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Busi. CHIP focuses on bridge Page 3 FOR -"t.....r.. . -l ,-, I$..7 IFRAR ". -I.. JA LOOSLT'^^ D 00elivGrinEgVi--ete.r.H dL. I.- Delivering Western Hendry Count___ At A Glance Cit takes step to new water ,V d. l Government boards to discuss growth County, city and school board representatives will meet Tuesday, June 20, from 5- 7 p.m. at the Dallas Townsend Building, to discuss how best to manage growth and devel opment in this area. A draft interlocal agreement will be presented at the meeting. COES FCAT scores available FCAT scores for 4th and 5th grade students of Country Oaks Elementary are available at the school office. You may come by and pick them up Monday through Friday, 8:00 - 3:00. After July 1, the 5th grade scores will be available at LaBelle Middle School. Help make shelter a reality The Homeless Coalition is seeking donations to build the hirst homeless shelter in Hendry County. The small shelter will be located next to Freedom Fellowship Ministries on SR 29N. If you would like to help with a donation, please make checks payable to Free- dom Fellowshil' Ministnes, co-- SUnited Way House, 117 Fort Thompson Ave., LaBelle, FL S33935. Help women get new a new roof An account has been set up to help two women have their roof repaired after Hurricane Wilma Dorothy Riddle and her daughter Patricia are both disabled and need $4,400 to replace the roof oh their old home. They have no.insurance to help and have been turned down by FEMA. Since a plea for help in the Caloosa Belle, LaBelle resi- dents have helped out with over $1,000 in donations. The women greatly appreciate the generosity but more is needed. Please send a donation to the Dorothy Riddle Benefit Fund at Olde Cypress Bank. Burn ban continues A little rain hasn't dimin- ished the fire hazard for this area. A resolution of the Hendry County Board of County Commissioners pro- hibiting unregulated fires is still in effect. Family Film Festival schedule Movies are free; showings 9:30 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m. June 20, Hoodwinked; June 27, Chicken Little; July 4, No movies today holiday; July 11, Skyhigh; July 18, Special surprise. 6 p.m. showings: June 20, Dreamer; June 27,Yours, Mine, and Ours; July 4, No movies to day holiday; July 11 Batman- Beginnings; July 18 Hitchhik- ers Guide to the Galaxy. Index Classifieds .......16-18 Editorial ............. .4 Speak Out ..... .....4 Social News ..........5 Sports ..... ......... 9 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 11111 1111 1 illl S 16510 00019 By Patty Brant It looks like the residents of LaBelle could have good water coming from their faucets in about three years. City commis- sioners have been researching the issue for many months, but took the first concrete stop- toward financing an actual waterplant at their June 8 meet- ing. - The city is looking at building a reverse osmosis plant, as rec- ommended by ATM's Grant Mis- terly. He said it is the standard for southwest Florida and may be changed to meet new require- ments; it ma\ be easily expand- ed as necessary and produces high qualitywater. The city's current water plant is 30 years old and has passed design life, Mr. Misterly said. The commissioners have dis- cussed several options, but have decided to limit service to the existing developed city plus South LaBelle, plus the Ross Mclntosh property and Keystone I and 2 projects. ATM used data to project the population of expected growth areas. Currently, residents o( LaBelle use an average of 125 gallons of water per capital per day, with a maximurn of 150 gpd per person per day. In 2009, figures project that there will be some 4,270 Equiva- lent Residential Connections Splish Splash!: It's summer time! A k <* s x i-Bm s..k. .. Laloosa Dellei risin nunier The LaBelle Program Center has Splash Zone Summer Fun! Kids ages 3,11 go6 to enjoy a little fun in the sun last week with some water slides to cool them off. From left: Jonathon Munson, Daylin Leschewski, Ethan Holt and Marlena Gutierrez took time out from their aslippin' and aslidin' to have their pictures snapped. (ERCs) homes in the city; 2,975 of those will be in the developed portion of the city. Developers provided their project numbers and ATM rec- ommended the city build a four million gpd plant, which should be adequate till 2017, at which time some 8,650 ERCs are expected to be in the city, using seven million gpd. Then the water plant can simply be expanded as necessary. If design begins this summer, Mr. Misterly said the new plant should be completed in 2009. The cost of a waterplant has increased dramatically since planning began. A four million gpd waterplant nowv costs approximately $30 million. It would include new wells, treat- ment and storage, brine dispos- al, converting the existing water plant conversion to a pressure booster, a storage station and See Water --Page 2 Zoning debate notification is continuing By Patty Brant Debate around how the City of LaBelle notifies residents who will be affected by specific proposed zoning changes is ratcheting up, led by City Com- missioner Paul Puletti's con- cerns that current methods may be inadequate. The city does provide nOtifi- cation as prescribed by law;' however, recent public outcries from residents who felt they- were kept in the dark about sweeping zoiring changes.have commissioners seeking better methods. The overall discussion on notification was continued at the June 8 city commission meeting, precipitated by a request, by the Wallace Group to submit a CDBG application for a new medical facility. If approved, the application would require a $250,000 cash match by the city. There is a six- week deadline for submission. The group would like to put in a medical facility on the south side of SR 80, across from the old Barron property. The preliminary site plan is for a 20,000 square foot facility. A doctor has already committed to be the anchor tenant, provid- ing some 20 jobs. An additional six or seven doctors would be locating there, ultimately pro- See Debate Page 2 Zimmerly runs for reelection iyuin. L.escnewsKi an Mar wish you were a kid again! SnakeMa] By Kristin Hunter On Tuesday morning, June 6, at the Civic Center SnakeMan Cox held a lecture for about 60 city and county employees who might need useful snake/bug bite information. Maynard Cox, also known as the "Snakeman," is 75 years old. He was born and raised on American Indian Reservations. His Indian name is Zoo-Chow- Wagani-Meee-O-Suu, which means Snake Brother Spirit Guardian. He was born on the Nez Perce Reservation in Idaho and then eventually moved by the government to the Skokomish Reservation in west- ern Washington. He started in Indian schools and was forced by the government to go to "white man's school" between third and fourth grade where he was given the English name (which was his grandpa's name) Maynard Cox. After high school he joined Coming to the close of her first term as a LaBelle City Commis- sioner, Hilda Zimmerly feels like she's just begun. A retired teacher, she says, "I've learned a lot," but is Hilda ready to Zimmerly continue her education. She said she's noticed increased attendance at com- mission meetings recently and feels it's due to an increased n shares knowledge the Navy in 1947, retiring in National Geographic TV speak- 1977 after 30 years. After the ing about his "little red book" Navy he went to a community called the Protocol for Emer- college in Jacksonville, then agency Room Procedures and transferred to UNF in Jack- Hospital Management of sonville where he majored in Snakebites. Pathology and Medical Labora- With such a wide range of tory Diagnostics. He did college expertise and such a list of research on alligators, rabies, achievements, amazingly he is a bugs, etc. When he graduated very down to earth kind of guy. from UNF he worked in the lab He lives by the saying, "Just use at the North Florida Treatment a little common sense, it's not Center; then he did screening brain surgery." for the Navy..He retired again in Mr. Cox's "little red book" 1993 from OCEAAas aninspec- has sold over 30,000 copies tor. He is now 75 and travels the worldwide. It covers first aid, world to speak about his stud- how to tell poisonous snakes ies. from non-poisonous ones and The SnakeMan has been bit- poisonous spiders from non- ten 142 times by snakes since poisonous ones. He even sells a 1935 and only has one scar to bug spray that protects against show for it. He wears the skin of such insects as mosquitoes, that snake on his red hat. He is ticks, flees, no-see-ums, chig- the Founder and Director of The gers, horse flies and biting flies. World Wide Poison Bite Infor- It's even good for your pet and mation Center, as well as the used by soldiers in Iraq. Founder and Director of The There are two kinds of ticks North Florida Snakebite Treat- ment Center. He has been on See Snakeman Page 2 awareness. of some of very important issues the city faces - like the new water plant: She is adamant that LaBelle residents have "drinkable" water. She has some doubts that the city really needs a four mil- lion gallon per day (gpd) water- plant, as the commissioners - including herself, voted last week. "I'm satisfied," she said, pointing out that you have to "pick your battles." She believes the city should only provide services within the city limits. Along with good water, she said she's determined to make See Zimmerly Page 2 caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Snakeman Maynard Cox, left, explains safety tips to city and county field personnel. -fk-A r'-0 .- w -, '. - 20,f- ..! f 7r. ., v. I .. 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15, 2006 Snakeman Continued From Page 1 and they carry six diseases. He mentions that a fire ant is not an ant it has wings and therefore is a type of wingless wasp. There are four kinds of deadly bees that can kill you on contact if you are allergic. Those are hornets, yel- low jackets, honeybees and wasps. He adds that your immune system changes every 120 days; so one day you may not be allergic and the next you are. You can be allergic to something when you are little and then not allergic to it later on in life or vise versa. . There are four different kinds of spiders; black, brown, north- ern and red. For head lice he sug- gests using four or five applica- tions of Camphophenique using a nit comb. There are two poisonous spi- ders a brown recluse and a black widow spider. A brown recluse is not from Florida originally and cannot exist longer than a couple of days outside. However, they can and do live inside our homes. He explains that the recent problems with alligators are caused by people feeding the alli- gators so they associate people with food. He says, "Do not feed alligators and anyone who does kick them over the head." ' There are four animals that carry rabies, according to Mr. Cox. Those are red foxes, skunks, raccoons and yellow bats so beware of these animals. Almost every one of these animals that Mr. Cox has caught has had rabies. - Mr. Cox 'has assembled three steps on his business card that will help you in the case of a snake bite. They are: :. -1. Do not cut and suck (the venom). 2. Do not apply ice or tourni- quet. 3. Treat (person) for shock. If their face is pale, raise their tail. If their face is red, raise their head. Most everyone knows the say- ing, "Red on black is good for Jack" but "Red on yellow kills a. fellow," referring to the difference between Scarlet king snakes and coral snakes. Water Continued From Page 1 pump facility. At this point, some "nuts and bolts" type planning is required, such as a preliminary.update on well field analysis; detail of facility - number of pumps, size, etc., and geologic evaluation. One big question still to be answered: will deep well injection of brine work? Analyst Bill Sundstrom took over with a report on financial planning for the new water plant. He said, wtlh 2,195 new homes expected, each ERC would pay $18 per month on a bond issue. He said LaBelle probably qualify for sub- sidized lending and a 40-year amortization from RUS. The city should also look for $4-5 million RUS grant and $2 million grant from SFWMD. Since RUS will not fund pre- liminary-engineering, etc., the city will need $41.5 million in "bridge" financing from banks before RUS will get involved. Mr. Sundstrom said it is "logi- cal and necessary that rates will rise." Thursday night's action did not commit the city to any partic- ular design, only got the ball rolling to line up financing. Debate Continued From Page 1 hiding about 100 jobs, according to the developer. The board unanimously approved seeking Requests for Proposals for the CDBG. The 3.13-acre site includes two out-parcels fronting on SR 80 that have recently been rezoned to. commercial, along with the entire south side of SR 80 in the city lim- its. That portion is what kicked off the debate over notification of pro- posed zoning changes again. Commissioner Puletti asked how neighbors were notified of that rezoning. He said several residents contacted him because they had no indication of that zoning change before it happened. Other residents agreed that they were unaware of impending zoning changes affecting them, including changing a single family area near the river to high density. Julie Wilkins said the code review Zimmerly Continued From Page i sure all residents also have sewer - a service less than half LaBelle residents currently have, she points out. She believes longtime, city residents deserve to gel that service first, before newly annexed sections. Developers may want the service, she said, but it's only right to accommo- date longtime residents first. Although she has voted against several annexation requests, Ms. Zimmerly said she is not" opposed to growth, but believes the city needs to do a bet- ter job of planning that develop- ment. One of the hottest topics in the city today is the concern over board recommended the change to maximize use of the riverfront. The idea is to have condominiums in that area eventually, contribut- ing to a walking downtown area. Martha Raye Humphries, whose home is located in that section, wondered why she could get a let- ter concerning the quality of city water but not about zoning that directly affected her, chalking it up to "poor management." The issue of lack of notification is apparently of most concern when large sections are consid- ered for rezoning, as has been the case recently as the city updates its zoning map. At that meeting, the commis- sioners passed an ordinance to ease up on zoning that changed Pinewood and Englewood from overwhelmingly mobile home communities to site-built home communities. Those communities will eventually be all site-built homes, but the commission back- tracked to allow current owners to apply for a special exception to replace their mobile home with what some people see as inade- quate notification of. neighbor- hoods affected by zoning changes. One possible solution would be for a volunteer to take a survey of residents in affected neighborhoods, making sure they understand what is happening a procedure she herself once took part in successfully. She understands that there is no easy solution tothis and many of the serious questions in city government, and that it will take a lot of work to solve the problem. Ms. Zimmerly has immersed herself in .her position, pouring over papers and information she feels important to understanding the city's workings, as well as the information packet each commis- sioner gets for the monthly meet- ing. She attends code review meetings on Thursday mornings another mobile home. However, once they sell their property there, those mobile homes may only be replaced by site-built structures. SJerron Hull of AIM Engineering suggested the city might use a'pro- fessional to identify ways to ensure proper public notification. He and Superintendent of Public Works Michael Boyle will be discussing the proposal. In response to a concern about the size of residences the new ordi- nance requires for Pinewood/Englewood, 1,200, square feet, Commissioner Puletti promised to revisit the issue. Many of the residents there live alone and are on fixed incomes. They do not require, nor can they afford, a home of that size. In other business: The city approved a request to help fund veterans transporta- tion to medical facilities through the local DAV. Veterans Service Office Rick Marquith- received $3,300 from LaBelle, the same as well as other important meet- ings. She also finds herself sought out by residents everywhere she goes and gets numerous phone calls from residents with ques- tions and concerns. As a commis- sioner, she believes it's her "busi- ness" to tend to those requests for assistance. In. the future she believes LaBelle should have a planner and perhaps a city manager. She also wants to see a good 24-hour medical emergency facility and a pool here. She sees paving and repairing streets as another important issue. Ms. Zimmerly feels she has met some of the goals she started with two years ago: she had hoped to get involved and to increase communication 'between the city and its residents. There's been progress, in those amount the program is receiving from Clewiston and the county. The Sons of the Legion received permission to put on a barbecue at Barren Park before the Fourth of July fireworks. They hope to rebuild the annual com- munity event. The board revamped penal- ties for water restriction Rec Director Phill Pelletier- provided-an update on the new soccer field complex. The south-, west corner has been started. The complex will include 11 fields, concession, basketball courts and a skate park. He received approval to remove five oaks; 88 oaks will still be on the premises. Commissioner Hilda Zim- merlv asked that the board think about alternatives to the current oak tree ordinance which requires residents to seek board approval to remove an oak tree from their property under certain circum-. stances. The next regular city commis- sion meeting will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, July 13. areas, she feels, but there's still a lot to be done and she wants to be there to help do it. Mrs..Zimmerly is retired from 14 years teaching. She holds a BS in elementary, education and is media certified in library science. She has been a volunteer with the SalvationArmy and nursing home, 4-H and taught adult education classes. Ms. Zimmerly brings a thoughtful nature to her place on the city commission. Beware of plans that sound nice, she warns. Her philosophy: look below the surface; think it out to see if it's really feasible for the whole area before acting. The only other seat coming up in the election is Dave Lyons'. At this time he has no opponent. The city election will be Tles- day, July 18.'Voting is at city hall. Almanacs Annual Turkey or Ham Shoot There will be a Pioneer VF.D. Annual Turkey or Ham Shoot June 30-July 1 starting at 7 p.m. at the Pioneer VF.D. Station located on 2499 Hendry Isles Blvd. LHS band plans carwash Saturday, June 17, there will be a carwash at the LaBelle Fire Station located on Main Street. Benefits go to the LHS Band. Band members please arrive at 7:45 a.m. The car- wash will be from ,8a.m.-noon. There will be a $5 donation for cars and $8 for trucks. LHS music program carwash On July 22 there will be a car- Wash to benefit the LHS music pro- gram. 8 a.m.-noon at the Fire Sta- tion on Main Street. Baked treats and sodas will be for sale as well. Are you a blogger? Get a Newszap link! The Caloosa Belle is looking to broad- en its listing of "Columnists & Bloggers" at www.newszap.com. More and more people are start- ing blogs including business people, support groups and indi- viduals with an opinion on the day's news or culture. If you are a local blogger who would like to be listed, please visit http://www2.newszap.com/blog s/request.htm and fill in the form. In addition to the link, the news- paper will consider publishing timely postings as news or com- mentaries on its pages. VB.S. at Grace Baptist Church Grace Baptist Church will be "Exploring God's Mysteries" for Vacation Bible School, June 19-23 at7 p.m. The church is located at 4200 Eucalyptus Blvd. NE in Port La Belle. Call 675-3349, 675-3077 or 675-8153 to pre-register (accommodating grades 1-5). The first 50 kids to register will have a chance to win a $50 gill card from Wal-Mart. They must be registered prior to June 19, so call early. -Every child will be a winner. There will be crafts, refresh- ments, games, fun and Bible sto- ries to help "solve" God's Myster- ies. Do your child and yourself a favor: Register today. Community Harvest planning VBS Ahoy, Maties! You are invited to a Vacation Bible School you will never forget. Son Treasure Island features music, games, snacks, and crafts. But most importantly, you'll discover the treasure of God's amazing love. Son Treasure Island will be June 19-23 from 6:30-9 p.m. for kids completing Kindergarten through 5th grade. The church is located across from LaBelle's Rodeo Grounds on Highway 29. For information, please phone the church at 675-0938 between 9 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday. Kids, be prepared for an awe- some adventure! Get your pancakes, baked goods Freedom Fellowship Ministries will have a fundraiser all you can eat pancake and bake sale Satur- day, June 17, beginning at 8 a.m. in Barron Park. The cost will be $5 per plate for adults, $3 per plate for kids. Scholarships available AHORA, a not for profit organi- zation, has scholarships available for high school seniors or current college students. If you would like to receive an application please send a self addressed stamped envelope to AHORA P.O. Box 2424 LaBelle, FL 33975. Ay o* .Wireless Sales -* ,* Service Ct Accessories S .- er Conrnetion 1 Lori White HOURS1 863-612-0237 863-675-1570 Fax M-F 9-6 -Sat 9-1 Closed Sundays Located Next to O'Ferrells' Florist 153 S. Main Street X cingular- LaBelle, FL 33935 A ~~~ccoolonrnectior is@s'\fla.rr.com 0CBLOOS E LI E CALOOSA BELLE To Reach Us P FL '. - Ph,. l Add.res- 2 Ft ThiFp" r. e Phorne i6C16. -. :41l Fo I S'um6i.t 14-44 To Submit News 'To Place a Classified Ad Call i87) 153-2424 r.:- p ai:-, :lj;- dr.l- !!ne i.j. crrern t bh.-. h ..m Thl: .Jjd thr. for all dc.'- fied ij ,: I dr. iti, n:y .. M.l.nr,dyv it am for the lolo:.'rn Th uiida, public in Fai (877) 354-2424 E-M ailS cLsasi'neti,'lnFp.:0m For Subscriptions The Cilol;a BdLe -.elcome4 mubmi' .ion-. from i r4reade r;Opinion;. calen- F'hone (837) ,3-2424 dir item-. -cer ,; I n photouaph4. The B i e''-' d BcU t drrbur e are v ekoimc CLCA S'3 l 6-'5 2541 CI th I Bie rd 'A cccrn iA-rd Tcjch o'ur ne%- '-rom irmm mIt be Cc-iy-.b e irc-erv it -dr-e-da3i--.pie'C1 miaed. iued or e 'irnded ifou ire Ie ps cr be (I rJI arrou *.y- ,eridir, ph'ou-riph; %-.i e'rn'rJ pli~e ILf` in -- e.~'Ih~n Eerd them., in I PFG -'urn t Iko pli~e--ct,rhoAr y.'-'. n dilce oc do not -end \\'OD dox~ment;. LHrI t -afeet.1 crprcai. .I piste the-e re IT,ze iento the bod %of -:--04c Jr.'i~brry the e rnad OffIice Jocwmnein ire c.k .vidi'bc it$5-) p..r -i rd $2" 1I--- The de-dline fr dl ne%% y ems' ii n)m month' on Nlond'-i prior t0 the fnilov-ing Thurjda%'4 publicaion Printing E Ni id CbetcCrU.-rrMy.., ner Spci.ouc i(863)(.5-4516 The c ,A-, -' elic p Fta r. ;u'-, I u'mi To Place a Display Ad Phone (8631l 75-2541 T h.: d~. U idJr,. t, -Il i etCrir IR 4 r- " or. Frch. I: [hI t. -I, -- r' Ti-'irid ; pul:.bc i.. i- E-mail. cbellerstraro.nect Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com E-manil r.-_.tri n .-:i.c r,.e Newszap! Online News & Information Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle Memory Foam Pillow Top Queen Size Set $1,365 King Size Set $1,680 While Special Supply Last With FREE Local Delivery and Removal Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle -" * I '1WAD, ' tow WA'l M Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida, PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases. announcements & information from your ,community. Canal Point * Public Issues Forum Local Links An open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously. A directory of websites for location government teams, organizations & columnists. Post For Free Classified Ads Post your personal The combined listings messages on an open from Independent's 7 Bulletin Board for Florida newspapers, distributed residents. to 31 :00' homes. Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay F Clewiston Moore Haven Ortono Muse North LoBelle Felda LoBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof ___ -. aaa raaa*srsn~il0$i~lpY~~--'---I--oi"--~-~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15, 2006 4 New bridge focus for CHIP initiative Citizen's Highway Initiative Program (CHIP), a rural county citizen's transportation initiative established in 2000 to focus com- munity attention on local trans- portation needs, is holding a meeting Thursday, June 22. at 10 a.m. at Flora and Ella's Restau- Srant. The purpose of this meeting is to elect new directors and offi- cers and review priorities for the coming year. All interested par- ties are invited to attend. CHIP was instrumental in increasing awareness and focus- ing attention on the need for accelerating the widening of SR 80 from LaBelle west to Riverdale and east from LaBelle to US 27. That portion of SR 80 west of LaBelle is nearing completion and the portion east of LaBelle has been advanced.on the FDOT funding calendar. CHIP also helped focus attefition on the need for improvements to the SR 29 and CR 78 intersection, which is also nearing completion. President Larry Hall states "now is the time to start focusing on a bridge replacement over the Caloosahatchee River on SR 29. With the increased traffic result- ing from the growth of the area combined with the amount of additional truck traffic and the heightened awareness of the need for possible evacuation of the southwest Florida area in case of hurricanes or other disas- ters, the time has come to work with our elected officials.at all levels for funding sources for a new bridge." Mr. Hall adds, "we need peo- ple who are interested in helping advance the transportation needs of the community to attend this meeting and assist CHIP in bringing a consensus on this matter to our elected and appointed governmental offi- cials." For additional information contact Larry Hall at 863-675- 1313. Arrests LaBelle Luis Juan Pascual, 20, and Cat- rina Miguel, 47, both of LaBelle were arrested June 11, and charged with animal cruelty. Deputy Suzanne Higby of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Edward Joseph Durno, 50, of LaBelle was arrested June 10,:and charged with aggravated battery. Deputy Perry Short of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Clewiston James Walter Thicklin, 19, of Clewiston was arrested June 1 and charged with aggravated bat- tery. Deputy. Julius Taylor of the Hendry Counti Sherif 's Office was the arresting ollicer. Bond has been set at $10,000 Matthew Richard Elliot, 25, of Clewiston was arrested June 5 and charged with carrying a con- cealed weapon and producing drugs. Deputy Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Roberto Carmona, 43, of Clewiston, was arrested June 11 and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. Deputy Jesus Olvera of the Hendry Coun- ty Sheriff's Office was the arrest- ing officer. Carlos Vastuez, 25, of Clewis- ,ton, was arrested June 10 and charged \ith aggravated assault \wilh a deadly weapon without intent'to kill, carrying a concealed weappn and a weapon offense. Deputy Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Placido Al\arez, 33. ofClewis- lon. \\as arrested June 9 and charged \\ith londlirig a child between the ages' of 12-16. Deputy Julius Taylor of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was-the arresting officer. Bond Wildlife officer nabs gator shooter Thursday, June I, Officer Matt Griffith wvas patrolling the aiea of County Road 832. He. observed a Jeep driving slowly and turning around several times. Officer Griffith heard a shot emanate from the vehicle and subse- quently stopped it. There 'was fresh blood on the spare tire and an alligator tail in plain \iew in the back of the jeep. The two male subjects said. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Rev. Frank Deerey, Jr. In the name of the Father On Wednesday, May 3, 2006, Rev. Frank Deerey, Jr., Pastor of First Baptist Church of LaBelle, I had the priv- ilege of giving the opening prayer for the House of Rep- resentatives in Washington, D.C. He was invited to do so by Congressman Mark Foley when the Congressman and Gov. Bush came to First Baptist Church of LaBelle to survey the disaster relief efforts after Hurricane Wilma. Pictured from left are: Father David Coughlin, Chaplain, U.S. House of Representatives, Rev. Frank Deerey Jr., Pastor First Baptist Church of LaBelle, Cathy Deerey and Congressman Mark Foley. they had iun the alligator over. shot it and then cut the tail off. They were issued citations for taking wildlife from a right-of- way and possession of alligator and.or parts. There were two female occu- pants that received warnings for constructive possession of an alligator A 22 Hoi net rifle, pock- etknife and the alligator tail w'as seized as e\ idence. Two die in onec ar crash Two people were killed in a one-vehicle crash June 7, on CR 835 about 20 miles west of Clewiston. Acajeune Moise, 57, of Immokalee and passenger Richardson P. Frere, 55, of LeHigh Acres, died in the crash at about 10:20 a.m. According to the Florida Highway Patrol. Mr. loise %\as driving a 1989 Nissan eastbound on County Road 835. For unknown reasons the right rear tire tread separated on the Nis- san, causing it to start rotating in a counter-clockwise direction. The Nissan then traveled across the westbound lane of C.R. 835 and onto the north shoulder, overturning several times. The Nissan then traveled into a canal on the north side of the roadway The vehicle finally came to rest on its roof in the canal Mr. Frere was transported to Hendry Regional Hospital before expiring Both had been wearing seatbelts at the time of the crash. Obituaries Hilda R. Malin Hilda R. Malin, age 57, of LaBelle, passed away May 30, 2006, in LaBelle. She was born Feb. 16, 19-9, in Fort Myers to Delmar H_. Rimes and Gladys Faye (Williars) Rimes. SurFviors include daughters: Penny (Terry) Lee of Clewiston and Christy (Tom) Montanye of LaBelle; sisters: Bonnie Starr of Georgia, Lisa Rimes and Frankie Rimes, both of LaBelle; grand- children: Robert Allen Johnson and Marshall Johnson; and beloved pet: Smokey. Funeral services were held June 3, at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, LaBelle with Pastor L. W. Howard officiating. Cremation arrangements were done by Akin-Davis Funeral Home. Willie Marie Bryant Willie Marie Bryant, age 78, of Fort Myers, passed away May 25, 2006, in Fort Myers. She was born Sep. 12, 1927, in Wauchula to Willie Edward Parker and Mol- lie Martha (Sumner) Parker. Survivors include daughters: Rose Marie (David) Porter of North Fort Myers and Brenda Louise (Dennis) Wallin of Selma, Ala.; sister: Mattie (Irene) Kille- brew of Sanantonio, Fla.; seven grandsons, four granddaughters, nineteen great grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Earl Bryant. A graveside funeral service was held Sat., May 27, 2006, at Ortona Cemetery with Rev. Joe Hanshaw officiating. Arrange- ments were by Akin-Davis Funer- al Home. Otto Robert Bloomster Otto Robert Bloomster, beloved husband, father, grand- father and great-grandfather, was born and raised in Fort Myers. He graduated from Fort Myers High School and served in the United States Navy in World War II before marrying Lorene Herron on May 11, 1947. He retired from the Florida Depart- ment of Transportation. He was a member of the LaBelle Moose Lodge and the American Legion. He is survived by his wife: Lorene; sons: Otto, Jr. his wife Bertha; David Louis, his wife Joan "ChuChu"; daughter: San- dra Bloomster Knight and her husband Keith; grandchildren: David Carl, Mathias, Amanda, Dustin, Douglas, Angel and Neil; great grandchildren: David Robert, Dalton, Nicholas, Andrew, Ryan, Chase and Cove; and his sister: Julia Scott. A celebration of life gathering will. be held on June 17, at 625 Avalon Avenue, in LaBelle, from 12 to 3 p.m. Memorial do:nalions may be made to the Florida Can- cer Society and Mooseheart Chil- dren's School. John Virgil Kisela John Virgil Kisela, 83, of LaBelle, passed away on June 11, 2006, at his home. He was born March 30, 1923, in Hobart, Indiana. His loving wife of 56 years, Frances E. Kisela, and infant son, Francis Virgil Kisela, preceded him in death. Also pre- ceding him in death were his parents: Frank and Esther Kisela, brother Jerry Kisela, and sister Jane Crosariol. He is survived by two sons and two daughters: Cynthia (Bob) Jackson, Diane (Gary) Redish, Greg (Lucy) Kisela, and John (Ginger) Kisela. In addition to his children, he is survived by ten grandchildren: Lee (Scott) Briggs, Lisa (Jason) Sirmans, Becky (Brian) Turner, Brian (Marci) Jackson, Lauren Jack- son. Andy, Koby, Katy, Luke and Laura Kisela. John was proud of his 7 great-grandchildren: Sadie, Ashlee,. Hannah, Wesley, Jack- son, Hollis and Layla. Survivors also include his sister: Patricia (Jay) Rimes and brother: Phillip (Valerie) Kisela. John Kisela proudly served' his country in WWII in the Aleut- ian Islands. After the war he married his true love and started a family in Schererville, Indiana. John then became an active member of the LaBelle commu- nity when he moved his family here in 1963. He was active in the Catholic Church, the Ameri- can Legion, the Lion's Club, LaBelle Little League and the Boy Scouts of America. A memo- rial service will be held tonight, Thursday, June 15, at 6:30 p.m. at Akin Davis Funeral Home in LaBelle. Donations to Hope Hos- pice will be appreciated. was set at $10,000. Roberto Jimenez, 46, of Clewiston, was arrested and charged with possession of cocaine, producing marijuana, possession of marijuana over 20 grams with intent to sell and pos- session of narcotic equipment to manufacture marijuana. Deputy Martin Meyer of the Hendry Coun- ty Sheriff's Office was the arrest- ing officer. $500,000 RAFFLE GRAND PRIZE!' 121 Prizes total Hurryl Only 9,000 Tickets will be sold. Rules & Entry Forms available at: http://Hong-Gia.org CA Registered #R-5102 GTO/PRO Celebrating 30 Years FAAC I E LI TE in SW FL AE SERVING LEE & AND -MORE HENDRY COUNTY SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Emergency Repairs STORAGE FACILITIES SERVICE CONTRACTS Some Day Service .BO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES I HOLYI GHOST FILLED 1 ! HOLY GHOST FILLED Memorial Tribute > Remember a loved one W= t' who has departed with a special i memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute'can be published following the memorial services, orto commemdtAle an annivesah of \'our loved one's birth or passing You can add a photograph of \our lovedone, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all.comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.cormmemorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. NOTICE ii The Glades County School Board Will Hold A Public Hearing On July 13, 2006 at 7:00p.m. In The Glades County School Board MAeeting Room 40 'I I '1 .1 lrt t, |VI Motore Jjfaen, Florida To Approve Proposed Changes To The Glades County School Board Attendance Policy Copies of the Proposed Changes Are Available By Contacting: Wayne Aldrich, Superintendent Glades County School Board 400 10' Street, SW Moore Haven, Florida 33471 (863)946-2083 Pocket Knives: , Case Hen & Rooster Buck Creek "Henckel Kissing Crane Moore Maker I1 a w -UA JUSTIN BOOTS ,MO L WESTERN SHIRTS STETSON & RESISTOL HATS COSTA DEL MAR SUNGLASSES Come Pick out your Fathers Day gift at. f | ". LaBelle Ranch Supply 281 5. Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 863-675-4240 M-F 7:30 6 Sat 8-1 .I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15,2006 A OPINION Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at httpVA/ww.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. I WAS READINGARTICLE IN THIS WEEK'S PAPERABOUT women who need a new roof. The story says they're asking for donations. They're being accepted at Olde Cypress Bank and they've got over $1,000 so far. My question is: in this little town of LaBelle there are so many contractors and several roofing companies can't one of them step up and help these women? I think it would be great for them and great for the community. I WISH TO BRING THIS TO THE ATTENTION OF CUSTOMERS in need of Septic tank service. I needed some work on my septic last week, I was en route to Naples, and so I did not have a phone book in my possession. I called a friend (who lived in the home needing the service) and asked her from my cell phone to look up the number for the business I have used for many years. She gave me a number she found in the phone bookyellow pages and the business said LaBelle. I called the business and asked them if they were the same outfit I have used for so many years. I asked the girl because I did not know they were now in Fort Myers, which she told me had only been for a year or so. I was confused because I told her I did not know they were in Fort Myers, I had used them just last year. She again told me I had the right business. They arrived at the job, claimed they did the job and left with my check for $200. Just a few days later I called a local plumber who showed me that the septic tank had never been pumped out. The lid and the grass around it were never touched. There were three men from the plumbing business and they had nothing to gain from lying. I have used this plumber for years and he is very trustworthy. In summary, just be careful and make sure the business thai you need or are looking for is indeed whom you want. If you want the one that has been in LaBelle for years and still is, make sure it is a local address. I have no problem at all using a Fort Myers business, but I trusted the one for years in LaBelle and Iwas mislead. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/lorum56 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/lorum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Thank You Cheerleaders support cancer awareness On Saturday, May 27, South- west Universe All-Stars Cheer and Dance held its Second Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser. Our cheerleaders and dancers were able to "show their stuff" to our local community. The teams spent the evening per- forming their state winning rou- tines and showing off some of that wonderful tumbling they have been working on all season. long. We would like to take this time to thank everyone who attended this annual event. Your donations were greatly appreciated. A spe- cial thank you goes to all of our coaches and parents for helping end what has been a very suc- cessful season..Hope to see you all there again next year. LHS Softball 2006 The 2006 LaBelle High School softball team would like to thank Coach David Kelley, the adminis- tration, team banner sponsors, and everyone who came out and supported us this season. We were 22 and 7 for the year, District runners -up, and played in the regional tournament. We could not have had the success we did without your support and dedica- tion to the team. We would like to extend a special thank you to the following companies and individ- uals who helped with the renova- tions and beautification of our softball complex: David Pittman, Dunklyn Min- istries,l Ronnie Lee, Hare Lumber, Ricky Redish, LaBelle Dixie League; Diversified Concrete, Wesley O'Ferrell and the HCSB Maintenance Dept. With your continued support and dedication, the team, the coaches and I will do our best to uphold the softball winning tradi- tion you are accustomed to see- ing here at L.H.S. Again, thank you for all you have done for us and we will see you next season. SSincerely, Raymond Marroquin and the LHS Softball Team Community Calendar Friday, June 16 American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Bingol Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regularat 7 p.m. NO Smoking Sunday, June 18 AA: 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday, June 19 Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m., American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Mid-County MSBU Advisory Committee: 7 p.m. PPFD, Hendry Isles Blvd. CALOOSA' BFIIF Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community deliberation of public issues. ........................................................................................ We Pledge ... EDITOmRAL: STo operate this newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant a public trust N Reporter: ristn Hunt To help our community Reporter Kistin Hunter become a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt and work. through our dedi Sports: Roger Alexander cation to conscientious jour- ADVERTISING: nalism. To provide the intormatonclt- Advertising Director Izens need to make their own Judy Kasten intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public Issues Brenda Jaramillo To report the news with hon- Advertising esty, accuracy. purposeful neutrality, fairness objectivity. Services Coordinator: fearlessness and compassion. Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services facilitate community debate Barbara Calfee not to dominate it with our N onal A in own opinions. National Advertising To disclose our own conflicts Joy Parrsh of interest or potential con .................... tlicts to our readers Independent Newspapers, Inc. STo correct our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth prominence it deserves President To provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin those we write about. To treat people with courtesy. Vice President respect and compassion of Florida Operations Tom Byrd For More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Letters to the Editor Information provided Dear Editor, I noticed in last week's paper some questions posed about my candidacy for City Commission. I would love the opportunity to dis- cuss my positions. I announced my candidacy because of my sin- cere desire to offer the citizens of LaBelle a choice. I am committed to the people of LaBelle and have been since I moved here more than 28 years ago. As a citizen and a pastor, I have tried to help many people, and I think I will offer a unique perspective as a City Com- missioner. As LaBelle continues to grow, we face several critical issues that need to be addressed in a forward looking manner. First there is the issue of annexation. I have long been a supporter of annexation for sever- al reasons. Annexation expands the tax base and leads to the even- tual lowering of taxes. In addition, newly annexed areas can help off- set the costs of upgrading our water plant by creating new rev- enues. We already serve many of the outlying areas of LaBelle and by annexing these areas, we gain them as tax payers. As for upgrading. the water plant-let's face it: Something needs to be done about the water in LaBelle. We all know it. The current city commission has approved a fact finding plan. The basic fact is that the current water plant uses old technology. We have to have drinkable water and a new plant with new technology seems to be the onlyway. As for roads and infrastructure, the current water situation has put many of 'our maintenance plans on hold. The city has been in a holding pattern not wanting to lay new roads only to have them dug up to install water and sewer lines. The current city com- mission has directed staff to develop a plan to repair and maintain all streets in LaBelle reg- ularly, and I think we need to come up with a plan that address- es how we can maintain our roads and get the new sewer lines installed so we can keep our roads in pristine quality. I walk and ride my bike all throughout the city of LaBelle, so I know we need sidewalks. Many grants are available to develop and maintain new sidewalks in fact, that is how we got many of our current sidewalks..I support the city seeking these grants and coming up with a comprehensive development plan to install new sidewalks around the city. As for recreational issues, the recreation board is responsible for developing new recreational opportunities around town. I was part of the founding bf the recre- ation board and I would support their actions to develop new opportunities. Many of these issues require research and a deep understand-, ing of what is at stake. I am com- mitted to thoroughly investigating all of the issues and doing my best to make decisions that benefit our community. We ha\e to make investments and plans now so the child, a puppy, a bird or a wild ani- future of LaBelle will remain as mal. The danger of fish hooks and bright as its past. tackle mean nothing to any I am always available to talk to youngster. anyone about how I stand on the Please be safe this summer issues, so please feel free to email when fishing. When you are done me at labelleone@hotmail.com, fishing remove your bait and stop by the church or flag me throw it away, secure your hook down while I am riding my bike to your pole and secure your pole.. around town. Teach children to be responsible. CliffAvery These things that seem like com- mon sense to adults need to be Responsible taught to youngsters. pet owners Look before you cast any line. e Know youth fish before you To the Editor, unhook them- a bowfin can take even an adults' finger off; snap- I have'a new kitten this morn- ping turtles and catfish are also ing. Not because I needed or dangerous. wanted one, and not because I erou e shing from the was irresponsible and didn't have bank survey the area carefully and my pet neutered. This kitten, the make tets oaf noise when result of someone else's negli- aproahit o noh water t share gence to neuter their pet, was sur- approaching the water to scare giving the best it could after hav- off alligators and snakes. Watch ing been dropped off like a where you step for broken glass, aluminum cans and hooks. by-product in an area some K an human was hopeful it would find Keep an eye on your fish a home. stringer in the water. Alligators In trying to survive it ate what it love free lunch and they can tow a could find. In this case bait on an little boat when they decide on a unsecured 3/0 shiner hook left "take out" meal. carelessly outside. For humans in Almost every fishing adult I the "hopeful home area" discov- know has been hooked or seen ering this 3 month old kitten someone hooked. It's not fun and caught terrified, and wound up in usually ends in visit to a medical 100 lb. test line was not the way facility. It can be painful and \ve wanted to start the day. expansive. This kitten has a happy ending: Please keep safety in mind as A big thank you to Dr. Bridget you ha\ e fun this summer. Secure Cochran at Shewmaker Animal those hooks! Hospital for working us into your . busy schedule and saving "Tro- Thankyou, phv" from euthanasia. JulieJeffords Trophy could have been a Riverside Marine Dollar Cost Averaging works in share buying "'. C YI. I . This week I thought I would review how Dollar Cost Averaging is used when making systematic purchases of shares. This can apply when you have an automat- ic check-o-matic withdrawal arrangement to buy mutual funds. Or, the same principle is at work in many pension plans through your employer. Under- standing the concept can give you some peace of mind. Let's make a few assumptions. First, each month you automati- cally buy shares of the Smart Investor's Mutual Fund. Second, each month the amount of money you spend is exactly $200. Because the price of the shares varies every month in accordance with its performance, the variable is the price on the day of your pur- chase. One month the price may be higher than when you first started and another month the Financial Tips byWayneC.Switzer price may be lower. However, you wisely continue to make your pur- chases without regard to the fluc- tuating market price. When the price per share is up, you buy fewer shares. When the price per share is down, you are able to buy more shares. Assuming good and bad perforrn- ance months are.about.equal, you end up having all your money at a "par" point, even though the price per share is only where it was when you startedyour invest- ment. Assuming you have chosen your fund wisely or better yet mul- tiple funds wisely, and make; equal consistent purchases, then at some later date if your fund share price, or the average of your multiple fund share prices is up only slightly, you have made money, even though many of your purchases were made when the market appeared to be per- forming badly. The idea behind this concept is to avoid trying to "time the mar- ket." Just be consistent, month after month. . Here is something that may interest you. Shortly after the Iraq war in which Iraq invaded and conquered Kuwait, I attended an estate-planning seminarfor pro- fessionals in Fort Myers. In order to be invited to that seminar put on. by a bank, you had to be in one of four categories: an attor- ney, a CPA, a life insurance.agent % ith a CLU designation or a mar- keting vice president of a bank. During the seminar, with the doors cosed to the public, one of the presenters asked all of us who were involved in the sales or rec- ommendation of securities, to be honest in acknowledging our advice to clients about what the stock market had done. Had we guessed or advised our clients properly in trying to anticipate what the market would do before it actually happened? By a show of hands, about 2.3 of our group had gotten it wrong. And, we were the professionals! That is an example of why you should stick to, the dollar cost averaging plan, regardless of the evening news. Wayne C. Switzer, CLU Question: Why do you admire or want to be like your dad? What's the best thing your father taught you? Nine-year-old Shelby Williams said that her dad also taught her to do her best in school. She likes to skate with her dad. She admires her dad because he has good sayings like "Stick up for yourself." He is her #2 hero. Hulk Hogan is #1. Eleven-year-old Andrew Bankert said his dad taught him to try hard at everything. His dad is his #2 hero after Ken Griffey Jr. He said "My dad is always there for me." otos Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter rian Leschewski said that a best thing her dad taught r was to do her best in hool. She likes to play soc- r and softball with him, and 's her #1 hero. Darian says it she admires her dad cause "He does the right ngs and he never does any- ng wrong." ne-year-old Garret Goodwin id that his dad taught him w to play baseball. He mires his dad because "He kes me places and we have n together." Garret's dad is s #3 hero. Baseball players tipper Jones is #1 and Mike nlin is #2. 'ik even-year-old Joel Howard id his dad taught him to try rd in baseball. He said "I nk my dad is cool because sticks up for me. He is my .st friend, he's funny and I e to hang out with him." His id is his #2 hero after base- II player Chipper Jones. As if the stars and planets had lined up in a pattern dictating a potpourri of diverse local and national events, I've chosen a few for your consideration. With all the major concerns about illegal immigrants it occurs to me that maybe we should rethink the INS charter and function. If we can know exactly where one cow with mad-cow disease is located among the millions of cows in America, but can't we locate the illegals, then maybe we need to put the Department of Agricul- ture in charge of immigration. On the subject of whose in charge of what, I'm wondering if the "overaged" scandal in Immokalee might not better be the responsibility of the Treasury Department's Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Enforcement Divi- sion. They specialize in enforc- ing "age limit" jurisdictions, thereby allowing school officials to concentrate on student educa- tional needs. All of this confusion and tur- moil reminds me that back in the '60s, the hippies, flowerchildren and "acid" were credited with making for a "weird" world. Now, it seems to me, we seem to be resorting to Prozac to make a "weird" world normal. I believe the term "polariza- tion" is the word most often associated with today's "weird- ness." That and extremism, both on the right and left, have left most Americans either apathetic or cynically seeking a form of neutral centrism. Impoverished intellectuals are caught up in self-centered diatribe, overly endowed with everything except tangible com- mon sense. Back in the '70s, buoyed by the extremism of the gut render- ing division of the nation by Viet Nam, the seeds for much of today's divisive, political back- lash tactics were sowed, result- ing in today's bitter harvest. The most frequent comment I hear is: who will pay for the cur- rent approach to problem solv- ing of throwing money at the t s your world et Involved problem. I do not purport to have the answer, but I am reminded of a story that might provide some insight into the current political mindset on who is best qualified to spend our money without raising a "stink." It seems there was this poor shopkeeper located next to a fancy French restaurant and each day he would take his mea- ger sack lunch into the alley behind his shop. All the while he is having his meager lunch he is smelling all the wonderful aromas of the French delights. One day he was surprised to receive an invoice from the restaurant for "enjoyment of food." He complained to the manager and was told he would have to pay or be sued, since his enjoyment of the aromas consti- tuted consumption of their food. He refused to pay, was sued, and went to court. In court the judge learned from the restau- rant that every day the shop keeper sits outside and enjoys our food cooking aromas, adding value to his sack lunch. When asked for his side of the story by the judge, the shop keeper responded by putting his hand in his pocket and jingling the few coins he had inside. The judge asked him, "What is that supposed to mean?" The shopkeeper replied, "I'm paying for the "aroma" of his food with the "sound" of my money." So if you think that "smell" coming out of the government deserves your consideration, how about letting them only "hear" the sound of your money? If you have any left to jingle. Respectfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County Citizen and Taxpayer) Potpourri: much goes on in Hendry Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15,2006 Birth Announcement Justin Allen Ballard Charlene Ballard and her sis- ters, Amber and Jamielynn, would like to announce the birth of their baby brother, Justin Allen Ballard. Justin was born on June 3, 2006, at Gulf Coast Hospital in Fort Myers. He was 6 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 20 inches long. Justin's parents are James and Tara Ballard of LaBelle. His pater- nal grandparents are Clyde and Deborah Ballard, also of LaBelle. His maternal grandparents are Roberta Langley and Ron Garcia of Englewood and Jackie Darrell and Deborah Langley of Ten- nessee. Great-grand parents include Aleta Mae Ballard of Lehigh Acres, Christina Brown of Ohio and Irene Kelleher of Bradenton. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Sonja Crawford, 4-H Coordinator Livestock Noelle Ball grilling her chicken Ball wins state 4-Hpoultry barbeque competition Submitted to the ualoosa Belle/Hersney amilny Ben and Martha Hershey Hersheys celebrate 50th anniversary Ben and Martha Hershey are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married April 21, 1956, in Brownstown, Pennsylania. In May they enjoyed a trip to the Grand Canyon and in June will celebrate with family and friends at a ban- quet in Pennsylvania. Both were employed by Collier County Public Schools for over 25 years. Mr. Hershey was a math teacher at Immokalee High School. Mrs. Hershey was secre- tary at Highlands Elementary School. Mr. Hershey also served as a bi-vocational pastor at Peo- ples Chapel for 20 years. Since retirement they have volunteered at several disaster relief locations throughout the United States. Their children are Anita and Robert Fuhrman, Bonham, Texas, Gerald and Jeanette Hershey, \Vaynesboro, Virginia, Lee and Michelle Hershey, Estero, and Julie and Jonathan Tieszen, Har- risonburg, Virginia. The couple has seven grand- children. Cloggers heading to Virginia The LaBelle YMCA'Cloggers will be going to.Doswell, Virginia, June 17 and 18 for their big clog- ging trip of the-year. There will be a total of 22 cloggers going; 3 boys and 19 girls ages 3-21. The three different teams are the Pee Wees, ages 3-8, which is a begin- ners group; juniors, ages 8-11, which is a low intermediate group and seniors, ages 11-21, which is the advanced group. These kids have been \working hard to raise money. They have done fundraisers such as a clog- ging workshop the last weekend in January, a Busch Gardens four ticket giveaway raffle and a bar- beque chicken dinner. 'Coach Pat Beddingfield want- ed to especially thank the com- munity for all of its support in helping these kids raise money, as well as a big thank you to Zak Lopez's grandma for donating the four.Busch Gardens tickets. By Sonja Crawford The State 4-H Poultry Bar- beque Competition was held in Lake Placid at Camp Cloverleaf on June 3. Noelle Ball from Clewiston took first place in the competition. Noelle had 2-1.2 hours to prepare and grill two chicken halves; the best half was presented to the judges with a small container of her secret bar- beque sauce. Noelle is 17 years old. In order to compete in a state 4-H competition that has a national component, one must be 1-4 'years of age by September 1 of the current year. The participants \were judged on the following: appearance and cleanliness, starting the fire, controlling the fire, preparing the chicken for cooking, skill of barbequing as well as sensory evaluation. Once the chicken \was judged, the participants did a presentation to consist ol, but not limited to, nutritional facts of chicken, the broiler industry, as well as food safety. The title of Noelle's presentation was "Wo\\ That Chicken." Noelle \will be competing in the national competition on November 15 -16, 21006, in Louisville, Kentucky Birthdays June 15: Kevin Kerr, Eldora Williamson, Samuel Sargent, RaDaina Dawn Crawford, Jerry Russe, Tina Noel, Melissa Men- doza, Jake Alexander, Dennis Calvert, Mary Park, Rhonda Man- ley-Tuttle SJune 16: Danny Latham, Michael Russ, Diane Kinchen, Trey O'Ferrell, Michael Sawyer, Roger "Buddy" Manley, Brooke Balmer June 17: Robert Koopman, Leonard Parsons, Clifford Hugh- es, Butch Townsend, Holly WVil- son, Connie Townsend, Anthony Jay Anderson, Jay Anderson June 18: Jerry Holland, Rod- ney Murray., Keith Pendrey, Rosie Goins, Scott Lawson, Marie Townsend. Charles Porter, Justin O'Ferrell, Jason Prince June .19: Imogene Tolar, Angle White, Shanna Arter, Errie Bridges. Jamie Sells, Geoflre. Mosteller, Gregory NlMosteller, Rick\ Neely, Linda Anders, Angela N Banda June 20: German Rosario, Ronnie El Khalib, Minnie \Vest, Corine Woodrum, Mary Thomas, Sandra \\bosle\, Linda Craft, Svl.a Po\ver, Daniel Avila, Noah Gulierrez June 21: Terri Hamm, Pat Perry, .James Allen. Michael Knowles, Ray Hellin, Walter Col- lier, Joyce Durrance, Herb Davi- son, Lorrie Torgler, Cody Hoff- man, Stephan Province June 22: Teresa O'Bannon, Karren Middleton, Kath\' Russ, Billy McVa\, Kathy \hidden, Thomas Fagin, 'Sharon McCormick HURRICANE EMRGE NCYPOWER UNDER $500.00 / The ABSOLUTE ALTERNATIVE to GAS GENERATORS NO FUEL NO NOISE! NO EMISSIONS! EMERGENCY POWER SOURCE INC. CALL: (561) 487-7722 / www.emergencyps.us / AUCTION ST. JAMES BAY CARRABELLE, FL June 29, 2006 10:30AM EST HOME LOT 160 ROYAL TERN WAY. www.abalau ctiof company. com ONLINE BIDDING www.ProxiBid.com (850) 926-91660 AB2 387 AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. Screen Carports :.` Rescreens Roof-Overs Seamless Aluminum SGutters 5" to 6" !' (863)838-2477 ft^ (.a 1450 42nd St. wAV Winter Haven, FL 33881 State Lic .#CRC132630i Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam r Includes 6 monlhi follow-up1 CDi lairerr Tj 1 Pi Fale 3,,l iany orlhr persor, responsible lor payment has a righl lo refuse to pay can- LI 3yl aymnl .:.r t fiTured luor payrinin lor 3rny olhcr service, evaminabon or treatment whicn is per- SIl.rrrETa a m [.ull .1 arnd wlnihn 72 hours cl responding to mte advertisement for the ree dicounted fee I I or redur.ce le srrv' e, -amrrn11or or treatment 140 R t .;. Joke of H the week Funny Bumper Stickers of the Day Sayings That Should Be On Buttons 1. Well, this day was a total waste of makeup. 2. Who are these kids and why are they calling me Mom? 3. Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after. 4. Too many freaks, not enough circuses. * 5. This isn't an office. It's Hades with fluorescent lighting. 6. I started out with nothing & still have most of it left. 7. Therapy is expensive, pop- pin' bubble wrap is cheap! You choose. 8. If I throw a stick, will you leave? 9. You! Off my planet! 10. I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me. n eity Links. Individual Voices. YCommunit y Links. Individual Voices. wy SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 'VISA 0 675-3233 TOLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR MWW.T.sl~jTw~r 0 7a 4 LHAJIRTYLESSHOULDCHANG HIGHSPEE INTRNE PRIES SOULD "T 2 n9:5 EMBARQ HIGH-SPEED INTERNET S_* FOR AS LONG AS YOU HAVE THE SERVICE. S PER MONTH (Price excludes taxes and fees. Applies to up to 1.5 i, ....! r I., I -year term agreement required.) * Dependable low price for as long as you have the service * Consistently fast broadband connection 24/7 * Advanced online security and protection tools * Free modem ($12.95 shipping r.- ,, 1i ,,. :iph S$ 50 online rebate (covers $49.99 activation fee) LIMITED-TIME INTRODUCTORY OFFER SIGN UP NOW AND GET ONE MONTH FREE OF EMBARQM" HIGH-SPEED INTERNET CALL 866-2EMBARQ, VISIT EMBARQ.COM, OR STOP BY AN EMBARQ STORE. FLORIDA TALLAHASSEE 1544-2 Governor's Square Blvd. behind Governor's Square Mall PORT CHARLOTTE 1020 El Jobean Rd. next to Port Charlotte Towne Center ALTAMONTE SPRINGS 175 E. Altamonte Drive at State Road 436 and Cranes Roost Drive CLERMONT 260 Citrus Tower Blvd. at Hwy. 27 CAPE CORAL 2710 Del Prado, two blocks South of the MidPoint Bridge MAITLAND 248 N. Orlando Ave. on the N.E. corner of W. Horatio Ave. and Hwy. 17/92 OCALA 3101 S.W. 34th Ave. at SW College Rd. LADY LAKE 684 US Hwy. 441 N. in Rolling Acres Plaza Shopping Center KISSIMMEE 1359 E. Vine St. at Michigan Ave. APOPKA 3030 E. Semoran Blvd. at the intersection of SR 436 and S. Hunt Club Dr. KISSIMMEE LOOP 3244 N. John Young Pkwy. in the Loop shopping center SEBRING 311 US Hwy. 27 N. in Village Fountain Plaza Shopping Center TM - EMBARQ' THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE." -'Sprint. EMBARQ Your communications company is now EMBARQ Services not available in all areas. Offer available to residential customers only. Monthly Fee: Promotional monthly rate of $24.95 applies while customer subscribes to one of multiple qualifying EMBARQ calling packages and remains on this plan at current residence. EMBARQ reserves the right to cancel without notice or substitute substantially similar services at Its sole discretion. Contact EMBARQ for more information. One month free: Promotion good for new EMBARQ High-Speed Internet subscribers only. Limited-time offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. Monthly service fee credit will appear on first or second full monthly bill within a separate line item. Additional restrictions may apply. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. EMBARQ High-Speed Internet A fee of $99.00 will be charged for early termination. Performance may vary due to conditions outside of network control. No minimum level of speed Is guaranteed. Conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and muter speeds of websltes accessed, Inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Resbictions may apply. Modem Offer: Without credit approval, customer will be charged $99.99 for modem. Rebate: Customer must request and submit $50 rebate online at EMBARQ.com/htalebate within 45 days of installation. EMBARQ High-Speed Interet account must be active and in good credit standing to receive rebate. One rebate per household. EMBARQ will not honor late, mldilracted, incomplete, or duplicate rebate forms. 2006 Embarq Holdings Company LLC. All rights reserved. The name EMBARQ and the let logo are trademarks of Embarq Holdings Company LLC. Spint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P., used under license. EMB1-0-033 - : ... c -~;. -:~" ..-~; .',: 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15,2006 Students accepted into the People to People A NewTWist in Skylights Elias Carmona and BrandonY, % .A revolutionary new way to think :" Cooper have been selected by about kyllht. LMS History teacher Kristin Professionally Installed in 2 hours Andrews for the People to Peo- No Refraining. No Painting. No Mess NEW SOLAR POWERED ple World Leadership Forum. Cost Much Less. than Old Fashioned Skylights, ATTIC FANS Eias C o te sfLet our Certified Installation Consultants show.you the Elias Carmona is the son of difference Solartube can make in your home today. Belinda and Elias Carmona, Sr.,- Hurrcne Tested & Approved and will be an eighth grade stu- Hurricane Tested &Approved dent at LaBelle Middle School Sa_- TH .LAC .T o t __ ""~ THE Mltrrt..:Ktcarr, ' next year. Brandon Cooper is the son of Bruce and Pamela Coop- er. He will also be an eighth grader at LaBelle Middle School next year. Carmona and Cooper will join a select group of stu- dents in Washington, D.C., March 12-18, 2007, to earn high school credit while studying leadership and exploring some of the United States' most promi- nent monuments and. institu- tions. From Capitol Hill to the Smithsonian Institute, and from Colonial Williamsburg to the National Museum of American History, Carmona and Cooper will examine the characteristics of American leadership during times of national challenge and prosperity. Forum delegates will also participate in small-group Submitted to Caloosa Belle by Belinda Carmona From left: Elias Carmona, Assistant Principal Kevin Lutkenhaus, History teacher Kristen Andrews, and Brandon Cooper. discussions and exercises to experience first-hand how suc- cessful leaders develop strate- gies, make decisions, build con- sensus and foster change. Carmona and Cooper were nominated and accepted for the honor based on outstanding scholastic merit, civic involve- ment and leadership potential. The program is coordinated by People to People Student. 7SBC FINANCE1 Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available : Full Doc or Stated Loans Refinances *, Cash Outs Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Indusrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon- Friday Special Appoiniments Available H bli Ei.piol Ambassador Programs to fulfill the vision Dwight D. Eisenhower had for fostering world citizen- ship when he founded People to People during his presidency in 1956. Eagle Scout candidate Nick Proverbs, an Eagle Scout candidate, is currently working on his community service proj- ect. Located at the Barron Library, his project will be to install a computer with photo- graphic database software. The database will be comprised of the photographs from civic and other important events in and around the city. He is interested in the time period from the earli- est photos of LaBelle (late 1800s) through the end of World War II. He asks the public to loan the photographs. Once the pho- tographs have been scanned into the database, the owner can retrieve the photograph. All of the dates for drop off are at the Barron Library, Monday, June 19, 7-9 p.m., Thursday, June 22, 7-9 p.m. and Saturday, June 24, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Nick is ranked Life Scout and is acting as Junior Assistant Scout Master, helping other boys out with what they need for their advancements. He has been in scouts since first grade begin- ning with Tiger Cubs. He has 20 merit badges so far, and he needs four more to advance to Eagle. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Nick Proverbs LOST Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck i67 & Auto Repair, Call -01 1.3 temi gtK~ Las Noticias en Espanol Edades de Los atletas Hay una polemica ahora con los atletas de Immokalee en los deportes de futbol americano y futbol porque parece que ellos pusieron a jugadores con menos edad cuando en realidad tienen mas anos de los que pide el' reglamento.Por eso se hablo con varios.encargados en La Belle para saber-como esta el asunto con sus jugadores. En el Condado Hendry la edad limited para tender a la escuela es 21 para los estudi- antes normales y 22 para los que tienen algun impedimento fisi- co. La edad limited para un jugador de deportes escolares es 19 y 9 meses, unavez que el atle- ta paso esta edad ya no es elegi- ble para jugar ningun deported en la escuela. La Profesora Guia de la escuela que registra a los estudi- antes Elizabeth Williams dijo que con la cantidad de gente que viene de otros Estados ade- mas de los migrants el poten- cial para que ocurran problems coino oIs de immokale es grande en La Belle tambien.El 48% de la population de la Preparatoria esta compuesta por emigrantes, hubieron 240 estu- diantes mas en el curso escolar que acaba de terminar lo que genera muchos papeles para cada persona, no hay tiempo para saber si los documenteos son legales o falsos. Ahora los padres deben de traer los reports que han tenido sus hijos en otras escuelas, el certificado de nacimiento, un fisico, prueba de residencia en el Estado (cuentas de renta, tele- fono, luz, agua etc...) Si no cuentan con un certificado de nacimiento entonces pueden presentar la acta de bautizo, o algun document religioso que diga la edad de los hijos o un document firmado por un abo- gado y los padres. El Principal Puletti dijo que la education no se le puede negar a nadie,- ni siquiera a los que no tienen ningun document. Veloeidad El equipo encargado de cuidar el trafico en el Condado Hendry acordo en su reunion mensual que La Ley de Enforza- miento estara cuidando mas la velocidad en la Calle 80. Del 10 al 22 de mayo hubieron 71 viola- clones de trafico.Durante el ano pasado ocurrieron 10 fatalidades mientars que hasta ahora han habido 5 victims, es una buena noticia pero todavia la gente debe de manejar. mas cuida- dosamente porque la popula- cion ha crecido much asi como el mal clima y los huracanes. La autoridades recomiendan que s.iempre used debe de manejar al limited que se le pide y ponerse su cinturon de seguridad donde- quiera que vaya no importa si la distancia es corta olarga. Los miembros del equipo notaron que ahora hay muchos camiones de basura y otros camiones pesados en la 80 y la 29. El Ingeniero del Condado Shane Parker dijo que habra un luz en la Calle 78 muy pronto en la interseccion norte del Puente en La Calle Nobles Una acera de cinco pies de ancho fue aprobada para poner en La Calle Cowboy Way enfrente de la escuela primaria La Belle, se esperaque estara Usta cuando comience el proxi- mo curso lectivo 2006- 2007 en agosto. Ahora hay una political de que deben de haber luces en las subdivisions a cada 300 pies de distancia. Si usted nota que no hay luces trabajndo en la calle 80 por favor, llame a La Ciu- dad para que ellos la reparen Arrests La Oficina del abogado del Estado por el Circuito 20 anun- cio que Seferino Moreno Gomez de edad 47 fue sentenciado a 12 anos de prison en la prison del Estado: El jurado encontro a Moreno culpable del delito de asalto sexual. El ataque ocurrio en diciembre del 2003 en contra de una viclima de edad 19 que tiene retardo mental. Como ahora es un ofendedor sexual el tiene que registrarse en La Ofici- na de La Policia. El 2 de junio aproximada- mente a las 8:20 p.m La Policia respondio a una Ilamada con- cerniente a un hombre que esta- ba exponiendo sus parles pri- vadas en la Tienda El Dolar Familiar. Minutes mas larde Los oficiales detuvieron al hombre en el estacionamiento del restaurant de polio Popeye. Un testigo dijo que cuando el hom- bre estaba exponiendo sus geni- tals una persona menor de 16 *anos estaba muy proximo a el. El hombre identificado como Edward Triplet, Jr de edad 27 fue acusado del delito, de lascivia y lujuria en presencia de un menor de edad. Fue Ilevado a la carcel con una fianza de $100,000. Looking for something Unique? Find it in the Classifieds Pages 16-18 At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: 'After Surgery Care Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK . Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com COUNTRY LIVING! Make a Difference in the World-Host an Exchange Student World Heritage is seeking fam- ilies, couples or single parents (with or without children at home) who are adventurous, fun- loving, responsible, and most of all caring, who are interested in hosting a high-school-aged for- eign exchange student for the 2006-2007 school year. Students who spend a semester or school year in the U.S. are fulfilling a life- time dream. American culture plays an important role all over the world; the English language is the international language of our times. Share your home for a at 1-800-888-9040 or visit our website at www.world- heritage.org. World Heritage is a non-profit tax exempt public benefit organi- zation. World Heritage is officially designated as an exchange visitor program by the United States Department of State and is fully listed with CSIET. year; enjoy a rienasnip ror a lie- time! experience, please call Kimberly, Of PjU I 3 BR/2 BA, 1.91 acres cleared, newer roof, Ig. Florida rm., 2 sheds, Ig. workshop/craft rm. Coldwell Banker Preferred Prop., Inc. Se Habla Espafiol! 1-800-320-8144 SClinica de Inmigracion para todos Nuevas aplicaciones de Residencias Permisos de trabajo, Certificaciones Laborales, Visas de Trabajo, Visas Profesionales. Todo tipo de Casos de Inmigracion George Chernoff & Associates @ NAFA Attorneys Abogados, Practicing immigration law only Llamanos: LaBelle: 863:402-0072 Sebring: 863-314-8555 Miami: 305-480-5399 Primera Consulta Gratis 6 Fcj II ~ I 2 .,i .i '\' "r of: Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15,2006 SP PY F A HR E FR S F AY Hampton Chrysler Dodjg ep of Clewiston I& 0 A Daimler Chrysler has AL. -A .- instructed us to REDUCE HUGE INVENTORIES of all 06' & 05' leftovers + 200 \ preowned vehicles. This is a special ONE TIME inventory reduction event applicable throughout Hendry and surrounding counties. Huge penalties wle l p sed by aier Chrys er dealership f 100 v~eiacl- are-: n di~~~-st of ty monthss Send regarde~~ f pro or Expect : Traffic Delays and Congested Parking ALL L'V E iJ C7 S 'E For more information please call 1-888-200-1703 Look for the tent!! 955 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 5 W VenhiJ A 955 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FLc '4--~-----,~ k ; ~r~-' *~ Ho. wIwN 10 Sons of Free Gas or $300 Gift Certificate at Walar Or .i0#0A&A ifNS Wsg*0 rM-B' . SOil& Filter Change wi: n 16-Point Vehicle Checkup : $22.95 S1. ri !fil ji r -.r!: .rri nt 1p mto t -- -- diesel, V- s, H. r- m a V-s I IS i S sernit-ynftheic 5 and synthetic oils- Plu:- ii: .- -- ...-1 of theses and .ddfitina itemTs rcot i!S-ted: TiresFire press P urn *I C r"i yn M S s tr iIturleal s -*"..n .1 it i ..l W EI sr a11 Ai. S Exteriar Lamps U 801ts/H0s0o Air fi ter Pricv duos nloL ihcludSe* repair whichh may beu re ir d aft r i .nswpctmn. x Ask Sariues Advisr Soror addtinal dl tafil. Expires: 6/ 21/06 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IViopar Value Line Drake Pad or Shoe Replacement -7 $119095 INCLUDES- Fr.- III I I "'T C --;I CA tj I. I! C 0 -h u V fit W ith Nflcrm m-Va'tue Ln~ r .il -.(SEIi-i i )I I I I *r -i'' m rotor, drunm aind cnliqp t.ack brrike I; .Ji i I Rss-~s F~~~as ~ai I H. 11ii Huav -Olt~ 4-/ 'H * EtrUc ks hliw, r I rioVtfA nut covorod by F.I r viq-11tp' Line Ibrake- Expirs: 6/21/0 ~ Expires: 6/ 21/06 HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP ___ UHENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR _____ CHRYeLER-DODGE-JEEP * It really does make a dif "Y>~~ ~ ~ ~ ; 6/ : .A4^ ^^lft*^ ^lT 1^f V ri rerence! V *- *A IL~nm~m 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 *2 , '! I CHI tYSLEKI I - R E 19Y ~ti~~~~1$2.4. 4;:: : C-' -r ........... a~i' 7 .. ------- ---------------------- ----- LQ (~~~i~j oauu w~l ~hlba "in qou11 trhssu~t (863) 983-4600 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15, 2006 Moore Haven River Rally to benefit Main Street As bikers rode dowrrAvenue J in Moore Haven Saturday, June 3, Main Street Moore Haven pro- gram manager Tracy Whirls stood in the center of-the street, taking photos. The former news- paper editor, who is also Glades County's economic develop- ment director was heard to observe later, "This is beginning to feel like a motorcycle rally. What do you want to bet that in two years we can be as big as Leesburg?" Given only six weeks to help organize and promote the sec- ond annual River Rally, spon- sored by the City of Moore Haven to benefit Main Street Moore Haven, Inc., the event drew par- ticipants from West Palm Beach, Ft. Myers, Punta Gorda, Cape Coral and Orlando as well as communities around Lake Okee- chobee. "We met so many wonderful people in the course of planning this event. Big Mike Mayo, the safety officer for Southern Cruis- ers Chapter 456 in West Palm Beach, took the time to email me with advice concerning promot- ing the event for next year. The guys with the Christian Motorcv'- cle Association-Ethan Gramm, the Florida Regional President, Chrome, Captain Glenn all those guys were wonderful about helping me promote and organize this thing. "Ever\one who came talked about what a great ride it \\as to Moore Haven, Ms. Whirls said. "Whether you're coming from the east coast or the west, from central or south Florida it's an hour, two hours maximum to get here, and once you get out of the cities, the scenery's fantastic and the traffic virtually nonexistent." Moore Haven Vice Mayor and Harley enthusiast Dave McGee- urge bikers from around Lake Okeechobee and beyond to enjoy the ride over to Moore Haven on the banks of the Caloosahatchee River. "We in Moore Haven wel- come everyone to our small but peaceful town by the Caloosa- hatchee River," Vice Mayor McGee said. "You'll find that Moore Haven is a real down to earth town with a lot to offer. We have one of the most beautiful areas around the lake, scenic parks, and of course, the historic Lone Cypress tree, on the bank of the Caloosahatchee River, where the city was founded in, 1915:" The riverside park was the perfect venue for the rally. Resi- dents and visitors alike lined the sidewalk across the street from Submitted to Lne Caloosa Belle/Tracy Whirls Bobby Reise carries the stars and stripes while Christian Motorcycle Association Florida Regional president Ethan Gramm and Moore Haven Vice Mayor and Main Street Moore Haven vice chairman Dave McGee and members of Spirit Wind Band observe the Star Span- gled Banner. The second annual River Rally, held on Riverside Drive in Moore Haven June 3, gave visi- tors, whether on bikes or boats, an opportunity to enjoy the south central Florida City, locat- ed on the banks of the Caloosahatchee River, an intercoastal waterway linking Ft. Myers and Stuart. the Riverwalk to watch games, including the "Road Kill game," "Bite the Dog" and others. Harley Da\idson of Ft. Myers donated game prizes, while vendors, including E&L Leather Goods of Ft. Myers, Crafty Creations and JK Design'of Moore Haven, and Ole Rips of Arcadia, donated door prizes. Everglades Realty Moore Haven broker Jeff Davis donated the grand door prize, a $100 bill, initially won by Glades County Commissioner Russell Echols, who donated it back. Planning is already underway for next year's evnt; tent tatively' scheduled for Saturday, June 2, 2007. For more information, or to get on our email list, email jre- gan@gladescountyedc.com or phone (863) 946-0300. newszap.com CommuniLinks. Individual Voices. RESIDENTIAL .. COMMERCIAL . KEEP YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS UP AfNDUNjXa14 G R *N-24 Hi Bllckout Prolection *Security & Peace Of Minid .: I S[ompletely Automatic *LP, latlu l Gas, Diesel , S Adds bVlue o Your Home *15,000 To 200,000 Watts KATnr LGi .Factioly Authorized Warrnty Service SBO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1", 3" 15'" Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. 863-675-2733 N RiJr Rd tH) 7) , e-mail: ctklc'strato.net Same Day Service Lab On Premises SINGL $90 ingl FUL ST 720- reiu PARTIAS. $36 -Eac Poclanad ht Karen Simmons scoops up stuffed animals during the Road Kill game, on a Harley driven by City Code Enforcement Offi- cer Lawrence Burleson. The second annual River Rally held in Moore Haven's historic commercial district along the banks of the Caloosahatchee River was sponsored by Main Street Moore Haven. MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS . . S.- GENERAL ~ ANSHSA VIAL GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE n- 1 f. Ir, i.. i. .mi. .. drn I,'- '.: I.-. I rl nL .r, -.Jrhl .1 .I- fi C 1..,j' r .'r r-.f't., . I.... 1. f r~n..l.~ ci~. r j, f)~ ~l Irlnil I I -( I pre. hL f IF -1 lid ,,I Ni. 1`l:: .'-tif -A r f,. llr~j 1r.C i I r -t Jw A rv. -r: r W ---te, it i-A ---i rIl lueiCnl::.clljI ffijil'i -: fit~il .. ,. .... .. .... ..- ,,. ... .. ''- ...... ^. ., :;^ Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! S4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used tem or- : SPrice must be priced at $2 500 -. .,. .-..- ., .i e .o w ee .ks .. =,e d. .