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Hendry Count 4\ :i j . .- i - Gardening Gab SPage 4 Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 VOUE8 UBR2 TUSDAg JL 7920 Plans for shelter progressing Cancer benefit planned There will be a Cancer ben- efit for Hazel Meder Woods, on Saturday, August 5, at the Bar- ron Park starting at 11 a.m. There will be a pork dinner with trimmings and iced tea for $6. Dessert will be $1 extra. 'There will also be a rummage 'sale and a special truck raffle for a 1996 Dodge Dakota pick- up truck. (See tickets for details.) $20 per ticket;, only 200 tickets sold. All donations will be greatly appreciated. The benefit will be sponsored by the men and women of the LaBelle Moose Lodge. Safety council moves The Southwest Florida Safety Council, Inc. has relo- cated its office and classroom. The Safety'Council is now located at the Port LaBelle Resort, 1 Oxbow Drive. The new office is in the former pro- shop at the resort. The tele- phone number remains the same, 86.:.-675-0544, office hours'are Tuesday and Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Southwest Florida Safety: C':unc;i hs i been, eri, ing the Hendrv County area" since 1974. The Sdltet Council provides courses for drivers who have received traffic tick- ets and wish to keep points off their license, DUI school, first aid and CPR classes, as well as DATE classes for those who are getting their 'driver's license for the first time.. The Southwest Florida Safety Council, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. New GED day lab opening Sign up now for the LaBelle Adult School. Classes are free but there are limited spaces available. There are morning and afternoon sessions avail- able from 8 -11 a.m. and 12 -3 p.m. It is located on 1100 Forestry Division Rd., by the LaBelle Youth Development Academy. Work at your own pace in our new computer assisted learning lab. Teacher support included. Call 612- 0706 or 674-4118 for more information. Don Crebs is the Instructor. Don't delay. Call today to register. HRMC Foundation starts Remembrance Members of the HRMC Foundation have started their first project a Remembrance Giving Program. A gift to the Foundation can be used to. remember or memorialize friends or family members after death or honor them on special occasions during their lifetime. The Foundation will continue to enhance the lega- cy of individuals at Hendry Regional Medical Center. Index Classifieds .......14-16 Editorial ..... .... .4 Speak Out .......... .4 Social News ......... .5 Sports ........ . .7 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszapDcom Community Links. Individual Voices. SII16 I510 00019 8 1651 00019 1 By Patty Brant Most people take for granted that they will have a roof over their heads every night. But for a growing number of people, hav- ing a place to call their own is becoming more and more diffi- cult. The Hendry County Home- less Coalition has set its sights on Providing temporary shelter for those who find themselves in that situation. In the early stages of planning, at this point members are expect- ing to build a 900 square foot cin- der block building, 30x30, to be located adjacent to Freedom Fel- lowship Ministries on SR 29N. The church has long been con- cerned with the homeless and is a strong supporter of the coali- tion. Current thinking is for 600 square foot of living space for one family, with a separate 300 square foot food pantry in the building. One family could be accommodated for several days, providing shelter while they- make other arrangements. Coalition Chairman Rita Dunne said the plan is to get a small shelter established. Then the group hopes to be able to expand it with a soup kitchen and possibly additional living space. Coalition plans are to involve' the local community in establish- ing this homeless shelter a core facility that can be expanded later. The Kiwanis Club of LaBelle has already made a gen- erous donation of $2,000 to the cause'and the coalition hopes to involve other groups in the plan. John Capece, of Southern DataStream, has volunteered one of his student interns to come up with plans for the origi- nal building.. It is hoped other community members will come forward with expertise and/or funding. Hendry County's Director of Social Services Jim Coddington is a new member of the coali- tion. He expressed frustration at the lack of services and'funding the area can provide; a feeling shared by United Way's Arlene Betancourt. He proposed that Enthusiasm Personified: In all these faces Caioosa Belle Kristin Hunter Cheerleading camp run by Margaret Harvey was held July 10-13 at the Davis Pratt Park. About 25 girls ages 5-15 attended. They learned cheers, stunts, jumps, motions and tumbling. The girls pose here for a group picture. 1'4W 1 I Wi I The girls practice the cheers they learned all week at cheer camp. the county and the coalition coordinate their approach to the homeless problem. The county's social services department basi- cally handles weekday issues, while the coalition could step in after hours and weekends. According to Mr. Coddington, most of the homeless people who come to the county for help have either just lost their job or just started a job, have been evicted and do not have the money for a security deposit to get into another place., Glenn Price of the Hendry- Glades Health Department has been working with the coalition for several years. As part of a six- county homeless coalition, the local group will be receiving three computers to help docu- ment the homeless and the serv- ices they receive. The computers will be linked, to a main data base. Three local groups will ini- tially be licensed 'as take-in points: Freedom Fellowship Min- istries, United Way and Salvation Army. Last week's regular coalition meeting resonated with the excitement of a plan beginning to take shape. As Mr. Coddington, put it, the dream of a shelter is "finally becoming a reality." The homeless coalition meets the third Thursday monthly at the United Way House, 117 Fort Thompson Ave, at 10 a.m. All are welcome. BOC Meeting Concerns By Kristin Hunter Hiring and then retaining teachers has been a big prob-. lem for the cuuni i for some time now because there is no motivation for trained profes- sionals to live in LaBelle. There is no reason for these people to move here because the cost of living is too high, there is no place to rent, and the county can not afford to pa lil:k bLee or Collier County Scan. So, citizen. Linda Clark, proposed a way to attract not only school'teachers, but cer- fified law enforcement offi- cers, EMS, technicians, fire- men and doctorsto Hendry C':unt,, She proposes'that all full time-K-12 teachers and -college professors, along iith the rest of the positions listed, shall receive their first year property tax waived, and then they shall also receive a $50,000 property tax exemp- tion for every year after that as long.asithe\ live ajd :'i: inr, the cdur.t. She said, "It \\1il generate money and be bene- See Meeting Page 2 Progress made against HIV By Patty Brant Not so very long ago, if.a doctor said you were HIV+ it was all but a death sentence. The'virus attacks the immune system, leaving the. body defenseless against even the slightest of infections. In the 25 -years since HIV/AIDS was first diagnosed in this country, much progress has been made against the condi- tion. Those infected can even look forward to a reasonably normal life providing they can get and keep the virus under control. This is an interview with one HIV- individual. We'll call him Sam. See HIV -Page 2 Meet the new principal at LHS By Kristin-Hunter Dan Gilbertson is filling big shoes as the new principal at LHS. He comes to LaBelle from the Port Huron and Detroit area of Michigan. Coaching brought him into teaching, but he is also from a family of teachers. He started in education as a high school teacher, teaching Social Studies, Government, Econom- 'ics, History and Geography for five years. He was an assistant high school principal for three years and middle school princi- pal for four years. The reason for his move to Florida is that jobs in education or jobs in general, are scarce in Michigan whereas teaching jobs are very abundant in Florida. He and his family also liked visiting Florida so it seemed like the perfect match. Mr. Gilbertson says that his goal as principal is to "have a positive and productive impact on the students and communi- ty." Mr. Gilbertson is familiar with both big cities and small towns. He is from an urban area in Michigan, but he also worked in a small town as a high school assistant principal. He said, "This community and school remind me of where I came from. I feel very comfortable here." There are many things that he would like to do at LaBelle High School. First, he would like to set a tone.of mutu- al respect between students and staff members. He said, "I come from a philosophy that students are our purpose and we are to do everything possible to give them a good education. We will achieve this goal by having high expectations and having a safe, caring environment." He said the main difference in Michigan and Florida is the need for teachers. In Michigan they would sometimes have 1,000 teachers apply for one position and here in Florida you are lucky to have one person apply for a single position. LaBelle High School is still in need of a technology teacher and an assistant principal. How- ever, he anticipates having both by the time school starts August 7. Mr. Gilbertson said, "I certain- ly hope that I'll be able to be an instructional leader by working with teachers to write lesson plans that assess students' abili- See Principal Page 2 Dan Gilbertson, LHS Principal I ir- 4k~ 7wf~ ''' .^~L~B 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27,2006 .. .+: HIV Continued From Page 1 Sam found out he had the virus in 1997. Sam made his living as a bartender, on his feet for hours at a time. At first he noticed fatigue - a rundown feeling and lack of energy and a loss of appetite. He developed a problem with his legs, known as peripheral neu- ropathy a condition he would later find is common among those with HIV Concerned, his friends con- vinced him to go to the doctor. Thinking he very likely had lung cancer Sam was a pack a day man for some 30 years he was not prepared for the reality that was about to hit him. As a hetero- sexual man who did not inject drugs, he was shocked when the doctor diagnosed HIV The blood work told the tale, though, and the doctor presented the diagnosis as "good news." Good, he said, because if it had been cancer there would have been little, they could do. HIV, the doctor said, had an array of drugs and treatment options. At the time, Sam knew next to nothing about the disease. Today, he spouts off medical terms and drug names like a doctor. Fortunately for Sam, he was in Monroe County at the time. That community has rallied behind HIV patients, infusing considerable local money into treatment to sup- plement state and federal funding. Sam lost weight, going from a robust 240 pounds down to just 140. "Wasting syndrome" is a standard symptom of the disease, leaving the patient looking, in Sam's words, "like someone from Auschwitz." The first thing HIV+ patients learn is :hat fighting the disease is a continuous battle. You have to Come out fighting, Sam said, hit it hard and not let up until it's under control. That means starting on your medications immediately; keeping them up faithfully; and seeing your doctor weekly. You can't just work on the dis- ease, though, Sam said, you have to work on the whole person. According to the health depart- ment, T helper cells are a type of white blood cell that help the human body launch an immune response to foreign invaders, sending chemical messages to other, immune cells to attack harmful agents, like viruses. By invading and destroying T helper cells, the HIV virus significantly lessens the body's ability to defend itself. The CD4 count estimates how many T helper cells are present in the blood. When an HIV positive person develops AIDS, the num- ber of T cells in the body has fallen far below normal. At this point, opportunistic infections, such as cancer or pneumonia, can over- take the body's defense. These opportunistic infections are the usual cause of HIV/AIDS deaths. The viral load measures the amount of HIV circulating in the blood. A higher viral load means that there are more HIV viruses in the blood able and willing to attack the immune system. The higher the viral load, the faster the HIV disease progresses. When the laboratory results of a viral load are "undetectable," it means that there are less than 50 copies of the virus per milliliter of plasma blood. However, even when HIV medications successfully reduce the viral load in the blood, the amount of HIV remains higher in organs and sexual fluids. The CD4 count and viral load laboratory tests help you and your doctor determine when to start HIV medications. In 1997, there were only four or five medications available to fight HIV. Now there are a number of HIV medications currently on the market. Clients often take-three or more medications in combina- tion. The five classes of HIV med- ications battle HIV at different stages of its infecting the T-helper cells. These medications are very powerful and can have some rather debilitating side effects. HIV medications must be taken as pre- scribed or else the virus might develop resistance to it. People infected with HIV also take other medications to combat or prevent opportunistic infections, Sam said the key is to find drugs that will work in concert with one another. Currently, Sam takes 30 pills per day- 15 in the morning and 15 at night including an array of anti-fungals, prescription vita- mins, supplements like folic acid and antibiotics which give him: chemically what his body won't produce any more. Sam's medication bill reaches $3,000 a month, paid for by Med- icaid . UURRIuIrNE RKUIP PoLER No Fuel No Nise Safe Indoors Under $500 6 78-494-2035 WaF www.apsipower.com As health returns, Sam said the patient can decrease doctor visits, but a healthy regimen of nutrition and exercise is important. Once the disease is under control, the patient can begin to regain some control over his life as well. At first, the "heavy lifting" in beating HIV is done by the med- ication 90 percent of it. As the patient progresses, however, Sam says attitude becomes increasing- ly important in beating it. It's important for anyone bat- tling HIV to have a great support system, Sam points out. When he was diagnosed, he lived hundreds of miles away from his family. His immediate reaction was to with- draw. Fortunately, he had some terrific friends. One even volun- teered to call Sam's mother to break the news to her Sam couldn't find it in himself to do it. But, he said, she was.wonderful, adding, "I didn't know how strong moms are." His whole family has been very supportive, he said, The future has finally come into focus for Sam. He even has a fiance. "She's great. She won't cut me any slack on days when I don't feel well," he said. That may sound strange, but it's very important for HIV+ patients to keep active. Some days are, tougher than others, he says, and it's hard to get moving, but you have to- even if you're slo\ er than usual, you have to keep going. Yes, HIV+ patients can still' have personal relationships, Sam. said, but the disease forces you to be more careful and patient; more loving and considerate. Partners must be tested regularly. The ,health department offers free test- ing for partners of HIV+ patients every three months. Sam has not been able to work inyears. He was turned down-for social security and disability He finally got Supplemental Security Income (SSI). He's doing so well now, that he's even looking for- ward to finding a part time job. The future looks good. Sam says if he gets 20-25 more years he'll be happy. HIV is not the major focus,of his life any more - he can see future now... Sam says anyone diagnosed with HIV first needs to listen to his/her doctor and remember not to let it consume youi hiie. 'iu may not see it at first, but he adds, "there's still a lot of living to do." Meeting Continued From Page 1 ficial to Hendry County because if those who work in the county also live in the county, then they will be spending their money here as well." She is hoping that if approved, it will go into effect January 1, 2007. Senior Connections Senior Connections may be soon closing their doors. Howev- er, the board of county commis- sioners decided to grant Senior Connections approximately $52,000 for a 90 day funding extension of their nutritional services, in hopes that they will be able to find funding else- where after the 90 day period to help them continue their servic- es. Wheeler Rd. Angel Vega, a citizen in Lehigh Properties on Wheeler Rd. addressed several issues fac- ing the area such as 911 calls being routed in an inefficient and untimely manner, the need to Principal Continued From Page 1 ty." Mr. Gilbertson feels that he brings a lot to the plate such as curriculum development, change, experience in the field, enthusiasm, direction that is stu-. dent-centered and being able to assist teachers. He hopes to bring increased educational opportuni- ties and a professional learning community as well. He said he realizes that one of the biggest challenges facing the students at' LHS is reading and math skills. Therefore, it is very important to have a consistent curriculum to fill in the gaps.. Mr. Gilbertson wanted to add . that he wants the community to feel free to contact him at LHS with any questions, comments or concerns they may have. Mr. Gilbertson said he's looking for- ward to every minute of the excit- ing year that lies ahead. GovDeals is Hosting at Online Auction the Surplus Assets of Florida County, City, Law Enforcement and Educational Agencies Police/Sheriff Vehicles & Confiscated Property Heavy Equipment Pickup Trucks Cars Buses Computers Furniture Specialty Assets Scrap Metal New Items Added Dally Register Online to Bid Now! SRglsler onllne to bid. Co 800-613-0156 r htr :/ /FL.govdeais.com e-mai intorovdeals.com for rnre infmormaihon G .v -. Hendry County School Board School Bus Driver In-Service Meeting is scheduled for: Dates Rugust 2, 22006 Time: 7:.1 RM 4:30PM Where: Clewiston High School Ruditorium Contact Numbers: Joyce Williams 983-1516 Cheryl Jameson 674-411 51 Come oin Our nRoyat famity.... We are very proud to announce the opening of a new and excit- ing Gym in LaBelle. During our first season Dynasty Elite will be offering Hip Hop Dance and Tumbling as well as Private lessons on a brand new spring cheer and dance floor. And coming soon, Mommy and me classes and beginning Baton. Our season will begin nn Aiugutst, we a.u looking forward to a great tirst season. Conie .iii .oii s l o. 1t IO .l exciting and rew.idirJi. expel ielice. Hip Hop Dance Ages: 3 to IS. years (Conlpertiivc & Noni-Colliphtilvel' t Tumbling Classes Ti\ny tniuniler 3 ys. to 4 \rs f:c lli 3o tuimibllig -vrt & up Dynaslgy life Cheer, Dance & Jumbling Mommy & me 16 mio. to 2 vrs Beginning Baton -I vrs. to 10 :vrs. "At Pnuastv E ite Cheer. [.iic T'Umntllin, i we Lbieve in Lmildintg contidenceir & sel-esteeim ii7hie enthalcin- athletic .skJils i .i pLos5ur'e JtnCospher'e that uiill be oth/i cliUleniid3gi and iotr:jb." For more Information please call SIGN-UPDATES Friday, July 28th Coach Melissa @ 863-673-4071 4pm-7pm Coach Cheryl @ 239-250-9009 Thursday, Aug 3rd 4pm-6pm Coach Melinda @ 863-673-4333 At LaBelle Woods 620 Main St. We have over 20 years of cheer and dance experience pave the road, for signs to be put up, mosquito control and eleva- tion and code enforcement. Some of Wheeler Rd. is owned by the county. However the majority is considered private. Therefore, the part that is consid- ered private is not funded by the county and is the reason for the complications. There will soon be a new'sign coming into LaBelle from Lee Greg Bone Realtor C~ - w~'-- County on Hwy. 80. There were three proposed designs. The design that was chosen will say Hendry County on the top and welcome on the bottom. Ft. Denaud Cemetery will soon be expanded. There was a presentation of three different conceptual layouts for the Ft. Denaud Cemetery Expansion project. Concept two with modi- fications was chosen. Iit ou are buving.or;s Il "", in the LaBell. \ . Greg Bo' Phone: 1-863-8\ \1 Fax: 1-863-675'5 c-mail: greg.bone(a'solanuol .o \\ebsitce: ' w-a.labelepropertie~Cbm 71s1 "1)S. I "lain >th iel Southern LaBelle, F33935 l1an" Investments 8 Real Estate I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support of my successful re-election cam- paign for the office of Treasurer Commissioner for the City of LaBelle. Thank you for the confi- dence shown in allowing me to serve you for another term. Hilda Zimmerly Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Hilda Zimmerly for Treasurer Commissioner LOST YOUR L Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck Cn10 2 & Auto Repair, Call J/.1 I 10 CITY OF LABELLE BUDGET WORKSHOPS Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of LaBelle will hold a series of workshops/special meetings to consider the proposed 2006-2007 budget of the City of LaBelle and any other business that may come before the Commission on the following dates at 5:30 p.m.: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 Thursday, July 27, 2006 These workshops/special meetings are open to the public and shall be held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 481 W. Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle. Everyone is invited to attend. If you need assistance, as per the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify the Clerk at least two days prior to the meeting at City Hall 863.675.2872. SCALOOSA ELL CALOOSA BELLE To Reach Us LiB.linc FL 30. -_ F-. Fr Th...rjp...,. I To Submit News T he C Rllooe! ii.. ,. c I.nc we-u. ,hmj4 sion: -Iron a4rreader; O pinio~n;. ri dir 're-rn r,, dei4 -i-i .,nd --rrph- are CA~~cm ijU 63c 6.,i 25411 Lo- ar, n.ira r Cdil\l:E i-&.3, rI5 2C-i'i [,*' rr.,A, owrl m~i,?'.I !r.,-n Ihc~ I-r'1 hrI muied ied or c rr..,mIrl 1 1 .-M.r. scndir.r2 if.h.hoar ph- t%.,ieme mi dIr1-.i: scrJ therti n _'Et ,'rri~r. ko ,j'rde,4c dc. ri.'r;end V\ CI 1DJ do'..'inwra-u~i p..-rrrher.in-c., '-r-. rh,- bol. 'A tiec r.,i ('I ll,,- o. m I~r-icr - h, dedhnie br Allnc,.. ,rem. 1I a rm on iMond '\ prior rLO rhe Io,'. ,ng Thur-.i.' - E Nt~i ,j .E..J c,:r~ "rir.r. ncr spe.M.ou.r 8oi 45j6 To Place a Display Ad Phone iP3io375.2541 Th.. I.P6 c JU 4 jul c.,- Fr Uti.- I.-.r h,* .11 c i Th 4 p iii E-mail: cbellecwstrato.net Billing Department E-mail: billteamFnewszap.com To Place a Classified Ad C.-ill I 8 ;) 353-224 4 [: r. pl.,: i .: 1 z :i h.,ld I,-l, j. ,,,rrcmen t lr.:.,T, I-o ,. h_ d , r,, 1,r .ll ,:!, iljed Lhr,: ild ,. i rC r.I.n. tf! r h t.h .'.,',r, TI i',. : .b : t or, F,., 16"7)154 2424 E Mr !.il c.,l- dJ-'r,.. -: 'p -.om For Subscriptions Phone I.;-) '532-124 Th--,_ Li" ,1' 1 a i Be hll JJ:t ,iutu ,_- r ,,.lO:" _i': , r1 rh, i. jl tL.: j *n r.:[i .