Bradford County telegraph

Material Information

Bradford County telegraph
Uniform Title:
Bradford County Telegraph
Place of Publication:
Starke, FL
E.S. Matthews
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Starke (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Bradford County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Bradford -- Starke
29.947222 x -82.108056


The first issue of this ongoing weekly appeared on July 26, 1879 under the title Florida Telegraph. It was published by William Wyatt Moore, a native Floridian and a staunch Democrat. Moore had previously worked for a paper in Tallahassee and had also published newspapers in Jacksonville, Lake City, Cedar Key, and Pensacola. After appearing for a short time as the Weekly Florida Telegraph and reverting back to the Florida Telegraph, the paper’s name was changed to the Starke Telegraph. In 1887, Moore sold a half-interest in the newspaper to I.C. Webb, who became sole owner within a few months and changed its name to the Bradford County Telegraph. In 1893, Eugene S. Matthews, who had previously worked for newspapers in Gainesville and Ocala, purchased the Bradford County Telegraph with Ben J. Farmer, who sold his interest to Matthews five years later. Matthews published the Bradford County Telegraph for the next forty years. He was also elected to the state legislature in 1904, 1907, 1911 and 1923. His son, Eugene L. Matthews, a graduate of Columbia University’s School of Journalism, took over the publication in 1933, matching his father’s record of forty years as publisher. The Bradford County Telegraph continues to the present.
Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 9, no. 41 (Apr. 13, 1888)-
General Note:
Publishers: Mathews & Farmer, <1893-1897>; E.S. Mathews, <1900-1926>.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
33886096 ( OCLC )
000579551 ( ALEPHBIBNUM )
003298621 ( ELECTRONIC_ALEPH )
60662535 ( ELECTRONIC_OCLC )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )

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Starke telegraph

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-- -=----==- :: ..:..__:::- "- _
-- -='-7.:=: _ ___ _
Subscription-For Year $1.50; Six :Months, 75c-Payable in Advance : r
____ E. S. Matthews, Owner and Publisher
-- .
STARKE, FLORIDA. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23: 1931 - -- --- -- ':::
1 -
[ LEGION _._..""c,<" "..,.. ... J
AMERICAN Joint Installation

MSmloNSIDERINGA{ CHRISTMAS TREE P .....--'> i: Masonic Officers, Florida Facing


.. The Masons and Eastern Star
Busy Season r
. '" : : members of Starke, will hold a
community Christmas tree i '' Joint Installation of officers on:

sponsored by the American Legionwas a><'. Ft ? J/ ,.':.:: .\ t" Wednesday night, December 30th,

ERRY MARKET. attended by a large number of ..:'"''''',. ( . ; I.'i t at eight o'clock In the Masonic Tallahassee, Dec 23. Florida'visitors
people from all parts of the county, i Hall.I .

among those attending were five ( i'l'JljI : I The following Eastern Star nieni- this season more than of whom last", win will: seek be here one
Press.} hundred or more children who were !\l: :(; ; bers will be Installed as officers for of four thing rest, fishing golfor

(jlncclenny strawber- made happy by Santa Claus \ 4. (the new year: Worthy Matron Mrs. racing s t

..with our leading The tree was beautifully deco- I Mae Wells: Worthy Patron. Mr. B. This Is according to Ben Bos- t''
of the
rowers from all sections rated, and lighted with many electric l" "" ,Jacobs; Associate Matron. Mrs. taro, state hotel commissioner who

week has pleas lights of various colors was /: '!I,9'i, ,: I.,' Ruby Hayes; Associate Patron Mr. banes his views on recent travels r
;Sat"they are all greatly itself worth the trip to town to see. -;; ,,_ .'"\ -". ,, E. W. Hayes; Conductress, Mrll. both In New York and through this

K possibility of a straw-- Every child present received some- i,1, ; '>, Lorena Epperson; Associate Conductress state. ,

iv market for Baker county loI thing, even if their names were not t Mrs Edna Hart; Sccre- The prediction that the coming
lIfacclcmny. W. M. Vent- the list of those invited to jfk Mrs. Eva Anderson
1 In. upon tary. ; Trea8J season will be better than last U
Vof Glen :;t. Mary, and S. R. attend. -_. -- ", ; -- J urer. Mrs. Pauline Torode; Chap- founded upon conferences the com- It

Sanderson, were would In townCay The tree, while a large undertaking PRINCE OF WALES OPENS BURMA CONFERENCE IN LONDON Looking: .. If the !lain, Mrs. Martha BlRgs/ ; Marshal, missioner has attended during the

:: and said: "We cer- proved a great success, mak- tare of state already weighed upon him H R. H The Prince of Wales is shown leaving the first session ofhe I Mrs. Jessie Woolen; Organist, Mrs. last two weeks with hotel owners' e

llv much prefer marketing our to ing the large number of children : Burma Round Table Conference) which ha bad just inaugurated at the Home of Lords in London. + Ina White; Ada, Mrs. Delia Hoover from all parts of Florida and rep-

KIM at home in preference happy. The success of the occasion : --------- .- I ; Ruth, Mrs. Oneda" Griffis; resentatives of various transportation 1
illnff them to Lawtey or HalIi was due largely to the co-operation Esther, Mrs. Gertrude Sternberg; companion. Kl

and we hope the plan can be of the merchants organizations, APPROVE BUDGET OF $210I ,- "J. lx.1n'IS IN Martha Mrs. Dora Alderman; In mOAt localities Mr. Bostaln. n-,

Iked out la! time for the present citizens and the school officials of I 000( ( FOR FLORIDA EXHIBI1 SCliOOi G". uuuu".. ... TEST TAX CASE Electa. Mis. Verdle Futch; Warder: says, hotel owners have told him +

Oft the county at large. And the Mrs. Clara Siatrunk; Sentinel' Mr. their reservations now equal or exceed -
It t present we have listed someg American Legion as sponsors of Finance. Committee'' of Pro&"ressBody Habeas corpus proceedings were L. D. Green. those of December' last year

like 50 acres planted In theinty the tree wishes to thank every per- Takes Action Of State to Be heard' by Judge A. Z. Adkins In the The Installing\ ; officer will be MU greatest increases being shown in iY

and there are possibly othIcreage son and organization for their Union county court house at Lake Verna Hullard, from Gainesville. the resort sections. It has been ltd

that we have overlook- I hearty interest and co-operation in DeLand Dec. 19.-Approval of a Butler Monday afternoon In the As officers of Bradford LodgeNo. only during the last two weeks f

I This acreage is listed among helping* to make the tree a success budget of $223,000 to be expendedby Made BeautifulState seven cases Involving turpentine 35, F. & A. M., for the coming that such an optimistic report has }?,

growers with acreage ranging and those several hundred kiddles Florida: on exhibits at the hands of T J. Knabb who were arrested year, the following will be installed been received, the commissioner

la 1 to 5 acres each. Wa have happy. World's Fair at Chicago in 1933 last week by Sheriff Joe : adds. )

|i7 confidence that the projectbe _4 was given by the finance budget Jones, Jr., on warrants sworn out L. D. Oieen, W. M. Until then hotel men had been q

be nuccessfui and arranged In STATE IS MAKING EFFORT TO committee of the Century of Prog- Departments of Edueutloi by County Attorney W C. Minger, C. A. Futch S W. very dubious of success this year. E,?

|e to handle the present crop. DISTRIBUTE GAME SUPPLY ress commission at a meeting here Undertaking laudable In which they were specifically M. D. Bumgnrner, J. W. That most visitors come to Flor-

rue Seaboard Air Line officials Recommendation was made that -.1.'r';;dot charged with carrying on turpentine J. L. Anderson. S. D. ida either to rest, fish, play golf or

ie assured us of their heartyport C C. Woodward, State Game Com- the budget be approved by the '. operations on lands on which Joe Slxtrunk, J. D. watch the races la proved by Inquiries 5V

In aiding In every way pos- missioner, Believes Florida Can commission at a meeting in West A state-wldor school grounds there were outstanding tax certifi! J. M. Mitchell, Treasurer. regarding the state Mr.

le and from our experiences with Be Made to Support Supply of Palm Beach December 29. beautification Is cates. N. Sternberg, Secretary.A. UoHtnln received while he was tu rte

|m we know they will do as they Game. The committee also recommended by the project state department'being undertaken Mr, Knabb was represented by S. Crews, S. S. charge of the Florida Hotel' Con .;

that an advisory committee of of public committee of the state Col. Walter A. Dopson and! the K W Hayes, J S. tnlitHlon's booth In Grand Central F

the Press feels that the estab- Florida, a few years ago the 100 be appointed; that a secretaryof chamber of Comm rce. county was represented by Col. W. L. W. Klckllter, Chaplain.J. 1'aluce, New Yo;1(. More questionswere .

ment of this local market injker hunters paradise, can be made to finance be named to work under W. S. Cawthon,, state superintendent C. Minger, county attorney. At- A. Morgan Tyler. asked on these subjects, he tjf

county will mean a lot to support more than was found here, the direction: of Nathan Mayo,, of education, addressed a tending the hearing from here A. J. Thomas, Marshal. bays, than any other.

J farming and business intereststhe even in the days of the Indian, according treasurer of the commission, and letter to all county school superintendents were: Sheriff Joe Jones, Jr., Clerkof All Eastern Star members, their That Florida's Influx of touristsq
county and it will be the of the 67 counties be their this will be as great or ,f
to C. C. Woodward, state that each giv- them Circuit Court W. C. Thompson ; families, all Masons and fam- year greater
naming county
ins of bringing about bigger game and fresh water fish com- en a day at the world's fair to put chairmen of beautification W. C. Minger, T. J. Knabb and ilies are invited to attend this than last despite an added year of
II better things for our farmers.t missioner. on their program. com- Walter A. Dopson. meeting. the depression and reduction of advertising t.
mates which will work under the
I la up to the business interests W. R. Carter of Jacksonville told' based expenditures. by municipalities
And this, .in the opinion of the state chamber of commerce general Judge AdklnR opinion was --
f the county to aid in every way Is \ is considered an Indica-
the committee California going the warrant Issued against Will
I on $43.1X10
commissioner, can be done very committee. The county school PLANT CITY: BETS : ) OFFBF.RRY
sible the furthering and polling its exhibit and tion by Mr. Bostaln that the hotel l
to for
cheaply with cooperation of the : great expense heads also were made members of Johnson, colored, who was charged ('KOI' IN FOt'U DAY-: ;
of these plans, as there areer public.The commissioner now Is that Lost Angeles' county alone had the state committee.The with taking turpentine from land buslnjHB U one of the most stable l
crops that will necessarily appropriated $500,000 been sold for In the state.
proving it, at no cost to the state. plan, which received the which had nonpayment -Nothwlth.
ap- Dec. 22.
Jcome marketable when we have Grosvenor Dawe of Lake Wales, of taxes due thereon. Tho Plant City The hotel commission: la car-
This year, in -act' $17,000 alreadyhas proval of Governor Carlton and caused I
weather a
I that
established market here that is discussed means of financing the main points of the order issued< by standing dry rying out an advertising campaignof t
been loaned the state general his cabinet and of the directors of
lown to the reduction In acreage and yield, the Its for Florida
buyers as a reputable Florida project. Among others attending Judge: Adkins are as follows: own however. In
Ie where they can buy good stuff .fund by the game department. the meeting were Herbert' the state chamber of commerce "The court is of the opinion that! I continued warm weather has push 1927 the legislature passed a lawthut
As for results, Mr. Woodward will be directed_i > J Arnoldof
toL I will stand the market tests. Felkel and C. E. Shepherd of St. #. Ray the said warrant does not charge ed the early strawberry bloom to all surplus money from the aM
polnts"out that hunters this
[if r the business interests of the sea- Augustine, J. W. Copeland of MIami Groveland state chairman of a violation of any law of the.state matured: fruit rapidly, and soles should be expended In state advertising. a
son are bagging more game thanIn the chamber's committee. the Plant City (f.o.b.) market,
IDty- -that Is the merchants on .
and H. Swart of Dunnellon. I of Florida, In this, to-wit:
pij\ they are the ones mostly many years, in areas adjacentto .-- Each school will be asked to "The said warrant does not state Including the Miller auction, the This fund amounted to approximately -
refitted protected breeding grounds. Sev- spend the first six"; months of 1932. four shipping days aggregated In
outside of the grower) FIRST FREEZER OF BERRIES I that the state of Florida was the past $7,000 the combined
111 I get together and arrange for eral seasons ago a large preservewas beautifying its own ground. The holder of the tax' certlf-' approximately $23,000. rears of 1927 and 1928 but since
owner or
backing of created near Orlando at a second six months will be devotedto Saturday, Doc. 19, stands out an the present administration too., of-
f strawberry crops Brownlee Brothers shipped the \cato, or that any one cine was the
Id other truck produce each eeawe time when it was estimated less first freezer of berries of the sea- beautification work by school owner' or holder of the tax certificate the largest day of the season, a fice, nearly $50.000 hall been accessible -

p, can have one of the largest than 100 turkeys and no more thana son Tuesday, the shipment going to children at their own homes.To 1 sued upon the sale of the total of 81,124 pints of berries. be- In the lust three years.

rkets here In the state. It will score of deer were left. Baltimore.: A considerable numberof Head Work said land: neither does the said ing marketed that day at an average None of this money la obtained

I necessary for something like .This "son hunters have taken the growers have been picking While each county school superintendent warrant show who wan the ownerof f. o. b. price of 13 1-2 cents per from the taxpayer but through fees '

Is to be done before we can real- more t>.- 200 turkeys. from the berries in small quantities for the was named to head the said lands upon which the pint, or $11,3/'ifJ.7"/' for the day. The for hotel, apartment' and restaurant

}the full benefits of a local ..hlpg surrounding territory. In the pre- ant three weeks but this Is the the work in his county, each school said tax certificate issued; and previous day, Friday, 45,732 pints Inspection and therefore, :Mr

market. serve near Sarasota nearly .2000 first shipment to leave the local building) princnpal was placed at hat: the same, therefore, wholly were shipped the average f. o. b. HoHtaln says Is a general benefit F'

There la also an acreage at Bald- quail were trapped and distributedto platform. With the present warm the head of the work for his own falls to charge any offense whatever price for this shipment was li:. 1-2 obtained without a general tax.:

i that we believe can be Induced other portions of the state two weather continuing picking will building and Its grounds. Caw- I cents the pint. In Saturday's movement The Increase, according to the

i market years ago. Last year more than there were two express cars, commissioner, has been made
their product in our continue to grow heavier. Seven thon's letter stated that coopera- "It Is therefore, ordered, adjudged I
rket. This would give them a 1,600 quail were taken from the crates were shipped from Ralford tion with the plan will be recognized and decreed by the court that two freight refrigerators and 139porv available through economies In the a

l,er market than they have at same region. Yet the birds are Tuesday, the largest shipment reported by a special scroll of'merit the: petitioner, Will Johnson, bo ; freezer hotel department launched In the

psent and we feel that they more plentiful than ever on the to date from this section. tu be Issued by Governor Carlton discharged from the further custody Yesterday' there was a sharp decline present administration which have

Woodward advocates placing STARKE vs HIGH SPRINGS Not only ,that school properties, Florida, and that the cost of the fact that berths 1 which moved last more than $120,000 to less than

we i feel that we have a sufflc- one-fourth the state's area in IN HIGH SPRINGSMembers' but the, school children will benefit !- said case be taxed against Baker .I night will not likely reach distant '7 .OOO.

f t number of wide-awake busii protected territory. This, he de- from the campaign,' Cawtbon county Florida." markets In time for Christmas eve -
men in the clares, with destruction of natural wrote. He of trade, and the trade of Christina
county to realize of High urged hearty support This Is a case that has created URAIiFOKO COUNTY BANK l
. possibility In this connection enemies of game and a little feed- School football team of the last the plan. quite a bit of Interest In the county day and Saturday and Sunday will ""r

II' who will be willing to da theirrt Ing, Boon will multiply game birds four season will play an exhibition The school beautification cam- owing to the prominence of the be dull. TO PAY. DIVIDKNI

and become parties in devel- and animals. game In High Springs on Christ paign Is part of the chamber of parties involved and the unsual action The sales yesterday. Includingtwo : ---
our This can be done with no expense sold at the auction, ag- Mr. Joe E. WILson, liquidator k
FJf agricultural Interests mas day at 3 o'clock. Let's go and commerce's general beautification against the operator of the cars
to the state to M. flO of the Bradford County Bank announced -
I according
they should approximately
be. give the boys hearty support. project for Florida. lands mentioned In the action. The gregated l
[The time and conditions the commissioner. He declares it pints. The average price on the a dividend jf 5 percent, ;
have ar- > action was based by the county at-
ed when we must put forth our will bring more money here thru OPENING GAIETY THEATRE ASKS FOR FULL FLORIDA torney on a resolution passed by yard was around 8 1.2 cents the amounting to 1039449. The warrants ,
efforts in sale of bunting licenses to visitors. without crates. The two cars for this distribution have
making our local TABLE FIRST 1032 MEAL the board of county commission
litlona more ideal In both pro- The game department now Is more P. G. Gallup announces the reopening of Baker county under the authority sold last night at auction brought been received from Er jent Amos,

coon and marketing. We cannot than supporting Itself. of the Gaiety Theatre Jan. ers of a law passed by the 1929 10 cents flat per pint, Including state comptroller and are now who being ! ;
State All
pend on outside people to come Recent economies established 1, 1932, (New Year's night) at Department Agriculture session of the legislature which crates. distributed. persona

and take hold where we have When Governor Doyle E. Carlton which time be will present the Jax Suggest New Yeur Dinner states in effect, that It is unlawful Shipments to date have been approximately have filed their claims against theirliquidator' the'
''led to do appointed Mr. Woodward as game 521,197 pints, for closed bank should present
so heretofore. Each Players In a comedy entitled "The Menu for anyone to carry on turpentine at the officeof
Nation must work out own commissioner have In the last two Awakening.:' You will see many sawmill\ crosstie or other operations which returns to growers are estimated certificate will I
and we have not doubt years wiped out a debt of $70,000 Starke favorites in the cast and Jf Involving the removal of to have been $00,197.14.( the liquidator where they
t The state department of agriculture received their warrant
Ithat the good I people Incurred by the department previously enjoy a good laugh come out which .
represent- you timber from lands against
Is advocating that every- In paying thla dividend, the liquidator -
an Interests of Baker and are building up a sur and start the new year right. I state tax AUTO FATALITIES IN
county I here are outstanding fact
It arise one In Florida start the year 1932 120 calls attention to the 4
1 the occasion. plus. The Awakening Is a spoken play, certificates. The points involved been devotedto
with an all-Florida products din- that his effort
Expenses of the department for and not a picture. See next week's of dlacuiMlo -
have been the subject secured and
off of
I COUNTY ner on New Year's day the paying
dC GE'S COURT the fiscal year ending June 30, for details. the There have been 420 fatalities
paper at least
for a hs
year claims amounting
I The suggestion la part of a cam- preferred ,
1929,.were $247,064,00. Mr. Wood- board of county from automobile accidents In Flor-
and the.
county this
de- and the collection of
fessswara ward, however, In the fiscal year SON BORN TO BAKERSA paign being carrUd OD by the commissioners have authorizedtheir ida this aa compared to a total of $73,101U8 with
dividend of S percent, together
; : 1929-30.. the first.during which he partment to' papularlze Florida to take 454 In the state last lear, an Insurance
I legal representatives for taxes
of $4,145.95
well out-
home.aa the
products at ai payment
Eldred G1i son was In office reduced this to $145- eon was born to Mr. and Mrs. were necessary to company reported Monday.
whatever steps thebank
epOU., after warning; contiJlued' 000, In addition to paying off the: T W. Baker of Lake Geneva, Sun side that state. There are both enforce the provisions of the law Florida's decrease of 749 per on property owned by to protect
atham economic for and $1,50507 expended
health and reasons
UIId Graham. petit larceny; previous debts.: Enforcement figures ! day, December 13th. The young and and thus force operator or ownerof cent compares with a 2.S per cent on which the bank hold
iIillty. SIJt monthe. for the two years show 453: man has) been named R. A. using Florida fruits, vegetables such land to pay current taxes. 'Increase in the number of deaths property off these
Henry Smau. arrests In 1929 and 734 In other foods, the state departmentInsists. accidents In the mortgages. By paying
'eted treupaasl.llg 'aD 1928 What other steps will be taken In from automobile secured and preferred claim,, all
nds; continued. 1930. : South Florida Fair and Gaspa- where the total
have been unableto whole country
T. R. the matter we asset prior to the baoks
launched pledged
Cadenhead For the two of the rUIa Carnival will be held February The movement was la estimated at
checks Issuing worth- year present' with an all-Florida dinner at the', ascertain at the present writing, number this year closing which were not realized on f
; continued administration anual saving
Walter an 2nd.Miami Florida State for Women from the county attorneY's office. around 34000. by the pledgee have been returnedto
Clemons, I8aum*'' worth- averaging $190.179 has been effected : -= Work on federal project College Macclenny Preaa. -. - the trust for the benefit of all
hecks all
; continued while last year the highest to widen and deepen Miami attended by the members DELIGHTS alike and from
MINSTREL creditors
ctDe hunter, Issuing. worth- number of arrests of Jaw violators river at cost of approximately civic clubs In Tallahassee. From JUNIOR WOODMEN CIRCLE L.ltGF.UDIES'CE general all collections will be for
... ;; paid check and colt. In' the history of the department $800,000 may be started shortly. that beginning, the drive was carried now benefit of certificate holders.
_disotbeedClemons. was reported 1146 .The depart- to a meeting the heads of Circle met with given Wom-
r Junior Woodmen The at the ,".'hen asked what additional div-
orth-WI8, James Hollings- ment now la being operated with the field annually from breeding all civic clubs of the state before great Intereat. Names were drawnto an's Club. lost Friday evening un- idends may be expected by the depositors ..

