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Watershed series: Hoover Dike Page 6 Delivering Wes: : " 3| n1 ,: . VOUE 4NMBR1 wSEL ws Since 1922 Bluegrass Fest coming on April 29 The Countryside Singers and others will join together for some footstompin' fun at the LaBelle Rodeo Grounds from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 29. There will be plenty of food and craft vendors and lots of family fun. There is a $5 admission fee and all proceeds will benefit the Caloosa Humane Society. Please call 675-0997 for further details. Project Graduation coming up The Project Graduation meeting is set for Monday, April 24, at 7 p.m. in the LaBelle High School' library. The event is still in the planning stages and there is much to do. Anyone who would like to help provide an all night, adult supervised evening of fun for LHS graduat- ing seniors that is drug-free and alcohol-free, is invited to come out and help. Last vision session tonight The Vision Hendry County 2015 session on Thursday, April 13, provides a final opportunity for public input in the visioning project currently being devel- oped. Plan to attend this meet- ing at the LaBelle Civic Center beginning at 6 p.m. The first meetings provided the public Opportunities to stale the issues they felt important for our county and cities, the second meeting asked for prioritizing and this final meeting will put together responses from experts. The result of all these meting will result in a working plan on how we can accom- plish the priorities set. Food bank on April 20 The Hendry County Food Bank will be distributing USDA commodities to each individual or family that qualifies on Thursday, April 20, 2006 from noon to 3 p.m. at Our Lady of Heaven Catholic Church, 355 south Bridge Street. Client eligi- bilily can be one of the follow- ing: Food Stamp Recipient, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TANF, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medic- aid, Residence Hosing founded by Municipal, County State of Federal Government, Self Dec- laration of Need by the client (Based on the Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Income Chart). Become auxiliary deputy The six-week Hendry Coun- ty Sheriff's Office Auxiliary Deputy Course begins April 18. Sessions will be Tuesdays and Thursday from 6-10 p.m. and 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturdays. Each session will be at the HCSO Training Facility, located at the Hendry County Gun Range near Pioneer Plantation. Auxiliary law enforcement officers play an important roll for law enforcement agencies. For more information or to enroll for the course, please call Nick Smith at 863-674-4060 ext. 102. Index Classifieds .......20-22 Editorial .......... .4 Speak Out ...........4 Social News .........5 Sports ........... .7 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. neUwszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. I 15ll I 0 IllIllll S 16510 00019 1 Residents voice concerns on national debate By Patty Brant Many young residents of LaBelle have taken the cause of immigrants' rights as their own. In fact, as immigrants or members of immigrant families, it is their own. The national debate over how America should handle undocu- mented work- ers has spilled over into local hearts and inspired young Felipe Delgado to organize a march of his peers in LaBelle. HR 4437, the Felipe House bill that Delgado would crimi- nalize undocumented workers, is at the center of the nationwide debate. Students were out before day- light, straggling to the staging area with homemade signs with mes- sages like "We are not criminals" and "Immigrants need America, America needs Immigrants." The enthusiastic group made up mostly of students trekked the three or so miles from the Winn- Dixie down Cowboy Way to LaBelle High School early Tuesday morning. They were walking and Peaceful demonstration: The American Way aaloosa elle/Iraey arani Marchers display the American flag as they protest HR4437, the House bill that would criminalize undocumented workers. Students staged the peaceful demonstration before school Tuesday, April 11. Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Marchers shook hands with LHS administrators and others as they poured onto campus at the end of their trek from Winn-Dixie. LHS Administrative Assistant Ken Pickles is pic- tured at right, with SRO Ty Marshall and Principal Paul Puletti. Caloosa Belle/Donna Meister Marchers chanted as they walked, but let their signs do most of the talking as they protested proposed legislation that targets undocumented workers. chanting behind a Hendry County patrol car driven by one of their own Deputy Fernando Herrera. Sheriff Ronnie Lee walked with the marchers as well. Felipe Delgado, the young organizer of the LaBelle march, was inspired when he attended the 75,000-strong Fort Myers march on Monday. "It was so wonderful," he said, "the atmos- phere was so united." An 18-year- old LHS senior, Felipe said "we are all one community... It's impor- tant to me to speak for those who can't." Seventeen-year-old Cindy Munoz, also a senior at LHS, was born and raised here. She comes from a family if immigrants and believes in immigrants' rights to stay and work here. Cindy also took part in the big Fort Myers march. "It was nice," she said, "it supported the Mexicans." Both her parents are from Mexico and See March Page 2 Golf carts are still no By Patty Brant You may have seen a few golf carts on LaBelle's roads lately. In fact, the Caloosa Belle ran a story several weeks ago stating that these vehicles are not legal to be driven on public roads. True. Lt. Rick Waldron of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office substantiates that. These vehicles are, as a rule, not "street legal" and operators can be given a ticket, he said, although most likely his officers would first simply give violators a warning. However, these "low speed vehicles" can become street legal under some very specific restrictions, according to FS 316.212 of the Florida State Uni- form Traffic Control code. Before they can be considered legal even with the specified modifications, the city or coun- ty government must pass an t legal ordinance allowing it. The Department of Transportation also has the right to prohibit them on any road under its jurisdiction. In order to become legal, the vehicle must be equipped with headlamps, stop lamps, turn signal lamps, tail lamps, reflex reflectors, parking brakes, rearview mirrors, wind- shields, seatbelts, vehicle iden- tification numbers (VINs) and they must be registered and insured. There are other restrictions, aswell. The statute states that on streets with a posted speed limit of 35 m.p.h. or less, these vehicles may cross a road or street at an intersection with a posted speed limit of more than 35 tn.p.h. In order for a See Carts- Page 2 County hires new engineer By Donna Meister civil engineer was working in Hendry County hired Shane the phosphate mines in the Parker as its new en ineer on Lakeland area. Feb. 22, Shane managed to relocate 2006. Shane back to the Ft. Myers area and took over the for the last ten years he worked position that for McAnly Engineering and Rock Abou- Design, a relatively small engi- jaoudevacat- neering firm in Naples. TWin ed last May. Eagles, Silver Lake RV and Golf Shane is Resort, Naples Heritage Golf basically a and Country Club and several local boy, office parks are a few of the graduating Shane sites he is proud to have assist- fromdale Parker ed in developing. Riverdale High School in 1989. Somehow Kids, church and cows take Shane always thought he would up all of Shane's personal time. be a telephone man like his dad Shane's passions happen to and he really aspired to be a vet- be his family, wife and two chil- erinarian, but balked at all the dren, five-year old Jaynie Clay schooling, and two-year old son Grey, He received his AA Degree nicknamed Billy Bob. Shane from Edison College in 1992 comes from a long line of cat- and then wenton to the Univer- tlemen. Johnny Jump from sity of South Florida earning his Immokalee is Shane's grandfa- degree in civil engineering in their. Shane helps his family 1994. His early experience as a SeeParker -Page2 Kiwanis working with Legion -- Nikki Yeager and Millard Vagnon of Kiwanis presented Dennis Boland of the American Legion Post 130 and Pudge Lehman of the Auxiliary Unit 130 with checks to send an additional high school junior girl and boy to Girl's State and Boy's State. The American Legion and the Auxiliary spon- sor young men and women every summer to participate in government with hands-on experiences. High school jun- iors from all over the state of Florida converge on Tallahas- see for an intense week of gov- ernment training. They not only observe government in action, they actually form a city, elect their mayor and councilmen, campaign and produce bills. Legislation that they pass is looked over by the lawmakers for bills that may in turn be presented to the Senate. In past years, Girl's State produced a bill to have the white line painted on the edge of all state roads so that motorists could tell where the road ended, especially at night. One of the Girl's Staters' friends was killed while walk- ing on the side of the road and this prompted her to propose the bill. The lawmakers picked up the bill and passed it through the governmental process to make it a law. The orientation for the girls from Hendry, Lee and Char- lotte counties will be in Ft. Myers, May 13. Girl's State is the week of June 8-16. The boys orientation is also in Ft. Myers and their week in Tallahassee follows Girl's State. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to learn about government and it often changes these young adult's lives and goals. To all students who will be entering their junior year in the fall and have an interest in the governmental process, please be aware of this opportunity. OUUmIIIIU IUto ui.W B IIuus DWBlIIWIIIMI iKk yWI LaBelle Kiwanian Nikki Yeager, Unit 130 Auxlliay member Pudge Lehman, Kiwanian Millard Wagnon and Denrnis Boland,. of the American Legion Post 130 enjoy the camaraderie as the Kiwanis presents a check to the Legion for Girls and Boys- State. mBt.Ivwaagn)P~RnainmMmgmuww~w~ *~yW.rl~~t3 -:'::~PI "LirtxI1 4S~*_Yd~la~Y~LY~P)* -. -- r~~I~nBI CS At A Glance March supports workers I THRSDY, PRI El, 206 ;"' ` - 2 -Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 March Continued From Page 1 she goes there every two years. SCindy wants to go to Edison Col- lege after she graduates to study nursing. Another marcher, a 15- year-old ninth grader born and raised in LaBelle, said it's wrong to see undocumented workers as criminals because these people are here to work. "1vo otheryoung ladies, aged 15 and 16, taking part in the march admitted they are undocumented. They have been here for ten months. Both said they feel "dis- criminated against" at school because of the way some of the other kids look at them. They also say they are often accused of steal- ing and that sometimes walking to class they "feel strange." One of the girls said her mother works in the fields and her father is in Mexico. The other said her father works as a mechanic's helper. Both of the girls said their parents want them Carts Continued From Page 1 "street legal" low speed vehicle to cross a state highway, the FDOT must review and approve the location and design of the cross- Sing and traffic control devices needed for safety purposes. If a road is designated for low speed vehicles by the FDOT, appropriate signs must be posted. A county or municipality may ' prohibit the operation of low speed vehicles on any road under its jurisdiction if the governing body of that county or municipali- t' determines that such prohibi- tion is necessary in the interest of safety. Even where legal, these vehi- cles may only be operated Parker Continued From Page 1 with their successful cattle opera- tion located in Ft. Ogden, Buck- ingham and Immokalee. He is a devoted Christian and family man. Before accepting the county position he prayed about the opportunity. Feeling that God has led him to Hendry County, he is humble and happy to bring his knowledge of land development to this area. He is a detail man with integrity, taking pride in his work. Shane is no halfwayy man" and likes to take the time to to get a good education. One hopes to become a gynecologist some day. With Cindy translating for them, they say they understand that learning English is very impor- tant to them. At the school, other students took little notice of the march. Blake Basquin said he understood what his classmates were doing, that they were driven to do it. He does not agree that people should be allowed to stay in this country illegally they should become citi- zens. Others agreed, but said the marchers should "do what they had to do." Principal Paul Puletti said he appreciated the effort organizers took by working with him in plan- ning the march after all it was still a school day. A short rally before the students went to class, began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Puletti told them that, as "emerging adults" they should use this as a learning experience and continue it by making their voices heard the American way contact- between sunrise and sunset unless the local government decides otherwise and it has appropriate equipment. They may not be operated on any pub- lic roads by anyone under the age of 14. Lt. Waldron cautions that oper- ating these vehicles on the roads is dangerous and that they are not legal even if fitted with appro- priate equipment because neither the city nor the county have desig- nated roads for them. Mayor Randy Bengston said he understands the reasons why some residents may want to drive their golf carts on the streets but can foresee safety issues if the city were to allow it. Such an action would have to be considered by the entire board of city commis- sioners, he added. review everything. He knows he worked well with Collier County officials and has a good working relationship and reputation with them. He plans on the same in this county. Some of his current Hendry County projects are Port LaBelle Utility issues, revising some of Hendry County's codes and bringing them more up to date, the proposed relocation of new government offices and the paving of Wheeler Road. Shane is conscientious and his ultimate goal is ito grow with Hendry County and to be the best Hendry County Engineer that he can be. ing their govermmnt-represehta- tives with their concerns. Raymond Marroquin, TIP direc- tor and longtime LHS coach, wait- ed for the'marchers to reach the school. He explained that the stu- dents were marching for their her- itage and that they just want to suc- ceed in attaining a better life. They also need to support this country, he said. "Illegal is illegal," he said, but added that it's hard to become a citizen. "The law needs to be cri- tiqued," he said these people just want a chance to work and make a better life. "The people making the laws need to actually get into the real world ... they'd make better deci- sions," he mused. Of Mexican decent, Mr. Marroquin under- stands what these students and their families are facing. He said when he grew up in this area "we were really a minority then" and added "You can't let other people get to you. Don't let them stop you from getting what you want." Fr. Giovanni Bautista, associate Easter Events Easter Sunrise service The annual Easter Sunrise Ser- vice at Barron Park will begin at 6:30 a.m. Sunday, April 16, with a welcome by Pastor Clifford Avery of the LaBelle Assembly of God, followed by a Prayer for Our Coun- try by Pastor Alonzo McKenzie of New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church and the Pledge to the Flag, led by Mayor Randal Bengston. Soloist will be Kathy Avery and Congregational music will be fea- tured by Jeff Perry, First Baptist MusicYouth Director. The Old Testament reading will be by Fr. Alan Kelmereit. Jorge Rodriguez of Life Ministries will present the offering and Pastor William Maddox will do the New Testament reading followed by Fonda Woodward with special music. Pastor L.W. Howard of Com- munity Harvest Church will pres- ent an Easter Message and First Baptist Church Pastor Frank Deerey will do the closing prayer. Sunrise Service Easter Special Grace Baptist Church invites the public to attend a special "Sun- rise Service" at 6:30 a.m., Easter Sunday, followed by breakfast soon after the service. The church is located at 4200 N.E. Eucalyptus Blvd. in Port La Belle. Dr. Jeff Zim- merman is the Pastor! Rlease call Grace Baptist Church at 675-3349 or 675-3077 for.more information. Grace Baptist will also have their regular morning services at 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. There will be no evening service. Happy Resur- rection Day! Good Friday Fish Fry at Barron Park St. Matthews Missionary Baptist Church in LaBelle will host a Good Friday Fish Fry at Barron Park, from I I a.m. until 2 p.m. and also again from 4-7 p.m. The cost is only $6. Please contact Carolyn Ford for more information 674-1801. Easter Services at Christ the King Christ the King Lutheran Church, Good Friday Services will be 7 p.m., April 14 at the church, 1362 Thigpen Road. Easter Ser- vices will beat 9 a.m., April 16 Reg- ular Sunday Services are at 9 a.m. with Communion the first and third Sunday of each month. Moose Lodge holds Annual Easter Egg The Moose Lodge will be host- ing their Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 15. All children in the community are invited to attend. There will be free food, drinks and candy. All children under ten years old must sign in by 9:30 a.m. and be accompanied b'y an adult lo be able to hunt eggs for prizes. . stand the laws, but Americans should make them feel safe here and create an atmosphere where everyone can work together. He encourages his parishioners to become part of the United States, fully. He also said he has not seen a lot of what he described as "real" discrimination here. He believes that often newcomers don't feel like they belong any place and feel insecure, which feeds the feeling of being discriminated against. pastor of Our Lady Queen of Heav- en Catholic Church, passed out small American flags to the marchers. He said he had encour- aged his parishioners to attend Monday's march in Fort Myers and tfie LaBelle march. A native of the Dominican Republic, Fr. Bautista said he has not had difficulty feeling comfort- able here because his family is here. His mother and brothers have all become American citi- zens. He has been in this country for four years and hopes to become naturalized in two or three more. He said many immigrants he talks to have difficulty getting a dri- ver's license and insurance. They work hard for low salaries and health care costs are high. Fr. Bautista said he wants the law to help immigrants stay in this country to work legally. He agreed that Americans have the responsi- bility of, first, protecting their bor- ders. He added that newcomers need to learn English and under- - l'ibcrglass Shingles Metal Modified Flat Roofs Roof OC ers Coatings Repairs of All Kinds Licensed and insured State Certfi(ed Roofing Contractor #CCC1326346 Call 863-385-5343 today! .- .C1~ -~ 11 BEDROOM DINING ROOM SUITES SUITES LIVINGROOM ODDS SUITES 8 ENDS r: ** * CALOOSA 'BELLE To Reach Us To Place a Classified Ad i..Ing gAddyre- PO BoB i8 Call (8i7) 353-2424 to pbce i classitied LaBelle. FL 339.r5 ine ad\erarement from home The deid- Pht-4cI Addrei. .rLne for alJ -alsihed Lne adcIertn mg is 22 Ft Thompion \-e Monday at 11 am Ior the follov'ng -?h.ne 163) 675.2541) Thurdau'sp blcaanton --\ 863)o75 1449 i Fax-r(877) 1354-424 \eLebsite v.t.v, rne.s:.p com Hbelle E-hMad:clls.ad"new :p com To Submit News o Submit For Subscriptions The Caloosa Belle welcomes submls- I sons from its readers. Opumons. cden- Phone. (877) 353-2424 dar items, stor) ideas and photographs The C loosa BelJe dlrnbutes '.,000 coples are welcomee Call (8631 675-2541 to in the LaBeUe and Western Hendry :eich our ne,,sroom Items. may be Counr) ar).i eietrn' \ednesdav.Coples oft miuled, faxed or e-maded. If you are! the paper can be lound -t various srtoere sending photographs -a e-mail plea throughout to'.T, and qelcted homes tI :-nd them m JPEG format, also pleaseeced home do not send WORD documents, lut i LBe enjoy complement ar home delv paste these messages into the body of ery' Fiust clas mail ;ubsenptions are the e-mad Office documents are ok available it $50 per \ear and $25 for s;L; The deadline [or all news items is U a m. months on Monday prior to the folloowng Thur.da's pubbca3son. Printin E- Mad.c .eitorne'strato ner riLl Speakout: (863)675-4516 The Ca3Io. Belle i. printed at Sunshlne To Place a Display Ad Printng. .ub;tdiatc-r of Independent Pho. (863 N pFer Phone. (863) 675-2541 i E mail prtruci-g.-rr.to net l.. ...djr~ f. all ,d eta g t tp I he Jdeadche for l adlvertismg i -14 p.mL .rI Frindt ifr the folUo'.-ir Thuriday's pFublic Icion E-mad: cbelle@strato.net Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com Newszap! Online News & Infornaton Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle SSprint Get reliable High-speed Internet at a great low price. Order Sprint high-speed Internet now and pay $24.95 a month for as long as you have the service. (Prices-excludes taxes and fees and applies to up to 1.5 Mbps speed. Qualifying services and one-year term agreement applies.) Consistent broadband connection speeds 24/7 EarthLink* Internet Service that includes advanced security and protection tools Free modem ($12.95 shipping & handling applies) $50 online rebate (covers $49.99 activation fee) Call 1-877-SPRINT2 Click sprint.com/high-speed Service may not be available in all areas. Monthly rate good for residential customers only. Offers are not valid with any additional offers or discounts. Sprint reserves the right to cancel without notice or substitute substantially similar services at its sole discretion. Additional restrictions may apply. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. Monthly Fee: Prices vary by market. Promotional monthly rate of $24.95 applies in select markets while customer subscribes to a qualifying calling package (Sprint Solutions Standard Plan, Basic Plan or Sprint Special Plan), remains on this plan and at current residence. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based Oh standard monthly rate. Sprint high-speed Internet A fee of $99.00 will be charged for early termination. Performance may vary due to conditions outside of network control. No minimum level of speed is guaranteed. Conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of web sites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Restrictions may apply. Modem Offer Without credit approval customer will be charged $99.99 for modem. Rebate: Customer must request and submit $50 rebate online at hsirebate.sprint.com within 45 days of installation. Sprint high-speed Internet account must be active and in good credit standing to receive rebate. Limit of one rebate per household. Sprint will not honor lost, late, damaged, misdirected, illegible, incomplete, or duplicate rebate forms. 2006 Sprint All rights reserved. Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company LP EarthLink is a registered trademark of EarthLink, Inc. SPR-467601 A New Twist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. : A revolutionary new way to think :: , about skylights. SProfessionally Installed in 2 hours No Reframming No Painling No Mess NEWLAR ERED Cost Much Less ihar Old Fashioned Skylights ATTIC FANS L. our Cearllle Iruelllalnon Conrulanli-: h.w you ihe j, arer.ce SolnubeE car. makr in -our rima slyja L -- Hurricane Tested & Approved su". Ow an aSOLATUBE. Ts.. ;, i 1 ". M ., T ,,. BM BU ~||H Ilillhlilil Bi I n I ||I ---------- ---- --- II /--Y.u Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 Caloosa Belle/Donna Melater Ayers supports the cause Ms. Annie Ayers does her part and donated at the blood- mobile stationed at the Country Oaks Elementary School last week. Nineteen people came out on donation day and ten were successful In donating. Each person was given a $10 gift certificate to Publix and also $15 worth of coupons that could be used at Red Lobster, Smokey Bones, Olive Garden or Bahama Breeze Restaurants. Metal Roofing Clerk employee A, :!: AClerk employee T W A RT Replacement Shingles A 1Structural Repairs t 0 CONSTRUCT ION, M(old Remediation ASEBRING.FL Additions accused of theft c oG ROOFING An employee of the Hendrv reflect what should have been REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION County Clerk's Office has been deposited into the bank accounts Sebrin 863-385-9 arrested and charged with grand and that the bankdeposit slips did 121 Lakeview r. Sebring 863-385-9403 theft after Clerk of Courts Barbara not balance with the county's Email: markmncscontractinginc.com wwwn.mcscontractinginc.com S iD. .. rn t h nH rh I rn rd re cd Lie. rCCC1325639 Lic. iiCBC417717 tULIer con UIIactl ll l I. IIue ,y County Sheriff's Office. At about 3:15 p.m. Thursday, April 6, Hendry County sheriff's investigators met with Ms. Butler, who explained the circumstances in which a large amount of money as much as $60,000 - was found to be missing from her office. The sheriff's office initiated an investigation. Ms. Butler told law enforce- ment that cash is deposited daily into the county's bank accounts. She had been notified by employ- ees who discovered that monies had been missing from their deposits since October 2005. Clerk's Office employees researched their records and found that they did not accurately Clerk's Office employee Angela Banda's duties included transporting these deposits to the bank. At about -:30 p.m. that day Ms. Banda voluntarily agreed to meet with sheriff's investigators and she was advised of the inves- tigation. As a result of the inter- view, Ms. Banda, age 31, was ulti- mately arrested and charged with one count of grand theft. She was placed under $75,000 bond. Ms. Banda ad been employed as a finance clerk by the Clerk's Office since November 17, 2003. Ms. Butler said she was shocked and disappointed, but that discrepancies became appar- ent which led to an audit and ulti- mately to the investigation. 6690 SW Sundown Creek Road, Greenville, FL Friday -:- April 28, -:- 10:00 a.m. * Great Cattle and Horse Farm 12) Large Barns 4' Well Planlid Longleal Pines *1 1/4 Miles 1-10 Frontage Aircraft Hangar LARGE GUEST LODGE SGieat Developmenl Potential 3200' Approved Pratt Ranch 4 Bedrooms. 2,5 Baths * Ouail Hunting Operallon Grass Landing Strip (0 20 FD) PLUSA LARGE SELECTION OF * Large Food Plots Contain Both Fenced & Crosslenced WELL MAINTAINED EOUIPMWENT Natural & Planted Habitats Well Stocked Duck Pond SRowell Realty & Auction Co., Inc. ro1%Berrspremum AU4?9 AD20e 800-323-8388 For Complete Information www.rowellauctlon.com newsza .com Community Links. Individual Voices. Obituaries Carol Bernice Merritt Carey Carol Bernice Merritt Carey, age 50, of Lehigh Acres, passed away April 6, 2006 in Cape Coral. She was born October 23, 1955 in Hialeah. Survivors include her son: William Donovan Guynn (Alli- son) of Lehigh Acres; father: Leonard Clayton Pippin; broth- er: Charles Daniel Merritt of Lehigh Acres, sisters: Andra Mer- ritt Davison of Lehigh Acres, Marda Dean of Lehigh Acres, and Lynn Giompalo of North Fort Myers. A memorial service was held April 10 at Akin-Davis Funeral Home in LaBelle with Pastor Bob Moore of Hope Hospice officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Hope Hospice, 24.30 Diplomat Park- way E.,.Cape Coral, FL 33909. "Cremation Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home- LaBelle. Mavis JoAnn Alley Mavis JoAnn Alley, age 53, of Clewiston, passed away March 20, 2006 in Clewiston. She was born Nov. 10, 1952, in Miami, the daughter of the late Loren Jay and the late Mavis Bell (Jones) Fleming. She was a bookkeeper, employed by Stan- ton Mobile Homes and a "Pageant Mom" with the Miss Hendry County Pageant. Survivors include three daughters: Melissa Gail Alley of Clewiston, Andrea Lynn Hoyer of Angola, IN and Dana Jo Alley of Clewiston; and one sister: Judy(Maurice) Langston of Crawfordville; grandsons: Zack- ery Ronquillo and Keleb Jay Hoyer. Funeral services were held March 24 at Akin-Davis, Funeral Home, 438 E. Sugarland Hwy., Clewision with Reverend Mau- rice Langston officiating. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home Clewiston. Albert Grillo Albert Grillo, age 73, ol Okee- chobee died April 9, 2006, at his home. Mr Grillo was.born Jan. 10, 1933, in Williamslown, New Jersey, to Frank and Elvira Grillo. Mr. Grillo was a mechanic, hav- ing come to Okeechobee from Stuart in 1996. He was a mem- ber of the Oakvie\v Baptist Church. Mr. Grillo proudly served our country in the US Army. 