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Sportfl 3m~w^^-J M;A 0. '1-- E svx.,. .- .... ... Delivering Western Hendry County's Neu VLUME 84 NUMBER 18 T*URS3AY, May*11,I2006 At A Glance Counties share lake worries Give blood today The bi-monthly communi- ty blood drive will take place Thursday, Mat 11, from noon till 7 p.m. at the American Legion Post 130, Hwy. 80. Life- saving blood supplies are always in demand. Please come out and donate. Help plan Project Graduation Project Graduation has just one more meeting. Monday May 15. in the LaBelle High .School library at 7 p.m. Please help plan this all night party for seniors. Did you sustain hurricane damage? II you've been temporarily displaced from your home- steaded property due to storm damage or other serious calamity, please notify the PropertyAppraiser's Office, so they will not remove your exemptions if your renewal mailing is returned Also, if you purchased and moved into a home intended as your permanent residence before January 1, 200', but were dis- placed as of January 1 due to severe storm damage, you are still eligible to file for a new homestead- exemption' -fion your property. Additionally, if you believe your property was so signifi- cantly damaged as to drop the value as of January 1, please call them at S63-675-5270 to inquire about having your property reinspected. Please :act promptly; any delays may jeopardize your opportunity for relief. And remember, it's always a good idea to take photos and keep other records documenting the damage. Wanted: High school football officials Have you ever thought you would like to become a foot- ball official? Well, according to Nick Smith, Game Assigner for the South Gulf Football Offi- cials Association (SGFOA), there has never been a better time. According to Mr. Smith who is a LaBelle resident and veteran high school official, a very severe shortage of offi- cials for all sports at all levels exists nationwide. The demand for officials in Florida has outgrown the growth of the officiating ranks. Mr. Smith said the SGFOA will train, assign games and pay you for officiating high school games. Youth (Pop Warner) officiating can also be sched- uled through SGFOA mem- bership. The Spring recruiting meeting Of.the SGFOA will be held Monday May 8, begin- ning at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria at Fort Myers Senior High School. All persons interested' are invited to attend the meet- ing and/or call Nick Smith at 863-675-3502 for more infor- mation. Index Classifieds .......13-15 Editorial ............ .4 Speak Out .......... .4 Social News ......... .5 Sports ..............7 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. a 16-510 00019 1 By Patty Brant County commissioners from both Hendry and Glades are very aware that a lot of eyes are watching Lake Okeechobee and the Caloosahatchee River, the .two major waterways shared by both counties. The- two boards met at the Dallas B. Townsend Ag Building in LaBelle May 2, in what was like- ly the first-ever joint workshop meeting between the two The City of LaBelle is chang- ing, with new businesses and housing sprouting up every- where you look Just with the new\ construction "on the books" right now, those that have already received permits. There are a lot rore in the planning stages, to be sure. Residents have been watch- ing the new Olde C\press Bank building go up at the corner of Bridge St. and SR 80 for months The bank is relocating from just a few doors north. The 3,860 square-foot, $770,000 building is just about complete and should be getting a Certificate of Occu- pancy (CO) May 13. Another new facility nearing completion is Royal's Court- house Square at 175 Lee Street, just south of the Save A Lot plaza. There are two buildings, 12,000 square foot and 13,000 square foot, that will soon be leasing commercial/professional space. The $1.6 million project will pro- vide a total of 28,000 square feet of space. The county is seriously looking at this complex to house some of its offices. The new Century 21 Sunbelt office opened for business April 1. The 5,600 square foot office building is valued at $375,000 and is located on SR 80W. Located at 777 W Hwy. 80, the office houses boards. As Hendry County Attorney Kate English put it: There is a clear concern among all the communities around the lake, but it's not clear how tofix it. "It amounts to 'micromanaging a macro-system,"' she said. What is clear is the politics of this complex issue: the coasts are concerned about their respec- tive estuaries and don't under- stand the rural half of the equa- tion. . 15 agents and is one of 19 around the state. They built the attractive new building to accommodate the booming real estate business in Hendry/Glades. It also provides them more visibility. Riverside Real Estate, Inc., recently moved into its new loca- tion at 45 S. Riverview, just off SR 80. The new location is a spa- cious 2,600 square foot building in the Old Florida style. C.A.N. Construction, Inc., is building three steel buildings for lease at 1080 Commerce. One is $235,000 4,756 square feet; the other two are valued at $145,000 each. Tony Alvarez' CPR tools is put- ting a new premanufactured steel building on Cowboy Way N. and a $48,000 storage building, too - a 1,000 sq ft. $112,600 addition. LaBelle Commercial Center - South Florida Water Manage- ment District personnel explained that Lake Okee- chobee's uses have expanded over the years, adding more stress to the lake and its dike. The Kissimmee River Restoration, part of the entire Everglades Restoration project, has reached a milestone with completion of the first par. The use of Best Management Prac- tices (BMPs) are in place there to help decrease phosphorous on the site of the old Starlite Motel just west of City Hall is planned as a retail shopping center. The $80,000 building is being con- structed by Kiruddinan Bal- achandhiran. Plans call for three buildings with a total of 22,400 square footage. Two residential units will also be included. Dan Henthorne is planning a new steel building and office at 1515 Forestry Road. The $500,000 building will be a 30,000 sq ft. precast concrete manufacturing plant. Mike Knotek of Mike's Carpet is planning a 5,000 square foot facility behind his current build- ing on Cowboy Way, valued at $150,000. Terry Duke Development is See Business Page 2 runoff, a main cause of pollu- tion that eventually makes its way to the coastal estuaries by way of the Big Lake, then east through the St. Lucie Canal and wesi through the Caloosahatch- ee River. Excessive amounts of nutrients in the water have severely damaged the lake, the river and the estuaries, creating a situation in which multiple counties with conflicting needs will be forced to work together for a solution. As neighbors with much in common, Hendry and Glades must use their com- mon issues as their strength. Hendry County Commis- sioner Bill Maddox asked if dredging might help restore Lake Okeechobee to health. Glades County Commissioner Alvin Ward said his county is seriously looking at restoring the lake a project he said would be the largest environ- See Lake Page 2 City tightens water rules With the drought continuing and no relief in sight, the City of LaBelle has further restricted outside water use. Monday offi- cials posted notification that. until further notice, city' \ater customers may only water out- side on Wednesday or Thursday, from 4-8 a.m. based on your address. The city water plant has been operating at near capacity due'to increased water usage; howev- er, Superintendent of Public Works Michael Boyle said that of more concern is the reduction of the amount of water ,ielded from the city's wells. The city implemented the new restric- lions to ensure that enough potable,. water.. ill be available for all customers. They warn that, if thedrougiht conditions do not improve, it may become necessary to prohibit outside watering. The City water wells are shallow and use ground water. Most pumps are at about 16-20 ft deep. To assist in conser- vation, the city is also suspend- ing its landscape requirements until the drought conditions have passed. Watering is permitted on Wednesday from 4-8 a.m., for homes with an address that ends with an odd number (1,3,5,7,9). Watering is permitted on Thursday from 4-8 a.m., for homes lith an address that end with'an even number (0,2,4,6,8) or with no address. Hand watering with one hose and .or an automatic shut- off noizle is allowed fromfi -7 See Water Page 2 Hunter takes reporter's job Kristin Murray Hunter is the newest addition to the Caloosa Belle staff. She is taking the position vacated by Dqona Meis- ter, who has accepted, a position with the Hendry County Sher- iff's office. Kristin is a Kristin homegrown Hunter girl from the small town of LaBelle and proud of it. She was raised in the LaBelle school system from pre- school to high school. She attended Edison Community College her first two years of col- lege on the Isabella Curtis Schol- arship and 75 percent Bright Futures. After receiving her Associates of Arts Degree she then trans- ferred to University of South Florida in Tampa where she majored in Mass Communica- tions. She then returned home for her last two years of college and finished up at Florida Gulf Coast University where she majored in Communications. She received her Bachelor's degree in May of 2005. Since then she has been trying to find her niche inr the community where she grew up so she can now settle down and raise a fam- ily with her husband Nicholas Hunter. Kristin is excited about her new position and looking for- ward to serving her community. Martinson is top of his class By Kristin Hunter On Tuesday May 2, at 7 p.m. the Senior Scholarship Awards took place in the auditorium at the LaBelle High School. Blue regalia were given out to the National Honor Society to wear on graduation night. The Presi- dent of Key Club, Florida Acade- mic Scholarship winner and Valedictorian Kenny Martinson was among those who received the blue ribbon. Excellence in Education Awards were given to: Michael Allen, Derek Anderson, Chavum Boodhai, Vancheska Koch, Stephanie Larrimore, Kaitlin Marotti, Kenneth Martinson, Cory Mundy, Ryan Parrish, Kaci Ringler, April Rivas, Bianca Rodriguez, Felipe Santillan, Aimee Shupe, Alex Smith, Caleb Swope, Jeremiah Williams, Matthew Williamson, Mallory Williamson. The 100 percent tuition-paid Florida Academic Scholarship was awarded to Kenneth Martin- Valedictorian. The Bright Futures Scholar- ships Gold Seal Vocational 75 percent tuition scholarships went to Michael Allen, Rogelio Gonzalez and Alma Ramirez. Florida Medallion Scholar- ship 75 percent tuition winners were: Derek Anderson, Amanda Atun, Mario Ayala, Blake Basquin, Matthew Bell, Chelsa Casseaux, Tiffany Daley, Anna Gonzalez, Raymond Hoxworth, Robert Johnson III, VanCheska Koch, Nathaniel Krause, Ste- fanie Larrimore, Grecia Leos, Whitney Longenecker, Rebecca Lozano, Juan Marinez, Kaitlin Marotti, Cory Mundy, Ryan Par- rish, Sandra Perez, Aglae Pimentel, Amanda Pittman, Nathan Riberdy, Kaci Ringler, April Rivas, Bianca Rodriguez, Maria Rodriguez, Felipe Santil- lan, Aimee Shupe, Alex Smith, Jason Soud, Christopher Suarez, Caleb Swope, Shandeya Thomas, Jermiah Williams, Mal- lory Williamson, Matthew Williamson, Angela Zimmerly. There were 37 honors gradu- ates who had a 3.5 GPA or high- er. There were 71 students tak- ing advantage of the Isabella Curtis Scholarship, which includes two years free to Edi- son Community College cover- ing both tuition and books. The Ken Barwick Scholar- ship went to Matthew Bell. The $1,000 Beta Sigma Phi Scholar- ship went to Kaci Ringler. The $1,000 Big Lake National Bank Scholarship went to Bianca Rodriguez. The $1,000 LaBelle Chamber of Commerce Scholar- ship went to Chelsa Cassaeux. The Delta Kappa Gamma Schol- arship went to Mallory Williamson. The $1,500 FGCU Scholarship went to Matthew Williamson. The $2,000 Glades Electric Cooperative Scholarship went to Amy Shupe. The $1,000 See Awards Page 2 ,. ., . Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter From left Salutatorian Ryan Parrish, Valedictorian Kenneth Martinson ~- r ~ ~-~.s'rn Watershed series: Cattle I Page 15 CITYSCAPE: LaBelle Under Construction *~ p. - Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Courthouse Square will provide additional office space.' Business building is booming By Patty Brant -- -- Olde Cypress Bank, soon to be open. i i 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 Awards Continued From Page 1 James L. Kelley Memorial Scholar- ship went to Bianca Rodriguez. The $1,000 Junior Pro Basketball Scholarship went to Chelsa Casseaux. The Lynn Reukauf Memorial Scholarship went to Nathan Riberdy. The $1,000 Ray- mond Rushin Scholarship went to Sandra Perez. The Quarterback Lake Continued From Page 1 mental clean up in the United States. He said'Lee County Com- mission chairman Hall has pledged support, knowing it affects them downriver. Com- missioner Ward continued, by saying they have asked Gover- nor Bush to support a an-appli- cation for a 25-year dredging permit from the Department of Environmental Protection. DEP, he noted, will be the biggest hurdle in that attempt. Glades Commissioner Russell Echols wanted to know why the Hoover Dike, which surrounds Lake Okeechobee, is being sur- veyed. He pointed out that last year SFWMD's governing board assured .the county the dike Club Scholarship went to Blake Basquin and Amanda Atun. The Steven Perry Memorial Scholar- ship went to Tiffany Daley. The $1,000 Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union Scholarship went to Chelsa Casseaux and Austin Clay- ton. The $500 LaBelle Woman's Club Scholarship went to Bianca Rodriguez. The $500 Danny Woosley/One Shot Chapter Schol- arship went to Andy Taylor and Raymond Marroquin. would withstand a category 5 hurricane. He called it "discon- certing" that, just a few short months and a major hurricane later, that assessment has changed. Glades County Commission Chair Butch Jones said his board has met with numerous agen- cies that say the levy can be compromised;. in fact it was almost breached last year during Hurricane Wilma. The dike was built in the 1930s of sand, silt, rocks, shell and the like. Hendry County Commission- ers Kevin McCarthy was con- cerned about the impact of low- ering the lake level while Bo Pelham asked if there would be an emergency management report before hurricane season. The answers to both questions were: unknown. Business Continued From Page 1 putting in a $1.5 million Grandeur Oaks commercial office/retail facility called Grandeur Oaks. The 26,000 square foot facility will be at 870 W SR 80 and includes two one-story buildings, just east of the trailer sales. A new state-of-the-art MRI unit Water SContinued From Page i p.m. on the same day. All wasteful and unnecessary water use is prohibited. Washing of cars, boats and other equipment is permitted 4-8 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. on your land- scape watering day. Washing must be done on, or must drain to, a non-paved surface that permits water to soak into the ground. This must be done using a hose with an automatic shutoff nozzle. These restrictions apply to all water users. Private wells are included in these restrictions. . I City officials have begun writing citations for violators of these water restrictions. Penalties are: $25 for the first offense; $50 for the second offense; $75 for the third offense; $500 for the fourth and subsequent is also permitted and will be placed at 45 Bryan Ave. at Dr: Kyle Studley's office. American Legion Post 130 is also planning an addition and remodeling project to the tune of $82,000. The Legionnaires are adding 2,084 square feet to their 5,000 square foot building. Of course, the big attraction is the proposed Wal-Mart store planned. However, no information is available on that project as yet. offenses. The city has completed a pre- liminary engineering report and adopted a capital improvement plan that provides for a 2.5 MGD (Million Gallon a Day) reverse osmosis after r treatment plant that should be competed in 2009. Until that time, the city will require resi- dents to assist in reducing water usage during the dry times of the year. For more information, please contact city hall at 675-2872, or Dan Atkisson (863) 673-0617'. Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those \who may not have received this notice directly (for example people in apartments, nursing homes, schools and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail. Correction In a story concerning the citrus industryand water issues, research conducted by Dr. Sanjay Shukla showing water from impound- ment areas could be used for irriga- tion and sold to water utilities was erroneously accredited to Dr. Edward Hanlon. Also, the term 'total maximum daily levels' should actually be 'total maximum daily loads.' We apologize for the errors. In Mr. Art Perez' comments at the county commission meeting, held April 25 concerning code enforcement in Montura, he actu- ally meant that he is glad that they are there and that they are doing a: good job cleaning up Montura. He added that he has no problem with. having them there and wishes there were more of them. We regret any misunderstandings on; this issue. I.I SINGLE$390 -ingl -FULL E. '$20 Pemium MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS S GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE 1h'..f t'I, r i I mI jfJ, :Ih,1 ru aIt.I.. Itc, :, % Ti. ,fI ru r IIcI hi v i c I:- j I -:ifin j R -e1 AI c- i hn It anbu r..' hipl f (., i I ii, -Iv -r ., cTrr'Th vu- iu-,iae,,l ri,! uteiff,j- r '1 ur lIf m a-] ',i h A *, - ie f .1j11-1-11. W I' W 1'I : lb iitt .1.. .i rri ]'iJt1A'- R1I ....iui ti J- jjr a.jrI .rr-- r rlr-JU A: Climate Control Systems, Inc. Almanacs Come to Black Heritage May 20 F/S Park is inviting everyone out to the Annual Black Heritage Festi- val/Reunion. Bring your friends and families out to have a good time. There will be a program beginning at noon, which includes' recognition, acknowledgments, accomplish- ments, as well as introduction of local, city and county officials as well as candidates for up coming elections. Enjoy some of the best food you can eat. There also will be games and activities for the youth. Vendor booths available. They also welcome non-profit groups/organ- izations to speak, pass out hand- outs and other information. For more information, booths or ques- tions please contact: Nora Fagin, after 5p.m. 863-885-1707. Sen. Aronberg , to be Muse guest... Thursday May 18, the Muse Community Association's special guest will be Democrat -Senator Dave Aronberg of District 27 con- sisting of parts of Charlotte, Glades, Hendry, Lee and Palm Beach counties. Senator Aronberg will join them for a pot luck dinner beginning at 6 p.m., with a regular meeting at 7 p.m. to bring all up to date on his legislative affords and answer any questions. Peace Officers Memorial Day SIn 1994, the U.S. Congress approved the law, P.L 103-322, "Peace Officers Memorial Day," requiring the Flag of the United States to be lowered to half-staffon May 15 as a special tribute to the more than 15,000 law enforce- ment officers who have died in the line of duty. In conjunction with this law, Dana-Howard-Weekley American Legion Post 130 will be honoring our local Sheriff's office employees, Hendry County EMS and the LaBelle Fire Department with a dinner on Wednesday, May 17, from5 .6 -`fM7 "' " Local aenyf. seeks board leaders The Area Agency on Aging, a not-for-profit organization, seeks enterprising leaders to fill vacan- Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road;' LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper "t, 3rd& 5 Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m., Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord l 863-675-2733 N. RiverRd. (Hwy 78) e-mail: ctklc@strato.net . At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com cies on the Board of Directors. Serving seven counties, the agency administers services for seniors utilizing public funds. Board meet- ings are held bi-monthly with per diem reimbursements for mileage. To receive application, call Brenda Kellogg at 239-332-4233 or 1-800- 398-4233 POA Unit 4 to meet Eucalyptus Village POA Unit 4 will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday May I1, promptly at 6 p.m in the POA meeting room, 4051 NE Eucalyptus Blvd. All inter- ested property owners and tenants are welcome. For more informa- tion please call Susan at 675-4168. Birders come to STA-5 Thanks to some great efforts by members of the Hendry- Glades Audubon Society, the South Florida Water Management District once again will open up "STA-5 to birders on Saturday, May 20, from 8:30 a.m.-noon. The intent istbo'add data for a future checklist for the site and to see what birds are breeding there. STA-5 is located south of Clewis- ton in eastern Hendry County. Meet at STA-5 or carpool from the LaBelle McDonald's at 7 a.m. or the Clewiston McDonald's at 7:45 a.m. To register: send an e-mail to Margaret England, at sta5bird- ing(i@earthlink.net with 'our name and contact information including an emergency cell number and the number in your party. bYu may also leave a mes- sage at 674-0695 or (.863.) 517- 0202. Tour is subject to cancella- tion in case of inclement weather. Since this is entirely a walking tour, birders and photographers .can go at their own pace. Folks are reminded to bring lots of water, with them and to wear comfortable walking shoes. Sun screen is essential. Come to VBS at First Baptist Artic Edge: Where Adventure Meets Courage: Trekkin' north through Alaska to the Arctic Region in a land-of contrast and extremes requires courage to face harsh conditions. Courage is the virt i6fihat make' othfie virtues like integrity, compassion, and hon- esty, possible. This trip will take place: June 5-9 from 9 a.m.-noon at First Baptist Church, 330 N. Main Street. AMOND JAMIES f I N AN L L ,[kV' i I" ' I am pleased to announce the opening of my new office. * Equi:s Life Iri urance * Borid, Long Term Care * Arrii- Muual Funds * RJ Bank. Mlriages,. Re-Finance. CD'-. Loarns Ralmond James Financial Services 14421 Metropolis Ave. Suite 104 Fort Mvers FL 33912 239.694.7537 1.866.549.7537 Toll Free S 39 phen 7537 Fax Stephen.Ridgely@RaymondJames.com SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 IS, 675-3233 TOLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR CALOOSABE CA LOOSAJ BELLE To Reach Us Mi.uLnrg Addle.- PC, Be-.. '5i1 LBUlle FL 33975 F'h\ I..:j! dJdres `2 Ft Th,:,n.p-, r,- Ake Phone i cci, ,6? 254! Fa3 r863i'lC.75 "i440 ViSeto i e i. .'. rcv. : pe;i-, lbelle To Submit News Stepnen r.. mlagel Financial Advisor Trust Specialist LOST YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck 675- 1032 & Auto Repair, Call To Place a Classified Ad SCall (87) 353-2424 [0 place a cla-.rled line ad\crtiement from home The dead. line for all casseied line advertising i Monday at Ii a.m. ior the following Thur-da)s pub cation : Fa (877) 354-2424 E-Mad classad,-nev'.s zapcom For Subscriptions The Caloosa Belle \rdeomes. submni. : sions from itr readers Opinions, allen- Phone iS,77) 353-2424 das irem-, i lor- ideas and photogrJphs The Cjloo a Belie distrbute: 7000 copies are welcome. CaU (863 675-2541 to. in tha LaBelle and \Vextern Hendnr reach our ne-. room Items ma\ be, Co nr, reas i 'erv \Vedne.d3\ Copsesol mailed. a.xed or emijded if you are the paper can be found ar \nnous stores sending photo'r.phs via e.mad ple troupe pt trn n .eted hm. send them in JPEG format, also please throughout and selected homes, in do not send \\ ORD documents,. jut iLBele enjo\ co'nmplerrenar)y home dehl- paste these messagce into the body of c"r FrF r cijlas n-,mn -ub-tnptroni are the e-marl Ol'ice documents are ok. available at $50 per ,'ear ind $25 for s.L The deadline Ior all ne% si tems is I a m months on Mondiv prior to the following, Thursday's publitcaon Printing E-.ld l bedltori-ir'atoner Speakout (863)675-4516 The Cal-oi-. Belle i printed at Sunshine To Place a Display Ad Prteng. ub i..rv "I Independent Phone. (863i 675-2541 E-mail prLaninllutr.tn net The dCJdlihr,: tkr :l .Id'''trslian Is 4 p.m n Frid, for rh I.,,g Thurda N e w sza p E-mail: cbeleiscrato.net New szap! I Online News & Informraton Billing Department Get the latest local news at Swww.newszap.com/labelle E-mail: billteam@newszap.com 'Will -jf I *I'iC ~ :7 '-a King Koll Spinal Guard King Koil Chardonnoy Pillon. I, Fnrm or PI110. Ifp Queen 3i Queen $559 King 'KingS l 4999 apiKna $859 Serilo Col Shores B I/.'