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New animal control fines Page 3 2oD .v' _Z' t: 1 yl y Delivering Weste- C-oNEs o ." -A 70y USA ,.Since 1922 THURSD Ma dies in cycle crash Ma -le-.s Ae hLX Use care when giving donations Freedom Fellowship Min- istries currently has no repre- sentatives seeking donations from the community. If you are approached by anyone identi- fying themselves as coming from Freedom Fellowship and asking for donations, please call Pastor Marsha Edgar at 612- 9899. Apply to Rotary for scholarship The LaBelle chapter of Rotary International offers a $2,000 college scholarship to a worthy local student every year. The scholarship is available in $1,000 increments over the stu- dent's third and fourth year of college. The requirements for applicants are: 1.) LaBelle High School graduate, 1.2) complet- ed two )ears at Edison Com- munity College (ECC) as an Isabelle Curtis Memorial Schol- arship recipient, L3) overall SGPA at ECC above 3.30, (4) demonstrated civic inolve- ment and character, and (5) accepted to attend a Florida public university. Interested stu- Sdents should e-mail their name and e-mail address to: chlmarkld'aol.com to request an application Deadline is March 31. An interview \ill be held with the top candidates. Hendry County Food Bank this Thursday The Hendry County Food Bank \%ill distribute USDA com- modities to each individual or family that qualifies on Thurs- day, March 16, from noon to 3 p.m. at Our Lady of Heaven Catholic Church, 355 South Bridge Street. Client eligibility can be: Food Stamp Recipient, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TANF, Supple- mental Security Income (SSI) Medicaid, Residence Hosing founded by Municipal, County, State of Federal Government, Self Declaration of Need by the client (Based on the Depart- ment of Health and Human Services Poverty Income Chart). Take advantage of SBA workshop A two-part workshop Small Business Association (SBA) is scheduled for Wednesday, April 5, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the LaBelle Commission Chambers in LaBelle-City Hall. -7A continental breakfast will be provided. An afternoon session is scheduled at 1:15 p.m. in Clewiston at John Boy Auditori- um in the Beardsley Room. Come around 12:30 p.m. for a light lunch. The workshops are packed full of information on how you can use SBA for your expan- sion needs or start-up business. Space is limited at both loca- tions-so please call Hendry County Economic Develop- ment Council at 863-675-6007, to register. The sessions are free of charge, but the value of the information you take home will be priceless. Index Classifieds .......16-18 Editorial ............ .4 Speak Out .......... .4 Social News ........ ...5 Sports ..............6 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com I Community Links. Individual Voices. I II IIIll0 1 11110 a 16510 00019 1 Second imotoreycle fatality in 2006 A Michigan man became Hendry County's second traffic fatality of the year last week. At 6:30'p.m. on March 8, 47-year-old Steve Sickles of Clay Township, Michigan, died after his motorcy- cle struck a dog. According to the Florida High- x\ay Patrol, Mr. Sickles was travel- ing eastbound on SR 80Win the area of Fort Denaud Road when his 1992 Honda motorcycle Struck a dog in the roadway. The driver was ejected and struck a mailbox on the south shoulder of the high- way. Mr. Sickles was pronounced dead at Lehigh Regional Hospital. He had not been wearing a hel- met at the time of the crash The first traffic fatalih of the year for Hendry County also involved a motorcycle crash. On March 2 a Meadville, Pa., woman died after the 1996 Honda motor- cycle she \ as a passenger on \\as struck in the rear b) a pick up truck. The truck driver \\as attempting to avoid a large bird at the time of the crash. Both riders "= < ** " Relay for Life: Because we can find a cure were ejected and Nelly A. Fr:,elicher, 66, expired at Lee Memorial Hospital. Also, just last month, LaBelle resident Julie Wilkins was critical- ly injured in a motorcycle crash on SR 80 west of LaBelle. On Friday evening, Feb. 17, Ms. Wilkins suf- fered serious injuries in a motor- cycle crash on SR 80 west of LaBelle at Double J Acres Road. Ms Wilkins \\as driving her 2002 Harley Davidson motorc\ cle vest- bound when, according to the Florida Higrh\ay Patrol, she applied the brakes, causing the bike to s\\erve in the lane. She lost control as the motorcycle over- turned in the inside lane and was thrown from the bike onto the roadway. She was wearing a hel- met at the time of the crash. No 0golf carts on roadways By Donna Meister There's been much discus- sion at the recent Community Traffic Safety Team meetings concerning. lack ol community\ bike paths, child safety seats'b6oster seats not being utilized, children under the age- of 12 riding in the front seat of cars, golf carts and ATV's on cirn count roads, sidewalks and, of course, excessive speed and lack of enforcement inside citB limits. According to Hendry County Sheriff's personnel, golf carts are not permitted outside of golf course communities, mobile, travel or RV parks. Most all golf carts ae \\ thout headlights, tail Slights, brake lights and many are also withoutt required \ ind- shields. Of course, none of these possess the proper registration Sand license plate to be out on the streets among traffic. Also, these carts are not insurable as vehicles. Al1 terrain vehicles (AT\'s) are also not permitted on city or country roads. Parents should be aware that young- sters can be ticketed from $25 and even up to hundreds of dol- lars for each infraction of the law. When seeing either of these being driven out and about in town, it seems "just like ,an accident waiting to happen," many people have commented. Hendr\ Countv's plan for sidewalks has been in the works for over six years with LAP certi- fication taking over two years of that mrne Now' that the cost of construction has risen during the sL-\lear process, it is doubt- .ful that there will be enough money\ for all of the, original' See Road ways -- Page 2 Vision groups set priorities .. J -: ,, - Caloosa Belle/JerriLynn Merritt That's teamwork! Ida Kirby navigates while fellow cancer survivor Don Meister supplies the forward thrust to push her around the LHS track during last weekend's Relay for Life. .- i ~U" Caloosa Belle/JerriLynn Merritt l: f -:-t Cancer survivors and caregivers took the Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant first lap of the all night American Cancer Preston Long, Justin Hill, Cody Fry and Society's Relay for Life at LaBelle High event co-chairman Susan Hill gather to School last weekend. They proudly display share the flame of life in memory of loved the Relay for life banner to kick off this very ones very special to each of them. successful and emotional event. By Jan Groves The Public Workshop #2 for Vision Hendry County 2015 was held in Clewiston on Thursday night, March 9, in the John Boy Auditorium. An ener- getic group of Clewiston and LaBelle citizens worked through a comprehensive ses- sion selecting those priorities important to them and based on input from the Clewiston and LaBelle meetings last month. Following a review of local treasures and citizen desires, as reported from results from the February meetings, the group went straight to the core of this meeting. Participants were asked to evaluate a series of goals and objectives beginning with a Development Goal for planning, building regulations, infrastructure, commercial development, redevelopment, residential development, affordable housing and all housing. The next series included transportation, natu- ral environment, health, educa- tion, economy, economic development, culture, recre- ation, community and ending with governance. All goals were rated for support and .objectives were rated by the most important of each of the participants. Results from this meeting will provide input for the Thursday, April 13, meeting where prioritizing the objec- tives selected in March and building consensus will be dis- cussed. The meeting starts at 6- p.m. and will take place at the LaBelle Civic Center. This will be your final opportunity for any input on setting the goals, priorities and objectives for this project. Please plan to attend and let your voice be heard. You can visit http://cons- esus.fsu.edu/heartland/ for a full report of the first meetings. Results from this meeting will soon be posted at the same address. FBI honors wildlife officer The Federal Bureau of Investi- gation has awarded its "2006 Women in Law Enforcement Leadership Award" in the state category to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commis- sion (FWC) Lt. Pavilion "Pam" Steelman. A state officer since 1994, Pam supervises a squad of eight officers in Hendry and Glades counties. She earned her promo- tion to lieutenant in 2002. "She promotes harmony and encourages team-building efforts while commanding the respect of others. She constantly sets an example by leading from the front and projecting self-con- fidence, authority and enthusi- asm," FWC Capt. David Stermen wrote in Pam's nomination let- ter. Pam works in the FWC's Fisheating Creek facility on the western shore of Lake Okee- chobee. Her area of responsibili- ty includes four wildlife manage- ment areas. In addition, she is a team leader for the FWC's Spe- cial Operations Group and serves on the FWC's General Orders and Review Committee. Also, she represents the FWC on the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's Child Abduction Response Team. There, she is an expert in supplying equipment to access remote areas. For example, she designed and built a goose-neck trailer capable of carrying a swamp buggy, four ATVs and 250 gallons of fuel. After hurricanes, the FWC tows the trailer by truck to affected areas to aid FWC offi- cers performing search-and-res- cue missions. Pam received the award Mon- day, March 6, at a Leadership Awards luncheon hosted by the Miramar Police Department. Pam has made her way in her profession through hard work and dedication. Her advice to a young person, especially a young woman, who thinks they want to become a wildlife officer is to make sure it's really some- thing you really want to do; it's a different type of law enforce- ment you're out there alone a lot." Over the years, she's pulled some hard duty but, she said, none compares to working fatal- ities. She recalls that the time she had to break the news to the See Officer Page 2 Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Archie Maynard Pam Steelman, Wildlife Officer. At A Glance 2 .Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16,2006 Almanacs Relay for Life Pam Steelman peddles furiously as she rounds the bend on the way to the finish line in the tricycle race. Officer Santinued From Page 1 -nily was the hardest thing she'd \er done. S Making the rank of lieutenant ,\is been her proudest career hievement to date,she said. She 0 ecalls, "when I started the idea S(of reaching that rank) was far fetched." It was a man's domain, after all, and at just 115 pounds, 5'1", she's hardly what you'd call physically intimidating, especially taking down guys who under- standably don't want the pleasure of her company. Over the years she's established a reputation for fairness, that's not an issue now, she said, but it was at first espe- cially in Hendry/Glades. She also had to prove herself to her fellow officers in this male-ori- ented job. It's just a fact of life, she philosophizes, like it or not. Over the years she's also built a strong rapport with the communi- ty by treating people fairly. She often has members of the com- munity offering her help with the job even from some she's arrest- ed. She's also extremely proud of finishing her college education. She had completed just one year Roadways Continued From Page 1l planned projects. The Board of County Commissioners will decide if the work can be done in- house or will have to go out for bids at their next meeting. FHP conducts checkpoints During the month of March Florida Highway Patrol will be con- ducting driver license and vehicle inspections throughout Hendry and Glades counties. Troopers will concentrate their efforts on vehi- cles being operated with defects such as bad brakes, worn tires and when she was hired. After 12 years, she is about to graduate from FGCU with a double degree in criminal justice and criminal forensics. Married with one daughter, Pam makes time to be a Girl Scout leader and soccer coach. The fami- ly also does things together espe- cially hunting. Hendry County Sheriff's Deputy and former Wildlife Officer Archie Maynard is Pam's father. He was also her career inspiration. "I've always been proud .of her," he.said with a smile. He recalls sitting around talking with fellow wildlife officers when Pam was just a little girl, telling "war sto- ries." "You don't realize how you influence your kids when they're growing up," he mused. He recalled; "Pam always wanted to be a wildlife officer but I thought she was in for a disappointment because, at that time, they didn't take women and I knew she wouldn't be very big." But when Pam was ready, FWC was looking for minorities and women, and Pam fit right in. Archie and his wife, Kitt, also have two sons: one is also a wildlife officer (A.J. is a wildlife officer on Lake Okee- chobee), the other is a musician in. Tallahassee.. defective lighting -equipment. According to.Lt. James Potter of FHP, these checkpoints have been shown to be an effective means of enforcing the equipment and driv- ers license laws, while insuring the' protection of all motorists. During the 48-hour statewide Operation Safe Ride, 3,838 speed- ing citations were given and 810 warnings. Other citations includ- ed: misdemeanors -251, faulty equipment -422, move over cita- tions -67, DUI's -31, seatbelt and car seat citations -747, aggressive driving -141, and other.citations - 2,924 for a grand total of 7,748. The Campaign was created in response to a growing concern over aggres- sive drivers and incidents of road rage, especially on interstates and Florida's turnpike. School board meeting change There will be no School board meeting on March 28 because of Spring Break. The next scheduled meetings will be April 4 at 5:30 p.m. at the Sub Office in Clewis- ton and on April 25 in LaBelle also at 5:30 p.m. Gathering of Christian Men meeting cancelled The Gathering of Christian Men will not meet in March due to Spring Break. Come to St. Patrick's dinner at Legion Dana-Howard-Weekley Ameri- can Legion Post 130 will hold its annual St. Patrick's Day Corned Beef dinner on Friday, March 17, from 5- 7 p.m. The cost is $6 a per- son and the meal will include corned beef, cabbage, red pota- toes, carrots, rye bread, coffee or tea. Come on down to the Ameri- can Legion at 699 State Read 80 West and enjoy the tradition of an Irish meal. The meal is open to the public and carry outs are available. Widows meet for lunch The \Widows Support Group will meet at the Fortune Cookie Restaurant on Thursday, March 16, at 11:30 for lunch. All widows are welcome. American Legion hosts breakfast buffet The American Legion Auxil- iary, Hwy. 80, will serve a break- fast buffet on Sunday, March 19, from 8-11 a.m. Adults $5.50; chil- dren under 6 $2.50. Grasscar lawnmower Racing on March 19 Grasscar Lawnmower Racing will take place on Sunday, March 19, starting at 1 p.m. Tech'opens at 11 a.m. Racers are wanted for all classes. Admission is free. Racer's membership fee for remainder of the year is $50. One day membership is $15. For fur- ther details, please call Mike at 239-872-1439, all rules are on the website at www.grasscar.us. Legion Commander to visit On Tuesday, Maich 21,'Nation- al Commander Tom Bock of the American Legion will visit Dana-Howard-Week- ley American Legion Post 130. Commander Bock is from Aurora, Colorado, and was elected as National Commander at the National Convention in Hawaii Correction The correct phone number for .the Bridge Street Coffee and Tea Company is 674-0104. The Caloosa Belle apologizes for the error. this past August. Commander Bock wants to meet the backbone of The Ameri- can Legion. The Post invites all veterans to visit the National Com- mander. The Post is hosting a din- ner at 6:30 p.m. for $6 a person. The community is also invited. Apply for childcare at RCMA RCMA is accepting applica- tions for childcare for children ages 6 wks.-5 yrs. old. Family Sup- port Workers will be available on Saturday, March 25, to assist par- ents with the applications at Krome CDC, 551 W Cowboy Way, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Bring the child's birth certificate and proof of the family's income(e.g. Pay Stubs, 2005 1040 Tax Statement). If there are any questions, please contact Marcye Masis or Donna Vaughan at 674-4515. Woman's Club plans fundraiser LaBelle Woman's Club will hold a community yard sale on Saturday, March 18, from 8 a.m.- noon. Bring items that you want to sell, and set up in the yard for only $10 a space. Let your treas- ures bring joy to someone else and make room to collect more. Proceeds from the rental of space will help to fund the schol- arship program. For more infor- mation call: Diane Potocar 612- 4826. Free workshop on fundraising set The Firehouse Cultural Center is having a free workshop on March 25 from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Planning your fundraising future! by Vern Dockery, an expert on fundraising from Sara- sota. Sponsored by the Southwest Florida Community Foundation and Firehouse Cultural Center. Please join them for coffee, snacks and knowledge at 241 N. Bridge Street. Contact Emily 673- 0141 with questions. Attention all Hendry caregivers If you are the full-time caregiv- er for a loved one, you are invited to attend free caregiver training and education classes during the month of March. Classes are twice a week for two consecutive weeks, with each class lasting three, hours. Classes will be held at the L.J. Nobles Senior Center of LaBelle. Call Toll-free 1-866-232- 0921 or call L.J. Nobles Senior Center at: 863-993-7088. Class dates and times: March 21, 23, 28 and 30 at L.J. Nobles Senior Cen- ter, 475. East Cowboy Way, LaBelle from 1-4 p.m. WELCOME NORTHERN WELCOME- BACK > , Randy's Garage, Inc. 675-1032 *737 S. Bridge St. LaBelle utNortboflaongoi A/C Work Oil Change Brake Work -......---.....................0....-..-.-....- -..... With this coupon Offers expire 3/31/06 ma 'm CALOOSA' To Reach Us 1.taling Address P 0 Bo\ 518 LaBeUe. FL 339"75 Phv'ic~l Address 2 Ft Thompion Ave Phone (863)6.5 254i Fax (863)675 14-19 \VebI'te %'-v.-w.newsoap com!labelle To Submit News The Caloosa Belle welcomes submis sions from iLs readers Opinions. calen- dar items. story ideas and photographs are welcomee Call (863) 675-2541 to reach our ne\ room. Items may be mailed, faxed or e-maded. If ,ou are sending photographs ia e-mail please send them n JPEG format, also please do not send \ ORD documents, just paste these messages into the body of the email Office documents are ok The deadline for all ne% s items is 11 a m. on Monday pnor to the following Thursday' publication. :E- Mail. cb-bdJtc' srr'atrt.net Spealkout. (863)675-4516 To Place a Display Ad Phone: (863) 675-2541 The deadlhre lor al advertising is 4 p.m on Fndsi for the [folov.ing Thursday's nubihci.:,n E-mail: cbelle(saraco.nec Billing Department E-mail: bilteam@newszap.com O BELLE To Place a Classified Ad Call (877) 353-2424 to places iclaified . ine adlernsement trom thome The dead. .ne for all clsaified ine advernamg ,s 'Monday at 11 a.m. tor d-ie tolio\vng SThursday'a pubcation Fax. (877) 354-2424 E-Maild assad@'nev.'s.:iponm For Subscriptions Phone (877) 353-2424 SThe C il.osa Belle istbures 7 000 copies I in the LaBele and Ve:tern Hendr- Countc rea erv'.'ary edncsdav. Copies of the paper can be found .ir vanous asrore throughout town and selected home in LaBedle enjoy complementirN home delv Sery. Fir-t-clas m3al subscrnptoni are available at $50 per ve u a nd $25 for sL: month- Printing The CaJooa Belle is pnrted ~ Sunrhine SPrinting. a subt-idjar ot independent Ne" spapers SE mad: pnnnn'ng trat net Newszap! Online News & Informatlon Get the latest local news at www.newszap.com/labelle Mortgage Highway f'ai /PIC 1/.d the /r/ Ia 'itncdi. 'Cn( 30 Year 1% CALL AHEAD FOR PICK-UP Breakfast- Lunch Specials Sandwiches Hamburgers Soft Drinks Beer Ice Tea Gatorade Natural Juices Coffee Milk Ice Eggs Bread Tortillas Doritos Donuts Candy Ice Cream Gum Cigarettes News Paper Batteries. Lights 4A APiLCDOl iDELiRIov TITeRU 48 S. Industrial Loop LaBelle, FL 33935 85 u %7 5 V Mortgage! $200,000 at 1% payments only $643.28 *1'* I . 'I -- F~. . F- P' $300,000 at 1% payments only $964.92 m. $500,000 at 1% payments only $1609.50 SI FREE Large Ice Tea with the purchase of Lunch Special I Coupon good till 3/25/06 ----m mmmmmmmmm------------------------- 1-888-HIGHWAY W WMORTGA GEHIGHlWAY NET ***<,.. .-. r II -L---l -e -I~IIIC~ICLIPI - II Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16,2006 Meet your new county planner Hendry County Director of Planning Lynee Rodriguez will speak at the IMPACT meeting at 2 p.m. on March 21, in the LaBelle City Commissioners room. Ms. Rodriguez came to -- Hendry County from the Central Fl6rida;. Regional Planning Council in Bartow where she held a similar position from 1992-2005. The council includes five inland and rural counties: DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands, Okeechobee and Polk. She brought with her experience in uniform land development codes, growth management, concurrency management sys- tems "areas of state critical con- , cern" and community redevel- opment,Main Street programs. All of these areas of expertise will assist her in guiding Hendry :County's growth. Originally from the San Fran- cisco Bay area, Ms. Rodriguez is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley. She Served as city planner for the Caloosa Belle/Patty Brant Lynee Rodriguez City of Winter Haven from 1989- 92 The subject of her talk will be the Needs and Challenges in Hendry County. The public is invited and questions are encouraged as the new plan- ning director is welcomed to Hendry County. As we are engaged in a major remember and pay homage to military conflict with Iraq, it is these that have born the battles time that we reflect on the hero- of our Nation. Only the brave are ism of the military serviceman, selected and only a race of Whether you are for or against ingrales would forget their sacri- the conflict in Iraq, we should fices. always have the utmost respect That is why Dana-Howard- for our military personnel. We as Weekley American Legion Post American citizens should always 130 will have its Third Annual LaBelle hikes animal control fines by Patty Brant The City of LaBelle is getting serious about animal control issues. The city commission increased penalties for dogs found at large for the third time. These sanctions include manda- tory spay/neutering of the dog. The penalty for the first offense is $100; second is $300 and third is. $500 plus spaying or neutering the animal and implanting an identification chip within 30 days. These "identichips" contain iden- tifying information -and are implanted in a dog or cat. (Please note, the second citation actually means third or fourth offense, since animal control officers give one or two warnings before writ- ing citations.) The new penalties have gotten a lot stiffer for certain offenses. For instance, the fine for noncon- rinement of a female dog in heat increased substantially (from $50 to $100 for the first offense; $100 to $300 for the second offense; and from $200 to $500 for the third offense). Dangerous dog violations have also been toughened. If you have a dog that has been desig- nated as "dangerous" there is now a one-time $1,500 fee and an annual $100 fee thereafter for registration. "This is just one step to improve our control over.these problems," said Animal Control Director Doug Morgan of the amended ordinance, to catch up with where he says the city should be. He added that they can still be lenient with first time offenders, opting to give warn- ings rather than fines. Those who continually disregard Animal Control measures, however, can expect to feel a lot more pain in their wallets. For instance, animal cruelty fines for the first offense have doubled as have fines for allow- ing dogs to run at large. There are also changes concerning dogs and cats transported or offered for sale. Like .the other city depart- ments, Doug said Animal control is working on its live-year plan, which calls for a new kennel at the end of that time. Expansion plans for the LaBelle Airport mean that the kennel will have to be moved. Doug said they are in the process of looking for a new location. : He said they're also working on going "high tech," with a Website where people can do online pet adoptions, read city ordinances and check out the lost and found complete with pic- tures. Doug said he especially enjoys adopting animals and returning lost ones to their own- ers. The City of LaBelle mirrored the county's animal control ordi- nance several years ago, making it easier for Animal Control - which covers the City of LaBelle and western Hendry County to do its job. He \\ ill be taking these new changes to the county now, seeking its approvalas well. SBc FINANCE . S Liensed Florida Broker BuPmness 100% Financing Available ;* Full Doc or Stated Loans Refinances Cash Ous Purchases Q Eay Qualificauon & Loan RequiremenLt iStngle Fmanily Homes Manufactured Homes . 49 N. Tndustriaj Loop Rd LaBelle 863-675-3275 9-5 Mon Friday Specid Appoinrmenrt Available S Hatlm,:, \s, tln,: Erpia ..l At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatmernt ot Eiuaijrj',n ot. After Surger Care ot: ClIauo.marr Micular Degeneriaurion Cjracts E\e Iriluneries Di'jer ( Gljucom Dr, Ele Cjaricrj ,Pircr gnir Ccrniuri:uivis IPink E\ve FIl hs Flo: ers LA. iK Spec alizing in bifo:il, toric, dacil dispi-sable and h.uad.-t-fii.f orijt lenses. Full Opnr:al Sernii-es in-.Hou-e Lab High Quihlt Niame Brand Framces Saiec DaV cn- ri oe F'recne Pri.ciLins L.ite iTe.'