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~- ~.-.-.., Watershed series Page 12 4LOOSAC Delivering Western Hendry County's Ne Str' ......- .--. , B'" -"_. -, c-v2t VOUM 8 NMBRa2 HUSDYJue ,20 At AGlance Shelter plans move forward CERT training location changed The Community Emer- gency Response Team (CERT) training in LaBelle on June 13, 7 p.m. has been changed to the Dallas Townsend Ag Build- ing. Training will provide the average resident with the information and skills needed to get themselves and neigh- bors through an emergency or disaster until help can come. Help women get new a new roof S An account has been set up to help two women have their roof repaired after Hurri- cane Wilma. Dorothy Riddle and her daughter Patricia are both disabled and need $4,400 to replace the roof on their old home. They have no insurance to help and have been turned down by FEMA. Since a plea for help in the Caloosa Belle, LaBelle resi- dents have helped out with over $1,000 in donations. The women greatly appreciate the generosity but more is need- ed. Please send a donation to the Dorothy Riddle Benefit Fund at Olde Cypress Bank. Burn.ban continues A little rain hasn't dimin- ished the fire hazard for this area. A resolution of the Hendry County Board of County Commissioners pro- hibiting unregulated fires is still in effect. Family Film Festival schedule Movies are free; showings 9:30 a.m., I p.m.,3 pm. June 13, Wallace and. Gromit "The Curse of the. Were Rabbit"; June 20, Hood- winked; June 27, Chicken Lit- tie; July 4, No movies .today holiday; July 11, Skvhigh; July 18, Special surprise. 6 p.m. showings: June 13, Nanny McPhee; June 20, Dreamer; June 27,Yours, Mine, and Ours; July 4, No movies to day holiday; July 11 Batman Beginnings; July .18 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Shown at LaBelle Assem- bly of God on Fraser Avenue (across from the Edward A. Upthegrove : Elementary School 675-0900 or 674 0447. Free Hendry County Toxic Round-up Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days for LaBelle and Western Hendry County will be June 9 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Recycling ,Center on.1360 Forestry Divi- sion Rd., south off of Cowboy Way, east of the LaBelle Air- port. In Clewiston and Eastern Hendry County: June 10 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Clewiston County Barn 1381 Evercane Rd. (CR835)." For more information call Hendry County Waste Man- agement Departments at 674- 4162 or 675-5252 or.983-1582. Index Classifieds .......15-18 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. II ll II I ll Ill 8 116510 00019 i By Patty Brant The Homeless Coalition of Hendry County is gradually pro- gressing in its effort to help those who find themselves without a place to call home. The small group has taken significant steps toward open- ing a small homeless shelter here in LaBelle. The group has been assured by the Hendry By Kristin Hunter The Rotary Club of LaBelle awards and installation banquet took place on May 20 at Boo Boo's Restaurant at 6 p.m. The central mission of the Rotary Club is service. The Rotary Club is involved in two major projects. One is the local LaBelle Nature Park restoration project and the other is an international project called the Central Asia Water Supply Project. The Rotari- arns are involved in restoring the nature park so it is more enjoy- able for visitors. The Central Asia venture is a huge project trying to bring in better water quality and water delivery to the central Asia area. The installation of officers included new President Greg Gunter, President-Elect Robbie Bhagwandin, Secretary Mark Lapp and Treasurer Randy Daniels. Jim Eden was awarded the Rotarian of the Year Award. He has been a member for 58 years. When he came to the LaBelle chapter in 1990 there were only six members. Now there are 34 members. The Rotary Club awarded a $3,000 scholarship, to two recip- County Building Department days if necessary. that they can tap into Freedom It can also be used as a food Fellowship Ministries' septic sys- pantry. The coalition is also tern. They plan to set up a seeking assistance from the 12x30' shed with 8' ceiling as Harry Chapin Food Bank. temporary shelter. The coalition needs to raise Finishing off the inside will approximately $5,800 to pur- provide space for a single per- 'chase the shed. Once the fund- son or small family. It is expect- ing is acquired, it should take ed that clients could stay for up six-to-eight weeks to order and to three days, but could be place "- -'-". The coalition is reevaluated for another tw\o hopin ire donations for permitting and dirt for a founda- tion. Members are seeking donations from the community including: cash, a small table with four chairs, two bunk beds with mattresses, linens for twin mattresses, a bottled water dis- penser, trash container, two window A/C units, toilet, sink, shower and bathroom mirror. They will also need a refrigera- tor, freezer and shelving for the food pantry. Hendry County SHIP Coordina- tor Lupe Taylor is the county's new representative on the coali- tion. The board also hopes to get representatives from the Cities of LaBelle and Clewiston. Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month, 10 a.m. at the United Way House on Fort Thompson Ave. The next regular meeting will be Thursday, June 15. LHS: overage athletes are not an issue By Kristin Hunter At presstime, the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) was still deliberating over possible sanctions of Immokalee High School's athlet- ic program, following the discov- ery of three over-age student ath- letes there. All of the uproar prompted the Caloosa Belle to check with LaBelle High School to see how widespread the situa- tion might be. In Hendry County, the age limit for attending school is 21 years; and 22 years for disabled students. FHSAA age limit rules state th the legal age jimit for high scioeol sports is 19 years,,9 months. Once a student passes that age he/she is no longer eligi- ble to participate in high school athletic competitions. LHS Guidance Department Registrar Elizabeth Williams said that with a huge influx of people coming from out of state, along with.a high population of immi- grants, the potential for this kind of occurrence is high. LaBelle High School has a 48 percent immigration population. There were about 240 new enrollees last year at LHS alone, which generates a lot of paperwork for one person, Ms. Williams said. "Basically, it's an honor system," she continued, "I trust what I'm given to be accurate documenta- tion." Mrs. Williams says she is not allowed to make a copy of passports. There is such a large margin for error simply because there is not enough time, manpower or knowledge to be able.to tell false documents from real ones. Mrs. Williams said, "1 assume that they are all true documents." Parents have to register their children with records from .their past schools before they can be enrolled at a new school. The fol- lowing items must be brought in to the guidance office on the day of registration in order for the stu- dent to be registered: birth certifi- cate, proof of current Florida physical, Florida certificate of immunization, proof of resi- dence such as a light bill, rent receipt, etc., and previous or present report card to verify grade level placement. A social security card is not required for registration but is used as the stu- See LHS-Page2 Authorities to focus on speed Victor Ostolaza, second year Rotary Scholarship winner, left, and Mark Lapp, presenter and secretary of the LaBelle Rotary Club. ients this year. The Rotary schol- arship is awarded to one college junior and one college senior as a continuing education scholar- ship. Victor Ostolaza is a second year recipient of the scholar- ship. He currently works at Vision Credit Union and will be a senior at F.S.U. in- Tallahassee double majoring in Finance and Real Estate. Matthew Conley is a first year recipient of the schol- arship. He currently works at Langford Ford as a service tech. He is finishing up his AA at Edi- son College and is hoping to attend F.A.U. in Boca Raton where he will major in Busi- ness. Matthew has been on the Dean's List the last two serres- ters. He has one more class in statistics to take this summer before he will leave for FAU next' 4-H'ers earn annual awards The Hendry County 4-H Pro- gram held its Annual 4-H Awards Banquet. Members received award pins in the dif- ferent 4-H project areas from cooking and arts and crafts to steer, swine and dairy goats. Moreover, junior and senior 4- H members received trophies for placing in the top three in the record book competition in several project areas. Leaders and other adult volunteers were recognized for their many years of service and dedication to the 4-H program from one year to 27 years of service. Mrs. Colette Willis was awarded the Outstanding Leader Award after receiving letters of recom- mendation from her 4-H club members. Mrs. Willis has pro- vided leadership to the Hendry County 4-H Club Program for four years as leader of the Dou- ble "H" Livestock 4-H Club. Dr. Kenneth Keen, DVM, received the 4-H Donor Award for his continued support to the Hendry County 4-H Program and to the Pro Steadman Schol- arship Fund. 4-H members who received special recognition for their accomplishments in 4-H: Brit- ney Woosley received the Out- standing Junior 4-H Award and Christopher Norwood was awarded the Outstanding Senior 4-H Award. These awards were based on letters received from 4-H leaders out- lining their accomplishments in the overall 4-H program. There were four 4-H members who said their final farewells to the 4-H program as.members: Brooke Beatty, Kaci Ringler, Randy Gilbert and Andy Taylor. Brooke Beatty and Kaci Ringler were the recipients of the Pro Steadman Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 each. The Hendry County 4-H Office would like to express its appreciation for all of the par- ents, leaders, volunteers and community leaders who attended the banquet in sup- port of the 4-H program. With- out all of you, giving your time See Awards Page 2 By Kristin Hunter The Hendry County Commu- nity Traffic Safety Team meeting is held at 1 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the LaBelle Fire Station in LaBelle. Law enforcement is placing extra enforcement on Hwy. 80 focusing on speeding. May 10-22 there were 71 traffic violation citations issued. There were ten traffic fatality cases last year until May and only five this year so far. That is an improvement but driv- ers must still be extra careful with the influx of a new traffic population as well as bad weath- er with hurricane season upon us. Authorities say you should always go the speed limit and remember to wear your seatbelt. Team members noted that there are many dump trucks and oth- ers running red lights on Hwy 80 and 29. Members would like to extend the light delay on Hwy. 80. Citizen, Linda McVey would like to see the roads narrowed and a shoulder added to help See Team -Page 2 Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Sonja C. Crawford 4-H, Coordinator/Livestock From left: Leader of the Year Colette Willis with 4-H Coordina- tor Sonja Crawford. Rotary Club: A year well spent Last year's President Mel Karau, left, and Rotarian of the Year Jim Eden.' Rotary gives scholarships 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 Almanacs Reaching Within A help outreach for women. A ministry provided by Freedom Fellowship Ministries for women of all ages- who have been or may be hurt, lonely, abused or confused. This ministry is committed to meeting the needs of women through Jesus Christ and His, word. Allow us to extend a helping hand, a hearing ear, a shoulder to lean on and the knowledge of a "Way Out" through the word of God. The next meeting will be Thursday, June 8 from 7-8 p.m. For more information please call 675-9899. Career center plans open house Career and Service Centers of Southwest Florida Hendry Glades office is having a grand opening on Friday, June 9, from 1-3 p.m. Every one is invit- ed to come and see what servic- es are available to them. For fur- ther information please call 983-6138. VB.S.at Grace Baptist Church Grace Baptist Church will be "Exploring God's Mysteries" for Vacation Bible School, June 19- 23 at 7 p.m. The church is locat- ed at 4200 Eucalyptus Blvd. NE in Port La Belle. Call 675-3349, 675-3077 or 675-8153 to pre-reg- ister (accommodating grades 1- 5). The first 50 kids to register will have a chance to win a $50 gift card from Wal-Mart. They) must be registered prior to June 19, so call early. Every child will be a winner. There will be crafts, refresh- ments, games, fun and Bible sto- ries to help "solve" God's Myster- ies. Do your child and yourself a favor: Register today. LHS Continued FromPage 1 dent's identification number. According to Florida Statutes, if the first documents listed above are not available, there are several dif.- ferent documents accepted by the state such as a birth record filed with the state, a baptismal certifi- cate, an insurance policy, a reli- gious record with the child's birth date on it, a passport or certificate, a child's school record from at least four years prior, an affidavit of age sworn by the parent along with a certificate of age signed by a public health officer or by a public school physician or a document stating that the health officer or physician has examined the student and believes that the age is correct. LHS Principal Paul Puletti said that they are not required to make a person turn themselves in if they are illegal. Therefore, if someone has a bad social security card or no passport, and if they are of educa- tional age, they are-entitled to a free education from the US. A student has four years of sports eligibility once they start at the high school. Principals do see sports paperwork but not enrollee paperwork, so if someone had false documents but they were taken for real documents by the time they got to the principal he wouldn't know one way or the other. First a student enrolls, and then students submit forms to the Athletic Director, who submits them to the principal. Then the paperwork goes to the state. The superintendent has to give the okay for people living outside of the dis- trict to play sports. Athletic Director David Kelley receives an EL2 form from the stu- dents that includes medical history, POA to meet 1 can flags is welcome to bring them for proper disposal. All citi-- Eucalyptus Village POA Unit 4 zens of Hendry County are invit- will hold its monthly associationh ed to attend. The post is located meeting on Thursday, June 8, at 699 State Road 80 West. If you promptly at 6 p.m. in POA meet- have an)y questions please con- ing room, 4051 NE Eucalyptus tact Dennis R. Boland Probation Blvd. All interested property Director Hendry County owners and tenants are wel- dbolandf@hendryfla.net; 675- comed to attend. 5340 FAX: 863-675-384. For more information.please call Susan at 675-4168. Life Ministries Get your pancakes, to hold VBSt baked goods Hey kids, you'll go bananas Freedom Fellow.ship Mih- for Son Treasure Island, a fun istries vill have a fundraiserall and exciting tropical atmos- you can eat pancake and bake here where children will have a sale Saturday. June 17, begin- great time, singing, watching ning at 8 a.m. in Barrorn Park. skits, creating crafts and playing The cost will be $5 per plate for games. . adults, $3 per plate for kids. Son Treasure Island takes S. place June 12-16, 6:30 p.m.- Scholarships : 9p.m. at 725 W. Hickopoochee aI Ave. - available AHORA, a not lor profit Community Harvest organization, has scholarships planning VBS available for high school seniors paring v o oS or current college students. If Ahoy, Maties' You are invited you would like to receive an to a Vacation Bible School you application please send a self will never forget. Son Treasure addressed stamped envelope to Island features music, games, AHORA P.O. Box 2424 LaBelle, snacks,, and crafts. But most FL33975. importantly, you'll discover the treasure of God's amazing love. VBS planned at Son Treasure Island will be June VB19-23 from 6:30-9 p.m. for kids Church of God completing Kindergarten Son Treasure Island Vacation through 5th grade. The church is Bible School will be held at the located across from LaBelle's Church of God located on Hwv. Rodeo Grounds on Highway 29. 80 and Elm Street from June 12- For information, please phone 16 from 7-9:30 p.m. For more the church at 675-0938 between information please call 673- 9 a:m. and 12:45 p.m. on Mon- 0139. : day, Tuesday, Thursday, or Fri- day. Kids, be prepared for an- Flag ceremony awesome adventure! scheduled Adventure Camp On Wednesday, June 14, at 6 July 3-8 p.m. Dana-Howard-Weekly American Legion Post 130 will A traditional camping experi- hold a flag retirement ceremony ence with plenty of outdoor in post parking lot for unservice- recreation and lessons that focus able American Flags. Anyone students on the Creator by study- having a ragged or torn Ameri- ing His creation. At physical exam, student'parental guardian acknowledgement and a release. Mr. Kelley gets a report from Mrs. Williams with basic infor- mation such as name, student ID, birthday and home phone number. That information is logged on to the FHSAA database, which includes any ne\\ student and every ninth grader. Students already in the sys- tem are rolled over for the following year. Foreign exchange students go through an agency where all prop- er documentation is required so there aren't normally an. problems with them. Superintendent Tom Conner. who is also a member of the FHSAA board, said that there are two determining factors in age limit problems: requirements of the ath- letic association and enrollment in school. He doesn't feel that there is any problem with over-age stu- dents in this school district. Howev- er, he does realize that false docu- mentation is very feasible. He did add that students over the age limit can pursue a GED. He admitted that preventing -such incidents is "tough" and it's-"not an easily fixed problem." Sonny Hester, Associate Com- missioner of FHSAA, said the FHSAA would have a decision on the four IHS overage students on Wednesday of this week. They would be sending a letter to Deputy Superintendent of Collier County Dr. Eric Williams and to the Immokalee High School stating what the exact consequences would be. He said the FHSAA will not be going around to any other schools to check paperwork. They take problems as they are notified, he added, and they will also not be making any changes to the current FHSAArules. Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida. PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases announcements & information from your community. Mission/Immersion Camp July 9- 15 children will spend at least half of each day away from camp participating in hands on ministry opportunities in the local area. Both camps are for 6th-8th graders. For more information call 675-0334. Kid's Cafe June 22-July 20 The Coo Coo CaBarron Book Feast is at the Barron Library every Thursday from 10:30-11:30 a.m. It will be lots of fun lor all ages. There will be songs, games, stories and entertain- ment for the whole family! Some exciting guests are planned. Become juvenile arbitrator A volunteer position as a court-appointed juvenile arbilta- tor for the 20th Judicial Circuit in LaBelle is available. This person will be responsible for imposing sanctions on first-time juvenile offenders. If interested, please call 239-458-7088. Local agency seeks board leaders The Area Agency on Aging, a not-for-profit organization, seeks enterprising leaders to fill vacan- cies on the Board of Directors. Serving seven counties, the agency administers services lor seniors utilizing public funds Board meetings are held bi- monthly with per diem reim- bursements for mileage. To receive an application, call Bren- da Kellogg at 239-332-4233 or I - 800-398-4233 Eastside Baptist Church will hold VBS Hey, Kids! Do you dream of intriguing adventures? Then take a trip around the world with Pictured from left: Senior award winner Christopher Nor- wood and Junior award winner Britney Woosley. Awards Continued From Page 1 and talents, they know they would not be able to reach the Team Continued From Page 1 slow down the traffic. There is also a request for a light at MLK and Hwy. 80, as well as warning signs and flashing lights on Hwy. 80. If you would like to donate to Child Passenger Safety for child safety seats, you can indicate that on the tag renewal form. There was a suggestion for a month long cam- paign to help raise money for child safety seats. County Engineer Shane Parker said that there will be a flashing light on CR 78 some time next lives of many youth in Hendry County. They, also wish their graduating seniors the very best and hope that 4-H will continue to serve them throughout their adult lives. week at the new intersection north of the bridge on SR 29 and Nobles Road. It should be fully operational in approximately 30 days. Engi- neers are currently working out remaining problems with FPL right now. A five-foot wide sidewalk has been approved on Cowboy Way in front of the LaBelle Elementary School. It is hoped it will be ready by the time school starts back for the '06-07 school year. There is also a street light policy in place for sub- divisions in the city to have a light every 300 feet down a road and at intersections. If you see a light not working on Hwy. 80, please contact the city. Otherwise notify FPL. Public Issues Forum Local Links An open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post your personal messages on on open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. A directory of websites for location government. teams, organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers, distributed to 31.000 homes. . Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Feldo LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof Vacationri Bible School at Eastside Baptist Church. Trade places with children of different cul- tures while learning that "Jesus Makes the World of Difference." June 12-16 from 6-8 p.m. All young people are welcome from K-12. For more information, call, Vicki Chipman at 675-0021. Bull Pit Round-Up bible study Come to Bull Pit Bible study FINANCEE Thursday nights at the LaBelle Rodeo Arena at 7 p.m. All wel- come. Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated some- times vigorously.' Licensed Flondri Broker Buines, 100% Financing Available Full Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purch.iates Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements SSingle Family Honimes Manufactured Homes -i9 N Industrial Loop Rd LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-., Mo:.n Frindj Special Appointments Available Hiabl.nisi Espain:.l At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Trejiamenr ,: : Evaluation of: .. After Surgery Care of: Glja:,nu Macular Degeneration Cjiara:Ls Ec lrijuiies Diabetes Glaucoma Dr) Eye Calaraj- Pterygium C.:.riun.:.iiS Pi Eei FU hes & FlI.arers LASIK Specialzing in bifocal, ron':, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Fill Opti.:l A Srvies; In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames' Sm, e Day 5er.ice on Snie Pre-criptiins Latest techn:il>.gi:al Lens Design '.jLaturda aind E eninig Appoirnments.r Ailable S : -our Ern rieraccy A i:uljble New Padents Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com LOST' YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck 6 10 - & Auto Repair, Call U7"5- U03 Memory Foam Pillow Top Queen Size Set $1,365 King Size Set $1,680 While Special Supply Last With FREE Local Delivery and Removal Jackson River 'Home Furnishings & Decor -ji a ** At the Foot of the Bridge 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle - -- _- ----..... CLS 'A" M r -. .---= CALOOSA" BELLE To Reach Us Mniling Adldres;s: PO B,,'.:1 LiBelk: FL 3395.,- Phy'.ical Address- 22 Ft. Thomp;or A.ve Phone. (863) 07'5 25-11 F :'r I -.-5 ---- To Submit News The Cldoosn Belle welcomes submnis sions lirom its readers Opipnions, calen. dir items, story ideas .ind photographs arc elcIome c.1U iti1 675.-254I to rej,.h ,o.r ne-.srr-om item- miv. be miled. .axed or e-muded If \ou ure sending photogriaph-. %.i e mmil pleai-e send them in JPEu tormit .ilse please d., not .end W\ORD documents, iuSt p.i-e the' c me.iage. into the beod oi the c ITM.I Office document- ire nk The de.idlie for .Ai nev. item-1s II m on Ni.'nd., prior to uie foUov-ing Thur-d.ii- pubbcation E-M t ,IAl *.i.J r ,-'rr ituAner S:,el,.-ILt 18631675'4516 To Place a Display Ad Ph,.nc 1'863) 075 2541 o F nl ,: I l ,1 I 'I 11-,, ThurI J 1 - publication E-mail: cbellc@strato.net Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Place a Classified Ad Call (8,7) 353-2424- t,: pIl.ice ,;-hcd line ad''ert,'. ,ient Icr:-m h.'.me The.-'. dc d line for all cl -jfigued I re iderti:ing i Monday at II a i Ic r tlie 'll .vin Tl s..rida;"; [.pubh.:artorI E. M h l. J-..i-L ld'"_ _rj,.. -:): I COT, For Subscriptions Phone (87) 353-242-4 ThI. Cilo ,s BR'UL distribure- "'.000.:,pis ,n tEi LaBell and, N \\c;rrrn Hcndr , ".',ti t', irea- *\cn' \','ednc-.jaa C,-.pje'. *4 th.' piper c in be lound it '.var..u -tore:- rthioughout cto'.r nd sel.t:taed h-.