 Main: Classifieds

The Caloosa belle
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00027799/00028
 Material Information
Title: The Caloosa belle
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: S.H. Stalls
Place of Publication: LaBelle Fla
Creation Date: March 30, 2006
Publication Date: 1972-
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- La Belle (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Hendry County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Hendry -- LaBelle
Coordinates: 26.760556 x -81.439167 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Vol. 49, no. 18 (Sept. 7, 1972)-
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 002042466
oclc - 33284192
notis - AKN0330
lccn - sn 95047167
System ID: UF00027799:00028
 Related Items
Preceded by: Hendry County news
Preceded by: LaBelle leader

Table of Contents
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    Main: Classifieds
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        page 24
Full Text

Turn clocks ahead one

hour this Sunday

DAlivri M
Delivering 0P i^'"


" News Since 1922

GA:NE:SBY IL.L. E i-* L.~

At A Glance

Tools track sex offenders

on aging set
Hope Hospice will host
the Fifth Annual Southwest
Florida Conference on Aging,
to be held in Fort Myers on
Friday, April 21, at the Holi-
day Inn Select at the Bell
Tower Shops in Fort Myers,
from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on
April 21. The Conference is
sponsored by Osterhout &
McKinney, PA., Elder Law
Attorneys, to provide infor-
mation and discussion on
issues related to aging. Ses-
sions will offer: education in
stress management for pro-
fessionals and caregivers;
advance directives: aging and
oral health; pet therapy for
frail older adults, and other
To register call 1239) 433-
8069. The registration fee for
professionals is $65, and $30
for caregivers and students.
Assistance for small
business owners
The L. S. Small Business
Administration presents Small
Business Workshops on
Wednesday April 5, in both the
cities of LaBelle and Clewiston.
Pick the workshop time that
isbestforyoul '. ..
City of LaBelle at City Hall,
481 West Hickpochee Avenue
from 9:30 a.m. to I a.m. with a
continental breakfast provided.
Also, in the City of Clewiston
at John Bov Auditorium in the
Beardsley Room, 1200 South
WC. Owen Avenue in Clewis-
ton from 1:15 p.m. to 3 p.m.
with a light lunch provided.
Contact the Hendry County
Economic Development 863-
675-6007 or Clewiston City Hall
863-983-1484 for further infor-
mation. Space is limited, so
please RSVP by calling 863-675-
We thank the following
organizations for their assis-
tance with this event:
City of LaBelle Mayor's
Office, City of Clewiston May-
ors Office, Florida Gulf Coast
University Small Business
Development Ctr. (SBDC),
Clewiston Chamber of Com-
merce, Greater LaBelle Cham-
ber of Commerce and the
Hendry County Economic
Development Council.
Legion hosts
LMS band dinner
American Legion Post 130 is
having its 18th Annual benefit
dinner for the LaBelle Middle
School Band on Saturday, April
1, from 4-7 p.m. The proceeds
from the dinner will go to the
band to help programs they
have during the year. Since the
First benefit dinner back in 1988
the Post has raised over $45,000
for the band. The benefit dinner
includes roast beef, mashed
potatoes and gravy, vegetables,
coffee or tea for $5.50 a person.
Tickets can be purchased from
any band member or from the
American Legion Post 130, 699
State Road 80 XV The public is
welcome: carry-outs available.

Classifieds ..... ..22-24
Editorial .............4
Speak Out ...........4
Social News ...........5
Sports ... ....... .9

See Page 2 for information about
how to contact thenewspaper.

Community Links. Individual Voices.

111111 11111
8 16510 00019 1

By Patty Brant
Crimes against children and
women seem to be on the rise.
Most people would agree that
crimes that steal a child's inno-
cence are particularly heinous.
High profile cases, like the 2005
kidnapping, sexual assault and
murder of nine-year-old Jessica
Lunsford in Homosassa Springs,
make national headlines almost
daily. It seems no one, not even
a child, is safe in their own
home any more.

The Legislature has respond-
ed by passing the Jessica
Lunsford Act, which put into
place stricter penalties for sexu-
al offenders/predators. It also
closed gaps in registration
requirements. Believe it or not,
previously sexual offenders
were allowed to register their
addresses by mail.
Now convicted sexual
offenders must register at their
local sheriff's office and re-reg-
ister twice annually in their

Education: Early learning essential for

birth month and six months
thereafter each year. Sexual
predators must re-register every
three months. They must report
changes of address within 48
Only the court can designate
certain offenders as sexual
"predators," which kicks in
more stringent requirements.
The state is also requiring
that each of the 67 counties take
on a greater role in locating and
keeping track of sexual offend-


RCMA Director Barbara Mainster, owner of the All Aboard Preschool in Cape Coral Kate
Sroka, Southwest Florida employerss Association, Inc., Director of the Hendry-Glades
Rei ~lo' Phillip Ieyesconsui" tant Dr. Howard &eedmanf," IMtMA teacher Maria Ramos,
LaSheba Triais of the Heidry-Glades Health Department' ad Sadra Cecil of the Bonita
Bay Group. Of teachers who give young children the key to a lifetime of learning, Ms.
Mainster told the group, "there's magic in those who know how."

VPK gets kids ready for school

By Patty Brant
The Early Learning Coalition of
Southwest Florida has a goal to
ensure that every four-year-old in
Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee
counties has access to high quality
pre-kindergarten. The coalition
partners with Child Care of South-
west Florida, helping families to
participate in the free Voluntary
Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program.
Free to all Florida families, VPK
helps children develop the skills -
particularly reading readiness -
they need to be successful in
kindergarten, which leads to suc-
cess later in school and through-
out life. Any child who turns four
years old by September I is eligi-
ble. VPK programs are available in
private and faith-based centers,
family child care homes and pub-
lic schools. VPK programs allow
for 540 hours of instruction per
school year (about three hours a
day) or for 300 hours during the
Parents are able to choose the
program they feel suits their child
Hendry County parents can
enroll their child on line at
See Learning Page 2

ers and predators. The Florida
Department of Law Enforce-
ment (FDLE) has provided stale-
of-the-art computers with the
latest software for each county
sheriff's office, dedicated to
keeping track of known sex
offenders in their jurisdiction.
In addition to registering
their addresses, offenders must
submit descriptions of all vehi-
cles and vessels they have
access to. This information also
goes into the computer.

Sexual offenders in Hendry
County now have to reregister
at the sheriff's office in LaBelle
on Tuesday or Thursday from 1-
4 p.m. They will have to come
to LaBelle because that's where
the computer equipment is.
There are 39 designated sex-
ual offenders currently residing
in Hendry County; one sexual
As of a couple weeks ago, all
See Offenders Page 2

Water issues

concern city

By PattyBrant
Water, water everywhere...
it's what we're all used to in
Florida. During the dry season,
wells may sometimes go dry
temporarily, but the river still
flevs, the ocean and the gulf are
still as unfathomable as ever.
Still, the City of LaBelle is asking
its water customers to go easy;
just a few weeks ago Port
LaBelle was forced to do like-
wise. The reasons are the same:
it's the dry season and there are
a whole lot more people draw-
ing water from those utilities
than ever before. The situation is
aggravated by the city's outdated
waterplant's limited ability to
produce potable water.
Dan Atkisson, City water plant
- -supervisor, sald-the plant is capa--
ble of supplying enough water
for residents one million gallon
per day but that increased
demand is threatening to over-
load the system. Some residents
may experience a lowering of
water pressure dunng peak use
hours. He said employees are
leaving fliers at every home with

a nice green lawn detailing vol-
unteer water use restrictions.
The idea is that, at this time of
year, folks with nice green lawns
must be doing a lot of watering -
using precious water.
The city is requesting that res-
idents with addresses ending
with an even number (0, 2, 4, 6,
8) only water their lawn on
Thursday and Sundays between
4 and 8 a.m.; odd numbered
addressed (ending in 1,3, 5, 7, 9)
should water on Wednesdays
and Saturdays from 4-8 a.m. If
you hand water with a hose or
have an automatic shutoff noz-
zle, you may water from 5-7 p.m.
on those same days.
Wash cars, boats and other
equipment between 4-8 am. and
5-7 p.m.-on.the same-days you
may wateryour lawn, but be sure
the-water drains back into the
ground, notbnto the pavement.
Another way to conserve
water is to take shorter showers.
(See Page 3 for an extended list
of ways you can help conserve
See Water Page 2

Last chance

for vision input

teacher Maria Ramos discuss the everyday issues of
preschool life.

The final public input meet-
ing for Vision Hendry County
2015 is scheduled for Thursday,
April 13, at 6:00 p.m. in the
LaBelle Civic Center.
The results from the first meet-
ings will be presented with
expert information on how the
issues will be met. Priorities
include development planning,
affordable housing, transporta-
tion, economic development,
quality of Lake Okeechobee,
natural environment, health
care, education, cultural and
community opportunities,
recreational activities, public
safety, emergency manage-
ment, and cooperation among
all municipalities.

The results from this last
meeting will provide a working
plan on how we can meet the
challenges to address the prior-
The steering committee
comprised of representative of
both Clewiston and LaBelle,
Hendry County, Florida's Heart-
land REDI and Hendry County
Economic Development has
worked hard to provide you
with opportunities to have
input on Hendry County's
future. Participation from the
public has been phenomenal.
Please plan to attend this final
meeting and be a part of your
future in Hendry County,
Clewiston and LaBelle.

National Commander

visits Legionnaires

Post 130 rolls out
the red carpet

It isn't often that American
Legion Post 130 gets a visit from
thetop brass, so on March 23, the
local Legionnaires rolled out the
red carpet for National Comman-
der Tom Bock.
Commander Bock has tray-
:eled extensively since his election
last August in Honolulu, Hawaii,
visiting posts in all 50 states. He is
headed to Europe to visit the
LInited Kingdom and Germany,
where he will visit a military hos-
pital caring for American wound-
ed returning from Iraq..
He has even visited U.S. Naval
Station at Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, where he toured facilities
for prisoners in the Iraq War. He

came away saying it's the "most
professionally run prison in the
world." Contrary to many news
reports, he said American cap-
tors have the utmost respect for
their prisoners. There is no tor-
ture or religious abuse going on
there, he adamantly points out.
In February Commander
Bock was in Iraq with other veter-
ans groups. He praised the job
America's service personnel are
doing there, in particular the
medical units. He said 96 percent
of those injured are successfully
evacuated to military hospitals.
He said our service men and
women are positive about. their
mission there.
While there he talked exten-
sively with city councilmen. He
See Legion Page 2

Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant
Pictured from left: National Executive Committee Alternate Dennis Boland, Florida Depart-
ment Commander Larry White, National Commander Tom Bock, Post Commander Steve
Williams and National Executive Committeeman Bob.Proctor.



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2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006

Continued From Page 1
said those leaders have three mes-
sages: thank you for cooperating in
the coalition and helping them
gain their freedom; please don't
leave too soon; and be patient with
us- we've never done this before.
He added that the Iraqi's are "doing
a heck of a job." Their top con-
cerns are security, infrastructure
and schools.
Commander Bock told the
Legionnaires present that it's the
Legion's duty to "unite Americans
to win thewar."
He is also crusading to make
sure Congress provides enough
money for veteran's affairs.
Although in this new budget VA
funding looks pretty good, Com-
mander Bock said looks are deceiv-
ing because some of that money is
actually to come from veterans'
pockets. He added that he was sure
Congress would "shortchange the
VA budget again mark my
words." The VA is the world's
large health care system and
should have mandatory funding,
he told the group. In fact, he would
like to see the VA become a
Medicare provider.
SCommander Bock even met
President George W. Bush in the
Oval Office where he said he told
the President that he was disap-
pointed in his VA programs but
supported the war on terrorism.
Commander Bock outlined the
American Legion's national priori-
ties; 1, the war in Iraq; 2. VA fund-
ing; 3. protecting American values
from what he sees as a systematic
undermining by the ACLU, among
others, that attack traditional main-
stream American values. He asked
tie Legionnaires to support new
bill HR2679, Which addresses pub-
lic expressions of religion. It would
relieve taxpayers of paying attor-
ney's fees for such causes.
Currently, there are 2.7 million

Continued From Page 1
~vxw\.elcolswfl org or pick up.an
application at the United Way,
House, 17 Fort Thompson Ave.
Summer PVK classes start in
mid-May and continue to late July.
They will most likely meet for
seven to ten hours daily, five days
per week, for a total of 300 hours.
All VPK teachers must have a
least a Child Development Certifi-
cate (CDA) credential. As with all
-educational instruction, parental
ihi olement is essential. The Early
SLearning Coalition and Child Care
of South%%est Florida also provide
free vision and hearing screening,
family and childcare provider edu-
cation and support services and
free childcare resource and refer-
ral services.
On March 22 members of the
coalition visited the Krome Center
in LaBelle on Cowboy Way. Last
January, the coalition met at RCMA
Sin Immokalee. Theylearned from
ELOC Executive Director Barbara
Saunders that a recent survey
shows child care providers across
the state are satisfied with the new
VPK program. A previous survey
showed that parents are also over-
whelmingly satisfied with the pro-.
* gram. She said, "Given the chal-
lenges set before us to design and
implement our Southwest Florida
Voluntary Prekindergarten Educa-
tion Program within months after
the legislation was signed by the
Governor last January, I am very
pleased with the results so far. We

Caloosa Belle/Patty rant
Dennis Boland, left, presented recent Iraq returnee Tyler
Hellmich of St. Louis, Mo., with a Marine ball cap and mem-
bership to Post 130. The young Marine has just returned
from his second tour of duty in Iraq. Stationed in California,
he attended the national commander's visit to Post 130 with
his mother and grandmother. They were visiting his grand-
parents who live in Fort Myers and were invited to the event.
An infantry assaultman, he serves with the 2/1 Echo Co
doing demolition and rockets.

Legionnaires in the country; over
130,000 in Florida.
Florida Department Comman-
der Larry White was also on hand
for the event. His state agenda
includes increasing and renewing
memberships, continuing the Boy s
State and Girls State programs,
helping needy veterans and doing
VA hospital visits.
The Air Force veteran served
from 1958-62 and will be touring
Israel soon, along with represenla-
tives of other veterans' groups The
trip is being sponsored by the Jew-
ish W\ar Veterans.

have enrolled over 4,000 children
in 188 VPK programs in our Collier,
Glades, Hendry and Lee commu-
nities anid we still have our winter
and summer sessions left to go in
this first inaugural year. Our cur-
rent enrollment represents
approximately 63 percent of the
estimated number of eligible four-
year-olds in our region and our
current roster of approved VPK
providers is close to 72 percent of
all eligible providers in our South-
west Florida communities."
Over 92,000 children enrolled
statewide since lat Aufgust.
Ms Saunders %as "ery pleased
to report an-'almost 90 percent
approval rate of parents statewide
with Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten
program. The local group expects
to do a similar survey to determine
the local approval statistics. Still,
many parents are unaware that the
program exists and.that they have
free access to it. "A very large per-
centage of our parents are report-
ing that they and their children are
progressing in all developmental
domains," Ms. Saunders said. "In a
statewide PVK parent survey,
recently conducted b) the Agency
for Workforce Innovation, 88 per-
cent of parents indicated that their
children were progressively learn-
ing in such areas a reading and
math. Parents also cited as positive
the enhancement of their chil-
dren's social skills since entering
the program."
There are currently 14 VPK
providers in Hendry County; and
another 25 eligible providers who
are not participating. All three eligi-

American Legion National
Commander Tom Bock.

ble providers in Glades County are
In Hendry County, the number
of PVK slots for children steadily
grew during the first few months
of the program. In July 2005, there
were 60; jumping to 76 in Septem-
ber; 84 in October and 88 in
December. For Glades, the num-
ber of available slots remained
steady at 16 through that time peri-
The number of Hendry County
children enrolled monthly in VPK
from July through December 2005
Were -18, 54, 63 and 62.1InGlades
those numbers were 1,.5, 4 and5.
You can find list of PVK sites
by county at www.elcofswfl.org
The Early Childhood Learning
Coalition's regional concept
allows it to draw on the entire
financial strength of the entire
group. In fact, it is expected that
providers will get an increase in
pay this coming July.
At the local meeting, coalition
members also discussed educa-
tional topics from the impact of
schoolyard bullying to the possibil-
ity that proposed legislation may
send undocumented people
"underground," compromising
any positive effects social services
may be making on them.
Ms. Mainster explained that
preK teachers are more than care-
givers preparing children for
kindergarten, they teach them to
get along. She added that adults
need to make sure children don't
lose out in the pressure to get them
ready for kindergarten.

Continued From Page 1
were-accounted for, due largely
to the efforts of Deputies Bonnie
Weaver and Tanya Shaw, under
Captain Andy Lewis. Deputy
Weaver handles warrants in
addition to working the Sexual.
Offender/Predator Unit. Deputy
Shaw handles sexual offender
cases full time, making sure sex-
ual offenders are where they say
they are.
Deputy Shaw said keeping up
with sexual offenders entails a
lot of tedious paperwork. They
work a lot on anonymous tips
also, following up on reports of
someone videotaping children at
bus stops. There was one recent
report of a man on a blue bike
following school children
around the lake.
At this time, HCSO worked
hard to verify the addresses of all

Continued From Page 1
It may hurt a little for a while,
but a few simple conservation
"methods now will help ensure
everybody has enough water in the
short term.
If you have more questions
about conserving water or the vol-

unteer water use restrictions,
please call City Hall at 675-2872 or
Dan Atkisson at 673-0617.
New water
plant planned
The city's waterplant was first
built in 1961 and upgraded in '71.
An ammonia system was recently
added ammonia to bring it into
compliance with stricter Florida
Department of Environmental Pro-
tection trihalomethane regulations.
The city commissioners have
turned their attention to an ade-
quate replacement. With all the
growth expected in the coming
years, it won't be an easy decision.
There are difficult questions that
need to be answered: How many
water customers will the plant have
to serve? How big an area should it
serve? What type of system will be
best? How much will it cost? How
much can the city afford?
The process is difficult because
there are no concrete answers to
any of these questions. The city.
commission can be expected to
continue wrangling with these
Questions for sometime to come.
I ,h

sexual offenders living in Hendry
County. Those they found who
were not in compliance (that is,
they weren't where they were
supposed to be) were arrested
and warrants were placed on
three who have yet to be locat-
ed: Arturo Medina Barrios, listed
as living at 200 Tangerine Street,
LaBelle; Jamie G. Cavazos'
address is listed at 5125 SR 29S,
LaBelle, and Abelardo Garcia's
address is listed as 34974 Tom-
mie Jumper Road in Clewiston.
The names and addresses of
each registered sex offender liv-
ing in Hendry County is available
at the sheriff's office. You can
also find this information by zip
code online at
www3.fdle.stete.fl.us/ospu/ also
has photos.
Most convicted sexual offend-
ers work to slay in good graces
with the sheriff's office, Capl.
Andy Lewis said, but now local
authorities have improved

The Caloosa Belle welcomes submis- --
sions from its readers. Opinions, calen- Phone: (877) 353-2424
dar items, story ideas and photographs The Caoosa Belle distrbutes 7,000 copies
are welcome. Call (863) 675-2541 to mL the LaBelle and Western Hendry
reach our newsroom. Items may be'County areas every ednesday.Copies of
maded, faxed or e-mailed. If you are the paper can be found at various stores
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send them in JPEG format, also please LBle enjoy complementary home deb .
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"eyes" to keep dangerous crimi-
nals away from some of the
most vulnerable potential vic-
In another technological
advance, law enforcement is
now using a GIS system to deter-
mine the exact distance of a sex-
ual predator's proposed new
address from certain places
where children congregate, such
as day care centers, schools and
parks. Hendry County and the
Cities of LaBelle and Clewiston
all forbid convicted sexual
offenders to live within 2,500 feet
of such areas. This extended
limit has already kept one sexual
offender from relocating into this
county, Capt. Lewis said.
Deputies Weaver and Shaw
can't stress enough that every-
one, especially women and chil-
dren, need to be aware of their
surroundings. If you feel uneasy,
there's probably a reason for it.
Trust your instincts.


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Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006

Be water smart: Conserving now will reap benefits

From the South Florida
Water Management

In Your Home
1. Never pour water down the
drain when Ihere may be another
use for it.-Use It to water your
Indoor plants or garden.
2. Make sure your home is leak-
free. Checkyourwater meterwhen
you are certain that no water Is
being used. If the meter reading
changes, you have a leak!
3. Repair dripping faucets by
replacing washers. One drop per
second wastes 2,700 gallons of
Water peryear!
4. Retrofit all household faucets
by Installing aerators with flow
5. Check for toilet leaks by adding
food coloring to the tank. If you have
a leak, the color will appear in the
Bowl \wihin 30 minutes. (Flush
immediately to avoid stains.) :
6. If the toilet handle frequently
sticks In the flush position, letting
water run constantly, replace or
adjust it
7. Install a toilet displacement
device to cut down on the amount
of water needed for each flush
(Don't use a brick! There are
devices available at most hardware
and home centers.) Be sure Instal
nation does not interfere with the
operating parts. Consider low-.ol-
ume toilets which use less than hall
the water of older models. NOTE:
In many areas, low-volume units
are required by law
8. Take shorter showers.
Replace your showerhead with an
ultra-low-flow version.
9. Place a bucket in the shower to
catch excess water to water plants.
10. In the shower, turn water on
to gel wet; turn off to lather up; then
turn the water back on to rinse off.
Repeal when washingyour hair.
II. Operate automatic dish-
washers and clothes washers only

when they are fully loaded or set
the water level for the size of load
you are using.
12. When hand washing dishes,
save water by filling two containers
one with soapy water, one with
rinse water containing a small
amount of chlorine bleach.
13. Store drinking water in the
refrigerator. Don't let the tap run
while you are waiting for water to
14. Do nol use running water to
thaw meat or other frozen foods.
Defrost food overnight In the refrig-
erator, or use the defrost setting on
your microwave.
S15. Kitchen sink disposals
require lots of water to operate
property. Start a compost pile as an
alternate method of disposing of
food waste.
16. Do not waste water waiting
for it to get hot Capture It for other
uses such as plant watering or heat
it on the stove or In a microwave.
17. Consider Installing an Instant
hot water heater on your sink and
Insulating your water pipes.
18. Think twice about installing
a water-to-air heat pump or air-
conditioning system. Newer air-to-
air models are Just as efficient and
do not waste water.
19. Don't let water run while
brushing your teeth, washing your
face or shaving.
20. Install water softening sys-
tems only when necessary. Turn
softeners off while on vacation.
21. If you have a well at home,
heck your pump periodically, if the
pump kicks on and off while water
is not being used, you have a leak
22 Avoid flushing the toilet
unnecessarily. Dispose of tissues,
Insects and other similar waste in
the trash rather than the toilet

Saving Water
23, Don't overwater your lawn.

Lawns only need watering every
five to seven days in the summer,
and every 10 to 14 days In the win-
ter. A heavy rain eliminates the
need for watering for up to two
weeks. Buy a rain gauge. Most ol
the year, lawns only need one inch
of water per week.
24. Plant It smart xeroscape
landscaping Is a great way to
design. Install and maintain both
your plants and Irrigation system. It
will save time, money and water.
25. Water lawns during the early
morning hours when temperatures
and wind speed are me lowest This
reduces evaporation and waste.
26. Position sprinklers so water
lands on the lawn and shrubs and
not on paved areas.
27. Install Irrigation devices that
are the most water efficient for
each use. Micro and drip irrigation
and soaker hoses are exam-pies of
efficient devices.
28. Check sprinkle systems and
timing devices regularly to be sure
they operate properly, Florida law
now requires that 'anyone who
purchases and installs an automat-
ic lawn sprinkler system MUST
install a rain sensor device or
switch which will override the irri-
gation cycle when adequate rain-
fall has occurred."
29. Raise the lawn mower blade
to at least three inches, or to its
highest level. A higher cut encour-
ages grass roots to grow deeper,
shades the root system and holds
soil moisture.
30. Avoid over fertilizing your
lawn. Applying fertilizer increases
the need for water. Apply fertilizers
which contain slow-release, water-
Insoluble forms of nitrogen.
31. Use mulch to retain mois-
ture in the soil. (Help preserve
native cypress forests by selecting
other types of mulch such as treat-
ed melaleuca.) Mulch also helps
control weeds that compete with
landscape plants for water.

32. Plant native and/or drought-
tolerant grasses, ground covers,
shrubs and trees. Once estab-
lished, they do not need water as
frequently and usually will survive
a dry period'without watering.
They also require less fertilizer or
herbicides. Group plants together
based on similar water needs .
33. Use a broom or blower
Instead of a hose to dean leaves
and other debris from your drive-.
way or sidewalk.
34. Use a shut-off nozzle on your
hose which can be adjusted down
to a fine spray, so that water flows
only as needed. When finished,
turn It off at the faucet Instead of at
the nozzle, to avoid leaks. Check
hose connectors to make sure plas-
tic or rubber washers are In place.
VWashers prevent leaks.
35. Do not leave sprinklers or
hoses unattended A garden hose
can pour out 600 gallons or more
In only a few hours. Use a bell
timer to remind yourself to turn
sprinklers off.
36. Avoid purchasing recre-
ational water toys which require a
constant stream of water.
37 Consider using a commer-
cial tar wash that recycles water. If
you wash your own car, park on
the grass and use a hose with an
automatic shut-off nozzle.
38. Avoid installing ornamental
water features (such as fountains)
unless they use recycled water.
39. If you have a swimming
pool, consider a new water-saving
pool filter. A single backflushing
with a traditional filter uses I SO to
250 gallons of water.

General Water
Saving Tips
40. Participate in public water
conservation meetings conducted
by your local government utility or
water management district
41. Follow water conservation

and water shortage rules In effect
Even if your water comes froth a
private well you are included in
42. Encourage your employer to
promote water conservation In the
43. Patronize businesses which
practice water conservation, such
as restaurants that only serve water
44. Report water losses (broken
pipes, open hydrants, errant sprin-
klers, abandoned free-flowing
wells, etc.i to the property owner,
local authorities or your water
management district
45. Encourage your school sys-
tem and local government to help
develop and promote a water con-

servation ethic.
46. Support projects that will
lead to an Increased use of
reclaimed waste water for Irriga-
tion and other uses.
47. Support efforts that create a
concern for water conservation
among tourists.
48. Promote water conservation
in community newsletters, on bul-
letin boards and by example.
Encourage your friends, neighbors
and co-workers to "be water smart."
49. Conserve water because it is
the right thing to do even when
someone else is footing the bill, such
as when you are staying at a hotel.
50. Try to do one thing each day
that will result in saving water.
Every drop countsl


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Stephen E. Ridgely
Financial Advisor
Truet Specialist

Johnson sentenced Obituaries

in Singleton death

Cornelius Johnson, 25, 'has
begun serving three concurrent
sentences in the Department of
Corrections. He was sentenced
by Judge Frederick Hardt in
Johnson was sentenced to
five years for aggravated battery\
in th~-e'004dat'h of~3ifieHSGlad-
den Singleton. Mr. Singleton col-
lapsed and died after an alterca-
tion with Johnson in April of
2004. The 59-year-old Singleton
well-know n in the community as

a peacemaker and was serving
as a LaBelle city commissioner
at the time of his death. Johnson
was sentenced to another five
years for aggravated battery in a
bottle throwing incident con-
cerning another young man,
which had led up to the alterca-
tioti i'th Mr: Sinfgleton. -""

Johnson was also sentenced
to four years for sale of cocaine.
All three sentences are to run

Alleged prostitution

operation raided
Using an undercover opera- iff Ronnie Lee, Manuel Huert,a
tive the Hendry County Sheriff's age 35, was charged with:
Office Criminal Investigative Receiving Monies of Prostitution
Division infiltrated an alleged Taking Place in his Presence and
house of prostitution located at Prostitution; Fabiola Santiago
879 West Cowboy \V\a\ Lot #9 in Perez, age 34, was charged with
LaBelle and arrested txvo people prostitution. Huerta and Santia-
in connection with its operation. go were both booked into the
According to a report by Sher- Hendry County Jail.

Next Community

Blood Drive is May 11

The March Community Blood
Drive held at the American
Legion on Highwiay 80 netted 29
units of blood from the 41
donors that registered. The par-
ticipants each received a mini
physical. The Log Cabin donated
lunch for the workers and Pat
Hashman ,donated dessert.

Juice,. cookies, coffee and tea are
always available many thanks
to helpers Ann Schall, Ida Mae
Wragg and Pat Hashman. Also a
special thanks to all who, made
reminder phone calls. The door
prize of Firehouse Cultural The-
ater tickets was won by Misty

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John H. Holbrook, Jr.
John H. Holbrook, Jr., age 77, of
Moore Haven, passed away March
16, 2006 in Lehigh Acres. He was
bom Oct 10, 1928 in Thornton, K, to
John Henry Holbrook and Fannie
Dene (Minton) Holbrook. John grad-
uated from Eastern Kentucky Univer-
sity with a Masters Degree in Educa-
tion. He moved to Moore Haven in
1961. He worked for the Glades
County School District, first hired as
supervising -ptincipal, later principal
for several years and then in Adminis-
tration-Transportation until his retire-
ment. John enjoyed spending time
with his family, fishing, music, travel.
Survivors include his wife: Etta
Mae (Neal) Holbrook: and sons,
Roger (Cricket Ann) Holbrook,
Rodney (Denise) Holbrook and
Randal (Kim) Holbrook; grandchil-
dren: Heather, Angela. Tiffanny,
Devin and Nicolas; great-grandchil-
dren: Mason, Landon and Amy;
brother: Howell Holbrook ;and sis-
ter: Charlotte Griffith.
Funeral services vere held Mon-
day March 20 at 10 a.m. at First Bap.
tist Church Of Moore Haven with
Reverend Sherrill Tillery officiating.
Arrangements by Akin-Da\ls
Funeral Home LaBelle.

Donald Beals
Donald Edward Beals, 83, of
Newington, New Hampshire and
LaBelle was born December 21,
1922, in Newington, and passed into
death of natural causes after a long
illness on March 23, 2006, at the
home of his daughter June Turner in
Rockingham, NC. He was the son of
deceased Windburn Beals of Massa-
chusetts and deceased Elizabeth
Melville Beals of England. He was
the last of his five brothers and sisters
to pass into death. He had three
brothers, Melville Beals, George
Beals and William Beals of Newing-
ton, NH, and he had two sisters,
Edith Drinkwater of Newington, NH
and Helen Beals of Newington, NH
and Dunnellon. He is survived by his

Public Issues Forum
An open forum in which
issues of the day are
debated sometimes

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messages on an open
Bulletin Board for Florida

wife, Julia Beals of Newington, NH,
and LaBelle; one niece Susan Beals
of Rochester, NH; two stepsons:
Joseph Carroll, Jr. of Rochester, NH
and Brian Carroll of Alfred, ME; four
stepdaughters: Gloria Troiano of
Panama City, Darlene Burdett of
Panama City, Dr. June Turner of
Glenville, WV and Rockingham, NC
and Dr. Linda Carroll Riley of New\
York, NY; and many step- grandchil-
dren and step-great-grandchildren
.Donald Beals was the oldest
male resident of Newington, NH
and one of the first volunteer fire-
men for the town. He was best
known as Newington's Road
Agent until he retired after 43 years
of dedicated service. He also
served as a member of the
Portsmouth, NH Police Dept., was
the former Head of the Newington,
NH Cemetery Committee for man',
years and a member of the Ne\w-
ington, NH Historical Society. In his
younger years he ran "Don's Auto
Repair Shop" of Newington, NH.

Albert Edward
AlbertEdw ard Browning. age 68.
of LaBelle, passed away March 26,
2006, in Fort Myers. He was born
September 4, 1937, in Sebring, the
son of Noah and Marv' Viola
(Williams) Edward Browning. Mr.
Browning married Sherrie R. Smith.
He served in the Army Reserve. He
worked as a Heavy Equipment
Operator for many years. Survivors
include his wife: Sherrie R. Brown-
ing; one daughter: Patricia Claassen;
and three sons: James Browning,
Albert E. Browning, Jr. and Sam
Browning; and four sisters: Thelma
Deese, Mary Henderson, Mirian Par-
tridge and Eunice Johnson.
Memorial services will be held
Thursday, March 30, at 2 p.m. at
Akin-Davis Funeral Home, 560 E.
Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle with Rev.
Frank Deerey officiating.
Arrangements by Akin-Davis
Funeral Home LaBelle.

Local Links
A directory of websites
for location government,
teams, organizations &

Classified Ads
The combined listings
from Independent's 7
newspapers, distributed
to 31.000 homes.

