Bradford County telegraph

Material Information

Bradford County telegraph
Uniform Title:
Bradford County Telegraph
Place of Publication:
Starke, FL
E.L. Matthews
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Starke (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Bradford County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Bradford -- Starke
29.947222 x -82.108056


The first issue of this ongoing weekly appeared on July 26, 1879 under the title Florida Telegraph. It was published by William Wyatt Moore, a native Floridian and a staunch Democrat. Moore had previously worked for a paper in Tallahassee and had also published newspapers in Jacksonville, Lake City, Cedar Key, and Pensacola. After appearing for a short time as the Weekly Florida Telegraph and reverting back to the Florida Telegraph, the paper’s name was changed to the Starke Telegraph. In 1887, Moore sold a half-interest in the newspaper to I.C. Webb, who became sole owner within a few months and changed its name to the Bradford County Telegraph. In 1893, Eugene S. Matthews, who had previously worked for newspapers in Gainesville and Ocala, purchased the Bradford County Telegraph with Ben J. Farmer, who sold his interest to Matthews five years later. Matthews published the Bradford County Telegraph for the next forty years. He was also elected to the state legislature in 1904, 1907, 1911 and 1923. His son, Eugene L. Matthews, a graduate of Columbia University’s School of Journalism, took over the publication in 1933, matching his father’s record of forty years as publisher. The Bradford County Telegraph continues to the present.
Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 9, no. 41 (Apr. 13, 1888)-
General Note:
Publishers: Mathews & Farmer, <1893-1897>; E.S. Mathews, <1900-1926>.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
33886096 ( OCLC )
000579551 ( ALEPHBIBNUM )
003298621 ( ELECTRONIC_ALEPH )
60662535 ( ELECTRONIC_OCLC )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )

Related Items

Preceded by:
Starke telegraph

Full Text
II. -- -. ,. --c' .-. .-.._..._ ., .. : ... . Q 't "T"n' -r'.p.. " .w'r'm'. '-;;"l'' . = t = \ "I
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!'i.L Official County Publication Established In 1877



t Sixth War Loan Drive Off To Good Start;

4 Legion Sponsoring Bond Premiere Tuesday

-i Good Sales At Kick-Off Rally

County Reaches 1 Monday Conduct Night Auction; FFA To


$3,500 Quota Getting off to flying start in Bradford County the

Sixth War Loan drive was launched here: Monday night
with a Kick-Off Rally at the Florida Theatre, featuring out- :

For War FundChairman SHOWING standing talent supplied! by the Athletic and Recreation Department

? 63rd Regiment, Camp Hlanding.
Playing before a house packed with appreciative listeners -
Nat Sternberg an "Caia'noua3'own" the entertainers from Camp gave the drive here just
flounced that Bradforc
) yesterday the right irrjiietus to get machinery in motion for a whirl-
County went' over the top in lhe
k'f i War Fund. Drive by meeting- Its WITH GARY COOPER TERESA WRIGHT wind campaign. Featured speaker on the program was I.,

quota of 3500. The War Fun. F. Chapman, superintendent of the Florida State Prison,

Drive, Mr. Sternberg' remindedthe Sponsored flyJonesLangford. ; who made telling( appeal for more vigorous support of the .

public, should not be confused I, war effort by civilians on the home front.

with the 6th War Loan -J Idle Nat Sternberg served as mastcr-of-ceremonies and

jll Bond Drive, which U. now under Junius M. Smith, chairman of the drive in Bradford County, t

way.The AMERICAN LEGION POSTAT announced yesterday that $10,000( worth of bonds were sold
drive, which has Just beer in the lobby during and after the performance.
concluded, included funds for the '/
: operation of USOs all over the Bond Premiere Tuesday 'i
; world, for War Prisoners' Relief, Second gun in Bradford's: all-out effort to put the drive '
and for many other national The PARK THEATRE over the top here before the Christmas "rush" sets in, will f

charities in addition to local quotas bo fired Tuesday night when the local American Legion '

for the Boy Scouts and the Tuesday Night, November 28 Post will sponsor u premiere showing of "Casanova Brown" t

Girl Scouts. at the Park Theatre. Admission tickets to the theatre will 1

Chairman Sternberg expressedhis 9:00 P. M. be given to all purchasers of War Bonds and Bond will be I.

These Wounds appreciation to all worker on sale in the lobby during and after the show. Judge A.
D,o who helped to make the drive a FREE TICKETS TO ALL PURCHASERS Z. Adkins will make a short talk concerning the 6th War f
success and especially thanked OF WAR BONDS
Loan Legion officials announced.
Hurt You Too ? Mrs. Junlus M. Smith, who servedas I
chairman of the residential' Future Farmers Plan Auction j l

area, and Jos. E. Wilson\ who had Later in the drive, tho Future Farmers of America will !
oesn't) it tear your heart a little-the sight of these charge of all out-of-town solicItation I conduct an auction sale under the supervision of their leader, 1 I

imerican kids, tired and wounded, dragging their feet, by mail.Members i V. II. Ferguson, vocational-agricultural instructor at 11.II.S. I

ig each other across the bloody ground of Leyte? : of the Rotary Glut Mr. Ferguson outlined his plans at the Rotary Club Wednesday I
f it doesn't-go see a doctor. You're about ready for canvassed the business district
and received the wholehearted endorsement of that
mortis to set in. for contributions, j
: Camp Probes organization.Mr. .
Lawtey Negro
f it does hurt-go out and buy another War.Bond Ferguson!' states that tho boys will visit local business -

\V Post Office Says houses and ask for donations of articles to be auc- !

[light now-today-thousands and thousands of other Gifts Must Be Gets 20 YearsCarl [Soldier Stabbing tioned off for War Bonds They will appreciate the co- j

'sters like these are making the supreme militaryof Mailed Before Dec. operation of all local merchants when the time arrives. .

this war. This event will be held on Call St. sometime In December.!
ire we-here on the home front-making the supreme Public response to the Post Office Jenkins, Lawtey negro, I Col. S. E. Mlnlke Camp Blan- - .
vial effort of this war? Department's "Shop Now! was sentenced to 20 years In the dinrt\ Provost Marshal, appeared( Chairmen and Quotas Named r

tie aren't unless we put every last dime into War ,Mall. in.November" .campaign IB state prUcHvat.. th.*./aJl term of at 'the Tuesday night session of I I Chairrnau-.SmUh ..yesterday! tJSinouneed .cJiamnen\ and I )
during the Sixth-War LoaiD"Drive-:and 'Insure Brad- goodbut needs to be better, ac circuit court last week when the the City Council In connoctlor quotas for the various county communities ns follows:

;lounty's going over the top. cording: to Postmaster General Jury returned a verdict of' murderin with an altercation between sev;; 't
Frank C. Walker"Extraordinary, the second degree. Jenkins eral civilians and soldiers near Town Chairman Quota
wartime condi WitS convIcted of shooting Rufus tho nianding bus station here Lawtey R. R.Thede $15,000 !

face ,"' Mr. Walker said Kendrletli, another negro. In an Thursday night of last week Brooker It. I.'. Gano, T. H. Pinholster $10.000, r
and altercation at Lawtey on the Although frankly aroused at Hampton H. II. Wiggins, G. P. Wadsworth $ 8,000 j
"Unless people buy
of Nov. 12. first by the action of local officials
f/tJiIIf mall this month the Postal service night New River M. F. Wiggins $ I
cannot do its job of delivering Other cases disposed of were in releasing from custody TheressaGraham Miss: Ida lagan $ 2,500 .'
the civilians involved In the matter
all Christmas gifts on time. as follows: R. S. Wasdiu $ 2,500 '
Col. Mlnlkes listened attentively
/ttIH J. W. Starling, charged with Heilbronn Bill $ 2,500
"It is not pleasing to us to to explanations and left the Hedtlio\h.: j
assault with Intent to murder,,
have to ask the American peopleto Council meeting In a much better that I
guilty to aggravated The chairman stressed tho fact every community
mail packages so far in ad "frame of mind", although stat
in tho must' if Bradford's quota of $259,000 1
of the date.Ve assault and was sentenced to 90 county cooperate
& PROCLAMATIONOFFICE vance do so only because delivery it has to be days In the county jail. ing probably that Investigate Army officials the case would as is to be reached "These: quotas may seem, small, individu- \

done. The job Is a tremendous John Henry Washington, pleaded a matter of Army routine. I I ally," Mr. Smith stated, "but all together they mean the I
OF TilE MAYOR one, but we are confident thatit guilty to a charge of breakingand The unfortunate incident occur- difference between success and failure of this drive. There- I

STARKE, FLORIDA will be done because we know entering and was sentencedto red when J. R. Kelly. H B. Kelly fore, I strongly appeal to these chairmen to assume respon- i

November 21st, 1914 from experience that given sound four years. and :M. A. Kite drove to the hamburger sibility for these quotas and see that their community \
reasons AmerIcans cooperate magnificently Kenneth Thompson, c h a rged stand at Blandlng Center assumes its fair share of this load." :

IEREAS, an annual festival of Thanksgiving origin- with first degree arson, receiveda after 11 o'clock last Thursday Within the next few days Chairman Smith will perfecthis r

n New England in the year of 1621 after the first harat "Unprecedented shortages oman suspended sentence, but was night and ordered Coca-Colas. It organization among the colored residents of the com i

the Plymouth settlement and slowly spread to the power and transportation facilities brought back here by Clay County seems that some soldiers) had also munity, and these workers will be announced later. I 1!
colonies and growing out of the war authorities this week, having again just asked for Coca-Colas, but
issued mailing.' The Postal got into trouble, and was givena could not be served because of a
Lincoln a compel early
EREAS President
in the year 1863, \ :
mation recommending the' national observance of a Service has given 50,000 experIenced three year sentence. ProvoHt Marshal ruling forbiddingsales Noted Speaker Pecan Auctions !

f thanksgiving the last Thursday in November, and employees to the armed Calvin Starling and Lewis to soldiers In Starke after j At Pine Level
on railroad workers to a 11 o'clock
forces and 300,000 Thomas pleaded guilty at night.
observance has become traditional incident in Amerife ......
a have to war. EquallysE'rlou8 of larceny of automobile that the -
I I gone charge .WItnesses state when End Next Week :!
and, la the fact that rail and and received a suspended sen civilians were promptly served,
IEREAS, the State of Florida, by statute, has desig- other transport facilities are tence. one of the soldiers became Incensed -

tile last Thursday of November as THANKSGIVING taxed to the limit with the great Calvin Martin, c h a rged with and made some remark to 1f The Third sale held Tuesday '
burden of war traffic which allof breaking and entering, received a the effect that: "Yeah, that's the ;pt, to "y'y pecan '1
EREFORE BE IT KNOWN, that I, Chas. A. Darby, us know must take precedence two-year sentence.E. way it la. They won't serve, us iicr this week was much smaller
r of the City of Starke, Florida, do hereby proclaim "In a great number of our 43- L. Pullum was found Dot soldiers, but these 4-F -- -r '!- Sa but the prices received were satisfactory '

Thursday November 30, 1944, be officially observedIfANKSGIVING 000 post offices the man power guilty of assault with Intent to can get anything they want." Only 9,758 pounds ,
DAY within the confines of this situation is critical. The 200,000 murder. As told to authorities here, one were offered for sale and these
extra workers whom we normally of the civilians made some replyto
ipality. The case of John Barnes, I brought an average of 24.3 cents
handle the swollen
recruited to the soldier, whereupon the soldier -
IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ADVISED, that Christmas volume of mail were charged with assault with Intentto slapped K. B. Kelly and afreeforall per pound. Mont of the better

tizens! unite on this day' in offering up a prayer of'sgiving able to work long hours of overtime murder, was continued.An fight Immed lately V sr varieties brought the ceiling priceof

that our American cities have not been bomb- and to do heavy work. This instructed verdict of not broke lose.' During the tussle 26 cents, while the seedlings

iat our people have suffered no starvation, that our cannot; be expected from the women guilty was returned in the case someone drew a knife; and stabbed selling for 19 cents brought the
en are safe.' Let, us particularly; give our prayerful and high school boy and of Murray Grady on an informa- : one of the soldiers so severely ilown.
[3 i this year to -those who have given their lives that girls to whom in large part we tion for grand larceny. that he Is still confined to a 6 average
this to meet the There will be one more sale at
must look year
a7 continue free. 'in the civil docket case of 8. B. Camp hospital.
en' under my hand and seal, this the 21s.t! day of Now. situation.; Hosklns vs. J. L. Land, replevin: ; Officers were called to the the Farmers' Market here next ,
of Brad- "The In which everyone scene and Road Patrolman Charles Tuesday County A g e n t L. T.
A. D. 1944, at the City of Starke, County way damages of 11.000, 'the jury returned -
State of Florida. responded in making It possible a verdict In favor of the E. Weaver arrested the civilians Dyer states, and he urges all
for us to handle a volume of 70,. and lodged them In the
Fred Donhelson, to bring all their
plaintiff.The Rev. S. growers pecans
(Signed CHAS. A. DARBY, Mayor 000.000 parcels) for the armed county jail. The next day, however '
) forces oversea leaves no doubtin case Jt J. M. Harrell and he came to the Sheriff's office for many yean a missionary to which are still unsold to this 1
Zebedee Freeman, both charged China, will speak at the Pine Lev- sale.
my mind that the November'hrlatmas and told Deputy Ben Rowe
mailing will\ be equally with uttering a forgery, were that he had talked to the soldier el Baptist Church on Sunday,
HANKS IVING UNION SERVICEThe of transferred to the absentee Nov. 26, at 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 4
successful. Task for the help who was cut and that he did not Z. W. McCall KilledIn
Nov. 27 at 8
will beth the radio business advertisers docket. wish to prefer charge. Patrol- 8 p. rn.; Monday.
annual union Thanksgiving service press motion of the State At- p. m.; and Tuesday Nov. 28 at In FranceMra. {0
d o'clock in the civic groups and all AmerIcans Upon man Weaver then asked that the I Action
Thursday morning, Nov. 30, at 9 In making It possible for the torney a None ProsequI was entered I men be released. J p. m. I
Odlst Church.. Postal Service to do Its work. In each of the following This explanation of the matter Ho will also speak! Monday afternoon Selma F. McCall has re-

The Rev. Lewis D. Haines, pastor of the Baptistreh "We urge everyone to buy case: seemed to sat Isfy Col. :Mlnlkes' from 1:30: to 2:30 in the I ceived word from the war department -

will bring the message and the Rev. Groveron now, mall in November and mark Randolph Robinson, assault complaint regarding the release of Starke school auditorium.For I that her husband, Pvt. )(
of St. Mark's Episcopal Church will read the gifts 'Do Not Open Until Christ with Intent to murder. the men, as far as the city was 21 months Mr. Donnelnon, Zachariah Wilbur McCall\ 29, was 1

''Pture. The Rev. W. J. Churchwell, pastor of the mas'." Daniel C. Inskeep, larceny of concerned, but he stated thata his wife and daughter were con- killed In action In France, on t
t tnodist automobile. routine investigation will likely fined In a Japanese prison camp. Oct, 31.
Church, will be in charge.
SchoolThe Willie William, robbery. be made. t Pvt. McCall was Inducted Into #
The choirs will render special music, Bible
of the city
h Mrs. I I Enoch Tyson, breaking and en- Phil Manassa the army at Camp Blandlng, July ;
A. Z. Adkins In charge. and. Bible School being held tering. Back From PacificWalter '2, 1042. H. served In the Invasion r
All Starke churches are invited to have a part Bach Tuesday at the Methodist Philip Manassa. RM 2-c, has armies of Africa Italy and
' :J will be a special offering to be sent to the Florida Church under the supervision of Loomis Miller and Willie WIlliams E. Taylor AMM: 2-c returned to the States after 20 France. He had been overseas

wen's Home in Jacksonville. Mrs.\. W. Churchwell, was very ( armed robbery. is spending a 30-day leave with months with the Seabees on Guadalcanal 22 months:!
well attended this week with 46 Buck Parrish, robbery.C. his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. and arrived here Mondayto II
children present. Each week there M. Williams disposing of Taylor, Sr., after serving in the upend a 30 day leave with his He Is survived by his wife, ;

BUSINESS HOUSES WILL CLOSEt la t a memory verse contest among property under lien. Pacific war zone for 20 months. mother. Mrs. Cella Manassa.At i Selma Thornton McCall of this)

[ business' establishments will remain closed all day' the children, with a bookmark H* G. Wainwright rape.H. He joined the Navy in November the expiration of his leave, city, Ms mother. Mn.. Mary F.
giving, November 30. Managers of clothing stores given as a prize. It was won G. Wainwright, assault and 1941 and took his boot trainIng Maoassa will return to the Seabee McCall of Lake City and four
their places would remain this week by Buzzy Green. There attempt to murder. at Norfolk. Va. This la the I redistribution center at Endl- sisters and one brother, who U
Aeries announced
time he has been home in cott, R. I., where he will receive
Wednesday half-holi- ire six worker and there Is stillroom Lennls P. Jarvis desertion and first i
Instead of closing for the usual months. I his new assignment. serving with the Army in France.
children. 27 I
and Thursday. for a few more withholding support. '
then remain closed all day *!


