Bradford County telegraph

Material Information

Bradford County telegraph
Uniform Title:
Bradford County Telegraph
Place of Publication:
Starke, FL
E.L. Matthews
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Starke (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Bradford County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Bradford -- Starke
29.947222 x -82.108056


The first issue of this ongoing weekly appeared on July 26, 1879 under the title Florida Telegraph. It was published by William Wyatt Moore, a native Floridian and a staunch Democrat. Moore had previously worked for a paper in Tallahassee and had also published newspapers in Jacksonville, Lake City, Cedar Key, and Pensacola. After appearing for a short time as the Weekly Florida Telegraph and reverting back to the Florida Telegraph, the paper’s name was changed to the Starke Telegraph. In 1887, Moore sold a half-interest in the newspaper to I.C. Webb, who became sole owner within a few months and changed its name to the Bradford County Telegraph. In 1893, Eugene S. Matthews, who had previously worked for newspapers in Gainesville and Ocala, purchased the Bradford County Telegraph with Ben J. Farmer, who sold his interest to Matthews five years later. Matthews published the Bradford County Telegraph for the next forty years. He was also elected to the state legislature in 1904, 1907, 1911 and 1923. His son, Eugene L. Matthews, a graduate of Columbia University’s School of Journalism, took over the publication in 1933, matching his father’s record of forty years as publisher. The Bradford County Telegraph continues to the present.
Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 9, no. 41 (Apr. 13, 1888)-
General Note:
Publishers: Mathews & Farmer, <1893-1897>; E.S. Mathews, <1900-1926>.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
33886096 ( OCLC )
000579551 ( ALEPHBIBNUM )
003298621 ( ELECTRONIC_ALEPH )
60662535 ( ELECTRONIC_OCLC )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )

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Preceded by:
Starke telegraph

Full Text
...."'?.'. ..... ,I".', .."""': .. .,. P',., ,-- .- J .A'., ,... '_"r II "-.II._ l ,'\\t:( rr."j:1W; :\ .; :O;;; '''"'''' ''''' '' '' '''''''."' ', .. ., '. .. i


r fading and Home of the

Centerkmp BRADFORD COUNTY TELEGRAPH Sweetest Strawberries

Blending This Side of Heaven

Official County Publication Established In 1877


:th War Loan Drive Will Be Launched Here Monday Night

ith Huge Rally Featuring Talent From Camp Blanding


.. T: I County Quota $259,000.00, Each CommunityMust *

Red Cross Group Bear Load 'L. F. To Alison OrdainedIn \
Prices Makes Tour Of Help ; Chapman Speak CeremonyHeld Widow of Victim

gthened In I Blanding HospitalAs Getting off to a whirlwind' start, the 6th War Loan Drive will be Here MondayThe Awarded $4,500In

a part of their graduation launched in Bradford County next Monday night with a mammoth Rev. Grover Alison was advanced -

Sale including exercises s a eve group ra 1 of residents students ol, stage show and band concert, free to the public, at the Florida Theatre cons to from the Order the Order of Priests of flee I it Peele Suit

id Bradford County, from the vol at 9 p. m. an Impressive ceremony In St

unteer Homes S e r vice School, Mark's Church on Monday, November -
auction American Red Cross, at Gainesville Junius M. Smith, chairman of the drive for all Bradford County, 13, at 10:30: a. m. The Mrs. Della Thompson, widowof
e at the Starke pecan Farmers made a tour of Camp Blan yesterday announced completed plans for the presentation of the lit Rev. Frank A, Juhan preach' Ancll Tom peon, was awarded

Nov. 14, ding Tuesday, lunching with the show "Hubba Hubba" Lt. Emanuel M. Ehrenkranz ed the Ordination sermon an 1
on Tuesday ap- enlisted men In the Infantry Replacement stage produced by performed the Apostolic Rite of! $4.500& damages by a Circuit
itely 50 growers for $7,210.28.sold 29- Training Center. and! Sgt. Michael Masters of the 63rd A & R Department, Camp Blan- The Laying on of Hands accomp Court jury here Wednesday after-

j\ by of pecans varieties was follows; The group assembled early in ding. anted by four priests. The Rev noon In a civil suit against Edna
Alexander, who also read
the morning at the Regional Hospital George I'eele and her husband. Joe
IbI. Ct$. Per Ib. Red Cross Recreation Roomto All Bradford County is Invited to the event which Is absolutelyfree. the Litany for Ordinations; the Peele.

'10fiM 6986 26 19 hear an address of welcome bj You do not even have to purchase a JVar Bond to attend. Rev.the Gospel James; the Stirling Venerable who Fret read In her declaration Mrs. Thompson "{
Charles V. Gross, Camp.,Field DIrector "
stated that . .
1399 26 O. Yerkes who was the presenter on or a-
of the ARC. Among the outstanding entertainers to be presented are :
443'' 25% and the Rev. Charles Farrar cSt bout the 14th day of August '
25% Home service workers of the Johns' Church, Jacksonville 1943' , Edna'Peele unlawfully,
and vocalist with Abe
Al Perils former
baa 42fi 26. Red Cross handle soldier problems O guitar player The Rev. Richard Corry of the< willfully and maliciously shot An-
407 24' at the "home end" while the Red Lyman and his NBC and CBS Orchestra. Church of The Good Shepherd, ell Thompson Inflicting mortal
Cross workers on military posts wound of which he later died."
2405 25 3-4 Jacksonville assisted In the tier-
[akerrxed 3137 25' work In close liaison. The tour 9 Cpl. Al Gifford, former singing star of Radio City. vice by reading the Epistle. Mrs. Thompson maintained that

1758 407 26 23 of Camp the students Blanding with was post to familiarize prob- O Miss Tommy Thompson, singing star of stage and radio, and a The Ordination took place after she which had she been would deprived otherwise of earnings have ;

I Mixed 706 22 lems affecting the Red Cross favorite of all GI's. the reading of the Holy Ooa received. from her husband and ?
pet In the Communion Service has also been
function. of his
t 156 26 O Miss Tat Aston sweet singer of sweet Communion celebrated -
180 26 The following students are from songs. The Holy was association, comfort and protec
r ,
164 26' Bradford County: Rev. Grover e The Pine Ridge Trio of F203. AllHon I assisted by Bishop In the Juhan.service bj, tion.
Alison Mrs. Caroline F. Kuhl
28 26 ; After listening to testimony ;'
Mrs. Ruth S. Morse, and Mrs. G Pvt. Horace Golden, the Roy Acuff of Camp Blanding.O administering the chalice. most of Tuesday and Wednesday,
Martha Smith. After the a lovely
TAL 29,545 Pvt. George Potts and Pvt. Morton Seigle, tap dancers, well- luncheon was served by St a Jury compoHcd of Carl Jones

be noted that the prices; known their in Chicago Detroit and Cleveland. Mark's Auxiliary in the Church Prank Merrltt. Verda Wall, Ver.
|tk were considerably bet Mail Xmas Gifts appearances Service Center. Out of town non Slade, E. E. Norman and
moat varieties than on thee O Pvt. Robert Ahrens, impersonator. guests Included friends from Wilson Udnbaufth/ deliberated '

two weeks ago The I Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be Sgt. Michael Orange Park, Pal atka, Jacksonville three hours before returning their e .1
| price received per lb. on and Gainesville. The Rev verdict "We, the Jury, find the
sale waa-21.9 cts. while Before December 1 Masters, former stage and radio personality who has worked in clubs Mr Alison's parents from Daytona defendants guilty and assess w

rage'' price on this sale and theatres in Chicago, Detroit, Washington, D. C., Houston and Beach were weekend guest plaintiffs damage at $4,800."'
cts. Several of the lead- Miami. at the rectory. Mr. Allson'i Mrs. Peele had previously been
cUes brought the maxi "Shop Early-Send All Christmas mother. Mrs. W. C Thomas, and! tried In criminal court, found
Ulng price of 26c per lb. Gifts jby December 1." B Music for the show will be furnished by ihe 182nd Army Band brother, Dr. W. C. Thomas, Jr.. guilty of manslaughter and sentenced >1
Of' This reminder Is Issued by the whose band is over from Gainesville. to 18 'months In
third sale the season Under the direction of Warrant Officer Gruver spotlighted prison
District Office of Den ' .... '
{held at the Scanners. Mart -. name 't 1 "w'Jt J- > x HWreverg'pending an appoat.'Cu' ..
; the bands'of the +
.. "' former men from large coun
:: u .vynnrtj>HntT'.tn officially by many t
-.t4 .. la J
t Tuesday and 'all growers.! ; $UlI &.mirt-V, >e a
herald the opening'ef tb Christmas '.. '
[ested to bring their pe "* try. Scouts RegisterIn now released under $1.000 bond.

d n.; have them weighed be- It's season.a premature oj season this: Another feature of the,evening will be an address by L. F. Chap- The mortally Incident In wounded which Thompsonwas occurrednear

year, ODT admitted, made neces man, Superintendent of the 'Florida State Prison and one of the most two TroopsRegistration Peele's grocery store la

Mists Will sary by war-time conditions. "popular speakers In Florida. 't Lawtey. In the previous thlal
However, ODT asserted, the witnesses fur the State testified

Dr.Hardinch simple 'facts"are that transporta Members of the band and other entertainers will be served supper of members In the that Mrs. Peele shot Into a groupof
lion facilities are already so overburdened two Boy Scout Troops here'was men while she maintained that.
the WSO the USO and the Red Cross.
Sunday that the only way to. before the performance by accomplished at a meeting held she shot Into the air to frighten w

Carter Hardin, iruperin- insure delivery of gift parcels' Preceding the show, the band will parade through the down town In the Methodist Education BullJ- them away as they were threatening

of the Gainesville Dls- this year is to get them to the ''I business section. Ing Monday night. Troop 70 Instill to damage her property.
post office or express company being sponsored by the Rotary Court will not be adjourned un-
Church, will-de
pthodlst e morning sermon at the by December 1. I Emphasizing the importance of completing the drive before the Club and the new troop ii til today and a complete accountof
I After that, the government entertainment sponsored by the Methodist the proceedings will be pub-
Methodist Church next delivery in time' holiday period sets in, Chairman Smith is presenting ,
cannot guarantee Church. lished next week.
[morning. Under his ad- I instead of it a "climax" as has ,
for the holiday. as the "opening gun" using as The Rev. Grover Alison this
ption the
become one Gainesville of. the lead-dlss Briefly the reasons for the early' been done in the past. He is doing it to impress upon the public the week accepted appointment ai Official CeilingsOn

itrlcts of the conference, deadline| are listed by ODT Is as need for a whirlwind drive in this case, rather than a. "put it off to Scoutmaster of Troop 70, and
these: 1944 gift shipping expected M. O. Ware Is Scoutmaster and Pecan PricesIn ,
always attracts a large to top 1943 by 25 per cent. the last minute" attitude. Olin White Jr.. assistant, for
ptlve congregation on his travel distancesdue a wired, communication to
will greater
[ere. to wartime population dis\ Leaders from all sections of the country have been Invited to Monday the The new Scout troop. U being! the Telegraph yesterday, R. C. '

Kholr has prepared special location. Nationwide transportation night's event and It Is hoped that they will be present to learn enlarged here no program that the advantages Marshall, district Information executive -
for the occasion and the and local delivery of Christmas and to be the for bo made available to of the Office ot Price
assigned quotas
1 quarterly meet log will packages when added to the the general plan of the campaign ( may number of boys. Several Administration, Mates'that "Con- d

while Dr, Hardin is here. heavy holiday l furlough travel, their communities.The a larger newcomers were present at fusion exists In your area regarding -
facilities correct ceiling prices on
with already all overbui overburdened I 'ned by war conditions county quota in the 6th War Loan Drive is $259,000.00, and the meeting Monday night. pecans. I would appreciatethe I
je Nursing in
will again meet
Doth troops publication of the official
creates a major problem.The the E Bond quota is $172,000.00.
Methodist building next ws
the This table
f 1e Near Ended only solution to that prob- ceilings listed below.
lem, says ODT, Is cooperation by The great importance that is attached to the success of the 6th day night, at which announced time arrangements for Is for growers country. dealers ,
will be a
Cross Home and sellers. Prices shown
are nearing completion Nursing the public In meeting the Decem- War Loan is stressed in a recent statement by the Treasury Depart new meeting place for Troop 70. packers are cents per pound. a
> regular Thursday session ber 1 deadline.In Washington Director J. ment, :pointing out that if and when the European War is finished we The Methodist Troop will continueto

held, followed by a final Monroe Johnson, of ODT sum will still have the Pacific War to finance and almost everything out meet In the same building. Grade and Elise fob In-Slirll Prior e

Friday morning at 9:30: med the situation up as follows of: there costs even more- than in Europe. Take transportation costs, for are AH urged boy interested to be present In Scouting next U. S. No. 1 oversize ...___36

"Christmas gifts as tokens Because of the longer distances, the same amount of freight Monday night at 7:30: o'clock. U. S., No. 1 extra large...35 fi.
I esteemare
Eunle B. Willis the tay good will, affection and instance. U. S. No. 1 large ........33
Pacific to
y and a past master In'of particularly Important In a costs 25 percent more when shipped to the South than U. S. No. 1 medium ______26

teaching having had war-torn world. This Christmas Europe. And it takes twice as many cargo ships in the Pacific to Girl Scouts Aid U. S. No. 1 small .......19%

experience In various perhaps they win mean In more an a task force of a given size since turn-around time is twiceas War Fund DriveThe Commercial oversize _____33
IM before. However support
made each lesson aI0' than ever Commercial, extra large.32

consuming Interest and Invasion Year, the transportationand great. Girl Scouts worked Saturday -.. Commercial, large ........29
ply impressed each'them- delivery of Christmas pack- statement collecting money for the War .1. Commercial, medium _._.23
the great .value of this ages creates a nation-wide home "And lest anyone forget, the Treasury Department continues Fund Drive. We turned In a total Commercial, small _...__19%

ge in the home, thereby front problem."Waressential. "we will need more battalion aid stations, more clearing stations of 50.46 to Chairman N. Orchard run; Improved -_.26 H

ng and safeguarding theof t r a nsportatlon evacuation hospitals, more convalescent hospitals, more Sternberg. The six girls workIng Orchard run, seedlings ...lOVi
Nationwide more
the family. needs must be met first. In the morning were: Jo Ann
transportation facilities and hospital ships. For many, many years the sick, wounded and ther- Dlnklns Alice Lappe, Suzanne To above prices add Vi cent

dford attending County are Red grateful Cross to local delivery services are already wise disabled veterans will require medical attention and care. That's Hertz, Joe Ann Mllligan. Muriel per pound for polishing and

for this opportunity and heavily burdened. The problemcan least Uncle Sam can do in appreciation of ,what they've done for lltch Joan Carpenter. This team : bleaching. Schley, Burkett and '
pat a be solved only by public the collected $23.59. Those workingn 'Mahan pecans are given premium -
greater number did differential and to above
mutual responsibility
of us. Idell Lan-
Pt the recognition our the afternoon were:
opportunity. to do all In our power to 6th War Loanis drum, Betty Ann Fynn Vivian I prices add 4 cents per pound for '
bonds in the I
for buying
avert peak demands on transportation And another good reason McRae and Anne Wilt. They corresponding grade and size.
Teacher'' 4'abernacle : and delivery services in pointed out as follows : collected; U .87. For delivered prices add IVi 4
to the holt- I cent per pound
the weeks Just prior We are now making crap-
day. "If we're to win the peace as well as the war, the cost of living books for servicemen In the hospital

Rev. Bert Atchison, pastor "Your government urges you to must be kept down and the purchasing power of money preserved. A and are also selling Christmas Ernest Edward Allen '
Central Avenue Baptist purchase and send you r inflation that would necessarily be followed by the catas- cards. s
of 0 November, before reckless Ernest Edward Allen, Infant
wcher-wlll rIa be n do-prophetic at the Tab- during 1." trophe of deflation-with its unemployment, bankruptcies, misery and Joan ft Carpenter, Idell Landrum Scribes. ion of Mr and Mrs.\. J. M. Allen,
two at all costs. died Nov.' 11 at the home of his aarents.
nights only Monday heartache-must be prevented
lie was five months e
Atchison day., Nov.wW 20, 21. the' Fire Damages "Let's make no mistake.. A dangerous period lies ahead. The Cpl. Harold Griffis md 22 day old. Funeral services

d Revelation,speak and on since Reno School RoofThe American people have nothing to fear, however, if they show in the Now In Hospital it Olustee.were held In the cemetery '+

If. of the times In which was called have shown in the past and continue
'living. fire department future the same commryi sense they Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Grlffls, Besides his parents, the child l
it to extinguish
win be of much, week
to hear It expounded by. out Thursday of blaze at the Reno to put every penny above rock-bottom expenses into the purchase who live Southeast of Starke. are III survived by two brothers, J.
., a roof their Jr. and Lloyd Allen,
resulted War Bonds. pleased t 0 Inform many )L Allen ,
devoted much fire of and more
gihhac so colored school. The old more Friends that their son, Cpl. Har- and the grandparents, Mr. and
Teacher Study from sparks falling on If want to see the 6th War Loan In Bradford County go over old Grlffls la back In the States Mrs. St. Johns of Olustee and
uses one the shingle roof. you of after several months service is I.the !Vtrs.. Jlmmle Woodard of Starke.
i"larkin c h a eta to UlusMessage. The blaze was quickly arrived extinguished - the top, attend the big rally next Monday night-enjoy an" evening ; European War Theatre. Ur., Allen the father Is In service -

re after the truck under control fun and then go home, determined to do YOUR PART in this vital Cpl. Griffls U In a hospital In in California and could not
] kept
Invited to attend these and had been New York for medical treatment. tttead the funeral.ation .
.ng and instructive stud- by a bucket ofdRenoomed effort.

by colored resident 4



_,- IJ----


1 I

j ), : ,,ojlij l II I . . ._ ._ . . ._ ._ I weekend.Mrs. --=I n:.

