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Watershed series, Big Lake -_ Page 5 Cowgirl: 4LLOOSA 'LE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 VOLUME 84 N B 1H S ,Rm 20 At A Glance Bluegrass Fest coming on April 29 The Countryside Singers and others will join together for some footstompin' fun at the LaBelle Rodeo Grounds from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 29. There will be plenty of food and craft vendors and lots of family fun. Booth space is available for only $10. Please call Suzanne at the Caloosa Humane Soci- ety at 675-0997 for further details. There is a $5 admis- sion fee and all proceeds will benefit the Caloosa Humane Society. Please call 675-0997 for further details. Project Graduation coming up The Project Graduation meeting is set for Monday, April 24, at 7 p.m. in the LaBelle High School library. The event is still in the plan- ning stages and there is much to do. Anyone who would like to help provide an all night, adult supervised evening of fun for LHS graduating seniors that is drug-free and alcohol- free, is invited to come out and help. Register at COES for summer VPK There will be a Summer 2006 Pre-Kindergarten Regis- tration at Country Oaks Ele- mentary Saturday, May 6, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. This pro- gram is free to all children who will be five before Sep- tember 1, 2006, and will be entering kindergarten. The program will run from May 31 until July 27 from 7:50 a.m.-3:10 p.m. The program will be located at Country Oaks Elementary. There will be no transportation provid- ed. Students will receive breakfast and lunch each day. This program is designed to prepare your child for kinder- garten and build a strong foundation for their continued educational success. Food bank today The Hendry County Food Bank will be distributing USDA commodities to each individual or family that quali- fies on Thursday, April 20, from noon to 3 p.m.'at Our Lady of Heaven Catholic Church, 355 South Bridge Street. Client eligibility can be one of the following: Food Stamp Recipient, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TANF, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicaid, Resi- dence Hosing founded by Municipal, County, State of Federal Government, Self Dec- laration of Need by the client (Based on the Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Income Chart). Index Classifieds .......18-20 Editorial ... ......... 4 Speak Out ...........4 Social News..........5 Sports ..............7 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. neuwszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. L1ll 1 llll1 I 1 8 16510 00019 Counties plan joint meet By Patty Brant A common approach to impending growth will be the topic of a joint Hendry-Glades commission meeting on Tues- day, May 2, at 6 p.m. The round table session will take place in the Dallas B. Townsend Agricul- ture Center in LaBelle. Port LaBelle Utilities Encore Construction was the lowest of three bidders for the new PBLU waterplant at $5,550,000. A contract will be prepared for the April 25 com- mission meeting. A new plant is still about a year away. Lack of capacity at the current PLBU plant has forced Phase II water restrictions. PBLU cus- tomers received a notice outlin- ing how landscaping and outside water use is curtailed. Fines may be imposed on violators, but cus- tomers are currently simply being asked to comply. The county commissioners also approved a rate study for Port LaBelle Utilities. The study will be done by Tetra Tech. It will include water and wastewater rates and charges based on costs of services and community stan- dards. Commissioners decided to support Central County Water Control District residents' request for an election that could change it from a rural to an urban water district. According to the district's attorney, a petition residents sub- mitted seeking a special election was invalid. Although it was sub- mitted with the specified time period, three signatures were unverified. For years Montura res- idents have been trying unsuc- cessfully to dissolve their 298 dis- trict which favors large landowners. The commissioners opted to support them "to the fullest extent." In other business: * Commissioners approved changes to the animal control ordinance that mirror City of LaBelle's newest ordinance. The next regular meeting of the Hendry County Commission will be 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 25, at the Courthouse in LaBelle. Celebrate Earth Day April 22 Hendry County and the City of LaBelle are sponsoring an Earth Day celebration this year at Barron Park Saturday, April 22, from noon-4 p.m. The Southwest Cheerlead- ers will have snow cones and popcorn for a small donation. Learn bike safety with Linda McVey and enjoy some old fashioned storytelling with Lori Howard. Riverwatch, the-Flori- da Wildlife Commission, author Barbara Oehlbeck and Recycling and Household Haz- ardous Waste will have displays and giveaway goodies. Check out a firetruck and ambulance and listen to the LMS Jazz Band. The city will provide free hot dogs and sodas. There were 120 entries in the Earth Day 2006 poster con- test, sponsored by the LaBelle Kiwanis Club. Winners were: first graders: Vanessa Rivera first place and Lindsey Hagadish, second, both of WGS; second graders: Lauren Fottal LES first place, Mario Lazalde, WGS second place; third graders: Cinthia Mon- tesino COES first place; Lorena Cruz, COES second place; fourth graders: Nathaniel White COES first place, Yesenia Erreguin COES, second place; fifth graders: Diana Rodriguez LES first place, Asmaa Odeh COE, second place; sixth graders; Marisol Lazalde, WGS first place, Czarina Rivas WGS second place; seventh graders: Larisa Rivera WGS first place, Alayna Ridgdill WGS second place. All entries will be dis- played at Barron Park. Win- ners will be presented with their ribbons throughout the day. All participants can pick up their posters or they will be See Earth -Page 2 April: Child Abuse Prevention Month Submitted to the laloosa ellel/ Caloosahatchee River Citizens Association Blue green algae slime like this is a by-product of an unhealthy river system renowned haven for birds and other wildlife, and the heart of a $2 billion local tourist economy, the Caloosahatchee is reeling from discharges of millions of gallons of fertilizer and toxic laden water from Lake Okee- chobee into the river. "The Corps has taken decades to turn the waters of South Florida into a massive Rube Goldberg contraption, one that simply doesn't work," said Rebecca Wodder, president of American Rivers. "Now the bill has come due and it's past time to gel serious about fixing the complicated, widespread problems along the Caloosa- hatchee." Successive severe hurricane seasons in recent years have See River -Page 2 Historically, the blue rib- bon served as a national sym- bol of child abuse awareness for nearly 15 years. It originat- ed in Norfolk, Va., in the spring of 1989 when Bonnie Finney, a grandmother whose 3-year-old grandson died at the hands of his mother's abusive boyfriend, tied a blue ribbon to her van as a symbol of her personal commitment to involve everyone in the effort to prevent child abuse. While the blue ribbons have served the purpose of increasing awareness of the prevalence of abuse and neg- lect in our communities, the focus now shifts from the problem of abuse to the solu- tion of effective prevention. The symbol for the message of prevention is the pinwheel and represents the winds of change. The Winds of Change highlights how parenting has changed over the years as a result of changes in social, cultural and demographic trends in families. The pin- wheel represents this change and the message of preven- tion. Each pinwheel given out represents a new birth in our local community and an opportunity to support a new family from the very begin- ning. In Hendry County there See Abuse Page 2 Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant A joint Hendry/Glades pilot project has consolidated the area's shelters for Persons with Special Needs. Members of the bi-county team are, pictured from left: Hendry/Glades Health Department Planning Consultant loannis Gountas, Hendry County EM Director Tom Kochheiser, Health Department Director of Nursing Pat Dobbins and Glades County EM Director Angela Osceola. WASHINGTON Massive releases of highly-polluted water from Lake Okeechobee by the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers (Corps) and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) threaten the health of the incredibly pro- ductive Caloosahatchee River, which American Rivers listed today as America's #7 most endangered river for 2006. The annual America's Most Endangered Rivers report high- lights ten rivers facing a major turning point in the coming year, where action by citizens can make a huge difference for both community well-being and river health. American Rivers and its part- ners on the Caloosahatchee, the Caloosahatchee River Citizens Association and the Conservancy of Southwest Florida, today called on the Corps and the SFWMD to devel- op and implement a proactive water quality plan that includes specific pollution reduction tar- gets aimed at the source of the pollution. Drinking water for tens of thousands of people, a world- PSN shelters combined Hendry, Glades a special shelter during times of extreme emergency. Special share special Needs Shelters offer basic life _needs shelter preserving accommodations needs eter only. There is a public health nurse on site, but Director of By Patty Brant Nursing for the Hendry/Glades Health Department Pat Dob- The 2005 hurricane season bins warns their function is to made believers out of a lot of "get you through the crisis" Hendry and Glades County res- only. idents. Many are still trying to As with all shelters, people piece their lives back together must bring their own necessi- after Wilma's catastrophic ties including food, bedding, strike last October. With the toiletries, water and other com- start of the 2006 hurricane sea- forts as well as their medica- son only about six weeks away, tions and other health care preparations are in full swing needs, including oxygen and for what is being forecasted as diabetic paraphernalia. In addi- another year of numerous and tion, those at PSN shelters must potentially deadly storms. have a caregiver stay with This year Hendry and them. Glades are trying something During Wilma, local PSNs new to serve some of its "most were open for 96 hours. Keep fragile residents." Persons with in mind that shelters are not Special Needs (PSNs) those comfortable places. They are with chronic medical condi- tions requiring special accom- modations are provided with See PSN Page 2 Caloosahatchee: River in crisis Suomitte to me ualoosa Belle/.aalosancnree n rver iliuna nsauoiliunl Paddlers enjoy the Idyllic beauty of tlh-Caloosahatchee.Rlver. River oi top 10 endangered list River on top 10 endangered list ~-w~.hi~aann~uylWr""D'~ 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 River Continued From Page 1 created dangerously high water levels in the lake, exacerbating water quality problems in Lake Okeechobee by churning fertiliz- er-laden sediments and re-sus- pending them into a trillion gal- lons of lake water. Prompted by limits on storage volume, the SFWMD now regu- larly releases polluted water up to 69,500 gallons per second - from Lake Okeechobee into the Caloosahatchee River. These water releases sacrifice the river's water quality. The com- bination of re-suspended sedi- ments and fertilizers has turned Lake Okeechobee water into - what local reporters liken to chocolate soup, which now flows regularly into the Caloosahatch- ee, and eventually.reaches San Carlos Bay., This leads to algal blooms that deplete dissolved oxygen, block sunlight, clog boat intakes and produce fish-killing PSN ContinuedFrom Page 1 simply large structures built to withstand high winds, intended to keep people safe through the storm. So, any comforts you may have, you will have to bring with you. - In the past few years, there have been a total of three PSN shelters in Hendry/Glades. This year the two Emergency Man- agement offices and the Hendry- Glades Health Department have partnered to consolidate them into just one the Muse Com- munity Center. Built to withstand a Category Four storm, the Muse center is a compromise. Hendry's Emergency Manage- ment Director Tom Kochheiser said the state wanted local PSNs to be sheltered at Sarasota. After Wilma last year, the state recom- mended the area regionalize Emergency Management func- tions. The jointPSN is one way the two counties are cooperating through team work to achieve a "high level of service and safety efficiency," Glades EM Director Angela Osceola agrees. PSN procedures remain the same. You must register in advance with your Emergency Management office as a PSN. Currently, there are some 35 toxins. These toxins are also a threat to human health. "The Caloosahatchee is the lifeblood of all of Southwest Flori- da," said Mary Rawl of. the Caloosahatchee River Citizens Association. "The crisis point is right now and we cannot contirl- ue to let the river be a disposal conduit of last resort for Central and South Florida." The report calls on the Corps to ensure that water discharges are managed to dramatically- reduce the devastating impacts to the Caloosahatchee as they final- ize a new discharge schedule by January 2007. At the same time, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service must ensure that any new water management plan complies strictly with the Endangered Species Act, while the Corps and SFWMD develop and imple- ment a water quality plan that includes specific.pollution reduc- tion targets that address pollution flowing into Lake Okeechobee, as well as that flowing out of the lake, into the Caloosahatchee. "We have reached a pivotal people on the PSN registry in LaBelle, 12 in Clewiston and ten in Moore Haven. As a storm approaches and the shelter opens, emergency management personnel will still call those on the register to coordinate their plan. As previously, Good Wheels will still pick up people registered for the PSN shelter or they may be transported there by family or friends. Remember, you must be ready to go when the Good Wheels bus arrives it will not wait and it will not return for you. Health department nurse Susan Holland said staff sta- tioned at the PSN will check patients in, along with their care- giver and supplies. They will go over their registration form and verify their information. Health department staff is there to sup- port caregivers, not take their place in any way, and to provide a calming effect with a little extra TLC. The Glades County EMS will also be using the Muse Commu- nity Center as a staging area, so during the storm there will be the added advantage of having EMT/paramedics on hand if needed. However, once the storm passes and ambulances can again be on the road, they will be responding to the many emergency calls that will time in -the business of water management for Lake Okeechobee," said Erick Lind- blad of the Sanibel-Captiva Con- servation Foundation. "The system of structures and the policies which guide their use can no longer provide for the pro- tection of the environment so cru- cial to the economy of Central and South Florida." "The problems of the Caloosa- hatchee River can be solved if fed- eral, state and local regulators work together to obtain more sur- ficial storage, treat more water, and time releases to mimic natu- ral water flow\," said Andrew McElwaine, President and CEO otf the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. About America's Most Endan- gered Rivers Each year, American Rivers solicits nominations from thou- sands of river groups, environ- mental organizations, outdoor clubs, local governments, and taxpayer watchdogs for the Amer- ica's Most Endangered Rivers inevitably be coming in. Residents should remember that all public shelters are "refuges of last resort" only. No comforts and no pels (so make sure to have a plan for your ani- mals before the storm hits). Pub- lic shelters are crowded and noisy, with none of the relative comforts you would have at home, even with a loss of power. Emergency personnel advise that, if you have anywhere else to go during the storm, that's your best bet. Slay home, if pos- sible, shelter with family or friends in a substantial structure or leave the area. Ms. Osceola and Mr. Kochheiser remind all residents to start putting their hurricane supplies together now. Include necessary medications (or at least a list of them, nonperish- able foods, water, flashlights, radios, batteries, extra clothes and things to keep you occupied (books, magazines, games). If you have a baby don't forget baby food, formula, diapers all the everyday paraphernalia that babies need. To register as a PSN or for more irformationd, call the Hendry County Emergency Man- agement at 612-4700 or. Glades. County Emergency Management' at 863-941-6020. report. The report highlights the rivers facing the most uncertain futures rather than those suffering from the worst chronic problems. The report presents, alterna- tives to proposals tht .would damage rivers, identifies those who make the crucial decisions, and points out opportunities for the public to take action on behalf of each listed river. This year's report details how nearly a century of federal flood damage reduction efforts poured tons of concrete and billions of dollars into massive engineering projects that too often destroy natural flood protection and lure communities into harm's wa\. The rivers named in this year's America's Most Endangered Rivers report are: Pajaro River (Calif.), Upper Yellowstone River. (Mont.), Willamette River (Ore.), Salmon Trout, River (Mich.), Shenandoah River (a. and W. Va.), Boise River (Idaho), Caloosahatchee River (Fla.l, Bris- tol Bay (Alaska), San Jacinto River r(ex.), and the Verde River .Ariz.). Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Maria Ramos, chairman of the Kiwanis Earth Day poster contest, is pictured with one of the drawings you can see during the Earth Day event. Earth Continued From Page 1 returned to the appropriate school. Organizers wish to thank all the schools, parents, students and judges. For more information, please call Pat Norman at 675-5252, Lois, Jaffies at' 67.5-3940 or Maria Rarms at 675-42142. I e o t Bg d p Your #1 Choice For Repairs Steel Buildings & Components SStructural products Standing seam roof systems R-panels, U-panels, A-panels Full line of accessories ALL AMERICAN For Product Information, t CONSTRUCTION Pricing & Order Forms 1-866-279-5035 www.americancomponents.corr fax: 904-493-2f!42 Licensed & Insured www americansteelmfg.com CBC 1251774 VEDICAR PATIENTS! CALL USTOLL FREE 1.866.294.3476 SAND RECEIVE A FREE WETER! SI TiEE IABES Y REOBE M DCARBe UWJE GRTISAtcIRAMSM O 'AL 1.866.294.3476YREOBAGRATIS ... -e UN MEDIDOR DEGLUCOSA ' At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Tirej[nicr :t E u..jluajri,n :it .Vtr eri e .:.f G l" iu',I:n, ,jular Dec',.rir : r[i,:,ri t- (;ir.j,:i, E ie iir.: [ii it:.,, ..i j',:i lt 'rv E)C l,..irJ.:[. Pier\,iurii C,:, ,Jritn.:1i lsi ipnl: Ev.- FI j$1, l F.:i el trs L AsIK [pc', jIjZirig r i bif',c.oj, [:i'I :, djtli dlh p.,:, ilc .land .-iird.ri.:i.i[ :.rt, it, c ltc ,es Full Opi:n.:l eri.es tni-i.:.ue LAb Hih Qua.ljr, N nie Br.ird Frane- S Ljrne Da ,'er.icle ir. :' L.: r ''re :r i Lor', Late-t 'tecl oriuloji:.' Len_ D.:-,_ n '3iurdai and E eriing. ppoiritnecnr .ail'bAl 24 Hour Em':rrcnC 'i .i i |.ad bl New Patients Welcome 863.6'5.0'61 .-\. tfn ili, c .:Jri -l j LI ellec io-: m Dana Howard Weekley Post 130 AMERICAN LEGION AND THE LEGIOi AUXILIARY Friday light Fish Fry 1 pm at 699 .R. 80 W Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos S Sicl Ifntertrinrent Included Abuse Continued From Page 1 were 661 births in 2004 and an average of 630 births each year. Judy Paskvan, Program Manag- er for Healthy Families, says "Parenting is not an easy job, young parents need our sup- port. Babies do not come With instructions and young parents need to understand how their baby develops and grows, as well as how important they are in the lives of their children." The Healthy Families Pro- gram is focused on the preven- tion of child abuse and neglect and helps families from the very beginning with a positive par- enting approach. Family Support Workers support parents in being the best parents they can be by learning about their child's development, the impor- tance of preventive health and creating a safe home environ- ment for the children. Everyone can help protect our children by: Be a role model by demon- strating for children and other adults how conflicts can be resolved without hitting or yelling. Volunteer your time to help strengthen families in our community: Get to know your neighbors and their children or grandchildren. Offer to baby-sit for free to give stressed parents a little time for themselves. Become a mentor for a child or new parent. Donate your chil- dren's outgrown clothing or toys to a family in need. Learn what child abuse is. Recognize the common signs of abuse. Report abuse. For more information on Healthy Families call LaBelle: 863.674.4041 ext 149 and Clewiston: 863.902.3311 ext 532. CALOOSA ,BFI IF CALOOSA BF, I F To Reach Us ti.lamg .Addre-: PO Bos. 51 LaBele FL 33975 Ph%\,icil Addre - 22 F Thomp.:on. Ae Phone 1iyc3 675.251I F. I'863)6, 5 1449 \\ eb'lSe v'.i neW'.:ip coirri tlbele To Submit News To Place a Classified Ad SCall (877) 353-2424-1 tr pl.:e i s-lhied :. ne adierrsement frtom home The deid. ine for all :!asjsahed 0i-e IdNMrniin, is .londay at II am ifor rte itfolo'., n . Thur-diay's publbcadon Fax (87 .1 354 2424 E-Maid cljadsIDnev': -_p a om For Subscrit ions The Caloosa Belle welcomes submis- sions from itr readers Opinions, calen Phone (877) 353-2-124 dar terms, store ideas and photographs The- C.ilooia Belle dstrnbutei .i:000 c.:.ple are welcome. 