-'m c- LBell-e enjoy complewm,:rtn hiim.: d,-lh. "ri FLr-:[-:l-i in n ub;.:ript.n-.n art .a.iiia!. it $50 per \c ir iid $25 t.-.r ,\ Printing Th.: C .l .- ril.,: : [rinr. ,,J ir -Luhl ', P ir'r. g uL-.i r. ir ..-..:r.icri E m .nil [-d i,-ti _;': .' .. Newszap! Online News &.Informoatfon Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle - --------- - Hi -- -- --1-- ----- Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 Clewiston woman sixth fatality in 2006 According to the Florida High- way Patrol, on June 2 around 9:20 p.m. a 1992 Plymouth van was traveling west on US 27 in the area of the intersection of CR 720. A 1995 Freightliner, driven by Jon A. Pearson, 43, of Belle Glade had entered the outside traffic lane from the parking -lot of the Chevron gas station. The driver of a 1992 Plymouth van, Francisco G. Oamejo, '28, failed to observe that the freight- liner was traveling slowly and crashed into the rear of the trailer of the freightliner: The van then, overturned and came to a posi- tion of rest in the inside traffic lane of US 27. Mr. Oamejo received minor injuries and was transport- ed to Lee Memorial Hospital. The right front passenger in the van, Terra L. King, 28, of Clewiston received fatal injuries as a result of the crash. Mr. Pearson was uninjured. FHP is continuing to investi- gate. An arrest is made in florist burglary case As deputies were responding to a burglar alarm call from the Hall Street Florist and Col- lectibles at 70 Hall Street at approximately 3:07 a.m. on June 2, they noticed a light blue in color Mercury run the stop sign at Hall Street and State Road 80. Deputies followed the vehicle south on Martin Luther King Boulevard where, according to HCSO, without regard to possi- ble oncoming traffic the driver ran the stop sign at Cowboy Way and proceeded southbound on Barbara Street. The fleeing vehi- cle attempted to turn to the west onto Mary Street and slid into the ditch, where the passenger exit- ed and fled on foot. Reports say the driver of the vehicle, 56 year old Leolis Chris Troutman, was attempting to exit the vehicle while holding a cash register. Deputy Perry Short instructed the driver to stop and show his hands which he allegedly refused to do and began resisting. Sheriff Ronnie Lee stated that Troutman was charged with; fleeing/eluding police with disregard to safety of persons or property, burglary of structure conveyance, posses- sion of burglary tools with intent to use, petit larceny and resisting officer without violence. Trout- man was booked into the Hendry County Jail with bond set at $22,500. Investigators believe the flee- ing passenger and accomplice to the burglary at the Hall Street Florist was Nathan Yelling, age 27. Yelling has been arrested with bond set at $68,000. Sheriff Lee on ethics, training committee The National Sheriffs Associ- ation has appointed Hendry County Sheriff Ronald E. Lee, Sr. to its "Standards and Ethics, Education and Training Committee." The National Sher- iffs' Association with 23,000 members, is located in Alexan- dria Virginia, and represents 3,100 elected sheriffs across the United States. This association serves as the clearing house for local and national law enforce- ment and provides manage- ment training for sheriffs and their command personnel in all areas of law enforcement, including school safety and court security. The association also administers the successful National Neighborhood Watch, National Sheriff Institute and Triad Programs. Sheriff Ronald E Lee, Sr has been involved in city, county LaBelle man guilty of sexual battery The Hendry County State Attorney's Office for the 20th. Judicial Circuit announces that on May 26, 2006, Seferino. Moreno-Gomez, 47, was sen- tenced to serve 12 years in state prison by Circuit Court Judge Frederick Hardt.: Moreno- Gomez was convicted earlier in the month by a Hendry County jury of one count of sexual bat- tery after a two day trial. Assis- tant State Attorney Fred Kahle prosecuted the case. A jury found Moreno-Gomez guilty April 20. He was also des- ignated as a sexual' offender, which means when' he. is released he will have to register at the sheriff's office. The attack took place in December of 2003. The victim was 19 years old at the time, but Against Children/Sex Crimes is considered "mentally defec- Unit in the Lee County Office in tive. . The public defender was assigned to handle any appeal. Kahle promoted. The office also announces that Mr. Kahle has been promot- ed to the specialized Crimes S I Ft. Myers. He has been replaced by Felony Prosecutor Dennis \Vallace from the Lee County Office. The change was effec- tive Ma\ 22.. Hendry Counl\ is presently served by four Assis- tant State Attorneys with a fifth to be added August 1, 2006. Metal Roofing SW *Replacement Shingles SW A. Structural Repairs CONS Li C T IO Mold Remediation S 'E BRING FL: . .-.::. Additions ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION 1821 Lakeview Dr. 0 Sebring 863-385-9403 Email: mark@'mcscontractinginc.com wiww.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. #CCC1325639 Lic. 9CBC047717 Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one i 'nho has departed wiith a special *. H Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary of your loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one. lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it 3ll comes together attractive, and tastefully. A& 4 *. Visit www2.newszap.com/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. I AMERICAN ALUMINUM, In( Screen' Carpords 4Rescreens Roof-Over SSeamless Aluminum Gutters 5" to 6" (863)838-247; 1450 42nd St. .Stae c. #CRC1326301 Winter Haven, FL 33881 -,:: -. ', :-- .:7- y ?,'p ., .-- ". -.- - I I'S r 7 ~-,-. -- A - -~ ~ ~- .: (2 - LaBelle James Alvin Woodward, 56, of LaBelle, was arrested June 2 and charged with aggravated battery Deputy Leonard Riordan was the arresting officer. Ruben Castro Galleagos, 44, of LaBelle, was arrested June 1 and charged.with driving with a sus- pended license. DeputN Robert Archer was the arresting olficer. , Clewiston A 16-year-old male was arrested June 2 and charged with selling opium. Deputy Orlando Torres was the arresting officer. Jackie Johnson, 49, of Cletwis- ton, was arrested and charged with burglary, stolen property, posses- sion of cocaine and larceny theft $300-$5,000. Deputy Jesus Olvera was the arresting officer. Denean Denise Hunter, 22, of Clewiston, was arrested June 2 and charged with driving with a sus- pended license. Officer Michael Stevenswas the arresting officer. DemetriusJamall \Veston, 20, of Brandon, was arrested June 5 in Clew-islon and charged with pos- session of marijuana and using a firearm during a felony. Deputy Pensak was the arresting officer. Willie Green Jr., 69, of Clewis- ton, was arrested June 2 and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. Deputy Nathan Kirk \\as the arresting officer. Tafarva Deon Williams, 21, of Cletwiston, %\as arrested June I and charged % ith probation violation . Deputy Sabrena Thomas was the arresting officer. Bond %\as set at $1,000 Sylvvester Milchell, -16, of Clewis- ton, was arrested May 31 and charged with a felony. Deputy Orlando Torres was the arresting officer. Chrystal Renner, 26, of Clewis- ton, was arrested June I and charged with producing marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school child- care facility. Deputy Juan Solo was the arresting officer. Bond is set at $5,000. Search warrant served Members of the Hendrn County Sheriff's Criminal Investigation Division served a search warrant at 1103 Garden Street on June 3. Fol- lowing the serving of the search warrant and on-scene investiga- Lion, these individuals %were arrest- ed and charged as follows: Charles Parker, 57: possession of cocaine, possession of cocaine with intent to sell, possession of narcotics paraphernalia, posses- sion ol marijuana, driving while license suspended or revoked; Nathan Isaac Yelling, 27, sale of cocaine; Am, Ballard, 34. was arrested on a \\arrant for con- tempt of court out of Hendry County' This in estigation iscontinuing. Safety after the storm: Clean-ulp advice Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/HCSO Sheriff Ronnie Lee and state law enforcement for 34 years, having served as Chief of Police of Clewiston, Sheriff of Hendry County and Investigator with the State Attorney's Office in the Twentieth Judicial Circuit of Florida. Sheriff Lee retired from the United States Marine Corps Reserve with the rank of Master Sergeant. Sheriff Lee is a graduate of the National Sher- iffs' Institute. Man charged in lewd, lascivious exhibition On June 2, at approximately 8:20 p.m. Hendry County Sher- iff's Office deputies responded to a call concerning a male exposing himself in the LaBelle Family Dollar Store, 250 West Hickpochee Avenue.. Upon arrival deputies were advised that a male had been exposing his genitalia to store patrons. According to Sheriff Ronnie Lee, within minutes deputies detained an individual matching the man's description in the parking lot of Popeye's Restau- rant. An eye witness traveled to where the suspect was being detained and positively identi- fied Edward Triplett, Jr., age 27, as the person exposing himself in the Family Dollar Store. Based on information provided by wit- nesses that a person under the age of 16 was in close proximity to Triplett at the time, he was charged with lewd and lascivi- ous exhibition in the presence of person under the age of 16. Triplett was booked into the Hendry County Jail with bond set at $100,000. ALEXANDRIA, VA To prepare for the 2006 Hurricane Season, the Outdoor Power Equipmept Insti- tute Education & Research-Founda- tion strongly encourages residents of storm-prone areas to follow basic safety steps when using out- door power equipment for storm clean-up. When used safely, out- door power equipment can be an efficient and beneficial tool for post- storm clean-up. Before a storm, check to make sure the equipment is in wvorkinq order, has fuel and is ready to use Store with appropriate safety gear like gloves and eye and ear protec- tion. After a storm, emergency and medical help may be difficult to obtain. -.-; ... IPrevent post-hurricane acci- dents froin'happening, Users of all outdoor power equipment are urged to: READ the operator's manual before operating equipment.. Keep children and pets away from work area. Dress properly for the job: wear proper footwear, snug cloth- ing, gloves and eye/ear protection. Clear area before starting. Handle gas carefully and shut off engine when refueling. Keep hands and feet away from ANY moving parts. Use appropriate tool to clear any jams only after shutting off engine. Do not operate when tired or under the influence of alcohol or medication. Operate only in well-ventilated areas. For generator operation: . ,* DO NOT operate power gen- erators in enclosed areas. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can become concentrated in enclosed areas and cause serious injury or death. For chainsaw operation: Do not overreach Secure footing, plan retreat . path *Be aware of"kick-back", avio- lent ieactive force propelling the cutting bar back toward the opera- tor. Clean-up can be safe Spread the word on safe use of outdoor power equipment. For more key safety materials, please visit www.opei.org/foundation. In 2005, OPEl established the OPEI's Educa- tion & Research Foundation to pro- vide and encourage educational and research activities related to the safe and proper use of outdoor power equipment and its econom- ic and environmental impact on the general public. The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) international trade association committed to advancing the out- door power equipment industry, in the areas of public safety, environ- mental responsibility, business development and advocacy. Media Contact: Rebecca Hickl- . Fiedler, Director of Public Affairs, Outdoor Power Equipment Insti- tute Education & Research Founda- tion, 703-549-7600, rhfielder@opei.org LEHIG H .ACRES 303-1994 CAPE CORAL 190'11 Del PradoBlvd..574-3545 4;.2 1521S.ClevlondAbe......274-8100 / ~ BONITA SPRINGS 24o0 S. Taomiam Trail.....948-2800 OPENMON.-I,9-7,SA. 9-6, SUN. I F U R N I T U R E (............ ............. ....... U.RNI .U.R........... E Mj FURNITU Ej Arrest Reports 4 OPINION Speak Out Have an opinion ora question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http/Avww.newszapforums.coWmforum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. I WAS NOT HAPPY WHEN I FOUND MY TRASH had not been picked up on Memorial Day. So, when are the official no trash pick up days. Editor's note: According to the Lee/Hendry Transfer Stations and Landfill, Memorial Day is one of their official holidays. The holiday closure schedule for the remainder of the year is as follows: Independence Day; July 4,2006 Tuesday LaborDay, September 4,2006 Monday Thanksgiving Day, November23,2006 Thursday Christmas Day, December.25,2006 Monday New Year's Day, January 1, 2007 Monday. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Letter to the Editor More information, please Editor I readwith great interest the arti- de about Cliff Avery wanting to be our new Treasurer City Commis- sioner. I have known Pastor Avery for a number of years, as I was once a member of his church. During those years he never expressed an interest in a political career. My first question to him would be why he decided to run for office now and- why did he choose to run against Commissioner Zimmerly instead of Commissioner Lyons? Also I would ask Pastor Avery to explain where he stands on the current issues. The issues of annexations, the scope and funding of the new water plant, the expansion of sewers to all cur- rent residents of LaBelle, repair of the infrastructures of road and side- walks within the city, the new rezoning of the city and yes, recre- ational issues. I have an under- standing of where Commissioner Zimmerly stands on these issues as I make it a practice to attend city commission meetings. In order for the voters to make an informed decision, I am asking Pastor Avery to inform the readers of the Caloosa Belle of his stand on these issues. I was particularly interested in his observation that "I have seen a Commission that is compassionate and caring that works to the point of frustration to not hurt anyone's feelings" He finds that focusing on anyone's feelings sometimes leaves out the consideration of what is best for the city. Since the May city commission meeting is the only one that I have ever seen Pastor Avery attend, I assume he is refer- ring to the issue of the rezoning of the whole section around Tropi- cana north of Cowboy Way. For those reader's not familiar with the issue allow me to recap. The area in question has for years been zoned for mobile homes. It is quite a large area and more than 99 percent of the residents do live in mobile homes. The Code Board rezoned the whole area as RI excluding future mobile homes use. This was deemed to be in the best interests of the future of LaBelle. A resident of this area, who had heard nothing of this change, bought a new mobile home and went to the city to permit the new home. Due to the rezoning he was denied a permit, even though he had already purchased the home. He came to the commission in April to seek remedy for his dilem- ma. Bottom line, the city granted permission for him to replace his home. The activity involving this action alerted the community in the rezoned area (who had never been notified of this change) to take action against the rezoning. The May commission meeting that Pas- tor Avery attended was the arena in which these concerns were voiced. In response to the outcry, the com- mission voted that they would not prohibit the replacement of mobile homes but would require home owners to come before them and ask permission to replace. Yes, that seems to me a compas- sionate decision. How would Pas- tor Avery have voted were he a Commissioner? Will he tell us, please, what he believes is best for LaBelle? What hard decisions is he planning to make? We voters need to know how much dislocation of our way of life can we expect to suf- fer if he is voted in as Commission- er? RitaDunne Witch's Brew By Pudge Lehman When you buy hamburger, as soon as you get home, press it into patties and punch a hole in the cen- ter with your finger. Freeze on a cookie sheet and put into a freezer bag. Cut out the grocery store label with all the info on it and rinse it off. Put it into the bag with the meat. You now have the date of purchase and where you bought it. Also do this with bulk package steaks and chops. I separate them, freeze on a cookie sheet and toss in a freezer bag. Recipes call for a certain size baking dish. Some are marked but none of mine have legible sizes. With a meas- uring cup measure how many cups or quarts it will hold always leaving room for food expansion. With a perma- nent marker put this info on the bottom. You can also put your name. At the American Legion kitchen we wind up with a lot of unidenti- fied dishes. The Auxiliary is having a yard sale this Saturday at River- side Marine. Come by and buy! Old Burma Shave road side sign.. .At intersections... Look each way...A harp sounds nice.. .But it's hard to play Burma Shave. CALOOSA BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of Journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. .......................................................................***.*.*.*.******* We Pledge .., nEDITORIAL: To operate newspaper a News Editor: Patty Brant a public trust To help our community Reporter: Kristin Hunter become a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt and work. through our dedi- Sports: Roger Alexander cation to conscientious jour- ADVERTISING: nallsm. To provide the information cit- Advertising Director izens need to make their own Judy Kasten intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues. Brenda Jaramillo To report the news with hon- Advertiin esty. accuracy, purposeful Advertising neutrality. fairness, objectivity, Services Coordinator: fearlessness and compassion. Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: facilitate community debate, Barbara Calfee not to dominate it with our Ntional Advertising own opinions. National Advertising To disclose our own conflicts Joy Parrish of interest or potential conr- .................... micts to our readers. Independent Newspapers, Inc. To correct our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth prominence it deserves. President To provide a right to reply to ed ent those we write about. Ed Dulin To treat people with courtesy, Vice President respect and compassion. of Florida Operations For More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 What is'linear living in Hendry? WT ^^ ~~7 l 11*1 It never ceases to amaze me how a simple article on "Time as money' could exact several meaningful responses. One that particularly stimulat- ed my libido came to me as a statement about "several non-lin- ear waterfowl" having delayed a- proposed zoning ruling. Now I pride myself on having a reasonable understanding of the English language, but I had to question what was meant by the statement. It turns out that the phrase, simply stated, is "not having your ducks in a row," which the person then referenced to my article about the value of time and not wasting anybody's time. The other reminder of time's irreplaceable value was captured -in the phrase, "Living the dash" which I had heard of, but not related to lately. For those of you not familiar with "the dash," it refers, again, to making total use of your time. It is evidenced every time you view a tombstone where thev have the person's name and date of birth separated by a dash for the expiration date. The. message in "Living the dash" is: make sure you spend your "dash" wisely. Laugh long, live long. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the "present." Carrying my thoughts on the value of time, I think maybe the Buddhists have the right idea about time. They believe that neither the past nor the future exists. Living our lives in one present moment after another, they see no ration- ale supporting what's to be gained wasting any of our pre- It's your worfl Get InvolvedU cious, irreplaceable moments dwelling on what's already hap- pened. 'Moments that can't be changed, or for that matter, wvor- rying over what may or may not happen in the future. With total respect and rever- ence for the deceased, they still believe that we should converse with the living for as long as we exist. Let the dead conversewith the dead. . Yes I know that many people will go to any lengths to avoid speaking of completing "the dash", so it is with the help of my great-granddaughter that I may be able to lighten the mood and your concerns. At four years old and wise before her years, she respectfully submits to attending Sunday morning church services, up to a certain time restraint. This past Sunday the Rev- erend's sermon exceeded her time frame and she became very restless. Finally, after several fruit- less signals to her mother, as the sermon dragged on and on, she leaned over to her mother and whispered, "Mommy' if we give him the money now, will he let us go?" How typical that out of the mouth of babe's come "linear" truths that strip avay, all the time restraints we somehow allow to prevail in our lives. I trust this article is timely and in some small wa\ can influence your linear living patterns in Hendry. Respectfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County Citizen and Tax Payer) Joke of the week The Pope and the Jew Several centuries ago, the Pope decided that all the Jews had to leave the Vatican. Naturally there was a big uproar from the Jewish community. So the Pope made a deal. He would have a religious debate with a member of the Jewish community. If the Jew won, the Jews could stay. If the Pope won, the Jews would leave. The Jews realized that they had no choice. So they picked an elderly aged man named Moishe to represent them. Rabbi Moishe's Latin wasn't very good - in fact, he knew very little-but he was a man of great faith and well respected in the Jewish commu- nity. The pope agreed. What could be easier than a silent debate? The day of the great debate came. Moishe and the Pope sat opposite each other for a full minute before the Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers., Moishe looked back at him and raised one finger. The Pope waved his fingers in a circle around his head. Moishe pointed to the ground where he sat. The Pope pulled out a wafer and a glass of wine. Moishe pulled out an apple. The Pope stood up and said, "I give up. This man is too good. The Jews can stay." An hour later, the cardinals were all around the Pope asking him what happened. The Pope said: "First I held up three lingers to represent the Trinity. He responded by holding up one fin- ger to remind me that there was still one God common to both our religions. Then I waved my finger around me to show him that God was all around us. He responded by pointing to -the ground and showing that God was also right herewith us. I pulled out the wine and the wafer to show that God absolves us from our sins. He pulled out an apple to remind meI of original sin. He had an answer for everything What could I do?" Meanwhile, the Jewish com- munity had crowded around Moishe. "What happened?" they asked. "Well," said Moishe, "First he said to -me that the Jews had three days to get out of here. I told him that not one of us was leav- ing. Then he told me that this whole city would be cleared of Jews. I let him know thatwe were staying right here." "And then?" asked a woman. "I don't know," said Moishe. "He took out his lunch and I took out mine." Community Calendar Friday, June 9 American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 VFW 10100 Aux.: Friday meal, $6,5-? p.m., post home on SR 29S. AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Bingo! Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. NO Smoking Sunday, June 11 AA: 7 p.m. Port LaBelle, Episco- pal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday, June 12 AARP Chapter Meeting: 1 p.m. Dallas Townsend Agricultural Cen- ter, Pratt Boulevard Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m. American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Chamber of Commerce: board meeting, 6:30 p.m. Pioneer Homeowners Assoc.: 7 p.m. Pioneer Community Center. OLQH Women's Guild: 7 p.m. Parish Hall Pioneer Neighborhood Watch: 8 p.m., Pioneer Community Center Moose Lodge #2398:8 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Tuesday, June 13 Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora and Ella's, Hwy. 80 Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m., Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restau- rant, noon PLB Garden Club: noon at the extension office, Pratt Blvd. Teen Center: Hendry County Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 p.m. School Board: 5:30 p.m. Clewis- ton sub-office F&AM: lodge on Jaycee/Lions Blvd., 7:30 p.m. County Commission; 6:30 p.m. Clewiston SAL: 7 p.m. Woman's Club: 7 p.m. LaBelle Masonic Lodge #379 F&AM: 7:30 p.m. 180 Jaycee/Lions Blvd. AA. 12 Step/Big Book study group, 8 p.m. First Christian Church, Ford Avenue, open meet- ing Wednesday, June 14 A.A. Big Book Meeting: noon, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Wednesday Night Kids: 6-7 p.m., Caloosa Baptist Church, for youth in grades 6-12 at 500 W Hwy. 80. Phone 675-2348 PPVFD: drill 7p.m. 40&8:8 p.m. LPA: 8 p.m. county commission room, courthouse AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recreation Hall. This is a new question and answer column the Caloosa Belle has begun in conjunction with Hendry County. Residents are invited to ask questions on any county-related topic. We will try to get answers from the folks who know best county staff. If you have a question you would like the answer to, you can e-mail cbeditor(@'strato.net; call the Caloosa Belle at 675- 2541: or send it to: Caloosa Belle, Straight Talk, P.O. Box 518, LaBelle, FL 33975. How is the county planning to protect residents during the upcoming hurricane season? Are there plans if this county sustains another direct hit? From Emergency Manage- ment Director Tom Kochheiser: During the hurricane season Hendry County Emergency Man- agement continually monitors weather conditions which could affect the citizenry. Through the National Weather Service, the National Hurricane Center and local weather officials, informa- tion is received and transmitted quickly and efficiently to the gen- eral public as to what can be expected and recommended actions to take to protect individ- uals and their property. Plans have been and are con- tinually under review to provide the citizens of Hendry County the highest levels of timely, accu- rate and coordinated informa- tion as to weather conditions which may have the potential to negatively impact them. This information also includes actions which should be taken, and what can be expected. Dis- semination of specific informa- tion will occur through local media to the public on a contin- ual basis as conditions warrant. In the event of another direct hit Hendry County, through the Emergency Operations Center, Florida Division of Emergency Management, FEMA, along with a host of other public and private agencies will work closely in coordinating efforts to provide recovery efforts as quickly as possible to the citizens affected. There have been a tew changes that will make a differ- ence in the method information is disseminated with the City of, Clewiston. This year when the V V , Insurance: It's worth the high premiums'' This week my financial tip is about the importance of carry- ing liability insurance. The odds that you will have a lawsuit filed against you are very good. We live in a litigious society. When you see attorneys advertise every day, make that every cou- ple of hours, on television to call their law firm because you may. be entitled to money, they say things like "we are for the peo- ple." Well, if they are for. the people, who are they against? It's all the other people. Remem- ber, for every one person who files a lawsuit, at least one, and often very many people, are the ones on the other end getting sued. Have you seen the Stella Awards? Stella was the lady who many years ago spilled hot cof- fee on herself while riding in a car. She had bought it at McDon- alds and complained that it was too hot. She sued-for millions. A man named Randy Cass- ingham, who became tired of seeing all the frivolous lawsuits that judges just won't throw out of court, started giving out what he calls the Annual Stella Award. He has a web page on the Inter- net: www.stellaawards.com. You should definitely go there and read about the cases every month. The site is free. If you request to be added to his mail- ing list, he will email you once a month. The cases are ridiculous. When you consider all the insurance premiums you pay every year, it gets irritating. Especially, if you don't ever have any claims. It is a lot of money. Nevertheless, when I hear peo- ple say they are going to drop their insurance because of the high cost, I always caution them about going without coverage. That is very risky. You could lose everything to one of those law- suits or a disaster such as a hur- ricane. A regular homeowner's poli- Financial Tips byWayneC. Swttzer cy has personal liability as a part of its coverage. That coverage usually extends to undeveloped raw land that you own, includ- ing cemetery plots. However, some other properties you own may not be covered unless you purchase an OLT (Owners, Landlords, & Tenants) liability policy. If you build a new home, whether you are an owner- builder or you hire a general contractor, be certain to talk.to your property-casualty agent. about builder's risk coverage and worker's compensation and an OL&T policy. Remember that.your liability insurance is not just to protect you when a judgment is award- ed against you. It also pays your. attorney's fees (defense costs); whether you are guilty or inno- cent. I am all in favor of you getting on the phone with your agents and reviewing your premiums because lots of times by chang- ing deductibles or comparison shopping you can save some money. But, one major caution! Right now in the State of Florida be very careful about dropping or changing from your present homeowners carrier, as lots of companies have either pulled out of the state or greatly' increased premiums. Some companies even refuse to accept any new clients because of the hurricane/wind exposure. Be sure you have good liability' protection. Wayne C. Switzer, CLU' Communityewsza.com EOC is activated, the City of Clewiston will send represent. tives to the County EOC to relay information to City staff as it becomes available. The informa- tion the 18 County Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) pro- vide will be given to City staff; additionally, all additional infor- mation surrounding the event can be observed and shared. This will most definitely improve communications between the County and City. The County has an approved Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan that is reviewed and modified, as need- ed, annually. EM is tasked with coordinating with each ESF at least annually. There are some really blight- ed areas in the county North LaBelle and SR 29S, for instance. Are there any plans to improve those areas through zoning or' code enforcement? . From Director of Code Enforcement Ken Bennett: Since the Board's approval of additional employees, we have begun more code enforcement throughout the county. Howev- er, we have recently redirected all code enforcement staff to move out to cover the' road: debris, in Harlem and East Clewiston in an effort to have it', removed as quickly as possible. The code enforcement process is going to take a little while to get on top of. We have begun to make good progress .with some problems that havel gone unresolved in the past. Pro- viding we are lucky enough not to be involved in any hurricanes this year, we should be able to complete the Hurricane Wilma clean up and demolitions within the next 90-120 days. (That is our goal). As time permits, we are working in the blighted areas to correct the most serious viola- tions of the codes. After Wilma clean up has been completed, we should begin to make a stronger presence in the remain- der of the county. Our office still responds to complaints within a couple, of days. The average complaint takes staff approximately two months, unless court action is required. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 A L L~~1 B ................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... STK# T4079 dm Ow.. STK# T4087 2006 Dodge Ram ALO $ 1 2,899* 5-.. 9.-, t I: ~: ~ JA r Ira. ~ ~.:- .~ Cete owOpnSatrdyrs 12o Prs &Srvc j~eep IOil aFilter Change wan, 16-Point Vehiele CheckUP W,1 --!I7 =F-r *Plus, In~specrtion ofthese and. addrtial itec-ris not 1*Sterd:: Ip A i f/i t :t * Prictu duo"not iuz.Iudc, repairswhih my uv roq *ure bvfts;" SAsk Se;-uiclcim-Advisr for nddiriow anntla Expires: 6/ 14/06 I I I I U I I I I I I I U I I I I I I I I I U I I I I I '.OMoper Value Line Brake Pad or Shoeo. Replacement MC DS-z lil Kok t r ak llt..d evo Vasltie Line Imk a.~re ihor~ xie:6 40 HAMVIPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP _________ HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR _ CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP * It really does make a dif -;I At ItA yiys-| UZI 0 (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. DEALERr 'erence S ,** Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 2006 Dodge ,aravan As L$12, 899 As LowAs ^f | J---^ .- 2006 Dodge Durango As Low As $18,899 U ICHRYSLERI *Prices plus tax, tag, and fees. Includes all rebates to dealer. Not compatible with other offers. Special finance rate in lieu of rebate. Must Finance thru CFC with approved credit based on their preferred score. See dealer for complete details. Vehicle artwork for illustration purposes only. All vehicles available at time of press. Rebates subject to change. Good thru date of ad. W AV 2006 Jeep Liberty AsLowAs$21,995 m 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 =Sr Area meetings you'll want to attend The Hendry BOCC meetings for June are cancelled. The next HCEDC Meeting will be June 14-at 10 a.m. at the Ag Center in LaBelle. June 8 there will be a LaBelle City Comttissioner meeting at 7 p.m. at the City Hall. June 14, Education Center at 7:30 a.m. at Flora and Ella's. On Jufle 14, there will be a Hendry County Economic Development Council Board Meeting at the Ag Center at 10 a.m. On June 14, there will be a Hendry/Glades Leadership meeting at noon at the Ag Cen- ter. The LaBelle Code Review Board meets every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. at Flora and Ella's Restaurant. For more informa- tion please contact City Hall at 675-2872. The Hendry County Local Planning Agency meetings are: held every second Wednesday of the month in LaBelle in the commissioners chambers at the courthouse. For more informa- tion call 675-5240. Disney/SBA National Entrepreneur Center Celebrate with the Disney/SBA National Entrepre- neur Center (NEC) as we mark our 3rd anniversary with a day dedicated to entrepreneurs on August 1, from. 1-8 p.m. Free seminars for start up and newly established businesses. 1 p.m.-Financing your Start Up Business 1 p.m.-How to Start a Busi- ness (en Espanol) 3 p.m.-Minimize your Risk, Maximize your Business Free seminars for existing businesses lp.m.-Financing your Grow- ing Business 3 p.m.-Marketing on a Shoe String 3 p.m.-ContracLtLease Nego- liation-Do you know what you're signing? (en Espanol) For more details and to RSVP visit w ivw.floridanec.org ILAND~ 7,&6fON 'I I Gated Community Fleetwood, NC o* untain Lots with Views of N VA, TN * ,0%.Finandng On Spot Pr~ew Property on June 4, 10, 11, 7,4&I -h.1. Storm season is here: Is your yard ready? Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Dwayne Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Don Pratt cut the cake after their 1956 wedding. Pratts will celebrate 50th anniversary Don and Christine Pratt will cel- ebrate 50 years of marriage wfith a reception on Saturday, June 10. The reception will be held at East- side Baptist Church, 621 E. Hick- pochee, from 3-6 p.m. The couple was married at First Baptist Birth Annaeli Demi Hernandez , Ileanna Ramirez and Abra- ham Hernandez of LaBelle are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Annaeli Demi Hernandez, at HealthPark in Fort Myers on May I, 2006. The young lady weighed 8 pounds. 5 ounces, and was 21 inches long at birth. Her maternal grandparents are Eloina Garcia and Ramon Ramirez. Jr. of LaBelle. Her paternal grandparents are Emelia Hernandez of LaBelle and Jose Hernandez of Califor- nia. Church in LaBelle on June 8, 1956. They are the parents of two sons, Scott and Dwayrne; grandparents of five and great-grandparents of one. S No gifts, please, just bring a wonderful remembrance or story to pass along. Hurricane season officially start- ing June 1, Florida Power & Light Company offers hurricane prepa- ration advice to help residents save their trees while reducing the risk of tree-related outages. "We love our trees here in Flori- da," said Steve Anderson, vegeta- tion specialist for FPL. But the last two storm seasons claimed many, and some knocked over power lines, causing power disruptions and safety hazards. "A little plan- ning %will go a long way toward pro- tecting our trees, our property and our safety," said Anderson. FPL recommends the following tips to prepare Florida residents - and their trees for the upcoming storm season while minimizing the likelihood that trees will interfere with power lines and disrupt elec- trical service: Now is the time, before a hur- ricane threatens, to survey and pre- . pare your yard. Look for dead or Weakened branches that could snap during a storm and begin pruning to help trees better with-, stand high winds. *If you do see a tree angled in or too close to a power, line, don't- Large Trees Medium Trees try and trim it yourself. Only spe- cially trained line, clearing profes- sionals should work around power lines. If a tree or branch has dam- aged a pole or line, creating sparks or a power outage, call 1-800-4- OUTAGE to report the problem. The best way to keep trees from interfering with power lines is prevention: choose the right tree and plant it in the right place to begin with. Consider the mature height of a tree when planting near overhead electric lines. FPL olfers specific tips on the selection and proper placement of trees through its Right Tree Right Place program. Visit wwv.FPL.corn'trees for a list of recommended trees and sugar gested setbacks from overhead utilities, as well as those to avoid planting near power lines. Trees planted in the right place are also given the room they need to achieve proper form and height without posing safety hazard. -Customers may also request FPL's.Right Tree Right Place guide by calling FPL's customer care cen- ter number listed on their electric bill. Large Palmi I : Jj irn Submittedito the Caloosa Belle/lleanna Ramlrez Annaeli Demi Hernandez . Trees Shown at Mature Height Trees Showh at Mature Height SCHRIST THE KING ' Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL . 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper V", 3rd 5"(Sundays . Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. , \\here everybody is Somebode and ,Je.sts is Lord 863-675-2733 N.Rier Rd. (H)78) e-mail: ctklc4strato.net .a As seen FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on T.V. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! Same Day Service Lab On Premises SING~LE $390 SingtfleT [FULL SET $720- Premiumfff PARTIALS^^^^ $365 -Eac PorceSlai ndWiteflfl~VlKls^^ MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS GENERAL AM CALL F QUOTE A 1-866 TO IESTHESIA AVAILABLE OR YOUR PRICE ND INFORMATION. -226-9400 OLL FREE Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/FL&P The r.iuhi ,l .ild i'i) ,'lh ,' : ,' 'i it 5 i, i',l I t I bnJ'nI., l. rV.- i I.: : : I,', I j ) ,:c pJ ir ," L' n "', un'r , '... po n)ini l.,l .,h I ,: r,,', : f ,irhi n fr ., i'rc T.u "i ,' or ,:,r:ed ire i. j Irc ull u o i'd hie i e :,- .ir .:.- responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service., examination or treatmne.l Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Big changes First Bank of Clewiston LaBelle Branch Manager Joe Shiv- ers, left, presented a check to Brian Beer recently as part of the bank's continuing support of the Community Christian School. Principal Sammy Co offered his heartfelt apprecia- tion for the bank's generosity. He said the funds will be used to add benches throughout the campus the playground, basketball court and bus pick up area. A new elementary building is to be open in the fall with eight classrooms and offices. The school is looking forward to, becoming state and nationally certified also for the upcoming school term. Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Scholarship winner Matthew Conley, first year Rotary Scholarship winner, left, | | I | and Mark Lapp, presenter and secretary of the LaBelle I Rotary Club. I SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING hNZuS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 S 675-3233 ToLL FmE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR ^ -4 S/\ Clinica de Inmigracion para todos Nuevas aplicaciones de Residencias Permisos de trabajo, Certificaciones Laborales, Visas de Trabajo, Visas Profesionales. Todo tipo de Casos de Inmigracion George Chernoff & Associates @ NAFA Attorneys Abogados, Practicing immigration law only Llamanos: LaBelle: 863:402-0072 Sebring: 863-314-8555 Miami: 305-480-5399 Primera Consulta Gratis Use this guide when planting trees near powerlines. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Linda McVey Winner! Runner Linda McVey has succeeded in a grueling test of fit- ness and will, completing a half Ironman triathionon May 22. After training on and off for a year and studying hydration strategies, she swam 1.2 miles, biked 56 miles and ran 13.1 miles in 09:25:31. She missed her start time and had to start with the 30-34-year-old men. Although her official time says she had a very slow swim time, she said she actually had a respectable 40 minute swim. She managed to deal with a harrowing near collision with a pick up truck during the cycling portion of the race and completed the run despite a nasty slam to her hip from the bike ride to complete her dream. Through it all she managed to catch up with the women in her age group and passed some. An ecstatic Linda said of her triumph, "I wasn't sure if I was ready, but I was surprised at how good I felt during the race." Briefs Wildlife officers nab suspects 'Sat., May 27. wildlife officers encountered two subjects in pos-. session of 368 bream nearly twice the legal possession limit. The sub- , jects had been checked previously and had even been issued a warn- ing for being over the limit. With the assistance of an irn estigalor the subjects were checked.'gain office they had finished fishing.'The sub- jects were allowed to retain their legal amount while the 168 fish over the limit were seized and donated to a local charity. Sun., May 28, a wildlife officer checked two subjects cast netting. The officer, found several bream that had been hidden underneath some armored catfish. Two cita- tions were issued. Mon., May 29, two wildlife offi- cers assisted an investigator with several groups of subjects cast nel- ting at Port Mayaca Citations were issued for taking game fish by. unlawful method (cast netll), pos- session of illegal size black bass, and license violations. A total of seven citations were issued. Oasis center is closing for maintenance The Oasis Visitoi Center within Big Cypress National Preserve, a unit of the National Park Service (NPS), will be intermittently closed. from Monday, June through Fri- day, June 9, and closed from Mon- day, June 19, through Friday, June 23. The closure is required to com- plete routine maintenance within the building. During the closure NPS staff will be available on the grounds of the building to answer questions and provide information. While the building is dosed, the staff will not be able to issue 2_deral lands passports or Off Road Vehicle Permits. If you are planning on visit- ing the Oasis facility to obtain these passports or permits, you are encouraged to call ahead to con- firm that the facility is open for' those purposes; Please call 239- 695-1201 or 239-695-2000 for detailed information. Remain watchful of fire hazards Lee, Collier and Hendry County are still dry and wildfire danger \\ill remain high. Except for lightning caused fires, people can prevent wildfires from starting. Be careful when using fire for anything including campfires and barbecues. Make sure someone . watches the fire at all times until it is out. Know and practice firework safety be sure fireworks don't land on dry brush or grass. Closely watch for any sparks that might fly from equipment you may be using. This includes not only grinding equipment and torch- es, but also any lawn care equip- ment and off road vehicles. Be sure that spark arrestors are in place on all engines used near wildland fuel. Have these engines tuned so they donHt back. fire Supervise children and be sure they understand the dangers of fire and the possible consequences of their actions. Report any fire immediately. If parking on dry grass or brush, remember that the heat of your car can start a fire. Extinguish all smoking materi- als before discarding. Take some time to pick up your yard and clean your roof so you don't invite a wildfire to your home. For additional tips, visit the Flori- da Division of Forestry web site at: www.fl-dof.com. Sign up for LaBelle Longhorns -.If you would like to sign your child up for cheerleading or football come to Winn Dixie on the following dates and times: ..June 8 5:30-7:30 p.m.; June 13 ..5:30-7:30 p.m.; June 24 9 a.m. - ..noon. You will need the follow- Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter ing information: a birth certifi- cate, their year end report card, a sports physical on Pop Warner Learning the paper and a current picture. If you need any further informa- hoopstion stop by and chat with one of Above, The basketball our board members during sign- camp at LaBelle High ,' Ups. School -was a success , again this year. The camp 4-H Youth was for kids ages 5-14 and Camping Trip grades K-9. It was led by YuhgsIL-3aofepe LHS Athletic Director David Youth ages 8-13as of Sepem- Kelley. Mr. Kelley wanted to ...... ber 1, 2006, interested in especially thank Kiwanis overnight camping may attend a for sponsoring the camp. fun filled week of activities at 4- All the participants in this eH Camp Cloverleaf June 19-23 in All he prtiipans i thi WwLake Placid. Cdst of camp isI year's basketball camp got P-La Placd. Coinforsatof together for a group photo. $15 o oeifrain Together for a group photo contact the 4-H Office at 674- Right, Basketball camp 4092or983-1598. MVPs are, from left: James402o98-5. MVPs are, from left: James Sonja C. Crawford 4-H Coor- Cuttino and Jeffrey Burton. dinator/Livestock PO Box 68 LaBelle, FL 33975 (863)674-4092 (863)674-4099 FAX Restoration offers ree opportunities Increasing water storage and treatment options through the construction of large-scale reservoirs and constructed wet- lands are essential components Of Everglades restoration. Along with the environmental benefits these facilities will provide - such as major projects under way now along 'the St. Lucie Canal, Caloosahatchee River and Everglades Agricultural Aiea they also create increased opportunities for recreational use by outdoor enthusiasts. ."Making sure the public, is able to enjoy public lands is a state of Florida legislative man- date, a top priority of the Gover-, nor and Cabinet and a solid commitment of the South Flori-' da Water Management District," said District Governing Board member Michael Collins. "Through several years of exten- sive work with the public, this ' commitment has oeL-;.." a real- ity on hundreds of thousanoa ,f acres of District-owned lands." Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated some- times vigorously r------------------------ SPORTS FANS, DIDN'T KNOW BI oicitoyoub I Lori Laiingfli d SC n \,ou name the onl\ player rIn rri.iir. league hj ,ot to bang out more ithn 3.,') "' hit. .C1', home riur. .n i.:i uble:I .aid I" t priple,' B% the i',. rhit Hill J , Famer .alio it.ole 20' ia b.-e. .:c-red Ti-ore thin l.500 rur,. aind drou'e -n more thin S1,5(0 Here a lint He also the c'ni,, player in big leigtie hittot tl-: ..in bt J tnI titde In thnr.e dilfercnt lcide-d S (: 6.. 198) ind 190.'i The sIp,.r : Kjn-i4 C tt R.-,21: le rencd.r, third ba.-emrn George Brett ho, p.:itd ca er b errb t-n :.er ,:1 ?'-. C,:,l.:.rd:. Ro'- F ,b p .r..V ,:ig cojch b.:,, IApodiaj had tj und-nr-ui:hd iid or kiziuc ri r b-cr :,z i-'i- i'.th i-ithc J.: Yor:k I.t 11- .' 1 r.'. ,,- -L I - plded c reer njrk *.Jl I .--ri: .' 5 3 ;-e a:-xd 264,v eE Put rr,.Lr, l.''[. r,-, ha djItur-gu,-h:d hIjr,-.'lJLr, r-'. ,- tlI-: ' s-oinr -. iLe..', theri e.r h c r., pr 01 06'ic. Apodic j hd ri h. 1- 1 ,ri, *c,-. r the golflo% ur.:c hi itourch \Ind l rlh t - not eriouph. Apodi.:i h s I*.,i! 1o led j perlect 3o1'0pame Nkll0,r lkigue urrpire: irc: 1 pi.:rt, a-i r w', .u l t in it.: rhlc ., i-t. .t their v.'j., t, -not be rn.ri.,: Pu Lct rjr', Jc ;it .:ian t I-h but dra. rr..rri,:r It a. t l '. ', i ii. t d ji-c .i i.d th par. t r hr th.- m ide:l -A ..:hei:t .r.i. to ,.,orr Lb'., ul oi r 1ll b.r i ,I. :i,,. u ".I : S e rhe, on l. I..lhe. r,.hi j t e pl.it. V hat m.r.r hir, '-e. !:r ,rr.'d.d 'Elon CoUe.e h, ",;t n-uli.l.