/,L-_S - Mpfrst Seaport frm een QuleenS $ ,P .l W1W 9 6 699 King KIn (3 L 99 99 Mo.tters Day SHOP EARLY MOTHER'S DAY 15 MAY 411h www.f osfti rnitu re.com IIIII UHIGH ACRES 3200 Lee Blvd............303 1994 CAP CORAL 5 4.345 " S 10N.Dol Pdo Bivd........574-3545 11521 S. Cleveland Ave....274-8 1 00 BONITA SPRINGS 24600 L Tamiaml Traill... ...948-2800 OPEN MON..FRI.9:': SA.T SUN. 9 -- FURNN ITU RE ~ I~u~~P1LF U R N I T U R E~~ Same Day Service Lab On Premises law I i SCaloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 BOC learns consequences of levy failure SBy Kristin Hunter At their Tuesday evening meet- ing, Hendry County commission- ers got a sobering description of What could happen should the Hoover Dike surrounding Lake Okeechobee fail. Dan Prescott headed the Hoover Dike Levee Break Model Analysis, which evaluated the lev- ees under stress to formulate a Risk analysis. The analysis F explains thai failure can begin through seepage or slow leaks. A catastrophic dam failure could Approximately 96 percent of occur in which all the water in the Clewiston's structures are located dam is released, generally causing in the 18-foot reach dam break mass flooding downstream. model area. These 2;556 struc- While there is no history of failure. tures have a replacement value of for this dike in the Hendry County $234 million. Approximately 90.3 area, the threat from dike failure is percent of Clewiston's 2,655 real, especially as the dike struc- structures are located in the 21- tures age. foot reach model area. These The risk analysis for dam fail- ure focuses on the 18-foot reach dam break model and the 21-foot reach dam break model, which has been provided by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2,398 structures have a replace- mentvalue of $217.8 million. Approximately 26.2 percent of Hendry County's structures are located in the 18-foot reach dam break model area. These 3,950 structures, all located in the East Evacuation Zone, have a replace-. ment value of $319. million. Approximately 25 percent of Hendry County's 15,048 struc- tures are located in the 21-foot reach model area. These 3,791 structures, all located in the East Evacuation Zone, have:a replace- ment value of $297.3 million. None of the structures located in the boundaries of LaBelle are within either the 18-foot or 21- foot reach dam break model areas. Obituaries Caloosa BelleiKristin Hunter Emergency personnel converged at the scene of a dump truck crash to extricate the trapped driver from the cab. Dump truck crashes, driver is extricated- By Kristin Hunter According to Florida High- %iav Patrolman Parks, "A man driving a 1995 Ford semi dump truck on Wednesday May 3, 2006, blew\ a right front tire on Huy. 80 heading westbound. He went onto the north shoul- der and flipped over ending up in Granrdmra's Grove." Emergency personnel '. (:ked in the heat to gel the unidentified man out of the vehiclee safely. A Department of Transportation Liacior had to lilt the back of the overturned serni to stabilize the bed of the dump truck and give more room in the cab for emrlergenc personnel tro w \rik. The rman's right leg dan ankle were trapped in the semi between the dash and the steering col- umn and theyN had to extricate the victim from the semi. At the time they were unaware of the extent of his injuries, but to be on the safe side a Lee County Med Star helicopter was brought in to save time. How- ever, he was stable and his vital. signs were okay. The driver was Hispanic and didn't speak any English so a translator had to be used. LaBelle Fire Chief; Mr. Dwayne Pratt wanted to especially thank Alva Fire ,Department as well as Tim's To\wing and the Department of Transportation for all of their "help. He also wanted to men- tion thal it i\. a joint effort by many who, cjas a .combined. effort, got thejob.:_d.one.,d saved a rnan's life. niewB isil ic CommunityuLinks y Divoidual Voices.Cc w y Virginia Hill McDonald Virginia Hill McDonald, age 77, of LaBelle, passed away May 5, 2006, in Cape Coral. She was born April 8, 1929, in Fayetteville, NC, to Mitchell E. and Joan Pearl (Mcleod) Young. Survivors include her son: Harry C. (Terrii McDonald Jr. of Orlando and daughter: Karen I(Johnny) Prince of LaBelle; sis- ter: Rose (Harve'y) Cockrell of Plant City; granddaughters: Lisa Bennett and Brandi Hartman, both of LaBelle; great-grand- daughter: Hannah Hartman; nieces: Perri Canady, Ann Hertie, Rhonda Gilbreth and Michelle Hoak; nephews Gary Cockrell and Gavland Cockrell;, numer- ous great nieces and nephews; and Stafford, Annette and Staffy King and staff Patti, Elena and Vicky her loving and dedicated farnmil from Kinghouse in LaBelle. A memorial service was held NMay 7 at Akin-Da\is Funeral Home in LaBelle with Pastor Jay Goforth officiating. Memorial donations can be made to Hope Hospice. 2430 Diplomat Park- way, Cape Coral, FL 33909. Cremation Arrangements by Akin-Da\is Funeral Home- LaBelle. Earl D. White Earl D White, age 76 of 1930, in Trenton. Earl married Estelle King on January 11, 1951, in Felda. He was a loving hus- band, daddy and papa. Survivors include his wife: Estelle (King) White; children: Jeannie (Ronnie) Lynch of LaBelle, Nancy (Robert) Asbel of Immokalee and Timothy Earl White of Felda; grandchildren: Stephanie (R.C.) Carlton, Mark tCorine) Lynch, Daniel Lynch, Chrisla (Hugh) Hewitt, Nikki White, Brian Asbel. Timmy Kyle and Valorie (Danny) Howell; great-grandchildren: Hugh White, Logan Carlton, Lukas Carlton, Joshua White, Shyann While, Ashton Lynch and Dylan Howell; sisters: Elsie (Ray) Townsend of Australia, Deanie (Ray. Rimes of Venus; and brothers: Roger Iiginia) White of Felda and Orville (Agnes) \Vhite of Alabama and many other extended family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents: Mark Solomon While and Cora B. (Parrish) While and brothers: Everett and Ronald White. A graveside funeral service was held May 10 at Felda Ceme- tery with Rev. James Caves and Rev. Richard Phipps officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 22718, Okla- homa City, OK 73123-1718 or Hope Hospice, 25 Homestead Rd, Unit 35, Lehigh Acres, FL 33936. Felda, passed away May 6, 2006, Arrangements by Akin-Davis in Felda. He was born Jan. 18, Funeral Home-LaBelle. Victim of crash identified ' The young man who died Tuesday, May 2, when he failed to stop at the end of Main Street and vaulted into the Caloosa- hatchee River has been identi- fied. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, 17-year-old Ezechlaste -Previlus of Immokalee had been fleeing a Hendry County sheriff's deputy when the incident occurred The deputy had stopped ,him in the vicinity of the LaBelle Fire Department for reportedly run- ning the stop sign at Cowboy Way and Main Street. He fled northward on Main Street at a high rate of speed and failed to make the eastward turn onto DeSoto Ave. In a 1998 Chrysler Sebring convertible, he crashed through the warning signs at the edge of the river, over the elevat- ed river bank and vaulted into the water. Mr. Previlus' body was found by divers from the Lee County Sheriff's Office and the vehicle was raised by a wrecker. The crash occurred at about 1:45 a.m. The Optical Center located in Family Eye Care 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 SR~e~l~ e--l Metal Roofing T W A R Replacement Shingles S T T W A R T Structural Repairs CONSTRUCTION Mold Remediation '_i ,R[N. Li Additions ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION 1821 Lakeview Dr. Sebring 863-385-9403 Email: mark@mcscontractinginc.com www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. # CCC1325639 Lic. # CBC047717 May 25, 2006 30% Savings on entire selection of sunglasses A NewTwist in Skylights j :r-- Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. -, A revolutionary now way to think f about skylights. SNo Reframning. No Painting. No Mess NEW SOLAR POWERED Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights ATTIC FANS Let our Certified Installation Consultants show you the difference Solartube can make in your home today. -. IHurricane Tested & Approved *i soL,.ATUBIE- il ll THa MIRAitCI' $I'KvIGHIIT Marin E.frthcr I ri NEI Nu Inter 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee (.riek. .1r Sli-i ain iJ%-I,,1rnL m ni ir - ir~iri rind naturtil gtL ibpIkA:NL'rine~t neilrliorlrro3ds % ith a ClubhruSrI t- W[II Prc-.deiclopment pricing- " Grande estate lorm " Village green cotrages " Lquestrian lornesitt. 888.625.8950 www.highlandiresorls.com Losing a Loved One to Drugs or Alcohol? We have the answer! a Over 70% Success Rare a 3-6 Month Resdential Program .Scenic Private Lake Seamg Sauna Detox to Remove Drug Residues and Elminate Physical Cravings Life SkiUs Traning Prepares Students for Long Term Success SPost-Program Job Referal Network Start Living Life Again, II NARCONONO STONE HA WKX I 1-800-998-0989 NArnc.rNON w w.narcononstonehawk.com ..,, will be RELOCATING DM1'-.AMUPITV BANK one block south at the corner of Hwy ."" 80 and Bridge Street. Our new address will be 45 N. Bridge Street. The tenative date to open will be Saturday, May 13, 2006. -w. Free Vaccinations hen Vyou purchase an Annual Wellness Exam I I Includes 6 month follo0-7 p Discla.Irer The Pableni and any other person responsible for payment has a rghl ro reluse Io pay can- el payrrfi-ir or be eirrburned icr pdymr lt or any clher service e'amnna.ion .,r Ireatri-snl Ahcn is per- I lormel 3as a reSull of and nirllln T2 hours ol respcndri.g to0 ie aclvertor.emenl i.i I r tree diLcounred ief I' I or reduced lee service examrrinllon or Irealment f Dana Howard Weekley Post 130 AMERICAN LEGION AND THE LEGION AUXIUARY 1M qod ,d we4w" f Friday Night Fish Fry 7 pm at 699 .. O8 W IBfef &FIKmYS Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos S1Isical tertainrnent Inclided -Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one Sn who has departed with a special MInemorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.comnmemorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. a- -r- -- ---- ,. LY.... -- The 01 OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Monday through Thursday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Vacancies starting at $84 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax! 863-675-4892 -.. .. m u Sunglass Extravaganza Come See The New Styles for 2006 ~l~lnF-i -1, rp~ay Fri deral Ia. .?M p aa -i Ljlm sipo~ng aryming Nn We alamr, hdipidgA o. ffa'm c ~ it." lmr lms Thr monm as wo-rwavn 1w~s I I a~~ Ns\ara l(1~r ~a ~ B~Lv Imm.llir1r ll IV M.., .0 EUN-lf a, .1b,41d Pdind l Ia~rl tnr~ll 11 lnlL I 'Illl~~-rl'. lI ~- n:~~~~I I .. I rf q; 1%'I~;nlrSI, ly*.lr~~n, ll ir .4 M'j" IIi~ ~. I' r ~~7~.1 ~~n I j11 ll11- ili~l ll 4 PNO aos el, hrdy a 120 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http//www.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or-profanities; please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. SPEAK OUT SHOULD GO: My name is Joe Crockett and I live here in LaBelle. I read the Caloosa Belle and I saw Ronnie Lee in Tower Talk who said he doesn't like Speak Out and Janice Groves who said she does. I want you to know that your Speak Out isn't worth anything, it just hides people. You've got Bill Neville at least he signs his name! WE FOUND A SET OF KEYS outside Curtis Honey House, on Bridge Street. The owner can identify and pick them up. Please call 675-2187. Letter to the Editor Editor: it dangerous. The bridge is also very narrow and when you meet a I am speaking out for our roads large truck on the bridge you are in Muse e e extremelyclose. If large truckscon- We have signs posted before tinue to ignore the signs and and after the bridge that are located enforcement does not take place on Loblolly Bay Rd. that say no just take the signs down and'we trucks for the next three miles. will replace the signs with wooden Trucks loaded down with oranges, crosses where the people are killed sod, dirt. etc, cross the bridge becauseofthislackofrespect. ignoring the signs. The bridge is in very bad condition and the road Concerned Muse resident, edges are breaking down, making Frankie Robin Birthdays May 11: Tim Spencer, Richard Crawford, Betsy Wells, Ralph Lan- drum, Aaron Guy, Lisandro Bando, Lee Banda, Andres Gutierrez May 12: Toby Swan, Billy Mar- cum, Jeffery Harris, Skip McCum- ber, Jerron Hull, Cindy McCormick, Corine Troutman, Ernesto Car- mona, Jr., Verna Otto, Carey Lewis, Gary Crawford, Venessa Zavala, Katti Alexander, Kwanawa Blis- sette, Joe Blecha, Jr., Barbara Calfee May 13: Sue Moss, Glenda Har- ris, Andra Williams, Ernie Ford, Logan Livingston May 14: Tommy Hudkins, Greg Rosario, SherryTaylor, Thomas Pastor May 15: Susie Martinez, Robert To judge, Rider, Peggy Haas, Grace Corey, Sara Edgar, David Harris, Jessica Loux, Steven Behr, Ann King, Jean "Nanny" Murray, Ralph C. Jones, Jr. May 16: Eric Powers, Linda Tompkins, David Hansen, Tina Guy, Tommy Reitano, Darlene Trott, Stephanie Haynes, Patrick Rice, Robert Miller, Sally Pankey, Gregory Allen Nieto, Adrian Drummond May 17: Todd Spencer, Wayne Henson, Amy Keller, Keith Smith, Brandon Flack, Tommy Canales, Jr. May 18: Dora Daniels, Walter Howard, Leslie Morrissey, "Denny" Spencer,- Jr.,, Florence Haynes, Charlie Pendrey, Felisano Moreno, Meghan Taylpr judge not in Hendry County In today's judgmental society with so few people taking respon- sibility for their own actions and looking to the government to pro- vide cradle to the grave services, I'm reminded of saying. It goes like this: "Life today is like living in a house of mirrors with no original or independent thinking encouraged, condoned or rewarded " It reminds me of a boss I once had who came into our division from an outside company. He immediately called a meeting of all key personnel and his opening words were, "There is one thing I won't tolerate and that's a bunch of \es men! Right?" Needless to say he was gone within a year, but I never forgot that moment, and today's circum- stances, particularly at the govern- ment levels, is eerily reminiscent of that experience. I'm not certain that today's atmosphere of declining personal responsibility and character assas- sination is as deeply entrenched as the media might have us believe. With this in mind I contacted a for- mer boss and adviser with my con- cerns and he referred me to this rhNTne tilled "Judge Not." It reads like this: "I was shocked, confused, Get Irvolved1 bewildered as I entered Heaven's door, not by the beauty of it all, nol by the lights and its decor. But it wvas :the folks in :Heaven who made me sputter and gasp - the thieves,'tle liarsithe sinners, the alcoholics, the trash. There stood the kid from the seventh grade who had swiped my lunch money twice. Next to him was my old neigh- bor who never said anything nice. Mike, whom I always thought was rotting away in hell, was sitting pretty' on cloud nine, looking incredibly well. I nudged Jesus, "What's the deal? I would love to hear your take. How'd all these sinners get up here? God must have made a mistake. And why's everyone so quiet, so somber? Give me a clue." "Hush, Sir." said He, "They're all in shock. No one thought they'd be seeing you!" "Judge not" and be judged accordingly. Respectfulky, T. W.Bill Neville (HendryCoun- ty Citizen and Taxpayer) Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 ( * Hendry County Issues: http://www newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." S.. CALOOSA wyBELL Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. ....................................... .... ..... ... ... .............. We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: To operate this newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant a public trust News Editor: Patty Brant To help our community News Clerk: Donna Meister become a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt and work. through our dedl- Sports: Roger Alexander cation to conscientious jour- ADvm TlaSG: nalism. To provide the information cit- Advertising Director izens need lo make their own Judy Kasten Intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues. Brenda Jaramillo To report the news with hon.re ara esty, accuracy. purposetul Advertising neutrality, fairness, objectivity. Services Coordinator: fearlessness and compassion Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: facilitate community debate. Barbara Calfee not to dominate it with our Na a own opinions. National Advertising To disclose our own conflicts Joy Parrish of interest or potential con- .................... flicts to our readers. Independent Newspapers, Inc. To correct our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth prominence it deserves. President To provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin those we write about. o treat people with courtesy. Vice President respect and compassion of Florida Operations For More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Cinco de Mayo honors different cultures By Maria Ramos The 5th of May is not Mexican Independence Day, but it should be! And Cinco de Mayo is not an American holiday, but it should be. Mexico declared its independ- ence from mother Spain on mid- night, the 15th of September, 1810. And it took 11 years before the first Spanish soldiers were told and forced to leave Mexico. So, why Cinco de Mayo? And why should Americans savor this day as well? Because 4,000 Mexi- can soldiers smashed the French and traitor Mexican army of 8,000 at Puebla, Mexico, 100 miles east of Mexico City on the morning of May 5, 1862. The French had landed in Mex- ico (along with Spanish and Eng- lish troops) five months earlier on the pretext of collecting Mexican debts from the newly elected gov- ernment of democratic President (and Indian) Benito Juarez. The English and Spanish quickly made deals and left. The French, however, had different ideas. Under Emperor Napoleon IlI, who detested the United States, the French came to stay. They brought a Hapsburg prince with them to rule the new Mexican empire. His name was Maximil- ian; his wife, Carlota. Napoleon's French Army had not been defeat- ed in 50 years and it invaded Mexi- co with the finest modern equip- ment and with a newly reconstituted Foreign Legion. The French were not afraid of anyone, especially since the Unit- ed States was embroiled in its own Civil War. The French Army left the port of Vera Cruz to attack Mexico City to the west, as the French assumed that the Mexicans would give up should their capital fall to the enemy as European cOun- tries traditionally did. Under the command of Texas- born General Zaragosa, (and the cavalry under the command of Colonel Porfirio Diaz, later to be Mexico's president and dictator), the Mexicans awaited. Brightly dressed French Dragoons led the enemy columns. The Mexican Army was less stylish. General Zaragosa ordered Colonel Diaz to take his cavalry, the best in the world, out to the French flanks. In response, the French did a most stupid thing; they sent their cavalry off to chase Diaz and his men, who proceed- ed to butcher them. The remain- ing French infantrymen charged the Mexican defenders through. sloppy mud from a thunderstorm and through hundreds of head of stampeding cattle stirred up by Indians armed only with machetes. When the battle was over, many French were killed or wounded and their cavalry was being chased by Diaz' superb horsemen miles away. The Mexi- cans had woo a great victory that kept Napoleon III from supplying the confederate rebels for another year, allowing the United States to build the greatest army the world had ever seen. This grand army smashed the Confederates at Get- tysburg just 14 months after the. battle of Puebla, essentially end- ing the Civil War. Union forces were then rushed to the Texas'Mexican bor- der under General Phil Sheridan, who made sure that the Mexicans got all the weapons and ammuni- tion they needed to expel the French. American soldiers were discharged with their uniforms and rifles if they promised to join the Mexican Army to fight the French. The American Legion of Honor marched in the Victory Parade in Mexico City. It might be a historical stretch to credit the survival of the United States to those brave 4,000 Mexi- cans who faced an army twice as large in 1862. But who knows? In gratitude, thousands of Mex- icans crossed the border after Pearl Harbor to join the U.S. Armed Forces. As recently as the Persian Gulf War, Mexicans flood- ed American consulates with phone calls, trying to join up and fight another war for America. Mexicans, you see, never for- gel who their friends are, and nei- ther do Americans. That's why Cinco'de Mayo is such a party a party that celebrates freedom and liberty. There are two ideals which Mexicans and Americans have fought shoulder to shoulder to protect, ever since the 5th of May, 1862. Viva el Cinco de Mayo! Buy life insurance while you are healthy Gets Financial Tip logo Recently, it seems there have been an unusual number of acci- dents reported in the media. Whether it is the newspaper or the Financial television, a barrage of traffic and Tips other fatalities have been coming our way. I thought it would, there- fore, be a good idea to remind you to review your own life insurance program. byWayneC. Switzer People avoid the thought of their own mortality. Otherwise, our them, but before I got to their churches and synagogues would home to write the policy, they died. be filled everyweek. II isonlywhen One man who was in very good a tragedy or serious health scare health and about 65 years old, died comes our way that we deal with of a heart attack at midnight, and I this reality of life. was only aware of that information You would be surprised at the when I got to his home the follow- numberof times, although it hasn't ing morning at 10 a.m. for an happened lately, that I went out to appointment to write his mortgage a client's home or office and made life insurance. a life insurance presentation; but Another man, a long-lime per- because the client was in excellent sonal friend, asked me to come health, he decided not to buy. write life insurance on him, and Then, about a year later, one of his before being able to do so, he had children called me and reported a freak accident. His hobby was fly. their father's death and wanted to ing large model planes. He had one know if he had bought any more that was a four-engine bomber, life insurance, and a very long steel cable tethered I have also had multiple occa- it. It was his first time ever flying this sions when a friend or client told particular model. In an open field, me on the phoie'that they wanted'-' the plane hit an electric line, and-he me to write more insurance on 'was electrocuted instantly. His wife Joke of the week Children excellent at Mommie Test "Why God made moms" 2. Mom. You can tell by room answers given by elementary inspection. She sees the stuff under school age children to the follow- the bed. ing questions:, 3. I guess Mom is, but only Why did God make mothers? becauseshe has a lot more to do Why did God make mothers thandad. I. She's the only one who What's the difference between knows where the scotch tape is. moms and dads? 2. Mostly to clean the house. I. Moms work at work &work at 3. To help us out of there when home, &dads just go to work at work. we were getting born. 2. Moms know how to talk to How did God make mothers? teachers without scaring them. I. He used dirt, just like for the 3. Dads are taller &stronger, but rest of us. moms have all the real power 'cause 2. Magic plus super powers and that's who you got to ask if you %\ant a lot of stirring. to sleep over at your friend's. 3. God made my Mom just the 4. Moms have magic, they make same like he made me. He just you feel better without medicine. used bigger parts. What does your Mom do in her What ingredients are mothers sparetime? madeof? 1. Mothers don't do spare time. 1. God makes mothers out of 2. To hear her tell it, she pays clouds and angel hair and every- bills all day long. thing nice in the world and one dab What would it take to make of mean. your Mom perfect? 2. They had to get their start 1. On the inside she's already, from men's bones. Then they perfect. Outside, I think some kind mostly use string, I think, of plastic surgery. Why did God give you your 2. Diet:,You know, her hair. I'd mother and not some other Mom? diet, maybe blue. 1. We're related. If you could change one thing 2. God knew she likes me a lot aboutyour Mom, what would it be? more than other people's moms I. She has this weird thing like me. about me keeping my room clean. What kind of little girl was I'dget rid of that. your Mom? 2. I'd make my Mom smarter. 