1.I". _______________________________
(J\Itr !. I
-e-Coj---- I ithfuth
' .\ POD Wished 1877
: : Subscription-For Year, $1.50; Six Months, 75c-Payable in Advance
>ec 26.grolVlnr. :lIE FlFTY-TlIREE TT E. Matthews, Owner and Publisher t
.:. STARKE. li'J..ORUJA. FIUD.NUARr 9. 1031 -. .- - -
8 'rot' 4 j' NUMBER ThIRTY
truck School SELLING WOODMEN t, .
ts and Consolidate ,
'Jured,btt V'y There will be lots of people INSTALLATION.. MEETInstallation FOR G. Schell of Lake Butler -
' all 'If' eating strawberry ice cream DIM of the old-time residents To Stage Fight
r during the weeks of that section .
cental< With S tar k coming was a
'en. III e that will be extra good visitor to Starke Friday and
Woodmen Officers
was lit cream and in case they wonder All Friends Camp No. 138 and Matthews Elected 1931 FORECAST dropped In for a few minutes' For Quick Action
report,I over the exquisite flavorIt The Woodmen Circle A Rail Body Chairman, chat with the Telegraph
\t L will be caused the Fore- force. Mr. Puhell was
Fort 1 I Board Organizes By ElectIng by Gala Evrnt. super. _
* per ct Officers for Next most Creamery Company Unfounded, Rumors Illumed for Intendent of schools years -
hat It t Two Yearsrd using pure Bradford county Reugln Of Sarasota Tukes I'ltu-e Cloning of Really Sound ago before: Bradford was divided \VII1 Ask for Definite Decision'! On _ _
, caUsed strawberry Juice for flavor- The Woman's Club of Starke As Member of Group. Institution. and Union county Important Project
(rostp r met Jan. 5, in regularn ing. One hundred gallons cf was a scene of beauty on Friday -- foraied from Its western territory -
", Cle< & with all members present strawberry Juice was sold night for the Installation of Woodmen With re-organization to Include New York Jan ".Rome C. and la equally well Palatka, Jan. 3.Putnam coun- _ _
d ve'7' t : A. B. Surrency Jas. T. this week to the Jacksonville and Woodmen Circle officers. the newly appointed commissioner,, Stephenson president of the American known here. The writer made' at ty the Palatka will be represented
y ana H. D. May. company for use in making The hall was decorated with L. D. Reagin of Sarasota the state I Bankers' Association said hi the acquaintance of Mr. the annual budget meeting of
lutes of last meetings read ice cream, according to Miss Florida graceful pine with bowlsof railroad commission ret Friday of a statement today that "We will Schell some 23 years ago state road department by an,
paper white narcissi at each of. last week in Tallahassee and have the when he Imposing delegation, according to
Bills for the month Pearl ..Jordan home demonstration : elect'' strongest banking situation was trying to hold
ficers station and large baskets ed Eugene S. Matthews, of Starke we have down his first 'real plans matured by John W. Camp.
Ce.I audited and paid. agent and the juice ,, ever enjoyed and one job" on bell
of Sampson was conserved by Miss Rosa graced the stage where the council as chairman to succeed A* S. Welts, worthy of the highest confidence of a newspaper at Alachua, the executive vice president of
patrons City Moore and commander of All Friends Camp deceased. Mrs. Mamie'Eaton Green all our then a booming cotton town ,. highway No 23 Association. :
met the board and asked R, Starling of the I people" as a result of the ,
I The
Heilbronn section. No. 138. and the guardian of Is the other member of the com elimination of "undeniable weak and Mr. Schell was running meeting will be held at Tal
they be permitted to consoli- -. Starke Grove No. 278 the masterof mission. nessesa" in the one of the two lahassee on January 14, and will
country's banking newspapers
with, Hampton. or Starke -- . ceremonies, Mr..Geo. M. Inman Commissioner Matthews, Starke structure In i<<;uo." Mr. Stephenson In Lake Butler at that time. follow the usual routine of the alphabetical _ _
I. / the speakers,' Col. D. E, Knight, banker and newspaper publisher, asserted tbat moat of the closed +--- --_ ---+ call of counties and the
J all the qualified electors were I Congressman: Rj "J,. Green was fixing of the budget for the .
> and appointed In February, 1924, banks will pay In full or large present
\] part
few who sick
tnt, save a were other year.At ,
distinguished by Gov.
guests of the Cary Hardee
I Ierwlse COMMISSIONRESI succeed A. so that the amount lout would be
Fa kept away they asked Starke W. O. W. and Woodmen Campbell of Chipley. He was re- reduced and' that "Despite the WALDO COUPLE. this meeting the road department
vote be taken to determine Circle seats. elected will determine whether _
occupied without _
I opposition for a prominence In the
news of
place would receive the HOLD SESSIONS At 7:30: o'clock the doors of the six-year: term at the general election -: difficulties only a small fraction banking of DIE IN BLAZE It will get highway No. 28 "out of
City school.ter the budget and under "
, peon clubhouse were opened to members in November. the total banking figures af the wheels,
, those present voted the of the order and their friends, with Commissioner! Reagin occupied fected." -- or Just out of the budget or will
inder were called on by Council Commander A. J. Griffin his new office yesterday for the Asserting that It Is the Jonah Staff and Sinter, Vaiult-llii, merely let the project slide for .,,
. srs. Smith Wynn and Varnes County Officers File Reports With and Mrs. Vonda Inman In the library first time since his appointment by the end which the main public in Uurll..1 to Death ,,'hU.lIlt'f'I .. I another twelve Months It will say' _ _
j the[ result that nine favored Board for Six Month Period receiving guests. assisted by Coy Doyle E. Carlton on December of the penalty pays if unfortunate part; '\ I definitely' whether Putnam county
tke and four favored Hampton Mrs. Slnah Shiver of Jennings, and 17. He is-known throughout follow departures results ---- Is to lORe or salvage the large Bum _ _
[I the board decided to transport The board of county commissioners Mr. G. H. Bennett present council the state as a newspaperman. Mr. banking practice Mr. from Stephenson sound Jonah W. Staff, a truck farmer It Rpent in securing the rlght-of- _ __
pupils to Starke school for the met Jan. 5, In regular session commander.: Wells died alirlflAnlv Dec@mb..r_nn _17. maintained that the soundness of living two and' a half miles east of wny: and grading highway No. 28 _
lalndcr/ of term, Eston Brown At eight o'clock the after serving ten Waldo and his sister VandelU from Flurahome to Palatkavhtth ,
with all members years as a member banking and as a '
practical matter
kg given the:i'o.ontractforitrans' present ,\f.s follows degree staff dressed in white with of the rallriad! commission. of fact Is "A I Staff were burned to death shortly \ r the Short Route I I. to be
I iting 'said'pupil f"letittona : J. G. Crews, chairman Drew blue caps escorted the grove officers Prior to serving ou the railroad which the public community has problemIn to after four o'clock Sunday morning stirh In name only and whetheror
a .
were filed'calling for Reddish G. W. Hinaon. J. L. Underhill Into the Installation room in commission! he was* a' member of play as well as bankers and part when tha frame dwelling In which not It is to be extended all the
Election to consolidate the above and R. T. Osteen. an impressive manner, with Miss the state senate and"' was active in officials." government they were sleeping was totally do- way -from "the gateway to the
rlcts. Elizabeth Kendrick at the state politics., 'ntroyed by fire. Both bodies! were
Minutes piano. .r J sea.Thoii
I o further business coming be- of last meeting were At five minutes after eight Mr. I'uhlle's\ 'nt.rt".t. COIIl.I.I..1_.m. ,_ I charrt'd b4.'vond- relOll'nttlnn.0" ---0"--". who will KLA Invited to &t.. . _ _
I the board they recessed until read and approved., James Starling captain of All McLin Decrees No Dwelling at length on the relationship I). Sullivan and J. T. Lawrence tend the Tallahassee meeting and
I uary 6, 1931. The tax: assessor was requested Friends Camp No. 138 led the way of the public 'to banking neighbors who live about a pull for the completion of this
to reduce assessment on auto 1926 into the ball with his degree team More ,Tag Leniency stability, Mr. Stephenson said in half mile from the Staff home discovered thoroughfare will include the Put
:oard called to order Jan. 6, by model Buick belonging to J. H. with all officers keeping time to a --.. part: the blaze but were unable nam county delegation In the legIslature
I airman H. D. May and their orifczation Moore to $100.00. poppy march played by Mills Gus- Florida motorIsts'who continue "The function of government In "to enter the burning structure to Col. S. J. Hilburn, sena- _ __
was perfected by elect. Martha McDonald was removed sie Mae Bennett and Elizabeth to operate motor cars with 1930 license banking Is to promote and enforce rescue! the sleepers. When they arrived ., tor, and II. S. McKenzie and T. C.
I H. D. May chairman for:easu- from pauper roll she being dead. Kendrick. All were then seated and tags do so In violation of the careful banking administration on the scene the house! was amass Douglas representatives; representatives __ _
two years and naming CoL A. J, C. Box was removed from pau- the meeting called to order by dr. law and are subject to arrest, W. through the system of examinationand of flames and' the roof was of the Palatka Kiwanis, ,
I Crews as attorney for the board per roll he .having moved from the Geo. M. Inman master of ceremonies S. McLin acting motor vehicle supervision. Thin however I falling In. Rotary and Commercial club.; representatives
r ensuing year. Resolution county. and state officers of the commissioner said Monday. does not relieve the individual depositor All they could do wan to standby of the city of the
3opted authorizing the issuance I Tax assessment of Mrs. Mattie W. O. W., and the program was McLln denied he had allowed an : from the necessity of judging -I and watch the structure at H board of bond trustees and of the
{ Hampton special tax" district E. Manlre was Deduced.to $100.00 as follows: extension of time for obtaining I and choosing carefully as to his was rapidly turned to ashes. board of county commissioners
p..nds. On motion and seconded the Song';; "America," by audience. 1031 tags, saying be had merely banking relations. He must inquire Deputies front the Alnchua county and such other local citizens as are frsufficiently
( No further business the board 1 county convicts were offered to Address of Welcome A. J. Grif- I requested all law enforcement officers I- for himself into the character wherlft's office were Informed of Interested to make the
djourned to meet first Monday in Nassau county at $1.00 per month tie response by Mrs. A. C. Strick- not to arrest offending drivers and type of Institution and men the disastrous fire and Immediately trip.
[obruary. that being all that ha been offered land of Lake-' Butler' 'past- state L during the first flvey, days.,.of the he shall do business with, antis.fythgbimself Instigated' an Investigation.The In addition It Is planned to Invite _ _
k \A. J. Criffla' Secretary for them. president.. r month, so long ,as the motorists : a. "o'1h't1r: : puttfi 'bodies of the brother; and ,every town along the route
1:t imVADOES Reports of county judge, justice Piano duet by Miss Bennett and,showed a willingness to obtain new tlon. reliability and capability. later were found In adlolnlntr from Lake City to Dunnell., to Bend ......
of the npnrn. Diet. 2. lail .Inspector Miss Kendrlck. license tit a f a j. These quail tie. are .AAnHiil, tn room lying In the ashes betweenthe delegation, as well a* ueuanu, f
OPEN BASKETBALL anf borne demonstration Address on Woodcraft and the The'acting commissioner said he complete the element othi 'a'd; twisted shapes of their Iron Daytona Beach, Crescent City and ;
SEASON TODAY agent received and ordered filed. Future by Col. D. E. Knight of would not allow more time as he dependability. In any Human Insti beds. They had evidently suffocated other ,places that would benefit
The following report of receipts Starke. had no authority under the law to tution. from lack of oxygen which was from the completion of the road l _ _
(By Gary, Overstreet) and expense for last sfx monthsof Council Commander A. J. Griffin do so. Many sheriffs and other enforcement "The past year has been a severe consumed by the fire In its menacIng a* a feeder to roads already
| The Tornadoes open their baa- 1930 were received from the took charge of the installation officers In all part of: one for banking as well as all course. built. _ _
etball! season here this afternoon following county officers: G. W ceremonies Installing camp ''Offi the state have notified McLin that lines of business. Banking in some Neighbors said that the house The meeting will begin at 10.
galnst the strong team from Mac- Alderman clerk circuit court, W. cers which was carried out In a they expect to arrest offenders beginning Instances and In some localities has had always been securely locked o'clock on January 14 and num ,
enny. Under the watchful eye of J. Epperson, sheriff, Geo. A.. Gar dignified manner, Soy. Griffin as installing last Tuesday. reflected unavoidably something of and closed at night or otherwise' ber of the delegates from PsJatka., ,
cb Lovell the Tornadoes have diner, county judge, E. W. Hayes. officer. 4 the character' and conditions of the sleepers might have awakenedand wlU leave here at noon on January ,
U practicing regularly and are tax assessor, C. A. Knight tax Mr. Bennett, commander and COUNT'BOND, TRUSTEES the times through which we have realized their peril In time to 13, pending the night at the Cap j_ _
ginning to work together with collector and A. J. Griffl. superIntendent officers for the year ]931,. were SESSION been passing.Is- effect an escape.' ital city.
|he smoothness that characterizesgood of public instruction 'escorted to their respective, stations I Community Problem Friends said that the brotherand Eugene S. Matthew,. of Starke., ,
basketball team. Same were ordered filed. and Sov. Bennett presented .The board of bond'-trustees of "Looking back we' realize that sister, who were both unmarried chairman of the State Railroad .
Although Macclenny always has There being no further business with the gavel. 'Congressman Bradford county, Florida, mat Jan. much that, was unwise crept Into had made their home near commission, I fa president! ,of itheHighway ;
good team Coach Lovell 14 ppti-, the ,board adjourned sine die. Green entering the hall at this time'I 6th in regular session with the some of our business activities. Waldo for many years. The brother No. 28 Association- lIar ,
tic over his'-team's chance .t.$I was escorted to the rdstrum: Themaster following' member presentt Q. While upon the individual' banker.restswithout4ualiftcation was a small truck farmer and vey H. Tanner of Palatka I* *ec? _ _
efeat tile viators.; The board of county commis of ceremonies 'presentedthe Haynea, J.-HoRlUh/W.-.E..Torode.: ; : : the direct his slater had kept house for him. retary and Mr.. Chapman of Lake _ _
The B.' H.''. S.4 girls also play at eloners-elect: ,J., G. Crews, .I.. L. congressman who favored the Upon motion Mr.'Torode acted a* responsibility for the prudent He was said to be about 45 year City, treasurer. Vice-president ,
home today, engaging the capable Underhill, G. W. Hinson. R. T. Os- audience of four hundred with a chairman pro tern. Minute of the honest conduct of their Institu of age while the sister was thought are. from the counties of Putnam*.
[.extatte from High Springs.: Coach teen and J. M. Rosier for the ensuing short but Interesting talk. A snappy last meeting were' read and ap tions, nevertheless the soundness to be about 43. Flagler. Union,, Clay.. Bradford and,
via has her team in tip-top term of two years met ,at musical duet was played by proved. of banking as a practical matter of Deputies who Investigated the Columbia, all of which are traversed ., 4
hap for the game and plenty of 1 the court house at Stark, Brad- Miss Gussie Mae Benentt and Routine matters for the closingof fact Is a community problem in fire said that they did not believe by the. .road. 1'.
exciting basketball is expected ford county Florida Tuesday, Jan Miss Elizabeth Kendrick after the year were attended to and which the public has a part to foul play had occurred a* witnesses i S
[from',both games. 6th 1931 at 10 o'clock a. m., and which the master of ceremonies the old board adjourned slnle die. play as well as bankers and gov- declared that the fire had FOUND DEAD!: ALONO I
It is uncertain as to who will organized as a board or county with a few pleasant remarKS New officers for the current enunent offlclal8." evidently Btarted_ _In_ th._n_ ._..v\tmf__on _f\t_ SIDE: OF' HIGHWAY
ompose the team to be used by commissioners by electing. L. brought the W. O. W program to term were sworn In by Notary If there were no unsound business the house eliminating the theory f
Coach Lovell this afternoon as Underhill chairman of said board a close turning the meeting over, Public C. A. Futch as follows: O. men or enterprises there that the house had been fired by Driver of the Times-Union delivery
there are several good men after for the term of two years. Said to the Woodmen Circle. Haynes, J. II. Ritch, W. E. Torode, would be no such thing as unsound vandals or enemies. The structure truck and a bread truck out _
|Mh position. For the forward election was held written bal L. W. Sowell. assets in contained two of Jacksonville
by The guardian of Starke Grove a bank Mr. Stephenson fireplaces and It I I. reported to Night
I post Howard' Moore Ben Stern- lot.A. No. 278, with a short talk openedthe Mr. E. S. Matthew was elected said for outside of government thought that embers left from afire Officer Thorntpn at an early hour
berg, Eldredge Robinson and Louis I S. Crews was elected as coun- meeting instructing the attendant chairman for the term and Mr. J. I bonds, bank assets consist mainly the night before had caused Monday morning finding the bodyof
I RilL At center the battle I* be- ty attorney for two years at the Miss Amy Moore and the: H. Ritch wa elected clerk and of loans to business men and Investments the blaxe. The Staff were not a man In the ditch just beyond.
Itween Cox and Overstrect., WhUeat same salary a* for last two years.A. assistant attendant Miss Bernice auditor.C. In securities of corpor- known to have any enemies woo Highland In Clay county. Officer.
I guard we find two veteran. S. Crew was elected a* county Bailey to prepare the altar for the A. Futch was re-appointed ate enterprises."The might have caused their destruc going to the seen found the body _
1 Bill Wainwright and Gator Inman I proaectulng attorney for the : Installation. The guardian asked secretary for the board. existence of a bank is dependent tion. and from appearance he bad been
I Victor Thomas.' .with Milton term ,of ,torn .years at S25.00 Per all state officers of the Woodmen The board took unde..conllld.ra- upon public patronage If A coroner's jury, which viewed struck by an automobile and killed
prowniee, Howard Miner and Her- month, together with all. conviction Circle to stand and we were surprised . tion the resuming 'aflmalntenanceworkenthmcounty only those, banks were patronizedIn the scene of the fire and examined or the man had been murdered
.I nil Futch pushing thenV hard. '" fees. ? to find In our midst Mrs. El: roods and/fit: '.which'the, most careful policies witnesses, returned a'verdict that and thrown from a passing car. 4
I Prom these men Coach LoveD 'W W. Coleman applied for position las Rimes Strickland of Lake But- was agreed that afew days were practiced: and the most con- the cwuple came to .their death The officer notified Sheriff Hall
I will pick his starting lineup this of janitor at $2.M per month. ler, past state president. Miss Lain emergency work be don on several clentiou and able men in charge from burns sustained in tbe lire of Clay county who made an investigation __ _
I afternoon. Ernest Byrd applied for position of Roaslgnol, Jacksonville, state audi- of .said roads. However, funds It would; go far toward maintainIng -) C and found that the man,
I janitor at price as fixed by the tor, Mrs. Leila Davis, Jacksonville, were not sufficient to put-on. the the standards of banking. LEGION TO MEET TUESDAY had been seen walking the highway
| TAG SALES LESS THAN HALF board of commissioners. On motion vice-president and Mrs. Antlono regular maintenance force. Elements!: of Popularity NIGHT, Sunday and It I* generally
aud :unanimous vote Ernest Sllar past national delegate, and The board adjourned to the next "It Is an unfortunate fact that supposed be had been struck that _
Tag Agent Crews stated ThursI Byrd was elected for the next two while Miss Kendrick softly playedthe regular meeting.:, the banker who is strict "hard- All members of the Jones-Lang- night by a hit-and-run driver and _
I day morning that tag sales so far year attendant and assistant attendant 4 boiled' If you please Is liable to ford-White Post, American Legionare left either dead or In a dying con
this year were less than half the Mr. C. B. Gore of Lawty asked very gracefully escorted the MEETING OF C-OCNCIL: be less popular than the 'easy requested to attend the regular dition. Sever cut were found on
I total number of tag. void last for assistance saying that he baa above dignitaries to the altar banker and by that same token the meeting to be held In the court the head and face, probably caused
I year arid there baa been no rush on no means of support. On motion where they were formally presented The city: council of the city of public Itself has a voice In Infu- house Tuesday, Jan. 13th at 7:30p. : by Impact With. the pavement. .0
I his office for the new tags. Very be was allowed 15.00 per month. and given grand honors then Starke. Florida. met Jan. 6, In enclnf the character of banking." m. Ail ex-service men who are Pocket In the clothing of the dead
1 fffW cars are to seen sporting last Dr.. Park was elected countyhy.1cian escorted to the rostrum oioer regular seulon with All members' The public can exert_ an influ.n5in ._ oat members tit this Bout are invited I man showed no trace of havinr '
year's tag. Indicating that owners I for the next two years. Woodmen Circle visitors from Orange ' present. Minutes of the last meetIng shaping the character--- of'"'-bankIng --- -- to attend. Election of officer 1- been rifled.
I have been forced to put their cars The board then proceeded to select Blossom Grove Jacksonville\ 1 were read and approved. also. he said, by supporting for the year 1031 will be held, Army discharge papers found
l ta the garage until they are finan-I not less than 2SO nor more Magnolia. Jacksonville Palatka. The council reached an agreement the purposes of bankers "to maintain also other bunlneM pertaining to gave the name of Max V. Bagley
I dally able to pay the high tax 'than SCO names from the various ; Lake Butler and Trenton were asked with Mr. Jo*. E. Wilson, Intelligent Independent and the poet. of Columbus, Ga. Officers were advised _
J Placed! on cars In this. county and precinct of Bradford county and to rise and were given grove liquidator of the Bradford County honest banking supervision." . . 4 by wire that he was married
then secure the extra sum needed furnished list cf names to selectedto honors. The program for installation Bank, whereby the council will acquire In many cases of bank troubles WOODMEN CIRCLE MEETING( and that his wife resided In that
Ifor the tag. th. clerk of the circuit, court was a* follows: ponds held by the city for the only thing wrong with a bank city. The body was prepared for ,
I ActingTag- Commissioner Me and clerk of said board as the law The outgoing guardian, Mrs. security" *f funds lathe, said bankallowing ,was an unduly suspicious and ap There will be a meeting of the burial by the DeWitt C. Jones Co., 4,
J Lta'a policy of rigid enforcement dIrects Said names to b. written Vonda Inman formally presented credit on the account at I prehensive state of mind In its Woodmen Circle Tuesday night and shipped Tuesday to Phoenix ,,,.'
I boa never met with approval by upon slip of paper and folded and Sov. Silar from Jacksonville a* !inJ 93.: customers, Mr. Stephenson said, Jan. 13th at 7:30 o'clock In the W. City, Ala., for burial.
