brand new, $300 by, with all attachments. LaBelle,1BR on River Front, Fui.. ,'r, e. ,, t ., ir ..L U $9,995. (888)629-9968 (863)467-1704 $300 will sell separately. Very private,furnished, utilities FuTeAininattet 802000033. CALL US: We WASHER/DRYER- Whirlpool, (863)467-1704 (863)763-5011 included. No Pets, No Smok- 2 ...,,............ -,i,,. : ,.,, ,.,,. will not be undersold! tI super capacity. 3yrs. old, TABLES (2) octagon wood & ing, No Children, month- F,, ll ,,,. C .. TRUCK DRIVER a n _$367 p exc.cond. $450. glass end tables, 1 wood lyII, l yr lease + SecDep. 1,, I.~.....ii.... ...., ..o-,. ,,..,, ,Company located in Immok- your own business. No B.S. (863)357-0037 DamagedtSWMHay96 FuI use RN NuMne e p clc t Care IER. ICu alee seeking truck drivers No boss. Just partners. Free HANDYMAN WASHER/DRYER, Frigidaire, (863)357-0037 Damaged SWMH '96 ( IIi- P,'I l Nur ,i,',m ., ,,'' .. totransport produce in training. www.wahdream- All services offered, including Stackable, heavy duty, super I will move. dI I, rne 'IL AlA.II' .. company provided trucks, team.cor pressure washing, capacity, runs silent, perfect (305)409-2341 PORT LaBelie, 3br, 2ba, Large t.l,,: j-.. ... .. n h.. r, ,. ,, ,,, All trips are no further 25 years experience, cond. $500 (863)228-3958 N N*(3 )409-2341 PORT LaBelle, 3br, 2ba, Large Full me pi ep North than Ormond Beach Looking for successful entre- (863)674-0808 or NEW ENGLAND-handi rifle NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- Bonus Rm. 7048 Tide Cir. crT ., ,.T Ra,,. ,.. ,,, ,.al and include deliveries up preneurs only to open fran- (239)872-7706 or WASHER/DRYER SB2, 30-06, 3x9, Simmons ing to add to my collection. $1200. mo. + $1000. dep. ,.,-, ,,, ,,.. and down both the East chise businesses in town, (813)436-1246 Good Condition. $250. scope, like new, Please call to sell coins & CallSabreena.863-673-3521 Fuili Ume- Medical Technolo Jsi and West Coasts and there must be proven in manage- 863-610-1000 (863)697-9704 for details paper money 239-693-4891 o R all brn .,paper money 239-693-4891 PORTLABELLE-BRANDNEW Ir,,. .-,u FL J ..Ji .... are no out-of-state trips. ment, a born risk-taker DO NeaPORT LABELLE -BRAND NEWd. pan Uume-Phamrna-v Tech Make between $45,000- NOT CALL otherwise 3BR/2BA., 2arGarage. ,.,.:.. .' ,,-, ,.:,,,. i.r ,, : ,,,.-,+ : ,,: ,,, ti ..+ $50,000 ayear! Benefits (800)819-2634. fl I II II Near schools, Avail. Immed. groundis re. include Medical, Denta GONZALEZ DIAMOND RING, Ladies, Euro- $1200 mo: + sec. & ref's. p iemred Life, Vision,flexible work NOTICE LAWN/LANDSCAPING YOUNGER LOOKING SKIN an Cut,.30 point. 14kt whiteU, (305)971-3710 ordnamc Previous exp. in Phlebotomy is required Life, Vision8fexible work NOTICE Also do handyman jobs WITH LASER LIGHT TECH- pean Cut, 30 point. 14k white _________ Phon860207 scheduleandpaidvaca- Independent Newspapers will 863675-1166 NOLOGY The NuLase home go. $500. (863)357-2233 manaementhotmacom Dru, Free Workplace EOE tiontimea.Cand dates must never accept any advertise- (863)673-6388 laser system rejuvenates Okee.area. I ave a clean driving record ment that is illegal or con- skin in as little as one week. NECK CHAIN: 18 kt., 20". and valid CDL Class A FL sidered fraudulent. In all Visit www.NuLase.com or $700. (863)357-2233 Okee. Christmas Trees 7 45 The Seminole Tribe of Florida is hiring drivers license. To apply, cases of questionable val- How do you find a Job In call (800)392-7929 