- p..I:: reIord- jr i thrfc- ,.ae itn L, iJ t ],jr turbjck ;e, et .J e ,] h,:h :r, 1 r,,-I d Ard then rh'e i i ,' :r I p : r l. : l.,-:- C-juntri Iriuii': H .. ril; Jrd :L-i'c: hj- goino thj ,,,hen the ulubber hji. the roa d .,u can't ,it 'rd rt r r.:i bu, !!.,Ti [ r. r-d LANGFOIRD I- -Yall Spoken Herer 675-1686 -----------_____ The District Governing Board approved a proactive policy in 2004 designed to ensure access to Everglades restoration lands. A series of public workshops and public meetings ensured that hunters, fishermen, hikers, birdwatchers and other nature- based activists had the opportu- nity to comment and provide feedback. Recognizing that any proposed public usage must first and foremost be compati- ble with restoration goals, the agency developed the Public Access and Recreational Use Policy. This workshop continues to meet quarterly to provide public input to recreation deci- sions on district lands. The recreation, policy speci- fies that the permitting, design and construction phase of all restoration projects must also include public access along with the funding to provide facilities I- for a variety of nature-based recreational activities provided such uses are consistent with the project's restoration purpos- es. A phased-in, step-by-step process ensures that planned recreation activities grow over time in a manner compatible \\ith the projects purpose. Recreation should start after project construction is complete and the facility is operational for some reasonable time.- For example, the 40,000 acres oi stormwater treatment- areas built to reduce phospho- rus levels in water before it flows into the Everglades went through a period of operations and monitoring before being opened up to the public. The current stormwater treatment area recreation has grown suc- cessfully over the last several years. New designs for public access sites will be built in 2007. Not only are these constructed. wetlands now successfully removing excess phosphorus, they have also become some of the most popular bird-watching and duck-hunting areas in the nation. This year, alligator hunt- ing has been added to the list of recreation activities allowed in these marsh areas. For the St. Lucie, Caloosa- hatchee and Everglades Agricul- tural Area reservoirs, a similar process will be used to allow public boating access. While the project design will include the construction of boat ramps and parking facilities, the public will not have immediate access to the reservoirs. The District will first operate and monitor condi- tions to ensure the projects are functioning properly from a restoration perspective and that any unforeseen issues are ade- quately addressed. -, ~ 'i. - Reason #24 to join Suncoast. Payday loans THAT WON'T TAKE YOUR PAYCHECK. f, Some traditional payday CU Payday Loan has an annual lenders charge an 1 ; .. percentage rate that will annual percentage I .-. not exceed 18'0. It 4U 26 27 9 128 t--- . rate of more than L i gives ou the money T... 300%. That's beyond excessive. If you had the money to throw away on extremely high interest rates, Vou wouldn't need a payday loan. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit U union is not -tor-profit,. so our goal is to actually save vou money, and help you break the payday loan cycle. Suncoast's you need to make ends meet until payday without costing Who's eligible to join Suncoast.? IF YOU LIVE IN HENDRY COUNTY, YOU'RE ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP AT SUN COAST." PLUS, ANYONE WHO WORKS, WORSHIPS OR ATrrENDS SCHOOL HERE CAN JOIN. IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS CAN JOIN Too. you your paycheck. To find out more about Suncoast. call us at 800-999-5887 or visit us online at joinsuncoast.org. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org 'IInes r.'1 go-coera u~rphom ILD ii rEqui red. n~ SPORTS Sports Briefs RECEPTION SERVICES, INC. Field Service Techs Positions throughout Florida ror details and to apply online go to: www.careersatdrs.com NCUA xw--i,ns 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 SnO WSZap'Com ..-Cmmunit, Links. Individual Voices.P IzA New Twist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. IA revolutionary new way to think about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours SNo Reframing. No Painting. No Mess NW SOLAR POWEED --* Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights ATNTIC FANS "",Letl our Cerified Insta" laion Clona, lanir, sho* you he IilvSlau R~cali for""' Hurricane Tested & Approved I Sucl. aon SOLATUBE.Eftt --l TUi M,-,- Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Angela Carranza, a sixth grader next year, making a 4th of July coaster. COUNTRY LIVING! Taylor Harvey, a seventh grader next year, making a fish wind chime. 3 BR/2 BA, 1.91 acres cleared, newer roof. Ig. Florida rm., 2 sheds, Ig. workshop/craft rm. Sofira Caulson's folder of some of the arts and crafts so far. Summer School for the 21st Century Coldwell Banker Preferred Prop., Inc. Se Habla Espafiol! 1-800-320-8144 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee By Kstin Hunter The summer school for the 21st Century is being held at LMS. It is a three-week program for middle school students. There are current- ly 65 kids enrolled. The summer camp includes arts and crafts, PE, reading class, math class, science class and computer assisted math lab. Breakfast and lunches are offered for free as well as bus trans- portation. The students are given one hour every da\ for arts and crafts. So far they have made such things as patriotic coasters, picture frames and wind chimes. The students are currently build- ing rockets in science class called the Delta Fvlyer to launch next week. By building and learning about rockets the students are learning reading skills as well as math and science without even realizing it. They have to read technical direc- tions carefully to make the rocket w ork. They also have to understand aerodynamics to make a good rocket. LMS science teacher John Sulli- van said, "This is how we get the kids interested in math and science - by hands-on learning. It is a shame we can't have more hands on learning in the science department here at the .middle school during the regular school year." The students will also be taking a four hour environmental kayak tour at Lover's Key on June 15. we rnMAR but YOU' arts w Mason-j~ CAiOOSA 6ALOOS m~LE Social Studies/History teacher, Gary Long and student Yani- .. ..... ra Bedolla building a rocket. HOMEffrU "tiiiA[ T,A t~r r I, i A ^ t if 4$. ,by filling in the space above! ~ ~ ~' .. .. -:- *' 1 -.-:.- v".' '. '11 .. .,; ,- .';-.. ._: ..' -:'.' ..... .'.' L *'." 1 ";, ....", "- ".,' ..-''" .*.' 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We try to report the news fairly and facilitate a fair but vigorous discussion of public issues. We are proud to be journalists, not power brokers. And we're proud to understand the difference. Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism f-'O.ef~hDis 15 * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! , No fee, no( E-M *1 used item 8 !- grouping perad priced at $2,5001 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. *Deadline 11 a.m. Monday Scratch, no proOblelO< cL OOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendrj County's New's Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 ail: classad@newszap.com l ARII)II; A 1 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8, 2006 9 'Abstinence' message requires reinforcement :On April 20 and 21, 2006, the Clewiston High School and LaBelle High School in partner- ship with the Hendry County Health Department and Hendry County School Board, initiated a new program called I'm N Charge which will promote abstinence. It is a federally-fund- ed program that started in November 2005 but didn't become fully operational until January 2006 due to Hurricane Wilma. The forerunner of the pro- gram was to.have a motivational speaker come. annually and speak at both high schools in. Hendry County. The speaker would talk about abstinence and positive life choices. The speaker chosen was Mr. Doug Herman, who is one of the nation's premiere speakers on sexual choices and conse- quences. He spoke at Clewiston High School on April 20, 2006- and at LaBelle High School on April 21, 2006. Mr. Herman is a unique speaker and kept the stu- dents captivated and spellbound with his humor and true life sto- ries. At one point during the assembly several students were moved to tears. Mr. Herman shared his life story about the loss of his wife and daughter to HIV/AIDS due to an infected blood transfusion. Doug Her- man has been speaking interna- tionally since 1991. In his mes- sage, he stresses the importance of self-worth and respect for oneself. He points out that the youth must value each other's individuality-- not for what they look like or what they can do physically. He gave some startling statistics on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that are widely spreading among the youth; even in Hendry County. , In the upcoming school year (2006-2007) the abstinence message will be taught in the high schools to 9th-11 th graders. There will be parent permission slips and surveys sent prior to the curriculum being imple- mented. A strong portion of the grant requires parental partici- pation. I'M N Charge Abstinence Only Program (INC) would like to thank the principals, assistant principals, staff, and students of Clewviston and LaBelle High School for theii accormmoda- tions and hospitality extended to Mr. Herman and the staff of Hendry County Health Depart- ment. Program staff is looking forward to serving the students and families of the Hendry County School system fiL rN PAUL ROSER REALTORS 863-675-0898 OFC: ILLI PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/584-2005 cell 239/564-2002 E I m Cell: 239-872-7665 Alva: 239-728-9998 -, ,--. LaBelle: 863-675-0000 www.burson-weat hers.com Matt Fleming Realtort E-Mail: matt@burson-weathers.com Commercial Land Residential r 8- B l l ,.l c .' "-i. * $585.000 PRICE REDLCEDI E BC. h.,mc ..."' q ..+ ic O ,riJln j H,)I.ri ':sir, i::, ,lp: t, mir ':r,:u,'i l-'. ;c .:'Jelrn l .I'T Jl ',lul t,":plh :': r lr l*hr. .,nTlcr -rtf. l ,t tn ', '. i. .. ,l,, * $526.000 PRICE REDUCEDI D[, ,li: ,:.. r;. lull ,T... tiI li i:d ._-f :l.hI .'1.- h A i -i;fr .. c u -ilJ ,, I.,.1 I ,' y .jff j I,-. .-4' Li i- Au... I ,hU 1 .1 . r c a ui.- 'u l N r': I ff". C ', -r Community. * 5 3 5 9 .9 0 0 E u hitl ,, : .. a, ,- .: rI.,jlT I'. tI'i. &:|[ :..'.l ,r= f'l ,r ,,Jai iJ ..I n,;: 1 ', I ) l] $ i2.4 9.900 P.,:.l.:,.,. l, .,',. :. ,..A% r ,|1- .*lr..,. Sp. ll B.:l.:. p ]1 il. ;_l,, Ht-J ,. T,,e |.i_,.': M ,r. i. ill-,,...,,-, 1,1.; g 'elr lI ub lll'.JUlJl l .L A'. ,i l I 'il hllc lI Ltnrr- [ L.,Ul Rt,. isa must see! ' * $209,900 New'3BD/2BA home on a beautiful lot. Master bathroom has a garden tub w/separate shower. Kitchen fea- lurts I iLUnd ut .T. :re .J,:, I i: It.A L .:.r.. ,O.i., b ' * $179,.900 :'60 M:.\ L'-lei,,i --.:l....i. -I .:'- b,.,,T,, ,5'l ) l.o, lr( I.:. [r1 P.:,n Ll6 :II '. ..l:.u l..l. l,.-,m -.. |',j .**?p arte dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai.-Lot U It9s 900 t:',cJ 1:'sr t,.I I J:: h r. ,. ir I... I . * lW 9,900 Ci:'i .i N il. ', i f. |i' hl'., i", hiL ': J'' r 'll IJl I,'" ,u I" i,..... '. * $179,900 New 3BD/2BA home. This home features split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning room., *$149,999 2BD/1BA spacious home, features a complete- ly fenced in yard and an aboveground pool. S94,900. 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in LaBelle. This home has new tile, carpet, paint, cabinets, hot water heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer. -MOBILE HOMES: * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 51/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond w/island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns & more. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $197,900 4BD/2BA Gorgeous upgraded manufactured home in LaBelle. This home features a split floor plan and all crown molding in the living and dining room. * $139,400 to $151,900 New 4BD/2BA & 3BD/2BA Manufactured Homes on .50+/- acres in El Rio S/D. * $147,700.- 3BD/2Ba New Manufactured home with pantry, dual sinks, garden trul. ,..-' ,: 1,....,, i ,, ,, light in the guest bathroom. * $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes new and under construction in the MHYC. The MHYC is a 55+ ownership park. Call today for completion date * PRICE REDUCED $110,000 2BD/1BA mobile home on 2.5+/- acres in Clewiston. Enjoy peaceful country living year round or as weekend getaway! * $94,900 Looking for a 3BD/2BA manufactured home on 1.25+/- acres? This home features a split floor plan. Call 1,:,.: j, hI:,, f. I.:. .1 Il:.f ,::., . 85,000 P I' II r :! : I |I,.,i ,: ,, ",:1 jr,, l li.: t J .T .j I :, l il I .., * 90-0 ,..fi .r', -..I..I ho.',,, i.'i ,"..'.. i'. ,, IT,., la i I I I:,l,- J iSOd ,:, . 4 52,000 PRICF, REDLiCEDlI. s'.b : ., Krr I. , I,,:.'1 ,:,'11".'. Ii ,1 11: '' jI' I' l A(Rf.GE * $1.600.000 1I ,, ,,:i: In. I.,. d.. ...l.J ,. -A ,. .il'. N:-lll) I:,-ll u ,.i J I i .I f- .p j f I' 1 .1 j 1110 I. r'1 . information. * $1,500000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. $ 1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town shops and much more! * $988,025 ttrehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized with clean bill of health. * PRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres ' l'"" "u ',l,, ,, I ',, .,Ir ',' J I J * S )5ii."0u .iit .,,,: I:,,: ,j f.ii ...i..1.. 1..l ,,il ., i-. $* 650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR 80. * 3 I9.0 00 ",:* .. .: .... i,-, p..,. ii .. .. ,,, ...: plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." $* 272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. * $149,;W it res thit is alsofo W t $13,000 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. , * $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES .v c. s thouh SthwstFl ..ord 2i offices throughout Southwest Florida! SSSfim =.. 0 HORSESHOE ACRES l-',.,J:,,:,i . btih concrete block, 22+OAK FILLED acre Ranch. High and dry, great horse ranch, Sbeautiful,quiet + peaceful setting. $1,300,000. 601LB205054878 LABELLE AND MUSE Ideal home for you and your horses. 10.28 beautiful acres, fenced, cross-fenced, exceptional pasture, spring-fed pond. $599,900. 601LB200606019 'gML THIS BEAUTIFUL OLD FLORIDA STYLE HOME HAS BEEN COMPLETELY REMODELED AND UPGRADED It fea- tures hardiboard siding,low-E windows, new doors, hardwood flooring, and bead- board walls. A must see! $449,900. 601LB200631634 TURKEY CREEK BOATER'S PARADISE - This CBS 2b/lb home is located near Ortona Lock with direct access to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. $399,900. 601LB200627891 BOATERS PARADISE! LOCATED IN MOORE HAVEN Riverfront 4/3 single family, large screen patio w/spa to river side, 55+ Community, 20'X6' dock w/electric & water. $350,000. 601LB200613029 ---- . A MUST SEE FOR SERIOUS BOATER - This CBS quaint cotfasge is located near Ortona Lock with direct access to the Gulf of Mexico and The Atlantic Ocean. $259,900. 601LB200627897 KELL MILL TERRACE DBL Wide Mobile with Front and Back wood porches. Has year old reroof. Second structure is used as a office! $239,000. 601LB200607400 HORSESHOE ACRES -Double wide manu- factured home with attached carport and bonus shed. Nicely furnished plus many extras included. $129,900. 601LB205080477 VACATION HOME 1/1 on small lot in beautiful mobile park. Access to boat ramp has access to Lake Okeechobee. A fisher- mans delight. $54,900. 601LB200614378 1. AFFORDABLE the peacefulness of, this shop which makes this HOME ON ACREAGE! 3.,2 home on 1 +,- acre home a perfect buy! This 3/2 mobile home close to the city and pub- Backyard is also fenced. sits on 1.25+/- complete- lie boat ramp! This home Located in Clewiston. ly fenced acres and is sit- boasts peckv cypress in 8400,000 . uated in a secluded coun- the living room and din- try setting in Montura Ranch Estates. $91,500 2. WHY RENT? New berber carpet, ceramic tile, new roof, upgraded kitchen with solid sur- face. counter tops, new lighting fixtures, kitchen appliances, hurricane shutters and even a fenced back yard. This 2/1.5. home has every- thing you have been look- ing for at an affordable price. $155,000 3. HOME ON ACREAGE! This 3/2 manufactured home on 2.14 +/- acres has been. well, maintained, and offers peace and tran- quility missing from city living, yet is close to town and has central water. Located in Clewiston. $169,000 4. PRICED TO SELL!!! This beautiful 3/2 home is only three years old, and has cathedral ceil- ings in the living room and dining room! New construction houses are going up all around this unique home. $170,000 5. ROOM TO GROW! This 4/2 home with hard- wood floors, ceramic tile, huge family room with a beautiful fireplace, large open deck and a large fenced back yard sits on over a 1/2 acre lot with plenty of LaBelle's famous old oaks. $249,900 6. BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED! Enjoy 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL. 33975 863.675.4500 Realtors: Emily Ankeney Tony Barnes Gregory Bone Lisa Cleghorn * Bonnie M. Denning, CPA Ward Dickinson Joyce Gerstman Yvonne Hallman Lisa Herrero Phyllis Kelley-Miller Wayne McQuaig *Paul Meador Dan Pool Katie Solomon Synda Williams STracey L. Willianms ing room, new gahalunme roof and water heater. completely remodeled bathroom, and new tile. Located in Moore Haven. $265,000: 7. JUST MINUTES FROM. DOWNTOWN LABELLE! Enjoy this 3/2 mobile home located on 2.5 +/- acres. Adjoining property avail- able for $275,000 (2.5 +/- Acres) $275,000 8. LOCATED IN A GREAT NEIGHBOR- HOOD! Enjoy this lovely 3/2 home located close to shopping, schools and churches. This home offers many extra fea- tures including a spa- cious back yard w/ room for a pool, a lanai with Jacuzzi and all kitchen appliances. $275,000 9. GETAWAY WEEK- ENDS! Beautifully wood- ed 5+/- acres w/ 2/2 cot- tage and 32' x 29' pole barn with enclosed stor- age, horse stall, water & electric. Property is fenced and cross-fenced. $339,900 10. COUNTRY PAR- ADISE! This 3/2 two story home with large open front porch, and pole barn is situated on 4.58 +/- beautifully man- icured oak covered acres. $375,000 11. SPACIOUS 3/2 HOME! Sit and relax on the screened lanai by the pool and Jacuzzi and enjoy the 25' x 40' work- Southern land. Investments 6 Real Estate Sherri Denning Licensed Real Estate Broker www.soland.com 12. NEW HOME IN FAMILY NEIGHBOR- HOOD! Spacious 4/3 split floor plan home w/ a 2 car garage and large screened lanai w/ room for a pool or hot tub! Stoneybrook at Gateway has great amenities such as a clubhouse w/ pool and an inline skating facility! Located in Ft. Myers. $535,000 13. CUSTOM RIVER- VIEW HOME! Enjoy liv- ing in a deed-restricted S/D with this 3/2 custom built home on 3 lots. Home boasts 2 single car garages w/ center work- shop and full bath easy for conversion into moth- er-in-law or guest apart- ment. $649,705 14. CHARM WITH A PASSION! Large beauti- ful oaks grace this 4.35+/- acre 2/2 plus den country home. With many extras including large kitchen with mar- ble counter tops, fresh coat of paint, new hard wood floors and a brand new 30' x 40' Pole Barn and 24' x 36 Horse Barn. $695,000 15. THIS PROPERTY HAS IT ALL! Enjoy the peace and privacy of 17.9+/- acres, the com- fort of a spacious 3/2 manufactured home, with a full length screened-in front porch, and the possibilities that come with having your own 60'x35' work shop. $700,000 Call our knowledgeable and friendly staff about landformn 1/4 acre to 100+ acres!!! WE'RE LAND EXPERTS! -,,m M EULHS1R i .ion Gu. .': 1,-AuL C 186-57230* wwcusneiuo Cap Coa0 otMyr0 ieIsad-Lhg Burnt* Store- Eteo Sn6 aros- a0 ll* -Nale Punt 0Gora harltte arbr* PrtC arot.DepC ek-M dck-Vne I Norh Por Nooms -Enlwod0 ern0rek-*sre0 3rid(Tc St. LaBelte, FL 33935 8.63-675-88M Aldrcws Lic. Real Estate Broker ;andi;i Alexander, Linda I.ekle Davis, James 11111;k Ckneros, Kei in -.n, Rose Mason, lallield, Trini(Y Oxnam, FIrittany Kinno, slacx 11;ITC, DIISIN. PAC estilol.i(it*l-(titN.,rotil).cotii Se Hahlii Espanol mumlow -- -- ------------------ Toll Free877.314.3048' 1 i 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June, 8, 2006 Air .-_I.-- 'II il" ............ Ban ..A i SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BanKoTAmerica f. Mortgage Loan Officer SConsumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS, MEDICAL WORKERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT. AND FIREFIGHTERS Great Buys are found here L.ULAILUN. L[CLAIIUN, LULAtUION-tOnec Bl. locAted at 141 Hickpoochee Ave in LaBelle, 25(10 Sq Fr commercial building Building and land fur -ale o:nlr All Uitchen appliance .c.'.epr Hbinrr Mixer. For more detail cnrit i.:i Cji) Lee Property offered at $1,500,000. Vacant Land listings starting at $39,900. * 8036 Salem cir acre $39,900. * 9022 E Justice Cir acre $39,900. * Cj .c.e .:I $40,000. * 9004 N Casa CT 1/3 acre $40,900. *i N...rgc r '/4 acre $45,500. r* 0210 Kuniquaji cir $45,500. " "I.. Ib .,,:': $-05,500. * '". Ti.e :iif J.e 47.900. * i..5 Tide .r ....: f -,900. * 4r Ist, 1, I j..r $'9.900. S2,..': ,i..:.-:,,, E l.,L r.,r. $99.500. S1229v iRudJdi L. $395,000. Deep Water Canal Call or stop by to see more information on all or our listings! _------------ Che Iking CZROup 274 N Bridge St LaBelle.FL 33935 863-612-0002 FEATURES OF THE WEEK WtAIERFRONT & PRIVACY AT ITS BEST ihl t ,,.,ri, "."-"".:. -l''J '.-] BA hcmuic 1 '-Ktecd t1 rh, e '":rhilJ L..l:i Fish ifro:m wour c'An rpn'ire ..,]0:,:t r. i pi ,j .,: I, aJj i-e' d,:,:k -.v Il , -r 1:--1 r.:. Ll'"t If.- A.*'flt*4 & MfIS (CHRMING CEDAR HOME iLs ,:n an ,':,,,-r. ,, -,J ,,:,,,r ,:,i uFi ihe .:jirv The 2BRk2BA home has vaulted .ceilings and tile in the living ar,- Fr-i:h d.it'- pr.:vide views to the outside. r,:,i..':,J ..k i'J i i.J x 10' shed for extra stor- age. $199,900 t GREAi KLt.NIAL INIYTIMElNI UK 1AKRIEK WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION LOCATION. LOCATIONIII This 3+.. acre peninsula has oer '"0' of Caloosahaichee River frontage with H%) 29? access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless' $3,300,000 ONE OF THE FEW RIVERFRONT PARCELS on the markci This stunning 10 Acres is veryQ urniquce iih ri')i + led froinung on the bea-uirul ( ah:1, s'hiLhee RPier [Loak to the East and .esti and eri,:' cridlc's v'ies from the raised ri,er- brank The waierftoni piece features lkef,:nom ori the 5.."Jih side .idri nriertion on the North Buildj i:u dre iTim home and erin.r the pace and [trin quilry thjai LaBelle Calo':itahaitchee has to ',oiner $1,950.000 SPECTACUlAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE with .,er 200 i el oif wa-erflront and already epa-. rited into 2 lots The fabulous view is naturally pristnc ajrons and up the mnvcr lorr tihis 'Ponir' c.n iath [he main riner arid the 'Old Rier', I-lch Icjturec 61 feeti of proto'.ted dJokage Rip Rap of merbink a in progress There is NO "Corps Settac:k' on either lot, which may allca houses and or poi-ls unusually close to River. Beautiful duea Tf upsicle homes within blc,.k6 s of ~ertral Lairile A 1,500,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! I his I i: j cie ulot is wVooded and loxated on Countr Road "'. Build your dream home on this parcel and enioy endless views of the Calu iaharchee Riser Pri'.e Reduced $499,900 bedi.cmrr Pnce edu.:e.] I. ill $1"9,900. THIS IMMACUiLAE 2 BR I 5 BA HOME IS k.li'ied i the. 'ncricr ''I nini''.:i.c i*' c'.rpil'uig | h.i.i tetrri.- it houle for ime'rnc lu'i icining 'ai .:in ihinr .oii..r sizing down, Home i aii.ijilyi' furnisihied arnd reJy ;: you! $159,900 THIS IMMACULATE MANUFACTURED HOME b sii.'lui or,- : u ijed *:,erieJ d:'i in rI,"in and compl.hiel) len.:edJ H.i.m r iJjfurc itjulrc l..:el- rings pin tl.:, : plan. la,:h n ih pih a iira rij, Ot r J i.t- Ij,', Fr.i-ri .nr 1 Liu :. p,:i[he' tic e gil J[ fr ,.,Ui.J:..: ei ',-r| jcii nrii t jrd.. 'ri..l, nieri REDUCED $13.,900 WELL MAINTAINED 5BR'2BA MANLiFAC- TURED HOME .v :li.'or .o.,ille -ic th L-d. ru, Ii L.:,cijieJ t hin ,:it, y Ilmit ', ,:.:., ri] tli li lerciicd .ni prni ir. :. zell' $99,900 HOMES . 4BR/2BA SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME features lape .Ji:he n neiw a/c, upgraded appliances, jet tub and jt-,,c ground pool ($174,900. UNDER CONTRACT SELLER RELOCATING1 RcAJdi .:- ei..'c in and ad must see to believe Located in a pra.re country setting rin Hote.sh,'e A.:re Suhdlh r'i.n T'ihh 2 bedroom, 1 bath manufactured home is stuatcd QHOME This 3BR/2BA manufactured home has a SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE on over a half acre lot, shaded screened deck, with lot ot offer. It features a split floor plan, a deck for LOVERS This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobiles many fruit tree and partially fenced yard, Dog on enri r'nainiri, a garden iub in ihe nma-er bjih. new on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique pf'mt th-o:,ugho:,ur and ric; : irfpe This TiLmobile i one of a kind property also has it's own private premises. Call ahead. $129,500. ,.-;,:-, ,,. .l, $125,000. ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! This 2 bedroom NEW LISTINGI 3 Br / 2 Ba manufactured home oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. 1.5 bath mobile home is located in quiet River on fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle. Home has .