''" ; F Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay
-!V. Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle
Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation
Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof

699 S. R 80 West LaBelle, FL

Benefit Dinner to Raise Funds for
the LaBelle Middle School Band

Tickets are available through any ldhdle School Band

PAmerican Le on Post
130, 699 H\ 8 0\\

Memorial Tribute
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it ho has departed with a special
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The OL' OXBOW Lounge is OPEN
Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11 p.m.
HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m.

Vacancies starting at $84
1 Oxbow Drive
LaBelle, FL 33935

Fax: 863-675-4892


Lutheran Church
1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle. FL
9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship
The Lords Supper 1, 3rd 6 5'1 Sundays
Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m.
IUpere evPerYbod\ is Soniebody and Jesus is Lord E
863-675-2733 N. R Ir Rd. Hwy 78)
e-mail: ctklo:'astrato.net

Saturday, April 1, from 4-7 PM


n-'im' ~ m" ^" Menu: LCW i'ml;lM
Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes & Gr.%., Vegeacbies,
S Roll & Margarine, Coffee or Tea, and De-sert

gr g 3uiy ie ryIjs A Cic ay

- /---- ----- --- -----


--L II1I-

9 6E11mIPom ,,TrRRIi

:ll FliltI

QN111; /W; L.N-0 VUf( !j ------- --

4 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006

Speak Out

Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at
the LaBelle issues forum at http/Avwww.newszapforums.com/forum56.
It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and
share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please).
You can also make a comment by calling our Sound Off 24-hour opin-
ion line at 675-4516. Comments wll be published in the newspaper as.
space permits.
I agree with Rock Aboujaoude. It's all about enforcement there is
rone in Hendry County. Ronnie Lee, you can lower the speed limit all
you want, but unless you enforce the posted speed limits, what is the
point? The current limits are not enforced now so why bother?

Public issues forums
Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include:
* LaBelle Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56
*Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54
Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community
forums and links."

Letter to. the Editor

Guest Commentary

Volunteerism, a trend in America

By Glenn Price
Recent events have moved
many Americans to give much of
themselves, whether by donating
money and goods, or by
unselfishly giving their personal
time and efforts as volunteers.
Throughout the history of our
young country we have always
pulled together in a crunch. The
old saying of "When the Going
Gets Tough, the Tough Get
Going," carries a great deal of
meaning for our people. It's all
about doing what needs to be
done and getting the job done
The word "volunteer" is as

American as apple pie and the
spirit of our nation's volunteers
shines like a powerful beam of
light, bringing hope and strength
to those in need, bringing calm to
the sleepless child and erasing
fear of the unknown. It is that
magnificent spirit that makes our
volunteers so special, and "We
the People" salute them, each and
every one. :They are brave and
caring people who give of them-
selves for the well being of those
less fortunate.
It is important to remember
that volunteerism does not reside
in the midst of tragedy alone. Vol-
unteerism is an important aspect

of everyday life in America. It is
part of giving back to a great
nation that has raised its sons and
daughters in a land blessed with
freedom and opportunity. Volun-
teerism gives us the competitive
edge to persevere as the most
powerful nation in the eyes of the
If you have ever thought about.
volunteering, now is the time.
Your community, right now,
today, is in need of your services.
There are literally dozens of
places you can apply, and most
importantly, one of the binding
principles of volunteerism is that
you cannot give of yourself with-

out receiving something in return.
New friends, new experiences,
educational opportunities and
pride in knowing that you are
making a difference. There are
hospitals, schools, law enforce-
ment agencies, social services,
any many more places to serve.
In fact, if you contact your local
health departments in Hendry
and Glades Counties they will
welcome you with a hope for
your volunteer services. Call
Leanna Gonzalez, Volunteer
Coordinator, at (863) 674-4041,
extension 117.
Volunteerism, "It does a body

Professional care
I would like to "piggyback" on
Dee Hill's excellent letter in the
March 23 issue about Oakbrook.
My wife, Mary, has been a resi-
dent of Oakbrook since Novem-
ber 30. I completely concur with
Ms. Hill's assessment of Oak-
brook! I think management must

How much of your hard-
earned money are you spending
on your automobiles? Is it just too
big a percentage of your dispos-
able income?
Many, many times I have sat
down with people in their homes
and been told that they had very
little money in their budget to
invest in insurance or mutual
funds, or for retirement planning.
They were being honest. Their
disposable cash position was
-Without insulting their intelli-
gence, I could not help but notice
they had two late model vehicles
parked in their driveway that were
costing far more than they should
reasonably afford. A year or two
later, one of those was traded in
for another even newer model,
thus perpetuating a cycle of never
ending car payments that made
no sense financially.
Probably one out of every four
or five people reading this-article
is driving a new or near new pick-
up truck or SUV that has you
strapped down financially. Here
are some things you need to con-
sider. Should you buy or lease
your vehicle? This answer is
straight from a client and business
manager of a large automobile
dealership. There are two consid-
erations when it comes to leasing.
First, -will the vehicle be used pri-
marily in your business such that
you can write off the monthly pay-
ment as an important tax deduc-
tion? If the answer to that ques-
tion is yes, leasing may be good,
otherwise, don't sign a lease
Second, you must negotiate a
good buy-out for yourself at the
end of the lease. That will require
you to do some homework. If you

Our Purpose...

have used Dale Carnegie's book
"How to Win Friends and Influ-
ence People" as a guide in their
training program.
The entire staff is professional,
attentive and caring. This kind of
atmosphere gives family mem-
bers great comfort at a difficult
Thankyou; Oakbrook people!
Tully Dunlap

Thank You

Poker Run success
The organizers of Grandma's
Grove 10th Annual Poker Run
wish to thank the following local
business's for their support: Winn
Dixie, NAPA Auto Parts, Advance

Auto Parts, Say-A-Lot, LI-Save Gro-
ceries, American Legion Post 130,
Ace Hardware and Log Cabin
Ray Martin and


byWayneC. Switer

have to return the car to the deal-
er at the end of the lease, and you
can't purchase it for a good price,
the dealer gets the good deal, not
you. This is especially true when
"your" vehicle has either low
mileage, or you had to pay more
for putting on the higher mileage.
If you choose to buy your vehi-
cles, consider buying vehicles that
are at least two or three.years old,
and went through the biggest
depreciation while owned by
someone else, not you. By shop-
ping around, you can find a used
car or truck that still has a factory
warranty, low mileage, good
maintenance records, and cost far
less then anewvehicle.
By lowering your monthly car
.payments, you may find that you
can quickly add several hundred
dollars each month to your budg-
et. That is enough money for you
to notice the difference. Addition-
ally, you may be able to lower the
Comprehensive and Collision pre-
mium of your automobile insur-
ance policy, and, you may
improve your credit score. FYI, a
$250 monthly savings, com-
pounded at a simple annual
return of 6 percent net, will be
worth over $174,000 in 25 years
when you retire! Happy motoring.
Wayne C. Switzer, CLU

The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of
Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables
this newspaper to pursue a mission of Journalistic service to the
citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid. the
company is able to thrive on profit margins below mdustrystan-
dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's
mission of Journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the
First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and
support of the community's deliberation of public issues.
We Pledge ... EDITORIAL:
STo operate this newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant
a public trust News Editor: Patty Brant
* To help our community News Clerk: Donna Meister
become a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Menitt
and work, through our dedl- Sports: Roger Alexander
cation to conscientious lour- ADVETISNG
* To provide the information cit- Advertising Director
Izens need to make their own Judy Kasten
intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager
public issues Brenda Jaramillo
* To report the news with hon- Adrt
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neutrality, fairness, objectivity, Services Coordinator:
fearlessness and compassion. Dale Conyers
* To use our opinion pages to Advertising Services:
facilitate community debate. Barbara Calfee
not to dominate it with our
own opinions. National Advertising
* To disclose our own conflicts Joy Parrish
of interest or potential con- ...................
tllcls to our readers. Independent Newspapers, Inc.
STo correct our errors and to Chairman
give each correction the Joe Smyth
prominence t1 deserves. President
* To provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin
those we wnte about.
" To treat people with courtesy. Vice President
respect and compassion. of Florida Operations
For More Information See Tom Byrd
At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor
IKatrina Elsken

Retirement and

One of the biggest challenges
that the aging process presents is ItS yOur WOrl
that you may have seen and done et InI vo r tI
it all, but you can't remember GetIn
most of it.
mWith the accelerated pace of my penchant for tardiness, lead-
today's life styles and mores, is it ing to one of daughter-in-law sug-
any wonder that many people feel gesting that nmy ancestors proba-
like they are diagonally parked in bly arrived on the "June Flower."
a parallel world. Speaking of ships and the sea, I've
I ran into an aging friend the always wondered: how much
other day w'ho said he had plant- deeper the oceans would be with-
ed some bird seed and a bird out sponges?
came up, and now he didn't One of the sustaining factors in
knowwhat to feed it. my life has been identifying with
For those of you who feel that as many and as diverse a circle of
the cost of living is out of control, successful people as possible.
you may find comfort in the fact One of those people has been
that it hasn't affected its populari- the cartoonist Charles Schultz,
ty creator of the "Peanuts" comic
That's almost as factual as strip. If you have followed
being told you're gullible and Schultz's "Peanut"
believing them. Including being strip characters for any period
told that two can live as cheaply of time you have discovered howv
as one, and'then you find out it's he has broken life down into it's
for half as long. Sometimes youI simplest form and format. I came
have to accept that life is not an across an article recently that
optical illusion, it just looks like explained his philosophy of life
one. with this simple little quiz of 10
A standing joke in my family is questions.

aging in Hendry

1. Name the five weallhiesl worthwhile.
people in the world. 2. Name the 4. Think of a few people who
last five Heisman trophy winners, have made you feel appreciated
3. Name ten people who have andspecial.
won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. 4. 5. Think of five people you
Name the last five winners of Miss enjoy sending time with.
America. 5. Name the last hal hltz agreed tha these five
dozen Academy Award winners uo agreed se ve
for best actor and actress. 6. questions were much easier and
Name the last decade's worth of proved his point that these people
ie ielst esmade a difference in our lives.
World Series winners.
Horldeidoue s winners p tThey aren't necessarily the people
Ho\v did you do? His point wvith the most credentials, the
was that none of us remembermost money or the most awards.
the headliners of yesteryear. There the ones that care.
These are no second-rate achiev- -
ers. They have been judged the He also believed that "you,
best in their fields. But the shouldn't worry about the world
applause dies. Awards tarnish, coming to an end today. It's
Achievements are forgotten. already tomorrow in Australia."
Accolades and certificates are I'm sure that Mr. Schultz would
buried with their owners. have wanted you to share his phi-
He follows with another quiz losophy with all those people
to complete his philosophical who have made a difference in-.
message. your life. Having tasted the sweet
1. List a few teachers who rewards of retirement, I trust that
aided your journey through this article will ease any concerns
school. 2. Name three friends you have about aging in Henry
who have helped you through a Respectfully,
difficult time. 3. Name five people T.W. BillNeville (Hendry
who have taught you something County Citizen & Taxpayer)

Joke of

the week

The Year 1906
This will boggle your mind, I
know it did mine'
The year is 1906. One hundred
years ago. What a difference a cen-
tury makes!
Here are some of the U.S. statis-
tics for the year 1906:
The average life expectancy in
the U.S. was 47 years.
Only 14 percent of the homes in
the U.S. had a bathtub.
Only 8 percent of the homes
had a telephone.
A three-minute call from Den-
ver to New York City cost eleven
. There were only 8,000 cars in.
the U.S., and only 144 miles of
paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in
most cities was 10 m.p.h.
Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa and
Tennessee were each more heavily
populated than California.
With a mere 1.4 million people,
California was only the 21st most
populous state in the Union.
The tallest structure in the world
was the Eiffel Tower.
The average wage in the U.S.
was 22 cents per hour.
The average U.S. worker made
between $200 and $400 peryear.
A competent accountant could
expect to earn $2,000 per year, a
dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinari-
an between $1,500 and $4,000 per
year and a mechanical engineer
about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all
births in the U.S. took place at
Ninety percent of all U.S. doctors
had no college education. Instead,
they attended so-called medical
schools, many of which were con-
demned in the press and by the gov-

ernment as "substandard."
Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen-.cents- a
Coffee was fifteen cents a
Most women only washed their
hair once a month and used borax
or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that pro-
hibited poor people from entering
into their country for any reason.
Five leading causes of death in
the U.S.? were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza; 2.
Tuberculosis; 3. Diarrhea; 4. Heart
disease; 5. Stroke
The American flag had 45 stars.
Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico,
Hawaii, and Alaska hadn't been
admitted to the Union yet.
The population of Las Vegas,
Nevada, was only 30.
Crossword puzzles, canned
beer and ice tea hadn't been
invented yet.
There was no Mother's Day or
Father's Day.
Two out of every 10 U.S. adults
couldn't read or write.
Only 6 percent of all Americans
.had graduated from high school.
Marijuana, heroin and morphine
were all available over the counter
at the local corner drugstores. Back
then pharmacist said, "Heroin
clears the complexion, gives buoy-
ancy to the mind, regulates the
stomach and bowels and is, in fact,
a perfect guardian of health."
Eighteen percent of households
in the U.S. had at least one full-time
servant or domestic help.
There were about 230 reported
murders in the entire U.S.
Try to imagine what it may be
like in another 100 years.
It's staggering...

Grimsley ag bill

jumps first hurdle

SEBRING State Representa-
tive Denise Grimsley's (R-Lake
Placid) House Bill (HB) 1475
received unanimous approval on
Wednesday in its- first hearing
before the House Agriculture Com-
mittee. HB 1475 expands the Agri-
cultural Economic Development
Program-Florida's disaster relief
program for agriculture.
"Florida agriculture has sustained
some catastrophic losses in the last
two years," said Representative Grim-
sley. "This bill bolsters assistance
through good programs like the Agri-
cultural Development Program."
In 2000, the Legislature enacted
the Agricultural Economic Develop-
ment Program. This program is
designed to provide loans to farmers
who have experienced crop losses
due to natural disasters or socio-eco-
nomic events or conditions.
HB 1475 expands the types of
losses that allow agricultural pro-
ducers to qualify for loan funds. It

also permits loan funds to be used
for the removal of debris in addi-
tion to restoring and replacing
essential physical property.
The loans may be used to:
Restore or replace essential
physical property, such as animals,
fences, equipment, structural pro-
duction facilities or orchard trees;
Pay all or part of production
costs associated with the disaster
year; or
Pay essential family living
expenses and restructure farm
HB 1475 raises the cap on loan
funds from $250,000 to $300,000
and appropriates $50 million for
fiscal year 2006-07 to be used to
provide loans to agricultural pro-
ducers who experienced losses
during the 2005 calendar year.
HB 1475 now moves to the
House Agriculture & Environment
Appropriations Committee.

"Who was the most influential person in your life?"

Laurie Cutshall said, "My
mother. She was so special.
She believed everything was
right and that gave me the
strength I needed."

Lois Peffley said, "My Mama
and Daddy, especially my
Mama. She was such a good
person I guess it spilled over
into me. She always made
you feel better."

Mary Kincoyne said, "Who is
the most influential person in
my life? Myself Who else?"
(You have a point there, Mary.
Maybe more people should
realize that they are impor-
tant, too, and need to respect
their own gifts. Ed.)

Harry Dye said, "My mother.
She was a good lady. She
taught me to go to church
and be home before mid-
night of course, I didn't
always do that!"

Eva Marie Kanaski said, "My
mother because she gave me
life and she did a good job
bringing me up."

Imogene McKee agreed. She
said, "My mother. She always -
got me interested in some-
thing. She got me interested
in school."

SVelcle financing;

to lease or to buy?


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Caloosa Belle, Thitrsday, March 30, 2006

6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006


-n .-,r'r
9- .





1891 Hamilton Dission
purchased 4 million acres
of South Florida land
for S1 million.

1909 The Calooshatchee River
was dredged for navigation.

1947- Heavy':
rainfall and
storms left
most of South
Thousands of
cattle were
drowned and
damage was

SPrior o 1960 -
Before channel-
^-ect I izarion, the
S. Kissimmee Rivei
was a slow mov-
ing, winding
riter that often
flooded its
*! banks onto
thousands of
acres of

1961 Former
Hoover spoke
at the
dedication of
S the dike
around Lake
i Okeechobee.

S.:. .... ., .. .
'. 4






Hamilton D)

Map showing the
modern y fow
of water from :.
the lake through a
series of canals .

. .


1845 Florida becomes a state. Congress later grants 500,000 acres of land to the state for "internal
1850 The federal government conveys the titles to 20 million acres of sovereign lands and wetlands to
the state of Florida through an act that transferred all 'land unfit for cultivation due to its swampy and
overflowed condiuon."
1881 To save the state from bankruptcy, the Board of Trustees of the State Internal Improvement 'Trust
Fund sells 4 million acres in central and south Florida to Hamilton Disston of Philadelphia for $1 million.
The conditions of the sale require that Mr. Disston drain land to attract agricultural development.
1881 A channel is dredged from the head waters of the Caloosahatchee to Lake Okeechobee. This
process connects three lakes to Lake Okeechobee by a 22 foot wide five foot deep canal. Prior to this the
lakes had been separated by marshy grasslands. The canal provides a navigable channel for steam boats
from Lake Okeechobee to the Gulf'ofMexico. This opens up the region to economic development.
1882 The Okeechobee Land Company and the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal Companies attempt to
drain the Everglades. They dig 11 miles'of canal south of Lake Okeechobee in the direction of Miami.
1902 -The Kissirmnee River Navigation Project is authorized by Congress. tThe project, which was com-
pleted in 1909. created a channel 3 feet deep by 30 feet wide following the winding Kissinmmee River for
109 miles.)
1906 Governor Napolean Bonaparte Broward pushes through a $250,000 tax-supported plan to cre-
ate the Everglades Drainage District and to dig a 200 foot wide canal between Lake Okeechobee and the
Saint Lucie River. The first project begins in 1906 with the construction of the New Rnier canal that reach-
es from Lake Okeechobee to Fort Lauderdale. Between 1907 and 1929, the state spends $18 million and
built 440 miles of canals and levees.
1917 Four canals are dug, dissecting the Everglades. These canals run southeast end of Lake
Okeechobee towards Boca Raton, Ft. Lauderdale and Miami.

1924 Drainage, drying, and oxidation of the peat soils south of Lake Okeechobee mean the exposed
OF soil is rapidly wearing away, causing flooding of the surrounding croplands.
isston 1926 A hurricane floods South Florida, killing approximately 300 people.
1928 A hurricane causes a storm surge in Lake Okeechobee, drowning nearly 2.000 people in the area i
south of Lake Okeechobee.
1932 The Hoover Dike is constructed around Lake Okeechobee to contain further floods, and the
Okeechobee Waterway (a 155-mile-long waterway from the Gulf bf Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean by way i.
of the Caloosahatchee River, Lake Okeechobee and the St. Lucie Canal) is authorized
1935 The Moore Haven Lock is built on the Caloosahatchee River.
1936 The Army Corps of Engineers dredgs the Caloosahatchee to a depth of six feet.
1943-44 Severe drought and decades of drainage take their toll on the ri\er of grass. Wildfires spread
through the Everglades, consuming the organic soils.
1947 1.3 million acres are dedicated to the Everglades National Park. by President Truman. making it f
the first national park established because of its biological wonders...
1947 Record rainfall 100 inches between March and November combined with two hurricanes and
a tropical storm result in the "Great Florida Flood" which covers 5 million acres with water, and leaves
residents of South Florida pleading with state and federal officials for help with flood control.
1948 Congress passes the Flood Control Act and creates the Central and Southern Flood
Control Project (CSF). This system extends from Orlando in the north to the Everglades ii
the south and includes most inflows and outflows to and from Lake Okeechobee as'well as
parts of the upper St. Johns River. The system is to be designed and constructed by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers and operated and maintained by the state. A Citizen's Committee
on Water Control is appointed by Gov. Millard F. Caldwell to determine the most appropri-
ate state organization to meet the conditions of the Central and Southern Project.
1949 The Legislature creates the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Disttict to
assume responsibility for the CSF. The group takes over the duties of the Okeechobee Flood
Control District and, by 1955, they also take over assets and liabilities of the Everglades
Drainage District.
W 1950 In response to flooding along the Caloosahatchee River, .vork begins od plans to
Straighten an deepen the river to 8 feet.. ..:: ... "
1961 The COE again dredges the Caloosahatchee River, to control flooding in the riHer
area. The dredgingleaves the river a 65 mile long, 425 foot wide, 25 foot deep,-phannel. The
SCaloosahatchee River is now known as C-43 canal. .
S1962 In response to the demand for flood control in the developed areas around the
'~Ii"i-- issiiXpee, Ci of Lakes and in the Kissiminee River liasin. the KissLimee',8iyer is tan-
i d-liddaiud i4et hwd-aad971,.,the United iStates Army Corps of Egineer's (USACE) cian-,
nelize l e".K issimmee River and created a 30.foot'deep, 300f ootwide, 56'"Cilel10i g draina:geg'e
canal'r-38). Thisproject.converts 44 percent of the floodplain to pasture,. danlg appro.-
imately 31,000 acres of wetlands. ... y-
196"._ The Everglad! 4istivlded into three. ,Wrtevpfiservation Aea up ec Jetp
of a`systemofcahals and'levees -:'.:, ..
N .193 ;heT'ra4 k -i$LQ s oiLpleted oin the ,Cta tccbbe : r .i...
i 5 i6rTkn'^ fl'.tir inntra
S., rl 66.-'s diie rater table results in ew silkholesiut central oridaI .8' ."
\ 1~7 'Tft rk.dshofd .th relades is establishedby Miarr i Sryfnea Dougla s. 'f:
1 '2 F*,, l : .e completes the channelization of the ilsimt Bef_.qre. '.
even C ponmentalists and'residents of thertshtnZ teneii'
Sronmrenti atage and cal fdr, the river's restorationn.; '
--. .....-.- ''....1976.i-TheKissimmee ier Restoratioict Ia s tigned.bVi ihe tFlorida Sta L .latt .. ..
S.. : 198 Algae bloonisi tLake Okeechobee are bltlaiua n high leie,'s ofrnutients entering the :
S.-. .- ''."lake. Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough i identified.. fine oftTte~tmain sources of excess phospho" .'
r s. ..
4tr 1987 The Department of Envirrnmiental Regulatoi initiates the Dait: Ruleaccompaniled
:*', f with a Dairy Buvout program. They require dairy operator to either build the capacity to
treat cow waste on site or take the cows 'ott the watershed area. This results in'a downsjing '
Sof the industry with many dairies in the watershed leaving the area. The "buyout" costs
Okeechol e C-unty hundriedsofjobs. ,. ..
.. .. 1988W- A lawsuit is pled against South Florida Management District, by t ~ federal govern~
-. e ment. The charges are.for polluting the Everglades with large amounts ofphbdphu:r. ~'..;
.31.. 1988 -S tonstructiou foir the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project begins, making: it theirst
-, .. *. mnanmade wetland.for phosphorus removal.
t r j1992 Hdrricane Andrew damages southern Dade County causing extreme damage t6 h..
Everglades region and.to National Park Service- structures.
S1992.-' Congress authorizes the US Army Corps of Engineers to implement the Kissimmnee
S r. River Restoraton Project. Part of the old river wiU be restored by the removal of two water
Control structures aid the filling in of 22 miles of canal.
Si | 1994- The Everglades Forever Act is enacted by the Florida Legislature. In order to improve'
S," 'C' water;.quality in the Everglades, it is mandated by the act that Stormwater Treatment Water
S I -Areas (STAs) were to be constructed. Over 20 years the sugar industry agrees to pay $320
.. _. i million; while the taxpayers are to pay the rest.
Bi^, a 2000-2001 Drought forces South Florida to restrict water use. For 194 consecutive days,
..i iP i sLake Okeechobee's water level drops below 11 feet. On May 24, the lake is recorded at 8.97
'L j "il" feet NGVD the lowest level ever recorded for Lake Okeechobee. The drought creates prob-
S lems for water managers who deal with demands for drinking water and irrigation as well as
Sthe threat of salt water intrusion into waterways normally fed b thetbig lake, the drought
helps the lake's ecosystems. As the littoral zones around the lake dry out, invasive vegetation
Sis b-urned off or cleared, and native vegetation replanted. Volunteers help state workers
replant the islands and lakeshore with native vegetation. When the rains finally come and the
S water returns, the replenished littoral zones provide spawning areas for fish and habitat for
\wading birds.
'l. 2002 President George W. Bush and Florida Governor Jeb Bush sign an agreement provid-
K' i ing $7.8 billion for the Everglades restoration project. The federal and state governments will
.. share the cost.
2004 Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne dump record rainfall on the state of
Florida, leaving widespread flooding in their wake and raising the level of Lake Okeechobee.
:'The high winds from the hurricane churn the lake water, ripping out vegetation.
2005 Hurricane Wilma furthers the damage left by the 2004 hurricanes and dumps more
S. i. water into a system that had not vet recovered from the flooding of the previous year. The
S";' flooded lake is left a muddy mess. Discharges of the muddy water to the Caloosahatchee and
St. Lucie Canal threaten estuaries on both coasts.

Sources: South Florida Water Management District, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Army Corps
-". of Engineers. Audubon Society, "History of Okeechobee County" by Kyfe Vanlandingham,
:. ^ "Lake Okeechobee, Lady of MyNsterv," by Twila Valentine
Photos courtesy Florida Photographic Archives and vwww.tommvmariikham.com Web site.

.. ..ep ,l .' ,

Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006

'Dredging, ditching and diking' changed South Florida's watershed

By Katrina Elsken
South Florida suffers from
water woes. Some areas have'
too little and face water restric-
tions. Other areas have too
much freshwater threatening to
flood homes or damage saltwa-
ter estuaries.
The state's history is filled
with "the three Ds" ditching,
dredging and diking all well-
intentioned changes to the natu-
ral systems, which often had
unintended results.
In 1880, the fledgling State of
Florida was bankrupt. The Civil
War had taken its toll. The Flori-
da Internal Improvement Fund
was obligated to the bondhold-
ers of the railroad and, canal
companies, who had been
ruined by the devaluation of the
Confederate currency. But Flori-
da had assets.
When Florida was given
statehood in 1845, Congress
deeded the state 500,000 acres.
Five years later, the federal gov-
ernment gave the state of Florida
20 million acres of swampy land
deemed "unfit for cultivation
due to its swamp .and over-
flowed condition."
The State of Florida had
swampland for sale and state
officials found a buyer.
In 1881, the state sold 4 mil-
lion acres of South Florida land
at 25 cents an acre to Hamilton
Disston of Pennsylvania. The
sale came with a catch: Mr..Dis-
ston agreed to dig canals and
drain the land for development
and farming.
I .Overland transportation was
impractical and in some
places impossible so Mr. Dis-
ston's first task was to open up
waterways for steam boat traffic.
His plan included a steamboat
highway from Lake Tohopekali-
ga to Fort Myers.
SIncluded in Mr. Disstori's pur-
chase was the trading post of
Allcndale. Allendale, which
would later be renamed Kissim-
mee, would become Mr. Dis-
ston's headquarters. Steam
boats built in Kissimmee carried
dredges and workers to the
remote areas being drained. The
boats also carried settlers and
their belongings into the remote
Florida wilderness.
Mr. Disston's companies
dredged connections between
lakes in the Kissimmee area
(what would be known the
Kissimmee Chain of Lakes) and
Lake Kissimmee, which flows
into the Kissirimmee River.
Accounts vary about the rapid
'drop of the lakes alter the com-
pletion of the canals, but records
from the time show that within
30 days the water levels around
Lake Toho went down approxi-
mately three feet.
SAs another part of the river
highway, Mr. Disston's compa-
nies dredged a connection
between Lake Okeechobee and
the Caloosahatchee River.
Before the dredging project,
the Caloosahatchee River was
hot directly connected to Lake
Okeechobee. The river started at
Lake Flirt, which was about two
miles east of LaBelle, and flowed
west to the ocean. The area
between Lake Flirt and Lake
Hipochee was made up of
marshy wetlands and two other
small lakes.
To make a path for boat traffic.
'from Fort Myers to Lake Okee-
chobee and then north on the
river to Kissimmee, dredges
started at the ocean and worked
their way inland, deepening the
channel as necessary and blast-
ing a waterfall out of the way
near Fort Thompson. The dredge
continued through Lake Lettuce,
Lake Bonnet and Lake
Hipochee. At the western end of
Lake Hipochee, the dredge fol-
lowed a small existing canal,
which was believed to have
been originally dug by the Paleo
or Mayaimi Indians, and finally
connected the waterway to Lake
Connecting Lake Okee-
chobee to the Caloosahatchee
River changed both the lake and
the river. The smaller lakes that
had been connected by the
dredging would eventually be
lost in the river. Water that had
once flowed slowly from the big
lake, through marshlands, to
smaller lakes and then to more
marshlands, now had a faster
channel to travel to the sea.
By 1883 steamboats were
making regular runs between
Fort Myers and Kissimmee..
While boat traffic opened up
the Caloosahatchee River area to
settlements, connecting the river
to the lake had unexpected con-

sequences. Heavy rainfall during
the hurricane seasons in the
1920s brought flooding all along
the river. In response, the state
approved projects to dredge the
channel deeper and straighter. A
system of locks was added to
control the flow of water.
Alvah Burke, who was inter-
viewed in 1985 in LaBelle, cap-
tained a steam boat on the
Caloosahatchee River from 1914
until he joined the Army during
World War I. "It was a beautiful
river, but it was crooked as a
black snake," said "Captain"

I ..* & $.+2 K. .- -. ._ -
The paddle steamer Thomas A. Edison docked on the
Caloosahatchee River near Alva in 1910.

Special to INI/Florida Archives
The Steamship Roseada travels the Kissimmee River in this
photo from the 1890s. The steamship is loaded with passen-
gers and supplies headed for Okeechobee.
_M -

This photo taken in 1914 shows the connection between
Lake Okeechobee and the Caloosahatchee River.

Burke, who was 90 at the time of
the interview.
The river had twists so sharp
and narrow that boat traffic was
tricky, he said. At one bend, nick-
named "four rope bend," they
had to put-men on the shore
with ropes to help guide the boat
through the turns.
He said during the dry season
the Caloosahatchee River was so
shallow that a man could easily
wade across it. It would be
about 18 inches deep at the
LaBelle bridge, he said.
The river was so crooked, he
continued, that the bridge at
LaBelle ran east to west. It was a
turnstile bridge, he explained,
with a pedestal in the middle.
Tlhe bridge tender's station was
in the middle ol the bridge, and
he would turn the bridge side-
ways to allow large boats to
pass. When they dredged and
straightened the river, they didn't
move the bridge. 'They just
turned the bridge north to south.
Before the end of the 20th
century, the Calooshatchee
would be dredged five times,
turning a slow-moving, shallow,
winding river into a fast-moving,
deep channel.
Hamilton Disston's compa-
.nies, the C)keechobee Land
Company and Atlantic and the
Gulf Coast Canal Company, also
undertook the first attempt to
drain the Everglades. They exca-
vated I miles of canals south of
Lake Okeechobee in the direc-
tion of Miami. As land was
drained, Mr. Disston sold it to
farmers But dredging was costly
and he couldn't drain land fast
enough to keep up with his
In the end, Mr.. Disston could
not tame the Everglades. Freezes
in 1894 and 1895 devastated the
citrus farms in the Kissimmee
area. Unsound bank debt and
speculation left the country in a
depression. Mr. Disston was
ruined financially and returned
to Philadelphia.
Florida officials did not give
up on their hope, to "drain the
swamp" and tame the wild Ever-
glades. With Mr. Disston gone,
others would take up the chal-
In 1902, the Kissimmee River.
Navigation Project was author-
ized by Congress. The project,
which was completed in 1909,
created a channel 3 feet deep by
30 feet wide following the wind-
ing Kissimmee River for 109
In 1906 Governor Napoleon
Bonaparte Broward promoted a
$250,000 tax-supported plan to
create the Everglades Drainage
District. In his 1905 campaign,,
the governor had promised to
create an "Empire of the Ever-
glades," by draining that "pesti-
lence-ridden swamp." The first
project began in 1906 with the
construction of the New River
canal that reached from Lake
Okeechobee to Fort Lauderdale.
By 1917, four canals dissected
the Everglades. These canals ran
southeast end of Lake Okee-
chobee towards Boca
Raton, Ft. Lauderdale and
Not to be left out, the citizens
of Stuart led a campaign to
improve waterways for boat traf-
fic in their area. Between 1916
and 1924, the St. Lucie Canal
was dug, connecting the St.
Lucie River to Lake Okeechobee.
This made it possible for boats to
travel from the east coast to the
west coast by way of Lake Okee-
Between 1907 and 1929, the
state spent $18 million and built
440 miles of canals and levees,
including a small earthen levee
on the south side of Lake Okee-

This aerial photo of Moore Haven and the Caloosahatchee
River was taken in the 1950s.