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EVERY BUY A BULL'S EYE I December named Court 11th,and 1944 cause In ,the wherein above County Order In Telegraph four hand shall weekly and publish oftlclal'8"al Issues.Witness this I''I ember seal at 3rd Stan tali"? \ I J'I >iOFFICIAL .' 'hi. Ko,.
plaintiff seeks divorce. Bradford Starke, l COUNTY TELEGRAPH thisOrder at r
County Telegraph shed 7th 1944 B. K. 1" k: 'rh 1I>
'.Y 4 r In next four hand weekly and official iMMure.WltneeM (OFFICIAL BEAD A. J. Thomas, A ty, oPerk ttm.+",. ;S.nk., 14 l"'rt
q my Aa Clerk of said Court I IIA'I, ,
this Novemh..r -
Starke -
Established 1877 seal at T. Frank Landrum, Starke, Flor- 1\1: -
E. L. Matthew _____._____u_ Editor and OwnerPublished Ol>'FrCIU.6th. 19H! A. J. Thomas.A ida. Atty. for Plf. ll10-| t.ia-l COI'\ITV"llIfT.'I'' ) r01111' h
k ,
Cir of said Court.T I ('En s-. 1 :
Frank Lndrum, IItark":: l"Jor- : David p. Tracy t",., 1'e.tU
Weekly on Friday and Entered a. SoconU Cltui Mattel Ida, Atty. for Plf. lllO4t12li | ,' iv COl'VrY rnirriT: FLOIlll COIIIT DItAIJFOnn IN CHAN-:' Tracy t DefenduiAND u'' "tt._ v. Rh'II '
at the rout Office :t Starke Florid &WA -' ; : OH nNH NOTI(9S" I IT I 1.1 I, \TIf I 4tSTATI7
FLORIDA t\: CIIA'Duar'd :*-, OF \PPE'
Plaintiff, : Tracy, whose r'r'JMld,,, ., 'I, kkn
fOllOWIGetRichQuick (; Louis Helfenbeln VB. ? >
Better Forget Those A IN THE YEARS H gLOANj S. Harper, Plaintiff va Zara Helfenbaln, Defendant. Cane December You are requlln! , unk:;
Ideas ing the first Blanche Thomas 8416.Harper, Defend- No. 3405. I I Court 4, 1911.and .in"Ihewhnamed I ,,
] ant Case STATE OF FLORIDA to: Zara Plaintiff ranee '"
of _
hundreds of thousands iaI OnIJl' H OF PhnLiCATIONAND : Reeka dhre. vhd,
Is 'II
residence 687iligh
And+ Buy War Bonds American citizens plannedto NOTICE TO APPKAH Helfenbeln New Jersey Count Telegraph shall DuL wlr
STATE OF FLORIDA: BlancheThomas Street. Newark : Order In "ext t"u,' 'i;;
residence 1. You are required to appear on Wltnells W.eklJ l4tt..
through : whose
1br Harper Uadsden. December 11th, 1944, In the above seal at Starkey, hand and jj"
trading on the stock markets. But they didn't! I \\ Alabama ills Klmwood: : Avenue named Court and cause, wherein vember 1. 1944 Fl'"rlda, Ihl.I I I>

Now the New York market is fluctuating up and e '" .r j December You are 11th required, 1944, to In appear the above on County plaintiff Telegraph seeks divorce.shall publish Bradford this As(OFFICIAL Clerk of 8EAI.Maid ),.""ur A,, J Th,

down. In the heat of the national political campaignover j"," named Court and cause, Bradford wherein Order Witness In. next my four hand weekly And issues.official I Atty.T. Frank for Pit l.andr'tm' Starke: pl,
seeks divorce. .. rb
declined in two The I plaintiff II '
a thousand stocks days. e1 '1Lp'
speculators put in their money to back their belief that ; I .

boom times were just around the corner. But think
ing changes as fast' as the ticker tape. In the last ' /,'.! Nature
week of October most of the speculators agreed that "I uvors
there would be a European victory, "most any day, 4 A.I 6

now," and that such a victory would be accompanied

by reconversion troubles. It was all poor guesswork.Will .
our people never learn that dabbling in stocksIs SOCK

a business Jn which professionals prepare to win or the SOUTH !

lose, and in which amateurs strew the casualty lists EM WITH A f
almost unanimously? I I

Buy Government bonds which will always be goodas BOND '

long as the United States exists. Buy them now-

the same thing this time is open to serious question

tIEc -
Different Conditions TWO WARS within a

i After This War generation of each other
A Inflation have created tempting "'Gi r a =,
May Curb possibilities in the way of

comparison that are con v = :
stantly being held up to prove or disprove some point., =
1 I Now we are beginning to be told that the greatest d

danger from inflationary price increases can be expected S.C. z .
near the end or shortly after the present; war. 6. .
As usual, for conclusive proof, the record of the last I ,IA.eoutr.s a

war is cited. e

The assumption that because prices went up dras- Fred L Packer-Breiiler Editorial Cartoon, Inc.
tically after the last war they will automatically do =_
the same thing this time is open to serious question.At this matter Is well known to my

the time of the last war, the technique of mass friends and sometimes brings me .
production had not hit full stride. And, comparatively N. G. in for a little good natured rag .: ro z

speaking, distribution was still living in the ging.Staff Sergeant Louts Sternof :

dark ages. Both industry and distribution operate .u.Ve1l New York City, our chief
upon an entirely different principle than they did a medical technician, and I were

quarter of a century ago. 6 by, In the name compartment
Today the manufacturer knows that to be success- A. W.Anderson during the voyage; and ono
T. SKt. ...Geographically..For the South occunation's prosecution of the war. When
afternoon I drifted In
ful he the of his sunny
must keep price product downHenryFord Ji
taught him that lesson. The same is true of dis from deck to find three pies a strategic position in its accessibility victory is won,these same advantages;
friends. Richard Ja-
tribution. The good retailer knows that if he is to \ we've met "His Majesty's roba of Columbia Sergeant, S. C., Sergeant to a vast storehouse of natural resources furnish further opportunity for the ei
meet competition, he must sell a large volume of goodsat Australian Navy" once and once Laurie Honford of our
a reasonable price-the chain store taught him that Is enough. The British ex-liner own Lake City, and Stern, as well as rich domestic and world markets. pansion of industry and agriculture in

lesson. And so; from manufacturer to consumer, the that brought us hero In the Invasion were drinking up a quart can A diversified agriculture, plus unusually the area.
principle of production and distribution is the oppositeof convoy was manned by of our pineapple juice. I proceeded
a few years ago. The maxim of "charging all the them. Their transport Prior do to not departure to pour out half a favorable conditions for manufacture and The Seaboard Railway, an integral! part
traffic will bear," has given way to the practice ofcharging compare for the ours.operation we madea canteen cup. not noticing Ole excellent transportation facilities, all cornof the South's ,economic life, will con

as little as possible taken,the while selling of as much as two. day practice landing. When Intense ly all of quirt.It before I downed I tasted near- bine to make this the ideal section from, tinue to plan and work with its fellow j
Science place opportunism
possible. had. we went ashore,many of us left
because, in the long'run" ; It has proven'more profitable," I articles la" the quarters aboard something. : hot, and the when horselaugh "my 'which to supply these markets. citizens for the development of a mon
If prices do go up It will not be due'to the chicaneryof ship to lighten the overheavy pale" gave me
I knew what W8.8wronlt' With such fundamental assets the South Southland.has .
producer or distributor. And the fact that they packs. That night, upon returnto The juice was spiked prosperous
went up after the last war, has practically no bearingon the ship from the Instructive with ethyl. But I must logically become a vital factor in our Seaboard Railway, Norfolk 10, Virginia
the present. Mass production and mass distribution "dry run" we found that had His May I felt good all afternoon!!
were little more than experiments in 1918. Majes&s Australian Navy When I start telling stories
we left behind
"soldiered" everything
I like this on myself you know I YA,
CHRISTMAS SEAL time am scraping the bottom of the '
Christmas Seals O And to add Insult to In-
More is here again. This heartwarming Jury tlio chip's canteen keg for something to write about. MC
Important Never a dull moment over
of -mont outrageous IAVOARD
practice buying the
churned IM
1 As T B. On Increase cheery little seals to priors! ( They even here. 9.4 .

heln combat tuberculosis, sold iw back our lend-lea 1:11: rlnrl'I'r rlll'IIT. Illl tllFOItliCO 6A. WAR'.BOHDSIThii Bar mtit
at equivalent of II>TV. 1"1.011111\1 l\ C'll4Y-:
and has since become pcuclicM an
began just forty years ago a ('.:11 v.
I world-wide tradition. The Christmas Seals are sold in 23 centa can. Evidently, Reginald M. Ijuthir Plaintiff, VB ,A! LWAY
they! want: u. to fight thia Amelia C. Luther Defendant Case
46 countries. This year, as usual, they make their ap and for It too No. 3413.
In a war-torn world they are reassuring war pay OHDEH OF PUBLICATION: '
pearance. Man for man, though, the ANn NOTIC-K TO APPEAR '
reminders that we live in a civilized world after all and Aussie Is as nice and interestinga STATE OF FLORIDA to: Amelia CIA.

humanity has a streak of goodness in it that will not fellow as you meet anywhereand Pprlng r". Luther street whoso, Haverstraw residence, In.New 11 I advertisement will appear in newspapers in large/
be put down. is a darn good fighter. And York: industrial centers, and magazines of national l circulation.
about the i .You are required_.!to. _appear on
This year, as never before, the Christmas Seals are when we complained -.- ..
needed. Tuberculosis is on the increase. The steady loss of our equipment they gave

4 progress of medical science in the treatment of the most of It back.
are, and right.
These operations
disease has not been sufficient to stem the debilitating
secret". But once
ly so, "top
inroads of Our crowded production centers Have Coca-Cola Refreshment
war. war we are In convoy and on our a = calling
overwork and nervous exhaustion have been an open way they really take the lid off
j invitation to tuberculosis. The great tragedy is that and tell us every detail show
too many persons don't realize it when the unwelcome us maps and photos confide to
guest has found its way into their homes. us the plans so that every 'man
Yes, the Christmas Seal has new significance this will know where to go, when togo es a vlyllplu

year. It is one means by which all of us can take partin and what to do. And every-to
Is planned right down
the fight against the renewed threat of man's an- thing
the last grain of salt In the last ; i
cient enemy-the white plague. salt barrel. You have to give r I iI

tho planners of these spectacular 4
Antiquated Laws O TIlE FLORIDA Proba- Invasions plenty of credit for }'ttry
tion and Parole association their success 11't
for Juveniles _
met in Jacksonville Portfolio of iimuwlnfc: tragedies :

j Are Being Studied this week to consider{ a : Karly: In September we. L ( I

"democratic, workable, were called uiat upon was for quite nome out Information ;" ll a. :f : I wAs

economical" plan of juvenile legislation.' of our lino. Technical Sergeant .
There has been no change in the state's juvenile laws J. A. O., of DemopoUa, i .. I Y
for thirty years' and the situation today demands attention Ala., wanted to know how he 1 1. rnrn
as it is becoming more and more critical.G. could be married by proxyto / I ,I is il

Bowdon Hunt, president of the association made a girl at home. It senna
that were about to be / J
they 4 I III +i
of 300 and and in- 4.nesverau
up some professional men women parents without benefit of
terested for the creation of Flor-
laymen responsible the usual and customary cere
ida's progressive, non-political parole commission, said mony. \Ve turned him over
the two main features of the plan probably would bea to the Judge Advocate, and -.,
uniform state-wide juvenile probation system and It wems! proxy marriage are 4 .
separate detention facilities in each county. not legal In Alabama. The

A'survey shows that in sixty-lour Florida counties, brat we could advise the sad
boys and girls must be detained in county jails with Hack wan to marry the girl
when he gets home and antedate -
adult offenders, many of them hardened criminals. the rerehiony.
Onlya few counties have probation officers and the Recently en route from one

j local county judge along with all his other duties operation to another Involving a wS .-as
handles the youthful offender as ex-officio juvenile five day ship trip we had alongour A 7 IZ A

., judge. usual assortment of canned
The State provides no accomodations for the deten- foods and juices (wedged into

tion of negro girls and cases are on record where negro our office equipment boxes: ) to . the familiar red cooler invites -
girls twelve years of age have been sent to Raiford. supplement the usual poor ship you
Association officials feel] that an intelligent and board food. Now to ten this f
story properly I must tell you In your town and in any town you yourself are likely to be
workable program can be worked out that will help a part of a scene
that ethyl alcohol makes
curb juvenile delinquency and give wayward youth the nice mixed pure drinks over here and like this. People are on the move. Across the land, familiar red
coolers for _
for rehabilitation favorable condi-
opportunity Is one of the many drugs stockedIn '
j tions. all medical dispensaries. It Coca-Cola invite them-and you-to pause and be refreshed with Ice-cold -
' I President Hunt did not say that juvenile delinquencycould quite naturally follows that the
be erased by any means, but he did say that out medico boys have a little more "Coke". Yes, at home and abroad Coca-ColA has become a high-sign of
of 743 adult parole cases he had handled since the be- to drink than the usual run of

, t ginning of the war, only one was a college graduate, a GIs, but If you like a drink now friendly, refreshment. Ic'.natural for popular::I:::;
I half dozen were high school graduates and only one and then and have a friend In friendly a
, one-time the medics you can do nicely. In IOTTUO UNO!* AUTHORITY O' TNt COCA.COLA co acquits heSt
f. was a former Boy Scout. was IY Thac' wh
the only one who had never been to church or Sunday my case "Mother brought me up" STARKE COCA-COLA BOTTLING dona. caned .
not to care for alcohol in beverage CO. Qxa.Cgla
f L School, he added. form and my preference In -

>,L .Ot44TBC-C<

<.' ," '.. ,,'" .. .

., -_. -- "----- .-- . .



II" (-IK Tornado's Powerful Starting Line up PI.OHIIIAl Ir CMA'N.
Bradford Hi School Journale I ('''::11 Y.

Kmon: ..n F.
No. .1414.ORDEH.
Tornadoes Tr Baldwin 1.1 STATE 0' KtxlltinA to;: hJi e
. IgorOlTurner Wayne ttrret, Beaver, l'.>ntmylTanla -

n rt I_a l' Blogro.phleLora To The TuneLast 4[DI f 72 To 0 :You are required| to appear. on
e and Frances Colley e r)Hi'.niljr 1 1th, 191 C. In the ahoy
crews" nnnicfd Court and cAtiiiff, wherein'
Il'ty New-GarnlU Huttc Friday night the B.H.S. %' plaintiff Kvokn divorce.. Ilradford

and l'Barbara Keenwhere Tornadoes upped their winning Senior NewsThe 1'0"1T..I"lfra"h In next four"hull werkly\ publish.tantiv. thlaOrditr

BlograPhleDorothjCro streak' of 7 of 8 games played.In Wltncmi my hnml and nrrirla'KHKI
. and Marie Edwards: defeating Baldwin 72-0 the candidate for "Footbal at mark, Florida, this Novmh.r

News-.tllene Kelley Tornadoes brought their points queen began. Ann 'Wilt from our ,I (FF1CIA14 6th 1944.$IAI.) A, J. Thom>

!clal] F.'atureMarlon Johna scored to 288 while giving up none other than our own smlllnj I A. Clerk of said .C'oiuirl Plnr- '
Harel Green brunette Ida Mae Johnson.He T. Prank Ijimlnim
and Bftty only 64. w a Ida, Ally for I'lf. ll10-4t-lJ-l|
campaign managers are Ole rr' W
'The highlighted by F 4.'
game was
Green chairman Marion Johns h
itorial the brilliant running of R. J. ? I
and Inez Taylor. Of Bourse, we 1
. War Loan Drive la Turner and John Anderson.
e would like best of all to see her
i to full swing and the Starke's second and third teams crowned.We .

,pected to do Its part to help played the !greater part of the Seniors have gotten en'r.getlo .e

county go over the top in Its game with the first team being and have taken the job of Shown above, with their fighting clothe.* on, are Ooiu-h HoMm "oM rt'Uablt'M"-thf'l' first string/;

Most of us will help for allowed only nine minutes in tho selling Coca-Colas in the hall at Tornado Hiio-up -that ban. utartfd moat of the Turned !Ramon this HCaxoii. From left to right i Hill 11..1 P "h.n trance: the, Blood

realize what an Important over game. Charles Mooney, reserve noon every day as our project.Hampton Buritey, right ('mh; Steve "'('Idon. right tackle; I'hll Sliufonl, right guard; Bobby lllKKXt .....nh.rhr.: of Hnrmful ItmlVa..l
it Is that our boys half-back showed up well and !Is Your ktdnr fH>n.r *nty filteringwaat (
g that Ion Manning left guard; Charles Thornton left tactile; Hobby Haikmliklo, Itrhl; Thortiiv Weds- .matter From:: :th*blood atram. Butkidney.
have the equipment expected to see plenty of actionIn . .. . . . Andernon InUf. ..0m..Um..tat In thMr workdtt
need. We know that the the coming season. The last worth quarterback; It. J. Turner left halfback; Hobby Turner, fullback; John riulit; not art a Nuturo' In..nded-t.iI to rvmov -

buy mean more bombs) few games have seen the Tornadoes I hack tmpurltlf that if retained. may
we txttuftn the ay Mom and ui' *t tbt whole
-Berlin and Tokyo better modequipment meeting opponents who do body m.rhln.ry.

for the wounded not furnish enough of a threatto Ily Mrs. :M. C. Hwrcney and Wesley Hersey of Jackson I Naitla A\.nn8. New York N. Y. I STATIC OF FI 'JIlinA to: MmHannnh '. pfltmintvnt Symptoms: i hoadnrn may: h,.attarka nagcinf ul baokacb diaatnvaa: **
many other things that make the Starke gridders go . . . You are riutreil to appear onPttrcmbrr I' Demon iirlKltmlly.. known ..ttih< up oiRhta, awnllmii. putftoiM*
the ville. 11th. 1944. In th.. above 'He Chanii lii>iK"rbnunt llr h>'ni necessary In war. Do all you all out to defeat them, but the B.VITIST U'.SI.U.: The Christmas Play at Pine named Court and cikune. whrrvtnplaintiff I whnNe renldiMioe and )>n.t .offlcitddreHH anxiMy and luaa of pp and utrwugth.Other ..