- '.. ,- * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue Sell your personal valables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely freely, or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. * Deadline 11 a.m. Monday ) catch, no prIo""'. .... A OOSA n BELLE Delivering dester.n HKndry Cotutl' Nev,', Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com No fee, no s I g -911 ,, -- I -- d an id edulcni Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15,2006 Wanted: Fathers and sons or daughters. Sports Briefs SAre you looking for someplace to take Dad on Father's Day? Well look no further. How about the races? Lawnmower racing is right here in LaBelle. On Sunday, June 18, Grasscar will host its monthly race behind the rodeo grounds on Hwy. 29. Admission is free and the VFW Post 10100 will be selling hot dogs and sodas for those that develop an. appetite. So bring your lawn chairs and have some fun. For those of you that may want to participate, Grasscar is a local lawnmower racing organization. they have created a simple, inex- pensive and easy to follow way to race lawnmowers. One only has to see their single page of rules to understand how. They regulate RPMs, tire size and overall gear ratios to give everyone a fighting chance at taking home the win. Those of you a little more , mechanical may want to try to suild a stronger engine that may give you a slight advantage, but e stock engine will still have -luilt-in durability SGrasscar wants theentire fami- Apply for By Tony Young Florida Fish and W'ildlife- Conservation Commission SIt's 9:15 p.m., and you're on. an airboat with your best hunting $uddy on a pleasant summer' night. You've'already watched the sunset while you and your friend quickly readied your hunt- ihg gear to the lulling sound of pig frogs which seems to grow increasing louder with the com- ihg of night. It's now gotten just dark enough to use the Q-Beam tp spot the big, bright-red-glow- ing eyes of a huge bull gator. How cool would it be to har- poon one of these beasts and then have it tow your boat all. over the lake as you hang on with 11 your might? Since 1988, the FWC has offered hunters this exact opportunity by taking part in its, annual statewide alligator liarvest. These special hunts pro- dide a thrilling, hands-on hunting Adventure unlike any other you could imagine. SAt its February commission treeting, the FWC decided to extend the alligator,-hunting sea- ly to race and have fun. They have classes for kids, ladies, seniors and men. Staggered drags have been designed to give the slowest classes to compete against the fastest. Everyone is here for com- petition, camaraderie and fun. Everybody will race, provided that they are not in violation of insurance requirements. If your machine is in violation you will run "scratch" and you will not be allowed to score awin until it is in compliance. It is the general policy of this group that the main purpose is to have fun. Competition is part of that fun, but it will not override the conceptof having a good time and promoting good sportsman- ship and fellowship. Adult behav- ior and good sportsmanship is expected of everyone. Those that cannot adhere to those concepts are invited to leave until they can comply. . For more information check out their website'at www.grass- car.us or call Mike Miller Sr. at 239- 872-1439. . -'I ei \ il^ " John and Justin Cagle flush with a Grasscar victory. your gator hunt permits now son to give hunters more flexibili- ty in scheduling their hunts. This year, the season will be twice as long as last year and will span 1 I consecutive weeks from Aug. 15 through Nov. 1. You can choose among four one-week quota periods at the beginning of the season and also hunt the remain- ing seven-week "open" season which runs Sept. 12 Nov. 1. Another positive change this year is hunters can now pur- chase additional permits if they're available. But, only one permit may be purchased per transaction. More than 4,000 alligator har- vest permits will be available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning 10 a.m. (EDT) June 15. You may buy them at any tax collector's office, license agent, at MyFWC.com/license or by calling toll-free 1-888 HUNT FLORIDA from anywhere within the United States or Canada. The cost for the alligator trap- ping license and the two neces- sary hide validation tags is $272 for Florida residents, and $1,022 for nonresidents. Additional per- mits cost only $62 for instate and out-of-staters alike. Each permit allows you to take two alligators from whichever county or lake/river harvest area you applied for. Hunters must be at least 18 years old by opening day, on Aug. 15 to purchase one, and no other hunting license or per- mits are required. Legal hunting hours during these night-only hunts is one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise. Hunters may take alligators using hand-held snares, har- poons, gigs or snatch hooks. Or, )ou can choose to use projectiles that are attached to restraining lines and shot from a speargun, crossbow or bow. Hand-thrown spears attached to restraining lines also can be used. Bang sticks are then used to finish the hunt once the gator is secured to the restraining line and up close enough to the boat. But, if you'd rather assist a friend who's a licensed trapper, you can pay just $52 for an alliga- tor trapping "agent" license. You don't even have to be 18 to buy one.of them; This license allows you to take alligators, but only when in the presence of your friend. S If you think you're up to the challenge and you'd like to give gator hunting a try but you're not sure what all's involved not to wprry. The FWC offers a free, three-hour training program throughout the state to teach the rules and regulations of these unique hunts. You don't have to attend, but if you've never been gator hunting, I'd recommend going. Courses will be offered in July and August, and after you pur- chase any of these licenses and permits, you'll receive, in the mail, an orientation manual and a listing of exact dates and loca- tions of the training sessions. If. you'd like to experience the thrill of gator hunting, you need to buy a permit beginning June 15., Don't hesitate because the best hunting areas go quickly. Visit MyFWC.com/gators and click on "Statewide Hunts" for more information on this exciting hunting opportunity. Cheerleaders have sign ups, bake sale Southwest Universe All-Stars Cheer and Dance will hold a bake sale on Saturday, June 17, .at Winn-Dixie in LaBelle from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Please stop in and buy some tasty treats to help super port the local cheerleaders. Southwest Universe All-Stars Cheer and Dance, all around state champions, will have sign-ups for the new season on Mondays and Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. If you are interested in joining this great team, the gym are located at 150 - South Industrial Loop Road. Stop in to register or to get more infor- mation. Sign up for LaBelle Longhorns If you would like to sign your child up for cheerleading or fo6t- ball come to Winn Dixie on June 24 9 a.m. noon. You will need the following information: a birth certificate, their year end report card, a sports physical on Pop Warner paper and a current pic- ture. If you need any further infor- mation stop by and chat with one of our board members during sign-ups. 4-H Youth Camping Trip Youth ages 8-13 as of Septem- ber 1, 2006, interested in overnight camping may attend a fun filled week of activities at 4-H Camp Cloverleaf June 19-23 in Lake Placid. Cost of camp is $165. For more information, contact the 4-H Office at 674-4092 or 983- 1598. Sonja C. Crawford 4-H Coordi- nator/Livestock PO Box 68 LaBelle, FL 33975 (863)674-4092 (863)674-4099 FAX. STA5 birding tours June 24 and July29 Hendry-Glades Audubon will lead a public escorted birding tour bird count at Stormwater Treatment Area 5 (STA-5) south of Clewiston in eastern Hendry County on Saturday June 24 and July 29 from 8:30 a.m.-noon. Meet at STA5 or. carpool from the LaBelle McDonald's at 7 a.m. or the Clewiston McDonald's at 7:45 a.m. We will be walking and driv- ing on the STA51levee. To Register or get directions send an e-mail to Margaret England, at sta5bird- ing@earthlink.net with your name and contact information or leave a message at(863) 674- 0695. Tours are subject to cancel- lation in case of inclement weath- er. r*---- ---- -- ' SPORTSFANSI I I I I BET SYOU I DIDN'T KNOW Broughtto youby I I Lon Langflfd The 2006 NASCAR campaign is notable .for one significant absence. Rusty Wallace retired at the end of '05 after a 22-year career that was marked by Sexcellence -55 wins.(including t least one in 16 straight seasons), a rookie of I the year crown, the series championship I in 1989. and a iop 10 Bni.her in FpO h I I or 10 'straight eirs trom i193t rhrouh 1 2002 But Wallace was also known ?or I hjI e -xpleceflled tivrjdes One clne. I when he was fined 5.000 for curring on I I h in car radio, Wallace pad up in pen I nies. I I I San Dieo catcher Mike Piazza cracked I I hi 400th career home run elt!\ in the' I I 2006 season \\'uhie that ,I indeed sig .. Mrihcnit. the lact isthalt 40eotherhiers I in big league hisEory have homered at I I le-ast 400rir s But nlv; ,i.other'hiae I I done it Piaza \jy. combining theI I long bill with a 00 career batting I I average and fewer than 100 smk-eours in I I arn -nogle ieasonr Hov. rniiy cm iou I I name' The br i[ truly irmpresi'e Babe I I Ruth. Lou Gehngr Hard: Aaron. Ted I I W'dllims, Stin Musial and Mej Ort D' I. I you think Piazza shouJd be headed for I I the Hllofl Fane v. here theoer -i are I I alridv enshrined' I I I I I I Plenry of baseball frrs know that early I I in the 2006 campaign luiLoFranco of I I the Ne'. Yolk .lets became the oldest I I player in major league history to hit a I Some run. Franco was 47 when he con- I I nected offSan Diego s Siert Liriebnrn I SBu ge this It hadbeen an inreedible 12 I i'ar since Franco hoirered againstt a 1 I pitcher -'.ho ;as older thin he wa-. -not I since Augut of 1I9941 ben Franco I I .pbved for the Chicago \Vh'lj Sox md l' I v.ent deep against jy Hov.ellh [ Texj I I I 'llbet you didn't kno. o corner or I going, that v.hen the rubber ht: the Iroad \ ,, cin't adlord not to buy from I Lingord I I I I LANGFORD1 I I I I S "Y'all Spoken Herer" S,675-1686 ., , L .-------------- Snewszap.com Community Links Individuol Voices Reason #24 to join Suncoast. Payday loans Your news -7, We do print "bad" news. (It IS newsworthy when things go wrong, and citizens need to know about problems.) i, ". *. . Still, we give most of our attention to good news the kind you clip and tape to your refrigerator door. (This isn't difficult. The vast majority of what happens in our community IS good.) "How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Some newspapers seem to take pleasure in the bad news. Not us. i:We do print "bad" news. (It IS newsworthy when things go |:wrong, and citizens need to know about problems.) .Still, we give most of our attention to good news -.the kind you clip and tape to your refrigerator door. (This isn't difficult. The i.vast majority of what happens in our community IS good.) [How are we doing? iLet us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your ;editor. ICALOOSAI BELLE r Delivering Western Henrdry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism THAT WON'T TAKE '." Some traditional payday lenders charge an 1 . rate of more than 300%. That's beyond excessive, If you had the money to throw away on extremely high interest rates, you wouldn't need a payday loan. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union is not-for-profit, so our goal is to actually save you money, and help you break the payday loan cycle. Suncoasl's YOUR PAYCHECK. CU Payday Loan has an annual you need to make ends meet until payday without costing Who's eligible to join Suncoast? IF YOU LVE IN HENDRY COUNTY, YOU'RE EUCLBLCE FOR MEMBERSHIP AT SLINCOAST.' PLUS, ANYONE WO WORKS, WORSHIP OR ATTENDS SCHOOL HERE CAN JOIN. IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS CAN JOIN TOO. you your paycheck. To find out more about Suncoast, call us at 800-999-5887 or visit us online at joinsuncoast.org. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org oLnespired governniiia photo iD i. rqui red nYr`~ w 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15,2006 Bell makes Wingate University dean's list Wingate University in Wingate, North Carolina, has named Christopher Charles Bell of LaBelle to the Dean's List for demonstrat- ing outstanding academic achieve- ment during the spring 2006 semester. The Dean's List requires a term GPA of 3.30 or at least 12 quality point academic hours with no grade below a C. "It takes hard work and self-dis- cipline to accomplish such high academic achievement," said Dr. Martha Asti, interim vice president- for academic affairs. "Wingate University faculty and staff congrat- ulate the more than 500 students who have achieved President's List and Dean's list honors this past semester. Founded in 1896, Wingate Uni- versity is a private four-year co- educational institution offering stu- dents active learning opportunities through personalized instruction, world travel, faith development, career discovery and community service. Wingate offers more than 37 undergraduate majors in arts and sciences, business, education, fine arts, music and sport sciences. It also offers pre-professional pro-. grams, graduate degrees in busi- ness, education and the doctor of pharmacy degree. In addition to academics, Wingate student-ath- letes compete in 17 NCAA Division II sports. Girl Scout volunteer honored Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, Inc. honored outstanding Girl Scout members at an annual recognition luncheon held April 22 in Sarasota at the Gulf Coast Event and Conference Center on the new, regional Girl Scout cam- pus. The council is privileged to have more than 2,900 adult volun- teers who serve more than 8,900 girls in six-and-one-half Gulf Coast counties. Krista Higgirbotham of LaBelle received the Outstanding Volun- teer award. nzap.CCommuiomt Farm Bureau says citrus quarantine GAINESVILLE The U.S. Department of Agriculture should base its final rule regulating ship- ment of fresh Florida citrus fruit on conclusive scientific data, Florida Farm Bureau said today, respond- ing to a June 6 announcement by USDA that a quarantine will be imposed on the shipment of fresh Florida citrus fruit to other citrus- Sproducing states next season. The interim rule from USDA prevents fresh Florida fruit from being shipped to 11 states and ter- ritories: Alabama, American Samoa, Arizona,. California, Guam, Hawaii, Louisiana, North- ern Mariana Island, Puerto Rico, Texas and the Virgin Islands. "The ban's impact seems mini- mal because it only applies to fresh fruit," said Carl B. Loop Jr., president of Florida Farm Bureau, the state's largest general agricul- tural organization. "Ninety percent of Florida oranges are made into juice. But the proposed rule is troubling because of its broader implications concerning the implementation of other plant and animal disease quarantines." The quarantine will allow the continued shipment of fresh fruit to non-citrus producing states and other countries under certain restrictions. The rules governing the quar- antine are expected to be pub- lished by the end of this-summer. "We would hope that the Ani- mal and Plant Health and Inspec- tion Service (APHIS) would con- sider only conclusive science before issuing a final rule. This interim rule proposed by APHIS at this time appears to lack conclusive scientific backing." said Mr. Loop. "It is worrisome that the deci- sion by APHIS was undertaken at a time when USDA and the agri- culture industry had gone to great lengths to urge that sound science be the guidepost for animal health and food safety standards," Mr. Loop added. "The long fight over reopening foreign markets that were closed to U.S. beef as a result of the BSE or "mad cow disease" scare has troubling corollaries to . this new situation facing Florida's citrus industry. "APHIS should carefully evalu- ate the restrictions on the move- ment of plant and animal products to ensure that such restrictions are science-based," stated Mr. Loop. Mr. Loop commended U.S. Senator Mel Martinez and Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Charles Bron- son for their efforts on this issue. and their commitment to finding solutions for Florida's farmers. While the announcement of this quarantine is difficult to accept, Loop said Florida Farm Bureau appreciates the USDA's and Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns' commitment to Florida's farmers evidenced by Johann announcing the availability of $100 million to compensate Flori- da citrus growers.and commercial citrus nursery growers for losses incurred as a result of. the citrus canker eradication program. "While the prospect of the future impact of this rule is trou- bling and comes at a time when Florida agriculture is already bear- BLUE HE ing the brunt of multiple financial challenges, the announcement of this new money is very welcome news to Florida's citrus growers.' Loop concluded. . The Florida Farm Bureau Fed! eration is the state's largest gener' al-interest agricultural association with more than 140,000 member- families statewide. RON POINT ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late' ': ih ,Thurs 9 8 216 S. \l.in Slitl Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 t CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1, 3"' & 5" Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Whereeverybody s Somebody- andJesusis Lord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net mlllfq,r^ l'wlm !,.-- '" E& APP""' BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www.w hitesfr iirrnitaalrdapplitutces.com CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senicr liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National d Life Itnsurance Company I 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) 675-3233 STAIE CEP1lFED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CACO0030 FPl PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CLASSIC CONCEPTS HAJR AND TANNFNG SALON 283 South Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 674-1122 Hours Monday thru Wednesday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 am. to 12 p.m. Smart Tan Accredited Salon IGLESIA BAUTISTA- NUEVO TESTAMENTO 300 Davis St. En la esquina de Bryan Ave. Domingo: Servicio 10:00 a.m. Studio Biblico 6:00 p.m, Martes: Servicio 7:30 p.m. Estudlo Biblico y Clase de Ingles Pastor Ben lill: nr 863-674.0837 Iglesia: 673-0782 Ciro C.: 571-0377 ..^ LICASA GRANDL i DRFTINC DBEIC, INC. PFr s idet: :itro Le agas m Phone: 8S3.012.921(0 Fax: 83.6l2.9211 6fi3 WCr('mboy Way .LaBdle, l. rIa5 Haltlln~io Eapafol ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or email cbelle@strato.net INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State farm is there." LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS G ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Stree LaBelle. FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: Z39/24B-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald, Certified Estate Specallst AU 2936 AS 2171. ..',, 7 'TE^ =" PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 Osceola Concrete Services LLC Colored Stamped Concrete Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exterior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair and Resealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH FT. MYERS 1,866 226w9400 tl, l CARltETlCIEANING TREt, & LAWN MUN'ITAINtENCtI CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visi 1s on I wevb at www.;illin [.20,nrcorn Sc Habla Eslparel. l il 'l 'PlifIm i 11lO AK SERVICES Total Landscaping, Interlocking Paving Stones, Land Clearing & Final Grading Services, Mobile Detail & Pressure Cleaning Services, Concrete Additions & Pumping Services Drywall Finishing, Texturing & Strucco Services Mark: 239-872-4680 Amber: 863-673-2320 Licensed & Insured Randy's Garage, Inc. Your Local ACDdco CCar Care CEer 863 675-1032 737 S. Rr-idc St. LaBelle, FL Just North of Langford Ford LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET V kiolelsale tlooirmg warehou s e 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY 80 LABELLE,FL 863-675-8575 Largest In-Stock Selection and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES 9 Rc OFFICE: (863) 67S-7045 -' LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500 W. SUaeiIHwl ir,lsT 863-983-9121 MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured I02 Sugarlan Hwy,, Clewiston Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC j HO1017TSP Licensed & Insured OFCE (863) 675-8314 LABOR FINDERS DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Suand N, (Arossf r(n Clvston ln) (863) 902-9494 Marion f. flfr '' 1 ' 1454 Madison Ave- Immokalee, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 Walk-ins \Welomme IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Iake Traford Rdimmokake, FL. ('Vimt>Diw Piamo )m Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 CALOOSA LAWN SERVICE Licensed & Insured FREE Estimates Mowing, weedeating edging and trimming Specializing in Customer Satisfaction Call Ed & Diana Kuntz (863) 675-6432 or (863) 673-6544 LANGFORD 851 S. Main St S\, LaBelle, FL. A y) (863) 675-1686' I "all' Spoken Here! EXTREME CLEANS. INC. c nstnrctiOn Commercial SResidential 863 675-0810 239 344-6712. 're the best above the ,.. .ic & ruwued 11" NEW HOME CONSTR IClTION p)863-612-0070 f 86S-612-0080 825 E. C -.._. ,-G '- SSuite 108 ldll, Fn 339 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson River Where Quality is Dune in Style SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES f i^V,^ I Mli! I i fl l .- w%";waaw t.[P Li *.1%l *'0 L.ri . Sod RcphicommIrI & oliher Ilwn r Mairlfance CALL (239) 357-2972 Iic. & Insicclre r-muai: cIasper I'l 11 .4 ',".'l oy Coils i_ ._ "When you need a service, call a professional!" 1 40 i 11 call 863-675-2541 MIAMI Is^ or e-mail us at cbelle@strato.net S- to place your ad! -II I I I,, I L I HkMKON HMM1E DONGE JEE? pillm." PlIVIII ]WIV:I1'Llm -: ;q~.~.:'*L18B~ -ji;F'.~ '~'4 ~- 'I'" ~BkB~sAnnr19ii~t irirlijs ~~~ Calsa Belle, Thursday, June 15,200611 fCaloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15, 2006 Beware: New scam hits the internet SGoing places Heritage Land Company had a $75 gas giveaway as a way to give back to the community for anyone that came in * their door. There were about 75 entries. The winner was Rowland Walker. Pictured from left: Karen O' Steene, Donna Kane, Denise Walker, Lucy Carranza, Wayne Sim- : mons, winner Rowland Walker, Charlene Bowen, Trisha SArnold, Beverly Curtis and Patty Walker. Almanacs Adventure Camp July 3-8 SA traditional camping experi- ence with plenty of outdoor recre- ation and lessons that locus stu- dents on the Creator by studying 4is creation. At Mission Immer- ion Camp July 9-15 children will .pend at least half of each da. away from camp participating in Dands on ministry opportunities i- the local area. Both camps are for 6th-8th .7 Stall Cals ,:., >'. t ,' -""r se' r ,. With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates, References & Service Call 863-675-3231 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers tChe king qCRoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as l10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net PORT LABELLE INN The OE OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m 11p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m 7 p.m. 1 OXBoW DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 graders. For more information call 675-0334. Kid's Cafe June 22-July 20 The Coo Coo CaBarron Book Feast is at the Barron Library every Thursday from 10:30- 1:3U a.m. It will be lots of fun for all ages. There will be songs, games, stories and entertainment for the whole family' Some exciting guests are planned ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mort a.e Br.ok .r 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bames@alankellymortgage.com Phtograp j, J~t. Lynn k l,,y F .! ,- . MONTHLY SPECIALS 239').989-7032 r1 Mn ,. phneli [ruphl l I\ rrih Mn.iiirn1 Caloosa SiShores Waterfront Homesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 ,Iva: 219:72-9998 latelk: 583-675400 wwwIaabursonr-wearhtcs.a com 03 tA I -uiI-fitk aIicr Lo1I cc:c. Ic1*1 S1 SECRETARIAL SERVICES From My House Typing/Data Entry Spreadsheets Bookkeeping Cold Calling/Telemarketing/Sales 30 years'experience Reasonable, affordable! Save money No payroll taxes, insurance or overh.eadl Please call me with any questions. 863-674-0416 State Attorney Steve Russell warns the public that a new scam has hit the Internet this week. An e-mail appears to come from the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), and states that all insurance on the recipient's bank accounts will be terminated and asks for personal identification informa- lion to avoid the suspension of insurance The e-mail contains a link to respond, which appears to be the FDIC, but the informa- tion actually goes to a hidden link. Information including name, social security number, and bank account numbers is requested. Russell says, "The origination point for this email is Hungary Do not respond to it. It is a scam'" The FDIC says, "Since last night, they have received copies of the email from about 50 concerned Internet users." The FDIC reiterates Russell's warning and urges consumers not to respond The e-mail reads in cooperation with the Department Of Homeland Secu- rity, Federal, State and Local Gov- ernments \our account has been denied insurance from the Fed- eral Deposit Insurance Corpora- SBC FINANCE SIi .rrs:.' [0 lo j E,' [i _r-r u ir..- 100% Financing Available 49 N, Industrial Loop Rd, LaBelle 863-675-3275 ;'5 ', lorn Frnd, ,' - S"- ':i- l Appoi,, rrieril: AijiI tl'l Hablamos Bspaiol ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 433 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rentals Property Management Put your trust in Number One! r. i It .f *,.*- .: .. |t --I BarbaraM. Watt M" S Broker/Owner ew Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call GRBG MINERS S IRealEstate Broker i ..' . RcAln, r thlvOl. Ini;. Lisa Andrews Lic. Real fEtate Broker 2:8 N. Bridge St. I.Bdle, t i I I 863.675-8868 w\.s)llc thwestflinridacrltygml),corn ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net tion due to suspected violations of the Patriot Act. While we have only a limited amount of evi- dence gathered on your account at this time it is enough to sus- pect that currency violations may have. occurred in your account and due to this activity we have withdrawn Federal Deposit Insurance on your account until w\e erity that sour account has not been used in a violationn ot the Pati ot Act. As a result Department Of Homeland Securit[ Director Tom Ridge has advised the Federal Deposit insurance Corporation to suspend all deposit insurance on your account until such time as we can verify \out identity\ and your account information. Please veril\ through out IDVerilv below. This information will be checked against a federal government database for identi- tv verification. This only takes up to a miniutt and 'when \\e have verifiedd your identity you \xill be notified of said veili cation and all suspensions of insurance on \our account \,.ill be lifted. Please click the link below http. w'\vw.fldic.go\ idaeri- ly cqi-bin irnd- him Failure to use IDV'erify below% \ill cause all insurance lor your BankofAmerica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.