1. My Mom has always been my Then she would know it was my Mom and none of that other stuff, sisterwho did it and not me. 2. I don't know because I was- 3. i would like for her to get rid n't there, but my guess would be of those invisible eyes on her back. pretty bossy. THE MOMMYTEST 3. They say she used to be nice. I was out walking with my 4 year What did Mom need to know old daughter. She picked up some- about dad before she married him? thing off the ground and started to 1. His last name. put it in her mouth. I took the item 2. She had to know his back- away from herand I asked hernotto ground. Like is he a crook? Does he' do that. "Why?" my daughter asked. get drunk on beer? "Because it's been laying outside, 3. Does he make at least $800 a you don't know where it's been, it's year? Did he say NO to drugs and dirty and probably has germs" I YES to chores? replied. At this point, my daughter Why did your Mom marry looked at me with total admiration your dad? and asked, "Wow! How do you 1. My dad makes the best know all this stuff?" "Uh," .. was spaghetti in the world And m thinking quickly," All moms know spaghetti in the world. And my this stuff. It's on the Mommy Test. Mom eats a lot. You have to know it, or they don't let 2. She got too old to do anything you be a Mommy." We walked elsewithhim. along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, 3. My grandma says that Mom but she was evidently pondering this didn't have her thinking cap on. new information. "OH...I get it!" she Who's the boss atyour house? beamed, "So if you don't pass the 1. Mom doesn't want to be test you have to be the daddy." boss, but she has to because dad's "Exactly" I replied back with a big such a goof ball. smile on my face and joy in my heart. and children witnessed the acci- dent. Needless to say, it was tragic for the family. It is almost a daily occurrence, when you drive to Naples on 1-75, to see an accident on one side of the highway or the other. Highway 80 has its own bad history of acci- dents. In the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible, it says there is a time to be born and a time to die. Fortu- nately, it does not ,tell us when. Unfortunately, it leaves the finan- cial planning aspect to our own weak devices. Most of us don't see an urgency to deal with the pur- chase of life insurance, because we are not going to die today, and we can always buy it tomorrow! AlJva s? Besides, what is the point in spending the money now when we are in good health? Answer, it is cheap. When we are in bad health and really want it, it will no longer be cheap. When you see advertisements on television for extremely cheap life insurance, they are for real. Today, rates in the United States are lower than ever and very afford- able. Here is what may be a little misleading about the TV ads though: Those rates assume absolutely perfect health, i.e., low blood pressure, no adverse med- ical history in your family, slender body weight, and some companies even ask about your "regular weekly exercise routine." Most applicants don't quality for the "best preferred" discount quoted. However, most applicants do qual- ify for a preferred or standard rate. If you are buying a 10 or 15-year level term policy, almost everyone can altord those rates for a sub- stantial amount of life insurance. Here is a question foryou. What is the # 1 reason why a person buys life insurance? Answer this in your mind no\\, then at the very end of this column, I will give the ansiver. Don't look yet! Most people assume it is because of some necessity such as covering a bank loan, a mortgage, protecting a spouse, etc. But, the real answer is the very reason you should take the lime to call the agent of your choice, who incidentally can quote the same companies who adver- tise on television and bring your life insurance program up-to-date. WayTne C. Switzer, CLU, (Answer: your love for another person), , Witch's Brew Have a special place to put your keys as soon as you get home. If possible make it big enough to put mail or books to return or anything you need to take when you leave and lay the keys on top. Those boxes that canned veg- etables arrive at the store in are the perfect size to put your canned goods on your pantry shelf. Put all tomato products in one and green veggies in another. They can be stacked if you write on the side %what is in it. When I had people to cook for I had one for soup, tomato stuff, etc. Last week I had foot surgery ... Not too bad, but uncomfortable. The stitches come out this week and then every- thing should gradually get back to nor- mal. The cardinal rule is not to stay off work long enough for them to find out they can do with- out you. Here are some words that have disappeared from our lan- guage. You young whippersnap- pers will have to find an old timer to explain them to you. Fender skirts, curb "feelers, steering knobs. Let us have a moment of silence. Community Calendar Friday, May 12 American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 VFW 10100 Aux.: Friday meal, $6,5-? p.m.. post home on SR 29S. AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Bingo! Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. No Smoking Sunday, May 14 AA: 7 p.m. Port LaBelle, Episco- pal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday, May 15 Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meet- ing at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m., American Legion Hall,tHwy. 80W Mid-County MSBU Advisory Committee: 7 p.m. PPFD, Hendry Isles Blvd. Men's Christian Gathering 7:30 p.m., the Dallas Townsend Ag Cen- ter.f Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Tuesday, May 16 Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora and Ella's, Hwy. 80 Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m., Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W. Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restau- rant, noon Teen Center: Hendry County Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3 to 7 p.m. F/S Community Meeting: Daniels School Community Cen- ter, 6:30 p.m. MAD. DAD.S.: 7 p.m. city hall AA: 12 Step/Big Book study group, 8 p.m. First Christian Church, Ford Avenue, open meet- ing. ABWA now meets on the third Tuesday of the month instead of the second Thursday of the month. 7 p.m. at the Woman's club. Wednesday, May 17 AA Big Book Meeting: Noon, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood Parkway, Port LaBelle, open meeting Wednesday Night Kids: 6-7 p.m., Caloosa Baptist Church, for youth in grades 6-12 at 500 W. Hwy. 80. Phone 675-2348 PPVFD: drill 7p.m. Jaycees: 7:30 p.m. Jaycee Bldg. VFW Post 10100: 7:30 p.m. Hwy. 29S AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recreation Hall. Thursday, May 18 Overeaters Anonymous (OA): Thursday 5:30 p.m. in the Episco- pal Church of the Good Shepherd, 1098 Collingswood Parkway @ Eucalyptus, one block south of SR 80 east of LaBelle. AA: Open discussion, 8 p.m., First Christian Church, Ford Ave. American Legion Post 130 & Aux.: 7 p.m. Domestic Violence Task Force: noon, Children & Families confer- ence room, Cowboy Way American Legion Post 130 & Aux.: 7 p.m. Hendry/LaBelle Recreation MSBU: 7:30 p.m. City Hall -"Cloosa Belle, Thucrrsday,,May 1;1, 2.006, > t , 4- OPINION CaloosaBelle, Thursday, May 11, 2006 m iiii Caloosa BellePatty Brant Birthday boy Walter Ferguson turned 83 Friday, May 5, and his friends at Flora & Ella's round table didn't let him forget it. They gathered as usual for breakfast, laden with a few trifles to tickle his funny bone. After breakfast he was anxious to head home to take his real gift- a 1923 Model T touring car in mint condition - for a test drive. A steam locomotive driver, Walter has lots of a .,,. jv .vei "birthday" left including a trip to Poland to actually drive the Suomirled to me Caloosa only coal burning passenger train left in that country. BelleMorrison family Sarah DeAnn Morrison. Rasm ussen Sealey Jerome Wesley Fabian Rasmussen,Sealey Morrison- Morrison- plan their wedding Fihian ..FabianK'.~ Mr. Mikal Rasmussen of Lehigh Acres and Ms. Laurie Rasmussen of North Fort Myers are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jami Lynn Rasmussen, to Bran- don James Sealey. Brandon.is the son of James and Angela Sealey of LaBelle. Jami is also the granddaughter of Bernard T. Rasmussen of LaBelle. Jami is a 2002 graduate of Riverdale High School.' She received a Bachelor of Science . degree-in Nlursing from Florida Gulf Coast University. She will L begin her internship program in Submitted to the Caloosa the neonatal intensive care unit Belle/Teresa Hamil at Healthpark in Ma\ Jami Lynn Rasmussen, The groomlr is a 21001 graduate Brandon James Sealey of LaBelle High: School.' He'' received a Bachelor of Science.. Home.Buildersof Cape Coral.. degree in Political Scienre.rorm The wedding will take place the Unitersii, of South Florida. at Ft. Myers Beach, June I0), He is presently employed as a 2006. The couple will reside in Field Manager with United Cape Coral. newszap.com %Community Links. Individual Voices. M MOTHER'S DRY '.t. Make her feel special with S mething unique and original from WHITE'S COUNTRY COLLECTION GIFTS JEWELRY Sterling Silver Necklace, Earrings & Bracelets Featuring Scripture Bangles White gold vintage rings Original glass beaded jewlery from "JewelryJunction" ORNAMENTS Hand Painted Ornaments FIGURINES WILLOW TREE fa44 1/pFelr#t odu & MAMA SAYS (.*E:WrE 00 OeAO00pe0aOfenv i J O & APwt vstmmfw 'wi HRNDBRS5 & MATCHING ACCESSORIES Genuine Leather, Bingham & Genuine Bovine (863) 675-0717 1060 Hwy 29 S LaBelle, FL 33935 * GRRFURTION 2006 Honor your "Graduate" with an unique and original gift from WHITE'S COUNTRY COLLECTIONS STERLING SIVER Charmed Bracelets ''". 1.1, ; with Pendants Scripture Bangles KEY CHRINS I,'jrl 'j hiS.i;l ( , ouar~slmxni,ic (863) 675-0717 1060 Hwy 29 S LaBelle, FL 33935 ay u uy using = ii..isGo . engaged Megrrill and Eva Morrison of Alva, alon with the brides grand There's only one way toclose- SURECLOSE! mother Lidamae Morrison of LaBelle, and Darlene Morrison of -..... . Stow, Ohio, are proud to announce the engagement of Located at: their- daughter Sarah De.Ann Mor- rison to Jerome \\esle\ Fabian of 998 E. ow o y Bristolville, Ohio. 998 E. Cowboy.Way The prospective groom is the son of Michael and Elizabeth Fabi- L Belle, FL 33935 an of W Farmington, Ohio. The wedding date has not \el been PH: 863-674-0111 set. The ceremony \will be held in SOhio. FX: 883-471-8188 The bide-to-be is a 200:. grad- ' uate of Brstolillle High rSchool. : -u The groom is a 2001 graduate ot Bristolville High School. S- print Get reliable High-speed Internet at a great low price. Order Sprint high-speed Internet now and pay $24.95 a month for as long as you have the service. (Prices excludes taxes and fees and applies to up to 1.5 Mbps speed. Qualifying services and one-year term agreement applies.) Consistent broadband connection speeds 24/7 EarthLink Internet Service that includes advanced security and protection tools Free modem ($12.95 shipping & handling applies) $50 online rebate (covers $49.99 activation fee) Call 1-877-SPRINT2 Click sprint.com/high-speed Service may not be available in all areas. Monthly rate good for residential customers only. Offers are not valid with any additional offers or discounts. Sprint reserves the right to cancel without notice or substitute substantially similar services at its sole discretion. Additional restrictions may apply. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. Monthly Foe: Prices vary by market. Promotional monthly rate of $24.95 applies in select markets while customer subscribes to a qualifying calling package (Sprint Solutions Standard Plan, Basic Plan or Sprint Special Plan), remains on this plan and at current residence. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. Sprint high-speed Internet: A fee of $99.00 will be charged for early termination. Performance may vary due to conditions outside of network control. No minimum level of speed is guaranteed. Conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of web sites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Restrictions may apply. Modem Offer: Without credit approval customer will be charged $99.99 for modem. Rebate: Customer must request and submit $50 rebate online at hsirebate.sprint.com within 45 days of installation. Sprint high-speed Internet account must be active and in good credit standing to receive rebate. Limit of one rebate per household. Sprint will not honor lost, late, damaged, misdirected, illegible, incomplete, or duplicate rebate forms. 2006 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sp'it ai;d the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P EarthLink is a registered trademark of EarthLink, Inc. SPR-467601 .,,-- ...- w ,.* t-,:* ,,,-f -* niin r ii m" -*----- .. ......... Hopkins, Smith repeat vows Judith Ann Hopkins and Robert best man was Archie Hopkins,.son William Smith were joined in mar- of the bride, of Sarasota. The flower riage on February 25,2006. The wed- children were lan Goetz and Kylie ding ceremonywas held at Langetree Hopkins. The ring bearers were Ranch in LaBelle. Charles Kirkpatrick Joel Hopkins and Dylan Hopkins, officiatedattheceremony. all grandchildren of the bride and -ubmitd o the Ca a The bride was given away by groom. Following the ceremony, a Submitted to the Caloosa Belle her son, Archie Hopkins. The maid receptionwas held at the ranch. Mr. and Mrs Robert William Smith of honor was Nicole Goetz, daugh- ter of the groom, of Naples. The aImnwwwwas JL WW LYJLIx I I-ea 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 L.E.S. Citizens of the Month newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. Front row from left: Aldo Lopez, Corey Carley, Macy O'Fer- rell, Megan Price, Cesar Dobbins; row 2: Becky Guillen, Alexus Tolen, Pedro Ortiz, Anthony Marroquin, Kymberlee Chance, Alejandro Arvizu; row 3: Joseph Kennedy, Allie Anderson, Sabina Madrid, Karina Espinoza, Victotia Oli- varez, Lisis Miranda, Brandon Rodriguez. cm~ifl FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS Front row, from left: SanJuana Gomez, Rock Aboujaoude, Leslie Escobedo; row 2: Pedro Torres, Alton Burton, Angela Puente, Rachel Wimberly, Lupe Gomez, Ashley Lee; row 3: Jesse Whitman, Luis Garcia, Jose Erreguin, Nikolas Cuellar, Shelby Williams; absent: Luis Luna. You should buckle up; it's the law By Kristen Hunter The Hendry County Commu- nity Traffic Safety Team monthly meeting was held on Thursday, May 4. Of prime concern was the Hendry County "Buckle Up in Your Truck," which runs from May 7-13 and "Click It or Ticket" from May 14-June 4. Make sure you are wearing your seatbelt because tickets will be issued. If you are 18 years old or under you must buckle up, no matter where in the vehicle you are. Drivers or passengers in 5,000 lb. trucks are, not required to buckle up accord- ing to law, but are according to insurance. Starting July 1, 2002, anew law in the State of Florida went into effect to protect law enforcement officers and other emergency workers stopped alongside our highways. The "Move Over Act" requires motorists to approach cautiously when an emergency vehicle is stopped ahead with its lights flashing. Motorists must change lanes away from the emergency vehicle if they are on a multi-lane highway and can do so safely. If drivers can't change lanes safely, or they are on a two- lane highway, they must slow down while maintaining a safe speed so as not to impede other traffic. A violation can result in fines under Section 316.126(l)(b) Florida Statutes. The S.R. 78 and Hwy. 29 light has been taken out and will: be moved to Nobles Rd. The realign- ment north of the bridge, on Nobles Rd. and Hwy. 29 will be finished around June. CTST is looking for School Board, Sheriff and School Trans- portation participation at the meetings. The Safety Team is comprised of volunteers to make suggestions on safety issues. If you would like to receive a free Kids Safety First Buckle Up color- ing book, please go to www'.kidssafetyfirst.org. There is no limit on the amount. The Hendry County Commu- Sign up now for summer camp The Hendry-LaBelle Recreation Board and the LaBelle Kiwanis Club are teaming up again this year to host the summer camp pro- gram. Some of the activities enjoyed at camp are swimming, roller-skating, arts and crafts, games, talent show, field trips and movies. Lunch and snacks are pro- vided through the Hendry Schools Food Service Program. Camp organizers are looking for some businesses or individuals to sponsor a camper for $35- per week. There are many families who cannot afford even that. Spon- sorship checks can be made payable to Hendry-LaBelle Recre- ation Board, and mailed to P O Box 1760, LaBelle, FL 33975. Camp will begin June 12 and run until July 21 (dosed July 4) and will be held at LaBelle High School. Camp will be for children ages 5 through 12. There will be volunteer positions available for ages 13 through 17 to help the group lead- ers. They are still looking for group leaders. Registration for campers will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 15-18, from 4-6 p.m. at the Recreation Board office, 310 Cowboy Way, LaBelle. For further information, call Phillip Pelletier at 863-675-5347. S orre ill -Th Open Monday Saturday 11am 8pm Closed Sunday 280 N. Bridge Street LaBelle Located in the historic Forrey Building in downtown LaBelle 863-612-0423 BURGER NIGHT IS ENDING AT THE FORREY GRILL COMING IN JUNE ALL YOU CAN EAT CRAB LEGS TUESDAY NIGHTS Heritage Land Co. wants to help ease the burden of rising fuel costs... HOwI ds $7S.00 in FISEE FRal soamdV? Stop by our office during the month of May and enter to WIN!! Drawing to be held May 31, 2006 It's that easy, no gimmicks, no tricks! 180 N. Bridge Street E IRTAG LaBelle, FL 33935 Ph. (863)675-6788 LAND CO. www.heritagelandco.com i y Y N vi Y yV nity Traffic Team meeting is held at 1 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the Hendry County Fire Station in LaBelle. Also, HCSO is cooking for cross- ing guards from 7-8:30 a.m. and 2:30-3:30 p.m. Please contact Mayra Quesada at 674-4060. No fee, nf Bnker, Calhoun, Rando4lph & Terrell Counties, GA Saturday -:- May 13 -:- 10:00 a.m. Great Hunling Tracts With Abiindnant Game & Excellent Merchantable Timber * BOautiII HOmPtr, Obisrl.ling Cfov Bi I L r. LNi.0 * Exulleil rIrr(rTiea Croulirin BO' 3 W0Iu) V011SMER(d Ls1 & Pmn Rowai6 AccroNs, INC. Special F3flinclng Avllaole! 800-323-8388 Call M3234388 fat delailsl ": .t ::' ",-...'-'- '"s -';- ^,.,-.^-g. i ,-- "",.- ":., Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! * 4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used item or * Price must be included in ad Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less oIr obsolutelY free!r,, grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Private parties Independent ,:nly Newspapers i%1 items per house- reserves the right to perkl per issue disqualify any ad. Deadline 11 a.m. Monday Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida, PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community. Public Issues Forum Local Linls An open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post your personal messages on on open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. A director/ of .,.ebsites for locctiion government, tears. organization:, & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers distributed to 31 000 homes. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bo, :. Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LoBelle Felda LaBelle Immokolee Pioneer Plantation L Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof As on (800) 794-7310 JG. Wentwoth means CASH NOW for Stmctured Settlements! o eatch, no G4LOOSA R",I BELLE DeOlering Wu.estern PFendrrv Collntr, W Veomv Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com %;33 T ( u sh Links. hidividuu w Mogn vi'^fI -.1, MUBfli~^^^^^TI^ :'^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -mpa ----^^HBH HH H Hu 1Z.-===!^^^^^^^^g^^^^^ '~~'""'"~' ES'rA*rE 12 FARMS 2597t ACRES Divided IsIale of Py. J. Madill, Jr. Heart of Southwast Georgia Plantation Counlry _ACIN I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 Athletes command center stage at LHS By Kristin Hunter Fall Sports Awards The auditorium was packed on Wednesday night, May 3, at 6 p.m. with excited anticipation in the air. As David Kelley, the Athlet- ic Director for the high school, quieted the crowd the sports cere- mony began. Three and four sport athletes were first, scholas- tic athletes were second and three and four year senior awards fol- lowed that. The team awards started off with fall sports then on to winter sports and then finishing with spring sports. Starting with volleyball Coach Lori Langford Perkins announced the Offensive Player of the Year Award, which went to Chelsa Casseaux; the Defensive Player of the Year Award went to Kaitlin Marotti; the Most Improved Player Award went to Alexa Reddish; the Coaches Award went to Heather Raulerson; and the MVP Award- went to Dani Blake. SCoach Jeff Frost was up next with Girls and Boys Cross Coun- try. The Girls MVP Award went to Maribel Gomez; the Outstanding Senior Award went to Kaitlyn Marotti; the Most Improved Award went to Roxana Razo; and the Rookie of the Year Award went to Laura Munoz. The Boys Cross Country MVP Award went to Stafford King; the Outstanding Senior Award went to Josh Chisholm; the Most Improved Award went to Benito Garza; and the Rookie of the Year Award went to Jose Guillen. Coach Bobbie Spratt was next with Girls Golf. Most Improved Award went to Jessica Bechtel and the MVP Award went to Angela Zimmerly. Coach Scott Wegsheid pre- sented Boys Golf. The MVP Award went to Derek Anderson and the Most Improved Award went to Blake Broom. The Cheerleading Awards were presented by Vivian Ben- nett. The Varsity Most Improved Award went to Amber Furman and the Most Spirited Award went to Kaylynn Doll. The JV Football Cheerleading Awards went to Carissa Langley for Most Improved and the Most Spirited Award went to Alecia "Cha Cha" Gallegos. The Unsung Hero S C Commr h Award went to Mallory Allen and Tiny McClain. The football awards were pre- sented by Coach Ron Dunbar. The Defensive Specialty Award went to Matt Williamson; the Offensive Specialty Award went to Chad Lutkenhaus; the Offensive Lineman Award went to Matt Bell; the Defensive Lineman Award went to Austin Clayton; the Spe- cial Teams Award went to JB Hull; the Special Teams Award went to Ryan Caudill; the Cowboy Heart Award went to Nathan Riberdy and Andy Taylor; and the MVP Award went to Matt Davidson. Winter Sports Awards The Boys Basketball Awards were presented by David Kelley. The MVP Award went to Chad Lutkenhaus and Dusan Jovetic; The Assist and Steals Award went to Blake Basquin. The Coaches Award went to Kyle McClain. The Girls Basketball Awards were presented by Heidi Lederer. The MVP Award went to Kaci Ringler and Chelsa CasseauLx. The Scoring Award went to Chels\ Ramos. The Delensive Award went to JaniaThompson. The Boys Soccer Awards were presented by Coach Jef Frost. The Offensive Player of the Year Award went to Isai Velasquez. The Defensive Player of the Year Award went to Josh Chisholm. The Outstanding Senior Award went to David Perkins. The Rook- ie of the Year Award went to Hasaan Mustafa. The Girls Soccer Awards were presented by Coach Jim Sloan. The Defensive Award went to Shayla Wilson. The Offensive Award went to Cori Ankney. The Leadership Award went to Maria Rodriguez. The Coaches' Award went to Roxann Munoz and Gre- cia Leos. The Wrestling Awards were presented by Coach Tony Zucheg- no. The Most Improved Award went to Patrick McLymont. The Leadership Award went to Mickey Clay and Philip Anderson. The MVP Award went to Colin Sparks. The Girls Powerlifting Awards were presented by Jenny McClain. The Most Improved Award went to Daphne Glisson and Misty Kapke. The Rookie of the Year Award went to Diana Blakey. The MVP Award went to Nezzie Beckworth. Spring Sports Awards The Boys Powerlifting Awards were presented by David Kelley. The Rookie of the Year Award went to Jose Guillen. The MVP Award went to Matt Davidson. The Most Improved Award went to Izzy Hernandez. The Cowboy Heart Award went to Manual Soto. The Boys Baseball Awards were presented by Brent Ringler. The Defensive Award went to Chad Lutkenhaus. The Coaches' Award went to Raymond Marro- quin. The Batting Average Leader, MVP Award went to Blake Basquin. The Softball Awards were pre- sented by Raymond Marroquin. The Most Improved Award went to Alexa Redish. The Offensive MVP Award went to Heather Raulerson. The Defensive MVP Award went to Cori Ankney. The Pitching MVP Award went to Amanda Atun. The Pride Award went to Shayla Wilson and Tiffany Terrell. The MVP Award went to Dani Blake. The Girls and Boys Track Awards were presented by Mel Greenleaf. The Girls Track MVP Field Award went to Suzi Green- .leaf. The MVP Runner Award went to Brooke Norris. The Rook- ie of the Year was Jordan Walls. The Pride Award went to Brittany Gallegos.. The Boys Track MVP Running Award went to Josh, Chisholm. The MVP Field Events Award went to Julian Keen. The Pride Award went to Staflord King. The Girls Tennis Awards were presented by Coach Bobbie Spratt. Amanda Pittman received the Cowgirl of the Year Award. The Most Improved Award went to Misty Kapke. The MVP Award went to VanCheska Koch. The Boys Tennis Awards were presented by Mr. Ballinger. The Most Improved Award went to Darrell Cash. The Iron Man Award went to Cory Mundy. The MVP Award went to Myron Huffman. The MVP Award went to Benito Garza. The Pride Award went to Mauricio Briones. uwszapl.com unity Links. Individual Voices Caloosa Belle/Kristin Hunter From left: Female/Male Athlete of the Year Award winner Chelsa Casseaux and Matt Davidson. Memory Foam Pillow Top Queen Size Set $1,365 King Size Set $1,680 While Special Supplr last Ilith FREE Local Deliverr and Removal Jackson River S Home Furnishings & Decor SAt the Foot of the Bridge '..