area. Farm Equipment 805 The Seminole Tribe of Florida is hiring complete an application @ ue, such as promises of today's competitive Farm Feed. Products 810 at our Ahfachkee School on our Big 807 E Main St., Immokalee guaranteed income from market? In the employ- I I I Farm Miscellaneous 815 Cypress Reservation. or call Human Resources work-at-home oroorams if memnt section ol the clas- Farm Produce 820 r ,u @239-57-4421. it sounds too goodto be seds BICYCLES, (3), 26" 2 wo- FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! Farm Services - Media Specialist Operate/supervise media true, chances are that it is. men's, 1 multi speed, 1 single, MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call e 825 center. Assist teachers & students with media We're raising pay for Florida ouha questions or 1 men's, 2 spd., $75 neg.. Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 Farm Supplies,' We're raising pay for Florida doubts about any ad an will sell sep. (863)635-0772 and receive a FREE METER! Services Wanted 830 center & materials. BS/BA degree or higher in regional drivers! Home every these pages,t advi that WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL wilAm-Med quality Diabeti Fertilizer 835 . related field. FL cert. for media specialist. weekend Home during the before responding or send- KINDS Copper & Brass. CHOPPER BICYCLE- Bright Supplies. Horses 840 Experience in all areas of library science & ing money ahead of time, Closed Sunday. Call first green w/flame. Excellent WHEELandscapinL CHAIR, Electric, Like Supplies 45 Experience in all areas of library science & 95% no touch! Preplanned yu check with the Better 863-675-8760, 257-0879 condition. Pd. $200. Asking L anrden with media equipment & technology, freight! $.43 per mile, home- you check with the eer 863-675-8760, 257-0879 condition. Pd. $200. Asking ew.L CHAIR, Electric, Like Supplies 85 -- me me Business Bureau at $100. (863)634-5038 new. Originally Cost $5500, Lawn Garden 850 time, money & more 772-878-2010forprevious $100(8 63450Asking $1100. (863)675-0122 Livestock 855 Resumes to: HEARTLAND EXPRESS 772-78-2010 fo r pr LaBelle Poultry.Supplies 860 Seminole Tribe of Florida, HR (800)441-4953 www.heart- complaints. NAREHOOD H de th Seeds.,Plants. 6300 Stirling Road. landexpress.com. Some 800 and 900 telephone NAREHOOD WHEELCHAIR-xtra se Padded with eFlowers865 Hollywood, FL 33024 .I numbers may requirean PHOTOGRAPHY ELITE COMPOSED ROOFING condition. $75 Fax 954-967-3477 I extra charge, as well as Weddings, PANELS- New, 4'W x38"L, (863)357-8788 Emalong distance tol costs. We Family Portraits, 3" insulation, 2000 for all Email galtman(semtribe.com will do our best to alert our will sell sep (863)763-5011 M aI i, 0 Additional details at www.semtribe.com LPN FT reader of these charges in Landscapes, Must have current State of the ads, but occasionally Quinceneras METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ 5500 WATT GENERATOR DOZER-1969 D4, for parts, FL license. Bilingual we may not be aware of the S eial ens Buy Direct From Manufactur- like new,$550. $500 (863)357-3981 POLICE OFFICERS: Earn up to English/Spanish preferred. charges. Therefore, if you Special vents er. 20 colors in stock with all 863-673-6295 INTL TRACTOR 660- diesel The most important $20,000 bonus. Train to pro- Excellent benefits. Fax call a number out of your Accessories. Quick turn tect your fellow Soldiers and resumeto (863)983-9604 area, use caution. LaBelle Photographer around! Delivery Available AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid $1500 (863)357-3981 20 minutes of your day be a leader in the Army Na- RECEPTIONIST & MORE or apply at Toll Free (888)393-0335. training for high paying Avia- r 084 is the time spent reading tional Guard. 