-hnI- l':'i i-.: il Len. Desigc n aiurdalv arid Evening App:irmrmenir Ai able 2- Hour Emrergenrc: AMilable New Patients Welcome 863.6"5.0"61 ir. linlntc\,ciarelabc lle Cormi On behalf of S. Ramirez z would like to sincere everyone e Lus during time. YLour the Anastacio S family we extend our thanks to who helped this difficult thoughts and prayers were a -' great source of comfort for our family. We would espe- cially like to thank the Cambell family and Benny Reyna for their kind generosity and support. We would also like to.thank the staffs of Village Oaks and Highlands Elementary Schools for their support. We woq ,d jike al!QLf,;ur friends to know ho\\ much: we deeply appreciate all of your S love and support., Sintcerely The Ramnirez Family Call and schedule a winter tune-up for your heating and cooling system. Cr II..~mt. ~ a- lltuisg 675-3233 (800) 925-1660- 3B 5EI ?ffi OUR 39TH YEAR STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC008030 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR The OUL OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Vacancies starting at $78 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax: 863-675-4892 Medal of Honor Tribute Ceremo- ny on Saturday, March 25, at 6 p.m. Again, this year they will pay tribute to Nicholas I. Culin- ha, who is laid to-rest at Fort 'Denaud Cemetery and the other recipients that have passed away since the last tribute ceremony. The tribute will also include all Medal of Honor recipients but will fo Please recogn orable courai recipe follow with e is invite Florida Wildlife Officers stop illegal In Hendry County Sat., Mar. 4, en fight in the Clewiston area. vale land. HCSO and FWC.offi- an .ofl ari officer observed a subject FWC officers assisted with the cers responded. The officers. attemr attempting to hunt for turkeys capture of subjects who tried to observed a husband and wife over b over bait on private lands. The run from the area, searching the walking with dogs toward the subject subject was also using an elec- area for evidence and property property's fence line. The sub- Fisheal tronic turkey call. The officer inventory duties. There were a jects stated that they were catch- ment A issued the subject a citation for total of 16 subjects arrested with ing hogs on the property. A tres- subject each violation: large amounts of drugs and pass.citation was issued to the fence I Sat., Mar. 4, Hendry County money seized. husband and a trespass warning attempt Sheriff's Office requested FWC Sat., Mar. 4, a complaint was was issued to the wife. officer assistance with a possible chick- received of trespassers on pri- In Glades County Sat., Mar. 4, jects re cus on Florida recipients. help pay homage and lize the courageous, hon- and selfless acts of ge of all Medal of Honor 'nts. There will be a buffet ing the ceremony along entertainment. The public ed to this ceremony. hunting ficer observed subjects opting to hunt for turkeys ail on private land. One t shot a turkey on the ting Creek Water Manage- rea side of the fence. The t then crossed the WMA to retrieve the turkey and )ted to return when the intercepted him. All sub- .ceived citations. obituaries. . Nellie G. Kirk Nellie G. Kirk, age 78 of Belle Glade, died Tuesday, March 7, 2006 at.her home in Belle Glade. Mrs. Kirk was born in Montezu- ma, GA. in 1927. She worked in the agriculture business at a local packing house. Survivors include sons: Bubba Watkins of Canal Point, John Kirk of Pahokee; daugh- ters: Caroline Hite of Okee- chobee, Kitty Broyles of LaBelle; brothers: Harry E. Moore of Macon, GA. Charlie F. Moore of Ft. White; sisters: Tiny M. \Whitaker, of Belle Glade, Mary -Arrrrl-Mulllns '-of Homestead: Frances Womack of Midville, GA; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held on March 10 at Fort Myaca Cemetery with Jimmy Sims offi- ciating. Arrangements by Glades SFuneral Chapel in Belle Glade. Ida Jo Burchard Ida Jo Burchard, age 76, of Lehigh Acres, passed away March 9, 2006, in Lehigh Acres. She was born Dec. 8, 1929, in Chattanooga, TN. She was a for- mer,' longtime restdEnr'tOf ents: Heniry Obid Smith:Sr:'and LaBelle. Survivors include Ora (Meek) Smith, husband: daughters: Fonda Jo Dawn George Forrey "Bunky" Bur- (Jessie Seeman) of Georgia, hard Sr.;' sons: Clarence Jerri Frances Engle (Elvie).of Edward Dawn, Michael Frank Alva, Beverly Marcia, May of Dawn and George Forrey B1ur- LaBelle; step daughter: Nancy chard Jr.; and sisters: Marcia Blye Perkins of LaBelle; sister: Jean Goodwin and Ana Sue Tay- Nancy Haskew (Wayne) of lor. Palmdale; brother: Henry Obid Services were held Sunday, Smith of Georgia; sisters-in-law: March 12, at the First Baptist Geraldine Burchard Nobles (L.J. Church of LaBelle with Rev. Jr.) of LaBelle and Shirley Bur- Frank Deerey Jr. officiating. chard Twitty (Frances) ofApop- Interment followed at the Fort ka; 18 grandchildren and eight Denaud Cemetery in LaBelle. great grandchildren. She was Arrangements by Akin-Davis preceded in death by her par-; Funeral Home LaBelle. Memorial Tribute : Remember a loved one who has departed with a special ,.n Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. C& a. :I& Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.con emorias for sample ads and an online order form, or cal 1-866-379-6397 toll free. wq Ke nw IHENDRY COUNTY'$ #1 RESIDENTIA L BUILDER!! INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE! Why h rent when you can own a hlonme of your own? f AsHendry & Glades County's Top Builder, We Lead the Industry in Quality, Value, Friendly Customer Service, & Homebuyer Education. f New Construction, Investment, & Speculative Homes Available!' : Onsite Lot Acquisition Specialist to Help with ,f, all of your Real Estate Needs! S 8065a Legion will honor Medal of Honor winners Caloosa Belle. Thursday, March 16,2006 '9 VFEI.RIV I ______ Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the LaBelle issues forum at httplAvww.newszapforuns.com/form56. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please).' You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opin- ion line at 675-4516. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. I am the little gal who portrayed Minnie Pearl, and I would person- ally like to say thanks to my fans that wrote in. It really meant a lot to me. I do not think they were complaining at all. I.am sure that all of the girls who entered the pageant had their own share of fans. All of the girls that I met during the pageant were great and had nice and encour- aging things to say before and after the pageant. We all became friends and had fun getting to know one another. We are all proud of Maria and are glad that such a nice girl is representing our town. All of the girls are winners to me! The person who wrote to the Speak Out on March 9 said some harsh things, so I just wanted to respond by saying that everyone should be proud of all of the girls regardless of what oth- ers might have to say. I think that all of the girls that entered the pag- eant worked hard and should be recognized as individuals ... Brianna, Erica, Haili, Mallory, Maria and I had so much fun together. You guys are awesome, and Iwould do it all over again! Love Ya' -Mindy We just wanted to respond to the comment made in Speak Out regarding the Swamp Cabbage Pageant. We travel to LaBelle every year form up North just to enjoy the festivities of swamp Cabbage. Give yourself a pat on the back for trying to make our words of encouragement to the "little gal" into something ugly. We were not try- ing to complain. It was not intended that way at all and it saddens us that our words of encouragement to one little gal were misunder- stood. LaBelle has some beautiful and talented girls and we enjoyed all of them. Thanks and we'll see you again next year. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, vio- lence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies tottghness, in a ,descending spiral of destruction. The chain reaction of evil must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation. -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.- Letter Lower speed limit in a block radius. For the safety of er s e our children and the drivers of Dear Mayor Bengston: vehicles entering Martin Luther Martin Luther King, Jr., Boule- King, Jr. Boulevard, we respectful- vard is approximately one mile i, Jr. Boulevard, e speed lit long, running north and south lo request that the speed limit be from State Road 80 to Cowboy ered from the existing 35 W\ay. This roadway is a heavy traf- m.p.h. to 25 m.p.h. fEc ilow due to the fact of drivers Respectfully submitted by wanting to take the shortest possi- members of the Ford and Sunset ble route to either enter or exit Park, Committee for a Safer and Co%% boy \,va and State Road 80. Better Community. There's a large number of chii- Gloria Borero, Nora Fagin, Ray dren who live in the residential Field Johnson, Rev. Alonzo area, both adjacent to Marlin McKenzie and Sheriff Ronald E. Luther King, Jr. Boulevard or with- Lee, Sr. Thank You Thanks from the Thank you so much to: Randy Beres and the King Group, Perky humane society Pets, LaBelle Auction Company, The Caloosa Humane Society Dollar General, O'Ferrell's Florist, would like to give a great big PetSmart, Rib City, LaBelle Ace thank you to area businesses that Hardware, Tractor Supply, Bridge contributed to the success of the Street Coffee and Tea Company, fund raiser that took place at this LaBelle Florist, Sav-A-Lot, Parker- year's Swamp Cabbage Festival. French Ace Hardware .- in Nine dogs and puppies also found Riverdale, Rhonda Nielson, Joan nlew loving homes during the Werry and all the Caloosa event and five more the week Humane Society Directors, volun- after Thirteen responsible pet teers and staff that gave up their owners also participated in the time on Swamp Cabbage Satur- ID-Chip bargain sale. day to work the event. Volunteer to protect and manage forests The Florida Division of Forestry, Caloosahatchee Dis- trict is looking for enthusiastic volunteers. Volunteers can assist in our Picayune Strand and Okaloacoochee Slough State Forests with projects such as: removing exotic plants trail building and mainte- nance, locating, identifying, and mapping rare and endangered species such as the Red Cock- aded Woodpecker providing forest education Volunteers can also work with other District personnel to provide wildfire prevention education and cooperative forestry assistance to home- owners. To volunteer you must be at least 18 years of age or obtain the written consent of your par- ent or guardian. No previous experience is necessary to vol- unteer since DOF. will provide you with all necessary training. To volunteer, contact Carlos Bustos at 239-690-3500 ext. 123 or email: bustosc@doacs.state.fl.us. CALOOSA BELLE Our Purpose... The Caloosa Belle is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trfst that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission ot journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are paid, the company Is able to thrive on profit margins below industrystan- dards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community's deliberation of public issues. ........................................................................................ We Pledge ... EDITOm~AL: To operate this newspaper as News Editor: Patty Brant a puDrllc trust re help outcommunity News Clerk: Donna Meister become a better place to live Reporter: JerriLynn Merritt and work. through our dedi- Sports: Roger Alexander cation to conscientious jout ADVERTISIG: nalism To provide the inlormalion cit Advertising Director Izens need to make their own Judy Kasten intelligent decisions about Advertising Manager public issues Brenda Jaramillo STo report he news with hon- Advertising esty. accuracy. purposeful neutrality fairness. objectivity. Services Coordinator: learlessness and compassion Dale Conyers STo use our opinion pages to Advertising Services: facilitate community debate. Barbara Calfee not to dominate it with our own opinions. National Advertising To disclose our own conflicts Joy Parrish of interest or potential con-"................ llcts to our readers. Independent Newspapers, Inc. To correct our errors and to Chairman give each correction the Joe Smyth prominence It deserves. President STo provide a right to reply to Ed Dulin those we wrile about. STo trea people with courtesy. Vice President respect and compassion. of Florida Operations Tom Byrd For More Information See Tom Byrd At Your Service On Page 2 Executive Editor Katrina Elsken We should be thankful in Hendry How easy it is with so few peo- ple taking responsibility for their actions and so many losing their. sense of values to lose track of the positive things in life. I'm reminded of a series of say- ings that probably go back into the early 1900s that I find very supportive as the pace of life con- tinues to accelerate at the expense of past-accepted courte- sies and concern for others. The ones I recall were simple and straight forward such as, "I am thankful for my shadow that watches me work, because' it means I am out in the sunshine." "I'm thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that fls yMur wor iGet Involvedu need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home." "I'm thankful for all the com- plaining I hear about Govern-i ments because it means I have the freedom of speech." "I'm thankful for the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking and I have been blessed with transporta- tion." "I'm thankful for energy costs assuring that my comfort needs will be met." "I'm thankful for the people in church singing off key because it means I can hear." ' "I'm thankful for a wife's grumbling about the laundry because it means we have clothes on our backs." "I'm thankful for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I'm still capable of being productive and working." . 'I'm thankful for the obituary page because my eyes can still see and that I'm not on it." "I'm thankful for the Caloosa Belle so I can exercise my memo- ries and experiences with you." "I'm even thankful for the sound of that alarm in the morn- ing because it means I'm still alive." . It's been my experience that "Happiness comes through doors that you didn't even know you had left open." , So let's all be thankful to and for each other. Live as if it were the first day of the rest of your life and keep an open mind and door-policy. Thankfully, ST. W. Bill Neville (Hendry County Citizen and Taxpayer) Don't throw away yourprospectus The chances are very good that you now own, or during your lifetime will own, some type of securities regulated by the Securi- ties and Exchange Commission. You may purchase mutual funds, stocks, bonds, variable annuities or variable life insurance prod- ucts, utilities, or other regulated investments. At a minimum, it is likely you will be covered under a pension, profit-sharing or Employee Stock Option Plan. All of these investments provide you with a Prospectus, and more often than not when you receive them, they end up in the circular file i.e., your trash can. Wrong file! Read your Prospectus even though you don't put it on your hit parade list. Then put it in your file with the appropriate business/tax records for later referral. Although you should be filling out an "investment objective" Financial Tips byWayneC. Switzer form when you work with your financial advisor, most people either try to, or actually do, have their advisor make the selections for them when it comes to which funds their money goes into. You should be doing that yourself. Your Prospectus will define for you the exact objective of each fund. It will tell you how much of your money is paid in sales com- mission fees, yearly management fees, distribution or service fees, often stated as 12-bl fees. It will talk about various types of shares Examples are automobile manu- such as Class A shares or Class B; facturers, health care providers, shares, etc. Those categories have software and computer manufac- different expenses attached to turers, oil refineries and other them and different benefits as major national and international well. Have your representative corporations. explain them, but also read about Upon reviewing where the them for yourself. money is invested, if you don't The Prospectus will tell you feel a reasonable comfort level, about the past history of the fund, then consider a different fund that and you certainly want to consid- makes you feel better. Once pur- er that as important information. chased, you can usually move It will also tell you where the mone is being invested, and your money around within the money is being invested, and same family of funds, from time. what flexibility the fund managers me, itout inurr have to keep fund assets in "liq- to time, without incurring addi- uid" or cash position as opposed tionalsalescharges. to invested in corporate stocks. So, read your Prospectus, This is my advice: consistent study your statements when they with your "investment objective" come, avoid the temptation to use form that determines \'our com- the circular file and do not hesi- fort level of risk, diversify by tate to ask questions. There are choosing several funds. Look at no stupid questions when it the specific companies whose comes to investing your money stock is owned by the fund. This for your retirement. Wayne C. information is in the Prospectus. Switzer, CLU . Can one *agency make a real difference? .a y'lAldfeec Senior Connections of SWFlori- da can. It was chartered as Immokalee Services ProgramsiTri- County Senior Services in 1976 in Collier County for the purpose of providing nutrition services to low- income residents sixty years of age and older. In 1980, the organization expanded its continuum of servic- es to include Glades and Hendry Counties. In addition to seven sen- ior nutrition centers in the counties ,of Collier, Hendry and Glades, serv- ices also include screening and assessment, respite, personal care, homemaking, transportation, an Alzheimer's disease initiative, homecare for the elderly and a family caregiver support program. In November 2000, the agency's corporate name changed to Senior Connections of SW FL, Inc. The Agency's mission is to serve older adults and their families by enhancing the dignity, autono- my and quality of their lives. Ser- vice programs are designed to pre- vent or delay premature institutionalization and/or nursing home placement among the frail and 'or chronically ill "older-old" population. Through an array of nutrition and basic need service programs for the individual in higher home, we enable older adults to "age in place, age with purpose, age with security, age with dignity and age with relative independencel. In many areas of LaBelle, Clewiston, Moore Haven and Buckhead Ridge, Senior Con- nection services are the only life- line available to seniors. SAccording to Florida's Depart- meit of Elder Affairs,'the "graying of America" is occurring faster in- Florida than anywhere else in the country. Currently, Florida is ranked 1st in the U.S. in the propor- tion of people 65 and older and this population is expected to grow to more than 4.6 million by 2020. The influx of aging baby boomers to our community will create a huge demand for elder-specific services, How do we make a difference? It's about choice. Life is not Attention all Hendry Caregivers / t If you are the full-time caregiv- er for a loved one, you are invited to attend free caregiver training and education classes in Hendry County during the month of March. The CARE Program, Caregivers Assistance and Regional Educa- tion is a collaborative outreach effort between-The State of Flori- da Department of Elder Affairs, Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc. Lee Memorial Health System, Hope of Southwest Florida, Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer's Resource Center, Senior Solutions of Southwest Florida, Faith in Action. Personal care, caregiver feelings, roles and responsibilities, end of life issues and community resources are just a few of the topics to be discussed. Classes are twice a week for two consecutive weeks, with each class lasting three hours. Classes will be held at the L.J. Nobles Senior Center of LaBelle. Don't miss this opportunity to come together and learn with other caregivers how to better care for your loved one, as well as how to better care for yourself. Call Toll-free 1-866-232-0921 or call L.J. Nobles Senior Center at: 675-1446. You must call immediately in order to get registered for CARE Classes Class dates and times: March 21, 23, 28 and 30 at L.J. Nobles Senior Center, 475 East Cowboy Way, LaBelle from 1-4 p.m. Witch's Brew By Pudge Lehman Another jewel from the latest catalog. Advertised as a clever and inventive toaster. Open the doors and place a piece of bread on each side. When toasted you open the doors and turn the bread over and toast the other side. For all you young whippersnappers that is how we used to make our toast every morning. Yes, we burned a lot of bread. The current price is $44.95. Back then they were around $5.00. If your plastic containers devel- op odors just wash and dry and put crumpled, black and white news- paper inside overnight. A block of rigid foam that is used for packing material is handy to push your drill bits into for stor- age. Tossing an old phone? Cut off the coiled hand- set cord. Use to keep a bunch of tangled electrical cords together. What about those coiled shoelaces that used to be so popular used for the same purpose? Sayins: You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing... Or....Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film... Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * LaBelle Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56 * Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." about what you are given; it's about what you make of it. Senior Connection's core philosophy embraces diversity. While people may share similar strengths, ide- ology and/or challenges, the day- to-day living,, service needs and care options are never the same., What is successful for one person may not be as helpful td some- one else. In this way, we help maintain the independence and dignity of our seniors by allowing them to choose from a menu of lifestyle and service options that ,.are .;available,. to .them. .Giving value to an individuals right to choose for themselves fosters self worth and esteem. This is true whether you are 15 or 80 years old. Senior Connection's core val- ues have been used to guide our agency for thirty years. These principles have made us not just senior living experts but also sen- ior living advocates. It is how one agency makes a significant differ- ence. It's more than a principle, more than an agency vision for seniors; it's the way business is .done at Senior Connections. To learn more about Senior 'Connections of Southwest Flori- da and the services that are avail- able you can call Nancy Tanner, Volunteer Program Supervisor at 863-675-1446.. Tell us.about your favorite pet. SCaloosa Belle/Donna Meister Brenton Tracy said, "We have a psycho cat named Hershey that we rescued. The cat is anti social and hides all the time. She only likes me." Kim Dunaway Kemp said, "Mayla, my three-year-old white boxer is my favorite pet. She acts like a spazz when she greets you. Even if you have only been gone for five minutes, she will greet you all over again, like she hasn't seen you all day long. She bounces like she is on springs." Lorie Gielow said, "We have a mini zoo and we love them all. We have two dogs, three cats and four tanks full of fish. Boo Boo, our brindle mix, is a human vacuum cleaner. I am a firm believer in the leash law. It makes it very diffi- cult because of those that don't abide by the leash law." Tanya Rosario said, "We just had a litter of five Chi- huahua puppies, which Is a large litter for a first time mom. All the puppies are doing great because the mom Is so good." T AI IkI. kJI : I' Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16,2006 Come to new drama , The Firehouse Cultural Center, -located. at .241 N. Bridge , Street,' will present next 'Waiting for MacArthur" by P. Paullette MacDougal. This two act drama allows us to follow a.nurse from her arrival at Ft DL\,July 20,1941, Until December 24, 1947, as she ..corresponds with her mother, her 'teacher and- her best friend. It shows how these four lomen are changed and marked b. a world at war. For those too youngg to remember the events of Pearl Harbor, Corregidor or \\HWII in general, this is a must see. The- play runs March 16-18 and 23-25 at 7 p m and Sundays, March 19 and 26 at 2 p.m Tickets are $10 . with reservations. $12 at the door. To make reservations, please call 863-675-3066 l./ l .., ," .. .." ;, !. Caloosa Belle/Donna Meister From left: Martha Taylor plays Rosalie. Back: Janice Groves, Annie Lou Holsum, Sue Elser, Margaret Greer, Elosie Dagner, Mama and, not pictured: Axl Jones who does a fabulous job with lights and sound. Riverside Real Estate, Inc. opens new doors SB DonnMeister e-t ... 7 '- ;: SThe wait is o.er! The beautiful a -- i new real estate office on High\way r 80 built by Jim Sabella Construc- t-, R Action Company is now open. Bro- R ker.'Qwner Marilyn Sears could - not be happi er with the outcome of the new building and beautiful - interior design. The old Florida : ~- ,stle building has an excellent i location nestled among the oak l l trees on the south side of High- ' way 80, lust east of the court. house. The eNterior has a large Florida porch complete with i wooden rocking chairs and tropi- cal paddle fans. The soothing = i 1 Screen color makes the sales office . most inviting. The large roofu .