The G. <:
ij :, ; N. G. visiting relative 1 ,1Adt aaUtbel'l'J
( : By Miss Ida Hagan Mrs W. B. !' Ct.
:r:, :',': : Eatabltohed 1877 . . . . . ney Griffis Webb and ltrt
'"rp g ,I ,' + E. L. Matthews .__________ Editor and Owner by Russel KayA visiting Mrs.of Lake Geneva .t:
Pfc. James Swindell of Eagle James
\ n ...1; i PubliShed Weekly on Fridays and Entered all Second Class Matter by is for ADJUTANT, a brass-hat's wet nurse, Pass, Texas Is visiting his wife Pvt. Pat

e' i 9 at the Post Office at SUtrke Florida. T. Sgt. A. W. The chief keeps him handy for someone to curse. and mother for 20 days. Blanding III WUlatn8011! Of
Miss Ruth Frith of Lake Ge- spenlilng
Jr wllh his
,'A Anderson 1 brother II'tekt
I { 4 We Can't Take Pride O WE ARE SORRY to have B Is for BUGLER, the danged lousy bunt neva Swindell was over visiting the weekend.Mrs. Mrs. .James law, Mr and Mrs L.and U -btrr.\ }

: (; In The Record to report that Bradford Somewhere in NEISeptember, Who wakes us all up before daylight has come. Grizzle and Mrs. Walker liOn \\'lIIJa:
,, County still has not were shopping In Palatka, Wed- Joe Kelsay, Sea,
'(0 y Of 'War Fund Drive reached its National War We were on an Australia Cis for CORPORAL, with Stripes on his sleeve, nesday. fort, S. C., Is Visiting 2-e pis, of

",' Fund quota. This has troop transport a magnificent A guy to sound off to when you have a peeve.D Mrs. Thornton Johns and Mrs. A. H. Kelsay, thla
; i I, -; nothing to do with War Bonds, remember, but is the .British ex-liner, en route to our children, Mrs. Florence Johns and I B. F. Geiger, Sea, i
'li r practically all-inclusive drive that takes care of the second combat mission and by Is for DOUGHBOY, a private, no less, liOn Grady, were visiting: their ford was visiting hb,l-e, Of
j 1. Prisoners' Relief Scouts Girl far our most important operationto mother, Mrs. Lydia Hall, last weekend. lItotber
,, USO work War Boy No rating, no chevrons, a helluva mess.E .
'''' date, when I ran into R. E. I _ .
Scouts and many other worthy agencies. Chairman deck the second day ,
i' '-;, 'I, a N. Sternberg reports that the fund is still far-too-much Jones out. "Aren't on you A. W. Anderson is for EASE, which seldom we are at,;i short of its $3,500 quota. ?" asked a aun-bronzed GI, A guy in the Army Is' never like that.
.'1" We all know that this is a global war, but few off clad, as I was only in shoes and
f\\;; us realize that our own personal part is global-that pants To my affirmative ans- F is for FURLOUGH, that's danged hard to get,
,,I the generosity of every local community, and every wer I added that his face was Been in service a year and ain't had one yet.
,,:,; person in it, goes straight out to the ends of the earth. familiar but th.-name eluded me. .
:;i It's a hard picture to grasp, but the following: report, When he told me his name I rec- G is for GENERAL, attention you bums,

'. I ,:,,'' written by Robert Keith Leavitt, should help put over our ognized ex-BHS him at Tornadoes once as one from of Heads up and chests out when that baby comes.

: the idea:
t Starker We had a lively conver- .
I have just looked at a record which shows that sation. He operates a 25-ton H is for HONOR and Glory and Fame, Monday
Sunday Tuesday
: your gift to your local war fund is now at work on six ((50,000 pounds) Delsel "cat" The cheesecake for selling the old Army game. Nov._19-2051

"j continents and in 91 countries and geographic areas, building roads and clearing: the -
including our own. It has crossed embattled seas, Jungle areas; he is in our Engi- I is for INSPECTION that's something to dread
t sifted through closed borders, and penetrated barbed neers. On D-Day he scooped out For a guy who is slouchy and don't use his head.

y +, wire entanglements to be put to work by the twenty- our headquarters installations, do- + The MEMORABLE KIND OF MOTION PICTURE
i s' a', two member agencies of the National War Fund. Ing In half an hour the job of a J Is for JEEP, a mechanical bronc.

______ : In the jungles of the Pacific and behind the lines five a man week.detail He would handled accomplishIn that big: Hang on, you poor cluck, or you'll land on your konk.K that dos things to your Heart... to your Head...

in Europe, for instance, our own armed forces are caterpillar the way a mother of your Humor...and Tingles you from Top IfrTotj-j fe.S .
t3 9.. getting a lift and a laugh when USO-Camp Shows thirteen handles her new four- is for KITCHEN and dear old KP e
units go ashore soon after the troops establish beach. teenth.It. Where you mop and scrub 'til you get housemaid'sknee. % ,

;! heads. wan shortly after we be- .
: In Cherbourg, merchant seamen suffering from gan our first combat mlseJon
nervous tension, more popularly known as "convoy while II. E. wait smoothing L is for LINE, where you just stand -and wait,
t fatigue" may get rest and replacements for their lost up an area on the beachhead It's "Get back", "Wait your turn", from early 'til late.
I clothing at a United Seamen's Service center.In when up drove a Jeep and out ..
Britain, robot-bombed inhabitants have been stepped brother OdeU, an- M is for MAJOR and you'd better salute,

s provided with clothing-and even such essentials of other Tornado known" to ev- Or you'll land in the guardhouse, you simple galoot.N .
a* "Mutt. The ; ;
r household equipment as stoves and cooking utensils, did eryone not know each other's location ;!
Is for "NUTS", which so well, _
,,; by the British War Relief Society. but when Mutut's ship expresses
How. feel when Shavetail is giving hell.
Two-thirds of the supplies sent to the Soviet by (he I I.* a Navy Runner) anchored you a you
i + Russian War Relief were used in military hospitals In our bay and he
T there thus contributing to Russia's record of returning heard the Dixie Dlvlwlon was O is for ORDERS, that are issued each day. 7'9 J7ctc4otp'
c ( ; 73 out of every 100 military casualties to frontline there he wasted no time If you fail to heed them, the devil's to pay.P .
looking R. K. up. 1dOR RYAN OAKIEr1'1IiP
action.In Mauritius, Czechoslovak refugees who managed Witnessed another coincidencea is for PRIVATE, either plain or FC.:
f' g to get out of their country and escape the fate of those week ago on our NEI beach- But they make the Army, if you're asking me.
{ I in the martyred village of Lidice, have found a haven head. Our Private Garland Easter -
'' of safety and have been sent aid by United Czechoslovak (Aberdeen, Miss) was talkingto Q is for QUARTER, we're taught not to give,
'1 Relief. me when up walked his brother If we did on the pay we get, how could we live? l
r Johnny. Johnny's regiment,
,4' In Germany American and Allied of
4r prisoners part of another division was at-
war are provided by War Prisoners Aid with recreational tached to us for the operation R is for RATIONS, the feed-bag or chow
;:; M ', ; r educational and religious materials to keep up and the two had not seen each We gripe at the grub, but we eat it, and how! k

r their morale against the enervating effects of confinement other In two years. It's a small *
in war-prisoner camps. Text-books sent world sometimes. S is for SERGEANT, who barks out commandsIf > : n--T

4,'' them are used in self-organized classes, which they Have you heard of a thief he had his way, we'd all walk on our hands.
call their "University of captivity." From theatricalkits who was but one-half dishonest *
they've received and from materials found in the TOne of our Warrant T is for TACTICS, the Master-minds plan,

ti I ;4 camps, they construct such camp pro- Officers, Aug. Schmidt, Like a 60-mile hike, full pack for each man.
f' ductions. as "Hamlet" propsUncle Tom's Cabin." from New Orleans, left hisfoot
r, 1 In Ecuador, refugees who were rescued from; Hit locker open one.A, M. 'U is for UNIFORM, the old G.-.I. garb, ROSEMARY DeCAMP GAVN
,,A he
at noticed -
M ( }i ler's, hangmen, are given the opportunity'to regain Returning the :position noon of his wal- If you find one to fit you, I mean, you're a darb.V :": ISABEL JEWEII JOHN I LJAII1r
their health and to rehabilitate themselves by'Refugee
, ,
I under -
p let, which was lying Just
Relief Trustees. C; / J : the locker lid, was is for VETERAN, a grizzled old coot
I ., And so it goes around the globe\ whereverthere changed, and an examination Whose job is to teach the young rookies to shoot.
is a need'that can be reached and relieved, YOU, OlHcloHBd that the f25 ((25
f i p through one of the National War Fund agencies, are gliders are worth $.3.21; and W is for WAC'S, who've invaded our ranks,
;, extending a helping hand.. "f" stands for gilder like "," Those sweet little, neat little, feminine Yanks.X .

l 'i }i At home, too-that place where you hang your stands for dollar) bill he,had ,
hat and keep your heart-your) gift has helped cope wan ''gone. The considerate is for EXCHANGE, better known as PX,
> I'I'r with problems that were toiigh' enough in peacetime. thief did. however, leave Aug The guys who are runnin 'em, stick out their necks.Y .
ust two f 10 notee and several -
v Now that we are at war, they have become doubly ones. Our Army Fill
difficult. ((1\0'11)) have failed again. is for YARDBIRD, who's sweating it out,
s :, l,'' Your generosity to your 'local war fund has been Accompanying us into combat As he picks up the rubbish, left scattered about.Z ALSO -
put to work to maintain our local services promoting were quite a few members of
4a, health, welfare and recreational activities right here inv the fourth estate '(newspapermen is for Zella, Zorina or Zoe
't i' ,; I this community. Our hospital and home nursing facilities ) Including Henry McLemore The nifties we've met at the old U.S.O. )COMEDY, :& LATEST WARM

!', .I our children's agencies, and family welfare (columnist), Corporal Roger I .
i r services have all been aided. Wrenn of Yank and Sergeant .
t; + }b Men on the battlefronts will find that the things George Baker daddy of "Pvt. Sad
; they have fought to preserve all over the world, have Sack", the funniest cartoon each

41 not been neglected right here at home. It would be week in Yank Magazine. Ser- Have a "Coke"= i Adelante la musical!
geant Baker should plentyof con
I ,, , small consolation to a fighting man to know that he had
( >: (I brought freedom to people abroad, only to find, on cartoons inspiration for we for have future any Sad numberof Sack (GET IN THE GROOVE!)
}' his return that his had been enslaved
own family by sad sacks here. Newsmen and
v illness, poverty and anti-social-tendencies. cameramen have nerve and they
; Your generosity has, in one contribution synchronized have guts, and all went in on D-
1 1 through the National War Fund, struck with the Day, some with the first waves.
i forces of good against the power of evil, wherever it They are the unsung heroes who
may be. make you the most promptly, ac- I
ti curately, fully Informed public in

t4tgr And yet, you'd be surprised at some of the excuses the world.
p'' A given to volunteer workers in the local drive by those From D-Day until things are
f.'A who did choose "safe" all non-coma cut off their
not to contribute-excuses that were
all the brass hats
1 y, so poor, and often foolish, that they were much worse doff stripes their and brass. Nobody salutes
1 ,c than a flat refusal would have been. "sirs"
anybody; nobody anybody;
'! We hope that a few of those who refused to help and, like the French after their
'4t'7u! i i+ when first'solicited will reconsider their decision and revolution no one Is addressedby
&\ will mail their checks in to help Bradford County a title-no "captain" "ser-
"complete its mission". geant", or "lieutenant." Everyone -
!*r.i does his damnedest to look
like the buckest private In the
Pulpwood 'Workers WITH THE Allies making rearmost rank for it's the favor
+ 1 +' Assured of Jobs advances in all sectors it ite trick of a Jap sniper to hold
t' ; a t In Time of Peace is natural that some war fire until 'he can draw a beadon
workers may become pre- someone who evidently Is a
1c maturely optimistic and big* shot. Said my boss, Captain
-t start looking for jobs with more security. However, Homer Allen: "Call me Homer."
"" A f as our war chiefs have stated, this is the time when Replied I: "Sure.. Call me Andy -
war ,production counts most, when any let-down may .
+ prolong the war and cost unnecessary American lives. That's not observing military
tradition courtesy, and custom
Pulpwood cutters and producers are fortunate in
you may say Phooey
:!' this respect, however. They need not become alarmed

I, at the prospect of an abrupt end of the war. For their You keep buying
k job will continue as long after the war as that of any

;,' industry. WAR BONDSYOU
% Moreover, there will be no period of unemploymentwhile
war machines are re-converted to peace-time . or getting along in Guatemala 1
,i ,; iI manufacturing. CAN GET
L''r t' The same pulpwood that today makes smokeless Music makes friends
among our Latin-American
;t ; powder, supply parachutes and X-boxes tomorrow will REAL RELIEF here neighbors, just as it does /
make cartons for peace-time world trade, many new at home. There's another custom that helps make friends even faster.

+ ,z t fiber-base products for civilian use, as well as the customary glom ACID It's h.parse that refreshes with Ice-cold Coca-Cola. '
i a"Gokf! is an Invitation .
r '3' paper and paper products which are found in
ii'a 1 y, every home. of welcome as quickly understood in Guatemala as in Georgia. In many

No new equipment will be necessary 'to produce lands around the globe,Coca-Cola has become the same symbol of
4 wP j;' pulpwood in the post-war period, although, of course, that it is in own living friendliness Cola
II worn out trucks and tires will be replaced and mechan- ate BISMA-REX your room. "Coke";=Cocpop1r n aIJIC'
ical saws may become more widespread. Ie's natur.l for
OP bbbet
11n!' Pulpwood offers a wartime job with a post-war COttrANV it to That" whCocaCola you
; future. Cut all you can for war today and you'll be STARKE COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. tion. hued 'Coke

r ,t4r? prepared for the industrial needs,tomorrow. Carpenter's Drag Store
b I tk {
), P {t .o.,44TtoCCII :<

'y aI1


. . . . . ;
all wish her a speedy recovery was the dinner guest of Mr. and I WaycroRH, Ga., last week-end. :
iradford Hi School JournalStaff Brooker I Miss Willa Mae Clemons of Mrs. Loy Mott, Sunday I Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Markey. ,
Palmetto was visiting friends and Mr and Mrs. T. W Markey Mrs Eddie Lewis and Miss Iva : "I
relatives here last week-end I were visiting C J. Markey and Mae Lewis were shopping in /

. lly. ."' 0)1tklm.on. . . . Steve Dampier of Gainesville ; Mr and Mrs J 1\(. Mai'key In 'I' Gainesville. Thursday afternoon. "

Tornadoes Run Wild To Down Butler FELLOWSHIP: MEETING:

OPOl<- -ta Green A
| Fellowship Meeting will beheld
_Bolhy Turner at the Church of God, In
65 0 In
Homecoming Day EventFriday
En I lor Bloffraphle Lora Brooker, on Thursday night November

?-y and Frances Colley 30 (Thanksgiving). The
lIuttoII pastors of all churches are In-
rty ce\\'*-Garnlta night the B.H.S. Tornadoes -
vited to come and bring their
Barbara Keen lived up to their name"I Lt. Rhodes Is congregations. "Come let us
IIloP'aphleDorothyJ'01'hy in overpowering a weak Lake
hers / I Assembly SpeakerOn have fellowship together' You
and Marie Edwards Butler squad on the Starke field
are on the program. Everybody .
\ 'ws-_AUene Kelley to the tune of 65 to 0. Thursday of last week we Invited" the pastor J. L. Willis, N.ari
F'aturel\larlon Johns The game was a rout from had as our speaker Lt. Ralph announced.
lal start to finish with the Starke t
hazel Green Rhodes, a former student of our , > k ,
Betty re ak d 1
d team in the Tiger's territory most school. lilllTIlDAY PARTIES o in 1 ;lyyt

of the time. Coach Hobbs playedhis His talk was about some of Miss Yvonne Harrell celebratedher
second team most of the second his experiences In the Burma- ninth birthday anniversary

tonal half but Lake Butler was China-India Theater. He also Thursday, Nov 9, at the homeof \
unable to furnish a coring threatat Rrt$4pp* :Emi
showed' Mrs.
are "things" that will some of ,his capturedJap Cecil Moore Outdoor
nets along: the road of any time during the game. sonvenlrs, such as the Jap- games were played and later refreshments t11y
a person High 'scorer for the game was i$ n
personputs them to anese flag, thousand-stitch belt, of cake, cookies and '
that left-half R J. Turner of Starke,
fuse. AH of us know what and his "short snorter" bills Coca Colas were served the
of us use someem scoring 5 touchdowns. Center which contained autographs of guests. Mrs Lewis demons and
{are some In a while and a Biggs of the Tornadoes turned a his many friends and several Mrs. Cecil Moore served as hos- R . Sbo *
| once speedster and outpaced the en-
movie stars. tesses. Yvonne received
them all the many
persons use of us don't'use tire secondary for a touchdown We would like to say that Lt. lovely and useful I gifts. About
J| Why more often Is a mysterywill after Intercepting a Tiger aerial.A Rhodes' talk was one of the most 20 little guests celebrated this
more be solved. We laugh was furnished when interesting we have had this happy occasion with the honoree.
never end Burney of Starke missed the and that it '
year was enjoyed by
make more '
that they us.we ball on the kickoff after the half. the whole school. Miss Marie Green was hon ---r-C' : 'b,, fir-- ,

rr; nevertheless rude and careless andr go Starke's cheerleaders must be We wish Ralph much luck in ored on her 13th birthday anniversary _

being to have no regard for too fascinating or something to his future missions. with a party on Friday, r--
Put manners to that effect. M. J. Nov. 10, at the'community hall. "

persons.take up but little time To-date the Starke gridders Many outdoor games were en-
they will be surprised whatcan have scored 216 points to 64 for Senior Biographies joyed by the 25 young people
oU do for the opposition, with three more : who attended. Refreshments of
you.Editor.. games to play. Winifred Crwby ''cake, cookies and soft drinks ;
The Tornadoes meet Baldwin on Winifred was born on Novem- were served by Mrs. Rosa Pin-

the Bradford field tonight (Fri ber 16, 1927, in Yukon. In case holster and Miss Betty Hazel
ecoming Dance day) at 8:15.: you don't know where that Is- Green. Marie received many "