reckless driving; none .44 field men and compared to more.... pens at the Raiford prison. Deer whom a statewide campaign. was have a Christmas box Tuesday der the capable direction of Mr. Mr. Wilson said, "This depends -

e than 100 formerly employed.- and turkey likewise! are being rais urged. night, which was much enjoyed by R. F. Demoreat. was a splendid entirely on how well the perona ;

"-'L,\L ,All funds of the game and fish ed.It The department' program, as many. The circle will meet again success financially and entertain- indebted, to the bank atttlet:

YOUT11 ON I.iTAFF department are derived through will be Impossible however, planned by Miss -J.laryStennl", director Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at lug!)'. their obligation, for It I la a known

Merrill C. sale of licenses, no other appropriation according to Mr'Woodward to restock in charge' of the work, will Uw hall. i Mr. Demorest and his cast delighted fact that If all the debtors paid

lIIYel'Slty Futch, student at the being made. Governor Carlton, game in the state .meVely extend to the bodies,- the schools: Mrs. J. L. Stlcox Supt. : a capacity audience with their obligations in full then all
of :
\ Florida, Is on the an enthusiastic! hunter, has thrown through distribution from pens. and all commercial estallahment I Interesting program fuU of fun would likewise be paidin
an depositor
$nn.rmer : of the Florida Col- the executive office behind enforce- Protected areas, strict enforcement serving meaU. ; LAKE CHURCH ; and laughter. The vocal numbers full. The liquidator stated that

lit being One of the two ment of ''game* laws aa well aa of laws, destruction of pre- Men'a and women's club, par There will be preaching by Pastor -: by Meaara. John Powell David he had held the expense of liquidation -

bUcaUoQ.buslnese managers of the economy measures of the depart. datory animals and birds and some ent-teacher association, chambersof Harry Swain Sunday at 11.00: I Moore, Floyd Cheatham and Carl down to the very lowest poa- t;

:it It Is a well edited ment.. He believes Florida's game artificial feeding, he says, loon commerce. the state hotel aaao- o'clock. Dinner on the ground at ; Olsen were well received by the attentive Bible.amount and that It wa his

'% deal1lJC and and fish to be- almost aa valuable will re-eatabllah la Florida an elation, school official, the college 12:30.: Singing convention will con audience. to collect as much aa pos
Withstag purpose
'Isar problems of the an. asset to' the state a* sunshineand amount of game which will furnish and the state Institutions have been vene at 2 o'clock. Come and bring. sible without the expense of litigation ;.

being. devoted to the cltbldUa1r7. keeps close supervision over sport fo:' all and which with proper enrolled In the campaign. basket. Everybody welcome. R. A. Green. Gerald but that he felt sure suits (in tit;,

the department. : _. conservation, will guarantee that J. L. Sllcox, Clerk, Congressman Mlddleton and George Johns some cases would be necessary In Tvl l

lCIaatll1l1\ee .* Baaa are being hatched nnd 'distributed future generations of Floridians Plant City Packaong house to returned Wednesday from WashLDgton order that the depositor ml&hi i,\

federal Roofing work oa by the state now for the will thrill to'th wblr. of a covey be constructed In near future on Births the Christmas hoU- get the highest dollar out Of their ;t"
building Faulkner to spend
here progreu. first time In history while bundreda of quail on the) rise or the music of new spur of Seaboard Air Line Mr and Mra. George with relatives. claims. .

of quail are being placed In bounds on the trail Of a deer. ,la eastern part of city.. Raiford, daughter Dec. 22. days I ;1.
: '
.. .
J' '

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'' 1 L'I' .. .. ._ .. __ __ .,., __ _ __. . -.- DE'F.InF.n:
-- --- - --- --- --'- --- --- ---- --------- -- ------ ---- -- --------- -- -- -- -- --- - --- --- ---- --- -- -- -- ft
: i CONGo GREEN ACTIVE mortgage moratorium bill before I HAPPY HOME LIFE I Ocala i -B aC J

action was taken on the foreign) I BRINGS GREATEST (31vS NATIONAL edifice dedkatu, :iII Ptht eh yi}

pp + a 1'4 Washington, D. C. Dec. 14--Ta moratorium bill. CHRISTMAS CHEER ( pgi Sanford -" ', t:
i day all day all members of the Congressman R. A. Green today Canneries in grker D 1t.! .
cii t Florida delegation met with the held a conference with Genera 1 (By Spuds Johnson.) ECONOMIC PLAN erations, empit i tool elart54
t L i Florida Growers Reimbursement Lytle Brown, chief board U. S. Christmas time is a good time to St Augusnni,dng 12 pe 1'8oaa.,

I committee and freely discussed Army Englners, the subject of the give thought to the home and to 1r Men-a shop f,,, "I Au

; + probability of reimbursement relief conference was the proposed can- work for a happy home life. By ROME C STEPIIENSON ? ra St. George itr.i.molh' "p.Ded al 1
y ; I} { 1 J, for losses of Florida people sustained al across north Florida. In 1927, Is the American home breaking Former President American BanlieriAiioctatlon. Stuart i
+ + during the fruit fly eradication Judge Green passed a bill author- down, failing as an institution T If W, ,
7 , i f 1 campaign. At the meeting it izing the preliminary examinationand we are to believe the comment that w n leveling and *,, hear much of future economic { etI
,+ li t was decided to Introduce in the survey and In 1930, has passed emanates from certain sections It I WE ''d F yti A r # ernment airport ;. sated (iii
An ; 4 house the substance of the bill another bill enlarging the powers Is. However, if we are to take a planning to saTe the nation limits on St Lucre river near Ci''
tt ;
from of depression and
1t which was drawn Introduced and and duties of the army englners in careful consideration of the 'facts, a repetition Jacksonville'
; I sponsored by Congresman R. A. the matter. At the conference he we can be assured that at least a promote more f i Issued in city during euuding: pt!:,'
stable businessactivity.
2 ,. Green _of_ the last _apnj-ilnn.____.n___ It WAS contended that full authority was goodly number of American homesare _ s a taled $111,110 I'Jrlng1ng Novempe
decided however, for Congresswoman given the board for actual physical still doing business at the same 4 ns I w tal to $1,697,405 ytset t.
d Owen to Introduce the bill, survey any and all feasible routes old stand and in the same old way. know no better

k i : a' as the greater part of the citrus for the canal and that 'the board One does not have to travel far plan insure to suggestto future -

W Industry Is located in her district.It had had ample time In which to to find substantial rural homes or t <------.-- -
: ,! r ; f, is also the same resolution which obtain all necessary information city homes either where the iA < times than better that ( ---

fit to has been Introduced In the senate through: Its preliminary examina: home life Is happy, contented,'and
+ d iR by Senator Trammell. tions. At the conclusion of the :. altogether successful. The howl every wag
f'' ',' 'l Congressman Green stated that conference General Brown advised about the breaking down of the : family earner, every and Jili

'' 1, under the provisions of this resolution Judge Green that the actual sur- home probably will be found to be every business

' 'i if enacted into law, a committee vey for the canal would be Instituted emanating from city apartmentsor throughout the

d ;;' d u, would be appointed by the at once. This ia a great from places where the residentsare country layR.

j i t Secretary of Agriculture to victory for Judge Green and for In the habit of moving about c. STEPHENSON down as soon
receive and adjudicate claims for Florida because If the board of every time the weather changes. as they art

,+ 1 losses, and that after the committee army engineers makes a favorable After all, the policies followed in able a program of proper savings ai
; reports its finding legislation report after the actual physical rural homes, sometimes ridiculed the foundation of their financial

t will be Introduced to authorize pay- survey, the Florida canal will be are proving to be not so bad. The .policy. -- ..... "..-...... --,
ment. I realized. policy of producing as much as I know of no better plan than -
Congressman R. A. Green was Congressman R. A. Green today possible of the living at home is an this to build for the nation as a BACK TO SIMPLE GIVING: Our ancestors' custom of giving CLOTHESMake

t today assigned to two important Introduced a bill to provide allow. old one, 'tis true. But it would whole a stronger economic situation Christmas presents which ,' ,ie the stamp of their individuality is approved -

and powerful committees in addition ances for widows children and dependent seem that things generally are get- ,-that la, through a common by Edna Sibley Tipton, authority on social usage and author of
iii' ,i+ w t to his other assignments, he parents of deceased World ting back to an old status these structure of. individual working, Menus for Every Occasion", and many other books. Picture shows the man
?,f i Is now a member of the following War Veterans. It Is similar to the days. Just recently the newspa earning and saving. And I know of Mrs. Tipton packing her Christmas gifts-jellies and jams which she has I but tie,
l 1 and bill which he Introduced on this made herself using bottled fruit pectin. She finds these make especially good old
committee: Immigration pers carried a story to the effect no better plan to revive activity! In spirit of Christ.
naturalization; 2, Labor; 3, Disposition subject in the last congress, and that some stocks bad struck their a depression than to spend a propel invalids.appropriate gifts for. young people at college bachelor friends and

11 i of Executive papers; 4, provides pension for unmarried lowest levels for years. Perhaps volume of past savings to keep the .. ..... .. mas makes !better men of[
-- -- --- - ----- -------- - -- - -
i4' Public buildings and grounds; 5, widows and orphans of veterans, three: or four years ago we thought momentum of business going. But

r,' {, ,w )art r 1. Territory; 6, Coinage, weights and regardless of the cause of the vet. that low stock prices were gone unless there are ..avlnIn prosperit BRADFORD COUNTY BANK some cases, would be necessary in us all.
,; tt y it measures. He probably has more erana' death. It also provides pen forever, but they weren't there cannot la spending during' TO PAY DIVIDENDMr. order that the depositors might

I"a" i i assignments than any other member sion for dependent parents who are And so, as Christmas, which has dfprestlon., 1 get the highest dollar out of their

te'',, k of the house.Congressman over 65 years of age. Under the been celebrated for a good many Those who practiced this plan I Joa. E. Wilson, liquidatorof claims.
t i' Y R. A. Green today existing law, widows and other de. years, comes around we might well during the past period of prosperityhave the Bradford County Bank announces Je Me Alvarez
,,1]1 d Li introduced H., R. 6008, a bill to pendents receive benefits provided give thought to the home, whichIs a security and a protection a dividend of 3 percent THE MOTORIST'S NEW

; make provision for extending the the veterans dies from service con- a very old Institution. Vice- against present adversity that couldbe amounting to $10,394.49. The war- YEAH RESOLUTIONS '

dt r time for making payments under .1 nected disability. president Charles Curtis has given provided in no other way Those rants for this distribution have Jt -would be thing if CLOTHIERS[
a splendid
!A i loans from federal land banks and UII a saying about the home ana ,who did not 'are the ones who are been received from Ernest. Amos, all automobile drivers would
1 yi' r for other purposes. Under the pro- RECRUITING RESUMED!: home life which might well be repeated now most dependent upon others, state comptroller and are now beIng set of resolutionsand -fSe-
new year's -
;\ voslons of the bill the federal land It there had been more preaching ol I
: distributed All who
BY MARINE: CORPS persons keep them. A few suggestion
: sr tj Banks would be directed to grant "It is the security of home life this doctrine when it was more have filed their claims against the follow
a feasible to put it into effect than il :
c two years time extension on farm the that makes a man willing to closed bank should present their
After closed for go
being past is ((1)) I will make it a practice to
now there would be less depres.
i, a mortgages now coming due, provid- several months, Sergeant WilliamT. forth and fight for a place. And liquidator's certificate at the office drive and at
slon and less financial insecurity, carefully
N'r ling the debtor desires such exten- Faulk, N. C. O. in charge of the It is the desire to bring comfort I However, while there should have of the liquidator where they will all times. GreetingsTHE
sion of time. He said that a large and security to his that received their warrants.In .-
own family
t i number of federal land banks mort U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Station been more emphasis on savings dur ((2)) It will give due regard to
farms in his district Jacksonville, announces thata helps a man to climb higher and ing prosperity a measure of the emphasis paying this dividend, the liq- the rights of others who are as
gages covering few vacancies now exist In the higher. The possession of a satisfactory today might properly be the uidator calls attention to the fact much entitled to the use of street
; and in fact the entire
coun- Marine Corps that wUl be filled bya home, more than any honor other way,-at least to the extent that; his efforts have been devotedto and highways as I am. REX JEWELRY
been and
{ In try,this time of foreclosed that very careful selection of the most or wealth brings to a man the' that those who' can safely do so : the paying off of secured and ((3)) It will not be a road hog,

p'j t thousands of farmers great were depression unable desirable of the many young men fullness of life." may well Increase their spending xeferred claims, amounting to nor drive on the wrong side of the COMPANY:

d i to meet their mortgage notes and who have their names on the wait Inetead of overdoing their saving, $73,109.18 and the collection of this road cut corners or drive at high

rj an increasing number of foreclosures ing list. PERMANENT AND SOUND While many have seen their earn. dividend of 5 percent together with rates of speed when conditions are of Starke
The Marine Corps offers excep- logs fall there millions the of taxes
1 would are who payment $4,145.95 for not favorable. .
i <
;, Fi necessary
this legislation He tional travel and educational opportunities "The principle of cooperation Is have not suffered so seriously in I on property owned by the bank (4)) At all times I will keep my
was passed. said Wishes to thank their
that he believed the maintaining posts In the most Important economic step respect to the real purchasing power and $1,500.07 expended to protect lights, brakes, steering gear and
i y, should first grant a government moratorium China, Guam. Haiti, Cuba Nicaragua for agriculture in many genera- of their Incomes. It we listenedto ,. property on which the bank hold horn in the best of condition. many customers and

t to American farmers and then con- Hawaiian Islands and other atlons" says an editorial in the all the scare stories of the day, mortgages. By paying off these ((5)) I will be watchful to do friends for their support
Irf'' ? eider foreign countries. Marines also Charlotte Observer, (North Caro- one might get the Impression thaI secured and preferred claims, all my part to prevent an automobile
a moratorium for
'j ( debtors. foreign serve aboard various battleships of ina.) "It has been given sanctionby everybody was out of a job and assets pledged prior to the banks accident in 1932.. during 1931, and we wish

I' the navy participating in such > practically all interested pub- nobody's business was earning any. closing which were not realized on Many more suggestions will come you one and all a Merry
yV Congressman the R. A. Green today sports as boxing: wrestling, baseball lid' officials and farm leaders as thing./ Many <*t''' our people who by the pledgee, have been returnedto readily to mind. Our annual toll Christmas and Happy
fl t presided over house of Rep- boat racing and other outdoor . being the solution to profitless I are able to continue a normal the trust for the benefit of all of automobile fatalities is rapidly
lf'y\ rtia' presentatlves whUe the house considered and water sports. Marines prices and shifting markets. It Is'' program.of prudent buying are cur general creditors alike and from approaching the 35,000 mark35000 ,- New

Inheritance, ,.the Tax district Bill of Columbia guard the navy yards which are permanent and is sound." tailing their expenditures beyond now on, all collections will be for lives destroyed because of Year.S.

scattered along the Atlantic and reason. the benefit of certificate holders. negligence and carelessness. The

Judge Green well carried out the Pacific coasts of the United States, The Aetna Life Insurance: Com A Buiineii Stimulus When asked what additional divIdends cure is up to the individual driver.
duties of the chair account of
1 his former experience on as presiding and are ever ready for a quick call pany (the profit even the safety, The sum total of this unreasonable may be expected by the depositors He must face and accept the re- G. Lewis
to sail at a moments notice to any of whose loans and investments depEnd curtailment of spending is an economic Mr. Wilson said, "This depends sponsibility that Is his when he ,
officer of the Florida house of
sbl resentatives. rep- country where American rights are in many regions, on the wel- : Influence contributing to the entirely on how well the.persons takes the wheel-of his car, if this Proprietor
e, '' r> threatened. rare of agriculture) has asked the stagnation of trade. By the opposite Indebted to 'the bank settle needless waste of irreplaceablelives
Congressman R. A. Green today Sergeant Faulk states that young federal Farm Board for complete token, I believe the resumption ol their obligations, for it Is a known Is to be stopped.
Introduced H. R. 6187 bill to direct
t a men who possess a high school Information on its development and normal spending on the part ol fact that if all the debtors paid
i the secretary of the treasury education, Is of good habits and support of the co-operative mar- those who are able to do-so would their obligations in full, then all
to contract for architectural and character, who are at leant 18 yearsof keting. programs. This Informa- be an important tonto toward the depositors would likewise be paidIn
engineering services in the design age, not less than 66 inches in tion the life insurance company stimulation of trade. I do not mean full." The liquidator stated that NOTICE TO THE AMBITIOUS-!

ing ings.and He said planning that under to public provisions build- height will be accepted.. regularly places In the hands of its by this that we should have In he Lad held the expense of liquidation we make three-year loans tot ttos .satisfactory
inspectors in all parts of the discriminate spending merely foi
down to the
of this bill the of the very lowest pos- -1 e utationwhowantaeompletetrainingatthe
department (
4t Fort the sake of pending, but the
Myers -'"<, Block fronting try. very sible amount and that it was his
treasury would be directed to em- First Street motive power of our economic Ute
between Lee and -
purpose to collect as much as possible - GEORGIA ALABAMA; BlSINESSCOtlECtL 1
ploy local architects and local en
the Interchange of
Jackson goods, and
by government
Plant City Total of 126 cars without the expense of litigation -
gineers tions. He In future said that federal this also construe even for $10,000, as site for construction citrus fruits shipped from this unless we have that we cannot have but that he felt sure suits, in Write for t>*rii ularsBanker Box 664MatonElPennsgluanja
of $200,000 post office next. place during month of November. prosperity.
;, tually would lead to the use of local I year. Pensacola Radio I strongly believe that we are al -- -- -
Municipal -
labor in aU federal buildings. that point In the
y stag
Key West Steel work startedon station WCOA sold by city councilto
Congressman Green today addressed new post office. i J. O. Pace local business man, of the business cycle that any sound

: the house during the con Tavares Lake Region Titled I for $6,500; approximately $20,000 stimulating Influence will start a
sideration of the moratorium an I Co., capitalized at $5,000 granted will be spent in modernizing sta real movement in the direction ol
urged passage of his farm 1 loan I charter. tion. a return toward prosperity. Sa
much of the weakness of the old
:::: ----- so state many of affairs maladjustments has been liquidated corrected, .
I -: SCHOOL DAYS and such large volumes of our con \ Tires
--- DWIG
II, I By. sumers' goods have been used up 01 ,
.worn out that the pressure of necessitous
e t j purchases must sooner or -.-

4 '- later be felt. When that time
0 as p e definitely comes we may consider it Com
.Jw e e o -. hint
"", the first Impulse of a new era ol
. normal business. ,
Q0 -'

I When GovernmentAids '

I c: I
Agriculture SaFety

,,4,;, a G ; er Demand otherwise for, comes relief, naturally agricultural from or WI_f IL.:

e 0 0 those who feet most keenly the Im
I o
d f pact of economic pressure. Those
1 I / J most affected fly quickly to govern.

y d s Y d Je mint for aid. But too frequently NtwLowPRicES
/ agencies set in operation by governments -

simply postpone inevitable
readjustments. The bade laws ol
supply and demand have sees
been permanently and successfully
Nt aids 80 la general goTera-

mental Intervention that artificially Guaranteed 12 months 30x3 1-2 -- $4.19
stimulates) prices) or eyea maintains
them when the prevailing eeonoml 29x4.40 5.00
situation obviously shows that readjustments Against Damage o f

are Inevitable are expedients 29x4.50 -.
j d that yield only temporary
-J-- v relief rather than permanent auraPorous Every Kind. 30x4.505.65

plasters may. relieve pain : ..
for the moment but they. rarely. get 28x4.75 ,', 6
... -
at the seat of, the real trouble.-H. - -----.-:-.. 7----
U RusselL 30x5.00
::. ..:. ---
----- ------
Prices on all other S.10
When army worms threatened the ? 31x5.25 ..-
crops of Marshall County. Tennessee
information concerning the tires in Proportion 31x5.50 8.60
_ _____...,__-..-___---'' _
pests was made available by the
College of Agriculture, and bankers

1t 'Immediately took steps to organizea
war against the common enemy
a : calling mass meetings) In their communities Courtesy Service StationD.
where complete facts and

helpful recommendations for eradication
t) M ____ could be pat before the greatest A. :
%ImWAVB .-7 'C'I .. number of people possible. Tht Props
timely action saved the destruetlot ,
Vi7JS / -s -
4 ; many fields of crops. Starke
a'' rillt3 E JtNING-"'.. \ \ I Florida


' "'" ,",.," .-," .'-'''-r,' (;..M '\... I n'f'.J. ;:.+ t.r'.., . WIU J( ( !, ." ,l ''I'1'r"-, ......'''.''' -: .