$475,000 Oaks Subdivision, Ortona FL. Great investment for 12' x 14' deck perfect for entertaining. BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront $119.900. homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock the part-time Floridian, or a great get-away. The ONLY CONDO ON THE MARKET IN LABEILE This in place. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from home is being sold partially furnished, and offers 2BR/2BA unit would make a great rental investment or the main river in an area of nice homes. Permits a split floor plan with vaulted ceilings. $58,500 full-time residence. Located on the first floor this condo are in place to re-dredge oxbow to 6-8 ft. depth. HOMES ON ACREAGE ajr ,u, j r, i ii. i,. i. i n laihci ir nd tbthixi'., $499,000. UNIQUE. DESIRABLE AND SECLUDED! Less and a bonus room. Comfortable living awaits your HIOMES IN LABELLE . arrival! $150,000.. I'MOV IN READY! Neily remodeled 3BR/2BA 'F, a ,r, ft,:,m h-n,, ni, '' lr Gl.dle- ElTmerniry FOR LELSE!! Ai- + '.q i O- f,., ,',, Bin '. 5r, I h.ome h i. ica d on large l.t in the ucir New caJ cirp TI1, pr., pe-r 1 ..ce r.r,r i the :,lcest I. 'r,.. I .. l.i jil. t>:irng and intenor p rini and spa:'.iu '- mrere- I .,c lr. a : .jij ..: iA,ljiJ:.' ,..unri 'u ir.:iuri'd d t large itcreiL., trh parcel ha been Cteared and fenced Th cu'lom built home i.- pacIout arnd teq i,-,ll kept O er ;.,1.1i0 q ft split floor plan fej- iure. ':ecrani.: ule '. large bedrooms walk-m dos. ei- mid 2 i .fi.u:ious baths The island kitchen has wall. in ianrr), brejkfali aica, and is open \'i the -lrgc Ifamil, room The master bedroom and bai, :itfer his aind herc alk-ir, cl-cet,, garden tub, sep- arae hh'o:er, dujal ink. and a3cce, to ihe pool To-i rajri) irmiproiemierit iti meriiuon, call for your pniuite sthor g' $1,450,000. iBR IBA CBS HOME ON 8.8+/- ACRES fr.:rriihr n .. pacid '.d p'ipr'. nule from tlwn F'lpr.crrr ,' ncedr: & ,:ro'" lcnc:d a gragcus .ii,: jiJ i..r.e :ible -90,000. 3.18 +.- ACRES W 'IBR'1.5BA COITAGE style h.tme -I. i., f i -ri LjB ie hJr..hli r :', l aBcll elli',i :, ,J r.j. ,.IT mirurhilic' 'iiui:Jd ji Ithc end o.I cj:ul 'J , :,' ind: 1 pcl ictul ', p alnui' ic rig ilhcdlil..ciil- i'p ,cJff.. l- hii:'u lh:ui, iterln ll:i plJn arid "rip ji:,u pit:.rch $469,900 QUIEI COUNTRY REIREAII Like nw nianunautiued home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immacu- late home offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment pack- age indudes a large screen television w/stereo and sur round sound, split floor plan, built in computer cen ei, large master bedroom and bath w/garden tub and s&p. ajrjie -h :'.i Upgyri.ld jpplflnce.' add J nLc iuu..h i thic irge i upcii ki:hen w,' eat-in bieakiast bJi ind h.. iTul dIring $212,500 ACREAGELOTS 0ACR.- Gertber Gruiv $660,000 2.5 + ACHRE siotked pond, parnill lfented, unique oak gruoie and it:ad ro build Grear Iox tion ionC "'8 appiox 2 miles troim ti*n Seller mirjiaei $199,000 10ACREPARCELlocated off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road). in Charlotte County. Property zoned agricultural. Price Reduced $100,000 BEAUTIFUL OAK COVERED CITY OF LABELLE LO Located in established neighborhood. Build your home on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $70,000 BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the city of LaBelle and ready to buiild! $89,900 OVERSIZED ,64 ACRE WOODED residential home- site located in the city. $89,000 1 25 ACRES LOT in g i wing Mon.uteiJ iinh Euire n,:rc I,..- v l..hi.: $49,500. 2 PORT L0 BELLE LOTS IN UNIT 102. i xied tidc bi Se Habla Espanol Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickuri,, Marjare[ tvhjtdc,. Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tardn Lope:. Su:anne Sherrod Judy Crosi MtClure and Rctccpnori[ Emil\ CurIs 'ilde b provide uci '. aJxe homeiie Parullj) learned, hiph and dry. Ready tolu bld' $45,000 each COMMERCIAIJBUSINESS fPIIJ E ,LOATIONI Buslness zoned propeny located in Dawiown aBelle Pifl'eill situated on the coiner of itWY 29) Bridge Streer arid Park Avenue, len than 1 block from the Caluosahatihee River 1,84l6 sq ft Hionricl Florida-Style tro story building frnts on Bridge Street $850,000 A QUAINT CRACKER-STYII OFFICE ON PARK AVENUE. Already set up for a business office- including phone lines, air conditioning, commercial grade carpet- ing and landscaping. Screened front porch adds to its Florida charm. tM .900 DEDUCED PRICE M$50.0001!1 RENOVATED BUILDINGIIl READY FOR YOUR BUSINESS!!! Need a place to locate your business. This is it! Highly visable, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street. Tobtally remodeled building situated on .31 acre lot fronting on Washington Ave. across from bank drive thru. Propery is 175' deep which leaves room for future expansion. Renovations ir.iJude all ric .'.'i,- m.i-ldJing, Ecrrmic: ile, 'iding, plhintiric. elo.in.. and \ i BUSINESS ZONEDI h: it.iN. it II: Ime r rlljlj on : high iraitf.: .uiJ in h.d in i.l 2 I. I.. L i':'nh i:,l Hwy 80 and I tlii:k eatr l .Bnilg,: liucci and ui...urJ- ed by local bjnks jrid bu.minctei fi.: rciJu'.ed $215,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED IN 1981 THE GATOR BAIT PUB has been a th[ilrng budnans in the Pioneer Comrrururur, for many iears ir f y,'u',c ev.c wanted I: run t\ur o,:- i Reiiuurmrii and Lourie herc'. :,un har':c Thi, quaini ibl hiicini '.?mici Llly tui riihl iJ wIh ja :''f(I'lc: ii e ulyq,.ppiJ il i-ieiI jril ., ffivrs great start for any eur'pr'icur c Weji ail $ i,500 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Excellent investment opportunity w/277' frontage on Hwy 29. 159+/- acres on comer of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 Miet tbu.Ildi.ig E. ii hu,,j li huc "iji .. i --t,p. 1,600 sq. 'li :.iff t:e buildinri 2 -2' Ii i I Jil rrrtl ) leased. $1.300,000 STOP BY AND ViSII US AT OUR NFW LOCATION ON HWY 80 I detail' ien% . ioorches comroIert WATERFRONT HOMES STUNNING RIVER VIEWS can be seen from the mas- ter soaie balcomn of this riverfront 3BRi'3BA 2-storv h"rme Huge innain wh in ground Jacuzzi spa and much moio-' $878,000 PANORAMIC VIEWS of the Caloosahatchee River a3. ii .ou in this 3BR.2' 5BA home with an oversized pri a[e boat dock Commiunim clubhouse includes pool, b...ji ramp &- tennis court. $749,000 UPGRADED 3BR'2BA HOME FEATURES 125 ft of rini r,:'ri[age. Conveniently located within 1 mile of marina. restaurants and golf course. $599,900 ENJOY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS with this ;BR-'BA home, navigable creek offers direct access to tit: Calooihati[c hee Riser $399.000 SLIMMER FUNI 4BR,'2BA M H includes 135 ft. of river access. making an easS launch for jet skis. Detached garage and high quality; upgrades. Enjoy the sunl $395.000 PERFECT SIZED GET-A-WAY OASIS! 3 BR 2BA canal rontI M H- includes detailed upgrades and thoughtful landscape $145.000 WATERFRONT HOMES SITES DREAMING OF OWNING YOUR OWN 12.64+i- secluded ac. Island? $1,400.000 MAKE THIS 200 FT. OF RIVER FRONTAGE YOURS. 2.50 +,'- ac. oftriverfront acreage with remov- able spoil easement has access from CR 78 $965,000 IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT IN CALOOSA HARBOR. Includes boat dock, well, electric and pro- tected harborage. Over 160 ft of waterfront $499,000 240 FT OF NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONT. Riher views, never access, and dock permit Deed resuicted community, 3'4 +.!- ac $429.000 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE OF PORT LABELLE RANCHETTES. 2.53 +/- ac. in desirable deed restrict- ed community. $425,000 TAKE IN THE BEAUTY OF THE RIVER from this 2.88 +,- ac. home site in PE. LaBelle Ranchettes 200 fl of greenbelt between hone site and river, boat docks allowed. $410,000 IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER than direct access to the Caloosahatchee Ri.er, boaung community marina. golf course and restaurants. Have it all for $225,500 iQMES 3 BR/2BA CBS HOME on 20 +/- ac. boasts a 60x40 workshop (includes office), 36x36 barn, paved drive, artistic flair meets coun- crv charm. $999,000 4BR/3BA BRICK HOME ON 11 +/- AC. Functional breeding barn. automated horse lunger, 2 add'l pole barns, and a workshop. A true Equine Estate $999,000 4BR,2BA HOME ON 7 +/- AC. Private stocked pond, variety of Frutt trees, 20xll shed & 20x25 pole barn. Will allow for 2 home- siles. $699.900 3 BR'2BA CBS HOME on 5 +/- ac. Cross fenced, pond, take ad'aniage of rustic living with a convenient drive. $625,000 3BR2BA CUSTOM HOME ON 3.52 +/- FENCED AC. Country lit'es,\le s urrouinds \ou in this deed restricted community. $619,900 18O N. Bridge Sr.LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 LAND Co.0 1-888-675-6762 %WW .HLRITAGELAN CO.CO I .SL LABL E. . )ff\ ,-:l"W I 39 + AC. WITH INCOME POTENTIAL. in.:luide:. 2BR hunung cabin, 4,500+/- young Ih.e .:'.. laet leveled land, and water per- ,Tt: $1,800,000 INCOME PRODUCING ORANGE GROVE '. nii.:rola[c[ i ngji:rn. 124 +/- ac. Can be split lor endless building possibilities. $12,500 per ac. -1.32 + AC. OF oaks, pines, cypress trees, anid pasure 'ell arid power on site. Zoning i :1. ho :r'.'ie pei S ac. $1,240,000 OAK HAMMOCK, CYPRESS AND PAL- METTOS gglae this 48.07 +/- ac. Flowing ciek laidd's ti, the charm $1,100,000 -.0 + AC. OFF tell maintained dirt road. Linlinniced pLtecnuial t $30,000 per ac. Man.riige blet Orange grove in Ft Denaud off priaie .:,ad $965,000 30 + AC. OF IMPROVED pasture with S.:..:"id .a.:lh, Fi,:turesque flowing creek, and caiiip houses $"05,000 20 +- FENCED AC. of improved land. E..:elrnt pitenr ul $660,000 20 -i-,- AC. WIIH plenty of space for your ..-.rT :-.--1. *.-. Tt l .-r.h-- = ; . 310NME CONTR P0,000 terced on ihree ,ides $498,000 3BR/2BA 2-STORY HOME SIT- LARGE, LOVELY HOMESITE. 396 + ac UATED on 3.59. +/-ac, 50X20 in Pt LaBelle Ranchette, $389,000 pole barn, 12' workshop. Oak cov- EYE CATCHING 3 2" + ac in Pr LaBelle ered acreage. $415,000 Ranchettes $359,900 3BR/2BA CBS HOME ON 4.82 3.02 +-. AC. in Glades County Rancherttes, +/-AC. Horse barn includes tack cleared and ready for building $345,000 room, cross fenced, spacious liv- ing for horse lovers. $399,900 BRAND NEW HOME! 3BRI2BA CBS home. Off-water lot. quality surroundings. riverfront S/D. $389,900 FASHIONABLE AND FUNCTIONAL new construction 3BR/2BA CBS home on ..: +,'- ac. in Quail Run S, D. $339,000 QUALITY IS ON DISPLAY' New construction homes near the golf course and marina. Call tor more detailed information $299,000-$399,000 THIS WELL CRAFTED 3BD/2BA home is waiting for your fami- ly. Don't miss out on this energy efficient home. $215,000 aBD/2BA ON SPACIOUS GREENBELT. The home to have for serious cooks $210,000 BUDGET FRIENDLY NEW CONSTRUCTION, 3BR/2BA, wide greenbelt insures privacy $199,900 3BR/2BA HOUNDEI iM UT. $189.900 PARTIALLY FURNISHED SBR/2BA home includes carport/stor- age shed. Near canal and community pool. $175,000 GREAT INVESTMENT RENTAL PROPERTY. Duplex located on MLK, Jr. Rental income is $400 per month. Only $39,900 MANUFACTURED HOMES 10 +/- AC. TRACT in Muse, tenced, and cleared. Could be two 5 ac. homesites. $299,900 20 +/- AC. of investment property in Western Muse. $299,900 5 +/- AC. west of LaBelle & only a short dis- tance to Ft. Myers. $269,900 5 +/- BEAUTIFUL AC. on paved road. $225,000 5 +/- SERENE AC. on paved road. 2 tracts available. $200,000 each. PIONEER PLANTATION, 5+/-ac. parcel is your RX for Relaxation! $175,000 LADECA ACREAGE, peaceful get-a-way on 5 +/- ac. $165,000 2.5 +/- AC. in Pioneer, high & dry with pal- mettos and pines. $79,900 2.5 +/- AC. in Pioneer plantation, tranquil homesite for only $74,000 MONTURA RANCH ESTATES. 1.07 to 1.25 +/-ac tracts. $47,500 to $67,500 HOMESITES REFINED HOMESITES available in deed restricted Laurel Oaks. From $90,000 to $110,000 new construction homes also available Call for details ,r visit vw-wher- itagel]ndcu cam 1. 2 +.- AC. of beauuful old Flonda. oakk Ideal location, can be split, enjoy' your view of the riser $225,000 HARD TO FIND OAK FILLED corner lot in the cim, north of Hwy 80 Lot Is "0 + ac - can be 2 buildable homesites $150,000 3BR/2BA doublewide M/H and a 2BR/IIBA singlewide M/H. $245,000 MINT CONDITION 3BR/2BA M/H Ft Denaud Acres includes Storage shed & carport. $215,000 LOOKS SMALL, LIVES BIGI 2,2 NL'H on 1 +/- ac. features covered parking, workshop, and outbuild- ings $165,000 . 3 BR/2BA M/H ON CORNER LOT offers built-in kitchen cabi- nets, living and family rooms, fenced back yard with deck and shed with electric. Located in the --- t. 1- t A , 4 .-A dA Alj-1k-AQ.count), but close to the city. W-f-f~fl YTI- r~., I R rlV 1r..A 1 1 j 41 J4,4MMLIKFE NEW 4BR32BA doublewide kM/,H on 9.54 +/- ac. $475,'000 Cencovintadapb. BEAUTIFUL WOODED 1.27 +.,- AC. LOT in ImmokaleeClacneinadcpbe. $149,999 FIUVACY GALUORE! 4 +/- ac. Oft Live UOa Lane. Partially cleared. $125,000 ENJOY THE QUIET of a tree filled +/- ac. in town $99,900 CANAL FRONT PARCEL. .30 +/- ac. Easy access to Hwy 80. $90,000 CHERISH THE CHARM of this beautiful oak filled city lot. .42 +/- ac. $85,000 CUL-DE-SAC LOT in North Ft. Myers off Pine Island Rd. $59,900 WIDE VARIETY OF HOMESITES in all units of Port Labelle. Something for every- one 1/4 ac. to 1/3 +/- ac. Call or email for a detailed inventory Visit www.heritageland- co.com to shop from home. TROPICAL GULF ACRES, Homesites in Charlotte County Call for details on these Punta Gorda lots. PRIVACY PURE AND SIMPLE on these 1.25 to 3.75 +/- ac. parcels. Lehigh Properties, Hendry County is located min- utes from the center of Lehigh Acres. Hidden treasures for those seeking the quieter fami- ly lifestyle. Priced from $85,000 and up. LEHIGH ESTATES .297 +/- ac. Convenienrl l: -aed I: Ft iMver' $66,900 1 2 + ac Fbuild.iable lor vest ,:1 iel Blid in Lehigh $62,900 3 TO CHOOSE FROM 1 4 ac lots in NW Lehigh Acres., $49,900 to $5"4,900 JAGUAR BLVD. In Lehigh. close to Hwy 82. high traffic area perfect for builder produ.:r $52,500 I I COMMERCIAL 3,056 SQ. FE COMMERCIAL BUILDING ,,r. I + .1.. Hi-.I h I ili.. l.11 p.. I 1,:,r- plcknrr .:. p.lerriJl $1,250,000 EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR YOUR BULSI- NESSI Bjurif..I I + .. [- l. trur.ij ;,.r.n .r.ig I. o. .- ,.-in[T ...,-, -'P.9( A ;,rv I ,I- d,...,', r, r.,-,,, $899.9()0 GREAT BLSINESS POTENTL.L ,'iI I' - tl .' I ". i, c.r : p. ,... I .' il[ l ,. '.i .'r r.- I I-' + j. iI,,,I i i,,: iij 5$499.900 OFF HWY 80 IN I.ABELLE .'1 + ," iIl m ake J ...n.J, hjl L_,j I :: I. I ,i.-,,', Pl.lure-.qute 'op: ci l-i, I.l i ,.Jlrlm ...d llitY $435.000 I 2' + t- ZO' ED W '. .', RtF 2-N GYi Cii f.,r Hoime Bcu-i':.., ,i.ei.iii. .i IB\ !B,\ remodel.:d liorne irc.lud.': 2 i,l.W: e citJ . jnd 12%\2. poletjrr. Cream 1-m I.i.. $24-19,900 MOVT YOUR BUSINESS TO LABELLEI Hiciori. buildhi I be licn c ,Ji :'ir I,.lI to ,:u...-mnld.]c u bu,i i .\ $ 1,rer ,>her, \Ou.r r.u\ $221,500 ; t- i he-t, u. $" I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 11 859+/- acres on CR 78 at the Lee/Hendry County line, $40,000 per acre. * 320+/- acres on CR 720 in Muse, Pollywog Creek flows down the eastern boundary $30,000 per acre. Two 6+/- acre-homesites on CR 78 in Fort Denaud, REAL DEALS ARE FOUND IN THE CALOOSA BELLE HOME BUYERS GUIDE emt,7TB_= Be the first to own this quality nei, hone! Custom beautifid detail is what this builder had in mind n'hen creating this spacious floor-plan and functional d&cor. Located in East LaBelle and Glades County and in one of the most desirable and appreciative neighborhoods around. Minutes from downtown LaBelle and the Caloosahatchee River. Priced to sell..... $249.000 Call Steplmanie Weatheford at (863) 612-0000 * 3 Bedroom/2 Bath/2 Car Garage * 1,608 Sq. Ft. Liv. Area 2,385 Total * Ceramic Tile and Carpet Flooring * Maple cabinets throughout home * Large Master Bath with Garden Tub & Separate Shower * Large Combined Laundry Room With Pantry * MLS# 200628737 * Port LaBelle Unit 102 Glades County 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 105 LaBelle, FL 33935 (The Wallace Plaza) 863-675-5923 i ... Mary Diaz Lic Real Estate Broker i.I's C (561) 385-3282 D- T Homes, Land COSTAMAR Commercial REALTY lorido S al Am 3BR/2Bath pole barn. REDUCED Call for availableistings 863 675 4550 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle ---=, Rodnev Murray l--'LSAJLLic Real Estate Broker SCo Ass:ociates: Seth Howard. Phil Lewis Tamra France, Jim Coddington &. Kyndel Murray on I acre, close to town with a 24x32 Large oaks. fenced and landscaped. $144,900. More than Meets the Eyel Hard to find home on. deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low main- tenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceilings. interior doors all custom built, custom cabinet with tile back- splash and granite .tbuntertops, all windows have wood casing sur- rounds, a brick fireplace, and wood floors throughout finish the look. $515,000 REDUCED 2 Acre Deed Restricted Homesite in Oak 'Haven Estates. Oak filled )and backs up to beautiful sunsets over the water. $350,000 2 Story Home close to town just off Ft. Denaud Rd. This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has it all, location, charm, Master suite with office, screened room and more. $279,000 REDUCED. Po r- Mobile on 1/2 acre south of LaBelle with lots of paving and a 26x53 pole barn. $92,500. LOTS AND LAND Development Potential 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with avail- able waterfront (priced Independently) for an upscale resi- dential project. $150,000 per acre. 5 Beautiful Oak Laden Acres located East of LaBelle. Quiet County Living for only $160,000. Over H Complete with fb brush has been clBt o rbehin. Great buy at $125,000. Oversized homesite conveniently locat- ed in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres manicured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. $95,000. Port LaBelle Lots on the north side of 80, close to new development area & marina. Priced from $49,000 to $57,900. Call for inventory list. Over 60 sites to pick from; Seller Financing Available with 25% down to qualified buyer. Port LaBelle 1/4 ac. lot on the norht side of Hwy. 80. Many new homes under construction in the immediate area. Asking $39,800. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL Prime Comer with approx. 590 ft. on well traveled Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm Light Industrial 4.65 Ac with 2400 Sq, Ft. St eJ _st oul iit unaer cu~rrem zong. Heavy Industrial Site just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. $299,000 Hard to find heavy Industrial Builders acre.on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $285,000. U ~wr Tiw&www-.-rPrer~w~- r'4~ .,. ,. '~"'-r~. 'r '~r~" S580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! special! $93,9060. Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! -wure&b4: A eHor zons Real Estate Corp. $234,900. * HOP, SKIP &A JUMP! Only minutes separate you from banking, shopping, schools and much more. This 3BR/2B home has it all. From it's fenced back yard, spa- cious rooms, wood burningifireplace, new kitchen cab- inets and storage galore! Best of all after a hard days work you can sit out on your lanai and enjoy the sunset over the lake in Lehigh Acres. Only $219,900. * REDUCED PERi lTj jIIOME! 2BR/1BA CBS home located in tille on a quiefoak filled street. Features new flooring and a fenced back yard. Priced @ $159,900. * Just like NEW! 3BR/1.58 CBS home within walking distance from shopping. Features include new berber carpet, ceramic tile, all new cabinets and much more. Priced to sell at only $119,900. -- _- -- -r_ L ..- .- M I_ ML- = 4* SLLlh 1 Ti.i fslAtS Ji' ':ff' lciiuir-ra .)untry IF,,A' II: 1 .. l su i ,.,1 11 N ] l, ta, irul T ,BvI/2B '[O ". '.,', ..:.1 ,J Id,,J :,1.. stone titiphi .... r, ,: .dJt.:lir .:. ,.i :,f, ih FVpark- ing. Majestic Live Oaks make the acreage feel like a park. you owe it to yourself to see! $699,900. Si ,' ,3 ,,, r .i ,,r. h.. ., , 5'149,900 quailty, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and vani- ties are all less than 2 years old. New roof being installed. Call today for this worry free home! $234,000. * REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/1B CBS home with 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only -Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. * Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 - 4BR/2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ft of liv- ing space and sits on 2.34 fenced acres in the quiet rural community of DoubleJAcres. Country living just hop- skip away from LaBelle or Ft. Myers makes this a perfect location! $269,900. * Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only $179,900. * Tired of the Circus? No clowning around about the calm you'll enjoy in this spacious 3BR/2B MH on clearDeEi FCll t iTo the huge horse bar"an wa hop. oxsts,d room large workshop. Lower your blood pressure! $169,900. * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 * Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a Y2 acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. s -~r .a * Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well- traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your investment dollars here. 25 beautiful acres with Hiw 27frtontage. SNext to water plant. Property was cleared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $170,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air * Hard to find double lot in growing Port LaBelle Unit 102:$119,800. * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look'no further Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $67,900. Possible seller financing. * 2 Lehigh Acre lots zoned for duplex. Great invest- ment property! Only $67,000 each * Corner lot in Unit 102 w/large oak. Beautiful lot for your dream home. $54,900. * Triple lot in Unit 6. $49,900 each * Double lot in Unit 9. $49,900 each. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 5BR/3Bath really nice manufactured home on 5 beautiful acres in Muse on Cypress Ave. $399,000. 3BR/3Bath on 4.5-irr es it 30x42 pole barn & 24x36 horse bar,.Lb I" 1 [I.J p le Ranchettes nice, nice, nice. $695,000. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 68 r- 1 r LI ed. 3BR/2BA doublewide on 2.85+/- acres. Close to town. Only $194,900. . VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIuc. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN SCOTT HRACKMANN AND TIM SPENCER 675-0500 C NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the corner of --- BRIDGE ST & WASHINcTON Mts SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE IN COUNTRY VILLAGE - BRAND NEW HOUSE in 2Bedroom/2.5Bath, 1 car garage. Port LaBelle. All appliances Home has large family room that included and washer/dryer. can easily be converted into a 3rd 3/2/2 $1,700/M NO PETS. bedroom. Asking $197,900. 3/2/1 IN PORT T.AREJT.T.., LOCATED IN LEHIGH $1,000/M NO PETS ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath, '2 LARGE 2/2/2 IN PORT car garage built in 2001 and in LABELLE $850/M NO excellent condition. Home over PETS looks a canal and located in a OUR FEATURED great area close to Ft. Myers but LISTINGS FOR THIS WEEK out enough for peace and quiet. $230,000. NEW LISTING in Fort Myers. IN PIONEER! 3Bed- 3Bedroom/3Bath, 1 car garage room/2Bath large doublewide in a great location. Close to mobile home on fenced in 2.5 everything. Home has 2 master acres. Dual fireplace, walk-in bedrooms, new roof, eniterior closets, outside building. Asking paint and A/C. Asking $279,900. $189,900. Home 4, L t, Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder We have "move-in ready" homes available now 9024 Maywood Cir, Cypress II, 312/2 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison II, 3/2/2 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II. 3/2/2 * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * Sable Palm R/V Campground truly a 50 acre gold mine!! This beautiful property features a 10 acre -70 site R/V campground located off US27 in the peaceful coun- try side ofPalmdale. Th'ie park even has its own fishing lake and grass landing strip. The remaining 40 acres could accommodate several hundred additional R/V sites. $2,800,000 * Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 busi- nesses. Listed at only $525,000. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. 9002 E. Broad Cir. Buttonwood. 3/2/2 $218,900 FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LI (863)612-0012 LC. m Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com QB39922 'All spec. Homes Include V' acre home site "Paved Roads*County Water*Power-Schools in Subdivision" bosom'.. Ju- *~ v %.u. q ol* 4"lz**eo* U- 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 Farming vital to state's economy By MaryAnn Morris Historically, Florida has always been all about agricul- ture, from drainage pioneer, Hamilton Disston in the 1800s, to sugar pioneers, Edwin Mott and the Fanjul family. Farmers came from the "dust bowl" of the mid-west in the 1930s and before. Some of the state's first set- tlers were cattle ranchers in the 1800s. These tough pioneers rounded up the scrub cattle they found in Florida. The cattle were descended from the cattle left by Spanish explorers in the 1500s and 1600s. Early Floridians turned the wild cattle into a busi- ness, driving them to the west coast of the state to be'shipped to Cuba for beef. They also pro- vided, meat for Confederate troops during the Civil War. Agriculture is a very profitable business in Florida. In 2003, 30 percent of the land in the state was farmed, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). With year-around warm temperatures and 50- some inches of rain, Florida is ideal for many crops. In addition, North Florida's Thorobred horse industry has produced 86 equine millionaires, including 1978's Triple Crown winner, Affirmed. S Agriculture made a $62 bil- lion impact on Florida's econo- my in 2003 according to the Florida Department of Agricul- ture and Consumer Services (FDACS). The industry accounts for 6-48,000 total jobs and $6.