(cessful f 1 Event They play Newberry here Fri- it is just this side of Jackson- lovely gifts and 'birthday wishes

day night, Nov. 24, and the final ville. When she was in the sixth Mrs C. C. Melvin and Mrs. 87 times straight-I've been lucky !
_> lance after the game Frl- game of the season will also bea grade she moved to Brooker. In Pledger Gainey and son, Richard
really turned out to be the tenth grade she started to
fcight home Wednesday
game were In Macon, Ga., visiting Pvt.
icess. The USO auditorium night Nov. 29-the day before B.H.S. Winifred started workingfor Cecil Melvin last week-end. tM
|decorated with paper to 11ite Southern Bell Telephone Co.
our school colors. Lakes Thanksgiving: at the end of the school term Mrs. Vance Russ, Mrs. Mary 87 times 1'v. gone out-and good when you cOlntIf' and real "

school colors are the last year. Ann Atkinson and Miss Joyce Atkinson come back. ise what a high score you've got.

as ours so those colors were Meet The FacultyMrs. She is blonde, has grayishgreeneyes were in Starke Mondayon You feel you deserve a rest, too.
Various kinds busuiness.Mrs. When your score get that high,
appropriate. and is five feet one inch t
owers were placed on the Vandlvler tall. She likes to eat, preferably G. W. Davis and children they usually let you quit for a while. But the war isn't over yet. And

to add a touch of gaietye I I Mrs. Blanche Vandiviere was chocolate nut sundaes, but ba- were visiting friends and relatives But sometimes that isn't possible. until it is, I'll make a bargain with VI
born in Lake Butler when it was
for in Jacksonville last week. You: keep buying d. 1
room. The sponsors I nana splits run a close race. you: on an
You have to kcc
still in Bradford County. She just '
at the Winifred also likes bon ngeeponfightingtillthelastjapdropsl ) !
teams were present from Bradford High sports especially Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hazen perhaps till .
graduated your up.
They wore beautiful cor- diamond ball. Her weak- and family were visiting relatives \
of yellow chrysanthemums. School In the class of the 1924 Florida and ness is black haired boys. She in Nashville, Ga., last Out here you get to understand' J)
graduated week-end'i
lly think the dance after dislikes studying. Mrs. Lucille Edwards I those things. There's no question of
Women. '
State College for The 6th War Loan is And it' it
Winifred to work at
omecomlng game was a suc- planned son are visiting her husband Pvt. quitting-no matter how much
and one that we, the sen- Mrs. Vandiviere teaches typingand Southern Bell and prepare for Ernest Edwards In Macon, Ga. I you've done every American's duty to invest in ;
will always remember has a tenth grade home- commercial work. at least one extra $100 War Bond.! ,
Miss Frances the I
:M. E. W. room. She taught commercial We of B.HS. know Winifredwill dinner guest of Barry Miss Ilean was Atkinson Back home it's the same way Jf you haven't bought yours yet. ) 1
subjects in BHS in the years of succeed and wish her all the about buying War Bonds. You feel do it todayl I .
1939. and '40. She was once dep- luck in the world. Sunday.Mr.
Flashes uty clerk of court of Bradford and Mrs. E. C. Long and

County. During the past ten Hazel Loulae daughter, Betty were visiting In 'E&
Crosby .i
\did hate to see Mrs.
sure Bond !
kr leave, but we are glad years she has been secretary to Hazel was born on July 15, Starke, Sunday. Buy .at least one extra $100 War Today .
the Dean of Music and to the 1927, in Rising, Florida. She Mrs. Coleman Dees Is in the
>ve Mrs. Vandiviere for our
e! Room teacher. Director of the Graduate Divis- moved to Brooker when she wns Alachua County Hospital and la 1 CANOVA PHARMACY
r class hasa nice start for ion at 4F.S.C.W. for two years, In the third grade. She has been very 111 at the present time.: We

I library" 'The 'books; we and.attep.ded college in St. Louisto attending B.H.S. sinceshewaa in .
Titndiy'' Physical Therapy! for the tenth grade. .
ID far are: "Chicken Every .
Bay". "Our Hearts Wereg one year, taught for two years She has brown hair, blue eyes --, .-.-..'...'..
and has been traveling with her Is five feet two and one-half il J '
and "The .
Gay", yearling"
husband Lt. Col. S. P. Vandiviere Inches tall, and weighs 112 . .. t
teeant York" The Arm-Chair
I the rest of the time. ..."f.
plop". The Best Loved Poof pounds. ... .
Col. and Mrs. Vandiviere have Haul is a true Southerner and .
America", "God Is My Co- II. /
", and "Random Harvest". one son Stewart Jr. Col. Van- likes fried chicken. She likes E&a.IIij' ,\

hope to have more books as diviere is now stationed in Ne- sports, but especially football. I .
'ear goes on. braska. He is in the Medical wonder why. By looking at her
ell Persley was elected As- Corps. Mrs. Vandiviere and clothes you can tell that her ','

Int t Reporter of our class.Reporter I Stewart Jr. had to come back favorite color is blue. She has iitWv' -,,. .....%.
.? ,. 1.II
to Florida because of the healthof no special dislikes. .". ." '
I Stewart. I II After finishing high school she ,/....\" "' '.. '
M. C. W. '' I Her special liking Is young I plans to be a beautician and we : ; ..' 'r.>
will make ..'1' .
all know that she a :.
boys. '
tire Farmerse great success of it. ; "

e bond drive. Is planning for the on sixth a 10-H NewsWe Florida To Observe How Florida National Group Banks: : t1

loan. The boys have de- are glad to have four new Thanksgiving: Day
te( get prizes such bill- girls In our room. They are _
knives, etc., and as auctionone Janice Walters, Jane Wentworth, On November 30 Have Helped Cities and Counties
Betty Jean Louis, and Jo Ann ..
day in town. They will '"
old>' to King. But sorry, however, to No matter what your calendar t ,
the highest bidder. Florida's Industrial
exact lose Hazel Stokes. We wish her shows or what other states do, In West Empire
time and for It
place .
Florida's official ThanksgivingDay ,p1P
[not been decided, but it will luck at her new school. this year is November 30. -, .,.- .
'n Our Junior Red Cross collection
successful. We have a The law says so. Floridians increasingly total of $19,500,000 in Florida' I
ere has been a committee Is very Governor Holland has Issued no are becoming a $

1I1ted 1 to arrange it but there very good start, already. official proclamation, but he has aware of the great city and county bonds, including
[been Your Reporters
no report from its said-as he has for the past three .
|roan, Maurice Edwards, Jr. Dot and Jameshow years-that he has no discretionin If..,' industrial destiny of West Florida. West Florida bonds valued at ,.

the matter. A 1941 State law .
Nine West Florida'
provides that Thanksgiving shallbe T For many years the' state as a .
the last Thursday in Novem- ) counties are represented in this ;
whole has tended to regard this : ;

OpenMonday ber.You have to look at the law area as being not only limited to holding . nine counties that "

books to find out, because the ,. '
aren't this : .-1'; ; .:' also limited have thus been enabled to make|
A. M. calendars much help agriculture, but to ,/
to Friday 4 P. M. to 3 year. Some of them show the : i needed improvements because of// I' w""'

4 A. M. fourth Thursday, November 23, as : certain crops.
A. M. to
Saturday 10 l
Sunday Thanksgiving. Others show the ; Florida National Group financing.}
last (fifth) Thursday. Some Recent industrial developments 4

LUE GRILL: & TAVERN calendar makers., apparently re- .' .. focused Although these bonds 1 J' '
however have
membering that they have come ,
STREET to grief before on the question, ., *. purchased as a sound investmentwere,) .
10th the
EAST attention vast potentials ,
have played it safe and showedno *
(Near North End of S.AX. Depot) Thanksgiving date. 'i: of West Florida as a great manufacturing they were chosen from among '. ;' : I

After all the hullabaloo over many available investment opportunities : '

OUR SPECIALTIES President of the Roosevelt's third Thursday proclamation several- ," ." ',. \., region for forest products because they also I enabled 'J."

HICKEN SHRIMP OYSTERS11.Z"'LB. years ago to accommodate mer- .x :d4q, .. :. paper, ships, pottery and us to contribute to the progress ". ,.J:
cants who wanted more shopping .. \; I
SIRLOIN STEAK I days between Turkey Day and J .) oft many other things. of a section of Florida that may ,;': ti
Christmas, the Florida Legislature \
decided to fix things up for ':-- ._;" : West Florida is. marching one day outstrip all of the rest of :;:;
I the State by setting the last : r
Thursday. 'ahead-rapidly. And Florida Florida as a rich manufacturing ": H{ Y

IDEALSof Then the President went backto National Group Banks are help.and industrial area. We' believe '.
the fourth Thursday. It worked arr

modern Serving create an establish- out all right for, Florida aa long ,ing its progress by investing in that our Investment In West(: ebilr

ment superior in its reverence, tact, and as there, but were this coming just four November Thursdays : -: ,West Florida county, city and Florida bonds is helping hasten

I unusual economy of cost. has Thanksgiving five Thursdays.Day Is So the Florida's,fifth ,,road and school district bonds. that day-and we are proud_ to. i 't i1 tit

"* Thursday November 30. , 'Today_FloridaCroup_ Banks own have a part in it./ ,

Of course there is nothing to '0 '. ;
DEWITT C. JONES keep any Floridian from eatinghis l
turkey any Thursday he can

AMBULANCE SERVICE find one, nor to prevent him . iff.
from giving thanks anytime he .. -Ui'7-. FLORIDA NATIONAL
likes. : .
Funeral Director *;*:.vrJ-. '.j: GROUP of BANKS L. '\ ", + 1

Phone 7 dour War BondInoestrnent : ,". -11'* },, tIY

is t

STARKE. FLORIDA Hour Investment

In America * .' FLORIDA BANK AT STARKEiT "/ t




,J -..

: FRIO.\y. :

rr erj; Mrs. George '8: Flynn, Mrs. Dameron Black
Robert Canova Kidd Glen Wood, Mrs. Valrle Kidd, Mra. !
: ::";:'.:::'_;':-:" .::.::',,':':',':" : : _-"i.-: ::':: :',"' : '..;,';::':' ':'''.'','':,,' '.:': .:'::':' ,";T\o_'::" '.1 / SOCIETY and CLUBS I Celebrates First Mr*. W. C. Powell, Mrs. Joe Canova R. A Mlh tA'eehs chargeR l iiPrs

Scanlan, Mrs. James Lewis,' Mrs.J. Mrs. on \Vlgg1b &. J
Starke's finest Birthday Anniversary R. Wainwright, Mrs. James er, Mrs LIce \ (!' 11ft A1t
Harvest QueenTo Mrs. Rose Guest Robert Canova Kldd Dennis, Mrs. Donald McRae, Mrs. Searing Mrs&I101'a.M"
Because EdWIn Torode, Mrs. Charles Mrs. II A.
E. W,
Restaurant Be SelectedAt At LuncheonOf was one year old his for mother"him Darby, Mrs.! Richard Thede, Mrs. .V S. S, L john htatthea'tt &lid
birthday party
i USO DancePlans Army Wives I gave on Wednesday a afternoon at her
and Bar North Walnut St. This
for a gay time at the Mrs. E. C. Rose was the guest I home on of Capt.
fft. Thanksgiving dance on Wednes- I of honor at the Walnut Street little man Is the son Kldd and
Ricahrd G. ;
i[' day night, Nov. 22, are being USO Club Army Wives' regular and :Mrs. somewhere U. r
is now
., made at the USO Club on Temple luncheon on Thursday.Mrs. his for his country.
\ The and Washington. Colorful decorations Ralph Christensen, Chairman England fighting beautifuland
and favors will enliven of the Army Wives' Councilas The afternoon was
I the occasion and special refreshments I mistress of ceremonies Introduced the children played games on
will be s rved. I Mrs. Rose, wife of Col E. C. the lawn while the mothers talKcd
,> Main feature of the eveningwill i Roee, Post Commander, who discussed and enoyed the scene. In the ct
be the crowning of a Harvest dining room a color scheme
$ the customs
\ e..0" '\)::t B Queen selected by G. I. vote from quite Informally pink and green was used, aud
Oti fj' among the Junior hostesses. and traditions common the flowers were white jassamlue :
among army circles. Questionsfrom and pink rosebuds. Centering tae!:

co \Oo Miss Colette Green the wives were answered at table was a huge cake, topped by
( candle. As a memento ,
00 Weds N. B. Rosier, Jr. length. the occasion, the hostess took a
: o'f.. Tables for the luncheon were number of kodak pictures of the ,
: Miss Colette Green, daughterof decorated with fruits, flowers children.
j, A Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Green of and autumn leaves by Mrs. C. V. The hostess served Ice cream
Starke N. B. Rosier, Jr.,
and son Gross The luncheon committeewere and cake to the mothers and
,;, of Mr- and Mrs. N. B. Rosier of : Harriett O'Rourke, Bea larger children, but to the small
.. Starke, were married Friday ehe served orange Juice
i I night, Nov. 10, In Lake Butler. Green and Marjorie Trompke. and animal crackers. Mrs. Kidd I 1 h
The ceremony was performed by was assisted In serving by Norma
j "f V County Judge J. R. ,Townsend at Richard
.. I ndWSCS and Emma Jane Canova,
I '
his home, and attendants' were To MeetThe Canova,
Kldd. Levy and George
THANKSGIVING DINNER Mr and Mrs. Glenn F. TIppins, and Patricia Ann Kldd. Ml <(DiEl1ACHINE
sister and brother-in-law of the Woman's Society of Chris- Little folks Invited= to the party
bridegroom. tian Service will meet .Monday.
Kathleen Scanlan,
NOVEMBER 23 & 30
Mr Rosier Is employed at the afternoon, Nov. 20, at 3:30: o'- Black, Jr., Rlckie Thede, Bill and PERMANENT
Camp Blandlng postofflce and he clock, In the Methodist church. Harriett Powell Charlene and
TURKEY WITH and his bride are at home to Business and program meet- Kay Dennis, Bill Green, Brenda $9.00
their friends! at their home'.on Ing. Circle One will have chargeof Lewis, Mary Agnes and Madge

ALL TilE TRIMMINGS B West Call Street. the program.I&&JL0iubLtd7. Ann Matthews, Mary Catherineand Includes Shampoo and Style Setting
Betty Lou Wainwright, Vir- ".
ginia Jean and Mike Darby, Bill THE PERFECT BASIS
Smith, Bambl La Morte, Randy
Johns, Bill and Glen Wood, Jr., ,FOR YOUR HOLIDAY COIF
1 h
I Kay Hart, Carol McRae, Martha
Weldon, Charles Arthur Torode, .
David Wiggins,. Markley Ann
0 Johns, Sharon Cluff, Valrle Kldd,
..".f"; SIZZLING Wonder If this is the,"lull before -1 on . It was sent pronto! . Jr., Burge Searing, Wayne Alex- BREEZE HAIRCUT
u.., ; the storm' 'or what? . Caught a glimpse of Margaret ander, David Canova, Andy Gar-
> STEAK Everybody talking'about things (Stringfellow) Barkley Just back ner of Lake Butler, Diana Smith $1.00
being slow . Actually saw a from Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, and Linda Kay Sale.
'; LOBSTER sign posted on front of the Starke where she visited her new in-laws Also Invited to the party were: .
: SHRIMP Hotel: "Room for Rent" . Hear : . Hear MIgnon (SIsson) La- Mi1 and Mrs. Edward Burns,
checkouts there last t: weekendwere Morte, now in a New York Hos- (Mr. Burns Is little Robert Ca-
CHICKEN 0 the heaviest since Blending pital, hopes to be in Starke for nova Kldd's God-father); Mrs.
started up . w, Nathan Prevatt Christmas . Spotted "Cousin Clifton Brown (who is God-moth-
another business man, also states Mae" Dickens chaperoning the
that his establishment recently ex- teen-age dance at the USO Mon Robert E. (Bobby) Edwards, Ji0
perienced the slowest week since day afternoon, and doing a bangup stationed with the Merchant aM- (
pre-camp days . Maybe it's job . So enthusiastic she's rlne at Charleston, S. C., A
just the ebb period between a thinking of learning to dance, the weekend here with his
SANDWICHES large group leaving camp and a, herself . ents, Mr and Mrs. L. R. par-I
new group arriving, but whatever wards, Jr.
"( SALADS the reason, Starke doesn't, You'te certainly missed some-
quite know what to do in its unaccustomed thing till you've heard the recordIng -
lull . .
Pvt. Joe Andrews sent
b made to order!
Happy birthday' Thursday to I home from the Pepsi-Cola Ser- SHOP EARLY SHOP EARLY O SHOP EARL
vice Center in New
ove of our favorite Army wives-. York, where
Lillian (Mrs. Bice) Boyce ,.' t he's been furloaflng . Seemshe

325 TEMPLE AVENUE Hear some friends gave her a glad( likes to get Yale Immensely from and was, SHOP AT CARPENTER'S WHERE A TREASURE

;.r -;. 1 :J:. well-deserved Overseas, Requests..surprise: ;Enos. !. ,{}.}.Add ayes chiefly because away they wouldn't Blanding let rAND . ,

writing home for some stationery him go In Kingsley without a
like, Jacq Andrews wrote to him lifeguard tagging along (one of GIFTS.AWAITS
the Army rules) . That for HOUSE OF ( YOUR SELECtl
Joe, who has lived on the west
side of Kingsley for years and
TIP TOP_ SUPER MARKETPURE was practically reared In the A SPECIAL GIFT

jury water, .was. *.adding Insult to In- GIFTS FOR HER

\ e 9c' EXTRACTS Eaton Jordan writes that he it IN EVERY PRICE RANGE ,TIlE tJlt
\ receiving the Telegraph In Ger-

TASTE IT...AND DIE.' t wed many now and the first copy to 75c to $50 yoU LOVE!
arrive there was poster on a
23ct building well within the German

K I L I.E. R t border . "Thought some other Dresser Sets . Manicure Sets .
GI from Bradford County might
ruu see It there," Eston eays . Dessert Plates . Vases of all Kinds
r.wuu Hear It. O. Jones has been pro
.. moted to the rank, of Captain AsTray Sets . Salt & Pepper Sets

Qts. 45c VANILLA and is now on his.way overseas Figurines . ". Cocktail Sets . Pot-
. .
MOSQUITOES Large Size _____27cVANILLA well-deserved pro- !'
tery . Musical Powder Boxes
motion: From Captain to Major . s '
Pts. 25c| a :
y for that hard-plugging ex-Call-
tp Medium Size ____12c streeter, Jock Grlffis . Letter
4yr this week from Ray Frost, recently .
from Blanding, now some
Large Size ___25c where In France, says food is -
Poultry Seasoning.. .9c Garlic Salt ------, lOc LEMON fair, but C rations do get tiresome SOMETHING, TO SUIT EVERY BUDGET r..rke'rd' u

Paprika ---________lOc Onion Salt _______lOc . Orchids to the Jr. Wo-
Medium Size ___12c
t Chili Powder9c Onion FlakeslOc man's Club for taking on the 39c to $25 (RE {
sale of Xmas Seals this year . so!suin rn
Ground Mustard ___9c Pumpkin Pie Spice8c ALSO COMPLETE 6Ha1a'

Celery Salt ______..lOc Parsley Flakes tOe ASSORTMENT The mystery of the new oil Men's Sets . Men's Soap Sets . p w

rsrss=psss=ssSssssssssrrrsesrsssss=sr=rsrss.;- FANCY FLAVORS heater in the Presbyterian Church Fitted Leather Cases . Dopp Kits Thethongl'Ua4r"e6iR(
has finally been solved . Seemsit towannherheart.nJ.m:
---- was Intended for the Grover . Bill Folds . Playing Cards berLands.So6Jdnkerpr'Ba
Alisons (Episcopal rectory) and from l'Oughued an c PP1DfPoker
was delivered to the Presbyterians Chips . Stationery . Tobacco through winter da1.-h.""