( state and county officials on acCOunt deposited by the sheriff end clerkIn I tailing officer, at which time all A request wa dealed for reduction "created by.no act or condition of II O. W. Hall. All members are urgedto 5---
I of general business condlI a box under: lock and key and sovereign extended to our Installing of taxes on personal prop r It own but by baseless rumors be present. A man who does not read and
I Uons, and that the state will lose from said box the names of jurorsto officer'grove honors. Mrs. SI- erty of the Bradford County Bank which sometimes led them to destroy Amy Moore, Pub. Chairman. observe ha only his own experience -,
I from such edict is seen from the be dtawn to serve In tile circuit 'lar In turn appointed Mr. Ella for 1929. the value of their own deposits i 4 -i to guide him, one who reads
large number of cars withdrawn court as prescribed by lav. Rime. Strickland, past tate president ' Routine bills were ordered paid. by demanding them Immediately Palmetto-Trl-Clty( Bakery added and observes what others are doIng -
J from us* for lack of tags. OffiI There being no further business a* installing chaplain, fLu The council adjourned. to the forcing a bank to sacrifice new.. equipment. has the whole world a* a guidepoet. -
I daIs point out that the state will the board adjourned until the next Leta Roeslgnol. Jacksonville state next regular .meeting.- Its assets and otherwise disrupt its A
suffer a loss In revenue from the regular meeting which will be held auditor a. Installing attendant. financial operations.'. as cash but are invested In loans ,
gasoline tax,far In uce e.of!any on the first-Monday. In. February, Then the retiring officer were BIRTHS Deposits Not" Cash and securities and even the soundest Clermont Palm Park Inn for-
savings that. might be mad' in a A, D. 1931. asked to remove their regalia and Mr.!' and JrlI'II. .1. F..Walden, Highland Mr. Stephenson reminded the I time asset to of this type require Come merly known &It Montrose Hotel.
Prompt collection ,of tag:'meniaL G. W. Alderman, Clerk (Concluded on page ".) ,- daughter, Jan. 3rd. public,that "deposits are not kept cash deposit reconvert" at full value into re-opened following completion. of
repairs) and refurnishing.
Ii j jfr.
;,1 ,f\. :,;'t, ''''' r" .. '.-:< ..." ....'' ,01 8>' -i\} ,. ....
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,, _._ .. .-- ----- ---- A.
-- ---' '---' ----- --- ----- --- ----
- --
----------------- -- -
. Pellevej It or Leave It Keath Cowdcn's. Haven prosper of the exposed strawberry blvom'' LATE APPLICATION
Julian Peek came back to school. Moore; Florida Vegetable was killed last week during the OFBKIUlYFEuVlUZF
r Dot Ritch passed history. Avert always misfortune's frown cold wave. This will greatly cur- INCREASES ,
B. H. S. JOURNAL"The Lula couldn't take algebra exam- tail the berry shipments. -
From Prewitt, Newett Harry
ination. Slowed Carlot Movement A liberal application
Shipments of fe
Staff" Murln Weeks is eligible to play Brown; applied to strawberries
Beans In
Showers Harbor late
basketball. keep Safety cember or January
I Editor-in-Chief ________________ Milton Brownlce Fenella Snyder was exempt on green Cold 'Weather Shipments up to last Sat. __1,227 fruiting, and should win not 8Ulllilll,
And Bronson's Child both heard I By For same period in 1929 __ 781 lee be
Assistant Editor _________.__________ Hazel Adkins history. and seen. I For week endIng Dec. 27____ 16 associate ted, according to Harold 1>I01Ir*
i Sports Editor ____ -------------- Gary Overstreet A heavy-laden\ Christmas tree For same week last year ___ 66 Florida Experiment horticulturist with U
t Literary Editor ___-___i.____________ Muriel Silcox For Lakela d's Smith and Fara. First four days this week.__ 6 Station
,, Exchange Editor ________________ Annie Mae Pearce BROOKER bee, V Heavy Front Makes Further Inroads I For same days last year ____ 40 by The strawberries amount of fertilizer Dfe o
Lake City's noted C. C. C. on Crop of Tender Vegetables -' Total to Thursday this week1,233 will vary OD
------ I MI... Pearl Gmlmtr. Cor. Apopka Chief"s Masthead Three; Shipments May Continue [ Cabbage ferent types-of soil, ana \VIth to
HOME AGAIN< lie or talk too loud, so as to at- Much Gold to Sanders' Journal Light Several Weeks-Unprotected : Shipments up to last Sat, ___ 129 ferent numbers of plants per tit,
tract attention to yourself. If you Mrs. Myrtle Garlord of California store; Strawberries Damaged For same period in 1929 ____ 58 Mr. Mowry recommended thl'et f
Well folks, here we are again, have a parasol or cane place your i is spending some time with her The Balls and Elliott prosper I For week ending Dec. 27 ____ 26 plications, each time appI1I
wet and cold vacation. But hat or something whlWi your parents here. I about 600 to 900 :
after a more; For same week last year ____ 25 pounds per
just the same we had a fine and friends will recognize on it and Mrs. T P. Ward and children of Let each ___ Ho suggested applying the tit.
subscribers fully First four days this week 31 first
pay Jacksonville, Fla. Jan. 2.-
of raise it above the heads. Wildwood, spent last week here
lots new people's 10
time. There are plication days before
dandy Mount Dora's Edith, Tarpon's Jay; Vegetable shipments from this For same days last year ____ 15 the nlarl
school When friends It will with friends and relatives.
around your see they set the
coats and dresses are second
More Reeders for Jim Cox's sheet Total to this week. 160 just
; state were light last week due to Thursday aa t
to Mr. E. II. demons and :Mr.
to be happy. come you. pianta to
and everybody seems bloom,
'I Burr's Haven Herald ,
be neat Celery and
; coM( weather and probably will
months Sincerely Quarrels of Miami spent the holidays -
We have just four more l yours All men the Ruasella to last Sat. __ 33 third about six: weeks later
writing read continue light during the next few Shipments up (
and for the Madam Bramvilllers. here with friends and rela
left in this semester tives. And Meek and Cleveland's Leader weeks.A For same period in 1929 ____ 38 better grades of soil the flri b
I : seniors, they'will be the last in lead ._ 5 applications may t< si -'>.
For week Dec. 27
; heavy frost early last week ending 1\\
School. That is Mrs. A. F. Raulerson of the
the Bradford High AMONG THE: SENIORS Give ____ The first appl..=a.,."
school faculty here, returned here Avery Powell's pen full play; made further inroads into the For same week last year 13 .
about .
so a 5-8-4 fcrtfMr.the
we hope,_- .....----- Sunday after spending the holii Bore Digest "makes" for Ivy J., young tender vegetables that had First four days this week __. 19 others i. '
All football uniforms have been The seniors seem to have had a i days at her home in Okeechobee., Prolific "clips" for Russell Kay; survived previous cold spells. However For same days last year ___ 30 best. a 4-8-9 m K ,
I very merry Christmas from the I' Give Mrs. chance Total to this week. 52 proven
checked] in and are "salted clown"until Misses Lois Galney and Idell Goolsby every while the shipping sections Thursday
In addition
next season. The boys who way the began the new year. They| demons were attending to bus And Garrett's Herald's cause ad-' that are just beginning their heavy Lettuce to the three apj
have one or more seanona to play are studying' so as to be able to ness in Gainesville lost Friday.Mr. vance; shipments, suffered some from the Shipments up to last Sat. ___ 190 cations some growers ippi:> abnj
t for the Tornadoes seem to be In graduate in April (with honors 1)) I E. T. Stuart of Alachua, was Much Myers! news may Hanson cold, crops were not severely damaged For same period in 1929 ____ 187 :]i 00 pounds per acre of sorru qUIt|(,|
high spirits over the prospects for Several of the seniors have gain- visiting friends and relatives here find; and will be shipped in normal For week ending Dec 27,.___ 42 ly available nitrogen fertilizer! '
fr next season. Well, we hope they ed from five to ten pounds since Sunday. To Lochner's merit be not blind;) amounts shortly. For name( week last year ____ 18 late February or March tBoutu
have luck. their Christmas dinner. I don't I' -- e> Long live the Gallemores 'Of Polk, The lake section shipped only First four days this week __ 42 time the plants begin to wane: ft-
suppose there will be so many nice And Schaeffer-Broking Ne'er go 13 cars of vegetables last week For same days last year ___- 4 era try to prolong the bearing!
:; We are back again for four boyish figures at this rate. TRAIN AND BUS SCHEDULES "broke," and few express packages. While Total to Thursday this week 238 applying this nitrogen about i
i :' months. Monday most of the students Hazel has decided not to go to And Arthur Cox promote Live this region did not have any frost Peppers uary 1, This, however should t
found out how much they Gainesville so much. Maybe she I Change of train schedules Jan. Oak: last week, cold, high winds retard- Shipments up to last Sat.__ 475 used with caution as it may ot
I knew or how much they did not will pass on geometry this semes- 4th, as follows: Rich gifts for Pensacola Hayes; ed the growth of truck crops. Bean For same period in 1929 ____ 139 soft berries and< shedding of it
I know by getting their examination ter. Southbound, No. 1, 11:09: p. m., To Lake Worth's Stafford happy shipments from this section will be For week ending Dec 27 __ 19 bloom.
grades. Some of them are going The senior class lost three of its local. days; light until around Jenuary 15. For same week last year ___ 21 After the plants are set the (
to have to work harder this semester -i members, but gained one In return. ) Southbound, .No. 11, 11:23: a. m., For Berg of Melbourne pleasant It is reported that the Pompanoarea First four days this week_- 14 will have to be worked In ctlllzer !
4 in order to get their quality Annie Mae has resolved' to be exempt local. things; bean crop suffered consider- ;For same days last year ____ 7 the beds. Care should be taken IK
', points and also to be able to playhaAk@tball. this semester. Southbound No. 107, 11 ::00 a. m, Prosper the Irvings of High able damage. It is estimated there Total to Thursday this week. 489 to injure the roots, as well as t
Just llmlror
and I think ;
Everyone en loved this YOU me. Springs will be about a 30 per cent cut in Tomatoes ". mix the fertilizer well
Christmas-vacation;;- and is-back to Dora has a new "boy friend." | Southbound, No. 191, 12:04: a. m., McCreary's News be never dull; the yield over the- period of the' Shipments up to last Sat. _-_ 313 soil to prevent root burning.into U-
work harder than last semester. Alice began the new year by be- I limited... For Cocoa's Trlb., a stocking full; next two or three weeks. It Id an- For same period In 1929 ____ 21 4.EustisFlorida.
ing late Monday. Southbound No. 103, 5:10: a. m., A boost for Hetherington, good ticipated that during the first two For week ending Dec. '27 __ 50 Canneries, IncI
+ limited. fellow, weeks In January from ten to 15 For same week last year _._, 7 plant started operations wlug!
JUNIORS WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF? I Northbound No. 2, 4:53: a. m., lo And Bulloch's'News of Monticello; cars i will move dally and will in- First four days this week _... 27 weekly payroll of about $2,500 an:f
cal.Northbound May Hollman grab all "subs" in crease to 20 or 25 during the last of For same days last year _.. 6 employing 230 people.
It is a good thing that only Annie Mae wasn't up here. No. 12, 3:50: p. m., reach; the month. The damage to pepperswas Total to Thursday this week. 340 I Jacksonville Tom Watts, Jr I
about ten juniors are taking geom- Muriel did not pass. local. Don't Stumpf the progress of Palm negligible; four to five cars Vegetables purchased drug store buslneKf!!!
because It is absolutely the Northbound No. 108, 5:29: lim
I erty, Bill W. missed a day of school. Beach; are moving out dally at this time Shipments up to last Sat.___1,313 from Grover Stewart and D. El
j hardest thing we ever tackled and Rachel wasn't so quiet. ited.Northbound Fair flowers for New Port Rlchey's. and It is expected that with favor- For same period in 1929..___ 691 Seaboard. Name changed to Watts;
examination terrible. No.4, 7:08: m.,
that was
Cleo T. was left to be the "old limited. p. Parkes; able weather the shipments will For week ending Dec. 27 ____ 62 Pharmacy.Key .
Did you know that .two of the maid" of the senior class. Starke & Wunnee BranchNo. May Mallle Martin dodge the be increased to ten cars daily within For same week last year ____ 65 West-Granday Canning!
All of the "Rats" passed. sharks; the next two weeks. First four days this week __ 53 Company added new products ti;|
tar basketball players are jun- 101 leaves 7:00: a. m.
lore Daisy Tompkins, forward Billy O. didn't get any demerits. No. 102 arrives 2:40: m. Moore and the Enns find wealth In Tomato shipments from the low- For same days last year ____ 32 business here.JacksonvilleFour.
center. Milton was not a senior. ink, er east coast are expected to reach Total to Thursday this week.1371 citrus can I
and Patsy Brinson, running
j : These girls really know their bas I Hope H. lost several pounds. Blue Bun-SchedulesSouthbound9:37 And link Lake; Worth's Herald miss no 20 to the 25 cars dally in the early partof ntng plants now operating in cltjj
3 month. giving employment to more thai]
ketball. Well folk the ; : a. m., 11:37a. : No break in '
long suspense Is Warfield-Brewster's Damage to vegetable crops inj Winter Park J. H. 1,000 persons. Two additional citrus ,
m., 4:07: p. m., 6:37: p. m., 11-: Bennett opened
: over. No more "exams" for Lee
press county last week
was plants to start operations soon
40 esttmat-I electrical store in Keozel
All the busy
juniors are getting p. m.
months. All the teachers will sure-- And Wilson thrive at Inverness; ed to be around 2 per cent. Dam- Fort Myers--Herman A. Stab
block in
L for their quarters formerly occu-
; trying to get some money Northbound--4:150: a. m., 8:53:
ly miss the pupils who became so Let's Telegraph good news to age from the chilling winds and opened real estate office at 19 Pol
dues which will be due short- pied by A. & P. Store.
class the a. m., 1:53: p. m., 4:23: p. m., 8:23p. :
last week of school and Starke
; fluctuating temperatures of the Indlantown County repaired Office Arcade In rooms occuplc"
ly. the familiar' saying "will I be exempt Tickets m. and information at Claude Johnson keep his genial past two weeks was said to have Carlisle road near here by grad- by Mack PrItchett Co.
1"The spark?; been confined largely to the effectit Palm Beach-New Palm Beach|
Did you know that Louise Ed- Smith's Service Station, next to ing and filling in.
wards is our class president, Patsy courthouse. Dade City's Banner proudly fly: has on the shapes of growing Cocoa Gator Travis openedmen's Hotel opened for winter seasonNeciIKiiids
senior class regrets very A Fuller Largo Andrew's cry; vegetables. Such weather is likelyto
In Belialr
shop Arcade building
Brinson Miriam -
I,; vice-president much the loss of two of its The ,
.titJp'i most Everglades keep Howard cause vegetables to become
L A on Brevard .
: Jacobs secretary and Hilda Dur- Galley of avenue.St.
popular classmates. Henry and Sharp; roughened and show Pros-
den treasurer? Holiday Greetings spots. ., Augustine-Fruit Box open-
is.: Emory Guy who have moved to Lee on Haines City's virtues pects fpr the this
(From and by E. D. Lambrlght harp; crops season in ed under management of J. W.
TIPS ON Cocoa. May Zephyrhills folk Lovett more; this section are not as good as at
I ETIQUETTE Editor Tampa Tribune) Cosgrove, 120 St. George street.
Tom Smith hug Okeechobee's growers anticipated, it Is reported.
Sweet and plenty this Clewiston Large sugar mill
; We have three new pupils in shore, The first Irish potatoes from
Madame Bramvllllers will an- : Christmas-tide, here to start operations soon, employing -
high school. Hubert, Pauline and And love for, Florida cool Leo
never county are being harvested.
swer any questions of etiquette To Florida Editors, far and wide! 2,000 workers to care for
: .. sent to her in care of the B. H. S.: Thelma Priest who recently moved May never a sanctum miss its feed In Jasper's Caldwell, Frostproof Marketing of the crop will prob- 23,000 acres of fine cane sugar,
Journal..Don't any: of you be bashful here from Cedar Key. We are : And never a scribe be left in need. Runl; ably get under way early in Jan- value at $2,000,000, on farms of
N glad to have them, and know they And of
some sweetmeats About 700
uary. acres are
name will not be, published, May blessings visit each littered Southern Sugar Co. in upper Ever-
i and all questions, no matter how will be treated well by all the mem- den spare this year, the bulk of the crop in J'lades.
bers of Bradford High.BRADFORD For Charlie Mullen and the Mayor.I this -
county being planted in
: 'personal, will be answered. And lighten the labors of shears early St. Augustine -R. L. Parks
Dear Madam Bramvllllers: and pen. December, CD that most of these 24 St. George street, Installed new :
If from this screed your name is plants are just coming throughthe
While attending the last football DUMPS So, as near the gracious season fixtures.
game, I got lost from my draws, missed- ground. They are doing well, Florida completed 54.3 miles of
cf Insurance
There's a space limit on the listYou'll It Is said, and if ,weather conditions ) :
companions. I was afraid and began Mrs. Carpenter: "Which travels I waft these wishes to Santa Federal aid highways during year,
calling for them. Everyone the fastest, heat or cold?" Claus: please not fee that you'releft remain favorable they should representing outlay of $1,381,290, BEslDel the commonly known form
stared just as if I had lost my Lula) "Heat." out produce a good crop. according to report of Thomas H. afforded by dock fin
mind. What did I do that was so Mrs. Carpenter; "Give your reas- May all life's blessings shower Because of any "don't" or doubt. Frost at Fort Meade last week Macdonald, Chief of Bureau of inniranc there are special forms
L terrible? ons." down So, Editors, our rhyming done, caused some damage to'tender Public Roads.Pensacola800. offering equally cnentul. ufegiunbagun
Let's pray: "God bless us, vegetables but did not hurt cab- financial Jota.Yon
, "Skinny", a Rat. I Lula: "Because you can catch a On Lew B. Brown of Sunshine every men employed on owe it to yourself to consider
Dear Skinny: I cold. Town; one. bage and strawberries beyond laying of gas mains to this city; the Special Iwinnct recommend,
;. You made a terrible mistake, I Let's hope ill fortune spills no Gore o blasting some bloom on berry gas now available.ClewistonBarge., lions (or your financial .aferyLM *
and I hope you will profit by this Ben S. (sitting down by road- Or Shutts Miami's open door; plants where they' were exposed. loads of sand IK o*. "OM oar
in the future. You should never side: Oh! Hew, I've walked a mile Long may Oc"l,,'. Banner wave Indications are that there will-- be-- a- being shipped across Lake Okee- tugimnom why.
,, call a friend's name loudly in pub- and only moved a couple of feet. And Colonel Felkel's Record bave; HAMPTONMlmm heavy crop of cabbage for late chobee to be used in constructionof
Where scandal Journals fall to Ado Nimmo, Cor. winter shipments from this point. road for Southern Sugar Com
thrive In the Plant City section straw- pany here. HAROLD C. WALL
The Daily Democrat survive; On January first at Hotel Hampton curtailed berry shipments by the cold were weather.severely It Miami Beach-Newly completedVan INSURANCE
1m' :iE I -:- Do You Know ? -:- I And Shine o'er Mayo the Hueso's southern Sunday seas afar Star; of, F.Mr.C. Gould and Mrs.entertained James Forbes'in honor is said bloom that 75 and per some cent berries of the were exposed Fourteenth Ness 100-room street hotel and locatedat Ocean STARKE. FLORIDAPRINTING
opened for .
More power to Bill Rencher's pen"; fifty-seventh wedding anniversary.The killed. Growers who had straw in season. "
More fun and fame for "T. S. dining table was draped in their patches or who bad other -
; -- Glenn; I white linen, and in front of the means of protecting the blooms, it _
-- --------ar---- __, ._ -a
Let Lindsay's Herald have the honorees' -- nflp -- -- -
-j--- plates was placed a beautiful -, Is believed, saved practically all
best, evergreen horseshoe, and in i their crops, but there were many
__ And Artman-Bryson build,
'" Key the center of which was the number acres exposed. It in estimated
West; 57. A bountiful chicken dinner that 75 per cent of the exposed
Let this a joyous season be was served. A
number of bloom was killed. Some
\ To Russell Haas and M. M. Lee guests were present, who growers
t\ ;; with Mr.and' say that the four-day rain prior to
y. wwr1 Orlando,'where the Brosaiers Star, Mrs. Forbes enjoyed this the cold saved this section from
"" 'f' Poynter, beautiful and delicious lunch. At greater damage.
.I;:, .t.7"f1 -M '':; .," and Carr; the close of the noon hour Mr.and Vegetable shipments from Wau- IIj
< .< ,.' h..., ; h ':<1: Plant City's Courier swiftly ride; Mrs.
) ' and the dinner
,,.4" .\;<( ,-(. J '.. < ......,. '.' :. The Daily News, Palatka's pride; i motored guests chula have virtually ceased only a
::1 aroun ) Lake Santa Fe. few and .
peppers eggplants being
. .. No )
cloud j
'--1. obscure Clearwater'sSun Mrs. .' I,
Ferguaon/who has
'$. been the offered locally. About 75 per cent .
I ; guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wat- : .
: And say for Conklln's work, well terson for several days left last ': : .
I done; Friday for South Florida, where t.\ I .'
Bless Larkin,Cleveland's sprightly she will visit friends and relatives
I wit; before her return to North Caro
--'. -- Make each of Arkell's arrows hit; lina. ( )
I I Fort Myers' Press unresting run; Mi1. Wadsworth of Graham has : ,
I : Shine on, Sprin tow's Dunnellon taken charge of the naval stores '
; : I Sun; here that has recently been under .
No droughts, no pests, no freezes the management of C., E.. Harperfor #. mt. ,
I reachArcadia's the past twelve years. Mr. \ r is the master key of our
Reece or Leesburg Wadsworth wUl\ locate here.
\_ : Leach; Rev. Boyer of south Florida wasa OIl F! hA venue civilization the means
The Deans still Herald Sanford's business visitor here last Mon through which we have
charm; ridinsr, ttrollinif, shopping
Keep Dosh and Bittenger ,from day.Rev.. McQauley of Stark*. will! panorama of beauty stream thru achieved education and
harm: preach at the this famous street of fashion. Thru
Baptist church next industry. in well worth
Increase the glow of Freeman'sSun Sunday morning and I' Gouraud's Oriental Cream you can!
h1' possess a skin and complexion that the
; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Houaer have anew even the most attractive there, very highest efforts of
and flowers for
Worthington son, who arrived Jan. 2nd He I would be proud to have. its craftsmcn.BRADFORD.
; weighs seven and one-half pounds, I Try tonight.. With the very
To Hancock's Herald bring good and baa been named Claude Allen. first touch a fascinating, clear,
cheer, Mr*. E. L. RIggs of New York j pearly appearance of radiant I
.-...... ..,-. .-....... ,I And Panama's Pilot safely' steer: Is spending a few weeks in our beauty Is revealed. Will nt rub
th. flr.t May Sander' Winter Garden off. streak or ipot.
expeditionary! fore town. She Is
THAT var
.'I organized for over.... |! stopping at Mrs.
by New bloom. GOURAUD'SOR1ENT4l
England captured this stronghold when It Thomas Dyal's boarding house.
hi the moet formidable. fort .In North waa And Sweger make old COUNTY
America It U Fort Loulabwg and) Quincy Mrs. Perry Johns of Starke. was
tie eltuated
k I s ehort diatance from $ydii.y. Nova Scotia. boom.
