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Barrel racing champion SPage7 Summer c . <^ l 3.-0 ;- &-. ... .... .. ADelivering Western Hendry CuOOnty's News Since 1922 Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 VOUE 4NMBR2 TUSAYJue2,06 At A Glance Growth requires cooperation Women get a new roof Thanks to the generosity of folks in LaBelle and several other towns, Dorothy and Patricia Riddle are getting their new roof. The women, both disabled,, have been struggling to fix their roof since Hurri- cane Wilma came through lastyear. They have no insurance and were turned down. by FEMA. The women greatly appre- ciate the generosity. The account remains open, how- ever, because the women still have other needs. Any dona- tions will be put to good use. The Dorothy Riddle Benefit Fund is open at Olde Cypress Bank. Fourth of July BBQ planned The Sons of the Legion will be barbecuing in Barron Park on the Fourth of July before the fireworks display. Every- one is invited to come enjoy some great barbecue. The SAL hopes to make this an annual event. Free I IV testing available Hendry County Health Department, 1140 Pratt Blvd. in LaBelle and 1100 Olympia in Clewiston and Glades County Health Dept. 956 Hwy. 27 SW in Moore Haven, will offer free HIV testing for anyone on Tuesday, June 27, from 8:30 a.m. till noon and from 1-4:30 p.m. as part of the statewide campaign for National HIV Testing Day. Knowledge is power. Get the facts. Take the test. Food bank open today The Hendry County Food Bank will be distributing USDA commodities to each individual or family that quali- fies on Thursday, June 22, from noon to 3 p.m. at Our Lady of Heaven Catholic Church, 355 south Bridge Street. Client eligibility can be one of the following: Food Stamp Recipient, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TANF, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicaid, Resi- .dence Hosing founded by Municipal, County, State of Federal Government, Self Dec- laration of Need by the client (Based on the Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Income Chart). COES FCAT scores available FCAT scores for 4th and 5th grade students of Coun- try Oaks Elementary are available at the school office. You may come by and pick them up Monday through. Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. After July 1, the 5th grade scores will be available at LaBelle Middle School. Index Classifieds .......16-18 Editorial ............ .4 Speak Out .......... .4 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 8 16510 00019 1 By Patty Brant All the players seem to agree: they all have to communicate and cooperate to manage impending growth, and they have to start now. The attitude was unanimous at what had to be the first-ever joint workshop between the Hendry County School Board, county commis- sion and the commissions of both LaBelle and Clewiston Tues- day evening. Representatives of all four groups came together at the Dal- las Townsend Ag Building in LaBelle to share publicly for the first time a work in progress an interlocal agreement geared toward making sure area schools are prepared for the expected influx of students. School Superintendent Tom Conner explained that represen- tatives of all four have been work- ing on this interlocal agreement - which must be in place before Father's Day Special: Dads in Drag A tale of mid-life crisis? By Kristin Hunter You might ask yourself: What does a principal do over the summer? Well...LHS Prin- .cipal Paul Puletti is spending his summer standing on the street corner as a drag queen thanks to his youngest daugh- ter, Sandi, who volunteered him for a WINK 96.9 contest for Father's Day called "Dad's in Drag." Sandi called him and told him she nominated him and he said, "It might be kinda fun," so he decided he would do it.- : '` Mr. Puletti said "I woke up at 3 a.m. because I wasn't sure how long it would take to get ready. It normally only takes me about 20 minutes but I knew it would take me longer this time." Mr. Puletti's wife, Cheryl, and Sandi happily put on his makeup. So where did they find clothes to .fit you might ask? Well, Mr. Puletti wasn't exactly sure where Cheryl found the clothes but he said they found a dress at either Kiwanis or Goodwill, fishnet stockings from the store, borrowed a hat and a black wig from a friend and he wore sandals that the LHS sold during the school year. Can you believe it? Mr. Puletti won the contest. Could it be the "belly wave" that put the votes over the edge? Dressed in drag with a #2 sign on, he had to stand on the cor- ner of Winkler and 41 across from the Edison Mall and beat out two other contestants. He received approximately 75 per- cent of the votes out of 580 from callers. He said that peo- ple had to call the station and vote for drag queen dad #1, #2 or #3. Mr. Puletti said he invested a total of $30. He won $200, so he made a profit of $170. Sandi also made $200. Not too shab- by for an hour of standing on the corner dressed in drag. Needless to say, he's glad that he decided to do it. Crash By Patty Brant It's incredible just brave five-year-olds can until May 23, little Lundquist of LaBelle wa ical child, running and with her brothers and getting into mischief. she lies in a hospital b( struggles to learn how" without the use of her le Ciera and her two y brothers, Cameron age Jamie age 3, were seatbi a car their mother, Kin borrowed. Ciera and Ca were in the back seat, Ja the front passenger sea were involved in a hi crash on Cowboy Way M The family was airli various hospitals: Ciera Mary's in West Palm the school element is added to each comprehensive plan in 2008. Hendry County is actually ahead of the game, using a grant to hammer out.a tentative agree- ment, based on one used by Hillsboro County. A number of representatives and interested parties felt that template is not appropriate for this small, rural county. Staff from all four groups will meet three times a year to hone the agreement, with a pub- lic meeting in December. Education Consultant Suzanne Marshall told the group what- they already knew: no impact fees come close to build- ing enough student stations so this agreement must be the basis of keeping schools viable. Class size reduction require- ments have caused a deficit in Hendry County student stations, Mr. Conner said, and develop- ment will only exacerbate the problem. Portables are not in favor with the state, which is requiring permanent buildings. Local schools currently have a deficit of 439 student stations, mainly due to recent classroom reduction laws. Classrooms built to accommodate 24 students, may now only accommodate 18 K-3 students or 22 4-5th grade students, he said. LaBelle. Superintendent of Public Works Michael Boyle See Meeting Page 2 Dump site is legal By Patty Brant The dumping of sewage from Lee County on pasture land at Goodno, just south of SR 80, in Hendry County, is much in the news these days. According to news reports in the Fort Myers News-Press, Karle Enviro-Organic Recy- cling of Fort Myers is trucking millions of gallons of liquid sewage from Lee County treat- ment plants. County Commissioner Dar- rell Harris said the operation is legal, however, the county is concerned that: some dump- ing may be occurring on county property being leased for a cattle ranching opera- tion. On June 14, County Attor- ney Kate English sent the owner of the property a letter Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Cheryl Puletti This is what did it...The belly is what made him the winner, for sure. A little cheesecake does it every time! Well, in this case maybe a little too much cheesecake. Close up shot of LHS Principal, Mr. Paul Puletti dressed up for "Dads in Drag." changes child's Cameron to HealthPark, Kim faces another to Lee Memorial. Cameron suf- Kim says, "It's t how fered a fractured pelvis and Lord's hands." be. Up pinched intestine; Jamie came Ciera spent se Ciera away with scratches and burns St. Mary's but is s a typ- from the airbag and Kim had a wood Memorial playing severely broken leg with a pital in the Joe D sister, three-inch piece of bone miss- bilitation Centei Today ing, broken ribs and a split staying nearby ed and liver. All have been released Clubhouse for to live from the hospital, although hospitalized c gs. Kim still faces more surgery for other children younger her leg. She said she's putting tives. 4 and that on hold for as long as she The hospital s melted in can "so I can be there for my with Ciera to bi m, had baby." body strength s imeron It was Ciera who got the herself in and ou amie in worst, suffering a broken back chair. t. They and ruptured intestine. She has The good neA ead-on no feeling in her legs and doc- two very speci lay 23. tors say will probably always friends. Bill Tay fted to be paralyzed, although there is Morgan are world a to St. apparently some hope that she Beach, could walk again. She still See Cra life back surgery. in the good several weeks in now at Holly- Regional Hos- 'Maggio Reha- r. Her mom is in the Conine parents with children. The are with rela- staff is working build her upper so she can lift .t of her wheel- ws is Ciera has ial grown up ylor and Judy king hard to do ,sh Page 2 stating the concern that "Karle Enviro Organic Recycling may be using property that you have under lease from Hendry County for the distribution of biosolids. The lease between you and Hendry County is restricted to use as pasturing, working and loading cattle and operating and maintain- ing the. leasehold in accor- dance with sound agricultural maintenance practice. . Hendry County does not con- done or authorize the distribu- tion of biosolids for fertiliza- tion purposes on its property." The letter also requested that the owner "terminate any agree- ment for the disposal of biosolids affecting that leasehold immediately as inconsistent with your existing lease agree- ment with Hendry County." Elementaries earn A grade According to Scott Cooper, Assistant Superintendent of Schools there was a collective sigh of relief throughout Hendry County's ten schools on Wednesday, June 14. School grades were announced, and half of the schools had improved their score by at least one letter grade. In addition, LaBelle Elementary and Country Oaks maintained their "A" the fourth year in a row for LaBelle Elementary School. Upthegrove Elementary joined the "A" group this year. LaBelle Middle upgraded to a "B" this year and LaBelle High School earned a "C." LaBelle Schools Edward A. Upthegrove received a "B" last year and improved to an "A" this year. Principal Mike Gann said that improving their grade "was a combination of different things such as having a great staff that took the time needed with students and worked very hard to raise their grade." LaBelle Elementary School remained on top again this year. Principal Sue Schaeffer said, "It's not any one pro- gram; it's a combination of things." She said, "LaBelle Ele- mentary School teachers have high expectations for student See Grades Page 2 Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Judy Morgan Five-year-old Clera Lundqulst is doing her best to dell with Injuries that will probably confine her to a Wheeldfialr for the rest of her life. She's pictured in her hospital bed Th hfr pink blanket. Pink Is Clera's favorite color. - ...'-', ., .. --MiMsp- IV_,._w .. I P 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 Grades Continued From Page 1 achievement. They believe that all children can learn and be suc- cessful. Teachers do a great job analyzing data, which drives instruction to meet individual student's needs. All staff mem- bers have a common goal and work hard to insure student suc- cess. LaBelle Elementary School provides a caring environment and is "a place where children come first". I believe that the lowering of class size in Hendry County has had a tremendous impact on increasing student achievement." Country Oaks Elementary School remained on top as well this year. Principal Vicki Stem said, "We worked on ESE inclu- sion, as well as an NCS lab, or success maker lab, where they added extra time before school as well as more accountability. They also worked very hard on their after school program for kids that got a one or a two." LaBelle Middle School received a "C" last year and improved to a "B" this year. Prin- cipal Theresa Baker attributed raising their grade to "having good qualified new hires as well as changing from a seven period day to a block schedule." She said this wasn't something that happened over night. "It has occurred over the course of three years by separating Language Arts and Reading class to more positively impact the reading and writing scores." LaBelle High School received a "D last year and improved to a "C" this year. Principal Paul Puletti attributed raising their grade to "having a large increase in learning gains by changing the name and format of the class Learning Statistics to Personal Career and School Develop- ment." They also added a com- puter lab where one and two stu- dents, along with ESE students, doubled up on information that they needed to be successful on the FCAT by using reading strate- gies such as vocabulary develop- ment and using context clues to make an educated guess." He said that reading was their main concern. Clewiston Schools Eastside Elementary School improved from a "B" to an "A." Westside Elementary School stayed at a "B." Central Elementary School received a "D" last year and improved to a "C" this year. Clewiston Middle School stayed at a "C." Clewiston High School Crash Continued From Page 1 what they can for her. They visit her in Hollywood every week- end and make sure she's got whatever she needs. When she could eat solid food again, they brought her the chicken nuggets she was craving and they brought her a baby doll that she sleeps with. They are even sup- plying a cell phone to keep Ciera and her mom in touch. They're also planning a bar- becue to raise money to help with what will surely be astro- nomical medical expenses for Ciera. In the meantime, they've placed jars around town and have opened an account at Sea- remained at a "D." Reading continues to be the greatest challenge with the coun- ty's high schools continuing to struggle. High school students require a larger vocabulary, greater fluency and higher degree of reading comprehen- sion on the reading portion of the state's FCAT test in order to score at the proficient level. All of the county's schools showed learn- ing gains in reading and some schools showed substantial gains for the lowest level readers. Eight schools had at least half of their lowest readers, those stu- dents scoring in the lowest quar- ter of last year's readers, demon- strate reading gains. Math and writing scores con- tinue to be a strong indicator of student achievement in Henry County's schools. Three schools had over 80 percent of their stu- dents meet the state's proficiency standard in writing. Six schools had over two thirds of their stu- dents meet the state's proficiency standard in math. Schools have been working very hard this past year to improve their grades and they have done it. The Florida Department of Education recently released the 2006 school grades. Based on the FCAT assessment results for reading, writing, and math, the State grouped schools with simi- lar test score performance char- acteristics. Schools are graded "A" to "F". Schools with a grade of "A" are the highest performing schools, while schools with an "F" are critically low performing schools. The 600 points total, include 300 points for achieving a level three or higher, 200 points for annual learning gains, and 100 points for improving the lowest scoring students. Changes from 2005 to 2006: FCAT writing scores (100 points) increased to 3.5 for proficiency. Annual learning gains (200 points) for the first time counted all students, including ESE and ESOL students with gain scores. Similarly, the gain scores for all the lowest scoring students (100 points), including ESE and ESOL students, were counted in the school grade calculations. As in the previous years, only stan- dard-curriculum students are included in the points for achieve -. ing level three or higher in read- ing and matb as well as 3.5 or higher for writing. The scores were based on a point system where an "A" equaled 410 points or more; a "B" equaled 380-409 points; a "C" equaled 320-379 points; a "D" equaled 280-319 points and an "F" equaled less than 280 points. coast Bank for her. If you would like to help, you can make your donations to The Ciera Fund at Seacoast Bank. For Kim the hardest part is knowing what Ciera used to do and will probably never do again - normal things like romping with her dog, running with her brothers and older sister, who was fortunately not in the crash. But Ciera has a great attitude and her mom says she's looking forward to starting kindergarten this year. Kim knows how lucky she and her family are to have peo- ple like Bill Taylor and Judy Mor- gan. She wants everyone who has helped to know how grateful she is. For herself, she says, "I just need my baby to get better." Almanacs LHS Band room open for practice The LHS Band room will be open for practice,. questions or meetings with members on Tuesday from 2-4 p.m. during the summer. It will not be open on July 4. However, it will be open on July 5. Come practice and learn new things. LHS music program car wash There will be a car wash on July 22 from 8 a.m.-noon at the Fire Station on Main Street to benefit the LHS music program.. Baked treats and sodas will be for sale. VFW plans brunch/turkey shoot VFW Post 10100 has a Sunday brunch from 9:30 a.m.-noon and a turkey shoot at 1 p.m. every second and fourth Sunday monthly at the Post home on S. Bridge St. 4-H sewing camp 4-H is holding a PJ sewing' camp at the 4-H Extension Office in LaBelle. The camp will be held from 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. July 10-14. Barron Library summer program Barron Library is gearing up for a great summer program and has something planned for the whole community! The CooCoo CaBarron Kid Cafe for all ages, kicks off on June 22 at 10:30 a.m. with a game of SURVIVOR. It will run each Thursday morning from 10:30-11:30 a.m. June 29: Project H.O.P.E. pup- pet show July 5 Project H.O.P.E. returns with Hurricane Harry July 6: CRAFT DAY! three sto- ries, three crafts, three times the, fun! T.N.T. (Teen Night Thursdays) has started with a bang! Any 12- 18 year old is welcome to join this group on Thursday evenings from 7-8 p.m, Teens pick the group discussion topics, along Meeting Continued From Page 1 offered to provide information on the City of LaBelle's impending permits and subdivisions to the other groups on a monthly basis. The Bonita Bay Group, which is planning developments in LaBelle, Clewiston and the unin- corporated county, hoped it and other developers could be a part of the process. This interlocal agreement is the first step in creating a school element, which must be in each local government's comprehen- sive plan by 2008. County Commissioner Darrell Harris said "we should have been doing this a year ago." Clewiston Mayor Mali Chamness believes in the process but is concerned that the .county not kill the growth it needs. She also felt the proposed agreement was too restrictive for this area. Both County Commis- sioner Kevin McCarthy and School Board member Rick Mur- phy believed it was a step in the right direction. with an activity to "make you think." It's been a blast! Burn ban continues A little rain hasn't diminished the fire hazard for this area. A resolution of the Hendry County Board of County Commissioners prohibiting unregulated fires is still in effect. Family Film Festival schedule Movies are free; showings 9:30 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m. June 27, Chicken Little; July 4, No movies today holiday; July 11, Skyhigh; July 18, Special sur- prise. 6 p.m. showings: Dreamer; June 27, Yours, Mine, and Ours; July 4, No movies to day holiday; July 11, Batman Beginnings; July 18, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Shown at LaBelle Assembly of God on Fraser Avenue (across from the Edward A. Upthegrove Elementary School) 675-0900 or 674-0447. Annual turkey or ham shoot set There will be a Pioneer V.F.D. annual turkey or-ham shoot June 30-July 1 starting at 7 p.m. at the Pioneer V.F.D. The Station is located on 2499 Hendry Isles Blvd. Adventure Camp July 3-8 A traditional camping experi- ence with plenty of outdoor recreation and lessons that focus students on the Creator by study- ing His creation. At Mission/Immersion Camp July 9- 15 children will-spend at least half of each day away from .camp participating in hands on ministry opportunities in the local area. Both camps are for 6-8th graders. For more information call 675-0334. LHS Band Camp rescheduled LHS Band's annual Band Camp has been rstheduled to July 31-August 4. Times for the 2006 season. There will not be camp will be announced in July. band activities July 20 or 21. All members will be required to Please call 674-4120 ext. 274 for attend to prepare for the fall more information. NOTICE OF TESTING The Pre-election Logic & Accuracy Test of the automat- ic tabulating equipment to be used in the July 18, 2006, LaBelle City Election to be held on, Friday;June 23,2006 beginning at 2:00 p.m., in the office of the Supervisor of Elections, Courthouse Complex, LaBelle. AVISO AL PUBLIC El examen de pre-eleccion de logica y exactitud del equipo automatic de tabulacion que sera usado en 18 de julio, 2006 de las elecciones cuidad de LaBelle el viernes, 23 de Junio del 2006 a las 2:00 p.m. en las oficinas de la supervisor de elecciones, complejo.de la core, LaBelle Lucretia A. Strickland Supervisor of Elections City of LaBelle Hendry County, Florida 101.5612, F.S. pliTT . CALOOSA To Reach Us MIllhng Address PO Box 518 LBeJJlle. FL 33975 Phb i.: 1 Addrc:- 22 Ft TI-h.mpson A'e Phone i 631, C:5 254i1 FT. S8u mit.5 44e9 \'eb.te '.-,',. re%'. a;p3 OiCm labele To Submit News F i F To Place a Classified Ad Call (877) 353-2424 to place i cldI tded line ad'.ertiement trom home The d.:id lne for all cla-sified Line ad' ertrn: lc Mlonrday it l rm. lor the .lll:'.. P. Thursday's pubucanon Fax: (877) 354-2424 E- Mad-clasjad,'nev.'sap corr, For Suhscriptions The Caloosa Belle welcomes submis-, IM sion; from its readers Opinions, calen. Phone: (877) 353-2424- dar items. storn ideas and photographs The C 1ion Belle dk.rnbuure ,:,:,pL are %welcome Call (863) 675-2541 to -r, the LiBelle nd W\Vetr.rn -le.-,dr, leach our nev.sroom Items may be' Counrv aeasever- edne .:da', C..pk'-C-.C mailed. faxed or e.-mailed If you are. the paper can be found at van.:.u, .n.. sending photographs via emaid please send them in JPEG lormrat. o please t'ruzhout to, a nd selected hcr ,r do not -end E\ ORD document, UitlBele enjoy. co.mpiementir, hom e.,J1., paste these me-sage- into the bodi of 'ry Fr.t cla i miad iJbs.rprnon ire the e-mal Offce documents are ok aLiiable at $50 per ,r. nr rd $25 t.:.r :'. The deadline for all new s items is 11 am.: month- on Monday prior to the following Thursday's pub3cadon. Printing E- Mail ccbdjto arraro.ner Speakout (863)675-4516 The Caloos Belle prrtectd t su3r.-ure To Place a Display Ad Printing .. sub:idjr, ,:.t ion%,p:.,dhr Nevv'pqpers Phone: (863) 675-2541 .E-mad: prtrirgLi'-rrtto ret The dejdlire for iA d-.eri-ing is 4 p.m i or, Frid)l lfr 6c r .:loUw.r.i Thursday'g N WN I pub! ccn i w szat! E-mail. cbellean strato.net I OnUlne News & Infomation Billing Department I Get the latest local news at a bo www.newszap.com/labelle E-mail: billteam@newszap.com n '*, Some traditional payday lenders charge an annual percentage rate of more than CU Payday Loan has an annual I, percentage rate that will 14 S '9 ;T 1 ~ ft12 13 t1 6 1 1 0 .-- .. not exceed 18%;. It j _- i .. 1 M -A - 26 27 I28 .29 ey S gives you the money newszap.com Cormmunit, Links Individual Voices 300%. That's beyond excessive. If you had the money to thro\, away on extremely high interest rates, you wouldn't need a payday loan. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union is not -for-profit, so our goal is to actualkh a-e you money, and help you break the payday loar cycle. Suncoast's you need to make ends meet until payday without costing Who's eligible to join Suncoast? If YOU LIVE IN HENDRY COI'NTY, YOU'RE ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP AT SJNCOAST." PLUS, .ANONiErWHOI WORKS, WORSHIPS OR ATTE IiND SCHOOL HERE CAN JOIN. IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS CAN JOIN TOO. you your paycheck. To find out more about Suncoast, call us at 800-999-5887 or visit us online at joinsuncoast.org. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org -lI'i..' p,,. L-,f e.I rJ,,in tho.. 1, D ,I el'tJIe Reason #24 to join Suncoast. Payday loans THAT WON'T TAKE YOUR PAYCHECK. 1. L 0- R I D A S A V E s 0 R. E S 121 r"Ehlum NCUA *"Ti'&az'cr. