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LHS inf 3c : B: 4 i''!' X :i :-'::!.. .... ::: i:. (AL 0 .OOS y ... Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 VOUM8NMBR8HUSDAJu i gg,2006 At A Glance City voters retain Zimmer Cancer benefit planned There will be a Cancer bene- fit for Hazel Meder'Woods, on Saturday, August 5, at the Bar- rori Park starting at 11 a.m. There will be a pork dinner with trimmings and iced tea for $6. Dessert will be $1 extra. There will also be a rummage sale and a special truck raffle for a 1996 Dodge Dakota pickup truck. (See tickets for details.) $20 per ticket; only 200 tickets sold. All donations will be great- ly appreciated. The benefit will be sponsored by the men and women of the LaBelle Moose Lodge. Safety council moves The Southwest Florida Safe- ty Council, Inc. has relocated its office and classroom. The Safe- ty Council is now located at the Port LaBelle Resort, 1 Oxbow Drive. The new office is in the former pro-shop at the resort. The telephone number remains the same, 863-675- 0544, office hours are Tuesday and Friday, 7:30 a.m. to5 p.m. The Southwest Florida Safe- ty Council has been serving the Hendry County area since 1974. The Safety Council provides courses for drivers who have received traffic tickets and wish to keep points off their license, DUI school, first aid and CPR classes, as well as DATE classes for those who are getting their driver's license for the first time. The Southwest Florida Safe- ty Council, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation. HRMC Foundation starts giving program Members of the HRMC Foundation have started their first project a Remembrance Giving Program. A gift to the Foundation can be used to remember or memorialize friends or family members after death or honor them on special occasions during their lifetime. The Foundation will continue to enhance the legacy of individu- als at Hendry Regional Medical Center. Brochures with envelopes for contributions can be found at local churches, the library, Chamber of Commerce, and at local funeral homes. Take the time to memorialize your friends or loved ones; contact Glenda Wilson, the HRMC Foundation Director, at 863-902- 3023. Want to be a fireman? Firefighter 1 Certification began Tuesday, July 25, from 6- 9 p.m. A 160-hour Firefighter 1 class will meet Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6-9 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.rp.-5 p.m. for 15 weeks. The details can be obtained by calling Dwayne Pratt at the Fire Department or Cindy Miller at Edison College 674-0408. Enrollment is limited to 20 participants. If you need this training for your current position or if you are interested in pursuing a career in fire serv- ices, this Firefighter 1 certifica- tion is the first step. Index Classifieds .......16-18 Editorial ............ .4 Speak Out .......... .4 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newuszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. IIII I 1llll 8 16510 00019 1 Incumbent Hilda Zimmerly 18. will remain LaBelle's City Com- Ms. Zim- missioner-Treasurer. It will be merely is a her second term in office. As retired school the incumbent, Ms, Zimmerly teacher who received 248 votes. Her oppo- has lived in nent, Cliff Avery, received 107. LaBelle since Just 355 18 percent of the 1977. She 1,974 voters registered for the believes city election cast their ballots in ,growth is the the non-partisan election July biggest issue Hilda Zimmerly faced by the city and that the city must "over plan" for the infrastructure that:will be nec- essary to accommodate it. She wants the board to create a long range vision to shepherd the city's development. She has said she is not opposed to annexation, but believes it should be controlled by "com- mon sense." In her reelection Military service: Families given Blue Star Ribbon F " Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Bill Davis, American Legion, step-dad, Kevin Bubb, Tim Montgomery, mom, Cindy Bubb and Dennis Boland, American Legion , campaign, Ms. Zimmerly cited a number of needs she hopes to help fill for city residents, including better water, sewer and roads, recreational facilities like parks and sports fields, cul- tural facilities like museums, environmental and performing arts centers. She has said, "The most exciting prospect the city faces is the ability we have to make this city what we want it to be, what we want it to look like in 2010 and beyond, what we want our quality of life to be like." The only other city commis- sion seat up for reelection was' that of. Commissioner Clerk Dave Lyons. Mr. Lyons had no opposition for his seat. City signs off on agreement By Patty Brant LaBelle city commissioners signed off on an interlocal agree- ment between Hendry County and the cities of LaBelle and Clewistori to apply for CDBG dis- aster recovery funding to address damage from Hurricane Wilma. At least 70 percent of any funding received will be used to restore disaster impacted eligible affordable housing. The remain- ing 30 percent will be used for an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Since the City of LaBelle did not sustain as much damage asClewiston, LaBelle's portion w\ would be assigned to building an EOC. The county commission is expected to consider the inter- local agreement at its July 25 meeting. Zoning changes pending An 'ordinance amending the city's zoning map permitted uses in four areas was read for the first time. It covers: A section along SR 80 and Aqua Isles Blvd. to be rezoned from R-3 Multifamily to B-2 Gen- eral Business; See City -Page 2 BOC looks for EOC funding Bill uavis, American Legion, step-dad, Bruce Whitehead, Joshua Shirley, mom, Bonnie Whitehead, aunt, Sandi Hunter and.Dennis Boland, American Legion Tim Montgomery and Joshua Shirley were awarded the Blue Star Ribbon given to military men/women and their families for their service. Gearing up for servi By Kristin Hunter The American Legion Post 130 Post Commander Bill Davis and Post Adjutant Dennis Boland presented a Blue Star Ribbon to the parents of Tim' Montgomery and Joshua Shirley. The Blue Star Ribbon began in WWII and was placed on the windows of those with deployed relatives in the serv- ice. Now the Blue Star Ribbon is given to all families of mili- tary personnel. Tim Montgomery, 19, is the son of Cindy Bubb and step- dad Kevin Bubb. Originally from Williamsport, Pennsylva- nia, his parents relocated to LaBelle a few years ago. He is a Lance Corporal, 03-31 Machine Gunner in the Marine Corps. He is stationed in Camp LaJune, North Carolina. His ce in Iraq unit is 1st Battalion, 6th Marines.,He leaves in Septem- ber for his second, seven month tour of Iraq. This time he will be in Ramadi, Iraq. He spent seven months as a machine gunner in Fallujah, Iraq, from March-October of 05'. He has been in the Marines for two years and has a four year contract. He's not sure See Stars Page 2 By Patty Brant Days after Hurricane Wilma hit Hendry County last. year, Gov. Jeb Bush visited the cramped, temporary Emer- gency Operations Center (EOC) the county had always cobbled together at the Sher- iff's Office in LaBelle during times of emergency, and prom- ised funding for a new facility. However, that funding fell through, so the commissioners are going to Plan B do it your- self. There is some competitive grant money available to build an EOC. However, the county, can earn more points toward funding if it already has a site. The commissioners are negoti- ating with the school board for a 14-acre site in Port LaBelle to build an EOC, sheriff's office, EMS and fire department com- plex. Billing for debris removal Director of Building and Code Enforcement Ken Ben- nett brought a plan to the com- missioners to allow the county to recoup the costs of cleaning up debris from county rights- of-way and demolition from last year's hurricane season. For a time the county picked up the tab for this cleanup but now the burden is placed on the homeowner. If the county collects Hurricane Wilma debris from county rights-of- way now now, the resident will receive an invoice from Mr. Bennett's office for the cost. Payment will be due within 30 days of the statement, but the resident may request 180-day extension. An installment plan may also be set up for large bills. If the resident fails to pay the invoice, a lien will be placed on their property. The commissioners approved the plan, 4-0. Commissioner Kevin McCarthy was not at the July 11 meeting. Some structures that were not considered a total loss after the hurricane will now need to be demolished because they have not been put to rights and since deteriorated further. Mr. See BOC -Page 2 Hendry/LaBelle Community Civic Park in the works By Kristin Hunter The Hendry/LaBelle Com- munity Civic Park is in the works and the Recreation Director Phil Pelletier hopes it will be finished by Jan. 1, 2007. The area is located at Cowboy Way on S.R. 80A and Jaycee Lions Drive right behind the recreation building and beside L.E.S., It is a total of 23 acres. The county owns 13 acres and the city owns ten acres making a combined total of 23 acres. The plans include a total of ten soccer fields, two of which can double as football fields. Some of the soccer fields will be designated for teams, others for the public. The LaBelle soccer League runs from November to February. The LaBelle Soccer League will use the fields for games and practice and Pop Warner may use the fields depending on the updates to the Davis Pratt Park. The park will also have two ten- nis courts and a skate park that will be for skateboarders and inline skaters. There will be two public basketball courts and sidewalk trails all the way around the park for walking or running. There will also be a dike all around the field and retention ponds all around the park for water storage. There will be a concession stand and restrooms, a kiddie playground, a picnic area and 176 parking spaces. The park will be free to the public. The park is currently in Phase two of construction and will be finished in the matter of approximately six months depending on weather condi- tions/setbacks. The Recreation Department is also working on other proj- ects as well. They include updating the rodeo grounds, refurbishing Davis Pratt Park and adding boat/fishing docks at Bob Mason Park on the river. The Recreation Board consists of city and county officials including Pat Langford, Chair- man, David Lions, City Commis- sioner, Darryl Harris County Commissioner, Bob Millet, City Commissioner and Bill Maddox, County Commissioner. Caloosa Belle/Kriatin Hunter Lifetime honorees Sheriff Ronnie Lee, center, presents a plaque to Walter and Ruth Howard as lifetime members of the Florida Youth Ranch. They have been members since 1977, donating over $1,000. Founded In 1957 by the Florida Sheriff's Association, the Youth Ratches is a non-profit, residential child-care and family service organization pri- marily dependent on the generous ,fts ansupport of our donor family. ' Fatality on CR 78 SPage 3 ' - Vr 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 . . . . Stars Continued From Page 1 what he'll do when his time is up; if he'll re-enlist or move on. He is in Weapons Company and he said they mainly do security patrols. Their main threat were IED's in Fallujah. He said that "The people were nice in Fallu- jah and they were very grateful for American soldiers. It was a very laid back atmosphere, where the soldiers would give thekids candy." Tim's step-dad, Kevin Bubb was in the Marine Corps. for four years. After his contract was up he got out but then joined the Army National Guard after 9/11 because he wanted to do some- thing. He was immediately deployed to Bosnia. Joshua Shirley, 31, is the son of Bonnie Whitehead and step- dad, Bruce Whitehead. He is originally from Pahokee and/or Belle Glade but he moved to LaBelle when he was 18 years old. He joined the Army in 1999 when he was 24 years old. He has been in the Army for seven years. He is ranked E5 Sergeant and is in Bravo Company HHC 4- 31 Infantry 10th Mountain Divi- sion. This will be his second time to Iraq and his third deployment. BOC Continued From Page 1 Bennett got the go ahead to con- tinue with demolitions as well. Gun range soon to open Nick Smith of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office appeared to ask for several thousand dollars to complete improvements at the Sheriff's gun range in Pioneer Plantation. The renovations.will allow the range to be open to the public. He said he expects the course to be open to the public about the end of the month. In other business: Commissioners asked Coun- ty Attorney Kate English to draft an ordinance to raise the "bed tax" from two cents to three cents. The tax is paid on hotel/motel: rooms and tourist- related activities. Commissioner Bill Maddox said the county FINANCE| His first deployment was to Dji- bouti, Africa from May to November for seven months. His first time to Iraq was to Baghdad for a year, from June 2004 to June 2005. His area of patrol was Saaba al-Boor. He leaves in August for his second tour to Iraq. He will be there for another year from August of 2006 to August 2007. He is stationed in Ft. Drum, N.Y. with his brother Luke Shirley, 27, who is also in the Army and joined in 1998, one year before Joshua. Luke has been in the Army for eight years. They are in the same unit and battalion. This will be his broth- ers' third tour to Iraq. Over the last decade, the 10th Mountain Division has been involved in more deployments than any other division in the Army. He decided to join the mili- tary because a lot of his family' served including both of his grandpa's. He is in LaBelle on leave until July 14, for about a week, trying to relax until he will leave and serve again. His brother was not able to come down because he used up all of his leave time when his grandfather died. Joshua would like to have a family so he may retire from the Army after his second tour to Iraq. adopted the bed tax in 2002 and it has raised some $80,000- $100,000 per year since then. Former part time planner Vince Cautero was appointed Planning and Development Direc- tor, replacing Lynee Rodriguez, who only held the. position for a few months. County Administra- tor Lester Baird was questioned on her departure. One resident asked if he had the authority to hire and fire without cause. The answer was yes, according to established contracts, he can ter- minate employees who work under him at will. The rains have started and the board rescinded the outdoor burning ban. Commissioners will meet with Lee County commissioners July 31 to discuss tipping fee increases and nonexistent Church Road improvements as agreed to by Lee County, The ,next regular county commission meeting will be held. at 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 25. It will convene at the Dallas Townsend Agriculture Building on Pratt Blvd. : iL Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available * Full Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases ; Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements SSingle Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafiol Pools, Spas & Waterfalls **IN HENDRY COUNTY** Family owned and op, ,r-,.LJd Call for a FREE estimate 863-517-0758 Licensed & Insured CPC1456574 Memory Foam Mattress Sets Worlds Best Mattress, this Foam was Designed for N.A.S.A. We will offer Pillow Top Memory Foam Mattress sets By amison At more than 50% off the TV advertised specials. King 3 piece set Retail $3299 50% Off $1649 Queen 2 piece set Retail $2699 50% Off $1349 Full 2 piece set Retail $2299 50% Off $1149 Twin 2 piece set Retail $1999 50% Off $999 Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor 340 North Bridge Street S,'LaBelle, FL 863-674-0003 Where Qualityis Done in Style! City Continued From Page 1 A section on the east side of MLK from R-1 Single Family to B-2 General Business; Property along Sabal Palm Drive and Cowboy-Way in Pinewood and Englewood Terrace Subdivision from R-1 Single Family to B-i Business; and Property along Park Ave and N. Main Street, south of Barron Library, from R-2 Duplex to B-1 Business Professional. Slow down Sheriff Ronnie Lee explained that the speed limit has been low- ered on SR 80 in LaBelle, thanks to a grassroots effortsand support. He said Florida Department of Trans- portation agreed to the reduction and will review conditions on the west side of town as development occurs. He added that dump trucks coming through town have slowed down, since his officers have been writing citations. Superintendent of Public Works Michael Boyle reported that speed bumps and signage are being placed around Barren Park to slow traffic. The intersection at Park Ave. and Lee St. is also now a four-way stop. He also recommended lower- ing the speed limit on other side streets in that area. Law enforcement Sheriff Lee reported that, from October 1, 2005 to July 1, 2006, the sheriff's office handled a total of 3,202 complaints within the city limits of LaBelle. These complaints are of all descriptions and include many minor calls for service. Sheriff Lee took the opportunity to tell the board about a July 12 burglary/theft call at Dodge dealership. In about thiev hours, he said deputies affected an arrest and recovered the stolen truck, keys and license tags. Watering restrictions With the coming of the summer rains, the commissioners cancelled watering restrictions. However, Mr. Boyle advised the board that he is working on a plan to outdoor watering only two days per week, which he feels will be needed in the future. More parking Concerned about providing Connections Wireless Sales Service Accessories Owner Lori White MF t91 863-612-0237 863-675-1570 Fax osedSundas Located Next to O'Ferrells' Florist 153 S. Main Street Scingular LaBelle, FL 33935 ,Sa,,, coolconnections@swfla. rr.com GTO /PRO ltt. i, Celebrating 30 Years FAAC-ELITE Ii in SW FL FAAC ELITESERVING LEE & AND MORE .fii .. HENRY COUNTY SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Emergency Repairs STORAGE FACILITIESme Dy Service SERVICE CONTRACTS y BO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES EC13002326 FN04-00991 more parking spaces for Barron Library, the commissioners consid- ered two options: Make the north end of Main Street and DeSoto Ave. one way, which would be the least expensive option; or Widen Main Street and DeSo- to six feet to provide parallel park- ing. This option is expected to cost about $15,000. The commission opted for the second suggestion, widening the road. New water plant ATM's Grant Misterly reported that he is setting up a draw sched- ule with banks in preparation for -construction of the city's new reverse osmosis water plant. He said they're looking at a three year construction schedule, driven mainly by the lengthy permitting process for a deep well injection system. He said he will return to the commission's August meeting with possible rates for now and the future. In other business: Commissioners approved a special exceptionto allow the Ol1 Oaks of LaBelle to establish the Let It Roll Game Room adult amuse- ment arcade, at 140 Jaycee/Lions Drive the old Lions Club building. The establishment must be closed from midnight to 8 a.m.; must not allow any alcoholic beverages; and is to be reviewed annually. The board opted to purchase property adjacent to the Captain Hendry House and may borrow up to $200,000 for that purpose. It may be possible to secure grant funding to defray the cost later. City Attorney Owen Luckey brought a Florida Supreme Court decision to the board's attention. The ruling states a referendum should be required to change or amend a comprehensive plan. He said the proposal will be on the bal- lot in November. If passed, it will make the amendment process more cumbersome. Several annexation requests are being processed: four lots owned by Barbara Mehaffey in Eve- lyn Terrace; and a parcel in a land swap agreement between the South-Florida Water Management District and Bryan Paul with frontage on SR 80 west of proposed Wal Mart site toBerry's. The city commission's regular August meeting will be postponed till August 17 due to a conflict with the Florida League of Cities annual meeting. rand 1' 9penng en Daily: " 9-369-8883 ntieBlo music pric.el cCuponfl er & Wine Cucinaii. ieo 7.. L.. , 700 W. Leeland Heights Blvd. SU'lt 103 Lehi h.Acre At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com N.Ali 4-1 Lab On Premises GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is preformed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service., examination or treatment. ' CALOOSA BF F To Reach Us I ,,!_.,l J d,, ,. :. Ph, iC .5'. 7 r, l di ,- ,- r c.-5 h -'-, TE-ild bii. el,: Ie' PE a clmi, icoi -Iroil ;i-'.o fr[crm et. reider-: COptn.ar".. i.aJen- d.ir "tcm. .rt idi, and ,hot,'sT. -.r, Llcomi 1..,11 IU l 75 in 4! to ma,,iied. I ,..ed .:.r c-maided II \i u are ..:r.duin., p1h.'.t, iph. ',t] e-mnl plcase :.end tlhcrn tr I PEt5 format. iJs,: please do n-:1 -.o,.A \\OR[D dcumi ent rust -:_ t,_' thc-' mez~ ip,' into the bad; of :J, ei nlndi Ollic, documents ire Al, Thi de.iine fkr .ill rie. r; items 1, II a mr t,:. M.ndi pric.r r,. h, L folle,. ing Tl-ur.d.<) S pub,.aoll-on. S.- M nii: hLhidietu",'--, rii net S[-.iI.,l:,,u t l ?.16: 75- 4516 To Place a Display Ad [-':iine 15 ,,ii '73 2541 'T lI' ,.l l l_, ,,. l.:.t "11 ,' ,l i" ., in i .Ih ,, ,, ,, , E-mail: cbelea'srnraco.nec Billing Department E-mail: billteam@ncwszap.com To Place a Classified Ad CJlU 187) 353 2424- ,:,- 1b .. I, *b,_.- lic rad c rt i t-_r,_-r ,, h,.rr.:_ Th_ ,ck.cd Im e .,d t t m t I. t ', c l .. 1 .:. "--,.1 Thi c i.r : ."ul-4.! 1 -n.:n F ., 39T)154 2424 E k li,! J.. .:ld, : 2 '" ,:,:T! For Subscriptions Phone (577) 37 2424 TlI'. L d '.:. P.:l,, !, [rhburc- lO .' :,.-r. i ,r t',, L B..U.: ir.j. '.',.:r.,.rn H.i-ndr., Cc.'-r,', .r. t if r; '*. dre .:,i-n, c. pic: :1 the F.ipt .: *: b.: tI",'..: it '.arvr -uu iu-.rci-: thro'utlhout ,'h it ,nd ;,:lt,:ioj h.'m.: in L Vd hL eni:.', ':,n:,p-11r, nri r, hm.: d,'hl' c;r, Farct ,:|i ,: M id ut rii rj i 5rd .1. tlab.! ri $50 p--r .e -ir -'d $25 I,:.r :I. niorth: Printing Thr: j!. .-;,- i [i* l i n.-.[>;d it -u,-,-ikn, Pru'ti ',iF Iu::d' j ,''t indcpF.. d.:rr N'o-L; .r. E-m iJ pr,_rr;',:. i-cr Newszap! Online News & Infonmation Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle kk A Ink AW w La om MW- ".-Sam -Headlines '.blic issue Storne frorn Independent's 7 newspaper: in SoLth Central Florida PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases announcernere i & information from /our Icorn i.mnit'/. s Forum Locl Lns An open forum in w.vhich issues of the do, ore debated sometimes ,igorou3l,,. Post For Free Post ,our personal messages on on open Bulletin Board for Florida lI.. i, nt;. A director/ of -.'ebsites for locolion government. teams organization & ColumnRit', Liassified Ads. The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers distributed to 31.000 homes S: Canal Point Pohokee Belle Glade South Boy . .Clewiston \Moore HCa.en Ortona IAuse North LoBelle ".Feldo LoBelle Irmmokolee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof Same Day Service * MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. Fr. MYERS I AUOMATD GAE SYTEM- I0www-Got ** Sp iirfv j iI G Op 11 23 Be L- Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20, 2006 ing a 1999 Ford eastbound on CR 78, seven miles west of LaBelle, when she traveled off the road- way onto the south shoulder. The vehicle struck a tree and over- turned onto its left side, coming to a rest, facing south. She was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. More arrests in CPD sergeant case The Florida Department of Law of school. Enforcement and the Hendry On June 2, members of the Lee County Sheriff'sOffice announce County Sheriff's Office warrants more arrests in the case of former division arrested Keith Kniceley, Clewiston Police Department 18, at his mother's house in North Sergeant Kniceley, in May of this Ft. Myers. Kniceley is charged with year. Kniceley was charged with the sale of marijuana within 1,000 selling marijuana while on duty. feet of a school. He is the son of On June 1, FDLE special agents Brian Kniceley, from the Sebring Field Office and Members of the Austin Police investigators with the Hendry Department also arrested Timothy County Sheriff's Office arrested Leach 21, in Austin, Texas. He is Crystal Renner, 26, at her home in charged with two counts of sale of Clewiston. Renner is the wife of marijuana within 1,000 feet of a Bryan Kniceley who was arrested school. Leach, is a friend of Keith in May. Renner is charged with Kniceley. Leach is awaiting extra- sale of marijuana within 1,000 feet edition back to Florida. Arrests LaBelle July 3 and charged with sexual S L e C assault to a victim 12 years old Lavance Carithus Burnett, or younger. Hendry County ,34, of Orlando was arrested in Sheriff's Office Investigator LaBelle on July 12 and charged Larry Preece was the arresting With damage to property, crimi- officer. nal mischief from $200-$1,000 Carlos Gonzalez, 9, of and burglary. Investigator Carlos Gonzalez, 29 of William Griffin of the Hendry Clewiston, was arrested July 13 County Sheriff's Office was the and charged with violating pro- arresting officer. bation. Teresa Helmlinger of the A male juvenile from Hendry County Sheriff's Office 'LaBelle was arrested July 11 and was the arresting officer. charged with aggravated battery Carlos Gonzalez, 29, ,of :to a pregnant victim. Leonard R. Clewiston, was arrested July 16 Riordan of the Hendry County and charged with fleeing/elud- Sheriff's Office was the arresting ing the police. Brett Edward officer. Daley of the Hendry County Curtis N. Simmons, 39, of Sheriff's Office was the arresting LaBelle, was arrested July 15 officer. and charged with stolen proper- Leon Martin Arredondo, ,y. Investigator Carlos Carmona 31, of Clewiston, was. arrested of the Hendry County Sheriff's July 14 and charged with violat- Office was the arresting officer. ing probation. Bonnie Weaver of Bond was set at $7,000 cash. the Hendry County Sheriff's Sivio Munoz, 35, of LaBelle, Office was the arresting officer. was arrested July 17 'and A male juvenile from charged with failure to appear. Clewiston, was arrested July 10 'Carlos Carmona of the Hendry and charged with battery on a County Sheriff's Office was the detention staff probation officer. arresting officer. Cuapemo Gomez, 20, was o-eHerbert Ray Lln:erifr, 45, arrested July 16 and charged. f La"Belle,was arrested JiulY 16 with aggravated battery with a and charged with psesion deadly weapon. Investigator ai. Cist ucho oMarci Martinez of the Hendry the Hendry County Sheriff's County Sheriff's Office was the Office was the arresting officer arresting officer. Clewiston Juan Omar Guzman, 26, of CleWiSOnClewiston, was arrested July 14 Bradley Stephen Livingood, and charged with failure to 18, of Clewiston, was arrested appear. A NON As seen . FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS. on TV. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS ., (800) 794-7310 ' J.. Wentworth means CASH NOW hB for Structured Settlements! Come join Our Royal famity.... We are very proud to announce the opening of a new and excit- ing Gym in LaBelle. During our first season Dynasty Elite will be offering Hip Hop Dance and Tumbling as well as Private lesson's on a brand new spring cheer and dance floor. And coming soon, Mommy and me classes and beginning Baton. Our season will begin in August, we are lookiurg tortwaird to a great first season. Come and join us for an e-:c it ing aniid rewarding experience. Hip Hop Dance Ages: 3 to IS wars (Compettive .& Non-Compe tituee Tumbling Classes Tiiny tumblers 3 vr'.- to 4 \ri Be-ii,,i n.n ; i n tiu bliig yvrs& i up Dynasly tlife Cheer, Dance & Jumbling Mommy & me Beginning Baton t16 io. to 2 V\-r 4 vr s. to 10 yrs. "-.At Dynasty rhte Cheer. Dance & Tumbling vwe believe in lidintz 1 conhideince & selt-e'stlentw ihilehe enh11.IIIc .ulenct skills in a positive auuolphere t/ut will be blot ctmIlentlm iin d 1memorb i le.'" For more Information Please call Coach Melissa @ 863-673-4071 Coach Cheryl @ 239-250-9009 Coach Melinda @ 863-673-4333 We have over 20 years of cheer and dance experience! Woman dies in crash $36,000, were missing. While conducting the investigation; deputies received information that a burglary had occurred at 2008 Mariner Court between 7:10- 8:32 a.m. Further investigation revealed that a person, who allegedly committed this bur- glary,. was driving a vehicle fit- ting the description of the truck that was stolen from LaBelle Dodge. At approximately 10:15 a.m., Investigator Griffin locat- ed the stolen vehicle in the area'of Ohio Avenue and Ford- He was identified as Lavance Carithius Burnett, age 34, of Orlando. He was taken into custody and charged With Grand Theft, Burglary, Reck- ,less Driving, .Driving While License Suspended and Elud- ing a Law Enforcement Offi- cer. Bond was set at $65,000. The sheriff's office reports that Burnett has a history of crimi- nal activities including Auto Theft, Possession of Cocaine, Resisting Arrest, Burglary, Property Crimes, Larceny, and Violation of Probation. Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Veteran blood donor Maria Carmona gladly gives one pint of blood. She is a blood donating veteran. She has given blood ten times at the LaBelle Blood Mobile alone. Thanks to her and others like her, they will help save lives. 1 Save money on your favorite grocery items. , I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I syg-s^-~y-s py-sgy- y-g ^y-^y-spyp^y- '.,S I I neWSap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. L--------------------- New Futures For Infants and Children With a Limb-Loss Pediatric Prosthetics Inc. The Specialists Nationwide for children and their families. Toll Free (866)582-0966 Web address: www.kidscanplay.com E-Mail: pdpr@sbcglobal.net SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 .VI1 675-3233 TOLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CALL NOW TO HAVE YOUR A/C COMPREHENSIVELY CHECKED BY OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TECHNICIANS HCSO: quick response to burglary When an employer at son Street in LaBelle. As he LaBelle Dodge reported for approached the truck it-sped work Wednesday morning, off and a pursuit ensued. The July 12, at about 7 a. m., he driver was unable to elude discovered the dealership had Investigator Griffin, aban- been burglarized. Hendry doned the vehicle on Suwanee County Sheriff's Deputies and Avenue, and fled on foot. Criminal Investigators According to Sheriff Ronnie responded to conduct, an Lee, in an attempt to elude investigation. It was deter- deputies, the driver kicked a mined that several dealer door open and entered a license plates, temporary house on Caloosahatchee license plates, keys to several Avenue where deputies found vehicles and a 2006 Dodge him in bed pretending to be Quad Cab truck valued at over sleeping. COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Business hours 7:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Phone 863-675-3277 Fax- 863-675-9212 WE ARE ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS FOR NURSERY- 8TH GRADE OPEN HOUSE: Thursday, August 3, 2006 from 12 p.m. 2 p.m. If you are considering a quality education for your children, please join us for our open house. We are confident you will find our faculty, staff and facility inviting. School supply list are available. STUDENTS RETURN: Monday, August 7, 2006 at 8:00 a.m. Before-Schodl Day Care opens at 7:00 a.m. After-School Day Care 3:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION available from Immokalee and Felda I Port LaBe ell in Wedding, Meeting & Party Function Space Available VACANCIES STARTING AT $65 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax: 863-675-.e-Q EMBARFQ THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE.' Vore Data Internet Wireles Enteridinment A 20-year-old LaBelle woman ,is dead after a crash on CR 78. It is unknown when the crash occurred, but the wreck was dis- covered ,at 11:20 a.m. Saturday, July 8. Sebstiana Madrid died at the scene. According to the Florida High- way Patrol, Ms. Madrid was driv- newszap com Community Links, Individual Voices. EMERG-NCY AUTOMATIC 24 HOUR STAND BY- RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL KEEP YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS UP AND RUNNING -UA.J MA 2i Hi' r Bllakoout Prolecton *Security & Peace Of Mind --- -- - (ompletely Aulomatc *LP, Nhoatl l 6s. Diesel Adds Value l our Home *15,000 To 200,000 Watts KATOLIHT 'Factory Authorized Worronty Servit SBO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES A New Twist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. A revolutionary new way to think about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours No Reframing. No Painting No Mess NEW SOLAR POWERED Cost Much Less than 01. Fachlonr, i Sylignis ATTIC FANS Let our Certified Installation Consultants show you the difference Solartube can make in your home today. L -_ -. Hurricane Tested & Approved c .. ,,i :* SOLATUBE.3 Tia s M u THE MI'ri.F aYGwT S If you are buying or selling in the LaBelle area call Greg Bone! Phone: 1-863-835-0191 I"' Fax: 1-863-675-6575 e-mail: (l^ greg.bone@soland.com website: S. www.labelleproperties.com f,, 700 S. Main Street Greg Bone uthern LaBelle, FL 33935 Realtor WaS Investments 6 Real Estate MoMemorial Tribute ^ ':*-"{" Remember a loved one Sis n ho has departed with a special N Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure'it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit \ww2.newszap.com/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. v- t. Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at httpV/www.newszapforums.con/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Letters Enjoys Sara's PhD work in geology at the Univer- Ssity of North Carolina, had teaching gardening column positions at two universities, has It's been said and can be proven studied drill rigs and has been a that Sara Townsend is a southern field geologist for a number of garden's best friendfirms. He has been studying the oil A tried and true native, having industry for over 15 years. lived and worked in Southwest The information that larecived Florida all her life, Sara learned gar-was that our government placed dening from "in the ground" and protective legislation on land in de1ng from "in930. The federal government up. With twelve years experience according to Mr. Badialowns 80 as a garden center manager there percent of te land and always are few questions Sara has not percent of the land and always been asked knew the land was rich with oil een asead a Lee Vo-Tech shale but it was too expensive to Horticultural School and has ha drill and it has been cheaper to pur- Horticultural School and has had chase oil from foreign countries wide experience in groves, fertiliz- until now. ers, plantsand growing procedures Since we now have the technol- forbothinsideplants and out. ogy, President Bush signed into law Sara delights in advising garden in August 2005 lifting the legislation ers and would-be gardeners about toprotect the land back in 1930. what to do, and just as importantly, Companies are now coming up what not to do, expert advice that's with ways to extract the oil shale based on real experience and train- which will ost as little as $10a bar- ing in Florida gardens. rel and should decrease domestic You'll find Sara "at home" at rel and should decrease-domestic You'll find Sara at home at oil prices at about 5 percent year. LaBelle .Chamber of Commerce There are 16,000 square miles where sheis the Executive Secre- of landready for drilling. It. is esti- tary. Drop by any time and say mated that 800 billion and 1.2 tril- hello, lion barrels of oil is recoverable. BarbaraOehlbeck It is estimated that when the Oil source drilling for oil shale is concluded dior: our government will become the Editor: leading oil producer in the world Recently I was surprised to and the reserve is so big it will last receive information in the mail for500years. from a gentleman whose name is Respectfully, Matt Badiali. He has accomplished Elizabeth Harrell Chamber Thoughts Today a gentleman came into N. the office with the intention of writ- _" ing a history of Hendry County and its towns and settlements. This will be a very interesting book telling our story. He may need some local historic and otherwise photos of happenings here in.La Belle, if you Trend magazine for the,month of are interested in sharing your treas- ured photographs please contact July 2006 you really should pur- us here at the Chamber Office. We chase it. Te article Final Frontier would also like to display "Old gives a view of what is coming our LaBelle Treasures" give usa call if way. This publication is one of the you would like to donate items. If best I have seen to keep you updat- If you haven't seen The Florida SaraTownsend Thank You Thank you to the hours. Members who responded you are interested in viewiparticipated are listed as fol Sher Office lows: Sheriff Rthisonni the webSr., Lt. Rick Waldron, Sgt. James Wright, of the historical booksManager Randy D/S Louis Morales, D/SGeorge Hamilton, and Owner Doug Plat- Wright, D/SaGeorge ler, D/S Ty tner of Plattner's LaBelle Dodge, Marshall, D/S Travis McCarthy, D/S this is foryou. Chrysler, and Jeep of LaBelle Florwish Don Johnson, D/S Lenny Rear-a SaraTownsend Thank You Thank you to the hours. Members who responded to express their appreciation to don, Captain Joseph Johnson, the Hendry's Office lows: Sheriff Ronnie Lee Sr.iffin, Inves- Office regarding the fast response, tigator Fernando Herrera, Investi-ght, and solving of a breaking and gator Martin Meyer, and the rest of enering of the dealership. Also the Hendry Couis Morales, D/S sheriff's for the return of the 2006 Dodge Office for a job well done.. truck along with other items Sincerely, which were taken during the bur- Randy Hamilton glary milton July 12. With the quick Wright, D/SGeorge Elveral ManagerS response time the ofminal was Plattner's LaBelle Dodge, Marshall, DS Travis McCarthy, D Chrysler, handed within a couplewish Don Johnson, D/S Lenny Rear- to express their appreciation to don, Captain Joseph Johnson, the Hendry County Sheriff's Investigator William Griffin, Inves- Office regarding the fast response, tigator Fernando Herrera, Investi- and solving of a breaking and gator Martin Meyer, and the rest of entering of the dealership. Also the Hendry County Sheriff's for the return of the 2006 Dodge Office for a job well done.. truck along with other items Sincerely, which were taken during the bur- Randy Hamilton CALOOSAL g BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: * To operate this newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant a public trust To help our community Reporter: Kristin Hunter become a better place to live Reporter: JerrLynn Merritt and work. through our dedi- Sports: Roger Alexander cation to conscientious ]our- ADVERTISING: nallsmADVERTISING: To provide the information cit. Advertising Director izens need to make Iheir own Judy Kasten intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues Brenda Jaramillo ro repon the news with hon Advertising esty. accuracy purposeful Advertising neutrality fairness oblecivity Services Coordinator- learlessness and compassion Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services. tacilllate community debate Barbara Callee not to dominate it with our Na l own opinions. National Advethising ro disclose our own confllcts Joy Parrtsh of Interest or potential con- ilicis to our readers. Independent Newspapers. Inc. To correct our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth prominence It deserves. President To provlae a right to reply to Ed Dulin those we wrtle about STo treat people with courtesy. Vice President respect and compassion Ot Florida Operations For More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Use credit cards wisely I personally know two young families that have proven credit cards can be used in a way never intended. Both the husbands and their wives are graduates of the Uni- versity of Florida and well-educat- ed, responsible professionals. Use extreme caution before trying to do what they have done. If you try this, and you are less responsible, it can ruin you financially. They were able to buy homes using cash just from their many credit cards. They still had to have employment and good credit scores. Both have also charged against their cards to substantially improve their homes and then sold .them for a substantial gain. Both have well over $100,000 available cash on their cards. You can see where that could create a nightmare of a prob- lem in the hands of someone who cannot manage money. Here is their trick. They pay between 0 and 2 percent interest on the borrowed money. Obvious- ly, the banks never intended to have customers as savvy as these two guys. This is what they learned. Never be late on making your monthly payments. Keep the total maximum amount borrowed to somewhere between 30 and 40 percent of your available credit. That shows other credit card com- petitors that you have lots of avail- able cash credit and are not in any financial difficulty. Keep.your credit score as high as possible by doing other things that show transparent financial responsibility. Automatically, other credit card companies will write to you looking for your business. But additionally, you can go on line and look for banks that offer credit.cards and make an application that gets Financial Tips byWayneC.Swtzer approved quickly. The new offers include paying off your old credit card debt by rolling it over at a low introductory rate for about six months. You can do this over and over, so long as you follow the above rules. Bear in mind that both of these clients are very responsible with their credit. They have bought and sold multiple small houses and made very good returns on their real estate. This credit card cash is not being used for buying cars, boats or other toys. If you work hard at getting and managing credit card credit wisely, you too can pur- chase a second home or other investment property, which in turn can make you money. However, bear in mind that every year a huge number of peo- ple have to refinance their primary residence just to pay off unmanage- able credit card debt. That then becomes a cycle every so many years and they never build up a lot of equity in their home. Eventually they reach retirement age and still have a big. mortgage that compli- cates their best of retirement-plan- ning. With credit cards, don't just pay the monthly minimum. Pay more than you charged that month or don't use them. Manage your credit wisely. Wayne C. Switzer, CLU, Realtor'O Yogurt is ancient way to promote good digestion Everything old is new again. Health-conscious Americans are rediscovering an ancient food - yogurt. Yogurt is a natural food that helps promote good digestion. Years of eating wrong has left digestive systems so out of whack they have trouble properly process- ing any food. The health food solu- tion is yogurt with active culture. A trip to the grocery store reveals many choices of yogurts. You can have yogurt whipped or creamy, with fruit mixed in or on the bot- tom. You can find exotic flavors like chocolate covered cherry and Key Lime. You can even find yogurt that is liquid enough to drink (for those too busy to use a spoon). Here's a hint: Read the labels. Many of these "yogurt" products are full of sugar and high in fat, and also contain artificial flavorings and colorings. And most of them don't even contain active culture. Active culture is the bacteria added during yogurt production, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Strep- tococcus thermophilus. According to a 1992 article published by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this same fermenting process has been used since 2,000 B.C. Researchers believe Middle Eastern civilizations used this process to preserve milk, and since then yogurt has been a staple in European and Mediterranean diets. Yogurt, a dairy product, is natu- rally a good source of calcium. If you have trouble digesting other dairy products, you might have bet- ter luck with yogurt. Those who are "lactose intolerant" have trouble digesting lactose (milk sugar). Symptoms of lactose intolerance include diarrhea, abdominal cramps and nausea. Yogurt is easier to digest because the enzymes in the active culture help break down the lactose before you eat it. Yogurt is also commonly used as a home remedy for a variety of ailments. Some people say if you should eat yogurt after taking antibiotics, since the antibiotics might disrupt your digestion by killing off some of the "good" bac- teria in your digestive system. Some people believe that eating yogurt can help ward off yeast infections by helping the body fight harmful bacteria. A . Healthier Life with Katrina Elsken Yogurt is made following a very old recipe. Milk is pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria, then cooled to about 113 degrees Fahrenheit, and the yogurt bacteria added. The milk and bacteria mixture is allowed to ferment and then chilled. In the United States, yogurt is commonly made with cow's milk. But in other parts of the world, it is common to make yogurt with goat's milk. Not all yogurt contains live cul- ture. Some yogurt manufacturers heat the yogurt after fermentation. This does not affect the nutritional content of the yogurt, but it does kill the live culture. If you're eating yogurt because it's high in calcium, you might not care whether or not it has live culture. But if you're eat- ing yogurt in an effort to improve your digestion, the live culture is the key ingredient. Read the.label. According to the FDA, if the e manufacturer heat- treats the yogurt after fermentation, the label must say "heat-treated after culturing." The FDA also warns consumers not to be confused by a label that says "made with active cultures." All yogurt is made with active cul- tures. Brands that are heat treated after fermentation no longer con- tain the active culture. The longer yogurt sits in the refrigerator, the fewer active culture bacteria the yogurt contains. So check the date label for the freshest yogurt you can find, and don't, buy more than you will consume in one week. Before making any change to your diet or exercise plan, consult your doctor. This is especially important if you are on any pre- scription drugs. Some drugs inter- act badly with foods that would otherwise be considered "healthy." Free tuition for Bright Futures Medallion Scholars Legislation effective July 1, expands opportunities for Florida's Bright Futures Scholarship pro- gram. The legislation enables Florida Medallion Scholars eligible high school graduates with a 3.0 grade point average to receive free tuition and fees if they attend a Florida public community college and enroll in courses toward an associ- ate degree. This represents an increase over the 75-percent reim- bursement policy in years past. The legislation benefits both current and new Medallion scholars. "This new legislation will create even greater access to higher edu- cation for many students," said Edi- son College District President Ken- neth P. Walker. "Providing the Medallion scholars a quality com- munity college education without having to worry about the cost of tuition and fee's is a tremendous opportunity that will only change students' lives for the better." The new legislation will remove all financial barriers for medallion scholarship students to go to any community college in the state. These students could then transfer to a state university and finish their final two years using the 75-percent Bright Futures scholarship. More information on Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Pro- gram can be found online at www.jrxrn.edu/doe/brfuture,s, or by calling toll-free at 1-888-827- 2004, oK by contacting Edison Col- lege's financial aid department at 489-9336. Joke of the week A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head sadly and said, "I'm so sorry, your duck, Cuddles, has passed away." The distressed owner wailed, "Are you sure"? "Yes, I am sure. The duck is dead," he replied. "How can you be so sure"? she protested. "I mean, you haven't done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something." The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room, and returned a few moments later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck's owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. SHe then looked at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head. The vet patted the dog and took it out, and returned a few moments later with a cat. The cat jumped up on the table and also sniffed delicately at the bird from head to foot. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly and strolled out of the room. The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100 per- cent certifiably, a dead duck." Then the vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman. The duck's owner, still. in shock, took the bill. "$150!" she cried. "$150 just to tell me my duck is dead"? "The vet shrugged. "I'm sorry. If you'd taken my word for it, the bill would have been $20, but with the lab report and the cat scan, it's now $150." Community Calendar Friday, July 21 F&AM: lodge on JArin in i r aycee/Lions Blvd. dinner meet- American Legion Fish Fry: 5- ingl6 p m. 7 p.m. Legion Post 130, High- ,6 p.m. way 80; Heartland CHADD: (Children AA: Step 11 Meditation Meet- and Adults with Attention ing 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of Deficit Disorders) Fourth Tues- the Good Shepherd, day, 7 p.m., LaBelle High Collingswood & Eucalyptus, School, teacher in-service Port LaBelle, open meeting points available. Bingo! Our Lady Queen of LaBelle Masonic Lodge #379 Heaven Catholic Church, Early F&AM: 7:30 p.m. Jaycee/Lions bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. NO Blvd. Smoking AA: 12 Step/Big Book study group, 8 p.m., First Christian Sunday, July 23 Church, Ford Avenue, open AA: 7 p.m. Episcopal Church meeting of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Wednesday, July 26 Port LaBelle, open discussionBi Book Meetin: AA Big Book Meeting: noon, Monday July 24 Episcopal Church of the Good ay, 4 Shepherd, Collingswood & Weight Watchers: Weigh in Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open and registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting meeting at 6 p.m., First Christ- Wednesday Night Kids: 6-7 ian Church, Social Hall, 138 p.m., Caloosa Baptist Church, Ford Avenue. for youth in grades 6-12 at 500 Bingo: 6:30 p.m. American W. Hwy. 80. Phone 675-2348 Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W PPVFD: drill 7 p.m Moose Lodge #2398: 8 p.m. Moose Lodge Lions/Jaycee AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recre- Blvd. ation IHal, . Narcotics Anonymous: 8 , p.m. Episcopal Church of the Thursday, July 27 Good Shepherd, Collingswood ,& Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, Overeaters Anonymous open meeting (OA): Thursdays 5:30 p.m. in the Episcopal Church of the Tuesday, July 25 Good Shepherd, 1098 sS Ju' 2Collingswood Parkway @ Euca- Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora lyptus, one block south of SR 80 and Ella's, Hwy. 80 east of LaBelle. Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m. AA: Open discussion, 8 p.m. Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W First Christian Church, Ford Ave Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restaurant, noon Christian Youth Fellowship: Teen Center: Hendry County 7 p.m., City Hall, Commission- Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 er's Room p.m. AA &AI Anon: 8 p.m. discus- School Board: 5:30 p.m. sion meetings First Christian Clewiston sub-office Church, Ford Ave. Call Intern County Commission: 6:30 group at 275-5111 for informa- p.m. Courthouse tion S .a f -.-? i s y t.~ ~ 6-- -''W ^ ft-t .; *.t ;---:f Are you ready for school to start back? Berniece Cervantes age 6, first grade said, "Yes, I don't know." She wasn't real sure what grade she was in either, but we S'somewhat decided she was going into first grade. Devin Meloy age 8, third grade said, "No, because it's boring. I'd rather be kissing a skunk's butt than go back!" Aliya Benavidez age 9, third grade said, S"Yes, cause I like school. They teach you, you can do arts and crafts and they read to you." Trisha Donaldson age 12, sixth grade said, 'Yes, because I miss my friends." Chris Williams age 12, eighth grade said, "Nope, cause I don't like school. Teachers are boring and we do the same thing every day. The only good thing is you get to see your friends and eat free lunch." Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20, 2006 OPINION Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 -- - - u'u rI -t- -- --Uf-- Wji Se E RV !J(PE _ VT l -' .. 1 ISave money on your favorite grocery items. v .' I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! SI 'newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. L - - ---L--- - - ----- Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter From left, front row: Faith Sherrod, Ashlan Sabino, Donya Sabino, Asmaa Odeh and Jes- Samer Odeh in the process sica Coronado. Back row: Maris Plamondon, Jacinda Sheltra, Taylor Corbitt and Samer of making his PJs. He was Odeh. Not pictured: Kaleigh Woodard, Sabrina McCluskey, Kindall Tindall, Courtney Ban- pinning his pattern' to the croft, Kylie Bancroft and Jessie Mathis. Campers are pictured proudly wearing the PJs material of his choice a that they made. proud patriotic pattern. 4-H kids take their sewing seriously 4-H held a Sewing Clinic at the Dallas Townsend Building from July 10-14. Participants made PJs of their choice. A total of 16 kids participated. First they had to cut the pieces of pattern. Then they had to iron the material. Then they would pin the pieces of pattern to the material. Then they sewed the material for a finished prod- uct. The cost of the sewing camp was $20 and that included a pajama pattern, a starter, sewing kit with thread and materials for the participants. 4-H got the material from JoAnn Fabrics and Wal-Mart. Birthdays July 20: Mary Booth, Emmett Martin,.Darwin Edwards, David Thompson, Douglas Bellinger, Reva M. Gonzalez, Shirley (Maude) Kight, Linda Craft, Kaylee Land, Anthony Steven Perkins, Jarnise R. Eady, Janita R. Eady July 21: J. Hughes, James Taylor, Donna Robinson, Ben Art Guy, Edwina Summerall, Margaret leathers, Amanda McCormick, Abigail O'Ferrell July 22: Mikal Rasmussen, Doralee Torgler,' Robert.Guthin, Buddy McGee, Gerrit Bouwkamp, Branden Roberts, Jimmy Peeples, Renee Craw- ford, Maria Reynolds, Victor Moreno, Acquilla Johnson, Brandon Edgar, Mariah Q. Gon- zalez July 23: Laura McCraken, Willy Bryant, Albert Minchew, Joey Walker, Barbara Brown, Brittany Mehle, Debbie Manley July 24: Elizabeth Spratt, Betty Hinkle, Tess Hall, Bob Moss, Shawn Davis, Marvin Ruble, Michael Boyle, Raymond Pierce, Rick Meister, Randi Meis- ter Carol Peeples, Jim Sloan, Wesley Pearce, Elias Carmona, Jr., Dylan James, ,Kristal Williamson, Adrianna Arriola, Cheryl Henderso:n, Briana Mer- cedez Banda July 25: \Vd ne Peoples, Bruce Laridrum, Ed Doub, Vicki Walker, Stephanie Howard, Jacob Anderson, Lawrence P. Thomas, Adrian Nichols Nieto July 26: Susie Hull, Deane Harrell, Myrna Holland, Sallie Tommie, 'David Phillips, Jim Russ, Danny Backes, Jason Long, Shawn. Pierson, Tracy Fry, Shane Barnett, Bobby Joe V\-hite, Joyce D. Cobb, Elizabeth Nolle July 27: Pete Risley, Chris Miller, Billy Thomas,. Michael' Hughes, Clifford Gilkey, Lana Mutipl-i,' Ronnie Keel, Patricia Rimes, Betty Sue Doty, Leonard Miller, Lorie Morrison, Ernest Snider, Candice Shockey, Crystal Shockey, Amber Newman, Idol- fo Zauala, Brenda Townsend, Freddie Gutierrez. LOST S@i YOUR S, Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck 675-103 & Auto Repair, Call W I U Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam Includes 6 month follow-up Disclaimer: The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- cel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is per- I formed aa result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted foe or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. IM O A E-A IA CS SO 4_,_ tCHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1, 3rd & 5th Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. I Where everybody is Somebody- and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 N. RiverRd.(Hwy 78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net t ow ConST PFT VnccmnTons lh Annual VARCIoATIONS FOR DOGS. CRAT &- ERRITS )A % -Ln H.:ar[,;.,',[ni Prc c no u I i P r' :. :'i Pr, '.du.: Rabies $7.00 LABELLE RANCH SUPPLY) 281 5 Bridge St. LaBelle (1863) 675-4250 Saturday, July 22 from 7:30a.m to 9:00a.m. TRACTOR SLIPPL) s Cl'! Rid. sR siI Ft kll-ers (239) 690-3002 Saturday, luly 22 from 9:30a.m to ll:00a.m. -i"' -- CaUl 1-888-673-8838 .......... 1': ..* i '." ll '. i" .'**;.Lf,^ lr l*/..f ; *;', at Walnut Creek Pre )[p) n, from "' nt. SI'a 1cl S. Sc~ad'ure your four of NC's' emof16 8t4e PR(' gef 8~62j. 89.2 W1VW,. 4y[)I7flasmoLfi u~1[iio ~elbs COLi HENDRY COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Announces its policy for Free and Reduced Price Meals for students under the NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH AND BREAKFAST PROGRAMS. Any interested person may review a copy of the policy by contacting CHARLES D. DAVIS Post Office Box 1980 LaBelle, Florida 33975 Household size and income criteria will be used to determine eligibility. These criteria can be found listed below. Children from families whose income is at or below the levels shown may be eligible for Free or Reduced Price Meals. An application can not be approved unless it contains complete eligibility information. Once approved, meal benefits are good for an entire year. You need not notify the organization of changes in income and household size. Application forms are being sent to all homes with a letter to.parents or guardians. To apply for Free or Reduced Price Meals, households must complete the applica- tion and return it to school. Additional copies are available at the principal's office in each school. The information provided on the application will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility and may be verified at any time during the school year. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year. Households that receive Food Stamps or TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) are required to list on the application only the child's name, Food Stamp/fANF case number, and signature of adult household member. Foster children may receive benefits based on the child's personal income regardless of the income of the household. Household with children who are considered migrants, homeless or runaway should contact the district liaison,Jodi Bell at 863-674-4108. For the purpose of determining household size, deployed service members are considered a part of the household. Families should include the names of the deployed service members on their application. Report only the portion of.the deployed service member's income made available to them or on their behalf to the family Additionally, a housing allowance that is part of the Military'Housing Privatization Initiative is not to be included as income. All other households must provide the following information listed on the application: * Total household income listed by amount received and type of income and how often the income is received (wages, child support, etc.) received by each house- hold member; * Names of all household members; * Signature of an adult household member certifying the information provided is correct; and * Social security number of the adult signing the application or the word "NONE" for this household member if he or she does not have a social security number. If a household member becomes unemployed or if the household size changes, the school should be contacted. Children of parents or guardians who become unem- ployed should also contact the school. Such changes may make the student eligible for reduced price or free meals if the household income falls at or below the levels show below. Under the provisions of the Free and Reduced Price meal policy, Charles D. Davis, will review applications and determine eligibility If a parent or guardian is dis- satisfied with the ruling of the official, he or she may wish to discuss the decision with the determining official on an informal basis. If the parent wishes to make a for- mal appeal, he or she may make a request either orally or in writing to: SCOTT COOPER SPost Office Box 1980 LaBelle, Florida 33975 863-674-4113 Unless indicated otherwise on the application, the information on the Free and Reduced Price Meal application may be used by the school system in determining eli- gibility for other educational programs. FLORIDA INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES FOR FREE AND REDUCED PRICE MEALS Effective from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 Free Meal Sca e is 130% of Federal Poverty Level Household Annual Monthly Twice Per Every Two Weekly size Month Weeks 1 12,740 1,062 531 490 245 2 17,160 1,430 715 660 330 3 21,580 1,799 900 830 415 4 26,000 2,167 1,084 1,000 500 5 30,420 2,535 1,268 1,170 585 6 34,840 2,904 1,452 1,340 670 7 39,260 3,272 1,636 1,510 755 8 43,680 3,640 1,820 1,680 840 Each additional 4,420 369 185 170 85 family member, add Reduced Meal Scale is 185% of Federal Poverty Level Household Annual Monthly Twice Per Every Two Weekly size Month Weeks 1 18,130 1,511 756 698 349 2 24,420 2,035 1,018 940 470 3 30,710 2,560 1,280 1,182 591 4 37,000 3,084 1,542 1,424 712 5 43,290 3,608 1,804 1,665 833 6 49,580 4,132 2,066 1,907 954 7 55,870 4,656 2,328 2,149 1,075 8 62,160 5,180 2,590 2,391 1,196 Each additional 6,290 525 263 242 121 family member, add To determine monthly income: * If you receive the income every week, multiply the total gross income by 4.33. * If you receive the income every two weeks, multiply the total gross income by 2.15. * If you receive the income twice a month, multiply the total gross income by 2. Remember: The total income before taxes, social security, health benefits, union dues, or other deductions must be reported. In accordance with Federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited form discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Your time is precious. -"~k '~ ~~~- .-' ~ ..-. ,~ ~;i ;~ -5. I, People have so much to do and so little time to do it. To help you deal with your time constraints, we pack this little newspaper with lots of relevant and useful information. We want you to learn what you need to know quickly, so you can experience and enjoy your community fully. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA BELLE SDelivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism. $3~d~nr,~s~,p Clr.rrnti~.~ ~ Gi~P~l~r~i~L1~4it=;j1Bii s~s~ '" :~$~:" It*--'~ 06 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 Jeep PLUS 0% FINANCING OR UP TO $4000 IN REBATES .7 -'I' DODGE GRAND CARAVAN ',I1 H E SE ''Ti.NG AND STORAGE AVAILABLESNLYTOFACTORY EMPLO ON NEW '06 MODELS DODGE DURANGO FIVE-STAR HIGHEST GOVERNMli FRONTAL CRASH TEST RArN:,' *I.T4-rU rrrI I" rTT1M (IllUI A -P f-Y F49 ; .. -: ...,, -,, , J2 .7T~ VK UU Lp *4W, Jeep 0 - HIMa FltEer Change it 16-Pohin mw'JI hck. V -,'10 . - I Ru ld I .1. flusd ':sp ~a, ao-rioT Latc mp t,; 5, ja3s~t en ul ihm~e sr. En Ud d rzvI ic~- u s 8.ca I~J..v C~s11i2t d a ?rs~ot.n :3E1 6822 r lUP i IT .T. C:lX~~~ -ra fl L afn I I il~lHEIII I dUR.~ CA.~ h.d..~~? C eTt T01 1C~ ~1'' 8 o~~~ du ~ ~ 1ILi~tliL i'~i: u~r~l I!.Vb:I:t'~d~81 r~~bf~7 -'---------- ------------------------------ Expires: 7/26/06 , A;r Acd Mar - Tlr - Wi Pir~ a Exi -a Air Pric, $119.50 EI elf" LU E ' v& "lt? r .J TI a ? I u L o f, Li k' . * C'ir'cJI: hI 1~ f'd~ P8: I * I' ~.if l U rP~? :ll tru k ,1 1 1 ' ";-i I1? n r, tf 16 % Expires: 7/26/06 ,4 1 HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP _____ HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR __ C" m 1R.'Y" n VSX-o lE- 1 CklD jx Re 4 l R R P3 5 *Sy It really does make a difj S1iV r.Al I Me IV 4 CT.. II DEALER 'erence ~~P UI~ ~t~~-~i~ ""iffeCIS (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 * SPECIAL FINANCING RATE ON SELECT VEHICLES TO QUALIFIED BUYERS THRU CFC WAC. TERMS VARY. EP NOT AVAILABLE ON VIPER, SRT10, CROSSFIRE, AND SPRINTER. PROGRAM GOOD THRU 7/31/06 xi.^ W wiln I. I- B i I i I i i I i i i i I I a k P4 6 INN NT. ICH RYSLERI o W T ~'t L i i ~ -- -- -Irr ~4r~,~ r~-=-i~iiiiii~~~~ls~~ L11 1 Il~f-.~l-~p-ll-~j~~ ~L~%s~llP W~Bg~B~BL~F~-~I~B1~T~%r ~BP$P~LSadllC - I Itamd L ,1 - U03hdE Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 Sports Briefs LHS volleyball practice planned LHS volleyball practice starts SJuly 31 at the high school gym from 3:45-5:45 p.m. Anyone Interested in playing volleyball is welcome to come. You must have a recent physical in order to practice. Sports physical and SLonghorn signups Dr. Caignet will be doing $10.00 sports physical on Mon- day, July 24 and July 31. They will be at the Hendry County Rec Board on Cowboy Way. They will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m. It will be a first come first serve basis only. Anyone who wishes to sign up for one of our Longhorn teams may do so also at this time. You may also drop off payments or other related items for your child's registra- tion. Join Southwest All-Stars Does your boy or girl like to compete? Does your boy or girl like to travel to exciting places? Come by and join our team. Southwest All-Stars is a traveling competition squad for cheer- leading and dance. They have experienced coaching staff from LaBelle and Ft. Myers. They offer advanced tumbling classes as well. Our new and exciting sea- son is about to begin, hopefully becoming state champions for another year. The gym is located on South Industrial Rd. Stop by on Tuesday from 6-9 p.m. to inquire or sign up. Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Stand up and cheer! LHS JV Cheer Campers exhibiting their stunting capability. Big Cypress airboat trails reopen Big Cypress National Pre- serve Superintendent Karen Gustin announced that the air- bcal trails within Zone 4 of the preserve reopened Saturday; July 15, This closure has been lifted since water levels have risen within this area of the pre- serve to allow for safe travel will be lifted effective August 11, along the trails. The area was 2006. closed as of April 3,.2005. If you have any questions Other areas of the preserve about ORV access; or. other remain closed to wheeled off- recreational opportunities with- road vehicle (ORV) recreational in Big Cypress National Pre- access for the annual 60-day serve, contact the Oasis Visitor seasonal closure. This closure Center at 239-695-1201. . .. .R- l' .. ..*:- Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! S4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used item or * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue Sell your personal valuables if they re $2,500 or less orabsolutelyfree! for .morns! No fee, ai E-M grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. * Deadline 11 a.m. Monday Save money on your favorite grocery items. Go to newszap.com to download and I print coupons online! newszap.com Community Links I Individual Voices. ------------------- SPORTS FANS! I BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW I Brought to you by Lori Langford SBaseball is a game of threes three I Strikes, three outs, three bases so here Share a couple of major-league trivia I 'threes' that are sure to stump even the most knowledgeable baseball nut. I Name the three Hall of Famers who died I on their birthdays. They were Joe I Tinker, Bucky Harris and Baggy Hartnett. Now name three big leaguers with three letters in their last names who hit for better than a .300 average in at least one season during their careers. Ready?' Nellie Fox, Lee May and Mel Ott. You might have heard about the Los Angeles Angels fan who sued the ball club for sex discrimination because he didn't receive a pink nylon tote bag as Part of the team's 2005 Mother's Day Promotion. That inspired the manage- Iment of the Altoona Curve, Pittsburgh's IClass AA affiliate, to hold one of the I Great promotions of all time: "Salute to IFrivolous Lawsuit Night.' The first 137 Adult males through the turnstiles I I received that pink tote bag. The first 137 I I women received lukewarm coffee so I I they wouldn't burn themselves. And I I the first 137 kids received a beach ball I I with a warning not to ingest it. Speaking of minor league promotions, how about the luck of Larry Trujillo, a fan of the Albuquerque Isotopes? In August of 2005, Trujillo was awarded a brand new Nissan Xterra when Jason Wood blasted a grand slam home run during the Sandia Resort and Casino Grand.Slam Inning. Nine months later, Sin May of 2006, Trujillo drove that Xterra to the ballpark and signed up for the same promotion. Amazingly, Trujillo won it again, this time on Paul Hoover's grand slam, driving away with a new Ford Escape. I'll bet you didn't know, coming or Sgoig, that when the rubber hits the road,you can't afford not to buy from Langford. ILANGIFORD 'Tall Spoken Herel' 6754686 -6_----------_-____A Injured? Do you have a lawsuit but need money now?' .- Victory Funding a provides cash to individuals with pending personal injury lawsuits Call today: 888-544-2881 www.victoryfundsnet Victory Funding AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. S Screen e Corpolts Rescreens Roof-Overs Seamless Aluminum Gutters 5" to 6" S(863)838-2477 1450 42nd St. tre L =i_3i_ Winter Haven, FL 33881 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee j'l.r. f fTit r A r n--,.. b-'a-~-i' NEW PATIENTS ACCEPTED! Nuevos pacientes son acceptado! Servic-s: Family Medicinc. Women's Health. Pediatrics Internal Medicine, Dental, Outreach and Education. Laboratory, Radiology, Pharmnacy J1 i i i C 0.1'r 1'l /1 .,'i,' /. ' For an appointment Call (239) 658-3000 Walk-in's Welcome SpFjr;h. Enrlhl-h. Cr'-.':lc &" K n,..bjl i .:.l:. n ..,l i ,ll. ,.. I, .,,,. a,,,, .,.'.. i, ." ,II ,.1 'I ,Y-" ,,'" Lock in a great rate. 5 Month CD $10,000 new money required Call, visit, or go online to take advantage of this great limited time offer. 800-706-9991 Arcadia 1601 E. Oak Street Clewiston* 300 S. Berner Road LaBelle 17 N. Lee Street Lake Placid 199 U.S. Highway 27 North Moore Haven 601 Highway 27 Okeechobee South Parrott 1409 S. Parrott Avenue Okeechobee North Parrott 500 N. Parrott Avenue Wauchula 202 N. 6th Avenue Seacoast NATIONAL BANK NASDAQ: SBCF xii www.seacoastnational.com A subsidiary ofSeacoast Banking Corporation ofFlorida * Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal may result in penalty. Rate subject to change without notice. o catch, no psui.'M" CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's Vews Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 aail: classad@newszap.com II'II ,, ~ 1 I I I 1 111~ I _I _L I ""~3;ie""" ~E~ILI~, c *:n, 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 Almanacs Muse Community Association to meet The Muse Community Associa- tion will be on Wednesday, July 26, at 2 p.m. and again at 6 p.m. for one hour. Each will present "KIDS TALK" with Author Brenda L. Goodwin. Come draw, write, sing and move with the "GREEN CRAY- ON." Call 675-8113 for reservations and/or details. The c6st is $5 per child. LHS Band plans car wash The LHS band will be holding a car wash at the Fire station on Saturday, July 22 from 8 a.m. -12 p.m. Cars will be a $5 donation and trucks will be a $10 donation. Volunteers needed at Nature Park Join the LaBelle Rotary Club, Hendry/LaBelle Recreation Depart- ment, Coalition for Eco-Recreation, youth groups and community vol- unteers in moving two truckloads of mulch at LaBelle Nature Park on Friday, July 28. Work begins at 8 a.m. at the Nature Park located, at Fraser and Hardee Street, on block north of the Log Cabin Restaurant. Phillip Pelletier and his crew form the Hendry/LaBelle Recre- ation will be moving'mulch to bench areas and trails. Volunteers are needed to spread the mulch. Water will be provided: Bring gloves, racks, shovels, wheelbar- rows and any other tools you'll need. Thank your for your contin- ued support of LaBelle's Nature Park. For more information call Margaret England at 674-0695 or visit the LaBelle Nature Park Website: http://www.labellena- turepark.net/ Coalition to meet The next Coalition for Eco- Recreation meeting will be held on Saturday, August 5, at 11 a.m. at Margaret England's home 380 Riverview Drive cornerr of Fraser and Riverview Drive). Everyone who is interested in Eco-Recre- ational projects in our area is invited to attend. Call Margaret England at 674- 0695 for more information. LaBelle Nature Park Website: http://www.labellenaturepark.net/ Foster parents needed The Children's Network of Southwest Florida and Family Preservation Services of Florida will be holding an orientation on "How to become a Foster Parent/Adoptive Parent" on July 24 at Department of Children & Families, 485 East Cow- boy Way, LaBelle, at 6 p.m. Children's Network of South- west Florida serves as the lead agency to oversee foster care and adoption services in Collier, Lee, Charlotte, Hendry and Glades counties. Children's Network of Southwest Florida has partnered with Family Preservation Services, Lutheran Services Florida, Ruth Cooper Center for Behavioral Health Care, and the Florida Baptist Children's Home to recruit more foster families in our five county region. Please call 1-800-89FAMILY., Pioneer homeowners to meet Pioneer Homeowners Associ- ation and Neighborhood Watch meeting every 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Pioneer Community Center. Everyone is welcome and invited to attend. The next event will be the Labor day covered dish dinner on Sept. 4 from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. There will be a cake auction and 50/50 drawing. All political candi- dates are invited to come and tell us whywe should elect them. Learn about avian flu John Gountas of the Hendry- Glades Health Department will giv- ing an avian flu presentation to the community on July 24 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Center, 1085 Pratt Boulevard in LaBelle. He will pro- vide in depth information on this timely issue. Widows Support Group plans luncheon The Widows Support'Group will meet at the Log Cabin Restau- rant July 20 at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. All widows welcome. Beginner clogging classes The LaBelle Program Center is offering beginner clogging classes on Thursday; at 6 p.m. Come out and learn new and exciting dances. For more information call the LaBelle Program Center at 675-4130. Job training opportunity, Train to be a heavy equipment operator. For more information call Sonny Hughes. at the Educa- tion Center of SWFL Office at 675- 6800 located on 13 N. Missouri St. Unit B. The first classes are planned for August and Septem- ber so sign up now. Register for kindergarten Parents may register students for kindergarten at West Glades Elementary in the school office Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.-3: p.m. for children who will be five years old before September 1. ACT serves Hendry, Glades Abuse Counseling and Treat- ment, Inc. a non-profit agency established to provide shelter, 24 hour hotline, counseling and edu- cation to \ icimis of domestic vio- lence and their families and sur- vivors of sexual assault, serving Lee, Hendry and Glades counties. Sexual Assault Support Group :Support groups and individual counseling for adult survivors of sexual assault/abuse. 