,lander who The New [ng- ;|I the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
were fearful of
Its .
menace to their tafety captured It1146. In And stacks of special Christmas
: : Griffin
( It we. later retord to France but was recaptured last Sunday. CREAM TELEGRAPH
and fun
(,in 115*. The ruin are now maintained destroyed I I Rev. Montgomery of Waldo ....
the ..
by HUtorUal Site Board II To Herald scribes In sal -.. ..a ,
Canada. Bradenton
;0' I ; preached: at the Methodist P..,. ..
church .
Cee .
. --
E tero'. . --- -
I Andrews : -
: -
I I Eagle soar; last Sunday morningN and evening. T. 4e.ku5.. Ne.. V..q tjy -
..v. i. -p. .- .- *I'' 'itI ,, .
-- -.--..-- .-- y 'ff'V frrf J1' U :,,, I.-... ,'> .... .. ,
/f ,,' '
> : t. \'I1.1'h'' ;
,, ntPltn Y , .., *** + + n gC"iyoq'NPi.'trr.' D"R '.4ff'} nIM1 iRTr4CAlr; rM' n '
prympt4'/gem/ q"u'her VI gC N.ne! ,' R.e 4n o ?y +.yy AP' ' PTWB*"tynifjpif \fj? 'Ran n r 7MmY"wni"pTu
JANUARY 9. . -
),W. .. ... .. . - -- ---- -- -
._____ __ _- .u-- ------ -- -- - --- ----=--- -- ------- - -- -------- ---- -- i.
Y. I
the death of Watson
by *
.... j ITVK AII'I r\v\ }-,NT.
- - ,study the advisability of an upward HELP : TEXAS EDITOR WRITES Quincy, representative from Oada-
revision In the tariff rates I II REFOREST IDLE LAND den county
News of Florida! in Short Paragraphs I based on experience' during the' TIMES" Senator Pat Whltaker, Tampa
present season. Importers have I Plant pines on your Idle acres ABOUT "HARD re-elected from the thirtyfourthdistrict
served notice they will attempt to I I and give the needy some work. Forevery Is slated for the presidency
have the new schedules reduced, I acre act out ia Florida this ---- --- --- --- -- --- of the senate, succeeding
It Is said. winter' some laborer will receive True rirturn of ")lard Times" ItPrmentod "When will times be better? It's Senator J. J. Parrish, TItusville, of t't
1 $1.00 to $2.00. This means food almost impossible to find a park-
STATE NEWSTOLD I. the thirty-seventh district. Amongthe
LIVE :: movie theater,
Monticello Jefferson county for workers who In many parts of Ing place near a new members of the senate
officials were to serve a warrant I our state are going hungry. Supervision in a miniature golf course or other) Buah- ,
.. A Texas editor, writing: of amusement terrible, will be Samuel W. Getzen, i y i
furnishedfree A
of this labor places
charging manslaughter on George I humorous and somewhat sarcastic nell thirty-eighth district, who
Nails, Wakulla county school bus. by the Florida Forest Service vein, draws a true picture of "Ola condition. Something really the hot ought dog/ ) was speaker of the house of representatives -
BY OUR EXCHANGES driver today following the death The tree cost Is very reasonable Man Hard Times," who seems to to be done to require at the last session.
of C. O. Elmer Lanark, coming at $3.00 per.thousand f, o. stands to carry on hand a sufficient ;
prominent be foisting his experiences. uponus. The speakership of the house
__ ,____.___ r- "- ___ Ill, attorney from injuries receivedin b. Ralford. From $1.00 to $2.03 The paper we found this essayIn supply of food to teed the remains to be decided. +
-The St. Peters- announced here by an officer of an automobile accident at the per acre for tree cost and labor)I was the Andalusla (Ala.) Star, crowds; and this way of building of .
and other
i Petersburg Aucilla river eight miles east of probably as cheap as It ever will stadiums places
foray the He said the total and here it is;
Is again open company.
dog track here afternoon. Nails,who be, reforestation at this time Is an in amusement only half large enoughto I* That Right
since the Monday hard times
and already 400 greyis number of trees planted Investment.No "We are having seat those attending ought to
run hand to furnishfor company began operations a year was arrested shortly after th e accident exceedingly attractive Texas: the streets are full of automobiles A farmer was hauling a load of
on from be handled vigorously."Yes
are visitors. ago will be 200,000 when the new charged with! driving while care except protection going, as Will Rogers hard the fertilizer past an Insane asylum.
winter under the influence of liquor and fire and goats is necessary and a but in times are ; grocercan standing'talking
'unit is completed. nowhere in particular One of the Inmates was
says sell flour, grits or bacon -
80 hardly
: survival of better than percent
reckless driving, was released on a hurry to get there. Timesare with another near the
a great
Florida Fair it takes all of his time ,to sell
South will result from pine tree plant ;
-The bond late Wednesday and difficult to with
tcpa- $1,250 so hard that It is fence. As the farmer went by
February will be theft Ocala: .--W. C. Ray and W. N. Both the slash and longleaf canned peaches canned salmon,
fampa In laterIn ing.
will probably be re-arrested find parking places for our automobiles his load, ono of them yelled at him:
complete exhibit of Florida Davidson, of Ocala, were grantedan pine are available by applying to canned, scup, canned meats and "
the about ?
day. there
we have only one "What have you got
In this Federal Judge A. ; canned sauce the dry goods!
attempted Injunction by the Florida Forest Service, Talla- apple ; "
acts ever for every three of us in the state; I his "FertllUer, answered the farm-
the Silver is because
Akerman restraining bassee. merchant crying
West-The giant rods, wouldno
Key if times were not hard we era
Paradise from of its bolts of gingham, muslin and den
company because ex-
Springs The slash pine
reels and other gear for salt wa- doubt all have an automobile "What are you going to do withIt
Press operating glass bottom boats over treme rapid growth and triple purpose im remain on his shelves, while
linesvllle The Florida ter fishermen are being tuned and, "We are right up against it. We ?"
elation will hold Its annual certain parts of Silver Springs and adjusted for the annual invasion of that of naval stores, lumber saw a girl last week so hard up the clerks waste all their time Hell Take it to the farm and put it
13th-14th at river: from displaying misleading at Key. and pulp wood production, Is rec- ing such things as silk and rayon;
iention February northern fishermen: Long she did not have silk stockings, on my strawberries the farmer
E.to highway signs, and from using the of ommended Realization in the near the hardware store has no demandfor
President Nate This tiny coral island, scene and ratter than wear rayon she! I replied.One! .
lesvllle words "Silver Springs" in its future is possible with this species. plows,, wire fencing and nails,
baa announced. President Hoover's 1930 fishing wore none at all; of the thousands! 1 demand Inmate turned to the other Y
and but he can not supply the
out freezes
name. holiday, is the northernmottt of Once of girls in Texas, It is almost un- and said, "Can you Imagine that
Innacola Continuing an un- nearly a hundred fishing camps be- droughts do not harm pine seed believable that one should have to for radios, electric percolators the, he's going to put that on hIs straw.
edented era of construction In Palm Beach-The year Just closed tween the Florida mainland and lings and the land U put into pro do without silk stockings, but thatis vacruum cleaners, etc. Yes, Advocate berries and we put sugar and
hard.Wauchula -
acola and vicinity, $160,000h saw millions of dollars worth of Key West. By January 1 fishermen duction piling up dividends for the not all- the consumption of times are cream on ours and they put us in
of work on the $600,000 PenlaMobile Improvements for this wealthy will be casting bait from the owner Conservatively estimatedon I cigarettes increased! only about 5000,000 ,- here!"- Frisco Kmployes Magazine. -
dur- resort. Building permits of motor vessels' average Und, pines! w 111 net the ---
canal will begin winter decks of hundreds packages In the state last .
'for 1930 totaled $3,201,925, com,I to tempt sailfish, tarpon and other, owner $1.00 per acre per year whereas everybody knows it os I.," ONK UEI.'lU.U1.\.N
January. :year :
[ for the the clear profit Better Boll will pro- : IN STATE LEWSLATl'1IEWhen
pared with $2,554,349 pre gamo varieties. Fishing for t should have Increased twice that 0.---------
iradenton- -The old adage of ,ceding year. Expensive new homes big game salt water fish Is the I duce more handsome returns. NowIs amount. -
lipping coals to Newcastle: was built by Harold S. Vanderbilt, Otto greatest sport in tile ,world. the time to plant I "Times are sure hard we are the 11)31\ legislature meets Cay it with Flowers
Widener next April, one Republican andone
the E. ,
Bradenton when Kahn and Joseph seat at the movie
in able to obtain a
amplified Assocla- total. The Van- Villar Is crack woman will take their places 1.,-.--i -i -i -i .-.i-i ,i im i\m\
atee County Growers' helped swell the Milton- Francis a COUNTY AOENTIEET: TO after waiting only twenty minutes
a shipped an order of 50 crates, derbilt mansion at Lantana, alone hunter and has had numerous experiences DISCUSS!' KAKM IMIOUU5MS! when by right we should: have had among the Democratic lawmakingbody. male mrm- Flowers For All
[[peppers to California. cost 500000. afleld and astream Hut to wait at least an hour; the drug bers of the
Wednesday morning he brought In Gainesville, Fla. Florida county store got along by Installing only OccasionsCEKTKUDE
first big scale: Fort Lauderdale rare Seminole unusual Francis was trail- this The lone Republican will be Representative -
:restvlew--The game. agents, extension district agents, two extra fountains summer! Whitman Wau ... .. ,_ ......
A. D. - ?
In Its original Creek ----
.duction of tung oil nuts In'West Indian canoe I ing a deer over on Live Oak and extension! specialists have Just which shows how bad things really,
fcrlda was started this weekh brilliant colors Is on display In for south of Yellow River. He concluded a series of meetings at I are, but an extra showcase for chula, of Hardee county. lie CJODREY
the planting of 1000 acres In I the home of Dr. R. W. Burch, here., had tracked the deer several miles, Lakeland Ft. Pierce, DeFuniak 1 I I lipsticks! two extra racks for magazines A. T. Altmnn, the Demo-
aloosa county south of Crestw The canoe was found abandonedand 1 but suddenly came upon game of a Springs, and Live Oak In which I and a lunch counter cut In- cratic nominee, In the general election ANDERSON
the Marhoeferothers In a partly i damaged; 1 conditionby different sort. It was Lawrence of earnings and, of November 4.
owned by plans to meet the farm problems il to the druggist's 30 Waldo Fla
will be Mrs. Phone ,
fishing II The lone woman
Burch while on a d'negro convict from
of Chicago. Dr. Green, escap the coming year were dlscuHHed made him realize how hard times ..__ ....
[ trip on North New River Canal. one of the state camps on State Each of the agents brought are. Edna: 0. Fuller of Orlando, representative __,.....__ "" -0 .
output of Tampa The doctor salvaged the canoe and Road No. 10. Green fled early their plan of work to these meet- "And to make things worse, every from Orange county, who .
.Tampa which restored It as near as he could 1 to He crossed Boiling has a was'! member of the 1629 legis
factories during 1930, Wednesday. Ings, and other agents as well as vacant lot In America j
iar paled $453,226,471, were sold at Up. original condition. It is figured Creek despite the chill of the water the district agents and extension miniature golf course on it and it lature. COFFINS & CASKETS
Itall the country over for approx- that it is at least 50 years old. He got lost, which Is not dif specialists, added their experiences looks like hard times are getting The grim hand of death remov- And a Pull Line of
latcly $50,000,000 despite grow- ficult to accomplish in the vast and opinions in an effort to reach so hard that they're going to have ed two legislators: one from each }"
Panama of of the two houses, and made It Undertaken Supplies
-ompetltlon from other young- Panama City The area of unsettled country south the best solution to each particular to start tearing down perfectly take
I_ centers. Theater will add some time after the river Mr Villar took Green problem. good buildings to make room for, nccetmary! for successors to AUTOMORILFl11F"tfMiG,} '
cigar the first of the year, approximately into custody and brought him to Such meetings are held at regu more peewee golf courses. And if the vacant places, S. D. Harris, Always on llanil. The !>..< I
Sew Smyrna New Smyrna $8.000 in new and modern eqUIp-- Milton, where he was placed in lar interval: by the Florida Agri-\B fellow wants to play on one of St. Petersburg, will nil the unex- .rrrle. .< tfc. lovr.M Drift. '
be one of the few bill ment. This new addition will con Jail. Later he was returned to the cultural ExtenlllolService.! the pesky things he has to wait plred senate term of the late Sen- Uratlon( to trlrvrapk LIIIp..1
[ill soon
municipalities in the sist of a Western Electric sound camp. And some time soon Mr. nearly an hour before he can get ator Albert II. Welsh, who was the order '
(Ue ardless of Florida by the provisions system featuring all of the latest' Villar will receive a check from the VOULTKY CAB I'IJIIJ'l'EU to start, and then get run over, only Republican member of the up- nnaul'Icnltn uuu u.ssecn
1 ordinance passed at the devices, the same that is installedand state for capturing Green. knocked down and hit by golf balls per house Harris will represent
a new meeting of the city com now In use In large cities, suchas j c.OIlDBIl Marianna, Fla. A car load 1 of before he finishes. Every one of the eleventh district In the senate. DEWITT C. JONES
Igular New York, Atlanta, New Or- 20 .IKKSEYS poultry was recently shipped cooperatively -' the miniature courses ls crowded H, W Taylor, Quincy, wits electedto .'FAIIKIO. ELORIDATUE :.
panion. leans and others, and Is to be one Fla. With from Jackson, Wash- day and night. Yes,' times are the house of representatives to
I amateur best that Is on the mar- DeFuniak Springs, and Holmes counties -I' fill the vacancy In nomination left ;
Miami-Plans for an of the very orders for 20 fine Jersey heifers ington, Okaloosa hard.
Iwlmmlng championship program ket today. from Walton county farmers,'. by farmers who were assistedby ., J
Icre February 1, for all swimmersn of County Agent Mitchell Wilkins recently the county or homo! demonstration -
the east coast area, were an- Vero Beach-The prospect tick left here to go to Tennesseeand agents and the State Market- AMERICAN VALVE __
city county becoming About 16,000 poundsof GREAT
ounced by C. A. Roberts Indian River select them. ing Bureau.
promoter. Nationally known free is attracting attention to the hens, friers, and turkeys wentin
miners will be Invited.MiamiAccompanied possibilities of livestock produc- JacksonvilleNew. equipment the car and brought $2,775 to
tion In the county. The experiments added to plant of Main Dye Works, the 200 farmers delivering poultryto .
I by a group conducted with various 1713 Main street. the car. *
f distinguished men Interested inhe grasses and forage crops have
proposed Everglades National demonstrated that rich pasturescan
ark plan members of the United be developed In a few years. .
States Senate Committee on Public Utilizing a tract of about, 1000acres .
cis i Sunday began a tour of the In the west township of district the- TAMPA"The At the National Automobile Shows r
Farms Drainage
blades area.GainesvilleThe. Indian River
C. E. Cobb is planning to
of ranch with 50 head of
University stock the
orida is getting ready to celebrate young beef cattle. Convenient Center" of .
its twenty-fifth birthday an- wins
; Chevrolet
month .
versary. In commemoration of Perry-In a. few more "
Ithe event, the Institute of Inter- with the completion of B-A and 19 FLORIDA"The
1 American Affairs will hold its nrst to the Madison county line. Taylor ,
[annual conference at the University county will realize a long cherished
| February to 13, 1931. dream, and already traveler cut to are the I Playground of America"
the short
La Belle-Tha building of observatory i South and West through the cut first place
towers has started by en- off which will save much mileage
War Department, and money. Even now the
gineers of the time *
19 is
[who are now stationed here and effect of the rock surfacing
and pushIng among the numbers of
I are rapidly organizing noticeable
I ahead on the work of definingthe foreign cars, and when the road is
exact course which the new finally completed within a few for the fourth timeFirst
of cars will pass
I cross state waterway will pursue. months, ,
through Perry for all points South
Pensacola-Continued and steady and East. Ines
I Increase in the Pensacola air station I
I personnel Is shown.! A few Live Oak-Court House Squarein
than 900 Oak is among one of the
months ago a total of less Live
duty to be. found In this section II
officers and men were on prettiest
personnel of the state, and la a fine advertisement
here, whUe the present traveler .
Is 2,394, including 300 of officers to the numerous
it daily over the In fact no previous Chevrolet car
and 1,078 men.Jacksonville who pass but place at the National Automobile
Trail and cannot help such a high
Spanish ha ever represented
granted on
and Show*-a position
Three hundred admire the lawn with their num. sale volume-1* degree of quality and advancement, t
thousand of farming Implements the beautiful roses I the basis
pounds the first of the Inter erous vart-colored hue and colors.for HILLSBORO again awarded to Chevrolet. and old at such low price a.today
S. is responsible HOTEL
national Harvester Company's Sheriff Will Lyle grounds 4, Chevrolet Six.
American export business to come the nine condition of the and ThI.I. the fourth conecutlre time
court house,
tak- the
Jacksonville, U being surrounding i
en through aboard the steamship Algic at Bees to It that everything la keptin that Chevrolet ha achieved thla New low prices .
the municipal docks and terminal the very best of order with honor. And the reason lie In the
fine rose as his chief delight. .Tampa's Largest hotelCentralFireproofSteam cBceptlonal value which Chevrolet Roadster $475 I Sport Roadster with
River Junction-Indications are rumbl..e.t $49J Coach or Standard Flvo-
era in sugar |
A new consistently provide.
Chattahoochee-Rtver Clewlston o cars
that the .
dawned In Pbaetoa$510iSt.ud.and
has WlndowCoupe$343,
according harvesting
Junction road will be paved. cane
to information received Florida. Seven huge harvesting to cut Heat-Radios This year, in Ha bigger and better Coupe $333 Sport Coupe (rumble i;
here from several sources Mil- machines, each took designated to the undulating Six, Chevrolet 1. offering an outstanding eat).$31S| Standard Sedan$63S| Special c
He Martin member of the depart 500 tons a day airy rooms--spacious which Special equipment ...ra.
the third district fields' pf the Southern Sugar Home-like atmosphere--Large, example of the value Sedan $650.
ment from this,
says that the road will likely be of Company In the Everglade history near lobby-Mezzanine and Outdoor Balcony ha brought It such record succe. Price I'. o. b. Flint, Michigan. x
concrete and that contract will\ be ; here for the first time more In harvesters Barber Shop Beauty Parlor Battle Creek
let at the meeting In Tallahassee of the Industry. Eight other
Baths and con-
are to be put to work Turkish and Roman many
on January the 12th. of doing the workof veniences. SIX
shortly. Capable- NEW CHEVROLET;
Lauderdale-No move inaugurated 200 hand laborers, sugar mensal
Fort in recent years ha won they expect the harvester to "TOP OF TilE TOWN"-Dlnlng Room and Roof
the com-
wider or quicker public acclaim do for cane grower what in Garden
the announced bine has done for
and support than dealer below
plans for staging a river pageantand the middle west. -- See your
Fountain Luncheonette
carnival Cafeteria and
tbe-clty 1-
birthday-of) I
Vegetable growersfrom
coming Fort Myera-
during the height of
winter season No other city In all parts of Florida December will 29 gather to- $2.50 to $6 European $6 to $9 AmericanWe Torode Chevrolet Co. Starke Fla.ALSO .
unique here
Florida baa a lovely, or ,
reductions -
of preventing Live at the HILLSBORO
a setting for staging such an affair discus means Invite You to
tariff on com-
&II ha Fort Lauderdale. petitive in the agricultural products. The L. B. Skinner PmMrnt. Weekly Rates and Polder SIX-CTUNDUl TRUCKS DM ..|.... f. .. .. Fast. MkMM
U to engage a repre- Manager on Application DEALERS IN
TavarPlaDa for the settingout present plan C. J. Jackson
at Washington to Telephone M-5M1
of 600) ) additional acre to tuna enatlve. Florida ,
oil trees In the Trtmbey Properties tariff matters affecting to alIIOoi.r.J.'i..II. V
to planned
development Hear Clermont were farmer
... .. f"I.' .' -""" ''. p-, ,
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( PAGE FOUR __________u_ .. 4h
--- -- -- -
- -- -
,b, -..----- --.--- .; --- Mrs. A W. Andrews, Jr., Mrs. T. J. Congressman Green CLOSINGAPS' Mrs. : Steady Job H
BIRTHDAY DOItOTnyVlIITE'S PARTYOn Alderman, Mrs. E. L. Biggs Mrs Perry A '''Visit TO CEDAR KEY ,which ville, who kiss those tear.*(1 I
Pays tenderly
} L. A. Davis Mr, S. S. Dowllnjt, .