I to get everybody you know coming game with Newberry It The Women's Missionary Union Level Church which is }x'ingplannl'd Telegraph nprkii divorce.nlmtl i>,,bll..h llrmlfnritCounty l thin I Haven, Connwrtlcut.You In 1.14.1 Chiipnl.. Streut. Net ere..,anmotlmna cn. of kidney burning or bladder acanty UlaQrder orion

hiy another bond. Remember Is hoped, will provide the local of the Baptist Church met at the and practiced by the Order tn' next tour weekly I INMUPK. aro required to appear nn I fr.llu..nt urination.
b better to buy bonds than team with some real competition home of Mrs. Clifford Rahme on Young People under the supervision WltnpnH. my hunt and oUII'lall December 4, 1944.! In t II" nhavnanunl .I treatment This.ahould.. wlawr than doubt neglnct.that prompt IMtoan't ]
.. 8tarkc' Florida" thin November wll..r..I"lhLllltiff
al Court and
nt ranxv I
.....'. hava
'ear them. Thursday last at 3:00: p. m. Mrs of Mrs. Robert Myrick 4th 1944. ix-cUn On Wednesday of next week Doris Hicks had charge of the and Miss Lucille Crosby, hold (OFFICIAL HEAL) A. J. ThomnB, County Teleirrnnh Phnll plibllnli thIN I They have a natton-wid .........&0....>.
the Tornadoes wind up their sea and the topic for the Tuesday evening. All Clerk of i raid, Couurt Order In next four weekly IHIMIOII. Ar.reommndiM by grateful paopl.u.. r
itobiographyMartha program practice every William, r>. MoruHn, J. ok onvlll... WltneHa my hnml and offlclaeal I oountry 0".'. Ad, your "'U"buo'
Colley son against Cross City in a game afternoon was "The Study of the Mrs. W. E. Hall left this week Florida Atty. for Pit. ll10-4t-12l] | at ftnrke, Florida thin Oo I II
Frances that promises to be a thriller. Countries of South America". At for Macon, Ga., to meet her sister I tnher 80, 1944.(0FFi'IAL ft
born on April 27, 1928, ICI;A J.) A. J. ThumaiAn .I DOANSPILLSi
was town of Hampton. the meeting's conclusion Mrs Mrs N. A. Reiber of Cross- IN nnri'iT roi-H-r. nni UIA'N.fKHY. >roni. Clerk of* iiald' Court. t
he sleepy Society Notes Rahme assisted by her daughter, vllle. Tenn. They will enjoy a C..t''IITY.' Fl.Ollllltl IN Walter C. Hardnnty, UnvlnnaflrachFla. ,
until 1 I
quiet place for I'lf.
a very Ally ll-S 4t 11.1IDEd
ras changed, Mrs. Hazel Starr\", served Coca family reunion in Macon, Sunday. n..ome ]II. Strobel. Plaintiff vn.
along-then things Collette (Green) Roster's shower Cola and orange drinks with Then Mrs. Reiber will be leaving Mary 13. Strobel. D.t.nd.nt. Can. ,,. 6LS .. .
,nt' say which way. turned out to be quite a success No. S400.OHOKR.
cookies and raisin cake to the for Washington* D. C.. and on to OF PlTnijrATION
lived there off and on for Saturday a. m. Never haveI seven members present i California. ANn NOTICE TO APPKAH I
and attended Hamptonor witnessed so many pretty girls. STATH OF Ftonir to Mary e.I'Itrob..I ,,
years Remember the Sunday School .
whore reilden and adlr '
High School In the' firste. Among those present were students GRADUATES FROM O.C.S. here next Sunday morning. Everyone < ..*. ,. 1748 Clnrkion Street Ualtlmore. of moJerr.I Serving create an establithior -
Then we moved 'to Se. and ex-students of BUS.Couldn't Ensign Fred D. Eiland of th< ., Maryland I
try to be on time. You required. to on went supeiunusual .-; in its reverence, tact, and
lived for a year.r Merchant Marine recently fin are appear
we all who
j where begin naming December. 4, 1944, In the. above i ec,inomy of cost. f
moving from Sebring wed were there but while glancing lahetl his training at the Officer RECEIVES PROfOTlONPvt. : named Court and cure' wherein',
to Ocala and lived there around saw Sara Barefoot and i Candidate School, Fort Trumble, Pitt Newsome, who Is a 'plaintiff neek dlvorr*. Uradford.

a year. Then came the me- Betty Gene Register among the New London, Conn., and Is enjoying member of the IRTC at Camp County In Telegraph next tour shall weekly publtehthiOrder linuen.Wltnenit . 4 1 x

iolla-Starke, where I have students and looking tops. Freddie a leave here with his fan Blanding, has been promoted to my hand and official :
Starke Florida, this No-
eat at ,
1 ever since. I hope to grad- truly makes a delightful ily. .He will leave shortly tor the rank of Corporal. He is the vemher a I. I9H.COFJI'IC'IAL DI!IWITT: C. JONES I,
from B. H. S. In the Spring hostess. Mobile Ala. His brother, Pvt son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry New- BRAD A. J. Thomaa

>r' graduating I plan to at- The dance Friday night again Marvin Elland, Fort Benning, Ga.. some and entered service In 1942. An William Clerk D.of Bald Morgan Court.Clark P'\tIf.\ A.MnULANCE SERVICE) ,.t f

1 F. S. C. W at Tallahassee. turned out to be a success. Everyone spent the weekend here with hit Before entering the service he Jacknnvlll, Fla., Atty fur Flf.

have brown hair and eyes amt seemed to be in the best parents Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ell was engaged In farming. 11.3 4t 11-24, Funeral Director

4 and a quarter inches tall of spirits and was having quitea and. IN nuri'iT (roniT rni\i KommilNTY. >
being time. iv: rinrriT rnriiT. HIHUKOHOroltlMTY '''' FI.OUIIHI IN! ('I1AN.flCHY. .
weigh Morris and Shirley Jean Sealej FI.Olun'l IM! fllAN-'
edted! I won't put in any- We the Senior class, miss <'..:R Y. Phone 7 t
of Cltra were weekend guest! Retails B. Howard. Plaintiff. Y.. Morris hereon, OrlnlnnHy known
g nice about myself. Ahem! Lora (Crews) Anderson extremely of their mother Mrs. Llnnl Walter I* Howard, Lxifendant.Cane 10M Morrla IlemhenKon. Plnlntlff v.. STARKE, FLORIDA
y favorite color is red and I and are wondering if she will : No. 8409. Hannnh ClTnon, OrlKlnnlly known

Just about everything else. I be returning to dear old BHS Sealey.Mrs. S. M. Simmons of Petersburg ANn Olt UI'It NOTIOH OF riTrtMfXTTON TO API'KAIt Cabana Horirerbniini Cnn. No. |S9 llerahttimon.. , ",

ive no special dislikes. In the near future. Lora was Mrs. STATE OF PI.OIUDA to: WBlt..r ORDER OF TTTHUdATION! ., .._
Va. and her aunt ,
married on Saturday night, Nov L. Howard whoa renldenc >. 129 AND NOTICE TO APPEAR '1'1 '6 1
Bertha Pearce, of Starke, were 1
H News ember 11. visiting friends here on,. Wednes t So
We have until Wednesday
ha: week the race for football night, November 29. to select our Jay evening. i io
I Mrs. John Rowell of Marion .
'n bgan. Ann Wilt from our Football Queen. Those competingIn
S. C. and Miss Mary Williamson'
n received the highest num- this are:
of Cerro Gordo, N. C., are visiting l' ''f
of votes from both 9thes. Ida Mae JohnsonSenior.Merry 'w I flu
candidate their cousin, Mrs. L. J. Wynn. .., .It'
There one
Beth Knight-Junior. .
i each grade, ,9 ,to 12, Each Harvene -Watterson-Sophomore Mr. ,and, Mrs. Lynn Hall and 2... M. .,. I

:date has a committee of Ann WiltFreshman.cost I'daughters, Margaret and Luclle 'I
sign managers. From our left the first of the week for ,

a the committee is composed only one cent a piece. Vote Dasher Ga., where they will a ,

itelvene! Davis, Sarah Crews for the most popular girl in the make their future home.

Dcmoregt Eva Mae Triest, school, Ann Wilt.Reporter. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Chaataln t t'j
Helen Adklns. These votes Margie Manlre.6rt had as their guest Sunday the'
lev.[ Fred Dodd of Keystone :
Heights ;

Mr. and Mrs. 1<. B. Wattersor ;. ;1

recently attended the Singing -

: Convention! at Pine Grove church : ;
near Gainesville* The Florida National Group's Portfolio '

Miss Edna Dudley, one of our .
efficient teachers, spent the week i

jerry.end holidays at her home in New I Holds $5,785,800 In Central FloridaBanks ] I II

Mrs. Lawrence Martin and, !
small son Jimmy, who have spent I
he: past several months in Hamp-

"'tryj :on to be near Pvt. Martin, who of the Florida National in these bonds has been helpful 'r

E; is; I stationed at Camp Blanding,
eft on Monday for their home in Group have boundless faith in in stimulating the progress of
Juitman! Mrs. Ruth, Miss Bedenbaugh. has been Florida and know the magnificent these communities . helping'

a recent visitor to Jacksonville.Mrs. values of our state. Backed by them finance improvements \ ,'

Carrie. Lou Williams, of Gainesville and daughter were, these inherent values, Florida which, in turn, make them more ;

supper guests on Thursday night : county, city and road and school desirable" places in which to live
of Mrs. J. T. Guy. I
Buster Greene U .S .Navy, re- district bonds offer a sound inand own property.
turned to his base at Vero Beach also offer'something
on> Sunday after spending a two vestment. But they We invested in these bonds ,

weeks leave with his father, II. more than an invest I <'.
". because sound business judgment \
C. Greene. i
Mrs. Marvin Williams, Mrs. J.L. ', ment. They offer an opportunityfor told us that} they were a goodworthwhile I '

i llfC6c e Yell Williams Mrs. Claude May and I investors to help I finance also I "
> But I
laughter and Mrs. M. C. Sweeniy investment. we were '

totte and children spent last I I I improvements thatstill influenced by the fact that from '

veils yc66L shopping in Gainesville.'ine further enhance the values
the investments
You really should have a pink powder for emergency . . . . . . of the area involved. among many ;I
even which we might have chosen, this
measure to keep you fresh and young-looking .

in these hectic times. For Just os an artist Level Florida National< Group banks one enabled us to assist in the \

begins a portratrwith a base tone end then odds I L hy 1'11'11. II. M. McRaa have $19,500,00.0 invested in development of one of Florida's :

another to give the glow of life, *o you will . . . . .., 4.
Florida and bonds most delightful most promising
Mot FoncS and then city county '
enhance your kn! by using There will be all day services

over If, Renoir Pink by day or the warm at Pine Level Church next Sun- including Central Florida bonds sections.

candlelight glow of Paradise Pink by night. day with a basket dinner on theSounds. \ to the extentof$5,785,800. Seven R+
Everyone come out andhear' We are prpud of our invstcounties 1

our missionary, Fred Don and a number of cities, meet in Central Florida'bonds. . I

Idson.Wm. Guy Hall and family of towns and road and school dis- proud of our share in financing '

Greim( Cove Springs ,attended : tricts in those counties are represented 'g
church lire Sunday and were : public improvements . proud s

inner guests Reddish.of Mr. and Mrs. ,.\ in our holding. of the steady progress Central
Cpl. and Mrs. Ronald S. Wilson Each dollar of our investment Florida is making. *"" ;l l'r

and Mr.and .
and niece Edna Jones
Mrs. B. M. McRae and sons /-

Benny and Lynn were visiting

r Uenotr Pink Powder. for Day Pink*"for.. rmatilla, Saturday night and OF JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA NATIONAL 'V AT ST. PETERSBURG
ids and 3.00 unday.
Er.nine.175 and 3.00 Mot ,one: 10 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Waters FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK > GROUP of BANKS IAT 1 n.ORIDA.IANK ORLANDO
OT. imderen.' .1.75 and 3.00 and grandson Donald of Tampa
Peoay Up.Hck.wonderful with Her1 pow d.' I were visiting Mrs. A. A. Hutchlnn '
AIIDayFoondanon of last week. FLORIDA BANK V FLORIAT
"' d.H 1.00...d1JO the latter part BEACH PSNSACOLA
.ron..1.00 ly. Sh.-do, Opolb.M4SBmMtU5 Mrs. A. A. Hutchinson and AT DAYTONA ,
Gram.LIght Roo.lta
eo-'lqllO.' Scowl',1.50pd lughter Mr. R .V. Alvarez, Mrs. '
plus Paul Underhill and daughter
i lenda of Starke. were dinner AT WEST PALM BEACH AT LAKELAND AT e

: CH DRUG STORE Merritt Other[eats guests of of Lake.Mr.were and Butler Mrs.Mrs.Tuesday Frank Ada FLORIDA. AT NATIONAL KIY WEST lANK.. "FLORIDA.._ AT NATIONAL OCALA BANK. FLORIDAANK AT STARKE

Hammond and daughter Betty, FLORIDA BANK FLORIDA NATIONAL. : BANK

-- ._. ... .. .
.-.....,- c --' .. . .--
"... .


'Vlnlng as chairman, will meet.

I'----SOCIETY Shower Is Given Mrs. Claude Prevatt Methodist Circles with Mrs. L. F. Smith, the first Ladies Auxiliary
CLUBS in Dee ember. Circle
and Monday
OfficersFor The
Is HonoredAt Lallie.
Recent BrideMrs.
For i Number Two, with Mrs. Ferryman Presbyterian AuxUIary .
Lovely ShowerThe New YearThe as chairman, wilj meet at' the social meeting Church lIIetta for

W.M.U. Will D. B. Griffis entertainedwith Chris Perryman home on. West Madison Davis With 1trt t.
Col. and Mrs. Rose Baptist a miscellaneous shower! in home of Mrs. Ira Wilson Woman's Society of Tuesday \lenlnr,
Guests At Help Make Gifts her home Saturday evening honoring was the scene of a stork shower tian Service of the Methodist St. at 8 o'clock Nay,
Honored afternoon,
Mrs. Champ Griffis, formerly given in honor of Mrs. Claude church met Monday
Community Reception For Camp Hospital : Miss Gladys Carter. Prevatt the first of the week. The the meeting being presided over

of the Red roses decorated the rooms rooms used for the games were by the president, Mrs. W. G.
Outstanding event of the social W.M.U.The monthly was held meeting at the Baptist used for games and at the conclusion decorated with chrysanthemums Halle, and opened with prayer by
was the reception tn hon- Mrs. A. Wood.
season awarded to
21 and prizes were and rose buds. %
Nov ,
Church Tuesday
or of Colonel E. C. ROBe; Commanding was opened by the aong "Ye Miss Debbie Phillips, Mrs Geneva The winners In the games played The nominating committee pre-

; Officer of the Station and Thankful,People Come. Smith, Mrs. Ruth Lallement, and were .Mrs. C. Moitt. Mrs. M. sented the following named persons -
Complement, Camp Blanding Mrs. G. D. Gritfls. GreenMrs.. L. for office and they were
: t... read scriptures -
which .took place on Mrs. H.
:Mr 'Rbse, > Mrs. W.
The received Cake, duly elected: President,
of last-week In from ;Palms 107 and honor guest many Kite, and Mrs. L. Newman.
evening .
Thursday the U.S.O. Club, at Temple and 'Matthew, 28, and Mrs. S. E. useful gifts, which were opened fruit salad and tea were served E. Middleton, vice president, Mrs.L.
and admired. The hostess was : ,Mr Wilson. D. Vining; recording secretary
Washington Streets: The entire Sparks led the group In prayer. to the guests by *
assisted in serving,by Mrs. Trudie I The gifts were opened by Mrs. Mrs. E. K. Perryman; corresponding -
community of Stark ooperated itrs.:; R. A. Thomas, program
Crosby, and Miss Genevieve Grtffls. Prevatt and around for secretary, Miss Olive Ray; ,
its of- : passed
this( 'event U chairman' for Circle Two, tookehar.e
in staffing < otson (
Titus secretary -
tdfCoitrdeh. : Roee the', ,,1 f I the guest, to* see.; Those sending treasurer, Mrs, ; j t
,ficial, welcome,, ; of Interesting and hi* family.r[ 4 gramabout Missionary workIn Those present with the.honor gift*,'who were unable to attend missionary "
of ths'U.S.o.Club South America Those taking guest and hostess were.Mrs.,Elvia were, Mrs. E. W. Hayes, Mrs. E. Mrs. I. p Shepherd; social Chris-
: 'Th spacious lobby L. A. Davis
'autumn the were Mrs.S. Chance Mrs. Nellie Parrish, Mrs. Strickland, Mrs. Edna Jones, Mrs. tian relations, Mrs. ;
wts decorated'with part in program and
student work
flowers and foliage and tall pedestal ,E.' Sparks. Mrs. M. F. Hazen, Dora Byrd, Mrs. Geneva Smith, Matt Griffls, and :Mrs. Pansy Youth secretary Fellowship of Mrs. Church-
baskets holding white gladiolas !- Mrs. H. L. Brownlee, Mrs. Tin- Mrs. Ruby DurVance, Mrs. Kath- Sapp.
flanked the receiving line. ley, and Mrs. W. J, Epperson, leen Mosley, Mrs. Ruth Lallement, Those present were Mrs. Maude well; secretary of publications Wood
life, Mrs. ;
The mantel of the huge fireplacewas who led in a prayer; for Foreign Miss Debbie Phillips, Mrs. Doris, Andrews, Mrs. Charlie Moitt, Mrs. I spiritual of children's work, Miss
banked with yellow and Missions. Strickland Mrs. Lula Powell;.Mrs. Jeff Johns, Mrs. Smith Denmark, : secretary
O. D. Griffis Mrs. W. H. Kate Struth; secretary of supplies
Carter Mrs. Fred Halslop, Mrs. Alton
bronzo chrysanthemums. After the program, the meetingwas Miss
Miss Coburn publicity,
Amy ;
Mrs Effie Carter, Miss Colea Inez
Dobbs, Mrs. C. Ward, Mrs.
Standing In the receiving line turned over to the President, Amelia Ray,
Padget and Miss Carleen Mosley. Kelly, Mrs. Bob Halslop, Mrs.
were W M. Edwardrf, representIng Mrs. Hough. There were many "
One Mrs
Chairman for Circle ,
the city and Mayor Chll. A. things to discuss.! The W.M.U.: Louise Newman, Mrs. Alice Kite, .
out of town, volunteered to be responsible for WSO Serves Supper Mrc. June McKinney, Mrs Marg- A. F. Sauls, co-chairman, Mrs. W.
was 'dlll
,Darby, ,who. ;, iDl
G. Halle; chairman of Circle Two, [
Doris ,
aret Prevatt, Mrs. Wynn
Colonel Hone, Mrs. Rose, and their 20 $1.00 gifts and their wrap- To Entertainers
Sewell co-chairman,
Mrs. B. ,
Mrs. Gladys Collins, Mrs. Maxine
daughter, Mica Mary Rose, and pings for soldiers In Camp Bland-
Lee, Mrs. Clorey, Mrs. McGowan, : Mrs. H. C. Ritch.
Con g res sma n and Mrs. Lex Ing Hospital. The gifts will also Senior hostesses from the WSOat
Green. include homemade candies and the Saturday'. at Mrs. Callle Gainey, Mrs. Willie: After serving 23 years as treas- MACHINE PERMANENT
cookies.' Greene, Mrs. Opal McKinney, Miss urer of the society, Miss Amelia
invited into USO
Guests were the Club on Temple and
large club auditorium ,where the There will be, a mission study Washington Streets were Mrs. A. Angelina Thomas, MIss Mary Lou Ray wished to give up the office $9,00
Thomas, Miss Frances Thomas, because of ill health. Words of .
tea table wad centered with a course. Tuesday, Nov 28, to be J.. Thomas, Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. *
Mrs. Lula Dade, Mrs. Charlie McKinney appreciation for her services were Includes
striking tree-shaped arrangementof taught by Rev. Lewjs Haines. It Myrtle ;Anderson; and Mrs Grace Shampoo'and! Style Setting
white and blue-dyed chrysanthemum will meet with, 'Mrs. R. A. Thomas Osbern' Mrs. N. Warren, Miss given by Mrs. Perryman and Mrs.