-115.6311 shlirlei .wiUis.i banikofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle EDISON PLUMBING, INC. ... t ir. t ; t oJi, i S itr. ,t ; L:I .FI I I )r.iIN 'l '.1y NEW ..'ON.M Kl \'li[> SMALL COMMERCIAL siN! F-Ni I.\l *; -rt\Ic L EIrT.\AIK CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (289 690-1824 875 Industrial Ct. LaBelle, FL Cr.c1,25f6e rR t E MTfA'TS E4iNSURE) COUNTRY HOMES & Io RBL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins LiC, Real Bstate BtoKer Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales,com 233 N. BRIDGE ST ON TH COmIR Or BniOU STr & WAJNON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com property management IL ... rentals sales [' i i CINDY L,ALEXANDER I-D .. c. E BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 .f'-, Bankston Realty www.anlkstonroakty.com Wanda Barnkton Owner Broker LRNDSCFlPING PRESSURE CLEANING 863 6573 4565 account to be terminated and all records of your account history will be sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in-Wash- ington D.C. for analysis and veri- fication Failure to provide prop- er identity may also result in a visit from Local, State or Federal Government or Homeland Secu- Mrn E. ir i . THL OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Maain St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 La eleFL 393 ROmNE Y ML'. RAY 1 It. i.Ik Broker liR-lk. FL 863-675-4550 :RIVERSIDE - REtAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 .wwwx.lalxllciversixdc.comn S 1,'ll' it .l ,' ; Ij T .I j. \Hasisj^-^ HESORT- y FULL HOOK-UP R.v. SITES Ut l'HO.'1. RENTAL& POOL MFABERSHIPS AVAILABLE CALL FOR INFORMATION (863) 675-3641 Se tabla Espaiol HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (35 Years Experience) rity Officials. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Donald E. Powell Chairman Emeritus FDIC Comptroller of the Currency Michael E. Bartell Chief Information Officer 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee Expect something extra. 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-lopm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as Ilttle as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net RIRJTAGi) LAND C0,O >. .-" 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol DONNA KAN Si .:us REu Ent Ptouf PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675.0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER. BROKER CUCINA Di CIELO STEAK, SEAFOOD & PASTA 700 W. LEELAND HEIGHTS BLVD. SUITE 103 LEHIGH ACRES, FL 239.369.8883 -i ;-~^^^;)HI - "-:-- -"When you need a service, call a professional S7Call 863-675-2541 or email us at cbelle@strato.net _- to place your ad! II' I ., 4 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15, 2006 Belle Realty,'it's all about service' Real estate is as hot as the Flori- da sun in this area. It seems every- one is either buying or selling property. So, when you need a real estate agent, you've got a lot to choose from. Belle Realty may be the newest real estate business in town, but the folks there have got more than their share of experience. Owner/broker Terri Banky has been in the business for 15 years; a broker since 2001. For Terri, it's all about service. "I love what I do," says Terri, "It's.like a puzzle, the way I do it - putting different pieces together to come up with solid results." Although she's results-orient- ed, Terri believes that people should be comfortable working With their real estate agent That's what she wants for all her clients. She builds relationships. Over the .. years, she's seen that people who. Share pleased with their experience come back again and send their friends and family to her. "At least 90 percent of my business is refer- rals and old customers," she com- mented. Buying or selling real estate is an important step for people, Terri knows, and it's not just about money. She believes that people need a comfort level. "Just walking into a real estate Vickie Jones, the owner of Style City Beauty Salon, is from Pom- pano Beach where she owned a salon for three years. She and her husband, along with their four children ages 15, 13, 4 and 2, sold their house and salon in Pompano and started to build a house in Ft Myers when they decided they'd rather move to LaBelle. So a year- and-a-half ago Vickie started work- Sing as a hairstylist at A Touch of Class thanks to Paula Hall. She came to LaBelle planning to be a housewife but when she got to LaBelle she soon found out that no one sells ethnic products or does ethnic hair so she decided to go back into business and open up Belle Realty Company owner/broker Terri Banky, in back, is pictured with her new team, front row from left:- Susan Hill, Shary Weckwerth and Leah Roper. office can be a life changing move, and she adds, "we take that responsibility seriously. We evalu- ate every situation in light of the customers' needs" Passionate about providing real service to her clients, Terri is hand- picking her team. 'l takes some- one special," Terri believes, to be the kind of agent she's looking for. Broker associate Shary \\eck- werth, for example. She began selling real estate in Arkansas in 1995 and has worked with Terri since 2001. Shary is also a Gradu- ate of.the Real Estate Institute and is working on becoming a Certi- .fied Residential Specialist. For Shary, nothing beats the enjoy- ment she gets out of helping peo- ple meet their home or property goals. It's her job to open doors and opportunities for people, Shary feels. "I'm fortunate to have Shary, who shares my values," Terri said, "and my newest team member, Susan Hill. Susan \ ill be starting at the end of the month Many folks vill know Susan fiorn First Bank of Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Owner of Style City Beauty Salon Vickie Jones. a hair salon/beauty supply for peo- Clewiston, where she's relied on those same values to serve cus- tomers for the past 15 years. Susan said she is very excited about coming to work with Belle Realty and she's sharp, adds Terri. According to Susan, her new job is about "cultivating relation- ships, not just making a deal." Receptionist Leah Roper. rounds out the Belle Realty team. Leah is fromAlva and has deep ties to both Alva and LaBelle. Leah will welcome you to Belle Realty Com- pany when you walk in and will be the first to make you feel like a val- ued customer. Terri and her team agree that they feel "that excitement" in the. air at their office and they want the customer to feel it, too. With a good team generating ideas and working for the customer, the pos- sibilities are limitless, Terri said. She points out that, at Belle Realty, , there is no pressure, just experi- ence that leads to results. No mat- ter what your real estate needs - residential, commercial, industrial or acreage the folks at Belle Real- ty invile you to come in and "expe- rience the difference." Belle Realty Company is locat- ed in Belle Center. 419 SR 80W, across from the Log Cabin. Call 675-7522 or visit their web site at: W\\'w.bellerealt com Style City offers ethnic beauty services pie of any ethnic background, or hair type which would be some- thing new for the area. She has products for all hair types and or ethnic backgrounds She covers an array o1 inventory of hair products including, but not limited to, the major brands such as Redkin and Matrix, and she .aso, carries costume jewelry and kid's gilt sets such as chap sticks. etc. Mrs. Jones is looking to hire one or two licensed hair stylists, a nail tech or a barber as her busi- ness grows because right now she is the only one employed there. She \ill have a Spanish speaking person working on Saturday to cater to the Hispanic population. She is looking for suggestions from customers as to what beauty supplies they would like to see in the store. Customers can make requests and she will order them. She is very open to suggestions. She \\ill soon be getting in some hair extensions because of this. Style City Beaub Salon is locat- ed at -12 College St. \ here the old College Wrap-A-Round was. The .grand opening was on Saturday, June 3. She is open six days a week Monday-Friday from 9:30 a.m.-530 p.nm. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. For more infor- mation call 675-6262 She and her family very much like LaBelle, she says, "Because the area and the people are nice," and she looks forward to having a thriving business here. From Sprint to Embarq in one easy step By Patty Brant Did you see the Embarq bus when it came through LaBelle last Thursday? Set up next to the chamber of commerce, the big tour bus was staffed with knowl- edgeable folks ready to explain just what Embarq is all about. Embarq peeled off from Sprint recently, assuming services like local and long distance phone Service, high speed internet and Dish Network. Sprint'Nextel is concentrating on wireless com- munications. Public Affairs Manager Jeff Mechlin has 35 years of experi- ence in the telephone industry. He and several other Embarq employees assured those who stopped by the bus that the only change they will see is the new name and the new logo. No rate changes are planned, but the new Company will soon be offering special bundling of certain servic- Ses. SThe employees toured for three days, meeting folks from the entire area. That Thursday they set lip in Okeechobee, Moore Haven, Clewiston and LaBelle. They had already been through Arcadia, Wauchula and Avon Park, and planned to tour Port Charlotte, Lake Placid and Sebring on Friday. The tour culmi- nated in a free concert in Sebring. Embarq also has several retail . stores: in Sebring and Cape Coral, S* with one soon to open on Daniels Road. There will be a total of 16 throughout the state by the end of 2006. Customers can talk to an Embarq representative there who has access to their account infor- mation and decide what would be the best package fortheri. S All the current business num- bers in the front of the phone book will remain the same for Embarq. The company is just smaller and more localized. Embarq is in 18 states and has 22,000 employees. Consumers can look forward to several new product offerings in the future. Hendry County Emergency Management Director Tom SKochheiser came to talk with the Embarq crew. He said that Embarq will remain part of "the team" activating 'Emergency Operations Center phone lines Headlines Stories from Independents 14 newspapers in the Valley, PLUS searchable archives. Community Links. Individual Voices. J when it becomes necessary dur- ing a hurricane or other emer agency. ; Hendry County E911 Coordi- nator Robin McLean couldn't be happier with the change. She sees no downside at all to the changeover and, in fact, said she'll be working with the same safety team she alw a} s has. For more information on Embarq, its services and the EDC changeover, you can check the Tom web site at www.embarq.com or char call 1-800-embarq2 (1-800-362- 2772). acq ( Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant :'s Estela Hernandez, Emergency Management Director Kochheiser and Embarq's Jeff Mechlin discuss the ngeover from Sprint to Embarq in the tour bus used to uaint area residents with the new company. Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Oops! Young Jeffrey Harris was misidentified in this pic- ture last week, so here it is again. Our apologies to Jef- frey and congratulations to both these young athletes on : a job well done. Basketball camp MVPs are, from left:, James Cuttino and Jeffrey Harris. newszap,com Community Links. Individual Voices As seen 7 ' FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on TV. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794.7310 J.G Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! DIGITAL RECEPTION SERVICES, INC. Field Servvice Tec hs Coiip 4 Aided truck & tools *Paid tra o. 2nce required Great adv, ..3a ie Medical Paid vacation5 Positions throughout Florida For details and to apply online go to: www. careers atdrs. comn New Name, Same Commitment With the merger of Big Lake National Bank and Seacoast National Bank completed, our customers' experience is made even better through added services, flexibilty, and convenience. New services include free checking with online banking and bill pay, a Telephone Banking Center with extended weekday and Saturday hours, Treasury Management, investment, trust and estate planning services and more. All with the same local decision-making and personal service you've come to expect. All of us at Seacoast National Bank look forward to serving your financial needs and to seeing you at community events around town. In the coming months, our signs will change to display our new name, but what won't change is our solid conunitment to serving you. Sincerely, Sloe Mullins Regional President Seacoast National Bank Seacoast NATIONAL BANK WWw.seacoastn ational.com 800-589-1657 NASDAQ: SBCF l3y Kris&n Hunter .4 subsidiary of Seaconw Bit,,it, king Cur I -ore, aio l Florith Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15,2006 5~. ii.- -U- I~sTLJ I~qjlf Z '` !~ ~ i i~' - LXXiiiIBj B ...f. c SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Bankof'America Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Telh 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS. MEDICAL WORKERS. LAW ENFORCEMENT. AND FIREFIGHTERS 863 675 4550 = 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle S.--.-. Rodnev Murray R ['" a" lLc Real Estate Broker A so:,c.ii s Setli H-i.,ard. Phil Le,.s. Tanra Frarno, Jim Coddington & Kndel Murray 3BR/2Bath on 1 acre, close to town with a 24x32 pole barn. Large oaks, fenced and landscaped. REDUCED $144,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 5BR/3Bath really nice manufactured home on 5 beautiful acres in Muse on Cypress Ave. $399,000. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 6 ...L.... l .. A and 6& ''.and 3BR/2BA doublewide on 2.85+/- acres. Close to town. Only $194,900. .-. Home :....... Builders Building Communities, Onie Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder l 'F. Mgi:. J. TTI.JI...P iMIFcTI iii-EI IIt M [l.lemU1II[H We have "move-in ready" homes available now 9024 Mavwood Cir. Cvoress II. 3/2/2 son II, 3/2/2 son II, 3/2/2 .3Utju nIeui S.. II ,,,CIf ft .5, ia. a, 9002 E. Broad Cir, Buttonwood, 3/2/2 $218.900 FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. (863)612-0012 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com QB39922 'All spec. Homes Include ',. acre home site "Paved Roads"County Water"Power"Schools in Subdivision" L" :,,: ,T i : L, ,' A T i, ,h L _":, "p- 1 ,,- -.n .j Bl, located at 141 Hi..l.p::".:he-: e .-i tB.l1ll: 5 0 S.q Fr ,:minernii hjlhin, Bud., ,,-, on, j .J Io. :, on alt iA,:he n il-,hrl,,:. ,- .' H-iI-urr T .l ic,- F,:r m 'ri,:, .$1,500,000. Vacant Land listings starting at $39.900. * 8036 Salem cir 'V acre $39,900. * 9022 EJustice Cir acre- $39,900 * 0 Canoe ct. $40,000. S9004 N Casa CT 1/3 acre $40,900. * 0 Norge Cir i acre.- $45,500. S6020 Kumquat cir- $ 5.500. * '.,,,!, ib -: I: '.ri $ 5,500. " -:-:. ~ T, .: ir .,:i- $-'.900. ,,,'n:, f, l ,," W ..:it $ ".900. * i. N', \ l.[l I .:,- :,.n.r:e $"9.900. 260 Caloosa Estates Dr $99.500. 3 1' -6 Ruddr [.,,- 395,000. DeC 'T'lr 'I CJn.d tCfrc Iv 'ain CT.cOLp 274 N Bridge St LaBeUlle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 I WATERFRONT 50 FT, PRIVATE DRIVE leads to expansive 6.7 acres with 470-.'- Ft or riverfront located close to town. Build close to the waters edge with almost viturally no Corp Easement. $1,800,000. RIVERFRONT 5 ACRES with 215+/- feet of trontage. High elevation reveals spectacu- lar views. $895,000 REDUCED 0 -4 RIVERFRONT 1.15 ACRE homesite on presli gious Fort Denaud Rd. $549,000 REDUCED 7I ., ,: -. v "......., . MORE THAN MEETS THE ETEI Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low maintenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceilings. interior Doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash and granite countertops, all windows have wood casing surrounds, a brick fireplace, and wood floors through- out finish the look. $499,000 REDUCED 2 ACRE DEED RESTRICTED HOMESITE in Oak Haven Estates. Oak filled and backs up to beautiful sunsets over the water. $350,000 LOTS AND LAND DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 25 acres plus on Ft. Ddnaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced independently) for an upscale residential project. $150,000 per, acre. 5 BEAUTIFUL OAK LADEN ACRES located East of LaBelle. Quiet County Living for only $160,000. OVERSIZED HOMESITE conveniently located in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres manicured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. $95,000. expanded two story pool home in the LaBelle. New appliances in the updated kitchen which overlooks the pool. 4BR/2.5BA. New hardwood floors, wrap around porch, huge master bedroom with spa tub. Features a carved wooden pub in the family room and the room is pre-wired for surround sound and mu I.h rr-le., Thi r l iatij -ti, h)i e i' rejd\ ihr irm ed.ate ,:,,:uprn,:\ Call tor an appointment $449.900. SL` a 0 !I.-',: 4 . .' d ) 6-. H... " PIONEER DEPOT rural onienicnce tore itlh poientul for muIhi more ere. be e beer. Irne. pet arnd ietk etied. bujldling mTateriali hurricane up- ple. Fuel I.nk for fuel salc, u.n srte ut r..:.[ In uar e jcre c.jmrrimerc l PLLIS '. 3i:re residennal i'lh cll arid sepui MNLS 2iil64 1675 \TRY NICE 2BR IBA HOME sitdluat .n. jppr.:,iniateli 2 ol an a c:re on sTrcenbelt in dcid resiricted commumnl iS\ .:,erzed hling roc,om a siding gla'i ,i.tor .:, back ard Irntenrior paint & car. pet like ne. ear-in kitchen. upgraded appl',inces. IInil cdirng and ne,. roofi $149.900. MNI LS#2:i64L ;,7s PORT LABELLE LOTS on the north side of 80. close to new development area & marina. Priced from $49,000 to $57,900. Call tor inventory list. Over 60 sites to pick from. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE with 20%o down to qualified buyer. Port LaBelle 1/4 ac. lot on the norht side of Hwy. 80. Many new homes under construction in the Immediate area. Asking $39,800. HOMES -**i-Sfi3iSSSS LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING, Horses Welcome! Upgrades include wood floors, stacked stone fireplace, granite countertops, stain. less steel appliances. crown moulding, sky- light dormers, and top of the line, ceiling fans with decorative medallions. The caged pool features, spa jets, pavers, and a generous lanai. The 12 acres is every horse lovers dream. It includes a large barn with 3 oversized stalls and tack room with shelving as well as a fully irrigated riding arena and a 24x44 workshop/office. Additional Acreage available, offers must be contingent upon Glades County approval for property split. $695,000. 2 STORY HOME close to town just off Ft. Denaud Rd. This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home 'has it all, location, charm, Master suite with office, screened room and more. $279,000 REDUCED; TUCKED UNDER THE OAKS. Gated and pri- vate meandering drive leads to 3 Bed/2Ba manufactured home features include 2 screened porches, a 28x 30 shop/garage, plus a 12x16 storage bldg. with x-tra refrig- erator and A/C,Tall on 2:Acres. $169,000. MOBILE ON 1/2 ACRE south of LaBelle with lots of paving and a 26x53 pole barn. $92,500. Airport. $3.064,466. --I PRI41 CORNER with approx 590 ft. on well tra8l- mle west o Cowboy Way and 520 it on Elm St. The accs SR 29 a ecR 80 lrocted aross ftro- Airport. $3,064,466. INDUCOMMESCI POTENTIAILcOMted approx 1RCIAL MIXED INDUSTRIAL USE with 176 Ft. on prominent Cowboy Way. Asking $915,000. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 465 AC with 2400 Sq, Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent roadaccess, just out- side the city limits. Could be split under cur- rent zoning. $850,000. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL SITE just South of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. Seller Financing for qualified Buyer. $299,000. ARD TO FINDI HEAY INDUSTRIAL Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $285o000. I U FEAnitRES OF THE WEEK ,- ". . WTIRFRONI & PRI \CI ,\I IIS BESl IIhi. Ifi:, ,r.ir ,,, i" I. J r..ii J... l I i rn. J I . THIS CHARMING CEDAR HOME sits on an over- sized corner lot in the city. The 2BR/2BA home has vaulted ceilings and tile in the living area. French doors provide views to the outside. Fenced back yard and 8'x 10' shed for extra storage. $199,900 ,, ".- . A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3BR/2BA manufactured home has a lot ot offer It features a split floor plan, a deck for entertaining, a garden tub in the master bath, new paint throughout and new carpet. This mobile is priced to sell!! $125,000. NEW LISTINGI 3BR/2BA manufactured home on fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle. Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining. $119,900. SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME on 5+/- acres. Property has pond, fenced, cleared and ready for your horses. The oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in living areas and many extras! $285,000. SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on 4.84 +/- acres completely fenced, pond and mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large master bed- room and bath, office/nursery, formal living room, family room and open kitchen w/island. $325,000 WATERFRONT HOIES 10HtC LOCiON. LOCATrON. LOC OIONOll Ti ,rl: i-,llm l ,'JIJ h i: C" ir.I ,,1' I : ,: ,, ., J .11 'b.:': Rihr Ir.r mnlJ-. .vilh H l i', ,.... ., ,.''ii:.I : \"ur p... :Itl.l.: ai : crdl.- I J$3,3O0.000 ONE OF THE FEW RIVERFRONT PARCEL .-.n i, ni'Ts(t,: l -,,. iluriir, I iII A ':- i' :r',r ui'I'u: ' 111 J.111 I.::1 | rl' ll_ ,i .:ur I -I h nt l I : j|, ,, ,. jI j[,.Ir,: f ,1 ,- r ,. .. i,, rl. : _j r jr,,J .. . jl I.J I 1 I -cJ : i... ,ri Ihc ij r:J nl i,. il, i jir. l...fIni pf .i- c Ir u i ll': p l. .lr w. I. ... I . u., h- l.:j i n.d .n -rl, r.ri ,._r ..fI.: I. l Builh .. i jr .Jr,: ).r ., i .r.n jri,.J c1ri- 111, 1 II .:: j.1II Irjli uii llir, II.ji LA iz -lI, i. l....:, Jh- i..h .:, l.j r .... l :. $1.950.000 SPE(C TiL' RRnIRFRONTf ErAE MIE i.,i I I'.- l :11" l .:l .1 ajicll.'.rI anJ j]iJllc i r'alJ ..I I i.. -' iol h. e lI1l:.ul,. j ,.,: r hjiur ll,, i-,li,- . lite trlln rivcl dril Ihc Uki luvcI windh IeLuCia 60 feet of protected dockage. Rip Rap of riverbank is in progress. There is NO "Corps Setback" on either lot, which may allow houses and/or pools unusually close to River. Beautiful area of upscale homes within blocks of central LaBelle. $1,500,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel and enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique one ofa kind property also has it's own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river in an area of nice homes. Permits are in place to re-dredge oxbow to 6-8 ft. depth. $499,000. HOMES IN LABELLE THIS BR/2BA CBS HOME W/POOL is in Laurel Oaks, a very desirable neighborhood with a great floor plan for a growing family. Property is sur- rounded by large oaks and a few fruit trees. Home/pool needs TLC & some repairs. Home is being sold AS IS. $235,000 MOVE IN READY Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA Ir.:.r.,.: i.J. le. .. l iz. .,. I ,.I r. I .I w .., I, H ...r I ,:w l I11.i nir, jr, I ,in ,,,. Il. l r Il. I I' i .I '.: h i j. I, i I,,-.i ,,,,,,T|, I.,.,I.i,..,J I,., ,:11 i:rl $1",911. THh IMMAIlIl. AIE 2 BR 1.3 Bi HOMF Is1 I ,,, l.J.,i II'' 'l l; I, 'l" ll IU i .I ,.II -, Ill '.. 11lI ..Ir .,, .. i.'l n c i irl iH IMMA(C.il \r[ ME INUlIC iURFD HOME . 1.1: IL I I..n ... ,.I II,,.. h.Tu .I ...I ,... d.. ,_lcl v i. f1 I.1111 1 I r.. I- i..: n ,,I T .- i, I .i R D L 1i.(: 1 1. I.,9 .I WELI MAINTAINED IBR2BA MANLiU,(F- TURFD HOMT l.......'. r. I r. 11 1 t 1,. i..i ..i , I .,' ,-1" ) i' I, -, .. l.6.: Il h ... 1 ,-,,I . : .:11 $99.,0 i HOMES BAQ E M features large kit appliances, jet tub ONLY CONDO ON THE MARKET IN LABELLEI This 2BR/2BA unit would make a great rental investment or full-time residence. Located on the first floor this condo features a greenbelt view, tile in kitchen and bathrooms, and a bonus room. Comfortable living awaits your arrival! $150,000 SELLER RELOCATING Ready to move in and a must see to believe! Located in a private country setting in Horseshoe Acres Subdivision. This 2 bed- room, 1 bath manufactured home is situated on over a half acre lot, shaded screened deck, with many fruit trees and partially fenced yard. Dog on premises. Call ahead. $129,500. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY This 2 bedroom 1.5 bath mobile home is located in quiet River Oaks Subdivision, Ortona FL. Great investment for the part-time Floridian, or a great get-away. The home is being sold partially furnished, and offers a split floor plan with vaulted ceilings. $58,500 HOMES ON ACREAGE UNIQUE, DESIRABLE AND SECLUDED! Less than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary This property is 14.5 acres in one of the fastest growing areas of Glades County. Surrounded by large acreage, this parcel has been cleared and if l 1.. I Iih .' r I. I_..i ,I |.fr.I I i l l.,i'r XI ,,R 1A. B-. HOM 1 O S l+ -. A RESi lI hrrir ru111 l, 1-: hh 1 u ,, I .,,d l. h,-,..h,, -U. , ,,,1 q I, .. lh l, ,: ..I ,,,l,.h h ,,, I,^ i;: i Is i.... .,iR : IBR. i... ~B Oi E nI r, I. ...~.i h. I n : Ir ,h .ll '.I ,, r I.. .I lh.. I l | I l .: I.. l l, :.. .r i I Il I.I ll.: ..h .: ,l II |,,,,I. I |Tl.. t i' : I ..... I, .$5.000,. ",.. QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT Like new m8 anufRE tured f - home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immaculate ome offer vaulted ceilings, entertainment package includes a large screen television w/stereo and surround Se Habla sound, split floor plan, built in computer center, large Espafiol 1ma8ter bedroom and bath Iw garden tub and separate large open kitchen / eat-in breakfast bar and formal din- igh a" d dr Ready ing. $199,500 COMMI ACREAGE/ILOTS PRIME LOCATION 40 ACRE Gerber Grove $660,000 located in Downton i2.5 +/ ACRES, stocked poed, partial y fenced, unique the corner of n(e H oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 Avenue, less than 1 approx. 2 miles from town. Seller motivated! $199,000 River 1,846 sq. ft. H 10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy74 (Bermont Road) in building fronts on E Charlotte County. Property zoned agricultural. Price A QUAINT CRACK Reduced $100,000 AVENUE. Already RFAUTIFIUL OAK COVERED CITY OF IABELLE LOT. L .. . Located in established neighborhood. Build your home on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $70,000 BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the city of LaBelle and ready to build! $89,900 OVERSIZED .64 ACRE WOODED residential homesite located in the city $89,000 1 HOMESITES AVAILABLE in Montura Ranch Estates 1.25+/- acre lots. $49,900 EACH 1.25 ACRES LOT in growing Montura Ranch Estate more lots available $49,500. 