(flclgyf new year's-day, thirteen Mrs.\ M. E. Edwards, Mrs. W. Q 'I ;;.--r---' tiono into his arm IllIG
,'a little girl came to the Hallo, Mrs. O. L. Haynes. Mm Went to velltIK.te Water Harbor. Progress Being Made In Paving sonville the next few
years home ago of Mr. and Mrs. 'Olin W.: Carl Johns, Mrs. E. S. Matthews, At Stelnhatohen: Also The Link of State Road 13 Between Lake i tears flowed 01\,
White and they named her Dor- Mrs. T. B. Massie, Mrs. E. Jo(. Sponge: ,Industry. Bronson and Ellzey[ only Short Instructive stop thenw!
r MRS. T. J. GRIFFIN othy Ray White. In honor of her Johns, Mrs. A. L. Moore, Mrs. L. j rr GHod. --.-+ Distance Left to Gulf Coast. A .
birthday anniversary, her parents C. Ray, Miss Amelia Ray. Miss In' Green.-congressman: Williams, murmured, 'iti fa
ENTERTAINSBoth her a party at their home on Kate Struth, Mrs. W. H. Struth, for the second Florida district, wasa According to the Levy County 'to adopt But go 11II,"
of the Methodist gave Sanderson street, on Saturday eve-. Mrs.' Hogan Smith, Mrs. Kirby visitor: la: .Perry Tuesday and Journal; paving of that portion of er of No. ."-Ex: F
met at the ning. Smith, Mrs. L. D4 Viaing Mrs. K spent, the day,
:Missionary Society J. 'W White Mrs. friends. Is progressing satisfactorily. prise for
decoratedwith A. Weeks. Mrs. and circulating with Ellzey (
Mon- was
home of Mrs. T. J. Griffin on The living room does a
home foliage and a quantityof O. W White Mrs. Lenthal Wyman. The direct cause of his visit was 'The Journal says that Lang- she was roil-h
This lovely
r' day afternoon.decorated for the occasion white narcissi, making a pleas- Harriet Peek Circle, :Mrs. Arthur to make a personal investigationof ston Construction Company, the the W. 0, marry a
was leader-Mrs. A. W.'Anderson the and its succeesful bidders on this stretchof No. 138 \
Wood sponge.industry; pos-
narcissi for the company.The
of setting gay
f with baskets/ and vases Ing She doesn't J
:< and pot plants.Mrs hostess entertained with Miss Amy Coburn, Mrs. J. sibilities ,with a view of giving it highway, ,have put down ,even land of w.l |k g|
Arthur Wood had charge of, games and contests, and Mrs. F. Colley, Mrs. A. H. Green Mrs whatever aid he might be able. miles of lime rock base In the ''t\yc tire and h
the program, the subject of which White served ice cream and cake, L. D. Green, Mrs. H. A. Dew, "r"I' I Ha also went into the question months since operations began and. Starke n
., was Stewardship. Readings from I the large birthday cake being Wllmer Holtzendorf, Mrs. I* of a public building for the Perry that it is believed the remaining:. Instituted ConatrucJ
Hutto. Mrs. D. E. Knight, Mrs. which he to six miles into will be this time exhibition hark
t'4, tho Missionary Voice on this subject beautifully iced and ornamented. I 11.1 postofflce hopes secure : Ellzey finish'I.'I. annual
were given by Miss Amelia Marshmallows were toasted at the V. Knight, Mrs. F. H. Long, by the passage of anew law ad- ed before the end of presented : Florida i 0
? ]t Ray, Mrs Parks and Miss Hazel open fireplace. E. K. Perryman, Mrs. P. J. Pearce, mitting towns of this size to federal It is understood in Bronson that I iting state I Jan. 27.31
Mlddleton. The Invited guests were: Dor- Mrs. I* C. Prescott, Mrs. W. B. I aid. He spoke of the need of an effort is to be made to induce: dian with I
Miss Evelyn Stump in a most ,othy Sapp' Mildred Hundley, Elizabeth Parka.Mrs. N. T. Bitch, Mrs. J. II. a ,dlvsion point hero for holding the state road department to place I narcissi. -MOTH- :
pleasing manner gave the reading Hollingsworth Geraldine Flitch, Mrs. Hamilton Ritch, Mrs\ occasional terms of the federal 1 tho missing link of number 13, presented .. V""I,1,
"The House by the Side of the Johns Martha Powell, Lillian L. F. Smith, Mrs. Pearl Snyder, court At present federal court is from Ellzey to near Cedar Key, in vases as. ,. Inxtru B.Inf.
Road" and Miss Dorothy Smith Sternberg June Smith, Louise I Miss Olive Ray, Mrs. Florence held In Gainesville' Pensacola and I the 1931 budget, thus completing from Klorlcltt be held, h' ',
delighted the guests with the witty Snyder, Elaine Wynn, Marjorie Wood. Mrs. N. D. Wainwright, Mrs. Tallahassee, and he ,thinks this tho southern end of this state Grove No. Fla.'A Rainptinn '.' !*1\\!'
.' reading "Christopher Columbo." Stump, Lois Long, Carmen Toole, A. W Redgravea. section is entitled to convenient highway and providing continuous When Tax".School. vii' 'i<,'iIrlc\
Mrs Griffin was assisted In en- Vera Claire Robinson, Martlle Mrs. T. J. Griffin, president; calendars. paving from Cedar Key northwest light, Gee, Tux eV 1 I'
d tertaining by her sister, Mrs. N. T. Hemingway, Myrtice Ford, Annie Mrs. W. F. Jones, pastor's wife, The question of the deep water I across northern Florida through You | shall| Tax) PIIIIK'fish 1)lal'r
Ritch. A delicious naiad/ course I Murrhee, Virginia Alvarez, James members at large.JOHNSKKDGRAVKS. harbor at DeR man's Bay at the Bronson. Archer Gainesville. Wal- Ftanshlne Cou e
with hot tea and coffee was lIerved.1 Holllngsworth!! William Edward.4!, Stelnhatchea riyer mouth was also do, Hampton, Starke and Lawtey I i companied Mlllarce" and 1 li d, n."
r Those present were: Mrs. Leslie Biggs, Paul Raymond. M. T. Inve UgateJ., to Baldwin where connection la I drick at conHolldnti, ,, J 'I IVfu
y q Adkins Mrs, 1'. H. Long, Mrs. A Weeks, J. B. Silcox and Stanley Congressman,Green Is a workerfor made with state road number one. the uf ,' ,'
following .
k ,l \V. Redgraves, Mrs. J. W White Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Redgraves his dlstrct and spoke very Number 13 remains unpaved be- I ceremonies J. 1.. Wyn, \ "', 1 1bn I Iitr
9 Mrs. W. G. Halle. Mrs. L. A Davis, announce the marriage of encouragingly of the things that tween Baldwin and Fernandma and the and Inn( I
Mrs. D. E. Knight, Mrs. W. E. Mid- COI. AND MRS. J. 1.ritAZEH their daughter, this section Is asking for from the efforts are now under way to also fully II i +IAr
dleton, Mrs. E. S. Matthews, Mrs. ENTERTAIN Thelmato federal government.-Perry Her have this project listed in the 1931 labrfl.3! 1.ilm.fiit
I* C. Ray Mrs. Hamilton Ritch, ald. program of the state road depart green table f
Mrs. J. H. Bitch Mrs R. A. Weeks Col. and Mrs. J. L. Frazee enter- Mr. Carl Johns, ment.-Gainesville Dally Sun. seated Dr. 1MOTICK
+ Mrs. W. .. Jones, Mrs. W B. tained the Twentieth Century December Eighteenth i ; parlor and ---
.II, Parks Mrs N. T. Ritch, Mrs. E. Bridge Club Monday evening at Starke, Florida. Seven Miles Rock WOODMEN'ORGANIZATION at the Vested in 'them, u.
Instruction r
K Perryman, Mrs. I* Wyman, their home on Walnut street in The above!! announcement will be Base Laid In Two HOLDS INSTALLATION :MEET torium Florida, hrrcliy)nlln fro.|f
,i\ Mrs. T. J. Alderman, Mrs. L. D. received with interest by the many (e held K..h.l ID, J Jlji, 1
honor of Major and Mrs. Taylor
Vining, Mrs. P. J. Pearce, Mrs. H. Belcher of Garrlson-on-the-Hud- friend of the young couple. Months on Road 13 (Continued from page 1.) served to Tax County School t ti Him dart
A. Dew, Mrs. Pearl Snyder, Mrs. N. Y.Narclslll, -. and or not they hall t.j
son, advance to behind the on RI"'hll| Tux Sib..I.
L. C. Prescott, Mrs. A. H. Green, IIUNTER-BOYU a position
larkspur, Chinese sacred *- Wark on that section of state the 11 of Bradford Count: "I
+ Mrs. L. S. Hut to, Mrs. Sam Ander- -- road Thirteen between Bronson altar when the, presiding officer ,Circle .". with them i|
lilllea and roses were arrangedto Miss Iva Boyd and Mr. C. H. thanked them for the wonderful .. and doturraitvfi
Misses Olive and Amelia Ray,
lion advantage in the Frazee home .,and Ellzey is progressing nicely. graced our mlllagre to IK axxeiw
Dorothy Smith Stump and Hunter were quietly married at work they had accomplished in Bald connulhluted
for this delightful affair. The Langston Construction company ville, dll>
Hazel Middleton. Haines City, Saturday, January 3. the year 1930. They were then
> who ,received tbe contractfor Trenton
At the close the of )
prizes ho.linn
games 11""
1 The bride of the seated and the roll of officers
was a graduate new ,
Scott A. J. Tliniwil
awarded Mrs. and hard surfacing,this section of of the
+ r Sternberg Bradford County High School and called, they advacing'ln front of appointed munast I
Road 13 have {old nearly seven W. of
Mr. D. A. Montleth for
scoring Clerk.
V. D. C. CHAPTER MEETS since has made her home at Tampa the guardians station where the
P high and to Mrs. Biggs and Mr. miles of lime rock base In the two men Circle II. L MAY
AT MKS. ADKINS' where she attended the Tampa paptaln, Miss Gladys Williams and Cha'lrmwl.
months they .have been working.The In Starke, .
Peek for making low. Major and ..r 1-9-r.t U
Business staff escorted the officers -
College. _. the degree
remaining six, miles of lime
Mrs. O. L. Beasley and Mrs. Ad- Mrs. Belcher were presented guests Mr. Hunter la from Philadelphia, to the ante room and back to
rock base intp Ellzey; will be com- ,
kips were Joint hostesses to the prize. Pa., and spends the winters in the altar for the installing cere- : :
the latter of
pleted by part Feb -
M W T. Weeks chapter of the U. D. The following guests enjoyed a Florida. The bride and groom havea ruary if conditions are favorable.The mony. After each officer had
delicious salad
C. on Wednesday afternoon. The course: host of friends who will wish taken her oath of office she passed
YI lovely home of Mrs. Adkins was Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Wainwright, them state road department is the
happiness. formed
? + through a bridge by
; i ''nY made more attractive with bowls Mr and Mrs. W. .M. Wainwright, i using a number of prisoners in Starke degree staff to her respective Grocery SpecialsDel
I working over ,the grade and bringIng .
and vases of fragrant narcissi. Miss Mary Canova. Mr. and Mrs.F. BAPTIST W M. U. CIRCLES station.
F, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. it up to specifications.
The president, Mrs. A M. Darby, Stump, TO MEET The Installing officer ,placed
Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Haggerty Is the engineerIn
Beasley, Sternberg,
presided over a short business i
r into our guardian's hands the
ar meeting. Mrs. E. K. Perryman Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vining, Dr. and The circles of the Baptist W. M. charge of the project.-Bronson beetle to use it with care and honor Monte Coffee 32c
Journal. -
Mrs. E. L. Biggs Mr. and Mrs. D. I II
p acted as secretary in the absenceof U. will meet Monday afternoon at through the coming year. The
r -*-
Mrs.. Hill. Mrs. I* O. Powell A. Montieth, Major and Mrs. Tay- 3 o'clock in the following homes: newly Installed guardian took '
I, gave two most Interesting readings lor Belcher and Mr and Mrs. S. L. Circle No.. 1-Mrs. J. C. Robin- J. E. CLKMONS DIES AT II.charge, and Miss Ethel Moore very PURE SANTOS COFFEE ___ u_ 25c
4v ,on General Robert E. Lee, whose Peek. BKOOKEK charmingly sang "Old New Eng-
14 birthday is January 19:Miss Ethel i son.Circle No. 2-Mrs.. F. F. Flume. land Moon", accompanied by Miss 48c
j' Griffin played several piano selec- PARTY Circle. No. 3-Mrs. J. H. Pitts., Mrs: M.: Saucer, of Bald Kendrick at the piano. Guardian - - - - - -
-) tions. . win, was called to Brooker Monday next with a few pleasing remarks
The two hostesses assisted by by the 'death of her father, the state
presented vice-president,
Mills Lois Adkins served a delightful A party was given Thursday: LADIES AUXILIARY OF PRESBYTERIAN J. E. demons,'71, who had resided 24 Ik Pillsbury Best Flour - arc
s evening by tbe Christian Endeavor CHURCH MEET '
a salad course with hot tea. in that community all of his life.
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. T, -
Those present were: Mrs. W. E. lIe had been in falling health sometime
S. Williams in honor of the The Ladles Auxiliary of the
Torode and Mrs. Effle Miner of college I and his death occurred Mon- 24 Ibs. SELF-RISING FOUR i____ 7Jc
1 students who their Presbyterian church will meet '
Lawtey, Mrs. L. A. Davis, Mrs. J. were spending day afternoon. i
vacation In Starke., Tuesday evening, Jan. 13th at 8 Extra brand.
E. Wilson, Mrs. S. E. Brownlee, Mi Clemons is survived by his fancy
The dec- o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mary
t Mrs. E. L. Biggs, Mrs. O. L. were beautifully widow, Lydia Anne Clemons; four'
orated with narcissi. Several Dover and Mrs. T. N. Kendrick.
f Haynes, Mrs. J. M. Brownlee, Mrs. sonar five daughters and 13: grand- 8lbs., Swift's Jewel Compound ____ ._ Sac
The for will be China
clever contests and subject study .
were enjojyed,
W. G. Halle. Mrs. U C. Powell children. The sons surviving are:
Mrs. M. E. Edwards, Mrs. E. K. some popular songs were sung by with Mrs. E. Browne as leader. Dr. W. H. demons, St. Petersburg; 6 Ibs. SNOWDRIFT ._ ___ __ $1.00
Messrs. S. E. Bitch James Bitch Mrs. Jennie Leith will lead the de
Y Peryman, Mrs. O. L. Beasley, Mrs. EL H. and Alvin demons, Brooker. 1 1On
,. ''if. A. Z. Adkins and Misses Amelia Wesley Stearns and Joe Davis. votional. The daughters are: Mrs. A. O.
,< Ray and Ethel Griffin. sandwiches Refreshments and hot consisting chocolate of Kinsey, ATori> Park; Mrs. G C. The Screen Pure Creamery Butter 35c
. were
)j CLYDE ALVAREX DIES Mills, Arcadia; Mrs. C. M. Saucer,
served to Misses Guasle Mae Bennett
FOLLOWING SHORT ILLNESS Baldwin; Mr*} Coy' Gay. Brooker, under the of
glare powerful
\ MRS. S. L. PEEK ENTER- Grace Wood, Patricia Lamb, ; .
-- and Mr .'J. R. Quarlse;! Miami. lights and the stress of ,"Picture 2Jc
Beatrice Bullen, Alice Fernandez, .1 ,
i! Clyde H. Alvarez. commercial I >IT" .' Making" the beauty rendered by
Evelyn Stump, Sara Hope Haynes,
Gouraud's Oriental Cream stands
and time resident
'f.''; A delightful bridge party was Ina Forsytb, Helen and Mae Mer- railway a long : CICMtJ Jn ,ol.J"N ,;\[Ali the test.: 'It !gives. an alluring,
i for the Seaboard Air Line
I ay' given by Mrs. S. L. Peek Friday sereau, Edna Stansbury, Margaret agent Jacksonville, died at his home In- ,.... Vortli pearly appearance that will not White Bacon per pound -. lie
j afternoon at her home complimentary Williams Mrs. W. H. Hart and rub off streak or spot. >1 ,
gleslde avenue at Post street, Wed- Train No. 22 3:30
Mrs Mrs. Belcher p. m.
\ to Taylor Jrs. Ceo. H. Lowry; Messrs. Wesley No "touching; up" necessary as
,t of Garrlson-on-the-Hudaon, N. Y. Stearns, Leonard Wolf, of nesday afternoon following a brief Train No. 4, 6:40: p. m. the akin retains the delightfully:
: The rooms where the guests were Green Cove Springs, Theodore Illness. Mr. Alvarez was in his "South loft, seductive beauty under all con Bacon Plates pound - 14cDel
forty-eighth year., Train No. 11, 11:00: a. mTrain ,
; entertained were.,tastefully deco-
: Young, Joe Davis, W. H. Hart, ditions.GOURAUD'S
) '(' rated for this pleasant affair with James and Sanford Rltch. A native of Starke, Mr. Alvarez. No. f, 6:40: p. m.
l quantities of narcissi and pot entered the railway service in ': Stark.Vannee, Monte Seedless Raisins, 15 oz. 9c
Jacksonville In 1910 as a clerk with Mail OR1ENT4l
cloaea.J:00: a. m.
1 ? Following several progressions MEETS Seaboard Air Line. He remained Mail arrives 2:40p.: m.
W of the game scores were added and with that company until Feb -, CREAM Del Monte Spinach No. 1 l IQc
tj prizes awarded the winners. Mrs.J. Members of the St. Marks ruary of 1913 when he joined the Nq Sunday service. Wklta, FU.li.Rend feu-nil 100 tar.nd Trial OrI.ntal II.l .Tu. .eh.e.s n - - -
C. Hoover made Mrs. J. W. freight staff of the O. F. & A. rail- i No. 12 last train for registers. .
high, Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Feed T. Honklnt' A S<>" N.w York CitySTEAM
Andrews Jr. made and way. He went to Tampa for that : Train 12 best air mall connections.
second O. L. Beaaley Monday afternoon.A 2 lb. packaae Delmonte PRUNES 19c
in 1919 remaining there T
Mrs. TaVlor Belchehr made low.' A short business session was company
guest prize was awarded the hon- held at which time delegates and six months as traveling freight PRESSING COMPANY
agent. He returned to Jackson- Extra Fancu Blue Rose RICE lb. __ 5e
alternates to the 41st annual meetIng SUITS CLEANED, PRESSED AND RESHAPED
pree.The ville In September of 1923 with the
> hostees served a tempting of the Woman's to 'f
G. F. & A. He joined the Sea- J. Frank Thoman Phone. 52 3 Ibs. YELLOW' JOe
salad course to the following the Diocese of Florida to be held ONIONS _______ -
guests: Mrs. J., E. Corpening Mrs. In Palatka' January 21st and 22nd board staff again, as commercial 0:1' _:.... _. -., 11. ..
;/ J. W. Andrews Jr., Mrs. N. Stern- were appointed aa follows: Mrs. : agent, in January of 1928. 'I i iSurvivilng ",> 'rolaic: ; , 1M 10 Ibs. I fish Potatoes, new or old _____... 30c
berg Mrs. J. C. Robinson, Mrs. H. J. M. Alvarez and Mrs. C. A. Futch,I him In addition 'to 00 t. ra" j iI" -
V. Knight, Mrs. E. M. Johns Mrs. Mrs. J. C. Hoover and' his widow, are a daughter; two ''6 Ibs. BANANAS "' '25c
delegates; __
: __u. .. a. ______
sons, Raymond and Francis and LADIES SILK HOSE -- "
it O. L Haynes, Mrs. B. S. Carroll, Mrs. Q. M. Sistrunk, alternates. : ;
four brothers, C. M. O. W. and Q.
Mrs. L. D. Vinlng. Mrs. J. L. Fra- The meeting of the ,
; see, Mrs. N. D. Wainwright, Mrs.J. program S. of Jacksonville and J. C. Alvarez CELERY _ ___,_.-____. _____----.-- lOc
; Auxiliary will be held at the homeof
II. Bitch, Jr.. Mrs. A. Z. Adkins, Mrs. C. A. Futch, Monday, Jan of Winston-Salem N. C. FREE! FREE!
:Mrs. O. L. Beasley, Mrs. E. Burns, 19th. Funeral services will be held In LETTUCE _ __ _,.__. *.-+-...,...___...._-___ - 10e
Mrs. J. C. Hoover, Mrs. L Wyman, the chapel of Moulton &: Kyle In
Mrs. W. M. Wainwright, Mrs. T. J. SEW AND SO CLUB MEETS Jacksonville at 10 o'clock Friday CAULIFLOWER per pound *___.._- 12c
Alderman and Mrs. Taylor Belch morning, It waa announced Wed-
j Mrs. II. C. Bitch was hostess to nesday. Interment will take placeIn Friday and Saturday 7 1-2 Ibs. GRITS h---__ __.____ 25c'
er.NEW i .- members of the Sew and So Club the Crosby cemetery In Starke
:: YEAR BUIDOG PARTY : Tuesday evening at her home on Friday afternoon. The Rev. Chas ...
Call street. W. Frazier of St. Mary's church 8 lbs. MEAL _ __ _ ____ ___h_ ___ - -- 25eCARL'S
h Sarah Hope and Georgia Cath Fragrant narcissi intermingledwith will have charge of the services With every pair of ladies $3.95 or $4.45
erine Haynes gave a new year's fern were prettily arranged Honorary pallbearers will be F. '
i' party Wednesday evening at the about the room where the guests H. Bryant, O. L. Hurley, C K. Ed- t Shoes purchased a pair of CASH CORNER
i home, of their parental Dr. and spent a pleasant evening sewing wards and J. P. Derham. Jr., of '
Mrs. O. L. Haynes. and playing bridge. Jacksonville; E. P. )Mills of Tallahassee "FULL: FASHIONED, HOSE I
The large loving room where The hostess served' the follow and G. F. Allen of Gaines- PHONE WE. DELIVER
four tables were placed: for bridge ing present a sweet course: Mrs ville. Active pallbearers will be FREE .. :," : --- .:.--, :-. -,, -.:, , ' ' . - :..-.- -,;:::-
E was decorated In keeping with the D. P. Carpenter Mite Ethel Grif- O. O. Walters, E. H. Hatcher. P ..,; :rh '- =
season. Candy was served on the fin, Miss Florence Matthews, Miss L. Barrett C. C. Fleming, 'O. T. .-. i r.lJYitA r
tables during the evening. At the Blanche Alderman, Mrs. B. S. Car Lampkln and J. C. Turner.
close of the games prizes were roll, Miss Betty Chamberlin Miss .
t Walton every $2JS5; or $3.50 pair purchased 1- RADIO REPAIRING i
'y awarded tbe winners. Martha Mln Gruber and Miss Eunnce Per. Camp Highway into a
Brownlee made high and Margaret kins. this place near school house will b-
f Williams low. beautified by planting of several pair of all silk HoseFREE I ALL :MAKES i iSmith's
The following guests enjoyed a NEW DIVISION MEMBERS rows of one-year-old pine trees.
8 salad course: Eunice Canova, Martha OK MISSIONARY SOCIETYThe
x Powell, Evelyn Stump Mar. A Service Station !
x Jorte Stump, Lola Long, Lois Adklna. W, M. S. of the Methodist 666 ,
:' ; ". Kitty llogsed Murla,Weeks, church has been divided for the .
p :Mary Pearce- Alice Fernandez sea year with the following mem- I. ._..... ...._.1..... r.e J. & R. STORENext Authorized DealerWestirighouse .
Martha Brownlce. Lillian Stern. bra In the two circles: COLDS AND HEADACHES
i f' berg. Dorothy Bitch and Margaret Noble White Circle. Mrs. Middle- It !. <.. .-t ...N" **m,+tr ...... Door to the Postoflice Radios'
Williams. ton, loader-Mrs. A. Z. Adklna, 8641 also In Tablets ,
),rV I It
i d" ,'* %*' Mlv+ tp vvf. <
I :
*''>4*#*< iWl .
. ._ .... ..
------ -- -- --- '
city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs I
t DeWitt C. Jones.Cainesvllle; :: Eve- LEGION BILLWOULD I :
nlng News, Monday ,
' '114 Bits oi I FRIDAY
hho0. Theodore Young returned to Au- AMENDVETERANS'ACT SPEC"IA'LSSATURDAYJAN.
burn Sunday after spending the 9TH
'III 1" holidays here with his parents, Mr. .
local Ne and Mrs. H. H. Young. Mr. and : .
titOIl. Mrs. Young accompanied him, returning -
Our Business and I
Concerning People
- L. S. Hutto, Misses Edna Proposed Legislation Swk In-
I j'bI Progress of the County and Town. and and Elizabeth Carrie Hutto.Williams Misses and Gladys Misses created Dependent IVnttlon'Rate'AM And I FL UR, 24 pound Bag :' 70c
Sunshine and Mildred Hundley attended I -
-ssass2 I 52525252 Zr25ur' 25i'.5n! the Woodmen Circle Instal- Washington, Jan. 5. Amid PILLSRUKY HIENZ
fie Ii WEATHER RECORD "Star Brand Shoes are Better". lation of officers of Orange Grovein echoing demands Mr cash payment I
See the beautiful line at Sump's., Jacksonville Tuesday on adjusted compensation certificates PANCAKE FLOUR CATSUP
- by Starke branch, U. ,'' Chairman"Johnson of the I
hoc ompiled Department. Virginia Fugate returned to her 1, Miss Pearl Jordan returned to House veterans' committee, today
laJlI Ore, |{leek Forestry ending,'Jan. 6, 1931. home in Ocala Sunday after spend- the holidays city Thursday with her after parents spendingthe Mr. prepared the'greatelOt to Introduce liberalization a bill proposing I 2 packages23c} Large Bottle21c
Max. Min., Preclp. ing the holidays with her sister, asked by the American Legion
Date and Mrs J. E. Jordan, Wrtghtsvllte, .