'He is survived by his wife: Marlene Grillo of Okeechobee; children: Debbie Reitano of Port St. Lucie, Terri Grillo Cross of LaBelle, Cathy Schmiedel of Okeechobee, Tony Grillo of Okeechobee and Lonnie Gore of Brighton, Fl; 11 grandchildren; 3' great grandchildren; and sisters: Emma Gorgo of Newfield, NJ and Anna DeSome. Visitation are 4-7 p.m. Thurs- day, April 13, at Oakview Baptist Church with funeral services fol- lowing at 7 p.m. Pastor John Keith will officiate. All arrangements are entrust- ed to the loving care of Bass Okeechobee Funeral Home and Crematory. Salvador Martinez Lara Salvador Martinez Lara, age 83, of LaBelle, formerly of Immokalee, died Thursday, April 6, 2006, at the Lehigh Regional Medical Center in Lehigh Acres. Survivors are his wife: Evan- gelina Martinez; son: Ranulfo Ruedas; daughters: Maria Anzul- da, Lydia Arevalo, Glorida Espino, Christina Ruedas; and 14 grandchildren and 23 great- grandchildren. Calling hours were April 9 at Brister Funeral Home. Burial services were held at April 10 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church with burial held at Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens with Father Ettore Rubin officiating Brister Funeral Home in Immokalee was in charge of the arrangements. Charles Bocehicchio Charles Bocchicchio, age 52, of LaBelle, passed away April 2, 2006, In Fort Myers. He was born Aug. 9, 1953, in Hollywood, the son of the late Ronald and the late Rose June (Kellum) Bocchicchio. Survivors include his brother: Ronald Bocchicchio of Holly- wood; friend: Ronald Deese;' and wife: Cheryl of LaBelle; two nieces and many cousins. Memorial services were .held April'9 at Barren Park. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to St. Jude's Chil- dren Hospital, Attn- Thanks and Giving, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital,. 501 St. Jude Place Memphis, TN 38106. Cremation arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home LaBelle, 2 Ac Lakefront Spectacular Home 4009 Oak Haven Drive From LaBelle. Lake Hw, 80 eal 2 miles, [um south on Birchioiod Pkvy. ihen nrgh into Oak Haern E.sal-. Saturday, April 15th 12:00 to 4:00 PM Hosted BN: Terri Bankv 863-673-4970 & Shirle''Willihs. Bank of America 239-415-6302 Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one S, Irwho has departed with 'a special S Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. <. .- : ,* ;*. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services. or to commemorate an anniversary\ of your lo\ed one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of \our loved. one. lines from a poem or scripture, ar'd'special'~t or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.com/nemorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. MEET FACE TO FACE WITH YOUR NEXT EMPLOYER Services: Family Medicine, Women's Health. Pediatrics. Internal Medicine, Dental, Outreach and Education, Laboratory, J O F A IR Radiology, Pharmacy WS I 1 T iarp' ,w i.'pensead rsupiga ndsl pai W EnS aAPRIL S, _For an appointment 11AM TO 4PM MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER .r !- For an appointment Call (239) 658-3000 | a-,c.....ac ..r. ,.. ,bign i Walk-in's Welcome : r ., w... C, are erE o- S. ,,n Spar h.Enghsh. Creole 8 kr, btl SpokA MOYR i ",, t. f, I'. ,., Regit oinline 1 Wt'*.Jbln. o 1 TONB OF LOCAL EMPtOYERSI T ^ .aWOT,. H UI B^^^~~~p~aa~--a* 9r;r K-1 ; --4p Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida. PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases, announcements &-hIformation from your itbmmunity, - Public Issues Forum An open forum in which Issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post your personal messages on an open Bulletin Board for Floridd residents. Local Links A directory of websites for location government. teams, organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers, distributed. to 31,000 homes, ,Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay S" Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle -&i di* Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof IN LOVING MEMORY OF JAMES G. SINGLETON DEC. 16. 1945 ,- APRIL 10, 2004 I know how much you love me. as much as I loe \ou And each time that \ou think of me. I know you'lll miis me too But when tomorrow starts without me, please tri to understand That an angel came and called m\ name and took me bh tire hand And said ni place was read., in Heaven far above And that I'd have to leave behind, all those I dearly lohe. So when tomorrow start without me, don't think we're tar apart Foi every time you think of me, I'm right here, in \%our heart. LOVE ALWAYS. YOUR FAMILY --- j -- -- :- -_ Port La eielii The OL' OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax: 863-675-4892 ~pPi~8S~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at httpV/ww.newszapforums.com/forum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Protect assets and wealth legally What is Asset Protection? What is Wealth Preservation? These are really popular buzz- words now in our society. Every week in the big city newspapers, we read of seminars being put on by professionals and being conducted at large hotels. They even throw in a free breakfast or lunch. Often, a reservation is required. Otherwise, there is a sign-in sheet so they get your name. These are sales seminars. They are costly to the presenters, so you know they are selling something to be compensated. The seminars are usually advertised as Asset Protection seminars. Insurance agents sell- ing life insurance and annuity policies do these seminars. Lawyers who write wills and trusts do them. CPA's who sell insurance and financial planning services do them. Registered Representatives who sell insur- ance, annuities and investments also do them. Often, there will be a combination of these pro- fessionals working together in putting on the seminar. So what is the answer to the question: What is Asset Protec- lion? It is any legal mechanism by which your assets are protect- ed from the claims of creditors and they should be positioned so they are outside the attachment of a Bankruptcy Court. Although by broad definition, bankruptcy itself is a form of asset protec- tion, since it protects some mini- mum amount of your assets from being taken. Wills devise means by which you can take advantage of State and Federal laws. Trusts do all kinds of things including avoid- ing probate and holding proper- ty so it is hard for a claimant to get to it. Examples are: placing a building in a wife's trust, using a generation skipping transfer trust or even an offshore trust. Financial Tips byWayneC.Switzer Life insurance and annuity policies have a clause that says something like this "subject to the terms and conditions of this policy, all monies and benefits payable to any person, and relat- ing in any manner to this con- tract, shall be free from such per- sons debts, engagements, and judicial process to levy upon and attach the same." The concept behind allowing such a clause is that the benefit is normally for a beneficiary, who is an innocent party under the contract, not the insured. If you do receive pro- ceeds as a beneficiary from one of these policies, it is advisable to keep the money segregated from other assets and proceeds. Would you like another form of asset protection? It is liability insurance, like you have with a car, a boat or a homeowner's policy, and more specifically an umbrella policy. Limited Liability Corporations provide asset protection. Limited Partnerships provide a means of asset protection. This list gets very long. So, the next time you see someone advertising asset protection, you might just ask, "what are you selling?" Howev- er, don't be insulting because they may have something very good for you. And, what is Wealth Preserva- tion? It is having enough assets that you need to work on Asset Protection! Wayne C. Switzer, CLU -: Guest Commentary Bridge problem: What's 'up' in Hendry? At first glance this might seem like a silly question. Silly, that is, unless you happened to be stuck in the massive, what seemed like endless traffic jam in LaBelle, March 28. For those going about their daily tasks, trying to go across the SR 29 bridge, north or south, in the mid- dle of a beautiful sunny, Chamber of Commerce, Tourist Board after- noon, all hell broke loose when the SR 29 bridge malfunctioned. Traffic backed up as far as the eye could see, north and south. Blocking east and westbound SR 80 as HCSO and FDOT went into emergency mode operation to establish alternate detours direct- ing those not already ensnarled, into westbound CR 78, SR 80 and Ft. Denaud Road alternatives. As we approach hurricane sea- son, with all its opportunities for normal traffic interruptions, we can only hope the plans can accommodate many thousands more than were tremendously frustrated and inconvenienced on that day. Officially designated evac- uation routes lake west or east coast evacuees right through LaBelle. Acts ofGod such as hurricanes and tornadoes, hopefully will be few and far between, but the blood of the overwhelming traffic accom- panying the known deluge of developments and associated pop- It's your worit Get Involved ulation explosion will make the traffic "bridgelock" pale by com- parison to the upcoming traffic "gridlock," resulting from "devel- opmentitis." To add substance to my specu- lations you have only to read in the April 2, 2006, edition of the News Press, Hendry County's Director of the Economic Development Coun- cil Janice Groves' statement, "We have projected over 3,500 residen- tial homes in 11 different subdivi- sions in west Hendry County, and all these are to be built by 2011, and those numbers are very con- servative." She also commented on the planned movement into the area of industry, educational, service industries, office and major retail- ers in the same time frames. I don't know what your reaction is to these forward-looking state- ments from our very dedicated director, Janice Groves, but mine was, if the national household occupancy average of 2.5 persons per residence is true, and.they have 1 to 2 vehicles per home, you've got another 7,000 vehicles coming onto our already overburdened, inadequate highway system. This does not factor in what other com- mercial, service and employee vehicles will be drawn into the area. If you haven't noticed all the dump trucks already clogging the area, wait until the real building boom goes off in your rear view mirror. If this isn't frightening enough, all you need to do is factor in at least another 5,000 in the near future, pouring out of Glades County. And that's just from the known developments such as the Lykes Bros. planned developments. All of which will be, due to no alternates, looking to feed south on SR 29, to little two-lane CR 78 \vest or into LaBelle across the bridge to access SR 80. The first knee jerk reaction is, "build more roads," but is that real- ly the answer? For anyone who has ever driven the freeways in California, you can understand that the end result is, instead of 2-or-4 lanes of gridlock, you have 8-or-12 lanes of gridlock, and this is without the bridge. What has to be done, and must be built into the permit planning process is the village concept where, subject to the allowable density, the residents can walk or bicycle to their jobs, schools, shop- ping and other routine service needs. Of course, this requires that generations of people will need to break ingrained habits and the politicians will have the political will to provide the leadership best suited to the need, rather than the desire. Yes, I understand, by this time you've either agreed or disagreed with the needs I've sited, and either way, resolved or resigned yourself' to change or keeping the status quo. I think it was Johnny Carson who said, "If you buy the premise, you'll buy the bit." ,So, if you buy the premise that things have to change, that's one avenue available, but if you don't, there is this option. Don't allow any more development, not already permitted, until the infrastructure to support that development is in place. How many developers do you think will still be there on grad- uation day? For the record, I'm not trying to sell anybody, anything. I don't have a crystal ball, but as my Dad used to tell me, "Bill, always be impressed with the obvious, and plan your actions accordingly." It's your life and lifestyle on the line, and nobody is better qualified to govern your options than you. Whatever your decision, make your feelings known, and "bridge" that gap to satisfy you and your family's needs. Respectfully, T.W.BillNeville(Hendry CountyCitizen and Taxpayer) Hospice: There is hope for all seasons By Samira K. Beckwith President and CEO Hope of Southwest Florida Springtime and the Easter sea- son are known to many people in the world as a time of hope and renewal. However, holidays and special occasions are also a time when people may remember the loss of a loved one. At Hope of Southwest Florida, we are repre- sented by the butterfly, also a sym- bol of hope and renewal. As we serve the community through Hope Hospice and our Pathways of Hope bereavement counseling programs, we are often asked, how can "hope" and "loss" fit together? The two terms may at first seem incompatible. The mission of Hope is to pro- vide exceptional care and support to all people who are touched by end-of-life issues. The people we serve, whether as a patient, family member, or anyone else who is experiencing grief, find that through this special kind of care and support, "hope" can take on new dimensions. Holidays may come with reminders of a recent loss in our lives, or they may even bring feel- ings of grief from years past. Fortu- nately, thoughtful preparation can help to alleviate the grief and stress. The Pathways of Hope Counseling Center, part of Hope of Southwest Florida, helps families who have experienced loss throughout the year. The professional counselors at Pathways offer suggestions for holidays. Those who have recently lost a loved one should not try.to ignore the loss and pretend that nothing has changed. Recognize that holi- days won't be the same. Expecting everything to be the same might lead to disappointment. Keep in mind that few things in life are either all good or all bad. During holidays allow yourself, or your grieving friend, permission to do what feels right. At a time of year when many people feel com- pelled to follow holiday traditions, doing something different, such as going out of town for a visit, can be helpful. Don't isolate yourself. It's important to take quiet, reflective time for yourself but also allow yourself the support offered from friends and family. The holidays may affect other family members. Talk over your plans and share your feelings. We work to enable our hospice patients to have high hopes for a good life, no matter how long or short it may be. We help their fami- lies and others in the community who are grieving, to cherish and celebrate their memories of a life with someone who was special, so that instead of focusing on the "loss" of a loved one, they find a renewed appreciation of how much they gained from knowing that person and from sharing life's experiences with them. It has been our privilege to share hope and renewal with the people of southwest Florida for 25 years. If we may be of service, please call 1-800-835-1673, or visit our Web site at ,www.hopehos- pice,org. Joke of Letter to the Editor the week Unhappy with water Information about water came again this week- also a bill. The amount for sewage and trash pickup were high, but we do appreciate the services. But the high rate for water use is insulting. We buy gallons of water every week for drinking, cooking and watering our plants. I'm not happy about washing our cloths and dishes in it, but we have no other choice. The water is so gray and full of sediment that the filter on the washer clogs up. The gaseous odor that comes from the faucet when I turn the water on is rot- ten. I have used bleach, ammo- nia, lemon juice, pine sol and comet in the drain; and all with- out change. : 'We love LaBelle and want to spend our last years here in this paradise. A break in the water costs would help pay for the water we have to buy. Surely, after all these years, there must be a way to purify the water bet- ter and the sight of it. Sincerely, Barbara Herring Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." CALOOSA ^ BF I IF Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of Journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of Journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. .................................................... We fledge ... EDITORIAL: To operate this newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant a public trust To help our community News Clerk: Donna Meister become a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt and work, through our dedi- Sports: Roger Alexander cation to conscientious jour- ADVEmTISING: nalism. To provide the information cit- Advertising Director izens need to make their own Judy Kasten intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues. Brenda Jaramillo To report the news with hon- Ade i esty, accuracy, purposeful Advertising neutrality, fairness, objectivity, Services Coordinator: fearlessness and compassion. Dale Conyers To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: facilitate community debate. Barbara Calfee not to dominate it with our own opinions. National Advertising To disclose our own conflicts Joy Parrish of interest or potential con- flmts to our readers. Independent Newspapers, Inc. To correct our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth prominence it deserves, President To provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin those we write about. To treat people with courtesy, Vice President respect and compassion, of Florida Operations For More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Service On Page 2Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Things you owe your mother I. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE "If you're going to kill each other, do t outside. I just finished cleaning." 2. *My mother taught me RELI- GION -"You better pray that will come out of the carpet." 3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" 4. My mother taught me LOGIC "Because I said so, that's why." 5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me." 6. My mother taught me FORE- SIGHT. "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident." : 7. My mother taught me IRONN' "Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about." 8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS- "Shut your mouth and eatyour supper." 9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONIST "Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!" 10. My mother taught me about STAMINA- "You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone." 1, 12 My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY "If I told you once, I've. told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!" 13. My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out." 14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION "Stop acting like your father!" 15. My mother taught me about ENVY "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do." 16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION "Just wait until we get home." 17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING "You are going to get it when you get home!" 18. My mother taught me MED- ICAL SCIENCE "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that way." 19. My mother taught me ESP "Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?" 20. My mother taught me HUMOR "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come run- ning to me." 21. My mot her taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT "If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up." 22. My mother taught me GENETICS "You're just like your father." 23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS "Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?" 24. My mother taught me WIS- DOM "When you get to be my age, you'll understand." 25. And my favorite: *My moth- er taught me about JUSTICE "One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you. Community Calendar Friday, April 14 American Legion Fish Fry: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 VFW 10100 Aux.: Friday meal, $6,5-? p.m., post home on SR 29S. AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Bingol Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. No Smoking Sunday, April 16 HAPPY EASTER! AA: 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday, April 17 Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meet- ing at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m., American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Mid-County MSBU Advisory Committee: 7 p.m. PPFD, Hendry Isles Blvd. Men's Christian Gathering 7:30 p.m., the Dallas Townsend Ag Cen- ter. Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Tuesday, April 18 Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora and Ella's, Hwy. 80 Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m., Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W Rotary Club: Boo Boo's Restau- rant, noon Caloosa Belle/Donna Melster Question of the week: Concerning income taxes, what would you like to see be tax deductible that isn't now? ..,i~ ;~~~,* 4c ;:-- Chip Miller said, "I think we should be able to deduct our hunting and fishing expenses." Susan Vaughan said, "I believe that vet bills and medical related necessities should be tax deductible. Pets are like some people's families." Allen Riberty said, "I think we should be able to deduct funerals and even life insurance from our Income taxes." John McCardel said, "I think that when you reach 65 years of age, you should not be taxed on any- thing. At this age people have worked their whole lives and now they can't afford their medications, Insurance and taxes. Many can't afford to retire. I don't mind paying taxes, but I do mind what much of my taxes are used for." Warren Bordner said, "I don't think we should have any Income tax at all. I think we should Just pay a consumption tax of 10 percent. Let everyone pay their own fair share." Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 5 Madison Allen is judge's choice Grandi. being! Open Dailyl;-,,1 0 ABWA's Little Miss LaBelle I Ian i : : 10% OFF pageant was captivating once B 69- Entire Bill again. The April 8 event high- must present coupon lighted the innocence of little Btii :: girls, emphasizing their poise .. and abilities. Each chose a book character to explain to the audi- H, -n 1o ence. This year's Little Miss LaBelle is Madison. Allen. Her parents are Kim and Sandy Allen. Acres First runner-up Ariana Her-': J nandez is the daughter of Dar- lene and Ralph Hernandez. Nancy Garza was the judges' Dana Howard Weekley Post 130 choice for second runner-up. Cantu and Leonel Garza. At o LERI L N LE"GK" IN The 2006 Junior Miss Ashley AMERICAN LEG Curryis the daughter of Jackie AND THE LEGION AUXILIARY Blakey and Roy Curry. First run-, ner-up Abby Lynn Arnold is the daughter of Ann Thompson. .. Second runner-up Alari Foutch is Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant d Pih Pr the daughter of Jim and Debbie First runner-up Ariana Hernandez, Little Miss LaBelle Madison Allen, center, and second run- Foutch. ner-up Nancy Garza. m Princess Amber Barnett is the 7 at ess .. so daughter of Anita Coronado. First runner-up Ana Ortiz is the daughter of Donna Barron. Sec- ond runner-up Angelica Cuellar Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos is the daughter of Bobbie and sicl tertaintrent Incloded In the other categories, win- ners were: Little Miss Backstage Princess V Ana Ortiz; Junior Miss Ashley Curry and, in the Little Miss cate- gory, it was Jena Howard. Best costume awards went to: Princess Amber Barnetl, a lit- tie caterpillar who turned into a butterfly before the audience's 6, ' eyes;-Junior Miss Abby Arnold was Buck the dog/wolf from Call tALIKEA GOOD NEIGHBOR, of the Wild; and Little Miss Madi- son Allen, who introduced theSTATE FARM v'"Tn R.n audience to Anne of Green Gables. Ariana Hernandez was Second runner-up Alari Foutch, Junior Miss Ashley Curry and first runner-up Abby Lynn Arnold. - the top ticket salesman, this year. .T IO-.-.1:1,-I ..1 1.. 0 0 DiPofi Ins Agcy Inc SRena :iPoh Agenr ..;: ~ Bus 863-675'I890 ..- 13 Mi,:%rl Street .k 7- f.:. ,era dpolI c84a i'swAi xrrn c, T"n ,,- l a LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR STATE FARM IS THERL." ;- 'To start or stop ..J''k-- : ",.* .',.delivery simply e-mail Isur a azdelivery@newszap.com. r n. Insurance and . S. Your Community Weekly mm* "' .t mm of HE "O 6I "oHi AL" ;.- .v+. . All searches are done IN HOTSE A fast turn round time on Commitments. Sby filling in the space above! SureClo se is ou Transaction Management Pro ram closidrunner-upAnge onlinCel24lharsday days wee l Prieess mut Bbe, groupigp erad A a rtiz. q .... j that allows you and your client to track the progress of your 4 lineS 0fo 2 Weks 1 used item or closings online 24 hours a day 0 days weekC t e at T Reduce stress, save time and money for you and your client included in ad ,,. .. y using Sureose. L Private parties Independent only Newspapers There's only one way to close- SURECLOSE! 2 Iems per house- reserves the right to hold per issue disqualify any ad. e Located at: they're $50 or l ess Deadline 11 a.m. Monday Cowboy Way forabsolutely free! 998 E. Cowboy Wfee, no catch, no problems! LaBelle, FL 3393s5 c OOSA E PH: 883-S74-0111 Delivering Western Hendry Count s News Since 1922 FX: 863-471-8188 Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13, 2006 Herbert Hoover Dike rehabilitated By MaryAnn Morris LAKE OKEECHOBEE The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) has the responsibility to maintain the Herbert Hoover Dike which encir- cles 730-acre Lake Okeechobee. A "rehabilitation" of this 70-year-old flood-control structure was begun by the Corps last year. This construc- tion, long in coming has taken years to obtain the necessary funding and to gain the approval of concerned. environmental groups and water managers. "The Dike is designed for a probable maximum flood eleva- tion of 26. feet coupled with a 100 year wind event with winds oF 109 miles an hour," said Luis Ruiz, a registered professional engineer and Chief ,I ithe COE .Gec-techrilcal Division. "There has been some leakage, called 'piping' or 'boils' seen since the 1980s. These areas are repaired as they are observed," said Mr. Ruiz. The Herbert Hoover Dike Reha- bilitation Project, is the long-term solution. This solution was pro- duced after 19 years of study and -i_ I.. -. sr;..!:- .C IN M ULES Special to INI!U S Army corps of Engineers This location map shows Reach One of the Herbert Hoover Dike Rehabilitation. Work on Reach One is progressing from Reach 1-A starting at Port Myaca on the north and will continue through Reach 1-D, which ends near the Torrey Island Bridge. .LOST YOUR Don't Sweat, we'll fix it! Randy's Garage, Inc. For Complete Truck 675 ~1 02 ..& Auto Repair, Call permit reviews since piping was first seen in 1984. A "cut-off wall" will be con- structed on the land-side of the dike.. It will be tvo feet thick, impervious to seepage of water and visible from the adjacent road (US 441 S). The top of the wall will be at 26 feet above sea level. The wall will extend down through the dike to ten feet below sea level. This will prevent water from the lake from seeping through the dike. A gravel-filled trench near the existing rim canal at the bottom of the slope of the dike will carry off water from the slope of the dike below the cut-offwall, The work will be done section by section urder individual con- tracts to best utilize the funds allo- cated each Federal Budgetyear. "There are 6,200 feet of wall bull on the first section (Reach 1- A)," said Jacob Davis, of the COE. Reach 1-A extends roughly from Port Myaka to Sand Cut. The design documents for Reaches 1-B and 1- C are about 60 percent complete," continued Mr. Davis, "This is where we look at different solutions and methods and decide what is best for this particular site." Reaches 1-B and 1-Cwill extend south from Sand Cut down to Cul- vert C-10 in Pahokee just north of the Belle Glade Airport. "We are also working on the plans and specifications for Reach 1-D, said Mr. Davis. "This will pick up where Reach 1-C leaves off and extend to Culvert C-351 near the Torre. Island Bridge." After the plans and specifications are com- plete they will be re-reviewed before public advertising for bids late this coming summer. Special to INI/U.S. Corps of Engineers The size of the heavy equipment used for the rehabilitation of the Herbert Hoover Dike, Reach 1-A shown in March, 2006 beside Jacob Davis, RE., COE on the construction site, shows how large this project really is. At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses TreatTmncrr iof Evaluaor of: After Surgery Care of: Glauco:rru Miclubi Degeneration Cataracts . Eye Ijrunes Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. 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Builders Lots Available in the Fastest Growing Areas of Florida Introducing Highkuads t Walnut Creek, a 584-acre development just 45 , minutes from Asheville. W here fimness trails and narura greenspaces connect : neighborhoods with a clubhouse with gym/spa facilities. Another Pre-deveopment pricing: outstanding community up to tuo awr homerit front the louw 550s! 1, brought to you byt S*Grande estate lots ..leelopersofthighland of ltakelure ... e ViUage green cages Equestrian homesites 888.625.8950 www.highlandsresorls.com i L B iia ,.cA5.i. e T.in, ia r.na f d ia.uBeiB l Ii .' I nhsL..n Ilatt" .. Inii ieri..n i*nr c.' r.. rofeanme Iype sor ntnatuadaad dcr oEacrnd Arran s d-e. pal day iaV.VW am l-:i1- In. r1. r'u % rml&ne s a lnr own r sam ise r wi i arriaw m i id3 ern w. wne6 rmrauon Kw i. r, ii-ir..