-l billion in actual production. 9 Greenhouse/nursery, opera- tions account for $1.6 billion; tomatoes, $516 million; cattle, _ more than $348 million; and, sugarcane, $560 million.. Florida produce finds its way i into nearly every household in n the U.S, and has agricultural trade with over 100 foreign countries generating $1.3 billion in cash receipts. (FDACS) All those agriculture indus- tries require water. , Virtually all Florida's water ( comes from rain. There are no i spring-fed underground rivers i here just rain that falls on the ground and people who use' it. People use it to drink, wash laun- ' dry and cars, water lawns, and grow vegetables, fruit trees, landscape plants and sugarcane. ' Water in Florida can be found f in two places: ground water % (underground aquifers) which b supplies 62 percent of the state's ( water needs and surface water i (lakes and the canals that flow r from them), which supply the 1 remaining 38 percent. Water sci- s entists and managers have e developed classifications for . working with water data: Public, t (water plants for homes, busi- ! nesses, etc), and self-supplied, i agricultural, commercial (includes mining), recreational (golf courses, for instance), and power generation. Only some is metered; most is estimated, based on a "factor" a number value proven by use to represent the actual amount used. Ground water is used for 92 percent of the state's drinking water. Power plants and irrigation consume 82 percent of the sur- face water used. SMost of the surface water is from managed canals and lakes, such as Lake Okeechobee, which supplies Glades, Hendry, Martin, Palm Beach and St. Lucie counties, the Caloosahatchee River (Glades, Hendry and Lee counties. A large percentage of the water that is flooded onto fields or groves is not absorbed and is pumped back into canals or ditches for later use. Although public (water plants) and domestic (from wells) water use has increased due to population increases, the per capital (per person) use has been reduced from 144 gallon per day consumption in 1983 to 106 gallons per day in 2000. This is due to more use of reclaimed water (treated wastewater or sewage) for irrigation of land- scaping, more efficient water fix- tures and increased use of xeriscaping (grouping thirsty plants together and using more native plants) techniques for landscaping. Commercial water use, broadly is for general commer- cial, 10 percent; food production and manufacturing 6 percent; pulp and paper, 27 percent; and mining, 33 percent. Polk County is the largest commercial water user in the South Florida Water Management District. Water used for mining of phosphate, sand and limestone accounted (road building) for the vast majority. Recreational water use includes watering grass in public parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, golf courses, green areas on highways and cemeteries and filling non-agricultural ponds and swimming pools. Agriculture, including water- 1,000 So00 C.. - 400 200 197072 74 76 798 80 82 84 86 98 90 92 94 96 0982000 YEAR Figure 23. Historical agricultural acreage in Florida for selected crops, 1970-2000. (Modified from Rorida Agricultural Statistics Service, 2000, 2001a, 2001b, and Marella, 1997.) Courtesy photo/United States Geological Survey Historically, growing citrus uses the most water, followed by vegetables and sugarcane. More acres were added to sugar- cane production during the time period shown. , ing livestock, is the largest user ton/acr of water in Florida. About 48 per- Paln cent of the state's total water is Countie used for agriculture. River Ci Most of the water comes from ly one- the Floridian aquifer, the remain- used fo der from surface water: Lake last ye Okeechobee and its canals in the found. Everglades Agricultural Area mate at (EAA) (Glades, Martin, Palm early s[ Beach and St. Lucie counties) crops e and the canals associated with proxim the headwaters of the Upper St. allows I lohns River (Okeechobee and The St. Lucie counties in SFWMD).. specific South Florida is intensively irri- these ir gated for sugarcane, citrus and veggies vegetables to the tune of 63 per- mental cent of the state's total surface four m- water withdrawals. largest More than one-half the agri- tion (4 cultural acreage in farms is in account improved pasture, but almost Field cr none of the pastureland is irrigat- were ti ed. More than 80 percent of the water, remaining acreage (citrus, sug- TogethE arcane, nurseries'greenhouses, account and veggies) is irrigated, acres ir Since the state's water supply the wat depends on rainfall, irrigation. Bett depends on rainfall. But the drier and irrip t is, the more farmers need to rus tree rrigate. This irrigation is for food acre in and jobs, not for esthetics, like in 2000 awns and landscaping; hence tistics watering and car washing acreage restrictions during droughts. more. Agricultural use includes increase watering to keep .crops from -irrigate( reeze damage. Ice is 32 degrees wastetu when a %wind chill can drop phased below that. Flooding the fields and old luring the off-season kills to micrc nsects and weeds .and helps Harv educe subsidence of the soil. has rem Fhe .rice crop grown on some at 440, sugarcane fields reduces the (FDACS expense of running pumps and decrease buildingg dikes to keep water on for orr he fields when flooding them. have in Rice is profitable and rice years, ( increases sugar yields by a ment ii e the year following. i Beach, Hendry, St. Lucie is in SFWMD, plus Indian county accounted for near- -half of the total water xr agriculture in 2000, the ar published data was Florida's sub-tropical cli- nd mild winters allow for spring crops and multiple *ach year, and the State's ity to east coast markets fast shipping. scientists looked at 28 c cope types and broke ito four main categories: s, fruit, field, and orna- s and grasses. Of these ajor types, fruit was the user of water for irriga- 17 percent) and citrus ted for 98 percent of that. ops, including sugarcane ie second largest user of using nearly 26 percent. er citrus and sugarcane ted for 66 percent of the rigated and 68 percent of er used for agriculture. er methods of farming nation have increased Cit- es acre from 80 trees per 1970 to 130 trees per acre (Florida Agricultural Sta- Service 2000), so the e is less, but the fruit is Micro-irrigation use is ing so more acreage is d efficiently and the more il flood irrigation is being out as new groves use, groves are changed over, o-irrigation. -ested sugarcane acreage gained relatively constant ,000 acres since 1994 ). Vegetable acreage has sed slightly, but acreage' namentals and grasses creased in the past 20 driven by the develop- ndustry. Sod and many crrFRUJs -VEGETABLES NewName, Same Commitment With the merger of Big Lake National Bank and Seacoast National Bank completed, our customers' experience is made even better through added services, flexibility, and convenience. New services include free checking with online banking and bill pay, a Telephone Banking Center with extended weekday and Saturday hours, Treasury Management, investment, trust and estate planning services and more. All with the same local decision-making and personal service you've come to expect. .Ml of us at Seacoast National Bank look forward to serving your financial needs and to seeing you at community events around town. In the coming months, our signs will change to display our new name, but what won't change is our solid commitment to serving you. Sincerely, Joe Mullins Regional President Seacoast National Bank Seacoasi NATIONAL BAN] t KI www.seacoastnatioiial.corn 800-589-1657 NASDAQ: SBCF A subsidinqalofSeaL-oast Bank in~g (orp'oaiMOPI of Flortidet landscape plants are needed for new homes and businesses and they require large amounts of water to grow and maintain until sale. Sugar refineries produce more-water, recovered from the, )cane being processed, than they use. Water discharged from agri- cultural uses back into canals may be later pumped back into cultivated acreage for re-use. Most water for recreational uses is for golf courses, which use 72 percent of the recreation- al water and 48 percent of the reclaimed water. 61 percent of recreational acreage is for golf courses. Golf courses are *designed with ponds to catch runoff for re-use as well as esthetics and water hazards. . The largest consumers of water in Florida are agriculture and recreation. This is mainly due to high evapotranspiration during hot, dry weather when demands are high. Because of changes to the Florida environment, a program of "Best Management Practices" (BMP) has been implemented by the water management dis- tricts, particularly SFWMD where the areas that drain into the Everglades (watershed, or basins) are concerned. BMPs are five categories: nutrient control, nutrient source, water manage- ment, sediment control and pas- ture management. The FDEP, University of Florida, Institute of Food and agricultural Sciences and landowners in the EAA financially sponsor research to monitor the BMP program. The 1994 Everglades Forever Act targeted the reduction of phosphorous in the water as key to the ecological health of South Florida. The Kissimmee River Watershed, by way of the river- and Lake Okeechobee and much area to the south of the lake is monitored for phospho- rus. The goal was to reduce phosphorus by 25 percent. Phos- phorous'has been reduced, ,not by 25 percent, but by more than 50 percent in the EAA since the program's start. Editor's Note: Resources for this article included: "Water Withdrawals, Use, Discharge and Trends in Florida, 2000," USGS and FDEP, "Everglades Program Best management Practices Annual Report, 2004," SFWMD, "2000 Census of Agri- culture." USDA. 10% OFF 36g- 8883 Entire Bill 4S 4i.... ne : must present coupon llie.: ine -, .- ID...... .-. ..: . 700 W and heights Blvd. Suite 103* If you are bu ing or selling in the LaBelle area call Greg Bone! Phon.-: 1-863-835-0191 Fax: 1-863-675-6575 greg.bone@soland.com S www.labelleproperties.com Realtor land Investments 8 Real Estate Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam Includes 6 month fi110llOw-lup D .iaclai-.er The Paini anl a-y LrEr pir..i rp-.p ri, I' r paymr.. rii r a r., igr re, uie I pay. can. W paymeri-i r t.e rem .ursej ic.r[ arn yMe r a or rany oi-rr .;n.ii l .amiiiriaUhCr. or irearieni Ah iricr per. I Iorred a a reiuli l ofr viirln.iii o n2 ijry i: n ,:.:.r.r I r.i a.,.1.emeri I., |re i4e dicOunlrd e Ia 1 4e00 Rob.erhts A vd.Se. IMO3*k )A r AF Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 1 It's time for some innovation. And a whole lot of common sense. Like clear calls outside and inside. Internet that's both quick and quicker than hackers. And all the TV channels you want at a price that's reasonable. Time for a bunch of new ideas from the company you can rely on. Sprint, your local communications company, is now EMBARQTM For more information, call 8oo-EMBARQ2 or visit EMBARQ.com. EMBARGO THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE.TM -Sprint EMBARK Your communications company is now EMBARQ 2006 Embarq Holdings Company LLC. All rights reserved. The name EMBARQ and the jet logo are trademarks of Embarq Holdings Company LLC. Sprint and the diamond logo design are registered trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P., used under license. EMB1-06-581 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8, 2006 LMS Students of the Year LMS Students of the Year LMS Students of the Year S^* ^^M *?,i^^- --------- Seventh grade: Lizet Rodriguez, Brianna Ramos, Thomas Cottrell, Lucas Talada. Birthdays ".. *i.~'..r M .{-: *, ^ ---- ~ .. *-------_ - Eighth grade: Roosevelt Gonzalez, Amanda Van ecel, Vanessa Cantu, Tomas oliz. Eighth grade: Roosevelt Gonzalez, Amanda Van Mecel, Vanessa Cantu, Tomas Soliz. June 8: Gere Himmelheber, Velma Arnold, Tammy Cavanagh, Esther Beavers, Debbie Smi[h, Melina Howell, Michael Grinriell, Jr., Dana Thorpe, Kirsten Anders, Ida Allen June 9: Virginia Hollingstxorth, Ruby Brown, Dan Ta lor, Rick Howard, Clayton McDonald, Fred Landrum, Ma Bet'ty, Cindy Bough, Tammy. Backes, Brad Kuehner, Ken Elders, Jocce Oates, Jake Chalker, Cody Curtis, Billk Frasier, Don Billev, Carol Wilder, Daniel Gene Adams, Jr., Richard Lorenzo Casillo June 10: Jean Willis, Amy Fields, Rhonda Langford, .Brad Brown, Lois Howard, Lynnette \\White, Donald Gillis, David Poole, Jennifer Torgle,l Brent Beer, Viclo- tia Keel, Christopher Line June 11: John Finch, Michelle Davidson, Harvey Sapp, Nona Plemrnons, Kevin Pickles. Brandi Bennett, Cind\ Alexander, Jose SVasquez, Betsy Schutte, Jaime Gal- iegos, \\illiam Francis, Kenneth Frasier June 12: Elinor Jones, Billy Har- rell, Judy (Walker) Reinbott, Gor- don Gillis, Ray Pittman, Cathelene Ewing, Kimberly-Grady, William Sims, June Schell, Kera K Duvall, Leon Williams June 13: Gloria Molina, Gaye Murrah, 'Ivan Burley, Dorothy Williams, Eric Meister, Mel Brant, WE. Deese, Ashley Mason, Juan A. Bell, Sandra Gomez, Lucy Escamil- la, Tim Mace, Matthew Conley, Lola Beard, Rachel Santiago mm -"" a "When you ned a service, call a professor! I I, Call 863-675-2541 or e-mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-29541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net World Glass Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights Thurs 9- 8 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 [ ; CHRIST STHE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle; FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1", Y3 & 5' Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Were erybody is So body and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net ,A 'l .,,;rli ,1 7 1, "\ rl'll,1. 'S DAVE TALLEY O.f 1Y '. '1I ';: ; : '. '.. *'%. R LAND CLEARING & SITE DEVELOPMENT' DEMOLITION & DEBRIS RI .kw '\\I. BASE ROCK, FILL DIRT & SAND CULVERT 863-678-4017 CELL 239-633-8649 8050 CEDARWOOD PKTWY. IABELIEI, 33935 'IE&AP-"' BEDDING 1060 HIwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 vwwwwvlitcfr tuersadapplvinciscomn CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior Liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National It Life Insurance Company | 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR I CACOO8030 FPL PAUICIPATING CONTRACTOR '~ C 'CONcE s HAIR AND TANNING SALON 283 South Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 674-1122 Hours Monday thru Wednesday 9 am. to 7 p m. Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Smart Tan Accredited Salon IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENT I'"" Lr, '.-I i i, r, I ,l .,., ,r '..le. Domingo: Servicio 10:00 a.m. Studio Biblico ..I:, p ro, Martes: Servicio 7:30 p.m. Estudio Biblico y Clase de Ingles Pastor Ben Millican 863-674-0837 Iglesia: 673-0782 Ciro C.: 571-0377 LA CASA GRANEDL -i i1. 1ii i M. For,. a ,little ,.ha.,,- ".... A .'-- - Pi'esiiitei:i: iidro [,a)iiaa Phone: 863.612.9210 Fax: 8131.52.i9211 SiS W Cowboy Way Lalielle, FlSl^!i,3 .Iablaas Espafiol ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For a; little ax $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email chbelle@strato.net STATE FARM INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a ood neighbor, State Farm is there." LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTWNS & ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle. FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald, Certified Estate Specialist AU 29368 AB S2171 PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 Osceola Concrete Services LLC Colored Stamped Concrete Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exterior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair and Resealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH Fr. MYERS 1-866 226-9400 IAN\[WM.\N CARPET CLEANING TRE & LAWN M.MINAINNt. I' CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us on the web at wwwvallini .2Om.cnm Sc ilabla Espanto AK SERVICES Total Landscaping, Interlocking Paving Stones, Land Clearing & Final Grading Services, Mobile Detail & Pressure Cleaning Services, Concrete Additions & Pumping Services Drywall Finishing, Texturing & Struoeo Services Mark: 239-872-4680 Amber: 863-673-2320 Licensed & Insured Bandy's Garage, Inc. Your Local ACDelcoCar Car cCe er 863-675-1032 737 S. rridgcS t. LaBelle, FL Just North. of 1 .in~t,, 3 iToiJ ,d LABELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET Wholesale flooring warehouse 110 HICKPOCHEE HWY 80 LABELLE, FL 863-675-8575 Largest In-Stock Selection and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES OFFICE: *(863) 675-7045 '" LABELLE ELECTRIC Seeing LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENDRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500 W. SumMimeiHwy.,i CIis 863-983-9121 MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured ufTONCrl YSMLER DODGE JEEP S M0! W, h^81UdBH|. l too 863E9.83 0 1,888.200.1703 Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION,INC Licensed & Insured OFCE (863) 675-8314 LABOR <4 FNDERS DAILY ORKDAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, SuAnIid i, (uAc fros (femstt iM) (863) 902-9494 1454 Madison Avc. Immokalee, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 VWalk-his Welconme IMMONALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake .uli, i.t Rd lmmokalee, LR (5a LDixie Pie!..) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 CALOOSA LAWN SERVICE Licensed & Insured FREE Estimates Mowing, weedeating edging and trimming Specializing in Customer Satisfaction Call Ed & Diana Kuntz S. (863) S '.-.- 675-6432 or (863) j 673-6544 LANGFORD 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 "Y'al" Spoken Here! XTREJE CLEANS. INC. ConsLrucu[on Commercial Residential 863 675-0810 . 239 344-6712 3s [U .- In .,. .j NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION p)863-612-0070 f) 86S-612-0080 825 Cov'te-l WVay Suite 108 LaBele, FL 33933 SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES *-f!;V **=11 a {H* - v*.'*IL 'l. *, M 1," I>' I [ 3 ; i ['.'.G Sod Replacement n& oilier lawn Maielonee CALL (239) 357-2972 Lie. & Insured e-mail: casperbmb4@yahoo.com Opt-Out of credit bureaus selling your personal information TALLAHASSEE Did you ever wonder. why soon after you apply for a mortgage or con- sumer credit you begin to receive unsolicited inquiries for pre- approved credit cards or other related offers? It's because the three major credit bureaus have sold your information to third- party marketing companies. The good news is that you can stop this potentially dangerous exchange of your personal infor- mation by using a simple opt-out feature. The Florida Association of Mortgage Brokers (FAMB) sug- gests you contact the three major credit bureaus to Opt-out so that your name, address and personal information is not compromised. You can make just one call to (888) 567-8688 or log onto www.optoutprescreen.com. Consumers can also contact each credit bureau individually: Consumer Opt-Out, Exper- ian, 701 Experian Pkway, Allen, TX 75013 Options, Equifax, Inc, P.O. Box 740123, Atlanta, GA 30374- 0123 Name Removal Option, Trans Union Corp., P.O. Box 97328, Jackson, MS 39288-7328 For more information or to find a mortgage broker in your area, visit the consumer informa- tion page on the FAMB web site at www.famb.org. Opting-out options: * A five-year Opt-Out (stops them from selling your name for five years) * A permanent Opt-Out (permanently stops them from selling your name) *An Opt-In (tells them its okayto sell your name) Hand washing helps prevent disease spread TALLAHASSEE-The Florida Department of Health (DOH) reminds all Floridians of the importance of handwashing in, preventing the spread of many infectious diseases. The simple task of spending 20 seconds prop- erly wetting, lathering and rinsing your hands can prevent the trans- fer of germs from a sick individual to a healthy individual. "Washing your hands is a very effective method of 'infection con- trol. In the home, individuals should be aware of the times that it's crucial to wash up: before preparing food, after changing diapers and after using the bath- room," said DOH Deputy State Health" Officer Bonita Sorensen, M.D., M.B.A. "Taking just a minute to properly wash each entire hand, paying close attention to the nail beds and under fingernails, can be your best protection." One of the common diseases that can be prevented by proper hygiene is norovirus disease. Norovirus disease, commonly called a "stomach bug," causes diarrhea and vomiting, and is usu- ally associated with fever, headache and malaise. Most peo- ple get better within 1 or 2 days, and they have no long-term adverse health effects related to their illness. However, rarely, peo- ple are unable to drink enough liq- uids to replace the liquids they lost because of vomiting and diarrhea. These persons can become dehy- drated and may need special med- ical attention. This problem with dehydration is usually only seen among the very young, the elderly and persons with weakened immune systems. Whenever you are sick or you are assisting a sick individual, whether a child or an adult, it is important to remember to proper- ly hand wash. While handwash- ing with soap and water is the most effective method of hand cleansing in food-service settings, an alcohol-based hand gel can be .used if you do not have access to soap and water. DOH recommends the follow- ing guidelines for safe food han- dling: Wash your hands -before preparing or eating food, after using the bathroom or changing a diaper, after handling uncooked food, after playing with a pet, after handling garbage, after tending to someone who is sick or injured, after blowing your nose, and after coughing or sneezing. When defrosting frozen foods, it is best to thaw the food in the refrigerator where it will remain at a safe, constant temper- ature of 40 degreesFahrenheit or below. If that is.not possible, food can be defrosted in the microwave, or by running cold water over the food item. When preparing foods, fol- low the appropriate temperature guidelines for defrosting, cooking and cooling. Store leftovers within two hours of cooking. Realize that in settings where multiple people are touching fin- ger foods in a common serving dish and/or using tongs that might be laid back onto foods, there is the possibility of transmitting norovirus and other infections. If you cannot enforce handwashing in such settings, it is advisable to avoid serving foods in this man- ner. DOH promotes and protects the health and safety of all people in Florida through the delivery of quality public health services and the promotion of health care stan- dards. For additional information, visit DOH's Web site at www.doh.state.fl.us. For hand- washing tips visit. httlp: xvw.'cdc.go\ cleanhands/ or contact your local county health department. First grader wins poster contest Governor Jeb Bush pro- I claimed June 4-10, 2006 as Florida Watermelon Week. The Florida Water- melon Association launched a statewide campaign to increase public awareness of the ^ *io i health benefits of water- i melons. One of the activi- ties sponsored by FWA Submitted to Caloosa Belle/ included a state poster Amanda Howard contest, with over 600 entries in grades K through 5 throughout Florida. The Florida Watermelon Association extends congratula- tions to Kayla Howard, first grade student from Coun- try Oaks Elementary School. She is the first place, first grade state winner out of all 600 entries. Her poster will be on display this year at the FWA conven- tion. Marine, Inc. 18631875-7711.01 LIC#HC355,SP and Insured Commercial & Residential Stall Calls 2no Ir tp s sitting & Nf? With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates. References & Service Call 863-475-3231 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers cbe Kmi9 CiRoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 MLS ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net PORT LABELLE INN The OL OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OXBow DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bames@alankellymortgage.comc PKAo ropki P 4.ermu Lii 239-89-,0332 a'r .phiil'ni r.iil n li, i I rilb iii ml f Caloosa Shores Waterfront JFomesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 Alm 2-s '2-99 swwwburson-weadiers~cm .. E-Mail: cI I'' I*I~ I F.] *1 ;I : ; ;| 1 Ui1 ;1! ;jtj (. f-W SECRETARIAL SERVICES From My House Typing/Data Entry Spreadsheets Bookkeeping Cold Calling/Telemarketing/Sales 30 years' experience Reasonable, affordable! Save money No payroll taxes, insurance or overhead Please call me with any questions. 