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Watershed series _ Page 6 Register for PSN sI -M-A[C-2 0L. 'I .- i! O3 '- 20'5 SMA UF LIBRARY OF FL.U.. PO BOX 117007 . .. ..::.... ..L 32 o.7....7 'e i P:V 1. 17L 02 -2 Delivering Western Hendry County'sNews Since 1922 VOLUME84 NUBER 2 1IRS At A Glance Be prepared to helping crisis Hlp womenget new a new roof An account has been set up .to help two women have their ro)of repaired after Hurricane S\Virna. Dorothy Riddle and her Daughter Patricia are both dis- abled and need $4,4-100 to replace the roof on their old .. home. They have no insurance to help and have been turned down by FEM[A Since a plea for help in the Caloosa Belle, LaBelle residents have helped out with over $1,000 in dona- tions. The women greatly appreciate the generosity but more is needed. Please send a donation to the Dorothy Riddle Benefit Fund at Olde Cypress Bank Family Film Festival schedule Movies are free; show ings ,:30 a m., I p.m.,3 p.m. SJune 6, Bambi II; June 13, Wallace and, Gromit "The SCurse of the: Were Rabbit";, June 20, Hoodwinked: June 27, Chicken Little; July -, No .-mones today holiday; July I1, SSkyhigh; Jul\ 18, Special sur- ' prise. S 6 p.m. showings: June 6. 'The Legend of Zorro: June 13; --- Nanny v lIcPhee: June 20, Dreamer; June 27,.~urs, Mine, and (urs; July -1, No movies to day holiday; July 11 Batman Beginnings; July 18 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galax : SJloi-n at LaBelle Assembly of God on Fraser Avenue across Irorn the Edw\aid A LUpthe. grove Elernentar Schoul i 675- 09110 or 674-0-147-. Free Hendry County Toxic Round-up Household Hazardous SWaste Collection' Days for LaBelle and Western Hendry County will be June 9 from 9 a.m.-2, p.m. at the Recycling Center on 1360 Forestry Divi- sion Rd., south off of Cowboy Way, east of the LaBelle Airport. In Clewiston and Eastern Hendry County: June 10 from 9 4.m.-2 p.m. at the CleWiston County Barn 1381!Evercane Rd. (CR835). For more information call Hendry County Waste Manage- ment Departments at 674-4162 or 675-5252 or 983-1582. GED test available The LaBelle Adult School wiill be offering the. GED Test, Jne 5-7. Sign up at the LaBelle Adult School. If you have any questions please contact the LaBelle Adull School at 674- i4118 for more information. Kiwanis scholarship applications Kiwanis is accepting appli- Cations for Adult Advancement dnd Vocational Training Schol- arships; also any prior high school graduate Kiwanis schol- arship recipients can reapply for continuing support. Call Debbie at 675-4643. Deadline date for applications for the '06- 07 year is July 01, 2006: Index Classifieds .......16-18 Editorial ............ .4 Speak Out .... ....... 4 See Page 2 for information about Show to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. I 111 II II I IIll 8 16510 00019 We. Americans have always been a self-sufficient people;.tak- ring care of ourselves and our neighbors.. We should all take our cue from that as hurricane season progresses Hendry County Emergency Management Services: will be olfering Community Emergency SResponse Team (CERT.) training beginning this month. The idea of CERT is to provide average res- idents with the information and Skills they need to get themselves, and their neighbors through an emergency or disaster situation The 12th annual Black Her- itage Festival Reunion brings people back toFord-Sunset Park the third Saturday every May. It's a chance. to catch up with friends and family and to renew\ their connection to the neigh- bo:rhood and to the larger com- munitv. This year the festivities A, ere expanded with an Old Timers Dinner on Thurs- day, a Youth Night talent shove\ on Friday and park events and an adult dance Saturda Coordinator Nora Fagin reminded everyone that "fun, food and family" go to the heart of how the black .community celebrates. Every year the festival draws more folks from the larger com- munity. This year Suzanne Bengston. got this rolling at the park with the National Anthem, which was followed by a memorial to those friends and neighbors who have been lost over the past year. 'As always, tribute was paid to the new high school graduates. LHS Principal. Paul Puletti recalled how, over the past ten years, Ms. Fagin's efforts have helped improve, communication and relations at the high school. Ms. Fagin said that, with 13 expulsions in just one year, she took up the cause of keeping neighborhood kids in school - and has worked diligently to keep kids in school and off the street corners. Mr. Puletti credit- ed her efforts with a "complete: turnaround", of relations at the high school.' Speaking to the new gradu- ates, Ms. Fagin told them, "Do until help can arrive. Theie will be two kick off meetings. The first will be at. the Beardsley Room in Clew\iston on June 6 at 7 p.m. The second will be at the Courthouse in the commission- ers' chambers on June 13 at 7 p.m. .The training \\ill coter basic,: skills necessary to control an ernergeinc situation until the professionals can arrive Emer- gency responders, emergency management personnel and trained volunteers will provide the training. Program material covers hurricanes, fires, haz- tial hazards associated with a arduous incidents and other gen- particular type of er meigency and eral life-threatening situations. ho\\ to lake the appropriate Learn the basics of first aid, action; identify, organize and uti- putting out tires and search and lize a ailable resources and peo- rescue The ten-\\eek course also pie, and real \ctiirns for life- covers things as simple as howl to threatening conditions though tuin off the gas Classes will meet Simple Triage And Rapid Treat- once a '\eek for li\o-and-a-half ment .START). hours. It's a comprehensive train- CERT Coordinator Billy ing unit that x ill require a solid Nlehaffe is a retired lirelighter comrnitmenrt on the part of each with 25 \ears of experience. He participant. The course is free said the program is intended to and is open to anyone over the empower people not to wait foi ageof18. 'the government but to help Learn to recognize the poten- themselves and their community The proud Ford/Sunset Park residents honored their grad- uates, from left: Trenecia Simmons, Shandeya Thomas, Sherry Johnson and Mydajah Williams. Dilsey Brown what you have to do ... leaveif you need to ... you know your way home." Pastor Alonzo McKenzie told the graduates to, "start where you are, use what you have, go where you want to." The festival committee pre- sented tlhe Citizen of the Year award to Ray Field Johnson and two special helpers, Shywonna Williams and Joe Mobley received recognition as well. Augusta Ross, Carolyn Ford and LaSheba Travis all received the Entertainer and entertain- ment promoter Joe Mob- ley returned to his home- town for the 12th Annual Black Heritage Festival. He and his partner Ruth put on a talent show for the neighborhood youth and manned a booth at Alton "Kid" Jones Park. See Heritage Page 2 during the gap. between the occurrence of an extreme emer- gency and the 'arial of official assistance. Ruial areas, ir partic- ular, \ ill have a loner wa'ait for go errnment assistance, he point-- ed out, so people must be read\ to be "on their own If this area should take another maior hit this hurricane season, CERT learns \\ill be ready. In the end,: i's dall up to the individual Call Emergency Mlanagement at.612-4700i for more informa- tion. .: : ECcampus Increases% over 24,, By Kristin Hunter Mrs Lucinda Kelle\, Dean of Edison Hendry Glades cam- pus, is -er\ excited about the Current and future slatus of Edi- son. She says that Edison is cur- rently undergoing tremendous growth. in the 2005-2006 year there ,A ere about -470 students that attended the LHS Edison cam- pus Four hundred \were degree seeking and 70 \elre non -cegree seeking Their ages ranged from 15 to o\yer 60. There has been a 24.75 percent increase at the LHS campus in . the last two years, which h is above the projected growth rate. . SEdison already' offers a lot to the area. Currently there are over 200 Curtis Scholarship eli- Caloosa Belle-,Kristin Hunter Lucinda Kelley gible students at the LaBelle, location.' There are 30 adjunct pro'ir:tessors, and in. the fall' Edi- See Kelley- Page 2 Avery throws hat in city election ring By Heather J. Wellman For Cliff Avery, public serv- ice is not just a passing phrase it is a way of life. He has dedi- cated his adult life to bettering our corpmunity. After serving in the' United States Air Force for four years, he went on to graduate from Northwest Uni-, versity with a bachelor's in science. After leaving college he and Kathy, to whom he has now been married for 43 years, mqved to LaBelle. He has worked tirelessly to make LaBelle a friendly, well round- ed community. SNow he wants to be your new Treasurer City Commis- sioner. He realizes that gov- ernment is not a tea party Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Cliff Avery Cliff Avery where everyone uses their SSee Avery- Page 2 Veterans: Heroes and angels By Kristin Hunter Once again Americans paused to reflect on those who have paid for our freedom with their lives. The solemn Memori- al Day service at Fort Denaud Cemetery brought family, friends and other veterans out for the simple ceremony that culminated in the haunting strains of Taps. American Legion Post Com- mander Steve Williams remind- ed those present that it is important to give thanks to our military, including POWs and MIAs, for paying the price for our freedom. He noted that Iraqi citizens say "thank you to America" for giving them freedom of choice. Casualty numbers continue to rise .with the Iraq War, totaling over 2,400 American deaths as of now. Guest speaker Dennis Boland said we need to pay homage to veterans, saying, "All that we ask is a simple thank you." Eighty-nine-year- old veteran George Briede, who as a young Marine lost his sight while fighting on Iwo Jima, was honored at the cere- mony. Mr. Boland spoke of a boy See Memorial Page 2 Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter Veterans groups stand by with flags at the solemn Memorial Day ceremony. Black Heritage: Honoring the wisdom Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Front row from left: Susie Davis, who came hete in 1959, Oralee Philjore, a 50 years resident and Queen Smith, 47 years. Back row: Dessie Culliver, "i95i,'ietha Gunsby, 1970, Dilsey Brown, 1944, Edna Stephens, 39 years, Dorothy Johnson, 1944. Festival brings folks home ~$I?91t(~:)E~)E~'f~g~g.~hP~~8~B2q~;j --;L--i - 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1,2006 .. -^ ' ^" * "^ dy "~- .* .* '. Almanacs Come to air potato roundup The Hendry'LaBelle Recreation Board and Coalition for Eco-Recre- afion would like to invite communi- ty organizations, youth groups and individuals to one and a half hour LaBelle Nature, Park Air Potato SRouridup on Saturday, June. 3, from 9-10:30 a.m. Air potato is an invasive plant species that has been listed as one of Florida's most inva- sive plant species since 1993: The Recreation Board will provide trash bags and some tools for the event Hats, gloves, long pants, sturdy shoes and'insect repellant are rec- ommended. Participants are encouraged to bring their own rakes and shovels: Water will be provided for participants. TheCoali- tion for Eco-Recreatiorinwill be at 380 Riverview Drive (corner of Frasier and Riverview Drive) at 11 a.m. after the Air Potato Roundup. Call Margaret England at 674-0695 for information. Scholarships available AHORA, a not for profit organi- zation, has scholarships available for high school seniors or current College students. If you would like to receive an application please send a self addressed stamped envelope to AHORA P.O. Box 2424 LaBelle, FL33975. Health Care, and the Florida Baptist Children's Home to recruit more Disaster preparedness foster families in our five county information available region. Information vailble For those interested in becom- Disaster Preparedness websites ing a foster/adoptive family, please for Business Continuity and Infor- call 1-800-89FAMILY nation Security: www.secureflorida org, Flag ceremony www.operationhope.org, scheduled w\slw.fema.gov/business/guideind ex.shtm, www.ready.gov,www.col- On Wednesday, June 14, at 6 lierem.org, .wwwredcross.org, p.m. Dana-Howard-Weekly Ameri- ww.flash.org, www.floridadisas- can Legion Post 130 will hold a flag ter.org/businesssurvey/summaryAi retirement ceremony in post park- ndex.asp, ing lot for unserviceable American www.hipaadvisorv.cormraction.sec Flags. Anyone having a ragged or uritvydisasterrecov.htm torn American flags is welcome to I .- fk-aL-- f-_- __ ;- 1 lli1 Become a foster parent The Children's Network of Southwest Florida will hold an ori-. entation on "How to become a Foster Parent/Adoptive Parent" on June 6, at the Harlem Academy, 944 Harlem Academy Avenue,_ Clewiston, at 6p.m. The Children's Network of Southwest Florida serves as the lead agency to oversee foster care and adoption services in Collier, -Lee, Charlotte, Hendry and Glades counties. Children's Network of Southwest Florida has partnered with Family Preservation Services, Lutheran Services Florida, Ruth Cooper Center for Behavioral ring nmem Ior proper disposal. All citizens of Hendry County are invit-, ed to attend. The post is located at 699 State Road 80 West. If you have any questions please contact Den- nis R. Boland Probation Director Hendry County dbolandf@ahendrvfla.net; 675- 5340 FAX: 863-675-5384. Life Ministries toholdVBS SHe\ kids, you'll go bananas for Son Treasure Island, a fun and' exciting tropical atmosphere \\here children will have a great time, singing, watching skits, cre- ating crafts and playing games. Son Treasure Island takes place June 12-16, 6:30 p.m.-9p.m. at 725 W Hickopoochee Ave. Community Harvest planninggVBS Ahoy, Maties! You are invited to a Vacation Bible School you will. never forget. Son Treasure Island features music, games, snacks, and crafts. But most importantly, you'll discover the treasure of God's amazing love. Son Treasure Island will be June 19-23 from 6:30-9.p.m, for kids completing Kindergarten .through 5th grade. The church is located across -from LaBelle's Rodeo Grounds on Highway 29. For information, please phone the church at 675-0938 between 9 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. on Monday. Tfes- day, Thursday, or Friday. Kids, be prepared for an awesome adven- lure' 4-H Youth Camping Trip Youth ages 8-13 as of Septem- ber 1, 2006, interested in overnight camping may attend a fun filled week of activities at 4-H Camp Cloverleaf June 19-23 in Lake Placid. Cost of camp is $165. For more information, contact the 4-H Office at 674-4092 or983-1598. Sonja C. Craxwford 4-H Coordi- nator Lhiestock PO Box 6S LaBelle, FL 33975 (863)674-4092 (863'674- 4099 FAX :.fl SN E$ 0-ig MERCER DENTAL CLINIC: ON US 41. S. FT. MYERS GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE Kelley::, : Continued From Page 1 son will have its first full time fac- ulty member teaching English. There will be a full offering of classes in the fall which includes core classes such as English and Math as,wvell as other branching 'out courses such as Auto CAD, Yoga, Community Spanish. Buy- ing and Selling on EBay, etc. You can register for fall classes on the web after June 5. The campus also offers tutoring that is absolutely free. The campus has just added a part time security Guard as well as morb technology including a 20-station computer lab. They are currently awaiting approval to build an outside seat- ing area for students to enjoy which is being designed by the Avery Continued From Page 1 best manners. He believes gov- ernment is a wrestling match where he can put his years of experience and his education to good use. He also wants'to use' his love of this corhmunity to help foster .a government with strong community participation. His dedication to public serv- ice led him to become a certified social worker for the State of Florida ,which has come in handy in his current position as the pastor of LaBelle Assembly of God Church. As the pastor of one of LaBelle's churches, he is also an active member of the LaBelle Evangelical Ministers Association. His church hosts the Family Film Festival, a, sum- mer program showing, movies to the.youth and families of our community. The program is in its 25th year and is one of the few family friendly activities available to our youth during the summer months: His church also hosts many other family activities throughout the year. Pastor Avery said he is commit- ted to helping our young people Memorial Continued From Page 1 named Hunter, whose father was a-Navy corpsman, killed in Iraq. Travis Youngblood taught his son that the flag starids for everything good in America. He had told his wife, who gave birth to baby girl after he left, that.we need to fin- ish the war in Iraq so their son won't have to later. All Hunter has to hold on to nowis the Unit- ed States flag, kissing his father good night by kissing the flag. According to little Hunter, veter- ans are heroes and angels. Mr. Boland said that right now the battle we face is to ensure that all those in uniform know that their service is laid to' rest in dignity. Amendment HR-5037 allows for this to happen. It pro- hibits anyone from disturbing the peace at a memorial service for a veteran. It prohibits any demon- stration from 150 ft. away 60 minutes before or after the serv- ice and blocking ingress or egress from a service. He added that seven out of 10 Americans support the Flag Amendment;. 66 Senators sup- port it, leaving only one more vote necessary for passage. He urged his listeners to contact their Senators to let them know that they also support the Flag Amendment. engineering department. Edison's name has been changed from Edison Community College to Edison College, which means that they now offer a Bach- elor's degree. The Bachelor's degree is in Public Safety Admin- istration. They are hoping to add a Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education next fall. In the future there will be an actual Edison campus located on 100 acres of the Bryan Paul donal- ed property off SR 29S. It will be a 1,000 student capacity campus. They are hoping to break ground sometime around 2009 or 2010, and are hoping to have it finished about a year or so after that. Over 900 Hendry/Glades students attend one out of the four cam- puses currently available in Lee, Collier, Charlotte, and Hendry counties, which means that there is definitely a need for a by providing safe and enjoyable activities for them to participate in. His interest in providing recreational activities in LaBelle doesn't end at his church doors. He attended, every founding meeting of the Hendry.County Recreation Board and helped to found the annual Fourth of July raft race. Pastor Avery knows that some of the best recreation is tied 'to education, and he is committed to providing educa- tion for LaBelle citizens and visi- tois as well. 'He has held a public school teaching certificate for the State of Florida, and he puts his knowledge and love of teaching to" good use. He volunteers at the Greater LaBelle Chamber of Commerce once a week teach- ing computer skills. He also teaches a free computer class on" Monday morrnings and he teach- es a free small engines class. Because of his work in the community, he was nominated for the News-Press Heart,of Gold award in 1982 and was the recipient of the Chamber of Commerce Man of the Year Award. Pastor Avery is a cheery man who always has a smile to To Reach Us Nlading Addlre i PO Box 5h I LiBeUe FL 3397. Phsica .J Addre;- '2 Fr Thompson A'e Phone I.6316.r 5 '254i F3.x Itol6e-75-.144 e\'ebsite -'. nr '.'ie.: 'p im 1 i, To Submit News Heritage Continued From Page 1 Good Neighbor award. The previous Thursday evening, the community cele- brated its first Old Timers Dinner at the James Singleton Center. It was a lime to honor the contri- butions of those who have lived Sin F S Park for years. Nora Fagin got things started, saying that she came, when she was 16 years old. She said she felt safe here, matured here nurtured by the "grown folks" - -"even those that fussed at me." She hoped that all attending. would "honor the wisdom here." Dilsey Brown provided a a glimpse back in time, explaining that she came to LaBelle S]944.She said she cried when greet you. He is also a dedicated member of the LaBelle Commu- nity w\ho wants to continue his work to create a well,rounded LaBelle through the city,com-' mission. He doesn't think anything is "wrong" with the current com- mission. "I have seen a commis- sion that is compassionate and caring that works to the point of frustration to not hurt anyone's feelings," he said He finds that focusing on not hurting any- one's feelings sometimes leaves out the consideration of what is best for LaBelle. He wants to bring'his background in the con- struction trades, his training in listening and problem solving and his ability to represent oth- ers' points of view to create a fair and balanced commission that isn't afraid to take action. "I love LaBelle and want to see it become the city it has the potential to grow into. I came here 30 years ago with my wife, sons, dented car .and some clothes. We have worked to build a life here, and we owe everything to wonderful com- munity we live in, I want to be a part of making that community even better for the future," he .'~. ! To Place a Classified Ad Call (877) 353-2424 to place a cli.-ided ine- ad'\e:rliement Irom home The dead line for all classified line idveriring t S londay at II a m. !or the tfoUU,?.ing SThur.dav- Fpublcaricon Fx (877) 354-2424 E -Mill ds iad'nevo.ii: F corr For Subscriptions The Caloosa Belle welcomes -ibm,- ,sions from its readers Opinioni. calen- Phone 1817) 35!?-2424 dar items, story ideas and photographs The C!:aos B.IUe dLirrbutes. 00i lo.coies are delcome. Call (863) 675 2541 to rn rh.: LaBeUe and \Vei.rn Hendri, reich our ne'.'room. Items mja be, C.o,,r, uej.,e '.'rv ,edneiayV C-,pieso,- mailed, .axed or emaded II \ou ire trhe Fcper cn be Iound .t v ar.,us st,.,r sending photographs via e.mai ple.se r r. rond hrr send them m JPEG format. aso please; I r.:.,ughnut pown r nd, sited ho .n-,e -di do not send WORD documents, jut LBellUe enjoy complem.-nta, home del, paste these messages into the bod) of Cry Fire r cl..:. mail ,.sL..ibrptor.- ie the e mad Office documents are ok iadlable at $50 per ieir mnd $25 [.:'r .f The deadne for all news items s II a.m month on Nlondas prior to the following Thursday's publication. Printing E NMi cbeditor@icraro net Speakout" (863)675-4516 The C,ld,:,os. Bele I. pnri-t.;d At 'unrhine To Place a Display Ad Pnr,rtre j Iubidir Io indpend..-nt Phone- (863) 675-2541 E-madl prrc,-.r trit:, r,.:t The deadline for a1U a"dversin, is 4 p 4m on Fnd.%v for la Ilo..inmg Tbursday N w Szcrp pubant'an Newszapl- E-mad. cbelle@straro.net Online News & Informnation :Billing Department Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle E-mail: billteam@newszap.com II II I I I II 1 11 1 1 I "1 1 1 i I[ ] she got off the bus from Pom- pano because there \as nothing here. But she learned to love it here, saying, "This community is part of my life." She said she worked all her life, starting at just seven years of age. She recalls segregated times when she came to Florida from Georgia on a "colored truck." They couldn't get off till they got to the Florida line. She recalled walking to church barefoot through the Sand; there were not lights; they used well water and sometimes water from the ditch. At the end of Ms. 'Brown's talk, Ms. Fagin told the group that she's compiling a history of the Ford/Sunset Park neighborhood and encouraged anyone with: any information at to get it to her and she will place in chronologi- cal order. said If you would like to talk \with Cliff Avery or to volunteer to be a,member of his campaign, he can be reached at 674-0447 or at labelleone@hotmail.com Memory Foam Pillow Top Queen Size Set $1,365 King Size Set $1,680 While Special Supply Last With FREE Local Delivery and Removal Jacekson River Home Furnishings &Decor I,. I: .,A I At the Foot of the Bridge .. .. 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003, 1LaBelle Your paper, not ours. FVADR tip". -"' .7J. ''' rt~. ?~.~lp I Inp9~~ 6~ * n, ,.,r,',F r f. We pledge to operate our newspaper as a public trust. We believe journalists are nothing more than guardians of every cit- izen's right to a free press. We have no authority to compromise, bar- gain away or dishonor the principles underlying the First Amendment. We don't play loose with the facts. We give notice to your opinions, not ours. We encourage vigorous discussion of public issues, but try to keep everybody's comments within the bounds of fair play. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your edi- tor., CALOOSA t' BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism CALOOSA BELLE CA L- A BLE IN: I, V 'ilI I I. i I.. .:.I r'.. I p.- i : p. hi : f. -1 K. v:I ., -. I-.- p ,ilr~llijj rj I Di.....I f. I C I -.- h I : r -t.-,r c .1 i- ll~ill~llll:I 111 111 ~11 Illliill l~l~ il~l (I~llL PNT1! 1:71:111:111 L I -- Ull -.-I iliULIJli d 1101-11iil ~9 newszap.com Communit) Links. Individual Voices .M 1FIN ACE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100%'Financing Available Full Dc or Stated Loans Refirarnces Cash Outs Purchases S Eqsv Qualiicaion & Loan Requirenients Single Fjinily Hlomes Manufactured Homes 49 N indusTri:l Loop Rd. LBelle 863-675-3275 9-5. Mlr Friday Spe:ild.] ppointments A\:ilable ' HSame Day S vice l: h b O:. Esp.i.' . Same Day Service Lab On Premises S.Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1, 2006 3 Pioneer fires labeled arson :By Patty'Brant SOfficials are calling the burn- ing of two unoccupied homes in Pioneer Plantation May 19 arson.. Two unoccupied mobile homes bn Vero Ave wert up in flamed in Sthe early morning hours. under suspicious circumstances. Pioneer Plantation firefighters Arrived at the scene about 2 a.m,, :and were battling the fire at 590. Vero when another fire erupted Next doorat 570 Verb. Mr. Hance ,owns. three adjacent mobile .. honres there The third mobile. -*honme \\%as not damaged. LaBelle Si-Fire Department was called in to S:assist in extinguishing the second ". fire. 1 Det. Joe linervini of the Flori- da Bureau of Fire and Arson i investigation, the law\ enforce- Sment arm of the state Fire Mar- ishal, said accelerants were used ,.in the incidents. Samples have been sent to the lap for identifica- [lion Although it's early inl his Investigation, Del Miner\ini said he has sone leads and is asking anyone who might have seen- ; an thing unusual pertaining to: 'the fires for information 'You can call the Florida Advisory Commit- iBlueStar 4is awarded 0By Kristin Hunter ? The American Legion Post 131) tinconIiIg Post Commander Bill iDavis and Post Adjutant Dennis .Boland presented a Blue Star Rib- tbon to Mr Toriir Kochheiser in ,recoriitiori of: his son Craig -horrias Koichheiser being in the *_S AIrmrn Special Forces. The Blue Star Rtibbon began in 1\'\\i, iand \\.ias placed on ihe \in- SJ, \s r:i those .ith deplo. ed rela. Ot.i\'ts in tht e -er ice. No\\. the Blue 4Slar Ribb':'n is given to all families *,:, military personnel. 