1-800-GO- 5 years experience. FL Community Health tion Career. FAA predicts se- i ie GUARD.com/police. Computer Excel, Work, Etc. Centers, Inc., When doing those chores Call PLYWOOD: 5 Sheets, 4x8, vere shortage. Financial aid if with your child from Calculator, Telephone, Multi- 315 So. W.C. Owen St., is doing you in, t's time 863 3/4". Brand new, never used. qualify Job placement as- BLACK GELDING PONY birth to age nine Find It faster. Sell it soon- Tasking & Customer Service. Clewiston, FL. to look for a helper In 517-0308 $75 for all, will sep. distance. CALL AIM Rides/drives. Gentle. $900. er In the classifeds Please call (239)658-6060 EOE/DFWP the classilleds. (863)675-8760 (888)349-5387. 863-634-5820 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, August 10, 2006 RENTALS 2 Bedroom Luxury Condo Fully furnished, no pets, no rucks. Lease, Security & References. $850/mo.+ utilities Cal TlFFMff~lTM, M M l11 (863)675-I77 OVisit u fice:181SR OWLa ll LaBelle- 5 Acres- corner lot, Crescent Ave SW & Fay St. (305)812-2008 HUNTING LEASE WANTED Deer/Hog. Near Ft Drum area. Please call Doug to discuss (954)914-4303 CHRISTIAN LADY, Will share home with same. Non smok- ing envi. Must loves animals. $500 mo. 863-675-0866 PRIVATE ROOM & BATH, Pro- fessional, Non smoker, Full house privileges. $550. mo. + 1st, Last & sec. Split util. Background check. (561)629-6213 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, each unit alarmed, area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV & trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. LAKE ESCAPE at The Ridges Resort & Club. Bed & Break- fast at Our Beautiful Lakeside Mountain Resort in Hiawas- see GA. $99-weekday to $139. TheRidgesResort.com (888)834-4409. Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property- Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 FITNESS CENTER For Sale Great Commercial Equipment & Great Clientele. Call for details. (863)673-2525 COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL SPACE 2,000 +/- sq. ft. on SR 80 & Calhoun St. Newly renovated. Call Sherd or Emily at Southern Land (863)675-4500 COUNTRY VILLAGE 3BR/1 BA New roof, tiled throughout, newly remodeled bathroom, Asking $162,500, bring offers. 863-223-1822 GOLDEN GATES ESTATE, Reduced $279,900.2br, 2ba, Stilt home on 2.73 ac. High & Dry. (239)354-0630 Immokalee, 5BR/3BA, on h% acre, fenced yard, 2 driveways, swimming pool with new cage & filter, new jacuzzi, mother in law apartment, new roof, air ducts, (reiiin 1 ii ril: nu,. il I.-rI ,5 rnt:w Iu 1l', ,. rnuij,:r moire $400,000 (239)470-3330 LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top Area $212K or Annual Lease $1800 mo. 561-441-2800 PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. Near School. Price to sell. $179,500. or Annual Lease $1900. Owner 863-673-5071 cshdz 4@earthlink.net ;Lt-Slel 1045 CALOOSA ESTATES LOT Gorgeous, lots of trees, Bee Branch Creek access to Caloo- sahatchee. $210,000, bring offer. 