- Explore a whole new option... i ... a Medicare health plan that includes Medicare prescription drug coverage for a LOW monthly plan premium. If you're eligible for Medicare, learn about the many benefits* available to you with HumanaChoicePPO: Freedom to use any doctor, specialist or hospital Prescription drug coverage at no extra premium Plan covers 100% of the most popular prescription drugst Benefits greater than or equal to Medicare requirements Only $10 for primary care doctor office visits Preventive services Routine dental services * Membership in the SilverSneakers Fitness Program - For individuals outside the SilverSneakers fitness center network, SilverSneakers" Steps is available. I . And more! Come to a complimentary seminar and learn more. For information, reservations or for accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings, call: 1-800-372-2185 TDD: 1-877-833-4486 \londav Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET i-ne I II LIABELLE Don's Steakhouse 93 South Hall St. Thursday, April 20 & 27 11:00 a.m. "T~ T-A A ANA, ou need ir most A Medicare approved PPO available to anyone enrolled in Part B and entitled to Part A of Medicare through age or disability who continues to pay Medicare applicable premiums. A sales representative will be present with information and applications. *Limitations and copayments apply. You will pay more for covered services received outside the network. Benefits apply to HumanaChoicePPO R5826-005. Top 100 drugs by number of prescriptions from Medicare drug card experience. No hid en agenda. ri . C4Leb*&LL~ * .., '*'.n~Lit.-., "'-"C r:;r: Many, newspaper owners have a hidden "agenda" - whether it is political, economic or to promote the publish- er's cronies. Not us. We're owned by a unique non-profit journalistic trust. Our ONLY mission is to provide the information and understanding citizens need to make intelligent decisions about public issues. In doing so, we strive to report the news with honesty, accuracy, fairness, objectivity, fearless- ness and compassion. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA C BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism ~~ ''? "' ;I'~ "" ere's o needfor a eparat rr~pna~N~cl~~ aaFurrrr~-~~r ~C ~. ~H ~,,.,, i,,, r : " i.. OLO PP8 2681H G W SWFL 4/06 Caloosa Belle. Thursday, April 13,2006 Alen, Pelicans earn second place Thomas Allen earned a sec- ond place medal at the 2006 AAU 12 and under President's Tournament in Lakeland. He is a member of the Gulf Coast Peli- cans. The team improved upon their 2005 third place success with a second place finish in March. Thomas has played with the Pelicans since February 2005. The team is presently 16-3-1 and ranked number one in their division in the state. They are hoping for further success at their next tournament April 21- 23 in Winter Haven. Thomas is a twelve-year-old w S -' : ;, ': .p.,. ..: ,r '. *,.*' * Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Pat Langford, left, had the honor of throwing out the first ball of the Dixie League's season Monday, April 3. He was joined by Dixie League President Clint Raulerson Cowgirl's seeded number one in districts seventh grader at LaBelle Middle School. He primarily plays all Classified Ads outfield positions -as well as shortstop and catcher. His par The combined listings from ents are LuAnn and Randy Independent's 14 newspapers, Schmitt-Allen. His little sister and distributed to 256,000 homes. biggest fan is Emily. The Pelicany n l Vs. motto: "Play Hard or Go Home." Community inks.Individual Voices. f WE CAN HELP REBUILD YOUR CREDIT! 800 -'906 -r4or064 e i a Guaranteed financing with as little as $2,000 down... sometimes less! Coast Financial Group ) By Roger Alexander The Cowgirls softball team won two more games this past week and in doing so also won a district title. The deciding game was an 8-0 no. hitter pitched against Clewiston by Amanda Atuh. This came on the heels of a tough 10-8 victory over the Tigers two nights earlier. The Cowgirl bats were alive and well in the victory as they pounded out 13 hits and then took advantage of the six errors by the Tigers. Dani Blake led the LaBelle attack with another home-run on a three-hit perform- ance. She also drove in two runs while scoring three times. Heather Raulerson also had a big night at the plate as she went three-for-five and scored once. Blake Rice and Amanda Atun also had a multi-hit night with two a piece. Meanwhile, Atun was hot from the mound as she faced just 23 batters over seven innings, get- ting most of the girls to hit into groundouts. She was able to strike out three batters. After doing so well in that game, the Cowgirls had a let down in their following game as they traveled to Lely and dropped it by the score of 8-1. LaBelle won the earlier meeting 5-1. Coach Marroquin said after- wards that his team came in men- tally unprepared and never really got in the groove. "We just didn't show up tonight and they did. It's that simple. We need to get our focus back and play our kind of ball." Cori Ankney had two hits to lead the Cowgirls, while Vanessa Ostolaza managed to get the only extra base hit with a double. The girls took the advice of their coach in their final game of the week as they played host to Lemon Bay. For most of the game the pitchers were in control as they kept the other team off balance. Lemon Bay broke through for a run in the top of the sixth inning and LaBelle quickly answered with a run of its own in the bot- tom of the inning. Still, the Cowgirls had to change things up offensively. The Lemon Bay pitcher was throwing a lot of off speed stuff and Marro- quin decided to go.to the small ball game plan as he went to the bunt. That was the difference as the Cowgirls got the victory in the bottom of the eighth inning when Ankney got a sharp hit after LaBelle got on with back-to-back bunts. The final score was 2-1 for the Cowgirls. LaBelle will play its final regu- lar season.game as they travel to- Sebring this week. From there they will begin the district tourna- ment in Clewiston on Monday. They open with a game against Dunbar and with a win, will play on Wednesday night. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Luan Scnmiht-Allen Thomas Allen proudly shows off his second place medal from the President's Tournament in Lakeland. Cowboy powerlifters dominate at meet LaBelle High School will send seven lifters to the state meet in the Gainesville April 21. The Cowboys had seven first place finishers, and three second place finishers Saturday at their own Sectional finals. The Cowboys first seven receive an automatic bid to state, while the second place winners could still get in with a wild card berth. This Sec- tional Championship is LaBelle's fourth in a row. S"Out. of the.,seve,, going ,I. think five could place, at state. With that many guys, we should place at state for the second time ever," said Coach Kelley. In the .past, 20 points has been a strong score at State finals. The -Cow- boys could get close to that goal with a couple of breaks, First place finishers were: Keyendae Brown 129, Angel Pequeno'139, Gabriel Puente 154, Blake Basquin 169, Matt Davidson 199, Tim Gonzalez 219 and heavy weight Phil Anderson. Second place finishers were: Jose,Gul- lien 119, Manual Soto 129 and Nathan Riberdy 183. * DIGITAL RECEPTION SERVICES, INC. Satellite TV Installers Positions tb'taghout 1~Ariida For details aad t .' iaine go to: wwww.hrmcacclaim~t.iplryldrcareers CAHNOW As seen .-. T FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, UZ I ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794.7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! SV. Sports Shorts L.H.S. plans sports physical LaBelle High School will be giving Sports Physical at the LaBelle High School on May 12 and May 19. The 9th and 10th graders will be on May 12 from 2:30-4:30 p.m.; 11th and 12th graders May 19 @ 2:30-4:30 p.m. the cost will be $10. Any questions please call Tracy Nobles at LHS 674-4120. Pop Warner Boosters to meet There will be a meeting this No.r SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 F U 675-3233 TOLL FRE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR ~l~p~pl~sy-u ~ .4 Thursday, April 13, at the Hendry County Rec. Building located on Cowboy Way. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Anyone interested in coaching our cheerleaders or some of the football teams please attend. p....- -m---------.9 SSPORTSFANSI I BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW I I Brought to youby Lori Langford SHere's one that plenty of baseball fans Sshouldbe able to answer. Which major league ballpark has had the most home runs hit in it? It's got to be one of the old parks, right? Andone with reason- Sably reachable fences. Don't think too I hard. It's Wrigley Field in Chicago, which passed Detroit's Tiger Stadium during the 2005 season. Entering 2006, almost 12,200 homers have cleared the Wrigley walls since 1914. Here's another home run riddle most baseball fans just might be able to solve. IEntering the 2005 season, which pos I tion ranked first among them all in most total homers in major league history, Iand which position ranked last, not counting pitchers, of course? First place goes to first base -- more than 37,200 Total home runs by players at that posi- tion through 2004. Right fielders were Next with more than 34,500. In last Place (no surprise) were shortstops With almost 14,500. I* *I I I There is bad luck, terrible luck, and then I the luck of basketball fan Marc Stem. SIn 1962, Ster was an 18-year-old sopho- I More at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA. On March 2, he had tickets to see the NBA's Philadelphia Warriors play Sthe New York Knicks in nearby Hershey. But Stern had an exam the next day, so he gave his tickets away I and missed history, because that was the night Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points. Flash forward almost 44 years after, to January 21, 2006: Living in Los Angeles and a Lakers season ticket holder, Stern couldn't attend that night's game because he had to go to a Birthday party. So he gave his tickets Saway and missed the game in which Kobe Bryant rang up 81 points, second in league history only to Wilt's 100. I'll bet you didn't know, coming or going, that when the rubber hits the road, you can't afford not to buy from Langford. I ***** I LANGFORDA I I Yall SpokmenHcrel 675-1686 L----------------- Evice Voice GIL. I --- Loa C~L"I)S~Aiz.:,. CUD"^S tl;Lon~~PD~T~~~c # 4:4r 419VJV INA u Jd -FS~ Iachctm Is. I f Mod15 * n A - ...: .-. .. * "In a democracy, the highest office is that of citizens." US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. We agree. Yet too many citizens feel powerless to influence the flow of events. We give people a voice. Our Speak Out column is just one example. We consider it an extension of the secret ballot and a return of the values of the American Revolution. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or call- ing your editor. CALOOSA E BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism __ [ newszap.com I I I ui F- s. : b:. .x; "' 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 Getting together I III Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Country Homes and Land (CHL) hosted a special card exchange event Thursday, April 6, at its gorgeous model homes on SR 80 east of LaBelle. They invited business and community members from Hendry and Glades coun- ties to the evening networking and social event. Pictured from left: Hendry County EDC Director Janice Groves, CHL's Chuck Sverk and Glades County EDC Director Tracy Whirls. Engineer Rock Aboujaoude, left, and CHL attorney Mark Lapp discuss zoning issues for a pending development. Caloosa Belle/Donna Meister This colorful marquis beckons you to come for the Firehouse Players' final offering of the season, "Seeing Stars in Dixie." Come see 'Seeing Stars in Dixie' The last performance of the season at the Firehouse Cultural Center will be a comedy written by Ron Osborne. "Seeing Stars in Dixie" takes place in a tea room in May of 1956, in Natchez, Missis- sippi, during the filming of the movie Raintree County. Five veteran actors take the stage in this performance: Clem- mie (Barbara Brandenberg), a widowed proprietor of a small tea room; Tootie (Jo Coombs) owns the local newspaper; Glease (Mike Shough), a man more com- fortable in the company of women; Jo Beth (Emily Ankne\y), a beauty queen wannabe prone to disasters: Marjorie tSuzanne Hardee-Hubbart), a socially. prominent lady-about-town. SCome watch this group'of. friends make a silk purse out of a sow's ear when Clemmie and Marjorie vie for a part in Raintree County.. The play will be performed on Friday, April 21 and 28, Saturday, April 22 and 29 at 7 p.m. and Sun- day, April 23 and 30 at 2 p.m. Reservations may be made by calling 1.863) 675-3066. Admission is $10 with a reservation and $12 without. Visa and MasterCard are accepted. The Firehouse Cultural Center.is located at 241 North Bridge Stree. , WEST GLADES SCHOOL S A-Honor Roll First Grade: Samantrha Bird, Parker Kump, Marco Mende=. Armida Riv'era, .Andrea Stantorth Second Grade: ia.rLrune Chae loiIue Deainnago. Ger. ido ended: 'Third Grade: -achorv lMunL: Fourth Grade: Sebjinj-n Cha, Paul Lucke\, Selina M.r, 'anellk Rarure-:, \ ane.s3a Saihnas uslnn Tahrinen Fifth Grade: yler DeLaFuenrte, Kassidv "Kurnp. Mjtthew Or:eLh,JuioG Reyes Seventh Grade: Larisa Riera, Ebony Yarger A/B Kindergarten: Christian "Artavia, Ma us Banky, Benjamin Benavides, Ashlee Bird, )a=myn Branch, Daid Estes, Savannah Foster, Noe Gamez, Angel Gaure, Ohiun Germam, AJema Guzman, Lexi Hernjndez, EUl\v.e Long George "'-l" Lopez, R\3n 'lcDam3d, Jessica Morad,., Than'ana Ramirrez, An gel Rodrigue:. less Scarbrough, TaIor Sumpson Cameron Tahtineri Jarred \arnadoe, Selma :amarron First Grade: Clara Alina, Branja Campbell, Andrew Cov.in Lindsei Hagadiih, Ertefjria Hernjnden , Mhart\n Hettinger, jasrmn L.3:alde Pncifla Maciel Victoria Maclel j.a-mn Mhldrid, Alexis Mdller Coca Morrissey, Ethan Tahtinen Second Grade: Chariah Armour Jesu- Casiano, Tdni Frederic, Elijah Germain, Brittany Hamric, William Foster, Hunter Hippie, Shannon 'Shay' Hunter, lumberli, rlta Les.he c.lorado, Linda Santrago, \ nessa \ alle Third Grade: Zachary Alaimo, Patricia Earnest, Matthew Germain, Caitlin Holt, Shauna Humphreys, John 'Jack' Kaune, Elijah Luckey, Jake NMarrine-, Karlos Sanchez Fourth Grade: Val Alsina, Cole Billig, Nora Cardenas, Jaqueline Casiino, Cynthia Frederick, Esteban Maciel, Luis Martinez, Caleb Rimes, Jonathan Rodri-ue.,Joanna Sanders Fifth Grade: Avery ?.jaimo, Jacob Gaircia, Mana Garcia, Jessie Helms, Kada Kelly, Anthorvn Likens, angelicaa Mendoza, Alma Mloreno, Kayla Renaldi, Aby Rico, lakayla Sims. Darniel Tahtinen, Nartina \'jide: SLth Grade: Sandra Cervantes, ivette Deanriago R\an How-ard, Emril Kosoiff, Nlans-l Laz.ilde, Preston Long, Nlarandj Lope.- C:anna Rnas, 5te en Si.drde Seventh Grade: Rebecca Fletcher, Bearnm itmene:. AJavna Rjadqiil AlnidmeaCS Childcare sign-ups at RCMA RCMA is currently accepting applications .for childcare for children ages 6wks to 5yrs old. Family Support Workers will be available on Saturday, April 22nd to assist parents with the applica- tions. Location: Krome CDC, 551 W. Cowboy Way froml0 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please bring the child's birth certificate and proof of the family's income (e.g. Pay Stubs, 2005 1040 Tax Statement). Con- tact Marcye Masis or Donna Vaughan at 674-4515 for further information. Kiwanis Scholarship applications available Kiwanis is accepting applica- tions for Adult Advancement and Vocational Training Scholarships, also any prior High School Gradu- ate Kiwanis Scholarship Recipient can re-apply for continuing sup- port. Please call Debbie at 675- 4643. ABWA scholarships available The Calooshatchee Charter Chapter of American Business Women scholarship applications are now available and can be picked up a Badcock Furniture Store on Main Street. Come to Widows Support Group The Widows support Group will meet at Forrey's Grill on Thursday, April 20 at 11 a.m. All widow's are welcome.' Interested in archery? The Lee Country Archers are registering new participants. Come to the monthly member- ship meeting at Nalle Grade County Park Range in North Ft. Myers, on Thursday, April 13 at 7 p.m. There will also be a 20 Yard Target League. On Sunday, April 16 there will be a 3D Archery Shoot. A royipg fieldiange con- sisting of 20 3Dtargets, and a sta- tion N.F.A.A. field course. Sign up from 8-8:30 a.m., shotgun start at 9 a.m. A $10 shooting fee applies. Sunday, May 7, at 9 a.m. there will be a 900 Round Event. All skill lev- els are welcome. For further infor- mation contact President, Ben Brown at 239-369-6212. Open mike night at coffee shop The Bridge Street Coffee and Tea Company and the Calooshatchee Folk Club will host open mic night free for the public starting on Friday, April 28, and every last Friday of the month. This event is open to all people with acoustic instruments and singers who would like to exhibit their talent. Please call Mina Daegling at 239-324-2767 for fur- other details. POA4 to meet Eucalypius Village POA Unit 4. will hold its monthly association, meeting on Thursday April 13, promptly -at 6:00 p.m. in POA meeting room located at 4051 NE Eucalyptus Blvd. All interested property owners and tenants are welcomed to attend. For more information please call Susan at 675-4168. Enjoy a steak dinner Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church invites the com-., munitr to come to a steak dinner on Friday, April 21 from 6.00 to 7:30 PM. Thle menu includes a 10l ounce boneless New York strip steak, baked potato, salad,' corn, roll and beverage for $10. Dessert will be available for $1. You may eat your dinner in the Fellowship Hall or pick it up to take home. For take-outs, there will be a drive-up area behind the church at the north kitchen door. Tickets, which %will only be sold in advance, are available by calling Judy Batton at 675-4021 or at the church. Office hours are 8-12 and 1-5 weekdays. Childcare sign-upsat RCMA RCMA is currently accepting applications for childcare for chil- dren ages 6wks to 5 yrs old. Fami- ly Support Workers will be avail- ALL STEEL BUILDINGS w. .' 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) - Many Sizes Available - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code -Florida "Stamped'4 Engineered Drawings (Included) METAL SYSTEMS LLC 800-920-1601 www.metalsystemsllc.com able on Saturday, April 22, to assist parents with the applications. Location: Krome CDC, 551 \V. Cow\boy \Wa from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please bring the child's birth certificate and proof of the farni- ly's income (e.g. Pay Stubs, 2005 10401 Tax Statementi. Contact Marcye Masis or Donna \aughan at 674-4515 loi further informa- tion MCA meets on April 20L The Muse Community Associa- tion will meet on Thursday, April 20 at 7 p.m. Guest speakers will be Mark klorton from Lykes Brothers; ' John Dulrmer trom Johnson Enoi- neering, Neale Montgomery from Pavese Law Firm. The topic is the Lykes Project and the future of Muse Village. Oak Realt, Inc PROUDLY SUPPORTS THE EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN '233 N. Brid Slr,.',--t L.ilellieJI ,L.,33 ..67 5-0500 ,| . Anniversary Sale Jackson River Furniture& Decor Is now 2 Years Old In LaBelle Plush Extra Firm 4 Piece Cypress Twig 660 Coil Lawn Set Queen Mattress Set $499 $399 .,, , Microfiber 100% Leather Rocker Recliner Dark Brown Brown Tan Green Sofa & Love Seat $299 $1099 GREAT SAVINGS ON EVERYTHING 25% OFF ALL ACCESSORIES DURING APRIL AT THE FOOT OF THE BRIDGE 340 N. BRIDGE STREET ... LABELLE (SR 29 NORTH) 863-674-0003 N I lll jl ~J~-96.. ~alnna Raellae Thursday. Aoril 13. 2006 U j~llw, IN a ;UW (PU(IUI. Community Christian School S K5A Grade A Monic Banda, Morgan Beakley, Avery Bunch, Nicholas Castillo, Damien-Cosby, Caleb Gallegos, Maggie Harris, Kayla Hood, Daisy McKenzie, Philip O'Bannon, Katie Whned, Alyssa Yzaguirre zaguirreK5A Grade A-B Paige Danlorth, Brandon Flack, Cade Hamil K5B Grade A Karl White K5B Grade A-B Brandon Carnevahno, Aaron Catala, Frednck Green, Brandon Villa 1st Grade A Ryley Bowen, Angela Crawford, lade Curtis, Teddy Rickman, Deedr Shackford, Chloe Taylor, Brady Walker, Brooke White, Quinton Willis 1st Grade A-B Chase Anderson, Keileeany Carrion, Wyatt Corbilu, Brandon Puenre, Sergio Trevino, Sheldon Williams 2nd Grade A Cole Hamil, Aaron Hand, Wesley Huffman, Becky Lapp, Matthew Reyna, Chnsuan Skinner 2nd Grade A-B Kenneth'Carnon, Dusty Catala, Eric Lomas, Trystan Yzaguirre 3rd Grade A Zachary Phillips 3rd Grade A-B Jenifer Aguila, Emma Raye Barfield, Oli\a Molina, Vrraj Parel, Darnel Townsend 4th Grade A Taylor Corbin, Tapan Patel, Faith Sherrod 4th Grade A-B Jolanh Hull, Kelsey Jenkins, Dalton Longenecker, Meagan Watkins 5th Grade A Laiy Collins, Amber Eagler, Rachel Felicie, Blanca Hernandez, Ella Hudson, Sarah Lapp, Mariah Molina, Tabitha Parker 5th Grade A-B Miranda Cole 6th Grade A-B Cod Fry, Brytani Lawmaster, Laura Raulerson, Tyler Sherrod 7th Grade A Stephen Lapp, Elizabeth Marcotte, Asma Saheed 7th Grade A-B Kindall Tindall 8th Grade A-B MegnWoodruff - Country Oaks Elementary Kindergarten A Selenm Acosta, James Alegna, Joshua Baker, Emma Bridwell, Gabnel Calderon, Nell~hie Cantu,- Brianna Cardenas, Elmer Carranza, Carina Castano, Anth6y DeJesus, Cesar DeSantiago, Diana Espinoza, Zain Espinoza, Ruby Figueroa, Alexis Garza, Eric Garza, Melanie Garza, Iscel Gomez, Ennque Gonzalez, Jailine Gonzalez, Viviana Guerrero, Daltonf Hiiner, Emily Juarez, lose Mahdi, Ramses Mases, Jason Mathis, Christdpher Morelem, Esther Nieto, Benjamin Nieves, Donovan Noguero, Joceln Nunez, Michelle Pardo, Daniel Pmero, Valerie Preciad6, Vanessa Preciado, Jaxon:Puris, Kassidy Redish, Neydel Rego, Danielle Rennolds, Alondra Reyna, Michael Rothenhoeler, Lozano Sandoval, Kylie Soliz,, Guddalupe Soto,-Thayer Stem, Maria Vdleda First Grade A lose Aguilar, Le.; Barraza, Hannah Andrews, Anslee Bo)le, Kayla Calhoun,-Sebastian Carnon, Gino Castano, Adriana Cona, David DeLeon, Ricky Gonzalez, Lupia Gudlen, Jlelery Harris, Kayla Howard, AngebcaJimenez,Joel Jieneez, uan Carlos Leal, Michael Mears, Raul Pardo, Beverly Paz, Noah Pequeno, Katie Poole, Jordan Russell, Emily Schwarz, Daniel Vdlleda, Miriam Vdlegas, Jacob Wagner, Alisiya Watson, Jessica Woodard Second Grade A Jessica Almaguer, Omar Bahamundi, Adriana Cardenas, Jewell Delgado, Emileigh Eiden, Mayreli Garcia, lessica Gonzalez Brianna Herrera, Anel limenez, Kalin -Lawion, Diana Leal, Joev Leon, Teofilo Pequeno, B'Elanna Plummer, MclKenzie Redish, Tyronie .Red, Admn Rivera,.Ricardo Rodnguez, Sujeivells Rueda, Thelma Santiago, Sofia Trelo, Kayla Wilkes, Kaidyn Yates, Ernan-Zuniga Third Grade A Olympia Agrego, Skylar Bell, Breanna Brown, Beaimz Cardoza Angelica Castillo, Juana Gomez, David Herrera, Blame Howell lessica Leal, Kassandra Melgoza, Gerardo Moreno, Diana Musafa, Cassidy Pascher, bichael Pepione, Amanda Phipps MNyranda Renard, Bndgetie Watson, Monique Wilhams Fourth Grade A Jasmine Jimenez, Alexandra Lazalde, Jarred Miller, Ricardc Moreno, Mark Sloan. Tania Soto, Katelyn 'Tiorn, Michae Vasquez, Sergio Zuniga Fifth Grade A Edith Benitez-Rangel, Trisha Bennett, Caroline Co:Lrell, Ranr Hellard, Andrea Lutkenhaus, Morgan Pepitone, Migue Rodriguez, Jerry Schauer, Suzanna Talada, Allyson oocdard Meagan young Peyion Walls Marunez. liun raae A Kindergarten A-B Third Grade A-B Mallory Allen, Chelsey Anderson, ndia Arroyo, Britany Luis Acevedo, Ezequiel Aguilar, Eli Barnes, BoCampbell, Yasmin Mario Acevedo, Lesliee Aguilar, Daulton Alexander, Paola Baker, Evan Hoffman, Ins Lozano, Freddy Marunez, Anna DeLaCruz, Jeymy Enriquez, Vanessa Fernandez, Megan Alvarado,Juan Basilio, Sergio Bustamanme, airo Cantu, Natalie Martinson, Catherine McVav, Rebecca Middleton, Varessa Fogaros, Joshua Garcia, David Gonzalez, Sherrie Horner, Kobe Canru, Garret Coker, Nicole Dillman, Zulema Dominguez, Ostclaza, Sdlvestre Perez, Karina Raya, lesus Valle, lavla 'iles, Locklear, Alex Maldonado, Dawson McLain, Christian Miller, Land Dossou, Daniel Garcia, Chrisuan Gause, Garrett Howard, Joshua Miller, Jason Rodriguez, Dustin Sanchez, Abby Sigala, Caroline Johnson, Melanie Lopez, Patricia Martinez, Sal Mlth Grader A Johnny Taylor, Areli Villeda, Maria Santoyo, Aubriana Monlina, Chnssy Parun, Sophie Polhemus, Mayra Ramirez, 1 th Grade- A Talamartez, Alexs Villenueva, Kisey Winstead, OUli Zelaya Hunter Spargo, Elizabeth White, and sadie Wlson Kerem Betancur, Danielle Blake, Danela Caracheo, Richard First Grade A-B Fourth Grade A Damigus, Brandy Dietze, Mayra Gomez, Suzanne Greenleaf, Carnssa Bearse, Esperanza Briseno, Rudy Campbell, Carl Cindy Alvarado, Alan Foutch, Kane Guerrero, Ezequiel Juarez, Brogan Heisler, Mahali Keel, Melody Kosh, Mayra Marunez, Chesser, Fernanda Crumpton, James Curtino,- Gabby Davis, Timothy Kelting, Luis Maldonado, Celia Resendiz, Kendrick Thelma Marunez, Jennifer Millgan, Rebecca Moreno,.Vicdria Blanca Flores, Laura Furman, Ricardo Garcia, Andres Gonzalez, Rivera, and Britney Tanner Morns,.William Murphy, Eric Trejo, Shayla Wilson Yasmin Lopez-Gomez, Karly Harn, Kayl Ham, Alex Hernandez, Fourth Grade A-B 12th Grade A Laura Hernandez, Brendon Herrera, Ronaldo Karr, Owen Mack, Ernestina Deras,Juan Fortanel, LindseyGarza, Zachary Gomez, hw B Chavum Boda Chea Joselin Mancilla, Elzabeth Marzuez, Anahi Montalvo, .Luis Karra Gutierrez, Kayla Gutierrez, Clarissa Madrid, Kathenne-Caui. nkn PauleMatthew C Bell, SCham Boodhai, Chrandon Nunez, Lizbeth Paniagua, Anita Perez, Juanita Perez, Roberto Martinez, Brandi Meloy, Danny Robinson, aleb Shirley', Cus'ieau, Paulette Cervantes, Sarah; Delgad, Brandon Rueda, Charie Ruiz, Kyla Scott, Chasity Smith, Cheyenne Breanna Spencer, and Haley Stephens. Dietze. Juana Hernandez, Vanchesl Koch, Beruro hMartnez, Spencer, Amanda Sullivan, Isaac Tomas Fifth Grade A Kenneth Martunson, Cr. Mundy), Ryan Parrinsh. David Phillps, Second Grade A-B .. -Andrew Benken, Christopher Crossno,-Jcquehlr DeSianuago, Aglae Ptimenal, Nathan Riberdy, Kaci Ringler, Bianca Rodrnguez, Angel Agudar-Marquez, Amy Akin, Eshierilda Alaniz, Alea Jinique Dossou, Ceareo'Leos, Ame olaliMol ana, J Monrey, ,Anhony Schmidt, Shanna Tdlman, Esmeralda Vela, Mar.in Benniidez, azmin Flores, Keyla Garcia, Jesus Gomez, Janely. Jordann.Nowling, andJo'celyniReitena. :-. Vidaurn, Nl)ydalah Wilharns. Jaimes, Tania Martinez,-Emeralda Mendez, Miguel Mendez, fth Grade A-B 9th Grade B Ashraf Nakleh, Abraham..0ru2, Noenmu Ortiz, Arlene Perez, Nicholas. .Agui;JirOan Arrieta Selna Barron, VJitoria ano Abueluf, essa Aigl Aguiar, Humberto Perez, CnistalRosas Bhagvandin, Mainhew-E6per, Aleas Flores, Misol F n es, ndr n, Al Boell D n B, Bl Bron, LaBelUe Elementary School Austin Garcia, F.la;-io Lopez, Dakota Powers; ames Rivers, Anderson, Alyna B,-utwell, Dec.n Bwmri, Blake Broom, S A Bianca Ruiz, Herod Spangler,. CqV'aylor Paige Taylor, Brandon Sierra Bronin: Darrell Cash, Noe Clhairez, Alfred Chance. Caiun Abby Arnold, Myaa Barnhart, Derek Bass, Victoria Bass, Steven Toulis, Veronica Vera, and Stepheri Wposley Corey, Bonrue Davis, Ashley Dean, Eduardo Desanairgo, Maria Boardman; Tyler Boardman, Alion Burton, Glenn Burton, LaBelle Middle'Sch6l .. Erreguin, Elizabeth Emrin, Bridget Facundo, Timoth-y Fromm, Ronnie Burton, Nik Cuellar, Yoana Dominguez, Alondra. 6th Grade A .Al ecia Gallegos, irene Garza,.lessica Garza, Eizabeth Gonz lez, Frausro, Alexander Hernandez, Alejandra Magana, Brennah :handler Bridwell, Mardu Garza., Kedanil Hernandez, Karen Mari G.nzalez,- Ely);a Grant, Sara Hernande', Marlena McVey, Brandon Mendoza, Arika.Mourfield,,Tyler O'Perrell arai KarAleis Peria, Rocio PimrritelDad Su -. D. Herrera, Raij-'ligbotlim,' eli Kosh, Karnna Ml.uanez, Pauln, Diana Rodnguez, Jessica Smith, Kip Stansly, Nicholasr. 7th 'Grade. A.m rch, Vio ,igsched, Jesse Whitman .J..... '" Thomas Allen "Alexi Ar"ellano, d Bran ?L Ba in l e nnrier Mason, C'teenja .~Nhlcimont-Blrch, Violeta tMorales, A-B --". ''-:- ~ Calderon, Aigela Carmona, Brandon Cooper, Benlamin, uellar Daniel Morenuh, jiyla Mur Le"i' NoNbles, Sergio Olvera. Rock Aboujaoude, Ricardo. araido; Aida-'AVela' Patnoia-: Zenia. Gach. Judith. Gonzalez, Elaine Guecrrero, .ovbier. Manuel Ora, Nicholas-Phillips, Abirmae Ramc- Ris, Barnos, Stephen Bledsoe, Diana BotellobMara Biadle Misty. AHlenandez, Emily eon, John MarottiiBrianna:Ran'is, Laura Shiniqua Rai, Esperan Raya, 'ichal Reed, Kein Rodgers, Bradley Travis Burchard 'Shelby Burg, RachielBburns-,..\V iey, Reed, Santugo'Reyes, Lzet RodrigLiez Rachel.Sch~auer, Rich;rd. Carlos Rodriguez, Ri-ardo Rodnguez, .Ankaren Salinas, Byrd, Clarisa Callelas, Jesus CavazosJoel Chairez, Clay.ooper Talada, Michael Terrell- Grnselda Sanuagn, Taylor mawatzky, Rachel Schue.u, Stephanie Sandra Dallas, Esmeralda De Sanuago, Marisol.Dia"i..oe Dlpol, 8th,Grade A i*. -.-. Serrano, Adrian a erralo, Abvgale S'hupe, .Ahlce Smith, lacob Bnanna-Dobbins, Tracey Doringuez ,lose Et mre'guin, Leslie. Marln Alanis-Diz, MaihaBlao, Kaylnn Cih, Joe. rc, ,ephens olly Stevenon, lacklyn Tyler, lamnes \ontrainius, Escobedo, Tler.Flack, Donila Gcmez,.Jose Gomez, Manela Yesmin Garcia, Roosevelt.Ginzalez, C\mani3ia Hiunt. Kaiylee il rdan .ls Brilrly \Vijlon, Britney \Vhi.nu.n, Dair.ee Gomez, San luana Gomez, Isaac Gonzalez Jasmine Gonzalez, Lai, Olinia Lucke, uLizabeth.-McKinney, Adrian Pena Damelao, ,,,-. ,, a7 . Josh Guoerrez, Eselani. Hernandez, Mirella Hernandez.'Jorge Pi entel, Nora Santiago, Savannah Smith, Ananda .VanMLI, C -u .i Ls~i r r n. Hernandez-Villagoniez Taylor Hicks, Courney Inmam, Jacie Stephanie Yanes : '-. :-h G' ." ... ', -- B h m Johns, Kayla johnson Bemto luarez, Bnrany Lee, Pamela -..