-- cupola is not just for looks as this aFlorida feature helps keep the interior cooler. The outdoors CaooBelenna ee theme of the interior is a total Riverside Real Estate, Inc. had its official ribbon cutting this bull's eve foi LaBelle and Hendry past week at the new sales office on Hwy 80. After operating County'. out of the cute old "Cracker-Style" house at 97 Park Ave. for Marilyn Sears is a descendent eight years, the move was bittersweet. Leaving the 570 ot the Bob Roberts Red Cattle square foot office space across from Barron Park and mov- SCompan% family. She worked ing to the beautiful new spacious 2,600 square foot building, cows during her childhood years the women say they still seem to want to congregate in the with her cattle-ranchinr lamii, :smallest office. From left: Emily Curtis, Judy McClure, "l' -' .i ... jt "t 'Yvonne Doll, Margaret Whatley, Chelo Lopez;, Marilyn Sears, ,heaaud i~i{ ik l in thU|LuIJr;. Ill IYlJ.t O C /|u ,_ ii.g... Ranch Red Cattle Conmpan" t'~n- (cutting ribbon) Joe Shivers (First Banks of Clewiton, ference Room Irom their last responsible for financing the new office), Nancy Hendrick- round-up. Marilyn's sister still rais. son and Suzanne Sherrod. es cattle. Marilyn has been in the estate broker in this area for 37 with 19 years real estate experi- real estate business oI' over 17 real estateong tuhe orpveriened years. She specializes in commer- ence, is the current President of %,ears. Among the experienced - associates at Ri\erside the, have cial, citrus and acreage but will be the Greater LaBelle Chamber of Margaret W\hatle. Broker-Assoc1. happy to help you buy and sell Commerce and a retired home ate. She has been an active real anything. Nancy Hendrickson economics agent for Hendry/Glades counties. Judy McClure, 30 years real estate expe- rience, is a fifth generation Floridi- an, born and raised in Hendry County. She was also elected and served on the Hendry County School Board for over ten years. Yvonne Doll, Broker-Associate has been one of Riverside's consistent top real estate associates. Yvonne worked II years for the local county government and has been a long time resident of LaBelle with her family. Chelo Lopez, Office Manager Broker-Associate has been with Riverside for eight years. Also, a life long resident of LaBelle, she is bi-lingual and would be happy to assist you Suzanne Sherrod is Riverside's assistant office manager and sales associate. Suzanne is pursuing her degree in business administration and has her private pilot's license. She hls been with the team for over lour years. The newest team member, Emily Curtis, is Riverside Real Estate's receptionist and a lifelong resident of LaBelle. All seven members of the sales team are active' Realtors and members of thd local, state and national association of Realtors. From the small manufactured home in the country to a million dollar home on the river, these experienced sales associates will guide you through the process of buying or selling. They have over 100 years of combined experience and take pride in servicing their community. DOUBLE YOUR INVESTMENT IN ONLY 1 YEAR! Builders Lots Available in the Fastest Growing Areas in Florida ^ www.3StepDivorce.com DIVORCE Provided by 3StepDivorce.com Lear more at our website or call us at 1-800-680-9052 Complete & ready for filing only $299 only 100% guaranteed or your money back (flat feel Introducing Highlands at Walnut Creek, a 584-acre devlopmen just 45 minutes from Asheville. Where fitness trails and natural greenspaces connect neighborhoods with a clubhouse with gym/spa facilities. "y Another Pre-development pricing outstanding romnunity up ni tuto irme homeiresfrmin the low $50!. broughttoyouobythe Grande estate lots dpwlopers of Highllnfs a- oflakelure *Village green cottages SEquestrian homesttes 888.625.8950 www.hlghlandsresorts.com r OikanIIneProwe vRe trP qu-.ri db F ida laan ,i a l b rta 'lrefadthrlu Ril?-l-'*&I Spr i uDjt ? ( :y:"- Lumwld mmeretiff R anto&'Ti tA' nawitiibf lch unyriruuiiL .a n iniirtoirjjfsria f .lath ; '*'*?. 1 Birthdays Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Mr. and Mrs. Chandley Mr. and Mrs. John P. Chandley Mr. ahd Mrs. John P. Chandley announce their marriage oh February 11, 2006. The ceremony took place at The Chuirct of the Good Shepherd. Celebrant was Father Alan Kelmereit; Maid of Honor was Lori Koch and Walt Shirley served as Best Man. March 16: Julian Howard, Don- ald Pendrey, Clarence Summerall, David Brown, Johnny Wilkerson, Marty Collins, Aaron Wilkison,, Michael Durrance, Martie Canup March 17: Joseph Cisnero, Tammy Kelly, Carroll Williams, Ronnie Long, Paul Hedges, Richard Wilson, Bonnie Feickert, Ted Milks, Marian Bouwvkamp, Terry Marroquin, Rob Malinowski, Iliania M. Cantu, Donald Ray McCauslin March 18: Dennis Richard, Wayne Howard, Annabelle McDaniel, Gerri Owens, Kathy Pittman, Bill Burdette, Christina Murray, Ryan Russe, Betty Jean Smith, Austin Lee Perez March 19: Ellen Gray, Vickie Howard, R.A. Townsend, Ida Harm, Lawayne Rawls, Daryl Edgar, Mary E. Cox, Jacob Burchard, Paul Cony- ers, Myrtle Johnston March 20: Paul Langford, Raleigh Sapp, Jason Dupree, Alton Ireland, Clayton Taylor, Jr., Eugene Stevenson, Karen Daniels, Tina Campbell, Linda Tanis, Clyde Hol- land, Kimberly Durno, Thomas Reynolds, Donnie Teston, Jr. March21: Dewayne Beard, Sr., Robert Summerall, Darrell Murray, Beatrice McCullen, Edith Hall, Rusty Hill, Michael Massey, Jimmy Doll, Heather Gettamy, Jennifer ler, Julie Nauss, David S. How\ard, Casey Anderson, Dewaiyne Beard, Sr. SMarch 22: Carol Winn, Sheila Gray, Ricky Davis, Nancy McCauslin, Beth Hendrickson, Tiffany Howard March 23: Glenda Walker, Pre- ston Long, Jr., Juanita Bush, Jack Hyatt, Matthew Winn, Sara Cather- ine English, Kathy Williams, Jeanette Burchard, Annette N. King, John Bradley Carter ALL STEEL BUILDINGS .1-- Bilm a- - 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed- $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 -10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed- $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs ," ,. HAPPY BIRTH DAY! - We Custom Build (We are the factory) - Many Sizes Available - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code - Florida "Stamped" Engineered Drawings (included) METAL SYSTEMS LLC 800-920-1601 www.metalsyste msllc.com 6 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16,2006 LYSA traveling team has top season The LYSA U-9 Traveling Girls team played in the Disney Spring Festival VII on February 18-20 and had a very competitive and well played.tournament gding against some of Florida's top youth soccer teams, The U-9 girls played their first game against a very tough Braden River Rage team. This was a well played game with both teams scoring resulting in a tie 4-4. The second game was played against GCU Holcombe and the girls.went out playing one of their best games of the season beating GCU Holcombe 3-1. In their third game the U-9 girls played Sarasota United and this team having lost ihe first two games came out to play for a championship game, despite already being withdrawn from the finals. The first half was scoreless even with some shots taken at their goal.by Courtney Gamble, Brianna Johns and Kira Richie. The second half started off slow until three minutesleft in the game, Brianna Johns (left for- ward) crosses the ball to the cen- ter Mariah Marrero (center for- ward); however Mariah could not reach the ball and it passed her. Marilyn Garcia (right forward)fol- lowed the cross and made an excellent goal with her left inside. With the two wins and a tie, the U- 9 girls are in the finals. The championship game was played Monday (President's Day) against GCULi Holcombe. Having already beaten this team; GCU Holcombe came out for the championship and for revenge. This was a very intense game, the first half of the game was scoreless Cowgirls By Roger Alexander The LaBelle High School Cow- girl's softball team was knocked from the ranks of the unbeaten this past week as they lost a heart- breaker to Estero in a district match up. With the loss their record dropped to 8-1 on the year. Before that, however, the had a good outing against Desoto when they won 8-1 after scoring seven runs in the third inning. The victory came on a night when Amanda Atun didn't pitch at all. The pitcher for this game was Alexia Redish. Redish faced 34 batters as she allowed just one run.on seven hits. She walked just two batters and struck out four for her first victory of the season. Redish. didn't, stop there, though, as she led the team with three hits to help the offense: Dani Blake also had three hits includ- ing a triple. Cori Ankney had two hits and stole a base for LaBelle. In their next outing, LaBelle managed to get the early lead as they scored in the bottom of the second. Estero came right back in the top of the third for two runs of their own. That would be all the scoring for either team. LaBelle did have its opportuni- ties, though, as they stranded nine runners on base. The most crucial probably came in the fifth inning Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/LYSA The LYSA U-9 Traveling Girls Soccer Team at Disney. Top row, from left: Pete Marrero, Michael Gaicia, Steve Palladeno. Middle row: Lindsey Richardson, Marilyn Garcia, Kira Richie, Ashley Escalon. Bottom row: Courtney Gamble, Jeanette Soto, Brianna Johns, Tay- lour Palladeno and Mariah Marrero. until Ashley Escalon passed the ball to Mariah, who dribbled the ball to the goal then cut it inside when the defender came at her and she took the shot at the goal. The goalkeeper saved the shot but did not hold on it bounced right out of her hands then Mariah fol- lowed her shot and made the goal off a rebound. GCU Holcombe came out the second half wanting to score, however the U-9's solid defense played by Ashley Escalon imid-fielder) Jeanette Soto i.sweeper) and the two goal keep- ers, Lindsey Richardson and Tay- lour Palladeno, helped guarantee the \ictor. This was a great accomplish- ment because every one of the players worked extremely hard this year Even with doubts about the team being so young and this being their first year together the hard work really showed. The girls surpassed every expectation and Irop their first game -a. > - .~:"-B~I~~isi~~ Caloosa Belle/Donna Melster The LaBelle High School Softball Team, back left: Lacy McCall, Shayla Wilson, Jacy Sealey, Rebecca Gonzalez, Heather Raulerson, Vanessa Ostoloza and Amanda Atun. Front left: Tiffany Terrell, Kaci Ringler, Dani Blake, Alexa Redish, Brittany Roberts and Cori Ankney. as Heather Raulerson tried to bring in the tying run. With two outs and two .run- ners on, Raulerson lined a ball up the middle but it was quickly picked up and Estero got the out to end the threat. LaBelle had four errors, which also cost them because Estero got one of their runs off one of the errors. Offensively, LaBelle man- aged just six singles. The Cowgirls will regroup and try to put together another wining streak. They will start tonight with ,a game at Lemon Bay. They will then go over to Miami tomorrow to take part in the Gulliver Prep tournament. They will play on the 17th and 18th. Cowboys win track tri-meet By Roger Alexander The Cowboy track team won its first home meet of the year as they easily defeated both Bishop Verot and Evangelical Christian in a tri-meet last Friday. The-Cow- boys outscored their opponents 79.5 to 68 and 20.5 for Verot and ECS, respectively. Despite not having a lot of first place finishes the Cowboys man- aged to get the win by picking up a lot of second and third places. Gabriel Puente in the 100 meters where Albert Williams took first followed one of the first place fin- ishes they did manage for sec- ond. Puente managed a first place finish as well when he took the tape in the 200-meter race. He was followed by Jerrahd Williams in second and Albert Williams in fourth. In the only other individual first place finish was Josh Chisholm, who won the 800 meters. The two Williams' boys and Puente teamed up with Jullien King to take the top spot in the 400 relay. There were a whole lot of sec- ond place finishes for the Cow- boys as King got his' in the triple and long jumps. Phil Anderson took second in the shot put while Chisholm, Stafford King, Lenchi- to Martinez and Tim Fromm combined for a second place fin- ish in the 3200 relay. Ryan Brownly took second in the 110 and 300 hurdles while Martinez placed the same in the 400. King got another second place finish in the 3200 meters. The Cowboys will try to get another win as they host Clewis- ton and Lake Placid before going to Bishop Verot tomorrow after- noon. doubts about their skills on the field. Other accomplishments con- sist of the U-9 girls playing in a U- 10 division this year and placing first in their division. Thank you, Courtney Gamble, Kira Richie, Lindsey Richardson, Ashley Escalon, Jeanette Soo., Mariah Marrero, Marilyn Garcia, Brianna Johns, Taylour Palladeno and Stephanie McCauley for a great season. - --------------- I SPORTS FANSI i El I BET I IYOU DIDN'T KNOW Brought to ou iiby I Lori Langford The Daytona 500 in February kicks off the NASCAR season every year. It's not only the first race in the quest for the Nextel Cup, it's one of the premiere events in all of racing. As a result, the top names in the sport are always there. But can you name the man who holds the record for most career starts at the' 500, and how many starts he made? Surprisingly, the answer is journeyman driver Dave Marcis with 33 Daytona 500 starts but no first-place checkered flags. January 14, 2006 was an historic day in college .basketball, On that Saturday, North Carolina lost at home to Miami, Kentucky was beaten at home by Alabama, and Kansas dropped a home game to Kansas State the first time ever that these three legendary pro- grams all lost at home on the same day. at makes that so amazing is that these three schools have played almost 305 seasons of basketball combined. In act.the', are the tohrCe ihoo!i L ill ume '.-in: in Dfl.i-ion i lu: rn I I I I In the 1960s and '70s, it was common for I I the NBA's top rebounders to average 15 I I or more boards per game. Bill Russell I I actually averaged 2.5 per game for his I I entire career. But improved defensive I I play changed the game in the early I I1980s. Since the 1982-83 campain,only I I three players have averaged 15 rebounds I I per game over the course of a full season I I and bnly one of them did it more than I I once. Any guesses? The three are I Detroit's Ben Wallace in 2002-03, I Atlanta's Kevin Willis in 1991-'92, and Ithe one-and-only Dennis Rodman, who Sdid it five times over the course of his career. I I I I'll bet you didn't know, coming or I going, that when the rubber hits the I roadyou can't afford not to buy from I SLangford. I I I I I I I "YallSpokenHerel" - I I 675-1686 I L-_-_--- --______J LEE Civic EXPO HALL available for private parties weddings, class and family reunions, quincenera's Call 239.543.7469 for more information 0* Metal Roofing TT' W A T Replacement Shingles R L C T 10 N* jStructural Repairs CNST 0 R N CTION Mold Remediation SEBRJNC, FL S* Additions .ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION 1821 Lakeview Dr. Sebring 863-385-9403 Email: mark@mcscontractinginc.com www.mcscontractinginc.com Lie. t#CCC1325639 Lie. CBCO47717 A New Twist in Skylights ;7 Introducing Solatube, The Miracle Skylight. T:..- A revolutionary new way to think -.. -j about skylights. Professionally Installed in 2 hours No Reframing. No Painting. No Mess NEW SOAR POWERED S Cost Much Less than Old Fashioned Skylights ATTIC FANS L l our Ca onei aall-J in ia1 or Cc-n-uiw-i.r : u ri.:.A ir. he Sdliirernce Soanuibe .:an ma, o rn yVur r..mle Clday L Hurricane Tested & Approved "l Ba SOLATUBE. fljl~ bToc .--,m Estimates,~:*i~ Call J.G. Wentworth's Annuity Purchase Program J.G.WENTWORTH. 866-FUND-549. ANNUTY PURCHASE PROGRAM QUESTION: I have a question in regards to selling my home and I was hoping you could help. My husband and I live in a 2 bedroom 2 bath home and it is our. pride and joy. However, I recently had a litter of bea- gle puppies....8 in total! Can you imagine 8 puppies in your belly?! MAlihough nl husband-and Ilove 'our home d d.:, nt 'art t: nii. 'I I ~ we are out of space. We live on.j glrg budget .in. .jnr i:o ger e er 1] penny we can out of selling our home, Should I contact a Realtor or'try to sell it myself and add the commission I would have paid out to my I bottom line? I mean, really....it seems like such an easy job! Sincerely, Cheapette ANSWER: Dear Cheapette: Remember the old saying....'You get what you pay for"! Now Cheapette, I realize that just the mere thought of "selling your home" seems like an easy almost mindless task... However, I am afraid you have been mislead due to an unfortunate stereotype of a realtor's job. The fact of the matter is selling your home is hard work. The other fact that FSBO's (For Sale By Owner) seem to forget is that when you attempt to sell your own home, you are willing to let complete strangers walk through your home! Not only could you be exposing your family to criminals but to be blunt, you are jeopardizing your family's heirlooms, valuables and more importantly, lives!If you choose the right Realtor (ie, you have done your homework and are confident you selected an ethical and quality driven, results-oriented realtor AND real estate company) then you will save yourself a lot.of time, frustration, headaches, and most important; you will not be sacrificing safety for a commission. If you think about the # of trans- actions that falls upon a Realtor's shoulders (about 200 to be exact*), it is a bold reminder that in addition to safety, your time is worth something too! Time is not replaceable so instead of spending time dealing with the stress of real estate (yes, it's stressful!), spend your time with those 8 beagle puppies who want nothing but your time, and quality time at that! Best Wishes, Hope (PS. 8 Puppies! Side-line Advice.. "snip-snip"....:) *According to NAR (National Assoc. ofRealtors) Please contact an agent at Southern Land Real Estate to begin your interviewing process. We rec- ommend interviewing more than one company and we are confident that you will select us to represent you and your family Give us the opportunity to show you how we will market your property like nobody else can! We guarantee it! www.soland.com email: hope@soland.com a,!, ii.. 863.675.4550 877.314.3048 Southern 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33935 land, Sf&ectiaYif iu Wendy amf d Gade Caucty Post your opinions online : http://www.newszapforums.com/forum56/ iusz..._____ M i HI II I W sz__ Co__n Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida, PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your ,community. Public Issues Forum Ar open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post your personal messages on an open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. Local Links A directory of websites for location government. teams, organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers. distributed to 31,000 homes. -.. .,. -. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay Clewiston Moore Haven Ortono Muse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation E Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof -~pin Mattress Sale FREE LOCAL DELIVERY & OLD MATTRESS REMOVAL Queen Size Set $499.95 660 Coil Plush Extra-Firm All Sizes at Comparable Values ACKS Jackson River gtVERiz ) Home Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge .. f I ... .... A.... r.. .Ti., ' 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16, 2006 has been instructed by Daimler Chrysler to REDUCE HUGE INVENTORIES of all 06' & 05' leftovers This is a special ONE TIME inventory reduction event applicable to Hendry County and surrounding local counties. SHuge Discounts on all I CARS, TRUCKS, VANS & SUV'S! SThursday, March 16th Sunday, March 19t For mor information please call 1-888-200-1703 K-Mart Plaza 955 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL -~~ "- 4I .x' '.;~ ~"-ir~8~LT :r ib i Jeep~~ w IT TH P CAIT" EXET AS -TC HN C U -At 0.E*C -eRT -CO.TM E W ~~- --------- ---- -- -- ----- -- oila Filter Change I wm 1t .-vuu..aftf ChoCkcuE3 $22095 I _I I INCLUDES die sel. v tk lvsi-. II I, I... kA % s ..-' r -. -1 -'TyV I s hetds: i.. -inspecttion of ithee nda~rid i'o itm snot 4. st e-d .3I 11 d W ai o dt hrrz-I sp A I Exterior Lamp a 7" 1 n A Afril'te a PriCii do t.i nutio. intlud-u rt* mirrs A as. -;v u -qu r&ui .ud mu. .don. Ask Sarvtce Advisr~t la br sr wttI V -I Expires 3/22/06 -- - ------------------------------------------------ slWiovar Value Line I Brake Pad or Shoe Replacement I $119095 gjbi C4 I* NCLUDES. : S -Fr I -Iv I C C- I r lC. .:J) I a CL.. C afC I ll L t 1r iv~t-i I KA a. Vaslbe Lit -ii A n(s en r tay c I t:n,- rect r. r, drit.i l and r itr c C- r, k b. c r r I L u -I I 01I I r- .1 d -to -t VeC hi~c Ia Ror r h a .'- i l_-1y 4x6i; 50G... 3--.0 S trtlcks higjher Vehicles rnut covered by ri pp.: r Vahtis j, i bl rakes are hiahm :Expires-3/22/06. ------ HAMlPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP H________ ENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR C HRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP S*, It really does make a di f='M*S-^Fx Q 0 ISUTO 1 (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. DEALER Perence FSIVE siQ R ^M535^B *A *A ^* Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 0% financing to qualified customers on select vehicles. See dealer for details. I I[ I I =1 I ] .. .... .... .. ]I ] .- r = ] C CHIYSLEIKl L===]n IIIIl*lWII I I 1- AWCI~s h a I 8 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16,2006 Marroquin wields hot bat at Estero, By Roger Alexander The Cowboys baseball team is still struggling to get back in the win column, but despite their lat- est loss there was a spark of life in the bats of a couple players. In the end, though, it wasn't enough as LaBelle fell to Estero in a 17-6 game. The fireworks came from the bat of Raymond Marroquin, who had two hits in four plate appear- ances. His biggest hit was a grand slam home run. He also had a sin- gle. Chad Lutkenhaus. also had a double for the Cowboys. LaBelle will keep fighting to get another win and they will do so against Immokalee tonight at home. They will then hit the road tomorrow as they travel to Lemon. Bay for another game. Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Sonja Crawford Jessica Bechtel won Best of Show, Showmanship, First Place Belt Buckle, 13 blue ribbons, 5 Grand Champion rosettes and 2 Reserve Champion rosettes. Udder fun at LaBelle Youth Livestock Show uomitnea to me ;aloosa aelle/iwevin Luieniaus Top notch shooters Every year the Junior Pro Basketball League gives kids a chance for some great fun and introduces them to bas- ketball, from the basics to the finer points. Three-point shoot out winners were, pictured from left: A League win- ner Marcus Simmons; B League winner Dillon Hanson; Girls League winner- Andrea Lutkenhaus. Submitted to Ihe Caloosa Belle!Bill Fromm Top wrestlers What a season with ten of our eleven Cowboy Wrestlers advancing to regional competition. At the regional com- petition three of LaBelle High School's fine wrestlers became "State Qualifiers" by earning a spot in the top four places in their weight class. Colin Sparks earned 2nd at 125 Ibs., Mickey Clay earned 4th at 171 Ibs. and Philip Anderson earned 3rd at 275 Ibs. Later, on February 18, Colin Sparks earned his place in the history books by placing 5th in the State of Florida for division 1A at the 125 lb. weight class. Pictured above left is Colin Sparks, 5th place at state finals. On the right is Trey Toms, 6th in the state at 135 Ibs. Trey is the one man wrestling team from Moore Haven High School. Trey and Colin trained together with all the Cowboy Wrestlers. Congratulations to all the Cowboy Wrestlers for their fine season: Submitted By Sonja-Crawford The LaBelle Youth Livestock Agricultural Exhibition Dairy Goat Show was held on Thursday, Feb- ruary 16. The Dairy Goat Show was sponsored: by Mr. Owen Luckey, Jr, Attorney at Law. The Championship Belt Buckles were sponsored by Mr. Ralph Elver, Attorney at Law. The official judge for the evening was Kim Kemp of Felda. The PeeWee exhibitors 'received neck medallions for their participation as well as a booklet donated by the American Dairy Goat Association. SIn the Junior'Senior Divisions, the following awards were given: Edward Bebon: 3 blue ribbons; Jessica Bechtel: 13 blue ribbons, 5 Grand Champion rosettes and 2 Reserve Champion rosettes; Isaac Lopez: 2 blue ribbons; Priscilla Marante: 2 blue ribbons and I Grand Champion rosette; Sierra Raso: 3 blue ribbons, and.l Grand Champion rosette; Cassidy Willis: 2 blue ribbons, and 1 Reserve Champion rosette; Allyson Woodard: 3 blue ribbons, and1 ' Reserve Champion rosette Kaleigh obodard: blue ribbons, and 2 Reser\e Champion rosettes; Britney Woosley: 5 blue ribbons and 1 Grand Champion rosette; Stephen Voosley: 5 blue ribbons and 1 Grand Champion rosette; The Best of Show trophy was awarded to Jessica Bechtel with hergoat named Iris. Iris was. exhibited in the Purebred Alpine Milker, 3 years and older category. In the Junior Fitting and Grooming division: Isaac Lopez placed first with Sierra Raso in second place and third place with Cassidy Willis. In Showmanship, Brimne'v ooslev captured the first place bell buckle with Sierra Raso in second place and Priscilla Marante in third place. In the Senior Fitting and Grooming division: Edward Bebon took first place with Jessi- ca Bechtel in second place and Kaleigh Woodard in third place. In Showmanship, Jessica Bechtel achieved the first place belt buck- le with Edward Bebon in second place with Kaleigh Woodard in third place. SExhibitors who participated in the LaBelle Youth Livestock Goat Show were members of the Pio- neer Dairy Goat 4-H Club under the leadership of Patricia Bosley and Karen Tindall as well as the Udder Fun Dairy Goat 4-H Club' led by Marsha Bechtel. Greg Bone Realtor If you are buying or selling in the LaBelle area call Greg Bone! Phone: 1-863-835-0191 Fax: 1-863-675-6575 e-mail: greg.bone@soland.com website: www.labelleproperties.com *._1V '"0iO S. Main Street Southern LaBelle, FL 33935 l and Investments a Real Estate 5MOND JAMES I II l I- I II C I am pleased to announce the opening of my new office. * Equities L Life Inrurance * Bonds Long Term Care * Annuities Mutual Funds * RJ Bank: Mortgaget. Re-Finanite. CDs, Loans Raymond James Financial Services 14421 Metropolis Ave. Suite 104 Fort Myers FL 33912 239.644.7537 1.866.549.7537 Toll Free 239.931.7537 FR a Stephen.Rjdgely@ RaymondJames.com Siepnen .. euagely Financial Advisor Trust Specialist SWE CAN HELP REBUILD YOUR CREDIT! 800-906-4064 Guaranteed financing with as little as $2,000 down... sometimes less! K Coast Financial Group j All Aspects of Orthopaedic Surgery Mini Hip and Knee Replacement Hand Surgery Sports Injuries Arthroscopic Surgery 2 Convenient Locations LaBelle Office 450 S. 