863-223-1822 FOR SALE BY OWNER 863-673-5071 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Price to sell! 4011 East Sunflower Circle - Port LaBelle, Unit 4, Near High School / Birchwood. Totally Remodeled in 2006 New Stainless Steel Appliances, Carpeting, Tile, Etc. Over Sized Lot on Cul-De-Sac & Green Belt $179,500. Must see! Won't Last!!! 863-673-5071 2 Bedroom, 55+ Community. Modular, Furnished, Carport & Shed, Land Lease. Asking $120,000. RIVERFRONT WOW!!!!! 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath house, separate apt., workshop, garage, RV/Boat Carports, dock house, boat ramp, 1.55 ACRES. $625,000 Cll I Land- Sal ILnd- ale LABELLE -15 ACRES Front State Road 80, 2 sides on Interior Roads Adjoins commercial property. Good Investment with many possibilities. Terms possible. $625,000 Owner/Broker (561)364-1795 Corner Lot; Loads of Oaks, lo- cated in city limits, $69,000. (863)675-0104 Port LaBelle, Owner financing with 10% down. $44,900. 863-599-1439 or 863-983-9627 N %' F l1(. N4MF BRAND NEW CONSTRUCTION HOMES! 3BR/2BA, 2 Car Garage For Sale or Lease Purchase Call Today...Don't Delay!!! American Heritage Realty USA Cathy Rupert, Agent (239)464-4808 LaBelle BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC Homes; Cabins, Acreage & INVESTMENTS. CHERO- KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC REAL ESTATE. cherokee- mountainrealty.com Call for free brochure (800)841-5868. DIRECT OCEAN ACCESS PROPERTIES! STARTING AT ONLY $79,900! Properties up to 3+ Acres available! One Day Only Sale! August 12th. Call Today for Reser- vation! (866)950-5263 Ext 1105 . COASTAL NORTH CAROLINA Waterfront Community. The Preserve at River Sea. Devel- oper Closeouts. From $129,900. Incredible loca- tion. Far below market value. 18 month no payment plan. (866)213-6315: Broker, Neighborhood Properties, LLC. East Tennessee- Norris Lake 5.6 acre wooded LAKE- FRONT lot- $66,500 5.1 acre wooded VIEW lot- $28,900 Call Lakeside Realty @ (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. EUFALA ALABAMA WATER- FRONT Gated community 2 hours from Atlanta & the Coast. 1/2 to 3 acres from the $40's. Fishing, boating, swimming & more. Club- house to,,,,ji :iip nature trails, 866ibi: 2- i11:17 GEORGIA/NORTH CAROLINA Captivating mountain views, lakes, rivers, waterfalls. Homesites stir niJg @ 4'. 900 Logi hoini kits @ 1,.39',,. Limlrd, mjailability. Call (888)389-3504 X700. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. KY LAKE CUMBERLAND LIMITED LAND SALE Up to $10,000 OFF all waterfront parcels! Parcels with gener- ous 120' frontage are being discounted for a limited time. Pool, tennis, walking trails. (866)462-8198. The classifies are the most successful sales- person in town. [Hiouse -I' LaBelle, SINGLE WIDE 2 br, 1 Ba,$200 wkly. + $500. Sec. $700 to move in. & 3br avail. Call for info 863-675-3665 * ~~----~~ I Hoses Ren I Hoses Sal I Hoses Sal New Florida cookbook gets a 'stamp of approval' This 'may not seem like an apt beginning for a cookbook ... mat- ter of fact the above excerpt is not really the beginning but an intro- duction of sorts to the Breads & Brunch section of the just out FLORIDA FLAVORS II. Other excerpts by Mr. Lyons appear here and there through this un-ordinary cookbook. Rich with original art by James and Kevin Hutchinson plus artistic motifs, this is an extraordi- nary collection of recipes and cook- ing ideas that will add taste and charm to your efforts in the kitchen. The book itself is stunning. High gloss hardback with ring binding which the hardback covers com- pletely. 