24-hour Learn how toclog hotline: (239) 939-3112 Beginning Clogging Steps-all Domestic Violence Support ages: Thursdays-5:15 p.m.-taught Groups and individual counseling by Country Rhythm Advanced for adult victims of emotional, ver- Clogging Team and Pat Bedding- bal or physical abuse. 24-hour hot- field-6 weeks class for $35. line: (239-939-3112). Intermediate Clogging Steps-all ages; Thursdays-6:00 p.m.-taught by Country Rhythm Advanced Clogging Team and Pat Bedding- field-6 weeks class for $30. Starts Thursday, June 29. Sign up at LaBelle Program Center. Any questions call 675-4130. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, .2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2- 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We I7 1ll Help )it Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) .4ht~Siv Avauilkthle et', or Ex cedsFloridai 'ind Code -Florida "Staniled" Fngiiieercd METAL STRUCTURES LLC 866-624-9100 www.metalstructuresllc.com ] J k r '* * ALL COMPETITORS' REBATES AND COUPONS MATCHED! ON ALL NAME-BRAND TIRES WE SELL-iNCLUDING GOODYEAR, CONTINENTAL, MICHELIN AND MORE. . 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Just put off paying, with the Genuine Card. And get 10% off your first service purchase. 1' III - i I ', NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. Se participatira g (alership for details. -t .13.1 Id1*~~l 11*P~ l+a pBll aa~i I~$BPi B:a 1j~ airI BOLD See your participating Southwest Florida Ford Dealers -AI. d*n ele Fe ":,P oyS0ls *1.BouReae 0 fe n l rd LA N FORD Bi-168li HighKway 29 South vwww lr I iJglinrrnll.uri NO GIMCS.UT STOTEET YO'L FID URPRICEI tWY rv Es NI $ FUEL SAVER PACKAGE GO GDfYEA R A- -TA Owl ---~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20, 2006 Olde Cypress Community Bank LaBelle Office Open House & Grand Opening Thursday, July 27th from 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. Ribbon cutting ceremony, buffet and refreshments, door prizes, and tours of the new facilityfor all who attend. Customer Appreciation Week Monday July 24 July 28 Coffee and Doughnuts served each morning Ask about our CD special only available in LaBelle during Customer Appreciation week. We LOOK FORWARD to SEEING YOU,, --I--/------------------- -----------------*1 -i B (/ COMMUNITY BAN',IK Chance To Win a $1000 Certificate of Deposit (No photocopies of the entry form will be accepted) I Official entry form must be dropped off or postmarked to one of our branches by August 28. 2006. I I The Drawing will take place August 31, 2006. No purchase necessary to win. Name Address Phone Number Official Sweepstakes Rules: Contestants must be 18 years of age or older. One entry per person. Will be chosen at random on August 31. 2006. Winner will be notified by phone or mail. Employees of Olde Cypress Community Bank or its affilates and vendors and their immediate families are not eligible. L.------------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------------~ Clewiston 205 So. W.C. Owen Ave P.O. Box 1779 Clewiston, FL 33440 LaBelle 45 Bridge Street P.O. Box 1469 LaBelle, FL 33935 Wal-Mart 1005 W. Sugarland Hzmy. Clewiston, FL 33440 Lobby Hours: Monday Thursday 8:30 . S.-.-"... 8:30 6 0 ,. -:" . ,.,.., F rid...a.... y' 8: 30 6 0 ; '' ,. i~ !: 1 Wal-Ma Monday Thur Saturday 5:30 irt Hours: sday 10:00 : J ~~~~~* .'*?^.,?^* i *';,?,? ;. 10:I00 400: S : o '] ^ .,". l ; *- ::.: .:: *I... . ^ '", .: '-5" : ." ; '.: .K .'h .-' *. ** s r" 'i.- . :. ; :, 4 - '. -*' -: ... ., '. . .." . iF 1- .7e~I Equal Housing Lender * *6.. -2. .- :,-... SiO -992-61 98. l: Member IFDC r- - ------------------ jFDIC. 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 LaBelle High School information Student I.D. and Schedule Pick-up Student I.D. cards will be issued. Students must be within the L.H.S. dress code. Student I.D.'s wjll be required to pickup your class schedule. Schedules will be available for students or their legal guardian during the above scheduled times. Your counselor will be available to answer any scheduling ques- tions. 9th Grade Thursday, July 27 9:00 a.m.-12.00 p.m. 1lth Grade, Thursday, July 27 1:00 p.m.-3:00 -p.m. 10th Grade, Friday, July 28 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 12th Grade, Friday, July 28 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. 2006-07 Dress Code and Cell Phone Policy 2006-2007 Dress and Groom- ing Policy Students and parents need to be aware of the importance of good grooming and its effect upon the learning environment. Good taste is knowing what to wear and when to wear it. Since the home provides the funds, guidance, and upkeep of the stu- dent's clothing worn in school, it is the responsibility of the par- ent to see that grooming reflects the modesty and good taste expected in school. The follow- ing dress and grooming require- ments are to be followed by all students. Other requirements may be made to avoid disrup- tion of the educational process. Note: No warning will be given. A. No chains (not including jewelry) shall be worn, B. Safe footwear shall be worn at all times. No bedroom slippers shall be worn. C. Halter-tops, tube tops, short shorts, muscle shirts, midriff or backless shirts and blouses shall not be worn. Sleeves must be at least two inches in width. Tops must be three inches below the waist- band or remain tucked in order that the midriff area is not exposed. No bare skin should be exposed at the waist or abdomen area. Clothing must cover the chest area to ensure that cleavage is not exposed. D. Hair shall be neatly groomed and not obstruct vision. E. Length of shorts, skirts, and dresses must not be more than 6 inches from the middle of the knee. F. Shorts and pants must be cinched and worn at the waist. (No inappropriate exposure of body parts.) G. Sunglasses, hats and any other head covering may be worn appropriately outside, before and after school. School staff may confiscate headwear worn in buildings and in the courtyard. Appropriate disci- pline will then be applied. H. Intentionally altered cloth- ing (torn/ripped), unbuttoned or unzipped, and ill-fitting gar- ments are not acceptable. I. Clothing shall be free of inflammatory, suggestive, racial, ethic or other inappropri- ate writing, advertisement, or artwork that may create a dis- ruption of school. Including t- shirts advertising alcohol and tobacco or any other product deemed inappropriate for school. Shirts with gang related symbols are not to be worn including but not limited to skulls mid other symbols of sug- gested violence. J. Costumes, sleepwear or other clothing that creates a dis- traction is not permitted. K. Gang clothing, symbols, or other items associated with gangs may not be worn, dis- played or carried. Disciplinary Action for Viola- tion of the Dress Code 1. Assignment to ISS until appropriate clothing is changed/brought in by the par- ent. 2. 1 and a half hour ASD assignment. 3. Clothing violations after the third incident will he treated as "failure to follow a reason- able request." Cell Phones A. Cell phones are to be turned off and concealed during the regular school day from 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. B. They may not be used dur- ing lunch. SC. Teachers and administra- tors will take phones that do not meet these guidelines and issue a 1 1/2 hour ASD. Failure to sur- render your phone is Insubordi- nation and OSS (1-3 days). D. To have the phone returned will require one of the following: pick up by the parent or a family member over 21 years of age.. pick up by a student after school with an ASD. E.-Confiscation of a cell phone two or more times will be treated As "failure to follow a reasonable request" and will be issued ISS/OSS (1 to 3 days) F. Parents, please do not con- tact your child by cell phone during the school day. You may risk causing disciplinary conse- quences for your child. Area meetings July 25, BOCC, Dallas Townsend public. For more information you Ag Center, LaBelle.5 p.m. can contact Julie Wilkins at 863- Aug. 3, The City of LaBelle Code 673-4529 Review Board, 8:30 a.m. at Flora & Aug. 8, BOCC Meeting, 5 p.m., Ella's. The meetings are open to the Clewiston Vjf SPECIAL 29 GAUGE SGALVALUM METAL |ROOF SYSTEM I I 1T SHINGLE PRICES -T EWWART CONSTRUCTION 863-385-9403 www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. # CCC1325639 Lic. # CBC047717 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights Thurs 9 8 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 SCHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The lords Supper 1, 3" & 5' Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Where everybody is Somebody- andJesus isLord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net Dt m' j4l I IOwtcarOtoretntPet BEDDING 1060 IHwy 29 S. LaBelle' 863-675-0717 www wr.whitcsfirniandappliances.cman 4 SWP HURRICANE SHUTTERS INc Storm Panels Accordions Rolldowns for E Estimate contact Travis Burchard 863-673-0966 or 863-675-6238 675-3233 STATE CERTlFIED CLASS A CONTACtOP CACOO00030 FFP PARTICIPATIN CONTRACTOR CLASSIC- CONCEPTS HAIR AND TANNING SALON 283 South Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 674-1122 Hours Monday thru Wednesday 9 am. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9 am. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 am. to 12 p.m. Smart Tan Accredited Salon IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENTO 300 Davis St.- En la esquina de Bryan Ave. Domingo: Servicio 10:00 a.m. S Studio Biblico 6:00 p.m. . Martes: Servicio 7:30 p.m. Estudlo Biblico y Clase de Ingles Pastor Ben Millican 863-674-0837 : ii 7: 1--0782 Ciro C.: 571-0377 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as "10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T EDDIE GATES Agent Senior Liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow , Liberty National # I.lt- I.ij,-m .i"r C I.IJ II. 7,, 2035 McGregor Blvd F. Myers, FL 33903 (239)334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS 6 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle. FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald, Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 A8,2171 ; I PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES .Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 Osceolq Concrete Services LLC Colored Stamped Concrete Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exterior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair and Resealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SouTHN FPT, MYERs 1 866 226m9400 HIW LIIVIZA'i CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN MAINTAINENCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us on tl web at www.allinl .20io.com Sc Ilabta Espanel INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." Randy's Garage, Inc. YburLoa4iACDlcoCo Ca Carer C. 863-675-1032 737S. Trid i c St. o. t.llc. FL Just North of Langford Ford LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET Wholesale flooring warehouse 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY 80 LABELLE, FL 863-675-8575 SLargest In-Stock Selection and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES r- OFFICE: (863 675-7045 I .. # ,. CC.C037019 SLABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 ,Ewr v Now HENDR REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500 W. SmUlANOa, ClWiSTON 863-983-9121 MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured BE Er HAa DOND E uH 20l W, !ga.ld Hr,CtAnf 863.9834,0 1 J. 88llua Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West -LaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC ---- j|H-o sp Iiceased & Ssurend OFrCE (863) 675-8314 LABOR < FINDERS DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK 41A.ABLE 20 FE. Supaararid H v Acr'f f I'|(las In n (863) 902-9494 Clnrli n f oi' 1454 Madiison Avc. [mmrok:lcc, FL For appointments call 239-658- ',' ', WValk-is Welcome IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER Apl~oincnelmts Are Necessary Please Call 239-657- 636 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net LANGFORD 851 S. Main St '^ "\\ LaBelle, FL ( 863) 675-1686 -3. W', ; o ".spoken Hierei' EXTREME CLEANS, INC. 863 675-0810 239 344-6712 "CTomes ,;L\\ HOME C ft I'l tl IRON p)863.612-0 070 0 863-612-0080 825 E. Cowboy Way' Suite 108 "- Issgrl ;i,,.Itei.;ll.ll 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson River Where Quality is Done in Style SB [O'), 'dH;h |^;M ;H=H ld SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES WEEDEINC -MOWING' -PLANTING Sod Rplacemnenl & oille Lawn Mailglatle CALL (239) 357-2972 Lic. & l&lsurcd e-mail: cas;plertl'niib,4Q)yalao.conai "When you need a service, call a professional!" i i Call 863-675-2541 L .or e-mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! wff,11,1 I- _, 9 1 I r r r' I I I5C r -ca ee~Lr,~cr II =~ ,, Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20, 2006 Business surveys under way Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Helping out Drivers ed instructor Ron Dunbar, right, gives Pat Langford of Langford Ford a plaque for over 30 years of service in helping driver's education by loaning cars. Mr. Langford said that he appreciates the opportunity to help out. Hendry County Economic Development Council, Florida's Heartland REDI and Southwest Florida Workforce Development board are currently conducting business surveys for Hendry County. The survey project started in Clewiston on July 6 and will continue throughout the county until the middle of August. If you haven't already been contacted you can expect to be soon. The surveys are "one-on-one" and should take about 20 minutes to complete. The surveys are.multi-func- tional and were designed to address some of the issues that resulted from the countywide visioning process that took place earlier this year; to identify workforce and skills needs for the county employers; and will include questions pertaining to the employment needs of the construction and trade busi- nesses as requested by the High Skills/High Wage committee during a recent workforce devel- opment retreat. The information gathered from the surveys will be used to help determine what skills are needed for future employment, help identify sources for fund- ing of new projects and help prepare emergency business plans. The sponsoring organiza- tions ask for your cooperation and thanks you in advance for when a surveyor contacts you your participation. Apply for leadership training now Leadership Hendry & Glades Counties Inc. continues to accept applications for its "Pioneer Class" to begin in October 2006. This exciting and new program is designed to prepare potential leaders to meet the challenges facing Hendry and Glades coun- ties and to provide current leaders a rewarding learning experience. This interactive program will provide the opportunity to partici- pate in community activities through service and leadership. Cost for the eight-month pro- gram is $500 and includes six information days at one day a month, an orientation to learn about the program and recogni- tion at the completion of the pro- gram. Participants will be intro- duced to information on the judicial and government work- ings of the counties, learn about business and agri-business, be introduced the growth manage- ment practices, receive informa- tion on the health and education services in our counties, discover water and environmental issues and realize the community servic- es and cultural opportunities pro- vided in these counties. Applications may be obtained by calling 863-675-6007. Deadline for submission is August 31. Space is limited so submit your application early. I Go to newszap.com to I I download and print I I coupons online! I L -- --- ------ ULIKEA GOOl NEIGHBOR SJ FATE F S.M Ir' THlt'Af Praul,rei i(Irnswance' hI'd In~,b:nLuI 5S-C' A S .4. '.:;d'. ; _. ...~.~...-~~\ Ir. .: *si~ i~r .- ~''"" 4''LII ;~' '- 'r Stall Calls With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transport.L Itl A'.l ilaih I- For Rates, References & Service Call 863-675-3231 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers Ihe king QCoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bames@alankellymortgage.com Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVSI or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week Cafbosa Shores Waterfront 9fomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato. net CUCINA DI CIELO STEAK, SEAFOOD & PASTA 700 W. LEELAND HEIGHTS BLVD. SUITE 103 LEHIGH ACRES, FL 239.369.8883 SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N, Industrial Loop Rd, Laelle 863-675-3275 SCpe:131 nIFuO rmenis AV3tlable t.i iTr:: t f ,'i :'l PHOTO ONE PHOTOGRAPHY SAND VIDEO 571 Davis Street LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-mail: iii [ phij etol ,i w crli[b k.n t SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 777 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sale RentalI Pr. i. .i ...i _'un s' ii I,'Mil, r ..i.io . '.",", wJ f rua,.," rHorizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying lie Real Estate Broker Ijsa Andrews ic. Real Estate Brokcer 238 N. ;,i i .,Iv.. a. 3a 935 863-675.8868 wrv'{., it hwr'r t lnrid cl:alriligrnup.com PORT LABELLE INN The OL' OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OXBOW DRIVE 863.675.4411 BankofAmerica , SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 slirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle EDISON PLUMBINGiNC. j Scriatchley i tLIIiI'IPI-. il . NEW 1 COI ; :'I I 10N SA\L I_-l. (';',\ L:01 I'.\l RESIDENTIAL SERVICE REPAIRS CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824 '75 lndustnial Ct. *Belle, FL CFC1426!)0 te r.,SUnMI S INSURED COUNTRY HOMES- LA REAr ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic, Real Estate Broke: Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com 233 N. BRIDGE ST ONHra cXanaR OF BIsU ST & WAMnGsTON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com property management i-il* rentals sates CINDYL. ALEXANDER LICs RFgALs ES=BRsOKE ISPENCER SI-REALTY Fran W. Spencer, Lie. Broker 437SR80W LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1203 (863) 673-5554 Web: www.SpencerRealtyFL.,cm AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. ""In' Corports VaszI greens E ',:.-Overs : 'C _, .GJt1eJri 5" to 6" Seamless Aluminum (863)838-2477 1450 42nd St. Winter Haven, FL 33881 ..., State.,Lic,.,.CRC1.326301., PALM HARBOR MODULAR, MOBILE & STILT HOMES CALL OUR FACTORY FOR FREE COLOR BROCHURE 800-622-2832 wRASLESTATfE S~BePP ^^^^ arlty coo^^ '^S~i~seadstS ffc wnH! 419~'li'f W.3 S ~ ta*te Rd 80^'IJ^^ ROINrY M 'RRv Y Sli. Real Estate Broker LaBelle, FL Mg3-.(i'5-4550 RIVERSIDE ~'REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.lale[lleveiverside.cnm e.mrail: rmestt 'l abelli 'iiveilcie com . rii Ms Iarilyn S ears 3 1 -, A IJ d RId Is," tr ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE. For as little as *10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863.675.3955 (35 Years Experience) THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N' Main St., LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as 10o.o0 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net rfERKTA6E LAND CO 180 N. Bridge St. LaBee, l FL (863) 675-6788- 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol im DONNA KANE SAS I PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER Wayne C. Switzer .Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 SBankston 7 Realty www.bankstonrealty.com Wanda Bankaton _- B Owner Broker HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863-675-0403 ) -S' - ... . , 1Whn you need a service, call a professional!" Call 863-675-2541 or e-mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! "' 1- II I I I I II I II I I Irl I I EBfft 8 I ~ 3CYI] i"r~~i~tU lisidCt~lll 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 NEW FORDS NOW COME STANDARD WITH A 5 YEAR 60,000 MILE POWERTRAIN WARRANTY WHICH INCLUDES ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE BENEFITS. THAT'S BET'IER COVERAGE THAN ANY OTHER FULL LINE MANUFACTURER OFFERS GET 0% FINANCING AND UP TO $1100 IN GAS MONEY.** Buy a new Buy a new 2006 Five Hundred SEL 2006 Focus ZX3 with leather. MSRP $24,930 MSRP $14,905 Sale price Sale price $21,613* $11,833* Stk #6c34 Stk # 6c106 Buy a new Buy a new 2006 F-150 XL 2006 F-150 XLT with automatic and AC Super Crew MSRP $21,179 MSRP $31,849 Sale price Sale price $15,634* $24,219* Stk6t4 -54 Stk #6t454 MSRP $19,800 Sale price $16,964* Stk # 6c123 Buy a new Buy a new 2006 2006 E-150 Van Expedition Eddie Bauer Work ready with racks & bins MSRP $24,170 MSRP $40,590 Sale price Sale price- $19336* $30,566* Stk# 6t575 Stk # 6t688 Buy a new Buy a new 2006 F-150 XLT 2006 F-250 XL 4x4 4x4 Super Crew MSRP $35,479 MSRP $31049 Sale price Sale price $27,252* $23,662* Stk# 6t244 Stk #6t40 Buy a new 2006 Freestar SE MSRP $28,930 Sale price $21,082* Stk # 6t90 Buy a new 2006 Explorer XLT MSRP $29,120 Sale price $23,628* Stk # 6t183 Buy a new 2006 Freestyle. SE MSRP $26,750 i Sale price $23,273* Stk# 6t514 WE CAN BEAT ANY DEALER'S LEGITIMATE ADVERTISED PRICEOR PAYMENT ON A NEW FORD! *After rebates. **With approved credit through Ford Credit on new 2006 models. Excludes Ford GT and Mustang CT I0 tin incmn lhu o:f rcbjte See de der kr deulI-. Images are for illustration purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offers end 07-31-06. I I U EU I I II z650 FUSZX- 2005 FOCUS ZX4 This sporty Focus'is great on gas with only 18K miles and fully equipped irt,. Ii i >.. 1 ....... I ,r.l ,,I. A:. J .:lIJ Ih ,-, II-t, I,.r.j, Ir j including a 2.0L DOHC 4 cyl engine, auto trans, A/C, p/windows, p/dbor l r-Hi .-' r..: ,ii..,iia, \ j .' ",i ...i'.. r d I.. : I -' r ... 11 l . locks, p/mirrors, tilt steering, speed control, stereo CD/MP3 player, rear l,,ii,- i l r .,iA IM II,,M[.LI .." i i j... i:.. ...'.:kc c window defroster and the'balance of the factory warranty. U5699 i,., ,. 1.. i .r .,." S12,o250 $12,450o : I / :!( .. . iUoU lonE1 nI3ia i -I-SUUUnuIo ar Oi I.,: [h.. ."j tjnJ hi L .-.:i I i.:.-:- i p i v f, h ,I.rii ,V Ih j. ol r.1.ii .. Very eco- r :. le -i .:1...i ....r. dIl ,1'l a ,r| ,I'in .. i -diik' Ind ,J ri ,it.F.kJ rifih ,ir.1j.-i i n. i: d i n. r .:l quipp, 'iJ :ilu.iri-g .l n 1 in: -. p ': J rrans, A/C, .it vt. pr. it- i ul.. .fir i d i r.tl [- i Ai i[ .c Jp r. ]. ... l,...,,:.. I :l. .:m..i: l:. , .M .Nl rrK .:, iI11....I t -r.cl- in-r ir IJ.I J r d,-hlue : .l..,ih l cketseats, .I- ':'ir. si I ldccnri. l r,: |0 [ i, r.-.., cI Ilh,:i ir..,r l FM .1:: If. I' .Nl ,l:. . h.,I ,. ir) u'id m .t, ,i. ic r pil-d n.' ".I.A brakes, aluminum wheels and more. Priced Right! 6C21A :$13 199 9,800 .- .- .; 'w:r ..... ;- i,? 2005 MUSTANG Sporty and in extra dean condition with only 23K miles. Features indude a 4.0L SOHC V6 engine, 5-speed.auto trans, A/C, antilock brakes, traction control, premium stereo CD, p/windows, p/door locks, tilt wheel, speed control, alloy wheels, remote keyless entry and factory warranty U5636 $16,949 2002 DEVILLE This. 1 owner luxury sedan is in excellent condition and loadedwith features, including a 4.6L 32 valve Northstar V8 engine, auto trans, A/C with auto temp con- trol, leather interior, p/seats, p/windows, p/door locks, stereo CD/casst., chrome wheels, tilt steering, speed control, vinyl top and more. Priced right! U5706 $13,995 .- *- "MlSH -e ;'; 2 _N -^.v.:,, ...-,_-- 2004 CR VICTORIA LX Check out this extra nice luxury sedan with only 29K miles and equipped right. Includes a 4.6L V8 engine, auto od trans, auto climate control A/C, leather interior, p/seats, p/windows, p/door locks, traction control, remote keyless entry, tilt steer- ing, speed control, stereo CD/casst., factory warranty and much more. U5663A $13,900 Q 2005 NEON SXT Easy to own and great on gas with only 26K well maintained miles. This sporty sedan is nice- ly equipped including a 2.0L 4 cyl engine, automatic trans, A/C, p/windows, p/door locks, tilt steering, cruise control, AM/FM stereo CD, remote keyless entry with panic alarm, rear win- dow defroster and the balance of the factory warranty On Sale Now! U5680 $10,811 2005 ESCAPE XLT 4X4 Compare and save on this sporty SUV with only 22K miles. Features include a 3.0L V6 engine, 4-speed auto od trans, A/C, p/windows, p/door locks, p/mirrors, AM/FM 6 disc stereo CD, speed control, tilt steering, fog lamps, roof rack, privacy glass, perimeter alarm, premium cloth bucket seats and factory warranty. Extra clean! U5635 $17,900 2004 FI50 LARIAT SC In excellent condition with only 21K miles and loaded with all the extras. Includes a 5.4L V8 engine, 4-speed auto od trans, auto temp control A/C, leather capt chairs, p/moon roof, p/seat, p/windows, p/ocks, tilt, cruise, stereo 6 disc CD player, reverse sensing system, p/adjustable pedals, tow pkg., 3.55 limited slip axle and factory warranty. Priced right! U5702 $19,900 2003 EXPLORER XLT Affordable and equipped right including a 4.0L V6 engine, 5-speed auto od trans, A/C, leather intenor, p/seat, p/windows, p/door locks tilt steering, cruise control, stereo CD, alloy wheels, sunscreen glass and roof rack. This 1 owner trade-in has only 30K miles and is in excellent condition. Priced right! 