-. 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaSeler Post For Free Post your personal messages on an open Bulletin Board for Arizona residents. Community Links. Individual Voices S------------------- pitchers, e ballig surikeout king, o SPbRTS FANS e t SI BET obvious candidates The answer is I YOU I DIDN'T I KNOWWI I I B Broighr wh yoru nb n I Lorin Lang lrd I agjor lea '06e clo.er, tend to be power I pitchers, hrxe bao g srn eout in ngs f who blo.A aaa\ hltiers i the eighth m and ninth enrngf s so who holds the record for most nm.eouts by releser rin one season' Here a hint ignore the I Hoious canildatef The answer is I with 157 Ks nm i200 Byre the a i. enter I g the 0h6 season Lidge had rejk seed 369 ot th r skeouts n 3he u.rnungs for I I How is it pokeble for a team to hae I I I threekgame B less treai k at the same I time a: it his a sL' gile streak o[ being I I unbeaten ina regrlon' These a. ittsm * not that unusual tm the o.ernme- happy i Sport 't ho,:kev Take for example the I ~i'LkesBr arre Penguins the rrnnort league atfillate of Pittiburgh of the NHL Over isx games, the Baby Pen posted a record of 30 1-2, v.hijch is three i ns, no losses n regulation. one o\errim e ae and rxro 'ertIue loses That sL straight games without a loss in regulation. But the last three gamine were the tie and the rv.o loiiSes which equals a three game v.inless streak I Pa of the fun of going to i biebal I I game i.s the food But the Gate'v.w I I Gnzzhies of the Fronier League rught I Have gonetoo far Aailable or, operung I I di of the 201i6 eieaon at the tear-i I I bilprk in Sjuget, i Ilino is'hrat the I I team is calling l Basebal]l Best Burger' I I But it s not or the health conious I I The concocinor is a bacon cheeseburger , Ssened on a Knipv kreme dioughinu I bun Sounds v.ful. but t $4.50 api ce. I it s getting ra\e retlev s iu't nrt ofrm I I dentts or cardiologists I I .* * I'l bet you didn't know. coming or going, that %when the rubber hits the Sroadyou can't afford not to buy from LangforcL I **** I IL- + +- I *: |^ ^w~ SanSp5enHtnrer I 675-1686 I -mmmmmmmm_ mmmmm__ -,-r Reason #24 to join Suncoast. Payday loans THAT WON'T TAKE YOUR PAYCHECK. I"&, Some traditional payday CU Payday Loan has an annual -C. 5,pswW1uas3 F....' 5b.fl4r rJ";' F~r IP. aap- I. Ur r.aca 1& People have so much to do and so little time to do it. To help you deal with your time constraints, we pack this little newspaper with lots of relevant and useful information. We want you to learn what you need to know quickly, so you can experience and enjoy your community fully. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism lenders charge an annual percentage rate of more than S } T I percentage rate that will 1i'12 13 il: 16 S' -. not exceed 18%. It 119 i!2o O2 n 1 2 3 Sg27i v28 you the mone Ot '(L II \w gives you thie money 300%. That's beyond excessive. If you had the money to throw away on extremely high interest rates, you wouldn't need a payday loan. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union is not-for-profit. so our goal is to actually save you money, and help you break the payday loan cycle. Suncoast's you need to make ends meet until payday without costing Who's eligible to join Suncoast? IF YOU Lnr. IN HENDRY COUNTY, YOU'RE ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP AT SUNCOAST." PLUS, ANYONE WHO WORKS, WORSHIPS OR ATTENDS SCHOOL HERE AN JOIN. IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS CAN JOIN TOO. you your paycheck. To find out more about Suncoast, call us at 800-999-5887 or visit us online at joinsuncoast.org. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org - l. g .....d g .......rr t rhin ir.) i, m 1u Ilr' Your tim Lum _ NCUA 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 I-| 863-675-0898 OFC i PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSE, Broker Nikkl@NlkklYeagepRoser.cem Paul@PaulRoser.comi 239/564-2005 cell 239/684-2002 'FrilFQTAG 'JI!TAG LAND CO 9 .. ATERFRONT HOMES V17HERE DREAMS NENER ENDI ou llIJl i In l1)e %i-oi lh, isBif2Bq hoiv ea, -c,'n a n uu open ihe fr i r.ird. ihc -,f-n t1iAr 'plyn and paso-n. m K imod,,kd Lichrn feallire, new ocsk -rl1.1c I11- in'] esn lciieu ol lopi 2 elepnm mi JI p ;,liat upPurs biB. a b .ticof Us er- OAK FREES GRCE ihi. 4.6rk.?A h % i fl in tk'Tal .i j..v -, ;i'.gs,, -i.Aii L he Ci''ix'.ikichce Rner 1.-1 h Efll--- lh ccy x,1101, Of 111C ilujewlu Of Ltm ko. ii', Iei rik ii irniming rhi 1 e1,ifl hum,,f F'Ifi~il- -fi i iulIIcf! rili CLg .- ft lij u-,. Linjilllr inm L-r, privj .nslAm i i' sdk Communi!) .: Ilo-ll:oji ..u ,,e. i, ..'I, b i l ram p & itna c(udn J749.000. CAIooS,WICHEE RIVER FRONTAGE of 125s kri li u i.%ii-is at she ,un wi and n ir ritE, ..,u hi- h p,rch LI igdid SBR 2BA. 2 car Lijo- fI-i t --.ik c Flitllp,,l 1 It- led ihin I mile oi r-rlcii I ccjivfiL: Bid]gull ,sLi.C Ind~iar,Hill, cr i'rj i ilh F'. king. Ir i. r t)u xm aid Di $599,900. WATERFRONT Riverfront 5 Acres with 215+/- feet of frontage. High elevation reveals spectacular views. $895,000 REDUCED Riverfront 1.15 Acre homesite on pzestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $575,000 More than Meets the Eyel Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low maintenance CBS/Stucco exteri- or with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceilings. interior doors all cus- tom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash and granite countertops, all windows have wood casing surrounds, a brick fireplace, and wood floors throughout finish the look. $515,000 REDUCED 2 Acre Deed Restricted Homesite 'in Oak Haven Estates. Oak filled and backs up to beautiful sun- sets over the water. $350,000 HOMES 2 Story Home close to town just, off Ft. Denaud Rd. This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has It all, loca- tion, charm, Master suite with office, screened room and more. $279,000 REDUCED " Port LaBelle Unit 4 3BR/1BA home with oversized lanai, great start- ed home. $140,000. Mobile on 1/2 acre south of LaBelle with lots of paving and a 26x53 pole barn. $92,500. LOTS AND LAND Development Potential 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced Independently) for an upscale residential project. $150,000 per acre. 5 Beautiful Oak Laden Acres located East of LaBelle. Quiet County Living for only $160,000. Over Half an acre in the city. Complete with fence and cul- vert, brush has been cleared, affordable. luuno. Ining on the hoirei of Ihe Caliooahaihher Risjcr BR plu, j den 2BA home Impeccable home include, a oinoe hrtpbci, killed rut. borm dining room. cahedr.l nelings. brcakfias bar, dcuched 2 car garage and runningg nser vewcs This is qualh) living 3 1 reduced $395,000. WATERFRONT HOMIESITES DREAMING OF OWNING YOUR OWN ISLAND?Sei sail on 12 t secluded at re, ith t ma- - able spoil eaement $1.400,000. MAKE THIS 200 FT OF RIVER FRONTAGE YOULRS Ju-.t esi of thei Hitoi Fl Denud bridge Chei 2.+'- acre ci plei-uirable ncfrofuni ,ijge ,lLh A.iess ifrnm CR "8 Pronpl'y hx.s remouible p,.ul ea.,mcni 1965,000. IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT In Cat.,i H.iitu.,r ath, boai dulJk. cllindcleti Ot c IOr loirAlic\rir. froni oin thi .S4- i ce liot 499.000. 240 FT OF BEALUTIFIL. NAVIGABLE CREEK FRONTAGE wilh 'i li* and a:ic., 10 the nmcr Dxk permit mi hand seludtd l.cantiCm o:rffeiN ea'i) .cc- 10 F,:n Mers ind doaoni.jnr LaBelle Deed re-Arnrm comriunil 4- a,:re $429,000. 230 FT ON THE RIVER SIDE of Pon LaBlle Rancherne 2 53 acre-. allowss hor-'ni nd dock. Deed restnc-ed Reduced One, anniou, hnng on Ihe offers' $425,000. PORT LABELLE RANCHETTESI Rienieme Bejauiful 288 acre liome.ilce ith mlew of ihe Caloisahichee Riser 2ll) feel of greenbell paice herween the homemite and the neit, Boar ditL allowed Priced omote $410,000. 180 N. Bridge SL. LaBele, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com oaks r1.o ftl? ( buy at Ovm-ied hnmnite conveniently located in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres man- icured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. $95,000. Port LaBele Lots on the north side of 80, close to new devel- opment area & marina. Priced from $49,000 to $57,900. Call for inventory list. Over 60 sites to pick from. Seller Financing Avnflnhle with 25% down to qualified buyer. Port LaBelle 1/4 ac. lot on the norht side of Hwy. 80. Many new homes under construction in the immediate area. Asking $39,800. INDUSTRIALICOMMRDrIAT Pitma Cormer with approx. 590 ft. on well traveled Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm St. The front 2.7 Ac are zoned Light Industrial with the remariin-gAac. zoned HeavyiindWiaal. G~- ftportu- nity for flex space development. Easy access to SR 29 and SR 80 located across from the State Attorney's Office and close to I LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. CwnmawIrl potanflnl Located approx 1 mile, west of Cowboy Way with 800 lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the pro-I osed future Wal-Mart location. $2,090,.88 T-t ht .... ... ..G With ! 2400. SqExcellent road side the ' Heavy tbcltiuriSt Site just south of the cty limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 801 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. $299,0100 Profitable Towing B iriness established with many revolv- ing accounts & approved by all the major motor clubs. Currently servicing LaBelle and the sur- rounding area with a clean & reliable service record. Call for details. 863-675-7522 www.belleiealty.com Terri Banky Lic Real Estate Broker S Shary Weckwerth Broker Associate LEADING THE WAY! BankofAmerca SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS aeortgage Loan Officer 4 s^ Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS. MEDICAL WORKERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND FIREFIGHTERS 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 105 LaBelle, FL 33935 (The Wallace Plaza) 863-675-5923 rn Mary Diaz Lc. Real Estate Broker (561) 385-3282 OSAMA Homes, Land COSTAMAR Commercial REALTY Call for available listings REDUCED Port LaBelle unit 9- Spacious 1.- building lot locat- ed on Salem Cir., close to schools and shopping. Offered at $39,900. Whether you're buying or selling, we can help' Stop in and get your FREE AMap Che Ring (IRoLup 274 N Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 Cell: 239-872-7665 Alva: 239-728-9998 LaBelle: 863-675-0000 www.burson-weathers.com Matt Fleming Realtora E-Mail: matt@burson-weathers.com Commercial Land Residential 863 675 4550 orid 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle 0l| --- Rodney Murray |"".I0*Lic Real Estate Broker tate co. Associates: Seth Howard. Phil Lewis Tamra i Franco, Jim Coddington & Kyndel Murray 3B / :t n xree- I x32 o159,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 5BR'3Bath really nice manufactured home on 5 beautiful acres in Muse on Cypress Ave. $425,000. 3BR/3Bath on 4.5_cre. \ th 30x42 pole barn & 24x36 horse bari 69Ib j r.1Djle Ranchettes nice, nice. nice. $695,000. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 68 an, r ---f,-a- d. Well maintained 4BR/2Bath home on beautifully landscaped lot. With in town convenience. Deep well irrigation and large workshop. screened room and gazebo. PRICE REDUCED! $324,900. 5 acres in Muse with lots of trees. $200,000. ldtcheto g t f arW h,, c t l. ', i, ,i -., ,,.-ih...p Br.. 'i.l:W ll,,oo i.ri , hard t "ls'W4 caKR 'jrid I e ,,.ii.,l., I,:,ci ,so:.ur bi.,: prcure' enjoy the sunset over the lake in Lehigh Acres. COnii $169,900. $219,900. Relax the rur.al i,)a :Siluilc.J..i 2, I ii2.. ,i 4 ing * REDUCED! PERFECT STARTER HOME! 2BR/1BA M.:..l.,un tjc.julht, r.ir I, 2,ilr. ,.Ir.ufi.:lui'.J hiome CBS home located in LaBelle on a quiet oak fllnc wnh m o. I1li,.I1 I1 luing jreIj ri) 1ir .:li.:upr1 street. Features new flooring and a fenced back IiJ ci sE.LLlR F.,(rill., It, tiLl.SE' 119,900 Priced @ $159,900.. p &...i -*s * Just like NEW! 3BR/.5B CBS home within walrg distance from shopping. Features include new berber carpet, ceramic tile, all new cabinets and much more. Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past Priced to sell at only $119,900. well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres onSR 80 in' '. -, Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing -- ,a-fiwifl i'.rf -,'flr- w-i*' *-e Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 4BR/2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ft of living space and sitson 2.34 fenced acres in the quiet rural community of Double J Acres. Country living just a hop-skip away from LaBelle or Ft. Myers makes this a perfect location! $269,900. Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 4BR/2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ft of living space and sits on 2.34 fenced acres in the quiet rural community of DoubleJ Acres. Country liv- ing just a hop-skip away from LaBelle or Ft. Myers makes this a perfect location! $269,900. * Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spa- cious kitchen. Only $179,900. * Tired of the Circus? No clowning around about the calm l ilth jW~l on cleared7.5-ic7WOW!V"e sure to c ecKout the entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your invest- ment Uf~clll ./ER te tB Ife^, 27 f "ointgaN tex water plan. Property was cTared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $170,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. 130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! * Hard to find double lot in growing Port LaBelle Unit 102. $119,800. * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further. Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is m- - Sluijdel -ilh ,r.-n.hi 4il 2 sieel building lsh 'ilc( ,il Iq t .1 '.:,ik .ur'j on I+ jaci Zoned lur HAvyv induslrul ,ic (uirrltfltl I 1il renltd .,:,,T i, :, t,,r:,,r,,:- :.l-, Lr jI[ l ,d) $525,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel locat- ed near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes-away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * Sable Palm /V Campground truly a 50 acre gold mine!! This beautiful property features a 10 acre 70 site R/V campground located off US27 in the peaceful country side of Palmdale. The park even has its own fishing lake and grass landing strip. The remaining 40 acres could accommodate several hundred additional RV sites. $2,800,000 * Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel locat- ed near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown,LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. S1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Investor's dream! By purchasing this commercial corneAff It, iilU ental inconlccolB'tmnty yJro e iafl'st is site now! $165,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. IHI (L~HAMING CEDAR HOME sitt on r oversized corner lot in the city. The 2BR/2BA home has vaulted ceilings and tile in the living area. French doors provide views to the outside. WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS in place. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from LOCATION. LOCATION. LOCATION!!! This 3 the main river in an area of nice homes. Permits +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of are in place to re-dredge oxbow to 6-8 ft. depth. Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 $499,000. access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! HOMES IN LABELLE $3,900,000 WELL MAINTAINED 3BR/2BA MANUFAC- ONE OF THE FEW RIVERFRONT PARCELS on TURNED HOME w/ office or possible 4th bed- the market. This stunning 10.7 Acres is very room. Located within city limits, completely unique with 600 +/- feet fronting on the beautiful fenced and priced to sell! $99,900 Caloosahatchee River. Look to the East and West HOMES Inrl niro ndPlessP vies fo m th i,,e br ha, LIKE NEW THIS 3 BEDROOM. 2 BATH IFEA. Fnou aqu m im iew frm ie raised river an . Fenced back yard and 8' x 10' shed for extra stor- The waterfront piece features lakefront on the age. $199,9Or age. South side and riverfront on the North. Build your dream home and enjoy the peace and tranquility that 'LaBelle's Caloosahatchee has to offer. $1,950,00 IERFRONT SPECrACULAR RiIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE MUVE IN READY Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interior paint and spacious master bedroom. Price reduced to sell $179,900 I. 4BR/2BA SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME features large kitchen, new a/c, upgraded appliances, jet tub and above ground pool. $174,900 Ala~s u%~lt*iilit.AE m : THIS IMMACULATE MANUFACTURED HOME is situated on shaded oversized lot in town and completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceil- ings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry and breakfast island. Front and back porches are great for outdoor entertaining and enjoyment. REDUCED $134,900 with over 200 feet of waterfront and already sepa- rated into 2 lots. The fabulous view is naturally pristine across arid up the river from this "Point" on both the main river and the "Old River", which features 60'feet of protected dockage. Rip Rap of riverbank is in progress. There is NO "Corps Setback" on either lot, which may allow houses and/or pools unusually close to River. Beautiful area of upscale homes within blocks of central LaBelle. $1,500,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel and enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVIES, This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique one of a kind property also has it's own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 FXCEIIENT BUYII This .84 +/-Acre creek front homesite is located on Pollywog Creek in beauti- ful river front community. Build your dream home on this oversized Creekfront lot which pro- vides beautiful oaks, access to the Caloosahatchee River and some river views. Price Reduced $149,900 Possible Owner Financing Available! BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock TURES A LARGE BONUS ROOM. The home offers a split floor plan, upgraded appliances, pantry, laundry room, custom floors, and a large open patio. The landscaping is done and the cus- tom driveway adds a nice touch to this one of a kind must see. $185,000. SELLER RELOCATING! Ready to move in and a must see to believe! Located in a private country setting in Horseshoe Acres Subdivision. This 2 bedroom, 1 bath manufactured home is situated on over a half acre lot, shaded screened deck, with many fruit trees and partially fenced yard. Dog on premises. Call ahead. $129,500. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! This 2 bedroom 1.5 bath mobile home is located in quiet River Oaks Subdivision, Ortona Fl. Great investment for the part-time Floridian, or a great get-away. The home is being sold partially furnished, and offers a split floor plan with vaulted ceilings. $58,500 HOMES ON ACREAGE UNIQUE. DESIRABLE AND SECLUDED! Less than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary. This property is 14.5 acres in one of the fastest growing areas of Glades County. Surrounded by large acreage, this parcel has been cleared and fenced. This custom built home is spacious and very well kept. Over 3,400 sq.ft. split floor plan features ceramic tile, 3 large bedrooms, walk-in closets, and 2.5 spacious baths. The island kitchen has walk-in pantry, breakfast area, and is open to the large family room. The master bedroom and bath offer his and hers walk-in closets, garden tub, separate shower, dual sinks and access to the pool. Too many improvement to mention, call for your private showing! $1,450,000. SBR/1BA CBS HOME ON 8.8+/- ACRES fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse stable. $490,000. .18 +/ ACRES W/BR/1.5BA COTTAGE style home ~' -,... ~- -- located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's most desirable communities. Situated at the end of a cul de sac provides a peaceful & private setting. Cathedral ceil- ings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan and wrap around porch. $469,900 3BR/2BA LIKE NEW 2003 PALM HARBOR manufa- cutured home on 2.5 acres located west of LaBelle. Split floor plan, spacious kitchen, breakfast bar and walk in closets. $219,900. QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immacu- late home offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment pack- age includes a large screen television w/stereo and sur- round sound, split floor plan, built in computer center, large master bedroom and bath w/garden tub and sep- arate shower Upgraded appliances add a nice touch, to the large open kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar and for- mal dining. $212,500 ACREAGE/LOTS 40 ACRE- Gerber Grove $660,000 2.5 +/- ACRES, stocked pond, partially fenced, unique oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 approx. 2 miles from town. Seller motivated! $199,000 10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road) in Charlotte County. Property zoned agricultural. Price Reduced $100,000 RPEAPITIFI. OAK COVERn D CITY OFL n ABEL LQI Located in established neighborhood. Build your home on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $79,900 BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the city of LaBelle and ready to build! $89,900 OVERSIZED .64 ACRE WOODED residential home- site located in the city. $89,000 1.25 ACRES LOT in growing Montura Ranch Estate more lots available $49,500 RESID EN ti .3--. lot w/well, septic & 2 culverts i' J p J home or mobile home. Red torK - COMMERCIABUSINESS PRIME LOCATIONI Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of,(Hwy 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue thi property has endless possibilities. "Old Historical Florida-Style" two story building, 1,846 sq. ft. w/ 122' frontage on Bridge Street and a "Quaint Old-Florida Cracker-Style" office fronting on Park Avenue. $1,200,000 Corner of Hwy. 