344 pages The full color painting on the front cover is a work of art by Kevin Hutchinson. The weathered cracker house hangs on the side of a creek, an old man con- tentedly sits on the porch fishing, the palms in the foreground and background seem to be waving in the wind and like a brilliant umbrel- la, a poinciana tree spreads its full- in-bloom arms over the little weath- ered house. It's a quiet, forever Florida scene of a bygone era. The table of contents is very unusual and very inviting...includ- ing Party Fare, Breads and Brunch, Salads and Soup, Entrees, Seafood Entrees, Vegetables and Side Dish- es, Desserts and lastly there are the Pet Pages. No less than 12 salsa recipes just beg to be tried. And there's Peachy Pork that can't wait for Sunday din- ner or company as well as South- ern Sausage and Wild Rice. And who can live without the treats of key limes? There's no less than three whole pages of key lime pie recipes including the Lorelei Key Lime Pie that dates back to the orig- inal Florida Classic Flavors pub-, lished over twentyyears ago. Although it's personal, Mama's Best Country Meat Loaf, has been a family favorite for generations: (Page 136) 1 cup cracker or bread crumbs 2 cup ketchup milk 3 tablespoon soy sauce 1 cup chopped onions cup chopped green bell 1 pound each ground beef, peppers (optional) but turkey, and hot sausage adds great flavor 2 eggs salt and pepper to taste celery salt to taste Preheat oven to 325 to 350 degrees Soak crumbs in enough milk to moisten all crumbs, set aside. Saut6 onions until softened. Mix together all' meats. Combine ,soaked crumbs, saut6ed onions, eggs, ketchup, soy sauce and bell pep- pers. Add to meat mixture and blend. Season with salt, pepper and celery salt. Form mixture into 3 loaves in baking pans. Bake 1 to 1 /2 hours. This recipe is also great to use in stuffed peppers or as meatballs. The meatloaf freezes well, raw or cooked. If turkey is not available, veal is fine to use, or if neither is available, just the hot sausage and beef make a great loaf. In which case, of course, the yield would be 2 loaves. Yield: 3 loaves - Mama's Youngest Daughter, Bar- bara Oehlbeck Even if you never use one recipe from this new cookbook, the thoughts, art and observations scat- tered throughout are worth "the price of admission". It's no wonder that it took the Environmental Stud- ies Council, Inc. more than a few years to compile this extraordinary book. Most recipes call for ingredients most cooks have on hand most of the time. "The young are wonderful. They are the promise of the future. Protecting the young, teaching the young to survive are elemental expressions of love." -The Last Cracker Barrel" by Ernest Lyons '.V .. ,wc :. -., ;r" I -: .." ..'. , Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/ Barbara Oehlbeck There are cookbooks and cookbooks, and then there's: Florida Flavors II. For information or availability, contact Barbara Oehlbeck, 25075 Grassy Run Muse, LaBelle, FL 33935, Phone/fax same: 863-675- 2771; e-mail doco@strato.net 4\ j* Iii. .. ... ..... .. I Headlines Public Issues Forum Local Links Stories from Independent'. An open forumn-i in which A directory of websites Searchable orchrie~ '.i .orousl. columnists. Post Your News Post For Free Classified Ads S Post r read press Post ,ior personrOl Te combined listings Sreleare, announcements messages or on open from Independent's 7 Snipnformation fron-our Bulletin Board for Florae for loaoperso distributed enmrllonita resident-. tea 31 000 homes. s 2- '. c.l r n sls. SConrol Point POhokee Belle Glade South Bay Clevviston '.