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Page 4 -,,-S ur- i-LORn, HIS Tower Talk , Page 4 A.. WX 007 uO PLORIDA Mi-W-Z -7-, G( .'4II ; lEj 3li) U E FL 7 -21611-7 00G 7 oAI^ r SELL-E Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 VOUM 8 UME IIHRDAMrh 320 H.O.P.E. is about healing City of LaBelle: Please save water! It's the dry season and, to ensure that there is enough water for everyone, the City of LaBelle is asking its customers to please conserve water. A seasonal lack of signifi- cant rain and ever-increasing demand for water combine to make this a problem. Resi- dents are asked to use com- mon sense conservation measures: confine watering yards to early morning and early evening, wvash vehicles less often, take shorter show- ers, in general, don't waste this precious commodity. Even if you have a well for outdoor purposes, please help conserve, as all our water comes from the same place. These conservation meas- ures are voluntary at present. However, if the water table does not rise sufficiently, the city may be forced to pass a conservation ordinance. SBA workshops coming to area Don't forget to schedule one or both of the SBA work- shops on Wednesday, April 5. The first one is at LaBelle City Hall in the council chambers at 9:30 a.m. and afternoon ses- sior. begins at 1.15 p.m. in the Beardsley room at John Boy Auditorium in Cleviston. You will learn about the services and programs, loan informa- tion, the role of the intermedi- ary, and Hendry County incen- tives. Call Hendry County Economic Development Council at 863-675-6007 to RSVP. Space is limited so make your reservation early. Don't miss Waiting for MacArthur' The final weekend for Wait- ing for MacArthur is Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 23- 25. It begins at 7 p m. at the Firehouse Cultural Center, 241 N Bridge Street. Tickets are $10 with reservations, $12 at the door. -To make reserva- tions, please call 863-675- 3066. The Firehouse Cultural Center's final offering of the season will be Seeing Stars in Dixie April 21-23 and 28-30. Legion hosts LMS band dinner Dana-Howard-Weekley American Legion Post 130 is having its 18th Annual benefit dinner for the LaBelle Middle School Band on Saturday, April I, from 4-1-7 p.m. The proceeds from the dinner will go to the band to help programs they have during the year Since the first benefit dinner back in 1988 the Post has raised over $45,000 for the band. The ben- efit dinner includes roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, coffee or tea for $5.50 a person. Tickets can be purchased from any band member or from the American Legion Post 130, 699 State Road 80 W. The public is wel- come; carry-outs available., Index Classifieds .......17-19 Editorial ............ .4 Speak Out ...........4 Social News ......... .5 Sports ............. 11 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. Il16510 00019 8 "16 51 0 0 00 1 9 1 By Patty Brant Project H.O.PE. The name says it all. Volunteers in bright yellow shirts continue to canvas Hendry/Glades neighborhoods even six months after Hurricane Wilma hit this area, leaving over 600 homes in Hendry uninhabit- able. In Glades, some 35 homes were destroyed and 169 sustained substantial damage. Wilma also left her mark on those who suffered less damage. Serious damage is a relative thing. Losing some shingles off a roof may be a minor setback to one person; a catastrophe to another. Many people are not used to ask- ing for help or just don't know where to get the answers they need to get their life back to where it was before Wilma. Navigating through FEMA regulations is a challenge in itself. So Project H.O.P.E. is there. Federal funding comes through the Florida Department of Children and Families to support the program. The Project H.O.P.E. folks are here to provide support in any way they can. They are sup- porting CREW, which is doing damage assessments. CREW was created to bring the community together, to act in tan- dem providing services to resi- dents affected by recent hurri- canes. Project H.O.P.E. folks are fan- ning out in all directions, two-by- two, canvassing neighborhoods, knocking on doors seeking out Senior Connections: A place of their own anyone with hurricane-related the lack of affordable housing, issues that remain unanswered. especially rentals. FEMA is starting They attend festivals like Swamp to bring trailers into Clewiston but Cabbage and Chalo Nitka and it's lust a drop in the bucket. Many they are at the Hendry County Fair continue to live with relatives or in - connecting with residents every unsafe houses. Many have left the way they can. area. Team members are also work- c .... ing to bring together a network of Project H.O.P.E. workers are community agencies and an over- answering all kinds of questions, all directory of assistance agen- filling all kinds of gaps in service. cies. Sometimes the solution to what By far, the biggest problem fac- ing hurricane victims in this area is See Hope Page 2 allows mobile MRI On. Monday, Wednesdaymnd Friday-the ladlqs are-invited togetitherroo back--on pthe Wiercise flp with, p'pra rarndenui.J he,fu_'Sor ._ _p.,B .'9ta (foreground), 'Joan Mitchell and Betty Burkhardd enjoy exercising three days aweek. It makes them feel better and really ramps up the energy : Feel good, make friends By Patty Brant There's no doubt about it.. it you live long enough, you'll get old. The question is: howV will you spend those "golden- years?" Of course, your family should remain your main sup- port system, but we all need other friends and contacts as well the need for intercon- necting links of friends our own age do not grow less with time. However, in this fast moving world, there may be fewer opportunities for some seniors to meet and spend time with their peer group. When that happens, Senior Connection can provide sen- iors' lives with a boost provid- ed by being with special friends. There are lots of opportuni- ties at Senior Connections to hook up with folks to make new\ friends. Every day congre- gate meals are served and delivered to the homebound. Activity keeps us all young and the folks at Senior Connec- tions offer a variety like arts arid crafts, exercise and occa- sional trips. Activity Director Nancy Tanner is always on the lookout for anyone who has ideas and a little time to share. coming to senior connections ror --someimng to ao. oSne likes the other ladies, enjoys bingo and sharing opinions - their life stories show they have a lot in common, she says. Nancy has lots of ideas to make things even better. Activi- ties are "her calling," she said, adding that she hopes to pro- vide a broad range of activities for clients. For instance, she'd like to set up a library for. clients 60 and older and pro-. vide new activities. There are many opportuni- ties for volunteers to help out at the center, as well. Volunteer program opportunities include meal programs, computer training, exercise classes, arts and crafts, cards and games, specialty clubs, friendship and fun, gardening, office \work, card patrol (sending out cards for special occasions, thank you notes). Get the idea? Something for everyone! If you just want to help out on week- ends, there is a need for that, See Seniors Page 2 By Patty Brant The second time around the LaBelle City Commission approved a special exception to place a mobile Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) unit in the parking lot at Dr. Kyle Studley's office, 45 Bryan Ave. Hendry Diagnostic Imag- ing Center has a similar unit in Clewiston and wants to expand its service to LaBelle. The request was made at the March 9 city commission meeting. According to Victor Basile of the LaBelle MRI Center, the company would work to make the trailer housing the unit aesthetically fit the sur- roundings and meet the city's cdde: He brdtight photos of the company's other mobile MRI units in various locations including Clewiston, Fort Myers and Dade County. He said Dr. Forbes is the medical director at the Clewis- ton facility and that Dr. Geke would serve in the same capacity at the LaBelle facility. The equipment itself is two years old, Mr. Basile said, and will have new software to make it state-of-the-art. The board had previously turned down the request, cit- ing questions about whether it would lit into the stricter zon- ing codes the city has been working on for the past sever- al years. This time around, with the assurance that the facility would be finished to mesh witthe existing build- ing, Commissioner Paul Pulet- ti said he felt the MRI unit See City Page 2 City, county fight speed Speeding through the City no proper delineation of LaBelle is much in people's between the sidewalk and the consciousness these days. street, just a painted line, mak- Both the City of LaBelle and ing it a dangerous place to the Hendry County Commis- walk. sion have moved to slow traf- Former county engineer fic down in the past couple Rock Aboujaoude felt chang- weeks. ing the speed limit would not At the city's March 9 com- help and told the commission, mission meeting, Sheriff Ron- "It's all about enforcement," nie Lee asked the LaBelle City he said. Commission to lower the Commissioner Paul Puletti speed limit on Martin Luther moved to lower the limit, sec- King, Jr. Blvd. from 35 m.p.h. onded by Commissioner Bob to 25 m.p.h He was asking at Miller. The rest of the commis- the request of Ford.Sunset sionersagreed. Park residents. On the county side, the FSP resident Nora Fagin speed limit on SR 80 through explained that the mile-long LaBelle was the issue. The street is a shortcut to circum- county commission received a vent school traffic in the number of letters supporting mornings and afternoons. the request tolower the speed There is also a lot of walking. limit on SR 80 through the City traffic along the road and chil- of LaBelle. dren congregate in the vicinity at school bus stops. There is See Speed Page 2 'MacArthur' is emotional ride It was another opening night for the Firehouse Cultural Center and emcee Linda Reecer warned the audience that this play would be differ- ent. She was so right. Pauline MacDougal's play Waiting for MacArthur delves into the depths of the life shat- tering, world altering experi- ence of World War II. Annie Lou, an American nurse played impeccably by Janice Groves, is stationed at Corregidor in the months lead- ing up to World War II. As the Japanese tighten their grip on the South Pacific this All-Amer- ican hometown girl reflects her mounting tension and growing horror as the reality of war bears down ever harder on her, the other nurses and the troops they're charged with caring for. With second .generation patriotism and a dash of adventurous bravado, Annie Lou enlists in the Army Nurse Corps. The play almost entirely consists of just four actors vocalizing the letters they send to and receive from Annie Lou - letters that become increas- ingly full of uncertainty, stoic acceptance, then fear and loathing at the hellish night- mare Annie Lou's life has become; then finally near panic visualizing the impend- ing doom that surely awaited them all. Ms. Groves never misses a beat in conveying the escalat- ing tension and emotion as she guides her audience through Annie Lou's emotional and physical hell. She makes the audience feel Annie Lou's despair as she goes through emotional upheavals, strug- gling with fear and duty. Newcomer Martha Taylor's performance as Annie Lou's Pollyana friend, Rosalie, hit all the right chords, her self-cen- tered innocence exasperating her friend from around the world. She faithfully represent- See Play Page 2 Janice Groves puts her all Into playing Annie Lou, an idealistic young nurse cornered with American forces on Corregidor dur- ing World War II. Ms. Groves gives a heart-wrenching two-hour performance in Waiting for MacArthur. -2' 'I. -, - f ~ ~ C - At A Glance "' 2 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23,2006 Speed Continued From Page 1 Sheriff Ronnie- Lee appeared before the commissioners to seek their support and asked the county to send a letter to Florida Department of Transportation asking for the speed reduction. The sheriff was lending his voice to several letters he presented to the board urging the action. In addition to the sheriff's office, letters came from the LaBelle City Commission, Joe Shivers, Aqua Isles residents and the Seniors Continued From Page 1 too. Nancy was born and raised in Clewiston, and graduated from LaBelle High School in 1991. She said that working at the senior center has "opened my eyes." Until going to work there she really had no idea what went on there. Now, she feels, she's found a second home that fos- ters mutual respect, self respect, reassurance and love for a popu- lation that has provided a life- time of those qualities to their families and communities. She has no words for what the clients give her, but the end result is that she feels part of their family. Her ultimate goal is to have the rec center open 8-5 M-F. She's hoping anyone with ideas on possible activities for the clients, or who has some time and talent to volunteer will call her at 675-1446. She oversees activities at the LaBelle, Clewis- ton, Buckhead Ridge and Moore Haven facilities. As always volunteers are in high demand, especially bilin- gual volunteers. The center is a great place for any senior to go for the compan- ionship and activities, but for some it's a lifeline to important services like case management, nutrition education and nutrition counseling, outreach to other services, personal care, home- Play Continued From Page 1 ed the passing of the old "sane" world and the explosive entrance of the new. Throughout the play, Mama's letters continued to lack the understanding and closeness Annie Lou had always craved but that her mother was never able to give. As Mama, Eloise Dagner imbued her character with a cold veneer that, by the end of the play Annie Lou and the audience finally begin to understand. : . It is her old English teacher, Margaret, who becomes Annie Lou's lifeline to the "real" world the one without bombs drop- ping, blood-smeared bodies and cold lifeless eyes; the one where fear is not a palpable part of the CHIP transportation group. Copies went to FDOT, District 77 Florida House of Representatives Depise Grimsley and District 27 Florida Senator Dave Aronberg. The speed limit through town fluctuates from 35 i.p.h. to 40, 45 and 50 m.p.h. and the sheriff was asking for a seamless 35 m.p.h. limit from Miller on the westto Clark on the east. There are three stop lights on SR 80 and sometimes heavy traf- fic. The sheriff told the commis- sioners it's difficult for heavy sand trucks (some 600 per day, he said) and semis to stop while maker and respite care, screen- ing and assessment, transporta- tion and a lot more, according to Senior Connections of South- west Florida, Inc., Executive Director Christine Nolan. Christine explained that the enhanced dining project lunch now provides extra protein that seniors can choose from a list. Senior Connections of South- west Florida, Inc., is a very busy group, with sites all around the area: LaBelle, Immokalee, Clewiston, Moore Haven, Buck- head Ridge, Naples, Everglades City and Our Place II. Christine points out that during 2005 all the Senior Connection centers served an impressive number of people: 105,870 meals were handed out: 13,097 in LaBelle; 48,007 in Immokalee; 12,036 in Moore Haven; 6,623 in Buck- head Ridge; 11,208 in Clewiston; the rest at Everglades City, Naples, Our Place II. Taken as a whole, in 2005 the organization provided 1,433 hours of case management, 4,714 units of transportation, 7,770 hours of homemaker, per- sonal care and respite services and 1,575 hours of counseling, education and support services. Christine also noted that this is the 30th anniversary of Senior Connections, which came to Hendry/Glades in 1980 as Tri County Senior Services. Although the agency is very active, it seems to be "invisible" and people don't realize what's there. daily rQutine; where you're forced to question everything in- and outside yourself. In helping Annie Lou find the courage to bear the unbearable, Margaret finds a new light and a new path for herself. Sue Elser's perform- ance as Margaret provides just the right introspective counter- point to Annie Lou's panic and mounting desperation. This is the final weekend for Waiting for MacArthur. The play runs Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, March 23-25. It begins at 7 p.m. at the Firehouse Cultural Center, 241 N. Bridge Street. Tickets are $10 with reserva- tions, $12 at the door. To make reservations, please call 863-675- 3066. The Firehouse Cultural Cen- ter's final offering of the season will be Seeing Stars in Dixie April 21-23 and 28-30. doing 40-45 m.p.h. and asked them to look to the future as traf- fic increases. The motion to send a letter to FDOT supporting the speed limit reduction was made by Com- missioner Janet Taylor and sec- onded by Commissioner Kevin McCarthy. It passed, 4-1, with Commissioner Bill Maddox cast- ing the lone dissenting vote. He said he had no problem with the speed limit as it is. Commission- er McCarthy voted for the motion, but also said documen- tation should be included in the letter. The potential number of clients is staggering. Christine sticks off statistics: In Glades County, with a population of 10,576; 16 percent is 65 or older; 31.5 minority; and 18 percent live below the poverty level. Hendry County has a population of 36,410; 11 percent is 65 or older; 56 percent minority; 24 percent live below the poverty level. For all that, Senior Connec- tions is the only agency here that specializes in elder care; it's the only safety net for many. Christine is also looking for- ward to doing special projects like an Alzheimer's prevention pilot project. She said this area will provide a rural perspective to this endeavor. Again, the num- bers are huge: Collier population 97,000; 10,360 have Alzheimer's undiagnosed; Hendry County 545 undiagnosed; GladesiCounty 247 undiagnosed She pointed out that roughly ten percent 'of the population over 60 is undiagnosed with Alzheimer's. . She's looking to'capitalize on a potential.incr"ease services with additional funding and is working on grants to make it happen: After a lifetime of self reliance, many seniors find it hard to ask family for help, but the senior center is set up to make it possible for them to enjoy and maintain a healthy, independent lifestyle. Two injured in hunting accident Thursday, March 9, Florida Wildlife investigators and officers investigated a hunting accident that occurred on the Lykes Brothers property. Three individuals had been turkey hunting when one of the men saw and shot at some "move- ment." The shot hit both of his hunting partners. One individual sustained multiple hits that did not penetrate his clothing. The other individual was driven to the hospital in Lake Placid for treatment of four pellets that penetrated his skin - three in the face and one in the hand. One of the pellets had lodged behind his left eye and the individual was later taken to the Bascom-Palmer Eye Institute in Miami. Both the shooter and the vic- tim were on their first turkey hunt. Hope Continued From Page 1 seems to be an overwhelming problem just requires a fresh out- look. For instance, Project H.O.P.E. found one woman whose home who was devastated that she was missed by the Blue Roof program. She just did not know what to do and could find no help anywhere she turned till a Project H.O.P.E. worker asked if she'd contacted her insurance company. In her despair, the woman had complete- ly overlooked the obvious answer. She made the call and by the next day her tears were joyful. Angela Pena is Project H.O.P.E.'s Community Liaison and Maribel Madrid is the Team Leader for Hendry/Glades. Angela is a Moore Haven resident. She said the program is helping in many differ- ent ways, like improving people's health by relieving stress. Maribel, a LaBelle resident, added that there are many residents whose homes still need repairs. Some folks have bought the supplies they need,.but now they need the labor. Project H.O.P.E. worked with other groups as well. The Commu- City Continued From Page 1 would enhance living in LaBelle. The board unanimously voted to approve it. Mr. Basile promised to work with the city's design standards. Arcade on hold K.C. Stanley-Lynn, president of Old Oaks Entertainment of LaBelle, asked for a license to operate an amusement arcade at 140 Jaycee/Lions Blvd., the old Lions Club. Ms. Stanley-Lynn told the board that the arcade would be geared toward older adults in particular and would be alcohol free. Players would use their skills to earn points or tickets which would Ihen be exchanged for prizes such as coupons, local merchant gift cards and other non-cash awards. The commission asked Ms. Lynn to go to the code review .board since there is currently no provision in the city code for such a business. She will return to the board for a hearing at the April 13 meeting. nity Rebuilding Ecumenical Work- force (CREW) of Hendry and Glades counties is also seeking vol- unteers to assist residents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurri- cane Wilma. Christian Reform World Church (CRWC) members have done damage assessment throughout the area, covering widespread areas. CRWC has left the area, but assessment will con- tinue, and they may return soon. Project H.O.P.E. personnel are CALOOSA To Reach Us Mlalng Addre-ss P 0 Box 518 LaBee. FL 33975 Physical Address 22 Ft..Thompson Ave Phone (863) 675-2541 Fax: i863) 675 1449 \'Vebite \ww\ newsrapdcomilbele To Submit News To Place a Display Ad Phone (863) 675-25.41 The deadline for ll advertising is 4 p.m. on Fnday for the following Thursdays' pubhcadon E-mad. cbelle's-trato.net Billing Department E-mail: bilreamn'newszap.com here to help with residents' emo- tional well being and to make sure every question is answered. Their. job is to empower residents so they . can move on. Stress is a funny thing some- times the answer to a simple ques- tion can make all the difference in - the world. Project H.O.P.E.'s mes- sage is: don't quit. They under- stand how frustrating it is not to get the help you need right away, but they can help you follow the process to get it all worked out. S7:BELLE I To Place a Classified Ad Call (877) 353-2424 to plce a ci-sified Line advero~.ement Trom home The dead- i ne for all dasihed lne iadverunig is Monday at ii am. ifor the following T!hursdays publianon Fax: (8;7) 354-2424 SE-Mail classad@'newszap corn For Subscriptions The Caloosa Belle welcomes subnus- sions from its readers Opiniuons, calen-: Phone- (87T) 353-2424 dar items, story ideas and photographs The Caloosa B-le dismbutes 7,000 copies are welcome. Call (863) 675-2541 to mi the LaBelle and Western Hendry reach our newsroom. Items may be' Count area- e.-verv Wedneiday. Copies of mailed, faxed or e.mailed. If you arel the paper can be found at vanou, srores sending photographs ia e-mail please throg hoi t tn and sd acted bome- m send them in JPEG format, also please LSelle ejo complementan home del- ... do not send WORD documents. )ust LaB mplenr home d paste these messages into the body of eri. First.ci-34 mrd subscripnori re the e-mail. Office documents are ok.; a'aable at $50 per ,ear and $25 for ;Lx The deadline for all news items is 11a.m. mornth on Monday prior 'to the. following, Thursday's publication. Printing E-Mail cbedirto'trato.ner. . Speakout (863)675-4516 I The Caloca3 Belle is printed At Sunshine Printing, a sub.idiar', of Independent Ne wipper-. E-mail: prnnuuni"'trrto net Newszap! Online News & nfonnaton Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle - *1 Mortgage Highway it'ittr g tbc' road to fin't.? l t e('urityt 30 Year 1% ALL STEEL BUILDINGS "V t- . 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed -$16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) - Many Sizes Available - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code - Florida "Stamped" Engineered Drawings (included) METAL SYSTEMS LLC 800-920-1601 www.metalsystemsllc.com *,'*, ..-. 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Thursday, March 23, 2006 Two are arrested after armed robbery On March 6, Henry Godwin reported to the Hendry County Sheriff's Office that a man armed with a pistol attempted.to rob him on Kissimmee Avenue in LaBelle. Mr. Godwin said as he ran from the scene, the suspect threw a brick, striking him in the back of his head. While deputies were investigating the attempted robbery, they observed a grey Lincoln Town car, reportedly at the scene of the attempted rob- bery, on Suwannee Avenue According.to a release from the Hendry County Sheriff's Office, deputies attempted to stop the car, however, the driver ignored the siren and emergency lights and refused to stop until he was forced to stop on Withlacoochee Avenue. The driver of the car, Mark Diez Brown, age 31, was searched as well as the car he was driving, and deputies locat- ed crack cocaine, hashish, mari- juana and drug paraphernalia. Johnnie Johnson, age 29, identi- fied by the victim as the assailant in the attempted armed robbery, was located on Kissimmee Avenue and.taken into custody, Auxiliary deputy class next month Hometown hero John Hendrick, blood mobile technician, gets Ron Baines of LaBelle all set to go after Ron donates his gift of life on March 9. This month $25 worth of complimentary coupons were distributed to all blood donors which are good at Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Bahama Breeze and Smokey Bones BBQ. The ladies from the American Legion Auxil- iary were also on hand to pass out cookies and juice in addition to helping sign everyone up to vin door prizes. Giving blood also comes with receiving a mini-checkup; including free cholesterol check. Not a bad deal in exchange for a little, of your time.. Jeanne Marie Sutton There \,ill be a memorial service for Jeanne Marie Sutton on SundaV, March 26, at 2:30 p.m. at the LaBelle Baptist Tem- 'pie, six miles west of LaBelle on Highway80, Stacy Margo Dunaway Hull Stacy Margo Dunaway Hull, age 4.1, left this world for a better .place at 10 a m. on March 20, 20i06, in North Fort Myers. She \\as born October 8, 1964, in Sebring. She is survived by her chil- dren:. Kacie Mae Hull,- Wayne Perry Hull and Robert Carl (Crys- tal) Dunaway; parents: R.D. "Dale" and Lois Dunaway and step-mother Pam Dunaway; four grandchildren; sisters: Stephanie Goodmn-,an and Tanya Fusell; and her significant other:.Dana Urquhart. April 18, at 6.00) p.m. will'be the beginning date and time for the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Auxiliary Deputy Course. The cotuse will run for six weeks ,-with sessions on Tuesdays and Thursday from 6-10 p.m. and 8 a.m.--I p.m. on Satuldays. Each session will be at the HCSO Training Facility, located at the Hendr\ County Gun Range near Pioneer Plantation. Sherill Ronnie Lee stated that the Hendry County Sheriff's Office is picking up the cost for She \\as preceded in death b\ her husband. John Lawvience "Larrv" Hull. The family wishes to thank all for their lo\e and support, including the Hull' iarnilv. the Urquhart family and Hope Hos- pice. Stacg asked that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to- Muscular Dystrophy or Muscular Sclerosis Gone but not forgotten. We love you, Stacy. ., Hunter safety class Saturday The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commrriissirfn (FWC') will host thr-TFiT- day portion of its free hunter .safety course Saturday in Hendry County. Participants must have completed the hunter safety Web course and must have the printout of the final report. Participants ill learn about current laws, safe gun handling and wildlife identification before taking the final test.'The safety course also includes live-firing instruction on a shooting range., The free: safety course will be Saturday, March 25, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Shooting Range (Between Clewiston and SLabelle) Space is limited. Reservations are required and can be made online at n-m FW\C.com/huntered or by calling (561) 625-5126. -Those born on or after June 1, 1975, iwho w\ish to purchase, hurting licenses are required to pass this course. Parents or legal guardians must accompany chil- dren under 16 to all classes. Chil- dren under 18 must have a parental release form signed by a parent or legal guardian to par- ticipate.in the live-fire exercises. HCSO applicants and that there is still time for:interested persons to enroll. Auxiliary law enforce- ment officers play an important roll for law enforcement agen- cies in many locations through- out Florida and the nation, Many. law enforcement professionals started their careers as auxiliary officers. For more information or to enroll for the course, please call Nick Smith at 8663-674-4-060 ext. 102 .. ' Drug arrest at school A Hendry County Sheriff's Office School Resource Officer and a LaBelle High School administra- tor discovered a student skipping school in the parking lot of LaBelle High School. According to a report by Sheriff Ronnie Lee, the student \as hiding in a white in color vehi- cle, which also contained some tobacco products which are not allowed on school property. SThe owner of the vehicle was summQoned. and \\hen ,asked if' there \\ as arn thing telse that should not be on school property respond- ed tltordwa s nothing-and gave per- missiot to search the vehiclee The ensuing search produced a quanti- ty of marijuana. The owner of the vehicle was arrested for possession of marijuana, while the other stu- dent was arrested for disruption of a school function. Both juveniles were transported to the Hendry County Jail for processing by juve- nile authorities. SPRING FLIN by deputies; sion of narcotic, paraphernalia. Johnnie Johnson was charged Sheriff Ronnie Lee said Mark with aggravated battery, criminal Diez Brown was charged with possession of cocaine, posses- mischief and robbery with a sion of marijuana and posses- firearm. If you are buying or selling in the LaBelle area call Greg Bone! Phone: 1-863-835-0191 Fax: 1-863-675-6575 e-mail: greg.bone@soland.com .,. website: www.labelleproperties.com i..1ty "1.1l S MaIr, 5I -er Greg Bone Southern LaBelle, FL 53 Realtor land investments 8 Real Estate \\'e wouldd like to thank all of youI for your thoughts, prayers, phone calls, love, help and your special services during our time of need. SMay God Bless You Stan Brown and Family WELCOME E NORTHERN BACK FRIENDS Randy's Garage, Inc. 6 -5-1032 *- Bi-dn c s, aBelle, ..., .,. .. .. --- -- -- r-0f 10 0ff 3 Off 10O A/CWork Oil (hnge Brake Work ---. .