Bradford County telegraph

Material Information

Bradford County telegraph
Uniform Title:
Bradford County Telegraph
Place of Publication:
Starke, FL
E.S. Matthews
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Starke (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Bradford County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Bradford -- Starke
29.947222 x -82.108056


The first issue of this ongoing weekly appeared on July 26, 1879 under the title Florida Telegraph. It was published by William Wyatt Moore, a native Floridian and a staunch Democrat. Moore had previously worked for a paper in Tallahassee and had also published newspapers in Jacksonville, Lake City, Cedar Key, and Pensacola. After appearing for a short time as the Weekly Florida Telegraph and reverting back to the Florida Telegraph, the paper’s name was changed to the Starke Telegraph. In 1887, Moore sold a half-interest in the newspaper to I.C. Webb, who became sole owner within a few months and changed its name to the Bradford County Telegraph. In 1893, Eugene S. Matthews, who had previously worked for newspapers in Gainesville and Ocala, purchased the Bradford County Telegraph with Ben J. Farmer, who sold his interest to Matthews five years later. Matthews published the Bradford County Telegraph for the next forty years. He was also elected to the state legislature in 1904, 1907, 1911 and 1923. His son, Eugene L. Matthews, a graduate of Columbia University’s School of Journalism, took over the publication in 1933, matching his father’s record of forty years as publisher. The Bradford County Telegraph continues to the present.
Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 9, no. 41 (Apr. 13, 1888)-
General Note:
Publishers: Mathews & Farmer, <1893-1897>; E.S. Mathews, <1900-1926>.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
33886096 ( OCLC )
000579551 ( ALEPHBIBNUM )
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60662535 ( ELECTRONIC_OCLC )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )

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Preceded by:
Starke telegraph

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tieri r *R f h.y,


., .

I I 'raforb ountgtabiiabed

$i 1877 Subscription-"or Fear$;t.50 Six Iri6nths 1'ubllshel't'OLUStE
--= / ; 75e-Payable in Advance. E. S. Matthews, w. er and



I HARVEST CROTALARIA SEED: o OFFICERS. statement The fiftieth-of the semi-annual Bank of FLY BATTLEUncle NOW ASSURED FOR BRA 4.ORD. i: : I'

Starke published in the Tele-

At the Invitation 'of. the experiment Bradford Lodge No. 35, F. & A. graph today is a hearteningsign Will 'r

station officials and County Highway Officials M., and Eastern Star Chapter No. of the times for Starke Sam settle For Unau- Election. of Officers Set ForMeet

Agent L. T. Dyer many farmers of 163 conducted an impressive and Bradford county. This thorized Acts Of Florida AIR RIDES AT Ing to be Held Tuo

the county visited the Experiment I Adopt Road Aims double Installation of officers at a financial institution has gone Agents.- UJanuary 13th"d"jr'x.-

Station on Tuesday this week to joint meeting held tyonday: eveningat through the worst part of the Those -
I' who suffered loss damage
see the combine In operation harvesting the Woman's Club building. The business depression and or
to private property during the KINGSLEYLAKE Tuesday night, January 13th, hu'
seed in
crotalaria corn State and National Forces Thrown installation was open to the public starts Uie New Year with Its been set '
fight waged on the Mediterraneanfruit as the date for election o>
According: to Mr. Dyer, the and
field Behind Broad Program many friends of the order as legal reserve requirements on fly in Florida a year officers to serve the Jones-Long-
ago may
combine was very successful in well as distinguished visitors from hand in cash and besides hasa -
the eeed.The other receive recompense under an act "Daredevil" Burns, connected ford-White Post during this year.
harvesting Eastern Star secondary investedIn
and reserve
The importance which highway Masonic of of December 28 The meeting will be called to ,
? congress 1922, with the Federal ora
caterpillar Air
combine: pulled by a chapters were present. bonds, which brings Its Service, will
construction has assumed 'as one if the claim is filed within a year have der by Temporary Post Commander '
tractor, .cut a twentyfootwidth The fund a five-passenger seaplane at
\ program opened at reserve up to 43: -
eight percent
of the nation's
greatest Industrieshas from date of damage and does not A. J. Thomas at 7:30: at the {
threshed, and sacked the o'clock by the retiring officers of of its total deposits. Kingsley Lake Saturday and Sun-
; emphasized the need for a bet- exceed $1,000, said a letter from courthouse and several important
At one operation Just as It the Eastern Star. carrying passengers up
need the
ter Immediately The officers of Bank
understanding on the part of Charles Marvin, acting secretaryof measures concerning veterans who
does in the wheat fields of the ter the in the ether. His machine is a
1 the public as to the official chan opening'the officers formeda have every reason to con- the department of agricultureat arc in need of government aid will
alterations had to be new standard plane fitted with J
west Some nels through which road square and compass in front of gratulate themselves on the The betaken with the view '
buildingIs Washington. letter, made pontoons for up of according ?
to the taking off and
the machine owing: the dias. The alight-
made on advanced. This Is the view taken retiring worthy ma- management of their: institution public them 'full
Friday in of
was reply to a support the
ing water
corn stalks In the field, .tron asked the installing on and he is coming to
standing is by Henry H. Blood, chairman of then officer and the'community: query by Senator Duncan U. this section from Eustla where the local post. It is to the Interest of ')

but the machinery so perfect the state highway commission of Miss Verna Bullard, 'past should feel a pride in know- Fletcher of Florida, in behalf of a machine has been for the everyWorld War Veteran In the ;,

that the stalks and weeds were ,Utah and president of the American Grand Matron, to take charge. ing that we have a bank that farmer who claimed federal agents eral weeks. past sev- community to attend this meeting.
not in the way in the least. They Miss Bullard was assisted by Mrs. has weathered all the stormsof Final
Association of killed for
and scattered I State Highway eight cows and destroyed The Federal Air Service Is head plans organization of i
were pulverized:: officials. Mr. Blood Is now in Dolla Green as grand marshal and the past and is in fine con- crops ed by Frank D. a local post of the American Legion -
will be of the
over the ground to the which land. I Washington at the request of Colonel Mrs. Minnie Means as grand chap- dition to meet the require-- "Theact of Dec. 28 1922" said fountain pen magnate, and severalof were discussed at a meeting of t''

more benefit made Arthur Wood, chairman of plain. ments of the future. the letter, "authorizes:: the heads of his- fleet will "barnstorm" Flor- veterans held last week, a number '

Where the crotalaria the combine an Is President Hoover's Emergency The retiring worthy matron, When all, is' said and done departments to consider ascertain ida this winter. Five .minute of former service men attending ',

f average of growth harvesting, from 40 to Committee for Employment, to aid Mrs. Verdie Futch, was presentedwith our section really :.has muchto adjust and determine any claim for flights will be made at a rate of and participating the discussions

capable in coordinating forces for more a symbolic jewel by the chap- be thankful for; anyway. loss ot damage to private propertynot $1 each or longer fights be ( A. J. Thomas presided as
out from 400
50 acres and turning : ter, and she presented each of her
seed employment. The past six months conystitute to exceed $1,000 caused by neg arranged for by parties who might temporary post commander, and
bushels of cleaned
to 500 officers
per retiring with
a lovely
day. The seed of crotalaria have "We have recently concludedour Eastern Star emblem. Both the the worst part of the ligence of any officer or employeof desire to .see' what the country N. Dv. Wainwright, Jr., la serving'' + ,
regular annual session at the government while as temporary adjutant.
present business depression. acting looks like from the air.CAN'T .
been very high priced, Mr. Ayer of Pittsburgh," said Mr. Blood, "and Incoming and outgoing leaders delivered During that time our' pub within the scope of his employ- This was the second meeting 4'
said, because ,of the scarcity appropriate'addresses
we have agreed upon policies by fill lic schools have gone forward ment,, provided that' the claim is FISff FOR lir> by the local group'and it was t
of the
seed and because growing ed with remarks of great Interestto
which we are to be governed dur- without interruption presented within one year from I diCi-Jed during the evening to elect
interest In the crop, but ,with both members and friends of the ; our '
the date of accrual. SHAD SUNDAY'nianent: officers fur the .
and modern" ing coming year. First, we order. towns and county have met ON organ
I larger acreage grown have a program for increased their obligations "The plant quarantine and control z.-itl-.n at the next meeting .
to harvest the seed, tbe The elective and promptly;
Federal aid as an emergency appointive our business men have come administration of this depart- Attorney General Kind. Old Law slated for January 13th. To facilitate
be able to
farmers ought to get installed for the Eastern
ployment measure and we are through in good shape, and ment is conducting an Investigation Prohibiting& Taking Shad examination of veterans in
need in the future at'a very reasonable Star were: :Mrs. Mae Green "
wor- in thin locality. Dr. R. N. Holland
working intensively with President our farmers have harvested regard to the alleged killing I a

price. Hoover's committee, headed by thy matron; Mr. C. A. Futch, wor- bountiful crops of food stufta.; of the eight cows and the dam- The Associated Press throws member of the Post has been designated ,

Mr. Dyer expects to push the' Colonel Arthur Woods. thy patron; Mrs. Mae Wells, asso- On top of this our most important age to crops *. . ..". some light on the laws'regulatingthe to take charge of this work

I growing of crotalaria this year' as "Another part of our programIs ciate matron;; Mr. E. W. Hayes, as- money'crop will be- i taking of game and fish in an and his name sent in to the Veterans ,.
one of the main projects of his sociate patron; Mrs. Ina White, Bureau In Jacksonville
to have changed, if possible, the, gin to move in less than six- article coming from the state cap- for #fd
work, and hopes to get the seed on secretary; Mrs. Verdie Futch, McLin Giv Motorists approval.A .
present limitation of $15,000 per ty days, and it gives promisenow ital in which a favorite fish is excluded
moot every farm ,in the country. I treasurer; Mrs. Dora Alderman, service committee "
mile on1' Federal in of In from the list of eligible composed
participation bringing a very Five Days Of Grace
He recommends getting a few seed chaplain; Mrs. Lillian Dobrow, fishes of J. E. Corpening, W. M.., Graham
highway construction that the amount of on Sunday.
so large
and planting a seed patch the marshal; :Miss Blanche Alderman, money. and Dr. R. N. Holland boa been
The article repbrts the flailing appointed -
secretary cf be Under all'the
agriculture circum-
in order to a'start may While declaring he. had no authority -
first year get organist; Mrs. Oneda Griffis, Ruth; for the of obtain
authorized to stances citizens Bradford of an old law by the attorney purpose ,
:: 'approve at of
projects :: gan-
of the seed at home.: Complete information Mrs. Abbie Harle, Esther; Mrs. to extend beyond January, ing the names of all Veterans who
50 per cent of the 'I on the crop and methods i Delia Hoover, Martha; Mrs. Lena 1 the time limit for motorists to art now suffering from disabilities: '
"Florida ,
tion. the blessings of the fishermen who''wish to
of growing it can. be obtained from Overstreet Electa; Miss Dolly Mc- many purchase 1931 license tags, W. S. i with the view of taking their 4
.. "Then there is at the present past, and look, to the future McLin, acting motor vehicle observe both the latter and :the ,
commissioner -
him.Florida's. Rae, warder; Mr. Don Hoover, claims with the Veterans
up Bureau
time considerable agitation for the with cheerfulness and cour- spirit of state law might do their
_. Monday no
sentinel. It. has
l been
I improvement of secondary roads, age as we enter the New motor vehlhcle Sunday angling with a 'No ShadAllowed' requested that
would be
FourthDistrict In farm-to- The Masbns then took charge of Year. operators I attached to their hook all men In this section, suffering; !.
some cases classed.aa
Contains the program with Col. A. S. Crews arrested during the first five daysof and line from any disability,, whether .ln-

.1. market roads, with a resultant' demand as Installing pfficer and Dr. J. .M. next year "if they show willingness ' curred In the service or since their 4'
for!diversion of state' funds y-- 'Answering a request from {-a. ,

Largest PopulationFlorida's now available for state systems.We : officers Mitchell as were marshal.installed. The:following C. B. BARGAIN BUYERIS " don't get want their to tags.y work a hard Lamont, Fla., resident, Attorney service discharge committee., get in touch with the .i

to the diversion of General Fred H. Davis found it
fourth congressional are opposed Hayes., worshipful master: L. D. DISAPPOINTED ship on anyone, McLin said. "No Mr. Taylor Belcher, Past Post e
funds to dive
into the
these until .the I necessary deep
I district, represented' in the national primary I Green, senior warden: C. A. Futch, one will be arrested during the first depths of his law There Commander of George A. Casey
routes have reached ad- library
congress by Mrs. Ruth Bryan vanced stage of improvement.a more Our junior warden; Nat Sternberg, secretary Alarhua County Commf 'are forced to make arrests.
Owen, has a ; D. M. Baumgarner, senior spoke on Post Finances, Americanization
greater populationthan Is that the Authorize Stilts'to Secure Florida law, which prohibits bunt- -
position major portionof Motorists will not be arrested if
deacon J. L. Anderson, junior dea-
:: Communism
tbe second and third districts ; Delinquent Taxes and Na-
with firearms
state funds should be used ing on Sunday,
en- L. D.,, senior steward they show willingness to get their tional
combined and more than 100,000 con; Vining ; Preparedness. He stressed
places only the restrictions on
j greater population than the flrit tirely to expedite work on state Joe Siatrunk, junior steward. Alachua county has not starteda tags. Sunday fishing-no shad nrayjpMuj the fact that a Legion post could
and in with
systems, keeping ma- extension
"People expected an of
Florida district. After the installation ceremonies ba.of great benefit in the furthering -
bargain basement and has no Intention taken from sundown Saturday to
The jor demand., a social time was enjoyed, and time, but I have no authority to of loyalty to the .
I census figures by of to government,
, congressional so 'doing, according
"One of alms also Is to sunup Monday"WILLIAM ,
jour se- grant an extension., However, I do welfare
districts were made publicby delightful refreshments were served action started this week by com- work in the community 1.
cue if possobile a great uniform- not want to work a hardship on
the and by taking firm stand for
federal bureau of census missioners. Instead of delinquent I E. IIUTCIIESON :
ity in gasoline taxes and motor license .. , .. motorists.
national Preparedness. While
and the
give the first district, repre- taxpayer being able to buy certificates :
fees. We stand for the restriction "Tags are being bought earlier
sented by Congressman Herbert J. DESOTO TRUCK SHIPMENTS at their own price they will William E. Hutcheson, pioneer Legion Is a firm believer in peace, t :
of' In the interest
toll bridges this with result that mil-
I a a
Drane, '433,169; the second dis- INCREASE; POTATOES AND have to buy in accordance with resident t of Hampton, Florida, died through experience it has learned
of the and also for
public, ]lion dollars more tag funds have
trict, represented by Congressman CABBAGE NOW MOVING foreclosure proceedings. Friday morning at the home of his that a fair amount of preparednessla
roadside beautificatlon as a meansof been received here 'to today
Robert A. Green, 205,778: the According to our informant, daughter, Mrs. E. Selby, at Citra. absolutely essential, said the ,
reducing highway than last at the date.
I third district, represented by Congressman Arcadia, Fla., Dec. 26.-DeSoto commissioners at their last meet- year, Mr. Hutcheson who waa born speaker
costs by checking erosion and ._
Thomas iA. Yon '240- county farmers started shipmentsof Instructed Fred .u o isoz Congressman R. A. Green made F,
I idea. ing Bryant, county in Georgia, June : naa recently

i 918, and. the fourth district.,588,,. venting"Our organization," said Mr. spring cabbage this week. 'It is attorney to institute,, proceedingsto FUNERAL RITES IIELD been making his home in I a short address on Veterans Relief