1i Staff Sgt. Cia.gn Thomas Ko.chheiser has been n the US S*Aimy Special Forces lor eirht ,\ _-. fr ri'T re i a e ':i IS t,:' hi. :current age of 26 He has been ieplo\ed numerous times to iocatil'ns such as Afghanistan and IVlq and is due, to deploy very sc'n to an unkniow.n location. Bill :)a\ is from the Anerican Legion stated that'he is "proud. to have Crait seivte and hopes to ha\e thirn join the American Legion one taIl "J : According to the ollicial IIS :Army Special F:rces \vebsite, U.S. eSpecial Forces, also known as the Green aBeret, trace their'roots back to the JWWII Office of Strateiic Services. .'The OSS was formed to gather intelligence' and conduct opera- itions behind enemy lines in sup- - tee for Arson Prevention (FACAP) at 877-NOARSON and remain anonymous. A reward is being offered $2,500 from FACAP and another $5,000 from Mr. Chance. Firefighters noticed a third fire, a brush fire off Riviera Are. near Eagle 1, when they returned to the firehouse to refill a tender about 3.:30 a.m. According to PFD Fire Chief Edith Tirnms, this fire was also set Montura Volunteer firefighters assisted in extinguish- ing the brush fire. Mr. Hance said he had been .working- on the homes for months and the\ were nearing completion He figured the north h of the two homes at about $150,000. The structures \ ere not insured. He and his wife planned to move into the middle home, using the homes on either side as vacation homes for the couple's two daughters. The structures had been purchased in 2003 from the Collier County School Board and had been certified to residen- tial specifications b. engineer Larr. Bennett, Mr Hance said. Mr. Hance, a retired builder who has been battling cancer, said he planned to move to the area to enjo. its quiet beauty Brief Local agency seeks board leaders The'Area Agency on Aging, a not-for-profit organization, seeks enterprising leaders to fill vacan- cies on the Board of Directors. K.-^^V.^^9 ^---- *- .'-- --..*- -- -.. Submited to Ine Caloosa Belle/Adren Q. Hance Pioneer firefighters were called to this structure at 570 Vero Ave. in Pioneer first. Someone deliberately set the fires that destroyed two homes May 19. .af .* , Serving seven counties,, the agency administers services for Seniors utilizing public funds. Board meetings are: held bi- monthlywith per diem reimburse- ments for mileage. To receive an application, callBrenda Kellogg at 239-332-4233 or 1-800-398-4233: If )ou atle buy inig or1 selling in the LaBelle area call Gtreg Bone! Phone: 1-863-835-0191 Fax: 1-863-675-6575 e-mail: greg.bone@soland.com \\ebsi e: w Ia.la belleproperties.com South n LAl, FL i95 laI investments 8 Real Estate A New Twist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. IA revolutionary new way to think 'f J about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours No Reframing No Painting No Mess CosI Much Less than Old Fashioned SKiylighls Lel. r Cerlldl isiriisi .r. C..r. n, ui:,l .- s ioyl vou irII aifferr.: Soi.nut ,car.rr, e r, in ,i' r .i' r.. :- r ;. io ; Hurricane Tested & Approved ; rc;& SOLATUBE itulr HEW SOLAR POWERED ATTIC FANS I & Fire erupted at 590 Vero Ave. as firefighters fought the blaze next door. -- A r'-"~ ----'nar-r- 'r '.e -,k _ __ __ Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter From left: Bill Davis American Legion Incoming Post Commander, Mr. Tom Kochheiser, father of Craig Kochheiser, US Army Special Forces, and Dennis Boland, American Legion Post :port of resistance groups in Europe andBurma. Their missions include direct action operations, unconI:ention- al warfare, special recon and counter terrorism. Their skills and training give.them a thorough, kno\\ ledge of foreign languages, customs and cultures. In addition. they are the masters of training and organizing insurgents, surro-' gate fighters, native forces andr foreign armies. In the GlobalWar on Terrorism Special Fo:rces teams have.helped oust the Taliban government in Afghanistan, trained and fought along side the Kurds in northern Iraq, cleared the western desert of SCUD missiles, and provided long-range special reconnais- sance to coalition ground forces' on the drive to Baghdad. Called the "Quiet Profession- als," Special Forces; units are deployed worldwide displaying their' dominance in unconven- tional warfare' and living up their motto: "DeOppresso Liber To Free the Oppressed." 'Arrest Reports -.LaBelle Sawrence vowe, 41, of Talla- 'hassee was arrested in LaBelle on IMay 26 and charged with posses- sion of cocaine. HCSO Sergeant :P'Rbert R. Shaw was the arresting officerr Jermairie Terence Feagin, 31, of qLaBelle was arrested May 30 for. feeing/eluding.' HCSO Deputy FrankPensrak was the ar resting offi- cer.. - A A.male juvenile of LaBelle was arrested for fleeing/eluding police. ,HCSO Deputy, Donald Davis was Ithe arresting officer. SJesus Perez, 18, of LaBelle was 4 , arrested May 26 for sexual assault 'by an I \T. victim under 12 years of age. HCSO Deputy James Wright was.the arresting officer. Clewiston Domingo Rivera, 45, of Clewis-. ton, was arrested May 25 and charged with driving while on a suspended license. HCSO Deputy Larry Preece was the arresting offi- cer. Roberto Rey Morales, 52, of Clewiston was arrested May 25 and charged.with driving while on a suspended license. HCSO, Deputy Larry Preece was the arresting offi-, Jerry Bilkcom, 20, of Clewiston: . as arrested May 27 and charged with *cocaine possession with intent to sell. HCSO Deputy Nathan Kirkwas the arresting officer. . . Travis Calvin Doctor, 21, 'of Clewiston was arrested May 27 and charged with cocaine possession with intent to sell; HCSO Deputy Nathan Kirk was the arresting offi- Cer. Elgen Lamara Williams, 20, of Clewiston was arrested May 27 and' charged with cocaine.possession 'with intent to sell. HCSO Nathan Kirkwas the arresting officer. SLarry Donnell Chavers, 29, of Clewiston was arrested May 28 for fleeing/eluding the police with dis- reguard of safety to persons or property, cocaine.possession with intent to sell and marijuana posses- sion over 20 grams. HCSO Deputy Nathan Kirk was the arresting offi- cer. A 16 yr. old male juvenile of Clewiston was arrested on May 25 for aggravated battery that causes bodily harm or'disability and firing, weapon/missile into dwelling, vehicle, building or aircraft. HCSO Deputy Larry Preece was the arresting officer. Metal Roofing T W Replacement Shingles R A R T Structural Repairs C O N '5 T R r T I O Mold Remediation cEBR1NG FL .EBrG FL* Additions ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION \1821Lakeview Dr. Sebring 863-385-9403 Email: marklmcscontractinginc.com wwiv.mcscontractinginc.com SLic. ,CCC1325639 *Lic. 4C.BC0471- " J ,,RIST THE KING Lutheran Church S-1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL S9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1st, 3rd&5th Sundays, Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. I Where everybody S',)niebd oa'd Jt.i: Lord I, 863-675-2733:, N. ..er Rd. fH-)'6. ' e. r n>e'.m i tl: ,tkl-str ato.net 4 Grand Oening! Open Daily: 110% O i Iam 1pm1n10% OFF 239-369-8883 Entire Bill ruSI prreeni ctupcin Beer 8 8 Wine m u.p,.,ouo Guclna ;Drielo 700 W. Leeland Heights Blvd. Suite 103 Lehigh Acres SDana Howard Weekley Post 130 AMERICAN LEGION AND THE LEGION AUXILIARY P 4d ui a Qoal Friday Night Fish Fry 3 pm at 699 8N.. 80 w Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos u Musical e5uertainrr)enr Included AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. Screen Carports ->. .Rescreens Roof-Overs :Seamless Aluminum Gutters 5" to 6" S(863)838-2477 1450 42nd St. SWinter Haven, FL 33881 S. r .. * Memorial Tribute eRemember a loved one i ii ho has departed with a special A memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.com/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. The OL OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Monday through Thursday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Vacancies starting at $84 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax: 863-675-4892 Your communications company is now EMBARQ i ICI 4 OPINION Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. SOMEONE NEEDS TO EXPLAIN why there is no place to take your debris and extra rubbish. My husband had to go almost to Fort Myers to get rid of it. No wonder people dump it along the roadways. It takes time and money to travel all that way. This county needs to do some- thing better. We might get a cleaner town if they did. I WISH TO BRING THIS to the attention of customer's that are in. need of septic tank service. I needed some work on my septic last, week, I was in route to Naples, and so I-did not have a phone book. I called a friend who got the number for me from the yellow pages and the business said LaBelle. I called the business and asked them if they were the same outfit I have used for so many years. I was confused because I told her I did not know they were in Fort Myers, I had used them just last year. She again told me I had the right business. They arrived at the job,: claimed they did ihi- job and left with my check for $200. Just a few days later I called a local plumber who showed that the septic lank had never been jlunmp,-l out. The lid and the grass around it never touched In summary, just be careful and make sure the business that you need or are looking for is indeed whom you wait If you Want. I have no problem at allI using a Fort M\les business, but I trusted the one for years in LaBelle and that is who I wanted. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics.include: SLaBelle issues: hup "-Aww.ne.,sr'zap-irOrLirr ms comforum56 * Hendry County issues: hnp ..'*\ww rneieszaplururms com'lorum54 ' Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and.links." Letter to the Editor Kiwanis needs your help The Kiwanis Club of L.:iBelI- is very fortunate.to have a.thriv- ing Thrift Store here in LaBelle. The store's success is due in -parin to the club members an'l'.'.l illig' volunteers, but mostly it would not exist if not for the generous donations of the community. Thanks to the donations of Hendrv County residents the L.,Be'II- Kiwanis Club has put :Lid: over $100,000 into the community this year alone: '1..' 0,Ii ,:, i college and adult' education scholarships, $15,000 toward projects involving youth in our community, $10,000 to community projects, and of course our anntua! Kid's Dax in the park. The club .eisis for the sole purpose of bettering our community one child and one project at a time. We now find ourselves in a. pecOliar situation. We need your donations to survive, but we also. need 'your cooperation, Recently, We, have posted sever- al signs regarding times and places to. drop off donations. But some people insist on ignoring these signs. We are asking that all donations be made during store hours and that you. not leave items, outside..on the, ground. Please put donations in the drop box or knock on the rear door and someone will help you unload your treasures. We are also available for, -donations on Tuesdays until 8 p.in. for thosewho are unable to get to the store during regular hours. You can always call and arrange a date/time to drop off donations too large for'the drop box. We will be happy to make arrangements. When items are left outside after hours, 'looters rummage through, steal what they want, and leave'a mess for us to clean up. Frequently dona- tions left outside will be ruined by rain or heavy dew. When this happens we are forced to take -very heavy, wet items to the dump- doubling our cost. On occasion we must turn . items away. We apologize for this and we don't like to sa\ no to any donations, but there are some items that do not sell and we are then forced to pay for the dump fees. We inake two: or three trips lo the dump each; week and spend between .$80, arid $125 a month. As a business (even a non-profit organization) we are limited to .three garbage cans, twice a week for roadside pick-up. This is a service we must pay for. However, we can't begin to dispose of all the trash in just six cans a week. We must haul off all the excess garbage to the dump and we are charged like everyone else that uses the Pl-ease understand we are extremely limits, _on storage space and sometimes we can't take large amounts (trailer loads) at one time; especially when e'. r\'i.ne in town'cleans out their closets on the same day. We also; ask that all dona- tions are clean and in good con- dition. When making your next donation, ask yourself Is this something I would buy? We i:i',I have the means to wash 'clothing before we sell it. If it isn't clean and wearable we must dispose of the items. We also do not have anyone at the store to repair or fix items, so all appliances and electronics must work in order for us to be able to re-sell them. If they are broken or in need of repair we send them off to the dump. 'We want to continue to keep our prices low, as we have since we opened..Where else in town can you buy a complete outfit for under $10? However, with- out the' help of the community we will be forced to raise our prices to cover the cost of trash removal. Thank you for your. understanding and for your assistance. Store Management CALOOSA BELLE Our Purpose... The !Coj!osa Belle is published bi Independenl Newspapers of Fio:,rdl Independent is ownedd by a unique trust that enables Ihir newi'.?paper t,:. piuri.e a mission oi lournalistic service to the c:'izens ,fin 'e community' Since no dividends are paid. the ,.':'rnonpan i able l thrive on pront margins below industrystan- ,JaciJ .-! arlterlaux IUrplues are reinvested in Independent's I)ilscn ,j! ,:urtioSalisi.;: erilice, commitment to the ideals ol the First .'w-nrenr en ... the U S Constitution. and 's.uFp:'port :i the 'onimmunur 5s deliberaioron of puDlc issues. .. ... .... .. .... ....... ..................... .. ............. We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: i. ,..pap r ,a [iews Editor Palty Brant i Ip "..:'.....l.Jrl.I. RepOTler l Krisin Hunter c ,-, ,1e cer plaie rI ih'...- PeporteT JernLynn Merritt -J 1 '.'. ..ui I ,r, .:'ui ,.--3 Sporls Roger Alexander .v, ,-..,-. ,i,,,: ,,'. i'.ui ADVERTISING: ,'.r';".,l Ihi ,r,i,-,,t,.l.rr, Advertising Director :-r l I. n. tr,,e .-,..n Judy Kaslen Si,.-lia- ii, i- .:r-, -:,,. i l. Adveilising Manager puf.J,,." he; Brenaa Jaramillo _* r.:1r-p.'rl i ir.'.,' 'inr h-.r'i Adverlis ng e.,'y, .ccu,.c3 y, puipose[L1 neutrality, fairness, objectivity, Servic"-,' coordinator: fearlessness and compassion. Du IY C.unyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: facilil.,1, -.:n,irjrii', le aie, i Barbara Calfee not to .J,:.Tii ii iIn'li -;ilh o'. own c r.inion. National Advertising 'o disclose ,:,J ..,vr, :n i ic i.. Joy Parrish at interest or g ieri3 al con. .................... ilicts to our real r, Independent Newspapers, Inc. T r. coneu:I .,n e rors. ad 10 Chairman gl'e 1.:h,-.-'r.-,:r.icl:,n he Joe Smyth prominenc iI d.-1lr.,'s President STo provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin those we write about. To treat people with courtesy, Vice President respect and compassion, of Florida Operations SFor More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina Elsken SCaloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1,2006 Time as money, an irreplaceable asset. You've all heard, we've all used that fleeting four letter word "time" as if it were an infinite, inexhaustible resource. It's embarrassingly obvious how many times we abuse this irreplaceable resource. and still find time to justify our abuses of it. One of the sternest, most pressing needs in my youth sub- ject to correction and improve- ment was my penchant for tardi- ness: I was labeled "Billy. come lately," and regularly disciplined at school by the nuns for being tardy. For those'of you notfexperi- enced with "nun" discipline, don't confuse the word nun with none. They always found the "time" to act and speak directly( to m'\ oercoming what they consid- ered to be a major character flaw. One of the turning points.in my life \\as a sales training course' \\here the instructor emphasized thinking of time as money. . ifs your world Get Involved He used the example of imag- ining that there was a bank that credits your account each morn- ing with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening Ihe bank deletes whatev- er part of the balance you failed to use during the day. \\'hat would you do' Drav\ out every cent every day? ou bet you would! His point was that each of us has such a bank It's name is TIME! Every morning it credits us with 86,4100 seconds. E\eri night it writes off, as lost, whatever time you have failed to in\ est to good purpose. In other words, wasted. It car- ries over no balance. It allows for, no overdraft and can explain how some people feel overdrawn at the end of a day. Each daN it opens a .new account for us. Each night it burns the remains of the da\'s deposit. If we fail to use each day's deposits. they are lost, never to be regained. There is no going back. There is no drawing against tomorrow. We must live in the present, on each day's deposits Invest it so as to get the maximum return on this, the most valuable God-given asset assuring your health, happi- ness and success As that clock of life keeps tick- ing away those precious seconds, think of it as making the most of every day and think about these time subjectli e life experiences To realize the \alue of one year, ask a student \ ho failed a grade To realize the aalue of one montht, ask a mother who gate Real estate investing Thank you can be good deal Every so often you % ill see an advertisement on television lor a real estate course sold by Carllon Sheets The testimonials from Finanial his students are rather com- i cil polling, and some of you may TipS e\en have purchased his maleri- als. I thought Ihe rest ol you might like my opinion on his real estate investing program. Wayne I \\ill start by telling you that I byWayneC.Swi am one of the people who bought and studied his program houses for the purpose When his phone sales people ing them out The ide, sell you the basic package. they just the right deal in \ Ir\ Io get you to buy into the next rental income will pay part of the program, which costs of ownershl involves ha ing a real estate includes the mortgage coach call you e\ery few weeks and interest), the liabi and discuss '"our progress!" ance, maintenance and using his system. The next phase even hopefully a littlI involves having a real estate pro- cash flow.. fessional work with vou system- Over the course., atically on the phone, loliow ing years, as the value of th a detailed prc'grarii of fieldwork up, and your mortg on \our pall, and all of this can ,Idown, ou can refine get quite expenSi~ e. If you do out some cash, use th ever thing they tell you to do, it as a dovwnpayment fc will probably work. Most people' home, and thus, ever will not do all of what they want three years, purchase you to do, like knocking on investment house. rdoorsl when you are old - Personally, I am glad I read maybe sooner, you' wi his course material. If you got to generate a certain a just one good idea, that worked income, from i all your for you, it would be worth the Withinflation, you.rais cost of his manuals. to your tenants and kee I believe that our current real ing your positive cash estate, market.. has finally this be done? Yes. In a changed. That is also the belief Mr. Sheets' testimonials of many other Realtors. For sion, I have had son some many years, we had rapid-' who have done just tha ly rising RE in South Florida. without risk. It also m Almost anything you bought ing to deal with ten would go up 20 percent or more always pleasant) and th year after year. This year things having to collect moi have leveled off substantially. It and' pay bills and c has become more of a "buyer's inspectyour properties. market."' Those folks who have Ideally. look for the money to buy, can now do around $250.,000, so thi some "wheeling and dealing." price range for renta Now back to Carlton Sheets. property., Right now Much of what he teaches good opportunities ii assumes you are very smart, and and' Lee counties, n( the.sellers are not so bright,'and County. Think about i you have opportunities abound- Buyer's Market. If you ing to take advantage of the situ- down payment mon nations. Well, I only buy into that this, and acceptable c just so far, but one thing he don't mind a little v teaches should work very well in Sheet's suggestion mig our present RE climate. good for you. Wa\ ne C He has suggested you buy C.L.U. tzer se of rent- a is to get which \our for all the ip. That Principal. ilit\ insur- d upkeep, e positive of a ,few ie RE goes age goes dance, pull at money >r another *y two or Another Someday, and gray, 11 be able amount of r houses. ;e the rent ep increas- flow. Can addition to son televi- le clients it. It is not, eans hav- ants (not ie effort of nthly rent constantlyy houses ey are in.a l income there are i Hendry at Collier it,being a have the ey Io do redit, and vork, Mr. ;ht just be S1 Switzer, Community Briefs Friday, June 2 DJJ and Youth Task Force: Health Dept., 1140 Pratt Blvd., 10 a.m. American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the.Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyp- tus, Port LaBelle, open meeting. Bingo! Our Lady Queen of Heav- en Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regular at7 p.m. No Smoking Sunday, June 3 AA: 7 p.m. Port LaBelle; Episco- pal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday, June 4 Friends of the Library: 3 p.m. Library Cottage Teen Center: Hendry County Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 p.m. Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m. American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Ford, Sunset Park Community Assoc. 7 p.m. Old Daniels School, Manatee Ave. Pioneer Neighborhood Watch: 7 p.m. Pioneer Community Center. Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shep- herd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Tuesday, June 5 LaBelle Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora & Ella's, Hwy. 80 Hobby class: 9:00-11:00 a.m. Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restau- rant, noon F/S Park Community Meeting: Daniels School/Community Center, 6:30p.m. AA: 12 Step/Big Book study group 8 p.m. First Christian Church, Ford Avenue, open meeting Wednesday, June 6 Port LaBelle Garden Club: noon,' extension office, Pratt Blvd. AA Big Book Meeting: noon, Episcopal Church of the Good Shep- herd, Collingswood & Eu6alyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Wednesday Night Kids: 6-7 p.m., Caloosa Baptist Church, for 'youth in grades 6-12 at 500 W. Fwy. 80. Phone 675-2348 PPVFD: drill7 p.m. AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recreation Hall. Thursday, June 7 Florida Rural Legal Services: Representative will be at the L.J; Nobles Senior Center 9:30-11:30 a.m. Call 675-1446 for an appoint- ment Overeaters Anonymous (OA): Thursday 5:30 p.m. in the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 1098 Collingswood Parkway @ Eucalyp- tus, one block south of SR 80 east of LaBelle. AA: Open discussion, 8 p.m., First Christian Church, Ford Ave. City Commission: 7 p.m. City Hall, Hwy. 80W ABWA: American 'Business Women's Association, Woman's Club on Hwy. 80W, 7 p.m. Christian Youth Fellowship: 7 p.m., City Hall, Commissioner's room Cowboys for Christ: 7:30 p.m. Jaycee Building, Jaycee-Lions Drive AA & Al Anon: 8 p.m. discussion meeting, First Christian Church, Ford Ave., Call Intergroup at 275-5111 for information. Eucalyptus Village, POA Unit 4 Homeowners Association Meeting In the Eucalyptus Blvd. Clubhouse 6 p.m. For further details call 675-4168. Halleluah \We did it! Ford. Sun- set Park Community held its Annual Black Heritage Festival Weekend May 18-20 without one incident I want to thank everyone who helped make this weekend a success. The Mayor Randy Bengslon, Ci.lt Employees i Ernest T., Melvin Donnrs, Ms Holmes), Phil Pelletie' Irom ihe Recreation Department. Mr. Rafield Johnson Community' President. Sheriff Ronnie Lee along with all Sher- iff's Department personnel, all birth to a premature child. . To realize the value of one; week, ask the editor of a week\ newspaper.. To realize the value of one hour, ask the lovers weho are wait- ing to meet. i To realize the value of one minute, ask a person who missed i a plane, train or bus. To realize the value of one sec-' orid, ask a pieson who just avoid-.' ed an accident. To realize the value of one mil-4 lisecond, ask the person who.- won a silver medal in the' Clymrpics. * To realize the value of one' nanosecond, ask Bill Gates Treasure every moment ofb every second of your life' Respectfully., 'T. V. Bill Neville (Hendry: County Citizen and Taxpayer 1: city and county ollicials and the" F.S park community 4 Thanks to each and every one. who came out and participated., Thanks to all the vendors for the" great food and other treats A spe- cial thanks to the young people . who salv a potential problem and' brought it to someone's attention You \ere the heroes for Ihe day' Thanks kevervone \\"e did a great jobi NoraFagin: Witch's Brew By iju ,, Lehman, To protect your hands from steel w\ool sli\ers.cul an old tennis ball in half and put the steel wool inside then grip the ball hall. No more sli\ ers in \our delicate hands. Prevent injuries by covering the ends of the guide rails on ,our table sa\\. Cut a si; in a couple of old ten- nis balls and place them over the rails for bumpers. A great way to dust under the microwave, TV or-.any hard to reach place is to cover your ily swatter with an old sock. Uise an old sports water 5 bottle to water African violets. The nozzle gets between the leaves To remove perspiration' stains from clothing pour full strength white vinegar on the stainr and let set 'a little While before' washing as usual. - Thoughts for the day: Keep your ": temper,nobody else wants it ... Or ... When things start going your way, it's usually you who have' changed directions.' If Question of the week: What branch did you serve, where, would you do it again? Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter. Brian Bengstonr served in the Navy :. from 1976-1982 on the USS Enter- prise. He was a Seabee (CB) machin- ist and firefighter onboard the ship. SWhen asked if he would do it again, he said "Yes I would," Bill Wingard. served in the Army from 1961-1964 in Germany as a recovery mechanic. When asked if he would do it again he said "Sure, if they needed me I'd go tomor- row." ,', Kenneth Wingard, son of Bill SWingard, served in the Army from .e" 1986-1996 as a gunner in Ger- f many, Korea and all over. When Asked if he would do it again he replied, "Yep." George Briede, a World War II veteran who served in the US Marine Corps, lost his sight on Iwo Jima. He served from May' 30, 1942, till his discharge from a military hospital in 1947. >, Would he serve again? George said, "I sure in hell would!" Kenneth Saleno served during World War II. He was drafted into Sthe Army and hit Omaha Beach on D-5 as a combat engineer. He Served for 31 months and was dis- S ~ charged in March 1945. Would he serve again? His answer: "Not If I could help it!" Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1,2006 Engagement Audubon presents award to England At their annual meeting Satur- day, May 6, Audubon of SW Flori- da, Inc. recognized Margaret Eng- land, Vice President of Riverwatch, as Conservationist of the Year for 2005. Margaret is an educator, Sec- retary of Hendry/Glades Audubon and a Florida Master Naturalist. She is a STA5 tour leader for Hendry/Glades Audubon and also participates in Oxbow Restoration Educational activities and LaBelle Nature Park projects. The Caloosahatchee River Citi- zens Association (C.R.CA.)