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 Arrests Respectful service Wednesday, June 14, was Flag Day which is a day set aside to retire flags the proper way. The American Legion had a Flag Day burning ceremony at 6 p.m. The Legion- naires retired approximately 300 flags total from all over the city and the county. John Schall, Sergeant of Arms, was in charge of the ceremony to get rid of flags that were worn, torn, faded, served the country well and deserved to be retired. It was a hot day/and the flags burned proudly and brightly. LaBelle man serious after crash in Lee On May 19 at 2:55 p.m. Melvin Forbes, 66, of Sullivan, Ind., was killed in a crash on SR 31 in Lee County. According to the Florida High- way Patrol, Mr. Forbes was driving a 1996 Chevy SUV southbound on SR 31 just south of CR 78 (River Road). A 1999 Ford truck, driven by Jesus H. De Santiago-Angeles, 51, and a 1991 WHGM trailer, driven by Carlos Alberto Serrano, 36, were northbound on SR 31 just.south of CR 78 and approaching the SUV. The trailer was directly behind the 1999 Ford truck. For unknown reasons, the SUV drifted into the northbound, lane, directly into the Ford truck's path. Mr. Santiago-Angeles, in an attempt to avoid colliding with the SUV, abruptly steered to the right and entered the paved apron/northbound (east) shoulder (right side tires only) and collided with the SUV's front left. The SUV, after colliding with the 1999 Ford truck's trailer, bounced off and re-entered SR 31's south- bound lane and continued in an abrupt counter-clockwise manner. The SUV entered the northbound lane/paved apron directly into the 1991 WHGM trailer's path. The driver, Carlos Alberto Serrano steered the WHGM trailer to the right and onto the northbound shoulder in an attempt to avoid col- liding with the SUV The 1991 WHGM trailer's front left corner collided with the 1996 Chevy SUV's right side. The 1996 Chevy SUV and the 1991 WHGM trailer came to final rest upon the northbound shoulder/ditch areas, upright and facing in a northeasterly direction. The 1999 Ford truck came to final rest within the northbound (east) shoulder/ditch areas, upright and facing in a southwesterly direction. The 1999 Ford truck came to final rest north of the SUV's and the 1991 WHGM trailer's final rest loca- tion. The passenger of the 1996 Chevy SUV, Carolyn Forbes, age unknown, from Indiana, was trans- ported to Lee Memorial Hospital in serious condition. The driver of the 1999 Ford truck, Jesus H. De Santiago-Ange- les, 51, of LaBelle, was also trans- ported to Lee Memorial in serious condition.' His .passenger, Pedro Martinez, 55, of Ft. Myers, had no injuries. The driver of the 1991 WGHM trailer, Carlos Alberto Serrano, 36, of Kissimmee, had no injuries. No information was available on Juan Verales age 25, a passen- ger in one of the vehicles. Both occupants of the Forbes vehicle were wearing seatbelts at the time of the crash. Mr. Santiago-. Angeles was not; it is unknown if is his passenger, Mr. Martinez, was. Mr. Serrano was wearing his seat- belt. LaBelle Nathan Yelling, 27, of LaBelle, was arrested on May 26, May 29, June 1 and June 12, and charged with four different counts of burgla- ry. William Griffin of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Investiga- tions Division was the arresting offi- cer. Tracy Lynn Turner, 37, of LaBelle, was arrested on June 15 and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon with- out intent to kill. Michael Home of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Ricardo Concepcion, 25, of Jen- nings, FL, was arrested on June 14 and charged on a warrant for pos- session of marijuana over 20 grams. Teresa Helmlinger of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Cor- rections was the arresting officer. Jose Macado, 57, of Hialeah, was served June 15 with a warrant for failure to appear on a felony offense. Jonathon Reyes of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Cor- rections was the arresting officer. Bond has been set at $15,000 cash. Jeffrey Leroy Beard, 47, of LaBelle, was arrested on June 16 and charged with possession of cocaine. Brett Callahan of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Investigations Division was the arresting officer. Bond is set at $5,000 cash. Pedro Serrato-Tellez, 34, of LaBelle, was arrested June 16 and charged with possession of cocaine. Robert L. Archer Jr. of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Investigations Division Was the arresting officer. Levon Williams, 43, of Ft. Myers, was arrested June 16 and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. Patrolman Christian Buchhofer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Hector Crespo, of Lehigh Acres, was arrested on June 17 and charged with grand theft $5,000- $10,000. Bruce Slade of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Larry Michael Mason, 42, of LaBelle, was arrested on June 17 and charged with selling cocaine. Brett Callahan of the Hendry Coun- ty Sheriff's Office Investigations Division was the arresting officer. Bond is set at $25,000 cash. Clewiston A male 15-year-old juvenile from Clewiston was arrested on June 17 and charged with fleeing/eluding the police that caused injury or damage to proper- ty and vehicle grand theft. Justin Spence of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting offi- cer. Man suspected of five burglaries On June 12, Nathan Yelling was arrested and charged with five bur- glaries and one drug offense. When the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office Criminal Investigation Division arrested the 27-year-old Yelling, of Port LaBelle, on drug charges, they say they were also able to clear up five LaBelle area burglaries. According to Sheriff Ronnie Lee, Yelling is suspected of burglarizing Don's Steak House, Caloosa Baptist Church, a residence on Luckey Street and a residence on Deese Street. Yelling is also suspected of being involved with the Hall Street Florist burglary. Yelling is being held in the Hendry County Jail with bond set at $148,000. A New Twist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. A revolutionary new way to think about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours No Reframing. No Painting No Mess Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights [ "' Let our Certified Installation Consultants show you the difference Solartube can make In your home today. -- J Hurricane Tested & Approved ,s .5,, ,I"'h SOLATUBE, i ir ag 1 THE MIRAC'" SKVCIHTO GTO PRO il I I ,i], in SW FL ,FGTO/ O AAC ELITE Celebrating 30 Years FAAC ;ELITE'I in SW FIL AAND MO ERE i "ltllil SERVING LEE & AND IlI I' HENDRY COUNTY SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Emergency Repairs STORAGE FACILITIES SERVICE CONTRACTS Some Day Service BO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES - EC13 0 2326 fN04.0o 991 Funding could widen CR 78 Congressman Mark Foley (FL- 16) today announced that the House of Representatives approved $1.5 million in transportation fund- ing for the expansion of CR 78 in Hendry County as part of the Trans- portation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and Inde- pdent Agencies Appropriations Act for FY07. The bill will next be taken up by the Senate for consider- Obituary Richard Dennis Cribbs R.D. "Dennis" Cribbs of Punta Gorda passed away on June 2, 2006, at Bay Pines VA Hospital. Born March 10, 1949, in Ruskin, he attended school in LaBelle and resided in Naples for many years. He served in Viet Nam from 1968- 70 with the Army Corps of Engi- neers. He is survived by his parents: Myrtice Cribbs and Jesse Cribbs; sisters: Lily Lampton, Martha Ratliff, Carol Roberts; brother: Jerry; friend Natalie "Tex" Reach; and children: Sherri and Rex. action. "Better roads and more diverse forms of transportation mean a bet- ter quality of life," said Congress- man Foley. "In most cases widened roads means emergency and first responder vehicles can reach areas of I locality quicker. Places like Hendry County are growing and the roads that service them need to meet the increasing demands." SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available * Full Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs-* Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements SingledFamily Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafiol CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1"t, 3d &5th Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord L _ 863-675-2733 N. River Rd. (Hwy 78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net . Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Martha Ratliff Richard Dennis Cribbs 1 6 .*ig . Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam I Includes 6 month follow-up Disclaimer: The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- cel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is per- formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. (29 5726 Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one P ., who has departed with a special H Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.coni/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. BLUE RRROW POOLS INC. Now Building .Custom Designed W02112 Y" -, I %5S :ne. ;.. % -. r-~ A 1 r" ,I Pools, Spas & Waterfalls **IN HENDRY COUNTY** Family owned and operated Call for a FREE estimate 863-517-0758 Licensed & Insured CPC1456574 at Walnut Creek Pre eL'eef ( mt n hiicinJ frim (he0 fo(w. qY'1 Ch you r fOur f NC o s premier spot for Equine EnthIusiasts! 888.625.89yo oR wwwo ( i. f 6Properties com Wedding, Meeting & Party Function Space Available The swimming pool & BBQ provide that summer fun you're looking for! VACANCIES STARTING AT $65 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 ,ax: 63-675-489 Grand Oening! pe:n Daill l- p I 10% OFF ...9 ...3 RI Entire Bill -Be T .Wine" -- UmS usi pFrl[ i..upon e ucr ine '1o 700 W. Leeland Heights Blvd. Suite 103 Lehigh Acres sAsseen FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on T.V. | , ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS. (800) 794.7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Stuctured Settlements! S VC s e lTu a n2 0 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at httpV/www.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. WHY DO WE HAVE TO PAY for our whole water bill when we have to buy water to drink? We shouldn't have to pay for the part that's for our drinking water Till we get a new water plant, I think we should have our water bills reduced. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Letter to the Editor Not quite all information provided I thank Cliff for his efforts in answering my questions. While I know he is available to answer one on one I would prefer to talk in this forum as it will give all the voters the information they need for the upcoming election. Cliff I have talked to you for many years and in all that time the only conversation we had about politics was when Randy Bengston announced his candi- dacy. You mentioned that aside from her oak tree ordinance you thought Sherrie had been doing a good job. There was no discus- sion about issues; you have always seemed to me to have no interest in being part of the polit- ical scene. Thus my first unanswered question: what made you decide to run, and run against Hilda Zimmerly and not against Dave Lyons? I appreciate knowing that you support unlimited annexation I have heard the arguments for it and would like you to consider a point that has been ignored. Annexation is not the cash cow that some folks would like us to believe. They only talk of increased revenue ignoring the fact that there will be added expenses. Double the size of the town as we did in Bryan Paul annexation and when that prop- erty is developed we have increased the need for water meter readers; office staff to process the payments, code enforcement staff who are stretched to the max now will have to cover a wider area, more building and zoning staff. More staff calls for more supervisors. Increase in staff also requires additional space. City hall is very full at the moment. Shall we add on to it, rent spaces elsewhere or build a new city hall? City costs for the sheriff's office will undoubtedly increase. When we negotiate our contract for garbage disposal they will be asking for a contract that will include more trucks, more staff, more truck maintenance costs, higher fuel costs and by the way where are we planning to put the garbage they collect. If you expand any further west and north, you are adding fuel costs, adding staff, adding cars and so on and so on. I've seen projected revenue increases from the pro expan- sion folks but I have never seen expense projections. The second question you haven't answered concerns the need for hard decisions particu- larly concerning the rezoning of the city. For at least 4 years a code review board has spent an incredible amount of time rezon- ing the city and writing regula- tions that have been adopted by the commission. This board meets once a week on Thurs- days at 8:30 -10 am. The board consists of contractors, develop- ers and real estate agents and includes Owen Luckey, his son Jimmy and his assistant Julie Craichey Wilkins I attended these meetings for well over a year and was amazed at the con- stant changes to the zoning, some at an individuals request and some by request of the code board members. There was very little public participation undoubtedly because of the hour of the meeting (most of the citizens of LaBelle thank God have jobs and are at work at that hour.) or because there was never an agenda provided for what was to be discussed nor was there any meeting minutes distributed. Those omissions made it very hard to know what to expect at each meeting. The bottom line to all this was a rezoning of the city by a small group of people who, without questioning their integrity or dedication, could be said to have interest in the results. " Yes I know that all the proper legal noticesawere produced. Do you spend your time reading indecipherable legal notices? I don't and apparently the people of LaBelle did not. You said hard decisions need to be made. These rezoning issues and the citizens sudden awareness of what has hap- pened is an example of a hard decision before the board. Does the commission simply say you had your chance for input and never took it? You didn't pay attention? Everything was done legally. Do we go back to the drawing board this time with public input? How would you have voted on the zoning issue emerging in your own neighbor- hood? The trailer zoning was abolished and now it is rezoned for houses of a minimum of 1200 square feet. Since this is indeed your back yard, please tell us how you would propose to solve this problem. Does the zoning adopted by the board stand or not? Looking forward to your response. Rita Dunne CALOOSA- BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of Journalistic service to the citizens of the community Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. o.o. .... .,. .... .. .......,.,.o o.... e... ... .... .... o....... .. ,....... .... =........ We Pledge ... * To operate this newspaper as a public trust * To help our community become a better place to live and work through our dedi- cation to conscientious jour- nalism * To provide the information cit- izens need to make their own intelligent decisions about public Issues. * To report the news with hon. esty. accuracy, purposeful neutrality, fairness, objectivity fearlessness and compassion. * To use our opinion pages to facilitate community debate not to dominate it with our own opinions. * To disclose our own conflicts ol interest or potential con- fllcts to our readers. * To correct our errors and to give each correction the prominence it deserves * To provide a right to reply to those we write about. * To treat people with courtesy. respect and compassion For More Information See At Your Service On Page 2 EDITORIAL: News Editor: Patty Brant Reporter: Kristin Hunter Reporter: JerrilLynn Merritt Sports: Roger Alexander ADVERTISING: Advertising Director Judy Kasten Advertising Manager Brenda Jaramillo Advertising Services Coordinator: Dale Conyers Advertising Services: Barbara Calfee National Advertising Joy Parrish Independent Newspapers, Inc. Chairman Joe Smyth President Ed Dulin Vice President of Florida Operations Tom Byrd Executive Editor Katrina Elsken What is the difference in types This is a very short disserta- with the security offered, you buy tion on the difference between it. It has no voting power. common stocks, preferred What is the security? Should stocks and corporate bonds. I am the company go out of business going to use an example that I Frinaflan a and all assets get liquidated, was given many years ago when TipS those stockholders of the pre- studying for a stockbroker's ferred stock collect their money license and it is easy to under- ..before any money goes to the stand. This is only an example owners of the common stock. and has no current basis in reali- You have some safety. However, ty unless a coincidence occurs. byWayneC. Switzer if the company is real successful Caterpillar Tractor Company and makes lots of money and is a successful business, well price. Then your stock may go that is reflected in the value of the known nationally. It has lots of down in value based just on that corporation stock, it only accrues common stock on the market rumor. Or, the company gets a to the holders of the common and you can buy it through your huge government contract to stock. broker. If you buy it, you literally supply tractors to Iraq for the mil- Likewise, if the company has have a part of the ownership of itary and the stock goes up in a bad year, your stock still pays the company. You can vote the anticipation of the profits. Never- you the six percent.,Here is your value of your shares at the annu- theless, by owning common big variable. If other comparably al shareholders' meeting. If you stock, the good and the bad hap- rated companies start issuing owned enough shares, you could openings of the company will be preferred stock paying seven per- vote for and control the manage- reflected in the market price of cent or more and you need to sell ment of the company. You could your shares. your stock, you may have to sell even make yourself president of The company needs to raise it at a discount, because buyers the company. capital for expansion, but it can't no longer want a stock that only The profits and or losses each issue anymore common stock. It pays a six percent dividend. . year are reflected in the value of issues preferred stock. This stock People who are very selective the stock, but it is subject to mar- pays a six percent annual divi- in choosing a dividend paying ket influences. An example is a dend. You decide that the six per- investment for retirement -rumor that your competitor is cent represents a good return on income, often buy preferred coming out with a cheaper, more your money during current mar- stock. It provides them with a powerful bulldozer at a lower ket conditions, and combined dependable fixed income consis- Why are we 'downwind' from Lee in Hendry? It was with mixed emotions that I read of the "stink" being raised over Lee County's prac- tice of disposing of their sewage sludge on the Goodno Ranch east of LaBelle. My first reaction was that maybe the Lee County Commis- sioners were getting back at our Commissioner Darrell Harris for his articles in the Caloosahatch- ee river pollution dispute. The fact that the sewage sludge is in liquid form begs the question on any given day, as to how one is to know which is which? The print articles that I've read posed the issues of danger to adjacent water sources and grazing cattle as being the major concerns for possible violation citations. With only this limited itifor- mation base, one might be hard pressed to determine if the sex distribution of the grazing cattle might not be a factor. A factor that is if you can possibly dis- count the influence of any "bull". in this "Lee" said, "we" said situ-' Witch's Brew By Pudge Lehman A lot of times you can tell who has a brand new cute puppy by the spots on the rug. Here is one solution to try. As soon as possi- ble remove all solids. Yuk!! Then use a paper towel to blot up any moisture. Spray the area with shaving cream (test on an area not easily visible first.) Allow to set for 4-7 minutes. Gently sponge the area clean of foam and pour on a small amount of club soda. Let it fizz up before wiping it up. If you should tire of this task then find a good home for the cute puppy and the cute children who promised to take care of it.... Before opening a canned ham, fs your world Get Involved ation. Talking about "bull," it has been said that to err is human, but to really "foul" up requires a committee or a commission in full force. Coincidentally, I just ran across an article from Paul Har- vey in which he cites the demise of the Dirt Road, and the advent of pavement as a root cause of a decline in the social mores in the USA today. His theory is that there's not a problem today such as crime, drugs, education, divorce, delin- quency that couldn't be solved if we just had more dirt roads. He feels that dirt roads give character and restore civility while pavement only adds noth- ing but hard times. The character comes from people living at the end of dirt roads learn early on that life is a bumpy ride. -, _"--.' " There was less;crime if crimi- nals had to walk two dusty miles to rob and rape, if they knew they'd be met by five barking dogs and a double barreled shotgun. : There were no drive-by shootings, as our values were better as our roads were worse. People did not worship their vehicles more than their kids and motorists were more cour- teous. They didn't tailgate by rid- ing other's bumpers for fear of choking on the dust and getting the windshield cracked from fly- ing rocks. Dirt roads taught patience and an appreciation of nature and its charms, while providing family entertainment. Today's rush to eliminate dirt roads has eliminated the occa- sional work break as spring/summer rains caused wash-outs and caused families to reunite and harmonize until the roads were repaired. At the end of dirt roads you soon learned that bad words tasted like soap and most paved roads led to trouble, while dirt roads led to a fishing creek or a swimming hole. The only time you locked the vehicle was at harvest time to keep some neighbor from filling it up with produce. At the end of a dirt road there was always extra spring/sum- mer income from city dudes get- ting stuck and needing a tow. Usually you got paid and a new friend at the end of the dirt road. To say that Mr. Harvey is ask- ing us to recall gentler, quieter times as a result of dirt roads, might as he is prone to say, be "the rest of the story." Having grown up in ag coun- try, I concur with Mr. Harvey's views, and encourage anyone concerned about the proposed "paving" of Hendry County to let your county officials know how you feel about inter-county and intra-county agreements and proposals. I, for one, don't see any rea- son why we should be taking "stink" from anyone. Respectfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County citizen and Taxpayer). Community Calendar run hot water over it. It makes the ham slide out easier. After you have eaten half a grapefruit or orange have the kids plant a seed (any kind) in it and when it has reached planting size plant skin and all. Werd fer the Week... Pare ... Meaning strength or authority. Ex: Never underestimate the pare of a woman. Sayin' .of the Week..... Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself. RALHT TALK I heard that the money Gov. Bush promised for a new Emer- gency Operations Center for Hendry County after Hurricane Wilma hit us last year didn't come through. Is there anything that can be done to get that money?" This is correct in that the funding was not specifically identified in the Governor's Budget as a line item. However, HB 7121 of the 2006 Flori- da Legislation has identified $20 million for general construction/renovation of build- ings and $25 million in Hazard Miti- gation Grant Program (HMGP) funds to be used for structural sur- vivability and code plus projects. The funds can only be used for con- struction/renovation of the EOC and cannot be used for land acqui- sition, equipment, furnishings, communications or other opera- tional systems or recurring expens- es. In addition, there are other requirements that must be com- plied with that will require consid- eration in the grant application process. The grants are to be distributed by the Florida Division of Emer- gency Management and will be competitive in nature. First priority for funding recommendations shall be for county EOC's where no sur- vivable facility exists and where workspace deficits exist. This would definitely include Hendry County. The Director of Emergency Management and the Grants Direc- tor for Hendry County are currently reviewing the application process and will be requesting the BOCC approval for application for the grant at the July I1 BOCC meeting. Applications have to be submitted by August 15, 2006, with the State awarding the grants in early fall of '06 with completion by June 30, 2009. Friday, June 23 American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 AA: Step 11 Meditation Meet- ing 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Bingo! Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. NO Smoking Sunday, June 25 AA: 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday, June 26 Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m. American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Moose Lodge #2398: 8 p.m. Moose Lodge Lions/Jaycee Blvd. Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Tuesday, June 27 Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora and Ella's, Hwy. 80 Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m. Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restaurant, noon Teen Center: Hendry County Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 p.m. School Board: 5:30 p.m. Clewiston sub-office County Commission: 6:30 p.m. Courthouse F&AM: lodge on Jaycee/Lions Blvd. dinner meeting, 6 p.m. Heartland CHADD: (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders) Fourth Tuesday, 7 p.m., LaBelle High School, teacher in-service points avail- able. LaBelle Masonic Lodge #379 F&AM: 7:30 p.m. Jaycee/Lions Blvd. AA: 12 Step/Big Book study group, 8 p.m., First Christian Church, Ford Avenue, open meeting Wednesday, June 28 AA Big Book Meeting: noon, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Wednesday Night Kids: 6-7 p.m., Caloosa Baptist Church, for youth in grades 6-12 at 500 W. Hwy. 80. Phone 675-2348 PPVFD: drill 7 p.m. AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recre- ation Hall. Thursday, June 29 Overeaters Anonymous (OA): Thursdays 5:30 p.m. in the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 1098 Collingswood Parkway @ Eucalyptus, one block south of SR 80 east of LaBelle. AA: Open discussion, 8 p.m., First Christian Church, Ford Ave. Christian Youth Fellowship: 7 p.m., City Hall, Commissioner's room AA & Al Anon: 8 p.m. discus- sion, First Christian Church, Ford Ave., Call Intergroup at 275-5111 Chamber Thoughts "Thinking outside the box" has become a phrase used more and more when we want to justi- fy, in out minds, new and differ- ent ideas that could be foreign to our normal every day routine. The fact is "OUR" little LaBelle is finally growing up. We have several new businesses going up and several old businesses changing their appearances. Our city has a small town appeal that we have always took for granted, and newcomers love, develop- ment is going faster than any- thing I have seen here in my 54 years! In the chamber office, we see almost on a daily basis people wanting to move here, bring new businesses here, something new all of the time. For those of us who do not want changes, "Thinking outside the box" should be your new motto. Change is coming. I for one am very excited to see the changes we have had, and to see the things to come. Just imagine being able to go to the movie the- ater, again, in our own town! Remember, this is the ramblings of small town America. We would love to have you stop by the Chamber office any time to bring us your news from your business or organization. We would like to help our mem- bers advertise their businesses. Please help us keep your infor- mation up to date. Sara Townsend Executive Secretary Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22,2006 OPINION of stocks? tent with reasonable security. Suddenly, the Caterpillar Trac- tor Company needs a major cash infusion to build a new plant for a government contract. It has to raise many millions of dollars quickly. So, it sells bonds. It pledges specific assets to back those bonds. Out on its Dearborn lot, it has 200 brand new D-6 and D-7 dozers that it owns outright, and it pledges those dozers as collateral for its bonds. Talk about good security! If the com- pany goes under financially, the first creditors are the bondhold- ers. Those dozers get sold to pay back the bondholders. If that is not sufficient, the balance is still payable from any other assets of the company. Good high-grade corporate bonds are generally considered an excellent investment. They are rated and are subject to mar- ket conditions just like men- tioned above. Lots of people have done quite well by investing in mutual funds that consist of a good corporate bond portfolio. Consider making that a part of your own retirement planning. Wayne C. Switzer, CLU. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 IURDAYS UNTIL 12 Stick with the Specialists'" Expert Technicians Specialized Technology Genuine Mopar Parts Competitive Prices . - -- -- ** ------------- a We have the expert technicians, factor service information, specialized tools and pans to property service your Chysler-Dodge-eep vehicle m viceIS eciaalisst at a ---- ------ cooling Sistenm Service $49195 ,, Hush/Replace, * Inspection of hoses and belts * Mopar antifreeze replacement (2-gal max) *Pressure test system * Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra *Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher *additional charge forfluid disposal Expires 6/28/06 40 ----- -------- ------- ---- - Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation $24.95/ INcLUDES: S1 * Remove four wheels from vehicle; balance and rotate Special wheels, specialty vehicles slightly higher. 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Check with Service Advisorto see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004, DaimlerChrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of DaimlerChrysler. Goodyear is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER fr'lW %1I 0 it really does make a difference!. 0 lj 1 Am^ itAyiAA 4T4 0 ***** ^ ^y j13BB (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugariand Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 CHRYVSLER D 0 "D Stick with the Specialists" -- - -- - -- -- I SERVICOi. m I 7 a I \ f 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 0 A3 Country Oaks Elementary Katelyn Thorn, Michael Vasquez teyna, Maaison Scnaar, nnsnan 1 manner, trytani izaguirre [u. Kindergarten A Honor Roll Fourth Grade A/B Honor Roll Second Grade A/B Honor Roll Mallory Allen, Brittany B Selena Acosta, James Alegria, Joshua Baker, Emma Bridwell, Jacob Anderson, Jorge Betancourt, Parrish Blake, Natalie Kenneth Carrion, Aaron Hand, Eric Lomas Dyess, Evan Hoffman, Fred Gabirel Caldreron, Nellanie Cantu, Brianna Cardenas, Carina, Canales, Brittany Carr, Blanda Delarosa, Pedro Dinas, Yesenia Third Grade A Honor Roll McCall, Catherine McVa Castano, Anthony DeJesus, Yasmin Delacruz, Cesar DeSantiago, Erreguin, Anaelia Figueroa, Gabriel Garza, Alondra Gavilanez- Emma Raye Barfield, Zachary Phillips, Daniel Townsend Minguela, Noe Moreno, Jeymy Enriquez, Diana Espinoza, Darren Ethridge, Vanessa Guzman, Rubi Gomez, Eduardo Gonzalez, Marissa Gonzalez, Third Grade A/B Honor Roll Minguela, Noe Moreno,l P Fernendez-Gamez, Ruby Figueroa, Megan Fogaros, Joshua Jessica Green, Araceli Guerrero, Jarren Hull, Jasmine Jimenez, Cody Chamberlain, Olivia Molina, Vrraj Patel Silvestre Perez, Gabriel PZ Garcia, Alexis Garza, Eric Garza, Melanie Garza, Eric Geronimo, Bryce Johnson, Jason Johnson, Tyra Jones, Alexandra Lazalde, Fourth Grade A Honor Roll Redish, Jayla Yates, Mario 2 Iscel Gomez, Jailine Gonzalez, Viviana Guerrero, Dalton Alicia Martinez, James McVay, Ricardo Moreno, Cristal Olguin, Taylor Corbitt, Dalton Longenecker, Tapan Patel, Faith Sherrod 11th Gra Hunter, Shacora Jones, Emily Juarez, Jose Mahdi, Alexander Denise Moreno, Maria Ortiz, Rawan Qaqi, Joann Ramos, Fourth Grade A/B Honor Roll Danielle Blake, Joseph Ci Maldonado, Ramses Masis, Christopher Morejon, Taylor Nees, Maniram Rampersaud, Nicholas Reinard, Edgar Robles, Jose KelseyJenkins Greenleaf, Tara Hicks, Rob Esther Nieto, Benjamin Nieves, Donovan Noguero, Jocelin Rodriguez, Jonathan .Salazar, Chris Salinas, Bob Sanchez, Fifth Grade A Honor Roll Angela Jordan, Misty Ks Nunez, Margie Pardo, Michelle Pardo, Ariel Perez, Daniel Yarithza Santillan, Mark Sloan, Tania Soto, Slade Studley, Taylor Larry Collins, Sarah Lapp, Mariah Molina, Tabitha Parker Christopher Loreto, Deyan Pinero, Valerie Preciado, Vanessa Preciado, Alondra Reyna, Wagner, Cheyenne Wells, Nathaniel White, Austin Wright, Oscar Fifth Grade A/B Honor Rol ChristophMo er Loreto, Deyan Michael Rothenhoefer, Jaxon Purvis, Kassidy Redish, Danielle Zuniga, Sergio Zuniga Miranda Cole, Amber Eagler, Rachel Felicie, Bianca Hernandez; Morales, Rebecca Moreno Rennolds, Neydel Rego, Lozaro Sandoval, Agibail 'Sigala, Fifth Grade A Honor Roll Ella Hudson Jennifer Seras, Braulio Tam Guadalupe Soto, Thayer Stem, Mark Vasquez, KinseyWinstead, Dylan Awbrey, Trisha Bennett, Marcos Castillo, Caroline Sixth Grade A Honor Roll 12th Gr Juan Zamora, Ollie Zelaya Cottrell, Ashley Curry, Michael Gonzalez, Gigi Maldonado, Tyler Sherrod Cori Ankney, Evelyn Arrc Kindergarten A/B Honor Roll Asmaa Odeh, Kendall Owens, Morgan Pepitone, Miguel Sixth Grade A/B Honor Roll Chavum Boodhai, Leonarn Luis Acevedo, Eli Barnes, Bo Campbell, Kelly Carncross, Tatiana Rodriguez, Jerry Schauer, Bro-i,,IJm \\ jlk, Peyton Walls Cody Fry, Brytani Lawmaster, Laura Raulerson Cervantes, Kandy Collins, Echevarria, Jose Zain Espinoza, Anal Flores, Vanessa Garcia, Fifth Grade A/B Honor Roll Seventh Grade A Honor Roll Escobedo, Jesus Gonzs David Gonzalez, Enrique Gonzalez, Sherrie Horner, Corbyn Lily Arellano, Carlos Benitez, Edith Benitez, Victor Calvo, Stephen Lapp scobedo, Jesus Gonz Kir Kohutek, Kobe Locklear, Nadia Lopez, Victoria Magana, Jasmine Chavez, Brian DiBernadino, Kendra Encarnacion, Seventh Grade A/B Honor Roll Hernandez, Dylan Kirb) Alejandro Martinez, Dawson McLain, Joshua Miller, Jason Jordan Fiore, Michelle Gielow, Suzanna Harrison, Brittany Courtney Bancroft, Elizabeth Hudson, Elizabeth Marcotte, Nathaniel. Krause, Stefani Rodriguez, Omar Salas, Dustin Sanchez, Maria Santoyo, Kylie Hicks, Chris Jasiak, Keyla Keller, Omar Lora, Andrea Asma Saheed, Kindall Tindall Marshall, Benito Martir Soliz, Johnny Taylor, Alexsis Villanueva, Areli Villeda Lutkenhaus, Eunice Marquez, Perla Murillo, Vanessa Ortiz, Eighth Grade A/B Honor Roll Martinson, Roxianne Meye First Grade A Honor Roll Chase Pascher, Alyssa Patterson, Jose Pelaez, Noemi Pereiro, Megan Woodruff Ringler, Edgardo Rivera, E Jose Aguilar-Fortanel, Hannah Andrews, Lexy Barraza, Kayla Breanna Praglowski, Hanan Aqai, Leticia Rodriguez, Pedro Alexander Smith, Xavier Calhoun, Rudy Campbell, Giancarlos Castano, Austin Castillo, Rodriguez, Jeremiah Roman, George Sigala, Savannah Studley, LaBelle Middle School Vela Martin Vidaurri Fernanda Crumpton-Blandon, David Deleon, Guadalupe Suzanna Talada, Allysen Woodard Sixth Grade A Honor Roll Vela, Martin Vidaurri. Guillen, Karly Harn, Jeffery Harris, Brendon Herrera, Kayla Madison Allen,Chandler Bridwell,Lane Goodwin,Keilani 9th Gra Howard, AngelicaJimenez;Joel Jimenez, Jasmin Lopez-Gomez, LaBelle Elementary School Hernandez, Jena Howard, Kendall Marotti, Andrew McAvoy, Maamoon Abueluf, Jessica. Joselin Mancilla, Michael Mears, Anahi Montalvo, Beverly Paz, A Honor Roll. Alexa Pena, Humberto Salanias, Cody Suchomski, Leah Johanna Campos, Darrell Raul Pardo, Noah Pequeno, Jordan Russell, Emily Schwarz, Abby Arnold, Myaa Barnhart, Derek Bass, Victoria Bass, VanWagner Ashley Dean, Alecia Galle Mirriam Villegas, Jakob Wagner, Jessica Woodard Stephen Boardman, Tyler Boardman, Alton Burton, Ronnie Seventh Grade A Honor Roll Elizabeth Gonzalez, Elyss First Grade A/B Honor Roll Burton, Nik Cuellar, Tracey Dominguez, Yoana Dominguez, Thomas Allen, Calab Baker, Lupe Calderon, Tiffany Canales, Elizabeth Gonzalez, E Amelia Alegria, Kenneth Barrientos, Carrissa Bearse, Esperanza Alondra Frausto, Jose Gomez, Alexander Hernandez, Ana Angela Carmona, Brandon Cooper, Steven Fiore, Zena Gatch, Guerra, Robert Hegley, R Briseno, Tommy Canales, Sebastian Carrion, Carl Chesser, Lopez, Brennah McVey, Arika Mourfield, Abbie O'Ferrell, Tyler Judith Gonzalez, Mayra Gonzalez, Elaine Guerrero, Valerie Katelyn Kisela, Ariel Kos] Adrana Coria, Carlos Crespo, Eduardo Cruz, James Cuttino, O'Ferrell, Sara Paulin, Diana Rodriguez, Emma Yawn White, Hahn, Sovier Hernandez, Emily Leon, John Marotti, Ana Pena, CLeena McLymont-Birch Gabriela Davis, Chase Drapal, Blanca Flores, Siera Foster, Laura Jessica Whitman Michael Pittman, Brianna Ramos, Laura Reed, Santiago Reyes, Kayla Murray, Lewis Noble Furman, Ricardo Garcia, Jaylene Gomez, Amberly Gonzalez, A/B Honor Roll Lizet Rodriguez, Rachel Schauer, Richard Talada Pittman, Michael Reed,, Fabian Gonzalez, Ricky Gonzalez, Kayla Harn, Alex Hernandez, Rock Aboujaoude, Ricardo Alvarado, Aida Arellano, Patricia Eighth Grade A Honor Roll Ricardo Rodriguez, Ran Laura Hernandez, Ronaldo Karr, Carlos Leal, Tristen Leal Owen Barrios, Wulises Bautista, Seb Bledsoe, Mara Bradley, Misty Christopher Bennett, Martha Blanco, Meagan Bledsoe, Vanessa Stevenson Kayla Sty Mack, Elizabeth Marquez, Jonathan Morales, Armando Bradley, Nicholas Browning, Shelby Burg, Glenn Burton, Clarisa Cantu, Kaylynn Cash, Savannah Dekle-Davis, Pedro Deras, Stevenson, Kayla St Mosqueda, Luis Nunez, Jorge Olvera, AnitaPerez, JuanitaPerez, Callejas, Jesus Callejas, Josh Cantu, Maria Cendejas, Luis Roberto Deras, Josa Garcia, Roosevelt Gonzalez, Emily Hull, Vasquez,Marcos Villeda, Ruben Perez, Kathryn Poole, Tommy Ray, Roberto Rueda, Chairez, Daynara Cox, Tania Cruz, Sandra Dallas, Javier Deras, Olivia Luckey, Lizabeth McKinnrey, Dora Gomez-Moreno, Alfredo Zamarron. Charlie Ruiz, Kyla Scott, Chasity Smith, Cheyenne Spencer, Marisol Diaz, Joe Dipofi, Brianna Dobbins, Jose Erreguin, Leslie Samantha Ortiz, Adrian Pena, Daniela Pimentel, Lori Spangler, 10th Gr Kammie Squires, Amanda Sullivan, Isaac Tomas, Alisiya Watson, Escobedo, Maribel Espino, Tyler Flack, Amberlynn Ford, .Tonie Tolar, Amanda VanMecl, Stephanie Yanes Jessica Alsina, Chelsey Anc Tydarius Williams Jennifer Frausto, Mariela Gomez, San Juana Gomez, Sonia Sixth A/B Honor Roll Rachael Boy, Marianela Second Grade A Honor Roll Gomez, Isaac Gonzalez, Jasmin Gonzalez, Gage Gregory, Kayla Ayers, Kayla Bell, Chelsea Bridwell, Kaylee Burke, Conor Carranza, Luis Casiano Amy Akin, Esmeralda Alaniz, Jessica Almaguer, Omar Estefani Hernandez, Mirella Hernandez, Jorge Hernandez- Coderre, Maria Cruz, Miquela Cuellar, Brittany Deras, Kalup Christopher Engish Ma Bahamundi, Emileigh Eiden, Cesar Gallegos, Jessica Gonzalez, Villagomez, Courtney Inman, Jose Jimenez, Jacie Johns, Kayla Gallegos, Maria Gallegos, Yeraldin Garcia, Marilu Garza, Nancy Christopher English, Ma Brianna Herrera, Kaitlin Lawton, Diana Leal, Joey Leon, Johnson, Benito Juarez, Emily Larson, Pamela Leonard, Liliana Garza, Dillon Hamilton, Maria Hernandez, Karen Karr, Angela Fuentes, Benito Garza, D Nelianne Malave, Denise Moreno, Kirstianna Perez, B'elanna Luna, Luis Luna, Margarita Madrid, Alejandra Magaia, Juan Martinez, Matias Menguela, Christian Morales, Daneila Ortiz, Guillen, Anthony Hernai Plummer, Tyrone Reed, Adrian Rivera, Thelma Santiago, Kayla Magafia, Elanee Marroquin, Vanessa Mata, Chandler Rocio Pimentel, Gennifer Raulerson, Deycy Raya, Tanner Juarez, Tyler Kirby, Miran Wilkes, Ernan Zuniga McCormick, Brandon Mendoza, David Miller, Jessica Moreno, Redish, Luis Rubio, Shamus Samerdyke, Carlos Santillan, David Mahan, Jose Marines, Ai Second Grade A/B Honor Roll Lorena Moreno, Lorenzo Moreno, Sef Moreno, Cristian Mota, Sutton, Octavio Vasquez, Karla Zavala Amber Oney, Brittany Pu( Angel Aguilar, Miguel Aguilar-Marquez, Ramon Aguilar, Hector Navarro, Razael. Nelson, Jessica Ochoa, Correy Seventh Grade A/B Honor Roll Katlyn Robinson, Arianna Gehobany Avila-Zea, Alexa Benavidez, Nathan Canales, O"Ferrell, Alex Ortiz, Missy gerez, Angela Puente, Jamie Rachel, Jennifer Giron-Acevedo, Eduardo Andrade, Alexia Arrellano, T no, a a Adrianna Cardenas, Julie Cook, Angelica Cordes, Brandon Adan Ramirez, Elias Ramirez, Juan Ramirez, Jose Ramos, Alicia Arroyo, Jennifer Ayila, Amber Ballard, Staci Berg, Adam Tiffany Santiago, Jacob S Coronado, Thalia Encarnacion, Liliana Escobedo, Alma'Flores, Jonathan Raya, Luis Raya, Rachael Reinbott, Roger Reyes,.Nic Boardman, Elizabeth Burns, Cassandre Casseus, Benjamin DaisyVargas, Christopher' Jazmin Flores, Keyla Garcia, Mayreli Garcia, Jessica Gonzalez, Rivas, Alexis Ruiz, Jennifer Ruiz, Maria Ruiz, Hipolito Salinas, Cuellar, Macio Erreguin, Jennifer Escalante, Susana Fernandez, Zelaya. Casandra Harris, Mark Hernandez, Janely Jaimes, Brandon Josue Salinas, Magali Salinas, Adriana Saucedo, Bianey Serrano, Crystal Francisco, Tyler Franco, Jose Garcia, Stephanie Garcia, 11th Gr Jennings, Ariel Jimenez, Jennifer Lopez, Daniel Lozano, Krystal Jessica Smith, Kip Stansly, Dylan Strickland, Eduardo Torres, Araceli Gomez, Maria Gomez, Victoria Gonzalez, Ana Rene Acevedo, Courtney Martinez, Tania Martinez, Esmeralda Mendez, Savanna Nicholas Wegscheid, Shelby Williams Hernandez, James Hester, Ashley Jones, Monica Ledesma, Elva Betancur, Gabriel Bone, W McPherson, Jorge Montesino, Christy Moreno, Denise Moreno, Dolphin Pride Honor Roll Madrid,Jessica Madrid, Melisa Martinez, Susana Martinez, Carranza Veronica Cortc Diego Moreno, Jamease Mosley, Diana Munoz, Ashraf Nakleh, Jessica Delgado, Luis Garcia, Nathan Glenn, Lupe Gomez, Jessica Mathis, David Miller, Alejandro Moreno, Jose Ortiz, Flores Estela Garcia, Pe Dana Odeh, Alejandro Olvera, Abraham Ortiz, Noemi Ortiz, Sergio Gomez, Erika Gonzalez, Marino Gonzalez, Miranda Cindy Raya, Angelica Resendiz, Yesenia Resendiz, Yesenia Fores, Estela Garcia, Pe Victor Palacios, Erick Pena, Teofilo Pequeno, Arlene Perez, Ingram, David Marroquin, Krystal Novarro, Mariela Raya, Resendiz, Melissa Rios, Genaro Rubio, Taylor Stadler, Micheal Guzman, Nicholas Hamilt Humberto Perez, McKenzie Redish, Ricardo Rodriguez, Luis Mildred Sanchez, Pedro Torres, J.P. Williams, Estela Zuniga Terrell, Maria Valentin, Sindie VanWagner, Grady Willis, Britney .Heisler, Christopher Her Rojas, Sujeivelis Rueda, David Sanchez, Joshua Smith, Logan Woolsey, Sarah Young, Noeila Zuniga Hudson, Maria Jimenez, A Smith, Zack Smith, Raul Soto, Vanessa Suarez, Carolina Teijeiro, Community Christian School Eighth Grade A/B Honor Roll Chad Lutkenhaus, Alex Sofia Trejo, Sarah Williams, Kaitlyn Yates, Jeffer Zelaya K5 A Grade A Honor Roll Marlen Diaz-Alanis, Brooke Awbrey, Jessica Barron, Shelby Martinez, Matthew M.:-Cull Third Grade A Honor Roll '" Morgan Bealc),Averybunch, Ni:holi Castillo, Damien Cosby, Bengston, Alexandro Caraballo, Annalicia Cavazos, Noemi i Olympia Abrego, Beatriz Cardoza, Angelica Castillo, Jasmine Ml:ile Hlarr, Kas l Hood, Daisy McKenzie, Philip O'Bannon, Chairez, Bailey Cox, Janie Delatorre, Deanna Foster, Mariah Connor McVey, Fehli P- Deleon, Juana Gomez, Blaine Howell, Daniel Keller, Gerardo kate \\hacd, Alysj. Yzaguirre .' Gallegos, Perla Garcia, Yesmin Garcia, Anilu Gomez, Juan Murphy, Cynthia Pi.ez, i Moreno, Diana Mustafa, Cassidy Pascher, Amanda Phipps, Tania K5A Grade A/B Honor Roll Gonzalez, Joshua Hernandez, Cymantha Hunt, Andre Jones, Robinson, Veronica Sar Santiago Monica Banda, Paige Danforth, Brandon Flack, Caleb Gallegos, Rachaelle Krause, Kaylee 'Lai, Chelsea Lewis, Miriam Lora, Santiago, Natasha Seals, A Third Grade A/B Honor Roll Cade Hamil Albert Lozano, Katherine Lynn, Blayne Marshall, Cesar Mateo, Stansly, Ashley Timpner, E Natalie Aho, Nicholas Aho, Kylie Bancroft, Fernando Bedolla, K5B Grade A Honor Roll Katrina McIntosh, Melissa Mears, Bernice Medina, Sanjuana Vasquez, Ruby Vela, Albert Skylar Bell, Breannia Brown, Mindy Cisneros, Zach Condon, Brandon Carnevalino, Aaron Catala, Fredrick Green, Karl White Menguela, Neira Navarro, Briana Pascher, Kimberly Paz, Edward 12th Gr Yasmin Cortez, Adriana Cruz, Lorena Cruz, Ryan Drapal, K5B Grade A/B Honor Roll Poole, John Ramos, Candelaria Rodriguez, Brianna Sanchez, Narcisco Flores, Christian Galvez, Kayla Gamez, Miranda Blake Crawford, Taylor Randant, Weston Randant, Brandon Nora Santiago, Stephanie Schafer, Savannah Smith, Tomas Soliz, Michael Allen, Victoria Garcia, Ana Gomez, Mariby Hernandez, David Herrera, Villa Christopher Timms, Lorena Vargas, Jozetta Wilson, Kaleigh Bhagwandin, Jose Cha Christian Jimenez, Jorge Jimenez, Jessica Leal, Roberto First Grade A Honor Roll Woodard, Heather Wrisley Delgado, Adriana Garica, Maldonado-Wonbles, JT McGhie, Kassandra Melgoza, Steven Angela Crawford, Jade Curtis, Teddy Rickman, Deedra LaBelle High School James Hull, Anthony Jord Miller, Rodrigo Moreno, Michael Pepitone, Jesus Pequeno, Shackford, Chloe Taylor, Brady Walker, Brooke White, Quinton 9th Grade A Honor Roll Loera, Whitney Longene Esteban Plaza, Gerardo Rea, Myranda Reinard, Jordan Rice, Willis Alyssa Boutwell, Tiffanie Cain, Bryan Crockett, Eduardo David Phillips, Jorge R Holley Robertson, Sandra Romero, Kaya Rosen, Isaac Santillan, First Grade A/B Honor Roll DeSantiago, Cecilia Leos, Julisa Mobley, Jacqueline Moreno, Stephanie Rivera, Maria R Eileen Smith, Alan Varela, Alondra Villa, Bridgette Watson, Chase Anderson, Ryley Bowen, Keileeany Carrion, Wyatt Laura Munoz, Stephanie Pack, Chelsey Ramos, Roxana Razo, Stephanie Rivera, Maria R Monique Williams, Maria Zamora, Nikole Zelaya Corbitt, Sergio Trevino, Sheldon Williams Alyssa Rivas, Griselda Santiago, Adrian Serrato, Jordan Walls, Ruiz, Nancy Ruiz, Felipe S Fourth Grade A Honor Roll Second Grade A Honor Roll Britney Whitman, Gregory Zimmerly. Elvia Tamayo, Shandeya Paulina Magana, Martina Marques, Jared Miller, Albar Ramirez, Dusty Ann Catala, Wesley Huffman, Becky Lapp, Matthew Williams. THIS PAGE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FOLLOWING SPONSORS! MARILYN SEARS Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod and Judy Cross McClure I. El One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar. Helen Ke We at 0GULFCOAST PRODUCTS, INC. are so proud of the way you have "soared" Over the past 9 weeks. Keep "' ., up the good i work! - -- ---- BE b eller Olde Cypress Community Bank is a proud supporter of / education in LaBelle! \i 'WE KEEP PEOPLE HOURS NOT BANKERS HOURS" WI ,e hu lie -t i ll ii flL ig hm 11 III Haliiin CL' irIum Clewiston p -05 S. W.C. Owieni Ave. J (8631983-6181 In-Store Walmart .......... Cle YOlOUR W LaBe e / u U 75 Bn'h02ge Sti'el g (863u 675.0224 . Eagle Expo Open House November 12 9:00 am to 1:00 pm FLORIDA GULF COAST UNIVERSITY Proudly Supporting the LaBelle Area Honor Rolls STEPHANIE WEATHERFORD Lic. REAL ESTATE BROKER 30 HARDEE STREET LABELLE, FL 33935 PHONE (863) 612-0000 FAX (863) 612-0005 Email: stephanie@homeandranchre.com Website: homeandranchre.com RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE 97 PARIZ A^VIVE. LABEUO ,. M 33935 "A M0loss CtonM w H RM l K" 863-675-2718 wwwIabelleriverside.colI F-maa hbnll eriversid(e@a rhrth-net - Riverside is proud to be a supporter of Education in LaBelle -- I '. I I - 1Il0th Gm n-.-- Ax-A:- QL,;-, T-mn V-,;- ade. A Honor Roll aker, Jessica-Anne Bechtel, Aaron [dy Martinez, Anna-Martinson, Lacey y, Rebecca Middleton, Eduardo Daron Orzech, Vanessa Ostolaza, uente, Tulsiram Rampersaud, Alexa Zavala. ide A Honor Roll rockett, Richard Damigos, Suzanne ert Higginbotham, Yoheidy Jimenez, apke, Stafford King, Tyler Lewis, nira Lozano, Jennifer Mllligan, Judith , Victoria Morris, Abraham Munoz, iayo, Tiffany Terrell, Shayla Wilson. ade A Honor Roll oyo, Krysten Banda, Matthew Bell, d Carey, Chelsa Causseaux, Paulette Franky Delgado, Brandon Dietz, Noe alez, Laura Hernandez, Martin y, VanCheska Koch, Carl Komar, e Larrimore, Jesenia Lopez, Kayla nez, Cristela Martinez, Kenneth ;r, Ryan Parrish, Aglae Pimentel, Kaci Bianca Rodriguez, Anthony Schmidt, Trejo, Sanjuana Vasquez, Esmeralda de B Honor Roll Ackley, Lindsey Atkins, Blake Broom, Cash, .Gavin Corey, Bonnie Davis,, gos, Gabriela Gallegos, Irene Garza, a Grant; Joshua Grimaldo, Claudia yan Higginbotham, Jeffery Johnson, h, Karina Marinez, Jennifer Mason, , Violeta Morales, Daniel Moreno, es, Sergio Olvera, Manuel Orta, Kayla Ryan Rhoden, Carlos Rodriguez, ndy Ruiz, Jacob Stephens, Holly les, Stephanie Vargas, Nancy Kristen Wells, Darcee Woodford, ade B Honor Roll person, Yuridia Arroyo, Jeffery Beard,. Campos, Anthony Carmo, Edilberto, o, Victor Cendejas, Julie Edgar,, yte Escobedo, Margaret Fries, Eric aphne Glisson, Ashley Guerra, Jose ndez, Diana Hernandez, Margarita nda Landrum, Carisa Langley, Cyrus manda McCormick, Brooke Norris, ente, Jazmina Ramos, Fred Robbins,. Rodriguez, Timothy Rose, Ivan Ruiz, awatzky, Martha Taylor, Kaylee Tew, Wegscheid, Christopher Wills, flianna ade B Honor Roll y Barbato, Melissa Barrios, Kerem William Burke, Dariela Caracheo, Maria :z, Josie Davis, Jose Eguia, Cristel ggy Garcia, Jasmine Gaure, Andres on-Proverbs, Nathan Harris, Brogan nandez, Matthew Howard, Ronald xl Jones, Mahali Keel, Melody Kosh, Madrid, Mayra Martinez, Thelma le, P.uri.:k M.:Lmnt, Rebeka McVay, M...rni, Tirr o'h\ M'rris, William uion.a Percz, Kirk Renu,, Cepteniberc nchez, Octavio Sandoval, Adrian shley Slovenski, Tanheya Small, Anna Eric Trejo, Khristina Turlington, Joana t Williams. ade B Honor Roll Barron, Blake Basquin, Nicole varria, Joshua Chisholm, Sarahy Timothy Gonzalez, Juana Hernandez, an, Dusan Jovetic, Grecia Leos, Jesus ecker, Alicia Madrid, Cory Mundy, aya, Nathan Riberdy, April Rivas, odriguez, Stephanie Rodriguez, Jose Santillan, Aimee Shupe, Caleb Swope, Thomas, Dayn Vasquez, Mydajah Honor Reill ;, 0 ; i Cal os Bele Thu sd y, un 22 20 6 S O R S Sports Shorts B'ah" "t"iaii iI Sign up for LaBelle newszap om Longhorns Community Links. Individual Vices. ,r .. . Y . k C o m m u n ity L in k s In d iv id u a l V o ic e s . If you would like to sign your child up for cheerleading or foot- ball come to Winn Dixie on June 24 9 a.m. noon. You will need the following information: a birth cer- tificate, their year end report card, a sports physical on Pop Warner paper and a current picture. If you need any further information stop by and chat with one of our board members during sign-ups. r -- -- -- -- -- - "-.*"- "i SPORTS FANS! - I BET ) ITYOU . DIDN'T Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Swann family Savannah Swann barrel racing at the Kissimmee Rodeo Teen wins FHSRA championship Savannah Swann won the Flori- da High School Rodeo Association State Finals Barrel Racing Champi- onship held June 8-10 at the Silver Spurs Arena in Kissimmee. She won the averageand the year end. The year consisted of 14 rodeos held around the state. Then the top 15 point earners competed at the FHSRA State finals for the title, and the opportunity to go to nationals in Springfield, Illinois. The top four in each event qualify to go to the National High School Rodeo Finals. They will be held the last week of July. Savannah spent most of the year in third place, gojng up and down a couple of times. She won the Cocoa Rodeo, and the Willis- ton Rodeo Barrels, and she won the Okeechobee and Williston Rodeo Pole Bending. She also won the Williston Rodeo All Around buckle at the last regular rodeo before state finals. Savannah is 16 years old. She won the NBHA Florida State Open 2D Championships in 2004, and the NBHA Florida State Youth 2D Championship also 2004. She also won the Arcadia Jr. Barrel Champi- onship in 2003, and Moore Haven's Chalo Nitka Jr. Barrel Champi- onship in 2004 and 2005. She runs an American Quarter Horse registered name Tiny's Lady Cat, AKA Lacy. She has been riding since she could sit up, and started competing in horse shows at the LaBelle Fami- ly Livestock Club horse shows. Her mom, Tammy Swann, does most of the hauling, and her Uncle Rusty helps with long hauls and goes to most shows. Her dad, Dou- glas Swann, has to stay home most of the time, to feed the other ani- mals and work to pay for "stuff." But he supports her efforts 100 per- cent. He was there for this big win, driving back and forth to be able to watch her run. She trains with Bridget Long of Felda, and has had a lot of help from Mr. Wayne Williams of Ft. Myers. She owes a big thanks to Cheryl Burchardt of Alva and Doc Keen of Clewiston for helping with keeping her hi:', around. Gary Prescott has done a great )u '.