863-674-0416 SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N, Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablarnos Espafol 8 ""'wTO ONE PHOTOGktT , l AND VIDEO 571 Davis Street LRIBllc, FL 33935 (865) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232' e-mail: i' ie1l1pholnl 1 e, t fhlinik ,dt SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 433 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rentals Property Management Put your trust in Number One! http://wwwc21bc.com BarbaraM. Watt Broker/Owner '- ew Hoinzons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling,'give us a call! GRBG MINERS MLS I ic Real Estate Broker ictii Gro.i,. Incf Lisa Andrews Lic. Real iEsatc Broker 238 N. I',.i.. -, LaBelle, i 863-675-8868 wiwv.S'u ihxcw tflnd'it:c:litygritioupctrom ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net BankofAmerica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle EDISON PLUMBING, INC. tt --1 =h'.-'*1110.'%00'1" V S. "L.., I'ii in lihiv NEWl C N, iV CION 'SMALL CO .\lNILF;:l.\L RESIDENTIAL SERVICE REPAIRS CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824. 875 Industrial Ct. laeUlle, L .rCl 426bs0 tREE rs v~s m NSURED COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com 233 N. BRIDGE ST O a con oM OF BE STr &WAmITON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrecaltyinc.com property management S rentals sales SMLSJ C1NDYL. ALEXANDER . ..' ....* LIC. REAUL ESTIE BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 ^(a.% Bankston .r Realty t.a, l .1 .r.-dh', ,, r I r SOD LRNDSCRPING PRESSURE CLEANING 863 673 ll- 4565 THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 -- :' RODNEY MURRAY Li Rt.il rsl.lel Broke r l-.i clc. FL 863-675-4550 *RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www. labellcriversidc.comn e-mail: rrakstatelabelierlide .con Marilyn Scars FUL Expect something extra" 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net ItEITA6IE) LARD COS . 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol ,] DoNNA K lc. RE Es u I BROKER PAUL ROSER REALTORS 6w5.0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER j^ J ;?;1-'b m --- CAWO UCINA Di ORES CIELO L.HOOK-UP RN.v$les STEAK, SEAFOOD & PASTA Pr,..,l ClJ'Ja IV.VM.T r, I POOL MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE CALL FOR INFORMATION (863) 675-3641 Se Habla Espauol HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (35 Years Eperience) 700 W. LEEmaD HEIGHTS BLVD. SurrITE 103 LEHIGH ACRES, FL 239.369.8883 HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863-675-0403 :. "'When you need a service, f~!i aI!" .. I' J Call 863-675-2541 - ... or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! 15 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8,2006 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8, 2006 as : .' .: . ,. Announcements Merchandise Mobile Homes -- liTI PlTII IIT I i 21 I Recreation Employment Agriculture Reration Financial Rentals Automobile Services Real Estate -'l ------ -- - 00iii0A for any personal items for sale under $2,500 _., More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run .-... ... I_ .. .... ... .. ._ ._ your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research: INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) I Must fit into 1/2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) vA S Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be $2,500 or less) Call us!No Problem! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements. E E -. .... ,a--- ... Important InFormation Please reri.d your ad carefully the fhrst da, it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All d..eriiing i; subjt1 to publinher'3 5ppro.'al The publisher res--erves the right to accept or rel&:l any cr all copy. and to insen abo,,e the cop/ the ,word 'advertiement" All ads accepted are subtle ct I, credit appro.al. All ads must conform to I dependent, Newspapers' stIle and are restricted to. their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 BOO Numbers 160 Estate Auction, 114+/- acres- divided; Prime Bulloch County RE. Saturday, June 17, 10 a.m. Great homesites & equestrian potential. Row- ell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388 10% BP, GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.com. JUNE 10 LAND AUCTION AT 11 AM 1400 ACRES, LAFAY- ETTE CO., FL 20 TRACTS FROM 20-150 AC PRIME HUNTING, TIMBERLAND (888)821-0894 JWHIL- LAUCTIONS.COM. MULTI-PROPERTY AUCTION Home, Lakefront Homesites, Residential Tracts, Wooded Homesites, Ranch Land 11am, Saturday June 24, Higgenbotham Auctioneers M.E. Higgenbotham CAI FL.Lic# AU305/AB158 www.higgenbotham.com (800)257-4161. PUG, Female, on Tues., May 23rd, in vicinity of SE 26th St., Okeechobee. Call to identify. (863)357-1812 PUPPY, Female, chocolate colored, on SR 80 in front of Johnson Engineering. Call to' identify. (239)825-3534 BLOOD HOUND, Lost in Treas- ure Island (behind Brewski's). Black & Tan. Missing 05/21. (863)634-9990/634-8674 CAT- Domestic short haired white, male w/brown spots. Sun. 5/21/06. Vic. Laurel Oaks Sub-Div 863-674-5715 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER, Fe- male, 1 year old, Med. brown w/little white on chest. 5/28, Platt's Bluff (863)467-1169 LONG HAIRED DACHSHUND- Missing from Otter Creek area 05/23/06. Needs Med's. (561)723-2654 Reward WALLET, Black, mens, on 5/24/06 near Ed's Auto Parts in Okeechobee. LIBERAL REWARD! (863)467-5571 One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad In the classl- fleds. U ..ag/ar als 4 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD- lyr old, F, spayed, lov3aie, greji w/kids. Needs toor Ii) run (863)673-4540 DOGS, Mixed, iJCi arrile brown female (863)517-1772 MINIATURE PINSCHER/GoId- en Retriever'Puppies: Free to good home. (863)447-5305 PARAKEETS, 2 males. (863)517-1772 PLASTIC MARINE TANK- 28 gal., 2 -6 gal tanks, perfect cond., you dispose of old gas. (772)260-4898 LABELLE, Fri. Only, 6/9, 8am til 3pm, 3951 Ft. Denaud Rd., Household Items, Clothes, Kids Stuff & Misc. LaBelle, Sat., June 10th, 8am-?, 365 8th Ave. Clothes & Much More!!! See vou tere. LABELLE- Sat., June 10th, 8am-?, Frontier Circle & Gar- den Rd. Community Yard Sale. Port LaBelle Ranch- ettes. Find It faster. Sell it soon- er in the classffieds ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical, *Busi- ness, *Paralegal, *Comput- ers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Com- puter provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.Onli- neTidewaterTech.com. Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale In the classl- fleds and make your clean un a breeze CLUBHOUSE RENTALS For Weddings, Parties, Banquets & Quinceaneras. Call 863-675-3641 Se Habla Espafiol U ..ag/ad aes04 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Tm e 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 ACCOUNTING POSITION Available must have a 2 or 4 year degree in accounting or related field, good computer arid communication skills a plus, Benefits Available. Fax resume to: (863)763-6169 or Apply at: Syfrett Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street Okeechobee. BACKHOE OPERATOR Septic experience preferred. CDL a plus. (863)885-2445 C & B FENCING INC. Must have experience, Drivers License & transportation (863)673-2872 ask for Clay CAREER MINDED FT SALES ASSOCIATE: Some Weekends & Nights Offering Medical and 401(k) plan. Please apply within: Vision Ace Hardware, 350 W. Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL. DFWP. CONSTRUCTION LABOR PLUMBING EXPERIENCE A PLUS!! CALL (863)885-2445 DELIVERY DRIVER/ WAREHOUSE PERSON - Competitive wages, free health insurance, 401 retirement plan, paid uniforms, M-F work week. Some heavy lift- ing required. Drug test required. Must be 18 years or older with a good driving record. Honest, hard working person looking for a long term career, with an excellent company, please apply at Boyton Pump, 1220 Commerce Drive, LaBelle. *~eca Nt ic *eca N i ..' PLACE YOUR AD HERE CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 j I FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting at $39.95 Per Day ...a 3.o 1s , HBBal ic *~eca Nt ic and Construction, Inc. I I FREE ESTIMATES I Meial Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs I Pole Barns Vinyl Siding Soffit & Facia Office (863) 675-7045 I fi g:1. 1, 3- ' . .. : CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING P'. ,, L fii] Ir'i.,: \l.:.un. n ric KI. 1.ki. i 1. 1i1 -1 ',-.r, \Ia I ,J l,' i ,\ .t "l l.. ir '- '.' | .[ ',, L i. ,. I ,. ilIJ lh l ri .d HANDYMAN REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE t ,I .I l' I '.m1 l1 I ,11 j ,.,',im h e' I, ,,,,,i,-, ,,r,yj ,,,in,., r.,, (863) 6"'5-7297 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Driveway House Pads ilo'rl',ilI *I ., i < 'hi.iii i Fill [Flin. Culverin- Sii,\\,rk Shell lI ik -* Tre. Trimminim & Hrni.n. al I.lit.'.l, Fl. I in n.,rI l n-urrd OVCICE (863) 6756-8314 Call Kelvin Townsend CeU ,S1 (863) 673 3783 Hofl l7 sFP gaass-isssW- -wswii HUNTERS tli'P"VATT HUN TERS CONSTRUCTION, INC PO0 Box 202 TREE SERVICE 33d4 a Tree TTrimmring llirg x & Removal g SStumnp Grinding L cer Shaping & Topping &tus , 863-675-0403 rA Li'cI'I -:r1 I' a d l i* T i.5.IDn.4 rO3nne clon Emlymn Full TIm Emlyem t I Consolidated Citrus -, Limited Partnership Grove Mechanic Qualified candidates will have at least 3 years of mechanical repair experience preferably in the citrus industry. Repair of power units and John Deere equipment is a plus. . We offer full-time employment with excellent compensation .--' - and benefits including 401(k) with company match. Interested candidates should call our office at: 239-657-4095 EOE/Drug Free Workplace Earn some extra cash. When you want something Sell your used items in sold, advertise In the' the classifleds classilleds. Emlymn Full Tim Emplymen Full Tim Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 TELLER WANTED Ideal candidate is courteous, enthusiastic, sales oriented and computer literate. Excellent salary & benefit package. Apply in person: Seacoast National Bank, EK.A. Big Lake National Bank 17 N. Lee Street, LaBelle, FL EOE/AA/H/V Drug Free Workplace Emlymn Ful Tir~n 020 Emlymn Ful Tie 111 ( MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic. honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Meaca id mL entrahce . -DentA~LAusirance -. - -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 ELECTRICIAN & MECHANIC Southern Gardens Citrus Processing Corporation has immediate needs for an experienced Electrician and Maintenance Mechanic. Electrician: Minimum of high school diploma or equivalent plus Trade School or 4 years of related work experience. Familiar with principles of motor controls, process control circuits, electrical sche- matic reading and NEC. Troubleshooting high volt- age, three phase wiring, process control circuits and PLC's with minimal supervision. Mechanic: Experience in pneumatics, hydraulics, screw conveyors, pump repair, welding, and ma- chine repair. Positions offer good pay, bonus potential, over- time, retirement plan, 401-K, health, dental, vision, life, short & long term disability, 10 paid holidays, paid vacation, paid time off, and others. Complete an application at: 1820 County Rd. #833, Clewiston, FL. 33440 (863)902-4133, or submit a resume to: .HR Dept. Fax: (863)902-4315, or dmelton@southerngardens.com ':*.. .... I Ea -,ID. AFt : s? 1, EO .s . '. -- -.f v .- .. .. .'., . **d l xCiipcm.t tis Ecrarerl ,r-nhn Ciir, l l L ldd1 r P, ,ru Ed Ll, ilr.r i ar* LPN I or11 iFT.PT, Peidi m) 1 i.rf Li,, & i. II L u, ll ,-t I\ .l ,: I I'l ,l: I ..lf l ul.. Full tlme. ERRN IIIS latiSuperV1ior .dldi PA I l.h. ,F ,. p 1.'" illI. .,:q) Peidlem- RN Nunrsin Suptrism Full tiaee/art dirAt Home. TRANSCRIF IONIST j ,W ,T..:i. i i. p ,' r i.:.ip |l E-...l:(ipl ,fi _h.,:I .ll ,i 1.. 1.. ,1 ,1. ilh. c Fulldirme. Materris Spedilisl Part time- Reglstralon Clerk I l-' Il lh ", I,, P ,III r I ... ,', 6 d FulJ ume- El Ibllhy SpedalLe ,. p ,,,'i h,', ]'.i 1 ..i :r ? r..luM I I ... b l.l I.I,,l : i j ll, l l, A .l ,', I. .. U1 1 .. fl d., Ai,'j lkj ."11 1 v rll h, lr u I I., ,;,nt. t,,i, I Full r ale- P udent C rtn.rutoi Full nlme/Pe Diem C NA r, l .j 1 ij .:- jA di F L C rJ I ,ll ,i.. Full time. CCU Nurse Manager Valid Florida license and ACLS re. 5 ears clinical ,p. and years of CCU skill competencies r e I year of management c ep. ncey Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805S Drug Free Workplace EOE Fr: .; / Mon-Fri . -S i :-, 8.. p .m. . /Display-Ads Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE r- signs arid inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 I I I I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8, 2006 17 Empoyen Full Tim The Following Positions Will Be Open Until Filled. Positions are Full Time With: Medical Benefits, Retirement, Sick and Vacation Leave. Custodian: Must be able to work evenings. Must have a valid driver's license. Staff Assistant 1: Must have good communication skills & basic computer knowledge. Bookkeeping knowledge is a plus. Must be independent and able to multitask. A High School Diploma or GED required. Electrical Inspector: Must have 8 yrs. experience with a licensed contractor. Lifeguard: Openings at East Recreation in Harlem for. Summer Program. $9-$12/hour. Applications available & accepted at Sub-Office, Civic Center and Harlem Office in Clewiston and Personnel Office In LaBelle. Must be certified in 1st Aid/CPR prior to employment. Mechanic I: Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred.* Mechanic II: Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, three years experience.* *Both' Mechanic positions require a Class, B driver's license. Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewiston. 0GIS Coordinator: For the LaBelle office. Must have Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or university in computer science, geography or related field with considerable experience in.the use of geographic information systems or 8 years equivalent experience:. Treatment Plant Operator: For Pt. LaBelle Utilities. Must have a valid driver's license. A High School Diploma or GED required. Possession of a Class A, B, or C Water Treatment Plant Operator's License as issued by the State of Florida. Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee: For Pt. LaBelle Utilities. Must have a valid driver's license. A High School Diploma or GED required. A water treatment plant operator's license is not required prior to employment, but within reasonable timing a Class A, B or C Water Treatment Plant-Operator's License issued by the State of Florida will need to be acquired. Probation Officer: Supervising the Probation Department, Juvenile Community Control Program and monitoring probations during their probation period. Must have a valid drivers license, basic computer skills, and a High School Diploma or an acceptable equivalency Diploma. Join the most exciting attraction SW Florida JOB OPPORTUNITIES Cocktail Server $5.50 plus tips Dining Room Hostess $8.00 per hour Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips, Dishwasher/Steward $7.50 per hour Housekeeper $9.00 per hour Poker Dealer $28.00 avg. w/grats Security Officer $10.00 per hour Sous Chef $12.00 + D.O.E. TAD Machine Technician $12.50 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst, Benefits available for all employees w*w.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL Phone: 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace CLERK SPECIALIST (Office Clerks, General L1) (#64081579) Front desk clerical position at Glades County Health Department in Moore Haven; medical records & computer work experience helpful; Bilingual English & Spanish required; Background screening/fingerprinting required. EEO/AA. Apply on line: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com or CallAlina @863-946-0707x 208 for more details Drug Free Work Place Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Trucking, LLC. or call 863-675-4410 LEE COUNTY SOLID WASTE DIVISION Has openings for the following positions: Operator Trainee Wastewater at the Lee/Hendry Landfill in Felda -3 positions And Drivers, Class "A" CDL and Airbrake endorsement-4 positions For additional information and online application go to: www.leegov.com/humanresources and click on the job list Or call (239)335-2245 Lee County is an EOE/At-willN/Veterans Preference employer. FOOD SERVICE PERSONNEL Full Timepositions for Correctional Feeding Program Food Production Exp. Clean Background and Drug Screening required for Security Clearance Benefits 863-674-4060 ext. 245 KIWANIS THRIFT STORE 2 openings, Part-time Cashier & Part-time Delivery Person. For information on job de- scriptions or to apply, stop by the Thdrift store. LABORERS: For Landscape & Lawn Maintenance. Good pay. Benefits included: Company Payed Medical, Life & Dental. (954)605-6951 or email: fivepointscop@bellsouth.net EOE/DFWR MAINTENANCE MEN NEEDED Mowing, Hedging, Trimming, etc. Call for info. John Layton or Melissa (863)675-7555 OFFICE ASSISTANT FT Must have good comput- er skills, telephone etiquette and be organized, detail odented and able to multi- task. Knowledge of Word, Excel and Outlook a plus. Great benefits: Insurance, 401K and paid vacation. Phone: 863.675.4410 Fax Resume: 863.675.4570 Mail resume: RO. Box 2357, LaBelle, FL 33975 5701 Ft. Denaud Road, Alva, FL When doing those chores Is doing you In, It's time to look for a helper In the classffleds. Empoyen FullItm Empoyen Full Tim Operations Manager/Foreman Seeking FT reliable individual for multi-company responsibilities including: Logistics Routing Supervise field operations Customer relations Must have good organizational skills and be detail oriented. Computer skills a plus. Experience in a management posi- tion a plus. High school education required. Great Benefits: Health Insurance 401K Company vehicle Paid Vacation Phone: 863.675.4410 Mail resume: PO. Box 2357, LaBelle, FL 33975 Fax resume to: 863.675.4570 5701 Ft. Denaud Road, Alva, FL Emlymn Empoyen CALOOSAW BELLE is looking for an Part time time with S somewhat flexible hours The ideal candidate will be self-motivated with an outgoing personality, more than average computer skills, bilingual a plus, understanding of digital photog- raphy and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers a unique work environment where, employees are. treated and empowered. e-mail resume to: jkasten@strato.net DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABOR FINDERSS 202 E. Sugarland Hwy. Acr from zCleMian Irn) (863) 902-9494 TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED CDL Class A Divers Lie. Required for hauling sod Palmdale Sod, Inc. 863 673-1491 SECRETARY Part-time for Children's Medical Services office in LaBelle. Hourly rate/no benefits. Prefer bilingual and medical background. Call (239)433-6723 All the miles you can legally handlel!l Come. drive for All American Xpressl Late Mod- el Equipment, No Touch Freight, No East Coast. 2yrs verifiable experience. Good driving record. (800)282-1911 x115. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career Offering courses In CDL A. One tuition feel Many pay- ment options No registration fee! (888)808-5947 in- fo@americasdrivlngacade- my.com. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries . Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm - Home...Every Weekend!" Great Pay & Benefits! Special SOrientation Pay for Exp. Driv- ers! Paid Training for S6hool Gradsl Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cypresstruck.com (888)808-5846. Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items in tie clasuslfelds. DRIVERS- $1500.00 bonus, every 6 months OTR. E.cel- lenl home lime. New Equip- ment, 1 year Experience Class A with tank & hazmat. Call (877)882-6537. www.oaldeytransport.com. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks,, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.eq u i p ment- school.com. INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799. Reading a newspaper helps you understand the word around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in MIami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem & F/T. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0999 x122 www.blllngualsinc.com. WANT HOME MOST WEEK- ENDS WITH MORE PAYI Run Heartland's Florida Reglonall $.42/mile company drivers $1.22 for Operators! 12 month OTR required. HEARTLAND EXPRESS (800)441-4953 www.heart- landexpress.com. Shop from a gift catalog that's updated regularly: the clasulleds. $400,000 +/yr How Good Are You? Retiring Million Market- er seeks TWO sales profes- sionals to teach my business to. Top producers currently averaging $30-$40K per month. PLEASE, serious in- quiries only. Goji Inti, LLC. Sommission/Bonuses (800)605-8675. Finandcial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! F|mul! ime "I'll |jUH -^^ Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people LABELLE LAWN Lawn Service Excellent rates, License Rob & Karen (863)517-2077 DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays 800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. Employment Full Time 0205 NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distanceloll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, iI you call a number out of your area, use caution. HomeOwnersI BAD CREDIT PLEASE APPLYi BK's. ale mortgage payments. Fico scores io 475' 24-hour ap- provals. NO Payments unlil July 1st. FL Licinsei Mori- gage Broker. Meridian (api- lal 1800 424-0888 Services Babysitting 405 Chid Care Needed 410 Chid Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 MedicalI Services435 CUSTOM HOME DESIGN & PLAN SERVICE. Specialiing in Country Old Florila sryle homes 30 years e perience 12391,;3j0.8532 HOUSE PLANS Accuralely & Economically prepared Engineering approval available 1863)675-7926 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TUTOR Tutoring in Word, Ei:el. Power-Poinl, Access, in your rrnme Will design spread sneels etc upon request. Call Lynne at 18631675-7049 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, tutoring.Win.95, 98, 2000. ME, XR licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus DOnver. Contact the Transportation Dept. at 863-674-4115 or Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.k12,fl.us Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. HUNT ELK, Red Stag, Buffalo, Whitetail, Fallow-Guaranteed hunting license $5.00; Sea- son 8/25/06-3/31/07. We have a No-Game-No Pay policy. Book now! Days (314)209-9800; Evenings GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs (863)675-1166 (863)673-6388 INJURED? HURT? FRIGHT- ENED? Call for a lawyer Now! 24 Hours Protect your legal Rights A-A-A ATTOR- NEY Referral Service All Ac- cident, Injury & Death Claims Auto, Bike, Malls, Shopping Centers, Pedestrian, Chil- dren, Elderly (888)733-5342. WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct. and Save! Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Catalog CALL TODAY! (800)842-1305 www.np.etstan.com:. Buying a car? Look In the claesilleds. Selling a car? Look In the classl- fleds. Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes. Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs. 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lampes/Ughts 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Misceflaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys 9 Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 A/C, 3% ton, asking $300 or best offer. (863)675-2598 Iv. msg. A/C UNITS- .3 ton, Air & heat, $350. (863)674-9907 DISHWASHER, Maytag De- luxe, black. $100 or best offer. (863)677-0010 ELECTRIC STOVE- Whirlpool, Good condition. $50. (863)467-5072 REFRIGERATOR- good condi- tion, 4yrs old, white, $200 (239)872-1213, Alva,FL STOVE- Electric,. Newer model w/oven, Beige, Works good. Hardly used. $175. (863)46,7-3051 - WASHER & DRYER- Whirl- pool, super capacity, 3yrs old, excellent condition $350 t239)8721213J Alva,FL WASHER OR DRYER $100 each, 1 yr warranty large capacity, (239)694-0778. STORAGE SHED- 8,.12',Some storm damage You haul. $500. 561 714-982;' ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE' "Plus Free Bornus" 20Y28 flow 14200. 25.x32 $5800 30y42 3.9200 40x62 $14.900. Olner models ana sizes Front en optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. Since 1980. ASPHALT MILLINGS Clean, crushed asphalt material. $300 per load (18 cubic yards) plus delivery (239)872-1739 (239)872-1757 CHAIN LINK FENCING- approve JO', $100 1863)677-0010 METAL ROOFING SAVE $.55 Buy Direil From Manulactur- er 20 colors in slock with all Accessories Quick turn around' Delivery Available loll Free 3888)393-0335. TEMPORARY SERVICE POLE. 200 amp serve CosI $700, used I montri. Asking $500 (863)673-1120 TODDLER BED: Pink. White & Blue, Little Tykes. House Shaped headboard w/ft. boara .S50 8631467-7295 ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Approx. 44 yrs. old. Rare items.. $600 all or best offer.. 