\loore Hcoeri Ortona eMuse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokolee Pioneer Plantation ,, Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof LAKE BARKLEY, KY LAND Sunsets and serenity are yours at this beautiful lake- front community on the TN/KY border. 90 min to Nashville. Close to natl rec- reation area. 1- 40 acres from the $40s. (866)339-4966. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? In- vest in rural acreage throughout America; coastal, mountain, waterfront proper- ties, 20 to 200 acres. For FREE Special Land Reports: www. Iandbuyers- guide.com/fl. MILLION DOLLAR VISTAS with cool mountain breezes high atop the Smokies be- tween prestigious High- lands/Franklin/Dillard. Exclusive, Private, Secluded. Huge homesites from $175,000 (800)679-7976 www.highlandspass.com. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins, Land' CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REAL- MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www.exitmurphy.com. , NATIONAL BUILDER 0% DOWN when you own land! HOME BUILT ON YOUR LOT starting at $58 per square foot. Call for FREE color bro- chures. (800)622-2832. New, Pre-Construction Golf Community-Coastal Georgia. Large lots w/deepwater, marsh, golf, nature views. Gated, Golf, Fitness Center, Tennis, Trails. Oak Park, Docks. $70k's- .3011II' (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspoint.com. Priced for Quick Sale!! 3.2 acre lake lot, 148 ft of front- age. Northeast GA's largest and newest lake, Patriot's Pointe. $98,500. More Info: (706)213-6734 www.lake- russellproperties.com. TAX DEED TITLE INSURANCE WITHOUT A QUIET TITLE SACTIOII 'FASTER & CHEAP. ER Djvri Si::hurn:hIr, Presi- ,e-il, Ta I ilie Servicti (949)798-1180 www.taxtit- leservices.com VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on very large pris- tine creek, very private, ex- .cellent fishing, canoeing, good access, near New Riv- er Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountainsofVA.com. With Tennessee's Beautiful Lakes & Mountains, you are sure to find the perfect spot to call home. Call Nancy Gaines, Gables & Gates (865)388-7703, (865)777-9191 www.nancy- gaines.com Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 Mobil Hom * ii- 25% Off This week take our low everyday price and get another 25% Off All Accessories, Lamps, Pictures, Rugs and Bed Linen Sets CKSJackson River R jHome Furnishings & Decor L i-.i'I 340 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 863-674-0003 Where Quality is Done in Style! DOUBLEWIDE, 3BR/2BA, as new condition, one block to river, /2 mile to drawbridge. One acre fenced, no pets, non-smkg. env., one year lease, $850 mo., $850 sec. Rent incl. lawn care. (863)675-2392 DOUBLEWIDE, 3BR/2BA on 2 1/2 acres, $900 mo. Ne- gotiable (863)674-0677 TWO OR 3 BEDROOM $800-$900 Dep. $115-$125 weekly. Lazy T Ranch. No dogs. 863-675-1614 LaBelle, Park model W/Ig FL rm., Laundry rm., W/D, Shed & concrete drive. Furnished, CAC/H. New apple. Berber carpet. Whisper Creek. $33,500. (954)328-8627 LAND with 1981 double wide in LaBelle. For sale by owner. $72,500 neg. (863)675-1312 classicconceptd@earthlink.net LIBERTY '98, 2BR/2BA, on 1 acre of land, double porches, fenced yard, lots of trees, 10x20 shed. (863)675-3793 Recreation I Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles ATVs 3035 AIR BOAT- 10'x6.5' fitebralas 150 Lvcy'mrngir Has al meal work. Needs to be limsneu. Prop. $1500.863-357-1974 BAYLINER 18','96 120hp Merc., galv. trailer (needs' minor cosmetic wk) 2400. 