- 1' -. ianda rrun' e- Beard, "kia'nn B-chel,' "'i, Leonard,. Liliana.. Luna, Elanee Marroquin, Chandler .6th Grade A/B Bennett Rachel Boy, Bob Brogdon, Llle Burly; Rhonda- McCoimick,-Erick Median, Danny Miller, Lorenzo Morales, A'Tia Alexander, Madion Allen- Hector Andrade, ayla.Ayers, .Buridn, Candice Cox:, Wilham Diavis, ,ar:n Dress. Julle Edgar, iessica Moren? Lo6ena Moreno, Christian Mota,. essica Ochoa, Kayla Bell,:Dustin Bradley, Chelsea Bridwell,"'Kaylee Burke. Christopher Englsh, lMatie Escobedo, Homero:. Espinoza, Eric Ashley O'Connor, Abigail O'Ferrell, Correy O'Ferrell, Alexis Bronson Canache, Alelandrja Casro,.Irene -Castro, Alejndro Fndtes' Daphne Glsson, Anahi Guerra, Anthony Hernandez, Oitiz; Tomas Perez, Missy Perez, Jesus Plascensia, Angela Cruz, IMaia-Cruz, Miquela Cuellar,' CodyFlora, BrLaxtn Ford, Dia Hernandez. Rbe ann, Caleb.lrdan, Margnti uarez PuenteAdari Ramirez, Elias Ramirez, Jose Ramos, Jonathan Maria Gallegcs, Nancy Garza, Lane Good m, Noel Guuerrez, rada .andr, n Lngu, i ol Mn trih, li.:e. Raya,,Luis Raya, Rachel Reinboit, Roger Reyes, Alexs Ruiz, Dillon Hamilton, Anana Hernandez, Leslie Hernandez, Mana M rnd a a nd. u Cna N la Minguela Jenhifer uiz; Josue Salias,Magali Salinas, Alejandro Sanullan, .Hernandez, Melissa Hernandez, Jena Howard, Alissa lohnson, McCall, Jes!ic Mndoz, loh.n Merrint, Eduardo, MingurcL AdriaruSaucedo,- Eduardo Saticedo, Antonio Serrano, Bianey Cordarnl Ibohs,. Wolfgang Lynn Kendall Marotti, Albeto Carolina M ,reno, Noe-Moreno, Amr r One., Daron Orzech, Serrano;.Dylan Smckland ,Eduardo Torres,-Emnna awri White, Martinez, Andrew McAvo-, Paola Monroy, Chinsuan Morales, Anibal Pacheco, Lucas Prratt,. Brittany Puente, Ulsirani SShelby'Wdliams ,. ."Edilberto Oluiih, Ruby Pequeno, Yeseni Perez, Jusun Philldps,. Ranpersaud, Alexa Redish, Fred Robbtris, Brinany Roberts, Blue i)olihiiPrlde --. GenniferRaulerson, Deycy Raya, Tanner Redish, Luis Rubio. Kabdyi Robinson, Arianna R6driguez, Geneia Rodriguez, Marco Justin Chance, Jessica Delgado, Luis Gaicia, Lupe Gomez, Shamus.Samerdyke, Carlos Sanullan,-Paul Smith, Daisy Trelo, .Romero, Timothy Rose, Mebssa Sanuago, Tiffany sanrtiago, Manno Gonzalez, Miranda Ingram, DavidMarroqluin, Krystal Leah VarNagner, Octavio Vasquez, Katey \Whie, Karla Zavala Prsha Schdil,jacy Seaey, Laura Serrano, Ni:holas Tanner, Novarro, Wendy Razcon, Anthony-Sands,-Pedro Torres, Estela 7th Grade A/B Talor, Dana Thorpe, aisVargas, ChrisTpher Wegicheid, Zunga .Eduardo Andrade, Alicia Arroyo, Nancy Bachelor, Caleb Baker, lr Da h r is s,. Upthegrove Elementary_ .. Elizabeth Burns, Tifiany Canales, Macik:, Erregui, Manana ll Wli.ams, Chritpher lls,-.iaha Zelaya First Grade A Escalera,' Susana Fernandez, Steven Fiore, Crystal Francisco, ,. th Graae B Brittany Beancourt, Brice Beakley, Denilson Casseus,,Anthony Jose Garcia, Aracell Gonez, Maria Gomez, Alelandnna Rene Acevedo, l.:lrdan Ash,-Jessica Backes, Courtney Bara:,4, Cisnero, asmine Craft, Bobbi'Erwin, Thalia Escobedo, Thalia Gonzalez, MarTa Gonzaiez, Valerie Hahn, Ana Hernandez, Melisa Barrios, Demenm- Beckhorth, Maria Bedolla, Diana Esquivel,.Vincent Gambuzzai, Tiffany Messer, Nicole Ozuna, Lavanka .ackson, Elva Madnd, Jessica Madrid, iessica Mathis, Blakey, Cabriel Bone, William Burke, Daniel Canipu;an', Kalob Perez, Blair Pullen,.Araseli Reyna, Pete Rios, Lane David Miller, Alejandro Moreno, Ana Pena, Michael Pntman, hartha Carranza, Joseph Crockeit. Aynslee Dadla, Robert Timmons, Cnstian Urias, Kishauna Wade, John Walker, Angelica Ranurez, Cindy Raya, ,Angelica Resendiz, Genaro Delacruz, iasha. Denime,-Estela Garcia, Pegv Sue GarLia. SMagdelaina Wellman, Elys;a Willis, and Damnier prison. Rubo, Aleandro Santiago, Mana Serrano, Taylor Siadler, Maria Gabnella Gutierrez Nathan Harni, Hope Herni, Robert FirstGrade A-B Valentir, Sindie VanWagner, Caleb Williams, iggnbotham Emiy Hudson, igail imenez, Maa Jimnez, Sergio Arneta, Michael Atkins, Jessica Coronado, Jaileen 8th Grade A/B ggnbham, Emy l SGalavz, Taliana Gallegos, Valentin Gomez Lane Hicks, Zackerie Brooke Awbrey, Gabela Baza, Danielle Bennett, Bobby A.x Jones, MNsty Kapke, 'SWtrd K .ng, Tyler Lewis, Lucenit. Howser, Yantzel Ibarra, John Leon, Anthony Mackey, Allison. Billings, Meagan Bledsoe, Vanessa Cantu, Annaliia Cavazos, Luna, Chad Lutkenhaus, e\ Mjadrid, tGerard,: Marines, Martin, Sabrina Maninez, Bianca Mendoza, Sabrina Partin, Noemi Chairez, Kelsey Cooper, Savannah Dekle-Davis,.Junic- *Matth w- Culleyv.' slyn McDaniel, Maurice MtLeod, Pinri.:k ,. Randy Perkins, Dilln Pow.ell, zeh iRynoso, Alyssa Tilde, T)lr Delatorrc, Pedro Dera, Robrtic, Deras, aXjier Gaure; Arilu McLr'ont, Rebeka MtiVa, Connor Mriev, Samnatlha-Miranda, Vetten, and Preston Wehwein. ,- Gomez, Juan Gonzalez, Joshua Hernandez, Emily.. Htil MarBi' brtiz, Iorge 'Perez, 'lNicholas Hanmilhot Proierbs, Second Grade A Rachelle Krause, Samison Lehman, Thalia Leon, Chelsea Lewis, veronica Sanchez, Ocihao SandolJ, Ashle\ Slovenski, anhela lason Bank\, Keirstin Bosrwick, Alyssa Facundo, Miranda Miriam Lora, Fabian Lozano, Kathenne Lynn, Alelandro Macias, Small ose so Anna tansley Braulio Tanaio, Tifny Terrell, Garza, Michael Hernandez, Stephanie lohnson, Caitlyn Mayo, Kayla Maldonado, Cesar Mateo, Melissa Mears, Sarnuana Sall e S Anna .ansle, Brali. T fan nner Angelina Perez,Courtney Perry, and Sonma Rodriguez. Menguela, Samantha Middleton, Ashley Molina, Mana Morales, Ashley Tinpner, loana Vasquez, Albert %illian-s, Dimonna Second Grade A-B Dora Moreno-Gomez, Samantha Ortiz, Bnana Pascher, \'Wlliams, Bradley \ rley lose Beltran, Grace Bishop, Emma Cahooh, Thalia Compean, Kimberly Paz, Angelica Pequeno, Edward Poole, John Ramos, -12th Grade B SDiego DeSantago, Michael Durrance, Gladimir Falardo, Briana Sanchez, LonSpangler, Elizabed To'ar, Heather Wnrsley Michael Allen, Philip Anderson, Blake Basqum, Nicole Zenada Garcia, Malone Gomez, Lucia Gonzalez, Stefani GuIosa, Jacob Gutierrez, Noah Gutierrez, Miklynn Harrington, Judith Hernandez, Tiffany Horne, Adrian Nartinez, Ebelida Martinez, Couriney McGhee, Devin Meloy, Jessie Miller, Marcellous Mitchell, Ricardo Ramirez, lackson Royal, Gladiola Treio. Santos Vela, Albero Villa, and Jonathan \lVlanueva. Third Grade A Karna Forianel, Lydia Gagnon, Homer Garcia, Brandon Gomez, Dominique Harnngton, Malin Keling, and Michael LaBele High School 9th Grade A Lmndsey Atkins, Tiffane Cain, lohanna Campos, Bryan Crockett, Gabriella Gallegos, Jacob Greene, letter\ lohnon, Cecilia Lenos, Katue Lubenow, julisa Miblei, Jacqueline Moreno, Laura Munoz, Stephanie Pack, Kayla Pittman, Chelscy Ramos, Roxana Razo, Ry.an Rhoden, Alyssa Rias, Rachel Santago, Stephanie Vargas, Nancy Vasquez, Manrccs Villeda, Gregor. Zimmerly Bhdagwandin, Leonard Care), Matthewi Dandson. Frankd Delgadci, ianer Giron-Dominguez, Brandy Gonzalez, Rrgehli: Gonzales, Tara Hansen, Amarida Hud'on, lancs Hull, Dusan Joi'euc, Whitney Longenecker, Juan Marines, Kayvla Mrshall, Cindy Munoz, io'rge Ra'a, April RivjS, Stephane Riveraj. Mana Rodnguez, Stephanie RodriLuez, .lose Rui,, Fellpe Saiitilan, ,imee Shupe, Alexander Snrth, Caleb S'ope, Shandeja Thomas, Hug: iUinostegui 'I THIS PAGE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FOLLOWING SPONSORS! *RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE 97 PER1 4T1i l L-R I-uI. FL. 93r3 9M .AM-.- I in -n, w R-mr- P--> 863-675-2718 ww.labelleril rsldt'.com I nllii lanIellcnvrslmr sl .llink.rl MARILYN SEARS L, erm.d Ret E.uie Brokr Her~n~k,;on MMlwret Wroj ne), Shcrnnc'D.A. Swilnne qhtrr.,,l srid ludly Crrxli Nl.:Clur- Riverside is proud to be a supporter of Education in LaBelle Olde Cypress Community Bank is a proud e supporter oll education in LaBelle! COMMUNITY DANK,) "WE KEEP PEOPLE HOURS NOT BANKERS HOURS" We have the longest banking hours in Hendry County! Clewiston |g 205 S. W.C. Owen Ave. (863) 983-6181 In-Store Walmart Clewiston laBele YOUR WA 75 Bridge Street YOURWA (863) 675-0224 Alico Inc PROUDLY SUPPORTS THE EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN 240 S. Main Street LaBclle. FL 33935 Eagle Expo Open House November 12 9:00 am to 1:00 pm FLORIDA GULF COAST UNIVR ,Uy Randy's Garage, Inc. 675-1032 Proud supporter of Education! l lI 1 3 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 ,.'{-' ,"l r r ''':"^- >-^ B ;*''i, -~ -' :** 'r_ ---. -* **.- ,-; *^- -, :.-- '* ... ... : "; -..- . ', -,] '_ .:.- .- .-" :.,' **/ .'' ..: '- ...- * Al leluia! Firs CLEWISTON LABELLE FT. MYERS 300 East Sugarland Highway 101 S. Berner Road, Clewiston 301 Highway 80 West, LaBelle 1175 Palm Beach Blvd. Ft. Myers (863) 983-8191 (863) 983-3003 (863) 675-4242 (239) 437-8191 Moore Haven (863) 946-1515 www.firstl bank.net Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 1 Cookbook includes food for the soul By Barbara Oehlbeck There are cookbooks and cookbooks, and then there's: FLORIDA FLAVORS II "Civilized men have drifted away from those simple, ele- mental basics with which mankind was conditioned through the countless centuries. The average man today has lost touch with which way the wind is blowing. It does not matter any more, so he pays no atten- tion to the movement of the air" Ernest Lyons This may not seem like an apt beginning for a cookbook ... matter of fact the above excerpt is not really the beginning but an introduction of sorts to the Breads & Brunch section of the just out FLORIDA FLAVORS II. Other excerpts by Mr. Lyons appear here and there through this un-ordinary cookbook. Rich with original art by James and Kevin Hutchinson plus artistic 'motifs, this is an extraordinary collection of recipes and cook- ing ideas that will add taste and charm to your efforts in the kitchen. The book itself is stunning. High gloss hardback with ring binding which the hardback covers completely; 344 pages. The full color paint- ing on the front cover is a work of art by Kevin Hutchinson. The weathered cracker house hangs on the side of a creek, an old man contentedly sits on the porch fishing, the palms in the foreground and background seem to be waving in the wind and like a brilliant umbrella, a poinciana tree spreads its fill-in- bloom arms over the little weathered house. It's a quiet, forever Florida scene of a bygone era. The table of contents is very unusual and very inviting... including Party Fare, Breads and Brunch, Salads and Soup, Entrees, Seafood Entrees, Vegetables and Side Dishes, Desserts and lastly there are the Pet Pages. No less than 12 salsa recipes just beg to be tried. And there's :Peachy Pork that can't wait for Sunday dinner or company as well as Southern Sausage and Wild Rice. And who can live without the treats of key limes? There's no less than three whole pages of key lime pie recipes including the Lorelei Key Lime Pie that dates back to the origi- nal Florida Classic Flavors pub- lished over 20 years ago. Although It's personal, Mama's Best Country Meat Loat, has been a family favorite for generations: (Page 136) I cup cracker or bread crumbs, milk, I cup chopped onions, I pound each ground beef, turkey and hot sausage, 2 eggs, cup ketchup, 3 table- spoon soy sauce, 3-1 cup chopped green bell peppers optional) but adds greal fla- vors, alt and pepper to taste, cel- ery salt to taste. Preheat oven to 325 to 350 degrees. Soak crumbs in enough milk to moisten all crumbs, set aside. Saute onions until softened. MLx together all meats. Combine soaked crumbs, sauteed onions, eggs, ketchup, soy sauce and bell peppers. Add to meat mix- ture and blend. Season with sail, pepper and celery salt. Form mixture into 3 loaves in baking pans. Bake 1 to 1 1/2 hours. This recipe is also great to use in stuffed. peppers or as meatballs. The meatloaf freezes well, raw or cooked. Yield: .3 loaves Mama's Youngest Daughter Barbara Oehlbeck Even if you never use one recipe from this new cookbook, Ihe thoughts and observations scallered throughout are worth "the price of admission." It's no wonder that it took the Environ- mental Studies Council, Inc. more than a few years to com- pile this extraordinary book.', Most recipes call for ingredi- ents most cooks have on hand most of the time. "The young are:wonderful. They are the promise of the future. Protecting the young, teaching the young to survive are elemental expressions of love." --The-Last Cracker Bar- rel" by Ernest Lyons For more information and availability, call, write, or e-mail Barbara Oehlbeck. 25075 Grassy Run Muse, LaBelle, Fl. 33935, Phone fax same: 863-675-2771, e-mail doco@stralo.nel SCon mmlunity Links. Individual Voices. J K I RAY YMOND JAMES " ^^ fr ,.\',.I...I ..F' II F. I;J I am pleased to announce the opening of my new office. SEqu S Life Insurance Bondi Long Term Care Annuime- Mutual Fund, RI Bank: Moiigages. Re-Finance. CD's. Loans Raymond James Financial Services 14421 Metropolis Ave. Suite 104 Fort Myers FL 33912 239.694.7537 1.866.549.7537 Toll Free 239.931.7537 Fax Stephen.Ridgely@)RaymondJames.com Stepnen t. rmgely Financial Advisor Trust Specialist NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF LABELLE REQUEST FOR VARIANCE April 24, 2006 Notice is hereby given that the Variance Board of the City of LaBelle, Florida will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 24, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall on 481 W. Hickpochee (S.R. 80) Avenue. LaBelle, Florida for the purpose of considering the follow- ing: Hearing #1: Thomas and Susan Vaughan are requesting a vari- ance on the placement of a driveway from the rear or side of the property as requited by the City of LaBelle Land Development Code in R-2 zoning district, to the front of the property. The vari- ance request is for 195 Christopher Court. LaBelle, legally described as: LOT 7 LaBelle Belmont Woods Subdixision City of LaBelle, Hendry County. Florida. All interested persons are in-ited to attend and be heard with respect to the proposed variance request. Interested persons may appear ion their own behalf or agent or attorney. If you cannot attend please send in your written comments. If anyone decides to appeal a decision made by the City of LaBelle Variance Board with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or at the hearing; a record of the meeting will be needed for the appeal and for that purpose, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceed- ings is made including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL AID OR SERVICES AS ADDRESSED IN THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE I.863-675-2872), NO LESS THAN FIVE i5) DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABOVE STATED HEARING DATE. VARIANCE BOARD City of LaBelle Scott Krf,t Chair Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Barbara Oehlbeck Chef Christopher's R"verVieiB B-Waterfront Dining Restaurant THURSDAY Prime Rib Aujus 4 Two... Twin Princess cuts of seasoned slow roasted beef served in its own natural juices...Includes Soup N Salad Bar, potato & vegetable...$16.95 FRIDAY Snow Crab Legs & Shrimp... Steamer Platters of Alaskin Snow Crab Legs & Peel N Eat Shrimp...Served with the fixin's... One Timer...$10.95/All You Can Eat...$16.95 SATURDAY 2 -4 1 Steak Nite... Enjoy two generous cuts of beef cooked just the way you like them, complete with Soup N Salad Bar, Potato & Vegetable...$19.95 SUNDAY Awesome Sunday Brunch Buffet... A delicious spread of culinary favorites and a great view of the river...Only $9.95 Kidz Eat Free 5 & Under EN5B M sBayiB aBUDm Ywd L.actBd At The lumes ReauortF.-mfrly The Branding Iron l fr,hiration I RhemrvaionU Call [63].98[800 PROCLAMATION CITY OF LABELLE I do hereby Proclaim the City of LaBelle Election will be held on July 18, 2006, for the offices of Clerk Commissioner, and Treasurer Commissioner, (Deadline for petition method 5:00 p.m., May 8. Qualifying week Noon, May 29 to Noon, June 2. The voter registration books will close at 5:00 p.m. June 19, 2006. Proclamacion de un election por Ciudad de LaBelle el dia 18 de Julio 2006 por oficina alcalde de comisionados, tasador de impuestos comisionados y recaudador de impuestos comisionados. (Fecha limited por peticion 5:00 p.m., 8, de mayo, 2006,) Calificar tiempo mediodia 29 de mayo, 2 de juno, 2006 medio- dia. Los libros de registration sierran 19 de juno, 2006 a las 5:00 p.m. Randal A Bengston Mlayor-Commissioner City of LaBelle Art. IV Sec. 20 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13, 2006 NU 7rr; a I- a a I- m) We have the expert technicians, factory service information, specialized tools and genuine parts to- properly service your Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep vehicle. Automatic i STransmission TunO-.. $179.95 SBDrain/Replace S INCLUDES: at Drain fluid/remove filter * New Mopar transmission filter a Installation of new fluid a Necessary adjustments a Road-test vehicle + a Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to a S special filter a *Vehicles with special fluids may be higher. Imports may be higher. Additional charge for fluid disposal .Expires 4/19/o.6 S SM ---- -------- ------ -- ----- c-- --- --- --- ------------------------------- - Lube, Oil & Filter Change $21.95 INCLUDES: * Engine oil replacement up to 5 quarts * Complete chassis lube * New Mopar oil filter *Fluid level inspection * Inspect CV joints and front suspension components . 1, a a I;. a a a ra- a a a a a If a a a a a a a t a a r * 4 I r . i 'f '* t .1 I I a a *I. IE a %: i. a a a a a I a t +L f I is a . a a a a 11 ,= ; r*ws a --:.- -* -, -^ -^ -^ II ;I t * Cooling . System Service i I $49. 95 Flush/lRepglace INCLUDES: |_ " *Inspection of hoses and belts * Mopar antifreeze replacement (2-gal max) ' * Pressure test system * Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra SVehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher -additional charge for fluid disposal Expires 4/19/o6 ^ -------------------- - a*~ r..--------------~rprs Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation $24.95 * Remove four wheels from vehicle; balance and rotate Special wheels, specialty vehicles slightly higher. I a a . *a a a a a a JI a a a t ~g a * a a "* a a a a a a a a Additional charges may be applied for diesel, t V-10s, Hemi V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic , Sand synthetic oils. Expires 4/1/o6 Expires 4/19/0 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~- -- ---------------- - - - - ---------- ---- ---- Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR_ CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER SIt really does make a dif erence! FtIVE ;S-TA FIVE s3TA-R 0 0 I 0fi esareleslcoi (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Iclmfguar Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 I a a a a I * I a a I a a a a a t Ia. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I ICHRYSLERI *^ i, I HAMPTON IHR YSLER DODGE &EP. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13, 2006 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN AND TIM SPENCER 675-0500 NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of a BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON - L -rj s.f | B SEHABLOESPANOL I A M REAL ESTATE OUYER3S GUIDE [llt] , List with the Agent you KNOW.... WNLs FIND LABELLE I.,I S arlt rwestru. Relaltfj Ovrorp. inc. Office: (863) 675-8868 Cell: (239) 246-6428 DUSTY PATE Licensed Real Estate Agent 238 N. Bridge St LaBelle. FL 33935 Sell with the Company you TRUST www.southwestfloridarealtygroup.com i..3. Nn. , .,i th,.-i,,' T TR.%Nlti rir. p. Ire HOMES: * 0595.900 3BD/2BA home on 2.34+/- acres in Ilpkilk H..,I- features a pole barn, screen lanai, security system, dual fireplace, eat-in kitchen and a Murphy Bed just to name a few of the many extras this home has to offer! Owner/Agent bring any seri- ous offer. * $550,000 PRICE RDLiCED!- L I6' .IA i,-.ir. : o rl I + i.i. H li.: c h i a jlr d i l..,iJ l..A t. : hl.; f..J ii i l ,.. C,, r .J u ..'..j |u' r ri, n im .. I ...., i 'h . |l, .it.n Il,.,i hi I.,: l iu tjnru l l,:'n. it.:[ . * 3"' ,0,q l)tj :f0 .'l ul'tu*l l .1,-I ,,In a.r"...l 1 .i ul, ii r :J1" + J. a" it.-[ 112 1. hi" [ -1 l.. Riverfront Community. * $149,999 2BD/1BA spacious home, features a completely fenced in yard and an aboveground pool. * $94,900 -. 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in I 1 i.1 ,. in.r 1, 2 P . transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond with an island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns and more. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. 3rdg StSLBe S L333 esfoiacly I*Espao * $197,900 4BD/2BA Gorgeous upgraded manu- factured home in.LaBelle. This home features a split floor plan and all crown holdings in the living and dining room. * $139,400 to $151,900 There are (4) available 3BD/2BA manufactured homes and (1) available 4BD/2BA manufactured home available in the El Rio Subdivision. All homes are on .50+/- acre. New and still under construction! Call fro completion date. * 14 ."00 3BD/2Ba New Manufactured home with pantry, dual sinks, garden tub, separate show- er and skylight in the guest bathroom. * $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes. New and under construction in the Moore Haven Yacht Club. The Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+ "ownership" park. Call today for completion date! * PRICE REDUCED $110,000 2BD/1BA mobile I.,....c I2-, '. .{:.. e ; -Cn ,- ,;t-.. ,li-..,- y :.-f. l * $81,900 3BD/2BA Nice corner lot in LaBelle with a manufactured home located close to 1* s .900 .- f IT l..l.l ...l I.- in Ortona. lr ,,-,-llll,, I,.,Tl: f. pjaii.1 -il t l l l, : l The lot is surrounded in beautiful palm and oak trees. ACREAGE: * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. * $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, rl ,.f ll~l,)gl I! -l'. II, hI .I hll. J,,,J ,ll..'.nlllll: 1."'..[ '* 98 8.025 .' .l-j: I '.: ;.. I.'1. .- I '. I .r, I -r, : .IJ l J nJ A u Ih ', h i t c,. fLdJ I'll IIf .. ,J .. ill'] .k In l ill 1 ll h * PRICE REDUCED ,900,000 1.+ Ii..l i.: * $8 0 ,0 0 0 II+ ., l,. tl..ll, ...1 ,, ,: witt pasture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. * $650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR 80. * PRICE REDUCED $450,000- Build your dream country home on these 4.4+/- acres. Great location! Close to LaBelle, Alva & Fort Myers! * $349,000 7 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 1t+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. * $149,900 9.87+/- Acres adjoining with 9.88+/- Acres that is also for sale for $149,900. * $08.OO ? +' ,ITrer cIerredi in ,lnntrl Tihere erty. The mobile home is to be sold "as is." HOMESITES: * $25,500 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. * $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES RENTALS: * $950/Monthly 3BD/2Ba home in Ortona. ---- ------ ''4~: ~ k M.P. f77.;. Ji l Y------ _ 21 offices throughout Southwest Florida! dlI 70iv^ INTERCOSTAL(OKEECHOBEE) WATERWAY ESTATE on 1.14 Acres in Historic Fort Denaud. This STORM SAFE 3/2 home is an award winning design from the Florida Energy Center. Has a 1,994 sq ft WORKSHOP! $795,000 601LB200619297 , LABELLE AND MUSE Ideal home for you and your horses. 10.28 beau- tiful acres, fenced, cross-fenced, exceptional pasture, spring-fed pond. $599,900. 601LB200606019 EXCEPTIONAL STORM SAFE HOME ON 7-3/4 ACRES This ultra private home features 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths, den spacious family room with its own entrance, oversized garage. $525,000. 601LB200615433 15 ACRE FARM Enjoy Florida sunsets reflecting from your pond on this lovely 15 acres farm. Definately a must see. $449,900. 601LB200537108 TURKEY CREEK BOATER'S PARADISE This CBS 2b/lb home is located near Ortona Lock with direct access to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. $399,900. 601LB200627891 BOATERS PARADISE LOCATED IN MOORE HAVEN. - Riverfront 4/3 single family, large screen patio w/spa to river side, 55+ Community, 20'X6' dock w/electric & water. $350,000 601LB200613029 A MUST SEE FOR SERIOUS BOATER This CBS quait cottas- ge is located near Ortona Lock with direct access to the Gulf of Mexico and The Atlantic Ocean. $259,900. 601LB200627897 -" ..... . ... " FISHEATING BAY ESTATES - 2/1 CBS with big florida room near the large canal that accesses Lake Okeechobee. Green Resort area. $174,000. 601LB200621298 ML HORSESHOE ACRES MOBILE - Almost lacre large mobile home open floor plan. Vaulted ceiling in livingroom. Master bedroom with garden tub must see. $145,000. 601LB200610429 A PERFECT LOCATION FOR YOUR NEW BUSINESS! 'Over 1100 +/- ft. of high- way frontage on 4 lane SR 80 with deceleration lanes at both ends of property. Two mobile homes current- ly on the property pro\id- ing rental income. $1,900,000 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Located in Industrial Park S/D, right otfof SR 29 in LaBelle. The property) con- sist of two lots: the first is 1.04 +/- acres, and the sec- ond is 1.27 +.- acres, for a total of 2.31 +/- acres. $610,000 LOCATION WITH RA FUTURE! Directly in the Path of ProgressT! This commercial front scenery. $899,000 lot is ideally located on SRt 29 next door to a busy laundry nait business and$8 convenience store. $500,000 ACREAGE BEAUTIFUL RIVERFRONT VIEW! This 1.79 +/- acre riverfront homesite has been cleared and is ready for building. This property boasts 133 +/- feet of gorgeous river front scenery. $899,000 OVER 1000' OF RIVERVIEW! This 6.45 acre property is located in prestigious Port LaBelle Ranchettes. The land has been cleared, graded ande seeded, with dock permits in process. $895,000 RIVERFRONT ACREAGE AT A BARGAIN! Invest in this oversized 2.5h /- acre lot on the Caloosahatchee. This amazing property boasts 120 +/- feet of river frontage. $799,000 APARTMENT & ACREAGE IN FT. DENAUD! This property has a 2 story, 2,232 +/- sq. ft. building w/ full apartment above and three car garage below, situated on 1.84 +/- acres. $759,900 MAGNIFICENT RIVERFRONT HOMESITE! Build your dream home surrounded by gorgeous views! This 1.74 +/- acre lot boasts a generous 216+/- ft of river frontage. $759,000 BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME TODAY! 1 +/- acre homesite located on the Coaloosaatchee w/ 150' ofriver frontage. Located in deed restricted Old Fort Denaud S/D. $725,000 THERAPEUTIC SETTINGS! Enjoy this beautiful riverfront lot with long range views of the river. 1 +/- acre with approximately 140' of river frontage. $585,000 OVERSIZED RIVERFRONT LOT! This beautiful 1+/- acre homesite has over 100' on the Caloosahatchee, and is located in LaBelle's only gated community._$499,900 BEST RIVERFRONT PRICE! This .53 +/- acre lot is in LaBelle's only gated com- munity, Riverbend, boasting manicured grounds, community water, sewer and club- house with a pool and tennis court. $479,000 RETREAT TO THE WOODS! Two 11 +/- acre tracts of beautiful creekfront w/ direct access to the Caloosahatchee River! Build your dream home on the creek and enjoy acreage for horses! Buy these two tracts together or separate for $375,000 & $350,000 DISCOVER THE COUNTRY! This 20 +/- acre parcel is located on the boundary of Jack's Branch and boasts a wonderful creek view and nature trails throughout! $299,900 TRULY AFFORDABLE RIVER ACCESS LOT! This canal lot is in a quiet residen- tial neighborhood. Drive your golf cart to the Glades Golf and RV Resort. Public boat storage, ramp and cabin.rentals all close by. $249,000 BEAUTIFUL BEE BRANCH CREEKFRONT! Direct access to the intracoastal Caloosahatchee River! Secluded location on a cul-de-sac, very scenic, quiet setting. $239,000 CHEAP RIVERFRONT LOTS! Two riverfront lots w/ electric, city water and city sewer in Moore Haven's River Gardens S/D. These lovely lots have water on two sides w/ the river in front and a pond in the back! $199,900 each. ATTENTION BUILDERS! High profile location on the corner of CR78 and Caloosa Estates Drive. Give your spec home the high visibility you want to showcase your prod- uct. 160 +/- feet of beautiful creekfront! $89,900 CaoCoa -FrtMes 0in sln5-Lhgh-Bun Soe5 sero S0Sa*5Carlos- LaSlle- Npe NothPrt- ooms- 0ngeoo Hro rek-- Ospre RENUS COMING AVAUBLE and located in a great area close to Fr. Myes but out enough for 1/1/1 IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. $550/M NO PETS peace and quiet. Asking $230,000. 3/1 OFF MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD. $750/M NO PETS 2BEDROOM/1BATH HOUSE in LaBelle. Being sold "As Is." HOMES FOR SAE Asking $125,000. IN PORT IABELE 3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car garage off School IN CAPE CORAL Duplex 3/2 on both sides, new roof, new Circle. Includes chain linked fenced in backyard and a large shed. plumbing and tile throughout units. Asking $325,000. Asking $189,900. ACi. F.It Ie OFF COWBOY WV a ith is currently used as a .IN PIONEERI 3Bedroom/2Bath, large doublewide mobile residential prope nrtercia. Asking $145,000. i-,- ... I. .:.-i J,,i '..... [', _If,,.i l .. :i .i INLEHIGHACRES.This4Bedroom/2Bathhome has2,288 sq. .. t..S.l.r,,, 4... 1.90 ft on a large overaied lot that is fenced in. Home has many extras. 2.5 ACRES in Pioneer Plantation. $79,000. Call for an appointment today Asking $288,900. REDUCED! -OTS FORSF. 3BEDROOM/2BATH, 2 CAR DTCHED GARAGE in laBelle. BUILDABLE LOT in city offs. Oak Street. Asking $94,900. Home has tile thbl Ht lIJt n backyard and screened 2 LOTS in Moore Haven. $45,000 each. lanai. Asking $195, L--OT IN Lake Placid. $29,000. IN LEHIGH ACRES. Home has 1,900 sq t with 2 master bed- BUILDABLE CANAL FRONT LOT in Lake Placid. Asking .. ,U l J :l i 55,000. I t-']i, I -. 1 11,, ,_, 1 -:1,, i, ,, i i. I ,:': $ 2 1 0 ,1 ll 1) 3 b IN))l -1. A l i lU : lh 1.21 l."h ll,]ll .I.I ', IN PORT L Bf if it : 'rn. ,,;.., 'ilh .l I -ui : i I ',I' l,kL i f" ,,t 4' o IJ I, i:l, ,'ir.t k :.l. .. ii Ski 5, l.U 1. torsmAt*IPOrA"E iBtDROOMK2iIBAH I CtIR G.ALCE ,l f%...l i l: Til t10 [.ii Il.:.. I] ':. S.i'.5,001L ji:h " ,', i ll .'