1 Itl by mistake . Then once and Pipes . keep haDd.,elbow-,"rl'aad
more it was mis-delivered to the ankles deJigbtl'u1l1110II
I Episcopal Church, but the Ali whllelteaaillul.rack.
sons finally got It after enlistingthe wldumerryYuledJe.u.
help of the Army, the Navy GIFTS FOR BABY
(but not the Marines) . Chatteda In-
THE NEW LOCATION THE moment with Wilma McClane, Come In And

passing through town Tuesday, 35c to $6.50
and she tells me that T. K. and
ti STARKE TIRE SERVICEAT his buddies are planting a gardenon Our FineSelection
the South Pacific island they Soap Sets . Rattlers, all designs . snect

a'h are currently inhabiting .. Baby Books . Food Warmers .
They'll probably move on before ofXmasG
harvest time, but some other hun- Baby's Pal . Stuffed Animals I

t t1; J. P. ROBERTS GARAGE BLDG. 600 Temple Ave. gry doughboy will-profit by It . Pull Toys . Banks . Sterling Sil* .1

Hear the Girl Scouts did a fine *
LET US RECAP YOUR .COMPLETE SET OVERNIGHT Job on the War' Fund drive last ver Cups . 'Comb and Brush

Saturday . But that's nothing
:,. PLENTY STORAGE ROOM unusual . They always do put

over what they undertake . TOYS & GAMES 50c, 9.95
Glimpsed Bill Jackson In town on to
r RECAPPING & VULCANIZING .. furlough before departing for Ft. fuzz 1 1
Meade, Md. . Add thrilled Dump Trucks . Jeeps .stuffed Animals . Tea Sets >
ALL SIZES TIRES & TUBES mothers: Mrs Mattie Gahagan ,
. Chinese Checkers. Books
expecting son, Powell for a visit . Bingo . Picture and Story

11 ; 24 HOUR SERVICE soon . Seems he 'just recently
returned to the states . S. R.
Johns, Jr., back In town after a
Best Materials Used Work Guaranteed
sojourn with the Merchant Marine -
e I' I I N says Call Street at night CARPENTER'STHE
surely looks good after stumbling
around a dark little burg like
STARKE TIRE SERVICE London for several months . .
Well . Guess that about
600 Temple Ave. Starke, Fla. Phone 69 winds up the little black book FloridaPAGE
for this time , So long .. Starke Phone 64 _
I See you In the next \ .
I I Carolyn

r r

.' --. ,, '.,-.. .. IIIIIIIIII

... -...-.._...,,-.. j "' ,,,-, ..,,. ------I..H.' ......_.._..________.__...... .. .


ItY. NO\-EMBF.U' -
-- i
Ensign H. E. Greene, who Is I named Court and caime, wherein Pvt. Howard Douglas I Is given to qualified men In Communications
Mrs I. P. Shepherd has returned plnlnttff eik cllvo,...... UrndfordCountv Demolition Riggersand
home after spending i a stationed at Ft. Pierce, spent the I Telegraph Hhall publish & Boots' ,
F- Earns 'Wings
NAT SEZ: few days In Tampa with relatives weekend here with his wife, at this ,Order, In next four weeklylefliieii I Parachute Maintenance, vital

Mrs J M. Brownlee and Ear the home of Mr. and Mra T. J. \\ltnoitH mv hnnd and offltlnlneal Of Paratroopers skills for Airborne Troops.
.I' Used to be hard to get folUn to II. Johnson went to Jacksonville Griffin. at starkr Florida this November
do their ChrNtinait Miopplng, Monday and brought Mrs John Mm L. A. Davis will leave tomorrow I. ISlh. 1944.tOPFI'IAi. Pvt. Howard C. Douglas! son

early, but thej're really doing, It son and baby eon, Earl) II John- for Memphis. Tenn.. i'An t'leik of. HHAI.Hul.l) Court A. .J. Thomas of Mi and Mrs J. K. Douglas of )
>Mtl, this year ruune they know itt Roll. Jr., home from FliversldiHospital. where she will attend the Ceneral T. Frank tndrum, Stark.., FlorMnAtty I Brooker has won the right to 3J Jlrnl' ,
they walt too long the store Mr. Johnson Is spend Contention of the United for 1'lf 11-17 4t 12-8 I wear "Wings and Boots" of (he ;}

shelves will be Bit bare as Old Ing this week at home but wil Daughters of the Confederacy iv iiitriir ("01 IIT 1I1I''UII'' United States Army Para-troops
Mother Huhbard'H cupboard. If soon return to Enid. Okla.. when lira. O J. Griffin who has been 1KIO('OC \,l'Y, FI.(>IIIII IN Iii \>-I Ho has completed four weeks of 19 Cttttt fl (Sift ({

thing keep up like this, looks. he Is an aviation student will visiting her daughter' Mrs Ethel Viola Pelan, Plaintiff v.. nillirv Jump training at Fort Kenning,
HUe we'll all be sold out of (rift* M. Bigg, returned W e cI 1 n sday Edward Delnnd, 8r, Defondant. r
the Air Force.
Army Onne No. 3425Olinuit Ga, during which time he made
by Thanksgiving and can start ratlin rice at Guy's :Mkt.,2 lbw.25. afternoon to her home In St. ,: lIt- I'l'UL.ICTIONAND : LADIES'PAJAMAS
taking our Xmas holidays by Dec. Raymond Bates has returned tIlls < Augustine. NOTICE' TO APPEAR five jumps the last a tactical
1. So, no klddln'-If want at :Market. 8TATU OF F1XKI1 to: Jllllory at night involving a com ft \
you home In West Palm Beach Cube Steaks Guy's Edward L>el"nil l. Sr! whose jump
anything, )'ou'd betr SHOP after spending the weekend herewith < Mrs. Charlie Moltt Is havinga dente I* ('0. "I", diet Rn KnffTrir bat problem on landing. $3.98 $5.95
EARLY I Iressmaker'"Sklr Sec, N. Fort Lewis Waahlnc- 6
his cousin, Olin W. White, good paint job done on her ton. Jumping at The Parachute
dwelling and cabins at her homeon You are required to appear on -'
School has been steadily developed
Jr.Rev.. W. J. Churchwell spen West Madison St. J. D Dur- December 19th, 1944, In lhy above ,
several days this week in Albany ham of Lawtey la doing the named Court deeka and divorce cause and. whereinplaintiff custody to a recognized war science $}) The

$ Ga., where he attended a work. of child. lradford County Telegraph American pniatioopers have been
reunion of the Churchwell family Aviation Cadet Wm. Colson. has next four shall weekly publish. Imiuea.Wltnean this. Order In rl''througboul the world I Smart I

Mrs. J. D. Cottrell returned to< returned to the Waco. TexasArmy my* hand and offlrlut. for their meritorious actions against 1' |> Shop
Air Field, after a twoweeks' seal at Starke Florida, this November J
her' home in Leesburg Monday,
fringe trimmed side pleated and side 16th 1044. the
wrapped enemy. W
de after spending' the week-end herewith furlough spent here with (OFFICIAL SHAD A. J. Thomas Adjacent to P. O.
jttoned-tells the story of the newest things in skirts! her sister, Mrs. W. B. Sew his parents. pro and Mrs. Lem- T.Aa Frank Clerk I.nndrum of Said Court Htarke FloridaAtty. I In addition to producing; jumpers
uel Colson. Parachute Specialist Training
for Plf. 4t lt-8
excellent woolens in sizes to 38 waist
ese are all ell.J.. Fred Guy spent the weekendin Walnuta, pecans at GIIJ'H :Mkt.
Fruitland Park with his broth Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dowlln,
;nds. er and sister-in-law, Rev. anc have spent most of this week' I In

Mrt. Henry Guy Mr. Guy was ac Jacksonville with their daughter,
xeti 1 t 4.95 companied home by his mother, Mra. Eugene :M. Long and new
Mrs. J. T. Guy. granddaughter Mary Ann Long.
TO Soup A Soap Powder at Guy's :SIkt Mm. Wm. H. Thomson and sotFreddie ,

Mrs Walter Dateman has returned at rived last week trot ,
from New York City Carlsbad New Mexico, for i a
where she spent a week with month's visit with Mrs. Thom-
Lieut. Bateman son's parents', Mr and Mrs F F.
1 I I IIq
William Norris attended the Stump of Key West who Is spended 1 }l)' 1'i'i !
I i' ts
Shrlners'' ceremonial at Egypt at Carlsbad Army Air Field ti' 1 $
Temple in Tampa on Armistice as an Instructor. Mr and Mrs. < y l
Day Stump also have as their gums
their daughter K n s I g n Evelyn
Stump of ey West, who is spendIng -
I a ten-day leave heie. \

ATTENTIONHUNTERS Veil; beef, pork at Guy'a Mkt. I
Mrs F L. Bishop and son, c it r c t
Frederick Bishop of Hollls. L. I.,
I are guests this week of Mr. and
and Mrs. E. S. Matthews anc II $209.50
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Matthews

Mrs. J. L. Frazee is spending; +w rM1 -.
Fleece-Lined a week In Jacksonville with her
sister-in-law, Mrs. O. P. Llkina. 1 1 s

Sleeveless Apple, orange by the bait, CSuy'ti.. Yes! Every Piece ,

I Jackets Of Girl's Baptist Auxiliary Church Is Made With Springs! j

JUST TilE TilING FOR Elects OfficersThe

OUTDOORS TO KEEP Intermediate Girls AuxIlIary ELM BEDROOM SUITS (4 Pieces) -- ._-- .$169.50 i
THE CHILL OUT THESE of the Baptist W.M.U: mel .
COLD MORNINGS Thursday night, Nov. 9, in the NEW SHIPMENT of BLANKETS $9.50 $14.50

church annex. Eight members WINDSOR SECRETARY DESK. __ _ $69.50 t.
were present. 1

SPECIAL The meeting was opened' with sprayer MAPLE DINETTE SUIT . _. __ .. ..$99.50
by Mrs. V. H. Garden, anc
the G. A. Allegiance and Star ALL METAL BABY STROLLERS $15.75 '

$7.50 deals were reviewed.The .
following officers were
elected for the ensuing: year: IT'S A FACT YOU CAN DO BETTER AT

WERE $9.50 President, Jeanette Priest; vice .
president' Minnie Lou Haien,;; ;

See our lovelu sweaters, secretary,. Merry Winkler; teens John H. Denmark Furniture Co. ;
4 '[jloUses ,id b Aqlles'Sternberg's/' ThegTAG urer, Lucille Alvarez! ; program
chairman, Madge Brownlee; mission i
study chairman, Peggy Ann PHONE 51 STARKE, FLA.

Wiggins; community missions' :1
Carter Bldg., Starke 1 1t Elizabeth Lawson: social chairman WE BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE :

__'___ _____0) Patsy Ruth Hall. .!
.1.-' It was decided to meet on .t
Thursday night of each week at
7:45: o'clock It was also votedto

... from have"World two programs Comrades"each and month two Yes! We Have- ;

z nights each month to study. and ,
work on "Forward Steps"
Each member was urged to
help enlist nevi members.At t J

the conclusion of the pro. its .{
/C&c gram and business meeting: the
AF' members were dismissed by repeating -
Y the Lord's prayer.
i .
.f Zti

Pfc. and Mrs. Eugene M. Long 4

announce the birth of a daughter,,, 1 c--. _
Mary Ann. on Saturday Nov. 11,,

ti In Riverside Hospital, Jackson / : LIVEOR I \ :,.
V ville. Before her marriage: Mrs, ;
Long was Miss Marian Dowling ,
of Starke. Mr. Long is stationed .
.A with the Air Corps at Geneva 4. U
.I Nebraska '. y
iv eludrrr ('OIIIT.oi" nRttFonn )
I- (' \rv, KiomiiA Iv IItVC '-
i in: t'. ANY SIZE
Levy Fnrarth, Plaintiff YR. Charlotte
4d 3422 Forayth, Defendant Can No.

+ I OF KI-OIUDA. tn: Char. "
1/ Intte Fomyth whose rei>l yr .,\ Vlrirtnla.318 Went Hard Avenue, Norfolk,

You are rpqulriMl to appear on
Docemhor 18th, 1044, In the ahov
named Court and canni, wh<*reln
plaintiff mtvk* divorce. Ilrailfnft -
/.iH fA County Telegraph ahull I publlih
this. Order In next four weeklyle.uee.

WltneiH. my hand 'and official WE NOW HAVE ON HAND THE MOST COMPLETELINE

deal. at Htark. Florida, thla No.
vember 13th, 1944. WE'VE HAD IN TWO YEARS
LIKE TO SWAP NIGHT CLUBS, (REAL) Aa Clerk of said Court. jf

Knlcht a: Knight, Stark, Florida CORN SNAPPED CORN BEEF PULP
Atty for Plf. 11.11 4t ll-S YELLOW -

still has a go. \
"Sorry, chum ringside seats. You tit There war Jpswwhotd CEn r. .. Beatrice 1 1a
-no still 7S million n e Moore, Plaintiff v I
In the are Moore, Defendant Can No 34%'. I
rand ?
see believe In surrendering. ORDER OF PUBLICATION
"You tot a floor show of lizards and So during this 6th War Loan, how about STATE AND NOTICE OF FLORIDA TO APPEAR to: Beatrice 'I H

mosquitoes crawling over your face. all that luxury money into something Moore whose residence In (00
"You got a nice little 4-pl.ce orchestra a little more permanent-an extra tucky. FEEDS OF ALL TYPES for YOUR POULTRY, HOGS,
of Jap mortars Zeros, machine guns, and $100 War Bond .at least-to help get this Ton are required to appear on' ; .
In the above ,
December Hth 1144.
your best friend screaming in the next thing really over and named Court and cause,. wherein CATTLE, HORSES, DOGS and RABBITS

foxhole. bring those boys 'of County plaintiff Telesraph aeelca dlvorre.. hall Bradford publish i

"Come any. time, pal. The show goes on ours home \ t this Order In next four weekly ,

all night.i For a long time. There's never a (It'll hurt. But not aa Isauea.Witness. my hand and official 1, WILSON & TOOMER FERTILIZERS <
r ,
this No-
Stark. Florida
COver charge. Not even for the flag they the Jap bayonet seal at .
much as \\ vmb ISth. 1844. 4
Put over you when they carry you out. in your neighbor's (OFFICIAL, SEAL A.:1. Thomas a
A. Clerk of Bald Court. .
stomach.You get something T. Frank Landrum StArk., Florida.. '
W'r back In ten Atty. for Plf._ It-lT 4t 12iv -*
all but n\an. Store 1
$4 for every "tHr"IT COURT, BRADFORD Carl Johns
We all like to go dancing or see a show $3 invested.He doesn't. I 'ftJNTV.. FLOHIIIAl II!' II"'I-!
or buy an extra suit or dress occasionally. I R Harvel. Plaintiff "..
Mildred Ilarvtl, Defendant. Case
I No. 3424. PHONE 45

Marvel,_whose residence !. Uox S3,
Route !'fO. I, late City, Virginia.
You are required to appear on
P.S. STORES December itch, 1944, In the above


.oHrirt"ltii r.
'.klsw '.r.'