Katie Fugate. Ga. Miss Melrose Jordan is the since existing provisions were en- .
C U 53 37 guest of her sister for a few days acted seven years ago.
t, 1 62 44 Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Holloway, and will visit friends in Jackson- The bill drafted by the Legion
2 66 ,33 Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Morse and Mr. I ville and other points. would amend the World War Veterans' PILLSBURY'S BEST FLOUR 24 pounds - $1.00This ,
3 62 48 Act in 34 ,
bntii and Mrs. Mclver of Monroe, N. C.,I separate ways.It
(-! n, 4 72 50 1.28 arc spending a while in Starke. :Mrs. W. P. Hurst and children would increase pension rates,
"balall ed" flour will idea of
ivtr' 1\ IL I 5 70 61 ..26n. returned to their home in Jacksonville provide hospitalization for all veterans give you a new perfect baking
6 .65 43 sweaters reduced at Stump's.Mr Sunday after a visit with Mrs. regardless of service connection I
.I., I I Tota) rainfall for week 1.74 In. Hurst's sister, Mrs. Roy Edwards.She of their ills; extend present MEADOW GROVE CLRARRKOOK
')Iat and and Mrs. T. W. Nichols and was accompanied by her: temporary dependency allowance ,
e I Seed rye oats. Klckliter's.I son Billy, of Jacksonville, were mother, Mrs. E. C. George. I I to dependents of permanently disabled -' CREAM CHEESE Creamery Butter
netk week-end guests of Mr. and :Mrs. --- .------ and! supply additional wid-I
:0:; .' I O. E. Knight attended court J. L. Simmons. Mrs. W. G. Hallo. Mrs. L. C [ow's and orphans' pensions.Pcnmnd i
.,,w'itirt. [ Orlando Monday Ray :Mrs R. A. Weeks. Mrs T. J, Are ltrnl'wt..1 I
;/lr I Per Pound24c Pound 37c
; Miss Mary Canova, Mr. D. C. Griffin, Hav. and Mrs. W. F. Jones Advocates of certificate payments -
I Col. J. I* Frazee made a business Evans, Major and and Mrs. Taylor Mrs. J. II. Ritch, Jr., Mrs. W. E. renewed their demands for I'
\Y Irn.t.,. ip to Tallahassee Friday.Levlton's Belcher motored to Silver Springs, Middleton. Mrs. A. Wood and Miss a hearing on number of such t
,t., Sunday. Hazel Middleton attended the proposals but Chairman Hawley att Pure Cane Granulated '
Tailor Shop Cleang -
I Methodist annual district missionary the ways and means committee
and pressing. 1114tf.State's Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Beasley spent meeting,in Jacksonville today. stood firmly against taking them
mrII. the week-end in Tampa with Mrs.Beasley1 up. ,SUGAR----- r r r 10 .Pounds 49cIIES7'
H. V. Knight I
.., Attorney Representative Gamer of Texas,
a parents, Mr..and Mrs, A. H. B' Wiggins of Hampton, has
u., Las professional
Jacksonville on
In C. Durden. Democratic leader, Introduced a .
bought the interest of R. L. KnabbIn
31..t,1! usiness the first of the week. bill to provide cash payment for DRY OCTAGON POWDERS 1
the grocery store of Wm. Knabb
II In r.. Mrs. S. C. Carnell and chiMren, &: Bro, and is in charge of this the surrender value of the certificates Or
returned to the
Paul. E. Knight at the option of the veteran. t
eaueau Salt Bacon'p
of Ormond, are visiting Mrs. Car-
department of the business. We )
to & SOA I
' of Florida Sunday
n. I diversity nell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. are pleased to welcome Mr. Wiggins Representative Fish (R. N. Y.),
rota esume his studies. said he had reason to believe the
.!end Scott. and family to Macclenny and national commander! of the Legionwas
I ,. wish him success. Macclenny Per Pound 15c 5 Packages 19c
Senator E. M. Johns and Mr. R. Mr. and Mrs. C. Young, of Sew- Press. gauging sentiment on the NewYorker's - - -
"'/ .'. Demorest spent Wednesday In that the
request ,
ickley, Pa., and Dunedin, were new
.'IN,.'> allahassee., year's guebts of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mr. and Mrs. G.' W. Hazen and tive committee bo called togetherto
take a'stand en the 'question.
I Ray. .son Evans also Mr. and Mrs. R. E.. ARMOUR VEGETOLE
y.m... Mr..- and- Mrs.. E. M. Davis and I "If he does not' respond withina
Hazen and and Mr. and Mrs
'.1, ''Mr, and Mrs. Sam Anderson visited son few days," Fish added, ""I will
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brownlee and E. J. Hazen of Brooker, Fla., were
Jacksonville Saturday., to I COMPOUND LARD10 Pound Pail 95c f
have something more
'family and Mrs. S. E. Brownlee holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. - - -
: spent Sunday in Gainesville with O. Hazen. The first named are New Yorker sponsoringcash I i
New Gossard Corsets, girdles, payment of 25 per cent of the .
I ;
Judge and Mrs. A. V Long. parents of Mr. Hazen and the others I
and combinations at Stump's.Mr. final face value of the certificates,
I brother. Mr. and Mrs. H. '
are Cabin
Log Maple Flat'or.
not.tbe veterans have
whether or
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Davis, Misses S. Hazen of Center Hill, another
and Mrs. R. J. Davis and I the
borrowed from government on
Ruby and Nell Davis and Ralph brother, was the guests al- i
daughters, Ida Lula, and Marjorie Halle of Rutledge, Ga., spent Friday so. The above among also were guestsat them. Representative Patman (D. Syrup small 25c Large 4Scsmi& :
spent Thursday in Gainesville. with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. the home of their daughter, andsistel' Texas) said about 100 membershad - - ; - -
signed his petition to force action -
Haile. Mrs. A. E. McKinney.- ,
Mrs. J. M. Marqus of Arcadia, > on his bill for payment In full.
was the guest of, Mrs. W. I* Wall, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. 'Green hadas Williston Sun. I Luillow Introduce'' Bill
Ludlow (D. Ind.), \
Monday. Representative
Mr. J, B.
their guests new year, t,
also introduced ,bill today to authorize -
Dees of Mayo, Miss Grace Rowe of LOUIS ,lULL lit
Humming Bird Hose $1, 1.35, the director of the Veterans ,I
Branford and Mrs. C. D. Williams
$150 and $1.75. Remember theyare of Tampa. Louis Hill, rcnklent of Maxvllle, an amount equal to the valueof I "'
guaranteed at Stump's.Mr Fla., died in this city last night af- his certificate increased by 23
M 8. L. .At Dees of Mayo, Mrs.J. ter a lingering illness. He is sur- per cent, plus 4 per.cent interest. 'Where Satisfaction Is a Certainti/ ;:
and Mrs. W. J. Epperson attended B. Hunt of Dade City and Mr. vived by a son, ,E. A. Hill of Del: The American,Legion bill In- I f
the funeral of Mr. John!, Billy Clark of Gainesville, spent Rio, Texas. The body has been, cludes two' provisions which ex- A A A A A _
demons at Brooker Wednesday. the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. prepared for burial by the Marcus perts said last year would call for ---
D. Green. Conant company who will an- an outlay of $30.000,000. and $i2,.j 1+'RThI SCHOOL HIJI'KKINIKN-: TIIKKKSMA DKMONHTKATIONTLDIi : Plant City - Growers and Ship.
OUio Dell of Gainesville, spentthe nounce funeral arrangements lat- 000,000 each. These are, respect- lENT HOLDS MEETING pers Supply Corporation granted
week-end with Mary Brown- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hall and Times-Union, Jan 6th.LAWTEY ively, one to give to dependents of charter of Incorporation.
lee. permanently disabled the same allowances With the beginning of a new The regular monthly meeting of
Sharon, of Jacksonville,
daughter, Rock on state road No. 19, completed
available to depend-
now the Theressa Woman's Home Dem-
with Mrs. Hall's year I wish to thank tho teachersfor
Mr. Bob Doutt of Jacksonville, spent new year's ents of temporarily disabled veter- their hearty cooperation and onstration club met at the schoolhouse recently, making good road
Mr. and Mrs. L. S.
spent Sunday with Dr and Mrs. W. parents ans and one to place chronic and I support in the great work of train- I Friday afternoon at 2:30: to Taylor county line Perry
E. Middleton. Louise Thede of Lawtey, constitutional diseases developed Ing the youth of our county for o'clock, The president being absent News.
Miss is in the Starke high Mr.. K. B. flume,. Cor. before 1923 on alist of maladies I future cltlzenahlp. When we look the meeting was called to'order Starke-Local post office sup
who a junior
James William Brownlee left' of service origin. Mrs. Al- plied with electric stamp cancel
school the Christmas holidays presumed back over tho work of the last cal- by the vice-president,
I Sunday for Atlanta Southern Den- in,spent Lakeland with her ,,unt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Mayo and World disability pension rates I' endar year, we are made to rejoiceover bert Sullivan. ling machine.
tal College. now ranging from. $12 to $40 the regular routine of
the record made. by our Following
_ Mrs. Charles Larsen. two children of Tampa h.ay. returned -
m home after a visit with Mrs. monthly, would be- made ,to con- schools. ) business, Miss' Jordan IntroducedDr. t.
aUk dresses greatly reduced at form-wltUi Spanish-American; War the Annie Gabriel from the state
and Mrs J. It Is only through support
:Mrs. T. B. Massle and children,, Mayo's parents, Mr.
Stump's. returned from Quitman Friday, accompanied H. Moore. 0' disability allowances which range of the school officials and the pa- board ,of health, who spoke to the FLORIDA
from $10 tp $60 a month. ladles "Child Care." Dr. Gab-
by her mother, Mrs. E.. Miss Doris Burney returned trons and friends of the schools on
Mr. ,and Mrs. W. O. Halle and Jacksonville, The bin wbuM'extend to World and the untiring efforts of the riel gave a very Interesting as
A. Jelks and Mrs. Douglas Barnes,, home Sunday from I THEATRE
family spent"Sun'day': Hastings Miami she the holidays with War widows and orphans the same teachers pf the county that we well as instructive talk, stressingthe
who left Sunday fOr' where spent
with :Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McHugh., now allowed Spanish : vital of the GAINESVILLE FLA..
her grandparents, Eld., and Mrs. pensions have been able to maintain in our, Importance proper ,
American War dependents-$30 of the child for the first six
Mr. E. M. Hutto of Henderson, H. V. Skipper. county three accredited junior high care .. .
New seeds arriving at White's. N. C., after spending the week-end. Those attending O. E. S. at monthly for widows and $0 for schools, namely, Brooker, Lawtey,I' years of its life, using Dr. Davisof - ---
Prices right.,, l-9-4t.. with Misses Edna and Carrie Hut Starke Monday night from Lawteywere children. and Hampton, and In addition have the University of Chicago, ex- Pro. Week Jan. 8th
I I -; I the Bradford High School with its periment with ten children, as an
to left Sunday for Ocala and oth- Mesdames G. W. Anderson
S. J. Norman of Lake Butler, A. II. AITLEYAKO splendid record.In Illustration.Dr. .
er points in Florida. W. E. Torode E. B. Wells DEATH CLAIM1* I
was a business visitor to Starke work' at the Gabriel offered to hold a
Harley, W. )f. Biggs and E. E. AT AGE: W EIGHTY taking up our Today
Tuesday.N. Mrs. Ida Wells 'Tatum returnedto Burney.Mr. -J.- beginning of the year, 1931, I wishto series of meetings with the womento
her home in Jacksonville Wed- and Mrs. R. R. Thede went State Printer Dies In Georgia City thank-each person in the county' study the care and nature of the "Hook Line &
.' D. Walnwrlght, Jr. returned nesday after spending a while here over to Starke Sunday to meet I Honpltal. that contributed In any way to the child, which may be conducted' la '
Tuesday from a' business tripto with her daughter Mrs. R. J. Da- their daughter, Miss Louise, who -- success of our schools and ask the ter.The Sinker"With
Miami and other points south. vis., has been visiting her aunt Mrs. General Thomas J. Appleyard, continued support and cooperationof monthly meetings. of the
division I the citizenry of Bradford countyIn club are held on first Friday In.
Chas. Larsen in Lakeland. duringthe adjutant of the Florida
Artamo embroidery packages. Mrs. L. M. DeSha of Wildwoodand holidays. United Confederate veterans, and making of our school system the each month. lEnT WHEELER WOOLSEY: AND: ROBERT -
1-3 off at Stump's. Mrs. W. W. Paige, Jr.. have Mrs. H. B. Arwood, and chil- ,well known publisher, died In a equal of any In the state.Respectfully. Added Mere Colortone & News
returned to their respective homes dren Grace and George, have returned Thomasville hospital early Sunday.He Survey made for widening of
Mr. N. D. Wainwright Sr., at- after a visit with their parents home from 'Alabama where was 80 ;year. old... A. J.-Oriffla, Supt."Missing state road No. 1 from Baldwin to
tended the funeral of Mr. John Mr. and Mrs. W,, H. Struth. they spent the holidays.A ,: As state printer Joe, Florida,, east line of Columbia county.. Saturday
Clemons at Brooker Wednesday. Chrysler car containing two newspaper operator and delegateto link" of Coastal highway Lake Worth Gulf Stream Hotel -
'Miss Mona Alderman after young ladles from Gainesville left I: seven national democratic fonJ between Arlpeka and Homo J officially opened to public. 'Princess 'and Plumber
Major 'Taylor' Belcher"and'CoL spending ,the holidays here with the highway about one mile from.' ventlons, Peneral Appleyard occu- salsa, being rushed to completion Leesburg-Dr. H. G- Holland
J. L. Frazee visited Daytona Beach her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G' W.. Lawtey Saturday afternoon and i pied a promlnentfcplace in public Punta Gorda-Plans under way purchased Love property on West With
Monday. Alderman returned to F. S. W. C., after running down the ditch several ) for Improvement of Marlon avenue Main street for establishment of CHAKLEM FARRELL AND
in Tallahassee Sunday.Mr. hundred yards turned over, life.A native of Richmond, Va., be from Sullivan street to alley ad- offices and hospitaL MAUKKKV O'.SUIXIVAN
and catching fire. The ladies had left an aDDl'entlc.sblp In a print- Added Comedy and Cartoon
CENT A WORD and Mrs. L. E. Dowling and to crawl out the windows but escaped Ing plant 1 that city to enter the I
Miss Mae Jones: ,left Wednesdayfor without Injury. The car was ,Confederate navy In 1871 he be- ,
COLUMN their home in Stuart after a completely lost by the flames. came night editor of the Colum- Monday & Tuesday
visit with Df. and Mrs. W. E. Mid- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vaughn and ,bus (Ga.) Enquirer-Sun and whileIn After Holiday Sale
1 dleton. baby 'who has been visiting her Columbus married Mrs. Sarah Joan CrawfordIn
NO TRESPASSING rent, for, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carrin, :!:. Kennedy, who died in 1910.
sale 'cards at this office. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Williams and I have returned to their home In I Going to Jacksonville in 1882, 25 Per Cent ReductionStarting
FOR SALE-9 months old black son, Marion returned from Columbia Georgia.The after ah interval spent with the
and white Ancona Pullets. In- S. C. and Augusta, Ga, Mon- Go Where You Please Club i Selma Ala., Times he became interested "PAID"Added
where they accompaniedtheir held an old fashioned dance at the in publications at Palatki,
Hartnwnn Machine Shop, day night I and for two weeks Art
quire and Saturday : Comedy, News
Bell. 192t. children Thomas, Yancy and clubhouse new year's night Oakland, Sanford, Key West I
across from Blue Margaret to their schools. was enjoyed by everyone present. City and Tallahassee. He establish, only we are selling every item of our complete
FOR SALE-Selected seed pea- 4Major Ralph and Jack Dalley. who I ed the Sanford Chronicle in 1891 I stock of clothing, shoes, hats, suits, WednesdayJcannetle
and Mrs. Taylor Belcher spent the holidays with their i and the Key West Interocean in
nuts, all kinds, shelled or in hulL dry goods at a Reduction of 25 percent.
Tuesdayfor returned three
and son, Taylor Jr.. left grandmother at Melrose 1BU9 by consolidating pub-
Prices rfght.Donaldsonvllle Apply R. S.B., ,d*. their home at Garrison-on-the- home Sunday. ,I'lications there. He published/the I' Nothing held back, select anything you McDonald r
Funderburk. It. Hudson, N. Y., after a visit with Jim Godwin from Raiford pent i Lake City Index from 1001 t e need in our line and pay one-fourth less In
Mrs. Belcher's parents Col. and the day In Lawtey Tuesday. 1903. I than Our line includes
Furnished apartment Mrs. J. L. Frazee. Mrs Kate Ferris and little In the mattes year he became regular price. "OH FOR A MAN"With
FOR RENT mod- C granddaughter from Chicago are state printer at Tallahassee, establishing Stetson Hats, Florsheim Shoes and all
( also six-room had as her friends in Lawtey. of the largest commercial -
Idem' conveniences and newly Miss Daisy Tompkins visiting one high grade merchandise. Must raise mon
Reasonable rent. Mrs. guests during the holidays, Misses printing houses In Florida and the next two weeks can REGINALD DENNYAdded
painted. during you
street. lt. Anita Ward Inez Tompkins, Ev- i He was one of the founders ey : GEO.' K. ARTHUR; ,
Hamrlck S. Walnut nell Strickland and Eunice Strickl CARD OF THANKS' and for many years president of buy many items less than cost KARL DANE COMEDY 4
all of Jacksonville, and Miss the Florida Press association.
CREW :MANAGER AND TWENTY Ga.MI9a I wish, to thank everyone, especially
of Atlanta,
Sales ladles. Starke and vI- Lucille Beasley. my white friend for their J. M. ALVAREZThe Coming Thur. & Fri.
cinity. Household necessities. All Jones this morning kindness during the Illness and Boca Raton Alterations and I
year demand. Repeat. sales. Exclusive for! Ellse Decatur GtL, where she i* death of my sister, Sopbronia Mc- Improvement on bridge over Boca. Dependable Store "MIN AND BILL"I '
Marvel Chemical Inlet authorized by county
student at Agnes Scott college, Fasblon Brymer, l
): 'Ia. Co., Box 425, Gainesville 12-25-3t: a after spending the holiday In the Jennie Tryson. l commlMlon. I I S
.< 0'.1\-1.' ,.'Y; c' ,'dy'.M'e r ''N, "" ," .., ." .. ., 7'"c."'" ''' \. .."......,'",_ ,M. ..., .,? i;Hot a
rv M ,.r 1. pM ., -1,21YFM" ry"J
:\'. __, ____ _ __ _ .- ----- -- "J' _.' __ _c._____ --_ --- -_...- ---- --- --. --..--- -- -- -. .. --- ----. ------ --.-----.- ------ ----. -- .-. lit
basin of the spring, like a giant!! New Year Is Time
: "p r. Farmers Vacation punch bowl Is 300 yards across. 'I To Make Plans For And the \Worst is Yet to Com 1g
The water is as clear as crystal.
4 FARM NEWS SECTION Tour To Florida, Boats with glass bottoms carry 1931 Baby Chicks 0
I visitors over the surface of this -
Next February the Prairie: spring. To gaze In those depths la Gainesville, Fla.--This is the
/P Conducted By't Farmer will conduct a farmers' vacation a sight never to be forgotten. At when producers
season poultry
l L. T. DYER County Agent tour to the land of flowers St. Augustine--America's oldest should be considering plans for the
city-may be seen the Fountain of
and sunshine--America's great
; MISS PEARL JORDAN, Home Demonstration Agent Youth, the story which lured Poncede 1931 crop of chicks Norman R.
: playground where summer spends
Mehrhof, extension poultryman,
j \ the winter-to the nation' garden Leon to the shores of Florida in
't 1I recently told WRUF farm listen,,
I spot where the tenderest of vege- 1313. Ft. Marlon over which has ers. He pointed out that the most! 1 L.II .1
The flown the flags of Spain, Portugal, ,
f ? Encourage Boys tables are planted and harvested important point to consider now ., t
lID the very dead of winter-to England and ,American, and in Is the breeding pen or the sourceof I
Florida. If have never VIsited which may be seen the torture ,l..nl
Arid Girls to Enroll you hatching eggs or baby chicks if .
; i Florida you will so why not packa chamber of the Spanish Inquisition I- they are to be bought. I *
bag with some of the clothing is another point of interest ' ... I...:.I
The breeding birds should be V \?