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 www.labgllerlversde.con E-nmil ralstate@labee de. Se Habla Espafiol Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis WHAT A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Historic commer- cial building w/ 3 completely renovated rental units. Renovations include new roof, 2 new a/c units, stucco, paint, resurfaced parking and more. Located in a high traffic area surrounded by offices, restaurants and busi- nesses. $550,000 REDUCED PRICE $350.000111 RENOVATED BUILDING!!! READY FOR YOUR BUSINESSI! Need a place to locate your business. This is it! Highly visible, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street. obtally remodeled building situated on .31 acre lot fronting on Washington Ave. across from bank drive thru. Property is 175' deep which leaves room for future expansion. Renovations include all new crown molding, ceramic tile, siding, plumbing, electric and A/C. BUSINESS ZONEDI This 2BR/1BA home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surround- ed by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED IN 1984 THE GATOR BAIT PUB has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully fur- nished with a completely equipped kitchen, and offers a great start for any entrepreneur. Priced at $174,500 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL-INDUSTRIAL-INDUSTRIALI This 1.12 acre parcel features easy access off of two paved roads & a currently occupied steel building w/over 5,400 sq. ft. PRICED TO SELL AT $525,000. UNDER CONTRACT 4.14 ACRES ZONED INDUSTRIAL Property features 80' x 100' hangar plus 1998 3BR/2BA 2,200 sq. ft. dou- blewide mobile home. Great investment... Great Location! $1,500,000 UNDER CONTRACT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277 frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft.; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 -nr;:lmr;-7lw-uruuunr.r i c R p tf Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 Sports Shorts Almanac Summer Bastketball Camp LaBelle High School will host a Summer Basketball Camp for K-9 from Monday, May 29 through Fri- day, June 2, from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The cost is $55 dollars for one child, $85 dollars for two chil- dren, $105 dollars for three, and only $115 dollars for four children and up. There will be a free t-shirt or ball provided, lunch, awards and concession stand will be open. Please contact Coach David Kelley for further details at LaBelle High School, 674-4120. Try out for color guard Monday, May 15, through Wednesday, May 17, color guard tryouts will be held at LaBelle High School. Practice will be from 2:30 until 4 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, with tryouts on Wednes- day. Eighth-1lIth grade students wanting to participate in a great activity should attend. Longhorns serving up barbecue The LaBelle Longhorns will serve up their famous Boston Butt barbecue dinners May 12 at the LaBelle Fire Station. The cost is $6 per dinner and includes healthy servings of Boston Butt, baked beans, potato salad, bread, bbq sauce and sweet tea. Moms, take the night off from cooking and support the next generation of Longhorn football players and cheerleaders. The dinner will be from 5-7 p.m. Football practice to begin The spring football'game is May, 20 at 6p.m. in South Ft. Myers. Summer weight and condition- ing program starts May 30 and run Monday through Thursday, all summer. First day of practice will .beJuly31 atLHS. Sports physical will be May 12 for upcoming 9th and 10th graders, May 19 will be for upcoming 11th and 12th grades. Both groups times are2:30-4:30 p.m. Any ques- tions please call Tracy Nobles at LHS 674-4120. Middle schoolers should call Sherry Ringler at LMS for their times at 674-4646. For information about LMS football, call Gary White there. Widows to meet The Widow's Support Group will meet at Don's Steakhouse on May 18 at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. All widows are welcome. Bull Pit Romd-Up bible study Come to Bull Pit Bible study Thursday nights to the LaBelle Rodeo Arena at 7 p.m. All wel- come. Kiwanis Scholarship Applications Kiwanis is accepting applica- tions for Adult Advancement and Vocational Training Scholarships, also any prior high school gradu- ate Kiwanis scholarship recipients can reapply for continuing. sup- port. Call Debbie at 675-4643.. Deadline date for applications for the 06-07 year is July 01,2006. ABWA scholarships available The Calooshatchee Charter Chapter of American Business Women scholarship applications are now available and can be -picked up at the Badcock Furniture Store on Main Street. Eastside Baptist Church willhold VBS Hey Kids! Do you dream of intriguing adventures? Then take a trip around the world with Vaca- tion Bible School at Eastside Bap- tist Church. Trade places with chil- dren of different cultures while learning that "Jesus Makes the World of Difference." June 12-16 from 6-8 p.m. All young people are welcome from K-12. For more information, call Vicki Chipman at 675-0021. Support a missions golf tourney May 13 The Pentecostal Church of God, Florida District is hosting a golf tournament at the Glades Golf Course on May 13. It will be a four man best ball tournament. The fee is $75 per player which includes all tournament fees and a BBQ din- ner. All proceeds will go to the Home Missions Department to tions or want to play, please call repair or establish churches in L.W. Howard at 673-3216 or at Florida. Should you have any ques- 675-6729. cal now or FREE* Diabetic Supplies Delivered to Declare Your Your Door at No Cost! Independence with pFR*Pm -888-722-7556 . i q Pr r\ _e iu-t-. FLORIDA OLK FESTWAL -.11 ON" MUsIc. IBITM)E. LEGEND Experietice old-fashioned Florid pluts Rosuame Cash an Vi~ir FloridaFolkFesrival.com m-idn H itrmueS A Ceadi CONW. Crmrg Ug-bt UUma Irimb A A-,.. b.~rurl b. M nT~rd. P. pPr-I 4 a-,..n Celebrating Florida's Diverse Heritage at the Stephen Foster Folk Culaur Center State Park in White Springs, FL MAY 26-28, 2006 da storytelling, crafts and culture, nd over 300 performers. n today, or call 1-877-6FL-FOLK. Rd I Parmt Is Spoaltbl Coas slrbuirs Inc. Red GOL&.,saLOu iame. w. ,lIl Ipilrrlna Omibi.l u R-r.- P-dr.k POOL HOME 3BR/25BA on I tull wr n t...r 11 c ...jiimunnr Cr inllllJr lr. d i .. iod i mil :'i- i .r. 11.'tr P'l..n. h t, ni- dJuari, ivi m I M n!r-C rl ,. cr'.,F L, thrn, bir. ,n.1j IWk. .l,!t r,.'- 1. l. 0i:',-r .., i .rgi th :uii.ul, nr Ln r und r,, p-.:l vi, -c'i cr .j rIn.i. 2 cji aragC plu- i JLucrh'.- I;Jprj, $625,000. -^ ^ ,- -------- . ... .. : .- . AFFORDABLE, LUXURY, LIVING on the shores of the Caloosahatchee River. 4BR/ plus a den 2BA home. Impeccable home includes a stone fireplace, jetted tub, formal dining room, cathedral ceilings, breakfast bar, detached 2 car garage and stunning river views. $395,000 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espanol * Two 6+/- acre homesites on CR 78 in Fort Denaud, priced to sell at $75,000 per acre. 2.7+/- acres in Alva, Reduced $ 275,000. Port LaBelle lot on Salem Court on Cul-De-Sac, $54,000 Two Port LaBelle Lots on Hummingbird Drive, water view, $60,000 and $70,000. Commercial in Lakeport: two parcels each 1.79+/- acres priced at $350,000 each. Call 863-675-0000, Gorgeous rustic ranch home on io+/- acres in Fort Myers. Fenced and cross-fenced with barn. 5 bedroom 3 bath. Custom kitchen with stainless steel appliances. 3 wells on property. Home has all the upgrades. Call Amanda Porter today for your private showing! Call 863-675-0000 J'TAG E LAND CO. COMMERCIAL BUILDING on I.28 ijtoes on the husy mmrner of Urln ;Ind Bidge Sirets. 14tal ral: comnplelely enrol. ibth .i.' .l'ile I L' fri-f-I Laadldi.irg uinii- 4 '6t- rall '1,100, .O ~'aos Irtire ind hItlamI , Addal,-.bl ,& 1116-c il1I iieV bu-IL4f g Pmv. hu..fi. L-1 rr-f- rq a i' l, 10 ra is ,h-kl s. '1- 1,1, -A 11.2150000lo PLAN FOR YOUR P11'IIABLE FUlTRE NOW. w,,uihi lvc ,.fi J tI r 2.f ,i -i f ., 1 iI 'jt -. 1 's',. L-uT.,rul !I I oc Pki. o kdlurE ft "I I.-Ppowd ii. ee ['1 n ika.i 'iC Or. I.ri, 58-Lm00 LOOK NO O O r rHEnJ 1 h,' srl s-il-, i,-n. hAd %0,1, I" O!ad rii Xiv hi p'Clcs. J. a.111 5tr r,Iis~'' i'. M, ii' .ir .dI '. Lol l01.8 14,19.900. JUST OF HWI 80 IN LABF1'F -. I i cix L i %mridcalul fu~~e hi )It- W-jl-: -11,L T.-.-ruoztu t pwt EIT rui ;It-1 1 S05.0m 9 .oe 1.20 ACRES ZONED C-3 OFF SR 29N. Great for Homc&nm, rtru-jucgri &---b.,nzout c.ioul h e punl h ikrns.". %..A) .1 18191 ow &It. non" puiritxn icn-Ided rr IBilc \ hxmir~h -1 0 [kldit mi pJ~9UIdI 5-' -d~llla''1, tii p-l.t, C,.aii tal 1.1 5249,9W'. MOVIE IOIJ BL0N, T 10 TLABELI ui&(. Ih 'rilh Ai -i0n fi ,Ofied ij i Iur I. i[Li. 'dlN oima-g wl Hllwn.: b(lidmg hl, r-i. nk...gnu~i I., ywrmil' ow sij-ri-z C,,'ens nut l,.ItrViil, tn Lui' Li&Ie. I,'k,, p. .c 11"r' 0 w.) -afi i, t-IT ii $i 224,W0 COWBOY WAY COMMERCIAL fixir up511 hilddias on a o, I (5'IS fl hwhkq .1 .h C .',I i. si;$7,lDi ' 180 N. Bridge St. 6 LaBele, FL (863) 675-6788 1 1-88&675-6762 www.hernrtgelandco.cm e. Home SBulldem w s Building CommunlUies, One Quality Home at a Timel Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder |!l.)- 1[I We have "move-in ready" homes available now 9024 Maywood Cir, Cypress II. 3/2/2 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison II. 3/2/2 5005 Pike Lane. Madison II, 3/2/2 I .. 1 1. 9002 E. Broad Cir, Buttonwood, 3/2/2 $218.900 FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. (863)612-0012 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com QB39922 *All spec. Homes Includee / acre home site "Paved Roads"County Water"Power"Schools in Subdivision"* THE BEST BUYS AROUND!! Jim Green Realty O r 239-728-5481 RODEO AT HOME. 4BB3B ric home on 11 acres fea- turesa fireplace, large, open kitchen and bay windows, 6-stall horse barn with a fill bath, tack room, wash rack, automated horse longer, 2-stall ole barn, plus an additional storage/vorkshop. $1,200,000 PRIME AND PERFECT DESCRIBES this 3BPR2BA CBS home on 20 acres. Split floor plan, hickory cabinets, built-in entertainment center, decorative glass doors, artistic ceil- ings, glass Florida room,.screen orch, and paved drive. 60x40 metal workshop w/ office, 36n36 horse barn w/tack rook. A must see fr country living! $1,200,000. ROOM TO GROW. This 4BRv2BA home has its own private pond stocked with fish and a creek. Wide variety of fruit and oak trees. Parcel will allow 2 homesites 20X11 shed & 20X25. pole barn: Multi-level decking perfect for outdoor entertain- ing..$699,900. MAKE YOUR MOVE TO COUNTRY LIVING If city life has got you down, come see this country home on 5 acres, just outside of Ahla. 3 BD/2BA CBS home features spacious rooms, formal dining, cathedral ceilinswalk-in closets, large master bath 2 car garage, beautifullandscape and a back porch you won't want to leave. $625,000. POOL HOME 3BR/2.5BA home on 1 full acre in a boating community. Community dock and ramp on the Caloosahatchee River, loverly home features a split floor plan, formal dining room, inside utility room, open kitchen, bar, and breakfast nook, 10 foot ceilings throughout, new inground pool on screened lanai. 2 car garage plus a detached garage $625,000. AWESOME & THEN SOMEl 3BR/2BA CBS home on 3.52 fenced acres in the Port LaBelle Ranchettes. Home was built for easy liin with laminate wood floors, beautiful custom cabinets, soli surface counterops, 11 ft ceilings, screened lanai, 2 central a/c units. $619,900 BRILLIANT FLOOR PLAN and energy-saving design high- light this newer 3BR plus den/2BA, pool homn located in Caloosa Estates. Soaring ceilings and a cozy fireplace greet you. Sizzling kitchen boasts of Silestone Countertops a work island, R/O water treatment and GE appliances. Family room overlooks screened pool area, quality shines through this CBS home with a maintenance flee metal roof. All this ant more at 469c00. 3B KIEII cg N BACT SECLUDED BENEATH THE TREES is where you'll discov- er this darling 3BR/2Ba 2-story home situated on 3.59 acres. Family oriented home offers zoned central A/C, newer ,, ,, d- ,,,I, I. ..! I " workshop built in. Horses welcome with this private set- tin.The peace that you need is here waiting for you. $415,000. E RITA6fi) LAND CO .C .." "., T Id'aO) '5 -, " VISIT US.N. WcWEB AT WLMOAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RETALS SMES SCINDY L ALEXANDER UC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATE: EDIN IIACKMAN ICOTT IAU AM TII S iMPEMCER A L675-0500 REALTY NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIGE ST CUB On the comer of BRIDGE ST& WASINGTON L AS. I SEHABLOESPWIOL DMES COMING AVAIBI E 3BED00M2MATH 1I CAR EARGE in Pot aBelle. Tile 3/1 O MARTINM IITHER ING BLVD. $750/. NO through out house, updated appliances and new kitchen PETS cabinets. REDUCED $179,900. 3/2 DUPL INOWN. $750/1 N OOFFMARN II THERm INGJL BLID.3Bedroom/lBath D NEW HOUSE IN PORT LA CBShomewithcarportNewUpgrades!Pricedat$129,900. OMES os LOCATE IN lEHIGH ACRES 3Bedroomn2Bath, 2 car IN COUNTY th, 1 car garage, new garage built in 2001 and in excellent condition. Home over roof. Asking $125S, looks canal and located in a great ar dose to Ft. Myers but IN PORT iABB. i Bath, 2 cargarge off outenoughforpeaceandquie Asking $20,00. School Circle. claUl anced in backyard and 2EDROOM/BATH HOUSE in aBelle. Being sold 'As a large shed.Asking 189,900. Is"Asking$125,000. OFF COWEOYl, il ath is currently used as A' COa residential commercial. Ask IN CAPE CORAL. Duplex 32 on both sides, newroof, $145,000. new plumbing and tile throughout units. Asking $325,000. INLEHIGHACRES iThis4Bedroomv2Bathhomehas2,288 amIAE l tI.E sq. ft. on large corer lot that is fenced in. Home has many INPIONEERI 3Bedroom/2Bath, large doublewide mobile extras. Call for an appointment today. Asking $288,900. homeon fencedin2.5acres.Dualfireplace,walkin closets, REDUCEDI outsidebuildings.Asking$199,900. IN LEHIGH ACRES. Home has 1,900 sq ft with 2 master 2.5 ACRS in Poneerlantation. $79,000. bedrooms. Home is currently used as a 42. Has many nninouE upgrades and a fenced in backyard. This homes a must see. . $210,000. W HAVE LOTS FOR SALE IN LABELLE, PORT IN PORT IABEE., Large 3Bedroon2Bath, 1 cargarage LABIOL MOORE HAVEN AND L ACID. CAL plus den. Off Bishop Circle. Asking $185,000. FOR MORE INORMA.ION TUCKED UNDER THE OAKS is where you will find this wonderful 3BR/2Ba CBS home situated on 4.82 acres. This a 2 stall barn and tack room ready for your horses. Home offers vaulted ceilings, living and family rooms and a new roof in 06. $399,900. NEW CONSTRUCTION 3BV2Ba CBS home in small resi- dential subdivision. Off-water lot, near the Caloosahatchee River Oversized garage, indoor utility, large spacious bed- rooms, oversized master suite,great room, breakfast room. This neew home also features wood floors. You don't see many floor plans this functional & open. $389,900. FASHIONABLE AND FUNCTIONAL new construction CBS home on J/2 acre in Quail Run S/D. 9" ceilings throughout, long list of upgrades include granite countertops, stainless steel appliances. Hardwood and travertine floors, large lanai under truss. Brick pavers in drive and walkway. $339,000. QUALITY IS ON DISPLAYI New construction homes near the golf course and marinaThese CBS homes are livable, lovable and available. Each model will boast unique features and qualities. Call for more detailed information $299,000. $399,000. LOCATION MAKES THIS IMPECCABLE 3BR/2BA home a great place to live. Custom built to the highest standards with a suspended soffit plant shelf, kitchen bar, cathedral ceilings, charming window seat, jacuzzi tub, tile floors, pole barn and Suncrest shed. This dazzling home is located 300 ft. from the Caloosahatchee River, allowing'you to enjoy the amenities of waterfront living. $279,000. ALVA HOME ON QUIET STREET. This 3BR/2BA includes a den and has been completely renovated and upgraded from AC to flooring. Features include 2-screned porches, park- like landscape, all new appliances, out building and a tran- quil waterfall with a pond. $265,000. MUST SEE FOR TOTAL EFFECT1I Split floor plan, 3BR/2BA, oversized mst BR & mst BA with jacuzzi tub/walk- in shower. This home at approx. 2,200 sq. ft. with front & back porches is perfect for everyone. French doors, wood cabinets & hardy-plank siding are just a sampling of the many upgrades. Located on quiet cul-de sac. Built in 2006. Owner occupied for mos. $250,000. THIS WELL CRAFTED 3BD/2BA home is waiting for your family Home features vaulted ceilings, real wood floors, built in bookcase. Don't miss out on this well kept, energy effi- cient home. $215,000. 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol 3BD/2BA WITH EXTRA ROOM. Kitchen has granite coun- tertops, Kraftmaid cabinets with built-in desk, Lazy Susan, spice drawers and many other belL & whistles, stainless steel appliances &sink, under cabinet lighting, & Microwave/Convection oven above the stove. Kitchen island is approx 3.5x6.5 w/electric on 2 sides. One, full wall of cabi- nets for storage. 'A.:..1 tri-d.- ,n iui.:h.i, dini. g j i. l.dirii rms. New carpet, wood laminate in kitchen, dining & 4th rm. Both BAs have kraftmaid cabinets, solid surface countertops &strip lighting. Storage shed is as is. Roof is 4 yrs old. Greenbelt behind home. $210,000. DREAMS CAN BECOME REAJITV Affordable new con- struction, 3BR/2Ba split floor plan, with great room design makes this a darling deal. Home backs up to a wide green- belt. and is priced to sell! $199,900. 3BlvD--NBR-A------89,90. PARTIALLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home with garage and aluminum carport + storage shed. Home backs up to green- belt and canal and near community pool. $175,000. GREAT INVESTMENT rental property Duplex located on MLKJr. Rental income is $400 per month. Only $39,900. pmNUPCTUn HOIS MUSE MINI RANCH provides maximum pleasure. Almost new doublewide mobile home on 9.54+/- cleared acres with a large stocked pond. Wooden fence surrounds this immac- ulate 4BR/2BA home, split floor plan, family room, fireplace, cathedral ceilings, garden tub. Bring the family and horses. $475,000. WATCH THE BIRDS & enjoy the peace and quiet of your own sun room. Beautiful wooded 1.27 acre lot 3BR2BA DW manufactured hoine and a 2BR/1BA SW manufactured home. Fenced yard w/irrigation system and two storage sheds in Immokalee. $245,000. SPACE WORTH SHOUTING ABOUT Easy entertaining in this 4BR/2BA over 2356 sq. ft. manufactured home on 2.5 acres. Cathedral ceilings, large kitchen with abundant cabi- nets, built hi china cabinet, replace, custom area for big screen TV garden tub, laundry area, screened porch, and 24x36 shed. Why qualify when you don't have to. Owner financing available $225,000. 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME Ft Denaud Acrrs. Mint condition, pantry, built in microwave, breakfast bar, dual sinks, garden tub & separate shower. Storage shed & carport. Land was raised and leveled, paved drive with 2 acres of bahia grass. $215,000. AFFORDABLE ACREAGE1 Own your own piece of the country within minutes of town. 2002 doublewide on 2.29 quiet acres is a bargain at $165,000. FISH FROM THE DOCK and enjoy the pleasure of water. front living in this 3BR/2BA manufactured home. New oak kitchen cabinets, new roof, spacious dock, lawn irrigation, and an outbuildingAvork shop. Perfect sized get- a-way oasis $145,000. x Southern land P4eE'4 I PHYLLIS KELLEY-MILLER is a native Floridian, raised in LaBelle. She has practiced dental hygiene in her hometown since 1989, and always had an interest in Real Estate. Being a native of the area gave her the edge of knowing the ins and outs of LaBelle. Phyllis now enjoys being a part of the Southern Land team, and looks forward to finding you the perfect home or Real Estate investment. Call her today for all your Real Estate needs. 863- 673-2359 cell. 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 863-675-4500 www.SOLAND.com -- .. . ~-~CI"L--LI -L~~I 1M=M -*- Nub.-.. let I low ouu b jun ur. mamaiiula, 4iztz rpzazJuuu ._ ~~~...~.I_...~~..~_..L*_~_~ .~~_~~~~~~.I / h,' ,I 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11, 2006 REA L ing .out Vire you Come 'Up Vit St ng, Build ea am C Pay off C it Ca flU liflI ed Loans That Others Con n. rAlan.Kelly Mortgage ATCall Bob Hahn Now! 82367409 - CU all Bob Hahn Now! 823-674 09 W --~ _____ ---Is- -~-.~~_.----r*xrna x~u~x~~~~lraaras ICRERGE 3.175 ACRES ZONED A-2. Pf.luie la m & preoi. ou-l Irnrmd cre -t. FPerm.led fur .ieUll & lia. iin gairjn pcnrini bri 21' & a6' cell& Addiluilnal d.jrge of .I0"'6 aail.ible i ne..-.jr Ore ul onfl)3 a fc,,. lajtr rirm ijlbk Sellkc 1i eajer $14,000'acre. 39 ACRES IN MUSE L2 iiile from p.%:. r..j.l, in,.ludt. 2BR hunting e.:bm 4.51:n+ tuuri live joak fret.., on 19 .'.reC. ,: I be u ed lot ,ii u g.tiIun Lirnd ha.s ben lascr Ikcled, iand cnmneiced Iri dl.range v\lrcr f-.:itrii i 'plC.e Gt hb.in. tl raiureC nd enj:) endless privacy $1,800,000. INCOME PRODUCING ORANGE GROVE w/50% hamlins, 50% valencias, various ages, microjet irriga tion. 124 total acres. Acreage can.be split into.a. ' acre tract and an 80 acre tract for endless building possibilities. $12,500 per acre. VERSATIITY ABOUNDS! 43.32 acres of oaks, pirr., .'Iprr_, ure adJ ape, piiure Crear graziiLg lnd Iit h-.'r-, ui callle M-laniuitiolutd Homt oiild a in s eit, e'ith well and p[.o er PropFur A:.ned ornl. h.'.me'icr .r ahrtc, Perleca place i.get "l.iy arid i.- e iall :l $1.280,000. OAK HAMMOCK, CYPRESS AND PALMETTOS TREES grj hie l l:nd-_pe of tdis 180" i' are, in Mu e Creek runs thi-.iugh the N'E ide ,-f the pi'op- ter), ilhirriv ti lih lrinqrilir) ofl hih pn riie h.iue $1,100,000. RETREAT FROM THE CITY to ithi .l ) pjarel otf -ell rrainrtair. dirn rad Linimiled polentil flor a irani rcar,.h rni-rl hidelri A A .'real $30,000 per acre. MANAGEABLE ORANGE GROVE off Ct 'S, pn vrlc r.:ad leadrI..-- l i n'U ja:r. in Fr Dunmud $965,000. 30 BREAFTAKI.NG ACRES IN MUSE on pied Sinlerllke Rd. llni crt-ate olier. iiTpr'oved paLture- I.inl arid bemrii tl %.idrd are ain bjl Wh sides of i pllnr.lrur:iU: fl.:inrg i .rcrk imp Houeis and li and pump r.ll tre ui a f'. of Ihe aimeriues atlu m.ike ihla h oni:e in a lfkllrnic ipporrunirty' 'io) ca i op Ihrir unique par.:l I..i ronll $705,000. SrcI TAOGE LAMD C W, Re.alt o w .in. h HOMES: * $595.900 3D 2BA home on 2 3 +,: jcrs in Naples H:orr features a pole barnm, reen lanIu, securir) spicm, duall repb':e. eai-m kaihcn and s Murph, Bedj lust to nurne J lewi -.f the man, e.\ra d-Lt hoame ic' [ o o.ier' Owneir .Age nt bring any ien- uu ofilfer * $550,000 PRICE REDUCEDI .-4BD.3?A home on I+ jre Home ha i .aulhed and coffer cedingR. a 5ound proof tudio, moveable biianid mn otl.hen and an ahbieground pool iluil O naie a few of the luxuni es th ltts beautiful home cfiers * $374,900 .BD 2BA Beauufl U ell ma nnitned home on manicured I air mi LaBelle' first gaed iverfronit Commurdir * $149,999 2BD.1BA p.iooius hoet, lejaurer a completely fenced in yard and an above ground pool. *. 94,900. 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in LaBelle. sjitw i VilwrE h 'iib cabi- nets, hotTRt ?fell' lora nd with a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or firsi time homre bu r fMOB1LE HOMES- * $475,000 Spjaoius !,BDEA in,:bilc home in MIwe 11ii, on st irc, Ib pai'ljuu' home -jilurt' ir' jddlu.orn aih II n own entrance and TIdCh more The pr,:.prciTy h. a pond rrth an li.l',d and bnJge, an above ground pool, 2 barns and more. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+- acresfea es a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. PRISrINE AND GREEN PASTLiRELANDI i., Ientrcd JTc.i of imp)ped Ird read, Id' ,,liour ie.- firni, ixl arm, or grazing iiinjal Z oned orib hor. per i a-,r', .mid i r corenienrrl lo-Iati"j irN Mn j $660,000. 20 ACRES ON MAHOGANY AVENUE IN MUSE. Plenty of Spite c.rn thin pJati l 10 pPr i ht prlil: home.'i, EnIr)y he quidr and u-ii irh, wildJldt a ihe silunJr Pure Cold Coun ty ll itiii Ea,..k up i I.)kei Brother, arid i lern,.d oin it hrlir ul 5498,000. "A" RATED ACREAGE Prime and almost perfect is the best way to describe this large, lovely homesite. You can enjoy your horses and your privacy on this 3.96+- acres in the Port LaBelle lach-i riic, $389.000. 3.02 ACRES IN GLADES COUNTY RANCHETTES clritd JjnI rcidy for building. Lbc:niel .n Fr.nuei Cirje $305.000. BRING THE KIDS, DOGS AND HORSES. BeauiJful II ".-re i.i l in Muc n-iO Fi o r, ,..j Lalii ths a IC Ellind and nlrit-d Esfcllren rarn.h .ril tf tui j i: ounti homrcinrle $.325,000. 20 ACRES OF INVESTMENT PROPERTY IN WESTERN MUSE. Al',h JprrreiuLun IJnd IaluC- Iin0 1, the hn 0 inc-ti Surr''uin .dl l '. 'iiiui: .roi i.d ,at.le $299,900. 5 ACRES WEST OF LABELLE & onll :i. -r di. uric, e fi Mc'.- Oaks:. pinc& parncio'i, i"':ugh- Oul tLe n.,pcn p[-v1e pln Builf n-, B, ,-lr rtn.ii hnic here 5269,900. 5 BEAiUlgDRCONTIBIACf 225,000o. 5 SERENE ACRES IN MUSE on a pued Lol-lo I Bay, juiJ pais SilItlri.e Pd 2 I tJ: njadiltl Bui ornc hor \...ur fhiu le horrie & ihe. i oir lo:.r .in Iri'. ninth $200,000 each. PEACE AND QUIET is 'h.ul puu rill hrnj h rih ih,, a'reager orn 'pji.d Hridry li 81. l.., In Pi- e'er FPlinIuur i O ri I. r l.f f:'l .rc'a % 2 huri' dili 5 'V i' panre L, tLu" R. lrfo Rel a'n,:,ri' $175,000 LADECA ACREAGE. Pejaicful gei Kl*jA pr.'F.pen on i e.c. $165,000. 2.5 ACRES IN PIONEER ONE LOT % ir lol ,i i and one loi ninlt ioll fi jlcl Hgh i drn iilh fpd metios and pines $79.900. 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863)-675,6788 1-888;675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol * $197,900 4D ILAa (jaorgeou' iioupgild nrriau. catured hviTme in LiBelle rTh, hnme leaiurei, J pl lo,:.r plra arid all injwn molding in the living jrnd diningroom. * $139,400 to $151,900- There ar i i avrilabtle 3BD.2BA manufactured home ind ill available 4BD.2bA manufahured h'me aitalable in the El Jo SubtJnilionr lo 'I home', are on 50i+ 3ar Ne and till under constiurnoin' Call ITr i.ompltrinri dare * $141,'00. 5 BD.'2IBa Ne Manuh'rurcd homce .ilh pnntr', dual iml, girden rdu, iepacate ih,:, ih. cr and .ihlght in the gue.il bxthruorri * $112,500 $120,500 Mariufa.:ured Home- New arid under iiniirucuor, in the M.I:re Hjcrin Yacht Club. The Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+ "ownership"park. Call today for completion date! * PRICE REDUCED $110,000 2BD/1BA mobile home on 2.5+/- acres in Clewiston. Enjoy peaceful country living year round or as a weekend getaway! * $81,900 3BD/2BA Nice corer lot in LaBelle with a manufactured home located close to :.:h.Ji ls, sholFpping and retraurantri * $"8,900 -bD 2BEA mobile ho:ime in Ortona. 