6T589A SI5,725 2003 Fi50 LARIAT CC Double sharp and fully equipped including a 5.4L V8 engine, 4-speed auto od trans, auto temp control A/C, tow pkg., cab steps, p/seat, p/windows, p/locks, p/adjustable pedals, tilt, cruise, AM/FM stereo 6 disc CD, leather capt chairs, 4- wheel anidock brakes, privacy glass, remote keyless entry, alloy wheels and 3.55 limited slip axle. 6T431A1 $18,95 6 1999 RANlGER XLTC 2 2 ,F S O15U XhT l This sporty Flareside Supercab is nicely equipped and includes a 3.0L V6 engine, auto Check out his sporty one owner trade in with all the right options including a 4.2L V6 od trans, A/C, sliding rear window, p/windows, p/door locks, p/mirrors, tilt steering, engine, auto od trans, A/C, p/moon roof, p/windows, p/door locks, speed control, tilt cruise control, 4 doors, stereo CD/casst., rear jumpseats, remote keyless entry and steering, stereo CD, remote keyless entry, 4 wheel antilock brakes, aluminum wheels, more. Sale Priced! 6T683A privacy glass, sport pkg. and more. On sale now! 6T585A $12,995 2003 F250 ` CC 2006 F350 XlT SC Check out this extra clean Superduty Crew Cab with only 20K well maintained Save thousands on this well maintainedl-ton duallywith only 19Kmiles. Includes a6.0L miles and loaded with extras including a 5.4L V8 engine, 4-speed auto od trans, V8 diesel engine, torq shift 5-speed auto trans, A/C, sliding rear window, trailer tow A/C, polished tubular cab steps, p/windows, p/door locks, tilt, cruise, trailer tow- pkg., pAvindows, p/locks, tilt, cruise, tow command system, 4.10 limited slip axle, alu- ing pkg., 4-wheel antilock brakes, 3.73 limited slip axle, auto lamps and remote minum wheels, privacy glass, remote keyless entry and the balance of the factory war- keyless entry. On sale nowl U5682 ranty Sale priced! U5689 $1,870 AN Rlt TIFl 1, 11- It L 1. At- Ays, I 1,.,, N L)l NO Ill~i' ~~~~L-- U~'h--L~Pr"ku~t;~~3~L~"" $5,9995 4319900 IL AN4GFOa IUD~9 ~~sk Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 - Boy Scouts I Submitted Io the Caloosa Belle/Roy A. Riggs, Jr Troop 9 celebrates the 4th of July. RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 learn skills Boy Scout Troop 9 has been busy working on skills and advancement. The boys learned about lashing while building a large A-frame that they topped off with an American Flag to celebrate the 4th ofJuly. Summertime means family vacations, but two of the scouts from Troop 9 decided to go to sum- mer camp for a week with the troop. They had a great time earn- ing different merit badges like first aid, rifle shboting and even water- skiing. As summer starts to wind down, the scouts will start planning activi- ties for the upcoming year. A few ideas are a canoe trek, backpacking trip, swimming and more camping. S Troop 9 meets every Tuesday : evening 7 p.m. at the Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church, 310 Campbell St. Any bo\ who has completed the fifth grade or is II years old and interested in joining Troop 9 may stop by the I meeting or contact Roy Riggs at . 863-983-7719 or Larr\ Yarger at 863-675-7334. Southern landU PORT LABELLE LOTS 8012 Mill Court $38,900. 2006 Inglewood Cir $38,900 3027 Harvard Cir $39,900 '3075 NE Beechwood Cir $48,000 2001 Montana Circle $47,500 W Leader Court (Adjoining Lot also available) $45,000 \W Leader Ct (Unit 102) $45,000 MONTURA RANCH ESTATES 165 S. Granja St 1.25 Ac $49,900 175 S. Granja St 1.25 Ac $49,900 539 Hunting Club Ave 1.25 Ac $49,900 372 Horse Club Ave 1.25 Ac $49,900 585 N. Willow St 1.00 Ac $49,900 LABELLE HOMESITES 3rd Avenue .45 Ac $70,000 Calhoun Street .64 Ac $89,000 Calhoun Street .42 Ac $89,900 201N. Hickory St .62 Ac $98,500 OTHER AREA HOMESITES 924 Wildflower-Street Lake Placid .25 Ac $39,900 922 Wildflower Street Lake Placid .25 Ac $39,900 1015 Naples Ave. Street Lehigh $46,000 ACREAGE 5171 Chiquita Dr. (Charlotte Co) 10 Ac $89,900 40 Acres (Gerber Grove) $660,000 CI BREP U VAT With 1,115, this 2BR/1BA home i5 a great started home' or.perfect! Sfor a retirement investment. 1 car C garage, wall to wall carpet, dryer, ii range, refrigerator, smoke detec- tors, walk-in closest and window M LS v 2i.,47780 Residential Lot in LBc-llre For $75,900. MLS#200615208 Building lot in Port LaBelle for $32,900. .. LU L'. A- c With deals like these.. Why are you still paying rent?? * $112,I 00 120.00 ti .ul .i u ,, .!i rn, .....,, ..,, .,.J urdJ':* *.urrn...li. i..h : f.I h i. : h i. :,: . ,hif, ",!4 ( Jl l,'J.,v II ,, .., I [-lrl..,,, .l. .l ..' * t9I.WO0 l:.:.l..r.n I. 1,... i Il'b l .liJ ul ..u.l l l.:,ll .....- ..r. I t,,' :Jcre: rh'Flt hom e lelrn iri i f i Il'....." I.l i 1.11.l '.'. ['f. ."i ir d 1, b'l l.ul. i| I fi l,, ih m'f. i 6 &1M&&,L. WATERFRONT HOMES: * $1,000,000- Stunning views from this 2 story Riverfront home. Home features 3BD/2BA a spa on the deck off the mas- ter suite and more. Enjoy Beautif sunrises and sunsets from your own dock. Call today for more info. HOMES: * $526,000 PRICE REDUCEDI 4BD/3BA home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof stu- dio, moveable island in kitchen and an aboVe ground.pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. * $374,900 3BD/2BA Beautiful well maintained home on manicured 1+/- acres in LaBelle's first gated Riverfront Community. * $299,900 PRICE REDUCED- Beautiful like new 3BD/2BA with 2 car garage home in the Belmont area. Patio and deck area in back yard. S. . * $229,900 PRICE REDUCED! Gorgeous new 3BD/2BA house with garage. Split floor plan, living area w/fire place. Master bathroom has a garden tub and dual sinks. Carpet and tile throughout. This is a must see! * $204,900 New 3BD/2BA home on a beautiful lot. Master bathroom has a garden tub w/separate shower. Kitchen fea- tures an island w/extra sink & more don't let this one slip by! * $179,900 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on a corner lot in Port LaBelle. Spacious living room and separate dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate workshop and small tree house great for kids. * $169,900 PRICE REDUCEDI- New 3BD/2BA home. This home features split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning roomn * $149,999 2BDI1BA spacious home, features a completely fenced in yard and an above ground pool. * $94,900 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in LaBelle. This home has new tile, carpet, paint, cabinets, hot water heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: * $499,000 This 3BD/2BA Mobile home sits on 9.44+/- acres with a rin canal around thec press head. There is also a 2BD/2 B Be / ~<&,Pdr features a screened in porch, fireplace, new carpet and is wheel chair accessible. This is a must see! * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond w/island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns & more. * $349,000 -' Beautiful 3BR/2BA upgraded manufactured home on 2.29+/- acres. This is a very spacioushome in immac- ulate condition ad has many etras. Call today for appointment. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $197,900 Immaculate 2 1/2 year old 4BD/2BA manufac- tured home across from the river and boat ramps, many, many upgrades. A shed and irrigation. Call for more info. * 189,900 Spacious 3BD/2BA on 1.88+/- acres in Muse. Home features a split floor plan. The living area has a fireplace; kitchen has an island and pantry. The master bedroom has an additional room that can be used as an office or sitting room. The well and septic tank are new. Call today for an appoint- ment. * $165,000 REDUCED 3BD/2BA manufactured home on 5+/. acret U Efid~ Nlt aiC~d new above groundpoo. Ca for more info. * $115,000 Location!Location!LocationlThis corner lot in the city features a 3BD/2BA manufactured home. This home was remodeled in 2003, roof was also replaced. The yard is fenced and there is also a separate privacy fence in the back -* O,uUU LDU/1.)Da UICre ICUICreIIIL UVI rtal I UHIC. New carpet and tile. This is a must see!! Call for more info. ' * $52,00,, l CE=-.j Nicec lot in LaBelle wit a f d o ools, shopping and restaurants. ACREAGE: * $1,600,000 12.76+/- acres lots of old oaks. Currently being used as a rental park. Please call for more info. * $1,500,000 Hvy 27 frontage. Currency Auto Salvage yard. * $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town shops and much more! * $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized w/clean bill of health. * PRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres adjoining Babcock property in Muse. Paved road access. * $850,000 40+/- acres beautifully secluded with pasture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. * $650,000 2+/- acre in the heart ofAlva on busy SR 80. * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the proper- ty,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. HOMESITES: * $13,000 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely main- tained and are close to everything in LaBelle. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES covers. $149,900. Rcaly ~~r~ul 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 Thinking About Where you'f Come Up With The Ail..oney forA New me? .o rry No Mo are I We Hiave A N 'St Ca 77, SER RS asiine^." '.1 863-675-0898 OFC .r: i .... B PERSONAL ATTENTION -'f" ing, Build Your DreamHom WORLDWIDE INTERNET & Pay off Credit CardsT We H MARKETING oThat Others ldn,, NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker aced Loans That l ers Co n Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com Alan Kelly Mortgage 239/564-2005 cell 230/564-2002 Call Bob Hahn Now! 823-674-0091 23+/- acres in Alva of Persimmon Ridge Road, great pasture land. - lo+/- acres in Alva. Over 1oo' of River and Telegraph Creek frontage. Riverfront Caloosa Preserve, Come build your dream home. Corner lots in River Oaks, Alva. Be the first to own ihis quality new home! Custom beautiful detail is what this builder had in mind when creating this spacious floor-plan and functional dcor. Located in East LaBelle and Glades County and in one of the most desirable and appreciative neighborhoods amrund. A!iiintes frio downtown LaBelle and the Cu luosahau-hee River. Priced to sell.... $249,000 Ctll Stephanie Weatherford at (863) 612-0000 3 Bedroom/2 Bath/2 Car Garage S,608 Sq. Ft. Liv. Area 2,385 Total SCeramic Tile and Carpet Flooring S'laple cabinets throughout home Large plaster Bath with Garden Tub & Separate Shower Large Combined Laundry Room With Pantry 18S80 W. Satium C'r LaBelle SPort LaBelle Unit 102 Glades County WATERFRONT 2 STORY HOME ON 2.5 ACRES in the coveled Port LaBelle Ranchetles Located on the riverz iae, with only a gieenbell between you and the Caloosahalchee Intracoaslal build your oat dock in Ihe safe harbor of the Army Corp main- tained waterway. Live in the country. jusi sec bonds trom the nean of LaBelle horses wel come $749,000 MORE THAN MEETS THE EYEI Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low-maintenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceilings, inte- rior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash and granite countertops; .all windows have wood casing surrounds,' a brick fireplace, and wood floors throughout finish the look. $499,000 REDUCED 50 FT. PRIVATE DRIVE leads to expansive 6.7 acres with 470+/- Ft of riverfront located close to town. Build close to the waters edge with almost viturally no Corp. Easement. $1,800,000. RIVERFRONT 5 ACRES with 215+/- feet of frontage. High elevation reveals spectacular views. $895,000 REDUCED' .. . "'N.-: -.'-*" . RIVERFRONT 1.15 CRE homesite on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $549,000 REDUCED 2 ACRE DEED RESTRICTED HOMESITE in Oak Haven Estates. Oak filled and backs up to beautiful sunsets over the water. $350,000 LOTS AND LAND .DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced independently) for an upscale resi- dential project. $150,000 per acre. 5 BEAUTIFUL OAK LADEN ACRES located East of, LaBelle. Quiet County Living for only $160,000. OVERSIZED HOMESITE conveniently located in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres manicured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. Was $105,000, reduced to $85,000 for quick sale. PORT LABELLE LOTS on Ihe norlh side ol 80. close io new develonpmeni aiea & manna Priced Irom $49,000 to $57,900 Call lor invento- ry lisi Over 60 sites to pick tiom GREAT BUILDING LOT on Dolphin Cr in Unit 3 Podl LaBelle Close to new conslhucion $45,000 SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE with 20o. down the Ho n Asking $34.800. HOMES LUXURY COUNTRY LVI G. Horses Welcome! Upgrades include wood floors, stacked stone fireplace, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, crown moulding, skylight dorm- ers, and :top of the line ceiling fans with deco- rat Tt t s, acrei-rvbr la #%r*M tds a large barn with 3 oversized stalls and tack room with shelving as well as a fully irrigated riding arena ard a 24x44 workshop/office. Additional Acreage available, offers must be contingent upon Glades County approval for property split. $695,000. WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY for the right investor! This 20 acre parcel currently has a 1988 cedar home with galvaume roof and a 1997 sin- glewide manufactured home on the premises. Both homes are in need of rehabilitation, Seller has started the process but there is still quite a bit to do. Property can be split and is priced at land value only. $590,000 S 1 '.-. ... .. , Rd. This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has it all, location, charm, Master suite with office, screened room and more. $279,000 REDUCED. TUCKED UNDER THE OAKS. Gated ahd private 'meandering drive leads to 3 Bed/2Ba manu- factured home features include 2 screened porches, a 28x30 shop/garage, plus a 12x16 storage bldg. with x-tra refrigerator and A/C, all on 2 Acres. $169,000. WHAT A NICE HOUSEI One owner, built in 1995, CBS 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, in pristine condition, Just one block North of 80 walking distance to town. A great buy at $145,000. MOBILE ON 1/2 ACRE south of LaBelle with lots of paving and a 26x53 pole barn. $79,500. INDUSTRIALCOMMERCIAL PRIME CORNER with aplrox. 590 ft: on well trav- eled Cowboy Way and<520 ft. on Elm St. The front 2.7 Ac are zoned Light Industrial with the remain- ing 4 ac zoned Heavy Industrial. Great opportuni- ty for flex space development. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located across from the State Attorney's Office and close to LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL Located approx 1 mile west of Cowboy Way with 800 lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the proposed future Wal-Mart location. $2,090,880. MIXED INDUSTRIAL USE with 176 Ft. on promi- nent Cowboy Way. Asking $915,000. / 1, .r. ... LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4.65 AC with 2400 Sq, Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access, just outside the city limits. Could be split under current zoning. $850,000. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL SITE just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D: Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000 HARD TO FIND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $285,00. I U I - i58 S.M aisn St.-jln.. g- 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 Ifyou are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT www.newhorizons-re.com Se Habla Espanol . ^lifa a t.. "^ ;.ma F s.cn:.n;I-Ic lyle .-... S -as, -. Perfection Has and Address! Immatulate in design: endearing in character, this Country style 3/2 home offers peerless quality inside and out. Nestled on lovely shaded .62 acre homesite. Call for the impressive details $349,900. __ W i. .. .-. * SElLER SAYS TO MAKE AN OFFER! Genuine Country Feel! It's relaxing just being at this beautiful 3B1/2B home on wr Cfs rir w(od walls and ceilings. stone i ..:- i. ,,. .. i .. .large workshop with RV park- I. .l,. i.. ... ,.,I make the acreage feel like a r, -.. .. ,, ,, elf to see! $699,900. * Enjoy gentle country mornings sitting in the 1 11. 1 1 u Cedar home on 3+/- ,.., : .11-,, Ii.,,i il.. inmd is perfect forhors- i I.,..... 'i,, i, .. s. ud workshop plus lots Cn,,.,. ,, u.nJ ,,,i ,,,,J ,i ..,,l.. $380,000 , Sfi-,'i..,.. II. i, ,,1I .1.1,,.- Immaculate in design:' , ~.: ..... 111.. ,i,- i., ini .'.unin; style 3/2 home .. i ...i i i 1 i. .i out. Nestled on lovely /r,,i ,i i, '' ,,. h ,,r, 11i, ill tir /heimpressive details ,, I h.t I, I. l 111 ..., ..1 1...1 /, ',I ,,,,,,, -- ,111 iI. .I .... H .ly-lBoard siding to the wood i,..... J ...... I,, water lank, doors and vani- HizlCons Real Estate Corp. ties are all less than 2 years old. New roof being Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing installed. Call today for this worry, free home! Mont.ura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home $234,000. with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/1B CBS home 'SEL.ER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 with 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful backyard, irrigation anti a front deck to (lie for. Only kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to $234,900. Country coziness! $137,900. Rare find outside of .aBelle but not to far from .IVEIO ILS1 I l1.olM l S tures split floor plan, built in cabinets, separate shower & garden tub in the master suite, and much more! All on .50+/- acre $132,000 B 3BR/1B manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood .deck providing a great place to relax. $120,000 Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and land- a V acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. : .1 ..,..I .. ;.,,, ;i,........... .. *.. Affordable living in town!! 2BR/2B manufactured II,.,, ,,, ...,,,, i i. tio.. home in town close to schools and shopping. Don't let lshcsand ad additional 4 stall carport/workshop Plus the 2 bedrooms fool you, this home has over 1100ofliv- pasture for kids pony! Worth calling about quick! ing aea3 $105,900 1215,900. Calling all Investors!!4Br/2B manufactured home in Rx for relaxation! A life long supply awalis ,ou in a I HorsaI iljilt l5# t qL- t lll' f with 10 acres of this 4 bedroom 2 bath manufaciured home. right to inspect ling macntie spa, ie an vyou will There are 2 small ponds one with a working water fall. have made a great investment. $75,000 This properly can also be split into two five acre tracts. ..B._MBi- i'" i $499,900 a fs S~l SOver 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped Bargain or miles beauty secluded acres at grounds are a ititgt introdtion toitit a superb 3/2 home' ONLY $25,000. iper acre! W TH Pole Barn, Electric iaSnd -'"'. ".."... ""' '' ".." .. i ""' ','' several wells! Call ASAP for showing! $875,000 ..."' a t' qr." .k" '$..I i" ''''' I' '"' Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well- Wionh (alliig alioutl quick! $215,900. traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. SBack on the markct! lhis 2.5+/- acre mini e tate Over 1,000 t. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances makes relaxing easy with a 3B1/2B manlfacturedl home. off of SR 80. Cleared with w ell and electric. Time's On Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious your side in this investment! $2,750,000. kitclhn. Only $179,900. Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- 2/1 home Ilocated on a gencrous-sized 1+ acre lot Acres already zoned RGl. Surrounded by upscale sub- tucked away on a quiet street. Oak trees create a back division. Ripe and Ready for developer. $800,000. -.ant at 1e11t -.1.1 taiy.1iSitu/t-se'0 k s, tiici.. *Theo utropp nitie yourinvestment dollars here. 25 beanutrifl acres wiib lH-it 27 fiontage Next to water plant. Property was cleared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. - 5+/- acres in Pioneer Ilanlation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * Uncramp yourself oni this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond ad fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees, Perfect for the nature lover Priced at-only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feell Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for vour new home look no iirther located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. S.29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell ( oitly $67,900. Possible seller rfinancing. * Beautiful wmode( 1+/- acre honiesites' Outside .aBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't SCall about our Port LaBelle lots! ia&La iars.t ,:j ... ..-. - .__ I V_ I_ A .M M __ I A L. S .. - Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel locat'd near West Glades Elementaryn aMuse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings witih ocer 5,800 sq ft of work areas on 1+/- acre. Zoned for I lcavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented oui to 3 busi- nesses. Listed at only $525,000. 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just Sout of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 anil frontage on luckey Street. Asking $450,000. SBeautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downow n l aBIlle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning .to Business. $119,900. Call 863-675-0000 863 675 4550 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle J Rodney Murray S_--' IS L ic Real Estate Broker Associates: Seth Howard. Phil Lewis Tamra Franco, Jim Coddington 8 Kyndel Murray 3BR/2Bath on 1 acre, close to town with a 24x3) [5[)Irn. Large oaks, fenced and landscaped. REDUCED $144,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 4BR/2Bath with hugh workshop in LaBelle. $274,900. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 68 acres on paved road, fenced and 3BR/2BA doublewide on 2.85+/- acres. Close to town. Only $194,900. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER SCOTI HACKMANN, ROOKIE RUCE AND DON BURDICK SK 675-0500 SM NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON 1miS, : SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE has 2 master bedrooms, new roof, IN LEHIGH ACRES in the interior paint and A/C. Asking Westminster Gated Golf Community. Fully furnished $279,900. 3+office/2/2 with pool. $2,000/m LOCATED IN LEHIGH NO PETS/NON-SMOKING ACRES .3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car 3/2/1 PORT LABELLE garage built in 2001 and in excellent $1,000/M NO PETS 3/1 OFF M.L.K. BLVD. on condition. Home over looks a canal Seminole Ave. $800/M. NO PETS and located in a great area close to IN FORT MYERS on Gibson St. Ft. Myers but out enough for peace 3/3/1 $1,200/M NO PETS. 3/1 ON 29 NORTH $700/M. NO and quiet. 230000 PETS. IN PIONEER! 3Bedroom/2Bath OUR FEATURED large doublewide mobile home on LISTINGS FOR THIS WEEK fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual fireplace, IN FORT MYERS. 3Bed- room/3Bath, 1 car garage in a great walk-in closets, outside building. location. Close to everything. Home Asking $184,900. REDUCED! S. Home ..Builders Building Communtles, One Qualfty Home at a Timat Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder Includes Impact Fees & Alloyance for Lot Prep luL[]iM .I, ieefl[nit[n.L-jlc p.EIUlrl[leJl rAiOW Me We have t MMMOOVs-, -M Homes Available Now. 7026 Gill Cir Buttonwood, 3/2/2 1762so ft $207.900 3045 June Cir, Maanolia, 4/2/2 2676s ft $267,900 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II, 3/2/2 2 9016 Lamkin Cir, 5009 Pinetree Cir, Cypress II, 3/2/2 032 sq ft $227,900 !032sc ft $229,900 2224sq ft $231,900 FREE CREDIT APPROVAL with :CHL Home Mortgage,LLC. Call Chuck Pedrey @ (863)675-3245 Lock Rate by 7/31/06 For FREE INTEREST RATE BUYDOWNII Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 Cell: 863-673-5061 www.chlhomebuilders.com QB39922 *All Spec Homes Include 14 Acre dr More Horie site **Paved Roads"County Water'Power"4 Schools in Subdivision** Ngo Villas BeL ~i I C 00~ ww:eleelt;o 863-675-7522b~~')I~~' -. I I I *~uus~-~g] I SMadison 11, 31212 2 vf' i I yard of 0 enchantittng heatq1II! A musIIt see! $165,000. aloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 15 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20,2006 i LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCA- TION-Zoned B1, located at 141 HickpoocheeAve. in LaBelle, A'- 2500 Sq.Ft. commercial build- ing..Building and land for sale only. All kitchen appliances except Hobart Mixer. For more details contact Cathy Lee. Property offered at ..' :;.--.','. -sf.. ; $ $1,500,000. Vacant Land listings starting at $39,900. 8036 Salem Cir '/ acre $39,900. 9022 E Justice Cir acre $39,900. 0 Canoe Ct. $40,000. 9004 N Casa Ct 1/3 acre $40,900. 0 Norge Cir acre $45,500. 6020 Kumquat Cir $45,500. 9016 Ibis Ct 4 acre $45,500. 7063 Tide Cir acre $47,900. * 7065 Tide Cir acre $47,900. 7824 NW 18th Ter 1.25 acre $79,900. 260 Caloosa Estates Dr $99.500. S12295 Rudder Ln $395,000. Deep Water Canal Call or stop by to see more information on all of our listings! cj,-oa j .l.