-CE. lnF. 25.._ JOst __ ._ .. __ ,_ ._. FLORIDA
tr = '--- . _
_'._'YrNews or-' - -- -- -- PAGII; TIm!tr:

L _
.. __ .!....__ .____ -

of Florida in Short Paragraphs Chicago's 1933 Exposition Opens First Exhibits

" '" .. ..-.. .. . i
NEWSTOLD I s u . \\



BY OUR EXCHANGES 1 1j i This Season of

' .LI 011I j
al'l n------------- ;
1 j
69 and oneI "1 hiblt at the Chicago world's fall CHEER
" """""la city sweet potatoes were In 1933. Exhibit Manager Earl W., and HAPPINESSL

tI pounds of volunteer hill on Brown said today. The collection #

i, 'n from one of Grover MoatestbTs'week la owned by Mrs Nelson R. Perryof

v The potatoes fill- Sanibel Island and Is said to Gives us lots of food for thought, but nothing ;I.
have attracted conchologists from '

large V'flShtllb. many parts'of the world. says all we'd like to
say quite so well this 1
I springs Develop- farbnrn and mottetn CMCaa -

eFunlak the test well near heree Qulncy-.Judge E. C. Love today ". ItMrlch-DIPKdlnjr SluHIO. good old phrase-Merry Christmas !

at slow this week due to ruled for the second time that Flor. /it ' .. (.:
been that workmen' ida's so-called chain store tax law Two years before the formal "

fact and waiting on Is valid. He denied a petition for opening of A Century of Progress -
EttaDsl etting equipment.casing an Injunction to halt enforcement -- Chicago's 1033 World's a? k= ::, : I Bradford

of the ,law,and dismissed the case Fair-the first exposition build- ,.1 aye" County Big Grocery

Robbers replenished at the expense of attackers of the Inn has been thrown open to the i t 'ri1r !

tlardrobes; over the week-end 1931 act. The law provides a grad public. )i r az L9' I I IMn
Fort Dearborn an exact .
It is
fiL. Of the Coleman and uated scale of taxation of from $5
expense but store to chains of replica of Chicago's birthplace
Company on one $50on
,uaon Mercantile the log stronghold built In 1803 .. . j jrl
ed In their effort! to loot theE more than 75 stores. by Captain John Whistler and : -'- --.--.-.----.-.-.--.-.--.-- t

which was said to have con- burned to the ground by savage
Tallahassee--More than 100 bar- rteilBklns 15, 181 Z, after
ed $2.500 on August -
bers have left Florida rather than the evacuating garrison had THE TIMES UNION
rondo Governor Doyle E. submit to the physical examina- been massacred. + -

iiton) and Party left here yesterfor tion under the state board of bar- Silhouetted against the sky I

a four-day hunting tripa ber examiners, according to an- scrapers of modern Chicago, Fort 20c PER WEEK I Oil 85c PEn MONTH!

private game preserve In the nouncement today of V. V. Voght Dearborn offers a romantic contrast ; !

fern section of the county. Open chairman. The law enacted by the to life today. Dear Customer:
I From the top of a tall pole in :i
Le \\1\1 l\ be held l at the party'sp 1931 legislature becomes effective
members of and the center of theparade ground Please be advised that beginning !
for 1
on Friday January requires registration January 1st I shall
flies a flag bearing fifteen stars
I and examination of bar- require all subscribers I
[game preserve. every and fifteen stripes.At to pay in advance. ,
ber In the state.
diagonal corners of the fort This is \
ort Lauderdale-Glen E. Tur- log blockhouses frown down upon ___ ouu necessary in order that I may continue to render (1

former city manager, was ar- Winter Haven-Donald Aldridge the narrow enclosure between John itamnn great gra on of Captain WAUf/t'r/ in I/arrack.. Inlet you the service you have been getting

ited late today charged with em- 34, a native of Chambersburg, Pa., Inner and outer stockades and ll Lieut. Siceartnyen, who led troop to site of original fort. I I wish to thank for the At VI
tjllng more than $7,000 from the and a parachute jumper, leaped menace the prospective foe with "' you patronage in the past ''

t' His arrest followed indict- from an airplane yesterday duringan brass French cannon which saw hang on the rough, hnnd-adzed of frontier life at the beginning and to assure you of even better service in the future.

Ist by a Broward county grand aerial meet here and was ', service in the War of. 1812. walls and above the heavy, masonry -I of the marvelous century whose Ii

ft i, He resigned the managership drowned In Lake Hartridge. Officials 'I Ancient flint-lock muskets; dueling fireplaces culmination the world will celebrate Yours truly,

Ki t October following disclosure of of the airport believed he I pistols and. powder horns It is a fascinating reproduction In Chicago in 1033.BROOKER CLAYTON

Irged shortages In his accounts. 'miscalculated the distance to the __n STRICKLAND, Agent.iimmmmmHIuumnmwiiiMMimain l lII la

lake and was unable to swim. Ef-

:Madison ,A, W. Hancock. Co- forts to revive him proved futile for $50,000: damages, charging quarters at Malabar and will be --------.------.----..

bus Ga, was seriously Injured and physicians said he had been in criminal libel, against Gov. DoyleE. authorized to engage and, train

ten his automobile struck a cow the water an hour before bis body Carlton.. At the same time Eb such assistants as he may need. '' ' '' '''''' ' ''' ''''u''''"i ".VIIIIINIHIYI/nniNllnl/II/Vnvlllil1110IINII11niAllIIIIIII11'' ''', / ,' /'''/'''' '' ''''''''' ''' '''' '' "1LINIIINII111Ah7INIIWIIIXI',' '' '' '''IIII i7I'" ,' /

I the highway near here Tuesday. was recovered. erhardt announced that his attorney Mitt Vera' Oulney, Cor. tIJPla/I
(mcock sustained concussion of Edgar W. Waybrlght of Jacksonville Plant City-Growers of this

e brain a broken nose, cuts and Canal Point-Figures compiledby would re-Instate the suit strawberry area climaxed a weekof *,

JIMS when the car overturned on the Everglades News show 235: : later. The suit was based on a erratic production and prices Mrs. Ruel Dukes spent several

la after hitting the cow. He was solid cars of vegetables shippedIn statement Issued by the governoron with a Saturday-before-Chrlstmas days here last week with her sister I

ken to the government hospital the. seven days ending this the eve of Eberhardt's published Influx of strawberries which set a Mrs. T. W. Markey. It t

i Lake City. : morning, from nine stations of the "Inside story" of his relations with daily record for the current sea- Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Waters and Ii i

i Florida East Coast railroad in the the governor. The trial was to son and brought the largest dally children spent Sunday in Jackson- JAS j i

OrlandoThe San Juan hotelre 'Lake Okeechobee region. The total have opened Monday Two years return thus far. Two express refrigerator ville.Mr.

will have to pay the city of I is surprising for a decline in ago Eberhardt was acquitted on a cars, two freight cars Ortho Matheny and Ivan

lando $9,000 for taxes due In i the movement was expected. In charge of Conspiring to assassinate and 150 pony refrigerators moved Hazen attended the 4-11 Club meet- (

29 under an order Issued today the month of December, to and Including Governor Carlton. out tonight for the Christmas trade Ing in Lake Butler Saturday night.

Y Judge Frank Smith of Circuit December 17, 633 solid leaving approximately 111,750: divided Mr. Lesnley/ Johns of Jackson- THE JOY WE FEEL t tOn
ourt. The order dismissed the cars of vegetables have been hand- Ocala Chattawa Vlawa Vlan- among producers. The move- ville, wa here last Thursday \islt 1\\

ictitlon of the hotel seeking to led by the Florida East Coast rail- augua as the Seminole Indians ment totaled 85,600: pints, for an Ing friends.
lava the taxes of 1929 as assessed road from the Lake Okeechobee caled Silver Springs, In making a estimated average price of 13 3-4 Mr. and Mrs. R. :M. Qainey are Christmas Day i is a great healer-may it i

U the city on the hotel declared region.. beginning as one of Central Florida's cents the pint. This week closet born the proud December parents 15.of a baby girl, bring you a New Year filled with health, happiness :
[equitable yacht basins. with the '
Making their day'sIaverage\ price the I
Miami-Bob Rogers, who withB. way through the waters of the St. same as it opened, although it Miss Lubedla Pinholster spent } and prosperity :
DeLandA rare collection of L. Roach was charged with arm- Johns and Ocklawaha rivers, pleas- mounted a quarter of a cent Tues- part of last week In Jacksonville

'lorida seashells will be one of the ed robbery in the hi-jacking of 100 ure craft from Jacksonville and day to 14 cents to tumble two centsa visiting friends and relatives.

any attractions at Florida's ex- cases of liquor from John Stutz, many other towns along these rivers day Tuesday and Wednesday to Mrs. Stansbury of Starke wan Bradford County Farmers
here last Supply
bootlegger, 144 N. E. Ninety-first can dock at the head of Silver. the week's low of 10 cents the pint Miss Friday visiting her :
daughter, Edna
street, March, 1, 1931, was sen- Springs. Arriving at the headwaters Thursday, the proverbial "off day"In Stnnsbury.
I, tenced to life imprisonment by of Silver Springs a huge. the week. Friday the price All the members of the Brookcr ;

Judge E. C. Collins in criminal basin which pours forth hundreds! strengthened to 12 1.2 cents and school faculty have returned to : Company

court yesterday when a Jury of six of millions of gallons every day- today rose to 13 3-4 cents. Produc- their home to upend the Christmas .

UlIIIIIIIIII""IIIII""IIIIIJ""IIII"I men convicted him. Rogers' knees visitors see acres of palms, native I tion during the week showed a holidays. .' Starke ''I
Little Glen Crosby' of Jacksonvlllu Florida I[
I 'gave way momentarily when plants, shrubbery! and flowers, similar fluctuation Monday's :
sen-I. spent last week here with his
tence was passed and a which reveal the meticulous care movement being 65,452 pints and t t
the courtroom moaned and was of the landscape gardener, John Thursday's tumbling to 23,450: grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. NIINIIIIIII'''' IIIIINPIIIIIIInIIINIINII i i"'!!!!,,,!! IIIIInu'nlmnIP11NIIIIIIiININI!:'!!!! !!!,!!!i!,, INInuIIIllUll' ' qu1" "" IPI' I c'' p" II."'lP,nl, 'nPlu'IINN:' ''-''''.'!. IIVIAppu::!' r.m?. .
taken out. W. A. Rothar and E. Raum of New York, in charge of pints. The movement this week to- Gainey.
Mrs. Louise Hicks of Waldo
S. Corlett, Jr., his attorneys, said recent improvement of the prop- talled 288,515 pints for an esti- was
here Sunday visiting her ,
I they will move for a new trial. erty. mated return of $37,500:> bringingthe parents
: Mr. and Mrs: W. Crews.
season's movement to 431,350 --
Among those attending church
Jacksonville-The motor transportation Melbourne-ShIpping headquarters pints for a return of approximately services at Union last Saturday
act of 1931 as applied to for handling strawberries in 64000. Continued hot weather Is
were Elder E. M. Anderson, J. H
private contract carriers has been the Melbourne declared to be prematurely ripen-
area will be established Kelley: Mr. II. P. Gainey and Mrs. F
declared unconstitutional in a de- at Malabar, it was decidedat ing much fruit with the result that H. Gainey. ( -\t

cision by Judge Mallory H. Home, a meeting of the Indian River the crop Is likely'to be materially Messrs. H.. P, Galney and E. M
; MAY TilE WARMTH of the third Judicial circuit, accord- Strawberry Growers Associationheld curtailed if rain is not forthcoming Hazen were transacting businessIn

Ing to advices received here yester- here. Arrangements will be soon, the quality of the fruit is Ocala Monday. I

ij i of joyful good fellowship day His decision was handed made there for icing refrigeratorsand also said to be suffering from the lgsffCORPENING'S :

down In the case of F. R. Riley vs. packing and inspection of ber- continued hot and dry weather. --a

] fill your homes and your D. B. Lawson. The ruling was ries which will be brought from GRAHAM

made in a case brought by R. R. Roseland, Sebastian and Fellsmereas .

I j hearts on Christmas Day Riley of Jasper, vs. B. D. Lawson, well as from farms in the Mel- ZIFF Mlm Ellen Johnson, Cor.

a truck operator, in which Riley bourne-Tillman Drainage District. DRUG STOREJ
i contended had The Itala Mil* Lew. Cor.
I Lawson not obtained meeting was well attended and

a certificate from the state rail- interesting discussion were held Mrs. S. L. Prescott daughter,

I. road commission, as required by regarding. the marketing of the There will be services at Little Maxine, sons, Rufus and Georgeand I:. CORPENiNG, ProprietorWE

the law. strawberry crop After a long dls- Rock church Saturday and Sundayby Mrs. Amy lilacs and son,
cusalon of a skilled packer and Pastor Anderson of Brooker. Radph of Ziff were visiting In this

i 1llollingsworth'sj St. Petersburg a< One man was shipper who will'make his head- Mr. and Mrs,,J. B. Thomas was section Tuesday. <

killed, three others probably fatally II attending to business In Starke Mr. Jake Roberts Is visiting his WANT TO EXTEND OUR MOST SINCERE

I j i I injured and 17 negro laborers less Saturday. father, Mr. C. D Roberts here.
hurt here Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thomas was Mrs. R. M. Johnson and daughters -
!; city work truck c% Christmas at Rising
touring car. J. Curl, 47, died in Saturday. program
Ir I, a hospital shortly after the crash.A. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'w. Lewis and Friday night. A HAPPY NEW YEAR
Messrs. Bill Mines and Rufus
r, children to business
A. Flnney 60. Theodore Hump- were attending -
I,, I and George Prescott, of Zlff, were
,, in Starke Thursday afternoon.
iries, 52. and John Harmon. 47, I
"" .IIm"'IIml""III"lmllmm".II"' ,,
: visiting here Friday.
-L Mr. Allen Thomas of Lacrosse I Ii
the latter a negro, were not expected I
to survive Glenn Taylor, former g spent several f days .of this week i Miss Dorothy Barry of Tampa, It.. Ivl"ltlng'
here with his aunt and uncle Mr. her grand-parents, Mr. and IMrll.
deputy sheriff and other eye and Mrs. Shaw. __._.. Irving _ltfiirrhp_..___.._. h__"__rA.__ .
witnesses reported to police the Henry l
Mr. Clifton Brown, Miss Mattie
Mr. R. B. attending
city truck carrying 27 workmenand were -
Norman, J. B. Strickland and L. C.
traveling at a rapid rate, to business in Starke several
crashed into an automobile driven WHITTLEFOR days of this week Smith were In Jacksonville Tues As We Ride Through LifeLet

by H. D. Decker'of St. Petersburg. Rev J. H. Kelley attended churchat day.Mr.
A PRIZE Union Sunday. G. P. Wadsworth of Hampton -
was in this section Sunday.
Tallahassee Christmas Mr. Mlnzle Groover and son,
money $1000,00 in cuh prim and woe thoiv Woodrow left Saturday afternoonfor Rev. Taylor of Hampton, filled
Is in for Florida school teachers -
sight and other Christmas be day
prue: are offered for ei- Miami bis regular appointment here Sat- a
where Mr. Groover has
many of whom have worked ample of kill with a lackkmfe. Entries I' urday add Sunday.
r M without pay or with only part pay may be any kind of model /figure or employment.Mr. of Peace on Earth and
for several months. The state de- pccul carving requiring dull and fax and Mrs. W. M. Hodges of

partment of public instruction has genuity, made entirely of wood and Starke and Mr., .G. P. Parrish passed Miami Work progressing on r Good Will to Men It is .
announced $$446,525.11 being distributed with no other tool than a Jackknifev through our section enroute to post office building.

to the county school sys. FM Pit.............MJO.S Auburndale and other points of Postofflce department asking ? the day when we express
terns from, state funds collectedfor . M4 Pit...$i00 South Florida. bids for star mall route between I
Quickly B lewd. ",........ ITS We are very sorry to report that Trrpon Springs/ and Arlpeka post
eachea that Sales of automobile and friendship
purpose. -
licenaes In Foortfc Prii........... ISO Mr. Fred Shaw and Miss Kelley officer _3 our gratitude
brought 343944.
Muddy Fifth Prin.
Dun Skiaaa 04; the one mill constitutional tax SIS are ill. All hope they will :loon' recover Sarasota -, Mira HoUI openedfor to those patrons to
And.lotea..n .
tomi 4wtop1.d5q winter
ordin.1ry season.
It bleu SPPearaIIca nnlah added 983.707.69, and Interest on of "roo ace 'In .dda nw,. loot
ih e and MctauvM w>U be dented u all wMnfrTclratk Davenport -cteying of N.
defective lea turK state funds turn).-. .sd 11387338. h whom success.
!fori\tt.en. mnfe Mid to .... nerimf -. Boulevard in town limit. and its we owe
under the lure 01 the The one mill tax money' and the -- la at*tt Otm duplicate prtau will twma. Fernandina Atlantic ic Pacific
nchixtg beauty lnatantly ( .continuation Wilson Drive, In }folly -
reo-- Interest money were distributed to Tea Co., building remodeled. '
-i.I.L: l'atAcial in correctinc AIl dcttlb COTM m b A. Hill Groves, started.
the school yesterday The motor and sea Tampa Farmers' curb market
lreck1e8 jnu tt ....,.now on ml.*. I _
vehicle license money will be die Bur a ear W mr nrvMUKi at cmult. an M opened for business. Brooksvllle Masaryktown can-
rlbuterl today, officials said. ,.,.dmabratr. You do not km to lie ....... Lake Worth Beautiflcatlon nery started canning of preserved SHOP
and crystallized THREE FRIENDS
putting up
program of city streets and property oranges ..1.1N
POPULAR MECHANICS citrus fruits.Clearwater .
Tallahassee-Fred O. Eberhardt, launched.

candidate for governor and former MAGAZINE .Clermont New Sunoco service Hill Brothers local

....- M editor of the Florida State station opened at Mioneola and 8th cannery opened for 1931-32
ttltr? I. EaoiI 0Ma0Ie ... OtICAOO,u.
News: today dismissed a civil suit streets. e&son. Iw1Rkf


:!:t\'j> ,,"# \ "":JI. .. .--.II. .. . .. .. '. .. .. .. ,. ,
, i' ..... .. . 1 1rne
tt.l..i.JB 11- "
1Qei! :> 'I''o. ...'o.. r."tr'-,'- -: ,-; --" :!"..".ry"" C "' .-' +K.N'iNMc..w, >.1' ...l.1-.t..4.1'\> "" ". ... t't'A'M p

: -- "" "-;.,',',..",.,..,.....,"" \' ""'""" .. ..,, '''" .I).+,,, .....,,'''' _


; -- -- ---- --. 2s:,
't - -
1 .
: delabras, while baskets of Poinsettias -I the week-end at Vanderbilt with gram The hostesses served their Monday from Miami to upend the _- -"-

!, \ ih' and narcissi added to the i bin cousin and friend Rodolph guests with a delicious salad t holidays with his parents "
J Those present were Mesdames L. B. Harper has returned -.......
of course. to
beauty scene. I Chism and C. Yarborough.
'J If' 1'1" "S: ) In addition to the program a s I Mr. Albert Starling of Lawtey, J. H. Moore A. H. Harley,,, Sanford' after spending a while

ikj1f iI/ etylJ Bennett, E. E. Burney, W. E, with his grandmother Mrs.
IlJIC printed last week, Mrs. ft. J. Davie was a visitor here Friday night. Mary Googe.

it I : ;: rendered a vocal solo and Miss Mr. Charley I'Gaeklns attended Torode, Chas. Dinkins, W. B Mr.. and Mrs. Amberson of Birmingham Magnolia Fish i

: Alice Fernandez a violin solo. church at Ilellbronn! Saturday evening Christy D. W More, V. R. Red Ala., are visiting Mr. and

I ,"" --' I. Poinsettias, holly and red Candle dish, F. W. Moore, Misses Enza Mrs. Lester Kite Market

In silver candelabras provided an Mrs. Rosier Blanchard and Mattie Harley Mesdames -
i :Mr. and J as. were
exquisite and beautiful setting at business vh"ltor..t.o Starke Friday. G. W. Roberts Boulware, 1
The Baptist Missionary Society the Baptist church Sunday evening, Mrs. J. L. Gaskina and daughter, and mother. >

1 ti A when an Impressive and enjoyable Gertrude, visited, the fifth grade at r et'rRiiNlfllS
n '; will hold its regular business and I Holly and Christmas decorations :
# Christmas musical program was the Lawtey school Friday after--
program meeting at the 'church were effectively used by Miss Ethel

i vj 1 At :Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Griffin, Wednesday afternoon, rendered. noon.Mr. THERESSA MERRY
,' ,,1; 4 Circle No. 3 with Mrs. J. L. 511d when she entertained her friends The program appropriately arranged J. L. Gaskins and Mr. C. E Cor. s
A. L
y In keeping: with the seren- Crawford business Mra. Sullivan
1 were
a 'q ';, p i :t bI the program. The subject will be the close of the games, scores Ity of the occasion was enjoyed in Gainesville Tuesday.Mr. .