286. expected that the first cars will be collect all delinquent taxes on FOR EDWIN B. JELKS, Jacksonville with a daughter. He' Legislation and stated among oth-

la 1020"the first, district, ''had a Blood, charged"is composed with of the public buildingand officials partly filled with Irish potatoes, as I Alachua f county property
population of,248.004thesecond; administration of highways In the early potato crop is ready for suit; 'foreclosure and the usual Mrs E. R. Dyal. Cocoa; Mrs Eu- who were not eligible for com

187,47; the third ,217,670 and the states and digging. court process.. Judgment,' there- Qultman, Ga., Dec.; 25-JSdwin B gene Selby, Citra, and Mrs. B. W. pensatlon under the old veterans'

fourth 315,292.A'lortda'a the various) any pronouncement There Is' only a small crop of fore, will be secured, levies made elks, eon .of the late Dr. E. A. Crlcblow, Jacksonville, and 13 laws, are now eligible for compensation
this official
from body
increased, population .early Irish potatoes as the main by, the sheriff and property sold Jelks, and member of a distinguished grandchildren.. and hospitalization under
with the
which cooperates closely
entitles the state to a fifth ..representative of Public Roads be crop of the year la just now,being with a clear title..' South Georgia family, The funeral will be held todayat the liberal acts recently enacted by
i in the national congress may planted and will mature in April Taxes -up' to and Including the died at his home here Wednesday 2 p. .m. at Santa Fe cemeterynear congress. He pledged his supportto
relied expressing the true
and It will be up to the 1931 facts concerning upon as state activities In when the. heaviest :shipments will year 1928 are Included in the fore- night after a long Illness. The I Hampton. Rev. E.,H. Boyer, the furtherance of the beet interests

Florida. legislature to determine be made. There will be considerably 'closure proceedings funeral was conducted Thursday at of the North Ocala Baptist church, of the American Legion., }I
the of road building. "
great project
whether the new congress will rep- of 'more than 200 acres plantedto In adopting this program, said 3 o'clock.Mr. will officiate. Roberta A. Son Funeral Congressman Green stated that
"The American Association
resent the fifth district, which State Officials has been Irish potatoes In this county for one of the county officials. we are ."Jelka was for many years a Home, Ocala, have charge.of he has always been in sympathy'

would be formed from part or all Highway the spring harvesting. following precedent established druggist and later a manufacturing the arrangements.-Ocala Banner, with and accorded his full supportto
seventeen hav-
present>four district?,or will rep- I functioning years During last week, the DeSoto elsewhere. If we are to prevent an druggist and known to the Dec. 27th legislation proposed for the "

resent the state at large. : ing been organized at a meeting county growers have ,shipped a Injustice to the majority of citizens drug trade throughout the ,entire benefit of war veterans, and added ,<
held In Washington, on December i '
l carload of peppers and about half :: a plan such as this must be south. He Is survived by his wid- PRESS ASSOCIATION that a bill Is now before congress

MACCLENNY MAN MURDERED 112, 1914. The purpose for which" a carload of mixed truck, squash carried out. -High Springs Telegram ow and two daughters, Mrs. T. B. WILL MEET FELL 14X11 to pay off the soldiers bonus,and

1 BY HIS COUSIN WITH UNITE Association was organized, and beans. Massle, of Starke, FJa., Mrs. Douglas which he hopes to see passed soon. !
concluded "and for
Mr. Blood
Sweet potatoes for,the next sum- Barnes, of Miami, Fla., and one The Florida Press Association All veterans were urged to call

Earl ''Mobley. 22-year-old son of which It Is to be perpetuated, is to mer crop are now being bedded and NEGRO KILLED AT., LAWTEY son, Edwin, of Thomasville and will hold Its annual convention upon him at any time that his ser

Oounty Commissioner 1.W. Mob- study the various materials, methods growers are expected to plant a his slater, Mr*. D. A. Denmark of l February 13th-14th at Gainesville, vices were needed and he assured

Icy of Baker-county, was slain at a of construction and maintenance larger acreage than ever before of A negro, whose name could not Valdosta.. President Nate E. Reece has announced them they would always find his

, with view of establishing .
Thrift, live 'miles north of a : Since the recent cold weather, was shot and instantly killed BERRY l'ROSPECTS GOOD .Among speakers to appear on'the

Macclenny.? on Christmas eve, and. uniform, system of administration -, prices for vegetables have gone up Christmas morning, 1:30: o'clock, In program are Earl Bickel, cf the COURT ;
construction and maintenance
Clyde 1'hrlftt18( years old,his cousin and the demand for beans, squash, the home of Calvin Prevatt of Mr. Dlngfelder, member of the United Press; John Finley, of the

Is held to face a first degree ; to promote legislation for peppers and' other vegetables has Lawtey. From reports the negro New York firm of ,berry buyers, New York' Times; Dr. Hamilton HOLDS PEDDLER ,

.Murder: charge: found against him the purpose of conserving the capital been excellent.: knocked at the' door' of the Pre- was in Starke- this week lookingover Holt, President of Rollins College, LICENSE INVALID

11) a'coroner's jury on Christmas invested In highway construction . : vatt home and when admitted en- the prospects for the coming and others.

day. and maintenance by produc- ANDREWS-NORMAN; tered with a jug of liquor and an berry shipping season In this sec Dates for the meeting were suggested -

It U said that an effort had ing the highest possible efficiency; axe. Prevatt took a''drink upon tion. In conversation with local by Dean Walter J. Mather-: The Florida supreme court has
been and to cooperate in every way possible Miss Lizzie:: Andrews and Mr,Joe made a ruling in a case that wilt r..
I made to get-Thrift to leave \Invitation of the negro, and according men Interested in Bradford's leadIng ly, of the department of commerce

the house where the dance was being with the United States Bu- Norman were married Tuesday to Prevatt"- who was the only crop, Mr. Dingfelder told them and journalism at the University affect practically ''every city In the' '

held.Young Mobley is alleged I reau of Public Roads or similar evening at 8 o'clock at the home other person present, the negro in- that indications pointed, to good of Florida. The convention follows state when it held that salesmen ,

to have joined In this effort, and' Federal organizations in the consideration 'of the groom's sister, Mrs. T. D. sisted that he pay for the drinkWhen marketing conditions for the ber- the Institute of Inter-American representing out-of-state firma .

after some words between the two, of road problems."' Proctor, the ceremony being performed he refused the negro advanced ries this year, and that good prices Affairs, February 10th to 13th. who take orders, mail them to con.. '

one .blow was ,struck by Mobley: by Notary T. D. Proctor, with the axe and Prevatt shot could always be secured for good ----S---- -- corns, receive the goods and deliver -

Thrift, It is asserted retaliated THIRTEEN ADDED TO Quite a ,large crowd of relativesand. him in the bead twice with buck- fruit on the New York market. SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY { them to the customers and

j with a single thrust of a knife, STATE PENSION ROLL friends were present to wit shot, killing, him Instantly Officers ' ' collect and send the'money to the 1

which pierced .young Mobley's ,f ness the marriage. investigated, but no arrests -SOPIIRONIA McFASinONBKVMEU Bradford High' School will open companies, do interstate' business

lieart. Death was instantaneous.! One wearer of the grey In the The bride U the youngest daughter -I have been made Inquest held. Monday for Its second period af- and are not.-subject to city occupational ,

Funeral service were held Thursday war between states was added to ,of?, the late Mr. Joe Andrews, I, ._, -- ter granting teachers and pupils licenses. '

afternoon at.'Macedonia: ceme- the pension roll late' Monday by and a nieces.of Senator A. D., Andrews L DANK HAS CALENDARS:: Sophronla McFashion Bryme'r, 53 two week during the Christmas The opinion said that "munlcK*

tery north of, Macclenny. He, 'Is actionof they, state pension board , and is well liked by all who yeara of age, one of Starke'a old holidays. The school has completed paSties cannot, by ordinances, l lawfully

Ruryived by his,('Mdow and small 'Tallahassee. In"audition to the I know her. The Bank of Starke has a quantity respected colored citizens:; passed half of Its 1930-31 term the sec Impose a burden upon inter.

son andHis parent-n-MaccIeony Confederate solider, twelve widowsof The groom' is a son of Mr. and of System calendars on hand away Wednesday night at her ond half coming to a close the latter state commerc.e."*

r. Reporter veterans, three of' them being Mrs. J. E. Norman cf Starke, for their patrons and friends and home following a short illness of part of ApriL In another case Involving a municipal ,r

' widowed recently, were approved where he baa spent the most of his those falling to (receive one may double pneumonia. She waa bornIn yStart- ordinance, the supreme,, ';,

BIRTHS for the 'monthly disbursement of life.Mr. call at the bank and get one on Starke and baa lived here all' 1 the new year by subscribing court held that the city
Mrs and Mr.nll&rd Jonas, New. $40 each: and Mrs. Norman will make these useful calendars and record. her life, liked by all who knew her, for your home-town paper anda had a legal right, to regu-' ,

Kiv ",\ gn..''Dec.,23tbv. Of the group of applications for their' future home in Plant City, The institution mailed a large being'' a faithful and Industrious good farm. journaL late operation pf certain classes of 1)t) :

MA;.and -Mrs. CarS 'FV' ,Carter pensions, 11 were; passed 'over for where Mr. Norman Interested in number but-the supply'remaining servant for many white families - bWlln s"The case involved the ,appeal ''I j!",

Ltwteson, ''Dec. 19th. future, consideration: < five were growing strawberries.'Their many Is sufficient to allow an additional during: her life) She will be bur- It pays to use good seed becauseIt of a Tallahasseean who, dr

Mr. ,and Mrs. Wesley McRae, held for investigation, and six applications friends wish them much happinessfor distribution to those who will call led at Clarke View cemetery. Friday means larger yields of better sought to operate a pool room,at,a :;

SUrke,, IOn; 'Dec.* 81. t., were" denied.- the future. at the bank. afternoon. quality crops. certain location. .- ./

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-- ----- -
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low naturally.Jan.. Christian churches throughout the lower animals. Some will say this Overdraft Oct. 1, 1930 ______ 184,50 Int. A Sink. Fund, No 25 I
I hen by certify that "'Olds
0, 1930 world,, will be observed with union can't be done, but they were pointed Dint. xfo. a Ing "tatem-nt sriwInK C'"r] 'Re.the .
Hat Sept. 1. 1930 _..____.14 .0l |
Faithful and Wise Fathers-YeYathe'rs services by the churches of Starke, to the herds of cattle now in Receipt' during month-- _40_ 273.60 the month beginning herein and at the J'!.!*.* *t

: provoke not your childrento beginning Monday, Jan. 5th, and Florida where the disease has been Warrants during' month ____ of the receipt and ahoy wa ,tntudn, :' and"t Bal. Oct. 1, 1930 _________1135.88
voiced the -- '
J 9. eliminated. He also during ald month cnrre,1"
wrath and admonitlor of the ending Friday evening, January IU.. No. 4 "II"U.d
_. .Lr" Il 1-A Lord-Eph.6:4.:: The following order of services and opinion that a survey should be Bal. ''Sept. 1, ma ______ 354,IBReoelpte and the record correct to of bent office or".:;,,? lq with true'

____ O God most merciful, speakers has been arranged, sub- made as to just how Important un- during month______ edge and belief. I allll] ? !"">"l.
Thy word fa Prayer- Wararntn during' month __
i lamp mo nqrjg'j |jht mto> path.-Plain 119:105.: the following.* a \flat of Vlfy, tAx<
my may every father's heart be Thine ject to change: dulant fever is In Florida.A pal Oct. 1, 1980 ._..__ depoeltorlei, ahowlny the hitcnu'itv

if 1temnrbnnf AU rellgloua teaching, doctrine orclaim altar and Thy love the flame, and Monday evening at Baptist complete copy of Dr. Shealy'stalk Hal Sept. 1, 1930 Die'._No.____O___.__ 411.S7 I each at the.tated.close. and of the nlu halxnre ilh: boro.'I"

6poe I' BB. i they are to have any their children will rejoice in them. church, Rev. G. H. Lowry, speak can be obtained by writing the Receipt, during month --__ 441.80 cef't by e.h,1 the, SI"ut"? <>C
the love, loyalty* must1 In Florida Experiment S tat J on Warrants. during month ___ 267.83 and amount of Interest *"<".>..'+
nd devotion of the people be harmony with Jan. 7 1931 ooii.
Bal. Oct. 1, 1930 .______ _... 695.84 ,
the teachlnga of J er.Tuesday Ited during .aid month -.rvcr'i
uthe/ Chriat whose words fit Into every fold and crevice breth evening at Methodist Gainesville. Ol.t. ..
Be Strong-Finally, my No. T depository on "&''l|
/ the
l SPARE? h hinge JUKE heart TI S ..d oT whom it wan laid in John 7:46."NEVER MAN ren, be strong in the Lord, and In church Rev. Q. P. Raymond, .__, Hal.Receipt Sept.during t, 1930.month____-_._-?___ 1.30 dally Witness balance. my or hand account time d.PIIOI if rr.nt

the power.of his might. Put on speaker. TRAIN AND BUS SCHEDULES Warrants during month ____ September 1910. title dry ?
WEEKLY EKMONETTE may be called a hard life, and died the whole armour of God, that ye I Wednesday evening, PresbyterIan Bal. Oct 1, 1930 _____..,__? 1.30Dial. A. S.
1 for speaking God's word againstsin. may be able to stand against thewiles'of I church, Rev. W. F. Jones, New schedules changed Sunday, Overdraft Sept. 1,No.8 1930 ,___,_ 154.64 I County ilupte! Inlyi n:lent

The ord's Receipt durlntr month ___ __ 820
Prayer the 6:10: 11 speaker. ,
deviL-Epb. - - -
November 30th and trains will run Warrants during month : =::
Matthew6:913." : Our Father Measured by standards of men Prayer Strengthen us,, Lord,, Thursday evening at Baptist as follows: Overdraft Oct. 1, 1930 ___'___ 148.84 ,
which ar / his life was not a success, but with I with all might in the inner man. church, Rev. Dr. Garrett of Pen- Il... No. 0 '
in heaven. Hallowed be SouthboundNo. Bftl. Sept. 1, 1930 _________ -3.70
thy na e. 10. Thy Kingdom come, God it was. Whose approval would Jan. 8, 1931 ney Farms, a former Missionary in 1, due Starke, 11:11: p. m., Receipts, during month __ ._.
Thy w you, at the end ,of life, prefer to Proper' Equipment Stand I China, speaker. Warrant during month _u_
U be done in earth, as it la local. Bal. __ _
at Methodist Oct. 1, 1930 ____ 22.70
? evening ?
in he Friday
f ven. 11. Give us this day our therefore, having'your loins girt No. 11, due Starke 11:23 a. m., IU... No 10
dal ; bread. 12. And "And the child grew, and waxed about with truth, and having on church, Mr, Geo. F. Tibbetts, Overdraft Sept. 1, 19JO ______ 11.85Receipt
our local.
forgive us
In and was in the de- during month ____ 12610Wararnts
strong spirit,
bte, aa we forgive our debtors. the breastplate of righteousness. speaker. No. 107 due Starke 11:00: a. m. during month ___. 114(6
13. serts till the day of his showing And your feet shod with the preparation You are cordially Invited what- Dl.t. No. 11
And lead
not Into
us tempta limited. Hal. 1 ___________ .
unto Israel." ever faith or church affiliation Sept. 1930 IS 80
tion, but deliver us from evil: for of the gospel of peace; your No. 103, due Starke, 5:10: a. m. Receipts during month .... 24,00
thine Is the kingdom and the John's parents lived in the Hill Above all, taking the shield ol may be, to Join with us In Wararnts during month __u 7.80
power country of Judea, probably seven faith, wherewith shall be able these meetings. They are to bt limited, Miami. Bal. Oct. 1, 1930 .______.-___ 32.00
and the glory forever. Amen. ye NorthboundNo. 1>I... *.. 13
Prayer: Father, in all of our petitions or eight miles from Jerusalem, to quench all the fiery darts of the not sectarian meeting, but prayer 2 due Starke 5:44 Bat Sept. 1, 1930 _____._...-., 153.60Receipts
near the great desert which wicked. And take the helmet of meetings. The times are out of : a. m., during month ______
give us the spirit of the
local. Warrant during month ____ Jmprvvemenfs
living Christ. stretched southeastward for hun salvation, and the sword of the joint, we all realize, morally, spiritually .I 12 due BaL Oct. 1, 1930 __.___4_____ 163.60 affect
dreds of miles. It is supposed that spirit, which is the word of God:1 politically, financially and I Starke' 3:05: p. m., ))1.... No. 13 '
Why should we wait on the Zacharias and Elizabeth died Let with the local. ""I. Sept. 1, 1930 ____._____ 1485 yourjnsurance
Lord Praying always with all In every way. us Join .
? Answer prayer
4 read-Psalm 62:5: Receipts during month ..._ 45.60
while John was quite young and and supplication In the spirit.Eph. .- Christiana of the world in seekingthe No. 108, due Starke, 5:29: p. m., Warrant during month _.. .
f, ..
that thereafter he lived in the desert I of the Great Stabilizer.Geo. limited. Hal. Oct. 1, 1930 ?___..___.. 59,85 a. ..... ....,. I. doe
I .61418.: help
t Overdraft Sept. I, 1930 ___ 83.46 ---.P..... ,..
I i' places eating, !"locusts and wild I Prayer-Lord, equip us for the H. Lowry, No. 4, due Starke, 7:08: p. m., Receipt during month -._.?_ 131.00 --__.. II u."a