and red carnations. Mrs. from 10 TOO Ho 11:30: where RepB&entlng the Baptist' Monteen Warren, Mrs. Woods Churchwell. THE PERFECT BASIS

O. U. Beasley and Mrs. A. Z. Ad- tea' and cookies, will be served. Chu{clC"Mrs. ,Sarah Hlgglnbotham Mrs. Gay, Miss Marmle Kelly, Reports were heard from various FOR YOUR, HOLIDAY COIF
king poured tea and coffee and From 11:30: to.1:00: the meeting > amS"4flfrs. Johnson served Mrs.-Yulla Mae,McRae, and Mrs. officers after which echoes
f guests were served a'variety'' win be held with Mrs. S. E. pundlj'Ifcrti''cake on Sunday afternoon a. Newsome. from the district me e tin g in
,open-faced sandwiches, mints and Sparks, who kwill iserve1' a. salad''' << Gainesville were given by Mrs:
group ( Olson, Mrs. Churchwell and Mrs. '
nuts. course, and at/ 1:00: the t,) ,
;' The auditorium was convertedinto will progress to the home of Mrs. On Monday night at-6: o'clock WCTU To Reorganize Ferryman.
a tropical setting by the extensive A. J. Thomas 'for lunch. All a group of WSO ladies served- a The devotional service was led H HAIRCUT

use of banana palms and members are urged to be present spaghetti supper in the wing of I A reorganization meeting of by Miss Olive Ray who read a

other greenery and a five-piece the Club to 45 soldiers,, taking I the Starke W.C.T.U. chapter will number ,of passages from the \r: ". $.1.00.
furnished music through There will be an all day ASSCHclational .piirt be held Friday afternoon, Nov. Bible on thanksgiving, using as
:orchestra in the Bond rally. Those '
24, at the home of Mrs. J. T .
out the evening. Meeting of 19 Baptist her theme the many things we -4 t: ,', '
Churches' at the Starke Baptist preparing and serving, the meal Quigley, from 3 to 4 o'clock. A
have for :which to give thanks.
More than five hundred people Church, on Friday, Nov. 24 al; were Mrs. Junius Smith, Mrs. : full attendance of members and
Including many high-ranking1 officers which Miss Elizabeth Province, Nat Mrs. L .H. friends of the cause is desired. The program subject was Deaconesses l \
Sternberg, Jen-
and their wives from Camp of the Methodist Church;
Blanding called during the even- State W.M.U: Secretary, will be nings, Mrs. Marcus Brown, Mrs. in 1888 Miss Mary Whitehead and
the guest speaker. A pot-luck Birthday Party Miss Sue Bennett the first
ing. Clifton Brown, Mrs. Joe Wilson, were "aI"
luncheon will be served.
Chairmen of the committees Mrs. Edward Burns and Mrs. For Judy GreenJudy to be ordained for this line of
Myrtle Anderson. Homemade pies church work. Mrs. Olson, Mrs.
who were directly responsible WOW Will Meet were .contributed by Mrs. Lex Green celebrated her ninth Perryman and Mrs. Wood each

the success of the event were: To Elect Officers Green, Mrs. W. E. Middleton and birthday anniversary Wednesday gave a part of the program.

Mrs. O. I.. Beasley, general chair- Mrs. Junlus Smith; while the ., afternoon of last week with a Circle Number One, with Mrs.

man; Mrs. L. A. Davis, hostess W.O.W. members will meet at centerpiece for the table was ar- party at the home of her parents,

chairman; Mrs. Jeannette Kin- the Woodman Hall at 7:30: 'p. m. ranged' by Mrs. Jeanette KIncaid. I Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Green, on '" .. ". ". ".
Friday night, Dec. 1, for the pur- North Walnut Street.Chrysanthemums .
of decoration Mrs.
caid, ;
pose of electing officers for the At UDC Convention and other fall I
Edward Burns, chairman of the year 1943. Those who attend flowers were used as decorationsin A1IP

Invitation committee Mrs. Kin- will enjoy an oyster supper .at Treasurer-General of the U.D.C., the rooms where the young Better Buy Those

caid waa also chairman of the the Ritz Cafe after the meeting.The Mrs. L. A. Davis of Starke is guests were entertained by Mrs. ,

refreshment committee and was announcement was made by attending the Annual General: -; Green, assisted by Mrs. S. D. Phil- Q

assisted by .Mrs. .Bertha.' Pearce., Lacy Conway, financial: secretary. Convention which convened in lips and Mrs. P. M. Barefoot. n

1r, .. . -' Nashville: Tenn., on Saturday, A large birthday cake, iced in [ Christmas Gifts
t- : .. . .-.. Nov. 18., Besides performing her pink and blue, formed the cen-
duties as treasurer on this occasion ter piece for the dining table.

Starke's finestRestaurant ,,Mrs. Davis will represent Refreshments of ice cream and '_._"'_ Yes-The Sooner You Shop The
the W. T. Weeks Chapter of cake were served to the 30 guests Better. Uncle
Starke and the Shiloh Record present and novelty candy favors Says All
Committee of the Florida Division were given to each. Judy received Gifts Must Be Mailed By December -

many lovely gifts. 1.
and Bar

. t I CIground I II GIFTS

I .- The I e9 % FOR THE HOME

r "
*, I" + .

,..,'1" And another one of those bril- I on which were splashes
B (tans receptions for which Starke of large yellow daisies, while I Book Ends
Jt8y is growing Justly famous; has Florence Brown chose black lace

i se'o' gone down In history . Impressionable and net . Jeanette Kincald was 8ti 0 Vases

me-I always think becomingly turned out in dark !; '
cP \Oo the last is the biggest and best I. blue silk crepe, featuring the new 9 Fruit Bowls

\ oo . But truly, I'm convinced draped line . Altogether; 'twas 0 Cocktail Sets
we've never before had such : a brilliant
.. a event, and another
Oars a"'\. Av. turnout of gorgeously-gowned of- feather in the social cap of 0 Bon Bon Dishes
ficers' wives (and their 1 hand- ; Starke . .
some husbands, of course) as we i o Crystal Glassware

did Thursday night of last week
Add pleasing new personalities
. I : Cigarette Boxes
Sorry was too busy feast- recently come to town: Ruby Hig-

Ing my eyes to jot all their names ginbotham, wife of the USO- Ash Tray SetsLARGEST
down In my little black book, butI YMCA director . Incidentally,
do remember, of course, the hear they're having to tear out

honored guests-Mrs. E. C. Rose the floor of the big USO . )ecertefoti7' of Cologne
who was most becomingly gownedIn Seems insuf f i c 1 e n t ventilation
THANKSGIVING DINNER poudre blue crepe, featuring underneath caused it to rot . Handsome replica of distinguished! an- SELECTION I I 0 N
the new drape line down the Pranksters around the USO tell tique Waterford gla ta
front . tion Garden Woodland
And or
attractive Mary those who Spice
NOVEMBER 30 drop in and inquire
Rose, tall and sun-tanned, was about the torn up floor thatthey're bouquet. Presented by Old South. OF
quite a picture in flowing white installing I a swimmingpool 4 ounces at 11.00. Larger size

' chiffon . . $1.751STATIONERY
TURKEY 'WITH Hear Lou Shafkin acd

B Eric Hyde never knew it was so
One of the o a t handsome
ALL THE TRIMMINGS much fun to be hospitalized or
gowns in evidence was worn-by
they would have had an operation IN TOWN
Mrs. Marcus
M. Clayton (wife of
long ago > . Seems they'reboth
the Major) who was striking in Match
in the same room at the Pastel Colored Ink To
dusty rose, with seed
State Farm
hospital and having
pearls and sequins . Mrs. a great time, propped are up in Your Favorite Stationery Shade
Charles E. Leatrd (also a Major's
bed. smoking 'big black cigars, ,
0 wife) was stately in black chiffon snit fin i g the flowers admiring
fashioned along severely simple

friends have sent, and reading
lines .
And Mrs. Charles
SIZZLING the latest Issues of Esquire .
B. Callard (wife of Col. Callard) Wonder how the home folks will HANDMADEXMAS
STEAK was lovely In full skirt of pink
ever persuade them to leave? . .
mousselelne de sols topped witha

LOBSTER black bodice Must hastento SOUTH t4 ; ndb f ?JJcx CARDSWITH
add, however, that the Starke Sgreat to see Phil Manasaa
SHRIMP 0 lassies held their own amid all back in town after two years Sentimental as old love fetters, this

CHICKEN this glamour and methinks Liz with the Seabees on Guadalcanal dainty gift box contains Guest SPACE FOR

Nasworthy was extremely well . And speaking of greatthat's Decanter of Cologne, Sachet pillow NOTESChildren's
I turned-out in aqua tulle skirt, the way Phil looks . Talc and Guest Soap. Choice of either PERSONAL

worn with black bodice, beaded inaqua' Seems the terrors of the tropics Woodland Spice or Plantation Gar
.- . must have been overemphasizedor den Bouquet. Sl.OO. Baby Gifts

else our Bradford County boys Toys -"

Dot Powell never looked better are Just too hale and hearty to

SANDWICHES than in her choice of yellow, be downed by a little thing like
featuring the new peplum and that . Glimpsed Phil giving
beaded in pink 'and blue . some hot tips on the corner of
SALADS I V Verna Demorest was striking In Call & Walnut to Merrill Struth CARPENTER'STHE
lipstick red jersey, along Vene- another Seabee who hasn't been
made to order tian lines Virginia Smith across yet, but expects to soonVelI

looked particularly pleasing in . .
yellow silk crepe and Bess Burns STORE

f made me think of a Grecian goddess \ . Guess that about REXALL DRUG

325 TEMPLE AVENUE In a draped model of heavenly winds up the little black book for

blue jersey featuring a flowing this time. . So long . See Starke Phone 64IP' ,_ Florida
scarf . Margaret Duncan you in the next . .
wore a gown with a black back- Carolyn..

r .


-..." ., ..' ,.,-;" ,.h... ........',. ... "'M"._,.. "',,"' ..".".). ,"" .. .>.. ." ....'. ..'..... "' ....., .. .. .....'''''' "" ''' '''' ''-....""'''''., .,.''. .'-.n. ;.\ aiasS*' ''' "'=,:-!!.1' =-- _...-,-- --, ."-""".-"''''''''' ''.'''"\',"'''.'':''.''. rm..".,,.y+...''..l'I': '. I'I'.p ,, r

'A" "R"D" .o..n.\ .IM.'S.'J.A': : rtVK "I

tp, KQVKMBKIt 84, 1944 CX>tJNTT R'G".

BITS of LOCAL NEWS I Mr.Mrs.Davis J.Trenton Davis accompanied Monday and Royal AmbassadorsConclude Mrs. N. B. Rosier, Jr. Buys First Bond Need FurnitureThe

u spent several days there.J. Successful Honored At Shower When the doors of the Florida local Red Cross office Is

*==- I "Focus Wee)<" Starke opened badly In need of additional furni-
Bank at were
Mrs. N B. Rosier, Jr., who before -
' Grtffuirspent.Wed- Mrs. L. S. Hutto Mr* M. C W. Prather arrived Wednet: to con-
] ture. Anyone wishing
T her marriage last week wa Monday morning at 9 o'clock
Jacksonville.i Wells, and Miss Garnita Hutto day from Los Angeles for a.weeka' The Royal Ambassadors of the tribute tables,,. chairs or other articles -
|.j In Miss Collette Green, was the hon- Mrs.. I. Lecln of the Bradford
spent Wednesday In Jacksonville, visit with his parents, Baptist Church observed their of furniture suitable for
i Mary Loraine Stockwell ofSid visiting Mrs. TIllman Hutto. Mrs. W. C. Prather, and Mi Focus Week during the week of or guest at a miscellaneous morning show at Photo Shop was waiting In front. office or waiting room, please
was the guest Sunday of and Mrs. A. F. Sauls. Nov. S through Nov. 11. er given Saturday "I wanted to be sure to be the telephone 35. All donations will
W. M Wlm-
Cpl. and Mrs. Lonnle Dobbs of the home of Mrs.
Carolyn Keene. The boys presented their mothers ? to start the 6th War be greatly appreciated.
Tallahassee spent Sunday afternoon Mrs. MyrUce Carpenter had as with beautiful durIng berley on North Church St. The one
noW for the beat M>Iec" with Pvt. and Mrs. Alton guests last week her mother, Mri the services on the precedln hostesses were Midges Betty Tur- Loan off by buying a $1,000

of IP XztUloS Gifts at LeJJa'. Dobbtf. W. T. Jackson of Baconton Ga.. Sunday. The Pastor Rev. Lewis nert Seleeta Sparks and Freddie bond," she suld. ET'REAL
femphta. and her sister, Mra. T. T. Lon, Halnesi opened the Focus Week Wimberley.The YOU CAN
: Pvt. Paul Hutto of Camp Blan-
L T Guy Is } of Ga. front room was decorated
J Ft. Bennlng,
1'9. with an Inspiring to Ihe Girl Scout News
visiting her son-m-Uw; and, ding,and'Orangeburg, S. C., Bpenthe' menage with pink and white gladioli and RELIEF'ACID'
boys and'commended their mothers -
htar.1otaJor" Wallace M. Jop- \ weekend with Mrs L. S.I We have a beautiful electloi the table was centered with an '
on their part in being faith The Girl Scouts have decided farm
Joplin. '" Hutto of Xmas Costume JewolrjnlMht of small white
d Mrs. .and family. glfta. ; fulduring the year by reminding arrangement chrys !
gown and robe seta, gowiu: anthemums. Ref r e shments of that the money we received from INDIGESTIONCarpenter's
W. r...' ; olnar,, 'Mrs, M7 C. Wells was calledTesdayplght the boys of their meetings.
r. and Mrs. handkerchiefs and scarf Shop| salad, sandwich, potato chips the War Fund Drive will bp ap-
Joiner 'and :Ml s ) to Pensacola to attendthe' For Knightly deeds during the
Elizabeth l>lla'.. served buffet
at cokes
and were plied toward a room of our owna i
all of Atlanta,:Oft., funeral of her brother week the boys gave out
Egart, winning tracts and were "specIally style, after which the honor guest room In which we ,will be.
-uests of Mr. and'Mrs.,JU D. ln-law. Philip Wells. She plan Miss Eunle Willis, who has recently .
kind in some to a way her gifts. meet have other activities
to remain for a short visit. completed teaching several way opened able to and
>g- courses in home nursing In thi ward boy who Was' lost. Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Rosier, are at We have been selling)
Wednesday night the boys had
district, returned this week to Red present living with Mr. Roster's Christmas cards and have sold
Cross Headquarters In Atlanta, charge of the Prayer Meeting parents in their home on Call 160 boxes. I '
HERE GOOD FRIENDS MEET Ga. to be reassigned. I Royal Service.Ambassador They put meeting on a with St. loan Carpenter Scribe Drug Store

I the Intermediated having charg< . -
Merrill Struth who is stationed '
LARRY'SBLUE with the Seabees at Tort Hue- i of the program. It was taken , , .":11.. ',

neme, has arrived to speed a 10- I from World Comrades and wai
day furlough With his mother, "The Good Neighbor Policy Toward Large Selection of Beautiful
South America". After the '
Mrs. W. II. Struth and other relatives -
program, five boys received armbands t
and were made pages, a.nll

MANAGEMENT OF LARRY LEWISBARBQ Mrs. ETfle Johns had as guests three received the crown for I FLOOR and TABLELAMPS
Sunday, her sister, Mrs. Men Knights, and three the laure I
S- McCutcheon and her niece, MraJ branch for Ambasl
J. Gross, both of JacksonvilleMrs. Ambassador Extraordinary rii
Johns is now visiting Mra. was awarded to Lewis Halnea, Ji o =
McCutcheon in Jacksonville.Miss After the awards, V. H. Garden, I i I
the Intermediate Leader, gave the
Gayle Sewell, who Is ,a History of the Royal AmblLlllJa-
senior at the Florida State College dors.
for Women, at Tallahassee, Thursday night 25 boys enjoyed -
spent the week-end here with her: a wiener roast in the

pare n t s, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. woods. '' )
Sewell.Mr. Thirty-five boys are now en 'XM ,\S GIFT'S
rolled In the two chapters tits' ;

and Mrs. W. H. Struth and Renfroe, Young People's Secretary PRICED
.' daughter Kate, had as week-enc for the State, said that a
. .
guests, Mr.' and Mrs., W. 1.. Edwards '- Starke has the best Chapter i lithe : 'p
o STEAK e. CHOPS and 'daughter Fredrlka and State and one of the best lithe '

Mrs. Frank G. Bauk right of! South. Mrs. Clyde, PrIest 4' A& $14.50 to $21.55 '
CHICKEN Jacksonville and Mrs.: Elmo I I.
Struth and children, Rodney and
OYSTERS o SHRIMP Kathy of DeLand. Methodist Church :

Mrs. Inez Kelly and Mr. and Announces Plans YOUTH BEDS MATTRESST& WITH $39.50

BEER Mrs. W. R. Halslop, left Wednes For ThanksgivingA SPRINGS; ,
day morning for Plant City
While there, Mrs. Kelly will have special Thanksgiving!: !: Service
an operation performed on her will be held at the Methodist BEAUTIFUL PICTURES LIVINGBOOM:: g $6.50 t

''KN:: 9 A. M. 2 A. M. EACH DAY EXCEPT MONDAY eyes In Tampa. Mr. and Mrs Church, Wednesday night, Nov I
Haislop are going to visit rela- 29, at 7:30 o'clock The Rev,
BREAKFAST LUNCHEON +DINNER lives. Garfield Evans of Holguln Oren- HIGH CHAIRS $6..50 to $12.50
tal Cuba, a Florida boy who hat
Just arrived: Lady Love 8- been serving in Cuba for a number -
SANDWICHES & SHORT ORDERS gored sups s $3.25 and 93.98, at of years will be present and
LeI1 's. will speak on the subject of NURSERY CHAIRS $3.75to$8.50 t 't-

Mrs. Eugene M. Long and little "What "America has to( be thankful .

daughter, Mary Ann,were brough 1 for. ;
i Tuesday from Riverside Hospital Mr. Evans has been serving ai IT'S A FACT YOU CAN DO BETTER AT
District Superintendent over<< the
to the home of Mrs. Long's par
NAT SEZ: ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dowling,, eastern end of Cuba, Including "
Pfc. Eugene M. Long received an more than a million and a quarter John H. Denmark Furniture Co.
:: Everybody's wonderinghat'* people, and Ire will describe
.. extended furlough and ,was thus I .; I
I r Hitler. personal of those whom he ha: 'FL I
'become'-w "My able to be here to bring his wife tho lives ; PHON151 STARKE, '.
opinion it that If1 j Nome smartY and baby back to Starke. He will been serving. Ho la one of the
guy would go to Nazi headquarter beat-informed speakers on thIs FURNITURE
return Sunday to his station al WE BUY GOOD USED
1 !* and look under the nearest Geneva Nebraska. subject today, and those who attend .
bed, the mystery would be solved.If this meeting will hear a
you think Hitler is worried graphic description of Cuban life
sick now, Just wait until he hears Masons To Welcome There will be special music, and

that Bradford County has gone Visiting OfficialA everyone is invited.
over the top In the Sixth War The regular Thanksgiving sen

Loan Drive. Boy, will he start regular communication of vice will be held Sunday morning, We Have-
chewing rugs then! Bradford Lodge No. 33. F. & A. Nov. 26 at 11 a. m. and the pastor Yes!