I4'V' t "The Star Again In the East." were added and prizes awarded by a large audience. and :p.:rs. Darby Gasklns and Rev. J. N. Hayman filled his ate'Nt

; the winner. Mrs Edward Burns baby of Heilbronn! spent Sunday; regular appointment at the BaptUt .
l 4f' made high, Mrs. H. V. Knight here the guests of his mother. Mrs. and -
church Saturday Sunday.
Jean Gaaklnst.. M .-4;I isrf" *.
0 made second high and Mrs. Len- ; Mrs. Debbie Fortner and Mrs.
thal Wyman made low. |
Anna Cason of Melrose and
"" Oy .
1i Reddish are confined to their home .r ,
: the hostess .
h f t.. Late In the afternoon church here Sunday and were din-
A delightful event of the tern
holiday with measles. for the
; served a delicious sweet course to ner guests of Mr and Mrs. D. W Holiday
season was the bridge party" given Elder E. N. Anderson of Brooker season
The mission study class of the her guests, who were: Mrs. Len- Moore. .r1LSPIEDuP
i by Mrs. J. E. Wilson Friday afternoon was visiting:at the bedside of
held their
I a Presbyterian Auxiliary thal Wyman, Mrs. O. L. Haynes, Mr. Eugene Kln hen has ac-
y at her home to her club and Mrs. :Mary Reddish Sunday morn
weekly meeting Tuesday evening Mrs. J. W. Andrews, Jr., Mrs D. cepted a position in a barber parlor
: F;r at the home of Miss Mabel Weller. P. Carpenter, Mrs. Edward Burns, friends in honor of her niece. Mrs. Ing. J
In Jacksonville.
4 ' ? Mrs. W. W. Morrow gave an Interesting Mrs. H. V: Knight, Mrs. J. E. Wil- J. F. Carpenter of Wlnston-Salem, .,,_ Howard Moore _S the ... _. ; ; Phone 37
N. C. ivxr. u* w. v*
4 1 discussion of "Curse on son, Mrs. R. J. Davis, Mrs H. B. F., ia home for the holidays.

'l'l' Ham", from the study book of the i McLendon, Mrs. H. C. Ritch, Mrs i Christmas greens, poinsettias, I LAWTEY' I Mrs. Josephine Sullivan of 1<<

Trail of the Conqulstadores. A. Z. Adklna, Mrs. Junius Smith, and narcissi were used artistically Yolur Busing!
In decorating the and :Mrs. E.I KJ\Blimey, Cor. Hampton attended church here : .
t Following< the program a social Mrs. D. A. Montieth, Mrs C. A. party rooms, Sunday.

i fl t i:4 hour was enjoyed by those present. Knight, Mrs. R. W. 'Martin and Yuletide motif was emphasized in Miss Pearl Jordan of Starke was
refreshments the tallies, wrapping of the prizes Mrs. G. W. Roberta
Tempting were serv- Mrs. T. J. Alderman. spent'Tuesday -
a business visitor to Theressa
'tie ed by the hostess. The mission and the delicious refreshments in Jacksonville. ,

4 study class will meet next Tuesday IN1\UN GREEN at the close of the afternoon.Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Burncy were Tuesday afternoon.Dodd ia

i evening at the home of Mrs. John CELEBRATES.BIRTHDAY E. M. Johns held high score, visiting in Jacksonville Monday. Miss Margaret who a MODERN DRY
student of the State for
Mrs. A. Z,
i .x of G Uglow. Adkins held second high Miss Joyce Terry who teachesIn !
,; t Women at Tallahasse, Is spending
.. Inman Green of and for the club and Mrs. S. t. Peek
------ eon Mr the Kissimmee school, ia spendIng -

r} : 1 k11iLi MR. AND MRS. C..A. KNIGHT Mr>. L. D, Green, celebrated his maae second among the vjauors. the holidays here with her parents the: holidays with her parents Modern' cleansing machinery, and a
II Each received a prize. Mrs. Carpenter here.Mr. corps
birthday anniveraary Mr and MrsUT. J. Terry.
of skilled
dpi JSNTEKTAIN BRIDGE and Mrs. C. Lewis of Ral- employees assures
r t Tuesday afternoon, at the homeof I was presented a guest prize. Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Mayo and I you the best

it 4' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. his parents. Enjoying this affair with the two children of Tampa, are visiting ford Monday.were visitors to Theressa I' in dry cleaning of the most delicate fab-
Knight were
After presenting the host with hostess and honoree were: Mrs. L. her Mr. and Mrs. J.H. .
parents, rics.
::1,1 yet thoroughly
host and hostess to their club and Little Miss Juanita Clark is we do
'l Wyman Mrs. L. your
O. .
iti gifts, games were played on the Haynes, Mrs.J. Moore during the holidays.
friends at contract bridge Tuesday spending the holidays with her garments in a manner that
i lawn, and a feature of the party C. Robinson, Mrs. E. Burns, Mrs.A. Mrs. Torode and daughter, Mary assures once a
evening at their home., grandparents, Mr and Mrs. W. M
was a Christmas tree, from which J. Adkins, Mrs. E. M. Johns, Lucille, spent Monday in Jackson customer, always a customer.
color of
scheme of red and Brown Brooker.
each guest received a favor. There Mrs. R. W. :Martin, Mrs. R. J. ville.
M iwc (k green predominated, quantities of Miss Thelma Sullivan was a via
41, i was a large birthday cake decorated Preston, Mrs. D. P. Carpenter Mrs.T. Mesdames G. A. Anderson and PHONE 28
r Christmas and red Itor to
greens lovely Hampton Monday.
8i4} In the Christmas colors. Mrs. T. Long, Mrs. D. A. Moutleth, W. C. Wooten spent Wednesday in
radiance roses bedecked the large Miss Teresa Bennett of Ralford,
Green served a delicious sweet Mrs. S. L. Peek, Mrs. Junius Smith, Jacksonville
E. 1a t 'p living room, while a gaily,decorated ? spent Frfiday night with her steer .
course to the following guests: Mrs. S. T. Dell of Gainesville, Mrs.J. There will bevChrlatmaa programs STARKE DRY CLEANERS
I 4; t r tree lent true Christmas spirit Mrs. C. Sullivan. leaving early
'4', j to the occasion. Mary Harriet and Harold Bishop, F. Carpenter of Wlnston-Salem, at both the Baptist and
i 4/ Saturday morning for St. Peters-
Dorothy and Carol White,, Edna N. C., and Miss Mabel Weller. Methodist churches
,l t 4r 1 Gifts were awarded Mr. and Mrs. i eve- burg where she will spend the holt- The only
Pearce, A. Z. Adklna Jr., Vernon ning. Everyone Is cordially invit- dry,cleaning plant in town
T. Bruce e---
t Hassle for her
tf r 3; making high days with sister, Mrs. Bill Un-
Silcox Dosia
Smith Shy Smith, .
scores. } R. R.
i Vernon Smith, Julian Griffla, N. and ., C. Wooten and two sons
{ r ; The following guests enjoyed a children, Ruby, William and Hazel, Little L. M. Gaines of St. Petersburg -
T. and Tommy Ritch, Gloria Johns, Cleon and William were shoppingIn
sweet course: Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Mrs.. D. J. Byrd and R. L. Byrd of arrived Sunday and will spend
Lillian Stump, A. W. Anderson, Starke Tuesday.
*;k y Demorest, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Mas- Tampa, are spending the Christmas Christmas with his cousins Percy -
Jr. Grace and Robert Green, Mcsdames Enoch Griffis and F.
ate, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson, holidays with relatives at Graham. and Felix Sullivan.
Elalrie Edwards, Eddy Raymond, I R. Carradlne visiting in Jack-
Judge and Mrs. were:
A. Z. Adkins, Mrs. Mrs.: B. Jones, son and family of
:E. M. Johns and Mr. W M. Waln- Katie and Virginia Fugate, Eddy sonville Friday. ieilbronn Springs visited Mr. and
wright. Hartman, McKay Johnson, Ralph Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Thede and SPECIAL SALE L LMen's'Vatehes
Mrs. J. J. Zeigler family Sun-
Powell and BOOTSEY'S BEACH afternoonIn
Jthodes, Billy Billy children spent Sunday
/ 'y Long. Jacksonville visiting Mr. and
.. (L. GaaUlim, Cor.) Mrs Herman Thede. Mr.!. and Mrs. Cecil Moore and Ladies' 'Watches, Watch
td IIIIYYIIIIYI 1M 11411b1 .wllnYw'IIyTwuTn lllmmmnn"IIUIwYwuu nuum little son Charles of Arcadia and
-- - -
DR. AND AIRS. II. D.McLKNDON Air. and Mrs., Cecil Whitehead Bracelets
for Ladies Metal
Miss Daisy Moore of Clearwaterwill Straps for41len's
ENTERTAIN and Mrs. H. B. Arwood spent Wed-
Services were held at the homeof nesday in Jacksonville. be the guests of their parents, Wrist 'Watches, Leather Bill Folds
Mr and Mrs. J. L. Gasklna Sat Ox.. and Mrs. D. W. Moore Christ. ,
Dr. and"Mra. H. McLendon en- Mrs.!. D. E. Bennett and the
1' + i urday night by Elder E. N. An- Ladies Leather Hand Bags Silverware
,, 1 tertained friends and members of Hisses!. Coleman and Mr. Fred Per- mas.Mr. ,
IIThere's the Twentieth Club derson of Brooker. Quite a large .. i and Mrs. C. Sullivan were Salt and
Century Bridge due and father of Jacksonville, : Pepper Sets, Toilet Sets, Notions
Tuesday evening at their home. crowd attended. were visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. E. shopping In Starke Saturday.Mr. .

: .The spacious home was lovely Among those attending services Burney Tueadayix.(. J. J. Zeigler was a business II and Novelties.
J ? with Its attractive of at the home of J. L. Gasklns' Sat to .
1 C arrangement J. B. Dye andafamily of Jack- VISitor. Starke Tuesday. I
f holly, poinsettias and roses. The urday night were: Mr. ana Mra. BEGINNING SATURDAY DEC. 12th I
sonville were visiting with Mrs. Mr.and Mrs. John Jordan and ,
1 iii
y witY W. R. Mr. and Mrs. Son
> Christmas motif In keeping with Kersey Dye's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. M. I Mr. James Swindel of McRae visited AND LASTS UNTIL ALL IS SOLD
the occasion was carried out in the Yarborough of Vanderbilt; Mr. and Blanchard Sunday. Mr and Mrs. S. R. Swindell ,

tallies, wrapping of the prizes and Mrs. F. C. Hodge and children, Mr.J I Louie H. Hill, Jr., who attends Sunday.
Nor and Mrs. John demons Mr. and Never again will dollar much
in the sweet course served follow college at Athens, Ga., la spendIng Mr. and Mrs. Jake Carstensenand your buy as I
Mrs. Laurice Clemons and children -
ing the play. the with his
holidays parents,
t all of Heilbronn Mrs. children were shopping in Some Valuable Prizes
Nancy Every Day
At the conclusion of five pro- ; Mr. and Mrs L. H. Hill.

TONICLike gressions, high prizes were awarded Keene of DeLon Springs, Mrs; Let- Mrs. W. E. Torode and Miss Mattie Starke Saturday.
} lit ; tie, Rhoden, Mrs. Ellen Johnson of There will be a community
A Mr. and Mrs. N. Sternberg and : Harley spent Wednesday In
h low prizes were given Mrs. D. A. Glenn St. Mary and Mra. Lewis Jacksonville.Mr. Christmas tree at the Christian REX JEWELRY CO.

Montieth and Mr.< H..C. Ritch. Harris and son, Cecil of Ellerbee. W. G. Halle of Starke, wasa church Thursday night. Everybody
' a Enjoying Dr. and Mrs. McLen- Mr. W. C. Chesser and Mr. C. E. business visitor to' Lawtey Tues- Invited to attend. Sarke, Florida

'' don's hospitality were: Mr. and Crawford were visitors to Starke Messrs Clyde and, Bill Hall and :

} R Good Dose Mrs. N. Sternberg, Mr. and Mrs Saturday.Mr. day.Mrs.. J. H. Moore and Miss Katherine Wilmot Brown were shopping in __

D. A. Montieth Mr. and Mrs. H. C. R. N. Crawford Mra. J. L. Blanchard were shopping In Starke Tuesday.

4 .of Rltch, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Long, Saakina and Miss Frankle Lou Jacksonville Friday. School closed here Friday for '

MerryChristmas Mr. and Mra. D. P. Carpenter, Miss II Murrhee attended church at Union J. B. Rowe ,and family have two weeks. A short program was

y Ethel Griffin, Miss Hazel Middle- Saturday. moved in the young cottage. rendered by the pupils and at the

ton, Dr. E. L. Biggs and Eugene Mrs. E. W. Rosier and children Miss Luella Tatum of DeLand Is close of the program Santa Claus

I Matthews. of Jacksonville spent a few days spending the holidays with her sister arrived with a present for all the
e here last week at the home of Mr. Mrs. G. W.Roberts. and Wh
boys> girls and several for the not
a CHRISTMAS PROGRAM AT John Chesser. Mr. and Mra:;Truby1! 'Wainwright teachers. a
MITCHELL'SDRUGSTORE We are very sorry to hear that
:; PRESBYTERIAN AND BAPTIST are receiving congratulations on

CHURCHES SUNDAY Mrs. Mary Reddish Is confined to the'' arrival' of. SOil,. born last
PLEASE HEARERS bed at the home of her son Mr. Thursday, -
W. M. Reddish.Mr. SAMPSON CITY
I Mrs. G. W Roberts and Mrs. Ed

k. ;: The Ilexall Store The candle light service,' pre.sented E. W Rosier of Jacksonville Bennett were visitors to Starke Miss Dorothy Smith Cor.

; In an Incomparably beau spent Thursday morning here with Wednesday.R. -

cIa.. tiful setting, was enjoyed by a relatives. R. Thede was a business visi-
I nYYIMY Uro.Ig YYYMIIU amYllalnulmuel laYm laYlYIYmYYYnlll large attendance at the Presby- Elder E. N. Anderson of Brooker tor to Starke Monday to Starke Mr. Waters of naval stores, Jacksonville -

I'' '''a terian church Sunday afternoon, spent Saturday night here, the Monday. was a business visitor here
,, ;, guest of ,Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gas- Wednesday.Lem .
from five until six o'clock. I E E. Burney was transacting
1i' t Th6) church was Impressively' klns. business in Starke Saturday. Brown, Man Roberston and
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Reddish and Hogan Smith were visitors to Jacksonville -
OVER beautiful In Ita loveliness and se-
Mr, and Mrs. T. J Moore of Heil G. B. Teston spent Friday in
) renity. Against a background of ',1.' .. and Gainesville, Wednesday -
NERVES massed greenery, white cathedral bronn, were. visiting Mrs. Mary Jacksonville. and Thursday.
Reddish afternoon here at Miss Mattie Harley spent the
candles were placed In tall can- I Holden Smith spent a few days
the home of W. M. Reddish who is past week-end In Jacksonville with here visiting relatives.

ill at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hawaker. i
----- ----- - - : Mrs. J. J. Gay of Hawthorn Is

i i 4 We are glad to know George and The Ladles Aid of the Methodist spending a few days visiting her

Lacy Gasklna and A. J. Crawford church met at the home of Mra.! G. daughter, Mrs. Smith. that willIAST

Is able to be out again after being W. Roberta with Mesdames Rob Elizabeth Hollingsworth, Dor- .

confined to their home. erta and Chas. Dlnkina hostesses. othy Sapp, ,Myrtice Ford. Mildred r

Mr. Birt Chlam Mr. M. Canady The usual business hour 'waa en- Hundley and James Holllngaworth

and Bud Phillips of St. George Ga., Joyed after whldli! the members en- were calling on friends Saturday.

1 were visitors here at the hone of joyed'a .ChriatifeM tree.' and I pro-, Richard Smith returned home
e *' "' ,
V Mr. R. N. Crawford Saturday.Mr. "

E. J. Roberta of Lawtey. waa -------,---- =

; visiting Mr. and :lira. R. N. Craw-

ford one day last.week. M A Gift they'll appreciate
I Mr. C. A. Pringla and S. 8pp of

Greenwood, were visiting at the e71 when: : .they need money

home of J. L. Gasklna Sunday rhd

UP '1'0'yom la woofs1 -, WISHINGYou morning.Mr.,, and Mra. L B., Thompsonand OUR WISH FOR CHRISTMAS oC.fir .) .' for college educationshow worthwhile -

1 t ftU7 n-T rv* at bleb UnaJon. son, Ell spent Saturday bight ;, + much more
Xe wonder yea the wife at the bedside of Mr. Buddy Starling lea4r

,*nd bark at tb*, ebudna.Wateb who to very 111 with measles than trivial knick-
(s out Overworked a Christmas, brimful at his home at Greenwood.Mr. May the Christmas gift of Provi-1' .
9' ....... lead to { forget!
may 81plMaa > W. M. Reddish and J. L. nacka they soon

am ,IndicMtion N.rvou.! Headache and a boat Nerv-of of Joy, and a New Gaafclna were visitors to the state dence for all your household be permanent , ( account

farm Sunday afternoon. Start savings
?, 'Why ether donS unpleasant:you try dlatnrbaoe Dr. Mltaf. Year, crowned with sue Mr. and Mrs. M. L. 'Thompson prosperity, good health and hap*, ( i . NerviiM Tablets? mad a business trip to Starke Fri- :i-- for them, drawing ;interest

,fir ; Just ODe la a half ,..... of cess. day.Mr. piness. This is our Yultide wish to all u.

n water make a pleaaaai, *.peenS and Mra. Cecil Crawford and ,<'\,rlt, from the day of de

};, S, king drink dell btfoHy soothing Miss Frankle Lou Murrhe were 4 friends for 1932 and _
< : to over-taxed: nerve, our. every year /
'", h dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. W. posit at
i Dr. ltlla Nervine to now HREAD,.PASTRIES,
R. at Vanderbilt
Kersey Sunday.
mad Ia two forma-Liquid and thereafter.
$ '': : EfferTMcent Tablet. Both bat CAKES Those attending church at Union

11; ; Ixl the earns soothing effect. Sunday from her were: Mr. and ,'" .

$1.00 .t TOW drag Ron Mrs. C. E. Crawford. Mr. R.. N. The BANK of STARKE

Crawford, Mr. M. Crawford, Mra. CARL'S CASH CORNER

XlOfJ Starke L. M. Murrhee. Mra. J. L. Gas-
PfJ;; kina and Miss Frankle Lou Mur- AN'HONOR ROLL BANK

\:/ NERVIN.E rhee.Mr.. M. L. Thompson was .'visitor E. S. Matthews, Pres. B.'J. Davis, Cashier

TABLE TS I to Union county last week.

Master Robert Crawford spent

": ' ,1f.J rl'! \. ,.k,,,'" "dl'i't' :. ,, ( !..... rti18h
JZ. .
i < ,
\ '
4r .: w "' '- ,
Gnn,4 w "" ;, I 'J' .Jt.; \ r f. ,'e't:. ; ;!: " " \ ,
,_"';', j -r; Fuur, o .t : ,.

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.M', ...
<> -- '
DECEM'BER :rsr -- --- ----- ---- -- --- -- - - ----- -- -- __ rvc.E rnMETIIODlvr
=-- : -- and other. 1
rof. --
-' reported a nice children of Tampa, are visiting

1 ,. ;;, : ,,;\'T"If' : time. friends and relatives In our section ,,
,, ? ,',''Y Mrs. Ira Haddock and :Mr. Clar- for a f.w days. '
t >' ,'" jt" ence Foss of Jacksonville) and Mr. Mr. Ray Dubose left last There will be preaching Sund,.v
,' Wed-
Bits of I : '" "" ),!alley Surrenoy and Miss Lorena nesday for the hospital Jackson morning dist and evening at the Metho
by the
'" Green of Brooker, were visiting at ville where he will have on operation Is pastor The public .
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. We all he cordially Invited.