239-590-5438 BAYLINER- '87, 115hp, Needs starter & TLC. $2500. (863)634-5877 BOSTON WHALER '89, 14ft., '89 30hp Yamaha, bad gear 3ise w,'lrdler $600 neg Mark 863jb:.5-1 31iljeve ig. GHEENOE CLASSIC CUSTOM, '04, 16ft., 25hp Mercury, 20ft. Rocket Trailer, like new. $4000 (863)675-1312 Iv. msg RIVIERA 1987, 15 Ft. Boat, 50 hp 0/B motor, 1500 or best of- fer. (863)946-1856 or (248)-935-3837 Moore Haven Sea Kayak, Touring Style, Northwest Pursuit, 17', exc. cond., $600. (863)357-7406 SEARAY- '91, 19', V6 135hp Mercury outboard. Runs Good. $1600. or best offer. (772i223-9974J CAMPER- Wilderness Fleet- wood 26', 30 amp service. Sleeps 4, Microwave, stove, Fridge, Bath/shower, Cable & satellite ready, New awning, jacks & access go. Excellent cond. $9500. Neg. 863-763-0017 or 561-723-4659 SWIVEL CHAIRS- 2, for RV, Van or Motor Home. $80. Will separate. (863)467-9413 -- Marim BOAT MOTOR, Johnson Evin- rude, 14hp. OMC. Runs great. $700 (863)763-7609 SUZUKI INTRUDER '02, 1500cc, lots of extras. Must see!! $7500 FIRM. (863)801-5353 SUZUKI SV650, '06, barely used, w/$300 worth of acces- sodes, $4800. (863)357-7406 HUNTING BUGGY- Ig, dog cages & gun rack already at- tached, lots of fun $2000 neg (863)467-4998 POLARIS TRAIL BOSS 325, '01, new chain & sprockets, runs very good, $1800. (863)697-2525 HOLIDAY TRAVELER 25''77 new A/C & water heater, all works great. $3000 or best of- fer. 863-675-4006 Automobiles A II 0-, ..... .. ...... .......-- -- --... .... .. .. .... Automobiles 400-5 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 BUICK CENTURY '1996, 4 Door Wagon, trlr hitch, A/C. 3rd seat. Great cond. $2750. Or best offer (863)357-7406 BUICK SKYHAWK 1987 Runs great. Asking $700. 863-675-1113 CADILLAC BROUGHAM 1990, EleLirunii Everv inrg Just needs; Ti.l: 1,1 0): r tle:., of- fer. j863)46,-.998 CHEVY CAMARO- '94, Red, T- Tops, CD player. $1200. (863)634-5888 CHEVY CAMARO Z28, 80, au- to, great restoration project, all original, Motivated Seller! $1700. (863)634-6601 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER - '96, 4 dr, $2,000/neg. (863)697-6690. CROWN VICTORIA SW- '88, Auto., Runs good. Good condition. $900. (863)675-0379 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 1988 Looks good. Runs great. Cold A/C, 4 Door & 4 New tires. $1000. (863)675-1754 FORD ESCORT STATION WAGON,'95, $1200. Or best offer.(863)634-4518 FORD TAURUS 1989 Station Wagon. New brake job. Good work car. $800. (863)675-6822 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 1998, 1 Owner. Well maintained. All receipts. 110K mis. $8500. (561)261-9393 Okeechobee MAZDA 626 '95, 2.0L, auto., a/c, p/w, new tires & battery. Needs some work. $800 or best offer. (863)763-0852 MAZDA 626 '98, 4dr, power & tinted windows, a/c, cd player, runs good, good cond. $2500 (863)983-2997 or 228-3958 MERCEDES 1988 560SEL SA- DAN, Silver, Sunroof. Very clean. $2400 (863)674-0416 LaBelle OLD'S AURORA- '96, V8, AC, Runs good. $4000. (863)697-1238 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE '86- "Classic" AC, PW,PL, looks & runs great, dependable, $1000 firm (302)634-5298 TOYOTA- '88, Sports car. 2 seater, 32-36 MPG. Tires good. Needs compressor clutch $1300. (561)924-2208 VOLVO 240, '93, $2500. Or best offer. (863)634-4518 DODGE RAM CHARGER '90, 5.2 engine, B&M transpack, good condition. $2000 or best offer. Call Lee (239)369-9725 FORD BRONCO '93- 4x4, $2000 or best offer, will con- sider van or car w/A/C in trade (239)839-4883 JEEP WRANGLER: 1989, 4x4, 350 motor (chrome). 