\ U'n----

,,_,""'''','.''"' ...."._...... ...., ......,... .. ... ..".1f"...!......._,.........''. .,..,..."::8.....,SI \........l1t..!..".".".......,,"

PAGE SIXMake --= It I


I It A Real Thanksgiving!! Day 'VIIY P1Uf mI@ep

For Homeless Children In FloridaAn INFORMATION OF CAMP BLANDING SHOPPINGAND When you can i I 'em '
CENTER get such delicious :
urgent appeal for money and belief, in this urgent appeal ------- cakes and
food and children's wearables in says, "We are facing a real and I FOOD pastries at . .
being sent out by The Children'sHome I Immediate need for financial aid, Society and its homeless children For Our BoyjA Start }'Our pos/.n/
Society of Florida which aa well as for provisions, canned at this Thanksgiving: seasoi Camp Diner TIlE Plallllillg Now!
has a dally family of about six goods, meats, chickens, eggs, Even the smallest gift or don*-I Davis Sandwich Shop
hundred homeless and destitute vegetables, fruits or other eatables lion will help greatly." Frank's Fine FoodJerry's LAPPE BAKERYSOLDIERS 8
Florida children under care and Over 1,200 little ones have already -, PLACE YOUR
study in the Society's five Receiving "We also neejl! and will gladly been referred to the Horn NOW ORD
Homes In Jacksonville, welcome children's wearables of Society so far this year. Each Pearl's Place .0------ FOR TilE F
Miami, Pcnsacola and Lakeland, every kind and sIze-for children day adds new children In. need 1lilJigan'sGIFTS LOWING APPLI.
in foster boarding homes, special from wee babies up to boys and to this huge family-from all SAILORS C
etc. It Is hoped girls 16 years of age. We need -
schools, hospitals '' portions of the State
foster homes for older'' AND MARINES:
and some good BENDIX
that every man, woman The Chairman of the Horn .
child in Florida who is able to boys and girls from 10 to IB Society's Sponsoring Committee Gislain's AUTOMATIC

do so will send Borne aid as years of age. In Bradford County, who will: Hollywood Camera HOME LAt
promptly as possible. "All money should be sent to DRT
gladly acept and forward gift and Gift Shop
who our long time treasurer, R. -
Marcus C "Daddy" Fagg V.I or donations tft the Society'
Wonder Gift Shop
has been the State Superintendentof Covington, 403 Consolidated needy children, are as follows) : HOT POINTREFRIGERATORS
the Home Society for the past Jacksonville. All articles other I Mrs. G. W. Roberts, Chairman, :
34 years, during; which time over than cash may be directed to one Lawtey, E. L. Matthews, Chairman MILITARYSUPPLIES
50 thousand homeless, orphan of our Children's Receiving; Starke. RANGES
and leas-chanced! children have Homes ,at Jacksonville, Lakeland, j-,'.." ''I'1L WATER HEATERs
been referred for aid and care Miami or Pensacola. We earnestly . . . . . . Ben Suslow's Army StoreGislain's They all
of -
from every city, town and ham- hope that hundreds our -
let Jn Florida, and of every creed good friends will remember our State FarnBy As These Become Arable

WhUfleld P. S. Stores LIKE to EATat We Will Fin Ord,I

. Mrs.. Bryan. . . . Shafkin'sThe the In Order of Appjrat[ ,(

Wonder gift StropMRS. 5s DEATHS StiiMiln: R. P. stubbins, er, PHOTOGRAPHYHollywood Stag d CAMPDINER RADIOWIN

died in the Farm Hospital Saturday Camera &
night, November 11. The
BESSIE DAVIS, PROPRIETORvvtfflvcIp Rev. L. A Shepherd officiated at Gift Shop --....! SERVICE
the funeral service held In' the<
DeWitt Jones Chapel irf Starke, TAVERNSBlanding

Cl4ft'SIMAS' I at Sunday Selma afternoon., Ala., former Interment home wa of Center Bar TTtT1; : Corner Call & Cherry I

the deceased. Mr. Stubbins wa Bob's Tavern ;
I survived by his widow; a son, .
Choose Early Dr. R. P. Stubblns; a daughter, Red Goes worker assemble a Featuring the best
Mrs. Charles Pulley of Tallahassee THEATRESFlorida prisoner of war food package to go

Tt I FROM OUR ARRAYS and by two grandchildrenMary Char, lo camp one of Pulpwood our boy In U enemy required prison lo Steaks & ChODSOpen ELECTRIC
Stubbins and
I Rivera make these carton and lo pack
OF"- Pulley, Jr.Dobson, Park many of the llema-contained in the SERVICE
Ritz carton. 9 A. M.-9 P M.
6000 : S.-R. Dobson died at Daily Except Thursdays 226 Temple Ave.PEARL'S .
his home Sunday morning, Nov Wednesday and Thursday. They Henry Guy and Mrs. Guy.
ember 12. Burial was at Swifi accompanied S 2-c Jimmie Brad Mrs. Linnle Sealey of Citra has '\I J.'y
GIFTS AND Creek Cemetery on Wednesday ley that far on his return trip to recently moved to Hampton. She ----
: afternoon with Rev. Wjn. Wilson Camp Peary, Va. will be remembered by many of
SOUVENIRSSomething and Rev. W S. Crews in charg Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fillyaw tier old friends here as Miss
of the service and the Raiforc and son Tommy, of Ashburn, Ga., Linnle Hutchinson, who spent her PLACE
Masonic Lodge conducting tru are visiting Mr, and Mrs. M.: D. childhood in this place.
funeral. Surviving are the widow Young.Lt. Mrs. Ernest Hunter and small
; two sons, Virgil of Clearwater H. G. Davis and Lt. Hank son, Leon, of Pompano, Is the
AppropriateFor and Ira of U. S. Army at Fronelng of Plant Park, Tampa, guest of her father, George STEAK CHOPS
Blanding; and two daughters, were with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. lax on.
Every Member of the Family! lira. Theodore Ducharme of MIami North last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Will Saxon: of

t and Miss Bernice Dobson of. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams Oakland Park, are spending sOmetime CHICKENSEAFOOD
, the State Farm. had as their guests last week-end : here visiting their relatives .;

BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMASWE lUtlDOK CLUB MEETING Mrs Edna Guilford and son and many frIends.
Mrs. J. M. Hembree entertained Mrs .Edna Guilford and son Rev. J. B. Dixon and Mrs. Dixon -

WRAP MAIL INSUREand the State Farm Bridge Club at Michael of White Springs. of Jacksonville, were visiting

stamp with "Do Not Open of her last home week.Wednesday After the afternoon usual and During Mrs. the C. C.past Smith week-end and Mrs Mr. here Sgt.Sunday and Mrs.afternoon.Lee Croft of.Fort ': BEERSandwiclies

Xmas" Seal of Mrs. John J. C. Talley of Tallahassee were Bennlng. Ga., returned to their w
'Til number progressions .
home Saturday, after spending .
holder of high score visitors of Mr. .an} Mrs. J. P. .
Turney 'was
the 'week with his sister, Mrs. ,
'' Warren and Mrs. Charles Priest
and Mrs. H. M. WBJ .
Pvt. J. Allen'West of Way- Lauree Hall. ,....
lucky In.Bingo. Both prizes,were< _
: AI' I cross Ga., spent last week-end MIss Barbara Home spent the
a number of defense stamps.
*; OLDSARGE'S the Miss tea Toy hour Fender' Mrs., Mrs.Nelle R.Deaversl P. Me- arth.J.with. his aunt, Mrs. Madge Boz- past Volley weekend of Starke.with Miss Frances NOW OPEN 321 Temple

Lendon Mrs. L. A. Shepherd and N. Cauthern, who lived here
PLACESTARKE'S Mrs. P. D. Fancher, jr., enjoyed with his brother-in-law and sis- .
a delicious salad course with the ter, Mr. and Mrs. 1>1. C. Roberts,
players.. reported to Jacksonville November -
ORIGINAL 8 for service In the Navy
Mayor and Mrs. R. L. Smith and is now stationed at Bainbridge The
ARMY STORE) and Mrs. Vivian Yarborough ol Md.
Crescent City were Sunday guestsof In a recent communication with
Mr and Mrs. J. L. Robinson. Mrs. J. R. Kite, Mrs. J. C. Wallace -
Mrs. Robert Barkley, Jr., (Mar told of experiences: writtento $64
Authorized the War Department
: by garet Stringfellow) returned Sunday her by Lt. Wallace late In Oc-
. Operated by an ExSoldierHEADQUARTERS from Cornwall-on-the-Hud tober. He has been billeted to
son, N. Y., where, with her husband a French family and Is finding 1"Purity Question
Corp. Barkley, she visited their customs strange, particularly -
Mrs. Robert Barkley; sr. the sharing of the home with
for all Miss Dana Thomas of Mac- their goats, chickens and rab-
clenny; spent Thursday and Friday ilts. He said that with the aid
Military Supplies nights with Miss Mary Jo >f many gcstuures he and his What is more
Caldwell. hosts are able to get the meanIng Accuracy,
Mrs. Reese Bradley and son, of their conversations overo refreshing and relaxing -
Clinton, of Jacksonville were : each other suruprisingly well. DependabilityThese I II
Novelties & Jewelry with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hundley UntiL.this letter came Mrs. Wallace I than a few
from until Sunday. from Lt. Wallace are our watchwords in
Friday had not heard I pleasant
Miss Yvonne Ryan of Camp for several weeks and 'his filling prescriptions! And
handing spent Sunday with Mr. Farm friends too are gratifiedo while every prescription Isn'ta with good friends
and Mrs. B. Hershfleld and Mrs each other surprisingly well.Hampton matter of life or death, we
Ben Suslow'sArmy DavidSkolnik. fill It aw though It were. We
over a bottle of
Miss Roberta Whitfield, who is . . . . . . use only the purest and finest ct
student at F S. C. W., Tallahassee quality drugs and com- mellow beer?
was at home during the pound with precision ac
Store past week-end. curacy. Our reputation has
Mrs. J. M. Bradley and son By Mr. M. C. Sweeney been built on years of expert; You're there's nothin
. . . . . . reliable compounding.Carpenter's. right .
Leslie and ,
and daughter, Carolyn .
209 E. Call Street Starke, Fla. VlPERETTA
flatted relatives In Jax lastS like it.
Hampton Elementary
D.Is Yuvs.If-.t H.a. School will present a colorful two-

act operetta, "The Maid and the itVFF.
... FAIL TOVISIT CAvwMrERMMENTWAVEKIT Golden{ Slipper" on Friday night, Th* eaEJL Store ici's
I Tov.< 17. It Is hoped that a large
', Co pm..)tb.url_lmrf rowd will attend, and those who Starke Phone 84 Florida Bob Jones, Mgr.
0 .
h .ed..v.w.
0 tt'I M av. to Go and sal.mroo fur.rwr typ*' ofiftlr i9 do so are assured of an evening .
... ..
r im. alnc' rel.-M.urs lu !( of unusual entertainment.
\} .Caw Kurt.Ov r C miiltoa......

THE KOCH DRUG STORE Mrs. Evelyn Perry and Mrs
Ruth Bedenbaugh..were hostesses
at I a 'Miscellaneous Shower for
DAVIS SANDWICH SHOPNext In. Allen Clark of Gainesvilleiven
at the First Methodist

Church on Wednesday November w sr
To Davis Bare 8th at 3:30: in the afternoon.
Games and contests were played
Where You Will 'Get' and Mrs. Hazel Starr wan the
fl9t'5 winner of an attractive prize inthe
"Peaa-on-a-Knife" contest.'Inthe
HAMBURGERSMade "Pecan Game" Mrs. Doris
, _..,"- -- ticks was awarded the prize, I'box SHAFKI'N'S f
of stationery. The many
From vely gifts were opened by the
good euc4
er. '
Fresh Ground THE STOREAL
to And l 8 four-leaf clover- After the display of gUts Mra.
SIRLOIN STEAKSwift's Perry and Mra. Bedenbaugh
It',better luck to have Accident '. served their guests delicious fruit KNOW

Insurance! punch, and Individual Iced cakes. SOLDIERS
Premium Pure FloridaORANGEADE Mrs. Lizzie Wynn bas been arecent .
guest of relatives here
Charley E. Johns Mrs. Wynn Is a former resident,
HOT DOGS I Agency havIng made for the her home past In several Jacksonville ENUF SED !

OPEN EVERY DAY TIL 12 MIDNIGHT hone IS STARKE, FLA. Mrs. J. T. Guy has returned Jewelry 'UniforD1
to her home after spending several Gifts
Closed All Day Each ,Friday Frultland Park aa
: pr...'tine THE TRAVELERS.HftrtfM days
I the guest of her Bon, the Rev.


\ .
.,-.,. --IIIIIIIII9r

-- ---
: .w.----


nor which will be shown at the sang and danced Its to the
''d d O'Connorus Park Theatre next Sunday, Monday top of the show world heap. I f i'I was the former pastor of the
] and Tuesday. Co-starred with The story tells of Oakle's love "STRICTLY PRIVATE" The Rev. John Dickson of,Christian Church of Starke and

young O'Connor are Peggy Ryan, for his vaudeville partner, Rose- Tf.d1..11...-D.a to t c.. Jacksonville w'll preach at the also at Hampton in 1929. There
As Everw Jack Oakle and Ann Blyth. The mary De Camp, whom he la all Christian Church Sunday morn will be special muusic and the
same bill will also feature a comedy set to marry when an unscrupu=: ing at 11 o'clock and also Sunday public la Invfted. .
and latest war news. lour chorus girl, Isabel Jewell, evening at 7:30.: Mr. Dickson
In spite of the Impressive fact snaps him up and somehow be-
Park Film that the. "Merry Monahans" comes his wife Instead. They / i j ,./- STARKE
boasts twenty songs, both old and have two children. But Isabel, l1i
Lai eyfspromise a new, report has It that they are When they are still very young, y .0 SXROUr.IC lCeTATWL TRANSFER

s ag incidental to the very human walks out on them and Oakle, Or.wt ....rtl... .( .....- -
Vprry Monahans", new- story of the Monahans, a plucky .. .. .
leaving him to try
bring them up aa property." !! < o" r
pirrtng Donald O'Con- vaudeville family who laughed, best he can. fS.OOO ...!<.. .( 110....-..VmrwnmArrrMr Local And
Bvrvn from all One The children-Donald O'Connorand r Li W.rldL' Fr. ._.>v. Long Distance
Peggy. Ryan-together with E.STROUT REALTYAGENCY
Oak, become "The Merry Mona- ___ 'j rr r Hauling
hana", a song-and-danca trio de- ,
termined to break Into the big Locally by '
time.What happens when they meet 116 8. Walnut St.

Rosemary DeCamp and her love .
ly, young daughter, Ann Blyth, rQ
is said to raise "The Merry Mon
ahans" head and shoulders above
( alaes the average movie story

. . . . . . .


the !School ---- tt&AKMY'CAMP

DISTINCTIVE WOODEN PURSESE Paratrooper Laurice Conner of DEAR MGM7n :- -
IN FLORIDA GIFTS FOR ALL Camp Mackall, N. C., Mrs. A. P. NEXT TWE ALWT 1tssJ E Wa JYS Z : / / :
LOVED ONES. Johns' brother, Is enjoying a 14- DO nee BIT Ft>e TPE uwi? tTFORT ct L n
VR day leave with friends and rela- PLEASE ASK HER 125 DO IT WITH
Camilla Jane and Eddie Moody
DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR spent the weekend with their y OUR SOW

BEAUTIFUL LINE ofMAS grandmother Kelley at Raiford.
Mrs. Rosa Pinholster of Brook- Ui
,..,. _e Y/t4AIP W WiW+ IMeMGI
rPN.W.r11 .sU
er spent the weekend with Mr. .
( GREETING. CARDSISLAIN'S and Mrs. M. F. Wiggins.Mrs. ,So n-r o.e.l -;>J; '. Courtesy Wide World Feature*. cTz&m4
Della Thomas, Gus Thomas (
and Miss Mary Dekle of Jack- daughters, Barbara Jean and lag given at the home of Mann
Carolyn, and Miss Eloise Johns Robinson la Sampson Wednesdaywere I t
sonville were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Reddish Andrews and their were transacting; business in Lake .
children, Sunday. Butler, Thursday afternoon.Mr. .r/f2ie )
Cane grinding Is In season In and Mrs. L. L. Renfroe of
Vanderbilt were visiting the for
L our community. Quite a crowd /
WE PACK gathered at the home of Mr. mer's sister, :Mrs.!\ M. L. Johns,
and Mrs Chester Andrews, Sat- Monday p. m.
AND MAIL G.V.. Andrews' and Reddish / H
YOUR urday night. Andrews Jacksonville BUY MORE THAN BEFORE
\'EXT DOOR TO Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clemons were In on
XMAS GIFTS of Lake Butler have moved in last Friday.
Mr. and !Mrs. A. V. Varnes,
KOCH DRUGSTORE FREE the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Snowden. Johns Jr., enjoyed( the candy pull-
Restaurant Hourss Tuesday?:
Avery Johns of Tampa was Except
visiting Mr. and Mrs.: A. P. Johns
From where I sit Joe Marsh.
and children one day last week. ..,dg ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kelley and h
small daughter Helen were shop- r

The Latch StringIs ping .in and Gainesville Mrs. Ernie, Monday.Mr. Southerlandwere Ed Carey TalksThanksgiving If You're looking

visiting relatives la Lawteylast i '
weekend.Mr. ,; ( ) Turkey
Always Out and Mrs. G.V.. Andrews for .the best ,
spent Saturday night with Mrs.
Bessie Sapp in Raiford.Mr. Bert Childers halls Ed Carey on about It! . knowing that the
and Mrs. Harold Shriverof his back porch."What you cloln' best is going to our men overseas.
Lake Butler were weekend Ed?"he asks. And from where I sit the

guests Moody of and Mr.children.and Mrs. Joe "Pluckln'our Thanksgiving most Important thing of all Isn't HAMBYRCERS( ;

Mr. and Mrs. Romie Johns of turkey," Ed replies rationed. That's the Spirit of !

Jacksonville spent Sunday with "Looks like a chicken: to roe," Thanksgiving! Today-a the
her mother?Mrs. Bell Johns, says Bert."Looks like one to me, lights are going on again all over and '
Pvt. Tison Kelly of Louisiana too" Ed allows. "But with 00 theworldthere'smoreofilthanmanyturkeysgoln'toourtightln' f .
r Is visiting' friends and relatives ever!And more cause for It-asbe 1/0T
here and at Raiford. ( powers of darkness yield to
men,some chickens: got. to do a
Mr. and Mrs Jay Moody and turkey-size Job." freedom tolerance and humanDQelBl DOCS
small son William spent last .
weekend in Jacksonville. Guess that's the way Thanksgiving -
Is to bo in lot of Ilu _
Andrews going a A' in
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. .
attended tht stock market In homes this year.We'll be sitting gee ,
Lake City, Thursday p. m. down to rationed foods and sub- town '
8tlt..tes-and mighty glad .
Evin Sikes spent last weekendIn being -
Valdosta, Ga., with relatives. TRYMILLIGAN'S
Mrs. Robert Ward and little I No. 103 of a Strict Copyright J9U.IJRWln,1I W7 F.wdaa.

- - -' - - - - - -






. the gift

LANDING CENTER" : 134.1:2: that will be

MAYBELLE J. HYDE, Mgr. appreciatedmost j.I G.I.JOEr

r ,.