!L In Rural Club Work you wear in June back home and i Jacksonville, the gateway of Flor- mated two or three weeks before {( r
Join with other readers of tha ida, Is the last point to be visitedin are to be saved for hatching.: .. I
j\ I eggs -
the state. Jacksonville is the
Prairie Farmer this and
on trip
Hens that are used in the breedingpen
3 Our children are the bope of the modern manner. It also does the see some of the things I came up business metropolis of Florida, a should be selected carefully.: I 2 ?
future, and we should give them I older people of the community here to tell you about. Florida Is city of beautiful homes and good Other things being equal, give
1I every chance for development One good for they see how things are as large as all of New England, stores. preference to the older birds. Asa
of the greatest opportunities which being done by the boys and girls Is situated way down on the southern The Prairie Farmer and the railroads general rule it is not desirable to
rural boys and girls have today and get the urge to do a little bet edge of the temperate zone andIs ,' cooperating have arrangedall breed from pullets. The birds )
that they did not have 20 years ago ter themselves.I chock full of interesting places. details so that you can spend should also be strong and virgor-
U the chance to enroll in 4-H club I have watched this club work In Florida several delightful days in Florida sa
; is primarily an agrIcul- ous, which will mean better fer- I
work. Thin work is conducted In the county, and am firmly convinced tural state. Citrus fruits and winter Including a side trip to Cuba also tility and hatchablllty. They should 4 utritiI t
the agents that It should be reaching more without the cares usually attend- :
the counties by county I vegetables are the principalfarm be selected for absence of physicaland I PAIaI
and home demonstration agents. boys and girls. I know the county. ant on vacation travel. Represen- 1///
I crops. Florida farmers shipto breed detects lie next spokeof I 7
I see reports that during 1930|I and home demonstration agents market each about tatives of the Seaboard Air Line a <
year one quality as a Important
there were 83.000 rural boys and,i, are doing a great deal but with hundred will tour the' state with the partyto egg very -
thqusand carloads of factor, and suggested selecting @ -
girls enrolled in this work In the I the help of the people of the I fruits and help make their visit memor- I -
vegetables. These I
products those hens that produce eggs of a
/ I
United States There are at present various communities, they can do able, attractive and pleasant. Next
-oranges, grapefruit, strawberries large size, and that the
about 12,000 4-H boys and more. It Is Just a question of us February I'll be looking for you on I
I grapes, pineapples, melons shape, and are true to the color for
In Florida.It all getting together and pulling.I the Prairie Farmer Special to
girls .
and practically all classes of
vege- the breed. Then the final test U
0 la one kind of club that costs believe and I have bad considerable Florida. I I
tables go to nearly every market in egg production. They should be I
nothing to join. The boys and observation to prove this be- the nation and supply a portion of studied, from trapnest records or I I
1 girls simply agree to conduct what lief correct, that 4-H club work Is IhII
nearly every family's diet duringthe Watson external characteristics, and only 'I"B I -
Suggests -
is known as a demonstration in the one of the best possible ways to --
spring months. The the best producers allowed to go
raising of a pig or calf, the growing get boys and girls interested in production of citrus fruits Is Florida's Poison Bran Bait into the breeding pen. 1
J. of an acre of corn peanuts, or rural life and betterment of the
largest farm enterprise. males should be studIed
Breeding -
'T other crop the improvement of the home and the community, Club For Mole-Crickets
There Is a bountiful crop of or- about the
same, paying spe-
home canning sewing etc. While work should do much to keep the
i anges and grapefruit this winter. cial attention to type, width of
this Is usually fun for them it does boys and girls on the farm and to Gainesville Fla. Mole-Crickets .-
Harvesting season is now on and back, depth of body, and head
them a lot of good In teaching make farm life more pleasant and
dirty white insects that look _
--- u
members of the Prairie Farmer very points, as well as the production of
them bow to conduct their farm profitable. Let's have more boys
much like crickets that
Tour will see countless acres of except they their
P and home operations In the ,most and girls enrolled in it during: 1931. citrus trees laden down with gold- have shovel-like front legs with He parents suggested using one male to Arrest Threat Is Denied I
den fruit. Have you ever with which they make runways In the about 20 Leghorn. females, 15 gen-
i I your own hands picked a big round soil very much like moles, are not eral purpose females, or 10 hens State 1
: ripe orange and eaten it under the at all particular'about what they of the heavier meat breeds. Aver By Tag Commissioner
111 Hints To HousewivesWeekly : eat, and along with the tender
Ir. tree where it grew? age figures indicate that for every ,
-i The winter months are the busy vegetables and ornamentals they pullH wanted la the fall It will be
.; : Weekly" from Home Demonstration Specialists, Tallahassee III months on Florida's vegetable, destroy they will eat a poison bran necessary to hatch about three Hard Bollcdness I* Myth Declares' attorney/general has stated in an
McLtn. opinion that the motor
bait J. vehicle
R. Watson, entomologistwith
farms. Acres of cabbage: beans. chicks, which will mean setting approximately -
CRY8TALI/ED CITRUS ,|I sugar and water until it will spin celery and tomatoes can be seen in the Florida i Experiment Station five or six eggs. Eggs commissioner has no authority to
,, There are methods for crystal-I a thread. The peel ia 'then added all stages of development from says should not be,saved more than 10 No threats of arrest have been extend the time, and In an effort to
1 Izing citrus: fruits that I and cooked until transparent, poured planting to harvest. Imagine pick- He suggested making the bait days before incubation.He made and the word has not even! do my duty as an officer, I think
serve the product for a long time, Into containers and allowed to Ing ripe strawberries or gathering out of 25 pounds of bran and 1 particularly suggested mak- been used by him In discussing It behooves all good law abiding
j'' stand for 10 days. It Is then lift- string beans in February. pound of parts green. Mix this Ing plans early, and that quality plans to enforce the motor vehicle citizens to uphold the stand of a
consumption ed from the syrup, and placed on a Many of Florida's farmers are and dampen it with 2 gallons of birds In the breeding pen will to a tag laws of Florida, It was stated man who is trying to do his duty."
1, eea fully be used. rack to sun for a few hours. This people who first came to the stateas water that contains a quart of syrup large measure determine 1931 Saturday morning by Walter S. Commissioner McLIn pointed
ri r Grapefruit' Peel product should remain In good condition tourists and seeing the match and a grated grapefruit or profits. McLIn, motor vehicle commissioner out that the ,only mention of arrests .
Select bright fruit with a thick for an Indefinite time. less opportunities for farming have half dozen oranges or lemons. ... Tallahassee, in declaring that made In instructions to inspectors
t1'; j peel, and wash It carefully. Break Kumquat Chip established themselves. These pea Some growers prefer ordinary lay- certain newspapers have "drawnon of the deDartment wan
the oil cells by grating the peel I Clean 1 pound of kumquats,, ple, as well as the native Fieridtana Ing mash instead of the bran. Cal- Some Good Practices To their imaginations about the I not to make arrests when motorists
lightly. Remove the peel, cut In ,i sprinkle with 1 tablespoonful of, are cordial and hospitableto cium or white arsenate may also Which Farmers Should hard-boilednesa of the commission show any inclination to ob-
r narrow slices or shapes, and! soda and cover with boiling water. the stranger. So visitors should be used instead of the parts green. er.;' serve the law. There were only
weigh. Then cover In water and Let stand for 10 minutes, pour the not hesitate to ask questions and This bait should be put out in Give Attention In 1931 Since Commissioner McLIn Issued six arrests reported to the department .
t4 k boll for 10 minutes. Pour the water water off, and rinse through three exchange experiences without fear, the evening, Just as often as mole- his statement several months I during the month of January,
h off, and repeat three times, or changes of water. Cut the fruit of embarrassment. crickets are seen. The mixture is ago that no extension of time 1930, for evasion of the tag law,
l until as much of the bitter flavor into quarters, and drop Into a There are countless places of simply scattered about where the There are a number of things would be granted owners of motor he said, as ninety-five per cent of
'1 Is removed as desired. Dry the boiling sugar solution, prepared by beauty in Florida. A'visitor could mole-crickets feed. that will help us In our farming in: vehicles In' the state to comply the motorists of the state had pro
peel between folds of cloth. dissolving 1 cup of sugar in 2 cups spend months In the state to ad- Other methods, including soil fumigation 1931 and that should be given consideration with the state law requiring all cured license plates before January
For each pound of peel add 1 1-2 of water. Boll for 30 minutes, and "carbon bisulphide 1.
1 vantage. However, the Prairie pouring near the first of the year vehicles to have license plates by
pounds of sugar to 6 ounces of then drop n a hcaviy syrup, made Farmer has so well planned its in the burrows, or trappingwith when we are making our plans for January 1 or cease operation on S
water. Dissolve the sugar, add the by dissolving 1 cup of sugar In 1 tour that much may be seen within a light over a kerosene pan, the year. To mention all of them the highways of Florida, he has TRY;" CUCUMBERS IN SHADE
prepared peel, and cook until theayJ'Up cup of water. Boll for 30 minutes, only a few days. Time will not may be used to destroy the' pests. would hardly be possible in one received a number of requests to
Is absorbed. If the peel Is allow to stand, and the next day Truckers should take not to
care few
permit a detailed description of short article and too there are grant a days of grace to tag Stuart, Fla.-About nine acres
.a t J? cooked In the sugar too long it will bpil for 30 minutes In the same so ; all the Bights and 'attractions on bring them in on manure. The certain local problems which farm- buyers, ha pointed out. He also .of cucumbers were recently planted -
be bard and unattractive. A good lution. Place the fruit on a platterto ; the tour. I can only touch the manure should be inspected, and if ers In each section should study. has received many messages of here, and are now being
a teat U to roll a piece that has cooked dry. Then it be rolled In mole-crickets found it should grown
may are congratulation his
However 'few stand
i high spots at some of the points general thoughts over and under shade cloth, according to C.
''c transparent in granulated sug sugar along the way. Tampa, a thriving be treated with a solution of sodium are given here. has been urged not to recede from P. Heuck. county agent
ar. If after a few minutes it stiffens Lemon and Orange Peel i city on the lower west coast is the cyanide In water or the double The supply of soil moisture la It to allow motorists to evade the S -
s enough to retain various Rough lemon and sour orange first place to be visited in Florida treatment of sodium syanlde and one of the determining factors in I law he said today. A good new year's resolution:
'f Mt shapes it U sufficiently cooked. peel may be crystallzed by about Tampa is an important seaport, a ammonium sulphate. The double the success or failure of our farm "The law states that January 1 Cooperate with the neighbors more
When this point is reached remove the same method a* grapefruit. treatment Is the one recommended is the time to have the "
large industrial center where more crops. Of course we cannot regulate tags Commissioner for social, recreational, and educational
the peel and roll it in sugar. Two changes of water should remove than 600) million cigar are manufactured 1 for root-knot, and will add muchto the rainfall but we can help McUn declared. "The improvement.
To make a product that will stay the bitterness from orange each year and a prominent the value of the manure. to conserve moisture for a dry per.
soft much longer follow the above peel, and the oUy part of lemon ..so. --
winter resort. The South iod. Nothing will determine ibo --------
and add 1-4 of clear rinds be off to make a
method pint may grated
Florida of
Fair and Gaspartlla Car- TWO NEW COUNTY AGENTS capacity the soil, for holding
corn syrup along with the sugar. more tender product. Oranges may nival will be in progress In Tampa ADDED TO FLORIDA FORCE water more than vegetable matter. Strawberry Plants of
s This method will require slower also be cut in slices, cooked in a QualityIn
during the tour's visit. Herea Warm winters and abundance of
dFJ cooking, and the crystallzatlon heavy 2 to 1
syrup cups sugar cup
comprehensive idea of Florida' Gainesville Fla. Florida rams at certain seasons result In
harder to reach. water until allowed '
41 point transparent,
agriculture may b* had. At St. number '45.: N. G. rapid depletion of humus and
agents now '
,tike Another method ls to boll them to drain, and rolled In sugar. our 51 years as plant grower this U the shortest
Petersburg-the sunshine city and Thomas, graduate of Clemson Col- vegetable matter in out soils. We
one of the best known winter resorts lege, South Carolina and with need to keep growing legumes on crop of plant we have ever produced Its not over 35 percent
I FIREWORKS DISPLAY AT in the world lands to << normal over the entire country. Quality of plants,
{ I newspapers! are considerable experience as a county our supply vegetable mat the best
WRUP FARM PROGRAM FAIR given away free on any day the agent farmer, and plantation ter. These legume crops also section.- evewe are now making shipment into your
1 Voice of Florida" I'I'WJ"be sun foils to shine Don't go to St. manager began work at Live Oak gather nitrogen from the air and
One of the air fireworks to Missionary 1000 to 6000, $3.50 per thousand; 10-
open Petersburg, however, expecting to a* county agent for Suwanneecounty help keep our rich They 000 '
attraction ever brought to get a free newspaper. They have January 1 make our soil easier'to cultivate,, or over 93.25. See our agent and place order. Our
Gainesville, Fla. What did the catalog Is.free for the
Florida, "The Festival of Fire been given away only 19 times In D. M. Treadwell for three years and furnish food for plants. Our
;( k Experiment Station learn last year Agent: Brownlee Bros., Al X. Thomas and New-
will headline the evening enter- the past five'years. Clearwaterand Wakulla county agent was trans crop rotation plans should Includeall Ray
tr ; about Florida farm problems T Born. See them and place order
tainment at the South Bellalr the legume early to make sure of
program are other points to be ferred to Dixie county December 1, crops possible. '
How Is want We will
important In citrus hold
nitrogen order.
Florida Fair and Casparlllla Carnival visited on Florida's lower coast. and Henry F. Hudson, graduate of More hay and home-grown feeds your
? Those and
production other Tampa Feb. 3 to }4, accord-, In the interior of the Peninsular. the University of Florida, and recently are greatly needed to help reduce
} Important first of a series questions of poultry, as well disease as the ing to contracts which have Jujst: Lake Wale Winter Haven Se- with fruit fly forces later the cost of keeping farm 'animals J. A. BAUER
been closed by General Manager bring and other attractive little began work as the agent for Wa- and livestock. There are a numberof .
talks 1
are a part of next week'sfarm
e P. T, Strieder. cities will be seen. This part of kulla county. Mr. Treadwell' legume crops that make good
from WRUF state The Strawberry' Plant Man
f programs Judsonla 21
radio station located here. '. The attraction will be plannedand Florida is called the Ridge and Is headquarters la at Cross'City, and, hay, and we. should use them. Ark.
t will carried out in Its entirety by a beautiful, rolling country of well Mr. Hudson' at Crawfordsville. Among the good legumes for hay WI ..., ... ... ... on -. ...
ti, programs begin each day at
12:1: eastern standard time, and the world's largest producers of kept citrus groves interspersedwith are the soybeans. -=.
hundreds of fresh water We should give attention to ,
fireworks displays The Thearle- 1 mar-
t1 ,will be given according to the fol-
lakes. At Iron Mountain keting during the and to
lowing schedule announced Duffield Fireworks Company of near year try
the Florida Agricultural Just Extension by Chicago who have furnished the 'Lake Wales Is located the highest ECONOMISTS.: ..MEET have our crops coming on the !1ROJY{ LEE BROS. Starke Fla.
y Service: lyrothetchnlo spectacle for the point of land within the peninsular --- market at a time when they will ,
Jut three world's fair and for -325 feet above sea Jevel. Here Gainesville, Fla. A represen- bring good prices. Cooperation is
Sat, Jan. 10-Florida Farm also be tative from each the research, ex- the order of the
hundreds of state fair and celebrations may seen Bok Singing day. G. W. ROBERTS
News and Hints. U. S. Farm Science > throughout the country ,Tower, containing a carillon of 71 tension, And teaching staffs of the We should, of course give our Lawtey, Fla.
b Snapshots. It will be enacted on a huge scale, : bell, the largest of which weigh Florida College of Agriculture has children the very best chance possible .
Mon.. Jan. 12-Nitrogen a Factor Just returned from attending' a
over 23.000 and and should
C much more elaborate and extensive pounds, the encourage them
In Citrus Production. F. De- smallest 16 meeting of the American Farm in their club .
than any evening program pounds. Tradition ree.ords work which will help
Busk. Bill and Abe. A Study of here In recent that before the white man Economics Association: at Cleveland to make good farmers and farm VvE
I of bookletsone
the Methods of Planting Cucum- Ohio. a
to the preliminary came to Florida Indiana held their women out of them. In counties
ben In Different Sections of Florida The Florida representatives were -
outline given out today by Mr. religious celebrations here and where there are agents we should
each '
-D. E. TImmons. Frank W. Brumley. extension economist crop-that
StreUer; "Festival of Fire" willis came in springtime to worship the keep in touch with our agents, and
Tues., Jan. 13-Thrlps on Citrus, in farm management M. A.
IU rising sun and to in the let them help us.
name implies express '
D Rose, and Weeds-J. R. Watson. every 'dance Brooker assistant agrtculturateeonoml.t Here's how you how to in-
of the
type of feature now embraced in green corn the Joy of sir
Farm Question Box. with the
the world of modern fireworks. : new planting and the mating of Experiment
Wed., Jan. 14-Another Year's the maid and the brave. At Station; and Dr. H. G. Hamilton FARMERS CAN SECURE crease your crop and
Quadruple Brighton
repeating rockets, battle H'o" j
Progress In Solving Florida Farm associate professor of agricultural RURAL HINTS CALENDAR ,
shells, set piece of dazzling may be seen a new farming '
Problem*-J. Francis Cooper. Geo economics. profits. Sent
? beauty and color, weird aerial country, picturesque In a letting of your
J Washington ; Farmer James sabal | S MHHMV-nMHMM Gainesville Fla A 1931 Illustrated -
palms. Lake
Primer for Town Farmer.. bombs that shriek and bowl as Okeechobee and farm free
[jj- .Speed. hints calendar has upon requestor come
they rtz more than 700 miles In area
1 zag across the sky and may TI3LMONS APPOINTED _
Thur., Jan. 15-Poultry Disease be Just been published by the Florida
Control in the Incubator-Dr. E. F scores of other entirely new typesof seen at Okeechobee City. MiamiAmerica's EXTENSION ECONOMIST: Agricultural Extension Service in and get your copies. It
Magic is <
pyrotechnics will be mingled City a
Plans at and few
Thomas Poultry Breeding a copies are left for free
: the Florida College of AgricultureDr. with profusion of historical features world famous resort. Blscayne Gainesville Fla. D. E. TIm- distribution to Florida farmers Dr. pays to know fertilizers. Facts
and comedy tableaux. The Bay Miami Beach and the Causeway mons has Just been appointed ex-
N. W. Sanborn. Wilmon Newell, extension director .
i Corn Production program will run the entire gamut are known 'round the world. tension economist in marketing has prove
FrI., Jan. 16--Green announced.The Bradley's
_ 'tS in Florida-Fred H. Hull of fireworks art. Near Miami Is one of the largest with the Florida Agricultural Extension calendar is a medium large y' pay more profit
Bill and Abe. Green A special troup of fireworks technicians winter tomato growing districts In'' Service. Mr. Timmons received
Fertilizing and for
one, each contains dollar
page the invested.
I will reach Tampa early in Florida. Here, besides an M. S. A. from every
degree e
Corn-J. D. Warner. : and tomatoes' months farm hints by CoUege of
: January to stage the event and other vegetables, ) theUnlversity of Florida In 1927, Agriculture
specialists, as well as
4 Miami Beach-First unit of proposed tons of fireworks will be required strange and interesting tropical) and since that time except for a half toned pictures that ,
''I\!\; ," f 100,000 cabana colony on for the presentation, officials say and plants may also be seen growing' I I year leave of absence to pursue farm improvement and rural depict de- y wb- BRADLEY'SFERTILIZERS
"' ;$ tract of ocean front property be.ij'I' fruit. I' graduate study at Cornell University velopment.
"' tween Silver Spring at Ocala t one' ,
Fifteenth and Sixteenth Euatls he has been Instructor in farm
Work Farmers> desiring of these
progressing on of the one
nation's vrryl
I treU started by Marmal Holding I12.0OO Woman' Club wonder Her* ;you record and acCounts at his alma calendars should write the +g.
,) Co.*upon receipt of permlll.M'eb Grove street. building on can see a full grown' navigable river mater.,, He will take up the new Extension Service Agricultural Gaines
,, '0" pouring out of the ground. The position February 1. ville.. Florida at one.
,: !. .
I.... .:, ;' '
br 1wA'Ir.mq ", rn fl..qh''+.'1' , .
e stir 'r C'rMe. ,i.'vf'i' 45/; 111Wu"; fh d'i'td' M1:12 9 ii
1 LR !li
e yam IA"l w"" n' Le rlafm t nw t.yrnri; mr ; ytl r h"y ve n w vin ,;; r.1) '
JANUARY ft, 1931
- -
-- -- -- ---- .
---------- -- - ----
----- -- ---- - -- --- -
. I cia duties or to building fine I "strong in the Lord and in the visiting her sister. :Miss Pearl Jor- West Palm Beach Speedboattaxi Hal. Jan. 1. IOU 1/Lbr-
church buildings than In gaining power of his might. dan of Starke was a visitor to service started on Lake rial. W.. rv.. P..lo.
his confidence and teaching him Why should we sing and rejoice ? Theressa Friday afternoon. Worth. Kecelpt Dec during t, 1930 month 131 117.24 7*
the principles of salvation 'Answer read-Isl\lah 49:13.: Warrant. during month 191.'*
11Thy A. L. Sullivan was a visitor to Hal. Jan 1. 1931. _. 181.14
4> i Gainesville Friday. JVOTICM AarrlfilOral Feed
Vamp DAILY BIBLE HEADINGS Hal. Deo.. I. 1930 .. 101..a
Mr. M. M. Brinson returned Sat-
CHRISTIAN CHURCH Receipt during month
word it unto my feet. *nd i light unto my path.-Psalm llfr.lOS"A11 : urday from Trenton where he Florida.In Circuit In ('nurt. Ttradford County. Warrant during month H7.S4 60.0V
January 9, 1931 Chancery. Hal. Jan. 1. 1931 /
Elder W. T. McGuIre of Ray spent the holidays with relativesand Alfred DeVoto, H.llftlng Peed- '
1 lUnr""ro(7'? rUr%. religious teaching doctrine or All Is I friends. Complainant Hal. Dec 1, 1930 363.t)
1.. ... creed. if they are to have any claimn Well-Let not your heartbe City Ga, will preach at the Chris- vs.Arthur.. Itecelpt during month h_ 117.34
the love, loyalty and devotion of the people must be In harmony: with troubled: ye believe in God be- tian church on the third Sunday Mr. and Mrs' C. Sullivan were in W. Tohey. et Hi. Warrant during month __ I
teachings of Jesus the Christ whose words fit into, every fold and crevice lieve also in me. In my Father'shouse Jan. 18th at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Lake Butler Friday. efendnnt.F(lit t:1'I..oRt1nl. Hal.I hereby Jan I. 1R31! _ ._ the __ 4RO," 7 .
1. the human heart Tilts and of whom it wu said In John 7:46, "NEVER MAN are many mansion: if It were All of the members who are interested 'The Theressa Home Demonstration 4....... %....... no. Htatement certify showing that balance foregoinglb.* at ..
AKE LIKE MAN:' not so, I would have told you. I go in securing Elder Mc- Club met Friday at the clubroom It having Order been nt l marie ubllratl In .appear.n. by the.beginning month of herein and above..the ending of
MEEKLY SERMONETTE 'with her husband." to prepare a place for you.-John Guire as' pastor for 1931, are requested Child Welfare was the topic worn alllilavlt, flint In abova entitled of the receipt, and warrant fated l le.uad and
14:1.: 2. ( to be discussed for the after cauae by attorney for cnmpluln during said 'ntonlh.correspond. wick
I'Jflit Verse to attend these services. .