.l i .:'u ..h pd li, i.il', 1 .', t 1.11 : i, l,:hr i it.. LO I [N tlIlI I ,:,i i H,- ,,e T : F,1: d Jl, 551,0010) icl. REDUCED 1'I.9' to0i IN tNiI ,I.'rI 5 '47.u', OFF MAlRfN LLITiHER idNGJR BDll) t'.P:.C...l:.., Kt' 10: IN UNIT a.l .tin 1$45.'i00 h.Tr -l..',l Itu .,a r I I Ii. l', ir. -' 11il $129.'ut) O Oi N d 'i.:",:.] .il v i s0, '10 LOCAED IN LHIGH ACRES. ',6:b.....,iTlB .. : i Su KENT ( rIl i rrli1.'ll: ,.tr:.l REDUCED i36,01)0 r,,lti i ,n 2njl ii i.. -l: r '.. I.,i. -....r n : .,., I. NE.s. .. ', NE iRAD WIND (IR(CL 151,90'0. I DEVELOPMENT TRACTS STAMPEDE'S A COMIN'! This 23.6- +/- acre proper- tv is located at the cross- SI roads of East Ft. NIyers, Lehigh Acres, Alva & S. LaBelle, making it a prime --- I --- location! Property includes =:a house, outbuildings, grove, & corner of Bedman &W1 ,Creek. $8,000,000 ,. .;r "n 4b-i- I: r* 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Julie Jeffords Pet of the Week S t C'K.f Marvin, the bait shop mascot, flew in on a high wind two months ago. He gets three tubes of crickets and two shiners a day at Riverside Marine. It didn't take him long to find out where to find the crickets! If you would like to submit a pet photo for consid- : eration for publication in the Caloosa Belle please e-mail a 5 inch jpeg digital photo with a high resolution to: Donna Meister S at cbnewsrm@strato.net, or drop off a photo to the Caloosa SBelle, or mail to the Caloosa Belle, PO. Box 518, LaBelle, FL. ing working hours. We need your name, phone number (in case ; we have any questions), pets name, age, breed of pet and a i caption. We are looking for something silly, fun, unusual or thought provoking. Sorry, we are not just looking for a really SI cute animal photos and definitely nothing cruel or harmful. No S, I pictures printed on your home computer can be accepted. 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 105 " LaBelle, FL 33935 l,____ (The Wallace Plaza) I 863-675-5923 - Mary Diaz Lic Real Estate Broker (561) 385-3282 Yamile Carreno sales Associate COSTAMAR (786) 255-8096 COSTAMAR Abigail Soto sales Associate REA T Yi (863) 599-1218 REALTY We ull help your Real Estate dream come true pESIDENTIAT 2 acres in beautiful Oakhaven Brand new 3/2/2 Unit 1, close to Estates cleared with pond Elem School. $235,000. $230,000. Think' A ut Whier 3/1 CBS home in great condi- COMMERCIAL tion. $165,000. .58 (half acre) lot in city limits. OM4iMflnem for 2004 Built CBS home in Unit 9 Establish your business just - on 2.79 acres with wrap two lots off Hwy 80 $299,000. around porch and much more Two brand new steel buildings $585,000, each measuring over 9,000 sq. l PORT LABELLE LOTS it. $1,775,000. orr 1/4 acre in Unit 1 on greenbelt MnI A t 0 close to Elem. School $41,900. 15 acres with some pines, no 1/4 acre oversized corner lot in res w.it sm pine0 no Unit 1 close to Elem School restrictions $38,900. Solutia $59,900. 1.25 acres on corner lot off : 1/4 acre corner lot surrounded canal $40,500%. - on three sides with greenbelt 1.09 acres $70,000. -Bu in Unit 2 $42,900. PIONEER PLANTATION J St 'ing, Builc 2.22 acres in Unit 9, completely 2.5 acres, cleared with drive- surrounded by greenbelt, city way and culvert installed, Pay off water, electric, street lights, temp. light pole ready to build aced Loans Th fenced, high and dry, close to on. On Hendry Isles Blvd. Ala Kell middle school. $219,000. $120,000. lan Hablamos Espafiol Call Bob Hahn I J\ IO N.BridgsE spafo S180 N. Bridge St.La (863) 675-6788- E ITAC LAND CO.1 *ww.:heritagelandco.com Se Habla X I sull;. 1, J6Wpd f "' HERE DR Ab EER .NDl l u l vuii,,,lll t rl I: ilhii. fi"-il ,,T ,,, 1 'i u h "bi-,'r, t :il:r i k'" i 'i,,l I i: ir o T RA11RP GRC thIN 40 ACRE LOT tndl !b ':y,. WOO 1.)l 1-, l, l P11: Uf.l.1 UI^ JJb,:,f i .ulh-i'. f if .',id 1"u' It..,,T 4 I J I N t I i t. llj,, cd II l ,'r- nJ, '. : uiil'v.sl, 1.if' tTi ii..' i 'n P tru in. 5 57149,000 AFFORDABLE, LiX"UR LIVING vi of Ic 'it*C 1l ici '.^^ Ok rRhti rA~f v tfl p r pt llr Ind B *: A OidIu lU r t lheCii e i 'i iic ni i: h n,'aRl iLt "' i.it hjlji t, l u, I liU : 'i'i h ulv in"r' lii i ri'. ulrnl DRi.' I .i OF OWi' ini OUR OWN tl A Ir. l j'" ;.4 krf t OFlC" I i tl i U t.jrinlL il| t h ivivlrHo.0 h 5 drr irA.1 ,1 400,J00 4 h t iF li'i rO&r G u in rr vhi-. liii I pn',,S I rr, k lt'. :iill T'ii 519.1) 'm t i .. -.,-: f it, a. ll li... illh ,i Lr-:,', h,,' i,- d w 1 n' ,- ICJ ,. rl I,- RE* UCED Cwnu,, JI-i J t J .m ,jr, ti'b: ,oI." $H I .om. t -loJ .J,:, Ji.:.:' ,ii .:, fi i J i-ult l .., Lh d :' ,,. t A i h ui t. n L r pii [a .i..r i &I iv. -i.L/ ird upi 0 ,T. U, Ff ir ,,, Ip I- 6 .L f lh I i9 Ji nL,;i ). RT i 't i iti -iRt ln ui. p I': "ill t . RODi O AT HOME Di : W. T. flir [' i'ell I' vIt pA ix. IivA j i p.i ' it -. l i i t- h, I I f t e ll. .l t I hii '. :.iri ii i i-ilfi -:-ir r 6 t ii irlh v r iv ii l'.k f lita-A l4 ' S. 'i, tr.h. A. irt it ori i t r... iif.i r.r. At I .',,, CC I L II, f lu' f fi , S7 iiiA..: i -II)-',lu, ll.. ".. .i Kflh,. I ;. I.It, ,l : ,'lir . Itl j h. $ 2 0 i 10 .; -1"1- In II I -['dI I..- ; *r,, I, ,,'J^ i' 1 lf ,-, l ',. ,, 1,q '. ? o ,"$'11 .11 0 ./,^ f Ifh i l n. [ l".l|" Ni ru l 'r' I & ,, ,, if.' r :..i dl] fil' ,l d : .l "| *'t 9,'," l r,.. 1^~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ; uoej"':.-t u fallli lll; Belle, FL E 6769 Espafol DONI4A KI N Lie. RLa ESATE BROKR AsociAm: Tnsha .Arit,ld Deni:e 'alt-er Beverl Curut Par ) 'Wlkcr .1J;'rTie .'illTi'riS & Karen O'rSien ChLug n tirn r Ofie : tILaricr Lfa CCrunri .) Offi.e- &kf'l1liril 1 'I.:J Li.'Oul 'rn .'l d l -J'g i.i ,Ti A ft [ ,i'ioi y i' .:,,:pI . I '. J l l I fr lll.Br l. ..... ."MAKE vo 4oOVro CO fbDO'ltJi i Iui Tiii' ".lt.i',-. ,, .,.r ... c .n -..-n1A,'i ,. l ..h ..i li) hii, 'I. I.t'i : (6lO.OOO '. .v Jc r ul-if L''.L c A i J ii b t.po-,it I-,-u $650.000 " 3BRT1 0'B OME ON I P1l Al(RT .;i I :.u.l i,, :t-.i.-uii ri i.ri"nurnir' -l. l ijd il r Ip Ci L l ( ... A '. JI:i .r n iA'i IA l u'l': ul d I .IL u L I rl l pl'i 1 ipvl..iTll J,',,ri t-.Tn| II | ,l'uI r.,iii-i: iifldIry A..ii lii u i-.c'' "ui Jl'.t',i' wiltlh pirin ii' hi.J ir tu "ut i tic'ikil rIii'i : ,. i lli v Iri i llt 1h ,i I J'.t ,i'bli r.). iT, i n') IIt .,I .l :,ill Lh ..ull l |.ld F.'-l-l:h J.:,,', t |:, i + ,t .lL l n' h,!,.'...l7l h' ur |-.:.lJ In p.::"l' I tI, B T.ii i.'irf n,.,i ii.i Itr i dll l ih Ih i td'.'. r II irif' .Ui' p'" I 'l jrr|i:1 Iuu I.ra'. --ri:t l .d .llit.d d ,J piuP-1- ni-I c 1uirtt v'A it-u-hit iri"''i I -l f i-Au . e t :flril,: d,:,_h. J ,x .!,I r 1'.2 ,fl, p, ,_ hil I': n .' l h i urlib .id c1 Ld-i .....i' :l[ I l.. .i .: '.I11 Lc.ij" Si,25,000 AWEiOME & THEN ,OMfi r.~.'. Iti S 'it hLS -. :. lltf,: d t il ii li' E iP r. Li il.ifl liJ ;.hi -llc- I ii t r l: Iuil i., -.tvy I|i.l,,t .i I l rl' t, L .I T i I t fTu b l r I- il -i'IT l i:jt ur':L I- d i. n j -u hi il .'. I I T ..', . lr Il;l l .~ 2 il ,. Il-l HnTl: tul lu' ;"iH S619.900 BRNfll IN'rPOOfK PLAN -ii-d ill',TI-. ii,.n r-i,,h 0 LI lAY [ UN T --il-l 0 vhIi f C.Ijfl 1t '.. 1,: 'iC C lt p A- 1 : -1 s p.1. l h) i-P.'lT l3 li i' 0-Jl 1 c LIl' cl'm.c h iul hr p ',ri I- r.' tid h .i ": '-il'"' u.'i. it r .:ii. 0h:,I r c I .i.l.y lik t- it Iv :i 'i' "dl. l':'ni: n Iufhd .',I I 1.I .bJ.J V,'i f w1,j:fl. J'JIIh .j-l 'i [lji I :'l.-.' t.':I v .In l [..iil I "., T-rhii I lh i -lri m i. , .',:hi]-icitul h-.vnTi: alit-i i i l'vui ,titi. : .Tic ijc i...,uJl lit-..i a.di C-i c n i i 6Il 6l9,900 ull isi 'il WOIffUl.r,, i 19t'U'N f, TkrEDOT I_.I.I, filt pf lIN'StIS 11rOt TsREES! -,I, ,, ,.I p Ihl -l i, a ,' l, rh: 7.T l'll I'I h.l.Tn .:,,-h |i I'I ydj [i, t .. Ml' I.i. i jI .i r[ r I 'lL d i- ."I iAr J i't.i 'l l'uau l ru pi": c f l,"'.iv """" u i. ,l'l'.u Li'J i. l p.: i ''l ".:'J 'l'ri' l lith '.l' l I ,.._1i" hi.:p "h-tl i 'l t-j 1 ituli,.'lJ i: In -I I Jin unjti L, In. ..i a l' .ITI d'll. d11 ,l prii']l ., [l.jil. : if .i ilii i i..d i .,i'. ,. -)I ilv phi lIrvncd T.. B II.:.i .h. '..f 'T irn-I l'rIJi ;ui& -L[:l..1 [.,r 1 I .. Ii .-Jr l I I l. h.t. P i ,i' iJ.bi '-i h i' ul i ,: I tI H1i, Iih ll' $ 5 9,L10 i PACOLi0 NE uCONSIrl'R"flO'.i' i' lc 111 I 'II'. IJ'" i I a i","T h I I 'r ".'l lll Ih 'I. ' 'IIn vl ..hit hi.i .,T,; 'c.h)- l- ,:,, ', ,,'i,,'- i i ,-.ii ri',u T, mhu - r';J -l ik"f-l u t'iflh ht UJ, 1 ir i-iu' c u l-JuudyI','i . 'li5J ,, l. ":' ,iivy- iL '"'' i:. l'. I't" I f"" I" ,TIi TH u Ll,:.:., ;.jr,. h, airi...,d '.. i th p ii $ 9 .,9 Q JwI:O'S Ijt CONSrRIF Ci ION h: T ,H .,E ir ,:. r I. ,,, W490I0. InI...T, l-i',,,'iB n'.'.',N l JfiI rl'..i llp r.) ..'.J-i,: 1...I,: .:,-l..r ,Lliil., lAM IOpD '.,. HII J. ,J 1t l.A -:,' lh.ii II: I'l.:.',-, hj' ,: d.,.rn ,Ji.,J,' nl-iu'., -. &,-nJ. r :- i< .. Pi-, , it-Al;t-vip l-- 1,A 'i t i..liii .iti- ,,, S"1 99,u , E h E . lfoiTON MOMTSu mir.iL. ",ifitI'=.k un'l.1 m i,,i luI u t:p hI: I Ii-' i.._I ._- i.i .uil.ri I. i hli.' .., 'u' i..iot- j i. Il l iirl h,.ll i:., ll..i..i t Jll J l ,. ,I,,',_ ,,', 1 ,r l, ,' t, ,J.'. ,,. F 1 ; .I L .. ,T .. ti )l'VR..l D, Ai' M: r i I', .T, '111 I ,d ,i 1i ,]T1ilJ It- . 1': l. -1.viu.. l viii,': IJ 2741 .... i i,, i'I tWuftTIRItIitD 2BA HOME :,Bl, '.: 1, .l, I I.. p AL f B Lh u .. l r,, ,,T, ,h- i. l, i -J lin, i.,, lJ, I .~ T 1.1 ], : Up, I I' .,J; :'l.'rll i. lll h,, l,.l'..l Ill. I '. ,J FENR ED. FA.IM IY HOME w., ,,, ,-,-,,.,t ,,,, I.. ',[if. h, IT, ,. ,,', '... n 1 ,b,11, L, I ,,i ,. i jil., $ l A9.900 ,, I 'i ,B I .," rp.', *.11. .. h ........,. u j f' "N E ir CITRACT , $115 ,9,i .CLAT AND TSMTYbH HOME illiy r ,., itd ,d Il,. r" w' It.l ; ,I'AI.,i,' u L i l'.;u J' n 1,; .... i Irk, l"" '""J I|" i c Fllll i: ,'I,,i lh fiMbD0'pj T." CI. u )jj IK ) l -I ij''j ,]i 1". l',i,: ',.,IT l l ., I lhlt.1': I',l I,'.W,' ]1 CRI'SP 6Afi AND IASHiLiUll LDPD.AEIDJ. -fii, LhI o" r. II) tl ".'il: I f"11 r'lU I0", ','I1lln l;. I I if',,)] -.j'l i'tl ou llh (15 ,9J.ij. . GRtk Iftji E3U'rfIi RiEE l ptOPIRT'E, tl.-:' ,-.id ... IH riiji .. $.101pmtrnm) i lh j o00 MliE AREA MIM RAN(H i.'.,il-' nr.IIii ,Ti irplr'.ir, IiJ.T, .:,Ii '.: i ,J,:,,, .1iw., .r. I.lk i .il '' 1 .JcI d.t i JJ' Wjih E IR D : I iD, ,- f ,i -i l -,i : 'ifI-il 'lrI v hli U ,i .lr -,,J; 6 .l 1 l hl '. kd 1,,Tr ,jl i fl7 il" 1 I, I lilr I ll ..'. ruh i' d livi,: B 'r'i: Ih i: liri-', ju, h i -, I c. 1. .h 1 .0 .u Ii r. ,,ri 1i J uliul I .,,.,, h.,I 1, ..r. [l ar n.,u t llr.u l 'iI .T l 'l, ni 11- I ,il ii' ,iii li i iJ.:l h1 i .T-il i'. Ii vii.1J iin jl'. ti, 'i- l W y quit ir.hen ou divo'n birl it. Owntr fir inci g', i IIa rT :, P)iR i i.-14 tM ill u., n I' i i 1'i 'r. .pli 'li'- r .l r i lI, S ,:, ,-j :. -, h.,J quLid )ou du' ie 1 Ow i feliniT Pi T n tiF.. 71 ar, (OMMERAL LBUILDINC (IN I 8 2A(RE..ri it. l.. a-f ki,.'iu ll Ji' i', till- l l f I,..i,',, ii ,: .'niili ti i .I I I-.l :" lV dkAi . PLAN Fo0 iOR ROFIIllIL rhILIU RE NCVTlIi lii -i i',' l il, l' i : lv i n. l li .J,.i'l H l t I .A ip 1'1- t,, n LO' N' FLIR, IRI i,.., I',i L ii' iii l iiF. l |i:':j i l.."i, i:...:i 2 1,' 1 : Ri J 1 .i i ii h i-, t .. ..' ,,,: i- : I, L., I I i' ii' ii D I' I 111 J'1 0 l I.t ll F ,il i llK l.i.V' r '.I ll-. ll, II n iH l Jrh'I r1 ..iut. i:-- i. 1 ...li I~i.l. l 'i ''.11 ... ir-i 'ji0 'l (,i ;'iiiii- : ,.i l ,.l :,' l,.i i f i h i \ .it i i: i. . I- l t. I ,, i1. .. .6 i ,,J. ,:l |,i.' Jr _: ..,.., ,.I , m O I mi R Ii ALE 1.. ,I ll i i vIV. iI (ID I nhh'l) I ;TSA) C t.IMlliu i "l d:l LF .lER li$ Il l lR I I I. .. I ll .T j l. lll - SiI i i i. if Id ii -$ 1 II 1 i' ilv tl 1OMM2REIAL BIyLDCNG O I 8 y ACC- o ,:rIft.: ll!.X ,,77 |'l:, I ', U r' .lp. ,'l" J I' ,', ,r II'. ':l" .l' I l" l ... l '.:l l .'.r .112J l1,' ii'l d 1 "1'i l .'-,'. rul| i Jl.| ..l.' t. lL,'l .h CI J i l " t lllr. lT. Il',.. 11 .]i ]r I.,i i',uJl u ri m ,i .i iU ll1'v. l h l.'. .,1 i h,- i ii I ',, :..ir i. tu , I-PLAN FOi 5 R PROFI e Th llili l BIT thr hvitJ I ,1 [,i',,. h hl.,: I .,i,,'nAIR I h,',j'ii,, , MO Ok NO Fi.O RI- R BI i.,-i ; f RUT I. ,,.,] hi., yJ I ''il '.i ,ni ,ui fI ll. ,' .. ,i i J.,iJp f. uh ,,i i i.',I h'Of pII ,,n-F0 h )RI ,.. lJ ) 01 i I ;, Z 'In LIPPER AJ , 1i4i1 i- 'id SI .11- 11 1- .. 1. r c. pl -,i-. IT r . , ... 1 ,., ,,.rI f : ..i t I.' I.:. f i ,, h- ,5 1 1 .mi h,',.l, .1, 'Jir|,,,.1 llini h l.irrr , .,-I ,,l' ,JW .,', I I"", l, : .I L ,l I-;-,.. I 1" 1 h '' r,- 1 [. l il. .i-, : 111 h l... l .. ,1 1 r- 1. 1 ,1- J, I i ,-1 Ih, r "l, .,J1 1 1.. 1 *, I I. ,, 1,,,: I ',,,ll, ll I 1.1.r |Ir jr.j l ,1 | .1 , ..... r ,,l) uN l,,l,,,,,, ,,A I... ....... | ,| __ w ,( IN Ml iE Off OF SqR-IA L0 U I ? ..l.k ti'...T. Ih: ,,-, .,', 1 I " h ....... I.,' ,-+111,: $1.2 ~ll l' 1J) ;m ijBirfiNrnrili' ni. Dry conditions spark concern Another week with no rain has raised the local wildfire risk. The District continues to experi- ence the driest readings in the entire State. March wildfire response hit numbers not seen since 2001 when the entire state was expe- riencing a significant period of drought. The local Division of Forestry responded to 41 wild- fires, a number that exceeds the past three March periods com- bined. Wildfire that are intentionally set and wildfires started by peo- ple illegally burning yard waste continue to top the list of local w--::, n II, iri ,Lh ..1. ,I I P.i] p lur, uc I ll g i ui l .Tffllp H ui '. .id j ii'..l puT',p il a c lf A It .I Ithe iu-W'utJ,1, .IT.' I e 'c II J I'"'.': ll Ij hItffuT,: :p'.l'ilfury T fij t l't,J lr uimilua pc ,..' .",i if.I li i Op iwifi-W. Ll,.ld -.,ll)J le 20 AREX IM i-AICANY A'EVNl IN MIDi lIarr -.:. iPn': ,:n IJ". p 'u.l I., p.ll. It.K p nN t .l l i".- !r: [.nl1'y It e 'l i i vd'.' uI Il'i t r, l ["l ':j- il'v I I : .'I k., "]itc" 'A' ITED -RRIAG- B l iT,: -IV.-in-. v.iv.f ['TF Ihe1 b.i , A IJ,, 1' D J l ,,, I T-. y l i':.I ', i% l,.. I, h t l,''I..ltl., Pt"I, I. h.Ti.fl r:lc II .:u.lid m'i rnV ) hoI ll J l i tiACRIS IN GCLDE, COUINf' PRNCHEFIS, dt-d irn rejiif tli t liit, [r:r.Jo.:in ri ftl iu i CiiJt $545.000 BRING Pl'E UDi, Xl DOG T ANDTIO GH'ER t iin;i ,:hI if I'J':! 1"-1 'I I f 'F.1 -". .0-41 Llif l I kl'0 -1 jl',) J -.ll ,,.iIu iT l' i -.Aet .L ITIII' I 'ull i I.tl ( '-ui x o', )[ .i n h i plil Iri,,-i, jc..I .' : h..'lT,-l|i. 5325,000 5 ACRES WESfT OF b LEL. & .:.r i b ,.,, dln:l.i n[ Fi , tir ii pI' i pd' ltll di a itL 'u,h'.'Ul ieh PiTicirIT iliJ p. .-,l pr... bil J rv v..J.') ,r nT t,,N).v i'n u X. '',11 nCu i dle: .I0 iJ.d t p,.,: .i-t !- I I ;2i.i.ii.i- : iA.; '269.900 5 BAff'TFURAtREW PAD iOADiii] .,,i, '.,.k ld pI'i- c'i : L.PIf'-tI -.rd i irulm it- i'i r l L: n il.u rl u. R ,,: ,.. ,, i 'h h'.Tmt ;i[,: .' Pr.:cI l l .tilli 5225,000 5 A(W1 lt CBRES IN MUSE .v.i 1I.:114i lil pt-L fl ( .j ;In..I; 4 .-llAble 6 14 i c1- lf'1 h0171C & ihK *)thef ii. i j, i.i.i.tri 120000,0 e ch PEJ C'WA I QlItr' ,dl "i,.,iu i- rL.WITi.l i. irce-iJ .0t pi:c-, ,':i.Jr', hlI-: 61Wd Iii. hn i, lir-L iii. Ir ti l 'n hir- t N e +..lI.,..ini L '6 'a I: pjrreI l -lint h mrn : tli ,:-i i-' .'. I. I fI.i .' I'S5,0u0. 5 ,A R 1N LARCEA[ fLu I.... : ,.,i.: p,,', Ii v.)'Aill I.I do l $165,000. BEA 0,ii"' B-B 2.5+.-i ,lAM 'i uip] ,,.c. ,'."', 0ii ,, '+i I ,,.,, HO'_I- brW P-1d S89,900 2 1'fTI i ..-.TlP i.fl ,,1i~ h.i 'c lf- itSL.f .- bi I,:,t .,i l'jin Hil, & dry- -I'it pAlr, n .A i ili ' MON'F.IA RANCH LWLU I' I crl a w iin..t iW, .plv i t'.l ', 1il',j 1-1 ,- rltl I ':l t -' i .i llj J .lb i j:u .llU h..iin: --r I It-,! p..:.pT 1101i .-it rrL- J-I ]. i ...u i"In |.ur lis-d $67,00. l-I 1 ril-.,i FJd ilctr I L.t lI-, i t. c '-i r .ill, pli dhl ji ruij a liv j :Ii'iT Ii'L $52.,000 p acre. 1.2'- )c',ild~HOlErit ORNEi W ;i Ih,-1i 119,900 ,'uL u'. hi': ',:rt ,ii h i,-rvi n'.i rr: hi'j ilt, ,'uka i lr.Ir. ,, W5,W47.500. i. 11 TA pt f t' I l, 1 iA .. iI, pu ",,i i- ., i I 72 ACRES OF BAUTIIFl OLD flORIDA 0OAKS. ihc |I- l.'lj..- I,.,, ,,,',,: It-i.' h,,,'ni; '11 tJi I *.i, Silt hi l hl i t tl,'s,'' ,:. iir i'.I v i ':I .. a"ii i.. '.thi li." e hapl i r.isl i. .r.'..' I l.,l l.:.u ji' .,: I.,' : I1. ', I, l r. l, l: Ir t' iT.,'l'll,: h,.,.,,i r l1,. .:,J S2215,01wU HIRD 0 FIND OAIK FIUD CORNER LOI.1 ihe .i il r#I.nh.I lh A' i. ,.|, 'l t tx : c t "bi ,hw i lac huon-iiT u, $150.000 HARD or FPIMDA HOMESIT ., l+t ..-cre. .1 Uc C [i.: 1 .li C TYui l i.rOj.r ii .i Jij rii -Id l i I lr itdur iI w hp.- e i Ji i rjt. i.Riidi il ii; ie pil i d h'liiu l prii C'9 0 2E1iU(.iTUINFIIHII iiA I 'K11...Jd Latil iTo m_.T11ri Billt- YO UI Iu E ,-B- .IT,, ,,, 1 U,,, it iuj il p l ir,. it., n Lin- M, I. 1.. h. iil- in--; i 5-1, I..i, 9 ,00 0. POr Iit- oTi ri'iu l Or B Ui. 'i l qu .1 O: iM [ ..,] t, CN L it,,..E S t .i h,- l,.'jli f,'.i 1i.J.-',fy 'ii:,l i' I vc lil iii'4 l i'i lj pl p ,. ru,'i [,.,I,:, I i.,J L l.;. I')" ...'U i" Ji) S85,0OI Ci-l.IDt.A P'lO, W2 M MU0S a,.0 U.T,,.| PORt LBELL BLILDABI11 OT) l't i. lu I ..- I,,,T,,. ,,n I ,, up ,,,-,. I0.000 and u 1 'i .',I- .'I.., I R L i.y. i ri j,.,rc i i M rI OTI- "( IP-- Ei4 i....:T kI,,i i.,,,,,',r) iA,n.,., ,.L,-,: .,.I |i, I I r', l h :lr :1 I -h' ilTl i I_, I ". ', ilJ j ll l i' ii, M + .1\ ',\ H O1 6 -, O L [i [r r h ,, :, M 1 "6 i. r j. s . ,1, ,. u-,,.l hi .I ,:N, ,.,.q'lrll] I r Crl 1,.-. ,,-]| .,j u j. j Ir. rt l lulV. W IN h I, ,. N 6Is &IiK 7 N il t. In ol t, ,xl l ,,,, u+ .; jlr<0 bu^ In wildfire causes. Anyone seeing or hearing anything about the start of a wildfire should call the Arson Alert Hotline at 800 342 5869. Calls may be made confidential- ly and up to a $5,000 reward is offered for information leading to an arrest. With the current dry condi- tions fires of any type are strong- ly discouraged. Everyone should think twice before they use fire for any purpose, especially burning yard debris. Required set backs must be met (50 feet from roads, 150 feet from occu- pied structures, 25 feet from wildland areas) and the local fire department must be noti- fied. Homeowners should make sure they have water and equip- ment available on their property before starting any fire for any reason. April 9-15 is designated by the State as Wildfire Awareness Week. This time of year, wild- fires are started by people. It is' everyone's responsibility to pre- vent wildfires by using common sense. Let's get a head start on "being aware." i Location-Location-Location. Says it all. Directly across' from the Intracostal %iateri ay, community boat ramp at the end of cul de sac. Proiate, deed restricted subdivision near H ,y 80 within minutes of Ft. Myers. The LaBelle area is growing fast and lots like this %\on?t last. Invest today in the future, in this exclusive area of LaBelle. $179,900. Sotherninand Real Eutfl, teIn -~ 700 S Main. LaBelle 863.675.4500 DO YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME? IBUT r SHave so many questions: How | much can we afford? What do we do first? Well, Oak Realty N Inc., Allen Kelly Mortgage and Patriot Title Company would like to walk you through the buying process. Come to our Buyers class and we will explain . the buying process and you will be able to ask any questions ' you may have. Next available Buyers Class is on APRIL 24, 2006 @6:30 Reserve your spot today Call Oak Realty Inc. 863-675-0500 S 233 N. Bridge St LaBelle, FL - e welawomma memnyw nww+ww wwmmr. swer: -v 4 3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 Car Garage Under Truss Lanai Solid Surface Coun- terlops & Maple "' ."T-v.... Cabinets Be the i.rst to oira this quality ine' honle! Cu.tlonI beautifil detail is what this builder had in mind iwhen creating this spacious floor-plan tandl functional dhrcor. Located in East La lelle and Glades CoaIntI. you're jst. seconds from State Road 80, and in one Jf the most desir- able and appreriatire neighborhoods around. 1liniutes from downtown LaBelle. Caloosaharlhee Rirer and Golfing. Don'L wait for this hbaui-v to slip airav. Affordable Priced to sell.... $244,000 SHome iBuilders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Homes Startina in the Low 200's We have "move-in ready" homes available now d&t'M 4 6i d Cir, Madison 11, 3/2/2 029 4 Mlaywo d Cir, Cypress II, 3/212 pin. LRoA? Cir, Magnolia. 4/2/2 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II, 312/2 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison II, 3/2/2 5009 Pinetree Ln, Cypress II, 3/2/2 6008 Acorn Cir, Maanolia, 4/2/2 5012 Pinetree Cir, Cypress II, 3/2/2 7035 Beaver Cir, Madison II, 3/2/2 M 4i~gtfk Cir, Madison, 3/2/2 3045 June Cir, Magnolia, 4/2/2 All Homes Include V4 acre home site, wood cabinets, upgraded tile, landscaping, full kitchen appliance package and much morel Vacant lots Available! One New Home Rental Left! 3/2/2 $1200.00 Mo. Visit Our Model Center 2480 East State Road 80 Open M-F, 8-5:30 and Sat & Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebu Ilders.com CGCO61264 LF~SS~ ~ ,J Caloosa Bplle, Thursday, April 13,2006 10 PAUL ROSER REALTORS 863-675-0898 OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSE, Broker Nlkkl@NlkklYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 2389/54-2005 cell 239/584-2002 REALTY GROUP Of Southwest Florida, Inc. Cell: 239-872-7665 Bus: 239-495-2402 Matt Fleming Realtor" E-Mail: mattflemingl @comcast.net Commercial Land Residential RESIDENTIAL LOTS Lot 1 c6 1 a:ir es i 5$-59,750 IACK'S BRANCH ESTATES oilfers eaeciuur Lut 2 r 2it alcs ies $465,000 estare lots Incited off of CR I tri the Forn Lt i-tl~ B t i 63,500 SDenaud area Surrounded by proposed future iL 1B D 00,500 residenual developmenLt make this an ,deal Ilnm I Airt the .i L't plae to build your esuie home rid bnng rour : ,e a:es F ;riag oen CR 7 horses or invest in the ftiure lime ramo:ng the C~:me bRElNlItNidG hme, $250,000. gated commumuties with no Home Oiner or i, lner Agenr SCommururo DeelopDiLrict lees- L:i3ajrid Loonl.,ig i[: build, represenung a Ilo:il have creek ironuge builder, please call for detail WATERFRONT Riverfront 5 Acres with 215+/- feet of frontage. High elevation reveals spectacular views. $995.000. Riverront 1.15 Acre homesite on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $595,000 More than Meets the Evel Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine retention lake with amazing sunsets. Low maintenance CBS/Stucco exte- rior with all the details of a well designed country home on the inside. Features include tray ceilings, interior doors all cus- tom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash and granite countertops, all windows have wood casing surrounds, a brick |fireplace,'- and wood floors- througho'ut finish the look. $549,900 2 Acre Deed Restricted Homesite in Oak Haven Estates. Oak filled, and backs up to beautiful sunsets over the water. $3,0.000 HOMES :2 Story Home close to town just I off Ft. Denaud Rd. This amaz- ing 3Bedl2Ba home has it all, location, .charm, Master suite with office, screened room and more. $299,900 Well Built Cedar 3Bed/2Ba Home in popular river commu- nity ollnftQJLltUon a Shalt a--l Miblc over- sized deck.out back for relax- ing or entertaining. $260,000. Mobile on 1/2 acre south of LaBelle with lots of paving and a 26x53 pole barn. $92,500. LOTS AND LAND SDevelovment Potential 25 acres Plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. Pair up with available waterfront (priced Independently) for an upscale residential project. $150,000 per acre. 5 Acre tt of LaBelle; Be d rom Terri Banky Broker Shary Weckwerth Now online at wwI -i I[as LEADING existing lease. $165,000 5 Beautiful Oak Laden Acres located East of LaBelle. Quiet County Living for only $160,000. Over Halt e areJiD the city. ComDleH NtIMIn14 and cul- Oversized homesite convenret- ly located in the city with easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres man- icured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. $95,000. Port LaBelle Lots on the nbrth side of 80, close to new devel- opment area & marina. Priced from $49,000 to $57,900. Call for inventory list. Over 60 sites to pick from. . Seller Financing Available with 250% down to qualified buyer Port LaBelle -1/4 ac. lot on the L norht side of Hwy. 80. Many new homes under construction in the immediate area. Asking $39,800. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL Prime Comer with over 590 ft. on Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm St. Currently Zoned Light Industrial with the new plan allowing for heavy industrial as well. 6.7 acre location directly across from the State Attorneys Offices & close to the the LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. Will split out 2 ac for $915,000. Light Industrial 4.65 Ac with 2400 Sq. Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access, just outside the city limits. Could be split under current zoning. $850,000. Heavw Industrial Site just south of the city limits. Industrial Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared,. filled and culvert in. $299,000 Profitable Towing Business established with many revolv- ing accounts & approved by all the major motor clubs. Currently servicing LaBelle and the surrounding area with a' clean & reliable service record. Call for details. i, afty Co. -675-4547 Cell: 863-673-4970 Cell: 863-673-6498 w.bellerealty.com THE WAY! ................. ......... ............. Gulf Access lot,. Ca pe Cord. mrnuies rt MAad-chia P.i', seller is munm'ated' offered at $39-1.000 Pon LaBelle ULnit 2 Ci e-ied ,iXrener lior rh beautiful oak trees, and dc'.e [co schools and trown offered at $58,850 Port LaBele Lnir 9 Spjaous 1. building lot I.:,cated on Salem Ci., icose to schools and shopping offered at $4".500 inl ,,i l. lre.'i'.t; or /:llr'.\ uii, n lclpte .silp in mldn l .'our FRE- ,aip Jhe kin'u qpOUP 274 N Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935 ndBeres 863-612-0002 Di%-.7on Manager BankufAmerica Shirley Imhoff Willis Mortgage Loan Officer S Consumer Real Estate Tel: 239.415.6302 800.854.5783 ext 6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@'bankofamerica.com LaBelle native, Shirley will do all she can to help you get the best mortgage around! ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS, MEDICAL WORKERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND FIREFIGHTERS 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 I'/ evO ae ih' it O]'b of 'l.t i' ,',r M.i/,',,,',_ l -.' .! ,: >; l:i//' CHECK'IS OUT ONUNE 'AT n .w nCew horaons-re.,com Se Habll Espanol I 1 pi ^B ------------------------~ *HOP. 'II A Ii IP, .7' ',r'ol r inuisw ar~ilt If':` I' I. f I Li 1`10, 'I,' 'y'pi ,'Ii'W '11 k'4 i d riiiu.:l, rir, l.i I B.'- "L* B hc~fic ha, 1 .111 Friro i~t lfocd haJ. lard -paoiu- roci I .1 L. brnii,,1 hr pU ku-Firiitten s ir-d "Ihif a. Ii.;-6.1BE.[-Aid ll iThe, a harddilAt -iii. I .: 'lo t onroi.r lariat rid nlmv ih: ur :i 1o huE i n, I i ,vln Aurn nil) 12 19,0.10. i :fur i ,rft,l 1.i' i st l..rd tLuw i beir' it tii, l'c u~i.l '.Bf' 21 .-.f li I~~ ia rks (cilar Al- inio.,Ilino ..s re inc f lx:, nu%. lie'hikIii''l~cil'. rlk BI c 1kBc .1 Ic'.. cc 1-19,90i0.fl29.00 huf' i-i' ii h ',i Al' *'. li.-!.l i i i n 1 i-elsie viraL. (i ati4c,, I si-J r 'F.imr ic. ir, his iiiIi.iu'.h iclii ".Pif 2B I -tirz I.ij, ii ill1 Frirr, it CF863 675 4550 lord 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle .BOl f. Rodney Murray -- ii Lic. Real Estate Broker State ca. Associates: Seth Howard. Phil Lewis Tamra Franco, Jim Coddington & Kyndel Murray 3B t elos" x32 po e8 ed. 8159,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w/trees. $239,500. 5BR/3Bath really nice manufactured home on 5 beautiful acres in Muse on Cypress Ave. $425,000. 3BR/3Bath on 4.5"_ cre l30x42 pole barn & 24x36 horse bar ilJ [JDLJle Ranchettes nice, nice, nice. $695,000. 61.2 .e() rdY $ 11, WA'JU s Lzo11 68 a sPw -[r i d. $37.i jpV' Ii C_ JD r 1/ 12 WY Well maintained 4BR/2Bath home on beautifully landscaped lot. With in town convenience. Deep well irrigation and large workshop, screened room and gazebo. PRICE REDUCED! $349,900. 5 acres in Muse with lots of trees. $200,000. Find the best deals around every week in the Caloosa Belle Home Buyer! :lNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. galore' Best of all after a hard dals work you can i ,:iut r n your lanai and enli:')' the Sunset over the lake in Lehigh Acres Only $219,900. * PERFECT STARTER HOME! 2BR lBA CBS horre located in LaBelle on a quie oak filled street. Features net Illooring arid a fenced tack yard Priced : $175,900. * Just like NEWr 3BR 15B CB5 home wilhmn walking distance from shopping Features include eriew bertr carpel, :eran': tile. all rinew c-irine ri ns mih mo.ire Pnoi-j Ic' .ell jal oily $119,900. * Wi:Irld Fastc-i ale maL hapelln hiece 5B[' lB Hiiidyrnun Special Surirunded b. Nera (,CIr:rucui:,'nI iriMl. ,3l1jMu cart deiin up in more wai than ':nic Fai a.i:.on wilri' $11,900. * Running :our :if room I;:r ).:.ur timily' Thi hillge .ii 4BR 2B mjIJnijl'ji.irej home b:a.:its 2.f.t.4 iq fr o:If thing Spj:e arid Sit orn "3 klfr:ed acrs in tJ'ie quiet rual co':'mrumn A D:.uble i Acres C .,unitr, linrig lust a hop- :Itp jaj, fr m i. Lji lle or Fi MIcter makes hi: a F'erlct: lIj,:annr' $269,900. * STOP DREAMING AND START LIVNGI TI'i- 1: + are Trrnin esiulje Tmae ,'lad .inr ,: :vitLh '.BP.lB imantaiij ure i hI' i'ie Fcaiuring .:crarini: Ile, l .tut'ed t iAlls spacious kitchen Only $179,900. * Tired of the CIurcus No cloning around about the calm you'll enloy in this spacious 3BR2B MH on dared 2 5+i- acres WOW\ Be sure to check out the huge horse barn and workshop But tills, feed roIm large workshop Lower your blood pressure' $169,900. * 3BR,2 marnulm ared hme inm Immokalee Feja[ur.,dMDPa dBl ONCdi RAG rr lot bited aji nll $155,900. * Lxociuo f a lifeume Genrierjuions all file paCi "elll u-aeled locj:.n of thi 84 acr on Sh ?