/River- watch was the recipient of $500 from Audubon of SW Florida, Inc. in recognition of Riverwatch's envi- ronmental protection efforts in the past year. Marti Daltry, Public Alfairs Director, accepted the award on Riverwatch's behalf. Riverwatch is a non-profit organization dedicated to the pro- tection of the Caloosahatchee River and its watershed, through educa- tion and promotion of responsible use and enjoyment by all people. For more information, please see the Riverwatch \vebsite at crca.caloosahalchee.org C.R.C.A. Riverwatch announced its new board ol direc- tors at their annual meeting in April The new Board members Submiied to ite Caloosa Belle/Chipman family Sally Jo Chipman, Matthew Ryan Deroo Chipman, Deroo 'Mr. and Mlrs. ,Tom Chipman are pleased to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Sally Jo Chipman, to Matthew Ryan Deroo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Deroo of Holland, Michigan. The couple plan to be i nai rid August 12,2006. Sally is a graduate of LaBelle High School and Georgia Southern lii-versit, Matt graduated from Holland High School and Asbury College. Both are associated with the English Language Institute and currentlylive in Beijing, C hina are: Mary Rawl, current president and board member for three years. She has been involved with water- related issues, including past Chair of the Southwest Florida Water. Resources Conference and Lee County's Trail and Greenways Committee, and public access to riverfront land. A community activist on many issues, she was named "Most Effective" Citizen. in 2003 by the Fort Myers News-Press for her work on historic preserva- tion. Margaret England, current vice: president and board member. Mar- garet is a Certified Florida Master Naturalist and an active environ- mentalist. She serves as Secretary and STA5 tour leader for Hendy- Glades Audubon and participates in Oxbow Restoration Educational activities and LaBelle Nature Park projects. She is past president of LaBelle Kiwanis. Dr. John Capece, current Secre- tary and co-founder of C.R.C.A./Riverwatch. John is an agricultural engineer, h drologist, working with agricultural water quality BMP research, afterr uutlity planning for Hendry and Glades counties and Caloosahatchee restoration projects. John is involved in LaBelle Nature Park B .ii..i i.SS.. :c .l ,: : ,. : ,. ',-. p--- zr- -- -- -- m -- - Submitted to the Caroosa Belle!LaBelle Kiwanisa From left: Millard Wagnon, sponsor of. Chris Nolan; and Pudge. Lehman with sponsor Nikki Yeager. KC ir wanisweloms 1 1I VV CC1I. TV r''R1 V AiViL awards scholarships ,May 2. 200i, t-iven-t senior stu- awarded to these recipients. Thank new m em bers d...i ,h.,-. -. ., : ,, ., F.. -,I l t.-, th ., ri m ur nihr fo-r lnr nn rt t Cents recel \u a i'tn I sI ci o ilaI- " ship. The recipients were: Michael Allen, Matthe Bell, Mark Blocker, Tiffany Daley, Laura Hernandez, Vancheska Koch, Gi c ia Le:'s, San- dra Perez, Stephanie Rodriguez, Bianca Rodriguez, Shandeya Thomas, Matthev.N illiam-son and Mallorv \\illiamsor Students who \ele iriember? of th e Kii, anls High School Spuonw:led Ke i: Club were: Arncnda Alun, Blake Basquin, Chelsa CausseauJx, Rya n Caudill, Ausuri Ctli on, \\hitne\ 'Longenecker and Amri-ie Sh upr, President. Approximately $20,000 was yOU o ,lle lm IJi11lll y l M p ipJUJt/IL of the Kiwanis Thrift Store that makes it possible to award these scholarships to LaBelle students for furthering their education and careers. Kiwanis is still seeking adults and college students beyond their freshman \ear to present scholar- ships in the upcoming months ' I you or someone you know is in continuing education, or contin- uiing their college education, please contact a Kiwanian for more infor- mation, or call the Thrift Store, 863.675.4043 and speak to Dawn or Joan, or leave a message. Senior Connection's Executive Director Christine Nolan was installed by Past L. Goenor Joan Miller during the special Kivanis Membership Dinner held at the Senior Connections. Chris came to LaBelle in October, 2005, from the Miami/Fort Lauderdale com- munities: She is the Executive Director of Senior Connections bf SW Florida, which provides serv- ices to seniors throughout Hendry, Glades and Collier coun- ties. The Kiwanis welcomed Chris to the community and into thei group. They look forward to her participation.and input with the needs of local senior citizens. Pudge Lehman has been a res- ident of LaBelle for 45 years. She is very active with the American Legion and is the treasurer of the American Legion Auxiliary. She is also.a "sparklingyolunteer" at the Chamber of Commerce. Kiwanis looks forward to an active, fun member, who will be a part of the LaBelle Kiwanis Club. LaBelle Kiwanis is a part of the global organization. projects as well as being an active Rotarian. Paula Bender, current treasurer and board member for several years. Paula has worked for the Lee County School District for 20 years and has been a long-time advocate of river issues. Linda Mattos has been a board member for several years. Linda is an educator for the Lee County School District and has been an enthusiastic participant in River- watch's outreach activities like Billy Creek Cleanup and Coastal Beach Cleanup. YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck -10 -32 & Auto Repair, Call At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Tiejinimern ,f: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glau ul:.ij Macular Degeneration Cjairja: E\e 1inlu iio Oiilbes Glau.i : Dr) E)e Cataracts Pterygium Conjurn.~ ti l,Pink F.jci) FH ie, fl-.t .uii LASIK Spe.'-alizing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit oniact lenses. Full OFiital Ser%\ice? -In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames. Same Day Service, on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday) jild Eitiinlfi .4Appo' irrnI rii Aaillable 2i H.,ur En.- i g.- .:, Ai. jl3ibl-e New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 : i i7. i) 1ii el jL,:, 1 --o..n-.- i DIGITAL RECEPTION SERVICES, INC. Field Service Techs CoiLqlyided truck & tools -- -- Great adan eni part i Medical u r m Paid vacatioft Positions throughout Florida ror details and to apply online go tos www cageeQsgt$ g.cgm -' FURNITURE v.v. u t lurn t urt com , LEHIGH ACRES 3... -1 v- 3200 Lee Blid........... .... .....303- 1 94 Y / CAPE CORAL 790 N. Del Pado Blvd...... .....5.... 74-3 54 5 .. ;. ; FORT MYERS -.. ., ,_ 11521 S. Cleveland Ave......... 274-8 1 00 .. , 24600 S. Tamlml Trill........ ........,948-2800 I03 l LaBelle Kiwanis I 5 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1, 2006, Sugar farming part of Florida history u By MaryAnn Morris Sugarcane is a tropical grass native to Asia where it has been grown for over 4,000 years. Meth- ods for manufacturing sugar from sugarcane were developed in India about 400 BC. Christo- pher Columbus brought the plant to the West Indies, and today sug- arcane is cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions through- out the world. Over 75 percent of the world's sugar comes from sugarcane. Sugar part of Florida history Long ago, sugar was grown in many areas of Florida. It was first commercially manufactured in Florida near New Smyrna from 1767-76. Near the Homosassa River, is a state park to mark the site of the old Yulee Sugar Mill. David Levy Yulee, a member of, the Territorial Legislative Coun- cil,and served in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Sen- ate, operated a sugar plantation from 1851-64. Spain had deeded most of the land to Mr. Yulee dur- ing the Spanish occupation. The' mill produced sugar, syrup and molasses. (Molasses was used to make rum.) It supplied of sugar products for southern troops dur- ing the Civil War, but was aban- doned. Later, in the late 1800s, Hamilton Disston, who master- minded the drainage of the Ever- glades also.had a sugar planta- tion is St. Cloud, but it fell to bad management. Modern sugar farms Although sugarcane can be grown anywhere in Florida, the commercial sugarcane industry is around the southern tip of Lake Okeechobee. Palm Beach County accounts for about 70 percent of the commercial sugarcane acreage. The remainder is grown in the adjacent counties: Martin, Glades and Hendry. 400,000 acres in crops Recently, there has been a slight decline in commercial sug- arcane production in Florida. Sugarcane acreage has decreased from a high of 454,400 acres in the 2000-01 crop to about 400000 acres in 2004-05. The 2000-2001 crop yielded 2.02 million tons of raw sugar; 2004-05 1.56 million tons. In 2004-05, Florida contributed an estimated 51.3 percent of the cane sugar and 21.4 percent of the total sugar produced in the United States, including beet sugar. Prior to the Cuban embargo in 1961, Florida had only 50,000 acres of sugarcane as compared to 400,000 acres in 2004-05. In 2004, Florida's raw sugar crop was valued at roughly $550 mil- lion, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Sugarcane is Florida's most valu- able field crop and ranks third in Florida's agricultural economy, behind the greenhouse.,nursery and citrus industries. Environmental concerns Not only does sugar support Florida's economy, but also, most of the fibrous portion of the cane stalks, called "bagasse" is burned as fuel for the mills. This saves an estimated 113 million gallons of fuel oil or 2.1 billion kilowatt hours of electricity each year. Research under way At Canal Point, the USDA-ARS Sugarcane Field Station works to produce improved varieties adapted to Florida conditions. At Belle Glade, the University of Florida Everglades Research and Education Center cooperates in the variety development pro- gram and conducts research on sugarcane nutrition and physiolo- gy, pest control, water use, and other problems. At Immokalee, the University of Florida Southwest Florida Research and Education Center researches to help sugarcane producers on the mineral soils of southwest Florida. How is cane grown?. Sugarcane is planted from late August through January. A favor- able variety is planted by using parts of the mother plant. As of 2005, hand planting is still a com- mon practice. Portions of mature sugarcane fields are saved for "seed cane." Cane stalks have buds ("eyes") every 2 to 6 inches and each bud can sprout rapidly when buried in moist soil (http:..'edis.ifas.ufl.edui SC034). Within 2 to 3 weeks shoots emerge. Sugarcane is harvested from late-October through mid-April. If there are no freezes, sugar yields are typically highest after Decem- ber. Years ago, sugarcane was hand-harvested using cane knives. Improvements in mechanical harvesters have resulted in a total movement away from hand harvesting. Machine-harvested acreage increased from 30 percent in 1987 io 100 percent in 1993. Ripe cane is burned to gel rid of dead leaves and other trash that would otherwise interfere with the harvest, increase trans- portation costs to the mill, clog milling machinery and absorb sugar during the extraction process. Fields are burned just before harvest. After burning, mechanical harvesters cut and deposit the cut cane directly into field wagons. Tractors haul 16 tons of cane out of the field with each 4-wagon load. At special ramps near the field, the cane is dumped from the wagon into highway trailers or rail cars to be taken to the mills. Rail cars carry 25 to 30 tons each and highway trailers carry 20 tons per load. Refining the sugar At the mill, the cane is crushed between hea\y rollers to squeeze out the juice. Small amounts of hot water are then added and the fiber is squeezed four more times to remove as much juice as possi- ble. Lime is added to the juice to help filter out cane fibers and soil and keep the desirable sugar (sucrose) from going into other sugar forms that won't crystal- lize. The sucrose solution is con- centrated by evaporating off the water (which is recovered and reused by the mill) until raw sugar crystals form. For each pound of sugar produced, 6.5 pounds or 3 quarts of water must be boiled off. Raw sugar is stored in high piles in large warehouses until it is shipped to a refinery. Looking like very coarse sand, it is moved by belt conveyors, front-end load- ers or dump trucks, loaded into large dump trucks, railcars, barges, or ships for transporta- tion to refineries. 'Two refineries in our area make both granulated and liquid sugar: one in South Bay and the other in Clewiston. The granulat- ed sugar is packaged in con- sumer-size bags while liquid- sugar is shipped in tanker trucks to use in beverages, processed foodsand bakery goods. America's sweet tooth On average, each person in the United States consumes about 61.5 pounds of refined sugar per person per year (2004); roughly 205 stalks of sugarcane. At 30,000 stalks per acre, one acre grows roughly enough for 146 Americans a year Note: 32 percent is consumed as packaged sugar, 20 percent in bakery and cereal products, 15 percent in confectionery prod- ucts, 6 percent in dairy products, 5 percent in processed foods and 4 percent in beverages. Who grows the sugar cane? Over 70,000 acres of sugar- cane are farmed by the member- growers of Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida. From this acreage, on an annual basis, over 350,000 tons of raw sugar is pro- duced enough to serve the aver- age annual demand of more than 9 million Americans. The cooperative provides the services of harvesting, transport- ing and milling of sugarcane and the marketing of raw sugar and blackstrap molasses. Today, 54 grower-members make up the Cooperative. Each member has one vote. US Sugar In 1921, the Pennsuco Sugar Company, which owned several hundred thousand acres of land from Miami to Lake Okeechobee, sent Ernest Graham to Florida to drain the swamps and plant sugar- cane to supply. its Philadelphia refinery. Pennsuco built a mill near what is now Hialeah in 1921. In 1926, a hurricane struck and flood- ed the area. Pennsuco gave up sugar farming and eventually retreated completely. The mill became part of the Southern Sugar Company in 1925. The Clewiston Sugar Mill was opened by Southern Sugar in 1929, but also failed. Then in April 1931, automotive pioneer, industrialist and philan- thropist Charles Stewart Mott transformed the bankrupt South- ern Sugar Company into United States Sugar Corporation. He even- tually led U.S. Sugar to its position as one of the country's most suc- cessful agricultural operations. Through the 1930s, American producers were limited by U.S. policy to supplying no more than 30 percent of the U.S. market. Despite heavy lobbying, govern- ment quotas were not lifted until World War II. In 1959, U.S. Sugar added Bryant Sugar Mill on the southeastern rim of Lake Okee- chobee, the world's most modern. Some history Despite favorable growing t .. Special Lo INI/Florida Archives United States Sugar Co. Mill in Clewiston in the 1930s. What had started as the Southern Sugar Co. was purchased by Edward S. Mott in 1931, and under his direction became a profitable business and still operates in Clewiston. conditions, sugar production in Florida struggled for many years. After the Cuban revolution, ithe Florida sugar industry grew\ rap- idly. Water management A relatively high water table is desirable for sugarcane. When heavy rains come during the growing season, water must be pumped off to avoid damaging the crop. When there is no rain, water must be pumped back in. In the off season, fields are sometimes deliberately flooded to control weeds, disease and insects and slow subsidence of the peal soil. Some farmers grow rice in the fields during the other- wise fallow time. After being used as a cover crop for many years, rice was first harvested as a grain in 1977. Growing rice in rotation \\ith sug- arcane is a "best management practice"i.BMP). BMPs became mandatory in January 1995 to reduce phospho rous from fertilizer in the runoff from the.farms. As of 2004, phos-, phorous has been reduced 44 percent overall for the Everglades Agricultural Area. Some information for this arti- cle came from the following services: wLww.ut.ias.tl.edu: Florida Cooperative Extension Sevrice, Institute of Food and agriculturall Sciences, Uiniversi't ot Florida, GainesLille Fla.:, Evei - glades Research and Education Center, Belle Glade; Florida Cooperative Extension Service, UF/IFAS, University of Florida; a United States Sugar Corp web 3 site www.ussugar.com; Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of/ Florida web site www.scgc.org; Florida State Parks web site' www.floridastateparks.org; Everglades Research and Eddca-l tion Center web stie tii.'t..erec ifas.ufl.edu. and LSD.4 uweb site. http" L.'Ll'LL'.ers.usda goL' State- Facts FL.hrim Note: Flo-Sun is a ' ptrlately' owned business, intol - nmotion t1r Flo-Sun L'as obtained from various on-line news sources. \ Clinica de Inmigracion para todos Nuevas aplicaciones de Residencias Permisos de trabajo, Certificaciones Laborales, Visas de Trabajo, Visas Profesionales. Todo tipo de Casos de lnmigracion George Chernoff& Associates @ NAFA Attorneys Abogados, Practicing immigration law only Llamanos: LaBelle: 863:402-0072 Sebring: 863-314-8555 Miami: 305-480-5399 Primera Consulta Gratis 4t LABELLE RANCH SUPPLY Under New Ownership and is having it's GRAND RE-OPENING Saturday, June 3rd from B am. to 1 pm Switch 10% OFF Horse Feed, Pet Feed S& Selected Feeds HOTDOGES, COLD DRINKS AND HOURLY GIVEAWAYS including a ton of Nutrena Horse Feed SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 Semi 675-3233 TOLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR W. *1 :' r r. 6? i h- '' I nr"*. r.-J B~ (( and t.o The Grand Prize Winner a pair of Costa Del Mar Sunglasses Come out and see our full line of: Purina and Nutrena feeds Fencing Supplies Animal Health Products Pocket Knives Tack and just added Justin Boots, Ruddock shirts and Wragler 20X / Costa Del Mar Sunglasses and more! Please ask to see our catalogs for sp cial orders. 2 1 5. Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 863.675-4240 ti t~/ ~a~~C. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1,2006 LaBelle 4-H winners receive special awards Caloosa Belle/Knstin Hunter From left: Phillip Cosby FFA Advisor, Joe Thompson recipient, Amy Zeigler recipient, Mr. Pat Langford. Ford awards scholarship to local youth Joseph Thompson and Amy Zeigler, both 2006 graduates of Moore Haven, have been award- ed a $1,000 scholarship by Lang- ford Ford, Inc. and Ford Motor Company. Thompson's parents are Jason Shiveler and Susan Thompson- Shiveler of Naples. Joseph plans to study Turf and Landscape Management at Abra- ham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC)- University of Georgia a two year campus. Ziegler's par- ents are Harry Zeigler and Debo-- rah Zeigler of Moore Haven. Amy plans to study Veterinarian Medi- cine at Edison College. The scholarship is one of 540 scholarships awarded by Ford Division, Ford Motor Company Fund and the Ford Dealers to FFA members who are high school seniors planning to attend college in the fall of 2006. The Built Ford Tough Trucks. FFA Scholarship Program recently celebrated its ninth full year. 535 scholarships are being awarded on behalf of individual participating Ford Dealers. Addi: tionally, Five $1,000 national schol- arships are being awarded on behalf of Ford Division. The Built Ford Tough Trucks/FFA Scholar- ship Program is designed to recog- nize FFA members' talents and accomplishments while encour- aging their past and future aca- demic achievements. Built Ford Tough Trucks and Ford Motor Company Fund sponsor these scholarships as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. Langford Ford, Inc. is proud to support FFA and the Built Ford Tough TrucksT"FA Scholarship Program for 57 years Ford has sup- ported FFA, and for more than 50 years, people all over America have been putting Built Ford Tough Trucks to work. Ford knows the value of hard work, and believes that hard work should be regarded. That's why Ford has increased the Built Ford Tough Trucks'FFA Scholarship Fund each year. FFA is a national youth organi- zation of over 490,000 student members preparing for leadership and careers in the science, busi- ness and technology of agriculture with approximately 7,210 local chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. FFA strives to make a positive differ- ence in the lives of students by developing their potential for pre- mier leadership, personal gro\vlh and career success through agri- cultural education. Visit w\'v.ffa.org for more infc'rma- tion. 4-H'ers show rabbits in Highlands County Saturday, May 20, 4-H leaders Pat Boslev and Karen Tindall, along with 4-H Program Assistant Liz Shaw, traveled to Sebring with eight members of the Pioneer 4-H Small Animal Club and 19 rabbits to be a part of the Highlands County Open 4-H Rabbit show. Everyone enjoyed the day and did quite well with the rabbits that they took to the show. Aisha Sey- mour received a first place ribbon and a Best Opposite Breed with her Jr. Rex doe. Amatullah Seymour received two first place ribbons and one Best Opposite Breed with her Sr. Satin buck. Stephen Woosley received a first place, a second place and a Best of Breed with his Jr. Jersey Woo- ley buck. Ginnie Rivas received two first place ribbons for her Rex rabbits. Kristopher Rivas received two first place ribbons for his Lionhead and Mini Lop rabbits. Eddie Rivas received three second place ribbons for his Mini Lop and Submitted to the aloosa tUelle/Pat oeley Best of Breed and Best Opposite Breed class winners at the Highlands County Open 4-H Rabbit Show, hosted by High- land County's Country Clovers and Cracker Trail Livestock 4- H Clubs. From the. Pioneer Small Animal Club are: Alsha Sey- mour, Amatullah Seymour, Stephen Woosley, Sierra Raso, with the Highlands County 4-H'ers. Holland Lop rabbits. Allyson Woodard received a third place and two first place ribbons with her Dwarf and Rex rabbits. Sierra Raso received a Best of Breed with her Jr. Rex doe. Water managers prepare for storms Within days of the June 1st start of the 2006 hurricane season water managers whose responsibility it is to protect the area from Orlan- do down to Florida Bay from flood- ing are finalizing their prepara- tions to face this year's storms. "We believe that we are ready, that all that could be done has been done," said George Home, District Deputy Executive Director for Oper- ations and Maintenance. And he indicated that the District has an agreement with the. U.S. Corps of Engineers to assist in the inspection and monitoring of the Herbert Hoover Dike at any time water lev- els start rising in Lake Okeechobee. The flood control responsibility for the lake and the dike remains with the Corps, which designed and built the Herbert Hoover Dike. The South Florida Water Man- agement District has spent months getting ready. The two main tasks have been to ensure that the flood control system is up and running optimally and that its Emergency Operations Center and staff are trained and ready to respond to a hurricane emergency. The preparations undertaken this year include an aggressive upkeep and maintenance program for the 301 flood control structures which the District operates. That program provides for overhauling pump stations, securing all struc- tures and hardening the communi- cations to the structures. Many of those structures are operated by telemetry from the.central office in West Palm Beach. During the current 2006 budget year the District is spending $131 million in the upkeep and mainte- nance of its flood control system, which spans 1,800 miles. In addition, the other lakes in the region, which are under District supervision, have all been drawn down and are now below their standard regulation schedules. Sports Short Signup for LaBelle Longhorns If you would like to sign your child up for cheerleading or foot- ball come to Winn Dixie on the fol- lowing dates and times: June 8 5:30-7:30 p.m.; June 13 5:30-7:30 p.m.; June 24 9 a.m. noon. You will need the following informa- tion: a birth certificate, their year end report card, a sports physical on Pop Warner paper and a current picture. If you need any further information stop by and chat with one of our board members during' sign-ups. By Jerri Lynn Merritt The winners in the LaBelle Youth Livestock Club annual 4-H Show who won champion and reserve champion in the annual steer show received special recognition and jackets from Sid- ney Platt this past weekend. "Con- gratulations on a great year" he told them. Sidney offers show feeds for all varieties of animals from show steers, show pigs (s~vinei, goats, lambs, calves, rabbits, poultry. and eten dogs and cats. The Grand Champions from the LaBelle show received custom embroidered pullover wind jack- ets with their names on them and the Reserve Grand Champions received a custom embroidered gray hoodie. Local Links A director, of ..eDsites for local government teams, organiza- tions & columnists Conmmunrjl Lrnks IndkiAduoa Voces Post your News Poil or read press releases announcements & information from ',our communilr C-.,TITiuniO L.,s IIa.h u.llduoI bC .C < -' r ---------------I I SPORTS FANS! II YOU DIDN'T KNOW\ I ,iiBroch to .nii by ILo[ LLan 'l; d Ti ger "'ood: remn e- g,-i pre ~mr u I r !',er a.e the 2,I)6 .:eJ.',:, heatr up. But .eep tr e',,e :rn rprool :e _BLibbj WI son, v h-o ledacr the F'PG Tour n average driving distance at more than I -2 yards a p.:.p -nd hjs game is more I[hi pure pc er at the c06 ourt top m T I &'C \'jt i:rnI becirre the hrit pier since Lee TrevLno m 197-1 to h 72 holes without a bigey. en route to third pl ce Still.Tiger is the man Here's ce .n more evidence After v.'nning the Ford ChamplonSihp at Doral ih early March, Tiger was a perfect 19 for 19 In closing out Ieadi of at least two strokes after 54 holes When baseball's great'players of the 1970s are discussed, the name of Cesar Cedeno Is probably never mentioned But let s reconsider' \hen he debuted in the majors .,nth Houston in 1970 ja ja e 19. stoirr man.rrier Leo. Durocher clied Cedeno 'the next \\'Lie IN.is'" While he never lived up to that billing, he did l-.' onimi rIru-htv mpreci.'. years. Cedero r he onli', pjer i i bi I I eague hlstor, tIc' :mac 2'' hIm- rur,. I I and steal 50 bases in three ;traght sea- sons (1972-74), led the league in doubles in 1971 and '72, won five consecutive I Go:ld Gl:,..- 9"2 76) and appeared in !.-.ut *JJJ a i r'i -ie I . I I Who says poker is a game and not a 'port' What if you're laying Extreme F'oker; The 2005 Extreme Poker Challenge was held on the floor of the Caribbean Sea. The players wore SCUBA gear, and the winner was Juha Heippi co Finl.rid '., ho earned the nrhr to c:hooe the locatli.,r lor the 2,',"6 Ch I ernge a t,.i'. .' : ubi flo t .ie -cj I dee h hid budt in hi ,b3cl\ard HeJrpt I finished second, and hadn't decided I whether to join an upcoming touma- I meant .that will be played in a plane I 10,000 feet above Las Vegas. Players I'will have to parachute to the ground I when they run out of chips. I I I I I'll bet you didn't know, coming or I I going, that when, the rubber hits the I I roadyou can't afford not to buy from I ILangford. I I I I I LANGFORDI I 'Yall Spoken Herel" I I 675-1686 I I. ---------------J, Caloosa Belle/Jerri Lynn Merritt From left: Cody Hollingsworth Hendry County Reserve Grand Champion Steer, Rachel Reinbott, Hendry County Grand Champion Steer, Sidney Platt local Moorman's dis- tributor, Erin Zimmerly Grand Champion Steer and Lucas Pratt Reserve Grand Champion Steer. l Land/Lot Purchases > No Income Verification > Second Homes/Condos No Asset Verification 0 Investment Properties > First & Second Mortgages VFIrst Choice ONLINE DISCOUNTS AT .uns,,,u.,,,,,,-, www.disount-lenderscom r-LO~~iC'AneBL'CSartiad~ I_______________ _ CASN;a QM FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, u)l ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! COUNTRY LIVING! UW1 iiz . 3 BR/2 BA, 1.91 acres cleared, newer root, Ig. Florida rm., 2 sheds, Ig. workshop/craft rm. COMO I BANJ~ ( 1h Coldwell Banker Preferred Prop., Inc. Se Habla Espafol! 1-800-320-8144 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee NEW PATIENTS ACCEPTED Nuevos pacientes son acceptadol Services: Family Medicine, Women's Health, Pediatrics. Internal Medicine. Dental, Outreach and Education. Laboratory, Radiology, Pharmacy For an appointment Call (239) 658-3000 Walk-in's Welcome SSpanish. Enghlh, Crsul d& Kaniobil Spoken ' i' f .. .... i I i.' ... A J ",' i' U IL C(.111lllLity Links. IndividuaI Voices. WId1 EL1.L~kT.1 K] 111 6 II ~ I*1 Bit 1 E 44-L ~ 1 1 Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida. PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases. announcements & information from your community. Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes ,,igorouslv. Post For Free Post your personal messages on on open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. Local Links A directory of websites for location government. teams, organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers, distributed to 31,000 homes. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay Clewviston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof ' 11 I' II I- ,, .' r ,' II I 1' I 1 1 Jl li "11 J I It f ill .... ~ ... . ,F .- .L .Ilil .1 ,4.l i- i.......... .. JjjjjfL .I . 1~LiLi~l+LLa~UY~L~*LYblrurruu~~~rrr ~- e -r I |L '** *t- a :.? .." ":. :;. :: 7t" 'tlt:I)A Mrrlrn E frtbrr rs r~a~a~ f~iiastl~ 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1,2006 County still dealing with hurricane damage By Patty Brant 'Hendry County still has some hurricane demolition funding of some $285,000 available to demol- ish homes that are considered either "destroyed" or with "major damage" from Hurricane Wilma. The county can put in an addition- al $180,000 to offset the cost. Pre- liminary estimates are $5,000 per structure. The board also voted to notice residents placing storm-related horticulture and demolition/reno- vation debris for curbside pick up. If the debris has not been removed five working days after notifica- tion, the county will remove and place a lien on the property. The owner may also be liable for a $500 fine, In other business, commissioners:. Passed a resolution in Sup- port of a proposed Heartland Park- way. Approved renovating the Administration section :of the Courts Building for a new hearing room and courtroom. The Public Defender's office will relocate to the new Courthouse Square south of the Save A Lot Plaza Okayed a proposal for design of a 20-acre expansion to Fort Denaud Cemetery lots. Currently only 26 are available in four-lot clusters for families in the above ground marker area. Accepted Ford Road, former- ly City Ditch Road, as a county road. Approved a sister region part- nership with Shandong Province, China, which includes the city of Yantai, through Florida Gulf Coast University. The program is designed to develop contacts between the business communi- ties of both areas. Public hearings, commissioners: Amended ordinances to make it acceptable to replace a mobile home with a site built home and be eligible for road and education impact fee exemptions. Approved requested setbacks for a portion of Murphy's Landing, a new development going in north of SR 80 at the Hendry/Lee county line. The setbacks will not affect the overall density of the develop- ment. Approved a request for a future land use and zoning change from residential to industrial PUD along SR 29 for an outdoor ware- housing business. Buffers will be required. .. Approved a future land use and zoning change for CHL Hold- ing'to build 4-multi-family town- houses in Port LaBelle. They are to provide affordable housing and will be held open for teachers for 30 days; the deputies and EMSfire employees, then will be open to the general public. Approved a small scale rezoning for Penny Johnson changing a four-acre tract on the north side of SR 80 west of Park Lane from residential medium density to commercial PUD with a residential commercial mix. Approved a rezoning from A2 to a mining PUD and development of 116 units for single family detached units. Sky Manor phase II in Fort Denaud will provide single family units and airport hangars. A request for rezoning and a special exception to put in a recy- COES Students of the Month for April Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/COES Third grade first row, from left: Amanda Phipps, Justin Smith; Kayla Rosen, Lorena Cruz, Eileen Smith Not Pic- tured Nora Esparza. Fourth grade second row: Erica Berkheiser, Sergio Zuniga, Anaelia Fiqueroa, Jose Rodriguez, Not Pictured Dylan Hinson, Cheyenne Wells. Fifth grade third row: Ashley Curry, Marisela Gomez, Car- los Benitez, Kendall Owens, Not Pictured Michelle Gielow. Sh-P-,'. I~ l ill?~i e II cling/mulching plant on 23.1 acres in Felda. Approximately 30 loads of material would be coming in per day, but fewer would leave due to the compressed nature of the final product. Questions came up about overloading the level of serv- ice on SR 29 and a possible fire hazard. The request was tabled. A request for to rezoning from RG-1 to PUD for a new 14-lot subdivision was also tabled when a neighbor presented concerns about noise and privacy. The area is located at CR 78 and Eagle Point Drive. CHL Holdings was granted a special exception to put outdoor storage in Port LaBelle Unit 8, by LaBelle Middle School. 311.32-acres of 640 acre site on Church Road was approved for a paver/brick plant on Church R O Road, with rezoning from R-2 to 1 IF0n : ,z-- A0 PUD, pending resolution with Lee County of Level of Service prob- ,I lems along nine miles of ChurchAV ,,. Road. Construction is not schedule to be complete till the summer of 2009 The county commission will not have a regular meeting until July 13, at 5 p.m. at Clewiston City Hall. PAIDADVERTISEMENT Rumors vs. Reality: ival the Seacoast National Name The merger ofBig Lake National I SBank and Seacoast National Bank i. brings with itra wealth ofadditional . services and benefits to customers. Joe Mullins, Big Lake's president for the past 18 years, knows that a merger also brings rumors. The , following is an open letter from Joe to Big Lake National Bank CuStomers. lJoe Ahllufns. Recgional Picsidc,ut Seacoast NaLIoniil Bankz To our customers and the communities we serve, BMai Rh U4 Kindergarten first row: Irma Robles, Taurino Martinez, Margie Pardo, Agustin Perez III, Kelly Carncross, Jason Mathis, Not Pictured Michelle Pardo. First grade second row: Jorge Montesino, Jorge Olvera, Dixon Grimaldo, Ronalda Karr, Nicole Laniz, Kammie Squires, Gabriela Custodio, Jonathan Moreno. Not pictured Jose Ramos. Second grade third row: Alexa Benavidez, Ramon Aguilar, Alex Olvera, Alexis Rohas, Hugh White, Not Pictured Carolina Teijeiro. Mansell is national honor student The United States Achievement announced that Miranda Mansell from LaBelle, has been recognized for academic achievement as a United States National Honor Stu- dent Award winner. Miranda Mansell is the daughter of Dianna Davis of LaBelle. Her grandparents are Margland Forester and Clyde Forester of LaBelle. Miranda Mansell, who attends West Glades School, will appear in the United States Achievement Academy's Official Yearbook which is published nationally. "Recognizing and supporting our youth is more important than ever before in America's history. Certainly, United States Achieve- ment Academy winners should be congratulated and appreciated for their dedication to excellence and achievement," said Dr. George Stevens, Founder of the United States Achievement Academy. The USAA National Honor Stu- dent Awards provide honor stu- dents with many benefits and serv- ices and is, a great tribute to a student's dedication, talent and ability. I've heard all the rumors, how fees will rise, accounts will change and the phone will no longer be answered by a person. Nothing could be further from the truth. The integration of Big Lake National Bank and Seacoast National Bank will be completed on June 5, and is a "win-win" for Big Lake National Bank customers. The same employees will be servicing you, service charges will not change and loan decisions will still be made locally. The merger with Seacoast will only enhance our customers' banking experience. New services will include free online banking and bill pay, and a Telephone Banking Center with extended weekday and Saturday hours where customers can call and speak with a live banking representative. Cash management, marine financing, investment products, trust and estate planning and annuities are additional services that will be available to you. Ve will have an expanded network with 41 Florida offices for greater convenience. The automated MoneyPhone, formally known as SBLISS, will also be available 24/7. Seacoast National Bank is known for providing big bank services with small bank attention, which means they are able to provide a larger variety of financial services often offered by the large mega-banks, with the personal service associated with smaller community banks. It's truly the best of both world'for our customers. Seacoast National Bank has a long history of supporting community events and employee involvement with charities. Just as you've always been able to find Big Lake National Bank employees on hand to help out at community functions. Customers will see that only positive changes are coming their way. More services, more flexibility, more convenience. And yes, there will still be a live person answering the phone. All of us at Big Lake National Bank and Seacoast National Bank are excited about the opportunity to continue serving your financial needs and look forward to seeing you in our branches ,and around town. Just as before, our bankers' hours don't stop at the office door. We are committed to serving our customers now more than ever. By the way, if you have a question or concern you'd like to share with us, call your local Big Lake National Bank office or call me at 863-467-4663.. Our lines are open and will be answered by a live person not a machine. Thank you for your continued trust. Regional Presid Joe Mullins lent, Seacoast National Bank. -J 7 J17 T-J 47 > T INT GAPrIAj oNE (CRED1CiT CARD 14 "ywz Was a security de~positf charred to your card when y-ox operxed a C-pictafCsxe C(redil <-arcd aocccunrt in 2001 o 2002? o eeU Ar2WflMt. OM6i OYUd0 r010,idakgsyion Infrm tion about urqualification an Jawurets ICu*lcfmanr, me c~~ A~~r~~ '.s.J E~p~ d rt. st~5, I. S A Iitl VSrr* I111 TI-,s, h~1s'Ar,0 of; a 4W 1*5 SgrI Imprrle,-,S faeOIgsor thrut OhOlkA nrct: be b*.,s,,.,, ssor1e*y 0,- aoerdajee~amente. Sefaror, you dctaade. sa~k us to asend yet, free~ writtn Anforrnellon ubout Cu.- qc~slifloatlon. end experlonce Seacoast NATIONAL BANK NASDAQ: SBCF A subsidiary of Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1,2006 - - IAIPTO0 CRYE DODGE JEEP "Kgb Vv .t b We have the expert technicians, factory service information, specialized tools and genuine parts to properly service your Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep vehicle. Automatic Transmission Tune-U, $79.95 Drain/Replace INCLUDES: Drain fluid/remove filter New Mopar transmission filter Installation of new fluid Necessary adjustments Road-test vehicle Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to special filter Vehicles with special fluids may be higher. Imports may be higher. Additional charge for fluid disposal E.xpir6/7/o6 -----------------aaama ama. a a-------------------. ..-----mm - Lube, Oil & Filter Change $21.95 INCLUDES: Cooling System Service "$49 .95 11 R" FlushlfReplace INCLUDES: Inspection of hoses and belts , SMopar antifreeze replacement 'I (2-gal max) SD Pressure test system Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher S *additional charge for fluid disposal S Ex pirs. 6/7/06 ~ I > f. ^^ ----- W F- 1. r,^ *_ .l I -_ -- i~ H; ( N4K4KMK-raa :.r*8 Jir 44!* .=.-- - I I I I I I. I Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation $249. UIMLUDES: I I ifltfUVt8 IouI VwIrieeis Engine oil replacement up to 5 quarts from vehicle; balance C completee chassis lube from vehicle; balance *New Mopar oil filter and rotate S Fluid level inspection a Special wheels, specialty Inspect CV joints and front I vehicles slightly higher. suspension components '" i Additional charges may be applied for diesel, i V-1Os, Hemi V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic $ % Sand synthetic oils. EXpies 6/7/06 Expires 6/7/06 Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR ______ I C RYSLERI CHRYSLER- DODGE-JEEP DEALER SIt really does make a difference! RlVe e c Pr1 lU~l ti (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 4 I I I I I L ---, L --I 1 - C r .r r 1 i t i i 1 r 1 i i i r r i *' \ 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1, 2006 Russian youth expands horizon in LaBelle Birthdays From Kirov, Russia to LaBelle Darya Victorovna Gredina is a 17-year-old exchange student from Kirov, Russia. Kirov is the old town of Vyatka, where the population is 640,000. After the Soviet demise, they changed all the street names, -hence Vyatka changed to Kirov. She was one of five students chosen from 1,000 at her school to be a foreign exchange student by winning a school contest/scholarship. Darya considers herself very lucky to have been chosen and is .so glad that she has. had the opportunity to experience a whole new world that she can take with her for the rest of her life. Darya found many differences here in comparison to her home- town. The exchange rate of money is 27/1 American dollars. Therefore, it is much more expensive here. Also, Kirov is a big city where everything is with- in walking distance so instead of driving everywhere people either walk or use public transportation like they do in New York City. Instead of having houses, most everyone lives in a flat which is an apartment-like building. Darva and her family live on the 9th floor. She also found it interesting to go grocery shopping only once a week or once every .two weeks because back home they go Caloosa Belle/Knstin Hunter Darya Victorovna Gredina and host dad James Tanner. shopping every day and only get what they need for that day. Of course, the climate is much different. It is sometimes 150 below, in the winter in Russia, whereas here it stays a steady 60 degrees. However, another main difference is that we use Fahren- height and they use Celsius to determine degrees. We are on a standard system of measure- ment, whereas they use the met- ric system. Her host dad did men- tion that Russians and Americans are a lot alike, however "We are worlds apart, but we are both proud, hard headed people To him, Russia is where America was 200) ears ago in correlation with being a new democracy. Darva is a very talented artist. Her hobbies include drawing, painting, pastels or any kind of art. She has been very involved and thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Foutch's art class. She has been offered money for some of her art but has given them away instead. Darya is actually a junior back home but is taking all senior classes at LaBelle High School. Darya's host parents are James and Nancy Tanner and her sib- lings are Bryce and Connor Tan- ner. Darya is the daughter ofbusi- nessman Victor Gredin and homemaker Marina Credina. She has a 14-year-old brother named Daniil (pronounced Daniel). Her brother speaks English very well but her mom and dad speak a limited amount. Schools in Kirov are from Ist-I Ith grade which is a total of 10 years in comparison to our 12. For some reason they skip the 4th grade. There are many prerequisites to be a foreign exchange student including, but not limited to, being recommended by teachers and having a certain number of hours of English. Darya has taken English since first grade. She has kept in touch with her family via email and international phone cards She can email them when- ever she wants and has been allowed to call every weekend. Dara \\ill have to repeal this year back home because the classes that she takes here do not count towards her credits back home. Darya said that education is more difficult, stricter and more impor- tant to students back home. She has found the education here very easy. Darya speaks Russian, English and German. While here, Darya has trav- eled extensively. She went on many Pacific International Exchange (PIE) trips as well as host family trips to places like Cape Canaveral. the Kennedy Space Center, Tallahassee, Wash- ington D.C. for a week, Kentucky, South Carolina where her host grandparents live, the Edison Home in Ft. Myers, Disney World in Orlando, Sanibel Beach, and the Seminole Indian Reservation. While here, Dar)a was required to do a minimum of 60 hours of community service. She did well above those 60 hours working at the Senior Connections Bldg., the Barron Library as %well as other charitable events such as Battle of the Bands. She was involved in cross country until she broke her foot and could no longer run. She \will leave LaBelle on June 26 and will be in transit for about five days with no contact with her parents until she arrives in Russia. Because Russia is a new democ- racy she will be an ambassador for democracy upon her arrival back home lor two years. After that, she'd like to return back to the US and go to an arts school. She says that she has found that this experience has improved her character and made her a more laid back person and she has very much enjoyed her time here. Wood, Conklin recognized for service Cliff Wood, Chief Deputy for : .d . the property appraisal office :7-~ receives a property appraiser plaque for 15 years of service. He started at the LaBelle office on" "- April 2, 1990 as an Appraisal - Director and has worked his way -' up to Chief Deputy. April 2, 2005 . marked his 15 years at the office. He is responsible for overseeing the tax rollout and is also a public relations problem solver. He is in- - charge of maintaining the cam- iii eras that get all the statistical analysis on sales that cause value change. They do this by following in ,n, the market from the previous From left: Dave Conklin anc year. Values have increased at a Property Appraiser Kristin phenomenal rate in the past cou- Kulpa. Dave Conklin retire pie years. There has been a on May 19. tremendous increase in riverfront properties which are in high and has been working here ever. demand as well as Port LaBelie since. He has been in the property property. Montura and Pioneer. -" appraisal business for a total ol 4( Cliff's job is to notify Kristina A. Submitted to Caloosa Belle by Robin Williams years altogether. Kulpa as to where prices should Clifford S. Wood receives plaque from Property Appraiser ears a toge r. go. Cliff has enjoyed his job thus Kristina Kulpa fortn5 years of service. far and he looks forward to sever- .. . al more years with the county. appraiser in LaBelle for 8-and-a- Federal Savings Appraisal until Dave Conklin retired Friday, half years since 1997. He spent they went out of business. That is May 19. He has been a real estate most of his time working for First when Dave transferred to LaBelle HOAfW Of -THi "ORi&IA naiwr y i airtrh Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free!., No fee, w E-M 4 lines for 2 weeks Price must be included in ad Private parties only 2 items per house- , hold per issue ': Deadline 11 * 1 used item or grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. a.m. Monday catch, no prowtnei&.H CAOOSA f, BiLF Delivering Western Hetndry County's News Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 rail: classad@newszap.com PAYCHECK. CU Payday Loan has an annual you need to make ends meet until payday without costing Who's eligible to join Suncoast? IfP OU LIVE IN HENDRV' COLNNTY', YOLI'RE kL1UCIBLL FOR MEMBESH HI4 AT LJN(.OAT .* PLUS, ANYONE WHO WORKS, WORSHIPS OR ATTENDS s :iiOOtl ERl: CAN JOIN. IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS CAN JOIN IOO. vou rour paycheck. To find out more about Suncoast, call us at 800-999-5887 or visit us online at joinsuncoast.org. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org nJ rwmT Reason #24 to join Suncoast. Payday loans THAT WON'T TAKE YOUR I, Some traditional payday lenders charge an annual percentage rate of more than Ii percentage rate that will l :12 13 I4 'iG L ...not exceed 18%. It s 's :20o 21 Ma 23 *A 26W L -27 12 29 '" ,' __. A ^---,_ gives you the money It . .. ..- ....i -:". -' ' oo00%. That's beyond excessive. If you had the money to throw away on extremrne liii ghinterest -rates, Vou wouldn't need a payday loan. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union is not or-pro, fi. so our goal is to actually save you money, and help vou break the pa)dav loan cvcle. Suncoast's III d 10 -W , P'.e. p. red t i .-. r. ben pir., I D ., .f-I -e June 1: David Widekind, Betty Ann Aiken, Cassie Etgeton, Blanche Sapp, Laura June Wilson, Rebecca Reynolds, Carmen Bellinger, Alton Morgan, III, Roy Dutcher, Sr., Debbie McClain June 2: Bobby O'Bannon, Molly O'Ferrell, Joann Craft, Kelly Martin, George Collins, Jennifer Wood- ward, Terry Henson, II, Jeannine Therlault, Rita Alexander, Tyler Owens. Abigail Gallegos June 3: Gary Williams, Pat Sanabria, Sara Leon. Jason Daniels, Kara Nobles, Mae McDon- ald. Susan Hill, Alberto Ramos. Andres Cavazos, Jr., Joyce Gorecki June 4: Linda Gibson, Eddie Garrert June 5: Randy Bush, Buster Williams, Gloria Taylor, June Howard, Vivian Martin, Mag Harn. Paula Pittman, Jessica Oosting, Jurate Meister June 6: Edna Vanatta, Shine Guy, Lois Yeomans, Mike Owens, Dean Heflin. Russell Ballard June 7: Deanna Conklin, Pam Gonzalez, Audrey Kinchen. Rodrigo Ramirez, III, Marki Pehley. Gayle Shellberg, Jack Brant, Casey LeeAnn White, Dora Gomez, Aman- do Ramirez, Allison Wright, Cory Masterson, II June 8: Gere HimmelheDer. Velma Arnold, Tammy Cavanagh, Esther Beavers, Debbie Smith, Melina Howell, Michael Grinnell, Jr., Dana Thorpe. Kirsten Anders. Ida Allen Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1,2006 S f Amr SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BankofAmerca Mortgage Loan Officer m l S Consumer Real Estate I l w Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment E ABOUT OUR SPECIAL OGRAMS FOR TEACHERS. IRKERS. LAW ENFORCEMENT. ND FIREFIGHTERS 863 675 4550 K 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle SRodney Murray Lic. Real Estate Broker Associates- Seth Howard Phil Lewis, Tamra Franco, Jim Coddington & Kyndel Murray 3BR/2Bath on 1 acre, close to town with a 24x32 pole barn. Large oaks, fenced and landscaped. REDUCED $144,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 5BR/3Bath really nice manufactured home on 5 beautiful acres in Muse on Cypress Ave. $399,000. 3BR/3Bath on 4. cresi~ t~30x42 pole barn & 24x36 horse bar 'L I -l %lle Ranchettes nice, nice, nice. $695,000. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 68 37 -r ed. 3BR/2BA doublewide on 2.85+/- acres. Close to town. Only $194,900. m mBusilters Building Communities. One Quality Home at a Timel Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder We have "move-in ready" homes available now 9024 Mavwood Cir, Cvyress II, 3/2/2 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison II. 3/2/2 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II. 3/212 jug- junLSr 5 n aqnoiia,,wIzfc *eozvu 9002 E. Broad Cir, Buttonwood, 3/2/2 $218,900 FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. (863)612-0012 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com QB39922 "All spec. Homes Include '.acre home site "Paved Roads"County Water"Power"Schools in Subdivision* LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCAION-Zoned B1, located on SR 80 in Labelle, 2500 Sq.Ft. ...-.nerciai builJ;din Building.and land for jl: ,r:,ly il .1 i.:hen appliances except HobartMixer. For more detailscontact Cathy Lee. Property offered at $1,500,000. Va',:.rai La.rd l;sungerig inrin ar $39,900. : Call or stii.:p bh [.c i te m)ic inT:rmauon onr all or utr lungs! ? o Che king e -Rodip Randy Beres Division Manager 274 N Bridge St LaBelle.FL 33935 863-612-0002 ACREAGE 39 ACRES IN MUSE I,2 mile from pa\ ed road, indudes 2BR hunting cabin. -,500+."- young live oak trees on 19 acres cn be used for miti. gation. Land has been laser'leveled, and rcngi. reeredl for drainage water piel mis in place Git ba'.k to nature and enjo) endless FpInlijc. ;1,800,000. INCOME PRODUCING ORANGE GROVE w 0: hI.imlins, %,I]'. i..den ,:m. r .in iu z age, rin':;lr'i rngajn''ri 12 i 31Jl ci es .i.:rc-r .ege :an Lbe -i i init:' 2-i a Jre irja[ i an .Ia jcre irJ.. for endle-- building p.' r,-stbd~li $12,500 per acre. TVRSATIIT'n ABOLUNDS!l .il nes ,,ifcjk, pien-, civpress tree' and open p.ature Great tga'rlig laJd l ior -e res r ,:uatle Manufa.-tured Hume ~1old 3a51 oi n site, with aell and pF.,c"e Property .')oned one h:,mesite per 'i Jire,I Perle:t pla e to gctawa and forget I all $1,240,000. OAK HAMMOCK, PRESS AND PALMET- TOS TREES grajie he IJnrld"apFe o,1 this 181C' a',:r in Mue CreeL. iurs rthir ugh the NE -,ide of the prrFprrv, adding t: the tranquiliry .f this ni.C hjae $1.100,000. RETRET FROM THE CITY 1.:. this a1 j. p- r (el off it.cdl m.unriitined dir[ rt,:.d ijlni ,nliLtcd p',rei'nit:il .or a rriir -rari.h cir rura lu iidc r,.. At ie.il ja $30,000 per acre. MANAGEABLE ORANGE GROVE off CLR 7', pr late ra',,J leads 1. ihis -0 .r.te in Ft EDnaud $965,000. EIRITA6Gi LAND Co 30 BREATHTAKING ACRES IN MLiSE un pjaed Silverlake Rd.. Thi, aireage offer.t improved pastuieland ard bejuitrul r,:,ledjr areas on both sides of a picturesque flowing creek C(mp Housi'arid : i andl pump .well are jut J f ew ol the imeninesri tha make this a rur:e In j lifeme opporti:lunritya' u can own this unique parrcel for rnly $'05,000. PRISTINE AND GREEN PASTURELAND 20 fenced acres of impr'.'ed Ind' icad, f':r )o'u, tree firm, :i'"d farn', r gr.ing ariprirul- ':'nc'l one home per 5 acres and conveniently located in Muse. $660,000. 20 ACRES ON MAHOGANY AVENUE IN MUSE. cPilitry o:f spaj:e '-hi y ardr.- t:, pick the plerle,:t homesne Enrl:'y ihe tquer arn.j '.i..h the widlile 3s ihe lu sei' e ,cCii', Counnry bnng Bac.s iup t[:, L[ke b:.iher jn,1 i, lentud on hree sides $498,000. "A" RATED ACREAGE Prime Jndl ani:,-.t pert leCt is the best w t :, de Cnbe ihis large. lael h'omeite 'i,'iu CJr, erli'.\ y..:ar hut-rs4 arnd i'. ur pn a.:-'v ,n this '.+i a- te in i he P.i rt n ji Ib lle Rail.,herile $389,000. THIS EY CATCHING 2-+ ..e in P...rr LaBelle P!an.:lheie wAuld be a err.. pl.iF:e l.: i COlu r'' buildJ ulur nret hlrome ur, i 'eini ' i'. irh niurina & C:l n,.'athr $359,900. 3.02 ACRES IN GLADES COUNTY RANCHETTES, ileaied' ,rl id ,adv I1: building' Li:.n-ed on Frinuter Cirile $345,000. 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1.888-675-6762 w-ww.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espanol BRING THE 1IDS, DOGS AND HORSES. Be1jullull 1.1 ijc e it.r: in R.lu, :n Ferri.,'": d Lar ethali i' fc .ed' J .. yIal,: ld E.., ll ,rnira-.,nh site ,r t[i ni ] .:a .....uniri. lI.,ri,,ie:,, : $299.900. 20 ACRES OF INVESTMENT PROPERTY IN WESTERN MUSF. \i hrl .,IFp-.hre'inig land v.11 n ir: n I.a i, Ihe [h il, ii i rl. c Si.:i ijri.un I bl ,:.r i t e.,- and tl .. i : $299,900. 5 ACRES WST OF LABELLE .'. ..nli i :hoic ,. ii n :ce ..4 h M ',-:_: if I.I'- .i s, i|aln.r,,: o hr.t.,alc u t lh," ipF.'i, pr... F r Jc: [,'pleit'i '.I Pri Jl.., Buti.ld '..uir i.Irm h.[" n li- re $269,900. 5 BEAUTIFUL ACRES ;"i i,.:.Il lu. $225,000. 5 SERENE ACRES IN Mti F. o:,n .- p-'. P|,]| lII., ,1w Ir0 _l fi rljhla I':, _' d r ..o available. Bui in : l.r p i.iaj i i ,e c l h..'ri ,:.1 iiW other for a ii i l-rrini $200,000 eadi. PEACE AND QUIET i, thjai i.-ii ill in1 d I'.ih this acreage on 'paved' He,-ricl I I1 ili.J In Pioneer Plantation Room for h'-, ;e- ,. honime this Cal.' l', 1.ci your RX for i':i i'Jr.:lni' $175,000. LADECA A(REAGE. P.:i,:lui .i ,i r '', r.: ertyorn aI.. $165,000. 2.5 ACRES IN PIONEER ONE LOT West of 1,4 j, i .,,i, ,], l:,, i r.:.rh .';.aple Hh .h ', ,.,il, r'ialiii ,:, r n.j pr ': $'9.900. 