NeV c ,' JrM : Johns.Mr. and :Mrs. J. L. Johns and out again. will soon be Rev. W +J Jones, Pastor11'E.1TI -

weal --* irtithl'ltt
Miss Essie
p Christmas tree Sapp Wateroak attended school the !NOTED !MISMONVUy M'KXKS

Business and Compiled by Staike Branch, U.
Concerning Our People, Town. :1 Monday Rev. night Dr. W. S Nelson forty-two yearsa S. Forestry Department
filled his
Pro:;.... of the County and v atr R I appointment at the New River regular missionary In Tripoli, and Syria, Week ending, Dec 22, 1931.
will speak in the Starke Presbyterian Date Max Mln Piecip..Oft.
Baptist church Sunday gad Sun
church Dec 16 74 49 .
----- ........=.....=......r....=.. =====QQQ aw. day night. Sunday evening, December -
.:.;>c.:>'"" ---------- Ip 27. Dr. Nelson had a Dec 17 80 94
spent Mrs. W. E; Middleton and daughters Rev Butler filled his regular ap thrilling experience as a prisoner Dec 18 79 58CO;
M Misses Madge and Hazel, were pointment at the Long Bridge : of war In the hands of the Turks Dec IB 78 -

day Id Jacksonville visitors In Jacksonville Monday.Mrs. Christian church Saturday and during the World War lie has an Dec. 20 82 60 __

attended court Sunday. Interesting story to tell. The pub- Dec. 21 82 61 _

1-1. V' Knight Tuesday S. T. Dell and Mrs. D.l'Or, lra nry jt 8." lic is cordially Invited to henr him. Dec. 22 81 61 12

Augustine Jones of Gainesville were' guestsof Total rain for week, .18 In.

ET Perryman relatives in Starke Wednesday. MILLER .
and Mrs. K. PLANT PINE TREES Wauchula Strawberries ship-
Jacksonville. Ellen ntnrkwvlilrr. Cor.
Thursday .In Mr. and Mrs. Lee Reynolds of I ped from this place short time ago. j

-- N. T. Raleigh, N. C., are guests of Mrs. Since 192A more than 300 landowners "
.Davis and Mrs. yC
-L.L in Jack. Reynolds' mother Mrs. E. E. Johns.; :Mr. H. G.. Crawford has just >In Florida have planted i ii

cent Wednesday V pleted cane grinding.Mr. com-I mote than a million slash and i,, ,

Miss Sibyl Corbett of Jasper, ,4Sawa and Mrs. Earl longlenf rlne seedlings which have
-was a enroute to Gainesville Friday. was tIoc'-i "',,; .znwoawa..xkMaWY 'atalva a ')OO'_.._I_ the proud parents of a baby boy reforested approximately 2.102
(jC rge which arrived Dec. 18. acres t>f land in the state the Florida t
In Jacksonvilley the guest of Miss Hazel Middleton. FUTURE CHAMPION OF WORLD: Here U first picture
vlalLor \ ',- Mr. and Mrs C. W. Carlisle and Forest Service announced to
taken of the young man who will torn day be heavyweight championof day.
y, of children, spent Sunday with his sister
Col. and Mrs. J. E. Futch De-
the world according to hit father Gen Tunney, former heavyweight A _
Mrs. Carlton.Mr. IM -
Land spent the Christmas holidayswith
[T"s. Crews and Mrs. champion. The future champl was born to the former champion and ..
In Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brownlee.' A. V. Blackwelder, Mr, Percy Large Peninsular Feed. Co..
worthy spent Tuesday : his wife Mr. Polly Lauder Tnwey, of Greenwich. Conn, on December Snyder, Mr. Kenneth Crawford, Mr. took another store In Johnson

ivllle. Mrs. T. J. Griffin, Mrs. N, T. : 4th and ia shown in a fighttn r ;\H> "U ls.> iva. Otis Crawford and Mrs Sallie building and installed complete

I Ritch, and son, N. T., and Tommie, I Blackwcldor made a business tripto battery brooding of baby chicks
I o. L. Haynes, Sarah Hope =-== _' .', __-- ___ c. __ .
Tuesday visited relatives In Lake City Sat Lake Butler last Saturday.
Inny spent
Haynes : urday. parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brownlee. Mr. R. H. Futch was in Starke We are all very sad to know that
I Saturday.Mr. our pastor was called away beforehe

17 Knight and Miss Lena State's Attorney and Mrs., A.. S. and Mrs. O. B. Green of Russell could fill his appointment Sun-

Shepard:. A are visiting rela-1 Crews are spending the holidays In Mrs. O. L. Beasley is spendingthe were visiting Mr. and Mrs day. He received a telegram that

Macon. Ga. I I Madison with Judge and Mrs. J. R. holidays in Tampa with her C. A. Pringle Sunday. his mother had passed away and 1
|n 1 Kelley. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dur- Mr. J. D. Peele and Leslie Mc- was burled at Cordele, Ga. Rev.I. .

Lr Long of Bushnell, Is : den. Clellan were shopping in Starke J. Blackwelder served as pastorfor FLORIDA 'I
Rev. Davidson.
I,* the holidays with his Mrs. N. D. Wainwright and tier i Saturday.
I ,Misses Emmalyne Pringle and Mr. C. F. Stutlvllle and Mrs.
jr, Mrs. F H. Long. daughter-in-law, Mrs. N. D. Watfl- I Mrs. T. B. Massie and children, ','
their Christine united in
Douglass were
Evelyn Mosley were visiting
i Joan and Tom, Mrs, Nathaniel
wright, Jr., spent Monday in Jack THEATRE
Miss Aliene Rosier Dec. 16. We all wish
Band Mrs. M. W Morrow and sonville. Turnbull and children, Peggy and cousin, Sunday marriage on !

i, B Williams were visitors Billy, spent Wednesday in Jack night. them a long happy life. GAINESVILLE FLA.
Monday. : Mrs. R. E. Lee and children of Mr. Milton Dukes and Miss Harden ,
mvllle Paul Knight has accepted a position sonville. Russell Is visiting her parents, Mr. were united In marriage Dec.

I left FridayII as staff pianist at station and Mrs. C. A. Pringle. 16. We all wish them a long hap- \'

Helen, where Maynard she will spend the I WRUF, in Gainesville, during the Mrs. Willie' Gibson of Red Mrs. W..H. Pringle was shoppingin py life. Merry Xmas Program I Week{ lJt'c.21 :
holidays.Dr. Springs, N. C., arrived Wednesdayand f
Starke Saturday. Friends of Mrs. Bessie Seay will
\'swim her family. 1'\'
is spending the holidays with Mr. St. Clair Mosley and Eugene be very glad to ktow she Is improving i,!{,

?& Brownlee.1 Jr, of the Unl- H. B. McLendon Is spend- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Forsyth were in Keystone Heights fast. A IIAITY AND Thursday & Friday l)

r of Florida at Gainesville, ing the holidays In Marianna with Kendrick. Saturday night. Mr. A. V. Blackwelder was the PROSPEROUSNEW f
"' ('hrl'nuul Feature
e for the holidays. his parents Dr.: and Mrs. T. R. Misses Emmalyne PrlngleN and supper guest of his mother, Mrs. |1)1'11,1 1:
McLendon.Mr. Sammy Sternberg of the Atlan Evelyn Mosley were visiting Mrs Sallle Blackwelder Sunday night YEAR ,
Norma Shearer 1
I and lira James Chase of ta-Southern Dental College, Atlanta W. H. Pringle Sunday.Mr. Mr. Robert Clyatt of Winter From
I and Mrs. T. T. Long are Ga., is spending the holidays and Mrs. Waldo Pringle were r
Jacksonville, are guests ofjnd I I Garden is spending a few days with Robert Mori Iff outer f/
Mrs. J. C. Hoover., spending the holidays in Baconton, with his parents, Mr and Mrs. N. visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Starling his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L it

I Ga., with Mrs. Long's mother, Mrs. Sternberg. Sunday afternoon.Mr. Clyatt.Mr. J. \W. White\ & In"PRIVATE
W. S. Jackson. St. Clair and C. A.
J. F. Colley, Mis' Lois Col- ,James Richard Wainwright of Mosley I. J. Blackwelder and wife LIVES"AdiliHl
businessin 1
katle and Virginia Fugate Pringle were transacting of Ayden, N. C., ls here to spend
Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Vandiviere the University of Florida, Gainesville Jacksonville .
|Saturday in Jacksonville. Monday.Mrs. Christmas with his parents, and Comedy, "Smart Met!! !
,.- of Augusta, Ga., are guests of Mrs.Vandlvlere's is spending the holidays with Daisy Pringle and little Son '
A. Z. Adkins and daugh- parents, Mr. and Mrs.G. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. daughter, Jewel Edith, were visIting other relative!; ( 1'" {

lllss Hazel Adkins were visln W. Alderman.. Walnwright. Mrs. L. E. Mosley Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Waters of i Hip, the Frog C'urtoon f
moved to Plant
[! Gainesville Wednesday. Misses Pencle and Janie Sapp our section have

Nolan Canova, Jr., of Waldo, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mills and were shopping in Lawtey Satur City, where they will make their I IMay Fox Motif-tone News 1
spent a few day In Starke recently family of Jacksonville, and Joseph home for a while. We wish them 't

and was the guest of Paul Thomas of South Jacksonville, are day.Mr.. J. L. Sapp and sons, J. D., much success.

Knight while, here. holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. I and Geron, were business visitorsin The teachers and children of Lit Saturday ,;f
M. Thomas. Brooker Monday::" tie Springs were very gladof
Mr. and Mrs. L., D. Green and Mrs. W. H. Pringld'was visitingher their Christmas box. They ail JI

y family are spending Christmas day Mrs. E. M. Johns, Gloria Johns, sister, Mrs. A. B. Rosier Sun- enjoyed them. 1
In Mayo with Mrs. Green's mother Mrs. J. E. Corpening, L'Etta. Cor-
Friends of Mrs. Lacy Brown will "
day.Mr. {Vest of Itroaduau"Adilcd ;f
r Mrs. L. A. Dees. pening and Miss, Patsy Brinson .
I Kay Pringle and Earl Mo ely be glad to know she Is recoveringfast F
motored to Jacksonville Saturdayand were visiting Mr.: J. D. Peele from a short illness. 'lInu'dy, "Muitlrul

rt1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Epperson, Jr., spent the day. Saturday night. Mrs. Ruby Waters and children 0 0 Mysterl"Monday :

of Jacksonville, spent Tuesday and Mr and Mrs. Everett Futch were and Mrs. Annie Belle Johnson and r '"
Wednesday in Starke, with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs., George C. White "
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mc- children, attended the cane grind-
Mrs.' W. J. Epperson. and Mrs. J. W. White are enter- & Tuesday
Clellan Saturday.Mrs. ing at Mr. II. G. Crawford's last
taining with a family dinner and
R. E. Lee and Mrs. Daisy Monday. '
Christmas tree Christmas Wallace
Mrs. S. E. Brownlee Is spendingthe day Beery ,
Pringle were visiting Mrs. J. M. Mr. and Mrs. John Dubose and
holidays in Gainesville with her Twenty relatives will be present.
Your New Year'sFEAST Jackie
Rosier Sunday night.. Cooper \
son-in-law and daughter, Judge --

MAY YOUR and Mrs. A*. V. Long. Mrs. J. F. Carpenter and little t-- , , In 1.
' ' ""
1 ii"ln"II"I".I""III""II"'II.III"U"'UI"I""II"'I1"11I1"'
daughter, returned to their home in

Mrs. James Godbold of Jackson.' Winston-Salem, N. C., Saturday NEW RIVER i i i, t "THE CIiA111'PPAddedDogvllle / ,;

Christmasbright ville, returned to her home Satur- after a visit here with her mother, Mil,. E..l. Caps c... Wishing You A | (Cnmivlr "
day after a visit here with her sister -, Mrs. R. A. Weeks. Sw I'lctorlul and NH

Mrs. S. S. Dowling.Mr. C Of joy give you renewed;;! ,
Eugene Matthews of Columbia Among those wliONiwere( visiting, Christmasand I

with many and Mrs. Millard Lowry and University, New 'York City, arrived In Starke Saturday;:night were; i Merry strength to carry on to Wednesday"AGE 'j

son Henry, lof Maryvllle, Tenn. Sunday and Is spending the Mr,. D. W. Kelly, Mr,.Hermle Kelly -'

)1'S, and light your way are the holiday guests of Dr., and : holidays with his parents, Mr. and Miss Lorle Kelly, Miss Essie a greater heights and to FOR LOVE" ",
Mrs. George H. Lowry. Mrs. E. S. Matthews Sapp Mr. E. A. Sapp and childrenand :\ I With ,!I''

| success in 1932. u f Mr. Sampson Johnson., reap the rich blessings
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hall and : Messrs. Lonle Rogers and Eddie' Misses Edith Moore and I la Happy New Year ttillle Dove i'

baby, 'Sharon, Miss Edna Hutto.! BeBolse of the University of Flor- Sponholtz of Ileilbronn were the that 1032 holds: in store.

Master O. P. and Tillman Hutto,i ida, were guests of Paul Knight guests of Miss Essie Sapp Tues- ;'

Starke Hdw. & were Jacksonville Tuesday, "'( : Thursday. The former 'ia business day night. Thursday & Friday f j
.1 manager of the University Glee' Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johns and

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilkes and" Club. daughter, Essie, were business visItors Carola Cafe Wheeler & Woal ey ,,

Furniture Co. Miss! Stella Barrett of Jacksonville, In Lake Butler and Alachua 1 In '
were the guests of Judge and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Eppersonhave county Saturday. I A. i "Peach 0'

A. Z. Adklns Christmas Day. '; as their holiday guest Mr. Messrs. O. D. Moody; Emory and Reno"i i;

and Mrs. George Anderson of Law- W. N. Johns were among those ii I
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Clarke Miami tey, Mr. and, Mrs. R. L. Eppersonand transacting business In Lake But Candidate for

-- -.-.-.-. are spending Christmas holidays family of Jacksonville, and ler Saturday.

with Mrs. Clarke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G.: Schell of Lake
Mr. Harry Sapp has been sick
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Wainwright. Butler. CLERK CIRCUIT
with the measles, but we are gladto

report he Is Improving rapidly.Mr. INVESTHeavily _
Mra. H. L. Brownlee and and K. and =
Mr. Mrs. J. Langford
Parnell Tyson Jasper,
ters, Mines Mary and Mac Jr. of East Louis,
=-- =-- son, Kirby, St. been visiting his sister, Mrs., Wes-
-- Brownlee apent Tuesday In Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Langford -
in this
Johns time. happy hearty
ley for some : ,
aonvllla with Mrs M. C. SUMies
to '
of Clewiaton, are expected
4i. | Among thoseattending l the cane . ....11I,11I.1.-, . . ,.."....
arrive Saturday for a week' visit spirit of Christmas, for it will t
OWe Dell returned grinding at the home of Miss Es-
I\\ tot with their mother, Mrs. Alice
l home In Gainesville Wednesday-" Langford.Dr. sie Sapp Tuesday night were: Mrs pay you vast dividends, of joy Gi
ter a visit here with her uncled| Agnes Knowles, Mis*.Nona Brown,

aunt Mr. and'Mra. J. E. WU and Mrs. W. E. Middleton Mr. W. S. Sibley, Misses Edith for many days to come.
f Moore and Ha Sponholtz. Mr. Par- 4RITCH'S
have as their guests for Christmas
Mr. and Mra. 7. A- Scott are Mra. L. E. Dowlbur. Mr. Ben Dow- nell Tyson Mr. W. E. Loadholtz,

MAY THE GLAD spending the holiday with their i hag Mr. and Mrs.-Earle :Middletonand i -- STATIONi F

son and daughter-in-law, Mr>and little daughter, Marjorie Sue, SERVICE
Mrs. W. A. Scott In Orange City. of Jacksonville..

ChrisbnasSPIRIT M.... A. Z. Adklns, Misses Hazel Mr. and Mrs. George Gardiner CENT .rrINSURANCE

I and Lola Adklna and A. Z. Jr., have aa their guests for Christ .
Miss Ethel Griffin and Owen CSrlf COLUMN --:- ,
mas day Mr. and Mra. W. S., Tel-
fin spent Monday Jacksonvt! vtngton and son. Billy, Mr. and LET THEHappiness I

r : Mra. J. O. Jones and family and WANTED Standard typewriter,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Halfand Judge H. Austin. in good condition and cheap for
fill!! your lives baby, Sharon, left for Wauchtua cash. Address this office. 1.
today, to spend Christmas with Mr. UAH's

fat you will be rich with parents, Mr. and Mrs.; W., H. Tall. GREENWOOD LOST-Billfold 'containing ;money For happiness, we know, is the
and personal cards, on lot near of Good Will
t Spirit
blessing of happiness I Mr. and Mrs. W. H- Struth and Kmmalyne Prlngle, Cor. Christmas tree Wednesday night. this Christmas
daughter, Misa Kate are spending Reward for return to this office.It. You feel l on joyous a policy that hold true ev-

roughout the coming I II Christmas holidays in Jacksonville 4 Christmas Day be a 00 try day in the year.
with Mr and Mra. William Struth. Mr. and Mra. C. A. Prlngle and
Mr! fixture in
I son, St. Clair, were shopping In BEAT THE DROUTH with Young- permanent

Mr. and Mra W. A. Scott returned Jacksonville Tuesday. berries! Only 700 plants to set an your life."Dad". CO. M
to their home in Orange City Mr. Eugene Forsyth Jacksonville acre! One setting wjll last for 15 GULF LIFE I INSURANCE

Tuesday, after pending several spent Saturday night and years. Price. no' ) er 100, $70

&R.STORE I days with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Scott. Sunday with bin cousin St. Clair per 1000. 20 percent discount on i, N. D. WAINWRICIIT, JK-, Represenathe'
MOIl ley.'Mr. orders placed before Feb. 1st. Pender

I Rev. and Mrs..: :M. cC Stith\ and .. Daisy Prlngle and daughter Only limited number of plants

- children of Jacksonville, are spending ,Evelyn, and Emmalyne, were for sale. F. J. Pattee. Starke, --- .- - -,
the holidays with Mrs. .Stith's shopping In Starke Saturday. Fla 12-2 -2t. -


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    1 FARM NEWS SECTION -. 1 "The Voice of
    AI Mrs. O. W. Boles, Santa Rosa

    I county home demonstration, club Talks aboutproblems
    111, fl '4 Conducted By By H. L. RUSSELL member, was recently announced and present

    Aivhory Coucll, Airiclt.ral Comminion. winner of first place in the con- be given over plane state for 19 t.1t

    L. T. DYER County Agent : Amtrlca Btnlttn Aisoclatit struction division of the American WRUF at noon aft

    q, n a{ + MISS PEARL .JORDAN Home Demonstration Agent NOTED British scientist forecast Farm Bureau Federation national week, the Fiona! each
    f. Agrll'U
    'i 11 I II ii A thirty years ago that by home Improvement contest. tension Service has !