-n' ing Lacy's feet in good shape and she offers a big thanks to all the people that have helped her along the way. ~~*1 I U I Ut * I * I * I El 9 9 KNOW Brought to you by Lori Langford I Imagine this: Three amateur golfers, all I I working in the same department of the I I same company, all shooting holes-in- I I one, all in the same week, all on the sev- I I efith hole, but each on a different golf I I course. The odds are astronomical, but I that's what happened in April of 2006 When Don Rimbey, Mike Flanagan andI I Dale Glossner of the finance department I in the Pittsburgh office of I I GlaxoSmithKline each aced the seventh I I hole on the different course each was playing, all within one week. I Did you know that only once in major league history have two teammates each homered three times in one game? It happened on September 25,2001, when Jeromy Burnitz and Richie Sexson of Milwaukee each blasted three home runs in a road game against the Arizona Diamondbacks. By the way, on April 22, 2006, five Brewers hit home runs in one inning against Cincinnati only the fifth time in major league history that a team has homered five times in a single inning. Amazingly, the Reds were the victims in four out of those five times. Did you hear about the brother-sister combo of Elayna arid Jerris Van Hess of Aumsville, Oregon? Elayna is a sopho- I more right-handed pitcher for the Cascade High varsity softball team, I while Jerris is a senior right-handedI I hurler for the school's varsity baseball I I team. So get this: Within a four-day I I period in March of 2006, each tossed a no-hitter for their respective Cougars I team. By the way, the siblings combinedI I for 20 strikeouts in their two no-nos. I ** I I'll bet you didn't know, coming or going, that when the rubber hits the road, you can't afford not to buy from Langford. LANGFORD I I I "Y'alSpokenHerdm I 675-1686 I.------------------------------i---- - I At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com freedom Fellowship Ministries 1 gfamilg Worship Cgnter 1301 SR 29 North Phone: 863-612-9899 EO. Box 1797 Fax: 863-612-4809 LaBelle, FL 33975 E-mail: ffm@intergate.com M1iiRReIe & FAMILY eMINRi SATrRDAY, JrLY 8TH 9 .AM TO 4 PM Topics: "Marriage" (Morning Session Scheduled Speaker: Kim Jordan "Family" (Afternoon Sessioni Scheduled Speaker: Pastor Tina Wills SUNDAY, JULY 9TH 10:45 AM "Overcoming the Spirit of Witchcraft" Scheduled Speaker: Evangelist Emerson Morris & at 6 pm the Scheduled Speaker is Prophetess April Morris Lunch will be provided on Saturday Registration: $10 per person $15 per couple Please call 863-612-9899 to register For Whom The Son Shall Set Free; Shall Be Free Indeed. -John 8:36 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee a 1,; I., r~ NEW PATIENTS ACCEPTED! Nuevos pacientes son acceptado! Services: Familvy Medicine. Women's Health. Pediatrics. Internal Medicine. Dental, Outreach and Education, Laboratory, Radiology, Pharmacy edf,,i, ,/,'i .,;'. .:a"o oft p m,'i'i d ", .m,,,,, !, '',," ,, ,ill For an appointment Call (239) 658-3000 Walk-in's Welcome Spanish. English. Cr,.l.- & K.on.:.i: l Sp...-n , ... ..h ,.lc,. H ..I l ... h i r ; I ,. P l ,,-,, ,l I ,, .1 I , UO? f f Df. -u CLA $ S F D IF ~ A" AN"^T ^^W *1 '^r^ n rf m Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! e 4 lines for 2 weeks -, 1 used item or -1 Fn 10 OSAPP-ME-1. L.F. nor E-Mail: SPORTS 7 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22,2006 Many newspaper owners have a hidden "agenda"" whether it is political, economic or to promote the publish- erls cronies. Not us. We're owned by a unique non-profit journalistic trust. Our ONLY mission is to provide the information and understanding citizens need to make intelligent decisions about public issues. In doing so, we strive to report the news with honesty, accuracy, fairness, objectivity, fearless- ness and compassion. How are we doing? Let us know by emailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA... ELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 - Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less Sell your personal valuablOs if they're $2)500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, n Community Service Through Journalism A*tk Mai km f. Fetift No hidden n..e, d, -independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. 9 Deadline 11 a.m. Monday ,o catch, no PrOOte"" QLOOSA WLLE Delivering Mv-vre)-n ffendr), Cowqj-' Alews Since 1922 Toll Free .877n353=2424 classad@newszap.com 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22,2006 Birth Gaige Walker Howell Ryleigh Amber Howell would like to announce the birth of her baby brother, Gaige Walker Howell. He was born on June 1, 2006, at HealthPark Hospital in Ft. Myer. The young man weighed in at 9 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 21 inches long. Gaige's parents are Brett and Melissa Howell of Naples. His paternal grandparents are Cecil and Rita Howell of Immokalee and his maternal grandparents Las Noticias en Espanol Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Wilson family New graduate Alvie Wilson Alvie D. Wilson graduated on May 12 from the University of Miami with a Bachelor of Science Chemistry degree. She was a pre-med. student with a minor in Biology. She will head to medical school in 2007. Alvie is a LaBelle High School, class of 2002 graduate. She received her AA Degree at Edison Community College before heading to Miami. Extra Almanacs Become juvenile arbitrator A volunteer position as a court- appointed juvenile arbitrator for the 20th Judicial Circuit in LaBelle is available. This person will be responsible for imposing sanctions on first-time juvenile offenders. If interested, please call 239-458-7088. Are you a blogger? Get a Newszap link!. The Caloosa Belle is looking to broaden its listing of "Columnists & Blog- gers" at www.newszap.com. More and more people are starting blogs - including business people, sup- port groups and individuals with an opinion on the day's news or cul- ture. Local agency seeks board leaders The Area Agency on Aging, a not-for-profit organization, seeks enterprising leaders to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors. Serving seven counties, the agency admin- sisters services for seniors utilizing public funds. Board meetings are held bi-monthly with per diem reimbursements for mileage. To receive an application, call Brenda Kellogg at 239-332-4233 or 1-800- 398-4233 Apply for Kiwanis scholarship. Kiwanis is accepting applica- tions for Adult Advancement and Vocational Training Scholarships; also any prior high school graduate Kiwanis scholarship recipients can reapply for continuing support. Call Debbie at 675-4643. Deadline date for applications for the '06-07 year is July 01, 2006. Scholarships available AHORA, a not for profit. organi- zation, has scholarships available for high school seniors or current college students. If you would d like to receive an application please send a self addressed stamped envelope to AHORA P.O. Box 2424 LaBelle, FL 33975. Accidente Fatal Dos personas murieron en un choque el 7 de junio en la Carretera 835 cerca de 8 millas al este de Clewiston. Acajeune Moise de edad 57 resident en Immokalee y el pasajero Richardson P. Frere de edad 55 y resident de LeHigh, murieron alrededor de las 10:20 a.m. De acuerdo con el informed de los patrulleros, Don Moise estaba manejando un Nissan 1989 en el carril este de La Calle Condado 835 cuando por razones desconocidas, la llanta del lado derecho del Niss- san se despego lo que causo que el vehiculo diera vuelta hacia otra direction. El carro se fue a traves del carril contrario hacia el hombro norte dando vueltas varias veces hasta que finalmente se fue con el techo hacia abajo de un canal. Don Frere fue.transportado al Hospital Regional donde murio. Las dos vic- timas tenian puesto el cinturon de seguridad. Notificaciones Existe un debate entire los comi- sionados de como se debe de pro- ceder para decirle a los residents sus lugares de Ubicacion cuando estan construyendo Regular- mente la ciudad da las notifica- ciones de acuerdo a las recomen- daciones de la ley pero en recientes discusiones various residents se han quejado porque no se les informo de la forma mas correct. En la reunion de los comisiona- dos el 8 de junio recibieron una peticion del Grupo Wallace apli- cando para construir un edificio de oficinas medical, si se aprobara ellos tendrian que pagar $250.000 en efectivo a la ciudad con un tiem- po de seis semanas para su respec- tivo studio. El grupo desea con- struir el edificio en el sur de la 80 a traves de la propiedad Barron Vieja, el plan preliminario consist en 20.000 pies cuadrados, uno de los doctors lideres del grupo dijo que la nueva facilidad tendria abierta unas 20 posiciones de tra- bajo ademas de unos seis doclores que abririan sus oficinas. Si se aprueba la nueva construction esto traeria como ingreso cien tra- bajos de acuerdo con el desarrollo de la comunidad. Lo que sucede con los cambios de contruccion o de zona es que muchas veces la ciudad no notifica a los residents los cambios con tiempo suficiente. En esta reunion los comisiona- dos aprobaron una orden de cam- bio de zona en las comunidades Pinewood y Englewood donde los residents pueden reemplazar su casa mobil por otra casa mobil, para hacer este procedmiento se debe de hacer una aplicacion por excepcion, pero una vez que el propietario venda la casa mobil a otra persona esta debera de insta- larunac a:.d aestr uijduiada. El ingeniero Jerron Hull sugirio que la ciudad debe de bus- car los servicios de un professional para asegurarle al public las noti- ficacionea apropiadas.En respues- ta a las inquietudes del tamano de las medidas de las residencias en Pinewood y Englewood las cuales deben de ser de 1200 pies cuadra- dos, elcomisionado Pauletti dijo que revisaria el asunto porque muchos de los residents que viven alli no pueden pagar una casa de esa media. En Otros asuntos La ciudad aprobo una prop- uesta para ayudar a los veterans en la transportation para sus necesidades medical. Se les dio $ 3.?30 i. la misma cantidad que el program esta, recibiendo de& Clewiston y el Condado. Los Hijos de La Legion reci- bieron permiso para poner una barbacoa en el parque Barron el 4 de Julio. Se hicieron cambios con las restricciones del agua. El director recreacional Phill Pelletier dijo que ya se comenzo a construir el campo nuevo de fut- bol en la esquina suroeste. El com- plejo deportivo tendra 11 canchas de futbol, canchas de baloncesto,un lugar para comer y otro para patinar. La comisionada Hilda Zirn- merly pregunto si el consejo ha pensado en algunas alternatives donde los residents deben de pedir permisos para remover los arboles de roble en circunstancias especiales. are Parker and Linda Oswald of are Dorothy Howell and Orville Labelle. and Margaret Rainwaters of Gaige's great-grandparents Immokalee. LOST YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck 67 5I 032 & Auto Repair, Call 6 5 1 COUNTRY LIVING! 3 BR/2 BA, Florida rm., 2 1.91 acres cleared, newer roof, Ig. sheds, 1g. workshop/craft rm. F7'~~~ ~i~1 Coldwell Banker Preferred Prop., Inc. Se Habla Espafiol! 1-800-320-8144 NOTICE The Glades County School Board Will Hold A Public Hearing On July 13, 2006 at 7:00p.m. In The Glades County School Board Meeting Room 400 U1 Sfreet, SW Moore Haven, Florida To Approve Proposed Chiaiuges To The Glades County School | Board Attentdaince Policy Copies of the Proposed Changes Are Available By Contacting: Wayne Aldrichl, Serintendent Glades County School. EA'ipd 400 10" Street, SW Moore Haven, Florida 33471 (863)946-2083 SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 9 0 675-3233 TOLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR Q M W^ Be prepared if a HURRICANE STRIKES. -*.."'..- r'.77.. I,, I .K PI Id 'll I l I A. 0 I lAt l... . **I .. .. ,, %,;.-. Memory Foam Pillow Top Queen Size Set $1,365 King Size Set $1,680 While Special Supply Last With FREE Local Delivery and Removal Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge T...... 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle 863-385-9403 www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. # CCC1325639 Lic. # CBC047717 1 Clinica de Inmigracion para todos Nuevas aplicaciones de Residencias Permisos de trabajo, Certificaciones Laborales, Visas de Trabajo, Visas Profesionales. Todo tipo de Casos de Inmigracion George Chernoff & Associates @ NAFA Attorneys Abogados, Practicing immigration law only Llamanos: LaBelle: 863:402-0072 Sebring: 863-314-8555 Miami: 305-480-5399 Primera Consulta Gratis Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant A little help for our animal friends Jenni Dyess of Florida Community Bank and Steve Hein (right), present a check for $1,300 to Tim Haley, President of the Caloosa Humane Society. The proceeds from the Swamp Stomp 5K run are an annual contribution to the local chapter of the Humane Society. The race is run on Saturday morning during the Swamp Cabbage Festival. The humane society appre- ciates the support, Mr. Haley said, and the funds will be used to benefit some of the area's most unfortunate animals. PAUL ROSER P k, REALTORS 863-675-0898 OFCM . S. PERSONAL ATTENTION sm ea *g ii WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING SNIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker S M1 Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/564-2005 cell 239/584-2002 fl Cell: 239-S72-7665 Ilft FIND LABELLE Southern DEVELOPMENT TRACTS I a^ .- ,l ,. t M i&B p 1 iL, r Alva: 239-7zs-9998 - LaBelle: 863-675-0000 www.burson-weathers.com Matt Flemi Realtor' E-Mail: matt@burson-weathers.com Commercial Land Residential HOM3ES.. . $579,900 PRICE REDUCED! 3BD/2BA home on 2.34+/- acres in Naples. Home features a pole barn, screen lanai, security system, dual fireplace, eat-in kitchen. Owner/Agent bring any serious offer. $526,000 PRICE REDUCED! 4BD/3BA home on 1!+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound .proof studio, moveable island in kitchen and an above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. '* $374,900 3BD/2BA Beautiful well maintained home on man- icured 1+/- acres in LaBelle's first gated Riverfront Community. ,* $359,900. Beautiful like new 3BD/2BA with 2 car garage ,home in theBelmont area. Patio and deck area in back yard. $229.900 PRICF REDUCrD' ,...,. u ... B1' 7t L. I., l. j lt i.',,:,-A: t.. I. E, h.J ,,I, ..., ,,1 I .,T .I ,'.I .tile throughout. This is a must see! ;, $204,900- New 3BD/2BA home on a beautiful lot. Master 'bathroom has a garden tub w/separate shower. Kitchen fea- tures an island w/extra sink & more don't let this one slip by! ;* $179,900 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on a corner lot in Port LaBelle. Spacious living room and sep- iarate dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate workshop and small tree house great for kids. :* $179,900 Great 4BD/2BA home that has been.totally 'remodelel'i 4cij atu'res irrigation Itlemg. Msr ari1eany'r you to move in. *.- $169,900 PRICE REDUCEDI- New 3BD/2BA home. This home *features split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning room. '* $149,999 2BD/lBA spacious home, features a complete- ly fenced in yard and an above ground pool. ,, $94,900 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in LaBelle. this home has new tile, carpet, paint, cabinets, hot water heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/ acres. This spacious home features an addition with it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond w/island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns & more. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $197,900 4BD/2BA Gorgeous upgraded manufactured home in LaBelle. This Jiome features a split floor plan and all crown moldings in the living and dining room. * $189,900 Spacious 3BD/2BA on 1.88+/- acres in Muse. Home features a split floor plan. The living area has a fireplace; kitchen has an island and pantry The master bedroom has an additional room that can be used as an office or sitting room. The well and septic tank are new. Call today for an appointment. * $129,900 to $146,900 New 4BD/2BA & 3BD/2BA Manufactured Homes on .50+/- acres in El Rio S/D. i i; i " $* 142,700 3BD/2Ba New Manufactured home with pantry, dual sinks, garden tub, separate shower and sky- light in the guest bathroom. * $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes new and under construction in the MHYC. The MHYC is a 55+ ownership park. Call today for completion date! * 9 '.'1111) I....- Ii j 'l1* 't A I ni lIIl ,n .. I :,, ,.. I. ,I i hp. .1.h ., Ji. I .5 ..I' d I . ... ... .,. I. .... II..,-- .' ,, . ,, ,- ,I ', ', ,, ,, "r,,,; * $52,000 PRICE REDUCEDI- 3BD/2BA Nice corner lot in LaBeBMtN M ulaBW tfB ltlose to schools, shopping and restaurants. * $1,600,000 12.76+/- acres has lots of old oaks. It is currently being used as a rental park. Please call for more information. * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. * $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town shops and much more! * $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized w/clean bill of health. * PRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres adjoining Babcock property in Muse. Paved road access. * $850,000 40+/- acres beautifully secluded with pas- ture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. * $650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR 80. * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. * $149,AW A re -rt. i t, _,res that is also fo a e l 99, 00 . HOMESITES: * $13,000 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. * $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE, MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES OLD LAKEPORT RD 20 ac beauti- ful improved pasture, stunning oak hammock along the rim canal of Lake Okeechobee. Access to Fisheating Creek through a viaduct. Excellent property for horses. Currently part of 90-ac cattle ranch. Private, secluded, nature at its best. Asking $40,000/Acre. MLS 200641980 BOATERS TAKE NOTICE: This 2BR/1.5BA home with wrap around 2nd story lanai sits on 65ft of a deep fresh water canal that direct access to the intercoastal waterway. Call Robin for further details. 863-673- 5038 MLS # 200632282. PIONEER DEPOT rural conven- ience store with potential for much more. Groceries, oeer, wine, pet and livestock feed, building materials, hurricane supplies. Fuel tank for fuel sales is on site but not in use. 5 acres commercial PLUS 1/2 acre residential with well and septic. MLS 200641675. RANCH HOME with 7,669 sq feet of living space on 130 pristine acres. 3 BR Suites and 5 1/2 BAs offer plenty of room and privacy for all of your guests. The Greatroom fea- tures 22 ft vaulted ceiling, stone fire- place, pecky cypress walls. The over- size kitchen and butler pantry fea- ture custom built cabinetry. The constantly chilled Walk in Wine Cooler offer plenty for cold storage. Perfect for daily living or when seat- ing large parties around the 12 foot Oak diningroom table. The large screened pool with BBQ Kitchen is perfect for relaxing or entertain- ment. Huge concrete floor metal barn provides lots of storage. Call Janet at 673-2294 or Trace at 673- 6533. $6,800,000 MLS 200540743 VERY NICE 2BR/1BA HOME situ- ated on approximately .25 of an acre on greenbelt. In deed restricted community, oversized living room w/sliding glass door to back yard. Interior paint & carpet like new, eat- in kitchen, upgraded appliances, vinyl siding and new roof. $149,900. MLS#200647780 COMMERCIAL CORNER on Helms Rd and SR 29 S in LaBelle. 7.8 Ac zoned C-1 Commercial. Paved Road 3 sides. Great Location. $2,500,000 MLS 205034469. REDUCED price for 10 ac ranch in Muse. Doublewide MH, CBS garage, pole barn, fenced and cross fenced pasture, spring fed pond, stocked with fish! Paved road access, priced to sell at $575,000. MLS 00606019. SEBRING, GOLF COURSE COUNTRY CLUB lots for sale. Play Golf and relax surrounded by some of Florida's most beautiful lakes. No shortage of amenities with these. Several to shoose from. Call Robin for details. 863-673-5038 MLS# 205057350 3BR/2BA HOME ON 2 1/2 ACRES ON HENDRY ISLES BLVD. in Pioneer Plantation. Large living room w/fireplace, open kitchen and formal dining room. Attached car- port and 41 ft long screened porch along the rear of the home. Fenced horse pasture with horse shelter. Contact Vicki Austin 863-234-9670. $205,300 MLS # 200640513 MMI I 1 11 1 ------- ---- - ---- 1-1 1 ------- ---------- 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 "c'- .. . * ."4< * Ba i. a SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Bankof Amerca Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate f Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 t.< shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle Xs at 415 W Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK ME A ABOUT VA LOANSl Great Buys are found here! OPEN HOUSE 4016 S EDGEWATER CIRCLE, LABELLE SATURDAY, JUNE 24T 10:00 AM -,2:00 PM BEAUTIFUL AND INVITING Be the proud owners of this meticulously maintained 3 bedroom 2 bath- room, 2 car garage contemporary home which features a functional and spacious family room with cathedral ceilings overlooking a screened lanal, split bedroom floor plan, well organized kitchen with breakfast room, a separate dining room off of the kitchen. Freshly painted inside and out, '/a acre lot in Port LaBellel $249,000. CONTACT: LSA HERRERO (863)673-0066 cell (863)675-4500 office Usa.henero@soland.com ,afob LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION-Zoned Bl, located at 141 Hickpoochee Ave. in LaBelle, 2500 Sq.Ft. commercial building. Building and land for sale only. All kitchen appliances except Hobart Mixer. For more details contact Cathy Lee. Property offered at $1;500,000. Vacant Land listings starting at $39,900. * 8036 Salem cir acre $39,900. * 9022 E Justice Cir 4 acre $39,900. * 0 Canoe ct. $40,000. * 9004 N Casa CT 1/3 acre $40,900. * 0 Norge Cir /4 acre $45,500. *6020 Kumquat cir- $45,500. * 9016 Ibis Ct '/4 acre $45,500. * 7063 Tide Cir '/ acre $47,900. * 7065 Tide Cir acre- $47,900. * 7824 NW 18th ter 1.25 acre $79,900. * 260 Caloosa Estates Dr $99.500. * 12295 Rudder Ln- $395,000. Deep Water Canal Call or stop by to see more Information on all of our llstingsl . "The kng CwRotp 274 N Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 FELitiREi OF ITHE NEFK iHit' H.RliNGt ([DO HOME ,,. r,,, r,. ,., I ... .. ., | ,,'. ri.. t,,: l, \ h .ff.T: h :. 1' d. I f.. "1 1 r.L 111: i.. .. .. I I l, ..H j .. : 199,900 AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAINTAINED 3BIR2BA manufactured home w/office or possible 4fth bedroom. Perfect starter home or rental invest- ment. Located within city limits, completely fenced and priiced to sell! $99,900 THIS WATERFRONT HOMESITE is located in LaBelle City limits, within walking distance of the Barron Park, shopping and the river. This in one of the few privately owned man made deep water camias in LaBelle. Homesite includes ownership of the canal, which provides protected boat dockage and direct access to the Caloosahatchee River (Intracoastal Waterway). $299,000 OAKS, FENCED BACK YARD. 3BR/2BA CBS home in the heart of LaBelle. Great location...just a walk or bike ride to shopping, banking, restau- rants and government offices. $195,000 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique one of a kind property also has it's own private ISLAND, Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks, Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE, $475,000 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS WCCA'ION.OCATION. LOCATIONillThis 3+/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee -. .. i.i iItt H 2') access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endlessly $3,300,000 ONE OF THE FEW RTnERFRONT PARCELS ..-. ilhic mar kei hii iturfaigr i- i)"- A,: r'.1 l- er iur ique it'h 1.11ll t Icet fr'..r llrig 'i the h tr'e uiiul i. sl.-:.s l.a i. r:h e ,: i t ,:,- -. i,:. the E .L i a ri, .f i and enjoy endless ie r from the ra-i:d nr't.aC'nl The .vjcitruni p"c.:': tjiurc lhal.tr:.rnir .:.r. rthe 5,:,uIrh .Je iLr.j n r .:,ril on ihl (l:.rit Build d l-ul diciAff h.Trff iF. eI[' L rn, t f : d.:c .', irinr' ilir, rlir IaBelle i LCJ' '.- Jhji.:hei ha- tI .tr:. $ 1.950,000 SPE(CAC(ULAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE ,h-' l.l: '.1111 lr | wa j ir.f,:,f-r i lJ n Jl.-cad elpJ f'ir.A J rl, ,i h. I lJ t-itlluJ, r I. '. I isiraoi. llt 1r llre i.I',.'. an-i up IJ '.e rirr- ii,'-rl h r i P ,li n tl .l i r.h- rrin n r n', srl- ihe ic ['l J Fji r.:h r jti'-.. I..I 'e:r :1 pi:.ie.:r -i,: .J:....4p.: IFp h p i n .,:rL .in. ,r. i1- pIt'.' r- .r- I '; c-' l'. ,rp f. l1a..i.. ,..ri lll, l" I,',| h l,:h .ITl .l']...' .u t- |.,J .'' p.,: ,,.v.i . urlugu,!h ,.I.:o .: 1,:, [,..r 13-ljutdul il'ej ,:,1 ulys:ale hi., -,ic: .lh.-. t ,lo,:.:, t ,,f i.: -.irlrd I. 1 .lal $1,500,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel and enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from the main riveryin an area of nice homes. Permits are in place to re-dredge oxbow to 6-8 ft. depth. $499,000. WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT ITS BEST! This recendy renovated 3BR/2BA home is located at the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!!! HOMES IN LABELLE THIS 3BR/2BA CBS HOME W/POOL is in Laurel Oaks, a very desirable neighborhood with a great floor plan for a growing family. Property is sur- rounded by large oaks and a few fruit trees. Home/pool needs TLC & some repairs. Home is being sold AS IS. $235,000 MOVE IN BIADYI Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interior paint and spacious master bed- room. Price reduced to sell $179,900. THIS IMMACULATE 2 BR /1.5 BA HOME IS located in the center of town close to everything. What a terrific home for someone just setting out on their own or sizing d '. l i ..I.T Ic ] r ria l .l l ll'r l .d llJ rdf j I.:.hW ) .' ". ' $159,900 THIS IMMACULATE MAN LTAC TOURED HOME.- situajid i l' -hrjj ..'.-. r- I- l r ,1 in i ri. :l... pl,,-,h :,- ,d H..- .l- lj-ip ., ronll.edJ .. hl ..-0lhr r,..,:,,f ,1 r l I.l I.' -. n] i',r|. ld' 'l, 11i- j ll 'j i lj ,J fl. l-ll i d.J l | .: .. le W J l l. r I 'f U I.J ....[ lil 'l . lair-.i-c'. i,l, .I:. ...-r.r REDULiED f131.900 A\ GRL\r RENTIA INIT'TMENT OR STARTER HOMEI Th" ,-. 