[n Hendr, I p p,: .r .:)jn bi' l..uri. i "c Nar .'_ui t','i,: rl ,i.?,_h .7 ir : ., .T, i,,d cek,:- oicd h.:.r,.-:: -c i I ,PO L-[ *:fld ', C. 'Tpi ,lT r -, ,.ir.,. ,1,1 ,:r,, ', ~ rF !.,.. rI ,l :,, I .1 -, rr-,o: r.r2 A F .il-,l,. -,- $h O r- ,.- ,,.aMid 25 t,,r '. Printing T h.- J :, [.* i r r t. t un:hi., : SP ur'r .ir a .,. .tl,: .j_. ', ir.,J._ .;,-,.: r r N>.' i. r-. r. E-m d I -,!arirrr ';'t ir-:, ma Newszap! Online News & Information Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle CHRIST THE ING Lutheran Church S1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1", 3'd 5h Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 N River Rd.(Hwy 78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net Memory Foam Mattress Sets Worlds Best Mattress, this Foam was Designed for N.A.S.A. We will offer Pillow Top Memory Foam Mattress sets Byjamison At more than 50% off the TV advertised specials. King 3 piece set Retail $3299 50% Off $1649 Queen 2 piece set Retail $2699 50% Off $1349 Full 2 piece set Retail $2299 50% Off $1149 Twin 2 piece set Retail $1999 50% Off $999 SJackson River Home Furnishings & Decor 340 North Bridge Street ..'.. -- ..... LaBelle, FL 8631674-0003 Where Quality is Done in Style! L119 ---L CPrBII~SL -`-I I I I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27, 2006 :Arrests ,LaBelle S*Quanzell Marshall, 27, of -Naples, was arrested July 21, and charged with possession of 'cocaine. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry -County Sheriff's Office was the 'arresting officer. Pedro Serrato-Tellez, 34, of 'LaBelle, was arrested July 21, and ;charged with trafficking cocaine. Robert L. Archer, Jr., of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $150,000 cash. eVictor Roa, 28, of LaBelle, was arrested July 20 and charged with burglary. Michael Favara of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. *Kimberly Faith Casten, 29, of LaBelle, was arrested July 20 and charged with burglary. Michael Favara of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting officer. Clewiston *A 17 year old male juvenile -from Clewiston was arrested July 23, and charged with larceny, grand theft auto and possession of marijuana. He was arrested by Nathan. Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office. *A 16 year old male juvenile from Clewiston was arrested June 15, and charged with possession of drugs. Curtis Clay of the Clewiston Police Department was the arrest- ing officer. *Mary Marie Beverly, 39, of Clewiston, was arrested July 21 and charged with possession of cocaine and destroying the evi- dence. Justin Spence of the Clewis- ton Police Department was the arresting officer. *Oscar Lee Davis, 48, of Clewis- ton, was arrested July 24, and charged with possession of cocaine. Justin Spence of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting officer. eRony Ronquillo, 22, of Clewis- ton, was arrested June 25, and July 8, and charged with selling mari- juana. Juan Soto of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. *Jeremy D. Maynor, 24, of Clewiston, was arrested July 20 and charged with aggravated bat- tery and possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. Chad Pelham of the Clewiston Police Depart- ment was the arresting officer. On July 18, Deputies from the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Road Patrol Division responded to a report of a stabbing at the Azteca V Store located at 681 West Cowboy Way, they discov- ered a bloody scene. According to Sheriff Ronnie Lee, two witnesses to the incident reported that Cuapemo Gomez, age 20, of LaBelle and Marcelino Gonzalez, of LaBelle were arguing and then fighting in the parking lot when Gomez stabbed Gonzalez in the back with a large bladed knife. Both Gomez and Gonzalez were transported to Lee Memorial Hos- pital for treatment. Gonzalez underwent surgery and is in the critical care unit. Gomez was treated and released from the hospital and subsequently arrest- ed by Investigators from the Crim- inal Investigations Division of the Hendry County Sheriffs Office. Gomez was charged with Aggra- vated Battery with a deadly weapon and booked into the Hendry County Jail with bond set at $25,000. Obituaries Mary W Wood Mary W Wood, age 83, of Moore Haven, passed away July 17, 2006 in Lehigh Acres. She was born October 2, 1922 in Akron, the daughter of the late J. Walter and Henrietta Margaret (Kampschae- fer) Kester. She earned her Bache- lor's degree at Kent State Universi- ty. She was a wave in the Navy during World War II. Survivors include one daughter: Tina Wood-Newman of Mansfield, TX and two sons: Michael (Sheryl) Wood of Marietta, GA,- Stephen (Beth) Wood of Ravenna, OH. and Granddaughters: Lisha Wood and Mackenzie Wood. She was preceded in death by her husband Leonard and son Dou- glas Wood. Memorial services were held at the Church of the Good Shepherd, in LaBelle with Reverend Alan Kelmereit officiating. Her ashes will be buried in Ortona Cemetery. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home in LaBelle. By Nicole Cuny Clewiston News CLEWISTON Survivors of hurricanes, get ready to express your feelings through paintings. Project HOPE has put together a traveling art exhibit that allows hur- ricane victims a chance to express themselves. Project HOPE is an organization with many programs dedicated to respond to disaster recovery and survival needs within Hendry and Glades counties. They provide crisis counseling during the recovery process to help individuals cope with their individ- ual situations. They help people return to a state of normalcy after a natural disaster has swept away their lives. HOPE is involved with many aspects of the community. Project HOPE presents a puppet show called "Heroes of the Storm" atvari- ous organizations in the communi- ty to help kids understand how to cope with the after-effects of natu- ral disasters. For the traveling art exhibit, our local Project HOPE is asking sur- vivors of the 1928 hurricane and Hurricane Wilma to gather and express their feelings through paint- ings. Even if most residents aren't artists, everyone is encouraged to join in the event and tell their story. Take atrip down memory lane and recall what it was like to live through the hurricanes. HOPE asks what better way to show someone what it was like to experience a hurricane of that mag- nitude? These paintings can serve to provide an insight into what helped them cope with the loss they suffered during the storms. Project HOPE officials feel that the painting activitywill help people grow and heal and learn to live with the disasters. The project will allow those survivors to provide invalu- able information to future genera- tions and may someday serve to help them cope. The art collected in the project will be hosted at the Clewiston Museum's during the grand open- ing in September. The survivor sto- ries will take place the following day along with other educational disaster awareness activities. For more information contact Angelica Pena at (863) 228-6491. HWNl OW As seen FOR STRUCTUREDSETTLEMENTS, on .TV ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 79447310 J.G. Wentworh means CASH NOW for Stmctuied Settlements! GTO/PRO Celebrating 30 Yeais FAAC ELIT inSWFL FAAC ELITE ^ SERVING LEE & AND MORE HENDRY COUNTY SALES SEP.VICE INSTALLATION COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Emergency Repairs STORAGE FACILITIES SERVICE CONTRACTS Some Day Service BO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES ME EC13002326 FN04-00991 Memorial Tribute SRemember a loved one S iwho has departed with a special hAlemorial Tribute in this newspaper. .'g .& ; )our tribute can be published following the memorial services. or to commemorate an anniversary of your loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. -M: ha he Visit www2.newszap.conm memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. 'Teens present target for By PattyBrant HIV Health Educator Antonia ine cancer. Rafalsky said there is no HIV one of many SLike it or not, many teens are "epidemic" among Hendry diseases. Sexually active which, among County teens at this time. How- Jother things, puts them as much ever, local teens are battling their Sexual at 4at risk for Sexually Transmitted share of STDs. The most com- the surest wx -4Diseases (STDs) as adults. mon STD in local teens is risk of catc SIn fact, in the US, 25 percent Chlamydia. STDs. Recer :of HIV-positive clients .are ineci- According to the CDC Web received a oed b\ age 22; 50 percent Lb agee site, Chlamydia is referred to as a grant for an. .25. -.-.---.. "silent disease" because about called I'm N. : For many teens, the 75 percent of the women and 50 piogi:mam spo 4Hendry/Glades Health Depart- percent of the men who have the speaker Dou 4ment is the only medical back up disease, have no symptoms. If spoke to stu( .they have access to. The Teen left untreated, Chlamydia can and Clewisto -Health Center, put on by the leave an individual unable to sexual chc health department, offers a safe reproduce offspring and dealing quences. Ne haven for teens who need med- with other health consequences. will be ta ical services or who just want to It also harbors the human papilo- graders, wit Shang out. ma virus, which can lead to uter- sion. C ( 5, STDs Chlamydia is ordl sexually transmitted L. Lock in a great rate. abstinence is one of rays to reduce your hing HIV or other ntly Hendry Countl three-\ear federal abstinence program Change. In April the irsored rnotivational ig Herman when he dents at both LaBelle on High Schools on )ices and conse- xt year, the program aught to 9th-llth ;h parental perms- ALL STEEL BUILDINGS 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) METAL STRUCTURES LLC - Many Sizes Available - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code 866-624-9100 - Florida "Stamped" Engineered wWW.metalstructuresllc.com Drawings (included) 5025/0 5 Month CD $10,000 new money required Call, visit, or go online to take advantage of this great limited time offer. 800-706-9991 Arcadia 1601 E. Oak Street Clewiston 300 S. Berner Road LaBelle 17 N. Lee Street Lake Placid 199 U.S. Highway 27 North Moore Haven 601 Highway 27 Okeechobee South Parrott 1409 S. Parrott Avenue Okeechobee North Parrott 500 N. Parrott Avenue Wauchula 202 N. 6th Avenue f2 tjt www.seacoastnational.com LEN"R NASDAQ: SBCF A subsidiary ofSeacoast Banking Corporation ofFlorida * Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal may result in penalty. Rate subject to change without notice. ;.M TM- EMBARQG THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE." Voice Data I Internet Wirec.-. entertainment Painting to heal storm wounds Argument leads to stabbing 4 OPINION Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http/Avww.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 6754516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Witch's Brew By Pudge Lehman Last week the American Legion and Auxiliary held their annual convention in Orlando. Our own Linda Teasley was elected Vice President of the Auxiliary for the state of Florida. We are so proud of her. My job was to help the con- vention chairman, Olga Terrell, do her stuff... Lots of stuff... This tiny lady is 85 years young and a ball of energy. She wore me out several times. Linda and I were not allowed to go to bed before mid- night and were up at the crack of dawn. We both returned to LaBelle completely whipped. Convention hints. Bring a jacket. Meeting rooms can be freezing. Bring snacks... When everybody is let out all at once you face long lines for lunch. Having breakfast or lunch in your room saves time. Werd fer the Week: All y'all... Meaning everybody. "How're ally'all doin?" Have a plan for your The Importance of A Formal Business Plan There is a fair chance that you or someone you know will some day start a new business. Every year in the United States, tens of thousands of new businesses are started. About 90 percent of them will fail, many of which will result in the loss of substantial sums of money for their owners. There are three basic types of businesses. First is the sole propri- etorship. This is owned by one person and not incorporated. Sec- ond is the partnership owned by two or more partners, again not incorporated. Third is the corpo- ration. This involves shares of stock and filing with the Division of Corporations in Tallahassee. You provide certain public infor- mation, and surprisingly, it is not difficult to form a corporation. You choose the appropriate type, such as a Sub-S, or C Corp or one of many others. I don't have enough space in this column today to provide a lot of details about corporations, but may do so later as a sole category. At death, the sole proprietor- ship ends. With the death of just one member of the partnership, that entity is terminated, and that causes serious problems both for the spouse or other heirs, as well as all surviving partners. If you go into a partnership with someone or have already done so, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of draw- ing up "Articles of Partnership." These spell out the legally binding details and when added to or combined with a good Buy-and- Sell Agreement, the death or dis- ability of a partner need not destroy the business. You are well advised to have an attorney assist you in drawing up those docu- ments. With a corporation, your death or disability may have only limited effect. It depends on what per- centage of stock shares you own and their eventual distribution. It also depends on whether or not you are a key person in the opera- tions or hold required licenses to do business. When you buy an existing business and obtain advice from experts, such' as CPA's and attor- neys, you are far more lil succeed. If you buy well 1 franchisees, McDonald's F rant for example, you are quite likely to be succ because they bring their I experience to the table. If you start your own bi from scratch, this is wha need to do. This is som painful. It falls in the categ things you dread. Your f may be that if you work ha have the best of intention will be successful. \ Remember, 90% fail, and t started with those same intentions. You must sit dow write out a detailed business This is not something you one evening. Think of it as a semesti college course assignment a table of contents. Answe questions. Where does the ing come from and how will this business cost you? is not enough, where do y extra money? Exactly w going to buy your servi products? How will you touch with your customer business kely to they on the "Do not call list? How known many hours will you work at this lestau- each week? Are you going to sigr again a lease that someone else wili essful, enforce? List every expense yoq rovencan think of and allow money fop business things you forget. This is a big4 at you gie...during the time it takes t4 thing build an income from this busi- gory of ness, what other source of feeling income do you have to pay youi ird and usual bills? If you can't, answer ns you that, don't start the business Wrong! When your written plan is final hey all ished, take it to a CPA, and to you good wnand banker. Ask them to carefully 3s plan! review it and give you their profes- Sdo in sional opinions. Listen to them! If they both think it will be success er-long ful, you are on solid ground. It :. Have either or both of them are uncom! r these fortable with it, you better listen tcg e fund- them. Ask how to fix it. If you Such can't get it thoroughly written out ouf get on paper and approved by those pho is professionals, you will probably ces or end upin the 90 percent and wisl get in you had never started it. Wayne C, rs? Are Switzer, CLU, Realtor Community Calendar Rain is good but also can be bad for plants The rain we have waited for " has arrived! The rain eases the watering situation, but can cause other problems such as fungus, root rot and a few other prob- ..nd a lems. The main thing to remem- h ber is to make sure there is proper drainage for your plants. This is crucial for survival. For your butterfly garden you need to have plenty of red Pentas; about two or three feet wide. The not the Dwarf Varieties you find at "old" variety would stand quite a most garden centers but the tall bit of abuse, drought and wet. variety. They will reach three to Now the hybrids tend to develop four feet tall and spread out to fungus when too wet. Thank You Friday, July 28 American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 AA: Step 11 Meditation Meet- ing 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Bingo! Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. NO Smoking Sunday, July 30 AA. 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday, July 31 Teen Center: Hendry County Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 p.m. Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. .Bingo: 6:30 p.m. American Legion Hall, Hwy.80W Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good", Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meet- ing **Only for October, Novem- ber & December: SCF Meeting, 7 p.m. LaBelle City Hall, Hwy. 80, commission chambers Tuesday, August 1, LaBelle Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora & Ella's, Hwy. 80 Hobby class: 9:00-11:00 a.m. Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restaurant, noon F/S Park Community Meeting: Daniels School/Community Cen- ter, 6:30 p.m. AA: 12 Step/Big Book study group 8 p.m. First Christian Church, Ford Avenue, open meet- ing Wednesday, August 2 Port LaBelle Garden Club: noon, extension office, Pratt Blvd. AA Big Book Meeting: noon, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meet- ing Wednesday Night Kids: 6-7 p.m., Caloosa Baptist Church, for youth in grades 6-12 at 500 W. Hwy. 80. Phone 675-2348 PPVFD: drill 7 p.m. AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recre- ation Hall. Thursday, August 3 Small business counseling: sessions begin at 9 a.m. Free. Call 675-0125for an appointment. Community Traffic Safety Team: 1:00 p.m. LaBelle Fire Stal tion, Main Street Overeaters Anonymous (OA)i Thursday 5:30 p.m. in the Epis| copal Church of the Good Shep4 herd, 1098 Collingswood Parki way @ Eucalyptus, one blocl south of SR 80 east of LaBelle. AA: Open discussion, 8 p.m. First Christian Church, Ford Ave. LaBelle Heritage Museum Inc.: 7 p.m. at the City Commis sioner Chambers in the City Hall first Thrsday except June, July an& August. AA & Al Anon: 8 p.m. discuss sion, First Christian Church, Ford Ave., Call Intergroup at 275-5111 DAV Chapter 144: 8 p.m| American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80Wj Christian Youth Fellowship: p.m., City Hall, Commissioner'' room Thank you to the Oakbrook staff This letter is to thank all of the good people at Oakbrook Nursing Home for the excellent care and kind treatment that I received while I was a resident there. It was heart- warming to the see the concern and even real affection with which some of the more disabled resi- dents were treated. The administrative staff was also a pleasure to deal with. Their efficiency and integrity was out- standing. LaBelle is fortunate to Eai e a facility like Oakbrook. HerbertJohnson Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Beverly Johnston Pet of the Week Hello everyone, my name is Termite. My mom went to the Humane Society and adopted this other thing, which is sup- posed to be a Boston Terrier like me. I think she wants a kiss from me but I am still checking her out. I am 13 years old and she is only nine months old. But since my mom went and got her from the Humane Society in Ft. Myers and she didn't have a home, I will gladly share my house with her as long as she knows I am still the boss in the Johnston house. She doesn't have to worry about anything because my mom and dad, Carroll and Bev Johnston, have taken care of me for 13 years and they just loooove me, so I know they love her too. CALOOSA t BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens oi the community Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on proilt margins below industryslan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service. commitment to the Ideals of the First Amendment o0 the US. Constitution. and support o the community s deliberanon or public issues. We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: STo operate Iis' re. ,spper as Ilews Editor Pally Brant a public nru-i To help oul comrmunr,/ Reporter Kistin Hunter become a belier place to live Reporter JeriLynn Merrit and work Ihrougn our ded,. Sports, Roger Alexander carton to conscienllous lout ADVERTISING: nalism To provide Ihe Inlormanc.n cit- advertising Director izens need to maKie neir own Judy Kasten inielligeni decisln.rs aDOul Adverbising Manager public issues Brenaa Jaramillo To report Ihe news wvin non. Adve esty, accuracy, puiposeIl Advertising neutrality, fairness, objectivity, Services Coordinator: fearlessness and compassion. Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: lacrilile comnrninly debate Barbara Calfee not to aornnate it with our own opinions National Advertising To disclose our own conflicis Joy Parrish ol inleiesi or potential con- .................. Ificis to our readers Independent Newspapers, Inc. To correct our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth promirnence il deserves. President Tc. provi.ae a rii.hl ic. reply to Ed Dulin those wv.e .