Everglades drainage project dredge Culebra is at work in the
St. Lucie Canal in this photo from 1921. The St. Lucie Canal
was originally dug for navigation, connecting Lake Okee-
chobee to the St. Lucie River.


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This "crying cow" drawing by Warren Church was on the
cover of the "Tentative Report of Flood Damage," document-
ing the damages from the Great Florida Flood.

The "reclaimed" land was
rich farmland, but new prob-
lems arose. When exposed to
air, the peat soils south of Lake
Okeechobee oxidized, turned to
dust and blew away. The dry soil
could also catch fire.
In the late 1920s, lake area
residents and farmworkers
found that their system of canals
and small levees was no match
for Mother Nature. In 1926, a
hurricane flooded South Florida,
killing approximately 300 peo-
ple. The town of Moore Haven
was especially hard hit when it
was flooded by a storm surge in
Lake Okeechobee.
In 1928, an even deadlier hur-
ricane drowned thousands of
farmworkers when a storm
surge breached the lake's south-
ern levee.
Residents of South Florida
begged their elected officials for
help. They found a champion in
Herbert Hoover, who had been
an engineer before becoming
involved in politics.
Mr. Hoover, as Secretary of
Commerce, visited the hurri-
cane-stricken area in 1926. After
the hurricane of 1928, Mr.
Hoover, then a presidential nom-
inee, returned to Florida to see
the hurricane damage first hand.
His concern for the people of
Florida helped Mr. Hoover win
votes in the 1928 election. As
president, he convinced Con-
gress to approve millions of dol-
lars for flood control in Florida.
The River and Harbor Act of
1930 authorized the construc-
tion of 67.8 miles of levee along
the south shore of the lake and
15.7 miles of levee along the
north shore.
In the 1930s, work continued
on efforts to control the flow of
water in South Florida. Canals
were dug or deepened to deal
with flooding; dikes were built to
hold water in.

Prior to 1940, few people
lived in the Kissimmee basin.
Land use in the basin was prima-
rily farming and cattle ranching.
Rapid growth and development
after World War II changed the
Kissimmee Basin, and left it
more vulnerable to damage
from flooding.
Between 1943 and 1946,
instead of too much water,
Floridians faced a severe
drought. Decades of drainage
left the natural systems unable to
function. Wildfires spread
through the Everglades, feeding
on the organic soil.
In 1947, the drought ended as
rain began to fall but Floridi-
ans' relief turned to despair
when it continued to fall without
end in sight. In what would be
later known as the Great Florida
Flood, 100 inches of rainfall
flooded the state. North of Lake
Okeechobee, the Kissimmee
River Valley was underwater.
South of the big lake, the system
of levees and canals had
landowners threatening vio-
lence, as some tried to dynamite
dikes to relieve flooding, and
others, whose property the dikes
were protecting, tried to stop
Livestock and wildlife strug-
gled to find any high ground. An
estimated 25,0000 cattle were
"Ninety percent of eastern
Florida, from Orlando to Flamin-
go, was under water," wrote Stu-
art B. Mclver in"The South Flori-
da Sea," published on the
Web site.
"In Davie, with its vast
acreage in citrus groves and cat-
tle lands, the water was waist
deep; in Fort Lauderdale, waves
were washing across Las Olas
Boulevard," Mr. Stuart wrote.
"Weary horses and cattle stood
forlornly on levees in western
Broward and Palm Beach coun-

ties,, sharing what little high
ground remained with deer,
w\ildcats, raccoons and rat-
tlesnakes. People whose proper-
ty was threatened by water
backed up by dams and locks
attempted to dynamite them but
were faced down by people
packing guns to guard the dams
that were holding back the
waters from their homes and
farms. In a primitive struggle for
survival, neighbor confronted
Adding to Floridians' misery,
the state was hit by tropical
storms. In September 1947, 17
people were killed when a hurri-
cane made landfall near Fort
Lauderdale, with sustained
winds of 121 mph.
South Florida residents peti-
tioned elected officials for flood
According to Kyle VanLand-
ingham's "History of Okee-
chobee," area ranchers look the
lead in lobbying for flood con-
"On Oct. 6, 1947, about 300
persons assembled at the (Okee-
chobee) county courthouse and'
authorized Irlo Bronson, presi-
dent of the Florida Cattlemen's
Association, who presided over
the meeting, to name a commit-
tee that would help push a flood
control program through Con-
gress," Mr. Vanlandingham
wrote. "Senator Claude Pepper
flew in for the meeting and
announced that he would be
meeting with President Truman
within a week and would urge
him to. move ahead with emer-
gency fund allotments for the
construction of the water control
program. Also on hand at the
meeting were representatives of
the U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
Congress passed the Flood
Control Act and created the Cen-
tral and Southern Flood Control
Project (CSF). This system
extended from Orlando to the
Everglades. The system was to
be designed and constructed by
the U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
neers and operated and main-
tained by the state.
The CSF project also included
expansion of.the dike around
Lake Okeechobee. Lake Okee-
chobee was completely encir-
cled by 143 miles of levee, with
an average height of about 35
In 1949, the Legislature creat-
ed the Central and Southern
Florida Flood Control District to
assume responsibility for the
CSF. The group took over the
duties of the Okeechobee Flood
Control District and, by 1955,
they also took over assets and
liabilities of the Everglades
Drainage District. The organiza-
tion was the forerunner of the
South Florida Water Manage-
ment District, which would be
established in 1961.
The hurricane season of 1961
brought Hurricane Donna. The
resulting flooding inspired new
calls for help with flood control.
In 1962, in response to the
demand for flood control in the
developed areas around the
Kissimmee Chain of Lakes and
in the Kissimmee River basin,
the Kissimmee River was chan-
nelized. Between 1962 and 1971,
the United States Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) dredged the
Kissimmee River and created a
30 foot deep, 300 foot wide, 56
mile long drainage canal (C-38).
This project converted 44 per-
cent of the Kissimmee River's
floodplain to pasture, draining
approximately 31,000 acres of
The channelization of the
river created controversy in the

river basin, with protests from
environmentalists and local resi-
dents who opposed changing
the winding, slow-moving river
into a fast-running canal. The
channelization work was barely
completed when plans were
under way to restore the river. In
1971, the COE completed the
channelization of the Kissimmee
River. Five years later the Kissim-
mee River Restoration Act was
signed by the Florida State Legis-
In the 1980s, Lake Okee-
chobee showed signs of degra-
dation. Algae blooms covered
square miles of the big lake.
When the blooms died, the
resulting fish kills had anglers
and environmentalists asking
government officials for help.
The blooms were blamed on
high levels of nutrients entering
the lake. Taylor Creek.Nubbin
Slough was identified as one of
the main sources of excess
phosphorus, with runoff from
area dairies contributing to the
The Department of Environ-
mental Regulation initiated the
Dairy Rule, accompanied with a
Dairy Buyout program. They
required dairy operators to
either build the capacity to treat
cow waste.on site or take the
cows out the watershed area.
This resulted in a downsizing of
the industry with many dairies in
the watershed leaving the area.
The buyoutt" cost Okeechobee
County hundreds of jobs.
The work to reduce phospho-
rus levels had little effect on the
lake's overall health. Hurricanes
and tropical storms continued to
cause the water levels in Lake
Okeechobee to rise. The marshy
areas around the lake disap-
peared under high water. These
marshy areas act as "kidneys" to
help clean nutrient" from the
water. They also provide spawn-
ing areas for fish and habitat for
wading birds. As the water rose,
the lake's ecosystem was threat-
Friends of Lake Okeechobee
was formed, and lobbied the
South Florida Water Manage-
ment District and the Army
Corps of Engineers to lo\\er the
lake levels and keep them lower,
to allow the lake's littoral zones
to recover.
The new lake level schedule
was only in piace.a few months
when Mother Nature took care
of getting the water lower than
anyone anticipated. In 2000 and
2001 drought forced South Flori-
da to restrict water use. For 194
consecutive days, the Lake
Okeechobee's water level
dropped below 11 feet. On May
24, the lake level was 8.97 feet -
the lowest level ever recorded
for Lake Okeechobee.
The drought created prob-
lems for water managers who
dealt with demands for drinking.
water and irrigation as well as
the threat of salt water intrusion
into waterways normally fed by
the big lake, but the drought
helped the lake's ecosystems. As
the littoral zones around the lake
dried out, invasive vegetation
was burned off. or cleared, and
native vegetation replanted.
When the rains finally came
and the water returned, the
replenished littoral zones provid-
ed spawning areas for fish and
habitat for wading birds.
The lake was showing signs
of recovery, but it wasn't to last.
In 2004 Hurricanes Charley,
Frances, Ivan and Jeanne
dumped record rainfall on the
state of Florida, leaving wide-
spread flooding in their wake
and raising the level of Lake
Okeechobee. The high winds
from the hurricanes churned the
lake water, ripping out vegeta-
tion. All of the progress made
during the drought was lost to
power of the hurricane-force
In 2005 Hurricane Wilma fur-
thered the damage left by the
2004 Hurricanes and dumped
more water into a system that
had not yet recovered from the
flooding of the previous year.
High winds pushed the lake
water south, revealing the lake's
muddy bottom. When the winds
shifted and the water rushed
back, it churned up all the sedi-
ment from the lake bottom.
The flooded lake was left a
muddy mess. Discharges of the
muddy water to the Caloosa-
hatchee and St. Lucie Canal
threatened the fragile ecosys-
tems of estuaries on both coasts.
As community leaders in each

area sought attention for their
particular concerns, state offi-
cials sought solutions that
looked at the whole system.
Saving the Everglades and the
coastal estuaries will require
addressing the health of the
Kissimmee River and Lake Okee-
(Some information for this
article came from: Broward
County Historical Commission,
the Audubon Society, the
National Geographic Survey, the
Army Corps of Engineers, South
Florida Water Management Dis-
trict, and Fish Florida Maga-

8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006

ualousa e o ullratuy DIIan
Residents at Kingshouse Retirement Home get a nice workout twice a week, courtesy of
Barbara Costa. For a half hour or so they get together to loosen up, stretch their muscles
and have a good time. Pictured from left: Lois Peffley, Laurie Cutshall and Mary Kilcoyne.

Kingshouse residents enjoy a little exercise, followed by a group activity like cards or a ball
game. Pictured from left: Imogene McKee, Eva Marie Kanaski and Harry Dye.

Birthdays Ocean Boy dedicates new facility

March 31: C.L. Flucker, Tom
Dankanich, Larry Black, Jr., Lenord
Marroquin, Tim Conyers, Jose
April 1: Barbara Denning, Jane
Davies, Edith Hagler, Deborah Gail
Polk, Porky Rogers, Dave Hubbard,
Lawson Cross, Pat Bell, Justin
April 2: Joe Cisnero, Jill Jones,
Gail Pellegnno, Chris Gaskins, Liz
Waggarman, Evan Reynolds, Kayla
April 3: Doris Vaughan, Bryan
Durkis, Fred Thompson, Shane
Davis, Fred Thomas, Cory Raborn,
Stephen Mclntyre
April: Oleda Ross, Sheila Carr,
Cathy alters. Frances Parsons,
Harold Hagler, Jo Dyess, Cathleen
Chezem, Tyler Acree, Zeniada M.
Urbina, Jennifer Lynn Milligan, Jeff
Ray (Granims
April 5: David Hoffman, Mary
Thomas, Don Meister, Mike
Knotek, Amber Lynn Townsend,
Anthony Alaimo, Norma Vasquez,
Marcia Perry
April 6: Kenny Howard, Evan
Ridgdill, Carl Baker, Laurie Ras-
mussen, Helen Groves, Naomi
Calfee, Jana M. Powers. Blake


ArikDavid Molina
Andres David Molina and
Arlene Delia Molina wish to
announce the birth of their son Arik
David Molina. He was born on
March 16, 2006 at 1:01 p.m. at
Health Park Hospital in Ft. Myers.
The young man weighed 10 Ibs. -1
oz. and was 20 inches long.
Arik materna! grandparents are
Ana Jaimes of LaBeile and Angel
Carrillo of Coweta. OK. Paternal
grandparents are Gloria and Bias
Molina, Jr. of LaBelle. Maternal
great-grandfather is Jose Sanchez of
LaBelle. Paternal great-grandfather
is Andres De LaRosa of Immokalee.
Arikwaswelcomed home by his
big brother Aidan Diego Molina and
big sister Amelia Danielle Molina

Gavin Dean Wilson
Jamie Bartley and Thomas
Wilson of LaBelle are proud to
announce the birth of their son,
Gavin Dean
He was bom.
on February 15,
2006 at Health
ParkinFt Myers, .
Fl. Heweighed 8
pounds and 13
ounces and was
21.5 inches long .,
Maternal grandparents are Ter-
rie Pearce and David .Bartley of
LaBelle and Clewiston. Paternal
grand parents are Cindy and John-
ny Dimas of LaBelle.. Great grand
parents are Muriel Ryle of LaBelle,
Mada Casey of Clewiston and Patsy
Rouse of Athens, Alabama.

By Bill Fabian
CLE\\STON In a ribbon cut-
ting ceremony this week at Little
Cypress Farm, one ol Hendry
County's newest and largest
employers officially dedicated its
organic shrimp production facili-
ties to researcher and co-founder
Dr. Michael Werner.
Ocean Boy Farms has made a
home in Hendry County with its
primary hatchery, nursery and
raceways located at Little Cypress
- and its headquarters and ship-
ping facilities located on Airglades
Road in Clewiston.
Ocean Boy's LaBelle facility
was its shrimp farm in Hendry
County. Groundwork for that facili-
ty began in 2000 and its first harvest
was in 2003. The shrimp produced
by Ocean Boy Farms are much
larger than average wild caught
shrimp and the facility is organic
certified to produce shrimp free of
preservatives, additives and various
other non-natural substances.
According to Ocean Boy President
Steven 'Walton, the technology
being utilized by five-year-old
company is allowing for provision
of "the best tasting, saest, healthi-
est and most environmentally
friendly shrimp," right here in
Hendry County.
"Our closed system technology
allows us to purely grow shrimp
with improved health and nutri-
tion," said Mr Wallon. "But this is
just the beginning, for we.believe
our processes will lead to further
breakthroughs in such things as
lower cholesterol, elevated con-
centrations of omega-3 fatty acids
and increased antioxidant pigmen-
tation, to name just a few," he said.
The shrimp are delivered fresh
to retailers and restaurants
throughout the world. Ocean Boy
shrimp are distributed to 150
restaurants and more than 1,500
gourmet, natural and mass market
food stores nationwide. Stores
offering.Ocean Boy products

Fort Denaud

As of July 1, all Fort Denaud
residents will move into LaBelle -
at least as far as the post office is
concerned. At present, Ford
Denaud residents get their mail
through the Alva post office, a sit-
uation that has caused many of
them some consternation. Having
a "Lee County" address has some.
consequences: like higher insur-
ance premiums, for instance.
When the change is made,
Fort Denaud residents' mail will
be handled through the LaBelle
post office and they will be able to
use either "Fort Denaud, FL
33935" or "LaBelle, FL 33935" as
their mailing address and zip
According to Suncoast District
spokesman Kathy Carson, the
trailer recently placed at the

i ? ..Ir 'a.l--- i. "- '"u*-- r d "*
INI/Bill Fabian
From July to December of 2006, Ocean Boy Farms will harvest
in excess of two million pounds of organic Pacific White shrimp.

include Wal-Mart and Publix, and
the shrimp can also be ordered
online from Costco.com ior deliv-
ery. A listing of the shrimp on the
Costco site offered six pounds ol
shrimp for $54.99.
The company employs a signifi-
cant number of county residents.
Currently there are 80 full-time
employees; during harvest season,
which lasts from mid-July to mid-
December, the company enlists
approximately 150 more seasonal
employees. According to Vice Pres-
ident Jay Wilson, the facility will
expand to more than twice the cur-
rent size in the coming years.
According to.the facilities manage-
ment executive, the growth of the
product on the market is expected
to require a significant expansion
in order to accommodate the mar-
ket for fresh organic shrimp.
Ocean Boy is, indeed, one of the
world's largest providers of organic
shrimp. From July to December of
2006, Ocean Boy Farms will harvest
in excess of two million pounds of
organic Pacific White shrimp.
The shrimp are born and main-

trained in a completely closed sys-
tem that produces its own larvae,
known biologically as noplii, in the
hatchery facilities in eastern
Hendry County. After hatching, the
shrimp are maintained in a nursery
facility and later moved to large
reservoirs, or raceways, to be
"grown out" for harvest. The water
used by the facility is drawn from'
an aquifer 1,000 feet underground
and internal treatment systems
eliminate foreign and potentially
harmful substances from the
shrimp environment.
According to the company, their
methods of production "eliminate
the need for hormones, antibiotics
or chemicals to ensure the health
of the growing shrimp and provide
consumers with the utmost confi-
dence in buying the product due to
the organic certification and "bio-
secure environment."
Additional information about
the company and questions about
farm operations and shrimp pur-
chases can be found at
\vwww.oceanbovfarms.com or by
calling (863) 9831-994 1.

making move to LaBelle B

LaBelle post office is to handle
this as well as other growth.
She added that major mailers
should use the preferred last line
- the last for digits after the zip.
This code is based on identifying
all street and block ranges. The
code "339" represents this section
of the country (including Lee and
parts of Hendry and Collier) and
the added "35" designates the
LaBelle post office for the stan-
dard 33935 LaBelle area zip code.
The extra last four digits indicate
the block range of your street and
your last two house digits.
The addition of Fort Denaud
addresses to LaBelle has been in
the works for several years. For-
mer Mayor Sherri Craichy
requested to move all of Hendry
County mail going through the

Lee County post office to LaBelle.
Allocation of sales tax, insur-
ance and some government infra-
structure posed problems for Fort
Denaud folks with the Lee County
zip code, but their requests for the
change were denied because of a
lack of space. Normally, Ms. Car-
son said the post office would not
make the changeover because it's
too costly. However, she said
LaBelle's growth is forcing the
post office to expand and to add
another route anyway and so felt
it was a good time to make the
Currently, there are some
5,,800 route delivery addresses
and 2,400 post office boxes in the
LaBelle area.



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QUESTION: Dear Hope:
My husband and I are trying to decide whether we should go ahead and sell
our home now or sometime in the near future. I keep hearing that the mar-
ket is slowly but surely, not moving as quickly. How will this affect the sale
of our home?
Sincerely, Batwoman (aka, Batman the beagle's "frexy" wife)
rIV ANSWER: Dear Batwoman:
The question you have asked marks a key component to your selection
process when determining the right Realtor to market your property. Your
Realtor should have the knowledge and experience to be able to counsel
you about the differences in the market forces that will drive the sale price of your home. This will
explain certain questions everybody has when selling, such as questions a potential seller might have
like...."why did my friend two streets over sell at $x price last March". As Realtors, it is our responsi-
bility to counsel people and to realistically manage their expectations so that they can make better and
informed decisions that best fit the needs of the client.
In a slower buyers' market, some additional precautions should be taken. For example, spend a little
more time determining buyer and seller motivation and choose words thoughtfully. Make sure that
your Realtor has a superior knowledge of current statistical data, including days on market, showing
rates, supply of inventory, etc. Your Realtor should always keep you informed about the latest articles
about the economy, provide new CMAs more often, and carefully handle emotional objections by
using facts, data, and logic.
Every seller needs to know what's going on with the sale of their home, and they have more of a need
to hear it from the listing agent on a consistent basis. Pricing strategies must be adjusted. For exam-
ple, in a sellers' market, always price a home
above the last sale, and in a buyers' market, below the last sale. So, to thoroughly answer your ques-
tion, Batwoman, you will need to find a competent and qualified Realtor to fully understand your posi-
tioning as a seller in a market that is slowly but surely, slowing down in regards to residential homes,
lots, &/or acreage. Basically, If you aren't zoned commercial and/or industrial and you decide it is
time to sell, you can bet you will be defining the market as it becomes more realistic and more buyer
Sincerely, Hopefild
Please contact an agent at Southern Land Real Estate to begin your interviewing process. We recom-
mend interviewing more than one company and we are confident that you will select us to represent
you and your family

SIl-tighmfr n

863.675.4550 877.314.3048
700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33935
Saeetistfvft ea ud ieade Councty


Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006

Cattle placings at the Hendry County Fair

subminea ro me ualoosa telle/wenay ul-errell
Young baseball stars
Tyler O'Ferrell, left, and Austin Garcia competed in the
AAU President's Day Baseball Tournament in Lakeland
recently. Their age 11 and under AAU Baseball team, The
Yard Dawgs, took third place in a field of approximately 30
other teams. They also qualified for the AAU National
Tournament in July.

By Sonja Crawford
The Beef Breeding and Market
Steer Show, sponsored by Clewis-
ton Animal Clinic and Paige Farms
was held March 21, at the Hendry
County Fairgrounds. The show con-
sisted of pee-wees, 4-H and FFA
members showing heifers, cows,
calves and steers. The steers exhib-
ited at the show ranged in weight
from 1,093 pounds to 1350 pounds.
Mr. Pat Hogue of Okeechobee
was the official judge for the
evening. The steers were judged
on muscling, correctness of finish,
balance, capacity, size as well as
carcass desirability. The beef
breeding critters were judged on
size, growth potential, muscle, bal-
ance, structural correctness,
capacity and sex characteristics.
Showmanship was judged on
the ability to exhibit an animal to its
best advantage, as well as the over-
all care and training of the animal.
The exhibitors are judged on con-
trol, presentation to the judge,
awareness of the judge and knowl-
edge of the species. Planning, prac-
ticing, and neat appearance assist-
ed the exhibitor in being
Savannah Beckett, Bradley
Bellew, Alex Mata and Joshua San-
tiago received blue ribbons for
their participation in the Pee Wee
Heifer division.
Clewiston FFA member Kim
Fielder captured Grand Champion
with her cow named Spunky with
Kelsie Hansen, Hendry County Cat-
tle 4-H Club, taking the Reserve
Champion award with her heifer
named Hannah. Kim is also a
member of the Hendry County Cat-
tie 4-H Club.

In the Beef Breeding Showman-
ship, Fitting and Grooming Junior,
division, Kelsie Hansen took first
place. In the Senior Showmanship
division, Hendry County Cattle 4-H
Club member Jamar Boykin cap-
tured first place receiving a belt-
buckle with Kim Fielder in second
place and David Hughes, Clewis-
ton FFA, in third place. In the Senior
Filling and Grooming division,
Jamar Boykin took first place with
Kim Fielder in second place and
Clewiston FFA member Morgan
Musgrave in third place.
Rachel Fries captured Grand
Champion with her 1,215 pound
steer. Rachel is a member of the A-
I Steer 4-H Club. Receiving the

Reserve Champion award was
Abbv Peacock, who is a member
.of the Hendry County Cattle 4-H
Club. Abby's'sleer weighed in at
1,093: pounds. Rachel andAbby
also received the Hendry County,
Bred Grand and Reserve Champi-
on Awards, respectively. Alico
Ranch was the producer of
Rachel's call and Dr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Keen were the producer of
Abby's calf. In order to achieve the
honor of receiving the Hendry
County Bred Grand and Reserve
Champion Steer, the steer had to
be born in Hendry County.
In the Junior Showmanship
division, Culien Jenkins captured
first place receiving a belt buckle.

uuDminea ro me ualoosa ellenenary ounLy -cxension um.il
Rachel Fries with her Grand Champion 1,215 pound steer.

Cowgirls are 14-4 for the season

Caloosa Belle/Donna Meister
Cowgirl's Kosh moving up
LHS Senior Van Cheska Kosh won her singles match
against Clewiston's' Mallory Pittman (cousin of Amanda
and Melinda) in a third set tie breaker. Kosh has moved up
to the number one position while top seed Amanda
Pittman recovers from tennis elbow. Coach Bobbie Spratt
remarked that the girls' team is doing very well, holding a
5-2 record, even with both Pittman sisters out with
injuries. Fourth seed Melinda Pittman is also recovering
with a knee injury. Both players are hoping to be recov-
ered to play in District competition starting on April 17 at
the Naples Country Club. All matches will be played on
clay courts, which is a departure for the Cowgirls.

Sports Shorts

Little League signups,
coaches needed

Pick up a Little League registra-
lion form at all local schools. Any-
one interested in coaching please
call Ricky Bass at 673-19-10 or any
board member for an application.
For. additional information please

contact Bubbie Owens at 239-
Little League Majors
umpires needed
The L'aBelle Little League
Majors are in need of umpires. If
you are interested please call Den-
nis Edgar at 673-0783 days.

By Roger Alexander
The Cowgirls softball team
went 3-1 this past week to run their
record to 14-4 on the year. In their
only loss, the Cowgirls managed to
out-hit their opponents by two hits,
but their four errors were more
than they could overcome.
But, on a good note, LaBelle
breezed in their first game of the
week as they handed Golden Gate
a loss in an 18-8 ballgame. Things
got scary a little bit for LaBelle as
the girls fell behind in the third
inning, 4-8, but a strong perform-
ance in the end saw them pull it
out by scoring 14 runs in the final
twvo innings.
LaBelle started some younger
girls on the mound as Stephanie
'Pack and Jacy Se'ly got s6me earyi
action. When both girls struggled,
Coach Marroquin turned to his ace.
Amanda Atun came in and.
calmed things down as she
blanked Golden Gate over the final
three innings. Atun faced just 10
batters and managed to strike out
seven of them. She allowed just
one hit in the victory.
From the plate Heather Rauler-
son did the most damage as she
had a double and a home run, driv-
ing in four runs. Shayla Wilson had
two hits and scored twice as well.
LaBelle then went on to face
Port St. Lucie and won a 10-9
shootout. LaBelle managed to slap
the ball around all day as they
came away with 18 hits, but their
five errors kept things dose to the
LaBelle allowed seven runs in
an error-filld third inning but right-
ed the ship in the end by scoring
eight runs over the final three
innings and holding their oppo-
rients scoreless through the same

Atun was on fire from both the
plate and the mound as she had
three hits, one being a triple, and
four RBI's. She also came in after a
shaky start from pitcher Alexa
Redish and made things right for
LaBelle. In the final four-plus
innings she allowed just one hit on
the way to victory.
Dani Blake, Lacy McCall and
Heather Raulerson each collected
two hits as Raulerson went deep
for the second night in a row. Blake
Rice also saw action as she went 3-
for-4 on the night.
LaBelle then went out and
squeaked out a close one against
Mariner in a 3-1 ball game. The
Cowgirls managed to score all their
runs in the opening Inning and then
held off a late rally as Mariner scored
one in the top of the seventh.
Raulerson doubled in the game
as she had two hits, while Rice kept,
her bat hot with two more hits
Atun pitched great throughout as

she gave up a hit and a walk while
striking out six. Alexa got her confi-
dence back as she came in and fin-
ished the game for a save.
In their only loss of the week,
LaBelle fell to Miami Coral Park in a
5-7 game. LaBelle managed 10 hits
but the four errors cost thern'dear-
ly. After opening the game with
two runs in the top of the first,
LaBelle managed to give up three
in the bottom of the inning.
The rest of the game saw the
Cowgirls get their opportunities but
manage just one run in the third,
fifth and seventh innings. Blake,
Raulerson and Redish did most of
LaBelle damage offensively as Blake
and Raulerson each got three hits
while Redish-added two. Raulerson
finished the night with 4 RBI's.
LaBelle willfbe in more familiar
surroundings this week as they
host both Bishop Verot and Clewis-
ton this week. \erot will be here
tonight and Cie\iston will be in
town tomorrow night.

In the Senior Showmanship
division, Hendry County Cattle 4-H
Club. member Josie Boykin
achieved first place receiving a belt
buckle. Rachel Fries, took the.sec-
ond place trophy with Abby Pea-
cock in third place.
The Hendry County Cattle 4-H
Club is led by Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Keen and Eileen Raulerson and
Renee Pratt provide leadership to
the A-I Steer Club. Mike Swindle is
the Clewislon FFA Advisor.
.-------..-------- q
I Brought to you by
Lorn Langfjrd I
I During larch .Mi d.ie collee basket I
I bll fan. focu on the '.-inners' But let s
I nt forger the loi.eri Take Catech I
I Entering the 2:0'5.C-6 iei-on. the
I rmght,, Bc.ieri hadinr on a mJe ae
j game m 12 \ea-r. jnd hadn t hjd a itro- I
Sry tn their Dl.lion IiI Southern
C*aliorm;u IntercoUegiate Athlenc I
Conference in get this 21 vear But I
Caltech srudents can compete wuith
anybody\ '. hen it come to pulling I
pra they hacked into the scoreboard and
.c haned it to read- C.ATECH 38. MIT
'a And at halftune of the 1961 Rose
Bowl. \V'sahingon falnj ere gi en flp
cardd that rhe7 %.'ere told would spel
out HLis1ES:. but instead read CA.L
I -I
I \ hat vs the largest crade m major
I league bjaebal history' It happened on I
I November 18. 195-1, hen Balrtnore andI
I Nc. 'ork closed a deal mvokin, an I
I Lnrkdible I. players The ke;s to the I
Stride .'ere pitchers Don Larein and Bob
STurle\v omLn to the Yankees. with I
cI che'rHalSmrruth nmd Gu- Tniri do'
I 'rd outielder Gene V,'oo.dla.ri ,o0ng to
Ithe Ono:le- T\.o ,etrs later. Laien
pitched the ordy perfect game tin World
I senci hrator, in 1960, i HJ Srrtrh. then
I .-.th Pitrbuir:h, carrie back to haunt
I Ne.. 'tork, bi crjckiriga late homErun tr
I jgai e ,'en cf the Sene to help the
I PUrarc ..in the crO'.-n
I "'" I
IFormer maior league pitcher Rick I
I Pioden relied i i 89 alter 16 ejiaons
i nd 141 vi. nrini-ng his attention to
Sgol it 2005il. Rhoden med to become
I u.t the third pro athlete from another
I major .port to qualify for golfs I
Chi mpions Tour. the circiit for seruor I
* He came up In.'o ihoti short, but can
Syou name te t o ro who had made it uin
i he pait' They were former NFL quar-
Ierback iohn Brodie and former big
le igue pitcher RaJph Terr
I / I
I IU bet you didn't know, comin~or
I gomri. that '.hen the rubber utsh the I
Sroad 'ou car, t affordd not to buy from I
I Laniiord

S Y'allSpokenHerel"
I 675-1686
-------- ----- -----.

We report,

but YOU decide.

CM 00--

C ~A?1W


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"iy -a' .i .. '. ..... .