2 PORT LABELLE LOTS IN UNIT 102, located side by side. Lots provide over V' acre homesite. Partially cleared, ner of Hwy. UO & 45 Souh Rlverview LaBulle, rL 63-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 w.labellervenide.com E-mail realettate@labelllertvrnrd.com P Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates -'Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis o build! $45,000 each ERCIAI/BUSINESS NI Business zoned property wn LaBelle. Perfectly situated on WY 29) Bridge Street and Park block from the Caloosahatchee historical Florida-Style two story Bridge Street. $850,000 KER-STYLE OFFICE ON PARK set up for a business office- i di- "'-- i i i l ' Illnullcti I ue IInIIles, ar llc LUlnUllU lng, colllmercla grade carpeting and landscaping. Screened front porch adds to its Florida charm. $399.900 REDUCED PRICE $350.000111 RENOVATED BUILDINGIll READY FOR YOUR BUSINESSIII Need a place to locate your business. This is it! Highly visible, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street. Totally remodeled building situated on .31 acre lot fronting on Washington Ave. across from bank drive thru. Propery is 175' deep which leaves room for future expansion. Renovations include all new crown molding, ceramic tile, siding, plumbing, elec- tric and A/C. BUSINESS ZONEDI This 2BR/1BA home is situat- ed on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surround- ed by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED IN 1984 THE GATOR BAIT PUB has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully furnished with a completely equipped kitchen, and offers great start for any entrepre- neur Priced at $174,500 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft.; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 ULD LA.LU.YUKe I KU ZU 31. OeaUIrul improved pasture, stunning oak ham- mock along the rim canal of Lake Okeechobee: Access to Fisheating Creek through a viaduct.. Excellent property f.:.r h,:.r.e Currcntih parn r 9 ti..: icale ranrji PrFate. :Liuded. nature ar. ir bi[ k~kilnc $40.000Acre ML ) 2:11i.i4 I 9s8:, IDEAL HOME i .-r ,.,u and ',.:ur h...a i-e I1.1 26a 1 btj..au 'lul iC tl-elir d:l. Lr.-S f.-iC,:ld. c>..-:pri.-,ril p-stljre. s.il r-.' fei d p.-.r.'i- si.ke.d i ih [alpja and clfish NaEuial pie.cr'-u 1 Lhm eat:. ir.:'dJedl ir:a 4:ruth r-id j e.t[ Ts,: .lall. pirh '2 .:.: .ri:l pull Ihru b.3,', in the pole barn 24;\13 ::irct- bl.,et~ k I, rgir e 'sih aut-.: .:.perer.l plut -cpirjite -tor gi. .icd. The !'-i7 3 2 mainuiitured hoome feature; splt ..r plan later suite include ,f:.fice ,len trei. be.Jr.rrm and batlh i.'ith .tarder. tu, pAr-Fte .h:,t. r and dull ir.(. f Ilee 11.:.r. r -iand r,.l shin.lc. are., ne. R.:ill-d.un .t,:.-rm shuiters orn all ,inndlc.% ar ee,.\ t.. operaL O(nner II .:.ftr !Loorrn a!lrlowance tor new' carpet ..r Irrimntc ir. Iirlng rc:oom t. dr-,om ,jnr dlen ilar.nd kirchun hja abundance :.! chiner, an i:r.urtrcr 'pace, broeakil bar. ra.g.-, r,~r-ierator Ireezer. dislh- i.l-,hr. sai.her dier all included This ii a tir.que t'fid .crrn peaceful ;seung terl nhin 'Ir. ri.reii of F[ M',ci T Ti.: h..rcI .- are all:,i-d. urndr Hom-,ttead Rcgulau.:.rr $575.000. Ji....1iO6 19 9016 Lamkin Cir, I 5005 Pike Lane, P V- Road and SR 29 South in LaBelle. 7.8 Ac zoned C-l Commercial. Paved Road 3 sides. Great Location. $2,500,000 MLS 205034469. ORANGE GROVES in Gerber Groves S/D, Sears Road. 13.36 ac, 20 ac, 22 ac, 51 ac, 88 ac, and 40 acre par.elr aail- able. Working groves, zonedA .\(,2, one living unit per 5 acres, very suitable for other agriculture uses:, Call JANET or GEORGE for details. REDUCED price for 10 ac ranch in Muse. Doublewide .MH, CBS garage, pole barn, fenced and cross fenced pas- ture, spring fed pond. rilcked itlh ish! Paved road d.ct,, priced- to ell at $575,000 MLS 2,io:u6oi19 JUST WEST OF LABELLE, but .ull clcse t,. e'er\thing Beauuful 3BR.2BA pu,,l h.:me ,ilh j .pll Iloorj plan and ualled 2 car garage Featurcs cIA. ered lana i ith hurricane shutter, and jgcsd heated p,,ol silh a waterfall and built-in ,pa. Enji the lne of an orange gro,'e from sUur paio Includei zc.ned ;prinklei t,.vragc ,shed. spacious iard. i...rgeoa, i-alk trees and queen p.dms. 1 his .a iten nice home ,.n oser 1,2 an acre $329,000. MlLS#210639268 WONDERFUL FAMILY HOME in Port LbllIc .'BRLBA. 2 a car rage hth a rn,:e ,crcer, porch on rhebkcl3 Fenced 3ard ,.ilh tiew 10o- canal The home tcaturie large bedrooms, a remodeled hall bath. inside laundn area and a nen rhcezer. The garage has a great work- bench and lohb of storage The backward hasi large ,toragc shed. $192,500. M L,*'2.ii.:,37941.1 THIS BRAND NEW home is huge! Qualin abounds There is a large living r.:om. a famhli room r.ith a t working fireplace There are arched douri.as. a vaulted ceiling, a kichen with an island and jtracu'c hbinet. The rmater bed- room features a retreat area, a rerealarge bathroom with a garden tub, shover and dual sinks, and a big ,alk-in closet. Thi h,:rme is situated on I 25+ acres and is fenced for horses It i secludtd and quiet[ for peice and rela'i.tlon $130,900. LS#I200l")6l2 i96 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15,2006 Southwest Florida, Yantai, China, sign partnership compact Southwest Florida welcomes a delegation from Yantai in Shan- dong Province, China, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 13-14, at Florida Gulf Coast University in a historic visit to sign a Sister City partnership that will provide ben- efits to businesses, students and cultural organizations of both regions. The signing ceremony was June 14 in the Student Union ballroom. County commissioners of Charlotte, Collier, Hendry and Lee counties resolved to sign the Memorandum of Understanding to build on the partnership already established between each region's universities Yantai University and FGCU'- and pro- mote further friendship. The agreement shapes coop- eration in areas of mutual benefit such as developing increased understanding and contact between organizations involved in economic development in both regions, and encouraging exchanges between the educa- tional and professional organiza- tions in Southwest Florida and Yantai. Also, the agreement helps to advance economic relationships and business opportunities between the two regions by shar- ing information and to support and encourage visits and exchanges by the citizens of both regions. "Yantai's government officials and university administrators share our view on the impor- tance of offering students and cit- izens a better understanding of each other's country," President William C. Merwin said. Tuesday morning, the seven- member delegation received a tour of FGCU and meets with President William C. Merwin and FGCU's deans to focus on coop- erative opportunities for profes- sors and students. In the after- noon, they meet with hospital personnel. Wednesday at FGCU, the dele- gation met with local K-12 school officials, the Regional Business Alliance of Southwest Florida and Economic Development Councils to discuss prospects. .FGCU hosts the signing cere- mony at 11 a.m. in the Student Union ballroom. The University expects county commissioners, directors of Economic Develop- ment Councils, school board members and superintendents, representatives from Chambers of Commerce, local business executives doing business in China, foreign language curricu- lum specialists, and a representa- tive from the governor's office to attend, along with FGCU admin- istrators, trustees, Foundation board members and College of Business Advisory Council mem- bers. "I sincerely wish Yantai and Southwest Florida team up for mutual benefits in economy, tourism, education and culture, and I am so glad that I can partic- ipate in the buildup of this rela- tionship," Yantai-Southwest Florida liaison Peng Lu said. FGCU's association with Yan- tai University developed as a result of FGCU signing a cooper- ative agreement in December with another Chinese school, Nankai University in Tianjin, to offer joint business degrees, cre- ate executive programs and launch an Institute for Chinese Studies. For more information, media representatives should contact director of Advancement Judie Cassidy at (239) 590-1058. Be the first to own this quality new home.' Custom beautifid detail is what this builder had in mind when creating this spacious floor-plan and functional d&cor. Located in East LaBelle and Glades County and in one of the most desirable and appreciative neighborhoods around. Minutes from downtown LaBelle and the Caloosahatchee River. Priced to sell....$249.000 Call Stephanie JWeatherford at (863) 612-0000 * 3 Bedroom/2 Bath/2 Car Garage * 1,608 Sq. Ft. Liv. Area 2,385 Total * Ceramic Tile and Carpet Flooring * Maple cabinets throughout home * Large Master Bath with Garden Tub & Separate Shower * Large Combined Laundry Room With Pantry * MLS# 200628737 * Port LaBelle Unit 102 Glades County --aIZ Cell: 239-872-7665 Alva: 239-728-9998 LaBelle: 863-675-0000 www.burson-weathers.com att Fleming Realtor E-Mail: matt@burson-weathers.com Commercial Land Residential Ls, Inc. - HOMES' * $55.000 PRI( REDUCED! .,i:l. h...T., .. 2 34+/ ,'.: iw..H ( pl,:. M.:.r.| l.:-l rm J i-,,.1 :, f .- l lanai; ':..ure s ..:T I ., lu I'' rf plj' : r 'ji i i.. i ''ri.:.' ', .:.,l L.r.ii,II i"s :l '.:.u ..'ie, * ,526,000 PRICE REDUCED! I .bl r... .: .. I+ j.. h,'. A ull d iId. .:,11 i '.. .. ...urd pi-, ,, .l .. .:i e tI .n i .lI.I .J li- r, i.I. ,. lr, jIN ...- .., ,-nJ ... ..II i 1:. name a few of the luxuries that this r". .if ijul ',, ...IT.. . . $374,900 ."1 : u S .-i i .,T ..,,,,i.,,.. ,,:,,..: ,,,- manicured I i'. I '-ll: l I" I .L'i -'. ib r. l',- I Community. ;I,.,,s .i i, I ,1 ll 1 ,:, ,,.. ', 1. I ,r I.. ,..: Ijl',l lll l4 Il, l:llf ll 'd ; J l I I ']lll 1 "11 * i. J ,i.., i, ....... :. I... -.. I ., l.J i ,-1...i r.: .i rl ,.i bathroom has a garden tub w/separate shower Kitchen fea- tures an island w/extra sink & more don't let this one slip by! * $179,900 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on a corner lotin Port LaBelle. Spacious living room and sep- arate dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate workshop and small tree house great for kids. * $179,9 2lB 2 /2]T.NAMAflB[otally ,r' .. .J :l, J l, .: ''.l. :.ri ,it- ._ ,'r .:l_ .'I.J ,Ji'llh- I v lJ 1 u-jI. ,', I. 1J..',- ,11, ,T in '.,c, i',, r, i d l| I ,r !.1, I...I, ..', I.:, * $169,''lUJ PRifE RI DLiCR DI 1,: ',;6(. ,:'A .. t, ri., ,i., ,, Ir ll l-: ill lIi... i ll.'. -..1 Ih. h l. |.h:fl ,i ri. ,i,.'l in.T.',.i * $1 9.9999-.Bb I\ I ..h .',s".. toT Ifrlur ....l.l:l !1 :l. rd. Ii i v 1. 1.) -.1i-..-Ir '-did,,. 'J :.i * i91,900 .t.i 1 \ I8 h rii .'j:i-r.,J Il...T. in LaBelle.. rt... i:..r.,. Ihn..i sl ..Jir pj.'.' i ti ..i hot water heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with ;I .',.. 11.I ,,'.,- ,. ..j i.. c ..f." TIh.: p .,l ,:r T 1 I ' * $3( i,OlO ,b l' l ,..t'l.. : hrt..:. l,, u t. ..l .: I. LA i, ., i', J I ,r.. i ..I p., I Ii ..l 1 I II 1 ...J I- .d i ....r I .' j * I19"'.9lll) : IbC' l ..l u u 'l' .i.- .J ,,ir ~. 'li-.J home in LaBelle. This home features a split floor plan and all crown moldings in the living and dining room. * $139,400 to $151,900 New 4BD/2BA & 3BD/2BA Manufactured Homes on .50+/- acres in El Rio S/D. * $147,700 3BD/2Ba New Manufactured home with pantry, dual sinks, garden tub, separate shower and sky- light in the guest bathroom. * $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes new and under construction in the MHYC. The MHYC is a 55+ ownership park. Call today for completion date! * PRICE REDUCED $110,000 2BD/1BA mobile home on 2.5+/- acres in Clewiston. Enjoy peaceful country living year round 6r as a weekend getaway * $94,900 Looking for a 3BD/2BA manufactured home on 1.25+/- acres? This home features a split floor plan. Call 8 I 5.10 ) 2.":i'i" I A Csi t i .[Ai-iTiri'i * $ 8 5 0 0 1) i ,[ A I t tbrt ,i r l l 'r I Tr ,. fI. :, r,,,T,,: re" r upci i. j iil,: RI-,, i, iruj- ff, r'l i l,1,- $ 778900 ,tB1.1 BA bll l:-b ilc ,- ,'-m ,-i t,: ,T,,i','t ),c ,r ,,, ,,2:,t,,: ., l: 'j, .l. J a gT, c.:il l,. l .:.: . * 52,000) PRICE REDUCL EDI.- .',* ..: ..... e I.:,r ,. u.i lNaD ERsJ N hRAgri,:, e -. *,.',.,- .'.,1l p i -i. i ,liurJs L ACREkGE- * $1,.600.1I0 1' .N i.: -.ii. J. O.1 II . O ,,.:, l, t l, bel g u .. J 1. I id .l p ill. lel:-i .: .,: .11 I,,.. IT . information. * $1,500,000 Hwy27 frontage. CurrentlyAuto Salvage * $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town shops and much more! * 1988.025 'chi':u-e. 5, :ii-... I '.8+/-acre. One of i ir,.J iI,.. Ji ij .1,1 ':'rli;':.l 'ith clean bill of ie ,, ll, * PRKIE REDLCID $900St1.i' + hri r I.. i J v r.: ]1]. ,,,l',ll I (l I, ..I. f ] .- .r ,,' rl ..: 1 u I .- .. f l850.00i I-* 1 ,:i 'i I- ,jiIlltull -lluJ, ,J "l1lh pl lu. p -"'".- ..lAd,l:,|Lr p ). -JIj .:.l . * 650.001i :*I .. i .. i I'l,: ] ,I A ,,:, t, /r 80. * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. r.. p,.-r, isf, ii i -.i's: Q- Cs ...: friuj i'j i. irjd plants. '. : t, tl. J l't. 1 l 'l : h':ie jr I.':. ljd '.' It4 pi,:,Ccrrs H.,me t, c ,le ,. .i * $272,000- 1* II j..rr. ili' p.ncri prd.:.nj.i.1 h * 6149 i 'I 1 r ..lh3i HOMBESITES: * $13,000 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. * $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT IABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES s Ii owIc sI, I. : -i P^OPLRT..i n nJ sII n r a i .COUNTRY RETREAT AFF RDABLE R RIVER BOATER'S DELIGHT '*.:.a RIVERFRONT HOME. --undng cabin on 39 fenced L AC r OME- This Invest in your hiture ;.thts 'reams -can come true,, itA acres: Lasi-r leveled land :. Ad, ~~:A ,uch' to offer '_y" iell ,mainntr aind 3BR'2B.A ..r th gorgeous 3BR/3BA 2- Sinct'udres- water i piermts. a l' iae E niauifacL kTurr n hu Eiuome. Enj]O \i- w story home. Ene o tile floors, .;-' improved damage aind. s .Lec.te,.cnCalosa Estates, the [ li the antnicnics o a iosating granite countertops, Jachzat over 45 1(1ve ORik Trees. Enjoy the. s,'iupie f ife 'wellkpt lawn-is'irnigted, ba'rie fuhique.tres cmmurit without the price! Includes inli ovi spa anld nvet views from the second story balcony. S'.. ,$1,800,000' ,: a: dock rus.moryo war to. 99,000. ICE REDUCED $1 ,00,000 :' '. ".';"": ..dock & outside Storage. $145.000. $863,000. PRICE REDUCEDII. WATERFRONT HOMES STUNNING RIVER VIEWS ,..n be ic-en from rhe m.- te ite balcom of thr rnterfronrt 3.BR 3B.A 2-csorv home. Huce Lnai ,ith in ground Jacuzzi 'pa and much more' $863,000 PANORAMIC VIEWS o thle CaloroaThatchec River aiait \iu in tliun 'BR.2 5BBA home nith an iiserszed p[r ae b',a-r dockl Commrrnunalr\ I.lbhnoue include pool. boat r.nuip & lennr coI:rt. $749,000 UPGRADED 3BRi2BA HOME FEATURES 125 ft nf river fi..nrage ContvnientiUr located s hlin I mile ol marina. re-tatiraitsi and goll course $599,900 SAVOR THE SUN ar tiur pr!uate aterlror retreat. 4BR'2BA m.nuilact,:red hJne muls majtesricallh at rite end S.I1 a cul-de-s,. O crsiz-d biack poach ,rok, 'mer the rv.er !or erndle- n0er ties' Home f eturcs a .paiciius Illoo.r- plan. firepl: ce. and pa'cd .ciCiular dri.e $ 524.000 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS vu. h thtl .*BR.'-'A home. njavgablc treek otters dire,.t a.,ie-s to lihe Cal.:.osihatchee River $399.000 SLUMIER FUN! 4BR 2B.\ M H includes 135 ft .:,t roer acc:u-i. making )n easc launch fol ijet ks Dcetched iaraige and lsigh quali\ upgrades EnjoL the sun' $395.000 PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS! 3 BR LBA canal HOMES 3 BR 2BA CBS HOME in 20l + ac boast, ar 6,x-10 wt ,:-tficei. 36x.t h barn. pa,.el drive. artistic lair rneetr $999,000 4BRi3BA BRICK HOME ON 11 +'- AC. Funtm i.ni autornatied h''rse lunIer. 2 a'd.l'l pole barin. rad a t Equine Esute $999.000 -BR2BA HOME ON 7 + AC. Prikbat ~,i,:l.tIkd pon tt:c -'. \l l shed & 21i.'25 pole barn \\ ill allow, $699.900 PICTURE PERFECT .BR 2B.\ 1 acre etiate hinitf pf,',Il and tli i at:,:es,, fr.:.ni the (i.mrrtn init\ boat i.imi 3BR.2BA CBS HOME ..'n 5+.- at (_.rol tenced. p..r O'1 i tic- li' to ing i h a ciliomenlieCIIt dric $625,000 3BR.2BA CLi'TOM HOME ON 3.52 +- FENC licst\le sLirtiind \o.I nri L d dleetd itstricu:d omllrrii 180 N. Bridge St. LaBele, FL (863) 675-6788 ITAC LAND o88-675676 %win.,heritagelandco.com SE HIBLA ESPr lilt , front M H includes detailed upgrades and hJ-roughtful ACR-A(GF landscape. $145.000 39 -- AC. 1ITH INCOME POTrNTI.. WATERFRONT HOMES SITES ndes B, hi .iLtiri .i-,1.ri+ ..:.,,ni DREAMING OF OWNING YOUR OWN 12.64+'- lre .:.j .1-r le'k.1 lndril nI.1. jit. I" secluded ac. Island? $1.400,000 n-t, $1.800,000 LAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE YOURS. INCOME PRODUCING ORANGE GROVE 2.50 + '- ac. of ivriver-on t acreage with remo able spoil a nili:rts i'rircar 14 + ,: .i I ..lt easement ha, access hron CR 78 $965,000 ':r endler l-,lidrln. p..:itlbli";' $12,500 IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA per ac. HARBOR. Include, boat dock. well, electri- and protect- i 3.32 +.' AC. OF :. l.. I. e'i ..'.I"': I. n: ed harborage Over 160 ft lof waterfront $499,000 andi pF'. urI c \J I Il I i :'.'.:r ,.ri 'r. :n i:i i.c 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. River views, is. ion.: h,: -i..s. |,r .ir $1.: 20.)00I1 tlitr a:ices.. and dock permit. Deed restricted colnmuni- OAK HAMM5OCK, CYPRfSS AND PAU- I. i +.,- ac $429,000 MIfT OS c [i1.: 11 4-.:.I + '.. .. ! 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE ,.:cl .l. :1 5rlh.: il.i $1.100,1000 RANCHETTES. 2 53 +.- .L. In desirable deed resn ii red -10 + AC. OF ,F.:ll rnl il-n.i. ii... Ir .....i I comrmunu ll $425,000 urnlinirJ r,-,.cr lii i s t .i .i. '.i i.. TAKE IN THE BEAUTY OF THE RIVER fr',m iliit 2 ,' I Is.n Js;e.shli I ir.1siI,. pl i. l Ft ri.ii u.l ...It +.- a,.. home sute in Pt LaBelle Ranchetres ?21)i It ol I Ir.": r ,l $965,01)00 gricnbclt between hume site ind riuer, boat duck. 30 +'- AC. OF IMPRO\TD 'izl.i .- li allowed $410,000 V :i,:i,]d i.3t.:I s Pi.:l i u.: l' .'' ..: .1 IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER than direct access to nd, :mp h:..l-i,: $'S.O000 the Calcsi.-ahatchee River, boating communrii, arianna, 20 +- FENCED AC. ,I n.I....I I..lt 1 golf ico:ure anrd restaurants Have in all for $225,500 E ..:llenr p.:.,:nritiil $660,000 20 +,- AC. WITH plc-r otl 0a1Iu lot )out ` :, k.B.i ,: I up l .- P.r.,- tl,. in.l DREAMS NEVER END in this CLI-. .':,-1. ,:,r, IlrIr d $4. )8,.000 workshop includes tom n3BR'2BA pool home wnth a. LARGE. LO\TI HOMSIEIT. + . c cointrv charm gloi.ing fireplace. Soaring ceiling.,3' il L t'b,:l l- i ,, l,:,i $389)000 den and a gourmet kitchen EI CATCHING + : Pr L[.1. al heeding barn. $469000 : Iin.:herl,- 6359.900 ,osrksh.-,p A true 3BR',3 S'',TU- 302+- 3- (-r.. -sI .'' .i : ,, 33BR,2B 2-SOR HM E ... st...i........ $ .... d. \anletr of ['t ATED on 3.59 +/-ac O 02 pi.le 1 "' 1 tf.r 2 lihmrneiles~ barn. IT' workshop Oak ccr ercd arrea e. $415.000 .at 3BR,'BA CBS HOME ON 4.82+-AC. HI-lmc t .lk!e O.i,.blr'.l Ili, im . Lorncs_ a 'Fl 1 ri t li 'oor lt-cor plan and epansse back porth. Ceis i,:iIr,-'l pa',isc p $i65,00 ilutdes tack room arnd iahfe $399.900 d take. ad antagle BRAND NEW HOME! 3BR 2B.\ CBS home. O)ft-iaeir lot,. ulqualiti, s.lI routndlnIs. riverfront S D. $389,900 ED AC. C.i.untr\ FASHIONABLE AND FUNCTIONAL nie cit.nlsti n..n :;BR"'B.\ 1ni11\. $619.900 CBS i,:,me on 'I. +'- ac. in (:)i3l Rin S D $339.000 QUALITY IS ON DISPLAY! Ne% co:,nstrucii.-tn hr'imei nirtar til. gi..It course and marina Call for mote detailed inhlormatn $299.000- $399,000 LOCATION. LOCATION, LOCATION. Impeccable cu-om 0111 K 2.\ home located in a quiet boating community\. $279.000 DESIGNERS CHOICE 3BR,2BA curitom' home Sislisli IhnI-tg uh qaLtu;t' leaturei. $250,000 3BD'2BA ON SPACIOUS GREENBELT. TlIh h.,rn- t, Iha, itori .i,,11'., i2 ic.oks! $210,000 BUDGET FRIENDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION, 1BR 21'B.\. ,.i.l greenbelt insures ri\r $199,900 NOt 3BR2BA HO li89.900 PARTIALLY FLURN ISHED LTBR'BA stoac Im. lu I.. Ia i.], 5 ,]..a,.' -.hed. Near canal iand comunimaii) 1ioul. $175.000 GREAT INVESTMENT RENTAL. PROPERTY. Duplex lo .i.l.:l -.11 MLK.ji Rental income Is -1n1 per month Only $39.900 11) + AC fu (C I lc 1.1.,,: l..i':'-] ll.. .:leirrl . ,ull l-,,: r-.,, hi,',,,,. i .' $299.900f 20 + Al '..I in. .:- i-'r ir .F r.-.p-ei, in : r., iil1 $299.900 5 4 ( .: 1., ,I I. i E'li ,. iI, -I ,, [ ir n.:. r,, ir 1I. i $269,900 5 + BEALiiIFLi. C. os:.n ii:.o1 .:.i $225.,000 5 + S RINE IAC. ...r i is.,:,1 .c.I 1 i i,..:r i. i 1 1.: $200.0I)01) each. PI(NIER PLANfATION, ', + .1.. ,i.:.l ,,U. [ *. ... i .J iI..II' $1 5.,000 L.L)DC(A A(RLGE, i,..: i:1,1 c-l ..n , + .. 165.0001 2.5 + .A I I l'i I.... i 'LIch & I.1 i ,ll, -i il .i...[ I.. I ,. .: $T9,9 90)l 2 5 +- (' iI. i .' II' .'. iI Irin llsh.' I I .IIl' il ,,,li,,,: I[ ,. .. ... II, $" 4 ,000 MONIIUR1 RANCH fITAI'TE. I i..! 1i '+ i'. lI .$I 1.500 to $61 ,500 HOMEI 'f-, RIIEIND HOMESETS i. sI'_lt.k in .lenke .. I. ... I i... i i l .i .. I. ., $). 90,000 o1 . 0,0sl b i ... : ..... .s ...Ls ls i r. : itl : ;I I In.l'-,- , 1."2 + AC. .:. i,. mi ,i i .1 1 l:rida oaks. !.4 I. I I.,. a .. ,-, 1 ...1 1 1. ., -)ur view of li:. ,1... .i 22i.OOi I. ItkRD O IFIND OAK ILLEL).:..rnerlntrin il ,: ,. n F, l- ,,1, -I -,i o I ,,.l -U. + I.. .. ,,, .. ,,,, 1 l ,Il. Ir 150,000) PI{IV\) G.LORE' i+ ..f ii ,.. 1 i. L inr Pjrr ll .:l,.:l, aei $125,000 ENJOY THE QUIET. :t ai ti- Fi!,,1 + j: in r.:,rin $99,900 CANAM FRONT PARCEL. i.: + j.: Ea\s .i:.: .c r: H- -,, '1.1 $90.000 CHERISH THE C(HlRM :.1' rhl- Lti tijul .:,1 fi.lle A .,in is 1 + .,: $85.000 CL-DE-SAC LOrT n rfi- iih Fr Islirr ...it Pi'nl I I rn.J d $59.900 1AIDE \ARIEn' OF HOMESITES rn all urn- ,_'I l[',,i t Lji: Sl omel hi: 5to' r ," er ' _',ih -. I .: t, I ', ,+ ill. :r -mii fo: .tr .'''sled tr n':,- r.:,r hni 7 :'P i hnracelpd- t.: om :. ['i'iop tro:ni hol.me TROPICAl GLiU ACRES, i-in:eciice in i1lli] |' .-.rounr, ,ildl t:. ,j,.fill or, ; he- f',.l1r[ J 1.:,r, -A 4 PRIACY PURE AND SIMPLE ..i theh- '. .- + j.: pjr,:el L ,liih h .op h'1, H-, il d i .C.j,,iti, .jl,:rJ nul'- UI, t I':. lht .:s .:'nlr ,:'f L.r hig- i A:'..h Hiddr:n ls-'Jui,:- l'r thl'"e c.ikin g the i qui,.tcr jlani h hicrelile i['.:il T:rom:i $85.000 and up. LFHIGH [ESATES ," + .. Cuiio.-meftl) lui-atid to ft. ll)..a $66,900 I/2 +/- ac. buildable lot west of Joel Blvd. in Lehigh. $62,900 INDIAN HILLS .67 ac. corner lot $55,000 3 TO CHOOSE FROM 1/4 +/- ac. lots in NW Lehigh Arres $49.900 to $54,900 JAGUAR BLVD. i, .. id, .: _.:.- t H ., i ' hil. r25 jth0 .. a : I., r.i: r t,-, l -, J ,l .u1 .J. r .i jo.1u.:t $52.500 LANLIFAC TURNED HOMES LIKE NEW 11BR U .\ dolll.iles.le (COMMERCL II 1-1hI 'I*) I + $475,000 ,056 SQ. FC. (OIMMIRCIAl BUILDING BEALITIFUL WOODED 1.27 +,- ." 1-'+ -.. i-lits 'ihr i j,. r.i'.k i- , .AC. LO T itn Inlllil...k l[. l .BR L2B.\ l. .ni i t $...r..,,il 51,2501. )0 .Iisbh: ',S I M H m.d a IBUR IB.\ LECCIIENT LOCATION FOR SOUR BUM- -isrih ..1 i..l: H $245,000 NE S1 4.'.rt.I + + .. i.Ss..,: lFie M INT CONDITION jBR -'B.\ "".... .'..- ..'...1 il.:ir.i..r,'I .B 2Ei\ M 1I Ftr lDmc i ud lJ A ies iII.:lides I c il :. ..i -- ll' ,.f..i $899.900 M,-, ,,t sisdS, & Ii p,-.l i $215,000 GREAlT BUSINESS POIENTI.11 ..i- a . LOOKS SMALL, LIVES BIG! 2;2 1l ., 'I is..ns,, .. i,,-, il .I.:....:.' NI 1 i.t I + .. kaso'. .se d l ,, Ii *+ ,i ,..,. Iti si-.., $ 99.900 [ui kng-', ...i k l. .inl ...tbuiiil Off im 1 80 IN I.ABELLE : ...I Iir $ 16 5 ,1 ( 11 0 0 r, l., .. ..... l, l L. .i ,I .. l1,,. . 3 BR 2BA MNI H ON CORNER LOT I,.,,,, ,i,,' '-,,,,i,, : ,-,, ..-li l.. ii1i -,i, l i li -rn l- i [ l '.- i t .oo I illj I,, I I .II '.1,,n 4. 10. I .Is _( l:,i '.k ,t Is..I r .1 -,,I . I i s. i li u t r I ,it ,, 1. 1 ,,, I,, 1 ., i ,, 1 I ...I.900 , I, I,, I I l i .,l" (.,.,nl r Ii "1_ ;,, I ,i l,,, 1 1 ,., ,,, I,., $2"9 ,900 1.I 1.4 ( 1 1 t1 119,.(999c ll .1 1 1' 1 -11 1-1 1. ., $2-19.900 .si' I iI iil l $1491.999 MO\T OUIR BiLSINrS TOI LABEI.LEl RENTAL AVAILABLE AUG 6 Il 1 1.. -J. ."" sRi r L' $1. r200.00 m r. ..ui s. 'BR. .-* A\ $ 120 0.00 m o ,,,.. .. I, $224.500 No Rc.alt4 GCraiq U U I. I I ~" "--~~'"- Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15,2006 1 *I: 863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/564-2005 cell 239/564-2002 859+/- acres on CR 78 at the Lee/Hendry County line, $40,000 per acre. * 320+/- acres on CR 720 in Muse, Pollywog Creek flows down the eastern boundary $30,000 per acre. Two 6+/- acre homesites on CR 78 in Fort Denaud, priced to sell at $75,000 per acre. 23+/- acres in Alva of Persimmon Ridge Road, $42,000 per acre. Corner lot in River Oaks. Alva. $43,900. Call 863-675-0000 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN AND TIM SPENCER 675-0500 NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST BRIDGE ST& WASHINGTO MI S. SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE Asking $279,900. BRAND NEW HOUSE in Port IN COUNTRY VILLAGE - LaBelle. '.l .ppliricc. included and 2Bedroom/2.5Bath, 1 car garage. washer/dr J-r 3. 2, 2"$1,500/NM Home has large family room that NO PETS. can easily be converted into a 3rd 3/2/1 IN PORT LABELLE bedroom. Asking $197,900. $1,000/M NO PETS LOCATED IN LEHIGH LARGE 2/2/2 IN PORT ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car LABELLE $850/M NO PETS garage built in 2001 and in excellent FULLY FURNISHED in Lehigh condition. Home over looks a canal Acres 2/2/2 $1,200/m Cat ok and located in a great area close to OUR FEATURED Ft. Myers.but out enough for peace LISTINGS FOR THIS WEEK and quiet. $230,000. NEW LISTING in Fort Myers. IN PIONEER! 3Bed- 3Bedroom/3Bath, 1 car garage in a room/2Bath large doublewide great location. Close to everything, mobile home on fenced in 2.5 acres. Home has 2 master-bedrooms, new Dual fireplace, walk-in closets, out- roof, interior paint and A/C. side building. Asking $189,900.. ALVA 2+/- acres \ith 3 bed/2 bath home. Property Has 178' of Joel Blvd Frontage with Future CommercialOverlay. Don't miss this opportunity. Call Today. Offered at $512,000 4 Call 863-675-0000 'A" * HOP, SKIP & A JUMP! Only minutes separate you from banking, shopping, schools and much more. This 4 1 .-7 ,',' II..H.. h,,:f~h,.E n,: I. h,:u,.1.. inets and storage galore! Best of all after a hard days i I .l ., if I i i. .. , ., ,,: r] ,: ,,-, r,,. ,:, :,,./ $219,900. EM~i _iCmL_.e II,_ ._ iS .3IEBHL..l!E R**(E~wlvilE!!B *Renting? No Privacy? Stop thrOwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a V acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. SRx for relaxation! A life long supply awaits you in all 10 acres of this 4 bedroom 2 bath manufactured home. There are 2 small ponds one with a working water fall. This property can also be split into two live acre tracts. $499,900 R Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 - 4BR2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ft of liv- ing space and sits on 2.34 fenced acres in the quietrural community of DoubleJ Acres. Country living just a hop- skip away from LaBelle or Ft. Myers makes this a perfect location! $269,900. - Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only $179,900. * Tired of the Circus? No clowning around about the calm ,'oL A 'the on clear i arnPl workshop x salls t thee huge horse barn and workshop. Box stalls, feed room Thinking About here you'llCome 'Up "With .4ilt money fora New ome ?.r S Worry No mo.fre, ii We ave i Solution for.T D ing, Build O ea & Pay off Credit Carn Placed Loans That Others ( Alan Kelly Mortgage Call Bob Hahn Now! 823-6 Tm se 1.Llkuw V-t. .,, r eh~s-.. ..