M., will be held at the Lodge Hall] I will speak on the topic ol
Monday night, Nov. 27, at 8 o'- "National Security". The choli
clock. At this time the Lodge' will render special Thanksgiving el

'f, will be honored by a visit from music and Douglas Austin of Pa '
the Most Worshipful Grand Mas latka, outstanding baritone, will I i! F
" AMy $
ter and refreshments will be served be the soloist. ; -
/:,If at the Methodist recreation The evening service will be held t-
at 8:30 for Master Masons at 7:30: o'clock with Sanford tJ
i.t building
,__. __ .. '_ : and their ladles. All members Ritch leading; the congregational J
and visitors are Invited.C. singing of familiar hymns. Thi "
topic will be, "The Influence -
A. Futch, Secretary. "
\ of a Life.
BAGS The Youth Fellowship! meets al 'r.
6:15: for recreation. Program begins LIVE ,
Birth Announcements at 6:45: and all youths 12
years old and up are Invited.
PLASTIC & LEATIIEIt it 1" The Bible.Story Hour with Visual OR
Aid illustration Is held each
Tuesday afternoon immediately!
$3.95 to $10.95Plus D after school. All who are Interested DRESSEDANY )

Tax in learning more about
the Dible are invited to come tothe SIZE I
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Underwood Recreation Hall. The BIble

Starke, daughter born Nov. 15. story, motion singing and refreshments -
Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Burch, are features of this pro

Starke Mr. and son Mrs.born Hershel Nov 15.Waters_ ..rq Place Your Order NOW s

; Lawtey, son born Nov. 15. gram.ATTENTION
''i// 1I.A 1I.\\ : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee, '

Starke, daughter born Nov. 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Batten,
Mr and Mrs. W. R. Brown,

Starke, daughter born Nov. 22. -. LINE OF FEED WE'VE HAD IN TWO YEARS
IOBESBeautiful Mr. and Mrs. Leon DiCandlo of I
thIs city have received word Fleece-Lined
from their son, Louie Rogers, ofionolulu YELLOW CORN SNAPPED CORN BEEF PULP >I',

Hawaii, that he and Sleeveless
tfrs. Rogers had a ion born on C-S MEAL PEANUT MEAL
Line .-- ;f
Vov. 2. Jackets ,
'L' r.

lading Satin, Cardu- - -- iiifI JUST TilE TIliNG FOR g




TO -. Large Assortment $7.50 .,

$16Sternberg's. 0 tthfl1.U1 t ! ; $1.00 to $5.95 WERE $9.50- Carl Johns Store .

PHONE 45 .


Carter Bide., Starke
Adjacent to P. O.



1141- -

.,_. '-"'-' -
: .....,- -


Hints To Housewives called on to extend cranberries WHAT TO FIND IN STARKE = THEATRES GIFTS
for Jelly or sauce. Or citrus relish -- LAND SAKES!

TIIANKSGGIVINd KELISHKS or spiced fruits may do noil-

Because the 1944 cranberry crop Iday duty on Thanksgiving tables. SAVE TIME CONSULT THIS DIRECTORY WHY' RaI4t N aHl/
baa been cut by bad weather to For a delicious raw relish which BAKE? '

about half the size of last year's 'can be kept In a covered Jar In FOR INFORMATION OF CAMP BLANDINO SHOPPING When you can tali).. 1 ;ttW
the refrigerator for a week or : "
crop, home economists of the U. AND RECREATIONAL CENTERsome get such delicious -
two, home economists offer the .
S. Department of Agriculture caftrg and v I
suggest a raw relish AS a good following recipe: 1 cup cranberries FOOD I
at . ,
added to makeit pastries
cored apple Juice FARM NOTESBy
way to stretch scarce cranberriesand ; 1 orange; 1 apple, ; Start Your
1-3 to 1-2 sugar; 1-8 tea- go farther.An Post.W
make the most of their cup Diner TIlE
alternate for cranberry rel- Camp L .T. Dyer, County Agent Planning
salt. Pick over NOW
bright color, nippy flavor and spoon Davis Sandwich ShopFrank's !
vitamin C. Apples also be wash and drain. Cut orange in ish or sauce la uncooked citrus Place
quarters and remove any seeds. relish. Use: 2 apples, cored; 1 Order lowp
Grind berries, apple and orange orange; rind of 1-4 orange; 1 REPORTSWe The Following
Relief At Last rind and all-through food chOp- grapefruit; 1 table pooa' lemon Pearl's Place have 547 farms In Bradford AppQBEDNIX & .
per, using coarse blade. Combine Juice; 1-4 cup sugar. Put the Milligan'sGIFTS county signed up In the Agricul- -
with sugar and salt. Chill. apples through a food chopper, tural Conservation program. At
tradi- using coarse blade. Quarter the this time of the year, the farm- SOLDIERS SAILORS
want the
For those who ,
For Your
Cough orange, remove seeds, and put ers are coming to my office and AUTOMATIC:\
tional red, tart Jelly or sauce, through food chopper with the Gislain's making their report on soil con- AND MARINES: JlO.\1E: LAJ;
Creomulslon relieves promptly because apples can be called on. to stretch rind. Peel grapefruit, remove sec servation practices carried out DRY
it goes right to the seat of the Juice and membrane and cut In Hollywood Camera the for which the --
the cranberries. Apple tions from during year
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid natureto cranberry Juice may be combinedfor small pieces. Combine with ap- and Gift Shop government payment will be HOT POINT
soothe and heal raw tender, Inflamed clear Jelly. Or apples maybe ple, orange, lemon juice and sugar Wonder Gift Shop made. To date, over half of UEFRlGERATORg
bronchial mucous mem- cooked with cranberries for Chill overnight to blend these signers have reported and. ?
branes.Tell your druggist to sell youa RANGES
bottle of Creomulslon with the un- sauce. When cranberries are flavors. Makes 3 cups.New MILITARYSUPPLIES signed their application for pay WATER
derstanding you must like the way it made Into a strained Jelly, a good ment. The others are urged to HEATERS;
quickly allays the cough or you are deal la lost in straining out skins . . e . . e e do so at the earliest date possible
to have your money back. and seeda. A more economicaluse that the conservation checks As
so These
GREOMULSIONforCouehsChest:: is a jellied sauce with the RiverBy Ben Susldw's Army Store may be received as early as poss- They all able We Become Av '

: Colds,Bronchitis whole berries left in and perhaps Gislain'sP. ible, as it requires from 30 to Will Fill Ord

the SchoolMISCELLANEOUS S. Stores I 60 days after the application is ,:In Order of Applied!
e e . . e . . ShaCkin's sent to the State Office before LIKE to EATat --
check is received the
SHOWER the by
The Stag farmer. We are expecting the the LAMPS
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Wigginswere
lAJonclerjift Shop honored with a miscellaneous PHOTOGRAPHYHollywood first checks to be received before & DESK LAMP
shower Sunday afternoon at Christmas this year. Each year
the New River Baptist Church Camera & the farmers of this county receive CAMPDINER

MRS. BESSIE DAVIS, PROPRIETOR from 3 to 5 o'clock. About 200 Gift Shop these approximately. $20,000.00 In RADIO
were Invited to this occasion. payments.DAIRY

Mrs. Ardell Crosby furnished TAVERNSBlanding FEED
music for '30 minutes with old- SERVICEWINKIER
time singing. Refreshments of
Ris I Center Bat four dairymen of the
10 delicious home-made cakes
NG, with Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and Bob's 'TavernTHEATRES county,'M. L. Conner, F. C. Pet- Corner Call & CherryFeaturing
erson, W. P. Jones, and T. A. \
served O
Choose Early hot were on one
y submitted their
end of the, long covered table Graves have applications -
for their dairy feed the best ,
while the other end was linedwith
1 FROM OUR ARRAY nice, useful gifts. Florida subsidy payments for the monthsof ELECTRIC(
September and October The
/; OF t\\ Thanks Park Government is making a subsidy Steaks & ChoDs

We thank our many friends andrelatives Ritz payment to the dairymen SERVICE
6000 L._. Open 9 A. M.-9 P M.
for; ui nice shower" to offset the high cost of feed 226 Temple Ave.
given us Sunday afternoon. Every of Mulberry. She was accompanied at rate of 90 cents per 100 Daily Except Thursdays

x GIFTS ANDSOUVENIRS gift is useful and appreciated home by Mrs. Hunt, who pounds of milk sold.. These applications -
so much. will spend a few days with them are routed through the
:Mr. and Mrs. M. F. WigginsSeaman and enjoy cane grinding. 1 State office In Gainesville, at
"" end of each two month
l-c Shy Brown, who Is Mr. and ,Mrs. A. P. Johns and periods.

stationed in Maryland, Is spend- children Miss Virgie Souther- AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY PEARL'S
ing a 15 day leave with his par- land and brother David were COMMITTEEAn PLACE

ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hodges, guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Agricultural Advisory Committee
SEE OUR ALLIGATOR BILL FOLDS and other relatives. Conner and family of Midwayone is berg set up throughthis
night last week.
Mrs. Evert 'Lane of St. Cloud office to assist returning war STEAK CHOCHICKEN
Gifts for Every Member of the Family recently spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Douglasand veterans who wish to locate on a

her mother, Mrs. Fronnie Moody children of Brooker were farm. The purpose,of the Com- '
and other relatives.Mr. visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Andrews mittee ia to advise about the location w

BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS and Mrs. -Maston Hayes of and family Thursday night. suitability, and value of
Gainesville were visiting Mr. and _Mr. and Mrs. Jay Moody.were Farms, and about other problemsthat .

'WE WRAP MAIL INSURE Mrs. C. E. Andrews and family shopping in Gainesville, Monday.A. might arise. SEAFOODBEER
last Wednesday.Mr. C. Brown of Green Cove ;:iU

and stamp with "Do Not Open \ and Mrs. Delbert Green of Springs was visiting Mr. and Mrs. LOVES BRADFORD COUNTY a

'Til Xmas" Seal Lake Butler spent last weekend Melton Kerce, Saturday. I The Telegraph ia in receipt of R Rto
-I Mr, and Mrs. O. E.Crosby and
with her parents, Mr and Mrs.J. the following communication from
children were visiting Mr. and
S. Snowden. Mrs. Adam Andrews of Lake Mrs. G. W. Mann Sr., ,1812 Sandwich
Mrs. Taft Elliot and son Tom- !
Butler, Sunday.of Church St., Jacksonville 6, Flat: .
mie of Haines City, Mrs. N. A.
SARGE'S Alachua were visiting Mr. and I '
Conner, :Mrs. T. N. Conner, Mrs. "Will you please print these
Mr. and
Mrs. Stringer, Mr. and
Iris McRae of Midway, have recently Mrs. Bryant Lynn and children Few words of love and gratitude NOW\ OPEN 321 Temple Aj

visited Mr and Mrs. A. P. of Alaucha were visiting Mr. and for good old Bradford Countyfor
PLACE Johns and their children. Mrs. M. F. Wiggins, Sunday. my son who was born and

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Raulersonof Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Andrews raised there until he was 18 years
STARKE'S ORIGINAL Jacksonville spent the weekend and mother, Mrs. Jessie Andrews old. He is now a Seaman 2-c in
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. of Jacksonville are enjoying a the: Navy and sends his love and
San Whltehead. three days visit with friends and best wishes to all his friends la The
ARMY STORE Seaman 2-c Leslie Whitehead relatives. and around good old Bradford.

of Camp Perry, Va., spent last Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Johns and fie writes that he still has Brad-
weekend with his wife and par- family and Pete Sapp enjoyed the ford in his blood and wants to
Authorized by the War Department KIck-Off Rally for the 6th War make It his future home for himself $64

Operated by an ExSoldierHEADQUARTERS ents.Mr.. and Mrs. Cecil Sapp and Loan at the Florida Theatre In and his family. His addresIs
: Geo. W Mann Jr., Sea. 2-c,
children Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Starke Monday night.
Alachua were visiting Mr. and We are' very sorry to lose Mr. USS Shea. D. M. 30 St. Dlv., care Question
Mrs. G. W. Andrews Saturday and Mrs. A. V. Varnes, who have of FPO, New York, N. Y.
for all afternoon.Mrs. moved near Starke. Mr. and Mrs.

Rosa Plnholster of Brooker -" J. M. Kerce have moved into the sonville is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Military Supplies I i spent the weekend with Mr, house they vacated. Lawton this week.
and Mrs. M. F. Wiggins. Seaman and Mrs. Harold Sapp What is more
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Andrewsand C e e e e e e e e e e e e and Mr and Mrs. Harry Sappof

children of Morris ton. were Jacksonville were visiting Mrs. refreshing and relaxing -
Novelties & Jewelry visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph BrookerBy Nora Sapp, last weekend.Mrs. .
Andrews, Sunday. D. Hunt of Mulberry Is than a few
Mrs. II L. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Atkinson
visiting Mrs. Balney Mott this
I e e . . e . e e pleasant hours
D. C. Nettles and son Elbert at- week.

tended the birthday dinner at Pvt., Gene Long of Nebraskais with
Ben Suslow's the home of the former's mother, 1\1': rnirriT COI-HT. l"I"II.'ono good friends
visiting relatives here this COI'MTV.' FLORIDA| IN: CII.W
Mra Mary Whitehead of Ralford, week. eeIiY.Paula over a bottle of _
Sunday. She was 51 old. .
years We McMakrn. Plaintiff vs. Oil.r
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parrish of are glad report that ve McMaken, Defendant. Cuso No. mellow beer?
Mrs. Coleman Dees was brought
Store Brooker with Mr. 3417.OnDER
Army spent Sunday home from the Alachua OF PUBLICATION
and Mrs. Sam Whitehead. County AND NOTIfR TO APPEAR
Hospital in Gainesville, Sundayand STATE OF FLORIDA to: Oliver
Mrs. E. A. returned home nothh
Sapp klcMaken You're
/Is much improved. whose residence la unknown right there's
209 E. Call
< Starke, Fla. Sunday after two weeks visit : .
Miss Stella' Mae Hayes Is You
with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hunt recuperating are required to appear on
nicely from a tonsilec- December lUll, 1944 In the above like it.
named Court and cause. wherein eE4Ii's.
tomy in Gainesville. last week. plaintiff seeks divorce. Bradford
AT FIRST Mrs. Josephine Catty and County Telegraph hall publlah this
\ SIGN OF daughter Frances, of Jacksonvillewere Or-d.r.r In.. next four weekly 'ieaues.sealiat .. !
\ FAIL TO my hand and official ? TAVEK
AO WillI visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee mherat8th.tnme4 *' ""' NOV'
Gainey, Sunday.
o"VISIT. C : 666 Mrs. Grace' Dukes and familyof (OFFICIAL itarrieon SEAL Cl ) A. J. Thomas Court. Bob Jones Mgr.

usE Dukes Station were visiting J. S. Jacksonvllle, Flor- ,
% Atty. for Plf.
Mr. and Mrs. 0 W. Rimes, Sun ll10-4t-12)l| )
THE Cold Preparations as direcfsdlII day.Mr. !
and Mrs Jack Simmons
and Richard Simmons of Gainesville
DAVIS SANDWICH SHOPNext were visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Noon Mott, Sunday.

To Davis Bar returned Fort Howard Benning Douglas, 011.., - -- >.. !... ,.

Wednesday after spending a few -w...'" ';;:j
# -
Where You Will Get days leave with his parents, Mr. ;
and Mrs. J. K. Douglas.
Mrs\ Lucille Baxter and Mrs.
HAMBURGERSMade Allle Harrell of Jacksonville were
-" visiting Mr and Mrs. Wade Har- SHAFKIN'STHE

From rell and other relatives here on
9t. Sunday.Mr. .
Fresh Ground'' s tJoocluc1 and Mrs. Emery Hazen
have purchased G .B. Colaon's

to find a four-leaf clover- farm near here and are now re- STORE
SIRLOIN STEAK Biding there.

it's better luck to have Accident Sgt. and Mrs.: Claude Smith .

have returned from visiting Sgt. A SOLDIERS 'KNOWENUFSED
Swift's Premium I Pure Florida Smith's parent In Maryland.Mr .

*. T. W. },[arkey, :Mrs. Lee
I Charley E. Johns Green and Mrs. Rosa Plnholater

HOT DOGS | ORANGEADEOPEN Agency Mrs.attended Floyd the Wiggins shower la for New Mr.Riv and !