863-824-3358 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Country Garden Few scenes are as peaceful and refreshing as a coun- try garden on a spring morning. That's probably why the garden has become such a popular decorating theme in recent years. Now you can give your own home that country charm with the help of a full- color, 24-page guidebook, "A Country Garden." Featuring 15 country-quaint garden projects designed for easy-to-sew and no-sew applique tech- niques, the book includes complete step-by-step instructions, full-size patterns and more. Country Garden guide (No. P9132) ... $7.95 Also available: Bunnies & Friends guide (No. P9143)... $7.95 Please add $4.00 s&h To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD craftbook.com SMoney Back Guarantee r FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS S3-400)- Racing & Comic. late Os early 90s Exc. cond. $400 neg.863-763-8943 COMPACT PRESARIO- Win. XP, with mouse & keyboard. $95. (863)357-6303 COMPAQ PASARIO, Windows 98, Just upgraded. New CD Burner, etc. $175. 1863)467-2366 BAR L-shaped w/2 barstools. Wood & leather. 44" high, 22" wide, 7' and 5' lengths. $150 (863)612-9233 LaBelle BEDROOM SUITE- King sz Black w/gray, contemporary style. Lots of mirrors, Nice. $800 neg. (863)634-7895 CHAIR, Wing Backed, Small, Prettygood condition. $20. or best offer. (863)675-3401 CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, 2 pc. w/5 shelves. Hand Made. Must see! $650 (863) 763-8943 COMPUTER DESK, Large, $40 (863)467-2366 COUCH & LOVE SEAT- Yellow background, Burgundy & white flower. Gold fringe at bonom $150 863-763-2756 COUCH, Tan, Very good con- dition. $125. LeBelle 239-822-5955 DINING SET with 4 chairs, iron and glass. $750. (863)467-1020 after 6pm. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Haverry's white wasned oak 1350. 1863)467-1020 after 6pm ENTERTAINMENT CTR- Dark wood. Lighted & lots of shelves 6.5'x6.5' Like new, $150. Neg. (863)467-7838 FUTON, white, twin upper, full bottom, $100. (863)675-3032. 2240 Ho- ward Rd. MATTRESS, BOX SPRING & FRAME: King Size. $175 or best offer. 1863)675-6142 RECLINER- Barca Lounger, Retail $900 Like new. Wood arms & side. Light tan. $150 (863)763-0582 - ROCKING CHAIR, w/ malcning looitsool. $35 Labelle (239)822-5955 SERTA MATTRESS- Queen, Like new 6 mo old Cost over $500. Asking $250. (863)763-9214 SLEIGH BED- win complete, no maltress, $50 (863)675-7105 ROSSI 410 SHOTGUN- Comn- bination. .22 rifle, S/S w/ ammo and. case. $125 18631983-7915 WHEELCHAIR, Power, with leg attachment, foot plate, battery operated w/plugin. Great cond. $1200 neg. (863)801-6149 18 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 8, 2006 Houses-iRe $500 Police Impounds, Cars from $500! Tax Repos, US Marshal and IRS sales! Cars, Trucks, SUV's, Toyota's, Honda's, Chevy's and morel For listings Call (800)425-1730 ext.2384. CAR HAULER- Hauls up to 4 cars, Needs axles. $700. (863)357-3981 . DAVID BROWN MACHINE, $1000 or will separate for parts. (863)983-9908 FLAT BED TRAILER- Miller, '71. Till Oeck, Dual inaerris. HolJ up 10 18 00)0 IDo $2000 (863)357-3981 PLASTIC 55 GAL DRUMS- $100for all or will sell separ- ate (863)697-1168 Okee- chobee BICHON FRISE, Male, born 10/9/05, purebred w/papers. SUp to date on shots & taoi $500 (863)674-1574 BLUE QUAKER PARROTS- Rare, sweet & bonded 8 mths. Cage/nesting box incl $1200/pair. .863)673-4716 CHIHUAHUA. Dlac.i/wnile. male, lawn lem, shols cui- rent, make offei (863)675-2541 M-F, 9-6 DOVES- various colors $ 0 each. (863)675-6214 aftEr , pm. LaBelle area. PARROTS: Breeding Parrois SVariety) & Baby parrots. Blue ront & Orange Wing Amazons. (863)673-1567 PET BABY PYGMY faint no goat- $100 (863)675-0247 PET SHEEP- Baby. 6 moniri old. $100 (8631675-0247. PIT & 'LiRR MI., PUPS. ail males, large heads, ready to go $50 (863)634-8203 PUPPIES, Miniature Dacns. riunas, parents on premnise:, e/papers rejadv i' go 6/27 b06 1700 (863)634-2479 arylimer PUPPY, Puggle, female, hon- ey tan w/blackon face, w/pa- pers. 6'mos. Playful. House ,diind l,400 l i83)634.-618- TABBY/ TIGER KITTENS- Fre Io good ril one rnlyI 6 W'.s, litter 'rainea 4. 4 el ,i] irendiiv 1861447-0390 TROPICAL FISH & AFRICAN CICIHLIDS $, :ii: Will ep. rate (t66,)-167-9621 YORKIPOO PUPPY, CKC reg Aioriable. ,ris s & vel checked $ 4.75 (8631357-;003 ikee:rhobee Double Sink, Slainiess sieei 3' 22, wail hardware. hoc.- e, & gartaie ,-isposal $45 nieg. (863)76.3-6216 BILLIARDS TABLE- Older rrmio el, Fell reeds I0 tie re- pia:e 1. 1 50 !80,3.4,7i..i'.0i CROSSBOW, Barnell tom- mariido 1.75 12391i246-3549 rAgriculture POOL TABLE, American Hetd- A tage, Blue Felt Top. $1200. or best offer, 786-229-8822 or I 863-674-4050 ALPINE SPEAKERS- 10", Set, Type S, in box with amp. $450. (863)610-1421 CASSETTE TAPES- Oldie's But Goodies, Approx. 60. $25. (863)357-1938 Shop here IP:stl The dassllled ads TV, Toshiba, BIG SCREEN: 55" Floor Model w/remote. Ask- ing $600 or best offer. (863)675-71'05 Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items In the classlfelds. BRAD PAISLEY, 121. on Friday, 8'4/06 in West Palm $501863)675-1033 8-15At LITTLE GIANT A FRAME LADDER- $800 (863)234-1230 ARM SAW, Sears radial. $75 1863)675-2598 Iv. msg CRAFTSMAN TABLE SAW- all mes-I housing w/porl cabi- nei E..Ira blades ,125. i863i674-144 eves GENERATOR. 1350, runs grod lour 110 outlets 1200 or bDes oter 18630697-9704 GENERATOR: TITAN; Brand new. Never used. Value $4350 Now 5.2500 1863)675-4079 LaBelle.. ' HEDGE TRIMER, STIML Mod- el HL 75K $,150: (863)675-0199 LaBelle WEED EATER, S-IHL, Model FSOR. I1.100 (863)675-0199 LaBelle NASCAR RACING WHEEL- pedals Fo:r Windows or OOS computer ,ames $20 12 39)(.57-4.348 I KIRBY CARPET CLEANER, Va.uumiTisnampoer includes all ar1achments $500 18631675-4473 KITCHEN CABINETS, Used, upper.; & lowers, for.garage us tl863)467-4646 MRE's: Meals Ready ToEat ; Buying All- Top Dollar Payed 86.-6:i-2265.-863-763-0620 Call Anytime NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper Toiney 239-693-4891 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Lan4uaping Supplies 845 Lawn f Garden 850 Livestock .855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 APHA BAY GELDING 4YRS - Not for Deginners. Good Ior English/Weslern $4500 or Oesi offer 1772)1201-7633 APPALOOSA HORSE Regis- lered. $1000 Call lor more into. (8631673-1567 APPALOOSA HORSES (2) Registered $2000 Ior boln, will sep. Call lor more info 18631673-1567 BLUE ROAN STALLION 9 mos., 010. very dgenle no oa0 habits, riallel & lead broken, all sholI. $1000 (8631673-0065 FREE PAINT GELDING- 6 yrs. curr. coggins. snols curieni. NOT begginers/chids horse Trailersilies 17721201.-7,33 Palamino Paint Gelding, 6 years old, 15 hands, used ior trail, loads iie, good ride. $1000 neg 18631634-9314 SMALL CHESTNUT MARE Fla.en main & lail 8 year3 old $1800 8F.31467-"5726 SORREL 1YR.- writ paini col .Oul ol Dasr For Casri 16 1 rand TB.Nice nunier,.lumper $1200 (7721201-7633 SORREL GELDING, 2 yrs old. $1000. 1(863)673-0065 SORREL MARE. 8 yrs old. $1200 (863)673-0065 WESTERN SHOW SADDLES t2) biar-, lOIS 'O silver 15" seal,. & 17' seal $1000 will sep/trade (239)465-1393 LAWN MOWER, Ciralsman. LT 2000. 18'.5 hp, 42". Boughl 5/05. Usea 6 nrs $900 or poll carl irade. i863l467-4735 LEAF BLOWER- Hand held, e.xcelleni cond $40 18631634-14179 MOWER. 4', good gear bDo plo shalt 3 poinl hook up needs deck & Diades $100 neg. 18631697-9704 MURRAY 21 5 HP- sell pro- pelled mqwer, new blade. synoh oil well maint Lie new $75.,(863)i484-01110 NEW DUMP LAWN CARI- asking $150 (8631357-5754 PUSH MOWER- Murray, 20", with bagger, good condition, $75 (863)467-0085 Ur fiN1114NW I I t-Ifi RENTALS 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath House. Felda, Very Private. Partially Furnished. References. $1200 mth. + Utilities 1 Bedroom. Luxury Condo, Fully Furnished, No Pets, No Trucks. Lease, Security, References. $700 mth. + Utilities SALES 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath. 55+ Community. Modular, Furnished, Carport & Shed, Land Lease. Asking $120,000. RENTALS 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath House Feida Very Private. Partially Furnisried Rpiereri es. $1200 mr, + Utilities 1 Bedroom. Luxury Condo, Fully Furnished, No Pets, No TrucKS Lease Secunry. References $700 mtin Utilities SALES 2 Bedroom, 2 Balh. 55 + Community Molular, Furnished. Carport & Shiedl. Land Lease. Aslki,ng $120.000 Cal Th Pr( .R ar Relt RIDING MOWER Snapper. 30" 14 rip runs good, older model $150 18631467-0085 SNAPPER- 12 HP Real engine Greal shape. T550. (863)517-2077 Labelle TroyBilt Tiller 81p $600. Les- co SS Pro Fertilizer spreader $200 Red Max Trimmer $95 Red Max Back Pack Blower P200 Black Max 80 gal 220 Air Compressor $525 Triple lawn trailer racks $.50 8631234-1231) One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad in the classi- Ileds. Okeechobee Livestock Markel Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. Ilam. 763-3127 Rentals I a g RENT Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Propery - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space Rent 960 For Rent: 2/2 & 2/1, w/laundry room, In town, $750 mo. Call Home & Ranch Real Es- tate. (863)612-0000 LaBelle. 2BR/1BA Localed on Okeechobee River. Galed property. Completely furnished w/washer& dryer. Patio & dock. 1 yr. lease. No children or pets please. Non-smoking anv $I000,mo l It & last required, 239-:3.-7.514 Industrial Space for Lease 1080 Commerce Or Labelleo 4000sf shop w/48v power & 2T hoist, plus 2500sf fence d yard, 750sf Office. $2975,'mo. (2391i22-5955 IMMOKALEE, 2BR/2BA, Fur- nished, washer/dryer. Includes cable. $1150/month plus deposit.(239)503-4656 LABELLE 2BR/1BA, Garage & screened porch. $750/mo. 3BR/2BA on 5 acres. RV resort home & screened porch. $500/mo. (863)446-6203 or (239)297-5864 Labelle, 2BR/1BA, Old Crack- er house, no air, 231 College.. $650/mo plus $300 sec. (863)675-0247 Large 2BR, 1BA, old Florida, home, w/room air, near Taco Bell, NO PETS, References & Lease, $750 mo., $750 sec. (863)675-2392 LaBelle- 5 Acres- corner lot, Crescent Ave SW & Fay St. (305)812-2008 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, each unit alarmed, area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV & trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- CowboayWay & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. Incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl, tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. How do you find a Job In today's competItive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sifieds Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 100O Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 COUNTRY VILLAGE: 2 BR 2 BA, w, rIrornl & back Florida loom and garage. $149.900 1863)675-7206 LaBelle, Beaulilul 3/3: Walk to courthouse, new rool new a'.. upgrades eic Large yard. Priced to sell. $219,500 Owner 863-673-5071 LaBelle FOR SALE 8 OWNER lounrty Village 2bi. b3a, 18631673-1653 PORT LaBelle: Unit 4 ~ Move In Todayl - Newly renovated, near schls., Large yards. New S/S Appi 4.2 'a '$. 175000 or 3.1 @I $142,000 Call owner. 863-673-5071 cshdz_04@earthlink nel By Owner, 20+ acres in Muse on Fernwood Lane, .i25K per 3ac,re Call lor details (863)612-0010 If you like peace and quiet. this is ihe place for you. 7 08 acres oi cleared land with scattered oak and cabbage trees. 3 miles north of LaBelle. $283,200 1863)673-8976 days. 1863)6 5-5869 nights PALM DALE, 10 acres of vai:ani land, very peaceful & private, nice oaks, high & dry on paved road Privale owner $200J,000 (86316-3-0173 VENUS, FL- 5 acres, Dorders Preserve by Fish eating creek, wooded, $160K, (863)699-6925 or idwrigl 55,:a&hotmail.com LABELLE- beautiful city va- cant lot, buidable, 156 Hend- ry St., 1/4 acre, $79,900 (561)721-2550 or www.ineedhomeinfo.com LaBelle Double Lot w/Mobile Home. 863-599-0441 MOOREHAVEN- 1 lot in city limits, 1 lot In county (863)673-6445 Port LaBelle Lot, .25 acre, in growing area, close to schools, $46,000 neg. Call Chris (863)673-5071 WEST OF LABELLE: Off 80 Nice 1/4 acre home site. Close to Ft. Myers & Lehigh w/Alva address. $38,888. By Owner. (239)699-7405 1st YEARS PAYMENTS ARE ON US!* Dockable Lakefront Lots from $149,900! 1 + Acre Lake Access Lots from 49,900! Giant 72,000 acre lake only 2 hrs from Atlanta. Next available showing an Saturday, June 24th. Call -or your appointment NOW! (877)426-2326 X. 1344. QSome restrictions apply. Qualified buyers only. Rates and terms subject to change w/o notice. Offer void where prohibited by law. 6.24 Acres! Excellent Invest- ment Opportunity Property. 1-95 & Hwy 17, First Exit in Florida. Joins 95 Ramp, 15 minutes JAX International. 1.6m obo (904)321-2679. BANK FORECLOSURES! Homes from $10,000R 1-3 bedroom available! HUD, Re- pos, REO, etc. These homes must sell! For listings call (800)425-1620 ext.4237. LAKEFRONT PARCELS FOR SALE Gorgeous lakefront and view lots. Awesome views. On 46K acre Lake Barkley, 90 min to Nashville. Great for 2nd/retirement home. 1 to 40+ acres from the $40's. Call (866)339-4966. MobIile Home^HH-K Sale I CALOOSA MOBILE HOMES 212 acres on Case Road with New 2006 4 Bdrm 3 Bath, 2,255 sq. ft; energy saver w/ 2"x6" sidewalls, beautiful inside & out w/lots of special touches. Fenced and landscaped, $249,900. Crescent Acres- 2 locations; New Home & Land, 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath $62,500. or 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath, $59,900. Felda Palm Harbor- 28'x72' 4br, 2ba includes developed lot $105,900. Call 863-675-4300 BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES W/ SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES. CABINS, CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Eslale cherokeemounilairirealty corn 18001841-5868 BENT TREE Goll and Tsnnis,. Galed Community in the Norm Georgia Mouniamins with Clubhouse. Pools Ll,'_, Stables. Homes and Loli available Cra311, Inc 18001822-1966 www.cmalhrealeslale ci, i Coastal Southeast Georgia Large wooded waler access marsh, view. lakelronri, and goll oneniled homesiies hom Ine mid $70k s. Live oak. pool, tennis, goll. (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspoint.com EUFAULA, AL WATERFRONT 1,'2 TO 3 acres Irom the 40's Gated withn Planned club- house,, docks,.and boat ramp. 2 hours from Atlanta & the coast. Rolling tlerramn, Deaulitul rhiradwoo0o (866)882-1107 Lakefront and Lakeview Prop- erties Nestled in the hills of Tennessee on the shores of pristine Norris Lake Call Lakeside Really at (4231626-5820 Or visit www lakesiderealty-ln.com Mortgage Brokers/ loan offi- cers/ branch managers- ready to take the rnett step in your mortgage career? www GET90PERCENTcorn North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE 1800)642-5333 Really 01 Murphy 317 Peachlree SI Murphy, N C. 28906 www.realtyofmurphy.com. TENNESSEE GRAND OPEN- INGI Swan Ridge Lake Re- sort, a private, gated community with both lake- view and mountain-view homesites. Lois starling at $29,900. CALL TODAY! (931)243-4871 wwwiswan- ridgedevelopment.com., TENNESSEE NORRIS LAKE, MOST BEAUTIFUL OF TEN- NESSEE LAKES with 800 miles of shoreline. Water- view and waterfront lots from $49,000. Boat docks available www.SunsetBay- Realty.com Sunset Bay Real- ty (8651278-3980 TN- CUMBERLAND PLATEAU 1 lo 5 acre parcels Irom Ine $40's. Amazing rolling vista views. Close to parks & lakes. Planned clubhouse, nature trails. Call for appt. (866)292-5769. VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on very large pris- tine creek, very private, ex- cellent fishing, canoeing, good access, near New Riv- er Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountainsofVA.com. Western New Mexico Private 74 Acre Ranch $129,990 Mt. views, trees, rolling hills, pastureland, wildlife, borders LM. Picturesque homesite at 6,700' elevation. Horse- back riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect family ranch, elec- tricity. 100% financing. NALC (866)365-2825. WNC Mountains 3.84 Acres w/ view and hardwood trees. Owner financing at $65,280 w/little down. This one won't last call today (800)699-1289 or www.riv- erbendlakelure.com. Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes- Rent 2015 Mobile Homea Sale 2020 NORTH LaBelle: Mobile Home Space for rent: Year must be at least 1996 or' Newer. Size 12x40 or Larger (Larger preferred). Includes water, electric hook- up & garbage removal. $200 mo. (863)675-2968 TRAILER DOOR- good shape, 73x32, $25 (863)357-5754 LaBelle, 3 BR, I Ba Fenced li ptsIs $200 wk w'r131,. laI wk'S e. sec Musi have reil's credit cneLt. 1863)675-1010 LABELLE- Nice mobile in RV park, Small peis ok. pool. clubhouse & activiles. possible rent to own. 50+ community 239)297-5864 Casa Manulacturada, 3,2 Ba- ns en, 1. acre de propedad iisia paia ser occupada. Fi- liariciamienilo disponib le Lamee ai (863)675-8888 Casa Manufacturada, 4 2 B3. rns, o10(caiida en una neuva area eildae Immo.alee v La- Belle, .5 acre Llamee (363)675-8888 DW 2003. 3/2 family im, 2nd kitchen, on corner lo in an- glewood Oaks w/1640 sq It $149,900. 561-385-3282 EVERHIGH- 5 acres secluded. Oaks & pines easi o La. Belie, 16 80 $150000') or be.i offer 1863l675-1 264 LABELLE- 1/2 acre 3.2, 2.4 . 50 pole barn 195 G Rd. $75,000 or Deit oiler (863)675-1264. Manufactured Mobile Home 3/2 Bali located in LaBelle. Financing Available all (863|1675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Home, 3/2 Baih. wih ', porr.ih on 5 acre tot Ready to be occu. pied Call (863)675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Homes, 3/2 Bain, located in a beauli- lul new subdivision home & land available. Call (863)675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Homes, 4/2 Bath. Land fully devel- oped, pkg. deals available. Call 18631675-8888 Mobile Home. 3 cuamros, 2 Oanos, localizada en Moore Haven, lister para ser occu- pada. Llamee para mas in- lormac:iori. (863)675-8888 Ed 0000 MOBILE HOME, 3/2 Bath, lo- cated in Moore Haven, Fi- nancing Available for Pkg. Deal. Call (863)675-8888 MONTURA- 1 1/4 acre fenced, 3.'2. $54,500 or best oiler 18631675-1264 PALM HARBOR HOMES Fac- tory Model Center LARGEST. in Amerin: a Modular and Manufactured LiUJIDATIOli SALE' Call lor FREE Col r Brochures! (800)622-2832. Recreation jI Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skits 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 AIR BOAT- asking price $6000, 13' fiberglass laser hull, polymer bottom, 220 GPU, all 6 jugs, shop rebuilt, (863)697-0008. or 863)467-2743 AIR BOAT-10', Fiberglass hull, 65hp Contenental + 2 extra motors & hub Like new Wood prop $3500.863-673-1963 Aluminum Boat, 14'6" long, 25hp mtr., w/trailer, $750. (863)655-0030 Aluminum boat trailer made by Pioneer, will hold up to a 20ft boat, single axle, 14" tires. $850 (863)763-7609 JET BOAT: SEADOO 1996, Twin 85hp, 60 mph. Includes trailer. $5000 or best offer. (863)763-6453 JOHN BOAT, 14' aluminum, with galvanized trailer. $650 (863)675-6214 after 6 pm Labelle OUTBOARD, 100hp Johnson, real good shape. $1500 or w/150 Johnson GT. $2500. (863)634-5826 SAILBOAT, 24 Ft. on cradle. Shallow draft, Exc. project for river. Must move! $300 neg. 863-612-9233 LaBelle ARGOSY AIRSTREAM, '78, Limited Edtion, exc. cond., $10,000 firm. (863)467-9234 FLAGSTAFF '86, 23ft pop-up, central air and heat, refrigera- tor, sleeps 6. $4250 (863)673-1538 Houses Rent 0930 COMM'L TOPPER- w/shelving, full rear doors, fits 88-98 full sz. Chevy 8'. Bed great cond. $800 neg. (772)-370-5709 DRIVE ON RAMP- you must remove and haul $125 (863)467-4328. FRONT BUMPER GUARD, chrome, w/light guards for '98 Chevy Tahoe & more, $125 neg. (863)675-0705 PONTIAC BONIVILLE- '94, Runs good, New tires. Front end damage. $400 or best offer. (863)697-3008 RIMS, (4)a16" Alum., w/covers for '99 and up Ford, 8 lug. $75. (863)763-6216 CHEVY '88- 3/4 ton, 4x4, 400 sm block, 4spd w/low 1st gear, $1500 (863)634-5421 Mobile Home Sale RV AT WHISPER CREEK- 55 years old or older. $250, per week. (239)770-6718 BOAT MOTOR: 225 Mercury Optimax w/25" Shaft. Warranty 'ti 4/2008. All controls, cables & harness. Hydraulic steering. 151 hours. $7500 (863)634-0392 BOAT TRAILER: 2003 Alumi- num, Tandem Axel $1100 or best offer. (863)634-0392: APRILIA RS50 2003 eng. swaped for a 250 2 sirole, run & drives exc $2500 863-612-0090/239-810-0022 BMW K75 RT '92 701K, mileS5 paid $1.500i aiing '.$2500 nrm (863)634.,620 Ol.:e area HARLEY DAVIDSON '86. Sportster, Bell drive, alo101 chrome. Dig lank & biq seal $5000 (772)485-8103 Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 CADILLAC 92- 2)r,. SWV ed. inrin. riew. slari r hiaoiinert Run,' L,)0:' i greil '.1 Ij 17721284-1194 Cadillac Deville, '92. lijoOkiuni ]good irilernr per- lel leak in ir ns line. $1200 neg. 2309142-156i CAMARO Z28- '93. Needs work, $1800 Or be.:l offer (863)634-6196 CHEVY NOVA '76. Runs good Needd:, minor brod s ir.,rl. t.1500 jU eg (123q 50..'.5i3! A.k lor Ramon. aher 5 30pm DODGE NEON- 98 4 new Iir: Gij cor aiid ,ron Run5 86 357-J920 DODGE SHADOW 92, Auto- rrI,(ic, A/C roit's Asinrig '.1 500 or be is oiler |561|)914-1660 HYUNDAI ACCENT 1997, Au- iO 4 door. Runi; good A/C Runs r;old $1 800 (863)675-4079 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '91 - V6, auil, gootd tripe needs Iransmi; sio n 250. l239) 657-4.348 MERCEDES BENZ '99 4 cyl. 4 3 L Super Chrarge 5 spa . Auto irar Fully Loaded 761'. S9500 i863it763.5-1 MERCEDES SLC '79- Silver, new a/c, alt, belts: Runs, good trans., 196k, hit on pass. side dr.1.600 (305166i-7785 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 1993, Runs great. A/C, Stereo. $1900. (863)984-5597 NEONS '96- (2) $800 FOR BOTH 1863)983-9908 TOYOTA CELICA 1987. $700 Runs great. Sni ;.rii, i Greal on, gas. A/C. Stereo. (863)984-5597 AUTO WANTED: Looking to buy Antique Car/ Convertible / Truck. Please call (954)561-2776 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD 1959, New mufflers, Battery, Tune Up. Exc. cond. Beautiful car. $7800 863-357-7214 after 5p CHEVY BLAZER- '00- 4x4, AC, auto, very good cond, $6300 Reduced to $5500 or best offer, can be seen at E & E Automotive, 3585 N 441. FORD F150 '89, Single cab, runs great. Minor body work needed. $2500 (863)467-1180 FORD F350 '93, 4 door, dual tanks, long wheel base, excel- lent condition, everything works. $7000 (863)467-1180 JEEP CHEROKEE, '86, good running gear, good motor, 4x4, good buggy $500 (863)634-5421 ALUMINUM RIMS Ford F250/350, w/caps 8 lug, 4/set 4x4, almost new, $350. (863)673-1404 eves. BEDLINER for full size Ford Pick up Truck, excel. $50 (863)763-6747 (A 4a I". 1 The most important 20 minutes of your day t . is the time spent reading with your child from birth to age nine. DODGE DAKOTA P/UP 1989, $1400 (863)843-0156 LaBelle DODGE RAM 250, '90- runs ood, needs fuel pump, fi- berglass work body w/ladder rack. $300, (863)655-0030, DODGE RAM 50 P/U 1985, 4 spd., 4 cyl., 7K org. mis. Good tires. Just needs a little TLC. $1400 neg. (863)675-6142 FORD F150 '89, Runs good, needs body work. $900 or best offer. (863)357-0223 after.6 p.m. FORD F150 XLT- '91, 4x4, 5 8 aulormatic, runs but needs work $1200 or Oesi o'rier. (863)467-6143 FORD RANGER XLP 88, 5sp, runs & looks good, $1500. (863)763-6747. FORD EXPLORER 1993. Red. Runs good Cold A/C. $2500 863-634-0512 or i63-5578 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE '93. Limied $2500 (863)673-5179 JEEP GRAND WAGONEER 1991, 62K org mis. Garage kepi $2500 or Desi oiler. (863)675-4079L3Belle. DUAL AXLE TRAILER- 14X7. 4FT sides, lailgae ramp, e..- Ira heavy duty, ele( brakes $1600 18631234-1230 CHEVY ASTRO VAN 1993, 165K mis., FM/CD Looks greai Runs a liWe rougn Ask- ring$1800(8631467-1000 DODGE 1992 CONVERSION VAN. TV, Play Sialiorin Captains Seals, A,,C. Good conrd $2400 (8631634-8854 Ford E350 Box Van 01. 541 V8. 15' DO. w/atli, Ioadijng ramp., 45k mi, $14,500 reg l863i675-4500 673-0757 FORD'VAN 1500- $350. (863)674-9907 PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAG- ER SE 1996, 7 Pass Mini Van. 114'K INew tires. Very good cond FM/Cass. A/C. P/W Vb. C/C, Till Silver w/grey int. $3450 (8631675-4212 Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTIE OF PUBLIC HEARING Ir, PC., Li 'e.I Li.rTiTiuO liry 1cvriap, m. nli 01 sIo Bosi. AI ,-Avirv'Oru Aill |," I xl 6 "1] D. vu.i iri .,3v junr 2or0 u 1 IL M 'O 2i )n f ,it Itr. "iIl..,.l N Ut l-l Oi. 1i.) l CriX u a l.'Clb '(',,'i("fle M,- 1-:0 1 ., IL I ; ,'0l16 9,(lllr l l'r] J - a Ir,:r ,.',,Tr.' b[u .'i pi : : rPia. ,' ,. i:r,.,, NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HTiIt.[ l ifiii'. 3 i ii Ei' ijA ii (COR gi i i,)uc I For, cin.u.i I1 L.ir. r3 . il. .) r1rr l tir i 'il.i,: i' ,l Ii ,')l":196 i 910 3ri, 31 4J' li',,iu iro- LABELLE FL .F393S",45 Hu L i. ii u ,e jl iniii.. .' iri Fl OTr.di C ilu14 HElibRi IOWlIC ,1 l':llc2, l, r.i Ci r l r v ,; rllt r rihi 1. 1N4EB32A7NC798371 S1992 Nissan 4T1BG12K5TU694430 1996Toyota 139877 CB 6/8/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING& RECOVERY coRP gives Notice of Foreclosure of ULien and intent to sell these vehicles on 06/22/2006, 10:00 am at 49 N. Indus- trial Loop, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. HENDRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1FDEE14N1NHA25710 1992Ford 139878 CB 6/8/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HENRY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP gives Notice of Foreclosure of Uen and intent to sell these vehicles on 06/22/2006,10:00 am at 49 N. Indus- trial Loop, LABELLE, FL 33935-5456, pursuant to subsection 71378 of the Florida Statutes. HENORY TOWING & RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 2G2GJ37A2F2211420 1985 Pontlac 139879 CB 6/8/06 N rH Ui p |