~--, - 274 N ,Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Bank of America Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ATSK MI E ABOUT VA LOA1N SI Fram W. Sppen< 437 SR8so W.' (863) 675-120.3 Web1 Svwpenr FEATURE lam FISH FROM YOUR OWN DECK Belmont- Gorgeous, 3 year-old, 3/2 home on a comer lot has ceramic tile floors, custom bath with a big garden tub, large eat-in kitchen, real- ly nice brick fireplace, split floor plan. A deck overlooks a small canal. Close to everything!! $299,900 II r.. -, .... I ,,, ,, I,',, i. l.., I,- I,.,,, .. I. . There is a storage shed in back, a small barn, a detached car- port, dog pens, and lots of pretty trees encased in 2.31 totally fenced acres. The home is a Fleetwood, nearly new model in immaculate condition. You gotta see'this one!!! $199,900 h q o :er, Lie. Broker - LaBelle, FL * (86S3) 673:-5554 c the price. he co r it HOMES'" n ,'.l'* 7 ,, .il.l.l. | 'IHI. ) IIT, H I.+ ..I- n" :ll,,l r, raed hortie features cathedral ceilings, a split floor plan, large bedrooms, walk-in closets. Modem, black kitchen appliances. Ceramic tile in entry, baths and kitchen. Back pastures fencedand ready for your horses! Has several nice oaks. Shows like brand new! $219,900 the price. The 50' X 400' lot is covered withgorgeous oak trees and very private. Sits 5 drives North of a small grocery store. $74,900 RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 FEATURES OF THE WEEK Site features frontage on the main river CBS HOME IN THE CITY! 3BR/2BA and the "Old River. Old'River frontage w/split floor plan, large bedrooms, over- includes 60 ft. of protected- dockage. No sized family room and beautiful shaded corps setbacks on either lot. $1,500,000 home site. $199.900 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEAN! This home is truly a beauty from the inside out. Features: ceramic tile, bonus room w/hurricane shutters, screened porch, alarm system & spa- cious bedrooms & bathrooms. Well man- icured corner lot w/irrigation system. A must see! $189,000 ( 2BR/2BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured home w/large screened room on 1.25 acre home site cleared w/ scattered trees. $135,000 BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED "OLD FLORIDA STYLE" HOME! 3BR/2BA two story home on V/2 acre gorgeous lir covered w/ oaks. Renovations irn!ude new electric, a/c, insulation, woo. ind ceramic tile flooring throughout, grani-e counter tops, new stainless steel ippli- ances & much more! $319,000 . WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCA- TION!!! This 3 +/- acre peninsula. lI., over 700' of Caloosahatchee R icr frontage with Hwy 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 INVEST NOW! One of -th-few-river- front acreage parcels on the market. 10.7 Acres w/ 600 +/- feet fronting o'n the river. Look to the East and West & enjoy views from the raised riverbank. The waterfront piece features lakefront on the South side & riverfront on the North. Parcel's future land use is leisure recreation (LR). Your possibilities are endless here! $3,500,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE w/ over 200 ft. of water- front & already separated into 2' lots. BEST! This recently renovated 3BR/2BA home is located at the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!!! $499,900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront home site on dredged river oxbow w/ private 'dock in place. Home site is located approx. 75 ft. from the rD ;r rln Ti Pcrn-rit jre ;n place to re- drcdge ,i:"bo% $499,000 PRIVATELY OWNED man-made deep water r.anal. in LaBcle! This atcrfr'.rit hornesite is k. ed n L ,Belle City lim- in. Home ,iti includes j onrr htp o,- the' anal, .Iich pr....idlc protected bo.al .i-:rk, gc and direct .... : the C 0d,,,shal.I:he River. S299.000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jack's Branch w/ river access. This Unique property also has its own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 HOMES IN LABELLE AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home w/office or possible 4th bedroom. Perfect starter home.or rental invest- ment. Located within city limits, com- pletely fenced & priced to sell! $99,900 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle. Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining. $119,900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3BR/2BA man- . ufactured home has -a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! $125,000 IMNINLCULATE 3BR'2BA ~LMUiFAC- TURED HOME situa,[d ..rn h.,dcd oversized lot, in town & completely fenced. Home.features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry & breakfast island. Reduced $134,900 THIS IMMACULATE 2BR/1.5BA HOME is located in the center of town close to everything. What a terrific home for'someone just setting out on their own or sizing down. Home s.partially. furnished & ready for you! $159,900 OAKS. FENCED BACK YARD, 13BR/2BA CBS home in the heart of LaBelle. Great location! $195,000 CHARMING 2BR/2BA CEDAR HOME sits on oversized corner lot in the city. Features are vaulted, ceilings, tile, French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 HOMES 3BR/2BA CBS HOME w/Pool in Laurel Oaks, very desirable neighborhood w/great floor plan for a growing family. Pr,.pe rt\ ;s surrounded by large oaks & e ti uirn trees. Home/pool needs TLC & some repairs. Home is being sold AS .TS. $235,000 MOVE IN READY! Newly ,remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interi- or paint & spacious master bedroom. $179,900 ONLY CONDO ON THE MARKET IN LABELLE! This 2BR/2BA unit would make a great rental investment or full- time residence. Located on the first floor this condo features a greenbelt view, .tile in kitchen/ bathrooms & a bonus room. Comfortable living awaits your arrival! $150,000 UNDER CONTRACT . THIS 2 BR/1.5BA MOBILE HOME is located in quiet River Oaks Subdivision, Ortona. Great investment for the part- time Floridian, or a great get-away. Home being sold partially furnished & offers split floor plan w/ vaulted ceilings. $58,500 UNDER CONTRACT HOMES ON ACREAGE UNOIUE. DESIRABLE AND SECLUD-, 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/- acres fronting on paved road approx: 3 miles from town. Property is fenced- & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse sta- ble. $490,000. 3.18 +/- ACRES W/COTTAGE STYLE HOME located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's most desir- able communities. Situated at the end of a cul de sac w/ peaceful & private set- ting. Cathedral ceilings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan & wrap around porch. $469,900 SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANUFA- CTURED HOME on 4.84 +/-'acres completely fenced, pond & mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large master bedroom/ bath, office/nursery, formal living room, family room & open kitchen w/ island. $325,000 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond, fenced, cleared &'ready for your horses. This 4BR/2BA oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in liv- ing.areas & many extras! $285,000 3BR/2BA NEW CONSTRUCTION ED! Less than a mile from the new West CBS HOME! Split floor plan, 2,000+ Glades Elementary. 14.5 acres in one of total sq. ft., granite counter tops, 18" ."thie- fastest'growing areas of Glades ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling and many County. Surrounded by large acreage,, more upgradgdfeatures. $245,000 this parcel has been cleared & fenced. QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT! Like This custom built home is spacious and new manufactured home on 2.82 acres. very well kept. Over 3,400 sq.ft. split in quiet Ft. Denaud. Immaculate home floor plan features ceramic tile, 3 large offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment bedrooms, walk-in closets & 2.5 spacious package includes large screen television baths. Island kitchen has walk-in pantry, w/ stereo & surround sound, split floor breakfast area & is open to the large plan, built in computer center, large family room. Master bedroom & bath master br & ba w/ garden tub and sepa- offer his and hers walk-in closets, garden rate shower. Upgraded appliances, large tub, separate shower, dual sinks & open kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar & access to'the pool. Too many extras to formal dining. $199,500 mention. $1,475,000 9 ar4 '- i ..I N;t -Ai: I COMMERCIALIBUSINESt COMMERCIALdBUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida-Style two story build- ing fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 A QUAINT CRACKER-STYLE OFFICE on Park Avenue. Already set up for a business office- including phone lines, air conditioning, commercial grade carpeting and landscaping. Screened front porch adds to its Florida charm. $399,900 BUSINESS ZONED! This 2BR/1BA home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hiyy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and business- es. Price reduced $195,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq,.ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator Bait Pub has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully furnished with a completely equipped kitchen, and offers a great start for any entrepreneur. Priced at $174,500 SE HABLA ESPA&IOL www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com E Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo.Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis S-HICoWCIFISE PROPI=ERTIES S I TO GROW thm VACATION IN TRE BACIARD if S3BRRr/RBA MOBILE ON 2 ACRES Sr.L' re!,ain U :i. iLh.. ., .bui'ni S- I Ahome or b arres ha. itso;n is- 4. BR/2BA rr-nrfii.n hpmc IN MINT CONDITION. P:,iamr. Comrnnir,, t if Mpfoire H,,.n. 'J r'are pried swclrd i-kh fih and a .. ..., AOwtnnits uie rIude' dekiLlice. saet fue .. built,-i 3 nikrTorave and ijreal.atm Lear. .... .- This 2BR2BA. .r. uit)"]rit, ac k that ru alMng The we i 'bind.' pltae. arhC.dfd c eilua drE,, F"-ch dr ri. i I I-f aFt ler-walk-in co.ell rad b3dL ha- ., under nml~sli.t Uaks. illhlrtlU li-. hlC t' :n .af ithe prpert. njk, a ridt vr- ad detiched .naru e. rI Im I, i ex. : dual snlis. .rden .,ub ,, -separ r dual slin. 3 n 31 l. i-lp ii 132i1 S. f Lhir trete, ad oaklu Just Ur '- le nt alle for Ii L f r tri e fr ntg.! W : .shower S rigce shedc tarpou "'' vred R anJbaL p.al:in. \, l a *lK ibe.-clunLrv irir.r nv C tiel bc Otomd is a hidrkn rreasure bl t atr- itK .' .B L-and wL reannd wa p tod k-veed for malmained bluldins are .I m *.L-I- p ika" .L 4w ura e par.ue i tC e- ftont likig, iaing e tih- e r knd n K -s I d draitage. P Lrl dri ewtn lent .hape. Thi .s a rl-nlrt tr,,erirlt I n I r. l fc h I Shed :ii.2 25 Pole uarn lw for additionIl without h e bridge or the ai Bc. View s rtr of this b -: B. hd gria r -vtrs the ti full ars fr that prlea pasture ku.'.. oppartn'. ri in r htiddn hater, c.f r.elaxation.. $129,00iO i.rr.'- $r>99,.ly t.np.www.lK n lact r) om27 95,00 Ciii O rmpkitcr t fncdj. $195,900 $6 ,9 Jt ACEAG 0I+I -ACI II ICI I I I .t....... .... .....d w ~ E l iI u E '! 'i .- tilf .". ... WATERFRONT HOMES STUNNING RIVER 1IEWS can be seen from the nmas- i,,. tiitr balk.i rl, .:'1 this r\er-Fro.nt .3BR/3BA 2-stor I u...iri Hur.e I.nj1l i-lth in ,grioundja.u.? Sspa and much ii...-' $-148.000. PRICE REDUCED PANORAMIC VIEWS of tIhe C.aloos-ahatch-et River ....]t .l_,i..i rn [thi 3'BR 2 5B homi e with an oveinized 1. i..u.- hi I.i. dIc (t.k C.(- rrm iarit, clubhouse includes pool. ,. I ,i iii r- e a r, iinr i- .,._ irt. $749,000 UPG;R-DED 3BR 2B.A HOME FEATURES 12"5 ft of i.t-I Irlntita e tiinrenlehIs located within I mile of 1III I -' ii ii. la .nr jand gulf :our-e. $599,900 SAVOR THE SUN at ',our prl\ate r.jatertrrcn retreat. IlF!R -'B rrk tnii uftli-,i,'cd I:.tme stiis rajestc:iCll) at Lhie .1.I I .1 LII-de-CiC O. ersiZCd back porch lo okover the Ii i: f.il e llrl .. ri'.er le%.-s Home feature- a spaci.ous 11... ,! jl., titepl.ace. and p.I.ed circular drise $524,000 ENJ-OY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS Iwih this BlPK B -'. h-...nu ini\gable -Ireck ...ITtis direct access t1: ihI ( -I ...: ll.ilrh, e Ri.crr $399,000 SLINMMER FLN! -IBR 'BBA M.H includes 135 t. olneir ii,, -. ir.kin.'n .n a.;v linchi II or jet skis Detached a.' l..c aiid I.'li qualilnl\ utpgiades. Enlo' the sun' $395.000 PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS! 3 BR 2BA cmaal Front M'H includes detilded upgrades and Lhuughitful landscape. $145,000 WATERFRONT HOMES SITES DREAMING OF OWNING YOUR OWN 12614-.' secluded ac.. Island? $1.400.000 MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE YOURS. 2 50 +.'- ac. of inerfronl aiceage 'witlh elnt .- able spoil eaenrent has aRnes from CR 7S $965.000 IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA HARBOR. Includes hoat d:.il,., nell, electric and pi,:.- ictued harbor.age 0\er 160i ft of %iatrlront $499,000 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. Ri%.r %iews, river access, and dock permni. Deed itc- l.n.lil community. +.'- ac. $429.000 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT L.BELLE RANCHETTES. 2.5: '+,'- ac. in desirable deed restri ,t- cd community. $425,000 TAKE IN THE BEAUTY OF THE RIVER fro:nm tlUi 2.8' +,'- aL home sire in Pr LaBelle Ranchir-ete, 21.I. It of greenbelt between hu.,nte site and iiser. bo at 'lI-,,-k allo,cdcl. $410.000 IT DOESNUNDElRM iCOEMRIM' $225.500 HOMES 3 BR 2BA CBS HOME o:,n 20 + ac. b,.,a-t.s a 6\40 workshop includess ..,i..,. i I. i' 1-.ar,. p.i ed dried. :irrituc flair neets counrn charm $999,000 4BR3B. BRICK HOME ON 11 +'-AC. FuncuonJ breeding barn. aukto- ni.ii d li.~r I. luin r. addl I pole barns. and a workshop. A irue Equint rF-i $999.000 4BR 2BA HOME ON 7 + AC. Prl~ art stiockd pond. rarieti olffluil trees, "' I I .I.-rl 2 ll.. ,- p.eI ba-rn rr, ill allo', for 2 homin itus. $699,900 PICTLURE PERFECT 3BR -'BA I acre estare home Iatures a private po:ol i,,1 ri, .il aI,-... truoll the (.ninmuorir \ boat ramnp $625.000 3BR 2BA CBS HOME -n 5+ t- a Cros fence d, pond, take advantage oi. I ii.ir II. iii i i. iih a ione-nmenrr di-%ri $625,000 3BR 2BA CUSTOM HOME ON 3.52 +'- FENCED AC. Couiirtrn Ifiesit,l ..,I ...rid. ,, u ,i rhi. de l re'trcted communim $619.900 DREAMS NEVER END .n this Lu:toin 3BR'2BA pool home with j gl:.,- I,-. ,--pl ii. b. arlrl i-e0lui dl-r: anl ad a gourrmer ki hen. $469.000 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 HEITA E LAND Co. 1-888-675-6762 CLAND B wu .heritagelandco.com SE HRBLA E.SP.,~~OL 4; A( REAGE 39 +- AC WITH INCOME PONrENIAL. ih,.lu.J R ,R huinor.r .: bir, 1 :l..i + 'liu.. hI '' Ijf I- kI l ,j Ij:.. 1, '.,J A.itrcl Ii-tr.i n.11 $1,800.000 INCOME PRODUCING ORANGE GRO\E S ii" rt ir' .l '..l r 124 +- .. a jii L-: fli . i- .li:'. l.u.l.:Irn p, ::.. ut.~ $12,500 per ac. 4 2 + AC. OF I't. pr, : 'r. tc.r n il j .:l I., ruic %%.,.Il ,ind p.:, i i, ,~I ;11,: _,.hin 1 'i. I..p. .,[n.. ;. t : .' 1,2 0,000 SOAK IH-MMOCk. CIPRESS A.ND P.M- M E I I'O S :..,: hl.l .I + .i,: a l,.,l-.. , .I. l,: ,..- i,- r,,, $1.100.000 A0 + AC. OFF ,.:. rm.1riii. intcJd .Jtl .'- I'.l ,i- _,hi'l '.'i c 'iij -t ,'.i i i, i p.I r (* j i.: iN '' .iri : *j .:.. n-in F[ r.,:r. .iu 1 ,.tt I.', it. .....I $850.000 30 +- AC. OF IMPRO\TO pj-ilur. :' i - . ... _..I,., l. ,- 'l i: ur'- 'UL th':io II Ic '.I . i -,. i .:j,.1 I.. 1..": $"05.(000 20 + FENCED AC. ...I Tmp,,,L).CJ Invi. - ...,.-I-nr i'...,: i[ajl 660,000 20 +,- -. I1TH .l f ri ,1, f pJ .: t,:,. I : l I ...,C Bv.l:.. ulp l o L, B.-.ilh- r, ]ri.l 3BR'2BA 2-STORY HOME SITLiAT- ,-..i. i ,-, I :. -h. i,- $498,000 ED on 3 59 + ,c 60n'20 'ple bain. L, ARGE. LO)\LYHOMESIE -'.. + .. 12' wrcrkshopi Oak co eric a c. age i, i i i ,. : ,-s.: -,, -: $389.000 5415.000 102 + At. iI a f 3BR2BA CBS HOME ON 4.82+-.AC. -. + A. *r fo-l 'lrrl m.h,0= H,.,n e offers aultr d m. lnl t -, split TI T- i l, ,' r i L$345.00L floor floor plan and c p.anoik.e bac:lk iT (AI(HING .-- + a' i n Li,' cL pour:h Cross tenced pasturt. inclll-e' i.i,1 ,,.1: $329.90() tack iloom arid titlee $395.,000 BRAND NEW HOME! roundings rl\erfront S.D $389.9(00 FASHIONABLE AND FUNCTIONAL rer- .:.nsi.i ui,-n 3BR2BA. CBS honme on i +.- ac. In Quail Run S D $339.000 QUALITY IS ON DISPLIA! New :...i-iri rr .i~.n h.,-me- neal rh- gI:,lt course and marlin Call t..r more detaVled irnlrn.r -.n $299,000-$399,600 3'BR-2BA CBS HOME IN THE CITY. QuCial, teatures include ucet.. 30 ,r root, iri gainuanr .%stem a ie', ajppfil[.urii '- i h afppr.:.. 190?l0 sq It. .A must c,!!l! $224,900. LOCATION.LOCATION. LOCATION. Imp.:rc:tble custom 3BR-2BA hrime located in a quiet boai.ug commlinll.',. $279.000 3BD.2BA ON SPACIOUS GREENBELT. TI.- lhnie to haiv lfor ellous cooks! $210,000 BUDGET FRIENDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION, jRR 2B.A hidc greenbelt insures priarn $199,900 PARTIALLY FURNISHED 3BR 2B -, h,-noe ,nilude, -. ijlport st':.t ge shed. NI-r i ar!al and commurit.s po. I. $175.000 GREAT INVESTMENT REN TAL PROPERTY. Diuples I,.,cated on MLK. Jr Rental income is $-10i per m...,rta Onl) $39.900 MANUFACTURED HOMES LIKE NEW 4BR 2Bk ..:hll.ihlvblN [ N .I I 1.n ".4 + at $475,000 BEAUTIFUL WOODED 1.27 + AC. LOT Inimmoklltc 3BR 2BA donu- blev.'ide lMH and a 2BR IB.A -in-N le.- iJ .1i H $245.000 MINT CONDITION 3BR 2. BA H.- Fi D:.naud A.-res includes Storag- shed & car-p(or $195.900 10+ A( TIRACP II ,- ll. i .N.:r.J .l.li. I. 31 (C'.ulJ 1t.- r'.,, .: l.. ,,,,,::I : $2Q9.900 20 + AC .l ir ,.';:t n'r,. t [''-.i p.'I. i', air ,1rn It'.u- $299,900 5 + AC. ,- r .r- i. iJll ". -, .i, .1 ,h,.:.ri J arn,:,- i. Fr l,-.. $269.900 QlNBER i ON~RACTooo MUSE 5 APCRF .:, L..bl..ll, B td $ 200,000 PIONER PLXNEO flON, :* i'' .l ?.,. IJ I.:.. L.. II ill "$1"5.000 L .DECA A.CREAGE. ri"--.lJul C_[ i I, ._--i , + .. + p-165,000 2 5 + AC. in f,:r. '-- i,,,h ,oJ,' --* h ii l p l. ni ,:l ,',- J |:i',r, : $'9,906J 2.5 + A1( h' PW .-n, ::,.r .li.d ,jr l..l- [i j',lli ai.,n.r. .- I..- ...r., $"' .000 MONTliRI RANCH ErAIFES. !II r: 1 -i + j.i: iri,. $4'.500 to W6".500) HO( MEIfIE' REFINED HOM[ESIITS i iii.. l ir 1, .1..J i.'- r ,..r L-uI,-i l ''iId r.nm $90,000 to $110,000 i I ,....i :.,ui,.ri ,,l ...iI ... l:... .r ul bl.; : j l1 t,:, dl-I. l. ,:. .I l .. *.l ,:r. tII ,- I I.] ,, ,',',Hi i. .2 +i .c. A ...i i.: ...1 ..-i'. 'j hI," 1 i.:h..flCr,, ,(,,I',,. .-l,I,-,'_u. .".'. hl: $-... $225,000 HARD TO FIND OtAK FILLED.:,,,,i, I1. ,, r[h- ,h [, I-I, [ ]'i-I :'-1 ..[ i. + .. .:Jni I.. tbu .Ii lt.l,: I,-.,fi. .r-: 15 .0000 PRI'ACY (jGA ORE! + i. ..11 .,. I:ii l.jr,a H irjil. ..I..- .:ld $125.1000 LOOKS SMALL. LIVES BIG! -' M.Il ..I, I + t'atrim es i flcd parking ",orkhp. and ,.,ibuddllg $165,000 GET OLUT OF TOWN PRICED TO SELL 3BRR-'B MIH .r,n 2 acre- .ill niake a p,-rfecit [ tlL eti hc,-mc .'cf.'idabli lhirint in MNu-e $150.000 3 BR2BA M H ON CORNER LOT oilers buill-mt kildienCi i: ine re h, ing and finill ]' t cm-.. fcn'cedJ back ..Id i-dlh dreL-k oand ;hlid U iInh ele.-ti ic Loncred in thc '-.ourt'[ buit cl:.. to l th CIt\. Cle.in. Lons.ellient iand capable $149.999 ENJOY THE SIMPLE LIFE Thi., 2BR ~'B- on i4n a-_r is for prj.a[ical Inrr.n g Park thi, R\ urdcr tile 29hn1. 1i-.rpo r. iore the t,.,il in the 15 il r,',rk. ,'p nId ,, all'. t" f'i : ti'.rt It.i :.inc f diiisn It d.ac-.ri' ger .inm bcttier thanii tlhi. Iasle-tre homenir $129.000 RENTAL AVAILABLE AUG 6 .,'.RR 2BA $1200.00-rmo EMON TII QUIEU t 1111-.J In~-ir. $.999.900 CANAI FRRONIT EL P [ + I . a-.,cl I f-f., -ii 91$ .0 00 CHERISH HE H CARM 4 I0-- I-'slitul 1- if tlic I.l .ir -F -+ .: $85.0101) WIDE R OFl OF HOF TIETI in illI I -7 I' ( rROPIkl ( 'Lf ACRES. II'"" ii- PRT'rY PU1RE 11 AND IPIE -.n rl, -' I _". fc. -. --. + I..il~ lI. )...11~11 111. I.L.1,urc t-A rh, !,j c",I. 11, 1I '''-'111 LEHIGH ElIAlTn 2' + c-cI- ,.l i.. $i c 66,9011li id-,,. 962.9011) IN[LN HILLt P--i'A I"i 95i.0001 i TO)CHOOSF FROM I + .i 1 1i t L' i% \--hi 9$49.9011 0 -11.00J JAGUIAR 131%1) 1 I- I : 1,.-I.-.,i'. F, -1. -' $i23s00 CLtt.DE-SAC LC)I' if iti -i -, -1-il 3.06 'sQ FT CLrJMER( UI' illlEDINC, EXCELLENT LOt C noN FOR Irt-R BtSI. I I I, .- I 1., 1 '' ~11'."- 1 1111 d A.1 -T . (RLE~l BL'%IN]E's POfTNTIi' "I -i OFT 8-I' x11 IN LAkBELLE h- q,.: -- hi -_11I- -do' MIOVE Ot'R B-iNE's 1 I0i L111II.E! f-I ,-1,,,,- I.,,II,,i. Iii I----------------1h II111111 I I,---, I I,,1 I,.1 1~1 1 111 .., .- .. I - r I r i i XI r' 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20, 2006 f le/ -Toll Fr . 1-877-3553-2A424 iE. 0,ABS Announcements1 Merchandise Moile Homes Eniploymenti Agriculture Recreation Fina-n -il FPIIIncra 1eTas11 IIrrno is k-lil^^B hi~i~sI '*RENT~ Services 1i5000 for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run .. your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. W Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one 4 daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! ' Source: Pul-e Res.-arh Market Sur'.e' Snimmons Market Research- IrI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad SMust be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1 2 inch -(that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) '- SMust include only one item and its price -a , (remember it must be $2.500 or less) Call us! Problem! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Slegalds@newszap.com / Por Al Other Classified Advertising cbssads@newszap.com / Mon-Fri Saom 5 p.m / Line Ads *Morory I I air aT ri~a~l pritlttdirri, / Display Ads: rloyj S pym Thrrdq publircrun Announcements! IT,p..rint I r,formratin Please read yourad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, a, nd assumes responsibility for. any claims approval. The publisher reserves the inght to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word "advertisement All ad; a';':-p-i j are .ubi-.i c, cr.,lr FFr ll il h d .1t rrnu'l conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classic field categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *.' Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage:Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 **LAND AUCTION 200 Props Must be Sold!** Low Down/E-Z Financing. Free Catalog (800)937-1603 WWW.LANDAUCTION.COM N.R.L.L. East, LLC Auction Business License:AB2509, Mark Buleziuk Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3448, Jeffrey John- ston Auctioneer License:AU3449, Stacey SMauck Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3447. How do you find a Job hi today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sifleds BOSTON TERRIER, No tags, pink toe nails, female, 7/14, vic. of 9 Mile Grade. Reward!! (863)763-9613 or 634-4524 CHOCOLATE LAB, Female, pink collar w/name "Lady", since 7/3 in SW section. SFamily dog, greatly missed. (863)467-5188 REWARD!!! JACK RUSSEL- (end of June) female 7 mos old, It brn /white, w/uncut tail, lost near Rainbow Circle, in Port La- Belle (863)673-4527 AMERICAN BULL DOG- 4 years old. Free To Good Home! (863)634-5729 BASSETT HOUND/JACK RUS- SELL PUPPIES, 8 weeks old, free to good home only. (863)612-0202 ELECTRIC ORGAN- Looks like a Spinnet piano. Wanting to donate to a Church or Civic Group (863)467-2537 REDNOSE PITBULL- Free. Sol- id White (F), 2 yrs. Needs area to run/attention. Gets along w/other dogs. 863-634-2250 ALVA, Sat. & Sun., July 22nd & 23rd., 9am-5pm, 23251 N. River Rd. (Hwy. 78) See signs. Automotive Shop Equipment, Steel Shelving, Work Benches, Cabinets, Desk, Test Equip- ment, Folding Chairs & Tables, Household Items, Christmas Decor, Rebuilt cylinder heads . Something for everyone. I *^--- -- -^- ----- i mm mmjmm mm11 PUBLIC AUCTION SJuly 22nd, 9:00 a.m. 196 State Road 62 Wauchula, FL, 863-773-6600 demottauction.com Terry DeMott Sr., Auctioneer AU1833; AB1285 wage/ .lrrag i ard ^u~ Saes 0151"YrdSaes 014 Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 Multi-.amily DOUBLE J ACRES, Fri: Sat. & Sun. July 21st, 22nd & 23rd, 8am-2pm, 8 mi W. of La- Belle Across from Cotton Airstrip. 1 block off from Hwy. 80.Watch for sign! HUGE YARD SALE Sat. 7/22, 8am til ? 604 Bridle Way, LaBelle Too much to list!!! LaBelle, Sat. July 22nd, 7am-Noon, 2980 Evans Rd (End of Evans Rd): Name brand clothes, Baby clothes, Boys Levis, HH items, & Much More! PokeRhythms...they can't fix stupid...but they can fix about everything else. Don't play without them? Get yours FREE for 7 days http://www.poke- rhythms.com. Change every- thing! Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free 866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- D TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. www.atsflorida.com. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipment- school.com. , Buying a car? Look In the classifleds. Selling a car? Look In the classl- fleds. CLUBHOUSE RENTALS For Weddings, Parties, Banquets & Quinceaneras. Call 863-675-3641 Se Habla Espafol Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. Employment Employment - Ful-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 A COOL TRAVEL Job. Now hir- ing (18-24 positions). Guys/Gals to work and travel entire USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging fur- nished. Call today, Start to- day. (877)646-5050. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT /BOOKEEPER -Bi Lingual Preferred - Professional office. Resume to: 863-675-9275 or 381 SR 80 West AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. One Tuition fee! Many payment options! No registration fee! (888)808-5947 info@ameri- casddvingacademy.com. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. I I- al Notice feil N Ic I ",0.. 