*rite aboul To treat people with courtesy, Vice President respect and compassion. of Florida Operations Tom Byrd For More Information See o o Executive Editor At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Letters An open letter to the people of Ortona First off I'd like to'thank the kids that came out with the "Ortona Newsletter", because they're the ones that gave me the idea to write this. They had a problem and went right to the people to tell them what they thought! Way to go kids! That is what this country is all about! "By the people and for the people." As long as you're not tearing any- thing up, I say, "Ride On!" If any- one has a problem with you rid- ing your quads and bikes they obviously didn't grow up in the country! Where I come from up north, (yes I'm a damn Yankee) there are miles of trails for kids, (and adults) to ride and enjoy. Most land down here is private property. Maybe Lykes Brothers could set aside a few acres of their land for y'all to ride;, Just a thought. Now on to something else that recently happened in our peaceful little community. As you might know by now, Merit Petro- leum sold the store out here at the corner. You know the place. It's where you go to get your paper, or if you run out of gas for the mower (or quad). It's the place where you run into that neighbor you haven't seen in a coons' age. It's the place you ran to get that half gallon of milk you forgot to get in town. It's the place where if they didn't have your brand of smokes or snuff, they'd try to get it in for you. Remember Turkey Thursday and meatloaf? And "MMM," how about the lasagna! They made your burger just how you wanted it! (With an attitude: Ha! ha!) Well folks, sadly those days are gone. The girls that made your coffee and sweet tea picked up their last paycheck from the old store this week. But the real sad part is they had to have a County Deputy with them! They were actually served with papers that make them "Persona Non Grata!" (I was an altar boy at church so I know that means they are not welcome there anymore!) Well I don't know about y'all, but it those redneck girls that actually meant it when they said "Have a nice day!", or asked "How's your family?", are not welcome there, then I feel I'm pretty much not welcome there either! I guess I'll be planning my trips into town a little more careful now. I'll make sure I have enough gas for the mower and lunchmeat for sand- wiches. Guess I'll get some bis- cuits and a jar of gravy while I'm at it. Oh and don't forget the milk! But I sure will miss those girls! Just one man's opinion, Timothy J. Fitzpatrick Postmaster LaBelle, FL Please refer to my letter of July 6, regarding mail addressed to us and returned to the sender. May I request again, a copy of the regula- tion that you quoted on the phone. It sounds like a good regulation for the post office but bad for the cus- tomers. Perhaps it is a coincidence that the excellent service at the LaBelle post office started to go down hill about the time you took over as postmaster. The big topic around town is the poor service at the post office- The mail is sorted late. The mail is delivered late. The mail is in the wrong box. The Wall Street Journals are missing. Etc., etc., etc. An improvement in service would be greatly appreciated by your customers. Cordially, Tully F. Dunlap '"udas" Prudence in Hendry I just got back from a family reunion on the banks of the Wabash River to discover that there has been a "dis-union" in Almanacs COE Open House Country Oaks Elementary School Open House will be Thursday, August 3, from 9:00- 11:00 a.m. Please make sure your child is registered before this date, so that they will be on a class list. No shots no school Make sure your child has all required shots before school starts. Kindergarten students must have up to date immunizations records. Students entering 7th grade must have a tetanus booster before the first day of school. The Hendry County Health Department is offering free immunizations for children Mon- day-Friday 8-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. located at 1140 Pratt Blvd. LMS Open House LaBelle Middle School Open House will be held on Thursday, August 3, from 8:30-11 a.m. the school store will be open in the cafeteria with school supplies available for purchase. PE uni- forms will be on sale for $15/set. Forms will be available for sports physical. the family on the banks of the Caloosahatchee River. As that late great philosopher Clem Kadittlehopper used to say, "What a ridiculous state of affairs this is." For too long a time we had no County planner. For too short a time we had a County planner. Now I understand we are to have a former part time planner, who quit .the County last summer and who is to become our full time planner for the next four and a half years. All for the bargain price of 15 thou- sand more pieces of silver than we were paying the most recent short tenured, full time planner. As it stands now, the proposed four and a half years tenure of the currently announced planner's stay will see the most demanding transition of the current status quo. As the developers run rough shod over the understaffed, part time County Commissioner staffed gov- ernment, we can only hope that ii negotiating to get the planners jol back, he was able to get consideras tion for staffing satisfactory to the demand of the planning function. : With this in mind, we can onb trust that this new designated plan; ner can capture lightning in a bot tle and invent the 30 hour day anc a 12 dayweek. With litigation as the ever con- stant buzz word in life today, ii behooves us to get that long over| due full time County attorney because if the planner really enforces the Comprehensive Lanc Use Plan, there will be litigation. For those feeling that human rights might be at stake in the man, agement of County personnel, it has been my experience that first there have to be human's iq charge. Respectfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County Citizen & Taxpayerd start back? Karl Furman said, "Yes, I will be happy to get my kids out of the house. I have two teenage 16 year olds, a step-son named William and a daughter named Amber, going into the 11th grade." Bob Burns said, "No, because it doesn't seem like they've had enough time off. However, we are prepared; we've already gone school shopping. My daughter Elizabeth is going into the 8th grade at LMS." * Not pictured BJ Daniels said, "No, because I love them and I don't get to spend enough time with them as it is. I have a five year old and a four year old." Laser Cisneros said, "No, I am not ready yet. We have not gone school clothes shopping or bought supplies. Soon I will be though. I have a son named Laser Jr. who is going into 6th grade and a daughter named Melinda who is going into 4th grade. woI. ig Kenny Glisson said, "No, not really because my daughter runs errands for me. I haven't really given it much thought. I know my daughter is ready to go back though because she likes to stay busy. My daughter, Daphne is in high school." '''~!~:~~~I:5~s i qr: Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27, 2006 4 OPINION Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27, 2006 i~~~l~~S Jeep - DoD *p:~ ,.,-vA: (~ >T**'T ...j-j~ .. ;:~:., ....i-~- .*r --;l :- PLUS S0% FINANCING OR V TIP: UP TO $4000 IN REBATES DODGEECHARGER F l-,LPFJ i, HF5 IIE PHEMI DODGE GRAND CARAVAN WITll i SE;\TIhJ, ArID STORAGE ON NEW '06 MODELS DODGE DURANGO FIVE-STAR HIGHEST GOVERNMENii FRONTAL CRASH TEST r Ail r, - a. n. l r. *N I~. -~ Jeep "TmTTTr 731111 r 4 Oil a, FilterChange awrm 16-Poinlt Uehicle Checkup $22*9s ai *INCIl UfliS: r*Fr1ieset, V-1:1(ICClxx~Z epP 5g fl i- pi F I. pote se and. toiem n t n- - I i ~ L ; : I IIr n - -T'r 7-.- I-f mt ir mm. fnej' i c, n La p sIi4', VV H WIo's n t" I IiI , Anir fifi,, Privu duIas iEYL irmiudv rupain4 -which Imay bc repuuimd after ins' EE dono Ask Sr-II-,Ace A,dvisnr lor addi.Aum-Al rilaR- EE i - -C E '- -- -- -L- Und zs:I ESL F Wnopar Valu Brake Pad a Replacement $ INCLUDES- * F liE r-u I Io-. ifi.., with ;.1ii. E/tiu""LEineI * FE sppct roto, drti m, antf'i ct * ChokckT br'a k.cr Ti III R I-'- .: Ir %- I. -. I I v 4 '-4 trucks hclihcr V vehicles not ovurud by IA opv VWlift Linle lirakp.s u i" hifihor 'e Line s .w 15 5~ :i Is Cs- i IJ't..' I I 9dl~"I I -%-...... _... Expires:_8/2/06 , HAMIPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP _______ HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY S-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER * It really does make a difference!*F w wlw ston v stad *i-o q v n o i (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 PROGRAM GOOD THRU 7/31/06 - l 119.9 - MIMMM6- ---zmmmwap~na -I~- -- ------ ---- I ~p~+*rJL-j I I L A A AE~~h-IL~~c~ 4 r rP-ik~ar_,a "A ffimj aal s88alas~ TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DEEP DISCOUNTS NORMALLY AVAILABLE ONLY TO'FACTORY EMPLOYEES r CHRY RSLERI r~xza 0 -YI~l -- -- ,i .i. jl4cl~-r)c--i--*---~ ---- ~6~a~I. 1 rrs~p:~a?----:--- ~ap~~3 '----- - ,. r;:., c:~t~~~s~JB~a~BB~~ I L~r~~kl ~L;P i~l yI--t -nL- 73k, f- , , -k- ~.. +- a t THPI I (-r(- WA(- TrPK*r, VAPY t-J) A R I F VM A in coDq I 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27, 2006 Engagements ? .. YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS UP AND RUNNING:- '~ I IhBaockout Protection Security& Peace Of Mind .S . :Completely Automatic -1P, Hateural Gas, Piesel 'Adds Yalue To Your Home -15,000 To 200,000 Watts *, Factory Authorlized Warnty Soevice -~- 0.w_ BO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES Anderson, Faulkner engaged Danielle Anderson of Mishawaka, IN., and Travis Faulkner of RAF Lakenheath, Eng- land, are pleased to announce their engagement. The couple plans to wed on Nov. 25, 2006 at East United Methodist Church in Mishawaka, IN. The bride-to-be graduated from Bethany Christian High School in 2004 in Goshen, IN, and Brown Mackie College in South Bend, IN., in Sept. 2006 with a degree in Nursing. She is employed as a Nurse Tech at St. Joe Regional Medical Cen- ter- South Bend. She is the daugh- ter of Scott and Wendy Anderson of LaBelle. Her paternal grandpar- ents are Robert and Marlene Reed of Mishawaka, IN., and her mater- nal grandparents are Butch and Evelyn Cooper of LaBelle. The groom-to-be graduated from Goshen High School in Goshen, IN., in 2003. He is a Senior Airman in the United States Air Force. His parents are Dennis and Tammie Faulkner of Goshen, IN. At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com Submt ned I0 inl Linda Brookins and Adrian Graham Brookins, Graham engaged James and Denise Brookins of LaBelle are proud to announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Linda, to Adrian Graham, of Altha. Adri- an is the son of William and Jan- ice Graham, also of Altha. The bride-elect graduated from LaBelle High School in 1998 and from Jacksonville State Uni- versity in 2002 with a BS in ele- mentary education. Denise taught kindergarten for three and one half years at Country Oaks Ele- mentary School in LaBelle. She is presently teaching first grade at Golson Elementary School in Jackson County. The bridegroom graduated from Altha High School and the Chipola College Corrections Pro- gram. Adrian is currently working for the Appalachicola Forrest Youth Camp as a human service worker. Wedding plans are being made for a March 31, 2007, cere- mony in LaBelle. i 7I Same Day Service MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. Fr. MYERS * Lab On Premises it GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is preformed as a result of and within 72 hours of r.: f.,-,,i;.4., I ,.1 ,, 1; ,- ,,- 16,, I,,: -... .1. i...10., ,.,i,,, I,- ., ,,, ,: ,,,,,,, ,, ,.,, ,,,r,, Injured? Do you have a lawsuitbut need money now? = Victory Funding provides cash to individuals with pending personal injury lawsuits Call today: 888-544-2881 www.victoryfunds.net Victory Funding COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Business hours 7:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Phone 863-675-3277 Fax 863-675-9212 WE ARE ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS FOR NURSERY- 8TH GRADE OPEN HOUSE: Thursday, August 3, 2006 from 12 p.m. 2 p.m. If you are considering a quality education for your children, please join us for our open house. We are confident you will find our faculty, staff and facility inviting. School supply list are available. STUDENTS RETURN: Monday, August 7, 2006 at 8:00.a.m. Before-School Day Care opens at 7:00 a.m. After-School Day Care 3:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION available from Immokalee and Felda Ifls~:,j*~::r,.,,~~.-: J;it.r ~Ii~-- ~ L:.' R 1 FUEL SAVER PACKAGE 3 OR LESS Proper vehicle maintenance is key to maximum fuel efficiency. /Genuine Motorcraft Premium Synthetic Biend Oil and filter change ,Rotate and inspect four tires /Check air and cabin air filters /Inspect brake system /Test battery "Check belts and hoses *"Top off all fluids Up to five quarts of Motorcraft0 oil. Taxes and diesel vehicles extra. Disposal fees not included in some locations. Hybrid high voltage battery test not included. See participating Dealership for details -!' .! r 1 .' ,. ALL COMPETITORS' REBATES AND COUPONS MATCHED! ON ALL NAME-BRAND TIRES WE SELL-INCLUDING GOODYEAR, CONTINENTAL, MICHELIN AND MORE. -4' . - I , I, J , - .- "- ',, t- -- "-- -'- Genuine Motorcraft Tested Tough PLUS Battery MSRP With 84-month warranty that includes FREE towing. Get the battery engineered ~I specifically for your vehicle. MSRF I i Taxes atd Installation ex , Free with Dealer- stalled battI.,. .. i. Deatel i -. appblations and limited-warranty c -i I,' Genuine Motorcraft brake service, PLUS tire rotation $9995 OR LESS ' . L-'. 1.s. -...- - *.y. .a:: ',1 t I, '. | i --.h ., r r I : l .. i, ;1 no 1..r .l t t lr.:u 1 i Don't put off the vehicle service you need today. Just put off paying, with the Genuine Card. And get 10% off your first service purchase. See participating Dealership for details through 07/30/06. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. See :r, .1 Dealership for details. * 3 + -~~- -~~ ,j ..-n-r-t7m i, b-i A~~ ,-'- I -IA. I S NO GIMICK! PU U tTEST :y~tLL IND UR- AY *g I S *P, THE RIGHT I ~ *~Is. BOLD See your participating Southwest Florida Ford Dealers ~ '~SP*.P4S~ :rr Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27,2006 Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated some- times vigorously. Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Stand up and cheer! The girls show off their skills, exhibiting one of the cheerleading stunts they learned at camp recently. Sports Briefs Hip-Hop dance and tumbling sign-ups Dynasty Elite Cheer, Dance and Tumbling will be holding open sign-ups Friday, July 28, from 4-7 p.m. and Thursday, August 3, from 4-6 p.m. at the LaBelle Woods club house, located at 620 S. Main St. During our first season Dynasty Elite will be offering Hip-Hop Dance and Tumbling as well as private lessons on a brand new spring cheer and dance floor. Come out and sign up for an excit- ing and rewarding experience. For more information. please call Melissa at 673-4071,.Cheryl at 250- 9009, or Melinda at 673-4333. LHS fall sports season LHS kicks off the fallsports sea- son on Monday, July 31. Football practice will be from 3-5 p.m. Contact Coach Ron Dunbar. Vol- leyball practice will be 3:30-5:30 p.m. Contact Coach Shelley Blake. On Monday, August 7, cross coun- try will be from 3-5 p.m. Contact Coach Frost. Golf will be 3-5 p.m. Contact Coach Spratt and Coach Wegscheid. All students should have physi- cals before participation on offi- cial FHSAA forms. Forms can be found on the FHSSA web site. If students can not be at practice on the starting date, parents should contact coaches at 674-4120 or call Coach Kelley at 674-4574. Deadline for sports program The LaBelle High School ath- letic program will go to print August 7. Area business and par- ents are encouraged to get their advertisements in to Coach Kelley or Tracey Nobles at LHS. Fax 674-' 4571 or call 674-4120. Field spon- sorships are also available. Sheriff gun range opening soon Sheriff Ronnie Lee announces that necessary repairs to facilities and grounds are nearing comple- tion and the official opening of the Hendry County Sheriff's Gun Range for general public use is scheduled for Saturday, August 5. The range will be open for skeet/trap shooting each Saturday from 8-11:30 a.m. Handguns, rifles and shotguns (stationarytar- gets) shooting will be available from 12:30-3:30 p.m. each Satur- day. Skeet/trap shooting is also available each Wednesday from 8 a.m. -1 p.m. Inclement weather, national holidays or special events could alter days and times. Status of the range can be, obtained by calling 983-1440 or 674-4060. Sheriff Lee also stated that all first time users of the gun range facilities will be required to attend a Firearms Safety Class which will be conducted by Hendry County Sheriff's Office personnel. The safety classes will be held at the Sheriff's Office in the Clewiston Town Center on Tuesday, July 25, and Tuesday, August 1, beginning at 7 p.m. and on Wednesday, July 26 and Wednesday, August 2, at the Sher- iff's Office at 101 South Bridge Street in LaBelle beginning at 7 p.m. A fee of $5 will be collected to cover the cost of the safety class materials. To reserve a seat in one of the safety classes or to obtain dates of future classes please call 673-6106. For further information on the gun range operations, please contact Nick Smith at 674- 4060 ext, 102 or 673-6106. r----------------I SPORTS FANS! . I BET YOU DIDN'T .I I KNOW Brought toyouby Lori Langford IDid you ever hear about the putter that Changed golf? It was an ugly thing I I called the Response ZT, nicknamed the I I Bozo the Clown club because it looked I like it had been salvaged from an old I Plumbing job. When Jack Nicklaus I I caught fire on the greens of the final I I round of the 1986 Masters at age 46 I 1 using the Response ZT, it became an I Overnight sensation. The day after I Niclaus's victory with a final round Score of 65, MacGregor Golf took orders Sfor 5,000 Response ZT putters. The Company had forecast sales of 6,000 for Sthe entire year, but ended up moving Some 300,000 of them. I Who had the shortest possible major I I league career? One candidate isJimmie I SBoyle of the 1926 New York Giants. He I I played catcher for one inning of one I Game, never came to bat, and never I played again. More than 900 players Have appeared in only one big-league game in their career, but what makes Boyle's stbry even.more remarkable is That he never played in the minors - either on the way up or on the way down. He went straight from college to the Giants. caught the ninth inning of an 8-0 loss F',rr.L-.urtCh ,r. iur.i ,:t I:'' . Never got L, ilr.:. t-e hli.. :u:p and retired when the season was over a three-out career. I How many NASCAR fans have ever *I heard of Louise Smith? The fact is that Sshe was the-First Lady of racing the First woman inducted 'into the SInternational Motorsports Hall of Fame. IA native of Greenville, SC, known for I speeding all over town, Smith caught I the eye of racing promoter and future SNASCAR founder Bill France. She won *38 races at local short tracks in the 1940s and '50s, and became the first wI oman to race in NASCAR's top series. Louise Smith passed away in April of S2006 at age 89. I I'll bet you didn't know, coming or I going, that when the rubber hits the I road,you cn't iff-ofrd iot to buy from Langford. LANGFORD I I S "all Spoken Herd"e I 675-1686 ll --------------- JI 1 6 .e . Free Vaccinations- when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam a Includes 6 month follow-up Disclaimer: The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- eel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is per- I formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted fee I Sor reduced fee service, examination or treatment. IMMO'ALE ANML C I Url SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 675-3233 ToLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CALL NOW, TO HAVE YOUR A/C COMPREHENSIVELY CHECKED BY OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TECHNICIANS! lr LE C- .-. 5 05 L'~ i*L .CbSi ? ll~ r-t kc.. -. 111 .- *.rl "In a democracy, the highest office is that of citizens." US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. We agree. Yet too many citizens feel powerless to influence the flow of events. We give people a voice. Our Speak Out column is just one example. We consider it an extension of the secret ballot and a return of the values of the American Revolution. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or call- ing your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism WOE oF THE "oRiWAl" Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! by filling in the space above! * 4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used item or * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue Sell yourpersonal aluables if they're $2,o00 or less for absolutely free!_ No fee, no E-M grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspaper^ reserves ih Lid to disqualify any ad. * Deadline 11 a.m. Monday Scratch, no proob fe o.' ALOOSA BELL Deliveringf Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 ail: classad@newszap.com CBunbt& -- ntBT I -- ~p~a 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27, 2006 Almanacs Las Noticias en Espanol UES Open House Upthegrove Elementary School Open House will be Thursday, August 3 from 8-11 a.m. Please bring your child to see the school and meet their teacher for the new school year. LHS Band Camp rescheduled LHS Band Camp will be July 31-August 4. Times will be announced in July. All members are required to attend. Call 674- 4120 ext. 274 for more informa- tion. LES Open House LaBelle Elementary School will have their Orientation/Open House on Friday, August 4, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Register for kindergarten Parents may register students for kindergarten at West Glades Elementary in the school office Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. for children who will be five years old before September 1. RCMA Head Start Program RCMA is looking for children 0- 5 years old for our 2006-2007 Head Start program year. For Head Start, child must be three years old by September 1. For Early Head Start, child must be 0-3 years. Families must meet federal income guidelines. You must bring with you: child's certified birth certificate, proof of income (2005 federal income tax return) or (pay stubs for last 12 months). Stop by or call our centers at 674- 4511, 674-4515 or, 674-4104. RCMA provides services to chil- dren with disabilities. Our staff are parents as teachers certified. En busca de ninos 0-5 anos de edad. Para nuestro program de head start ano 2006-2007. For Head Start, el nino debe de tener tres anos cumplidos antes del dia 0 1 de Septiembre 2006. Para Early Head Start debe tener de 0-3 anos. Las famlias deben de calificar bajos las guias. De ingresos fed- erales necesita traer con usted: certifico de nacimiento, prueba de ingresos (impuestos de 2005) (talones de cheques de los ulti- mos 12 meses). Pasar o Ilamar al centro a la 674-4511, 674-4515, 674-4104. RCMA tambien propor- ciona services a ninos con inca- pacidades. Trabajadores estan certificadas padres como maes- tros. The Alpha Course The Church of the Good Shep- herd will begin the Alpha Course on September 27, at the Good Shepherd Church. SThis ten week practical intro- duction to the Christian faith offers answers to some key questions. Each weekly session begins with an informal dinner, followed by a large group learning time, and ends with small group discussion and interaction. Alpha began in London and is now held in thousands of churches around the world. Join the thou- sands who have found answers to their questions about life and God and how they relate. To learn moreabout the course, call 675-0546 or come to the intro- ductory dinner on September, 27 at the Church of the Good Shepherd, located at Collingswood Blvd. For reservations or an application call 675-0546 between the hours of 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Volunteers needed at Nature Park Join the LaBelle Rotary Club, Hendry/LaBelle Recreation Depart- ment, Coalition for Eco-Recre- ation, youth groups and communi- ty volunteers in moving two truckloads of mulch at LaBelle Nature Park on Friday, July 28. Work begins at 8 a.m. at the Nature Park located, at Fraser and Hardee Street, on block north of the Log Cabin Restaurant. Phillip Pelletier and his crew form the Hendry/LaBelle Recre- ation will be moving mulch to bench areas and trails. Volunteers are needed to spread the mulch. Water will be provided. Bring gloves, racks, shovels; wheelbar- rows and any other tools you'll need. Thank your for your contin- ued support of LaBelle's Nature Park. For more information call Margaret England at 674- 0695 or visit the LaBelle Nature Park Website: http://www.label- lenaturepark.net/ Coalitiontomeet The nextCoalition for Eco- Recreation meeting will be held on Saturday, August 5, at 11 a.m. at Margaret England's home 380 Riverview Drive (cornerof Fraser and Riverview Drive). Everyone who is interested in Eco-Recre- ational projects in our area is invit-' ed to attend. Call Margaret England at 674- 0695 for more information. LaBelle Nature Park Website: http://www.labellenaturepark.net Cambios de tiempos en las escuelas. Preparatoria: Los maestros entran a las 7:25 am y salen a las 2:25 pm. Estudiantes empiezan sus classes a las 7:35 a.m. y salen a las 2:25 p.m. Los buses llegan a la escuela a las 7:15-7:25 a.m. y salen en la tarde a las 2:29 p.m. Escuela Mediana: Los maes- tros se presentan en los salones de clase a las 7:05 a.m. y salen a las 2:35 p.m. Los estudiantes entran alas 7:25 y salen alas 2:02 p.m. Escuela Elementaria LaBelle: Los maestros entran a las 7:45 y salen a las 3:15 p.m. Los estudi- antes entran a las 8:15 y salen a las 2:40. Por la mafiana los buses legan de las 7:45 a 8:00 a.m., en la tarde el primer bus a las 2:40, segundo bus a las 2:50 y tercer bus alas 2:55 p.m. Escuela Elementaria Country Births Rylan Corbitt Corbitt birth Crystal and Field Corbitt of LaBelle are proud to announce the birth of their son Rylan Matthias Corbitt. He was born on July 11, at 7:33 p.m. at Health Park in Ft. Myers. He weighed seven pounds and M,'nrn f ffrlw " L, * ..