2.5 ACRES IN PIONEER PLANTArION. ,I. i, inq,.1u homesite can be yours for -only $"1,000. MONTURA RANCH ESTATES -1.07 ac to 1.25 ac tracts. $47,500 to $67,500. HOMESITES WIDE VARIETY OF HOMESITES AVAIL- ABLE. PLEASE CAGl OUR OFFICE OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INTOR- MATION. WWW.HERITAGELAND(O.COM WATERFRONT Riverfront 5 Acres with 215+/- feet of frontage. High elevation reveals spec- tacular views. $885.000 REDUCED Riverfront 1.15 Acre homesite on presti- gious Fort Denaud Rd. $575,000 More than Meets the Eyel Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low main- tenance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceilings. interior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile back- splash and granite countertops, all windows have wood casing sur- rounds, a brick fireplace, and wood floors throughout finish the look. $515,000 REDUCED 2 Acre Deed Restricted Homesite in Oak Haven Estates. Oak filled and backs up to beautiful sunsets over the water. $350,000 St. The front 2.7 Ac are zoned Light Industrial with the remaining 4 ac zoned Heavy Industrial. Great opportunity for flex space development. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located, across from the State Attorney's Office and close to LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. Commercial potential Located approx 1 mile west of Cowboy Way with 800 lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the proposed future Wal-Mart location. $2,090,880. Light Industrial 4.65 Ac with 2400 Sq, Ft. Ste 11et out l 4 l ltiN_ t under current zoning. 850,000. Heavy Industrial Site just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. $299,000 Haid to find heavy Industrial Builders acre on a paved road. Industrial Loop S/D. $285,000. WATERFRONT & PRIVACY Ar IF BEST Thii, recent.) r nri:, aeji J iBR' B\ h:.fm'Tie Il,'.:jrc'J ji the On'noru L...:- Fih r.o:'m niou:ur .n Fpniale dock. Permuirt in plja.e t: ajJd nrew J::k .a lif Priced i.. Sell'" QUIET COUNTRY RTREATI Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immacu- late home offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment pack- age includes a large screen television w/stereo and sur- round sound, split floor plan, built in computer center, large master bedroom and bath w/ garden tub and sep- arate shower. Upgraded appliances add a nice touch, to the large open kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar and for- mal dining. $212,500 ONLY CONDO ON THE MARKET iN LABELLEI This 2BR/2BA unit would make a great rental investment or full-time residence. Located on the first floor this condo features a greenbelt view; tile in kitchen and bathrooms, and a bonus room. Comfortable living awaits your arrival! $150,000 THIS IMMACULATE 2 BR /1.5 BA HOME IS located in the center of town close to everything. What a terrif- ic home for someone just setting out on their own or sizing down. Home is partially furnished and ready for you! $159,900 FOR LEASEIII 800+/- Sq. Ft. Office on Busy Street downtown. Call for details. WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION. LOCATION. LOCATIONIII This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 ONE OF THE FEW RIVERFRONT PARCELS ,r.: ith mnfikci Thi, ,ruilnirnii II A.r,: i, err) unique ah +h ,.II.i + tci tr.:,-tili, .'r, ih .e [cajurhIul Caloosahatchie F ,[ t:.k i:. ih.- E. -i inJ i .n'.. and enjri)y erijdlke'. 'e'. lfrojim he iraci ri.-i bank. The eaierfron t:r pi: e fa:j urc 1 lJl.ci:rr., Ii the South side rd i-ra :r .,fr.,i .i [he ,N.:.i h bBuilJ v.:,ur dream h.ome ardl criio". lhe perjce aind tirn. quilitn rhj LaBelle.- .il::.hJi-ha:chc he ,:' ':'lcr $1,950,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE wah ,:.,i, r 2.i.i tfe I i. ajtic tror'nind[ .rc, jr.i,' : j- rjild int lot i The ljbul:,'u ieiir i njr uralli Fprlrie jir. ar:i snrd up the ncr Ir.:iti Ihi 'P.: rl ' ,'n b'ih ihle rruirn ricr and ibe 'Ohl Rici Ehli:h ieaturesc :1.1 le I:, ri'r,',e.:ic ed do"..jae ,I-, Ra'p ''i- riverbank r in prgre : clhere is tO 'C'.'rps, .'. b.:" ,r, eiith r e I:, .whi'h i raj ajll.,iw h:,i'ues and/or pools unusually close to River. Beauutul area of upscale homes within blocks of central LaBelle. $1,500,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel and enjoy end- less views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique one of a kind property also has it's own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river in an area of nice homes. Permits are in place to re-dredge oxbow to 6-8 ft. depth. $499,000. HOMES INIABELLE THIS CHARMING CEDAR HOME sits on an oversized corner lot in the city. The 2BR/2BA home has vaulted ceilings and tile in the living area, French doors provide views to the outside. Fenced back yard and 8' x 10' shed for extra stor- age. $199,900 MOVE IN READY! cisl rinemi:Jdlcd ',BR2BA Ih:.rr, l.: at .J ,:l. n lrge 1:i n ir he :i .r r, c .:. ijpr..i ',,' rini rnd, ir neI rii r pai Jii ra i l r'J: 'Ju n 'iicrr 1,cdr'- iTom frice ,:jr :edued .. :11 f8l"9,900. UNDER CONTRACT THIS IMMACULATE MANULACTiRED HOME Is l[uJicd :]i1 hdil 'mr.r'i;d:cd Ii irn r.'ivn and .ITipliel'. f-rc:d i H'.'iTif c f ilc uric 'aultc'J .rll. irg -pl flt.:..r plarn kii.:en ih pjirnr nrid li rcal.ta-i .l.an0 F..nt'i r.d aj.:k ":'pr.l.hc jqreigrrJ h..r o'utd,,' iir crdn.:iir,piri id C i,,'ni, Tffnll REDLiCED 134,900 A r.EPAT RlNTAI IN tPsFrNMFNr ORS RTFR Thi, pr.i'r-ern i, I1 acre, in :'ir of the bht 'l growing are.. oft Gljade, Counri$ surrrouriled b\ liac j.rcage,. thi paricel hi, been .:leircd and en. :ei Thi u-i'm:',i buil h,.'e iSN jI.Iuc jrid eri aell kept Over 3 41 i.i 1 ft .plir 1c.l r plain leatrure', crmi.. ll,. 3 li\re bedri-onm,. ,.lk-in ':l'j.ei-,. arid 2 ,p,':i','u bl'- iThe i-.land aIjKi:in hi .il. in pariry. bre.ikjti arei nj i Fpern Ic' ihe Iaric tibii ly roomrr The mrriaier bedr"'im naid bjiuh :fiefr h or d her a..kil-in .cilei'es ijg er, lub. tcFparii,* .bh:..er. cldul rink-s i and ':Ccs ti:o ihe r.ol Toomar1i improiemrrieni iTcrienirirn i :l for :our pn..iie hoCiny' 1 $1.450,000. JBRIBA CBS HOME ON 8.8+- ACRE; li hJen T; iW .'BA ,".l'ij lured b,:,,Te his j fronting o:n paej, r,-,d 3pprio'. rmleti, hT:,'m 1.x .i'1 ir i u,'u j pl hir i [A lu d a.J. 'tc I. war, PrFe-rt).i t ler cd .:,s' len, ed r,. gr- lot,:,tiier ir eaure a.rin l" i labin i a t Je. 'r peoua-: oks anr,d hoise sizable $490,000. ceni.ri n gJr.Jeni llb i lle ..cr bjh nei ~, 5.18 +/. ACRES WilBRl.5BA COTTAGE ,rykl hmri. l-uilnl hr.ough'.u'l arnd ri c ,:jrpei hI-ii rI.:.bilic is i,,,,:dir in Pn LaP. le ina i cile, .lne ol LiBelle' priced to sell!! $125,000. most desirable communities. Situated at the end of a cul WELL MAINTAINED 3BR/2BA MANUFAC- de sac provides a peaceful & private setting. Cathedral- TURED HOME w/ office or possible 4th bed- ceilings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan and room. Located within city limits, completely wrap around porch. $469,900 fenced and priced to sell! $99,900 ACREAGE/OTS HOMS 40 ACRE Gerber Grove $660,000 4BR/2BA SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME features 2.5 +/. ACRES stocked pond, partially fenced, unique large kitchen, new a/c, upgraded appliances, et oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 large kitchenapprox. 2 miles from town. Seller motivated tub and above ground pool. $174,900. UNDER $199,000 CONTRACT 10ACREPARCEL located off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road) SELLER RELOCATINGI Ready to move in and a in Charlotte County. Property zoned agricultural. Price must see to believe! Located in a private country Reduced $100,000 setting in Horseshoe Acres Subdivision. This 2 BEAUTIFUL OAK COVERED CITY OF LABEITE bedroom, 1 bath manufactured home is situated LOT. Located in established neighborhood. Build your on over a half acre lot, shaded screened deck, home on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $70,000 with many fruit trees and partially fenced yard. BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL HOMESITE Dog on premises. Call ahead. $129,500. w/beautiful oaks located in the city of LaBelle and ready INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITYI This 2 bedroom to build $89,900 OVERSIZED .64 ACRE WOODED residential home- 1.5 bath mobile home is located in quiet River site located in the city. $89,000 Oaks Subdivision, Ortona Fl. Great investment forMonura Ranch Estate the part-time Floridian, or a great get-away. The more lots available $49,500. t home is being sold partially furnished, and offers 2 PORT LABELLE LOTS IN UNIT 102. located side a split floor plan with vaulted ceilings. $58,500 by side, Lots provide over /A acre homesite. Partially HOMES ON ACREAGE cleared, high and dry. Ready to build! $45,000 each UNIQUE. DESIRABLE AND SECLUDED! Less COMMERCIA/BUSINESS than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary. PRIME LOCATIONI Business zoned property located SeHabii Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (Hwy 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue thi proper- ty has endless possibilities. "Old Historical Florida- Style" two story builing, 1,846 sq. ft. w/122' frontage on Bridge Street and a "Quaint Old-Florida Cracker- Style" office fronting on Park Avenue. $1,200,000 REDUCED PRICE W$50.000111 RENOVATED BUILDINGIII READY FOR YOUR BUSINESSIIt Need a place to locate your business. This is it! Highly vis- able, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street. Totally remod- eled building situated on .31 acre lot fronting on \Washington Ave. across from bank drive thru. Property is 175' deep which leaves room for future expansion. Renovations include all new crown molding, ceramic tile, siding, plumbing, electric and A/C. BUSINESS ZONEDI This 2BR/1BA home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surround- ed by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED IN 1984 THE GATOR BAIT PUB has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully fur- nished with a completely equipped kitchen, and offers great start for any entrepreneur. Priced at $174,500 INDUSTRIAL SProperty fea- tures 80' x B 2,200 sq. ft. doublewide nment... Great Location! $1,500,000 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft. ; shop 1,600 sq. ft.; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 2 Story Home close to town just off Ft. Denaud Rd. This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has it all, location, charm, Master suite with office, screened room and more. $279,000 REDUCED. lPo At fll A TJei r-l Mobile on 1/2 acre south of LaBelle with lots of paving and a 26x53 pole barn. $92,500.; LOTS AND LAND Development Potential 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with avail- able waterfront (priced Independently) for an upscale resi- dential project. $150,000 per acre. 5 Beautiful Oak Laden Acres located East of LaBelle. Quiet County Living for only $160,000. Over Halfn I qrel het. Complete with If tlt;j|ltlt,Ut, brush has been cI tfteR~ r 1&in. Great buy at $125,000. Oversized homesite conveniently locat- ed in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres manicured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. $95,000. Port LaBelle Lots on the north side of 80, close to new development area & marina. Priced from $49,000 to $57,900. Call for inventory list. Over 60 sites to pick from. Seller Financina Available with 25% down to qualified buyer. Port LaBelle 1/4 ac. lot on the norht side of Hwy. 80. Many new homes under construction in the immediate area. Asking $39,800. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL Prime Comer with approx. 590 ft. on well traveled Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm ....... .~~..~~~. ~ --------- ------ ~------- ---- ------------- .............rx X ~sEXI m I 7 m %., m 1 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1, 2006 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 105 LaBelle, FL 33935 (The Wallace Plaza) 863-675-5923 I i, Mary Diaz Luc Real Estate Bioker a- s (561) 385-3282 -< Homes, Land COSTAMAR commercial REA LTY Call for available listings I "H FROM THI DOCK . .. .. .. .. .. .I.. .. -i ..i I.: .. .. F.. 5 t. i.ii. S ,, l ,,, I., ~1 .hI, ,Tl Hr,,,fn ,.,. l I,. :, ,U Ii s ,' ,r1 , ; IllU C I[rM IG OF OWING iOL. R OW Ii LAD,:,,i ..1. 4 IP'i FRINi HIn ,I S IMAt rflH aiW Ft. OFr RIIR FRONAGS 101h. 1Ii ,u I : 'H Ft DlU S'l 'IFr L ) I ..l .11 lll I i:.. 1 .i ,:, : l: HI l.:lllI I it l Ill ll 4l .i,( :'11 l* i ',. ,I (,l.-l :ll" . 1 I "11:[ r, ,l ..i, ,',ll I ,,,u ,'.'. r I hl:]. h .. l.. .l ] .. l. l,l i ril]l. :1 l: I 'l l l I,, [ ll U II.I: ] [ll .JI. r i, 'rl I l O *rl.'l. rI l ,i .,. li iJ .. i. ... i i.'' I' ...l J' i I .. J .i .. r P o T RBR' H IIIAGE i i i ,..UI I:. *I I -, *. i, iF, I ,, i li nt.. '' SNAiiOFJ i, Q,,u S I i T.l".' '. "l I' '. l. l "'J ll .l I .l ', .1 1 Jf| i .lll,: I i) '' l .lIll ..,I ",l 'r.. 'l ** .,:ll ,N,, ,.. I!. ,,,,,- 0',f, lh, !1 ., I.r.,lT. If,: l,.,....'. ,," "1,:,[ (4,(lOif | ....|T|I, i- l |, .: r,.. l ... .: 0 fl Of 8EAUFIT- ti NAtIGABLE (REEK RONTAGE ,I, F i ,.l, t,.I.'., l,,, l, ,1 t i, ']l. '- ...i. ....' III ) |- I.- ,J ..r, ,,-. : l9 ,i). . i'.A iiJ, ,lti: l"FIXE R 'F I frRINLGE .:, ". ri:i l .. 2} .. Fi ON iHil RF I R iDE .,i 1...1 L-.1 ll i6- .i.. .-i ' I !, -,I '* l N i: l .1 ,r ,',.- ,. ,. ',, U I,, I',:,l u,. .,, ,-ih,, i -,',l : i j S. fllIH). t.iu} ii j ti 'ri i n' ri' mit 1 IM .R ,I|:[I' ",. i I 11 f,,,,"i',,IFr ',-', I],,: h,.,,",. ir ,,, Ih,- n I ,,. L 'n i .,.l. ,,, ,,, ... jI f .1 1,I I l, l,, i ,, I,',,r,, ,'1,, ', ,: ,1h :, f,,-,, -,1 ,1 : I l l J I ,,, .i I' <,,H...ii r .-i i, I]..t' 02 m0.. : h. I,.. ko fiff i r 1 1 -.1 5,40RI i ,UIORAMB.Silt L1-il. OilyfIG U i H $05SHORL, 1, 180 N. Bridge S. LaBeUe, FL ,i .,. ,i,,,h, i ,,.,, pl. ..j,, ;li ,, ,: ii :.,t ,,: 18631 675-6788 I .88 -675-6762 i I*. i. i.i. h,,h, .I h,, .h,.l',h, i, '11, ..1 h I.l'i, I],,,,,, j,.",i, nm '.h eriLagelandco.com --- -------- ... ..... ......- ..- F ISli uS ON THE WEB AT WWi.OAKREALTYlNC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES KI CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER SCOTT HACKMANN AND TIM SPEICER 675-0500 SEALTY S NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On tne comer ol LL, II BfioCE Si & WSHlrolTcl i []3 L AALB I E HABLO ESpArIOL IENTALS AVAILABLE 2Bedroom '2 5Bath, 1 car garage 3/2 DUPLEX in LaBelle. Home has large family room lhar $800/M NO PETS. can easily be converted into a 3rd BRAND NEW HOUSE in Port bedroom. Asking $197,900. LaBelle. All appliances included LOCATED 'IN LEHIGH and .vasher 'dryer. 3/2/2 ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car $1,700/M NO PETS. 1.70 W/ O i n garage built in 2001 and in excel- 3/1,./1W/POOLPE LaBellelent condition. Home over looks a $1,000/M NO PETS. OUR FEATURED canal and located in a great area LISTINGS FOR THIS WEEK close to Ft. Myers but out enough NEW LISTING in Fort Mcrie for peace and quiet. $230,000. IN PIONEER! 3Bed- 3Bedroom/3Bath, 1 car garage in a IN PIONEER! 3Bed- great location. Close to ter. thing room/2Bath large doublewide Home has 2 master bedrooms, mobile home on fenced in 2.5 new roof, interior paint and A/C. acres. Dual fireplace, walk-in cljs- Asking $279,900. ets, outside buildings. Asking IN COUNTRY VILLAGE $189,900. Gorgeous rustic ranch home on 10+/- acres in Fort Myers. Fenced and cross-fenced with barn. 5 bedroom 3 bath. Custom kitchen with stainless steel appliances. 3 wells on property. Home has all the upgrades. Call Amanda Porter today for your private showing! Call 863-675-0000 Iwi~I~i' .wiitFAwi'~A KWr.F, .~n r ~ ~ i i r i ~ H W r 1 t .- n ~w' Il eS A-j 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 ,O F, ,'v ,' l ir li a S'oi-F K Uo-hi_,T ,rjLi[i ,T ,- i ,il .l i E l. 1 i,, l j i sNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. ilian, I.hakinig, hihopping, :,.:,l i md ii nu.:h milei f l i,1 2 .ib : me h' i i ii l fr' iii Fi irr..d bi'.t l i.fJ, P ...." fo...m-: iioid burniriq ticpla.' i'ir ukl.hi jbilrii adid u' rjg c gai Br.'ai all tcf ,1 hi'iJ dJy"i "lik o p i u ian l I ',A ul 'l y)'iJil' biu ,indJ enry the .uncr orve i he lake n Lhiglh Aier: Orld) $219,900. * REDLICDI PERFECT SRTMER HjOME' 2B IBA i;6 1.arne law .td.nJngajH sifu'ci .:.ki. filld 'F ': i': .a i [ eic' ri cI ,-lri.nn aJind J liencld bjda.r , d Pii:cJ -'d $159,900. * iu.r lik NEts' iSBR I iB CBS home alih iri lk- 2i' dili..rin. ifrm irhopp'in, Fc junx' Ir..luIc nrc; bert'er icarpi, ceramic lil, all rinew o r.ibnb rid ni'.h maor Prnccd io :ell aI oril $119,900. a Imm., Du *Running out of room for your family? This huge .2005- 4BR/2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 .q Ii ,.1 hLng spa.e arnd sii, on 2 4 lerinced aotti ii', ic quid [ural oiTimliunliy) ol Double IJ ,i:r i;:.runirl i ing luil J. hop ip l, fr j i li'r,:. B' iic .r F Mycif m kae': ihi i J pcrlif' lo'aJli.:.Ii' $269,900. * Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 4BRv2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ft of living space and sits on 2.34 fenced acres in the qietr rural conmmunitv of Dnuble I Arrer Country mritg ii i k- r hfAp ia fn:m LiLA- J 'luFi t Mci . k.. ikh aj p r'.:i l jair.:ai..r' 5269,900. * bi. i.on ih': narke' rhis 2 5+ J.c miir teurie makes el.,irig e i;) *iih a 3BR/2B manufactured ihom F.Jiurniriu g ,:cri rji, u. le, i ur c.i J i ill. 1\ .,I .:,,: lJ,:he-,n i:nllv $1"9.900 * Tireud Ii nl l il (iru t.: I ..,..'. nuig j roundnd b,.ul Lhl l li "Vn'", "' ". hiugc hor- birn aiid J Flol.hp B:c t :.i 'll', [,i'''m Iirgc :':rk:h'p I.,:A'er vouri blh. :,od p' i.ei'' $169,900. * Eclir 1 h rurul v a)' i ,ui'iaiJ I 25 .. In i"'-". ing M,.inriua bteu lifui r,: 'A 2*)1 1. 2 In-i fl i.:Iruafld hontic irlh i Fe F 4lllU I'I ':f ,lr.i, jp ,. f cjiJi Ili ciccupjn..' SELLR FitAl.ll i ', .tJi A 'lA E $149,900 SLcatilon of a Llirilmel Generailnrs ii file pjil well-lraveled l Cduon of ihl 8+ aire, on SR 8u in Alva. Over 1,000 [I of road fronrge and 3 eillnRg entrance, offof SR 80 Cleared lith well and elect trick Timels on your side In this Investmentl $2,750,000, * 1he opportunltle are endle i Bring your Inve - ment dollars here 2 Zb f ill'h H 2 excepi lor the maleulic 'ive OJks Bring your ideaj and ee, $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Flnurilon Suliable fi iile "iuili home or minufblurcid OrilI I'0,000. * Ulri..ramp pourcllf o n rih. lrii:i.. 2 + J irn Evans Rd ailih p:'ilind jr lenr.:vj i :r ii,-.i:' ..k. '... %jv ':i,,i'J 10 ",) [ pr, uf ,."h' ,' Ih,- ': "ujr, try. $130,000. * I u J.:i' i:, ..jali, ,.oR .:kT j rais :h d ;in I.iu,, flai 1l(,'iilT)' it'i k, l'". 1,l''. 4lfi't arid 'iIIl Ii"-'-' Pkiilc I.r Ihv n~fiur r I i l :i Pn..'.J ii .:.li 95,000. * (iGenui ne .i urniry Fe.:l' Cl ) [ gorie t n) iJ., Reilr Ihie beIl -n Lhi r F. i i' & ..j.iuJ.i :+/-acs. Fresh jir pf'iIal $' 93.900. * "all lotr Fn'o.r on all ou.i Miiroura Ljui.a'i;' * H adjrij i: fird d ulc ll i :.;1i i i l',: i r i_ i-lc i.ii FL' Ill9,800 * Lif..r id, iilp ,),t:.i,' u I i! F ,,.i,,: I,., 'l ,ii, l'.,i iIh, .. ,,1 i h .l If I',:. i',, l'. '', L..',1,F,. r.l.h-: f I.... ,I .I ,,,o I r i....u h l lr i ,nirir ,., i. l..:ll- Ti ', ,. IiiIl, ilicJITI ... irn: Ii. I. if-LIj $7 91F y 0 ..-'.+ '.J F, I l b ,: ,,:hf'..f [ I, l l.. 1. .11, .- r ibi ",900 Poss.iblc 'el-r tinmcing ' I.,:l'l ,I,- I'dI 1 11 ,: I J, I l, II I iiir P.:.f.T,1ri' ,I 0 $6",00U ca.tb I,, ,. J _,, l,:,,, I '. 'S -:.-9 0 * F...i. it.'? i ii.i'iiF I 'ii..c i * [,'. ,aul' I lF .i i rii $4 .1),90) eaih * Beaui ulu 1 .:-,.l J I + I. ii ,i i I, I jBcill': lrnh L t],l ur,: 6 I, .11 i....; h 1 i I .J It L R.i.j.J [.'[, [ r Fi .''.iiti ] i .: i.: IF F', F 'I II 46,900. L _..I (_ .. e.. cI A L sa l nr.' I + ... o ,,--' +..... , I a,: nulJ ;.lrl, j '..llljl. w' l I-.I. 4J3ll5r,, i3 I f 't'?r H'i'F Iniui'l ii:. i: ajrrF.i.n r full, r,:n...J Oui .. i r.j ',tr,-.e' I.'icd'i F :rn li $525.000. * Pnme .Ii+ 3 L r.5ite iiil ic',mn ei '',hl pir l. loiited neail h iI Gladc' Fh'l i u in v ir duc '.u i'i 1, uis, minulai .iA'JV Ium, J.d, i|l.. an lktile ,3 5350 per square foot. * .ilhlr '.ilmn R V C.imrfr. III'l 1 iJl I .h.' I d. hi minell Ihilsbeauliiul opri.r ftJrliri a 10J i -", ille R V canipground l.aLal.Il UI '" int ilie P.; L.- ful 'o.uniiry' Ide il PalhnidJ Ilic pirl ei:. li. I .- Cw'n fishini l:.a nd gr i-., Ji: 'i, Th rin,. ifi -i1.1 ja.it- ..'ul'J J...,iif rii.r.JjI.: ., il Iiri. hl I additional W/i sites. $2,800,000 * LO.id,-.1 i, ii,,,i'.[iJ,- h I. ,I.l.r nf Fil 1-6* 1fj t,, '-."ii i ,, Ip.' .[ I I :I iLi-. I- ,-.', .. i, i i .... ,:h I ,, h , Ju- lc '.I' > i .n'i j l. 1 : I$ ,1 -i ,, ,,, 11 9,900. The Intracoastal Caloosahatchee River.... love where you live! #6 0.W- #9 * 1.79 +/- cleared acres w/133' on the river. $899,000 * 6.45 +/- cleared/graded/seeded acres in Pr I.aBelle Ranchettes. Dock permits in process. $895,000 * 1.74 +/- acre lot w/126' of river frontage. $759,000 Ilcautiful .68 +/7 acre riverfront lhomesite located in town. $729,000 * BIAUlTIFl;I. RlI11FRONT 'IEWS! I +/- acre clIcarcdi rIivel ront Ihomcsite loctLedl in -Iidden lIininlock S/). $725,000 * 1 +/ acre with approx. 1i' of liver frontage. $525,000. * l -/-q Inr in ret rnmmilnm ity $4.9,Ol0 . ,, I ,,-, i, ,, Fil ,,I., ,. ir'h''i . I 11 I. 1 : 1" 11 I., IJ .i . .i I I. I. l H I .,I t1I'45. I'.,11 i ,-. ,r a.i I [ I T. I .'-' I ,,I'5 I2l5 ,, ,, 1 I C ,. I 1h', ,4,,i..I ,,,.1 i $2, ,, ,. '.l 2 '5 .il00 F., ,. i ., .,, i, tl f u cl.l ch I1. 1...... i., I i i i i, 11 jI.. I .. Ii5QO9Ijij #10 #13 ff. LAK UPPUKIUINIII + leet 01 Kl This 10) + acre derel:opment allowed. S795. potential tract offers irontagr #6. ENJOY D on Ie intraoastal and pilsti- \EWVS! From gli,:,u Firt Deinaud Road! T"':, Rierront H, -xiri ig'g homes and I bain are lanai o\er loc on rthe Fproprt. Biner must ieoithe pa. 1 a r' oad to develop tl and . and I 11 I( II I b S 1.:.'rt\. $2,700.000 Caloosa Estate #2. ENDLESS OPPLiRTLiNI- O O TIES! Current zoning for this ABELLE property is Residential, w/ pos- LOTS! This bABELLE .ibillties for Commercial, LOTS! This b NMulti-Use, or Multi-Family. covered prope C' ii be used as a rental proper- cious 2/2 2500 t', Lit the time w/ 2 immaculate a workshop in a .. l.-".s', 1 workshop, and several boat dock with small buildings. $2,625,000 12' x 15' Ted SL #3. ORTONA'S BEST KEPT #8. LOVE SSECRET! This 4/3 home is situ- LIVE! This )jtl.ted on 4.95 +/- riverfront NISHED 3/2 r acrs; and boasts soaring ceil- in a deed restr ings, oversized rooms, an open overlooking t flool plan, wrap around porch, Waterway. Enj rnd a caged pool and spa. vate boat docl Located in Ortona. $998,500 person Jacu screened lanai S #4. PARADISE! This 3/3 split Iloor plan riverfront home has #9. APA] Sgreai landscaping and beautiful ACREAGE IN riverl'ront views. Take advan" This property stage of' your own dock w/ boat 2,232 +/- sq. fi li 't, boardwalk and small beach. apartment abc $899,900. garage below, #5. RIVERFRONT, ACREAGE +/- acres. $75 AND OAKS! 2 story 3/3 + #10. DEEP Den/Office, rocking chair FRONT HOM porches, outbuilding, too many garage on a d extras to name! Gorgeous 2.53 has a new roof +/- acres w/ an amazing 230 ulous screened Southern Investments & Real Estate 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33935 863.675.4500 Toll Free 877.814.3048 \eriront. horses 000 DAYS OF RI\ER this spa ious 4 .3 .me. .A screened ks a spectacular er % a boar doc k li't. Located in ie. $820.000 THE PREITIESSI RIVERFRONT beautiful old oak -ty boasts a spa- +/- sq. ft. home w/ the garage, plus a 10,000 lb lift and hed. $799,900 WHERE YOU FULLY' FUR- iverfront home is icted community he Intracoastal oy your own pri- c with lift and 8 zzi on large !$775,000 RTMENT & X FT, DENAUD! has a 2 story, t. building w/ full ive and three car situated on .1.84 9,900 WATER CANAL E! This 3/2, 2 car sleep water canal , new A/C, a fab- I porch, and ceil- inp plans tnroiugn ut. I ni p!op- erml aso: boa-iss R .er-e Osniosis s ,irtn. -prrnk,:r r :;: tem and a 2 -' d:,.:k I ..... Ir. ii, A., a.. S549.900 #11. TURKEY C'RLLK SuB- DIVISION' Thi, .. eI -...il l io .rn ', i 1 l i .1 I:'. I. 1. 1 -- I i1 3/2 doublewide, 12 x 15' led's Shed and 44' dock, built to coastal salt water standards. Located in Moore Haven. $450,000 #12. AFFORDABLE RIVER- FRONT! Barely lived in 2/1 mobile with 100' of river frontage. Enjoy the mobile now as a "getaway" or build your retirement home later. Riverviews await you! "Bring in all offers" Located in Turkey Creek. $425,000 #13. DOUBLE YOUR WATERFRONT VIEW! This custom 3/2 manufactured home has a great floor plan w/ the family room overlooking the intracoastal river and expan- sive living/dining room, master bedroom, closets, and bath. Enjoy the lovely sunsets! Located in Turkcy Creek. $390,000 Sherri Denning Licensed Real Estate Broker Associates Emily Ankeney Lisa -lerrero Tony Barnes *Paul Meador Gregory Bone Phyllis Kelley- Lisa Cleghorn Miller SB:n.;,. M \-i,i. M,(.I ;,. D luwu.a iil (. PA rL ,, ..I.._...i \v.'ird C[ll.kll'...I I;.Ilh: i..lll ll i .-i A. '1 I. % .ii \\ illi.iilIF JoNce Gel-triiani Ti;i.. .:, Yvonne Haillinan \r\lli IW IrL "U*,hbhlnlW' ^w 7'~ YAYfl itallS well] -i. i " 1~~ I .. ~c ~s .. ~,~; Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1, 2006 13 Your ideal horrc ... ul, I1 i- li ln.:lud'.: large bedroom for ri..,, jr1.l 1I '.i th,:,.lr, :rn, for each child, a roomy living room, a well- appointed kit.h l'- "ii;. I' ..i .j I..: ...: garage and a ..... thl :.rl..,'.... iu l j'l i.: I,., ily life. Once '',u I'.i,, I ll hl at ,r, j t..,., there is nothi'. .e '. r l -nt .it,.'u., ril-i Actually, i1 .... e l.n., ng .Jai..-.u 't ul .ir your dream h c .:u ;l'iould .Jl :..1 'dri 1 r. ing a home inspector. That way, you can make sure all is what it seems to be. While no house is perfect, you should learn as much as you cji jl:iuiul lhe .:ci d..l Or, ,r thi ' property and all its equipment and systems before buying it. No one wants to purchase a home and discover it has water damage or is in need of roof, heating -.r ele'.:li':jl ceplir,' You especially want to i'.':,, m.or .rc,.r..u problems such as .mold, termites or a cracked foundation: A home inspector can help you do just that. Where do I begin? Find a qualified pro- fessional by word of mouth from friends and neighbors, the ASHI online database, the Yellow Pages directory or your realtor. Look for an inspector who is a member of the American Society of Home Inspectors (www.ashi.org), a private, voluntary organi- zation that sets a meaningful set of standards and code of ethics in a business that gener- ally has few rules and regulations. While most states do not require licensing, ASHI standards are higher than requirements of "-lilat s Ihjtl 'l'. Th' ilb :"- ,'' : d'j : el .', arc ai h..m- : ,r1' p.::[:,f li. belte .. : ,':. I, '.,u, *.IAr' J'ii [.'n i .,rm Jr ihc pri ..ieJn r .:.t A Hi 'i .- jr.:h \i-i! r lr h,-e ,dja.- t,.]"-: ro, Ir.I.1 r.:,n',: ,n-| : ....:,," neJr \,u .a.ho I.r,:,..,* rInc ,:,:,d '. arm "I, ,Jl[Ilr '-'l r,.,ur 1i t': The tI', ;il 11:.ll -U'. [: IF'cre ,',rr t' ,.' ommends the inspector. So you also have to be aware of an inspector who has the real estate agent's interest in mind over your own when inspecting the home. Avoid hiring an inspector who offers to repair your home himself: He is only looking for a profit. Barry Stone, writer of a syndicated column about home inspection, "Inspector's in the House," recommends that buyers ask a home inspector for a previous inspection report. When looking at the report, see if it focuses on the house's defects and not on "boilerplate verbiage," such as maintenance recommendations and liability disclaimers, which are less important information about the house. "The best home inspectors dis- close defects that less qualified inspectors fail to discover. More disclosure means more negotiation between buyer" and sellers, and therefore, more chance thihi dr~ Jl won't close," says Stone. "When deals don't close, agents don't make money." What does a home inspection entail? A standard home inspection includes an inspection of the general condition of the property's heating system, central air condi- tioning system, interior plumbing and elec- trical systems, roof, attic, insulation in walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, foundation, basement and structural components. All must be visible and accessible by the inspec- tor at the time of inspection. Home inspec- tors, says Don Norman, ASHI president, "are limited bv what they can see. If they can't gain jc'.. > ':' i': rtll.:, ti he .n i ft port ion ihe .:.ondliori c.il thI .itti Tf[T ilti, septri: and :.ell rind raidn niinpe': 10in mighi need their :'.0vn .pe':ai-r Al-.,: be J,.are O '. l j ri i r' epe..