21, r riatj..IuI:J h.: .in. lih l-Il ,..r r.t, f.r ii ,re t.iur.-, j i- ll. ..., .i-, .j i .1,, I .. ,:fil-l'l]. 'llnr i i.,Jer, lul l, in ih r,'i l [ -i t. l' i r ni . fl ll'l r I ll'[. i ]:l|:l ll llJ r,' ,. .fllp:1 i l, r l.ll.h llki l t.i [: l i.:. -.lII" 25.000. N W this N G ',E. \ |i Tillil :,I |l'l llT I- l- l. 'r.- 1 I.. I .T if i] l.J i' l it ll.: 1 ... T. hI ,jo' d.,, pula.lut tu tctaitinig, $119,900. ONLY CONDO ON THE MARKET IN LABELLEI This 2BR/2BA unit would make a great rental investment or full-time residence. Located on the first floor this condo features a greenbelt view, tile in kitchen and bathrooms, and a bonus room. Comfortable living awaits your arrival! $150,000 SELLER RELOCATING Ready to move in and a must see to believe! Located in a private country setting in Horseshoe Acres Subdivision. This 2 bed- room, I bath manufactured home is situated on over a half acre lot, shaded screened deck, with many fruit trees and partially fenced yard. Dog on premises. Call ahead. $129,500. .INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! This 2 bedroom 1.5 bath mobile home is located in quiet River Oaks Subdivision, Ortona FL, Great investment for the part-time Floridian, or a great get-away. The home is being sold partially furnished, and offers a split floor plan with vaulted ceilings. $58,500 UNDER CON- TRACT IOMES ON ACREAGE UNIQUE. DESIRABLE AND SECLUDED! Less than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary, This property is 14.5 acres in one of the fastest growing areas of Glades County. Surrounded by ljrg.: .I. r:a.', lhl: pit'er ha s t' rn c learedi a.rid- l.In.,', Th, C:u i f:,n', r _ulli home ri pj':lous rlJ . : 11. l: l.'pi .-c f ,,-I.. ,q tl [pil l11,.':.r Il,,- fea- h r,-': ,:,".i '5,,- llJ,-, -, l 'r e b r'-d-':'0 r t'j ll. a n Tcl,:,'a ). jri'J -' ." : f u,., r' btt, Th. i': l la rd i :h hi whe .a .- if piri'll' I.cjlc l i arcj I-i..l 'Ipcll I) lhr Ijil9C 1.rmilf cit--iTIN:me mit eratas-i -pr h -H lear Iniri. ]:-ri Ih F. m ins -icr i e-it..: .. tinr, i tj .-i4h -itr I... l Juil i l-l r : a iId in tir, [, iIr ta--, l rt'. n jr n f....."'IT..i[ I. iT'er -.'.n, ..J ll h i '.J pr- arjl ,l,,- .i-i."' f5I.-. 5.000. BR IBAM CBS HOME ON 8.8+'. A(RES ttr...ring r,'lr' ]- .ji l:lj l." J .]|-p[..it, mI I |rc h .i'T l..m : '.l. lhj 'p ie ri ,' l,:,,,.,:,J & .20:- 1l ,:n.:'J :.tgc ,,Ju ,:ni' jdj I:,, .-- tl..l.- 5.90.000. S18 +- A(RES W, IBR-1.5BA COrTAGE rnic h.,r.,f l. ,.. ] i i ir i f..n a ltl r r.hclar E :'it :...I [tdIcl mt:- i , 1 ,: t ,r, ', ,,in'i T uij ,ll,: .l u l': i l tl' i' Ol"':rnj A m i [ *I n''- i Ir:.. l..l..r. I p.i.n hjll l pnlhlj lr JIIr fl "l). l I': rJl" , *.,:r-i'Ti,. plh li' l ,:ugl'.,ug .-,:": l,,,,' ,lj l d ..fi p 1iu.,l porch. $469,900 SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on 4.84 +/- acres completely fenced, pond and mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large master bed- room and bath, office/nursery, formal living room, family room and open kitchen w/island. $325,000 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME on 5+/- acres. Property has pond, fenced, cleared and ready. for your horses. The oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in living areas and many extras! $285,000. - QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immaculate home offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment package includes a large screen television w/ stereo and surround sound, split floor plan, built in computer center, large master bedroom and bath w/ garden tub and separate shower. Upgraded appliances add a nice touch, to the large open kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar and formal din- ing. $199,500 Se Habla Espatiol Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the city of LaBelle and ready to build! $89,900 " OVERSIZED..6 ACRE WOODED residential homesite located in the city $89,000 3 HOMESITES AVAILABLE in Montura Ranch Estates 1.25+/- acre lots. $49,900 EACH 1.25 ACRES LOT in growing Montura Ranch Estate more lots available $49,500. 2 PORT LABELLE LOTS IN UNIT 102. located side by side. Lots provide over Y2 acre homesite. Partially cleared, high and dry Ready to build! $45,000 each COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS ACREIAGI iLWTS pRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property 40 ACRE Gerber Grove $660,000 located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on 2.5 +- ACRES, stocked pond, partially fenced, unique the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street and Park oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee approx, 2 miles from town. Seller motivated $199,000 River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida-Style two story 10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road) in building fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 Charlotte County, Property zoned agricultural. Price A QUAINT CRACKER-STYLE OFFICE ON PARK Reduced $100,000 AVENUE. Already set up for a business office- BEAUTIFUL OAK COVERED CITY OF LABELLE LOT. Including phone lines, air conditioning, commercial Located In established neighborhood. Build your home grade carpeting and landscaping, Screened front on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $70,000 porch adds to Its Florida charm,. J.9.9Q BUSINESS ZONED! This 2BR/1BA home is situat- ed on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks .-,,h .. H, 1 block east of Bridge Street jI r.lJ u'i'I lJ iIJ ed by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED IN 1984 THE GATOR BAIT PUB has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint estab- lishment comes fully furnished with a completely equipped kitchen, and offers great start for any entrepreneur. Priced at $174,500 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N, Industrial Loop, Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased, $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OURNEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 o.f prlf'Sy.'i 3B R/2BA.S d9 workshop hiciOtt 36x36 hba n is ready for livesock.;; E &-. floor plan wirh an ar -trtic flair. $999,.80 . WATERFRONT HOMES STLlNNING RIVER VIEWS tan be cxn from the man- i ,-_ ..,, t, l-,I..in, tIn. nverfronm ;BR'3BA 2-itor'v i ...... H ui I": a.ra, .ith in groundd Jacuizl z pa and much S......:' $863.U00 P .NOR.AMIC \IEWS tif the o,-,sahatchee Rler awai i t.. .. BR 2 'B h.me n i th jn overs,zed prsiate ,i.F..I, t ,r-,niTL r., ,utbhriotl'e included poo ,l b ..oat .... i. i ,. ...urr. $749.000 UPGRADED 3BR2BA HOME FEATURES 125 ft of I l i t 'l '.L 1.liiLll rnt located v.1tihin mirle of r .1. .. M..- Uiirin ; .r ,,-i i t ,,ur-c $599,900 SAVOR THE %LiN .,t ',,iju pi.jt.a., atu rtrurit retreat. S -'. _. :\ i.inI 'i.cd h,,ric ,u., majestical, at the end ,, ,,-,..-1 I. rl cd h' -,.1 porrch I'.'k.,n er the river I ... ...i ~ ,.fc feature a -p riol.Luh lou, - 1.1 ,,, .. l. ,. .,i' paved .-t.uLlar drite $ 524,000 ENJOY .AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS i.ih hilui . _l< -'. \ Ir,,-l.r :i. n,..'L.able ,:rtek offersi direct a cx'ss to . .. ...-i u hi.-.; Ri er $399,000 SU'MIMER FLIN! 41,R *2BA M H ir...iudes I.5 It of ri.-er 11-.. I., n car e .. launch for |CL skit Detached . ,I I,'-- .11l..I 1.11', ,i.l.,il 'p.grjde Enjo,\ [he sun! $.195.Jit)O PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS 1 BR'2BA ,anari HOMES 3 BR 2BA CBS HOME.:.n 20 + ac boasts a 60x40\ l) .*it' r, '.h\'. b.irn,, paved dri e, artzsuc flair meets $999.,ItO 4BRJ3BA BRICK HOME ON II + AC. Function ..i'niic:.-I I0r.;,e longer, 2 add'lI pole bains. and a i C. III ELrate $999,000 4BR 2BA HOME ON 7 + AC. Private stocked pon 1 1 1. I hed I & '-2;'25 pole barn Will allow $699.900 PICTURE PERFECT 3BR.2BA I acre estate home I [.'I -ind r ier access from the Community boat ramp BR 2BA CBS HOME o,n 5+ ac. Cross fenced.ponc .t itiu.c li,' ing uith a convenient drive. $625,000 3BR 2BA CLiSTOM HOME ON 3.52 +!- FENCE l i,-i d. le ihrr...unds \%t. in thi deed re ricted commu 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 HE I RTAC LAND 1-888-675-676 1u"w.heritagelandco.com SE HABL\ EsP.rI tA t' N THE ENDLESS .OF .T-H- ..... ter.or... CBurim -of Emerald '*c iiiet ih titebtlon to ,. fl.o..., a an rock for a polished look, 125 SEnjoy harmmng-counqy liv-. ecxpan'sive :. bak'(.i a tfed.astuE i(rivei-"froitage offers scenic viewing from your fie.ced ace9. $619,000 ipcudes ack oor ar' stabi:. $99,900. -9s,2 screened back porch. $599,900 ". i .. i i i .. .." .iii " front M. H include- detailed upgrades and thoughtful ACREAGE landscape $145.000 39 + AC. WITH INCOME POTENTIAL. WATERFRONT HOMES SITES in.:lu,1,d- :B hurting .:AL-ir, '-1,111 ,'..n-g DREAMING OF OWNING YOLTR OWN 1 64+.'- In, ,:al.' Laer lle'e.1 Lind ain l,.1 i ;.l:e- secluded ac. I kland; $1.400,000 nlJ $1,800,000 MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE YOURS. INCOME PRODULIING ORANGE GROTE 2 511 + ac of rierfront ai,.ie ge snilh re irrii. l t: spoil ii.::lI[ If'iir aii:r 121i + : i. i beir l '.l easemeni hai aLCcSf ITonmi CR 7T $965.000 I.-.r ernJId Li-[ l. ilrti p -i.illuce, $12.500 IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA per ac. HARBOR. Include-, hbra d-.i k %ell -lec-tri and pruiec 13.32 + AC. OF ,:,,l.-, p-fn.- .: ,pl-f icc: ed harbor ige O.er 16.0. ti of are -ictr..int $499,000 in.J f- utle 'Aell ind p-'. i ,: r,i .:.i -,iriog 2410 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. Ri.er 'it's., I :,, h..m:-ie '. ..: $1,240,000 rietr accen., and duck pLermi Dleed re.ti'it.el c.-.miurri- OAK IIAMMOCK, CYPRESS AND PAL- ti. i +,- ac. $429,000 METI'OS Lu rl'.i. -i 11- + + : f.... ir-.L 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE -,..-1 i .I ,.I, rl,- :lin $1,100,000 IRANCHETTES. 2 53 + a ir. tle-i able deed i i-.triu.td -.1 + AC. OFF --:11 nuarairu cJd J.i -,-,-, corm m un tt $-425.000 ,i.'ii'T l .t:p. rc riJl F t .-. i" ill l p-.i 1. TAKE IN THE BEALTY OF THE RIVER tum nthi, 2 tIS ir..i-i:e ifl- itn : ia.I :.c ir. F Le'-.ulu .'i.n + a. hoire site in Pt LaBelle,- Ramn h rt-es ''i.l t i I-. I l..jic i-.d $965,000 greenbel beti,,ccn h.:.nie 1,te .i nd i 'ver. bi..,a di_,ka 30 +- AC. OF IMPROVED p.i-rime -..il'i allo ed $410.000 -- .1:lI -it:t.:l : r. P l,:lui'.-qi 11.:..- ti- .:l.:k IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER than dicrt ,at~I.,:-, : jnll.: .:-ni l:,:: $"05.000 the Calouisaha.tchee Riv'er Lbot tinrg .-rnnmu ,',rt,,. mni:r'n.a, 20 + FEN(ED AC. -: inip-l.,.'J lid golf course dlid re"urlll.nM [ H[i- it all !ii $225,500 E'l.-llcll | r.-I-i.il $660.000 20 +.-. l WITH U -l iirti :.l -pIF._ i t,-fj ,-.uiJ Il'l !,l,- B i.l -. u i, p t.. L ke- B -..l[h.'1 ni .l DREAMIS NEVER END in thiS Cis- ', r..cn J,,rili. i.--i.i- 598,000 jrkishop includes tlom 3BR'2BA pool hoFinite ith a LARGE, LOTILY HOMESITE. .-'. + . , countrN chaim, lo, ing fireplace Soaring ceilings. I ip. ,,ell| fai-.l-,, 'c 5389.000 d n and t a gourmett k- kiclhe-n. EYE CACHING -, + .I. n r i t Lilei il breeding ba.rn. 5$469.000 I in ir- 359.900 .orkshop.A. Lue 3BR2BA 2-STORY HOME SITU-i I +- AC. irli-uk ia, ar.: i-i. ATED o n 3.I5 + --ac bUXl20 pole: 1. ,.1 .. ..fili $3-15.000 d, .aries of fruit barn. 12 ork .hop Oak coerced. -r a" 5345-000 for 2 homesite-, acreatie. $415.000 3 3BR2'BA CBS HOME ON 4.82+-AC. Home offers vaulted ceilings. features a rna e spli floor floor plan and expansive back porch Cross fenced pasture S include, tack toom and stable. $399.900 . 625,00 BRAND NEW HOME 3BR'2BA CBS home. Off-water lot, quality sur- d, take advantage toundings, riverfront S, D. $389,900 FASHIONABLE AND FUNCTIONAL new construction 3BR.2BA ED AC. Country' CBS home on +,- ac lrl Quail Run S D $339,000 nits $619,900 QUALITY IS ON DISPLAY! New consttcti,:,n homes near the golf course and rnarinra. Call foi more detailed information $299.000- $399,000 LOCATION LOCATION, LOCATION. Impeccable custom 3BR 2BA home located in a uiet boating comnimunitl. $279,000 DESIGNERS CHOICE 3BR.'ZBA custom home. Stvlsh living with ualhtv features. $250,000 3BD.2BA ON SPACIOUS GREENBELT. The home to have for serious cooks! $210,000 2 BUDGET FRIENDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION, 3BR'2BA, wide greenbelt in'uies privacy $199,900 PARTIALLY FURNISHED 3BR 2BA home includes carporustorage -tOL shed. Near canal and community, pool. $175,000 GREAT INVESTMENT RENTAL PROPERTY. Duplex located on N MLK, Jr. Rental income is $400 per month. Only $39,900 MAN UFACTURED HOMES LIKE NEW 4BR.2BA doublewtde M'H on 9.54 +- ac. $475,000 10 + A(. TRACT in "luc, k .i.j anid.l .Ie .c .1 (,:,uld, b-r.:o .: r, :ni.-n:.iie- $299,900 20 + AC. .:., inr.e-smenrt p:,pe-j ir, lr ' e e,-i -i.luce $299.900 5 + AC. i" n-' ot [fBel.le a ,:'oniv j lh..it 1r- i.c.:e i.:. t h-,.,. $269,900 5 +- BEAUTTiFLI AC. ,r. p-.,:l i.-i $225,000 PIONEER PLANTA1ON,. p..: |,. I.,i ,-:'ir 0': 1.-r F,.'el. '..,,:,r.' $1"5,000 LADECA ACRLEGE, p"l .:elul gt i- -, .. i S + $165,000 2.5 + AC in I'.-.ric,- i l I.l' .i:. i .tlh .- ii l|.ll-l,,l it-d icrl [l- $"9,91)00 2.5 + AC. In It.-i 'n.ci pl.iniaii.n r,.i ,,il li.i.r.c i lo I'. i ', $"5-1,000 MONTI.iRA RANCH ESTATES. Il- I,, I " + -1.: i.: i$.",500 to0 6".500 HOMFSITS. REFINED HOMESITES i r. iilL-I,. ni, '.I -i i'Csin:t- .1 L iau- O.ik (: inFro:.-i 90,000 to 5110,000 nr .:i.,r.- i.IJ.. ,. hoiii': i, r.til bl,- I a .ll t .I .I i .11h l .-r I-ci- '] e r i.J ..:,,.: .in 1 "2 + AC(. ... I be natj l :.:1 Fl.'l,.iJ 1[ - I c jIl I.. r.i :r, : ji 'l t'1 r lit i", 'n ,ui i,:.. ,.t i-..,: rnei 225.000 HARD TO FIND OAK FILLED. ..', I.-r in- ill. -: r, i ..i llli h ..'I F a '%Il lt i -, 1 + . ..in h. 2 tru.l.l 1t-lc h,..nic'-e; $150,000 PRI'ACY GALOREI + i.: :lt l... '-I Ljrn'- Puilil,, ..i.k.jed 5125,000 ENJOY THE QUIET .-t i [i.. l:.ll.d '. + .: BEAUTIFUL WOODED 1.27 +/- AC. LOT in Immokalee 3BR'2BA doublewide M.-H and a 2BR.IBA singlewide M/NH. $245,000 MINT CONDITION 3BR-2BA M'H Ft Denaud Acres includes Storage shed & carport. $2 15,000 LOOKS SMALL, LIVES BIG! 2,-2 M.'H on I + ac features covered parking. workshop. and outbuild- ings $165,000 GET OUT OF TOWN PRICED TO SELL 3BR'2BA MH on 2 acres will make a perfect starter home. Affordable living in Muse $150,000 3 BR'2BA MH ON CORNER LOT offers built-in kitchen cabinets, ivy- ing and family rooms, fenced back yard swith deck and shed with elec- tric. Located in the counts but close to the city Clean, convenient and capable $149,999 RENTA. AVAILABLE AUG 6 3BR'2BA $1200.00/mo ir, t,-,in $99.900 CANAL FRONT PARCEL. + i .1..l.l: r1. H'..-, -I' $90,000 (HERISH THE CHARM I t rli ,: ,,nr,.l ,:,:il Mi .l 1 i:lr, I,. -2 + i.. $85.000 CLFL-DE-SAC LOT ir. -'i',li r ; ..- ...t P e i I 1 I. 1 5 ,900 WIDE UARIEFY OF HOMESITES i. ill .,.ie- I .. ,.. ] + -ll. .. ,.n-' l t,,, .. ,- I,-r l ,if. i.. ,ir l_ l. I -1 FROPICAL GULilF ACRES. ..,,,,,, .., .: h .i r l...[ .. n r l l ,, t .1 .. I n 1 1 .. . Iinu.ir. i ..i- l .. PRF.Y PLURF \ND SIMPLE il. SI, l t-. ,. ll.i ll Itl..l, $85.000 and up LEHIGH ESIATFES + i. ' ...ri .l l l [| l', r I i r i ,I b ,9 0 l 1 + n. lil.b h i. I., .. I, I I.,- i l in L:-lilJi $62.900 INDIAN HILLS I t. .......... l,'1 55 .Oti 3 TO CHOOSE FROM -i + i.: I,,I ;'",' l., h-h l ,',..i.. 4 o,9 10 o IO'h ,90t JIGUL R BL T) I, il.,. l,h I, i,, h , 1lch 1i lh,..,1p. .ll'..1 I,,l,. ,h., 552,500 COMMON E RC( IAI. 3.056 SQ fE. COMMERCLU BUILDING r. I + I1. l 1l'i i ll, ,: ii I-- : h ''i l ,k-,.r .'.' l'l.:,],:,-+ j'l 1,250,000 EXCELLENT LOCATION rORtOLUR BLSI- N ESS I E, o tolll + l .: 1 ll' . ,I. rli jl ,: l ,i 1, 11ll4, l,,.' ,',,, l W 'l0 t li GRLA BULiINE S POI I.I LU .l- , i l 1 i lll 1 I .l'l 1 ..h .,)0 0 rIt.i.tI,-i'.' 5499900 OFF HWY 80 IN LABELLE. + Al $435.000 1 1 + .' F 1 .i.. 'l-. li 1 i.3n 1 I ]'\ I [: I 1; ;,l ,. ,,,.. .,, ,, h i. $ n'),900 MOV tOLUR BLSINESS 10 11 BI11 l I..l l' m l' ll. 24.50l '1 l, ' i,,,.l..I 22 4,50() I n R. n ,e at win ytm I L Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 ' 859+/- acres on CR 78 at the Lee/Hendry County line, $40,000 per acre. * 320+/- acres on CR 720 in Muse, Pollywog Creek flows down the eastern boundary $30,000 per acre. Two 6+/- acre homesites on CR 78 in Fort Denaud, priced to sell at $75,ooo per acre. 23+/- acres in Alva of Persimmon Ridge Road, $42,000 per acre. Corner lot in River Oaks, Alva. $43,900. e-~ Call 863-675-0000 RUM "Uh"" U'"U ,U, S Be thefirst to own this quality new home! Custom -RIM. beautiful detail is what this builder had in mind when creating this spacious floor-plan and functional d&or. S [ I 'ii, Located in East LaBelleand Glades County and in one .... .....-...-. .. A .I of the most desirable and appreciative neighborhoods "i around. Minutes from downtown LaBelle and FIA !1 _---,-,,'v '- ....the Caloosahatchee River. Priced to sell .... $249,000 _- -_;;.GCall Stephanie Weatherford at (863) 612-0000 S3 Bedroom/2 Bath/2 Car Garage 1,608 Sq. Ft. Liv. Area 2,385 Total Ceramic Tile and Carpet Flooring SMaple cabinets throughout home Large Master Bath with Garden Tub & Separate Shower SLarge Combined Laundry Room With Pantry MLS# 200628737 SPort LaBelle Unit 102 Glades County rarido Real 863 675 4550 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle ;W Rodne\ Murray S' I LiS Real Estate Broker Associates: Seth Howard. Phil Lewis Tamra Franco, Jim Coddington & Kyndel Murray I. .:': .1 -. .. . 2 MORE THAN MEETS THE EYEI Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low maintenance CBS/Stucco exterior. with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside.-Features include tray ceilings. inte- rior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash and granite countertops, all windows have wood casing surrounds, a brick fireplace, and Wood floors throughout finish the look. $499,000 REDUCED 2 ACRE DEED RESTRICTED HOMESITE in Oak Haven Estates. Oak filled and backs up to beautiful sunsets over the water. $350,000 LOTS AND LAND DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced independently) for an upscale resi- dential project. $150,000 per acre. 5 BEAUTIFUL OAK LADEN ACRES located East of LaBelle. Quiet County Living for only $160,000. OVERSIZED HOMESITE conveniently located in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres manicured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. Was $105,000, reduced to $85,000 for quick sale. PORT LABELLE LOTS on the north side of 80, close to new development area & marina. Priced from $49,000 to $57,900. Call for invento- ry list. Over 60 sites to pick from. GREAT BUILDING LOT on Dolphin Cr. in Unit 3, 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 -675-1973 If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT www.newhorizons-re.com Se Habla Espanol a die for. Only $234,900. I ~ mmmc 1-lorvis ,,1:1.,,,,, Mas and Address! Immaculate in S. .: if. :.g in character, this Country style j h..,.: ..IT-., peerless quality inside and out. I.. 1.,, ,,- i .., ..Il shaded .62 acre homesite. Call lu I t implt i.ne details $349,900. i ii fr i M.'i f uN OFFER! Genuine I .,,,jl- r,., I ,' l ',, i'i being at this beautiful ,. r,, ,,-,, ,, :,, .],,wood walls and ceil- p... L.. F...- ...If, super large work- .,. '-1 1ih i ,.,i i-, '. '. ]|, i ,.: Live Oaks make the acreage feel like a park. you owe it to yourself to see! $699,900. '. ., I .,I.h i'r,. late yin JI. i. ,.. i i, ',, .. try style .I H. I-, '.h nd out. I -. I,. I,.-., : Call for .. hIh.: Iid tosee this spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing within quality, from the new Hardy-Board siding to h. ..,,...| .... '".1.1 ,,-.. hi.t. water tank, r 1 ,,,I ,,,",,,. ,. i.i. i -1 rsold. New i 1., 11. i..i,. i.., i, worry free I II h II. .. t el e i miB CBS ., ,, l, I,., .,,.r ...llIh,, i I, elle lim its. . .,.f .. I.,J. >II .-., [,.., II., H ,,'condition- ..1, r o l ,,, I 1, I ,l .'-'b iI ..3,' ,, 1 .,I J Iri nt deck to * 3BR/1B manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $120,000 *Rx for relaxation! A life long supply awaits you in all 10 acres of this 4 bedrookAlith manufactured home. There are 2 small pon& %et with a working water fall. This property can aM be split into two five acre tracts. $499,900 , Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spa- cious kitchen. Only $179,900. STired of the Circus? No clowning around about the calm you'll enjoy in this spacious 3BB/2B MH on clearetJgU Rfg fl f lflTrriftlg it the huge horse barn and workshop. Box stalls, feed room large workshop. Lower your blood pressure! $169,900. * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in grow- ing Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 * Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. * 3BR/1B manufactured home on a canal in River LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING. Horses Welcome! Upgrades include wood floors, stacked stone fireplace, granite counlertops, stainless steel appliances, crown moulding, skylight dorm- ers, and top of the line ceiling fans with deco. rative medallions. The caged pool features, spa jets, pavers, and a generous lanai. The. 12 acres is every horse lovers dream. It includes a large barn frit 3 oversized stalls and tapck room with shelving as well as a fully Irrigated riding aientbktnd"a 24x44 workshoploffice Additional Acreage available, offers must be contingent upon Glades County approval for property split. $695,000. WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY for the right investors This 20 acre parcel currently has a 1988 cedar home with galvaume roof and a 1997 sin- glewide manufactured home on the premises. Both homes are in need of rehabilitation, Seller has started the process but there is still quite a bit to do. Property can be split and is priced at land value only. $590,000 4 14-. .&Y~cvPc. 2 STORY HOME close to town just off Ft. Denaud Rd. This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has it all, location, charm, Master suite with office, screened room and more. $279,000 REDUCED. TUCKED UNDER THE OAKS. Gated and private meandering drive leads to 3 Bed/2Ba manu- factured home features include 2 screened porches, a 28x 30 shop/garage, plus a 12x16 storage bldg. with x-tra refrigerator and A/C, all on 2 Acres. $169,000. MOBILE ON 1/2 ACRE south of LaBelle with lots of Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $120,000 * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a 2 acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. * Affordable living in town!! 2BR/2B manufactured home in town close to schools and shopping. Don't let the 2 bedrooms fool you, this home has over ll00of living area! $105,900 * Best Bargain for Miles! 35 beautiful secluded acres at ONLY $25,000. per acre! WITH Pole Barn, Electric and several wells! Call ASAP for showing! * Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and elec- tric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RG1. Surrounded by upscale subdivision. Ripe and Ready for developer. $800,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your invest- ment dollars here. 25 beautiful acres with Htvv 27 frontage.Next to water plant. Property was cleared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. S5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the coun- try $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. paving and a 26x53 pole-barn. $92,500. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAT PRIME CORNER with approx. 590 ft. on well trav- eled Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm St. The front 2.7 Ac are zoned Light Industrial with the remain- ing 4 qc zoned HE.avy .Industrial. Great opportuni- ty for flex space development. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located across from the State Attorney's Office and close to LaBelle Airport, $3,064,466. COMMERnAT POTENTIAL Located approx 1 mile west of-Cowboy Way with 800 lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the proposed future Wal-Mart location. $2,090,880. M1I RD INDUSTPrAT USE with 176 Ft. on promi- nent Cowboy Way. Asking $915,000. -... ^ ir- I ,, . LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4.65 AC with 2400 Sq, Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access, just outside the city limits. Could be split under current zoning. $850,000. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL SITE just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000 HARD TO FIND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $285,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are bacd Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- ac Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further. Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $67,900. Possible seller financing. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. __*C_.No iyiISEn RI J i_ ., ...... -- .- --- - OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE. Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed.at only $525,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * Sable Palm R/V Campground truly a 50 acre gold mine!! This beautiful property features a 10 acre- 70 site R/V campground located off US27 in the peace- ful country side of Palmdale. The park even has its own fishing lake and grass landing strip. The remain- ing 40 acres could accommodate several hundred additional R/V sites. $2,800,000 * Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-l commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. 3BR/2Bath on 1 acre, close to town with a 24x32 pole barn. Large oaks, fenced and landscaped. REDUCED $144,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 5BR/3Bath really nice manufactured home on 5 beautiful acres in Muse on Cypress Ave. $399,000. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 6 and 3BR/2BA doublewide on 2.85+/- acres. Close to town. Only $194,900. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDYL. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN AND TIM SPENCER 675-0500 SC NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the corner of uG A/ BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON As. I SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE 3Bedroom/3Bath, 1 car garage in a BRAND NEW HOUSE in Port great location. Close to everything. LaBelle. All appliances included and Home has 2 master bedrooms, new washer/dryer. 