------------ .:------------.. .-----.-- -- S. Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one irwho has departed with a special l.i Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together ai't1bctuel\l And tastefully . as ,'. . Visit www2.newszap.comn/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. QUESTION: Dear Hope: My husband and 1 are trying to decide whether we should go ahead and sell our home now or sometime in the near future. I keep hearing that the mar- ket is slowly but surely, not moving as quickly. How will this affect the sale of our home? Sincerely, Batwoman (aka, Batman the beagle's "frexy" wife) ANSWER: pear Batwoman: SThe question you have asked marks a key component to your selection S process when determining the right Realtor to market your property. Your S Realtor should have the knowledge and experience to be able .:. .:.:.uiil you about the differences in the market forces that will drive the sale price of your home Thi. ll ii: jnd ,. :r.J r : i, 1 ;:1l ,_ :r ..i: ll I i. .-": i 1.1lj k: r i: u f r '..,:.i.i. l,, .:. ...: r i = r Ill i hi r :I i .i h I 1 .h I, .:r i In a slower buyers' Ii : ,I r: ..ri..i.J.lii: i j- i.'r.ul.: i 1, i.- ,, I. .Ir' FOr example, spend a little more time determirnrirng Ij i ,. i .1 ':I.1 rni, r.,:,n .i ,1ii-.,,:,il. r*. i:,i ughtfully. Make sure that your Realtor has a superior knowledge of current statistical data, including days on market, showing rates, supply of inventory, etc. Your Realtor should always keep you informed about the latest articles about the economy, provide new'CMAs more often, and carefully handle emotional objections by using facts, data, and logic. Every seller needs to know what's going on with the sale of their home, and they have more of a need to hear it from the listing agent on a consistent basis. Pricing strategies must be adjusted: For exam- ple, in a sellers' market, always price a home above the last sale, and in a buyers' market, below the last'sale. So, to thoroughly answer your ques- tion, Batwoman, you will need to find a competent and qualified Realtor to fully understand your posi- tioning as a seller in a market that is slowly but surely, slowing down in regards to residential homes, lots, &/or acreage. Basically, If you aren't zoned commercial and/or industrial and.you decide it is time to sell, you can bet you will be defining the.market as it becomes more realistic and more buyer friendly Sincerely, Hopefidl Please contact an agent at Sodthern Land Real Estate to begin your interviewing process. We recom- mend interviewing more than one company and we are confident that you will select us to represent you and your family so~uiruf 863.675.4550 877.314.3048 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33935 Speet!iizug t Hfendr aoid /iades Couty '' t l* ~~,~~U i~ ~ia--~c:.-.* l L -: ~,~ SHeadlines Public Issues Forum Local Links Stories from Independent's " ne'spapeis in South Central Florida PLUS searchable arcnivr'e. Post Your News Post or read press releases announcements & information from your community. An open forum in v.hich issues of the do,' aore debated ;omelfime3 ,igorousl/,. Post For Free Post your personal messages on on open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. A director of .-ebsites for location government teams organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers, distributed to 31.000 homes. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay .. ... Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LoBelle - 's Feldo LoBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof Qnri ~h" cue The OL' OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Vacancies starting at $78 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax: 863-675-4892 Obituaries ---* 2~----.--:------- I- rr1181~1B9~islr --- p~-- lA. .1 tl '' . i i h Ir 1-: I ? 4 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23,2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or aquestionabout a publicissu Postitanyt at the LaBelle issues forum at http//www.newszapforums.coVforum56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also.make a comment by calling our Sound Off 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Help! Where are all the farriers in this town! I have tried and tried to find one for my two horses. I know other people who can't get a hold of one either! This is an agriculture town and I can't believe we don't have at least two of them here. Thank You Every reunion gets better The LaBelle High School Reunion was held at Maple Cor- ner Club House this last Saturday. Everyone had a great time. There were 89 attending. We had a teacher that taught P.E. in 1951- 52. She was Norma Jean Eurton and now lives in Tennessee. We were glad to see her again. Also, we had another teacher that is a regular, Coach Glen and Virginia Hollingsworth. It is always good to have our teachers attending. They can keep us in order as they did at school! We want h to thank Mr. Layton and his wife for allowing us to use the Club House and also the Muse Fire Department for the use of the tables and chairs. Without these it would not have been possible to have the celebration. Alsc, I would like to thank all others that helped in riumerous way\s. Every- one contributes to the fun we *have. We are already looking for- ward to next year. This was the 17th reunion we have'had and each one better! Thankyou-all, FriedaBullington Poppy drive helpers appreciated I was the head of the American Legion Auxiliary 2006 Poppy drive that took place on Feb. 11 and 12. I would like to give sincere thanks to all the volunteers who gave two hours of their valuable time, with a special thanks to Bob and Pat Hashman and Bill and Letters to the Golf carts on the roadways I would like to respond to Ms. Meister's article from"last week with the large title "No Golf Carts on Roadways," which evidently is to promote her belief that they do not belong on the street. Interestingly, the article with the large caption about golf carts was placed directly under. one about a fatal motorcycle acci- dent. There have been several motorcycle accidents recently invoking severe injuries or death I have nothing against motorcycling, it probably is great fun, but dangerous, and I would like to point out that they are per- fectly legal on the roadways. From what I understand a stray dog '(not legal) caused the acci- dent. Also legal are bicycles and even motorized wheel chairs. As with motorcycles, there also are statutes regarding their opera- tion on the roadways. The wheelchairs, called "electric per- sonal assistive mobility devices" are legal on streets posted 25m.p.h. and even legal to cross a street of a higher speed limit at Diane Davis who did two hours on Friday and again on Saturday. Special thanks to Bob Mims who stepped in for a no-show on short notice. Last but-certainly not least our heart felt thanks to Carl Pretz who stood in for three no-shows plus did3' 1/2 hours at the Friday night fish fry. Barbara Cochran Help with Alzheimer's No longer able to care for my husband who suffers from the dreaded Alzheimer's disease. I placed him at Oakbrook of LaBelle. I cannot say enough about,the wonderful care he has received. Everyone has been kind, caring and verN professional both Jim and myself. I would like to mention all the ,staff by name, but I'm .sure I would leave someone out, so to you ladies in the kitchen, what a great job you're doing. Those who feed the residents that are 'unable to. feed themselves, you take your time and seeothat every- one has their fill. Thank yo'u! The nurses, C.N.A.s, activity department"and all of you that give of yourselves are very special people. Thank you! The office staff has been there to assist and comfort me. Thank you, ladies; you made the transition much. easier. I encourage anyone to stop ini and visit. The residents love com- pany. We here in LaBelle are very fortunate to have this facility. Thankyou, everyone, DeeHill Editor an intersection. So what is the big deal about golf carts? Could it be more Who i driving them than the vehicle itself' The city commissioners could write an ordinance making golf carts legal on the village streets. It is my understanding that three of the five (city commissioners) own one and I have personally seen two of the three being driv- en on the streets. Commission- ers, why don't you write the ordi- nance that would allow this harmless bit of enjoyment to be legal? I. know that law enforcement cannot possibly see every.traffic violation that occurs, but would- n't it be good if parents would take notice of how their children are driving and forbid them the use of a car until they show some responsibility? I would think the same thing would apply to children on golf carts. They are not toys-they are vehi- cles. There is a.proper and an improper way to operate any ,device you could name and I believe this fact should be most notable. Elsie Voorheis Find tax relief: Set up a foundation Financial Tips For those of you who are finan- cially blessed with large estates, be it land holdings, a business, an investment portfolio or whatever, here is an idea you probably never thought about. Set up your own foundation. When people hear about foundations, they think of big names like Rockefeller, Ford, Mel- lon or Dupont, but in the United States there are literally thousands of different foundations. Because foundations give away money or donations, you may believe that setting up a foundation means just being philanthropic and handing over everything you own to strangers. Well, not all founda- tions are quite so benevolent. First of all, when doing your- estate planning, take advantage of voul personal-exemption; marital deduction, bequests, charitable deductions and maximize your discounts (something 1 may dis- cuss in a later column) and use. other techniques to reduce your estate tax liability. After doing all of that, you can consider a foun- dation for the following reasons. You can move a very large taxable instructions, i.e. your cash-pro- ducing farm may still be a cash- prodtucing farm. Foundations have many differ- ent classifications that have pretty, much something for everyone. The classifications include civic, religious, institutional, profession- al, medical, community and spe- cial-object and family. The object is to choose how future distribu- tions will be made, so that you will know the money going out during your lifetime, after your lifetime, or both, is getting where you want it.. By the way, did I mention that your foundation has to be proper- ly managed?,You need to appoint people (directors), to both man- age the assets of your foundation and also determine who gets the distributions each year. Well, who better to do this than your heirs? Certainly your sons and daugh- ters, per stirpes, should be hired to do this, and of course be paid a salary for their work out of the corpus of the trust! Did you just create, a nice and legitimate, employment opportunity for your familyy which includes travel and Taxing times: How did we get here? Was it Hodiiwh si Was it Houdini who said, "There are two things in life you It'S your world can't escape, death and taxes." l .t Involvedd For a guv dho made his life Get vi escaping, only to die Iroing, how the issue, it makes the point in a prophetic his wordshave proven to reasonablyft, lw/ be as taxes now prove to be the Treaon, 'l"actua a , single most burdensome, unman-is tractor, tax s mle, single t-" '"r 'e "unmand. each him taxes are the rule. ageable drain on the business and Tahis cow, tax his goat and x families of America. hpntax his c ax s goat and t It's only been within the last hispants,ax his hirtsco a ou hndred years that taxes have driv- Tax hisor ties, tax his shirts, as you hundred v 'ars thattaxeshave driv-. .. . tax his work and his dirt. en the U. S. economy a Tax his tobacco, tax his drink Prior to then, import tariffs total- and tax him iffhe tries to think. ly funded a self-sufficient economy. Tax hisbooze, tax his beers and The I. S was the most prosper- his ooze, tax his eers and ous nation in the world, with no Tax hisbills and tax his gas as national debt, a positive trade bal- u x his noes sh ance and a burgeoning working Tax him good'andlet him know class, withMom able to stay home that after taxes, he has n dough. and beaMother. If he hollers, tax him more. Tax What happened? him until he's good and sore. Tax his coffin, and tax his grave, Taxes, while taxing the sod in which he taxes, taxes lasPut these words upon his tomb. I haven't been able to pin down Taxes drove me to my doom. the source of a whimsical rhyme And when he's gone, we won't on taxes, but once you get by the relax. attempt at reducing the severity of We'll still be after the inheri- Fall-proof your home for senior citizens Brought to you by Senior Con- nections of Southwest Florida Preventing falls is particularly important when there's a senior in the house. For seniors, the risk of falling may be heightened by med- ications that cause dizziness or that. can impair balance. Falls can also result from diminished vision, hearing, and muscle strength. Preventing falls is a matter of common sense. Start by targeting the bathroom. Securely attach non-slip grab barsand rubber mats in tubs and showers. Install an adjustable, raised toilet seat. Other areas of where you can increase safety: Stairs Add nightlights to illuminate top and bottom stairs. Repair or replace worn runners and carpet. Make sure stare are always clear of .obstacles. Floors . Keep floor waxing to a mini-' mum and avoid thick pile of carpet. Be sure all area rugs have nonskid backings. Keep small objects off the floor.. Lighting Make sure all walkways inyour house arc well lit and free of glare Kitchen Install nonskid mats near the sink and stove. Make sure spills are cleaned up immediately. Shelves Placing frequently used items in your household is not just a matter of home improvement. Seniors can help stay on their feet by wear- ing sturdy, rubber-soled shoes that provide good traction. Senior Connections of South- west Florida is located at 475 East Cowboy Way, LaBelle, 863-675- 1446 Community Calendar CALOOSA BF I IF Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of SFlorida. Independent Is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- daids. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested In Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals oi the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. and support of the community's deliberation oi public issues. W e Pledge............... ... EDITO.AL:......... ............ ................. ..... We Pledge ... E ODrrTOAL: e T nnrUf LiC iLL~cv.npupeL LW r Tou uoeraLt ils newspaper ua a public trust T* o help our community become a better place to live and work through our dedi- canton to conscientious lour- nallism * To provide the information citl Izens need to make their own Intelligent decisions about public issues STo Tepon the news walh hon- esty. accuracy, purposeful neutrality. tallness. objeclivity. learlessness and compassion * To use our opinion pages to tacilltate community debate not to dominate it with our own opinions. STo disclose our own conflicts or interest or potential con- ilicts to our readers * To correct our errors and to give each correction the prominence It deserves. * To provide a right to reply to hose we write about * To Ieat people with courtesy. respect ana compassion For More Information See At Your Service On Page 2 News Editor: Patty Brant News Clerk' Donna Meister Reporter. JernLynn Merritt Sports: Roger Alexander ADVERTISING: Advertising Director Judy Kasten Advertising Manager Brenda Jaramillo Advertising Services Coordinalor: Dale Conyers Advertising Services Barbara Calfee National Advertising Joy Parrsh Independent Newspapers, Inc. Chairman Joe Smyth President Ed Dulin Vice President ot Florida Operations Tom Byrd Executive Editor Katrina Elsken Friday, March 24 American Legion Fish Fy: 5-7 p.m. Legion Post 130, Highway 80 VFW 10100 Aux.: Friday meal, $6,5-? p.m., post homeon SR 29S AA: Step 11 Meditation Meeting 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Bingo! Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Early bird 6:45, Regular at 7 p.m. NO Smok- ing Sunday, March 26 AA: 7 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Eucalyptus, Port LaBelle, open discussion Monday, March 27 Weight Watchers: Weigh in and registration at 5:30 p.m., meet- ing at 6 p.m., First Christian Church, Social Hall, 138 Ford Avenue. Bingo: 6:30 p.m. American Legion Hall, Hwy. 80W Moose Lodge #2398: 8 p.m. Moose Lodge Lions/Jaycee Blvd. Narcotics Anonymous: 8 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Tuesday, March 28 Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m., Flora and Ella's, Hwy.80 Hobby Class: 9:00-11:00 a.m. Woman's Club, Hwy. 80W RotaiyClub: Boo Boo's Restau- rant, noon Teen Center: Hendry County Health Dept., 325 Pratt Blvd., 3-7 p.m. School Board: 5:30 p.m. Clewis- ton sub-office County Commission: 6:30 p.m. Courthouse F&AM: lodge on Jaycee/Lions Blvd. dinner meeting, 6 p.m. Heartland CHADD: (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders) Fourth Tuesday, 7 p.m., LaBelle High School, teacher in- service points available. LaBelle Masonic Lodge #379 F&AM: 7:30 p.m. Jaycee/Lions Blvd. AA: 12 Step/Big Book study group, 8 p.m., First Christian Church, Ford Avenue, open meet- ing Wednesday, March 29 AA: Big Book Meeting: Noon, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Collingswood & Euca- lyptus, Port LaBelle, open meeting Wednesday Night Kids: 6-7 p.m., Caloosa Baptist Church, for youth in grades 6-12 at 500 W Hwy; 80. Phone 675-2348 PPVFD: drill 7 p.m. AA 8 p.m. at the Alva Recreation Hall. s j f t ti c c E c fee, animal abuse fines,. federal income, federal unemployment, fishing 'license, fishing species license, food license, gasoline tax, hunting license, inheritance lax, interest tax, inventory tax, IRS fines penalties, IRS interest, liquor tax, loan fees, luxury tax, local inconme tax, marriage license,-. Medicare tax, property' tax, real estate tax, recreational vehicle tax, septic permit, service charges,: Social Security, sales tax, school tax, state income, state unemplovy ment, telephone federal excise, telephone universal service fee, Telephone, federal, state and. local surcharges, telephone minimum' usage surcharge, telephone state and local tax, tolls: bridge, road and tunnel, utility taxes, truckers road usage taxes, vehicle registra- tion tax, vehicle sales tax, \well per- nit and workers s Compensation. Maybe, before it gets too pollut- ed to be navigable, it's not too late to have a Caloosahatchee Tea Party? , Respectfull\, T.W. BillNeville Caloosa Belle/Donna Meister Question of the week: How did you manage to survive FCAT week? How do you think you did? Daphne Glisson, age 15, 10th grader said, "I'm ,- glad that it's over, The reading portion was easy, ,but the math was harder. I think I. did good on the exam. I hope ]I passed, because I would not want S to do.it again next year." Fidel Sanchez, age 16, !0th grader, said, "Math was hard and reading was okay. The practice tests were nothing like the FCAT test, which was much harder. I'm not sure how I did on the math." Lashay Devisme, age 16, 11th grader, said, "There was a lot of pressure. I was finished in half the time allowed,. so I'm 90 percent sure that I did fine. I only had to take the science portion." Connor McVey age 16, 11th grader said, "I only had to take the science part. It was a lot worse for the 10th graders. I think I did well. There was a lot of random stuff. Of course, math is included when you are working on science." business allowances? Now, let us consider a "coinci- dental" side-benefit. Your son, Junior, visits his Alma Matter, Most Wonderful University, and he meets with its endowment. fund director. One of the named benefactors.of your foundation is any approved university, and your son is considering giving them some of your foundation money. The endowment fund director happens to ask your son if he would consider a position on the board of the university, and .he, of course, says yes to the request. He also receives an expense and trav- el allowance and some compen- sation for his work in his new capacity, as a director at theuni- versity. Your foundation has now hired \your son directly and also indirectly gotten-him a second employment opportunity. Throughout this whole time, your foundation is saving you money, doing well for the com-, munity, employing your children and grandchildren and so forth, and enjoying some measure of liability protection. Life is good. Wayne.CL Switzer. CLU byWayneC. Swtzer sum from the grips of the IRS to a nearly non-taxable charitable trust, or foundation, thus, preserv- ing that portion of your estate that would have gone to the tax man. Although there are some important regulations yoq, must abide by such as making minimal annual distributions to-approved organizations and .charities, those things are generally accept- able to the creators of the founda- tion. After all, you set up your foundation to accomplish things and goals that you want done, and once created, your founda-. tion may actually grow in size each year. The assets that you used to fund your foundation are still invested consistent with.your tance tax!" With most of the U S.'s popula- tion having grown up \ith the per- sonal with-holding taxes and that dreaded W-2 statement., tie\ have successfully "dumbed down" the U. S. wage earner to the point where he overpass his with-hold- ing in order to gel a refund on his own money. In doing so, they have cleverly conditioned e\ery %vage earner into accepting this form of taxation while countless other hid- den forms .of taxation force fami- lies into multi-wage earner roles It occurs to me that if Federal and State income taxes were not W-2'd, and came due in one annual payment, there would be a tax rev- olution and the IRS would be gone. To further make my point, the following is all of the levied taxes that I can think of. Please feel free to add any that I might have over- looked: Accounts receivable, building Permits, boat license, capital gains, CDL license, code violations, con- struction licenses, corporate income, dog license, duck stamp nlnnnsa Belle. Thursday, March 23,2006 Forrey Grill: It's a By Donna Meister The first time Barbara Bailey drove over the Caloosahatchee Bridge and saw the Forrey Build- ing, she fell in love with it. That was several years ago. Little did. she know that one day, she would be running a restaurant at that very spot. It was while in Arizona and searching for an opportunity to re-enter the business, that she saw the Riverside Real Estate's website and found that the restau- rant was for sale. As they say, the rest is history. Barbara has been in the food service business for years. In fact, this is her fourth restaurant. Origi- nally from Michigan. Barbara and daughter Raymon Grigg had relo- cated to Lehigh. She helped the owners of Maria's Restaurant build that business for ten years. In 1999 she was given the oppor- tunity to purchase it and ran the, business for over five years, with Raymon as the general manager. She then sold the restaurant and took a break for two years, travel- ing with her husband to Califor- nia, Arizona and Nevada. It was at Maria's that Barbara met her love and second hus- band, R.J. Bailey. Having started in the medical field 17 years ago, he is a Registered Nurse and Para- medic, presently working at Lehigh Medical Center's Emer- gency Department. Cn his off days, R.J. performs all the mainte- nance, repairs and remodeling at the Forrey Grill, including the beautiful bar and cabinetry in the back lounge. His carpentry, woodworking and remodeling skills have come in handy and the restaurant has never looked bet- ter or more inviting Caloc Raymon is ready to take an order from I and Mom, Barbara Bailey and R.J. Bailey A decorated veteran of the Vietnam War, R.J. served as a combat infantryman with the First Air Cavalry Division during com- bat operations throughout the northern half of Vietnam in 1967- 68. He is also an avid baseball player, active in the Roy Hobbs Adult Baseball League of South- west Florida. Last year, he and best friend Ron Kennedy formed their own Roy Hobbs World Series team, the Lehigh Legends, which is sponsored b\ the Forres Grill. Barbara loves the homey atmosphere of Forrey Grill. She also loves the location the historic building and good karma that she feels there After Maria's 35 employees, a high end chef and the white linen napkins, Barbara was read\ to' downsize and have a more relaxed atmosphere. She especially likes serving the local town folks and they seem to appreciate Working plenty tor has worked and feels sc she doesn' working or also feels to work w day. Everyth place for I was just friend and happened tired of th Michigan care to Flo Head Chef Pal dale. she is ver appreciate ly and help Ochran, wv supportive day one, family affair immenselyrespects. If you haven't.already tried the great food and prices at Forrey's Grill then you are in for a real treat. The loaded salad bar and Homemade soups made daily are i the real draw for the business lunch bunch. Barbara has Received lots of positive feedback on her menu of hearty deli sand- % wiches, hot or cold sub sand- Swiches, specialty salads and burg- .. ers. Grouper and pasta entrees are top sellers. She is continually Working on the menu, introduc- ing them gradually. Monday night special is usually 77 a homestyle dinner to order with mashed potatoes, gravy and osa Belle/Donna Meister green beans. Tuesday night offers Forrey's Grill owner very popular two burgers for the y. price of one. Wednesday night brings your choice of Italian pasta herchanges. dishes, Friday and Saturday g six days a week is nights, slow cooked prime rib is Barbara! She feels she served as the special. Fresh bread ed too many Sundays is available and is delivered daily o blessed in herlife that from St. Armand's Bakery. t want to be open and The Forrey Grill is open from n the "Lord's Day." She 11 a.m. until 8 p.m., Monday very blessed to be able through Friday, and Saturday from ith her daughter every II a.m. until 8 p.m. during sea- son. The restaurant is closed on ing seemed to fall into Sunday. Happy hour is from 4-6 his lovely lady, as if it p.m., with no minors in the back meant to be. An old bar area. Draft and bottled beers co-w\orker even even are available, as well as good to call to say he \\as wines sold by the bottle or the ie freezing winters in glass. Munchies and an occasion- and was ready to relo- al free taco bar are included. rida. Bubba is now the Starting the end of May, the and is happily living in Forrey Grill will be hosting a Barbara also states that weekly Euchre Tournament in the ry fortunate and very back bar. Please stop in and speak e to have such a friend- to Michelle to sign up. R.J., Bar- >ful landlord, Miss Clara bara and Raymon and the Forrey 'ho has been extremely Grill staff would like to welcome of the Forrey Grill from everyone to the restaurant and and who Barbara they look forward to meetingyou. 'a.' a ar'u.uA o aihloarl Tii, arq, I Islrown~rnte 1~u, IRV& lid e m IPv-Coraolnaiolu pri..-o sfram lu' S4j0' (888) 312-200(4 it, ther d SO0 w w-is/a ImAowzcenter.ci-o m s I I I TEWART CON ST R i CTI -EBRING FL Metal Roofing Replacement Shingles Structural Repairs Mold Remediation Additions ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION 1821 Lakeview Dr. Sebring 863-385-9403 Email: mark@mcscontractinginc.com www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. #CCC1325639 Lic. #CBC047717 Forum focuses on women's issues Saturday, April I, The Caloosa- hatchee Charter Chapter of the American Business Women's Association presents its first Women's Forum Working Towards A Healthy & Successful You. Guest Speakers are Carol Simontacchi, MS, CCN, renowned certified nutritionist and author of Heart Health for Women and Patrice Winovich. CPIA who is an Adjunct Professor, author and consultant speaking on Identity Theft. The forum Will be at the Carl- son Memorial United Methodist Church (Social Hall) from 8:30 a.m. -1 p.m. Enjoy brunch and door prizes. Tickets are $12.50 and available at the Chamber of Commerce or call Sherry 675- 3278 or Karan 675-9396. -;Carol Simontacchi, MS, CCN, is a nationally renowned speaker and educator. Her first profession- al love is nutrition science and counseling. She enjoys sharing her knowledge of the pro- fession with audiences around the country. Carol has authored numerous books and training courses and she is the publisher and editor of a Carol Simontacchi monthly\ on line health newsletter called "jour Personal Health" and' "Inflammation News" Carol earned her Master of Sci- ence Degree from Columbia Pacific University in 1997, her cer- tification as a clinical nutritionist through the Clinical Nutritionist Certification Board, and is a pro- fessional member of the Interna- tional and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists. She served as the President of the Society of Certified Nutritionists. Carol lives with her family in Ft. Myers. Patrice Winovich, CPIA is a State Certified Continuing Educa- tion Instructor. Adjunct Professor at Edison College, corporate train- er, author and consultant, special- izing in insurance education and debt management: Her career spans over 25 years in insurance. debt management and education. She is a licensed property casualty agent and a well-rounded speaker with a specialty in commercial lines insurance and claims. Patrice is a 1980 graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylva- nia and holds a Bachelor of Sci- erice degree iii Consuner Ser- vices- '-'" a" d Safety' Management. She draws on her corporate and entrepreneurial experience to pursue her passion for educating peers, colleagues, and the community. Her classes are upbeat and educational, so you can always apply the infor- mation to real life situations. She is president and owner of Essen- tial Training Solutions located in Naples Join them for an outstanding opportunity here in LaBelle. Tick- ets are available at the Chamber of Commerce, M-F 9A-3P or call Sherry 675-3278 or Karan 675- 9396 to make reservations. Langley, Ballard are wed Amber, Jamielyn and Charlene Ballard are proud to announce the recent wed- ding of their father, James R. Ballard: of LaBelle, to Ms. Tara Langley. The ceremony was a private one attended only by family members on March 20, 2006. Ms. Lang- ly's mother, Ms. Roberta Langley of Engelwood, and sister, Mrs. Krystal Cottillion, attended the bride. Groomsmen included Ms. Langley's brothers, Shawn Langley, Cesar Garcia and Noah Garcia. Also in atten- dance were Mrs. Stephanie Stuber. Mr. Matthew Ballard and Mr. Adam Cottillion. Mr. Ballard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ballard of LaBelle, \were unable to attend due to family illness. TRAVEL AGENT OPPORTUNITY Are you an experienced Travel Agent with cruise and destination experience? SAre you interested in your own business? Do you have the motivation to be successful? PLEASE! Only serious and Responsible people should contact: SPeter Stilphen, MCC at 863-885-1145 CORAL SANDS TRAVEL "America's Host Agency". PUBLIC NOTICE The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission announces a notice of intent to issue per- mits for the purpose of controlling the feral hog popu- lation and protecting the ecological values on the Fisheating Creek Wildlife Management Area, West of US 27. Permits will be issued for two hog control time periods, April 7 -.9, 2006 and April 14 16, 2006. Twenty-five permits will be issued for each hog control period. Permits will be issued on a first-come, first-serve basis to individuals 16 years of age or older. Permits will only be distributed at the Fisheating creek WMA check-station at the FEC Campground located on US Highway 27 in Palmdale, on Saturday, April 1, 2006 begin- ning at 10 a.m. Permitees will be allowed to take wild hogs with no size or bag limit. The use of dogs for capturing or tak- ing hogs is prohibited. Firearms will be limited to a shotgun with #1 Buckshot or later. For additional information you may contact the Fisheating Creek WMA office at 863-946-1194. Your #1 Choice For Repairs Metal Buildings & Components *Structural products Standing seam roof systems R-panels, U-panels, A-panels Full line.of accessories 1-800-240-3688 fax: 904-493-2842 For Product Information, Pricing & Order Forms www.americancomponents.com www.americansteelmfg.com Marvin and Norma Turner would like to thank Family & Friends, Freedom Fellowship, Pastors Daryl and Marsha, Dennis Barnes (Bestman), Jim Lipscomh, Jessi Barton & Carissa S Turner for coming out and celebrating .their special day. Dana Howard Weekley Post 130 AMERICAN LEGION AND THE LEGION AuxIuARY qjqod .a4Qo lf. Friday light Fish Fry pmat 699 8.. 