[l i ,.-.[ fquir'.d Ir od," hi:h F rle ):eou IfI ,oimihihrig , adc luj. e ,:,r r,.:. Fo r c% Ti p[:l j r, P ni- p.F. tor can't tell you if the furnace is the right size to heat the house. The inspector only will tell you if it's working proper at the time of inspection Thfs 6s where people get confused," says Norman 'Just because a water heater appears to. be operating within nor:rmal parameters ,ith no visible leakage or iTrlhjni:ilor. that doein [ near It can't itart tu le IC I )n Iwo wceks A homTe inspection iS 3 slnaphrio irn time ad not a prediction of future conditions." It is normal, though, for a home inspector to idenui) areas thja ma3 need attention in the near future. Who's to blame if something goes wrong? There's no one to blame if some- -thing should go wrong after the inspection, the inspector most likely will not be held accountable because home inspection is a ". id thati I large unregulated. That's why it . eivern!il that )iu lake.the'time to check a r.,retiianl inspector's leIel of experience, :eput:jion riand qualificailons Ahy hire i home inrpector?'A home inspection is the best way to maximize your knowledge of the'property. That way, you can make an intelligent.decision before you buy. "Buying a home without a professional inspection is one of the riskiest gambles any homebuyer could make," says columnist Stone. Also, if a home inspector establishes the values and needs of the property, a sell- er mrr\ be swi'ed to repair some of the con- dlin'ni or renegonalte the price How, much does it cost? Expect to pay ajnv.here Irom $250 to $'00 or more, depending on where you're purchasing your hmrrie ,whaicer vyou do, avoid price shop- ping i\.i Strione "The best method of price riho:Fpping ta r, shop for quality'" INSPECT BEFORE YOU BUY Cell: 239-872-7665 i Alva: 239-728-9998 LaBelle: 863-675-0000 www.burson-weathers.com att Fleing Realtor' E-Mail: matt@burson-weathers.com Commercial Land Residential 1fE'RFTA6I1 LAND CO- COMM ERCUI 1 B I 1 MDI lG .- 1213 to a. 1C' I.,' ,,.'I Ar44, ,d F0,d... rncL ~i_ XulsO.,!pid imd, 0`61. o ici IIV~l j.C 11-1t.JOJ fin al t~ujd~jfj,,. ... 1` Aijdif.fl c'F ,pif re. Ll0.1 P5,rIfIo buiv-o: vn cilll. et i l F ii iS 1-51 i, -hfi $l.250.0o0. PLO FOR O11'R PROFRABIF FLTLRE NOW E.,icke fi .ito, va rie! o, aHu. ii" I I. -an .I Ld lle I I,, la',,,i'toI 3 1tac: pu.:d oiinreu'r ofigz if',,:j Tf-,fu.a' rul sOO.k ,B ic l' o,,L z... Ltw pf.,rrr5 T.- I it, nri 4f.p .r -i j :'ui, u:. j-r1i l 899.9t0 LOOK NO FRTHERl in. fuih:'d F fe3. btui h 'rF 1. OL ? '3A i.. -.df ljr la l(,: .I SLI ~ w $99.9O0 JITST On' FWY Y N NLABELE. .he1 4 vi if, ,, .rI o,jr~lrluI I.dl~l f..r vow bilL~irc. nu; pc 1"ur''' ,p, tw.1 bo getw it, 5435,000. 1.20 A(Rh ZONED C-) OnF SR 29N Cim...ii ft'!f Al '' 0, Nile l5 isa ,,iit lll ihl 0.. P .O ,-l ,:I I j, fd I 21 t. if n C. fo11 h for $249,9D0. MOME OUR BUSINBS TO1 LABOU.El,%,,.. l 0.: w-h f..1 4IJ-1 W s)l ...ucnll I -- Ibb rff-ldl -I' I.~r~nt I adi %th Ito :ri: ~cor ,, 24l j1lls 52,24500 180 N. Bridge St LaBelle, FL (863) 675.6788 1.888-675-6762 ww~.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espahol -|- Be the first to own this quality new home! Custom ..r-, beautiful detail is what this builder had in mind when : .... .. ...- ... ". "'""." r creating this spaciousfloor-plan and functional d&cor. Located in East LaBelle and Glades County and in one 1 g' of the most desirable and appreciative neighborhoods atv' : around. Minutes from downtown LaBelle and t, the Caloosahatchee River. Priced to sell....$249.000 Call Stephanie Weatherford at (863) 612-0000 a ,- 7 r o" 3 Bedroom/2 Bath/2 Car Garage /lp 1,608 Sq. Ft. Liv. Area 2,385 Total Ceramic Tile and Carpet Flooring Maple cabinets throughout home Large Master Bath with Garden Tub & Separate Shower Large Combined Laundry Room With Pantry MLS# 200628737. SPort LaBelle Unit 102 Glades County * Two 6+/- acre homesites on CR 78 in Fort Denaud, priced to sell at $75,000 per acre. 2.7+/- acres in Alva, Reduced $ 275,000. SPort LaBelle lot on Saleln Court on Cul-De-Sac, $54,000 STwo Port LaBelle Lots on Hummingbird Drive, water view, $60,000 and $70,600. Commercial in Lakeport: two parcels each 1.79+/- acres priced at $356,000 each. WLS1 2N g L l L 86-65-86 A HOMr-, 588,', PRI(.E REDLi ED-,! : '.k h..-.: .. 2.34+/-acres in Naples. Home features a pole barn, screen lanai, security system, dual fireplace, eat-in kitchen.. Owner/Agent bring any serious offer. $526,000 PRICE REDUCED! 4BD/3BA home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof studio, moveable island in kitchen and an above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. * $374,900 3BD/2BA Beautiful well maintained home on manicured 1 +/- acres in LaBelle's first gated Riverfront Community. * $359,900 Beautiful like new 3BD/2BA with 2 car garage home in the Belmont area. Patio and deck area in back yard. * $249,900 Gorgeous new 3BD/2BA house with garage. Split floor plan, living area w/fire place. Master bathroom has a garden tub and dual sinks. Carpet and tile throughout. This is a must see! * $209,900 New 3BD/2BA home on a beautiful lot. Master bathroom has a garden tub with a separate shower. Kitchen features an island with extra sink and.more don't let this one * $179,900 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on a corner lot in Port LaBelle. Spacious living room and sep- arate dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate workshop and small tree house great for kids. * $19.90nJ *,.i: ,I 414.1', lI' '\ I.,;,, sh, I|. l.,,:|, i,..Id1 $.,T ..'.Jr l.-.J rI, i...:, i tl.- l 1. I.K.1. 1 1.1 L. I. J I l d :. irrigation and rear fencing. This great deal is ready for you to move in. * $179,900 New 3BD/2BA home. This home features split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning room. * $149,999- 2BD/IBA spacious home, features a complete- I :, ,i ,1 ,,.. j l,-, lh. ,, l,,,u,. ,,J ,,.,1 .I * i5i.'ljil. :.1 i 1 I. 6 I~,r ,I ,..-, I.1.,.1 home in LaBelle. This home has new tile, carpet, paint, cabinets, hot water heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond with an island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns and more. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $197,900 4BD/2BA Gorgeous upgraded manufactured home in LaBelle. This home features a split floor plan and all crown moldings in the living and dining room. * $139,400 to $151,900 New 4BD/2BA & 3BD/2BA Manufactured Homes on .50+/- acres in El Rio S/D. * $147,700 3BD/2Ba New Manufactured home with pantry, dual sinks, garden tub, separate shower and sky- light in the guest bathroom. * $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes new and under construction in the MHYC. The MHYC is a 55+ ownership park. Call today for completion date! * PRICE REDUCED $110,000 2BD/1BA mobile home on 2.5+/- acres in Clewiston. Enjoy peaceful country living year round or as a weekend getaway! Call 863-675-0000 * 94,900 tL.j.,ljg l.O, .iBD :i'\ manult..lured hutem .:n ." + J.. h. h':iff.t Irje-lurl- a i pPll l :.r plii (.ll ic:,Jj, .i- irim: c il :. id 16i. i jf -:.mI:.niici'l l * $78,900 3BD.'.2 muobtilr' hi:me In ':o, njr Trh rl.,.l:,ll,: I.lTie i-,. n ll, tu ji r, .,i. .1 I I I .uiT.:.u.1.J.,J i. trJItII Ujl pr-li and. t jk ree * SS,0" Mi MWi:.uf:tii r Ji 1 k,, ai:hool., .,hp ing ,ind le.uiant.rii * $1.600,000) 12 I:.' i, hi. lot. iOf old uo.Lf II '.. ,.cill t t',. u .dlt i i fen l p i'k f'le i: .ll )f'. moic * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. * $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town shops and much morel * $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized with clean bill of health. * PRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/- Hard to find. acres adjoining Babcock property in Muse. Paved road access. * $850,000 40+/- acres beautifully secluded with pas- ture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. * $650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Ava on busy SR 80. * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. * $149,90 gsg gRVes that is also for sale Bor . HOMEPSITES: * $25,500 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are dose to everything in LaBelle. * $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES qI- S 21 offices throughout Southwest Floida!t .... I l' ;- =| HORSESHOE ACRES 4 bedroom 4.5 bath concrete block, 22+OAK FILLED acre ranch. High and dry, great horse ranch, beautiful,quiet + peaceful setting. $1,300,000. 601LB205054878 LABELLE AND MUSE Ideal home for you and your horses. 10.28 beautiful acres, fenced, cross-fenced, exceptional pasture, spring-fed pond. $599,900. 601LB200606019 HOME HAS BEEN COMPLETELY REMODELED AND UPGRADED It fea- tures hardiboard siding,low-E windows, new doors, hardwood flooring, and head- board walls. A must see! $449,900. 601LB200631634 TURKEY CREEK BOATER'S PARADISE - This CBS 2b/lb home is located near Ortona Lock with direct access to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. $399,900. 601LB200627891 BOATERS PARADISE LOCATED IN MOORE HAVEN Riverfront 4/3 single family, large screen patio w/spa to river side, 55+ Community, 20'X6' dock w/electric & xirt- t IIU Ot)0 LLUOILL A MUST SEE FOR SERIOUS BOATER - This CBS quaint cottage is located near Ortona Lock with direct access to the Gulf of Mexico and The Atlantic Ocean. $259,900. 601LB200627897 KELL MILL TERRACE DBL Wide Mobile with Front and Back wood porches. Has year old reroof. Second structure is used as a office! $239,000. 601LB200607400 HORSESHOE ACRES -Double wide manu- factured home with attached carport and bonus shed. Nicely furnished plus many extras included. $129,900. 601LB205080477 VACATION HOME 1/1 on small lot in beautiful mobile park. Access to boat ramp has access to Lake Okeechobee. A fisher- mans delight. $54,900. 601LB200614378 HOMES PRIME AND PERFECT DESCRIBES this 3BR/2BA CBS home on 20 acres. Split floor plan, hickorycabinets, built- in entertainment center, decorative glass doors, artistic ceilings, glass Florida room, screen porch, and paved drive. 60x40 metal workshop w/office, 36x36 horse barn w/tack rook. A must see for country living $1,200,000. RODEO AT HOME. 4BR/3BA brick home on 11 acres features a fireplace, large, open kitchen and bay windows. 6-stall horse barn with a fill bath, tack room, wash rack, automated horse lunger, 2-stall pole barn, plus an addi- tional storage/workshop. $999,000 ROOM TO GROW This 4BR/2BA home has its own pri- vate pond stocked with fish and a creek. Wide variety of fruit and oak trees. Parcel will allow 2 homesites, 20X11 shed & 20X25 pole ban. Multi-level decking perfect for outdoor entertaining..$699,900. MAKE YOUR MOVE TO COUNTRY LIVING! If city life has got you down, come see this country home on 5 acres, just outside of Alva. 3 BD/2BA CBS home features spacious rooms, formal dining, cathedral ceilings,walk-in closets, large master bath 2 car garage, beautiful land- scape and a back porch you won't want to leave. $625,000 POOL HOME 3BR/2.5BA home on I full acre in a boat- ing community. Community dock and ramp on the Caloosahatchee River, loverly home features a split floor plan, formal dining room, inside utility room, open kitchen, bar, and breakfast nook, 10 foot ceilings throughout, new inground pool on screened lanai. 2 car garage plus a detached garage $625,000. AWESOME & THEN SOME 3BRI2BA CBS home on 3.52 fenced acres in the Port LaBelle Ranchettes. Home was built for easy living with laminate wood floors, beau- tifil custom cabinets, solid surface countenops, 11 ft ceil- ings, screened lanai, 2 central a/c units. $619,900 BRILLIANT FLOOR PLAN and energy-saving design highlight this custom built 3BR plus den/2BA, pool home located in Caloosa Estates. Soaring ceilings and a cozy fireplace greet you. Si7zling kitchen boasts of Silestone Countertops, a work island, RVO water treatment and GE appliances. Family room overlooks screened pool area, quality shines through this CBS home with a mainte- nance free metal roof All this and more at $469,900. E ITAGE) LAND C60>..C sgpg 3BR/2BA on 5 acres. $450,000 SECLUDED BENEATH THE TREES is where you'll dis- cover l, ,l Irl l ii :I'n .: : .i 1 ... iI .,I .I '.'-i acres, I 'l ,- -... ... .. I ' newer Kenmore kitchen appliances, metal roof and a rocking chair ready front porch. 50X20 pole barn on con- crete with a 12' workshop built in. Horses welcome with this private setting.Tle peace that you need is here wait- ing for you. $415,000. TUCKED UNDER THE OAKS is where you will find this wonderful 3BR/2BA CBS, split floor plan home situated on 4.82 acres. This spacious yard is fenced and the pas- ture is cross fenced completed with a 2 stall barn and tack room ready foryour horses. The home offers vaulted ceil- ings, living and family rooms, an expansive back porch and a new roof in 06. $399,900. NEW CONSTRUCTION 3BR/2Ba CBS lome in small residential subdivision. Off-water lot, near the Caloosahatchee River. Oversized garage, indoor utility, large spacious bedrooms, oversized master suite,great room, breakfast room. This new home also features wood floors. You don't see many floor plans this func- tional & open. $389,900. FASHIONABLE AND FUNCTIONAL new construction CBS home on 1/2 acre in Quail Run S/D. 9" .d1i.i... throughout, long list of upgrades include granite coun- tertops, stainless steel appliances. Hardwood and traver- tine floors, large lanai under truss. Brick pavers in drive and walkway. $339,000. QUALITY IS ON DISPLAY! New construction homes near the golf course and marina.These CBS homes are livable, lovable and available. Each model will boast unique features and qualities. Call for more detailed information $299,000-$399,000. LOCATION MAKES THIS IMPECCABLE 3BR/2BA home a great place to live. Custom built to tlte highest standards with a suspended soffit plant shelf, kitchen bar, cathedral ceilings, charming window seat, jacuzzi tub, tile i I..,. ,.. I llllh k I 1 'u., I .'h11. I1 1. 1. I ,. you to enjoy the amenities of waterfront living. $279,000. ALVA HOME ON QUIET STREET $265,000. 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafol aMLII LI .1 FOR 15 1 [[FFE(:I l pl,i l I.,,. i,., ',1 .1 .T ,,,., i,, i]i .. l i, ; ,i h .ii ,u nIlu d l l I. VI 11. ) I ,,i ,1 i',.. l '. _'" ii 'l h S,li, ,., 1,, .i ,,I .. ,I 1. I,. ,,. ,, .. Iiiii "II ]11 1 .I ,It 1 ,1. ,,I i l ., i,, "d I ll ' countertops, Kraftmaid cabinets .i Inii ,. I I , Ad 1.... . "IW"' si.\._"N i i1K, ,IR1.0i III i,,'IIi' hIi construction, 3BR/2Ba split floor plan, with great room design makes this a daring deal. Home backs up to a wide greenbelt. and is priced to sell! $199,900. 3BR/2BA HOME IN PORI' LABELLE. $189,900. PARTIALLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home with garage and aluminum carport + storage shed. Home backs up to greenbelt and canal and ncar community pool. $175,000. GREAT INVESTMENT rental property. Duplex located on MI1K, Jr liretal income is SiO00 per month. Only $39,900. MANUFACTURED HOMES MUSE MINI RANCH provides maximum pleasure. Almost new doullewide mobile home on 9.54+/- cleared acres with a1 large stocked pond. Wooden fence sur- rounds this inmmaculaic IllBR/2BA home, split floor plan, faunily room, fireplace, cathedral ceilings, garden tub. Bring the family and horses. $475,000. WATCH THE BIRDS & enjoy the peace and quiet of your own sun room. lBeautiful wooded 1.27 acre lot 3BR/2A D\V manfactuircd home and a 2B1VIBA SW manufactured home. ''uccd yard w/irrigatiomi system and two stuange slheds in Inunokalce. $245,000. , SPACE WORTH SHOUTING ABOUT... $225,000. 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME Fl Denautd Acres. Mint condition, panly, built inl microwave, breakfast bar, dual sinks, garden tub & separate slho\wet Storage shed & carport. Land was raised and leveled, paved drive with 2 acre's of bahia grass. $215,000. AFFORDABLE HOME on fenced acre, covered parking and 2 outbuildings 2/2 is ready for your fanilr. $165,000 863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nlkkl@NlkklYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 2391/54-2005 cell 230/564-2002 I* I" A f 3DI L D .I. .I ." water. $350,000UU. OU601LB200613029UY .. .EE,. .. ". " THIS BEAUTIFUL OLD FLORIDA STYLE - va/ ..86-57230o wwcDsubet- o CaeCoa -FrtMer Pn Ilnd-Leih urtStr -Eteo- a Cros a B 0l -Npo Punt Grda- harote Habor- Prt harote .- Dep rek Mrdok VnS. Not ot-Nkms -EM0 "e7dr~ro Cee. -Osre -1 . ... .. I 7%I'"ll 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1,2006 Funds benefit small counties TALLAHASSEE- State Repre- sentative Denise Grimsley (R- Lake Placid) has announced a major funding opportunity cre- ated for Glades, Hendry, and Highlands counties with pas- sage of House Bill (HBi 293 by the Florida House. "Small and rural counties in Florida have always been at a competitive disadvantage, forced to .meet many of the same mandates and provide many of the same services that large counties do," said Repre- sentative Grimsley, a co-sponsor of the legislation. "We are attempting to provide more equitable footing for small counties, and funds generated from this legislation are yet another step in that direction." HB 293 creates a program to assist "fiscally-constrained" counties. To be considered fis- cally constrained, a county must either be entirely located in a Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern or be a county in which the value of 1 mill generates $5 million or less in property tax. Thirty counties meet this delini- lion. As approved May 4, HB 293 provides $16.7 million to the program through an adjustment to Direct Broadcast Satellite rev- enues distributed within the Local Government Half-Cent Sales Tax'Revenue Sharing Pro- gram know n as the "Ordinary Distribution". The following are impacts in the 2007 Ordinary Distribution based on the adjusted alloca- tions in HB 293: Highlands County, $563,000.00 Glades County, $402,000.00 Hendry County, $351,000.00 "Our counties in the Heart- land will put these dollars to good use, and we'll be working with the Governor's office to see that this major legislation for rural counties is signed into law," said Representative Grims- ley. HB 293 now goes to Gover- nor Jeb Bush for his signature. Submitted by Dawn Jefferies Pet of the Week Darby, Joan Miller's Siamese kitten; she loves to be held on her back so she can hang her head upside down. I guess the view must be better. You can e-mail your unusual, funny, crazy pet pictures to: cbnews- rm@strato.net. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Post 130 Hawgs unlimited An auction of this Harley Davidson sign brought in $415 for American Legion Riders April 23 at the Poker Run for the National Child Welfare Foundation. The Legion thanks Patty and Jessie Keller who bid hard and won the sign. Pictured from left: Bill Davis, incoming American Legion Post Commander, and Patty Keller, winner of the auc- tioned Harley Davidson sign. newszapi.comty ,,Community Links Indtvidu'l Voices 1 C 63-'675-541 or small us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cb.lle@strato.net LANGFORD 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 Y'all" Spoken Here! t CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Chuich 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.. Sunday Worshp The Lords Supper 1, 3 & 5" Sunda)ys Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 am. .bere eveybody isSmebody and esus is Lord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net a divllrn of KA A dllielr Ini DAVE TAUMIE OPERATIONS MANAGER- LAND CLEARING & SI'T DEVELOPMENT DEMOI~t ON & DEBRIS REMOVAL BASE ROCK, FILL DIRT & SAND CULVERTS 863-678-4017 CELL 239-633-8649 8050 CEDARWOOD PKWY. LABELLE, FL 33935 SERVICESE" Is Our iollt hartwt Piroduct BEDDING 1060 Twy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www whitrsfimnitnranlapp)tusnect.ostn CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National / Ule Insurance Companty | 2035 McGregor Blvd Pt, Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC0830 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights Thurs 9 8 216 S. Main Street Unit3 La Belli, L 863-674-1775 IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENTO 300 Davis St. En la e.,jurj ir Frvrn A.r Domingo: Servicio 10:00 a.m. Studio Biblico 6:00 p.m. Mattes: Servico 7:30 p.m. Estudio Biblico y Clase de Ingles Pastor Ben Millican 863-674-0837 Iglesia: 673-0782 Ciro C,: 571-0377 LACASA GRBldDL filf fViA I"**"i. "11*i l) R A7--I I' : I. .iN iIDE, I-i. -r u. --- .... ) i -. .resident: Isidr |:l. ll! Phone: 863i.612.210 F.i: til.I4.lii l I SW W. C(wboy Way LaBel~e, PLF3f95W HIla]Amfn1s Espaiol Monuments Granite Markers Of all Kinds Any inscrpitions, scenes, final dates, etc 4f0fe & Saw (406) 766-2326 (406) 766-2360 EO. Box 2 -Foid,.MT 59226 IZi'ii! l ti Z~ INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or email cbelle@strato.net CLASSIC CONCEPTS HAIR AND TANIN G' SALON 283 South Bndge St LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 674-1122 Hours Monday thru Wldnesda) 9 am to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9 am. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9c a.m to 12 p.m. Sman Tan Accredited Salon O0sccola Concrete Services LLC Colored Stamped Concrete Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exerior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair jnd Re.ealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CuNIC US 41 SOUTH FPr. MYERS 10866 226-9400 IAINUYLVAIN CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN MAINTAINENCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit m on the web at www:allin l.20nfmco Ser Habt E panol, AK SERVICES Total Landscaping, Interlocking Paving Stones, Land Clearing & Final Grading Services, Mobile Detail & Pressure Cleaning Services, Concrete Additions & Pumping Services Drywall Finishing, Texturing & Strucco Services Mark: 239-872-4680 Amber: 863-673-2320 Licensed & Insured LABELLE AUCTION .:.'- COMPANY AUCN0S 8 ESTATE SETTLEMENT *D North Bridge Street .-LaBelle, FL 33935 863/671-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 B 2171 PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hcggug. mowing. 'radii , land clearilg or other jobs? 239-728-6629 and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES OFFICE: (863) 67.-7045 i .. C- L0i ;o9 LABELLE ELECTRIC Sering LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 500W. SumiNb IM3, IStmm 863-983-9121 MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured Randy's Garage, Inc. n',i L. inj! li. t i i:i. '_ '_ ii '" 863-675-1032 77 S. Rrid-gc St. LaBcllc. FL .Jutis North tt LUnlord Ford J ill [,'rlil oI ILne lr4l Niilr Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, Fi QUAUTY CONSTRUCTION, INC SHOC1017.SP licensed & Insured OFFICE (863) 675-8314 LABOR <$> FINDERS 202 E, S rtaNd K (Acrssfre t isto In) (863) 902-9494 Marion f.firr .' I I 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalcc, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 Walk-ins Wdecoum IMMOXCALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Trafford Rd lmmokalec, FL t/an1DL"Dxe Plod) Appoittnents Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 CALOOSA LAWN SERVICE Licensed & Insured FREE Estimates Mowing, weedeating edging and trimming Specializing in Customer Satisfaction Call Ed & Diana Kuntz (863) 675-6432 or (8673-6544 673-6544 EXTREME CLEANS, INC. Consuc[llon Commercial Residennal 863 675-0810 " 239 ;. 344-6712 NI\ HOME CONSTRUCTION p)863-612-0070 f 863-612-0080 825 E I ':- Wa Suite 108 LaBelle, F :.' ': ilb~1 ~~~:24 SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES "k-AtMo IL W& a. -I& WEEDING MOWING PI.A.I: I .,\.; Sod Rqwlacemawt & oiler lawna Mainamce CALL (239) 357-2972 Lic. & Insured e-nmail: casperbmnb4@yahloo com POP I a Ms I AUTO SALES: I PwIl APVCHIM m" Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1, 2006 , Host an exchange student Pacific Intercultural Exchange Sis looking for caring families to host high school students from various countries for the 2006. 2007 academic school year. There are few opportunities in this world where an individual can take an acntie hand in making this world a better place. This is such an oppor- tunity Pacific Intercultural Exchange (IP.I.E.) asks local fami- lies to consider showing one of these foreign teens what American generosity is all about Students. from nany Lountries have been staying with families all o\ei the United Slates since August, and now a new group of international neighbors would like.to add a little more to the community and leave in June with American passion. pride and sense of values There is no such thing as a typi- cal host family. Whether you are a single parent, retired, have small children, teens, or no childien at all, anyone can have a great expe- rience hosting an exchange stu- dent.. All the students aie pre- screened: they speak English; have medical insurance, and thei0 o%- spending money' fi ,.n incidental" costs. All these students require is a loving family to share their expe- rience within our beautiful coun- Las Noticias en Espahol EYxm~n S La escuela de adults anuncia que:eslara ofreciendo dar los exa- mens de Estudios Generales .GED) a partir del 5 hasta el 7 de junior Si desea mas intormacion pot lavor Ilame al numero: 674- 418 Graduacion 2006 El sabado 20 de mayo doscientos cincuenta ) dos estu- diantes se reunieron en el campo de lutbol de La Prepara- toria para celebrar el grandiose dia de su graduacion. El dia fue esplendido, el s61 brillo con toda su intensidad mienlras famil- iares y amigos no podian con- tener la emocion de ver a sus muchachos. La banda de la escuela toco mientras los gradu- ados caminaban hacia el campo de juego. Mallory Williamson fue la primera estudiante en hablar cuando inauguro la cere- monia con una oracion dando gracias a Dios a familiares, ami- try. Help them learn the meaning of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." P.I.E. is looking for host families in your area. Those who are inter- ested are urged to contact Pacific Intercultural Exchange right away at 1-877-534-3144. Experience is not necessary, as an orientation and support will be provided. Please help P.I.E make the dreams of these young teens crome true, with the opportunity to live and study in oui country, and pos sibly aid in making a difference in their future and the future ol the world. Bring the world to your doorstep-one exchange at a time Welcome Century 21 Sunbelt Realty hosted a business card exchange and open house for its beauti- ful new location at 777 West Highway 80. The event took place on May 25 with lots of folks appreciating the lovely new building and the delicious food., Front tow from left: Estella Her- nandez, Assistant Hendry County EDC, Barbara Watt-Biggs Owner of 19 offices of Century 21 Sunbelt Realty. Inc., Sara Townsend, Executive Secretary of the LaBelle Chamber of Commerce. Back row from left: Carl Bailey, Building Contractor, Trace Pfluge, Broker/Man- ager, Bob Biggs, CO-owner of Century 21 Sunbelt Realty offices, Janet Papinaw, Board Mem- ber of the Hendry County EDC and Realtor, Randy Daniels, owner of RED's Landscaping, Inc. Snewszap.com Conmnunilv Links Individual Voices. I zJ gos*y maestros por hacker posi- ble ese dia. El Presidente estudi- antil. Raymon Marroquin, intrd- dujo a los integrantes del Consejo Administraivo Escolal , administrativos y maestros de la escuela. Saludador Ryan Parrish tue el proximo, su discurso fue breve y agradable enfocando en las memories del pasado el dijo: que las horas de sentarse desde las siete hasta las dos de la tarde ya habian pasado, "lelicito a tdos v les deseo buena suerte'. Stall Cae With Us You'll Find IYou CaniLeave Yomi Friends Behind Horse Transportalion Availahle For Raics. Reifrrnces & Scinicc Call 863-675-3231 Call . 