3/2/2 $1,500/M NO PETS. roof, interior paint and A/C. Asking 3/2/1 IN PORT LABELLE $279,900. $1,000/M NO PETS LOCATED IN LEHIGH LARGE 2/2/2 IN PORT ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath LABELLE $850/M NO PETS. ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath,2 car FULLY FURNISHED in Lehigh garage built in 2001 and in excellent Acres 2/2/2 $1,200/m Cat ok condition. Home over looks a canal IN FORT MYERS on Gibson St. and located in a great area close to 3/3/1 $1,200/M NO PETS OUR FEATURED Ft. Myers but out enough for peace LISTINGS FOR THIS WEEK and quiet. $230,000. ON 720 IN MUSE IN PIONEER! 3Bed-room/2Bath 3Bedroom/2Bath mobile home on large doublewide mobile home on ditioacres. Asking $350,000. fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual fireplace, chased for $250,000. walk-in closets, outside building. k! IN FORT MYERS. Asking $189,900. S. Home Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Timel Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder We have "move-in ready" homes available now 9024 Maywood Cir. Cypress II. 312/2 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison 1. 3/2t/; 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II. 3/2/2 ',to jne .c J siat. .ta. 41flizi l- ~ u FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. (863)612-0012 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com QB39922 'All spec. Homes Include VA acre home site "Paved Roads'County Water"Power*Schools in Subdivision* H Rorizons Real Estate Corp. 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 12 0% financing and money for ..... 's gas a de on new al! WE CAN BEAT ANY DEALER'S LEGITIMATE ADVERTISED PRICE OR PAYMENT ON A NEW FORD! r, -., -, ,.-.l ih, uih F.uI:..j C l i F '. e i ,, tn Fr :,- Fl. )r,.:,.Ll'. 2 1 C ,.1 I. : ,.' I II(I tJ.U li 'f'l." O .M e,rAcl otJruhd uord GT Gj; M ui. ,g GF r .J l.fdii I,'"i, iru fJ[Iu4e 10 u r, I.... olu pl '. lt'a Ib.:O rsF:."kr' J t'nA=.-- .1crJ i-. ..'5,r. 'Z005 NEON SX 2005 FOCUS S, A" ,, SE 'ZOO5 MUSM%'G Sporty and very economical with only 26K miles and nicely uip,4. Only 6K miles and in absolutely like new condition-and fully loaded with Wellmaintained with room for the family and good on gas. Equipped right with a Very sporty and affordable withonly 23K miles and 4ced ngi 9 feature Includes a 2.01 4 cyl engine, auto trans, A/C, remote keyless entry, p/win- extras. Includes a 2.0L 4 cyl engine, auto trans, A/C; p/windows, p/door locks 3.0LV6 engine, auto trans, A/C, p/seat, p/vindows, p/door locks, tilt wheel, cruise include a 4.0L V6 engine, auto trans, A/C, ABS brakes p/windows, p/door. downs p/door locks ltwheel, cruise control, stereo CD and factory war tiltwheel cruise control stereo CD remote keyl entry, factory warranty control stereo CD, remote keyless entry and the balance of the factory warranty locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, remote keyless entry, stereo CD, alloy wheels rantr. Sale priced! U5680 and much more.U 5698 with only 19Km ile. 5R15. and factory warranty. In extra dean condition and on sale now! U5636 S10,811i$14,341' $13,862 $17,499 2005 GR MARQUIS LS 2003 LINCOLN LS 2005 FREESTAR SEL 2003 DURANGO SLT Save bg on his like newluxu1 6 9 5 0 sedan with only K mes and completelyloaded with In excellent condionwi8 00th only 28K miles and loaded with all the extras inuding Save thousands on this fully.loaded minan with only 17K original miles In extra clean condition and nicely equipped including V8 engine00auto options. Includes a 4.6L V8 engine, auto trans, A/C with auto temp control, p/seats engine, auto trans, A/C with auto temp control, leather interior, p/moon roof, p/seats, Features include a 4.2L V6 engine, auto trans, A/C front and rear, p/seat, trans, A/C, p/seat, p/windows, p/door locks, leather interior with 3rd row p/windows, pAocksn tilt wheel, cruise control, leather interior and factory warranty pAvindows, p/door locks, p/tilt and telescoping steering wheel, alloy wheels, remote p/Windows, p/door locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, factory DVD player, seat, rear A/Csunscreen glass, alloy wheels, remote keyless entry and U5663 keyless entry and the balance of the factory warranty. On sale now! U5616 alloy wheels, keyless entry, quad capt chairs and factory warranty. U5674 only 42K well maintained miles. Priced right! 6T636A $16,9501 $!9,500 $16,974 $ 14,800 I' 2005 EXPLORER XLT 2003 EXPEDITION XLT 2006 RANGER XL Compare and save big on this like new SUV with only 12K miles. Loaded Ford quality Checked Certified with the balance of the 6 yr or 75,000 mile Save thousands on this absolutely like new pickup with only 40 miles. Ford Quality with features including a 4.0L V6 engine, auto trans, A/C, p/seat, p/win- limited warranty and low APR financing is available WA.. Includes a 4.6L Checked Certified with the 6 yr or 75,000 mile limited warranty and low APR financing dows, p/door locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, sunscreen rear glass, roof V8 engine, auto trans, front and rear C full power pk., remote s is available W.A.C. Includes a 23L 4 cyl engine, 5-speed manuel OD trans, A/C,vinyl rack, aoy wheels, remote keyless entry and much more with te balance entry, alloy wheels stereo CD and more. Extra clean with only 31K milesnch seat, AMFM stereo, dual airbags, 3.73 ae and 4400 GW U5670 of the factory warranty. U5661 and on sale now! T622A split bench seat, AM stereo, dual airbags, 3.73 e and 4400 G R. 5670 $18,400 $19,795 $12,995 I ~~~~~1 C ~~~IE1~A ZUU HANbl Al-I Db In excellent condition with only 27K actual miles and equipped right. Includes a 3.0L V6 engine, 5-speed automatic od trans, A/C, p/locks, p/vindows, tilt steering, cruise control, alloy wheels, stereo CD/casst., chrome wheels, remote keyless entry, bedliner and more. Sale priced! U5630 $13,214 I af2002 F150 XLT SC, This supercab is very nice with the right price and includes a 4.2L V6 engine, auto trans, A/C, p/moon roof, p/windows, p/door locks, tilt steer- ing, cruise control, alloy wheels, remote keyless entry, stereo CD, cab- steps, alloy wheels and more. Priced to move! 6T585A $12,995 2004 F1SO STX SC 4X4 2005 F150 FX4 SC Double sharp and in extra clean condition with only 29K miles. This supercab 4x4 This 4x4 is equipped right including a 5.4L V8 engine, auto trans, A/C, includes a 4.6L V8 engine, auto trans, A/C, sliding rear window, tilt wheel, speed electronic shift on fly 4 wheel drive, skid plates, sliding rear window, tilt control, tow hooks, stereo CD/cassette, fog lamps, sport cast aluminum wheels, wheel, speed control, p/windows, p/door locks, p/mirrors, fog lamps, privacy glass and the balance of the factory warranty. U5687 remote keyless entry w/keypad, 3.73 limited slip axle, privacy glass and factory warranty with only 29K miles. U5639 $20,900 $23,985 2005 F250 XLT SC 4X4 Be ready for any job big or small with this extra clean superduty pickup. Includes a 5.4L V8 engine, auto trans, A/C, 3.73 limited slip axle, 9200 GVWR pkg., p/windows, p/door locks, p/seat, privacy glass, trailer hitch receiver, premium stereo 6 disc CD, fog lamps, advanced security group, aluminum wheels, cab steps and factory warranty. Priced right! U5697 $25,770 -.Soum~m -'meow 2006 Fords, now that FOR. ON,,FR 41 YEARS, NO GIM'MICKS! PUTUS. TO THF TFSTI Yot.17`1-1,, FIND OUR PR.1,CF IS A THE Rl-GITT PRICH WiNm-'tz. ov B")[u) PRFS Awmzt) I OR OU-1 S"I'ANDI NG I ILANOFORID I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22,2006 no Everyone can grow summer roses By Barbara Oehlbeck In spite of the deer, armadillos and the huge soft shell turtle, our summer roses are splendid. The bushes are big and healthy and not a day goes by without buds and blooms. Not long ago, in Spring, the deer came regularly, nipping and chewing off tender new growth as well as buds. We tried every- thing suggested, including the hottest of hot sauces poured over some of the tender new growth, black pepper, chlorine (the kind that goes in swimming pools) that was placed in plastic plates near the base of the plants and the smelliest plants we could find which turned out to be lantana in full bloom. The books) on such things say that deer highly dislike strong, pungent smells, so these full-blooming plants were plant- ed all along the garden and around the biggest plants. And we got a dog. At first she, Josie, raised such a ruckus during the night that I knew not a deer would come'within sight of the house. Not so. There were still signs of chewing of new growth. But then, the new growth that did somewhat survive grew bigger and stronger and less damage was noticed. One fine morning, there were no less than five bushes dug com- pletely out of the ground, pros- trate beside the hole they had been growing in. They had not dried out completely so they were replanted, watered and shaded. Three survived; two gave up. The next morning three more suffered the same fate. Of course, they got replanted, but none sur- vived. In the meantime we'd put out a Have-A-Heart-Trap for armadillos, properly baited. The next morning, the trap was untouched but the rose bush was dug completely with not a spoon- ful of soil left on its roots. And I thought: what's the use. I left the bush, returned to the house and wondered what in the world to do next. Well, that same after- noon Josie started barking and generally raising cain at one end of the garden. I rushed out to see what was going on and lo and behold, a wash-basin size soft shell turtle was scooping out soil and throwing it in a pile right beside my prize yellow rose that was yet a nameless variety anrd it was lying beside the hole. I had bought it at Wal-Mart simply because it was in full bloom and priced at only $3.98. Of course I knew it was not a number one plant and I had no idea of its iden- tity. I just knew it was too beauti- ful to leave there. Did you ever try to move a big soft shell turtle that didn't want to be moved? Finally, a hard spray of water from the pond hose persuaded her to "plant" her eggs some- where else! At least for the time being. I replanted that bush in the same hole, then picked up the other one to put on the burn pile when I noticed a glimmer of green at the base. Of course by this time the bush had sloughed all its leaves and the canes were as dry as old bones. On the way to the burn pile the phone started ringing and as I passed the door at the carport, I saw Josie's water bucket, plunged the plant in the bucket almost covering the whole bush, and rushed on in to answer the phone. Three days later I noticed Josie's bucket with the rose bush still in it. Upon lifting it out, much to my surprise, most of the wrin- kles had smoothed out and the canes themselves were a fairly healthy shade of green. Of course there was not one leaf. So I hastily mixed some good loose soil in a big pot, planted the bush, placed it in dapple sun 'n shade and waited. Now, some three weeks later, it has leafed out with good strong foliage, and all five canes are vibrant green. There's not a bud as yet but then when canes produce healthy foliage can buds and blooms be far behind? At this point, in late June, it's still a mystery as to what was done to discourage all the early problems. Probably a little of each. Maybe the major one being Josie's presence. All this has made me realize that the joy of roses is not neces- sarily fed with dozens of bushes and hundreds of blooms, but rather just to have roses, even a few is a joyful thing. Summer roses bask in glorious colors, shapes and sizes and their early morning and late day fragrances Post For Free *O AteftowMemftw A" den RW~bRod M kv~ Summer is for luxuric are beyond description. like these not ragg Roses are ever sun-loving. If very war there is a rose that will bloom garden. happily in shade I do not know of rose can it. North Carolina and Florida half way experience of growing roses has and plur shown that the world's most water. PI beloved flower, the rose, must in the re have a minimum of six hours sun becomes a day. (More of course is much the refri better.) And yet, only this month, them up in a national magazine, the writer their los "vowed" that roses only require grance. four hours sun a day. Sure makes cut the s1 me wonder where he got his your fav information! Early Since summer roses bloom to cut ro: more often it's highly desirable to ing beau keep them well fed and watered. Here The rainy season is fine for pro- roses bl viding water but there's nothing Spring tl magic about the consistency of p rainwater to keep your bushes from becoming thirsty. To tell lV-/ when they need water, simply feel of the soil around the bush and look at the foliage and new growth. If the soil is dry, they need water. If the foliage has a papery appearance and the new growth is limp, yo4r bushes are thirsty. Water thoroughly. As to feeding, any fertilizer formulated for roses is fine. Sprinkle a half cupful around the entire plant, then water. And if you're not using mulch, start now. You'll need less water and less fertilizer. A layer of mulch 4-6 inches thick will do wonders. Do not place mulch close up around the trunk or canes. Leave a circle of at least 8-10 inches so air and sunlight can get to the soil around the bush. . If you're using regular, ordi- nary fertilizer you'll have more blooms if it's applied every 4-6 weeks. For long-feeding fertilizer, like. Osmacote, follow directions on the package. There really is no difference if you follow the direc- tions for both. The long-feeding type costs considerably more. And now a word to the wise about cutting roses. Use sharp clippers so as to make a clean, / se. ed cut. Take a vessel of m water with you to the As soon as you cut the e, strip the leaves about y the length of the cane ige immediately into the ace the vessel with roses frigerator until the water s the temperature inside gerator. You can leave to several days without sing color, form or fra- When they are removed, tem again and arrange in rite vase. in the day is the best time ses for longevity and last- lty. in this warm climate, oom the year round. In hey bloom more prolifi- call, but it is the nature of roses to bloom in cycles. Naturally, too, there are some cultivars that are "once-yearly" bloomers, so don't expect them to be ever-bloom- ing. Now. For all those who love roses but say "they're too much trouble having to spray, etc.," read this carefully: The roses that produce the most blooms over longer periods of time) are the antique roses, roses of yesterday, old world roses. These have lived and produced for centuries, so it only stands to good reason that they have weathered the storms and become so disease resistant that no longer are rose diseases a factor to them. This is not to say, that you'll never see a blackspot or other diseased leaf. But they will be few.and far between and will not affect the rose bush adversely. In our garden and in the gar- dens of some we know well, here are some of the names that will "win hearts and influence -rose growers": Mrs. B. R. Cant, Old Blush, Red Cascade, Cadenza, Belinda's Dream, Cecile Brunner 'and there are more. A call to the Antique Rose Emporium will reward you with a free full color catalogue. Call 1-800-441-0002. And for more information on a magnifi- cent Guide To Old Roses, call 863- 675-2771, or E-mail: doco@'stra- to.net, Fax same as phone. Mailing address: 25075 Grassy Run, LaBelle, Fl. 33935. Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida, PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press ' releases, announcements & information from your ,community. * Connections Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post your personal messages on an open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade Wireless Sales Service Accessories Owner Lori White V- 863-612-0237 863-675-1570 Fax * Closed Sundays Located Next to O'Ferrells' Florist 153 S. Main Street x cingular- LaBelle, FL 33935 Af' coolconnections@swfla.rr.com #24r BIlHickout Protection .Security & Veace Of Mind completelyy Automatic *.P, hlalu l Gas, Diesel Adds Value To Your Home '15,000 To 200,000 Wats F ctroiy Authorized Warranty Service BO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES Local Links A directory of websites for location government. teams, organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers, distributed to 31.000 homes. * South Bay Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof New Name, Same Commitment With the merger of Big Lake National Bank and Seacoast National Bank completed, our customers' experience is made even better through added senices, flexibility, and convenience. New services include free checking with online banking and bill pay, a Telephone Banking Center with extended weekday and Saturday hours, Treasury Management, investment, trust and estate planning services and more. All with the same local decision-making and personal service you've come to expect. All of us at Seacoast National Bank look forward to serving your financial needs and to seeing you at community events around town. In the coming months, our signs will change to display our new name, but what won't change is our solid commitment to serving you. Sincerely; - Joe Mullins Regional President Seacoast National Bank Seacoast NATIONAL BANK www.seacoast national.comn 800-589-1657 NASDAQ:-SBCF A subsidiar~v of Seacon ~r Bank&ing Corporatio~n v Flcrida 1 II6ISZId.coill Con',t umty Links. hd ,/ivIducl wbt,: s. ---- -- ZZA 4l 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22,2006 Kids WIN at summer camp .By Kristin Hunter The Hendry-LaBelle Recre- ation Summer Camp held at LHS had a week-long program called the Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranches Day Camp Harmony in the Streets Wellness in Nutrition Program A.K.A the WIN pro- gram. It was made possible by a free grant from the Attorney General's office that goes all over Florida to 67 counties teaching students about nutri- tion and wellness. There are approximately 60 9-12-year-olds involved in the program at the Summer Camp this year. This is the second year for this program. Each day a new group came to speak to the kids for a one- hour demonstration between 10-11 a.m. On Monday, June 12, members of the sheriff's office were there to do fingerprinting. On Tuesday, June 13, the Sher- iff's Office Crime Investigation" Department was there to talk about crime investigation. On Wednesday, June 14, medics were there to give the kids a tour of an ambulance and talked to them about first aid. On Thurs- day, June 15, the Sheriff's Office was scheduled to talk about Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter A W.I.N. leadership counselor doing an example of what it's like to be on a stretcher with certified EMT Dan Grause. search warrants. And on Friday, June 16, the fire department was at the school to talk about what they do. The students did things to create team building such as arts and crafts, talk about envi- ronmental education, play water sports, have a challenge course and play a game called Harmony that is an anti-bullying game. Nine-12 year olds gradu- paramedic Lt. Bob Midea and ated from the program on Friday around noon and received a cer- tificate, a T-shirt and a wellness package that includes things for good hygiene such as deodor- ant, a hair brush, tooth brush, toothpaste, soap, etc. The Recreation Summer Camp runs from June 12-July 21 from 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and is currently full. Join the American Sewing Guild The next meeting of the Southwest Florida Chapter of the American Sewing Guild will be held on Saturday, July 22. The meeting will be at the Lee County Extension Service located in Terry Park, 3406 Palm Beach Blvd. in Ft. Myers. Registration .will be from 12:30-3 p.m. "tephanie Kimura, a wear- able and decorative pattern artist, will present: "Bags with style plus hints and tips on bag closures." The American Sewing Guild is a national non-profit organi- zation dedicated to the advancement of home sewing. Membership is open to all that would like to learn about sewing. Chapter meetings are held the fourth Saturday of each month. Guests are wel- come to attend two meetings before becoming a member. Membership dues are $40 per year and include the chapter newsletter and special dis- counts from local merchants. For further information, call: Club President, Diane Stramel at 239-458-2858. newszap.com K Community Links. Individual Voices. low COST PET VAcoINATion OAu AnnuAI VACYOnATIOnS FOR DOGS. CATS & FERRSTS SAVE on Heartwornn Prevention & Flea Protection Products Rabies $7.00 [ Available at: LABELLE RANCH SUPPLY 281 S. Bridge St., LaBelle (863) 675-4250 Saturday, June 24 from 7:30a.m to 9:00a.m. TRACTOR SUPPLY S 2395 S. Olga Rd. SR 80, Ft. Myers (239) 690-3002 Saturday, June 24 from 9:30a.m to 11:00a.m. I Call 1-888-673-8838 ForMore Information SOR visit our websiteat www.888petvet.com Same Day Service Lab On Premises SING16E $390 Single FULL SET $720 Premium PARTIAL $365 -Each Porcelain and White White Shades Available MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is preformed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service., examination or treatment. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights Thurs 9 8 216 S. Maii Street Llnit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 CHRIST THE KING rLutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1V, 3'd & 5" Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Mere everybody is Somebody and Jesus is ord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net PREVAT'A i Honest & CONSTRUCTION, INC Dependable Palmdale c s urMot po Product BEDDING 1060 Hfwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www .witesfsirniut'ureassappliancesvcoms CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior Liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTeC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National / I it hiir.iiri. Compaity I 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) 675-3233 STATECERTIRED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC08030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CLASSIC CONchrs HAIR AND TANNING SALON 283 South Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 674-1122 Hours Monday thru Wednesday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Smart Tan Accredited Salon IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENTO 300 Davis St. -En la esquina de Bryan Ave. Domingo: Servicio 10:00 a.m. Estudio Biblico 6:00 p.m. Martes: Servicio 7:30 p.m. Estudio Biblico y Clase de Ingles Pastor Ben Millican 863-674-0837 Iglesia: 673-0782 Ciro C.: 571-0377 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net STATE FARM INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neglhbor, State Farm Its there." LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTINS 6 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell. 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 5 AB2171 e .. -a PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 Osceola Concrete Services LLC Colored Stamped Concrete Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exterior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair and Resealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SouTH FPr. MYERS 1,866 2269400 I GROi Ai'tit? HANDYMAN CARPET CLEANING TREi,& LAWN .\lN MM ,\N '.mJ r CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us on the web at w w.alliii .20Ot.coni Se Habla Espantol AK SERVICES Total Landscaping, Interlocking Paving Stones, Land Clearing & Final Grading Services, Mobile Detail & Pressure Cleaning Services, Concrete Additions & Pumping Services Drywall Finishing, Texturing & Strucco Services Mark: 239-872-4680 Amber: 863-673-2320 Licensed & Insured Randyv's Garage, Inc. Yoir Local ACDdw Car Care Ceter 863-675-1032 737S.n,ridg St LaBelle, FL J.1 No'rt h of JLangford Fordc LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET Wholesale flooring warehouse 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY 80 LABELLE, FL 863-675-8575 Largest In-Stock Selection 0 at Roop and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES S OFFICE: V (863) S.675-7045 LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500 WSUm. IAl0 Hwm CISTO 863-983-9121 MOLUNtS SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-409 1 licensed an inshturcd M0 W, hugarand Hwy fpNwiltl Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West JLaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC | HC1017,9SP Licensed & Insured OFFICE (863) 675-8314 LABOR FINDERS DAILY WORK-DALY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Suna d H (Across fra CeMstoi (863) 902-9494 14.1< Mladison Awc. [smmokalcc, FL Ior appoint issxlts call 239-658-3000 Walk-ins Welckome IMMOICALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER i Lakei .. Rd Inmokalee, FL Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 CALOOSA LAWN SERVICE Licensed & Insured FREE Estimates Mowing, weedeating edging and trimming Speciali ing in Customer Satisfction Call Ed & Diana Kuntz (863) 675-6432 or 't, 673-(863) 673-6544 LANGFORD 851S 8. Main St xcLaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 Yall" Spoken Here! XMRiE CtUS8. INC. Constru,:(ion Conmnercal Residenual 863 675-0810 239 344-6712 S e'reth -, , Z'Homes NEW HOiM[I LONSTRL'CTION p)863-612-0070 0 863-612-0080 825 L C:, bv: Way Suite 108 Lalkik, l, 33935 --P ;ii~~ ii-- 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jacks'on River Where Quality ii Dote in Style 5; ('ii.'l^'MI U ;M;[ fl|r1 SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES WEEDING MOWING PLANTING Sod Replacementl & other lawnMainlance CALL (239) 357-2972 Lie.& Insureid e-mail: casperbhnb4','1 ,',ilth ...;' "When you need a service, call a professional!" WT e ?7| | j 'Call 863-675-2541 or email us at cbelle@strato.net OlL Z-7 "to place your ad! HFION Nlu DOM III? Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 1 Pre-Kindergarten Program at Country Oaks is big success By Kristin Hunter COES is having a voluntary Pre- K Program from 8-3 p.m. Monday through Friday for children ages four and five who will be attending kindergarten in the fall. In order to attend kindergarten students have to be five years old by September 1. There are approximately 50 kids currently attending the program which runs from May 31-July 27. The students are in a class of about 20 students, with one teacher per every ten students. They are served breakfast and lunch and are involved in PE, art, mMusic and playground as well as learning things such as letters, sounds, col- ors, shapes and numbers, how to walk together in a straight line and how to spell their names. They also work on motor skills by using Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Miss Andrea Letso and Miss Lisa Bennett's Pre-K class danc- ing and singing in the classroom Legos, putting chains together, etc. They do a lot of dancing and singing in order to make learning more fun and memorable. They have learned things with music such as The Five Senses, Trixy Triangle, the color yellow and the number three. They learn a new shape and number every week and learn a new letter every three days. They will cover ten units over the course of the summer including, but not limited to, colors, senses, food and nutrition and the body. There is a nurse on campus in case of any mishap. The purpose of the program is to prepare these students for kindergarten. They are given homework every night to help pre- pare them for the workload in the fall. Miss Andrea Letso and Miss Lisa Bennett both agree that this program should be mandatory because it helps these kids tremen- dously. They also feel that there would probably be more students attending if there were busses avail- able. Instead, the parents have to take their children to and from the program every morning and after- noon. However, lunch is served for free and so is the program. Having students who possess basic skills, such as writing their names, is a huge help to the kindergarten teachers on the first day of school. About half of the children so far can write their names while the other half are still working on that skill. Overall, Miss Letso and Miss Bennett feel that this is a great way to prepare your child for his or her first year of school. The major dif- ference between the Pre-K Pro- gram and kindergarten is that in kindergarten there is only one teacher per 20 kids and at the pro- gram there are at least two teachers and possibly a paraprofessional per every 20 kids so they get a lot more one-on-one help in this program. - ~ ~ a-- OPENING NovEMIBER 2006. THE OF DAYTONA. BEACH. The Ultra-Luxurious Oceanfront Condominih,, it, ill' i-:,,n,' -rL. "' "- ,r.,.. and6 ..,Ii S',i ['h ir il.,:.- . Oceanfront Pool with Sun Terraces and Lush Gardens .Iltrj-l.itiry 2 and 3 Bedrootm residences with Fireplace, Panoramic View Balconies, Gourmet Kitchlens and Designer Baths. Call today 1.8(,,6-741,,8317 unvmoanadyc~ncn eBusiness program online F., i n .1 l lIt ,.'..l UI r l ;ir ; i i.i d ir ." 1 ID dlJLI',ilcSi irhut ],i,. ing Iholimi je 1.800.342.4325, ext. 3-2347 North Dakota State College of Science S -r' il 1 i l t IJI I T a, I i I f i n . l'l .ll l.' I, li,.11l, l l, j1, |,nih ,'1. B ? I, ll...: ..: : -, n. ..:: ... ... -- - BL U Marine, Inc. 18631675-7711 i- 1863 615-100 uIC#HC3ss.s 5P ) and Insured Commercial & Residential Ban &'Pet..,- Se am Stall Caffse With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates, References & Service Call 863-675-3231 I%*Ns* *I VstlsidF- Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at:. www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers tChe Kniq CQRoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net PORT LABELLE INN The OE OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OXBOW DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bames@alankellymortgage.com Phot A,,, .' - "q, T ,i.. SPECIALS %%\.ph, il ri.i|ph> In | 6 m\ 11. Cafoosa Shores Waterfront Hfomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 <.. ,.,- ,, Mva: 239-728-9998 ' LaBelle: 86n3,6 )0 , w-wwars)on-weahers.c(en . E-Mail: mati@bunron-'weiathers co ni r D a I .1 .1111. ,-,. l l l_,t l ., ,i l SECRETARIAL SERVICES From My House Typing/Data Entry Spreadsheets Bookkeeping Cold Calling/Telemarketing/Sales 30 years' experience Reasonable, affordable Save money No payroll taxes, insurance or overhead Please call me with any questions, 863-674-0416 SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espanfol ADVERT'!F VOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net 2"!ew Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! ' GREG MINERS I.". LS j! Uc Real Estate Broker R ,clr l-irot.ll. Inc. Lisa Aw rews lic, Real Estate Broker 238 N. ,,. i iaBdlle. f. 3393 863-675-8868 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-92541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net BankofnAmerica . SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle EDISON PLUMBING, INC. Scratchley hn. i l',iii., Inc. NEW ON. I t:Il.' lIl0 SMALL COMMERCIAL PRESIDENT, SERVICE REPamRS CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (2S9 690-1824 875 Industrial Ct.* Laelle, FL crc1s42( "ligr m ishATs INSUREsD COUNTRY HOMES & IANO REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloxidaLandSalescom 233 N. BRIDGE ST ON M comn OF BRI S i & WAinMON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web cat www.ocakreciltyinc.com Properly management r ..rentals sales La \CINDY L. ALEXANDER c I EAL RESTATE BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 SBa nks ton : Realty r.a P I -r ,,r So1D PRESSURE CLEANING 673 S4565 THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 RODNEY MURRAY Lic. Real Estate Broker I ..k l- FLT 863-675-4550 ^ RIVERSIDE .'-REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 w ww.lab e llcriverside.com i .-mail: rwtest ate@labellerive)l.ske.com MLS Iadea5Iistatr lO, r S. RESORT FULL 1oo1K-UP RN.v SITS CLUBHOUSE i:LN I 'N l , POOL MEMBERSHIPS, AVAILABLE, CALL": tFtMN.AU.\I' I [ON (863) 675-3641 Se Hlabla Espauno HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (35 Years Experience) Expect something extra" 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net IENTAQ6 LAND CON. 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762- www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espailol DONNA KANE AI L. IW f [ I... r.I,, ll PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER CUCINA Di CIELO STEAK, SEAFOOD & PASTA 700 W. LEELANDHEIGHTS BLVD. SUITE 103 LEHIGH ACRES, FL 239.369.8883 HUNTERS, TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863-675-0403 71 fJ.* Hy'~ Ja. ''''. ".- i RON POINT . ^.. "When you need a service, call a professional!" call 863-675-2541 or email us at cbelle@strato.net .- to place your ad! q 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 C maswi s ls Toll Free 1-877-353-2424 Announcements1 Merchandise Employment Agriculture 1II30 I Financial Rentals Automobiles --r---- --- RENT...i-I I - Services Real Estate r~. ........... TII 5000AA III. personal otOL.UTEL for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call * Sources Today For Details! Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center V, Line Adsw ,~Mw'ay I a. sforThLAFXcOv P0b~kOffa, _ S/Display Ad& VISA Announcements lmp.:,r n| nlr.',:.rm31n,,r. RlM- l relad l, ur 3,J Carshull the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word "advertisement'. All ads accepted are subject.to credit approval. All ads must conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage,'Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 50 Lots in Blount County, TN, and 3,200 sq. ft. home to be sold at auction Saturday, June 24, 10:30 AM. Furrow Auction Co. (800)438-7769, www.furrow.com. TN Lic. 62. Absolute Land Auction in the Blue Ridge Mountains. 206+/- acres offered in 5 tracts, each with incredible views. Wythe County, VA (just 5 miles from 1-77 & 1-81). Perfect for horses. Auctionon July 8th at NOON. Woltz & Associates, Inc. (VA#321) Brokers & Auc- tioneers. (800)551-3588 or www.woltz.com. Auction- 131+/- acres-divid- ed. Highly improved cattle farm, equipment & registered Angus herd, Irvinville, GA, Thursday, June 29, 10:00am. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388, 10% Buyers premium GAL AU- C002594 www.rowellauc- tions.com. ** LAND AUCTION 200 Props Must be Sold! ** Low Down / EZ Financing Free Catalog (800)937-1603 WWW.LANDAUCTION.COM N.R.L.L. East, LLC Auction Business License: AB2509 Mark Buleziuk Auctioneer Li- cense: AU3448 Jeffrey John- ston Auctioneer License: AU3449 Stacey Mauck Auc- tioneer License: AU3447. MULTI-PROPERTY AUCTION Home, Lakefront Homesites, Residential Tracts, Wooded Homesites, Ranch Land 11am, Saturday June 24, Higgenbotham Auctioneers M.E. Higgenbotham CAI FL.Lic# AU305/AB158 www.higgenbotham.com (800)257-4161. DOG, Male Cur, in Platts Bluff, last seen 6/9, neutered, light brown/white, med. size, bob- tail. (863)467-6960 Reward MINIATURE SHIH-TZU, Ap- prox. 11 mo's old. Male, White/Brown/Black. Male. Wt. 4.2lbs. (863)675-6238 FREE DIRT- You dig & haul away. Call 863-635-2980 I.pca Noti TWO DAY ESTATE AUCTION Sat., June 24 @ 10 AM Preview @9 AM Sun., June 25 @ Noon Preview @ 11 AM 21190 SR80 (Palm Beach Blvd.) Alva, FL. (Next to the Alva Diner) UNBELIEVABLE LIFETIME COLLECTION OF QUALITY ITEMS!!! RAIN or SHINE SEATING, SHADE & FOOD! Antique China and Glassware including Westmoreland, Flow Blue, Staffordshire, Depression Glass, Hobnail, Occupied Ja- pan, Nippon, Royal Doulton, Tuscan, Royal Chelsea, Sevres, Royal Rudolstadt, RS Prussia,Czech Vases, Noritake, Crown Devon, Fire King, Homer Laughlin, Limoges, Harker Pottery, Yellow Ware, USA Pottery, Sleepy Eye, Salts, Collector Plates, Hull, Lenox, Wedgewood; English Silverplate'RFG Coffee-Tea Set and Candelabrumns, 1951 Singer Sewing Machine, Rem- mington Bronze, CM Russell Bronze, OrientalCarpets, Ameri- :,i- Enrirpri.- ; Anriiqu ,iu Wjgon,, CarfriTAccordion, Artwork, Antique Prints, Set of 81950's McCoy Budweiser Mugs, Antique Beer Signs & Steins, Baskets, Shotguns and Ri- fles, Horse Saddles, Victorian Settee, Chairs, Rockers, Claw and Ball Table, Victorian Baby Carriage, Antique Sleighs, Rock- ing Horse, Musical Instruments, Oil Lamp and Paperweight Collection (Joe St. Clair and others), Clocks, Radios, Victorian Baby Buggy, Barbie Corvette, New Fairy Queen Lamp Stove, Large Maple Drop Leaf Table, New Craftsman Riding Mower, Garage and Household Contents, Lawn Furniture, Bedroom and Living Room Furniture, Roll Top Desk, Leather Sofa, Amish Oak Table & Chairs, 2 Wooden Antique Washing Machines, Lighting Fixtures, Wooden Antique Band Saw, Lots of Craft Supplies, Christmas, Restaurant Supplies, Pair of Marble Foo Dogs on Pedestals, Cow Bells, Sleigh bells, Erie Rat Trap and Much, Much More! Still Unpacking! Visit Our Website For Photos, Terms & Conditions. Cash / Check /10% Buyers Premium / 6% Sales Tax www.liquidatorsonline.com ASSET LIQUIDATORS 888-675-2233 or 239-218-005.0 AU 2781 AB 2369 Uarg. Uarag./ Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 GUINEA PIGS (2) females with cage. FREE to good home (561)261-2702 Belle Glade MANURE: Free, You Haul. 863-612-9833 or 239-340-5992 Get a quick response to any item you may be sell- inn with a classified ad. MultiFamily LaBelle, Sat. June 24th 7am 3pm, 1644 Garden St. Something for everyone! See you there. LABELLE- Sat, June 24th, 8am-?, 2555 County Rd 78, 12 boxes 24x48 ceiling tiles, dishwasher like new, oak ext door new 32x70, diam plate tool box, ladies 10 spd, table w/4 chairs, 2 sinks, faucets, lots of clothes, women & girls (863)674-0595 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. One Tuition fee! Many payment options! NO Registration Fee! (888)808-5947 info@ameri- casdrivingacademy.com. When you want something sold, advertise In the classfileds. I. aNi I nt Ro0 and Construction, Inc. 1 FREE ESTIMATES I Meltal RPots *- Re.Rools R oof Repirs Pole Barns Virnyl Siding Sohil & Facia Office (863) 675-7045 ..wI,- ^A -i*i ,,n. Inc. PLACE YOUR AD HERE CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting at S39.95 oPer D HUNTERS Tree Trimirrnin SSltuMnp Grinding SShaping & Topping 863-675-0403 Ln-*,Vnn Fn[' h'1 n 'u HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- s TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Employment - Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Full-Time 205 Excavators; National Certifi- Employment - cation, Job Placement Assis- Medical 210 tance; Associated Training Employment - Services (800)251-3274 Part-Time 215 www.equipment- Employment school.com. Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 One man's trash Is anoth- Sales 230 er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad In the classi- - fleds.F llT -ACCOUNTING POSITION Available must have a 2 or 4 CLUBHOUSE RENTALS year degree in accounting or For Weddings, Parties, related field, good computer Banquets & Quinceaneras. Call and communication skills a 863-675-3641 plus, Benefits Available. Se Habla Espanol Fax resume to: Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- (863S763-6169 orApply at: tionships? Buy and Read 3079rNW8th Street DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- 30Okeechobree.t bard Call (813)872-0722 or Okeechobee. send $8.00 to Dianetics, COOKS & WAITRESS 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- Needed for Big V Restaurant, pa FL 33607. (863)675-2917 Patsy. CARPET AND LIPHOLSTERY CLEANING S' ,. r ,, l l hi .. . HtNDI1.AN REPAIRS NVD LMNTENANCE !,,., ,, ,,, ..i ,. (863) 6'5-7297 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. - r I ri. II S .lu II lIt ,'k l i'n .,' 1'ri m .,. ;,I I d. ii ,.l ," 'i i ,, -, ,; i. n -v i, i OFFICE (863)1 r675 831 C aU Kelt in r'owvnhend Co'iU (8(:3' 673 ,3783 PREVA'TT CONSTRUCTION. INC -T I a I L .' .Jiffl READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORLD AROUND YOU. & Emlymn Ful Tme 115 Emplomn Ful Tie 115 HELP WANTED Probation Officer Supervising the Probation Department, Juve- nile Community Control Program and monitoring probation- ers during their probation period. Must have a valid drivers license, basic computer skills and a High School Diploma or an acceptable equivalency Diploma. Custodian/Floor Technician Must be able to work evenings, work independently, and have no criminal background. A valid drivers license is required. Electrical Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a li- censed contractor., , Code Enforcement Officer All candidates must be computer literate, able to multi task, and become certified as a code enforcement officer within six months of hire. Mechanic I. Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an au- tomotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred. Mechanic II. Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, three years experience. Both Mechanic positions require class B driver's license. Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewis- ton. Mechanic I also in LaBele. GIS Coordinator for the LaBelle office. Must have Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or university in computer science, geography, or related field with considerable experi- ence in the use of geographic information systems or 8yrs equivalent experience. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Com- missioners HR department. Driver Wanted! We are looking for a minimum CDL "B" with Hazmat who is looking for a better opportunity. Our starting pay is a minimum of $12+ hour and we guarantee a minimum of 45 hours per week, plus quarterly cash bonuses. In addition, we offer a benefit package that includes Health Care, fully paid short and long term disability, life insurance and a 401 K retirement program with matching employer contributions. Cut out the long commutes and call this LaBelle company today. 800-330-1369. *******************..*....................... Drug Free Work Place Excellent Benefits & Pay 401 K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Trucking, LLC. or call 863-675-4410 V Mon-.tri mul-rni 8 mr 6 pm FIND IT FAST DIRECTORY! , '. : { ** Fuctions lAuctions 3 i I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 Empoyen FullTim Empoyen FullTim Empoyen 05 The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and advancement are encouraged to apply TODAY $9.00 plus tips $9.50 per hour $5.50 plus tips $5.50 plus tips $7.50 per hour $9.00 per hour $28.00 avg. w/grats $10.00 + B.O.E. $10.00 per hour $12.50 per hour $10.00 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst Security Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com * Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL . 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace I ArDIrIIITIIDAI MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston. and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 F UNITED STATES SUGAR CORPORATION HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER I This is an HR Generalist position supporting industrial and agricultural operations clients. The successful candidate must provide assistance to line managers in union contract interpretation and company policies and procedures implementation. Must be qualified to counsel managers to improve employee performance and have strong organizational development skills. Must be experienced in working with compensation, benefits, workers compensation, and employment. Acts as staffing liaison between department and staffing recruiter including interviewing and establishing position criteria. Candidate must have 8-10 years HR experience in a manufacturing/industrial environment and experience with'Federal Employment Laws. For further information, please visit wwwussugar.com. Please email resume to mnelson@ussugar.com Telephone: 863-902-2876 FAX: 863-902-2889 Online: www.ussugar.com US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. H.., E DRY RIDGIONAR. .;VE C AL CENyT'ER c a."' L9dd, ro, m C. .,-.. A.,iL .w - IPN I or i (Fr,PT Perdlem) F it l ; ; iV ,, I. ir:i i ,ni ..i n.,1,1: ,: .: ,.j Full Urmen E.R RN III SafI/Supetnisor SnAid1 ir: F1 .1l, i r,,: .p S L VA, r iL t -, PeTrdoi- RN Nursing Supervisor 1 li IL Urj h. S, + J,-i-l, .-. Mu.1 h .e ,j r. u .. -up.u .i..,:, -i l,. L3 l'C S 0. Full ume/Prt time/At Horne- TRANSCRIPTIONIST .hl.l I .. .J.. ..1j-.1. i uhl l,. ,,l L ,i ,LL L I ,u,,-l , Per Diem- C NA Monitor rech .Ij I p; : 1 31 : r : d I mo'.l .li r ih hTi r. p- .0 -in i' i. ': i r Full ime. Paticl CoordinaLu, '[,' .. ... .i "" '.l ., i '.1u.j .... "'.r ,, ,";r<"' | ." I .. ," " >' ( f. .r'h t.r, l i ,riI l :,'t' l .',l ,.-pL ifti Per Diem C NA r.iu i ] o .a, FI. C ri C., Full Lime- CCU Nurse Manager Valid Florida license and ACLS reo. 5 ycrs clinical exp. and 3 years of CCU skill competencies reQo I year of management cxp. necessary. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 To apply, please complete application at 807 E. New Market Rd., Immokalee or call Human Resources @ (239)657-4421 All the miles you can legally handle!!! Come drive for All American Xpress! Late Mod- el Equipment, No Touch Freight, No East Coast. 2yrs verifiable experience. Good driving record. (800)282-1911 x115. CAREER MINDED FT SALES ASSOCIATE: Some Weekends & Nights SOffering Medical and 401(k) plan. Please apply within: Vision Ace Hardware, 350 W. Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL. OFWP Clerical Work 10 hr. min. work week, $250-$500 per week average. Will train. No exp. req'd. Needs internet. Simple refund research. Call ERS for interview. 1-866-311-0701 DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. Driver- HOME WEEKENDS. Flatbed Drivers can earn $950+/Week at PGT. Great Benefits & Equipment. Stu- dents with CDL-A welcome. Call (866)838-3584. DRIVER NEEDED CDL Class B drivers license required. Must have clean driving record. Good benefits pack- age. Drug Free Workplace. Call (239)657-3168 and ask for David Carreno or apply in person at: United Agri Products 116 Jerome Dr. kmmokalee, FL Driver-HIRINS QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers: Did you average $1.88 in your Tractor or $1.45 in your Straight Truck last week? Our drivers did! Tri-State Expedited (888)320-5424 FIRST APPRAISAL Has the following positions available. OFFICE MANAGER Must be experienced in Outlook and Word DATA ENTRY / BOOKKEEPER Email: firstappraisalOl@earthlink.net or fax resume 863-675-1005 HELP WANTED Apply in person LaBelle Florist 82 N. Main Street HR GENERALIST: w/3+ yrs. in HR needed in Immokalee. Hiring/recruiting, data entry of payroll chang- es and maintain personnel files. Ability to travel and A+ computer skills a must. Agri- cultural experience & bilin- gual skills (Creole / English / Spanish) A+. $12.50 +/ hr. and benefits (239)657-9764 fax susanm@sixls.com email. Immediate Openings Full Time Welder. Pay based on exp. Call (863)675-3424 LABORERS: For Landscape & Lawn Maintenance. Good pay. Benefits included: Company Payed Medical, Life & Dental. (954)605-6951 or email: fivepointscorp@bellsouth.net EOE/DFWP em --I Emloynm e~ntflaa Full Time m 'o IIT'm 12 1 UNITED STATES SUGAR CORPORATION RAILROAD TRACK INSPECTORS We are currently looking for six railroad track inspectors that must be able to read, speak, and write English and complete the Company TOST Test. They must be able to work with minimum supervision and perform math calculations pertaining to the job. Must be willing to undergo a training period of not less than 6 weeks and successfully complete the entire program. Must be able to couple and uncouple equipment and check switch points for proper alignment. Must be able to work in either division, Clewiston or Bryan Railroad Operations Department.. For further information, please visit our website at www.ussugar.com. Please e-mail resume to mnelson@ussugar.com Telephone: 863-902-2876 Fax: 863-902-2889 Online: www.ussugar.com US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minonties are encouraged to apply. I Empoyen Empoyen Par Tie 'Il CALOOSA BELLE is looking for an Part time time with somewhat flexible hours The ideal candidate will be self-motivated with an outgoing personality, more than average computer skills, bilingual, a plus, understanding of digital photog- raphy and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers a unique work environment where employees are .trusted and empowered. e-mail resume to: jkasten@strato.net DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E. Sugaland Hwy a.rom Clewiton In) (863) 902-9494 INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799. MECHANIC NEEDED at Feed Mill. Experience on Semi Tractor Trailers a benefit; Benefits avail. Apply at: Syfrett Feed Co., 3079 NW 8th St., Okeechobee (863)763-5586 MEDICAL ASSISTANT Experience preferred. Bilingual English/Spanish pref. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. Fax resume to (863) 983-9604 or apply at 315 South W.C. Owen Ave, Clewiston FL EOE/DFWP National Carriers is a growing Fleet offering, Regional & OTR, Excellent Benefits, Weekend Hometime, Out- standing Pay Package & Lease Purchase Options. CDL-A Required (888)707-7729 www.nation- alcarriers.com. OTR DRIVER Paid immediately after trip re- turn. No Waiting, 2yrs exp. pref. refer a plus, Call Josh (239)222-4201 THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem & F/T. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0999 x122 www.bilingualsinc.com. Seeking semi truck driver to transport produce to various FL locations. Must have 2 years experience. Must be able to work long hours, and some overnight trips. Must have a valid CDL class A driver's license and an excellent driving record. To apply, complete an application @ 805 E. Main St., Immokalee or call Human Resources @ 239-657-4421. Grab a bargain from your neighbor's garage, attic, basement or clos- et In today's classfloeds. We're raising pay for Florida Regional drivers! Home eve- ry weekend! Home during the week! Solid weekly miles! 95% no touch! Pre- planned freight! $.43 per mile HEARTLAND EXPRESS (800)441-4953 www.heart- landexpress.com. WILSON MILLER WILSON MILLER with offic- es in Florida's fastest grow- ing regions, hasimmediate openings for PSM to man- age FDOT Transportation re- lated projects in South Florida. FDOT Survey proce- dures, Microstation, Geopak & CaiCE experience a must. Survey CAD Technicians, Party Cheifs, Instrument men with like experience also needed. In return for Sour commitment to excel- ence we offer excellent salary and benefits including Health/Life/Dental/Vision, 401K, ESOP, Tuition reimbursement and more. EOE/DFWP Fax resume: 239-263-6445 careersO wilsonmiller.com or call: Karen @ 239-263-6464 X7010 ANIMAL CARETAKER Must enjoy working outside w/animals, be able to speak English and work Sat. & Sun. Leave message @ (863)674-0321 CASE MANAGER POSITIONS Hendry and Glades. Bachelors degree req. Exp.with elderly helpful. Salary $27-32K. If in- terested and qualified, please call Senior Connections @ 863-675-1446 P/T SITE MANAGER & HOME DELIVERED MEAL DRIVER Needed for senior meal program in LaBelle and Clewiston. Clean driving record, H.S. or GED required. If interested and qualified, please call Senior Connections @ 863-675-1446 Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people CERTIFIED NURSING ASSIST- ANT: Full or Part Time Private Care Work Needed. CPR. Great references! (863)675-7105 Bartender Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Dining Room Server Dishwasher/Steward Housekeeper Poker Dealer Maintenance Worker Security Qfficer TAD Machine Technician Vault Cashier COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TUTOR Tutoring in Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, in your home Will design spread sheets etc upon request. Call Lynne at (863)675-7049 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, tutoring. Win.95,98, 2000. ME, XR licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contact the Transportation Dept. at 863-674-4115 or Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.k12.fl.us GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs 863)675-1166 863)673-6388 LABELLE LAWN Lawn Service Excellent rates, License Rob & Karen (863)517-2077 Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! -BEAUTICONTROL~- Spa America Need extra money? Want more time with your family? Have both, create your own lifestyle with the BEAUTICONTROL family. Join now, for more in- formation please call: Debra or Stephanie @ (863) 675-1312 classicconceptd@earthlink.net NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- menatthat is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. HomeOwners! BAD CREDIT * PLEASE APPLY! BK's, late mortgage payments, Fico scores to 475! 