80 W Also... Deep Fried Chicken, Fish, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, or Combos k Plasical ~ertainroent Incloded Climate Control Systems, Inc. (4 SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Sales Service Repairs On All Makes New Construction/Replacement Installations Preventive Maintenance Agreements Duct Cleaning and Sanitization Energy and Load Calculations Climate Control Systems, Inc. Performance and value from people you trust since 1966 VISA i U 675-3233 TOLL FREE 1-800-925-1660 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CACOO8030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR 7= W4 f im ? ii so af -- - Mattress Sale FREE LOCAL DELIVERY & OLD MATTRESS REMOVAL Queen Size Set $499.95 660 Coil Plush Extra-Firm All Sizes at Comparable Values r- Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge ...- 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle - 1 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23, 2006 FDOT says goodbye to Glen Hudson There's no place you can buy29 years on the job. So, when some- one with that kind of experience retires, it's bound to leave a hole. And that's just what Glen Hudson's leaving the FDOT LaBelle center is going to do, according to Operations Center Manager Shone Phillips. After four years at that position, he understands how hard a man like Glen Hudson is to come by and to replace. Glen started in May 1977. Over the years, he's just about done it all. There isn't a machine in the yard he can't run and he was a hard man to beat doing mainte- nance, carpentry; electric, plumbing and masonry. From 1983-95 he was a dragline opera- tor. He can drive truck, operate a loader and low boy. He even worked after hours when acci- dents required someone to help alongside the road. He was able to do, so much, Shone said, "nothing slows him Birthdays March 23: Glenda Walker, Preston Long, Jr., Juanita Bush, Jack Hyatt, Matthew Winn, Sara Catherine English, Kathy Williams, Jeanette Burchard, Annette N. King, John Bradley Carter March 24: Rosa Lee Hull, Sara Willis, Laura Welsh, Charlotte Durno, Don Lewis, Jr., Jennifer Finks Davis, Lewis Watson, Jimmy Croley, Amy Ann Lucio, Dale Conyers, Daniel S. Gonza- lez March 25: Oliver Murray, Della Ridgdill, Paul Lewis, Tammy O'Ferrell, Buster Steed, Pat Lambert, Jimmy Hull, Scot Snyder, Brice Reynolds, Kristia Tillett, Steven Lynn, Rick Logue March 26: Ross Hall, Rose Marie Griner, Norma Bridges, Jodie Holland, Kenneth Pickles, Sr., Gladys Caves, Andy Medina, Pete Schram, Amanda, Rachel, Jamie Rachel March 27: Gerald Jones, Pat Bell, Merle Smith, Jadon Hull, William Groves, Abel Nieto, Jr. March 28: Brenda Beer, Tim Woodrum, Laddie Maralt, Sal- vador Medina, Larry Mason, Lisa McCormick, Pat Dankanich, Mary Anderson, Linda Davis, L-achiquita Purchase, Nikki Yea- "ger March 29: Thomas Gaskins, Jr., Jeannette Watson, Irene Stet- son, Larry Davidson, Jane Ann Meek, Kelly St. Andre, Buster Wilson, Kevin DiPofi, Salvador Carmona, Jennifer Robertson. March 30: John Kiseli, Her- man Pinion, Sandra English, Eric Bailey down. I've known him for years and he does everything we need him to. It will be difficult to fill his position." He added that when DOT got its new facility, Glen matched in the old building with the new training room and said that one of the hardest things he's done over the years is deal with inmate labor. "He will be highly missed," Shone said before he present- ed Glen with a plaque at his retirement party at Ortona Indian Mound Park on March 16. For his part, Glen was smiling from ear-to-ear, but he said he'll miss the people he's worked with so long, He recalled how, over the years, his workload increased and the yard got better equipment. He very much appre- ciated the fact that Debbie Hunt, Director of Operations for District 1, stopped by the yard that morn- ing to congratulate him and the letter from District Maintenance Engineer Sharon Hendrick and Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Retiree Glen Hudson, left, is congratulated by LaBelle Oper- ations Center Manager Shone Phillips on the occasion of his retirement. ;, District I Secretary StanCann. He tant Betsy Wineinger, Shone especially i\ anted to convey his Phillips and tp "all v\ho had a thanks to Administrative Assis- partin the party. Gountas new DOH consultant The Hendry and Glades County Health Department has appointed John Gountas as the new planning consultant and Public Information Officer. Mr. Gountas has been a Claims Adjuster, Examiner and Investiga- tor with the Division of Disabilities; for the Florida Department of Health for over 2 years in Tallahas- see, Fl. During the 2004 weather calamities he served as a volunteer at the Emergenc- Support Function at the State Emergerncv Operations Center Social Securit and for this activity he %was one the patties awarded with the Social Security. Administration Commissioner's citation for outstanding service to the citizens of Florida. Prior to that position he was contracted by the Diplomatic Secu- rity Service of the U.S. Department of State for a period of o er 2 earss where he actively participated in the effort against terrorism. Arts Degree in Political Science from Murray State University in 1994, and he earned his Master degree in Defense and Strategic Studies from Southwest Missouri State Linivetsity in 1999. The mission of the Hendry and Glades County Health Departments isto protect and promote the health of all people in the Hendry and Glades Counties through adequate Department of Health (DOHt and the Florida Department of Educa- lion (DOE) join to celebrate Nation- al Nutrition Month.. March has been designated to promote healthy eating and physical activity not only throughout the month, but over the entire year and beyond. 'We must be proactive with our health," said DOH Secretary M. Rony Frangois, M.D., M.S.P.H., Ph.D. "Healthy eating habits and daily physical activity can help improve and reduce the risks of obesity, heart disease and stroke." National Nutrition Month-& begins immediately following Florida's statewide physical activity. initiative, Step Up, Florida 'The third-annual -fitness project was showcased throughout Florida's 67 counties to help Floridians take action on their health. According to the 2004 Behav- ioral Risk Factor Surveillance Sur- vey (BRFSS), a total of 59.6 percent of Florida adults were overweight (36.8 percent) or obese (22.8 per- cent), which is a 69 percent increase since 1986. In addition, Activit' and Nutrition Survey (YPANS. indicated only 22 percent of middle school students reported eating five or more servings of fruits or vegetables per day. The 2005 Youth Risk Behavior Survey IYRBS also indicated that only 22 percent of Florida high school stu- dents ate five or more servings of. fruits or vegetable each. day during a seven-day period. DOH and DOE encourage Floridians to follow the tips below in order to monitor their health and weight:. Make smart choices from every food group; . Besure to stay within daily. caloric needs; Get the most nutrition out of SParticipate in regular physical: activities (which is important for o erall health and fitness); and, SPlay it safe with foods. DOH promotes and protects the health and safety of all people in Florida through the delivery of quality public health services and the promotion of health care stan- dards. For more information about nutrition, please visit DOH's Web site at www.doh.state.fl.us and select obesity prevention or Five a Day from the drop down box. To access nutrition, in schools, please visit DOE's Web site at www.fldoe.org and select site index frorti the shortcut drop down box and highlight food and' nutrition. A New Twist in Skylights Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. A revolutionary new way to think about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours SNo Refraining. No Painting. No Mess Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights Let our Certified Installation Consultants show you the difference Solartube can make in your home today. -- Hurricane Tested & Approved t, .,, SOLATUBE.. t.'i5 '* TtE Mi eyTtH M i ciSKvcFI-He I' L.c ,'1,, llil ib TL'I ', i, ,l MOND JAMES . I am pleased to announce the opening of my new office. stos * Equities Life Insuran . *Bonds Long Term C.i-e * Annuities Mutual Fund- * RJ Bank: Mortgages, Re-Finance, CD's, Lair,i Raymond James Financial Services 14421 Metropolis Ave. Suite 104 Fort Myer, FL 33912 239.694.7537- 1.866.549.7537 Toll Free Stephen E. Ridgely 239.931.7537 Fax Financial Advisor Stephen.Ridgely RaymondJames.com Truat Specialist SBC FINANCE. Licensed Florida Broker Businessl SFull Doc or Stated Lo,.iri Rel.intLcs C36sh Outsl Puriulse- Ejas Qujalich.:i,,n & L,'.in RequireIicnisB S Si.ingle Fimili HnHines M.iniufajt-ured Homes- 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. .iBelle* 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Spe,:iJl ._Appouirn!cnt5 Ai.iil.ble Hablamos Espafiol Landowners, Developers, Ranchers and Farmers WeV Buy Cab6age Palms Statewide Palms, Inc. 863-675-4844 . : ., : e ,-'..' :. Call J.G.Wentworth's Annuity Purchase Program 866-FUND-549. " J.G.WENTWORTH. A14NLN-Y PURCHASED Piax;Kvs Get High-speed Internet, satelliteTV, reliable home phone service and unlimited nationwide long-distance calling for less than $110 a month. (One-year term agreement required for High-speed Internet service, $49.99 activation fee will apply. Applies to up to 1.5 Mbps speed and excludes taxes and fees.) * Sprint high-speed Internet with EarthLink offers a dedicated, always-on, high-speed connection with consistent speed. * DISH Network SatelliteTV through Sprint with over 60 channels of news, sports and entertainment. * Reliable and inexpensive local home phone service with unlimited nationwide long-distance calling.. * One provider you can trust, one point of contact. Call 1-877-SPRINT 2 Click sprint.com/local AL AL "Price excludes taxes and surcharges (Home Long Distance includes a carrier universal service charge of 10.2%, which may vary by month, carrier-cost-recovery surcharge ol $0.99 andi certain in-state surcharges.) Surcharges are not taxes or government-required charges. Services may not be available in all areas. Monthly rate good for new residential customers only. Offer not valid with any additional offers or discounts and is subject to change or cancel without notice. Additional restrictions apply. Local Service: Lifeline customers may purchase vertical features by certifying they have a legitimate medical or safety need for the features) requested. Restrictions apply see rates, terms and conditions at sprint.com. Unlimited Nationwide: For residential voice service usage only. Stat-to-state and International long-distance services are governed by Sprint Terms & Conditions of Service. Local and instate long-distance (including local toll) services re governed by the applicable state tariffs and/or state terms and conditions of service. Monthly fee does not include usage for Directory Assistance, Sprint FONCARD'" service or operator services. Service not intended for commercial use, Internet, data or facsimile srvic. I Sprint determines that usage is not consistent with residential voice conversation, the service may be assessed a data usage fee or disconnected. U.S. residents only. Dial 1 service only. Calls to 900,986,555 and 700 NPA's are not considered unlimited interstate and intrastate Dial-I calling, Monthlyfo e include es na phone line. Customer's first invoice will include a partial monthly fee and the first month billed in advance, Internationalrates vary and surcharges may apply including surcharges on residential calls made to foreign mobile phones. Call 1-888-255-2099 for international rates. Operator-assisted calls and toll-free/calling card calls made from payphones in the U.S. will be assessed a surcharge. All rates subject to change. Additional requirements and restrictions may apply. Package: If one service in tie package is cancelled, the standard monthly fees will apply for the remaining services. After 12 months the standard monthly rates for each service will apply Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. Sprint high-speed Internet: $99 termination fee will apply i service is cancelled before one year. Performance mayvary due to conditions outside of network control. No minimum level of speed is guaranteed. Conditions may include variables such as customer location. physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of web sites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Restrictions may apply. DISH Network: All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Local and state sales taxes iay apply Where applicable, equipment rntrnal fees and programming are taxed separately. Al DISH Network programming, and any other services that are provided, are subject to the terms and conditions of the promotional agreement and Residential Customer Agreement, available at www.dishnetwork.com or upon request Local Channels packages by satellite are only available to customers whoe reside in the specified local Designated Market Area (DMA). Local channels may require an additional dish antenna or SuparDlSH antenna front DISH Network, installed free of any charges with suscrption to cal channels at time of initial installation. Significant restrictions apply to DISH Network hardware and programming availability, and for all offers. Social Security Numbers are used to obtain credit scores and will not be released to third parties except for verification and collection purposes only or if required by governmental authorities. Pay a $49.99 Activation Fee and receive a $49.99 credit on your first bill with 18 month qualifying programming purchase. Requires Social Security Number, valid major credit card and qualifying programming purchase. Participation is subject to credit approval If qualifying service is terminated or downgraded, equipment must be returned to DISH Network. Limit of 4 tuners per account. 2005 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company LP. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. DISH Network is a registered trademark of EchoSar Satellite LLC. All rights reserved EarthLink is a registered trademark of EanhLink, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.. SPR-454006 0allfor FREEB of the Florida department of Health He received his Batchelor of quality and standards. March is 'National Nutrition Mouth. -1Al I AH-IANPP ..Thp Plririn ath,- 9n0r; Flnrir V hih Ph% ci ll t-ri -'Sprint, Searching high and low to save? II wrr u IIL ILLtL _F.IItilI~d I LlC: LVW rlullUCL1 IVULII r IN ,Nl~U l -*nw"-* ,AL .. rw r n ari a a RAI We have the expert technicians, factory service information, specialized tools and genuine parts to properly service your Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep vehicle. Automatic Transmission Tune*Up $79.95 Drain/Replace INCLUDES: Drain fluid/remove filter New Mopar transmission filter Installation.of new fluid Necessary adjustments Road-test vehicle Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to special filer Vehicles with special fluids may be higher. Imports may be higher. Additional charge for fluid disposal Expires 3/19/o6 Lube, Oil& Filter Change $21.95 k Cooling System Service $49. 95 ... usltilehplacs INCLUDES: * Inspection of hoses and belts * Mopar antifreeze replacement (2-gal max) * Pressure test system,1 * Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra * Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher *additional charge for fluid disposal Expires 3/19/06 ,. I ; - - - - - Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation $24.95i INCLUBIS: INCLUDES: Remove four wheels SEngine oil replacement up to 5 quarts Remove four wheels from vehicle; balance Complete chassis lube New Mopar oil filter and rotate Fluid level inspection Special wheels, specialty Inspect CV joints and front vehicles slightly higher. . suspension components ' Additional charges may be applied for diesel, V-10s, Hemi" V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic and synthetic oils. Expires 3/29/06 Expires 3/29/06 Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and'lr labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire &, Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER ICHRYSLERI It really does make a difference! 1Du PRFIVE STAR FIVE STAR 8!1 4 E1741 M_ - (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23, 2006 mPTON HRYSLER ODGE JEEP We're Your Service Specialists eli I,,i--- Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23,2006 Caloosa Belle/Beverly Johnston Pet photo of the week. Ringo Johnston loves riding "shotgun," especially when he gets to wear his Foster Grant sunglasses! If you would like to submit a pet photo for consideration for publication in the Caloosa Belle, please e-mail a 5 inch jpeg digital photo with a high resolution to: Donna Meister at cbnewsrm@strato.net, or drop off a photo to the Caloosa Belle, or mail to the Caloosa Belle, P.O. Box 518, LaBelle; FL. 33975. Photos may be picked up at the Caloosa Belle office during working hours. We need your name, phone number (in case we have any questions), pets name, age, breed of pet and a caption. We are looking for something silly, fun, unusual or thought provoking. Sorry, we are not just looking for really cute ani- mal photos and definitely nothing cruel or harmful. No pic- tures printed on your home computer can be accepted. AARP. Don't get stuck with plan you don't need By AARP Florida medical condition changes, but AARP Florida opposes a state your HMO won't pay for extra plan to force Floridians 60+ to care you need, you could be join a managed-care plan (like stuck in a bad plan for up to a an HMO) if they need vital Med- year. And if a managed-care icaid long-term care services, provider won't pay for care you Part 2 of a series explains the need, then you must choose plan's flaws. between paying for private care Reason #2: Seniors could get or skipping vital medical treat- stuck in a managed-care plan ment. that may not provide the care You can appeal an HMO's they need.. decision, but the process is corn- The state says the Florida plex and frustrating. Who fights Senior Care plan will give Medic- for frail, vulnerable Florida sen- aid participants a high quality of iors with no family or advocates care. But vulnerable seniors nearby" could get stuck in a managed- To be connected toll-free to care program that won't pay for your legislator regarding Florida vital care. Senior Care, please call 1-800- Once a Medicaid participant 880-7640. For more information, is in this program, \ou will have please visit w\-ww.aarp.org'fl. 30 days to decide on a plan. If Next week- Even bureaucrats you won't or can't decide, state who designed this plan admit it "choice counselors" will make won't, reduce state Medicaid your "choice" for you. If your costs. Joke of the week One flaw in women Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happi- ness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream, They sing when theywant to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. Theyfightforwhattheybelieveinr The\ stand up to injustice. They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution. They go %without so their family can have. SThey go to the doctor with a frightened friend. They love unconditionally. They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards. They are happy when they hear about a birth or a \ wedding. Their hearts break when a friend dies. They grieve at the loss of a fami- ly member, yet they are, strong when they think there is no strength left. They know that ahug.and a kiss can heala broken heart. Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e- mail you to show how much they care about you. The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning. They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideas. They give moral support to their family and friends. Women have vital things to say and everything to give. HOWEVER. IF THERE IS ONE. FLAW IN WOMEN, IT IS THAT THEY FORGET THEIR WORTH. Sports Shorts Enter Legion golf tournament Dana-Ho\ward-\\eekley Arneri- can Legion Post 130 is having its annual Arthur J. DeVarne. Child Welfare Foun- nation Golf Tournament at The Glades Golf Course on Sunday, March 26, 2006 112 miles east of LaBelle on Hwy 80) to benefit The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation, Inc. The cost is $40 per player which will include 18 holes of golf with a cart, and lunch will be served in our Post after the tournament. Trophies will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishing teams. $100 will be given to the closes to the pin on two different named holes. Applications can be picked up at the Post. Help us raise funds for our future -our children! Hole Sponsorship is only $50. Last year The American Legion Child Wel- fare Foundation, Inc., gave out $611.275 in grants to 21 Chil- dren's organizations. For more info contact Dennis R. Bofand at 863-675-5340 Statewide Palms, Inc. 863 675 4844 HCPION SCimR DOl6JEEP ai WllBSNrOsjCleislol Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION p)863-612-0070 f) 863-612-0080 825 E. Cowboy Way Sauie 108 LaBelle, 133935 'vi-itou'llyi513w" 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson River Where Quality is Done In Style SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A COITRACIOR CAC00030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR LANGFORD 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1686 Y'all" Spoken Here' EXTREME CLEANS, INC. ConstI -icuon Co1nuner11tal Residental 863 675-0810 239 334-6712 S ,' f 'hf, >.,-.: .'P. ., : lh f,:. "; I IL, .iU;iii jl II Waldron Contracting Co. State Certified Building Contractor CBC1253Z52 S863 S673-6362 Custom Homes Commercial Buildings Remodeling & Additions Rick & Brad Waldron ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior Uberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National t Lift- lih,',iiii. .r (:i p i, qiI y | 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) RICHARD K. SULLIVAN, ESQ. Criminal Defense Attorney FREE Consultations .Avaiable for contact after normal business houss Please call (863) 674-0444 World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights Thurs 9 8 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 .LaBelle, FI 863-674-1775 LJ, r TI I CHRIST Lutheran Church 1362 Thivip"r. Fod.J LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1", 3" & 5" Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Where everybody is Somebody- and Jesus is lord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net Is our Mst important Prductf i& AP ev BEDDING 1060 H:wv 29 S. LaBelle 86.-675-0717 www.w hitcusfurnituira nda pliatrcs.r'n fF Ii g'lhlmT14['l INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State hFarm Is there." LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS 8 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBelle. FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoenwald, Certified Estate Specialist AU 2936 AB 2171 Classic CONCEPTS H IR AND TANNING SALON 283 South Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 674-1122 Hours Monday thru Wednesday 9 am. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 am. to 12 p.m. Smart Tan Accredited Salon IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENT 300 DaisSt. En ,:qulir d J Ervir A.. Domingo: Servicio 10 01 i fIm. Estudio Biblico 6:00 p,m. Martes: Servicio 7:30 pm. Srf',:r f E.n Mdll,:ajii 863-674-0837 Iglesia: 674-0838 Ciro C,.: 571-0377 . Todos estan invitados a nuestra nueva Iglesia LABELLE i COUNSELING i CENTER IV5' . C1'id L ,, -:- iw .-rl',: .Th. I F P ed i r-.l dinr. Janet e ener, i . Medicaid & Medicare CS, ARNP, LMFT Cht, 94 HallSt LaBelle 863-675-6776 l .tl:~lr T 'I'm;' l HANDYMAN CARET CLEANING TREE & LAWN .\AIN AliNt NCr CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit ms on the webl www. ll al.20i.com Se H Ils Ispanlol MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured Osceola Concrete SServices LLC Colored Stamped Concrete Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exterior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair and Resealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured S.'I LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBelle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certfied & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 -NErlIn ff IS S15 i Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL I or .ippiinr"'IrLio t ill 239-658-3000 Walk-ins Wvcurme IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 ake' ri,,,j R r .n l.,I.. i. 'tVtI Dim i Prrla ) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657--6363 *. ** lt i WEEDING MOWING PLANTING Sod Replacement & other Lawn Maintance CALL (239) 357-2972 Lic.& Insured e-mail; casperblib44@yahoo.coin - 7' lIElk 0) 5 tJ 1 Randy's Garage, Inc. 863-675-1032 737 S. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL .Jut North of L-angfrrld ord LABELLE CARPET TILE OUTLET \\'holl :sa'l fvrirn v,' iarchouws 1050 COMMERCE DR LABELLE, FL hifsfr lc 4hi wI v cy sl,p ,la (.'irhlv 'lav Ita' i: i.hl oinIoCommerccDrive. 863-675-8575 Largest In-Stock Slection FREE ESTIMATES ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net Jfiag Womd& (863) 885-1500 (CELL) Sherrie L. Easterly LMT, #41201 70 Yeomans Ave EO. Box 2135 LaBelle, FL 33975 Stress Relief Alone Can Improve Your Vitality & State of Mind :h. y *--- "When you need a service, 1call a Dr"It a S'i" Call 863-675-2541 S -t: ior email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! For".~~I~JD:1:1 a I I I I L I -I I I I I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23, 2006 Almanacs Gardeners to meet The March meeting of The Greater LaBelle Garden Club will be Wednesday, March 30, at 7 p.m. Meetings take place at the Dallas Townsend Center off Cowboy Way across from the health department. The guest speaker this month is Gene McAvoy, the County Exten- sion Director and Regional Veg- etable Horticulture Agent III. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions or problems, Gene is the man to ask. There.will be a plant exchange, 50/50, Yard of the Month presentation and refreshments. Bring your family and friends. For more information, call Nikki at 675-3394 or Terri at 675-2392. 'Bunny Bingo'at WGES West Glades Elementary School . is having its first ever "Bunny SBingo" on April 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the : cafeteria of the school, including raffles to win a TV, bikes, barbecue grill and many other prizes. Learn watercolor painting Watercolor artist Helga Flower will have a workshop. at LaBelle Elementary School Friday, March 31, Saturday, April 1, and Sunday, April 2. If you're interested and would like more information, you can call Jill Strickland at 612-9891 or TinaSargent at 675-4537.. i School board meeting change There will be no School board meeting on March 28 because of Spring Break. The next scheduled meetings will be April at 5:30 p.m. at the Sub Otjice in Clewiston and on April 25 in LaBelle also at 5:30 'P.m . Apply for childcare at RCMA RCMA is accepting applications StallCalls With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates, References & Service Call 863-675-3231 COUNTRY HOS & LAND RE ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales corn RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE 97 Park Ave. LaBelle, FL 33935 "Across From Barron Park" 863-675-2718 www.labelleriverside.com e-mail: labelleriversideearthlinknet i -[ Marilyn Sears . .-l-MAS I censed Real Estate Broker Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 A Bankston .,. Realty S.