33" tires (new). $8500 or best offer. (863)675-8305 LaBelle AXIS RIMS, With tires. Good cond., $500. Call Orlando @. (302)943-1777 Or leave. - message AXLES, for '62-'65 Volvo PV544 Sedan; $200 or best offer, will sell separately. (863)635-0772 B&W TURNOVER BALL #1303, fits '03-'06 Dodge truck, not Mega cab. $250 or best offer. 407-402-2690 CAMPER SHELL- 8' Fiber- glass, Maroon, Sliding win- dows front/sid, -lw i.12i00 Asking $350. (86.)509-3260 DUELER TIRES-Bridgestone (4), 265x75-16. 30k miles on them. $80 for all. 863-634-5130 GMC RING GEAR & PINIONS- asking $150 or best offer (863)467-8856 RICHMOND PRO GEAR Ring & Pinion for 9" Ford. 4-86 ratio, $200. (863)697-2724. TIRES- 4, Goodyear, P195/65R15 Like new. $180 or best offer. 18631763-0r09 Ask for Roger TONNEAU COVER, A.RE. Fi- berglass, Fits '01-'03 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab, white. $350 neg. (863)697-0328 CHEVY 1500 1988, Ext. cab Runs good, Cold A/C, $2200. 863-675-0107 or 86.-2.55-8096 LjBfilB CHEVY C10 SILVERADO '87, Long bed, 350 eng., auto., a/c, strong eng. & trans. $3300 neg. (863)697-0241 CHEVY S10 P/U '84 4x4, runs excellent. $1300 or best offer. Must Sell!. Great WorkTruck. 863-610-1603 CHEVY S-10, '87, ext. cab, small V8, 700 R4 trans., very clean & runs well, $2500. (863)697-2525 - Tl40 CHEVY S-10 PICKUP'96 4.3 V6, as is. $1200. 863-673-6295 FORD '88 F150 4X4 82k miles, V8, XLT Lariat, 2 tone paint, match.wheels/tires & more. Must Sell $3800. 863-467-6875 FORD F100,'83, auto air, 300 6 cyl., 2 tone blue, $1300 or best offer. (863)467-8464 FORD F250, '84, diesel, manu- al trans., 4 spd., runs good; great work truck, $750 or best offer. (863)228-0580 FORD RANGER '84 4X4 V6, w/title. Needs alignment. Great for mudding, $1500 or best offer. 863-254-3580 ISUZU- '95, 5 spd, Runs well. No A/C. Good MPG. $2500: (863)467-7859 or 634-6228 BLAZER S10 '93- leather in' terior, exc cond. Labelle area. $2495 (239)938-4321 CHEVY S10 BLAZER- '88, $1000. or best offer. (863)467-7124 Call after 4:30 pm ISUZU HOMBRE 1999 136K mis., 2 wd w/Camper Topper. White. A/C's good..Radio: $2500. (239)543-2222 CAR/EQUIPMENT TRAILER, 16' deck + 4' dove tail. 2 yrs old. $950. Call Sam at (239)633-7173 ENCLOSED TRAILER- Cargo King, 5'x9'. Liked new w/new tires, Garage kept. $1250; (863)467-8942 FUEL TANK- 500 gallon, trail- er, al.urminum t500 (863)675-0952 L Belle MC TRLR- '90, Enclosed fiber glass, HiPoint, 15', A/C, Side & ramp rear door. Exc cond: $3800. Neg. (863)357-4933: MECHANICS SPECIAL- Tool box trailer, utility truck bed; will hold 4 whler, lots of stor- age $500 (863)467-6475 TRAILER: TRAIL MOBILE; 48Ft. Flat Bed. Good tires: New brake job. $2350; (863)675-6822 CHEVY ASTRO VAN 1993, $1000. 863-467-1000 DODGE 3500 EXT: BARGO VAN '98- orig miles, runs great, cold AC. some rust, 12000 561 '22-9565 OUee DODGE 8150 VAN '84, $600 (863)532-0133 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE, '97, power everything, cold a/c, $2000 or best offer. (863)201-3492 Ford Hightop Van, '89, V8, full power, sofa bed, TV, CB ra- dio $2000. LaBelle Area (863)675-4970 Leave msg. ' |