'lihe mnibdc hlmc I.t pamrTll) urriilheJd The lot is .,urrourind inr, tieJuiul pilm arid oalk irc - * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. * $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, 2 5 ACRES IN PIONEER PLANTAlON. ihi, irnn qmIl hT'.m ii. '. itf, ou l iJ I t.r O si $$7-.,000 MONRiRA RUN(H ESTATES I 1.1" .: ru I - Irja.I $47,500 lo $67,500. HOMU51ETE5 REFINED HOMISI ES .Aitei d c.J rculnicJ L.j.i ,.,'L D P.:eJ ifron.m $90,000to $110.000 ir'. ,I ...l ,i l r.i ,J, ,iib nI' r, '.....rn] iu,.r.. ,. honm s i 3J jilillicl P .r ,. ill of O.iT i u i, :.r Jd iklk J j. i l.t-.iimy Irl I "2 ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL OLD FLORIDA OAKS. ili al l.>.ai.,..r., l..i pl.',illl h .rTin'llrc i .:t pIll rp lr' : o rI ., 2 I-,1. c [ 'r r cll rl.he ii .. .. ilic C 11 l i, jl]l,':l,- FJ .i "u Iljlu : I. r I 111, ll' I,. iplprr...ji: 11 $225,000. HARD TO FIND OAK Ili. .:.J :.- x. I. '. ic ... rv nr,, h -l H. l I...I I 11 ,, : r: h, 2 _ull.Jjll: lir.nle.il $150,000. PRIVACY' GAOREI 4', + J.rc .-t I. .: C'.. L i.ic I,, ruiii..hUJ irni i .li hi t,:crti E .iati) .:e ,cd .,il c e. ,' l ,' c... ,1 .ejn It, J ', rij. l cr .lu '.I ri $125,000. RELISH IHE PRIVACY Irec firlcid I 2 ..re on, Hinl'hli Iril] I rl[ci Inr i Tarrir Irn l r, i 1r i ng I'wn $99,900. BliILD WOlU HOME IN BELMONT SD ...i ihri (Jnil l nfr...ni pir. i ahml,- J l ii ni ihC w ItC Ji jnl imic Eja it.i.-ti ., i'.- H Si9 i rik.. hi 'a j r.j'i I.j r.-rn $90,000 (CKERSH THt (CHARM OF THIS BEAUTIFUL OAK tilled ..Iry loI Hi.l.r.ri i tf I.,: t ,r 1. [r.'nh 1 H-.r Y isIs it: i fi J~ re r I. if...u riJ 1 t $85,000 (Lt-DE-MAC LOT 101 i,. .nh F P.lir ...ff f'.n blind Id $59,900. WIDE \ARIE'n IN .AL LNITS m: ,.l Ijl.'rll. -In Ti rlhlnrl I!r 'it c ir 1 1 Ja.'f,: I' I c C il Om" eiill 'Ii .i:'r dJ r, ilciJ in cri llri y.' ,r 'in[l iu i ,l'ch,i e TROPICAl GULF ACRES. HOMESITES in t.rai hi.uniEt.i'i r.:h.:- i ff. i f, iiti 1i r 1 -i .:' - Finr icja .t PunflJ, i n.. J a i" ll l'I I. 'J d PRIJAO PURE AND SIMPLE ON fHESE I 25 r. - ji'rc ari p:i lchi'h Pil'p.nicir Hcndric ojunry t: talcd rurniri tr,.:.m Ihe :'eilrei *. Liclihi A,.:rc' H,,lcok ire ai'r Ir Ih':c -cerlring he quiliref I -iT ir lie.lle P..'i iJ lo:,m $85.000 and up. ,:I *,r imi '.u) f V.lc r,' 'i.:lr ftlcr. '.,iaji LEHIGH ESTIS.I Urn C .ifrl .:.i (J l. r -F,:, Mfrn $66.900. 1.2 ACRE BUILD-ABLE LOT -.r .I i .:, BlvdJ in L .high $62,900. Biug ,:, f .:Ir.'ii 3 10 CHOOSE FROM I a i,.fc Ii.. ii Ia' i.-liirh Ai.. 49900 to $5-1,900 JAGLIAR BLD IN LEHIGH.l..c i.. i ., 2. linh irtf.i r j pre ik..r buijL. L ',i,,Jlu,:l $52.500. rcitejil.,:'J p-rk, I,:..n h:i'p- a rid much iinre, * $988,025 \.arhc'uc & .Itiit '.,n I i*. jire One of a kind Aul:, S'dgeJi Jd OiganizedJ nt- clde. bill of health. * PRICE REDUCED $900.000 IS+ Hard il find acrc adjloining Bati 'k property in Must Paied road acc'.ss * $850.000 0o t '- ,:~i bL-au;ifull) 'edui J with pasture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. - $650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR80. SPRICE REDUCED $450,000 Build your dream country home on these 4.4+/- acres. Great location! Close to LaBelle, Alva & Fort Myers! * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home' are located on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. $14 /d .88+/- Acres thXM #/. -4ale $, 0." $98, c' Atu e There is a sin w gite fe Blm AMawl ae prop- erty. The mobile home is to be sold "as is." HOMESITES: * $25,500 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are dose to everything in LaBelle. * $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES RENTALS *' $950/Monthly 3BD/2Ba home in Ortona. 1. PRICE REDUCED, SELLER MOTIVATED! One of the few 15 +/- acre estates available! 3/2 like new mobile home, plus a 20' x 13' work shop, all accessi- ble with an exceptional gated entrance. All this with income from the grove. $700,000 2. "LIKE NEW" CBS HOME! 3/2r with split design, open floorplan w/cathedral ceilings and a gourmet kitchen! Rear lanai overlooks great landscaping and full yard irrigation system in Caloosa Estates. $412,500 3. COUNTRY PAR- ADISE! This 3/2 two story home, with large open front porch, and pole barn is waiting for you! Situated on 4.58 +/- beautifully mani- cured oak covered acres. $375,000 4. TOP LOCATION! Restaurants, shops, schools and grocery stores are all within minutes of this 3/2 home with a POOL! Situated on a quiet street, you'll enjoy spending evenings on your light and airy lanail Located in Cape Coral. $320,000 5. LARGE HOME ON ACREAGE! This 3/2 home on 2.11 +/- com- pletely fenced acres includes a large pole, barn with cement floor, separate custom office located in the barn, island kitchen and sky- lights. $299,000 6. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME! This brand new 3/2 home is ready for its', first owners. This home features tile and carpet throughout, huge screened lanai, sprin- kler system and a com- plete appliance package including washer and dryer. $218,000 7. ONE OF A KIND HOME! This unique 3/2 home, situated on a cor- ner lot, has wood floors, built-in cabinets, a brick fireplace, a large fenced backyard, with a variety of citrus trees, and a screened in veranda. Located in Wauchula. $179,000 8. PRICED TO SELL!!! This beautiful 3/2 home is only three years old, and has cathedral ceil- ings in the living room and dining room! New construction houses are going up all around this unique home. $175,000 9. PREMIUM HOME IN PRIME LOCATION! This brand new 3/2 manufac- tured home is surround- ed by beautiful oak trees on 2.5 +/- acres, and comes with a 25 HP trac- tor with front loader, box blade & bush mower. Located in Pioneer Plantation. $159,900 10.. REMODELED FROM HEAD TO TOEI This 2/1 home has been completely remodeled w/ tile floors throughout, large enclosed family room surrounded by windows, and an addi- tional screened porch. $159,900 11. AFFORDABLE LIV- ING! This 3/2 home, in a deed restricted commu- nity, features 2 newly remodeled bathrooms, new ceramic tile in the kitchen and new appli- ances. $155,000 12. TRIPLE VALUE PACKAGE! Two homes and pole barn on 1 +/- acre! Large pole barn, double wide mobile home w/ screened lanai's and extra outbuildings + single wide mobile w/ extra outbuilding. $154,000 HORSESHOE ACRES 4 bedroom 4.5 BOATERS PARADISE! LOCATED IN HORSESHOE ACRES -Double wide manu- bath concrete block, 22+OAK FILLED acre MOORE HAVEN Riverfront 4/3 single factored home with attached carport and ranch. High and dry, great horse ranch, family, large screen patio w/spa to riverside, bonus shed. Nicely furnished plus many beautiful,quiet + peaceful setting. 55+ Community, 20'X6' dock w/electric & extras included. $129,900. $1,300,000. 601LB205054878 water. $350,000. 601LB200613029 601LB205080477 :, .,,,0L 2 5 58 h,% LABELLE AND MUSE Ideal home for you and your horses. 10.28 beautiful acres, fenced, cross-fenced, exceptional pasture, spring-fed pond. $599,900. 601LB200606019 KELL MILL TERRACE DBL Wide Mobile with Front and Back wood porches. Has year old reroof. Second structure is used as a office! $239,000. 601LB200607400 .-W*' .'sla".-,,r. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN DEVELOPED TURKEY CREEK BOATER'S PARADISE AREA OF PORT LABELLEll!- Pavers brick This CBS 2b/lb home is located near entryway. Spacious livingroom. Upgraded Ortona Lock with direct access to the Gulf extras within the home. Large gameroom of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. in back of home. $199,900. $399,900. 601LB200627891 601LB200613848 LAKEPORT FISHING AT LAKE OKEE- CHOBEE AND THE BIG CANALS. 1B/1B Mobile condo. Great Community with all the amenities. Community boat dock on large canal, access Lake Okeechobee. $72,500. 601LB200619641 VACATION HOME 1/1 on small lot in beautiful mobile park. Access to boat ramp has access to Lake Okeechobee. A fisher- mans delight. $54,900. 601LB200614378 Cal -86-57230o wwc~subetuo CaeC ra or0yrs-Pn Iln -Lhgh-Brt S7 --rs 0 00aros-Laele Npes Punu oro Carott Hrbr PrtChalote- ee.Ceek- uroc -Veic NothPot- okmi FrUl' '00 ern rek- spe HOMESITES * 2.5 +/- acres seconds from downtown LaBelle, partially cleared and ready to build. Off of SR 29. $250,000. (Adjoining 2.5 +/- acres w/ mobile home also available for $275,000) * Oak filled 2 +/- acre estate in one of LaBelle's most desirable neighborhoods, Oak Haven. $220,000 * 1+/- acre cleared and ready to build in prestigious Ft. Denaud. $215,000 * Beautifully wooded 2.08 +/- acre secluded homesite, close to town. $199,000 * 1.45 +/- acre property in town, high and dry, w/ a water line in place. $180,000 * 1 +/- acre directly across from the Intracoastal Waterway, in deed restricted Ft. Denaud. $179,900 * 2.4 +/- acres in Muse, nicely wooded with pines and paved access. SELLER MOTI- VATED! $104,900 * High profile location on corner of CR78 and Caloosa Estates Dr., boasting 160' +/- creek frontage! $89,900 * Two 2.5 +/- acre tracts in the Muse area. Buy one or both together. $89,500 each * .50 +/- acre lot in Indian Hills, minutes away from the golf course and public boat ramp. $49,500 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL. 33975 863.675.4500 Realtors: Emily Ankeney Tony Barnes Gregory Bone Lisa Cleghorn SBonnie M. Denning, CPA Ward Dickinson Art Fry" Joyce Gerstman Yvonne Hallman Lisa Herrero Phyllis Kelley-Miller Wayne McQuaig *Paul Meador Dan Pool Katie Solomon Synda Williams Tracey L. Williams Southrn lana Investments 8 Real Estate Sherri Denning Licensed Real Estate Broker www.soland.com Call our knowledgeable and friendly staff about land form 1/4 acre to 100+ acres!!! WE'RE LAND EXPERTS! aIwII 121----~ . ITollFree.877.314.e38L I I r Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 Cheer and Dance Academy teams finish first Asteroidz sixth grade and under r-^^ct^ ;' ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cblelle@strato.net LANGFORD 3s1 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 'T all" Spoken Here! EXTREME CLEANS, INC. Cobr-s nict ion Commercial Resideniftal 863 675-0810 239 344-6712 We'rethebestf :.': r* :.- ^Homes NFW\' H CME C\ONSTRLrL'TION p)863-612-0070 f) 863-612-0080 825 E. ..1. Way Suite 108 LaBelle, [L 33935 : a .o , 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson River Where Quality is Done in Style CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T EDDIE GATES Agent Senior liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National I I Ilr iI.II,,11... Company | 2035 McGregor Blvd F. Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) 675-3233 STAT CEIRFIED CASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATINGCONTRACTOR World Class" Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights Thurs 9 8 216S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 r CHRIST Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The lords Supper 1, y & 5 Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Where evyybody is Saebody andJesus is Lord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net i divislorij o K.A tSilliet r I-r DAVE TALLEY OPERATIONS MANAGER LAND CLEARING & SIT DEVELOPMENT DEMOLITION & DEBRIS REMOVAL BASE ROCK, FILL DIRT&SAND ICULVE'RIS 863-675-4017 CELL 239-638-8649 8030 CEDARWOOD PKWY. IBELEL, FL 3393,S I 't~!!i/l BEDDING 1060 IIwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www.whitesfumriturcandalpplnaes.com STATE FARM INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State Farm Is there. ^E a, r j' qa-1 RICHARD K. SULLIVAN, ESQ. Criminal Defense Attorney FREE Consultations Available for contact after normal business hours Please call (863) 674-0444 CLASSIC CONCEPTS HAIR . AND TANNING SALON 283 South Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 674-1122 Hours Monday thru Wednesday 9 am. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 am. to 12 p.m. Smart Tan Accredited Salon IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENT 300 Davis St.- En la esquina de Bryan Ave. Domingo: Servicio 10:00 a.m. Studio Biblico 6:00 p.m. Martes: Servicto 7:30 p.m. Studio Biblico y Clase de Ingles Pastor Ben Millican 863-674-0837 Iglesia: 673-0782 Ciro C.: 571-0377 SGrave Covers Monuments Granite Markers Of all Kinds Any inscrpitions, scenes, final dates, etc 646- & IS" (406) 766-2326 (406) 766-2360 EO. Box 2 I-oid, MT 59226 I Rl ,!, I ,mFN.i I tI AK SERVICES Total Landscaping, Interlocking Paving Stones, Land Clearing & Final Grading Services, Mobile Detail & Pressure Cleaning Services, Concrete Additions & Pumping Services Drywall Finishing, Texturing & Strucco Services Mark: 239-872-4680 Amber: 863-673-2320 Licensed & Insured LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS 8 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle. FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/61.2--50 . Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. Certified Estate Specialist AU 293S AB2171 PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 rhlum[l]I; :i-:4 ;iClJ[.4 Osceola Concrete Services LLC Colored Stamped Concrete Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exterior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair and Resealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured DENTURES DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC US 41 SOUTH FT. MYERS 1,866 226m9400 CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN AM \INTI.\INi NE L CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us on the web at www.iinin ,O.2 corn Se Ilabla Espantol MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured Garage', Inc. adus HusaDo~o~s~ 863-675 -032 737 S. Bridge St. F W Suei1lnl 1{,, Cleistoo L~kile. FL IN W, hillild b w., llw l jus'L \;irth iof Lu:gkrd EFordi -M-f 1.8Is.2aQ.170 LAEELLE CARPET & TILE OUTLET VV'lies.il flourin '\\.rchousLls 1050 COMMERCE DR LABELLE,FL East ofthe 4 waystap tol i \\),, f, k ,' i l i> 1,ioCommerceDrive 863-675-8575 T. irn.: In r,.:k Selection.' and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES -)_ OFFICE: (863) 675-7045 \ L k -e LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863'673-2463 239-370-7954 .MaNol efri r I Si 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 Wailkins Vlcome IMMOCALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1302 Lake 1. 1i u1 ni .4 .:l' Ii. Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6.363 CALOOSA LAWN SERVICE Licensed & Insured FREE Estimates Mowing, weedeating edging and trimming Specializing in Customer Satisfaction Call Ed & Diana Kuntz S (863) S675-6432 or S(863) 673-6544 Dana Howard Weekly American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC SHCl1017.SP uicensed & rswed OFFICE (863) 675-8314 COOPER HAULING, LLC FILL DIRT SHELL DELIVERED Fax: 863-675-3223 Cell: 863-673-2108 Rick Cooper Owner/Operator *i')1m IB,.t mI z k m l,-, SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES in7WIrT\r ~,Wb1t Zl~t~~ Iii .- e .'" '. 6 .. .- - WEEDING -MOWING PlANTING; Sod ReplaceInt & olhter Lawni aia;mce CALL (239) 357-2972 lic. & Insured e-mail: casperbnib4@ya i>, \ico "w.hn 'ou need a serviCe call ap rcssonaldh 7 Call 883-675-2541 or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! I I Fim I a -, I ~I _1 4] _ \Illl)llrSIL~ L113111 _ 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 Again, By Barbara Oehlbeck This year, April was a pure poem. Her characteristics came early and stayed with us for her 30 days. And now we have only to look and listen and feel the fra- grance of May... brimming over with buds and blossoms and sweet scents as .she shows herself on the stage of a Florida Spring. Like a fawn, May is soft and gentle. Splendid with grace, and filled with thankful songs...from flowers, from the land and water, from those on the wing and all we of Earth, including the still-spotted twins of mother deer. Her days are fresh and fearless, nights are sweet and balmy, and her winds are warm with left-over scents from April and paw-paw that grows throughout the piney woods. The crown jewel of the whole year to many of us is the merry SBC t special month of May.... with myriad good reasons. Winter is not only gone but forgotten and the storm sea- son has not yet arrived. There's still a lingering fragrance of orange blossoms and the first flitting sparkles of fireflies are all about. The wrens have hatched their first- born of the year and if his song is any indication of intentions for a second family, it won't be long. For reasons known only to him, his song of May is more melodious. than at any other time of year with soul-sweet arpeggios imploring his love to come quickly and be about romance and a honeymoon and a second nest. Wrens don't really need any help in house- building but they usually-take kind- ly to a small bucket hung sorta sideways high enough to be out of the reach of Josie, who at times thinks she is a house cat and not a .. i ." : ` '' : , day for your mother and mine dog. Wrens also explore more than once a small three-cornered board nailed in a protected spot...here again too high for the cat or dog. Of course, these little winged creatures who do all good and no harm are perfectly capable of tak- ing care of themselves, but then, who are we to say they don't appre- ciate a helping' hand once in a while? And, this day in May is an alto- gether fitting time for honoring all our Mothers. There's no way of wearing out that beloved old say- ing: "He could not be everywhere all the time, so God made Moth- ers." Julia Ward Howe made the first known suggestion for a Mother's Day in the United States. That was way over a century ago in 1872. However, it was a lot of years later when the official observance of Mother's Day came about. It was Anna Jarvis who campaigned relentlessly for a national day hon- oring mothers. Her efforts were rewarded with success in 1914 when Presi- dent Woodrow proclaimed the second Sunday in May as the annual observance of "public expression of our love and rever- ence for the mothers of our coun- try." And so it has been ever since. The origin of the ancient cus- tom of wearing a red rose or flower when one's mother is liv- ing, or a white flower if she is not, has faded into obscurity. However, we do know that the day itself could not be designated at a more beautiful and appealing time. Sending flowers of any kind or color has become a tradition. throughout the country, not only for mothers but for anyone who has become endeared tb us through whatever circumstances or for whatever reasons. And somehow, Mother's Day seems poetically appropriate for this cus- tom. Mid-May is as near to perfection as a time can be which befits this day of special honor to our moth- ers. This year that special day is Sunday, May 14.: And yet another thought from yesterday or even another yester- day from way down the already- traveled road: Blood is thicker than water. Well, not always. There are some very wonderful, exceptions... like Godmothers and stepmothers and others who fill that special void in some lives. After all is said and done, moth- er-love is \here you find it. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/ Barbara Oehlbeck Mother, grandmother, great- grandmother and great- great-grandmother Licerted Fl.nda Broker Businefs 100% Financing Available SFull Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purchases Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamni, Espari:l HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers. Backhoes, Loaders, Dump -Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, .EXL' I itors -Nat ional Cer il icAitioll -Job Phicement Assistance DIGITAL RECEPTION SERVICES, INC. Satellite TV Installers --.: ... a n., 800-405-5833 Associated Training Services SWhie: t you need a service, tall 1& tp: ina Call 863-675-2541 or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! EI :1 il~i41)]..'T dflmlIIdol)J dKe aad &it ow Marine, Inc. 18631675-7711 F 18631 675-706 LiC*HC355 SP nJnd Inruisd Commercial K Fe liental Stall Call 'msr $rt& t P 't.. Ereilce With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates. References & Service Calt 863-675-3231 Call 863-675-0000 Toll-Free 888-332-3345 Visit our website at: www.burson-weathers.com Offices in Alva and Downtown Fort Myers TChe kin C(Roup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 Shoreside Realty & Mortgage, Inc. 450 Hwy 80 W. LaBelle, FL 674-0101 PORT LABELLE INN IThe OC OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. -11p.m.. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OXBow DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Pnncipal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax (863) 674.0095 Cll: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bames@alankellymortgage.om Caloosa Sores Waterfront Homesites Jim Green Realty Owner-Broker 239-728-5481 __ew IHo ons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us cacll GREG MINERS ac Real sta e Broker Si thrn INVI.STM FNTS' ,1 RE I F.STNFUT. SECRETARIAL SERVICES From My House 'yping/Data Entry Spreadsheets Bookkeeping Cold Calling/Telemarketing/Sales 30years' experience Reasonable, affordable Save money No payroll taxes, insurance or overhead Please call me with any questions. 863-674-0416 SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N, Industrial Loop Rd, LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon- Friday Special .,poinimrenis Available Hablamos Bspalol 9 PHOTO ONE PHOTOGRAPY AND VIDEO 571 Davis Street LaBelle, FL ,33935 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-mail: .npatnnellpl h'o ll iea rtlilink net SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 433 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rentals PropertyManagement Put your trust in Number One! L K http://ww.c21bc.com .Barbara M. Watt Broker/Owner 233 N. BRIDGE ST QMn s coMMsn 1a o A a& awaMnSoN 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com Spropery management S* rentals sales CINDYL. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER n MR a, -,) Vv Rcalnty roMup. Inc. Usa .ndrews Lic. Real Estate Broker 238 N. Bridge St. l-aBelie, F I' , 863-675-8868 i,. -. h. .l l i b ,i| l. ilJ .| .i ,i SOD SALES & INSTALLATION ALL TYPES OF SOD SERVING HENDRY, LEE & CHALOTIEE COUNTIES CALL (863) 673-1491 BankofAmerica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirle:willisi@bankoramerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle EDISON PLUMBING, INC. I\'niclv [loug NEW .'ONlI Kl't IION ShL\Al.(< OMLI.KEcIAL Nii.il ', I.\ SERVICE REPAIRS CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824 875 Industrial C* LaBelle, FL Ct142b690) rrit PSHMAIT S INlURED COUNTRY HOMES & Irea REi ESTATE Kathy Hutchins LiC, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Weblile at CenlralFloildaLandSales corn RIVERSIDE P'REAL ESTATE Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 3393.5 863-675-2718 www.laI cllerixrcidc.com. Se-mtail; calestattc lalxllredvnikkccom Marilyn Sears i. ae a Ret d IR nle kci(er Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 Bankston f Realty S'<..,;. / .. .. [.al.rl vj .,In ,L 'L'V lr,. U L. E l *'*li I I ISon LRNDFSCRPING PRESSURE CLEANING 863 673 4565 S 'THE.' OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 adty Co. OFFICE: 863-675-4547 CELL: 863-673-4970 TERRI BANKY' BROKER C g *1 v s RO[)NEY i L'RRAY iL k i;i ,l tlItiah lI'ki LaBelle, FL, 863-675-4550 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net -WOODI 1^ l^GABELLE RESORT* CLUBHOUSE RENTAL & POOL MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE CALL FOR INFORMATION (863) 675-3641 Se Habla Espauol HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimrmng & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863.675-3955 (35 Years Experience) cVS/phiariiaG I Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER 7 Days A Week 'ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or mail cbellestrato.net IIKITA6P) LAND CON.." 