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Ala and Do downtown A.- Che K1n9 QRoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLED, FL 863-612-0002 Shoreside Realty & Mortgage, Inc. 450 Hwy 80 W. 674-0101 PORT LABELLE INN The OL' OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 pm.L 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OXBOW DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes SPrncipal Mortgage Bkern 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kely.bames@alankellymortgage.com P tog plj PBy Je.ni Lqn . r, Funu l. kr , SPECALS 239-q89-7032 Hi .ph(orngraph lii jcrril nn.conm Cafoosa Sfiores 'Waterfront tobmesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 230-728-5481 I ; " Iffi^^^^me!B tell -11",4'-2= -, 0 LaBelle: 86,6754100 wwwtbursimn-oweather scom -ima s u-m rtn id ],I SECRETARIAL SERVICES From My House Typing/Data Entry Spreadsheets Bookkeeping Cold Calling/Telemarketing/Sales 30 years' exerience Reasonable, affordable! Save money No payroll taxes, insurance or overhead Please call me with any questions. 863-674-0416 100% hi orsdng kvaiiable A.1- r ,.i t rij in jLoop R.S1j L 1 863.67~-3 5 ,:, ion F ridj' P~ "Ht3TCGONE- AM)i VIDEO .571 Dayvis Strcit LaBelle, FL 339 33 (863) 675-732*8 (863) 843-0232 i1ip:'rI rillphl' i iFE V;i tlvli4lk~ -t SUNBELT RE,-LTY, INC. 433 W. Hw.r 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rentals L. ir,. i :,ii-, :-rr Put your trust inNumber One! ,.. ., _. !-r]-, l '"/7 ..' I I ..... ., . -L,'- ~ "- Hoozons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of in, vi.: or selling, give us a i .ri' -..- GREG MINERS ic Real Estate Broker. 5 .~.g ReAltf Croupl. I-c. LisaAnidrews- I. i i. r i'., i 2:8 N, RliritgeuS ,. Ijlt i I 1 1 wxV shwaorfl'iw ri'larcd iixi'i'rup.: S ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or emall cbelle@strato.net Bankof America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.i"iUislr banikofainerica.c:or 415 W. I-wy 80 Ladelle EDISON PLUMBING, INC. P 11I n 10i " i..I.I 'COMMERCIAL kL l[ l.r il l. l .. I . CAll (863) 67- 894 , oiR (239 f :q 82 '8 87t5ndustrial t. -tei~le i : UI A R .'l COUNTRY omEtS & Kathy H-Ltcl j- ] Lic, Real Estate BtOer Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 isit Outi Website ci CentralflorndalcindSales ,'.m 233 N. BRIDGE ST OHN TH com1a OF BIDs STr & WMAINSTON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.ocqkrealtyinc.com property management L rentals sales SMLS aCINDY L ALEXANDER -LIC, U. MAi FSTA'iT BROKER Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 SBankston Realty S. .I . SOD LRFNDSCEFPIN PRESSURE CLEANING 863 673 4565 TIL, OPTICAL CENTER located in . FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 1 3 i ', . edty Co. 419 W. State Rd. 80 LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-7522 www.bellerealty.com TERRI BANK :BROKER Ioridi state. RODNEY MURRAY Lic. R[> Il lidlc li )k i Il. li'ILk. FL 863-675-4550 RIVERSIDE REALL ESTATE (-,,noic I .t) [iwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL - 863:-675-2718 w ww.a Lbc.rmcrjvrsdc.comn. I L I l n i I, d eoe I'ULL 1H0OK-UPF R.V. SITES CLUBHOUSE RENTAL & POiOL MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE CALL FOR Ir['lAL\i ON (863) 67S-3641 Sec Habia Espanol HIIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863.675-3955 (35 Years Experience). Expect something extr." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit C"S.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as *10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or e-mail cbe!lle@strato.net LAND CO -' 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.con Se Habla Espafiol DONNA KANE -'i- L- I K .,,, t ,.,.,, , PAUL ROSER REALTORS 625-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER. BROKER CUCINA Di CIELO STEAR, SEAFOOD & PASTA S700 W LEELAND HEIGHTS BLVD. SUITE 103 LEHIGH ACRES, FL 239.369.8883 i t$ ~ ri 1 .. .. al? .nhen you need a servicecal fessional ." -- ? 1 Call 863-675-2541 ---"- or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! Pill L W I Z 1 4PI'llk" MiN 9 P] LIM. ------- - - I I ---7 - I S.. - .~:i ' Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1, 2006 USS iSdiS Eh; . rig.-" Announcements Merchandise I ^3?w.in5!3. i .f .s-xwsa y. w I W ~I,,II Employment Agriculture Recreation j 1111il ill financial Rentals automobiles eggI IREN Services Real Estate Public Notices Iflm [iiir N II ^^ a-r1^ -"w ..........^^ B'' -"* ** .****' .--?* +1 ia'L... ABSOWWHT for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! : Reach more readers when you run ...... .I ... --.------- -.----- your aa in several papers In our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! ' Sources. Pulse Research ,Marlel Survey; Simmors Mliarlet Research, 1JI Mlarket Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad "Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1 2 inch ,* (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be S2.500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! LAnnouncementsI Important Informaion: Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an nadverent error. please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We'will not be responsible for more than 1 irncorrect ir.seric.n. or for more than the extent of the ad rendered cluelesss b,' Such err.jr Ad eri.her assumes rep nib.hlry for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad. and assumes responsibility for any clams against Independent Newspapers. All ad.,enrsing is subject to publisher's approval The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy. and to insew abc,.e.rhe copy the word ,ad..riTmenh All ads accepted are subject to S crEdT pprctl.. All ads muS conform to Independent Newspapers' ;ale and are restricted to. their, proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted vath an aslensk '. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Shae a dae .115 ard of Thanks 120 In Memnoram 125 F .d 130 Lost .135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 AUCTION Spectacular Home wth Mourlain ViLas Casn- lers NC 6 earooms, 6-1'2 bats, i separate levels WInI Oistinctillirng areas Auction June 16 at 5PM. Open. House: May 27, 28, June 10; 11 and 16 from 1-4PM. Pho- tos0 and 'details. at www.'woltz.com; Woltz & Associates, Inc., Brokers & Auctioneers INCAL #;560 ) Roanoke, VA (800)551-3588 City of Miami Surplus Proper- ty 24/7 Online Auctions. Ve- hicles, Equipment, City - Surplus'and more. wwwmi- amisurplus.org or www.Lo: neStarOnline.com . 2 PLOTS-in Siver Hill Ceme- tery in Frostproof. $600 (863)605-3831 DOG, Bloodhound. Call to Identify. (863)357-3225 MICROPHONE- Found Mon- day May 22nd., 441 S., Please call to identify. 863-634-9660 READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU GET INVOLVED IN THE COMmUNIRI o) a wonder newspaper readers have more funl Gar ..e/ Yard Sales PUG, Female, on Tues, May 23ra, in viclnir of SE 26th SL., Okeechooee. Call TO ldlenty. 1863)357-1812 PUPPY, Female, chocolale colored, on SR 80 in Iront ot Johnson Engineering Call to identily (239)825-3534 BLOOD HOUND, Losr in Treas- ure Island I behind Brewsk.'s. Black & Tan. Missing 05/21. 1863)63-I-9990.634-86741 CAT- Dorresii snort naired while, male wtDrown spois Sun 5,21/06. Vic Laurel Oaks Sun-Div 863-674-5715 LONG HAIRED DACHSHUND- Missing from Otter Creek area 05/23/06. Needs Med's. (561)723-2654 Reward PINTO GELDING- Grand- daughters horse, tan & white, vic of SW 10th- St. & SW 6th Ave: near the Victory Baaptist'Church. Reward 634-7711 or 467-2888' , WALLET, Black, means, on 5/24/06 near Ed's Auto Parts in Okeechobee. LIBERAL REWARD! (863)467-5571 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD- lyr old, F, spayed, lovable, great w/kids. Needs room to run. (863)673-4540 KITTEN, Black & white male. 8 weeks old. (863)763-8318 or (863)532-0680 MALE CAT- 4yrs old, med 'hair, neutered, soft paws, to good 'home only :(863)634-6012 PUPPIES, 5 weeks old, American Bulldog & Red Nose Pit mixed. (863)635-3918 Babson Park. BrSl est mtrby LaBELLE- Fri&Sat6/2 & 6/3 8am-? 545 2nd Ave. off Belmont St. Furniture, baby items, clothes, misc & much more LABELLE- Sat, June 3 8am-12pm. 691 Bennett Ave. Lots of Odds & Ends Fid It faster. Sell It soon- WIn hec dlasitedt U..arage/ -.*. LaBelle, Sat. June 3rd 8am- ?, 234 Clay SI Tools, Fsri- ing equipment, Household, Free flower pois. plastic 3 Dies & plants Everylhing is Cheap & loi: of Misc LaBelle, Sat June 3rd. 83am- pm 266 5r Ave. LaSI nouse on let. Belminl Sub-Division Furniture. & Msi ilrrms HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM-, PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders; Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National. Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- .tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.w e qu ipme.nt - schobl.com. CLUBHOUSE RENTALS .For Weddings, Parties, Banquets & Quinceaneras. Call 863-675-3641 Se HaDla Espanoi Employment ull-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - PartTime 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 BACKHOE OPERATOR Septic experience preferred. CDL a plus. (863)885-2445 C & B FENCING INC. Must have experience, Drivers License & transportation (863)673-2872 ask for Clay FOOD SERVICE PERSONNEL Full Time positions for Correctional Feeding Program Food Production Exp. Clean Background and Drug Screening required for Security Clearance Benefits 863-674-4060 ext. 245 I.pca Noti * I .peia NotI c I * PLACE YOUR AD HERE CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting at $3995 LAGFR Fer Day HUNTERS t4,TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming , & Removal SStump Grinding Shaping & Topping 863-675-0403 L,,;-; :.: ..: -j. lhui' ,I GENERAL LABORERS CARPENTERS Marine Contracting Group is hiring general laborers and carpenters (dock building) . for marine construction work in Labelle and Charlotte County. We offertop wages based on experience, paid holidays and vacation. Benefits available. (medical,dental& 401K) EOE/DFWP HELP WANTED EXP ROOFER In Metal Roofs Mandatory. Please call (863)674-5775 KIWANIS THRIFT STORE 2 openings, Part-time Cashier & Part-time Delivery Person. For information on job de- scriptions orto apply, stop by the Thrift.store. LABORERS: For Landscape & Lawn Maintenance. Good pay. Benefits included: Company Payed Medical, Life & Dental. (954)605-6951 or e-mail: fivepointscorp@bellsouth.net EOE/DFWR " MAINTENANCE MEN NEEDED Mowing, Hedging, Trimming, etc. Call forinfo. John Layton orMelissa (863)675-7555 MECHANIC Needed to work on equipment. Pay rate from $17 to $22 hrly depending exp. Good in- surarie & pension. Work out of Lehigh Acres. 239-369-1000 or Fax resume to 239-368-1280 SCALE OPERATOR and MAINTENANCE Now being hired at Ortona Sand Company Call (863)675-1454 READING A NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. jo wonder newpapep leaders r re more popular MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle. Clewiston and i t Roo Okeechobee. We are a franchise with |nd j0 %l 27 restaurants throughout South and Construction, Inc. I Florida and are hiring energetic, I FREE ESTIMATES I:: honest, and responsible individuals. | Metal Pools Re-Roofo Roof Repairs I We offer: Pole Barns, Vinyl Sidirig Soffit & Facia ] Office (.63) w5 47045 : -Mdi nd .Lfa, ce ' S .--- Dental Insurance S-401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: CARPET .ND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 863-983-4224 *I',..lf IIll],r ",l ',L,' or mail vour resume in confidence to: ri'. .1 ,.r il ,I ,',-i w r, nl \III ,uio r alR '...,- .,.. .. Pauline Alvarez HANDYMAN REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE Southern Management Corporation i. i I-mil I r ..rir., r,' 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. .,. ,, ,,,, (863) 675-7297 Clewiston, FL 33440 l. HENORVY REGIONAL .. r\ *' |V*E!ICAl- cEwTER QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. '' C. a ddu Progr, ..Edui Ln "'L" e ii -' -- LPN I or I IFT.FT. Perdleml L .., FL Li' JL.C IV. C.' L- l. lVlir.i Jo l.. l. hoiJ ul *- ^ ._ a B Full nie ER RN IIlStaSupervlsor r' l way ,- I I-. l' ili1iil,,,n v i.~ lic Mi,, 3 e.p AoS PaLs .ux i 'l.:i i- I ll irl i il i .ilrv i .rk Perdem- RN Nursing Supervlsor -hlr, l I l,.'k l'r,' 'rillliliiiTll &' & Rem o avaV.l l \' Vi t inRIJ + Sin I:IIl ri M ,l htait V, ih :.ir C.:. 1 ir.,ns'od & l luTt r jd I .upur,.,,l : SiI,'J5 .;l[t. r'LS ,'c:, S LaBe, U J #j. ; Lie-d &. 1linlumld Full dmoeart dmfAl Hoe- TRANSMIPTONIST OIPFICE (8r3) 67658314 trrtoiv: e- ,csil atns oriicc'leni "ifrTr iil;t ('all Khl-im Townsend Cell @ (863) 673-3783 boi, Ic.,,,ji,:.d aul ipk diaieo l ar ie, .acr Mu.ii a I,. t .i r HC10 o7.sP Full time- Malerals specialist -- El', ric i IA f ~ i id :.:mipule~ s ,c[ Mu: I r;:1.:. i FlJ [ .1 'I PREVATT ^I H Ronest &; LC L L'iICll,, uil.:,mti r1,lii Il.li ji ir.'. CONSTRUCTION. INC Dep-ndable. Part dme- Regstr~tonClerk 2,., E r. L h - ,~,.:,.. i ^f~~I,-,l -W' l ra.uf..5.' ui r.i'I.. )Cd ,i ri nied l ii...i p :i<, 4 ,p,., P 'd d:,, Full me- Eligib y Spedal L "T -'.,, 4 e P, I a,,d 0e p,,L..1,.,.4 ItIrJ ,:.,' s .,+,, + ,il f r l ii h o:.i,I ,o : mNJho i ik:,teV Mu.', t io ,d Uk AIr..li,,'l id Forida license and ACLS reo. 5 ears clinkal epq. and 3 years of CCU L.: l'":": I' r ~, u'..L F,\ r- 75-l ; skilmsllonpet endesreo I eS I management ep.lec ,saIy. Drug Free Workplace EOE (Office Clerks, General -I L1) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK (#64081579) BRIGHTON RESERVATION Front desk clerical position at Glades SCounty Health Department in Moore Haven; High School Diploma or GED medical records & computerwork experience minimum one (1) year exp. helpful; Bilingual English & Spanish required; Accounting exp., invoices/ Background screening/fingerprinting required. purchase orders, knowledge EEO/AA. Apply on line: of & ruCall Alina@863-946-07xC208. phone & Customer service skills. for more details Data entry exp. Fax resume or application to: (954)967-3477 Si u NFeeded in Immokale Ien 3 + yrs. experience in Human Resources, Has openings for the following positions: Know basic of FMLA, FLSA, Title VII, ADA, ADEA: Operator Trainee Wastewater at the Lee/Hendry Landfill hiring/recruiting, benefits and training. n Felda -3 positions And rivers, Class A CDL and Strong workethic nd A+ Computer Skills a For additional information and online application go to: (Creole/English/Spanish) a plus. wwwleegov.com/humanresources and click on the jobs list Or call (239)335-2245 239-657-9764 (fax) Lee County is an EOE/At-will/Veterans Preference employer. susanm@sixls.com e-mail ) S" -5- rii df Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 FIND IT FAST DIRECTORYN . I 11 , 'alnnsa Belle. Thursday. June 1. 2006 n m II Empoyen Ful imI00 The Following Positions Will Be Open Until Filled. Positions are Full Time With: Medical Benefits, Retirement, Sick and Vacation Leave. Custodian: Must be able to work evenings. SMust have a valid driver's license. Staff Assistant 1: Must have good communication skills & basic : computer knowledge. Bookkeeping knowledge is a plus. 'Must be independent and able to multitask. SA High School Diploma or GED required. Electrical Inspector: Must have 8 yrs. experience with a,licensed contractor. Lifeguard: Openings at East Recreation in Harlem for Summer Program. $9-$12/hour. Applications available & accepted *atiSPb-Office, Civic Center and Harlem'Office in Clewiston and Personnel Office In LaBelle. Must be certified in 1st Aid/CPR prior to employment. SMechanic I: Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred." Mechanic II: Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, three years experience." "Both Mechanic positions require a Class B aner s license. .Must have a High School Diploma or GED Both located in Clewislon GIS Coordinator: For the LaBelle office. Must have Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or university in Computer science, geography or related field with considerable experience in the use of geographic information systems or 8 years equivalent experience. STreatment Plant Operator: For Pt. LaBelle Utilities. Must have a valid driver's license. A High School Diploma or GED required. Possession of a Class A, B, or C Water Treatment Plant Operator's License as issued by the State of Florida. Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee: For Pt. LaBelle Utilities. Must have a valid driver's license. A High School Diploma or GED required. A water treatment plant operator's license is not required prior to employment, but within reasonable timing a Class A, B or C Water Treatment Plant Operator's License issued by the State of Florida will need to be acquired. Job descriptio -a u i n Saelt fiei lwso n h orhuei ael in h RDeatet Join the most exciting attraction in SW Florida JOB OPPORTUNITIES Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Dining Room Hostess Dining Room Server Dishwasher/Steward Housekeeper Poker Dealer Security Qfficer Sous Chef TAD Floor Clerk TAD Machine Technician $9.50 per hour $5.50 plus tips $8.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $7.50 per hour $9.00 per hour $28.00 avg. w/grats $10.00 per hour $12.00 + D.O.E. $21.00 avg. w/grats $12.50 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst Security Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL Phone: 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED CDL Class A DiversLic. Required for hauling sod Palmdale Sod, Inc. .863 673-1491 Theclasslied ads Florida Communiit Bank Part-time Custodian and Maintenance position available. Contact Sue Williams at Florida CommunityBank 155 North Bridge Street LaBelle; FL EOE SECRETARY Part-time for Children's Medical Services office in LaBelle. Hourly rate/no benefits. Prefer bilingual and medical background. Call (239)433-6723-.- ia CERTIFIED NURSING ASST. w/ CPR. Looking for F/T or P/T Employment. Great references! (863)675-7105 All the miles you can legally Shandlelll Come drive for All American Xpress! Late Mod- el Equipment, No Touch Freight, No East Coast. 2yrs verifiable experience. Good driving record. (800)282-1911x115.:. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career!- Offering courses in CDL A. One tuition fee! Many pay- Sment options! No registration feel (888)808-5947 in- fo@americasdrivingacade- Smy.com. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay ,& new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm Home...Every Weekend!" Great Pay & Benefits! Special Orientation Pay for Exp. Driv- ersl Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines Earn some extra cash. Sell your used items In tie classmoleds ESE Teachers/Assistants and Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapists for Inclu- sive PRE-K Charter School. Competitive Salary & Bene- fits. Full and Part-Time/Sum- mer. Fax (407)852-3301 www.ucpcdc.org. HOMETIME, MONEY & MORE!' Home every weekend! Home during the weekly Excellent pay! Solid weekly miles! 95% no touch Preplanned freight! $.42 per mile. HEARTLAND EXPRESS (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out'Howl Call Today For More Information.. (800)584-1775 Ref Code: #P5999. LOOKING FOR A BETTER JOB?? Construction jobs available in your area! Trades, PM's, superinten- dents, estimators, etc. Check out positions on www.con- structionjobs.com or email resume to: sales@construc- tlonjobs.com. 0/0 Driver The F/S is higher here Zero down lease/low payments. $1.11 Avg. $2,000 sign-on $2,600 Re-' ferral Bonus. Base Plate pro- vided. FFE (800)569-9298. Join an tho people who say, "I sold It In the cls- slneds." f II - * Emlymn CALOOSA BELLE is looking for an Part time time with somewhat flexible hours The ideal candidate \vill be self-motivated with an outgoing personality, more than average computer skills, bilingual a plus, understanding of digital phorog- raphy and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers a unique work environment m ,here employees are trusted and empowered. e-mail resume to: jkasten@strato.net DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABOR () FINDERS 202 E Sugarland Hwy. (Acrms bm Clermron Inn) (863) 902-9494 THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Daae and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus Per diem & F/T Bilinguals Inc. Cnild & Parent Services (866)696-0999 ,122 www ilingualsinc com. $5,500 Weekly Goal Potential If someone did iI, so can you!'2-3 confirmed appoint- ments daily' Benelils Available... Call Catherine McFarland 1888)563-3188. Financial - Business Oppontuities 305 Meeyleanlendrs 310 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! Associates Wanted $100-$1000 Per Day Re- turning Phone Calls. No Sell- ing Not MLM. Call Toll Free 8771881-7395 recorded in- LOG HOME DEALERS WANT- ED Great Earning Poenilial, Excellent Prois, Prolecled Territory, Lifelime Warranry. American Made Honest Value. Call Daniel Boone Log Homes (888)443-4140. NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteedincome from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may.not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your: area, use caution. HomeOwners! BAD CREDIT PLEASE APPLY! BK's, late mortgage payments, Fico scores to 4751 24-hour ap- provals. NO Payments until July 1st. FL Licensed Mort- gage Broker. Meridian Capi- tal (800)424-0888. Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 CUSTOM HOME DESIGN & PLAN SERVICE. Specializing in Country Old Florida style homes. 30 yeas experience (239)370-8532 HOUSE PLANS Ac:uralely t Economicall prepared. Engneering pproval available 1b63)6,5-7926 The classlleds are the most successful sales- person In town. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TUTOR Tutoring in Word, Evcel, Power Point, Access.n ' your home Will design spread sheets etc upon request Call Lynne jl S (8631675 7049' COMPUTER SERVICE double snooling, set-up, up-grades. yslems bull lulorng Win 95 98, 2000. ME, XR licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, - quinceaneras. 675-1625. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE .from home. *Medical, *Busi- ness, *Paralegal, *Comput- ers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Com- puter provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.Onli- neTidewaterTech.com DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS S CARGO:BeaHendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contact the Transportation Dept: at 863-674-411'5 or Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.kl2.fl.us Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read SDIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or' send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. HUNT ELK, Red Stag, Buffalo, SWhitetail, Fallow-Guaranteed hunting license $5.00; Sea- son 8/25/06-3/31/07. We Shave a No-Game-No Pay policy. Booknow! Days (314)209-9800; Evenings (314)293-0610. GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs (863)675-1166 (863)673-6388 LABELLE LAWN Lawn Service Excellent rates, License Rob & Karen (863)517-2077 DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays 800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. INJURED? HURT? FRIGHT- ENED? Call for a lawyer Now! 24 Hours Protect your legal Rights A-A-A ATTOR- NEY Referral Service All Ac- cident, Injury & Death Claims Auto, Bike, Mall, Shopping Centers, Pedestrian, Chil- dren, Elderly (888)733-5342. I $14,900. Extensive range of sizes. Front end optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. INSTALLATION- Owens Corn- ing fiberglass R-11, 5 rolls, $25. Or will separate. (863)612-9233 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. TEMPORARY SERVICE POLE, 200 amp service. Cost $700, used 1 month. Asking $500 (863)673-1120 AVON PRODUCT- big box of older items. $50 (863)357-6113 j-: BICHON FRISE, Male, born 10/9/05, purebred w/papers. Up to date on shots & tags. $500(863)674-1574 CHIHUAHUA, black/white, male, fawn fern., shots cur- rent, make offer. (863)675-3729 M-F, 9-6 CHIHUAHUA- male, CKC reg., 1 yr old, cocoa color, hse broke $350 (863)634-0517 CHINCHILLA'S 2 males, 2 fe- males. $300 for all, will sep. (863)634-8118 COCKATIELS, 1 male & 1 fe- male. Good for breeding. $80 will separate. (863)634-8118 DACHSHUND PUPPY, 7 wks. old. Black & Tan, Male. $200. (863)634-5060 Employmen Employmen WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Save! Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Catalog CALL TODAY! (800)842-1305 *WW np elsan.com Merchandise .ITI Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appriancqs 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines 535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545, Carpets/Rugs. 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing .565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Vileo 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixtuie 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lanps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 A/C- For Travel Trailer. Dual Therm '05 i2rn 1 phjst. 1500 BiUL Used 1/2 yr T425 18631467-6868 A/C,UNITS- 3 Ion, Air & heal, $350 1863)674-9907 A/C WINDOW UNITS, 1-12,000 BTIJ 5 1-8,000 BTU's wiremole Bolr new :$400. will sep 863-675-8182' CENTRAL A/C PKG UNITS- 2 5 Ion 3 ion 1,700 for' both or will separate. S i8631675-818 DRESSING TABLE S MIRROR $100 (863)467-b1912 AIR CONDITIONER & ELEC- TRIC STOVE working condi- lion, btoh lor $175 or best. offer (863)467-8339 CHEST & UPRIGHT FREEZER- asking $200 for both or.will ill epa3rile 86jb)675-05C5 l ELECTRIC STOVE- Whirlpool, Good condition. $50. (863)467-5072 FRIDGE, ADMIRAL:- 18.6 cu- bic ft., -roi. ies.wri e, $75. S863-674-0874. GARBAGE COMPACTOR- Like new condition. Beige, $125. (863)447-2130 RANGE, AMANA Smoothe top, self-cleaning; black/white w/white Ken- more range hood, $75. .863-674-0I-74 REFRIGERATOR- good condi- tion; 4yrs old, white, $200 (239)872-1213, Alva ,FL WASHER & DRYER: 6 mo's. old. Excellent condition. $450. (863)228-7204 WASHER & DRYER- Whirl- pool, super capacity, 3yrs old, excellent condition $350 (239)872-1213 Alva,FL WASHER & DRYER- Whirl- pool, white, 2 yrs old, good condition, $1400 (863)801-3358 . WASHER OR DRYER $100 each, 1 yr warranty large capacity, (239)694-0778. SCHWIN BICYCLE 1955- 26", like new, asking $700. (863)467-5756. ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE "Plus Free Bonus!" 20x28 Now $4200. 25x32 $5800. 30x42 $9200. 40x62 ----~-- ----I -~---~rl I --I FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS (3-400):Racing & Comic. late 80s early90s Exc. cond. $400 neg.863-763-8943 . COMPACT`PRE'SARIO--Win XP with mouse & keyboard $95. (863)357-6303 COMPAO PASARIO, Windows 98. Just upgraded New CD Burner eli: 1200 1863)467-2366 LAP TOP- Compaq Armada E500, Win 'P Home Eddlion. DVD Player.CD Burner, dis- kehe $550 (8631946-3769 LAP TOP- Sony, Vaii e.c ionil Win XP Pro, DVD plyr. CD burner, many e'rias $450 neg 1i86r3946.3769 Printer 6100 Minrlia. Ous, magi coor 1 400 (8631634-165;97 BAR L-srjped with 2 bar- S10015 Wciud jrid lEadlhrer 44" nigh 22" wid ;' jn 5' lenlris. [.151) l863Ji 12-9233 BEDROOM SUITE- Kinig sz BlU k w/gray contemporary style. Lois ol mirrors. Nice $800 neg 863)634-7895 BR SUITE- W :ker queen il:e headboard nile stana, iheSI w:mirror $250 18631228-08i18 CHAIR, Wing Backed. Small. Pretty ood conjilion ,20 ) or bDl rioner (831675- 4-01 CHAIRS 14)1 Dirinq or game tl3 ie, rice oii wrile labric, callers. ;wivel Ill W oak. arms & Inm. $.100 (8631357-3779 CHINA CABINET. Solid wooa fi p w.'5 snieilps Hard Made Musl see' $650 18663)768943 COUCH, Tan, Very good con- diiion 1 25 LeBelle 239-822-5955 DINING ROOM SET Enlerlin. meri ctr & Living room set. 1.650 Will separate (8631673-0476 ENTERTAINMENT CTR- [Djry wood, Lihtiled & los I01 rielvei 6 5'6 5' Lle new, 'il5U rieu 8t.:!