\ honey." It is thought that J9 Q'S, good fight of faith. Secy. Ministerial Association limited. Bal.Warrant during month _.-. 1.45 2.., .......... low .
:, Oct. 1, 1930 ________.___ 50.09. a. ._
& Wannee Branch
SUNDAY SCHOOL education was obtained in the local -I. ""y"------ I -r I I IMH*. No. !. --- .'M..11"'-.......r d_Ie
LESSON Jewish schools where' they No. 101 leaves Starke 7:00 a. m, Hal. Sept. 1, 1930 .<-_________, 13.70 pr, Ir. r.. .., ....-
BAPTISTSunday UNDULANT FEVER Receipt during month _.__ I, ,. .
No. 102, arrives Starke 2:40: r. ?,
taught,the words and meaning of -- p. Warrant. during month '._.. W -.a_ .
I loa j
the Old Testament Scriptures, and, school at 10 a. m. Keep FASTS NEED BE m. Bal. Oct.. 1., 1930 _-_--_._. 13.70 -- .... .../- 0..,,,,.,r to
FOR JANUARY Ulst. No. 11'Hal. M5.4 .. III
4, 1931 no doubt, the history of the Jewish up the good attendance. Start the MET' SQUARELY Sept. 1. 1930 _.____?__? 4.90 p ..

people. But "the school of the des- to Sun- .&.-0_ Blue Bus Schedules Receipt during month _____ 1080
Subject: The Birth of John the new year right by coming Warrants during month .__, 9.00
ert" was also a great part of his day school and church: Gainesville, Fla. The known Bal. Oct. I, 1930 _____-__. 6.20 HAROLD C. WALL
Baptist. education. Even now, no educa- facts about undulant fever in humans Southbound-9:37: -a. m., 11:37a. : DI.,. No. IM
at 10 and 7:30
Worship a. m. :
Goldent Text: "Thou shalt Overdraft Sept 1, 1930 __.__ 250.32
go tion is complete without times for I said to come from contag- m., 4:07: p. m., 6:37: p. m., 11-: Receipt. during month __ ___ 49.16 'INSURANCESTARKU
before the face of the Lord to -
pre- meditation and fellowship with m.New year's addresses at both I ious abortion in cattle and swine,, 40 p. m.Northbound. Warrant. during month ,-_. 108.78
pare his ways. Luke 1:76.: Overdraft Oct 1, 1930 ___J__ 809.90
Lesson Text Lukel.'lT 80 God. services.B. should be met squarely, Dr. A. L. -4:50: a. m., 8:53a. : Int. & Mink Fund No.. S ____1196.78 FLORIDAPRINTING

Time: D, C. -:5. : Y. P. U. at 6:30: p. m. Shealy, veterinarian in charge of m., 1:53: p. m., 4:23: p. m., 8:23p. : Int. A Sink Fund No. IS ____ 489.BO

t DAILY BIBLE READINGSJan. The Week of Prayer will be observed the husbandry department of the m.
Places: Jerusalem and the Hill
Country where Zachariaa lived. by all the churches in unit- Florida Experiment Station, re- Tickets and information atSmith's n. ._,- .-..;'.. .
2, 1011: ed serviced beginning on Monday, cently stated in a radio address Service Station, next to - - ..- .. .-.- --
Introduction For hundred
seven Following Jesus-Be ye kind one Jan. 6th in the Baptist church at over WRUF. courthouse.

years the history of the world I to another, tender-hearted, forgiving 7:30 Dr. Reviewing research work of public -
-bowed ., p. m. Lowry will give the
for lives
a preparation the
one another, as God forChrist's
even health well as Closing of Mails
addresses. See program for all departments, as
of John and of Chriat. I sake hath
forgiven you.- these services in this issue of the widely known veterinarians, he -
Isaiah 40:3 that I
: prophet
Eph. 4:32.: and showed that investigations point to North
Telegraph, plan to attend ev- I
wrote, "The voice of him that
y Prayer-Lord, Thou are the lightof ery meeting. j|the fact that danger from Infected: Train No. 12, 2:50: p. m.
crieth In the wilderness I
l' Prepare the world. We would ever walk & -- I swine is just as important as from I Train No. 2, 6:50: p. m.
ye the way of the Lord. make
in that
.t straight in-the desert a highway light.Jan. PRESBYTERIANServices infected cattle. A study by Hardy, South
8. 1931 U. S. Public Health Service, showed Train No. 11, 11:00: a. m.
I" for our God, and :Mal. 4:5, says,, -
Walk In Love-Be ye therefore three fatal In Iowa Train No. I, 6:50: m. ,
only cases ,
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the'' Sunday, Jan. 4, as follows "., ,. .
followers of God, as dear children ( ,
; ; : and the swine type of abortion was Starke & Bell Branch '
prophet before the of the'I' ,
coming And walk in love, as Christ also isolated from all these the cow Mail closes, 7:00 a. m. ,: ..9
great and dreadful day of the 10 a. m. Sunday school, J. M. ; ) ; I.
hath loved us, and hath given himself type from only one. In the same Mall arrives, 2:40: m.I : I '
Lord." Some centuries before today's Truby, supt., Mrs. Ceo. H. Lowry, p. A :
for us an offering and a sacrifice ..
there 28 Afc
assistant study were severe cases. rjt
lesson supt. "
I ; Alexander the Great to God for a sweet "- ' ,,, ,
led the Greek'armies! over and subdued -: smelling 11 a. m. Morning worship, ser- In 23 of these cases the swine was No Sunday service.
h the then known world and savour. Eph. 5:1:: 2. mon by the pastor, "Soul Health." found, and In five the cow type. Air mail -and registers on,train 4"

'' planted the Greek language Prayer-"More love to Thee, 0 6:30: 1>. m. Christian Endeavor. Out of 500 persons studied only No. 12."Darling.. "-' ) ,
every- Christ. More love to Thee!' f ,
where the of' n Hn. topic, ,"How to keep on the Upgrade 1.4 percent were infected and only -- .
as language coma Jan. .
4 1931
," Miss Lucille about half that number showed active . "
merce and literature, and Greek Spirit Filled Be not drunk Mitchell, ." he said, "we can't be 1 '

became the language of the He- with wine, wherein Is excess; but president. Infection. married now. One of these slick oil .. / ", "
brew 7:30: m. Evening Studies also reveal the fact that ; >
Scriptures. Later the Roman be filled with the p. worship, song salesmen came along' yesterdayand
empire arose and reduced the Splrlt.-Epb.IS v :- and sermon. less than 4 percent of undulant is the master of
i 18.. sold me a lot of stock that is our
known Our church will join with the fever cases are found In children
world to one system of
government -j Prayer- no good, I found out He took ev- civilization
and constructed other churdiea of the town in ob- under 10 years, less than 5 percent the means
great "Spirit of God descend cent I had What have I to offer -
upon my
serving the week 'of be- in those 10 to 20 years'and. '
highways for extended and rapid heart; prayer, you now?" through which we have
travel. ginning next Monday Jan. about 70 percent in adults between
For 400 the Hebrew evening,
years Wean it from earth "Well, she "You might
; through all Its says
5. The 20 and 40 Ten of achieved education and
nation had been expecting the pastor hopes that all our years. percent
pulses move; give me and address.-
coming of this Herald and the ad- people will plan to attend these the cases fell between 40 and 50
industry. It is
Stoop to weakness Cheney Free Press. well worth
I my mighty as
vent of the Messiah. meetings.We years,, and 11 percent between 50

In writing to his friend and for- I:And Thou make art me, love Thee I heartily welcome to our com- and 80 years. About 77 percentof the very highest efforts of
mer master, and after thorough .to love." ought munity the Reverend W. F. Jones, the cases occurred in men, and COUNTY .UPF.RINTENDF.N its craftsmen.BRADFORD

investigation among those "which the new pastor of the Methodist 23 per cent in women. The significant MONTHLY FINANCIAL BTATRMUN'r .
3 from the beginning were eyewitnesses1 This Is church, bidding him Godspeed in fact is the low percent in }

and ministers of the word," Right-Children, obey his work, assured that he will children, our greatest drinkers of Bradford county, for the month of
your parents In the Lord: for this I .
: September. 1930.tioeral .
Luke says "It seemed good to me is right Honour thy father and prove a worthy successor to Rev. milk. ftohoot Fund

: also, having had perfect understanding mother J. T. Guy a most worthy fellow Accepting these facts, Dr. Shealy Bal. Sept. 1, 1930 __. 16.84
which is
f of all things from the ; the first com- worker whose fellowship we greatly believes that there is a relation between Receipts during; month ...6364.64
. mandment with promise; that it Wararnt... during month ..._ .6 33.08 COUNTY
very first, to write that thou I may be well with thee and thou enjoyed.. undulant fever In man and Overdraft Oct. 1. 1930 ___. 600.10
:i mightest know the & contagious abortion In the lower I>l... No. 1
certainty of mayest live long on the earth.- WEEK OF PRAYER Bal. Sept. 1, 1930 _______.. 831.68
; those things, which concerned the Epb. 613.: animals, that there Is a slight Receipt durIng month -___ 9.10 TELEGRAPH
h birth and life of Christ. Luke was TO BE OBSERVED chance of susceptibility to man, Warrants during month ___..
Prayer-Lord, teach all childrento Bal. Oct. 1, 1930 ,._________.. 340.72
not one of the apostles. He was a and that the best way to eliminateall UI... No. 3 .... ,
physician, and probably a Greek. love Thee as the angels love, The week of prayer, which for possibilities .of the disease In Overdraft Sept. 1, 1930 ___?._ 85.30 ... .. . ""' u_ w _,_. _.___,_. __ --....

A writer says the keynote of and their duty to parents will fol many years has been observed in humans is to'eliminate it In the Receipt Warrants during during month month ___._?_ .129.20 .

Luke's gospel is contained in his :

Words.. "For the Son of Man came "THE MAIN THING ON T. I seek" and to save that which was MAIN STREET" BY L. F. Van Zetot"atlu

's Among the characteristicsof -- -. -. -
+ the gospel by Luke, Peloubet r-.o .. ,. -
calls attention to the following: $5 ) BUZZ ,
It teaches the importance of MAIN BTRL:L TI; I Dol't'r 1 HEAR i43 ., MAIN gT. MY LATt4T'IVVCHTION l FaR: ZItG POST OFFcG

prayer: -EADINQ: If .'_ PAPER;! 't./AMNA :D1Ckesz.IN': MiN\ 'PO< T OI=Flr) DEPARTMENT _

It is the gospel of grace and of !3A'I NUTNIN'- CoNGR4bSS 1b rAI.L ._,

salvation through Christ; T. EDISON SMITH'S TAuT TPlISY' TAI<.@ rr \ / '. tTTER.l: ) 14 PlACED IN BCJTR7MLC9-'

It is a gospel of ministry to all LATEST INVENTION 1 OP T.EDISON: OVE MAILBOX\ (D) LETTER. FAlL' To GROUND AND

; It alone tells of six of the miracles r CLEANER

: and of eleven parables; Irl ANt\ 14 CARRIED T&au PNEUMATiC, TUBE (D) "6

The lesson for October 0, 1930, POISON SMITH TinC: TbP OP PLATFORM) (E) NJH6RE: LUkE '91&0*>,"fo;

was devoted to a study of the characters BOy IHVtMToB' UA4 BY TEllt DO ; OH F HEAVE1I M MUSICAL n-STMASTEfc CF) ''SlTfl. .A'FIDDLING. .

of Zacharias and Elizabeth, MIS LATEST INVENliol'l.TAkt'rt i$ w YN A1cG9 f / u, a M V&. BEATS TtM6 /1TP4 .H.4 UOODEM

the parents of John from Luke 1580 :- THE LOAD: OFF TuC POCT MEWS e1Aq U-tf (0)) us 9fAwP9 ALL LFrra3 cA ceun(*?

; while today's lesson Is taken SHOl'LD-W' AMD PUT IT B THEM A3 TNGY PA44' ON' Tf*
, from Luke 1:8-17: 80. OH. 4+ciR rccr.fc BAG (U) VHICM MEN FULL MAIL
Today's lesson says of Zacharias, PoST OFFICE WSWUINC3 PUT ABOARD THE JEEW.Y\
"While he executed the priest's office WEMEDrtON ...... "
before God in the order of his 'ioN,1': WILL 5CNO A 'WALThli ..,w....

course, According to the custom of Wri COPt,BEAUTIFULLY FRAHED.(J
Morro VMO4! rl -
the priest's office, his lot was to .

burn Incense when he went Into the V3GX WWILC YOU PUX \ ML ... ..

temple Qf the Lord. And the whole I ..

multitude of the people were pray U2-uo_

! ing without at the time of In- I

i ,cense." Each week the prists decided DOROTHY DARNIT J

I by lot which part of the worship I By Charles McM nus

and service each priest should ,
perform. For that week Zachar- AH'.THLRE: IV THE "AVENUE' RAILWAY\ WOTTE*' YOO'RE TME

has was selected to burn incense in COMPW THAT ix | BOUGHT SOME" STOCK IN NE ? I WOED"-TWIT H5MT 3 S D WNENI DO CET % CASt9 FARE. 'SAY\ :SELL THAT
that part of the JUST TAKE NICKEL
fRl A
S "Holy of MCUP4 ToSwaLL |- Coco 94CKEL Sii ] x-J TRAYS
Holies and for that AN91ot1Fj
work no priest would be selected SMAR! KEEP ITME 1 \ WHAT THEY

twice. It was the highest honor a h SELF All SAY,
priest could have.

While burning the incense "there

appeared unto him an angel of the i J

Lord. Zacharias "was troubled

and fear fell upon him * but the

angel said unto him, fear not . .:- .os:: 01 0

for thy prayer is heard." Zach- :

arias and Elizabeth were given a ___,__ "Fr1ievxYet .

son of whom the angel said, "thou I

sbalt call his name John .!. He

t hall be great In the sight of the

Lord and shall drink neither wine

nor strong drink . and many \

' shall he turn to the Lord their

. God. And he shall go before him (.. ,.'-

to make ready a people prepared I

'.. for' the Lord. John lived what J -'
- -
-t.r: ... - - '"
... '
_.. CfltmA/.