10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March.30, 2006

LHS juniors, seniors s.
The Shadow Day Program at
LaBelle High School co-ordi-
nates a student from the high
school with a person in the
community who works in a
desired career. A "Shadow"
becomes an inseparable corn-
panion or follower of a person
in a chosen career area for one
working-day. It is a day when a
student can experience a practi-
cal view of the career they
chose. ;A student who has a
career in mind can sign up for
the program during their Junior
and Senior year. Once the stu-
dent has chosen a career to
shadow, contacts are made and .,
a date is set. A goal of the Shad-
ow Day program is to give the
student an opportunity to have
a contact in the workforce as a
reference in the future.
Shadowing, also, will enable
Sthe student to decide whether
the career chosen is truly what Mallory Williamson gets a taste
they want to pursue.The follow-
ing students met the above cri-
teria and shadowed during the
month of February and March:
Kourtney Kelting chose the
field of health and shadowed an
Emergency Room nurse at Lee 11 r
Memorial Hospital, in Fort .
Mvers. Matthew Williamson, a i'iiir
senior, decided to shadow ii i
Larry and Hal Bennett of HL &
Bennett Engineering to explore r
the career of civil engineering i:;*
Nezzie Beckworth and Anvslee -
Da\ila both chose Family Eye 'l
Care to :
Shadow Dr. Parrish. They Jl '
wanted to explore the various .
careers related to eye health. I lo-'
Janet Dominguez-Giron and I 5i
Dusan Jovetic chose a different i
field, however, still related to
the health career, the area of i "'i
orthodontics. They spent the
day observing Dr. Edwards at "
work with his patients. Ashley
Morrissey, a senior, chose the
educafi6n field and spent the
day with elementary students at
Country Oaks Elementary
School. Her shadow Mrs. Cot-
trell put her to work helping
with the Valentine's Day activi-
ties and helping with her class.
Nathan Riberdy, a senior, chose
to shadow Coach Kevin Kelly,
who is a physical education With a career choice of law enfc
teacher at LaBelle Elementary,
and spent the day interacting WAY FM88.7, in Fort Myers. She
-with-the students. Melissa--was-able-to be-a--part-of the
.Carey chose, to. shadow of ou.r morning show adt.be on the air
in-house teachers at LaBelle informing listeners of the weath-
High School, Maida Perez-Mil- er for the morning show. Gaby.
lan. Josh While chose to spend Gutierrez chose to shadow a
the daywith one of ourE.M.T.'s, school, the Sunstate Academy of
Rachel Stewart. He gave a stel- Hair. She spent the day with dif-
lar evaluation and wrote that it ferent departments and was able
definitely helped him in his to find out what she needed to
career making decisions. do to be trained as a cosmetolo-
It seems that the health gist. Andy Taylor and Natalie
career fields were popular this Nieves chose the area of law
year. mrnanda Wright chose the enforcement. Natalie chose to
field of physical therapy and was spend the day with Sergeant Bar-
able to shadow the Functional bara Brown of the Hendry Coun-
Rehab out of the Riverdale t\ Sheriff's Department and
office. She felt the da\ was well Andy Taylor spent his da\ shad-
worth it and it motivated her to owning with Lt Pam Steelman,
continue to think toward that who is a game warden whose
particular field. To changefields, assignment is Hendr\ County
Mallory Williamson, chose the Paulette Cervantes and
communications field and shad- Stephanie Rivera chose to shad-
owed a Christian radio station, ow the LaBelle Animal Hospital

hadow career choices

te of working in

Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/LaBelle High School
radio during this year's Shadow Day event.

this \ear. Paulette loves animals
-"and was interested in being an
animal caretaker, while
Stephanie Rivera was interested
in the Veterinarian's Assistant
profession. Tilfany Terrell shad-
owed a local counseling group
called Creative Counseling and
is interested in psychology with
a biblical perspective. Patrick
McLymont chose a field that
gives you a natural high, flying,
He chose to spend a day at the
LaBelle Municipal Airport with
Thomas Vaughn, who. gave
them an over view of how the
airport is run and the different
aspects that go with flhing
Brandon Dietz decided to pick
an area that we don't think of
very often and that is Animal
Control. He loves animals and
decided to shadow a career that
would benefit the community as

This year students explored a
wide \arielN of careers. The
.responses from the students
were all positive, stating that
they learned quite a bit and the
majority wanted to continue
with the field that they chose
after they shadowed.
The Shadow Program is
doing what is designed to do, to
help students make informed
decisions about their future and
educational goals. This pro-
gram would not be a success
without the businesses and
people who take the time to
allow these students into their
world for the day. Jovita
Williamson extended her sin-
cere thanks to all those who
participated this year, saying
"You have touched the lives of
our youth and that is priceless."

Avian Influenza


Health department
watches for bird flu
This information is part of a
series on Pandemic Influenza
provided by The Hendry and
Glades County Health Depart-
ments. The series will cover
basic information and actions to
be taken if Pandemic Flu
becomes a realistic threat to the
citizens of Hendry and Glades

What is Avian
Bird Flu is the common name
for avian influenza, an infection
caused by avian (bird) influenza
(flu) viruses. Avian Flu is caused
by the H5NI virus. Avian Flu
occurs naturally among birds. It
is contagious among birds and
may cause death. Avian Influen-
za does not infect people unless
there is direct contact with birds
infected with the virus. Most of
these cases have been caused
from people having direct or
close contact with birds infected
with the H5N I virus or contami-
nated surfaces. Bird Flu has not
occurred in the United States.

Because all influenza viruses
have the ability to change, scien-:
lists are concerned that H5N1
virus one day could be able to
infect humans and spread easily
from one person to another. If
H5NI virus were to gain the abil-
ity to easily spread from person
to person, an influenza pandem-
ic, or worldwide outbreak of dis-
ease, could begin.
According to health officials,
"No one can predict when a pan-
demic might occur." Experts
from around the world are
watching the H5NI situation in
Asia and Europe very closely and
are preparing for the possibility
that the virus may begin to
spread more easily from person
to person
In the event bird flu were to
reach the United States, protec-
tive measures such as hand-
washing, cleaning surfaces and
assuring safe food practices
would need to be followed. John
Gountas, Hendry and Glades
County Planning Consultant,
says this is not the time to panic,
but stay informed. "This is a bird
flu, not a human flu."
Information on Avian Flu will
continue next week.



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County prepared for emergencies
.. ..lm iU i '.UIItyu ftpHi i trll iL-uCt Ecanii O Ir tions OCenter to

Post your News
Post or read press releases,
announcements & information
from your community.

Community Links. Individual Voices.

Henuly LUntILy UconucteU an
Emergency preparedness meet-
ing on Wednesday, March 22,
from 9:30 a.mi-12 p.m. All Emer-
gency Support Functions partici-
pated in the special training at
the Dallas Townsend Center.
There were 27 named storms
in 2005 and predictions are that
this season will be just as active.

Iiurrl cane seo. ason sar Ol on
June 1. It's not too early to make
preparations and have your fam-
ily plans in place.
The most important aspect bf
any emergency is proper plan-
ning and preparation. The coun-
ty is still recovering from the
effects of Hurricane Wilma.
Plans are being made to build an

llllegell l.cy /peal.LuViJ -.kllal. .V
respond better to disasters. A lot
of planning and preparation
information is available on the
Hendry County web site at
For more information contact
the Emergency Management
office at (863) 612-4700 or (863)


The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission announces a notice of intent to issue per-
mits for the purpose of controlling the feral hog popu-
lation and protecting the ecological values on the
Fisheating Creek Wildlife Management Area, West of
US 27.
Permits will be issued for two hog control time periods,
April 7 9, 2006 and April 14 16, 2006. Twenty-five
permits will be issued for each hog control period.
Permits will be issued on a first-come, first-serve basis
to individuals 16 years of age or older. Permits will
only be distributed at the Fisheating creek WMA
check-station at the FEC Campground located on US
Highway 27 in Palmdale, on Saturday, April 1, 2006 begin-
ning at 10 a.m.
Permitees will be allowed to take wild hogs with no
size or bag limit. The use of dogs for capturing.or tak-
ing hogs is prohibited. Firearms will be limited to a
shotgun with #1 Buckshot or later.
For additional information you may contact the
Fisheating Creek WMA office at 863-946-1194.

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Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30, 2006


Project Graduation .
The Project Graduation meeting
is set for Monday, April 10, at 7 p.m.
in the LaBelle High School library.
The event is still in the planning
stages and there is much to do. Any-
one who would like to help provide
an all night, adult supervised
evening of fun for LHS graduating
seniors that is drug-free and alcohol-
free, is invited to come out and help.

auxiliary deputy
The six-week Hendry County
Sheriff's Office Auxiliary Deputy
Course begins April 18.. Sessions
will be Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 6-10 p.m. and 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
on Saturday. Each session will be
at the HCSO Training Facility, locat-
ed at the Hendry County Gun
Range near Pioneer Plantation.
Auxiliary law enforcement offi-
cers play an important roll for law
enforcement agencies. For more
information or to enroll for the
course, please call Nick Smith at
S863-674-4060 ext. 102.

Call for prayer:
Prayers for healing by Jesus in
mind, body, spirit or relationships
is available from the LaBelle Chap-
ter of the Order of St. Luke the
Physician (OSL) by calling anytime
-24/7-and anonymously leading
vour request; unless a caller asks,
there cannot be a return call.

Chess, checkers
inOrtona -
Ortona Community Association
has an educational recreation pro-
gram for the youngsters and they
need a teacher for the "Chess and
Checkers" group. Classes need to
be after-school hours, and flexible
schedules are no problem. The
"students" may also include some
interested adults.
Anyone interested, please call
675-8850-volunteers welcome too.

Gardeners to meet
The March meeting of The
Greater LaBelle Garden Club will
be March 30, at 7 p.m. Meetings
take place at the Dallas Townsend
Center off Cowboy Way across
from the health department The
guest speaker this month is Gene"
McAvo, the Co~uintv -ERte'nsion:
Director-and ,Rgionatl V.eetable
Horticulture Agent III.
Everyone is welcome. If you
have.any questions or problems,
Gene is the man to ask. There will
be a plant exchange, 50 50, Yard of

the Month presentation and
refreshments. Bring your family
and friends. For more information,
call Nikki at 675-3394 or Terri at

'Bunny Bingo'
West Glades Elementary School
is having its first ever "Bunny
Bingo" on April 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the
cafeteria of the school, including
raffles to %win a TV bikes, barbecue
grill and many other prizes.

Learn watercolor
Watercolor artist Helga Flower
will have a workshop at LaBelle
Elementary School Friday, March
31, Saturday, April 1, and Sunday,
April 2. If you're interested and
would like more information, you
can call Jill Strickland at 612-9891
or Tina Sargent at 675-4537.

Are you a victim
of elder abuse?
Are you or someone you know
60-plus and being hurt or exploit-
ed? To report call: 1-800-96-Abuse.

CREW (Community Rebuilding
Ecumenical Workforce)I will offer
free assistance for loss due to Hur-
ricane Wilma. The CREW Work-
force is scheduled to conduct
needs assistance at the Nobles
Senior Connections at 475 Cowboy
Way on Tuesday, April II and
Wednesday, April 12, from 1-6 p.m.

Florida Flywheelers
Show starts on March 30
The Florida Flywheelers 20th
Annual Antique Engine show will
take place at the LaBelle Rodeo
Grounds through April 2. Thursday
is set-up day, Friday and Saturday
show from daylight t,'dark and
Sunday from daylight to noon.
There will be a flea market, tractor
pulls, tractor parade, a dance on Fri-
day night starting at 8 p.m., live DJ
Goofey Gilbert all weekend and
auction on Saturday evening. Food
will be available for purchase pro-
vided by Boo Boo's Restaurant.
Admission and parking are free. For
further details call 239-872.-1439.

Legion to hold last ^
breakfast of the season
The American Legion Auxiliary
will be having their last breakfast
buffet of the season Sunday, Apnl 2
from 8 until I a.m. Adult donation

is $5.50 and children eat for $2.50.
Eat in or take out. Please come and
join us.

LaBelle Nature
Park clean-up event
The Hendry,'LaBelle Recreation
Board and Coalition for Eco-Recre-
ation would like to invite commu-
nity organizations, youth groups
and individuals to.a I 1.'2 hour
LaBelle Nature Park Clean-up on
Saturday, April Ist from 9 a.m. to
10:30 a.m. The Recreation Board
will provide trash bags, gloves and
some tools for the event. Hats,
gloves, long pants, sturdy shoes
and insect repellant are recom-
mended. Participants are encour-
aged to bring their own rakes and
shovels. Clean-up; water will be
provided for participants.
After the clean-Up representa-
tives of area organizations and indi-
viduals are invited to attend the
monthly meeting Coalition for Eco-
Recreation on Saturday April 1 at
II a.m. at Margaret England's
home at 380 Riverview Drive at the
corner of Fraser Avenue and
Riverview Drive. Call Margaret Eng-
land at 674-0695 for information

ACS wrap-up dinner
The American Cancer Society
Relay For Life team will hold their
wrap-up dinner at the Dallas
Townsend Agriculture Center on
Wednesdayy April 5, starting at 6:30
p.m. All committee members, team
members and volunteers who
worked so hard during the success-
ful Relay For Life are invited to attend.

Come to first ever
Woman's Forum
The Caloosahatchee Charter
Chapter of the American Business
Women's Association presents their
First Annual Women's Forum. This
year's event is entitled "Working
Toward a Healthy and Sucessful
You." Guest speaker is Carol Simon-
tacchi, MS, CCN. a renowned Certi-
fled Nutritionist and Author of Heart
Health for Women on Saturday,
April 1 from 8:30 until 1 p.m. at the
Carlson Memorial United Methodist
Church, Social Hall, 310 Campbell
Street in LaBelle. Brunch will be
served and there will be plenty of
door prizes. Tickets may be pur-
chased from any ABWA member for
$12.50. Also available at the Cham-
ber of Commerce or call Sherry 675-
3278 or Karan 675-9396 for resen'a-
tions. Join us for an outstanding
* opportunity.herein.LaBelle!! .

Country Oaks
Blood Drive April 4
Country Oaks Elementary

School will be the location for the
upcoming Community -Blood
Drive on Tuesday, April 4 from 8:30
a.m. until 3:30 p.m. All donors will
receive a free $10 Publix Gift Card!
It's safe, it's simple and it saves
lives Be a hero!

Heritage Museum
meeting April 6
The regular monthly meeting of
the LaBelle Heritage Museum will
be Thursday, April 6 at the LaBelle
City Hall Commissioners room at 7
p.m. The program will include a
video of the building and digging of
the Panama Canal, also some inter-
esting facts not commonly known
about the area. Meetings are open to
the public so come and visit with us.

Amnesty at Barron
Library April 2-8
The Barron Library is celebrat-
ing National Library Week with
Amnesty. There will be no fines
charged on any over due books
returned the week of April 2
through April 8. Please help us cel-
ebrate National Library Week by
returning over due books. A book
drop is provided for your conven-
ience by the front door.

Moms and Dads
The American Legion Auxiliary
will be having a Juniors meeting on
Saturday, April 8, starting at 10 a.m.
for all girls 16 and under. The cost is
$7 to join. New members are
always welcome.

School board
meeting change
The next scheduled meeting
will be held on April 4 at 5:30 p.m.
at the Sub Office in Clewiston and
then on April 25 in LaBelle also at
5:30 p.m.

Alva Festival and
Chili Cookoff April 8
Bring your own lawn chairs for a
fun day of food, music and lots
more including a garden demon-
stration from 2-3 p.m. and chili
judging from 3 to 4 p.m. The live
music by Jake Murphy and Rough
Stock starts at 4 p.m. and goes until
7 p.m. There will be a raffle drawing
for a Deep Sea Charter fishing trip to
the Florida Keys, all day for a party
of four- a $1,400 value. Also a silent
auction from 1 until 6 p.m., a 50/50

drawing, product booths, wine tast-
ing from Alva Winery, exhibits,
food and refreshments. The loca-
tion is Hwy 80 next to Alva Diner
from 12 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, April
8. Booth space is still available, call
239-340-3904 for further details.

Letthe 'Spirit :
move you
The regional/state champion
chorus "Spirit of the Gulf" from Fort
Myers is presenting a "winners cir-
cle" performance Saturday, April 1,
at First Christian Church at 3 p.m.
The church is located almost in
downtown Fort Myers where
McGregor Blvd. begins just west of
the bridge overpass (5 corners).
Tickets are $15 and may be pur-
chased at the door. "Spirit of the
Gulf" is an affiliate of Sweet Ade-
lines, Inc., ladies barbershop singers
and will represent Region 9/Florida
at Las Vegas in October for interna-
tional competition. Several quartets
will also be on the April 1 show.

Class of 1996
reunion coming up
It's reunion time for the LaBelle
High School Class of 1996. Please
contact Jamie Grainger at 675-4799
or 612-0643 before 6 p.m.

Learn to get,
manage grants
FGCU Florida Institute of Gov-

emnment is presenting "Getting and
Managing Federal and State
Grants," a half-day workshop from
the Florida Institute of Government
from 1-4:30 p.m., Friday, March 31,
at the Student Union 214. The cost
is $59. Contact Joanne Hartke at
(239) 590-7815 or

Rainbow Trails camp
for bereaved youngsters
The Hope Hospice Rainbow'
Trails Camp for bereaved children
helps to heal young hearts and
change lives. Children ages 6-16
who have had someone significant
in their life die in the past year are
eligible to attend the camp at no
cost, on Friday, June 2-Sunday,
June 4.
Registration is open. For more
information, call (239) 985-7792 or
800-835-1673, or get an application
at www.hopehospice.org. Click on
Pathways of Hope Counseling, and
then click on Rainbow Trails:
bereavement camp for children.

Help for overeaters
Overeaters Anonymous meets
at 5:30 p.m., Episcopal Church of
the Good Shepherd, 1098
Collingswood Pkwy. at Eucalyptus
(a right turn off of Rt. 80 one mile
east of LaBelle). Open discussion.,
For information, call Sharon 675-

Easter events scheduled

Moose Lodge holds
its annual Egg Hunt
The Moose Lodge will be
hosting their Annual Easter Egg
Hunt on Saturday, April 15. All
children in the community are
invited to attend. There will be
free food, drinks and candy. All
children under ten years old
must sign in by 9:30 a.m. and be
accompanied by an adult to be
able to hunt eggs for prizes.
Sunrise Service
Easter Special
Grace Baptist Church invites
the public to attend a special
"Sunrise Service" at 6:30 a.m.,
Easter Sunday, followed by
breakfast soon after the service.

The church is located at 4200
N.E. Eucalyptus Blvd. in Port
LaBelle. Dr. Jeff Zimmerman is
the Pastor. Please call Grace
Baptist Church at (863) 675-
3349 or 675-3077 for more infor-
mation. Grace Baptist will also
have their regular morning serv-
ices at 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
There will be no evening serv-
ice. Happy Resurrection Day!
Come to Easter
egg hunt
Eastside Baptist Church will
have an Easter Egg Hunt, along
with food and fun for children in
pre-kindergarten through fifth
grades. The fun happens Satur-
day, April 15, at 10:00 a.m. at
Eastside Baptist Church, High-
way 80 East, LaBelle.

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12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006
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Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006 1

Erin Zimmerly with her Grand Champion Steer.

SuDmittec to [he ualoosa Berie/Sonja Crawtoro

LaBelle 4-H, FFA kids show off steers, hard work

By Sonja Crawford
The Market Steer Sho%%, spon-
sored bc Triangle Chemical
Cornpany, was held on Tuesday,
February, 14, at the LaBelle

Rodeo Grounds. The show con- Mr. Robert Demaree of Bush-
sisted of six --H members and nell, Florida, was the official
one FFA member exhibiting their judge for the evening. The steers
steers ranging from 1057 pounds were judged on muscling, cor-
to 1252 pounds. redness of finish, balance,

Lucas Pratt and his Reserve Champion

capacity, size, as well as carcass
Erin Zimmerl\ captured
Grand Champion with her 1.252
pound steer Erin is a member of
the A-I Steel 4-H Club. Receiving
the Reserve Champion award
was Lucas Pratt \\ho is also a
member of the A-I Steer H
Club Lucas' steer weighed in at
1,148 pounds Racheai Reinbott,
A-1 Steer 4-H Club, x as awarded
the Hendry County Bred Grand
Champion Steer with Cod\
Hollingsworth, A-1 Steer 4-H
Club, receiving the Hendry
County Bred Reser\e Champion
Steer. The producer of Rachael's
calf was McDaniel Ranch and
and Alico, Inc, \\as the producer
of Cod.'s steer. In order to
achieve the honor of receiving
the Hendry County Bred Grand
and' Reserve Champion Steer,
th'"s.teer had to be born in
Hendry County.
After the placing of the steers
came the Show manship catego-
ry. Showmanship is judged on
the ability to exhibit an animal to
its best advantage, as well as the
overall care and training of Ihe
animal. The exhibitors are
ludged on control, presentation
to the ludge, awareness of the

Fort Denaud has a varied, 167-year history

By the Fort Denaud Group
The residents of the Ft.
Denaud area in western Hendr\
Co-unt \ would like to retain and
tormalize the name of their conm-
munity. The area has been rec-
ognized as Ft. Denaud lor 167'
years, since its creation as one of
several U.S military forts estab.-
lished during the Second Semi-
nole War. Ithas continued exis-
tence since thai tunie, and it is for
this historic i srion that we, the
residents of thee area want to
keep the name, Ft. Denaud.
Ft. Denaud was deactivated
and reactivated during the Third
Seminole War and the American
Civil War, but during these times
of deaci\atian. the area
remrnaied a ablee link in South
Florida's developing economics.
Captain Francis A. Hendry, who
participated in Ft. Denaud's Civil
\\ar aci\ cities, purchased land in
the area after the war and it was
from his purchase, at the area
identified today as Ft. Thomp-
son, that the city of LaBelle
began to grow. The Ft. Denaud
area, however, was already
developing. The oldest home in
western Hendry County is in Ft.
Denaud. The oldest citrus grove
in western Hendry County is in
Ft. Denaud. Some of the oldest

M .arion f f t. '
Manon F fmlr

river trade history is in Ft.
Denaud, and the history\ of the
area has evolved continuous
Some of the unique items in Ft.
Denaud include our Ft Denaud
swing bridge, Terrell Gardens.
the historical marker that identi-
ties the site of the actual fort, a
1923 county-line road sign along
State Road 80, and the old Ft.
Denaud post office building.
The Ft Denaud swing bridge,
located on Ft. Denaud Bridge
Boulevard, is one of the last two
remaining swing bridges in Flori-
da. The residents in Ft..Denaud
agree that it should be main.
tained properly\ and delinitel\
preserved because or its unique
status as one of the last two
bridges of its kind in the state.
Terrell Gardens was estab-
lished in the early 19th Century
by Dr. and Mrs. Terrell. Many
exotic trees, shrubs, bamboo
and flowers are still growing in
the one and only "garden" of its
kind in the county. Dr. Terrell
brought many of these plants in
from their native areas.
The Ft. Denaud historical
rtiarker at the site of the old fort
identifies the heart of the area.
This is the beginning of Ft.
Denaud, established in 1837. It is
situated at the northern end of

Madison Ave.

the swing bridge, diiectlv across
the steel fiom the oldest home
in Ft. Denaud. The historical
mnarkei thuli identifies the start-
ing point for the Ft D)enaud
commun-i r Try.
Hendr\ Count came into
e\l.teniLe in 1'92. v, hen the area
%.as separated froin Lee Couinty,
rand the proud ne% Hendry
County residents announced
their new status by building an
archover State Road 801 at the
county line. On that sign are the
names of,;and number of miles
to, several Hendry County com-
munities, and "Deinaid" is one
of them.
The old Ft. Denaud post office
building is still standing! It was
discontinued as a working post
office in 1945 because of the
manpower shortage during
WWII, and has been deteriorat-
ing ever since. It's been moved
from its original location, but the
residents of the area have hopes
that some day someone will
restore the old building that

dates back to at least the earl\
19th century.
...To further explain the area's
recognition as Ft. Denaud are
specific places named after the
old fort. Ft. Denaud Road, Ft.
Denaud Bridge Boulevaid, Ft.
Denaud Cemetery, Old Fort
Denaud residential community,
Ft. Denaud Acres (another resi-
dential community), the Ft.
Denaud Swing Bridge and state
road signs that'tell travelers
they've entered the Ft. Denaud
All of these "Ft. Denaud
names" suggest that the name,
Ft. Denaud, has a definite recog-
nition and its long, continuously
active history suggests that it
also has a definite significance.
As residents of Ft. Denaud, we
want to preserve the area's his-
tory and one of the most effec-
tive ways to do this would be to
preserve its name. It's been iden-
tified as Ft. Denaud for almost
170 years. We don't want its
identification to disappear.

judge, and knowledge of the
species. Planning, practicing,
and neat appearance will assist
the exhibitor in being successful
WVinning the Senior Show-
mranship buckle \was Erin Zim-
merly. \inning the secorid place
troplh iwas Matt Platt and in third
\\as Stephanie Pack. Rachael

Reinbotl look lirst place in the
Junior Showmanship division.
Rachael received a belt buckle
hor her efforts. All are members
ot the A- I Steer 4-H Club
The A-I Steer -4-H Club is led
by Eileen Raulerson as well as
Renee Pratt and the FFA Advisoi
is Don Crebbs.


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Rachael Reinbott and Hendry County Bred Grand Champion.

WIHAMnokalee f S AVAIM16E Ij


14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006

Glades in Brief

Joint EDC social
CHL Holdings and Country
Homes and Land will host the first
Glades County Economic Develop-
ment Council social of the year, a
joint social with the Hendry County
Economic Development Council,
Thursday, April 6, beginning at 5
p.m. at the CHL Model Center on
2480 East S.R. 80.....two miles east
of LaBelle.
Finger food finger food and a
beerwvine bar with proceeds to be
split between Hendry EDC and
Glades EDC will be available at
CHL's Sales Office and all three
model homes will 'be open for
Hendry and Glades County
businesses, officials and others are
encouraged to come and
exchange 'business cards, and
learn about projects the EDCs are
doing. At about 6_p.m., CHL will
give a brief presentation on the
company's history, future, and cur-
rent projects..For more informa-
tion, phone (863) 946-0300 or
(863) 675-6007.

CREW needs
The Community Rebuilding
Ecumenical Workforce CREW) of
Hendry and Glades Counties is
seeking volunteers to assist resi-
dents with repairs and continued
clean up efforts in the aftermath of
Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters,
electricians, plumbers, drywall
installers and other trades skills are
needed as well as anyone willing to

lend a hand! For more information,
email CREWheadquarters
@.'aol.com or phone (863) 983-
4316 or (863) 946- 1457

Main Street
membership drive
The Main Street Moore Haven
membership drive continues
through the month of March. Fund-
ing will be used to match grants for
facade improvements, signage and
streetscaping projects, and promo-
tion of the city as the revitalization
effort moves forward. Founding
memberships for Main Street
Moore Haven are $3,000. Partners,
$1500, Supporting members, $500;
Building members, small business-
es and organizations, $50 and ndi-
vidual'friend memberships, $25.
As a new 501 c 3, memberships
and donations to the program will
be tax deductible. For more infor-
mation on Main Street Moore-
Haven, email twhirlsia'glade-
scoun'tedc.com or phone (863)

CREW seeks donations
The Community Rebuilding
Ecumenical Workforce CREW) of
Hendry and Glades Counties is
seeking donations of building
materials and supplies, including
lumber, nails, drywall, to assist resi-
dents with repairs and continued
clean up efforts in the aftermath of
Hurricane \ilra. 'Donations,
including monetary contributions,
are tax deductible. For more infor-
mation, email CREWheadquarters

@aol.com or phone (863) 983-
4316 or (863) 946-1457.

Creating the
County We Want
Florida 's Heartland Rural Eco-
nomic Development Initiative,
(FHREDI), Glades County, the City
of Moore Haven, and Glades Coun-
ty School Board, Glades County
Economic Development Council,
Inc., and community leaders are
encouraging residents from
around Glades County to partici-
pate in the third and final visioning
workshop Monday, April 3, from 6
to 9 p.m. at the Farris Davis Ameri-
can Legion Post 299 Hall on River
Road in Moore Haven.
Hear from experts on current
activities in the county. Identify
your treasures. Tell us what you
want for the future of Glades Coun-
ty. For more information-on the
"Creating the Counht We Want"
workshop, please phone Glades
County Economic Development
Council Executive Director Trac'
Whirls at 946-0300 or 227-2438.
Refreshments will be served.

Hurricane Wilma
help available
Help is still available for Hurri-
cane Wilma victims from our local
Community Rebuilding Ecumeni-
cal Workforce (CREW) but you
must register again!
Community Rebuilding Ecu-
menical Workforce (CREW) is a
caring network of Hendry and
Glades Counties' civic, social, serv-

ice, and faith-based groups, agen-
cies, and organizations, along with
concerned individuals and busi-
nesses, formed to address the
physical, emotional, and spiritual
needs of the community in the
restoration and rebuilding of their
lives and homes in limes of a natu-
ral or man-made disaster
CREW will provide collaborative
leadership and advocacy in meeting
the needs for revitalizing and
improving the quality of life for the
most vulnerable in the community.
For more information, ques-
tions, or to schedule an appoint-
ment, please call of visit: CREW
Headquarters, First United
Methodist Church, 352 W Arcade
Avenue,- Clewiston, phone .(863)
983-4316 (John 3:16)-.or email

Glades EDC
meets April 10
The Glades County Economic
Development Council will meet
Monday, April 10 at 6:15 p.m. at
Glades Electric Cooperative, to give
our members' an opportunity to
attend the final "Creating the Coun-
ty We Want" visioning session,
April 3.
Come hear reportson our Main
Street initiative, plans for Glades
County's prospective business
park and other projects going for-
ward. All EDC members are wel-
come to attend.
If you are not an EDC member,
you should be! Contact us for a
membership application at

Bunny Bingo for WGES playground equipment

By Barbara Oehlbeck
It's another first at West
Glades School. Their first
BUNNY BINGO will be at the
school Friday, April 7, beginning
at 6:30. There is no admission
fee at the door.
This project is to raise funds
for playground equipment at the
school This is a titanic effort to
raise $10,000 for this equipment
which is not covered by funds
allocated for regular school use.
Bingo cards will be 10 for
$5.00. If you \in a bingo game
you'll be given an
Eastei ham from Winn-Dixie
or Li-Save. These two communi-
ty super markets have donated
the hams for this special event.
There will be at least ten bingo'
Between games, prizes will
raflled. Tickets are only 50 cents
for the raffle, and prizes include
brand new bicycles, a television,

grill, slip-and-slide and multiple
other prizes which have been
donated by local businesses and
In between all the fun-filled
activities there'll be snacks and
drinks, sloppy joes, nachos,
candy bars and olher finger food
for your enjoyment.
Bunny Bingo is a special proj-
ect of the West Glades School
PTO Parent-
Teacher Organization under
the direction of Edilh Miller, who
says, "This is not just a school
event, it's for the entire commu-
nity as well as for all the children
wvho will enjoy the playground
equipment We realize that
$10,000 is a huge goal for us to
reach but 'we know we can
reach it if oir community turns
out and supports the effort."
And, any donations of funds
or gifts \\ill be gladly accepted
and very much appreciated.

Legion gets behind

legislative priorities
By Dennis R. Boland collections from veterans
Alternate National Executive third-party health insult
Committeeman, Dennis R. companies, except Medicar
Boland of Dana-Howard-Week- ACLU's Assault on Va
ley American Legion Post 130 The American Legion has
just recently returned from active in combating the
Washington D.C. where The and its destruction of Ame
American Legion presented the values. The American L
Legion's Legislative priorities supports H.R. 2679, the "F
which include: Expression of Religion
The Flag Amendment: The introduced by Rep. John H
American Legion and the Citi- tier (IN), that would re
zens Flag Alliance continue to remedies under Title 42t U
support a proposed constitution- establishment clause litigat
al amendment: "The Congress injunctive relief. The Ame
shall have power to prohibit the Legion ,alls. on Congre
physical desecration of the flag amend Title. 42, USC, St
of The United'States." 1988 and end judges' aut
Fiscal Year 2007 VA Budget: to award attorney fees in
- Full funding of the Department brought to remove or de
of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a religious symbols.
.*major legislative objective of The Oppose Increased TRI
American Legion each fiscal Enrollment Fees, Deduc
year. Unfortunately, all enrolled and 'Premium and Prescr
veterans still do not receive time- Co-Payments: The Am'r
vl access to health care within Legion recognizes the
VA's own acceptable access owed to the entire military
standards. For the fourth year in ment community for their
a row, the President recom- fices and hardships endul
mends charging Priority Group 7 honorable military service
and 8 veterans an annual enroll- nation. TRICARE offers an
ment fee of $250. These veterans of health insurance option
are also once again targeted for military retirees from pi
an increase in prescription co- for-profit contractors. Thes
payments from $8 to $15 per 30- posed increases in pren
day supply are targeted to a select gro
Medicare Reimbursement: military medical care behe
VA is prohibited from billing the ies those military retiree
Centers for Medicate and Medic- their families under age 65
aid Services (CMS) for the treat- America Legion opposes
ment of Medicare-eligible veter- increases and sees this pro
ans for nonservice connected as an erosion of quality-
medical conditions. Included in benefits from-a-grateful
VA's discretionary funding are for honorable military serv

Witch's Brew

By Pudge Lehman
:. When grating cheese or
_.' bread put the grater in a plastic
bag as you work and you'll elimi-
nate most of the clean-up.
Believe it or not hurricane
season is right around the
-comer. Now is the time to start
stocking up on stuff you'll need.
Buy a camp stove and a portable
'-.d'ibw h oi' while stbtes 'have'
,thet ., .' -
_f,_ lmycifetimre,, .1 have had
Submitfed to the Caloosa BelleWBrblire Ohhl6eck im etimaey have had
Win one of these great.bikes or another great prize at West approximately one hundred
plastic food- bags melt onto
Glades Elementary's first Bunny Bingo April 7. Proceeds will something. Use'your hair dryer
go for playground equipment. to warm it up and a plastic card


s and
re. "
ISC in
ion to
ss to
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to scrape it
off. If any-
body out
there claims
never to
have melted
a bread
wrapper onto the toaster I don't
believe it!
While changing your outside
light.bulbs be sure to coat the
new.bulb with a thin. coating of
Vaseline or WD40. This prevents
corrosion and makes changing
easier the next time.
Werd fer the Week ... Pert-
neer: Almost but not quite.

Sell your personal valuables if
the,,y'r $2,00 or less
for absolutely free!
No fee, no catch, no problems

I-T-r -r-iL ..

Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30, 2006 10





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Mary'Diaz Lic. Real Estate Broker
(561) 385-3282
Yamile Carreno sales Associate COS TAM AR
(786) 255-8096 .OST1M A V
Abigail Soto sales Associate REAL TY
(863) 599-1218 R AL T
We will help 'our Real Estate dream come true

Brand new 3/2/2 Unit 1, close to
Elem School. $235,000.
3/1 CBS home in great condi-
tion. $165,000.
2004 Built CBS home in Unit 9.
on 2.79 acres with wrap
around porch and much more
$585,000 .
1/4 acre in Unit 1 on greenbelt
close to Elem. School $41,900.
1/4 acre.dversized corner lot in
Unit ,1 close to Elem-School-
1/4 acre corner lot surrounded
on three sides'with greenbelt
in Unit 2 $42,900.
2.22 acres in Unit 9, completely
surrounded by greenbelt, city
water, electric, street lights,
fenced, high and dry, close to
middle school. $219,000.

2 acres in beautiful Oakhaven
Estates cleared with pond
.58 (half acre) lot in city limits.
Establish your business just
two lots-off Hwy 80 $299,000.
Two brand iew steel buildings
each measuring over 9,000 sq.
ft. $1,77,5,000.--
1.25 acres with some pines, no.
restrictions $38,900.
1.25 acres org.corner lot off.
canal $40,500.
1.09 acres $70,000.
2.5 acres cleared with drive-
way and culvert installed,
temp. light pole ready to build
on. On Hendry Isles Blvd.

Hablamos Espafrol

Lia n r S- i Ra staeBoe
Asoits:Snr Aeadr LnaDld wi'
Jae anr o naC~eo, ei csn
RoeM snD ih lafedTint !u

i-im k00.1Ii1 E "'d, j ri-k I 'T"ri i-ic "I',.
$ 19'.900) -ijC' i 'I'ji) lc.Ijr -lprJlvc i'i,,iii..
uciw F:rlor irl Ir, Li ldlchim '' ir i v iI'iIl .T'i dl Il

1 $I39.i00 10 $151.900 fli ri Illr'iiiIbI.
O' bf.X BA huriic'jr .iir d l ,LI.i I ,ii itk
All hoTcrp rc .:,fl'.1I,+ J. hr .L fld
,till unrdci 'ilri.ir'IC Aift..'-:1.rrplclc.rl '1.1':
f $20.q0O '61BEKBA Imumil-i-ruircJ hic I' -Lcied
Fc frd,rihirrM-we crive i. r'i rut. r ho rric "'~
,, ne' h for 'd""liii
$ 113.900 liE X ncA '. Ii nid l u-i.' itn
Hjcr %:- pr v or I Ziri ci 11$ or
-crr'r h. -oiL.i ruI..ir nLicuoi..dirF
$112.500 -:"BE, -'6A hlcl''r lie-'i' ir ihc
H,,.u ,16 i.,.idrr, i'
* PRICE REDLiCED J1100110 ,00 0 Ox 'BI:RA
Arc.eu III 2'.l- cL-rI M'i l I flri -Ii pe, F'ea-'
S"8o.900 .hic h...Te. 'f.'-I- ,*i
n,.--hk -.li-mr 1.th pirli l I 6'em-hd Th I..1
*JLUST REDUCED $6-.900 -OrC-" RAmo- ul'.:-
f.: --rii el ia: r' i I + i.:if

S..$1,500,000 -'H*i'-2 tr,-iiige Curirenitl) Olr
c' iic yard'i
* '*$988,025 A'.rehu,'ie ...lil.:c .~.n I ;i+ .Icre
O l'e ,uI ,, ,jn.1 ui ,J ,{,. I' ,l ,,-'.'il .- .l. l 1,rh ,3b u'i
* PR(CF REDLIC.W900,000. -..' fird to i.nd,
j':r tc id|Oirailo FjbO:."' f-il ir'v if, Muuc P,,-cd ,.:.jd

* $850,000 li.i '. J.:i.-i l:.iuliiull' ,c.Id'Jcd iII
p l, iimc p i''i'[ -.j.j i p.ii,: n' ,J ,il:,6
* $650,000 "+ .,:'IL ,rn li hr iii ift Ar-j .i:it bj-,
SP ii
* PRICE REDUCED $-ISi.000 b8ulJ i.,uur .Jrein
o:uraql. ll' .:',[T iI-r.x I i l :r,-- a_.rrjI l'.,.;j[I,:'l'|l
Ll.:.ui I-) L I -b lit. i .J j& 1 .:0'l M',.rr'
* j3-19.000 .''+ ..i-, ..r i rr..p1.: iI ; llong c r.
.-looi r HA ,.- p r':iopTpr lciurc'. .l :i f ,.:i : Vail
tr e.s nd plira; P:ole' b ,a', .d,6l I,1.1 z I,:'r Ire l .:i .
* 2"'2,000 lII j:e0 i .i.n.' i |,r-I n..J j.id

rri':'bi l: lTic '.1 I.:.' t .. .,:l '' 1: 1i

tiB. ,lle
* $29,900 3 i.900 f.1 il.: hI'.:.Ti..-f jua iiitr ,n
I 1 9.9h0I lu '. 0 0 0 Il l.. ,, :.e i- l.:.m I:r Tijl.:.l
,Ii. ] IJ *icr I *Iir'lrlr f I.." ic-i h hi- "'Ic- 0 tii

$950 Monihl) :.bD' bOi Ii'rri 1 In i:'[.:.n 1i

This property hosts a 2,000 +'-
sq. ft. 3 2 CBS home on 20 + -
acres! The property Is fenced and
cross-fenced w. a small barn arnd
shed 8700,000
Enjoy the peace and privacy of
17 9+,- acres. the comfort of a
spacious 3.2 manufactured home.
with a full length screened-in
frontporch. and the possibilities
that come with having your own
60'x35' work shop. S700,000
property boasts 20 + secluded
acres and a 3 2 manufactured
home w' features such as front
and back screened porches, a
Jacuzzi and spacious Island
kitchen. ALSO. a workshop., stor-
age shed. carpoi 1. and hor:se barn
\\th three stalls S599.900
RANCH! Thil. 2 2 rhone on 6 25
+ acres has new laminate floor-
ing. carpeting. paint, new roof and
air conditioner In addition a
screened picnic building, pole
barn, storage building and
Jacuzzi. Located in Clewiston.
two story home w\\th large open
front porch, and pole barn is situ-
ated on 4 58 +/- beaulirfllly mani-
cured oak covered acres.
3 2 brick home features carpet
and tile throughout, French
doors, an island kitchen with
cook top, and a .pole barn w
enclosed storage. $345,000
Beautifully wooded 5 +/- acres w/
2/2, cottage and 32'x 29' pole barn.
with enclosed storage, horse stall,
water & electric. Property is fenced
and cross-fenced. $339,900

700 S.,Main Street
LaBelle,FL. 33975
Realtors: Emily Ankeney
Tony Barnes
Gregory Bone
Lisa Cleghorn
* Bonnie M. Denning, CPA
Ward Dickinson
Art Fry* Joyce Gerstman
Yvonne Hallman
Lisa Herrero
SPhyllis Kelley-Miller
Wayne McQuaig
*Paul Meador
Dan Pool
Katie Solomon
Synda Williams
l hlacey L. Williams

ING' This spacious 2,'2 home also
offers an attached I I apartment
and an 1800 + sq ft steel build-
ing. Beautiful oaks enhance the
front yard and the back is fenced.
This 3 2 manufactured home fea-
tures new tile. carpet. wood lami-
nate floors. new paint. an added
deck. and a fenced and cross
fenced yard wv, a barn for your
horses S275,000
HOME! This 3.2 home features a
large great room. interior laundry
room and Lew g'alvalume roof.
Also. a fenced yard ard barn w
plenty' of enclosed storage
Located In one of LBelle's pretti-
est S D's. this 3'2 home features
spin bedrooms, a large screened
rear porch. separate laundry
room. a fenced back yard. securi-
ty s, sten. and landscaping sprin-
kler system on well S259,900
DESERVE! This remodeled 3/2
home boasts a privacy fence. new-
looi. tile throughout except bed.
rooms, vaulLted ceilings, 30'
screened lanai. sundeck. oak cab-
inets in kitchen, and much more.
Located In Cape Coral. S259,156
thi- 3 2 mobile home located on
2 5 + acres Adjoining property
available for S275,000 (2.5 +t/
Acres) $250,000
ranch-style CBS home has been
perfectly maintained and has spa-
cious rooms and a large screened
lanai. $239,900

TOWN! This 3'2 home includes all
kitchen apphances, has tile and
carpet throughout. and a 10' x 16'
Ted Shed S239.000
16. WHAT A VALUE' This 4;2
manufactured home has It all.
including a working fireplace.
cathedral ceilings, large open
kitchen, large family room with
wet bar, custom hurricane shut-
ters and even a playground for the
kids. All on 2 5+'- fenced acres!
Located In Clewiston S199.900
3 2 home w eat-in kitchen, spa-
cious family room, remodeled
kitchen and baths. garage utilized
for laundry workshop with cabi-
netry and electric garage door
opener Mhost furnlshlngs and all
appliances Included. Sf89,900
32 manufactured home on
2.14+.- acres has been well main-
tained, and offers peace and tran-
quility missing from city living. yet
is close to town and has central
water Located in Clewiston.
GREAT VALUE! Enjoy this 3/2
mobile home w extra features
Including custom wood work,
landscaping and a deck perfect
for rela'dng and barbeques with
your family and friends
home comes complete with wood
and carpet flooring, afresh coat of
paint Inside and brand new roof
in 2006. S140,000
TO TOE! This 1/1 home has been
completely remodeled w/ tile
floors throughout, large enclosed
family room surrounded by win-
dows, and an additional large
screened porch. $132,900

Call our knowledgeable
and friendly staff about
land form 1/4 acre
to 100+ acres!!!

Ii 5U i9AI1

concrete block. '-+O-,AK FTLLUD
acre r r,n.h High ir.d ..r' i-.:ar
h,:.r' r -jr.i h :.- ur.jI.q.iicr + pc,.ai.-
iul Yl,:. S 1,300,000.
,n i LB '-'0'.. .'4:.,- .

HOME ON 7-3.'4 ACRES Thi ultra
private home features 3BR/2BA,
den, spaciouw family room with its
own entrance, oversized garage.
S$599,000, 601LB200t615433,

LOCATED IN MOORE I-LA\EN acrei Ih.t Thi-, iouse has a newer
- Rierifron 4 3 single tainih. r,:,l. ien,.odeled baLili toms, and
laige sc reen pa o L, spa t,:I ri'.er ii.onderful i-pen tiln place and
side. 55+ Communnlii 2U'N6" Ireze t "23a $185.000.
dock w/electric & water. 'iILB20nr21 II
$350.000. 6 ilLB2."i 13i2" -,,
SSU a m :.


Wide Mobl~e iL,,h Fronr jnd Back
,o.od porches Has \ear old reroof
Second structure is used as a office
$239,000. 601LB2006074100

- Deepwater Canal with direct LABELLEI11 Pavers brick entry-
access to intercoastel waterway, way. Spacious livingroom.
docks w/110-220 60amp. Boats Upgraded extras within the home.
up to 60ft. RV hookup. Large gameroom in back of home,
$574,900. 601LB100181 $189,900. 601LB200618848

Ammenities include city water,
sewer is available, paved road
frontage, chain link fenced lot,
and a small storage shed.
$95,000. 601LB200618270
Lt4' |-aBc 'ja^ s g
I~rf- .*^is^^i^V


muuA nrAVLN very nice,
newly renovated, 2-bedroom 2-
bath manufactured home situated
on nearly 8/4 of an acre lot.
Nicely landscaped with a pond in
the back, $89,900.

Cal1-66-5.7-2300 -, ww w icilunbet co

.. .". .. .. .. ": :... .' ..^ A "iy ,'-.. ,B::.

.-. .- ,

21 offices throughout Southwest Floridar: l

Investments 8 Real Estate
Sherri Denning
Licensed Real Estate Broker


Hablamos Espa ol

Tol.1 Fee 877,14,304

1. 00-oR "fily



16 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006

Scleroderma foundation has new director

Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Leonard Graham

Pet of the week
Jitters, the 11-year-old Jack Russell Terrier is a lap dog.
He doesn't care whose lap he lays in, even if it's Raggedy
Ann's. Jitters is a great dog, say his owners. He even
saved owner Leonard Graham's life when he alerted him
to a microwave fire in the kitchen. If you would like to sub-
mit a pet photo for consideration for publication in the
Caloosa Belle please e-mail a 5 inch jpeg digital photo
with a high resolution to: Donna Meister at
cbnewsrm@strato.net, or drop off a photo to the Caloosa
Belle, or mail to the Caloosa Belle, P.O. Box 518, LaBelle,
FL 33975. Photos may be picked up at the Caloosa Belle
office during working hours. We need your name, phone
number (in case we have any questions), pets name, age,
breed of pet and a caption. We are looking for something
silly, fun, unusual or thought provoking. Sorry, we are not
just looking for a really cute animal photos and definitely
nothing cruel or harmful. No pictures printed on your
home computer can be accepted.

Jodi L. Danois, of Coral
Springs, has been selected as the
first executive director for the
Southeast Florida chapter of the
Scleroderma Foundation. Her first
day was Monday, March 6.
In this position she will be
responsible for fundraising,
increasing regional awareness of
scleroderma, board development
and occasional grant writing.
"Jodi is real find for us," said
Walter Coyle, the interim presi-
dent of the Foundation. "Her
background fit the chapter's
needs perfectly. As a candidate
she is an A.+-. As the executive
director we expect she will help
raise the profile of the chapter and
awareness of this terrible dis-
ease." .. ..
Danois has served as a man-
agement, fundraising and devel-

opment consultant since 1998.
Prior to that she was the executive
director of The Wellness Commu-
nity in Philadelphia and, from
1992-1997, the director of devel-
opment for the Arthritis Founda-
She is a graduate of the Univer-
sity of South Florida and has done
advanced coursework in non-
profit organization regulation,
marketing, public relations, major
gifts, event planning, and others.
"One of the big things we need
to work on is the public aware-
ness," 'Danois said. "We know
there are people around who
have scleroderma or are touched
by it and we need to let them
know we're here. Then the ability
to raise money to fund research
and patient needs comes with
increased awareness."

Scleroderma is a chronic,
often progressive, autoimmune
disease in which the immune sys-
tem attacks its own body.
Scleroderma, which literally
means "hard skin," can cause a
thickening and tightening of the
skin. In some cases it causes seri-
ous damage to internal organs
including the lungs, heart, kid-
neys, esophagus and gastroin-
testinal tract. As these organs
harden they work less effectively,
perhaps leading to their failure.
Some medications and treat-
ments can help with certain
symptoms, but there is still no
cure for scleroderma, which
affects about 300,000 nationwide.
(By way of comparison, about the
same number of people are
affected by multiple sclerosis.)
The Scleroderma Foundation

is a 501(c)3 non-profit organiza-
tion dedicated to serving the inter-
ests of people with Scleroderma.
The Foundation's 24 chapters and
more than 160 support groups
nationwide carry out its threefold
mission of support, education
and research.

The Scleroderma Foundation
funds at least $1 million of new
grants each year to find the cause
and cure for Scleroderma.

"What is really great about this
opportunity is that Florida is a big
state and we now have the
chance to build something spe-
cial and helpful to the public,"
Danois said. "We can move the
Scleroderma Foundation forward
in Florida and create a strong

Las Noticias en Espanol

Important information de
sus agua de toma

La plant de agua de la ciudad
de LaBelle esta preguntando que
todos que estan en .la agua de la
ciudad eslen de required ques
estamos restrictos en la agua que

Porque la agua que usamos es
mas. Estamos preguntando que
por favor tengan cuidado de no

gasta la agua.

Que puedemos se
Regando es permitido en los
miercoles y los sabaos entire las
horas de 4 v 8 de la manana, para
las casas que tienen la direc-
clones que caban cohn los
numeros(I, 3, 5,7,9).
Regando es permilido en los
jueves y domingos entre las horas
de 4 y 8 de la manana, para las
casas de lienen la direcciones que
caban con los numerous (0, 2,4, 6,

8) o sin direcciones.
Regando con la manguera de
la mano esta permitido entre las
horas de 5 y 7 de la tarde en los
inismos dias. :
Toda agua desperdesida no
esta permitido. .
Llavando carros, barcos, y
otros equipo se p;ermite entire las
horas de 4 y 8 dela manana y 5 y 7
entrela tarde en los mismos dias
de regando. Llavando se permile
solamente en el zacale.

Que esta heche para ayudad
esta situacione?
Estamos preguntando que
todos ayuden para que no se mas
Para mas information puede
llama la Ciudad de LaBelle
67502872 o Ilame a.el senor dan
Atkisson 673-0617.
Por favor de coinparte esta
information con otras personas
que viven en la Ciudad de LaBelle
y especial personas que no reci-
bierron esta noticia.

WHERE DRAMS NEVER ENDI eu K ill all in 1lot wnh
Lid ,Bi 2 4 tbrric *C. ,,n oui i j-Ji the fr-ria oor jrnd
ih: ilpen flii pur.t idi pn-inorai c rreifiw Pe lrridcled
kiliten feariurei is al rnibmja.i ile and reiti ri citnet
oiiinicun.:,p H':,m: hi I nI rr-.i' I ci jTcte upinis ad
re di isrir Ilp -Ipii trn~ri'j f-rale 3h bilcan tol erlTY
Ihe nriv -ie- i td i d ti rJi k in .ril v.lrae Lr i LK
rin in ound |i-ri 'p- i'.:!, L. i.utlng or 3 ur b:-i[.
OAKitiEF% GRAcE TWiTi .9uTRFB LOIran-ji..ta; SM
home iti i ti-.unrul it ,..-i he' .d3i..ftiiihcEt ife r
Pi-n jn' Pi facii 'ans t Erinri tr sunut ckre Lhe valer
i'c vior tL.:Lk :eil fd pi in' acl., lilt 3id calJi fl lorin
WIndeiful iiil..lhn i uio[ c iin~iUin, pUrlni'ii ibhurert'
indit',r Julir pO 1lilg' prorc tx'r t dOiJ lnih lit-
i onlmnirr dut-hrt'iu Ir. ludes p*vl, hr:u[r nmp afid I ni
,..un- ri9.000
CALOO sA CHElEC RiV T FRONAltc{if 25 f.t rllw-,
p nu rn-, al.:h t'e -,Juai arnd i ii-"[f.,: i iti youth bi'Ck
pr ,rL. IUpgrpid clBP 0 -I ,r iprine hOriTe I ,conenjoil.
IV lI'-.rud wtuin I ruil ,:f marnni. reauurmLo ind gulf
ioure. lidian illli ubdVir'. are, ir nith p.iikig for y.ur
iii d i n-- l lN i jrpa i iani a $599.900.
TBE CALOOAHMATCHEE RIVER. Theis, niro rur tpi al
fianulftrterd himie 4 BeRliirLi pluh i den iri.ludes a3
:.I)ne ficpli.:r, icnril rub, Piarih dl i'r5, c Jihlfdil c idmi
mdn ndinT)' k.rtuic. nd bind de y: ouid ldnr capei.
SuiT re' iurcl-) Lby ilflrig k ljsk 'r,,de thi ', ra eit dble h-arnir
P'nce hi. -heti ,edcil 1-Miking grnr he ti.ra i lulie i-r lir ettr
.i nrvI:r:ori lnrd $395,000

ci '. dil i r iii l d 'k-cld hh u 'an be [t i
I l,41 : 'r0 _____
2ROD A. HOME TRhl r Bl G7T", le O;7 r HnI:I F:
ilh irfld bndihr: Cli 25na, I iiB t air ln'd iclinr ra-Jpt
b so Ih ) ll bnhrT irr uil, ..riB O ffff'd i ld wf
RANCH D PETE -.ilig CTi .,Bi Pt di illcri: hiiri ei n d:
iw OMe 'I' 2.'Li- rra, ii h. Build oar I.i air h[iTFi- lert,
OFFERS! )9ii)0
240 fOrOMIfTLFfiJ[ njrin]i rj T mTigc'S,-i,.. ind
,_, il ti-iir ~.iJJ' J :ol Jrinla a Jll- I a"ilhT 1iu :t .ir, 1
.iijiiiiry Jtvi' Inc .1k & ,ilr;ni r IhL' ;. L J.4 r l i .,mr e '5,. [,'i,J'
i' builJ au IMI, 1n l LJ ,a : r c a r lig pil 29,000
P O li t L A B B iE R A N C t- i Sr [ Lr ',,n i ,' ae u, h 'lA T f ',i
Oit,1 ll'c ,.iili iscn ut hviie irii.,, i, hr. FaJa i i' P ir 0 curid i la c e,
nll hl.irr.-.l In i rl ir r I e, rdp ; lwe.ti l
hui-r al ilc id he r- ic.r in ruiru 1 li-chl r.itlc p r ) lni.)il
rio., ,iri-', Ir i [ l ri il -il,'d r i.;k hndr 'iu the nit i r I r
thlU',.,rpm Tyl Hito. nndid -i ri 'llul lr t Ir i i. d
,' m., in .a-n tO,i h0

RODEO AI HOME. ih,. iBr i la hri.:k hui or 11 n :ir
'rinJi 6 a rj ''.pb':r .i t'ci liMr g rii:.in. fl, 'ap6, i[ or dirh ',n
ail -'iir n I r, lii | i d,.. In in: *ini d ,nJ ilg -.'r ,
e'r.crin, fri I'-, J, 'r:i|dllll *-ICITBir A n-:ull h--i':
irirm i,[ i full, bithror)j L r d tLA ra hr r ri, d i :i i ld ,wici 11
1"h rn.', iff, i'i : ]-iTiri h-ir- r .i 2-I I .i ,ll p.:.- hinl onri

u; d I --wr twn f i2nl
*L". ,] i- r.u',ry -'it'Kbien t 1,200 ,000
HOMW ON 20 ACRE., Heale I. I -pi ll I, pl: ,in ril on'.
,.bti U ull-,ri n airirri ,ii i' F I.Lr i[A( n Ji. i ,r,
J"idi- in ., ,rJ r.,n, 'r o ai eiorh, p iid
]d$i 1 jj -jr". :ii : l h.til..'-hi.p iiji'- .-icff:., |i]i?
n,.h.,', .rJ -.' bin w i .' li rL) A r 'ni ter for *:'Jr itr,
i$1t 200,00.
ROAOWIf?'ROW fl 4- i llv :B'ine hi, iAt 1.-bi p-ak
[p.nd iij.lcd unh i_ a-'id eLi'i0 dii ruml F -n rl:ng h-n -,,L
thjIjf,'ia '0 l ih t propo inridT ne .plit Lcb J ,e id'le %Mir)
-al f Irui ir h:- iii 'ilturird i'h,: h[un'i- I l ic'i jre picnrul,
JUl :.,jn il .-[ i. t -, -,lu-ii rn Pri.per tv oul'l ir ;p- lt i., i1iu
|,r i ef-mnie ire, h',rici-,i:. n vnih ]i -nh:[ -i' the 'Jn-ir
w -iv "ii' I I .-.- & 2.1 5 % l' r p hirr ill1.'v r i.Jdiu,)nal .a)r-
ype rullf l ,dLJ,..kjing .;-and tih ih.-le bI,: h -dle -d Ior i
hi'.iT. .-'ul.d,. i 'lcri aruiiif hclln.":r. it, rivnue rind l.i-l
.il':,d ihi'iuiii l [ n. 'u, r.-i )IT.A \ ULrgr in'-ph'? 'mi
i.,-:21). iL i ,uild b,. u.-:d r i lismilt r:i:irri f oA d hci
, iiri.,J I.r I r d luir1 rl ThL a I ill $71 5,000
MA O O I'R MOW t0 ( COUNTRY' I1NGI I Lir) life his

,i, a -. u il d-, Phil i d .. l,'i, 111 ..I. ,r..
ie ahu-ful b,-d, ppei mi in tju.. !orah

rtlay f- Lh ti h,.',)ini., ort bc
-,dn, $650,000
K. REJlij l.a.

180 N. Bridge St.- LaBelle, FL
1 (863) 675-6788 1-888-675.6762
*A- | f' "i www.heritagelandco.com
S|Se Habla Espafiol

S~ASSOcATES: Trisha Arnold Denise Walker
Beverly Curnis.* Party Walker* Wavne Simmons
Sv .. & KiE. O'StE n Charlene Bowen Office Mainager
a .. _LuL Carraa Office. AVistanc,
-. iiC xrsz- -

.irid rmp orn ihe (1r.l t i Elieuibe .oulI cr~ f rwt, ,i2i A2, ~1 Ii mr-e l, .i. l .,i.n hasil jJ 5 ACRES WES OF LuBELLE onl ,a>h.:. ndLu ir.li;c F
th, .utlJit-i.--:.n i 'i tdrenatn r nu'll,'c .p[ thc ir u&ii imendrl'cll upl h ugii..r'dugllil le pIO.i. rll, h Ihe I l yerlyer. p.n l paIr p nimne i ihm ghour tih plur. pe~ryl th
,-w like i mo ldd hJi it r Ir a pl, II .:.g rplu foirm. l dn It(l -.f C.r-it.rL dLling friTcoi i bu ill irn i ilri EaItitrf fiLtpliat proidrb prnit Build your dreimi home herhe Will require
n.g ir-m it 1 i l l' 1i 11 fi f d uilry r nl m .-Ih i',Jii.niJ b.i il] I rn-n.t, .-u'lrm )ia. l bi t- cir- Io' V, n lric, turn his wellarid plle Z, ed il hoinIe'ie iA-2i 5269,900.
>hcalrg n. ad vink. L e openirhenrii,..n puritrt an .rri] nrht-i glurier nibia ,s pri!rjc ihi.'lw-iptl, ipe- impalii are, lIrra burl- 5 iUEMfl T lISiVa) R(,I t RbAb led with cal. i
bii iut rrit trietlflJs nri.o I Ilt U). tr'y 'citiig us the tu vin iJ i lrr, c..cr- por-,h url.c' d lla.i.hrd cp.ri inil 213: 6 in pnts p acitr or i t LB lk oril) minnl, drtair e Lce urCu ty
roim aiid I1I cat cringsr thrriuphilor I .irle tnLh ni, :pil :,h[ l Why qualify whn you don' h ave to Owner Bitnai- line Thtl parcel an bht diviilded Into to hrin:TAre Pnr:td
rtc hiwaEi ard lub in].t, bi lc'r m t: m [i-:rtbedri:rii Ing b an nilable on tis hotme. $225,000. r tell ar 22 5,000.
rc iratrelr in : .:?l ae M ir i rtcng'e i:l ais hr.iuhnoiri 'Ir 3B HoIOMEIy BR 2 MERIt HOl' l n iiiR l oveirar a re 5 BEA5 f PtlTiif A 'CRES IN (itSBl-aon L-al lly rju- pat
iItr h.-nio.m P'lcTic irnil hn. 'Ind 1h ih n t ~ll r he t- -ait:, rg. rIgU,,l- Iw nj tr r PMiilR, 5tSiler'il' Cl' raL i lltibrle Bui'rerimrltre im -.lr:her
rc.Tr, N. Ingroniur pm ..l l 'r ior. je e Ijcm OversiciJ PI~Tr.p.' J i UiillrJl- .he L i-e f'r in ie:rler.l $200,000 each.
ar:l'hid 2' :ir ge l ind d -pairje dcduched' prg Ici i .1 C :,jurri Li ,: r, i: l in m i. rnhl p'-i dr bul' ['i n I ml- outl,i PACE O) D QA IlriB `1 ,ir Tu vll -i wilt l ait i i 'ge -'i-
rlijr our tb,:ir ,r h, --bb ,:i-,;T Bth lJr'., hii-ic. i ll : ,.hcdJulell ,u ., ..ij,,', ,ni i. -J $199.900 .,,J pair'd' h inr H Blii In PI':-rr, i'r i'li ,ii I .u:, m flr honres
ufilito, prtii, coi~mlfn In L.ut orU pi .i:i :uL4: -nd biLh u3Bi s-iBrMi~ i OMt S -E.rlc 1 ir. dii la i 'id .m h-.i i-ji pail OpnJi.: horime ti ic. w. t V fir
it .uiledei n- ticr e, -i:1:. it-hl. v r:li Ji nlng u.iho'l e L o:,rdmic i ,- n i .rinci hC i pln. l l:dil r..J i f bi-i.ltr m :ri amd lairuanuio 175 000.
i- pacruftfipuf .:i-$625.000. ... ,l ; .,r n Lria d r .e- ...lri rd-- U i. lei-I 1 an. 5n ,\ l\Rs [N L6f5CA 11ir I-.i p':r-i lui rkinir i fpin.L jTpci-
AWEaOMti &iffh ME! 4i8Ri?.-:' B5 Ibo.S i ..n_ i-,r..:.i -ir.r ,rI. : 12 24 .io:r-de Iied Ud 18 i-lc ,:art:-n vi- 1 C ll h il $ 165,000.
fen.::d ar:. n itie Pan Li -I: Parachrnec Thn e bi:,m.- ,, '.rpil,: ,i o d-a',:J ,d $.i 1 97,00 BEA TifLLLY WOODEi 2.55t, ACRE TiiF ,5 je
ib uit| r f.r eli-j]i li, [e- l hi Li ,riIoi.: .:.,i "Or1 UR P..iE OF COFiNTRti T ihiin riTi .. d l.01i ) re r l.' ,. b nd, Iles fl-J 89,900
t-iaunOil :urnim l .it.-L, ,ohdi u' np. 11 r i: ,J uiiI,, ', c ,ji. i bi ii.r r$1Lb5.000 2 5 AC-EIfflPO NEEL ine I.i' :t f ir I .1 l' r ni ]d nil,- Ir
ethrg. a:rerentii.rr u ir '.: ti. J icic Hr .me .n i bui: t NE MOB[IE HOME Fh ir.- :frm iF el d, l t' i .. ni.inv l r.I Ili r le. I-l h & dr-i will pl ns-r, arnd pinr
mi 20 $619,900 ri,-, tr..,,,, ,4 ,rri,:i Ivir. ; rhii L 3B A ,:,t,, i r- e $'9.900.
WO OR PT lWONT9 I9I FINED 5 AClif [pi a.. i ifv id'ju, i- O. l:.li..c .n -cit. -r .i l O. A.. I.-ch c MO'IRAIAC rH iiTrSE 1 2 i.: S T l,
,BR? l'lfl Ill i' ft l lr ir-, -c ich rricJai:, ni,'ni .-n'-,i r -i.a iienl n r, ':,p ept is:. j.Ia' V ndrom ticia sli tt., a r.gi i ndt miobihc
ri,:..m I l .,l r,, ,Wru~tl,.i~4il Fll SI, t,, rI .15,000 hll r, i Ihls pr'.pt.rrtlt i.-hRi g--i ,giiri IrttS jJi['|L. ind
. m,~ $450.000. ----- hmi:h $67.500.
N 0CO5T!i fit IPrl--P oni i fl.li 54'.1J AC RESv I GLADES COUNil '...h 2,.i)c ftcron
-lenul vuru c- reion tn-rt L-,ff-- al, .i-d dic (.l0rah:ir, irs- air,' Th,.r, -gp-or, h-ad Prnd ihniag- ;r, Fart.- Thaimpnin.
fRlir idilialirh mui. :-u li illi.ro i e treL ou,-ci; l J,:k Brinch jr.in d C i.y a-j ie irLe ureye is eaI
p rag. ind.-..r urlri lhr, -a '-i .. r-n bl.etats, I COMMECIAL I BUILDING ON I 28 ACRES cir, ihe tui, pLi frJh -, .o. a52.000 p re.
m .t -sire, dining, gi.eir n., hi, bhl t-iJ. l n.,oil r.,, .. i "l n i,'l1 BIn .J, e L. i l i u r,, A ,fi ely "l it dT. -' n' e-' trim
1flo r pl.-. .rih ptir t drn. :..ti, od l.:...i iI ,Id ,,,,-, n-i in In-1r w-ih tlt'.ir-w: ,Oi i..p J ld g I r: r iln de
rnjm i d beiikiJ l Trie in kircirl tn- uti,, ir l -bc I ulld"h Lr_. re iv' un l ium al lt n, li I p- MOllI iRAJ (4iCT T s I li- iri ub
MOMCRiA RiWCff UUMS I U'.j--, u,7i3Tr_,r Dh
n I-TI tit-r ail sinirci i ail nri-i., u i c. -i- i r u m h* lber, urlleirtrmh. li-h culvrtn h
,Ild h$389900. al-i nf h im n' Ad. ., 0,r li '
^PA ^ ,W h^, N| nds L UO r main' d rho, I--a H-; p--r-.-irrl F-i ismna l rrn'ht r tlt
.jiTy IIti 'TTe. rd. POl, ,,, Mi [,inr-. ullh Ii,[,^-,_m 4 jr'
ir, .illiua r.,D D ir. ,rhri,- ihnup ..hi ..i. ,ur'ilc.nlil, i,, Iin I u l,-'.r, ini ,r .-- i ,r,- h'.n wH.uti .L U It- u ny Ton.OI,3 -rai r w.re
fgr;i Ic,..i ,- i t'.rle irn amidJ I .d-,s, in.lpii. l :i- u I',:lu l aI IlI i -.rc pr-al: I ur.rarc a-.alri: ul ri -",, '- P I--rI i',0000,eeac--
C,-iJlt ,' -,-ui.rlap,, lu lMt-. :it l ip- pliri- c- H ,',J,:,l ,-lu -L ,L,,i ii" ir ] e iI'If 1 L -, i'. pi, liT TO',, Lu. 1
'n -iIfuonirm:c di l I.r. l se Ha-. ,la'mcimao m rn- nbc H l 1m N i.. il. 1 I pin, Trd R I 4
iJn'Etlul~n~ti, dleil,:,r,, Ln.iy, upbi. ru,. Pn,.k,,pi:-. I ..... '-,LI^.^ '89,00. J __ ^^yj D
ii4' 4 iwjluaiUiS $31l9001tooli N)por fHhIril. I- I.- beirmiligr i.itr pl olli HOMtTi iSAFlIABLE iai A :' I S a i Itil
5 Ri Ct I r i'MF r 'T'" ni-J --it-i I-,, -'m'. l,-e ., i ,l r iac c i ,al,--, LH'--n ACRES OF rtAtlmIit OLD PIORIDA OtOAKS Cried
a,1 r-.l l l Ml f, l l .J. ,n,, i ,, ,,1 11 -,.,, j 1i ,,- iI n ', n ,.l 'It,;:.l lr', ihlr,_ le- al i '[i.i:ur.b p 'llr--,,ln,)c h i lu
'i r, tj u .I, D e t oh-. c- Rlotl h in ,l ,lJ-
Q tJtIr I$314,900. N* Cn kt f >,:n vI',l INi,. u r a i .,rrl ,.': i',,T r lil i i n al'i jih,.; ihc [-.-a -J
Ol ni'; pn i B Pl n "i a SF. il lai ,mu ,r [ 1,u[.. i-a n rii- [ )rd it r I-j '- u FI-I l E i-lie r- ,i, JL i l'ai *.. O' ]'. ;,:.4il', il .n. i', l',,Jip--. ti N d ,225 1), 0,m,.
g1Juri H,,n irUarc ,.rl ,:,L- ,iJ,-,r, dlh,.: i Ir,, r,,f ,- i I.; ( "t ZON D (-3 ,I 'l N i rP L, r i,,
r Il. Id u nm i Drdie !.l, r f .-l L0U" L 1 It.,II..i, -l:. 1 1.I H1EI T S
rim.In, cl tb-Ac-- I, f-mn. ll ,.,'i m ',,-,,,: d iuI $299.000. Hirc liii iri:,e.eci i,[l-ll ain'- -ies-:, r -. .,-ak |..d --n Iu ,I)rl I. r r is-rid h i
J99.000 1'%2' I i'. BPi 1 I U'RTm, : 1 ili I-,,,. 'i L'h.al i I.l len
LOr i '"l LO3 IOA'tW MZiaR 'lJrg7B:ig';jtlr In',,:'lcl iiIl, Ir-.,'c .:i- ,i parri d .:ridesl HARD [O FIND A HOMiStiir 3:4-n. ACRE OlF tIV
,Bhi,.BA h tim u lnir, rihu -.'.hi-ar, [,uili in lh il b,,im..l ,, ,i ,,.' -l d I 'S' fr-': I-ram ia,:an I'm' Fr OAK LC IN r,E HEnl lu- Tnl l Omi ,' hi JehtI d c -ilt r i
,iu-idarIn o quil,-' mirnuJ ,-r [fid- l u,-f,i r ,[ h It 1 9,d90i h, u,' irev' l,,-sm- & {ili i1e1 iur[..urililngan.a ,rp ,,Jdlitr lddI-