~ ~.- was 20 and a half inches long at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mark and Diane Williams of ,LaBelle. Paternal grandparents are Bruce and Sharon Corbitt of LaBelle. Great .grandparents are Eloise Corbitt and Sudie Bancroft. Villa birth Homero Villa of Morelia, Michoacan and' Stephanie- Howard of LaBelle are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Iliana. She was born on June 6, 2006 at 5:33 p.m. in Ft. Myers. Iliana weighed 7 lbs. 1 ounce and was 19 inches long at birth. Iliana was welcomed home by her big sister Priscilla. 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee rr *"e~ b~':l.." *i . f '. *' t i ~a-- NEW PATIENTS ACCEPTED! Nuevos pacientes son acceptado! Services: Family Medicine. Women's Health. Pediatrics, SInternal Medicine, Dental. Outreach and Education, Laboratory. Radiology, Pharmacy , i. ,:, l ',/,., ,.'li, !, ..', "p. 1 j For an appointment Call (239) 658-3000 Walk-in's Welcome Spjnish Enrglish. Cr.-:.ie & iCr m,:bs l Sp,.:.en l U *-. .. .; u. .. .i I. i l 'l.. i...l. Oaks: Los maestros empiezan a las 7:45 a.m. y salen a las 3:15 p.m. Estudiantes llegan a las 8:15 a.m. y salen a las 2:30 p.m. Los buses de las 7:40 a las 7:55 en la mariana y en la tarde a las-2:39 primera carrera, segunda carrera 2:49 y tercera carrera 2:59 p.m. Escuela Upthegrove: Maestros comienzan a las 7:45 y saliendo a las 3:15 a.m. Estudiantes a las 8:10 saliendo alas 2:40. Buses en la mafiana de las 7:30 a 7:50. En la tarde primera carrera a las 2:44, segunda carrera a las 2:59 p.m. Academia De Jovenes: Mae- stros comienzan a las 7:15 salien- do a las 2:45. Estudiantes entran- do alas 7:30 p.m. saliendo la 1:15. Buses en la mafiana de 7:15-7:30 a.m. Primera carrera en la tarde 1:20 segunda carrera 1:35 p.m. A New Twist in Skylights.- -- Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. ..- A revolutionary new way to think about skylights. Prolesinnaily /Irsiallecl in 2 hours No Reiraming. No M ess. NEW SOLAR POWERED Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights ATTIC FANS Ll our Certified Installation Consultants show you the difference Solartube can make in your home today. ' S Hurricane Tested & Approved ".. ,,i SOLATUBE. Eit THE M'FIIII. SI(tIIGsI SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available Full Doc or'Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9:5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafiol BLUE RRROW POOLS INC. Now Building Custom Designed .. fl -- :.', ."' --.. *. ,,, AS" W ... Pools, Spas & Waterfalls **IN HENDRY COUNTY** Family owned and iupwr-LJwd Call for a FREEestimate 863-517-0758. Licensed & Insured I' I 1'1"." I. Birthdays July 27: Pete Risley, Chris Miller, Billy Thomas, Michael Hughes, Clifford Gilkey, Lana Murphy, Ronnie Keel, Patricia Rimes, Betty Sue Doty, Leonard Miller, Lorie Morrison, Ernest Snider, Candice Shockey, Crystal Shockey, Amber Newman, Idolfo Zauala, Brenda Townsend, Fred- die Gutierrez July 28: Mary Dyess, Irene Howard, Frances Gates, Merton Howard, Lois Mae Blount, Yvonne Carmona, Tera Blevins, Lisa Bolick, Pedro Serrato, Jr., Ronald Rodgers, II July 29: Nora Molina, Angel Martinez, Roy Green, Arnold Miller, Alma Manney, Robert Mer- chant, Teresa Hearn, Barbara Cone, Joy Williams, Ron Seals, Anthony Rodriguez, Harrison Hall, Eleanor Jones July 30: Carolyn Long, Wanda Smith, Ella Mills, Pearl Conner, Marjorie Ergle, Eileen Warren, Mary Etlington, Robert Bearhing, Jo Bee Gauss, Sherry Lewis, Thomas Hoffman, Henrietta Gre- sham Scarver, Dee Taraborrelli July 31: William E. Perry, Mary Lou Thompson, Dominic Neely, Thomas Snelling August 1: Carroll Jones, Car- olyn Perkins, Mike Gann, Annie Booth, Linda Tozar, Mike DeVin- ney, Betsy McVay, James Sims, Dick Duciaume, Robert Hodges, Nizzi Adams, Ray Milligan Nipper, Larry Cervant, Marcos Gonzalez, Amanda Conyers August 2: Jim Dana, Diane Hig- ginbotham, William McGill, Bar- bara O'Bannon, Donald Ridgdill, Ronald Ridgdill, Robert Hull, Janie Garcia, Teri White, Jo Tuck- er, Robin Alien, Gary Rickman, Sandra Gutierrez August 3: Jimmy Luckey, Doris Hoyl, Kay Jenkins, Terry Quinn, Hassan El Khatib, Mara Richard- son, Jeraldine Thomas, Paul Leon, Jerry Howard, Shelly. Wooten, Cassie McClenithan, Cheryl Yeomans, Linda Sneed, Jason Poole, Henry Heisler, Travis Granims, Marge Manley $ 2 5 EMBARQ" HIGH-SPEED INTERNET ___* FOR AS LONG AS YOU HAVE THE SERVICE. PER MONTH (Price excludes taxes and fees. Applies tp ip to i 5 Mbps speed. Qualifying services & year te- r agreeimeln required. " Dependable low price for as long as you have the service * Consistently fast broadband connection 24/7 * Advanced online security and protection tools SFree modem (si2.9S shipping & handling applies) S$5o online rebate (covers s.9t.99 activatilon feel LIMITED-TIME INTRODUCTORY OFFER SIGN UP : .: GET MONTH FREE OF EMBARQTM HIGH-SPEED .C. CALL 866-2EMBARQ OR VISITEMBARQ.COM. %. i- i I '. f j r 1.. 1. DiPoli Ins AgcV Inc Ljtablle R iT . Pus 8i1 If il 2lintl lift1) 1 61 -- f, ,I srt, "I ,,,,;Ii EMBARK" THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE." ULKE A GooD NEIGHBOR STAIIA k FARM IS 1HM..' Providing Insuralicean ar h rlaru-iull.Srm. -, % 'K im I II Services not available in all areas. Oer available to residential customers only. Monthly Fee: Promoonal monthly rate of $24.95 applies while customer subscribes to one ol multiple qualifying EMBARQ calling packages and remains on this plan at current residence. EMBARQ reserves the right to cancel without notice orsubstitute substantially similar services at its sole discretion Contact EMBARQ for more information. One month free: Pmotion good for new EMBARQ High-Speed Intemet subscibers only. Limited-ime offesubject to change or cancellation without notice. Monthly service fee credit will appear on first or second full monthly bill within a separate line item. S .Additional restrictions may apply. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. EMBARQ High-Speed Internet: Afee of $99.00 will be charged for eary termination. Performance may vary due Sro cendrins utide of network control No minimum level of speed is guaranteed. Conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of M BA websites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Restrictions may apply. Modem Offer Without credit approval, customer will be charged $99.99 for modem. Rebate: Customer must request and submit $50 rebate online at EMBARQ.com/hsinbate within 45 days of installation. EMBARQ High-Speed Inteet account must be active and in good credit standing to receive rebate. One rebate per household. EMBARQ will not honor late, misdirected, Your communications company is now EMBARQ incomplete, or duplicate rebate forms. 2006 Embarq Holdings Company LLC.All rights reserved. The name EMBARQ and the jet logo are trademarks of Embarq Holdings Company LLC. Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P, used under license. EMB1-06-704 Be prepared if a HURRICANE STRIKES. HAIRSYLES HOULDCHANG HIGH-SPEED INTERNET PRICES SHOULDN "Tl I NIL- f3 ; I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27, 2006 -t -' LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCA- TION-Zoned Bl, located at 141 S. H. Hickpoochee Ave. in LaBelle, -, ; --~ 2500 Sq.Ft. commercial build- ing. Building and land for sale 4. only All kitchen appliances L except Hobart Mixer. For more ." ; details contact Cathy Lee. SProperty offered at .- : $1,500,000. Vacant Land listings starting at $39,900. 8036 Salem Cir acre $39,900. 9022 EJustice Cir acre $39,900. 0 Canoe Ct. $40,000. 9004 N Casa Ct 1/3 acre $40,900. 0 Norge Cir 4 acre $45,500. 6020 Kumquat Cir $45,500. S9016 Ibis Ct V acre $45,500. 7063 Tide Cir acre $47,900. S7065 Tide Cir acre $47,900. 7824 NW 18th Ter 1.25 acre $79,900. 260 Caloosa Estates Dr $99.500. S12295 Rudder Ln $395,000. Deep Water Canal SCall orstop by to see more information on all of our listings! Tc nr c'oup C.-~ 274 N Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/564-2005 cell 239/564-2002 Thiining A6out Where ylou'-Come wUp With Te oney JW For V Nw ome? Worry No more ? . I, 'We Htave y' Sotutinlfor youl ': Stoprtenting, Build Your Drean Homedi Casiut & Pay off Credit Cards! We H Placed Loans That Others Couldn't Alan Kelly Mortgage Call Bob Hahn Now! 823-674-0091 FISH FROM YOU OWN DECK Belmont Gorgeous 3 year-old, 3/2 home on a corner lot has ceramic tile floors, custom bath SPENCER with a big garden tub large eat-in kitchen, really REA = LTY- nice brick fireplace, split floor plan. A deck over- n,* ,,..-,,. .,-,. looks a small canal. Close to everything. .,-S ';'. $299,900 . 23+/- acres in Alva of Persimmon Ridge Road, great pasture land. o1+/- acres in Alva. Over 1000' of River and Telegraph Creek frontage. Riverfront Caloosa Preserve, Come build your dream home. Corner lots in River Oaks, Alva. Call 863-675-0000 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER SLIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN, tROOKE :RUCE AND DON BURDICK fA 675-0500 REALTY NEW LOCATION! m aim 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the corner of -BRIDGE'ST & WASHINGTON MLS. B L SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE 5 plus acres, screened lanai, balcony on IN LEHIGH ACRES in the front. Open floor plan, Westminster Gated Golf Community. 2Bedroom/2Bath, fruit trees, large ;Fully furnished '+.-.tti:.. _/2 with pool. $2,000/m NO PETS/NON- oaks, lots of storage in the out build- SMOKING ings and large barns and workshops 3/1 OFF M.L.K. BLVD. on available for the outside man. Sellers Seminole Ave. $800/M NO PETS. also have a business for sale at the right 3/2/1 PORT LABELLE price. Very unique property for that $1,000/M NO PETS unique person. Pond on property. IN FORT MYERS on Gibson St. Asldng $450,000. 3/3/1 $1,200/M NO PETS. Askng 450,000. 3/1 ON 29 NORTH- $700/M. NO IN FORT MYERS. 3Bed- PETS. room/3Bath, 1 car garage in a great BRAND NEW HOUSE in Port LaBelle location. Close to everything. Home on Montana Circle. 3/2/2 $1,800/M. No has 2 master bedrooms, new roof, inte- Pets ridr paint and'A/C.'Asking $279,900. BRAND NEW HOUSE in Port LaBelle IN PIONEER! 3Bedroom/2Bath on Windswept Circle. 43/2/2 $1,800/M. large doublewide mobile home on No Pets OUR FEATURED fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual fireplace, LISTINGS FOR THIS WEEK walk-in closets, outside building. LOVELY TWO STORY HOME on Asking $184,900. 'nw'w.~~a$ilp~~~twF~~?-~i ..*wtnWUus.U i- '' nzwiYuwfartr] U U HH rl . I l). ; 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 CHECK '-. -,' T ,:-i iHJ F tr www.newhorizons-re.com Se Habla Espanol - -- - FEA .I-ra Ela IO-I MI AK Y 1", spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing ,ihi quailty, .. ii ... Hardy-Board siding to ih ,. ....,,, I .lh rlh ,, .h ,,l ,-, ,'i l l, ,,, ,- I.. ,,, 11 ,II : ,.' )'l ,, I, ,.i' f-. ,"'.. ..... .. ,-- :... .... I--Io mEi S '.j5New Hornzons Real Estate Corp. quality, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and vani- ties are all less than 2 years old. New roof being installed. Call today for this worry free home! $234,000. * REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/1B CBS home with 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only $234,900. ? . .: .:.. ... 4.,, .... acre lot h.,l ,-1 ,.-, I-,I ,,, I.1 i ,,), I, I,,{ I,.,1 create a S ... '" back yard-of enchanting beauty. A must see! h, .1,.1 .... j i -',,- 1, Ij,,.: ,I ', 1.i $165 ,000. ' ing. Majestic Live Oaks make te acreage feel like a over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped ... .'',ni grounds are a fitting introduction to a superb 3/2 home! S' ''. '" '" Huge screened lanai, oversized carport, 2 sheds and addi- I. j i '-**.. i, i. -' tional 4 stall carportv/orkshop Plus pasture for kids pony! t, -, u. i. -- Worth calling about quick! $215,900. ,.-, .... ,. .- .., ,t, ..... i' ."', Back on the market!This 2.5+/- acre mini estate Enjoy gentle country mornings sitting in the makes relaxing easy with a 3BR2B manufactured home. screened lanai of this 4 BR / 2 B Cedar home on 3+/- Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious ,, ,, kitchen. Only $179,900. .,I i,-, ,,- 1, ,,..,, ..i, ,i ,, ,, 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot -.... ...... Ih, I $11. ini t tucked away on a quiet street. Oak trees create a back Si. I.,-,,. n.j:, ...,, ,., I I -.1 yard ofenchanting beauty. A must see! $165,000. hi- o i.:, ,ii i. i,, t, 1 -. t, 1 i iI.- Relax the rural vay! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing ira ,-I..,I .,I,,-, 'in Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home * Solid Decision, Solid House! You'll be glad to see this with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing with SELLERFINANCINGAVAILABLE! $149,900 Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen; and' lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. * Rare find outside of LaBelle but not to far from schools or shopping. 3BD/2BA manufactured home fea- tures split floor plan, built in cabinets, separate shower & garden tub in the master suite, and much more! All on .50+/- acre. $132,000 * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a Y2 acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. * 3BR/IB manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $110,000 * Affordable living in town!! 2BR/2B manufactured S...................,- .. .,, ,i .,,,] i,, '11'' ",, Sli ,,: ,, ,r., .-,..."I. II.. h. .,,...h,. ... i-, [1111 I,..I1 h ing area! $99,900 * Calling all Investors!! 4Br/2B'minufactured home in IH Ir ,, | ,.;r -l ,: i,:; | -5 ",1 ,,I, A0L -" C ear.F a .-E * Best Bargain for Miles! 35 beautiful secluded acres at ONLY $25,000. per acre! WITH Pole Barn, Electric and several wells! Call ASAP for showing! $875,000 * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RG1. Surrounded by upscale sub-. division. Ripe and Ready for developer. $800,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your investment dollars here. 25 beautiful acres with Hwi 27 frontage Next to water plant. Property was cleared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. S5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/-acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only' $67,900. Possible seller financing. * Beautiful wooded +/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. SCall about our Port LaBelle lots! *: CoE" MII en C.. L.. i." '. ''-"' ""'. .. .1" ' CM F-- I" M M 1= I P.X I L located near West Glades Elementary in .1 .- ' just minutes away from downtown .aBelle. $3.50 per square foot.. . I I 1 Ih i I", i I I i'. ,, I 11 ,,, I 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this invest- ment! $2,750,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 busi- nesses. Listed at only $525,000. * 1.18+/- acres'zoned C-l commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street.-Asking $450,000. * Beautiful 25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27,2006 Summer camp kids are full of talent By Jo Coombs There are a lot of things that have to come together to be able to have a summer camp for kids. These camps take a lot of work, discipline, planning and a whole lot of patience. For these children it- 'was movies at the Summer Film Festival on Tuesdays, swimming in the Immokalee Pool on Fridays, and basketball, volleyball, football and games in the gym in between. But from the look of last week's LaBelle Recreation Department's end of the camp talent show and the actions of the children, Camp Director Augusta Ross and her counselors were able to .handle anything. To start things off, Phillip Pelleti- er welcomed everyone. Next Augusta Ross introduced the camp counselors: 5 and 6 year olds-Dori- Ann Dyess and Paige Raulerson with helper Michael Simmons; 7 and 8 year olds-Maurice McLain and Megan Kelly; 9 and 10 year olds-Jason Williams and Melissa Kelly; 11 and 12 year olds-Lucy Flournah and Jerrarhd Williams. When children get together, tal- ent sometimes just comes pouring out. This surely was the case when these kids started performing. The 5 and 6 year olds started out with an old favorite "The Hokey Pokey." This song can make a dancer out of someone with two left feet. Also out of this age group, there were two soloists and five tumblers. The 7 and 8 year olds put a lot of pizzazz into their own rendition of another old favorite, "I'm A Little Teapot." It has been said that the dance the "Funky Chicken" is dead, but parts of it were seen dur- ing this number. Soloists Casey Rogers sang "God's Love Is a Trea- sure and Alexis Miller sang '"Our God Is an Awesome God. Miranda Reinard performed a tumbling rou- tine for everyone. A sort of precision dance was performed by the 9 and 10 year olds. Dance movements eventually moved each row to the front of the stage so that all the children could be seen. Next was a rhyme dance performed by five of the girls. The boys in this group went all out with their dancing. So much so, that the audience was asked for an extra round of applause just for the boys and their performance. Last were the 11 and 12 year olds who, also as a group, danced. A different talent was shown next with a "Bully" skit written by Chris Williams. The last act of the show was Kaila Kelly who sang Carrie Underwood's "Jesus Take the Wheel:" With this much talent in the children of this city, it is safe to say, "Look out Hollywood and Nashville because someone from LaBelle/Hendry County is on their way!" .. Kaila Kelly sang Carrie Underwood's 'Jesus Take the Wheel." Unspoiled natural beauty surrounds this stunning 10+1- acre country home! You'll love to entertain your friends in" tli magnificent custom built 3/2 home. Over 2.400s.. with vaulte-d cedar ceilings in living room, rock fireplace, wood floors,. a .large family room. country kitchen & much more. Comfort L C:onvenience! Call Stephanie Weatherford @Q (863) 612-0000 3 Bedr,-om R2 Bailv-'O':-:l.' de.Lcled r-ute 2400E q Ft Lrlnig -.re.i VIood and CarFsp Floortnig Cedir lumed idoir Rdch: Fireplace Vaulted celariai, UIi Li'ing PI:r.r Large L.suarid.r' F iornr I '.1L '.F 2 i005i]" 071 Bankof America 'SHIRLE IirMHO WILL, BaBnko eric ... Mortgage Loan Officer ;i Consumer Real Estate ..'",.:.. 'Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-6757744 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment Now certified. in HlVA/A fiT ac n cing Rc.ltN (rJHLp. he. P* ,I.n iII. .iI- ,.,i'Pr.,. i.. : Ii'lr. i : 1 T I ,i i 'l liil I...T..- H.'.i : ,.'ii 1 61. l ,i I .) : li. ,Ip, : ] c i u. ijil ,: "'l. 11-1111: | -l u,-llllH l fl.-t r i T. * f26It.nno PRIF RFDLTCI3D. 'T I-.. -.I. .- 1 ' I '.. Ilh l l. .lll.: 1 I ,lil 1 ... I, .:."l ]j p.i ....ll:I l I.1.1. : l l i. I I.J. i.-.i- 0 hr... CT...iA- J :0:il |IJ I I.-I 1 .-11 I t n. I 1. ..ll l... .....II -,J ..I ,: $ I + ,,' t",-h, h, I l, I ,-,hll,,1. S; >u,.3 iii iPRIC RE liED ir- Beautiful like new3BD/2BA $4 i.l1iiis) P-i. Krt)Li :l P s.- ..i' ....-i .... '.t *''i \ i i ., i l l* l'1.., ..A ),l PI, i ,t ,,, .:'.. I. tures an island w/extra sink & more don't let this one slip by! $180,000 Completely remodeled 3BD/1.5BA. Roof and A/C less than 2 years old. New paint inside and out. * $179,900 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on .. ... F .. 0 ,, ., t l,-. : ....."i I ., : I* l.,: .,,6,I. 9 ,[RI. C .R .,,Cl D l Nl w ll .,il i 1. i I h m i S'$169,900 PRICE REDUCEDI-New 3BD/2BA home. This In.'.:r IrllUie .lll I:,',ni ll.'i '._', LI,, hl,.hri h .T, ,rl.,-,', * I 1 ,999 .i 1 i',' .u- "'. .,: Irrl. : i.i .:.'r.pl .-l' i fenced in yard and an above ground pool. * $94,9003BD/1BA Newlyremodeled home in aBelle. Tis home has new tile, carpet, paint, cabinets, hot water heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: * $499,000 This 3BDBA Mobile home sits on 9.44+/- acres with a rin canal around the cress head. There is also a 2BDB2 Nb lt oB glTeeatures * I'' i.01)l i' i..' '. i \.-iL 1,:t l h.,m : .I r : 11 :t.i '+ '...- nly I 1 r.. I .l,,r : hu..: _-. .j.iI'' ..' lh I. . ,:1"n .:i'nar dn'n.. b. on.) nip.o, r l-i.:. T n l-,i.,:,, i, r,'iJ h. h... nl tlt..,J, arp el,, al i c:| a n. et,,J [,,I ot _er h... ...: *,J it rilf. J PRI RED.l 3(., i: i(fi t l, r ritl i iuriri " , .,..v l' ', ...... v...3.. r ., .Ja h, L l.... ,,J ,1j li, c Ih !11 today for appointment. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed and ond. * $197,900 Immaculate 2 1/2 year old 4BD/2BA manufac: tured home across from the river and boat ramps, many, many upgrades. Ashed and irrigation. Call for more info. * $189,900 Spacious 3BD/2BA on 1.88+/- acres in Muse. SHome features a split floor plan. The living area has a fireplace; -:1,i l, ,Il| i li'I .*ull i i ll: I i I., il rlMlllm,.li r. iTI I'll i't ,i' l g3 uri fp.:.l : ll i :.. T .,:: if. .I,. * ( 1 15,1)1 1 L[UIClI. ,,,II l[ i :,.i''l .:.r]r.:.i i I tI ,,,, ii ri I, h. ii, * $112,500 $120,500 ljr,,l ,, r, .l ,,T,,A i.' 'i,,' j ,j.., f s l" irL. h,'.i i IN ,: m' ,l : i',,: *.- : ",:I *$1,6000000 12.76+0- ares I.l .vi 11. I .'P. I'16 p1 ilI ill l I.:< l l. i h.,, .,i|T rlr l..fi J1-ll,.: 1 * $9.1 ,.:..' ,l :.n ,lc. ,:,i..i ,: ,'.i fT ..u r1 .:, ,.J. L I.',I .. i: i l' r 'l r ,i',: l'.1 I .[Ji r I 1 ll I'. .:,, .'' Li l 1i dl I ','.", I' PRIC iREUCE 1 900,000 j'l ,, J i .i J i.rr, * q,0Fli *" L '.,1 it Jl i, .:i l. i..Iil.' l .iTi * $1,6,0000 12.76+/-acres 1.i .. I 1 :.J ii- :. .:. J : J rl.1 .1 p ri. 'h: l : ll i ., .- ',,: ,, S I ,5 f" l U0 -.,-N I. r L .1 I. l r .. i i.. ; .