42 seays, "And when he ant that the defendant Annie tlor- the .. .rd.* of my office, and I I. tree
Declareth Who Are Blessed was twelve years old they went up Prayer-Father, we trust Thee. The public is also invited to at. noon. Miss Gabel from.the StateBoard don I In over the age of 31 year and and ctrrect to the bet. of my knowl I.
that the defendant, Mark Uorclon edge. and belief I also i
Thou of Health and certify that
bulldest both the world and tend. was present
.[atthews 5:3-9.: Jesus said: to Jerusalem after the custom 'of and Samuel (abrlel tlordon am earn the ail I, nf all county
the in for the feast." the faculties with which we enjoy --- gave a very Interesting talk on under the I ax tut.t. 21 year nn
i ased are poor spirit: it. the care of the child under six ea'l, h of the named, ,l.feudants I each at the clone I oft the r/ionth herela
'Ir's Is the kingdom of heaven. At the age of 12 years a Jewish FKESBYTKKIAN ,are reldent. of 58 Fenway In the flret stated. and l the amount of **
llesaed are they that mourn: tory boy assumed his religious dutiesas What breaks the connection between -........ years. Miss Jordan home demonstration City of UciKton State of 1It'.II". purity fiiinlHhed by each much: depo
Hettaj, that (the residence Itory, and I the
also of enph of amount of Interest
shall be comforted 5. Blessed a "Son of the law." God and man ? Answer, read Services Sunday January 11, as agent was present the defendant' Arthur W. Tohoy bald: h credited' during monta
the meek: for they shall in- "And' when they had fulfilled the -Isaiah 59:1: 2.Janniry. follows: /and the gave an line.interesting talk along Margaret Martin l.onl I* Tobey.}'rlt. tattle/.iihn V.ChrlHtlna Tolx-y' 1)C current." dullyybalaneae or on.Ida time de,*
rlt; the earth. 8. Blessed are they days 'as they returned the child 10 1931 10 a. m. Sunday school J. M. same K. WHithlon Harold A. Wsnlftll' po.,"'". .
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carstensen of Margaret M. .. Witness mv hand this .
Stel ,
Jesus tarried behind In Jerusalem nn Mary M. I>ugirun. ht day ef
tich do hunger and thrlst after ; Truby. supt.
Lake Geneva were visiting Mr. 1 ICfhcl M Ahbolt. William U, January, .1931
fchteousness: for they shall bed and Joseph and, his mother knew God Cnres for Ills Own-And 11 a. m. Morning worship, ser- Catnnrun, Jeremiah. A, Curay, Albert Ll.V, AT.rtKItMAN,
not of It." The feast lasted and Mrs. S. H. Swindell Saturday. H. Hhnw, 'harloltii A. KinrmTHmi:" HIt. Clerk of the Clrc-ult I'< .
7 Blessed are the merciful: seven they shall be mine, sallh the Lordof mon by the pastor. The Holy Com- Misses Kathryn Wecst and Ruth Will.- anti C'. IVille, Irf ..n- Bradford ,
tiny shall obtain mercy 8. days, but only two days stay were hosts in that day when I makeup i munion of the Sacrament of theLord's known and that deponent b<*ll ve* Blanch Alderman, D.cnnuly
Williams\ of Hampton visited Miss --- .
r,1ch of -
HII Id defendant to ba over -- --- - -- -
the In heart for actually' required. my jewel and I will spare Supper will be celebrated. I
d are pure ; .
2? Thelma Sullivan Sunday after 111.> air of 21 yoarn, that dfpuiiAtii, ('OI'NTV !mi :1'F.ItI: 'I'M'\in"II' '
[ y shall see God. 9. Blessed are Joseph and Mary were poor andrtiusHtty them as or man spareth his own The pastor and session urge a full liellevi'M unknown .defendant. 110"ilK" ''')'\i'I'IIi.V I.1 111"I. 'I'I'"I'I. '
,_ makers: forthey: shall be : they returned after two. son that serveth hlm.-Ma.lschl 3-: attendance of lho membership at noon.Mr. IH and, residence. of each of whom anovr ioi'NTY M-iuirti, Ki,5"iDrnrifard >.
p Raleigh Brannrn of Hampton unknown' claim by throng) orunder --
lied the children of God. days while others say that on account 17. this service the known dofnndant. or nomH.
visited his aunt, Mrs. A. L. ?f then, That thatIa, no In county, for the. ni"iith ef
of their person
strong religious Prayer "Like as Father 6:50:: m. Christian Bndeavorilender ,
Pn ver- Father may love joy. p. .'ultivan Sunday. tht ,Mint' < of I'Moi' 'Ida 1 1h*< HcrvUr oft. j\ October tp o.
ice tcng: -sufering, gentleness tendencies they probably remainedthe cth his children, so doth the !ord Miss EstPlto te>ndrlck.I _. '111101)"" "" upon whom would .. Gea.rsl.heet1"ued* '
--- --.- --- Overdraft art
olm '. faith, meekness and tem whole seven days. Jesus be- pity them that fear Him." Wo rejoice 7:30: p. m. Evening worship song ,ittu'i diligent: ?f Initially nit Id defendant hiix been pro., and..'..,.1"1. Hi'CwIpl.. during I I.month 11130 71 I.I..00," tie"
rance bear flower and fruit inr came interested and remained in in this relationship, O, GOt!. and seimon Rev. C P. Raymondof C by df'iinnunt 1 to actrtaln tho Warrant" during month ; '_
- ', lives. the temple to hear the teachingsof What i h< the promise If we stay I the Baptist) will preach. The SAMPSON CITYMl a dcfi'iKl.kntN..,..... ami roNldence.and thftt of the each satins.11111..1'lire I Overdraft November IU.... No.I,1 I 1930 .5.&' ;
the scriptures.The with the Lord I .. Dui Oct I. 1930 _
? Answer, read- 2 pastor hopes that our people will ** Clro Thomn. ('.... ln.Tctn Miierlllud. u particularly n* 34071
- KerelptH, during
strangers at the passover Chron. 15:2: 7.Janllllry. all turn out to hear Brother Hay. known to deponent, Warrant during month, 700. '
= Trail tho land lnvol\ed In title I month 92'
= were often more than a million. mond. Hull IM, tin Went half of Hiuilhwonttiuarlr Hill. November 1, 19.10 S3 ,4TU4C
:::: We had services here Sunday ill... !'it...
Verses 44-46 says "But they supposing 11, 1931 Choir after of Northeant iiuartnr and a
SUNDAY SCHOOL practice Immediately Rev. Butler of Lake North .half of Northwest' ouniier andHoiHhtMiHt Overdraft Oct. 1. 11130 __ .
him to have been in the God Will Guide Thee--Be not morning by Itecelptx during
ye prayer meeting Wednesday night 1IInrt.'I' of Northward' month 67. 10a.
2er: LESSON company, went a day's journey; as the horse, or as the mule which Prayer meeting Wednesday at Butle'. ilUHttur nml Fractional t Noulli I wiHtijuurter Ovordiuft Warrant.. during mint _- .25ioa.it
last all\ In Nuctlon Towimhop' Nov. I. 1 1430 ... .
Miss Smith
and they sought him among their have no understanding; whose 7:30: p. m. A cordial invitation to Dorothy spent I 7, South I HanKO. 81 Hunt; excepttboinfrom : i I"... No. a
FOR JANUARY 11, 1931. : kinsfolk and acquaintance. And mouth must be held in with bit and all our services extnded to all. week In Hawthorn with relatives, lot :a; ...1In\ Jlrailfordcounty |Hal. Oct. 1, 11130 _..__". _1135.S
. during .
= Klorlda. month ,. IIIIS,06Vllrl'lInl"
when they found him not they bridle. I will instruct thee and and was accompanied home by her, \
M + That I the relief sought. In said during month __. 613.lit
Subject: The Childhood of Jesus. turned back again to Jerusalem teach thee in the way which thou PASTORS EXCHAN ..';U."i'4 mother, Mrs. K. A. Smith. mitt IM forerlomire. of molt gan lien Hal. Nov. 1, 111311.N. -. ,,_ .1J1H.903S4
Golden Text: "Jesus increased in :. seeking him. And it came to pass Shalt go.Psalm 32:9: 8. Mr. Lucian Thomas who has and by complainant niculnxt the; over Interest the alit of eiu-h land ordefendant Hal. Ira 1 I. Hint.10.10: 4_ ___". IS
ladom and statue, and In favor that after three days they found Prayer--"Guide me O Thou Following the week of prayer been spending the hunting seasonat therein.It ': Itecelpt, during. month 3.74
'1th Clod and man. Luke 2:02.: him in the temple, sitting in the Great Jehovah. Pilgrim throughthis which is being observed In the Herbert Thomas' hunting camp, .. defendant I I...* therefore* and ordered. earn' of I that them thehald Wararnt Hal., Nov during I. 111.10I month. _._ 357.8I
Lesson Text: Luke 40:52.In midst of the doctors both hearing barren land. churches of Stacke the pastors at Cross City arrived! home Sun- and I their heir*, vleeN. grantees. , I >IM. N... n
and all other claimant, nui.' Oct I I. luau .___ US."
by through,
our lesson for December 21ste them, and asking them questions." Why did Jesus say unto all, both have arranged for an exchange of day night. ,"r under, each or them, be and atehwioby Iteuelpt. Bering rnnnth a>.'<.
studied about the birth of Jess "The 'three days' probably mean young and old Watch? Answer, pulpits at the evening service next Those from Hampton who were rmiulred' I to appear, before Warrant during' month ,-. ea.2.
Ian visiting relatives here Sunday: the ubote. entitled. .court t'n lh* Hal. Nov. If 111.10I _. B54.ilto
out In Luke 1120. 'one day for their departure one read-Matt. 24:42-44. 11. Rev. W. F.
Itch as set : : Sunday January day of February, A. V. mi, IM. N... T
/ to In Matthews Ch. '2, he tells of for their return and one for the January 12, 1931 Jones of the Methodist church will were: Mr. and Mrs. Nlram Wynn bill of complaint now on file. amyou Hal., Oct. t, 19:10: "_ ___ _. .___ I.U'
and family Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ad- In the abov entitled CR0.nthe r. Itecelpt during month ._. .1' l
three wise and search' Think of the HarvestWhatsoever in the church. Rev.G. .
ttoilnk he visit by the men preach Baptist 'I llradford County Telegraph, r rnewnpuper Warrant ilurlng month ____
he effort of Ging Herod to kill The Jewish method of teaching a man soweth that shall he P. Raymond of the Baptist will klns and daughter Grace, and Mr ubllnhnd In Krndford Hal.' Nov I. 111.10llUt. . '
and Mrs. Lonnie Morgan and famIly County, "Florida IM hereby deNlmiated . Na. N n
ling leans by destroying the children was largely by asking questionsand also reap.--Galatlans 6:7.: occupy the Presbyterian pulpit and ax the newxpaper In which this- Overdraft. Uri I, 1U.10: ____ 143.81
toted n Bethlehem, of the warning by I answering them. There was Prayer--Father, enable us to remember Rev: O. H. Lowry of the Presby- .) order hall ho publlHhed once uweek Kecelpl,* during month ______
'y." n angel to Joseph to take the 'nothing unusual in Jesus answer- always that "like produces terian church the Methodist pul- Misses Cleo Thomas Lassie VVItneH tor. 4 the coiiHeciitlve Honorable week A. .2.. Ailklim Overdtaft Warrant Nov.during. I. month 1030: __._.__..u- 16094 3rd l
hind Jesus into Egypt, of the visit Ing or asking questions, except his like" that he that soweth to the pit. There has been a fine spirit of Wynn Wynn, Louise Kite Francis a* Judwe of the above namedr"urt 2)153. Nee It
with the remarkable knowledge for one so the life 'manifested in the Union ser- Hemingway Myra and Annie and I the Heal of ald (Court In .Hal. n't. I, Viso" "U. ___ 12.11
ar- of Joseph and Mary Spirit shall of Spirit reap unity the City of Hlark llradford County, HecelptM/ during month .. 4 7il'
In. bind into Egypt until Herod was young. His parents were astonished everlasting.What vices of the week and this closing ['Varnes Messrs. Eugene RoHslgnal, Florida' thin 3l"t day of J >ei>..inber, Warinnt. during month -.. 1* 6B .;
Hal. Nov, 1 I. 1930 ,, .___ ___
H. C. and Oasle Wynn Denny Warren A. D 1930. lOlli
las ,lead of their return to Palestine and worried. His mother is said about the messen- service with the exchange of min 11. W. ) Dist.! N... ll.>
and taking up their residence at asked, "Son why has thou thus ger that bringeth good things? ister will doubtless be an ImpressIve Frank Herrln and Mrs. Alice ,1..I'k Circuit Court' ,JVi'r'd/ Hal. Oct. J. 11)30) .n 7n
>r..b. where the dealt with us and Jesus said 52:7. and profitable one. Psalm Kite and Mrs. Della Thomas spent (SKAM County. I Klorlda Warrant during mouth =.=. 191
(:Nazareth: In Galilee Answer : r 14 )oj. KNK1IIT It V. KNtUIIT, Hal. Nov. 1. 1IUO " .. 17S.J3
bay.b.y family lived until Jesus was 30 Wist ye that I must be about mytatber's January 13, 1931 133:1-3.: Sunday afternoon at Klngnley CnntpI ciaitt'. Hollcltor .11.... N... II
nai. Oct. i, iKao __ ._ .
Lake. 81.00
Our lesson begins business ? The to Fredom-Ye shall .
rt- years old. today way -- Itenelpt during, month __ 6.SO
with verse 4 of Ch. 2 of Luke,' "And These are the first recorded know the truth and the truth shall Mrs. Eva Durkee and little Warrant during month ___ 7 4O '
ry, :\O'I'U'1' 01" 5TO'k iiotukns'919:9i'1'IN14 : Hal. Nov. I, 19.10: _. .___
grandson Rlaph from Hollywood 89.10
w. the child grew and waxed strongIn words spoken by Jesus. They indicate make you free.-John 8:32.: III.i '. No. ly--:
spirit filled with wisdom; and that he was beginning to Prayer-Lord Jesus guide us, TIIERESSAHilda are spending a few days with relatives -- Hal. Oct 1, 1930 n __ 153,5-
that the Messiah Sullh'nn, ('.... here. Nut Ire I I" hereby given that the Itecelpt during month"__..___ 60.70
realize he
tha grace of God was upon him. was for Thou are the way, the truth regular annual.. meeting; nf theMtoukholder Warrant during month __...
duties and to God. The Christian church will\ be Hal. Jan 1 19.10 ____ ___ __
As a boy Jesus received good and his sonshlp and the life. of the Hank of Htarke., 213.30
"ryle erected soon. Plans are being made Stark, Fla., will''b., DU 1. N... ia
held In UNhanklnir
physical, mental and spiritual cul Verse 50 says of Joseph Who said all things are possible Mrs. J. P. Summer, of Providence room at Htnrktt on Friday Hal. Oct 1 I. 19.10: ___ 69.IS 1
tivation. The Hebrew schools:! were Mary "They understood not the to him who belleveth? Answer, is visiting' her brothers, and seem to be progressing.The January. Iff, IH'II: R I'. m.. to elect a Itecelpt during' month'-' ... A.1O
school children from here boo r.t of
'which he unto them. '" -
Dimple but they taught the old saying spake read-Mark 9:23.Jununry: Messrs. A. L. and T7. Sullivan. and. to transact uch other llttl.. Nov. I I. )lIdO ,. 1306
'. scriptures and the history of the They probably saw that Jesus was II, 1931 Messrs. T. B., James and 8. 1':. are being transported to Starkeby IniMlneMH aa may come before them. ,"..t. No. IS'.P'. '
and that his bus to finish the 1930-31 term it. J. DAVIS; Hal. Oct. I. 19,10 _____ 600 ,
Hebrew people, and the religion of ceasing to a The Way to PeaceAcquaintnow Trlest were visiting In Gainesville 1-a-St Cannier Hocelpt( during month .__ 1M
of school. have been
's the Jews. One of the writers says, relations to them were changing.This thyselfwith him, and be at Wednesday.Mr. They goingto -.--. Warrant during month ___. _
Hampton school for the past few 11,,(. Nov. I, 1930 ._ ___ 18.0it '
t.a "The passover was the great an- same experience comes to peace: thereby good shall come and Mrs. S. R. Swindell spent ('I.IIK' FrAVr'IRI. *TVrUMK.Vr 1)153. No. its '
nual commemoration of the Jews' nearly all parents, when they first unto thee-Job 22:21.: Tuesday In dreen Cove Springs. weeks, but have decided to go to ('Ulf 'I'Y KI'NIIV' filL I. Oct. t. 19JOIteuelpt _____ .r*
escape from bondage In Egypt observe that a child is beginningto Prayer-May the peace of God, Mr. John Jordan James Swindell Starke. 4> Monthly financial- *iai..innt of Warrant. during during, month month ____ 33.11 6."
when the death angel passed over think and act for him or her which pasneth all understanding, and Misses Clara and Eula Swin Bradford county for the month of Ual Nov. 1, 1030. .. JUG
the houses of the Israelites, marked self. But our lesson says of Jesus, keep your hearts and minds in the dell were visitors ''to Jacksonville St. Augustine Ruthana Weavers UoL-vmber, General 1910.:' F..... Hal Oct. 1, hales.19JO IV_ .. "._IT________ II*
I le leI: with the blood of the passover "He went down with them and' knowledge and the love of God Sunday. Gift Shop opened on AViles but Den I. ID:.111 ?. _ ITSHouvlutM Iteuelpl during' month __. 1
lamb sprinkled on doorpost and came to Nazareth and was subject I which is in Christ Jesus. Mr and Mrs. Calvin Lewis of street. Warrant. during attiring month month 224701 1 1107.14 Hal.Warrant Nov during I I. 1930 month___ ____ I.SH
lintel and went on to destroy all unto them." He recognized his son- How can we get an increase and Tampa visited Mr. Lewis' sister, Mount Dora--Citizens voted on Hal Jan. I I. IICII) ______._ __12H.00PI UI.... N.. in"
the first-born sons of the Egyp- ship to God but also his duty to i Messing from God ? Answer read Mrs. T. B. Trlest Wednesday night. purchase of town hall property at flat Dec.,.I I.sad 11)80) Votltltmr- Feed_ -., 10Itenelpt Overdraft Iteoelpt* during Oct I, month 1910 ___._-1. 3 III 990
. tians. The festival began In the his earthly parents. Jesus was -Psalm 67:5: 6.JaaDuary. Miss Thelma Sullivan visited her Fifth avenue and Baker street. during month 11011.31! Wararnt during month ___ TI.
evening of the\ of lost to his but he was in 13. 1931 Mils Kathryn Weest of Jacksonville Warrant during month -- _- 41107 Overdraft Nov. 7. 1930 . til NO "
I fourteenth day parents I cousin, Building per Hal. Jan. I. 11)11 ._. 108.33 nt. .k. Sink Funs No. 3 ,._ 160)1) H '
the month Abib or Nisan corresponding "his father's house" and was The Only Safe Trust-'Some Hampton Sunday. ,. mits Issued In city during November PakllcKr eed Int. Hlnk. Fund No. 11.. _, 65)03
Pal. flea I, H 30 _________ Int.
In 10.1S Slick Fund No. U9 92.7I f
roughly to our April, and "about his father's business. trust in chariots and some Mr; Floyd. KIrkland left .FrIdaY totaled (89,059. Iteoelpt during month . I hereby certify that tha forego
lasted for a week. Men alode were But how often might we hear the horses: but we will remember'the night for his home in Homervllle Tampa-Repaving of Howard Warrant. during month ___ Ins Statement. allowing balance. at
required to attend and It was an cry "boy lost" because his father, name of the Lord our God.-Psalm Ga.. after a visit several. months avenue from Cass street to MIch- Mai. Jan.Oututsadlag I. 1941 -ruesalu . 3058 the the month beginning herein and above at the stated ending and"'.
indication o{,Mary's piety that she or his mother or his church devotes 20:7.: with his sister, Mr*., F. Fender igan avenue started by city engineering flea I. 1030 I87.4T of the receipt and warrant Uiueel
took the long laborious journey more time to business or so Praver Father, make us Miss Melrose Jordan who is department. Itecelpt Wararnt during during month month.-_ _- 7.06 during *aid l month cnrrevponda" with
the record
of office
my and i la trua
-- _ and. correct! to the _bet of my knewl.ad.e .
ana belief. I also' certify that
THE MAIN THING ON MAIN STREET"a By L. F. Van Zelm depoltorle the following, showing I I. a' Hit the of all balance county!.
each at the clone of the month hereIn -
first. elated, and the amount. of
flnil'y r)BuzzSTREET'S 4 and ecuilty amount by of each Interest such paid depoaltory.or cred
L05T r et"JAK'f 3GUNwrS DAY DO lied during said month by each raid \
MAIN rounds ) CMII/DREW : HOTEL 11 [3 ] L LM ,, dally depository balances on or account time depolt of current.
HE/5Ll1G6t2/ ( r
CHEWING CUM ar .I'\E\le CHEW A. J. anippia.
County Huuterlnlendenl.
GNE 115 TiNe
ON VILL Btt You eQSiiA1I-4 'ICE7N andeby vlrttl.oof.thatocertainunna. I ;
YA M1STA decree of Foreclosure
made by the
Tfi' KIDOKS! ; IS VM6H" 'liEM( WSTA Q Judge of the Ulh Judicial! Circuit. ,
MQ. P. \\0(. CH 'W u6 /l :In and for Bradford County Florida,
SLOTMACUIN6 MAN i 4 In Chancery on the 14th. :dry of No
/ vember. A. b.. 19.10 In favor of tba
COMES -0 T&mjM T2( 1 ., Federal land Hank of Columbia, a ti
GUM UP THE MKNINES.ALT(0 ; :() corporation and ....In.t Mr. Julia'
A. Cunningham:
_CIvSGltlpM I Lake llutler National Farm Liian,
TAlKS. UE \MM DEVELOPED t ON i'rtEAVEIr! Aoclatlon, defendant, The under
MARVELOUS .algned.. a. special master. will offer '
for and cell at the front door'.
& ft ONE Of t ig BEST of the court house In Htarke. Fl'ir'
FACIAL CONTOQ1I(>>OU( l$ INVEMENTS _ Ida during. the legal hour. of solo.
1.1414 CECliOHJoCIIE- on Monday, January 6th, 1931, t*
the highest and bent bidder for cask
/ : ft&Hfl TIE) EN1W- if the following described property ly f
L'I1b/ GUM PLAN! GUM. Wee r el' Y. : i :: l r..3"n" ing Klorlda and, to-wltl being In llradford county,
______ _____ Southwest niiarter of
__ _. . IIouthw..t
--- -- -- --- -- '- - -- - ---- --- ---- -- - -
h ..
.- - nuarter of tiectlon rltt..nClii
Clia Townhlp Seven South }Rang
(14) aero of rlnuthent quarter of
Southeast quarter of .Section.. fllv
teen (I4> Townihlp Seven. (7) South'
GeNTdi "t Mange Twenty (K0> Ka...1. .less Mix
AgfZp TO vx YOUR Qoss f DM'T )
rOR A RAt I-: If HE. THfVOW >t>O our THERE: Now TO .. Wtut-Mt L f O YOU -AHO J +E eu-r oq + 1 Fourteen(3) acre on North. nail Ella"
P.UoWS (14) acre of Northeast
MB1 ONTHt ? /
F eh' OFFICE JUST Por SOME CO IM AND' ASK THREW i Warier of Northeast quarter of Nee.tlon .
FILLOwS IN rRewTSojvoo Of HIS JOUT 'roL OUTt Twenty-one can Township Cev>
D0053 J THATA" .. en (7) South Hang Twenty (I20
CAN Coot MV' SALAR .( C Hat.: Northwent quarter. of North
LANID went quarter of Hm-lion Twenty-
Scrr IDEta two, Town-hip Seven (7) Huuth.