.riri, b irr J ICItI nck I Siicrri id hi .i nr ii -n-, .- r : I.l, ii i i1 Ir i i i ,li I 'lIIe n i nl IhL rld I i.m rn 99,900.rl '
5i1i iroin F.--it na-nip u-v vih i'il-., ur hci' k i. -m -.r 'niu' ni l I... i N-itj. im r ['i niin U-E1. .'b, il u in cll -1 'tio BUILD v lit O In Bl iiV- ra ni urlirimtNo am n'i, parn-i
$279000 "it ,i c* r,,'T ,.,i-,I,' 1 i1mm '. 22',500 iil ,c,, is I-lw "'i ii"ik, 1hr i grini l,,'allorn 190,000

HnO M; EI1 1Ti "rir-i-tBAi HO. i nn Ji rue prf Ir, in. fn ', ,Iday $85.000
hIil r.h i.meleiunaiailtr d.irdii i cll,: ..,dtlir,, y rCP IN M1'i OFF OF EC RETA RLU I L i-T, r, i l s' i 01 O ifN ORTH N- iiRi Ti
,.re1 Lir i r,l.a..< plr,'.:' l ,rJ d i m. bria n e I ,irr pu,-d-,-,,i,' Hii,, i n.. t hh. : .l 1 N. .,ii .0 'at'; rl..ir al ,.l Ou' -[.BF tT-il ,>, t tl eIr. e lf,1 1i -ic
ricll Irt,.e n. f l l .Jh l c m, $i2raI, i nd n l [l i l u J i, IIh., f O l' l r : I hnl IB l 0 I r d up ilu n
53" 00 s1al',i in.t 'l --1),1 ,'i?"'"O ahdlluptn.r
DuI oi bhLtW-,I kc. .c il'mr hie $2 I, l li.h-id hI,,J n, ,,r, Al Tai lmdii:-'oe-e ROPICAL GI,. ACRES in Irri-,ni.W.JROFF",nLre
B3R ?a Spl .l n.-,r -p r, wili ,e:.r i-,-, T d:M lf ,i ,i-nI r ,, .i lre r. I i t hlt irl iAr e I., l,,a ic t Irn m ini
'~rdlT-ffT. ImT IuiDT kf cjjwr;i- i 11-11 im fri f il : k ui-pII-.l m t-%, W- l Ii-- n -p i .-n [ : l i' ''inrm [unI" l m
de. l H b : r : t i i : t,, ..i ,,,,,, ,, 00000 h. P rd Illtr.r
P ri,: dj. f 5,C4! 1I, 1 i 9[1,9 0,
ni:' nl- p r.I ,iI i,,:ri ,nr', fu' f, I.-. rih ,, .nci SrIi. l i, ,, n I I', -ITrr 2II.l t 1o i- ,11 'm 9 ,
h,!: i.,, i,,. B :'B Bd dru m ,'ntl- ",d ,',,Tii ,:Jl-ur- I,- i ,a-i 12W.500 pue r ,e IA HOM E N QUIIIDEt R E T rhL.- I I V ; lri,.Illd,:;
in- liuI' -FiI i-,,rntplui,,nE i ..,..L ,,:-.i'.triii'-Ic ..hrk,-'l,, ,J I vER ln rTlnT -ON APPROi' -i32"'-u- l itR ..r -I t- -r,., d,.,i mrid n ,: br:. ]',c ,i-" p[,-i.:li rIrci'nrc.I aJI upgrnaJd h--rm
IhIIIoraritl I,21,900. 1
nld lik, i',=. '1:h! Ill ;8 J".'! hi i b,-,'i,,' i.iir.., I... .i,.,lJ,', Ir,,-,,, ,:- l'i'. ,: h, ',i-u ,: p,.r J, I,. r.:II... I .n -ri J t. i l,' 1 .l ll i unld V i "IJI .w :t.lll I lu : ,i pl.lniR
rmnlT iuig,', aitcrn- lIi-u iTiJt- rviienj,,wi lim .,iii Ih, ,,- r i,, I,, u ,r i'i h,: da jir,: c,,' Iii,,l m. u-i -,i- [i ,,,hil T -,i ,-', a htn i -ic,', :l.,iir .:,:. ,..Ti (265,000
li-r hmi bA ei, il i,:, i..r h,-1ir Cjl,,,, ,,,J I l ,,, 11, '-, i,,i, l (I,2lu,00li MANY' 1.25 r0 3"5 A(RE PtRCELJ italallk in L ii
'N her ,Jrr i e uiro r u ear ,,II I- i iLully ,LndldJ ailJ i i1 L Ag IN MLIY7I,' -m ii,.7 H,.m i ,.,f I m.,:,cnLa l H:,mJ,-' ,:,iurl ,iIi) nirmnur ir ctL e li, ofl
CRp. .IT AN AlND TA-E iUlT UD WillD ..,in"F-,, ii , it,,i-,, ,1,, ,- hlm'.,,.i ,1000 ,, fil l r P-i- -i.: -,r0..jM ,r )ld i,i l ( B ij.M:i d ad,. i-.I
ieP ,RA h.o1-c14 Iirnvri, Til- f,,'eii ICk. -elinr p, I. e l--air i 40,R it1T tkNG AcrRE M -i-n -trn7'1J1 L I lGHrr' ,Tir i.wri0 d11 .upCnt lie.. a ,rd
td'-l.. e pllb'l k A'-l b rJ'L:-T'J1,' *,lh. lIl-...hrJ F]I -lll.,m .lh P[,j I-,, p,,',,.,:l,',l/,-" ,, ,r,,,,,,:,l l -,i|,,-li n,,,J inJ ,i dlti hJl ill.r II.fl,[ ihu : (66b900
outad l cr- 'qmi hadiet u; al. cxgnih iv i h-15,000 d I ic dorl n I r.c r.lmipn.mm hi u- I'd F InIII -- II hr bt- 866900
ma, pui Wbt.i I w r l Iu f C.,11i [, ,, r i u l ,-, I A... ,, u l ,i fl ,i: I',,, ,',. 1 l,2 R iL, 11 ti i TJtxilvd ilehagh
'tIr,900' i nrRip i ,r J .rrc.I. I] ,fIJ m 'ii-. ,l '. r...iI. ,l ii .Ini ,. ut i.InI l2,90i Bril n OD c( c orl
GREAf INtEa NTIENiLRENHAl. PROPERTY Lu.im, I,:, -, ,,, ,,,i, r, -,. r, A R OT IN HIGH ACRES. <,r ,
td U. ii" ,j i ,:, I.0 per month I ,.,, ,,,j, i,-i- p. ,,:.,i ,,,| hl ,,i ,.,i 1 i l ,.,ul l, .,d p i900 o0 5 ,901 i
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2) ,J .i AI':P 2')AI.RSON ltAHO ANT ItlNL iN M T"l 3vrri (,t c -n['u' IIn in 'h I,' ,: i. H-,'y H B
rmIP"...iEmr1V4D.'AmtlIFI:411. I i, [lli-i lh-1 2 152.50 ul-dl

PLLA-tii R MnI,'l nt -, l J ,-uhl-i l, n ,i-lu!- h--,. .,.i.
Y 54+ ,:I,.'i'd I.rr -illh lIr I' .:. ] l. .:,,J .r,.,:. j
~n*+ --rundc the '-m-.uln Bi r imie tl:.l i lmd lU-mm
s -in m -,-isfurid. i t: r i n ,T i'ji.ull >B .'[. h.i *i n '- l .i
la .n tinIlI ,f..ir r tn i, ra:.li nlm nriM .f..I j ,1 : i -,I.h'Il -llI
;fix rr lc mi u [ I -..lw. r t| ... fir. ,n, ihr. t.,T.
I I indJ hi,-F> $475.10.
wAYWTIUnF g-MRiT FS ThEr ELF' it,- ,;;i;:i ,,-
i:ur c-i- .rlFin ri, .Iffi ilii lll' I.i l ] .i1.; : ..l .'iI.
"if.f y ["A '' ,l auli. mur: Ij h.)i C ,. T .i Jrin.l'h i
:'Br IBv "i in-mff.,r..j-j.:ir,,J | 0. n'I ..hji rl il i. i-,-
r .n ,{-'l ':n' j, r.i'. i :,-ji a i-m he'd bnTTm,'ilu a r 2'i9,. iU'
sP r!Tv-bmrmf mii i

lul,:l -ruI ir i. I i. i 1.. 1. I il l. iI : .um i,'.r-. L ': I'I
'..iiir, I in t i,. I mi. 1 n. in.I n i n -
." RiFfri I:RE l *i",.. i,..i ,, i ..r i [ .:. I
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I '. l: i. l II- ,i I-0 IIN- I l il r, :Immi nl
.''.r311AJl T 4 iiN 61 NE' it1 TliWfiFfWi.

BIElST fCT H l]'LTb dTs[ i" -Ii'i-". "' -"Tw rT-Tr.,,.,-
ii i n mm I : .I ihm ll 'i In I"' r ,,- ,
-.. ri, .. t -. ... ,: i ,25. (II'i


Gulf Access Lot N'W Cape Cora, minutes ro Mladjcha Pais, seller is moiovared' offered at
Port LaBeUe Unit a. Oiers!ed c:,rn, r lic .na h beauiufl i,:< trees, and dose to cihuols
and C.uin offered at $58,850
Port aBelle Unit 9 Spacioui -i budding loit I.xajed on Salem Cir, cloco schools and
shopping offered at i7,500
V.I.be r vour b'uir im' or j elrlin. u'e can help Stop in andget i-our FREEi Map

274 N
Bridge St
heK '";: LaBelle,FL

Dninson Manager

S.3 Bedroom
a 2 Bath
2 CarGaraqe
Under Truss Lanai
SSolid Surface Coun-
tertops & Maple
BHPe tl Jir.t to own this quality new bhoine! Custom
beautiful detail is what this builder had in mind when
creating thi" spacious floor-plan and finctional dTcor.
located in East LaBelle and Glades County, y~'re just
Second. frtom State Road 80. and in one of the nost desir-
able and appreciative neighborhoods around. Minutes
from ldoilntmen Lalelle. Caloosahatchee River and
Colfing. Don trail jbr this beauty to slip 4 raway.
Affordably Priced to sell....$244,000


'"i Builders

Building Communities,

One Quality Home at a Time!
Homes Starting in the Low 200's

We have "move-in ready" homes availabl*.now

'M G MW 6d Cir. Madison II. 3(2/2
q024 (Maywopd Cir, Cypress II, 1
l82~ flit Cir, Macnolia, 41212
5005 Pike Lane, Madison II, 3/212
9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison II, 3/2/2
5009 Pinetree Ln, Cypress II, 3/2/2
6008 Acorn Cir. Malnolia. 4/2/2
5012 Pinetree Cir, Cypress II, 3/212
7035 Beaver Cir, Madison II, 312/2
4j1n-a$~ ilI Cir, Madison, 312/1
3045 June Cir, Maanolia. 412/2,,

All Homes Include /4 acre home site, wood dtlinets,
upgraded tile, landscaping, full kitchen appliance package
and much morel

Vacant lots Available!
One New Home Rental Left! 3/2/2 $1200.00 Mo.

Visit Our Model Center
2480 East State Road 80 '
Open M-F, 8-5:30 and Sat & Sun 8-5:3~F
Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-22-8392



_I~ I

--r: .L


S863-675-0898 OFC
NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker
Nlkkl@NlkklYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com
S 239/54-2005 cell 239/584-2002


Of Southwest Florida, Inc.

Cell: 239-872-7665
Bus: 239-495-2402 Matt Fleming
E-Mail: mattflemingl@comrast.net
Commercial Land Residential

JACK'S BRANClH ESTATE oIlners -i e ift, e
esi.e IOL lci.:aed off o:f R 'S in the Furt
Denaud area Surrounridd tL) propiedj iture
residential dcel.jfpmen mke (hi an deal
pblae to budd your e-taue ho:,me and bnng your
horses or inciit in ihC tutsure Ll[ie airvn"i the
gatcd :o:mrnmuniicii with rn,: Hojme O'wrier r
Co mmr nin, Develop Dirni'. f-e- I'i3 and -
ib3 creek fri:nitagc.

Lot 1 i..13= acres $-159,750
Lot 2 6 2i acres $4' 65,000
Lot 1 4r | *PrLniT r ,irT'lliijated vithm the city
lin li Beautiful Oaks $95,000
* -2 i w ritr access Fronutge orn CR 78.
ii-me build that dream home, $250,000.
Ow.,ner Agent
* Lo:rkmig i.: build, repre enurg a Ir:jal
builder, plea-e call I;:,r Jlitls

- -lt flMM -l'WLWiIWA ."'' ""--"-" '...'J4MILWJLL LWUlU-L umI Unys-u oaM3i.4w .lWIaJWWUWlU-.

Riverfront 5 Acres with 215+/-
feet of frontage. High elevation
reveals spectacular -views.
Riverfront 1.15 Acre homesite
on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd.
More than Meets the Eyel Hard
to find home on deed restricted
acreage tucked neatly away
yet seconds from SR 80. Backs
up to a pristine retention lake
with amazing sunsets. Low
maintenance CBS/Stucco exte-
rior with all the details of a well
designed country home on the
inside. Features include tray
ceilings, interior doors all cus-
tom built, custom cabinets with
tile backsplash and granite
countertops, all windows have
wood casing surrounds, a brick
fireplace, and wood floors
throughout finish the look.
2 Acre Deed Restricted
Homesite in Oak Haven Estates.
Oak filled and backs up to
beautiful sunsets over the
water. $350,000
2 Story Home close to town just
off Ft. Denaud Rd. This amaz-
ing 3Bed/2Ba home has it all,
location, charm, Master suite
with office, screened room and
more. $299,900
Well Built Cedar 3Bed/2Ba
Home in flUfl llcommnu-
nity of CoWltatnfs on a
half ver
sized Cl R lTIax-
ing or entertaining. $260,000.
Mobile on 1/2 acre south of
LaBelle with lots of paving and
a 26x53 pole barn. $92,500.
Development Potential 25 acres
plus on Ft. Denaud Rd: Pair up
with available waterfront
'(priced Independently) for an
upscale residential project.
$150,000 per acre.
5 AcreslWmW.,fltSt of
LaBelle: Ip f- a4rtflrom

existing lease. $165,000
5 Beautiful Oak Laden Acres
located East of LaBelle. Quiet
County Living for only $160,000.

Comple Ig and cul-
vert geared,
oa yy at

Oversized homesite conveniet-
ly located in the city with easy
access to SR 80. .75 Acres man-
icured and ready for your
dream home. Lots of oaks and
maples. $95,000.
Port LaBelle Lots on the north
side of 80, close to new devel-
opment area & marina. Priced
from $49,000 to $57,900. Call for
inventory list. Over 60 sites to
pick from.
Seller Financing Available with
25?o down to qualified buyer.
Port LaBelle 1/4 ac. lot on the
norht side of Hwy. 80. Many
new homes under construction
in the immediate area. Asking
Prime Comer with over 590 ft.
on Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on
Elm St. Currently Zoned Light
Industrial with the new plan
allowing for heavy Industrial
as well. 6.7 acre location
directly across from the State
Attorneys Offices & close to the
the LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466.
Will split out 2 ac for $915,000.
Light Industrial 4.65 Ac with
2400 Sq. Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent
road access, just outside the
city limits. Could be split under
current zoning. $850,000.
Heavy Industrial Site just south
of the city limits. Industrial
Loop S/D. Easy access to both
SR 80 and Hwy 29. Cleared.
filled and culvert in. $299,000
Profitable Towing Business
established with many revolv-
ing accounts & approved by all
the major motor clubs.
Currently servicing LaBelle and
the surrounding area with a
clean & reliable service record.
Call for details.

Bankof America

Shirley Imhoff Willis
Mortgage Loan Officer
Consumer Real Estate
Tel: 239.415.6302
800.854.5783 ext 6302
Fax: 239.415.6311

lH LaBelle native, Shirley will
do all she can to help you
get the best mortgage around!


d 863 675 4550
281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle
28eal Rodney Murray
I Lic. Real Estate Broker
StQt ca. Associates: Seth Howard. Phi Lewis, Tamra
Franco, Jim Coddington & Kyndel Murray

3BR/2Bath on I acre, close to town with a 24x32 pole
barn. Large oaks, fenced and landscaped. $159,900.
3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice
lot w/trees. $239,500.
5BR/3Bath really nice manufactured home on 5 beauti-
ful acres in Muse on Cypress Ave. 8425,000.
3BR/ O sd-, 36

61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only
$11,000 per acre.
68 ac- ,r- f- .. pO

Well maintained 4BR/2Bath home on beautifully land-
scaped lot. With in town convenience. Deep well irriga-
tion and large workshop, screened room and gazebo.
PRICE REDUCED! $349,900.
3BR/2Bath CBS hg t-t j .o shop. Located in nice
neighborhood, sits' -~) M ilrJb beautiful oaks. Walking
distance to elementary school and local stores. $225,000.

L- ..,w rs- -w -

- -'-a ---------
* Just is[ed this ne-able, l:weable ;BR 1B
CBS home ilih 4th bedroom m office in
tilelle limits Features include aPlk-n
cloie, nen.er air conditioner, fenced back
yard, irngau>on and a frinti deck to die lor
Onli $259,900.

* Genuine Country Feel' It' relmin' i usi
being at ths bjeauuful 3BR 2B home on 5
acres Cedar awoid all, and ctllinc s.rne
firepl':e, new roofl, super large :iorlshop
ih RV parking Malesuc Live Oiki mike thc
jcreagI leel like a park \.-u :.e it t, %ourself
to 'ee' $"i9,900.
J lu l listed iis li.eable lo: iJble bif. 1B
C B horme ai h thh biedrc3m o:ithce in LaBelle
unitf Fcjture m.:lude w.Jk-m .:losei, newer
air ondridiiner, fenced t.aciard, irnga inor
and a hront deck to die for Only $259,900.
* HOP. 3SP & A iUMP' Onli minutes sepa-
rate ou from bnhrkigr, shopping, ;.:hools and
much niore This 3BR 2B home has i all
From it's fen..ed bck vird paj.ic'us roon-r,,
woo:d burning fireplace, net, luichern ijbtnei
and storage gal,:rel Beist cf all atter a hard
da' w'.ork ),ou i:an sn out on your lajruni nd
enlory ihe sunset oler the Ike Onll

* Tired cf the Cireus' N.. i-l.:rnirig around
tabl-ui thc m o.i:,u ii ernl:o\ in ithi spacious
,BRI'21B MH on learned d 2 + acres.
i\' ,.' Be Si.,rc i,: rhe'.k-. :aj the huge horse
barn aind i orlk'shop B..-\ !al. feed room,
largt i'.:irkh.:.p Locier ijur bl:.:od pres-
-urc' $189,900.
25+ ile mirni c.uic ari rkecl.JinJ i) wi.i- a
.,BR 2 mrnuibj:tuird hOite Freiurig renalrrl:
id,., ie.ur:d rvjiall a spa,.v:,J ki ichen Onl)
* 'BR 2B nianufaciure home on 2,5+/-
aci' ferin'.ed 't fltl .g Features a
huge rniaster suiie, ceramnl: ule, built in cabi-
nets and much more. Only $1"5,000.

* 3BR2B manufactured home m
Immokalee Features nt cirptc and vinyl
and fenced corner lot Listed at only
* Yau can hear the birds chirp the cnckeit
cnck.f1rflolr #Fr norlm5r 2 5
jiree 'g'..a a) n al If' Pioner PlJritJino
Seller'r, ni usm Ie dorin i lki ih' opponurur)
pass you by. $134,900.
* 2BR/2B manufactured home on .25+/
a- tfr i .l1-d*t4krXtf a j
fir time rtu er or in' :-r Orti 5t,9DO.

* Lo'at:lon i:.f J LferiiT' Generatjons illl tile
past well-traveled location of this 8+,- j:rc', on
SR 80 in Alva. Over. 1,000 ft. of road frontage and
3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with
well and eleIric: T;me' oi:r, Iur side in this
investment! $2,750,000.
* The opportunities are endless! Bring your
investment dollars here. 25 beautiful acres with
wy27frontage. Next to water plant. Property was
feared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring
your ideas and see! $650,000.
S+ '. rct i,r.reer flnarain,,ori SuiLu ic i' Sic
buils h-n rrl :r rriullrutureJ Cinly $ 179,900.
* 2+ a:res :n Ft Center Ae in LaBelle
Alrtea jgI lE*r N RCi'l ter-
ro. Erliv countryy lin lm :nli minile' from
torn Onli $119,900.
* 1I 8+ jcrle Iced n ofjja:l. Branch Rd in
Muwe ,Thi pn:'perry h j- lots :f oaks, pines
and palm ire',s Perict I. .r ihe r,'lurc lover.
PorI:cd at onl) $95,000.
* Genuine C'o :.iirq Fccl Dajs g''.rie t art
ti-,:.' Rtlne thc b or, ,, ihi private & e-uJed
-+ a.s Fresh ,r pe..l' $93,900.
* 0 JI), t pn.: o .:. all O.ur Mod nirJ l ,' .irig,'

* Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel
located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and
just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50
per square foot.
* 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South
of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and.
frontage on luckey Street. Asking $450,000.
* Investor's dream! By purchasing this com-
merci ra v&I2ajK e
for rentancme cou mu tiply your vest-
mern' Grab this site now! $165,000.
* Beauulul 25+ acre corner lot in down-
town LaBelle a real p'oeninal. Currently
zoned for duplex or single family w/a possi-
bilt) *of rezorung to Business. $119,900.

PRICE REDUCED! This .84 +/- Acre creek
front homesite is located on Pollywog Creek in
beautiful river front community. Build your
dream home on this oversized Creekfront lot
which provides beautiful oaks, access to the
Caloosahatchee River and some river views.
Price Reduced $149,900.
SITE with over 200 feet of waterfront' and
already separated into 2 lots. The fabulous
view is naturally pristine across and up the
river from this 'Point" on both the mainriver
and the "Old River", which features 60 feet of
protected dockage.. Rip Rap of riverbank is in
progress. There is NO "Corps Setback" on
either lot, which may allow houses and/or
pools unusually close to River. Beautiful area
of upscale homes within blocks of central

W ... i" I! I~. jf 1(l tj i li' "'1% 1!1;"VtII' LaBelle..$1,500,000
Corner of Hwy. 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS
86 3-675-C 7118 i LOCATION. LOCATION. LOCA-
3-6 -2 1 .1. TIONII! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has
S www.labelleriverslde.com E-mall realestate@labelleriverslde.com .' over 700' of Caloosahatchee River
... ..- .. -.i ... ,-, "-' :.. -..., .--.:d-,-:";,-- r a s-:m*b.~ ga* frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2
FEATURES OF THE WEEK kitchen, breakfast bar and walk in dosets. your possibilities are endless! $3,900,000
Less than a mile from the new West Glades SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE waterfront homesite on dredged river
Elementary. This property is 14.5 acres in one LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest oxbow w/ private dock in place.
of the fastest growing areas of Glades County. mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from
Surrounded by large acreage, this parcel has This Unique one of a kind property also has the main river in an area of nice homes.
been cleared and enced. This custom built it's own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is Permits are in place to re-dredge oxbow
home is spacious and very well kept. Over covered with large oaks. Call for more details. to 6-8 ft. depth. $499,000.
3,400 sq.ft. split floor plan features ceramic This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONTI This 1.04
tile, 3 large bedrooms, walk-in closets, and 2.5 QUIET COUNTRY RETREATI Like new acre lot is wooded and located on County
spacious baths. The island kitchen has walk-in manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Road 78. Build your dream home on this
pantry, breakfast area, and is open to the large Denaud. This immaculate home offers vaulted parcel and enjoy endless views of the
family room. The master bedroom and bath ceilings, entertainment package includes a Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced
offer his and hers walk-in closets, garden tub, large screen television w/ stereo and surround $499,900
separate shower, dual sinks and access to the sound, split floor plan, built in computer cen- HOMES IN LABELLE
pool. Too many improvement to mention, call ter, large master bedroom and bath w/ arden GRAND COUNTRY LIVING LOCAT-

for your private showing $1,450,000.
manufactured home on 2.5 acres located
west of LaBelle. Split floor plan, spacious

tub and separate shower. Upgraded appli-
ances add a nice touch, to the large open
kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar and formal din-
ing. $212,500

Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker
Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley,
Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod
Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis


Enjoy the open porches and breezy bal-
cony of this 4,000+/- sq. ft. home. A one
of a kind must see from the old bead-
board walls to the formal living + dining
room, the new pool,Jacuzzi tub and wood
carved Pub. Completely renovated plus a
new addition in 2005, home offers Hardi-
board siding, Trex decking, new roof, new
windows and floors, security system and
much more. $450,000

an oversized comer lot in the city. The 2 Br/
2 Ba home has .aulied ceiling and ule in the
living area. french doori pro:dde %ies to the
outside. Fenced back yard and 8' x 10' shed for
extra storage. $205,000
MOVE IN READY! Newly remodeled
3BR/2BA home located on large lot in
the city. New carpet, flooring and interior
paint and spacious master bedroom.
Pice reduced to sell $179,900
UFACTURED HOME w/ office or possi-
ble 4th bedroom Lic,:ated iilhir, cin' lim-
its, complcilt) lentcd and priced to sell
located on % acre corner lot in exclusive
Caloosa Harbor. The Interior of this open
floor plan features custom lighting, built
in desks, new carpet throughout, formal
dining room, entertainment room and
remote controlled security system. The
exterior features a well manicured/land-
scaped lawn and heated pool
w/ waterfall. This gorgeous home is a
must seel $618,900
features large kitchen, new a/c, upgraded
appliances, jet tub and above ground
pool. $174,900'

TURED HOME is situated on shaded
oversized lot in town and completely
fenced. Home features vaulted ceilings,
split floor plan, kitchen with pantry and
breakfast island. Front and back porches
are great for outdoor entertaining and
enjoyment. $149,900
HOME on 1 acre. Home features vaulted
ceilings, large living room and split floor
plan. Fenced back yard, barn and scat-
tered oaks. $148,000
with 2BR/1BA mobile home, very private,
screened deck and partially fenced yard,
located east of LaBelle. $1,000 Seller
Bonus $129,900
3BR/1BA CBS HOME ON 8.8+/-
ACRES fronting on paved road approx. 3

miles from town. Property is fenced & Bridge Street and a "Quaint Old-Florida
cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse Cracker-Style" office fronting on Park
stable. $490,000. Avenue. $1,200,000

CUOTAGE style home located in Port Historic commercial building w/ 3 com-
LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's most pletely renovated rental units.
desirable communities. Situated at the Renovations include new roof, 2 new a/c
end of a cul de sac provides a peaceful & units, stucco, paint, resurfaced parking
private setting. Cathedral ceilings, and more. Located in a high traffic area
ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan surrounded by offices, restaurants and
and vrap around porch. $469,900 businesses. $550,000
w/4BR/3.5BA Creek front home in a quiet RENOVATED BUILDING!!! READY
neighborhood. This home offers 3 mas- FOR YOUR BUSINESSI!! Need a place
ter suites and 226' of creek frontage. to locate your business? This is itl Highly
Large 28' x 40' storage building offers visable, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street.
loft, electric, water and RV hook up. Totally remodeled building situated on
$315,000 .31 acre lot fronting on Washington Ave.
ACREAGE/LOTS across from bank drive thru. Property is
2.5 +/- ACRES. stocked pond, partially 175' deep which leaves room for future
fenced, unique oak grove and ready to expansion. Renovations include all new
build. Great location on CR 78 approx. 2 crown molding, ceramic tile, siding,
miles from town. Seller motivated! plumbing, electric and A/C.
$199,000 BUSINESS ZONEDI This 2 Br / 1 Ba
10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy 74 home is situated on a high traffic road in
(Bermont Road) in Charlotte County. the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80
Property zoned agricultural. Price Reduced and 1 block east of Bridge Street and sur-
$100,000 rounded by local banks and businesses.
BEAUTIFUL OAK COVERED CITY OF Price reduced $215,000

LABELLE LOT. Located in established
neighborhood. Build your home on this .45
acre lot. Price Reduced $79,900
HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the
city of LaBelle and ready to build $89,900
dential homesite located in the city.
RESIDENTIAL LOTI Shady .30 acre lot w/
well, septic and 2 culverts for driveway.
Zoned for home or mobile home. Reduced
to $42,500
PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned
property located in Downtown LaBelle.
Perectly situated on the comer of (Hwy
29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue thi
property has endless possibilities. "Old
Historical Florida-Style' two story build-
ing, 1,846 sq. ft. w/ 122' frontage on

INDUSTRIALI This 1.12 acre parcel features
easy access off of two paved roads & a current-
ly occupied steel building w/over 5,400 sq. ft.
Property features 80' x 100' hangar plus
1998 3BR/2BA 2,200 sq. ft. doublewide
mobile home. Great investment... Great
Location $1,500,000
investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage
on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on comer of
Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3
steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.;
shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520
sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000


Bel e afty Co.
Office: 863-675-4547
Terri Banky Broker Cell: 863-673-4970
Shary Weckwerth Cell: 863-673-6498
Now online at www.bellerealty.com
. . .... .... .. ..... ----

Se Habla

Custom 3/3 Riuevew Home

Caloosa Cove

LaBelle, FL


This -,60- sq. ft. home on approximate 3/4 of an acre has
upgraded appliances, underground utilities, street lighting,
irrigation out of a -" 99 fi. well. Former home of Caloosa Cove

Spann Homes Owner

. .