    ... The biggest problem in Mrs.noles' These 'III!
    : 1931 all available wheat land la I' the 1, talks wUj oe
    Poultry Situation Growers of Farm world would De' home Improvement was a Florida Farm Hour from

    under lack of money. This she has solved 12:45: eastern

    About the Same Crops Must Plan tlon, and CUltlVa.\\ by raising turkeys. In three years The schedui.Standard follow? 11U,

    '; As One Year Ago In Face of SurplusGrowers yields per acre she added $1,103 to the borne Im- Sat., Del ZO -pio',1.: ,.

    could not be Increased provement fund in this way; reports News and Hints n !? hrml

    1 r beyond Miss Eleanor Barton, home ence Snapshots '
    1 The poultry situation apears to of most Florida farm
    , 1 that which then demonstration agent. With' Mon.
    partof Dec
    f1 be very similar to that of a yearS crops must face a surplus as they 28- Planning
    prevailed there this money she bought' two Healthy
    j to the outlook Issued next according '/ Chick in
    ago, according plan year's production ptfl / 1932-11
    1 1/ would be a world brood sows, and with, them has R. Mebrhof.
    by the Florida Agricultural to the outlook by the Flor- Farm
    shortage. The added $300 more to'the fund
    I+ t Washington.Tues. .
    Extension Service. Under existing ida Agricultural! Extension Service.
    average yield But first she owned no hometo .
    c Dec 29-
    p business conditions the prospects Adequate production for family Thrlpsep
    I i 4 |'then was 12.7 improve, so 20 acres of land on and Weedsj R
    r are not very promising. and livestock needs is recommended Watsou
    bushels per acre which stood a two-room house Question
    There has been a slight decrease in all bases while It would not 1 r was Box
    During the past purchased. Porches and Wed.
    " in the number of birds on farms he advisable to Increase the pro- I more Dec 30 Int

    I' although total production is about duction of some crops for market. -,.: lr AI H I.. RUSSELL seven yesrs, the rooms were built, and slowly the New Plants into Florida

    f i ". The -.... 1 world over, it house has been remodeled into a ELRltehey. Prime,
    + 1 the same as-last year. number Peanut production in the United II for Townp,
    has been 14.1. Oit the 820.000,000
    r of hens and pullets being kept States for 1931 was estimated at modern, convenient home It has era.Thurs.
    United States on acres in cultivation this Increase been screened, has running water, ., Del il.
    1r for layers in the 38 percent more than last year, billion -Farm
    would amount to almost a half
    and about
    ; October 1 was 6.2 percent less than and 26 more than the last five year than every convenience a Keeping- V Noble Flit
    it 1 for the 1 last In The of old bushels more production woman could want in the kitchen. porter at Washington
    ; same period year. average. supply crop
    standards of thirty
    the world years
    the South Atlantic states the decrease peanuts was reported as being I ago. In place o* dire distress due Very little furniture was purchased Fri., Jan. i New Yw J

    ;; was about 3 percent. small. It sems wise to reduce have had distress but much time'was spentin the Florida i fnrm j.
    to shortage, we
    Stocks of dressed poultry In stor- rather than Increase the acreage due to renovating the old. Draperies, Cooper. Count'' ]Book
    surplus. Agent
    !' ; age were about 9,000,000 pounds, planted for market in 1932 due to curtains, and shades for the entire -
    Wheat farmers have shown no house .were purchased. From 5 to, U'1(
    or 20 percent more than a year the 1931 heavy production and the million
    ago, about 8,000,000 pounds more business situation. 0:> great Inclination to curtail materially The yard was landscaped, mostly trees are bough In the, t
    their output; perhaps a 10% decline with shrubs from the woods and 'States each fl
    for the a
    than the average same perIod More sweet potatoes were grownIn says UK
    { In the last five years. the cotton belt this year, and compared with 70% reductionin lawn was started. i I Service of the Onlted) SUlol!
    .l' 1 steel. This unwillingness, or perhaps
    partment of
    f 1 Shell egg stocks In storage are production for the United Statesis jir Apiculture./; fc
    inability to adjust productionto
    ?"' about 13 per cent less than a year estimated to be 24 percent more ; HOW STRENGTH HAS COME trees are solo w provide e
    1' current needs makes the problem
    r t ago, but only slightly less than than last year. So long as this : .... all the harder' to solve. third or fourth family In ;ds
    3t'1 r, the five year average. This decrease situation' exists farmers who grow : Development of cooperative mar with a Chrltilmas tree.
    { I e rt:- \ .. +c> rrj Not only growingmore I .
    are we now '
    } ''k0r is partially offset by larger grow sweet potatoes for market keting of agricultural products

    stocks of frozen eggs than .last may find it best to reduce acreageas .. wheat per unit of land, but (which, like everything else, has Tallahassee Plans coal;,.

    year. Plentiful supplies of eggs well as production cost. acreage has been very greatly ex had its setbacks) has been grad- for construction of 3o,0flo t

    t11 r this fall has made It difficult to Supplies of flue-cured tobacco (fn In the year 193031. Productionmust tended. In twenty years Canada ual, and covered a sufficient number story brick structure for Tat.
    be reduced If the situationis IIINTS TO HOUSEWIVES has increased acreage 250%, Australia see Motor! Co. Ford
    of to dealer
    move storage eggs. the United States are B percent years subject It to most

    k,:fir s a Consumption of poultry meat less than those of a year ago but 3 to Improve much. Planting almost as much. Another of the tests it is likely to have to county.
    of the cotton to feed Weekly from Home Demonstration significant fact is the materially lessened
    P h'd less some acreage
    ? r, during 1931 was apparently percent more than the five years meetmeet.Unlike many big
    than the year before Consumption average. Cigarette consumption and food crops, growing cover Specialist Tallahassee use of wheat. A much more I businesses, it has weathered two
    'r diversified diet has developed. More '
    l ++ of eggs increased during the first started on the decline In July and crops to improve the soil, and I depressions, the agricultural depression -
    r vegetables and fruits are used than 'I
    I '( t' (, of the year due to low prices, but by September was 8.3'percent less:: growing good varieties on good formerly. The reduction of 1.2 which was acute In 1920

    dti"" than the previous September. Ex- land, judiciously fertilized are sug USING CHRISTMAS LEFT- bushels consumed per person per to 24, and the present depression.In .

    Consumption > for July through Septemberweje gestions for meeting the situation. -, '. .OVERS annum since the last generation 1015, according to the Bureauof ti 7

    i..'' kets Increased 17 percent during 29 percent less than last year The 1931 corn crop In the south. necessitates nearly 150,000,000 bush. Agricultural Economics, there

    the first three months of 1931, but I 10 percent below the average. ern states was 15 percent above After the Christmas feast, as els less wheat than was formerly re were in the United States 0.424

    9? 4 only 6.6 percent {or.-th.,first: .nh : Since two-thirds of the flue-cured though 67 percent larger well as any other feast, usually quired. farmers' cooperative associations.In .

    ( months. I tobacco enters foreign markets thisis average there are quantities of left-over 1930 there were 11,950. The

    rl Feed for poultry la in ample of vital importance.The than last year. Regardless of the 'meats. 'These can be made into Machines Increase Supply gain in membership has been at a

    supply this year. The decline in : supply of cotton is so bur- supply, growing enough corn for tasteful dishes and served for future The factor that has exerted the most much higher rate, however, due

    kt feed prices compared with last densome on the market that if the the livestock on the farm seems meals. potent influence in this rising partly to the consolidation and

    year or the level of recent years record consumption of 1920-27 was advisable.The Scalloped Ham world flood of grain has boen the systematizing which has been go- ten aHomTSurned \

    was much more than the declineIn repeated- in 1932 there would still oat crop was also larger and Chop fine 1-2 cupful boiled ham rapid development ot the machine. ing on under the provisions of the

    Io IL prices for chickens and eggs. be ,as much left as was consumedand the grain sorghum crop was a* bit and mix with it 2 hard-balled chop- The old days of the cradle required agricultural marketing Act. The 2)c) ;
    v from to hours of hand
    above average. Hay supplies over ped eggs, 1 cupful bread crumbs, 1 thirty forty total membership In 1919 was giv-
    labor to harvest of
    an acre grain.
    cupful cream sauce, 1-4 teaspoonful en as 651,186. In 1930 It was over I
    the country are less, but In the Then came the binder, which reduced people used to ask, "I'
    $ -. ._ than last dry mustard a shake of pep 3,000,000, or four and a half timesas insured?" Now they
    o i south are larger year the process to four or five askj
    and of salt. Put Intoa large as in 1915.:
    a pinch "
    per '
    and less than the he properly insured
    slightly averageof hours per acre. Now the combine
    Wow 10 play rddgej dish and bake to alight brown. Of more Importance than the
    recent years. Generally speakIng does the work in forty-five minutes
    Chicken a-lu-IUng gain either. in numbers or memo Adequate sound stock |
    pastures are In poor condition. per acre.
    II/I//ffJ2/ AUCTION Take what Is left from a baked bership Is the stronger economic insurance will prope/fy/
    am{ Feedstuffs as a group are plentifuland Where It used to cost ten cents a ;
    are cheaper than they have chicken cut, into small pieces and bushel merely to thresh the grain position of these) marketing cooperatives test you against loss am

    __ CONTRACT been since before the World War. cook for 20 minutes in the follow the. modern combine cuts and due to the uniform and service of our dope

    ., ; ing sauce;.,3.tablespoonfuls butter, threshes at a cost ranging from 8 stable system of financing and pro agency will prove od I
    1-2 tablespoonful flour, 1 well- ducer ownership, and the elimination .
    I Optimistic Spirit to 5 cents a bushel With this reduced to you.HAROLD
    chopped onion, 2 and of over-lapping activities,
    green peppers .
    Wynne Ferguson.
    I coat of production, the possibility !
    1 Evident in Winter 2 or 3 slices of pimento. Cook of worked out under the provisions of C. W
    acreage expansion Is ire
    2 Author of 'PRACTICAL AUCTION 8IUDOSl well, but do not let it brown. When the Agricultural Marketing'Act
    mendous. Lan Is heretofore regard.
    ". '.. ', --" Farming Sections tender thin with of
    ' : l : \ 1 cupful cream. ed as worthless except for grazing a INSURANCESTARKE ;

    .' ,//J:, to\\,: J : : i Copyright, I9JI by Hoyle. Jr. Turkey Hash have recently come Into competitionwith Key West Monroe Theatre reopened -
    I 1.,1 l, I A more optimistic spirit Is evidence the !
    t Cut remnants of a turkey the older wheat belts.Th to public. FLORID
    'iM'.j" jf"
    ., : I ARTICLE No..8 In certain of the winter into small pieces. Boil the bones In ;

    'l g.I.\: .. \ I : ,t: : farming areas of Florida, accord- a quart of .water until the quartis Russian Effort _.._ ----_ ._.-
    r" } a A discussion of the following question only two lieurts. For this reason ing to W. T. Nettles, district agent
    reduced to a pint. Then takeout Within the past two or three years I.----
    ' '
    the offers the better
    + should bid
    of a correspondent interest no trump
    with the Florida Agricultural Ex: the bones and to the In another disturbing element ha
    all Auction and Contract players: chance fur game. If his partner has a liquid
    1 "First hand has bid no trump, strong heart suit, it Is up to him to bid tension Service, who has Just returned which they were boiled add turkey come Into the picture. Soviet Russia

    second has paused, third has overcalled three hearts. The bid of two no trump from a trip over the peninsular gravy, 1C you have it, 'or- white is attempting a comeback STRAWBERRY PLANTSOwing

    his partner with two hearts. and indicates a strong hand but no particular part of the state. stock, or a,, small piece of butter fraught: with possibility that cannot
    fourth has bid two spades. tinder help for the heart bid. AlwtlfShesitate Cash is being brought into the with salt and Let the yet be fully evaluated. Russia Is .
    ?i what conditions should the original to help your partner's suit bid Everglades by beans which have pepper. eagerly utilizing the latest of to the dry-like conditions around Starkft
    hand bid b raise with less. The liquid thus prepared boll up once; very
    (a) two no trumps, ( ) only two trumps or only
    I, liispartncr to three heart." exception" to this is when you hold ace yielded abundantly and are selling then put In the pieces of turkey, scientific knowledge to enlarge her and Lawtey we are making very special prices on I

    This particular question opens up a or king and one other.In for a fair price. The Southern dredge In a little flour, give It one agricultural possibilities., With in and Blakemoreber-l
    wants both
    very wide. field of discussion and one Hand B, the dealer should undoubtedly Sugar Company's mill at Clewis- boil-up and serve in a hot dish. feverish anxiety she is literally your Missionary

    that can be handled only in a very bid three hearts. He has no ton !Is now operating, giving employment Meat Loaf pouring millions Into the expansion ry plans. See our agents Brownlee Bros., StarkeJ

    r general way. For the purpose of this stopper in the spade suit and yet very to more people In the of her university research Institutes will take!
    r discussion it will be assumed that Use 2 pounds of beef (cut from and G W. Roberts, of Lawtey, Fla., who
    ; strong help for his partner's heart bid. Everglades.A experimental stations and breeding
    neither aide has a score. Also assume This hand is a, fine example of the type cash buyer's platform was recently the round), 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 farms. Her scientists are combingthe your order. j
    i that the dealer has bid one no trump of hand on which to assist partner' beaten egg,.1 teaspoonful chopped .
    with each of the following hands! suit bid. opened Homestead, and parsley, 1 teaspoonful onion juice, earth for new crops and new know
    sales:: are being made to truckers, methods. No country In Europe Is You know Bauer, plants of quality and we
    In Hand C;the dealer should 1-4 teaspoonful pepper, 1-2 cupful
    t paes.lie commission and others who manifesting more interest and activity how and real
    A men to ship your plants on time give you
    has only one in spades and milk, a 2-inch cube of salt pork
    F Hearts-Q, 8 less than normal for his come to the platform. No retail in laying hold of the best order
    h help partner'sheart fat, and 1 cupful bread crumbs. service. So get busy at once and place your |
    Club.-A,10,2 sales are made. science, wherever It be found.
    suit. For that reason, he should may
    Put the meat through a chopper.
    }s Diamonds- K, 10.9,8 neither bid two no trump nor three In DeSoto county there Is opti- It is of more than passing Inter. for what you may want.

    h} i:., Spades- K, J, 7 hearts. It is a fine example of a hand mism on all sides as to the pros Add the seasoning, then mix well, est that the wheat yields reported .

    ' 1 : l n that is just under the requirements fora pecta for the sale of a large crop and add the crumbs, well-beaten on the huge trust farm known as
    two no trump bid. egg and the milk gradually. Place the J. A. BAUERTHE
    1 "Giant" ran last
    Hearts-Q 10 7,2 of Crotalarla seed whcih Is being year as muchas
    In Hand D, the dealer should bid cold by' the DeSoto County Crotalaria In. a well greased pan, and put 18 bushels to the acre. On this ,

    10,4,2t 9 two no trump. I Ie has only one stopperin Association. small pieces of butter or strips of single farm the crop harvested li :MAN\
    the spades but his act-up club suit bacon on top. Bake 40 minutesIn reported to have STRAWBERRY PLANT
    makes hand )) chance for While there are no large quantities 3.865,000
    a good
    Spades-l0,4i 4C a moderate oven. Baste every JUDSONIA ARKANSAS
    bushels. A
    single farm ,
    game in no trump. The fact that it of wlner vegetables! available 10 minutes with 1 tablespoonfulbutter of 427,000
    contains only two small hearts make. in any one county, most of the acres under government control and
    I Hearts-7,2 Cluba-A.I0. 4,2 a three-heart bid inadvisable. It is a South Florida counties are ship melted In 1 cupful boiling mechanized as fast an human energy

    Diamonds- K, Q, 9, 8 fine example of a hand that Is just over ping medium quantities of vege- water. can be applied II a> new factor in

    Spades-Q, 7,2D the requirements for a two no trump tables which are bringing farlly Strips of pimento and a coupleof the world's picture. .- -_&- ..-.-.....-
    / bid hard-boiled eggs placed In the There can be bat little doubt thai
    to The dark-
    It Is manifestly impossible to include good average prices. center of the loaf add a pleasing the Russian situation may yet assume You'll never know how gooda
    est spot on the agricultural horizon
    In this discussion all of the various .'
    Hearts-7. 4 garnish when sliced quite a different
    Club.-A. K, Q 7,6,2 types of hands that might come under seemed to be the strawberry areas, from what obtained even In prewar cigar can be until you,
    Diamonds K, 10, 7 the conditions specified in the question, where December prices were rather days.
    J I Spade.-K,7 but the foregoing examples lire typica low. Tarpon Springs Campaign have smoked a ,

    and will act a* a guide in the great planned by local committee to gain

    Then assume that his partner has majority of instance. As a general TRADE FLORIDA CROTALARIAFOR government approval for wideningand Bankers Hold Farm ConferenceA W

    bid] two( hearts and fourth hand has rule, bid two no trump if you have a CAROLINA PECANS deepening Anclote river channel "feeders' conference" '
    the double in the suit bid or three was held
    bid two spades. With lUnd A, stopper NSAME
    I from Eagle bridge to gulf. In a state bank at Presho
    South Da
    dealer should bid two no trump.- lie hearts if you have three or mote heart
    has a double stopper in the spade suit to aa honor and a sound no trump. Arcadia Fla. Several DeSoto' Sarasota Longboat ProduceCo. kota attended by fifty farmers. The SlIt

    county farmers and grower are ., capitalized at 5,000, granted conference stressed the feeding of 1 MORE HAM'

    ( Problem enjoying pecans for Christmas and charter to do truck farming. low price wheat and barley, and

    ... Iteart.1,7 an equal number of South Carolina Hialeah. Gibson .Jewelry Co., marketing It through livestock. Delsusiuy MILD

    Club -.. K. Q.1. 10.9 pecan growers will have richer opened at 8 S?.E. 1st avenue. Later booklets on the feeding of, .

    DiamondsnoneSpadesQ. soils next fall as a result of a recent Hollywood ...r Ovean Arcade Gift wheat were distributed among the -/ Lewis Newark N. 1'p 1ifLiner
    : J trade of farm product: Shop for fourth. season on Johnson farmers, and a feeders column was Cigtr Mfg. Co., ,

    Hearts-4 i il Hearts- 10,6( The South Carolina farmers had street. carried In the' local paper each

    If thiamondsK,8a 7 J A Y B t Clubs- 8Diamond.-9, 4 the pecans, good ones, too, which Brookavllle New managers week., B

    Spades 8.2; I Z I Spades K, 6, 5,3 were not selling any too well. The opened Dixie Theatre. the"We have had more success. with Wake .p Your
    conference and with: Out.
    f DeSoto county growers had some Fernandina Work on road on feeders

    J Heart*-A. 8, 5. 2 seed of Crotalaria, a wonderful leguminous property belonging to Fernandina column in the local paper than with

    9 .. r Club*-none summer cover crop plant Beach Development Co. progress- any other" undertaking we han Caloi
    1 Diamondenone tried. the banker -Without
    Introduced to the United States Ing rapidly. said .\8. re
    Spades-A. 10, !9, 7.4 suit there U about three times
    through Florida In recent years Hollywood Resurfacing of at

    f Spade are trumps and Y Is In the and therefore allow B to make hi* and which Is especially' desirablefor Jackson street between S. 21st ave much territory livestock than being fed out In our And YonH --D...He" ... 1I ooI Nsd .
    ever Out of Bed .
    lead. How can Y Z win all the tricksIgainst king of .pad..... planting in pecan orchardsand and 8. 24the avenue started. to hold other before. W. plan Jump _"......It JIIII ,.., '

    any defense I After trumping the club.: Z ahoulJlead other orchards, groves and Uceta Tampa Asphalt Ac: Paint the coming similar" conference. in tho Morning Harm to Go a.a bisde 8710M. ..-...
    I 'I ''t Y should lead the of the ace of hearts and then the year ......
    Solution: queen vineyards Co. started operation at this place, ..5s.........,
    '' and B's beet is not to cover deuce, winning the trick in Ye hand ......-
    ipades play II .. ..
    "We'll swap you some pecans first unit of four asphalt plants. TOO feel sjoor' nd trunk end tb. erase Ls.M .
    + with the king. If he does, Y Z can with the jack. Y should now lead a The benefits of .....-
    111'' l all of his trump and club. If B trump{ Z overtrump and for some CrotaJarla seed poundfor DeLand Extension of corporate because civilization exlsl world looks punk deJa".no.r a lot .................
    teadily ,
    drop ," said the South Caro- limits of this to north of the capital accumulated cc smlts,. mlnsrsi vote od. UxmUr ......
    i lake all their hearts or clubs.: B should, drop B'* remaining trump and his pound city by those, ........
    therefore, playa small spade, allowing hearts are good. If f he refuse to trump linans. "If a bargain," said the and west, voted and approved. who have gone before. eandyto; *saber tam sjad expSMkfbnr .......... ...

    Y to hold the trick Y should then lead and discard. Z will also discard and i. DeSoto Countaln, and so the trade Hollywood Plans approved for Through accumulation of capita ..... ... UYDJ'IIU.' ......'wLsas .
    c M win the last two trick a h.. our great railroads have aad ........ I.IW g- .,..V
    / ; tho Jack of spade, which B should also sure to was made. County Agent J. J. enlargement of Chamber of Commerce been OOD buqszisMhiaof ..."..

    pass. Y should now lead the king of has a tenac position over and its B's eoJutloncame king of Heard acted as intermediary. office by addition of another structed. our public a till ties have > ann .. ft. Thy .a4rnWenfc ,..., .......
    This been
    problem built
    club and Z should trump it with the spade in and (U an example wing. .. lags and our mills, omce bulM- waw... + ad a Wm! .___ .............risf

    .'' f .in* of spade. Thus .U the key of the up of actual/laY that i I. the Winter Haven Winter Haven Polk City-Polk' City Securities and homes have ari.... ta.ot tins... p.M ..atttw Tbal.arl .... ..r.....tteibiiRislle

    problem for, U Z doesn't trump this trumping of a good trick: in order to Golf Club Club Inc.. filed incor- Corporation recently granted In- -f r ""' '' ..