5 . w.. PLACE YOUR AD HERE I A CALL DALE OR BARB AT I 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting at $3 9.95 Per DI' HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming & Removal SStump Grinding SShaping & Topping 863-675-0403 | Licensed and Insured CAR HAULING. Southeast Re- gion. $1,100+/WEEK! Great DRIVER NEEDED CDL Class 'Home Time! Company Paid B drivers license required. Benefits! PAID TRAINING Must have clean driving FOR DRIVERS WITH MINI- record. Good benefits pack- MUM 1 YEAR OTR EXPERI- age. Drug Free Workplace. ENCE! (912)571-9668 OR Call (239)657-3168 and ask (866)413-3074. for David Carreno or apply in person at: CDL-A DRIVERS: Expanding United Agri Products Fleet offering Regional/OTR 116 Jerome Dr. Immokalee, FL runs. Excellent Benefits, Weekend Hometime, Out- DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE standing Pay Package, HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner Lease Purchase on '07 Pe- operators, company drivers, terbilts. NATIONAL CAR- students, recent grads, re- RIERS (888)707-7729 gional, dedicated, long haul. www.nationalcarriers.com. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. Driver- $1000 Sign on Bonus CRST Career Center. for Experienced Flatbed Driv- 800)940-2778, www.drive- ers. Home Week- forcrst.com. ends-$950+/Week. Great Benefits & Equipment. Stu- Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED dents w/CDL-A Welcome. DRIVERS FOR CENTRAL Call PGT: (800)837-7748. FLORIDA. Local & National OTR positions. Food grade Driver- HOLD THE PRESS! tanker, no hazmat, no *Pay Increase! *Increase pumps, great benefits, com- Speed! *Personal Manage- petitive pay & new equip- ment. Call (800)734-8169, ment. Need 2 years Knight Transportation. "Your experience. Call Bynum Hometown National Carrier" Transport for your opportu- CDL Class A/4 months OTR. nity today. (800)741-7950. Eiplye Full Tim S c Nt Ntes0 55 and Construction, Inc. i FREE ESTIMATES I Metal Rools Re-Roofs Roof Repairs Pole Barns Vinyl Sidingc Sotffi & Facia Office (863) 675-7045 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING I' '., Lir!l!r lr ,l. \ l. IUJIdl 'i r.li J.. t I.] ,.' I 1. .I 'J .l' i '!'A ..]i F~ANDYMlAN REPAIRS :AND MANTENANCE II I I ..A h d111 I i 1 1 .: I ,, ..., t I (863) 675-7297 S QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC.' i ,I. l I r I 'l Ir u %, lrri ,iri r I,-In Il i fl. I'mi Ir ii i 'il iri.' i nr i i l l.,1H.-ll,-. H Ilur n i & I.n-u. l, / rjFFICE- (8 1 3)675 8314 Call Kelvin 'I' vwniendl (C'U I (8G3) G73 3783 Hi' I07 SP CONSTRUCTION. INC Ek... nd.iiIl- Ij ,j Pi ,.,: arr ri. ,:bJ-230-%72-s73-1 1o I tI'23M,7341 Full Time .0205;FIull. T ime )0205 BRANCH MANAGER GLADES AREA Posted 7-13-06 American Red Cross chapter seeks f/t professional for Glades Area Branch covering western PBC, Glades and Hendry counties. Will provide leadership to develop, implement and manage all American Red Cross service delivery within branch area. Ideal candidate will possess degree and/or management experience in nonprofits and must have knowledge of Glades communities. Excellent benefits package. Please email cover letter and resume to bachmanna(dredcross-pbc.org or fax (561)650-9147. EOE/DFWP INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB.Earning $57K/yr Avg FARM MECHANIC Minimum Pay? Our services Needed for vegetable and can help you prepare for the sugar cane operation in Belle Postal Battery Exam, Find Glade area. Pay based on Out How! Call Today For experience plus good benefits. More Information... For more information call (800)584-1775 Ref Code (561)261-1010 #P5799. Emlymn !Ful Tme 205 ( MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise \ith 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, "and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insilrance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plait " -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 10 14 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 I *.'-'* .-. .... H!L '.tttE V.' : r -; ,5 . S.. V' d;..- L. .: I; i r i-: . '': _*.Ln E .L.- llrij r .*ll. LPN I or II IT.T. Perdkrr.l l .: r ., li ... .r I .I .: i.: .I. .I .. .i.. 1 FUIli trre ER RN III SLtafSuperlc1. '.I l,. ,-.- 1 l, .p :L- P I '1, .. Pcrdlem RN Nurniln Sunpeor i.i .1FI f I rr ,. ; + i, ,:iii,,:1 ,.. P, 1Tj-1i hi h. ... ,p :,-,...,,- .l-n, ^, L'. L -t :c , Full Ume.Part dme/At Hri ,r e TIWANSCRIPTIONIST * i r, IC.:.: i. '' '. '. 1 1- 1 l -ih.-.:On f_ ,. .rllc l -. T.r. ,, 11' 1dl. 5 II.C 'jl,.I ,1: i)J- Ij'i ,,i J ,T h A'lll ,.l .L ]-'. l. 1`'ljl ri ll, I i| ,,, 1 l l .1 Per Diem. C NA Meonfloi TeLh Plu I ,,, p j i. h r G i c. -,, a t ,h,,Ih,,, ,,', ,)f,,,h,.,,, Full tirti EDlbtil Speel ul1 ." ,Thlr ., ll, ..A. .', I.. ., i .) i ": "l ": l A 0 1 .. I Full dlre.I PN mrC thl. Full umr RN Niree Mriaer Speal C ir lER lIUI l I' -. i ,.1 I K :. ',. '.I I ,l ,, :l,,. :1il ., ,i i ,, l or Full Ilme- CCU INur'e Manpiger lljl..j IS.I.l1 l. .,1i. J d.*.: i .r i l ,. p I l ,!- : l 'I..U Full Ilme Regsleredr Nurse Full time Respiratory Therapist CRT or RRT preferred, with min (2) ears exp in adult and general patient care. BLS andACLS are req. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE FOOD PREPARATION ASSOCIATES BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION Excellent communication skills. Good manual skills, cash handling experience. Exp. as a fast order cook preferred, positive customer service attitude. High School Dip or GED. Flexible working hours. Salary based on experience + fuel & food allowance, incentives. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401 K) Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 Education Advisor Assistant Brighton Reservation HS Diploma, Bus or College Course pref. MS Word, Access, Excel, Outlook. Typing 40 wpm, Exp. in preparing requisitions for payment. Exc. Communication & Organizational skills. Fax res. to (954) 967-3477 I1 tar bp',.r VISA I e ITS Cal nsa Belle. Thursday. July 20, 2006 MTme 0 2 0 MHerchandise 1 .I l COMPUTER- Dell Dimension 4700, P4, 530 (3.0GHZ) 512MB/80GB, complete pkg $500 (863)467-5877.. a CALOOSABELLE ELL PENTIUM 4- XP PRO, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse. The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, is looking for an tLike ( )464- $400. energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's ic le s 530 o HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Books & M eagaines 535 Business Equipment 545 Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Carpets/Rugs 550 COMFORTERS- for twin or and advancement are encouraged to apply TODAY Chldren's tem 555 queen beds, variety of colors 'China, Glassware, Etc. 560 & designs, $75 for all or will Bartender $9.00 plus tips Part time time with Clothins 565 sell sep (863)467-8723 Cocktail Server $5.50 plus tips Collectibles 575 iuiu Count Team Member $9.50 per hour somewhat flexible hours Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 BEDROOM SET, King, com- Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips The ideal candidate will be Cruises 590 plete bed, dresser w/mirror, Housekeeper $9.00 per hour Drapes, Linens Fabrics 595 2 night stands & chest. Exc. Maintenance Worker $10.00 + B.O.E. self-motivated with an outgoing Fireplace Fixture 600 cond.$450 (863)763-9695 Players Club Representative $10.00 per hour personality, more than average Furniture 610 BUNK BED SET- solid wood, Poker Dealer $28.00 avg. w/grats Furs 615 Loft, like new, 5 dr dresser, Prep Cook $8.00 per hour computer skills, bilingual a plus, Health & Reducing 3 dr desk, $350 Equipment 620 (305)333-1389 Clewiston TAD. Machine Technician $12.50 per hour Equipment 620 (305)33-1389 Clwiston E Understanding of digital photog- Heating Equipment/ CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, Vault Cashier $10.00 per hour supplies 625 2 pc. w/5 shelves. Hand raphy and reliable transportation. Household Items 630 Made. Must see! $500 We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Jewelry ts 635 (863)763-8943 Financial Analyst The Caloosa Belle offers a Lmpsgage ht 64 COFFEE & END TABLES, Security Supervisor unique work environment where Medical Items 650 Matching, brown iron frames Unique work environment where miscellaneous 655 w/glass tops. Very expensive. Benefits available for all employees r employees are trusted and musical Instruments 660 $250 (863)532-0079 Okee Benefits available for all employeesemployees are trusted and office supplies DINING RM SET Table, 6 www.theseminolecasino.com Equipment 665 hairs, China cabinet. Excel- Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St. empowered. Pets/Supplies/ lent condition. $500.E P FLServices 670 condition. $50(863)357-1867 Immokalee, FL e-mail resume to: Photograhy 675 7- 1-800-218-0007 Plumbing Supplies 680 DINING TABLE- custom made The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace I jkasten@strato.net Pools & Supplies 685 w/glass top, nice cond. Cost Restaurant $1150 new, sacrifice for Equipment 690 $150. (561)633-1371. F/T RECEPTIONIST Satellite 695 DINING TABLE- glass top, The City of Labelle is accept- Sewing Machines 700 pedestal base, 4 upholstered HELP WANTED ing applications for a F/T Re- Sporting Goods 705 chairs$65 (863)357-3639 GroundsKeeper Assist in making the maintenance operation ceptionist. Applicants must Stereo Equipment 710 chairs $65 (86 moreeffective and more efficient Must have the ability to per- have HS diploma or qjuivjie,-i. DAILY WORK DAILY PAY lTlevision/Radio 715 DOUBLE SIZE BEDS, & form manual labor. Must have a valid Florida drivers license. Bi-lingual preferred. Basic ot- ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE Tickets 720 Frames, 1 new & 1 used fice & computer skills req. Tools 725 $250. Will separate. Electrical Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a Must be detail oriented & de- AA FINDERToys & Games 730 (863)357-1867 licensed contractor pendable. Interested persons V CRs 735 FUTON SET- With 2 end ta- Building inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a Hall between 8:30am-5:00pm, 202 E Suland Ha m C blues, coffee table. Black iron licensed contractor. Mon.-Fri. Applications accept- (863) 902-9494 w/oak wood top. Pd $600. ed until July 28, 2006 Asking $150.8 63-357-2795 Mechanic I. Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an E AiHEAD BOARD, King size, dark automotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred. HEAVY EQUIPMENT o.wood. $50 (863)357-1929 OPERATOR: Needed Full Time M Highway Maintenance Technician I. Maintains highways, in Moore Haven area. AIR CONDITIONER: New, LIVING ROOM SET, Couch, municipal and rural roads, and rights-of-ways in safe Call (941)809-6301 5000 BTU. $90. chair ive.-eat & 3 tables. condition. Must have a valid Flonda Commercial Driver's DIRECTOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONSR(863)612-0992 LaBelle 1' 63)763-6591 license, Class B orhiherwithairbrakeendorsement. International Cultural Ex- NURSING Tut in Word, Excel IORIENTALFURNITURE license, Class B or iher with air brake endorsement change Representative: Earn Tutoring in Word, Exelce, Beautiful & Elegant- The positions are full time with.medical benefits, supplemental income placing Newly renovated facility and Power Point, Access, in Black lacquer with geishas The positions are full time withmedical benefits, new mgmt. team. Looking Black lacquer with geishas retirement, sick and vacation leave, and supervising high school new mgexp t. team. Looking your home BARBER CHAIR, Emil J. Padair third dimensional design. exretirement changesstudents. Volun- fo ri D ur Will de pr sheets Pocelain base w/foot rest, May pieces from dining room These positions will be open until filled. teer host families also need- 155'bed facility. Must have a etc upon request. all hydraulics work. $1000 to cabinets and wall panels.. ed. Promote world peace! thorough understanding of Call Lynne at neg. (863)697-0328 'Best offer. (863)675-3054 Jobdescription& applications can be obtained in the 86 -AFICE r the long termcare regula-(863)675-7049 RE C BED- Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse www.afice.org. tons & survey process. Ex-h R ARBD ceptional leadership, blue, mattress not included, in LaBelle in the HR Department LEGAL SECRETARY communication & team I I blue, mattress not included,P inaBelletheHRDepartment LEGAL SECRETARY building skills, Candidates .. FLAVOR WAVE OVEN: As excellent condition, $150 Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance F/T, LaBelle Law Firm. must be licensed in the state C S Seen On TV. Excellent condi- .(863)634-3069 in the application process should contactthe Experience preferred. of FL with LTC experience. COMPUTER SERVICE tion. $65 (863)675-3401 SECTIONAL- black, with 2 re- HendryCounty Commissioners HRdepartment. Call (863)675-4424 Excellent salary and bene- up-grades, systems built, GAS RANGE- Sun Fire Restau- liners great condition sell LOADER OPERATOR fits- tutoring. Win.95, 98, rant, 6 burners, w/griddle, (863)697-8881 S.. ... ...................... Nowbe nhiredI MA EMETt 2000.ME, XP licensed. good condition, $650 (863697 Driver................... ................. Ortona RISK MANAGEMENTSand company Call Gary 863-675-7925 (863)467-4565 G er ante Call (863)675-1454 PERFORMANCE REFRIGERATOR- used, yel- IMPROVEMENT J low, stays cold, $60 or best We are looking for a minimum CDL Full time Management posi- offer (863)532-9182 GOLF CLUB LUGGAGE CASE- Kul: "BUihHam tr tion. 3+yrs. of LTC/geriatric SALLY MAE ,Black, Hard shell, Great for "B" with Hazmat who is looking for t +yrsofm t.per- SALLY MAE REFRIGERATOR- With ice tael $. (863) a better opportunity. Our starting Seekinga qualified visorexperience preferred. C CK k Good edition. LaBelle p on o- a Ability tocommunicate ef- Music-for-all occasions:- $100. (239)826-5226 pay is a minimum f-$-12+ hour a sn to r w a fectively n SHOW TIMEROTISSERIE & localfarm inOLaBelle. ',luenerj ., 5 SHOW TIME,-ROTISSERIE and we guarantee a minimum of 45 Duties include repair Interested candidates, Bar-B-Que: As Seen On TV: n:dd aCplease fax resumes toNA$75(863)675-3401 CCI PRIMERS, 250 large rifle" Hours per week, plus quarterly cash ad maintenance ple f rsSTACKABLE ma., 550 small ma. pistol, Attn: Crista NHA STACKABLE W/D- Frigidaire, 500 small pistol, 3500 prim- weoffera machinery &.mechani- at 863-983-6698 or White, Like new. $375. ers.$60(863)357-3107aft5' bonuses. In addition, we offer a : calequipment. Prior call863-983-5123 (8686357307-6949at benefit package that includes Health farm experience pre- Palm Terrace of Clewiston DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS Care: fully paid short andlong tem feared but not required. 301 South Gloria St. CARGO: Be a Hendry WASHER & DRYER- Heavy Care, fully paid short and lng term Clewiston, FL 33440 County School Board Bus Duty, Frigidaire, stackable, To apply, please com- EOE/DFWP Driver. Contactthe stainless tubs, exc cond., disability, life insurance and a 401 K plete application at Transportation Dept. at $350 firm (561)676-0427 retirement program with matching 27920 Loblolly Bay 863-674-4115 or WASHER: Heavy Duty $75. employer contributions. Rd. SW, LaBelle or call Finania Cheryl Jameson at (863)674-1355 S employercontributions. Maria@ | jamesonc@ e m loyrcon uti n Maria@ .hendry.k12.fl.us WASHERS & DRYERS Cut utthe long commutes and 239-657-4421 Ext. $95 & up, Up to 1 yr warranty S call this LaBelle company today. 8103. EFRIGE-R O69RS7STOVES S800-330-1369. i NEED TO WORK? Apply @ Business ..................... ...........White's Furnituri & Appliance. Opportunities 305 Looking for individual that's Money Lenders 310 State of Florida Department of Transportation ready to work. (863)675-0717 Tax Preparation 315 Arch Steel Builings, Hurri- JOB OPPORTUNITY SCALE OPERATOR HANDYMAN cane Rated! FEMA grade. SENIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Now being hired at All services offered, including Widths-of 25, 30, 40 & 50. ENI VOrtona Sand Company :' pressure washing. Garage/Workshop/Storage. SITIONNUMBER: 03090 Call (863)675-1454 *lOp I I 25 years experience. SteelMaster Buildings, fac- POSITIONNUMBER: 03090 (863)674-0808 or tory direct! Call STARTING SALARY: $900.56 Bi-Weekly SECRETARY Full time ALL CASHANDY ROUTE Do 239)872-7706 or (800)341-7007. www.Steel- REQUIREMENT: CLASS "A" CDL LICENSE With experience yoAL C R Do (813)436-1246 MasterUSA.com. M C Ventures you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- SHED, Aluminum, uasi Hut, This work involvesdriving Tractor-Trailer combination and Call (863) 675-3424 chines, Free Candy All for40 SHED,Aluminud Qasi Hut, $9,995. (888)629-9968 40x45. Paid $6000, asking operating a variety of heavy equipment such as; Grader, TELLERS B02000033. CALL US: We $3000 (863)357-2795 Trackhoe and Loaders. Performs light maintenance and Growing community bank will not be undersold! GONZALEZ pennylou(mstrato.net servicing work in connection with all types of equipment looking for tellers for their Cle- LAWN/LANDSCAPING operated, assist in repairs of said equipment. Perform wiston and LaBelle office. High NOTICE Also do handyman jobs manual labor incidental to the operation. School diploma or equivalent Independent Newspapers will (863 75-16 I req. Cash handling exp, pref. never accept'any advertise- ELITE COMPOSED ROOFING bywtOnAtExo. benefits and great oppor- ment that is illegal or con- PANELS- nlaew, 4'W x38"L, Apply on-line via thePeopleFirst(1-87.7-562-7287)by tunity to become a part of the sidered fraudulent. Inal 3 insulation, $2000 for all completing a State of Florida online job application at First Bank family. Contact Mali cases of questionable val- will sell sep (863)763-5011 www.myflorida.com by 5pm EST closing date. Chamness at 863-983-8191 ue, such as promises of for more info. or fax resume to guaranteed income from METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Contact local office @ 880 W. Cowboy Way, LaBelle, 863-983-5043. EOE, Drug work-at-home programs-if Buy Direct From Manufactur- Florida. Call (863)674-4027 forfurther information. Free Workplace. it sounds too good to be er. 20.colors in stock with all TIRE MAN & GENERAL HELP true, chances are that it is. Accessories. Quick turn CLOSING DATE: 7/25/2006 Laee A reaL HELP If you have questions or 1 around! Delivery Available (863)674-1011i doubts about any ad on Toll Free (888)393-0335. (941)812-1202 these pages, we advise that .. - 812-1202 before responding or send- PAINT- (8) 5 gal containers, SALES ASSOCIATE, GAS/C. STORE inNeed a few s money ahead of time, RRESTED? ACCUSE AC- Different colo, interior La- Need a few more bucks to you check with the Better. ARRESTED? ACCUSED? AC- a for a llt will sell sep- *- -'W BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION purchase something Business Bureau at CIDENT VICTIM? HURT? rate (863)697-2032 deer? Pick up some 772-878-2010 for previous Talk to a lawyer Now. Call 24 l-i Excellent Communication skills, good extra bucks when you complaints. Hours. Personal Injury and sell your used items In Criminal Defense. A-A-A At- manual skills, cash handling experience, Some 800 and g00 telephone torney Referral Service CHANGING TABLE- White positive customer service attitude. High numbers may require an (888 733-5342. Protect wood, Good condition. $25. extra charge, as well as Your rights. (863)675-3944 LaBelle School diploma or GED. Flexible working long distance toll costs. We GIRLS BEDROOM ACCESS.- hours. Salary: Based on exp. Fuel & will do our best to alert our NHello Kitty. rug, shelf's, . hTRUCKDRIVERNEEDED!!! reader of.these charges in blanket, Valance & More. food allowance, incentives. Excellent Must have Class A CDL. the ads, but occasionally WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL $115. (863)673-3662 benefits (medical, dental, 401 K) Benefits Available. we may not be aware of the KINDS Copper & Brass. Fax resume to (954)967-3477. .Apply at: charges.Therefore, if you Closed Sunday. Call first When doing those chores Fax resume to (954)9673477. Syfrett Feed Company, calla number of your 863-675-8760, 257-0879 is doinn you in it's time -'----- -----~ ----~-~~~~~' 0 /9NW Btc street ,a, u .au.,. to look for a helper in Okeechobee the classifieds. Sevic E(863)763-5586 rthae-- We're raising pay for Florida Serv Regional drivers! Home eve- CRYSTAL, Waterord, stem- HEALTH SUPPORT ry weekend! Home during CRYSTAL, Waterford, stem- TECHNICIAN the week! Solid weekly ware, decanters, specialty T h (Home Health Aids-L1) miles! 95% no touch! Pre-, pieces, Alana pattern, $500. #64082771 planned freight! $.43 per 5 (863)610-1964 Ability to perform both clinical & clerical work with a federally mile HEARTLAND EXPRESS Babysitting 405 ( 81) .1-1 funded HIV/AIDS clinic at Hendry County Health Department; (800)441-4953www.heart- Chil Care Needd 410 ALL TRADES i medical & computer work experience required; MA &/or CNA landexpress.com. Child Care Offered45 CONSTRUCTION INC. certification; Bilingual English & Spanish helpful; Background Instruction 40 Specializing in metal, tile & LADIES 3X CLOTHES NEW screening/fingerprinting required. What is the "Ideal SalesJob" rce red shingle roofs since '1965. Casual & Dressy. $300 for lot EEO/AA 'Leads furnished! Recession Licensed & Insured. or will sell separately. Apply online: https://peoplefirst.myflorida com or roof! Trillion $ industry! Medical Services435 #CCC1325791. i 239-2 s epes ti CallGlenn@ (863)675-4041x133 for more details. Training! No investment! FREE ESTIMATES 239-292-7509 Your business! Your hours! Call 239-728-7966 l h 80k-120k! Call us: (866)858-2713 www.evoy- FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS Tme to clean out the Readng a newspaper AFFORABLE CLEANING (3-400)-Racing& Comic. lateirt attic, as t and/or helps you understand Office or Home 80s early 90s Exc. cond. $400 etheworld round you. One man's trash s anoth- Low prices Higgin's Tree Service or best offer!! 863-763-8943 SN der nespap r an's treasure. n Available for weekends 25years experience. Free NASCAR TIRE TABLE-with leds'ani make you r emore su- yourtash t teasue (863)673-3662 estimates. Lic. & insured glass top. $395 clednann m z cesfel people ths. an ad In the classl- Call 863-675-3955. (863)357-1183 REVOLVER 38 CAL Stainless steel Taurus, 2" barrel, like SPEAKERS: Crate Guitar Stack new with extras, $375 & JVS. $1200 for all, will sep. (863)467-6696 Call (863)697-3345 SAVAGE: Model 110, 7 mm H* s l I Magnum Rifle w/Redfleld 4x12 scope. Both In perfect cond. BIRD CAGE, large, heavy duty, w/case. $475 (863)697-3175 80"hx42"wx30"d, $800. SHOTGUN- single shot 12 ga. (863)763-3451 $50 (863)467-9892 BLACK LAB- 21/2 yrs old seMale. Purebred, Papers, ID chipped. Trained for hunting & field trial. $4000. 772-299-3643 or CUSTOM DRAPES Burdines 772-559-0611 Pattern: Jolettina Adobe. Length 55". Rt. & Lt. panels & BLUE HEALER/BORDER Collie sgI. $50/panel. 863-763-6216 Lovable, great w/kids. $50. 863-634-1343 after 5pm. Jewlr5, CURR PUPS Proven line. Shots, wormed. $150. NECK CHAIN: 18 kt., 20". 863-261-6422 $700 or best offer. 863-634-9620 Okee area. DOBERMAN, 2 2 years old, Black & tan, registered, fe- l I m I male. $400 (863)763-1504 HE HUNTING DOG, Male, 4 mos. ELEC POWER CHAIR- joystick old. $120 (863)673-1877 oper, four wheel base, chrger, footrest, instruction book,. JACK RUSSELL TERRIER $1000(863)801-6149 PUPS, AKC, 2 left, 1 male, 1 Y C female. $350ea 863-634-4076 MOBILITY CHAIR-Jazzy, ex- cellent condition, $750 neg. LAB PUPPIES-AKC, yellow, (863)675-6630 LaBelle Champ Bloodline, parents on premises, S/W/HC, $650 WHEELCHAIR- Padded with (863)357-1841 extra seat.cushion. Excellent condition. $225. MIN-SCHNAUZER, Salt-Pep- (863)357-8788 per male, AKC reg., Health papers included. $500. Is 863)763-4052 or 634-8691 PUPPIES, Welsh Pembroke ARCADE GAMES, (2), Miss Corgis, born 4/27/06, 2/1M, Pac Man & Galagh Stand Up 2 sets of shots & heartworm Machines. $1100/Both or pos- preventative. $500 sible trade. (863)357-2773 (863)467-8180 or 634-1111 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE tprescott42 (peoplepc.com from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Jus- tice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer provided. POOL, above ground, 16x3, Financial Aid if qualified. Call with accessories. $75 (866)858-2121 www.onli- (863)673-6295 neTidew aterTech.com. L-flM1im tM1IR I I M, AVON, 58 older pcs., mostly Full, mostall in boxes, $50 BEACH WHEELS. Catamaran for all. (863)357-6113 Buck- Dual Trax, Fits 14'-20', Excel- headRidgeArea. lent condition. $300. OIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS (863)675-0161 children, etc. Only one sig- Str nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdaysEI (800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-6pm) Alta. Divorce, SOUND SYSTEM: Great condi- LLC. Established 1977. tion. 5 CD's, 4 speakers size 15. Used by DJ's. $475 For GATSBY WHIRLPOOL TUB more info. (863)674-0825 Rectangular, seats 4. Kept in- side, great condition. W/Cover. SURROUND SOUND- RCA $2000. (863)843-0913 DIGITAL, 400 watts, 5 speaker S&sub woofer w/remote & PROPANE TANKS, (2), 100 manual. $125863)697-8906 lb. $50 will sell separately. (863)357-21130655 T e- n I SUNQUEST 2000S10 BULB Tanning Canopy. $300. TOSHIBA- Model CF3566A, 863-634-5888 35" Works good. $150. (863)675-0161 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy 863)675-0161 Direct and Savel Full Body TV, Hitachi, 50" LCD, units from $22 a month! widescreen, as new. $900 FREE Color Catalog CALL (772)473-0398 or TODAY! (800)842-1305 (863)763-3039 www.np.etstan.com. In Iums CRAFTSMANCOMPRESSOR 2hp, 20 gal., twin Cyl., hose, MiX~ER ackie, Power Amp. portable, 150psi: $75.00 & Cross Over. $1100 for all, 863-697-2033 will sep. (863)357-2882 CUTTING TORCH acetylene, ORGAN- Yamaha with stand. outfit, w/cart, $300. $25. (863)357-1929 (561)633-1371. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, July 20, 2006 18 Pta a 2 Bedroom Luxury Condo Fuily furnished, no pets, no trucks. Lease, Security & References. $850/mo. + utilities 1 Bedroom Luxury Condo- Fully furnished, no pets, no trucks. Lease, Security & References. $700/mo. + utilities SALES 2 Bedroom, 55+ Community. Modular, Furnished, Carport & Shed, Land Lease. Asking $120,000. RIVERFRONT REDUCED!! 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath house, separate apt, workshop, garage, RV/Boat Carports, dock house, boat ramp, 1.55 ACRES. $625,000 It , " . I i o GENERATOR- Coleman Pow- ermate, 4000 watts, de- pendable power,-$250 (863)675-4970 GENERATOR- Guardian, 12KW w/ATS LP or Nat gas, New $2500. (863)467-9390 GENERATOR:.TITAN 8500, Brand new. Electric start w/keys. $2500. (863)675-4079 LaBelle. GENERATOR: TITAN, Brand new. Never used. Value $4350 Now $2000. (863)675-4079 LaBelle. SHOP VAC- Sears, heavy duty, 12 gal, with attachments, 4 HP, wet/dry, exc cond $20 (863)675-2596 VACUUM CLEANERS, (2), Kir- by, with all attachments. $300 will sell separately. (8631763-5011 VCR- Sharp, 2yrs old, 35 mo- vies, 1 XXX & several blank tapes $150 or trade for pistol (772)461-8822 DVD'S- 70 Total, $350 for all will sell separate. Good Flea Market item (863)763-4961 Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Adverse your yard sale In the classi- fleds and make your clean u a breeze! LOOKING FOR FCB STOCK Florida Community Bank. (239)229-8784 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 WANTED: FL ART A.E. Backus, J. Hutchinson H. Newton, G: Buckner, E. Buckner, L. Roberts, A. Hair, R A. McClendon, S. Newton, BIG $$ (772)562-5567 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/Products 810 Farm Misceflaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Suppries/ Services Wanted 830 Fertllizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 APHA YEARLINGS, variety of colors & prices, up to date - on all shots. (863)467-8180 or(863)634-1111 APPALOOSA GELDING, white, 12 years old. $1000 (863)763-0367 or (863)801-1849 , APPENDIX MARE, 7 years. 16 hands, Easy Jet blood tnes. $1600 or best otter. (772)519-2292 CANADIAN TIMOTHY HAY, $10 per bale. (239)470-3113 HORSE, TRAILER & TACK- Pkg deal. Beautiful Quarter horse, 12 yr old Mare. $2000. (863)357-1693 HORSE TRAILER, 2-hdrse, needs some work, tongue pull, good floor. $500 or best offer. (954)520-6707 PALOMINO GELDING- 5 yrs, 15.3 hand, Not a beginner horse. $1500. (863)357-1945 Evenings QUARTER HORSE MARE- 6yrs old, bred to bik & wh paint, very reniit l $15a00 (239)3140-8503 ROPING-SADDLE- new, $550 (863)674-1355 SHOW SADDLES, (2), brand new, black, $1000 will sell' separately. (239)465-1393 I Houses Rent Do-It-Yourself Ideas Country Garden Few scenes are as peaceful and refreshing as a coun- try garden on a spring morning. That's probably why the garden has become such a popular decorating theme in recent years. Now you can give your own home that country charm with the help of a full- color, 24-page guidebook, "A Country Garden." Featuring 15 country-quaint garden projects designed for easy-to-sew and no-sew applique tech- niques, the book includes complete step-by-step instructions, full-size patterns and more. Country Garden guide (No. P9132) ... $7.95 Also available: Bunnies & Friends guide (No. P9143)... $7.95 Please add $4.00 s&h To order, circle item(s), clip & send w/ check to: Please be sure to include your name, Houses- Rentn BRAND NEW IN OKEECHOBEE DIRECT FROM BUILDER- 2 to choose from, 3br,2ba, on large lot, end of quiet cul-de- sac, 'designed by famous Palm Beach Architect, tile throughout, all amenities, $205,000 (561)718-2822 or cpbirdie@adelphia.net CLEWISTONIN LADECA ACRES: 3 Bdrm. House on 5 Acres w/Shop & Pond. $200,000. (863)302-4359 \Immokalee, 5BR/3BA, on 2 acre, fenced yard, 2 driveways, swimming pool with new cage & filter, new jacuzzi, mother in law apartment, new roof, air ducts, ceiling fans (inside & outside) & new toilets & much more. $400,000 (239)470-3330 LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top Area $212K or Annual Lease $1800 mo. 561-441-2800 LABELLE- FSBO, 3/2/2 CBS, 2767 sq ft, .75 acre, $270,000 (863)675-3833 PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. Near School. Price to sell. $179,500. or Annual Lease $1900. Owner 863-673-5071 cshdz 04@earthlink.net 15 ACRE FLORIDA RANCH ESTATE Only $69,900! Short Drive to the Gulf of Mexico Just Minutes from 1-10. Won't last! Call Now! (866)950-5263 Ext 650. By Owner, 20+ acres in Muse on Fernwood Lane, $25k per acre. Call for details (863)612-0010 CLEWISTON: 1.93 Acres on Flag Hole Rd. 250 Taft Blvd. w/All improvements & 17x48 workshop. 509.50 Ft. of Private Road Frontage. $149,500. (561)993-5886 MONTURA RANCH ESTATE 1.25 ac. High & Dry. 412 Bald Cypress Ave. $55,000 neg. (561)993-5886 Thoroughbred Mare, in foal to German warm blood stallion, super sweet, $2500. (863)357-JUMP COMMERCIAL S/P MOWER- Snapper, 21", works good, freshly serviced, $75 firm (561)676-0427 FINISH MOWER- 5ft, Bush Hog, $500 excellent condi- tion (863)697-3008 LAWN MOWER, Snapper, 16hp, runs good. $275 (863)763-6591 LONG 2510 TRACTOR & BUSHHOG, fair condition, runs good, $4000 or best of- fer. (863)697-3400 MOWER DECK, 42", came off Yard King mower, $60. \ (863)532-9182 OMC BOBCAT with bucket & forks, fair cond., runs good, $4000 or best offer. (863)697-3400 RIDING MOWER- MTD, 42" cut, 16hp, auto shift,'$400 (863)697-2032 TORO YARD TRACTOR, 12.5 hp, with attachments, $250 or best offer. (239)210-1608 WEED EATER: STIHL, Model FS80R. $100. (863)675-0199 BARBARDOS BLACK BELLY SHEEP (3), 1 female w/2 male babies, 3 mos. old. $150 for all. (954)520-6707 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 Love the earth Recycle your used items by sell- Ing them in the classl- ieds. Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condoe/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 LaBelle, 1BR on River Front, Very private,furnished, utilities included..No Pets, No Smok- ing, No Children, $800 month- ly, 1 yr lease + Sec Dep. (239)337-7514 For Rent: 2/2 & 2/1, w/laundry room, in town, $750 mo. Call Home & Ranch Real Es- tate. (863)612-0000 Industrial For Rent 1080 Commerce Dr. Labelle 750 sf Office, 4000 sf Ware- house, 2500 sf Fenced yard. $2975. mo. 239-822-5955 BRAND NEW HOME: Never' Before Occupied. 3 BR, 2 Ba., 2 Car Garage. Avail. Aug.1st. $1200 mo. + sec. & refs. (305)971-3710 or dynamic_ management@hotmail.com LaBelle, 3,4 & 5 Bedrooms Starting @ $1250. per month. For Sale or Lease w/opt. to buy. (863)202-0753 MONTURA, New home 3br, 2ba, $950. mo. + Sec dep, 1st & Last mo. rent. (863)675-6129 PORT LABELLE, 2BR/1.5BA, Avail. 8/1. Retirees preferred. $750/mo. plus 1st, last & sec. (863)674-4746.after 6pm. PORT LABELLE- 2BR/2BA, W/D, Centair/heat, scr.porch, quiet area. $1200/mo. incl: cbl/wtr. F//S. 863-673-3569 PORT LABELLE: Very nice 2BA.'2BA, I: ritral H/AC large family room, fenced back yard, garage, NO PETS! References and Lease. $800 mo. $800 . (863)675-2392 FORTKNOX SELF STORAGE . New Ig uniit avail air o)ndinoned & non-air, each unit alarmed, area I'e'nric & w ii ii,' hled :VQ lruilk; Manageir rn- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE-- Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 md. incl tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo.:incl. tax. 10x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 rrio incl. tax 24 hr access 1 25 returnable key' deposit. 863-675-2392. RealEstate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property-Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms- Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 SProperty Inspection 1060 SReal Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - SSale 1070 SWarehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 IHouss Sal 12 Apartments 0905 DII FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH APARTMENTS 1N LABELLED !MO/mth $1500 Security Deposit Call 863-612-000 Commercial Property 40 Acs. LAND FOR SALE. Wooded & open, beaver pond in Truetlen County, South Georgia. Great hunt- ing, turkeys, hogs, deer, or great. homesite. (888)523-9799. 526.42 Ac. Appling County, GA. 42.52 Ac./house, Wayne County, GA. Rozier Realty. (912)449-3672. ALABAMA WATERFRONT Gat- ed community alongside Lake Eufaula. 2 hours from Atlanta & the Coast. Owners' Clubhouse, fitness center, nature trails, boat slips. 1/2 to 3-acres from the'$40's. (866)882-1107. . BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION. MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES W/ SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES, CABINS, CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE. Cherokee Mountain GMAC RealEstate. cherokeemountainrealty.com (800)841-5868.. BILLION DOLLAR VISTAS WITH COOL MOUIJTAIII BREEZES HIGH ATOP THE SMOKIES BETWEEN PRE- .STIOUGOUS ,HIGH-; LANDS/FRANKLIN/DILLARD. EXCLUSIVE, PRIVATE, SE- CLUDED, NEW HOMESITES FROM. 1175,000 (800)679-7976 www.rgri- landspass.com. BUILDING SALE "MANUFAC- TURER DIRECT Since 1980!" Extensive range of siz- es/models. r Example: 40'x100'x16'=3.48/sq.ft. Ends optional. 3-week deliv- ery. 25'x40'x1.2' $3990 (LIM- ITED QTY). Pioneer (800)668-5422. Cool Western NC Mountains- escape the heat, hurricanes and high prices. Homes, cabins, lots arre3ge invest- ments. Prudenrili Great Srrmi'y-i Re3lv ODwntown Brysor City Call (877)476-6597. East Tennessee- Norris Lake 5.6 acre wooded LAKE- FRONT lot- $66,500 5.1 acre wooded VIEW lot-'$28,900 Call Lakeside .Realty @ (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. GEORGIA/ NORTH CAROLINA Captivating mountain views, lakes, rivers, waterfalls. Homesites starting @ $39,900. Log home kits @ $39,900. Limited availability. Call (888)389-3504 X700. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163.' KY LAKEFRONT ACREAGE Privjie 'saled ial eri-it (communilv Walrlroni pjar elf' ul rn irie In'i:r L e a,:- cess parcels from the mid-$30's. Planned pool, tennis, driving range & more! Call owner (866)462-8198. KY /TN LAKE OVERVIEW PAR- CEL 2.16 acre high ground parcel offers some of the- best views up and down Lake Barkley. 90 min to Nashville. Very close to Land Between the Lakes rec. area. $62,000. (866)339-4966. LAKE LAND SALE! 5.5 Acres, Subdivideable With Boat Slip. Only $29,900! Direct Access to 33,000-acre mountain lake in Tennessee. Available 8/26! (800)770-9311, ext.830. LAKEFRONT PREDEVELOP- MENT OPPORTUNITY! www.grandeharbor.info. All water- access homesites di- rect from the developer. Most amenities-already in. Far below market value, from $79,900. Possible 18 mo NO PAYMENTS! Call Now! (888)BY-LAKES. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? In- vest in rural acreage throughout America; coastal, mountain, waterfront proper- ties, 20 to 200 acres. For FREE Special Land Reports: www.landbuyers- guide.com/fl. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins, Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REAL- TY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www.exitmurphy.com. NC MOUNTAIN ACREAGE Near Asheville, NC. 1 to 8 acre parcels. Gated commu- nity with amenities. 4+ miles of riverfront! Just 5 minutes to town of Hot Springs. Phase II opens Fall 06. (866)292-5762. NEW LOG HOME PACKAGE! 6 Acres with Boat Slip Only $89,900! Direct access to 33,000 acre mountain lake in Tennessee. Available 8/26! (800)770-9311, Ext.835. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles.'ATVs 3035 BASS TRACKER- '94, 18' Pro, Aluminum, 75 hp Mercury. $2500 Firm. In Moore Haven (239)633-7173 EVENRUDE 115, 17ft., runs great, wide boat, turn key ready. $1600 (863)467-1290 SAIL BOAT- 23ft, w/trailer, $1200 or best offer (239)470-3701 LaBelle SEA KAYAK, Touring Style, Model Prijon Kodiak, 17 Ft., Good condition. $400. (8Q3)357-7406 Sea Kayak, Touring Style, Northwest Pursuit, 17', exc. cond., $600. (863)357-7406 Bus converted into RV, rebuilt eng., runs great, $1500 firm. 239-657-3387 or 505-317-5577 SHADOW CRUISER- '98 slide in camper, fully contained, like new, $2500 (863)675-0604 SOUTHWIND' 86- 34', 49K orig miles, sips 7, new tires, generator, good cond., 9800 neg (863)467-8161 -am- .M- I M- VENUS, FL- 5 acres, borders Preserve by Fish eating creek, wooded, $160K, (863)699-6925 or jdwrght55@hotmail.com PORT LABELLE- 1/3 A corner lot $46,000, Private Owner. Call Ron (304)489-1081 or (304)482-3094 Port LaBelle, Owner financing with 10% down. $44,900. 954-448-3256 or 863-983-9627 PORT LeBELLE LOTS- 2, in cul-de-sac w/exc. potential for a lovely,home. Call Wille Drummond (301)567-2515 siio IS Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 Beautifully landscaped one acre fenced lot, 3BR/2BA doublewide in exc. cond., half mile from Barron Park on cul-de-sac, central H/AC, well & septic, incl. lawn & landscape maintenance. NO. PETS. References & Lease, $900 mo. + $900 sec. (863)675-2392 Beautifully landscaped one acre fenced lot 3BR, 2 BA doublewide in excellent con- dition, half mile from Barron Park on cul-de-sac, Central H/AC, well and septic, in- clude Idlawn 3anrid landscape iji-le-njriLep NO PETS. References and Lease. $1,000/month, $1,000/se- Scurity. 863-675-2392 LABELLE- 2br,1ba, $500/mo + $5'00 sec dep. Call (863)675-6651 after 6 or leave message. LaBelle, DOUBLE WIDE 3br, 2ba, $250 wkly. + $500. Sec dep. Call 863-675-3665 Singel Wide Also Available MUSE, 3 Bdrm., 1/2 Ba., Big yard. $900 deposit, $125 wk. No dogs. (863)675-1614 PIONEER, 2ba, lba, No pets, Non smoking envi. Small yard $600/mo. 1st, last & sec. 863-983-5520 Leave msg. AQUA ISLES ADULT M/H Park Spacious 2BR/2BA double- wide. Florida Room. Carport Utility Shed. Completely fur- nished including golf cart. Ask- ing $50,000. Call Sherri (863)673-0829 FLAGHOLE, 3BR/2BA, 2004 Doublewide, with pole barn, on 2.5 acres. Must see!! Beautiful! (863)902-0369 LABELLE- Mobile home 0.45 acre corner lot with pond. $95,000 (863)673-2754 Owner/Realtor PALM HARBOR HOMES Fac- tory Model Center LARGEST in America! Modular, Mobile and Stilt Homes. Call for FREE ColorBrochures! (800)622-2832. Recreation I -ulMii cei i u TENNESSEE NORRIS LAKE, MOST BEAUTIFUL OF TEN- NESSEE LAKES with 800 miles of shoreline. Water- view and waterfront lots from $42,000. Boat docks available www.SunsetBay- Realty.com Sunset Bay Real- ty (865)278-3980. TN 3 ACRE BLUFF PARCEL 3 beautiful acres in central Tennessee. Approx. 1800' elevation.. Mature hard- woods. Close to state park, 15 area golf courses. Gated, clubhouse, fitness center, nature trails. Only $79,900! Owner (866)292-5769. VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on very large pris- tine creek, very private, ex- cellent fishing, canoeing, good access, near New Riv- .er Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountainsofVA.com. View online Western North Carolina, North Georgia Real Estate magazine www.mtla- kesreguide.com Homes, cabins, land, rentals. "Best investment area in U.S.A." says Forbes Magazine Up- dated monthly. Western New Mexico Private 74 Acre Ranch $129,990 and 20 Picturesque Acres $54,990. Scenic region with mountain views, tall trees, rolling hills, meadows; wild- life. Enjoy horses, hunting, hiking, ATV's. Perfect to build your family ranch or re- jeal iclirenmer or second .~ome With ele:lnr r.iy 100% *i i3ran ng IJALC ;866)365-2825 Mobile Homes WINNEBAGO '85: 26 Ft, Sips 8, Generator, Many cabinets, good tread. Good cond. Low miles. $7,000 (772)284-1194 REESE 5TH WHEEL HITCH- for 15K Ib trailer weight, $295 (863)467-6696 BOAT MOTOR, Johnson Evin- rude, 14hp. OMC. Runs great. $700 (863)763-7609 MERC ALUMINUM PROP- Like new, Fits 90hp. Hub kit included. $70. (863)763-1424 OUTBOARD MOTOR- 7.5hb Mercury w/6 gal tank. $350 (863)357-0616 HARLEY DAVIDSON IRON HEAD '74.,$3000 Call for de- tails. (239)357-6889 LaBelle area. SUZUKI BLVD C50T, '05, blk./chrome, saddle bags, wind shield, shift drive, liquid cooled,. 12.5k mi., clean, 40+mpg., $5,000 (863)467-9390 SUZUKI SV650. '06. Darely ued,. wtil300 wornn ol .i ceiouries 14950 1863j357-7406 WANTED: Motorcycle Any Type For pajrs Musi nave good Iroiil end 86'3-824-0801 "" *II -KI 5HP GO CART Good condi- inr, runs. $400. 863-.467..i 109 GO CART- 2 seater, gas pow- ered, runs good, $150 (863)467-8723 GO CART- Manco 6.5hp 2 seater, new tires, runs great, $850. (863)674-0539. La- Belle GO CART- Murray, 6.0 .HP 1 . seater, runs greal, new rejr tires. $650. (8631674-0539 LaBelle. HONDA RANCHER ES'04 $3500. 863:675-6568 JET SKI, '96, 3 sealer, 52500 or best offer or trade for four wheeler. (863)673-0104 SUZUKI 2001 80OHP- Runs; excellent cond. $2200. 863-467-0109 Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four heel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 r*****Ii---- - CHEVY BLAZER S10- '93, 2 door V-6 Good tires A/C 90K, $1500. Lake Port (954)298-7925 CHEVY S10 '87- ext cab, 4x4, needs work, $800 or best of- fer (772)519-0946 FORD F1001974, 2 wd. $350 (863)675-4697 LaBelle CHEVY BLAZER '88 auto, pwr., runs good, new mtr., needs minor body wk. $800 or best offer. 863-387-0563 FORD EXPLORER XLT V8-'96 Great Condition. $4100. 863-763-2188 GMC Suburban SLE. 93 r.js all ire Iri, yS. river. Side IrOii end Oi nage, 145 700 mi. 1800 rneg 1863i763.41 J NISSAN ARMADA '04 34 mis., $5k in upgrades $33,000. 239-246- 7138 ,tltTries46 SAAB COUPE- '92, Blue, Leather seats, Sun roof. Needs Alt. belt, $1200. Neg. (863)675-7878 SATURN- '93, 2 door, Needs work. $200. or best offer. (863)673-6266 TOYOTA CAMRY LX'91- 4dr, auto, runs good, great gas mileage, $1800 or best offer (863)697-3045 for details VOLVO 240 DL '90. Wagon runs good, 1311' $2200 or best offer. (863)357-5977 YAMAHA GOLF CART- 36 volt,- charger included. Good con- dition. Free delivery in. Okee $1000. (863)763-1424 WORK BODY TRUCK- Ford F250 w/tool body & lift tail gate, 351 Cleveland, $500 ,neg (863)675-7321 .Prt r 4045 READING A NEWSPAPER . leads you to the bsest products aonnd services. Scraftb LS Money Ba >ook.com ck Guarantee U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD HENRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE SUBMITTED BY: R. ScottCooper DATE: 7/25/06 SUBJECT AREA: 426 Student and Staff Wellness EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE: The proposed rule establishes the policy for student and staff wellness. CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITY: 1001.41,1003.42,1003.46 nd 1006.06, F.S. CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE: 1001.41, 1003.42, 1003.46 and 1006.06, F.S. FULL TEXT: A copy of the full text of the proposed rule may be obtained, without cost; at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed rule establishes the policy for student and staff wellness. STATEMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS: The proposed policy revision will create no additional district economic impact in excess of $100.00 except forthe costs of printing and distributions. LOCATION OF MEETING, TIME AND DATE: Hendry County School Board Meeting Room, 25 E. Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, FL at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on July 25, 2006;' Notice: Any person 'who wishes to provide the School Board with information re- gardig te statement of estimated regulatory costs, orto provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory altemative must do so in writing within 21 days after publi- cation of this notice. Notice: If requested in writing and not deemedunnecessary by the Agency Head, a Rule Development Workshop will be held at a time and date to be advertised in the future. Notice: The procedure for obtaining a public hearing on thisproposed rule is to re- quest, in writing, a hearing. The request.shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools, in writing, within 21 days after publication of this notice. The request shall specify how the person requesting the public hearing would be affected by the proposed rule. The School Board, upon appropriate request, shall give affect- ed persons an opportunity to present evidence and argument on the issues under consideration. Notice: Inspection and copying of all written materials constituting public records submitted to the agency regarding draft rules may be obtained by request, in writ- ing, to the Superintendent of Schools. Notice: The School Board may recognize any material which may be judicially no- ticed and to Incorporate them into the record of the rule making proceeding. The School Board may incorporate material by reference into the proposed rule. Notie: If you need an accommodation in orderto participate in this process, please notify Thomas W. Conner, the Superintendent of Schools at.(863) 674-4642 or at the Hendry County Courthouse, LaBelle, orida 33935 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting orworkshop. Notice: I the School Board adopts the proposed rule one certified copy f the pro- posed rule shall be filed in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools pursuant to 120.54(3)(e), ES.. 145963 CGS 7/6,13,20 C8 7/20/06 _ II I I I ADAPTOR KIT-fFor Jeep Wrangler to V8 Chevy en- gine Headers, Adapior pijte's $50 18631674.0898 ' CHROME RIMS 22" W/TIRES Set (4), fits Trailblazefs/En- voys. $1000.863-634-5888 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE '94- damage in front, good mo- tor, new tires & trans axle $200 (863)697-3008 REAR SEAT- Jeep Wrangler, $100. (863)674-0898 RIMS & TIRES, 20", off of a Dodge 1500, $1500. (863)673-2671 RIMS- (4) 16X7 Dodge Ram PU Rims, semi metallic silver w/clear coat, -fits 96-01 $200 neg. (863)697-8906 RIMS-(4) 20", Dodge, ties & wheels, $700 or best offer (561)996-9264 TIRES & RIMS, for a CJ7, 35/12.50R15, Procomp, with spare tire & hardware, $500 neg. (863)357-2113 TIRES (2) brand new Good- year Integrity, P205/65R15, $160 for the pair (863)675-3322 TONNEAU COVER, A.R.E. Fi- berglass, Fits '01-'03 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab, white. $450 neg. (863)697-0328 TRUCK TIRES- 20", Mounted Dayton or Budd wheels. 8 1/4 to 1200.$100 or best of- fer. (863)675-1862 VOLVO 1240, 1986; exc. cond., engine runs, good for parts. Asking $300/neg. (863)675-0790. WHEELS, 16" Factory 2006 Mustang, brand new BF Goodrich Radial tires, will in- stall. $800 (863)697-0467 CADILLAC SLS '96, Fully loaded, leather, power, keyless entry. Must sell! $2500 (239)425-5997 LaBelle area CHEVY 1500 PICKUP, '89, runs good, cold air, $1400 or best offer. (863)634-4076 CHEVY '88- 3/4 ton, 4x4, 400 sm block, 4spd w/low 1st gear, $1500 (863)634-5421 IPublic Notice CADILLAC FLEETWOOD- '94, White with rims. Stereo, Leather int. Runs & looks great. $4500.863-673-6266 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM 1986, Great parts car. Many good parts. $300.' (863)612-0992 LaBelle . CAMARO Z28'84- T-tops. Strong V8 w/headers, new tires, brakes. & calibers $2000 (863)675-0088 CHEVY CORSICA'91, 82k, runs excellent. $1000 (863)763-7950 CHEVY CORSICA, '92- 4dr, P/B, P/S, CD player. 6 cyl., No AC. Good condition inside/out. $900 (863)763-7609. COUGARS- A pair, '87, 1 runs good & 1 for parts.. $300. (863)673-6266 DONATE UNWANTED/UN- USED VEHICLE- to a Florida Non-Profit. Pickup within 72 hrs (866)855-0902 FORD MUSTANG, 1965, $1500. (863)983-5357 ask for Ed. FORD MUSTANG '80, Classic, 6 cyl., good shape. $2500 (863)467-0139 Iv. message FORD PROBE, '92; black, runs good, cold a/c, new water pump, new tires, $1200 or best offer. (239)784-8449 Mercury Marquis LS, '90,5.0, V8, runs strong, auto, 00, 2nd owner, cold air,all pow- er, $1800 (863)467-6805 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME SL '94, 6 cyl., tinted windows, needs compressor. $2500 (863)467-0139 Iv. message CAR HAULER, $1200 (863)697-2434' CAR TOW DOLLY- Complete, Good condition. $500. (863l4167,-25: TRAILER, used lotr mulorcy- cle, $400 (863)673-6295 UTILITY TRAILER- 16', Excel- lent condition. $1000. or ti-l jrier 18i.6315-6568 WELDING RIGGED TRAILER, w/5th wheel hitch, new tires, overhead crane, 2 ton chain hoist+ $800 (863)763-3451' Ford Hightop Van, '89, V8, sofa bed, tow pkg., 178k miles, $2000. LaBelle Area. (863)675-4970 Iv.msg. GMC VAN '91- 3/4 ton, has some rust, runs.& drives great, real strong work van 800 neg. (863)763-4149 Public Notices IIII I A Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTICE OF PUBLICMEETING The Hendry County Construction Li- censing Board will hold a regularly scheduled meeting on Juy 27, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. to conduct rou- tine business. The meeting will be held at 1085 Pratt Blvd., Hendry Cr. Extension Office, Dallas Townsend Bldg., LaBelle, Forida, in the county commissioners chambers. 147403 CB/CGS 7/20/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives'Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 07/24/2006,10:00 am at 49 N INDUS- TRIAL LOOP BAY B UNIT 3, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsec- tion 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 2GBEC19KXS1283980 1995 Chevrolet 148390 CB 7/20/06 Join all the people who say, "I sol It in the clas- siMeds." I |