~~.-~-: T- --I_-. .-T.1.--`-_I`-r-~

18 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,.2006

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PAYM ENT U P TO $1000.

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L EAS, 39 p;!: .
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'A deductible applies. See dealer fordetails. 'Clas -s ull size pckupi unrjer t'500 G( R. VWhen properly quippedd 'BaLed on EPA e'marzd 4 cy4 enggne/auto transmIssion. "Not all buyer, wvil qualify for Ford Cred-r Red Carper Le as or lowS ord Creddit APR. Payments mayvaf,
dealer deterrmne pr.cer 72 n nmorn, Frd Crredi APR Financing at i13 i gp r month er $100 O fmanced rth 10%,ji wr. and is not comparable idith Perfec March Bonus Cash Reidency rescri-roni apply '06 Focus ZX3 il79, mornh rEquires $116' c ish due at sgnrng aftrr $1,500
ca-h back '06 F 150/ LT5.C 1279 month requires $1,873 cash dun at -ignrng ate r $2,500 back '06 Eplorer XLT 4x2 at $259/ month requires $2,124 cash due at signing after $3.500 caah back. '06 Mustang V6 Coupe Premium at 1259 'month requires $1,853 cash due at 5,grnng aftcr
$1,000 cah back 06 Fuojr. 5E -I at $219, mo r Squ.rts I1,313 carh due at ,igni.g atlir 12,000 ca. h back '06 Expedion Eddie Bauer 4e 2 at $399, month rquirEs $1,993 cash due at .gn.ng after 15,250 cash back Cash back includess malch.ng down payment cash. Edcludes taxes,
tde and reg r a~oon fep Includes ec:ur.t' dposit lnd aclqu'.,r'on Eee Miuctr akc nee re. al delierr) -c.m dealer sto:k bk 4,3, 06 .ee dealer for qualifcatons and complete details




S aloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30,2006
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20 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30, 2006

Economic report forecasts Florida citrus future

By Chuck Woods
University of Florida
LAKELAND, Fla. -- Citrus
canker and greening will reduce
the volume of fruit produced in
Florida over the next 15 years,
and the state may never return to
the level of fruit harvested in
2003 before hurricanes spread
canker around the state, accord-
ing to a new LUniversity of Florida
"In addition to these disease
problems, rising land values will
affect the willingness of
investors to commit capital to
citrus production in Florida, and
we expect that orange and
grapefruit production will
decline before it begins to
rebound," said Tom Spreen, a
professor with UF's Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences.
"However, growing world
demand for Florida's high quali-
ty citrus is expected to help
boost prices at all levels rang-
ing from growers to juice
processors and consumers. In
other words, higher prices
should offset lower production
volume," he said.
These are some of the fore-
casts in the report "An Eco-
nomic Assessment of the Future
of the Florida Citrus Industry" -
prepared by UF's lood and

resource economics depart-
ment. Spreen, chairman of the
department, presented the 166-
page report to the Florida
Department of Citrus today
(March 23).
He said canker and greening
will affect citrus producers in dif-
ferent ways so the economic
impacts of the two diseases
must be measured separately.
"Industry response to sup-
press citrus canker and greening
will increase production costs in
tie near term," he said. "These
diseases will also affect revenues
through decreased fruit yields
and pack-out in fresh-fruit oper-
ations eroding the overall prof-
itability of the industry."
Because of canker, 62 percent
of the nursery trees in the state
have been destroyed, severely
limiting the acreage in groves
that can be replanted over the
next three years, Spreen said.
The presence of canker and
greening will also require new
greenhouse investments and
management systems to ensure
disease-free nursery trees.
Citrus canker attacks the fruit
and leaves of a citrus tree, result-
ing in increased premature fruit
drop. The bacterial disease
affects the external appearance
of fruit grown for the fresh mar-

ket, and the disease may open
pathways for other pest prob-
lems, resulting in increased tree
mortality. Spreen said it is likely
that citrus canker will have more
profound effects on fresh fruit
producers compared to the pro-
cessing segment of the industry.
Citrus greening, a more wor-
risome threat than canker, is
already widespread in. Asia,
where little citrus is now pro-.
duced. Considering the fact that
the Asian citrus psyllid, which
spreads the disease, is already
present throughout Florida, it is
likely that greening will eventual-
ly affect many commercial citrus
production areas of the state,
Spreen said.
Greening results in increased
tree mortality. It is more likely to
attack young trees than older
trees, and there are many ques-
tions regarding economically
sound management practices
with respect to greening, he said.
"It is crucial that answers be
found to these questions
because increased tree mortality
rates have a detrimental effect
on the ability of a business to
survive and compete in the glob-
al market," Spreen said.' "We
need to identify practices that
suppress greening for the most
economical production of citrus

in Florida."
Because of Florida's impor-
tance as a citrus producer, dis-
eases that adversely affect pro-
duction of various citrus varieties
in the stale will also affect prices.
With the strong competition
between Brazil and Florida in the
world orange juice market, it is
important to assess the supply
response in both regions as they
begin the process of managing
citrus canker and citrus green-
ing, Spreen said.
Analyses of the world market
fbr orange juice and fresh and
processed grapefruit were con-
ducted to quantify the price
effects of these diseases. This
work was combined with grove-
level analyses to assess the
future profitability of citrus pro-
duction in the state;
According to a separate agri-
cultural land values report
released in January by John
Reynolds, a professor emeritus
in ihe UF food and resource eco-
nomics department, the price of
Florida farmland increased by,
more than 80 percent between
2004 and 2005.
Spreen said increasing land..
prices have implications for all-
commodities grown in Florida,
particularly citrus..Higher land
prices mean higher investment

costs for new grove develop-
ment, he said.
"This factor combined with
increased costs of grove mainte-
nance, lower yields and higher
tree mortality associated with
citrus canker and greening will
likely significantly increase the
fruit price required to justify new
grove development," Spreen
"With the large number of
bearing acres affected by the
hurricanes in 2004 and .2005,
along with groves that have been
eradicated because of citrus
canker, bearing citrus acreage in
the state is down, pointing the
way to smaller citrus crops in the
future," he said.
The new economic study also
incorporated the effects of
greening in Brazil, Florida's main
competitor in the world orange
juice market. Citrus greening has
been present in the state of Sao
Paulo for two years and has
spread to most of its commercial
citrus production area.
Spreen said citrus production
continues to be an important
part of Florida agriculture and
the state's overall economy. A
study based upon the 1999-2000
season provided an estimate.that
the total economic impact of cit-
rus in Florida was nearly $9.3 bil-

lion, and this study was updated
to reflect the 2003-04 season.
The study also includes detailed
projections on the future eco-
nomic outlook for the industry
as it begins an aggressive pro-
gram to manage canker and
Other economists who
worked with Spreen on the proj-
ect are Alan Hodges, an exten-
sion associate in the depart-
ment; David Mulkey, a professor
in the department; Ron Muraro,
a professor at UF's Citrus
Research and Education Center
in Lake Alfred; Fritz Roka, an
associate professor at UF's
Southwest Florida Research and
Education Center in Immokalee;
Mark Brown, senior research
economist at the Florida Depart-
ment of Citrus in Lakeland; Bob
Norberg, economic and market
research director at DOC; and
Robert Barber, director of eco-
nomics at Florida Citrus Mutual
in Lakeland. Robert Rouse, an
associate professor of horticul-
tural sciences at UF's
Immokalee center, also con-
tributed to the report.
The complete report is avail-
able on the UF food and
resource economics department
Web site:

Palms, Inc.




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I mlr~

Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30, 2006

New report highlights successful Everglades Restoration

The Department of Environ-
mental Protection (DEP) and
South Florida Water Management
District- (SFWMD) has released a
comprehensive update of environ-
mental projects in South Florida.
The 2006 South Florida Environ-
mental Report provides a detailed
summary of Everglades restoration
efforts and updates on the progress
of other environmental programs
in the Kissimmee Basin, Lake
Okeechobee, estuaries and other
coastal areas.
"No. other government has
taken on a mission as large and as
important as Everglades restora-
tion," said DEP Secretary Colleen

M. Castille. "The 2006 South Flori-
da Environmental Report delivers a
comprehensive snapshot of Flori-
da's unprecedented success over
the pastyear."
The annual report documents
the accomplishments of state and
federal scientists, engineers, plan-
ners and program managers who
are restoring the Everglades ,by
reducing pollution and better man-
aging the flow of water, while
meeting the State's flood control
and water supply responsibilities.
Consolidating information
compiled from more than 50 sepa-
rateeports, the 2006 South Florida
Environmental Report covers

"water year 2005" (May 1, 2004
through April 30, 2005). The report
provides extensive research sum-
maries, data analyses, financial
updates and a searchable database
of environmentalprojects.
Highlights of the 2006 South
Florida Environmental Report
Stormwater Treatment Areas
(STAs) which have treated almost
1.5 million acre-feet of water and
prevented 189 metric tons of phos-
phorus from reaching the Ever-
glades in wateryear 2005 alone.
Best Management Practices
(BMPs) recorded its tenth consecu-
tive year of outstanding results in

reducing phosphorus inputs. The
BMP program achieved a 59 per-
cent phosphorus load reduction in
the Everglades Agricultural Area
this year, more than doubling the
25 percent required by law.
To date, STAs and BMPs com-
bined have prevented more than
2,178 metric tons of phosphorus
from entering America's Ever-
In October 2004, Governor
Jeb Bush unveiled Acceler8 a plan
to accelerate the restoration of
eight key environmental projects to
be completed ten years ahead of
The millionth acre of

melaleuca, an invasive exotic plant
species, was cleared from the
Comprehensive Everglades
Restoration Project (CERP) area in
To date, more than 210,000
acres of land have been acquired
for use in CERP.
"The 2006 Sduth Florida Envi-
ronmental Report is one of our
agency's most impressive annual
documents," said' Carol Wehle,
Executive Director of the SFWMD.
"It showcases the first-rate science,
engineering and water resource
management that are making
South Florida's environmental

restoration a reality."
Under the leadership of Gover-
nor Jeb Bush, Florida forged a 50-
50 state-federal partnership to
implement the $8.4 billion Com-
prehensive Everglades Restoration
Plan and has invested $1.3 billion
and committed an additional $3
billion through the end of the
decade to clean up and restore the
famed River of Grass.
The 2006 South Florida Environ-
mental Report, including a 52-page
Executive summary, is available
online at

Acceler8 A-1 meeting

is set for March 30

The South Florida Water Man-
agement District will hold a Water
Resource Advisbry Commission
S(WRAC) Issues Workshop meet-
ing on Thursday, March 30. The
purpose of this meeting will be to
discuss the preliminary design of
the Everglades Agricultural Area
Storage Reservoir A-1 project, (a
component of the Acceler8 Pro-
gram) and encourage and pro-
vide an opportunity for public
The meeting will be Thursday,.
March 30, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at
the South Florida Water Manage-
ment District B-1 Auditorium,
3301 Gun Club Road in West
Palm Beach. An open house will
be held from 5:30 to 6 p.m.,
before the meeting.
The EAA Storage Reservoir A-l
project is an above-ground reser-
voir for. water storage, with a
capacity of 16,700 acre-feet at a
maximum depth of 12 feet. The.
purpose of this project is to cap-
ture, move and store regulatory
releases from Lake Okeechobee,

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reducing the number/volume of
harmful discharges to coastal
estuaries; capture, move and
store agricultural stormwater
runoff, reducing the need for
emergency flood control back
pumping into Lake Okeechobee;
improve operational flexibility to
move water within the EAA,
including flow equalization and
optimization of Stormwater
Treatment Area performance to
further reduce phosphorus
inflows ,to the Everglades;
improve flood protection for
lands adjacent to Bolles and
Cross canals.
For additional information
regarding this meeting, please
contact Renee DeSantis (561)
682-6844 or 242-5520 N 4075 or
For more information on the
Acceler8 program and review the
Basis of Design Report (BODR)
on the Everglades Agricultural
Area A-1 project please visit the
Acceler8 w\ebsite at \wvw\ ever-

Kelly Barnes
Principal Mortgage Broker
825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110
LaBelle, FL 33935
Office: (863) 674-0091
Fax (863) 674-0095
Cell: (239) 707-4404


571 Davis Stro'.t
LaBelle, FL 31'.:'5
(863) 675-7328
(863) 843-0232

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t1.. :, il Estate Broker
LaBetle, FL






FGCU will offer an accelerated medical degree

Florida Gulf Coast University
this fall begins offering an acceler-
ated medical degree program that
allows students to earn both a
Bachelor of Science and a Medical
Doctorate in as little as seven
years, the result of FGCU signing
an articulation agreement with the
University of South Florida.
FGCU biology faculty developed
the new pre-medicine concentra-
tion in the BS in biology curriculum
to allow students to be admitted to
FGCU and at the same time apply
for admission to the USF College of
Medicine. Students spend three
years at FGCU and four years at
USF, allowing them to complete a
B.S. and an M.D. in seven years.
"I am in full throttle to get the
accelerated 3-+4 pre-medicine pro-
gram going," professor and chair

of the Department of Biological Sci-
ences Jo Ann Wilson said. "\We are
moving forward to provide infor-
mation to prospective students and
will be taking applications."
FGCU is currently seeking
approval for the early acceptance,
accelerated _program from the
University's Board of Trustees,
scheduled to meet April 18, and
the Florida Board ol Go\ ernors.
"This program allows students
to pursue their undergraduate
studies.without worrying about
the competitive nature of the med
school application process," inter-
im dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences Donna Price Henry said.
As freshmen at FGCU, students
apply to and are interviewed for
admission to the USF medical
school. In their junior year, students

are required to pass the Medical
College Admission Test, or MCAT.
In the fourth year, students begin
studying at USF and after successful
completion of one year, are award-
ed aB.S. in biology from FGCU. Fol-
lowing successful completion of
the remaining three \ears at IUSF,
students are a%\ arded an N D.
The FGCU I_ program provides
students \vilh a sound and rigor-
ous baccalaureate foundation that
includes an interdisciplinary cur-
riculum in the chemical, mathe-
matical and physical sciences, as
well as a broad basis in the biolog-
ical sciences that prepares stu-
dents for continued education in
FGCU says the new program
engages students in seminars per-
tinent to topics in medicine and

motivates students with, under-
graduate research. In addition, the
program enriches students with
MCAT preparation, a clinical expe-
rience and community service.
Students applying to the acceler-
atel medical degree program must
be Florida residents and entering
freshmen accepted for admission
into FGCU. Applicants must have a
high school unweighted 3.7 grade
point average and either an SAT
score of 1-300 or anACT score of 29.
For entry into the program this fall,
students must also complete aro-
gram application and supply a let-
tei of recommendation by Sept. 15.
For more information, media
representatives should contact
\ilson at (239) 590-7481 or jwil-

AARP: Reduced Medicaid costs not guaranteed

AARP Florida
The American Association of
Retired Persons (AARP) is con-
cerned about the Medicaid pro-
gram. Here is the third in a series of
AARP's stand on the subject.
Reason # 3) Forcing Floridians

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60+ into Medicaid managed long-
term care ma\ not reduce Medic-
aid costs. '
State officials say they want to
force older Floridians into Medicaid
HMOs to receive Oital long-term
care services because future Medic-
aid costs are unsustainable. There

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:s no guarantee that the plan will
actually reduce Meldicaid costs.
In fact, if HMOs do mranare to
squeeze savings out of Medicaid
long-term care costs, the state's
plan could let the HMOs to keep
any savings as profit. Taxpayers
wouldn't benefit, and doctors.

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nursing homes, hospitals, and
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2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30, 2006
22 _




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Car Pool 110
Share a ride 115
Card of Thanks 120
In Memoriam 125
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Grage/Yard Sale 145
Personals 150
Special Notices 155
900 Numbers 160

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Employment -
Medical 210
Employment r
Panrt-ie 215
Wanted 220
Job Information225
Job hatrning 227
Sales 230

ALICO INC is now hiring
for the following positions
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The Glades County Sheriff's
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cers, Certified and not
certified must complete a
Stable test, Starting salary Is
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Benefits Include health and
life Insurance, u~nital insu-
rance may be purchased,
Applications may be picked
up at the Glades County
Sheriff's Office, 599 Ave-
nue J, Moore Haven, Flori-
da or call personnel at
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For consideration,
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Tel,# (863) 983-3700
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needed w/plumbing & electri-
cal ability for Ft, Myers, SW FL
& Tampa areas. Vehicle, tools
& benefits provided, ($ based
on experience.) DFWP Apply
by fax oremallto Waltek Car
Wash Systems, 863-674-
1164, ann,brldges@wallace-
Shop here fIrstl
The classified ads

Licensed ana Insured


and Construction, Inc. I
I Metal Rools Re-Roofs Roof Repairs I
i Pole Barns Vinyl Siding Soffit & Facia "
Office (863) 675-7045 I
iLc t l:to.n3"0t19 A J

-Need Faster Internet?

IrIrrrn i l 1 :., -it lli,-le-
Fast Affordable Available Secure

Full Time

l Time-

*: S...,tg.._, 'Li c.nnqiin Sal, E,~d* c Us.eht
Ctvin L~tldrr Progfrw M ehiLttnt Antss
LPN I o II FT.PT, Perdleml
itL I'll ( It Ci ilt Willln 1 ,:, 1 wi, ll ible i:hCdule
if I,. ,lh I i,' e'p will trin new F r
Radiololgk TechnologlMammopapher
'I I T i; ,"lh a iL !..ri, ae ma llai udltlh IQSA Cm ,ii7 l '.; ,
Sr,iTiiT:'.er,'hic QA proredurn
Full ime. CT/Radd3ogc Tech
ia 0o m p m or 1030 a.m io 7p.m
AA^ T i,.t ,lh j il3 J FL I0.: ,: ~.tp pr,;. Mu,l pi-,,i e..,e:fllc i
J,.I ;. I. .. i :dcerndsnlly profiiea l I. CT ..,d GC ',i.-l
I adloeoph)
Per diem- Houscekepcr
Musi ht.o I '2 ,o' liit'.pijl Or h ft orel l jj t .l d and ,tll lIn, h. .'ui4 ,
Ti jilI rllli a j)e nll.i enri..' nrrarl
Full tme/per duem-Food Service Aide
Pre., .p InI pAlltnl i.j s up pref. Muit bt able to s land & all. loa
h.:.uri S mJlstal n 3 le sanllry enrlonmienl
Part Umc-FooR Tech
I y, ep I rn en Ircin isci related s adukl blllvy to perform cleaning
lui icnon, o maintain ,a ariJlaSBfie & orderly cnienonment
Full Time/Per Diem C.NA
Must have valid FLC.N.A Certficate
Phone: 863-902,3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805
Drugs Free Workplace EOE

Builders Choice Supply
Looking for outside
salesman, Knowledge
of wood, doors &
windows Is a must,
Call (863)674-9900
Builders Choice Supply
Looking for CDL
class B or better
for deliveries.
Call 863-674-9900

Full Ti me 01,11

F u l T i e I l



The Okeechobee News is seeking an Ad
Ser ices Team Member. Thus is a part time
position that could lead to full time
The right applicant will:
Ha\e advanced PC computer skills
Hav\e,g~,c,&,dpeple i. d ,, ,,.. ..
Be a team player
B e organr iia it ll') .
Be able to handle pre-ssure
Be a self-managed individual
Be able to handle deadlines
Have previous sales experience with a
proven track record
Desire to be -uccecssful
Be able to work flexible hour;
Knowledge in:
Quark or Pagemaker
Adobe Acrobat
The Okeechobee News offers:
Potential for advancement
A unique work environment where
employees are trusted and empowered
Competitie pay based on experience
Generous time off program
The Cl ech ,:,e t N a', A 4 ;,ai C'pio ',thio u tu E mt l ,:r1


Immediate restaurant management
openings in Lake Placid, Moore
Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and
Okeechobee. We are a-franchise with
27 restaurants throughout South
Florida and are hiring energetic,
honest, and responsible individuals.
We offer:
-Excellent Salaries
-Medical and Life Insurance
-Dental Insurance
-401K Savings Plan
-Paid Vacations
-Advancement Opportunities
-Training Program

For an interview please call:
or mail your resume in confidence to:
Pauline Alvarez
Southern Management Corporation
1014 W. Sugarland Hwy.
Clewiston, FL 33440

Labelle Company needs Warehouse Supervisor
The Dumont Company seeks a successful candidate with at
least 2 years of supervisory experience, 'good administrative
skills, solid leadership skills and holding a current CDL "B" with
Hazmat endorsement, The candidate will be responsible for
supervising a warehouse, organizing shipping papers
controllIng the inventory and supervising the activities of the
drivers. They will also be required to act as the back up driver
when necessary. It Is Important that the candidate be a hands
on team player, We are a small company where the Supervis-
or wears many hats and must be willing to do whatever Is nec-
essary to support the effort. We offer an exciting opportunity
with good starting wages, a comprehensive benefits package
(Including Health care, 401K with company matching, Lfe
and Disability Insurance and a Profit Sharing plan),
If you are ambitious, and are looking for a job with a future,
please Fax your resume today to 800-524-9315,


staring at S39.5 Per Day


'- .



V i I I I I U EI,.... vill 1. 'i~~a] ~ II,, II,,.- ~ alllr ll Ivr

Ful im 00



Emplo ymen
Ful imI00

Drug Free Work Place
Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay
401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance
& Bonuses.

Join the most exciting attraction in SW Florida

Dining Room Bus Person $6.25 per hour
Dining Room Host(ess) $8.00 per hour
Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips
Housekeeper $9.00 per hour
Maintenance Worker $10.00 + D.O.E.
Poker Brush $8.00 per hour
Security Officer $10.00 per hour
Sous Chef $12.00 + D.O.E.
TAD Floor Clerk $21.00 avg. w/grats

We are also seeking candidates
for these professional positions:
Count Team Supervisor Financial Analyst Security Supervisor
Human Resources Manager TAD Floor Supervisor
Benefits available for all employees
Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL
Phone: 1-800-218-0007
The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace

Emergency Management Planner lor me La Belle office.
Must have computer skills, expenence worth Microsoft pro-
grams and Excel Must be able to work independently, be
self motvated & organized. A High School Diploma or GED
Sidewalk & Bridge Foreman for Hendry County Road &
Bridge. Clean driving record. Must nave Class D or higher
dridver;s license, High School Diploma/GED or 2 years expen-
ence in concrete construction to include knowledge or con-
struction plans, measurements, forming, pouring fnishing,
supervision and other related expenence Pay range $30,160
and $36.400 annually depending upon expenence.
Forkliff Operator/ Assistant at the Recycling & Hazardous
Waste Collection Center in LaBelle. CDL license preferred.
Mechanic I. Basic mechanic Knowledge, experience as an au-
tomotive service worker or mechanic's helper preferred.
Mechanic II. Graduate from an approved course in heavy &
diesel mechanics, three years expenence.
Both Mechanic positions require Class B drivers license. Must
have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewis-
GIS Coordinator for the LaBelle office. Must nave Bachelor of
Science from an accredited college or university in computer
science, geography, or related held with considerable expen-
ence in the use of geographic information systems or 8 yrs
equivalent expenence.
The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement,
sick and vacation leave.
These positions will be open untl filled. Job description & ap-
plicatons can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston
and the Courthouce in LaBelle in tne HR Department
Vet Pref. EEO. Drug Free. Appiicaantneeding assistance in the
application process should contact Herdry County Commis-
sioner HR Department

(Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs
L-1) (#64036628)

Front Desk Position responsible for inter-
viewing clients for service eligibility;
computer experience helpful. Bi-lingual
English/Spanish; Background screen-
ing/fingerprinting required. EEO/AA
Apply online:
CALL LYNN # 863-674-4041 X 115
for more details

Drug Free Work Place
Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay
401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance
& Bonuses.

Apply at:
5701 Ft. Denaud Road
Gulfcoast Products, Inc.
or call 863-675-4410

'.:j-r B .r 'in ir ai rrui.r in.l l,- r Lr iric Ht i -'i.ul[ur.' indlu r
hi- uTi'fedli ,-mplF sirireni .:.p .:,rruru : 'fo'r F'r .Ju r.:ln ..rl. r i
'A'hou-. c S, ri :cF orif ilric d.i ',nk- ur.d i : r ,. r i: 1irun ih
.iM I .i r,1ai plir u i. ir' igjAii,... fi ri p :'.h.' n QA 0 ,ii ilfiedi -arl d,
dates must enjoy working in an outdoor environment and be flexible
with regard to work schedule. Interested individuals seeking year
round employment and excellent benefits may apply in person or
2201 Owanita Road Alva, FL 33920
239-728-2535 ext. 230

Drug Free Work Place
Excellent Benefits & Pay
401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance
& Bonuses.

Apply at:
5701 Ft. Denaud Road
Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc.
or call 863-675-4410

Helper Needed
No experience needed. Will train.
Transportation needed
Drug Free
Call 863-675-8575

COOK Earn some extra cash.
Needed for Big V Restaurant s U yur used items hi
(863)675-2917 Patsy. Seg oasntledst


Tne Auto Physical Damage
segment of LYNX Services is
seeking Auto Technicians tor
desk audit positions at the
Fort Myers locanons.
The ideal candidate's back-
ground includes automotive
appraisal or body shop esti-
mating. Incumbents are re-
sponsible for reviewing
collision estimates and ob-
taining an agreed-upon pnce
with the repair facility.
Candidates should nave
good communications skills,
be attentive to detail, and
nave good knowledge of the
electronic estimating sys-
tems, preferably Pathways.
Computer proficiency in-
cluding electronic communi-
catons is also required.
LYNX Services offers a com-
petitive salary and flexible
package including a maicn-
ing 401K plan.
Resumes may be sent in
confidence WITH SALARY
Director, Human Resources
LYNX Services
6351 Bayshore Road,
Suite 18
li FT. Myers. FL
Fax.: 239/479-6166
and Equal Opportunity
Employer M/F/D/V
B drivers license required.
Must have clean driving
record. Good benefits pack-
age Drug Free Workplace.
Call (239)657-3168 and ask
for David Carreno or apply in
person at
United Agri Producls
116 Jerome Dr Immokalee, FL
FIED DRIVERS tor Central
Flonda Local & National OTR
positions. Food grade tanker,
no nazmat, no pumps, great
benefits. competitive pay &
new equipment Need 2
years experience. Call By-
num Transport for your op-
portunity today.
Drivers CDL A. Special Or-
lentanon Pay tor Experienced
Drivers! Home Weekends!
Great Pay & Benefits' Paid
Training lor School Grads!
Cypress Truck Lines, Inc.
Drivers CDL A. True Lease to
own program Low pay-
mems/shorl term lease. Avg.
$1.ll/mile plus tuel sur-
charge. No hazmat. No
forced dispatch. FFE Trans-
ponaton (88)864-0012.
Overthe road &local.
Good equipment.
Call Charles (863)675-1940
For office in LaBelle and
Immokalee. Background
check and clean dnving
record required. Call the
office nearest you torr mre
info about job.openings in
your area. LaBelle:
863-675-1446, Immokalee;
Experienced only. For more
Info. Please call Electric Solu-
tions @ (239)348-8272
Se Habla Espanol

Must have Class B CDL
with Hazardous Material
endorsement. Must
be 21 yearold.
Immokalee area.
Call 239-657-3694.
Minimum 5. yrs exp. in the
workplace. Knowledge of
Quickbooks Pro and MS Of-
fice, Exc pers refs & must be
bondable. E-mail resume to:
flrstappraisall @earthllnk.net
For Labelle & Ft. Myers loca-
tions. Apply in Person at 825
E. Cowboy Way, Suite 106,
LaBelle (Ph 863-674-1174)
or fax resume to

Apply at:
5701 Ft. Denaud Road
Gulcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc.
or call 863-675-4410

(Bookkeeping, Accounting & Auditing Clerks L-1)

Third party billing & patient accounts
receivable; detail oriented & computer
experience helpful. Background
screening/fingerprinting required.
EEO/AA. Apply on line:
https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com or
Call Lynn @ 863-674-4041 x115
for more details

Hampton Chrysler is looking for an
experienced Technician. A.S.E. Certifications
I preferred. Valid FL drivers license required.

Apply in person M-F
202 W. Sugarland Hwy Clewiston

DRIVER-The Dumont Com-
pany has a position in our
small company that requires
a driver with minimum of a
CDL "B" with Hazmat en-
dorsement We offer good
starting wages, benefits and
a secure future. If you are
ambitious, and are looking
for a job with a future please
call today at 800-330-1369.
LaBelle Dodge: Help Wanted
Lot Porter. Sales &
Evening Cashier/ Ooerator
Needed. Call 386-365-7907
Mace Welding is now
accept applications for
Apply within at:
90 Evans Rd, LaBelle
Mowing, hedging, trimming.
etc.. Call for information.
John Layton or Mellssa at
EARNS $57,000/YR Mini-
mum Starting Pay $18.00/nr.
Benefits/Paid Training and
Vacations No Experience
Needed (800)584-1775 Ref
0/0 Driver FFE, The F/S Is
higher here! $1.11 Avg.
$2,000 sign-on $2.600 Re-
ferral Bonus Base Plate pro-
vided. No truck no problem
LOW payment with short
lease. (800)569-9298.

Requires two-live years
experience processing all
aspects of payroll includ-
ing tax reporting and gar-
nishment processing. This
non-exempt position will
supervise staff of four and
report to the Payroll Man-
ager. Excel experience re-
quired. HS Diploma or
equiv.. dependability fans
a strong work ethic a
must FPC or ability to ob-
tain preferred. Candidate
must be willing o work the
hours needed to process
weekly payroll Including
some holidays Candidate
must be willing to work the
hours needed to process
weekly payroll including
some holidays. To apply
please send cover letter
and resume to:
(239)657-9764 fax.
fllmenez@sixls.com e-mail

PLUMBER: Experienced
in service work. Call for an
interview. (863)675-1155
$16.46 $22.97/nr, Now Hir-
ing. For application & free
government job Info., call
American Assoc. of Labor
1-913-599-8226, 24hr.
emp. serve.
Wantto be independent and
set your own hours? Work
from your home office with
no floortime requirements?
We are seeking self-directed,
motivated agents in Hendry
County. Call Margaret at
Margaret BIrdsong Realty, Inc.
Must have good computer
and phone skills.
Fax resume to (863)675-8816
Now being hired at
Ortona Sand Company
Call (863)675-1454
para dump truck.
863-673-1591 or 674-4719


0 wonder nwipaper
iudws aren mo poputel




CDL Class A
Divers Lic.
Required for
hauling sod

Sod, Inc.