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Local Service: Lifeline customers may purchase vertical features by certifying they have a legitimate medical or safety need for the features) requested. Restrictions apply see rates, terms and conditions at sprintcom. Unlimited Nationwide: For residential voice service usage only. State-to-state and international long-distance services re governed by SprintTerms & Conditions of Service. Local and instate long-distance (including local toll) services are governed by the applicable state tariffs and/or state terms and conditions of service. Monthly fee does not include usage for Directory Assistance, Sprint FONCARD'I service or operator services. Service not intended for commercial use Internet, data or facsimile service. If Sprint determines that usage is not consistent with residential voice conversation, the service may b assessed a data usage fee or disconnected. U.S. residents only. Dial 1 service only. Calls to 900,986.555 and 700 NPA's are not considered unlimited interstate and intrastate Dial-1 calling. Monthly fee includes one phone line. Customers first invoice will include a partial monthly fee and the first month billed in advance. International rates vary and surcharges may apply including surcharges on residential calls made to foreign mobile phones. Call -888-255-2099 for international rates. Operator-assisted calls and toll-free/colling card calls made from payphones in the U.S. will be assessed a surcharge. All rates subject to change. Additional requirements and restrictions may apply. Package: If one service in the package is cancelled, the standard monthly fees will apply for the remaining services. After 12 months te standard monthly rates for each service will apply. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. Sprint high-speed Internt: $99 termination fee will apply if service is cancelled before one year. Performance may vary due to conditions outside of network control. No minimum leve of speed is guaranteed. Conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of web sites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Restrictions may apply. DISH Network: All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Local and state sales taxes may apply. Where applicable, equipment rental fees and programming are taxed separatly. All DISH Network programming, and any other services that are provided, are subject to the terms and conditions of the promotional agreement and Residential Customer Agreement, available at www.dishnetwork.com or upon requesL Local Channels packages by satellite are only available to customers who reside in the specified local Designated Market Area (DMA). Local channels may require an additional dish antenna or SuporDISH antenna from DISH Network, installed free of any charges with subscription to local channels at time of initial installation. Significant restrictions apply to DISH Network hardware and programming availability, and for all offers Social Security Numbers are used to obtain credit scores and will not be released to third parties except for verification and collection purposes only or if required by governmental authorities. Pay a $49.99 Activation Foe and receive a $49.99 credit on your first bill with 18 month qualifying programming purchase. Requires Social Security Number, valid major credit card and qualifying programming purchase. Participation is subject to credit approval. If qualifying service is terminated or downgraded equipment must be returned to DISH Network. Limit of 4 tunersper account 2005 Sprint. All rights reserve Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company LP. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. DISH Network is a registered trademark of EchoStar Satellite LLC. All rights reserved, Earthnk i registered trademark of Earthlink, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. SPR-44540 Lb Searching high and low to save? 1 : ~bJ~E --`~-- L 1""1 i . . r . Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16, 2006 LMS has Florida math winners Every year LaBelle Middle School students participate in the Florida Mathematics League Contest. February 21, interested 6th, 7th, and 8th graders competed against their peers for top honors in this rigorous event. Due to the difficulty of the questions, anyone who scored 15 or above was to be highly commended. i iii Submitted lo the Caloosa BelleLMS Eighth grade winners: Savannah Davis, Third Place, with 22 points, Miguel Carranza, Amanda Van Mecl, Fifth Place with 20 points, Samantha Ortiz. Fifth Place with 20 points, Olivia Luckey, First Place with 28 points, Thomas Soliz, Second Place with 25 points, Miguel Carranza, Fourth Place with 21 points, Lizabeth McKinney, Third Place with 22 points, Angeliica Pequeno, Fourth Place with 21 points. Not pictured Xavier Gaure, Fifth Place with 20 points. -, --. --- --- -- i-_-a Sixth Grade Math Contest Winners: Wolfgang Lynn and Andy McAvoy, First Place with 26 points, Alyssa John- son, Nancy Garza and Madison Allen, all Second Place with 25 points, Kendall Marotti, Dustin Bradley, Coner Coderre, all Third Place with 24 points. L Seventh Grade Math, CQontest Winners: Santiago Reyes, First Place with 26 points, Second Place - Lucas Talada, David Miller, Caleb Baker, all Second Place with 25 points, Genaro Rubio and John Marotti, both third Place with 24 points. Exchange students need host families Pacific Intercultural Exchange is looking for caring families to host high school students from various countries for the 2006 spring semester. There are few opportunities in this world where an individual can take an active hand in making the world a bet- ter place. This is such an oppor- tunity. It is the time of year when the holidays are approaching and Americans everywhere are considering opening their hearts to their friends and neighbors. Pacific Intercultural Eychange (P.I.E.) asks local families to con- sider showing one of these for- eign teens what American gen- erosity is all about. Students from Brazil. Germany. South Korea, and Norway have been staying 1ilh area families since August, and now a new group of interna- tional neighbors would like to add a little more to the commu-. nity and leave in June with Amer- ican,passion, pride and sense of values. There is no such thing as a t3 pica] host family. Whether you are a single parent, retired, have small children, teens, or no chil- dren at all, anyone can have a great experience hosting an exchange student. All the students are pre- screened: they speak English; have medical insurance, and their o\\n spending money for any incidental costs. All these students require.is a loi ing familN to share their experience within our beautiful country. Help them learn the meaning of "Life, Liber- ty, and the Pursuit of Happiness " Pi E is looking for host fami- lies in \our area. Those who are interested are urged to contact Pacific Intercultural Exchange right a \\a\ at i;.10-6.11-1818. Experience is not necessary, as an orientation and support ill be provided. Please help P[.E: make the dreams of these young teens come true, \ith the opporturnii to li e and study in ouri country . and prssibl aid in making a dif- ference in their future and the future of the world. CDL with HAZMAT LOCAL DRIVERS NEEDED!! POOLCORP, a public company and t$ .rl. l II. Cl .P ,4T. ..... i, .i.lr : iI, i supplies & equipment, has need for permanent & tu ,p ir I)f. r '. I I '. i ',I I .(lorsemvnts at its SCP and Superior branches. Candidates must be able to lift 100 pounds using a dolly Please conMact branches directly for information about loca needs: .:apkfl 2 4-6l49-8992/239-598-4181 'art Luulk rdul, *) -J .'r .ii'l ,2 PortS.. i u-i "'-2 4.'')iOn 77 ..48-4447 Miami 305-266-1908 305-232-0048 / 305-256-4000 305-597-8300 < ape Cural y,)-574-9100 Fonrl tNI rr 236.4" 2-i214 n n I P Ialm BeUicibI1-' 24i- 124 \rrn RAvhli "'r WO' '" Ialm Beach (;di1Iri lnl .i-r7."1 I : lllr i.nrn & cmp.rin.& Pa. [l() M/P/V/D and nrcLFi>. -~ v.poirlcorp.com S -7. ......9. ATTENTION .g i Landowners, Deelopers, Ranchers and Farmers -We' Buy. Cabbage Palms Statewide Palms, Inc. 863-675-4844 .'8 J -. s.. . Dr. Parrish named to EC district board Edison College District Presi- dent Kenneth P. Walker announces that Go\ernor Jeb Bush has appointed David Klein. NM.D., Punta Gorda, and Randall Parrish, Jr., O.D., LaBelle, as members of the Edison College District Board of Trustees. Klein, an Eye Surgeon, succeeds Darol Carr for a term beginning June 1, 2006 and ending May 31, 2010. Parrish, a Doctor of Optometry, succeeds Kenneth Downing for a term beginning March 1, 2006 and ending May 31,2008. Enid Gorvine of Punta Gorda and Mahlan Houghton, Jr., of Fort Myers, have been reappoint- ed for four )ear terms beginning June 1, 2006 and ending May 31, 2010. "I am.delighted to learri of the appointments and realpoint- ments, and welcome our. new District Board members," said Classifieds Work Pages 16-18 Walker. "Di. Klein has seed as a member of the Board olf Direc- tors of the Edison College Foun- dation, Inc. since 2000, and Dr Parrish is a distinguished Edison College graduate. Theii profes- sional, corn-munitr and personal peispectives \\ill ser\e the Col- lege \\ell." The District Board of Trustees is charged with the responsibility for exercising naximun local autonomy to establish rules, policies, and procedures to make certain the College is meeting the changing post-sec- ondary educational needs ol the community and is reflecting the commrnunit's values in fulfilling the college mission. Edison Col- lege serves Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee Coun- ties and is governed by a nine- member Board What are your neighbors saying? Opinion, Page 4 A watchedd with manners? CIL.QOSci ~-'Jpr~ ~e; "I41 d',i~; ~lg.~',r "'p - ..a-..l~ -. . W;4IT.. I.? YI A legitimate role for the press is that of "the public's watchdog." Most citizens can't spend the time necessary to personally observe their public officials at work, or to determine how well public insti- tutions are carrying out their public mission. But too many newspapers these days act more like "mad dogs" than "watchdogs." We're proud to be different. We try to carry out our "watchdog" role as humble representatives of the public, always maintaining a courteous tone and our reputation for purposeful neutrality. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. CALOOSA BELLE Delivering Western Hendry County's News Since 1922 Community Service Through Journalism ... ..... 1,* You re notalo e... e an The CARE Program is designed to provide caregiving individuals and family members FREE comprehensive education and pre-admission emergency respite counseling. This program will enable caregivers to provide enhanced care for their loved ones while at the same time allowing the caregiver to better maintain his or her own emotional and physical health and well-being. For information on how to sign up, obtain respite services, or for any other reason, please call toll-free 1-866- 231-0921 or call the L.J; Nobles Senior Center at 863-675-1446. *"I might be a better caregiver had this program been available a couple years ago!" Caregiver Assistance and Regional . Education Program Hendry County March 21, 23, 28 30, 2006 I 4 pm " Attend all four sessions! " Many different topics will be discussed at each! at L.J. Nobles Senior Center 475 East Cowboy Way LaBelle, FL 1, ] -V i i i ] - pJ77C )][ospice ,iti Paillatti' Lae for Son v'Af q(On dA Tine Senior C n Tdshlp Centers~ l Ahchoinvt's tslaurta OanW FAITH in ACTION .- .,. f, ,- ,A LEE MEMORIAL HEALTH SYSTEM E L L LF, A t %If -C L1. *"The whole organization has been ike finding a lifejacket when I was drowning." Pimely topics to be discussed include: *Roles of Caregivers *Caregiver Feelings *Understanding Aging *Communication Skills *Pre-Admission Emergency Respite Counseling Chosen as one of the Best Practice I%,* Cl *, t IBL.' "' ? ..f --**-x tA. *Community Resources - *Medication Management *Personal Care *Doctor-Patient Communication in Florida by the Department of Elder Affairs Please call toll-free 1-866-231-0921 or L.J. Nobles Center 863-675-1446 You are not alone.... there is help! I *74s is what other caregivers had to say abowt the CARE progrant. an ~-nlY13~8~ rlllrirl Ir-~ti~efrrasV* .Hmi:.?s~d nrULa.r ~ Inlrll!l!CWc-~\ : r "'' ' ir. ;91 10 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16,2006 Almanacs Florida Flywheelers ing are free. Call 239-872-1439. Show starts March 30 Come to first-ever The Florida Flywheelers 20th Annual Antique Engine show will be at the LaBelle Rodeo Grounds March 30-April 2. Thursday is set-up day, Friday and Saturday show from day-7 light to dark and Sunday from daylight to noon. Flea market, tractor pulls, tractor parade, dance on Friday night starts at 8 p.m., live DJ Goofey Gilbert all weekend and auction Saturday evening. Food will be available for purchase by Boo Boo's Restaurant. Admission and park- woman's forum The Caloosahatchee Charter Chapter of the ABWA presents Woman's Forum, "Working Towards a Healthy and Sucessful You." Guest speaker is Carol Simontacchi, MS, CCN, a renowned Certified Nutritionist and Author of Heart Health for Women on Saturday, April 1, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Carl- son Memorial United Methodist Church, social hall, 310 Camp- bell Street. Brunch will be served; plenty of door prizes. Sport Shorts Get tickets from any ABWA Legion golf rpmhprfrt 19 n Legion Let the 'Spirit' move you The regional/state champion chorus "Spirit of the Gulf" from Fort Myers is presenting a "win- ners circle" performance Satur- day, April 1, at First Christian Church at 3 p.m. almost in downtown.Fort Myers (5 cor- ners). Tickets are $15 at the door. "Spirit of the Gulf" is an affiliate of Sweet Adelines, Inc., and will represent Region 9 Florida at Las Vegas in October for international competition. tournament March 26 American Legion Post 130 is having its annual Arthur J. DeVar- ney Child Welfare Foundation Golf Tournament at The Glades Golf Course Sunday, March 26, (12 miles east of LaBelle on Hwy.. 80) to benefit The American Legion Child Welfare Founda- tion, Inc. The cost is $40 pei play- er for 18 holes of golf, cart and lunch in the Post Hall. Trophies will be awarded to the first, sec- ond and third place teams; $100 \\i1l be gien to the closest to the pin on two different named holes. ':- LaBelle residents' names are now on Mars Submitted by BarbaraMehaffey Is your name out of this world? It is if you participated in an unusu- al fundraiser by Country Oaks Ele- mentary School severalyears ago. In 1999, many COES students and their families donated money to help build a covering for the school's PE court. In return, Bar- bara Mehaffey, the school's media specialist at the time, registered their names with NASA's Send Your Name To Mars program NASA planned to inscribe each name on 'small DVD disk attached to two mobile robots slated to explore the surface of Mars. Each person whose name was registered during COES "Martian" fundraiser, received an official numbered cer- tificate from NASA. After several launch delays, both of the Mars Exploration Ro\er Mission landers finally reached the red planet. Rover A, "Spirit." land- ed on Mars on January -1, 2004. Twenty days later, Rover B, "Oppor- tunity." also touched down on Mar- tian soil. "Spirit" spent four months exploring the volcanic rocks in an area called Gusev Crater, while "Opportunity" searched for e\i- dence of ancient Martian seas in Endurance Crater. Each identical robotic rover carried a copy of a DVD that contained over 3.5 million names, including those that Mrs. Mehaffey registered in 1999. Now that all those Earth names are on Mars, participants in the Send Your Name to Mars program can download, customize and print a post-landing certificate, by visiting NASA's SpaceKids website at .. . http: ,spacekids.hq.nasa.gov 2003, The exact spelling of a regis- tered name, or the number of the original registration certificate, is needed to search the Names to Mars DVD list and print a certificate. Both rovers, while showing signs of %\ear from their extended missions in an extremely harsh environment, continue to send back scientific data as well as stun- ning still images of the fourth planet from the sun. Eventually, the two mechanical "astronauts" will stop working, but the names they car- ried over 35 million miles from Earth will remain on the surface of Mars forever. Applications can be picked up at the Post. Hole sponsorships are $50. Last year The American Legion Child Welfare Founda- tion, Inc. gave out $611,275 in grants to 21 children's organiza- tions. Call 863-675-5340. Little League majors umpires needed The LaBelle Little League Majors needs umpires. Call Den- nis Edgar at 673-0783 days. Live Bait & Tackle RIVERSIDE MARINE 303 CR 78 LaBelle, FL (next to the Public Boat Ramp) 675-8828 ,' ..... ..... .... .... ...^...... .. . ONLY 11 Units Left! Starting at $168,000 Rental History Available Possible Owner Financing LAUREL RIDGE SUBDIVISION RAT SOKEY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK RENTAL CABINS Call 1-866-T74-0215 for more Information RENTAL HISTORY AVAILABLE ON ALL MOUNTAIN CABINS. See www.yourcabla.com for a list ol managed properties. Submihed to the Caloosa Belle/Jodi Bell UES January Students of the Month Upthegrove Elementary School is proud to announce their Students of the Month for the month of January. These hard-working students enjoyed lunch at McDonalds for all of their efforts. Pictured from left to right are, Row 1,: Gerardo Vasquez, Yosmel Medina, Sarah Perry; Row 2: Sabrina Partin, Navidad Garcia, Zackerie Howser, Kishauna Wade, Keirstin Bostwick; Row 3: Saul Deras, Stefanie Guijosa, Diego DeSantiago, Caroline Johnson; Row 4: Katie Guerrero, Alari Foutch, Karra Gutierrez, Lydia Gagnon; Row 5: Rosa Ramirez, Diana Garcia, Brandon Toulis. Not pictured: Randy Perkins. ', ,. .. _" .- ""A Rom, f of THE I L Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! .. ... -, ;. ..-. ,. .' .. ,; .. :. Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Sell yourpersonal valuables if they're $2,500 or tests for absolutelY free! No fee, n * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties * 1 used item or grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less ednI* t nednep only Newspapers Si2 items per house- reserves the rig ilhod per issue disqualify any a .4*Deadline 11 a.m. Monday ht to id. catchr, no pro rlo""' Deliveritng eiter, Iffendry Ciunh p NVNews' Sive 1922 Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com Open Monday -Saturday 11am 8pm Closed Sunday 280 N. Bridge Street LaBelle Located in the historic Forrey Building in downtown LaBelle 863-612-0423 St. Patrick's Day- "r back bar" all day friday open later on friday & saturday happy hour & 1/2 price appetizers happy hour daily 4 6 " $.99 draft $2.00 house wine in "r back bar" Ceramic & Porcelain Tile 60t & up Instock Carpet at Unbelievable prices!!! WAREHOUSE MERCHANDISE WE'RE MOVING BACK TO 110 W. HWY 80 LABELLE S'~--- s B Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16, 2006 11 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN scOrt HACKMANN AND TIM SPENCER 675-0500 .R EALTY NEW LOCATION. 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the corrier of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON M rS. 1I SEHABLO ESPANOL RFNALS COMING AVAABLE 2BEDROOM/1BAH HOUSE in LaBelle. Being sold "As' CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION. Is." Asking $125,000. OMES F SAE ACREAGE FOR SA NEW STING INLEHIGH ACRES -This4Bedroom2Bath NEWLISTINGINPIONEERI3Bedroom/2Bath, large dou. home has 2,288 sq. ft. on a large overied lot that is fenced ewide mobile home on fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual frepla, in. Home has many extras. Call for an appointment today blewide mobile home on fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual fireplace, Asking $298,900. walk-in closets, outside buildings. Asking $199,900. 3BEDROOM2BATH, 2 CAR DETACHED GARAGE in 2;5ACRES inPioneerPlantation. $79,000. La:ll- IH,..,: l,. l,: i,,-k.Ijl,,,,iil ':,-,(,;-,J ,,- rl 'hll I".'l'J jr LOTS FOR I : :,..i,,.:,11... ,~ ..k |$195,00u 2 LOTS in Moore Haven. $50,000 each. IN LEHIGH ACRES i'H i I 'q I 11gll i r. 'ir. r LOTINLakePlacid.$29,000. i.:,1,,:,,n: ,,i: u, .u rnl 1 ,:,J ., Hj ,ii,' BUILDABLE CANAL FRONT LOT ir, L..Ile Plaiu mng upgrade i .i jIcia riuin 11 iJ tilih..i-ii i .Tu e eU RFDLC[D l$210,00'O $55,000. N PORr LIBEI.LE t u'il ',b '.l ,,- r "b I. It i, n BliS(MN'B1 LOI ...n ..ior. Acri,ie ,"ll, l.1 tI bulk itl.Jit piB,:., ,).'i i ,.8 '.p :i... 1 .,,, 185.Wi0 : *..,J &. L & 1', .$ 40,000 3BEDROOMi2BATH I LCR G64-,[ l .,,1 i .. I.ll: I. IS IN PORT LB I.E, rl. iu,,.h ,1,1 I,,, c. J.,.pi.r.l ,,,,,: ,,,] ,:. I, ,, 2 LOTS in Moore Haven. $45,000 each. .binl .E R ED1ED ( 1"9,900 Lor INUNIT I ,..', iHci,.lu. F]i ,Ail.e 1 51.000 OFF MARIN LUTHER KING JR BlVD ',. 8J.,,,t,,l 18 ., Iof IIN 1I 7.,h. 0u0 h..,,,.. iU,.p.r I t' ,J, ', r, .,:, 1 i 129,900 IN IT I 1 0 $5,0 LOCATED IN LEHIGH A(RES '8l.I .:. rlI. ; .l., 2 L T' 5. l gic i..- i .., iI rd ,r, ,-.,:1r..il.. ,ri Ji,:, H-I.m -E ..tr LO Tr N jr..kld ... ..J 1.p $42,000 each. I '.. iil i. i J r. i r..in l l... ,, i. il l.r, aul KENI CI. r.C e mil.dl] Jh,:'"l, k in-, i $52.000 .?u i .:.,,ui Ic,... .: .r.qi ,: l..1. 2.30,000. N E. mIR )DE IND CIRCLE $51,900. 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 105 LaBelle, FL 33935 [.. (he Wallace Plaza) 863-675-5923 Mary Diaz Lic Real Estate Btoker (561) 385-3282 Yamile Carreno sales Associate COSTAMAR (786) 255-8096 1A A Abigail Soto Sales Associate REA LTY (863) 599-1218 REALTY We wiill belp oour Real Estate dream come true RESIDENTIAL hbelt in Unit 2 $42,900. 3/2 TWO STORY CBS HOME built in NICE OVERSIZED corner lot in Unit 1 2004 with a wrap around porch on $59,900. 2 79 acres in PL Unit 9 on green- 1/4 LOT in Unit 1 on greenbelt;. belt. Buy the 2 22 acres next to it to $41,900. total 5.02 acres. $585,900. Call for PIONEER PLANTATION details 2.5 ACRE LOT on Hendry Isles Blvd 3/1 IN PORT LABELLE in great con- in Pioneer, cleared with culvert, edition on canal. $165,000. temp. light pole. partially fenced. 3/2 SINGLE MOBILE HOME on 3.33 $137,000. acres in Pioneer. Plantation for 2.5 ACRE CORNER LOT, Pioneer on $170,000. 9th St. $83,900. BRAND NEW 3/2/2 in Port LaBelle 2.5 ACRES on Pioneer 18th St. Unit 1 with familyroom and more. $79,900 $242,000. MONTURA NICE INVESTMENT 2/1 mobile 2 SIDE BY SIDE 1.25 acres on Olive home in the city off Tropicarla St. St. $49,900. $72,000. Make offers. GROVES PORT LABELLE LOTS 13.34 ACRES OF CITRUS GROVES on 2.22 ACRES IN UNIT 9 on greenbelt, Sears Rd. $377,000. fenced, electric, water, no restric- COMMERCIAL tions close to middle school. TWO BRAND NEW STEEL BUILDINGS. $235,000. each measuring over 9,000 sq. ft. 2 ACRES in beautiful Oakhaven with office and bay doors. Both Subdivision with pond for $230,000. buildings for $1,775,000. Make NICE OVERSIZED corner lot on gree- Offers \ Hablamos Espafiol 238 N.*BidgS. *L elS L333 8 -5 68 Ri. i HOME $595,900- 36C'2\ h.-.mr -. :.4 -. J-.r-.. Ir, N l, H..nT- Ieirui e- at f ,, .k or, ..r ir. i.iu j.: j. r,' l1,,, ,1. i'cpl: j I.:- .In k..:'In- r d A.J J lurph, B J lu'.r a, i IT. i I .. 1 h.. m ,r .i r rh,, h. 'i,. hi, rit a r -r p I-.. ,i,: r. r,-,,u ,- $550,000 PRICE REDLiCED! i' l -..I .-.F, a i I -i .: ,e H-rT i, ,iu, I-.'i -t..r ,::ihlr,.r ih..t t.)uI-l l p..:ll I .:, I T j1l, J I t, |. I .' il l -l r . ihjr Itfi, t-juL-,ulul h'mT '.ftuir $155,000- 2B'i lEA .,,.,:,- h,:. in, Irj,,i ,.,,- pletely fenced in yard and an above ground pool. MOBILE HOMES: REDUCED TO $850,000 Mini ranch in Alva. This 3BD/2BA mobile home sits on 10+/- acres and includes barns, ponds & much more! $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home-features an addi- ton with it's own entrance and much more. The proper- ty has a pond with an island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns and more. ' $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed andnd pond. * $139,400 to $151,900 There are (4) available 3BD/2BA manufactured homes and (1) available 4BD/2BA manufactured home available in the El Rio ,ut.,J. ..... -. .1 I'.. i... .. j ,r -. J'.i.- r. .lJ .I l! u J ,u ,. '" L u, i r .ri ~.. i l l I E W. i l. :l n .J Ul ? * .120,500 .B' BA ...mn u,:l, .,J h.iI, 1m.. .. Iar.J lr. I t. 1,),) .l.: c ~ r. 'I .hu l:lut. Thl.: h....m .. h.-.t nJ .l- c .- ,J nd .j i .1 .id r ,: .- | | a, I, H '. r i | l i" l C 1. n .. I rI .," I1 $ 111.91111 :6li '\ trie i..,1 ..l l uriJci .:..,r *' -] I h '.ziTi 1. l,: "I. 1,,.,., .. .. ], l...r.d.L ie * $112,500 -e.1s 2,' i'EN ';u.-I-U.,I.fu I ,r the Moore Haven Yacht Club. The Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+/- "ownership" park. Call today for com- pletion date! - PRICE REDUCED $110,000 2BD/1BA mobile home on 2.5+/- acres in Clewiston. Enjoy peaceful country living year round or as a weekend getaway! * $78,900 3BD/2BA mobile home in Ortona. The mobile home is partially furnished. The lot is sur- rounded in beautiful palm and oak trees. * JUST REDUCED $64,900 3BD/2BA manufac- tured home on .20+/- acres. ACREAGE: $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized with clean bill of health. * $ O0,00 .4 + .- ,. ,i I l, c ul: ul .r I|,ri I i'- .J .ri * PRICE REDLCED $900.000 a-* i+ -MJ ti. I.. li. . =m:.. idj,-inlni'i 6 ,,l ,:. l |,rrJp,.inT ,-. Ilu r Iir ,:d r,:llI * $j50,000 in- I .,:.:, hb .iulllully :.. luJ,-:.J I ll. pil-' iur ,r ":". ,,. jLl i, |'ilt, ird ,jl - * $650,000 2+ .r. tiri, ih heI- n .:.' Al.., ,..i tiu-i * PRICE REDEDUED S50,000 Bil.d .i-ur d,:o'i, :ou ri h-I9.00 .lim '- r ih + i ':ir. JI ..ri I,',o .lI:. L. Brellt : F. ori lr.', * $3 .09,000 '., ,'. r .'.i I .,.: cii.L i, r P,,ow..: H ,, "r. ,,i,-,i- t i-iiu..:, jA .,A' ,,l .,,f. ruI u.,,:. i ,,J ,1f ij i'tl 1,.,,l,: li_ 'r. r,..J l? ',nn, ,:.'s W. e 1-I,..| cJ ,_,ri lN,: |'r,,",eTi Hr,,m i.L_ h,:, r" :. l :,h I W2 2,000 I,- i,:- .l,1 ,,i:. j t.:,i-,J ;p.J * $98,900 2.5+/- acres. Cleared in Montura. There is a single wide mobile home included with the property. The mobile home is to be sold "as is." HOMESITES $25,500 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. $29,900 $34,900- Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT IABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES RENTALS: * $950/Monthly 3BD/2Ba home in Ortona. S.2 offices throughout Southwes FI r::: 21 offices throughout Southwest FlOrida! : f, m --- ,- k.-:.. -,..': : ,. 130 ACRE BELLE TARRA RANCH Spectacular home on 130 extraordinary acres. Stunning natural beauty S11,000 sq ft home of excep- tional quality and design $6,800,000. 60.1LB200540743 RIVER VIEW HOME Completely furnished home includes 35' Damon Motor coach, Mercedes Benz, Jeep Grand Cherokee and a 18' Wellcraft-boat! $614,900. 601LB200532001 LABELLE AND MUSE Ideal home for you and your horses. 10.28 beautiful acres, fenced, cross-fenced, exceptional pas- ture, spring-fed pond. $599,900. 601LB200606019 SERIOUS BOATERS NEEDED - Deepwater Canal with direct access to intercoastel waterway. 