    1 x trick and so shorten his trump holding, shorten the trumps and obtain\ a poration paper In amount of |25-, corporation papers to deal in real Frostproof >..> i.. .ialtln wsdai rlr YS

    to ..'.I. will eventually be ( trump tenacsj position at the end. 000. estate. day Gifford fc" Elm .......,41M1i - -Mtliii


    ;, .' ,' ... 'f'....{ t .:. .. 'l1!
    I -' -- 1 rty I'I'v kib V,n 1+nT' ',,' ''R WAtki +r .1 f '., ,

    .., W ". 111t>,,IJ,. r " ,
    1 MeRi l4h ,
    aMrrt! '. '"' ." " '




    1081 _- -- ..--.--------- . -.. - -- -. .-- ..- -- - ... ._._ .... H__ . rAGE -K's\T-\r-: -" ''i

    Y. pECg113ER I fruitful works of darkness, but done. . That they might set their not ashamed; because the love of SAXTOX Sarasota- Construction to -

    rather reprove them; hope In God, and not forget the God Is shed abroad in our hea ts I soon on first unit of religious start education

    Thou Shalt be his witness unto works of God but keep his commandment by the Holy Ghost which is given : Preaching every first and third center for First Methodl! t .

    all men, of what thou hast seen !'!." Pa. 78:4-7, unto us." Verse 0. I Sundays at 3 p. m., by Rev. W. B. church. .
    and heard; 4. In what condition are those 18. In the time of trouble, who I Christy tf the Lawtey Methodist _

    do all things through who are without Christ? "Where will be the hope Of God's people ? church. Preaching services on sec- ..
    2 I can oCo___. .. ,., __._
    Christ which strengtheneth me; fore remember, that ye being In "The Lord also shall roar out of ond and fourth Sunday at 11

    1 1tlad 19:105.Pt311a There Is neither bond nor free, time past Gentiles in the flesh . Zion and utter His volco from o'clock by Rev. Sellers of Jackson

    is I Ialnp ualo la) feet, on a it aato l311Dr1wut : for ye are all one in Christ Jesus; that at that time ye were without Jerusalem; and the heavens and vllle, and singing In the afternoonat Say it with Flower

    teaching. doctrine or I have Christ, being aliens from the com- the earth shall shake; but the Lord 3:00: o'clock. Everybody invited
    All refglous I have fought a good fight, IIM II MM I mm lt l < 4t H 4tt> *> M niM
    .tCflux. creed, a they are to have any claim finished my course, I have kept monwealth of Israel and strangers will be the hope' of His people, and 4C1IK1STMAS I

    pole futlo and crevice the faith; from the covenants of promise, the strength of the children of Israel : ; DAY SERVICESThe Flowers For All

    he lmeof" 8U the Chrtet whoO wthe o a t every"NEVER fold MAN I am the first and the last: I am having no hope, and without God ." Joel 3:16.:

    h of whom,. it was said in John 7d. he that livetb; in the world. Eph. 2:11: 12. 10. What Inspiring words are lit. Rev. Frank A. Juhan announces OccasionsGERTRUDI' '

    humh LIKE an THIS MAN. uwtla9 do. Beloved, If. God so loved us, we 5. What does hope become to the spoken to such as hope in God? that there will be a serviceat -----.--,-.-.. J
    E are invited to Christian? "Which haveas "Be of St. Mark's Church Christmas
    and Vnlon counties crime, ought also to love one another. hope we good courage and He will
    tore of of made--the only requirement anchor of the soul, both sure .strengthen your heart, all ye that day at 11:00: a. m. ODBEY

    cat tor news ven and no charge morning, DAILY BIBLE READINGS and steadfast and which entereth hope in the Lord." Ps. 31:24.: 4 '
    freely edneeday
    Euuw' le Into that within the veil." Heb. 6: 20. How long should our hope Bradenton $155.000 post office ANDEIWON I.

    teary cannot be handled for current Issue. December 25 19. emfure 7 "And we desire everyone building to be erected in this city. Phone 39 Waldo, Fla '

    6. Who have hope in their of' do show the Miami Beach-Village Grill op-
    of liquorin The Prince of Peace Untous you same diligenceto ------.-.-, .. .
    use ,
    restoring the popular a child Is born, unto usa son death? "The wicked Is driven awayIn the full assurance of hope unto ened for business jr,

    SCHOOL I America. and the government shall his wickedness: but the right- the end. Heb. 6:11.: Apopka William Edwards Ho- COI'NTY !st'PRflINTnNDn5T'5etnNTnty : if
    VI. Topic: The Gospel In Eph- Is given; tel formally opened. 11'1Ir.' 'I. "r"fro- 1j.
    I In hath in his death. Prov.
    fOJ\ II about about three years. The be upon his shoulder; and his name eous hope JlIJoIN'I': oL'.vrv NIIIOOI Ft.OI ,
    esws LeesburgHowey golf
    I revival made Inroads on the shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor 14:32.: How cheering Is the Christian'shope 'I'

    great The God, the Everlast- 7. In bereavement from what opened. Bradford county, for the month ot
    2'7, 193tjcg : worship ,of Diana and caused the mighty Brooksville Victory Theatre AUIJII, 193;. '
    VECE\IUEIt: Father The Prince of Peace.- hopeless sorrow are Christians de- While toiling here below I
    of thousands of dollars ing fJeiteral School Fund :
    burning Isaiah 9:6. livered? "But I would not have It buoys us up while passing thru reopened for business. To hnl. due July I, 411.15:. lb:.
    of Quarter'sro'.dng worth of books .on magic. This Eustis Poultry Show held 'I Itrcelpt durlnK month 441714 '
    t; Review December 26 to be Ignorant, brethren, concern- wilderness of woe. .
    : Paul Mobbed and Ar- short time tVarrenM 1111'lnlmo"th :5377.87 '
    the VII Topic: Giving Gets There Is that ing them which are alseep, that ye ego To bal. due AliII 35\3.04 4
    summary of Place: Jerusalem. Paul Miami Beach Roney Plaza <
    'I rested. scattereth and yet increaseth; and sorrow not even as others which It points us'! to a land of rest Diet.u. 1
    is as good attend feast Hotel oooned. Hat July 1 4 131\
    to a
    ol1he quarter went to Jerusalem there Is that wltholdeth more thanIs have no hope." 1 Thess. 4:13.: Where saints with Christ will Iterelpt' during, month 20 It: 1
    could find: and to deliver a collection be had Warranta during
    :JeW M we Enamles from meet, but it tendeth to poverty. 8. Unto what has the resurrection reign; \ ilnrlnn month 41)2.21) .
    Lesson made for the poor. of Christ ? "Ble Where we shall meet the loved of'
    Summary of Proverbs 11; 24.December. begotten us 8- liut. Mo. 3 ..
    Goes to Europe, Asia raised on outcry against him 27 ed, be the God and Father of our earth, Ov..rIr'nrtUM'. I, III.II 7(10.St(
    : Paul been killed but ItecenplH" daring month 2'l.pil! A
    Topic and he would have
    PhUlppi. In Troas Love Defrauds Not Owe no Lord Jesus Christ, which accordingto And never part again. DR. R. W. MARTINDENTIST 1 Warrant' during month HNSOverdraft
    ; I
    : Trolls for the presence of a Roman officer 1 Hrpt 1 1. 1931 679.41It.
    of a man In but to love one another His abundant mercy hath be- .
    saW a vision with soldiers. man any thing, *,". ,%.p, :1:
    calling for help. HeZely Thou shalt not steal. Thou gotten us again unto a lively hope PRESBYTERIANServices I 11 "'

    decided to cross toe. VIII. Topic: Paul's Ministry in shalt not covet. Thou shalt love by the resurrection of Jesus Christ Phone 33 Hours: 9 to 5 I Hnl. Beiit. 1 ID27IH

    A fully surrendered work- Rome.. After being In prison two' thy neighbor as thyself.-Romans from the dead." 1 Peter 1:3.: Sunday, December 27, Over Corpenlng's Drug Store Ol.t.. .No. 4

    Paul appealedhis nnl. Auir. I IKecHpta 5aJ:
    for in Caesarea,
    11 I find a divine leaclrship years I 13: 8, 9., 9. What is the Chilstian's hope as follows: durlnir month 4.24
    case to Caesar. In Rome he was called? "Looking for that blessed Warrant
    December 28
    ..rk.. 10 a. m. Sunday school, J. M. .__._ .
    to live where he could Kept I S37.4
    I Topic: Paul in Jail. Place: A Much Needed Prayer Createin hope and the glorious appearing of Truby, eupt. l>l... Mo. 0 4

    Ipi;.Paul healed a young wom- receive the people and preach to. me a clean heart, ,O God; ,and the great God and our,Savior Jesus 11 a. m. Morning worship, sermon TRAIN SCHEDULE Overdraft Auir. I __. 147*71.
    them. Many accepted the gospel, I Hecelpt ""rlnlmonth 411 !24
    I demon-possession. Her mas- renew a right spirit within me.- Christ Titus 2:13.: by the pastor. Warranta durlnir month 43.10

    Ihad Paul arrested on charges some even in Caesar's household. I Psalm 51: 10. 10. At what time did Paul ex- 6:30: p. m. Christian Endeavor Southbound Overdraft, her" I 1080.64flit.

    lorklnfr! against the governAs IX. Topic, A slave Made a I December 29 pect to realize his hope? 'Hence Topic, Should We Learn from the No. 1, southbound, local due Auir t .._..._No._ .innl. 310.M 9

    Paul and Silas prayed Brother One of pours converts! in Speak the Good Word-Heaviness forth there is laid up for me a Experiences: of Others ? Why? Starke 10.37 p. m, ItnrelptH,, durlnir "month l.HI

    ag in prison the doors were Rome was Oneslmus, a slave who I la: the heart of man maketh crown of righteousness, which the Leader, Beatrice Bull en. Starke No. :11 11.22, southbound, local due Hal.Warrant Hrpl., during I .__month. 317Daflint.

    an earthquake and all had escaped from his master.Paul's b' word Lord the righteous Judge, shall 7:30 m. Evening worship, a. m. No. I'tO.rdl'llrt
    d it gpod mafreth song
    by stoop; j p.
    No. 107 southbound limited due .
    : :AUK.! IItiicrlpla 492 U
    him back to his "
    at that and not to
    were loosed. The Jailer'srslon sending it glad.-Prove It 12: 25. 'give me day: and sermon. Starke durlnK "monthWarianta 140
    followed. Greed has al- master has given us the letter. to [me only but unto all them also Prayer meeting Wednesday at 10.:44: a. m. 11I'lnllIIullth 8 nit
    ". December SO No.3. southbound limited, due Overdfrat. Sept, 1 4G6.HItl.
    of the gospel that love His appearing 2 Tim.
    been an enemy The Golden Rule As ye would 7:30 p. m. Starke 7:34 ... No. 1Orial. ,
    : a. m.
    gospel workers. But the gos- X. Topic: Paul's Last Years 4:8.: A cordial invitation to all our AliIt ._ 74.14
    that men should do to you do ye NorthboundNo. ItccelplH' durlnir month 122.41)
    compromise with Released from the Imprisonment In 11., What will this hope lead one
    never services extended to all.
    ;an also to them.-Luke 6): 31. 2 northbound local due Warrant durlnir month 81)
    atter bow much the gospelnger Rome, Paul spent a very few years to do? "And every man that hath Hal. Hept. I 187.94
    for his In Macedonia December 81 4 Starke 6:10: a. m. ui.t.. '\I.., ii
    must suffer evangelizing Crete this hope In him, purifieth himself,
    ? A Sure Guide Commit St. Petersburg Orange Bllos- No. 12 northbound local, due Overdraft AUK. I. 87.H '
    Asia Minor and Greece. "
    gnus preaching.Topic During even as He Is pure. 1 John 3:3.: Itncelpt durlnir month 7.99 4
    New this period he wrote the Epistle to way unto the Lord; trust also in 12. What does the prophet Jere- som Cafeteria, Inc., capitalized at Starke 3:11: p. m. W'II'r'LI" during; ,month I ,
    : Evangelizing Him and he shall bring it to $15,000, granted charter of Incor No. 108 northbound limited, due Overdraft, 1"1.1. I I. 70.2. a
    Titus. His last letter was written ; pass. miah is for
    Place: Theasalonica; Berea. say a good thing a man ilia. No. ft:
    i Paul preached to'Timothy after the was again Rest In the Lord, and wait patiently to do? "It Is good that a man poration. Starke 5:27: p. m. Overdraft AUK. 1 ._.. 11694lteclpls
    bessalonica, .
    for him. Psalm 37 5 7. State highway department No.4. northbound limited, due durlnK month 411:1( :
    : open.
    with great success. Some imprisoned In Rome. He was beheaded should both hope and quietly waitor Warrant durlnK month 2'I.a
    y Nero for his loyalty to ed bids on construction of approxi Starke 0.06: p. m. Overdraft, Hnpt.: I 1'3,36
    of stir- the salvation of the Lord.1 Lam. "
    !levers because eny, ,.
    SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST mately 12 miles of Florida lime Stnrkn and W mince. Branch IU l\ o. 15
    lip a mob against Paul, and the Jesus. 3:26.: Overdraft Au,.. 1 _.
    rock base on Road No. 22 in Orange No 102 arrives 2:40: m. month .
    XI. Topic: A Vision of theGlorified p. .. during
    sent him to Berea. : 13. What Is. said of the hope of
    tians away "Search the scriptures: for In county between Orlando and No. 102 102 arrives 2:40: p. m. WIII'I'IIIII"II.'h'
    Savior On the Island of
    e i enemies from Thessalonlca the hypocrite "So are the pathsof Overdiaft.. durlnK 'monlh' Ut.Ht
    them think ye have eternal life. Winter Garden. T. J. Griffin, Agent. .
    Patmos John was given a vision of ye III.' rim! .11nv..rllrRtt
    trouble and Paul left for all who forget God; and the
    e .. .. 218.111
    Sabbath school at Mr. Cribb'sRoad AUK. 1
    n3. Great opposition maybe Christ and was assured "I am "he hypocrite's hope shall perish: -- -- IliTiilptH, durlnar month, e.0
    that llveth." John was given messages ( 28) Saturday at 10 o'clocka. WarrautH ilurlnK month I..iH'
    ason for moving to another whose hope shall be cut off and __
    m. .r I Overdraft, H.M,>!. I 1._ 211.36IIs6
    I, but It Is never a reason forg from Christ to churches whose trust shall be a spider's Nn. 11nv.rllrntl
    Bible study at'Mr. Adam Green'shome .usII
    in Asia Minor. AUI(. 1Hocnlyln 101
    [ the work. web. Job 8J13: 14.
    up .M"
    on Wednesday evening at I / duilnic month
    XII. The Gift of the
    Topic: 14. What condition NOTICE tI.UUv..rll.rt
    is the of one month
    Topic: Christianity in Cor- Wurranta durlnK
    Savior. Jesus' coming to earth and 7:30. All welcome. Subject for whose hope is In God? "Happy is Hi""t. I .. 1H.90Hll
    Paul stopped In Athens butd I .
    study Dec. 30, Hope. l>/ No. IAHal.
    to Corinth. A dying on the cross was for the pur- the man that hath the God of Jacob .., \. AUK 1 .f)0)
    quickly on '- -
    pose of becoming a Savior for men. 1. What Is the relation between for his help,. whose hope is In the TO ALL PERSONS, FIRMS OR CORPORATIONS KecHptM durlnir monlhWaintntx 104.\III)
    I; many were converted here 9.UI41H.U
    faith and hope "How faith'ls'the ilnilnif ,mouth
    His life and death were the meas- '
    Lord his God. Pa. 146:9. "Blessed :
    ng the chief ruler of tbe : Overdraft, Hpt I
    gag An insurrection was made ure of God's love for us. substance of things hoped for" the ia the man that trusteth In the indebted to the DeAVitt Jones Hardware Store, of 1IK1T; : HINKIM(3 I"I'\U';
    evidence of things not seen. Heb. No. a
    ost Paul by angry Jews, but a Golden Texts: II:i. Lord and whose hope the Lord is." Starke, Fla., will hereafter make all payments due on JIll I. Auir 1 20117)14
    Go therefore and teach all lll.'I.US\ : \
    ye Job 17:7.: HII"I'"'l' month
    dly governor refused to taken nations 2. Why were the scriptures writ- accounts to the Bradford Hardware Company of Starke, Warrants durlntt month,
    i against him or his teach- ; 15.. In what may the child of sat Rent I, ___ 2280.CD!
    A strong church was estab-. Rejoice in the Lord alway: and ten? "For whatsoever.things were God abound? "Now the God of Florida, purchasers of nil assets, merchandise and accounts ItUt., 1... 1M
    written aforetime were written for Overdraft Au/- 81020
    1 again I say rejoice; our learning, that we through pa- hope fill you with all joy and peacein receivable of the aforesaid DeWitt C. Jones ttntelpta durlnK monlh 10116,75
    Open thou mine eyes, that I may that aboundin Warrant ,h.rill II' month
    Topic: The Progress of Tem- tience and comfort of the believing, you may _. .. 216.53II.Irlct :
    behold wondrous things out of thy scrip- nope, through the of the Hardware Store, purchased through the U. S. Bank Hal. "Hept.' I "
    power No. 3:1:
    ice Reform. Paul writes to the tures might have Rom.
    hope. .
    law; Holy Ghost. Rom. 15:13.: ruptcy Court December 5, 1931. Hal. A UIJ. I 10,351)),,4t
    !!, urging them to malnl 15:4.: monlh
    ptlaaj durlnK r.0r..34
    Now abldeth faith Itecelpl"
    hope, charity, 16. In what do Christians rejoice -
    Warrant during. month 1660.0431st.
    l their liberty against certain these three; but the greatest of 3. Why should God' wonderful ? "By whom also we have access I. Hit.| I ._. . .. _- .-. !l311.UI
    wing teachers, but warns themt these Is charity; works be rehearsed to the children lieieby rertlfy that the foreco-
    t t becoming lawless in ? "We will not hide them from by faith Into this grace wherein Bradford Hardware Company InK itatement, showing balance at
    any Be not drunk with wine wherein ef
    we stand and rejoice in hope of the bewlnnlnv and at the ending
    uc t Acting from the motive Is excess; but be filled with the their children, showing to the generation -i the glory of -Cod." Rom. 5:2. the month herein above .atated and
    ve conserves the Interests of to come the praises of the OWNERS of .the receipt and warrant. luel :
    Spirit; I' 17. What will prevent us being during aald month, correspond with
    P.ThU motive would never favor Have no fellowship with the un-j Lord, and His strength and Ills put to shame ? "And maketh the record of my 011""''". and I is true
    wonderful works that He hath I I and correct to the beat of my knowledge -
    and belief. I also certify. \ that
    = _.
    _. :
    --------- == --- -- the following ,la a tint. oc all eoumrdepoultorlea
    ; showing the balance In

    . THE MAIN\ THING ON MAIN STREET' By L. F. Van ZelnT"iuzz each In eourlty first at tha stated by clone each, and of such the the month deponlta amount he

    a and amount ot Interact paid or or
    Ited during said month by each ..

    rttitJ 1 MQ, e4A RY e4ATCN (ER 1)uQN TOOTIN' HATCM'oS oCt BuzZ NVAdOHSAN' : dally depository balance on or account time deposit of eurp,...
    hand this 81 day of
    RATTLING Witness my
    MAJc:1iI; A
    LOT UH
    A .
    /SA MABBY (OU'QEA 11)31.)
    : W70DUCT2 BUTTefl NAl1fMAKING > .hal
    / LCfT OH NILE YOU Vr/Arr--Also DENT- BUTTER. (IPdKEtY A. J. aniriria.

    RMEMOST NEwSpAptQ: ( MONE'* OUTTAI THAT AL WORK & JAZ ORCHt 7 'fAN oHT ii' HUG 't; County Mupterlntendent.'