--a l..J ,, Bi rk-.l.n i'i.a.. r Br.k.i ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal MoIrgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863)6674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bmunes@alankellymortgage.com PHOTO ONE m1^ PHOTOGRAPH -r AND VIDEO 571 Davis Street LaBelle, FL 3'13935 (863) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-miail: mpannellphotol@earthlink.net RODNEY MURRAY Lic. Real Estate Broker LaBelle, FL 863-675-4550 PAUL ROSER REALTORS 625-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER CUCINA Di CIELO STEAK, SEAFOOD & PASTA 700 W. LEE.AND HEIGHTS BLD. SUrrE 103 LEHIGH ACSRE, FL 239.369.8883 for childcare for children ages 6 wks.-5 yrs. old. Family Support Workers will be available on Satur- day, March 25,' to assist parents with the applications at Krome CDC, 551 W CowboyWay, . from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Bring the child's birth certificate and proof of the family's income(e.g. Pay Stubs, 2005 1040 Tax Statement). If there are any questions, please contact Marcye Masis or Donna Vaughan at 674-4515. Free workshop on fundraising set The Firehouse Cultural Center is having a free workshop on March 25 from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Plan- ning your fundraising future! by Vein Dockery, an expert on. fundraising from Sarasota. Spon- sored by the Southwest Florida Community Foundation and Fire- house Cultural Center. Please join them for coffee, snacks and knowl- edge at 241 N. Bridge Street. Con- tact Emily 673-0141 vith questions. Are you a victim of elder abuse? Are you or someone you know 60-plus and being hurt or exploil- ed? To report call: 1-800-96-Abuse. Community Rebuilding CREW (Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce) will offer free assistance for loss due to Hurri- cane Wilma. The CREW Work- force is scheduled to conduct needs assistance at the Nobles Senior Connections at 475 Cowboy Way on Tuesday, April 11 and Wednesday, April 12, from 1-6 p.m. Bucking for Jesus at the BullPit Ministry Come out to the LaBelle Rodeo Grounds on Saturday, March 26, starting at 6 p.m. There will be sheep, calves, steers, juniorbulls and pro bull events. Ifyou are inter- FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available, 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd, LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available SHaUamos Espaiiol EDISON PLUMBINGa INC. SPlumbing Inc. LNE \\" L.NSIRI' IION SMALL COMMERCIAL RXSIDENmAL SERVICE REPAIRS CALL (863) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824 875 Indstrial Ct. aBellEe, CFC14213690 ErSEE ISNSUMA R ED tiNTA'O)E LAND COS. 180 N. Bridge St. *LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafiol DONNA KANE NIMS | te' RMI ESUTM BR1OKM Shoreside Realty & Mortgage, Inc. 450 Hzun 80 W. LaBelle, FL 674-0101 PORT LABELLE INN The OE OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. -11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OxBow DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 ested in being a contestant or by sponsoring one, please contact Vicki at 673-2766 or 673-2765 and for further details. Come to Medal of Honor Tribute Ceremony Dana-Howard-Weekley Ameri- can Legion Post 130 will have its 4th Medal of Honor Tribite Cere- mony on Saturday, March 25, at 6 p.m. Again, this year they will be paying tribute to Nicholas J. Cutin- ha, who is laid to rest at Fort Denaud Cemetery along with the other recipients that have passed away since the last tribute ceremo- ny. The tribute will also include all Medal of Honor recipients, but.will focus on all Florida recipients. Please help pay homage and rec- ognize the courageous, honorable and selfless acts of courage of all Medal of Honor recipients. There will be a buffet following the cere- mony along with entertainment. The public is invited. UES Advisory meeting onWed. March 29 The Upthegrove Elementary School will have a School Advisory and School Improvement Commit- tee meeting on Wednesday, March 29, at 6 p.m. in the school library. All parents.'guardians are welcome to attend. Gathering of Christian Men meeting cancelled The Gathering of Christian Men will not meet in March due to Spring Break Please plan to join them inApril. Come to first ever Woman's Forum The Caloosahatchee Charter Chapter of the American Business Women's Association presents its first Women's Forum. This year's event is entitled "Working Towards The Center for Autism and Related Disabilities-University of South Florida (CARD-USF) will present "Understanding and Intervening \\iti the Challenging Behavior ol '6oung Children" from 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesday, March 29,at Redlands Christian Migrant Association iRCMA), 551 West Cowboy Way, La Belle. The pro-. gram is designed for the parents, guardians, grandparents and caregivers of young children between the ages of 18 months and years. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net BELLE REALTY CO. OFFICE: 863-675-4547 CELL: 863-673-4970 TERRI. BANKY BROKER the Kin' C;ROup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 **, -. Riou, i CGro'p. Inc. Lisa Andirews- li. Real Estate Broker 238 N Bridge SI. LaB!ie, t.. 33935 863-675-8868 www.su eldestIfloritaldn.grolgrop.rom SOD INC. SOD SALES & INSTALLATION ALL TYPES OF SOD SERVING HEBDRY, LEE & CHARLOTTEE COUNTIES CALL. (863) 673-1491 The two-hour workshop is an introduction to positive behavior support, a research-based method that brings together fea- tures of applied behavior analysis with person-centered values. Topics include defining a target behavior; gathering information to determine the "function" of a target behavior; and designing individualized interventions to, modify the child's environment, teach,.skills to replace the chal- lenging behavior and effectively manage consequences. .THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 433 W 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rentals PropertyManagement Put your trust in Number One! S http'://, w '2lbc.com SBarbhra M. Watt -1 i l fBrcker/Owner 4Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhori2ons-re@earthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call SGREGa MINeRS A M15S=W Uc Real Estate Broker HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863-675-3955 .,(35 Years Experience) CARD-USF training are offered in Hendr\ County as a public service. Pre-registration is required on or before March 24. Call (239) 590-7771 or e-mail ieg- istration information to cphiibroi'-fgcu.edu. CARD-USF provides program services for individuals with autism, dual sen- sor' impair, ents and related dis- abilities, families, professionals and peers throughout fourteen counties in west, central and southwest Florida. Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week COSTAMAR REALTY .rwlf.$.lhdyio Reatl Ralv e 4eanicome t e. 825 E. Cowboy i ,', Suite 105 l..il, hi, FL 339.5 (The Wallwce Plaza) 'MfLS 863 675-5923 233 N. BRIDGE ST ON B comaR or bDoUs Sr &WASHINGTON 863-675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com Property management irr.,- .rentals, sales ,- sl: ClNDY L. Al,EXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER THE REALTY GROUP Oft' "ilhw ,-1, Florida, Inc. Cell! 239-872-7665 . Bus: 239.495-2402 E-Mail: * matiflnemingl@comncast.tiet .^y ,, IB YL ( 'I lhli n I i I iiil k ..-il..ii i HUNTERS TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured 863-675-0403 ' enoneed a service cal a professional!" Call 863-675-2541 -E or email us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! I a Healthy and Successful You." Guest speaker is Carol Simontac- chi, MS, CCN, a renowned Certified Nutritionist and author of Heart Health for Women on Saturday, April 1, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Carlson Memorial United Methodist church, social Hall, 310 Campbell Street in LaBelle. Brunch will be served and their will be plenty of door prizes. Tickets may be purchased from any ABWA memberfor$12.50. Class of 1996 reunion coming up It's reuhiontime for the LaBelle High School.Class of 1996. Please contact Jamie Grainger at 675-4799 or 612-0643 before 6p.m. Florida Flywlieelers Show starts on March 3 The Florida Flywheelers 20th Annual Antique Engine show will take place at the LaBelle Rodeo Grounds March 30-April 2. Thurs- day is set-up day, Friday and Satur- day show fromdaylight to dark and Sunday from daylight to noon. There will be a flea market,- tractor. pulls, tractor parade, a dance on Friday night starting at 8 p.m., live DJ Gooley Gilbert all weekend and auction on Saturday evening. Food will be available for purchase pro- vided by Boo Boo's Restaurant. Admission and parking are free. For further details call 239-872-1439. Let the 'Spirit' move you The regional/state champion chorus "Spirit of the Gulf" from Fort, Myers is presenting a "winners cir- cle" performance Saturday, April 1, at First Christian Church at 3 p.m. The church is located almost in downtown Fort Myers where McGregor Blvd. begins just west of the bridge overpass (5 corners). Tickets are $15 and may be pur- chased at the door. "Spirit of the Gulf" is an affiliate of Sweet Ade- lines, Inc., ladies .barbershop singers and will represent Region 9/Florida at Las Vegas in October for international competition. Sev- eral quartets will also be on the April 1 show. Learn to get, manage grants FGCLi Florida Institute of Gov- ernment is presenting "Getting and Managing Federal and State Grants," a half-day workshop from the Florida Institute ot Goer nment from 1-4:30 p.m., Friday, March .31, at the Student Union 21-l.The cost is $59. Contact Joanne Hartke at (239) 590-7815 or jhartke@fgcu.edu Call for prayer at 675-7785 Prayers for healing by Jesus of mind, body, spirit or relationships. are available any time 24/7 from the LaBelle chapter of the Order of St. Luke the Physician (OSL) by calling and anonymously leaving your request.' Unless you ask, and leave a number, there will not be a return call. Rainbow Trails camp for bereaved youngsters The Hope Hospice Rainbow Trails Camp for bereaved children helps to heal young hearts.and change lives. Children ages 6-16 who have had someone significant in their life die in the past year are eligible to:attend the camp at no cost, on Friday, June 2-Sunday, June. Registration is open. For more information, call (2391 985-7792 or 800-835-1673, or get an application at wniwv.hopehospice.org. Click on Pathiwar s of Hope Counseling, and then click on Rainbow Trails: bereavement camp for children. Workshop for parents: Autism a I lyp 0,1010 VIRMO 01,11to VIA 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23, 2006 County looks at Submitted to the Galoosa Belle/UES Learning all about corn, Mr. McAlvoy teaching Mrs. Mundy's class how corn pops. Mrs. Mundy would like to thank the men and women of IFAS and the University of Florida for assisting in her first Corn Festival at Upthegrove Elementary School. Gene, Les, Trisha, and Sonya helped make this event a very suc- cessful one. They presented, participated in center activi- ties and provided materials to keep the children engaged in learning about the corn life cycle and its many usbs. She said, "It is members of the community like these that inspire children to do their bestThank you very much." Two seniors selected for SW Florida All Stars By Roger Greer Two LaBelle seniors were selected to play in the SW FL All- Star Basketball Game held at Bishop Verot High School on March 6. Seniors Dusan Jovetic and Blake Basquin were selected to play on the North team. The teams were selected from South- west Florida's most talented sen- iors. Dusan, at 6'7", averaged 14.6 points and 13.-1 rebounds per game for the LaBelle Cowyboy team, which finished with a record of 17-7. Dusan \\as Southwest Florida's leading, rebounder with 321 rebounds for the season. Blake broke the all-time assist record for the Cowboys, averaging 6.0 assists per game. The All-Star game was close and.the lead changed through- out the game. Reed Baker from Bishop'Verot High School scored the winning basket.with a driv- ing lay-up at the buzzer to give the South All-Stars 101-99 win. Dusan finished with 14 rebounds and 12 points. Blake added 5 rebounds and 6 points. At the All-Star banquet held in Fort Myers on Sunday, March 12, the players were' awarded S J Blake Basuin plaques and Dusan was recog- nized as a finalist for Southwest Florida's Mr. Basketball. street li By Patty Brant A street light report, indicating potential sites, was presented at the request of Board Chairman Darrell Harris. . County Administrator Lester Baird suggested the board imple- ment a policy on putting up street lights. Generally, in established neighborhoods residents form a Municipal Services Benefits Unit (MSBU) and tax themselves for things such as street lighting and drainage. On arterial roads and major intersections here safe is an extra concern, the county takes on the responsibility. The board opted to place street lights at Cederx\ ood and East Cow- boy \\a\, then study the other loca- lions. Commissioner Bo, Pelham :added that some locations, like school bus stops, should also have streetlights. Office space Cbunrtv government offices are bursting at the seams. Adding to the space crunch, the 20th Circuit is expected to get one more judge Sfor Hendr y Counh, part time, as of June I for one week each month. January\ 1, 2007. this is expected to become a lull time judge The board opted to put the ne\\ judge in the commission chamber tern poraril' MN. Baird said Royal's new Old Courthouse building behind the sheriff's office on Lee Street has the only available space. He wants to reslr\e 6,000 square feet of space for the count\ tentatively and asked for a letter of intent. Commissioner Maddox asked Mi. Baird to negoti- ate x\ith Royal's Other options would include modular offices but the count has no land in the vicini- t' oif the co:uni house complex. The county is also expecting a jail ex:parnsiln- coming up and must find additional space ior the public defender, probation office and ,-th 1l offices . Commissioner Kevin lMcCarth said he didn't %-ant to change any- thing until the county's space study is complete. Fort Denaud Bridge relocation New County Engineer Shane Pariker began a quick report on the relocation of a bridge to replace the Fo:rt Denaud s \ing bridge and requested a PD&E for the replace- ment. Former' county engineer Rock Aboujaoude took over the presentation for .the PD&E, which S' ... . Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! filling in the space above! * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue Sell yourpernal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely fee , No fee, n * 1 used item or grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. * Deadline 11 a.m. Monday o catch, no PrOeU""" CALOOSA \BELLE Delivering Western Hendry' Caywet,' e Ne,,'s Slt'e 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 : classad@newszap.com fighting includes the final two possible locations. Rock said that, since the bridge will cost between $80-$100 mil- lion, the county will need federal assistance to pay for it. He said that means the county will need to be very careful not to miss any steps in the process. He said Lee and Glades counties should also be approached for assistance, since development,in both will benefit greatly Irom a ne\\ bridge. The commissioners voted to do the study on both possible: sites (just east of the Hendry-Lee county line and along Ri\ erbend RV Park). The PD&E is a two step process, which initially considers both sites, then eliminates one and finishes with final choice ' SURS is to work up the study, \vhich is for a two-lane road, expandable to a four-lanes, for a fixed span bridge to replace the old historic Fort Denaud sm'ng bridge Other business: Miguel \ iciedo of Montura appeared before the board seeking relief from \\ hat he believes to be high mosquito control fees. He pointed out that empty lots are assessed at lust $S while home- owners must pay $30 for mosquito control The T next regular meeting of the county commission will be at -I p.m. Monday. March 27, in the Courthouse in LaBelle .v A' 4.. a "1 '. s c *:-des~h, ;iIt P- WE CAN HELP REBUILD YOUR CREDIT! 800-'906 40664 Guaranteed financing with as little as $2,000 down... sometimes less! Coast Financial Group p Live Bait & Tackle RIVERSIbE MARINE 303 CR 78 LaBelle, FL (next to the Public Boat Ramp) 675-8828,- ^ 3> SLutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday 'Worship The Lords Supper 1. 3'" 5h Sundays . Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. lter: t4r't'urv d is S.:'-meib-'dv and J/esui is L.rd 863-675-2733 N. Ri.er Rd. (H%) "is : e-mail: ctklc'strato.net THIS EVERYTHING MUST GO SALE! WITH EVERYTHING SLASHED UP TO 50% OFF ON WAREHOUSE MERCHANDISE WE'RE MOVING BACK TO 110 W. IIWY 80 LABELLE '. I -- -----. : -, : L- -_- 1050 COMMERCE DR. SUITE B (TaKe Briage SI 1o Cowboy Way'turrn ell at tre -l-V;.. so stop Drive i muile o Fl Knmo Storage tae a right We e are in ine rear nciI o I ne BryjanI Rooting Builaing' 863.675.1978 863.675.8575 IS HAVING AN EVERYTHING MUST GO WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE!! Instock Carpet & Vinyl at UNBELIEVABLE PRICES!!!! like Tile 60o a sq. ft. Nice Floor & Wall Tile Accessories & Supplies. Beautiful styles & colors to choose from! And we're still running BIG Savings on showroom samples PLUS installation available on all flooring! LaBelle has never had a flooring sale like this!! First come first SOLD!!! Commercial Tile $20 per box Peel N Stick Tile $10 per box 7 Styles to choose from! Carpet Remnants from $5 TO $100 Must see! Must go!!! Ceramic & Porcelain Tile 600 & up Instock Carpet at Unbelievable prices!!! .low. - , I Ir -~.lld --b 1_1__ , E-Mail. I ~"~-~~ Ih ....- ~"~ Y Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23,2006 Two more athletes sign for scholarships Cowboy lifters By Donna Meister LaBelle High School Head Football Coach Ron Dunbar just seems to have a knack for help- ing his young football players find a perfect fit for continuing their education and athletic careers. Actually he works hard at it. He counsels the young men, tapes their games and pro- motes them to the recruiters. It may sound simple; however just think of all that extra time spent after a full time day is put in. Coach Dunbar, as usual, is very humble about any part he plays in the young men's suc- cesses. Coach Dunbar explained to all those assembled at the recent scholarship signing that one of his proudest and greatest moments are when his athletes decide to take the next step by continuing their educations and being dedicated to the sport that they all love. The coach went on to com- pliment the gifted athletes who were the reason for the occa- sion. He said that Austin was a blessing to coach. He was always respectful, a positive person, very quiet with only a few words to say. He was an aggressive player who hated to lose, but always handled him- self in the right way. He feels that Austin has not yet reached his full potential and Linden- wood is lucky to have him. Austin signed with NAIA, Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri. Lindenwood University is a historic campus built in 1828. It is situated on a 500-acre campus among the beautiful linden trees, just west of St. Louis, with a growing community of 55,000 people. Austin holds a solid 3.4 grade point average and plans to study history at Lindenwood University. Kyle has received his schol- arship from West Virginia Wes- leyan. a Division II college. The campus is located in the foothills of the Allegheny Moun- tains, just two hours and fifteen minutes south of Pittsburgh and four and one half hours west of Washington, D.C. The college was built in 1890 and is affiliat- ed with the Methodist Church. Coach Dunbar said .that Kyle's senior football career was cut short when he- broke his leg during the Bishop Verot game, just three games into the season. His stats were excellent from his sophomore and junior years and recruiters remem- bered him. Coach Dunbar said Kyle was a very capable young man who had a lot to offer. He also never gave up on his dream, even when he wasn't sure he could continue. A three place second LaBelle High School's boys' power lifters have started their season with a bang. In their own LaBelle Invitational, the boys placed second out of 10 teams to Sarasota High School. Matt David- son and Keyendae Browne both received first place in their weight class. On March 13, the boys partici- pated in the Travis Todd Invita- tional in Avon Park. Once again, as a team they did outstanding with a second place overall finish, .ean, Kyle McLean, sister Paige and Tammy McLean. year starter, Kyle led the team in back sacks as a defensive end. receptions at tight end in his. At 6 foot three and 240 pounds, junior year. In his sophomore he moved to the line backer year he led the team in quarter- position to help the team. Kyle also has a 3.- grade point average and plans to study Business Administration. He is an avid paint-ball enthusiast. Errors cost the Cowgirls two more losses By Roger Alexander The Cowgirls softball went 2-3 this past week as they. played five games in six nights to bring their overall record to 11-3on the season. In the two losses the errors more than anything cost the Cowgirls the victory as they committed a com- bined eight errors in the two losses. They started things out with a win, though, as they easily defeat- ed Lemon Bay in a 9-1 ballgame in which, Cowgirl pitcher Amanda Atun allowed just two hits while striking out 13 batters. LaBelle scored two runs in each of the first two innings and then another in the sixth before ending the game with another two in the seventh. Vanessa Ostolaza was the hot hitter as she went 3 for 4 on the night. Atun, Alexa Redish and Lacy McCall each added two hits while Dani Blake had a double. LaBelle then fell in their next out- ing as Barron Collier played them just about even. Both teams had four hits. Both teams had three errors. Nsrlt f.ftrfrt E, j ilN Wo I ;w. NE'. ( N E Spanish, 7 ^w -'' r I'' o. Both teams scored arun in the fourth inning. The only difference was Col- lier managed to score one in the first to make the difference. Blake had two of the Cowgirl hits, with one of them being a triple. The other two hits came from the bats of Atun and Redish. Atun pitched the game and took the loss after giving up just four hits while striking out five. LaBelle rebounded: nicely though as they pounded out eleven hits in their next game. The errors Were still there for LaBelle, though, as they had three, but they were able to overcome them in the 7-1 victory against Southridge. LaBelle scored twice in the first and then again in the fifth before putting it out of reach in the sev- enth with a four run outburst. Blake had a great night as she pounded out three hits with one being a double and another being a home run. Heather Raulerson was 2 for 4 on the night. ,Alexa Redish pitched a com- plete game for the second time this 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee BnWird, C su;,ilj .Shiil .-:'l 'i, li For an appointment Call (239) 658-3000 Walk-in's Welcome ,Engh,.h. Creole. & Kln,'tb:l Sp.:..:nr I-', ~ year as she allowed just the one run on three hits while walking six and striking out one. LaBelle then suffered another loss as the errors got the best of them in a 7-2 loss at the hands of Bellview. The game \vas pretty' slop- py from both teams as Bellview wasn't much better .defensively, committing four errors. The differ- ence \ as the runs off the errors. LaBelle was out-hit four-to-five, but the errors were big. Bellview managed to score five unearned runs while LaBelle managed just one. Blake once again finished the night with another homerun while Ostolaza managed a double off two hits. This was probably the first time this season that Atun struggled in a ballgame. She lasted just three and a third innings while giving up the seven runs off four hits. She walked four batters while striking out just two batters. Redish came in and finished it out for LaBelle, allowing just two hits and four strikeouts over the same length of time. LaBelle managed to finish on a high note with another victory as they defeated Miami Braddock 3-1 with all of their runs coming in the sixth inning. Atun, Blake and Osto- laza each had two hits. Redish captured her third victo- ry of the season with a complete game where she allowed three hits, walks and strikeouts. LaBelle will be busy the rest of this week as they take part in another tournament from March 20-23. Submitted to the Caloosa Belie/Vivian Bennett Matt Davidson and Keyen- dae Brown each took first place in two different Invita- tional Power Lifting Meets in their weight classes. Sports Shorts Guided walks in the woods Lee County Recreation provides a number of nature experiences for residents and visitors: March 25 will be the last trail walk through Six Mile Slough Preserve, 7751 Penzance Crossing, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Walking the boardwalk trail, learn what makes this wetland so unique. Little League signups, coaches needed Pick up a Little League registra: tion form at all local schools. Any- one interested in coaching please call Ricky Bass at 673-1940 or any .board member for an application. For additional information please contact Bubbie Owenrs at 239-229- 4188. re ." i, P1 I I '0 0 . THE I ,-.. OF DAYTON-A BEACH., TI-, I ilrr,.-I.uuri, iu Octtanflrit. . l "on,. in llnl'i ,itlah r ,rii,', vices Oceanhnfit Pool with Sim It-rr .. and Lush Gar raens 1 lr.i.l u uIry 2 and. 3 Bedroom residences with F[ir.il., ., Panoramic \ ik ILn i, na-,, Gourmet Kitchens ,nd i-t.'nci l isR with Avon Park in the lead. Results from the meet were first place performances from Matt Davidson and Keyendae Browne again. Second places went to J.B. Hull and Tim Gonzalez. Manuel Solo finished third in his weight class, with Nathan Riberd and Jose Guillian coming in fourth. Blake Basquin finished fifth and Chris Wills placed sixth. The team as a whole is doing really well, and hope to continue their win- ning streak, said Coach Kelley. r----------------i I SPORTS FANS I II II T 1) 'r I I IB IYOU DIDN'T KNOW SBrolglu to rl byI on LangfordI The fr baseball ov.ner to use badl grls along the foul lines -'.aj Charle Flh\e with the Oakland A in the early 1970s71 One of the first was a young woman named Debbi Sivyer Never heard ol her? You might know her better by her married name Mrs Fieldi She's the founder and brains behind Mrs. FieldJs Cookies. Then there wat a former Finley employee with the A's named Stanley Kirk Burrell, who at age 1 I caught Finley' eye with hiS daincrig in Sthe stadium parking I'it F cnk, lired I I him as a bit boy You ki-i." ibit better I Sby his clunged name rap star tl I Hammr I I I I SHere's a NASCAR riddle for you. By the I Sway, the person who ,olv'ed it received I SEree rickets to a 2005 race in Home-'ted. I SFL \\'hit i I.att Ki nreth p!u- jel I Gordon plus BRobb\ HjanJlt':n r rmiui I leff Green n-ruru Dnnrii, MHimri plu4 I SKyle Bulch' The anjs.er left Gordon Ho-w so' ljit look at the cair number, of the tespecnse dniers -2 i. -432 4 I11,5'--. v hiachof course i. CGordon si r number I _. I I O January 1-I. 20:6 \ci"et \ irgnj hit I I 20 three-point shots in '.In oCer I lir aquette But the record for mot t I I three p:mters in a game is 2 by Tro, I a:aLau George rMajion t i199 Durui I Sthe 2004-l0 ":-Ciejon. Troy ;et the iart I I for highest ji.rjae number of tre per I I game- at il The mo-t :!:ored t',, ri,! I Iteam o'eraljU na ea.,rn :, 40'. b, Dule I in 2001. but the Blue De'-i lplaied :39 I I iames that ,ear. As fo:r Ltr,.-ndul:. the I I payer who hit the rrnot tre,:-pointer I I in a single game -.as MNlarihl U Kejrh I Venev with15i against MordtId Stite I I n 1996. '.hle the hagheit a.craje pcr I gIaire ,n one iea-on is -56- 19n 1. b' I SButler Darrn Fit-gerild. h .-. i r 5i'. I That year I I .. I I'll bet you didn't know, corning or gomg. that v hen the rubber l-t- the -oad. ou can't allord n-ot t:i bu. tromn I I | Langlordn ILANGFORD I I "Y'allSpokenHere I I 675-1686 L- ---------------J Call today 1-866-741-8317 rwwwvcea?;nv~sc-~d~~lnytenco P-, IEntire Bill roust present coupon Cl una i Cielo W.0 -N Lelfnd HuhW Dlvd ulke 103 Lehigh Aares Ken cx:cd Ir mic m ,.s "v r .. HENDRV COUNTY'S #1 RESIDENTIAL BUILDER!! StINVEST IN YOUR FUTURE! Whiy rent when you can own a home of sour own? As Hendrv & Glades County's Top Builder, We Lead the Industry in Quality, Value, Friendly Customer Service, & Homebuver Education. t New Construction, Investment, & Speculative Homes Available! tOnsite Lot Acquisition Specialist to Help with all of your Real Estate Needs! mI tm ll m I 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23,2006 I- - - - 2005 FOCUS SE 2004 CR VICTORY LX 2005 500 SEL 2005 MUSTANG Greaton gas-and fullyequippedwith only 21Kwellmaintihed iiexcellentconditionwithonly23Kmilesandincludes the sport Sa, ethou.sndsonthia l,.e ne I,.-ur, edn '.-.tho,, i mal. .-:..:r..:.- t, i,11 r,, n 1,tuI r,: ih .on, 23%'...cl mijntaEine miles. Featresindudeautotrans, A/C,p/windows, p/lockstilt pkg.withfrontleatherbuckets floorshiftautotrans.,V8 engine, Liaded -ibh all he extanai ncdudtg leathr ienor, c. enginr: ne. jrd full\ e qulippd triluldie \r en-ire aut- tr, ir C wheel, cruisecontrol, stereocd,remote keyless entryandfactory climatecontrolA/C,fullpowerpkg andfactorywarranty. Extra auto ranks, ailo\ whedl: full p'ov er pkg. remote ,e\leC.I entri p, imndo. piloclk cir heel.. ru,.e conn~ ann l.xL briake warranty. Onsale now! 6C19A cleanand onsale!5T503A n. d the bilanrce otthe iji tor v. rran\ 6T23L A tereoodand try..nant) Li,.. $12,675 $15,388* $20,942 $18,499 2004 TAURUS SES Extira Jconr 'ith rj MK Ith rmc; ind Ford QIirv Checikecd C erofi witt,d, themucndasnof the 0y ci r ,r 5.001) n-le mted % aruncv iird lo. -UPR hrra~ncg i~ad~bl WAC Lw.ded '.it.h opcont ri -cludiniz V6Wengine LjtwF kt C jM r pe.g Pniced nght' 0'i3' $11,425 2003 LINCOLN LS 2002 CAMRY SE 2005 EXPLORER XLT porrv d fu, i loaded r.ith e: rres irclu.inp;\ ':n..n, e audU'n.3n .Afft'Idab l.nd i:onij :..m] i il it a. 1 .1 AL 4. 1 eC I n. 1 5 ped urj n:. In likenew condition with only 12K miles. This factory pro- dlrr in e.:ornn C rIjathe rten:. rp :O r i o:,n- ro,--.l..di. c nda.i h AC p at p, c'- o .. ,,- IJ tilt ed ul l rult.:'.:.r 'l ., gra v :r'l t.: gram vehiJe i equipped noht idudi, L 'i c engine, 5- cd, al Ip'd tractionr i,,,tro! ajd ri h b- in ..e i:f the y :r .50,.1I00 reardcI p r rerro. I. itr c i, e and iT,'e '.Wi h ,rdl i. mrd : s.:pr, speed auto trajn. .A p ie.t. p vindo,.