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol DONNA KANE ic. IEtsU Esan BRom PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675.0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER. BROKER CUCINA Di CIELO STEAK, SEAFOOD & PASTA 700 W. LEEIJND HEIGHTS BLVD. SUITE 103 LEHIGH ACRES, FL 239.369.8883 HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863.675-0403 : .11 ~i it,, ... ....... ..... I I I I \~~\~~v. atsll-firllonl s.conl Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 735 42 Announcement IMerchandise Moble Homes Employment Agriculture Recreation Automobiles I Services Real Estate Public notices 13 t rE 0'iMW kvfl for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! SReach more readers when you run your ar uoy several papers nf our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad SMust be for a personal item. (No commercial items. pets or animals) Must fit into 1/2 inch .. (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be $2,500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! I Announcements, Important Informato Please read your ad careful the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The. publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the lrjrd Bdicrl ;-eMrEn|C Ailli ads accepted are subet I to credit approval. All ads must conform to Independent INrtspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 'Auctions 010 715 ACRES overlooking Lake Guntersville, AL. Subdivided into 28 tracts, offered separ- ately & as a whole. Absolute Auction.. May 20. Furrow Auction Co., 1-800-4FUR- ROW, www.furrow.com. AL Lic. #0872. Estate Auction, 173+/- acres- divided; Homesites, river frontage, timber cruise. Col- quitt County, GA. Saturday, May 20, 10:00 a.m. 10% buyer's premium. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388 www.rowel- lauctions.com GAL AU- C002594. Executive Estate Auction on the St. John's River Mort- gage Foreclosure 4BR/4.5BA Home On 2 ac Boat house with dock May 13 1pm in Mandarin, FL jwhillauc- tions.com; call 888-821-0894 AB2083 BABYSITTER NEEDED to care for 2 young children. 4- I days per week. Ref. required. Call Valerie 863-697-2181 DACHSHUND, small brown male, near US 98, in Bass- wood, Sun., May 7th. Call to identify. (863)467-2600. DOG- Found on Drive In Rd. Wk/end of 4/28th Small Ter- rier. Please ca11(863)357-1350 BULL MASTIFF- Male 130-140lbs. Missing bottom K-9. Vic. E. Palomar & S. Edge Water 863-673-2113 Reward DOG, Min. Schnauzer, light gray female, "Abby", was in car accident on SR 80. REWARD. (407)718-0958 DOG, Min. Schnauzer, light gray female, "Abby", was in car accident on SR 80. RE- WARD $1000 (407)718-0958 DOGS, Neutered male chihua- hua & female beagle in Muse area. (863)674-0874 or (239)425-7016. BASSET HOUND, Male, 2 years old. Free to good ome. (863)763-4052 erca- Not ice CAT- 12yrs old, blk, w/whi markings F spayed very friendly, prefer 3dulls w/no pets (863)675-6205 CURR & PIT MIX- 7 weeks. Give away to good homes. (863)675-2844 FREE GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES great watchdogs, all shots. (863)983-5597 KITTENS- 3, Tabby Calico, Avail. 05/26/06. Not good for small children. (863)467-2474 KITTENS- FREE Lovable. Ready on 5/23/06. (863)467-8464 HUGE YARD SALE LaBelle, Sat. May 13th, 7:30- ?, 2630 Bee Branch Lakes Dr., Across bridge to 78, 2.5 mi. Antiques, Art Deco Bedrm suit (Mint cond.) Toys Clothes Shoes & Every- thing you could Need or Want! LABELLE, Sat., 5/13, 8am til 12 Noon, 1212 Woods Dr., Lots of Clothes, new Home Interior, Misc., & Other New Items. MultiaFamiy LABELLE- Sat. May 13th, 8am- ?, 3662 Fort Keis Ave. Ft. Denaud Acres. MultiaFamily LaBelle, Sat. May 13th 8am- NOON. 1644 Garden St. Something for everyone! See you there. LABELLE- Sat. May 13th, 8am-1pm, 425 S Davis St., children clothing, and more HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.atsn-schools.com. Teachers Wanted! Over 50 South Carolina school dis- tricts interviewing at the an- nual SC EXPO for Teacher Recruitment in Cblumbia, SC, June 12. FREE registra- tion online at: www.cer- ra.org. Statewide online teaching application available at: www.win- throp.edu/scteach. CLUBHOUSE RENTALS For Weddings, Parties, Banquets & Quinceaneras. Call 863-675-3641 Se Habla Espafol LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to set up a Web Page. Please call Lucy (863)467-6423 Employment 0 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-TRme 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. FIRST APPRAISAL Assistant Office Manager Must be experienced in Out- look and Word & Speak both English/Spanish w/excellent personal references. Email: firstappraisal0l@earthlink.net orfax resume 863-675-1005 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR With valid CDL drivers license. Please call 863-983-9941 or apply at 2954 Airglades Blvd, Clewiston. Get a quick response to any Item you may he sell- Inn with a classifed ad. I--p B i- PLACE YOUR AD HERE =P A APR CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL; starting at $39.95 PerDay HUNTERS TREE SERVICE STree Trimming & Removal SStump Grinding Shaping & Topping 863-675-0403 Licensed and Insured FuiilllTime--''l I, -^^^ Vi omn Fu IIim Must have advanced knowledge to troubleshoot, make minor & major repairs to wiring, motors, elec- trical components, panels and equipment and PM throughout various departments in the plant. Basic math and reading skills. Available to work extended shift and days. Medical/dental/vision, company matched 401K, holidays, vacation, sick, other bene- fits available. Apply in person at 6007 S. Hwy 29, LaBelle, FL (863-675-0336 ext/ 3538 A. Duda & Sons, Inc. Citrus Belle is EOE/Drug Free Workplace compliant IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Full/Time Welders & Painters Experienced Only Apply. Call Mike (863)675-3424. Grab a bargain from your neighbor's garage, attic, basement or clos- et in today's classlieds. Job Crafters, Inc. NOW HIR- INGIII First Class Shipyard Trades: Pipe Fitters, Struc- tural Fitters, Structural Welders. Work in FL, AL Over Time + Per Diem UP TO $23./hour. Toll-Free: (800)371-7504 Phone: 251)433-1270 Fax: (251)433-0018. Earn some extra cash. Sel your used Items In the classllleds i- ecial NotIc IE t -mlom Ful T ime 00 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. )ri\venl\ House Pads Demolition 'loirinc Fil Din r- CiIh'n .s rk Shrill Rock Trie' Trtnini.ri' & irnl il,% I.II.l p. lit I i r ,...I &I1 fir, ,1 OFFICE: (863) 675-8314 Call Kolvin Townsend Cell @ (863) 673 3783 HCr07 SP Ei pomn Ful im I'l II -~ Employment Ful Tie 011 Utility Operator/ Mechanic Southern Gardens Citrus Processing Corporation has immediate opening for a utility operator/mechanic with 3 to 5 years experience working with utility systems including portable water, steam, compressed air, ammonia refrigeration, and waste water systems. Ability to pass PFT fit test and respiratory physical. Also need Mechanic with experience in pneumatics, hydraulics, screw conveyors, pump repair and welding. High school or equivalent, shift work and weekends required. Good pay, bonus, 401 K, benefits, and over- time. Contact HR Dep. @ 863-902-4133, fax 863-902-4315 or dmelton(southerngardens.com LABELLE DODGE HELP WANTED - Title Clerk Sales Consultant Auto Detailer Fax Resume to 863-675-4294 or Call 863-675-2710 labelledodoe@ plattnerautomotivearoup.com EOE/DFWP When you want something sold, advertise In the classifeds. LAND CLEARING COMPANY Seeking experienced Loader Operators, Top Pay& Benefits. Must be exp in land clearing. LOW BOY Driver Needed. (239)567-1089 MECHANIC- Full time, for re- pair and maintenance of Fruit trailers and road tractors. Persons requesting more in- formation or wishing to apply may do so at the Oakley Groves, LaBelle Terminal, lo- cated at 1276 Commerce Dr. Employmen Ful.Tie 20 SOkeechobee News The Okeechobee News is seeking a full time Outside Sales Consultant. The right applicant will: Be enthusiastic Be riquisiti\ e 3e service oriented Be highly motivated Be a sell-managed individual Be well organized Preferably have previous sales experience Be a good team player Be able to handle pressure Have computer skills The Okeechobee News offers: Potential for advancement A unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered Competitive pay and benefits Life and Disability Insurance 401(K) Retirement Plan Generous time off program The Okeechobee News Is An Equal Opportunity Employer HELP WANTED ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR- Must have 8 yrs experience with a licensed contractor. ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR & LIFEGUARD openings at East Recreation in Harlem for summer Program. $9-$12 hour. Applications available & accepted at Sub-Office, Civic Center and Harlem Office in Clewiston and Personnel Office In La- Belle. Lifeguard must be Certified/ 1stAid/CPR priorto em- ployment. MECHANIC I- Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or mechanic's helper preferred. MECHANIC II- Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, three years experience. Both Mechanic positions require class B drivers's license. Must have a High School Dploma or GED. Both located In Clewiston. GIS COORDINATOR- for the LaBelle office. Must have Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or university In com- puter science, geography, or related field with considerable experience in the use of Geographic information systems or 8yrs equivalent experience. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet. Pref. EEO. Drug Free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Com- missioners HR Department. Hendry- LaBelle Recreation Board is accepting applications for employment for a six week Summer Youth Program. Positions available are for one Program Director, one Assistant Program Director & several Group Leaders. Applications must be submitted by Friday, May 19, 2006. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Coorthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Veterans preference as outlined in the Florida Statutes. Hendry County is an equal opportunity employer. Drug Free Workplace. Financial L/iLtneAds "M.'oenddy ilsl w lAuctions l~cton I~pecia Notic PRIME ~i 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 IEpioye Ful Tie I'l Join the most exciting attraction in SW Florida JOB OPPORTUNITIES Cage Cashier $9.50 per hour Cocktail Server '$5.50 plus tips Dining Room Hostess $8.00 per hour Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips Dishwasher/Steward $7.50 per hour Housekeeper $9.00 per hour Maintenance Worker $10.00 + D.O.E. NEW! Poker Dealer $28.00 avg. w/grats Prep Cook $8.00 per hour Security Officer $10.00 per hour Sous Chef $12.00 + D.O.E. TAD Floor Clerk $21.00 avg. w/grats NEW! TAD Technician $12.50 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst Housekeeping Supervisor Human Resources Manager Security Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL Phone: 1-800-218-0007 The Semnole Casino is a Drugf ne Worlplace MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 LPN Ior I (FT.PT. Pendm) FI tPN L IV ie.i. wIill. i 10 io. I'.il c.Ib l ,.': dul Support &Full Tme- REGISTERED NURSE FL IK wlrh I .r ec p. il Irin ilc. grad Rad"log TtctalmolopuMaammoiraphc .A'RT rqe iith Fn LaL i ne, Familar Alh, M SA suidatd & Marmoraphic QA p,~eduib Full e- CT/lAbidgc Teda (8:30 am. p.m. or I0 am. to 7 p.m.) AART rig anih 3 v ald FL Lic. 2 yrean f pid. Mu, p.hi ;esi oCliti,-, cAi jv c kills. wAl inrdepeindein y pioliceril in CT and Ginteil Radigraphr . Per ean- Holekeeper Musl hie I*-2) ,er h ie s .p li or tib ep. ,A..J nrd l li io.. hou.. & fiTfni.fi a le js~ilFii nuar, re' F:. l mtinper d-Fom-ood ServlccAlde Pro opp. ir paIn irs y e, up pier. Mui be able I. l r.d i, & Ai1 lo.0i hours. mainuin 3 I ale s3niLurS n vi,,..n eii Part time- loorTec yr ep ,n an 'ciiion in i es reli s an g .ui ai l.r o pb ',rio .. 'i-r i, ' luncilij'i 10 Io r,oi ,' a niurl iad ordtii, cie .-oii,,,o Ter Full Time/Per Diem C.NA Mu'si h3ie val.d FL C N A Cerlilcle Full time- CCU Nurse Manager Valid Florida license and ACLS reqZ S5yerr l circil enp. and 3 years of CCU skill competencies req I year of management exp. necessary. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Faxresume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace E EOE Practical NurLicese The Seminole Tribe of Florida has an opening for an LPN at our Health Clinic at our Big Cypress Reservation. Provide ambulatory Nursing services, Phone triage, Administer meds, therapeutic treatments & diagnostic testing. Assist w/transport. Home visits. Active FL LPN lic. required. Current BLS certification. Resume to: galtman(5semtribe.com or fax to: (954)967-3477 Details at: www.semtribe.com REDLANDS CHRISTIAN MIGRANT ASSOCIATION The Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) is a unique, well established, non-profit organization ;that provides quality child care and education for riigrant and rural low income children in 20 counties within the State of Florida. RCMA seeks highly motivated individuals who possess a BA in Early Childhood Education or Special Education or Nursing with an emphasis in pediatrics and child development to be responsible for a full range of education and health services for infant/tod- dler, and preschool children. Bilingual in Eng- lish/Spanish a plus. RCMA offers an excellent benefit package that usually surpasses other child care insti- tutions. Competitive pay range between $13.00 up to .$19.50 an hour depending on experience. Send resume to: Lynn Bowen at Lynnb@rcma.org or to the LaBelle Area Oice 551 W. Cowboy Way, LaBelle, FL 33975. Deadline: May 15,2006 MECHANIC NEEDED @ Feed Mill Experienced Diesel Mechanic Experience on Semi Tracior Trailers a plus; Benefits avail Apply al: Syiretl Feed Co. 3079 NW 81h SI, Okeechobpe (863)763-5586 OAK BROOK OF LABELLE Now lacking applications i, Ihe lolowing positions Housekeeping, P/T Cook. Certified Nursing Assistants and LPN'S Come Join Our Team and Participate in Ihe Benefits. Oakbrook OfLaBelle 250 Broward Ave LaBelle, FL 33935 OFFICE ASSISTANT FT Must have good comput- er skills, telephone etiquette and be organized, detail oriented and able to multi- task. Knowledge of Word, Excel and Outlook a plus. Great benefits: Insurance, 401K and paid vacation. Phone: 863.675.4410 Fax Resume: 863.675.4570 Mail resume: RO. Box 2357, LaBelle, FL 33975 5701 Fl. Denaua Road Alva. FL HOUSEKEEPER: Needed P/T. In the Bassinger Area to help Cleaning Windows .& Screens, etc. Call 863-467-4823 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career! Offering courses in CDL A. One tuition fee! Many pay- ment options! No registration fee! (888)808-5947 in- fo@americasdrivingacade- my.com. S!LWOIKIYIY Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm Home...Every Weekendl" Great Pay & Benefits! Special Orientation Pay for Exp. Driv- ers! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cypresstruck.com (888)808-5846. DRIVERS $1500.00 bonus every 6 months. OTR, Excel- lent home time, New Equip- ment, 1 year Experience Class A with tank & hazmat. Call (877)882-6537. www.oakleytransport.com. Financial R I I T FusinVes Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! THOUSANDS OF BUSINESS- ES For Sale By Owners Na- tionwide. Preview Business For Freel Interested In Buying Or Visit www.gwmer- ger.com. Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some oxtra bucks when you sell yoMe used Items In the clasalfelds. Employmen Drug Free Work Place Excellent Benefits & Pay 401 K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 DELIVERY DRIVER/WAREHOUSE PERSON Competitive wages, free health insurance, 401 retirement plan. paid uniforms, M-F work week. Some heavy lifting required. Drug test required. Must be 18 years or older with a good driving record. Honest. hard working person looking for a long term career, with an excellent .company, please apply at Boyton Pump, 1220 Commerce Drive, -LaBelle -'.- : Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK BRIGHTON RESERVATION High School Diploma or GED minimum one (1) year exp. Accounting exp., invoices/ purchase orders, knowledge of MS Excel & Word. Excellent phone & Customer service skills. Data entry exp. Fax resume or application to: (954)967-3477 Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered4l 15 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 HOUSE PLANS Accurately & Economically prepared. Engineering approval available. (863)675-7926 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, tutoring. Win.95, 98, 2000. ME, XP licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. Find it master. Sell It soon- er In the classlifleds E-Z! CASHI $500-$1,000 per week and more! Simply re- turning phone calls part time from home. No Selling, Not a Job, Not MLM. (888)248-4544. GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs (863)675-1166 (863)673-6388 Shop here flrstl The classified ads INJURED! ACCIDENT! PER- SONAL INJURY HURT. NEG- LIGENCE WRONGFUL DEATH Call now 24 hrs A-A- A ATTORNEY Referral Ser- vice (800)733-5342. Speak to a lawyer now! Protect your Rights. No Fee. An ac- cident is a Serious Matter. Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people! FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE METER! Am-Med Quality Diabetic Supplies. WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS Copper & Brass. Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760, 257-0879 Higgin's Tree Service 25 years experience. Free estimates. Lic. & insured. Call 863-675-3955. Fulim 'I with screen, All for $25 (863)763-1997 I e * COWBOY BOOTS, leather, 4 pair, women, size 6/2, exc. shape, $140 will sell separ- ately. (863)675-3667 SCRUBS- 15top, Some pants Size small $50. (863)697-8084 ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Approx. 44 yrs. old. Rare items. $1000 all or best offer.. 863-824-3358 PLATES 12, '94 Betty Boop, Danberry Mint, America's Sweetheart, mint cond., $300. (772)342-1967 SALT- n PEPPER SHAKERS (1041 Sets) asking $2500 863)801-4949 Duda Farm Fresh Foods, has several job openings with dit ferent levels of experience: fuel truck driver, welder, mechanic and mechanic helper. Will train right individual Drug Free Work Place. Pay commensurate with experience Medical/dental/vision plans, 401K, vacation, holiday pai, plus other benefits. Apply in at 12255 Hwy 29 N in Felda person or call for appointment (863) 675-0545 ext. 3135 EOE Duda Farm Fresh Foods busca un camionero, scl- dador, mecanico y ayudante mecanico con varies nivelek de experiencia. Entrenamiento esta disponible. Sitio librc de drogas. Pago a segon experiencia. Planes medico/dei. tal/visi6n, 401K plan de retire, pago de vacaciones y dia& feriados, m's otros beneficios.. Aplique en persona 12255 Hwy 29. N in Felda, Florida .. lame por una citaa (863) 675-0545 ext. 3135. Empleador de Oportunidades por Igual. Operations Manager/Foreman Seeking FT reliable individual lor mullicompany responsibilities including: Logisiics Rousing Supervise field operations Customer relations Must have good organizational skills and be detail oriented. Computer skills a plus. Experience in a management posi- tion a plus. High school education required. Great Benefits: Health Insurance 401K Company vehicle Paid Vacation Phone 863 675 4410 Mail resume: PO. Box 2357, LaBelle FL 33975 Fax resume lo 863.675.4570 5; 01 Fl Denaud Road, Alva FL Merchandise :Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magaines 535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 Chda, Olassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruiseea 590 Drapsi Umes& Fabrics 595 Fireplace FMiture 600 .Firewood.'. 60 Funitue 610 Furs .:: 615 Heath & fleducing E nt':,-' t 20 SupplIes. ;. 625 NHouli6 id ItWens 630 Jw y :.. 635 Laws". /L.ghts 640 Medaica;Iteme 65D Misedollaneous 655 Musical lntrausnnta 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Televlsion/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 BED FRAME, Antique. Oak w,'tigih Headboaro & Fcil- board & Side rails 1800's $600. (8631612-0992 'Headboard & loolboard wnri rails $50 (561 704.3690 HUNGARIAN HAY WAGON, antique, great lor decoration store or farm, $2500 (863)467-1322 WAGON WHEELS, Hungarian (100) wooden, $75 (863)467-1322 ELECTRIC/PROPANE REFRIGERATOR, 6 u. II, new Gel ready lor hurri- canes. $750 239297-4006 REFRIGERATOR. 15 cu I , $100 (863)357.1517 alt 6pm , REFRIGERATOR, KENMORE, '2'Ddor,' UWignt. Gold $100 pr best offer. (863)983-2872 WASHER & DRYER Whirl- .pool, matching set, great for shop/mud room, $100/both. S(863)675-2404 after5pm, WASHER- needs belt $50 (239)292-7509 WASHER OR DRYER $100 each, 1 yr warranty large capacity, (239)694-0778. WASHER/DRYER, Kenmore, stacked, full size, Model 110 88 7627993, $250. (863)675-2392 LaBelle Washer/Dryer, stack set, $150. (863)357-151.7 aft 6pmr COFFEE POT- 10 cup Farber Ware, like new, $20 (863)467-8681 GARBAGE COMPACTOR- Ken- more, used very littel ,great condition, $100 (863)763-7437 BATHROOM VANITY TOP - 31" Marble, shell shaped, w/sink & faucet. $30. (863)763-8548. CHAIN LINK GATE, 15ft. with post & hanging hardware. $100(239)810-2821 MEDICINE CABINETS (2), White, 3 shelves, towel bar, mirrored door. 30" x 16". $10/both. (863)763-4098 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. SHUTTERS- Decorators, Vinyl. 1-pr 12"x24" 2 pr 12"x48", 2 pr 14"x49", Needs paint $25. for all (863)763-1997 STORM WINDOW PANELS, 24 gage: (4) 33", (6) 34", (12) 40", (1) 69". Like new. $100 for all. (863)946-1692 WINDOWS (6) aluminum crank outs 29.5W x 52"L GUITAR- Bentley, 6 string, With hard case. A-1 condi- tion. $150 (863)635-3382 COPIER- Konlca 7033, comm. with 3 drawers, duplicator, sorter, collates, little used, $2500 neg.(863)763-1550 DESK, Large, oak. $100 or best offer. (863)467-6943 OFFICE CHAIR, $75 or best offer. (863)467-6943 ARIFICAN GRAY- 1 yr old, Learning to talk. Can be han- dled. $500. (863)634-9228 CAT- Cute, gray with white markings. 3yrs old Neutered & declawed. To Good Home Only! $50. (863)634-3841 CORGI PUPPIES, AKC, 8 wks. Champion Bloodlines. $500. Call (336)909-0740 or email: michellebell@yadtel.net BED SET- Queen, Comforter. :Matching pair shams. Beige background w/floral. $50. (863)467-8681 BEDROOM SET D.vtied (nesi o1 draweif drrenSer nuich & mirror $3il (863)447-1136 BEDROOM SET, 5 .pi-e,. rdat, gil Solid wood, while & pri. Good corndlion $650 e.ail audreykyliei@yanno i:0co BEDROOM SET: 6 p( Hej.J- board oniv '[.30 C ll 18631675-8302 DINING ROOM SET- P jn j. die wi3 leals. iSals 4-10i, 6 chairs bunei & u hucri $551) 1239)822-5955 LaBelle DINING TABLE, GIas" top w'.6 cnairs. $575. (2391537;4253 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER - Armoire stylI. $400 (863)447-1136 MEXICAN BAR Light green wood w/ overhead siem glass holder $150 (561)704-3690 RECLINER LOVESEAT- Like new Leather, Pd $1500 Will trade 11o ni,:e Day Bed & G.old Criin. 863-:i57.2233 1iee ROCKER. Bone. 1.22 (8631467- '95 ROCKER RECLINER. Bluie good :orn ili: rin i.25 08630467-4095 Sleeper-Sola- Oueen, Caj,lr Converiitle 7-1 it couri 1250. Will sepjrale LaBelle 239-822-5 ., SOFA, Seclional. 3 pc Tan Sola + Oversized swivel injir Round Colee & 2 End Tdble' $1800 12391537-4253 YOUTH BED 1.40 (863)674-1727; BOWFLEX EXTREME. mint cond w ial acesrorie,, $800 (239) '4-2, TREADMILL, VitaMasler. Runs good 1.5 rip mnlIr up IO 8 mprn Incline $25i0 (863)675-0104 WEIGHT BENCH, like new. 2 people can work out at same time. Used 3 times. $600 (863)674-1727 CERAMIC DISHES Like new, 5-piece place settings for 9 & 8 matching glasses. Blue & white. $35 (863)763-8149 LOOP EARRINGS: 14 Kt., Sol- id Gold. Custom made. Paid over $400, Sell for $175 (863)612-0992 NECKLACE. KINGMAN Tur- qui'ise. Squi.h Bloss: w/Bear Claws very unique. $2400neg. (863)467-8161 BED FRAME, Mattress & Spring. Full size. Great con- ditlon $75. (863)467-4649 ELEC MOTORIZED CHAIR- Alante', 3yrs old, cost $5000 new will sell for $1400 (863)447-2130 ELEC WHEELCHAIR- 3 wheel Sonic Pride Mobility, elec. lift. Excellent cond., hardly used. $1150 neg. (863)675-2596 SCOOTER, Electric, Rally, Ex- cellent condition. Brand new batteries. $1000 or best offer. (863)674-1823 WINCH LIFT power operated for mobility chair. Like new, $400/best offer. (772)342-1967. ^^^^^^-i IM HORSE, 8 yrs. old. Gelding Good horse, great w/kids. Moving must sell. $2000 or best offer. (239)633-3649 SADDLE, 15", tan roughout, new rawhide stirrups & new WeaverSmartCinch. $200 (772)263-1178 SADDLE, Bob Marshall, 15.5" treeless barrel. Chocolate suede. 2 mos. old. $750 neg. (772)263-1178 JOHN DEERE GATOR- 6x4, elec dump bed, motor just tuned and serviced $1995 (863)673-1042 MOWER, 511. Bush Hog finish. Excellent condition. Side dis- charge. $1100 or best offer. (863)697-3008 CALVES: Shots, Wormed $200 & up. Also Cows: Young & Healthy. $400 & Up. Will Deliver. 863-235-0838 NANDAY CONURE PARROT, Male w/cage $160 (8636a 3. 4- 16 PITBULL PUPPIES, UKC Reg., 4 wl. ;. Re3dy Io gij' L3rg e Red iJlrSel 83j63 4'F., 4 ji- ler -I pm ir derail: RED NOSE PIT PUPS- Will ,[J r I'; W hJ Rl j ,'d I[I, ij, I ,|i o ,ij ni 'iio .