Itang Twenty (20) Rant. tees! the
Hum Twelve ( II) nero, vnntalnlnar
In the aggregate. Ninety tJOt acre
3. K FUA/.KB, ;
Hpevlal *l.t.t r,
Solicitor RCM., JOHNS fur Complainant.
e C l3--Bt.l-l. 1
Notice I I. hereby given that "l"ty
3 .ve day after
date hereof on to-wlt;
the 4tK day of February. 1931, I tha s
tinderlgne l Admlnlntratrlx. of tea.
Ktate of VM.. Harrell d.c......J-
i will prevent my voucher and final
acoounl to the Honorable 0.... A.
Oardlner County Judge of Bradford.
i County, Florida, and ask for hla approval
: and my
AdmlnlKtratrl. y
This 6th' ia5' of December 1911
.5w.eae. c.Qlr1ANOl. MIu&\ UULAIJ HARIUCLX ,
lt-1.1b.1'3v.: Ad utiuiiit airita.10.V. .
A 7
K '''," ;l1t",?. .'. ,...>., ..J-\JI,"+,"11-;,l '\..',M( r.*.,',"n' v Ai'e. ;w--'I'"r"L 1'(1"j(I'!,q1)''" ,r ,,,i hr ''vm19 ,mra mny4 ,i,Nr71f"nk.4KMV'\ , ..', {\ ... ,;,,;-.\' ;'''.,.! r-" ,.",;" ,,- ., .. . . ... .. . o M .. ',
.. .... .. ------ ,., ,ra...,
----------- ----- -------- ---------
- -
\, tied out of bfgger' oces is perfectly f city, where It will be kept on display It's annoying without a doubt. their neighbors; deny- ;-
Bradford County Telegraph logical but if it "were done next!I for time immemorial. The I Hoover; never go to !)eootd' ;:
t1' 1877 i From Other Pens I year It would only mAke new work. battleship Florida has been ordered Put the toy away-'tis the end of day they get up and <.hlnJc--.
Established! for each succeeding legislature. As i to the Junk pile after many day are having H- -, of B lilt',
long .. politicians flourish and remain -I years In the navy and it Is nothing And the dear little girl never These are the days Or rims
r Published Weekly on Fridays and Entered as Second Class Strawberries sent from WAU- hungry for pie*, as long as human but right that the Silver Service thinks ting profiteering, rent togs fU1f1'a! ,
t.. Matter at the Post Office at Starke Florida chula to New York by airplanesold emotion include envy and Set be returned to the peoplewhence She has such an awful good time taxes and prohibition U: !
Owner and Publisher for enough to make a fat prof. hate, these poor little counties will it came, and the :Florida while at play think life is worth Uvnjt, ; fit l
i E. S. Matthews it for the grower after r&ylrg SSOO be their monument Leesburg State Museum is the proper place With the wee cart and dolly that !you II1t>
J. C. Robinson - -------- Managing Editor for the trip. Somebody baa enough I Commercial. for its display and car*.-Gaines- blinks. A HAPPY NEW v-EAR
I II to spend.-Leeaburg, Commercial.: -. . o I ville Evening News. --
I SUBSCRIPTION RATE Put this down in your memoran- --- With the little doll bed and the
--o--- My Kind of
J' dum for future reference: Before horse with head Nf'Wfllpajlf'r'
Work on state road No. 13 1.progressing .
: t ; Yearly 1.50. ; Six Months, 75c:-Payable in Advance working These days on a being commission on a diet mean or 1 the millions trOll: the money centers In splendid shape, rock And I think as I put them away, rd like to(Perry be a Herald
I Rates on ApplicationFlorida's of the north'will be broughtto Thank God for this cherub safe newgpap i nu-,,
; ,: Advertising about the same thing,-Starke having been laid.on the grad., for That Is, if I could,
Florida for extensive improvements snuggled in bed-
about four miles from Bronson almost -
I Either rd
Telegraph. are pretty poor print a sheet now anu the
and investments there will to the turn-off at Lcnnon. Too soon they grow up and go -*
sheriff. things then we judge. Bronson That
: i state song: "Go easy, be a reduction, in taxes In this the rain of Monday away. someone understood,
Journal. Following heavy
o. .tate.-Perr-'aef.a1d.( And we are 1 it to -----o-
\ was necessary put on men
---- -0-- I would
It not going to be able to our tax It.. Easier' to Get Man Thanto simplify my spelling! ,
changing tag colors rapidly.Florida's pay and a tractor to pull cars throughthe a
3 ( 1- Florida cars are Congressman Lex Green must be and bonded debt until The shortest way you know
there are Keep Him HomeTimesUnion.
mud where the had '
grade recently "
o' planning to move down Into the rd spell "Kate Kat
:: : more people hi Florida to help car-
first district the be Is sendingout been raised to specifications. ( .) And leave the "e"
should have his salary reduced. way I out of dot
weather the Cove
man ry load.--Creen Springs
i It won't be before the
publicity stuff topapers in this long now Ladies ten commandments have
/'ll'''I'' 0 section. Or maybe he figures on Times. j road will be all right as far as Lennon been evolved by Miss May Healy rd use language good and strotJ
" 1 r\\ The 1931 girl refuses to close her eyes while being kissed.I that congressman-at-large Job.Leesburg ._ She married--a a civil-engineer- and i I I, and when it reaches there the clerk: in the county Judge's officein And "w-uns" when I could, I
most-dI1flcult of the road for
!, part
CommerciaL In a few month sbe had him more I''tra./flc the court house, for keeping a Then to a guy like myself,
-- --- --- / to will have been
----- negotiate wedlock (or headlock) Twould be
.: Paste the guy who tells you business will be- good "next :Major problem facing Floridians civiL: -Times-Union.She Revised ver- toted. Rock has already been laid husband until "death do you on part your" easily understood.
married a civil
year.:' -paying Christmas bills and buy and engineer on approximately one-third of the reports the West Palm, Beach When" Parson Jones preached
14 a few months he was onlyan i I
the present project, which Is from
ing new auto tag.-Starke Tropical Sun. sermon,
Telegraph: Many a family win engineer.:-Starke Telegraph.Rer.vtsededitioin. Bronson to Ellzey.-Bronson Jour- All have to do to "hoUT
That rotten
Automobile plants recalling thousands of em1 She married a you was as as could 1 B.I
Extra; hare to put up with doing but one, civil engineer,'and I in"a few months nal. I your husband is to let him go I t'd say "Parson.'OO. may fool otl|
'/ : of the aforesaid things.-Bronson' ' --"- '-'-0Tak1. -- where he when he feels
1; ployees. she ;''' pleases ers
had the knocked off
I e the ..'
JournaL : A Chance like it don't him with fool I But
; 0 engineer; .nod I be" became: ) a cfvllcarryfrtg" ; pester you certainly can't fool nw|
: Tampa Times headline tells of a man shooting himself in -a - I. ngin' "green'_Sate/;'p Wf" ;,, ._.(,Avon Park, Sun.) Questions when he obviously, '
If Santa >
f failed to provide you ling ahd' snorting?: to make' 'the !i. Back seat doesn't feel like talking; be'attrac- r
driver bossins
I : the cafe. with a new tag or the wherewithal. quit yore tive him be cook Just the
I I grade.reJraf'= :? Beach: Hammer. ; pet ; a good ; keep game he was playing,
I don't slow down at railroad
' : 0 It la just too bad--but a parked]I i i f .' no inlaws of both sides of the house And when through with the raaaj
':,.Ii\ ; One writer puts it this way: Be good and you'll be happy car uses. Which little many ga .-will Starke probably Telegraph Game Commissioner,0 Woodward It's croaatn'the.life Speed, never up mind! Speedup the' away from your borne; let him He would. know what I was i 88))+
have his hobbles: allow him privacy ing.I
i -and probably poor. find out during the next few weeks. baa Issued an earnest Appeal, to all kids and wife. Step on the gas, his own sleeping quarters and
i'-'! 0 Bronson Journal. sportsmen to'str1Ctly"Obey game give her the gun-whoopee, boys, be healthy i would talk to some old sisters I
laws the If '
during season. given aint we got fun. We want to r
:' ',> The best anti-freezing solution for northern cars is a Florida half a chance, the wild life In the take a ride to glory morning papers Miss Healy's '"don'ts"'for wives: About their, powder and then]
, being I
try to keep him from go- paint
:" ', :,1"" touch of Florida sunshine. ,shipped by plane) to northern mar Florida woods will increase to such will tell the story. Three Ing out if be feels like It, and don't And no doubt when they read mjl
an extent as to add greatly to the
folks killed and two all smashed,
: kets. Not many Florida productsare insist on accompanying him. You paper, I
,; ..l' Who will be speaker of : house at the next legislative 'graph.such And high not fliers.-Starke of Tele-them state.attractions. Real sportsmen and wealth, those of having our- flivver. The in a engineer thousand has pieces got dashed kids-, won't gain anything by putting They would fall 'right back and]
many 1 your husband in irons. He'll soon faint
session is the live issues. at heart the best interests of too, goin" to make him feel sorter
:'Jl among bring the money strawberries do.Wauchula wln''c certainly learn to lie out of anvtblne and
the state, : cooperate blue. Tramp on the and let
e 'm, o Advocate. I with Commissioner( Woodward in respect you less because he is able And I wouldn't write so much.
I her. I ain't no blamed timid soul.
Looks as if Ford will have to bring back the old modelT p -- his laudable, efforts to1'
? Duval county voters tell the I i : bother him when be comes know,
Y T to get- a new supply.: of jokes. world they are not bridge fiends. ; : !-Ierald. like me 'cause I can beat any trainI .' home from, the office tired out Unless there were some truth to|
.- -a -Starke Telegraph. They did vote see. >rThe from the itAnd'
1 Nothing Great Was' E"er- day's work. If he doesn'tfeel .
1931 will be the year for superstitious people-three Fri- the bonds down. very emphatically: d'o ,.. (1( like talking, wait until he's the goods, were there to|
tomatoes "
but perhaps that, was not because ,Done.by"<*tta* WBoftvaa' simply! acreage insouthFlorida rested and hasrelaxed.. Then all show. ,
, + days,falling on the 13thday, ,during the.year-..."..,.,,_. -...,,. 'j they didn't 'want",another' bridge trying to'be 'greatfrUi;,; in ,. : ; for,1.b.' 193O-31. season ri. win'be serene. J.a; -_, *:', i
d 0, but because they feared what, another Accomplished by a man who was M.800,.4Lnd', leads,byiBOO acres fall Don't look like a frump when il would,tell some church member I
E Georgia,papers are advocating a tax on bachelors. They bond laaue-'would do to their notemottonaLR'e! t>,,,.cc..,. beans There will be about 8600 you'welcome him home after 'office I How much' religion'. that they I
acres m ,
strawberries and 6500 In
t+ taxes.-Bronson Journal. Achieved! without the:aid(of enthusiasm -: 1 hours Remember the stenographers had..
should have something to worry over.. celery. Other south Florida
o ,* ,">. acre- : That
in the offices he visits, or they weren't good at all
,0 ,. I' Auto owners in northern states Done in 'X'jvengeful mood or age listed for vegetables Includes r his own for that matter, and the ,That they were really worse than
'a% believes robber his put up their cars on account of 'OJ 480O-cabbage,,2800 peppers, 2400 bad.
;! Eustis Lake Region a displays ama- spirit. iPerttt&JIentlY'k1l1ed ,women he ,meets or passes on the
'cold weather A cold tax officialin cucumbers 1800 eggplant 1500
though some streets are always basis for com-
teur rating by holding a man. ,
up newspaper lettuce and 1200 escarole. There
Florida can accomplish as much of It defend- may, suffer.. parison. And he'll make comparison And rd say to some good brothers, I
; o as zero weather-Starke Tele- Brought to pass without the cooperation are increases .in every crop except either consciously or uncon You've been crooked all your |
As this Courtesy Week and it is about over, check>up and graph. And that official may find of the Almighty. eelery. Last season the tomato sciously., life. _
z t see if you are proud of what you've: said and done. that there are unpleasant consequences Founded on 'InJustlce.-Palatka acreage was 11,800. Growers experienced -i pTwentyEight Now you must quit the other lady, j
even a good growing season,
in the action he has Times-Herald. Yeango I Remember Or rm going to tell your wife.
.0 taken.-Bronson Journal. 0- and shipments so far have been
+ i Its dreadfully obsolete to be kicked by a mule these days, a Ocala Star I.'of the opinion that regular and have brought a good (M. C. B. in Lake Worth Herald.) I'would write a wonderful sheet,
: i says the Times-Union. But it's none the less painful. Apopka Chief wants to install a the University of Florida includes: price.is shipping While extreme winter south vegetables FlorIda When hens were $3.00,a dozen; And be 'a wonderful man,
microphone in the legislative halls hitch-hiking fD tits curriculum. roosters 10 cents a piece, eggs 3 Til some guy came along
o next session Which causes th4 irrepressible Starke Telegraph.' Evidently does middle Florida la shipping cltrua. dozen for 26c, butter lOc a pound, With a big gun in his band
Florida will mourn the death of General Thomas J, Ap- Mr. Robinson of the from the Dumb l"r of hitch-hikers Times-Union. milk was 5c a quart, the butcher
pleyard, veteran of Tallahassee, who passed away this week. Bradford County Telegraph to wearing college Caps to be seen on -o-- gave away liver and treated the Then rd start to saying prayers
the few
During weeks
suggest that the Apopka gentleman the road most any time.-Bronaon past I kids with bologna; the hired girl As I ofUmes used to do.
o hook a sparking motor to his Journal Well if,they have learned County Agent Dyer, of Union received two dollars a week and For such a paper can't be published
Times-Unipn states a good mechanic should be able to loud speaker if be wants to get how to hitch to a ride these times [county, has'visited practically all did the washing. Women did not I ed.
take ayery squeak out of a car except the one from the backseat accustomed to the programs in ad- they have learned something a lot of Bradford the schools counties, both in Union and powder and paint (in public), that ever occur to you!
vance.-Lake Worth Herald. of other hitch-hiker haven't found enrolling smoke, vote play poker or shake o
boys in the 4-H club work for the
fi +-o--
I out.-Macclenny Press. Which the shlmmle. IIARRY KEENE NOWPOPULAR
;r o Favorite Story of Ananias may or may not be information of coming year. lie states that flu Men wore whiskers and boots,' RADIO STAB
Arizona has dug up a meat market twenty thousand : In an examination a student waa use In later years.-Bronson Journal response has been met with and chewed tobacco: spit on the side -'
asked to compose a poem using the that the prospects are fine for a walk and cussed. Beer was S cents Harry Keene who appeared here
old. Now know where of the "western" meats
6 years we some word analyze and The successful year in club work in
anatomy. -- a and the lunch was free. Laborers last season with Williams Stock
come from following .is his effort: i The University of Florida Is getting both counties In Union county worked 10 hours a day and never Company, is now a regular radio
+; 0It's "My Analyze over the ocean .I ready to celebrate its twenty- regular standard clubs: have been went on a strike. No tips were feature on the staff of WTIG, the
My Analyze over the sea. fifth birthday anniversary. In com- organized in the communities ofJohnstown. 'given to waiters and a stereoscope Travellers powerful transmitter in
but for New
too late for Christmas
a present, a
Oh, who will go over the ocean memoration of the of*the event Little Springs and Mil- /In the parlor was a luxury.No Hartford, Conn. He is beard on
Year's gift a reduction in the electric rate would be appreciated And bring back my Anatomy! the Institute of Inter-American ler. Application will be made for one was ever operated on for Monday nights from 10:30: to 11
by local consumers. -The Packer. Affairs will hold Its first annual state and national charters soon, appendicitis or bought glands. o'clock eastern standard time, under
a conference at the University Feb- I says. the Lake Butler Times. The Microbes were unheard of; folks the name of Hank Keene. His
J The Tarpon Springs Leader says ruary 10 to 13, 1931. Noted educators I fact that Union county has produced lived to a good old age and every I programs have broken the previous
Farmers around Valdosta start this week shipping turnip that traffic light in Stark U the from the:leading universi- some of the most outstanding year walked miles to wish their mall records on WTIC having
I greens by the carload to the middle west and east. It should one stop in the 215 miles between ties and college of the country club members in the state has friendsA i received thousands of fan let-
be done in Bradford county. Jacksonville and Tarpon Springs i will be present and take part in influenced many boys to take up MERRY _CHRISTMAS ters from all parts of the United
t Jiggs bad better look out. Editor the work with a great determination.
the program. The Board of Con- State., Canada, Cuba, Newfound
o Robinson of the Starke Telegraph, trol, president, and faculty of the Equal opportunity Mr. Dyer Today Yon Know land and the Bahama islands, otter
x Chicago laboratory first of the year offered $50 a month Is very proud of that light. University will be boats at the big says, is being offered every farm Everybody rides in automobiles, .every broadcast.
no Times-Union. boy In both counUes. Mr. Dyer or flies; plays golf shoots
How does Jlgg get party.:-Lake Worth Herald. ; craps; e
for the of the best headache in that city. A big
possessor adds that he la anxious to plays the
around traffic light at Brooksvtlle o very see piano with their feet; Work on intracoastal waterway
i price for a cheap commodity at that time of year. Palmetto News.Newspaper The Blountstown Record says some Union and Bradford boys win goes, to the talkies nightly; smokes between Jacksonville and Miami.
-0 o ever since the strawberry industry state and national distinction in cigarettes; drinks Rukua Juice; including East Coast canal, near
men throughout the this work.-Times-Union. blames the high coat of living on
started In Calhoun completion.
Some Florida sheriffs say they are arresting autoists growers
state will generally approve the have been loud in their of o
praise ... ,.
? without tags, others are giving the homefolks to January appointment of 1. D. Reagen of their own fruit. Each vied experiences The contention of many is that .Il... I "
';. 16th and some to February 1st. Sheriffs have to depend Sarasota, a newspaper man, as with the other for the biggest the Florida license fees for automobiles
votes for the office. state railroad commissioner to succeed and best crop of strawberries. are unreasonably high and
upon i A. S. Well, who died last' should be not more than $2 to $5.
Not so with A. L. Nuzum, president
o week. In making this appointment of the Calhoun County Strawberry But the several millions now collected RIGHT UNDER YOUR THUMBJUST
The Jasper News has completed its fiftieth year of service Governor Carlton has selected a Association. While ,the others through these licenses must
to Jasper and Hamilton county, the paper being foundedby good and popular man.-Bronson were telling'of? strawberries be collected these from fees somewhere would mean, andreduclnl'
the Caldwell family and has remained under their control Journal., 0 Mr. Nuzum was growing them. The' auto owners who also own other .
other day he brought to town two
during the half century The fee system under* which large red I luscious! berries which i property would have to make up
most of our county officers the difference while those who own
o receive he proudly displayed. Although WHERE YOU WANT IT
remuneration for their automobiles and nothing else, and
services Wauchula and Plant City are now
Ocala Star reminds legislators that Florida must match is one cause, of our tax shipping strawberries. Decembersets their name .Is legion, would pay
{, Federal aid for roads to the extent of $1,086,438 to secure troubles in Florida. When this. a record for early strawberries practically: nothing at alL How
that amount, and to bear this in mind when juggling the system is abolished and county officer as far west as Calhoun county.. reasonable would that bet-St.I That's one of the of
are paid a reasonable salary -Times-union. I Petersburg Times. Those who own advantages having a
gasoline tax.Maybe ,
? automobiles and else! could
there will be more money for other nothing
o expenses, and taxes will not be so Tennessee la",0 showing the way and would pay eVery Urn' they savings account. Your money is always
'. the New Year had something to do with it, but high.-Inverness Chro Icle. for her counties to reduce taxes bought a gallon of gasoline. I* it
-oInereaatng ---- fair for a man who doesn't drive there ready for an that
of smaller counties being ,
the Largo Sentinel gravely announced in Its last hllmerhero's taxpayers emergency may
a caemore than 50 miles a week to
the egg yield in Florida given the opportunity of voting
a lot of difference 'twist wihnis vadn gmhia." Better Is more Important to the state to consolidate with' adjoining pay the same license tax as the come at any moment. Ready, too for any
have Andy and Amos confirm it. than the finding of a dinosaur eggseven counties. It 1s needless drain on man who uses a car for his office ,
v o million years old near Dun- taxpayer to mantaln a set of county and drives it from 100 to 200 milesa investment that might present itself. Start
.. nelloiL-k-Stark Telegraph. But U officers for only a few thousand day? The gasoline tax .Is flexible
Indications are that the next session of the legislature the finding of the dinosaur egg population when by consolidation enough to meet all demandsfor today and learn the advantages of
will cut some of the state's running expenses, and after this leads to the establishment of a dinosaur the expense can be distributed over revenue from the automobile.
Is done a lot of taxpayers are going to raise a terrible howl farm at Dunnellon It may double or'treble Abe population. Ocala SUur., saving regularly and systematically.
prove quite an asset to the e
because of the few cents cut from their tax bill. These tax- Starke Telegraph. There are ;
at that--Bronaon Journal. Instances In Florida where consolidation Put The Toy Away ,
payers are those who have not yet been made to see'that their o would be advantageous. Its u'( ,,H.: A. In Florida Times-Union)
big tax bill is made up within their own county and district: Reflecting on the adverse vote ( becoming'mi.ro: more popular Put the toys_away-'Ua the end of"day -., -'.-- - .- -
and the state millago has nothing recently given by Duval county on and doubtless after awhile the
to do with it. 4 PER CENT INTEREST
to build
proposal another I ,
bridge plan will be adopted her .
And time Curlylocks in bed. ___ _
was _
Ise o across the St. Johns river between News h. _ ___
South For she's an worn out With.a day
Some are wondering Jacksonville and Jacksonville =
newspapers why Congressman Lex -----o- of
; # Green Is furnishing themwith news of'what he is doing in Bradford, Editor County J. C. Robinson of the Congressman, R. A. Green from Tls time Now-I-Lay-Me was
Telegraph observes
1 Washington, even though they are not in his district. Green that Duval county voters of Florida second baa congressional introduced a district. bill in said BANK OF STARKEAN
'II is the hardest working congressman Florida has in Washington are evidently not bridge fiends the present session of congress authorizing Mother gets and
The best one this. week.aa.inesvllle angry daddy gets
';ifj, working all the time for the state as a whole without regard Dally Sun the secretary of the navy sore HONOR ROLL BANKE.
to turn
8' to district lines, and perhaps some day he will ask FlorIda O ... which over donated the SD'fteService Bet At the way*"things are scattered
The proposal to was to the U. S. a about, ., S. Matthews, Pres. R. J.
f' citizens to send him to Tallahassee as governor. the little counties that reunite were some whit-of Florida by the people' of Florida., to For Curlylocks; Just strews her Davis., Cashier
"t the, Florida State Museum In this
,',d things 'cross the, floor- ..
: ,wYH. dtirv>M r v. s ,