- .. I * .15,2l'll(0l. r: ..,: ,i:,:l,:,|-,,.:it ,, ,,j m ij,: -,',,:,',. ' * $'13,000 72,900 Call for i ,l.. l I ]I.. .i'111. I1 S l. CAW L 1. : ORAVAI, : 1 : .11 'i i S$34POI00ABEL- LE MONTURA ,,,'. j i ,Ri, yi') H -,,' ,: l, ,t,..: ..II r , * $272,000 10+/- acres with pin. i.,,, h,:l * $13,000 $72,900 Call for r,,:, ..: .-i: o i -- d , . i id.,: !... i f, ..F .. I iP ,: rh i,,l l, ,: t.:- ,, I| ,,, ..',t e ,J i I.. .: .I-...':. ,:Cijrm i F _-M ..1. CALL FOR AVAIIABI U HOMEIT IN PORT IABEULE MONTURA IND LEHIGH IlRf. i mHaWcnFISE no FI Pn-rIE PANORAMIC VIEWS'b O: the C ELLENT LOCATION FOR L''.. COMMERCIAL BUILDING Cl. o C ahatchaee,River throu'gh- OUR BUSINESS west ap LaRle '. on 1.2R acris on the busy -corner Sout this gorgeus:.3BRr3BA 2- .:' on HWY ,1f. This land haI' gae3i ~s. ,,, i of iUnolu and B-irige Sitreet, i. :':t story honme.New tile, wodd. possibilities with all ,f the new i. illr Metal roof, concrete block con- IS.i.I'l" loors and granrisue ttn(hn rq: t:g.it'h no'-ig to dh e eant hoaI Fl ''"t r -. stun non, crnpletely enced, 2 -imf.-,n ;..;:: r.^.^^ Super views-otf'e master .te. l. Mvyer 3be.bd,2 bathimobileexisln :'. large outside storage buildings ,,..-.. baironv and.extria orng walk-in heprcjlerrmanareiral.Thsiland'sa Could be sub-l4e tr separate close H uge lanai with in ground Jawcii s pa.and much zoning i "Proposed flansitionar'al"r di6ig to the Hendry Co. business. Lots of pf-Lential with a lot of room in a high ,l-ar .of pain more! $798,000 Plarnnmgand.Zori g..$899,900 traffic area. $1,250,000 1.2' p.-le It I---- I I I I i t 1.,20o +/.- ACRES4O.S. a4; off SR 29I iGiL.;! at' hbime!buisiness s. e.. rpei> Busmnes !lgage on SR?9. Also.as "'- honl w rh car6EIls * remodeled. "Ii'.fl.b i t and screened porch. 2 srtoge-'a b.rr.. Creal buvl $249, 00 , .":,:. .'; -- WATERFRONT HOMES STUNNING RIVER 1IEWS c:au be seen from the mai- ter Ii-e l'alcon ot hihs nrerhront 3BR.3BA 2-oston h'nmc. Iluge lini i with im ground Jacuzzi spa aid much nor,-' $798.000. PRICE REDUCED PANORAMIC VIEWS o,: the CAlo'osahatchec Riter .I..Jt1. LOL in hti;i ..RRk 5BA,- hi-rme with an oversized fri. ire b.oat dc:ck C.,.rmaiinitnl clubllihuste inluldes pool. ,.::,at I amp & tcniis court. $749.000 UPGRADED 3BR2BA HOME FEATURES 125 ft ,of iiti-e frontage Coivenientl', located siithin I mile of Iiiiin.j n rI',l rants and :,lfl roul.ie. $599,900 SAVOR THE SUN .at iur private- waterfront icltreat 4FR'-'. F.\ ti-uiitl.snt.rcil eld iome sits majesricallv a, the ndl .:.a :.il-de--ac (I) si.ed back p.,rch looks o\ei ithe V..i e.r eliJnlesi incer i-c\, $ 524,000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS with this 'P.R 2BA h...-i.e. niiatable creek offers direct a.te ss t.o rtl: iF..l.u. aihjli.hetc RIuer $399,000 SLiMMER FUN! 4BR -'BA MI H includes 135' It. ofnier .. r.akini g at. a:.s launch for jet skis De ached Lcit ie Jind hic h qu.silt\ upgrades. Enjos the lunl! $395.000 PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS! 3 BR'2BA canal HOMES 3 BR 2BA CBS HOME -11n +-0 + bujat, a i;'0.41.1 ,ii ikshop tonclude- ullici. r.., i l. t. t di n .i t,ilti. ,Llar meets ,.ounriN' charm $999,000 4BR 3BA BRICK HOME ON II + AC. Funcronral bret-ding b.in. autuiimtc-cd h-l .. : l, ;1!ri. '. i d 'I.J I p...Ic tli i. jn ,d a i t.rk'.h..:p -\ rtu. Equiint E.rile $999,00u IBR2BA HOME ON 7 + AC. Ptntjle .o.:. l.i.I p.,nd. .jrtetr, ,f Ibuir tic,'. 2111 I :1.rl &. 2 K 2' p.:. 1 ., ri \I ill all.It fur 2? h .m encite, $699,900 PICTURE PEFECT 3.BRB.'l\ I adr,- ctjlte home r itatre' a pis..art p,,ol and r.ci a....C-, rr, ,c. ih ,.;rTimrmunit; boait ramp $625,000 3BR.2BA CBS HOME .n "+ a Cross tened. p'.'nd. take jad'antage ru's cI I 11.i g t h ., i.,:nro io lnt drl 'er $625.000 3BR 2BA CUSTOM HOME ON 3.52 +.'- FENCED AC. Cnunir v hlfcale tur- '.ii.'l. ..u .i [hi deled retirct, d c'.ommunl\ $619,900 DREAMS NEVER END ir, t.h, custom ?BRB- poo2.l home with d wa l.- aing firc: pi.'.-': 'i.j l., i ldng- Jdn and a gourmet kitchen $5469.000 3BR2BA 2-STORY HOME SITUATED on 3 59 i+-a 6I K2) pole bL.rn. 12' Si l.-,h.p _.-Ik L.,cic'J crita.rc $415,000 180 N. Bridge St. LaBeUe, FL (863) 675-6788 EIRTA E LAND C .0 1-888-675-6762 LAND CO doS - sintl.heritagelandco.com SE H.xBLA Ew'VO L o ans ACREAGE 39 + AC %irf INCOME POIENILU Ih,.luJe -'mi' Iuii iurn .:fi I.-ir. -.I i + ,I'uri i,,: $1,800.000 INCOME PRODUCING ORANGE GROVE .:-.ld r tuldi.,1 i 1... i l : $I 12 .5 0 per ic .4.32 + AC. OF..Ji r.pr .,.." i': ji1l i ', ''" '. ,.'i c i. ,- .r.- rilil I ,,i'i, hI ..... "-, I .. $1 .210),000 OUi HAMMOCK, C YPRIES IND PUlMEf- F O j ... rl- i "F + i,. F l. i ,. I .. 1 1,h:, I ,,,,,$[1.100.000 AI.I + .C. Off ..Ill ,,i.J ,J. i ,,lI -Il hl l '" "i J' " ijr.: ..,,J 850.000 0 +- C( OF IMPROl\D i: l..: II. I 0 ,1 I h.'l, I ',....: ,p:,,- :1 ..J ,. ,,i,, ,., :: OS.05,00O 20 + FENCED AC. T..I- ., l i j i II... .r I $6e..:,,I 8660.000 20 + A C. W IT H I.cr,.., :: ,:,r ,,,i I,,.: ...I i I. 4 ,000 LALRGELOVEELYHOMFilfE. ."..+ ,.. n, . 3BR2BA CBS HOME ON 4.82+-AC. t ,..': i, "it":.: r'.p U HI-.i. e iol'[ r :j.ajc-ltid' e l t r ,plit flt.:. I 2 + AC I :.r i ..I.' ,- ... -ii. .I.i..r.. lou pl ,i anrd rp.jni i- c b... p.rl h .I': .: .I J ..I. : i, i I.,h.IL 4 .,100 ri,,'., !erircd pdl tincll, m i .li.-t, r,.i..1m ET CL ICHLNG .. I I !,.ll. a.n.l t iblc $395.)000 i ,,..l,,:i, 8 29.)00 QUALITY IS ON DISPLA Y! NoI ,:".l'. Il." \ f rR i,,,i ,,.: I,: ,.,:i ..l....r. 'ti-a.unnrl hliome- ncil [th'- cdift i l.,tit c .nid '. '-': ?2''.flini n a rirn .i C all t'"O1 i rn'','- tlc a filed ii'il.i,,i 20 + t .. I ,,',.: i |' .i' -:' r ,... i.:.- uLon $299,000-$399,000 3,'BR 2BA CBS HOME IN THE CITY. Qlaltirtv tIcatic, include nei- '~ tl si .ut trrigau.:n Srtem &: net- app!,ic.anctE' with appi-.' I"Oiu iq t- .A mus' seeit- $224.900. LOCATION. LOCATION, LOCATION. imptccablce cusr.nl .BP'BARB honme h]Jijed in a quiel b(launrt i:.. iiilitnniu. $279,1)00 3BD'2BA ON SPACIOUiS GREENBELT. h[ li.:.ine t!o. hIv- for senriu' ,i.:.k,' $210.000 PARTIALLY FLRNISIHED 3BR'-BA. homeI include tacr F-p i t storage shed Ncar canalr .nd cnmmuninl puril $175,000 GREAT INVESTMTINT RENTAL PROPERTY. Dtiplex. loc.atd un MLK. ji Rental income is ; i4Ut per mtunth Only $39.900 NEW CONSTRUCTION STYLISH HOME! 3BR 2B1 ~C b B hime itll d.u.:,d ilo..ri jt installed Locale.d nI a Ecnclou' ioff.T-.aer i, iquailr sujrrIoundming icertrTntr S D $389.900 FASHIONABLE AND FLrNCTIONAL newt ci:.ns ,uc r!n .BBR'2BA CBS horne. on '; + jc in Quil Run S D $339.000 BUDGET FRIENDLY NE%' CONSTRUCTION. .iBR.'BA, ide gt-reenbellt inture prlital $199,900 QULALITY IS ON DISPLAY! Take a cl.c-r l...-k on \AuguLst 19 it our Opern Huuei, in Lauicl (.),ak '[I) Be ajm n rin hfirstr tO l k ,iur no"h I con.ru'Lcted homes Price anid 'etr ili- ..ar plc.ie call a He-ltige tcam rnietierbe ,i or n'ir MANUFACTuTRED HOMES LIKE NEW 4BR, 2B.\ ..itllc'.-. Id M I ,H1 ii 'i. + jc $475.000 5 + C ,: i ..I il.: 1 :.: '- .I .1, I. 1 1 : I.:. Fr 26,,. 12 '900 5 -UiJDER 1.f0iftfilT MllSE 5 ACRE 1 .. I 11. i I .I 2 0.0i) l) PIONEER PLANL T1ION :. I .. I.,.,: 1 , I. I ,rI ,n $ ".lllll LADEU \CRL GI., ... I. 1.1 I : *EA - ,. $S 6 .00 2. + -AC .. I ..i l .. .., ,i l h .i I , 2 .5 + -,\( ., :, l i I I i .. . ,I,. I,, ,,I,, Ps,t'11]11 M OCN I ILA RAN(.H E 1 \II1 I I,, I,. ! 'ii.' i8.. 5ii i H ii 0"6.iii H Mi )FTll REFINED IIOMNIF ll' I i n .1 .. I ... ,, i ,,. ,.. I .1 i,: tl I. > .. .. 8.. 'l .i l. iti 111 HLRD 10 FIND Ot. FILIl D ....... I., ... I. S 1 .1..i l. (1I..R.. 1I .I .1T .I IIIII ENI O\ iHL Q llEI ..r .I ,.I + I. 11 i 1 i" i I ..... ,i .h. i ...I h I ... i ii ii . BEAUTIFUL W'OODFD I 2 + .AC. LOT in irmiinmi .k ii. 'lii 1 \ .J..1 . bi ., ide M. H ..nd ilR 1 l .i ri-li: .. iJ, N1M H 5245.100 MINT CONDITION Bil, 2U i l i i-: fienaiu l \i.\'1-- ri, lu',. .. i ILI. I,:d . c l ,ri 5$195.901) LOOKS SMALL, LI\ IS BIGI .l1 on I + a Ic 'itui, _'c t- l [p irking ,.rk-l ,n p, o. i I blll-iil i ,lliit.. $ 165,i)ll0) GET OUT OF TOWN PRICED TO SELL 'BR L't. l M i- ... ...... ,ll I .. 3 pellect i l. ..i.n.r. $15l.il000 3 BR2BA M,H ON CORNER LOT orl cl I.u|1[.-| k l.h h ll l .Jt.-.hl -[., h..L. a d J lilllll.. l... lIr .... I, l k ', ni l % li0h d':. l. lnld '|..., l il t_ ..I ' $149.999 ENJOY TIlM SIMPLE. LIFt! It,.. 2 B R '2 '1 1 \ ,: i 1 ,. ,. I I I I illi; I rk thI e i\ u d.J,' li _,i\. i i - pui. -ni l l I I l .i Ii I'' I 1 L ,Ik Irln .'l,,c l i t-i li. .11 I 1 ,, til.l h .li I'. cc I, ,ii c $129.j,'I)t RENTAL .\AIA.kBLL AUG C6 :BR'2i3A $1200.011) mo . Il.: r : i..i l :. I ..:l,: ..l- i... ; r ff Il w, : I: ..,I, ..:,l ($89,900. 40+- C LOT ACROSS FROM CALOOSA ESITFET D :i'.-'n rT1 1 hrr ,:l t .rl .:.iR pC' i : I i l '':rr: i r'' r' c u'ir : Cep' 1 81. 9..ii) . CHERISH THt CHIRM :..i lh. t-.iur!ul .:.ia i.ll..I. r. I,, *i j.: i 85.000 WIDE \.RIl n OF HOMSISITS rn ill u..,: ..I I *i 1 F I',,:II. "_ :l r, ,- .. i- 'i, l i in I i. i .. i nl i.r lejril.J inr:i :l ri l,, ,. . FROPIC41 GLilF ACRElS. H.rr.c.:- .r. ,-.l',j hl l. ... _..,n -r,, I. I' t..1 J.- rJ i ._.0 1 -1. : u ardil PRI\ (P PUlRE %ND SIMPLE ..r. ih:.: I tj I,: S" .' I. 1 i.r. i ..:I-I -' PPil i ieri :ll Hlio r, i,. ,,,. ... i ,.-, re.. u..: Io4'r I. ,,r rp:h -,if ihl. .lU... i .. In .I hl.. 1,1.. Fr,.,:.. I.,..m $85,000 antd up LEHIGH 'SAITS I"V"+ l:.T. ,-r,,r:ril ... ,,. i...l ,i ,, $66.900 I +s J' i'ul. I .l : i, 1 :r ,,I .i,,, l i,, il kIi -, ,b2,91)0 IND)LN HillI.S ... i..... n,i r..r $55,000 Si) 1 t.H OsF FROM i 1 I.:,i ir, 4i I, 1.I. '.,. 989.900 o $54.900 1 \( liR BIVD i., l..i.,.i. .I. c .:.1 H bh._h i i ,. i i,, ,:,:i ..r ., :, r 852.500 (LI-DL)E.\AC IObT .. .. :.-i, i l M c1 'T PnFi Sl,,..1 i 48..00 0I (O MMNER( CLU 3,056 SQ Fr COMMERCIAL BLmDING ,.,. I 1. .I-h I'i micJ pr[.A.Ce.J I.. I.,.in ,,t .i',,..i i I 1.250.000 ELLEI LE[N LOCLnTON FOR YOUR BliSI- NEW i'. rul'lhl :. + I. r'if:,l: hrc'.u ,i.,r I, ,: I' ,i-,, e i .i,,.rr $899.900 (,RLtFr BI.SINFIS POtE N NL .nit,, 2:t;'. ih i, 'l '. i'i.JL.'i- '.j...u III c L r 'ii.'I'e.1J II,, 1 '$' : ...III ,i. lIi hr.c -199,900 iULiR BUliINEss BFLONGS ..,- rl..- hlej' ,n h i. h 'l r.' e _,',r"| J ''I f. -r .'r:u u:ci. i,,i ,,.. ,i,.,',J ,- p .r r i l $ 4'9,2-18 0 F HT\i 80 IN LLBELLE. .-4 + j. will i h i, ,i ..I l t.- i' I n ,, ..i.. q i nl . i ,,, i 1 ., ,, i .. 1,,]:. i,., -i P. I B A .2IPk IRA i. i I' .i ,, ,l,: l:i, i ,_.t I 'll i 249,900 MO1 ,\l U0111 BlSINESS 10 LIBEILEI 'I I I .1,nn.. hllh; ip l '. n I -l.'l0 i l.0l'n' IM l.rI ".Ir ll .. .. ,,, i-.,, .. 22t,5 00 TTIDT I vv TR TTTd'V m"T T T I bfont MNH nclutdes detailed upgiadc' and rlhoi.uchfill landscape. $145,000 WATERFRONT HOMES SITES DREAMING OF OWNING YOUR OWN 1.t64+ - secluded at. Island? $1.400.000 MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE YOURS. i2 51) +-- a. of r ier front screagc. \!i'L I iln1O able spoil cstnent ha, .ic.es frou CR 7;b. $965.000 IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA HARBOR. Include hboat dock. n ell. clectricl and pro- reteed harbouage. Over 6i0 it of -.atrifil.:nt $499.000 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. Riter tlc". 0, r'.ci access tand dock peritnu Deed -iisu l:ted- ommrinuni\. 'I + '- :i. $429.000 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE RANCHETTES. 2.53 +.- ac in deilrahbl deed ri.-rm.r- cdF conmunit\ $425,000 TAKE IN THE BEAUTY OF THE RIVER fromn liii 2.hS + .:. h.-nic sire in P[. LaBelle RanIti ttc. 210 ti I of greenbelt betvreen home si. itd ri\ei, boat dr kl,; all.:,w.ed $410.000 IT DOESNUND I U BNEIRACl $225.500 II ILL 1 _I ,........ L ~L~- I 00 ~-- b_, I ~ I I I I I- II I I I 1r Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27,2006 RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 PORT LABELLE LOTS 8012 Mill Court $38,900 2006 Inglewood Cir $38,900 3027 Harvard Cir $39,900 3075 NE Beechwood Cir $48,000 2001 Montana Circle $47,500 W Leader Court (Adjoining Lot also available) $45,000 W Leader Ct (Unit 102) $45,000 MONTURA RANCH ESTATES 165 S. Granja St 1.25 Ac $49,900 175 S. Granja St 1.25 Ac $49,900 539 Hunting Club Ave 1.25 Ac $49,900 372 Horse Club Ave 1.25 Ac $49,900 585 N. Willow St 1.00 Ac h4y9,90 LABELLE HOMESITES 3rd Avenue .45 Ac $70,000 Calhoun Street .64 Ac $89,000 Calhoun Street .42 Ac $89,900 201 N. Hickory St .62 Ac $98,500 OTHER AREA HOMESITES 924 Wildflower Street Lake Placid .25 Ac $39,900 922 Wildflower Street Lake Placid .25 Ac $39,900 1015 Naples Ave. Street Lehigh $46,000 ACREAGE 5171 Chiquita Dr. (Charlotte Co) 10 Ac $89,900 40 Acres (Gerber Grove) $660,000 S8863 675 4550 loria 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle e0 a B Rodney Murray & Seth Howard SLie. Real Estate Brokers State co Associates: Phil Lewis, __ Tamra Franco, Kyndel Murray Beautiful oak filled acres with nice 2/2 home. Fenced & cross fenced, cow pens. Can be subdivided. 441 platted lots. $3,400,000. Owner Anxious. 7.1 acres in Glades County. Cleared & par- tially fenced. Close to LaBelle. $282,900. 4/2 well maintained home with 20x30 workshop, 150' irrigation well, fenced yard, within walking distance to schools & shopping. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 68 a nd impL IN0 1 L if.l. .1$ Home '..-Builders Building Communities. One Quality Home at a Time? Hendry County's #1 Top Qualify Builder Includes Impact Fees & Allowance for Lot Prep l ][. l.. H[-.II i / l] .r.[-.MJ l, I[ ilI.J l I. [*tJ^ ^ .II We have l Homes Available Now. 7026 Gill Cir Buonwood 32 1762s ft $207.900 7026 Gill Cir, Buttonwood, 3/2/2 1762sq ft $207,900 3045 June Cir, Magnolia, 4/2/2 2676sq ft 267,900 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II, 3/2/2 2032 sq ft $227,900 9016 Lamkin Cir. Madison II. 312/2 2032sa ft $229,900 5009 Pinetree Cir, Cypress 11, 3/2/2 2224sq ft $231,900 FREE CREDIT APPROVAL with :CHL Home Mortgage,LLC. Call Chuck Pedrey @ (863)675-3245 Lock Rate by 7/31/06 For FREE INTEREST RATE BUYDOWNII Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 Cell: 863-673-5061 www chlhomebuilders.com QB39922 *Al Spec Homes Include % Acre or More Home site **Paved Roads**County Water"Power**4 Schools in Subdivision" With deals like these.. Why C .CEare you still 3 paying rent?? SWith 1,115, this 2BR/1BA home is i a great started home or perfect '-' for a retirement investment. 1 car ---1 i < i^ garage, wall to wall carpet, dryer, range, refrigerator, smoke detec- SaS a= .- ^ tors, walk-in closest and window covers. $149,900. MLS#200647780 Residential Lot in LaBelle for $75,900. MLS#200615208 Building lot in Port LaBelle for $32,900. 2.5 acres. This spacious 5/2 (20u) Falm Harbor manutac- ityoure looting tor peaceful country living loon no arther, tured home features cathedral ceilings, a split floor plan, This is ideal for a weekend get-away, or full time residence. large bedrooms, walk-in closets. Modem, black kitchen There is a storage shed in back, a small bam, a detached car- appliances. Ceramic tile in entry, baths and kitchen. Back port, dog pens, and lots of pretty trees encased in 2.31 totally pasture is fenced'and ready for your horses! Has several nice fenced acres. The home is a Fleetwood, nearly new model in oaks. Shows like brand new! $219,900 immaculate condition. You gotta see this one!! $199,900 WATERFRONT 2 SroRm HOME ON 2.5 ACRES in F. ri Rr..-h P~n tc~~r .--.r.d the rlzcr .-A, ,,.th ntanl% ai.--rsb.Is osm....r su andJieC Au. -c;sah3th:hc '.5 inrra:-:--, l bul..j %.-ur bo n. dock4A n tt~ sWaf h. -dr~ tT% ju t :Ec-m-A., 6,:,r.. the he irt fILaBAI, h-r r- S7 49.000;17Y.I) 4 IS 4 BEDROOM 2.5 BATH f AFFORDABLEcNEW CONSTRUCTION HOME YOUR DREAM HOME IS HERE! If you have been searching for the perfect home at an affordable price, this is it! This new 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 car garage, home on a corner lot with several upgrades is just what you have been searching for. At a price e, .. like this, this one won't last long! .- ... I $249,900 Ask for Greg Bone or call him at o 83 n %a ri rieb1-863-835-0191 R8.eal E..tatee, -ahrgsFax: 1-863-675-6575 863.675.4500 REALTOR e-mail:greg.bone@soland.com REAL GUIDE n~riktrtmm b ri m It L- IB- ll j,,.,,r C..:.inro, Li-.,ria .-.i ..nil $160.(,0). OVERSIZED HOMESITE ,:.n..nlrth Il.-..atd ,r. the Ict iIt ith cam% ..: -- i. ;.; Te : ,.,-v,_ n ni. ured and re.,di\ .,r sc,,.r drcin, ho.nme L.Te ak., nd rniple- Was $105,000. reduced to $85,000 for quick sale. PORT LABFLLE LOTS,: r.i h n.rth :ide .:.1f i8. ,l.:... i:. r _i d,' .H-l.:.p lr,' n r _.: ir nim.-i -' F-r",:, fr.f .i $49.OOu lo $37'.-06i I Jil .-.r ,r.,.nr,:r' 1m L i 6':' 'It:: i... i ,:k ,T-.ri SELLER FINANCING AVAIL \RLE i'rth d2" d..i.r, 7r. uOrNI HOMIfls r lI ~ CIA'I U 41 W. SaeR. 8 -LaeleFL333 ".~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ---- WA. n --.',, ?.] North of 80 -walking distance.to town. A great buy at $145,000. MOBILE ON 1/2 ACRE south of LaBelle with lots of LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING, Horses Welcome! paving and a 26x53 pole barn. $79,500. Upgrades include wood floors, stacked stone fire- INDUSTRIALCOMMERCIAL hunter s, staless steel PR E CORNTR with approx. 590 ft. on well traveled oi'ie I ll-r t M ''d Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm St. The front 2.7 Ac are ncagep ,zoned Light Industrial with the remaining 4 ac zoned lanai The 12 acres is every rse ves'ream. .Heavy Industrial. Great opportunity for flex space devel- includes a large barn with 3 oversized stalls and tack room with shelving as well as a fullyIrrigated ridi opment. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located across arena and a 24x44 workshop/office. Additional from the State Attorney's Office and close to LaBelle Acreage available, offers must be contingent upon Airport. $3,064,466. Glades County approval for property split. $695,000. COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL Located approx 1 WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY for the right investor! mile west of Cowboy Way with 800 lineal ft on Hwy This 20 acre parcel currently has a 1988 cedar home . with galvaume roof and a 1997 singlewide manufac- 80. Directly across from the proposed future Wal- tured home on the premises. Both homes are in need Mart location. $2,090,880. of rehabilitation, Seller has started the process but MIXED INDUSTRIAL USE with 176 Ft. on promi- there is still quite a bit to do. Property can besplit and nentCowboy Way. Asking 915,000. is priced at land value only. $590,000 nn y y. g , s0 2 STORY HOME close to town just off Ft. Denaud Rd. This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has it all, location, charm, Master suite with office, screened room and more. $279,000 REDUCED. TUCKED UNDER THE OAKS. Gated and private meandering drive leads to 3 Bed/2Ba manufactured home features include 2 screened porches, a 28x30 shop/garage, plus a 12x16 storage bldg. with x-tra refrigerator and A/C, all on 2 Acres. $169,000. WHAT A NICE HOUSE! One owner, built in 1995, CBS 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, in pristine condition. Just one block LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4.65 AC with 2400 Sq, Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access, just outside the city limits. Could be split under current zoning. $850,000. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL SITE just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000 HARD TO FIND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $285,000. RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 FEATURES OF THE WEEK OAKS, FENCED BACK YARD, 3BR/2BA CBS home in the heart of LaBelle. Great location! REDUCED $179,500 CBS HOME IN THE CITY! 3BR/2BA w/split floor plan, large bedrooms, over- sized family room & beautiful shaded home site. $199,900! 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEANI This home is truly a beauty from the inside out. Features: ceramic tile, bonus room w/hurricane shutters, screened porch, alarm system & spacious bedrooms & bathrooms. Well manicured corner lot w/irrigation system. A must see! $189,000 2BR/2BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured home w/large screened room on 1.25 acre home site cleared w/ scattered trees. $135,000 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCA- TION!!! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 INVEST NOW! One of the few riverfront acreage parcels on the market. 10.7 Acres w/ 600 +/- feet fronting on the river. Look to the East and West & enjoy views from the raised riverbank. The waterfront piece features lakefronton the South side & riverfront on the North. Parcel's future land use is leisure recreation (LR). Your possibilities are endless here! $3,500,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE w/ over 200 ft. of water- front & already separated into 2 lots. Site features frontage on the main river and the "Old River." Old River frontage includes 60 ft. of protected dockage. No corps setbacks on either lot. $1,500,000 SE HABLA ESPAIOL Marilyn Sears Licensed Re WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S BEST! This recently renovated 3BR/2BA home is located at the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!!! $499,900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront home site on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Home site is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river. Permits are in place to re-dredge oxbow. $499,000 ONE OF THE FEW GORGEOUS RIVER This 1..0 acre lot is wooded and located on County r ,I. I. ... r, I GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jack's Branch w/ river access. This Unique property also has its own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 two story home on V/ acre gorgeous lot covered w/ oaks. Renovations include new electric, a/c, insulation, wood and ceramic tile flooring throughout, granite counter tops, new stainless steel appliances & much more! $319,000 AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home w/office or possible 4th bedroom. Perfect starter home or rental investment. Located within city limits, completely fenced & priced to sell! $99,900 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle. Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining. $119,900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3BR/2BA manu- factured home has a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! $125,000 IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA MANUFAC- TURED HOME situated on shaded over- sized lot in town & completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry & breakfast island. Reduced $134,900 THIS IMMACULATE 2BR/1.5BA HOME is located in the center of town close to everything. What a terrific home for someone just setting out on their own or sizing down. Home is partially fur- nished & ready for you! $159,900 CHARMING 2BR/2BA CEDAR HOME sits on oversized corner lot in the city. Features are vaulted ceilings, tile, French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 HOMES IN LABELLE HOMES BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED "OLD 3BR/2BA NEW CONSTRUCTION CBS FLORIDA STYLE" HOME! 3BR/2BA HOME! Split floor plan, 2,000+ total sq. ft., granite counter tops, 18" ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling and many more upgraded features. $245,000 3BR/2BA CBS HOME w/Pool in Laurel Oaks, very desirable neighborhood w/great floor plan for a growing family. Property is surrounded by large oaks & a few fruit trees. Home/pool needs TLC. Home is being sold AS IS. $235,000 MOVE IN READY! Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interior paint & spacious master bedroom. $179,900 ONLY CONDO ON THE MARKET IN LABELLE! This 2BR/2BA unit would make a great rental investment or full- time residence. Located on the first floor this condo features a greenbelt view, tile in kitchen/ bathrooms & a bonus room. Comfortable living awaits your arrival! $150,000 UNDER CONTRACT THIS 2 BR/1.5BA MOBILE HOME is located in quiet River Oaks Subdivision, Ortona. Great investment for the part- time Floridian, or a great get-away. Home being sold partially furnished & offers split floor plan w/ vaulted ceilings. $58,500 UNDER CONTRACT HOMES ON ACREAGE UNIQUE, DESIRABLE AND SECLUD- EDI Less than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary. 14.5 acres in one of the fastest growing areas of Glades County. Surrounded by large acreage, this parcel has been cleared & fenced. This custom built home is spacious and very well kept. Over 3,400 sq.ft. split floor plan features ceramic tile, 3 large bedrooms, walk-in closets & 2.5 spacious baths. Island kitchen has walk-in pantry, breakfast area & is open to the large fam- ily room. Master bedroom & bath offer his and hers walk-in closets, garden tub, separate shower; dual sinks & access to the pool. Too many extras to mention. $1,475,000 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/- acres fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse stable. $490,000. 3.18 +/- ACRES W/COTTAGE STYLE HOME located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's most desir- able communities. Situated at the end of a cul de sac w/ peaceful & private setting. Cathedral ceilings, ceramic tile through- out, open floor plan & wrap around porch. $469,900 SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANUFA- CTURED HOME on 4.84 +/- acres com- pletely fenced, pond & mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large master bedroom/ bath, office/nursery, formal living room, family room & open kitchen w/ island. $325,000 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. This 4BR/2BA oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in liv- ing areas & many extras! $285,000 QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT! Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaucd. Immaculate home offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment package includes large screen television w/ stereo & surround sound, split floor plan, built in computer center, large mas- ter br & ba w/ garden tub and separate shower. Upgraded appliances, large open kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar & formal dining. $199,500 COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida-Style two story building fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 A OUAINT CRACKER-STYLE OFFICE on Park Avenue. Already set up for a busi- ness office- including phone lines, air con- ditioning, commercial grade carpeting and landscaping. Screened, front porch adds to its Florida charm. $399,900 BEST BUY! Affordable Business Zoned Property! This 2 Br / 1 Ba home is situat- ed on a high traffic road in the city.Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $195,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator Bait Pub has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run oVur orwn Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment cones fully furnished, completely equipped kitchen & offers a great start for any entrepreneur. $174,500 www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com "-,, eal Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis II I; i,4n nn C-p-lb~ ~s~_~---- C I -~-~L I~F -PCI i 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27,2006 2006 Hendry County qualified candidates I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I Snewszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. I L - - - - -- - Local releases a praise and worship CD Randy Partain is pleased to announce the release of a studio CD of original praise and worship music entitled "More than a Believ- er." A LaBelle native who grew up playing piano and accompanying the choir here at Carlson Memorial UMC, Randy now lives in Houston, Texas, but visited LaBelle again last summer to share his ministry. Featuring Randy on solo vocals and piano, the CD includes 11 pieces, many of which he shared then. Randy undertook this project, in part, due to the generous response of area churches during his visit lastyear. These CDs are perfect for any- one whose heart has been lifted by his music, and they make wonder- ful gifts for friends and family. This is a perfect opportunity to support his ministry and "take a piece" of him home to play in the car or dur- ing your personal prayer time. To own a copy of this local singer's CD, please call 675-4557 to order. Lucrecia A. Strickland, Super- visor of elections for Hendry County has released the following list of candidates running for office in Hendry County. Remem- ber, September 5 is the primary election. Early voting for the pri- mary election is August 21-Sep- tember 2. The general election is November 7. Early voting for the general election is October 23- November 4. There will be a non- partisan party so everybody can vote no matter what party you are. The election office is open Monday-Saturday from 8:30-5 p.m. If you are interested in work- ing the polls please call the elec- tions office at 675-5230 and talk to Nora Fagin. The following Offices qualify: County Commission District #2-Darrell R. Harris, LaBelle (Rep) County Commission District #4-Kevin McCarthy, Clewiston (Rep) School Board District #1- Richard A. "Rick" Murphy, Clewis- ton School Board District #3- Patrick B. Langford, LaBelle School Board District #5- Matthew A, Beatty, Clewiston; John Perry, Jr., Clewiston and Cynthia Luevano Potter, Clewis- ton County Judge-James D. Sloan, LaBelle Hendry Hospital Authority Dis- trict #2-Henry Spang, LaBelle Hendry Hospital Authority Dis- trict #3-C. Jack Neitzke, LaBelle Hendry Hospital Authority Dis- trict #4-Miller Couse, Clewiston Hendry Soil and Water Conser- vation District Seat #1-James Pat Howell, Immokalee Hendry Soil and Water Conser- vation District Seat #3-Ralph Bruce Hendry, Immokalee SHendry Soil and Water Conser- vation District Seat #5-John R. Paul, Jr., LaBelle Port LaBelle Community Development District Seat #1- Donald J. Munch, Jr., LaBelle; Suzette Reese, LaBelle Port LaBelle Community Development District Seat #3- Suzanne Gee, LaBelle; J. Michael Jordan, LaBelle Port LaBelle Community Development District Seat #5- Margaret R. Pass, LaBelle; Scott Wegscheid, LaBelle 863-385-9403 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers late :',- Thurs 9- 8 216 S. Main. Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 CHRIST SHE ING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1", 3" & 5" Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. M/tere earybody is Somebody- andesus is Lord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net PREVAT i Honest & CONSTRUCTION, INC Dependable Todd Prevatt P.O. Box 02 Palrdale FL 33944 Clearing is 238ing 34 Direct:16123873*40020 w, 'U#?03000062936 Fax: 863-675-0020 srrAli)I wwm Ills BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 a t Sw l.wIt cafnritzru iall3d appliwnce:s.on It )|&I Il' i jt j h ,1I HURRICANE SHUTTERS INc oi in Panels Accordions Rolldowns For FR=EE simate contact: Travis Burchard 863-673-0966 or 863-675-6238 C'imate Control stem 6. Inc. 675-3233 SIATE CEPIIFIED ClASS A CONIRACTOP CArCOObo:o FPL PARTCIPATING CONTRACTOR ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINuSS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENT 300 Davis St En la esquina de Bryan Ave. Domingo: Servicio 10:00 a.m. Studio Biblico 6:00 p.m. Martes: Servicio 7:30 p.m. Estudio Biblico y Clase de Ingles Pastor Ben Millican 863-674-0837 Iglesia: 673-0782 Ciro C,: 571-0377 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior Liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National II "Ii hi.-.. ,. Company y I 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33903 (239)334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS 5 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fa: 8B63/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald, Certified Estate Specialist lUs238 A 8171 PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 Osceola Concrete SServices LLC Colored Stamped Concrete Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exterior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair and Resealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH Fr. MYERS 1.866 226-9400 .it\ LMNAiL\N CART CLEANING TREE & LAWN MAINTAINENCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visil 1s on the web at www.alli i.20 m.cn Sc liable aspawl. INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." Randi's Garage, Inc. Your Local ACdcor Ca r Cre Cnter 863-675-1032 737 S.r, rii St. LaBelle, FL Just "i .h of Langford. Ford LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET Wholesale, flooring warehouse 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY 80 LABELLE, FL 863-675-8575 Largest In-Stock Selection ot Rpopo and Constructkon, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES 11r *l .nC-- - OFFICE: (863) 675-7045 / LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Cerfied & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENRY REGIONAL 500W.SuomueNHmwCLWISTO 863-983-9121 MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured iTN DH\YS OGE JEP I0W SWpgaraHawy,, NClewisto 8i3.983.4600' 1.888200.i103 Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 899 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC | | H01017,SP Licensed & hisured omCE (863) 675-8314 LABOR ^ FINDERS DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Suaitand K v c ross from ile;iston i ,l (863) 902-9494 IMMOKALEE FA MILY l02 aken i I 1 m lrmoka . \ppoi nune rts Are Necessary Please Call ': ... i-,--6363 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email belle @strato.net ***** LANGFORD /3 / r- 851 S. Main St LaBelle,FL ,. U (863) 675-1686 Yf aYi Spoken Heie! XTi~ ME CLEANS. INC. C':l'nSriijL"[ ,';l Coi-ninerc'.d Recs-iential 863 675-0810 239 344-6712 NEW i lc0\l: CCONS'i EL i"'HON p)863-612-0070 pg a-,alz-ooso f) 863-612-0080 825 E. CE A _. '. ,. Suite 108 S !_. l~ ii.. f, 3393 340 N. BRIDGE STREET 1. BTIE.I, FL 863-674-0003 lackson River Where Quality is Done in Style *r;(mIl: I4'U V; I k b^;r;{H fl | SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES -.ffSati'K ... ii ,, **,-- WEEDING -MOWING PLANTING Sod Rsplacemetnt & other IawnI Mkiwnance CALL (239) 357-2972 Lie. & Insured e-mail: casperimb4@yahoo.com --. "When you need a service, call a professional!" r eCall 863-675-2541 or e-mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! ~P9~1~(r 1 I I I I 1 =~~9~ L C ~- Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27, 2006 13 Duck hunting okayed at treatment locations I SAVE MONEY ON yOUR FAVORITE GROCERY ITEMS. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! Sn WSZUap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. --L---------------- The Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District has approved a resolution that will allow the extremely popu- lar duck hunting seasons to contin- ue at stormwater treatment areas STA 1 West in central Palm Beach County, STA 3/4 in western Palm Beach County and STA 5 in Hendry County. The resolution also increases the number of hunting permits available in the massive, 16,554-acre STA 3/4 north of the Palm Beach/Broward County line for the 2006-2007 seasonal hunts. These areas are also open to other passive recreational uses such as bird watching. The. STA managers and Land Stewardship Division of the South Florida Water Management District reviewed the impacts of the water- fowl hunts held in the STAs since 2004 and found no interference with the STA water cleansing oper- ations. STAs are large, constructed wetlands that contain aquatic plants that take up phosphorus from the water before it enters the Everglades. Too much phosphorus causes undesirable effects such as the uncontrolled growth of algae and invasive vegetation, which can be detrimental to the Everglades ecosystem. Over the last decade, 36,000 acres of treatment areas and improved farming practices combined have prevented 2,200 tons of phosphorus from entering the Everglades. Input from the STA managers, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and hunter user groups supported the idea of the limited hunts. Duck hunting in the STAs, gen- erally considered some of the finest in the nation, is managed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission, which issues free permits on a first-come first- served basis. As in the previous four years, restrictions and proce- dures will be in place to protect the District's facilities and ensure the continued operation of the STAs. "By establishing these areas as public small game hunting areas helps meet the District's mission to make all public lands available for the appropriate recreational uses without compromising legislative and District mandates to protect the resources," said Michael Collins, District Governing Board member and chairman of the Water Resources Advisory Com- mission, which made the hunting recommendation to the board. It is estimated that almost 4,000 people will be able to hunt in the STAs this year, representing 20 per- cent of the 20,000 licensed duck hunters in Florida. Com77n7unity) Lis. ., S Headlines ci:. :-,.i.-s -'m Local LIns Stories from Independent's An open forum n .hich A directory of websltes 7 newspapers in South issues cf the dof are tor location go ernment. Central Florida. PLUS debated sonmtimes teams organizations & S- -- searchable archives. .igorou.I, columnists. I : ,Post Your News Post foi- re0 e Classified Ads SPost or read press Post ,our perirnal The combined listings S. ..'-.releases, announcements messages on o open from Independents 7 ... &... :... i & information from your Bulletin Board for Florida newspapers, distributed Community. residents to 31 000 homes. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glode South Boy Clewiston Moore Haven Ortono Muse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof '4#e (W eg' Marine, Inc. (8631675-7711 F 18631 )5-706 LIC#HC355 SP and Insured Commercial & Residential StallCalls With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates. References & Service Call 863-675-3231 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Aloa and Downtown Fort Myers Che king C;ROUp The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net %l" ELL E Fill, lOOK-L't RV. SITES CI.(.BI 101SE REN'IAL AAILAME CAI.L FOR INFORMATION (863) 675-3641 Se HIabla Espaiol ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bames@alankellymortgage.com Expect something extra.:" 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week Cafoosa Shores Waterfront fHomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or mall cbelle@strato.net Mf *111 rv CUCINA DI CIELO STEAK, SEAFOOD & PASTA 700 W. LEELAND HEIGHTS BLVD. SUITE 103 LEHIGH ACRES, FL 239.369.8883 SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Habamos Espaiol fIPJ o dlr1m;~ : r'd owp PHOTO ONE IHOTOG~AFY AND VIDEO 571 Davis Street LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-mail: ]|nip.n llciliphom nI ea rthlink.net -OIZO ; * 2'New H-orizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mal: n ewhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a cal GRGO MINERS Lic Real Estate Broker outin cr l i 238N. Fi laBelle I 863-675-8868 wsut chsitIrsflntitariciygrotipcom AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. / f D" Cororprli Pe ..r.-.eenr *. Pc,,l-Cj.er; S: Gu.ler 5 p to 0 '.mirr rles-, ajnrnum (863)838-2477 1450 42nd St. Winter Haven, FL 33881 .Jie- L.,: -CPC 132630( BankofAmenrca SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle EDISON PLUMBING INC. fS^ I "uir'i i cl . NEW CONSTRUCTION SiMAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RElAIRS CALL (868) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824 875 Industrial Ct. LaBelle, FL cr142G660 nlRE rsTMAs INsue) COUNTRY HOMES & LWn REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentialFloridaLandSales.c .ri, 233 N. BRIDGE ST ONR t comNf 8 01 B Oa & S WAMHNarON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.ocakrecltyinc.com Property management Srentals sales CINDYL. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER pm; iU~I ISPENCER ..... R EA LTY Fran W. Spencer, Lic. Broker 437 SR80 W LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1203. (863) 673-5554 Web: wwwSpencerRcatyFL.com ii.14**4iitj (tj PALM HARBOR MODULAR, MOBILE & STILT HOMES CALL OUR FACTORY FOR FREE COLOR BROCHURE 800-622-2832 86 -675-1,2 -eleeat~c~ loridci U istat to, ROt)NEY MURRAY & SIETH HOW .\ K L) Lic. Real E.late Brokers 8 6 -!'6 l., FL 863-675-4550 RIVERSIDEE W-REA, ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718' www.laIhtncriwersidc.rom e mail: irttalcstate il Illerrvetid c,om Marilyn Stirs La- s 1 emid E al taat erocr ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net ~rwazs.lUTI ril Z HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (35 Years Experience) THE OPTICAL CENTER 10Cicted' in FAI_,LY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net fERTAQ6 LAND COS._' 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol DONNA KANE irH lr: s i _..r,., PAUL ROSER REALTORS 625-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER. BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 S Bankston Realty www.baukslourea hy. com Wanda Bankton SOwner Broker MWi4!-* pi) .14 AM "W hen: you need a service, call a professional!" I Call 863-675-2541 or mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! ~7Ps prr7 ~b~WB&t~i;dllllsB I I I I I I L I I I I R 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27, 2006 Toll Free Ma 1-877.353-2424 .pFI A, ABOLUUL EI fnr nnu norcnnnl items fnr cnle under $2 500 Announcements Merchandise Mobile Homes SllUlC-I Iit Ef 0 Iil I Employment | Agriculture Recreation Financial Rentals Automobiles Services Real Estate Public Noices EEEl al '.1'* III I al py II ulu If ll n IVI uI nlu c VLIV More Papers Mean More Readers! 4 Reach more readers when you run .. your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. o/ Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1 2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) S. Must include only one item and its price S'] (remember Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! DEDINES - t Announcements Imporn' nl Inli.rm .l,,:.' Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word "advertisement All ads accepted are subject to credit approval. All ads must conform- -to Independent Newspapers' style and are .'restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 GarageYard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 PITBULL, Black male, young, very friendly, vic. of Fernwood Lane, LaBelle. Call to identify. (863)612-5850 BLACK CURR PUP- 12 wks old, red collar, blk w/white markings, bob tail, 201bs, vic of North Felda (863)675-2151 or (239)290-5040 Reward BOSTON TERRIER, No tags, pink toe nails, female, 7/14, vic of 9 Mile Grade. Reward!! (863)763-9613 or 634-4524 JACK RUSSEL- (end of June) female 7 mos old, It brn /white, w/uncut tail, lost near Rainbow Circle, in Port La- Belle (863)673-4527 AMERICAN BULL DOG- 4 years old. Free To Good Home! (863)634-5729 CAT, Adult spayed female, .to good home without children. (863)675-4107 CAT, To good home, female short haired tortie calico. (863)484-0585 ELECTRIC. ORGAN- Looks like a Spinnet piano. Wanting to donate to a Church or Civic Group (863)467-2537 KITTENS- to good homes 3 half grown lovable kittens, all different (863)946-9133 MIXED PUPPY, Rescued male, will pay for neutering & rabies, needs fenced yard. (863)673-0274 after 6pm. LaBelle, 787 Nile Street Ft. Denaud Acres Sat., July 29, 7:30am to 1pm Children's & adult clothes (all sizes), shoes, sofa, fan& lots of miscellaneous. LABELLE- Fri & Sat, July 28th & 29th, 7am-6pm, 1020 Case Rd. ( Rain or Shine) Kitchen, entertainment, turn, tools, clothing, 27 yrs of accumulation .3. Ga1gI/ HELP WANTED SGrounds Keeper Assisl in making Ihe mainte- nanie operation more eheclive and more ehicient. -lMust have the ability to perform manual labor Must have a valid Florida driver's license. Custodian/Floor Technician Must be able to work anrat OO evenings, work independently, and have no crimi- IA I final background. A valid drivers license is re- II quired. and Construction, Inc. I I FREE ESTIMATES I Mechanic 1. Basic mechanic knowledge, experi- S" I FR P e I ence as an automotive service worker or Mechan- Poel B "an-s. ir -yl 201 P1 ic's helper preferred. i, O ice (863) 675-7045 Highway Maintenance Technician I. Maintains S .. ,,' '" I highways, municipal and rural roads, and rights- ; ,, -,..- ,'- if-vwys in safe condition.- Must-have a valid Flori- da Commercial' Driver's license, Class B or higher with air brake endorsement. PLACE YOUR AD HERE GIS Coordinator for the LaBelle office. Must have SS Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or university in computer science, geography, or re- lated field with considerable experience in the use S C.RPF. D I'PHOLSTERY C(I.ElNING of geographic information systems or 8yrs equiva- S. .. 1!, I .;' .I lent experience. C AL L D A 5 O R B A R B A T ... '' ... '"*".' '- ... .. " CAL DALE OR BARB AT. .. .. i Staff Assistant I. Must have good communication 863-675-2541 i HANDYMNlR AI NDIM.) n aIINTEFNAN(CF skills & basic computer knowledge. Bookkeeping FO M RE INFOR ATION ... knowledge is a plus. Must be independent and FOR MORE INFORMATION able to multitask. A High School Diploma or GED ..63) 6 "29" required. Electrical Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience CAR RENTAL Q] with a licensed contractor. SQ AL Y CONSTRUCTION, INC. Building Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience starting at QUALITY C NSTRUCTIN, INC. with a licensed contractor. .14 -.r. Code Enforcement Officer All candidates must be IR ---~ .. way House Padsa temolitio, computer literate, able to multi task, and become / "1 i .. I I,. .Ii )irt. i ,, ,- i1,,'k certified as a code enforcement officer within six -'l, II li,, i ck Ttree T,;,,,,i,._ & Ronm;, -.l months of hire. LaBelle, F -L Licrynsed & Insuir'c SB l '" FT OFFICE-' (st) 6i-. 