-1 O.m 1836. i01 12 :36 SHIH TZU PIPPIE'.. r, nijl. Irmj1e. .mll m rrjv o., 1Z $fII'J. 1b 3 |i.I irdl ' SOCIETY FINCH- Broirvn wriile Good Icibler rijrer i $81 (863F135-3Jj' SOLAR PANELS (12), for hot Wdlir rheter. $600 or will sepjjrre (239)810-2821 SOLAR PANELS- 7, large, Make your own heating pool system $175. or will separ- ale(239|394-7000. SEWING MACHINE- $25 l2391292-7509 Job Crallers, Inc. NOW HIR- ING!!! Filst Class Shipvard Trades: Pipe Fillers, Shuc- lural Fitters. Structural Welders. Work in FL, AL Over Time + Per Diem UP TO $23.. hour. loll-Free: (800)371-7504 Phone: 1251)433-1270 Fax: (2511433-0018. POOL TABLE, AmRe ji-i H, ljge Blue Ferll T, p '*.l i1 ii. ;86-:-:29-8,:'2 ,2,r , 4, i .-1050 REEL- Penn 4400 SS.Open IjCe r w Lii.: new. $40. JL AUDIO 5.25 COMPONENT SYSTEM. Brand -i, MMlrl VR52'5CS '.5 12391340- 369 TOSHIBA- 31" w/remote Pd. $1000. Asking $175. or trade for Jewelry of equal value. (863)634-9620 Okee area WIDESCREEN HDTV 51" Mag- -navox, only 18 mos. old and works perfect. T600n firt 863)528-3211 Sni II pm DRILL, Cordless, Blac Decker, 18 volt. New in l,-i Paid' $89, As.king. ':i (8i 3675-nn01 - DRILL PRESS: -.pl 0') (?.63)763.9527 GENERATOR- Coleman P-iw ermate., 2500w 5i-p Brig.g: & Straton eng lNw i: nri:l tion $200. (863)763-150- PRESSURE WASHER- Sear'. 2000 PSI, 6HP engine, $ :11.1i (863)763-7989 One man's trash is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad in the classic. fleds. Wanted: Single or double wide mobile home, must be no older than July 1994. Must be classified as a Windzone 3. (863)675-3665 Agriculture :,I1I-.--= Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed'Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds,'Plants- Flowers 865 U PICK PEAS Hwy. 29 South to 82 West to Church Road.Turn North. U Pick $20. We Pick $25. 239-250-1773 or 270-4425 Opening May 6th 7am-6pm nj^^^H^^ mi. west of town Off Hwy 80 on -lllip; Rd. 226.30'w x385'd $155,000. neg. (954)817-1112 PORT LABELLE Lot at 5030 Peachtree Ave. $39,500 (239)246-6192 Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale in the classl- fleds and make your clean up a breeze [ggEJ~sKE LeBelle, 2.5 ac. in Ft Denauld 2005 MH 2/2 S/W. New barn/fence/shed. Nice oaks. $225,000.239-707-7796 Port LaBelle Lot, .25 acre, in growing area, close to schools, $46,000 neg. Call Chris (863)673-5071 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 LaBelle, 1 Bdrm. apt. for rent. in the city. Single occupancy. Located on Hall St. (239)370-8532 NEW INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 4000 sq. ft., 750 sq ft. office, 2500 sq. ft. fenced yard, 2T hoist, 15 ft. doors, 480V. 'i.297;51 ornilh including tax. .9j.22-5: ,,L.elle *PI I IoI I.:,:.I,|i | !lor peace .,id .|,i,,t. 3BR/2BA hl:.i!. -iuated on approx. 5 ac. I, ir ,",-,' porch, and ..,i,--ii deck. New p:ni, and tile floors. Large workshop and S i -- pond. '900 in. C(.ll Lri, :i C,'i: iiii 21 Sunbelt Realty, Inc. 863 675-1616 Beautilul Modular Home ,r 5 .: :; h A, BA ,ill I rri I 1st, last & sec., Alva/LaBelle area. Call 239-872-2383 CHRISTIAN FEMALE Needs room to rent in LaBelle area while attending college. Non- Smoker, Non Drinker & would Like to board w/same. Pi'ie;rd i :.il 863)227-3846 f mr 5pT. IJeedJed Inim diale- ly, Serious Inquires Only. Real Estate I Il -- Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale .1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspectionl1060 Real Estate Wanted1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 J & S ESTATES- 11 yr old frame house 2BR/2BA, w/gar. 500 sq ft. Rec; room, Pool, Steam cabinet, Sauna cabinet Treadmill & Weight equip $155,000. Broker protected. (772)597-6158 or .' 1* -t.ii o PORT LaBelle: Unit 4 Move In Today! - Newly renovated, near schls., Large yards, New S/S Appl. 4/2 @$175,000. or 3/1 @$142,000.. Call owner: 863-673-5071 cshdz_04@earthlink.net Riverfront Home LaBelle Dock/Lift Boathouse 3BR/2BA Appraised $675,000 Quick Sale Price $629,000 Owner financing, Will trade for acreage. 305-481-1316 or 863-234-1814. SELLING, BUYING OR LEASING? Century 21, Sunbelt Realty (863)673-6533 LeBelle, 2 acres For those who love there privacy. Great for horses. Build your dream home or bring your Mobile home to this unique location in LeBelle. Just 3 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical, *Busi- ness, *Paralegal, *Comput- ers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Com- puter provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.Onli- neTidewaterTech.com. BEER KEG FRIDGE, $50 f (863)763-8548 TARP- Roll up for Motorhome or RV. 19', Very good cond. $125.863-697-2724 THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem & F/T. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0999 x122 www.bilingualsinc.com. WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Save! Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Catalog CALL TODAY( (800)842-1305 www.np.etstan.com. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, May 11,2006 IHs-SaeB NORTH FLORIDA LAND & HOMES J.W. HILL AND ASSOCIATES 1-888-821-0894 1-877-358-8300 jwhillandassociates@yahoo.com LAND 53.41 acres MOL of industrial prop in Columbia Cty #47930 $3,204,600. 39 acres MOL with DWMH in Suwannee Cty #47588 $470,000. 120 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty #49265 $1,200,000. 30 acres MOL in Hwy Frontage in Madison Cty #46383 $600,000. 50 acres MOL in Madison Cty. #47041 $750,000. HOMES 3BR/1.5BA in Hamilton Cty #48731 $225,000. 3BR/2BA with 5 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty #49769 $159,900. 5BR/3BA on 229 acres MOL in Suwanee Cty #49092 $3,499,000. COMMERCIAL Business for sale in Deland, FL #45376 $495,000. Business for sale on 3 acres MOL in Madison County #46984 $850,000. Business on 2 acres MOL in Lafayette County #41969 $150,000. .Business for sale n Madison County #48870 $625,000. PLUS MANY MORE.... I Houses Sale NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY AVAILABLE: 1 Acre, $27,500. 2 Acre Lotfor $40,000. & 3 Acre Lot for $50,000. Owner Financing Available. Please call (336)909-0740 michellebell@yadtel.net Mobile Homes MobiBe Homes -Rent 2015 Moble Hmes Sale 2020 MUSE: 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba., MH $900dep.&$120wk. No dogs. (863)675-1614 --U3B--| Casa Manufacturada, 3/2 Ba- nos, en l/ acre de propedad lista para ser occupada. Fl- nanciamiento disponible. Llamee al (863)675-8888 Ext.O000 Casa Manufacturada, 4/2B a- nos, locallzada en una neuva area enlae Immokalee y La- Belle. 5 acre. Llamee (863)675-8888 Casa Manufactureada, 3/2 Banos, lista para ser occu- pada con ': acre de propa- dad paquele complete. Llamee al1863)675-8888 GRANDMA'S GROVE in LaBelle. 5th Wheel RV Mobile' Home w/Florida room at- tached. $7500 (239)303-0741 or email dwill98Searthlink.net Labelle, 2BR/2BA single wide, completely remodeled, new carper, glass top range, new cabines. On beauiful oakfilled lol off Hwy. 29. Spencer Real- ty $74900 (863)675-1203 LaBelle: 3 Bdrm., on lol loaded w/oak trees. Tenam occupied. $49.900. (863)675-0104 LaBelle, DB, 20r, 1Ia. Large living room g clean lot 100?.150. City water, $83,900. (863)673-4360 Manufactured Mobile Home, 3/2 Bath; located in LaBelle.' Financing Available. all (863)675-8888 AIR BOAT HAULLS- 2, Fiber- glass. 1 comes with trailer. 1000. All offers considered. (863)824-0505 AIR BOAT-l0', Fiberglass hull, 65hp Contenental + 2 extra motors & hub Like new Wood prop 3500.863-673-1963 BASS BOAT- '85, 17.7", 150 Evinrude, Rebuilt approx 1 yr ago, 30hrs. All orig. $2500. (863)634-4818 BOAT, 14' aluminum, 15hp motor & trailer, $1700. (863)612-9893 HOUSEBOAT 661f, Paddle Wheel, Repo, sacrifice $8000. (406)628-2181 in LaBelle. Jet Boat, Project, 22ft., Bles- meyer, 454 engine, recondi- tioned. Matching galvanized trailer. $9700 (863)674-0898 MAKO 224 '81 w/YAMAHA 200'90 engine & Rite-On Trailer '81 $7500 (239)823-2587 Manufactured Mobile Home, 3/2 Bath, with % porch on .5 acre lot. Ready to be occu- pied. Call (863)675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Homes, 3/2 Bath, located in a beauti- ful new subdivision, home & land available. Call (863)675-8888 Manufactured Mobile Homes, 4/2 Bath. Land fully devel- oped, pkg. deals available. Call (863)675-8888 Mobile Home, 3 cuartos, 2 banos, localizada'en Moore Haven, lister para ser occu- fada. Llamee para mas In- formacion. (863)675-8888 ExtOO00 MOBILE HOME, 3/2 Bath, lo- cated in Moore Haven, Fi- nancing Available for Pkg. Deal. Call (863)675-8888 Recreation KITITI1 PLASTIC BOAT, 10ft, 2-man, swivel seats, live well, bat- tery box & galvanized trailer. $500 (863)635-5550 PONTOON-28', 50hp John- son, New deck/carpet Great cond. $3200. (863)467-1720 mattmcdanahotmail.com Smoker Craft, 16', tilt trailer, trolling motor, 35hp Merc., ready to fish, $1800. (863)467-7428 ALLEGRO MOTORHOME, Onan, Generator, ice cold air, for camping or live-in. i863)824-8746 $5900 COACHMAN CATALINA 1995, 26 FL, Uke new. Low mileage. $16,000. or best offer. Call 863-634-5914. COLEMAN SUNVALLEY 1982, A/C & Awning (Both New'04). propane stove, pressure water pump. $1400. (863)467-7905 DODGE '78, Working gas stove and refrigerator, inside lights work. Good condition. $2000 firm. (863)675-6511 WINNEBAGO '85- Motor home, 26', V8, sips 8, very good cond, 62K, $10,000 or besl offer (772)284-1194 YAMAHA 550 '87, Wave Run- ner w/traller, runs good. $575 (863)674-0874 or (239)425-7016 HONDA MAGNA 1985, 700 CC's, 6 Spd., Runs greal' $2000. or best offer. (863)675-0596/673-2025 YAMAHA ROADSTAR 1600 2002, 26K mis., Excellent con- diton w/extras. $5,500 or best offer. Call 863-763-1380 or 863-447-0127 or email carlzachsam@hotmail.com ATV TIRES & RIMS, Blackwa- ter, Yamaha, rear, mounted. Great for mud! $150 for both. Call Rick. (239)410-3784 ATV TIRES & RIMS, Sand Shark, Yamaha, rear, mounted. Great for sandl $150 for both. Call Rick. (239)410-3784 FOUR WHEELER, 110 Rocket BMX. $1300 or best otfer. (863)634-5176 I Pikup rucI GO KART Scorpion, 2 seater, roll bars, great shape, $600 firm. (863)634-8828 days or (863)763-4132 eve's. Automobiles ... .. .. ',', ; : 0 1 5 m .f .,,'".... 4025 4030 "'A i : 4070 $500 Police Impounds, Cars from $5001 Tax Repos, US Marshal and IRS sales! Cars, Trucks, SUV's, Toyota's, .Honda's, Chevy's and morel For. listings Call (800)425-1730 ext 2384. CHEVY BELAIR- '60. 2 dr Hard Top, 283 eng. Runs & Looks Great. $7500. or best offer. 863-634-9368 CHEVY BELAIR-'60, 2 dr Hard Top, 283 eng. Runs & Looks Great. $7500. or best offer 863-634-9368 CHEVY CAPRICE WAGON 89, Immaculate & Runs Wonder- ful. $2250. (865)963-9683 CHEVY NOVA '76, Runs good. Needs a paint job. $2500. Call Ramon (239)503-5131 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER '87, 318 engine. Real good running condition. Only asking $500. (863)612-0657/612-5413 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '91 - V6, auto, good shape, needs transmission, $400. (239)657-4348 LINCOLN TOWN CAR '95, Super deal, great gas mile- age. $2500 (863)763-8149 or (863)610-0270 Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or gaage? Advertise your yard sale n the classl- fleds and make your clean n a breezel Public Notices lTIII IIl VA NISSAN 200SX '95, 5 spd. in good shape, clean inside, runs great, only needs a starter. $1800 (863)673-4736 Jeff. PONTIAC GRAND AM- '93, New paint job. Needs trans- mission. $300. (863)467-2894 PONTIAC SUNFIRE- '99, 4 cyl, Auto,Clean, Runs Excellent, First $1600 (863)532-9700 467-1547 AUTO WANTED: Looking lo buy Antique Car, Converlible ITruck. Please call 1954)561-2776 CHEVY TRUCK '96- 4x4, $2500 or best oiler (863)467-2139 FORD BRONCO '95- 4x4. $2500 or best oiler (863)467-2139 BEDLINER for Ford F150 shorted, exc. cond., $200. (863)634-1772 Chevy truck bare cab and short bed. 1985with title. $150 (772)359-2923 or (8631476-5401i DRIVE ON RAMP- you must remove and naul $125 1863)467-4328. ENGINE, 3208 Caterpillar, Remanufaciured. Like new. $2500. (863)673-5852 or (863)612-5413 Heads and four barrel intake for small block Chevy. $150 1863)467-7415 HYUNDAI EXCEL 1990, For paris No lile. Asking $200 (863)675-2598 Iv. msg. PICKUP TOPPER, 8', fiber- glass, $350. (863)234-9595 RIMS For S-10 truck; 18" x 7 1/2", brand new, never on truck, asking $950 (863)69;-3865 TIRES & RIMS (4) 8 Lug Alu- minum w/19.5-44-16.5. TSL Boggers. $1700 or best offer. (863)990-5544 TIRES- 275/45/20" 20 64 Ea- gle/Chrome rims/spinners paid $2500 asking $1500 firm (863)634-8511 eve only UTILITY BED, lift gate '82 Chevy truck, all apart $400 or best offer or trade. (863)674-0375 Ranchers work to limit runoff By Audrey Blackwell Okeechobee News Agriculture has been pin- pointed as a major contributor to the current crisis of the Lake Okeechobee Watershed. In a nutshell, the crisis comprises, three main features: excessive phosphorus loading, harmful high water levels and rapid expansion of exotic plants. (Source: South. Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Environmental Report, March 1, 2006, Vol. 1, Chapter 1A, page 8.) In addition to prevalent rain in this subtropical region, fin- gers have pointed to agriculture as a major player in adding to the lake's woes because 65 per- cent of the county's landscape lies in agricultural growth and pastures. A sizeable portion of agriculture is devoted to beef and dairy cattle. So it is not sur- prising that when a heavy phos- phorus content was found in the lake, heads turned to the cattle industry. However, from the early days when "scrub" cattle roamed freely until modern times when cattle are fenced in or held in containment barns, cattle have been a vital part of the area's history, and continue as a main- stay of the local economy. While there are varying theo- ries of how cattle arrived here, several authors have attributed Florida cattle to the Spaniards. In 1513, Ponce de Leon first came, returning in 1521 with cattle and horses, according to the Florida Cattlemen's Associa- tion website. Spanish explorers made Florida America's oldest cattle-raising state, their report continued. "No other part of our country had cattle until the Pilgrims brought more in 1625," the report said. According to the November 1992 publication "75th Anniver- sary, The Colorful Past of Okee- chobee," by Twila Valentine, by the 1870s, cattle herds ranged in size from 5,000-50,000 head. She quoted Alfred J. and Kathryn A. Hanna as writing in their 1948 book, "Lake Okee- chobee: Wellspring of the Ever- glades, that "Rustling was preva- lent throughout the state because the state had open range and cattle roamed freely through the trackless expanses." Frank "Sonny" Williamson, president of Williamson Cattle Company on U.S. 441 N, attrib- uted the first cattle in Florida to the Spanish when St. Augustine was founded in 1565. He said the cattle used to roam free because there was no fence law until the late 1930s or 1940s.TIle recalled a time in Pinellas Coun- ty when cows would lie on the highway at night and people had to watch out for them when driving their automobiles. Today, beef cattle in Okee- chobee County total 70,000 head, according to the 2005 Florida Agricultural Statistics Directory, which ranks the coun- ty number two in the state for beef cattle. All cattle and calves on Florida farms and ranches, as of January 1, 2005, including dairy cattle, totaled 1,740,000, unchanged from 2004. Okee- chobee County is ranked num- ber one for all cattle in the state. According to the National Cattle- men's Beef Association (NCBA), beef is the number one protein in America and the yearly per capital beef consumption for 2005 was 65.9 pounds. Dairy cattle came much later to the area and total 33,000 head in Okeechobee County, number one in the state for milk cows. Milk production in the county for 2005 was 58,002,278 gal., and 25 percent of the state's milk production is from Okee- chobee County, according to Maggie Murphy of Southeast Milk, Inc. in Belleview. According to Louis "Red" Larson, owner of Larson's Dairy, a few dairies were in the area before 1955, but the first dairy farms relocated here from Dade, Broward and Palm Beach coun- ties in the mid-1950s. He bought his first property in Highlands County in the Lake Okeechobee Basin in 1961 and built his first barn there in 1964. He no longer owns that property. He said it was too close to the Kissimmee River, a sampling site for SFWMD, and had too many environmental problems. The property is now used for citrus farming. Mr. Larson bought a second farm in 1968, another in 1971 in Basinger, another in 1980, and property east of town in 1982 that was an already existing dairy farm. Things ran. pretty smoothly for dairy farmers up until the mid-1980s when water man- agers traced increased phospho- rus inputs from the northern watershed to animal agricultural activities. High phosphorus loads had already accumulated over 60 years, according to the SFWMD website, and they reported "Cattlemen are land rich and cattle poor. Cattle do not provide a good return on the investment, less- than 'one percent. But some ranches that are in the third and fourth generations have huge values now because land values have increased." -Frank "Sonny" Williamson, president of Williamson Cattle Company 30,000 tons of phosphorus at the bottom of the lake in the form of soft organic mud. They said the lake is shallow, and the mud mixes with the water col- umn every time strong winds blow across the surface, keep- ing the phosphorus concentra- tion high. In the end, submerged plant beds cannot get the light they need to grow, and phos- phorus may stimulate the growth of cattail along the edge of the littoral zone. Other factors contribute to the lake environment, but in the 1980s the state began looking at cattle ranching and dairy farm- ing operations to make improve- ments in the balance of nutrients running off of farms into ditches, canals, rivers, streams and, ulti- Smately, Lake Okeechobee. Many cattle ranchers and dairy farmers began implementing best man- agement practices (BMPs) 10 years ago and began fencing their cattle away from water- ways. Mr. Williamson said Florida legislators passed a law stating that in no case shall nutrients be allowed to enter a body of state water that causes an imbalance of the natural flora or fauna. On the federal level came the Clean Water Act of 1972, and the EPA began monitoring waterways more stringently; in Florida, the Department of Environmental Protection adopted the Compre- hensive Nutrient Balance Plan that affects all of agriculture. It expands on the Florida Dairy Rule, said Mr. Larson. In 1987, the state passed the Dairy Rule and required dairy farmers to implement BMPs to reduce the amount of nutrient runoff. Following the rule caused a financial hardship for many dairymen. Mr. Larson said that out of 45 dairies operating in the Lake Okeechobee Basin in 1987, only 19 remain. Many sold out or moved to other states that do not have the same environ- mental concerns. What moved beef cattle toward Okeechobee, according to Mr. Williamson, was the peo- ple footprint. He said that people first came to Fort Basinger because there was transporta- tion available, and they brought cattle with them. "They could travel by steam- boat to Kissimmee," he said. While the first white settlers, Arthur and Thomas Daughtrey, were recorded in Basinger and later others settled in Fort Drum - people settled around forts - Peter Raulerson is credited with being Okeechobee's first cattle- man, according to Mr. Williamson. He said Mr. Rauler- son moved to the Taylor Creek area called Tantie in 1896. "There was an area of Taylor Creek that ran to the Kissimmee River called 'the bend.' Mr. Raulerson would put his cattle in the water there without fences so he could keep track of them," Mr. Williamson said. It goes almost without ques- tion that cattle are raised in rural areas such as Okeechobee County, and for good reason. Wes Williamson, Sonny's son, said that it's a matter of econom- ics and is driven by increasing urbanization. As people move in and develop an area as an urban setting, farmers and ranchers move out because the price of land increases beyond the break-even point of farming. "Sometimes the increased land value is the biggest part of a rancher's income when he sells it," Sonny Williamson said. He continued: "Cattlemen are land rich and cattle poor. Cattle do not provide a good return on the investment, less than one per- cent. But some ranches that are in the third and fourth genera- tions have huge values now because land values have increased." All of the beef raised in the entire state of Florida is exported to finishers because there are no beef processing plants in Florida. As Mr. Williamson put it, it is less expensive to send the cattle out to the food supply than it is to grow the feed. Milk, on the other hand, is a locally used commodity and 100 percent of the milk produced in Florida stays within the state. According to Mr. Larson, milk processors are more concerned with availability of milk than with price. He said when they arrive at work at 4 a.m., they want to see milk trucks lining their driveways. Water use by the beef and Special to INI/Florida Archives This photo from 1946 shows beef cattle grazing near Clewiston. dairy cattle industry is negligible, according to both Mr. Larson and Mr. Williamson, and hard to measure. So too is the runoff from farms in terms of quantity of water. Beef cattle use rainwa- ter and drink from a pond. Few cattle farmers irrigate. Dairy cows drink fresh water in the confinement barns and milking parlors, or pastures. Art Darling, executive director of Sunshine State Milk Producers, said there is a national estimate of 135 gallons of water per day per dairy cow for drinking and cleaning. Excreted waste is often re-circulated by means of reten- tion ponds and lagoons and may be treated with chemicals to reduce phosphorus and used for irrigation. Dairy cows graze on fields that are not irrigated. Some dairies use a spray field and cen- ter pivot system that takes water from a third stage lagoon that is minus nutrients. Water runoff flows to the lowest area via ditches and natural systems to the lake and eventually to the ocean. Many cattle ranchers and dairy farmers are putting a lot of time and money into BMPs that better contain water on their land and reduce phosphorus and other nutrients before it runs off. They all are engaged in extensive record keeping and reporting to state regulatory agencies. John Folks with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, said that on dairies, the cost to put cows in confinement is tremendously high, but it has a cost-share pro- gram, almost a 50/50 split with the state. Dairies run $2 mil for 400 cows just for barns and a waste management system, and dairies must meet all require- ments to keep nutrients out of the waterways. Mr. Folks said that if a dairy went to confinement years ago, it just has to do improvements and that shouldn't be so expen- sive. But if one is pasturing cows and has to go to confinement barns, it will be very expensive. Ho%\ever, grazing cows can be done, but he believes doing so is rare. One BMP that bolh dairymen and cattle ranchers use is ensur- ing that cattle are fed only the amount of phosphorus-contain- ing feed that they need for pro- duction, growth and reproduc- tion. No doubt, the ecology of the Lake Okeechobee Basin has changed greatly over the past 30 years. According to Missie Bar- letto, with SFWMD, there has been an impact in the watershed from agriculture, urban growth and the Herbert Hoover Dike. With a sandy bottom to the lake, native plants are not allowed to bloom, and exotic plants, such as water hyacinths and water let- tuce floated into the lake. Also, torpedo grass that was planted for grazing during the dry season before fences were built is still at the lake. In the past, cows could graze at the lake edge. The local economy benefits greatly from the dairy and beef cattle industries. Mrs. Barletto revealed results from a recently conducted study, not yet released, that showed gross full- and part-time work in Okee- chobee as 18.4 percent between 1990 and 2002, compared to 35.17 percent in the state. The average earnings per job in Flori- da totaled 49.7 percent com- pared to 37.9 percent in Okee- chobee County at that time. In 2002, Okeechobee job earnings were $18,818 per capital com- pared to $29,758 in the state. More than 25 percent of jobs in Okeechobee County were directly dependent on farming, compared to three percent for the state, and that includes relat- ed industries, such as feed sup- ply, transportation, and farming equipment supply. Okeechobee County is known as a hub of farm equip- ment and supplies, and has the largest livestock market in the state. Eagle's Nest Estates A secluded, private ranch subdivision r offering beautiful r vistas ofpristine ' naturalhabitat, ,,. 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