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SPR-467601 1 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 Avian flu: How to protect your family This information is the third part eyes, mouth or nose before wash- .their handsfrequently with soap information as you can about your in a series provided by The Hendry ing their hands. and water and cover their cough. medical history, especially if you and Glades County Health Depart- While there is no vaccination Stay home from work and have a serious health condition or ments on Pandemic Influenza. currently available for bird flu, the school if sick. allergy. According to Dr. Fernandez, How can I protect myself from following simple steps can help When soap and water are not Medical Director of the Hendry and Bird Flu or other forms of flu? prevent anyflu and limit the spread available, alcohol-based wipes or Glades County Health Depart- The main way that illnesses like of infection. gel sanitizers may be used. ments, "It is also important to stock colds and flu are spread is from *Wash your hands often for 15- When traveling, avoid places a three month supply of prescrip- person to person in the respiratory 20 seconds; about the amount of where avian flu is more likely to be tion medications." droplets of coughs and sneezes time it takes to sing the "Happy transmitted. Create a family. emergency "droplet spread." This happens Birthday" song twice. health plan. Fill in information for when droplets from the cough or 0 Each time you -cough or Familh Emergency Health Infor- each family member. This can also sneeze of an infected person move sneeze, cough or sneeze into a tis- mation Sheet help prepare for other emergen- through the air and are deposited sue, throw the tissue away and Think about health issues that ces: Family Member Information: on the mouth or nose of people washyourhands. : could arise if an influenza pandem- Family Member; Allergies: nearby. Germs are also spread If you don't have a tissue, icoccursand holwtheycouldaffect Past Current Medical Conditions; when a person touches the respira- sneeze orcough into your sleeve. .you and your loved ones. For Current Medications. Dosages; tory droplets that have been Stay away from people who example, ifamassvaccinationclin- Additional information on Avian deposited on a desk or other sur- aresick. ic is set up in your community, you Influenza will be provided next face and then touch their own Teach your children toi wash may need to provide as much week. Hendry Regionaloffers free diabetes education class Diabetes affects your heart and blood vessels. Complications include heart attack, coronary artery disease, stroke and poor cir- culation to the feet. Heart disease affects 75 percent of those with dia- betes. People with Type 2 diabetes have an even greater risk of cardiac complications because damage to blood vessels starts many years before blood sugar levels elevate. Insulin resistance, the cause of the Alena May Goff MMcey MeDonough Renowned cook and gardener, lover of bright colors and tangos left us April 13, 2006, at the age ol 85. She was a teller :of stories and good at laugh- ter. She made Beautiful things, spoiled five grandchil- dren and two great-grand- children, raised three children who could never hope to be as interesting as she was, and mothered anyone who wandered into her sphere. She lived through the '26 hur- ricane at Okeechobee, the '28 hurricane at Canal Point and weathered the many storms that pass through everyone's lives. She is survived by everyone read- ing this and will be sorely missed by many. Type 2 diabetes, leads to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and fat deposits 20-30 years before the high blood sugars start to rise. Diabetes causes changes in the way fats are used in the body. Cho- lesterol and triglycerides elevate and the good cholesterol (HDL) level falls. The cholesterol becomes small, dense and sticky causing it to stick to the sides of blood vessels. This leads to athero- sclerosis, fatty plaques that form on Leland Attis Rolls Leland Allis Rolls, age 56 of Felda, died Tuesday, April I 1,2006. He was involved in a car accident at work on Highway 27 one mile south of 29 in Palmdale. He was employed for Better Roads as a truck driver. He is survived by his sister: Sue Peacock .Roy); brothers: Van Lee Rolls and Henry Rolls (Donna) Funeral services were held April 15 at Brister Funeral Home. Burial took place at th6 Felda Cemetery with Pastor Hilario Perez officiating. Brister Funeral Home in Immokalee was in charge of the arrangements. Janeal E. Conley SJaneal E. Conley, age 63, of LaBelle, passed away April 16, 2006, in Cape Coral. She was born Nov. 29, 1942, in Bremen, Indiana, to Elmer J. Bows- er and Letha M. (Bowen) Bowser. She moved to LaBelle in August 2005 from Arizona. Survivors include sisters: Juda R. Burke of LaBelle, and Mentone, IN and Jearlyn Couts of LaBelle; broth- the sides of blood vessels and shrink the opening that carries blood to organs, arms and legs. The red blood cells become sticky and clump together, increasing the risk for high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects more than half of all people with diabetes and plays a major part in the progress of eye and kidney problems. Blood pres- sure in people %with diabetes increases with age and %weight and er. Donald Bowser of Plymouth, Ind: seven nephews and one niece. She was preceded in death by her husband, Mon E. Conle\ and broth- er, Dean Bowser. Donations can be made to Hope Hospice, 2430 Diplo- mat Parkw'ay E., Cape Coral, FL 33909 in Janeal's memory . Cremation Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home LaBelle. Annie Mae Booth Annie Mae Booth, age 95. passed away April 16, 2006, at Par- risri Medical Center in Titusxille, Fla. She was born August I, 1910, in Barto%\. She also resided in LaBelle for 50 plus years before moving to Tituslille in 1997 She worked as a bookkeeper for a few different busi- nesses but the most recent was the Tri-County Senior Center. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Alfred Tomlinson Sand her second husband, Carlos F Booth. She is survived by her daughter: Ruth Yeomans of Titusville; two daughters: Gail Har- rison of Lake Placid and Arbelle Heinz of Arcadia; a brother: Nelson Story of Lake Placid. She has eight is twice as likely in African-Ameri- cans as Caucasians. It adds to the higher risk of stroke. Hypertension worsens hardening of the arteries, where the walls of the arteries become thick and hard, leading to poor circulation. Prevention of heart complica- tions is possible, %with daily exer- cise. low fat diet and medications for hypertension and cholesterol. Call 863-983-1123 for more infor- mation grandchildren; 19 great-grandchil- dren; and two great-great grand- children. Visitation was April 19 at New- comer Family Funeral Home in Titusville. The service is Thursday, April 20, at the LaBelle Church of God at 1:30 p.m. Arrangements were entrusted to the care of newcomer Family' Funeral Home. Messages ol condo- lence may be left for the family at ww\ .newcomer amily.com Alice Therese Hosang Alice Therese Hosang, age 69, of LaBelle, passed away April 10, 2006, in LaBelle. She was born Aug. 13, 1936, in Highland Park, Michi- gan. Survivors include her daughter:' Carrie (Ed) Gelsey of Glendale, AZ: brothers: Ed Hosang of Ft. Myers and Robert Hosang of Virginia Beach, VA; and sister: Sharon Hart- man ofRochester, MI. 'A memorial mass will be Friday, April21,11 a.m. at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church in LaBelle with Father Chester Domaszewicz officiating. SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR '"" ""'" ""'NT N. 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Local Links A directory of websites for location government, teams, organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers, distributed to 31.000 homes. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one Itho has departed with a special .i l Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. : A s. ;e.r . Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary\ of \our lo\ed one's birth or passing You can add a photograph of \'our lo\ed one. lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and \ve'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. *S I ; Visit www2.newszap.com/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. MARIA "MARY" LEAL GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN AUGUST 6, 1927 ^ APRIL 4, 2005 You were so full of life, S A1wa\s smiling and carefree, Life loved.you being a part of it, And we loved you being a part of us. You could make any:'ne laugh, If they were ha\ ing a bad day, No: matter how said I was, bYu could rake the hurt akvav Nothrin could ever -stop you, Or even make you tall, You were ready to take on the world, Ready to do it all. But God dec ided he needed you, So from this world you left, Bur you took a piece of all of us, Our hearts are what you kept. Your seat is now empty, And it's hard not see your ifce, But please always knoi:w this, : No one will ever take your place. And we-know everyday for the rest of our lives, a1 ; W\'e'Il be missing you. P, HENDRY COUNTRY DEiPUTY BRIAN A. HAAS March 3, 1983 April 24, 2004 You live on in the memories of all who love you. Brian loved serving the people of Hendry County, and he died doing what he loved. It's been two very long years, though we remember every detail of April, 24, 2004, as if it were yesterday The OL'01 OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Vacancies starting at $84 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fa 863-675.4892 Obituaries AlenaMay GoffMcVey Mcdonough Climate Control Systems, Inc. E -d Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 4 OPINION Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at http/Avww.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin-= ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. UPSET OVER GRADUATION: We the parents are outraged about this year's graduation at LaBelle High School. These kids and parents have waited a life time for this day and now the school is going to take it away from us because they want to try something new. Please! .Having graduation on a hot Saturday morning is bad enough but to limit the students to 15 tickets is pure insanity. That means only parents and grandparents can come. What about the other relatives that have been to our other kids' graduations and now can't attend this child's? That isn't fair. What about our pastors, coaches, former teachers and friends who have watched them grow up and are excited about this day as we all are? That means Mrs. Puletti can't come with Mr. Puletti because she doesn't have a ticket because she isn't a family member of one of the students. Do you see how ridiculous this all is? Not to mention unfair to the students. I know of a lot of kids who are not wanting to attend their own graduation because their whole family won't be able to attend. How do you pick which brother or sister gets to go when you don't have enough tickets for a large family? I do believe the school board needs to rethink this and consider the problems, you will have at the gate when you try to turn someone away that doesn't have.a ticket but has driven a far distance to see their relative graduate, not to mention the ones with toddlers that also have to have tickets. We are telling you no matter how good you think this idea is, that you are going to have big fallout from this on graduation day. I for one will be livid if my child's graduation day is marred by fallout from this. LANDFILL DEAL ALREADY STINKS: The Glades County Correction- al Development Corporation will soon break ground on.the new $32 million dollar Glades County Jail and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility. Have any of the proponents of the pro- posed "regional landfill" being discussed to be sited on the adjacent Duda property, through annexation by the City of Moore Haven, con- templated what the impact of that facility might be upon the INS proj- ect? It is entirely possible that once tons of trash begin to be trucked in to this regional landfill that "detainees" at the INS facility could lodge a federal complaint against "cruel and unusual punishment" due to the stench. So might inmates at the GEO complex across the street. Were that to happen, all of those "detainees" could be relocated elsewhere and with themthe money that pays for their keep. The county plans to develop the rest of the property as a business park. Companies only choose to site next to a landfill when there are no alternative sites available. Think about it. CODE ENFORCEMENT: Why do we have this department if it is not enforced? By not being enforced, junk cars, bikes, car parts and trash in yards. How can the public help? How much force do they have? How can they have more force? QUESTION FORANY SHERIFF'S DEPT. OR FHP: Is it legal to pass a road grader or farm equipment with two solid yellow lines? No. Why do so many do it? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?: I am a bookkeeper for a local busi- ness in LaBelle and it is impossible for me to understand how some- one in the Hendry County Clerk's Office can embezzle $60,000 and no one have a clue that this is going on. This person has been (allegedly) stealing for over six months and it is just now being discovered. How can this be? All I can say is this is the poorest excuse for record keeping that Thdv' ever heard of. Are there no checks arid balances in place to prevent this from happening? I believe that supervisors within the clerk's office havq to bear a portion of the blame. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: *LaBelle issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 *Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Witch's Brew Keep one bobbin filled with heavy nylon thread. When mak- ing gathers just sew, with regular thread in the needle, using the longest stitch. Then when you pull on the bobbin thread to gath- er it won't break. This would have saved me years of time when I was making my girl's dresses. I personally have not worn a belt, for obvious reasons, in approximately 65 years but for those of you who can and it becomes snug do to shrinkage, obviously not yours, remove the buckle and sew an inch or two of elastic .to the end of the belt. Sew the buckle to the elastic extension and when it's buckled it will hide your dirty little secret. To cut calories in chocolate chip cookies use half as many mini chips. They scatter better and it seems as though you have used the same amount. You are older than dirt if you remember: Stuff from the store came without safety caps and hermetic seals because no one had yet tried to, poison a perfect stranger. Or taking drugs meant orange flavored chewable aspirin. CALOOSAO BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. ........................................................................................ We Pledge ... EDITORIAL: To operate this newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant a public trust News Editor: Patty Brant To help our community News Clerk: Donna Meister become a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt and work, through our dedi- Sports: Roger Alexander cation to conscientious Jour- ADVERTISING: nalism. STo provide the information cit- Advertising Director Izens need to make their own Judy Kasten intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues. Brenda Jaramillo STo report the news with hon-ertii esty, accuracy, purposeful Advertising neutrality fairness, objectivity. Services Coordinator: fearlessness and compassion Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: facilitate community debate, Barbara Calfee not to dominate it with our own opinions. National Advertising To disclose our own conflicts Joy Parrish of interest or potential con- ..... ...... flicts to our readers. Independent Newspapers, Inc. STo connect our errors and to Chairman give each connection the Joe Smyth prominence It deserves. President To provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin those we write about STo treat people with courtesy. Vice President respect and compassion. of Florida Operations :Tom Byrd For More Information See ExecuTom Brd At Your Service On Page 2 Katrina Elsken : Katrina Elsken Are we outnumbered in Hendry County? With all the "to do" about immigration, wire tapping, leak- ing, lobbyist graft, and, now, bird flu as an honest, god fearing citi- zen and tax payer, did you ever feel "they" have us outnum- bered? Well, don't look now, but, you are right -"they" do! So, how do we manage to cope with all of these negative. influences on our sanity and well being? When in doubt, we can call on the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin, who among his many talents, had awaywith words. He is credited with saying "All the Constitution guarantees is the pursuit of happiness. You have to catch up with it by yourself." In today's situations I take that to mean exercising more valued judgment in electing our govern- ing representatives than we have j tyour worii IGet InvolvedU apparently done to date. Although it was meant in humor, there is a story circulating under the guise of a new disease being transmitted out of the politi- cians "think" tanks. It is designated by the name "Gonorrhea Lectim" and is pronounced "gonna re-elect 'em?" Once you get by the shock value of the pseudo titular desig- nation, and disregard any social implications, there is a remedial, curative action available. All you have do is put the "act" back in action. Coincidentally, I ran across another corruptive factor appar- ently affecting the governing process at all levels of govern- ment. It is the demise of the citizen's most staunch advocate, and long- Stime friend and supporter, Mr. Common Sense. Mr. Common Sense lived by the golden rule, the Ten Com- mandments, and provided solid supporting encouragement and guidance at all levels of human needs and involvements. Having been preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife Conscience, his daughter Responsibility and his son Reason, he is survived by two step brothers, Irresponsible and Imawhiner. No real mention of his passing has been publicized because so few of us have realized he is gone - another insidious sign of the times, as our over-litigated, over-regulated, familyless, overstressed economy and lifestyles careen toward some fictitious finish line. If you still remember Mr. Com- mon Sense, and how useful he. can be, rise up and rebut, through the citizen action and elective processes. As the majority, at this moment, this seems arcane and foreign to your depth of concerns, you can surrender one of your few remaining freedoms and allow the minorities, as Ben' Franklin said "to catch up with it by themselves." Respectfully, T. W. Bill Neville (Hendry, County Citizen and Taxpayer) Stock redemption SSomething that came up recently with a client, and I believe is worth discussing, is stock redemption for those of you who own stock in a family busi- ness, farm or close corporation. Generally the stock you own is traded on one of the exchanges, and consequently there'is a ready market for it. However, when you have a small business with a limit- ed number of stockholders, sell- ing your stock may be difficult. The first place you think of is one of the other stockholders. Since everybody is in the same boat, it often makes sense to have a buy and sell agreement. Thereby, if you die or become disabled, a specified person or persons will purchase your stock. I discussed the importance of buy and sell agreements several months ago in this column, but not specific types or close corpo- ration situations. There are two basic ways to do a buy-back. First, you have a writ- ten agreement that says you or your personal representative, must sell or offer to sell your shares to the corporation. The agreement specifies that the cor- poration must purchase those shares, at a price determined by an agreed upon formula. This is. a simple corporate buy-back. The second method involves selling the stock not to the corpo- ration, but directly to the other stockholders. The agreement usu- ally specifies that the shares be sold proportionately so that the remaining stockholders continue to own the same respective per- centage of the corporation. Is there an advantage to the second method? You bet! It allows those purchasers to obtain a new cost basis for the shares they are buying directly from you or your personal representative. Otherwise, if the corporation itself buys the stock, it is retired or car- ried as Treasury stock on the books. The disadvantage of the second method (called the criss- cross method) is the complexity Financial Tips byWayneC.Switzer when dealing with many stock- holders. The total net worth of the corporation is the same either way, but surviving stockholders, perhaps your family members or friends, who later sell their stock, will want the increased cost basis for their stock. There are some complex IRS rules that come into play when your personal representative redeems stock shares to a corpo- ration in which you own more than 35 percent of the business or farm, and uses the money to pay Federal Estate Taxes, funeral expenses and administration costs. Here you want to look at section 303 of the IRS code. Those rules are designed to help you, but you need to go over them with your CPA or your tax attor- ney. In that situation you may inten- tionally have a corporate buy- back and not use the criss-cross method. Often, life insurance policies are purchased to guaran- tee the cash will be readily avail- able j, the corporation to pur- chase those qualifying shares upon the death of the stockhold- er. As much as you might want to barter with the IRS, they are only interested in cash! Death taxes are due nine months after death on Form 706, arid although form 4768 will get you a six-month extension, it doesn't prevent you from having to pay the tax or the interest due for being late. Thus, if you have a sizable estate, and a close corporation or farm, do some careful planning with your shares of stock. Wayne C. Switzer, CLU Autism: Teaching early skills The Center for Autism and Related Disabilities-University of South Florida (CARD-USF) will present "How to Teach New Skills" from 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesday, April 26 at Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA), 551 West Cowboy Way, La Belle. The free program is designed for parents, grandparents and teachers of young children with autism and related disabilities between the ages of 18 months and 7 years. Topics include designing a teaching program using systematic instruction, motivating children to learn new skills, prompting sys- teams, prompt fading procedures, using visual supports and rein- forcement. Written materials in Spanish will be available. CARD-USF training are offered in Hendry County as a free public service. Registration is required. For information, call (239) 590- 7771, or e-mail registration to cphilbro@fgcu.edu. CARD-USF provides program services for indi- viduals with autism, dual sensory impairments and related disabili- ties, families, professionals and peers throughout fourteen coun- ties in west, central and southwest Florida. Community Calendar Friday, April 21 American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Bingol Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. NO Smoking Sunday, April 23 AA: 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday, April 24 Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m. American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Moose Lodge #2398: 8 p.m. Moose Lodge Lions/Jaycee Blvd. Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Tuesday, April 25 Kiwanis Club: 7 am., Flora and Ella's, Hwy. 80 Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m. Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restau- rant, noon Teen Center: Hendry County Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 p.m. School Board: 5:30 p.m. Clewis- ton sub-office County Commission: 6:30 p.m. Courthouse F&AM: lodge on Jaycee/Lions Blvd. dinner meeting, 6 p.m. Heartland CHADD: (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders) Fourth Tuesday, 7 p.m., LaBelle High School, teacher in- service points available. LaBelle Masonic Lodge #379 F&AM: 7:30 p.m. Jaycee/Lions Blvd. AA: 12 Step/Big Book study group, 8 p.m., First Christian Church, Ford Avenue, open meet- ing Laloosa Delle/ouunna meisrer Question of the week: What did you think of the Hispanic march this last week protesting immigration laws? Kayla Marshall, age 17, said, "I think it was good that they did it. They could express how they felt." Juan Martinez, age 17, said, \"I went to the one in LaBelle. I thought it was pretty calm and peaceful. Everyone's ancestors were immigrants at one time. And now they are trying to kick out Hispanic immigrants. It's going to hurt the economy really bad." Kenny Martinson, age 18, said, "My parents went to the rally in Ft..Myers. I would have gone, but i had an important class that I didn't want to miss. They said it was peaceful, lots of people showed up for a good cause." Brandy Gonzalez, age 17, said, "I think it was good that people stood up for what they believe in. I was going to do it, but I worked the night before and woke up to late to go to the one in LaBelle." Oscar Tovar, age 17, said, "I did- n't have a ride to go to either event, in Ft. Myers or LaBelle. I really wanted to go. It was some- thing that they should have done. They do have a right to work here. They are not criminals or terrorists. If they want to get citi- zenship they should. They should at least get a work visa. I hope the outcome will be good." Ashley Morrissey, age 19, said, "I think they should have done it. I am happy that the school let them do it to express them- selves and their rights. If they are legal or not-they still have the right to express their rights." Brenda Arrieta, age 14, said, "I thought it was good to show support of the illegal immigrants." Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 Bi Lake is in a fight for its life *', A ,- ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^JL L^ ^ ^1^ ^ J ^l ^w ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^. *fc y^^ .