7. Probation Officer Assistant Maintains and insures 51 S .iM ai S r .,. ,- ,d ,i,-ill ,.i T ,- I '378 the confidentiality of office files, correspondence, Reports and other pertinent documents along with T S PREVATT I, ..,. the authority to issue Affidavits for Warrants. H U N T CONSTRUCTION. INC .,. Muse have basic computer skills, a valid drivers li- i..,,'.: ,,, II cense, and have a High School Diploma or GED required. TREE SERVICE required. ^ A s rL ,' :i: S Tree Trimming I ... The positions are full time with medical benefits, ... T: retirement, sick and vacation leave. & Removal S* Stump Grinding These positions will be open until filled. Shaping & Topping "' Job description & applications can be obtained in 863-675- 3 -'.'2-,. the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Court- 8 6[67-0 40, I 2.', .4I house in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing as- sistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Commissioners HR depart- ment. Area Family Support Specialist (AFSS) needed to work in Rural Southwest Florida. It does take a ................. village, be part of ours. The AFSS will work in HOME MAKER i collaboration with community organizations Big Cypress & river an providingsocial services and empowerment Opportunities to low income rural families. Brighton We are looking for a minimum CDL Bachelor's Degree required. Bilingual i Reservations iB with Hazmat who is looking for (Spanish/English) preferred, but not required. Swith Hazma o IS ing r Must be able to work flexible hours. Have reliable Sa better opportunity. Our starting transportation. Experience planning and Perform house cleaning chores coordinating, home visiting, parent involvement, in clients homes. Removal of trash pay is a minimum of $12 + hour and community partnership initiatives. Strong from homes. Excellent communication and we guarantee a minimum of 45 written and verbal communication, public skills, good manual skills. High school speaking, and training skills. Other skills: flexible, diploma/GED. Salary competitive based hOurs per week, plus quarterly cash motivated, creative, critical thinker, energetic, and on experience. Exc. benefits (medical, bonuses. In addition, we offer a vsionaryt. Abit wokndep gently. Salary dental, 401K)Fax resume to: benefit package that includes Health Apply or send resume ATTN: (954)967-3477 Apply or send resume to ATTN: SCare, fully paid short and long term Gyla Wise DRIVER NEEDED CDL Class disability, life insurance and a 401 K R402. MainsStreet B drivers license required. DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE retirement program with matching Immokalee, FL 34142 Must have clean driving HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner t ti ti i record. Good benefits pack- operators, company drivers, employer contributions. Deadline: July 27, 2006 age. Drug Free Workplace. students, recent grads, re- Call (239)657-3168 and ask gional, dedicated, long haul. Cut out the long commutes and We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.We do for David Carreno or apply in Van, flatbed. Must be 21. personal: CRST Career Center. call this LaBelle company today. notdiscriminateonthebasisofrace,color,creed, United Agri Products (800)940-2778, www.drive- 800-330-1369 .sex, sexual orientation, age or national origin, 116 Jerome Dr. Immokalee, FL forcrst.com. 800-330-1369. religion, or disabilities. LaBelle, Sat., July 29th 8am-lpm 145 N. Missouri St., Corner of Oklahoma/Missouri. Knick-Knacks, Hallmark collectibles, New Avon, Clothing, Crafts supplies, **GOT A BUSINESS?** Dra- matically increase sales by accepting all major Credit and Debit cards. 0% Dis- count rates! Free start up! Free equipment upgrades! (800)568-9115. PokeRhythms...they can't fix stupid...but they can fix about everything else. Don't play without them? Get yours FREE for 7 days http://www.poke- rhythms.com. Change every- thing! AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. One Tuitibn fee! Many payment options! No Il .11 ,1 fee! (888)808-5947 info@ameri- casdrivingacademy.conm. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical *Business. *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Jus- tice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.onli- neTidewaterTech.com. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozeis, Backhoes, Loaders. Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators, National Certifi- cation, Job Place ent Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipment- school.com. CLUBHOUSE RENTALS For Weddings, Parties. Banquets & Quinceaneras Call 863-675-3641 Se Habia Espanol Is Stress Ruining Youi Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 A COOL TRAVEL Job. Now hir- ing (18-24 positions). Guys/Gals to work and travel entire USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging fur- nished. Call today, Start to- day. (877)646-5050. Builders Choice Supply Looking for a yard man with forklift knowledge, bilingual a plus. 863-674-9900 --COUNTRY CORNER - Under New Management Seeks the following positions: Cashiers & Clerks Needed Full Time & Part Time Call 863-675-4554 COURT RECORDS CONTRAC- TOR NEEDED! Must have knowledge of Criminal, Civil, Liens, UCC's Real Estate records at the court. Fax & PC Required. Fax Resumes to. (866)322-8246 Attn: Mi- chelle. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. DETENTION OFFICER: Phoe- nix, Arizona. Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. $14.99/hr. Excellent benefits. No experience necessary. Contact (602)307-5245 (8/7)352-6276, or www.mcso.org. 400 vacan- cies including civilian posi- tions. Driver- $1000 Sign on Bonus for Experienced Flatbed Driv- ers. Home Week- ends-$950+/Week. Great Benefits & Equipment. Stu- dents w/CDL-A Welcome. Call PGT: (800)837-7748. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR: Needed Full Time in Moore Haven area. Call (941)809-6301 VL ne Ads:; Mo~.c 11 ~ VISA VISA U~a Place-Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE Signs and inventory Sheets!l Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 I nalnosa Belle. Thursday. July 27. 2006 Employmiit Ful im I101 IE i pomh Ful imI105 IEmplymen Full Tim The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and advancement are encouraged to apply TODAY $9.00 plus tips $9.50 per hour $5.50 plus tips $9.50 per hour $8.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $10.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $28.00 avg. w/grats $8.00 per hour $9.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $21.00 avg. w/tips $12.50 per hour $10.00 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst TAD Floor Supervisor Benefits available for all employees , www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL r .4- I I 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace IM LEE 'I SUGAR CORPORATION Railroad Switchman - September thru April $17.28 per Hour plus Benefits Eight Openings US Sugar is seeking Railroad Switchman for their Clewiston location. Training is provided. Previous railroad experience is helpful but not necessary. Candidates must pass the Trades Operator Selection Test (TOST) to become qualified for employment. Responsibilities * Perform lifting; bending, climbing and ability to dismount moving railroad equipment. * Check switch points for proper alignment and throw switches properly. * Maintain writtendocumentation pertaining to the job. SMaintain clear communication using hand signals, radio and lantern. * Proper operation of hand brakes Ability to couple and uncouple equipment. SPerform mathematical calculations pertaining to the job. * Work in changing outdoor/indoor environments. * Work a shift schedule and overtime as necessary. Training Period Candidates will have a six-week training period that pays $14.28 per hour. Those that successfully complete the training continue their employment at $17.28 per hour. ABOUT US SUGAR CORPORATION United States Sugar Corporation is one of America's largest diversified, privately held agribusiness firms. We are employee owned and have world class benefits. The Company is headquartered on the southern shore of Florida's Lake. Okeechobee between Fort Myers and West Palm. For Immediate consideration please Email Jdooley@ussugar.com FAX 863-902-3168 US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. CoMANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and L(fe Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation S1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 REDLANDS CHRISTIAN MIGRANT ASSOCIATION The Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) is a unique, well established, non-profit organization that provides quality child care and education for migrant and rural low income children in 20 counties within the State of Florida. Please learn more about us at www.rcma.org. RCMA seeks highly motivated, caring and compassionate individuals who possess a BA in Early Childhood Education, Special Education or Nursing with an emphasis in pediatrics and child development, or a related field to be responsible for a full range of education and health services for infant/toddler and preschool children. Bilingual in English/Spanish a plus, but not necessary. RCMA offers an excellent benefit package that usually surpasses other child care institutions. Competitive pay range between $13.00 up to $19.50 an hour depending on experience. Send resume to: Marisol Herrera and/or Lynn Bowen at the LaBelle Area Office 551 Cowboy Way LaBelle, FL 33975 Or email your resume to lynnb@rcma.org. Deadline: July 31, 2006 Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Experienced Grove Laborers/Tractor Operators. Duties include all aspects of grove/farm labor and op- eration of various farm equipment. Full Time, year round employment. Paid holidays and vacation. Must speak some English and have own transporta- tion. Bi-Lingual a plus. Ap- ply at Tri-Britton, Inc. grove site located on County Road 832 (Keri Road) in Hendry County or call 239-860-9085 M-F, 9:00AM to 5:00PM. FARM MECHANIC Needed for vegetable and sugar cane operation in Belle Glade area. Pay based on experience plus good benefits. For more information call .(561)261-1010 Position: Full-time Day Manager S Duties: Cleaning, managing pool, .supervision of adults & children, fee collection, responsible to board (3 month probationary penod) Salary: Contract Labor (Wages, without benefits) Contact: Louis Lillard Secretary Treasurer 675-1501 or 234-1636 Starting: Immediately HIRING FENCE INSTALLERS Pay based on exp. Must have drivers license. (863)673-2872 INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out Howl Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code P5799. LOADER OPERATOR Now being hired at Ortona Sand Company Call (863)67.5-1454 MECHANICS: Up to $20,000 bonus, Keep the Army Na- tional Guard Rolling, Fix Humvees, Strykers, etc. Ex- pand your skills through ca- reer training. Be a soldier. 1-800-GO-GUARD.com/me- chanlc.html. Need person on Mobile Home setup crew. Must have good transportation. Call 863-675-4300.or please leave message. NEED TO WORK? Alpply @ White's Furniture & Appliance. Looking for individual that's ready to work. (863)675-0717 OFFICE WORKER Busy greenhouse business in Felda needs one person for general office work. General knowledge of a computer is necessary. Applicants must be available for some weekend work. Call 863-675-1394 for more information. SPECTACULAR OPPORTU- NITY. Looking for a great op- portunity to augment your income at your own pace? We are an established im- porter & manufacturer of Displays, Boxes & Accesso- ries seeking salespersons with experience in the jewel- ry trade. Carry our line exclu- sively or complement your present merchandise. Work full or part time it's up to you. We provide exceptional commissions and flexible employment throughout the U.S. fax: (514)341-6513 or email: universalpack- age@bellnet.ca. Empoyen FullTim -Fie II~n 'gS^- HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER h%- -l& Iadu EueCUn*l B..As IPNlon (~T.lTfPerdlim) FL LPN Lic. & IV Certi. Willing to work flexible schedule. Full lme ER RNIStalSupervsor vnihd FL..: Min I y- e.p. ACL, -ALL ..&Q. Perdiem RN Nn"in ] S fpovtor fil. FN I.: ; + 5rs d. Cil e M, Bi t j'c*i RL tIli/Part Ume/Al Home TRANNMRIPTONIST S.:. ,.ie iIi i hi xi piun, Lki l e i-iiTniTh,' ,I1 L he h.i I ur.,. .1 .T. ulpIpe i.lict .re '. ,'ii Mu.i I I r.u Per Diem CJ.A Monim Te AIl u I n i:. i jl1d C N C ,,'. s.ij m .Chi:.ir"vi r nhl h T i ',:.:.:-idl ,:-i- S:..T.. ..,:.llrh .irl i.'l,:' pl, [ -.,':ad l ,ili IL, P ,l _.:, il lUS',l[ll 1C S ,Ti,',I- Iu, .1j1r ,l iLJ il, ] i,'j, "in ,I' M ut r.: ,mjil h..,,-: CIL Full me-LPN or C.MA M 1 : r f' 1 C UR 1 1 ,: 3 ,: I.j l I 1 ,- Full aum RN Nurse Manager Spcial Care (ER. ICU) .- ', 0 i l6 p 'e [ i iSA. *, l a ] i ir ,, h r r T ,: , Full time RegLstred Nurse riiu:l p %_;. j -3 1 Iil';:L ll ,- A ,l, Jl 3 I I l ,'I' ,: ,i ,rj3 s-l er, e.ilre Full ume Respiratory Therapist CP T i1i ;'T ,'iei','J ,'lh ,Trn 1 1Iea: c,.p ,' )duli jrd e':al pF.ii,'il U, 6LS i.'n CL a' ii-:.. Full lme- Medical Technologst r.u:l ,-I.'.'.~ i .jil.j fL N l lia:jl TLChl,-I,,I ,: I L:'.-'- Part ume- PharmocT Tech !'!l ., I 1 'I' t" lll ': l'-p lr L1'5:/'C'1'1r<-J L ur, ,TIA h biclk. ground, is req. Per dem- Laboratory Assistant Previous exp. in Phlebotomy is required Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EEOE Emlymn Ei Ily et I' CALOOSA BELLE is looking for an Part time time with somewhat flexible hours The' ideal candidate will be self-motivated with an outgoing personality, more than average computer skills, bilingual a plus, understanding of digital photog- raphy and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers a unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered.- S \ e-mail resume to: jkasten@strutao.net DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E. Sugarand Hwy. Acroa from Clewiston In) (863) 902-9494 r---- -- --- -- S One All-Around Helper to help maintain shop and help with various types of agricultural work. This I position will include keeping I shop straight and neat, I I filling in where needed in all grove/ranch activities. Must speak some English Iand have own transporta- I tion. Bi-Lingual a plus. Full time, year round I employment with paid holidays and vacation. I Applyat Tri-Britton, Inc I grove site located I on County Road 832 S (KeriRd,)InHendry County or call 239-860-9085 S 9:00AM to5:00PM, I 1 -- --- -J 0/0 Driver The F/S Is higher herel Zero down lease/low payments, $1,11 Avg. $2,000 Productivity Bonus $2,600 Referral Bonus. Base Plate provided. FFE (800)569-9298. Person needed to feed farm animals, camper to live In & small salary offered. Must love animals. (863)675-0247 TIRE MAN & GENERAL HELP LaBelle Area (863)674-1011 (941)812-1202 TRUCK DRIVER Company located in Immok- alee seeking truck drivers to transport produce in company provided trucks. All trips are no further North than Ormond Beach and include deliveries up and down both the East and West Coasts and there are no out-of-state trips. Make between $45,000 - $50,000 a year! Benefits include Medical, Dental, Life, Vision,flexible work schedule and paid vaca- tion time. Candidates must have a clean driving record and valid CDL Class A FL drivers license. To apply, complete an application @ 807 E Main St., Immokalee or call Human Resources @239-657-4421. WELDER Looking for experi- enced welder. Must be able to TIG & MIG Aluminum. Call 863-674-1405 We're raising pay for Florida Regional drivers! Home eve- ry weekend! Home during the week! Solid weekly miles! 95% no touch! Pre- planned freight! $.43 per mile HEARTLAND EXPRESS (800)441-4953 www.heart- landexpress.com. WILSON MILLER Has openings for Instru- ment person positions in our LaBelle office. Experi- enced or on the job train- ing in surveying. Must like the out doors. Please contact Karen at 239-263-6464 X 7010 or fax resume to 239-263-6445. EOE/DFWP MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH SPECIALISTS Part-time, To deliver Girl Scout program needed In Lee and Collier counties, Work afternoons starting around 2pm with occa- sional nights and week- ends, up to 19 hours a week. $10.00/HR plus mileage, Bilingual a plus. Send resume to Barbara, 12651 Girl Scout Lane, Fort Myers 33913; Fax: 239-561-1906/email: barbarav@gsqcf.orq or call 239-561-1800. Drug free workplace. EOE SERVICE CENTER TRAINEE P/T F/T Bi Lingual preferred. For Wireless Store in LaBelle Call 863-673-8862 Love Books? Need profession- al for sales opportunity. Home office required. www.selltoschools.com Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! Earn $367.97 per day with our own business. No B.S. o boss. Just partners. Free training, www.wahdream- team.com Bartender Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Count Team Member Dining Room Hostess Dining Room Server Human Resource Clerk Players Club Representative Poker Dealer Prep Cook Public Space Attendant Security Officer TAD Customer Service Rep. TAD Machine Technician Vault Cashier SALiVIlAEV DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. How fast can your car go? It can go even faster when you sell it In the classifleds. DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board,Bus Driver. Contact the Transportation Dept. at 863-674-4115 or Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.k12.fl.us HANDYMAN All 'ervri,': ornl el :lijNl1iinji pressure washing. 25 years experience. 863)674-0808 or 239)872-7706 or (813)436-1246 GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs (863)675-1166 863)673-6388 kei N-OW tihanth rs [-r. , (86) 157-370 Do you make 9K-14K per week? I do and have proof of it! A financial Miracle, need computer & small invest- ment. Learn More: (888)792-5098, www.ez- wealthplan.com. LOCAL VENDING ROUTE: Snack & Soda, Full-Line, All Brands. Great equipment & support. Financing available w/$6K down. Tom: 954)971 -9301, 0#2002-037. NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to.be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advisethat before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Belter Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous . complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance loll costs. We will do our best io alerl our reader olt hese charges in the ads. but occasionally we may not be aware ol the charges. Therefore. if you call a number out of your area, use caution. 5.2% Guaranteed '5 i.3r; li: TAXES P.:AEDI SAFE (API. TAL EFOuP 80i?69-2'i j Services Babysitting 405 Chid Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 AFFORDABLE CLEANING Ornice r Hoinm LC'a prri Availible lor wii.ekenrd i863J. ,3-kf,2 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TUTOR Tulonni in wirWil., ..(l, Power Point, Access, in your home Will design spread sheets etc upon request. Call Lynne at (863)675-7049 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, tutoring. Win.95, 98, 2000. ME, XR licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 I. I BB DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. (8am-6pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS Copper & Brass. Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760,257-0879 Higgin's Tree Service 25 years experience. Free estimates. Lic. & insured. Call 863-675-3955. Earn -some extra cash. Sell your used items in the classified Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines 535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/'Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China. Glassware. Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment' Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies,' Equipment 665 Pet'SSupplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 A/C WINDOW/WALL UNIT, tHotpoint 8,000 btu w/energy saver, loW' hours. $125(863)357-8788 AIR CONDITIONER '05 York 3.5 ton package unit w/ heat, new in box. $1750 (954)309-8659 GAS RANGE- Sun Fire'Restau- rant, 6 burners, w/griddle, good condition, $650 -(863)467-4565 OVEN- 2 in 1, microwave/con- vection, brand new $100 (863)467-7017 REFRIGERATOR- With ice maker, Good condition. $100. (239)826-5226 STOVE TOP RANGE- GE, never used, paid $229 asking $75 (863)675-0104 WASHERS & DRYERS $95 & up, Up to 1 yr'warranty REFRIGERATORS & STOVES (239)694-0778 WHIRLPOOL WASHER & DRYER Excellent condition. $350 or best 'offer (863)697-6618 JUICER- Oster Juice & Vege- table extractor/juicer. Paid $300 asing $60, like new (863)675-0104 BICYCLES, (3), 26", 2 wom- en's, 1 multi speed, 1 single, 1 men's, 2 spd., $75 neg. will sell sep. (863)635-0772 Arch Steel Buildings, Hurri- cane Rated! FEMA grade. Widths of 25, 30, 40 & 50. Garage/Workshop/Storage. SteelMaster Buildings, fac- tory direct! Call (80700)341-7007. www.Steel- MasterUSA.com . ELITE COMPOSED ROOFING PANELS- New, 4'W x38"L, 3" insulation, $2000 for all will sell sep (863)763-5011 METAL DOORS-.2, Jenweld & 1 fiberglass garage door. Ex- cellent condition. $205. Will separate.(863)763-1377 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- Ser. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. PAINT- (8) 5 gal containers, SDifferent colors, interior La- tex, $525 for all will sell sep- arate (863)697-2032 SLIDING GLASS DOORS, Used, 60x80 w/frame, good condition. $100 (863)983-7625 after 6pm CAROUSEL HORSE- Appox. 30 yrs old. Designed by art- ist. $300. (863)234-9747 D.OLL HOUSE- '1974, Wil- liamsburg, 3 story, Accesso- ries included. $500. (863)234-9747 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Log Cabin Quilts The log cabin pattern has been a favorite with quil- ters since the mid-1800s. This "quilt-as-you-sew" technique allows you to quilt the blocks while you assemble them. A 44-page, full-color guidebdok, which includes step-by-step instructions and diagrams, shows how to create completed quilts, not just quilt tops. The guidebook also covers such subjects as selecting and preparilig fabrics, using a rotary cutter and more. Log Cabin Quilts (No. AN4126)... $8.95 Also available: Log Cabin Flower Quilts (No. AN4167) ... $9.95 Please add $4.00 s&h To order, circle item(s), clip & send w/.check to: Please be sure to include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD craftbook.com Money Back Guarantee ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Approx. 44 yrs. old. Rare items. $600 all or best offer.. 863-824-3358 FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS (3-400)- Racing & Comic. late 8s early 90s Exc. cond. $400 orbest offer!! 863-763-8943 PRECIOUS MOMENTS Collection, 16 pieces, some oldies, not in boxes. $200 or will sell sep. 863-265-0353 COMPUTER- Dell Dimension 4700, P4, 530 (3.0GHZ) 512MB/80GB, complete pkg $500 (863)467-5877 SCANNER- UMAX Astra 1220S, All hardware. Extra software, Win. 98, $25. (863)675 4970 Lv. msg. COMFORTERS- for twin or queen beds, variety of colors & designs, $75 for all or will sell sep (863)467-8723 BUNK BED SET- solid wood, Loft, like new, 5 dr dresser, 3 dr desk, $350 (305)333-1389 Clewiston CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, 2 pc. w/5 shelves. Hand Made. Must see! $5.00 (863)763-8943 COFFEE & END TABLE, Matching, brown iron frames w/glass tops. Very expensive. $250 (863)532-0079.0kee COMPUTER TABLE wood, large, lots of storage. Good cond. $30. (863)697-6618 COUCH Dk. Purple, exc. cond. $100. 