N'S ,'1Y1 ?y ,!, 3JK8
:I .B' + .
c'y- A.l' .'1"1" '.ft'' ?"" .VJl: |,. -.) :*\ (1' \'I"i"I: ;.' , ,MI. ,. .
aY( 4 fY;. bTA4ta5C. ; f PI.t:; ((> > J
ilfM: ''; ;tf I\\ .
. *: .t'$<; L>:. ;



{ d, ,' "!.',v",. r iI""' *** JlffV" iPr.; .':. If, "jJANPARY \ ,,'; "'.',--1'; h"'<" ........,;t" .,,.', 1'-,.,," ..

FRIDAY, 2, 1031

n l -.- .- --. ._- - .-. - .. .. --.. " --_. .. .. THREIC
; '
ertwill profit to the extent of $2-I Monday>The bird of prey: was killed - --- T--
I : which the state la endowed.In .
OCO.OOO through federal appropriation near Port St. Joe by Max Jones. ADVERTISING VALUE OF
News of Florida In Short Paragraphs of that sum for emergency Mr. Jones said the eagle had kill- speaking of highway boAUtlflcatlon -

construction of public works. This ed a pig and was in the act of eat- we should also rememberthat

sum to be expended before June ing it when he killed him. The the railways are assisting ma.
30th. The division of HIGHWAY terially in beautifying Florida to
eagle measured seven feet from tip BEAUTIFICATIONI
Is as follows: Rivers and harbor the eye of the visitor In many
of wing to tip. He had talon
[ LIVE STATE NEWS : Improvement work $733,440; for nearly two Inches long and weighed - I - cases railroad the main highways of parallelthe
right which Is
Florida highway construction $1- 12 pounds. This is an unusually A witness in a drainage case,
036,438. ren and which do not present.btheappearance kept clear and clean free from
large bird for this section and is a asked If he had measured depthof
of a finished ugly posters and signboards.
product. .
very rare kill. Few hunters are water In a ditch, answered: "I
Our objective should be to make The rallrays are also aiding the
lucky enough ever to get a shot measured the water with a stick,
TOLD BY OUR EXCHANGES Apalachlcola--Making the trip but had every mile of highway in the state beautification movement by plant
at this American bird. nothing with which to
by canoe from Chicago down the great : impress the stranger that this Is in flowers, shrubs and trees around
.. .. .. ._ measure the stick.
n' Mississippi river to New Orleans Florida. their station
c-- -- --- -----------" grounds all of which

Fort Lauderdale-The last spike moulder and resaw equipment. The and then in the Gulf of Mexico on Punta Gorda-The federal gov- An attempt to measure In full Unexcelled highways may at- makes Florida more pleasing to

the Seaboard, Air LineRailway shed is completed and workmenare to Miami and up the Atlantic coast ernment will soon start work on the advertising value of highway tract the traveler to Florida be- the eye.

connecting Company's maintrunk.- Installing machinery which will to New York. Is the somewhat difficult the long planned channel to the beautification places us somewhatIn cause in this age we all like to be I H'

tracks with the Port Ever- be put into operation about Jan- enterprise of Richard Grant new Punta Gorda city docks and ,' the same position"as the drainage able t() drive along in comfort but THANKS SEAL WORKERS ,
line and Ernest Laasy.. 'these canoeists the basin witness. We can measure the highways unadorned tl
Terminal railroad has been uary 1. turning work will by some def- -
glades arrived In Apalachicola after a I Involve an outlay of about $21.- physical progress made, yet we but inite form of beautification will Ruth Bryan Owen Christmas :

Driven. - rather arduous trip. 000, the appropriation having already visualize in the abstract the far- not cause the stranger to become Seal Chairman, sends the following1

Tampa-Nearly 100 grove owners .been made. Completed, the reaching effects of the work accomplished Interested in us, and most assuredly message from Washington to those ,

Daytona Beach.-Half a million farmers, truck growers and Winter Park President Hoover channel will be 200 feet wide and and the potential valueof will never promote the clinching who have so diligently worked with ,',

dollars for a publicity campaign cattlemen, meeting here to discussa today has been Invited to visit 12 feet deep from the head of the that yet to be done. argument to complete the sale of her to make the Christmas Seal

In Florida la the task set Itself by county wide no fence law for Winter Park next February to attend docks to the main channel In the Commercially, advertising valueIs Florida as a place to remain. Sale a success: ;

the state chamber of commerce Hillsborough county, voted more the convocation at Rollins bay, a distance of about half a measured upon the results ob- I Has beautification a value on the "On behalf of all those persons)
it has gone out after the than five to one In favor of such, tained from three successive
and College. The Invitation was ex-: mile. The turning basin will be highway? working to eliminate tuberculosis,
:money a law, to be enacted by the legis- tended at the white house by Dr from 350: to 700 feet in size. phases: The fact that throughout the I wish to thank those public spirited -
lature that is to meet next April. First, the prospect must be at- 'United States the
Hamilton Holt president of Rollins question of high- citizens in every county of Florida

Quincy-All classes of feed for College, Prof. A. J. Hanna, mem- Perry Surfacing work on S-A tracted. way beautification is holding the who have helped to make this "'

livestock and poultry are being Arcadia The official programfor ber of the faculty, and by Senator from Mayo to connect with the fine Second the'prospect must be- attention of the people, I believe, Christmas Seal Sale a success*

manufactured in Gadsden county. the convention of the'Tin Can Duncan U. Fletcher, who Intro- asphalt roads of Taylor is completeas come Interested. is an adequate answer to the ques- "We are especially grateful to

Many of us do not know about this Tourists of the World, to be in session duced them. far as Bucksvllle. This will bea Third, the prospect must be sold. tion. With ten states carrying on our Christmas Seal Chairmen who

Industry., It is building up in leaps I here from January 5 through great convenience to travelers, Therefore.Jn this brief discussion highway beautification work as have worked faithfully throughoutthe

and bounds. January 10 has been completed Fort Lauderdale Immediate as the sand-lay roads from Buck- I will endeavor to apply these part of their governmental activityit sale; and to the newspaper and

.- and copies are being distributed to building of a highway from the vllle to Dowling Park are in first fundamentals to highway beautification certainly must have a definite magazine editors for the generous

Madison-Three new plantationsof !, tourists in camps all over the state southern end of Lake Okeechobeeto class condition. The route detour- as a commodity of sale. ,value. support of the press In carryingour

slash pine seedlings will be set by'F. K. Sylvester, royal chief of the Florida East Coast, access- Ing at Buckville is 11 miles shorter Advertising experts tell us that Last year Governor Carlton said message of the winning fight

this season near Madison, reports I the organization. ible to both Fort Lauderdale and than going around by Madison approximately eighty per cent of "The roadside Is the travelers to control tuberculosis In Florida."I i

R. J. Preston forester with the Miami, in order to facilitate\ de- from Perry to Live Oak, and with the impressions recorded by the front'yard and largely reflects the know that the greatest satisfaction '
Florida' Forest Service, Tallahassee. New Port Rlchey-Mrs. J L. human brain are registered thru character of the to f
livery of produce and supplies is the completion of the road to people. Our all of, us is the knowledge ;
Stevens takes the fishing prize this '' the eye. Psychologists tell us that highways are the medium of first that
petitioned of the Federal Aid high- Buckvllle will be a big saving' In each year the death rate
-- week. Standing in her own dooryard way board and the Florida state time and mileage over even better In every human being there Is a impression to a great portion of from tuberculosis Is reduced.

Daytona.-- Winter. visitors in she caught 10 fine large road department in a set of resolutions roads than the long way around, love for the beautiful. In some de- our visitors. People come to Florida "The constantly increasing Interest -

Daytona Beach were given a for- trout, after catching her own fish- recently adopted by the MI- gree. We know that where beau- expectant- to find it the "Landof of 'Florida's citizens In

mal reception at Daytona Beach ing bait. She also had supper ami Rotary Tallahassee -='- State prison bu- ty abounds-In its natural stateor Flowers. If we are to stimulatethis I I health Is our great assurance for a ,

Auditorium by city officials and right on time. Mrs. Stevens is an Club reau officials today sought two : man made-there will be founda expectation then highway' prosperous state.

representatives of its clubs and ardent and most successful fisher- Vero Beach-A large sea gull convicted murderers, whose idea! quiet soothing atmosphere which beautification Is essential to re- I "With best wishes for health and j,

organizations. man. of engenders contentment and. cul-: ceive the advertising that the happiness this
civic flying low over the river on a celebrating a Merry Christmas i coming year.
-, course which would bring it extended beyond the limits of the tural advancementThe I guests will give Florida on their I "RUTH BRYAN OWEN

Gainesville The Hall of Art Hastings That potato plant- ly over his head, was direct-I Raiford prison farm., Superintendent evolution of advertising as return home. "Christmas Seal Chairman."

and History in the Florida State ing time Is close at hand is indicated Lieut. Otis Ashley as he J. S. Blltch reported Mack a science is one of the most Inter- Uniform beautification from the ti __-

Museum, after being closed for by the fact that growers here Ing on the Vero Beach bridge. Lewis and Roy H. Pope, both full esting histories 'that has been de- Georgia line to the southern partsof Orlando--Avalon Grove Devel-

several months for. the installation were hauling seeds and fertilizer i Making a quick cast of about 60 I trusties, escaped ,last night in a veloped in America. It Is a story Florida will create an advertis- opment, 3,500 acres of citrus lands

of new cases and exhibits, is now from the railroad station last feet, Ashley'' wrapped the line light coupe bearing 1930 Florida that reveals In detail the reactionof ing value' that you and I cannot purchased by A. E Davenport of

to the week. Planting has started In the Lewis the human mind to beauty? and estimate for it cannot be Oik Park Ill.
open public.Jacksonville about the neck of the bird and license plate No. 28-600. purchased for price of about ,
early Federal Point district but in reeled It In before It could disen- was serving a life term for murderin attractiveness. During the past on a dollar and cents basis. This $200,000, from Orlando Orange

-A final checkup of the Hastings district proper will tangle Itself .The gull has been Lake county,,while Pope Is under two decades we have' witnessedthe type of advertising goes on with-

reports shows that the Community not start until about January 15. exhibited in a local hotel. a 20-year sentence for murderin breaking away of the adver- out our knowledge, and its biggest owners.GainesvilleConstruction start
Chest's recent campaign resultedin Duval county: Officials here tising world from the time honored value lies in the fact that It is ac- ed on new Infirmary on campus of

the raising of $203,923, or 94 West Palm Beach -- Asphalt, Quincy-A first step in what is said both men were considered black and white printing In pref- cumulative and the Interest dividend state university here, to cost about

per cent of the goal set at the inception ammonia and aniline due sub- expected to be a far reaching among the oldest.,,trusties at the erence to a flagrant use of color. is never known except thru 80000.. '

of the drive. stances in the Everglades soil change In the policies of the Amer- prison farm. I We have seen our national pack- good-will and a satisfied customerof Winter Park Seminole Hotel L

makes muck land in Florida worthat ican Sumatra Tobacco Corporationwas ,' age goods field abandon time hon- the state. opened for winter season. Y

Tampa-.-Production of 1,000-. least $6,000 per acre, membersof announced by John W. Wood- Marianna-The ,:Marianna Fruit ored' containers for new ones of i The advertising value of highway - (

000) gallons of frozen orange juice the Palm Beach county commission ward, vice president and directorof company, owning.,many thousandsof more attractive design. There has beautification Is an Intangible 1''

for distribution in eight'key citiesin advised in letters from chem- the corporation, and general acres of land in Jackson county been an era of color introductionand I item In the long list of Flor; COFFINS & CASKETSAnd

the north and east, will begin ists submitted by Commissioner manager of their interests in this operates near this city a model WHY-because psychology established ida's advertising, assets. We all

here January 13, D. C Gillett, general Wllliard G. Smith of Pahokee. section, who states that beginning farm which is exciting much Inter- the fact that we humans ,!know it exists-we know It has a I a Full Line of

manager of the NationalJuice Immediately the corporation will est this season. It also has 257 cater to the picturesque and beau- definite Influence on those who vis- Undertakers' Supplies "

Corporation, said. Bunnell-Flagler county Irish give special attention to the rais- acres In Satsuma oranges, and has tiful. It us, yet we cannot now fully pre- - i

potato growers are busy hauling ing of hogs starting with approxi- just installed 2000 citrus grove Let us turn back a few pagesIn sent its importance in detail. It AUTOMOBILE HEARSE

Tampa Stockholders of the seed potatoes and fertilizer to their mately 200 brood sows, in herds on heaters and these. constitute the the book of time and take a Is a case where we have nothing Always) oa II.... The beat
:First National Bank brief glance at Florida before the with which to measure'the stick. .rvlr. lit tae lowest _
at a special farms to begin another winter their different plantations. initial installment of these modern prl ;,
meeting voted to Increase the capital early potato crop. Several growers devices. General Manager Charles advent of the modern highway. It We cannot delay preparing our Special attention t. tel........

stock of the bank from $1- have begun to cut potatoes for Monticello Undoubtedly Mon- O. Reiff says the company may Is not difficult to recall the appar- highways In the latest ap- ..ders' i,

200,000 to $1,500,000 as "a logical seed, and it is said a number will ticello has had a greater variety of never need these heaters, but they ent desolation and wild chaotic ap- proved method of the advertisingfield. REGISTERED IDItIB4.L..Da

development in an already long be.ready. to plant in the next few vegetables than any other town in will always be ready in case of pearance of the countryside from the old as sand Impressed To delay is to deprive Florida DEWITT C. JONES :
record of accomplishment has the weather bu- upon us of an advertising asset whichis
I days. Florida: for Cherokee Farms warnings from TABKB. FLORIDA \
road. All of us, I believe, can pick of the
one greatest opportunities
raised and sold sixteen different Ireau.'Mr. Reiff says that the 2000
Pensncola-,-At a meeting of the, DeFuniak Springs The five- kinds of vegetables In winter and [heaters placed In the Chlpola out spots with which we are fami- I offered' among the many with I
liar have vir-
that undergone a
state road department here a policy -i cotton contest all be heated - -.--
acre sponsored by thirty-five kinds In spring, summer grove of 40 acres, can i I'
tual Cinderella transformationsince
was unanimously expressed the chamber of commerce, as fig- and fall. On the average they within a half hour after the warn- the construction of modern ,

.that the department concentrateits ured on final reports, made J. C. ; have supplied 8 to 10 different ing Is received. Located in this
and beautifulto
highways are now
: efforts to complete the Gulf Smith the winner with a produc- kinds of vegetables In their season, grove is a huge tank containing ,