^ ^ -^ ^ __ ,/ "_' ' By Loma Jablonski Okeechobee News LAKE OKEECHOBEE Politi- cians, wildlife experts, business- men and locals continue to focus their attention on the 730 sq. mile lake named Lake Okeechobee (Seminole for big water). The beautiful lake was once home to a multitude of wildlife from alliga- tors and waterfowl to largemouth bass, blue gill, specks and numer- ous other fish. Its bounty was essential to the economy of the city and county. But now the lake is in trouble. After years of mis- management, neglect and natural disasters, the fish population is dwindling. At a summit held on Jan. 13, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Con- servation Commission (F1VCi dis- cussed the decline in the fish pop- ulation of Lake Okeechobee with anglers, business owners and biologists. As reported in February, the FWC took 66 electro fishing sam- ples of largemouth bass at differ- ent areas around the lake in areas such as Harney Pond, Fisheating Bay, Tin House Cove, Indian Prairie Canal, Horse Island, King's Bar, Cody's Cove and J&S Fish Camp. They took a lake-wide trawl in 27 primarily open-wvater areas such as Taylor Creek, Nubbin Slough, the open water south of the Pass, the shiner traps and the open water out from Horse Island for other species of fish during the month of October. Their findings are far from positive. "We picked up the lowest number of black crappie since the program started in 1973," said Jon Fury, FWC South Region freshwa- ter fisheries administrator. "Our capture rate of black crappie larg- er than 8 inches was 25 times lower than average." Recent electro fishing samples in October 2005 also show a lack of baby or, "young-of-the-year" bass which indicates a poor reproduction rate for bass. "We collected one young-of- the-year bass in 16 hours of elec- tro fishing, which is startling," Mr. Fury said. "Following the lake recession and drought in 2000, we collected 163 young-of-the-year bass." When asked what could be done to save the lake, local FWC biologist Don Fox stated, "There is no short term solution. There is too much waler and loo much damage to the habitatftor a short term fix. What we need iC '6eeral years of ideal conditions such as lower lake levels; good weather conditions: and, the political #4 b~.I;-s.~ ~A f. 4"~ Okeechobee News/Lorna Jablonski Sam Baggett of the Big "O" Junior Teen Anglers bass fishing club had a good day recently on the troubled Lake Okeechobee as shown by the lunker he brought in. w heel to operate in such a way as to help the lake. We're going to have to become extremely restric- tive on crappie limits. As for the bass, they are not currently in as much danger as crappies, but should still be monitored closely," he added. In trawls performed between 1988 and 1991 the dominant species in the lake included threadlin shad, bluegill, black crappie, Florida gar, gizzard shad, while catfish and red ear sunfish. The average number of fish col- lected was 6,052 with an average of 11.21 fish per minute collected. The average number of threadfin shad was 2,992 and the average number of black crappie being 2,037. The average weight of the crappies was 80.39(g). In October 2005 the samples changed dramatically. The domi- nant species are now black crap- pie, w hite catfish, channel catfish, Florida gar, bluegill and threadfin shad. The total number of fish col- lected was 1,145 with an average number of fish collected per minute of 2.12. The number of threadfin shad had dropped to 80 and the average number of black crappie had dropped to 482. Their average weight had plummeted to 9.589ig). The drop in shad is par- ticularly alarming as they are an important part of the crappie's food chain. According to the recent press release, based on biologists' expe- rience from the past, they expect the recovery of aquatic vegetation and sport nsn populations to oe a multi-year process. Mr. Fox's find- ings have brought to light the issues that those wvho depend on the lake.for their livelihood have known for years. Mary Ann Martin, owner of Roland Martin's Marina in Clewis- ton, has seen the lake change over the years. "The quality and quan- tity of fishing on this lake has defi- nitely declined," she said. "The south end of the lake is worse than the northern end. It is nothing but muck and mud down here. Tour- nament anglers are mainly fishing in the Moonshine Bay area because that's the only place where there's fresh, clean water. Crappie fishing has collapsed and bass fishing has declined dramati- cally because there just is no clear water." She continued, "The eco- nomic impact is devastating. A lot of my long-time customers are stating that they won't be back next season." Ms. Martin predict- ed that within the next two years, there will be no crappie left in the lake. "There's nothing left for them to eat. They're not spawning and soon there won't be any (crappie) left. Additionally, with the natural food chain destroyed, all pan fish- ermen will be gone within the next two years. There's simply no fish left for them. The figures speak for themselves. The state of Florida better wake up. In 2003 the economic impact of recre- ation fishing in Florida was $7.8 billion. Non-resident anglers were numbered at I million. Retail sales contributed to fishing were $4.3 million." The decline in the fish popula- tion is already being fell locally. Several bait shops have already closed. Owners of those that remain open are worried. Bubba Helton who, along with his wife Margaret, own Garrard's Bait and Tackle Shop, has seen a significant drop in the number of crappie fishermen. He is worried about the future of the lake because it directly affects his busi- ness and his family. "'."\Ve need to have the lake dropped to 10 feet and have it done now. Then it needs to be kept that low so that we get some grass to grow on the bottom," said Mr. Helton. "Crappie need grass to spawn and there is none. The lake has become a pure mud hole. I've even seen a drop in bass, and you can see by the weights that are being brought in at the bass tour- naments that there is a problem. "You can thank South Florida Water Management and the Corps of Engineers for this mess. We tried-to tell them even before the hurricanes that we had a problem with the lake level, but they wouldn't listen to us locals. It's going to take help from those who come here to fish and spend money to get their attention, and we need the help as soon as possi- ble," he continued. "If we don't take care of the habitat, there will be no fish," stated Mr. Fox. "The lake is so muddy that plants won't grow. People have to get united and become involved if they want this turned around. I'm worried that there will be no lake for my grandchildren to enjoy if some- thing is not done to correct the sit- uation and preserve one of Flori- da's true natural resources." Mrs. Martin agrees. "The Corps of Engineers has a limited window of opportunity right now to help the lake. They must continue to discharge water to drop the lake levels before we come out of the dry season and into the rainy and hurricane seasons. The lake is like a patient in intensive care and is just being sustained. Something has to be done. As long as the lake is dirty the estuaries are not healthy," she said. Jim Dorris of Lake Okee- chobee Bail and Tackle stated, "This time last year it wasn't this bad. The lake is so muddy that crappies can't survive." Jerry Stewart of Slim's Fish Camp in Belle Glade said, "The dynamite holes are not clearing up. The lake is nothing but mud. Bass can adapt, but crappies like cleaner water. The water level is getting down, but we need it dropped more. In my opinion, officials need to suspend spraying. There is already a foot of sediment helping to choke out the vegeta- tion. We certainly don't need more dead vegetation. Just let Mother' Nature take its course. Spraying is an issue by itself. It causes a lot of problems and the lake doesn't need more right now. Lake Okeechobee is one of the best fisheries in the world and we have to take care of it. Mother Nature will do her part, but we have to gjyvehera hand." - ommuniLinks. Individual Voices.U I SCommunit; Links. Individual Voices. 2 SCHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle. FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper l", 3"& 5" Sundays . Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. . Ti'ere' evltrybodv is Soiebody and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 N. Rie, Rd. (Hw 7 8i e-mail: ctklc@strato.net Q. Dcjii H.IA.P oui r la-rjlor .hi,.,.:jd u ] e .ilc l l hf..e i-lc i ri.:" rilcJ 5r', f lor..i 'iM L mm.iurur) M| hjritand JrI i ,c r[linrif l,:' 4.r K.f tr :,al'oi, mi [.ih r i,:,ftr|" b .i:re d : ir. L i, .,e iool: a dl ic :"cf i. our I".-Terri l ,) ni r.olit'.ih- ,. Sl ii'il .l c, a'it nrli c d iO Ife I i:tf th lrt mr,..phe.': r.it i 'c i:ifrniiluir) Whihle .:.n ouif" vIl. cl .iiipped i p k w.ipe h j IerI poI pk Tw-iOur u'rpr', : eic ioldJ ., "i. ri-r per.n w imioppcd o rld u ld [ ai i t.oJ Ir I he i o hiod in 3i.uid mlliicr i' i h s 11 iI' i i: e i rc 'e I ricife ghbo", c'en ii :n i:, v .t jtul 11 JI w.as I Iliciiii-i : *:u .rimre .:.i pri .nIuIl 1.-I t fi.r dedctJ k rig l.ililicr l.:. he rir:o.j irldh..ulr i- -fI zd iu'; i '"hg-C ,r i lrOioi ih h,:, .tins: ,o-neiridci Atri .rit.:s i nt hI:, i luc'i hjriedj ' S"?hh l, ilh nT) !Ou. 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ANYONE WHO WORKS WOP.HIPS OR ATTENDS SCHOOL HIE.E CAN JOIN. IMMEDIATE. FAMILY MEMBERS CAN IOIN TOO. 'ou your paycheck. To find out more about Suncoast, call us at 800-999-5887 or visit us online at joinsuncoast.org. CAPE CORAL 0 N. Del Prodo Blid. 574-3545 BONITA SPRINGS 24600 5. Tanmlml Troll 948-2800 FORT MYERS 11521 S.Clevelad Ave. 274-8100 S .. ; 'i. 1 1 t':.l:r i c.1 I 1, p', .+ I1 LIIeTio s rt hia. seI. -*, Sale prices do not apply to previous purchases. Styles and photos moy vary. FURNITURE FLORIDA'S FAVORITE STORES OPEN MON.-FRI. 9-7, SAT. 9-6, SUN. 12-5 NCUA 863.675.4550 877.314.3048 '00 S Main Sireet LaBelle, FL 33935 Sfpeiuzti in- W'erdry and dea Muety Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.j oinsuncoa st.o rg LJ nt 1MEMt - --- - -- - - I ; I I I I. I I I I I L ilk I I I I I 11. 1 I li 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 HAIPTON HRYSLER DODGE EPE a- We have the expert technicians, factory service information, specialized tools and genuine parts to properly service your Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep vehicle. Automatic LL Transmission Tune-Up $79.95 Drain/Replace L InCUDES: . Drain fluid/remove filter New Mopar transmission fitter A, Installation of new fluid Necessary adjustments Road-test vehicle Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to special filter *Vehicles with special fluids may be higher. Imports may be higher. Additional charge forfluid disposal -. EExpires 4/26/06 6 ~~- w ---- - -- -C - Lube, Oils Filter Change $2195 INUDES: Cooling System Service $49.95 i ] A Q' "" SFlushlReplace -I i"'' -. :: , : INCLUDES: tgI f Inspection of hoses and belts .. Mopar antifreeze replacement ' (2-gal max) ft Pressure test system Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra S *Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher e additional charge for fluid disposal S... Expires. 4/26/06 ..;;i; i "- - /b ft ft. ft ft ft It Li ." in" Wheel Balance &' Tire Rotation a $24.95 IGIIODES: I R* i f,- .l Engine oil replacement up to 5 quarts : from vehicle; balance S.. Wa S Complete chassis lube from vehicle balance -New Mopar oil filter I and rotate S Fluid level inspection Special wheels, specialty V Inspect CV joints and front vehicles slightly higher. suspension components A Additional charges may be applied for diesel, i V-10s, Hemit V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic Sand synthetic oils. Expires 4/26/06 Expires 4/26/06 . Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HE1NDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER ICHRYSLEnI C It really does make a difference! mg S FIVE N4xR I (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 p I. a. U a' a. i I IX I I% I, I It I I *1 Is I I I I -I a a I -~II 'II I I I I I ICLb--~L~II _ -- IC I n- a Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 Road to playoffs: Cowgirls have hot bats The Cowgirls ended their regu- lar season on Thursday April 13, with a 7-0 victory against Sebring High School. The Cowgirls were led by Dani Blake and Vanessa Ostolaza offensively. With the vic- tory, the Cowgirls finished the reg- ular season at 20 wins and 5 loss- es and the number one seed in the district. On Monday, April 17, the Cow- girls traveled to Clewiston to com- pete in their first game of the dis- trict tournament against Dunbar High School. The Cowgirls' got off to a great start and never looked back. Alexa Redish pitched the first 3 innings she had five strike outs and allowed no hits. Jacy Sealey came in for the next two innings and had three strike outs and gave up just one hit and four walks. Both girls did a great job for the team. Final score was 31-1. Dani Blake, Heather Raulerson and Kaci Ringler, each scored three runs:The girls came into the game ready to play. Coach Ray- mond Marroquin said, "We know that it is going to take an all- around team effort the rest of the way in order for us to win the dis- trict title and advance into the state play-offs for the second year in a row." The Cowgirls were to play their second game of the district tournament on Wednesday, April 19, at 4 p.m. against Estero High School in Clewiston SBC jFINANCEj Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available SFull Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Outs Purlhases .*Easy Qualification & Loan Requirements Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafol Cowboys Hull, Bell sign for scholarships ByDonnaMeister -4pa [' : 1 _I^^ .fr;Lt iI 'I ~~~ ~P-~-s"'L ipk saa~i At the most recent college foot- ball signing celebration Coach Ron Dunbar started by saying, "We are honored to be congratulating these two fine young men as they have chosen to continue on with their educations and proud that they) have taken the next step." Each of the two young men that signed last week had been three year starters and great leaders for their team, he said. Coach Dunbar works hard to encourage all his players to take the opportunities available to them. J.B. Hull will be headed to Cul- ver Stockton College, in Canlon, Mo., just 30 miles north of Hanni- bal and Mark Twain country. Culver Stockton was founded in 1853 and is a private four-year residential col- lege community affiliated with the Disciples of Christ Christian Church. Students may choose among 27 academic programs. It is situated on 140 acres of rolling countryside overlooking the Missis- sippi River. A defensive tackle, J.B. weighs in at 235 pounds and is six fool-tvo inches tall. He carries a 3.3 Grade Point Average and plans to study business administration. J.B. stated that he could not have done it with- out all Coach Dunbar's help. He also said he appreciates him and the rest of the coaching stall. Coach Dunbar remarked that J.B was the best long snapper that the LaBelle High School has ever seen, with only one miss in three years, and that occurred during a rainy game. The Culver Stockton Wildcats will play their first football game of the 2006 season against Linden- wood University on September 2. Lindenwood is the chosen school of another LHS football teammate, Austin Clayton. Matty (Matthew) Bell has cho- sen LaGrange College, a small 1,000 student College in LaGrange, Georgia. The college was built in 1831 and is the oldest private col- lege in the state. The school is situ- ated on 120 acres, 65 miles south- west of Atlanta and 40 miles from Auburn. LaGrange College is affili- ated with the United Methodist Church. Mattywill have the distinction of being on the first team ever playing football for LaGrange, a Division III school. The football program was added to the athletic program just this year. LaGrange also recently built a $3.5 million, 18,000-foot addition to the Callaway Education Building, which houses the brand new state-of-the-art locker rooms, athletic training room, equipment room, coaches' offices and weight room. They also have a new prac- tice field. Matty, however, was selected by the Panthers for his academic achievements and received an aca- demic scholarship to LaGrange. At ___ --Air7 ti ... ~ O~ ~ J- im Caloosa Belle/Donna Meister J.B. Hull signs his college football letter of intent as happy Mom Kathi, Joey, Dad Jerry, and Brian Hull look on. LaBelle High School, Mattyworked hard to earn a -.1 weighed Grade Point Average. His plans are to study in the Human Services field with an emphasis on Criminal Jus- tice. Matty is 260 pounds and is five foot-eleven inches tall. Mattv remarked that Coach Dunbar was very easy to get along with and vwas very encouraging to him, helping him to make his col- lege decision. Dad Russell Bell, was Matty's offensive line coach,. who also coached Matty's older brother,. Christopher, another LaBelle High School standout ath- lete. Christopher graduated from LHS and is doing very well at Wingate University in North Caroli- na. Chef Christopher's R verVienT Waterfront Dining Restaurant pBPRL BPEUIBL THURSDAY Prime Rib Aujus 4 Two... Twin Princess cuts of seasoned slow roasted beef served in its own natural juices...Includes Soup N Salad Bar, potato & vegetable...$16.95 FRIDAY Snow Crab Legs & Shrimp... Steamer Platters of Alaskin Snow Crab Legs & Peel N Eat Shrimp...Served with the fixin's... One Timer...$10.95/All You Can Eat...$16.95 SATURDAY 2 -4 1 Steak Nite... Enjoy two generous cuts of beef cooked just the way you like them, complete with Soup N Salad Bar, Potato & Vegetable...$19.95 SUNDAY Awesome Sunday Brunch Buffet... A delicious spread of culinary favorites and a great view of the river...Only $9.95 Kidz Eat Free 5 & Under L.cted t The lwdes Resort/Formwrly The Brningq Iron Cll For Information a Reenrvamons Cll [I63] 9se3-lO The Bell family hails from North Dakota and both parents have been employed by the Hendry County School System for the past 16 years. Mom, Jodi Bell, is a read- ing teacher at Upthegrove Elemen- tary School and Russell Bell is an AP American History teacher at LaBelle High School, as well as football coach. r -- --------- 9 SPORTS FANS a I I I BET Brought to you by I I Lori Langford Here is one prediction you can make forI Ithe 2006 major league season based on I This statistic. With the exception of the I I strike-shortened campaigns of 1994 and I I 1995, at least one bigleague pitcher has I I notched 20 wins for the first time in I I every year since 1983 21 full seasons in I Ia row. So who could it be in 2006? I I Here's a statistic that might help. Of the I I 62 pitchers to win 20 games for the first I I time during the span, 33 of them that's I I 53 per cent were between 23 and 29 I years of age. SMilwaukee Brewers second baseman Rickie Weeks was called up to the big leagues on June 10, 2005. Two weeks later, on June 25, Weeks hit his first major league home run. Fellow Brewer Prince Fielder also went deep in that. game against the Minnesota Twins. Fielder was also a rookie, and it was also his first major league long ball. Two rookies, two teammates, two first-time home runs on the same day. That's coin- cidence enough, but get this: Weeks and Fielder have been close friends since I- - childhood. The revitalized National Hockey League has come back strong from the 2004-05 season that was wiped out by a labor dispute. Everything was up in 2005-06 attendance, scoring, even the caliber of rookies, with Pittsburgh's Sidney Crosby and Washington's Alexander IOvechkin leading the way. Both are by Sfar the top goal scorers on their teams, Ibut neither is likely to break the record Sfor the differential between one team's I top goal scorer and its number two. SDurin the 1990-91 season, Brett Hull netted 86 goals, with St. Louis team- mrate Geot Courtnall next at 27 an incredible differential of 59. I I'll bet you didn't know, coming or I going, that when the rubber hits the I road, you can't afford not to buy from I I Langford. LANGFORD I I S "all SpokenHerert 675-1686 I-- ----------- OND JAMES I am pleased to announce the opening of my new office. * Equities Life Insurance M Bonds Long Term Care * Annuities Mutual Funds * RJ Bank: Mortgages, Re-Finance, CDs, Loans Ramod James Financial Services 14421 Metropolis Ave. Suite 104 Fort Myers FL 33912 239.694.7537 1.866.549.7537 Toll Free S 239.R 3.7537 Fax Stephen.Ridgely@RaymondJames.com Anniversary Sale Jackson River Furniture & Decor Is now 2 Years Old InLaBelle Plush Extra Firm 4 Piece Cypress Twig 660 Coil Lawn Set Queen Mattress Set $499 $399 Microfiber Rocker Recliner Brown Tan Green $299 100% Leather Dark Brown Sofa & Love Seat $1099 GREAT SAVINGS ON EVERYTHING 25% OFF ALL ACCESSORIES DURING APRIL AT THE FOOT OF THE BRIDGE 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE (SR 29 NORTH) 863-674-0003 Lsepnen E. nuagely Financial Advisor TrustkSpecialist A New Twist in Skylights . Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight.:; - ._ A revolutionary new way to think about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours .. No Reframing. No Painting. No Mess E OL PEE Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights ATnIC FANS L t our Certnifa Installalion Consullants ,snow you Ihe dl erance Solarilure can make in your home today. S_ Hurricane Tested & Approved c,. SOLATUBE r IrTHE M ... i. 6 *T DOU JBLE YOUR INVESTMENT IN ONLY 1 YEAR! Builders Lots Available in the Fastest Growing Areas of Fiurida WHLSAEPRCN RECEPTION SERVICES, INC. Satellite TV I3stialluss Proud parents Russell Bell, Matty Bell and Jodi Bell. Ir I --r ro "~"^~ 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 ~K ~in!~ i~w.~atr.~ ~ ~. ~ '~2~' ~'. -' . Sports Shorts LMS anticipates Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Eggs-hausting fun for everyone Over 100 residents enjoyed a big Easter Egg Hunt and party at the Pioneer Community Center Saturday, April 15. The community came together for a day of great food, fun and prizes for the kids. Egg hunts, games, hot dogs and candy what a day! The adults had at least as much fun as kids did, soaking up their excitement and energy. L.H.S. plans sports physical LaBelle High School will be- giving Sports Physical at the LaBelle High School on May 12 and May 19. The 9th and 10th graders will be on May 12 from 2:30-4:30 p.m.; Ilth and 12th graders May 19 @ 2:30-4:30 p.m. the cost will be $10. Any questions please call Tracy Nobles at LHS 674-4120. Sign-up for Longhorns Pop Warner sign-ups will be held Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday in April. They will be at Davis Pratt Park from 5:30-7:30. You will need the following: report card, birth certificate and a minimum deposit of $10. Anyone interested in football or cheerleading between the ages of 5 and 15 can sign up with the LaBelle Longhorns. If you have questions come out and get some information. Almanacs Cultural board to hold meeting The Firehouse Cultural Center Board of Directors will meet Wednesday, April 26, at 5:30 p.m. at the theater. History buffs to meet The LaBelle Heritage Museum is celebrating the last meeting ol the season by going to Buddy. Taylor's in Felda for dinner on Thctsday, May 4. Pulled pork, potato casserole, baked beans, cole sla%\, rolls, butter and tea for about $10 each. Contact Linda Clark at curtlindaclark'i'-netze- ro.net ci 612-0868 for info or reservations. The program Henry Ford's Aviation Adven- tures 1924 to 1936, about the time he \as active in the LaBelle area. Gardeners to meet The April meeting of The Greater LaBelle Garden Club will be Wednesday, April 26, at 7 p.m. Meetings take place at the Dallas Townsend Center off Cowboy\ Way across from the health department. President Nina Rigby and guests from the Alva Garden Club will be speaking this month. Everyone is welcome. Come enjoy, bring questions or prob- lems you are having or even plants to exchange. There will be a plant exchange, 50 50, Yard of the Month presentation and refreshments. Bring your family and friends. For more informa- tion, call Nikki at 675-3394 or Terri at 675-2392. Kiwanis Scholarship applications available Kiwanis is accepting applica- tions for Adult Advancement and Vocational Training Scholar- ships, also any prior High School Graduate Kiwanis Scholarship Recipient can re-apply for contin- uing support. Please call Debbie at 675-4643. ABWA scholarships available The Calooshatchee Charter Chapter of American Business Women scholarship applications are now available and can be picked up a Badcock Furniture Store on Main Street. Open mike night at coffee shop The Bridge Street Coffee and Tea Company and the Calooshatchee Folk Club will host open mic night free for the public starting on Friday, April 28, and every last Friday of the month. This event is open to all people with acoustic instru- ments and singers who would like to exhibit their talent. Please call Mina Daegling at 239-324-. 