EVERY DAY TIL 12 MIDNIGHT Phone IS STARKE FLA.IfeprwM er.Cpl., and Mrs Pasco Mott of

Closed All Day Each Friday Valdosta Ga.. were visiting relatives Jewelry Gifts \ Unit
ting THE TRAVELER: *.Hartford. here last week.
Mrs. Bessie Brannen of Jack-

fl J

-- r .. .

j _. -

! rl


Company for use In P-47 Thun gine crankcase Introduces a I Ii Rural CommonsenseHAMMERING performed. handy for youths who reach college -'which should not be overlooked. I
fperfectsiDevice derbolts. stream of water into the gas I i i The sixth war bond campaign age as the date of maturity I Tho Important thing now Is to
Device Thunderbolts powered by Ford line, while fi de-rlchment valve : AWAY AT is now on aid Florida's rural arrives.Of i win the war and buying bondsIs
attached to the carburetor, leans course, bonds and will one effective to help
engines built In the Rouge plant JOB AND/ BOND DunsoSSE.l folks are pectrd to com can very way
lane Engine out the mixture. be used for things after do it.
comprise 60 per cent of t! S. TI"\L VICTORY through again In this phase of many
L water-lnjectlon device fighter plane strength. The ad- Added engine efficiency is the war program. Thus far. they the war, but education ia oneiJ
It is highly important and necessary -
LC8 pilots to ob- ded power makes the engines achieved by leaning out the mix- have bought hundreds of thousands
fighter American to
every of dollars worth of bond, STARKE
one-third ad- among the most powerful In the ture. However a lean mixture
Lximately keep hammering away at his job
counted to
world. produces excessive heat and they are being on
by reducing -
from their and his duties until victory is TRANSFERLocal
tf horsepower Invest additional thousands in .
the etett. iIFALss
emergencies la now When the pilot requires an ad- coolingaction of ex- achieved. STROUT '
K during equipment on all Pratt ded burst of power from his engine cess gas inside the cylinders.) Production of war crops, weapons bonds in the forthcoming cam .G..t..t ."....rtl... of rA ro.otrs.roperer TN -
enjit he presses a button. A water Water Injection overcomes this ii..d. over And
,v2.000 horsepower by keeping the cylinder temperature and equipment mutt con- "No one can tell whether our .?? .aim of ._
Motor regulator attached to the enFLORIDA -
by the Ford within the bounds of tinue on the huge scale necessaryfor war in Europe will be won and tl.r.r. from all. over thework
operating Distance
IIMInir.E. Long
.. and Its allies to . oven
while this country ended this year We know;
--------- efficiency the engine .STROUT REALTY AGENCY
is functioning on a lean mixture. I win this war as quickly and as that the cost of it will not end I Hauling
Water regulator and de-rlch economically aa possible. And with Germany's auurrender' ," Represented
ment valves automatically com- buying war bonds to finance the Treasury Secretary Henry Mor- I Locally by
o pensate for changes In atmos- war is also neceasary. ) genthau, Jr., said recently. "In F. C. IIOLLINGSWORTH 215 Call St.GVlrybocy .
pheric pressure and temperature. There have been five successful I the Pacific we can be sure that 116 S. Walnut St.
At frigid altitudes a mixture of war bond campaigns since the I the road to Tokyo will prove
00 long and arduous . We are still
cent alcohol and
per !
per war began, and most folks have I
cent water is used. faced with the task of raising
pi potlightt The device Is especially valuable bought bonds in each of- these, I huge Hums to prosecute our warrelentlessly I
in combat, when added but this duty Is just as pressingnow : wherever on the
t it alues speed frequently means the difference -I as it was in the first cam- globe an enemy remains with a
between life and death. paign and it Is one that must be gun in his hands."
_._ _. As long as the fighting con-
.... ...... u
--- ------------ ---------' I tinues, the food, equipment and
SHELL NOVELTIES &. COS- WE CAN USE MORE PULPWOODWRITE I weapon must be provided for' v o
IE JEWELRY & BLANDING MONO- ,our armed forces and our allies,
TOYS FOR TIlE KIDDIES TIMBER DEPARTMENT: and these thing requlro moneyat .
Mil CONTAINER CORPORATION OF" AMERICA I well aa! effort from us.
\DISTINCTIVE WOODEN PURSES FERNANDINA, FLA. In addition to this!, there's another :7 / /
lE) IN FLORIDA GIFTS FOR ALL Important reason for buying -'
.. ci i n
---- ----------------- ) war bondi-the Investment of }
'I: LOVED ONES. money for future use. There Is
no farm family that will not be I
FOR SAFETY, COMFORT: AND ECONOMY RIDE better off from having war bonds ABOUT
DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR for buying things they need and
FLORIDA MOTOR LINE BUSSES for making improvements in
BEAUTIFUL homo and farm after victory. One H
FOR COURTEOUS CORRECT INFORMATION very effective use for war bonds
XMAS GREETING CARDS PLEASE PHONE 117 In education. .c77nk :
X boys! and girls now In. grade
school will be ready for college !
UNION BUS STATIONLACY 10 years from now, when bonds
will mature and pay off four dollars \{
CONWAY, Agent for three invested. Honda /iine
bought now will come In mighty
Temple Ave. Starke, Florida

ilSLAIN' ,
----g-- --- .jt

YOUR Service Careful Drivers !

KOCH DRUGSTORE FREE STARKE TAXI SERVICEand WAY! Restaurant Hours: Exc to pt 9 Tuesday ;,



MACK'S TAXI SERVICEPhone Let Us Dm Clean .,'

The[ Latch StringIs 150 Your Winter Wardrobe -' If You're looking :


Always Out O Day Night O for the best .


Guaranteed To HAMBURGER !, b

H-E-R-E Please! s


.tt.. en NEW HO
I I r :



0:: Call 1St. Next Door To Western Union .e town '
31.1/ .,Temple Avenue TRYMULLIGAN'S



. the gift
0r4G C r: TIEt:2:? BAR that will be

appreciatedmost $
MAYBELLE J. HYDE, Mgr. ; l lu




\r 1t s .'N i k I I
H Ha '


J I a adb I

ill' TvIoinen like ti
.- TILL they know If lt'. on

9 I". M. NO API'DINTMENT- the market they'll
STEAK CHOPS Your find It on our
nhelveti. They also
NEEDED.: know-and this lit
CHICKENBEER Portrait Important that the rf'
PRICE will be



Sandwiches And Short Orders I

N0VF1IR. _.

-' --- .
ing course here Is certainly a

great credit to his patriotic determination Predicts Increased Investment :

Service Parade to serve his countryto ,
the fullest extent. By American Farmers During
".r...'. and friend. at mrrvli-f men lire nuked 'o hrlnv nw. /terra unitlnrri
Trlricriiph for piiblloi.tlon. Hrrvlrv "." and womenKrnph "Many In: young Amerlcat
l<- 'o The
sue asked to write. The ..... telling of their ncl."'ltl.... such as he, whom we have helper Sixth War Bond CampaignWASHINGTON

.- to train as aerial crewmen, have .. .. -
-- ----------- - ,
AWARDED PURPLE HEART training program to prepare for already distinguished themselves 1..-A predlclion
that American farmers will ings Bonds makes them as liquid asa
Sgt. Percy Green, son of Mr. I duty as Radnrman on the swift In tho field of battle and their Invest more money in bonds during dollar bill it is no longer necessary -

and Mrs Levy Green has been new invasion vessel. heroic deeds have Impressed the the Sixth War Loan than in any for the farmer to maintain a
1 which previous drive was made today by large bank account to meet possible)
awarded the e i The amphibious ship on world. Although I as much as Mr. Gamble stated.
the War Finance Division of the emergencies/
purple heart for so will\ serve has been designed you deeply regret to see your U, s. Treasury. : Therefore be believes farmers will WAR BOND

wound receivedIn with a'shallow draft that enables husband leave, I have every con Farmers bought $1,250.000.000 PREMIERE

action in the t to negotiate the coral reefs of ficlence that he will carry on this worth of 'War Bonds during 1943.
of Agricultural
according to the Bureau
European Thea- h Pacific Islands. It crosses the great tradition our airmen. have Economics. In 1944 it i Is be- _

tre pf Operations ocean, with Its cargo of tanks established. lieved they can and should purchase Tues. Nov. 28,9:00: P
total of $ Ted M.
Sgt Green ind machines and discharges "I truly wish that time would R. Gamble a national director of the ,

trained In Fort hem directly onto enemy-held permit me to convey a more per- War Finance Division said. ;. -'--' -"
Dlx: and New bores over Its landing-ramp bow.L. Intimate .r ""----
of hisactivities
I Ii Hpnal, message Income at Peak :
York: and bas 1;>. Gahagan, his brother, is here, of the conscIen- The Sixth War Loan starting No- d ::1T- BUY A BOND AND GET A

been overseasfor i" First Lieutenant in the U. S.rmy j tious efforts he exerted: to qual- vember 20 comes at an ideal time 1 r' 1 e
13 months. '\ owon duty overHeas. The for agriculture, lie\ pointed out. FREE
hlmeclf for TICKET
ify combat and to This is not only the time when 1{ n
Mr. and Mrs. two mutt t..t'e the sons of Mrs M. I become art all Important 'member I farm income is at a seasonal peak. n .

Green have another .. .I P. Gahagan.NOWJ ; of his crew, or as we prefer to but 1944 marks three years of rec- tS '. : ..- '-'
,. ord breaking farm income he -
son, Therl. :in service tie I call It, his team. Although the Based on information obtained E

has been In the Navy for 13 SHUTTLE BOMBING urgency of wartime/ training lim- from the BEA the Agricultural '
1 Mrs. Jimmie G. M c M 111 e n, Section of the War Finance Division e2 8
stationed In Pen- its
months and Is my correspondence I do wantto of All Time'!
daughter of Mrs. Bessie Davis of estimates the 1944 cash farm Comedy
sacola. assure you that all of us at income at $20.600.000.000. comparedwith Greatest Romantic
I I Starke has received the follow- Davia-Monthan Field wish for 20000000.000 in 1943. The -r'
ing letter from the commanding Although net farm income due
!SERVES ON LSM: you and your husband the utmost / "',
to higher operating costs may not :
officer at Davls-Monthan FieldIn .
Robert E. Gah.igan a former ucccs on his future mission and be greater than in 1941 most farm .t./ & ,
silent! of Starke, whose wife Arizona where her husband Godspeed for a safe and happy ers now have reduced their debts It ;
recently graduated as a member and consequently will have more 3 .. "
Robert Jack
two BOMS and return to you and to his coun- the '
money to put into War Bonds
reside In Savannah Ga has of a combat crew.
w try. division reports.In Ted R. Gamble -I
teen choKen by the Navy to "It is with very*much pride R. B, Walker' the twelve months reduce Jan. ..

;erve aboard an LSM (Landing that I extend to you my congratulations Colonel, Air Corps, estate uary 1 mortgages, 1944 farmers alone by $050,000 real,. War convert Bonds.part of these deposits Into
Ship Medium), the Speed Car- on your husband's Commanding. 000. War Bond purchasers will providea

rier of Attack that has been especially recent graduation at this combat Dank Deposits Gain farm financial reserve to protect ......
developed for Pacific ARRIVES OVKRSEAS: After paying all operating costs against damage by drought, flood
crew training school. As you and necessary family expenses and livestock disease will assure
duty. no doubt know he Is scheduled ) Mrs. Doris Hicks of Hampton farmers will have left this year for cash to replace and repair buildings tt

Now stationed at the Amphibious to go: Into actual combat soon. II has received notice that her hus- investment and debt reduction over. and machinery as well as to build tt t
5000000.000 the Agricultural Section back soil fertility depleted by war
in Little Creek Va., Gahag- and his successful completion of band, Pvt. Woodrow W. Hicks also estimates., time food production and t

an Is going through the rigorous I the necessarily strenuous train- ,I of the Marine Corps, has arrived Because of the fact that new machinery vide funds for educaiJon. vacations '\
safely;at his overseas destinationin is not obtainable farm de. and old age security. ,
0'r .-.-.- -,- -._ ..- _ _,_._._._ _,. the Pacific. He posits are piling up in rural banks. The high farm income this yearIs
sends his best Demand deposits held by farmersIn the result of the huge increaseIn
regards to 'his many friends of these banks are estimated at farm production to meet wartime .
EVERY BRANCH OF Bradford County and would appreciate 4500000.000 and time deposits at food needs rather than a rise in ;.>,' ", ...
2000000000. Since the new prices, which have been held down
hearing from them. method of redeeming Series E Sav by the OPA/ it was explained. 9 i'

Lt. John Torode American families In these then' ; Leo F. Starling ,<,' ."

nictranceH. Receives tres accompany forward troopsor I fA,

Citation"j set up shop in camps clubs Killed In Action t. IA

'.. and hospitals behind the fighting International Pictures, Inc. pretend'
? lines. Duties the Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Starling

4 situation at hand depend-"from upon serving have received word that their son i Gary COOPER-Teresa WRIGHT/
coffee to holding a candle for a \Leo F. Starling
the full vas killed in ac- cJ
surgeon. During battle

weight of communication from ion 1 n Holland

AgencyConstant the servicemen to the outside s...' n Sept. 30. He \ f 'Casanova |

world falls on the Red Crass ntered the ser-

man's shoulders for there are no t di lice I n Novemcr /
Service Over 50 Years
APO's In foxholes. :: 1942 and re- cBrown": \

Only American citizens from 30 elved his wings :

Please Phone 146CLASSIFIED years through the middle 40's s a paratrooper ,

may be considered for these positions ifter training in Directed by SAM WOOD

e ) :Mr. Perryman said. Employment exaa and at
tj. ort Benning Ga. -Get i NUNNALLY JOHNSON indda
" depends upon satisfactory Ill L ,. ..... '
ADS clearance to the Red Cross .e had been with Frank Morgan Anita Louis

by> the United States Employment I overseas for 17 @)
Patricia Collinge Edmond Breon Jill, Etnwdut
Service. All appointments are months and sc ed In the inva- e
leanaeur .4 end written for tti...... by Nunnally JohiHOfi tttm.ptof t*.A*,.
unmarked. KOIl SALIC 2 houses with '' contingent upon permission of the I sions of Africa Sicily. Italy and .. . ,... .
UNI*-iriae-k now I Jot* I Doll d Th M.Mllchill rV *nl d by 1-iK.rMlloiial horn, i kkMtrilKO
Owner may have by Identifying In Hampton. I house 7 rooms, 1 local Selective Service Board to I Normandy. He was awarded the Radio Plus. Ine.
-"..." paying d..n1llfol''JtI..e..I.: I iuUlvan al tJulf Oil Colp. Up fling water bathrooms, lights 10 '
room house now In furnished information Is available" the 'in Italy. .

n HAliC -Ulooinlnir! ,' potted poln- apurtmentM.VIII Hell both places American Red Cross Southeastern i
/ettla.. Mm. John ITglowS1 tt5 and nearly, all*" furniture for
Area Office located at 230
Lafayette $t. i f:1,000 cash For. Information see Spring IN cmrrir (roriiT DR.'UFonn
Mra. Jessie Morgan at Hampton. Street N W., Atlanta, 3, Geor- ('Ot.1'f'I.OUIIJAJ! IV CII.\!\I-

JOT--on.. large square rut sap 1110atpATTUAI'TIVH gia. 1ICItY.William.
12 diamond. setting if IT. H.irrelnon. Plaintiff vs.
found; modern five-room Alberta C. Harrelaon Defendant
return to Paper office. He.
bungalow. for tmlo by owner. .
Case No. 3426.oitunit
ward offered. Jlelun Itlanton. ltlEHMANRNT > IteuHonablo price Two bodrooiim." Thanksgiving ServiceAt OF ptrrLicATioxAND
CloMB! to hUHlneHH center Write NOTICE TO APPEAH I 1
WAVE Gflct Do your Box 431-\'. lip Baptist Church STATE OK. FLORIDA to: Alberta
own Permanent with Charm- ,
HurrelMnn. residence lafl7
Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, fr'OK NA ,
LI'J--t.JrILlllre. Tangerines { Front,
Sunday Street Georgetown
Including 40 ciirlem and shampoo. and. grapefruit, Uy the bushel or MorningA Carolina. t I
Kaxr to do, absolutely hnrmloBM. truck load |1.50 yer bushel, on : You to I
are required on
Praised by thousands including road 31, 10 miles north of Orula. appear
Thanksgiving! Service will beheld December Si ,
1944, In the abovenamed
Pay MoKenmle. erlamorourt movie J. L.. Orunlliam, Hpnrr Fla' AtIt.24 .
tar. refunded If not til 12.29.. AccorcMtjf to an announcement at the First Baptist Church I Court and cause, whereinplaintiff I
fle.on'iIoc Drug Store/ . this Sunday at 11 o'clock with tho'aster's seeks divorce Bradford %
Prom Air
an Eighth Force Liberator County Telegraph shall publish thisOrder
8JI8-1I1t-11| WILL THAI>E
-1941. Hlon Pickup
for lute. model touring car, 1o'lIr,1 Station in England, lilt Lt. sermon topic being In next four weekly Issues.Witness .
SPENCER STTPFOnTH' Individuallydesigned or Chevrolet. I O'Berry: lite. 2, John A. Torode of Starke, has "Thanks be unto God." There Heal my hand and official
Mm. Berth"' SOS Box 190, Htaike. at Starke Florida, this November
West Madison St. 7-2g-4tp recently been awarded an Oak t1'lll be no service on ThanksgivIng 22, 1044. I Ii

FOlt HAU.K One 4-burner gasoline Leaf Cluster to his SVIr Medal. Day although the Church will (OFFICIAL SEAL) A..1. Thomas
In good condition, and All Clerk of said Court.
range one
8 burner table model kerosene The citation in part reads as follows be open for any who wish to enter -' T. Frank Landrum, Starke, Florida '

30 ROOMS stove, used It weeks. Mr., J. L. : for prayer and meditation., Atty. for Plf 11-24 4t -1216CIRC NON SKID PROTECTION/ / ,
Frnzoe 201 W. Jackson St. Itp
"For meritorious achievement The Sunday School lesson "The
ALL FURNISHED MATTRESSES of all kinds renovated I In accomplishing with distinction Christian View of Industry", will FOR FALL AND WINTER DRIVINGWITH
furniture and I-V IT CO!'HT. IintDFOItn
.: upholstered aerial operational missions over be taught at 9:45 a. m. In classes C Otr lTY. ,,
reflnlithed. FLOItllttl IT
Drop UB a card. CHAT-
BOOK A' ROOM: AHEAD HA8TINO8 MATTRESS CO., K*>x enemy. occupied continental Eu- and departments for all ages. ((OK Y.