2 docks w/110-220 60amp. Boats up to 60ft. RV hookup. $595,000. 601LB100181. S .. - 15 ACRE FARM Enjoy Florida sunsets reflecting from your pond on this lovely 15 acres farm. Deflnately a must see. $479,900. 601LB200537108 BOATERS PARADISE! Riverfront 4/3 single family, large screen patio w/spa to river side, 55+ Community, 20'X6' dock. w/electric & water. $350,000. 601LB200613029 2004 LEHIGH ACRES DUPLEX - Excellent condition! Cathedral ceilings, Eat-in Kitchen, Inside laundry. Each side has 3 bed- 'rooms, 2 baths and a garage. $315,000. 601LB200523767. BEAUTIFUL HOMEII Home has new floors and fenced, only 5 minutes to 1-75. The property looks like a -new house. $270,000. 601LB200611791 HORSESHOE ACRES - Beautiful double wide manu- factured home with attached carport. Concrete driveway with swing set and park benches. $139,900 601LB205080477 Cal .-86-57230a wwc2subet- o CaeCoa -Fr0 Mes ie san ehg -Brt0treEt ero- Sn a rlos aele Npe Puna oro C arltt arbr PrtCa rlte-De re*-M rok-Vn NothPot ooms Eglwod- ern rek- spe ..G [p v Rcl.-e'~~r 12 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16,2006 Gulf Access Lot-NW Cape Coral, minutes to Matlacha Pass, seller is motivated! offered at $394,000 Port LaBelle Unit 2- Ohersized corner lot with beautiful oak trees, and cose to schools and t.:.Rn offered at $58,850 Port LaBelle Unit 9. SpaiouS I -1 budding loi located on Salem Cir., close to schools and slh..pping ?lfered at S47,500. Shelhcer liir bu'tng or selling? ue can l.elpt Slop in ami a o iour FREE E ap['p Horizons Real Estate Corp. WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE ranuy oro. s Divriiinn ManagLer SHUBO VARGAS ASSOCIATE Sea ur old Hugo l i ha C b- t 11 B3) irs i. I -.' i :ni.i [ : jc-I : J L5 J a -, 'oum' I, -4 t r, isi he2 i u 1 h r j sr RA 5 Barbershop, r Irimiin Il 'world Iljs E .hJo, .i Ir 21 ri- he ,tic red t hi 'le a-:oii:o e IJ en e i, ieal e i- l He in., hI o itc S Njt.ha ilong alilh thcir bu s nd hltle girl lill LIBElle h:m.nic 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 I/ rC are ithi ,ikhng oi/ nw i,. o tin e l ,i I sS ,il' C-iECK LU L ( ONLI NE i hr..-, i i-,i-rl-.r l :.:.ni Look for the April Edition of. the Hendry Glades Real Estate Magazine soon! If you would like to advertise in this Magazine call Barb or Dale at 863-675-2541 Che king wup a, -d K.,.4. os posi Knls'vFoorn 274 N Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 Riverfront Pool Home with 1,944 sq ft workshop on 1.1- acres. Intercoastal Waterway protected Oxbow, NO Corps Easement! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, family room, screened lanai and pool area. Many STORM SAFE features, first quality construction, super energy efficient, solar heat- ed pool used to heat and cool the house. Award winning design from the Florida Energy Center. Priced under appraised value, asking $959,000. MLS 20061929' LqiI -3 .Hy,8 (863) 675. 1616 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL i sl (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 T AE I www.heritagelandco.com [LE jIj jj Se Habla Espafiol DONNA KANB LIc. REAL ESTATE BROKER LA ASSOCIATES Trisha Arnold Deeuse Walker Beverly Curtis Patty Walker" \Wayne Smmnons & Karen O'Sreen *.Charlene Bowen Office Manager SLucy Caranza Office AEi.stanr WHERE DIWt% NEVER ENDI i;,u -il -JI ir, I.I-'o "ii As.; EK'B-A crr;e a: ,j.:' a Lhoth fr'i.,c i o',,nd !k th lb.-i r-Lin 3nd pinorfriii memric, kmirockd ki-rn l,-Tre-. ne-. cw kibmreLt., in md gruilie c.,b',wi coars lio- Ho-mt Uo2 nusler ms oni. -,urtr.e ind -.-r Pe u.rrsr I pmi s,, mori w leum. 3 tEploori io ren the ncr osr' w and j oirmsod 1, o iq L -i t&-r I in in ground Im.ss spi '~x L %Dk t u osrng Pr rwr t.-o I89~000. OAK TREPS GRACE TMS .90 ACRE LOT md ifuR -bi hntrr wLh b-uii Isll u leo' cf fhe Jokolu2mlchov RCcj rr,'scv p ri 'o r .5a is t En0-sihlite s ar- e[Lso vrb. I 1:-u .:'l'sk ,jo'. piro Nl,',.J ul n o,1rid ifl, 0,ldsii sclca fur mIutlran lf ptl am,ir, or.lloS' ii1,j'! rd' S miii I 'pr :,n l Ad.l Ifh'iI 1..oird!) Jrsiflwo.! -u5- iI, Jdc.', pt-, lFilrmyaid p r,]er-rI- $o7 9.000 AFIkaDBkLi i mR1 LiVIN(. ON Ei1ao~Lw OF fliE CAIOO%,VATC HE VnER. Ric i ,uo r-L rT 1 Er o- nj-:rured tme-o 4 E6-jsr-Wnr p1 : -oi ,".lu'J' Aojisr i ie ut.ll I st Fird 0h d Ki r I-rllr. 'sl u j id jrlii konur ni rupgsrrdr ; u .,,sdr,'s ~sirpix-oli-,r.ff tr, uiA-ng i k.-4 it.ijdothcoisrs n-ik himum Prrc h t, rrluctd Mi-in M hi hisbo e.L k ,lue iiim I'-I 4 rortbdui 64 $395.00 DR--UI bW- GOV YOu t OWN iSLADu !Il ,- j rd -iiu- -oih mne il o,-:merri -Il ,o. I ,e ,oi 1 14011.001) .00 Fn OF fth TR oNW~rIo 7--,7t: r h Yi~e A~r~lirs ,,oC 2 ~l5-l- i~rTt~- *I Vi r.ii''. "'i Pr.' si' stle 'U~oTs-il$96qOs)0 RkNLHFt'FL.A55ii fr Mos[-s': J-l hiii ,ii l,, N id I s... .i l''.. i i.I' Nv i i rc" 'IIsmi r ,' I ']i-r ,n-id l REIsLiCD OWNER ANIUOLi BRING ON iNS OFlFERSI $499,000 240FTOF BEAlrtiit, ssI-slh-r, to-uI .ss w si1 'a..- 'i '1El"12. i s llAl U il 101Wn-r diu il, -, I bi To ls ,55i Ko iv .il dss oos S i '1.1 I'Js 11.0i-u o h1] u .115 ii i''',.. Tunay PR.-, lis. -ik, & p Dbln. In it.553 : 1.-Tsp. 'aeilid piblltuds0 Joim i padlk1-J'or 14m~l; 51. 29,O0M PORT Lbff L 07tit RN I Vl~tmi Ho ber -,(ltfil IIm jiit. I.di'.-k Udh .%sIA -iro' ii So .r.l- hdih. e F o 1 %[ i i r-jr- t, l Ai l IS f 2i lif los 'oi U -rr 61 i ru' I.o.r i LI ,:,,. -.,j I... bi i. ae s.,i ,ur .r s ,u i t -" b O' 0's it I'om RODEO AT HOME. Tr s4BR35A bPl\ r)e feitun:4 irepliso In ibsi irtig r ,nyr iUrge npen Ilii.hen Qi!l Ir.ly ino biy window in breoul ng ursp a ,ii. .irir dlae blihr ilf per,'i-r, .yntem3 Ao..srjS 1--rie bin idh a full bhlti.-]IT- .iLick rim, li .prsd -id iw ria II o., r-ih r idI. rri.: h-. s isiLo rc-s's.2 mill A p m ia r, r;L o r. -i gr. -"'. Is.n if U1,2ON PRk* AND PFRS0 DESCRIBES THI SRRW21tA CBB HOME ON 20 ACRm ilOrr.np o ,-pill P..[ phlif 1. ir, ,'ah'rsoi tili flo 5I~lcqw.toii crk- do--il-.i ch.l'..' iii' --rig 4'. FI.,nd, ,jn ,s, iron ivo,-.- rs.'Tr Jo-upi Loso o~lr.qi) mrrciii a.' rirh p m i. ..i.i os ROM 160 GROW i ---R 21-R hor,o[ ',, 's 'jo- pr-, -L- P.: i.- Ju.c l '.ih i h i-s- i s W lii f 1 1", p c 'dn. Lt. - ir'u0i ier iIis, rrouod ih: ho''s-sr I"' r-' -Ti' lejmilul r- 1 kl l i, PT iloui o 11h I-olr fT ,' ii jr,- d I pi ll -- i I, .1,11 I 'd c iic.'oci-ll".Ii's l'-011''- 5 .: Iti ,si -J' d I i-'si o 'd' I 'l h u s'l ho I lq, 4 I l. l Is.-.. qi: s, 'sl-iu's:'sJ IIqif.Cis''-sthei ..51..m sios,' p.lCdIcasL', 'dlls tf.i 14. 1,01, rrisis ry j~. V. ff,-- a I:M-2s LIIi ,,.s..... F. t- u"-.d E i hu 5d, C...Ti. H ,rAd I -- omh,., .1 .Joi O.!r (B. boa I i oia 5725,000 W&-A- 1-AoIJR Or OCk liih lIVINj l, IP l il .1d. p r-; *-m phe,,]rl I1P. i ln. .rI... Ipi - l 1. I -, i i l s ,p- 'i I t,'. i 0 i..] nell 5'pF I ha I I I-h - r is. r [-los, cmi iicnr 11 s MOLlll~i~ cnu r' slih J ,i Ij rj hU l oh o l _.- li r J o r, d r ,I 50 ,iT : *:. :rr al i h JI ,i l. pi,'in jri' l klhJicii ba s i l p" ri b.tmirkf.l, ',. ills. l,'0 iri rell I l~s h tl" IImlr, rI .-Tn I,d I. '.,.'l ': i illil lB Ihf i-'.j h ul ii t tlh t p ns' :F I" udr .,sd i',b ,' ir i .,' r tIos ih rfi', e bt- J r,' .-,i T o ,'r c i. ,J u ', i j, -i'f c l -l i ,ri I zj-rj thFi-u."lo l IChe is' ",'- IcT jlo -'ol',l r hr,' ,il] IsjhL iri iil Ih -'ll",':""a t,;w ir l P.,I, ,: r d ho"J (:ho .cid ill'J.h .'] i (,'" t.l'tc i rJ 0,i-I C I:l, hl,,I Fj, ', I pIhl At I'o,,r p I,' '-p .L (,, -rI-h:,t s ,,, c ',.1 p p' -- ,'-,it .,.-a, l -itu, l l.', --di' '1 o',s..rIi II,.. I', ,',l .1 s ,, , ,lllaie and t'ilh h, i',, ,:rl:' -r' ,: : '. :,l l : Is'lerif, Le si'saei L t f.:ruri jci.[ i62".,'0 . AWSiOME AltMN i0OMFI i . rltL-hI i.-. .r. il'Pl. L'&. ".:. L I lltNlir r. l l.r ...' l )1'r t' dl r r.er r ll r :. I is- k l l u' ''' l': r.ilr'L i. ,.tl ',iJ h i, "IcsllI-l J i. Sl L- rps '. r I l'UIhl ,,d.iirL t'o',Pii'rIi.asfS r o -i I s.'i. I__ _ W6OK fU RPI Nul rI .: _E.llN a u "R ... .I,,'' ,l l. i h-1 .,I JrI 1-L 6 ru- 1., l 'l.,I w'. fI n p t.l 4 i lrh flr ,, I '-i 1, I.jrn 1 .1oi'.bp lil,: ed l'.I fsil. l :I'. Ji. i l t r PI (-' L I~il I' ,ri., ,i.ll, I. ', r I.l ri dl I .' ll . r.irn 1111- 'i pI,. Lbt, S .I I rC l .r-i l s i -, i. 1- J. rI- h0 it r SPA"IOJLS NE lON'iW R'llTIO : hr,. .., I I I . IT i lb', oh rI II' il n .l I I'i-l. h ..'u r rr- Jl' 'I ,i '-'l-'sl .l 1 j f; llM'-, '.' .1 ii 111 1,: u IjI I l- s- s''r .J -. t.. J I I 1..,u:l.. I lu; a hT. lr 1 ,, otTIff .IF.IIi' I II'',, i-oL 'A h I 5 's eIN,,., -,: 'i i el .T i ,.l, r l.i [ f i :l, .. rlut, w 301'1 Il MA LlCLAiTe \L'lEL KE1t HOME' r. I 'p. Io. I .t.- sllp. ll I. r,- ,i Ir. i. I r i. lrj,: ..'.. I crl S i s.' ,pll op.Ir. I in l .. the rr iii l Di l .''.I 't.. A I 'i '1'. .. tr '1 II r l I'... d i '.L I 299000 tI.- jd .- I- 'ur II ,r .ibL -..J' .,r 2 O 1-li- I.1 I .. I._, hi -I-.", ri i l l. r iI .,. Ih A .-', ..Ii... -I ,l I,.T h r bI : .,.' -D ,. I ,,,', oI Ih]', 1I Id,, l i,'Cl I I'. j rt i.rr, l, L b,, h ... i 11:- LI ,, 1,- hl' I, , ,'r fl s' om tc ..: r. r a Th, ssr. .' Is,, I $279000 rHII S5itE cRF'rED 3B'D.2BA FOME IH w ilrd gf:,r-um fumLl (N o homet.sre, o',vaulid celll,,s rjl "'JcI,J f o'' , b ll ir i bI lS pl' plen t : 1' .r' 11ge IS d l :, Io 10 I Li ri' i l '. ear I -T lul l's .: i r: LaIn a'r]'-, h l.i; bu'll ir'i -:l, i, a .i .,q'hI- all. Ii rr f i iip:m..vr.j i ', r 249.0 i i3BON lk0WEIR11Rn 1 IN 7 a R-'F-0 l ..'l in ,lu, :r r: i Tl l r, :Tt.r i: h,,mll. : r ll~2 1. nt l ID .o I t.lA' E' JOM ". II'. I O %,. i ,, ,,-. l,[ l I- si'' i I', ss- s--s ',i o,,. ,,,. Is I., I .... fi l I h0 1 I 'II,. ,iaI v l_ 0 'h i, .:P II. .:. I. ,, ,l. ' IJ ri 'l, .tidu-l ,T 'l" ""s ,l'll: Irr I' ,l-h i ,,lo I-, .ss ll hC AM i i] .,,- i t-,i ,- L- .t ,, ., -i i '... 'I ,[Ir h Sl *'B'NU .1 l .T',,," '. i ]. ,I., ',, '., 1 ... II .. .i5 -i.l l- I. jl I .I ','.lll I i,, '] '5l. I I, I, dl I 5 ,. 1 i'b .I .,ls'-ii s-.,o ss ; t.] s'..u '' ii...:iJil, if ,'h. .l .l ,,, s tl-PiLNAnD :l. I E'UPmfiF) l I1' .. 1n l :)o .... 1ri e .. i N'I I .r i ... ;l '' i ;;.,., ,d ,, U. t [, Ir l 1. $41. i ,, p. T month .,-lI 639.91)0 Mu ._ 1 Cg''.aANADl~sfull enUstirt.E ..~..n. MINE AREA MINI RANCH PRIiDES. AXCIMU : PI.WNrLIRIU lS- uloibl, A-i..l'. Ni. --r. 1 1411- Css .sssi]o I h I skMI --. 1 -i-' Al isi.. 55I i fI'. Iis. .' mI N- rno. j% I II fil bA pli 1h- ., .rol.)sis''P0'.'r, L-..-.. r,, i t. I. J:1 j, 1ah 1A_ ,I TIs2I~ .'It s F II d I I IIFII ,. I1'ni.ro a. 5 0. 6h. i30 ns nflk uf.I:rurw I--ne rerd swrd "'jib Ina. t.-- m in--', or d s ilo 'i'di Ii mlmlI 1. 1249,909. S PArCI WO T 'AIOtTG AB'UT. ur Imhig Sand enisnin P LW'11i,. 1 BP '.BA 2i",-q L rfiit-lt N':'n-ur, i 2 JieN holi IE11i C 1, hIr-oo iisr".sti r.'si..FIiiI,-plao Fn, lag ivhvA 5,.'uih 5.1- of nbhiniL, Ll-'5~ 'i t ,v.)ikibull ,]in 0ol i bio osfohn r irFUtt r, Ir-si.' (-a- ,I 1'. jrr lo'i bilg,,lo In l'. amul bah liii 0oulTlobs -oh~ ~ilerohi-i Frs'onil-,liiP~lrulr asmIligtlp un i av rub ..ornfuntr am, lqe lion I~~,n m:~\Y 'Is s-s i. o 10fSP, It ,,.-Lsr~td oiu-sitd i r a Id '4%36 1 ':i'c' W11) qualliw hn you donih bave I. Owner nmc. lng h, avidIlble on ihih bome. $225,000. fH W 3BR IBA HOMP O1' MERI oll, on lo.t uvi ,:iE 'if'ir1 i-os I -joi ii ) o ic u Pu u ses oo s sI in unn !~hLi -- ris U11S 'trm i'v' (1N -1 r,8r"-, U$ A C.1-OAl .:..'I soi .a- 2'0T. i s tasbqir.Un C1165.000. NEW MBILE HOMNE- r i tmrm she h is.sd rrF A ibh C.loss'ulr '.5 ssc i'icr, It 'so n ir u '-B '25A i's-hit hom' lip: -rr~~i ~ TuN:r~r woili h-jpl'.'"" psi-'-IRM- C' 4 a, r(Slu d, li' .'BA d o.'j toyie t 0oLl J oi1 65000 N,,~IMYF~r'l 1 m~'! Ps' Olo ch' Jj~F 11. .11~1 ift55,ljl ~~~Ul...Ir LIiCa COMRMRCL4 BUiLDING ON 1.28 ACRS o, n the bwus 'oir-".1 i ,''Is i. m Irs I E,di, ircL oisI il lnx.'5 -'r,'s['otivl l.o.,s.o'lI-1- I.: .i-,pIlsI- sTit, ,ir0A i-[ 0'J ld hii: Cut's'-k I, r t-l: I Ti-,k Id -oil jn 4 Of i, hill us-.! it, t -s Ipsi. ,opi n 2 t0'0M.in 'is' bhdkI0 2qoiroiCuit offcc- osd Is T.or a! '5-dh I, Id htIir i s n g C.4 s,~ ou Sld itoiu~c ij. o i-i.u isrsst- S si p1 sr -1 uih 1 sAifsfu rr.ino'u i 11.1 mdirfi.: ,r, .2150.1000 PLAN FOR lOLIR PROFITABLE PltENi oo.'.Tloai L f. r ).:..j l u' huTa '. 4 is.,lls,1 pool i oIf LBolli- rI h .' s~l I c. 5.: I'' r,,.t-sl :,st .jnir.& .'- Pr--pc.-od Ic ,' 4 :-RIA uBA il rost.i u ii h pr prisert) 'Tto IIlh'.. i'ma i5'l '.o I lb .IWeo' c'i-sl itr C lill od i f899,90i0. LOOK NOl FUiRMI rh.Etl.. 1, F' toilhlil psi- o fops gi-o pamlo s' ,I It 1us t ''i 1 ospI ,o[11L -sIV Assng wyNos il %s.il' 14, of ii l~i ..-r,ur s.ssooiq ia. 8 Ni p r. -asil rioiloIti I,.s'isC,1U I.:'ido I'lld, I.J.' $90,900 lI(q OFF HM 80 IN LABELMP lR, :rI ., solo r.,sm- s I zlii'ARTIOZWITT L-5 OFFSt 29N Ussou los HI~: s' Os' Iso. ''.I'- 'n-' .sbu ,lrs- 'u lIn l Lg '..juls1 be F-as 51 A2"' di- hs, iB A L& .1-' "'mhi .srlyn r hai s f-os en .etsjiIo'i I do' Il-as- rteh Coml of plrr mod s:rrcened para. ',t.:,rjlge jhteds ind I lxJ)l pole bma Grear bil lok $.'49.900. MOE kftVOU BtsS1SOi~j't,9 r [MM Aunld fe ruih orid IC olas.'ur0 is [Ih i h I C- tt- i n or taF-nd oui busires, In sih -'ur'Ils f I'.i' l sire l T hi i., E'pit b l'ir Ii lke .mwI a nd b .io. aso'Iiil, 1,.. musod -ff HwySo'p il15, 1i'o.,st'owni, hifrfoi ihs 's-s -I. .0 '.u I1 l'lt i oW 5214,500. C0115' WAI CO MERCIAL PIER LYPNIRTil~P i g.n .,IIli jto iir,110 'h $rak S175,000. i0 ,\(RP IN MUSP OFF OF SEC REARLIA I mile rlrin, "p. '. l Hijvirl -. li i, I rH,11 i i ',ll- d A c ls ilio ',I ,-,,,.IJ i: ..i, lit:h irnl .. J I 5, j '9 Li I .1 n rpl. rIfi PRI) 'i(.N"i B OR'" A'N'GE GROV'B ho.i lli. 'ia,,, ',.:i... jrrs u i -o- i rr. m'1 i rTl si'Ji',i i .'i V .'' c |.-',, ', '1so I .- : r],i i f ik'. l, ii il s .. i- a s i lld U1 .:r i.i-,.. I.,l .i: : ., lJ p.. ,i quIc pp.] ,ilp :pli. clE l l rid, -.l..;.i.c p.IL, i br l .r. hr ... ll i I|l ikI l., -dl,:h Iha,: ,llJ hl. mdl Ihi i u lo Ell-]uJllil p, Isu..: I.-. -, is'- c- .,r-..joIc 1.,26,000 . ill 0' ,i R N.' JI T i .L i.o, o, F', a'. Ihs p., p...l . Ir. 4I', E.:lp.".. $' 1,100,000 50 BEALiOISI_ ,t i t IN fl.e si rs 'siI,-l,,e Pd 1hI iWpa . ,),ff.i ,i ia p Ij.uJ ind cuorlnil 'x..,JdoreJi 'jii bhoIh i AJ'. 1 I1i |''.I' irEl. l .lj tJ iflirt' 1 It'I $705,0000 2i ACRiSN LALCO)GANWLY V E IN MUSE Pknrs, 1, pi. ,: ,', II, p ].. .: ~ l i,,. ik p i ,'l iTc l Ia. 1, ihI IIp i J &Jl,'i i ~ s.: ih li Ih1 i Prj ei F'ull: C.:ld I:.urliI', L'r I',' Bsi:l ups i,:. l.pl- Br'iihusr. Jid L I-.l s.lI ,'n, A" RFAD ACREAGE- limrre d jilTi. )i [frft. I ihe c bI *. 1 I ',-r- IIl.. I. l, i.:. oi fI d -+ o x rte- In ihe P?_ n. l-, ii-', Ir sit l Ah-.TE ,-iT : t. r 1ai t' iOolf iridJ h'r.n-. ,1 ii', (}89,0011 nil ARE(S IN GLDES COLINTY RANCHliEs ,:1re, .'l itI l '.,r bl' .ny lo,. ,ild or, Fo r ni r i 'ls- ' $345.000 BRING rHE HK DOG,0G AND HOiS. BcauldnfL I" li .re i I ,.I I .r, : .:- ..I'.. LJsi Ihi, I Fer. d it J In id 'i r 1 t JI. II8.J s U IL I IT i n 1r i i l. istr11 ,, 6 il 'l b': I"IIl Lugs t awio4.C hiIiilic& 3251000. 5 ACRES WEST Of IABELdLEa iri A.I sorn 1iicir- e'I il M)ers CrlB, pine a p.lmieols iihmughiut rh propenr th.i pnr.vidcs pdrlacy Build yjur drnima hrmc hiren ',ill r iqJlre Wtell And itpl1ir 7,ltd .i I hc'aioflst iA 5269.900 5 BEAU lI T L ACRES OTPAVED BI[1' -FT ,Ti di, i il pine wi of LiBIkt c'rt)' miriltr hat-, ihe L., i:,:.unri Loe Thi pirtel can t divided Inrlo Eo m hoiC ,,iie Pn-.td Sll'lle lah d 2J :rr soi Nc ilblc Bu, one '[ir i :,m i i lhc:.' iu in r,,rmeriil 0 000 000 eoc PEACE AND QUIET i ,-tij r..', sill i ifiTa ; i. .: r,, i'p oed' U~i dlrLi il" oil l s'i I'rr I !'.iIi'.s, -'.:,II h,, ,:' '1 ,Iel bL.llbs 'is Lh' i.1 p-lW'l i'',,: hils .II. ,', I",'' ni I..r BR llm $1S5,O000. 5 AtRESIN [DECA. 't i L p.-,'i l. -'nci; li,1p'. ti,:i rr.i- r.%I i-ijsl 'ir. l'.p n i .,crl ,-i-' l-lrj oEI'-I $89.9110. 2 5 At- r, pI;.,: r, Id 'I1 !7. f, rJ l. ' r nl .nlI1 NiifIle. High dir, -p ', iih T.ii.,. 'i1 11,.. 579,900. MONlTUR A RANCH ESTATES 1 .: i .o .U, '.pLi(, driscwj iAnd ,*.- [cL e l lsl b ri r l -i',g: '..C 'idr' i 'lic hoD i on Ih. piTn.peT h ori g- ei' u rl- i ', l l l 1 j aour iirmuly $67,500. 57 53 ACIES IN GLG COLWTI ..T iiS.iT,-;" i ,-,' kirt.) Tl'imp.'pn Poid R.iJ thiu .ag .: .1 .. [ti ,1iri i,'k Bnra.:h adrd C)i. A, Ln. : I i, .. rI l I n ior pl.rir d hlrain djtd..prjcnL $52,000 pr ac I.2 AtlI N HOliSTrE ON PANE ; i.;i3; T~i r, $49.900 MO' iO'IaX nrT(H E S 111 Jr- ,.,'-. H,'I-.,: ?~hIi. iA-,', u,: i,:pltm' I'u btii' l nJrdit..i I .J I ,s h .,I '.n .1 dmioe,, 5'q.500 REfIalT FROM TflFt i.L;T, (i .;i ;7ts [ Ii i sT.f.ni din i, jd H s ad, Hi o.ir .1 tli Ifrn i- r i ,r po:..J 30,000 per acre. HOMPSITE AVAILABLE .i LaI.i'l (l, lD C I I. lI, .1 112 ACRES OF BEAlinnl OLD FLORILDA OAK IJil Ilmil. qr :I. elI hc .m -le I .1 be .Als pl.I, i r ... :i h lonrL I.- I lrk(:, view f II, ,,alf.. ,,i ,,ll.. ": R[lc' i g i L xt r ; [, ,h ').u hu e i v t hi'. )i',: i.. i ippirl.ile I i i.il'dk I s'.- ill, .ol $225.000 HARD IO FIND OAh FILLED CORNERa LUO i-.: ..i: i a.rll ul H 1 .a .:a s .-. ... l 'r, b e : I.,. I.r. l. .ri.s'.. 1150,000 HARD 10 FIND A HOM['TV It 1+-- ARE OFF Li' OAK LANE on tlhliulilll0il ijl 'r Isi .le,ucd J .i.: ir. youi iti% h me & left he ,urroundling )rl,:.a r ,c l, idiii ional pnnCy 125,000. 1.2 A LIOE flf'RIL lI fKAIL M ',:-deI urfat I.i.l meii r $99,900. BLIlf TOUR HOUME irt lm,-ri o l in il. ri iff parel EMo l oia io Hwy t l80 rh ke. ij grat l ol. 'itn 90.000. BAUTIFIJt DOUBLE O IN 01 l NItf 102 P1 LWPLll ..a quier ule Pn ..Ji,.. o l nIn .:,, r ,000. c'l IV i LAJnlt J oIn Hi ddry irto I'i i Ill Ih, ijl .lr, . L, piclunrL: rf i i'J o-i- 1 I rJ r I-i i.. l S,I5 Ol) CUl-D-t ALIOTIN NO i t.T&I Ri % ,,T"l;;7;i, 'is,,l 59900 Po'r'L.AB "B'iLH.fini t *nt. T ,.:h",2, i '.= hiitr' i" -. 1 i0pti 'ill ': I,-. .i ,nli I,,i I, i" 00 mid up it 'll i s ,':' l P ':ll L.& ll i' l l'] d ' ii'..ura iii I I il "oi '.:. il I:' ,,I, I. l .'.. o .i-. ,- , i', hIl i .'i i ['ur, 1.,,: 'k}!LI AINAHOMpFONQUElt I ih, M-iR l i ;,,ii l.l , Jol ird II.j I n, lcr. oi.- l-.lcidl, i .,.' d,. :, rJ s1- u ..J,,-..i ir.,. A |,-1 I.l. li]. ftjiu'cc. l : ;.. J p ,- liv l.ir&. A.c I.. I'. lnr ilL ..' ilid oi .'o 'J I ,"J .' is. Ish'.5Jl 141. lhrtIdI,, SJ-.: ini,'tf p chf0 ..i ..IQ I os' -,r.. u ,ir irdl h F,',,'", V" l I.b.11i. ,, "r., (,'riir, n-.l ii, lrdr,...,m 21185,.000. M 1 '5 ro 5 ACRE PJ IC-1". i.slil l;-.'-..I. p ,'r .p n ,n h d r I : cau lr h riiu r i, n ,iu ,c w i l ,: i ," ,h. ',- 1 l.:h1lh scis> ,'lo iorul. bulldl r i ,: I'-".i' N '', 1'"-" ' l.si 5lk rsl' I -J IT.' $8j,000 k d up a d u l I'.r ,J':. r l I.BLEW t] 6 lA l ,ff, i.. ,'.l, l., .l', i..' i" [i flier 66,900 I? ACOI BLAilD-A.lL tOTUMfl Ic.r6.J if- I.:I.,11s $62.900 3 7 ACRE LoTS INF 2Il LEHIGH ACREB'is -: ,n r ol rid 549,900t Io551,9ia. LOT 34 AND 15 sr-e . r5 ,50.h i -7 ., $5.1.5W0 each --~a~asasllC"4~9a~. 2 ew Horizons Real Estate Corp. WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE JASON BISCHEL ASSOCIATE S B,:.-I jr..j i....1 Fl ir :. 1 .:l.1 j.or. Bichdl rn.:.J :rl, rig il Iih flih T, Ii ti l.u-ir j. r i i i rl .ul il :z ..i -.rc- riI f r h rj lr pj r i n I I .: l .ii 1 ,,1 bi .:,;" t ,.'riin c,.] .I prldI h- Ilf ,.,t I M.': .. ni'.,h ldc l ':i Il-c':':m|Tl, .1 [ 'jli r : .t ciric. i r ,( 1 -f- c:..-o r I'~ l i' ih,: jBcll, -afJ j ;r, r tluJIr 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 1I l*- -, :.( t.t i, nii i.P ni ti '1 .:.r ellm gi' i., a iall/ : HE( K i .S IP'1IT Or'NUl E AT v.- nev.horI;ons-re i om 4I Home ;'UwL Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Homes Startinc in the Low 200's We have "move-in ready" homes available now 96222 Mavw'ood Cir, Madison II, 312/2 9024Jaywood Cir, Cypress II, 31212 5020 Guh Cir, Maqnolia, 4/212 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II, 312/2 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison II, 312/2 5009 Pinetree Ln, Cypress II, 3/212 6008 Acorn Cir, Maqnolia, 4/2/2 5012 Pinetree Cir, Cypress II, 3/2/2 7035 Beaver Cir, Madison II, 312/2 -:6045 Pec i Cir, Madison, 3/2/2 3045 June Cir, Maanolia, 412/2 All Homes Include 1/ acre home site, wood cabinets, upgraded tile, landscaping, full kitchen appliance package and much morel Vacant lots Availablel One New Home Rental Left! 3/2/2 $1200.00 Mo. Visit Our Model Center 2480 East State Road 80 Open M-F, 8-5:30 and Sat & Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com CGC061264 P-s I i .- ".-rr r Bankof America Shirley Imhoff Willis Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 239.415.6302 S800.854.5783 ext 6302 .]'PFax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com LaBelle native, Shirley will do all she can to help you get the best mortgage around ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS, MEDICAL WORKERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND FIREFIGHTERS GREAT DEALS! 863 675 4550 orid 281 S. Bridge Street LaBelle 01 ^,LSa__, Rodney Murray R. .' ,kLic. Real Estate Broker State co. Associates: Seth Howard Phil Lewis. Tamra Franco, Jim Coddington & K Trdel Murray 3BR/2Bath on 1 acre. close to town with a 24x32 pole barn. Large oaks. fenced and landscaped. $159,900. 3BR/2Bath recently renovated. Located in town on nice lot wt'rees. 8239,500. 5BR/3Bath really nice manufactured home on 5 beauti- ful acres in Muse on Cypress Ave. $425,000. 3BR s-i -. ,-- 36 horse I J.Ll I 11 iV... le $695,000. 61.25 acres. Improved pastures & fenced. Only $11,000 per acre. 68 acTlnl -.i- .. ..J --' .O per am- 0.'Ja r tr, -;I Well maintained 4BR/2Bath home on beautifully land- scaped lot. With in town convenience. Deep well Irriga- tion and large workshop, screened room and gazebo. PRICE REDUCED! $349,900. 3BR/2Bath CBS hpf _ishoph- p. Located In nice neighborhood, sits o -J'nJh l Ld beautiful oaks. Walking distance to elementary school and local stores. $225,000. ~;~;~48E~a_~~ Y_ls _a-ru_ __ U_1 _~__U~PYi -1- 1 1 1. I ., 3 ' Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16, 200613 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16,2006 T"-~S~ r-olt A~rr S863-675-0898 OFC s PERSONAL ATTENTION WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING NIKKI YEAGER, Sales Associate PAUL ROSE, Broker Nikkl@NlkklYeagerRoser.com Paul@PaulRoser.com 239/584-2005 cell 239/504-2002 STHEREALTY GROUP Of Southwest Florida, Inc. Cell: 239-872-7665 i i Bus: 239-495-2402 Matt Flening Realtor E-Mlail: mattflemingl@comcast.net S Commercial Land Residential RESIDENRiAL LOTS Lot 1 'i l -, re i-59."50 i xK'. BPAN(H ESxTATES ,rfi r cdr4 e:e .i. L,:,it 2 '. i : j.:rc~ @1 $465,000 eti ,,t I '.l i d ,i, ,,f tKJ -0 i r e Fri t l,-:,1 ,. -* 63,500 Dnuu .rj Surr,.,ui'rd b, r rpn.s d future r Qe.'-,^',i O, 500 . a d ~iv, [N,1 ii l.i P ri j:re i 1 i.:jied ,g'ari r irir the ',rv reidenual de lm.n, nu .e hre .n ,el Itfmafl Beauhui l -i .s$, 95,000 plaj:.,e : build youir e i.te ho.ime and tlnnri ) ur river 3i.o Fro:ri.ge on Cr " h:rc :i, r irin esi m i -n he iurLe e .imnirig thJe Ci:me build, tit jrenm hojm $250,000. gpi 'ed :,:mnmurniie. ih HlOiTe iner o:l r O.r er Agenri CjiTTmuniri [.,ecel,:,p Drrni.r fee L' and r Loojki.re t:, build, represenritri. lej ,- S ,hai freel. i:r ije builder, plF ase cll tor dr: u WATERFRONT County Living for only Riverfront 5 Acres with 215+/- $160,000. feet of frontage. High eleva- 5 Ac neast of Ition reveals spectacular LaBelll Btia|klt itfcome Views. $995,000 fromil S .lt S ,000 j Riverfront 1.15 Acre homesite Over Half an acre in the city. Son prestigious Fort Denaud Complete with fence and cul- Rd. $595,000 vert, brush has been cleared. 2 Acre Deed Restricted- oaks remain. Great buy at Homesite in Oak Haven $125,000. Estates. Oak filled and backs Oversized homesite conveni- up to beautiful sunsets over etly located in the city with the water. $350,000 easy access to SR 80. .75 Acres Lake front home on 2 ac. Hard manicured and ready for your to find home on deed restrict- dream home. Lots of oaks ed acreage tucked neatly and maples. $105,000. away yet seconds from SR 80. Port LaBelle Lots on the north Backs up to a pristine reten- side of 80, close to new devel- tion lake with amazing sun- opment area & marina. sets. Low maintenance Priced from $49,000 to $57,900. CBS/Stucco exterior with all Call for inventory list. Over 60 .the details of a well designed sites to pick from. country home on the inside. eller financing Available Features include tray ceilings, with 25% down to qualified interior doors all custom built, buyer. Port LaBelle 1/4 ac. lot custom cabinets with tile on the norht side of Hwy. 80 backsplash and granite coun- Many new homes under con- tertops, all windows have struction in the immediate wood casing surrounds, a area. Asking $42,800. brick fireplace, and wood INDUSTRIT /COMMERCIAL floors throughout finish the Prime Comer with over 500 ft. i look. $549,900 on Cowboy Way and 520 ft. on HOMES Elm St. Currently Zoned Light 2 Story Home close to town Industrial with the new plan just off Ft. Denaud Rd. This allowing for heavy industrial I amazing 3Bed/2Ba home has as well. 6.7 acre location it all, location, charm, Master directly across from the State suite ith office, screened Attorneys Offices & close to the room and more. $299,900 the LaBelle Airport. $3,064,466. Well Built Cedar 3bed/2ba Heavy Industrial Site just south ome in popular river com- of the city limits. Industrial munity ofCaloosa Estates on a Loop S/D. Easy access to both SR 80 and Hwy 29.-Cleared, half acre hillside. Lovely over- ille and culvert l29e000 sized deck out back for relax- led and clveri. $99, ing or entertaining. $295,000. Lght Industrial 4.65 Ac with Mobile on .1/2 acre south of 2400 Sq, Ft. Steel Bldg LaBelle with lots of paving outside the city limits. Could nd a 26x53 pole barnbe split under current zoning. $92,500. 