239-826-0399 DINING RM SET, Table, 6 hairs, China cabinet. Excel- lent condition. $500. (863)357-1867 DINING TABLE custom made w/glass top, nice cond. Cost' $1150 new, sacrifice for $150. (561)633-1371. DINING TABLE- glass top, pedestal base, 4 upholstered chairs $65 (863)357-3639 GIRLS BEDROOM SET, Desk, dresser, armoire, mirror, twin head & foot board. $400 (239)691-6368 Ft Myers HEAD BOARD, King size, dark wood. $50(863)357-1929 SECTIONAL- black, with 2 re- cliners, great condition, sell for $400. Moving must sell S(863)697-8881 SMALL TABLE- good for sew machine, wooden, w/ 3 side Drawers $75 (863)824-8749 SOFA, LOVESEAT & CHAIR- dark multi colored, like new, $550 (863)824-8749 SOFAS, (2), Lane, leather, w/end recliners, snack tray & storage drawer, burgundy, $800 (863)467-1897 UTILITY CART- drop leaf, tile top. with 2 stools, $75 (863)467-7017 ------ -----I --~~---~~I-----~ I Y ~1IIIII It I---- --~ _ 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 27, 2006 COLT 38, Special 4" police positive, Blued Stag Horn grips. $300 or trade. (772)461-8822 RIFLE AMMO- Win. 30 30 Win, 20 md box, $7. Pioneer Area. Ask 4 Ross (863)983-8661. SAVAGE: Model 110, 7 mm Magnum Rifle w/Redfield 4x12 scope. Both in perfect cond. w/case. $475 (863)697-3175 LIFT CHAIR- Good condition. $350. (863)801-4949 MEDICAL SCOOTER- Electric, Charger & spare tire. Cost $2500. Asking $150. (863)234-1700 MOBILITY CHAIR- Jazzy, ex- cellent condition, $750 neg. (863)675-6630 LaBelle WHEELCHAIR- Padded with extra seat cushion. Excellent condition. $125. (863)357-8788 AVON, 58 older pcs., mostly full, most all in boxes, $50 for all. (863)357-6113 Buck- head Ridge Area.. CELL PHONE- Nokia #3595. car & home chargers, headset & user guide. Exc cond, $30. (863)763-6342 GATSBY WHIRLPOOL TUB - Rectangular, seats 4. Kept in- side, great condition; W/Cover. $2000. (863)843-0913 GLASS DISPLAY CASES- (4) with light, L48" x H36" x D24", $100 for all will sell sep. (863)675-6061 PROPANE TANKS, (2), 100 Ib. $50 will sell separately. (863)357-21130655 ODE BANJO- made by Gretch, $1400 (239)657-4581 . ORGAN- Yamaha with stand. $25. (863)357-1929 BANTAM CHICKENS Old English. (5) $25 for all, will sell separate. 863-763-4638 BIRD CAGE, large, heavy duty, 80"hx42"wx30"d, $800. (863)763-3451 CHIHUAHUA, white/tan, male, 2 mos. old; black/tan female, 8 mos. old, taking deposits. (863)675-3729 (days).Barb CHOW CHOW PUPPIES, 3 available, parents on premis- es, full blooded, 1st shots, $150(863)467-8206 DOG CRATE, 30"W, 32"H, 48"L. "GREAT CRATER #6000. Like new. $75 4863)675-0627 JACK RUSSEL- female, lyr old, all shots, spayed, needs room to run, $75 (863)697-8731 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER PUPS, AKC, 2 left, 1 male, 1 female. $350ea 863-634-4076 KENNEL, American Kennel, 5'x10', paid $280, asking $150 or best offer. (863)357-1560 MIN-SCHNAUZER, Salt-Pep- per male, AKC reg., Health papers included. $500. (863)763-4052 or 634-8691 Oceanic Aquarium, 200 gal- lon, w/8 filtration systems, oak base cabinet w/6 doors, $1200. (239)410-3784 RING NECK DOVES, normal color, $60 will sell separate- ly. (863)675-3729 TURKEYS, GUINEAS, DUCKS, DOVES, PIGEONS, GOATS, POT BELLY PIGS & RABBITS (863)675-4981 YORKIPOO PUPS Awesome babies! $350. 863-357-0037 Okeechobee MOULTRIE FEEDER- Electric, 30-40 gal. Good condition. $40. (863)763-1377 HOME THEATER, RCA, 500 watts, 6 speakers, DVD player, FM radio. $90 (863)484-0110 SUB WOOFER 15" MA Audio, holds 900 watts, in sealed box. New, $140. 863-634-6476 SURROUND SYSTEM- Pana- sonic, 5 spkrs, subwoofer, exc sound & quality $300 neg (863)697-9075 COMPRESSOR- 80 Gal, Shp 220. Airco welder AC/DC heli- welder. Parts Washer, Heavy duty. $500. (863)357-3981 CRAFTSMAN COMPRESSOR 2hp, 20 gal, twin cyl,, hose, portable, 150psi. $75.00 863-697-2033 CUTTING TORCH acetylene outfit, w/cart, $300. (561)633-1371. GENERATOR: TITAN 8500, Brand new. Electric start w/keys. $25-00. (863)675-4079 LaBelle. GENERATOR: TITAN; Brand new. Never used. Value $4350 Now $2000.'(863)675-4079 LaBelle. VCR- Sharp, 2yrs old, 35 mo- vies, 1 XXX & several blank tapes $150 or trade for pistol (772)461-8822 LOOKING FOR FCB STOCK, Florida Community Bank. (239)229-8784 " NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins'& paper money 239-693-4891 WANTED: FL ART .A.E. Backus, J. Hutchinson H. Newton, G. Buckner, E. Buckner, L. Roberts, A. Hair, R A. McClendon, S. Newton, BIG $$ (772)562-5567, Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 APHA YEARLINGS, variety of colors & prices, up to date on all shots. (863)467-8180 or (863)634-1111 APPENDIX MARE, 7 years, 16 hands, Easy Jet blood lines, $1600 or best offer. (772)519-2292 Buckskin/White Paint, w/pa- pers, 9 yrs. old, good on trails, loves people & very willing, good ground man- ners, loving home req'd, $3500. (561)795-8774 sdkandy@bellsouth.net CANADIAN TIMOTHY HAY, $10 per bale. (239)470-3113 rwre Traer On Line Ad Service Buy Sel Trade Horses, Tack, Etc. 863-416-1304 na ucrrbctutb-rnore-olrtder corn mv r.,ng rr..: aC,. ie. Lake Okeechobee Area QUARTER HORSE MARE- 6yrs old. bred to blk & w r p.ni : .y gentle, i. 0i 0 (239)340-8503 ROPING SADDLE- new, $550 (863)674-1355 R.R. APPALOOSA, Gelding, 6 years. $1200 or best offer. (863)763-2379 SHOW SADDLES, (2), brand new, black, $1000 will sell separately.. (239)465-1393 ARIENS ZERO TURN, 2" w.ul Good condition. Garage kept. $850. (863)447-2130 OMC BOBCAT with bucket & forks, fair cond., runs good, -$4000 or best offer. (863)697-3400 RIDING MOWER- MTD, 42" cut, 16hp, auto shift, $400 (863)697-2032 RIDING MOWER, Snapper, 12 HP, 30'i cut. $500. (863)517-2077 Labelle TORO YARD TRACTOR, 12.5 hp, with attachments, $250 orbestoffer. (239)210-1608 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues.11am.763-3127 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos,' Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 DUPLEX, Kit., W/D 2br, Iba, Carport, New tile, shed. You pay until. $850. + 1st, last & Sec. req. (863)675-8574 For Rent: 2/2 & 2/1, w/laundry. room, in town, $750 mo. Call Home & Ranch Real Es- tate. (863)612-000 LaBelle. 1BR on River Front. VWi'v p vih'ji lurriil'ih-,l uhhhl : 2nuh B D ,r OOlMri '.00 i(,nlr,. I yi le 'i.,- + '.,, Ui-rI 12 BAT H.; .LABELLE, 2BR/1BA, $695/mo. 1st, last & security required. (863)673-0662 LeBelle, Efficiency 1 BR, Wa- ter included in rent. $500 mo. + 1st & last mo. (863)675-4847. Industrial For Rent 1080 Commerce Dr. Labelle 750 sf Office, 4000 sf Ware- house, 2500 sf Fenced yard. $2975. mo. 239-822-5955 BRAND NEW HOME: Never Before Occupied.3 BR, 2 Ba., 2 Car Garage. Avail Aug. 1st. $1200 mo. + sec. & ref's. (305)971-, t 1ii i ly- liT,,:_ management@hotmail.com MONTURA New Home 3 Bdrm., 2 Bath. $850. mo. + Sec Dep., 1st & Last mo. rent. (863)675-6129 PORT LABELLE, 2BR/1.5BA, 1 car garage. $700/mo. plus 1st, last & sec. (863)674-4746 after 6pm. PORT LABELLE- 2BR/2BA, W/D, Cent.air/heat, scrporch, quiet area. $1200/mo. incl. cbl/wtr. F/L/S. 863-673-3569 LaBelle- 5 Acres- corner lot, Crescent Ave.SW & Fay St. (305)812-2008 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New lg. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, each unit alarmed, area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV & trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr.,' LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. 8'x10' $53.505mo. incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. Real Estate Business Places - Sale 10)5' Commercial Property Sale lilOn Condos.' Townhouses Sale 1015 Farms Sale 10?ii Houses Sale 1075 Hunting Property 1:i.02 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 11:140 Lots Sale 1045 Oper; H4ouse 1:I05.1' t.O Suat Property Sale 105':. Property Inspection I u60 Real Estate Wanted 1i:65 Resort Property - Sale 107U Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 10t8i) BRAND NEW IN OKEECHOBEE DIRECT FROM BUILDER- 2 to choose from, 3br,2ba, on large lot, end of quiet cul-de- sac, designed by famous Palm Beach Architect, tile throughout, all amenities, $205,000 (561)718-2822 or cpbirdie@adelphia.net CLEWISTON IN LADECA ACRES: 3 Bdrm. House on 5 Acres w/Shop & Pond. $200,000. (863)302-4359 Duplex: 2 Bedroom, 2 Ba w/den. 2 Car Garage. 129131 Pine Ln. in Lehigh Acres. $329,000. (239)633-3285 Fot If/e '-"' lf/-ar Immokalee, 5BR/3BA, on 2 acre, fenced yard, 2 driveways, swimming pool with new cage & filter, new jacuzzi, mother in law apartment, new roof, air ducts, ceiling fans (inside & outside) & new toilets & much more. $400,000 (239)470-3330 LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top Area $212K or Annual Lease $1800 mo. 561-441-2800 ONE FAMILY HOUSE, 3 BR, 2 BA w/2 car garage. 2911 23rd St. West in Lehigh Acres.. $265,000. (239)633-3285 PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. Near School. Price to sell. $179,500. or Annual Lease . $1900. Owner 863-673-5071 cshdz_04@earthlink.net PRICED TO SELL -2005 3/2 home in nice area. 1 car gar. $1.84,900. Below market! 239-210-1608 By Owner, 20+ acres in Muse on Fernwood Lane, $25k per acre. Call for details (863)61-2-0010 CLEWISTON: 1.93 Acres on Flag Hole Rd. i"l Tin Bia ire All iiTi rprivemi'r ii 8 w,:V ,:,rip r 0 IF t f Private Road Frontage. $149,500. (561)993-5886 MONTURA RANCH ESTATE 1 "., p: HiyhS Dri) 412 Bald Cypress Ave. 15511 i,-, '",hI)'+9 i-5886 MONTURA RANCH Vacant Land, 1.25 acres. Great for investment. For more infor- mation. (786)457-2055 VENUS, FL- 5 acres, borders SPreserve by Fish eating creek, '*u i:01il, $160K, S(8.63)699-6925 or jdwright55@hotmail.com Beautiful Subdivision com- plete with city utilities, $49,900 each. Call Sally' Gartner, Century 21 Prestige. (239)349-0104. sallygartner@earthlink.net Port LaBelle, Owner financing with 10% down. $44,900. 863-599-1439 or 863-983-9627 BEAUTIFUL N. i:ARf.LIlA. ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION. MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES W/ SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES, .CABINS, CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountainrealty.com (800)841-5868. BILLION DOLLAR VISTAS. WITH COOL MOUNTAIN BREEZES HIGH ATOP THE :.Miui- IE'. BETWEEr PF.E. I. T 1 I I LI S: HI G H - LANDS/FRANKLIN/DILLARD. EXCLUSIVE. PRIVATE. SE- ' CLUDED, 'lEW Hij1M:,E.ITES FROM $175,000 (800)679-7976 www.high- landspass.com. COASTAL NORTH CAROLINA Waterfront Community. The Preserve at River Sea. Devel- oper Closeouts. From $129,900. nii da-iii : I j- tion. Far below market value. 18 month no payment plan. (866)213-6315. Broker, 'Neighborhood Properties, LLC. East Tennessee- Norris Lake 5.6 acre.wooded LAKE- FRONT lot- $66,500 5.1 acre wooded VIEW lot- $28,900 Call Lakeside Realty @ (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. Gated community 2 hours from Atlanta & the Coast. 1/2 to 3 acre parcels from the $40's. Incredible sunsets & summer breezes! Private lo-- cation, amenities. Call (866)882-1107. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. KY LAKEFRONT ACREAGE Private, gated, lakefront community. Waterfront par- cels with generous 120' Frontage from the $70's. Spacious off water parcels from the $30's. Exceptional planned amenities. Owner (866)462-8198. KY /TN LAKE OVERVIEW PAR- CEL 2.16 acre high ground parcel offers some of the best views up and down Lake Barkley. 90 min to Nashville. Very close to Land Between the Lakes rec. area. $62,000. (866)339-4966. LAKE LAND SALE! 5.5 Acres, Subdivideable With Boat Slip. Only $29,900! Direct Access to 33,000-acre mountain lake in Tennessee. Available 8/26! (800)770-9311, ext.830. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? In- vest in rural acreage throughout America; coastal, mountain, waterfront proper- ties, 20 to 200 acres. For FREE Special Land Reports: www.landbuyers- guide.com/fl. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Hornes & Mountain Cabins, Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REAL- Y MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www.exitmurphy.com. NC MOUNTAIN ACREAGE Near Asheville, NC. 1 to 8 acre parcels. Gated commu- nity with amenities. 4+ miles of riverfront! Just 5 minutes to town of Hot Springs. Phase II opens Fall 06. (866)292-5762. NEW LOG HOME PACKAGE! 6 Acres with Boat Slip Only $89,900! Direct access to 33,000 acre mountain lake in Tennessee: Available 8/26! (800)770-9311, Ext.835. New, Pre-Construction Golf Community-Coastal Georgia. Large lots w/deepwater, marsh, golf, nature views. Gated, Golf, Fitness Center, Tennis, Trails. Oak Park, Docks. $70k's- $300k (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspoint.com. TN 50 MILE VIEW PARCEL 3 acres with incredible bluff views! Central to Chattanoo- ga & Nashville. Mature hard- woods. Close to state park, 15 area golf courses. Gated, clubhouse, fitness center, nature trails. $189,900. Call (866)292-5769. VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on very large pris- tine creek, .very private, ex- cellent fishing, canoeing, good access, near New Riv- er Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountainsofVA.com. -AFFORDABLE- RIVERFRONT HOME 365k 9e 23.82 .58, Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 SCREEN ROOM 9'X30' with A/C, alum. pans, insulated roof panels, vinyl windows. $600.863-697-2434 DOUBLEWIDE, 3BR/2BA on 2 1/2 acres, no pets, $900 mo. (863)674-0677 LaBelle, DOUBLE WIDE 3br, 2ba, $225 wkly. + $500.. Sec dep. Call 863-675-3665 Single Wide.Also Available MOBILE HOME FOR RENT LaBelle 1 Bdrm,.1 Ba., Private location. $450 mo. + $200 sec.dep. (239)226-1219 MUSE, 3B1drm.,1/2Ba., Big yard. $900 deposit, $125 wk. No dogs. (863)675-1614 PIONEER, 2ba, iba, No pets, Non smoking envi. Small yard $600/mo, 1st, last & sec. 863-983-5520 Leave msg. AQUA ISLES ADULT M/H Park Spacious 2BR/2BA double- wide. Florida Room. Carport. Utility Shed. Completely fur- nished including golf cart. Ask- ing r] T 000. : ll :.hei ri (,.3,3)6;-;.u 29 . BRAND NEW 24'X 44' 3BR/2BA, Delivery & Set Up for $70,000. 239-691-2549 Ask for Billy. FLAGHOLE, 3BR/2BA, 2004 Doublewide, with pole barn, on 2.5 acres. Must see!! Beautiful! (863)902-0369 LABELLE- Mobile home 0.45 acre corner lot with pond. $95,000 (863)673-2754, Owner/Realtor LaBelle Woods Resort Family Park Mobile Home w/attached Den & Large Florida Room. 1 Bdrm., 1 Full Bath, Huge Shed. Newly Remodeled. Light color interior. New appliances: washer, dryer & microwave included. Fully Furnished. New pillow top bed. New computer ,desk. All this for $9,500. Please call 863-673-6743 or 239-789-7832 PALM HARBOR HOMES Fac- tory Model Center LARGEST in America! Modular, Mobile and Stilt Homes. Call for FREE Color Brochures! (800)622-2832. Recreation I Boats 3005 Campers 'RVs 0i)10 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3i)25 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles ATVs 3035 Aluminum boat trailer made by Pioneer, will hold up to a 20ft boat, single axle, 14" tires. $850 neg. (863)763-7609 CAROLINA SKIFF- '12, $800. (863)261-3874 NEEDED Person to re-rig & mount sloopmast on 23' sailboat at Belle Hatchee Marina in La- Belle. 863-494-3565 Arcadia PONTOON BOAT, 1991, 20 Ft., Aluminum. New trailer & Car- pet. Overhauled motor. $4000. or best offer 863-234-9663 ROBALO 18'- 6' beam trihull, 140hp John., bimini, fishfind- er, trailer, new tires & spare. $4K Neg. 863-697-0153 SAIL BOAT- 23ft, w/trailer, $1200 or best offer (239)470-3701 LaBelle SEA KAYAK, Touring Style, Model Prijon Kodiak, 17 Ft., Good condition. $400. (863)357-7406 Sea Kayak, Touring Style, Northwest Pursuit 17', exc. cond., $600. (863)357-7406 RV- '82, Chevy, 25', Genera- tor A/C, 97K, Runs good. Extra tires. $2200. (863)467-7076 SOUTHWIND' 86- 34', 49K orig miles, sips 7, new tires, generator, good cond., 9800 neg (863)467-8161 VOLTAGE BOOSTER, Protects appliances, increases low volt- age w/built in surge protection. $300 (863)467-6696 WINNEBAGO '85: 26 Ft., Sips 8, Generator, Many.cabinets, good tread. Good.cond. Low miles. $7,000 (772)284-1194 WAVE RUNNER '90, Yamaha, very good condition. $1000 (863)673-6866 BOAT MOTOR, Jdhnson Evin- rude, 14hp. OMC. Runs great. $700 (863)763-7609 ,OUTBOARD MOTOR- 7.5hp Mercury w/6 gal tank. $350 (863)357-0616 . OUTBOARD MOTOR 92 15):irii:i Oufti ., ir.f':n 'ier lull 3,_ 0l liiin g i 8 ,i.'|2ji,. I'Jl' 183260, poh 01ned ) rr r APRILIA '03. RSS0 runri docw access.. $1300 Negot. Classic Triumph Chopper Project 1 l.1ii : b,:i : t i50 l ir ,:j ji ,all al Irnluilded i ood li e $2001 (8b3- 4.'1- u08':9 HONDA CBR 600 F3 '98, New paint & tires. Moving must sell, $3200 or best offer. (863)763-3777 HONDA REBEL '03, Wind- shield, back rest, clean, $1750. (863)517-2077 La-. Belle SUZUKI BLVD C50T, '05, - blk./chrome, saddle bags, wind shield .shift drive, liquid cooled, 12.5k mi., clean, 40+mpg., $4,800. (863)467-9390 YUMBO CRUISER- 200 CC, ,.:i,. ii, g n-iir -r Lii e. $2500. (863)801-4949 GO CART- Manco 6.5hp 2 seater, new tires, runs great, $850. (863)674-0539. La- Belle GO CART- Murray, 6.0 HP, 1 seater, runs great, new rear tires. $650. (863)674-0539 LaBelle. POLARIS TRAIL.BOSS 325, '01, new chain & sprockes, runs very good, $2200. (863)697-2525 SCOOTER, 2004 Tank Urban, 900 mi., e' :iiver, sec. alarm, 49.cc 4 stroke, $900/neg. 863-673-6743. YAMAHA 400 Kodiak, 'OA- 4x4, excellent condition, hardly used,. $3700 S(863)673-4405 Automobiles --" Automobiles 40015 Autos Wanted (410l Classic Cars 41015 Commercial Trucks 4020i Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 40 30 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060) Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD- '94, White with rims. Stereo, Leather int. Runs & looks great. $4500. 863-673-6266 CAMARO Z28 '84- T-tops. Strong V8 w/headers, new tires, brakes & calibers $2000 (863)675-0088 CHEVY CAMARO-'94, Red, T- Tops, CD player. $2500, (863)634-5888 COUGARS- A pair, '87, 1 runs good & 1 for parts. $300. (863)673-6266 DONATE UNWANTED/UN- USED VEHICLE- to a Florida Non-Profit. Pickup within 72 hrs (866)855-0902 FORD ESCORT WAGON, '90, 5 spd., good.work car, $650 or best offer. (863)612-0877 FORD MUSTANG '80, Classic, 6 cyl., good shape. $2500 (863)467-0139 Iv. message FORD PROBE, '92, black, runs good, cold a/c, new water 'pump, new tires, $1200 or best offer. (239)784-8449 FORDTHUNDERBIRD '94 auto, cold a/c, 2 dr., all pwr., new paint/tires++Runs great. $4000. 863-763-8562 Msg. HONDA CRX'91 Great MPG, clean, runs great, good work car. $1500 772-215-9838 MAZDA MIATA, '92, con- vertible, runs great, a/c, am/fm radio, recent tires, $4500. (863)227-1742 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME SL '94, 6 cyl., tinted windows, needs compressor. $2500 (863)467-0139 Iv. message SAAB COUPE- '92, Blue, Leather seats, Sun roof. Needs Alt. belt, $1200. Neg. (863)675-7878 SATURN- '93, 2 door, Needs Work. $200. or best offer. (863)673-6266 TOYOTA CAMRY LX '91- 4dr, auto, runs good, great gas mileage, $1800 or best offer (863)697-3045 for details VOLVO 240 DL '90, Wagon, Runs good, 131k, $2200 or best offer. (863)357-5977 CLUB CAR, Refurbished, $2500 or best offer. 2 .9]2549 AXIS RIMS, used, 17", will fit any'Honda/Acura, good cond., $550 or best offer. (302)943-1777 Iv. msg. AXLES, for '62-'65 Volvo PV544 Sedan, $200 or best offer, 'ill .11ii separately. (863)635-0772 CHEVY CAPRICE '86, Does * I. l i ijr,- -, : motor work, 4 we vi iir 't.i:.i or best offer. (561)996-9264 MOTOR, Ford 302, everything siii ~n ,i:id, just i I ed-: be installed, runs great. $500 or best offer. (863)763-8052 RIMS & TIRES; 20", off of a Dodge 1 '.l00 $1500.. (863)673-2671 Reading a, newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people! RIMS-(4) 20", Dodge, tires & wheels, $700 or best offer (561)996-9264 TIRES & RIMS, for a CJ7, 35/12.50R15, Procomp, with spare tire & hardware, $500 neg. (863)357-2113 TIRES (2) brand new Good- year Integrity, P205/65R15, $160 for the pair (863)675-3322 TRANSFER CASE- for Chev 350 engine, auto, $300 (863)357-2658 after 5pm TRUCK TIRES- 20", Mounted Dayton or Budd wheels. 8 1/4 to 1200.$100 or best of- fer. (863)675-1862 VOLVO 1240, 1986, exc. .cond., engine runs, good for parts. Asking $300/neg. (863)675-0790. CADILLAC SLS '96, Fully loaded, leather, power, keyless entry. Must sell! $2500 (239)425-5997 LaBelle area CHEVY 1500 PICKUP, '89, . runs good, cold air, $1400 or best offer.. (863)634-4076 CHEVY '88- 3/4 ton, 4x4, 400 sm block, 4spd w/low 1st gear, $1500 (863)634-5421 CHEVY BLAZER S10- '93, 2 door V-6 Good tires A/C 90K, $1500. Lake Port (954)298-7925 CHEVY S10 '87- ext cab, 4x4, needs work, $800 or best of- fer (772)519-0946 CHEVY S-10 EX-CAB, '87, small V8, 700 R4 trans., very clean & runs well, $2500. (863)697-2525 CHEVY STEPSIDE PICKUP TRUCK, '64, runs good, little rust, 62k mi., $2499 firm. (863)467-0380 DODGE DAKOTA '94, Needs engine rebuilt, body good. condition w/toolbox. $500 or best offer. (863)763-2379 FORD RANGER '84 4X4 V6, w/title. Needs alignment. Perfect Play Truck!! $2000 or best offer. 863-254-3580 TONNEAU COVER- Florida Line, Fits '99-Current. Ford Su- perduty Shortbed. Maroon 6 mos. $700. (863)467-8248 CHEVY BLAZER '88 auto, pwr., runs good, new mtr., needs minor body wk. $800 or best offer. 863-387-0563 FORD EXPLORER- '98, Eddie Bauer, Loaded; Excellent condition. 66,750 mi. $6490. (239)340-9407 CAR HAULER Dual axle, elec. brake, alum. ramps. $1500 (863)697-2434 CAR TOW DOLLY- Complete, Good condition. $500. (863)467-4253 STORAGE SEMI TRAILER, ap- prox. 35 ft., with tires, in good shape, $500 or best ,tfei 6:07(. -6...9 WELDING RIGGED TRAILER, Sw/5th wheel hitch, new tires, ,viorhltd jir vie 2 Ion ih.ain 1n,.i+ +i,~,0 61j76.3-,-51 DODGE 250 PASSENGER VAN '89, 3/4 ton, auto; 360 good shape. $1200 or best offer. 6 .:3 5062 Ford Hightop Van, '89, V8, full power, sofa bed, TV, CB ra- 'dio $2000. LaBelle Area. (863)675-4970 Leave msg. Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING The Hendry County School Board will ,1'..I I r.un J ,) l] jrn Ti l .. a [f,, .r,, .,, i I, [ ,1 6 i '..a I wiston, Florida. For more information .11,11-. ,l I1. i. '.1 .. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING 166R tO-hW llh IN &' III I'' O P,, II "..,1 ,,- a -j1, r.r, ,: .- r ..- v 1... ...... .. .. o,: Center at LaBelle, Florida, Hendry County. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct :,lri,,. ,T u:e.HIn;, D ,- n ,r Tj Wi'iu j any decision made at such meeting must ensure that a verbatim record is made upon which the appeal is to be 'based. Th r- ,.-~- .n d oi I,. n r ., L ;l.: ", l,.,- ili. H "-i ) i',.'.r< Ir u. Ii .h Housing, Inc." 150417 CB/cGS 7/27/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or rejectany and/or all bids. 1N4GB22BXLC729019 1990 Nissan 1499337B 27/706 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 07/31/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1G2BL69Y8GX234419 1986 Pontiac 149787 CB 7/27/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sellthese vehicles on. 08/01/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves therightto accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1212236 1970 Amercan Lafrance 149928cB 7/27/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 07/31/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR, LABELLE', FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1GNDM15Z6MB11320 1991 Chevrolet 149932 CB 7/27/06 READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORLD AROUND YOU. &/{ Y~andffJV The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from birth to age nine. - AIL ~ 4 |