Coastal highway from Panama tion of 3392 pounds of fine cottonat all the time and some of the time 50,000 gallons of fuel oil. the eye today, but which seemed TAMPA"The :'
somewhat forlorn and isolated in
City to Pensacola as rapidly as a cost of $119.44. Productionwas have produced as high as 15 kinds .,--

possible. figured as 60 per cent and from which the housewives of the Jacksonville Decidedly prac- the years past. 9,
The first step then in the adver-
profit as 40 per cent, giving him a town could choose. tical, resulting in assistance thatIs
tising value of highway beautification Convenient Center" of \
Gracevllle-Work Is going on at percentage of 97.7. very much better than merely
the has been a natural one createdby \
plant of the Rex Lumber Company Port St. Joe-Harris Dickson handing some one food or money,
the physical 'construction of
Installing a planing mill Jacksonville-Florida unemploy- brought In a large bald head eagle Jacksonville's new city clearing
.. highways. A certain element of
house, set under the auspices of
f up FLORIDA"The
beauty has been brought about by
the Welfare Federation Is provinga
I Old Quebec Makes Slide' having made the country through
Merry on Its Triple-Track Toboggan first-class investment in pros
which the highways pass more ac- i
of America"
perity. The first four days' opera- Playground
ceptable to the eye' of the traveler,
tion of the employment office was
I A new standard of pride among
yAr.e ,
reported to have secured the place-
the people living along or adjacent .
ment of hundred men in Jobs
one I
to the highways has been developed. -
that will at least give them some- This Is evidenced through bet- .* tt+9t tit t
to do Some of
thing temporarily. ter upkeep of farm homes, and
the places secured for the applicants :
general appearance of the small -
at the clearing house
communities through which one
I will\ no doubt continue for a long
travels on the highway. :
time, and prove permanent. But So through the actual requisiteof
of the workers, .
I with the majority advertising-that of attractingthe
have been a chance to
I who given
prospect by Impressions recorded -
is real satisfaction In
work, there
I as he traveled. This Is being
even a temporary job. accomplished through the mediumof

a higher standard of property
the last big dipperful -
..-... _...._. Tampa-When' is from the development. But, this is but the k
Yp}gps2"' of dirt dredged I beginning of what can be done If I
bottom of the deep water channel the of
experiences advertising
: T
ao the and
connecting anchorage theory and practice arexapplled to
YAM turning, basin at the new docks
;a t Sf Irq the problem of highway beautification -
::et and terminal of the United States considered in the light of an
4j 4 p Phosphoric Products Corporationat
_ advertising asset.Florida's :
; }Mp" { ',7r;'RaJ'1 + the mouth of the Alfalfa river, wonderful highway HOTEL HILLSBORO
+ about six miles south of this city. '
system la- one of the state's greatest -
It will mark the completion of
commodities.,If we are to make
what Is said to be the most modern
:: these highways prove their value
K and complete water terminal plant -
then we must keep in mind that
4f' south of Norfolk and one of the
we have a customer to please.
x:. c finest to be found anywhere in the Highway beautification Is the Tampa's Largest HotelCentralFlreproorSteam
t j
country. When all buildings connected -
wrapper, so to speak, in which we
with the terminal, as wellas o
must present this commodity to
er t' 'tE all wharves, loading platforms, the prospective' customer. /

etc., are completed, officials of the Review Florida qulkly In your Heat-Radios

r United States Phosphoric Products mind and you' will realize that

Corporation say the terminal'and where beautification has been ap- Home-like atmosphere-Large, airy rooms.epac.U
its will have cost about
i HR t nay 3. ttS ' $8.000,000.St.adjuncts. I plied along the lines of advertising ious lobby-Mezzanine and Outdoor Balcony -
theory the attracting qualities are
+ I"yP'Y" .a ,.,,, ? being recognized t:>y visitors to the Barber Shop Beauty Parlor -, Battle Creek,

Petersburg-"It's Christmas, state. Practically every city and Turkishand, Roman Baths-and many other con-
mister, and by th."gods, my kids I rn r
. fDaF7r'6QnJTr.QRACQ: wo Ofreijfkonrefiftcwhat a town Florida is working along veniences.
ain't going to be without a Santa some given line of beautification,

more thrilling sport can outdoor surds shown above-:one of the Greet Claus. Peter It:Saltier, a sales but what Is to become of the unat- "TOP OF TilE Room
enthusiast have than tobogeanIng In North America. It starts from the man, heard these words late to- tractive between our settled TOWN'Dinlng and Roof
-zipping down a steep snow- i Citadel too interacting old fort still I' night as the barren- of a revolver, !communities? Garden
covered occupied by troop) and extend down thrust Into his side',:caused him to
with :
Joyous carefree the steep Hope of Citadel Bill, alonj Many miles of our highways argI
companion,,the wind whlatllng about Dufforln, Terrace part the Chateau M 1lA.JQII..HOPTTe.. elevate his hands." '"I hate to do(I I'picturesque and characteristic of Cafeteria and Fountain Luncheonette

one, ears and the frosty air painting Frontenae. TbU\ splendid slide la always a thing like this, the holup man Florida--there are a great many
ones: cheek thronged with merry-maker who another. They travel-at a rat continued. "It's the first time, but I, that still baron
a glorious, healthy pink approximating I, miles, however, are (
Tobogganing stag impromptu race and revel in the that of an txpreo train, I'm out of work.*'" Saltier, who .h $ $61 European $6 to $9, AmericanWe
la "
one of America'* moat
pUIM-qlllCk"nJlIg sport to their heart and give the epee4-eS._ an excellent was carylng considerable money I
popular winter dlveralona. and its content., At Bight the aUd U Illuminated Invite You to Live at the
opportunity to "step on U"
devotees claim wltbqutendangering with him produced his wallet and I r his way home. He' was soon
that with the possible by thousands of electric other
icepUon of afct-lng. there la nothing light and"a pretty picture when Besides the toboggan slide Quebec/ removed a new $10 bill. "Will this overtaken by the same bandit. .. II. Skinner Pft81d4'nt.VII1! Itatcai .ad Folder
to approach it la thrillsQuebec. viewed from DuffarUk Terrace below. :splendid outdoor and Indoor skating do?" he asked. "Sure," the bandit "Say. mister," said the holdup C. 3. Jackson, Manager.
Canada'* Ancient Capital sere la no fear of I "I "Give name and address on Application.
: possible nuabap rink, ekl-jump and other facllltia replied. can get' along nicely: man. me your do
Ituaud high above the broad 8ttAwranc oocurmg: on Quebec'* suds. for the tor winter aport attract an Increasing with that. He took the bill and I want to return this when Telephone M-5511
*. ha. provided for its winter toboggan* run la deep tracks and can number of vtaltor to this Gas old started away. Sattler continued I find work."
viaitot to* ,I triple-track, ,toboggan not turn turtle or collide with on city each year.

x I

?r " .

i Inr.:{ '
: .. ; ,
''MTILATFD: 1 \ "

I ; ,

.. ,t .
; "f
: j 1' :
s n.- 40.. ...... ,. ,.. K .

__ =--. .
----- -- -
-- -
throughout the lower animals. Some will say this Overdraft Oct. 1, 1930 ___,_, 164.CO Int. A Sink. Fund, Kc <5
low naturally. Christian churches I herebybeginning certify thai .91010'
Jan. 8, 1930 world, will be observed with union can't be done, but they were pointed DUt. No. S Ins statement Rtiowlnir/ pet Ih. forel.'
flat 1, 1930 _________,143901 '
I Sept. the and at T !
Faithful and Wise Fathers-_YeYatneVa services by the churches of Starke, to the herds of cattle now in Receipt. during month __... 173.60 the herein abo\.t tb, ond\" : t
not children beginning Monday, Jan. Cth, and Florida where the disease baa been Warrant during month ___ 476.16 of the receipt and warran/'f/ and
-. provoke your 9. eliminated. He also voiced the Bal. Oct. 1, 1930 -_______.1JS5.88 during said month. eort. J!,'.'u"*
". I to wrath and admonition of the ending Friday evening. Dint. No. 4 the record. of my offlct nnd, .II
1ow.. Lord-Eph. 6:4.: The following order of sesvlces and opinion that a survey should be Bal. ''Sept. 1, 1910 _______, 154.15 and correct to the beat jf an '""
Receipt duringmonth. ______ and belief. I cSfir.
edge also
1\1.....) Prayer-O God, most merciful, speakers has been arranged, subject made as to just how important un Wararnts during" month ___ the following a lut rerryftot>
iulmp lIIteled.. u.11 light I do mj iitk-Pula 119:105.: may every father's heart be Thine to change: dulant fever 10 in Florida. Bat Oct. 1, 1930 ________354.15 depositories, showing tA)of,. p all I\ oiinty

iJlJtm rbIIDt; teaching, doctrine or altar and Thy love the flame, and Monday evening at Baptist A. complete copy of Dr. Shealy'stalk Bal.' Sept. 1. 1930 D'"'._No.___C_____- 411.17. In each first at the stated close and of the ii,,fIIonlb'l' 'l:>'or. >l III.
: : All religious G. H. speak can be obtained by writing the ,. 441.10 .
tl1UI1' claim their children will rejoice in them. church, Rev. Lowry Receipt during month -+* security by each aucti !JSJ"! f
.poa the love l creed, if they are to have any Florida Experiment S tat J On Warrant duringmonth --?.. 467.1 and amount of Interim .lto.r.5'. .
the : ad devotion of the people must be in harmony with Jan. 7, 1931 er. Bal Oct. 1, 1930 ______,__ 695.84 Ited during; said month pr ... .aid
teachfnp 01 J..U he Christ whose words fit Into every fold and crevice Be Strong-Finally, my breth- Tuesday evening at, Methodist Gainesville. UUt. No. T depository on account if "
0' the human hell "NEVER MAN O. P. Raymond, -- flat Sept. 1, 1930 ______.?, 1.30 dally balances or time dfon current
SPAKE LIKE TI d of whom" it was said in John:. ren, be strong in the Lord, and in church Receipt during month _.... Witness my hand tlila ".I
MAN the power.of his might. Put on speaker. TRAIN AND BUS SCHEDULES Warrant during month .. September 1930. 0r of
Bal. 1, 1930 ________ 1.30
WEEKLY died Wednesday evening, Presbyterian Oct. ? A. j. OnIFFIS
SERMONETTE may be called a hard life, and the whole armour of God, that ye I D'.'. No. 8Overfraft County
for speaking God's word against may be able to stand against the church, Rev. W. F. Jones, New schedules changed Sunday, i Sept. 1, 1930 ____- 154.54 eupterlntendentJmprovementJ
____ _
Receipt during month 6.30
Therd's Prayer sin. wiles'of the devil.-Eph. 6:10: 11. speaker. November 30th and trains will run Warrant during month ___.. -
y :Matthew Measured by standards of men Prayer Strengthen us, Lord, Thursday evening at Baptist as follows: Overdraft Oct. I, 1930 __.. 148."

which ar in 6913.heaven.: Our Hallowed Father be his life was not a success, but wIth! with all might in the Inner man. church. Rev. Dr. Garrett of Pen-in SouthboundNo. Bal. Sept. 1.1930 nut. NO.___P___-._- 33.70

thy D& God It was. Whose approval would Jan. 8, 1931 ney Farms, a former Missionary 1; due Starke, 11:11: p. m. Receipt during month _____
e. 10. Thy Kingdom come, to Stand China speaker. ? Warrant' during month ___
Thy w 111 be done In earth, as It Is you, at the end .of life, prefer Proper Equipment at Methodist local. Bal. Oct. 1, 1930 __._.:-,.__ 22.70
r in be have therefore, having your loins girt Friday No. 11, due Starke 11:23; a. m., D'"'. No. 10
dal ven. 11. Give us this day our "And the child grew, and waxed about with truth, and having on church, Mr, Geo. F. Tibbetts, local. ; Overdraft Sept. 1, 1930 __"".___ 11.1i5
bread. 12. And us our Receipt during month 128,10
forgive w'
strong In spirit, and was in the deserts the breastplate of righteousness.And speaker. No. 107. due Starke 11:00: a. m. Wararnt during month _...- 114.66
bta, as we forgive our debtors. You are cordially Invited what UUt. No. 11 I
till the day of his showing feet shod with the prap- I
13. And lead us not into temptation -, your faith church affiliation limited. Bal. Sept. 1. 1930 ________-
unto Israel"John's aratlon of the gospel of peace; ever your or No. 103, due Starke, 5:10: a. m. Receipt during month. _.,___ 24.00
but deliver us from evil: for parents lived In the Hill Above all, taking the shield of may be, to Join with us in Wararnts during month __.- 7.80
thine Is the kingdom, and the power able these meetings. They are to b< limited Miami. Bal. Oct., 1, 1930 __________. 32.00
country of Judea, probably sevenor faith, wherewith ye shall be NorthboundNo. UUt. No. 13
and the glory forever. Amen. eight miles from Jerusalem, to quench all the fiery darts of the not sectarian meeting but prayer Bal. Sept 1, 1930 _________w-, U3.8fHee.lpt. llllll.f.W-JsBV-.j.| ( 3gjJ|
Prayer: Father, In all of our petitions which meetings. The times are out of '2, due Starke 5:44: .. a. m., duringmonth ___...._
desert helmet of
near the great wicked. And take the local. Warrant duringmonth __ _
give us the spirit of the stretched southeastward for hun- salvation, and the sword of the joint, we all realize, morally, spIr- CaL Oct. 1, 1930 '___._____..?., 153.60 aedyourjnsurance
No. 12, due Starke' 3:05: : p. m.,
living nut. NO. 13Bal.
miles. It is supposed that which Is the word of God itually, politically, financially
should wait on the dreds of spirit, : locaL Sept. 1, 1930 _______-_ 1415
Why Zacharias and Elizabeth died Praying always with all prayer in every way. Let us join with the Receipt during month __.- 45.50
6 'Lord? Answer, read-Psalm 63:5: Christiana of the world in seekingthe No. 108, due Starke, 0:29: p. m., Warrant during month _,..
and 6.a ....
In the -
while John was quite young and supplication spirit. limited. 11.... Oct. 1, 1930 ..___, 59.85 -I n.,4 .u a.
f that thereafter be lived In the desert Eph..6:14-18.: help of the Great Stabilizer. Overdraft Sept. 1, 1930 ____,.. 83.46 .I.a.d..dill..1 pw.......
r "10 \lsts and wild Prayer-Lord, equip us for the Geo. H. Lowry, No. 4, due Starke 7:08: p. Receipt during month ______ 115.00 -.-....-
places eating limited. Warrant during month ._...- 1.45 y- ... ......
af I honey." It is thought that J9hA"1 good fight of faith. r Secy. Ministerial Association Starke & \Vannee Branch m"1 Hal. Oct. 1, 1930. _________.. 1i0.09IJlII' adw.u.a.. ..n.s r.r.a.,el.a,--.
'I NO. isHal.
f SUNDAY SCHOOL education was obtained In No. 101 leaves Starke 7:00: a. m. Sept. 1, 1930 _..----_?._.,... 13,70 ,.,,-' rM Mr ...-
I LESSON I cal Jewish schools where they BAPTIST I UNDULANT FEVER I Keeelpt during month ..__ a,an.f ,__..,..M
J of No. 102, arrives Starke 2:40: p. Warrant during month ._..... and in.dn pntn, J
t taught the words and meaning FASTS NEED BE m. Bftl. Oct 1., 1930 ___.-_., 13.70DI.t. f.t.d..w WYE., er _Y
t the Old Testament Scriptures, and, Sunday school at 10 a. m. Keepup NO. :17 _ia.4 W -- I1asY
ti FOR ,JANUARY", 1931 no doubt, the history of the Jewish the good attendance. Start the 1JI E TSQUARELYGainesville -- Rat Sept. 1. 1930 ______? 4.80
i Blue Bus Schedules Receipt. during month ___-. 10.30
people. But "the school of the des- new year right by coming to Sun- Warrant during month ___'" 9 00
Subject: The Birth of John the I, ert" was also a great part of his day school and church: Fla. The known Bal. Oct 1, 1930 ____.?._. 6.20 HAROLD C. WALL
Southbound-9:37: m., 11:37a. : III. No. Iii
Baptist education. Even now no.educa- Worship at 10 a. m. and 7:30: p. facts about undulant fever in 1u- Overdraft Sept. 1, 1930 ___.. JtlO.2 '
Ooldent Text "Thou Shalt go tion Is complete without times for manS, said to come from contagIous m., 4:07: p. to., 6:37: p. IlL, 11-: Receipt during month -,_.-. 49.15 'INSURANCESTARER

before the face of the Lord to pre- meditation and fellowship with m.New year's addresses at both abortion In cattle and swine, 40 p. m.Northbound. Overdraft Warrant Oct.during 1, 1930 month_.,_.:t.. 809.90 108.78 FLORIDA
pare bit ways. Luke 1:76.: God. services.B. should be met squarely, Dr. A. L. -4:60: a. m., 8:53a. : Int. A Sink. Fund No. S ,__1188.78 ,
8 Lesson Text LukelilT.: 80 Y. P. U. at 6:30: p. m. Shealy, veterinarian In charge of m., 1:53: p. m., 4:23: p. m., 8:23D. : Int.
t Time: D. C.-6. DAILY BIBLE READINGS The Week of Prayer will be ob- the husbandry: department of the m.
Places: Jerusalem and the Hill served by all the churches in unit Florida Experiment Station recently Tickets and Information at --'

\ Country where Zacharias lived. Jan. 2, 10S1 ed serviced beginning on Monday, atated in a radio address Smith's Service Station, next to

: Introduction: For seven hundred Following Jesus-Be ye kind one i Jan. 8th in the Baptist church at over WRUF. courthouse.