850000. LOTS AND LAND $850,000. DelomSn ot al 25 Profitable Towing Business Development Potential 25 established with many revolv- acres plus on Ft. Denaud Rd. ing accounts & approved by Pair up with available water- all the major motor clubs. I front (priced Independently) Currently servicing LaBelle i for an upscale residential and the surrounding area project. $150,000 per acre. with a clean & reliable service 5 Beautiful Oak Laden Acres record. Call for details. located East of LaBelle. Quiet S Belk RSeafty Co. Office: 863-675-4547 Terri Banky Broker Cell: 863-673-4970 Shary Weckwerth Cell: 863-673-6498 Now online at www.bellerealty.com MI LEADING THE WAY! ,^if(' ,Tuuffff'ff'Y.fl,....O..rrrfrrrrr _f_'1P f CUSTOM BUILT 3/2 With Alarm System Includes Ceramic Tile S- 1 Alarm & your choice of window Dressing/ Appliances Up to 5K closing cost paid by Seller ((.7 ar olId Real Estate HOMES RENTALS LOTS ACREAGE 1151:1 Lee BId. Ste IB Lehigh Acrei. FL 33936 "- 239 368 3200 -w\M.marigoldrealestate.net "1 995 Homestead Ave. Clewiston, FL March 19th, 1:00 5:00 pm $399,900 AFFORDABLE TURNKEY MINI RANCH This turnkey home on 6 25 + secluded acres has definitely been maintained New laminate flooring. carpeting, paint, new roof and air ':ondiioner all add up to make this home an excep- nonal value Even the furniture goes In addition there are three outbuildings one Is a 1176 square foot screened picnic building, great for a fiamil get together and the other is a HUGE pole barn plus, an additional 10O0 square fooi storage building and a .l.uzzi 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 863-675-4500 Insalmns wmw.SOLAND.com Southern land .' ,: ~Wh a .7 SYNDA WILLIAMS PROFESSIONAL SALES ASSOCIATE Sv'nd wa ta'rnm ir PIIk. (Counry and ru.ed in Like Plaid She b j uLruversir i Flonda graduate as acll a1 Barr) LUniii iry of Mulim She has been i HIerdr Counri resident for moi of her adulr Iie Syrnd ciiomes to' Sourhern Land aecr J i.icesluhl 2u '1ear creer in law enlorcemenl that culmnuined with her being selolei and u.ined ) i th Federal G:tjerrime [n t: be a sworn officer of Flonda's D':me.sut: Secunr Tisk Force Throughl her urvebl she has btciome very fmriliar with Central and Sou,:thwest Floinda She is especalld knowledgeatile ab oui the a'ailabdilir .f large Lin tracks mclud- ing both Jgnrulrure anld rndeelouped f1f I'r in the mati for land for a nestmentn or develop- menrii anywhere in southern Flonds oi:u nced to: gie SrTda cill' 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 863-675-4500 www.SOLAND.com 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 a, 863 w 675-1973: f'yoti are trhznkrmig ol'bu'rqg or selling, give us a call' CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT o n www.newhorizons-re.com R tt C r Se Habla Espanol Real Estate Corp. ic Wod I-~-u * lu-i liited hiri licible. kloeable BR IB EB iS h,.',e e. irh :nh bedo'inoTrmi '.fti . ]i[',rh:!! r fr.jture' il, lJudc rt.Jlk-irn ,l,., e[, rcr'.e' ." r *:':'it:t 'nl",r fem": 'j fuk. yard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only $259,900. * b r,,,ui,r,,. C juntr, fed' ii 2e r.-.iri ltJn t te.'rf at the b:. miiFul ?BP 28 h.:.me ..'in 5 'J..: f ..j .:d ils and ceilings, tbone firerpl:e, r.e-: r,,.:,f, .uper large workshop , ih i' p"rlinc. Mt J]-ltic Live Oaks make the j '.r:ej t, .l IIl.e i pjrk you owe it to yourself I c, -c' $"1'9,900. S liu',t i, :d thi liecable, loveable 3BR/1B C18' hlme ac h -ih bedroom/office in iJBllc liniit Features include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced back-- yard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only $259,900. [-rF-,T STARTER HOME! 2BR/1BA CBS h.ri:.nr I.-.Lited in LaBelle on a quiet oak filled ic.:i FSatures new flooring and a fenced -,j.:. r.J, Priced @ $175,900, * 2Bi, 11 CBS home located in LaBelle on a quiet oak filled street. Features new flooring and a fenced back yard. This is a perfect starter home priced at only $175,900. * Just like NEW! 3BR/1.5B CBS home within walking distance from shopping. Features include new berber carpet, ceramic tile, all new cabinets and much more. Priced to sell at only $119,900. * Worlds Fastest Sale may happen here. 3BR/1B Han, ur g rrcction in l.eres6 ocan clean up in more ways than one. Fast action wins! $114,900.. L CIMBOPtlHei BM huge master suite, ceramic tile, built in cabi- nets and much more. Only $175,000. * 3BR/2B manufactured home in Immokalee. Features new carpet and vinyl and fenced corner lot. Listed at only $155,900. * You can hear the birds chirp...the crickets crick, from this,'the nicest, most well kept 2.5 acre "get-a-way' in all of Pioneer Plantation. Seller's motivated....don't let this opportunity pass you by. $134,900. * 2BR/2B manufactured home on .25+/- acresU.B iD oBo Mie'ERA J Ebr a first time buyer or investor. Only $54,900.. S* Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file 'si past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on Tired of the Circus? No clowning around SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and Tired of the Circus? No clo3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with about the calm you'll enjoy in this spacious well and electric. Time's on your side in this 3BR/2B MH on cleared 2.5 +/- acres. investment! $2,750,000. WOW! Be sure to check out the huge horse The opportunities are endless! Bring your barn and workshop. Box stalls, feed room, investment dollars here. 25 beautiful acres with large workshop. Lower your blood press Hw27frontae. Next to water plant. Propertywas sure! $189,900. cleared except for the majestic Live. Oaks. Bring * Tired of the Circus? No clowning around your ideas and see! $650,000. about the calm you'll enjoy in this spacious 2+/- acres on Ft. Center Ave. in LaBelle. 3BR/2B MH on cleared 2.5 +/- acres. WOW! Alret. oHi t a0 lWA opAer- Be sure to check out the huge horse barn and ty vEnjOy country Wing only minutes from workshop. Box stalls, feed room,'large work- town. Only 119,900. shop. Lower your blood pressure! $189,900. 1.84+/-acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in * STOP DREAMING AND START LIVINGI This Muse. This property has lots of oaks, ines 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a and palm trees .Perfect for the nature ler 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic Priced at only $95,000. tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are $179 ,90. back! Relive the best on this private & secluded , ......faBp _iB.. 1 +/ 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. acres '#d a Call for prices on all our Montura stings! * Hard to find double lot in growing Port LaBelle Unit 102 5119,800. * Drop dead gorgeous If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no fur- ther. Located in ihe sought after Bellmont S D ir. LaBelle This 3"'+,'. acre is truly a dream come true Only $84,900. * .29+,- acre In the Belmont S'D Priced to sell @ only $72,900. Possible seller financing. * 2 Lehigh Acre lots zoned for duplex. Great investment property! Only $67,000 each * Corner lot in Port LaBelle Unit 102 ready for your new home. $64,900. * Corner lot In Unit 102 wAarge oak. Beautiful lot for your dream home. $54,900. * T ple lot in Unit 6. $49,900 each * Double lot in Unit 9. $49,900 each. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. oaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of workarea on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrail use. Cuirently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Investor's dream! By purchasing this com- mercial corner lot with 3BR/2B mobile home for rental income could multiply your invest- ment! Grab this site now! $165,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre. comer lot in down- town LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possi- bility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. .! l, ,, : ? Corner of Hwy. 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 S www.labelleriverside.com E-mil realestate@labellerlverside.com .x -1 13.11 41c, FEATURES OF THE WEEK QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT! Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immaculate home offers vault- ed ceilings, entertainment package includes a large screen television w/ stereo and surround sound, split floor plan, built in computer cen- ter, large master bedroom and bath w/ garden tub and separate shower. Upgraded appli- ances add a nice touch, to the large open kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar and formal dining. $212,500 THIS CHARMING CEDAR HOME sits on an oversized corner lot in the city. The 2 Br / 2 Ba home has vaulted ceilings and tile in the living area. French doors provide views to the outside. Fenced back yard and 8' x 10' shed for extra storage. $205,000 WELL MAINTAINED 3BR/2BA MANU- FACTURED HOME w/den or possible 4th bedroom. Located within city limits, com- Se Habla Espafiol pletely fenced and priced to sell! $99,900 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE with over 200 feet of waterfront and already separated into 2 lots. The fabulous view is naturally pristine across and up the river from this 'Point" on both the main river and the "Old River", which features 60 feet of protected dockage. There is NO "Corps Setback" on either lot, which may allow hous- es and / or pools unusually close to River. Beautiful area of upscale homes within blocks of central LaBelle. $1,500,000 3BR/2.5BA CUSTOM ESTATE HOME located on /4 acre corner lot in exclusive Caloosa Harbor. The Interior of this open floor plan features custom lighting, built in desks, new carpet throughout, formal dining room, entertainment room and remote controlled security sys- tem. The exterior features a well mani- cured/landscaped lawn and heated pool . Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod ludy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis w/ waterfall. This gorgeous home is a must see! $618,900 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION. LOCATION. LOCA- TIONIII This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,900,000 REATTTTIFUr RIVERVTIEW$ FROM THIS 88+/- FOOT waterfront homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river in an area of nice homes. $499,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel and enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 C.RFFK FRONT HOME W/ RIVER ACCESS! 2BR/2BA CBS home on Pollywog Creek. Located in Caloosa Estates S/D this home offers creek and river views. Home's upgrades include new porcelain tile throughout, new maple kitchen cabinets and new roof. Master bedroom and living room have sliding glass doors which open up to shaded patio and overlook creek. Private dock and access to the Caloosahatchee River. Priced to Sell- $299,900 Owner will consider all reasonable offers UNDER CONTRACT BEAUTIFUL CREEKFRONT HOMESITEI Build your dream home on this .84 + acre lot on Pollywog Creek in a beautiful riverfront community. Property provides beautiful oaks, access to the Caloosahatchee River and some river view. Price Reduced $179,900 HOMES IN. LABELLE GRAND COUNTRY LIVING LOCAT- ED IN THE HEART OF LABELLE1 Enjoy the open porches and breezy bal- cony of this 4,000+/- sq. ft. home. A one of a kind must see from the old bead- board walls to the formal living + dining room, the new pool, Jacuzzi tub and wood carved Pub. Completely renovated plus anew addition in 2005, home offers ardi-board siding, Trex decking, new roof, new windows and floors, security system and much more. $509,900 MOVE IN READYI Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located in the city on V acre lot. New carpet, flooring and interi- or aint and spacious master bedroom $185,000 HOMES FAMILY READY This 3BR/2BA spa- cious CBS home features split floor plan and large family room. $195,000 THIS IMMACULATE MANUFAC- TURED HOME is situated on shaded oversized lot in town and completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry and breakfast island. Front and back porches are great for outdoor entertaining and enjoyment. $149,900 3BR/2BA DOUBLEWIDE MOBILE HOME on 1 acre. Home features vault- ed ceilings, large living room and split floor plan. Fenced back yard, barn and scattered oaks. $148,000 OAK COVERED V ACRE PROPERTY with 2BR/1BA mobile home, very pri- vate, screened deck and partially fenced yard, located east of LaBelle. $1,000 Seller Bonus $129,900 HOMES ON ACREAGE 3BR/1BA CBS HOME ON 8.8+/- ACRES fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse stable. $490,000. 3.18 +/- ACRES W/1BR/1.5BA COTTAGE style home located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's most desirable communities. Situated at the end of a cul de sac provides a peace- ful & private setting. Cathedral ceilings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan and wrap around porch. $469,900 2.46 +/- OAK COVERED ACRES WHAT A GREAT OPPORTUNITY! w/4BR/3.5BA Creek front home in a Historic commercial building w/ 3 com- quiet neighborhood. This home offers 3 pletely renovated rental units. master suites and 226' of creek frontage. Renovations include new roof, 2 new a/c Large 28' x 40' storage building offers units, stucco, paint, resurfaced parking loft, electric, water and RV hook up. and more. Located in a high traffic area $315,000 surrounded by offices, restaurants and 4BR/2BA SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME businesses. $550,000 features large kitchen, new a/c, upgraded ,RETCFD n pPR.E 3a5nnnnitt applianresjetrtubEan PdaIbo ve0grou appliances, jet tub and above ground pool. $179,500 ACREAGE/LOTS 2.5 +/- ACRES, stocked pond, partially enced, unique oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 approx. 2 miles from town. Seller motivated! $199,000 10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road) in Charlotte County. Property zoned agricultural. Price Reduced $129,900 IBErAUTTTIFUTTL OAK COVER CITY OF LABELLE LOT. Located in estab- lished neighborhood. Build your home on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $79,900 BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDEN- TIAL HOMESITE w/beautilul oaks located in the city of LaBelle and ready to build! $89,900 OVERSIZED .64 ACRE WOODED resi- dentia homesite located in the city. $89,000 RESIDENTIAL LOT! Shady .30 acre lot w/ well, septic and 2 culverts for driveway. Zoned for home or mobile home. Reduced to $42,500 NICE ONE ACRE RESIDENTIAL LOT w/ some trees located in Montura Ranch Estates. $49,000 UNDER CON- TRACT COMMERCIAUJBUSINESS PRIME LOCATION Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the comer of (Hwy 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue thi property has endless possibilities. "Old Historical Florida-Style" two story build- ing, 1,846 sq. ft. w/ 122' frontage on Bridge Street and a "Quaint Old-Florida Cracker-Style" office fronting on Park Avenue. $1,200,000 RENOVATED BUILDINGIII READY FOR YOUR BUSINESSIII Need a place to locate your business. This is itl Highly visable, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street. Totally remodeled building situated on .31 acre lot fronting on Washington-Ave. across from bank drive thru. Property is 175' deep which leaves room for future expansion. Renovations include all new crown molding, ceramic tile, siding, plumbing, electric and A/C. BUSINESS ZONEDI This 2 Br / 1 Ba home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and sur- rounded by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL-INDUSTRIAL- INDUSTRIALI This 1.12 acre parcel features easy access off of two paved roads and a currently occupied steel building w/ over 5,400 sq. ft. PRICED TO SELL AT $525,000. 4.14 ACRES ZONED INDUSTRIAL. Property features 80' x 100' hangar plus 1998 3BR/2BA 2,200 sq. ft. doublewide mobile home. Great investment... Great Location $1,500,000 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corer of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft.; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 I ------ ----- v [- 14 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16,2006 Middle schoolers may just drink more milk Las Noticias en Espanol The Dairy Council of Florida has awarded $5,000 to Hendry County's school food service divi- sion that will be used toward milk vending machines on two middle school campuses. The 2005 New Look of School Milk grant is the Dairy Council's attempt to promote better nutri- tion through the consumption of milk, cheese and/or yogurt as part of a school's overall efforts to improve nutrition and environ- ment. Florida school districts with a district-wide enrollment of more than 3,000 students could apply for one of three grants, offered: vending machines, expanded breakfast and milk merchandis- ing equipment. Statewide, the Dairy Council distributed $244,000 to 12 school districts. LaBelle and Clewiston middle schools will each receive $2,500 toward the purchase of a vending machine that will include milk, cheese and/or yogurt. The bal- ance of the machine costs will be supported by Velda Farms, which has the school milk contract for Hendry. "We're pleased to see Hendry take a lead role on childhood nutrition," said Jennifer Whittak- er, a registered dietitian \with the Dairy Council of Florida. "It's time that we made nutrition a top pri- ority and we're confident that Submitted to the Caloosa Belle/Me iooa service From left, seventh graders Raven Loredo, Sabrina Jones, Amber Graham and James Hester had a few laughs with 'The Cow" James a chocolate milk man, himself said the new Healthy Cow Milk in the plastic containers is better because it doesn't have the paper taste of a carton. He said he'd usually get a Mountain Dew out of a vending machine, but will.prob- ably get the new milk now that he has the choice. enhanced vending options \\ill help achie\ e this goal " The dairy industry has been supportive of increasing the avail- ability of milk vending machines weekly unit sales per machine are on school campuses around the 280 and that 30 percent ol users country. Research by the National purchased ended milk at least Dairy Council shows that average once a \eek. .... .-. -:. Entrenamnentos gratis para agriculture El Concilio de La Fuerza Traba- jadora esta buscando a 10 hom- bres entire las edades de 28 a 40 para hacer un cidso de paredes ornamentales (estuco). El entre- namiento es completamente gratis. y se hara en un horario conve- niente para los que trabajan, Tam- bien se esta dando entrenamiento gratis para la licencia clase: "A" para calificar usted debe trabajar en la labor o agriculture o la mayo- ria de sus ingresos deben de ser de su trabajo en la labor. Para mas information llame a Bill Caban Tel: 612-9863., Tambien se da entrenamiento .de enfermeria, asistente admin- istartiva, secretaria medical y sol- dadura. Necesitamos su ayuda Por favor cuando vaya a poner sus cosas de reciclar no las mezcle con la basura. Todas las cosas recy- clables como carton, vidrio, revis- tas v plastics no se deben de revolver con la basura normal. Los trabajadbres encargados de reco- jer las cosas recicladas encuentran bolsas de basura aluera de los con- lenedotes. El Condado vende lodo lo que es reciclado. no vende la basura para eso cada propielario paga la 1 r .. you need a service, allg aprofesion .Ir. Call 883-675-2541'r or mail us at cbelle@strato.net to place your ad! T I)IjIM II Em Statewide Palms, Inc. 863 675 i 4844 ? fiff DhCBI 20 W, Sugrlan Rii,, Cleislon 853.983M.00 1.888.200.1173 Dana Howard Weekley American Legion Post 130 699 Hwy 80 West LaBelle, FL NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION p)863-612-0070 863-612-0080 825 E. li' o. Way Suite 108 LaBelle, FL M9935 SOLAR SOLUTIONS 239 466-8605 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 675-3233 STATE CERTIFIED CLASS A CONTRACTOR CAC00830 FPL PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR LANGFORDI s 851 S. Main St LaBelle, FL 1 (863) 675-1686 'Y'aU" Spoken Here! EXTREME CLEANS, INC. Construction Commercial Residential 863 675-0810 239 334-6712 We're the best above the re:t, Lic & Isured Waldron Contracting Co. State Certified Building Contractor CBC1253652 863 S673-6362" Custom Homes Commercial Buildings Remodeling & Additions Rick & Brad Waldaion ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net CANCER CAN BE EXPENSIVE OUR CANCER POLICY ISN'T! EDDIE GATES Agent Senior Liberty Underwriter NSAA Qualifier LUTC Graduate LUTC Fellow Liberty National 4 Life In',,raillccC.olipmpjy 1 2035 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33903 (239) 334-2491 (863) 517-0386 (CELL) RICHARD K. SULLIVAN, ESQ. Criminal Defense Attorney FREE Consul ta tions Available for contact after normal business hours Please call ,(863) 674-0444 World Class Barber Shop 4 Barbers Late Nights I Itiir 9- 8 216 S. Main Street Unit 3 LaBelle, FL 863-674-1775 t CHRIST THE KING Lutheran Church SI1.' Thigper R id LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 1", 3" & 5" Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Where everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord 863-675-2733 e-mail: ctklc@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net Ie ourMostlmportantP fodu BEDDING 1060 Hwy 29 S. Laelle 863-675-0717 www.whitcsfunltuieandapplalces.acomn STATE FARM INSURANCE Rena I. Dipofi 13 Missouri St. Suite A LaBelle, FL (863) 675-1880 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." LABELLE AUCTION COMPANY AUCTIONS 6 ESTATE SETTLEMENT 390 North Bridge Street LaBeile, FL 33935 863/675-6400 Fax: 863/612-0250 Cell: 239/246-3094 Mark C. Schoehwald. Cerilfled Estate Specialist AU 2936 AB 2171 CLASSIC CONCEPTS HAIR AND TANNING SALON 283 South Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 674-1122 Hours Monday thru Wednesday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Smart Tan Accredited Salon IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVO TESTAMENT 300 Davis St. En la esquina de Bryan Ave. Domingo: Servicio 10:00 a.m. Estudio Biblico 6:00 p.m. Martes: Servicio 7:30 p.m. Paster Ben Millican 863-674-0837 Iglesia: 674-0838 Ciro C.: 571-0377 Todos estan invitados a nuestra nueva Iglesia LABELLE LIL COUNSELING CENTER h, Teern. Alu, I rd ,,J,,.I .', rn w .1 l., [ i. uhr [, ,.r. n, 94 HallSt LaBelle 863-675-6776 NI.\N YM.\,\ * CARPET CLEANING TREE & LAWN MAINTAIN NCE CALL (863) 675-7297 FREE Estimates visit us on the web at www.allin 1.20m.com Se Hlabla tspadol MOLINA'S SOD AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE! CELL: 863-673-4091 licensed and insured PETES TRACTOR SERVICES .Bush hogging, mowing/grading, land clearing or other jobs? 239-728-6629 Osceola Concrete Services LLC Colored Stamped Concrete S : Lanais, Drives, Walks Interior, Exterior, Acid Staining Concrete Repair and Resealing 863-674-9073 863-843-0333 Licensed and Insured S' LABELLE ELECTRIC Serving LaBefle Since 1979 Industrial Commercial Residential State Certified & Insured 863-673-2463 239-370-7954 -Marion E.frtf ( I, \N I 1454 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL For appointments call 239-658-3000 Walkins Welcome IMMOKALEE FAMILY CARE CENTER 1502 Lake Traford Rd Immokalte, FL (1viun Diie Pflawa) Appointments Are Necessary Please Call 239-657-6363 WEEDING MOWING PLANTING Sod Replacement & other Lawn Maintaulce CALL (239) 357-2972 Lic. & Insured e-mail: casperbmib4@(yah oo.com Randy's Garage, Inc. lvi i_.\-rdl.V. Dicl L,. i.r L i-, L ic ,dc, 863-675-1(32 737 S. Bridge St. LaBlUc, FL Just North If lan'.lorn r ForJ LABIELLE CARPET & TI.z OWULET 'whol-.alce flQcxrin, \\xrrhous, 1050 COMMERCE DR LABELLE, FL East ofthbe-4 ui s( ; (ai't Cow ,,Y Wio 863-675.8575 Largest In-Stock Selection' t IIt Roop and Construction, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES OFFICE: (863) S 675-7045 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK CALL 863-675-2541 or email cbelle@strato.net JIMaa~e gWoft^ (863) 885-1500 (CEa.) Sherrie L. Easterly LMT, #41201 70 Yeomans Ave PO. Box 2135 LaBelle, FL 33975 Stress Relief Alone Can Improve Your Vitality & State of Mind I ,L L basura todos los meses. Orden aprobada La comision del condado ha aprobado una orden para restringir los lugares done viven los molestadores sexuales. La nueva orden declara que un molestador sexual no puede vivir en una zona de 2,500 pies cuadra- dos alrededor de lugares donde hay menores. Estas zonas incluyen: escuelas, librerias publi- cas, guarderias, parquesy patios de recreo. El convicto sexual no debera de vivir temporalmente o permanentemente en eslos lugares. La orden declara que si un propietario !e renta o le vende a un convict sexual un casa o una propiedad cerca de los lugares pro- hibidos para ellos, sera castigado. Al moleslador se le prohibira ir a un refugio comunitario en caso de desastre, en este caso debera de estar en la carcel hasta que pase la ;emergencia. Las violaciones de esta orden tienen una multa de $500 o prison por 60 dias. La segunda vez la multa sera de $1,000 o 12 meses de carcel. La orden no aplica para un convict sexual que establecio su residencia el primero de septiem- bre, 2005 o si lueron menores que cometieron el delilo y no fueron castigados como adults. Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16,2006 SiaPxcels to be sOld ABSOLUTE to the kntand HilhostBidder Res"nrdiess qfnkepopce 311 River Ranch Lots Offered In 14 parcels Ten parcels include road frontage on Highway 630 laJw-r, A &A O.' r rii.f7ly'0'Y. A .,.=li-&adr 15 TMtL~rVAU3SSAB 158 ..J a. m .rl I C L Fai lu I ,hi r ,r, ",r ,',ii 800-257-4161 www.hlggenbioham corn Caloosa elIleluale unyers Veterans supporting seniors Pictured from left: American Legion.Post 130 Service Officer Millard Wagnon, Senior Connections Executive Director Christine Nolan, Nancy Von Soosten also of Senior Connections and DAV Chapter 144 Sgt. At Arms Joe Oliver. The group came together to acknowledge yet another donation to Senior Connections for basic needs especially for veterans. "Senior Connections really appreciates the contributions of the American Legion and DAV," Ms. Nolan said. The local veterans have been working with Senior Connections for over ten years and continue to support the organization, The DAV earmarks proceeds from its flea market for the elderly and the Legion raises money for them through meals. Tax deadlines are approaching Kristina A. Kulpa, CFA, ASA, West Sugarla Hendry County Property Apprais- Plaza). The ( er, wants all business owners to 8:30 a.m. un know they can save up to 25 per- through Frida cent on their Tangible Personal It is ne Property assessment by filing their changes; thi DR405 Tangible Personal Property name, ma return before April 2006. Forms address, and were mailed in January. It is closed durir required by D.O.R. that all those year: who own a business, condo, Please sl rental or agricultural property file a offices at (8( return with the property appraiser. 