DRIVER. Part-Time
Needed to office In
LaBelle & Immokalee.
Background cneck & Clean
driving record required.
Call the office nearest you for
more Information anout lob
openings in your area.
LaBelle 863-675-1446
Immokalee 239-657-2823
Office help needed Part time
to go to full time Must have
some knowledge of Irrigation
parts. Computer skills a must
Call 8b3-675-3350
Part Time. Curves is accept-
ing applications for
2:30-7:00 p.m. employee It
you are energetc, sell-mon-
vated, have a enthusiastic
personality and love to work
with people, send resume to
Curves LaBelle @ earth-
link net or lax to

Finiali l

.ineBS ..., '
Opp6rtuinitlea 305
Money Lenders 310
TBsrPreparatio ..315

#1 Corporate/Sports Apparel
Franchise Full Training and
Support. No Exp. Needed. Fi-
nancing Available. Call
(800)727-6720. www.Em-
broidMe com.
you earn $800/day? 30 Ma-
chines, Free Candy All for
$9,995. (888)629-9968
B02000033. CALL US: We
will notbe undersold!
Independent Newspapers will
never accept any advertise-
ment that Is illegal orcon-
sidered fraudulent. In all
cases of questionable val-
ue, such as promises of
guaranteed income from
work-at-home programs if
It sounds too good to be
true, chances are that it is.
If you have questions or
doubts about any ad on
these pages, we advise that
before responding or send-
ing money ahead of time,
you check with the Better
Business Bureau at
772-878-2010 for previous
Some 800 and 900 telephone
numbers may require an
extra charge, as well as
long distance toll costs. We
will do our best to alert our
reader of these charges In
the ads, but occasionally
we may not be aware of the
charges. Therefore, If you
call a number out of your
area, use caution.

you collecting payments on
a mortgage? Why wait years
for payments? Call

Meica 010


uaioos~a owe,~ i nurtsuay, ivialLill ow, r ----

- I I'


IAcietDa n I

ferral Service
(800)733-5342. 24 Hrs.
00's of Lawyers Statewide.
ARRESTED? All Criminal De-
fense Felonies...Misdemean-
ors, State or Federal
Charges, Parole...Probation,
DUI...Traffic Tickets, Bond
Reduction, 100's of Lawyers
Statewide 24 HOURS A-A-A
VICE (800)733-5342
children, etc. Only one sig-
nature required *Excludes
govt. fees Call weekdays
(800)462-2000, ext;600.
8am-7pm) Alta Divorce,
LLC. Established 1977.
Reading a newspaper
helps you understand
the world around you.
No wonder newspaper
readers are more suc-
cessful people

KINDS Copper & Brass.
Closed Sunday. Call first
863-675-8760, 257-0879

A "

SAVE Up to 60% on
Water Heating Cost!
Endless Water
Saves Space
Size only 10"x7"x2.5"
Unlimited Hot Water
Just $299
+ delivery
Niagara Industries
David Monzon
863)318-0093 Distributor

Need a few more bucks to
purchase something
dear? Pick up some
extra bucks when you
sel your used Items hI
the cIossilelds.

Higgin's Tree Service -
25 years expenence Frees
estimates. Lic. & insured.
Call 863-675-3955.
Grab a bargain from your
neighbor's garage,
attic, basement Or lo-
et n today's classified.

3.5 ton package unif w/ neat,
new in Diox

BARBER CHAIR, Antique, Mig.
by Emil J. Paaair Co. Pat #
1594408-1594409. Good
cond. $1000 (863)763-5881
CLOCKS, Antique (3) $750 tor
all, will sep. (863)763-5870
Wood Burning Cook Stove
antique, eac. cond., $300.

DISHWASHER-top of the line
Haler. portable. RV size.
18"W, used less than 10
tmes, $250 (502)644-2018
WASHER & DRYER- $100 For
both (863)675-3038
Siackable, neavy duty, good
working cond. $200
Find It aster. Sen It soon-
Pr In the elassileds


FT MAINTENANCE TECH II needed for busy community
nearth center. Must nave a High School diploma or GED.
Clean criminal background cneck and drivers license re-
quired. Fax resume to 239-658-3078 or call 239-658-3020
for application.
FT FINANCIAL COUNSELOR needed for busy community
center. Must nave a High School diploma or GED. Must be
Di-lingual (English/Spanish). Must be self motivated and able
to work independently. medical manager and/or health care
expeence a plus. Fax resumes to 239-658-3078 or call
239-658-3020 for application.
PT HOUSE KEEPER needed for busy community center.
Must have High School diploma or GED. Must be able to
work evenings and independent. Fax resume to
239-658-3078 or call 239-658-3020 for applicanon.

JoAnn Taylor, Human Resource Tech
Collier Health Services Inc

Phone # 239-658-3020
Fax # 239-658-3078


DENTAL ASSISTANT Pediatric Dental Office in Immokalee
needs expanded duty assistant to loin our fnendly team. Our
company offers competitive salary and great benefit package.
Bi-lingual a must Call Jane at 348-8040 or lax resume to
DENTAL FRONT OFFICE- Pediatric Dental office In Immok-
alee needs front office person to join our team Must be Bi-
lingual. Computer literate and dental knowledge helpful.
Company offers excellent salary and benefit package Call
Jane at 348-8040 or fax to 348-0801

Do-It-Yourself Ideas

Baskets & More

Now you can create a whole basketful of wonderful
designs for yourself and loved ones with the help of
a full-color, 68-page guidebook, "Baskets & More."
The book features step-by-step instructions and full-
size patterns for 13 quilted designs, plus 17 pages of
quilting tips and techniques.

Baskets & More guide (No. LA3408)... $15.95
Also available:
Wall Quilts for All guidebook
(No. LA3361)... $10.95
Please add $3.00 s&h

To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to
clip & send w/ check to: include your name,
U-Bild Features address and the name of
15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow
Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery.

Or call(800) 82-U-BILD
Money Back Guarantee

r Employment

DOOR- Outside, Aluminum.
Glass 32"x74". Fits Mobil
Homes $30. (863)357-6660
Leave message
Buy Direct From Manufactur-
er. 20 colors in stock with all
Accessories. Ouick turn
around' Delivery Available
Toll Free (888)393-0335.
MH STEPS (2) 35" Fiber
glass steps, w/3'y3' platform.
metal handrails $600 or will
sep. 1863)357-0615
Metals GM-26 no gal. mill in-
isn. Brand new. 38"W, 1600
sq. ft. $1200 (239)464-7395
Walls. 4x10 Root Panels &
one Door $950.
(772)201-8932 OKEECHOBEE
SCREEN ROOM- permanent or
portable, 8x20, roof system,
28x8, 2 doors, exc condo.
$1800 (502)644-2018
SHELVES 5/4 solid oak. Rout-
ed edges Finisned Steel
arms Worin $2000. Now
$500 t863)674-0429
SHUTTERS- 1-pr 12"x24".
2-pr 12-"48", & 2-pr 14-.<39
All need to be painted. $25.
Will sep. (863)763-1997
Your next job could be h
today's classfeds. Did
you look for It

CARPET & PAD- brand new,
blue approx 12x13, $100
(772)201-8932 OkeecnoDee

BABY CRIB- Brand new, no
mattress. $40
with mattress & bedding,
$50 (863)675-6829

GOWNS (3) Formal. From Da-
vid's Bridal New. never
worn. All size 20. $300 for
all, will sep (863)697-2813
Nail. Pagent Dress 5/6 Beauti-
ful custom-made by Nancy
Landers $450

-~ ~~~ ~---~


aftinqA R elil- Thllrcda~i.. Marcrh 30.2006

WASHER Frigidaire, Super
Capacity 16 cycles. Heavy
duly $50 (863)697-2173
$100 eacn, 1 yr warranty
large capacity,

BICYCLE, Fold Up. $30

'Manufacturer Direct" Priced
to sell Buil to Last. Featur-
ing clear span design Exten-
sive range of sizes and
models. Pioneer
Mateials 054



OM ----
i0isc Jockeys

I Lawn & Gard



24 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 30, 2006

ilul. in boxes, $250 for all
CARDS(3-400 Racing &
Comic. late 80s early 90s
Exc. cond. $400 neg
Stadium Club'92 & '06 Topps
Series, 1 CC card $2

Tiro/Photo. Lermark P3150,
4 pholo card SlOtS, new car-
tridges $75 (863)357-1082
Win XP + lots ol programs
& games. $175.
LAPTOP Windows XR lois ol
software, internet ready, 1.5
gig, 2 months old, $950 firm
LAPTOP- 15", Absolute the lop
ot the line DuraDook Military
spec's Modem, rolor Leather
WEB TV- computer */2 Key-
boards, $75 (863)902-0257

Bureau- Dresser Double. very
good cond. $80 or besI otter
Ig. black & granite laminate
$50 or pest oiler.
1863)675-0369 ah 5pm
tiful, cnerry wood must see,
$2500 or best ol-
lei(863) 763-0072
DAY BED- light pine $150
DINETTE SET, wood, with for-
mica lop & 4 captain's
chairs, green, $125.
DINING TABLE- Oval. 2-lears,
6-chairs w/cushions All hard
wood.-Traditional style $300.
blond rattan, glass top, $275
DRESSER SET. 1 long w/mir-
ror I narrow tall, 1.night
slind $60 1863)467-6984 -
New $350. 1863)6755737
cel cond. only $80 or best
owner (863)467-9877
QUEEN BED- lighl wood. Sea-
ly Post matt. dresser w/mir-
ror, cnest, 2 niie stands
$1500 1863)763-9410
RECLINER- olive green, like
new, asking $125 or best of-
Lge, modern. full back cush-
ions. pale green/beige, 2yrs
old $500 (863)467-2435
SOFA- full siZe. Like new,
Lignl blue, beige, wnie & grey
striped Reduce to $225
TABLE & 4 CHAIRS- maple,
good condition, $50
TABLE, w/butcher block lop, 2
stoolE, wiwnfi legs on table
& sloolS $.75 or best ofter

GOLF CLUBS- complete.
matched set, metal woods,
irons, bag. putter. 30 misc ,
clubs, $130. (863)946-3123

made in Belgium, never im-
ported, brought over. 12ga.
30" rim, $1500





Dyme, like brand new. $150

WATER HEATER- 40 gal. 1 yr
old, $75 or best otler

FLOOR LAMP- With matching
glass top coffee table $125.

PATIO SET- in good cond
blue and while $50

Sonic Pride Mobility, elec lift,
$1200 or DesI ofier
LIFT CHAIR- Like new condi-
tion Also reclines $425 or
best otter (863)467-4328
WHEEL CHAIR, Molonzed w/2
heavy duly bakeries. Good
cond. $550. (863)675-0104

CARIBBEAN. Brand new ship
sailing r/t from Ft. Lauderdale
November 2006- March
2007. From $499 (port taxes
included) with FREE BUSi
(80074 -1770, www alla.
boardtravel.com ARC E.-
EARN DEGREE online from
rome. 'Medical, "Business,
"Paralegal, 'Computers
'Criminal Justice. Job Place-
meni Compuler provided Fi-
nancial aid I quality.
(8661858-2121 www.onii-
Fixed Wing Ultra Light Air-
Plane, partly finished, $1800
or best ofer. (906)281-2127
For sale Household items.
lools, sporting goods, lurni-
lure & appliances Call Paul
Like new,
$100 (863)610-7588
Horse Liniment Eases Arthritis
Pain. Now Available lor hu-
mans Arih-Rx nas been
helping arthritis pain suffer-
ers tor over 10 years. Con-
venient Roll On.
18001634-2348 wwwarlh-
rx corm.
RELAX & ENJOY, tie Outdoors
in this 2 seated swing $100.
Direct and Savel Full Body
units rom $22 a month'
FREE Color Catalog CALL
TODAY' (800)842-1305

AMP & Drum & Bass ma-
cnine. $525 will sell separate

BULL PUPS- $250 eacn,
Please call (83636340119
BIRDS- Aviary for small birds,
8x10, movable. 50 or more
birds, $1000 casn
2/6/06. 4 males. 3 females.
$125. (8631467-1574
CHIHUAHUA, puppy, female.
Shots current, Healln Cert
$300 (863)675-3729 or
gates, posts. used, make ot-
ter. (863)674-0416
$400 each (863)634-4076
Colorful Pond Fisn
2"- 18", $3.00-$100.
PEKINGESE PUPS- all shots.
CKC, beautiful all colors/sizes,
$300-400 will deliver
BULL- $800
1863)675-0218 La Belle

Water Healer System, tank-
less, heals water instantly 8
easy to install, saves money
on your electric'!' For more
Information, please call

SPA HOT TUB- Vrla. 6 person.
works great $1200

ci31a Used for upnoislery
$800. (8631675-5737

HUNT ELK, Red Stag, Wnile-
tall. Burialo, Wild Boar Our
season now-3.'31.06 Guar-
anleed license, $5 00 Iro-
pny in Iwo days No-
Game/No-Pay policy. Days
13141209-9800. evenings

Wih 2-4' speakers $200
SETTE- plays, records. syn-
chronized motors new comnd
$80 (8631675-2596

does not work. $200.

1-888-821-0894 1-877-358-8300

53.41 acres MOL of industrial prop In
Columbia Cty #47930 $3,204,600.
39 acres MOL with DWMH in
Suwannee Cty #47588 8470,000.
120 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty
#49265 $1,200,000.
30 acres MOL in Hwy Frontage in
Madison Cty #46383 8600,000.
50 acres MOL in Madison Cry. #47041
3BR'1.5BA in Hamilton Cty #48731
3BR/2BA with 5 acres MOL In
Suwannee Cty #49769 $159,900.
5BR/3BA on 229 acres MOL in
Suwanee Cty #49092 83,499,000.
Business for sale in Deland, FL
#45376 S495,000.
Business for sale on 3 acres MOL In
Madison County #46984 $850,000.
Business on 2 acres MOL in Lafayette
County #41969 $150,000.
Business for sale in Madison County
#48870 $625,000.


CUT OFF SAW- Black & eck-
er, 9". Extra 9" blades, Excel-
lent condition" $75 Or oest
offer. 410-228-7137
. erglass newr, $90 cash
(863)675-4970 leave mes-
Hobart Mig Welder Iron Man
210, used very lille. pd
$1000, asking $750
WELDER, used very little,
$150. (8631674-0416
Tc, exc cond., hall price, $17
casn (863)675-4970 leave

VCR, DAEWOO like new $20

Trailer for 18' to 20' Ponloonr
Boat. (863)763-8872
A E. Backus. J. Hulchinson
H Newton, G. BucknerE.
Buckner, L Roberts,A. Hair,
R A McClendon, S. Newton,
BIG $$ (772)562-5567
Wanted Hay Bailer, used.
I (863J76341936


thrIstitmas e s 745
'.l i :l,'Predus 81
fan'.Miscelleneou 815

d 825
Farm Suppies/
Services Wanted 830
'Fertilizer 835
Horses 840
eSApplie~ 845
awn &.Garden 85
Pi ry/Supplie as 860
Flower- 865

4 HORSE TRAILER- 05. Snad-
ow, w/customrned sleeping
area. AC. TV, Microwave,
Cowboy Shower, 60 gal wa-
ter lank, ramp lor loading, Ig
stalls, LED lignis sleeps 4.
hardly used, $25 000
(8631675-0636 or
12391896-2025 or e-mail
HORSE, 8 yrs. old. Good
horse, great wl/ids. Moving
must sell. $2500 or besi otter
HORSE TRAILER- Good condi-
tion $1500 Firm
HORSES, 3-Gelding, i-Barrel
horse, 1-Roping hor r for
kids. 1-Gelding lor Inlermedi-
ale riders Call

Cralrsman LT 1000 42" cut
About 6mos old Asking
$900 (8631697-3212
RIDING MOWER for parts,
42'. lor paris only! motor,
tires, panery good,.deck shot
$20 9311337-1053 or
Wheel Hors01` 44" cul, $650

The most important
20 minutes of your day
is the time spent reading
with your child from
birth to age nine.

Okeecholee Livestock
Market Sales every
Mon 12pm &every
Tues lar 763-3127

* g RENT

Apartment 905
BusinesPlaces.g 90,
Cm immerlal -:'- .". 'ip: -;-
Property"' i b1
Con-does/.: .'

turni.hed wwasher&.a ryer

& las,?required to move in
Rooms t Rent0 '3
tLaBelle- Country Viage, 1 ,
aGa;rage$550.o...: +.9

sec, dGp & good refs req..
LaBelle, 2 dr Apt. 1 full ba.
W/River paio C.omplelely
lurnished w/washer & dryer
1 yr lease, No children or
pets please. $1200. mo, lst

LaBelle- Country Village, 1&r,
iba Garage $550 mo. +
sec dep & good refs req.,
no pets, non smoking env.
Cal Margaret Barber Real
Estate 863-675-5968


New ig units avail air
condritoned & non-air,
each unit alarmed, area
'lanced & well lignhted,
spae lor boats, mailers.
RV & trucks Manager on
sie. 1025 Commerce Dr
LaBelle 863-675-1025.
Cowboy Way & Kennedy
Blvd. P5'r0' $42 0 mo mnc
laPr 8'o $53 50 mo ncl.
and 10'l0' $58.85 mo. mil.
aOp 8'v20'20'e 85.60 mo
nmci Id': 24 hr access $25
returnable key deposl.

Ie Water NEW Bouiique
HWtel Harbor Beach. Pool
Sleps Io Finest Restaurants
Minutes to Gull, Goll. Shop-
ping Inlroducttory Rare
www innondeslinai bor.com

Real Estlate

Business Places -
Sale 1005
Property Sale 1010
Tbwnhausoe Sale1015
Farms Sale 1020
Houses Sale 1025
Hunting Property 1030
Property Sale 1035
Land Sale 1040
Lots Sale 1045
Open House 1050
Out of State -
Property Sale 1055
Property Inspection 1060
Real Estate Wanted 105
Resort Property
Sale 1070
Warehouse Space 1075
Waterfront Property 1080

CHARMING, Old Florida style.
Renovated 3/2, Ig. front porch,
wood firs, dbl. lot, pole barn,
$298,000. (561)628-2994
Great Fixer Upper) 905 Edi-
son Ave., Labelle. $30,000
or best offer (863)228-0010

LABELLE- 266 51h Ave 3r.,
2ba. last house on canal,
new floors, windows &
landscaping, $205,000
(863)673-5282 or
LeBelle. New Home 3br. 2ba.
Custom flooring. Stamped/
stained patio $179,000
Port LaBelle, 3 BR, 2 BA, New
construction. Just completed!
Vaulted ceilings, home warran-
ty. (239)825-8301 more inlo.
PORT LABELLE- 3/2, w/bonus
room, approx 1800 sq It liv-
ing area. recently updated
carpet & kitch apple, new
metal iool. sprinkler system,
hurricane shutters, 'ceiling
fans in every room, fenced
back yard. 1/4 acre lot w/oak
trees, $259,000
(863)675-6644 for appt to
view chickl23@strato.net
PORT LaBelle: Unit 4,4/2,
Newly renovated, near schls..
Pnced to sell @ $175,000.
Cal|.owner: 863-673-5071.

S reside

Mortgage, Inc.
Plerase i'rp by 4) Hi 8(0 W
863-674-0101 239.6946664
JIm WinrmiT Lb Br,.ker

LAST,\T $215,900.
FAMILY $329.900.
CAPECORAL $242,900.

W.l11 11lll[]ll
Will Divide
City block ne xto0 court-
house, government center,
high school. 500 lee on US
#27, Ideal for Bank, Fast
Food, Law, Medical, Retall,
Realtor, Insurance, etc.
Call owner Pat


PIONEER, 2.5 ac. Lots of pine
irees. High land Accessible
Very Peacelul & Privale.
$66.000 863-674-1008

LaBelle, 1.21 acre lot on 1101
NE Nobles Rd., $79,900
1239)424-0038 or
OKEECHOBEE. 1.19 ac Locat-
ed 7 mi N of Okee. City. On
dead end black top road.
Many mature Oak trees.
Zoned for house or mobile
home. Not in Viking area.
$75,000 863-467-5867 or
Port LaBelle: Unit 7,
Block 2221, Lot 32,1/4 acre.
7024 Patriot Circle.
New Homes on street.
$46,900. By Owner.
Call J. Taylor 914-293-7097

Mountains Near Asheville,
NC. Beautifully wooded
homesites on 18-hole Dye
designed golf course. Unbe-
lievable incentives. Call toll-
free (866)334-3253 X 1047

ACREAGE Private gated
mountain community with
over 4 miles of riverlonli 1
to 8+ acres from the $60s
Incredible views! Custom
community lodge with
mountain spas, riverwalk.
Call (866)292-5762. Bear
River Lodge.
Cabins, Acreage & Invest-
ments. Cherokee Mountain
Realty GMAC Real Estate
Murphy www cnerokee-
mbuntainreally.com Call for
Free Brochure
1.5 Acres- $99,900. Beauli-
fully wooded, great views.
pristine shoreline, deep
oatable water Enjoy access
to ICW. Sound Atlantic
Paved road, underground
utilities Excellent financing
Call now (800)732-6601. v
1510. '
gainsl April 81 9. Water ac-
cess from $34,900 with
FREE Boat Slips PAY NO
$5,000 savings on beautilul-
ly wooded parcels at 34,000
acre lake Tennessee. Enloy
unlimited water recreation.
Surrounded by stale forest.
Excellent financing! Call
(800)704-3154, x 724 TN
Land Partners, LLC.
Lakefront and Lakeview Prop-
erties Nestled in Ihe hills 01
Tennessee on Ihe snores or
pristine Norris LaKe. Call
Lakeside Really ai
14231626-5820 Or visit
www.lakesdereaity-nm corn.
Large Mtn. Land Bargains.
High Elevation Adloins Pris-
tine Slate Forest. 20 AC to
350 AC. Sweeping Min
Views, Streams. www live-
"Location, Localion, Locaton"
Time to buy. INVESTORS &
BUILDERS, Great Buildable
Lots For Sale in one or Flori-
da's Fastest Growing Areas
FortMyers. (888)558-0032
DISE Great mountain views'
2.29 acres just $59.990
Ride out your back door to
millions of acres ol national
forest. Close to Canyon Ferry
Lake, minutes to Helena
Soils rested. utilities, ready
to build. Call owner
WINTERS Affordable Homes
& Mountain Cabins Land
(877)837-2288 EXIT REAL-
www.emilmurphy com
NC MOUNTAINS 3 acres on
mountain top in gated com-
munity, view. trees, waterlall
& large public lake nearby
paved private access
$58,500 owner
(866.6) 78 9 85 3 5
www NC7 cor
North Carolina Gated Lake-
front Community 1.5 acres
plus, 90 miles of shoreline.
ever before offered with
.20% pre-development dis-
counts, 90% financing. Call
North Georgia Gated Mountain
Community. New Homes
close to Infrastructure..One
Hour North of Atlanta. Golf,
Tennis, Lake, Pools, Info
Rural Hunting Timber Land
For Sale 222.2 acres,
$2500/acre. Atkinson
County, Georgia. Call for info
(334)393-5036 or
ACREAGE Gated mountain
community bordering a large
lake. Spectacular views.
.Community boat ramp, pri-
vate boat slips. Between
Chattanooga & Knoxville.
Call today (866)292-5769.
Gates of the River.
The classifieds are the
most successful sales-
person In town.

in LaBelle -
Water/Sewer, Cleared
Asking Price $250,000
Contact: Bill Reeve @
Coastal Engineering Consultants
863 675-2707


, kids $200 or ubli owner
40 hr Brand new W:iLi I.l
.. tires $4700
1e631673- 6321


Automobiles 4005
Autoi Wanted 4010
Classic Cars 4015
Commercial Trucks 4020
Equipment 4025
Foreign Cars .4030
Four -WheelDrive :4035
Heavy Duty'Trucks 4040
Parts-. Repairs 4045
Pickup Trucks '4050
Sport Utility 4055
Tractor Trailers 4060
Utility Tailers 4065
Vans 4070

or[vide vo:anhno al Iraining
lor someone in a recovery
program or i.ansriprlaon ior
3j single parent family
Buick Skylark Limiled 1997.
4dr sedanS6cyl eycel cond
can be financed, $-1100
CHEVY BLAZER, 96. auto. V6,
4 dr runs & drives great,
$2500 or best oiler.
1863i6- 3.0.33
runs grea3l Musi sell $1200
or best owner 863-6'7-9598
nmed: Ironl & rear bumper
i300 (86M3112.-2'55
parls car doe' run i25U
gioiud. Needs braves .1000
or b si oltr (863)763-23031
Honda Accord LXI '87- 2 dr
natch, 4 cyl, manual, $1200
863-467-5401 or
HONDA CIVIC 1992, 4 Dr 5
Spdi manual Good condi-
lion A'C. Runs grejl $2500
Mercury Marquis LS. '90 50.
V8. low mi gojrd body &
ni coil i,'c. real Irans.
1.2500 IM863146r-6805

Don't Miss

This One
MUSTANG '02- v. juil PW
PL. niire w lan inier 391
nii e, I.ond .9200
(31102245-i4[i0 Dover
Some front end damage.
Runs great. $500
PLYM BREEZE'99- 55k, 4dr,
runs good1 $2500

LI::il ing II tu, y AiliiQue Car /
irinveriille Tru:l, Please iall
(954)561-2776 .

PROPERTY' Scr.er home-
sitei surrounding La'e Bark-
ley 1 to 6 acre vew silte &
5 to 40 acre privacy tie3
Irom the 40'; 90 mirin 1
Nasnville. Grand openni aol
Phase II on nowi Call
1866)339- 496.

Mobile Homes

f oil Hoime-Lots 2005
M .be Home Parts 2010
Mpljhie-mes Rent 2015
Mobile Hoes -'Sale 2020

LaBelle 1 Bdrm, 1 Ba Privale
location. $450 mo + i200
sec dep 12j91226-1219
dbl wide, Ig porch 40 al:res,
$800,io. 15 Lil
sec 9541649-6641
TURKEY CREEK, 2:1 Mobile
Home. Oronia. on river,
$1000 mo Call Emily ,..
Soulnern Land Real E.ial1

30x10 Fla Rm, lullv lurn deil
patio. beaulilul gardens, Musi
See' 157 Meadowiari AV
Park, Orlona. $12,000 or best
Palm Harbor Maalerpieir
285,2 open Iloor plan.
Zone 3 wind 'lorm 16,.16
deik appliance,' cir.oil
Ong uwner buyer pays miiv
,ng 1,29900 18631675-1490i
or (2397i28-2484
LaBelle: 3 Bd rm. on I:
loaded w/o31 trees
Tenanl occupied 55,000
MOBILE 3Dr/2ta Mlanulirluirrd
home, driveway Lar poil
pcrch, Ironl yard w/gardens
$168 5001863)675-3539
1986 Franklin 3311 new tied
washer, lurimiae, [drpel rni:i
$15.000 (863)885-1053



Boats 3005
Campers/RVs 3010
Jet Skils 3015
Marine Accessories 3020
Marine Miscellaneous 3025
Motorcycles 3030
Sport Vehicles.'ATVs 3035

14' BOAT- unsinkable, fiber-
glass, fish finder, trlr, used
twice;. Call for information
BAYLINER- '77, Oulboard 16',
RUns good. $2500 .:, best
40 hp Honda, 4 stroke, like
new w/trailer, awnings & ex-

'84, Runs great. Needs some
work on the inside. $2500..
Or best offer
ft. extension. $6000 invested.
Older. Some Hurricane Dam-
age. $2500.(863)675-6105

CM400, '81, needs work,
brand new light & tire to be
put on $200. (863)983-7457
Suzuki '06 Model C-50 Low
miles loaded w/extras $8000
Yamaha Roadstar 2005 -
Midnight Sllverado, 1700cc,
hard bags, windshield, chrome
front end, white wall, back
rest, full wrnty, show room
cond. Must sell $9,500

Eagle's Nest


A secluded, private
ranch subdivision
offering beautiful .'
vistas ofpstine 'I ,', ::
natural habitat.

Offered in combinable 40-60ac Tracts for discerning
homeowners or weekend nature enthusiasts.
Only eleven of these exceptional tracts available.

*M ami 772-468-8306
Etft .Grouped Di .

',ri LTII 'ilifiiT.'dy m vieloauT
0 ',160l W.11, i ,::f ll uT'I'O ti P iC,
p"lph: uw I, 1 II jo) AM A(loal 1I
2iji.' m ic(r i, irnr t ii on,, i IfIw
lil;n, Mu. t re ,,'ril, i l rcji l' iy
RrE'FR, D lo Mfwu wiio ii n
iu rbr,, illlri .l; l i T- 0 ,1 d ,

rT Ill .l : 1i 311 ulia I 'r iil Mi
Dcrll L irm, 1 t, i 31q3

,upk w. vicaluan
)NO ICE PO e 0 i 1.SA llE
ivel. Noidce a' Foreclosure ':, Lien and.
lrtent to r.u ser I U M I 'nse ve ) M

Hlrida Statuite. i ENDRY TOWING R
Ralph W. Nicholson r t
General Manager

123420 CGSCB 3/30/06

gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and

intent to sell these vehicles on
04/10/2006, 10:00 am at 4053 RAIN-
BOW CIR., LABELLE, FL 33935-5456,

pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the
Floda Statutes. HENRY TOWING &
RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to

accept or reject any and/or all bids.

1996 ACdge
1985 Chevy
124205 CB 3/30/06
gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and

ntenyard sal n these vehicles on
ds04/10/2006,10:00 am at 4053 RAIN-
BOW CIR., LABELLE, FL 33935-5456,
pureuant to subsection 713.78 of the
loqrda Statutes. HENDRY TOWING &
RECOVERY CORP reserves the right to
accept or reject any and/or all bids.
2003 Dodge
124203 CB 3/30/06
Your now home could be
In today's paper. Have
vou looked for It?

Time to clean out the
attic, basement and/or
garage? Advertise your
yard sale In the classi-
Oeda and make your
clean no a breozoe



21/2 acres on Case Road with
New 2006 4 Bdrm 3 Bath,
2,255 sq. ft; energy saver w/
2"x6" sidewalls, beautiful inside
& out w/lots of special touches.
Fenced and landscaped, $249,900.

Felda New Double Wide
Homes on 12 acre lots; starting
at $89,900 & ready for
immediate occupancy.

Crescent Acres New 2006 14x72
Home & Land, 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath or
2 Bdrm, 2 Bath, $62,500. Owner
financing with 20% down.

Call or come by:
600 E. Cowboy Way
In LaBelle. 863-675-4300 or
toll free 866-368-4300

Fand Sale

BRONCO, 4x4, 1978, orig.
owner, $2495
(863)612-1018 -
BRONCO II '89 perfect en-
gine, rebuilt'trans, 0 miles,
needs paint but no rust, $1750
firm. (863)805-8789
Chevy Blazer, '94, 4x4, 4 dr.,
w/very low miles & impec-
cably maintained, $4200.
(863)228-3087 or e-mail
JEEP RENEGADE 1991, 4x4,
Auto., Mint condition. New en-
gine & brakes. 400 mis. on en-
gine. $7800 (863)467-6696

GOLF CART- 1999 Club car,
as, reconditioned 1995,
$1995. (863)675-1472.
GOLF CART- Club car, green,
Electric, with charger,
$1295. (863)675-1472.

I Land Sal

Salenobile Home

Mobile Home

I House Sal

I Houses Sal

Bug Guard lor 2002 Ford
F150, brand new never
used. still packaged from
laciory 863-675-4272
shape. Purchased in '04.
used 1 lime $500
DRIVE ON RAMP- you must
remove and haul $175
Exhaust Syslem, used. taken
on a 2000 Camaro Z28 For
more information call
GMC Sonoma, lots of parts
$400 or best oiler
w/cenler caps. lair cond., 4
P205165R15 Regent Sigma
tres, $200. (5611718-8580
SUPERCHIP- For 6 0 Ford Die-
sel Truck, '04-05. Asking
.350. or best oiler.
1863)634-3296 Cody
Tires & Rims, (4), used, laken
on a '02 Ford F150, 4x4,
less tnan 1.000 nmi., perteci
condo ; $350 863-675-42i2
TIRES- (4); 250 '99 & up Ford
8 lug 16". Alum rims v/Crr
covers Ex cond. $150. or
best offer. 863)763-6216
TONNEAU COVER- of 811 bed,
Ford, $450 or best offer

Diesel. Very good condition
$1350 (8631357-7214 alter
DODGE RAM 250. '90- runs
good new parts, libergl3ss
work body w/ladder rack
$600 (863)655-0030.
GMC 2500 83- 6.2L diesel
runs good w,'ilal bed, $2000
or trade lor swamp buggy
ISUZU PU 91- AC, runs good,
4 cyl. $1000 1772)618-0607
iOn Ranger step side Snug
up Io the cab lype. $300
PICKUP 1973 GMC tor parts,
rebuild able 350 engine.
good bres, mirrors elc $200
TONNEAU COVER- Fiberglass.
For lull size Iruck $600 or
best offer (863)357-211 or

TRAILER- 5'x8', With ramp
E.qcellent condition. $550
Very good snape. $375

CHEVY- 3/4 Ton Van '88. 7
passenger good lires, rides
good on hwy $990
CHEVY '92 BOX VAN- 6.2 die-
sel, 5spd runs, needs some
cosmetic work. $1600
DODGE- '84, 15 Passenger, 1
Ion, Nice seals $1490
(863)673-0782 or
or make oi er
4dr seals 8, everything run;
& looks good new tires,

Public Notices

Pubic N otice 5(6
State Public-
Legal Notice 5500


I Los -Sal

I Lots Sal