} years the history of the world to another, tender-hearted, forgiv- 7:30: p. m. Dr. Lowry will give the Reviewing research work of public -

t tj.. snowed a preparation for the lives ing one another, even as God for addresses. See program for all health departments, as well as Closing of Malls

k of John and of Christ. Christ's sake hath forgiven you- these services in this Issue of the widely known veterinarians, he I PRINTING

t;, In Isaiah 40:3: that prophet Eph. 4:32.: 'Telegraph, and plan to attend ev- showed that Investigations point to North
R i wrote, "The voice of him that Prayer-Lord. Thou are the lightof ery meeting. I the fact that danger from infected Train No. 12, 2:50: p. m.

''crieth in the wilderness Prepare the world. We would ever walkin swine la just as Important as from Train No. 2, 6:50: p. m.

If( :y* the way of the Lord, make that light PRESBYTERIAN Infected cattle. A study by Hardy, South
; straight In the 'desert a highway Jan. 8. 19S1 U. 8. Public Health Service, showed Train No. 11. 11:00: a. m.

I for our God," and Mal 4:5: says, Walk In Love-Be ye therefore Services Sunday, Jan. 4, as follows : only three fatal cases In Iowa, Train No. 1, 6:50: p. m. 4 .:. ,
: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the followers of God, as dear children; : I and the swine type of abortion was Starke A Bell Branch .

t prophet before the coming of the And walk In love, as Christ also 10 a. m. Sunday school, J. M. Isolated from all these; the cow Mall closes, 7:00: a. m. \\t
''Ii' great and dreadful day of the hath loved us, and hath given hIm- Truby, supt., Mr8., Geo. H. Lowry, type from only one. In the same Mall arrives 2:40 p. m. .'<..- I .,..rJA ,..,\
Lord. Some centuries before to- self for us an offering and a sacrifice assistant supt. study there were 28 severe cases. ", 'A ... :'

day's lesson Alexander the Great to God for a sweet smelling 11 a. m. Morning worship, sermon In 23 of these cases the swine was No Sunday service. .
,''I I led the Greek'armies over and subdued savour. Eph. 5:1: 2. by the pastor "Soul Health." found, and in five the cow type. Air mall and registers OD.traID 7 ;:f
.. !S the then known world and studied No. 12. y'
55 Prayer-"More love to Thee, 0 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor, Out of 600 persons only ,
:; planted the Greek language everywhere Christ, More love to Thee," topic, "How to keep on' the Up- 1.4 percent were infected, and only .
as the language of commerce Jan. 4, 1931 about half that number showed active "
Miss Lucille Mitchell, be
e grade, "Darling, he said, "we can't
and literature, and Greek Spirit Filled Be not drunk president. Infection. // ,
married now. One of these slick oU
:i became the language of the Hebrew with wine, wherein Is excess; but 7:30 worship Studies also reveal the fact that
p. m. Evening songand salesmen came ,along' yesterdayand
Scriptures. Later the Roman be filled with the Spirit.-Eph.x 5-: sermon. less than 4 percent of undulant sold me a lot of stock that is is the master key of our
!tJ 'empire arose and reduced the 18. with the fever cases are found )il children
Our church will Join
no good, I found out, He took ev- civilization the means
t known world to one system of under ; less,than B
government 10
prayer- ob- years per- '
other churChes of the town in ery cent I had. What have I to .of-
and constructed great "Spirit of God, descend upon my serving the week of pr lyer, be- cent in those 10 t920' years,'and fer you now?" through which we have

'I highways for extended and rapid heart; ginning next Monday evening, Jan. about 70 percent/ra adults between "Well" she says "You might achieved education and
traveL For 400 years the Hebrew earth through all its Ten percent of
Wean it from ; 5. The pastor hopes that all our 20 and 40 years. give me his name and address.-
nation bad been expecting the pulses move; people will plan to attend these the 'cases fell between'40 and DO Cheney Free Press. industry. It is well worth

i coming of this Herald and the advent Stoop to my weakness, mighty as meetings.We years., andxll percent between 60
the efforts of
of the Messiah. Thou art heartily welcome to our com- and 80 'ears.s, About 77 percentof very highest

In writing to his friend and former And make me love Thee as I ought munity the Reverend W. F. Jones, tbe cases occurred in men, and COt1NTY SITPRIUNTKNRUNT'S! its craftsmen.BRADFORD.

master, and 'after thorough .to love." the new pastor of the Methodist 23per cent In women. The significant MK.MT MOMTIILY COUNTY FINANCIAL' 8CHOO1 STATK-FUNDS

q Investigation among those "which Jan. IS, 1931 church, bidding him Godspeed in fact Is the low percent in -

I I from the beginning were eyewitnesses This Is Right-Children, obey hIs work, assured that be wijl children, our greatest drinkers of Bradford county, for the month o(

and ministers of the word," your parents in the Lord: for this prove a worthy successor to Rev.J. milk. September 1930.General .School Fvade

;' Luke says "It seemed, good to me la right Honour thy father and T. Guy a most worthy fellow Accepting these facts, Dr. Shealy Pat Sept. 1, 1930 ___. 18.84

.: also, having had perfect under mother; which Is the first\ com- worker whose fellowship we'"greatly believes that there is a relation be- Receipts Wararnts during during month month ._.._..5364.633S..08 64 COUNTY

,; standing of all things from the mandment with promise; that it enjoyed. / tween undulant fever In man and Overdraft Oct. 1. 1930 __._ BOO.BOl
'very flret, to write e that thou may be well with thee, and thou / contagious abortion in the lower U'. No. 1
t Bal. Sept. 1, 19SO ._______.. S31.63
mighteat. know the certainty of mayest live long on the earth.- WEEK OF PRAYERTOBE animals, that there Is a slight Receipt. during month _?-_ 9.10 TELEGRAPH
;j those things," which concerned the Eph. 613.: OBSERVEDThe chance of susceptibility to man, Warrant durlnir monthBal. ____
/ Oct. 1, 1930 ______, _.,._ 140.12DI.t. .
,! birth of ?
and life Christ. Luke
Prayer-Lord, teach all childrento and that the best way to eliminateall No.\ :3 --y
v not one of the apostles. He was a love Thee as the angels love, weekx. prayer, which for possibilities the disease In Overdraft. Sept. 1, 1930 _____.. 85.30Receipta

physician. and probably a Greek. and their duty to parents will fol- many years has been observed in humans Is to eliminate it In the Warrant during durlnff month month _?_____ ,1Z920
A writer the keynote of .
says --- -

a Luke's Words.. gospel"For the Is Son contained of Man In came his MAIN THII
to seek and to save that which was / -

lost. Among the characteristicsof C ; ; -' .: ': ... .
the gospel by Luke Peloubet
calls attention to the following: Dnily ,?- 1 &AR HE'S MAIN % MT LATJsST WVRrmON |14 'RRn.IG: POST Occ4

q It teaches the Importance of MAIN prayer: LEADING I4'tJ J PAPER'; .,
It Is the gospel of grace and of BUT T e't',} TAKE rr .L.L. LUTEQ.(A) I 14 PlACED IM BCTRjHLESSMAILBOX )
salvation through Christ; EDISON SMITH'SLATEST M:1'a.: <(B) LETTER FAILS ToJGROUND AND
It is a gospel of ministry to all INVENTIONFOR FEB .POST MASTL w SICKLY! SUCKED:I UP e* VACUUM 'OEANEcC)

peoples. ; P.O/DEPT. GENERAL t ( 1 I AND 14 ClRRiEDu PNeuMATIC, TUBE (D) '6
It alone tells of six: of the miracles -
and of eleven parables.The flt / *JP OF PLATFORM (E) H/WERE LUKC < tJOP j"o41;

lesson for October 0, 1930, T. IDlioM 3M11V4\ TH&MY MUSICAL, FbSTMATbj Of1)) <4IT9 / ''DDLlNa. .

was devoted to a study of the characters ,IMVENTbB, Hi BY ''IELLt yr f Oe '- M H E. BEATS! TTMSMTU. H* \JOODENLC
of Zachariaa and Elizabeth, HIS LATEST IH\&/ "' 1OH.T41 KCTH6 t14'AK3Jfr R
the parents of John, from Luke 1-: WAD Off: T< POST MEN'SSHOt'LDCBS TH.M A3 tidy PASS ON 'f4*tR. UW T3 MAILBAG

fi-80; while today's lesson la taken AND PUT IT (\I) WlCH, VUEM FULL, IS LOClCCO AND

from Luke 1S-17.: SO.TOOay's OH' TWlR tEST.ft I Ia PUT ABOARD TRE tCCWLY' "" MAIL. ThAtW
iI j
lesson says of Zacharias,
CTAuma MS uitsr 1HIIEtt- __ .
-- __ .,
"While he executed the office
priest's 101'1,T. EDfiONUX\\/ SN> A' us
before God in the order of his C9f.BEAUnfULl"f f'l2AMmCJ f

course, According to the custom of lilt MOTTO \sellti -
the priest's office, his. lot was to *WOBX VW1L6 rod PUX. .. '..
burn Incense when he went Into the ...
:. temple of the Lord..And the whole -
multitude of the people were praying I

*i without ,at the time of in-
Each DOROTHY DARNIT By Charles McMajius I
cease. week the prlsta decided ,
1 by lot which part of the worship -

and service each: priest should AN TNRt IV THE AVENUE' RAILWAY,, oTTSTE OU RE TNt 0 w11EN1
If perform. For that week Zachar CoMRW ( 1 BOUGHT SOME STOCK INMAT oS NE s i1R ONE TM/tZ HI hNTtyINDED 1 5 CFJVERALLY'Do CETA. -UC C/SVI NiCKEI FARE Sq"'t\ SELL'TtioTA"tNUt MIL \
las was selected to burn Incense In ? Y
that part of the temple called A RICE EVERy fAR e HELPS To iN AM 1'41 JUST STc3CK Of M.IIIE WHAT THEY
"Holy of Holies, and for that !!>wl1. MY MOOR KlEPiT I I
work no priest would be selected MAR tn ME SELF AIL SAYM'

twice. It was the highest honor a
priest could have.

While burning the Incense "there l I

appeared unto him an angel of the rp
Lord. Zacharlas "was troubled 4111

and fear fell upon him but the ..,.
angel said unto him, fear not . #
for thy prayer Is heard. Zach- s

arias and Elizabeth were given a
on of whom the angel said "thou

sbalt call his name John !- He ,
t' shall be great in the sight of the .

Lord and shall drink neither wine

:nor strong drink and many \ .
w * shall he turn to the Lord their

; God And he shall go before him (. ,,- ." '

{ .* to make ready a people prepared '..
,. for the Lord. John lived what -- - - 'c.cmAr4e3' .
tllotjf: ,

) .

.,", >., ;' """ft\'.:. 'Jf'(:...... '! 1"' :l ,'f", ,A-/ :. I1S'.'!... ""i r !(\r, J ,L1.

?f,?fPiWPr! | '!W* "'7':1i1': ."" "/IIIiIIII'T.! n""m !'\"-"" I'II'N", .f'T"'" ,


__'___________________ _____-----.c- .. -. - .. BRADFORD COUNTY TELEGRAPH. STAUKK. FLORIDA rAaE TilltEf4,
--- -- ---- - ...
i I - --- ---
; -- -
ed will profit to the extent: of S2- Monday. The bird of prey was killed I-
AOvEi1iNc which the state .la endowed.
OCO.OOO through federal appropriation near Port St. Joe by Max Jones. VALUE OF
of Florida in In speaking of highway beautification
News Short Paragraphs of that sum for emergency Mr Jones said the eagle had kill-

construction of public works. This I ed a pig and was In,the act of eat- we should also remeoaber

sum to be expended before June ing it when he killed him. The that the railways are assisting materially

30th. The division 6f allotmentis eagle measured seven feet from tip HIGHWAY BEAUTIFICATIONA in beautifying Florida to
the of the visitor. In
as follows: Rivers and harbor of wing to Up. He had talons eye many

STATE Improvement work __ _ I ._ _.. cases the main highways parallelthe
LLWE NEWS I $733,440; for- nearly two inches long and weighed -- --- -
railroad right of way which Is
Florida highway construction $1- 12 pounds. This is an unusually witness In a drainage case,
ren and which do not kept clear and clean free from
036,438. large bird for this section and is a asked if he had measured depthof presenttheappearance
of a finished product. ugly posters and signboards.The .
very rare kill. Few hunters are water in a ditch answered: "I
Our objective should be to bake, rallraya are also aiding the
TOLD BY OUR EXCHANGES Apalachlcola-Making the trip lucky enough ever to got a shot but measured had the water with a stick every mile of highway in the Ute beautlficatlon movement by plant ;
at this American bird. nothing which to
by canoe from Chicago down the great measure the stick." Impress the stranger that this la In flowers, shrubs and trees around

--- ---- Mississippi river to New Orleans Florida. their station grounds all of which

Fort Lauderdale--The last spike 1 moulder and resaw equipment. The and then in the Gulf of Mexico on' Punta Gorda-The federal gOV-1 An attempt to measure in full Unexcelled highways may attract makes Florida more pleasing to
to Miami and up the Atlantic coast ernment will the advertising value of highway the traveler the
Lnnecting the Seaboard, Air Line shed Is completed and workmenare soon start I to Florida because eye.
Company's main trunk- Installing machinery which will to New York is the somewhat dif the long planned channel to the beautification places"us somewhat In this age we all like to be .

way tracks with the Port Ever- be put into operation about Jan- ficult enterprise of Richard Grant new Punta Gorda'city docks and 1 In the same position as the drainage able. to* drive along in comfort but THANKS SEAL WORKERS t tn

ine Terminal railroad has been uary 1. and Erneat'Lassy. These canoeists the turning basin. 'This work will witness. We can measure the highways unadorned by tome definite .

glades arrived in Apalachicola after a Involve an outlay of about $21- physical. progress made, yet we but form of beauttflcatloA will Ruth Bryan Owen. Christmas ); '

riven. - rather arduous trip. 000, the appropriation having already visualize In the abstract the far- not cause the stranger to become Seal Chairman, sends the following t'

Tampa-Nearly 100 grove owners !- been made.' Completed, the reaching effects of the work accomplished Interested in ua, and most as.."ared message from Washington to those

Daytona Beach-Half a million farmers truck growers and Winter Park President Hoover channel will be 200 feet wide and and the potential valueof ly will never promote the clinching who have so diligently worked with

dollars for a publicity campaignin cattlemen meeting here to discussa today has been invited to visit 12 feet deep from the head of the that yet to be done. argument to complete the sale, of her to make the Christmas Seal '