983-3179, ifly You may get a return form at the a return in e Property Appraiser's Office at the concerning SLaBelle Courthouse complex or questions cc the Clewiston Sub-Office at 939 ble personal fast md Hwy. (old K-Mart officess are open from ntil. 5 p.m. Monday av. :cessary to report is includes business iling or physical d/or if your business ig the taxable fiscal top by or call the 63)675-5270 or 1863.1 ou think \ou received error, have questions the form or have concerning your tangi- property. Caloosa Belle/Patty Bram Tuba player Nicholas Proverbs, keyboardist Anna Martinson and percussionist (sometimes clown) Tyler Lewis, all students of the LaBelle High School band program, took the stage with some of South Florida's top classical musicians at the Fourth Annual Classical Music Concert Sunday, March 12. Audience soaks up classical music Sothetlria yphn Southwest Florida Symphony SConcert Master Reiko Chow and her talented friends left another appreciative audience Sunday after offering an afternoon of some of the most beautiful music in the world. Dr. Kai Chow and his wife, Reiko, kept the afternoon light with a little good natured banter as counterpoint to the inspiring music. Dr. Chow said he hoped these concerts would stim-. ulate interest in' music in the younger generation. The diverse musical fare included sweet, melodic pieces like Vivaldi's Summer from Four Seasons, played by Reiko Chow, the whimsical Fiddle Faddle and the traditional Drop of the Irish a tip of the hat to the upcoming St. Patrick's Day. Musical artists Danut Mureasan, Rachel Cox, Illie Curteanua and Hideki Sunaga helped fill the auditorium and the audience's hearts with beau- tiful sounds. After LHS students Anna Mar- tinson. and Nicholas Proverbs deftly performed the whimsical Jolly Peasant by Robert Shumann, the professionals surprised the young musicians by taking the stage to perform the piece again together. Another LHS student, Tyler Lewis, later appeared on stage dressed as a clown and deft- ly "played" The Typewriter along with the professionals. At the end of the concert, LHS Band Director Kelli Greenleaf took the time to invite the audi- ence to the school's Spring Arts Festival from 6-8 p.m. April 24 - an opportunity to appreciate a wide range of art by local stu- dents. l's~ .rt. t CHRIST THE KINGC Lutheran Church 1362 Thigpen Road LaBelle, FL 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship The Lords Supper 16', 3'rd 5hV Sundays Bible Study Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Where everybody is Somebody and Jeus is Lord ,. 863-675-2733 N Rd H.- R d e-mail: ctkkl@strato.net ST. PATRICK'S DAY CORNED BEEF DINNER AT THE AMERICAN LEGION HALL 699 S. R 80 West LaBelle, FL When: Fri., March 17 Time: 5 p.m to 7 p.m. Cost: $6 a Person Includes: Corned Beef, ; Cabbage, Red Potatoes, C; Carrots, Rye Bread & Butter & Coffee or Tea SOpen O to e Pullic ffirold is ,wailabhi ' Check us out online http://www.newszap.com/fl/labelle/ tessional!" or or mall ns at cbeile@strato.net to place your ad! Baro d $it 4 Sit evie.s With Us You'll Find You Can Leave Your Friends Behind Horse Transportation Available For Rates, References & Service Call 863-675-3231 COSTAMAR REALTY ii~elfyouRcn e.l Esltae dream come rue 825 E. Cowboy Way Suite 105 LaBele, FL 33935 (The Wallace Plaza I 863.675-5923 I If^?; -*1 Vi'Q SLLTY 233 N. BRIDGE ST O( cane a Dlas t SWnnsroiN 8635675-0500 Visit us on the web at www.oakrealtyinc.com Property management Rentals sales ______CINDY L. ALEXANDER LC. RL| s rATr BROKER REALTY GROUP Of Southwest Florida, Inc. Cell: 239-872-7665 Bus: 239-495-2402 E-Mail: atlemgl@comcst.net Matt leming Realtor* 9 a Commercial Land Residential ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 kelly.bames@alankellymortgage.com PHOTO ONE W PHOTOGRA F AND VIDEO 571 Davis Street LaBelle, FL 33935 (86) 675-7328 (863) 843-0232 e-mail: tponc ll)ipholo 'f c.wlhk.net COUNTRY HOMES & SLAN REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic, Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE 97 Park Ave. LaBelle, FL 33935 "Across From Barron Park" 863-675-2718 www.labelleriverside.com e-mail: labelleriverside@earthlin k.net ^ Marilyn Seara Licensed Real Estate Broker Wayne C. Switzer Realtor BUS: 863-675-3726 Cell: 863-843-0406 ' - 'a Ban kston Realty s.w Iu l.,)..rr..ihiB "'m- ':'",lr Br ." l SBC FINANCE Licensed Florida Broker Business 100% Financing Available 49 N. Industrial Loop Rd. LaBelle 863-675-3275' 9-5 Mon Friday Special Appointments Available Hablamos Espafol EDISON PLUMBING, INC. Fomerly Doug Scratchley Plumbing Inc. NEW CONSrRUCnION SMALL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL SERVICE REPAIRS' CAu (863) 675-8946 OR (239 690-1824 873 Idust'ial Ct. *iM elle, 1H CfC1426690 'FREEESTIMATrS INSURED PAUL ROSER REALTORS 675-0898 WORLDWIDE INTERNET MARKETING PAUL ROSER BROKER CUCINA Di CIELO STEAK, SEAFOOD & PASTA 700 W. LEELND HEIGHTS BLVD. SrrITE 103 LEHIGH AcRE, FL 239.369.8883 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE For as little as $10.00 PER WEEK: CALL 863-675-2541. or email cbelle@strato.net I' WWaI q-1-.1 11. aI S10T OR COLD ['RFSSLRl CLEAN LICNSED & INSL.'KED CALL NATHAN (863) 673-2360 ERIC (239) 283-7491 OFFCE: (863) 67S-5055 fIKRTAOi LAND CO 180 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FL (863) 675-6788 1-888-675-6762 wwwheritagelandco.com Se Habla Espafhol Ic. RLAL ESsM BRDU Shoreside Realty & Mortgage, Inc. 450 Hzj 80 W. LaBelle, FL 674-0101 PORT LABELLE INN The OE OXBOW Lounge Is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OXBOW DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 BELLE REALTY CO. OFFICE: 863-675-4547 CELL: 863-673-4970 TERRI BANKY BROKER the kig oup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 Jm_.4 Expect something extra'" 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-1 Opm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week *BBIni~~iii^^i_ ~$18~ 00,IL II SUNBELT REALTY, INC. 433 W. Hwy. 80 (863) 675-1616 Sales Rentals PropertyManagement Put your trust in Nun-ber One! Barbara M. Watt Broker/Owner ,,_^New Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizons-re@earthli k.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give is a call! nGREG MINERS S, Liec Real Estate Broker ;ft) F4 *-k i ai % Lisa Andrews Uc. Real Estate Broker 238 N. Bridge St. LaBelle, FLP 33935 863.675-8868 ', 'In h ,..,,e l,,l'l,|' i', n1 HIGGINS TREE SERVICE High Risk Trees Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Excavator Work Prompt Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 863.675-3955 (35 Years Experience) - 1 am Sat. March 25 i mm -- q a --~a A SCaloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16, 2006 I' l.k i. '- Announcements Merchanise Mobile Homes Financial Rentals Automobiles'le Financial rentals Ilutomobiles ^i ~rIJUT 7I=I Services Real Estate Pbliclotices Strilii. ~' Illi Tl IS 8 0 flC1 0 for any personal items for sole under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run your ad in several papers in 4 our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research: INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1.2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) *Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be S2.500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements Important Information: Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertentt error. please notify us prior to the deadline listed We will not be resporsble for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements. names and con tent of an ad. and assumes responsibilty for any clams against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the night to accept or reject any or all copy. and to insert aboe the copy the word "advertisement'. All adl accepted are subject to credit approval. All ads must conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some class,- fied categones require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an astensk ". 'Au tions. 10 Ca1trPlaol .. 110 eShare a riae t115 PeInnal 25 L-t .;* a 3 ABSOLUTE AUCTION- Real Estate, Antiques, Col- lectibles, etc. March 25th & 26th. Garden Gate Antiques, Warior, Alabama. For more information call (888)285-8408, www.red- montauction.com. Redmont Auction & Land Co., Inc. Ed- die Propst, Lc# AU2051. REAL ESTATE AND ESTATE AUCTION 3 prop.in Live Oak and Lee FL JW Hill & Assoc- Call for info (888)821-0894 AB#2083. JEWELRY, at the Frost proof Sports Complex, on 2/28, Call to identify (863)635-6677 CAT- missing since 3/3, large friendly orange cat, Reward (941)524-8932 CHIHUAHUA, Male, Please re- turn "J". Black & White/tan on face. Pioneer 17th St./Tampa Ave. Reward. 863-983-7702 DACHSHUND brown & red, miniature, friendly, Bass- wood entrance/Sunoco store on 98N. (863)467-6996. ENGLISH BULLDOG- missing in Clemonsville area, brindle color (863)304-2590 One Karat Marquee diamond, from wedding band on 2/28 please call (863)528-0633 or 528-2802 CUR MIX, 8 males, 1 female, free to good home. (863)763-4826 RABBITS (2), adult, Free to good home. (863)357-2274. STOCKADE FENCE- free, 50 feet +, (561)202-7702 Buckhead Ridge SALE 1495 Garden Street, Sat., 3/18, Labelle 8 am -12pm Uar -.ag Yard Sales PALMDALE- Sat, Mar 18th, 8am-lpm, Hendry Sable Paims Campground. YARD SALE Saturday 3/18 450 Caloosa Dr, LaBelle (off Capt Henry Dr. I 9am-3pm Boating RV Auto Yard * Tools Fishing Home *Misc. Shop Irom a gl catalog that's updated regiu y: Sthe aclssiaflsi LIVE IN COMPANION- for eld- erly man, Compensation. Outside employment also permitted. (863)763-9697 Tall Guy, Secure, Stable. To meet Attractive Gal or Fends for Dining, Traveling, etc. Let's meet (863)946-3123 Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS b L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $800 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. aEmployment ALICO INC is now hiring for the following positions Citrus Canker Inspectors Equipment Operators Please apply at our main office 640 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33935 or fax resume to: 863-675-6928 Alico Inc is a DFWP and EOE AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career Offering courses in CDL A & B. One tuition feel Many pay- ment options! No registration feel (888)808-5947 in- fo@amerlcasdrivingacade- my.com. Builders Choice Supply Looking lor CDL class or better for deliveries. Call 863-674-9900 CDL DRIVER NEEDED Must have had CDL 2yrs. Good Pay. Call Greg. (863)673-6132 Class "A".Semi Driver needed. Driver needed to haul com- pany fruit, cattle and equip- ment. Willing to haul in Hendry County and Polk County areas. Straight time. $9.50/hour. Full time em- ployment with paid holidays .and vacation. Must have clean record, speak and un- derstand English. Apply at Tri-Britton; Inc. Grove site lo- cated on County Road 832 (Keri Road) In Hendry County o or call 239-860-9085 M-F, 9:00AM to 5:00PMi COLLECTIONS ASSISTANT Needed in Immokalee, assists and/or locates customers with delinquent accounts and process invoices. Previous experience with AR and A+ computer skills required. Email fjlmenez@sixls.com. Orfax 239-657-9764 CONSTRUCTION ROUGH CARPENTRY Must have own vehicle & drivers license (863)675-7711 DRIVER NEEDED CDL Class B drivers license required. Must have clean driving record. Good benefits pack- age. Drug Free Workplace. Call (239)657-3168 and ask for David Carreno or apply in person at United Agri Products 116 Jerome Dr. Immokalee, FL Driver- NOW HIRING QUALI- FIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers CDL A. Special Or- ientation Pay for Experienced Drivers Home Weekends! Great Pay & Benefitsl Paid Training for School Gradsl Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cypresstruck.com (888)808-5846. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the govern- ment. PT No Experience. Call Todayll (800)488-2921 Ask for Department i. 6n a N ti I I-eia NosmI CARPET CLEANING or window repair work done? You name it and we can take care of it for you! Pressure Cleaning Renovations Repairs S Fiv-lr lnb TileNin"yl cn (863) 675-7297 f r,, FPE.: ,,i St all 11' 1i. ir ti l h uilla ., ,, L, , .- 9 CAR RENTAL starting at S39 95 Per Day Empoyen F u l -i m I ll ADVERTISEMENT EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Salaried Executive Assistant position available at Southern Gardens Citrus. Position requires a mini- mum of 3 years experience assisting senior manage- ment. Candidate must have excellent clerical skills including shorthand, typing along with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint computer skills. Benefits available. Contact HR Dept. @ 863-902-4133, fax 863-902-4315, or dmelton@southerngardens.com. Drivers COL A. True Lease to own program. Low pay- ments/short term lease. Avg. $1.11/mile plus fuel sur- charge. No hazmat. No forced dispatch. FFE Trans- portation (888)864-0012. DRIVERS Over the road & local. Good equipment. Call Charles (863)675-1940 DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS Must be experienced & have clean driving record. New equipment. Excellent pay with sign on bonus. 863-675-0523 or 863-517-0506 DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED- Must have CDL, Please call 863-675-3505 EXPERIENCED PLUMBER (863)675-1155 I S p c a N o i c e 0 55I I -p ca Noti - Need Faster Internet? r H i.lI, -: ,.? -I li l l * In .tr,-f l_ ._ i,3 illlih .. Fast Affordable Available Secure I t 866-639-8754 1* 1.B 11" I I -.l I i. r IIll, i E -.1, r,,I-- , i Ci '' II~, I I w o r, Y'Ll L "Ll I Eu Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid. Moore Haven. LaBelle. Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, I honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries .... S -edical and Life Insurance- -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan . -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in cofidenceto: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 HELP WANTED Custodian. Must be able to work evenings. Must have a valid driver license. Forklift Operator/Assistant at the Recycling & Hazardous Waste Collection Center in LaBelle. CDL license preferred. Mechanic i. Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an.au- tomotive service worker or mechanic's helper preferred. Mechanic II. Graduate from an approved course in heavy & : diesel mechanics, three years experience. Both Mechanic positions require class B drivers license. Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewiston. GSI Coordinator for the LaBelle office. Must have Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or university in computer Science, geography, or related field with considerable experi- ence in the use of geographic information systems or 8yrs Equivalent experience. These positions are full time with-medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job descriptions & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the applicationprocess should contact the Hendry Couity Com- missioners HR Department. 16 FIGMANAGEMENT Garage/Yard es 0145 Sal ;;;j NOTICE The City of LaBelle is accepting applications until 5:00 PM on March 17, 2006 for a water and wastewater plant trainee operator. Applications 'must have a high school diploma or GED with valid drivers license, Applications are available at the LaBelle City Hall, 481 Hit~kpoche'e Ave, between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday thru Friday, The City of LaBelle is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug Free Workplace. LPN I or If O.'If, Perdlem Support & Ful Time- REGIS-RRED NURSE Rachologic Techn3IogWN13mmoqh c Nkmwwriphk Qi 1A pro.:durc, Full tirrie CTadlobagk Teah 18-30 a m 5 p In. or 10-30 ain t 7 p.m I Per diem- HourddeyWF MUSI I) x t o erai h I or roiri ctrlbl .1 i.0 3rd %-Jl 1C.C. N... i 1, Full Upwcler diem-Food Service Ndcd Pre. e-p pwci-li l 11, :o v F-1 XNhi I k~ Ah to: .1ji'd H lr b -Vs mjull i m j 4,ile A..i r% o lllll w ol~lr.Kiiril Part ume- Floor Tech I i UP If-i jr.c ,n n ,: 1 ItC1:l i X1 I I DE 10-1 (11I11 V -.1; Pi ill illil Full Tjmc/Per Diem C.N.A Must have valid FL C.N.A Certificate Phone: 863-YO2-3079 or Fax resurne to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE ~i~lfi~iil ~ssl-r Im~~~F~~a~lff~~?ncnr . .- 1 .:.^ .' Im -, :B Employment Full Time Employment Employment Full Time "I'll Employmen EXPERIENCED SHINGLE LAYERS WANTED: Must have own tools and work vehicle. 863-675-4025 FULL TIME CHURCH ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY position is now available at a church in LaBelle. Please fax resume to 675-0640. Find Iit fastep. Sell R seen- ep In the classilleds Feed Mill Manager Needed Benefits available. Experience in production, dispatch. troubleshooting and employee management a plus. Salary based upon qualifications and experience. Apply at: Syfrett Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street Okeechobee (863)763-5586 6~1 Place Your YARD SALE ad today! GoG't FREE signs and ' inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16, 2006 I Employment^ FlailTime 0205a^^ Empoyen Full Tim $6.25 plus tips $5.50 plus tips $9.00 per hour $8.00 plus tips $10.00 per hour $21.00 avg. w/grats S Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee. FL 34142 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-hee Workplace ENVIRONMENTAL SALES MANAGER For Forestry Resources Vegetation Management Inc Degree in Environmental or related field Ai- Proposing/contracting jobs, Excellent interpersonal S& communication skills. Competitive salary & benefit package. DFWP EOE Fax 239-334-2952 4353 Michigan Link, Ft Myers Email: pconrad(gomulch.com Drug Free Work Place Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 Drug Free Work Place Class A-CDL. Excellent Bnefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Citrus Harvesting, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 Drug Free Work Place Class A CDL. Excellent Benefits & Pay 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Apply at: 5701 Ft. Denaud Road Gulfcoast Products, Inc. or call 863-675-4410 CLEWISTON CHILD CARE CENTER DIRECTOR Harlem Academy Child Care Center is seeking an experienced Center Director. BS/BA degree required with experience in all aspects of center operations. Send resume to R.S. 4315 Metro Pkwy. Fort Myers, FL 33916, FAX 239-278-3031. E-mail BobS(ccswfl.org. EOE Drug Free Workplace FOREMEN to lead utility con- tract field crews. Outdoor physical work, many entry- evel positions, paid training. $20/hr plus bonuses after promotion, living allowance when traveling, company truck and benefits. Must have strong leadership skills, a good driving history and be able to travel throughout Florida. Resume to Recruit- er3@osmose.com or fax (985)871-0605 www.Osmo- seUtilities.com EOE M/F/D/V. Mace Welding is now accepting applications for WpLDERS Apply within at: 90 Evans Rd, LaBelle (863)675-6683 LAWN MOWER DRIVER For 800 fields. $10/hr. Must ass drug screen (239)939-7444 FORESTRY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS 2 yrs experience Maintenance knowledge Work through out the region 40.0 + hr week Competitive salary & benefit package DWWP EOE Forestry Resources Vegetation Management 4353 Michigan Link Ft. Myers, FL Fax 239-334-2952 Email: pconradogomulch.com F/T to P/T Supervisors and Cleaning Techs, Dependable, transportation a must. Call 239)910-0785, or fax 239; "'n GROVE LABORERS/ TRACTOR OPERATORS Duties include all aspects of Grove/Farm labor and opera- tion of various farm equip- ment. Full time,.year round employment. Paid holidays and vacation. Must speak some English and have own Iransportalion Apply al Tn- Brnon. Inc. Grove ste local- ed on County Road 832 (Ken Road) in Hendry County or call 239-860-9085 M-F, 9:00AM to 5:PM. Maintenance Man to nelp al While's Furniture & Alliance. Apply in person at 1060 Hwy 29 South in LaBelle. "NOW HIRING 2006 AVER- AGE POSTAL EMPLOYEE EARNS $57,000/YR Mini- mum Slaring Pay $18.00/hr. Benefits/Paid Training and Vacations No Experience Needed (800)584-1775 Ref #P4901. POSTAL JOBS $16.46 $22 97/nr. Now Hir- ing. For application & free government job info., call American Assoc. of Labor 1-913-599-8226, 24hr emp. serv. PROFESSIONAL SALES PERSON for upscale jewelry store. Full Time with many benefits. Call Capital Pawn (863)675-3565 REAL ESTATE AGENTS Want to be independent and set your own hours? Work from your home office with no floor time requirements? We are seeking self-directed, motivated agents in Hendry County. Call Margaret at Margaret Birdsong Realty, Inc. 866-768-28951 RECEPTIONIST Needed to answer multiple phone lines, filing, data entry etc. for 3pm-1Opm shift. HS diploma or equivalent req. Bilingual req., must be able to work every other Saturoay Please apply at 807 E. Main St. Immokalee, FL 34142 ROOFING SALESMAN/ ESTIMATORS Great Pay. High demand Product. Weekly pay, Start Today!l. Call Shorty (863)675-1560 SALES ASSOCIATES: Now Hiring. Please aoply within- SVision Ate Hardware, 350 W. Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL. SE NECESITA CHOFER para dump truck. JuniorTrucking 863-673-1591 or 674-4719 TIRE MAN WANTED:'For Full Time Shop &'Service Truck. Must have CDL License & clean record. (239)707-2311 Truck Driver Wanted with CDL B, w/Hazmat Endorse- ment for Felda area. Clean driving record. Drug Back- ground Check. Call Steve 863-674-1800. WANTED- Real Estate Sign Installer, Contact Trace at C21 Sunbelt (863)673-6533 ANIMAL CARETAKER Must enjoy working outside w/animals, be able to speak English and work Sat. & Sun. (863)674-0321 $5,500 Weekly Goal Potential If someone did it, so can you! 2-3 confirmed appoint- ments daily Benefits Available... Call Catherine McFarland (888)563-3188. Financial business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 #1 Corporate/Sports Apparel Franchise Full Training and Support. No Exp. Needed. Fi- nancing avail. Call (800)727-6720. www.Em- broidMe.com. EmploymItr FullTmefI^^ Empoyen Meica 'Il Emlymn Meicl 020 Find your pot o' gold with these JOB OPPORTUNITIES '**Sa ii. ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- cnines. Free Candy All for $9,995. 1888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold' Earn $500 daily! No selling. We make every $597 sale and pay you $500 commis- Ssion. Not MLM (877)251-8300 NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it Is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, .you check with the Better Business Bureau at %. 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. Vending Route: Snack, Soda, Juice, Water, All Brands. Great Equipment & Support.. Full Line. Financing Available w/$7,500 Down. (877)843-8726 B0#2002-037). Need a few more bucks to purchase something doer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items In the classlfelds. WE BUY MORTGAGES. Are you collecting payments on a mortgage? Why wait years for payments? Call (800)282-1251. Shop here flrstl The classified ads Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 HOUSE PLANS Accurately & Economically prepared. Engineering approval available. (863)675-7926 HOUSE CLEANING (239)850-3639 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TUTOR Tutonngin Word, Excel. Power Point. Access. in your home Will design spread sneels etc upon request. Call Lynn at (863)675-7049 COMPUTER SERVICE trouble shooting, set-up, up-grades, systems built, tutoring. Win.95, 98, 2000. ME, XR licensed. Call Gary 863-675-7925 SALLY MAE . DISC JOCKEY Music for all occasions: weddings, parties, quinceaneras. 675-1625. GONZALEZ LAWN/LANDSCAPING Also do handyman jobs (863)675-1166 (863)673-6388 ARRESTED? All Criminal De- fense Felonies Misdemean- ors, Siale or Federal Charges, Parole...Probation, DUI...Traffic Tickets, Bond Reduction. PRIVATE ATTOR- NEYS STATEWIDE 24 HOURS A-A-A ATTORNEY REFERRAL- SERVICE (800)733-5342. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature requlredl *Excludes Sovt. fees Call weekdays 800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. WE BUY ALUMINUM, ALL KINDS Copper & Brass. Closed Sunday. Call first 863-675-8760, 257-0879 rmr^^^^ Higgin's Tree Service 25 years experience. Free estimates. Lic.& insured. Call 863-675-3955. JOB OPENINGS FT MAINTENANCE TECH II needed tor Dusy communrE health center Must have a High School diploma or GED. Clean criminal background check and divers license re- quired Fai resume to 239-658-3078 or call 239-658-3020 for application. FT FINANCIAL COUNSELOR needed for Busy community center. Must have a High School diploma or GED. Must De b-lingual (English/Spanisn). Must be self motivated and able to worn independenny, medical manager and/or neath care e.penence a plus Fax resumes to 239-658-3078 or call 239-658-3020 for application. PT HOUSE KEEPER needed lor busy community center. Must have Hign School diploma or GED. Must be aole to work evenings and independent. Fax resume to 239-658-3078 or call 239-658-3020 for application. FT HIM TECHNICIAN needed Ior Dusy community center. Must have a Hign School diploma or GED Fax resume to 239-658-3078 or call 239-658-3020 lor application. FT RN/LPN needed for busy community center. Mul be li- censed, new grads welcome. BI-lingual preferred. Fax re- sume to 239-658-3078, emal to litaylor@collier.org or call 239-658-3020 for application' FT NURSE MANAGER needed for busy Women's Healm De- partment in community rural health center. Experience pre- lerred but will train rignt candidate. Excellent benell package. Competitive pay Fax resume to 239-658-3078, email to iltaylor@coller.org or call 239-658-3020 for appli- callon. JoAnn Taylor. Human Resource Tech Collier Healt Services Inc Phone # 239-658-3020 Fax # 239-658-3078 FAMILY HOME CARE A Medicare Certified Home Health Agency has immediate openings for experienced professionals. * DIRECTOR OF NURSING FL RN License Clinical & Management experience. * MARKETER / INTAKE COORDINATOR * PHYSICAL THERAPY Full Time / Part Time (Per Diem also available). OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: Per Diem * SPEECH THERAPY: Per Diem * CNA / HOME HEALTH AIDE: Full Time / Part Time. Offers excellent benefits. (Per Diem positions also available). For consideration, please fax your resume to (863)983-9883 ATTN: Human Resources Tel.# (863) 983-3700 License #299991018 NEW SINK- base, faucet, ask- ing $90 (863)675-1634 after 6pm PIPE- 11/4"; black plastic, 90 ft roll. $20 (863)763-6901 SCREEN ROOM MATERIALS: Walls, Roof Panels & Doors. $1000. (772)201-8932 OKEE- CHOBEE SHINGLES- 9 bundles, 25 yr antique silver, 23 bundles 30 yr antique silver, $453 for all (239)464-1987 USED PLYWOOD- 50 pcs 2'x8', 3/4" & 50 pcs 3'x2', 3/4 $300 For all. (239)770-6855 PROM DRESSES Precious formal, Alyce, Joli, Size small $125 will sep. (863)635-6677 pining Room Table Busser Dining Room Server Housekeeper Poker Brush Security Officer TAD Clerk Merchandise -.. ... ....510 i asles. ; 530 ilodkre litagaubse 535 Building Maferiif54t. 550Q Cbihda-n'& Items. 555: China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing- -.- 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles., 575 Comp utr/Vldeo 580 Craft likes 5585 Cruises .. 590 Drapes, Unens & Fabrics 595 Firepace FIxture 600 ,Firewood. : 605 Fiurnimtr :.- 610 F-rs .-".'-: 615 Health & Riducing. Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies .....625 Houehzrldh Items 630 Lamps/Lrihts 640 Luggage : 645' Medidali lems 650 'Mocelianeous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment. '. -665 Pets/Suplies : Services' 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant- Equipment. 