|467-7..hi3, FUTON, white, rwin upper lull boIlom i.100 S(863)6,5-3032, 2241 HHo- ward-Rd. GLASS TOP TABLE W/'4 CHAIRS- brarn, new .125 (863)467-5756 LIVING ROOM SET 3-piece, 2 lovseadlS & 1 chair Good Londition $400 -(863)241-3273 MATTRESS, BOX SPRING & FRAME: King S:e 175 or bel otter 18kj3165-6142 MATTRESS- King Size $25 i863i675-0550i. RECLINER- Bar3c Lounger PRetal $9010 Like neiw Wood arms & Side Ligil [an $150. (863)763-0582 SECTIONAL SOFA, Multi Col- ored. $150; (863)946-0749, SLEIGH BED- Twin complete, no mattress, '$50 (863)675-7105 Table, 6 chairs & China cabi-' net$500 239822-5955 VENITIAN BLINDS. (5 ) 29 *Wd0 121 60" wide 1S2 u will separale 13631763-3901 DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, w/surrounding diamonds, '$500 (863)675-7105 or (863)673-5023 ENGAGEMENT RING, dia- mond, 14k, yellow gold, 1.23, $3000. (561)985-3411 WHEELCHAIR Pr:wri with leg analnmieni, lool: pile, battery operated w/plugin. Great cond. $1200 neg. (863)801-6149 CAR HAULER- Hauls up to 4 cars, Needs axles. $700. (863)357-3981 DAVID BROWN MACHINE, $1000 or will separate for parts. (863)983-9908 FLAT BED TRAILER- Miller, -'71, Tilt deck, Dual tandems, Holds up to 18,000 Ibs. .$2000. (863)357-3981 FLUTE, with case. Excellent condition. Paid $600, asking $200 (863)635-3918 Babson Park SNARE DRUM- with stand, asking $50 (863)675-4098 Labelle.evenings ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER- Smith Corona display dic- tionary. Like new, $50 (863)763-7989 DOG PENS, (2), Large w/gate. $100 or will separate. Call Rick (239)410-3784 in La- belle MIN-PIN,PUPPIES- 8wks old, CKC reg. & they have Health papers. $375. (863)763-4052 or 634-8691 POT BELLY PIG BABIES- 1 pair, 75 18631675 4981 aBelle arej PUPPY, Puggle, ternale, hor- ey Ian w/b'lak on lace ipa- pers 6 mos Playlul House rained $400 (8631634--6184 TROPICAL FISH & AFRICAN CICIHLIDS $2000 Will sep- adate, (863,46-9621 YORKIPOO PUPPY, CKC reg. Adorable. shois & vet (ri ecked $475 1863)357-0037 Okeecrnobee Double Sink, Slainless steel, 33" 22", wall na.rdware, hos- Sc 5 garDage daiposal $45. rfg |8t.3j763-6216 CROSSBOW, Barnett com- mando $75 239)246-3549 POOL TABLE, American Her- iaqe Blue Fell Top $1200 or Dest oiler 786-229-8822 or 8.3-674-4050 CASSETTE TAPES- Olde's Bul Godie';, Appro. 60 $25. 8631357-l1938 TV, Toshiba, BIG SCREEN 55" Floor Model I:renmole ASk- ing J600 or besi otier. 1863)675-7105 8-1511 LITTLE GIANT A FRAME LADDER- $800 8630234-1230 DRILL PRESS: $150 18631i63-952; GENERATOR Hoielile LR., 41510 wan, 895 rip 120/240 vi:ll 142 hrs $450 (863i763-5613 GENERATOR. Coleman, Pow- -r Male M. 3000 ori carl will cmonufri Irale 'I'Z5 (8,63)7 -75rE.4- HEDGE TRIMER, STIHL, Mod- el HL 7',K '.150 (86 I1675-0199 LaBelle MAC TOOLBOX- Economizer 4000 asking $800 or best offer 1i:63163-1-0856 WEED EATER, STIHL Model FS80R $100 1863)675-0199 LaBelle KITCHEN CABINETS. Used. uppers & lowers. Ior garage use 18631467-4646 MRE's: Meals Ready To Eat Buying All-Top Dollar Payed 863-610-226E/863-763-0620 S Call Anytime Do-It-Yourself Ideas Water Wheel This handsome water wheel will create an instant focal point and add the relaxing sound of falling water to a backyard retreat. Full-size patterns for all the curves and angles simplify construction. The completed water wheel is 3 feet in diameter. Water Wheel plan (No. 891)... $9.95 Water Wheels Package 2 plans'incl. 891 (No. C140)... $16.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects)... $2.00 Please add $3.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), clip and send with check to: U-Bild, 15241 Stagg St., Van Nuys, CA 91405. Please be sure to include your name, address, and the name of this newspaper. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD iu-bild.com Money Back Guarantee NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 Agriculture Farm EqIIp ent ChritmFas Tdrees r45 Farm Wis6Eawe;: Farm Produas 820 Farm Servicea ' Offered ,.825 Farm'Sugp '; ', Services Wuante4 a~f Fertilizer -. .-. 3." H rosess -, .-"840 Landopping.-:: : Pb 'dtry/S -ppIf,'.88 Seedi/Plants :/ : FJiwers ? 8685 . APPA. GELDING- wh./leopard spol, 12yo. easy keeper good feet, good ground manners $1200 (863)357-1024 HORSE TRAILER- Older moo- el, 2 nose,.New floor. $650. (863)357-1976 OLD SORREL GELDING. 2 yrs, very gentle, no bad hab- its. saddle & bridle broke all shots. $1000 (8631673-0065 OLD SORREL MARE, 8 yrs, very gentle, good [or any rier. railers well, all vaccinations. $120018631673-0065 Palamino Paint Gelding. 6 years old, 15 nands, used tor trail. loads, ties. good ride. $1000 neg. (863)634-9314 WESTERN SHOW SADDLES (2) black, lOTS 01 silver 15' seat. & 17" seal $1000 will sep/trade (239)465-1393 FINISH MOWER. Bush Hog. 5', Excellent condition. $700 or oDel offer. (863)697-3008 KEE- 22", 5hp, alum deck elect start Runs perfect $250. (863)517-2077 La- Belle RIDING MOWER- Snapper. 42" cut. Good condition Needs a slarler. $175 1863)447-2130 ,- SNAPPER- 12 HP Rear engine. Greal shape. 5550 (863)517-2077 Labelle TroyBilt Tiller 8np, $600. Les- co SS Pro Fertilizer spreader $200. Red Max Trimmer $95 Red Max Back Pack Blower $200. Black Max 80 gal 220 Air Compressor $525, Triple lawn trailer racks $50 (8631234-1230 CALVES: Shots, Wormed $200 & up. Also Cows: Young & Healthy. $400 & Up. Will Deliver. 863-235-0838 18 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, June 1,2006 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property. 915 Condos/ . Townhouses Rent620 Farm Property - ReRen 925 House Rent.- 930 Land -Rent 935 Resort Property- , Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 LaBelle, 2BR/1BA Located on Okeechobee River. Galed property. Completely furnished w/washer& dryer. Patio & dock. 1 yr. lease. No children or pets please. Non-smoking env.$1000/mo., 1st &. last required..239-337-751,4 Industrial Space for Lease 1080 Commerce Dr. Labelle 4000sf shop w/48v power & 2T ioist plus 2500sf rence d yard, 750st Oiire $2975/mo (239)822-5955 Pi.:.reer Plantation, looking for peace and quiet? 3BR/2BA - home.. situated on approx., .5 ac. Screened porch, and .pe r, deck Nc, pant ant-nd till [I,-,or-. Larg .'.:, kho.:.p and private pond. $900/m. Call Eric at Century, '21 Sunbehlr Realty, Inc.. 863/675-1616 Large 2BR, 1BA; old Florida home, w/room air, near Taco Bell, NO PETS, References & Lease, $750 mo., $750 sec. '(863)675-2392 LAZY TRANCH:3 Bdrm., $1500 dep i 110 weekly SrldogJs I8t3675-1614 LaBelle- 5 Acres- corner lot, Gre.sceni Ave SW & Fay St. .. )5o81.2-20P08 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig unil, avail air condiioned rorin-air. ean urnit alarmed area leru.ed, 7 well iignlied. s.pac:e IrT Doal.. I i ler, RV & trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl -tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x20'20' $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. Real Estate Business Places Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale '1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspectionl1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 LaBelle 'FOR SALEBYOWNER Country Village 2br, 1ba, (863)673-1653 PORT LaBelle: Unit 4 ~ Move In Today!-- INewly renovated, near schls., Large yards, Mew S/S Appl 4/2 @$175,000. or 3/1 i $142,000 Call owner 863-673-5071 csnd:_04@earthlink nel By owner 20+ aires ri Muse or Ferhwood Lane. $25k per acie Call for details (863b i2-0010, FL LAND BARGAINS. Opporiu- ripie: t1 own your own tarm, rani.n woodland or lakelrorin nomeslead Old Floridd at its best' Still altordable' Call (866)352-2249 or www.fllandbargains.com. If you like peace and quiet, this is the place for you, 7.08 acres of cleared land with scattered oak and cabbage trees.3 miles north of LaBelle. $283,200 S(863)673-8976 days, (863)675-5869nights. . LeBelle, 2 acres For those who love there privacy. Great for horses. Build.your. dream home or bring your Mobile home to'this unique 0(ldiionr in LeBelle Just 3 mi. west o0 lown Oil Hwy S81 on Phillips Rd 226 30'w 6385'o $155,000 neg (954)817-11.12 'PALM DALE, 10 acres of vacant land, very peaceful & private, nice oaks; high & dry on paved road. Private owner. :1200.000 (863)673-0773 LaBelle Double Lot w/Mobile Home. 863-599-0441 READING A NEWSPAPER... helps you understand the world around you. Port LaBelle Lot, .25 acre, in growing area, close to " schools, $46,000 neg. Call Chrs (863)673-5071 WEST OF LABELLE: Off 80 Nice 1/4'acre home site. Close to Ft. Myers & Lehigh w/Alva address. $38,888. By Owner. (239)699-7405 BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL' WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION, MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES W/ SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES, CABINS. CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate.. cherokeemourilairirealry com (8001841-5868 BENT TREE Golf and Tennis, Galed Community in rne Norin Georgia Mourtiaini w ih Clubhl)use Pools Lake. STables Homes and Lots available Crali, Inc. (8001822-1966 www cral- Irealesiale cum. EASTERN TN MOUNTAINS Amazing rolling visa views 1 to 5 acre parcels from the $40's Grand Opening Event 6/2 6/4, Planned club- house, nature trails. 1 hr from Chattanooga. 2 hrs from Nashville. Call for appt (866)292-5769: . GEORGIA BLAIRSVILLE IlJ THE NORTH GEORGIA MOUNTAIfli Lan., Homes. Commercial & Inviestmeni "EVERYTHING WE TOUCH TURNS TO SOLD" Jane Baer Really, (706)745-2261, (800)820-7829 www lane- baerreally (om, lane- oaei@3lllel net Mountain Property! Interested in buying proper y in the Blue Ridge Mounlains ol NC" Call Active Really today at 18001979-5556 or viSil our website. ai www.ActiveReil- tyNJC.com MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Atfordable Homes & Mountain Cabins, Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE 1877)837-2288 EXIT REAL- TY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- 'E R T 'I E S8 www earmurphy.com N.C. Mountain Sale No Pay- menis 1st Year" Weslern NC Mountains near Brevard/ Cashiers Area 2- 11 ac Homesiies. Waterfalls, Streams, Great Views. Limit- ed Time Offer. McKeough Land Company (866)930-5263. *restric- tions apply, NC Mountains. 1.90 Acres w/ 75 mile view & hardwood trees. Financing available, at $59,000 wvillne down Per- leci lor log cabin. Tnls one won j lasi Call today (8001699-1289 or www.riv- erbendlakelure corn NEW! ALABAMA WATER- FRONT 2 hours to Atlanta & the Coast. Waterfront com- munity with incredible moss- draped hardwoods. Planned clubhouse, docks, & more: 1/2 to. 3 acres from the S$40's. Minutes to historic Euf.aula. Call owner (866)882-1107. I North Carolina 10 acre Gated Equestrian Community with riding trails. Never before of- fered with 20% pre-develop- ment discounts. 90% financing call (828)312-1263 / (828)31273765. North Carolina Gated Lake- front Community 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. ever before offered with 20% pre-development dis- counts, 90% financing. Call (800)709-5253. NORTH GEORGIA New Homes in a Gated Mountain Com- munity nestled in the foothills of theAppalachians. Golf, Tennis, Lake, Pools. For info (678)232-8415 dr ww*w bennreegeorgj.iuom TENNESSEE GRAND OPEN- ING! Swan Ridge Lake Re- sort, a p-rivate,, gated. lommuriily wiln both lake. view and mounldiilnview oromesile'; Lois siariing al $29 900 CALL TODAPI (9311243-4871 www.swan- ridgedevelopmeni con. TENNESSEE/KENTUCKY LAKEFRONT Private lake- front or view retreats Rolling hills mril climate. l t1 over 40 acre siues from $40K On the border 90 min 1o Nash- vile. Pnase II selling now, Owner (866)339 4966 VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres wiar lrunlage on very large pfis. tine cree', very prv.ate ,e- iclieni ishlnn, canuoeln.], ,oo diacces' rnrar Hlew Riv. e[ Trail Slale Par, 139.500 Owner 18661789-b853 www mounitansolvA corn Western New Mexico Private 74 Acre Ranch $129,991 MI views uees rolling hills, pastureland, wildlife, borderS BLM. Picluresque homesite at 6.700' elevanon Horse- back riding. hiking. hunting. Pertect family rancn. elec- iriciry 100% financing NALC (8661365-2825 Mobile Homes ---- -.. .-. -- --r" Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home-Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 NORTH LaBelle: Mobile Home Space ior rent Year must be at1le3it1996 or Newer Si:e 12'-40 or Larger ILarger prelerredl Incluldes waieT. elenc I: root:- up &, gartbae removal $200 mo.(863)675-2968, LaBelle, 3 BR, 1 Ba. Fenced, No pets $200 wl, wllsl, last wk's & sec. Must have ref's & credit check (8631675-1010 EVERHIGH- 5 acres secluded, Oaks & pines, east of La- Belle, 16 x 80, $150,000 or best offer (863)675-1264 LABELLE- 1/2 acre, 3/2, 24 x 50 pole. barn,.195 G R'd, $75,000 or best offer (863)675-1264 MONTURA-1 1/4 acre fenced, 3/2, $54,500 or best'offer (863)675-1264, PALM HARBOR HOMES Fac- tory Model Center LARGEST in America! Modular and Manufactured LIQUIDATION SALE! Call for FREE Color Brochures! (800)622-2832. Recreation 'Boats 3005 Campers/RYs 3010 Jet Stdkis 3015, Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs3035 -I AIR BOAT- asking price '$6000, 13' fiberglass laser hull, polymer bottom, 220 GPU, all 6 jugs, shop rebuilt, (863)697-0008 or . (863)467-2743. PRO CRAFT 1984,17 Ft., 6 In. w/150'Johnson GT. $2500. (863)634-5826 . RV AT WHISPER CREEK- 55 'years ol or older. $250, per week 239)I70-6i18 5TH,WHEEL PLATE- lor pick- up Iruchi 1 125 (8631467-1032 BOAT TRAILER. doublee adle wilr lileJ $200 (239-110-3784 APRILIA RS50 2003 eng swaped 0or 3 250 2 stroke run i drives ei $2500 863-61b2.0090,239-810.-0022 BMW K75 RT '92- 0K ,miles paia $350i0 asing .$2500 lrm (8363)3--9620 OKee area HARLEY DAVIDSON '86, Sporisier, Bell drive, alol 01 chrome, big 1ank & big seat. $5000 (772485-8103 SUZUKI 85L '04- lOhrs, like new. $2000 j86.3)63-1-0856 Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 ACURA LEGEND '92 21 V6 5 speed -1 door. needs some work $2500 or besI offer. (863)763-5613 CHEVY CAVALIER, '96.- Auto- matic, V6. 2.4L 2dr, green, CD, a 1c, $1250 Call, (239) 657-4348. DODGE NEON-'98, 4, new tires. Good condition: Runs good "$1500. (863)357-3920 DODGE SHADOW '92 Auto- matic, A/C works. Asking $1500- or best offer. (561)914-1660: FLEETWOOD '92- 2dr, SW edition, new starter/headliner. Runs, Looks great. $1500. neg. (772)284-1,194 FORD FOCUS 2001, 4 Door, Window Tint. Runs good. $1000. or best' offer. (863)675-6180 I Pb ic No ice LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '91 - V6, auto, good shape, needs transmission, $300. Call- (239) 657-4348. .NEONS '96-(2) $800 FOR BOTH (863)983-9908 AUTO'WANTED: Looking to buy Antique Car/ Convertible Truck. Please call (954)561-2776 CHEVY BLAZER- '00- 4x4, AC, auto, very good cond, $6300 or best offer, can. be seen at E & E Automotive, 3585 N ,' 441. ' BEDLINER for full size Ford: 'Pick up Truck. e'cel $100 oribesioter 1863)763-6747 DRIVE ON RAMP- you must remove and haul $125 (8631467-4328. FRONT BUMPER GUARO. chrome, w/lighl guards lor '98 Chevy Tahoe & more, $125neg (863)675-0705 PONTIAC BONIVILLE- '94, Runs goop. New tires Fronl end damage $400 or oesI other (863)697-3008 RIMS For S-10 Iruck. 18' > 7 1/2" brand new never on truck. asking i700. (863)697-3865 RIMS, (4) 16" Alum. w/covers lor '99 and up Ford, 8 lug $75 (8631763-6216 TONNEAU COVER, A R E. F- Oerglass, Fits '01-'03 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab, while. $500 neg. (8631697-0328 TONNEAU COVER, Fiberglass. fits 2001-03 F150 Super Crew. AsKing $450 neg (8631763-2666 TRANSMISSION, Heavy Duty. Dbl Clutch 10 sod. Spicer Recently rebuilt Only $850 1863)673-5852'612-5413 VOLVO GLE ;'70 '85- body good engine need wiring. parts only $300 firm (863)467-8041 DODGE RAM 50 P/U 1985, 4 spd. 4 yl. 7K org. mis. Good tires. Just needs a iinle TLC $1400 neg 1863)675-6142 FORD F150 '89. Runs good needs body work. $900 or oest oiler. (8631357-0223 alter 6 p.m. FORD F250 '86. 454 engine only 3 years old A/C & cd. Greal woik Iuck,. good condi- lion. $3000 (863)357-3313 FORD F250 '91, Wilh Reading ullity bed Rebulll motor as is $3500 neg. 1863167;4-0416 FORD RANGER YLP 88, 5sp. runs & looi.s good $1700 1863)763-6747 FORD EXPLORER 1993, Red, Runs good. Cold A/C. $2500. 863-634-0512 or 763-5578 JEEP '95, 4 cyl., 5 speed. 8" lift kit, custom bumpers. 8,000 pound wench, tow bar, 38.5x12.5 swamper buggers, 488 gears. This Jeep will go anywhere. Asking $7500 (863)763-3221 .I JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE '93, Limited.' $2500' (863)673-5179. DUAL AXLE TRAILER- 14X7, 4FT sides, tailgate ramp, ex- tra heavy duty, elec brakes $1600(863)234-1230 EQUIPMENT TRAILER 20'- ramps, tool box, goose neck, 2 axles $2200 or best other (863)697-9704 SINGLE AXLE TRIR- with a 9' x 7 flat bed truck body on it, hand winch, 2 5/16 ball. $700 neg (863)697-9704 TRAILER, For motorcycle or 4 wheeler, lowrider $300 (863)467-09 CHEVY ASTRO VAN 1993, 165K mls., FM/CD. Looks great Runs, a little rough. Ask- ing $1800 (863)467-1000 CHEVY VAN' 87- cold air, new tires, $790 (863)673-0782 p or (863)674-0837 DODGE 1992 CONVERSION VAN, TV, VCR, Play Siation. Caplins Seals. A.C Good rind $2400i 1i3)634-885J. FORD AEROSTAR '94- n-eed rocker panels $1500 (863)60',.-3831 Ford E350 Bo. Van, 01 511 V8. 15' D.,. wm anic. loadi i ramp. 45. mi $14,500 ieg 1863)675-4500.'673-075, Ford Hightop Van 89, V8 soia bed. tow pkg 1781 miles. $2000 LaBelle Area (8631675-4970 iv. msg FORD VAN 1500- $350 (863)674-9907 PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAG- ER SE 1996,; Pas, Mini Van 1I4K rjew tires Very 1oold ornd FM.'Cass. A-C. P.W. v6 C/C. Till Silver w.'grey int 13450 (863)675-4212 Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale In the classl- Ileds and make your clean no a breeze Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 LEGAL NOTICE iCollm r (6uifiry HOuu.n'A lijin y will "M j IN('ll i l]ir ll JiA Io.1 f il. W- l HlP p l' iHli iH l pPH iiH,', Uuilaypn ,U':l ir, vr ,ld.. .: Hj IUI N, 'ji, j , Pi Py ,ira, h] jie ip'P will Hc jP'.h.Hrp unlbl.iur 9h 31 ,pmrn lj;866iCElb 6'iO006 The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from Birth to ge nine. STAtE OF FLORIDA PEPARIMENI OF ENWRONMENIAL PROIECTION NOIICE OB IFTIENT 10 ISSUE PEUMIr i irsL.j(.,PliTl.flH P?~Pi Pr(PPTil 1Ifppill Ill(l)'6/,aoP rtIIIH ,I,,H.P,,Ii I,' Hll~jI Pr,.l~ ~I u "' Hi''"'i PliiI*, HI "HIJI:'~ )H'1 Hll~ l~li I'.' II'HCCH.)i LrlU lHi rl uH, ll p1,,'r. (r,,,.~,.,,,.'.,,,,C... I :~ii~ ~~ CI','.T.,~~~Illl il"lnlPP.IHIH, l,,,P, rP..H'.,,,Hl ji".fill 1 1 :1-41t ljl Lr(-ufrj,.ih The Permit, when issued, will allow the Permittee to operate: PH.PH H, T.- :PP~., H' ,P'C jA:~PH Iv,. 13H'' 1'''I... '.1 alL, J-idh d ~irni L -H- IIW h AJlll f 1-` 110 ~JI Y(l~JI Nllfl li' p 1. ithll It, W.llil Hendry County, Florida. I,,..PIrH. .,IiH~I,.,,,HI,,pHP,,,,p. ,PH1 llllllill l .,,,',,,:,a ll,.P..H''., 111(1:111 :: l Tr,.:1'. l ,, C h'. I'm 1 ifI 1 'r.LI 'I i r. .I rj ''Hr .'T14 I u l ,T 'I, fi I,' pHI "' p ,e nI. A1,. H.,r, ,H II OI .P~ll iPH ''jllIHl~llI P n .i. lilljll jir. i~l [yr. ll""Hi rtl:li'~l 1'HJ p~,l i~i'''n: l *. I r,. :lP i THIHI. H,, p.HH,,Tpi v A',,i, prlp ,i,,r. ,,0 P0. H- P inrPHH. .' p i H.. I, In.,Pia I "H",Hi.P H Pj :4 r,, H, 1 ,, *Hem Pr., iP.l Pr,,,. PP 1. l ,,, 1. I. ,' I ,'It ,,I P PH', P)I :HH ..CU p f :' P P'lr, lnc P ril H,',,, PP,,P'',,,HP P.' PP 1~;~ ,.H,, I llul. Co p II dlipO : ppp/P.P,,'lll )~lllj j f r ,r IV P.1 i Prf f .. H f.M. A I'' PP pH,,' ''C'C'". '''PP.. P" P I P'"'r PP HIPP.I)4. -.4 P .r,, PH ,P, r ,,.H, I P*, I H p 1, H '''PP .' il'li'W e PH'. H,' H ' ff, -j 1 r,: 11-: 11hWi l f lh [lw i If, C.,H 1' p,,,,' : 'PP rH. ilr 1. 'u', pPr,, 1,.:. C .P PH E. &, i 1:'' P''p' 1) '''"''3)H.I 11"'. .'t6"1 I'Hd mHu. H'H I .b: P'H1PH. P."ll ou I'P len 1141HH d aHrHP.:.I p ,rP b', )I, 1 P d I, P ,iP,,P,,,HH id i I p, I ,h I p YLH -CP' nlP IP.. II" ,..H,,P, H J.0'.. I HPP ,j I.H I,,,.P .iv H'H'H'''HP P ,. P I O, H ': H HPP. Piii jkh id I. V r pH -I ,,,, lH il 1, L l."j, IPH j, U hlff .P,.I H,, rH rl'H H'I A d.: I f :j,,, I '.llll~ t.4 ,. I j I ..I Plll IT,, 1.i d I: Iilj ilI I if u 1. 1.1 I w f, Irl at j pr r )p l, ],1,. Hp i if..H 1,r 1 I 4f' i -. ,'HT, ,, r il rip 0,'PP PHH -,-l11 i'vHC a ,,HW r PH ri,,P rH,, iHm il l I.,,, "',dy HIi p '.1 .u '' :. I,'1hP'. ".10,' r " ..nH If0 HP, ,,,,,,H,, I a I''.'' PH, PP,,HH,,,-' o 114 ,,,,H,,.,,H r,,.H.1 11WCH ApHI 0 T I ]''H HHI 1,1'o .,p.P,1,'',''" ',,HP. 1: 1.HP ,HH1.0P "i .H''H l r, H1. D MI)P, UI.' a 1'" H H" ..' 3'.' H, HI ITa inP,,,,,Pmo.HP,,,HP,,,PHHHP.u.,1 A H IH J,'r,HI.:,P.H.w HHinri pfil.P JrH 1I. I 'P f 1 t a.l.H ,H i. H P a f'' ..p,'.': Jr.P .:C ., rH u H 1,11'A H I ". ffl'iH-A .11 r,A, ,r.,I.a 1.H ., f .. r.1 [ .I[ p.. P'.Of' .P P',AlHP 'PH'r.: HA HH H,, JO'' H61 r, H 'I H PH,,,HPH ,'H.H511.oPH .1., H-r, ,'A, pH" ,P'",N H,',,.r ''r HH, ''Hr.,H,, i,f jo'" .HH. )IH P 'it '. A':'1,ina I'P 'Hr p ..a.7HHL I. H,, ,H,,di,, H-th. 'H p.1 H h --P,-r, .Hj, kr ..i..r. "''.... h IP'Py HIP 137u-iril b. IN: p, p-1-1 10 *N. lhP,'''' i, -Ip1,'H.HyH*H'HIH ,-HIH,,,Pp-r r Hprn, i f H.'ll,[ 1,. I.j."I.. H''''. IlHH f.HPHH.HPPH.HH.PPHH .'P.H.PH ."P a. I Ir,.r CPP,,H.1,..H1 if.CHP., HP'. '''P': t f1, ,14T I PH''H 11111- f, IfH), I", 0 1,1r.1H. ,I ~ t..f,I ir, rH HdH,,'.'HJrHP.. W,:f h. u a~.i H(,HI, I ii HP.f. "TVwPI N. ,pI.: I. H.. 0 ,1 IIli Q3 p Pr'' H ''P PP, HH.:r.,H.PPr,,, ',P ,,V h H, I.. H .....PPriA rI ,,P Hor, ii p ri-i 'Pp. Ir, ''lwfi ."Jr. 11H,. I..P ,, ,',.H .P ,P:' 'P'P':(I 'H I r. ,p,'I.P,.'..', ,PM ,TH r' '6.] r,q Hp H p',r.. .P.P a' .P, ',a P ,.H' H'HH'' iP ..,'H IH ,,P'P '"['PH,,. p1(w ,Htoo ,,I: IHFH r. ~. r." .,r1H"H r.PHH '' ", .HH,..H'p ,PH,I H''H,,,HAHIH'p .j" I t',,, ~'. IIH H.'j- Hmo i .1 iii 0., wH jH oov,,,P,,, i H', ,P P.IP I, PPri PP~ P,,rm jjW r, H lid )I',,, H r. ,PPH''P' 'HI.. P,,P1.. .1 p v u, ,,,i HP'.,H ,,'pP'I 'CP, I' ' diyu 'p p' ..HPP, fi.j p.q. 1f. P fpr I. .H'P iI ',,P PP,qij, :6f,PP 'H )TP I OH. P11- "IH, I. .1 nuPr,, H .,,.,P HH ..Ip P,,ii-if ',,.JP ,Dv ,IN PH, H j 01P,, PH, fH' H'['P... I PH''' P'...,,MINA 'I P Hs PHHP.P IA H ,'' CP, HPH. Ji 'H,' KT 10 p.. P ,r. .IPH PrP' I.,.... I 'p H fj.' & I3-1. : i~rHPr, HPPP ,Hr. H,' I HT I.. ,1 P1.: '.1',P ''.' upi'''., r v PlhHt,PP,: ''pH, p''I :' H.Pi.PP.,: '. '''H f~r- ., p I P % ; P-_, H .: '[r''i''PP' .. : ~ rl~ 14 oy,. Jg ,H.'.CPp. ii. P'H,' P H,' '.j1 H .) ':,; p ,p',itp pp.',, ,, ,P,,a Hp.'p.,,Hr ..ifp f--nP,,,IH.iP1,1Y .H,,Pr P. [H.p: ,i, iPc,H i a voHP ;vJr.pi. rP h 3,, H ,.,,ii, -. HPHi.HPHP 't ime: PH PHHH 01.1r-rr Place: P ,.i J., lr P''P ..H tPP H r Afil :ll 1P PHv I HP 1'. P -,, jiIP i.I.ai 1. 11H: H.., P., ,:.11,0.TpD.r,"I".1 ', PP1 .1 rfOP .~, I ., r ..,;Ii .] ..r f 0. 116.P.'P, ,,,,'M'l ,,l. MId:h, A' 11P0011'HHH : pP . .PL,,.H'HH, .wi ji p,,,.wj.H HPPa'it it ,..HH, I ~..i -.'1IrHim hilA l't.,i T hur 11h, d ru i- 1'ir 1 0 ill wiidr."1 r hf i po',' -1 n) AnleI ta 137126 CB 6/11/06 Register for PSN saving is a shelter now Officials urge Persons with Spe- cial Needs to register now, before a hurricane or other emergency The Special Needs Program cov- ers both Hendry and Glades coun- ties and is designed for those who have special physical needs and/or medical needs and may require shelter assistance in the event of an emergency. Registration is encour- aged now. It may be too late to call for help when the hurricane is bear- ing down or there is some other natural disaster!' The Special Needs Program cannot provide 24-hour skilled care. Therefore, it is strongly recom- mended that individuals seek safe haven with family, friends, or evac- uate area to be impacted. The PSN shelter is at the Muse Community Center. Previous PSN shelters (at John Boy Auditorium and VFW 10100) are no longer available: All Persons with Special Needs in both counties will go to the Muse shelter. Just like all other shelters it is not comfortable and much preparation is needed to make transitions. The following criteria must be met: A caregiver must accompany, and remain with, the Special Needs Client for the entire time spent at the shelter. Each individual must supply his or her own rion-perishable food,, water, bedding, medicines and medical equipment necessary. Make sure to start putting together hurricane supplies now including things to keep you occupied such as books, magazines and games as well as flashlights, radios, batteries and extra clothes. Also, no pets are allowed at the PSN shelter (with the exception of service animals). Please make sure you have a plan for your ani- mals before the storm hits. The PSN shelter, is a safe build- ing only, with emergency electrical power, not a medical center. It is a refuge of last resort. Persons with Special Needs or their caregivers should call the fol- lowing agency as soon as possible to request the Special Needs Regis- tration form. Please call Hendry County Emergency Management at 612-4700 or 983-1594. Briefs Come to VBS at First Baptist Arctic Edge: Where Adventure Meets Courage: Trekkin' north through Alaska to the Arctic Region in a land of contrast and extremes requires courage to face harsh con- ditions. Courage is the virtue that makes other virtues like integrity, compassion, and honesty, possible. This trip will take place: June 5-9 from 9 a.m.-noon at First Baptist Church, 330 N. Main Street. Become juvenile arbitrator A volunteer position as a court- appointed juvenile arbitrator for the 20th Judicial Circuit in LaBelle is available. This person will be responsible for imposing sanctions on first-time juvenile offenders. If interested, please call 239-458-7088. lifetime opportunity First Bank of Clewiston employees are helping young people understand the impor- tance, of .saving their money. Third graders at Upthegrove Ele- mentary took their turn learning that even the coins add up. On. May 17, a, special promotion called "Small Change Can Turn Into Big Dreams" took Branch Operations Officer Susan Hill to UES. Bank officers also headed out to elementary schools in LaBelle, Clewiston and Alva .with information and a short video all about coins. Each student was given a miniature bank bag to help inspire them to save their money over the summer. Ms. Hill impressed the students with a perfect example of just how Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant UES teachers Meagan Greenleaf, Melanie Holt and Beverly Stinnett's third grade classes gathered for a picture after the presentation. Ms. Holt, left, and Susan Hill are pictured kneel- ing with a whole bunch of new savers. quickly coins can,add up. UES recently when they donated Cancer Society's Relay for Life, students amazed themselves spare change to the American for'a total of $1,715.53. Edison College dental hygiene grads excel For the eleventh straight year, graduates of Edison College's Den- tal Hygiene program passed their national board exams at first sitting. Fifteen of the 17 graduating stu- dents had never worked in a dental office before enrolling in the pro- gram. The Dental Hygiene program was started in 1995 with the finan- cial support of area dentists. Gradu- ates have consistently achieved a 100 percent passing rate on the national board exam, with scores in the top 15 percent of the nation each year. Eighteen students are accepted into the program annual- ly, making the admissions process highly competitive. Students com- plete 98 college credits, including approximately 1,000 clinical hours over a two-year period. The Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting pro- grams are accredited by the Ameri- can Dental Association. Edison's Lee Campus houses a 16-station dental lab where stu- dents, working with dental clinical supervisors, provide oral checkups, and teeth cleaning services to the community for a $15 fee. Karen Molumby, Coordinator of Dental Hygiene and Dental Assist- ing Programs, was elated with the news. When asked about the pro- gram's success she responded,: "The program has the best staff.. They are.hardworking and dedicat- ed, just like our students." For information on the program or to make a dental appointment, call 985-8334. Count Links. Indual neszap.com * Communi, Links./Ind/v/dual Voices. , I I Public Notice w |