( in AIa O>ei l.t10) ft f road fronuge and 3 esung entrari.e> ,j of SR 8i C-leared with %ell and ele:mc. Time's on your side inth du i-,e.surieni' $2,750,000. * The nppr[runtes are endless' Bnng tour inmesuien dollars here. h2beaunfid acr e m uuh Huy UPi,*peC ONaOlllAGertyM 'was. learned ei.ept for the malesu: itve Oaks Bring your ideas and see' $650,000. * 5+.- cres in Pioneer Planration. Suitable for site built home or manufactured Onlr $179,900. S2+- acre, .:n Fi Cenier Aie in iaBelle Alre h j di '. L.. .Jf .erryi W Cinl $119,900. * I .S+ a.:re I-:ated off lacks Branch Rd in Muse This prioprrny hcs lots of .aks, pines and pilm uree Perle' or othe rnouri e lover Pnced at ,nl)i $95,000. * Genuirie Co:untry Feel' Days gone by are back' Relise the Iesr on this pnviae & reduded 2+ - a.:4 Fireh air speci:ul $93,900. * Call for pnies on all cur Monitur listings' * Hard to find double klr in grom ig Pon iLaBlle Unit 102. $119,800. * Drop dead gorgeouI' If you're looking for the driem loi for your nev home look no further bxated in the sough after Blmonm S'D in LaBelle Thni 37+,- acre L, truly a dream come true Only $84,900. * .2+ '- acre ir the Belmrni S.iD Pniced to sell @. onlh.$71,900. Possible seller Bnancing. S2 Lehugh Acre lots zoned for duplex. Great miesrnent property' Only $67,000 each * Corner lot in Uni 102 wAarge oak Beauiful lot for your dream home $54,900. * Thple lot in Unit 6 $49,900 each * Double lot in Unii 9 $49,900 each. * Beautiful wooded I .acre. homcines' Outside LaBlle imnis but only minutes from brown lust off E Road Dn'i misu ownig acreage close a LiBelle. 46,900. * Loadel with posiibdirine' 2 Sltel buildings with ofct 5,i8f i1 q f of work area on 1+,- acre Zoned kfr Hea ) industrail ue Currend) s itllyu rented out 10o busmirieb. Lsled at only $525,000. * Pnme 20+.- acre poenual comimerual parcel located near West Gde Elementary in Muse and lut minutes away from downiown LaBelle $3.50 per square foot. * I u18+ arc i:'ned C. 1 I,:mmerci:l lust Scuth of LaBelle with 175+ eet oif frontug on SR219 and fronutge on Lucket Street Aking 5450,000. * ILrfe. or drerim' By purchasng this commer cdal ', L-r1 h ilA1uL,, k Ior iri r qiil 7.d f I'. ftnent Grab this sue norw, $165,000. * Beaunflul 25+;- acre cormer lot m downtown LaBelle .great potential Currend,, :ned for duple.- :ir Mngle failed w.' porsibldir i frezicrng to Business $119,900. FEATURES OF THE.WEEK ESTABLISHED IN 1984 THE GATOR BAIT PUB has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully fur- nished ilth a ,:.mplcelh equii;ppoi Lu kiher,. and oflers a 're.it sLrt !ol ain\ ntrerprr.ncur Priced a( $174,500 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY This 2 bedroom 1.5 bath mobile home is located in quiet River Oaks Subdivision, Ortona Fl. Se Habla Espafol Great investment for the part-time Floridian, or a great get-away. The home is being sold partially furnished, and offers a split floor plan with vaulted ceilings. $58,500 UNIQUE, DESIRABLE AND SECLUDED! Less than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary. This property is 14.5 acres in one of the fastest growing areas of Glades County. Surrounded by large acreage, this parcel has been cleared and enced. This cus- tom built home is spacious and very well kept. Over 3,400 sq.ft. split floor plan features Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis a.1l ,il lL Ilc, he tl' -.l ..l :..:.IP, 1, lik n >:|.:. , I ... .1].I '-". ,[.-,,.. ,, b-. .l i T- .. nehi l ind k L,.I.,er I., : -1 I.,i .11 | n.l-l -. LI .lkl.l L J]re-J. and .. .|-".. r ., ,I, l I!..-i. la.nih l .._-.m I hec n,-.l.t .,,r-1r...,r, ,nJ h.l i, ._..Ik r hi- aind her, ,,.,lk-,r.,_Ilet J g .ll on ,r scp ,- ate sh,:,,:r, ..1. ,, lr... .. ii,~ 1i,45-,fI l.).. SPECT.CLiL.R RI\TRFRONT [STATL SITE .. -c. .e 1 1W d.. .. ,t. ..nI Ind .I I. J ,r 1.. 1., H i ... I 1.. I.'.r I -h r.- I't l..u I .u ... Lh .I i | R F ..r I.. r, It U L= aIt Ii lur .,I :l h. I.',.I h .:l. r.., ,I | I. l. i,: :.. :.k 1 n u....I .J r.n ll, .:I.,." I,'. [ B. C Lt..;ullu l I Cl .' .(. .. I: C r. L li I ,l. ,,:k -. ..I .:e n r :l I. l 1 '.. .. l l,5 1 l: l ,1 ) fl1 ) WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION, LOCATION. LOCATION11! !.I,. +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your :.... lili,,,:, are end- less! $3,900,000 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS' from this waterfront homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dlock in place. Homnesite is located approx. 75 ft. liom the main river in an area of' nice homes. Permits are in place to re- dredge oxbow to 6-8 ft. depth. $499,000. x GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT! This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this par- cel and enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced. $499,94m1 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique one of a kind property alsb has it's own "; i. ISI[. 'JD ..-.,.- ...i-operty is covercil -1iIi i C.-. ...A, ( 1il I,:r more details. I..- i- !i s1 5i1.'i 475.100 PRICE REDUCED! This .84 +/- Acre creek front homesite is located on Pollywog Creek in beautiful river front community. Build your dream home on this oversized Creckfront lot which provides beautiful oaks, access to the Caloosahatchee River and some river views. Price Reduced $149,900. HOMES IN LABELLE THIS CHARMING CEDAR HOME sits on In crtzed i.rner lot in the cmn The Br SU hl.:mee h.s ,aulted ceilings and ule in She Inting area lench doors proude view to ill. rut.ide Fenced back \ard and 8' 1 I1' shed l..r e .r,i sto age $205,000 MOVE IN RL)EADI Newl\ remodeled lBRl '?B h':ome located :.n largt lot in the i:ir, Nc(, carpet, flooring and inticor pajr.t and paci.::.u- maier bedroom Price reduced i,:. del $179,900 WELL MAINTAINED 3BR'2BA MANTi- rACTLiRED HOME ,. oflke or poisble 4th i-.cdr..,n L.. :[ted mlhin cirP, lhmit. corn. rl,.t..l, In:.:d and priced. rt.: elll i 99.900 HOMES 4BR,'BA SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME lea. wur..! Iiic: t kit,:her ne.e" I 3 Upoi-.dvd 1ppl- ances, iet tub and above ground pool. 1 74,9110 3BR/2BA DOUBLEWIDE MOBILE HOME ON 1 ACRE. Home features vaulted ceil- ings, large living room and split floor plan. Fenced back yard, barn and scattered oaks. $148,000 THIS IMMACULATE MANUFACTURED HOMEis situated on shaded oversized lot in town and completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry and breakfast island. Front and back porches are great for outdoor entertaining and enjoyment. $145,900 OAK COVERED % ACRE PROPERTY with 2BR/1BA mobile home, very private, screened deck and partially fenced yard, located east of LaBelle. $1,000 Seller Bonus .$129,900 HOMES ON ACREAGE 3BR/1BA CBS HOME ON 8.8+/- ACRES fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse stable. $490,000. 3.18 +/- ACRES W/1BR/1.5BA COTTAGE style home located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's most desirable communities. Situated at the end of a cul de sac provides a peaceful & private setting. Cathedral ceilings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan and wrap around porch. $469,900 3BR/2BA LIKE NEW 2003 PALM WHAT A GREAT OPPORTUNITY HARBOR manuftcurured home on 2 5 aei located west, o LaBelle Split floor plan. spa. cious kitchen, brekfast bar and walk in clo. eL $219,900. QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT Like new, manufactured home on 2 82 acres ir, quiet Fr. Denaud This immaculate home olTers \ault- td ceilings, entertainmen package includes a large screen telt ision % stereo and surround .:und. split floor plan. built in computer cen- tre. large master bedroom and bath w, garden rut, and separate -hobwer Upgraded appli- ani.e idd a ncc touch, to the large open kmLihen w, eart-n lcreakfist bir and formal dinig $212.500 ACRLEG 'LOTS 2.5 /'- ACRES ,rcked pond, pariall) fenced, unique oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 approx. 2 miles from town. Seller motivated $199,000 10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road) in Charlotte County. Property zoned agricultural. Price Reduced $100,000 BEAUTIFUL OAK COVERED CITY OF LABELLE LOT. Located in established neighborhood. Build your home on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $79,900 BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL Historic commercial building w 3 completc- I\ renovated rental units Renosations include new roof, 2 new a.c units, srucco, paint, resurfaced parking and more. Located in a high traffic area surrounded by offTi.e. restaurants and businesses. $550,000 REDUCED PRICE $5350.000!1! RENOVATED BUILDINGII! READY FOR YOUR BUSINESS!!! Need a place to locate sour busmes This is it! Highly 'isable, onl) 180 ft East of Bndge Street. Totally remod- eled building siumaed on 31 acre lot fronung on \Wahingnon Ase across frm bank dnne tibl. Proper is !5' deep which leatr room for future expansion. Renodaions indclde all new cirro. molding, ceramic ule, siding, plumbing, electric and A/C. BUSINESS ZONEDI This 2 Br / 1 Ba home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 ' INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL-INDUSTRIAL- INDUSTRIAL! This 1.12 acre parcel fea- tures easy access off of two paved roads & a HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the currently occupied steel building w/over city of LaBelle and ready to'buildl $89,900 5,400 sq. ft. PRICED TO SELL AT OVERSIZED .64 ACRE WOODED residen- $525,000. UNDER CONTRACT trial homesite located in the city. $89,000 4.14 ACRES ZONED INDUSTRIAL. RESIDENTIAL LOTI Shady .30 acre lot w/ Property features 80' x 100' hangar plus 1998 well, septic and 2 culverts for driveway. 3BR/2BA 2,200 sq. ft. doublewide mobile Zoned for home or mobile home. Reduced home. Great investment... Great Location! to $42,500 c, cnnnn" COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned prop- erty located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (Hwy 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue thi prop- erty has endless possibilities. "Old Historical Florida-Style" two story building, 1,846 sq. ft. w/ 122' frontage on Bridge Street and a "Quaint Old-Florida Cracker-Style" office fronting on Park Avenue. $1,200,000 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corer of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel build- ings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all cur- rently leased. $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 Corner of Hwy. 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 www.labellerlverslde.com E-mail realeslate@labellerivetslde.com esi..iimm sr ss"asfsiasrigr- s-- a ras -. : -"-- c--- --*** -;ia"-.'* *A.n -' *ea- Please join us for our Open House Celebration Thursday, April 20th and Friday, April 21st from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. .... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... .... ... ... --- I-CC- a = --~ -- I I-- ---. I p v' 7- .. .....rr .:.a~l ........I..... ..... ... 16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 p B RIDE SA FURITWILL MATCH YOUR DOWN PAYM ENT UP TO $1000. .OUPE MO.' TAGE. F??s A - atigae;O ~i~ )-EDDIE BAUER 4x2 $6OOOC6 SAK '00-A E5ST I'I NNCLAS SCAROfOSP e~9~' i 'A deductible applies. See dealer for details, 2 Class is full-size pickups under8500 GVWR. When properly equipped, 3 Based on EPA estimated 4 cyl, engine/auto transmission. *Not all buyers will qualify for Ford Credit Red Carpet Lease, Payments mayvary, dealerdetermines prices. Residency restrictions apply. '06 Focus X3 at $169/month requires $2576 cash due at signing after$1,500 cash back '06 F-150 XLTS/C $279/month requires $2,154 cash due at signing after $2,500 back, '06 ExplorerXLT4x2 at $259/month requires $2,863 cash due atsigning after $3,500 cash back,'06 MustangV6 i Coupe Premium at$259/month requires $1,959 cash due atsigningafter$1,500 cash back, '06 FusionSE14 at $219/mo. requires $1,813 cash due at signingafter $2,000 cash back/06 Expedition Eddie Bauer4x2 at $399/monrh requires $3,275 cash due at signing after $5,000 cash back. Excludes taxes, title and registration fees; Includes security deposit and acquisition fee, Cash back includes matching down payment cash from Ford and varies by model, Muse apply matching Ford customer cash to receive, Ford Credit financing required, Must take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 4/30/06, See dealer for qualifications and complete details, ,, 44k ? Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 MATCHATTH FIiNTO ILES EV SPRI NG ENT S2006 FOCUS ZX3 LEASE FOR' 69 :i. A MONTH 36-MONTH RED CARPET LEASE.* 5-YEAR/ 100,000 MILE POWERTRAIN LIMITED WARRANTY1 .- .. .--.- 2oo06 F 6IRsi LEASE 32 M FOR ^ i Ma SECUR'YEB OtrW UP TO 32 MPG3 20 F-150 XLT SUPERCAB 4x2 -- I279/ mO FoR24Mo. .-_: C: 4,O OO:. -.z-:: . ~4, 0 CAS H BACK BESTIN CLASS PAYLOAD2 2006 EXPLORERXIT4x2, LEASE $'T RIN FOR 2MFOR24Mo: S$3,500oCASHBACK COMPLETELY REDESIGNED SOUTHWEST FLORIDA FORD DEALERS I I 18 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13, 2006 Las Noticias en Espanol Accidente Hubo un cheque entire cuatro vehiculos el 31 de marzo aproxi- madamernle a las 4:15 p.m a dos millas del Bulevar Everhigh Acres. De acuerdo con el informe de los patrulleros, Ariel Lopez de edad 36 estaba conduciendo un camion al este de La Calle 80. Un tractor Vol\o 2006 conducido por Ray- mundo Murillo de edad 36 iba hacia el oeste, detras de Raymun- do venia un camion Ford 2005 manejado por Victor Basile de edad 33y residence en Cape Coral y detras de Basile venia el vehiculo Chevy 2002 conducido por Brenda Verne Smeed de edad 30 y resi- dente de la Belle. Los patrulleros reportaron que El vehiculo de Ariel Lopez se fue hacia al carnl contario por rezones desconocidas done venian los tres vehiculos, primero choco con- tra el trailer de Murillo y despues con el de Smeed quien no pudo evilar la coalition, su carro giro y dio vuellas sobre si mismo, los vehiculos de Murillo y Lopez se Submited to the Caloosa Belle/LaBelle Rotary Club Stienlth through membership Membership Chairman Jim Eden, left, and LaBelle Rotary Club President Mel Karau flank the "World's newest Rotari- ans" (as of March 28, 2006) Yummy Abueluf and Nancy Friis. detuvieron en el hombro norte seguido por el carro de Basile.La Pareja Basile y otro pasajero que viajaba con ellos no sufrieron ninguna herida. La senora Smeed fue transportada al hospital en condition critical. Todos los involu- crados en el accident tenian puestos los cinturones de segurn- dad. Arrestos La semana pasada se decomis- aron dos criaderos de marijuana en menos de 72 horas. De acurdo con Ronnie Lee, este es el criadero numero diez que la policia ha des- cubierto durante los ultimos 13 meses. Esle ultimo eslaba localiza- do en La Calle Tampa 2150 en La Comunidad Plantacion Pionera. Una orden de allanamiento de propiedad fue ejecutado por el Alguacil y los investigadores el 30 de marzo. El criadero de marigua- na estaba muy bien cuidado en dos semi- trails, uno de ellas tenia las plantas crecidas la otra tenia las planlas ya secas para procesarlas, habia una canlidad grande de plants sembradas en macetas. A la hora del allanamiento no habia nadie ei las semi-lrailas ni tam- poco se sabe quien es propietario de ellas.El valor de todo el sembra- dio tiene un valor de $32.000. En Montura se descubrio otro cultivo de marijuana el 28 de marzo. La policia calcula que el sembrado descubierto tiene un 28 residence en Cle\\islon fue lie- ellos sospechan que el grupo valor aproximado de $100.000. vado en cus!odia. Las autoridades responsible del cultivo vive en el Alvaro Velasquez Martinez de edad dijeron que haran mas arrests, area del condado Dade. Statewide Palms, Inc. 863 675 4844 c HRYSLER . I02 W, Sugarlaid Hw,, ClewislO 863,983,1600 1,888,200,1703 Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle. FL ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato. net 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson River Where Qualiyv is Done in Style SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CACOOB30 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR LANGFORD S851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL S (863) 675-1686 "'all" Spoken Here! EXTREME CLEANS. INC. Clnsril, Lion, Coilnomrcia e Residenuil . 863' i 675-0810 . 239 f 344-6712 ;. InwJ ^ NLW HOcal CONSTRUCTION p)863-612-0070 f) 863-612-0080 LSl. i C k.,>""l...' \'.lj SiiiE. IOS I. 1h. t-ll y-Son, 1." 0.S ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-9541 or email cbelle@strato.net CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior Liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow. Liberty National (# tilt- iIII'.1III (:l.Compino y |i 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers,. FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) ff u[i];l; lI :^**;V iL RICHARD K. SULLIVAN, ESQ. Criminal Defense Attorney FREE Consultations Avadiable for contact after normal business hours Please call (863) 674-0444 World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights Thurs 9 8 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 La Belle, FL 863-674-1775 CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church S l.2jP Thigper, Fc.idF iLIelle. FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worhipp The Lords Supper I", 3" & 5" Sundays Bible Study Sundays a 10:15 a.m. i' ir. rirt t. i.t r'. t.i., ,i', lJ it !. I. 863-675 2733 e-mail" ctklci@st rato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net "SERVICE" I. ouriwtoaportwntPOiduat BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. LaBelle 863-675-0717 www.whitrfuritniuieandlappliact'si.coin " LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY A, 3N98 B STATES SETTLEMENT . North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald, Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 A AR2171 CLASSIC CONCEPTS HIR AND TANNING SALON 283 South Bndge St LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 674-1122 Hours Monday thru Wednesday 9 am. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Fnda. 9 am. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9 am to 12 p.m. Smart Tan Accredited Salon IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENT ,0) [ '. .l4 -, Er h I :,.uLrij ,J.i Ervir A'..- ['omilng o S-irviio It', 00 0 i IEPiiuji Britilico '. .0 p Im flarin ..r',iio '1,) 1i n',i F'aler Ben Milli .in ,. ;,.,'. 0 5 ,~ ,'Ir '. 1 71. l- ,7 Todos eslan invitados a nuestra nueva Iglesia LABELLE COUNSELING i CENTER hI.hild, Tnhen, AdulIt, iri,,d u,] MAiria .e . I r l. r c'jr.E ,lt, rt I ri:lulir Jant eIner. fi e. d, :.. d l. ,nl; r- .: ,i. i ApJJF'. UP r U 't , 74 H -il .i L EellI 863-675-6776 Grave Covers Monuments Granite Markers B Of all Kinds Any inscrpitions, scenes, final dates, etc (863) 494-0136 208 llth Ave. N Arcadia, FL 34266 l~FWJ;~[hI INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State Farm Is there." MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured S I PETE'S TRACTOR SERVICES eLush licgui mowuig graduig, land cle:a.i'ug 0 other lobs? 239-728-6629 Osceola Concrete SSe~nices LLC C:l:'red Saunpe.j C:n. rrer Lanajs, Dnt es. W\'lk ite iii rF. Fxitenor, A,:id s fin ing Concrete Repair an.d Rc.e.ting 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Lib:eried and Insured : i;Ii q I f 1. LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Sirnce 1,) IndluEtri.a Commen:ial Residential State Certiiaed &r Insuredn 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 Mriw af S I- 'f' I" 'I: 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL For'appointments call 239-658-3000 Walkiuos Welcome IMMOKlALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Tralford Rd Immokaee, FL itl .\'im D txic.)1o1az) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 P ." WEEDING -*MOWING PLANTING Sod Replacement & other LAwn Maiuntmice CALL (239) 357-2972 Lic. & Insured 'e-mail: casperbnmb4@yahoo.com Randy's Garage, Inc. ,a t l .-Diow r LtrL C'"litr 863-675-1032 737 S. Bridge St. LaBellc, FL Jut.r North of Langlordl ford LABELLE CARPET '& TILE OUTLET \'\hok-salc looring warehouse 1050 COMMERCE DR LABELLE, FL Ltw. oflle -i 1 a\. s't o Ci.tJohmLn. \V\ay iMahl a riglh onto Commerce Dn\'i 863.675-8575 i .iugc-r in S tick Sictlon ,,,SotRoo and Construdo Inc. FREE ESTIMATES OFFICE: (7863)-7 675-7045 COOPER HAULING, LLC FILL DIRT SHELL DELI 'RED Fax: 863-675-3223 Cell: 863-673-2108 'C,'nr..r Cp'p~atr r ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or emall cbelle@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net I UCI b I II I I I I ba D] k1l I'LL li,. #C( t. 037011' "g Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 19 Birding Festival Planning for the sixth annual of Florida and ten states to Big O Birding Festival is underway. Haven, who came specific According to Birding Festival view birds. Twenty-eight ve Committee chair and Glades EDC participated in the event, w director Tra6y Whirls some believed to have hosted 700' changes to the format for the joint over three days. .Glades'Hendry County event are "We're going to tweak t likely. i mat for 2007," Ms. Whirl! The biggest change is that the "Historically, we've always date for the 2007 has been pushed challenge scheduling the le back to the last weekend in March. and the tours so that birders "We fouid out during the festi- attend both. Next year,'we'll val, which Cas held Jan. 27-30, tour in the morning, with a 2006, that the Space Coast Birding at lunch, a tour in the aftei Festival has set their 2007 event for with a lecture coupled with that last weekend in January," Ms. This will give us the opportu Whirls said. "Because Space Coast, attract a broader audience which is the largest birding festival lectures and to perhaps p in the state, is kind enough to with local businesses to cate advertise our .little festival during luncheon and dinner events. their event, we would be foolish to Similarly, this year's ina attempt to schedule ours the same "Kids are for the Birds" weekend, particularly as many of which was held on Saturd< the same lecturers, vendors and bird- ers plan to attend both. i After looking at several alemative dates, the Birding Festival Committee and EDC elected to go with the weekend of March 30-April 1, 2007. "It's something of a challenge scheduling such an event, because i it's the height of festival season and many of our local vendors partici- pate in other festivals around the Aice st igh area," Ms. Whirls said. "We knew What? we had to schedule it around #1I Chalo Nitka and the Sugar Festival, #2. I'm then we learned that our neighbors #3. E in Cape Coral and Naples also had Beag birding festivals during the same Estate!' period, so we opted for the later date." The benefit of choosing the late March date is that it coincides with the spring return of swallow-tailed Em: kites to Fisheating Creek. n "The birds are nesting then, so you don't have the big flocks of them that return to the area for the Drop i fall migration, but it's a good time 700S otherwise," Ms. Whirls said. "The (Across ftor first Big O Birding Festival was held Beagle Treau the first week of April for that rea- son, so I'm anxious to see how the ,CI *i 863 switch affects attendance." 7 The 2006 festival brought more S"o Sft than 100 birders from both coasts planning u Moore be pushed back to Friday, and pro- *ally to moted to area schools as a field trip vendors event. which is "The children's activities were visitors excellent and we received a lot of positive feedback from those who he for- viewed the exhibits and particpat- s said. ed in the various hands on events. had a Aside from getting the word out !ctures better, we thought it might work Could better as a school field trip and offer a we're going to ask area teachers to lecture help us plan and promote the moon, event," Ms. Whirls said. dinner. Having settled on a date for the inity to 2007 event, committee members for the are working now to identify lectur- partner ers for the event and the all impor- r those tant keynote speaker. "We were very fortunate last ugural year that Dr. Jerome Jackson, a event, world recognized authority on the ay, will ivory billed woodpecker, agreed "Ask Dear Hope Southern Land's Expert Beagle t from a Beagle's Point of Vie ! Advice from a.....DOG? n a Beagle, not a...DOG! m a Southern Land Beagle! rervbod' knows a Soland le is a "natural" at Real We are Real Estate Savvy! id: hope@si.oland.com ntr Hope Denning RO. Box 1680 LaBelle, FL 33975 Off Quesnons [o Hope @i S Main Snreet, LaBelle m Langford Ford to the No:rthl s Available tor all rtpes of Pups. .675.4550 877.314.3048 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33935 ai" edrcy ad P &eades eett4 nderway. early on to serve as our keynote speaker. That coup, coupled with all the publicity regarding the dis- covery of the ivory-billed wood- pecker in Arkanasas in April gave us a certain cachet and brand recognition we'd never had before. The challenge this year will be replicating that success." Ms. Whirls said she is confident with more than 400 bird species, including rare birds like the swai- lowlailed kite, red-shouldered hawk, scrub jays, red-cockaded woodpeckers, baucum's sparrows and short tail hawks, as well as caracara, sandhill cranes and limp- kins that the birders will come no matter who the speakers are. ~a~-F lk - '&L, 2.,'.: , newszap .com YCommunity L itnk Indsiduo/ 1'oices a Licensed Flondj Brokter Buinre-s 100% Financing Available * Full Doi or Siared Loans Refinances Cash Outh s Purchases Easy Qualificanion & Loan Requiremenrts Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes 49 N. Indust-ial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Aaidable Hablamr,:s EspaiAol '- a 'r nr w :w -- a ,, -;. At All 4 Locations FOLVD. Closest to you is at 3200 Lee Blvd. in Lehigh Acres 303-1994 Up To 5% OFF All In Stock Merchandise J la t -" o .1lE 1 i all s a DO7 1V IAA t.- 4 '~-~e~r~t; --- p. FLORIDA'S FAVORITE STORES fI ilJ OPEN MON.9.7,i5,ISN. I2i Marine, Inc. (8631675-7711 (8631675-706 LIC#HC355 SP .A - and Insured Commercial & Residenial StallCalls 11ma nr & e'' s :^.^ $ fwin- Wlltl Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates. References & Senrice S Call 863-675-3231 COUNTRY HOMES & LA REL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lie Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at- CentralFloridaLandSales comn *RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE 97 Park Ave. LaBelle, FL 33935 "Across From Barron Park" 863-675-2718 www.labelleriveside.com e-mal: labelleriversideaearthlinknet nMarilyn Seam Wi Uensed Real State Broker wav\ne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 Bankston Realty .aodn, iBraB-ukn W rn.,ir Br.:.kr ALAN KELLY. MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes .Pnncipal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.barnes@alankellymortgage.com S PHOTO ONE PHOTOGRAPH W AND VIDEO 571 Davis Street LaBclle, FL 33935 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-1 n a;i i: imipaluelll photol If heart h-tilnk.net dm_ -1 :#. -@'], T : RODNEY MURRAY I. i. R ..al E la- ti Hokci Lalcilk, FL 863-675-4550 PAUL ROSER REALTORS 865-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER CUCINA Di CIELO STEAK, SEAFOOD & PASTA 700 W. LEELND HEIGHTS BLVD. SUITE 103 LEHIoH AcoES, FL 239.369.8883 SBC FINANCE Liren -d Florida Broker bu irjus 100% Financing Available 4i' [n idurlrjl Loop 'd LjE.elle 863-675-3275 ':,., Mon Priit' S:pecal .'I Y romtimer,.. i\'jadtle H Aunir, T .,Al EDISON PLUMBING INC. EDIS o m rlni. riy DoL, yj g S i.iiMryil , c[_! F'ltini 'I,'r lilt.. NEW CONS.1Pt ACTIONN SM' \Il. COMNL.\lt l I. KESlILN ILL SM.i.K\ : Y't: P.'IK.S c.\u. (863) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824 875 industrial Ct.* LaBelle, FL i'li 04..Cu'lO FM [i tH iL' INSUReP AUTAG6E LARD COO- 18 .N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol r-, DONNA KANE t cL Rnar pt Ppoon Shoreside Realty & Mortgage, Inc. 450 Huw 80 W. LaBeiWe, FL 674-0101 PORT LABELLE INN The OL OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. -11p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m 7 p.m. 1 OxBow DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net jaatyCo. dne4 tre wa f OFFICE: 863-675-4547 CELL: 263-673-4970 TERRI BANKY BROKER Chce k in CGRoup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 RcAnl GIroL4q. Inc. i .. Ir... Lie. Real Estate Broker 238 \ ili, .-. S LaFiltle, F.33935 863.675.8868 SOD SALES & INSTALLATION ALL TYPES OF SOD SERVING HENDRY, LEE & CHARLOTIEE COUNTIES CALL (863) 673-1491 'TiHE " OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 iqiwxv El lll9l[__ SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 413` \'. Hivy. 80 (568) 675-1616 S. ',I, .. l":. 'i, [i1.:,|irr./, !.l.i'i:L.,L-rII., rI[ f iji i .:.Jl ii ru in I iiLurr.,- ,in.-1 iMi sis *b i r r wew Honzons Real Eslate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorisons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying o........... r selling give us a call) it 1 MLi t, lljgl~:ijms! ].