2767 for further details. Enjoy a ste'a ldinner: Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church invites the community to come to a steak dinner on Friday, April 2 from 6- 7:30 p.m. The menu includes a 10 ounce boneless New York strip steak, baked potato, salad, corn, roll and beverage for $10. Dessert will be available for $1. You may eat your dinner in the Fellowship Hall or pick it up to take home. For take-outs, there will be a drive-up area behind the church at the north kitchen door. Tickets, which %. ill only be sold' in advance, are available by calling Judy Barton at 675-4021 or at the church. Office hours are 8-12 and 1-5 weekdays. Childcare sign-ups at RCMA RCMA is currently accepting applications for childcare for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old. Family Support Workers will be available on Saturday, April 22, to assist parents with the applications. Location: Krome CDC, 551 W. Cowboy \ ay from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please bring the child's birth certificate and proof of the family's income (e.g. Pay Stubs, 2005 1040 Tax Statement). Con- tact Marcye Masis or Donna Vaughan at 674-4515 for further information. MCA meets on April 20 The Muse Community Associ- ation \will meet on Thursday, April 20 at 7 p.m. Guest speakers will be Mark Morton from Lykes Brothers, John Dulmer from Johnson Engineering, Neale Montgomery from Pavese Law Firm; The topic is the Lykes Pro- ject and the future of Muse Vil- lage. Call for prayer: 675-7785 The LaBelle Chapter of the Order of St. Luke the Physician (OSL), a' non-denominational healing ministry, will hold up in prayer anyone who seeks heal- ing by Jesus of mind, body, spirit or life situation Call 675-7785 to make your need known. You may remain anonymous or request a return call. Bull Pit Round-Up Bible study Mike and Vicki have known for sometime that they were to do more in their Ministry. Once a month at the buck-outs was not enough time to spend with the hurting and hungry ones! So they have listened to the people and started the Bull Pit Bible Study. They would like to invite every- one out on Thursday nights to the LaBelle Rodeo Arena at 7 p.m. for bible study. They wel- come everyone! Bull Pit Outreach Ministry Buck-out Come out the LaBelle Rodeo Grounds this Saturday, April 22, at 6 p.m. for the monthly Buck- Out. Call Vicki at 673-2766 for more information. Apply for Scott Tanner Memorial Scholarship LaBelle Youth Livestock & Ag Show Inc. would like to invite anyone interested in applying for the Scott Tanner Memorial Schol- arship to come by Florida Com- munity Bank and pick up an application from Winn Tanner or Sonya Murray. To be eligible for the scholarship you must have been a member of the Hendry County 4H program or the LaBelle FFA program. Applica- tions are also available at the LaBelle High School, deadline has been extended to May 1. Military Graduates first football team According to David Kelley, .Athletic Director at LaBelle High School, for the first time ever there will be a LaBelle Middle School team consisting of sev- enth and eighth graders. The schedule has been made and at this time the season will consist of six games. The team will play one home game and one away game each against Clewiston, Moore Haven and Evangelical Christian School. All the games will be played at either 5 or 6 p.m. Mr. Kelley says that most all extra equipment has been hand- ed down from the high school. Some smaller sizes will still be needed and any organization looking to make a donation to the Quarterback Club would be greatly appreciated. LaBelle High School and Mid- ,die School important dates for the upcoming football season are: Spring practice starts: May 1; the spring game is May 20 at 6 p.m. in South Ft. Myers. Summer weight and condi- tioning program will start May 30 and run Monday through Thursday, all summer. First day of practice will be July 31 at LHS. Sports physical will be May 12 for upcoming ninth and tenth graders; May 19 will be for upcoming 11th and 12th grades. Both groups times are 2:30-4:30 p.m. Middle schoolers should call Sherry Ringler at LMS for their times at 674-4646. For additional information about LaBelle Middle School football, please call Gary White at LaBelle Middle School. newszap.com _Community Links. Individual Voices. 2 S *Metal Roofing T W A Replacement Shingles SS A structural Repairs CONSTRUCTON Mold Remediation SEBRING, FL .ia F Additions ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION 1821 Lakeview Dr. Sebring 863-385-9403 Email: mark@mcscontractinginc.com www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. # CCC1325639 Lic. CBC047717 Fiberglass Shingles Metal Modified Flat Roofs Roof Overs Coatings Repairs of All Kinds Licensed .and Insured State Certified Roofing Contractor #CCC1326346 Call 863-385-5343 today! HLt Ii Michael Byrd graduates from Marine course Marine Corps Pfc. Michael S. Byrd, son of Paula Lascher of Fort Myers and LW Byrd, Jr. of LaBelle, recently graduated from the Basic Water Support Technician Course while assigned as a student to Marine Corps Engineer School, Camp Lejeune, N. C. He received instruction in maintenance management, plumbing, military water supply and field sanitation. Graduates are qualified to perform tasks expect- ed of a basic water support tech- nician Byrd is a 2003 graduate of LaBelle High School and joined the Marine Corps in July 2005. Saul E Deras deployed with strike group Navy Seaman Saul F. Deras, son of Susan Deras and Saul Deras of LaBelle, and his fellow shipmates assigned to the guided- missile cruiser USS Mobile Bay are deployed as part of the Abra- ham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 9. Deras' unit conducted under- sea warfare training in Hawaii and participated in a passing exer- cise (PASSEX) with the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF). Mobile Bay conducted maritime security operations (MSO) in the Western Pacific. During the PASSEX, CSG 9 and the Japanese Navy conducted an offi- cer exchange program to give Japanese sailors a chance to experience life aboard an Ameri- can ship and vice versa. Deras is a 2005 graduate of LaBelle High School and joined the Navy in September 2005. AXC'l~ ~til '~7~AU In this age of exploitive and trashy media, we're proud to be different. We believe in operating and publishing our newspaper as a public trust. Fulfilling our public trust requires that we try to bring out the best in our community and its people. We seek the highest common denominators, not the lowest. We don't engage in gutter journalism. We know we can achieve suc- cess on the high road. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or call- ing your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 9 Take the last chance to 'see Starst The Firehouse Cultural Cen- ter, located at 241 North Bridge .I... Street, will be presenting Seeing Stars in Dixie, a comedy, by Ron Osborne, as the last perform- A- . ance of the season._ In May of 1956, Montgomery Cliff, Elizabeth Taylor, Lee Mar- Svin and Eva Marie Saint were on location in Natchez, Mississippi, shooting the, movie Raintree 'County. This play takes place -during this time in our history. Clemmie (Barbara Branden- berg), a widowed proprietor of a small tea room; is about to have a very special.birthday. The fun . begins when Clemmie wants to meet Montgomery Cliff and have a part in Raintree County for her AM -birthday. Friends Tootie (Jo Coombs), who owns the local.. newspaper; Glease (Mike Shough), a man more comfort- able in the company of women; and Jo Beth (Emily Ankeney), a beauty queen wannabe prone to disasters are all determined to make sure Clemmie's birthday dreams are fulfilled. Then along comes Marjorie (Suzanne Hard- ee-Hubbart), a socially promi- . nent lady-about-town, who is evil, youknow, and who is als Caloosa Belle/Donna Meister evil, you know, and who is also determined to be in the movie. Actors from the last play of the season. Pictured from left: Mike Shough, Barbara Branden- The play will be performed burg, Jo Coombs and Emily Ankeney. Not pictured is Suzanne Hardee Hubbart. onFriday, April21 and 28, Satur- Sunday, April 23 and 30 at 2 p.m. calling 1863 1 675-3066. Admis- $12 without. \'isa and Master- day, April 22 and: 29 at 7p.m. and Reservations maNy be made by sion is $10 %with reservation and Card are accepted. LOST jgt* YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck 675-1032 & Auto Repair, Call UI t-0 U2 Statewide Palms, Inc. 6753 4844 RJin, M b ,, D -M5 i -v -E liil? !B^ I...!q ItliKi ! SDana Howard Weekley S American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FLa QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC S< HOX1017.SP Licensed & Insured OFFICE (863) 675-8314 _~i'l~.;~~r i t SII'tI SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR LANGFORD 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 Y'all" Spoken Here! EXTREME CLEANS, INC. Construction Commercial Residential 863 675-0810 239 344-6712 c'r r .'rf .i t' th, re r fl.' .5" fty j,,/ S NEW HOME CONST'RUC TION p)863-612-0070 f 868-612-0080 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 108 LaBelle, FL 33935 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T EDDIE GATES Agent Senior Lberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National A Life Insiurlit.e CoM )ii.,IIy | 2035 McGregor Blvd t. Myers, FL 33903 (239)334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) RICHARD K. SULLIVAN, ESQ. CriminalDefense Attorney FREE Consultations Avaiable for contact after normal business hours SPlease call - (863) 674-0444 World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights Thurs 9 8 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen-Road SLaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 11, 3' & 51 Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Where erybody is Somebody andJesus is Lord 863-675-2733 e-mail: otklc@strato.net. lll0%MOI1 L'f K A WuldI.' e 7 lilt.i DAVE TAULL OPERATIONS MANAGER LAND CLEARING &SITE iTn L 'P'I;n T" ' DFEIOTIuON & DEBRIS REMOVAL BASE ROCK, FILL DIRT & SAND CULVERIS 863-67S-4017 CEL 239-6833-9 49 8050 CEDARIVOOD PKVW. IABELLE, FL 83985 "SERVICE" Is Our MastihnportantProduct & AP BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www.whitesfumitmweandappljiances.com INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a qood neighbor, State farm is there. CLASSIC CONCEPTS HAIR AND TANNING SALON 283 South Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 674-1122 Hours Monday thru Wednesday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 am. to 12 p.m. Smart Tan Accredited Salon IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENT 300 Davis St. En la esquina de Bryan Ave. Domingo: Servicio 10:00 a.m. Estudio Biblico 6:00 p.m. Martes: Serviclo 7:30 p.m. Studio Biblico y Clase de Ingles Pastor Ben Millican 863-674-0837 Iglesia: 673-0782 Ciro C.: 571-0377 LABELLE COUNSELING CENTER rcdi' r l .rrI4'e k *2 A*,1M Irn ,ird e l,'l ,u ine I r ncludir'Ce .r,,Fecncer, S - Medicaid & Medicare CS, ARNP, LMFT Cht. 4 Hallt LaBelle 863-675-6776 y775 Grave Covers Monuments Granite Markers Of ail Kinds Any inscrpitions, scenes, final dates, etc yf' n & y %S (863) 494-0136 208 11th Ave. N Arcadia, FL 34266 MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured LABELLE AUCTION 'COMPANY AUCINS8 8 ESTATE SETTLEMENT S30 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald. Certified Estate Specialist AU S936 ADB2171 .. . PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES Bush hogging, mowig/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 Osceola Concrete Services LLC SColored Stamped Concrete Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exterior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair and Resealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured L.ABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 C( EIN'Fn1j' gtMEl)I;)A .. N. P; I' a: 0 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL For appointments call.239-658-3000 Walkins Wdcome IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Trafforld Rdmmnokatee, FL (Vinn Diti Plaz) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 Lawm Imtasrn... WEEDING \MOW\ING; PLANTING Sod Replacement & other Lawn Maintaice CALL (289) 357-2972 Lie. & Insured e-mail: casperbmb4@yal oo.com Randy's Garage, Inc. oc'' L,.. fl 0, f"; ,. l I 'i r,: i,,,' 863-675 1032 737 S rid-ig St: LABlc. FL ILI N oith l I iri.lif'iJ -,'rC i U I01t N 1 0 1 r ,f. iADLLE.J: CARPET & TILE OUTLET ',\hol.: alei x I1ng warehouse 1050 COMMERCE DR LABELLE, FL . East. oft& 4 way stop ai \ \l, i 1if.,i ii i,.-i ,e., Commerce.Drive 863-675-8575 1 ~ 'i li .l Section ant Roor, and Construction, Inc, FREE ESTIMATES S OFFICE: (863) 675-7045 COOPER HAULING, LLC FILL DIRT* SHELL DELIVERED Fax: 863-675,3223 Cell: 863-673-2108 Rick Cooper Owner/Operator ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net "When you need a service, cal a :professional! Call 863-6752541 - moi-m-l or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! m tia. I tj pill t m *. I I I -I, 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 Caloosa Shores opened for reservations LaBelle's newest riverfront community is nearing comple- tion. Jim Green (Developer/Bro- ker) is accepting reservations for homesites in the secluded Caloosa Shores located three miles west of LaBelle off CR 78. This gated community consists of high ground (20 feet elevation), panoramicviews, one-hall mile of river frontage and 1,500 feet bor- dering the scenic Bee Branch Creek. There are nineteen large homesites ranging from 1 to 3:5 acres. Fifteen sites front on-the river and four sites touch Bee Branch Creek. The creek is suitable for small boats and the riverfront has deep water suitable for motor yachts and sailboats. Waterfront pricing starts in the mid $400,000 range. Please drive out and take a look. Call 239-728-5481 for more infor- mation. Jim would like to thank the Hendry County people and organizations that have assisted in the project. -. -- ----- -- .------- -- Submitted to tne Caloosa Belle/ LaBelle Elementary School Safety first Safety Patrol of the Month: Diana Rodriguez. LES Citizens of the Month Submitted Io the Caloosa Belle/ LaBelle Elementary School Citizens of the Month, front row from left: Miranda Ingram, Anthony Sands, Rachael Reinbott, William Roblero; row 2: Selena Espinoza, Danny Miller, Alejandro Santillan, Dylan Strickland, Teresa Miranda, Diana Rodriguez; row 3: Cristina Zuniga, Jose Espinoza, Javier Deras, Sef Moreno, Anthony Moreno, Araceli Zuniga, Jasmin Gonzalez. LES Citizens of the Month, front row from left: Dulce Calle- jas, SanJuana Morales, Emilia Hernandez: row 2: Brianna Salazar, Abbigal Chance, Gary Perez, Lazarus Williams, Rhyan Heggie, Antonio Rodriguez, Lesly Botello; row 3: Mario Pellegrino, Gemma Arroyo, Alicia Rubio, Cleyver Avila, Karol Martinez, Jose Gaspar. Absent: Claudia Cantu. ,44be a"d Fdow Marine, Inc. (8631 675-7711 18631) 6-706- LIC#HC355 SP and Insuad Commercial [9 Residentrll Stall Cals With Us You'll Find You. Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates. References & Service Call 863-675-3231 CouNTRY HOMES & LAND RFM ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lie, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSalescom RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE 97 Park Ave. LaBelle, FL 33935 "Across From Barron Park" 863-675-2718 www .labelleriversidecom e-mail: labellerlversldeearthlink net A! .I Marilyn Sears i censsd Ral stite Broker Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 Bankston Realty IFn ,. t.bklik.Ir. n, I __lr:a) , ALAN KELLY. MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Pax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.banes@alankellymortgage.com pKjCBtfiLik ~ti;^:j;^-- 5stot to.. RODNEY M\1.'RRAY Lie. Real Estate Brdker LaBelle, FL 863-675-4550 PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675.0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER. BROKER CUCINA Di CIELO STEAK, SEAFOOD & PASTA 700 W. LEELAND HEIGHTS BLVD. SUITE 103 LEHIGH ACRES, FL 239.369.8883 SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N, Industrial Loop Rd, LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafiol i PHOTO ONE FPHOTOGRAFY AND VIDEO 571 Davis Street LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-mail: iipainiellptkotol jI e hhli k.i' t rfEKTACj) LAND CO. - 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol DONNA KANE lic RE EsUisa BROIER Shoreside Realty & Mortgage, Inc. 450 Hw 80 W. LaBelle, FL 674-0101 PORT LABELLE INN The OL OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m 7 p.m. 1 OXBow DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 BankofAmerica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle EDISON PLUMBING INC. Fomrfy Doug C'Sll '! 'ln l'i .l C : O I l. L , SMALL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL K'R\'l i Kt.l'.I:M\l CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824 878 Industrial Ct. LaBelle, crI\'.i2Se mrit E' S INSU-Et the King CqRoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 1ML S Sour/I, t'eroup. Ivic. lisa Andrews Lic. icall FPeute Blroker 238 N. lid : 0 .lklic, FL339 35 863-675-8868 Wwwuiilaacalluri~~O~darcelygriuptr i SOD SALES & INSTALLATION ALL TYPES OF SOD SERVING HNVDRY, LEE c CHARLOTIE COUNTIES CALL (863) 673-1491 THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 &aty Co. 4Kad tfe 4lay/ OFFICE: 863-675-4547 CELL: 863-673-4970 TERRI BANKY BROKER Horons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthlink.net If you me thinking of buying or selling, give us a call S- G RG MINERS sJ M lie Real Estate Broker .,t ..- . Southern land I ,II. II. II U HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (3S Years Experience) Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 433 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rentals Property Management Put your trust in Number One! http://ww.c2bc.com BarbaraM, Watt -ML- B oBker/Owner *5LT Y 233 N. BRIDGE ST OH Pt COENB O BnaMO ST & WAmSarON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com Property management r .... rentals sales I CINDY L. ALEXANDER M* S I uC Ll. f ESTATE BROKER REALTY GROUP ius: 239.495-2402 E-Mall: h 0 mattflemingl@coimcast.int ,,' RCommeial and sioria Commercial"-Iand Re"identiil -MI 4 *14 ats (4 4 HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863.675-0403 .3 te.'.^1 ^"^I^ A *,:* #^ "When you need a service, call a professional!" Scall 863-675-2541 -- or email us at cbelle@strato.net .'.*..-- ^ to place your ad! I I _c_- --~-- -L I _II I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 Births Francisco Luis Paz Cecilio and Ana Paz of LaBelle are proud to announce the birth of their son, Francisco Luis Paz. He, was born on March 21, 2006, at 7:50 a.m. in Ft. Myers. He weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces and was 21 inches long at birth. Angelica and Gariel Paz welcomed him home. Maternal grand parents are Lidia Aguilar and Francisco Escamilla of LaBelle. Paternal grand parents are Cecilio and Guadalupe Paz of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Great grandparents are Maria Gomez of LaBelle and Pedro Escamilla of Zacatecas, Mexico. MarcelDumel 1 Frances Yvette Estrada and Marcel Dumel Jr. are pleased to announce the birth of their son Marcel Dumel Ill. The young man weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19 inches long. He was born on March 22, 2006. Welcoming home little Marcel are his big brothers, Kristopher and Sergio, and sisters Nina and Jayden. Maternal grandparents are Nina Carreno and Jesus Castro. Pater- nal grandparents are Marie Jean Paul and Marcel Dumel, Sr. Birthdays April 20: James Quinn, Jerry .Willis, Joseph Frank, Brucene Vin- son, Margaret Spratt, Janise Howard April 21: Joe Carmona, David McGill, Kathy McCumber, Carl Pendrey, Angela Todd, Jeremy Evans, Jenny Shook, Adolfo Rodriguez, Michael Whitt, Pete Dankanich, Jr., Charles Cooper, Sherry Kellogg; Angela Hicks April 22: Marianne Torgler, Charles Thomas, Mildred Lyons, Glen Hudson, Tammy Landrum, Joseph H. Anderson, Carrie Jenk- ins, Justine Johnson, Jennifer Kelly, Geraldine Craig, Claude Engier April 23: Lois Hawks, Dee Collins, Dena Collins, Michael Jarvis, Tiffany Granims, Mildred McQueen April 24: John Harn, Jr., Gerry LeTourneau, Marsha Alexander, Steven Lee McCormick, Ronnie Carpenter, Joseph Craft April 25: Matt Lawson, Pamela Dunaway, Lawrence Dyess, Ferrie Boyce, Kathy Jo Williams, Timo- thy Piecuch, Robert McClenithan, Louise Rimes, Marilyn Daniels, Maria G. Lucero, Joey Cook, Stephen Smith, Anthony Ford, James C. Murphy, Jr. April 26: Kathleen Dyess, Mil- dred Cross, Mitchell Etgeton, Robert Awbrey, Robin Hanshaw, Eddie Lopez, Lacq Stracener Project Graduation, a senior tradition Project Graduation is an all- night senior celebration that has taken place at LaBelle High School since 1989. This drug and alcohol- free event will again be held at LHS the evening of graduation on May 20 and serves as a positive alterna- tive to circumstances that could threaten the bright futures of our graduates. The night will be celebrated with games, activities, a mock casi- no; music, food and lots of prizes. With over 90 percent of the gradu- ates participating, attendance is expected to swell to over 300, not counting chaperones. Each gradu- ating senior is invited and allowed one high school-age guest. All guests must be registered with the school administration ahead of time. All the fun and prizes serve to encourage the party-goers to stay for the entire event which ends at 5:00 a.m. Prizes are given to sen- iors and they must be present to win. Once a senior leaves, his or her guest must leave at the same time and neither can return to the party. This incredible project is only possible as a result of the commu- nity-wide generosity of time and money on the part of parents, indi- viduals, teachers, administrators, businesses and service organiza- tions. Thousands of hours are vol- unteered and thousands of dollars are raised, all in a coordinated effort to provide this opportunity to say to our graduates, "We are proud of you and we want you to be safe!" This year's celebration is still being planned and organized. Vol- unteers and chaperones are still needed. The fundraising goals have not been met. It's not too late to get involved in making this year's Project Graduation the best ever for the Class of 2006. Upcom- ing meeting dates are April 24, May 8 and May 15 and are held at LHS at 7 p.m. in the library or cafeteria. All are invited to attend, especially senior parents. If you would like to donate your time or money, call LHS at 674- 4120 or Lois Smith at 673-3190. If you would like to assist with the food committee or would like to donate money for the purchase or preparation of food, call Anita Lozano at 675-4217. Contributions can also be mailed to: LHS PROJECT GRADU- ATION, 4050 Cowboy Way, LaBelle, FL 33935. Post your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community Community Links. Indi iduol voices WE CAN HELP REBUILD YOUR CREDIT! 800-906-14064 Guaranteed financing with as little as $2,000 down... sometimes less! Coast Financial Group L 'I NIPIL N ovr m ut; 2 006.. THE OF DAYTONA BEACH. The Ulrn.iL,,,urijou, )..ciontT'nt CAmn,.rnilliuln with Concilrge St-Tvic-r und ( jolly & Sfvi Priv-iegrn. 0,-u.nfr..ni Ptix with Sun Terricei Alid Lush Gdrdemp Ulftr.i-Ldxury.2 and 3 Bedrvirn rc.umknee, with Firtrela, Panormnic View Bit[L~niv.. Gitumicr Kii,cn% anod DLcsigncr fladils, C4SHN As seen r FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, uon .1 ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794.7310 J.G. 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Join us for a fee seminar and find out how Humana's Prescription Drug Plans have saved its 1.7 million members over $1 billion dollars* in the first three months of 2006. You'll also learn how you can insure yourself against unexpected pharmacy expenses. Begin saving today! LABELLE Don's Steakhouse 93 South Hall Street Thursday, April 27 11:00 a.m. Let's talk. Call today for more information, reservations, or for accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings: 1-800-213-3404 TDD 1-877-833-4486 Monday Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern time Medicare Prescription Dnrug (. rgm i' HUMANA. Guidance when you need it most Medicare Group health Individual health Dental and Ufe A Medicare approved Prescription Drug Plan available to anyone entitled to Part A and/or enrolled in Part B of Medicare through age or disability who continues to pay Medicare applicable premiums. Copayments, service area, and benefit limitations may apply. A sales representative will be present with information and applications*Figure calculated based on estimated cash price less member responsible amount for the period beginning 1/01/06 and ending 3/31/06. S5884_GH1 9780 SWFL 4/06 IOiw of tHi "ORi^idA[ F( T Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free, No fee, n lines for 2 weeks,: .i f Price must be i~et : 1 " included in ad X7 '" tPrivate parties Independent ,- ."' .Independen .