-. ult v. heel i ie nadi l arrln, r U5616 ir, n..i l 'n.:.rc.TqiA control, p d.jor l.: 1 6 chi,.: in djh Ltereo c nd tactorr)y .. $19,900 $13,076 r'anty.U5661 19,825 2005 ESCAPE XLS 2003 EXPEDITION XLT 2006 TUCSON In excellent condition with only 26K miles This sporty SUV is Ford Extra clean inside and out with only 44K well maintained miles. Features In absolutely like new condition with only 4K miles and loaded with Quality Checked Certifiedincluding the balance of the6 yr or 75,000 include a 5.4L V8 engine; auto trans, front and rear A/C, 7 passenger seating, extras. Features include a 2.0L DOHC 4 cyl engine, auto trans, A/C, mile limited warranty and low APR financing is available WAC. p/seats, p/windows, p/locks, tilt, cruise, stereo cd and more. On sale now. /windows, p/door locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, stereo cd, remote Includes 2.3L 4 cyl engine, 5-speed trans, A/C, p/windows, p/locks, 6T392A eyless entry and the balance of the factory warranty. 6T438A tilt, cruise and stereo cd. Very economical! U5609 $15,380 $17,802 $16,700 2005 F150 XL Ready for work or play, this well maintained pickup has only 27K miles and includes a 4.6L V8 engine, auto trans, AIC, tilt wheel, cruise control, stereo cd, bedliner and the balance of the factory war-; ranty. 5R02 $15,867 2004 F150 XLT SC 4X4 This 1 owner trade in has only 32K miles and is in excellent condition. Features include a 5.4L V8 engine, auto trans, A/C, p/windows, p/locks, tilt, cruise, electronic shift 4X4, trailer tow package, 6 disc in dash stereo CD, keyless entry with drivers door keypad and factory warranty. 6T457A $20,996 2004 F15O XLT 2002 RANGER EDGE SC This double sharp supercab includes a 4.6L V8 engine, auto trans, A/C, This extra nice supercab has only 23K miles and is loaded with features p/seat, p/windows, p/locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, cloth captains including a 3.L V6 engine, 5-speed auto trans, p/windows, p/locks, A/C, chairs, 6 disc in dash stereo cd, 2 tone paint, dual exhaust and factory tilt wheel, cruise control, 6 disc in dash cd, sliding rear window, remote warranty with only 20K well maintained miles. Priced right! U5564 keyless entry and fiberglass topper. On sale now! U5643 $18,964 $11,990 2002 SPORT TRAC Very well maintained and fully equipped with features including a 4.0L V6 engine, auto trans, A/C, p/windows, p/door locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, stereo cd/cassette, remote keyless entry with drivers door key pad, cloth captain chairs and much more. Sale priced! 5T694A $14,393 LANGFORD B 'h-15SS- HhFRitbv 29 Sdmth 81- mmwC t ~ImnErtar~sgcet n cl, C-. c ces No 17 d n. F NO P ti,.ony. a NN -0 11.10,(-,YUS' Rcl:)atc,,...-; 4) N(-) cl t ,td c FOR OVER 4.1.YEAVRS, 1 -1-17 NO (--,].N,,IN41CKS! Pl..)T US TO THE -SP 'YOL.k Lf", wA),S THE RIGHT PRICE N/VINNI","IZ, OF FOR.I.) N4,( f) R F,"S I D F," NJ" s A\,\` !,\-RI') F'OR Ot, I1"STAN D -O.N -'R Sl' ` 'E _______ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23,200613 Scouts and Girl Scout Troop 566 spent Feb 23 -26 in North Carolina They l- g l-- 1 - Scou s a d nnished up their Winter Sports Badge with a day on the ski slopes of i -il i i r So.. __ _. Sugar Mountain. They also went inner-tubing in the snow, visited 'F. buDmiteo to [ne ualoosa uelle/Linaa iicvey Alyssa Paterson, Tori Clay, Chandler Bridwell, Lauren Gee, Brennah McVey, Jessica Smith, Ciara Braudway. Bank of America Shirley Imhoff Willis SMortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 239.415.6302 800.854.5783 ext 6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@'bankofamerica.com LaBelle native, Shirley will do all she can to help you get the best mortgage around! ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS, MEDICAL WORKERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND FIREFIGHTERS 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 nx i'. ri.. i. : n .r .ini r- .1jy L'.~r~ '----"~~I-Icr'-U~ *P * l'r : ; lt Bf. 1 bi ,8 F- i.:,rnie i g n' i 'lJi:-,''.': t.:,im -i.-,l' ine F'ju ':" -. I: N. e'hI rh: t-r r jipe[ .:-rarr i. l i.. J i i' ,jin's r', jn.1 url ,u l' moiT re P,.,: J r., :,ll r I ,rrl[, '$119,900. S I0-loil. - t,-.irCBS home hl b 4th:.iuul Bro -'m e iorn I ,i:I',- ',-,Jj, ;. :,",,,J ,), ilI: 'J:l.J :, -', c fia,:r,pl1.,. ,-,. r.,.,, *ur~er l.rg, ...ckshOlp, 7.-..0 ,F % ,jil Inj3;N jr'.:-h,. [h, A': n'jl. nul:: ihe 1:I,." r,-iu_ h l Ii r.) ] i-j,-i ,, r yourself . ., '19,900. * Just listed this liveable, loveable 3BR/1B CBS home With 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced back- yard, irrigation and a front deck to die for . Only $259,900. * HOP, SKIP &A JUMP! Only minutes sepa- rate.you from banking, shopping, schools and iu.:, .....r, Th; '.Tr 2 home has it all. .. ,r I..,..:.1 h i .I ,i. i .J spacious rooms, V ,.:. i:. ... .ci t..ti i i :, : n..v kitchen cabinets i ri ..l ..,:.. L. L '... B..: '-.f all after a hard days work you can sit out on your lanai and enjoy the sunset over the lake. Only $219,900. Riverfront Pool Home with 1,944 sq ft workshop on 1.14 acres. Intercoastal Waterway protected Oxbow, NO Corps Easement! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, family room, screened lanai and pool area. Many STORM SAFE features, firs( quality constrLction, super energy efficient, solar heat- ed pool used to heat and cool the house. Award winning design from the Florida Energy Center: Priced under appraised value, asking $887,000. MLS 20('n1929 :-1 iNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. * PERFECT STARTER HOME' 2BR IBA CBS home I',.,ced in r LB,.lle on a quet o'ak filled .irted Fteaures n,:le fl::onn aind a fenced tu.:k. )i.J Pn.:ed $175,900. * Just like NEW! 3BR/1.5B CBS h:.me amihiri walking distance from shopping Fctjiurc, include new berber carpet, ceramic tile, all fe' :bi-'. ., uMid :b mu .-i ore Pri.:eJ t' ',-ll jt ,-or'1) $119,900. * Worlds Fastest Sale may happen here.. 3BRF1B ,.rc f ai l ia.r r $1 9400. MMMMG&P * 3BR/2B manufactured home in Immokalee. Features new carpet and vinyl and fenced corner lot. Listed at on!~ $155,900. * Tired of the Circus? No clowning around about the calm you'll enjoy in this spacious 3BR/2B MH on cleared 2.5 +/- acres. WOW! Be sure to check out the huge horse barn and workshop. Box stalls, feed room, large work- shop. Lower your blood pressure! $189,900. * STOP DREAMING AND START LIVING This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacidus kitchen. Only $179,900. aes3 tWda +/-a acres t a.d e es a huge master csul,, ,in erjni let, bL lll iti .1bl- nets and much more Only $1"5,000. * iBF. B maruril'j.:iurie h.nin in Immokalee Featur'.: nc- .: irpi r nJ indtr\l and fn,:ed corner lot. Listed at only $155,900. * You can hear the birds chirp...the crickets crick, from this, the nicest, most well kept 2.5 acre "get-a-way' in all of Pioneer Plantation. Sellkc' m'.:iiitic d 'nt l'.r thW ':pp..rnunir' p-,l Ssout.,' 134.900. * 'BR B nmriufti.:tur. d i''n'- ,:,, --i+ . .. re-UN BEli1 ,LCB RACl i. . sri tunie busei r irn:.i.r 'Or nl $5-1,900. * Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * The Fppo.'riuriiie., re endless! Bring your inire:liirint J.Illi' h.ei: -'i 'autiful acres with Ia ."Jr.rita tic.'.l ..' ailer plifn PrFp'ert i c:l'ejrrd cA.: ep :i tr fh t nue r iii t., 'i t.' t niii' y''ui IJ1. jnr.j t: e' $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $179,900. * 2+/- acres on Ft. Center Ave. in LaBelle. AlreadfD wlmg iln(JBlB ,rH pigaB er- ty. Enjoy country .ving only minutes from town. Only $119,900. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+ ai F-sh a!r it.r :l' $93,900. * j1 .,r pn -:.. .r j .al ji 'i'uri L- Ii * HIIard riC in 'J 1J':'ubl m one In c 'i .. :. r[ LjBtdi i.'nir 0l "$119.800. i nvestmeni t IXpropr Ournely i,''ni' I'",.' r.'kr. rl'i l.'.er. lot i.n Unit 102 i r. ge oak.i i ri ....m te .(l in $ 84900. * ."c + j(r in [lie t cl ,,n'i-i S D v'iPi, 'J ,i:. ell .,' 'rnlu. $-'2,900. Possible seller financing. * 2 l':lFg A':.re 1. i ., i-i lr duplex a Great investment property! Only $67,000 each ' * (.,rb tll ..ii t.~lt i + dIl honi i2 r- sitdvfor ,-.ui re hi' iorr.: $6.4,900. SCorner' lot. in Unit 102 w/large oak., B jlJuujl I:,[ lr )h:i r itdiar,, h $.ire $54,900. * Tripi l ,'it in Lirnt ( $i9,900 each SD'uLe l.:.i ir, Uiri 9 $a 9,900 each. '* B',i-iiil .-":,.,:.J 1+ j+I .r.? homesites! Oji.,'Je LjB'-lI:e hriti buit tltniiinuie'. fr.J nIii to;- ri Ju' i ..If E I-. lJ [.,' t n lt' ;''.rinuib acr .-Ji ..lEc:... ii, tB.!le $-16,900. Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings' with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrail use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-l commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Investor's dream! By purchasing this com- mercil ne for re ) Mfl l fAil" est- ment! Grab this site now! $165,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in down- town LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possi- bility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. 3BR2Bath on 1 acre. close to town with a 24x32 pole barn. Large oaks. fenced and landscaped. $159,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot w, trees. $239,500. 5BR'3Bath really nice manufactured home on 5 beauti- ful acres in Muse on Cypress Ave. $425,000. 3BR'3 at.p-- s A.3Q\ .l 36 horselBt^JL j Li !tf l $695,000. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only S11,000 per acre. per a 7 [ Well maintained 4BR'2Bath home on beautifully land- scaped lot. With in town convenience. Deep well Irriga- tion and large workshop, screened room and gazebo. PRICE REDUCED! $349,900. 3BR,2Bath CBS htpe-,.j .._kshop. Located in nice neighborhood. sits,'JJlLj~ i beautiful oaks. Walking distance to elementary school and local stores. $225,000. /---.--. Southern land. KATIE SOLOMON PROFESSIONAL SALES ASSOCIATE Kate i l:, rlh l fr':m Frj :, in il:. i : 5t The ilienrid PurdJue Ir.Int erir) ahtre she r e .:. e tee B 5 in Ci;.mi:.:ir.i':'nl Lea hip in iJ sruper' iior Sh'i e belre, s eJu,:an:n d:c' noti itp ;.Li j d.r.c but you have to continue to research and study to stay on top of your game. Prior to Southein Land, she was a sales associate for a builder and recieved recognition as "Salesperson of the Month" and the "Gold Award for 2004". Katie attributes her success to communication, perseverance, and integrity. Referrals are the greatest compliment she can recieve and she looks forward to creating more customers for life. Give her a call at 239-344-6137 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 863-675-4500 www.SOLAND.com i :;*~-:. 1 I- 1~ ;T-P~; F".. tr:~r,~r"" t~ ,IVVWWWA -u..r--~~~ .1 ,'-wr 'xx c':-T~I Y_-rI~:=I I. ,:~x: .Y~x *flx~t4pUcxi~~ .-NuW~tn .~- ur-5fly;~P-T~9P~ WATERFRONT Riverfront 5 Acres with 215+.- feet of frontage. High elevation reveals spectacular views. $995,000 . SRiverfront 1.15 Acre homesite on prestigious Fort Denaud Rd. $595,000 ''F' -i,., r ii~.4 It vM~ -8 i More than Meets the Eyel Hard to find home on deed restricted acreage tucked neatly away yet seconds from SR 80. Backs up to a pristine relenlion lake with amazing sunsets Low mainte- nance CBS/Slucco exterior wiih all the details of a well designed country home on the inside Features include tray ceilings. Inte- rior doors all custom built, custom cabinets with tile backsplash SBee Reafty Co. Office: 863-675-4547 Terri IPanky Broker Cell: 863-673-4970 Shary Weckwerth Cell: 863-673-6498 Now online at www.bellerealty.com LEADING THE WAY! and granite countertops, all windows have wood casing sur- rounds, a brick fireplace, and wood floors Ihroughout finish the look. $549,900 2 Acre Deed Restricted Homesite in Oak Haven Eslates. Oak filled and backs up to beautiful sunsets over the waler. $350,000 HOMES t' ra;y a .i we. ..-- : .. 2 Story Home close to town just off Ft Denaud Rd. This amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has it all location charm. Masler suite with office, screened room and more. $299,900 M v" Well Built Cedar 3Bed/2Ba Home in popular river community of Caloosa Estates on a hall acre hillside Lovely oversized deck out back for relaxing or entertaining $260,000. Mobile on 112 acre south of LaBelle with lots of paving and a 26x53 pole barn $92,500. LOTS AND LAND Development Potential 25 acres plus on Ft Denaud Rd Pair up wth available waterfront (priced Independently) tor an upscale residential project $150.000 per acre. 5 Acres on Hwy 78. iQ Ef Lflf l potential income Iron- existing lease $165,000 ;lU .;.. 5 Beautiful Oak Laden Acres located East ol LaBelle. Quiet County Living for only $160,000. Over Hall ilfl111 cYliW ~ tpce and culvert. brush has 0yJRdli^ olrtlcntaLB1 ly at $125,000. Oversized homesite convenielly located in the city with easy access to SR 80. 75 Acres manicured and ready for your dream home. Lots of oaks and maples. $95,000. Port LaBelle Lots on Ihe north side of 80. close to new develop- ment area & marina Priced from $49.000 to $57,900. Call for Inventory list. Over 60 sites to pick from. Seller Financing Available with 250o down to qualified buyer. Port LaBelle 1/4 ac lot on the norht side of Hwy. 80 Many new homes under construction In the immediate area Asking $39,800. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL Prime Comer with over 500 ft on Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on Elm St Currently Zoned Light Industrial with the new plan allowing lor heavy industrial as well. 6.7 acre location directly across from the State Altorneys Olllices & close to the the LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. Light Industrial 4.65 Ac with 2400 Sq. Ft. Steel Bldg Excellent road access lust outside the city limits Could be split under current zoning $850,000. Heavy Industrial Site just south of the city limits Industrial Loop S/D Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29 Cleared filled and culvert in $299,000 Profitable Towing Business established with many revolving accounts & approved by all the major motor clubs Currently servicing LaBelle and the surrounding area with a clean & rell- able service record Call for details -----l-r -- ..- HiodI4 HI ~~-~ I~prp.eppspF~ ~*~plri%$rB*?O~IP9R~iii:~g~:~:S*T~7i~:7~ t~gs~asarsii~il ~~iiiqa)w a. C_____ '?: 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23,2006 COES Students of the Month for January DOUBLEYOUR INVESTMENT IN ONLY 1 YEAR! Builders Lots Available in the Fastest Growing Areas in Florida Wr HOIES LE RIN k_ 954-556-Z300T^^^^ Submitted to me Caloosa Belle/COES First Row, Kindergarten, from left: Fernanda Ibarra, Gerar- do Rivo-Leal, Diana Espinoza, Joshua Miller, Michelle Pardo, Dustin Sanchez, Easton Robinson, Corbin Kohutek. Second row, first grade: Yasmin Lopez, Sergio Jimenez, Lupita Guillen, Lizbeth Paniagua, Brianna Briones, Ernesto Alvarez, Angelica Jimenez. Third row, second grade: Mayreli Garcia, Janely Jaimes, Cesar Gallegos, Cruz Her- nandez, Ana Arreola, Kayla Wilkes. First row, third grade: Fernando Resendiz, Juan Lopez, David Herrera, Isaac Santillian, Tania Santiago, Kassandra Melgoza, Omar Espinoza. Second row, fourth grade: Alfre- do Mar, Ricarrdo Moreno, Jasmine Jimenez, Robert Koff, Maria Coria. Third row, fifth grade: Jose Bedolla, Meagan Young, Eduardo Gonzalez, Ryan Hellard, Page Purvis, Omar Lora. Not pictured Dawson McLain, Armando Mosqueda. Algae key indicator of Everglades water conditions With names like Spirogyra, Mastogloia and Schizothrix these common types of algae sound more like gourmet pasta dishes than slimy pond scum that grows on rocks or other plants in the Ever- glades ecosystem. However, this pond scum or periphytic algae - have a very critical and beneficial function: they are a natural link in the food chain, consumed by small invertebrates and fish and are sen- sitive indicators of environmental change in \\elland systems. Peri- phyton are the first and fastest bio- logical indicators to respond to changes to water quality condi- tions in the Everglades ecosystem By monitoring and studying periphvyon, scientists can provide. data needed to evaluate the progress and success of the Com- prehensixe Everglades Restoration Plan under the Restoration, Coordi- nation and Verification. (RECOV- ERi Program. To obtain monitor- ing results sooner and quantify complex periph.ion dynamics and water quality interactions, the South Florida Water Management District and Florida Atlantic Univer- sity scientists are implementing - for the first time a faster way of monitoring periphyton. Today, the South Florida Water Management District Governing Board author- ized a three-year cooperative agreement with FAU for monitor- ing Everglades periphyton using chemolaxomony technology, a rapid-assessment monitoring method. The $240,000 agreement uses a well-established method known ar chemotaxonomy to quantify periphylon abundance and composition of different types of algae based on diagnostic pig- ments. Samples can be analyzed faster than traditional methods, such as chlorophyll a or taxonomy. More than 480 samples will be collected each year from sites throughout the Everglades region starting April 2006. The chemotax- omonic assessment of these sam- ple will be reported in the context of their relationships to other key RECOVER projects, in the Annual Systems Status Report. At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment i:f Euluuon of: A fterSurgery Care of: Glauckiomj MacularDegeneration rj.jura,:ts Eve lnirne .e Diabetes GlauO.nu n Dr) E)e Cataracts PTergium ConiunctiInus IPnk Ejei Flashec & Fl,:aers LASUK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disprisable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Opical 5ermces in-House Lab High Qualm, Narne Brand Franes S Same D3\ Serice onr Some Pres.crinpons La '.ir Technological Lens DcLign Saturday and Evening.Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency A aibble Neew Patients Welcome 863.6'5.0'61 fT.n. famdil\eecarelabelle com Las Noticias en Espanol Entrenamientos gratis Para Agricultores. El Concilio de La Fuerza Traba- jadora esta buscando a 10 hom-- bres entire las edades de 28 a 40 para hacer un curso de paredes c nriamentales (estuco). El entre- namiento es completamente gratis y se hara en un horario con- veniente para los que trabajan, Tambien se esta dando entre- namiento gratis para la licencia clase: "A".Para calificar usted debe trabajar en la labor o agri- cultura o la mayoria de sus ingre- s5s deben de ser de su trabajo en la labor. Para mas information lame a Bill Caban Tel: 612-9863. Tambien se da entrenamiento de enfermeria, asistente admin- istartiva, secretaria medical y sol- dadura. Orden aprobada La comision del condado ha aprobado una orden para restringir los lugares donde Oiven los molestadores sexuales. La nueva orden declara que un molestador sexual no puede vivir en una zona de 2,500 pies cuadra- dos alrededor de lugares donde hay menores. Estas zonas incluyen: escuelas, librerias publi- cas, guarderias, parques y patios de recreo. El convict sexual no debera de vivir temporalmente o permanentemente en estos lugares .. La order declara que si un propietario le renta o le vende a un convictdoexual'itm casa o una propiedad cerca de los lugares prohibidos para ellos, sera casti- gado. Al molestador se le prohibi- ra ir a un refugio comunitario en caso de desastre, en esle caso debera de estar en la carcel hasta que pase la emergencia. Las violaciones de esta orden tienen una multa de $500 o pri- sion por 60 dias. La segunda vez la multa sera de $1,000 o 12 meses de carcel. La orden no apli- ca para un convict sexual que establecio su residencia el. primero de septiembre, 2005 o si fueron menores que cometieron el delito y no fueron castigados como adults. Necesitamos su ayuda' Por favor cuando vaya a poner sus cosas de reciclar no las mez- cle con la basura. Todas las cosas recyclables como carton, vidrio, revistas y plasticos no se deben de revolver con la basura normal. Los trabajadores encargados de recojer las cosas recicladas encuentran bolsas de basura afuera de los contenedores. El Condado vende todo lo que es reciclado, no vende la,basura para eso cada propietario paga la basura todos los meses. Si usted no esta interesado en nuestro ambiente y mantener el Condado limpio por favor piense que entire mas recicle va a pagar menos en el recibo de basura y asi contribuira con el ambient. Recurede por favor, no ponga basura en los contenedores de reciclar.Mantenga los costs bajos. BEDROOM DINING ROOM SUITES SUITES LIVINGROOM ODDS SUITES 8 ENDS S\ I Av - CJLOOr KiF. Sa rr C4LOOSA: Q- Zja. ,ariru l Ct-L 0- OSRF -" *W* mSII 11 -, .. :~C"^~" I; r-z We pledge to operate our newspaper as a public trust. We believe journalists are nothing more than guardians of every cit- izen's right to a free press. We have no authority to compromise, bar- gain away or dishonor the principles underlying the First Amendment. We don't play loose with the facts. We give notice to your opinions, not ours. We encourage vigorous discussion of public issues, but try to keep everybody's comments within the bounds of fair play. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your edi- tor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Alr r*rc~u ~-b F~a~e-l~;.~ ise~ ... F-srpravt- tournt Ist cpsi ti wor; P%5R o m . vN V-..r~L. r.llX I,.,,... ..r-.~~~~.-- ~ ---.P--- .P-~~~ A legitimate role for the press is that of "the public's watchdog." Most citizens can't spend the time necessary to personally observe their public officials at work, or to determine how well public insti- tutions are carrying out their public mission. But too many newspapers these days act more like "mad dogs" than "watchdogs." We're proud to be different. We try to carry out our "watchdog" role as humble representatives of the public, always maintaining a courteous tone and our reputation for purposeful neutrality. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism Your pap not ous. Yiiifnii AI with CIL OS .&L -~ c i'w.s AJdT s- I "LI MU'l ~ta6s~3 -ra- -,;* .~ ct ~ [~ ~P~,~H6iT~ l Community Service Throug~h Journalism Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23,2006 10 \ Ofme^ "occ4C 1247 Riverbend Drive LaBelle, FL March 28th, 8-10 am 8 4-6 pm $775,000 LOiE WHERE YOU LIVE! This fully furnished 3BR/ 2B riverfront home in a deld ; ri In..i J .:...T.imui ,lr[ .:.i.rli,..:l i -i ilie r,. ..'i-:J l [ 'I"l pfiiI ):,ur ''ii lpnij' i t. Ii. d', k .r"' li ,t ,i i 'l H J, l 'ii 'i"jrgt'- C I i I.r Hi ' 1 'I-:c l.'' :.'l r. i l i. ili '.lH:" H'r..H..Hil hi h ', cri u ..unr.i ) H tl i cd l ll I J ilTiiHi 'I .' Hl.i..r 'Jicr if'nrJi.i.:'nri '".'Jrci 'H iiuijl' r p... l r .r ,' i ur-t .:Ia I r ..l'r' jr j hJr J i ri : iI plji,. iI,, r : 'if'ouir 1 .1ilT ,:r h,.ei ., :c ...J r h -.. m-- i ,jfcu l.' .'H i :.. D i i .:.ur fi -: : .1 m i.,j' 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL sL 863-675-4500 Sn r. www.SOLAND.com I i , Investments 6 Real Estale, Inc Im--- '..o.:. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTDINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: ED1H HACKMANN SCOn HACKMANN AND TIM SPENCER 675-0500 NEW LOCATION! 233 N. BRIDGE ST On he corner of BRIPL-:E Si *S W AL;HII'2iH0i 03LHA OLEElNuOL tLMri.r.ALMi tli 2BEDl DROO FlB,1Ir4 HOUSE .lii I.l .lll: i.I- 1 III \ CLL FOR MOR INFORMAnON l. li.C $125,000) N U N i Fih It NEW LI'IN ( IN CI PE CO RAL, L'..|, : : ... l,,,ill NEW LISI NG ( I [N LHI]GH A(CR i T 16,:,1j,...,, ', l .h :,l,,1 ,,: 1 I l,-,, ,, l : l,. l i,,ul , .,..T ,: ha : ,1,*, jr I ,: rr,1 h. ,, I ; J .".".":" .1 .d ; (, ,5,ulfl ]l ..'Tl I' l I, 'r I.i' I ... I p|Hl'l" .l l | II v'HC.IF 'r 1c 1 . Ahi L 98,4UU NvE LIm ING' IN PIONEERI .I,:,.li,,,,, '201 l i,:,: .BtdROOM2 A8 fH, 2 CAR D L(HE D t. IL,, ,\( i.. ,,,1 dl ,,-l,. l,,,,,-,,,, l i,: ,, : i C.i DC[ ..T ..' r L ,'P :II,: M .....: h l p cim ljj|, .. .' J ,nl|| l ,,,J lll. ,,, l,, ,'l ,',,: ,.n 1 L,1,, Ill I : .l,l,| <.1, 1. 1 ,',(IIJ ', ,.-I ,. J IL. tl I r 1 2 S (C I1" l'".li':.:" H ii' i'i...r. $' 9,lili . IN LEI. H G H A( 'Rfts -i'T .. I .1 i ll i il ..it I: II.' H..ill. O L'tr )'I .i '') i'r- ''. l.lu i. H. -I I Hi .. [ i Le i il ..- i '.'. 5 ( Ii,Iolici ch REDLIC[D $210i:,li:iJ BLtLD Lt CA.AUL FROM 10i ..i L1- jl., 'l, I .,,, IN PORE L4 .L .i : tc:,:J.., I 6 li' ..i I I; i- L',:, 555.InI lu .ic.. H ll '. I.' u. .h. l 1.. l'I 5,UII l 6L i l i B N SN LO T ... r.[ ...i ... l. 1.. 1il l .i ,.i BEDROOM,2BAm I R (A R .6[... I, n I. -if,:ll.: ..: ..I.' I I I .1.1 I $ I, III .l I It,'.'.ul:h'.,jI I'h. ,i h p. .J Ir. J jl'.l'.h .,.- Jril ll.:, ,. h,:,', ..,',i i. F' i i .As.j L _ .:Jl.i....l REDUCED Il",900. 2 LO i. r- ;,...,,,H: $ q,0, 1 i each OFF MARFIN LLTRIR KINGJR. BVDT '.,..l0,,,, 0[I LOi NI 1 .' ,, i.hIr I ,I I .li ,,$ <$1,i.ui. I 'h,.mr ,illiJ 'l j l.i ''"' I.''I 12. 9,9l011 l. 1i ITN NITI ..'\.lii $ '.U0 LOC TIO IN LEHIGH A.:REl '.pi:,l....T. :,1, i LO0 IN[INI ,IIki $445,f000. .n t-Jll bal, l i" 1 ,, .: ,.:ll,:,I ....IIh '.- .,,,., .,u,:, LO TO N ;I..l;,,.l ..' ,Jl: I,, i. l h ,01 ) r b I ,. I.t d.. ,1 h. ,F 1 J.'1. ," J Jr, ',Er l,, r rl l:h-' I., K 1 (CT r.,, 1 .t.,,. ,V .:kol : 0 2.000. ,,u ri...ughh I'.. F,.:i.. i.ii. I. u 1 L,, $21 .tl000 N E. TRADEWINO (R(LE. $51,9)00 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 105 LaBelle, FL 33935 A$ r i..\ (The Wallace Plaza) 863-675-5923 Mary Diaz Lie Real Esilre Broker (561) 385-3282 Yamile Carreno saies Associare COSTAMAR (786) 255-8096 C O STAMAR Abigail Soto Sales Associale A T (863) 599-1218 REALTY W e iill help Iour Real Estate dream come true RESIDENTIAL 2 acres in beautiful Oakhaven Brand new 3/2/2 Unit 1, close to Estates cleared with pond Elem School. $235,000. $230,000. 3/1 CBS home in great condi- COMMERCIAL tion. $165,000. .58 (half acre) lot in city limits. 2004 Built CBS home in Unit 9 Establish your business just on 2.79- acres w t--wrap two lots oft Hwy 80 $299,000. .around po)ch anda mLc more Two brand new steel buildings $585,000.each measuring over 9,000 sq. PORT LABELLE LOTS ft. $1,775,000. 1/4 acre in Unit I on greenbelt MONTIUI close to Elem. School $41,900. a 1/4 acre oversized corner lot in 1.25 acres with some pines, no Unit 1 close to Elem School restrictions $38,900. $59,900. 1.25 acres on corner lot off 1/4 acre corner lot surrounded canal $40,500. on three sides with greenbelt 1.09 acres $70,000. in Unit 2 $42,900. PIONEER PLANTATION 2.22 acres in Unit 9. completely 2 5 acres cleared with drive- surrounded by greenbelt city way and culvert installed, water, electric, street lights, temp. light pole ready to build fenced, high and dry, close to on. On Hendry Isles Blvd. middle school. $219,000.' $120,000. Hablamos Espafiol HERE DREAMs NIiBR END! tOiC t.I hll I, n l:i .,,rh iil' 2Iif iA thici. :.r" :i ) I'u .,PI,. ihc li.ic *...."i jri.J r itir r...pr. l 'i r i l n i.:.'iT.r .eu *ir F'il H 'i, l'alel I l'J I.. i: i ] r l u reI ,: o, ,- ,J t j Ir L rjl[ j ii J i 'n ] | g .:tII ,ri, c l :'jbrilci n ti H,-m': il n'.' f i II: ; L-r, up.l'-I ifid :fie. iJ:.nr air l.p I Dir M A l.ti I'J lure. tLbii'.in l '1: l'- u.w r :," '.'c, j irld er.c J n d l1 uLl', r L ,ir lif li i: h S*' gr.hr' id i.:Pu -p i .. C1ii. .1.. I i' 'u t[0 $898,000 ONhKREE, GRACE 11IS .90 ACRE LOT j. id .B' k i hlll T Ilh I t-lU lldl I I :.rs ti :. ..'rb hj .h'S ,ic :.r .,;j rful I tlJi c l t ,i f 'L ';.n -, ,q pl_ rij.,)n ri_.rTic irid.)i' u'ilfl f H'1...:iTi ir pH.J t.:1 il dj')k ~ ll-h I o.iii'uiijIr1H ,_ .illIt.,HHlj:c Ill.JLe- i)":"'1 I -.r ruT ,p itid i[c'u'i n,.,jn $P 9,O0 FTFORI>ABLE. LLiLiRUY. LULNG ON ifWE ISHOtilSOF iTH CA OOSAAICHIE. RI'ER TRe. i n.,.r .:.ui [i'. Ini'iu l'.urt'..l icr.J hr.I',: 14 :']....? pilIr u J 1 lI'.r u'I ' 'l,0T:c I hft l il .t. I .llr 'l I'j f r. II ,J.:.i..c ,Il .l'id 'rillip' . iJ iTL i i) h: r'.r r ii'Il u|iH'J!i Hl"J ..,iuldin'[ C\' I:l HJr[.r .c ['Hi', ell Ij r~il Iii- H I,',u i, r ., : lHi'l. h',,.tLJhJit h,','Pic 'l I ,t.. -t FJn rcldi, ,.1 M il ,. Ih. Ir.i I : L llJ4 .. iL' It t if.l ,) ile ifr. riiiird n 1395.000 JV1a93l0 k :W DRF&AOTJJU IOE iiiiRI s m 1-ARrEtiTflfl.J .,J i .-', h llI ,i :ll : .11 II.i'. l "h.h t,' i ,. : ,T nl :' nj ,,01 f OFIr 'E .F-RONiA Fl''.. ;';. Pl hr I Fl 5 '=- i, l r'l,, r, i. I ,v li in .. IJ.l ,, l I' III. i rl ..lrlll [ .i i:i l .' li ] [.:it ll r .|Ii..,lli.4.'.l II H l''i h $9I j,0tlfi ir.0 P bO-Tru RIVI-~(O- 'I)F (i.lFl PORT FLLLE j RAt I lI[ I ,ln lln i it J I l I l .l I ,,-,- ,l'. .. I il ..l. I. i L ,-% 1,1 I 111 l ". I h ..lli''i ih. .' : L"I,- OFI ERN! .$,4I.i'H j i.,, i l.-ih IlHIHi 'D i. i ''', 11hHI, '. 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PiII i lu -l' J '1 'Ci., t.i-c- Ir ilI.iui: .t-rt.i 1625,000. AWESOME & ifIN SOM Il i B11 I'bNd lfi ACSTomn :i itiCrll Ii r, Iht. PR.n iLt l PR ri:hTrii: Th i hri:.rit ulI f 7ii 1.ft II I ti' rlih r-jturr; IIIe iiTinir, "i')]) l,': r( , -il-ii .,'itLt.j .' ii n 2 ctnif'c'A, 'uruLimn t |:'i i V ti lL u, ([.i $619.900 WORK OR PLAY ON l FENCED 5 A(RES Sr .j:,uis i,.-oi: J450,000 NW CONSITRUlCON!I 'b 25 :i l:B, ilTme ifr. ll re , I binil *tl: i ,i; io! li i.L f ,aicf irid ind iajl.:",j.l ifir c ['th id]pi -- i,'-; ihal : I .: I.: L t [it m H t nci hiTh i-d- - i-l3c l-i\i. mUlli)y .IIfit C *pl)Jliu. cILr bt i ill. Ji litfc |Ti1'-c "Jrn Ilmuit ly I )M tis brcclci -a I Irj ilIi l' l] ITl'l.i Plj. 'L'I rr, p l u r l ir' n i'-m I.'b l.[4 i i '1I0 Ji r'il gitll flot-. pl.." w rt, eli Ledro ~. lxi I-i i nI, gpcu ' ritri rcd 1irr1 -IuL lie i .mtint' A iT' 'i b ,ii s. ,,r In t.d P.Jni'i Mi..lt[ Llh IcJiu n i IJrdc-i rdb ''pirJl h0.'Cl iL ,in l 'Lr'k. Hi, irkJ hecr m r (l ..cHi, a. ii I ie i: I ITii .i li.,r pln ii. l1ii. .:1i"irLl J h I 1. L'ii ji Ii' h.1 il l 111 389.900 SPACIOUS NrW CONSTRUCiON ii S ~HiM'inrn, 2 :-ic i. I i ,l-l l 'm t' c- i-dru. ; hijiu'h,'u" J hlt'Ji'd ,.cll in tyrtii i...'. Di[i"lE i L":.m jir, kll:li:ri t i l-d ludI (,r ,-I''',.ilc- : n -l, ., lll: ':'! J'llli. .:.. Ho J.] ld ii'J l' l ii~ll iC [,ik l.. li r -. In'ii ufi iCr tru.- Bfi.l.. pIjcI . Sj.i .. ii, u. l ,.d i J,' J339.000 'BR0IMhAtCKfLLAiL WE'LL h1r) ON i - :li Uiin.r'BOWiOrX^lW Q.lAil Is ON DIAPLAl IN LHESE'.ir.,i. in, h, ,,T,: ,- r y-,, 7 l 1 11 ,: t]. : tlr i l wb ...: J r. : 13 i;n.,_ric. n .: i, u,,: I ^, i: |,-..,| ,.- r la i,.,, fI.l- h. I .. f ..','I : i 'J A : l 0 . l ...l I 1'.n i-I..' 1d' iHE irhl ll2l ITi .r l ruJ 'l I,,d : ,'ir i i., 'hi: i i i' i .l I lr. li ni i 29,ill n)0! $399,1lOU IOlATIUN, lOiAi)N *IiiSS'THIS irip'u:iit 'bP 2_1A hl" I'Tic D l j ,Ti i I 'i nl bAilh li' ic higItil j13i' ir.J: 1l' 'IlJ Ih "t ii..m n J'pmin ,ri,'.l Ijfc r plaTril hirl s,, ..: I .j .l ril. ,u l lin l iI'.il.ji.' .i t r fi .i i h-r I. lI p ,k riwii rilll n.ri ii c j IHd r 'l' i.