,i f,

r .1 ra
1 r

a< rN
r r :1
J 7


,. r INCLUDINGSUNDAY EVERY DAY our Servicemen.tore blrsusethey like Ir

TILL know if it's on

STEAK CHOPS Your 9 P. M. NO AP- the market they'U
find It on our
I'OINTMENTNEEDED. ..hel'I1.ey also
know-and thin li.. "
CHICKENBEER Portrait Important that the ,
\ r S PRICK will be




Sandwiches And Short Orders




! ,'IiIM''' _.,._ .'C' ,.,_""..,, ,, .. >c "',p. ,, ," .. .,'".. ''C, -, ....,.".,. . ,-.." ...:-, ;:,-, :. I...... -". -" '- " .-. .1--4

, FRID.n" J
..11: PAGE. EIGIIT J--1 I

Children Attend Weds English GirlThe I Miss Opperman to USMS Ensign, eon of Richard Mrs. Carl P. H.Jackson Jack-, t T
1\ I ;
Bible Study HourA Engaged To Wed son of Starke. ;:

I Lieutenant Delyin The marriage took place in the av
Visual Aid and Bible Story East Orange Presbyterian Churchon ,
Hour la being held at the Method
October 30.
Mrs. Parker Opper man announces -
tat Church Tuesday afternoon *
every v the engagement and Ensign and Mrs. Jackson have
at 3 o'clock and all school
forthcoming_marriage of her only now returned to East Orange af
children invited to attend, regardless -
are daughter Mary Frances to Clar- ter a two weeks' wedding trip ,
of church affiliation ence Joseph Devlin lieutenant spent In Redbank, N. J. Mrs. '
Mrs VV. J. Church well, wife of U. 8. Army. JacVson will return to work on 'tllA"K: $G. V IN

the Methodist pastor. conductsthe Lt Devlin is the BOn of Mrs. November 20 and Ensign Jackson .
program, Mrs. Lex Green C. J Devlin of Burlington N.. J., will report to New York for
and at the present time he Is sea duty. ' '
stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga. ; 'ViIhIU!! : : mso
PATRONS OP TilE PresbyterianDr. ; ; t

STARKE DRY Miss Hunt Weds William G. Reagle of De- ,,.. .'. '. ...:. .j'''':' \ ,j( ." -
land former pastor of Central- < .,
CLEANERS: I Ensign JacksonIn North Broad St. Church of Ph tl- o t. .- ;\

East Orange N. J. a delphia. Pa., and before that a i ,-. ,
the few weeks Homo! I cfCP. .
For pant .
professor In Grove City College, 1' :r -1 '
of you have been Inconvenienced Mrs. Emily L. Hunt of East will preach at the Presbyterian \ ?
because of the' paper shortage ,
Orange N. J announces the Church Sunday morning at 11 ;
'U next to impossible
I _
I marriage of her daughter, Mary o'clock.CLASSIFIED. .
to feet garment bBIt"'e are
forced tu deliver your garment. I
without a covt"r.8' are getting I GLASS
first Bradford County boy ADSFOR
a few bag but these arc as far as U known, to marry I I OVENWAKE
lined. for the service men who I overseas while serving in World
from tke on Cook In It... SALE !
Ido to and camp
War U, is Cpl. Elbert Tyler son BALE-2 hounei., with S Iota FOR SAI.E! 2-hors cultivator, I S.,,. In If...
:he bun anti their garment- of Mrs. Lizzie Tyler of Starke. In Hampton. 1 house 7 room, 1 I Rood an new, with all equipment. Start In It...
teed protection. \Ve also try I with 10 room. Both have running Will sell cheap for cash If n.ld
He is pictured above with his water buthroomR, light. 10 at once-D. U. Kelly, Rt. 2, Box
to put light colored garml'ntsIn English bride, the' former MissGweldolyn I room house now In furnluhed 186 Starke. Itp ,
blLJC ut. ax noon an conditions Parker of Derby, Eng- apartments. Will sell both place"and e A1 11111111 IIIIIIIlJpl1lJ l/
nearly all furniture for WHOEVER TOOK small tricycle
allow your garmentswill land. The ceremony took placeon $'\, vah. For Information sea from, In front of my gale Sun w /i
be d.lIvert"d to you in March 4. Cpl. Tyler has been Mr. Jessie. Morgan at Hampton.lUO-3tp day night I have please to notify return sheriff.J. It before .--
bag In England for two years and entered L. E'agwell ltpLOSTPrivate's. CASSEROLES lOa C*.
1 Thanking you for your un- the service in 1940. He received "ERMANKNT WAVE, 59o! Do your For Individual service a
own Permanent with Charm- wife lost Denrus Famous Fire-King make.
derntandlng I am, his basic training at Camp ,
S Kurl Kit. Complete equipment.Including wristwatch leather band, on Two-year guarantee. -
40 curler and shampoo.Eary .
Blandlng. election nlRht. Sentimental 1
Yours truly to do, absolutely harmle. value.-Mr*. Stanley: Cohen 217 I 3S 9 ServICe
Praised by thousand Including S. Cherry /St.! Starke. lip
+ ryyIIf. serves as plan lat and Mrs) Amy Fay McKenzie. glamorous movIe Pieces \ fahBeautifuuy
!}nlui Coburn and Miss Kate Struth are tar.atlifled.Money Koch'refunded. Drug Store.811816t11IU If .not FOR 8AL.M-1 Shetland pony trailer, bridle 1 \
and saddle; 1 Army ;
1:5. E.
aaaletanta.Fiftyseven. | bicycle. lrry' Place.Klntr.ley PIE \
STARKE DRY 11-17 2tp etched. Nine- JrJ
Lake. A
ch 11 d ran are enrolled SPENCER SUPPORTS. Individually 805 inch slie. Two-year Flr ) 1111\\1\\\\0 7 5
CLEANERS & LAUNDRY and 61 were present at : fnM'dr:: :: St.Hertha pea.2"8. I MAN nearby OH WOMAN Rawlelgh WANTED Route-Oood now King guarantee. J (bW21 IIIIIIII ,

the first meeting.SHACKELTON FOR SALE-A. $600 Halne piano open. If willing to conduct

._.._.. _____-_n-_._.-._ .-_ ---- - ,- -,- .... for party.$260 Address. Term. Mr to. responsible F I o renc Home earning. Service good living business, write while Immediately. DINNER
Rawlelffh' Dept.
Graves, 1712 Grove St., aainesvllle.
It MATTRESSES 223-45, Memphis of, all Tenn.kind reno-Itp Reg.! -:::::;-
INHALER and 1.98 Lovely colored blossoms fill the tree making a
l'"drt SALE by owner-Attractive vated: furniture upholstered 1.98 striking tppeu.
modern bungalow, 2 bedroom. reflnlshed. Drop us a , ROASTED ._.. nee against the shining pure white backgrouni Inexpeuivi>>
lililtit' Cmpind fir Thus Mho Suffer' trim Located clone to bualnesa center llAHTINtia MATTRESS CO.
Fnlirfai II Holds a sir-pound: roast.
Write Box 431-W. It 230 Palatka, Fla. . and perfectly beautiful!
Can double as a casserole.
NOTICE-North Side Service Station Guaranteed.
.' ,
open for business Cafe
Groceries, Oas and 011. Mrs.. I
I 30 ROOMS John W. Walker. 11-3 4tp

r Tsk 1.wl.. "lots.d..e.-e.Pea .a tr..l.hawe YIA"r -....t.. SPECIAL OFFERCastplete ALL FURNISHED FLOOR local references.sanding and e. A.finishing Powell, SALE
..,... .
,; I 1. er..n. p "halenii, awe d Sh.ckl.tos' tele. H43.T Gainesville or write
Int.r;.""r.':nR(.:"R.d.. ':::::'....sass.' ::-_r.". ...ho''Ur with.TrW. I %" Fla. Motor Court. 10-27 8tpTEKM1TK W Walnut-Finish
1.I .. adNNd _"'.,......R'. ..I.U'" eeattp, J lettle ef lnh l.itt BOOK A ROOM: AHEAD
I pasts 1. lie aletet. of heulpa, C0m pound FOR YOUR WIFE eradication and control,
tl.50 VALUE the AnOmlt\ way. C. A. Powell, CARDTAR&I2
r OK PARKNTSLARRY'S : telephone 1U3J. Gainesville or
All for $l.00 I Write % Florida Motor 10-21 ourt.8tp GOanreCaNtard

I PLACE I Cap ......, &Ie M*.
*:'" .... KINGSLEY LAKE milk cow, stork cows, beef Nice for many desserts. Bandy,
) cattle, stock bull or hogs, get
.7 1000 Feet From B Gate fox In touch 247 Starke with, J.Box D. 204 Odom Lake Jr.. too for refrigerator storing. 7-9 5

, ((r;> City Telephone 481 Lake City.
; a, lie-44 A strong sturdy handsome table designed for yean ea. nin
i iI I :. __ _ ___ ,_ _..6 Lacquered Anlsh is stain and alcohol-resistant.
Buy q.lallty

,I "' Lu.url EVERY BRANCH OFYnJ ft". -j Silex; ..c..
t: Cfl'1P Buy ( (;OFI'E '
'_' (:' '
: I lIAKERlOlAJar"
>*' I! .:.
V __ LUXUMA-iunous for I ; .

IIIXU@Id@\ quality-softens and 'r nee 98c 3.95 (Cup
ll" Utility Pan .....
smooths while it cleanses. 0 TEAPOTS
0 Wonderful for beans, potatoes
!, ':,' \ ) Encourages a bright flower- cake,etc.Also for molded salads. 1.19

radiance H. C. WALL
Makes delicious coffee every Choice Of several kwratlM

time.Easy to keep sparkling styles and colon. Long

1.O02.2 ,1111'''' F clean. Christmas gift!

. N1188ARD' Constant Service Over 50 Years
HARIt'.J -- for Slippery Winter Driving

'7 Please Phone 116
.. ... ....., . ... .. r.HL" FROM


MY TIME Set. . 1.19 -
Get the famous Firestone Gtu
let 'em pound a-vrayl This Grip tread. Materials and works .
Maxwell ,House Coffee tot s strong and can take nanshlp guaranteed. No ratios
To Complain. of t ->nbl.l certificate needed. _


:or": .
It --,-
Lb. 2Sc Since I have been RECEIVING ,

complaints from my customers be-

cause of poor service (and many of J.welry.Maldng Set Looks Lib,t..Real Oxd

these complaints are justified) I feel
that it is MY TURN to do some com- O

plaining. I want to register a complaint -


...... who because of unsatisfactory -- -
- - - - - - -- - -- c

service, transferred their patronage ... STRING GENERAL 61U.'''

to out-of-town establishments.When .
0lAFI'.98e 1.19
Treasure Hunt TANK

WANTEDSECRETARY : you did this, did you take 98c' Makes necklaces rings, all ,of bracelets beautiful, U/ three ,IIDS concealed and 14

into consideration that the cause for toads in sins, gunner. Four
Fast action. easy ml**. It's glass many wheels. 'till-Inch lenfG'
the poor service was the handicap of -a real thriller. - shapes and colon -

conditions due to the present times?

Did you stop to think that YOUR .A Hit with, ffo Boys A Sure-fir. Gift HU

patronage enabled me to contributeto

the many CIVIC and CHARI- J

I TABLE organizations'bf Starke (and "

....;", most of you are interested in at least

. 'Ot Ji';,>! t'i''\ .. one of these) when you gave these ,

.' s."). out-of-town representatives on iY 6eeia
your Dor.e
:, Bomber Plane CHEST
bundle of launudry or dry cleaning? 29.

Did you tell him that should the occasion 2.29 98C Lively blat eolot:Bit
The flying fort! '!21i-inch Imagine :Fifty-two gams to ride.Eal1 rolUJ1'.t.apre&d.
arise would call him enough
i. :. FOR RENT you on or Hatural wood included I Many are new... SS..lnch wheels -
his firm for a donation for your PET all are thrilling I ......

St t TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSES. CHARITY or organization? -. ; ,. .;-fll. ::.::
BENT: f 10O PER MONTH EACH. I am sure, though, that when you Left's. : Get On with %t.he'. f'fgFff .
list of and busi- 1Vl''
compiled a persons pR
I ness houses on whom to call for help, BUY EXTRA BONDS IN THE SIXTH WAR LOAN



119 EAST CALL STREET, STARKE was very near the top of the list. DODGE & PLYMOUTH STABKE.H>





..-.........--.-1".'>"' ,,",,"! --........., .'. .. .--.-- ." --" ...... J .. _... .t'V'\.V".t "..tI"_" ._... __... _"'......:.---II... ...,..,.....m....", .. .. MG I.......,., 1:4) /ls.'r.;/:;.; ;.: ." '.
r""I"'C ''" ''''' ? "'" W """" '
.. : .3IJllI'\'r'I\ 'f:' : '''fi' I"' ''v ., .H.1Iv. ''I'ef'r' -
' ,. : Il!< "'' " ' "" ","",''.' 'Y' '< " l\1"\ ;JI\\\IIf"! : ."' '1!.'''
'Ii. \ .
..'. ';jI). " : ; ,',' \ W' !I, oj.. ;',.: '. ',' 1 ' ,_
,... \ {: \," \ ,


BnDroRD' *

", .


_ Official County Publication Established In 1877 rcei Cfl/eUcdL4oW.; / UUrnij'ii,

_ .. .. ...
_ .

It; Discusses Pulpwood Recruitment Campaign

7 _ Manpower Launches

iwi Pulpwood Industry Recruiting Drive

;J Ap intensIve manpower recruiting tines la important to the war effort Industry wherever It N hiunprrlng those-mills or woods jobs. Farmers
campaign for the pulp- because it keep the AmerIcan production. and farm workers not deferred
I wood Industry has been launched people the beat Informed Urgent requirements of mills from military service may
$ *- ufl' by the War Manpower Commis- people In the world." In the South are for a better take woods and mill jobs without
sion through 1,000 U. S. Employ. The WMC-USES campaign has quality of pulpwood, cut to meet clearing through any government
ment Service offices In as many four objectives: mill specification, the WPD said. agency."

J pulpwood produuclcg areas. It 1. To transfer farm workers "Much manpower has been The \\'MC points., out that

IiVtF.. _ _ is directed at getting men into hiring acrlrultunial' offftciiMoiiN wasted and transportation facilities the. pulp and paper I in I UK try
the snoods to cut pulpwood and to pulpwod ruttingoperation' burdened by the productionof .land* .I l\tli In Anierlennmanufacturing. ..
Into mill yards to unload It. *. pulpwood that does not meet In 11)31)) KM :

The war N racing unfornepn 2. To return former \t'oo.lsworkers. minimum diameter and quality output wan valued at snore '.
demand* ror puipwooilproduct uh. luive shifted to specification' it added. than two billion dollars. It
'y .*", It In htattMl. ":!Ihlp.- lexn, Important IlIth"t rl.... to Regarding the right of deferred euuplojed about 310,000 perNoiin -
u1 c ping container, nitrated pulp pnlp\\o ruttliitf. farm workers to transfer to pulpwood and lit payroll amounted
for |>!a.. It'll. rayon and Hmokelesn 3. To recruit new manpower cutting, the WMC said: to 1113'iOOO.Otltl! : ) ),
'' powder, sanitary paper Hheivver available for "Farmers anil farm worker deferred The program' guide also reminds i
and buildIng paper are nwdxl both ptilpwood rutting and from military service are USES offices that pulp-
( now and needed badly. work In pulpwood rmiHiimlngmllN urged by their local draft boardsto I wood cutting is so important to

"Evert the small percentage of where niMsled. transfer to mill or woods jobs' the war effort that the War Pro-
4. To combat ulmenteelnm during off-season periods. They duction Board placed It on Its "
_ _ our pulpwood production which labor urn-over, and tho may remain away from agriculture Production Urgency List last
,I goes Into newspapers and maga- "short week" In the pulpwood for four months while in May.

. II---

_ _ Quail Season week except on Christmas Day,',I ant Fifth Districts! no hunting is I Black duck are Included In ,the
New Year's Day and January 15 permitted on Mondays and Tuesdays extra bag limit which relates only .

_ -- --- ____. Opens November 20; which fall on Monday. On these after.. December 1. except on to the greenhead mallard.
Other Dates Given days Monday hunting will be al- Christmas and New Years Pays. The price of a county hunting ff
V. M Nuu. chairman' of ,the W.r Manpower which seek to cnlUt men to cut pulpwood and to I lowed. The Third District I Is open every license Is $1.25 and State licence
reviews with WMC official: the 19*,$..45po..r work in pulpwood mill Other WMC officials are I
iiMion. County Judge E. K. Perryman Deer may be taken from No- day during the season. la $5.CO. Fishing licenses are
for the Pulpwood Industry. Afe.ind William W. Bardnler. left chef of Ihe Rural Indus-
Program anounced this week the following' vember 20. through December 31, Nimrods are limited to one buck $1.25.
ItM'al office 01 the U. S. Employment Ser tries Division. and John K. Collins center director
of the Vl'MC are DOW engaged in the campaign; of the Bureau of Placemen dates and limits on Florida except that In the First Second, deer In a day ,and a total of .
game: Fourth and Fifth Districts hunt two for the season. Quail bag for IV rilUTIT" ('01'11"' ', Illl \IIFOIII1on '
vrv Ki.oinnti IN CII\N.
The season on migratory birds, ing is prohibited on Mondays and the day i is 12 and 200 for the ctmv.Ililvlil< .
ducks geese and coot, opened November Tuesdays after December 1. Benson. One turkey may be takenIn .'. Tracy Plaintiff, va. Ilhela. k
Ithem Pine Is Now Nation's No. 1 1. War Material l Tracy, fnilHnt.. I'niin No. S401.
2, and continues through Christmas Day, of course will be a day and no ,more than threeIn (Million. I : UK Pt'HI.II'ATIONAND ' ,.
January 20, over the entire state open. Deer hunting is permitted the season. PoRaesHlon of a NOTIOM TO AI'PHAH