24-hour ap- provals. NO Payments until July 1st. FL Licensed Mort- gage Broker. Meridian Capi- tal (800)424-0888.. IMMEDIATE CASH!!! US Pen- sion Funding pays cash now for 8 years of your future pension payments. Call (800)586-1325 for a FREE, no-obligation estimate. www.uspensionfund- Ing.com. Services i f'I I T I Babysitting 405 ChHd Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 CUSTOM HOME DESIGN & PLAN SERVICE. Specializing in Country Old Florida style homes. 30 years experience (239)370-8532 HOUSE PLANS Accurately & Economically prepared. Engineering approval available. (863)675-7926 CONTACT ME FOR INFO on home business classes for roadrunner cable internet. 863-673-6533 CRIMINAL DEFENSE AC- CUSED?? Need a Lawyer? Trial Defense Attorneys 24 hrs DUI Traffic All Felonies, Misdemeanors & Major Crimes A-A-A Attorney Re- ferral Service (888)733-5342. WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS Copper & Brass . Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760, 257-0879 Higgin's Tree Service 25 years experience, Free estimates. Lic. & insured. Call 863-675-3955; Find It faster. Sell it soon- er In the classifleds Merchandise Air Conjitioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 BuDding Materials 540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys 9 Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 AIR CONDITIONER-'05 York 3.5 ton package unit w/ heat, new in box $1250 (954)309-8659 AIR CONDITIONERS (3) 5,000 BTU'S; Window Style. Newly services. $135 for all, will sep. (561)676-0427 WINDOW UNITS (2), Amana 5,000 btu, $60 or will separ- ate. (863)655-0030 DISHWASHER- Whirlpool, Under the counter. Has a black, almond panels. $75. (863)763-7695 or 634-8037 KENMORE WASHER/DRYER- Fair Condition. $50/pair. (863)357-3981 RANGE- Whirlpool, electric, self cleaning, $100 or best offer (863)675-0969 LaBelle REFRIGERATOR, Good for soft drinks. $50 (863)763-1370 REFRIGERATOR-W/ice mak- er, good condition, $100 (8863)517-1974 La Belle WASHER & DRYER, Maytag. $400 (863)763-3451 WASHER/DRYER- Whirlpool, Both in service. $175. 863)763-7695 or 34-8037 WASHERS & DRYERS $95 & up, Up to 1yr warranty REFRIGERATORS & STOVES (239)694-0778 GE STOVE HOOD- With lights & fan. New in Box. $100. (863 946-3570 SHED- Wolly, 10'x12', $4K new. Includes Extras. Asking $2475. (863)634-5753 Okeechobee. ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE! "ONE WEEK LEFT!" 20x28 NoW $4200. 2!5x32 $5800. 30.42 $9200 40x62 $1,900 Be3t rne' price in- crease. Front end optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. PRE-ENGINEERED STEEL BUILDINGS. 30x40 was $13,200 now $6,800. 40x60 $21,860 now $10,520. 60x80 $36,120 now $17,740. Other sizes up to 100,000 sf. Erection Available. (800)720-6857 Shop here flrst! The classlfled ads ALUMINUM AWNING- 11, Various sizes, 12' to 4', Ask- ing $500 will sell separately. 863-634-8608. - METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direcl From Manufactur- er 20 c.olo;' in slroc. in i ll l Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. ELITE COMPOSED ROOFING PANELS- New 4'W x38"L, 3" insulation, $2000 for all will sell sep (863)763-5011 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Country Garden Few scenes are as peaceful and refreshing as a coun- try garden on a spring morning. That's probably why the garden has become such a popular decorating theme in recent years. Now you can give your own home that country charm with the help of a full- color, 24-page guidebook, "A Country Garden." Featuring 15 country-quaint garden projects designed for easy-to-sew and no-sew applique tech- niques, the book includes complete step-by-step instructions, full-size patterns and more. Country Garden guide (No. P9132) ... $7.95 Also available: Bunnies & Friends guide (No. P9143) ... $7.95 Please add $4.00 s&h To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD craftbook.com Money Back Guarantee ASPHALT MILLINGS Clean, crushed asphalt material. $300 per load (18 cubic yards) plus delivery (239)872-1739 (239)872-1757 HOUSE WRAP, 1 full roll, paid $100, asking $50. (863)983-7625 leave mes- sage ROOFING PANELS Alum.,' 6, 5 @ 10'4', 1 @ 10'x18", 3" insulated, $600. Call 863-634-8608. WINDOWS (4), Half round, white, never used. $100 (863)983-7625 leave mes- sage SWING SET, Solid wood. $150 (863)612-4800 DISHES: Tuscan Rooster de- sign, 8 place settings, 3 pc. canister set, 3 pc. mixing bowl Now $60 (863)674-0098 BLOW UP RACE CAR: 1992 Rusty Wallace Miller. $125. (863)675-1033 Leave mes- sage. LaBelle. FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS (3-400)- Racing & Comic. late 80s early 90s Exc. cond: $400 or best offer!! 863-763-8943 WEB TV- computer w/2 key- boards, $75 (863)902-0257 BUNK BEDS, Wooden w/Dresser. $20 863-612-9833 or 239-340-5992 CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, 2 pc. w/5 shelves. Hand Made. Must see! $650 (863)763-8943 COUCH, Tan, Excellent condi- tion. $125. LeBelle 239-822-5955 DRESSER W/MIRROR (6) drawer w/matching (4) drawer chest. $150 Call 863-675-4557 after 5:30PM END TABLES (2) & Coffee Ta- ble Good condition w/glass top. $250,neg, for all. (863)675-6498 - RACE CAR BED- Little Tykes, blue, mattress not included, excellent condition, $150 (863)634-3069 RECLINER, Lazy Boy. $25 (239)394-7005 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 22, 2006 SECTIONAL L SHAPED, w/2 Recliners. Great condition, Paid $1500 sell for $600. 863-634-2139 SLEIGH BED- Twin complete, no mattress, $35 (863)675-7105 Sleigh Bed, twin, solid wood, whitewash, w/mattresses, $300. (863)634-5943 SOFA & LOVESEAT- blue & mauve floral, exc cond, Buckhead Ridge area, $125 neg (863)357-6113 SOFA & LVSEAT Royal blue/beige, under war., 2 side tbis, 1 coffee -Must See- $1200 (305) 345-6741 SOFA BED, Good condition. $75 (239)394-7005 SOFA, LVSEAT & RECLINER- good condition, $300 (863)675-3699 BOWFLEX EXTREME, 6 mos. old. $650 (863)634-5943 CIRCULARMATIC TABLE- Glo- ria Marshall, Like new, $1400. (863)357-1183 EXERCISE BIKE- New Bal- ance, 6.0, like new $300 (863)467-0668 AIR COOKER- Flavor Wave, new, $50 (863)634-5914 SHELVES 2 Matching, Ivory w/black board n bead backs. 5'x2'. Great shape. 9 mos old. $60. (863)674-0098' LIFE CHAIR: New, Mauve col- or, $1300 or best offer. (863)517-1570 LaBelle ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical, *Busi- ness, *Paralegal, *Comput- ers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Com- puter provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.Onli- neTidewaterTech.com. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays 800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. HOV A ROUND- easy to oper- ate $2500 (863)357-0125 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Save! Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Catalog CALL TODAY! (800)842-1305 www.np.etstan.com. PIANO, Standard "Story & Clark". $550 neg. (863)675-6498 COCKATIELS (3), $60 for all or will sep. (863)763-2738 DOBERMAN PUPPIES, AKC 7 Black & Tan & 3 Red. Health Certificates. Parents on prem- Ises. $450. (863)634-6097 DOG CARRIERS- 2 small, $30 will sell separate (863)697-3090 LAB/CHOC PIT MIX PUPS- healthy, $50 each, (863)634-9245 PIT BULL PUPPIES- 3M/5F APBR Lowriders. Ready to go! (863)634-6601 or 634-2250 SIAMESE KITTEN- Male, shots & dewormed, $200 (302)242-8600 JACUZZI, Large, outdoor, 6 people, very good condition. $250 (863)612-5037 SINGER, 1978, in cabinet, in good condition. $100 or best offer. (863)467-1046 TOSHIBA- Model CF3566A, 35" Works good. $250. (863)675-0161 TV, 42" RCA, Excellent condi- tion. $800 new, asking $400 (863)447-1198 Join all the people who say, "Isold It n the clas- AIR COMPRESSORS (2) Portable, 120 volts, 1 & 2 hp, $195 for both, will sep. (561)676-0427 GENERATOR- Craftsman, brand new, $600 (863)357-0125- READING A NEWSPAPER... maOes you a more infmwed and teresting perMn. No wonder newspaper readers are mor su cess ll PING PONG TABLE, Regula- tion size. $40 (863)655-0030 XBOX, with games, good con- dition. $100 (863)634-8118 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 WHEEL CHAIR LIFT, Inexpen- sive, For back of car. (863)517-1570 . Do-It-Yourself Ideas Deer Planter Trio This trio of deer planters is not only a fresh and attractive way to display plants and flowers, but it's also fun and simple to build. The small deer is 16 in. tall by 14 in. long by 7 in. wide, the medi- um deer is 24 in. tall by 22 in. long by 10 in. wide and the large deer is 32 in. tall by 30 in. long by 13 in. wide. Deer Planter Trio plan (No. 745) ... $9.95 Animal Planters Package 3 plans incl. 745 (No. C103). $21.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects). $2.00 Please add $3.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), clip and send with check to: U-Bild, 15241 Stagg St., Van Nuys, CA 91405. Please be sure to include your name, address, and the name of this newspaper. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee Uffce.pac FOR LEASE!!! 800+/- Sq. Ft. Office Building located on Busy Street downtown. Call for details. Riverside Real Estate, Inc. 863-675-2718 Toll Free 1-877-675-2718 Agriculture Christmas Trees 7i45 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/'Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds./Plants/ Flowers 865 TRACTORS (4) Older. Great for parts. $400 for all, will sep. (239)728-3567 Appaloosa Gelding, 12 yrs. ,old, 14' hands, white w/leop- ard spots, easy keeper, good on trails, $950 or best offer. (863)634-9751 BEAUTIFUL RED SORREL 1/4 Horse, 12 yro mare, great manner,16 hands, $1500 incldstack (863)357-1693 CORRAL, 7 or 8 pieces. Very good condition. $700 (863)675-3054 PALOMINO- 5 yrs, 15.3 hand, Barn & pastured, Not a be- ginner horse. $1800. (863)357-1945. Evenings SILVER SHOW HALTER- w/lead, horse size, $65 (863)763-6336 Okeechobee SORREL MINI HORSE- 7yo, gelding, $200 (863)763-0577 YOUTH SADDLE- asking $400 or best offer (863)902-8883 BEHIND THE SHED SALE Lawn mowers, Edger, Yard vac; Awning windows & more $185. for all (863)763-0120 LAWN MOWER-Snapper 42" ZTR Yard Cruiser. $375 863-763-6617 LRG COMPUTER DESK- Ad- justable height. Removable top $50. or best offer. (561)633-1371 RAILROAD CROSS TIES- 100, $800. for all, will separate. (863)801-1666 ROTO TILLER- Troy Bitt, 12hp, w/attach, elec start, self prop, like new, $1200 (863)763-1377 SNAPPER, 1982 tractor, built by Massey Ferguson, 55" belly motor, front/end PTO, $1,000.863-674-0216. CALVES: Shots, Wormed $200 & up. Also Cows: Young & Healthy. $400 & Up. Will Deliver. 863-235-0838 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 Your new car could be In today's paper. Have you looked for It? Rentals Mj- ---i- -- .-. -..... **H.. ; Apartments 906 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 LaBelle,2BR/1BA Located on Okeechobee River. Gated property. Completely furnished w/washer& dryer. Patio & dock. 1 yr. lease. No children or pets please. Non-smoking env. $1000/mo.,1st& last required. 239-337-7514 Industrial For Rent 1080 Commerce Dr. Labelle 750 sf Office, 4000 sf Ware- house, 2500sf Fenced yard. $2975. mo. 239-822-5955 3BR/2BA HOME- Cental A/C, Ig.rooms. $950 mth. (863)675-0104 I I'^^ LaBelle- 5 Acres- corner lot, Crescent Ave SW & Fay St. (305)812-2008 Office Space For Rent Wallace Plaza on Cowboy Way Contact Jo Ann Finelli at (863)674-4722 OKEE. -2/2, internet, cable, tumrn, exc location, no pets, no kids, Profes- sional, single, clean, $500/mo + until. (863)610-1939 or sweetheart_34974@hotmail.com FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, each unit alarmed, area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV & trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'xO10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x2020" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. Completely Furnished Condo on Ft. Myers Beach, 2 swim- ming pools, jacuzzi, $650 for wk. of .7/22-7/29. (863)675-0104 Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos,' Townhouses Salel1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 BEAUTIFUL D/W on 5 Acres, between LaBelle & Clewiston. Horse fenced. Private & Se- cluded. Some owner financing avail. $229,000. Call 239-297-5864 LABELLE- 425 S Davis St, $175,000 Call (863)673-1737 or 863)673-8944 LABELLE- FSBO, 3/2/2 CBS, 2767 sq ft, .75 acre, $305,000 (863)675-3833 or pleal@edison.edu. PORT LaBelle: Unit 4 Move In Today! ~ Newly renovated, near schls., Large yards, New S/S Appl. 4/2 @ $175,000. or 3/1 @ $142,000. Call owner: 863-673-5071 cshdz_04@earthlink.net 1/4, 1/2 and 1 Full Acre Lots. 6, 7, and 13 Acre Parcels. Fully Platted and buildable. Highlands and Hendry counties. Call Mr. Preston (800)796-6569. 15 ACRE FLORIDA RANCH ESTATE Only $69,900! Short Drive to the Gulf of Mexico Just Minutes'from 1-10 Won't last Call Now! (866)950-5263 Ext 650. FLAGHOLE, 1 acre, w/'99 doublewide, 3BR/2BA, city' water, large shed, landscaped. $150,000 (863)902-9355 MONTURA RANCH 1.25 acres, dry, clean lot. 745 North Palomino St. $60,000 or best offer. (786)709-8789 TENNESSEE ACREAGE w/ Views Amazing Views. 4 Beau- tiful Seasons. 125 acre parcel. From the $40's. Minutes to Fall Creek Falls State Park Planned Club House, Nature Trails. Call ,for appt. 866-481-1810 VENUS, FL- 5 acres, borders Preserve by Fish eating creek, wooded, $160K, (863)699-6925 or jdwright55@hotmail.com LABELLE- beautiful city va- cant lot, buidable, 156 Hend- ry St., 1/4 acre, $79,900 (561)721-2550 or www.ineedhomeinfo.com Port LaBelle Lot, .25 acre, in growing area, close to schools, $46,000 neg. Call Chris (863)673-5071 ASHEVILLE, NC AREA HOME- SITES 1 to 8 acre parcels from the $80's. Gated, river- front. Just outside Hot Springs, NC. Awesome own- ers' clubhouse. Nature trails, river walk. Phase 11 Fall 2006. Preview now. Call (866)292-5762. Office Space Rent LABELLE, 2BR/1BA, $500 sec. & $200. wkly, A/C. Must mow lawn. 863-675-3665 MUSE, 2 & 3 Bedroom Mobile Homes. $1,500 deposit. No dogs. (863)675-1614 PARK MODELS TO RENT all utilities paid. No pets. Aqua Isles Mobile Home Park (863)675-2331 9am-Noon Casa Manufacturada, 3/2 Ba- nos, en '/2 acre de propedad lista para ser occupada. Fi- nanciamiento disponible. Llamee al (863)675-8888 Casa Manufacturada, 4/2 Ba- nos, localizada en una neuva area entae Immokalee y La- Belle, .5 acre. Llamee (863)675-8888 BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION. MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES W/SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES, CABINS, CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountainrealty.com (800)841-5868. BENT TREE Golf and Tennis, Gated Community in the North Georgia Mountains with Clubhouse, Pools, Lake, Stables. Homes and Lots available. Craft, Inc. (800)822-1966 www.craf- trealestate.com. Buyers Market Coastal North Carolina 95-100% LTV Fi- nancing Call CCL Inc. Realty (800)682-9951. "Cabin's, Land, a d Much More for Sale in the North Georgia Mountains- Right at Your Fingertips" www.North- Georgia4Sale.com North Georgia's Internet Market- place. Coastal Southeast Georgia. Large wooded water access marsh, view, lakefront, and golf oriented homesites from the mid $70k's. Live oak, pool, tennis, golf. (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspoint.com. Cool Western NC Mountains- escape the heat, hurricanes and high prices. Homes, cabins, lots acreage, invest- ments. Prudential Great Smokys Realty, Downtown Bryson City. Call (877)476-6597. EUFAULA, AL WATERFRONT 1/2 to 3 acres normIn e 40s Gated with Planned club- house, docks, and boat ramp. 2 hours from Atlanta & the coast. Rolling terrain, beautiful hardwoods. (866)882-1107. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. KY LAKEFRONT PROPERTY 1 to 40+ acre parcels from the $40s. On Lake Barkley near Land Between the' Lakes. Lakefront, view & wooded sites. Phase II open now! Call (866)339-4966. Lakefront and Lakeview Prop- erties Nestled in the hills of Tennessee on the shores of Pristine Norris Lake. Call lakeside Realty at (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? In- vest in rural acreage throughout America; coastal, mountain, waterfront proper- ties. 20 to 200 acres. For FREE Special Land Reports: www.landbuyers- guide.com/fl. NC MOUNTAINS- Gated com- munity with private river and lake access. Plus gorgeous mountain top views. Swim, fish, hike. From $29,999.00 Call today (800)699-1289 or www.riverbendlakelure.com. PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN GEORGIA. ACREAGE RANG- ING FROM 10 TO 1000 ACRES TIMBERLAND, FARMLAND, AND MINI- FARMS. VISIT WWW.RU- BUYINGREALESTATE.COM OR CALL (866)300-7653. PEACHSTATE GAL#2550. Tennessee, N. Georgia. Su- perb living opportunities/in- vestments. Beautiful mountain, valley, lake: homes, cabins, retreats, lots, estates, views, boulders, streams. Waldorf & Co, Re- altors. Chattanooga. Sewan- ee. (800)489-2402. www.wal Idorf.com. VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on very large pris- tine creek, very private, ex- cellent fishing, canoeing, good access, near New Riv- er Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountainsofVA.com Western New Mexico Private 74 Acre Ranch $129,990 Mt. views, trees, rolling hills, pastureland, wildlife, borders LM. Picturesque homesite at 6,700' elevation. Horse- back riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect family ranch, elec- tricity. 100% financing. NALC (866)365-2825. Mobile Homes Mobile Home- Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 STEPS- solid alum w/handrail, for mobile home. $50 (863)697-3090 W o wonder newspaper readers enjoy life morel DW 2003, 3/2. family rm, 2nd kitchen, on corner lot In Tan- lewood Oaks w/1640 sq..ft. 149,900.561-385-3282 Manufactured Mobile Home, 3/2 Bath, located in LaBelle. Financing Available, all (863)675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Home, 3/2 Bath, with 1/ porch on .5 acre lot. Ready to be occu- pied. Call (863)675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Homes, 3/2 Bath, located in a beauti- ful new subdivision, home & land available. Call (863)675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Homes, 4/2 Bath. Land fully devel- oped, pkg. deals available. Call (863)675-8888 Mobile Home, 3 cuartos, 2 banos, localizada en Moore Haven, lister para ser occu- pada. Llamee para mas in- formacion. (863)675-8888 Ext.0000 MOBILE HOME, 3/2 Bath, lo- cated in Moore Haven, Fi- nancing Available for Pkg. Deal. Call (863)675-8888 Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skits 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehlcles/ATVs 3035 COBRA '92, Bass boat, 17ft., 120hp Johnson w/trolling motor, Shorelander trailer w/new tires, fish finder, boat cover, radio & more. $4750 Call Kim (863)467-4821 COBRA BASS SKI BOAT, '17', 140 Johnson Outboard, bi- mini top, good trir., Must Sell, $2500. (863)612-1648 JOHN BOAT-11' Fiberglass V- haul, new paint, trailer. $500 or best offer 863-673-0919 PONTOON BOAT, 1991, 20 Ft., Aluminum. New trailer & Car- pet. Overhauled motor. $4000. 863-234-9663 PONTOON BOAT 24' SEA SKIMMER Needs little work. New Magic Tilt trailer. $1500. Must sell 863-634-2139 PONTOON BOAT CAMPER EN- CLOSURE- fits 20' boat, was $2000 will take $700 or best offer (863)763-5011 SEA KAYAK, NW Pursuit, tour- ing, 17ft. Excellent condition. $600 (863)357-7406 SEA KAYAK, Seda Glider, lightweight kevlar, brand new. Half-price at. $1500 (863)357-7406 TRITOON 25' BOAT- 115 Yamaha-4 stroke eng. w/100 hrs., 4 fishing chairs, Cover, Dual wheel trailer. Great Deal $7000. Eng. is worth morel Owner Moving. 772-519-2263 TRAVEL TRAILER- '95, Salem, 5th Wheel, Exc. cond. Very clean, $4500 863-763-7727 or 772-263-1803 When doing those chores Is doing you In, It's time to look for a helper in the classifieds. 5TH WHEEL CAMPER- '89, 35' Coachman, needs some work, $3000 call for more details(863)675-2844 HONDA SHADOW 750 -'83, great shape, 23K, $1400 or best offer (863)697-2198 VOLKSWAGEN TRIKE, Mint cond. $15,000 invested, asking $10,000. YAMAHA 2002 VSTAR 1100, 2k, many extras. $5800 (863)824-0801 YAMAHA VIRAGO, '04, 250V twin,1,100 mi., windshield plus extras, showroom cond., $2850. (863)674-0149 Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale In the classl- fleds and make your clean up a breeze MANCO 260 CC '04, Less than 100 hrs, comes w/trailer, will consider trades $2200 neg. (863)441-4534 READING A NEWSPAPER SAVES TIME BY HELPING YOU PLAN YOUR TIME WISELY Automobiles Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four WheIel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 CADILLAC DEVILLE 1988, Vintage edition. Dark metallic silver, beige interior. Faux con- vertible top. Vogue tires. New battery/brakes. Florida car. All the bells & whistles. Low mile- age. Exc. cond. $8900 best of- fer. (863)467-4811 Okee CADILLAC DEVILLE '92, 4 door. $3000 or best offer. (863)673-4594 CADILLAC DEVILLE '99- maxed like new, low miles, new tires. $8500. Negot. Must Sell. 863-675-9293 CHEVY CAVALIER, '90, 4 dr., light gray, $900. (863)674-0670 after 5 pm CHEVY LUMINA URO SPORT 1993, Runs good. $1300. (863)763-7314 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 1988 Looks good. Runs great. Cold A/C, 4 Door & 4 New tires. $1000. (863)675-1754 FORD ESCORT '94, 2 door, auto., a/c. $1000 (863)612-5037 FORD ESCORT STATION WAGON, '95, $1200. (863)634-4518 LINCOLN MARK VII '92, 5.0, V8, auto., low miles. $2500 (863)675-7105 MAZDA 626- '95, 4 door, 2.0L, Auto, A/C, All power w/ new tires & battery $1000 or best offer 863-261-4538 MAZDA MR6 '90, New trans., 8 new tires. $1000 (561)305-3321 OLDS CUTLASS, '69, 350 Rocket, runs good, needs paint job & trim, $2000 neg. (863)675-2759 PLYMOUTH NEON '99, 5 spd. Great car, great on gas. $1500 (863)634-3386 or 863)634-8672 VOLVO 240, '92, $2500. (863)634-4518 AUTO WANTED: Looking to buy Antique Car/ Convertible/Truck. Please call (954)561-2776r Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people CHEVY '78 3/4 4X4, On 40s mudd truck, no title, runs/drives good $2500 neg (863)441-4534 FORD F-250 1982 6CYL, 4 speed granny low tranny. Good mud/farm truck. $800 Call 863-697-3865 JEEP WRANGLER 1992 Brand new engine. Brand new every- thing. Runs excellent. $10,000 or best offer. (863)697-6132 BUSHINGS-URETHANE, for Mustang '86-'93, & shock tower braces, sacrifice $150 for all. (863)824-0801 CAB W/ ROOF RACK SLIDE WINDOWS- burgundy, all in- tact, off '98 Toyota Tacoma, $250 (443)205-0955 DRIVE ON RAMP- you must remove and haul $125 (863)467-4328. EURO TAIL LIGHTS '00- Ford Focus $75 call after 5pm (239)657-5504 FRONT END, for CJ5 Jeep, with locking hubs. $50 (863)763-1370 SET TIRES- (4), 37" MT on 8 lug rims, (2) 10-22-5 semi rims & tires. $100 for all, will sep. (863)357-3981 WHEELS & TIRES, For Ford Mustang, 15" cast ten holes. Tires like new. $200 (863)674-0212 CHEVY '88, Full size, runs ex- cellent, 146k. $1250 (863)763-6591 Chevy Silverado 1500, '95, diesel, 4 whl. dr., $5000. 239-770-6718. FORD F150 '89, Runs good, needs body work. $750 or best offer. (863)357-0223 after 6 p.m. FORD F250- '85, 4x4, Runs good. Has Super Swamper tires. no title, $1000 or best offer (863)634-0187 FORD PU '88- 4x4, AC, PW, PL, orig miles 82K, asking $4350 or best offer. Must Sell (863)467-6875 or (863)634-5753 TRUCKS (6) F-350's w/4 good diesel motors. $1800 or best offer. (561)633-1371 JEEP RHD '75- route ready, rebuilt trans, new rear brakes, tires, paint, runs good, $3000 (863)763-05774005 DUAL AXLE TRAILER- 12X6.4, New tires. Electrical wiring included. Needs paint $550. (863)675-0161 Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used items In the classfelds. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notce of Foreclosure of Li Uen and intent to sell these vehicles on 07/3/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR., LABELLE, FL 33935.5456, ursuant to subsection 713.78 of the lorida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY. COP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1G1BN53E2PR112411' 1993 Chevorltet 1MEPM6241PH616970 1993 Mercury 143011 CB6/22/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENDORY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 06/26/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR., LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, ursuant to subsection 713.76 of the lorda Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1GCOC14K6JZ189504 1988 Chevorlel 143045 CB 6/22/06' NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Len'and intent to sell these vehicles on 07/14/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR., LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the lorida Statutes. HENORY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 3G2J012D1SS887395 1995 Pontiac 143008 CB 6/22/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWIN(-& RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of ULien and intent to sell these vehicles on 06/26/200, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN- BOW CIR., LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, ursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Iorida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1GCCS1441SK154525 1995 Chevrolet 142994 CBO6/22/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and ii'l i.)' l I'rI i Ior, 'e ek l.l: ie 3 1in UI A fi i)|l ll) uI) ,l i Jui .j RAIMIt o. LA' BR LuELLE FL .'i5-iJ55 i,:i.E vil O R'/ P;l ri ierw.i' r A nll I.t . 121BA2420OWM003974 1997 Torlno Trailer Servilce CRL84442M79J 1979 Crest 142998 CB 6/22/06 UTILITY TRAILER, heavy duty, w/drop gate, brand new tires, $800. (863)357-1080 WELDING TRAILER, w/boom. $1200 (863)763-3451 CHEVY STEP VAN '85- cus- tom steel shelf, runs good, $2500 (863)635-7276 or (863)528-3032 Frostproof GMC VAN '91- 3/4 ton, has some rust, runs & drives reat, real strong work van 800 neg. (863)763-4149 Public Notices Miii AA |