- i hi ,,: i ,,. HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 (35 Years Experience) Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or e-mail cbelle@strato.net S IREPLT 233 N. BRIDGE ST On hi coamn or BeoBe St 3&WASroHN 86-675-0500 Visit us on the /.'eb at w.'w, oakrealtyinc cor property management BWi, rentals sales SCINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC, RM ESTATE BROKER -. TE REALTY [ >-- GROUP Of Southwest l'tiY oe Cell: 239-872-7665' Bis: 239.495-2402 E-Mail: . mnlatlleminsgl@cncast.aet ' 1[ m. III! i i ii I i i Ii HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863.675-0403 S6--.0,. i und a service, cali a professionall! S' Call 863.675-2541 or e-mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! " "' I - IBC RsANCEC 20 "Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13, 2006 FAS DJ*IREC: ~(TORY: Ain uoicements Iilil Employment Financial Services 1400 Merchaudile Mobile Homes f I -.5- 0I0 Rel Estate Public Nices N-ITI' for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run your ad in several papers in 4 our newspaper network. i Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one I daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! Sources Pulse Research Market Survey: Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad S* ust be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1/2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) I ;'' Must include only one item and its price i (remember it must be $2,500 or less) lB Call us! iIIl No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements Important Inornation: Please read your ad carefully the first day t appears. In case of an inadcenent error. please rotify us pnor to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than I incorrect insertion. or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all slatemets, names and con- leni oi an ad. and assumes responsibility for any claims ag inst Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the eight to accept or reject any or all copy. and to insen above the copy the word "advertisement'. All ads accepted are subject to credit approval All ads must confirm to Indeplendent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some class.i fed categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted wlh an slensk ". 'AMi'Mlo ::"-'": :: ' Car. Pool . Share a ride : -iS Card of Tha7k11 12 , In Memorial' ;25 Fo uua a 9 Lost: t Give Away. "'**% Gswee/o-rd Saet 145 960 b 4ra, 160 I BROAD RIVER AIRPARK Fly- In and Auction Franklin County. Norm Georgia Close to Lake Hartwell and 1-85 Sal. April 22, 2006 at 11.00am Preview Dates: Fn. 4/21 12-5pm, Sat 4/22 8-11am For information: www.savagerealestate.com or call Kenneth 770)718-8297 Savage eal Estate & Auction Co Inc. (800)983-0066 GAL#312 4,3125 LAND AUCTION Central Flonda Acreage lOam, Saturday April 22, Hardee County, FL. 320Acres in 14 parcels Higgenbolham Auctioneers M.E Higgenboinam CAI FL. Lic # AU305/AB158 www.higgenbolham.com (800)257-4161. BABYSITTER NEEDED Call tor details (863)763-3038. Join all the people who say, "I sold It In the cls- Kittens, approx. 6 weeks old, Free to good home. (863)675-1614 READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU GET INVOLVED IN THE COMMUNITY r o wondwe mrmpaper readen hove morefunl Spei. m N* I I I. Spca Noic I.pwa I I I .pec a I Flim l Eimpomn Ful Tie I'l REAL ESTAT Lake Plalid I IAM S.18RusdentlelAcre Offrad In 1I T" 983 Lake Drive Eam Lake Placid .On Site Ptvwew 4PM SundayApril 23 SS Ia arm a oftrramo 7 7pwrci e ro.gimn Sit, i 10 I ac *184' frmga on Lake, Mbror L ae Fm.r, awd Lake Vro Lots -All lom Cotizy Approc nbAiildbabe hoamulol SZoned EUL r u-Es D irsm IDU C0.C7.1.O.(5Cr")55.01i Frostproof IPM S53 RuilderWAcmruOfferd In I Trau Onto Polk lRd. Fro oor- Site Sol cm.us -R, m~d i. I I pane~bl~~fr r a Lr*0 h a m S1.960'i iog mo On, Pop Rait.d Zosed ARR *Papiedi 2 l27.4.0 300M 40 1O Broker Portldpetion Wlcome, Cell foa R iReogoa Infomatiote ME p*swioda CAi PF to ,AUIOWABI ,9 I G a 0. Caol for Informmtion due diligence prckes 800-257-4161 www.hlggenbrcrtam com U.arg . Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 Multi.amily LABELLE- Sat. April 15th, 8am- 1pm, 6299 State Rd 29 South. Baby clothes, fur- niture, housewares and' much more! 'YARD SALE Sat. April 15th 7:30- ? 354 Caloosa Dr. Furniture and stuff MultiuFanily Yard Sale Fri. & Sat. April 14th & 15th 7:30-12:00, 620 Sabal Palm Ct, Labelle. Furniture, House items, Clothing, Toys. & Much Morel YARD SALE Sat, April 15th 7:30 am- 1:30pm 4013 South Edgewater Circle Clothing & Shoes for the whole family, baby Items, toys, household Items, bathroom access., knick knacks and much morel How do you Mind Mob In today's competitive moarlt? in the employ- ment action ot the cla.- agladx Tall Guy, Secure, Stable. To meet Attractive Gal or Couples 40-60 yrs. for Dining, Travel- ing, etc. (863)946-3123 Employment 1 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Trainlig 227 Hdll u ... 230 A COOL TRAVEL Job, Now hir- Ing (18-24 positions). Guys/Gals to work and travel entire USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging fur- nished. Call today, Start to- day. (877)646-5050. AD OF A LIFETIME E-Z CASH $500-$1,000+ Dailyl Not a Job, Not MLM, No Selling (888)248-4544. r PLACE YOUR AD HERE PIC A. PO CALL DALE OR BARB AT 863-675-2541 FOR MORE INFORMATION CAR RENTAL starting at S39.95 .n... -- --v r a LANGFOR Employmen Security Gate Guard Duda Farm Fresh Foods has an opening for a Security Gate Guard to work year-round, houily posilion, paid weekly. Shills include, days, nights, and weekends Job dulies include making securely checks, checking tarm gates greeting visitors, giving direclions. doing investigations, keeping logs, and some light mainte- nance. Mandatory requirements include a high school diploma or equivalent and a valid drivers license with a good driving record. Conversational Spanish and English desirable. Good pay and benefits. Applications can be submitted at 6000 Duda Rd.,, Belle Glade, FL 33430 or mail resume c/c Human Re- sources Manager, PO. Box 2015, Belle Glade, FL 33430. EOE, M/II/F/D/V AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career Offering courses in CDL A. One tuition feel Many pay- ment options No registration feel (888)808-5947 in- fo@americasdrivingacade- my.com. AUTO TECH. / MECHANIC Experienced. Drive ability. NC TECH. $18-$24 Hr. DOE (863)675-1032 BACKHOE / HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Experience and clean driving record a must., Good pay with bonus plan, (863)885-2445 Builders Choice Supply Looking for CDL class B or better for deliveries. Call 863-674-9900 CARPENTER HELPER Wanted Live & Work In the FL Keys. Start$13 hr., 40hrs perwk. Enjoy your free time fishing and diving, Call Karl @ 863-673-8370 Builders Choice Supply Looking for outside salesman. Knowledge of wood, doors & windows is a must. Call (863)674-9900 CITRUS CANKER SCOUTS Needed in Immokalee area. Good pay & Benefits. Contact Maria @ 239-658-6060 Se busca Inspectores para cancro CitrIco en l area de Immokalee. Buen pago y beneflclos. Llame a Marla239.658-6060 Driver- NOW HIRING QUALI- FIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950, HUNTERS eX TREE SERVICE STree Trimming -&Removal i Stump Grinding hoping & Topping '863-675-0403 Licensea ana Insured and Construction, Inc. I I FREE ESTIMATES I S Melal Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs Pole Barns Vinyl Siding Soffit & Facia I Office (8b3) 675-7045 I. Need Faster Internet? " S ri .- k Fast Affordable Available Secure CW all .. SkyTalk- [ ai9 o 866-639-8754 S \'/,, .,, ,,,, ,, ,,, l.. ,1,, ,, ,, ,,,,,, -, ..i.... IEimployme Full Tim Employment COMMUNITY HEALTH REP (BRIGHTON RESERVATION) High School diploma/GED Bi-Lingual (Miccosukee/Creek) preferred. Nursing Assistant Cert. preferred. Valid FL Dr. Lic. Good communication skills. Fax resume & salary req. to: (954)967-3477. SRegistered Nurse SCase Manager (Brighton Reservation) Current FL RN lie. & BLS cert. Experience in primary care (+). Valid FL Drivers License. Good communica- tions skills. Fax resume & salary requirements to: (954)967-3477 Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cossful people Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertse your yard sale hi the classl- fleds and make your clean ua a breezal Okeechobee News The Okeechobee News is seeking an Ad Services Team Member. This is a part time position that could lead to full time employment. The right applicant will: Have advanced PC computer skills Have good people skills Be a teamirpfa.'ye .rt1 .r - Be organized Be able td'Rna''pressue" Be a self-managed individual Be able to handle deadline- Have previous sales experience with a proven track record Desire to be successful Be able to work flexible hours Knowledge in: Photoshop Quark or Pagemaker Adobe Acrobat The Okeechobee News offers: Potential for advancement A unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered Competitive pay based on experience Generous time off program iThe eCi clbteN, e A pri i,in E,,ri Opp..rrninry Enmpioye (G MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven. LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For, an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 SALES ASSOCIATE, GAS/C. STORE BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION Excellent Communication skills, good manual skills, cash handling experience, positive customer service attitude. High School diploma or GED. Flexible working hours. Salary: $8. Fuel & food allow- ance, incentives. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401K) Fax resume to (954)967-3477. Agriculture I Recreation I Rentals i Automobiles Fll Timet ! I Moll l~ucion I Aution [I. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13,2006 "PPRP HELP WANTED SECRETARY I- For me Hendry County Engineenng/Road & Bndge Department Must have good communication skills & basic computer knowledge Bookkeeping knowledge is a plus. Must be independent and able to mulntask. A High School Diploma or GED required ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT For Hendry County Recy- cling/Special DistricL Must have good communication skills & basic computer knowledge. Bookkeeping knowledge Is a plus Must be independent and able to multiask A High School Diploma or GED required. TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR- For Pt LaBelle Uilties. Must have a valid divers license. A High School Diploma or GED required. Possession of a Class A,B, or C Water Treatment Plant Operators License as issued by the State of Florida. FIELD SERVICE/METER READER- For PL La Belle Utilities. A valid drivers license is required. The job consist of Installing meters, reading water meters, laying water lines & operating equipment in the field. On me job training & possible lob ad- vancement. MECHANIC I Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or mechanic s helper preferred MECHANIC II- Graduate rom an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, three years expenence Both Mechanic positions require Class B drivers license Musl have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewis- ton. SIDEWALK & BRIDGE FOREMAN For Hendry County Road & Bridge. Clean driving record. Musl have a Class D or higher drivers license, High School Diploma/GED or 2 years experience in concrete construction to include knowledge of constucton plans, measurements, forming, pouring, finish- ing, supervision and other related expenence. Pay range $30,160 ano $36 400 annually depending upon expenence The positions are full tme with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open untilfilled. Job description & ap- plications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department; Vet Pref. EEO. Drug Free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact Hendry County Commis- sioner HR Department The Seminole Tribe of Florida is accepting appli- cations for the following position. Salesperson, Turtle Farm, Brighton Reservation. The position is responsible for the marketing and selling of products from the Turtle Farm. Devel- oping and establishing new markets. Developing and implementing distributor/seller marketing programs. Identify and qualify prospective cus- tomers. Increase the number of profitable cus- tomers and grow sales revenue. Excellent communication & marketing skills. Min. 2-4 yrs. exp. in bulk food product sales or related indus- try. High School Diploma or GED. Exc. benefits (medical, dental, 401K) Fax resume to (954)967-3477. ... The Seminole Tribe of Florida is accepting applica- tions for the following position: Salesperson, Rock Pit, Big Cypress Reservation Responsible for the marketing and selling of con- struction/road materials. Developing and estab- lishing new markets. Implementing distributor/seller marketing programs. Identify and qualify prospective customers. Negotiate and close sales. Increase the number of profitable cus- tomers and grow sales revenue. Requirements for this position includes: Excellent communication & marketing skills, Min. 2 yrs. exp. in construction sales pref. High School Dip. or GED. Exc. benefits (medical, dental, 401K). Fax resume with salary history to (954)967-3477. ASST. STORE MGR., GAS/C. STORE BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION Min. 1 yr. supervisory experience. Food sales experience a plus. Excellent communication & computer skills. Good leadership skills, positive attitude. Flexible hours, FL Drivers Lic. High School diploma or GED. Exc. Benefits incl., med, dental & 401K, food & fuel allowance. Salary based on experience. Fax resume to (954)967-3477. FOOD PREP. ASSOC. (COOKS) GAS/C. STORE BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION Excellent communication skills. Experience in field preferred. Positive customer service attitude. H/S diploma or GED, food safety training preferred. Flexible working hours. Salary: $9.00/hr, food & gas allowance. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401K) Fax resume to (954)967-3477. Employment Employ men Ful Tie 2 5 Join the most exciting attraction in SW Florida JOB OPPORTUNITIES NEW! Cage Cashier Cocktail Server NEW! Dining Room Hostess Dining Room Server Dishwasher/Steward Housekeeper Maintenance Worker Prep Cook Security Officer Sous Chef TAD Floor Clerk $9.50 per hour $5.50 plus tips $8.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $7.50 per hour $9.00 per hour $10.00 + D.O.E. $8.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $12.00 + D.O.E. $21.00 avg. w/grats CLERICAL POSITION Window and Door Company in La Belle is seeking clerical position. We will train. Op- portunity to grow with ine company. Microsoft Office knowledge required. Quick- books knowledge and Span- isn speaking a plus. Fax resume to239-597-9027 E-mail resume to resume@ivivgroup.com Drivers CDL A. Home Week- ends' Special Onentation Pay for Experienced Drivers' Great Pay & Benefits' Paid Training for Scnool Grads! Cypress Truck Lines. Inc. www.cypresstruck.com (888)808-5846. Drivers CDL A. True Lease to own program. Low pay- ments/short term lease. Avg. $1.11/mile plus fuel sur- charge. No hazmat. No forced dispatch. FFE Trans- portaton (888)864-0012 Drivers- BE IN DEMAND! Plen- ty of Ireignt. Many Home time Options Low Cost CDL Training Available, 100% Tui-- tion 'Reimbursement ( 800)231-5209 www.Swift- ruckingJobs.com. DUMP TRUCK DRIVER Expenence preferred. Clean driving record a must. Good pay with bonus plan. (863)885-2445 ELECTRICIAN Maintain, re-wire conduits, pull wire, and minor control work in packing house. Reqs. min. 2 yrs exp., on call tme and out ol state travel. 50+ hours during peaktimes. To apply please fill out application at 807 E. Main St. Immokalee ELECTRICIANS, Full Time Experienced only. For more info. Please callElectric Solu- tions@ (239)348-8272 Se Habla Espanol FOREMAN FOR SOD CREW Must have Valid drivers license Bi-lingual plus, (863)673-8373 or 675-7716 FT SALES ASSOCIATE: Some Weekends & Nights Goodbenefits Please apply within: Vision Ace Hardware, 350W.Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL. DFWP IMMEDIATE AP CLERK for fast growing builder in LaBelle. Construction exp preferred. DFWP fax resume to: 863-675-3826 or email: cahmarym@aol.com Job Crafters, Inc. NOW HIR- ING!!! First'Class Shipyard Trades:. Pipe Fitters, Structu- ral Fitters, Structural Weld- ers. Work in. FL, AL Over Time + Per Diem UP TO $23./hour. Toll-Free: 800)371-7504 Phone: 251),433-1270 Fax: 251)433-0018. LABELLE DODGE HELP WANTED - Sales Lot Porter Inventory Clerk *Detail Technicians (863)675-2701 EOE/DFWP NOW HIRING FOR 2006 POSTAL JOBS $18/hour Starting, Avg. Pay $57K/year Federal Benefits, Paid Train- ing and Vacations No Experi- ence Neededl (800)584-1775 Ref #P4901 Owner Operators wanted. Long Haul loads FL to CA, CA to WA, WA to FL. Pull our Air-Ride Reefers. Hammell Transport Service Inc. Ask for Paul Magana (541)571-3974. PLUMBER: Experienced in service work. Call for an interview. (863)675-1155 SUMMER JOBS Attention college students: Looking for a summerjob? In- ternships are available at the Clewiston News, Glades County Democrat and The Sun newspapers. Learn about the journalism business while gaining work experience. Writ- ing and photography skills re- quired. Computer skills a plus. Mail resume and references to inipayroll@newszap.com. THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem & FfT. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0099 x103 www.bllingualsinc.com. S im -m Ful Tie I'l Emlymn FullTime 020 1PN I o III M'' 1)cm FL LPN Lic. & IV Certi. 5 tlling tbrk tesible schedule. Support & Full TI&E- N'ISE FL ku. ih I vi y p.* W1 IiMin newgr l~adlalill c Tenokp*11amm~moapher A :MiSr g .ilh j Ft Lcens. Fnmi s imUs MQ ard yrsriai & & Malnopmc hi: tN pineduits Full Wwnike61CWfoWio Tedi (830 am. 5 px. orl1030mto 7 pm.) Akwn reg ma, U vald rL It .1 y0S Up piti. &luji Fri vv i, eli5 .usl si 5,c.1,I, &il ndpaden v piiWrReri i CT and Generl Per don- Homelutie Mu1 [. I 3,i yeI'erS hospiLl or raid'dip, sat~rd ad ii loi.g voo.li; mainlui, a sic. aW .ar, OfviillYri-MA Full mUwper ik:-Foed Service Aide Pit% eip iIn palien6 -3'V ;i(l up pti r.Musi be able I' Surd & m i hnur; & mw-uir- I Sale. WIN V Ovvii~lf-Rel l Part i&ne- Rgr Tech epyr ifn xi c im l 5o Mi ie s sclc iif .Ai', P Ic r. il cm cilrg hin-CLIOM iC'inaotawt 3 ,sari.izii~afc .4'idtil~y ervac.crrirni Full 11mefPf Diem C.NA tzluq have vsld FL C.NAA Certiiicie Full time- CCUr:Nurse Manager Valid florld3 11CrCr ai',d ACLS re 5) jess clirnic:ilelp nd 3 years of CCU skill competencies re_ Iyear or management exp. necessary. Phone SH 9023079or Pr Fitesumfilo, 86i6S3-OSOS Dmer fuct ei lpmApe FOE FULL TIME BOOKKEEPER. Local real estate company. Fast paced and flexible environment. Applicant should possess at least 3 years of accounting knowledge for g/l, p/r, job costing, reports, etc. A self starter and team player are a necessity! Excel req. Peachtree & 'or QB ~nould be beneficial. Please fax your resume to Attn: Patty i@' 863.675.8568. Call: 863.6''5.4500 x27 OR e-mail can be sent to: bonnie@-sola nd.conm TIMEKEEPER Needed for a produce packing nouse, duties include answer phones, record keeping, Keeping track o employees time. Must be able to travel 5 months ou of the year Please call Fior Jmenez @ 657-4421 or Apply @805 E MainSI Immokalee TRACTOR DRIVERS Call Ben Moore for details (863)675-6833 (423)618-9387 Travel the USA for Payl Deliv- er "new" RVs, buses and trucks to all 48 states and Canada. Get paid to see the country. www.honzonlran- spor.com. TRUCK DRIVER Seeking semi truck driver to transport produce to various FL locahons. Must have 2 yrs. exp. Must be able to work long hours, and some overnight trips. Must have a valid CDL class A driver's license and an excellent driving record. To apply: complete an application @ 805 E.MainSt., Immokalle or call Flor JImenez @ (239)657-4421 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE FIRST APPRAISAL Serving 7 counties In business 20 years. Hdqts La Belle, Fl, 1) Full Charge Bookkeeper Knowledge of Quickbook Pro, and Excel, 5 yr workplace experience, Excellent personal references. 2) Administrative Assistant Must be experienced in Out- look and Word & Speak both English/Spanish w/excellent personal references. Email: firstappraisalOl@earthlink.net or fax resume 863-675-1005 WINDOW & DOOR COMPANY is seeking operator for punching machine and win- dow and door assembly line. We will train; .Opportunity to grow with the company. lease fill application at Dixie Door and Window at 18865 State Road 78 or fax resume to 239-597-9027 WRITERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS The Clewiston News, Glades County Democrat and The Sun newspapers are looking for writers and photographers, part or full time, to cover local events. If you are enjoy attend- ing community events and aren't shy about asking ques- tions, this could be the job for you. Interested applicants should e-mail resume, writing samples and references to inipayroll@newszap.com. DENTAL HYGIENIST NEEDED. for LaBelle Office, (863)674-0799 or fax re- sume to (863)-674-0899 ATTENTION: TEACHERS Attention teachers: Looking for a part-time work or a summer job? The Glades County Democrat, Clewiston News and The Sun newspapers are looking for part-time writers and photographers. Interested applicants please email re- sume, writing samples and ref- erences to: inipayroll@newszap.com. PART TIME FOOD SERVICE PERSONNEL Correctional Feeding Program Food Production Exp. Clean Background and Drug Screening required for Security Clearance Benefits 863-674-4060 ext. 245 P/T HOME DELIVERED MEAL DRIVERS Needed lor nomebound sen- iors. Positions available in LaBelle, Moore Haven and Immokalee. Clean diving Record, H S. diploma or GED required Training provided. Call 863-675-1446 or applications @ 475 E. Cowboy Way LaBelle STRINGERS The Glades County Democrat, The Sun, and the Clewiston News newspapers have open- ings tor stringers to cover local events. Stringers are paid per assignment lor stories and photos. Work hours are ex- tremely flexible. Interested ap- plicants should email resume, wanting samples and relerenc- es to: inipayroll@newszap.com. CARE GIVER/ COMPANION Available Call (863)467-5657 References available on request $5,500 Weekly Goal Potential If someone did it, so can you! 2-3 confirmed appoint- ments daily! Benefits Available... Call Catherine McFarland (888)563-3188. Sales: $400,000 +/yr How Good Are You9 Retiring Mil- lion Marketer seeks TWO sales professionals to teach my business to. Top produc- ers currently averaging $30-$40K pe'r month. PLEASE, serious inquiries only. Goji Inti, LLC. Commis- sion / Bonuses (800)605-8675. Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparetion 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We will not be undersoldl Learn to buy Foreclosures, tax liens, and rehabs for pennies on the dollar. Mentor walks you through each deal A-Z to ensure SUCCESS (800)693-3967. PROFESSIONAL VENDING ROUTE: Snacks, soda, juice, water. ALL BRANDS. Great equipment & support. Fi- nancing available with $7,500 down. Call Tom: (877)843-8726. 0#2002-037 Services BabysittIng 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 'Insurance 430 Medical Servioes435 HOUSE PLANS Accurately & Economically prepared. Engineering approval available. (863)675-7926 ^^^^^^^ ^ Empoyen -urs 6l1 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 LampsLights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 090 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goode 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 To s & Games 730 V Rs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 AIR CONDITIONER -'05 York 3.5 ton package unit w/ heat, new in box $1250 (954)309-8659 AIR CONDITIONER- For RV 13,000 BTU. Brand new $500 (514)710-0094 be- tween 5pm-9pm AIR HANDLER, Trane, 2.5 ton, 220 volt, with heat, $100-. (863)675-5929 BARBER CHAIR, Antique, Mfg. by Emil J. Padair Co. Pat # 1594408-1594409. Good cond. $1000 (863)697-0328 HUNGARIAN HAY WAGON, antique, great for decoration store or farm, $2500 (863)467-1322 PARGO GOLF CAR- W/charg- er, Runs great, Good batts, $800 Or best offer. Tom 863-467-7500 days WAGON WHEELS, Hungarian (100) wooden, $75 863)467-1322 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, tutoring. Win.95, 98, 2000. ME, Xl licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs- S(863)675-1166 (863)673-6388 DO YOU NEED.....? Land Clearing Bush Hogging Dirt Hauling House Pads Hendry & Lee County" Call Dave #239-633-3649 ALL PERSONAL INJURIES. ACCIDENT WRONGFUL DEATH AUTO MOTORCY- CLE.. TRUCK.. PREMISE. PRODUCT SLIP & FALL PE- DESTRIAN .ANIMAL BITES A-A-A ATTORNEY Relerral Service (800)733-5342 24 Hrs 100's or Lawvers State- wide ARRESTED? All Cnminal De- lerse Felonies Misdemean- ors Stale or Federal Charges. Parole ..Probation, DUI ..Tralic Tickets, Bond Reduction 100's ol Lawyers Slatewide 24 HOURS A-A-A ATTORNEY REFERRAL SER- VCE (800)733-5342 DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required' 'Excludes govt teesi Call weekdays (800)462-2000, exl.600 8am-7prri) Alta Divorce LLC EstaDbished 1977. WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS Copper & Brass. Closed Sunday Call firsi 863-675-8760. 257-0879 Higgin's Tree Service S25 years experience Free .estimates. Lie & insured. Call 863-6;5-3955. Merchandise IIl BED SET: Qu. sz. Medium Pine Stain, Head/Ft. Board., Dresser w/mirror, night stand. Exc. cond. $500 (863)983-5515 BEDROOM SUITE, white dbl, w/1 6-drawer dresser and 1 w/3drawer night stand, $100 or best offer (863)675-3659 BR SUITE- 9 pc Broyhill, king size, white washed oak, lighted hdbd & bkshlivs, enter cab $500 (863)261-1932 CHAIR, Small, Upholstered multi colored Swivel, Ideal for RV. $30; (863)467-8432 DINETTE TABLE w/2 chairs, excellent condition, $20 (863)357-6922 DINING ROOM TABLE- Solid wood. 4 chairs & 1 bench. Seats 6, $100. or best offer. (863)467-2474 Entertainment Center, 2 pc. Lighted w/ secretaries desk, shelves, etc. Must see to ap- preciate. $250 863)763-3423 HEAD & FOOT BOARD, Twin, Solid Wood. Very nice. $55 (863)675-3944 HEADBOARD w/Mattress / Box spring, Full sz., White, dresser w/mirror, desk, chair & night stand. $400 863-983-5515 KING BED SET- headboard, dresser w/mirror, 2 n.stands, 2 black floor lamps, $250 (863)467-9625 RECLINER- Barca Lounger, Retail $900. Like new. Wood arms & side. Light tan. $200. (863)763-0582- SECTIONAL- 2 recliners, L shaped, black w/pin strips. Great cond., $750 or best of- fer (863)634-2094 SHELVING UNITS 2 match- ing, cream w/black bkgrd. 5'x2', $100 for both. (863)674-0098. Wicker Queen bed set, chest of drawers, 2 night tables, w/tempered glass on top $550 (937)335-0877 GOLF CLUBS- complete, matched set, metal woods, irons, bag, putter. $95. (863)946-3123 DRYER, Kenmore, Excellent shape w/warranty. Free de- liver. $65 (863)675-8937 GLASS TOP STOVE- Kenmore, White, Good condition. $100. (863)675-3356 RANGE- 30" Whirlpool, self cleaning $100 (863)675-2627 REFRIGERATOR & FREEZER - GE, $50. (863)467-1120. REFRIGERATOR- GE, Very good condition. $150. (863)357-6266 WASHER & DRYER Ken- more, white, $150 for the pail. (863)467-1120. WASHER & DRYER- Stacked, Kenmore, full size, Model # 110 88 7627993, $250 (863)675-2392 LaBelle WASHER- Kenmore. $75 ((863)946-3822 WASHER OR:DRYER: $100 each, 1 yr warranty large capacity, (239)694-0778. BUILDING SALE "Beal Ne t Increase" 20.26 Now 4200. 25x30 $5800 30x40 9200 40x610 $14,900 Ex- lensive gee o sizes arn models Front end optional Pioneer (800)668-5422. EXTERIOR DOOR- Colonial slyle. 36". While. $50. 17721201-8932 GARAGE DOOR: 16x7. Clopay, While Panel, Sleel wilsula- lion Ready lor installation $200 863-675-1139 Iv msg METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manulactur. er 20 colors in stock with all Accessories OuicK turn around' Delivery Availjtle Toll Free (8881393-0335. TRUSSES (17)POLES 16'(6) ASKING $1000 lor all (863)302-1059 PETER RABBIT Baby Carnage, Cosco, Never used $50 or besi oter(863)467-2474 HOMECOMING/Pagean Dress, Black dress while Irm si:e 3-4 $50 & Small Navy.Royal Blue $50 18631675-3659 BASEBALL CARDS- Upper Oecr, 1992 over 3000 mntr cond, $45(863)697-8547 ELVIS RECORD '& SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Appro:. 44 yrs old Rare items. $1000 all or best ofer. 863-824-3358 Stadium Club 92 & '06. Jopps Series I Baserall Cards, :3aid $750 (8631467-1484 LAP TOP, Compaq Armada E500, 40gb, DV Player, CD Burner & much more, $550. (863)227-0263 anytime LAP TOP, Sony VAIO, DVD Player, CD Burner, disquette w/many extras, exc. cond., $650. (863)227-0263 LAPTOP- 15", Absolute the top of the line Durabook. Military spec's Modem, router, Lthr case. $1399.863-983-7751 BED SET- Twin, 6 pieces, Beige w/large pink flowers. $50. (863)763-8146 ,, CONSOLE SEWING MACHINE- With attachments $25. (863)763-0557 KARATE PADS- approx. 10, Great shape. $150. (863)675-3356 TRAMPOLINE- asking $75 (863)675-2627 DUAL SPKRS, 2, 12", in plexy glass/wood box, 4 chrome ports-& blue light hit flash- ers. $200 (863)634-7098. XM SATELLITE RADIO- Used 2 wks. Excellent condition $50. (863)697:1846 DVR RECEIVER: For Direct TV, Model R15, Excellent condi- tion. $55. (863)675-3944 COLEMAN POWERMATE GENERATOR 5-6,000 watt surge, used 1 week, $500 (863)692-2229 COMPRESSOR- Small, $25. asis. (863)843-0079 ELECT. PRESSURE WASHER, new $50 or best offer (863)634-5914 GENERATOR, 2 1350 watts, gas, B/S engine, Onan 6.3 two cylinder, propane. $500 for both, will sep. (863)697-9704 TABOO: Adult VHS's. Volumes 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 14, 17, 18, 19. Asking $100 for all, will sep. (863)634-3783 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 WANTED: FL ART A.E. Backus, J. Hutchinson H. Newton, G. Buckner, E. Buckner, L. Roberts, A. Hair, R A. McClendon, S. Newton, BIG $$ (772)562-5567 Treadmill, DC motor, $75 phone (863)763-7072 WHEEL CHAIR, Motorized w/2 heavy duty batteries. Good cond. $550. (863)675-0104 Your new car could be In today's paper. Have you looked fto t? COCA-COLA Comforter set, idbl comforter, flat& fitted sheets, pillow, cases, shams & 1 dbl bed skrt $50 (863)675-3659 EARN DEGREE online from nome. 'Mealcal 'Business. .Paralegal, 'Computers Criminal Jusiice Job Place- ment Compuler provided Fi. nancial'aid if qualify.. (866)858-2121 www.onii- netidewatertech.com. ,WORK STATION- Stainless Sieel double sink fish clean. ing station. 