-rII T.T I h1rinie c 'u,1I '1 fni" ii b:.ji "(c 'i :' ilir Ir fli):.i:,t h l :li ~l IH. c .2'9.01K, -. i'i i LCb. .t': pkED BD -.)rjic jrOl Linv iig:i L.ini' [i,,d1 i-t, hlUI Irjruitn ,siliJIh: c1 -CIITg: r i ...:. d n] ':''. t,,llUl i t,,.,,C pinll J I I,'rg s.liF d Lur'e Il H :1-" ilHEM ki LiF L u b iuif iul w-.) 'shim itr in' ludigri j Cbul in il . n'-i di ...r, lIu/ i f.y il ipun ah-l pir ilc]l DpLo r ui..-, 1,:,, ,Ti H |i i. e-l C-r. fi: l.tc il htn'.r (0219.900 AIB BTiHA'LkAR 1,H1i00ON'TfCRE. Ftirii.r, ,T,Vfln cwrrUi trlTi k,,,:j \,JJy I $. Irtb $e it219.900 DREAMS (AN BKO0 REiLTIffi SI r i.bii i. "|i lAl,,i..' 1.Liru ;',iih ut-|| hii'h diti 't u 'J i.h rliin'i [Pc;i..':. nilld ]. ,nl u199.90) nTnl.I l'IiI' l'icn n n i l' ,I-16 ]^ ll"ri i Ihl nll',I 3 cn-rihnnnl ] : .T - h-.: r i t ,th i. 4 + i i, c i'i. i it'li': 'ln;. bi i i Fc. run' ii,:l n :l'lhl -I Iil'"i plcri rii' l:,ol- :' r, -Jcic rJlc 'iltc ir rd i 1l1 jIe. rti.'I. .,I i'l. iill:i .,' L-mi,.-Ji '.'l '-"Tc $154 90 . COWbt u'"'Il, HOMEm ,, (,n ,rr'\:., I'zi, iI i 1 1 I 1: i'..:.' Thin. i' .2 i i l-i. I A b ru 111 t.I' rl[ri imr i if.'nj Ij'I A nI7 L nll'. 'diim-ri[ ti' .'in'm t 'rrein I, l l.jlluT. hi 1nir.i'i c l'. imiji l u'ri[ Ii'- p i.rri ul Inti_ irld * a ri dif0.isic: f i-ifii ,l'tmI iii )IlMi. Isiifj i pdsiiJ An lrj,-A,,, ,,,,Ti ., --n1 It -. i-illIt r:.l Icr-,Fi ..i 149,500 Cl YL AN A WirTEFmiuTLIPDATU Je-.cilo I[,. B '.b'1 C-l' l: T ri. l:i..iiiirri 'i ,iic -mcii l.ji..r pLir .,li '. WLil L,',.lAlri|j, pli ,,llr lrn ilih if,1 jrn.,hl, Fl. ,--..lidili 6c ii pi.ibllliu' .. rI t .1.r'., 116 i- ll I tr I c- r t..J i i l id I R IN oIstf'ENT RELN E. ,ROPEfCO ltmf'u,,plciT., l. c$ ..r. 14 1 II" rl., l i L,.o M L (10Q pi moUlh l. Opi o9.900 M r l :111stl1 :. MUsE AREA MINI RANCH PROVIDES MAXIMUM PI.EASIIRE Alm T:,'.l ni w ut.l':i .lJ nh,,- l I.,-. .. S' I ,l I-in l Iin.- nirl i Isrc, : i rhdid hini ..I II.i .ii IcinT., uri.,Urilji L' i t' r tII -iiP' ..R-.IA :, A '. ,ill I'- i, !,1 i,'l, riri-ll ,++,,n l. i-i, -ro.. -a,n il i r % ,it l i druj. il -.1i r'i rliiirir 'JLM't h Fiii Ji rri L, ru di 'irc h i rlmg h-Pr l I, -i.j t:lr -. 475,001) .u4'CAH 'fi-difH"II"6"N 1i ioThFKt'~'r 31 :;,'..4 , alhiA L' iinsrur i,,.i hi1i : n 11 i ,,i i ns-sh " K h i P '.'im ih' cn.nii~i :.ri- fiii;i-n.i. i ,rJ iili 'ri. -. 0- .C sPsCf WIlRrI SHOUTiING sBOiUiT, iMrY. inm... q'i mte 4BFh BA :.. q I' more hoi- e c't 2 :' f .-a ht. n i ,IlA dr1 l tcd' i ithr.oglohuuil -phi l r pli luTs igr kiliAr.'. illh I.bl' i:1 CSc'l-l ,:i ;, dimr, iriTi h ii budr in ,'hirij c'buiir fireplre in rllTny mimr, Ci' ie I')nt hi.'t. F *'I T', mit lrA t,'lh hi ilinrti rit c&psril 'lli ii r.lri .c'd rlr-d- [i[tipr. lid 11e6, 'Ji "ii ,crc'i :i',i ri,tirtri aochrel cwil" in, 24.%u l 11ed Why qualify w'en )on don'l hice I. Owner Ronai- ing I% avaiaibli on this home $225,000. 3BR.28A MOBILE HOME ON 2 A(RES. Mo.n. i:. i mint ..,',idilbrr C)w', r I ln' ,lpli lcd ...ik r.d si I t,' i lrem inld .HiL 1iil i':ie Lar, l h',l ticn i-nd Iid i rcld 1 pri.- Tffr.'lc 'Ii'hAeigt I'e2s .2.ge [lil irri i,. l C,1AiTon m.:. plnt.l. kri HIoJ aind 199,900. iBIs 8R.2BA'ffX H-OSOF T ,iT c. u|si ,c. ain .i- "clelir a Dm je'- (I:iunry Line or, Sl Tilm ih I I> j r t'i buy [.or,'t L, our, heJulYII.,ur Wpit":',rlltcril, Pl:y 199,900. OWm'OiN PFCEOI O COU1TR',i lthin minute f ,.l.r 2' ,Jutluc.cid t.o c', ,i.'. i -.rhi l .ii 165.000 NEr "dBI A HO'Wr- O :h fi ,miilh drl. Ir,J cil it pki'iuire Hr viilycim r.-ilvli nn i ILh l iBPl'.A ric.b, le h-i'.m fPci'i, .,i'.:lJjc ie t .icheniw'c i abin.L. it n r,.nOl. iJ. i pir,:., li& t h doi.k, I ,riJLlj, ir.iT ld iq a fi 1 W ioil *hl IH15,000. COMMERCIAl BUILDING ON 1.28 ACRS Lr, thit buiv u:.im i. Lrilrol iin ad Bn'ld: lrtc. MrLal It r', utmpplriel ic'icJc In i n) rii. ailh but'ire i n i.p ijri Ir irour ,r e iinijr uc bulinp lin-de rruni--l rifiin fuil lihi.hri, Iricp- ui-jr, jt i ind 2 bjlhrtimi in ide I .-' W- ipi ffi. u Jric d Ihr ic-inm ilh N:'uillnr.p' iJ nd helmipt i'ould t .utld 'r pinr c,"buirn liL., ifpicfl r r wi' l otI ir C-.I 'D.,im ii' hi IOlrffic .ir, $1,250,000. PLANTOFR Vi- ROtMBL.B FUTtIIRE NOi. Ec oiltn I..:ji I.',[ .)Flr tl' iuic '[il Hi mNil. i .r il -i i..E ll e hlJ [.:jiji-. 1 l s .. p i .rt el'. r urire .)rua ng is P.d..pi l ' irilill:n l !LbR ?BA rtnir l i 'j.j n it I': .'..jiEr'Ir IIi. o i.h ni Yf .I r [A *- rcf..i i.t Imcil ( ill... 'dil 899,900 LOOK NO FURTHE R!T: hri : tr-I .r h- ul pi i r 1 i ti ,,i f ,, il ,,,,iI, bu h e ,, 1.:.'iide I,' lu i'. ,.ir i' i ,i ,, 611i l 1i h ,;'. .), h i ll ... ii.' .L it li ,A 6 0 1 i .- ic .i l l ri ,I .lr II. ll aiili r.:i $199,900 JLisF OFF TWY i) IN LBELLF ITL ?41 t u. J1.ri 3 iJ-,i ,Jri'u ii IcI,. rhh:rn I,,i Ii'j, ,ini,. i.', I.,,:i i i s i'Ia ,i 'l. : p":'0"- 1 1l', t$ 1 5I ri i.: [l. [ J lhrj ,' (1 5 ,1 0 0. I.2iFCRF ZONEDU L- OW 9' 291 ,,.-t H,-ie hT 'lii'i. ipetri':irL B.u. -eti .igru1t c IJ t' l.oIl -iTi F'-i A'.,v h,, BE lin hlm' i': .lsi aiioa iht ~ri thLfi IcTl Jcl.d ie f-i:f.i lr,'h :alJ t or pi. JanJ ...:rc_'li, p'r,'h 2 icmi'ic hn.' cIn.) 1 1ii1 p:le t['niT .rcs I- tu -ir $20,90. S0 'fiff 7_liLTEn ;' 4irf. Ti, .', Lie mrni; ih' l r I'T. ." Ji in or r 'piI.' )-ui hcu:.ir' i'I ii L. rnpl igrcIN T, r c.L TiJ ~liA:t budding: i like I~ ii' d I ciji L .cri ll li.ald oTA H> ) 1 ,:. ,roi l,:,., .l Iell 'i, niL 'ii- a II V l Ci LU)' Iii $ 24,500. COWBOY WAS OMfMRCIAL FIXER LPPER bt mild o-i , a. I (ll8 tl bulding w Cth C I orurg 175,000 39 ACRES IN MUSE OF OFF SEC RETARIAT I 2 mi i fro.n prJi'J rid],J iic i.iimgi y ,. i t il I' .',r S ,ld il-uJ,: I crii'l, lhc :udj. : -r. i:.j .oimp rl l i r:cri-di ,0 1It r Oi L r e ui: pl-mt ,Oa cin Im ', ci. mrngirg in i it r'im 18-24.l il'.'L LI,,.r lnr\l-d iid [r clii: cCi.w e li 'Lr'ee.'JId r J,'r [jrl, i-- rllr fr' . iIf In pl.': L irypr. hri)l .-nI tr,-7 ri:T; 'iiilh dll HL. Ihi MldnJi I il'undj, r p -,Pl% pli,. Ic.1 i iarj i[lj.Livo nijn- Pr:,-,,, eri.le. pr,,- (,1800,01)0. PROI(i CiG ORANGE GR D ) w 'n. i hi o._Lr. S'i. niril.i! iro'u- iw.ts rrniPilL irrig srsis Lrj.:.'i_.nr prud- .- i~I 121 r'I l j. ri.I H:.i -i b .: plir .il,;l I:, k2i4 m lIJ l l .." m,.r 112,500 per acre V lil ONA 4Ra'X. 1? 32 ACMS nC iF.., ,,|,F,1 . ,.'iti. L Uc ,ri i I d ':I'c- 0u wilh ,Mldu r I h'.i'.i- f tlt, H .. c ,:, I i i":. i- Id c-t]i jipp'.c J wili i- :c :f --l i-i4-i p.AIr um hri : fc i i f i :. ,pc ..''s r, ln I'jii J ':,,:id Eci...a' I-j rL.A 'h a,-: 1iJL1,teJ i J Ihc .uniTrr, 1 Ullf. l I[,. Iliur t hrA ,i hui-' r. ii .: l 1.280.000 48 0tRIES1R- f11I.X' ini^ihv TlTrit.p. -It rulil i. pir-.plT O 'i: IhiTimrN.l. i;,pit iridJ pl.[,tlici 5 :Crcl i If.u-gh i[ NF r.I p.,Lnj 61,100,000. 30 BieiiTkimiLIACRE -'S IN fiMi.it; irci F 1' *. I lir. .. I iL.d I, .] T'..I i' L.n l '...Jd j j '. ..' .ri -jli i ldr1..! i flojInn rvK t, $ 0i5:.:,Nr fIo ,705,000 20 lRnEI T A'"iT. ,,f pj.c .in II.'. Irni l [I, t pkk Ihl: tr rlii hoi'llfe c Enll) ilr. .luli in l ',.mi.h Ihe nildlifr 1. hi1,Cunt.e Pun: i.,ld C,:,irlTr Li,.rci h').l,. p '1:'' I l l-i rr ir.j I:; Ir" ln J trn Ihirn &,1. 5498,000 -a ATiATD' lCEgi '.'T ,tiii, l m;, ;i'l,7 c--i c-i v i o ',Ir'nbc- Iht0 ls e lui_ '.rd rJl' L 'ji i,:rA Lr, Ihb in Ithr:ics. Ilt,.t l ,iie-e ,,ir Y d[o fmh ari d i- tl r [,11I i.:dr $389,000 i 0ARE i N CLAL5ES lcoDlNYV llBiTs"trTp-, In].J rcIild) i f buiiJinF L rAli oc. F.i..nlriici i..J $145,000 1 BRIN S1ZHE ODi65 AE X 0HlO Tr;4 iH. 'in in l i, '- I,.r ioii, FI .uiiFr..:d L,1i,: Ihl 1-. ftI ci. inl. 'ia J '' .:ild r,- i 1 i ,rtl ii'il, rind, -a i q n ,..,n'n i: ft,: u -I.. A1ji ni' r, -.: rS.. iTAl- n l_ ii $325,01M0 M|:I"- Cj p'l A pI l i' :l.& li i :10 phr H.i-llijg Iih p1.-Li'i l If prounld pimai Build .uiur drcim h.ime ht ic '.ul rC'lequ ellU mj. -x : iedJ s I Ihoire.le Ai. ;I $269,900 5 igH Tl ACRHONT1PAVEDHtOlietiYBZ T .'uM;. cind pilr- c mi ofl LiEflIc orly ,ir irie; s r.m it Ic ",c'iomr, iii 1flu pirLl on be daided mou r^in'o on ii~. n, Pn...: Iui .rl 1 $225,000. 5 BEAI[TMl AtRES IN MUSE ti L.:.hbTLh, lu'r I. S til-til PJ 2Ir.i I. I rilitk Puv yic ie hr.k.r : o Ih iblhc trui rL, ini.iim t 1200,000 each. PEAIE AND 01lifn L >i,; u -o.aill flriJ"EiiF T~.7.,- p' pnio lla ) klr r I r Iflh ['.i pi fltin'i lun filrp r hi., A . rre m l iiiii' ocn it i. jijt pci- l in.r h-u.r-, I .'l i.:. lor K Rrf.iruinii 185,)l)ii 5 A C R E S IN A b 0 l 1.i L p t r tu I t o e 'aloi ciJLu 1 1l65.u00. BEALtIFlilLY W i OODlIfY.5'-'. ALREL wrib g,:.i1 :,,. . r,:.lj OIIi Ai l.cb Ai roitrii- H:.rdHi r. ,iB d 589,901) I.5 -t PloNR. nel0.Id %T. trTT,7%,r .ii ni:,'t- .,f N plei., High & .Jr) uiih pliiii ll i nrid pii1.; i79.900. MOMTIRU ANCB HERThS I a i. i: c.iLiIM ell H piu.. diiv'- i- r.. J ..,.n7ct e .lt I..,' 1. n min c w idr i.wtl h.ii|T: on ti-p ptrpTTr i '.ih ,':.r,:u iu. ic-' a)liS J "ndil iodl hmidy $6',500 57 TAC I i D RT'F lJEL D CONc IlO'IT, I""-l .i ,' ld` t) I rlipi-'it i R.t.'.J.I J lid 1-.1. .'JO .il-n J61bi t -nm--. J.it" iB, iJm p ) i iw, d ijlJ Lt,~ ie L.n I,.itm ': i ". i i phli.ied furinaie aca'-.pmeL $52.000 pr acr 1.25+1- ACRE HOE1 Cl7TE ON PA\VED iro M..n ni ; $49,900 MON1W1E1B ASCHFTnYf T.'r : 'Ftc Hlit ai:nr c. n i'op ir t his l- n i Jui'-'t'i i li ulru .u dni,.w $47.511 mlinLlr' 'i In Mi d iei (.ri lJ bi J- T iTru i ai', :r L'r i1 j )1) I Ihn,:c trlt nJ F'lITr L.'- ,rJ ir n llh j .[ .'.1 l, ' po,,cfid $30,0000.lr3U r. pi'J --OOOpracrc - HOtMLITES AVAIABLEm in L.jil ,' [, Il l,:..Ji-r.l I "2 qCRES OF BEAUTIFLiL OLD FLORIDA )OAKs I iI I- i, *'j ". ',..11 I ir ,- .lr Tip t I. Ttk I 1i7 lc : ll : i.,iri ...,fi'ir- ,. i ,'r:: I An. ... l: h ,hll. ll.1.h,: f: i rf ]r', l ,i1. l r: I ..' I : I'' h.],: I.. *,:,: Ili,. -I'C [':' Jr '1.:' I r,: ir l Il,: .l' lc h'.,nT,: ; .ll,:, 5: $225.000 THIRD 10 FIND OAK FILLED CORNER LOf ,.ih, Are .irL nli ,,I H,'c' il LtI I. "1 it 'i T i-- hr t uI.nji Ili,,iilir.i. . $ I5S 00. $L. 0IO. .._ .. .. .. : BARD 10 PIND A HOMI M'T 3, -i-. ACRE OFF I.U OAK LNE.., 1 hrA.ii..n T,-il ,O r h .I-nl- J .H i ..i tu":1"itn- : r" 'tiiT'- l' I-f li ir' i ii lr1 i'j ".''.-"cdr r.-.i jji ''i I',ius i"A-I- 5125,000 . 1i2 sctr ON :HlllH1II IKilL -,A t1. c,': A i ic ,i-- B. uHii r ti j I. ].:|..L (90.00 H BUWit OIff J TOlBi ifT I i 2'". 1T L2BEl.:.,, q:uid, ul dJ. 'l.s P'icd :. ll noi ; ,Q0.000. ; Bllffo V% 6RtfO 1 f TafjiTTi. : i i .,i .. i c-ldo' RI .lll lrli.:r ,'l l hi., ",iiin i .'l'. L [ptc 1.rt 'u.1i h.:I. d Oi a t i', ii ii ":i11 $85,)00 159,900. PORT LABULLE BuILDABLE LOTS I 4.' ,ii's ,,1., L'innilc- ,Ainr .inlt.c II.LI .rilog friT. i $3'1,0 and up "- ffil ir b .-il'l, &:l.: -ill l ici-f rLul -- -, . IROPIWCL GUU ACRES iT. i:hr...nre ':...-rA;:.- 1".:,- I(ohi ii ti. "ii i l :.li c i .- .1 .I nlj'l. A'BA HOWN1 ON Q[IET S REE Thu: i,. .BA in. iii.jI-J i .i,:r i,'l.i hto An.,- ,' plcp:['i :,i-'., ,:.i-.l j p!rr) i i.'i t .-I iH..l. .Ti 's'" 265,000. r, in'Tk'fo n'0':"'okr, ,F.r; - Pm pcf 'J,. 'her.d, wx, ';"l )lr Ui'IJ |T|IIJ[';. r., 1.1 ..1 ,'iii.,"r .'-.r L d 'c i h ,\,n C( ti..' ,. i h h l t .u idl ,l .. .r ,I i ,3-H i l i i i" : . 'unlifxi-.I d ncd 0r.:.-ci 83,000 o d-fl up I: dll .i r.ial ;:AlH il. Fr ilt:c 566,900. 2-2..B(.li'fif L".2ALTi'o'r V,-.It- I 31 ;tl-,-;i;.,, S62.tW) fiie A\.i 549,900 0o $54.900. im i"i Bid Hoo' r ieActii ,-Ik ,l r .,j a $5. 52.500 rach . The Intracoastal Caloosahatchee River.... love where you live! . .. 4 :-. .: w': B8MHP '4^^ - #8 CA1. A-A #11 Vt:" jlFaUWj 1E* #9 #12 ff1I "[H L.LU'E- 1'KPIMJ I E \ E LOP MENT! NMI iana, Re sidential. Commercial ,Rc :rea2tnonal. 192 +/- acres, of which approx 301(. +/- acres is a Inarina; 9 hole golf course; 2 watei plarits,.2 se\ver plants; 2 heated pools; 2 restaurant stri.ctlures RV' sites and fully iutl ruished c:lbins $28,800,000 #2 THE PERFECT TENI Masterrful.ll designed & built cutoi' 3 2 )5 riverfront estate lihor. tiii.uated on 10 +/- pri- \.at. mil.i iciaastal acres, in one of rloi i.:la 'si ost rapidly growing a.li,. $2,895,000 #3 BE DUTIFULL RIVER- FRO)NT VIEW! This 1.79+/- acit- icritront homesite has been i:le sed and is ready for building. This property boasts 133+/- feet of gorgeous river- front scenary. $899,000 #4 PARADISE! This 3/3 split floor plan riverfront home has great landscaping and beautiful Iriverfront views. Take advan- tage of your own dock w/ boat lift, boardwalk and small beach. $899,900 #5 RIVERFRONT ACREAGE AT A BARGAIN! Invest in this oversized 2.5 +/- acre lot on the Caloosahatchee. This amazing property boasts 120 +/- feet of river frontage. DON'T let this amazing price pass you by. $799,000 #6 RIVERFRONT, ACREAGE AND UAKS! '2 story 3/3 + Den/Office,. rocking chair porches, outbuilding, too many extras to name! Gorgeous 2.53 +/- acres w/ an amazing 230++/- feet of Riverfront. Horses allowed. $845,000 #7 MAGNIFICENT RIVER- FRONT HOMESITE! Build your dream home surrounded y gorgeous views! This 1.74+/-. acre lot boasts a generous 126+/- ft of river frontage. $759,000 #8 ENJOY DAYS OF RIVER VIEWS! From this spacious 4/3 Riverfront Home. A screened' lanai over looks a spectacular view of the river w/ aboat dock and 10,0001b lift. Located in Caloosa Estates. $799,900 #9 THERAPEUTIC SET- TINGS! Enjoy this beautiful riverfront lot with long range views of the river. 1 +/- acre with approximately 140' of river frontage. $585,000 #10 LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE! This FULLY FUR- NISHED 3/2 riverfront home is in a deed restricted community overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway. Enjoy your own pri- vate boat dock with lift and 8 person. Jacuzzi on large screened lanai! $775,000 #11 OVERSIZED RIVER- FRONT LOT! This beautiful 1 +/- acre homesite has over 100 feet on the Caloosahatchee, and is located in LaBelle's only gated community. Included with the association fees are water, sewer, pool, .recreation center, boat slip and storage: $499,900 #12 APARTMENT & ACR- EAGE IN FT. DENALiD' This property has a 2 story, 2,232 -/- sq. ft. building n full apariimern above and three car garage below, situated on 1.84 +/- acres. $759,900 #13 BEST RIVERFRONT PRICE! This .53 +/- acre lot is in LaBelle's only gated commu- nity, Riverbend, boasting mani- cured grounds, community water, sewer and clubhouse with a pool and tennis court. $479,000 #14 TURKEY CREEK SUBDI- VISION! This oversized home- site has a barely lived in 3/2 doublewide, 12'x 15' Ted's Shed and 44' dock, built to coastal salt water standards. Located in Ortona. $450,000 #15 TWO AFFORDABLE RIVERFRONT LOTS! These lots, approx. 65'x 100' each, have a beautiful river view in front and a pond in back! Located in Moore Haven's River Gardens S/D. $199,900 each. it.,, - ii -4 .. -. .- ..AiteA; 2fW~4E #14 #15 'II 1 i -'c-w -#15 t~~a i-t - Southern land it ,-y '-* . '" Sherri Denning Licensed Real Estate Broker Associates * Emily Ankeney Lisa Herrero * Tony Barnes 'Paul Meador * Gregory Bone Phyllis Kelley- * Lisa Cleghorn Miller BIuiC NI \\.ip lt MNILQuO. DI-enn.I I CP\ -I I P. ,.I I,, 111111 g k, ... Investments & Real Estate W.i i' n'iiI.,,n .ni s..I>i,...i. SAI[I IIl. \\ i.lmh. 700 S. M ain Street 'i,, 1 1C ( iII. i II" I I. LaBelle, FL 33935 u .illC \IIn,.,I.,i 863.675.4500 . Toll Free 877.814.3048 t[ MLS- '09AA'~'-1Jt1 TiiE-sim 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL S(863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 www.heritagelandco.com i &I Se Habla Espahol DONNA KANE Liec. REAL ESTATE BROKER LA ND CO ASSOATFS: TnP i Arnold Drd-ie 'uaker A C Beverly Curns Party Walker- Vjayne Simm-n,. & Ksren O'Sreen Charlene Bower, Office Mhnager Lucy Csrrar:a Offtice A.isstara -.I- ;. ". - OF -----' ---- I.- ~ ;~ ---------- ------ ---------- . Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23,2006 unaer i russ iIanai SSolid Surface Coun- tertops & Maple Cabinets Ber th fir, 10t oirt lisi qidiulilnv at,*a' blrn.'r (I.nlirn Ibealnrfidl detiil i, what thic builder r hail in iinid uitrn rreatinti thisM p rioitsn floor-plan tiind iii tinal ibi'or. Located in Efast laBel'l and Glade.l (Counn1t. Yom re j1t1, scrond. fronl Sate Ronil ,70. arnl in one of 'lthe n o. t dr.itr- able aand appprirliati'e neighborhosrdr earoinnld. lhatliitv. front downtownoii lnellhf., Cal(oo.sahaticlih Rirter and Golfing. Don't waitn fr thii beautYi tn lip array.I Affordable Priced to sell....,244.000 GREAT DEALS! JUST FOR YOU REALTY LWw &,GROUP Of Southwest Florida, Inc. .* Cell: 239-872-7665 aS, Bus: 239-495-2402 Matt Fleming Realtor' E-Mail: mattflemingl @comcast.net Commercial Land Residential RESIDENTIAL LOTS L:. i -, 1:: ar'. 1 9' ,"59,'50 iAt'. BfA tJCHi LsTATS ,c c, ..ull .c:,[ L ,' l J,: ,2.' $-165,000 criue l. I l:js u,,f [ I L. in Ih Fi i t Ii. .p s .: .~ 363,500 rijud.iJ re. Siri urr..r u d i p .pnse, ut, n ,re ,'.t .; _,i ..c: 500 r'cje,,',ia d'1 l dpn,,- nrr c th. i 'r,,dcil I Kn jih i Jlc ,'li i,, i1 ,, 9l5c 0_00 ['hIhijr i I1ilirillB 'ju'rr- l k $95.000 pli 'r r,, I rJl,wld .. rj hr ,,ii,cei _rr ... .lir I : ''I ,. Fr ,,ini e, ,-, -.. h,: t..r i.c..r i Jt-c jT cr n l ,, r ,l r ,,: ,,,i-. $250,000. 'r'l ,', niniu i : m n Hn i i l icr if 'nr Agent i,:m liiyr, ['ni 'iF 'iirlri i ccs L,:r. 1 ] L':",A, rigti [,- buo dd r, r ,rr-,l tri ai i h:, In!j -ajtic ':,, t; lifrirj.igc builder, ple.r i:. ll f'_ I ,dcisdil HORSESHOE ACRES- 4BR 4 i B.-\ : concrete block, 22+OAK FILLED acre ranch. High and dry, great hi:.r.. ari,.h. b.: a [ifuil,1quier + pr 3.:.-- ul scrin;. $1.300.000. 6(,I kB'-'i|LB 0 4 ;]; INTERCOSTALIOKEECHOBEEl WATERWAY ESTATE ON 1.14 ACRES IN HISTORIC FORT DENAUD This STORM SAFE '.BR 'BA hI:,nm ;, .in i ard winning -]4m;gn rr.:.r rh-i Flh:rida Eri. rc," CL:nerr Hj I.'.'4 -1 q ft \l\ RK- SHOP' $887.000. 6:i! LB: 11: 1 192'-7 EXCEPTIONAL STORM SAFE HOME ON 7-3/4 ACRES This ultra private home features 3BR/2BA, den, spacious family room with its own entrance, oversized garage. $599,000. 601LB200615433 Mt 863-675-0898: OFC PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSER, Broker Nikki@NlkklYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/584-2005 cell 230/504-2002 |Tfiinking About' Whre you'aTCme 'Ul yV.t' 4a19flW y for A New 3Howe? .. '^ .. .H E'.-0 S =. choice of window Dressing/ Up to 5K closing cost paid CUSTOM BUILT 3/2 With Alarm System Includes Ceramic Tile Alarm & your Appliances by Seller ..ariqgoldX eal Estate HOMES RENTALS LOTs ACREAGE S 11511 Lee Bld. Ste. IB Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 S 239 368 3200 ues~n.marigoldrealestate.net KELL MILL TERRACE- DPL FISHEATING BAY ESTATES \\ide IM.:,i:.il r il ri:r id B. k '-BR. IBA C.BS i'ihi big tfrrida room wood porches. Has year old reroof. n-. tjhe large ar:l thai ac eses Lakc Second structure is used as a office! UOkeccnhoi CTren Resirt area. $239,000. hilii L B2,'ill.u74i $174,000. 601LB200621298 BEtAUTIlI IL HOME IN DELEL- OPED AREA OF PORT LABELLE!!! Pavers brick entry- way. Spacious livingroom. Upgraded cv trai- ihi'; [lic home. Large gameroom in back of home. $189.900. i:IiL bli.'l-'I , NICE STARTER HOME! .45 acres lot This house has a newer roof, remodeled bath rooms, and wonderful open fireplace and breeze way. $185,000. 601LB200521881 THIS ADORABLE OLD FLORIDA BUNGALOW - kmrnTmriieies include cit\ after. ,cc r is available. paed road fii :nt.ag. chain link fenced lot. and Small storage shed. $95,000. ,1 i LB '2ini 1 i. '270 LAKEPORT FISHING AT LAKE OKEECHOBEE AND THE BIG CANALS 1BR/1BA Mobile condo. Great Community with all the amenities. Community boat dock on large canal, access Lake Okeechobee. $72,500. 601LB200619641 Call01086-657-230 *tw*w *2sunbSt om CapeCorl5- ortMye s -ineIsand- 'ehih 55Bunt Stoe- Eteo- SnCals.-L~l 0-Npe NothPot- 5okmi*5Eglwod -5Hr Cek- Ospre REAL ESTIAE BUYEI1'S GUIDE RcAh ~~iMp. Inc. HOMES: $595,900 3BD/2BA home on 2.34+/- acres in Naples. Home features a pole barn, screen lanai secu- ritysystem, dual fireplace, eat-in kitchen and a Murphy Bed just to name a few of the many extras this home has to offer! Owner/Agent bring any serious offer. $550,000 PRICE REDUCEDI 4BD/3BA home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a --:urjd pr,:.:,f irudi':' mlrj'caik Lbmirid in lrche~i arI. vri itbo-c ii'ur und [ p l Iiiut to ruTiea j' re f Ihe Il\uniie th IrL, t h urtfuli ha i- ii lccr $374,900 BE BA bk-juihuil '-:11 i.' i-aiiiel .'..I n -rn r lj i'.'icd 1 + ,i-i i.r in Iali ic Irir iaic-d tfili Th~ h,'l)i'Mi h nibi hii le clilui, Ja(n iic 41S. *q fl .rl,.],,-- i or i idij r.:..:.iT. r ,i r l c kiin r, J b, jhiailuri ic Of i ti u w .i. thr- :l ald l]J l i r i)T |le i. tri l o tl ue arrit'U iartl tare.lr'{unr areaij l- a; l ni'i ct.C home ' 155.00 R D ITO '50.000 Min-i ranc i.mn Alva, p3BDli inmobe hoin med sits n i10.- acres aund fini u $45.900 b'Spacs 3BA l mobeil emdcd h.:e in Muse sits oin : iacre. his spcitos ho e -fatures ani addii h.i a* n ici tliti; t 'al in] rid -. r i-jl with a ira iti at-it '-aifiri .reji aiiUclJTicti raic lid O cf f tiriTic home buyer. MOBQiRHOMlEiSi REDUCED TO $850,000 Mini ranch in Alva. This 3BD/2BA mobile home sits on 10+/- acres and includes barns, ponds & much more! $475,000. Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addi-' tion with it's own entrance and much more. The proper- ty has a pond with an.island and bridge, an above ground Buying or selling...check out these great agents! Gulf Access Lot.lJ-r Cap:r Ioral mrrinutei to l'iljch PJAS, iller i m-'uiatied' offered at $394,000 Port LaBelle Unit 2- Oversized corner lot with beautiful o.i-i treC and close'to schools nrid iv.riLn .ffred it $58,850. Pon LaBelle Unit 9 Sp:_ious 1 -i building l l I: iiced orn Sliler Cir, ior. ic e o :ch'Ols and shopping offered t[ t47,500 'i.ether .oni tionlng or limits, i'e ,ie n ihlp' top n ai.d gei r. i FREE Map 274 N Bridge St the kLaBelle,FL he kin Roup 33935 Randy Beres 863-612-0002 Division N'agnar H I "Ho5me Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Homes Startina in the Low 200's We have "move-in ready" homes available now ~~S~~6ed Cir. Madison II. 31212 9024 Mavwood Cir, Cypress II. 31/22 50 G hfn Cir. Magnolia, 412/2 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II, 31212 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison II. 3/212 5009 Pinetree Ln, Cypress II, 312/2 6008 Acorn Cir, Maanolia, 4/212 5012 Pinetree Cir, Cypress II, 3/212 7035 Beaver Cir, Madison II. 312/2 i4SRP.e hai Cir, Madison, 312/2 3045 June Cir. Maanolia. 4/212 All Homes Include acre home site, wood cabinets, upgraded tile, landscaping, full kitchen appliance package and much more! Vacant lots Available! One New Home Rental Left! 3/2/2 $1200.00 Mo. Visit Our Model Center 2480 East State Road 80 Open M-F, 8-5:30 and Sat & Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com CGC061254 pool, 2 barns and more. * $300,000 3BD/BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $197,900 4BD/2BA Gorgeous upgraded manufac- tured home in LaBelle. This home features a split loor plan and all crown holdings in the living and dining room. * $139.400 to $151,900 Th,.ie are III a iiit-le :3iBC, 2BA f,;iftutj:ruic.l tonnI i.-,J ip ll jmlt[le 'BD "'IA ri'ailui:rui eJ Ih,.i t e i- .ii l I b lI ii a ih I El a .., Satdal:, r : '. W'i hiTic.' iij' a ,n ". i ii:,. tI~ci .iJ tail u" 1 *ide :'r rar l--''ri'' i;il ii t -, il',i, .-,i -titt * 120.500 i i.Bi BLA ir, iriaui:i iJ.-d h.:,-r l,,: I~-jlrl Ifi I- l ,',re Hi' i ,l i':hll liut i rla n, I':'|ir-: i; bc-ar'J 'ic if'- uri-j, i:fid. i', ri-u, i' Ti-. it Ih umi ri -5ii, -u.' I Call now for completion date. * $113,900 2BD/2BA New and still under con- structio.rt fl flfl 1t Moore Haven C The perfect wee etawy or winter home. Call nowforcompletion date. * $112,500 2BD/2BA New Construction in the Moore Haven Yacht Club. The Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+/- "ownership" park. Call today for com- pletion date!l * PRICE REDUCED $110,000 2BD/1BA mobile home on 2.5+/- acres in Clewiston. Enjoy peaceful country living year round or as a weekend getaway! * $78,900 3BD/2BA mobile home in Ortona. The mobile home is partially furnished. The lot is sur- rounded in beautiful palm and oak trees. * JUST REDUCED $64,900 3BD/2BA manufac- tured home on .20+/- acres. ACREAGE: $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. (ucr.rd) iur:. Salvage yard. S$988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized with dean bill of health. $900,000 St+ a.:ir: .Al'b uuful phruia Irid mi Muse. - PRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/-Hard to find acres adjoining Babcock property in Muse.Paved road access. $850.000 40 a. e- beiunrull, edludej1 iUti pIlii're, p insi. c.tbbatg: pilm and :'al 5650,000 2- a,.rI i rthe he.,n :l Aha .:.n b SR 80. PRICE REDUCED $450,000 Build your dream c.:.u'ir) h, b. c ...r. ih'c 4-i4 -'+ ic Grea louatirri' CI...- it: LABllk AJ- F1:n M.-rs' * ($3-9,000 '+ a j:ic .rn i r in-pl-lJ ;crnng i'i rl,--re Haicr, PIr.i.,iT cIiiurc-l ill rnaf rjF',-.n.: rllui Iu.-, jrid lfi a .i't *L bjrr ini Nl i h':i I Pri if.: l'Cii *- i n l .hcp[':,p ir,, H'n-e .;-I : be -...Id ,siS * $2?2,000 hl+ i,:r.; iuh prfi,-, j pjitod iiJ shed. S98,900 2.5+/- acres. Cleared in Montura. There is a single wide mobile home included with the property. The mobile home is to be sold "as is." HOMESHTES: $* 25,500 $72,900 'Call for more information about available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are dose to everything in laBelle. * $29,900 $34,900- Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT IABELLE. MONTURA ND LEHIGH ACRES RENTALS: * $950/Monthly 3BD/2Ba home in Ortona. FEATURES OF THE WEEK SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LUVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique one of a kind property also has it's own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT! Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immaculate home offers vault- ed ceilings, entertainment package includes a large screen television w/ stereo and surround sound, split floor plan, built in computer cen- ter, large master bedroom and bath w/ garden tub and separate shower. Upgraded appli- ances add a nice touch, to the large open kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar and formal dining. $212,500 THIS CHARMING CEDAR HOME sits on an oversized corner lot in the city. The 2 Br/ MLS i Se Habla Espafiol 2 Ba home has vaulted ceilings and tile in the living area. French doors provide views to the outside. Fenced back yard and 8' x 10' shed for extra storage. $205,000 : PRICE REDUCED! This .84 +/- Acre creek front homesite is located on Pollywog Creek in beautiful river front community. Build your dream home on this oversized Creekfront lot which provides beautiful oaks, access to the Caloosahatchee River and some river views. Price Reduced $149,900. SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE aI'Le with over 200 feet ol waterfront and already separated into 2 lots. The fabulous view is naturally pristine across and up the river from this 'Point" on both the main river and the "Old River", which features 60 feet of protected dockage. Rip Rap of riverbank is in progress. There is NO "Corps Setback" on either lot, which may allow houses and/or Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis pools unusually close to River. Beautiful area of upscale homes within blocks of central LaBelle. $1,500,000 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS / LOCATION. LOCATION, LOCA- TION!!! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 Your possibilities are endless! $3,900,000 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from S the main river in an area of nice homes. '. Permits are in place to re-dredge oxbow 'u acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this eIA- parcel and enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 '*' CREEK FRONT HOME W/ RIVER ACCESS! 2BR/2BA CBS home on Pollywog Creek. Located in Caloosa Estates S/D this home offers creek and river view '- '-jlp jes include new porc |i | I ut,' new maple kitck.ZJ Ll .J new roof. Master bedroom and living room have sliding glass doors which open up to shaded patio and overlook creek. Private dock and access to the Caloosahatchee River. Priced to Sell- $299,900 Owner will consider all reasonable offers! HOMES IN LABELLE GRAND COUNTRY LIVING LOCAT- ED IN THE HEART OF LABELLE! Enjoy the open porches and breezy bal- cony of this 4,000+/- sq. ft. home. A one of a kind must see from the old bead- board walls to the formal living + dining room, the new pool, Jacuzzi tub and wood carved Pub. Completely renovated plus a new addition in 2005, home offers Hardi-board siding, Trex decking, new roof, new windows and floors, security system and much more. $450,000 MOVE IN READY! Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interi- or .paint and spacious master bedroom. Price reduced to sell $179,900 WELL MAINTAINED 3BR/2BA MAN- UFACTURED HOME w/ office or possi- ble 4th bedroom. Located within city limits, completely fenced and priced to sell! $99,900 HOMES 3BR/2.5BA CUSTOM ESTATE HOME located on % acre corner lot in exclusive Caloosa Harbor. The Interior of this open floor plan features custom lighting, built in desks, new carpet throughout, formal dining room, entertainment room and remote controlled security sys- tem. The exterior features a well mani- cured/landscaped lawn and heated pool w/ waterfall. This gorgeous home is a must see! $618,900 FAMILY READY This.3BR/2BA spa- cious CBS home features split floor plan and large family room. $195,000 4BR/2BA SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME features large kitchen, new a/c, upgraded appliances, jet tub and above ground pool. $179,500 THIS IMMACULATE MANUFAC- TURED HOME is situated on shaded oversized lot in town and completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry and breakfast island. Front and backporches are great for outdoor entertaining and enjoyment. $149,900 3BR/2BA DOUBLEWIDE MOBILE HOME on 1 acre. Home features vault- ed ceilings, large living room and split floor plan. Fenced back yard, barn and scattered oaks. $148,000 OAK COVERED Vs ACRE PROPERTY with 2BR/1BA mobile home, very pri- vate, screened deck and partially fenced yard, located east of LaBelle. i1,000 Seller Bonus $129,900 HOMES ON ACREAGE 3BR/1BA CBS HOME ON 8.8+/- ACRES fronting onpaved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse stable. $490,000. 3.18 +/- ACRES W/1BR/1.5BA Bridge Street and a "Quaint Old-Florida COTTAGE style home located in Port Cracker-Style" office fronting on Park LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's Avenue. $1,200,000 most desirable communities. Situated at WHAT A GREAT OPPORTUNITY! the end of a cul de sac provides a peace- Historic commercial building w/ 3 com- ful & private setting. Cathedral ceilings, pletely renovated rental units. ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan Renovations include new roof, 2 new a/c and wrap around porch. $469,900 units, stucco, paint, resurfaced parking 2.46 +/- OAK COVERED ACRES and more. Located in a hirh traffic area w/4BR/3.5BA Creek front home in a quiet neighborhood. This home offers 3 master suites and 226' of creek frontage. Large 28' x 40' storage building offers loft, electric, water and RV hook up. $315,000 ACREAGE/LOTS 2.5 +/- ACRES. stocked pond, partially fenced, unique oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 approx. 2 miles from town. Seller motivated $199,000 10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road) in Charlotte County. Property zoned agricultural. Price Reduced $100,000 BEAUTIFUL OAK COVERED CITY OF LABELLE LOT. Located in established neighborhood. Build your home on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $79,900 BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the city of LaBelle and ready to build $89,900 OVERSIZED .64 ACRE WOODED resi- dential homesite located in the city. $89,000 RESIDENTIAL LOTI Shady .30 acre lot w/ well, septic and 2 culverts for driveway. Zoned for home or mobile home. Reduced to $42,500 NICE O -NTIAL LOT w/ some r ntura Ranch Estates. NTRACT COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (Hwy 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue thi property has endless possibilities. "Old Historical Florida-Style" two story build- ing, 1,846 sq. ft. w/ 122' frontage on surrounded by offices, restaurants and businesses. $550,000 REDUCED PRICE $350.000!!! RENOVATED BUILDING!!! READY FOR YOUR BUSINESS!!! Need a place. to locate your business? This is it! Highly visible, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street. Totally remodeled building situated on .31 acre lot fronting on Washington Ave. across from bank drive thru. Property is 175' deep which leaves room for future expansion. Renovations include all new crown molding, ceramic tile, siding, plumbing, electric and A/C. BUSINESS ZONED! This 2 Br / 1 Ba home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and sur- rounded by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL-INDUSTRIAL- INDUSTRIALI This 1.12 acre parcel features easy access off of two paved roads & a cur- rently occupied steel building w/over 5,400 sq. ft. PRICED TO SELL AT $525,000. UNDER CONTRACT 4.14 ACRES ZONED INDUSTRIAL. Property features 80' x 100' hangar plus 1998 3BR/2BA 2,200 sq. ft. doublewide mobile home. Great investment... Great Location! $1,500,000 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 Corner of Hwy. 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 www.labelleiversrde.com E-mall- realestate@labellerlverside.com ,, r. .- ;--- *- *,-==. *-. .- -. ....,-.- .;. -. ..-- -.f -- I Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23, 2006 -6e- I' k M 4411 Announcements Merchandise Mobile Homes Cl[,I, =---,fmTIlaI Employment Recreation :1800 financial IRel j Aulomobiles S .' I I isI n --- Services Real Estate i Public oties M I.T i HT .... -......T.W.. . f!Lr tRlI Oil UIITELY for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers -one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! "Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey Simrons Market Research: INI Market Research Center . 8 a mon-rrc Rules for placing FREE ads! am e,.- To qualify, your ad .I. * Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1, 2 inch / Line Ads: (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) .,I ,':. li - S Must include only one item and its price ..i. / Dsplay Ad (remember it must be $2,500 or less) .".? l SCall us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements Irrportart Information: Please read your ad carefully the Firsl day ,t appears In case of an riad.enl ii eror. please nsulty us pnor 1O ihe deadline lslte. We ill not be reapon.ble for more than 1 incorrect rineni,or, or for more thari lhe e.enti of Ihe ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all s5.aerrients. riamee and conr, tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher' reserves the right to accept or relCr anj or all copy. and 1o insern above Ihe cpy tihe Word "advenserrmer All ads accepted are subject to LrE-J;i _F, ar-.. 1 air d; ,'1,,, coritorm t Independeinlt Newspapers' irI ane d aar resir,.led to their proper classficaiorvn. Sime class. fied categories- require advance payment. These. class-,fcaltc.ns are denoted wrih an acirenrk '. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 FoFud 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 ,Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 ABSOLUTE AUCTION. 96 Acres mountain property within Cherokee National Forest Proclamation Boun- dary. Saturday, April 1, 1030 a m. Call 1-800.-FURROW or visit www.lurrow com TN Lic. #62 Estate Auction. 104+/- acres divided. Excellent home- sites. Saturday, April 1, 10 a m. Rowell Auclion.. Inc. (800)323-8388 www.rowel- lauctions.com 10% buyer's premium GAL AU-C002594. Real Estate Auction. Thurs- aay. 3/30 2 Gulf Access Lots Cape Coral, FL. Friday, 3/31 4 New Builder Houses. Gate- way Development, Ft. Myers, FL. See website www.scot- tauctions.com (888)283-7058 Bruce Scott. PRESCRIPTION GLASSES- Found Speckled Church Fes- tival. Okee. Please call for more Info. (863)467-2545 Giveaway 014 Bichon Male, Wht, neutered, 5y/o,'& blk/wht Dalmation/lab mix female spayed, to good home (561)261-8391 CATS (2) Wonderful cats, de- clawed & neutered, up to date on shots, 21/2 yrs old, need to go together, sisters together since birth (863)634-9630 SCUR MIX, 8 males, 1 female, free to good home. (863)763-4826 Uard3aes PUPPIES, Terrier mix male & female, tree ro good home. (863)675-3947 eves. (239)707-3881 days. STOCKADE FENCE- free, 50 feet *+, (561)202-7702 Buckhead Ridge Fri.3/24&Sal 3125 8 3m 2 pm 4019 E. Sunllower Cir, L3Belle *Bikes *Toys *Clothing * & Much more! Ft. Denaud, Sat. March 25, 8am-3pm, 4580 Ft. Denaud Rd, Lots of furniture, Clothing & Misc. Jt \,- .- LABELLE- Fri-Sat, Mar 24th & 25th, 9am-?, 20315 Mar- shall Field Rd SW. Furniture and miscellaneous Multi.Famil LABELLE- Sat., Mar 25th, 7am- ?, 333 N Missouri St. Household items, furniture, clothes, baby items, crafts and much morel! SAlv MUSE, Sat., 3/25, 8am til 2pm, 27230 County Rd. 720, at the end of Kirby Thompson Rd. Lots of Everything! . U.Gara.e YARD SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY March24 & 25 . 8a .m -2pm Houseware. loys. clothes, pia- no. dressers, crash. annques. 1659 Palm Lane LaDelle. No Ealy Birds Tall Guy, Secure, Stable. To Smeei AtiJ live Gai or Friends lor Dining. Traveling. elc. Lers meei! (863194-6-3123 Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment- Part.Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 ACCOUNTING CLERK ADMIN. ASST. For busy CPA Office. Experienced & Good Work Ethic. Fax Resume To: 863-675-9275 ALICO INC is now hiring for the following positions Citrus Canker Inspectors Equipment Operators Please apply at our main office 640 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33935 or fax resume to: 863-675-6928 Alico Inc is a DFWP and EOE CONSTRUCTION ROUGH CARPENTRY Must have own transportation. (863)675-7711 READING A NEWSPAPER... I-a Notice As;i Emlymn Full Tim I.*I pcil o Ic HANl V I1AIN CARPET CLEANING r i.., ii .. I.. :, .: (863) 675-7297 ...nf_ L, CAR RENTAL starting a $39.95 Per Day A e Emplymen Ful Tie 101 Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Products, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 Builders Choice Supply Looking for CDL class B or better for deliveries. Call 863-674-9900 COLLECTIONS ASSISTANT Needed in Immokalee, assists and/or locates customers with delinquent accounts and process invoices. Previous experience with AIR and A+ computer skills required. Email fjimenez(sixls.com. Or fax 239-657-9764 COLLECTIONS ASSISTANT Needed in Immokalee, assists and/or locates customers with delinquent accounts and process invoices. Previous experience with A/R and A+ computer skills required. Email fjimenez~sixls.com. Or fax 239-657-9764 COOK Needed for Big V Restaurant (863)675-2917 Patsy. EXPERIENCED PLUMBER (863)675-1155 CORRECTION OFFICERS The Glades County Sheriff's Office is accepting appli- cations for Correction Offi- cers. Certified and not certified must complete a tabe test. Starting salary is $10.00 per hour. Benefits include health and life insurance, dental insu- rance may be purchased. Applications may be picked up at the Glades County Sheriff's Office 599 Ave- nue J, Moore Haven, Flori- da or call personnel at 863-946-1600 DRIVER NEEDED COL Class B drivers license required. Must have clean driving record. Good benefits pack- age. Drug Free Workplace. Call (239)657-3168 and ask for David Carreno or apply in person at: United Agri Products 116 Jerome Dr. Immokalee, FL Shop here first! The classified ads * m i I. ecia N ic HUNTERS ,, TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming A & Removal Stump Grinding Shaping & Topping 863-675-0403 L.censed and Insurea I fpt RO 1 and Construction, Inc. I I FREE ESTIMATES I Metal Roofs Re-Roofs Roof Repairs Pole Barns Vinyl Siding Sofft & Facia Office (863) 675-7045 I lit NI'lT I.II1',i ^1 SNeed Faster Internet? H il, -irJI i r l.lhir Fast Affordable Available Secure SkyTalk U 1 866-639-8754 ' Ci '1""'11-1 =1 -l l _H,:,|:,l,- u c i i|, -, ri,-, .... ....... i. Employment F l Ti me 'I l Emlymn Ful Tie 101 I Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay 401 K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 DRIVERS LaBelle Dodge: Help Wanted Over the road & local. Lot Porter, Sales & Good equipment. Evening Cashier / Operator Call Charles (863)675-1940 863-675-1220. DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS RE A NEEDED- Must have CDL, REA Please call 863-675-3505 FUEL TRUCK DRIVER NEWSPAPER ... Must have Class B CDL leds you with Hazardous Material reIo te endorsement. Must bes prodof be 21 year old. best produce Immokalee area. and seices. Call 239-657-3694. FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER Minimum 5 yrs exp. in the workplace. Knowledge of Quickbooks Pro and MS Of- fice, Exc pers refs & must be bondable. E-mail resume to: firstappralsalOl @earthlink.net Mace Welding is now accepting applications for WELDERS Apply within at: 90 Evans Rd, LaBelle (863)675-6683 Emlymn Full Tim Empoyen Ful Tie 111 HELP WANTED Sidewalk & Bridge Foreman ihr Henrrv Counry Road & Bridge Clean ijlvinr record Mui nrave Cliss D or higher river,. III: en;,e Hiih l~rihiol Diploma GED or 2 vears e.peri- erce 1i nouri er i ,:n iiui0:iiri 1 include Hinowiedge or con- !ilruction plan, meajiuiTrimef-, lO. rming, pouring rirnsning, .upervi-,irl:n jn ia ririe re.laled irplenei. Pay arjnge $30 160 arid l '},,ti i.l 'i uilly drendinQ urp:in i ,perCiice Forklift Operator/ Assistant da ine Recycling & Hazardous VtWle Co ill ciioi C l iir in L,8.lle. CDL license preferred. Mechanic I. Bii: niciruhai vniowredge e periericea ds anau- Iomoiive service wirejrr o mpnriarin: i nelDer preferred Mechanic II. Grdiual Irom an approved course in heavy & diseI mcrijriics, rnre ,years experience. Boir Mechanjc: pesilions require las 8a drivers license Must nave a Hign Scrool Diploma or GED oln locale in Clevis- lan GIS Coordinator lhr Ine LaBelle alhle Musi nave Bachelor of Silence Irom an acircdlied college or university in computer science, geography, ovr IeCueld mlelO wih :onsrieraole expen- encerc in [h e u or eocgraphir iniormalon systems or 8 yrs eQuivhleril e'peneni: e The poSilionc; jre lull lime wmin medical benefits, retirement, Sicl and vaji:3on leave Tnese pos'irons il be open urnil filled. Job descption & ap- plicaioiS 1 .i b ann Ie ,riaNiell ifn i ch SaiiiiiP Offiie in Cieviisilon and hre LLourrr ou.e in LBeille in Ihe HR ODparmTeni Vet Pref. EEO: Drug Free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact Hendry County Commis- sioner HR Department MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: '-Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 Mechanics and Welders $20.06 per HR Mechanics 5+ years of experience as a journeyman level mechan- ic with the ability to install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair industrial equipment such as pumps, motors, conveying systems, hydraulics, turbines, gear boxes and related equipment. Welders Perform welding on various types of steel structures, pressurized vessels and pressurized piping. Able to weld with mig and tig. Ability to use a plasma cutter, air arc and acetylene torch. Fax: 863-902-3168 Email: Jdooley@ussugar.com Employment Office on WC Owen in Clewiston US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and minorities are en- couraged to apply. We maintain a drug-free workplace and perform pre-employment substance abuse testing .* "Mo i S a oTh, -, . VISA U"..: ."'..,".!" "" Place Your YARD SALE ad today! -Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 I I I I ~ ~ Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23, 2006 Emlioyment Employment Join the most exciting attraction in SW Florida JOB OPPORTUNITIES Dining Room Host(ess) Dining Room Server Housekeeper Maintenance Worker Poker Brush Security Officer TAD Floor Clerk $8.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $9.00 per hour $10.00 + D.O.E. $8.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $21.00 avg. w/grats We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Count Team Supervisor Financial Analyst Human Resources Generalist TAD Floor Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL Phope: 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace ,*-- .- -- "I-- ---- I The Seminole Tribe of Florida S is hiring at our Ahfachkee School on our Big Cypress Reservation. I I GUIDANCE COUNSELOR I Bachelor's or higher in the area of Guidance and Counseling. Appropriate licensure, training and certification Sin the area of Guidance and Counseling. Knowledge of the educational system and in particular special ed. & the individual ed. plan process. SPEECH THERAPIST Master's in Speech & Language I Pathology. FL License. Min. 3 yrs. exp. I with children from birth to high school. INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE: Assist with all aspects of classroom teaching. AS degree or higher. ;I I I Resumes to Seminole Tribe ofFlorida, I HR, 6300 Stirling Road, Hollywood, FL 33024. Fax 954-967-3477 Email galtman(semtribe.com Details at www.seminoletribe.com . ......-------- ------ LPNIorll (FPP'TPerdlem) Fl tPrn LC IV Cern Willing I0l O.l Illeble sthdule Support & FulTime-REGISTERED NURSE F il. lh I i ye e p ill Ir.r, nrt grad. Radoogic Teduologis/Manographer V'.P.t .g with j F i ,ceilie FFriall i ih MhQSA jsanlard; PhjiTn..r'nphic QA proceduisi Full tlre- CTAladlog Techdi (8:30 am. 5 p.m or 10:30 am. to 7 p m.) ART 'eg A,'h ij3d nF ii U yee: e pr f Musl p,.:.~ie eeillcl ; 4,114 0,', ,,i' penrdil' proficilenr in CT rid Cci',rjl Radiloraphy Per dem- Housekeeper MLI hlji I[ .." i ',ii;. l ulof h:rel e p isLld nrd i 131) I.:n hi, u.: & iffiin ia, 3i if. 3Uniir e3 nvr.:.nmie li Full me/per dlm-Food Sernvi Aide Pren c.p .i pjlaiLn I rv el up pirtf. Muit be -le I:. .iin .J 5 jll li:', houi,' mn iln 3 jl l',"., ,',i,'il iTifi'l Part ime- Foor Tech I Vr c -r tl in cr ii, i iclared willingg AbilrN 10 il lpcilrT dl ji, 'r lurni-,.lo,,, Io rriarJ 1 r a ian-ar safe. & oiidiS eri nid, T Full Tlme/Per Diem C.NA Must have valid FL C.NA Certificate Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug FreeWorkplace *EOE '4- I"t ii 9NI Yoder Brothers an International leader in the Horticulture industry Warehouse Service Pesonnel and an Associate Grower to assist in the activities of plant growing, irrigation and protection. Qualified candi- dates must enjoy working in an outdoor environment and be flexible with regard to work schedule. Interested individuals seeking year round employment and excellent benefits may apply in person or contact: MARILYN MCELROY YODER BROTHERS INC. 2201 Owanita Road Alva, FL 33920 239-728-2535 ext. 230 Drug Free Work Place Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORLD AROUND YOU. 1/ Fleet Technician Clewiston. FL Perlorms a ranae 0 osel- vice dlagno:is and repair to syslemrs 0 jll DisIril Heele unils SuCht aiirbjals. weeR dealers, lawjn iiio er. chainsawrv oultbojr mot. lors, comprIesors LdrS. Irucks, diesel jnr gasioline heavy equipmerrii and com-r ponernis and ancillary con- strucionri equipmeri makes and models. Musi have lechniical compeleiiv in 4 certilied areas Observes, and examines IeIl e quip menl in operation ti deleci mallunchioning ir deleclive parts and excessive wear and repairs according it mjnulaclure speciiir:ion May give lecnnia.l aurlianc:e arid assistance Overiime will be required based cn weather and/or ervironmer. 131 cundilions May be, al limes, required i, provide work support before. during. and after m alor 1lutrm evenly and emergency situations, such as hurricanes or oiher declared emereen:ies Higr, School graduate or an equivalency diploma. Four years experience servicing, diagnosing, and repairing cars, trucks, diesel engines, and heavy .equipment. Valid ASE certifications in auto- motive: brakes, suspension & steering, electrical/elec- tronic system, preventive I ayilance mspec:hrin lass" B'CDL wniin 3airbrae eridorsemenri required Class A license may be re- quired if assigned to heavy equipment repairs and test drives class A equipment. Job Reference #206111. Please visit our website for more information & APPLY ONLINE at www.sfwmd.oov. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Attn: Human Resources RO. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, E0E Maintenance Man to help at White's Furniture & Appliance. Apply in person at 1060 Hwy 29 South in LaBelle. PLUMBER Experience in ALL phases. Call for an inter- view. (863)675-1155 POSITION AVAILABLE Full time position available in the Financeiand Accounting Department of large financial institution. Duties to include but not limited to: Accounts Payable, wires; assisting the Bank's Controller, and other miscellaneous duties. Training will be provided; however, bank experience a plus. Must be knowledgeable in Microsoft Excel. Salary is Commensurate with experience. An excellent benefits package available. To apply mail orfax resumes to: Florida Community Bank c/o Denise Smith VP& Controller 1400 North 15th Street Immokalee, FL 34142 or call 239-657-3171 (x22 8) toset up an interview, appointment. Fax: 239-657-4313. EOE POSTAL JOBS $16.46 $22.97/hr, Now Hir- ing. For application & free government job info., call American Assoc. of Labor 1-913-599-8226, 24hr. emp. serve. PROFESSIONAL SALES PERSON for upscale jewelry store. Full Time with many benefits. Call Capital Pawn (863)675-3565 REAL ESTATE AGENTS Wantto be independent and set your own hours? Work' from your home office with no floor time requirements? We are seeking self-directed, motivated agents in Hendry County. Call Margaret at Margaret Birdsong Realty, Inc. 866-768-2895! ROOFING SALESMAN/ ESTIMATORS Great Pay. High demand Product Weekly pay, Start Today!!. Call Shorty (863)675-1560 SALES ASSOCIATES: Now Hiring. Please apply within: Vision Ace Hardware, 350 W, Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL, u-IlmnfT Employment SE NECESITA CHOFER para dump truck Junior Trucking 863-673-1591 or 674-4719 ANIMAL CARETAKER Musl enlov working oultside w.jrnamjls. tie able to spewa Ernolisn and work Sal & Sun Lejve n.ie 'jage @ 48631674-0321 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Sarl your driving career, Onering c:oulses in CDL A & B One lunlion rlee Many p.Jy merni options' No regislrariori lee, (18881808-5947 in- o.'amerii:jsdrivingacade- .1y com. Driver- NOW HIRING OUALI- FIED DRIVERS lor Central Floridd Loral Natonal3 OTR Sjusiliris Food grade lanker, -io ha2mal no pumps. greal 3erelils, cimpetilive pay & iew equipment leed 2 years experiencee Call By- num Tran:porl ior your op- porlunily today (800i141-7950 Drivers CDL A Spe.l al Or- enii.luri Pay lot E perierced )riverSi Home WeekendS' real Pay 6 Berneiita Paid Training lor School GCads' Cypre'. Tirut LineI. Inc. www cypressiruclk.ccom :8881808-58.46 Drivers CDL A. True Lelse t1l )wn program. Low pay- :Tienls4,snori lerm lease Avy, i$ 1 It;i ile plus luel sur- :njarge N a riamajl INo iorced di.palch FFE Trans- porlrilin i8881864.0012 "NOW HIRING 2006" AVER- AGE POSTAL EMPLOYEE EARNS 1,57 1000.R Mini- mum Sir ling P.y $18 IO.rir Beneiits'Paid Trjiring and 'Jjcli31os li Eperience Needed 18006584-1775 Rel 4P4 901J Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 #1 Corporate/Sports Apparel Franchise Full Training and Support. No Exp. Needed. Fi- nancing avail. Call (800)727-6720. www.Em- broidMe.com. ACCT REP/LOCAL REP Earn Executive Level Income, P/T or F/T $13,000 investment includes 30 Accounts, Inven- tory, Territory, Training. Proven Product, 16 Year Old Co. (888)456-0261. ALL CASHCANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. WE BUY HOUSES Sell yours quick and easy. Fast Cash, Fast Closing, Any Situation OK. www.buymyman- sion.com, (877)239-9761. WE BUY MORTGAGES. Are you collecting payments on a mortgage? Why wait years for payments? Call (800)282-1251, Employment Meical Services : .... -----... -:.. .. .. .... .... Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 HOUSE PLANS Accuralelv & Ecinorric ally prepared Engineering approval available 1863)675-;926 I HOUSE CLEANING _ (239)850-3639 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TUTOR Tulorng in Word. Ecrel Power Poini. A,:cr.! in youi ri lmei Will desilnn pread .heels el; upon requesl Call Lynn j (8631675- 049 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble snooting, sei-up up-grades, Syslemiti uill, tutoring Win 95. 98 2000 ME. P licensed Call Gary863-675. 9625 SALLY MAE DISC JOCKEY Music lor all occasions wedings parties. qunrceaneras 675-1625 EARN DEGREE online irom home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Justice. Job Place- ment. Computer provided. Fi- nancial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onli- netidewatertech.com. Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave.; Tam- pa FL 33607. HUNT ELK, Red Stag, White- tail, Buffalo, Wild Boar. Our season: now-3/31/0.6. Guar- anteed license, $5.00 tro- phy in two days. No- Game/No-Pay policy. Days (314)209-9800; evenings (314)293-0610. READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU Also do handyman jobs (863)675-1166 (863)673-6388 LAWN/LANDSCAPING ARRESTED? All Criminal De- fense Felonies...Misdemean- ors, State or Federal Charges, Parole...Probation, DUI...Traffic Tickets, Bond Reduction. PRIVATE ATTOR- NEYS STATEWIDE 24 HOURS A-A-A ATTORNEY REFERRAL SERVICE (800)733-5342. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays 800)462-2000, ext.600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS Copper & Brass. Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760, 257-0879 cessories optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. LUMBER: 14 Treated 2x6x10 Ft. $70 for all, will sep. (772)201-8932 OKEECHOBEE METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. ROOFING METAL: Southern Metals GM-26 rib gal. mill fin- ish. Brand new. 38"W, 1600 sq. ft. $1200 (239)464-7395 SCREEN ROOM MATERIALS: Walls, Roof Panels & Doors. $1000. (772)201-8932 OKEE- CHOBEE FAMILY HOME CARE A Medicare Certified Home Health Agency has immediate openings for experienced professionals. * DIRECTOR OF NURSING FL RN License Clinical & Management experience. * REGISTERED NURSE: Full Time/Part Time (Per Diem positions also available). * MARKETER / INTAKE COORDINATOR PHYSICAL THERAPY Full Time / Part Time (Per Diem also available). * OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: Per Diem * SPEECH THERAPY: Per Diem * CNA/ HOME HEALTH AIDE: Full Time / Part Time. Offers excellent benefits. (Per Diem positions also available). For consideration, please fax your resume to (863)983-9883 ATTN: Human Resources Tel.# (863) 983-3700 License #299991018 Employmen WATER HEATERS A ----- .Il I'B- SAVE Up to 60% on Water Heating Cost!- STankless Endless Water Saves Space SSize only 10"x7"x2:5" nlrilimiled HoI Waler Just $299 + delivery nrbl r2-16A .1vlSrlr, nel Niagara Industries David Monzon 8631318-0093 Dislributor WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Save!. Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Caljlog, CALL TODAY' 18001842-1305 www.np elsian ,rim Higgin's Tree Service 25 years epernnrice Free eslimales Lic & insured -- -- - Lt ,6,5 .39.. Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/lRugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 580 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens g Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies'685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys a Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 AIR CONDITIONER-'05 York 3.5 ton package unit w/ heat, new in box $1250 (954)309-8659 ANTIQUES FOR SALE: Stove- Blue, Ice Box, Dry Sink, Tele- phone, Hoosier Cabinet, Butter Churn, Ice Cream Maker & other small items. $4500. for all, will sep. (239)872-8504 BARBER CHAIR,'Antique, Mfg. by Emil J. Padair Co. Pat # 1594408-1594409. Good cond. $1000 (863)763-5881 FIREPLACE MANTEL- Oak w/surround. Painted Unique Excellent condition. $300. (863)763-4982 Wood Burning Cook Stove, antique, exc. cond., $300. (863)675-4858 CHEST FREEZER Frigidaire, brand new, paid $350 selling $150 must move (863)946-0642 WASHER Frigidaire, Super Capacity 16 cycles, Heavy duty $50 (863)697-2173 WASHER OR DRYER $100 each, 1 yr warranty large capacity, (239)694-0778. BUILDING SALE! "Go Di- rect/Save!" 20x26 Now $5100. 25x30 $6800. 30x40 $10,600. 40x60 $16,600. Extensive range of sizes and models. Extensive range of sizes and models. Doors/ac- SHELVES 5/4 solid oak, Rout- ed edges. Finished. Steel arms Worm 12000 Now $500 1863)674-0429 GOWNS (3) Formal, From Da- vid's Bridal New, never worn. All size 20. $300 for all, will sep. (863)697-2813 Nail. Pageni Dress 5/6 Beauti- ful custom-made by Nancy Landers $450 (863)46,72952 DOLL COLLECTION. 7, o Du- tlul, in bodies $250 lor dll (863)612-9233 PRECIOUS MOMENTS- 101 1 Signed. Asking 1150 lor all or will 5ell separate (8631357.1560 COMPUTER SYSTEM, Dell, Win \P + lots 1t programs & games. $175. (8631843-0158 Laptop Computer, Windows XP. Mictosonl Otice, Modem & DSL card Compleie. ust 1325 86318.3-0158 WEB TV- computer w/2 key- boards $75 1863)902-025/ COFFEE TABLES (3) 1 round Olac:k 1 glass lop 1 w. 2 end tables $15i0 lr all, will .epar le 18631467-1325 COMPUTER DESK & HUTCH, Ig black & granite lamniimie. $50 1)r besi oiler. l863'6,5-0369 ah 5pm COUCH- Earth, Mull ri olur 7. Primarily blue Over Stulffed, 3 cushion Leis Inan 2yrs old .125n eg 86-3-631-,866 DRESSERS- 2, Sm Enlerlijin- mrnil Ir. Conee able., Aim c:nair $151) neg. 1863163)--3866 OFFICE DESK- Modern & Oak 2 drawer Filinq Cabinel 1i00 Will separate 18631763-4658 RECLINER LOVESEAT- Like new Lealher. Paslel green, Pd $1500 Asking $500 (8631357-2233 Okee. RECLINER- olive green, like new asking $125 or besi of- ler (8631824-0;39 SOFA & CHAISE LOUNGE- Lqe modern, lull Da' cush- ions pale green/beige, 2yrs old 1500 (8631467-2435 TABLE & 4 (HAIRS- maple go Id coi dliOn 150 1b63163-81.16 TABLE- Round. 51,id wood, w.'lal 4 Malncing Cjiljins i:hairs on wheels. Cream, I100 186f1634-3866 GOLF CLUBS- complete, matched set, metal woods, lions, bag, puller. $135. 1863194163123 HAWKINS- .50 Caliber. Cap trilci mu::le loader. Beautiful wood 4Silk ., recoil pad Exc oind $185 863-467-8578 ROTTWELL MODEL 650 TRAP made in Belgium, never im- ported, brought over. 12ga, 30" f/m, $1500 (937)215-0307 PATIO SET- in good cond. blue and white $50 (863)763-8146 Atems 0650 ACTION SCOOTER, 3 Wheeler Heavy Duty. Excellent condi- tion. $650. or best offer (863)675-2596 LIFT CHAIR- Like new condi- tion. Also reclines $425. or best offer (863)467-4328. WHEEL CHAIR, Motorized w/2 heavy duty batteries. Good cond. $550. (863)675-0104 AIR BRUSH VAC- Taasche Good condition. $15. (863)675-2596 Fixed Wing Ultra Light Air- Plane, partly finished,'$1800 or best offer. (906)281-2127 MOVING SALE!!! Hou:.enold lnie Grjg.e .Items. Includes tools, furniture and more! (772)201-8932 RIVER SLOT MACHINE w/ 200 coins $225 or best offer (863)824-6799 or (863)697-3944 WELDER TRAILER, single ax- le, capable of holding gas. powered welder, $150 or best offer. (954)520-6707 MUSIC EQUIPMENT- to much to list, Everything needed for concert and home recording Call (863)697-3345 READING A NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. (D wonder newspopel readen ore more popular! AIR COMPRESSOR- I lhp Horda. 251) gal Good condi- lionri 500 (7721342-7304 AIR COMPRESSOR- 3 phase power 10 rip Weslinghouse 1 75 pi $1000 1863.528-3332 CUT OFF SAW- Black & Deck- er, 9", Elira 9 blades, Excel- lent coriaiirin $.75 Or best oner. 410-228-7137 GENERATOR- '05. 15KW, 100 amp rrdnsler Swil(n i4 yr e<- lended warr. Never used $3600 (863)634-2342 GENERATOR- 25 KW sell con-r Idined/Propane Excellent condition $2500 (772)342-7304 Hobarl Mig Welder iron Man 210, used very ille., pd $1000. asking $750 (8631674-0416, HOBART STICKMATE ARC WELDER, used very ilile. i150 18631 74il4116 ADULT DVD'S- (12) new for $100 firm. No call after 8pm please (863)634-3783 Trailer for 18' to 20' Pontoon Boat. (863)763-8872 WANTED: FL ART A E Backus J Hulihii;fln, . H Newt:'n G Buscner.' -" BuTi'ner L Roberls A Hair R A McCleidori. [.ewton BIG $$ (772)562-5567 Wanted Hay Bailer, used, .(863)763-2936 Wanted to Buy: Morgan Silver Dollars and Old US Coins. Single coins, accumulations, entire collections. Littleton Coin Company Since 1945. Call (800)581-2646, e-mail coinbuy@littletoncoin.com. Mention code B8K920. Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 4 HORSE TRAILER- '05, Shad- ow, w/customized sleeping area, AC, TV, Microwave, Cowboy Shower, 60 gal wa- ter tank, ramp for loading, Ig stalls, LED lights, sleeps 4, hardly used, $25,000 (863)675-0636 or (239)896-2025 or e-mail crewsseptic@earthlink.net HORSE TRAILER- Good condi- tion. $1500. Firm (239)694-5611 PAINT MARE- 4-5yr old, green broke. Sweet disposition. $1000 or best offer. (863)763,2379 LAWN CART: 3x4, Good con- dition. $200. (863)357-5754 Murray lawn Mower, 4.5 hp, 22", Irg whis, Black & Decker leaf blower & Crftsmn edger $200neg. (863)763-7613 RISING MOWER- Craftsman, 25 hp, 45" cut. Like new $1850 or best offer. (863)634-2342 RIDING MOWER for parts, 42", for parts only! motor, tires, battery good; deck shot $20 (931)337-1053 or (863)3571236 CALVES all kinds, healthy, shots, wormed, will deliver, $200 & up. Cows avail. $350 & up. (863)235-0829. Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 hurricane shutters, ceiling fans in every room, fenced back yard, 1/4 acre lot w/oak trees, $259,000 (863)675-6644 for appt to view. chicki23@strato.net PORT LaBelle: Unit 4,4/2, Newly renovated, near schls., Priced to sell @ $175,000. Call owner: 863-673-5071. |'ilItilllJllllllill@ MOORE HAVEN 33471 TOP LOCATION - Will Divide City block next to court- house, government center, high school, 500 feet on US #27,Ideal for Bank, Fast Food, Law, Medical, Retail, Realtor, Insurance, etc. Callowner Pat 863-67-5 ADBA REG RED NOSE PIT BULL PUPS- $350 each, Please call (863)634-0119 BIRDS- Aviary for small birds, 8x10, movable, 50 or more birds, $1000 cash (863)675-3032 DOG BOX, decent shape, 2 kennel, $150 or best offer. (954)520-6707 DOG KENNEL FENCING, 4 gates, posts, used, make of- fer. (863)674-0416 KOI Colorful Pond Fish 2"-18", $3.00- $100. 239-289-7511 LOP EARED BUCK RABBIT- $5 (863)675-4981 LaBelle area PEKINGESE PUPS- all shots, CKC, beautiful, all colors/sizes, $300-400 will deliver. (863)983-5597 POT BELLY PIG BABY- pure- ored 125 18631675-4981 LBelle area YEARLING BEEFMASTER BULL $800 18631675-0218 La Belle HEDDON FISHING LURE- Old- er. Vintage. Good shape $25 1863)946-3123 PROJECTION TV 48- real cond. $500 or best offer (863)763-33?7 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Place. 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent .925 House Rent 930 Land -Rent 935 Resort Propet *. Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms toRent' 955 Storage Space- Rent 960 LaBelle, 2 br Apt. 1 full ba. W/River patio Compleeily turnisned ,w*asner & dryer 1 yr lease No children or pets please. $1200. mo.,. st & lasi required to move in. Call 239-337-7514 Your next ob could be h: today's lassfleds. Dd you look for It? Luxury Condo for Lease: IBR/IBA. lurnished, no pes. no Trucks, references, O750 mo. lease. WRG (863)675-0779 OXBOW CONDOS- 2br, 2a,. fully lurn, (863)675-4778 : FELDA, 4BR/3.5BA. very pri- vale, part. turn., references, $1450 mo lease WRG 863-675-0779 ORTONA- Near river, Unfurn. 3br. 2ba. garage AC. heat canal. oaks, orange trees. Quiet' 15 rmns o1 La Belle $950'rmo Lsit/sec l248l'93y-1447 inaaoe932?iaol com Port LaBelle, 3BR/2BA 239-210-8658 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig. units avail., air ionaironed non-air, each until alarmed, area lenced & well Ighrted, sp ce lor Doals, mailers Rv & trucks. Manager on- .sie. 1025 Commerce Dr. LaBelle e63-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- Cowboy Way & ;ennredy Blvd. 5'x10' $42.80 mo. incl. tax. 8'x10' $53.50 mo. incl. tax. 10',10 $5885 mo inil tax 8 .2020" 185.60 rrio incl. ta, 24- rr access $25 returnable key deposit. 863-675-2392. Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale in the classl-' fleds and make your clean um a breeze Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property -Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property- Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 LABELLE- 266 5th Ave, 3br, 2ba, last house on canal, new floors, windows & landscaping, $205,000 (863)673-5282 or Ichapman1985@yahoo.com LeBelle, New Home 3br, 2ba, Custom flooring. Stamped/ stained patio $179,000 (863)674-9073/673-4154 MAPLE CORNER, 2BR/2BA modular, folly furn., 55+, private & gated, $120,000. WRG 863-675-0779 MONTURA, 3br, 2ba, New Home. 1 + ac. Owner financ- ing. (863)675-6129 Port LaBelle, 3 BR, 2 BA, New construction. Just completed! Vaulted ceilings, home warran- ty. (239)825-8301 more info. PORT LABELLE- 3/2, w/bonus room, approx 1800 sq ft liv- ing area, recently updated carpet & kitch appi, new metal roof, sprinkler system, Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 23, 2006 19 NORTH FLORIDA LAND & HOMES J.W. HILL AND ASSOCIATES 1-888-821-0894 ~ 1-877-358-8300 jwhillandassociates@yahoo.com LAND 53.41 acres MOL of industrial prop in Columbia Cty #47930 $3,204,600. 39 acres MOL wvith DWMH. in Suwannee Cty #47588 $470,000. 120 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty #49265 $1,200,000. 30 acres .MOL in Hwy Frontage in Madison Cry #46383 $600,000. 50 acres MOL in Madison Cty. #47041 $750,000. HOMES 3BR/1.5BA in Hamilton Cty #48731 $225,000. 3BR/2BA with 5 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty #49769 $159,900. 5BR/3BA on 229 ,acres MOL in Suwanee Cty #49092 $3,499,000. COMMERCIAL Business for sale in Deland, FL #45376 $495,000. Business for sale on 3 acres MOL in Madison County #46984 $850,000. Business on 2 acres MOL in Lafayette County #41969 $150,000. Business for sale in Madison County #48870 $625,000. PLUS MANY MO*RE..... ILnd-Sal Eagle's Nest Estates A secluded, private ranch subdivision offering beautiful Svistas of pristine natural habitat. . Offered in combinable 40-60ac Tracts for discerning homeowners or weekend nature enthusiasts. Only eleven of these exceptional tracts available. ,.mr ,, MR 772-468-8306 EU i. rf!&rf;&-iii Shoreside Realty & Mortgage, Inc. Prhc, :.: p t. i H5 l y li a 863-6 -40101 239-69-6664 i.m teij tLb: B -,. 1 Al:F ESTATE' WITH 2 HOMES I Hh:OME WITH A pFi':i4 A GiR\T BiU~ AT $950,000. Q:!i I-%< BE SEP- ARATE. COMMERICAL BUILDING AND LOT ALREADY A CON- VEINCE STORE. CALL FOR DETAILS. 2/2 POOL HOME ON 2+ ACRES GREAT LOCATION NESTLED AMONG THE OAKS. A GREAT BUY AT $415,000. 12 ACRES WITH LARGE HOME AND BARN, WORK SHOP A GRAND PLACE JUST REDUCED $1,195,000. 5+ ACRES WITH LARGE 4/2 MANUFACTURED HOME CALL FOR DETAILS $329,900 2 ACRES WITH NICE 3/2 MANUFACTURED HOME, POLE BARN AND GREEN HOUSE. A GREAT BUY AT $215,900. Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you., No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessuld people LOOKING TO OWN LAND? In- vest in rural acreage Ihroughoui America, coastal, mountain, waterfront proper- ties. 20 to 200 acres FREE, monthly Special Land Re- ports: www.land-wani- ed.com/sw. SLarge Corner Lot. improved. Trees. orange, grape iruia, p, R.rri, rosewood, bottle brush,' 5001. to Caloosa- hatchee River Just west ot Lake Okeecnobee Boal & river view, trailer and shed will be moved by owner. $49,000 (262)994-1677 Port LaBelle: Unit 7, Block 2221, Lot 32,1/4 acre. 7024 Patriot Circle. New Homes on street. $46,900. By Owner. Call J. Taylor 914-293-7097 ASHEVILLE, NC AREA ACREAGE Private, gated mountain community with over 4 miles of riverfront. 1 to 8+ acres from the $60s. Incredible views! Custom community lodge with mountain spas, riverwalk. Call (866)292-5762. Bear RiverLodge. COASTAL NC WATERFRONT! 1.5 Acres- $99,900. Beauti- fully wooded, great views, pristine shoreline, deep boatable walert Enjoy access to ICW Sound Atlantic Paved road. underground utilities Excellent financing. Call now (8001732-6601 ., 1510. .4- '4J~3 I oues-Sae 02 I Houses Sal Recreation Boats -. 3005 Caunpers/RVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscelaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 I Publc Noice I P i N i BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLI- NA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE! MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Invest- ments. Cherokee Mounlain Really GMAC Real Estale Murphy www cherokee- mounlainreally.com Call lor Free Brochure (800)841-5868. FINAL CLOSEOUT- Lake Bar- gains! April 8/ 9. Water ac- cess from $34 900 with FREE Boat Slips PAY NO CLOSING COSTS' Huge $5,000 savings on Ieaur lul. ly wooded parcels at 34 000 acre lake Tennessee. Enroy unlimited water recreation. Surrounded by sale loresl Excellent linancingl Call 1800L704-3154, x 722 TIJ Land Partners, LLC GOLF LOT SALE! Blue Ridge Mountains Near Asneville NC. Beaulfully wooded nomesites on 18-hole Dye designed golt course. Unbe- Ilevable incentives. Call toll- tree (866)334-3253 X 1047 ceerokeevalleysr corn Lakelront and Lakeview Prop- ernles Nestled in the hills ol Tennessee on Ihe shores of pristine Norris Lake Call Lakeside Really al (423)626-5820 Or visil www.Iakesiderealty-ln corn Large Mtn. Land Bargains High Elevation Adloins Prns- hne Stale Foresl, 20+ AC to 350 AC Sweeping Min Views Slreams. www.Ilve- inwn com MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAM COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REAL- TY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www.exrrmurphy.com. NC MOUNTAINS 10.51 acres on mountain lop in galed community, view, Irees, wa- terIall & large public lake nearby paved private ac- cess. $1 19,500 owner (866) 78 9-85 35 www.NC77 com. Near Baxley, GA. 6,200 sqil cypress house/lodge on 95 acres wilh 3 acre pond Ey- cellent location. Deauilul home. Hunting & Fishing Paradise $650 000 (912)632-8916. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams. Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE 18011642-5333 Realty 01 Murphy 317 Peachlree Si MUrrpny, N.C. 28906. www.reallyolmurphy.com. North Carolina Gated Lake- tront Community 1 5 acres plus, 90 miles of snoreline Never before Oilered wain 20% pre-development dis- counts. 90% financing. Call (800)709-5253. NORTH CAROLINA MOUN- TAIN/LAKE LOTS. Deep wa- ter dockable lots from $134,900. New Properties Now Available! NClake- front.com Realty 800)659-6017 or (828) 2 2 8 -, 6199 www.nclakefrontcom. TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN ACREAGE Gated mountain community bordering a large lake. Spectacular views. Community boat ramp, pri- vate boat slips. Between Chattanooga & Knoxville. Call today (866)292-5769. Gates of the River. TN WATERFRONT MOUNTAIN PROPERTY Scenic home- sites surrounding Lake Bark- ley. 1 to 6 acre view sites & 5 to 40 acre privacy sites from the 40's. 90 min to Nashville. Grand opening of Phase II on now! Call (866)339-4966. Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sel your used items In the classlifelds. WATERFRONT BARGAINS Lake Access Irom $202/month!* Direct Lakie- front starting at $99,900' ONE DAY ONLY LAND SALE' SATURDAY, MARCH 25 2006 Just 20 minutes from "Augusta,.GA ExcellenI ih- nancing available Call today lor an early appoinmerinl' -888)LAKE-SALE x 1030 Based on purchase pnce ol :139 900 wl 10% down. hred rate of 6 75% lor 5 yrs, S15-year term w/balloon pay- ment due at the end of 5 yrs. Terms and rates subject to rnange without notice. Void where pronibiled by law. Western New Mexico Privale 62 Acre Rancn $110.990 Mr views, trees, rolling hills. pastureland. borders BLM 1930's stone nomestead witn 2 arns Horseback rnd- ing, hiking, hunting. Perlect family ranch eleltrincly 100% linrancin NALC 18663655-2825. TODAY TURN YOUR VACANT LAND INTO BIG $$$$ I will buy your vacant lot or land for cash. Close in 1 week. Hendry? Glades? Anywhere? Call Randy 863-673-5071 or 561-441-2800 Motivated Investor wanis iO Liquidate 2 units in Jade Beach. Sunny Isle. FL 38tn Floor Unit E" and 281h Floor unii "C" e-mail RMW@ROCKLANDFINAN- CIAL COM Call Robert (818)224-4555. DESTIN. FLORIDA. Directly on nhe Water NEW Boulique Hotel Harbor Beach, Pool. Sieps lt Finest Restaurants. Minutes to Gull Goll, Shop- ping. Introductory Rate. www innondesiinnarbor.com (800)874-0470. Reduced Riverfront, 1 7 ac.. 3/2 House + 1/1 Apt & docks, ramp, workshop $829,000. WRG 863-675-07 ;9 Mobile Homes II Mobile Home Lots 2006 Mobile Home- Parts 2010 Mobile Homes- Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 MOBILE HOME FOR RENT' LaBelle 1 Bdrm 1 BY, Privale lo.alion $450 mo + $200 sec.dep. (239)226-1219 . PIONEER PLANTATIONS- 3/2, dbl wide, Ig porch, 40 acres. $800/mo, Isi Lsi & Scr 1954 1649-6641 TURKEY CREEK, 2/1 Mobile Home, Oronta, on river. $1000 mo Call Emily @5 Southern Land Real Estate. 8631675-4500. DW 1999 & LAND-3 Bdrm.. 2 Ba. 4646 Anvil Way SW. Horseshoe Acres Coriflt l.elly or Marv i' Big LaC RNational Bank (863)467-7070 ext. 1022 HENRY COUNTY- 1995 Palm Harbor Masterpiece, 28x52, 3/2, open floor plan, Zone 3 wind storm,16x16 deck, appliance, exc cond, orig owner, buyer pays mov- ing. $32,900 (863)675-1490 or (239)728-2484. LaBelle: 3 Bdrm., on lot loaded w/oak trees. Tenant occupied. $55,000. (863)675-0104 14' BOAT- unsinkable, liner- glass fish linder. Irr, used twice, Call for information (863)675-2941 BAYLINER- '77 Outboard 16', Runs good 12500. or best oher.1863l634-7108 BOAT, 20 Ft., Center Console w.r-Top. V4 115 Evinrude mo- lot. Db axie Brake Away rrail. er $2500 (863)4678580 PONTOON BOAT, 20 LOWES 40 hp Honda. 4 Stroke like new w,'lraller, awnings 5 e'- ira's $5800 (8631467-6696 PONTOON BOAT- 26, 50HP Evinrude. needs work, good project, $1400 nea (863)467-57251 or more ino RANGER BASS BOAT- 16'6'. 115hp Mariner engine. Low hrs, very clean $8200. (561)662-4504 RENKIN, 19', w/85rp rJonn- son, Iroll m r.. nice rlr, wa- ter lesI runs strong, 800. (937)336-2855 TIDECRAFT PRO BASS BOAT. on trailer runs real t2500i or tiesl urier 5611281-5-129 CHEVY HERIT MOTORHOME- '84 Runs grejl dNeed: iome work on Ihe insi.de. '.2500 Or besl oiler (863)1634.7108 HRC, '86 Class C 24-, Ford 35110 681 mi generialor 7 new lire, awning sleeps 6. Will Deliver $6500 (2391262-3024 JAYCO 1991 21'F FI Eagle 51h wheel Everything works. 5th wheel or Goose neck nitch ncl. $5500 (8631467-6696 RV- '1991, 35'. with J30'10 screen porcn. $5500 Call (863)763.9l35 ior more in. Iormaiion RV SHELTER: 12 Ft. > 24F . i3FI H Like new. Commeroli 15 yr. top. Easy ito move No permit 51000 863-467-6696 SLIDE IN CAMPER- 8i1l tel contained air. ior 1,'2 ton Iruck $7001863)357-1052 Grab a bargain from your neighbor's garage, attic, basement or clos- et In today's classlfleds. FISHING'TROLLING .MOTORS (2) wall controls 12 & 24 volt. new never used $450 (561)622-0736 KAYAKS- 2. 14'. Like new. $750. 1863)763-4982 HARLEY DAVIDSON FYRT 84- colleclors item, $8000 1863)763-6016 MUST SEE! YAMAHA 400 DIRT BIKE, 85, good cond shows 793 mi, runs good $850. (561)718-8580 GO CART & SiZUK'.I 185cc 4-wheeler tiulh runl $600 or besi oiler. will iepataie 863-697-9598 One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad In the classi- feds. FRANKLIN, '06, 33', 2 slide- outs, fully loaded, sleeps 6, w/d, $19,000. (302)983-8125 cell Name ol Owner Project Scope: Sile Examinallo Place for Receil Onlaining BIo D Clewiston High School 1501 S. Francisco St. Clewiston, Fl 33440 CGlewslon Mdsale School 601 w O eojj Ae ClewiSlon FL a33l jaBenele Miaoe Scroi BuO E Cuinony Wa LjBeye. FL 33935 tidni.y Coumv 5:riuOi doara 25 E Hiopocree Ave LaBelle, FL 33935 Frm' ljrn all jabor and m3 r ile reuire.] to rejcj e ,',,] (, i ir ffi .mF i r oi,',6 ruling c Coiorrmiern.l, i rj Cir), ighn i r Sir Ci'owiSion Midle Scninj)l jnd LaBelle Middle School. Estimated construction budget Is $400,000.00. n' A volunjlny prebid rriebting wil be r,10l i the' cafeteria of Ciew.siro migh SEinc.l on inursiay MalLn 3 20 06 al 1200 noon I r. other Itwo Sne, ill n e aiTie d anlr i ; mis elrig pt of Bids: All bids shallne delivered to Htedry frouiy Scrioo1 Boarti v5 lnjnLa & Purcrasing Otice t11 Curry Streel LaBeldi FL o Malle Io Henary y Lon y ci l er o r'ords' Finance & Pirchisinrg onhti PC 6o, g10. Labeile.FL I75 ocumalans ls0 r'acr rrnav OiE[lin IluuiTirl i iniluting 3oTrsirg's jand peciri.:aj.onsi by cnm.ailinlj n n.c:6i Ol Jiy Amrimon Arcritlei,, In 32j46 Lj3ievs o. c liove Lr.nigwood "ICn.3a .:;-' I lelrnonre numleir 14uI; ai :1;,T 'o1lculmensll will rC roultreiitd at 10 in :ceO Lh tebldl s a irS a l merleTia riei aji ill Nii O mallia to ti bllderi at tl hir imlure l All biiz rimu lt ini:lI :, dn ,n a I .sevle el.:i'. pjlinly marv!d on ie OulinilO 'i)' .O 11; o h)insi ,Aoj .' Pf ci .i 31 Clewiil I ol liir S rioaol Clpwislri , Mh]lea :nojl IaeLj3iie Mli aUedlr ciol dOueij e Die April pni 20 Thi ,Linori Bar o i Hewiii-v Cuu.ry ir esrves me ngm 10 relacin jy snd all rois rtrvied, .idil. u waive any n aill irregulmtanes I1 Iegara t'drelo 1it bilal mjry tib winrrawn aner me i.hedulen cloiing me lotr receiptl or bias lior a penr. oli -ir In.tI cijin.a0 r nay wtriautom onsern ol Mre Board ninar, i:iOuR Seonf' oac' j I &trq Cliharinji Automobiles Ill - Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Care 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment. 4025 Foreign Care 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 40655 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trallers 4065 Vans 4070 CHEVY BLAZER, 96 auto, V6, 4 dr, runs & drives great, $2500 or best offer. (863)673-0733 CHEVY CAMARO Z-28 1982. runs great' Must sell $1200 or best offer 863-697-9598 FORD MUSTANG 5.0 LX 1990 Convertible. 39K Fully aulo- matic. Updaled AC Sysiem 1 iOwner. '16500 1863)467-8522 FORD TEMPO GL. '93 lor parts car does run. $250 (863)675-7878 HONDA ACCORD DX 1987, auto, 57k actual miles, $1200 (863)824-6799. or (863)697-3944 Mercury Marquis LS, '90, 5.0, V8, low mi., good body & int., cold a/c, great trans., $2500. (863)467-6805 OLDS CUTLASS CIERA '94- 4dr, auto, PW/PL/PS, cold AC, AM/FM stereo/cass $1400 (863)673-4151 Don't Miss This One MUSTANG 02- V6. auto, PW, PL, wnite w/tan inter 39K mi. eyc cond $9200 (302)245-0401 Dover OLDS DELTA 88- '84, 68k ong. mi. New tres, 2 owner car Good cond. $2800. (863)763-4576 AUTO WANTED: Looking to buy Antique Car/ Convertible/.Truck Please call 1.954)561-27'76 CHEVY TRUCK FRAME- With axles. Good for a buggy. $200.(863)228-2351 JEEP RENEGADE 1991, 4x4, Auto., Mint condition. New en- gine & brakes. 400 mis. on en- gine. $7800 (863)467-6696 GOLF CART, '89 Club Car, 36v, with charger new seat & tires, $900 or best offer. (863)467-5616 GOLF CART- Club Car, 4yV elec, w/batt charger, also roof, $1300 (863)763-8714 GOLF CART- Easy Go, 36 volts, w/charger, looks & runs good, well worth price $600 (423)502-2214 Lorida CARBURETED HEAD- 350. wilt 202 valve $200. 1863)763-5067 a P i N i INVITATION TO BID flooce 1s nereby given ial Inie Disticl tSchool Board oi Hendry County, Flonda llI receive bids unril 3:00 p.m. on Friday, April 7, 2006 a tme Hendry Coumy School Board s Finance Onicce, 31 which time they will be opened and tabulated. INVITATION TO BID Notice is hereby given that the District School Bo Heara n.ry Coui ry Forida, will receive bids until 3:00 p.m. on Friday. April 7. 2006 al rme Hendry County School Board's Finance Office, at *n.ir, omrne y *III ne opened and tabulated. Project Title: Roofing Repair Project at: Clewiston High School Clewiston Middle School LaBelle Middle School Project Title: Project Location: Name of Owner: Project Scope: Site Examination: Place for Receipt of Bids: Obtaining Bid Documents: t) ( ". All bids music be eriloisd in 3 sealed envelope plainly mrarhed on Ihe oulside 01)00605 E:rienor Wall Repair Propec.: a The ESE Building. Bid Due Dale Aprl 7 2006 The School Board 0o Hendry Counry reserves the rigni i: releci any aand 11 bidd received and to waive any and all irregulariies n regard Inereto No bids may be wdhdrawn aher me scheduled closing lime lor rericpl lor bids lor a penod ol Si ty i601 calendar days winoul coriseni 0 mine Board Hendry County Scnool Board Sally Berg, Chairman DRIVE ON RAMP- you must remove and haul $175 (863)467-4328 HOOD for '89-'94 Mustang, good snape no rust. $75 (863)674-0212 MUSTANG WHEELS, for '93. w/center caps, fair cond, 4 P205/65R15 Regent Sigma tires, $200. (561)718-8580 TIRES on rims, trom Jeep iWrangler, brand new 30/9.50/R15 LI Goodyear $450 863)634-3261 TONNEAU COVER- off 81t bed, Ford. $450 or DesI ofier (863)467-7428 TOYOTA STOCK RIMS- 15", For a pickup, asking $20 for all4 (863)467-1308 Truck Bed, Lights, Bumper Tail Gate for '99-'01 Ford F150, white in color, $350 or best offer. (863)946-1138 Chevy S10 1990. runs great good work iruck $900 lirm (863)228-0031 DODGE DAKOTA 94- no Iile $500(8631763-3451 ISUZU PU '91- AC, runs good, 4 cyl $1000 (772)618-0607 LEER FIBERGLASS TOPPER- Off Ranger step side. Snug up to the cab type. $300. (863)763-2379 PICKUP 1973 GMC for parts, rebuild able 350 engine, good tires, mirrors etc. $200 (239)357-5984 CHEVY BLAZER. 4 Door. v6 molor, Runs & Drives good. $2500 (863)673-4470 TRAILER- 5'x8', Wilh ramp. Ercellent condiiior $550 (8631357-5754 CHEVY- 3/4 Ton Van '88 7 passenger, good tires. rides good on nwy 1990 1863)673-0782 DODGE-'84, 15 Passenger. i ton. Nice seats 11490 18631673-0782 or (863)6741-0837 DODGE CARAVAN 94- GOOD, TRANSPORTATION. $1200 or make offer (863)467-5401 FORD AEROSTAR VAN 1990, Runs good. Some front end damage Selling for $1000 or best offer. (239)465-7156 Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on 03/25/2006 at 11:00 AM at FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE, 1025 Com- merce Drive, LaBelle, FL, the under- signed, FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE, wilsell at Public Sale by competitive bidding, the personal property ereto- fore stored with the undersigned: 863-675-1025 Furniture, Mattresses, Misc items. Bikes, baby swing and misc. items. Bikes, refg., dressers. Computers, misc. items. 120679 CB 03/23/2006 Crist, legislators push public safety measures Attorney General Charlie Crist has joined legislative sponsors in calling for passage of Anti-Murder legislation to protect innocent Floridians from violent offenders who violate the terms of their pro- bation. Crist and the lawmakers also urged the passage of other important public safety legislation, including a measure to safeguard abuse victims residing at domestic violence shelters and another mak- ing it illegal for citizens to provide misleading information to law enforcement officers investigating certain crimes. Crist and the legislators said the common-sense proposals would make law-abiding Floridians safer, Sand urged the Legislature to give .the measures speedy approval. :Joining Crist today were Senators "Paula Dockery and Mike Fasano,' SRepresenlatives Joe Negron, Jen- Sni er Carroll and Michael Grant, Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Guy Tunnell and State Attorney Willie SMeggs representing the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association, ;. as well as representatives from the IFlorida Sheriffs Association, the i Florida Police Chiefs Association, Sthe International Union of Police Associations, the Police Benevolent Association, the Fraternal Order of Police and the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence. i Our government was formed, First and foremost, to ensure the Safety of its citizens, and public safety must be our highest priority," said Crist. "We cannot accept any- thing less than an unyielding stand against those who would tear apart innocent lives, families and com- munities by their criminal actions." The "Anti-Murder" legislation, sponsored by Sen. Dockery and Rep. ,Negron, would make certain that violent offenders who violate probation are returned to jail until a judge finds that they do not pose a danger to the community. The bill creates a list of crimes that qualify a person as a "Violent Felony Offend- er of Special Concern," ensuring closer scrutiny under the new law. Crist praised last year's Jessica Lunsford Act as an important first step toward protecting Florida's children, but said the additional provisions of the Anti-Murder legis- lation would make children even more safe from sex offenders and predators. Another priority piece of legisla- tion emerged from the investiga- tion into Jessica Lunsford's disap- pearance, which tragically ended in the discovery of the young girl's body not far from her home. As law enforcement investigated, rela- tives of the man eventually charged with Jessica's brutal murder were not forthcoming with authorities regarding his whereabouts. Prose- cutors concluded they had no avenue to charge the relatives under existing Florida law. Crist is now pursuing legislation that would make it a criminal offense to knowingly provide false or mis- leading information to law enforcement officers as they con- duct felony or missing person investigations. Violators would face up to year in jail and a $1,000 fine. The "False Witness" measure is sponsored by Sen. Jeff Atwater and-Rep. Grant. The third measure, the "Safe Shelter" initiative, would increase penalties for anyone who trespass- es at a domestic violence shelter. The goal of the bill is to keep abusers away from those they have victimized by making the shelters more secure for their inhabitants. Under the new legislation, violators would face up to five years in jail and a $5,000 fine, a significant enhancement from the previous penalty of no more than a $1,000 fine. The bill has been endorsed by the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and is spon- sored by Sen. Fasano and Rep. Jen- nifer Carroll. The sponsors had the following comments on the public safety leg- islation: Anti-Murder "We are often able to recognize the signs that characterize a repeat offender and the Anti-Murder legis- lation would enable us to put that to positive use," said Sen. Dockery. "These people should not be given the chance to abuse their privilege of parole and commit additional crimes" "This bill ends the revolving door of justice for violent felony offenders," said Rep. Negron. "Violent predators must be kept in prison, not released back into our communities." False Witness "Law enforcement officers must be able to rely on those they question for information, particu- larly when lives could be at stake," said Sen. Atwater. "We want to empha- size how important it is that people are cooperative and honest with authorities. I applaud the Attorney General's efforts in this regard." "This bill provides a new arrow in the law enforcement quiver," said Rep. Grant. "Lying to investiga- tors will finally have a penalty." Safe Shelter "The victims of domestic vio- lence deserve as much protection as the law can provide. Those who commit the most heinous of crimes deserve the toughest penal- ties the law can provide," said Sen. Fasano. "I applaud Attorney Gener- al Charlie Crist for his strong stance in favor of victims and against the criminal and look forward to work- ing with my legislative colleagues to support the Attorney General's criminal justice priorities." "Government's role is to protect its citizens. When opportunity aris- es to do just that, we should act," said Rep. Carroll. 'It is incumbent upon the elected official to fulfill that obligation. Therefore, I took the opportunity to bring about public policy that will further pro- tect some of our most vulnerable citizens." Realtors report sales of over $13 million Ft. Denaud, LLC purchased 293 acres of land at 4725 and 5555 Fort Denaud Road (Coun- ty Road 78A) from .Mark Lind- ner Trust for $12,013,000.00. Plans are underway for rezon- ing in the hopes of building 293 estate homes on 1-acre lots. The area is surrounded by a future home community of approximately 243 estate home sites, called Brandywine Estates, to be developed by Engle Homes. Transaction Specialists Don Turner, Frank D'Alessandro, Tom Woodyard, and Kevin Rosenthal of D'Alessandro & Woodyard, Inc., Commercial Realtors@ negotiated the transaction. William Cousins purchased a 9,424 square-foot building on 1.03 acres of land at Billy Creek Commerce Center from TK Investments for $1,006,000.00. The building is located at 5720 Zip Drive in Fort Myers, west of 175 at exit 139, at Luckett Road. Newly constructed in 2004, the building is zoned for Industrial Planned Development and was Transaction Specialist Todd Holman of D'Alessandro & Woodyard, Inc., Commercial Realtors@ negotiated the transaction for the seller. Ron Bauer represented the buyer. Buy, sell and trade with the classified Pages 17-19 I Publi Notic Exterior Wall Repair Project at: ESE Building Clewiston, FI ESE Building Clewiston, Fl 33440 Hendry County School Board 25 E. Hickpochee Ave. LaBelle, FL 33935 Furnish all labor ard materials required to replace and repair the designated e ierior wall components of the ESE Building. Estimated construction budget is $150,000.00. A volunl.iry plibid meeting will be nela in me ESE Building on Tnurday Marcnr 30. 2006 ad 11 30 am All bids snail be delivered to Hendry County Scnool Boards Finance & Purchasing Olice 11I Curry Sreel, LaBelle, FL, Or Mailed to Hendry County School Board's Finance & Purchasing Office, RO. Box 1980, LaBelle, FL 33975. Bidders may obtain documents, including drawings and specifications, by contacting the office of Jay Ammon Architect, Inc., 3246 Lakeview Oaks Drive, Longwooid. Florida, 32779, telephone number (407) 333- 1977. Documrnis will be distributed at no cost to the bidders at the prebid meeting and will be mailed to the bidders at their request. Project Location: :: '11 I Land- Sal 20 IMs Be T y IDE IT INTO SPRING SALES EVENT FOR W.j LL M AT ~ CH YU R DOWN PAYji M ENT UaPrTO[$1000 2006 FOCUS ZX3 LEASE FOR A MONTH 36-MONTH RED CARPET LEASE.* SECURITY DEPOSITWAIVED! 5-YEAR/ 100,000 MILE POWERTRAIN LIMITED WARRANTY -., 2006 F-150 XLTSUPERCAB 4x2 LEASE FOR 279/MO.FOR39MO. SECURITY DEPOSITWAIVED I BEST IN CLASS PAYLOAD2 2006 EXPEDITION EDDIE 2006 MUSTANG V6 COUPE LEASE 259 FOR 3 9/MO. FOR36MO SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED CLASSIC LINES. MUSCLE CAR HERITAGE. THE LEGEND LIVES. BAUER4x2 LEASE $ Q FOR 3/399 MO. FOR36 MO FOROR 7APR MONTHS SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED BEST IN CLASS CARGO SPACE 2006 FUSION SE 14 2006 EXPLORER XLT4x2 $219/MO. FOR36MO. LEASE' $259 FOR $259/MO. SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED UPTO 32MPG3 COMPLETELY REDESIGNED SOUTHWEST FLORIDA FORD DEALERS 'A deductible applies. See dealer for details. 'Class is full-size pickups under 8500 GVWR. When properly equipped. Based on EPA estimated 4 cyl. engine/auto transmission. *Not all buyers will qualify for Ford Credit Red Carpet Lease or lowest Ford Credit APR. Payments may vary, dealer determines prices. Residency restrictions apply. '06 FocusZX3 $179/month requires $1768 cash due at signing after $1,500 cash back. '06 F-150 XLTS/C $279/month requires $1,873 cash due at signing after $2,500 back.'06 ExplorerXLT4x2 at $259/month requires $2,124 cash due at signing after $3,500 cash back. '06 Mustang V6 Coupe Premium at $259/month requires $1,853 cash due at signing after $1,000 cash back. '06 Fusion SE 14 ac$219/mo. requires $1,813 cash due at signing after $2,000 cash back.'06 Expedition Eddie Bauer 4x2 at $399/month requires $1,993 cash due at signing after $5,250 cash back. Cash backincludes matching down payment cash. Excludes taxes, tide and registration fees; Includes security deposit and acquisition fee. Must take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 4/3/06. See dealer for qualifications and complete details. *A LANI 44 --'f/rift- are~-1Hp6S. I WwwIut~ FOGOEF4,RD-AS 0 (AMUCS!1"TU T -1-ETST Y()L)l*J, l.DOU RIEA l,.W.Y J-E IGT RIE INIVT 0' fORF MOTR CNIPNY' II Dl e LEASE FOR FOR24Mo.: 20 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March23, 2006 0, ()00 Af 0 FOCUS POWERTRAIN COVERAGE ,N 0 1 -1 I.cl C-,l cn NO Pl-tot y Safes, "I N'O 110(`YLJ.,' lZC 1),,.tt,,CS 4) M-) "Aff o-ld tr"'.tdc, il |