- i=-r ? ,f1r~W .3 ur'ww &. k ksea..Aua4uan.,r'.Aw~ ieu g ~ P: ric.i I'', I rir itroc I. 'itt Poted ,i *anl~ 595000. . .. a, .d.^ ^ ,. ^ ..M ,..1^ . fl~?" 580S. Man St B 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 7 863 675-1973 An% S^^ j .a^. .:,, ;i17/'',f ,r 'i. ., .:, d/' CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT www.newhorizons-re.com Se Habla Espanol " :-:-i-i, *. "'..'.. ..... Fl=ATUREqrS Hoi 4.1-, ,, U *Rx for relaxation! A life long supply awaits you in h 11-. i l.. i.,. 1 1 ... '- i.Js orie with a working II'- i I i i ....l also be split into two f l II- I i II '' ....nuine Country I ,,., ,.,,, ", ,,,. ,,i ,..j., h, .. ,,,, 1. I. h, n i 111,, ih,. I, In 1 h. h I II, p;rk. you owe it to yourself to see! $699,900. SPerfection Has and Address! Immaculate in design: ,-,- i ,, .., i ,, i. n,,,,,, ,, ,,i, ,': h ,,,,,,, %I1. II I h ilil i f k illlliiII l. II II I i. i l 11 ,iH ,' ,, IILI "1' .,.,,. ,,I, 1,.,I (1,,,m ,1 1~l,. 11 1 , quality, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and vani- ri'e ire ill less than 2 years old. New roof being ,, .1 1i Call today for this worry free home! II* i i.,. 3D this livable, loveable 3BR/1B CBS home ii1, -i edroom/office in LaBelle limits, Features II.i, 1.I. ilk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die for Only $234,900. * ucriic (oiiL.'unir Fll DJ), _.oh b, 'ire bi(k' Rtile thri t', i'.'.i ul-, pri,, je & I-.ludd i tr FPilh air ,peoil $93.900. * !i 1 l. (, l.:V.' .,n .i..i"j1 M.i.i lurJ b.]rigr ' * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further. Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBele. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/-acre in the BelmontS/D. Pricedto sell @ only $67,900. Possible seller fiuacing. - Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. *Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementar in Muse and just minutes away from downtown laBelle. $3.50per square oot. * Sable Palm R/V C.i.pgrun Lrul a 50 acre gold mine!! This beautiful property features a 10 acre 70 site R/V campground located offUS27 in the peaceful coun- try side ofPalmdale. The park even has its own fishing lake and grass landing strip. The remaining 40 acres could accommodate several hundred additional R/V sites. $2,800,000 p loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sqft of work areaon acre. Zond f ed for Heavy Industral use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 busi. nesses. Listed at only $525,00. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-l commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single famlyo wia possibility of rezoning to Business. neas. Listed at only 9,900. $119,900. large workshop. Lower your blood pressure! $169,900. * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing I.. ''l.llll.l hi I 111hh ll. _. lll' llll'. llJl'ti d l,:,ITIa * IIh ,' ., I. I i 11 II I I h i I Ir .r j, |I..r .: .....ulpj .j . SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 * Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. * 3BR/1B manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at tie property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $120,000 * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a M acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. * Affordable living in town!! 2BR/2B manufactured home in town close to schools and shopping. Don't let IH i. ; [I-, i, ll, ,, ,,, i r .... I .l i,,',l.,. ri .. u !lri"],:,'flit-. i, 1, ,' ll] ,, |:irti _ c_=.s. I .. __asas.-__ - Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well- traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this investment! 2,750,000.. - The opportunities are endless! Bring your investment dollars here.25 beautiful acres with Hwy 27frontage Next to water plant. Property was cleared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and' see! $650,000. S5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $170,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say. goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/DEVELOPMENT.... looe wkn lo ou w ork! iu:: '' SWrWIN 0 H 1, .lt ,it I. 1 .. I 'lI . ............... ...II S. I* 'An ;ld i.,' .. .i... .u. A., I I II .. .. ... .... INVESTMEN..C. O U! ........ ... ..J I.si~ ... .. ..... l I [ll= ... I lt. l....II.. "l~ll 'I'III I''L ] ['ii i i'l ilI I L LI ( i' I I~ ~I' l~ li l'I Ii~ I i" k .. [~ ''.II1II1 1IIi II ~ II iIIII i 1 ], I.. -i l ~ h ,-. i ,', ] .ll h j i ,11 I ,I i J .. ... .. i,, i,,i ,I i,, ,,I .. .... .. .. II I '. ,, I I .I ] ., 1 1 ;-hi I ,, 1 ", I" i'. 1 1 i.. 1 I I I I I I 1, 8; 1 II. I .-' '. 1 I "I 'Il ii $411.1 -nf l (1111II II i 1111 11~ 1 I, n 20, 2i i. ii ii N~*- :~ ei tjl r jr 911 f 7/ ;-S..J -Ft ;jJ:^/ hi. 11 1-1' 1 4j-au t - d .0 1: 1 2. 1- %..tJi ttI M I. _ .i.. .. iii..H ,c ,s ii:'.. .. tr Ki E tr,.. e ir.. dr tia 1 iI d I I I W-1 m: Iv.S."'u tI i 5 0 tl r 11 %I I %II ( .......1 1 -11 ION ) t. p ( A U PAM h" I .-I .., I ,. I.,.I~ l.~Pll lllf850,000 or-pr,--cns J"01'0.200 I..i 'i F 'i- i'L 'r1:mIL'A 1:,j PL' itM EtLP'T ':'MItPCL LI LC.:L 'iOrN'l .. .. ,11,' .l.l i'.,. I "-': |I:hl r i -j l ..i c 1...1 Ill'.:.i r| iu r lci l. I l ,l : .. I ,11 .,,, 1:,u .1. 1- -1, ,: .'.I..f l c n1 I .') ,,t:-249900 $299a.001, j 1111 .: 1 1 SHERRI DENNING Lh.10ncl d Real Estiae Br-Lket since 19 1 i mh \inkenc\ Ph llik kelle\-Miller -i\ K-i tic-. W\a ne McQuaig ( oir.L ,i B'I'Ie Dan Pool I -.a C leglhoi nI Katie Solomon * Boinrn: Ml. Dinining. CPA S;nda Willianms \\'.,ii Du.ki ins-n Trace\ L Williams [j.'',>r. (,c' -.r isnt s '\'i-.Iii Hj nllirian L, I -II.: C n "t New Hornzons Real Estate Corp. .T ;~~`B~r"'%AP~i jaf!arli ":~"WAF "Lie 1- 1 1.0. 1~1~11111)( 1 ~1 1)117111111~11 111 )11~ 1 111111( 111 - -- -------- ------- ---------------"- -----"-- --"-"^-^"-^ i z.jjl^U-gST i "W.. *MS 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15, 2006 16 . -'. ., :.. * 77-353- Announcements Merchandise ToVI llly O1,luVuIIm l.lll D I VI IiCl Ulin, PLL vv More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run ,_ III0 Employment Agriculture Recreation WiW~ MITIli'tli~ia Financial Automobiles I IIIIIon Services Real Estate PubliclNotices .Ti m s -ni lim 1-.. i .c.- **- -**" -m r ... F Announcements ElI1 ~iltmmrU Important Informalion Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion,.or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers.' All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word "advertisement'. All ads accepted are subject to credit approval. All ads must conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 50 Lots in Blount County, TN, and 3,200 sq. ft. home to be sold at auction Saturday, June 24, 10:30 AM. Furrow Auction Co. (800)438-7769, www.furrow.com. TN Lic. 62. Auction- 1244+/- acres-divid- ed. Prime investment real es- tate Commercial & Residential. Saturday, June 24, 10AM, Albany, GA. 10%BP Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388, www.rowel- lauctions.com GAL AU- C002594. Auction- 8 St. George Island properties, June 22, 2:00 p.m. 3 Panama City beach properties, June 23, 10:00 a.m. Rowell Realty & Auction Co., Inc. (800)323-8388 2% broker participation, AU479 AB296, www.rowellauc- tions.com. AUCTION SAT, JUNE 17TH 10:15 A.M. 600 ACRES SELLING DIVIDED IN SMALLER PARCELS WWW.LAND2AUCTION.COM TOLL FREE (866)300-7653 PEACHSTATE GAL #2550. DOG, Male Cur, in Platts Bluff, last seen 6/9, neutered, light brown/white, med. size, bob- tail. (863)467-6960 Reward JACK RUSSELL TERRIER, Fe- male, 1 year old, Med. brown w/little white on chest. 5/28, Platt's Bluff (863)467-1169 MINIATURE SHIH-TZU, Ap- prox. 11 mo's old. Male, hite/Brown/Black. Male. Wt. 4.21bs. (863)675-6238 CAT, 3 years old, female, tortie calico, declawed & spayed. Must be kept indoors. (863)763-8318/532-0680 DOGS, Mixed, black male & brown female. (863)517-1772 FREE "ALI'S ARCADE" SHIRTS to anyone who cant afford to buy them. Call Becky @ 863-634-4360 FREE DIRT- You dig & haul away. Call 863-635-2980 GUINEA PIGS (2) females with cage. FREE to good home (561)261-2702 Belle Glade U..arage/ MANURE: Free, You Haul. 863-612-9833 or 239-340-5992 MINIATURE PINSCHER/Gold- en Retriever Puppies: Free to good home. (863)447-5305 PARAKEETS, 2 males. (863)517-1772- PLASTIC MARINE TANK- 28 gal., 2 -6 gal tanks, perfect cond., you dispose of old gas. (772)260-4898 KNIFE SALE LaBelle, 4004 Alamo Court Fri., June 16th, 3pm to 7pm Sat., June 17th, 8am to 11am Perfect for Fathers Day. New in boxes. Pocket knives, large hunting knives, bowies, swords. Extremely sharp! LABELLE- Sat, June 17th, 8am-Noon, 240 Evans Rd. DR-set, misc items. Sat. 6/17, 8am til ? 2633 Ft. Denaud Rd' Antiques, House- wares, Collectibles, Clothes, Toys, Lots of Junk. 863-517-1153 STOP BY & GET OUT OF THE SUN: We Are Set Up In The Shade. LaBele. Sat., June. 17th, 8am-2pm, 463 E. Lincoln Ave. Vintage & Pyrex Dishes, Collectibles, Clothes & Large variety of household items. Love the earth Recycle your used Items by sel- ing them In the classi- fleds. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipment- school.com. U..arage/ Yard Sale 014 s ::]i^^ CLUBHOUSE RENTALS For Weddings, Parties, Banquets & Quinceaneras. Call 863-675-3641 Se Habla Espaflol Is Stress Runing Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. THE ONE PROPHESIED by major world religions will soon be seen & heard by everyone. Read all about it! Free literature: (800)870-6108. www.S are-lnternation- al.org. Employment Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 ACCOUNTING POSITION Available must have a 2 or 4 year degree in accounting or related field, good computer and communication skills a plus, Benefits Available. Fax resume to: (863)763-6169 or Apply at: Syfrelt Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street Okeechobee. All the miles you can legally handle!!! Come drive for All American Xpress! Late Mod- el Equipment, No Touch Freight, No East Coast. 2yrs verifiable experience. Good driving record. .(800)282-1911 x115. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. One Tuition feel Many payment options! NO Registration Fee! (888)808-5947 info@ameri- casdrivingacademy.com BUSY RESIDENTIAL Appraisal Firm seeking Licensed and Certified RE Appraisers in all counties. Competitive fee, established Client base. Just waiting for you! Fax Qualifi- cations, (888)429-4672. I~pecial Noti I .pe a R ti I * IimlmNt I7pea Ntic El I Iit \j \ and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES I Melal Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs I Pole Barns Vinyl Siding Soffit & Facia Office (863) 675-70o45 Ik I V' 'l'.i '"Ill1 |! ^-S^-S e^ .:aI ... o.l. .. PLACE YOUR AD HERE .PIC A CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL Staring at 39.95 Per Day fi e LANGFORD La~elle 851S. ainSt 75-68 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ... rMil lh, I ..J.,m( S n1 l Resideanial, (,oniiir: r Id. I\u l W' .' j1 , Over 20 yeas experience Licensed and Insured HANDYMAN REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE Got a job too small for a contractor! s| te your appointierit (863) 675-7297 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. SDrivewayf lliic Pads Demoliln i ( ;iriii i Fill Din C'ul\.ri, Sin.%.iirk S r I il I(ck T i.- Trim tiniunv & Heinm %i ;lI ."l, I.tl, -I'. I K "n AI. & In-urv l OFFICE' (863) 675 8314 Call Kelin Townsend Cell (863) 673-3783 H(I1017 RP *T *fPREVATT -. jintaW HUNTERS CONSTRUCTION, INC L'O bl T-Add Pr arr r P.O.Box202 0 TREE SERVICE Palmdale le OrF FL 33944 D cing STree Trimming I xcavang & Removal Grading Site Prep i SStump Grinding Licensed Shaping & Topping insuredd .. A iMobile: 239-872-6734 863-675-0403 Direct: 161*23873 L.,: .,3 ar,..I-,.i... "Lic#P03000062936 Fax: 863-675-00201 CAR HAULING CAREER. EX- CEPTIONAL PAY! GREAT HOME TIME! OUTSTANDING COMPANY PAID BENEFITS! PAID TRAINING! MINIMUM 1 YEAR OTR EXPERIENCE RE- QUIRED. CALL ANYTIME (912)571-9668 OR (866)413-3074. CAREER MINDED FTSALESASSOCIATE: Some Weekends & Nights Offering Medical and 401(k) plan. Please apply within: Vision Ace Hardware, 350W.HickpocheeAve., LaBelle, FL. DFWP DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. Driver- Work HALF the Tiie- Get ALL the Benefits! Ask about 7 out/7 home! *Trailer Tracking *2005/06 Volvos *Daily Pay. (800)734-8169 Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm Home...Every Weekend!" GREAT Pay and Benefits! Special Orientation Pay for Exp. Drivers! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cy- presstruck.com (888)808-5846. Full Time Receptionist Needed. Call (863)675-3424 LABORERS: For Landscape & Lawn Maintenance. Good pay. Benefits included: Company Payed Medical, Life & Dental. (954)605-6951 or email: fivepointscorp@bellsouth.net EOE/DFWR General $$ Earn $12 Per Hour $$ Occasionally spend 4-8 hrs. on nights or weekends serv- ing as a juror in the mock trial of an actual court case. If you have lived in FL for 1 yr. & have a valid FL driver's lic., or are a registered voter, please send: (1) Name (2) Full Address, Including County (3) Home & Work #'s (4) E-mail address (5) Age (6) Race (7) Occupa- tion. Mail postcard to: Trial Practices, Inc., 101 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 3040, Tampa, FL 33602 or Call (800 544-5798; or fax (813 223-6522; or Email: recruitmentItrialpractice.com INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799. MECHANIC NEEDED at Feed Mill. Experience on Semi Tractor Trailers a benefit; Benefits avail. Apply at: Syfrett Feed Co., 3079 NW 8th St., Okeechobee (863)763-5586 HELP WANTED Apply in person LaBelle Florist 82 N. Main Street Immediate Openings F/T Welder. Pay based on exp. Call (863)675-3424 '-A READING A NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. ( a wonder newspaper readers are more popular Emplomn Ful.Tie 101 Emlymn F u l i m I l Custodian/Floor Technician Musi be abi ro work evening;, work independently, and nave no cnriinl backgroi.ini]. A valid drivers license ii required Electrical Insoector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a li- censed conlracior Code Enforcement Officer All candidates must be computer literate, able to multi task, and become certified as a code enorc eiTloii oinicr wilirin s., monrns 'l nire. Mechanic Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an au- tomotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred. Mechanic II. Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, three years experience. Both Mechanic positions require class B driver's license. Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewis- ton. Mechanic I also in LaBelle. GIS Coordinator for the LaBelle office. Must have Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or university in computer science, geography, or related field with considerable experi- ence in the use of geographic information systems or 8yrs equivalent experience. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Com- missioners HR department. MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 Get a quick response to Earn some extra cash. any Item you may be sell- Sell your used Items In Inn with a classified ad. the classifieds . I . Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory heets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 Caloosa Belle. Thursday. June 15. 2006 Fu~rdll Time g The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and advancement are encouraged to apply TODAY Bartender $9.00 plus tips Cage Cashier $9.50 per hour Cocktail Server $5.50 plus tips Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips Dishwasher/Steward $7.50 per hour Housekeeper $9.00 per hour PokerDealer $28.00 avg. w/grats Maintenance Worker $10.00 +. B.O.E. Security Officer $10.00 per hour TAD Machine Technician $12.50 per hour Vault Cashier $10.00 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst Security Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st.St. Immokalee, FL 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace LPN I orIl IFTPT. Perdilem) FL LPN li, & IV C ,il f w ll, 10 nuil ll.itir i-hedulie Full rne- ER RN IliStalSuprevleor Vili l FL cfic N 1,' lrsp AC.i RU i ,. Perdlea- RN Nursing Sup5 sor valid KIN ,ii 5 + yrs. clirtal up Mui hr'i.J yvri idh.iigs "o1 .uiip r,:,.", 'lIS .A LS PALS 'eo.. Full timelPart timeAr Hoe- TRANSCRIFONIST 3 0. more vr tp in hosipialU i arn S.rpi l ui i E clll i rcal .T. rr.n ills abill. 10 iiO lnd d nu l irullipl dlJleei are r.uiSlial Mlu I vpe hi) Wpm Per Dan- CNA Monor Tech Mbil p-),e. ,i J C NIA Ce'r a'nd mollCoTr, ihg lhm itor,,lon Pin ie II Ref'ln.Ir oi, Cle.r 2 $r' Cip. ja halilhca i i.eld leid Priv: i ep m in.:,':,, hbumr., ollffi 'unclic,.) I Onle.dec ,I 1ed i lc..T.ino'lgi lipV '[ le i S i prim Full lime- Uiblty Spedallt S.:.me coi l per ap nd...pra ff local ceri ll PN. ,: i uad iWor'i 1i ir., hc' i iLi pIic u o :,, m di l aluT i tr l' i le3ni Ifls eA'ii e ali.i p'ny ie i burlffenu *:.:p.. 1- oniteJ rermu0ld y LB 92.'.of.s c-gibilb I'c.I jIIcrTic M L for .it M4d1cA id irid im]ai Muil be ri h.:,rr, e ,:ii, Full lime- Pailnt Coordinator %V,. 1 p perori. l:, A; iLe ox f uf :,ii .l r r o, psi,,- ,: .J'J at p't'ipo,':' ,' .'ci3.I ,Td.ilheb,-imri lll..e-pv' O'3 'if Per DiC C..A Mums he al.d FL C.NA Ceri.cale Full lime- CCU Nurse Manager Valid Flodda license and ACL5 reQ, Sean diclal eq. and 3yeas of CC skidl competenies reo, I year o management ep. necessiy Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE Operations Manager/Foreman Seeking FT reliable individual for multi-company responsibilities including: Logistics Routing Supervise field operations Customer relations Must have good organizational skills and be detail.oriented. Computer skills a plus. Experience in a management posi- tion a plus. High school education required. Great Benefits: Health Insurance 401K Company vehicle Paid Vacation Phone: 863.675.4410 Mail resume: PO. Box 2357, LaBelle. FL 33975 Fax resume to. 863.675.-1570 5701 Fl Denaud Road, Alva, FL REDLANDS CHRISTIAN MIGRANT ASSOCIATION, has openings available at center in MooreHaven and Labelle for: FAMILY SUPPORT WORKERS. High School Diploma or GED required. Bilingual (English/Spanish)preferred. Computer skills re- quired. Must have a valid Florida Drivers License and have a driving record acceptable to RCMA's insurance carrier. Must have reliable transporta- tion and be able and willing to attain a CDL class C. Apply with or send resume to: Ivette Galarza at 551 W. Cowboy Way, Labelle, FL 33975; Fax # 863-674-4517. Please submit by 6/23/06 Drug Free Work Place Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Trucking, LLC. or call 863-675-4410 '^I'l0 *II V (xe ieneitrsHues SNational Carriers is a growing Fleei oliering. Regional & 3TR. Exceileri Beneiits, : Weekend Home(ime. Oul- slanding Pay Package & Lease Purchase Options. CDL-A Required (888)707-7729 www naiion- alcarrers.com. OFFICE ASSISTANT FT Must nave good comput- he er sk lls, telephone etiquette S and be organized, detail onented and able to multi- task. Knowledge of Word. Excel and Outlook a plus. .e Greal benefils- Insurance, 401K and paid vacation. + Phone: 863.675.4410 d Fa Resume 863 675.4570 ', Mail resume. PO Box 2357, LaBelle. FL 33975 5701 FI. Denaud Road, SAlva, FL OTR DRIVER Paid immediately after trip re- turn. No Wailing, 2yrs exp. pret reler a plus, Call-Josh (2391222-4201 TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED CDL.Class A Divers Lic. Required for hauling sod Palmdale Sod, Inc. 863 673-1491 THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem & s F/T. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0999 x122 www.bilingualsinc.com. TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED!!! Must have Class A CDL. Benefits Available. Apply at: Syfrett Feed Company, 3079 NW 8th Street Okeechobee Seeking semi truck driver to transport o nmrniid tn varinlo Fl locations. Must have 2 years experience. Must be able to work long hours, and some overnight trips. Must have a valid CDL class A driver's license and an excellent driving record. To apply, complete an application @ 805 E. Main St., Immokalee or call Human Resources @ 239-657-4421. WANT HOME MOST WEEK- ENDS WITH MORE PAY! Run Heartland's Florida Regional! $.42/mile company drivers $1.22 for Operators! 12 month OTR required. HEARTLAND EXPRESS (800)441-4953 www.heart- landexpress.com. ANIMAL CARETAKER Must enjoy working outside w/animals, be able to speak English and work Sat & Sun. Leave message @ (863)674-0321 CASE MANAGER POSITIONS Hendry and Glades. Bachelors degree req. Exp. with elderly helpful. Salary $27-32K. If in- terested and qualified, please call Senior Connections @ 863-675-1446 P/T SITE MANAGER & HOME DELIVERED MEAL DRIVER Needed for senior meal program in LaBelle and Clewiston. Clean driving record, H.S. or GED required. If interested and qualified, please call Senior Connections @ 863-675-1446 HII~F"~II Need Cash? We can help re- LanSr duce your interest rate and monthly payment. Call today for a FREE no obligation ap- LABELLE LAWN proval (800)897-4109 or Lawn Service visit www.budgetonembrt- Excellent rates, License gage.com. Se habla espanol. Rob & Karen (863)517-2077 HomeOwners! BAD CREDIT CRIMINAL DEFENSE AC- PLEASE APPLY! BK's, late CUSED?? Need a Lawyer? Mortgage payments, Fico Trial Defense Attorneys 24 scores to 475! 24-hour ap- hrs DUI Traffic All Felonies, provals. NO Payments until Misdem.eanors & Major July 1st. FL Licensed Mort- Crimes A-A-A Attorney Re- gage Broker. Meridian Capi- ferral Service tal (800)424-0888. (800)733-5342. Reading a newspaper helps you understand Time to clean out the the world around you. attic, basement and/or No wonder newspaper garage? Advertise your readers are more suc- yard sale in the classi- cessful people Ileds and make your clean un a breeze EAmploymen Ful im I'l $14,900. Other models and sizes. Front end optional. Country ard Pioneer (800)668-5422. Country Gard BAlso available: Bunnies & Fri ASPHALT MILLINGS To order, circl Clean, crushed clip & send w/ asphalt material. U-Bild Fes 15241 Stag $300 per load VanNuys,C (18 cubic yards) plus delivery Or ca] (239)872-1739 5 M (239)872-1757 L 0 I . I CALOOSA BELLE is looking for an Part time time with somewhat flexible hours The ideal candidate \\ill be self-motivated with an outgoing personality, more than average computer skills, bilingual a plus, understanding of digital photog- raphy and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers a unique \work environment \\here employees are trusted and empo\w ered. e-mail resume to: jkasten@strato.net DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABOR < >(4 FINDERS 202 E SuiiLr nd Hwyar'' w om CloarcnC bin) (863) 902-9494 EMPLOYMENT NEEDED IMMEDIATE CASH!!! US Pe- FT/PT Certified Nursing Assl. son Funing pays cash now w CPR. Gieatreerences' for 8 years ol your lulure (863)675-7105 pension payments. Call S1001586-1325 lor a FREE Financial ,,oo,,,o,,;, iorm RE rno-obligaionr ehnimal """" l ftW W W. u pe nso ino l ui i i ing.com. -, g Services Opportupitles 305 Money Lenders 310 ..i .. Tax Preparation 315 SBabysittin 405 Child Care Neded 410 .Child Care Offered415 iInstruction 420 Services Offered425 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do Insurance 430 you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- Medical Services435 cnrnes. Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We .i t witllnot be undersold' -BEAUTICONTROL- HOUSEPLANS Spa America Accurately & Economically Need extra money? Want more prepared Engineerinig time with your family? Have approval available both, create your own lifestyle (863)675-7926 with the BEAUTICONTROL family. Join now, for more In- formation please call: Debra or Stephanie @ CONTACT ME FOR INFO (863) 675-1312 on home business classes for classicconceptd@earthlink.net roadrunner cable internet. 863-673-6533 NOTICE ", - Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ue,suchas promises of TUTOR guaranteed income from' Tutoring in Word, Excel, work-at-home programs if Power Point, Access, in it sounds too good to be your home true, chances are that it is. Will design spread sheets If you have questions or etc upon request. doubts about any ad on Call Lynne at these pages, we advise that (863)675-7049 before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better . Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous COMPUTER SERVICE complaints. trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, Some 800 and 900 telephone tutoring. Win.95, 98, numbers may require an 2000. ME, XR licensed. extra charge, as well as Call Gary 863-675-7925 long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, bit occasionally we may not be aware of the SALLY MAE charges. Therefore, if you DISC JOCKEY call a number out of your Music for all occasions: area, use caution, weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. Receive checks in as little as 60-90 days. $4,000+ a month for 10-20 years from an investment of $25,000 in Oil and Gas Wells. (888)722-5790. DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry Vending Route: Snack, All County School Board Bus Drinks, All Brands. Great Driver. Contactthe Equipment, Great Support! Transportation Dept. at Financing Available With $6K 863-674-4115 or D.own. Call Tom: Cheryl Jameson at (954)971 -9301 jamesonc@ #802002-037. hendryk2.fl.us Reading a newspaper helps you understand the worm around you. No wonder newspaper GONZALEZ readers are more suc- LAWN/LANDSCAPING cessful people! Also do handyman jobs (863)675-1166 S a- I (863)673-6388 DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS CHAIN LINK FENCING- approx children, etc. Only one sig- 30', $100(863)677-0010. nature required! *Excludes METAL ROOFING SAVE t govt. fees! Call weekdays METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ 8v462-t. f ees! Cl wee Buy Direct From Manufactur- (8am00)462-2pm) AtaDivorce er 20 colors in stock with all .8am- ) Alta e Di Accessories. Quick turn LL. Established1977. around' Deliverv AvailaDle eTol Free (888)393.0335 WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL letl 5 KINDS Copper & Brass. ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR Clsed Sunday. Call first COLLECTION: Approx. 44 yrs. 863-675-8760, 257-0879 old Rare items $600 all or ma/ nel oler.. 863-824-3358 Higgins Tree Service 25 year' eoerience. Free esimales Lic. insured COMPAO PASARIO. Windows Ca1 863-675-3955. 