5' long $125 (9371335-0877 ORGAN- Galbransen Eleclron- ic. $250 (863)946-3822 COPIER-Konica 7033, comm. with 3 drawers. duplicalor. sorier, collates. little used $2500 neg (86317693-1550 Need a low more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items hi the classllelds. AQUARIUM- 55 gal Wtland. $175 I8631467-9298 or (8631697-0377 BABY GEESE (-) LaBelle area $40 will separate. 1863)675-4981 BEARDED DRAGON- adull male, complete w/lank, stand & access. $250 (863)467-9298/697-0377 DOG BOX (2) door. in good snape. $J00 or best oiler (954)520-6707 GERMAN SHEPHERD- female. spayed. 3yrs old. To good nome only $50 (8631357-3026. JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS PUPPIES, AKC, $350. each (863l634-40;6 (KO0 Colorlul Pond Fish 2" 18", $3 00- $100 239-289-7511 MATED PAIR CGNURES- one black headed one red nead- -.c + lyr old baby in Ig cage $550 1863)843-2495 RABBIT- Rex, week, Female $t0. 18631675-4981 Labelle area YORKSHIRE TERRIER 2yo, :house broken, neulered & all shots $300 (863)467-1301 ZEBRA FINCH'S: w/Cage. $20. (863)675-3032 aher 5pm COMMODE, new, while $25 or oe3otfer 18631467.1032 JUCUZZI- Large, Seats 6, with matching isolated top. $250. (863)675-0104 Sewing Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property Rent 925 House- Rent 930 Land Rent 035 Resort Property -: Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960' FOR RENT 2/2 apartment in town $675 / month Call Home & Rancn Real Estale (863)612-0000 LaBelle, 2 br Apt. 1 full ba. W/River patio. Completely furnished w/washer & dryer. 1 yr lease, No children ot pets please. $1200. mo., 1st & last required to move in. non-smoking 239-337-7514 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 4000 SF Shop. 750 SF Offices 3ph 480 power 15n doors $2975 moniin 863-674-1002 House, 3BR, $1500 dep., $150 week, Lazy T Ranch, no dogs. (863)675-1614 LABELLE- 1 new construction home, 3br, 2ba, 2 car gar- age, lawn care for 1 yr, $1200/mo (863)228-0010 LaBelle, 3BR/2BA Home, Cen- tral air, Large rooms through out $850 (863)675-0104 ORTONA- Near river, Unfurn, 3br, 2ba, garage, AC, heat canal, oaks, orange trees, Quiet! 15 mins to La Belle $950/mo, Lst/sec (248)939-1447 jnagel932@aol.com Port LaBelle, 2 houses, 4/2 w/ 1 car garage $1000/mo, & 4/2 $950/mo.. (239)649-8892 or 572-2 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. units avail., air conditioned & non-air, each unit alarmed, area fenced & well lighted, space for boats, trailers, RV & trucks. Manager on- site, 1025 Commerce Dr., LaBelle. 863-675-1025. Agriculture Christmas Trees :745 Fart Equipment 805 Farm Fed/Produdts 8) Farm Micellaaneous 81t Farm Produce 820 Farm Serviced Offered 825 Farm Supp es/ Services Wanted' 830 Fertilizer 35 Horses 840 Landscaping . Supplies 845 Lawt, & garden - Livestock Poultry/Suppliet.8O Sedse/Plats:'f ; .:. Flower 865 APPALOOSA MARE AND TACK- $1500 (863)467-1421 OR (863)269-1316 MINI REG MARE PONY- Pinto, bikiwrnie. asking $850 18631673-6447 PURPLE MARTIN BIRD HOUSE 28 unils w/telescop- ing pole. $75. (863)675-5929 RIDING MOWER- Snapper. 38" deck. Z-lurn. $1500 (863)467-7340 ANGUS CHAROLAIS Cross Sbred calves, 2 heffers, 1 bull, wormed Gerlle excel. for small acreage $425 each (772)597-0669 telore 9am (954)292-1811 anyirme HOGS (31 domestic, ready o bulcner $450 or all or will separate (8631467-6960 SADDLES (2) 1 Adult & 1 child, never been used. $350. for both will sell separate (863)673-6447, Rentals We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst Human Resources Manager NEW! Security Supervisor TAD Floor Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL Phone: 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-hee Workplace I Accounting I ccunin Caloosa Belle, Thursday, April 13, 2006 11 1111! ll Real Estate Comni t::cial : Property ,S,(e .010o Townhouses rSale.1016 Farms.- Sale : 1020 lHodlses-S ,e : 1025 Hurdling Propoerty 10 Investment : , Property Sale' 1035 Land -Sale: : 1040 Lots Sale 6 .. .45 Open House- .50W Ou .of State '':. Property Sale -.10'5 Property Inspectp 060 Real Estate WaoieHd165 Resort Poaperty - Sale 1 :.. Wamrehouse. pa6 P76 Waterfront Poprty 08 TAKE OUT BUSINESS in im- mokliee Good location. For more inlo Call Glenda 239- 503-0964 Senous Ing. Only Between LaBelle & Alva. 3BR/3BA, 59 acres, pond 62',.24 soeel Oldg + pole sherd 2155 Pniiips Rd. $.445Pk 105-247.0064 Own- 6r HOUSE FOR SALE in Country Village, Completely remodeled 2004 Manner Court (863)675-0188 LABELLE- 2br, Iba, and Lot. owner inarnce. no qualltying, Move Righ In ii! 541 Bennret Ave., $58.000 (239368-7433 asklor Joe LaBelle New Home Buyers Finish on o rar purchase ngnt' Visit Whdies Furniture & Appliances 1060 Highway 29 South LaBele (863)675-0717 LeBelle, New Home 3br, 2ba. Cu',lom Ilooring Stamped/ itainrid paiio $179,000 (8631674-9073/673-4154 PORT LaBelle: Unit 4,4/2, Newly renovated near scnlS., Pnced to sell $175,000. Call owner 863-673-5071. Shoreside Realty & Mortgage, Inc. i'lt .r: '.',p t.,i l H.-i".' na l86-671-0101* 219-69-6664 i.".. i ,irc'r-,j Li,: Bl,:,'.,:l ,E,'-P,'.Ei:iLS 2 ALRE i:iF.NEP: L(i i-f THE %(Oi Ti'4 rifIS ,I :2 1Mi. iflf At \ l!D H!i- lE tljloE .ii 1TH POLE BAFI'1 GiPEEi H.OLiSE. i'T" iL~JTi' E'.iF Ti LIST. THj l-r '-rti '.iij T LA- F.,T $215.900. Gi'PE.T PLAi:E iI THE lJ.fNLTFY') THIS -'2 fW4 i.:F.,:Ti.iRFD HOME ON i.,+.F. A :Ri BRiGiG TiHf F..JIL' l, $329.900. LU'.T liLL.f' A GATFIT LiT i PONET LA'BELLE $i4,900. TmATER FF:.:iriT L.OT IIN CAPE (C(RFL $242,900. Cii"'PdER LuT .FOR SALE ill LEi-CilH A RRE 565,000. C1lOMJi'EF'ilM, BUiiLDING .-AiL FOR DiE LiLuLS 'Sugar NORTH FLORIDA LAND & HOMES J.W. HILL AND ASSOCIATES 1-888-821-0894 1-877-358-8300 jwhillandassoclates@'yahoo.com LAND 53.41 acres MOL of industrial prop in Columbia Cry #47930 $3,204,600. 39 acres MOL with DWMH In Suwannee Cty #47588 $470,000. 120 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty #49265 $1,200,000. 30 acres MOL in Hwy Frontage in Madison Cty #46383 $600,000. 50 acres MOL in Madison Cty. #47041 $750,000. HOMES 3BR/1.5BA in Hamilton Cty #48731 $225,000. 3BR/2BA with 5 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty #49769 $159,900. 5BR/3BA on 229 acres MOL in Suwanee Cty #49092 $3,499,000. COMMERCIAL Business for sale in ,Deland, FL #45376 $495,000. Business for sale on 3 acres MOL in Madison County #46984 $850,000. Business on 2 acres MOL in Lafayette County #41969 $150,000. Business for sale in Madison County #48870 $625,000. PLUS MANY MORE.... Iad-Sle 1in Uilrmllillillilli MOORE HAVEN 33471 TOP LOCATION - Will Divide Ciy block ne xto court- house, government center, nigh school 500 feer on US #27, Ideal for Bank, Fast Food. Law, Medical, Retail, Realtor, Insurance, elc. Call owner- Pat When doing those chores Is doing you In, rts time to look lop a helper In the classllleds. HUNT ELK, Red Slag, Buflalo. Whitelail, Boar. Season Au- gusl 25, 2006-March 31, 2007. Boar all Year. Guaran- teed license, $5.00, we have a no-game-no-pay policy. book now Days (314)209-9800; Evenings (314)293-0610. ILd-SaIe^ PIONEER, 2.5 ac., Lots of pine trees. High land. Accessible Very Peacelul & Private $66,000.863-674-1008 DOUBLE LOT located on S. Hilton Circle in Glades County on North side or Hwy. 80. close lo Ranch- ettes, Ig. Oak on one lot, 186,000. 1863)675-5781 or (863)673-9491 LaBBllb,:1/2 dc lot. Cleared $85,000 but willing to pay up to $3000 closing cost 863-234-1936 LaBelle, 1.21 acre lot on 1101 NE Nobles Rd., $79.900 (239)424-0038 or (863)441-1793. " LOT SALE located on Hwy 29. Wih [airly new sepltc & elec- tric Ready for Mobile Home $40,000 (863)673-5272 Get a quick response to any Item you may be sel- In with a classilfed ad. Need a low more bucks to purchase something deep? Pick up some exra bucks when you sad your used Items In the classfelds. I Hoses -Sal I Houses Sale 200 Acres Pnme Hunting Land SE GA 2000 sqh home ma- lesiic oaks lake, duck pond. 6yr game mgm. turkey deer 18yr planted pine & hard- wood $985.000 Family Owned 35 yr 1904)321-2679 ADIRONDACK LAND BAR- GAINS! 5 to 50 acres acts Irom $19,9001 Oualily NY land! Forests & waterlrnnii Build, camp. hunt. lish. n- vesti Guaranteed' Terms avail! Call iodayi 1800)890-7927 www moo- senvenand corn. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLI- NA. ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES WITH SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES, CABINS, CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE. Chercilkee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate www.cherokeemoun- lainrealt y conr (800)841-5868 BEAUTIFUL TEXAS LAND 2i1 Acres Only 8 Miles Easl 01 Pecos and 3 Miles North of 1-20 Roads. References. Surveyed. $13,500 .500 Down-.135 Per Monln No Credit C hiecl: 1800)887-30J6 HurryL Limit- ed Ouantity COASTAL GEORGIA. Land lor sale by owner Private goli community designed by Fredi Couples / Davis Love Mar- naiTennsi;Pool.'FiirnEs Jeckylli 51 Sirrons isiand $119 900 Call (315)529-1-277. FL LAND BARGAINS. Opporlu cities to own your own alarm. ranch woodland or lakeliont nomeslead. Old Floinda 3a is best Sill allordable' Call (866)352-2249 or www.lliandbargans corn FT. MYERS 1.2 &. 3 bedroom luxury condos Irom ihe low $1005lL CALL Allyn Water- mann NOW ror more inio 8 8 8 ) 5 2 1 7 9 0 rh tp://'www venetian. palms i;om/ or www.parj- mounicompanes icom Lakefront and Lakeview Prop- erties Nestled in the hills ol Tennessee on Ihe shores of ristine-Norris Lake. Call lakeside Really at (423)626-5820 Or visil www lakesiderealty-n corn LAKEFRONT LOG HOME. $99,900. New 2000 Sq.Ft Log Home on Lake Cumber- land, KY. Jameslown/Russell Springs Area 1si Time Available April 22nd' (800)770-9311,Ee .55 LAKEFRONT PROPERTY INt TIJ Walerlront, view & estate nomesite 1 to 40 acris Irom the 40s Siuaiel around a 45,000 acre lake Just 90 mmn lo l ashvile Iew building siles lust re- leased Call owner 18660?39--49%6 Large Mtn. Land Bargains. High Elevation Adloins Pris- iine State Forest 20+ AC. lt 350 AC. Sweeping Min Views. Streams. wwwlive- inwv.com. "Localion, Location, Localilon Time to Buy INVESTORS & BUILDERS, Great Buildabie Lots For Sale in one or Flori. day's FaslesI Growina Areas Fort Myers 18881558-0032 LOOKING TO OWN LAND' in- vest in rural acireidg Ihroughoul America:; coastal mountain, waterlronl proper- ties 20 to 200 acres FREE. monthly Special LnAd Re- porist www land-wan3- ed com/sw alcohols' are neither sugar, nor alcohol These days, interest in nutrition has more people reading food labels Readers often report that food labels can be confusing. This week, a reader asked me about "sugar alcohol." "Sugar alcohols" is the cbm- mon name for a group of food additives often used as artificial sweeterers. These substances not sulJar and the\ aren't alcohol. The name "sugar alcohols" is used because the chemical structure of these substances in part resembles sugar and in part resembles alco- hol Sugar alcohol does not contain the type of alcohol that is found in alcoholic beverages. Another name for sugar alco- hols is polyols. These substances occur naturally in foods. They corner trorn plant products such as tuits anrd berres The\y ae used as suigal substitutes because the\ are metabolized more slowly than cane sugai Because the body con-. verts 'sugar alcohols' to glucose slowly, they do no cause a sudden rise in blood sugar. For this reason, for many years, these sweeteners have been used in products mar- keted to diabetics. As Americans have become more concerned about calories, "sugar alcohols".-- which sweeten with fewer calories than regular sugar -- have been more common- ly used in many processed foods. Many products that are marketed as "sugar free" contain these "sugar alcohols." "Sugar alcohols' have other advantages. Because-they do not promote tooth decay, "sugar alco- hols" are often found in sugar-free chewing gum. "Sugar alcohols" also help processed foods retain moisture. Commonly used sugar alcohols include mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, lactitol, isomalt, maltitol and hydro- genated starch hydrolysates (HSH). Sugar. alcohols are a potential problem for those who are count- ing their carbohydrates. Some Healthier Life with Katrina Elsken ' 'sugar alcohols' do contain carbo- hydrates. Another problem with "sugar alcohols" is that side effects of con- suming too many "sugar alcohols" may include bloating andor diar- rhea. Remember, these substances come from fruits and eating too much of certain fruits can also cause these same symptoms. According to the Yale New- Haven Hospital health Web site: the most common used forms of "sugar alcohols" include: .* Mannitol -- occurs naturally in pineapples, olives, asparagus, sweet potatoes and carrots. It is extracted from seaweed for use in food manufacturing. Mannitol has 50-70 percent of the relative sweet- ness of sugar, which means more must be used to equal the sweet- ness of sugar. Mannitol lingers in the intestines for a long time and therefore often causes bloating and diarrhea. SSorbitol -- is found naturally in fruits and vegetables. It is manufac- tured from corn syrup. Sorbitol has only 50 percent of the relative sweetness of sugar which means twice as much must be used to deliver a similar amount of sweet- ness to a product. It has less of a tendency to cause diarrhea com- pared to mannitol. It is often an ingredient in sugar-free gums and candies. Xylitol -- is also called "wood sugar" and occurs naturally in straw, corncobs, fruit, vegetables, cereals, mushrooms and some cereals. Xylitol has the same rela- live sweetness as sugar. It is found in chewing gums. Lactitol -- has about 30-10 per- .cent of sugar's sweetening power, but its taste and solubility profile resembles sugar so it is olten iound in sugar-free ice cream, chocolate, hard and soti candies, baked goods, sugar-reduced pieseives and chewing gums. Isomalt -- is -15 65 percent as sweet as sugar and does not lend to lose its sweetness or break down during the heating process Isomall absorbs little watei, so it is often used in hard candies, toffee, cough drops and lollipops. Maltitol -- is 75 percent as sweet as sugar. il is used in sugar- free hard candies, che'\ing gum, chocolate-ila% ored desserts, baked .goods and ice crea-mn because it gives a creamy texture to foods. H\ drogenidld staich hydrol\ sates i HSH -- are produced by the partial liydrol\ sis of corn. HSH are nutlitie sweeteners that provide 40 90 percent of the sweetness of sugar. HSH do not crystallize and are used extensively in confections, baked goods and mouthwashes. American Diabetes Association offers the following tips for count- ing carbohydrates in foods that contain "sugar alcohols": Sugar alcohols don't raise blood glucose as much as the same amount of other carbohydrates. To figure out the amount of other car- bohydrate you should count for a food with sugar alcohols, follow these tips: Subtract half of the sugar alco- hol grams from the total carbohy- drate; Count the remaining grams. For Example: Serving Size: 1 bar Total carbohydrate 15 grams Sugar alcohol 6 grams One bar counts as 12 grams car- bohydrate (15-3 = 12) The American Diabetes Associ- ation also accepts the FDA's con- clusion that the following low-calo- rie or calorie-free sweeteners are safe and can be part of a health\ diet:. .e Saccharin (Sweet N Low, Sugar Twin) -- Saccharin can be used in both hot and cold foods to rnake them sweeter You may recall that some studies giving very large quantities of saccharine to rats raised concerns that saccharin could cause cancer, but many stud- ies and \ears of use have shown saccharin to be safe in the quanti- ties used by consumers. Aspartame (NutraSw\\eet, Equal) -- Aspartame is another low-calorie sweetener.: Because high temperatures can decrease its sweetness,.check the manufactur- er's Web site or call their lollfree number for guidelines when using , aspartarne in recipes Acesulfame potassium i.5 \eet One, S\vss S\\eel, Sunett) - .Another low -calorie sweetener on the market is acesullame potassi- um, also called acesulfame-K. This sweetener is heat stable and can be used in baking and cooking., Sucralose (SPLENDA) -- Sucralose is the newest low-calorie sweetener on the market. ,Sucralose is not affected by heat and retains its sweetness in hot beverages, baked goods, and processed foods. If you like to cook, you know that sugar does more in hot foods, especially baked goods like cookies and cakes, than just add sweetness. It also affects the way the foods cook and the final texture. Substitutirig a low-calorie sweetener may affect the texture and taste. Many people use a combination of sugar and a low-calorie sweetener to reduce overall calories and sugar while still producing acceptable results. Before making any changes to your diet or exercise plan, consult your, doctor. This is especially important for diabetics and for those on any prescription medica- tions. Some drugs interact badly with foods that would otherwise be considered "healthy." MOVE TO TENNESSEE' Look- ing tor Lake Lots. Lake Homes. Land, Farms, Invest- men properties or Mannas? We have t all EXECUTIVE CHOICE REAL ESTATE in Tennessee (865)717-7775 CALL US FOR RELOCATION PACKAGES OR visit our websale WW EXECUTIVE- CHOICEREALESTATE.COM MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Ahordable Homes & Mountain Cabins Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE 18771837-2288 EXIT REAL- TY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www ertinurphy com. NC- ASHEVILLE AREA HOME- SITES Gaded commurnry.wih stunning mountain views. Situated between 2 moun- lains on over 4 miles ol riv- erlronl 1 lo 8 acres Irom the $60s. Cusiom owners' lodge, nrverwalk & more. Call 18661292-5762 NC Mountain Properly ior Less Brearitaking Blue Ridge Parkway. New River, Stone Mouniain, Goil Cours- es .ind quaint shops 01 Spar- la www.scenicreally.com 1877137'2-7211 .. or '8770363-5550. NC MOUNTAINS 3 acres on mountain top in gaiEd com- niuniry view, Irii-, waleerl ll ., large pull C lake nearby. paved private access, E58 501) owner 86 6 7 9 8535 www.NC77.com New, Pre-Construction Goll Commruniy-Coslail Georgia Large lIis wi deepwaier marsh, goll, nature view; Galed. Goll Fitness Center, Tennis Trails, Oak Park. Docks $70k's-$3001O (81 7266-7376. wwwcoop- erspoin.com North Carolina Galed Lake- Ironl Community 1.5 acres pius. 90 miles it shoreline Never belor.e ollered wilh )0,s pre-development dis- counls. 90%' financing. Call l8001709-5253. NY COUNTRY LAND BAR- GAINS 5 10 50 acre Iracts Irom $24.900' Ouality land from the Catskills to the Fin- ger Lakes' Build, camp, in- vest' Guaranteed' Terms avail' Call today (8881925-9277 www up- sildleNYianOd.com ORLANDO 1, 2. & 3 bedroom luury condos liom the low $i00os11i1 CALL Rob Srned- don NOW Ior more inlo 1888)295-0797 www.regen- cvparkiakemary.com/ or www.paramounicompa- nriles cOr TN LAKESIDE MOUNTAIN ACREAGE situated around a 36,000 a re lake in eastern TN 1/2 to 5 acre building sites from the $40s. Planned -community amenities & di- re'l 1 e-' 3 ac r.e Owner 1866)292-5769 Waterfront Land Saie! 3 Acres Dockable Waterlront Proper- ty Build Up to 3 homes Only $199,9001 Ask About Our In- veslor Pvg 7 Waterlront LOIs lor Only $79 900! Call loli-iree 1866)770-5263 e,18 When you want something sold, advertise In the classilleds. Shop from a gift catalog that's updated regularly: the classifleds. When doing those chores is doing'you in, it's time to look for a helper in the classflleds. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA 14.3 beautiful acres long- range views ol mountains Wooded. flal ridge, between Murphy and Andrews. Small double-wide. $275,000 (800)632-2212 hnpl//valley- townrealty com. Riverfront Home LaBelle Dock/Lift Boathouse 2BR/2BA Appraised $675,000 Quick Sale Price $629,000 Owner financing, Will trade for acreage. 305-481-1316 or 863-234-1814. Mobile Homes III Mobile Home'-Lots 2005 Mobile Home Part 2010 Mobile Homes -'Rent 2015 Mobile Homes.- Sale 2020 BEAUTIFUL 50X12 MH- 30x10 Fla Rm, lully lurn. deck patio, oeauilul gardens Must See' 157 Meadowlark RV Pa.k, Orloria. $12 000 or best offer Recreation p II I C Boat 3005 Camers/Fs .. 3010 JetSkfls .' 3015 Marine Accemorie 3020 Marine MWmelaneot s 3025 Motorcycles .. 3030 Sport Vehiiles/ATVs3035 AIR BOAT 121t liber glass. everyining but prop & motor $750 ct besi oiler (9541520-6707 AIR BOAT, 4 cyl., Lycoming, Runs good. $5000 (561)248-0616 Okeechobee AQUASPORT- '99, Center con. sole, 40hp Yamana Brand new, Only used once $3000 863-634-7780 CAGUN BASS BOAT- 18'. w/irlr, 120HP Johnson. runs perlect $2500 (863)467-7340 CANOE, 17 Ft., FiDerglass $50. Call 1863)675-0369 al- ter 5-15 pm or on weekends CAROLINA SKIFF 17 Ft., 70 hp Suzuki 4 stroke. Lots of ev- tra's & trailer $6500 or best orier 18631634-2342 HOUSEBOAT 6611, Paddle Wneel Repo, sacniice $8000 (406)628-2181 JON BOAT 17. w/moior & Irl, 0 HP Johnson Irim &. tilt $7,000 (863)467-6960 PONTOON, 24'. 90np John- son, bimini lop, no Irailef ready to lish or cruise, $4000 or oesl other. (863L634-3107 or (8631634-54 1 e-mail rman605@iaol corn The fourth leading cause of ,death among people ages 10 to 24 .is alcohol. Additionally, alcohol is a major factor in the three leading causes of death for youth, which include sui- cide,' motor vehiclee crashes, and homicide, and is linked to two-thirds of all sexual assaults and date rapes of teens as well as college students. Underage drinking costs. Americans nearly $53 billion. Alcohol abuse is the number one drug problem young peo- ple are experiencing in the United States right now. In the United States, the. average age kids begin to drink is 12-years-old. Additionally,. people that start using, alcohol before the age of 1'5 are four times more likely to develop an alcohol addiction at some point in their lives, compared to those who start drinking at the legal age of 21. Advertising and other media messages play a big role in set- ting social standards concern- ing underage drinking. It has been proven that advertise- ments for alcoholic beverages influence current drinking behavior, as well as intentions to drink. The above reasons are why the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) is joining the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in "Reach Out Now National Teach-In," a national alcohol education program that emphasizes Alcohol Aware- ness Month. The Teach-In PONTOON- 28', 504p, New deck & carpel. Very good condition, On waler, $3500. (863)467;1720 PONTOON BOAT- 26', 50HP Evinrude, needs work good project, $600 neq (863)467-5725 lormore into PONTOON TRAILER 20FT- galvanized tandem axle, $850 (561)723-1690 SEA KAYAK- 17' Piron Kodiak, red, with paddle, $535. (863)357-7406 ELECTRIC ROLL UP BAR- 18' lor awning. $50. or best ofi ler. (772)201-8932 MOTOR HOME- 27tt, Class A, Itasca, generator. tires, mo. lor. running gears tine. drives reat, well worth price. 3500(423)502-2214 PARTLY FURNISHED: 75, 25 Fl., Lg relng. elec not water slove, A/C. Toilel w/direcl hook $1000 (740)202-3517 SCOTTIE CAMPER '79- cold AC, sips 4. $500 (863)467-2795 EVINRUDE 28 SPL Elec star,. a3i onirol e',c runner $600 or test offer (8631610-1674 OB MOTOR- 225HP Evinrude. long shall, i1400 (8631468-5725 GSXR750 '04- great shape garage kept $5500 (863)634-8828/763-4132 irissomeneacn@ear nink nel HONDA 450 1982. Peanut lank Good slarner bike Tran- ny has overdrive $900. (863)675-0556 LaBelle TRIUMPH CLASSIC 1968- $2500, call lor details (863)674-0898 YAMAHA TTR125, 2001. oil road. excel cond. $1300 (863)763-4982 The classifleds are the most successful sales- person In town. ENGINE, KAWASAKI, brand new, 10rip, (pis John Deere Gaior or Kawasaki Mule Never ran $900.(863)692-2229 GO CART, 2 Sealer wiseat bells. 5 hp. Good condition $200 (863)261-1932 GO CART, Fox 165cc. 2 seal- er. w/seal bells, roll bar, roll bar construction, $900 1863)675-4912 Iv. msg. GO KART Scorpion, 2 sealer. roll bars, great shape, $600 irm. (863634-8828 days or (8631763-4132 eve's Honda ATC 3 Wn.elers I)1 185 & 200 Both run well, slart 1st pull $1000 will sep 1772)873-1363 HONDA FOREMAN 450- '04 ES, 4x4. Good condillon $4500 or best oiler (8631673-6088 POLARIS 300 94- 4/4 4 wheeler, $800 needs pull cord (863)634-5402 YAMAHA RAPTOR 2003, 80cc, Mint cond $1499 1863)467-5043 o ff-luh m m i TRAVEL TRAILER 33h Impa- la,. 1983, needs some work. $1850 (401)625-5223 in Okeecihoee includes lesson plans for schools, links to partners and resources and a listing of par- ticipating states and organiza- tions. CADCA encourages leaders, professionals and coalitions across the country to partici- pate in this program to rein- force the message that alcohol is unacceptable both at school and at home . Joining the effort to cut the use of any toxic substance: among youth is ,Narconon, Arrow\ head, whose prevention program reaches tens of thou- sands of young people annual- ly with anti-drug messages., Delivering truth about what. drugs and alcohol do to a per- son's mind and body, whether. legal or not, Narconon Arrow- head is one of the nation's largest and most successful' education and rehabilitation- program, based on the drug-, free social education model developed by L. Ron Hub-. bard. To find out more inform: tion, get help for a loved one in" need, or to book a prevention presentation in your area, con- tact Narconon Arrowhead today at 1-800-468-6933 or log- on to: www.stopaddiction.com. Copyright 2006 Narconon. of Oklahoma, Inc. All Rights Reserved. NARCONON and the Narconon logo are registered trademarks and service marks: owned by Association for Bet- ter Living and Education Inter-: national and are used with its permission. Eagle's Nest Estates A secluded, private ranch subdivision ' offering beautiful , vistas of pstine naturalhabitat, i Offered in combinable 40-60ac Tracts for discerning homeowners or weekend nature enthusiasts. Only eleven of these exceptional tracts available. W"- --W-L= WMERS-MHRA 772-468-8306 .WwF ra, ." m April Is Alcohol Awareness Month Automobiles I-IA Fore in-ae' 4 .30 ierc":ial *3r=li 403. " Parts port Pjpkuop 1ipka * Sport UItity .'-4065i Tractr Trailer .. 4060 Utility Trailers .: 4065 Vans u .:.lAsO'TQ BUICK SKYLARK CUSTOM- '95 2 dr. New tires Nice in- side & out Well maintained. $1500. hrm (863)214-1286 CHEVY CAVALIER- '96 4 dr. 86K, Auto. A/C, Ong. owner. Good condo $2500. (863)612-1648 CHRYSLER INTREPID 2000, AC, auto, new brakes. $2000 or best ofer (8101625-4270 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUN- TRY '98, 62K mis Good con- dlion. 1 Owner. Book=$6850 Asking $5800.863-467-1301 FORD TAURUS WAGON- '89. Good running car $400 18631675-1907 GRAND MAROUIS 95- AC, good tires,. 20K windshield cracked, have new one. runs great$2000 186376-2730 HONDA CIVIC 1992, 4 Dr., 5 spo. manual. Good condi- tion. AC Runs great $2000 or best offer (863)357-2891 SATURN STATION WAGON- '96. SW2, Good cond Look excellent Great gas mi $1600. (863)228-2185 AUTO WANTED: Looking to buy Antique Car / Convertible Truck Please call (954)561-2776' BRONCO 11 '89 perfect en- gine rebuilt trans, 0 miles. needs paint but no rusi, $1750 irm. (863)805-8789 CHEVY BLAZER K5- 93. Aulo, J<4 A/C New CD player, Runs great. $5000 (7;721360-5068 FORD F150 1986- Made ior Ohroadi 300, w/30'/12' 1/15'S & e.tra set ot tires & rims $1200 neg. (8631673-5995 GOLF CART- 1987 Gas Yama- ha G1, 2 cycle. needs minor elec work Asking $400 (863)697-3865 ENGINE, 3208 Caterpill-at, Like new. IRan in truck lor. only 20 m n I $2500 863-612-0657 Glasslek Topper, wisiding glass window on Iront and sides Iis, 8tT bed on Ford truck $300 (8631697-8906 GMC ',Ion. 1974, short bed good cond, no engine or trans. Can supply .1500 neg 17721519-3979 PULL ENGINE, good shape, $60.12391657-4348 RIMS & TIRES 14) OH Audi. 4 lug, 50% Iread, asking $50 (863)675-0188 RIMS (4) 16 80odge, 8lug, siock alloy rims, w/cenier caps. $150 (863)675-0188 SHOCK TOWER BRACES, & set ol Urethane Bushing's. lor Muslang '86-'93. Sacri- lice 150. (863)824-0801 TIRES (4) Bridgeslone, 245.75x16, E Rated, 50%' tread. $80 (863)467-6882 , TIRES, 4 wheels. new, oft '06 Rincon, only 20 miles, $400 or best offer. (954)448-8253 Iv message CHEVY 1/2 TON PU 83- 350 auto, 40K miles, needs some worK.S1500 or best offer 1863)697-3804 DODGE DAKOTA '94- needs engine rebuilt, & bans work,. good body, tool box $500 neg (863)76302379 FORD F150- 78. Slant 6, Re- built Trans & Motor. Needs TLC $400. or best oiler: (561)346-4646 FORD F150 PICKUP 1995, May need sensory & ahema- lor. $1500 or best oifer. (863)467-0987 FORD RANGER- '94, Freezing A/C, Mag rims, Great mile- age. $1500. (863)467-2614 GMC 70 TRUCKS 1985 & 1986. $4500 each or botn for $8000 neg. (239)657-2114 or (2391-229-5796 MITSUBISHI "88 2x4, mighty Max, pck up, 30 mpg. need nead and battery, restrok. $800 (863)805-8789., CARGO TRAILER: 6x12, En- closed w/ramp door. Like new. $1800 1863)763-4982 UTILITY TRAILER- 6x8, dumps. 300 (863)843-2495 CHEVY- 3/4 Ton Van '88, 7 passenger, good tires, ndes good on hwy, $690 (863)673-0782/674-0837 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN- '96, Seals 7, A/C, New tires. Runs Great. $2500.. (8631357-6501 FORD AREOSTAR 1990, Runs Great. Dependable. Asking $800'. (2391657-2461 Public N notices i Lomal Notite S '5OO NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HEiND TriOWiNG & RtCOVERW CORP ivmi HiOl. r Ii hvir iouicd oi Lien and inIiI I0 .ii irn e vebnlLie or, nrlB&'2,'i6 IJ00 JI 3,T, H S MAIN ,ilnti. LABELLE iL ij935-M456 uurujml I Sutbienlon 713.78 ol uim Il.na l ifuli HENDRv r0wiNG . ECuvOt r, CIOP icinrvli fie nriru r j::%[, uor rqe(l .i'y ai,' or"iai 2FACP74FULX174033 1990 Ford LT 'ii READING A NEWSPAPER MAIES YWU A MOE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. Q wotdw newppaf |