' with hunting permitted every day. every day In the Third District day's bag of 15 squirrel i is allowed NTATW, whnnn OF1'l.OIUDA..M..nca In tot unknown.ithets.Tr.'y
vood cut from southern undergone a tremendous ex- Win' exceed 180000000. The dove Reason Is open November during this period while Collier,' whllu the season limit I In 200. You nr r"'iiilr i to niiponr Oil
has become a No: 1 warI paiuion! Mince IA33 almost entirely - In 1010 only 3.4 percent of r'< ,' inlier 4, 1041, In the nbovnmimxil. '
20. through January 15. for Gllchrlst Gladys, II e n dry and Among the migratory bird, the .
[ la vital < In the South. nil tho wood made In the t Court anil fiiuao, wht'relmiii
I that today a pulp the-entire state with the exception Highlands; Counties are closed. day's hag *)n dove Is 10; duck 10; ,.Intiff *.*..kll fllvarr<*. Hrmlford
f f the war effort and to- On January 1. 1940 there were United States wa kraft. Ij -->tyear 'of Dade liroward and Mon Monroe County in' closed to Key: geese two and coot 25. The duck (; .I'I::: nT" ; r"h/ pnMlxh thug.
of 47 the 45pelrent ( weekly IKKUOM.Vltnaa
.; will be the backbone an pulp and paper mills operatingor proportion WON l
roe Counties where the season Is deer. bag limit includes not more than \ inv hnml luul officialni'Bl .
ing industry In the South. under construction\ in the and nio..t of this nt HlurUu, Florida, thin No-
the month of October In all but Season on quail turkey and one wood duck and In addition .
V South. from the. South. v. ."IIP r 1. 10 54.
These mills
'tl 1 quality pulpwood representedan came the Third Conservation District. I squirrel Is from November 20 five singly or in the aggregate/ of (0..1. <:'1"1., HHAr. A. J, Thomas
enough to meet mill Investment of $200,000,000, After the war the use of kraft hunting for dove Is prohibited, on through February 15, Inclusive mallard ..pln-talla' widgeons An f'h.rk of nnlil. Court. ,
T. Krnnk ,..."drum, 8lRrk., Florida 'I'Att '
fieatIIn Is urgently over $100,000,000 of which ,had pulp ,In the manufacture of 'all Monday and Tuesdays of each while in the ! |r,4 i now by southern mills been added since 1933. .
types of paper i is expected to Increase r "
II their order More than 6,000,000 rordtof
war southern rut In the and it is possible that the .....:,,, ., ... ,'. .0 ' e' ;:< 4 ..,.- ., .'" .$ t pulp, made from pidpwood were : !::9k '0'g :', : ; '' .t: .,: .
(today is used to."make In South lant year,.and an even annual kraft pup production in <:!M iil''I._: '';:;"t>; "l'\! ,:.":hd.. > -f"",". "',,1<4.: '. '. ,J,:.; ':,. '
: .. '
I -haU ..bUIloaboxes and I Krentcr,production lit,eNpect9 the United! States will teach > '1., '.:;,1i'to .; .. ,. ", ... '_.". '
.... T.OOO.OOtf< toni by 191>0.'!'a Z3 percent ..,. J _, : f "' '
I a billion heavy paper sacks In 19. 'Pulpwood cut In the '". ,. .,, "' >> ''V. :
iipment of food,' medicines 'southern Htaten listed In the Increase over 1943 I't. ", .'.,., '" '_ ;t-\. ti'i1; .. .!; :, 'i' !
Itilpment to our armies ov- Appalachian I'f'glon.add another An most of this expansionwill : ,,.""" ,,, ','"i' '. '", ';"' '
1 Tomorrow this kraft million oy,,more cords to occur In the South the ," ", ..." .' iiil .." f. : .<{ '
I will package millions of this record. rutting of pulpwood will rank ,..' >,, ".. ". _.<' .. .
an-made products whiche About 90 percent of the pulp even In the post-war period) "' .< \',.' :" I
| sold throughout this made In the South Is producedby along with the growing of fj. ,: >\V/fr;: .'
and the world. I the kraft process. With kraft cotton and tobacco as a principal w' .,. ." J'0. : '*

>stkruft paper come mills In the South runnfog at source of Income for the *4 ,n'" ,
| Miuthern) pulp and paper I capacity, the value of their fin- farmer and the woodland ." ">.%_ $T._A..,,. V I1i<\ : ; t \ 1 "
The kraft Industry ban ished products made each year .... ...,f : i: ; : ; : ,:

.: !, :4J.! ()MliLlEiMWP IM! :" A"unERS\i" F4''fi.\:.. .,, ;, ''

was added to the church for bap- I H. M. McRae's Sunday were >a \:<<''''' .{> ; ,x. ( : : : "> ;
,, .
&' *< 1""''' '
& :-.& f. , '
il tism. % Cpl. and Mrs. Ronald Wilson,. "" J'."' / :M'iNiJ.i'J:1.: : ; .
I 'and ,, ,..... '!i
Levelly "Eleanor I
ne C. 1. George and Thad McCIain Miss Jones Rev. ; tki -t .It J Hall and Mrs. F, L. Clough
Ga.. Mrs. -- -
of Lake Park are employed ht.t,1.1.\, --
Mrs. H. M. McRae and children. 'l
the' residence of Mr. i.
S. . . S S C painting 4 -.
Mrs. B. M. McRae and little on
and Mrs. H H. Lewis. < w
[Rev. and Mrs. W.; E. Hall 'The parsonage at Pine Level son, Lynn were among those I I depends

|d "ome Friday from Dub- church is almost completed. Rev. who were shopping. in Gainesville @) "d' :

where they were called and Mrs. Hall will soon move In Monday.INsuuErn1' This material Ii ,

I bedside, of Rev. Hall's slsra. and be at home to their many
| friends who will be' glad to have .
Hudson We
are glad war
them live In our. community. 1 its 3ii : 1
>i I't that they left her much [ I, for \ ,
led. Mrs. O. R. daughter
Patricia of Vanderbilt sec yOU
Pees\ at Pine Level church tion spent 'Monday with Mrs. j$d9WE1H WAR BONDS : and the Pacific t bits.,
pll attended Sunday morn- H. M. McRae. in Europe



iS sSSSSssa '
b can look forward to the permanent une of aircraft I we on ?
orne cargo freight for the shipment of cargo freight when peace returns. with
Fibre-board container made of pulpwood. he added, supplied
No longer idle dream offer one of the rnont successful answers to the problem
which combines the po..I.LPWOOD
of finding packaging greatest pUipwo9d5i have
( ble protection with the lightest Weight. weeks <
In the( woodlands of America '
grown arm recent
of air I
"The three necessary components cargo toys in
r flying the impetus today of la war the. four rorneri of. the earth OW1 factor.""are ((1)) lightness ((2) strength and (3) stowage developments materialshipping irnoUelfi' \

,!t.: .. Paper-board boxes such I pulpwood
\ as the famous for packaging of other f
.. scores products
represent a great -
c ". tI'1')1f1.i J.'IoI'j, ,. provement.over the I lesS powder quality pulpwood sound
,, war cardboard box best is
the that

,, Today handling collapsed these or under when sea'j-'j We cannot make unless we get pulpwood speCiationsir It

19 _
; ,, base container stand U deserve thickness .
like a wooden box, our boys meetS regular
Boat for hours in the and of
without admitting straight
"1.\\i... '','..'... to their contents I and axe-stroke I L '
, i"":!:; ,' have the added factor every !
Make Too
\111" being the lightest I
pulpWod k.I k.
lI4f.n of
fTfcT.A'rmy' think of tk V.toz. In .
Peliaging: toe critical war material .. well as 'for and Nary *o Pays
Pmcnt and supplies, American pulpwood product for example that a half billion of them will bo.shipped' Quality
hying on giant air cargo plane to China via i the "overseas this year. ?
have been made In the 'II
"!aya > to Southlr' While many improvement t poSTmW I
to India, to Africa
mdountail1. eontalner. \ *
Pacific base pulpwood fibre and papecboard even greater WITH '
I expected alter tho war a* air freight
""Pwood are .lOB
meet. military specification for air cargo t_ .
factor .International. rivalry
tins> because it make become an ,WAR-'ll.
.:01 i.ndl' carton and strong.which for world trade I! A :

I recent survey by th.' __

tied 01 W.that 'n'rinationj sir cargoes. I _4W_ ,_ ,KJ I .v t'y'**? / :
Bown 22.000.000 from pound remote ':, '.', ;

Ti of the world d..,..
.I the lint half of 1944.' 'lrrT $1

*'dl from goods more this have pound been of -. CONTAINER CORPORATION OF "AMERICAFERNAND1NA

country to
,ttOOp, and our .Allle*. I
.fficlal of the Office FLORIDA
:'villa11 Requirement ,

':borne freight I I. no :. _ _ _.
au -


. ...t ",, 4 '"' '

,, "< ... .. /-.. ""' ..... .'.. ......-...:" ,. ,. .....,. .. . .. .. ..., ,.... .., .. . .... .. ." .", .. .J ".I...".. v... ... ."" ....,. ...." .. .
\.d.' .. '" "'. .'C.,,' .. -. .." '"''" ..... .." ...., ,... .. ....,"'". .... ,fj. ". ". '''' .w ,." .,, co. "" " r " -""" -'- " V. '' ; .
, ':\


In the above I Inam..d seal at Starke, Florida, this October I\!! ("IRITt'r --......;;;
to rapid climatic change and it is hoped that all who can December llth.and cause. wherein 26th. 1944.OFFICIAL COIJNT\, "nt'nT" !
Court :
SEAL) A. J. ThomasAs
: Knows What Causes A Cold 6. Carry a clean handkerchief will obtain them as Boon as poss plaintiff .ekll divorce shall publish Bradford this Clerk of said Court. Oeorge E. v.
Nobody Telegraph Jacksonville Fla.
. 1, or tissue to place over the ible. Orclr County In next! t hand Band official Will Atty. for O. Murrell Plf. JO-27 4t, 11-17 No.Mary 8400 E. St t. i''4atn umdo' '"

nose or mouth when snoozing i Nearly every farm can benefit Wltnexs my C...

coughing or xpe toratlnK. from having one or more good Meal at 3rd Starke, 1944 Florida this NovA f iv. nun' 'IT Fi.oniuti("01...?. ntiAUFonii iv CIIA.VChiri : AND ORDER:NO9': '", I' \1'IOf!
Are On PreventionParticular ember roi v ''f, "
: ; But Here Tips Never spit on the hoar, streetor cows for providing milk for the (OFFICIAL As lerk of. J.said Thomas Co..rt.'E. ,. c.Uk":. Bell Carter Plaintiff vs. Strobel.' STATE wh lW,,,,I. i t 'PPEAR ka'1l

ground. family, and the grass and crop Starke, FlorlJ} Carter, Defendant. da.eNo dress. IB 1741, 'h4 2!
I 7. Drink only f .*n sanitary refuse available will help keep Aty.K.j for Ferryman Plf. ll104t12lIV | | OHgond'8387. tlmore, Mary!.,,-,. "' net.'4.
Infections. Too unlike You .
care should be taken middle ear ORDER OF PUBLICATION are r
drinking fountains or feed costs down. It is better to .
attacks of many contagious : C.'III'I'IT COt'KT. BRADFORD AND NOTICE TO APPEAR December 4 ; , !PP..r
against common colds at this brief with drinking cups. Do not use have two or more cows for the COUNTY' FLORIUA IN CIIAM- STATE OF FLORIDA to OtigooA named. Court, ,?' atop
Florida diseases, Immunity Is CERY.Flo whose. residence Is Un Plaintiff sect, , a,..
of the drinking Carter ..
time, a director a common cup. family milk supply if possible, "
County ,
leave :JTr
the first attack seeming: to A. Oambler. known. Teleg ,I. Kali
State Board of Health urged this the Individual more susceptible 8. Individual. coming down for this will enable the farmer to VII. Mary M. Gambler, Defendant, You are required. to appear. on Order. In next C'j' *.) "U I':tn.Ibl..
with colds should remain. at breed the cows so one will freshen Case No. 3381. November 27th, 1944, In the above Witness m,. " .klp ,"u.,
week. Because "open season" for to future attacks. OHDEIt OP' PUBLICATION named Court and cause, wherein seal at Stark po, l'0&hd / '
I home Isolated from public another is thus iTO APPEAR vemher '' ,brlt/.I.
colds reaches full swing as going dry AND NOTICE plaintiff seeks divorce. Bradford 1. 1944
Nobody knows exactly what aril family as well. Rememberthat '> assuring a 'plentiful supply of STATE OF FLORIDA to MaryM. County Telegraph shall publish this (OFFICIAL SI-: (>-
6 between October and Christmas, causes a cold. However, most trans.misaible Gambler whose residents la 1130 Order In next four weekly Ixsuea.Witness As Clerk of sat,: A 1 ''thole
time when abnormal shopping colds are milk for them, but now, when Grove Street. San Francisco California. my hand and official William D. :M, url ?
a when anyone with a cold during the feverish commercial milk supplies are Inadequate % Mrs. Carol Teeplesj seal. at Starke, Florida this October Alt"'l''ak
groups are In circulation It_becomes coughs or sneezes, laughs or You are required to appear on 16th. 1944.OFFICIAL 11 8 sot 1124Fla for Plilit
each indlvlduual's responsibility sneezing stage. to meet the demand of November 27th. 1S44 In the above ( SEAL) A. J\ Thomas
mouth ornone
talk forcibly with 9. Consult your family urban im named Court and cause, wherein As Clerk of aald Court. iw riRrrir "'
to help control the world'squickest uncovered, tiny droplets for treatment of a residents It Is. more plaintiff seek divorce. Bradford El K. Perryman, < Starke ..Florida, COUVTY,
at physician portant. than that the farm Telegraph. shall publish this FLU41D4se4ylD8A I
disease by staying laden with cold germs are. ever County Atty. for Plf. 10-27 4t 11-1. CKRY. .
infected.Dr. cold. family have the cheapest and Witness four Bandyofficial Morris Oerson )
home when sprayed Into the air. A cold my hand a. Morris kn
most of this Florida, this October iv'' rincriT COURT. BRADFORDCOUNTY Ilershensnn '"
dependable source seal at Staike, Hannah Plalntlr
E. F. Hoffman, directorof virus can hitchhike from one 1944.OFFICIAL FLORIDA IV! CIIAN- Gerson Orlglne0
Hints To Housewives Important food-that source 20th, i a.. Oh.a kfto"
Very B..r"orll..nl11 Hey
asserted that through J. Thomas CERY.
Epidemiology to ,
disease person another h Is the family cow. As( Clerk of .. LCourt.. James. f>. Aley Jr., Plaintiff: vs. DetendAnt. Can prnr',5" 'bOll...
"The cold IM a specific soiled handkerchiefs, sharingtowels SCHOOL LUNCHES T. Frank Landrum, Btarke. Florid! Lucille EI..anor' AleyC .'!Defendant..I[ AN D NOTirRrT UfTIOX I
but unfortunately Is too spoons or drinking Atty. for Plf. 10-27<> ** "-" Case No. 1386. .
often taken with the pro.verblal which have When the noon recess bell rings GerrsonFlrIt1UA to nl
grain of salt. Now recently touched something In some 35.000 school across the !'1TY. FLOHIUAI. IN CHAN- STATE OF FLORIDA to Lucille all Chana Bergo-hiiim' H' knoq fi
'' ,
with any sort of "help"\ at handled or sneezed on by an nation this term, It calls four Paula McMaken MoMaken.Defendant Plaintiff,Cane vn. Oliver No.- Mildred C.IIY. Elisabeth Brown Plaint Route Eleanor No.1 Aley, Sandy whose Lake residence Pennsyl la address Whose. residence is 1345 Chapel and >PONt hm,.,!

a premium it In. vitally Important Infected person. million children to a nourishing 8417. tiff vs. Samuel Brown, Defendant. vania. Haven Connecticut StreeL In
be cured. ORDER OF PUBLICATION: You are required. to appear on r..qu Irect
that colds school lunrh. Yearly, more Deembere4 II
They are the largest "Ingle COLDS SHOULD BE" MADE TO munities are organizing to give STATE OF FLORIDA to: OllvsrMcMaken NOTICE TO APPEAR named Court and cause, wherein named Court an11 lauahe air
source of lost man power In THEY their children a noon-time meal whose residence In Unknown STATE OF FLORIDA to: Samuel plaintiff seeks. divorce. Bradford plaIntiff .ek. 111 I, "htlt,
THAT Bradt
UNDERSTAND : Brown' whose residence Is 1530 County Telegraph shall publish this County Telegraph war production." ARE POTENTIAL, HEALTH which meets at least onethirdof You are required to appear on Bradley Avenue. Camden, New Jersey Order In next tour weekly Issues. Order In next t, a week PUbli.blbl,,
resistance and the food needs for the day. December 11th, 1944. In the above Witness. my hand and official Witness ml "nnrl '
WITH ol0ti
A cold lowers MENACES TO ALL, named Court and cause, wherein You are required to appear on seal at Starke, Florida, this October seal at Stark Florida and '.
leaves one susceptible to a variety WHOM THEY COME ,IN CONTACT One year of right feeding in plaintiff peeks divorce Bradford November 27th, 1944, In the above 24th, 1944OFFICIAL tohor 30. 1944OFFICIAL nh Q
of Dangerous com the life of a child is more Important County Telegraph shall publish this. named Court and cause, wherein ( SEAL) A. J. ThomasAs ( SEA)J.' A. J
germs. Order In next four weekly luxuex plaintiff seeks. divorce. Bradford Clerk. of said Court.T. AA CI..rnf! said!, "') Th.lna
plications are pneumonia, sinusitis To colds, keep these than 10 years after 40, Witness my hand and official County Telegraph shall publish this I Frnnk Lnndrum, Starke, Florida Walter e. Hnrd.-.t url
mastodltis, meningitis and prevent nutrition specialists say. One of seal at Starko Florida, thin. November Order In next four weekly Issue Atty. for Plf. 10-27 4t Jl-17 :rIa., Atty, for Plf D'I'Ion'Iet'b!
pointers In mind this winter. Rth, 1944. Witness my hand and officialseffl 11-14111.1:
the best investments a community at Starke, Florida, this October - -----
(OFFICIAL SEAL: ) A. J. Thorn, ----
nutritious food -
1. Eat school lunch 20th, 1B44OFFICIAL --
can make, the As Clerk of paid 1 Court.J. .
take regular. rent and excer- dividends now and for the S. Harrison Jacksonville, Flnr- ( SEAL: ) A. J." ThomasAs WE CAN USE MORE PULPWOODWRITE I
pays Clerk of said Court.
ida, for Pit.
Atty. lllO-4t-121! [
DRY CLEANING clne with plenty of fresh air future In better school work, fewer .' T. Frank Landrum, Starke. Florida

and sunshine absences, and healthier, hap IN ('IDrt'IT cornr. III M>KOHIrOt"VTr Atty. for. Plf. 10-27 4t 11-lT [ TIMBER DEPARTMENT I

2. Live prop- pier children. "'KItV.Estelle NOTICE '
conditioned rooms. B. Howard, Plaintiff, TAT IIKKUXenate FERNANDINA
.riyalI' Each day the school child needsa vs. ( milo.. l FLA.