-:ialfY Newspapers - ::i er ithouse- reserves the right to .:': rdisqualify any ad. Sii11 a.m. monday o catch, 'to Pl00tft MMMMM Deli,.,erng* Westrr I endrO Coaustv News Since 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com Call today 1-866-741-8317 www.ivic'mnviwanronaI.cr-in ,. IN 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 G Get S0/ for up to 72 months. That's free financing for 6 years!!! Get the full size SUV you really want. Buy a new 2006 Expedition and get 0% financing for 72 months and $1,500 cash back* The all new 2007 Explorer Sport Trac is now in stock. Come in for a test drive, this might be the right truck for you! Test drive the new full size Ford 500 today. Comfort, luxury and 29 MPG, you will be impressed WE CAN BEAT ANY DEALER'S LEGITIMATE ADVERTISED PRICE OR PAYMENT ON A NEW FORD! With approved credit through Ford Credit. Offers end 04-30-06. m.ages are for illustration purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Ecoiunmi,:jCjal and complete llded witi all the e.vras and ordL 21K miles includes a 2 IlL DOHC -t cld nrgine, aua Lrans. A C, s:Fprn group, ult steer. ing. speed control, pover pkg allot, sheels and the balance of the fjacn- r warrantr Sjle pnced' r.Cl9A $12,175 Sporr) and cl quippeJ d f ili .i.Jludiig -i .IniL Ji- I' \,. er.gine 5 Specd sal,.1 :ran-, A C, anu-lo.:, brjaki, itrjin ono -' I premium stereo C D. pCicer kg ult iWheel 1cr-luie conir I. allor ,wh. .ird :a:tn iarant "ai 'mrnli 2LK v'cry, cl nm.inunmed riile O n rJ LIA: . $17,499 2004 CR C"TRIA LX 210-03 LINC OLN LS In c.%u- de if.Londm nitiL'n n ic rd i't ittt only 2~ i. ni- (iRisutur, 'njIin I.!,yd r i', r ,ii i p,11.-. i i. j t1 ill, I 'j4.,] t"a r.-flbisIu i~iide included i 6L OH SEFI V6 engine, aullt aan. u[,-trl ati. ilip ii k C''nti')l f' *.9k'.V.H( \' m ,- r j- jut-Itr4i A- .9' f.i h luji j'S -t- T f l. & C nayj p:,Y-te uCal. tilt nheii, ,ct. i u''nmuol dual 'i rjut, 0.L Spc pl. l,,pl ji:.hh *i'-i...Cr f iTmI k ,*bf -p''1 t'jid u pu i'Orl, PITOrchined bu-.AU 4ticb ith w a n o'-'-u', full pni pk & h th! Iaal.,ny I iS: h 11-.- 1 -.h''* h''.I- p' I' r'' '*I lj ... 'uI.01-A f i i- tarj'. u' l I[ rinrv Pnrcd ngh i 5151-1A L I I f -.f i r,,& l ol ii %% irrifir, lT1iilTr. $14,888 $19,500 2002 CAMRY SE ErI.: i :,u iiriJing perlfo:T'ri rice irnd fuel t :oI:imri L,'] ail[h i '. s'pc" *el-jar, Lriclude J -i 1,.. .l'Je i cyl efigir, speed trarin. AtC, p -iridov- . .- .:.r ..r I lpe d 'oifr', i l. L hi : ii.r d0C ':ik -po f un-r'ir n .la:s driJ onl\ -ill cuI iniruflaird mile Sl 5e prieJ' tT c M. $1 2.775 2005 FREESTAR SELE Compare and save big on this top .t tr' e Ie lr, iimFr.ii,,i .ith ..:'! IT 'E Ull muijri miles. Includes V6 engine, auto tr.uii. lii' iI aJ r.:Ir A A p -r,. p -n. '1.-,. "p ,'J':,.i locks, tilt wheel, speed control, rear DVD player, sunscreen glass, remote keyless entry and much more with the balance of the factory warranty and on sale! U5674 $16,974 2088 FISO STX SC 4X4 Save big on this nicely equipped supercab 4X4 now! Includes a 4.6L V8 engine, 4 speed automatic OD trans,A/C, trailer tow pkg., 3.73 limited slip rear axle, tilt wheel, speed control, fog lamps, AMFM stereo CD, privacy glass, 6950 GVWR pkg., bedliner and the balance of the factory warranty U5676,-- $20,500 1203 WRANGLER SPT Thii :p,,:.rrs icep -. ii ':, ll:'at o: ,r,' .r.,i i .'[ i ni .'l n il : and is equipped rn hi iri-Clud':s 4-I 'l Ii. nie i :. I rju i : .an :. I. .ofi soft S'c' l i itS t':jr .i: i-iJ u d' jli l., h r j' -ull m i:rj J J...r- 1' ihroll -Jp u.I.. i c u :rec: rn gla : r,,.lI ni.,.re in lie n.- i i.i..4! $15,9751 2004 ESCAPE LMT In immaculate rendition and fully loaded with only 24K miles. Includes a 3.OL V6 engine, 4 speed auto OD trans, A/C, p/moon roof, p/seat, p/windows, p/door locks, AMFM 6 disc in dash stereo, leather, remote keyless entry, 4 wheel anti-lock brakes, side air bags & more with the balance of the factory warranty Sale priced! U5620 $16,800 I Z E ESCAPE XT 4X4 Extra clean and'nice with only 22K well maintained miles. Includes a 3.0L V6 engine, 4.speed automatic OD trans, A/C, power equipment pkg., speed control, tilt wheel, AMFM 6 disc in dash stereo, fog lamps, roof rack, 16" aluminum wheels, 6 way p/dr seat, convenience group, perimeter alarm and factory warranty Priced right! U5620 $17,962 t uUlk I'MAD r :riuu&9 a .2 '1A DCHC lV. uciak 4jl uicinu icutO ti-aM- A iL. r-O F' ,o:"r I.' ka Xpecd c ilc. lt ',-i':ri,,, "r- DF'All,% ,[,!-l reiT".'ic ~g'L I r r Fatr II 't'''T4'.i -''i~i~ $15,816 2002 DURANG0 SiLT This 1 owner trade-in has been beautifully maintained with only 48K miles and is equipped right. Includes V8 engine, auto trans, A/C, p/windows, p/door locks, tilt wheel, speed control, stereo CD, sunscreen rear glass, remote keyless entry, alloy wheels and more. On sale now! 6T466A . $12,449 2004 F 150 XLT CC Very well maintained with only 34K miles and nicely equipped. Includes a 4.6L V8 engine, 4,speed automatic OD trans, A/C, p/windows, p/door locks, tilt wheel, speed control, AMFM stereo CD, chrome wheels, 2 tone cloth capt chairs, sunscreen glass and the balance of the factory warranty. On sale now! 6C102A $19,995 .AUUm lAtEuI:iU id Ns' SJ" ,- '..rl':u ,,.l' '[ : i',,'' il', I I J ,..l: l.,re diJ [ul, ..l' Lrin..uJc. .-It .V rr.l,: Ji.., i rar. Ju l .l.b -i.l.: ..:.rili..l A i H [' lidil-r Ii' ~ r i ...O: fin c l,:I.,J Ic :l- u-I p.- ..; li ,i,,l1 J .lI f l .: LJL : p 1 l.,I 1 :i :. id j : l leaijhi Fhll p 1 [ J f.J tp.I.. F. jirif.r. i,. ,..| 'l;.t l jIl i j iruil r.T '.0A $23,9&0 2003 RANGER EDGE SC i 1. ,J,.,hl [1l, .| 11% i 4 ': up .. ,. i l. I ,,,1) ., o ,l Il, r. i J, .....ll, dh ll it, rghl options. Includes 3.01 V6 engine, 5 speed auto OD trans, A/C, step bars, power equip- ment group, tilt wheel, speed control, fog lamps, MP3 audio player, sliding rear win-' dovw 4 wheel anti lock brakes, rear jump seats and remote keyless entry. U5631 $14,949 2003 EXPLORER XLS This 1 owner trade is in excellent condition and priced right! Features include a 4.0L V6 engine, 5 speed automatic trans, A/C, p/windows, p/door locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, XLS Sport Group, roof rails, priva- cy glass, cloth sport bucket seats, cast aluminum wheels and premium stereo CD/cassette. Save!! 6T539A $14,948 - ~ .mvarnavs .L /11/ 5/. I 555.I~ 1 5~5Z ~7/5~,/O7 7~.t if ~.i&ifikffiff~55~L rwoOa~vo' 5 ~ S75PsT cem4*cIs~is5I S5,F',. ~ wc'of'~ tt5tiui/i5'hi54/c"t5,O55l'u /i55 ..0/1/ ilSI,' /0T111a.50S/5'~llnI 5~///p~ If/ S15-566 Nh.wu w dmu wwuw.afntraoem FOR,,OVI',,,R. 41, YENIZS, k N 0 G INTIM. K' KS! PUT Ll S 1-0 -1-111 F J-F] s N' OIL.", I "J., FJND OLTIR 11R.I.CE IS AJ-Nk'AYS li AlTPRICH TIE RK"T WINN[',,k (:mToizi) NA.'OVOR PRE-11SI.M.-AT'S A\N',i,\-RD FOR, 0-11S'l ANDIN6 .-S"F-ON -R, SIRVK-],- L. ;F, Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20, 2006 13 HOME BUYERS GUIDE 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 105 9 LaBelle, FL 33935 (The Wallace Plaza) 863-675-5923 Si Mary DiaZ Lic. Real Esltae Biokle .i.s (561) 385-3282 -'L -TTy Homes, Land COSTAMAR commercial REALTY Call for available listings S"" *--1 eSHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BankofAmerlea IuMEo a BanKoTfAm erica Mortgage Loan Offlier Consumer Real Estale Tel: 863.675.9065 239.-415.6302 xFax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willisti'bankofame.rica.com SNow with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS. MEDICAL WORKERS. LAW ENFORCEMENT. AND FIREFIGHTERS PORT LABELLE LiNIT -. cr .J .:.:. r n1 a I...i ili [ :julihi.al Ii.:- .re.J :.:. [., schools and town offered at $58,850. RE D L ED[ P.:.rr 1. iBelle urIT '9'* F.i.r i-. 1i bui lIJri l... l I. irci .:., sjlie i.rr ,.I,:,-, :l'.:,:.i-. and h,._p. r ..fttre.J r $39.900 274 N ~----- 1~ ----- Bridge St LaBelle.FL ,1. l ....he k! i'p- -', W..'y. 33935 Ran Bees 863-612-0002 Di .'ir, Lj arI ~ ger VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWVW.OAKREALTfINC.COM PROPERTY' MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIAiES: EDITH HACKMIIn SCOFn HACKMANN AD TIM SPEINCER AXl 675-0500 REALTY I r NEW LOCATION! *233 N. BRIDGE Sr Orn Ie corner of rTJ^^HHHHB T i:..;i .. VVw m n irs.n:,i.i REnVh -ll, i i .l.l .1 .. l ....T1-. 1 .. i ll t rl ,ill 1 11 Il i iLNrR% IIh i% f |l P i :\ P l i[ Ri'lil. HH 1( llji ...l .l l I .. 1. f tDi.i l% LL, Hil f o~l OLVD,..750(i O i. 1 2. u. i ,, i,1 PEIS i RiDo U(EU 'i,1)4uul S.i.... O~IFF MARH INM liTHER idNG IR BL\D t:'.J .. I IN PORI LABELIE .i.:..... i., 2 car garage off .. .... .4.1. .. i, : i .. .1 l iik School Circle. Includes chain linked fenced in backyard and LOCATED IN LEHIGH ACRES B.o. :.l. .1 i : a large shed. Asking $189;900. I i i ,.Ii r.. ,1 .l.. ..i.... I .., ii.... ... , OFF COW Ol -i .1 ,,.' ll |" ..,,.|l i.l ., .,I I.. .:.1 h ,, h |,l, ., ,... I ...I a resic:I.i, I I'r J t i- .. 0* 1hi outenough for peace and quiet Asl I 523r ,uuIII $145,000. 2BEDROOM/IBATH HOUSE in I .il. .. ., ..I.I I IN LEHIGHACRES This 4Bedroom/2Bath home has 2,288 Is." Asking $125,000. [ |i ,n l s .r.ki I,$ 1 ,, i, i.. i.. .,,, ,, H ,, tH ,,, IN CAPE CORAL Duplex 3/2 o ...II , I. ria fdl f.. ....fn,,;, i.... today Asking $288,900. newplumbingandtilethroughout '...i : r. 5,J.. RfDU(ED! ACREAGE RFOR S, iBEDROOM I 2BMiH, 2 C(., DELR LHID GUl,, E i. IN PION[ERI .E:.J...,,. ll, ri: ,,, r ,,,, I I': l,: H ,, ,,: h. L l'lo, :PB l H ,, l, 'l I'I l I 1,,, ....I I ,.' ,, I ,,11 ,l ". :. 1, l,, tl f,,,:|,l ,,, : ,, I .11 -, : ,r,:,,,-,J l ,_,|J, ;l,,,,:ll i. 0 'q r,,.l l,,l,:0i,,lllj,. : < ,,1, 1')1,'). 11) IN LEH]GH A,(R.s l h I 1', ir .., ,, ,, ,,r[ R ls ,..,,.. H,.,. ,i,,, I- ,iii,,lun I.*" l-, ..', 1 l1....4: I .l:,.l I J I H, ... i, LOTS FO R SAL ,,l,;r,,. ,,, .1.i ,: ,, i I ,. ,,,,,,, ,: C LE HAVE LOTS FOR SALE iN LBELLE, PORi i21J.L Li BELLE, MOORE HAVENMAND LWI PLA(ID il IN PORi LBEILt ti;..- [', .i....,f .il. i cargarage FORMOREI INFORMATIONI 180 N. Bridge SE.LaBeUe, FL | 861(863) 675-6788--" L CITAGQE 1-888-675-676 LAND CO0 .W'nw.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espaniol 44 -'n I Y 1 Iji Ahr:l l.., .. 0lI ... '...p Ui r jmd A.- 11111 1f Hi l.. fih 1. f1 1 1. I 1. 2:11. % 1/ I .......... It, r, illl t.Iuii l. h.I -.. 'I 'm J.... I[, 4 4 1 6: 1].. ,. .l.,It,..., *', i ...I A1 ,r 4.4 iM. f44444 .... Olllils F ui. U o. 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I .. .,- 413', 4441 .4,l.d.1.. J. e.. I [ f ... '' d'u.. ',l....iJ... h )M R ', 5'A,0x41i ~ d1 [1114 WEICRAFN D IRD 21 HOEIN Til4l r ~ .s'C ~ CM LAIISI,1F441. 4d.444lid 444 .ITI N .14 I-- h ,`1.1- II 01041.4 ~4 44 4 4.~..,I I., ..4 I.Y., 4 44. k 414441 1,.,i ik ,1i, I li.., .. I _A,1-v:-jrI4 jiS II I 1ol 'In 1- - 44 h,444h-,4.4 11... .i..1 '~ f.44 ..I.44Jr, Iit, hj, "P j. I SI.0' I III 1, #hf.E ~ iM "~ I She SLicens( Southern Emily An and Gegory l Lisa Cleg. Bonnie Denning, ( Investments & Real Estate Ward Dick 700 S. Main Street Joyce Cer LaBelle, FL 33935 Yvonne Ha 863.675.4500 Toll Free 877.814.3048 BA S1 ^^^IHB IE'l'^Z^X'ITF'TTT^RTTTT^ (WmY AND SMAF I 4 nOR0 Qla, A-rd 0l0P. Ml AND 'M"iD4IAS l OPPA URD.IiP -n iFr-ll- f444. h444' 4444J Jr.'' d14.1 44444 .4. IV. r. i .rI 4, .1 0 GRW 1N~Y~brMENT RENZU PROPER` li~~r IIv MAI if 49, 55.)b 591 MCli.% MENI FUNH fd-iciIIlIFS iilAliED4, j 4444 ?4 1444 444444 .411.44 4 44'4l :J: i l,.,,4r .L....i .:, " WA 44H M 44 B 444 N 41. ..'4I1 444 4rL ,4.4 F1 r,. ,.,i, 4444 w *4. II1444J4444 4i 444-4 11 I.,. 44444i4 n IrAI-14 SIWI'In RAt 4WORM SHOUTING IMOUT H~dlu J-flAJ -ui ul ,pIN.. 460, S9%,' n M144E ~RE MII RNCH 1-4-k -,T.-4-f-T....4 'l h nlll~r I.I :'n.1 hr..lll '44i .1.1 hi44 1 14 4444 44444 444 mi i 4d4.44.nd4 $ Ar 1...1245.000 O LE hOIJi.11T NF II)iTNG LidI..OrL i J 41 4 4 4,4I .4.It. r.L I ,.4. .4.., :"A ;, I I... I 14444 444,4 *4,1, 4 ..1., 41.4 4I .41, 44 44rIJ.4 4444 i ri : Ih: u 1FI R28,LMOBIH 1.44,1 Y .IOi F ..,,II.i .4....'. J..n~ : -A h' -f-I 0 Lt--- ,, tll f' lir I 1-A)1! Ik Ill-AIC 1444444?LI 1 l~,4,4 44 4444444 4.,.Jl.,444. 1.44 14 Ih .4 44411., 444" 44J.' 1lf.. ,,.4,Iii. 1) ,.. 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'.4 $498 (01) A, P I E ALRL%(Trr=---T I 7 -1~i~;-l-!.~ lll .'.'iI.. 1 4114, I ,.l ..r,..liF I. r...:! ill 4444 l~ I. I,.1 1 44444 4 41 I) .. 1 19),41 3o., ACRE.'.IN ULS.Dnr. .IONI) I1ANt.HUiT. 144444-,1 4444)i.4', I.l.ihud 2.lX.J. i.W 44444444,I4:-.4$441, 5445 )1. 1444 I f .lu ..- -'f. L. 444- I.J I j.. ,L 1 I I I j. 4 44.l1..1... ..41.Ip :4it4444 'w 1. f.lI k 444,444. 4 44.I, i i I R t i .41 44444 ".i ''.' '.' .4 4 4 4 4 4 14I . SM'i"9011 i ACR W Miri OF L.BEJ LE....f 4 I ,,,.,...i( 1.1 ,4 pf' [i. .4.4 44. h... I. 1.. l.,, 114 I. i I. .Yd-Ley: 'A5ng"I.V.9m. I- I I 526"A0. 5 BE.W 'ifl 'LP.O -E -lTI. i 41 .. I,-I4 444 ,Lij I 4444141.- 1 44,4 bi ...., 4iNj.. h .6. .., 5 1 if IF,. C-1 S 210).1101)J -ic R PEKl ILAKD QUIEIIE..- .4 44-11 f.f... '- i:,; 4-0 -4441444 r fil..) If. .. ii 44r.4t4I,4 I...h 4, h'..4 44 1. *. 4 -r.I',-i ...'I, K'.I-W ir'. P.r, LII11"5. 1.0 44 41 1 4 4444 44,4 ,..i I..,' I 44ll 1.. 1 4: 4 II,'4V ),1C 14 B EAAU i Lfi. GD __ --4 li. ii. T..1.7y] 25 "I Rit; iN1ju 'Tull i -i. I Ti 04.9111 j. 2 5RRES UN PIONTER PLCNIWO14 T.Tf. ilh~ ~~r $19. .9n 2~R i ARE'. iN PIONlEER i':sN COO '.~-jiLr. ,Ii~, MO. 4R. 1AN E4Ci'. II- .444,4 *,111 4,4: 4444411 44,!l~r 11 1 11 io 1-11-11 1 I? 1 12 ACRE IIOF BNIL.DE't O.C4LDN L ;[i A .OAK% 1.444 t,... r., j.. 44..,.) I.,..' I....4, 4444 1441' i.: i .U . KARD it) FIND 0.104 F UTLIED ORNIR Wi~,r.l,,r M ILD I44F4.4D ,% 11141 E, 't .... l1 ,...F,,.IIII I 44144 41 44144.41. 4 Ii,.i 44444'44 SS44IJII?: I~ 4fil .sr, I' 11~ 1~ rl br.. 1 IR H..IME.III I IrINIIIT .I. J .i... S .L .I... RANCH.. .. l I 1 "5.1pt ill iM L, r l 4444 '.5440: 4,,,,.11..4,...1 0 4444-4 4. i 7-.. 4444444 .44444444441444 1ii H- H-,) fiE I4l1I 1.81 B %I1444444I4144144 1..4444,4 i..,.. 4. 4off14 UY 44,4, '414. 4HOW... I. 4,44.4.,.rjl44,4... I, 4."41IA P...I h4., .. 4444,11... 1. I l''' 1 444 .. I 522'4.Id ti I I It] ",MI '] Ill, '1.4. I .. ,. 4... d.l I. 14.1 4 1 4. L. 1,14 ....44 ...44 t4144 I 444 .rx: ., 144444 ' hib '-I ...j I.jlr I 1 1 i "m -11 BrHi ET'TIA1i-l ROmF. T', ob LT ...f.- .1ii ''I .1. I ,. r-6. 114449(m) ,1t I-, 1 FI.1.414.,41,, R.. 4 U S' I I..4,, 4,41 6 4441 1.44 I 6f ,14.I.4..1L' 4',4ii iL'I EJE R1.CL'F N"N.U kii 6V l'j ..o% 4, S'4~-7: I'OR1A~t[EtiI~IliiIIi,4 ,, N,. I'R.,'IAL0141-ICRE. .'~ ..;; 44,4 .'4V 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 Las Noticias en Espanol Marcha apoya a trabajadores Muchos residents jovenes de La belle han apoyado la causa de los derechos de los emigrantes. El debate national de que America debe de tratar a los indocumentados como crim- inales ha hecho que todos los latinos protesten y defiendan sus derechos. Esta situation inspire a Felipe Delgado quien organize una march de protest con estudiantes de La Preparatoria el martes pasado. Ellos caminaron de Winn-Dixie a La Preparatoria en una march pacifica que fue custodiada por el Oficial Ferna- do Herrera, hasta el Alguacil Ronnie Lee march con los estudiantes. Felipe dijo que el estuvo en la march de Fort Myers el lunes 10 de abril done asistieron mas de 75.000 personas y que eso lo inspire a organizer su propia march con los estudiantes de la escuela. "La march en Fort Myers fue algo maravilloso, todos estuvimos unidos como una sola comunidad...Por eso es muy important para mi hablar por aquellos que no pueden." Cindy Munos de edad 17 nacio y crecio aqui, ella viene de una familiar de emigrantes y cree en los derechos de ellos para quedarse y trabajar en este Pais. Ella tambien form part de la march grande el lunes. "Fue muy bonito apoyar a los Mexi- canos." Algunos estudiantes que son norteamericanos piensan que no deben de permitir ilegales aqui mientras que los hijos de los emigrantes Hispanos dicen que lo unico que quieren sus padres es darles una buena edu- cacion, por eso trabajan bien duro ganando el pago minimo. El sacerdote de. la iglesia catolica Giovanni Bautista quien es native de La Republica Dominicana, dijo que el se siente comfortable aqui porque tiene a toda su familia. Su madre y sus hermanos ya son ciu- dadanos norteamericanos, el ha estado en este pais por cuatro anos y espera naturalizarse en dos o tres anos mas. Muchos de los emigrantes que el conoce tienen dificultades para tener sus licencias de conducir y seguros. Ellos trabajan duro por salaries minimos y los costs de salud cada vez son mas cars. El Padre Giovanni quiere que la ley suDmlttea to tne ;aloosa t.ele/NIKKI eager Newest LaBelle Kiwanian LaBelle Kiwanis welcomes Sandy Thibodeaux as the newest member, inducted March 28. Co-worker Sue Williams is her sponsor. Sandy has worked in bank- ing for nine years and has just been promoted to Assis- tant Vice President/Portfolio Manager/Assistant Loan Officer at Florida Community Bank. Her duties are Com- mercial Loan Division Management, Commercial Con- struction Admin and supervisory duties, on a greater scale. She attended Edison Community College, Lake Sumpter Community College and is finishing the require- ments for the American Institute of Banking Commercial Lending Diploma. Sandy is a lifelong resident of SW Florida and a graduate of LaBelle High School. She is married to Rick Thibodeaux and has one son. They enjoy quality family time together. She has a strong sense of respect, obligation and commitment to her bank and the community. Kiwanis is another stepping stone to helping the community and achieving her goals in life. Pictured from left: Sandy Thibodeaux, Sue Williams and President Debbie Woodford. ayude a los emigrantes ha estar y que los emigrantes necesitan legales. Esta de acuerdo en que aprender ingles y entender las los Americanos tienen la respon- eyes del pais extranjero. Los sabilidad de proteger la frontera Americanos deben de recibir mejor a los emigrantes porque ellos no se sienten seguros en ningun lugar, en otras palabras, se sienten discriminados ALL STEEL BUILDINGS kl,;t *wtv4mow p - 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 1OxI 0 Garage Doors, I Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) - Many Sizes Available " - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code -Florida "Stamped" Engineered Drawings (included) METAL SYSTEMS LLC W800w92t 160e www.metalsystemsIle.com 863 675- 4550 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle ,i^--- Rodney Murray '2 i Lic. Real Estate Broker Associates: Seth Howard. Phil Leis, Tamra Franco, Jim Coddington & Kyndel Murray 3B/ t :n I3re 132 159,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 5BR/3Bath really nice manufactured home on 5 beautiful acres in Muse on Cypress Ave. $425,000. 3BR/3Bath on 4.5 eM 3O0x42 pole barn & 24x36 horse bar l J c D)Jle Ranchettes nice, nice, nice. $695,000. 61.2 e $1 1 J J L L 1 k 68 a P r--d. Q37, .J0 IB' uJiJl B113 l L. ULL, I /L- Well maintained 4BR/2Bath home on beautifully landscaped lot. With in town convenience. Deep well irrigation and large workshop, screened room and gazebo. PRICE REDUCED! $349,900. 5 acres in Muse with lots of trees. $200,000. WATERFRONT Riverfront 5 Acres with 215+/- feet of frontage. High elevation reveals ~nctncrtular views. Oo5 nlfln More than Meets the Evel Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low mainte- nance CBS/Stucco exterior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceilings. inte- rior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash Bede afty Co. Office: 863-675-4547 Terri Banky Broker Cell: 863-673-4970 Shary Weckwerth Cell: 863-673-6498 Now online at www.bellerealty.com LEADING THE WAY! and granite countertops, all windows have wood casing sur- rounds, a brick fireplace, and wood floors throughout finish the look. $549,900 2 Acre Deed Restricted Homesite in Oak Haven Estates. Oak filled and backs up to beautiful sunsets over the water. $350,000 HOMES Well Built Cedar ,rbl Bed fl.ifmelr^ 1 L Irre munity of Caloosa Estates N Ii rej1.ii p.L ~j ~ ized deck out back for relar1ai ' Mobile on 1/2 acre south of LaBelle with lots of paving and a 26x53 pole barn. $92,500. LOTS AND LAND Development Potential 25 acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced Independently) for an upscale residential project. $150,000 per acre. 5 Acres on Hwy 78, ji lrj L[IffI, potential income from existing lease. $165,009 1UII ...:: 5 Beautiful Oak Laden Acres located East of LaBelle. Quiet County Living for only $160,000. Over Half c rt ]rflce and culvert, brush has l"dUi4 olMU 4dniU y at $125,000. Oversized homesite conveniently located in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres manicured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. $95,000. Port LaBelle Lots on the north side of 80, close to new develop- ment area & marina. Priced from $49,000 to $57,900. Call for inventory list. Over 60 sites to pick from. Seller Financing Available with 25% down to qualified buyer. Port LaBelle 1/4 ac. lot on the norht side of Hwy. 80. Many new homes under construction in the immediate area. Asking $39,800. INDUSTRIALICOMMERCIAL Prime Comer with over 500 ft. on Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm St. Currently Zoned Light Industrial with the new plan allowing for heavy industrial as well. 6.7 acre location directly across from the State Attorneys Offices & close to the the LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. Commercial potential Located approx 1 mile west of Cowboy Way with 800 lineal ft on Hwy 80. Directly across from the pro- posed future Wal-Mart location. $2,090,880. Light Industrit- 2QiS uLte!9ge.xcellent road access, just Jtl]y SJnL[ f riNl 'under current zoning. $850,U000 Heavy Industrial Site just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared, filled and culvert in. $299,000 Profitable Towing Business established with many revolving accounts & approved by all the major motor clubs. Currently servicing LaBelle and the surrounding area with a clean & reli- able service record. Call for details. 1~ 6 8~'~~11111. ....... .....rR . YMEM'Sw ... ....... Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20, 2006 1o iTining out b VdWhere you'll Come Up 'With SI eMJone y Aw Xew !ome?..e Of Southwest Florida, Inc. ' 239-872-7665 q: 1. -- ---- 239-495-2402 Mlatt Fleming Realtor' E-Mail: mattflemingl@'comcast.net Commercial Land Residential RESIDENTIL. LOTS Luri I I .1 e acr c '. 59.750 JACK'S BRANCH ESTAFrES cffer- is .:.ouic L.-,t: 2 i.Ii j.:re es. $65,000 esCle IOLt loclteOd of :1R u5 ihe fhr-':'r Lr t. lB SO LD i63.500 Denaud arid Surrounded by proposed future L:1, .' B. iB 51H00.500 P!rnei4a 1'.dAItiri Ij Bwifhin tahe Cos residenu- l deelopmen t, makes in dl fi B 950 place buldd our esute home and bring viur \ ri'Cjveii ces FrnUOge on (CR horses or in est m the fulurte Lie amrig Ite Come bB lit IM A hN.hom:inie, $250,000. galed communities slih no Honle (w.rier i:or Ciner Agerii Community Deelop Dslni.tl Ies Lois i rn Li:ookig to build represenung aj I.:.il have creek fronuge bludder, place cal fl f:r deujta INTERCOSTALIOKEECHOBEEl WATERWAY ESTATE on I 14 .Acre in Historic Fort Denaud. This STORM SAFE 3/2 home is an award Winning design from the Florida Energy Center Has a 1.99-' sq ft WORKSHOP! $795.000 601 LB'200h'19297 4-- LABELLE AND MIUSE Ideal home for you and ,our horses. 10.28 beau- tiful acres, fenced. crosis-enced. exceptional pasture, spring-fed pond $599,900. 601 LB2006tOni6i!9 EXCEPTIONAL STORM SAFE HOME ON 7-3/4 ACRES This ultra * private home features 3 Bedrooms, 2 : baths, den spacious family room with its own entrance, oversized garage. $525,000. 601LB200615433 _ .. *-'*.ay ir,, .' 15 ACRE FARM Enjoy Florida sunsets reflecting from your pond on this lovely 15 acres farm. Definately a must see. $449,900. 