690 Sateffite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Gnies 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 AIR CONDITIONER-'05 York 3 5 ion package unit w/ heat. new in bo" $1250 954)309-8659 ANTIQUES FOR SALE: Stove- Blue Ice Box. Dry Sink. Tele- phone. Hoosier Cabinel. Buner Churn, ice Cream MdCer & oiner small ilems $4500. lor all, will sep. (239)872-8504 CAST IRON KITCHEN SINK- witn faucet, $25 (863)763-6901 . CEDAR CHESTS Antique, (21, approx. 47.L 19"W x 22" H, $350/neg for both. (8631634-2863. FIREPLACE MANTEL- Oak w/surround. Palnled Unique Excellent condition. $300 (863)763-4982 CHEST FREEZER Frigidaire, brand new, paid $350 selling $150 must move (863)946-0642 CONVECTION OVEN- Sharp, Like new. Large capacity. $200. (239)324-2386 RANGE- GE, 30!' Brand New. Electric, w/oven White. $250 or best offer. 863-763-9447 REFRIGERATOR & STOVE- Ig side by side refrig, reg size gas stove, both black ,$800 for pair (863)635-5975 9-6 REFRIGERATOR Kenmore 14 cf, Frost free. glass sliding shelves, 18 mo old. $200 863)635-5826 Frostproof ROTISSERIE OVEN, George Foreman, like new, $40. (863)675-2207 WASHER OR DRYER $100 each, lyr warranty large capacity, (239)694-0778. WASHER- small capacity, works great, $50 '(561)248-7327 BOOKS- 13 by 0. Henry, print- ed 1912,1913,1917,1919, good shape, worth $200 sell for $25 neg (863)675-3032 BUILDING SALE "Beat Next Increase'" 20x26 Now $4200. 25x30 $5800. 30x40 $9200. 40x60 $14,900. Ex- tensive range of sizes and models. Front end optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. WOOD FRAME & Floor 12x24, Storm damaged shed, needs some metal work $750 (863)763-7613 LUMBER: 14 Treated 2x6x10 Ft. $70 for all, will sep. (772)201-8932 OKEECHOBEE METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. BEATLE MEMORABILIA, Sat- urdy Evening Post Maga- zinfe,'3/21/64,.Beatles on cover, $25. (863)675-5981 CLOCK Schliz Beer, neon wie, self standing, electric. 40+ yrs, running & e..c $100/neg. (863)465-94170 ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Apprcix 44 yrs old. Rare items $1000 all or best offer.. 863-824-3358 FOOTBALL & BASEBALL CARDS(3-400 Racing & Comic. late 80s early 90s Exc.:cond $400 neg 863)763-8943 PRECIOUS MOMENTS- 110) 1 Signed Asking $150 lor all or will sell separate 18631357-1560 COMPUTER- Dell, Win Xp. lots ol games & software. CDRW/DVD. 256MB Ram. $225 (2391728-3454 Iv msg BR SUITE- 5pc. pine, no bed- ding, $250 (863)467-0627 COMPUTER DESK- Large, Good condition $75 (863)467-2545 COUCH- Earth, Multi color. 7'. Primarily blue Over slulted. 3 cushion. Less Ihan 2vis old $125 neg 863-634-3866 CRIB/DRESSER SET. Child- craft, maicning, brand new, $550 set. (863)673-5167 DR TABLE- with 4 chairs, lass lop, Italian mjrDle base 6018631824-3319 DRESSERS- 2, Sm Entertain- ment cir. Coffee table. Arm chair. $150 neg (863)634-3866 FUTON BUNK BEDS- Black meal, With manresses. Al- most new $200. 863-532-9667 FUTON, like new. wood and wrought iron base w/6 icn mattress $200 neg (863)467-2063 . KING BED SET- complete. 14" pillow top mattress, dark wood headboard, good cond $150(8631635-5457 LARGE light wood computer desk, w/ extra storage $50 or best oter (863)467-7359 LOVESEAT, Micro Fiber, Fern Green. 2 months old. $175. Will deliver for $200. (239)340-8503 Mahogany chine 34" wiin glass shelves, lights inside 300 (561)704-3690 OFFICE DESK- Modern & Oak 2 drawer Filing Cabinet $100. Will separate (863)763-4658 RECLINER LOVESEAT- Like new, Leather, Pastel green, Pd $1500 Asking $500. (863)357-2233 Okee.. OFA- 76" Long, New' Fifrri support. Ligtl olue pei.ge, while & grey striped. $250. or best offer. (863)467-0670 SWIVEL ROCKERS- 2, Excel- lent condition. $80. Will sep- arate 863-532-9667 TABLE- Round, Solid wood, w/leaf. 4 Matching Captains chairs on wheels. Cream, $100. (863)634-3866 Wicker glass dining table with 4 chairs $50 (561)704-3690 GOLF CLUBS- complete, matched set, metal woods, irons b3Q puller, 1135. (86 31946-312 J HAWKINS- .50 Caliber. Cap block muzzle loader. Beautiful wood stock & recoil pad Exc condi $8. 863-467-8578 REMINGTON 7MM MAGNrUM with scope 3. $4100 (863t634--6591 _ BOW FLEX POWER PRO. w/ieg press a veiiical pull down bar, $800 or best oner . (863)467-8814 Jacki . PROFORM ELLIPTICAL TRAINER- Very good i:ondi- tlon. 5150 (5611248-7327 ACTION SCOOTER, 3 Wheeler, .:Heavy Duty. Excellent cohdi.' irn $1.650. or best offer (863)675.259'3 Electric scooter. red, Drand new $1200 183i6363-7573 MEDICAL CHAIR- Jei One. Like new, used 1 monrin $400 1239132-1-2336 MEDICAL SCRUBS 6 Pairs. '. e medium 5i60 18631-63-8742 AIR BRUSH VAC- T3ascne Good ionrdlolin 115 (8631675-2596 EARN DEGREE online Irom home. 'Medical, 'Business *Paralegal 'Compulers Criminal Jusice Joti Place- meni Compuler provided Fi- nancial aid il qujlily (866)858-2121 Iww.onli- netidewalertech com MOVING SALE!!! HOuSenold iem ,'i Gjr jge leems Inc:ludels io,lIs. urnaure and more! (772)201-8932 RIVER SLOT MACHINE wi 200 coins $225 or best offer (863)824-6799 or WELDER TRAILER, single ax- le, capable of holding gas powered welder, $150 or best offer. (954)520-6707 Your next job could be In today's classifieds. Did you look for it? KIMBALL ORGAN, Enlerlaine III, $500 (8631675-1422 ORGAN- Good deal, elec, bench, instructions, sheet music, Cost $4000 sacrifice $700 (863)635-4076 FAX REFILL 2 pack of PC 202RF, paid $50, asking $35/neg. (863)634-3783. PAPER SHREDDER - CCS/7000 Achiever Cross- Scut, new $250, now $125. (863)634-2863. BABY MINI POT BELLY PIGS $50 each. Call Debbie (863)983-7702 CHIHUAHUA, puppy, Shots current, Health Cert. $300. (863)675-3729 or (863)675-2541 DOG BOX decent shape, 2 kennel 1150 or best offer. 95-11520-6;07 PEKINGESE PUPS- all shots, CKC; beautiful, all colors/sizes, $300-400 will deliver. (863)983-5597 PET SHEEP, lemale, 1 year old wi100 lDS of feed. $100 (863)824-0899 PIT BULL PUPPY- Female, 8 wks old, Beautiful colors, Wormed, $200. (302)335-3523 YORKIE, Male, N(C. Born 11/11/05. Has all shots. Affec- tionate w/great disposition. $900 (863)467-4337 Water Heater System, tank- less. reals water instantly & Easy o1 install, saves money on your electrical For mare Irlorma3.on please call 863-675-4272. DEMO HOMESITES WANlTED rJOW' For the NEW Kayak Poolil The On-Ground Pool with In-ground Features' Unique Opportunity SAVE $$. Call (866)348-7560 FREE ESTIMATES! Financ- Sing. HEDDON FISHING LURE- Old- er, Vinlage. Good shape $25. (863)946-3123 HUNT DEER, TURKEY, QUAIL Semi-guided hunts 5 days, room included. Book 5 hunts get 1 FREE. Oklahoma Dirdrinrrig Kansja, i Iracl ilrin Ire Cirn rron River P'lp,-," 6,000 jc,:rei: Call :.i j l W,)oifolk Ranch (580)334-8294. HUNT ELK, Red Stag. Write- lail Bunalo. Wild Boar. Our season now-3'31'06. Guar- ,3ileed licernse, '5.00 tro- pny in two days. Io- Game,'llo-Pay policy. Days (3141209-9800. evenings (3141293-0610. PHONOGRAPH- Sonora #3, plays 78's records. Windup, Desk top type. Looks & plays good. $450. 863-697-9704 4/t ^^w^^.^^s^ r ~i ~-k, I*?F -- (91-~ The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from birth to age nine. BIG SCREEN TV 54", Sony, like new, asking $650. (954)931-9946. COLOR TV- 13", cable ready $40 (863)635-5457 or (863)528-0477 PROJECTION TV 48".- great cond. $500 or best offer (863)763-3327 TV- '03 Sanyo, 32", asking $200 (863)357-2233 Okee area AIR COMPRESSOR- 1llhp Honda, 250 gal. Good condi- tion. $500. (772)342-7304 AIR COMPRESSOR, '80 Inger- soll-Rand, gas, w/elec..start, 11hp, 30 gal., 14.9 lb per sq. ft.,$550.(561)718-8580 COLEMAN POWERMATE GENERATOR 5-6,000 watt surge, used 1 week, $500 (863)692-2229 CUT OFF SAW- Black & Deck- er, 9", Extra 9" blades, Excel- lent condition $75. Or best offer. 410-228-7137 EXTENSION LADDER, 18' fi- berglass, new, $90 cash. (863)675-4970 leave mes- sage GENERATOR- 25 KW self con- ained,'F'ri, pane. Excellent ,ondihiOn $2500. 17,2142-7301 MECHANICS CREEPER- plas- tic 'c( o rnid hall r nc ei, ',17 (asin 36il67S5.1470 leave message RIGID PIPE STAND w/vise, very itron Rigid pipe wrencrines & culer $1t. (502)931j810i SCROLL SAW-. Sears, 16", Excellent condition. $50 or bestoffer. (410)228-7137 VCR, DAEWOO lke new 125 or bLi- owner (863)1iF7.OF70 ADULT DVD'S- (12) new for $100 firm. No :3all ner :pmn please (863)634-3783 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed. Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted S30 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscapiig Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants,' Flowers 865 Ious-Sal NORTH FLORIDA LAND & HOMES. J.W. HILL AND ASSOCIATES 1-888-821-0894 1-877-358-8300 jwhillandassociates@yahoo.com LAND 53.41 acres MOL of industrial prop in Columbia Cty #47930 $3,204,600. : 39 acres MOL with DWMH in Suwannee Cty #47588 $470,000. 120 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty #49265 $1,200,000. 30 acres MOL in Hwy Frontage in Madison Cty #46383 $600,000. 50 acres MOL in Madison Cty. #47041 $750,000. HOMES 3BR/1.5BA in Hamilton Cty #48731' $225,000. 3BR/2BA with 5 acres MOL in Suwannee Cty #49769 $159,900. 5BR/3BA on 229 acres MQL in Suwanee Cty #49092 83,499,000. COMMERCIAL Business for sale in1 De land. -FL #45376 $495,000. . Business for sale on 3 acres MOL in Madison County #46984 S850,000. Business on 2 acres MOL in Lafayette County #41969 $150,000. Business for sale in Madison County #48870 $625,000. PLUS MANY MORE.... BAREBACK PAD Red ileece slignily used good tOnd. $20. 772)263-1178 SADDLE Haniarratted liner. e,' cond.. darr walnul in- ish. $300.'lJ rm (863l1357-2274 SADDLES 12)-2 saddle Duan- k 1 I1'] hrirse tllarni 'el & la ddilde arJ $601) will 1ell iip 15021931jl8101 TOE STOPPERS 12r. Itsi any *i"'etsryle Stirrup used 2,'. Paid *$80 a ing $40 1772i253-1178 Murray lawn M )owr, 45 p. 22" Irg iwhl BIl Deck lO'er lial Oliwrer Crlismn edgei 1.200 neg. :863 763-7613 Rider Mower god alor pull- ing small garden Iraller .25 (8i631467-011l RIDING LAWN MOWER, John lDere, 17lip, 42" iul under 2,.0 r i: $1100 or beSi ol- ler 18631697-8831 RIDING MOWER iarid lno, 12 HP rear oaggei, needs engrn: work. $40 (863)46;-8124 RIDING MOWER- Muiray 42 cul nrdroilalic lrjInimiTsi i it6il 186"i763.8548 Small tractor Allis Chalmers - 18 np BiIgg.7 Siratton $300 l8,'i|467.9877 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon 12pmTiievery Tues. naiin 763-3127 PALM CORN PLANT -5 1,2' Idll in 7 gallon pot Enpen- ive, bul asking 1$50 i863l7I63-0625 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 LaBelle, 2Vbr Apl. 1 full ba. WiRiver pai:o Completely furnished w/washer & dryer.. 1 yr lease, No children or pets please. $1200. mo., 1st & last required to move in. Call 239-337-7514 Caloosa Belle, Thursday, March 16, 2006 -H CITY OF LABELLE / BELMONT AREA 2 LOTS 100' X130' Deep each on Citrus St. off 2nd Ave, Nice quiet area with Orange Groves off your rear deck. Zoned R-1-A. 5-7 LOTS 560 ft on Water Canel off Belmont on 4th Ave. In the City of LaBelle with a wonderful water- front lot, How good is that? Zoned R-2 Call 239-825-1920 for more information on these Great Properties. ORTONA- Near river, Unlurn 3br. 2ba.garsge, AC, heat canal, oaks. orange trees Quieli 5 mins to La Belle 1950/mo. Ls'sec 1248)939-1447 iradelQ32.s'ai'l corm Port LaBelle. 3BR'2BA. 239-210-8658 LaBelle- 5 Acres- corner lot. Crescent Ave SW & Fay Sr. (3051812-2008 FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE New Ig unis avail air conditioned & non-air each uni alarmed area lenced & well lighted, space for boats trailers, RV & trucks Manager on- sire. 1025 Commerce Dr, LaBelle 863-675-1025. LABELLE RENT-A-SPACE -- Cowboy Way & Kennedy Blvd 5'.Si0' $4280 mo inl. Ia' 8'1i0' $53.50 mo incl. It' 10'.%0' '$58.85 mo. mcd. la. 8'.20'20" $85.60 mo inl ia. 24 hr access $25 reiurrable key deposit 86.3675-2392. DESTIN, FLORIDA. Directly on the Water, NEW Boutique Hotel. Harbor Beach, Pool Steps to Finest Restaurants Minutes to Cull. oil Snop- ping. Introductory Rate. www.innondestinharbor.com (800)874-0470. Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale 1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 CUSTOM HOME: 4600 sq. ft. on approx. 3/4 of an acre. Ca- loosa Cove Sub Div. w/custom upgrades & appl. Former Home of Spann Homes Devel- oper. 779,000 863-612-4860' LaBELLE- Single family home, corner lot, Shawnee Ave./No- ble Rd. $149,900. For Sale By Owner (305)812-2008 MONTURA, 3br, 2ba, New Home. 1+ ac. Owner financ- ing. (863)675-6129 Port LaBelle, 3 BR, 2 BA, New construction. Just completed! Vaulted ceilings, home warran- ty. (239)825-8301 more info. PORT LaBelle: Unit 4, 4/2, Newly renovated, near schls., Priced to sell @ $175,000. Call owner: 863-673-5071. Riverfront Home LaBelle Dock/Lift Boathouse 2BR/2BA Appraised $675,000 Quick Sale Price $599,000 Owner financing, Will trade for acreage. 305-481-1316 or 863-234-1814. West Central Florida Real Es- tate, Wayne Cormier Gate House Realty. waynecormi- er.com your website to Flori- da's Nature Coast Real Estate in Citrus County. Call (352)422-0751. Shoreside Realty & Mortgage, Inc. 863-6-4-0101 239-694-666 IinT, 'ir:Crmi L,.: Bri:er SA:R ESTATE iTH a HiJMES i HOME iFTH , POOL A CGEAT BU.Y AT 5950,000. OC (AN BE SEP- ,ik 117 ,i:, O ERih BiLDtTGC. AtJ,. T ~:k lFADF A :O.1J ',EiLCE sTOFif C(ALL FOR D E TALLS 2 POOL HOME Oh 2+ ALiEs GRATa LOCATION tiESiLED .JiC.IONGl. THE .,\S. \ GREAT Bi\ A4T 5- 15,000. 12 %CkES 'iHM LARGE HOME JND BAlN, VWOR .HOF' A GR.W D PLACE iIST REPDLICED $1.195,000 + AfihS W'iTH LAlRGE ' IA iilIFATLi KED iHCOME CALL FOP DET.MLS $329.900 2 ACRES iTH NiCE .2 M.tNI UFACtLiD HOME, fOLE BvRili ,AND GrRIEN HOC-L E A GfREA BLi' AT 215,900.. Illli:tllllla M1iill MOOREHAVEN 33471 -TOP LOCATION - Will Divide Ciry block nex to court- house, government center nigh school. 500 feal on US #27 Ideal for Bank, Fast Food, Law, Medical, Relail, Realtor, Insurance, etc. Call owner. Pal PIONEER- 2.5 acres Clean. Fenced (7861402-6278 Port LaBelle: Unit 7, Block 2221 Lol 32. 1/4 acre. 7024 Pariol Circle New Homes on street $46 900. By Owner Call J.Taylor914-293-7097 OPEN HOUSE lJew Home For Sale By Owner. Port Lebelle, Mar. 41h & 5th. 1pm-4pm. 30r. 20a w/den. 7048 Tide Circle. $179,900. 863-843-0333 1060 acre farm in North Ar- kansas, pasture, timber, great deer and turkey hunt- ing, 6 ponds and 35 acre lake. $1,500,000 Mossy Oak Properties of the Ozarks (800)783-6634. ASHEVILLE, NC AREA ACREAGE Private, gated mountain community with over 4 miles of riverfront. 1 to 8+ acres from the $60s. Incredible views! Custom community lodge with mountain spas, riverwalk. Call (866)292-5762. Bear River Lodge.' BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLI- NA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Invest- ments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokee- mountainrealty.comCall for Free Brochure (800)841-5868. COASTAL NC WATERFRONT! 1.5 Acres- $99,900. Beauti- fully wooded, great views, pristine shoreline, deep boatable water! Enjoy access to ICW, Sound Atlantic. Paved road, underground utilities. Excellent financing. Call now (800)732-6601 x 1510. Florida, Tennessee, and Ar- kansas lots for sale at bar- gain prices. Building lots are still a great investment. Call today (772)215-7625 or visit www.lotsales.us. Eagle's Nest Estates 4 A secluded private ranch subdivision offering beautiful vistas of pristine , natural habitat. Offered in combinable 40-60ac Tracts for discerning homeowners or weekend nature enthusiasts. Only eleven of these exceptional tracts available. ZITT772-468830 - ,I =,,, mIC 772-468-8306 Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 Lazy T Ranch, 2BR Mobile Home, no dogs. (863)675-1614 Muse, FL. 3BR/1BA, Mobile home for rent, $550/mo + sec. (863)675-0077 or 612-4832 I Land Sal I Houses Sal I Lots- Sal I Lts- al TONNEAU COVER- For Dodge 6' box, Black $150. (863)675-4525 For Sale Rural Hunting Timber land 222.2 acres; $2500/acre. Atkinson County, Georgia. Call for Info (334)393-5036 or (334)464-4004. GEORGIA BLAIRSVILLE IN THE NORTH GEORGIA MOUNTAINS. Land, Homes, Commercial & Investment. "EVERYTHING WE TOUCH TURNS TO SOLD" Jane Baer Realty, (706)745-2261, * (800)820-7829 www.jane- baerreally com, jane- - baer@alllel.nt INVESTMENT or RECREA- TIONAL Properties in Ine BEAUTIFUL STATE OF GEORGIA. Contact Peach- State at (866)300-7653 or Visit our Property For Sale Section at www ruouyin- grealestale.com GAL 2550. Lakefront and Lakeview Prop- erties Nestled in Ihe hills ol Tennessee on Ine snores 01 prsline Norris LaKe. Call lakeside Really at (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakeslderealty-Lr com. ISLAND AUCTION 200 Props Must de Sold' LOW Down E-Z Financing Free Calalog 1(800 ) 937-1603 WWW.LANDAUCTION COM Large Mtn. Land Bargains. High Elevation. Adjoins Pris- tne State Forest. 20 + AC Io 350 AC Sweeping Mtn Views, Streams www live- inwv.com. LOOKING TO OWN LAND'1 In vest in rural acreage throughout America coasilil mountain, waiterroni proper- ties. 20 to 200 acres. FREE, monthly Special Land Re- ports: www land-wani- ed.comi/sw. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Anordable Homes & Mountain Cabins Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REAL- IY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP E R T I E S www.e.itmurphy com. NC MOUNTAINS 1051 acres on mountain lop in gated community, view. trees, wa- tertall & large public lake nearby, paved private ac- cess, $119.500 owner (866) 789-8535 www.NC77.com. NEW TO MARKET! DEEP WA- TER LOTS Beaulltully silual- ed on 50 acres with 2.800 leel of magnillcenl ronlage on Battery Creek in Beau[orl. SC Offering deep walertrori dockable, tidal creek and pri- vacy wooded lots starting from $59,900 Call (8771929-2837. North Carolina Gated Lake- Iront Community 1.5 acres Splus 90 miles of shoreline. ever before offered with 20% pre-development dis- counts, 90% financing Call i800)709-5253. TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN ACREAGE Gated mountain community bordering a large lake Spectacular views Community boat ramp, pri- vate boat slips. Between Chattanooga & Knoxville. Call today (866)292-5769. Gates of the River. THOROUGHBRED HORSE FARM 67 acres $689,900 Beautiful stone home, huge barns, indoor arena, 70+ stalls, lush fenced paddocks, nice setting on quiet country lane' 3 1/2 nrs NVCI Call now' 1877)909-5263 htip i/horselarm.upstateny- land.com. TN WATERFRONT MOUNTAIN PROPERTY Scenic home- sites surrounding Lake Bark- ley. 1 to 6 acre view sites & 5 to 40 acre privacy siies from the 40's. 90 min to Nashville. Grand opening of Phase II on now! Call 1866)339-4966. WATERFRONT BARGAINS! Lake Access from $202/month!* Direct Lake- front starting at $99,900! ONE DAY ONLY LAND SALE! SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 2006 Just 20 minutes from Augusta, GA Excellent fi- nancing available Call today for an early appointment! (888)LAKE-SALE x 1030 *Based on purchase price of $39,900 w/10% down, fixed rate of 6.75% for 5 yrs, 15-year term w/balloon pay- ment due at the end of 5 yrs. Terms and rates subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited by law. Western New Mexico Private 62 Acre Ranch $110,990 Mt. views, trees, rolling hills, pastureland, borders BLM. 1930's stone homestead with 2 barns. Horseback idd- ing, hiking, hunting. Perfect family ranch, electricity. 100% financing. NALC. (866)365-2825. TODAY TURN YOUR VACANT LAND INTO BIG $$$$ I will buy your vacant lot or land for cash. Close in week. Hendry? Glades? Anywhere? Call Randy 863-673-5071 or 561-441-2800 -IMUile H .om DW 1999 & LAND 3 Birm. 2 Ba. 4646 Anvil Way SW, Horsieshei Acres Contact Kelly or Mary @ Big Lake National Bank. (863)467-7070 ext. 1022 HENDRY COUNTY- 1995 Palin Harbor Masterpiece, 28x52 -3/2, open floor plan, Zone 3 wind storm, appliance, e>x cond, orig owner,.buyer Spays moving. $32,901 (863)675-1490. . LABELLE- mobile home, 0."5 acre corner lot, pond. 1,135.900 18631673-2754 Owner/Rialor t Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 BASS BOAT- '89 Rjnie 17 10 rirheroias 150HP Johnson i.7u011 or best roner 1863j824-019; BOAT, 20 Ft., Center Cinsiire wT-Top, V-I 115 Evinruld mro- lor Obi ale Bhae Away Irail- er 1.2500 8634 67 8580 BOAT MOTOR- older model Jorinscrin 1i rip, h:arl, runs greal Bargain 2953 18631635-3465 CAROLINA SKIFF- (n 1. E.'cellenil ornd Iniludi trailer 863634-2342 FIBERGLASS BOAT- 18'. Cen. let cunsoile, 50np. 4 stroie Merc Alum iri. $9000 514.7-1000-4 Sprrimpmr HYDRO SPORT 1998, 18 F., Ceriler COinOlr. 115 Jurir Nfjw eir.[tronics Tljniocm Trailer $9300 363-610.167.1 LOW PONTOON- 96 mridei, 0Onp Evinrude. Equip lor night flisnrg ondra d enier.). lor $8500 18631357-2414 PONTOON- 30'. Relone deO, Carpet seal. Bimilnl, iamo gray. 60hp johnris:n Ruti, good l Needs i.art work no Iriiler $3500 neQ 18631673-2480 8. PONTOON BOAT- 26 5HP Evinrude, nrees workt good projie(. 11400 neq 18631467-5725 lor more into RENKIN, 19, w.85rp Jorihn son, troll. mtr., nice trlr, wa- ter test, runs strong, $1800. (937)336-2855 . TIDECRAFT PRO BASS BOAT on trailer nrns greal $2500 or bei offer I 1128 15429q VOLVO PINTA ENGINE & OUTDRIVE, 1- '.0 1863)674-1695 Pace Arrow 34ii 1983 80i- miles, fily equipped leveling jacks, iusl luned 1.750 (772)597-615. or '(954)801-6 158 . Okee. Eagle Bay Roost, Lot 45 adult park 37'. '86 Holi- day Rambler Filmn Wrieel lied down 28' (crporl I1.51000 (865)850-9288 How do you ind a job in today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sifeds : FISHING TROLLING MOTORS 121 w'all controls 12? .24 volt, new never used, $450 (561)622-0736 KAYAKS- 2, 14' Likl.e new, $T50 18631763.4932 SURF & BOAT POLES-. Sever- al, $165. or best' offer 1302)875-2350 GSXR750 '04- great shape, garage kept $6500 (863)634-8828/763-4132 jrissomebeach@earthlink.net HONDA MOTORCYCLE CM400, '81, needs work, brand new light & tire to be put on $200. (863)983-7457 Kawasaki 800 '98, wind- shield, saddlebags, Cobra seat/pipes, $3000 ( 8 6 3) 6 34-2730 kc7wtdl@yahoo.com YAMAHA 400 DIRT BIKE, '85, good cond., shows 793 mi., runs good, $850. (561)718-8580. BUICK SKYLARK, 87 run: 1,900 ol DeO I olltr (863)801-1407 or (863)801-1408 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUN- TRY '98 62K mis G:oijd i:or. diio li wri r n Ik= 8 ATnir',.56000 86,3-467-130l CROWN VICTORIA 1990 a i- iig $60bU Cill B-v'ily (5611755.0239 . HONDA ACCORD D.< 1987 julo 57T a tlual mil p 1i200 186j1824.6799 or A8,i'.67q39-144 LINC CONTINENTAL 95- i,:,d cord rew re lowioer greal i found i s.y lm .21:ii:1)i nrie Ib63l,5-6 ,11 LINC TOWNCAR 9i. q dr e- cuiihve, ll ,power, 1201k. uri' lreiij1. liri u btj 'zi: 1,. MERCURY GRAND MARi.1S L' I.9 1 e'1 : I:ii0011110, wnile 4 di ma wriee ls 'i.?400 s863i.; 7 1801' OLDS DELTA 88- 94 .68k ,:rig mi [Ipw lire:, 2 owner car. bGoo i ond 2i1:il:i 18631i763.4-5? OLDS DELTA u8 RO'iALE 64. : .l n 3 i r .1 3 1 I oI T AUTO WANTED: Lol- rnl t1uiuy AAiliquP Car Cu riljrtit ,' Truoc Plea.e cal BRONCO II '89 p ner I en. dline rebuill Iran 11 mril'- neiedi Da inl buul iri ru l '.1; 1:1 lirm (86 1806 i 8'.789' CHEVY TRUCK FRAME- Wilh ja.Il GI,1:11i r a i lbuly i20r 18631228.2351 JEEP CJ-7 19 r6 i:yl. nrew : a l3 S ,: 1o 1 i t. p I, [ 1 1t u 1 1 1(p1 and pjini *,i.1i1i nel (861|7f,3-.8072 Jeep Wrangler Sport '98 4 OL 4WD AutO, Red T.an Hardllip Loaded' Gar ept E.,: Cond $9900' iegl .36].6h9.i9;2 SUBARU SW- h.9. 414 vry Cli in hJew Iirr $.1000 18631214-12%6 GOLF CART, 89 Cluti Cir Gv,. with cniji 9r niew eAf l S Iri, i. 1000 or LAeI:i ,ti r l63146;7-5616 GOLF CART, 94 Club Car. lignis curiarnrs :ragijer nqrh 1772i133 -6623 GOLF CART- Club C r 48V elc w/ibail ari r al . reu l '1.1 i -4 13|I,7F.".8. 14 Bug Guard nr 2002 F,:,id F150 il in'd Aiw I'ivir u', :-cd c ll i,,Iar I, r IriTi I )"triy 6ri. ,5'4 72 CARBURETED HEAD- ?50, wirh '02 v ive I1.2c1) r3 i, r-. 50i CHAIN FALL- Aim:ii: nri .1.10 1: ih ll 1 lie n i 175 1239i j 57 .'i4 Exhaust System, uite:A l en on a 200:ll CamT i, :28 F.ur r :1rr- i iorm i ,1inI 1 .all 863.675-4_'7a' HONDA ACURA 4 LUG RIMS- 141 wilri ri'n Iirte O)ili HOOD lor 89i 9'4 Mui din ,.:gi 'L l e r un 'r.u 5i 363)6.7J.0-.2" HYDRAULIC TRUCK CAP lil' 811 trild '0 18h, .35 -.11i" (1 r 186.'.6,"97.141, ROD & MAIN BEARINGS- li w 10 .vi ,'r 4liL .I,1ep I.|r .ri h i '. :, SUPERCHIP- FN 6 0 f Iord Uie. j:l. i r fI t : i l I- r Tires & Rims, 14) u' d i.,-n i,)i 0i 2 IFor] Fi5iO 4.4 I r'.: Ini 1 00. mi PlA hi:' i:onrl ., j.3; .427' TIRES on rim: iiom Jep Wr ilrlilr 0i irit nr A -r1 I 3 r rCm I LI 1 i .r :i r L. 5 l'l,( H I '!. L It .,mi,-y .r $450 (863)634-3261 TOYOTA STOCK RIMS- 15", For a pickup, asking $20 for all 4 (863)467-1308 Truck Bed, Lights, Bumper Tail Gate for '99-'01 Ford F150, white in color, $350 or best offer (863)946-1138 CHEVY PICKUP 86 Custom tin, A/C, 37K, new D/T. $3500. (772)360-5067. DODGE DAKOTA '94- no title, $500 (863)763-3451 F350- 1994, 4 door crew cab, white, automatic, bedliner, $5,000/or best offer. (772)360-5067. TONNEAU COVER- Fiberglass, For full size truck $600 or best offer. (863)357-2111 or 772-519-2256 T ? Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 . -- ,i S" . j -7i~a ; The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from birth to age nine. TRUCK BED- '95, F350, Ex- cellent shape. $500. or best offer. (863)261-4781 CHEVY BLAZER, 4 Door, V6 motor, Runs & Drives good. $2500 (863)673-4470 CAR OOLLEY good condi- tion, $450 firm (863)763-4617 UTILITY TRAILER, 19', open w/rails, HD, dual axle, 1 yr., holds 1 I:ait 2 molorDiUes. $1750. 5614909-3 CHEVY VAN, 92. 1135 mi iejn 1.180110 or o otier rBF3r675.1422 ww -i ECONOLINE 150 MACH 111- 97T pajsenere Wrile, Like nirw ,Io-n 94t. .5000. r86~i467-1682 FORD AEROSTAR VAN 1990. Rurn. good brnme Ironi end d)imaTt. S lling Ilr 1.1000 or te.l oner d239l465-715.6 FORD CLUB WAGON XL- '89. Clarjn !5 1.1ii) O:1 will trade for ;mall Ameriir-. P.'U 18 6 3 5i-9-156 Ford E350 i(onversionr Van 84 rnevy duly 993 eng ujal dir & hel. 4 Iokr laSS i.210i0 1tu lj635.-9 Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOilE OF PUBL ',SALE :)1 [ HlI. r :', ll ih l: 1 Li .1 1 k I. 1 I1ll 1 11r 111: 1 ii Il 'l.jl .r hII I wli, rji, .' I : I" ,1 I** I i ili] A I 1 lil]: wH ,- I rf. : i jii ,)~n *. n l "' JN1HJ01PSLT355301 1990 NISSAN . 119230 cB 3/16/06 . READING A NEWSPAPER.., makes you a more informed and Interesting person. No wonder newspaper readers are more sucessfull ENGINE, KAWASAKI, brand new, 10 hp, fits John Deere Gator or Kawasaki Mule. Never ran. $900. (863)692-2229. GO CART- 6hp, 2 seater, older model, $250 (863)674-0539 LaBelle area. GO KART Scorpion, 2 seater, roll bars, great shape, $800 firm. (863)634-8828 days or (863)763-4132 eve's. r" I. 40 < ( '< n 0 0) L )C ez |