98. Just upgraded New CD Burner. etc $175. Mer ni i (863467-2366 MiWEB TV- computer w/2 key- Oudrds $751863)902.0257 Air Conditioners 505 BAR L-shaped wi2 barsiools. Antiques 510 Wood & leader 44. high 22" Appliances 515 wide. 7' and 5' lenglns $150 Appliance Parts 520 (863)612-9233 LaBelle Beauty Supplies 525 BUNK BEDS, Wooden Bicycles 530 wiDresser $20 Books & Magazines535 863-612-9833 or Building Materials540 239-340-5992 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 COMPUTER DESK, Lare, $40 Children's Items 555 (863)467-2366 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 COUCH, Tan, Excellenl condi- Clothing 565 lion $125 LeBelle Coins/Stamps 570 239-822-5955 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 DINING SET wilh 4 chairs. Crafts/Supplies 585 iron and glass $750. Cruises 590 (863)467-1020 after 6pm. Drapes, Unens & Fabrics 595 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Fireplace Fixture 600 Havertys while washed OA[. Firewood 605 $350 (8631467-1020 alter Furniture 610 Furs 615 6pm Health & Reducing GLASS TOP TABLE W/4 Equipment 620 CHAIRS- brjna new. $125 Heating Equipment/ (8631467-5756 Supplies 625 RECLINER. Lazy By. 25 Household Items 630 RECLINER, Lazy B3939oy. -7005 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 ROCKING CHAIR, wi malchinrg Luggage 645 I01Sltool .01 35 Labelle Medical Items 650 12391822-5955 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 SECTIONAL L SHAPED 121 Office Supplies/ Recliners. Great condition Equipment 665 Paid $1500 sell tor $600 Pets/Supplies/ 86-634-2139 Services 670 Photography 675 SOFA & LOVESEAT- blue & Plumbing Supplies 680 mauve floral ei Restaurant neg (863)357-6113 Equipment 690 Satellite 695 SOFA & LVSEAT Royal Sewing Machines 700 blue/beige, under wa~r.. 2 Side Sporting Goods 705 Ibis, 1 C0ollre MusI See- Stereo Equipment 710 51200 1305) 345-6741 Television/Radio 715 SOFA BED, Good oronadiiin Tickets 720 $75 1(2391394--005 Tools 725 Toas Games 730 SOFA, LVSEAT & RECLINER- VRs 735 good condilioin. $30 Wanted to Buy 740 1863)675-3699 C e 5 II PUTTER, Odyssey, never used, pd $140 new, sell for A/C, 3%' ton, asking $300 or $80. (816)564-4235 rest oiter 18631675-2598 Iv msg Need a few more ucks to AIR CONDITIONERS (3) 5,000 purchase something BTuS' Window Sryle. Newly deer? Pick up some service; $135 lor all, will extra bucks when you sep (5611676-0427 sel your used items In WINDOW UNITS (2), Amana the classlfelds. 5 000 btu, $60 or will separ- ate. (863)655-0030 WASHER, Maytag, Early D o -ItJ 1920's gas engine, works great. $650 (863)467-4328 *DISHWASHER, Maytag De- luxe, black. $100 or best offer. i (863)677-0010 REFRIGERATOR Eler.lricpro- jnie 6 .:u II. new Gel ready lor hurric .nes $750 (239)297-4006 REFRIGERATOR, Good for soft drinks. $50 (863)763-1370 WASHER OR DRYER $100 each, 1 yr warranty are Calp urvy ;:Ap4li-n77e GE STOVE HOOD- With lights & fan. New in Box. $100. (863)946-3570 SHED- Wolly, 10'x12', $4K new. Includes Extras. Asking $2475. (863)634-5753 Okeechobee. STORAGE SHED- 8'x12',Some C storm damage. You haul. i $500. (561)714-9827 ^ Few scenes are try 'garden on a the garden has theme in recent SCHWIN BICYCLE 1955- 26", ome that co like new, asking $700. home tat cou (863)467-5756. color, 24-page Featuring 1 ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE! d signed for ea "FINAL TWO WEEKS!" 20x28 niques, the bc Now $4200. 25x32 $5800. 30x42 $9200. 40x62 instructions, fu] Please be sure to e item(s), 'check to: include your name, atures address and the name of gg St. this newspaper. Allow A 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. I (800) 82-U-BILD craftbook.com money Back Guarantee REVOLVER 38 CAL Stainless Steel Taurus, 2" barrel, like new with extras, $375 (863)467-6696 ROSSI 410 SHOTGUN- Com- bination, .22 rifle, S/S w/ ammo and case. $125. (863)983-7915 EXERCISE BIKE- New Bal- ance, 6.0, like new $300 (863)467-0668 TREADMILL Lifestyler 8 OES 1.5 HP 0-8 mph, step control, auto incline, heart monitor. $300 neg. Call 863-357-2549 AIR COOKER- Flavor Wave, new, $50 (863)634-5914 DINING RM TABLE Picnic style, 2 benches. 2 chairs seats 10, exccond. $800 neg 305-345-6741 OPAL, 3 carat e-c fire sel in 14 .1, yellow gold. worn 2. perlecl i. orni lioi, $ $ 50. 18161564-4235 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. 'Medical, 'Busi- ness. 'Paralegal. 'Comput- ers 'Criminal Jusliie Job placement jssislance Com- puter provided Financial Aid it Qualilied Call 18661858-2121 www Onli- reTideiwaerTecn com PLASTIC 55 GAL DRUMS- $100 tif all or will sell sepaf- ae 863)697--1168 Onee- 4 chottee PIANO- Kimball, w.'bencr Ar. isl (oniole like new $900 or besl oner f863i902-8883 BLUE QUAKER PARROTS- Rare, sweel & bonded 8 mins. Cage/nesling bor inCr $1200/pair 1863)673-4716 CHIHUAHUA, Dlack/while. male lawn lem shrln r.ur- reni, make oifle (863)675-2541 M-F, 9-6 DOG CARRIERS- 2 small. i.30 will :ell separad e 8631697-.3090i DOVES- various colors $10 each. i863)675-6214 after 6 pm LaBellearea PARROTS: Breeding Parrols IVajrer ty) Baby parrils Blue Frort &. Orange Wing Ama:ons |(863)673-1567 PET BABY PYGMY fainting goal -$1001(863675-0247 PET SHEEP- Baby 6 monins old.$100 (8631675-0247. ,PIT & KURR MIX PUPS- all Smales large heads, ready to '- ,go $50 (863)634-82,03 PIT BULL PUPPIES, Blue/red nose. Ready on 6/12. Parents on premises. $200 each. (863)763-3776 or 697-6118 .. ..... .....~-~~ POT BELLY PIG BABIES- 1 pair, $50 or will separate. (863)675-4981 LaBelle area TABBY/ TIGER KITTENS- Free to good home only! 6.wks., litter trained. 4 left,.kid friendly. (863)447-0390 BRAD PAISLEY, (2), on Friday, 8/4/06, in West Palm. $50 141,36,5.1033 AIR COMPRESSORS (2) Portable, 120 volts, 1 & 2 hp, $195 for both, will sep. (561)676-0427 ARM SAW, Sears, radial, $75. (863)675-2598 Iv. msg CRAFTSMAN TABLE SAW- all meildl housing w/porl cabi- ner E.lr. OI3des. $125. S(863)64-1-10 eves GENERATOR. 1350, runs qlod, fOui 11: oullelS $200 ir tbesi onr 1863)697-9704 GENERATOR: TITAN, Brand new IlJver u ed V3lue $4350 Now .25011 (8631675-4079 LjaBlle NASCAR RACING WHEEL- w.'pedals For Windows [ir DOS (ompuier games $20 (2391657-4348 PING PONG TABLE. Regula- lion si:e $10 (863)655-0030 FORD PICKUP, V8 '83-88, standard Irirjn condllon iO' 5 nor matter, NEW COIN COLLECTOR wni- ing 10 adid lo my r.ollection Pliea Ie : all io :'el coins .P pjper mnrev 2339-693-489 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/Products 810 Farm Miscelaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 880 Seeds/Plants,/ Flowers 865 -FARM TRACTOR 801 Ford, run/!lois good, tires good. ready to wmorv, 2650 1561 118-8580 TRACTORS (4) Older. Great for parts. $400 for all, will sep. (239)728-3567 Yourself Ideas country Garden as peaceful and refreshing as a coun- spring morning. That's probably why become such a popular decorating Years. Now you can give your own ntry charm with the help of a full- guidebook, "A Country Garden." 5 country-quaint garden projects .sy-to-sew and no-sew applique tech- )ok includes complete step-by-step ll-size patterns and more. .en guide (No. P9132) ... $7.95 ends guide (No. P9143) ... $7.95 Please add $4.00 s&h I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 15, 2006 APPALOOSA HORSE Regis- tered. $1000. Call for more info. (863)673-1567 APPALOOSA HORSES (2) Registered. $2000. for both, will sep. Call for more info. (863)673-1567 BLUE ROAN STALLION, 9 mos., old, very gentle, no bad habits, halter & lead broken, all shots. $1000 (863)673-0065 FREE PAINT GELDING- 6 yrs., curr. coggins, shots current,. NOT begginer's/childs horse. Trailers/ties. (772)201-7633 MARE 8yrs old trail broke, rides English & Western, sound, bay color. $2000 (863) 509-3446. SILVER SHOW HALTER- w/lead, horse size, $65 (863)763-6336 Okeechobee SORREL 1YR.- wht. paint colt "Out of Dash For Cash". r16 hand TB,Nice hunter/junpcrr $1200. (772)201-7633 SORREL GELDING, 2 yrs. o:'d $1000. (863)673-0065 SORREL MARE, 8 yrs. old. $1200. (863)673-0065 SORREL MINI HORSE- ,yo. gelding, $-'01 863)763-0577 YOUTH SADDLE- asking $-400 or best Offer (863)902-888 LAWN MOWER, Craftsman, LT 2000, 18/2 hp, 42". Bought 5/05. Used 6 hrs. $900 or golf carttrade. (863)467-4735 LEAF BLOWER- Hand held, excellent cond. $40. (863)634-1479 MOWER, 4', good gear box, pto shaft, 3 point hook up, needs deck & blades. $100 neg. (863)697-9704 MURRAY 21" 5 HP- self pro- pelled mower, new blade, synth. oil, well maint. Like new $75. (863)484-0110 NEW DUMP LAWN CART- asking $150 (863)357-5754 PUSH MOWER- Murray, 20", with bagger, good condition, $75 (863)467-0085 RIDING MOWER Snapper, 30", 14 hp, runs good, older model $150 i8631146;-i]i0 RIDING MOWER, 4 yrs. old, runs good, headlights, $300 or best offer (863)674-1409 Okeechobee Livestock MarketSales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 WHITE RABBIT BABIES $5 BABY MALE CHICKENS $2-$3 Pullets ready to lay. (863)675-0273 Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale In the classi- fleds and make your clean un a breeze -ficeSpc Rent 093 Rentals ______ ENT_ FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE MIM I New Ig. units avail., air Apartments 905 conditioned & non-air, Business Places 910 each unit alarmed, area Commercial fenced & well lighted, Property 915 space for boats, trailers, Condos/ RV & trucks. Manager on- Townhouses Rent920 site, 1025 Commerce Dr., Farm Property LaBelle. 863-675-1025. Rent 925 LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- House Rent 930 Cowboy Way & Kennedy Land Rent 935 Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. inc. Resort Property tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. incl. Rent 945 tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. Roommate 950 tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 mo. Rooms to Rent 955 incl. tax 24 hr access $25 Storage Space returnable key deposit. Rent 960 863-675-2392. For Rent: 2/2 & 2/1, w/laundry CENTRAL FLORIDA RENTALS room, in town, $750 mo. Jusi 20 minutes from Dis- Call Home & Ranch Real Es- ni-y Iew 5d.'3til house tate. (863)612-0000 1 350.'mrnin Enloy Cilv Lite 4 tOd/2b Condo Need a few more bucks to I1 500.'monin Ca- Ms purchase something icnrale. (107;42n 9832 Se deer? Pick up some "n'a epa"'n extra bucks when you Completely Furnished Condo sell your used items in on Ft Myers Beach, 2 swim- the classiteids. ming pools, jacuzzi, $650 for mwk.m r lw of 7/22-7/29. 1li00I Gmnrnerie ir Ljt,,ile neighbor's garage, 4000si s.n,,to w.-48v Ypower attic, basement or dos- & 2Ti ri piw:. 25iiis1 lence et In today's classlleds. d y.rd 7 50n Office. 2.,5;,m:i |29)Cj.-22-5955 DQ -Rent Real Estate LaBelle: 4 Bdrm., 2Ba; I [iII I + fiii,: 410 Fi ,:tri rn e ,i porirh in ,ou : ,,,in.iTiMi-m Business Places - p, l .aL '. .e iiJ Ti' i Sale 1005 (b, i ) i '.(11O : Commercial (863)674-0104 Property Sale 1010 Condos/ How fast can your car Townhouses -Sale1015 go? It cango even faster Farms Sale. 1020 when you sell it in the Houses Sale 1025 classified. Hunting Property 1030 Lad-Rnl Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 LaBelle- 5 Acres- corner lot, Lots Sale 1045 Crescent Ave SW & Fay St. Open House 1050 (305)812-2008 Out of State - Property Sale '1055 fiPropertL inspectionlo080 Real Estate Wanted`1065 ResortProperty - Office Space For Rent Sale 1070 Wallace Plazaon CowboyWay i Warehouse Space 1075 Contact Jo'Ann Finelli at Waterfront Property 1080 (863)674-4722 FT. MYERS 1, 2, & 3 bedroom luxury condos from the low $100s!!!! CALL Allyn Water- mann NOW for more info (888)5 21 -3790 http://www.venetian- palms.com/ or www.para- mountcompanies.com. READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU GET INVOLVED IN THE' COMMUNITY r o wonder newspaper readers haw mreW tl = Office Space Rent 0937 2 MODile nore LOIs 2uuM Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Horme- Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 NORTH LaBelle: Mobile Home Space for rent: Year must be at least 1996 or Newer. Size 12x40 or Larger (Larger preferred). Includes water, electric hook- up& garbage removal. $200 mo. (863)675-2968 FOR LEASE!!! 800+/- Sq. Ft. Office Building located on Busy Street downtown. Call for details. Riverside Real Estate, Inc. 863-675-2718 Toll Free 1-877-675-2718 Mobile Home Sale Moble om COUNTRY VILLAGE: 2 BR, 2 BA, w/front& back Florida room and garage. $149,900. (863)675-7206 LABELLE- 425 S Davis St, $175,000 Call 863)673-1737. or (863)673-8944 LaBelle, Beautiful 3/3: Walk to courthouse, new roof, new a/c, upgrades, etc. Large yard. Priced to sell. $219,500. Owner 863-673-5071 LABELLE- FSBO, 3/2/2 CBS, 2767 sq ft, .75 acre, $305,000 (863)675-3833 or pleal@edison.edu. PORT LaBelle: Unit 4 ~ Move In Todayl - Newly renovated, near schls., Large yards, New S/S Appl. 4/2 @ $175,000. or 3/1 @ $142,000. Call owner: 863-673-5071 cshdz 04@earthlink.net 1st YEARS PAYMENTS ARE ON USS' Dockable Laketrori LOIS irom $-19.9001 1 + Acre Lake Access Lots from 49,900! Giant 72,000 acre lake only 2 hrs from Atlanta. Next available showing on Saturday, June 24th. Call for your appointment NOW! (877)426-2326 X. 1344. *Some restrictions apply. Qualified buyers only. Rates and lerms subject to change w/o notice. Offer void where pronbited by law If you like peace and quiet, this is te place lor you, 7 08 acres of cleared land with sa battered oak and cabbage eIres. 3 miles north ol LaBelle $283200 (863)673-8976 days. 1863)675-5869 nights MULTI-PROPERTY AUCTION Home Laketront Homesnes, Residential Tracts, Wooded S Homesiies. Ranch Land I am, Saturoay June 24, iggenDolnam Auctioneers M.E Higgenbotham CAI FL.LIC # AU305/AB158 www niggenbotham.com (8001257-4161. VENUS, FL- 5 acres, borders Preserve by Fish eating creek, wooded, $160K, (863)699-6925 or idwnghi55@honmail.com LABELLE- beautiful city va- car lotl.budable. 156 Hend- rySI, 114 acre, $79,900 1561)721-2550 or www ineedhomelnlo.com Port LaBelle Lot. .25 acre, in growing area, close to schools,. $46,000 neg. Call Crins (863)673-5071 WEST OF LABELLE: Off 80 Nice 1/4 acre home site. Close to Fl Myers & Lehigh w/Alva address. $38.888 By Owner.1239)699-7405 OenttH e0m Brand new construction homes at 2 locations! Great opportunity! 3BR/2BA, 2Car Garage Saturday, June 17th 11 a.m.to 2 p.m. 2023 S. Montana Circle & 2033 S.Montana Circle American Heritage Realty USA Cathy Rupert, Agent (239)464-4808 LaBelle BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION. MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES W/ SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES, CABINS, CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountainrealty.com (800)841-5868. BENT TREE Golf and Tennis, * Gated Community in the North Georgia Mountains with Clubhouse, Pools, Lake, Stables. Homes and Lots available. Craft, Inc. (800)822-1966 www.craf- trealestate.com. Buyers Market Coastal North Carolina 95-100% LTV Fi- nancing Call CCL Inc. Realty (800)682-9951. Citrus County, Florida. 50 miles North of Tampa. -NEW HOMES FROM $200,000 - $1,000,000+ -Gated Com- munities, Golf Communities, Riverfront properties. Gate House Realty Visit: wayne- cormier.com or call (352)422-0751. Costa Rica real estate is HOTI Call Now or visit www.BeachClubCostaRi- ca.com for our exclusive pre-construction villas and condos. (877)224-5020. I 0 1 0 GEORGIA- BLAIRSVILLE NORTH GEORGIA MOUN- TAINS Land, Homes, Com- mercial & Investment "EVERYTHING WE TOUCH TURNS TO SOLD" Jane Baer Realty, (706)745-2261. (800)820-7829 www.lane- baerrealty.com. lane- oaer@alltel.net Gulf front lots $595k Homes starting mid $300k New master planned ocean Iroir community on beaUltlul Mustang Island, near Corpus Chnsti, TX www cinnamon- shore.com. (866,891-5163. Gulf froni lots 5595k. Homes starting mid $300K New master planned ocean Ironi community on ueaulitul Mustang Island, near Corpus Chnsti, TX. www cinnamon- shore.com, t866)891-5163 Lakelront and Lakeview Prop- erties Nestled in the hills of Tennessee on the shores of pristine Norns Lake. Call Lakeside Really at (423)626-5820 Or visit www akesiderealty-tn.com. LAKEFRONT PARCELS FOR SALE Gorgeous lakefront and view lots. Awesome views. On 46K acre Lake Barkley, 90 min to Nashville. Great lor 2nd/retirement home. 1 to 40+ acres from the $40's. Call (866)339-4966. LAKEFRONT PREDEVELOP- MENT OPPORTUNITY' www.grandeharbor.info. All water- access homesites di- rect from the developer Most amenities already In Far below market value, from $79;900:,Posslble 18 mo NO PAYMENTS! Call Now! (888)BY-LAKES. Mortgage Brokers/ loan offi- cers/ branch managers- ready to take the next step In yourmortgage career? www.GET9OPERCENT.com Mountain Propertyl Interested in buying property in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC? Call Active Realty today at (800)979-5556 or visit our website at www.ActiveReal- tyNC.com. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. TENNESSEE GRAND OPEN- ING! Swan Ridge Lake Re- sort, a private, gated community with both lake- view and mountain-view homesites. Lots starting at $29,900. CALL TODAY! (931)243-4871 wWw.swan- ridgedevelopment.com. TN- CUMBERLAND PLATEAU 1 to 5 acre parcels from the $40's. Amazing rolling vista views. Close to parks & lakes. Planned clubhouse, nature trails. Call for appt. (866)292-5769. VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on very large pris- tine creek, very private, ex- cellent fishing, canoeing, good access, near New Riv- er Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountainsofVA.com. Western New Mexico Private 74 Acre Ranch $129,990 Mt. views, trees, rolling hills, pastureland, wildlife, borders BLM. Picturesque homesite at 6,700' elevation. Horse- back riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect family ranch, elec- tricity. 100% financing. NALC (866)365-2825., WNC Mountains 3.84 Acres w/ view and hardwood trees. Owner financing at $65,280 w/little down. This one won't last call today (800)699-1289 or www.riv- erbendlakelure.com. STEPS- solid alum w/handrail, for mobile home. $50 (863)697-3090 . TRAILER DOOR- good shape. 73x32. $25(863)357-5754 LABELLE, 2BR/IBA, 1500 sec. & $200 wkly A'G. Music mow lawn 863-675-3665 MUSE, 2 & 3 Bedroom Moble Homes. $1.,50 deposit. No dogs (863)675-1614 PARK MODELS TO RENT all ubliIes paid No pelS. Aqua isles Mobile Home Park 18631675-2331 9arm-Nroon Casa Manufaclurada, 3/2 Ba. nos, en ': acre e propedad lisia para ser occupada. Fi- nariciarrienio disponibie Llamee al (863)6758888 Casa Manulacturada, 4/2 Ba- nos, localizada en una neuva area entae Immokalee y La- Belle, .5 acre. Llamee (863)675-8888 DW 2003, 32 family rm, ?rn kitchen, on corner lot in Tan- lewood Oaks w/1640 sq. ft. 149,900.561-385-3282 Manufactured Mobile Home, 3/2 Bath, located in-LaBelle. Financing Available, all (863)675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Home, 3/2 Bath, with /2 porch on .5 acre lol. Ready io be occu- pied. Call (863)675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Homes, 3/2 Bath, located in a beauti- ful new subdivision, home & land available. Call (863)675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Homes, 4/2 Bath. Land fully devel- oped, pkg. deals available. Call (863)675-8888 Mobile Home, 3 cuartos, 2 banos, localizada en Moore Haven, lister para ser occu- pada. Llamee para mas in- formacion. (863)675-8888 Ext.0000 MOBILE HOME, 3/2 Bath, lo- cated in Moore Haven, Fi- nancing Available for Pkg. Deal. Call (863)675-8888 PALM HARBOR HOMES Fac- tory Model Center LARGEST in America! Modular and Manufactured LIQUIDATION SALE! Call for FREE Color Brochures! (800)622-2832. Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skils 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 AIR BOAT-10', Fiberglass hull, 65hp Contenental + 2 extra motors & hub Like new Wood prop $3500.863-673-1963 BOAT 24' SEA SKIMMER - Pontoon, need little work. New Magic Tilt trailer. $1500. Must sell 863-634-2139 BOAT TRLR 32'. Hydrlc brake/lights. 27 1/2' Bayliner as-is on trlr free w/purchase $2,000 neg. 954-954-3401 COBRA BASS SKI BOAT, 17', 140 Johnson Outboard, bi- mini top, good trlr., Must Sell, $2500. (863)612-1648 JET BOAT: SEADOO 1996, Twin 85hp, 60 mph. Includes trailer. $5000 or best offer. (863)763-6453 JOHN BOAT, 14' aluminum, with galvanized trailer. $650 (863)675-6214 after 6 pm Labelle JOHN BOAT-11' Fiberglass V- haul, new paint, trailer. $500 or best offer 863-673-0919 OUTBOARD, 100hp Johnson, real good shape. $1500 or best offer. (863)467-5725 PONTOON BOAT, 1991, 20 Ft., Aluminum. New trailer & Car- pet. Overhauled motor. $4000. 863-234-9663 When doing those chores Is doing you In, it's time to look for a helper In the classifileds. One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad In the classl- fleds. CALOOSA MOBILE HOMES 21/2 acres on Case Road with New 2006 4 Bdrm 3 Bath, 2,255 sq. ft; energy saver w/ 2"x6" sidewalls, beautiful inside & out w/lots of special touches. Fenced and landscaped, $249,900. Crescent Acres- 2 locations; New Home & Land, 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath $62,500. or 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath, $59,900. Felda Palm Harbor- 28'x72' 4br, 2ba includes developed lot $105,900. Call 863-675-4300 PRIVATEER, '80, 20', w/Yama- ha 115 '98 & trailer, mostly rebuilt, includes extras, great shape, $4500. (772)260-4898 . SAILBOAT, 24 Ft. on cradle. Shallow draft, Exc. project for river. Must move! $300 neg. 863-612-9233 LaBelle ARGOSY AIRSTREAM, '78, Limited.Edtion, exc. cond., $10,000 firm. (863)467-9234 BOAT MOTOR: 225 Mercury Optimax w/25" Shaft Warranty il 4/2008. All controls, cables & harness. Hydraulic steering. 151 hours. $7500 (863)634-0392 BOAT TRAILER: 2003 Alumi- num, Tandem Axel. $1100 or best offer. (863)634-0392 O/B MOTOR Johnson '77 model 6R77M w/plastic 5 gal tank & hose, $250. Call 863-357-2988. OUTBOARD, 115hp Evinrude, v4, power trim'& tilt, stainless steel prop, fullcontrol. Fresh- ailer $1300i8631236-0100 BMW K75 RT'92- 70K miles, paid $3500 asking $2500 firm (863)634-9620 Okee area VOLKSWAGEN TRIKE, Mint cond. $15,000 invested. asking $10.000. YAMAHA 2002 VSTAR 1100, 2k, many eiras $5800 (863182--0801 YAMAHA '05. VSTAR650 Ac- lual miles 1. Red'silver. LOiS 01 cnrome paddle bags & wind- snield noi installed $6000 or besI other 1863i763-2053 ATV 4-WHEELER 90CC (2) veriiles,.reiTOl e sial & kill w Qovernor. li1 yellow 11 red $200 pr neg 863-634-2139 KAWASAKI MULE 2000, j44, $2900 or besi offer Also Mule Parts Call 863-467-6886 or 561-723-0257 Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four heel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 CADILLAC DEVILLE 1988, Vintage edition. Dark metallic silver, beige interior. Faux con- vertible top. Vogue tires. New battery/brakes. Florida car. All the bells & whistles. Low mile- age. Exc. cond. $8900 best of- fer. (863)467-4811 Okee CADILLAC DEVILLE '92, 4 door. $3000 or best offer. (863)673-4594 Cadillac Deville, '92, looks/runs good, interior per- fect, leak in trans. line, $1200 neg. (309)472-1561 CAMARO Z28 80- auto, all original, nice restoration pro- ject, $1700 neg. (863)634-6601 Ive msg. CAMARO Z28 '84 no motor/ trans. Good project. $300 w/title. 863-467-5401 or 772-359-2923. Chevy Camaro Z28, '84, no motor, no trans., have title, 772-359-2923/863-467-5401 CHEVY CAVALIER, '90, 4 dr., light gray, $900. (863)674-0670 after 5pm CHEVY LUMINA URO SPORT 1993, Runs good. $1300. (863)763-7314 CHEVY NOVA '76, Runs good. Needs minor body work. $1500 Neg. (239)503-5131 Ask for Ramon, after 5:30pm FORD CROWN VICTORIA 1988 Looks good. Runs great. Cold A/C, 4 Door & 4 New tires. $1000. (863)675-1754 FORD EXPLORER 1991, ma- roon, looks/runs good, low mileage. $2500 neg. Call after 6pm. (863) 635-3929 HYUNDAI ACCENT 1997, Au- to., 4 door. Runs good. A/C Runs cold. $1800. (863)675-4079 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '91 - V6, auto, good shape, needs transmission, $250. (239) 657-4348. LINCOLN MARKVII '92, 5.0, V8, auto., low miles. $2500 anter Trio deer planters is sh and attractive lay plants and t's also fun and ild. The small . tall by 14 in. wide, the medi- in. tall by 22 in. n. wide and the 32 in. tall by 30 Sin. wide. r Trio plan . $9.95 ters Package 1. 745 ) ... $21.95 ures hundreds s)... $2.00 d $3.00 s&h og-only orders) :le item(s), clip vith check to: 241 Stagg St., , CA 91405. ure to include address, and the s newspaper. eks for delivery. 0) 82-U-BILD d.com k Guarantee Do-It-You iit Deer Pl This trio of not only a fre, way to disp flowers, but i simple to bui deer is 16 in long by 7 in. um deer is 24 long by 10 ii large deer is . in. long by 13 Deer Planter (No. 745). Animal Plan 3 plans inc (No. C103; Catalog (pict of projects Please ad' (except catalh To order, circ and send w U-Bild, 152 Van Nuys Please be si your name, a name of thi Allow 1-2 wee Or call (80( u-bil Money Bac (863)675-7105 LINCOLN TOWNE CAR, '88, light blue, w/white top, dark blue int., runs good, $1000 neg. (863)674-1409 MERCEDES BENZ '99, 4 cyl., 4.3 L Super Charge. 5 spd., Auto. trans. Fully Loaded. 76K. $9500 (863)763-4541 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 1993, Runs great. A/C, Stereo. $1900. (863)983-5597 Buying a car? Look in the classlfleds. Selling a car? Look In the classi- leds. How do you find a job In today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sifleds MERCEDES SLC '79- Silver, FORD F250- '85, 4x4, Runs new a/c, alt, belts. Runs, good good. Has Super Swamper trans., 196k, hit on pass. side tires, no title, $1000 or best dr. $600. (305)668-7785 offer (863)634-0187 OLDS CIERRA '94, Runs good, FORD RANGER XLT 88, 5sp, just hit 100k, 2nd owner, non runs & looks good, $1200. smoker, lots of extras. Must (863)763-6747. see. $1500 (863)634-6636 TRUCKS (6) F-350's w/4 good OLDS CUTLASS, '69, 350 diesel motors. $1800 or best Rocket, runs good, needs offer. (561)633-1371 paint job & trim, $2000 neg. Il l B ,(863)675-2759 rUIility 055 PLYMOUTH NEON '99, 5 spd. JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE '94, Great car, great on gas. $1500 4.0, 2wd, needs cam bearings (863)634-3386 or & seal. Has new transmission.- (863)634-8672 $900 (239)768-1015 aft. 5pm " TOYOTA CELICA 1987, $700 JEEP GRAND WAGONEER Runs great. Stick shift. Great 1991, 62K org. mis. Garage on gas. A/C. Stereo, kept. $2500 or best offer. (863)983-5597 (863)675-4079 LaBelle. e JEEP RHD '75- route ready, rebuilt trans, new rear AUTO WANTED: brakes, tires, paint, runs good, $3000 Looking to buy Antique Car/ 863)763-05774005 Convertible/Truck. Please call 863)63-5774005 (954)561-2776a. Drv 4 LANDSCAPING TRAILERS (2) Tandem Axel, Enclosed. JEEP CHEROKEE '6, good $600 for both or best offer. running gear, good motor, 561-633-1371 -,* ', good buggy $*500 UTILITY TRAILER, heavy duty, - (863)634-55421 w/drop gate, brand new III ,'re,. 1:8010 (8'. 3)357-1080 ALUMINUM RIMS Ford F250/350, w/caps 8 lug, AEROSTAR '91- AC, auto, V6, 4/set 4x4, almost new, all power, $4000 $350. (863)673-1404 eves. (863)675-4409 BEDLINER for full size Ford Ford Highlop Van '89. VS. Pick up Truck, excel. $50 sola bed. low pkg 1781 (863)7b3-6741 miles, $2000. LaBelle Area CAB W/ ROOF RACK SLIDE, (8631675490v sg. WINDOWS- burgundy. ill in- GMC VAN 91- 3.4 ion nas aci. oh '98 Toyola Tacoma, some rust, runs & drives $250 443j205-0955 great, real strong work van CO800 neg. (863)763-4149 COMM'L TOPPER- wishelvino lull rejr door:., tls 88-98 lull sz. Chevy 8'. Bed qreat cond. $800 neg. (772)-3;0-5709 DRIVE ON RAMP- you must 'I remove and laul $t25 I I IM A2I (863)467-4328 . EURO TAIL LIGHTS '00- Ford Pi~i c tice 0 -5 Foc:us $;5 ill alter 5pri State Public - 12391657.5504 Legal Notice 5500 FRONT END. lor CJ5 Jeep. wilh losing nubs. $50 I" ll 1 lf i " (863)763-1370 ... TIRES- (4) 285/75R16. Day- NOTICEOFPUBLICHEARING on Timberline. all terrain, Tn P,, LBII I.,:.m u. Levr.;. Good con lllion $225 0mi, ino,.;.i ,, :.r.r '..n : ai 1863)357-8788 p ,1, r, i, Tu :,a v ,,- ', :'lt, 11 M e [I., Ui 011.. c U' WHEELS & TIRES, For Forid j 'i 1 '1, . Musailan. 15 jSI len rhol-es, r, , Tires like new $200 i.. ii .. 1 .'.. (863)6-4-0212, S wry i 6 t,, )d ire llu.,I l jl tT J ,' ,n ,Tell .. l, 1: 1r. , CHEVY '88- 3/4 ton, 4x4, 400 .. . sm bluor 4spd w'low 1st , ear. e1500 |86 634-5421 DODGE DAKOTA P/UP 1989, $1400 (863)843-0156 LaBelle FORD F150 XLT '91, 4x4, How 11t 5.8 automatic runs bui 10?k It_ ., ,IIfl needs work1.i.1200 or best u o ll offer. (863)467-6143 ou Looking for a place to hang your hat? Look no laifiglds furtethe than e classl- bIolliU flreds. irself Ideas |