FOR YOUR WIFE 230 Palatka. Fla. tf rope. Lt. Torode's actions reflect/ Young People and Adults will Levy For Fornyth. Plaintiff VII. Charlotte -

OR PAKKNTS great credit himself and the meet In their Training Unions at : 3422. yth, Defendant. Cane No.
NOTICK-North Side Service Station upon
Gas Neat In Each Room open for buslneaa. Cafe, armed forces of the United 6:1: p. m. with a song service ORDER OF PUBLICATION

OrooerlPB John W. Walker.Oas and '011. ll-l- Mrs.ftp States. preceding the program. : STATE AND NOTIPR OF FLORIDA TO APPEAR to: Char Jt'D'RECAPPING:! : !!

LARRY'S PLACE Lt. Torode has flown 15 missions Sunday Evening Hour will feature lotte Forsyth whose residence IB
FLOOR sanding and finishing, 3:18: West Ward Avenue
the Norfolk
KINGSLEY LAKE loral references. C. A. I'owell, over the continent participating singing of old time I Itlon. Virginia. ,
tele. 1141J Gainesville or write in attacks on Brunswick. hymns selected by the congrega-
1000 Feet From II Gate %: Fla. Motor Court. 10-27 StpTBKMITK The De embere15th u1944: to appear on
Hannover. Ham burg, Karlsruhe.Ergrurt Pastor will bring an in the above
eradication and control, Wlsmar, Kaasel and military Evangelistic message !!i"re.1.Co1" and cause, wherein
the Antlmitn way. C. A. Powell, seeks divorce. Bradford
FOR SAI.I2 Very'desirable telephone. 1143. _.GalnesvilIa or installations in support of Wednesday at 7:30: p. m. an r0."ntX Telegraph a hall publish
6 .
frame home bath hot and room cold write % Florida Motor Court. the Allied ground forces now Hour of Praise and Worship will IlIeu.. ..Order In next four weekly

water, Venetian blinds, oil burnIng lOon StD fighting In Germany. be.. devoted! to an opportunity for Wltnemt mv hand and official
circulating furnished h. a In te.excellent Completely IF yoU WOULD BUT OR SELL He is now serving as copiloton all to testify of the blessings of seal at Starke, Florida this November -
milk cows, stork cows, beef Uth. 1944.A. .
condition. Located on S acres of cattle Block bulls .or hogs, get a B-24 Liberator bomber. In God through the year as with J. THOMAS
land good for strawberries or In touch with J. Odom, Jr., tho 2nd. Bombardment Division. thankful hearts His name receives A' Clerk of said Court
chicken tsrm. t mile from
Starke Box 247 Stark. Box 204 Lake (SEAL)
near hltfhwar. Price 18.500 part ,City Telephone. 481 Lake City. 4Olst. Heavy Bombardment Group the praise. KnIght A Knight. Starke "
cash I". O. llox 63. Stark.' Itp, 118-44 commanded by Col. F. H. An invitation Is extended to Atty. for Plf. n.1T Florida 4t la.8 e l"zr

Lt. T o rod n h as b een I m h e all to spend this Thanksgiving

two years. He received his Sunday in worship of Him to I

wings and commission at Colum- whom all thanks and praise la y,,

FOR RENT bus, Miss., and completed his due

combat training at Clovis New I'v cinrriT cornr.
Mexico, Pueblo Colorado West. COUNTY. FLORIDA! 11! C1IAN- '
over Fields Mass., and Langley I '. :t.r",,,,"' J'4'_+_N *
W. J. L. .. Do
Carter Plaintiff, v Lilian !
Field. Va. His mother. Is Mrs. "
+ ONE ROOM COTTAGE Rstelle Carter, Defendant. Case S.
FURNISHED Pauline Torode of Starke. No. 3443. \ .
1. $12.50 PER MONTH AND NOTICE TO APPEAR 6.006 trolfrieMlor
,."..1." ".' Red Cross Needs ; STATE OF FLORIDA to: Lilian t.-\t\we$
Rstelle Carter, whose residence Is
2-ROOM APARTMENT: 'I More Field WorkersAs Hemingway, South Carolina.
FURNISHED You are required to appear on '
December 23. .'4.. In the above
$%3.00 PER MONTH Allied war fronts expand named Court and cause, wherein RECAPPING
plaintiff seeks divorce. Bradford' NO OTHER
rapidly into the Far
East the County Telegraph shall publish this
ONE-ROOM APARTMENT t American Red Cross face an Order In next four weekly Issues. Doctor's THESE:
Witness my hand and official PrescriptionCalls GIVES YOU ALL
/ ,
FURNISHED h. emergency In which 500 seal at Starke, Florida, this November -
$30.00 Pint MONTHTWOBEDROOM assistant field directors are needed J*. 1944. For The Best 1. Grade A Quality Camelback
Immediately to (OFFICIAL SEAL) A. J. Thomas
provide serviced Aa Clerk of said Court. 2. Prompt Courteous Service
to the armed forces particularly T. Frank Landrum. Starke Florida One your doctor has writtena ,

if';'J : NICELY FURNISHED In the Pacific and China- Atty. for Plf. 11-24 4t -I2-1S prescription be depend on 3. All Work by factory-Trained Ixperts d

" GARAGE APARTMENT Burma-India theatres It was announced IN nncriT corn-r. RRA.DFORD the pharmacist for accurate 4. Materials and Workmanship Guarantee
I by E. K.; ('0('!\ITr. FLORIDAIN CHAN.CKHY. the
Ferryman, compounding. That .U with
', 83.00 PER MONTH( 5. Any Make Tire Recapped
chairman Bradford County Chap- Carl Poby, Plaintiff vs. Beulah come In. Every prescrip Famous Gear-Grip Tread
ter Holt Doby, Defendant Case No. tion brought to us Is filled Firestone

TWO NICELY BEDROOM FURNISHED: HOME Mute testimony of the need for 3434.ORDER OF Pt'F-LICATIOV= with scientific accuracy-with No RatIon Certificate NeededVtrefOne

Red Cross emergency services to AND NOTICE TO APPEAR the bent quality drug Bring
100.00 PER MONTH men on the fighting fronts STATE OF FLORIDA tq: Beulah your
was Holt Doby whose residence Is Al- prescriptions here with
the arrival of an Initial forty bermarle. North Carolina. cenll
field men on A-Day with GeneralMacArthur's You are required to appear on doctor.Carpenter's.
December 23. 154. In the above
W. T. CLUTE REALTOR Invasion troops at named Court and cause, wherein ,
Leyte. Despite sniper fire on the Plaintiff seeks divorce. Bradford
County Telegraph shall publish this J.
beachhead they set up canteensfor Order In next four weekly Issues. Roberts Motor
landing forces and carried \ hand and official

119 EAST CALL STREET, STARKE coffee and comfort kits to casualties seal vemher at IA Starke.. 1944. Florida this No- PLYMOUTH

I at the nearby hospital (OFFICIAL. SEAL A. J. Thomas. 7l1o Store DODGE &
evacuation unit. Aa Clerk of said Court. rr..

e Men who serve the sons of .Chas........onvni.R. Hess. ,FIa 104-08 Att Realty,.. for Bldir.Plf. Starke Phone 84 Florida 600 TEMPLE AVE. STARK&t"AOF.

I I 11.14 4t n-n




\ Official County Publication Established In 1R77STAKKE

!:, FLORIDA. .FK1IV NOMCMKKIt:: 24: 1844ay

Another Bond And Help Drop The Bomb On Hitler

ow The Progress of Bradford's Sixth War Buy at Least an Extra 100 Bond Today! I Il Lt. Rhodes Now At

Miami Beach
'. .. ..'. ...- .. 'n . ,, --O ". -
In Drive By 'Watching This Column Each Weekt 'r \'r.1 wI For Reassignment

.t :twf i; :: tXiI. ;; 1st Lt. Ralph E. Rhodes, 22

. . . . . I I 'fl1-_ ..(.,........... ._OY-... t I I9SUE 'I Walnut street, Starke. has arrived -
Attorney hRYN at Army Air Forces Redls-

inds Tenants State Farm Ie HXW1I1".__.:;.:;a ...+ xytxttle rLrorMR. i tribullon Station No. 2 In Miami

Roach for reassignment proces-
bligations By Mr. Bryan U lilt field !,
S e e S e e . S S .;' 1044 .._ sing after completing a tour of
by j. C. Adklns t duty outside the continental

ting I)1 l roc Attorney COMMUNITY: (LCD MEETING: ; United States.
I .
The Community Club held its .Ev. Medical examinations and classification -
Acting Directoricy \
Adkins, the Gainesville. reguular meeting In Club Rooms I Inlrr I It Interviews at thin post,
Rental last Tuesday afternoon with :Mis, f one of five redistribution stations
.. and Lake City Charles Turney, president presiding ( .'J t'o operated by the AAF Per oneJ
Issued the following e
o .
bas Through a round table discussion 'J Distribution Command for AAF
icnt plans were made for : returnee officers and enlisted
....., t.: .. .
ants who are protected from carrying on further Red Cross .. :.. "".. t- men, will determine his new

rlmlnate eviction by ,OPA -- -____ __ $30,000 M R work. Mrs. Tom Conners -.. ...... \. ..' .I tI assignment lie will remain there
lions still have certain ob- (SaleM Through Nov. 22)) and Mrs M. R. Holmes were I r ,"yhtMrwY,MITIYMYIY: ',. .: t" .512. E about two weeks, much of which
,a, to their landlords. hostesses and, assisted by Mrs. 1 \W MWY.n1Y, '1\ hI , will be devoted to rest and recre-

,jr tenants are under the W. Williams, served a dessert f ... _-.....'. :,. ... .._-_...*._.....-___ .. ation.
Eton that so long as they course to those In attendance. + c ,.01;II He flew 128 missions as a fighter -

Uielr rent tney cannot b. BRIDGE CLUB MEETING I .v t.,..,w-ww. .., ..<'.... \ ." ,. _' .. ,0.._,"J, pilot during 17 months In the
no matter how they care __________ $50,000 :w Chlna-Hurma-Indla theatre and
Bowls of pastel colored chrysanthemums
utilize their dwelling space.! won the DFC with two clusters
added the
beauty to
Irector said. tended the reception in honor of and the Air Medal with three
living and dining rooms of her Cpl. Henry Hinson
IB decidedly not the rose, home when Mrs. W. N. North Col. and Mrs. E. C, Rose at the You keep buying clusters. He attended the Uni-
ded Many tenants have entertained the State Farm USO in Starke, on Thursday evening Takes Air Crew versity of Florida In 1940-41. ills
Mrs. L. F. Chapman, mother, Mrs. D. A. Montelth, livesat
evIcted for violating an ODn were Courses WAR BONDS
Bridge Club last Wednesday afternoon Training
of their tenancy or comg Miss\ Rose Lee Dunbar and Mr. the sane address He joined
Top score bingo
nuisance and Mrs. W .G. Strlngft>lIow. the AAF AUK. 5, 1040 .
or prize winners on this occasion Cpl. Henry B. Hinson Is enrolled
ir housing accommodations. were Mrs. J. R. Kite and Mrs. Pvt. William Harlow and Pvt. in the world's greatest
section of the rent regu- Tom Conners respectively. Mrs. Tom Lowrey of Camp Ulanding
dealing with evictions givesrds North was assisted by her mother visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cox education program-one of the ip

sufficient latitude tot __ _______ $75,000 Mrs. Nelle Beavers, in servinga during the past weekend. A A.' Training Command's air
it t heedless destruction ore salad course to her guests. Mrs W. M. Rhoden of Mac- crew training courses at Keesler

of his property. Con- clenny visited her son-in-law and Field, Blloxl, Miss #
use of the provisions In the ANDERSON CREWS daughter, Mr. and, Mrs. A .C.
tlon with respect to eviction Mr and Mrs. G. E. Crews announce Davis, for several days the early Ills first phase of training will

le by landlords to protect the marriage of their part of this week. Guests of be received in the B-2i Liberator

property against violations daughter, Lora, to Pvt. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Davis during the bomber mechanics school at Kces-" 0144uere.Ira

i obligations of tenancy un- Anderson of Miami and Camp ; weekend were Mr. and Mrs. J. Field, where he will learn heavy

uhlch dwellers have rentedg Shelby, Miss., Sunday, November B Strickland and son, Johnnie, bombardment air craft mainten- 5p51
accommodations 12 in Miami.CHRISTENING. of Graham and Mr. and Mrs.

provision states that a ten- _________ $100,000 Clifford Rhoden and Miss Lorene ance and emergency flight proce
cay be evicted, "if he has ., I Rhoden of Waldo. dures. The technical course will
Litle Walton Ford Chapman,
d a substantial obligation Pvt. Richard Woodward of extend over a period of approximately 1 ,
second son of Lt. Col. and Mrs.
tenancy, other than an obI Fielding Chapman, was christened I Camp Stewart, Ga., is spending 17 weeks and will Include

to pay rent, and has ... In St. Mark's Episcopal churchin his furlough with his parents, Instructions on the Liberator, fuel a

"Or'/alled'Td Cure such Starke, Friday, Nov. 17 by Mr and Mrs. J. W. Woodward. and electrical 'ays terns, engines, 4PepICo&a

Jon after written notice violationor by ., the Rev. Grover Allison. Capt. Pvt. and Mrs. Emmet Roark of propellers, structures and instruments
tadlord that the S. Ford Is his and N.
I.r" Joseph nephew's'godfather. Camp Blandlng Warsaw .
Is committing or per- Members of the family C., were with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Company Long Island City N. r:.
f a nuisance or is using attended the service. North, Sunday. Cpl. Hinson Is' the husband of

rmltting use of the housing Mrs. R. P. Stubblns sr.", and Mrs. Henry B. King on of ,Starke. Franchise DotUert PEI'SI-COLA: IIOTTLINO CO. of Jacksonville.

odaUons for an Immoralgal _________ $125,000 WAR FUNDAs little Miss Mary Rivers 'Stubblns
purpose. precinct chairman, R. H. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Director Attorney empha- Cox turned over to the Barnett Pulley In Tallahassee.
that a nuisance must be of '"'\. National Bank the sum of $526 Mia Patsy Ruth Hall of

mine\ character and not a .. for the National War Fund. Con Starke spent the past weekend
ul grievance or an Inconse- tributors with their amounts were with Miss Doris Moncrief.
lal objection to the ten- the State Farm Community Club, AJ1 ; ay4i22

behavior. 'Further, the ,," ;- $10; the State Farm Community Pvt. Geo. Cruthirds 27j2t22ti
,1'f. "
rd must follow the pro- Sunday School, $37.50;
is laid down in the OPA reg- i4! .y. Masonic Lodge, $25: ; Inmates. of Among First To !

ni Eviction without fol5 Florida State Prison $100; Employees tl
_,____-___ $150,000 of Raiford State Prison Jump In Holland
this procedure Is lIlegaLvast 4 1rS
291.05: ; and Raiford School, $62.- :r4 tl
majority of tenants are 45. Pfc. George I. Cru thirds of ?
Iy persons who take goodof Starke was among the first

their housing space be- Suzanne Hertz of Starke visIted American parachutists to jump In
It constitutes their homes/. Mr. and Mrs B. Hershfleld Holland and force aa entry Into

Irector said. "However, we and Betty Williams last weekend. Germany around the northern end

constantly confronted with ", .' Mr. and Mrs. :M. D. Carter of the Selgfrled Line. Thus Airborne ; ', ,y y '' ry :, i wir
xceptlons, who through Ig- were Sunday guests of Mr. and operation which was launched

ce or with deliberate intent, .' .;. Mrs. W. O. Stringfellow. on.. Sunday, September 17, was
nly damage or allow land Mrs. R. P. McLendon and the greatest attack of its kind ,

property to deteriorate or _____.:..___ $175,000 friends elsewhere heard a news ever launched. The parachute
by their personal conductor commentator last Tuesday after regiment of which be Is a member

permit a nuisance to \ noon talk about Major Robert has participated In four 4 t,
OPA regulations are not Chapman In connection with the major combat jumps in this war
ed to prevent eviction of demolition of Lluchow Air Base. -Sicily, Italy, France and Holland -

ta who have no regard I Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Chapmanwere and Is a component of the
'o ver for the rights of the not listening to the broad. renowned 82nd Airborne Division.

rte." cast but hope in some way to get It was this unit, as an Infantry
the report. division in the last war which

Owens Specialist ,,' Guests of Mr. and Mrs. For gave the Americans one of their
greatest heroes, Sgt. Alvin C. '
____.....,.:._.. $200,000 rest Harvey and Mrs. Drew : -
utomatic Rifle 1 Sweatt during the past weekendwere York.His
I Mr and Mrs. Bryant Skin company distinguishedItself
rise Pvt. David T. Owens, In the bitter fighting around
ner and son. James, of Lake City
of Mr David T. Owens of and Mrs Elmer Wallace and the key city of Nljmegen, Holland -
e has been graduated from by accomplishing missions
daughter Glenda Lee, of Ft.
tfaatry and Browning Auto- White and Raiford. far beyond the line of duty and
Rifle! Section School at making possible the successful
ing Command at'Camp 4 Mr. and :Mrs. W. Walton Ford seizure of the main bridge acJO-
8. Ford of At-
eton and Capt. Joseph
Oceanslde,'Calif. the Waal River.
lanta, Ga., were guests of Mr.

feted, thorough training with _____ ___ $225,000 I Fielding Chapman. for several 1 TabernacleThose
Crenades., Hand M-l Garand Grenades and Anti-Car.rifles. ," days Fielding last Chapman weeK ..&nenas will"" be ox;inter Mrs. the Tabernacle attending the the past services two Sundays at IT TAKES PLENTY OF WAR BONDSTO

and are exception ested to know I that her brother,
ell versed In the, use o< there Capt. Ford, who Is in the Army have been blessed by the
et and knives for junglenes Air Corps and has recently returned beautiful music rendered by
George F. Tibbitts and his associates -
from London, Is a veteranof
< of Keystone Heights. Alsolending
graduating from this 80 missions and was awardedthe !
Will his talent and adding
assigned to I
band Infantry Distinguished Flying Cross ,
lions> much to these musical treats,
their training has with three Oak Leaf Clusters and
*d them for amphibious _________ $250,000 Air Medal with seven Oak was Pvt.Jack Shellhaus of Camp
&I and the Blandlng. WAR in the Pacific extra costly implements of
establishing and se- Leaf Clusters. Capt. Ford was THE I
f: beach heads the only member of the EighthAir Another musical treat is In the most costly war war needed to achieve final "r

vats Owens, born April 6, Force to receive the Distinguished store for the Tabernacle group America has ever engaged in. victory in the Pacific.