Poorly nourished Individuals minimum of one quart milk.: Cane Walter No. I.3409.Howard, Defendant NOTICE C. C. Norman IS HERESY holder GIVEN.That of Tax. _L... ,...._ . . ..... _. _._ _,__,___
WAY! with Insufficient rest<< or exercise two vegetables (one green-or yellow ORDER OF PUBLICATIONAND : Certificate No. 64, Issued the. 4th "

housed In Inadequately ) ; two fruits (one- citrus or STATE NOTICE OF FLORIDA TO APPEAR to: Walter day. of July A. P.. 1938 has tiled
and has made
lighted heated, ventilated tomatoes) ; one egg if possible: L. Howard whose residence. IK 220 same application In my for office a tax deed to beIN..uell '

and overcrowded, homes or one serving meat, fish, poultry, Nagle Avenue. New York N. Y. thereon. Said certificateembraces Prompt Service Careful Driven
You are required to appear on followingdescribed
Let Us Dry Clean office have little resistanceto or cheese; three servings of December llth 1944 In the. above I property In the County of Brad
disease. Chances of spreading bread or cereals "(half whole named Court and cause, wherein ford, State. of Florida to-wit:
plaintiff seeks divorce, Bradford of SW'4 & SWVi of SEU SERVICEand
Your Winter Wardrobe upper respiratory Infections grain or restored) ; butter or for County Telegraph shall publish this I, Sec. 2tl! Twp. 5 S. R. 21 .:.,' containing .
are Increased. tified margarine; and codliver oil, Order In next four weekly Indue. 80 Acres more or less.
Now! Witness my hand and official I The assessment or the said property
S. Breathe through your preferably till he Is 14 years old. seal at Starke, Florida, this November i under the. said certificate Issued .

nose. Air Is filtered as It Unless the child gets milk as 4th, It44 wia In the name .of Mrs. C. E.
Is (OFFICIAL SEAL) A. J. Thomas No"mnnUnlesfl.
passes. along the nasal passages a beverage at three meals It As Clerk of Maid Couurt said certificate shall be MACK'S TAXI SERVICE

k to the lung" The mouth difficult to get in his quart a William D. Morgan, Jacknonvllln redeemed according? to law, theproperty .

All Dry Cleaning breather takes, dust and day. Because, the child's stomach Florida, Atty. for Plf. ll10-4t-12l| sold to the described highest therein bidder I will the be

germs. directly into the lungs. Is,, smaller, dividing his food IV CIltrtlT COI'RT. Illl tPFOIIll court: house door on thelr..I'M -' Phone 150
Guaranteed To between all three mealsis COVVTY.' FLORID | IV CHAN! doy In the month ot. December. ,
Have diseased Please adenoids removed. They impede much better than having' him Duard S. Harper, Plaintiff, v.. cemher 1944.

breathing.. v; "catch up' at a heavy dinner at ant.Blanche Cane. .Thomas No. 8415.Harper, Defend' 1944.Dated this 23rd day of October,

4. Wash your hands thoroughly night. Packed lunches are apt ORDER: OF PUBLICATIONAND : A. J. Thomas
with and water to be monotonous and unbalanced NOTICE TO APPEAR: Clerk of Circuit Court of Bradford
ri NEW"METHOD before eating and after toilet. unless milk, fruit and vegetablescan Thomas Harper whose residence Is 10-27 4t 11-17 (OFFICIAL SEAL) ,

5. Dress to avoid undue be included. 618 Elmwood Avenue, Uadxden,
overheating or exposure due The War Food Administrationoffers You are required; to appear on COUNTY, FLORIDA IN (;II'J! -
financial aid to communities December. llth, 1944 In the. above CRRT.
named Court and cause, wherein Clifford M Taylor Plaintiff 'vs. COURTEOUS CORRECT INFORMATION
school lunches
AT FIRST in providing plaintiff seeks divorce, Pradford Norma W. Taylor Defendant. Case ,
". Its type "A" school lunch.' served County Telegraph shall publish this No. 3388. N PLEASE PHONE 147

: CLEANERSROBERT hot or cold, provides one-thlrc Order in next four weekly Issues. AND ORDER NOTICE OF PUBLICATION TO APPEAR/
Witness hand
and official
.OFAO to one-half the day's nutritive requirements .. seal. at Starke Florida this November STATE: OF FLORIDA to Norma
W. Taylor whose residence. I. 115$)
: particularly of vitamins 7th. 1944 West 7th Street Erie, Pennsylvania.You .UNION BUS STATION
are required to on j
USE666 and minerals. Although'thefoods appear
A" Clerk of said Court. '
SIR Temple Avenue T. Frank Landrum November 27th 1944. In the above LACY CONWAY Agent
themselves determine nutritive Starke, Flor- named Court and cause, wherein .
fecefi value, a hot lunch la preferred ida Attjr. for Plf. lllO-4t-12-l| plaintiff seeks. divorce. Bradford Florida I
Cold Preparation a* County Telegraph shall publish this Temple Ave. Starke,
because It' is more' app isr cmrriT (COl'IIT BRADFORD Order In next four weekly Issues..
tizing to most children. An "A" COI'VTY! FI.ORIDAI CMA.VTCmogen Witness mv hand and official'

'7e tte 'D0Iie 'It 4a e Is school lunch must include one- CERY.* O Bartchv. Plaintiff. vs. IC

hair' pint whole milk, small serving Esther F. Bartchy, Defendant, Case

meat or other protein food, No. ORDER 8414. OF PUBLICATIONAND h .

three-fourths cup vegetable or NOTICE TO APPEAR '

fruit, wholegrain'or restored STATE OF FLORIDA to: Esther; P
F.; Bartchy whose residence In. '484 VA,
bread, and butter or fortified Wayne Street Beaver, Pennsylvan-

margarine. la:You are. required to appear on Nature FtAMERICA
Highly seasoned foods, stimulating December 11th, 1944. in the above ors
> beverages, and sweets are named Court .and cause, wherein
school plaintiff seeks divorce. Bradford
not included in lunch menus
County'Tele..raph shall publish this :
I although simple fruit or.milk Order In next four weekly issues. c t CCA
desserts be added occasion Witness. my hand and official
may seal at Starke Florida,. this November ,
I IV ally. 6th, 1944.

SCIENCE Information on organizing: the (OFFICIAL As. SEAL Clerk) of A. laid J. Thomas Couurt the S H !

r school lunch, quantity recipes and T. Frank Land rum, Starke Florida
R menu guides may be obtained by Atty for rif. ll10-4t-12-l|

writing the U. S. Department of
: Agrlculuture. Washington 25, D. .
4 _
C. Reginald CKRY.L' M. Luther, Plaintiff vs.. Ii \ Fu.

Amelia C. Luther. Defendant.. Case
Rural CommonsenseFAMILY No. 3413.
C. Luther whose. residence. la 11 .e
GOOD HEALTH AND Spring Street. Havemtraw, New
i You are required. to appear on
December 11th, In IN CUMArg -
1144. tIe above '
There are more family cows on '
named. Court and cause, wherein ;indeed favored land.Each geographic
i Florida farms today than ever be- plaintiff seeks divorce. Bradford

7 le 'euautiorr 1IIadadte fore-a most wholesome develop County! Telegraph shall publish this area North, East, South and West pos
'J Order In next four weekly Issues.
y : ment in the agriculture of the Witness my hand. and "offl..lal.eal sesses certain Advantages contributing to the

state. at Starke Florida, this November '
6th 1944.OFFICIAL welfare of all.
A cow means good .nutritious SEAL) A. J.
WALL' PAINT food, good food mean good ( As Clerk of said Thomas Court. But of all the regions of this great land,nature

t health and health means T. Frank Landrum. Starke, Flor- Nowhere is there
good ida, Atty. for Plf. ll104t12lNOTICE | !. especially favors the South.
i greater achievement, a more satsfactory I of raw
FOR BETTER I +, found the same unusual combination:
l. economy and greater IN
happiness for the farm family. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: materials and favorable conditions for industrial
y This la to certify that Ii have filed ,
a e
DOITYOURSELFPAINTING Nutrition research has shown a. Administrator for the Estate W. +, ',,, and agricultural production in close proximity

that needs milk and T. McEver, my Final Return or SO rich natural
everyone to large markets. With its ,
Accounting and will on the 29th consuming
i .MoRtwAsHAaLi dairy products for good health, ;day of November. l.44r aek the y" mild climate anda
that,children cannot develop normally Honorable E. K. Perryman; County N4 -. resources,strategic location,

: Now-a loybeta paint concentrate that takes the and properly without It, Judge for Final of Bradford,Discharge County ae said Florida Ad friendly progressive people it is no wonder
'! and that adulta need It for ministrator. L. 'S. Wynn 'Ff the South has made such rfpid progress in recent

''.. \. pain out of painting-it'* actually] fun to paint strength and energy to carryon 10-2 4tl' 11-1 Administrator 's 'years. To those who are thinking of postwar

I: 1 ; w i with SPRZD. On coat- coven an/ surface. Irtwatnable at People their dally must tasks be satisfactorily.healthy to iv: cinrriT rornr. 'BRADFORD 1N MINERAta problems,here is the land of opportunity in the

i j OOIS .ARIHIR -ttart clean fir'-dries to a mooch achieve, and wholesome nutritious year ahead. ,

milk Is of the essenlals ORDER OF PUBLICATION: of the
I t I brushfrce: surface la % hour. No oflfeatire odor. one AND NOTICE TO' APPEAR The Seaboard Railway, a key railroad
. I to good health. Louis Helfenbeln. PI. I ntlffr vs. to the economic
; Baiy to mix and easier to apply. Trpreading In the past, there were too Zara Helfenbeln Defendant. Case South is proud of its contribution its
No. 8405. Through
PC this the area.
who development'
farmers neglected
economical la many STATE OF FLORIDA to) Zar
J beauty your home now You'll enjoy phase of farming-the family Helfenbeln whose residence. !. (17 'Industrial and Agricultural Development Departments

. 'J i this *w way of painting.ITTIR cow-and: paid too much atten- High You Street are required Newark to. New appear'Jersey on! ;. as well as through other agencies of

kl tion to other things, and the result h
I IAIlER 10 APPLY has often been Inadequate the railway the Seaboard will continue to plan

"tb' nutrition for them and their Be ,Quick,To TreatBronchitis ,r,N ro/tars, and work for"a more prosperous Southland-.

: families. They overlooked the ; : 10. Virginia.
Seaboard Railway, Norfolk
-' 981 Importance of milk to family

$ health, and they did not realize

Mt HIDING that agricultural progress de- Chronic bronchitis may develop Uyour 4 a aIN
the health of farm
pends on good cough chest cold or acute bron-

people. chitis U not treated and you cannot

;1" During the past five years, afford to takeachance with any medicine -

GAL. PASTE however, hundreds of farm. families Jess' potent than Creomulslon
.&d I which goes right to the seat of the
1 OAt. who did not have cows.'be. $
FASTI MAKI trouble to help loosen and expel germ rowan
' Irk GAL. PAINt fore have obtained them to pro laden phlegm and aid nature to saAU

=r' 1 i .. vide milk and milk products for soothe and heal raw tender,inflamed
{ their tables and if a' check could bronchial mucous membranes. _

; TIP TOP SUPER MARKET te: made of the health of these creosote Creomulalon by special blend process beechwood with other RAILWAY -

, families before the cow took her time tested. medicines for coughs.
place on the farmstead and now, It contains no narcotics.

; i :: 113 E. Call St. STAUKE, FLA. the findings would show' marked No have matter tried how tell many your druggist medicinesyou to t z '

improvement In their health. sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with .
'I There are still many families the understanding you must like the Buy save WAR. BOND

) TRY SPRED INSTEAD ?t1 M TESTED I who do not have family cows, way it quickly seep cough, per- M4NVOWS*. .
mitting rest and or you are to h-.aa
have your money back. (AdvJ '


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BRADFORD COUNTY'S QUOTA --- $259,000 11 s sI :

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See Chairman,- Junius M. Smith and Volunteer Your Servises, I',:--4";'; '. .,' :

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IT'S YOUR JOB ,. TOO !,, fThis :]]'; .... 1\I\( ,"'';;,

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Advertisement Sponsored by The Following Members of The Victory, Club ( "r

.. ., :I,
. :,
BOB'S TAVERN : WONDER GIFT SHOI .,:,;, At Blanding Center \

GISLAIN'S'FLORIDA : I' :Jr :: '" -II. '* ...'V" :. ;: f

BANK AT STARKE ',.i :ft '"*v ",..i';* BRADFORD HARDWARE CO'J': : '''::',!( ." J. P. ROBERTS MOTORS ; : \

Member! F. D. L C. :. ' ':. ' '' y4 "' : CITY BARBER SHOP J i M.",..:'. :' ,'. JORDAN'S''BAR '

CARPENTER'S DRUG STORE- !<(.""r'? :: ... : .'"*/'V; .+j%; S. E.Sparks, Prop **V;\{. ., : -I.- H. C. WALL, AGENCY INSURANCE ',

BOLLYWOOD CAMERA & GIFT SHOP 4.': . .,:., :<.: y >jy: FRED F. STUMP "'['', .. t..;' S II A F K IN S ;' .
i . *, : .
; : : / ;
:,: j
.. .. ,
CENTER, Inc. ," :' 'i'j'\' : j'', 3
..... \ iir*- THE SMART SHOP I "
JERRY'S PLACE ,. '..f ;. ,'"
.','j''< ;; EASTERN AUTO SUPPLY : .'
NEW;} METHOD) CLEANERS or' ..,:. / THE STAG i.CllARLEY; E. JOHNS, AGENCY-Insurance ':'


Across From Park Theatre Van II. Carden, Mgr.


,, .
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.: .. /
'.o.t UII.IIo

'... ,. ".-....,,---w. ".,_.._. 0"" --." ,
0 .. --.- "

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.- SOP a Little Everyday on Everything You Buy Scores Of
,, UnadvertisedBargains \
Prices ';'' Your Choiceof
Good ThruSaturday

i Nov QuantityRights SOAPPOWDERS

Ib. 19c l 18 Reserved

5c BoxesMATCHES Suds, Duz,
Rinso, etc.
they last!

3 for f a ESRRYSLE Package

1 A1 CJfJe .llflm.titlle.l; <

j __ 'C


Grade Beef Fat Florida '

.f, S TEAKS Round Club -or b. 3Sc I_ 'MULLET Ib' Mic

i 0f
: Boiling White Skinless Weiners or
4 4r.

" ,MEAT' COLD MEATS Ib. 29c J swfii.(

j lb. 15c Plate CutsBEEF .

'! -, STEW\ lb. 15c 1 V
Fancy Dressed SpringCHICKENS '
,,1 r Best Grade
) ;

I! I Ib. 41c PURE LARD 1 Ib. Ctn. 17 C Did Meats you know axe mIghty"Canned (,, LIE pREMIUM o EXTRA SUGAR CURED HAM ITS FOR
scarce? 'Nuff sedl
Cross Cut LambSHOULDERS .

i: A, lb. 27c 3 12-oz Tins 89ci

, Ptfi PORK or Glasses 0i
; Veal Round BoneCUTLETS'
i '
i j And Georgia Yam Sale! Ib. 38c Ballard! Gold Medal! Pillsbury!! ,
Fresh Cut Whole Frash Cut Pig
Hams, ib 29c Sides ib 23c FLOUR 5 lbs 29C
Fresh Ground .
Fresh Mad F**<$Whole
Sausage ib 29c Shoulders''25c HAMBURGER <.. <" ..." + ., .... { , ,, ," '< ", ""'J.'IiI
;i Ib.. 25c : \2 f.\' .ti:P{ 'aW : :\t ; t*;)t' "'.. :
Fiesh Cut Lean Tender Sliced Pork < .4K, :"s ; D C'a. < 1'\t\;
'M' -
I '/ ,. '
ti C ,
"" {, ,' ) 'i _"<
,, f
'of. '
I :r> /'U'l > "'{"' {k (,. :.': 1
21 >
ib 29 Liver ib ' <
Chops c >- >-""'';''' )t0"1; >; "w>i<-
,X-j:, : 1. :&? 1\' , Select M-\ \: ,
.<"'*- i- !Jf/J J tfJt, .hijr<:
J From The Red I
I YAMS Hills of Georgia Ibs 25C BEEF BRAINS I Ib. '121 ,v$'',<'' '>",!, y!lf.<.:.'!" /;...;+.4..;. R fi'Ji,.<<:.;,,,,,,,>...,.
1-2c "
[ h""V' ' '. ''
. '.>>' '"'" : '-$ '''''. < I",j(. < ) '',
.v, ; 1."" .;<'>'Y "'Y..j,> :I'.1. '. y' "
., .
.;i" ,'"i.,',,'.+.:<'t.<'i'l.-t. <.i+ :{':",.;:.; ,,,t'd<"i)'
>;: ""i />;;'i:: F, :',0;
Rosy-Cheeked, Beauties! r' > i YV''' :":.t:
> >
}, Del Monte .<10-.;; '",\", """4 '.j11:,..:..v 3 "
h'YI ;;..'t\.J: Ro cs a y,. )
" <::: 4:1JXi ;'j
6\ COFFEE # d4"\; .Vr \1' ;:1-,,Q'r.;,;;;.r{(;,''t.:,., ,k .;,
':) Fancy Delicious Western Red 2 pounds 25c Ib. 29c '
Extra Fancy Blue Rose
Famous Eastern .
I Yorks 5 Pounds 45c Webster's Tomato''

',1 Get Your Holiday Pecans Now! Extra Large Polished Stuart
!i j PECANS pound 45c .. JUICE Vermillion lbs

f 3 ., Blue Rose
! Fieih Early BlackCranberries Loch Flame No. 2 cans, 29c ib lOcPumpKi
t Ib 39c Tokay Grapes, ib '17c

II J I Large Avocados Florida ib 15c Bnhite Cauliflower, >Ib 17c Factory Pack'W. G.

j Green Top Idaho Baking 0 n
j Carrots 2 bunches 18c Potatoes Sibs 25c M E AJL

1 .
Colorado Yellow Cabbage or
j Onions 6 ibs 25c Rutabagas ib 4c 5 Ibs. 25c .

i -JloriJa,o netu Crop STOKELY'S, FINEST!
Stokely C.G. NG. 3
Big No. 21/2 .

; Buy 'Em By The Pound -
WEIGHT Means JUICE! 6c s214c ; While They Last!