    I FLIVVER UM vouorij 91ts'1'elt'N: HH.H

    FLIVVER CHURNS \ AIW'T fA 2fQFHSUTTr /r t pI Hereby notice I I. Klven that under
    and by virtue' of llmt certain' final
    MILK INTO BUTTER lw'ree of forecluaura inudn liv A. Z.
    A ilk Inn. Judge of the Twenty-Hlxtli
    / r MEEK iudlrlni flrciilt/ of Florldu., In anil for
    tU / z / R & of'* Hrudford county Fl'trMii, In r'han
    MAN MATCH FOUND J IttliiK. oi> the 27lh Nuvemher -
    IT HDBe Fog ?ALE I t fi 1 SATURDAYS i eery A. I it ;lll.ll. 1 In favor: orf Federal
    PROFITABLE TJW8 > SHAKES GUT r..*nd Hank of Columbia' a corporation -
    USE FUVVEB Kilt 1 rPo / at complainant' ....
    / rat Team FfiR'n aKalnit' W. N. Saline, widower .t
    M41CIr/d' / eurrea TMAHT&. Doc MOLAQ.I al/, a. defendant.
    156 The Raid upei-lnl I master will offer
    rr FORT /
    tfeuckir of the rourthouneduor
    .Atet. for *al I* In front
    lie wo* HBnet Tr4E In Ntarke. Florida. durlnK the
    OIJ legal hour of eat", between the
    I !.u. 41aJigJ1 E .Tb hour of eleven a m. and two p m.on .
    DO Q4'AMLY i- Monday the 4th dav of January,
    COZEN A. L>. IDJII: to the hlKheat and beet
    wra.. $vt4E ,1 CAH bidder for cash, the fnllowlna: decrlbed >
    -. properly situated In ilr.4..
    .0'f. ford county. Florida, to-wll: j
    North Half( of Houthweet; quarter

    .. .. Lids,2_ and 8outhwem Quarter of Northwest -
    Quarter (except 1 acre In
    J Northweet Corner used 'a'* cemetery>)>
    all of the above belnaIn Hecuon
    Thirty (30 lownehlu. .1.' It) Uouth
    Hanve Twenty.two Kant: coatalnlnir -
    III acre more or !.....
    J22THY DARNIT Ti By Charles McManus Also South Half of tot One (I II
    C i of aectlon Twenty-five (IS) Town.
    hip m* (.)South. nance Twenty-
    II ii i "T on. (It) East Inclndlnif I acre in
    YOU'LL Northwest corner of ald lot. known
    OP MOTGE.TOOT HELLO CENTRAL T77 WHAT* THEI :i aa old Crosby Lake LondluiO con-
    MERE:* \E! I Calnlnff 1* acre more or lees

    So TO MAKE UP You M 'V IN A, FIRE IS ALARM oN FIRE THIS I DC ARK otrr GET READY Ainu of all Houtheait fraction Quarter Northeael of Se.II .- .

    TAV ''N.I WILL MOUSE J LL1I TO PLAY quarter. ) ". ( Twenty tpIi*
    UM t .
    LOCK WOT J I ) South Kance on
    THe. POOR. niJ\-n.YM _Ca.t. containingll'17KA acre,

    ** ff V - ''M COMIWf. ] more n.arlD or al I...the. Southeast Corner otNorthweat

    OUT { quarter i>f Northwest
    quarter of section 10 Township 0 IIRan. .
    .. It B, and run North on the
    Ii:..., Iloundary of. said. "forty" U'
    I II .. of ranal; then*

    !. In hr'Northwesterly;measurement; ; dlrecllun betna at tu a right feet

    ancle wltti nakd. canal: thence south
    POR.'I Went parallel with and
    3* dxrreea
    ....Id 6U tech
    I them South BO feeteln a *tak.
    standing 10 feel North ..f sold canal -
    : thence South 14 West
    parallel' with and 10 feet from paid.
    44 de.from
    canal IU feet) thence South
    e Went parallel with and 10 feel
    feet, th..o.tlouth .
    eald canal 120
    ii: 10 feet to a point where South
    Boundary of aald Northwest Quarterof
    of IU-9-IJ
    Northweet Quarter
    thenoe Bait:: IKt
    r .iroeae* said canal '
    ap. feet to point of beclnnlnc/ : contain* ,
    9 Inar five and one-half acrea more or j

    I H'j.u and w'.lt"t: 'In Southeast of NortnweaCQuarter earnerof

    r of 10, Township i

    South Itange J1.IC tpERnT&tAN ;
    .l -
    Bpeulal 3laatse.E. .

    i ; .-..... -.-:..-';nylprrbn C'WlRLr'MNJ"'S" -t_ : .Solicitor)I. JOHN for, Complainant.ut.III1w .

    .. .
    -- -- S - -

    ytilit' wr I

    5A! t II/h./ .. ..,drft, u' . '; -.'_ '.' ...., u"'41n441M. ,..,' 4G'1 3a':4hm" e !111C 7:. 0( , ,'''yy} f

    '''''' ''''_' JJ .. __ _._ .....,__..._ ; "''a M.u Iu a,41 ', oc "r"" ,.> ".......mvw.Mnnwk? ?
    :: :"-- "-. ,. , ,_ --... ...,."".. -, .. MAW 4A .
    .' '' ____ ......w. .,. ,
    :: }'j' '" 0<.'J..I; : ,. '! ': I .. ,., &;.4.k !fi\i 1* ; 'lfi '," '' '''''' "' ; .
    r'I'I '
    i. c. :' \ : r:>"'1r< """ '\ nTO""*"iPAGB < < ": 1" '' 1'1'' '' '" "\ ; ,.1 I " I.. .. ., .

    \ .
    ) 1\
    I' ; I ,, ,:' :
    '1\: \" ,('
    'r' '
    '1.,(, ._-EIGHT------- -- --__,_..=;;, .c"''' ='___BRADFORD__'' __-COUNTY- > _- ____ __ __'_, '__,__r_....>..._'-T :FRIDAY- D'I'- : ..."'._
    + ,.. ,,.. H' _., not----------------------1 clear who started the shooting I years Florida win have represen-j I Mlamf Beach -. honey ,Plaza I ---- !I,
    Bradford County Telegraph affray; that the element of a plan- tation on the great Hotel oooned. 0.-, ,,-,
    | From Other Pens I ned or premeditated murder Is absent -i Harbors Committee of the House, State highway department"open ---.......
    ? Established 1877 ; thivt; one jpty tried Buchanan i this honor having fallen to Representative ed bids on construction of approxi-
    ... _i._ ".in..! ... 0, for the murder: of one victim and Thomas A. Yon, of the mately 12 miles of Florida lime ATLAS
    l ttii Published Weekly on Fridays and Entered as Second Class head found him guilt. ''of murder with a. third district. The last Florida rock base on Road No. 22 In Or-
    A in. put on a man and spin ,L recommendation for mercy, which congressman on this committeewas ange county between Orlando and I
    Matter at the Post Office at Starke, Florida for the same purpose-to know fixed his sentence at life Imprisonment the late Stephen: Sparkman Winter Garden. Tile
    when and where to stop.-Starke, ; that ajjecond, Jury, under of Tampa, through whose efforts Standard ap

    ?t E. S. Matthews _ _. _ ___ __ ________ __ Owner and Publisher Telegraph. And the pin-head seem I the same! state of facts, found him large appropriations were securedfor Tire

    f F J. C. Robinson __. __ ._ _.._,. ._____ ---__ Managing: Editor, to be the. most effectlve.BronsolJJournal. I guilty of murder in the first degree I Florida waterways.Mr. I GUarllllteti
    i without a recommendation for Yon rightly sought appoint-
    'a -0--- mercy, thereby inflicting the dea.thI I ment to this important committee YearN
    SUBSCRIPTION RATE The word "sweetheart" has be I penalty. One Jury said he should because of the special Interests of
    in use for over 700 years and la I be electrocuted, the other Jury said i Florida along lines of navigation. What\ A Guess' ..NNeNMIFrigiJajr
    ,,1 Yearly, $1.50; Six Months 75c-Payable In Advance. still very much in demand. he should 'nM be, although the Heretofore rated as an "exclusive ,
    Advertising Rates on Application Starke Telegraph. But it don'tmean facts, and, the motives were the committee" (meaning that a mem" .I
    aa much as it used to.- same. If It be considered that a ber of It may not serve on any oth-
    Bronson Journal. jury of twenty-four men had the er committee) it was the act of the
    ----o---- case under consideration then we party caucus that it be removed "
    A Merry Merry Christmas. Get the family to buy the car a would have a hung Jury on the from this class because of its Timt'H It-lust Saturday was' the threeyearp
    { ; >v o nice, new tag instead of a necktiefor question of punishment We know, broadened membership scope
    1 ": After the holidays the candidates. yourself.-Bradford County at least, that one Jury refused the Congressman Yon was also ,iirlna Saturday at the anted electriC'frit
    , Telegraph. Can it be possible the death penalty, which is sufficient i placed on the Census Committeeand Checkerboard Store, featuring
    -P- gentlemen thinks we wear $13: to cause one to inquire which Jury given ranking position on the era
    y The biggest and best Christmas gift-happiness. neckties?Perry News was right, and in the absence of a Public Lands Committee, one of specials on feed, and a tor'I
    \ 0 ---oAutomobiles -- better light than humane and his old assignments.
    gupBHlng contest Who made I
    'r are blamed for our merciful Impulses the writer would Representative "Lex" Green, of For
    A smile costs nothing, yet it means a lot at times.
    wild life and now they are accusedof resolve the-, doubt fn .favor of the the second district, in addition to the guess! Congratulations, solely
    .---o '- killing off our wild life.-Starke verdict "of tile first' 'Jury; and In his old committees, was assignedto
    Platform builders should have plenty of work'next year. Telegraph, Yes. You have heard favor of"Rrr"weree" ) a memberof the very important committee 'Mrs.; W. :.. Das, Waldo, Fla.

    r --o of giving a fellow enough rope, the pardon board. on Public Buildings and Grounds. winner of one sack of Smith's'Station Son
    etc., haven't you? Bronson While the writer;; would not vote This was Frank Clark's "big com- egg
    Dentists borrowed the phrase "painless extraction" from Journal. to abolish' capital" punishment, if mittee," and it has been Mr. :chowder. .Watch for another

    }, the gold diggers; -0- a Juror he would certainly not vote Green's special ambition to suc- '
    to: inflict it except instances where ceed his predecessor In this place, ,Purina Saturday at the
    o A man living in a house built of
    the: crime was planned and pre- which means much to those FlorIda 'I
    t Following Christmas so closely this week-end is likely to wine bricks would have to be full mediated We should never send towns desiring governmen'buildings. Checkerboard Store.
    t splrlt.-Starke Telegraph. He'dsoon
    than usual. to death for homicide Starke Fk
    be weaker a man a
    be full of spirit if he failed to
    committeed under the of Herbert J. Drane I ,.
    .. o heed the cautions on the card accompanying impulse Representative -- ,
    great fear, excitement or spontaneous retains his membership on the J --
    Ill Candidates would like to be as popular with the voters as Tribune. the brick.-Umatllla emotion. Committee on Naval Affairs, while -

    , candy dates are with the flappers. If punishment is the supreme end Representative Ruth Bryan Owen
    , -0- of the law, then surely in Buchanan's remains on the Committee on For-
    o "Get the to buy the cara ;
    family casa that end has been met, eign Relations-"exclusive committees -
    Christmas will be this if wine nice new tag instead of necktie d
    1 ? complete year we get a a because for?years he has lingered ." j
    : brick instead of the ordinary clay one.' : for dad," says the Starke (Fla.) In the shadow of the death chair --0- STATIONXMAS
    Ij, Telegraph. Don't worry, brother; and four times has he been placedIn
    o they'll see that the car has a tag Bradenton Site selected for
    the death chamber under an
    The Democrats had 3-cent letter postage in time of war whether dad has the tie or not- executive warrant for his dismem $155,000 post office located at ..
    Hlllyard (Wash) News. northwest corner of Manatee and
    h The Republicans want it in time of peace. berment. Probably by this time he
    Ninth streets.
    ---o- can ask: oo" Please Stand By,
    0R' The man who marries is fool
    a Bradenton J. W. Stevens con
    "Ohl! Deattnwhere Is thy sting. for want to
    The only war this country should be interested in is.a and the man who does not Is a Oh 1.! Grave where Is thy victory," structing building at corner of 9th we
    1 price war between rival gas companies. .i greater one.-Apopka Chief. Meaning **, fc-, and 10th avenue, to be occupied by "Merry Christmas!"
    he is just a natural born fool, Carmlchal's George Smoke House.
    o anyway?-Bradford County Tele- Committee Assignments Bradenton -$155,000 post office
    -' . k: Iowa physician says he will answer calls at night only graph., You guessed it, but please (Palatka,,Tlmes-Herald.- building to be erected in this city.
    < "> ;' when they come from responsible parties. don't tell the wife.-Apopka Chief. With they Democrats again in Miami Beach Village Grill opened W. ANDREWS
    , -----aOperators for business.
    control of the house of representatives -
    0 _, of the "Blue Heaven" ApopkaWilliam Edwards Ho-
    we are pleased to note that
    When a woman calls her husband a shrimp she doesn't filling station at Inverness drew a norlda's represenativea in the line tel formally opened.
    '' little tabasco would two-year sentence for selling llqlor. of committee have
    1 mean a improve his taste. assignments Leesburg-Howey golf course
    That sentence is an assurance I been well taken care of by the opened.
    if. -0 their customers will not have any Democratic Committee Committees Brooksvllle Victory'Theatre
    on Phone STEAM PRESSING CO. Suits
    If promises could elect a man most candidates would more blues for two yearsmaybe.Starke ,I and the Democratic caucus reopened for business. .
    X11 i be in office before date of the first primary.o Telegraph. Maybe ISI l which ratified the selections.For Eustis Poultry Show held 52 J. Frank Thoman, Prop. Cleaned!
    ... right. When one closes two othersopen the first time in fourteen short time ago. FELT HATS Cleaned and Blocked Reshaped
    o -
    up for businessInvernessCbronicle. I .. ., . ..
    --- -
    -- - -- -- -- ----- - --
    t i something to your town. Don't let your obituary bet ::

    your greatest contribution to the community.o --o- .. . .. .. -:- = .. -- ..
    --- -- --- -
    With last of the Princess Eu-
    genies going at two bits, they have
    Tarpon Springs Leader says that while all women are '' almost reached their, full market'

    beautiful some talk less while playing bridge. 'I' value.-Starke Telegraph. Small
    hats all right, if the ladles like J ATTENTION !
    them, but to our somewhat ac-
    fr Headlines says "Levy constable gets two years in. liquor curate opinion, the dear things e
    l case" That's almost! as bad as two years in a cell. never looked so sweet, as when

    t' 0i they Merry were wearing Widow hats.ClermontPress. those big, floppy I ':The Bradford Hardware Co., formerly owned and operated for many years by

    i j $ An emergency operation is one that requires action before -i .

    +r the patient's financial standing can be ascertained I ------o- I

    o be Among found where the news some of truck each day figuredIn can The DeWitt C. Jones Hardware Store

    The national bridge contest has been going ,'on long a highway accident with moreor .

    t; enough for amateurs to discover it's no disgrace to go set less Starke damage-to the passenger I wishes to thank you good people of Starke and adjacent towns for your response toour'
    car.- Telegraph. But at
    o- i -
    that the fact that we had to get I
    i If the billions of dollars loaned to foreign countries had entirely off the pavement the oth-
    been put to work in this country matters would be different er day to keep a fine new passen- I
    ger car from spoiling its pretty
    + today.
    l looks on our flivver, leads us to
    0 believe that sometimes the passen- BIG SACRIFICE SALEwhich

    a ,'. The only difference between Fourth of July and Christ ger son cars Journal may be to blame.-Bron-
    , mas this year in Florida will be 'a few marks on the. ther- -0-
    mometer. Stale news for stale
    eggs. Says
    _ -0 Bradford County Telegraph, 'Bron is still going on. Our entire stock is of) first quality nationally advertised merchandise
    ti Following theft of his extra pair of pants, ,the Sebring son scriptions Journal, but will warns take they eggs must on sub-be consisting of Hardware, Cutlery, Athletic Goods, House Furnishings, Kitchen

    ANews editor issued a touching appeal to officers to not shoot fresh. A month-old paper for a Utensils, Farm Implements, Paints and many other articles too numerous too mention.

    suspected criminals below the waist line. trade.month-old-St. egg Petersburg would be Independent a fair- ''Folks! We need the room for new stock-:,Come and get some of these BARGAINS.

    o The unklndest cut of all. I Below we have listed a few of the many bargains of which we. have limited quantities.First .
    4 Until the taxpayers think they are ready to shoulder the Child's paper you insinuate Is "stale"that?-Frost Royal Come-First Served.

    tax bills now paid by the railroads, they should give some proof Highland News. Thanks, Ma
    thought to the needs of our railway lines. Ruiil, fur those words. You must I II SPECIALSBull
    + be our friend even if the rest of
    a 'em are poking fun at us and our ,

    4 Some people think editors are the world's champion liars, eggs.-Bronson-Journal.. Dog Clothes Pins _______...,____ 6c Electric Iron Cords ...-------- 49c

    ,, but they forget there is another tribe of writers who do their To---My Creditors o'' Ice Tea Glasses, tall thin __________ 6c Mortise-Inside Door Sets ..,..-- 49c j!

    stuff on tombstones instead of typewriters. The following-Which might bea Aluminum Pots and Pans _____, _-__ 9c Garden Rakes ----*..--------. 49c

    a body-was good campaign written by ditty Arthur for some-Lipp- Chair Bottoms, 25c value .:.________ 9c PLATES, 25c value, 5 for __ - 5Dc

    Official says no two governments have confidence in each.. man and appeared in the Chicago Cups and Saucers, pair __---.______ 9c SHOTGUN SHELLS -_ 63c
    y other. It seems Uncle Samuel had so much confidence in Herald and Examiner: 69c
    ELECTRIC BULBS 15c Tea Kettles good quality ..
    r other nations since the Wilson administration that he will -- -

    have to build the most powerful 'army,and navy in tale world i Dear Butcher er.Dear and Baker and Mov' Single' Trees, 35c value ______:_,-___ 19c Lowe Bros. Quick Drying Enamel I, pt. 69c 69c

    i to ever collect his money. Thinker and Tailor and i Hoe Handles, 35c value _________ 19c ,Neptunite Varnish Stains, pt. -

    ; o Maldr Combination Lawn Spray ________- 19c Slop Jars, $1.25 value -- -'- - .. 69c

    _ Tallahassee Democrat urges Tallahasseeans to do their Consider debts the that method are due of but HooverRe unpaid.In TOILET TISSUE, 6 ROLLS ____-__ 23c IMPORTED JAPANESE 'RUGS 19c

    _' Christmas shopping in Tallahassee,'and in another paragraph candor I make a confession: Bowls, good quality _____________ 23c Perfection'Stove',Wicks, 3 for .. ---- 79c
    k says: "Write friends and relatives in the,dountry and neigh; I'm virtually bankrupt, I fear. WATER GLASSES PER DOZ. .
    Oh, help me to end my depression! ___ 29c Pitch Forks, $1.50 ,"value --- - X
    ;7' boring towns to come to Tallahassee to do their Christmas Oh, cancel my debts for a year! Granite Ware Pots .
    ______________ 29c $4.00 Spaulding Baseball Suits .

    shopping. Rather inconsistent.u- ,>1', A.system that all social layers. BROOMS, HEAVY 4-STRING __....,_ 29c Hames,'$1.75 value _,_.---...--- 9&

    Endorse as deserving* a break Universal Pocket Knives __________ 39c Lanterns, $1.75 value ..... $129
    Cocoa Tribune tells of the government buying matches Should certainly go with purveyors --- $1'69
    from the lowest bidder, the successful bidder in this case Of strudel and porterhouse steak. 12 BARS TOILET SOAP ________ 39c Children's Chairs; $'3.50 value g9

    being Russia, and is of the opinion that the government could The doldrums lift from of dark my soul desolationYou'll when I Pilot Hack Saw Frames _.____y..____ 39c Leather Horse Collar, $4.50. value v-'

    _ at least buy from_its own citizens. From recent election results hear Coffee Pots, largesize ---_____.____ 39C Men's Hunting Coats, $7.50 value $6'65;

    in high and low places i would seem that the taxpayers You say with: the Head of The Nation i Dish Pans, large size - -_.___._ ____ 39c' Planet Jr. Hand Plow .. ... ..

    next year are going to put a stop to the Republicans playing "Your debts are deferred for .a I ALABASTINE, ALL COLORS ___ 49c. No. A 39c:

    ,Santa Claus,to other countries, at their expense. year!" jl 1 gal. Galvanized 49c:
    -o--- -------... 33c No. 0
    o Oh! Death Where Is Thy Sting jlOIL 2 gal. ---- ..r. 49c No. 1 59c:
    If newspaper reports so far of the plays in the Culbert- (Tallahassee Dally Democrat.) I GA'NS 3 --- 69'
    The fight that the attorneys for gal. _____ ___ 59C Tubs No. 2
    r son-Lenz bridge tournament could be boiled down to one rule -
    .1 r. W Buchanan have been making 5 gal. _...__...__ 69c No. 3 .
    it would not be a hard and fast one, or one found in the "sys to save their client from the electric --

    __ tern" of either one of the experts. Both are guilty, like ordinary chair seems to have awakened U FORMERLY
    considerable sentiment for the THE DeWITT STORE
    4w bridge players, of forgetting that a system exists'and commutation of his sentence. C. JONES HARDWARE

    using their heads in bidding and playing-and the'"expert" It Is argued by those entertaln- STARKE ,/
    that stays in the lead is the one that gets the best layout of nf this view that although Buchanan FLORIDA
    cards. killed two men that It was
    really one set; or deed; that It Is LIR -:

    : ..rtv .