.vier Louisville High School, Ky.,where attended he $259,000 QUOTA Flying Cross* on his lain next Keyes Sunday of evening Camp Blandlng when Chap-Is It's simple arithmetic. A That's why the 6th War

active In sports, participate first mission. expected to attend the evening mountain of special, costly Loan Drive is so important. I

U1 tball and basketball. S. 2-c Mary Kathryn Base Curtis the of service, accompanied by his song equipment is needed. A B-29 That's why you must back it
Air was
to Miami Naval leader and organist. The publicis
.I' t
Reynolds Research.was employ- last Sunday. services at the TabernacleThe bombing of Japan costs every other war loan drive.

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. first two evenings of the $600,000 in War Bonds. And Invest in the next raid on e
nViEUL\N and Mrs J. W. Woodward were 'week were devoted to a very Interesting -
and this is just one of the many Japan. . .
Mr. and Mrs. William Floyd and instructive Bible

William O. Reagle of De- sons. Bill and Keith, and Mrs study with the Rev. Bert Atchison -

"rmer pastor of Central- H. E. Hamlter of Gainesville. pastor of the Central Bap- BUY AT LEAST ONE EXTRA $100 BOND

,road St. Church of PhUS i Miss\ Dorothy Rivers of Key- tist Church of Orlando, in charge.Mr. .
Pa., and before that a stone Heights spent Wednesday Atchison based his. studies on

pre r la Grove City College. night with Mr. and Mrs. L J. the Book of Romans, and the

h. ih at the Presbyterian Williams. Book of Revelation. The meetingswere FRED F. STUMP

(, Sunday morning at 11 State Faro residents who at- very helpful and Inspiring


Harvel, whose residence Is Box 89, dant. Cane
. . . . . ler was a weekend guest of Bule daughter Mr. and Mra. L. P. here with his parents Mr and plaintiff named Court seeks and divorce.cause Br"d.f.ord I Route You No.are 1,required Oate City to, Virginia.appear on'Oecemb..r AND ORDER iiv ?',4,2S/ I Sl LlraTln
and Bobby Crosby and grandparents -I Ponds of Waldo recently. Mrs. W. L.. Crosby and wife Mrs. County Telegraph shall publh.hthl. weeklyIssues. 18th, 1944, In the above' RTATE NOTlq(,' T( P !
.. Order In next four and cause, wherein I D, PI."rIl'A: &All
Iris Crosby named Court Edward ,,,,
SunnybrookBy Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Kelly. Mrs. Iris Crosby and son, Larry Pvt. Alton Dobbs spent Satur plaintiff seeks divorce. Bradford : dense Is ('OJ 'i, r"I. ;" ANiller,
H. B. Kelly and sons. VIn- Hugh, of Lake Butler spent last Witness my hand and official County Telegraph shall publish i Trot Seo., N p., ,II lKt] nn pi-
with his wife, Mrs. Florida thin No- four '-' ,
mother-in-law, Mrs day night seal at Sturkc this Order In next weeklyUsues. i ton. "I.
with her
Mrn. Arnula Crawford wek .
Mack, were &obln,
. . "' . "' . cent and Johnny W. L. Crosby. Neta Dobbs, and daughter vemhw 16th.SEAL 1044.OFFICIAL ) A. J. Thomas You are .-. !,,"' .
Mr and :Mrs. Dewey ( hand and official
visiting Eloltie Witness my December I isih'I j, pDeer
of Said Court. : \" I';.
and As Clerk seal at "Starke Plot'Ida, this No- named , ni
Mrs. Jess Vinnlng
i Woods in Jacksonville, Sunday. Mr and Starke, Florida fllI?I uuII'r
of Landrum Ihpn
Mr. and Mrs. Arch T. Frank '
S. J. Mrs Ed- 15th, 1944. plaintiff
Kelly Ruby \ Lake Butler H-17 4t 12-8 vember seeks 01",( ;. shenll
of Plf.
Jessie for 1
Mr. and Mrs W .R Halslop daughter Mrs. Atty. of (child and
: the State Farm were visiting: (OFFICIAL SEAL) A. J. Thomas 1:1'.tr..r,1: CII"
mondson and niece, Katie, of ""
vl lting Mr. and Mrs. C. C. -- graph hall I''unl''
and son, Fred Mrs. C. C. Crosby wcro Inez Kelly and Neta Dobbs on IIIIt11F011D As Cleric of Said Court. 11111011.)" thin p rrle
Leesburg, were dinner guests on'' and Lucille Ward made a busi- Crosby and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Sunday.Mr. iv Col-MTV."III"I'IT FLORIDA cotHT IM CHAMCKIIY. T. Frank Landrum, Starke! Florida next witness four w..kly' 1"11., trio I h,

Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. ness trip to Jacksonville! Tuetiday. Kelly, Sunday afternoon. and Mrs. D. G. Kelly of 1 A.tty. for Pit. 11-1T 4t 12-8 seal at hlnd'Iorlda:| and .
I Kelly. I Mr. and Mrs. J .N. Kelly were j Pvt. William Crosby of Camp Puce Level and Mrs\ Ruby Brown henry Mildred R.Harvel Harvel.. Defendant.Plaintiff Case vs. ix rutrrrr rornT. iiiiAi>Ponnj ,' vember 15th, 1944 ..
}J i{ Floyd Tomllnaon of Lake But- visiting their son-in-law and Blanding spent Saturday night of Sampson City were visiting No. 3424. j I I ror-MT(:..;U v. As Clerk of Said Courtl' Tl" i
_ Mr .and Mrs. J. N Kelly Sunday ORDER OF PUBLICATIONAND T. Frank
o NOTICE TO APPEAR Viola Deland, Plaintiff vs. Hll- Landrum, surk .. '
0F afternoon.Mr. STATE OF FLORIDA to: Mildred lery Edward Deland, Sr., Defen 'Atty. for Pif. One '
and Mrs. C. C. Crosby and ----11"--114.....;..;151 I
! sons Bule and Bobby, Mrs. Ar-
} sula Crawford and daughter,,
Shirley Ann, Mr. and Mrs. J. N
Kelly, II. B. Kelly1.'-Mrs. Beulah

Kelly, Mrs Lllllaa Conner, and 7-v\
Mrs. J. R. Kelly were among ..
I THE NEW LOCATION OF THE those attending the funeral of .

M. C. Rosier of Raiford, Monday.Theressa. w '

; STARKE TIRE SERVICEAT . . . "' . . .

i 1 11 1!.tl vvy'1g.. _,4 ,

, By Miss Ida pagan
, J. P. ROBERTS GARAGE BLDG. 600 Temple Ave. . . . . 'a . .

' trip to Gainesville Friday.

: PLENTY STORAGE ROOM Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thomlln-

son and daughter and Mrs. Gco.
\ Estes of Jacksonville were visitIng

their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. M. Hersey last weekend. c we

SIZES TIRES & TUBES Miss Irene Cochran left Friday h f
night to spend the weekend with

HOUR SERVICE friends and relatives in Georgia.B. .
F. Geiger, S 2-c, arrived .
here Sunday to spend ten days
Best Materials Used Work Guaranteed
with his mother, Mrs. Delany _
! J 6i Dickinson.We Drink of _
i are sorry to know that the same'r
Ruth SIbley is confined to her J lAX, useS the

i STARKE TIRE SERVICE bed with mumps.Mr. :Friendship used 'by ;,

and Mrs. Arthur MillIken, malttu typuneriother '
I and children, Sylvia and Glenn, fine

j I 600 Temple Ave. Starke, Fla. -:- Phone 69fsllfSSsaKSSS spent the weekend with her par. top
ents, Mr. and Mra A .L. Sulli! \ hopsl
. .. ca.n.'beers fine they
..""' .......:... van.Rev. the same terials mo
Buddy Hogarth of Palat- JAX. uses the 11laterials
ka, filled his regular appointment only first-c supply
at Hope Church here Saturday that

night: and Sunday. JAX brew
\ Mrs. Felmon Redd and son, from skilledleading
I i Felmon, of Macon Ga., and Mrs brewerAXejbw reWed Py hirhly exper1enceaurthers "
II I O. J .Phillips and children and than Verge

her mother, Mrs. L. Hightower, haa far TA.X have more .
of D. J. make fineJe.r.
Lawtey were visiting who Pave
Phillips and family and Aunt 11lasterS who in brewing it
Ida Hagan.Mr. e"perience But
and Mrs. W. W. Packham The inastercombined: ever
plemlulnJt1X( isnof
ie and Mrs. E .T. Prevatt went to century 1A" is a
Jacksonville on business, Friday. see > sb wing
otion yoU caetriiu1lti heavy .t"premium a
Pa As ierefore nO .it son .
calling at t
Tech sell ana make
mQent Medical n to travels
iv rinrriT cornr. IIIIIDPOIIII does distances the cost
aatnlnq allata are (COUNTY' F-LOKIOAl t\ fHA.NCRRY. : l long urGeAt oe aPe the
q shipp a . .
as Co lu qualitYi Karl Moore, Plaintiff vs. ,Beatrice have to lucia.nta\\Y s
Moore. Defendant. Case No 3423. costs not
price" is
STATE OF FLORIDA to; Beatrice it is. ium beer no
Moore, whose residence l I. 900 better AX is a 1 1e pretn better
South 6th Street, Louisville, Ken- -j ca4tpremium buy
tucky. Remember the simply
You are required to appear on u
pride bye reQald a 0 after the Af Recruitt December 18th. 1944. In the above Priced'I I! I
u anon vJtUrnan rotesional sobs S lit yoU Pay apt

, or NCW ,.!, matter say bug
able tsajx onlact OU weeaeed y u DoltYoornllatHomtC&MWJtftt ; p ttiy

Don'p* 7. need you
We Pi'lia '
I Station bttan
I Complvtewilheurlera, nmrftt.iinuOKnilwiivaiiet !
.h... *tUfnto
easy to do and lot averx type of mMJlulee
... ,
1 fror ftmailng -tw aura to aak
WACi fur Cbvm-Kurl. Over uuUiou..1<1.
JAX BREWING COMPANY! t Jacksonville I Fla 1

4i I \ -

i i o s R "What! they think of nest?'II'

511.5 t

;. N, t LN1 ;

E N'CP u '

I bear tluy'n ulkln(of polling" windows. In nfrig.eniton 1'h"Wh,. I can . .,\8If.
? sfur the . and .In lha wales\8 tort
ww baring men this pal thing down the well right
'EI '11 en. door . dun yon can Intlde for what you them cool . it._'1 M good and of-n<'acsr'e
want to Uk' out and only hare to open that door couldn't" .keep many things lh.ra w wheD! Ih.-

, ilk t and bay My that you will be abl. to ngulale electrle nJrlg.raWr. came ouU we Uioughl noibin
, 1 h the temperature la sach different part of. the would ever be better but now look whll Were .
. r t refrigerator ao one part may .bo bale frauiaf. andothara pluming. I . It will be wonderful h.."
! : at hither. "'.............. of them. . Whatll they think of next?"


j 4 J \ I PO"f.: UenT COMr

j1f FLORID. seri --s

1f .I 11,11 1




'\ .. .. rlg

I. J / .y,. :

4.ii "a

\i 4 ..

K! *

Florida Motor Lines has a very Important Job to do
,I until the day of Victory. We have put our full efforts ,-
J to keeping vital transportation efficiently on the) ,
'move.Tomorrow,when peace comet, and you expect
6 a better America than ever before-look to Florida "
Motor Lines to set new standards of luxury sad t,, W.ul.

I comfort for highway travel. REDW KILOWATT a '+ '
ibis Electnc Senon

, -

i .
r he4
i I



.. n = .. -= .











Any reader of The Telegraph ,. Each: space' below represents .,>
is to enter this k,
eligible contest Nome prominent business
and the first two per .. firm of this city. Take the ':'
sons submitting the correct, 'J'l scrambled letters and arrange "
or nearest correct answers. them to spell the firm 'I
will be awarded big fat tur w r name correctly. Then write 'i:
keys for Thanksgiving./ Inour n brief article on the sub' #
order to be fair with : "Why We Should All Help \c
subscribers who get their .$" "'< To Put Over The Sixth War ',\.
papers through the mail no M Loan lri\e in Bradford
answer will be considered v County." Ilo not exceed loa
from anyone buying a copy words. It is permissible to
of The Telegraph in our office 4 use this advertisement or u
before 6 o'clock Thursday separate sheet of paper for
November 23. Also in v your answers. Because thel'
order to /give our subscribers next issue of the Telegraph
the rural routes and in
on d .4
will not until the
appear day
surrounding towns a better
chance, one turkey will be is I before Thanksgiving I I the r
given for the first correct winners", will he notified by .it'
answer received from a resi r ) mail and turkeys will lie presented '
dent of Starke, and the other Monday, November 27. .:u.:\\c'',
turkey will go to a resident ',,
However, the correct solution
of a rural route or surrounding ,
town who sends in the to the puzzles will be published ,,&;
first correct answer. in our next issue. ,,: JI

OW Quit Your Shirking Get The Old Brain To Working


tottersoccalcooingblacka tiktacleyp's banvb'store .

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TALK ,, ,'.'. .

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! 1)- "
AS WE MOVE closer to victory, it wouldn't be surprising if the 1.1 to 12 million men and women in our army and navy?,
JTa. you were saying to yourself- "What's the big idea of Whether the men are actually fighting or not, they must be fed,

r' asking for all this additional money now? Isn't the war almost housed, transported from one training center or battle area to

2'. over?" another, cared for in a hundred and one different ways. That all

... ,.: Y No sir, it is not! Not by a long shot. Of course, for many months costs money and will continue to until the. last man demobilized / .y

" 4 .3 now you've heard mostly about the war with Germany where our is back in civilian clothes.

. : greatest effort is concentrated. That's why many people have the In addition, millions of dollars will be required for musteringout '

\r. jj idea that the war's practically over. pay, for various benefits and services voted by Congress to help .. .
S:" t '.' But make no mistake about it-nothing could be farther from the boys get started in civilian life. i '

t;, ,': the truth! The Japanese war is a tremendous undertaking, and vie- These are reasons enough why patriotic Americans will wantto

; '" tory will come high. We'll have to fight every inch of the way. buy heavily during the Sixth War Loan. But here are

4, .
AP still
; Everything Costs More-in the Pacific War
,' the Peace-for Your CountryIf
i);; The European war is expensive, but almost everything in the
were to win the peace as well as the war, the cost of living
Pacific war will cost more. Take costs, for instance
transport :
I must be kept down and the purchasing power of money preserved.A .
,, Because of the longer distances, the same amount of freight costs
reckless inflation that would necessarily be followed by the
25 per cent more when shipped to the South Pacific thanto
"..: ,
catastrophe of deflation-with its unemployment, bankruptcies,
< '
Europe. And it takes twice as many cargo ships in the Pacific to
' misery and heartache-must be prevented at all cost.
,iY.: I support a task ,force of a given size because turn-around time is
: Let's make no mistake-a dangerous period lies ahead. The.
\ twice as great!
\. American people have nothing to fear, however, if they show in .

. A More Planes . Tanks. . Ships. . Oil the future the same common sense they have shown in the past and

In addition, we shall need more of everything. More B-29 Super- continue to put every penny over rock-bottom expenses into the

>. ::., fortresses that cost $600,000 each. More P-47 Thunderbolts that purchase of more and more War Bonds.

:"" ': cost $50,000 each. More M-4 Tanks, with bulldozer blades, that I

{', ; cost $67,417 each.: More,amphibious. tanks-:-more aircraft carriersmore Winning the Peace-for Yourself '"

'tt,'. .' :- supply ships-more gasoline and oil than it took for the Want another important reason? Yourself! There isn't a better or

t ::: invasion of Europe! safer investment in the world today than War Bonds. In I helpingyour

country, you are also helping yourself! Never in our entire
i. Care for the Sick and Wounded
';:' .
'. ''*'' history has it been so necessary to save,as right now. We'll need
: And lest anyone forget, we shall need more battalion aid stationsmore
money, individually, for education, repairs,
clearing stations-more evacuation hospitals-more
"" convalescent -
replacements, retirement-and we'll need
1:<, : hospitals more hospital ships. lot of it. a .

'; For many, many years the sick, wounded and otherwise disabled \ ''
k',' As you can see there are many reasons,
veterans will require medical attention and That's the
care. .' ,
important reasons, why our Government must \ Iv
: least Uncle Sam can do in appreciation of what they've done 1 /
JI'It' : for have the financial support of everyoneand

,'f',,.,:,. (, us. have it for many months to come. 4
Maintenance. for. Millions Let all Americans do their part-for their '

Did you ever stop to think how much money it costs to maintain own sake, for their country's. "'. ,-..


.- IT..... .. -.- -,- ... - .. ... ....-.-.-,- ...- .... ".-.-". -.. .w ...... -........ ..... ...... ..,,- ,... ........_ .,_ _L_ ------0-

Advertisement Sponsored by The Following Members of The Victory Club .

: BOB'S TAVERN i WONDER GIFT SHOI : At Blanding Center
c':. G IS L A 1 .
> "
I .
, 4, Member Ff D. I. C. '( i\. i\, "/:it. :; BRADFORD HARDWARE CO :' r ;|.' .. :..... .. J. P. ROBERTS MOTORS
.'l' "" :t' '. ',.. .%;

HOLLYWOOD CAMERA & GIFT SHOP a .. .... [ S. E. Sparks Prop. URANCI
,( : INS
'" : :;.. B.C. WALL, AGENCY

.. The Bus Station ,. f' LAPPS' BAKERYKIDD'S .. i 1-h.,... .DAVIS HOTEL
PLACE <.; .. .,/ ,PARK CAFE
\ "


Across From Park Theatre .
Van II. Carden, lIgr.PAGE

.....J..4;,;3&v' ; > . .
- -