Florida la the task set Itself by county wide no fence law for Winter Park next February to at- docks to the main channel In the Commercially, advertising valueIs Florida aa a place to remain. Sale a success:

the state chamber of commerce HUlsborough county voted more tend the convocation at Rollins bay. a distance of about half a measured upon the results obtained Has beautification a value r>A the "On behalf of all those persona y,

and It has gone out after the than five to one in favor of such College. The invitation was ex- mile. The turning basin will be from three successive highway? working to eliminate tuberculosis, tt

money. a law. to be enacted by the legis- tended at the white house by Dr. from 350\ to 700 feet in size. phases: I The fact that throughout the I wish to thank those public spirited

lature that is to meet next April. Hamilton Holt president of Rollins First, the prospect must be at- United States the question ot highway citizens in every county of Florida

Qulncy-All ,classes of feed for College, Prof. A. J.' Hanna, mem- Perry Surfacing work on 5-A tracted. 1 beautification is holding the who have helped to make this

livestock and poultry are being Arcadia The official programfor ber of the faculty, and by Senator from Mayo to connect with the fine Second, the prospect must be- attention of the people, I believe Christmas Seal Sale a success.:

manufactured In Gadsden county. the convention of the-Tin Can \Duncan U. Fletcher. who introduced asphalt roads of Taylor Is complete come Interested. Is an adequate answer to the ques "We are especially grateful to

Many of us do not know about this Tourists of the World, to be in ses- them. as far as Bucksvllle. This will bea Third, the prospect must be sold. tion. With ten states carry'If ft on our Christmas Seal Chairmen who

Industry. It is building up In leaps sion here from January 5 through great convenience to travelers, Therefore ,.,ln this brief discus highway beautification work as have worked faithfully throughout

and bounds. January 10 haa been completedand Fort Lauderdale Immediate as the sand-lay roads from Buck- sion I will endeavor to apply these I part of their governmental activityIt the sale; and to the newspaper and

----"t'; copies are being distributed to building of a highway from the vllle to Dowling Park are In first fundamentals to highway beauti- certainly must have a definite magazine editors for the generous

Madison-Three new plantations tourists in camps all over the state southern end of Lake Okeechobeeto class condition. The route detour- fication as a commodity of sale value. support of the press in carryingour

E of slash pine seedlings will be set by'F. E. Sylvester royal chief of the Florida East Coast, access- Ing at Buckville Is 11 miles shorter Advertising experts tell us that Last year Governor Carltajt said message of the winning fight ,

; this season near Madison, reports the organization.New ible to both Fort Lauderdale and than going around by Madison approximately eighty per cent of "The roadside Is the travelers' to control tuberculosis In Florida. 1

R. J. Preston, forester with the Miami, in order to facilitate de- from Perry to Live Oak and with the Impressions recorded by the front'yard and largely reflects the "1 know that the greatest satisfaction i f t,

Florida Forest Service, Tallahassee. Port Richey-Mrs. J. L. livery of produce and supplies is the completion of the road to human brain are registered thru character of the people.:* Our to all ofua, Is the knowl-

I Stevens takes the fishing prize this petitioned of the Federal Aid high- Buckville will be a big saving in I the eye. Psychologists tell us that highways are the medium dflrnt edge that each year the death rate

I week. Standing In her own dooryard way board and the Florida state time and mileage over even better in every human being there In a Impression to a great portion of from tuberculosis la reduced.

Daytona Winter visitors in' she caught 10 fine large road department In a set of resolu- roads than the long way around. I love for the beautiful. In some de- our visitors. People come to Florida "The constantly Increasing !Interest !

Daytona Beach were given a for- trout, after catching her own fish- tions recently adopted by the MIami gree. We know that where beau- expectant to find it the 'Land of -Florida' citizens in

mal reception at Daytona Beach ing bait. She also had supper Rotary Tallahassee ..... State prison bureau ty abounds-!in its natural stateor of Flowers." If we are to stlijiulate health Is our great assurance for a.

Auditorium by city officials and right on time. Mrs. Stevens Is an Club officials today sought two man made-there will be founda this expectation then highway prosperous. state.

representatives of its clubs and ardent and most successful fisher Vero Beach-A large sea gull convicted murderers, whose idea quiet soothing atmosphere which beautification la essential to re- "With beat wishes for health and

civic organizations. man. flying low over the river on a of celebrating a Merry Christmas engenders contentment and. cul- ceive the advertising that the hAppiness this coming year.

-, course which, would bring it extended beyond the limits of the ,tural advancement. guests will give Florida on their "RUTH BRYAN OWEN. i

Gainesville .,_ The Hall of Art Hastings That potato plant- ly over his head, was direct-I Raiford prison farm., Superintendent The evolution of) advertising as return home. "Christmas Seal Chairman."

and History in the Florida State Ing time is close at hand is Indicated Lieut. Otis Ashley as he J. S. Blitch reported Mack ''a science Is one of the most! interesting Uniform beautification front the eOrlando.Avalon

Museum after being closed for by the fact that growers here ing on the Vero Beach bridge. Lewis and Roy H. Pope, both full histories'that has been de- Georgia line to the souther) partsof Orove Devel-

several months for the installationof were hauling seeds and fertilizer Making a quick cast of about 60 trusties, escaped last night In a veloped in America. It Is a story Florida will create an aHVertl orment, 3,000 acres. of citrus lands

new cases and exhibits. Is now from the railroad station last feet Ashley wrapped the line I light coupe bearing 1930 Florida that reveals In detail the reactionof ing value that you and I Cannot purchased by A, 13. Davenport of

open to the public.Jacksonville :: week. Planting has started in the about the neck of the bird and license plate No. 28-600. Lewis the human mind to beauty and estimate for It cannot be purchased ()'tic PInk, III., for. price of about

early Federal Point district but in I reeled it in before it could disen- I was serving a life term for murderin attractiveness During the past on a dollar and cents ba.|#. This $500,000, from Orlando Orange r

--A final checkup of the Hastings district proper will tangle itself. The gull has been Lake county, while Pope Is under two decades we have' witnessedthe type of advertising goes oti with- Groves Company, owner.

reports shows that the Community not start until about January 15. exhibited in a local hotel. 'a 20-year sentence for murderin breaking away of the advertising out our knowledge. and Its biggest (Jnlnemvlllo Construction start-

Chest's recent campaign resultedIn Duval county: Officials here world from the time honored value lies In the fact that it is accumulative ed on new Infirmary on campus of "

the raising of '$203,925, or 94 West Palm Beach Asphalt, Quincy--A first step in what Is said both men were considered black and white printing in preference and the Interest dividend state university here, to coat about K,

per cent of the goal set at the Inception ammonia and aniline due sub expected to be a far reaching among the oldest trusties at the to a flagrant use of color, is never known except thru $80,000. C

of the drive. stances In the Everglades soil change in the policies of the AmerIcan prison farm. ? We have seen our national pack. good-will and a satisfied\ customer" Winter Park Seminole Hotel ''i

makes muck land in Florida worthat Sumatra Tobacco Corporation age goods field abandon time hon. of the state. opened for winter season x

TampaProduction of 1,000-. least $6,000 per acre, membersof |I was announced by John W. Wood- Marianna-The jl\1l1.rlanna Fruitcompany ored containers for new ones of The advertising value of high -

()00 gallons of frozen orange Juicefor the Palm Beach county commis- ward, vice president and directorof owning ,many thousandsof more attractive 'design. There has way beautification is an .intangible -
distribution In eight'key cities sion advised in letters been an era of color introduction item In the long list f.{
from chemIsts the corporation, and general acres of land in Jackson: county > Flor COFFINS & CASKETS
in the north and east, will begin submitted by Commissioner manager of their Interests in this operates near! this city a model and WHY.because psychology established ida's advertising assets.! We all

here January 15, D. C. Glllett, gen- Wllliard G. Smith of Pahokee section, who states that beginning farm which Is exciting much Inter the fact that we humans know It exists-we know It haa a And. Full Une of

eral manager of the National\ Immediately the corporation will est this season. It also has 257 cater to the picturesque and beau. definite Influence on those Who visIt Undertakers', Supplies

? Juice Corporation, said. Bunnell-Flagler county Irish give special attention to the raisIng acres in Satsuma oranges, and hall tiful. us, yet we cannot now fully present -

potato growers are busy hauling of hogs starting with approximately just installed 2000 citrus grove Let us turn back a few pagesIn Its Importance In det .l1. It AUTOMOBILE IIEAIISBAirfare

Tampa Stockholders of the seed potatoes and fertilizer to their 200 brood sows, in herds on heaters, and these constitute the the book of time and take a la a case where we have iiqthinff .. ...... Tfc. beet g

First National Bank at a special farms to begin another winter their different plantations. Initial installment of these modern brief glance at Florida before the with which to measure-the ttlck. aervloe at tke lowest .._

meeting voted to Increase the cap- early potato crop. Several growers devices. General. Manager CharlesO. advent of the modern highway. It We cannot delay preparing our .*.*vlal .u..r'.. *. esteem. 6'

ital stock of the bank from $1- have begun to cut potatoes for Monticello Undoubtedly Mon- Relit says the company may Is not difficult to recall the apparent highways for sale In the latest approved order.nsGi.Tntan '

200,000 to $1,500,000 as "a logical seed, and It Is said a number will ticello has had a greater variety of never need these heaters, but they desolation and wild. chaotic ap I method of the advertisingfield. : : BMDALMnn.

development In an already long be ready. to plant In the next few vegetables than any other town in will always be ready in case of pearance of the countryside aa Impressed To delay I is to deprive FlorIda DEWITT C. JONES I
record of I upon us from the old and of an advertising asset which '
accomplishment. days. Florida: for Cherokee Farms has warnings from the weather bu STAIIKU. FLORIDA
road. All of us, I believe can pick Is one of the greatest opportunities
raised and sold sixteen different renu.:Mr. Reift says that the 2000
Pensacola.At a meeting of the DeFuniak Springs The five- kinds of vegetables In winter and heaters placed in the Chipola out spots with which we are fami- offered among the many: with ,

state road department here, a pol- acre cotton contest sponsored by thirty-five kinds In spring, summer grove nf 40 acres- can all be heated liar that have undergone a virtual '"- -- -- --

icy was unanimously expressed the chamber of commerce, as fig- and fall. On the average they ;;Ithl"uh;; { hour after the warn- Cinderella transformation
since the construction of modern
.that the department concentrate ured on final reports, made J. C. have supplied 8 to 10 different ing Is received. Located in this !

1U efforts to complete the Gulf Smith the winner with a produc kinds of vegetables in their season, grove Is a huge tank containing highways and are now beautifulto

Coastal highway from Panama tion of 3392 pounds of fine cottonat all the time and some of the time 00,000 gallons of fuel oil.. the eye today, but which seemed TAMPA"The
somewhat forlorn and Isolated in
City to Pensacola as rapidly as a cost of $119.44. Production have produced as high as 15 kinds .i--

possible. was figured as 60 per cent and from which the housewives of the Jacksonville' Decidedly practical the years past. h
The first step then In the adver-
profit as 40 per cent, giving him a town could choose. resulting in assistance that
Gracevllle-Work is at tising value of highway beautification Convenient Center" of
going on percentage of 97.7. Is very much better than merely
the plant of the Rex: Lumber Company Port St. Joe' -Harris Dickson handing some one food or money has been a natural one created

installing a planing mill Jacksonville' -Florida unemploy- brought In a large bald head eagle Jacksonville's new city clearing by the physical conatruction of
highways. A certain element of
/ house, set up under the auspices ofthe .
beauty has been brought about by
Welfare Federation is proving
I Old Quebec Makes Merry on Its Triple-Track Toboggan Slide' a first-class investment in pros having made the country through
which the highways! pass more acceptable -
perity. The first four days' operation Playground of America"HOTEL
to the eye of the traveler,
of the employment office was
A new standard of pride among :
reported to have secured the place.
in the people living along' or adjacentto rG rGy
ment of one hundred men jobs
the highways baa been developed. -
that will at least give them something -
This Is evidenced through better -
to do temporarily. Some of
I upkeep of farm homes, and
the places secured for the applicants ,.
I general of the small
appearance y
. M
at the city clearing house I
communities through which one
rr r will no doubt continue for a long ;
travels on the highway.
time and permanent. But
So through the actual requisiteof
with the majority of the workers, a
advertising-that of attractingthe
who have been given a chance to
prospect by the Impressions re-
work there Is real satisfaction In
corded as he traveled. This la being
regt even a temporary job.
accomplished through the mediumof

a higher standard of property t
the last big dipperful -
FL, Tampa-When development But this la but the \
of dirt la dredged from the
beginning of what can be done if
bottom of the deep water channel
c/I u I the experience. of advertising
o and
the anchorage
connecting theory and practice are'applied to
s 71+ basin at the new docks
Got r : 3. yeti AMOQO turning the problem of highway beautification -
and terminal of the United States
: tf considered In the light of an
ti Phosphoric Products Corporationat
advertising asset.Florida's .
the mouth of the Alfalfa river
wonderful highway HILLSBORO .
about six miles south of this city.
i .
system ta one of the state's greatest
t : It will mark the completion of _
commodities. If to make
we are
I A' 4 :
what Is said to be the most modern
these highways prove their value
dot and complete water terminal plant ---
: -
then we must keep in mind that
south of Norfolk and one of the
(ipbriT( we have a customer to please.
9latcrcu L finest to be found anywhere In the Highway beautification Is the Tampa's/ Largest IiotelCentralFlteproot.Steam
country. When all buildings con-
3 ... wrapper, so to speak In which we
1 '+ --" ."... '1!"""' nc.'def with the terminal, aa well 0
rtrs t. ,. ;$ as all wharves, loading platforms must present this commodity to I

f W' ,$''<< etc.. are completed, officials of the I the prospective' customer. Heat-Radio*
f.lrk,..I' : M'I United States Phosphoric Products Review Florida qulkly In your
"f.Jprt. mind and you will realize that

i 1a 1' ", 1<> Corporation say the terminal and where beautification has been applied Home-like!! here-J.arge. airy rooms epac-
Its adjuncts will have cost about
; ,; 'f 8000000. along the line. of advertising ious lobby--bletzanine and Outdoor Balcony -

/ >P!F:1: 1 theory the attracting qualities are Barber
,, being recognized toy visitors to the Shop Beauty Parlor Battle Creek,
.' ,) St. Petersburg-"It's: Christina,
> Turkish and
l "Y state. Practically every city and Roman Baths-and many other con
t and kids I
mister by the'goda
. QkJFFeQ2N7XQQACRANQQMTQ4UToWTfAIAC a my I IClau town In Florida la working along veniences.
ain't going to be without a Santa
some given line of beautification,
What more thrilling sport can outdoor elide shown ." Peter H. Battler salesman -
above-one of the Bneet a
but what I* to become of the unat- "TOP OF THE
TOWN"-lJinJng Room and Hoof
enthualaata hare then tooogcan- In North America. It etarta from the heard these words late tonight -

tag-ripping down a eteep.. enow-' Citadel (aa interesting old fort atlll I iiiEJN as the barret1 of a revolver, communities tractive gap between our settled Harden
occupied by troop) and eitenda down I
aide :caused him to
cowed thrust Into his ,
elope Joyoua. carefree
the trp slopes of Citadel Bill, along Many miles of our highway art
companions the wind whistling about Dufferta Terrace the elevate bin hand "I hate to do]I ,
peat Chateau 8"- ilHQcJ TTe I I picturesque and characteristic of Cafeteria and Fountain Luncheonette
one' sate and the frosty air painting ProDten_ This splendid allde Ia al- a thing like this, the holup man Florida--there are a great many

cave cheeks a glorious, healthy: pleat Welt thronged with merry-maker who another. They travel -at a rate approximating continued. "It's the .first time, but I, miles,. however that are atlll bar-
ToooeganJng U one of America' moat atage impromptu race and revel' In the that of an tipre "'us. rm out of work." Settler, who $2.50 to European; $6 to 19 AmericanWe
pu4e-qu ck.ntag: port to their heart. and give the cpeed-demon an excellent was. varying considerable money
Popular winter dlveralone. and Italotee con ten v At night the elide le Illuminated Invite '
opportunity to You to Live at the HILLSBOROI
< claim that wttli the poatlbletacepttoa by thouaand* of electric endangering ether"step on It without with him, produced his wallet and I on hilt way home. He' was soon ;

of akl-lnaj. there I U nothing Ilgbta and makes: a pretty picture when aeetdea removed a new $10 bill. "Will this overtaken by the same bandit.
trip toboggan did. Qu.bee'sSplendid D. NfcJnaer Pir W "ot. Weekly Ratty sad Folders
to approach II la thrflla.Quebec. viewed from Dufferta Terra below. outdoor and indoor do?" he asked "Sure," the bandit "Bay,. router! said the holdup
sting: C. J r
J. .
I Manger
Canada's Ancient Capital. There la no fear of possible mishap rink, ekl-Jump and other facsiltiea replied. "1 can get' along nicely man. "Give me your name and ad- on Application

"tua Lawr led nigh above the broad 8C. I occurlng on Quebec allde. for the foe winter apart attract an Inereaaliiaj with that- He took the bill and dre_ I want to return this when Telephone M-5511 t
._. he provided: for ill winter toboggans run la deep tracks and cannot number of Tialtora "
to this AM old
YIaI... started away. Battler continued I find work.
'tin* .triple-track toboggan turn turtle o* collide with en sit, each yea.
L-_'..- _

rrrti ..
ra r r ..