601LB200537108 TURKEY PAUL ROSER REALTORS 863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nikki@NikkiYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/584-2005 cell 239/584-2002 With these great deals why rent!?!?!? SDO YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME? SBUT Have so many questions: How ,much can we afford? What do we do first? Well, Oak Realty Inc., Allen Kelly Mortgage and Patriot Title Company would like to walk you through the buying process. Come to our Buyers class and we will explain 4 the buying process and you will be able to ask any questions you may have. SNext available Buyers Class is on APRIL 24, 2006 @6:30 Reserve your spot today Call Oak Realty Inc. 863-675-0500 233 N. Bridge St LaBelle, FL -S A MUST SEE FOR SERIOUS BOATER This CBS quait cottas- ge is located near Ortona Lock with direct access to the Gulf of Mexico and The Atlantic Ocean. t $259,900. 601LB200627897 C... .-B. CREEK BOATER'S '"'..'--,mag...,.r -' PARADISE This CBS 2b lb home is Ilo:aied near Oriton Lock %,trh direct access to the Gulf of Me\i:c. and the Atlanuc Ocean $399.900. 6iilL B2illi627 S91 BOATERS PARADISE! LOCATED IN MOORE HAVEN. - Ri\errront 4- single family. large screen patio w/spa to river side, 55+ Community, 20'X6' dock w/electric & water. $350,000 601LB200613029 FISHEATING BAY ESTATES - 2/1 CBS with big florida room near the large canal that accesses Lake Okeechobee. Green Resort area. $174,000. 601LB200621298 HORSESHOE ACRES MOBILE - Almost lacre large mobile home open floor plan. Vaulted ceiling in livingroom. Master bedroom with garden tub must see. $145,000. 601LB200610429 0@00-86-057-200*Iw*w 0 SO2 s itc Cap Cra -Fot0 yes0 PneIsan -Leig4 -BuntStore-Etr -Sn3alo*aele-Npe Puna ora -0hrltteHabo *or Carott .ep rek- Mrok-Vnc REAL tSTATt SUUYER'g GUIDE Rcatti Gro2p. hie. $595,900 3BD/2BA home on 2.34+/- acres in Naples. Home features a pole barn, screen lanai, security system, dual fireplace, eat-in kitchen and a Murphy Bed just to name a few of the many extras this home has to offer! Owner/Agent bring any seri- ous offer. $550,000 PRICE REDUCEDI- 4BD/3BAhome on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof studio, moveableisland in kitchen and an above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. $374,900 3BD/2BA Beautiful well maintained home on manicured 1 +/- acres in LaBelle's first gated Riverfront Community. $149,999 2BD/1BA spacious home, features a completely fenced in yard and an above ground pool. $94,900 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in LaBelle. fji ibw tfs glj cabi- nets, hot"W f90 M i a rnftPi tlowith a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer MOBILE HOMES: $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on + '. '.re. Thi pa'ci:hi,- h.:nae feaJul'es an addition uilh ia ',.an cn rl.e ariin. l dru.h m':Orl: The property has a pond with an island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns and more. $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. Y3 Home t Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Homes Startinq in the Low 200's We have "move-in ready" homes available now 2;2M'iv\vO6d Cir, Madison II, 3/212 924 wood Cir, Cypress II, 3/2/2 5020 Gu,6n Cir, Maqnolia, 412/2 5005 Pike Lane. Madison II, 31212 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison II, 312/2 5009 Pinetree Ln, Cypress II, 312/2 6008 Acorn Cir, Maqnolia, 4/212 5012 Pinetree Cir. Cypress II, 3/212 7035 Beaver Cir, Madison II, 3/212 S.Q745~niWh Cir, Madison, 312/2 3045 June Cir, Maqnolia, 4/212 All Homes Include / acre home site, wood cabinets, upgraded tile, landscaping, full kitchen appliance package and much more! Vacant lots Available! One New Home Rental Left! 3/2/2 $1200.00 Mo. Visit Our Model Center 2480 East State Road 80 Open M-F, 8-5:30 and Sat & Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebu ilders.com CGC061254 Watch for the May issue of the Hendry Glades Real Estate Magazine Also on line at www.hendrygladesrealestate. net * $197,900 4BD/2BA Gorgeous upgraded manu- factured home in LaBelle. This home features a split Il.:.:[ plin' lnd ill crown moldings in the living and dining room. * $139,400 to $151,900 There are (4) available 3BD/2BA manufactured homes and (1) available 4BD/2BA manufactured home available in the El Rio Subdivision. All homes are on .50+/- acre. New and still under construction! Call fro completion date. * $147,700 3BD/2Ba New Manufactured home with pantry, dual sinks, garden tub, separate show- er and skylight in the guest bathroom. * $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes New and under construction in the Moore Haven Yacht Club. The Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+ "ownership" park. Call today for completion date! * PRICE REDUCED $110,000- 2BD/1BAmobile home on 2.5+/- acres in Clewiston. Enjoy peaceful country living year round or as a weekend getaway! * $81,900 -,3BD/2BA Nice.corner lot in LaBelle with a manufactured home located close to schools, shopping and restaurants. * $78,900 3BD/2BA mobile home in Ortona. 1he nS.ifile I...m'e i: [.trialli fui-'li''hl. I'lie lot is uri..'undiI : in I JuIs iuI pu rln .1f.l ai ,', - ACREAGE; $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvageyarad. *.. $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, fc.-rrj .nrij.l pm.rl.. [.a,) n sh.,.p- a'id r.i. jh n..r.-' * $988,025 "karehou; .-.tfh i:e ., I. + 1 I.:ic Ofi' oi j kind Au dulo' i .i rd Orgdrlc..;I th darn bdl of heialir * PRICE REDUCED $900,000 i-t+ l.ad r... find aj:rc.., dlirang Babc:,rk pr.,fm iri Mjuc Pi,,icI r''ad i,., cSr * $850000 1+ j a.rcs bcjuuitull *ci ludcJ with pasture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. * $650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR 80. * PRICE REDUCED $450,000 Build your dream country home on these 4.4+/- acres. Great location! Close to LaBelle, Alva & Fort Myers! * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. * $14ty /w- jy jq 88+- Acres Aths o'fo lalf0WS49,90.M * $98,2Q rr5+e 1cr i M a There is a sin~gd ,NcMr,, .1ek, f lcf l e prop- erty. The mobile home is to be sold "as is." HOMESITES: * $25,500 $72,900- Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything'in LaBelle. * $29,900- $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located-in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES RENTALS: * $950/Monthly 3BD/2Ba home in Ortona. FEATURES OF THE WEEK A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME This 3BR/2BA manufac- tured home has a lot to offer. It features a split floor plan, a deck for entertaining, a garden tub in the master bath, new paint throughout and new carpet. This mobile is priced to sell! $125,000 ESTABLISHED IN 1984 THE GATOR BAIT PUB has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully fur- nished with a completely equipped kitchen, and offers a great start for any entrepreneur. Priced at $174,500 Se Habla Espafiol UNIQUE, DESIRABLE AND SECLUDED Less than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary. This property is 14.5 acres in one of the fastest going areas of Glades County. Surrounded by large acreage, this parcel has been cleared and fenced. This cus- tom built home is spacious and very well kept.. Over 3,400 sq.ft. split floor plan features ceramic tile, 3 large bedrooms, walk-in clos- ets, and 2.5 spacious baths. The island kitchen has walk-in pantry, breakfast area, and is open to the large family room. The master bedroom and bath offer his and hers walk-in closets, garden tub, separate shower, dual sinks and access to the pool. Too many improvement to mention, call for your pri- vate showing! $1,450,000. Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE with over 200 feet of waterfront and alreadyy separated into 2 lots. The fabulous ,ew is naturally pristine across and up the river from this "Point" on both the main river inid the "Old River", which features 60 feet of t.,'otected dockage. Rip Rap ofriverbank is in i'ogress. There is NO "Corps Setback" on other lot, which may allow houses and/or lools unusually close to River. Beautiful area :,i' upscale homes within blocks of central L .Belle. $1,500,000 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION. LOCATION. LOCATIONIII [his 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of I aloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 ,.cess. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are end- less! $3,900,000 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this i, terfront homesite on dredged river oxbow . private dock in place. Homesite is located .iprox. 75 ft. from the main river in an area .A. nice homes. Permits are in place to re- ...-edge oxbow to 6-8 ft. depth. $499,000. GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this par- cel and enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique one of a kind property also has it's own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call or more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 PRICE REDUCEDI This .84 +/- Acre creek front homesite is located on Pollywog Creek in beautiful river front community. Build your dream home on this oversized Creekfront lot which provides beautiful oaks, access to the Caloosahatclee River and some river views. Price Reduced $149,900. HOMES IN LABELLE THIS CHARMING CEDAR HOME sits on an oversized corner lot in the city. The 2 Br / 2 Ba home has vaulted ceilings and tile in the living area. French doors provide views to the outside. Fenced back yard and 8' x 10' shed for extra storage. $205,000 MOVE IN READY! Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interior paint and spacious master bedroom. Price reduced to sell $179,900 THIS IMMACULATE MANUFACTURED HOME is situated on shaded oversized lot in town and completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry and breakfast island. Front and back porches are great for outdoor entertaining and enjoyment. $145,900 WELL MAINTAINED 3BR/2BA MANU- FACTURED HOME w/ office or possible 4th bedroom. Located within city limits, com- pletely fenced and priced to sell $99,900 HOMES 4BR/2BA SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME fea- tures large kitchen, new a/c, upgraded appli- ances, jet tub and above ground pool. $174,900 3BR/2BA DOUBLEWIDE MOBILE HOME ON 1 ACRE. Home features vaulted ceil- ings, large living room and split floor plan. Fenced back yard, barn and scattered oaks. $148,000 OAK COVERED V/ ACRE PROPERTY with 2BR/1BA mobile home, very private, screened deck and partially fenced yard, located east of LaBelle. $1,000 Seller Bonus $129,900 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY This 2 bedroom 1.5 bath mobile home is located in quiet River Oaks Subdivision, Ortona Fl. Great investment for the part-time Floridian, or a great get-away. The home is being sold partially furnished, arid offers a split floor plan with vaulted ceilings. $58,500 HOMES ON ACREAGE 3BR/1BA CBS HOME ON 8.8+/- ACRES fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse stable. $490,000. 3.18 +/- ACRES W/1BR/1.5BA COTTAGE style home located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's most desirable' communities. Situated at the end of a cul de sac provides a peaceful & private setting. Cathedral ceilings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan and wrap around porch. $469,900 B3 R/2BA LIKE NEW 2 ! HARBOR nmintiatii]Uli..d lh.'lIh ...n '. .i.: ts :.:...~lr, -*.,;' .*, LjiBtllk: 5plpl 11...,il ..I1., p ,-. cious kitchen, breakfast bar and walk in dos- ets. $219,900. QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT! Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immaculate home offers vault- ed ceilings, entertainment package includes a large screen television w/ stereo and, surround sound, split floor plan, built in computer cen- ter, large master bedroom and bath w/ garden tub and separate shower. Upgraded appli- ances add a nice touch, to the large open kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar and formal dining. $212,500 ACREAGE/LOTS 2.5 +/- ACRES. stocked pond, partially fenced, unique oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 approx. 2 miles from town. Seller motivated! $199,000 10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road) in Charlotte County. Property zoned agricultural. Price Reduced $100,000 BEAUTIFUL OAK COVERED CITY OF LABELLE LOT. Located in established neighborhood. Build your home on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $79,900 BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the city of LaBelle and ready to build! $89,900 OVERSIZED .64 ACRE WOODED residen- tial homesite located in the city. $89,000 RESIDENTIAL LOTI Shady .30 acre lot w/ well, septic and 2 culverts for driveway. Zoned for home or mobile home. Reduced to $42,500 COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATIONI Business zoned prop- erty located in Downtown LaBelle. perfectly situated on the corner of (Hwy 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue thi prop- erty has endless possibilities. "Old Historical Florida-Style" two story building, 1,846 sq. ft.' w/ 122' frontage on Bridge Street and a "Quaint Old-Florida Cracker-Style" office fronting on Park Avenue. $1,200,000 -i.iti:. I: u.:n nim,;,:l. l ,l dildir. '3 complete- l) icp.':." a..l it niai arinn Renovations include new roof, 2 new a/c units, stucco, piinr i,c.iri,,.:ed Ftrl. ir n id 'r. i Located I i h I-g, i i.iic i. ,ir: I :,riourn,,l.Il by offices, restaurants and businesses. $550,000 REDUCED PRICE $350,000111 RENOVATED BUILDINGIII READY FOR YOUR BUSINESS!!! Need a place to locate your business. This is it! Highly visible, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street. Totally remod- eled building situated on .31 acre lot fronting on Washington'Ave. across from bank drive thru. Property is 175t deep which leaves room for future expansion. Renovations include all new crown molding, ceramic tile, siding, plumbing, electric and A/C. BUSINESS ZONEDI This 2 Br / 1 Ba home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL-INDUSTRIAL- INDUSTRIAL! This 1.12 acre parcel fea- tures easy access off of two paved roads & a currently occupied steel building w/over 5,400 sq. ft. PRICED TO SELL AT $525,000. UNDER CONTRACT 4.14 ACRES ZONED INDUSTRIAL. Property features 80' x 100' hangar plus 1998 3BR/2BA -.. 2,200 sq. ft. doublewide mobile home. Great investment... Great Locationl $1,500,000 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel build- ings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft.; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all cur- rently leased. $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 Cell: 2 i Bus: 2 Corner of Hwy. 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 www.labellerlveside.com E-mail- realestate@labellerlverslde.com S -- -- .-.. "'-. -.. -.-.- -, M-- .. ------,- -.-a, '- 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20,2006 p - RIDE ILL MATCH YOUR DOWN PAYM ENT UP TO $1000. w 2006 MUSTANGV6 COUPE 77 i/MO-Po36Mo.- CL ASSIC UIN tES MUSCE AR-H-IERITAGE. : THEEGEND.UVES: 4.*~4~.ses ~ a. j.1 2006 EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER 4x2 LEASE FOR $399,Mo. FoRp39 Mo. @ '6,OOOCASH BACK BEST IN CLASS CARGO SPACE 'A deductible applies. See dealer for details. 2 Class is full-size pickups under 8500 GVWR. When properly equipped. 3 Based on EPA estimated 4 cyl. engine/auto transmission. *Not all buyers will qualify for Ford Credit Red Carpet Lease. Payments may vary, dealer determines prices. Residency restrictions apply. '06 FocusZX3 at $169/month requires $2576 cash due at signing after $1,500 cash back.'06 F-150 XLTS/C $279/month requires $2,154 cash due at signing after $2,500 back. '06 ExplorerXLT4x2 at $259/month requires $2,863 cash due at signing after $3,500 cash back.'06 Mustang V6 Coupe Premium at$259/month requires $1,959 cash due at signing after $1,500 cash back. '06 Fusion SE 14 at $219/mo. requires $1,813 cash due atsigning after $2,000 cash back.'06 Expedition Eddie Bauer4x2 at $399/month requires $3,275 cash due at signing after $5,000 cash back. Excludes taxes, title and registration fees; Includes security deposit and acquisition fee. Cash back includes matching down payment cash from Ford and varies by model. Must apply matching Ford customer cash to receive. Ford Credit financing required. Must take new retail delivery from dealer stock by4/30/06. See dealer for qualifications and complete details. XIrs - ,- 7 -- I'-- -. -, -, .. 'k -, -- --- ;--I-; i -; - ~ - Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20, 2006 17 1> v' 1- UI INTO MILES *I-.I --AN ij.. SPRING EVENT '2006 FOCUS ZX3 LEASE FOR A MONTH 36-MONTH RED CARPET LEASE.* 5-YEAR / 100,000 MILE POWERTRAIN LIMITED WARRANTY1 2006 FUSIONSE I4 LEASE FOR ~219 M'P.. FOR,36mo.'-. SECURITY DEPOSITWAIVEDI UPTO 32 MPG3 2006 F-150 XLT SUPERCAB 4x2 LEASE FO'R $279/MO. FOR24MO- S4,000 CASH BACK SECURITYDEPOSITWAIVEDI BEST IN CLASS PAYLOAD2 2006 EXPLORER XLT4x2 LEASE FOR $259/MO. FOR24Mo. *3,5 CASH BACK COMPLETELY REDESIGNED SOUTHWEST FLORIDA FORD DEALERS m I ."D OU PIC I AWAS 6367-18 I 3 I HIGHWAY 29 SOUTH, S O OM A YS ES D N A W R FO *TANINGCUSOME SERICE.... ....... .wwwlangord all.co 'A Lr: r0*1~ --- IIIIP *r*An. 18 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20, 2006 - ~.2, for any personal items for sale under $2,500 Announcements I kFITI 150 %,__ Mobile Homes 22LzJI Employment Ariculture R creation Financial Rentals Automobiles I Services Real Estate PublicNotices Ser[i ces1 .yJ/ A p More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run your ad in several papers in 4 our newspaper network. a Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one I daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details!" SSources: Pulse Research Market Survey: Simmons Market Research INI Market Research Center Rules for placing -FREE ads! To qualify, your ad - Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1/2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) 1 1 Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be $2,500 or less) Call us! No Fee,'No Catch, No Problem!-. Announcements Importnn Informalion: PlI .5e ra- d : .-.ir ad carefully the ir:ji da, it appears In O:.Le :t r, nad,..rlent ErrFr, pi ,;e ,..,hli, uiJ prior to the deadline Insled. We ,ill not be reipons.ble &r.r more lhar, 1 rc:rrert E nert.nr.] or for mnor i.rhan the elern of the ad reridered ',aluele.ss by .uch Arr,.rS. Advenser .asumi r espjrDiblirV k or all .ililiTr'IC. r.am.u ~and cn- tenr of an ad and assumes re..p.:-ni:blir, f.':r any claims q .r.ii Independent t'l '3paFPrs All advernsir.g ',s ubleci ic publisher s appr,. al. The publisher reserr.e Ihe nghl :) accept or rject any; or all copy. and I.: ,rert ab .'e the copy the i,,.':rd adenrsement All ad accepted are subj-ct to- *,r.--di pprn.al All ads musr- ,::.nt,:,rTj r,.: Independent Ijl.'paper s jle and are r.ilri:[d5 I ') heir proper cl.i ."ir:.al ,n=i Some Clal.si tied categories require ad..ance payment. These cla.:,ica ions are denoted .,iri an aptensk '. Auctions ".. 0t5 Car Pool T10 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 Court Ordered Aucion, 2l5+,'- 3acre divided re(- reilionril & limbhr lana, Mon. r.i Counrty. A. Friday. May ri 1 0O o m Rowelii Auc- lioni, inc 8001323-8388 10% buyers premium GAL AU-C002594 www rowel- lalic ionE com LAND AUCTION Central Florida A:re.age 10Oam. Saturday April 22. Hardee County. FL 320=Acres in 14 parcels HignOgien0,:lhm Auclioneers M E Higgenriboham CAI FL L,,: # ALU305,'AB158 vww b higgenbotnam.com iii|125, .4161. FOUND: Your Red Bone Jes- le" 18.l6 b74-47-4 COCK A TOO BIRD- lost 1/8. ,.niiiP Fajiily pet tor 10 yrs, vi: I:, Hw 78 & Comanche S. li.31673-2394 reward YORKIE. female, spayed, 7 vr, i:old. 8 Ild ID Chip. vic of PIrI Lj Belle, Reward i.'91633-26c5 BEAGLES (2) to good home, must have fenced yard, spayed, good w/kids & other animals (863)634-2191 DOG- small female, mixed breed, spayed, hsebrk, good w/kids & other animals. (772)215-5810 Kittens, approx. 6 weeks old, Free to good home. (863)675-1614 PIT BULL PUPS- to good homes only, (863)675-4697 or(239)494-2647 When doing those chores is doing you In, it's time to look for a helper In the classifleds,. .: ; ,', ' ANNUAL SALE!!! LaBelle. Saturday.April 22nd, 8am-1pm, 638 Bryan Ave. Furniture;..Too many things to list. Large& Small Items. HUGE YARD SALE 1st One Ever - LaBelle, Sat. April22nd. 8am ., 4910 Seminole Ave. SW in Countrv Meadows Estates. Something for everyonelft LABELLE- Fri- Sat, April 21st-22nd, 8am-1pm. 691 Bennett Ave. Antiques/Col- lectables, Christmas orna- ments, plumbing supplies, too much to list, all clean & good, new stuff each day. Come & Get It! LABELLE, Sat., 4/22 7am til 2pm 104 Howe Ave. Lots of Everything! Don't iMlss ThiN (Ine LaBelle. Sat., April 22nd, 7am. ?. 455 Belmont SI Computers. Household & Miscellaneous items, Women's tcllhes size 0-7 & Morell 1ont Mlissn YARD SALE #2 LaBelle, Sat. Apr 22nd, 8am- ?, 3720 N. River Rd. in Fort Denaud Acres. More great items, LR,Cudos, BR Set, Kitch. items,Too much to list Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read - DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. NEED HELP MOVING THIS WEEKEND? Call 863-612-5037 or 863-673-1891 Employment Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job rraning 227 Sales 230 AUTO TECH./ MECHANIC Experienced, Driveability & A/C TECH. $18-$24 Hr. DOE (863)675-1032 ipeil Not I I Saturday, April 2. Boker Particlptin Wlome. Call for Regisrotion Infamiellon. A. A L--,d hd Eikk &.bwI pF Call for Infonnatiai d due dillgence paefts 800-257-4161 www higgerbotmancom I.a Notic 07155 .t., c A. rr.f, -noa. S, .-- - I PLACE YOUR AD HERE PIEC A PRO j CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTALS starting at S39. Per Day HUNTERS VALTREE SERVICE | i Tree Trimming " & Removol SStump Grinding S Shaping & Topping 863-675-0403 License'a and Insured iz: ., - - - Sand Construction, Inc. I FREE ESTIMATES I I Metal Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs I Pole Bas Vinyl Siding Sofft & Facia I QOfi (863) 675-7045 I jc,*i;r, irf oiJ - i?-= .-tf ,._ ae --"" . i' Need Faster Internet? Higrl Speed Internel t li Saiellie C' Fast Affordable Available Secure SSkyTalk S 866-639-8754 ,alI ..j. Ial..l liI, 5 '.- ^ lI .'.Tli ,, u',,i ill llTiili ii il Ii ll .illT .[ niL i.. ,ikT"j,,,,i." L ,Jil I.,, l Iji, QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Dnvvny *l House Pmlti IDrimolLiuimn * C'l-arin Fill DIrl Culvert. Sitowork Slirll IRok 'I'rce 'lr'iinminn & IRenmol I.n!Hlln. Fl. Itym|'sd & In,-w-d OFFICE: (863) 675-8314 Cal Kelvin Towniend Cell @ (863) 673 3783 HC1017.SP ..:.. ... 1 7T O I .. - *PREVATI Hunei CONSTRUCTIONN. INC Dreperdable . PC. Box 202 !FL 339144 ,, i'i _'n IYlll ill d~! i~RS~II A COOL TRAVEL Job. Now hir- ing (18-24 positions). Guys/Gals to work and travel entire USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging fur- nished. Call today, Start to- day. (877)646-5050. A/C TECH'S, HELPERS & DUCT CLEANING Personnel Will Train. Full or Part Time, Evenings & Weekends. Must have clean drivers license. Call (239)337-5859 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career! Offering courses in CDL A. One tuition feel Many pay- ment options! No registration fee! (888)808-5947 in- fo@americasdrivingacade- my.com. Builders Choice Supply Looking for CDL class B or better for deliveries. Call 863-674-9900 Join an the people who say, "I sold It In the clas- sifleds." Builders Choice Supply Looking for outside salesman. Knowledge of wood, doorS& windows is a must. Call (863)674-9900 CARPENTER HELPER Wanted Live & Work in the FL Keys. Start$13hr., 40 hrs. per wk. Enjoy your free time fishing and diving. Call Karl @863-673-8370 CLERICAL POSITION Window and Door Company in La Belle is seeking clerical -position. We will train. Op- portunity to grow with the company. Microsoft Office knowledge required. Quick-L books knowledge and Span- ish speaking a plus. Fax resume to 239-597-9027. E-mail resume to: resume@ivivgroup.com ELECTRICIANS, Full Time Experienced only. For more info. Please call Electric Solu- tions @ (239)348-8272 Se Habla Espanol Emlymn Full Tim Consolidated Citrus Limited Partnership A leader in the citrus industry, has an immediate opening for: Accounts Payable Clerk in our corporate Ft. Myers office. Excellent salary & benefits including 401K with generous company match. Fax resume to: (239)275-4973 or email to: hrresume(acclpci- trus.com EOE/Drug Free Workplace Drivers CDL A. Home Week- endsl Special Orientation Pay for Experienced Drivers! Great Pay & Benefits! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cypresstruck.com (888)808-5846 EXPERIENCED CARHAULERS WANTED United Road Is Opening A Terminal In Brunswick, GA Competitive Pay Outstanding Benefits Ex- cellent Home Time S(800)221-5127 Ext 186 Ask for John. ' Professional Supervisor CleWiSlon. FL - Assistsi wit the management of physical, fiscal. and human resources of a remote regional held facility. Supervises water resource operations and maintenance program efforts Includ- ing coordination, implemenraton, hacking and communication ol comprehensive program and project onlectives, milestones and schedules. Documents, reports, budgets, and integrates wilh other District activities, on one or more field operations activiltes such as vegetalion management, structure mainte- nance. canal levee maintenance, waaer management construc- tion, slorm water treatment area maintenance, and pumping operations. Provides technical and programmatic coordination and interaction with other Distct units, government agencies and the public. May be required to provide work support before during and aher ma31o storm evens and emergency situations, such as hurricanes or oiner declared emergencies Bachelors degree in engineering or related field and Iicenses/certications tial are appropnaie for ineir major field of study. (NOTE: De- gree necessary o1 properly prepare incumbent in the technical elements of the position The degreeamay be waived in those unusual circumsninces where experience clearly demonstrates rtha the individual can perlQir( at Ine required level of technical SkillS.) Seven yeais experience in the operation/maintenance of water management works including increasingly responsible experience in construcriori/mairieniance/operalion of which al least three years is supervisory expenence. Valid Flonda drivers license. Valid certificatons and licenses corresponding to pro- gram areas preferred. JoD Reference #206180. Please visit our websile for more information and APPLY ONLINE at wwwi.sfwmd.gov. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Ann: Human Resources RO. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 EOE MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 Lykes Bros., Inc. ~ Ranch Division Has the following positions available: Ranch Hand Must have own tack and saddle, experience helpful. Equipment Operator: Applicants must have one (1) year prior experience with farm equipment and a valid Florida driver's license. Applications accepted Mon-Fri 8am to 2pm at North Island Ranch- 15440 N. Island Rd./ Hwy 29, Palmdale, Fl. Lykes offers competitive wages, benefit package and paid holidays.' Affirmative Action Employer, Drug Free Work Place, Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. M/F/DIV ' '' ^j~? l; ^ ;F3' "'' ;: B'1i !W Lake Placid I IAN 518- Rendetll Ack offered In 7 Tros 983 Lake Dnve Eaur Lake Placid On Sice Piwlvlw; 14PM Sunday.Apra 23 5 l 18t rra olered in 7 parceel N irngi om lSt K I O a & I EH t ie ce n Lu6 Miror Ukt Fr~ oa adn4 :,aYi Lom Allii Iot ountf anwwec as buldabi horniere - Zxm W Ere Dieilc, IDiu CZ-7-3i20490-4tQO-M Frostprof- I P211 Sit ReIldenttll a-e Offered In I I T oC Omw Polk Road. Frostproof On rte DrOleByTovle'w. .,- t-.- - 11u~i~i~fl i 1 r ,Ccr fm, L.. O RO': 10.,L o0i On. Pia Road *zows ARP. F,mrrei 21 327-12i44t0D000-li40Oi I Garge Yar Sale Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 ~D) ~b~BZP~Fd~l - ND IT FAST DIRECTOR Special Notice 0155 s Emplymen Employment lAuctions I Auction 1111, R. IN W-Iff I Garage/ Empoyen Ful im 111 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20, 2006 19 Emlymn FullTim Join the most exciting attraction in SW Florida JOB OPPORTUNITIES Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Dining Room Hostess Dining Room Server Dishwasher/Steward Housekeeper Maintenance Worker Prep Cook Security Officer Sous Chef TAD Floor Clerk $9.50 per hour $5.50 plus tips $8.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $7.50 per hour $9.00 per hour $10.00 + D.O.E. $8.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $12.00 + D.O.E. $21.00 avg. w/grats We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst Human Resources Manager NEW! Housekeeping Supervisor Security Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL Phone: 1-800-218-0007 Tne Semrnole Casino is a Drug-tree WorKplace Epoimn Full Tim i-EENEORY REC.IONIAL .,, MEDICAL CENTER. .*t 1 -,-*-l* tl sCT Ld Pram g EdualtR t Asitd mCe., LPN I or II (FI.PT, Perdlemi FL lIN r u.: & I% (C.il li iW d lh, o .. l l,-.,.t.ie i.:hcdul Support & Full Time- REGISTERED NURSE fL Il wi'i I iT e-p l' l irin i rynJ Radilogic Tcthnologlst/Mammographer ARR iei: h 3 i L.~r ,n.c FaiT.illir Wilh i l ljda'lr d & Mai,'mioriph,, QN \ (',ciduic,' Ful lime- CT/Radoloogc redi (8:30 a m.- S p.m. or 0:30am lo 7 pm) APM rc,, at j .jl.,d FL LI.:. 2 r Oep p.d Ilul PS .i cellcni :u : ., : 11; Cl n .ir,,r clJr e Nl. l e p,' leii, ,ri C T and Cec,-il 'd,,it',raphi. Per( die- Housdeeper Murl h).e I .' s I cj h:pilil A r i,.:i l ep ,i nd a ll v-ll lor,, h,,ui.. iTJ.i"3 1 3[re :anlnna. eerI-V'ri.l all . Full Uime/per diem-Food Service Aide Pre~ c'p r pji '1 i'i .El up f .'td M1u. b. t.. l I0 iL-id 1a lon' t,.:-u 5 i iiiii.r. 3 Al :an,Ljr t, .f li1-0 TicOil Part [ime- FRoor Tedh i .' .. e ., ,, ii] nli ij .IN.E 'b.lr ) ,o 'l'.:i T. i:rm Full Time/Per Diem C.NA i.lu;i h-,e l-,,d FL C N. 'i Li,,;i caie Full Lime- CCu Nurse Manager VaJd Fli.,d I,,: ',c id .Ci ice.. .y ai i :1,,-,l.:1 e'Fp and 3 years of CCU skill competencies re,. i ~ej oI rr m aji ,gcTer exp. necessary. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Research Center, Immokalee, FL- Agricultural Assistant High SChool Diploma or equivalent required Valid divers license and willinrines, io Oilain pesPtcideapplicalor license prfcrrred S31jlv pijle no miMainijin Iradilol. spravers. and Svanoui ole ,arm micrinery n implements o penorm land preparation j panrirg cullivaiionyspraying, narvesting and related aperaironis on iclu vegelailes and other crops in lield eperimerinl Min $8 i67, r negoliale with e.prienen e. Apply by April 24. 2006 on-line at www.hr.uf.edu - Job Search & Apply (Search TEAM positions) or call Kris Sytsma 239-658-3400. EEO employer. STAFF ASSISTANT Executive Secretaries & Administrative Assistants L2 (#64082771) Handles administrative functions of the Ryan White Title III Program at Hendry County Health Department in LaBelle; must have good secretarial & computer skills; ability to travel & flex work schedule when needed; Bilingual English & Spanish helpful; Background screening/fingerprnting required. EEO/AA Apply on line: https://peoplefirst.myflorda.com or Call Glenn @ 863-674-4041x 133 for more details Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at:. 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 Drug Free Work Place Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 Labelle Company needs Warehouse Supervisor The Dumont Company seeks a- successful candidate with at least 2 years of supervisory experience, good administrative skills, solid leadership skills and holding a current CDL "B" with Hazmat endorsement. The candidate will be responsible for supervising a warehouse, organizing shipping papers, controlling the inventory and supervising the activities of the drivers. They will also be required to act as the back up driver when necessary. It is important that the candidate be a hands on team player. We are a small company where the Supervis- or wears many hats and must be willing to do whatever is nec- essary to support the effort. We offer an exciting opportunity with good starting wages, a comprehensive benefits package (including Health care, 401K with company matching, Life and Disability insurance and a Profit Sharing plan). If you are ambitious, and are looking for a job with a future, please Fax your resume today to 800-524-9315. Drivers CDL A. True Lease to own program. Low pay- ments/short term lease. Avg. $1.11/mile plus fuel sur- charge. No hazmat. No forced dispatch. FFE Trans- portation (888)864-0012. Drivers- BE IN DEMAND! Plen- ty of freight, Many Home time Options. Low Cost CDL Training Available, 100% Tui- tion Reimbursement (800)231-5209 www.Swift- ruckingJobs.com Driver- NOW HIRING QUALI- FIED DRIVERS for Central 'Florida Local & Ilaton31 OTR positions Food grade Tanker, no nazmat, no pumps, greal benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transporl i10 your op- portunity Today. 18001:741-7950 DUMP TRUCKDRIVER w/CDL License WorkinHendryand SLaBelle Counues. Must pass drug lesl and have tansporation to lob sie. Pay based on experience Call Dacks. 321-452-3190 or E-mail: scci@ sanlacruzconstruction.com FARM EOdIPMENT MECHANIC Willing lo train ALL COAST TRACTOR Alva. FL (8631674-1111 FOOD & BEVERAGE MANAG- ERS. MMI Dining Systems seeks restaurant or asst. managers for multiple club, 'college and restaurant opera-. rions in Mississippi and Flori- da. Jumpsiart your Foodservice Mgml. career. Competitive sal & benefits, plus free stay at company- . owned hotels! Send resume online: HR@mmiemail.com. Fax: (601)939-5685 or mail: MMI HR Dept., 1000 Red Fern Place Flowood. MS 39232. EOE. ADA, drug-lree workplace employer. FOREMAN FOR SOD CREW Must have valid drivers license Bi-lingual a plus, (863)673-8373 or 675-7716 FREE Job Postings! FREE Resume Postlngsl http://Jobs711.com FT SALESASSOCIATE: Some Weekends & Nights Goodbenefits Please apply within: Vision Ace Hardware, 350 W. Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL. DFWP IMMEDIATE AP CLERK for fast growing builder in LaBelle. Construction exp preferred. DFWP.fax resume to: 863-675-3826 or email: cahmarymOaol.com Job Crafters, Inc. NOW HIR- ING!!! First Class Shipyard Trades: Pipe Fitters, Structu- ral Fitters, Structural Weld- ers. Work in FL, AL Over Time + Per Diem UP TO $23/hour. Toll-Free: 800)371-7504 Phone: 251)433-1270 Fax: 251)433-0018. LABELLE COMPANY NEEDS DRIVER-The Dumont Com- pany has a position in our small company that requires a driver with minimum of a CDL "B" with Hazmat en- dorsement. We offer good starting wages, benefits and a secure future. If you are ambitious, and are looking* for a job with a future please call today at 800-330-1369. NOW HIRING FOR 2006 POSTAL JOBS $18/hour Starting, Avg. Pay $57K/year Federal Benefits, Paid Train- ing and Vacations No Experi- ence Needed! (800)584-1775 Ref #P4901 SUMMER JOBS Attention college students: Looking for a summer job? In- ternships are available at the Clewiston News, Glades County Democrat and The Sun newspapers. Learn about the journalism business while gaining work experience. Writ- ing and photography skills, re- quired. Computer skills a plus. Email resume and references to inipayroll@newszap.com. THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem & F/T. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0099 x103 www.bilingualsinc.com. WINDOW & DOOR COMPANY is seeking operator for punching machine and win- dow and door assembly line. We will train. Opportunity to grow with the company. Please fill application at Dixie Door and Window at 18865 State Road 78 or fax resume to 239-597-9027 Shop from a gift catalog that's updated regularly: the classlfleds. mm Employment I Ful JTime^ Administrative Assistant-Staff Clewiston, FL - Performs a full range of administrative and clerical duties that are moderately complex. Work is performed under general su- pervision. Demonstrates time management skills, multi-task- ing, attention to detail, software expertise in word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation software, email, calendar- ing and internet. Uses multiple software packages to prepare equations, tables, charts, spreadsheets, memos, reports and other material requiring accuracy and speed. Provides basic day-to-day support and coordination such as keyboarding; fil- ing, filing system design.and maintenance, calendaring, coordi- nation of events and activities, mail distribution, reviewing incoming publications,correspondence, maintenance of data- bases, receiving and greeting visitors, ordering supplies, mak- ing travel arrangements, preparing general correspondence, etc. Typicallyhas High School Diploma that is business/office relatedand 2 4 years experience in an administrative related function. Job Reference #206181. Please visit our website for more information and APPLY ONLINE at www.sfwmd.gov. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Attn: Human Resources RO. Box 24680 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4680 EOE lipf~~aS. Eimpoyen Meical l- I - LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses L3 #64082922 LPN Position to work primary care clinics Glades County Health Department in Moore Haven; clinic & computer experience helpful; Bilingual English & Spanish a plus: Background screening/fingerprinting required. EEO/AA. Apply on line: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com or CallAlina @ 863-946-0707x 208 for more details. WRITERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS The Clewiston rNews, Gladrs Country Demorjal and The Sun newspapers are looking Ior writers and phoiograpner,, part or lull lime, to cover local events II you are enrry atten. ing community events and aren't shy aboul asking Q ues- tions tis coula D ie ie lor you. Inieresied applicants should email resume, writing samples and references to riipayroll@newszap com ATTENTION: TEACHERS Attention teachers: Looking for a part-time work or a summer lob? The Glades County Democrat, Clewiston News and The Sun newspapers are looking for part-time writers and photographers. Interested applicants please email re- sume, writing samples and ref- erences to: inipayroll@newszap.com. P/T HOME DELIVERED MEAL DRIVERS Needed for homebound sen- iors. Positions available in LaBelle, Moore Haven and Immokalee. Clean driving record, H.S. diploma or GED required. Training provided. Call 863-675-1446 or applications @ 475 E. Cowboy Way LaBelle. STRINGERS The Glades County Democrat, The Sun, and the Clewiston News newspapers have open- ings for stringers to cover local events. Stringers are paid per assignment for stories and photos. Work hours are ex- tremely flexible. Interested ap- plicants should email resume, writing samples and reference, es to: inipayroll@newszap.com. $5,500 Weekly Goal Potential If someone did it, so can you! 2-3 confirmed appoint- ments daily Benefits Available... Call Catherine McFarland (888)563-3188. Financial | Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 BQ2000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! Receive potential checks of $3200 $4800/ month, in 60-90 days. A 20-40 year earning on your 40K invest- ment. Oil & Gas. (888)722-5790. Well Established Bridal/Eve- ning Wear. Central Florida: Local & International clients. Growing 17%-20%/yr. $595,000 + Inventory. Nets $300K. Financing available. See pictures at www.florida- capital.com Agent (941)924-2378. Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used items in the classifelds. Services rIfII ..i 1n Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 HOUSE PLANS Accurately & EconomSicallv prepared Engineerin appurval jvjiiahip 18631675-7926 HOUSECLEANING Call Pamela at S (863)230-0162 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, tutoring. Win.95, 98, 2000. ME, XR licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras.675-1625. GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs 863)675-1166 863)673-6388 DO YOU NEED.....? Land Clearing Bush Hogging Dirt Hauling House Pads "Hendry & Lee County" Call Dave #239-633-3649 Lawyers/Legal ALL PERSONAL INJURIES. ACCIDENT WRONGFUL DEATH AUTO.. MOTORCY- CLE.. TRUCK.. PREMISE.. PRODUCT SLIP & FALL..PE- DESTRIAN..ANIMAL BITES A-A-A ATTORNEY Referral Service (800)733-5342. 24 Hrs 100's of Lawyers State- wide. ARRESTED? All Criminal De- fense Felonies...Misdemean- ors, State or Federal Charges, Parole...Probation, DUI...Traffic Tickets, Bond Reduction. 100's of Lawyers Statewide 24 HOURS A-A-A ATTORNEY REFERRAL SER- VICE (800)733-5342. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people! Employmentl~ ALUM BEAMS- 1-9X2X13.5FT, 1 9x2X15.5FT, 5 2X2X8FT Up- rights $150 (863)467-8830 BATHROOM VANITY TOP - 21" Marble, w/sink & faucet. $30. (863)763-8548. GARAGE DOOR: 16x7, Clopay, White Panel, Steel w/insula- tion. Ready for installation. $200 863-675-1139 Iv msg. METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. SCREEN ROOM MATERIAL- W assembled walls & 4x8x10 roof panels. $800. (772)579-1322 Okee. HOT STONE Swedish Massage & Seaweed Body Wraps. D. Thornbury RN, LMT & EMT. Lic. #MA41304 Call 'The Suntan Shack". @ 863-675-8268 or 239-823-1939. Mention this ad and get 10% off through May. WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL. KINDS Copper & Brass. Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760 257-0879 Higgin's Tree Service 25 years experience. Free estimates. Lic. & insured: Ca i.36,3-;5- 3955 Merchandise II Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts,.Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment.' Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies./ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/' Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 A/C WALL UNITS- 2. 50UO BTU's. WorlW., well 1.13:1. or will eparile (863)612-0992 AIR CONDITIONER-'05 York 3.5 ton package unit w/ heat, new in box $1250 (954)309-8659 AIR CONDITIONER Large room, $175. (863)763-8548. BARBER CHAIR, Antique, Mfg. by Emil J. Padair Co. Pat # 1594408-1594409. Good cond. $800 (863)697-0328 HUNGARIAN HAY WAGON, antique, great for decoration store or farm, $2500 (863)467-1322 ROCKER- Solid, Walnut, Fold- ing. Seat 14'/2", Back 19", Padded seat & back $50. (863)946-1896 WAGON WHEELS, Hungarian (100) wooden, $75 (863)467-1322 DISHWASHER- Kenmore, $50, (863)675-2404 after 4:30pm FREEZER, 5y/ cu. ft., frost free; $75. (863)763-1884 REFRIGERATOR, GE, Side By Side, 25 cu. ft. 3 years old. Excellent condition. $300. (863)675-1929 REFRIGERATOR Kenmore 14 cf, Frost free. glass sliding shelves, 18 mo old, $200 863)635-5826 Frostproof SMALL FREEZER- Kenmore, 5 cuft, $100 (863)946-3822 WASHER & DRYER- Stacked, Kenmore, full size, Model # 110 887627993, $250 (863)675-2392 LaBelle BUILDING SALE! "Rock- Bot- tom Prices!" 20x30 Now $4100. 25x40 $6200. 30x50 $9800. 40x80 $18,400. Ex- tensive range of sizes and models. Ends/accessories optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. ing station. 5' long $125. (937)335-0877 ENGLEHARDT BASS- stand, ig bag and electric hook up, i1200 or best offer (863)635-5826 GUITAR, Electric, Fender Statocaster w/Fender 15R am- plifier. $250. (863)673-3860 ORGAN- Galbransen Electron- ic, $250 (863)946-3822 CHINCHILLAS 2 males, 2 fe- males. $75 each. (863)634-8118 JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS PUPPIES, AKC, $350. each. (863)634-4076 TRUSSES (17) POLES 16'(6) ASKING $1000 for all (863)302-1059 DISHES: Leaf Pattern, 8 pc. setting. $20. (863)635-0474 BASEBALL CARDS- Upper Deck, 1992 over 3000 mint cond;, $45 (863)697-8547 M.I. HUMMEL FIGURINES - Merry Wanderer, Apple Tree Boy, Just Resting (handle broke) $225 (863)80-3344 SALT- n PEPPER SHAKERS (1041 Sets) asking $2500 (8631801-19494 COMPUTER SYSTEM, Dell, Win XP+ lots of programs & games. $175. (863)843-0158 LAPTOP- 15", Aosoluie Ihe lop ol ine line Durabook Miliary spe's Modem. rouier. Llhr case $1399.863-983-7751 WEB TV- computer w/2 key- toards. $;5 (863)902-0257 BED SET: Ou s:. Medium Pine Sl.ian Head/Fi Board., Dresser w'rrirror nighl island Exc iourid $5001863)983-5515 BR SUITE- Spc. Golden Har- vr"iI Simmcrins bedding, oed 2 dres;er nrit.i.ind mirror, ice; 'i.800 1863146.78481 CHAIR, Snmjll Upholsiered Tiulli Coiorea Swivel Ideal hr RV 1i.6 }63i46T7-.43"2 COMPUTER DESK- Iew., aT3l. $60 i86i3163-U-86 Alter 6pm DINING TABLE Drop le3 iol- Idi wooid. circa 1950's $100 1863)146T-7676 DIRM TABLE- Claw 10oo. leal, 1 chairs, China c(3. nulch $1 75 863-635-08413 or 803-417-7959 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Bush, lor 32" tv. Like new $125 (863)697-6077 FUTON BUNK BED, w/malcn- i'i] dE-i: Full 5 bOnom single si on lop. 8r mjnress. 1$225 (86i31357-3863 HEAD & FOOT BOARD, Twin Sulin Wood Very nice $55 1863l675-3944 HEADBOARD w/Majress Boi, spring full s: White, dresser w,.miror desk, chair & nighl stana $,400 863-983-5515 MEXICAN BAR Ligrh green wood w,. overhead stem giass holder :150 1561 ) -03690 OUEEN BED- lignt wood. Sea- ly Post matt, dresser w/mir- ror, chest, 2 nite stands $1300 (863)763-9410 ' RECLINER- Barca Lounger Reiaii $900 Lik ,ew Wood, arms'& side. Ligni lan. 1.200 (863)763-0582 RECLINER- Lazy Boy. Mauve Like new. $60. (763)763-0486 after 6pm SHELVING UNITS 2 match- ing, cream w/black bkgrd. 5'x2', $100 for both. (863)674-0098. SOFA & 2 CHAIRS- cream col- or, dark oakwood trim, good cond. Need cleaning, you move, $125 (863)467-8112 WALL UNIT Cherry wood, has curved glass doors. paid $1500 sold $400 (954)448-8253 BOWFLEX ULTIMATE Like new, has leg extension, paid over $2000, will sellfor $800. (863) 467-7676 EXERCISE BIKE, mileage, calorie counter, hours, time & tension, $100. (863)675-0715 EARRINGS Ladies, Peacock design. Hand made in Hong Kong 24K, 100yr old.,.$450 neg. (863)634-9620 Okee BLOOD PRESSURE MONI- TOR- Digital, Wrist, Brand new. Never been used. $39.99 (863)467-1120 WHEELCHAIR, $25. (863)675-0715 CELL PHONE, Nokia: Hardly used w/manual. $50. (863)635-0474 DE-HUMIDIFIER- '99, Used very little. Like new $100. (863)467-1110 EARN DEGREE online from home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Justice. Job Place- ment. Computer provided. Fi- nancial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onli- netidewatertech.com. WORK STATION- Stainless Steel double sink fish clean- MTD CLASSIC- 46" cut, needs lower deck & battery, $100 (863)763-4982 PUSH MOWER- Briggs & Stratton, 5.0 HP, Gold Se- ries, $50 (863)675-2404 af- ter 4:30 pm. RIDING MOWER, TORO, Wheel Horse, 44" cut, $650 (863)612-1018 RIDING MOWER- Yardman, 42", with 15HP Kohler mtr, $225 (863)675-0548 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 Between LaBelle & Alva, 3BR/3BA, 5:9 acres, pond, 62'x24' steel bldg. + pole shed, 2155 Phillips Rd., $445k. 305-247-0064 Own- er COUNTRY VILLAGE Nice quiet neighborhood! 2/1, new carpet & paint $130,000. Call 239-707-5423 ESTATE HOME, For Sale By Owner, Caloosa Harbor Sub- div., 3 Bdrm., 2/2 Ba., Privacy! Wooded 1 acre corner lot. Heated pool w/waterfall. $598,500. (863)674-1810 PORT LaBelle: Unit 4, 4/2, Newly renovated, near schls., Priced to sell @ $175,000. Call owner: 863-673-5071. CHOCOLATE LAB PUPPIES, AKC, 8 wks. old. Ready to go w/health certificates. 1 Female, 5 Males. $625. 863-674-0474 GERMAN SHEPHERD- female, spayed, 3yrs old, To good home only $50 (863)357-3026. RABBIT- Rex, week, Female $10. (863)675-4981 Labelle area ZEBRA FINCH'S: w/Cage. $20. (863)675-3032 after 5pm. DEMO HOMESITES WANTED NOW! For the NEW Kayak Pool! The Above Ground Pool with In-Ground Fea- tures! Unique Opportunity. SAVE Up to $4,000. Call (866)348-7560 FREE ESTI- MATES! Financing. POOL TABLE- 8', Full size pool ,table, great cond. Burgundy felt, Pool sticks, Many ac- cess. $700. 634-2094 DUAL SPKRS, 2, 12". in oler.y glass/wood box, 4 (nrome ports & blue light hit flash- ers. $200 (863)634-7098. PIONEER DEH-P6700MP su- per tuner car stereo, $150 (863)763-7036 or |863)697-8906 Paul or Jen DVR RECEIVER: For Dire I TV. Model Ri5, E celleri irondi- ion .55 18631675-39-4 FLAT SCREEN TV 32- JVC McdAel AV-32F:75. 1 yr Oil. perleci ona ion 'i325. Mu-I Sell 1863l69-6077 TOSHIBA- 31- w'remoie $200. neg. (863)634--)6'2 0 Okee area COMBO SET Ryoi 18v, drill, circular saw, recipe. saw, 2 baits chrgr. & more Like new. $100 863)467-0668 GENERATOR Homelile LRX -1500 walt, 8 5 hp 120/-240 voil, 1-12 hrt $450 (863)763-5613 HAMMERDRILL 1/2" Makita, iw/case. $50 FIRM. 1863i634-14;7 TABOO: Adult VHS's. Volumes 1,.4,-5, 7, 8,14, 17, 18, 19. Asking $100'for all, will sep. (863)634-3783 ALUMINUM CLAMSHELL AWNIIGS, will remove, ,(863)824-2248 ask for Kurt SMALL GARDEN TILLER. Used, 4 iyl. Preferred Cali BoO j863)467-1046 Wanted: Single or double wide mobile home, must be no older than July 1994. Must be classified as a Windzone 3. (863)675-3665, Wanted to Buy: Paper Money and Old US Coins. Single coins, notes, accumulations, entire collections. Littleton Coin Company Since 1945. Call (800)581-2646, e-mail coinbuy@littletoncoin.com. Mention code B8K520. WANTED- Used trailer for 20ft Pontoon boat, in good cond. reasonably priced (863)697-2936 Agriculture I Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed.-Products 810 Farm Miscelaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 APPALOOSA MARE AND TACK- $1500 (863)467-1421 OR (863)269-1316 MASSAGE THERAPY For Horses & Their Humans D. Thornbury, RN, LMT & Equine MT. Lic. #MA41304 Call 863-673-0546 or 239-823-1939. Mention this ad and get 10% off through May. PAINT MARE- 4-5yr old, green broke. Sweet disposition. $1000 or best offer. (863)763-2379 SADDLE- 13" All around, Used 4 times, out grown, Like new $250. (863)261-1932 CALVES all kinds, healthy, shots, wormed, will deliver, $200 & up. Most reasonable priced healthy calves around!! hoping orders welcome (863)235-0829. HOGS (3) domestic, ready to butcher. $450 for all or will separate. (863)467-6960. Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos., Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 FOR RENT 2/2 apartment in town. $675 / month. Call Home & Ranch Real Estate (863)612-0000 LaBelle. 2 br Apt. 1 full ba. W/RRver ipaj,i. Completely lurnihed wwilner diver. 1 yi lease, No criindren or pelr please $1200. nio. 1 1 I kri reQuirkd 1:0 mo.V in nori-'im.iin 2a7j. j33 -514 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 100'J ) SF riOp T7 I ',F Onv.e',, :i 1i, -31.i:,iiv 'i 15'11 ,lu ri oue75 Rt 0r3--1u 0 House, 3BR. I. 1I.10 Ode I151 w0 c' LJ:v T RjF;nh.. riou dog, 186r..i75.-1614 LABELLE- 1 new construction home, 3br, 2ba, 2 car gar- age, lawn care for 1 yr, $1200/mo (863)228-0010 LaBelle, 3br, 2ba, Nice neigh- rO,,rriiodi No pets.-$1200. mo. Mu.;i quj.)ly Call (863)675- 922 ORTONA- Near river, Unfurn, 3br, 2ba, garage, AC, heat canal, oaks, orange trees. Ouirl' 15 Tirns I:i' LJ B lle '3950i/ma. L ,e (248)939-1447 jnagel932(aol.com Port LaBelle, 2 houses, 4/2 w/1 car garage $1000/mo, & 4/2 1$90, iTiO (239)649-8892 or572-2970 SINGLE MOTHER: LIol.liig i1:r .,2 huias or 3apil Ldbeile Rpa3 -roible I, v ni Ple3'e Cjll S3rja 239-82.i-2525 OKEE. Female preferred. Privi- leges Kit. Internet access. W/D, Big yard. $400. mo. + */ until 561-317-8428 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, Each unit alarmed; area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV & trucks. Manageron- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE - Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. incl. tax. 10'x10' $58.85 mo. incl. tax 8'x20'20" $85.60 mo. incl. tax 24 hr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property- Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 TAKE OUT BUSINESS in Im- mokalee. Good location. For more info Call Glenda 239- 503-0964 Serious Inq. Only 20 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 20, 2006 NORTH FLORIDA LAND & HOMES J.W. HILL AND ASSOCIATES 1-888-821-0894 1-877-358-8300 . jwhillandassociates@yahoo.com LAND 53.41 acres MOL of industrial prop in Columbia Cty #47930 $3,204,600. 39 acres MOL with DWMH 'in Suwannee Cty #47588 $470,000. 120 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty- #49265 $1,200,000. 30 acres MOL in Hwy Frontage in Madison Cty #46383 $600,000. 50 acres MOL in Madison Cty. #47041 $750,000. HOMES 3BR/1.5BA in Hamilton Cty #48731 $225,000. 3BR/2BA with 5 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty #49769 $159,900. 5BR/3BA on 229 acres MOL in Suwanee Cty #49092 $3,499,000. COMMERCIAL Business for sale in Deland, FL #45376 $495,000. Business for sale on 3 acres MOL In Madison County #46984 $850,000. Business on 2 acres MOL in Lafayette County #41969 $150,000. Business for sale in Madison County #48870 8625,000. PLUS MANY MORE... .. LaBelle New Home Buyers FirsnrOiA that urcnase rngrii Visit Wnte's Furniture & Appliances 1060 HioUway 29 South LaBelle (8631675-0717 863) ' READING A NEWSPAPER... makes you a more inonned aind Ileeting person. No wonde newspaper readers are more successful Selling Your Home? Call Stephanie Wealherford or her team at 863-612-0000 ,ilmi ilnrdglizil MOORE HAVEN 33471 TOP LOCATION - -Will Divide Cily DIOCk ne. to courl- house. government .enter nigh school. 500 leel on US #27. Ideal or Bank. FasI Food, Law. Medical, Retail. Realtor, Insurance, etc. Call owner Pat How do you find a job In today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sieds I Houses Sale I Houses Sal Shoreside Realty & Mortgage, Inc. Plenac lop, bb 450 Hw' rX 1W 863-674-0101* 239-694.664 JuIn WWierru b. Brokeu GORGEOUSUS 2 ACRE. CORNER LOT IN THE tOUNTRYJ THIS 3/2MAN- UFACTURED HOME COMES WITH POLE BARN, GREEN HOUSE, TOO MANY EXTRAS TO LIST, THIS ONE WON'T LAST AT $215,900. GREAT PLACE IN THE COUNTRY THIS 4/2 MAN- LFAC TURNED HOME ON I.,+OR- ACRES BRING TiE FAMILY $329,900. ILisT LISTED \ GREAT LOT IN PORT LiABELLE $4-1.900. tATER FRONT LOT IN :APE CORAL $242,900. CO)RJER LOT FOR 5.AL IN LEHIGH ACRES $65,000. COMMERIJCA BUILDINGri CALL FOR DETAILS -U HUNT ELK, Red Stag. Buffalo, Whitelall, Fallow-Guaranleed hunting license $5.00, Sea- son 8/25/06-3/31/07. We nave a No-Game-No Pay policy. Book now' Days (314)209-9800. Evenings (311)293-0610. PIONEER, 2.5 ac.. Lots ol pine trees. High land. Accessible Very Peacelul & Privade. $66,000.863-674-1008 DOUBLE LOT located on S Hilton Circle in Glades County on North side ol Hwy. 80, close to Rancn- etes, Ig Oak on one lot. 186.000 (863)675-5781 or (863)673-9491 LOT SALE located on Hwy 29. With fairly new septic & eoec- tric. Ready tor MoDile home $40.000 (863)673-52i2 BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLI- NA ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NiC MOUNTAINS. FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES WITH SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES, CABINS. CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE Cnerokee Mountain GMAC Real Es- iale www.cherokeemoun- I a n r-e a I y co m (800)841-5868 COASTAL GEORGIA. Land lor sale by owner Private golf community designed by Fred Couples / Davis Love Man- nal/Tennis/Pool/Ftnriess Jeckyili St Simons Island $119.900 Call (3151529-1277 FL LAND BARGAINS. Opportu- nities to own your own farm, Ranch woodland or lakefront homestead. Old Florida at its best! Still affordable! Call (866)352-2249 or www.fllandbargains.com. Lakefront and Lakeview Prop- erties Nestled in the hills of Tennessee on ine shores ol ristine Norris Lake Call akesioe Really ai (423)626-5820 Or visit www.akesiderealtyim corn LAKEFRONT LOG HOME $99,900. New 2000 Sq.FI Log Home on Lake Cumber- land, KY JamestowrdRusseil Springs Area 1st Time Available April 22ndi (800)170-9311, Ex 55 LAKEFRONT PROPERTY IN TN Walerlront. view & estate nomesiles. 1 to 40 acres from tre $40s Silualed around a 45,000 acre lake. Just 90 min to Nashville New building sites lust re- leased Call owner (866)339-4966 Large Mtn. Land Bargains. High Elevation Adoins Pris- Bne State Forest 20+ AC to 350 AC Sweeping Mtn. Views Streams www.ive. inwv corn "Location, Location, Location" Time to Buy. INVESTORS & BUILDERS. Great Buildable Lols For Sale in one or Flori- da's Fastest Growing Areas For l Myers. 1888)558-0032 LOOKING TO OWN LANO9 In- vest in rural acreage tnroughoul America, coastal. mountain, walerlront proper- lies 20 10 200 acres FREE monthly Special Land Re- ports www.Iand-.wari- ed.com/sw. Mountain Property! Interested in buying property in Ine Blue Ridge Mountains i0 iC'" Call Active Really today at 800-979-5556 or viSI tour website at www AclivePeal- tyNC.com MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Atlordabie Homes & Mountain CaDins Larn CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REAL- Y MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www.e. tmurphy.com. NC- ASHEVILLE AREA HOME- SITES Galed community with .stunning mountain views. Situated between 2 moun- tains on over 4 miles of riv- erfont. l to 8 aies frorrm ne $60s Custom owners' lodge riverwalk & more. Call 1866)292-5;62. NC Mountain Properly for Less! Breathtaking Blue Ridge Parkway. flew River. Stone Mountain. Gol Cours. es and quaint snops ot Spar- la www.scenicreally corn 18771372-7211 or (877)363-5550. NC MOUNTAINS 3 acres on mountain top in gated com- munity. view, Irees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, paved private access $58.500 owner ( 8 6 6 ) 7 8 9 8 5 3 5 (866t789-8535 www NC77 com North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage FREE BROCHURE 18001642-5333. Really 01 Murphy 317 Peacniree St Murphy, N C 28906 www.realtyolmurphy com. North Carolina Galed Lake- rorint Community 1 5 acres lus, 90 miles ol shoreline ever before ottered wiln 20% pre-development dis- counts, 90', financing. Call (800)709-5253 I Pulc o ice Owner's Liquidation Sale by Sealed Bid New homes and acreage homesiies in the Blue Ridge Mountains oi VA Sold "AS IS', 30-day close Restrictive Covenant Corm- munily Oeadline May 271h For details (800)420-2278 or visit www.Slorieridge- bentrritn corm. TENNESSEE MOUNTAINS- Beautiful land with magnili- ceni views, blutis and creek sirears. Prise: Pre-devel- opment. Owner financing available starting ai $lk down Call (931)946-2484 www Idlrealry crom TN- Swan Ridge Lake Resort on Dale Hollow Lake a pri- vate, galed community. En- loy the besI ol both wodos. Lake-View and Mountain- view Homesites (9311243-4871 www.swan- ndgedeveiopment corn Waterfront Land Sale' 3 Acres DocKable WaTerironl Proper- ty Build Up to 3 homes Only $99 900 Ask Aooul Our In- veslor Pkg. 7 Waterironl LOIS 1or Only $79,900' Call ioll-lree (866)170-5263 ext8 WATERFRONT LAND SALE' Lake Access Irom $257/monih' Direct Lake- Ironl Irom $124,900 ONE DAY ONL', SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2006 Minules Irom Au- guita, GA ECcelleni hnanc nlg available w/low down payment Call loday for an early appoin imenr (888ILAVE.SALE ..:1217 'aided on purchase price or 149.900 w, 10% down. inter- elI only loan willed rate ol i.875'%' lor 5 yrs. Terms and rales Subtlcl IO criange win- oul notice oid where pro- hibiled by law Western New Meico 45 10 160 acre ranches starling It $69,991) Ml views Irees. rolling hills, wiIlle bOrders BLM power Enloy huniing. hiking horses. Perleci family rancn. 1006% financing NALC. (866) 365-2825. Time to clean out the attic, basement andlor garage? Advertise your yard sale in the classl- Reds and make your clean un a breeze WANTED- vacant land to lease monthly lor responsible couple to largest snoot Have relr (;772 336-6093 AS IS. STORM DAMAGE - Deep waieriront sailboat access. Easy out io Gull oi Atlantic $298K 239-823-2587 Riverfront Home LaBelle DocK/Liit Boathouse 2BR/2BA Appraised $675,000 Quick Sale Price $629,000 Owner financing, Will trade for acreage. 305-481-1316 or 863-234-1814. Shop here fIrstl The classmfled ads Pu li N ti Mobile Homes Mobile Home. Lots 2005 Mobile Homi e-Part 2010 Mobile Homes- Rentei2O5. Mobil Hoies SHaom 202 LaBelle, '80, 24x56. 3br. 2ba In Great shape. New Kil. cabinets & lloor.$10.000 (863)675-3665 LaBelle, DB, 2Dr, IDa, Large living room ig clean lot 100x150. Cily water. $83,900. (8631673-4360 MOBILE HOME: *91 4/2 Wind Zone. Fixer upper. Musl be moved. For more info. $5500 or best other. 1863)228-6822 Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVse 3010 Jet Skils 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATs 3035 AIR BOAT, 4 cyl, Lycoming, Runs good. $5000 561)248-0616 Okeecnooee. FIBERGLASS BOAT- 16', older Challenger? e'c shape needs moior S seals $800 ask lotr ick 863-697-8108 PONTOON BOAT- 2011, rIr iricid 60HP Yamaha, new CD, ready to thsn. $5000 neg (863)467-7073 PONTOON BOAT- 26'. 50HP Evnriude. needs work. good project, $600 neg (863,467-5725 lormore inlo MOTORHOMES, (2), not run- ning but good drive train. 'ou Haul. 00willsell sep- aralely. (8631465-6248 PARTLY FURNISHED: 75, 25 Ft., Lg. relrig ele hot water stove, A/C Toilet w/deci nook $10001740)202-3517 OB MOTOR- 225HR Evinrude, long shall, $1400 18631467-5725 TROLLING MOTOR- Minnkota, 6510 thrust, w'loo0 controls, never used sill in bo., 5350 neg15611744.9031 GSXR750 '04- grei tIhape garage kepl $5500 1863)63--8828/763-4132 inssomebeach@earthllnk nel GO CART, Fo< 165cc, 2 seal- er, w.:sea1 bellS, roll oar. (oll dar consiruclion. $900 (863)675.4912 v msg GO KART Scorpion, 2 seater. roll bars, great snape, $600 firm. (863)634-8828 days or (863), 63-4132 eve's YAMAHA RAPTOR 2003, 80cc, Mint cord. $1499 (863)467-5043 SKYLINE, Nice, Sleeps 6. $2500. (772)579-1322 Okeecnobee Automobiles ,Cbamaiwcid ki-s -l4020 Construction i .EqUipment (' -:.025 Ir hfCar '.I ,.4030 FurWh~ele i it 40365 He Duty Truck4040 artS Repairs. 4045 Plckpp truhk 40D0 Sport Utility 4055 racitor Trailer' :4060 Utility Tralerd 4065 Vane .:. ..400 CHEVY CAVALIER 1997. 2 Door. Good. 153K miles. Runs greal Cold A/C Stereo system $2500. (2391243-3697 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUN- TRY '98, 62K mis. Good con- dillon 1 Owner Book=$6850 Asking $5800.863-467-1301 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '91 - V6. auto. good shape, needs transmission. $400 (239)657-4348 POINT GRAND MARQUIS 92- runs good. needs Drakes $1000 or best olfer (8631697-6384 after 5pm PT CRUISER- '02. 5 spd. CD, Tape. Radio, tog lamps. cruise, AC. Silver. 18400 (863)599-2556 TOYOTA CAMRY, 95. needs work or good lor parts, body in good cona., $300 or Desi offer. (863)673-0645 AtsWb nted40 AUTO WANTED: Looking to buy Anlique Car Convertible/ Truck. Please call (954)561-2776 BRONCO, 4x4, 1978. orig owner, $2495 (8631612-1018 FORD F150 1986- Made tor Ohroad! 300 w/30/12':!15's & e:tra set ol tires & rims $1200 neg. (863)673-5995 ATV TIRES, 4 wheels, new, ott '06 Rincon, only 20 miles. $300 or oest oiler (954)448-8253 Iv. message ENGINE. 3208 Caterpillar, Lile new (Ran in trucl' lor only 20 min.) 2500. 863-673-5852/ 612-5413 FORD F150 '79- 351 Windsor, engine good lor rebuild, good Irans, body rough, $300(863)675-2759 POSI DIFF 8.5" GM, $150 or best otter Call (863)467-8856. , PULL ENGINE, good shape. $60. (239)657-4348 RIMS & TIRES (4) OH Audi, 4. lug. 50% Iread, asking $50 1863)675-0188 CAR HAULER TRAILER- 16, w/3 dove lail, lanrde rra le. electric brakes %1500. b863f673-0920 FORD AREOSTAR 1990, Runs Great. Dependable Asking l:300. (239)657-2461 Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTICE rj T ,' I- t ri 3 it y 'i r ,i c.r. N1'1:i, i i'r. ii 1r 1 l L i ,i rll . ridid (,l o f ri L'r> ;L ii~int hi;l 11 i h" ult ,.l'o t .i T p.:l r : M.01 li-r. r P l lli r I i:, Olie lorcdi Air ir, urnJrO i ,il HL-r.hu,', l. t r;,i 'r.f M H Ti u i ulr l iTiT, ,:Iffrpulr"i ml':,I 11i ' Furrn,,u: ,Ti,:L riihU: ruld il rl,:T ':1. I.i T i,, urr. .u' i," pi, .r , I wi ',rrl:,i hr I ,r lI r ,lT-. :; 111 5 l I. .I i One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad in the classl- feds. Florida Community Bank keeps on giving Pet of the Week After checking out water bowls in the. garage and kitchen, and getting chased out of the bathroom's "huge" water bowl, Chester Kitty ended up sitting in'the kitchen sink meowing pitifully for the water to be turned on. Chester makes his home at Cindy Miller's house. If you would like to submit a pet photo for consideration for publication in the Caloosa Belle please e-mail a 5 inch jpeg digital photo with a high resolution to: Donna Meis- ter at cbnewsrm@strato.net, or drop off a photo to the Caloosa Belle, or mail to the Caloosa Belle, PO. Box 518, LaBelle, FL. 33975. Photos may be picked up at the Caloosa Belle office during working hours. We need your name, phone number (in case we have any questions), pets name, age, breed of pet and a caption. We are look- ing for something silly, fun, unusual or thought provok- ing. Sorry, we are not just looking for a really cute animal photo and definitely nothing cruel or harmful. No pic- tures printed on your home computer can be accepted. Florida wildlife officers earn CDL Fri., Apr. 7, Lieutenant Pam Steelman and Officers A.J. May- nard and John Wilke traveled to Sarasota and took a driving test for the CDL license. In order to pass the test administered by the Division of Driver Licenses, they had to drive a 55-foot tractor/trailer truck on the public roads in the Sarasota area. All participants passed the test and received the license. The officers are now licensed to tow a 45- foot 'trailer for transporting equipment to disaster areas. On Sunday, April 9, officers were working road hunting in an area south of LaBelle and observed a pickup truck pull to the side of the road. She watched as the driver swept litter from the bed of the truck. Lieu- tenant Steelman performed a traffic stop on the vehicle and observed that the 17-year-old operator was very intoxicated. The operator was unable to per- form field .sobriety tests and blew a 1.78 at the Hendry Coun- ty Jail. Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager Susan Williams of Florida Community Bank hands over a $2,000 donation check to Bryan Beer who is rep- resenting the Community Christ- ian School ot LaBelle, Inc. Flori- da Community Bank has been a gracious benefactor for many educational causes over the years. For several years the Commu- nity Christian School has given the parents of local children another choice beyond the pub- lic school system. The school provides an excellent education along \ith teaching Chlistian' ethics without receiving any gov- ernmental funds whatsoever. The school depends on student's tuition and donations from pri- xate and public sectors to keep it afloat At this time the school starts at. the kindergarten level and goes through to the 8th grade. The goal is to some day include high school grades. Community Christian School also runs a quality day care pro- gram. Presently, the school is adding more classrooms and enlarging the parking lot. A gy m- nasium is also in plans lor the future ,our gift to the Communi- tv Chiiistian School would be a gift that keeps on gi% ing. If you would like to con- tribute to this most worthy cause, please contact Principal Sammy Co at the Community Christian School at 675-3277., wr;P~ "4 ,u ii *, *. 0. .7~" .0._. 4i;a-I Caloosa Belle/Donna Meister Sue Williams and Bryan Beer Bonita Bay Group to receive business award The Bonita Bav Group has been selected to receive the Florida Department of Education Commissioner's Business Recognition Award, part of the 19th annual statewide program to honor businesses throughout the state that have shown an out- standing commitment to improving education by partner- ing with area schools. The award, cosponsored by the Florida Education Founda- tion, will be presented to Mitch Hutchcraft, regional vice presi- dent of The Bonita Bay Group, April 20.in Daytona Beach by Commissioner of Education John L. Winn. The Bonita Bay Group will be recognized for supporting Take Stock in Children scholarships, facilities beautification and fund- ing in-classroom grants. Last year the company awarded $27,500 in project grants to Alva Elementary, Boni- ta Springs Elementary, Bonita Springs Charter School, Pinewoods Elementary, Spring Creek Elementary, Trafalgar Ele- Srentar\, Alva Middle,. Bonita Springs Middle, Trafalgar Middle, and Estero High and Riverdale High schools. In addition to the grants, which help schools pro- vide programs not funded by school budgets, the company also awarded an additional $33,612 to be distributed among the 11 schools on a $3 per stu- dent basis, to reimburse teach- ers for supplies and materials they purchase for students. "The Bonita Bay Group has a history of supporting our local school districts," said Hutch- craft. "Our total contributions through the school grant pro- gram total over $360,000." LaBelle High School also ben- efited from The Bonita Bay Group's commitment to educa- tion. Under the direction of Hutchcraft, the company created a landscape plan for the high school that included identifying business partners to assist in the undertaking. The Bonita Bay Group provided staff, helped underwrite the cost of plants and materials and worked with the team of volunteers in the effort to bring the landscape plan to life. "This landscaping project was a dream come true for Prin- cipal Paul Puletti," said Thomas Conner, superintendent of Henry County Schools. "The Bonita Bay Group is to be commended for their ability to unite the pub- lic and private sectors for this worthwhile project, which is why I nominated this outstand- ing community partner for the Commissioner's Business Recognition Award." The Bonita Bay Group is a diversified company involved in the planning, development, sales and management of mas- ter-planned communities, free- standing recreational amenities and commercial facilities throughout Southwest Florida. The company is respected for its commitment to meticulous planning, environmental stew- ardship, integrity and attention to detail. The Bonita Bay Group employs more than 1,500 indi- viduals and is currently develop- ing seven master-planned com- munities Bonita Bay, Shadow Wood Preserve, Mediterra, TwinEagles, Verandah, Sandoval and Murphy's Landing along with 14 golf courses and two marinas. Additional information about the company is available at www.BonitaBayGroup.com. Community iew sza uali ce Community Links. Individual Voices. I Eagle's Nest Estates A secluded, private ranch subdivision offering beautiful vistas of pristine natural habitat. Offered in combinable 40-60ac Tracts for discerning homeowners or weekend nature enthusiasts. Only eleven of these exceptional tracts available. WJU."S-SCM 772-468-8306 a / 'wit.4t W.M., AV. ISO DEELECCION GENERAL lv CuO M 1o 0, ".'irl.li'.dt i;)4d d.Il l t,;' 'lt U i.,.,,;,la l,,.l t .i,', i,' O y :1liu0 dO 5iul i rI r tl, u I e L Et ll rri t lt nkHu L ,:i H L ..i ,',,,l i. H i ',r - i luii iif l lo'(I Io : o I.,l:Ui Senroial 0I I' Eildu'J U',ildO I mrilmj iE ,n e~ Cu, iij, o poi 1 iio I rlit U ll I i, y -' [ ol cr ,.l' ,1 r y Tic ri l 'l L ti-O e r ,j , Conilur Fraiul imlolrl ilmuo dc Aq ]n.llir Piocurar ErutaI Ciruilo 2 JcErw:o. PuoDli.c LircuTO 21 Wiriro m 1l I 'larJ n RRe- .rOlr,i; lf- ial Dbrii.'; itelri,,lOr d, 0 Mjyl ndo or 1.1 Crre t[u(ii".., ReFrlrcIO dot iiico Jur i rai0 oil-r d ADr l'i ni u l iO'ri 0 laulu JuocudeiationedriCliihVioviuiilimo G.upo:2 5 8 9 11 I 1 iv DliTlmi de Oce.iil1i0 dl Ij Crrud.ld do .Pil Lab lle Eiaiu0: 1 3v5 Juics. ao Ij Coner na Codajnoo rupc. I Jurt de L to Coilsionv us o r a i, Coi'a I in i..:' 2v y Miernros al ia junt Isoair ['i rnus I i y 5 .imoij dier Cniroorvaj l II at ijniol y Oyui y i de Mtilry Liulivo I 'i y i Alrolllidd de Mi.'ld 1il Coimd.idO dt' lid'y [i,. il, 2 V 4 Dintia loe Cinouid I A&iu.i; llE'Ji Criilir JW hnil.dy i'"0iu. 2 y I El leMJiT0.i'il, cWu ou I rie .j il idim 'io li frn'r,., i ;I,', y ) ,r .. 0I n en l ti U lo a il I FionI ri iTallar i00 UL Cl ipiul 2. Arl fitu C :u. ';u M Cirs Sr..ir. o'i : :djila 12-'B3SCBii3S 4,51 5.4rO NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECriON I cu- M COiO im Ilrniy ,"I a's rt1 i i .i i l er njl f ul j. )ri cr qric r nntir' ti.l Ca ErIIRAL ELECTIION il e r lu 'o HIJi Hr t l (I:j uTll C lr 131i fl0 l lnd.i o.i itrn vEVITH djy Ilr llNOVEM Ei A0 2IC l lu l Ilr D. o I .i lesiAlI'o iT'l: L0inaltdler iuir. lur REpretms n leriioy.eiic Oiin. 1~ iaiij2 G ud Ol' .ii j Llcuhl U i'il Givu nil0 Anoiyev Cirermi AI ioinjiia y ( iir LumiOiillonr 01 AgIClntuile Sljlc Anoiolty JiIdlalul CIrcli .il U Putli D[e'eotder JlJdla3Il CltIt J20 Stale RMeaiieitilvoe f(ii0: ;; Suplemlle Coul RiA.llOnl0 [rinrj lu.Oi' a,cond DlO-t.l Coiarl OI ApprJI R lAriur ul Fve lJudlii Cicun J dvoe wo',me ti judicll ocuit.,: u iuu 2 It i i I.,id il Plrtunailuijcamlloio dlilflr lliu i GluuJia r rtI II U Ii i i :ounury Cuun JuaOg Giou I hi'.oltooaoaDlo DiUctl[ I 5manl (tutlr Tourml loriUicO oIni.:Ir 2 .,jd H ,'Ory LOu'fl Hi.pljJ Aulruiry (lll':1,0 2 3t42 il .1 Hnr,]ry Sjil .110J Wal~ Cu ,'lei ( Eri'r UT I.:r i CtGol,; I i .tr'i oE i n v Couirnly Wiler (: uni. i',It ii ti eI . IN TEIiiioriy Cr,1.:.: I Hriuluno .l c myi ld ri .] -,1 in.,I I r- Lr :El jI, 1 ii il 1i.iP.l i t;ilnd i Ai r jllr .rr.- Tn lt i rl l~Tr o n.or, iy o i Ali AnI 0 jju0 ;M, M ': Li-i RIMS (4) 16 x 8Dodge. 81ug stock alloy rims, w/center caps, $150 (8631675-0188 SHOCK TOWER BRACES, & set ol Urethane Bushing's. lor Mustang 86-'93. Sacil- ice $150. (863)824-0801 TIRES- (4) brand new 715 Power Kings, $200 lirm (8631634-1545 TOW BAR & BASE PLATE: Foi a Geo Metro. $150 or best offer 1(863)735-1753 TOW BAR- Slowmasier, Used on a Saturn, Can De adapieo to any venicle. $150 (8631763-6;57 TRANSMISSION RebuIIi 7004R, $300 or best offer Call (863t 467-8856 CAMPER TOP- For a Ford F-150. In Great condo It is no irie aluminum type. $250. 1863)674-0825 LaBelle DODGE DAKOTA 94- needs engine rebuilt & trans work good Dody, lool boe, $500 neg (863)76302j9 FORD PU '90- 302 eng. needs minor work, $700 or best ol- ler (863)673-1625 LaBelle GMC SONOMA PU '92, 6 cyl.. auto, cold 3/c economical & well maintained, $2450 863-484-0110 TONNEAU COVER- Hinged, Ior full s:ie PU, short Doo $150 (863)675-2065 TOYOTA-'87, 2WO, 4 cyl. Au. to. A/C. Excellent cojndllion $2500 (8631632-9166 I Land Safe I Land Sale J ~ r .~ r- i .. :" ; :'Er;-: |