+' r "IaLssSP; 4'i r, r } ,..J.. ... .'. "" "., ;- ,,9'v, ;, ''I '!' '-,t:4.;; :. ,... ,('r '.' _

r >7" '



---- -' - ___ __ _n___ _ _.___ _____ ____ ___ _ n ________ ______ ________- --,- .-- --------- '.---- -- --- - -- -..- - -- -- _____ -- -- ----,1.1 tithe -
t f"O. L IT'vnefl Sirs. N D. VV.iln-!1 I home 'Wednesday from the Lam I which to become accustomed to age of 21, ( --
1 wright, Mrs J. L.. Frazee, Mrs W Nursing Home In Starke, wheresho I the pond, E. L. Strickland, state age and residence unknown .if cl >-I t

1 M. Wainwright,, Mrs. N. Sternberg, I I has been a patient for the last; shell fish commissioner stated that IN unknown claim "'hi
under the known 11ft
. '? .k 6 % Vr Mrs L,. D. Vining, Mrs. II. V. 'I week. the hatcheries at Welilca and at of them. That th-r di-fi \'
n / Knight ana Mrs Taylor Eclcher. I Mr. and :Mrs C. Sullivan and I Okcechobea would be stocked the the state of KlurldnsubpViena

-+- children were shopping In Stark I first part of February instead of either of fluid upon defend whc .IX b

BUSINESS MEETING OF TilE I Wednesday. later in the spring. dlllfrent Inquiry has t, +II

CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Miss Teressa Bennett, who wa The ponds, emptied and dragged by deponent, and residence to asavrti.aoH ''I'1'. It +I".am"

visiting her sister, Mra. C. Sullivanleft to kill all enemies of the bass, will defendants, and that h ''I,
The members of- the Christian for St. Petersburg, herein ftpeclHed as p I'
Monday I be refilled with water about ten known to deponent II.i ''h ,
Endeavor held a business meeting where she will visit her sister, Mrs. .days before the brood fish are 'That I the land ln\, 1

r Monday evening at the home of Bill Underhill. placeu. More than.2,500 brood bass quarter suit Is, the of \Vcst Northeast half. 9! uihw't,1 I '

r Miss Carrie Uglow. Mr. and Mrs F. T. Brown and tam;">r ,
will be used at each hatchery. Although North half of Northwu ; all''
: Plans for a new year party to be little son, Emery Miss Kathryn last year's record of Southeast.. quarter fauna., rlUw' ',",

.of given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Gordon Weest of Hampton, 000,000. bass for restocking: 8'-1 quarter quarter all and In Frnrtlotui Sectlnn! i :y""+ulhwr'

T. S: Wllllama for the young pea were guests of Mr. and Mrs D. W. ida's lakes, streams and rivers was therefrom 7 South 'Hanire"" 21 l Ea I ">"c."lull"
{ home from the different col- ,! lot 8; all u 'II )
ple Moore Christmas day. considered very successful, ;'Mr. county, Florida. Ullfuf,
leges for the holidays were made. Mrs. R. B. Lee, Miss Eva and Mr Strickland stated that under the That the relief sour I
wI I
suit In foreclosure of in, ,-"
W. M. Lee Christmas day
spent \
new experiment even better resultsare by complainant over th ,
with relatives in St. Augustine.Mr. and anralnst the III
SIRS. O. M. INMAN ENTEIl- expected. r
defendants trercli.
laid Mrs. D. W. Moore were
i ''tk PAINS WOODMEN\ CIRCLE It Is therefore nnlt t
U I ELECT-OX-FICEIS, visitors to Hampton Friday. I said defendants and -an, I .t
Mrs. Rowe of New York City, NO'I'It'101"1 sTorKiioi.mciMMMUTINU and their heirs, d, vc"
and nil other. ,
Mrs. G. M. Inman entertainedthe was visiting Miss Ida Hagan durIng or tinder each of them '; :ui\'
hereby required !
y officers-elect and the past officers the holidays. Notice lii hereby given that the Un abovti' xntltlcil ,
s of the Woodmen Circle' Tuesday Mr. John Jordan and sisters, regular anniml mooting/ or the JAY of Vabruaiv! .>
Misses Lois and Main the stockholders< of the Hunk of Starkn, bill of complaint .: ,
afternoon from threethirtyto f.!Starke !>'!lI., will be held In Us you In the ahovu .-.
four-thirty at her suburban I guests of Misses Kula and Clara banking mom at Starke on Friday, the Ilradford Count
? Swindell Christmas day. January ID 1931 8 p.m.. to elect a newspaper published It
home. This affair was very much board of directors for the ensuing County. Flm-lila IK. herd
epjoyed by all present. Messrs. T. B., Sidney and James year. and to transact touch other ed ae the newspaper InV) .gnu
Trlest were visitors to Starke Saturday bUHlnoMa as may como lirforo<< them. order shall. be publish II 1 h
During the hour Mrs. Inman was R. J. DAVIS week for 4 consecutive: wee,
assisted in entertaining the guestsby V2'3- Cannier.NOTICH Witness the Honorable Z ij
'i; F Mrs. Eloutse Moore and children king as. Judge of the
4 r riA i Y Miss Elizabeth Kendrick, who alx.vilamoil
rourt and the
I of Valdosta, Ga., are visiting 'her I neat of Mid i'.nrt< i h
rendered several. appropriate selections the City of Btarke: Bradford ,u/il/
k at the piano, accompanied ,! aunt, Miss Ida Hagan. -, Florida, this 31st day or ' Naobei, '
by Miss Ethel Moore and Sunshine I Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Adkins and I In Circuit Court Bradford County, A D. WSO. O. W. ALDERMAN

i 'i flundley, who sang "New EnglandMoon" family, J. A. Adkins and, family, J. Alfred Florida.DeVoto In Chancery, Clerk Circuit: 'C'Hlrl.' Urailfitnt"
R. Adkins and family, Mrs. Viola I (SEAL) County. rMnrlda
and in Ham-
"Swinging a D. 13. KNiGHT & 11. V. KN rillT
Humphrey and children, Mr. J. M. vs.Arthur Complainant's
mock. The Hundley sisters also W. Toby et al. Solicitors
( P 1 { gave several impromptu pieces on McIntyre and Miss Edna Moore of Defendant. 1.2ItAnother's .
Y Jacksonville, Mrs. Juanita Story of FOIU'CLOSUHPJ .
their instruments. Later in
string <'....e Number S<..
ff & the: afternoon the hostess served Tallahoasee, and Mrs. W. T. Hill of Order of Pn..II....Uon.
? Lake City were dinner guests It having been made to appear by
her with salad
guests a delightful ToothbrushIs
; sworn affidavit lied In
above entitl
Christmas at the home of Mr. R.
course. During this time Miss ed cause by attorney. for complain
M. Hersey.Mr. ant that the defendant Annie Gor-
( Ethel Moore read "Woodman
a don Is over the Not For You
of 21
age years and
!, *: ; ; Prophecy"" composed by her which and Mrs. Whittington of Or- .that the defendants Mark Gordon
lando are spending the and Samuel Gabriel. Gordon
and holidays are each
t 2 was very witty interesting.Then : of 21 yearn' and that You want your own.In the same
with Mrs. Whlttlngton's sister, hrohthto: :
cards were cut and prizes e named' defendants
k :: t are renlilenta way, on having your own
Mrs F. Fender. of 68 Fenway In the
", to Miss Sunshine Hun-
t ,ak were given City of Boston, State of Mae al'hu- reliable, tried-out remedy for
; Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wesson of
: dley, holder of high and little Rivera etu; that the residence of each of
l t Hundley, holder,, of ,low." Orlando, are visiting at the homeof the defendant Arthur ,W. Tobey, torpid lIver J>i1i.ousness and con
Mr. and Mrs. F. ..Fender. Martin Margaret Louis U .Tobey, Hattie F. Tobey, stipation-umer's Little Liver
Fritz Zahn, Christina
., %1 f; : MIL AND MRS.,,.'..L.', S. HUTTO. Mr C. A. Youngblood visited his H. Wrlghton bteteon Harold A. Westall, Pills. Take Carter's and stir up
!$ : 'f l4f' ENTERTAIN brothers, Autum and George. gan. Ethel B.M. Abbott, Mary, William B. Dug-O. the two pounds of bile thatcleanses

.t' f ,- Youngblood at Waldo Sunday.Mr. Cameron Jeremiah A. Carey, Albert the whole system.
't : W. C. Williams Brooker H. f.Shaw Charlotte! A. Rmmerdon, S.,
A An Informal gathering'of about .of Red bottles. Any drag store.
N ;,,! 't\ 1 1i ? and- C. D. Wills. ie unknown -
y-- :I; twenty-five friends of Mr. and Mrs. was a guest at the horse .of Mr. and that deponent believes Take Carter's.

t' ,, 1"J: ,?>> " ,'fJ> L. S. Hutto, were entertained at and Mrs. F. Fender Christmas day. each-. of -said defendants to be over

1::' f.' their home last Friday'evening Miss Edna Mae Bennett of Way

: ;, with dancing, followed by a turkey cross, Ga., Is visiting Miss Ruth
\\4. # + 4'C!t1 \ Fender
i -- : dinner. Mr. Hutto' is an accomplished
( ,,:: .; ,it.J>'\'.,',$, 3 a : s ( "fiddler"., and played old Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Moorer of
'" ,,,' J / fashioned tunes yiptil a late Hour, Putnam Hall visited at the homeof

,{,>" ,, : "V w O I after which the guests, were Invitedto Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Youngblood Grocery Specials

d3 .""f \, : aerlad } the dining room where a 30- Friday night

'.';;;";-- ' pound turkey with all the trim- Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Dickinson and

:;,,' t- : 1' \ mings awaited them, and were Family of Monroe, Ga., were visitIng ....
.j 7'.>..'." ,,, ,'. Mr. and Mrs.J. D. Dickinson
.., > served by Mrs. Hutto, assisted by
-' J. GAr Y her Charming daughters, Misses Christmas day. COFFEE Maxwell HouseLa.Toura.ine 35c

< Edna. and Carrie and Mrs. A. H. Mr. Peavla Kirkland left Monday ' .

\ ,. > ,.1 inn is Green. Jt'I 'night for his home at Homerville, I .

Prizes were awarded the best Ga., after a six week's visit with

dancing couple tip the floor. his sister, Mrs. F. Fender. CHARMER COFFEE _________-____ 17c

Mf. and Mrs. S. H. Dod.l left
A' :'*> ; ,>"-.. '
TWENTIETH CENTURY Monday for Fort Myers. They

t r CLUB MEETS oJ. will be gone several weeks on ac- 10Ibs.SUGAR48c;
\ : count of Mr.
.1>, " Dodd'a health.
Mr. and Mrs. 0:L. Beasley were

ENNIS-SCRUQOS tulle bows and filled with' red rose Florida Light & Power Company. bridge host and party hostess given Wednesday at a delightful evening TO STOCK FISHHATCHERY 8 Ik Swift's Jewel Compound 95c

petals. f He Is a member of Delta Tau Del, at their home on Walnut EARLY

? it The following clipping will be of The bride, who entered with her ta fraternity, and a former member street to members of the Twentieth '-
Interest to Starke friends of the of the Casparllla krewe. Century Club.Decorations. '
father, wore a robe of white chiffon Expect Better! Results 'By Putting
1 bridegroom; Pure Butter 37c
, e appropriate to the Creamery
Bass In Lakes Earlier Than - -,- -
t TampA, Fla., Dec. 27.-Miss velvet. A deep yoke of heavy TWENTIETH CENTURY season with lovely cut flowers Last Year. ,

F Neva Scruggs and J. Gary Ennla hand-made lace was softly drapedIn CLUB MEETS i, were effectively used in the Beus-

I were married last night at the a cowl neckline, and extendedover Joy home. Action on the theory that better 5 LBS. RICE _ _. _ ___ __________ 25c
First Baptist church in the presence the shoulders nearly to the el Members of the Twentleh cen-! Bridge was enjoyed till a late results will be obtained if thebrood

i of a large gathering of bows. Snug sleeves of velvet reach- tury club met with Mr. and Mrs. hour and at the close of the gamer fish have a longer period in 24 Ibs. Self-rising Flour extra good quality 75c

+ 1 friends. Dr. Claude \V Duke, pastor ed in points over the hands. A 1. D. Vining Friday evening at prizes' were presented Mrs. Andrews -"

Pr officiated. clever arrangement of shirring their home on Madison street. and Mr. Sternberg for holdIng 21 Ibs. Veri best Flour, plain or self-ris: .$1.10

Preceding the ceremony, a program confined the fullness at the sides, The rooms where the guests { high and to Mr. and Mrs.

d of nuptial music was presented oi the waist, and the long train were entertained were tastefully Stump for scoring low. FLORIDATHEATRE 3 cans No. 2 Tomatoes _____________ 23c
was cut in one with\ the skirt. Her
with O. A. Seaver at the decorated in keeping with the holi- The hostess served a light refreshment -

organ. He opened the program tulle veil hung from a cap of lace day season.; course ,as the new year

With "Ave Marla." This was fol. edged with orange blossoms, her Several progressions of the game dawned. 'The favors on the plateD I 10 Lbs. Irish POTATOES : 29c
bouquet was of calla llllea and lilies .

were baskets of mints bearing the
((4 'lowed by two vocal solos by Miss of the were enjoyed and scores added. GAINESVILLEFLA.
valley, ehu the
Manors Conley, "I Love You wore Prizes were given Mr. and Mrs. p. Inscription, Jan., 1st, 1931.
Truly"and "Because. "Love Sends pearls and carried the handkerchief L. Beasley for holding high and The players were: Mr. and Mrs. ,
-- -- -- - -- -
'a Little Gift of Rosen" and -'Per that her mother used at her to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Montieth, F. F. Stump, Mr. and Mrs. N. 3 Ibs. Yellow OnionslOc

fect Day" were played by F!. L. wedding. hok ers of low. Sternberg, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Andrews Program Week Jan., 1st :

Filcher on the violin, and William Parent hold Reception The following players enjoyed a Jr., Dr. and :Mra. E. L. ,

Btubba sang, "O Promise Me" and After the ceremony a receptionwas sweet course: Mr. and Mrsi O. L. Biggs, Mr. and :Mra. L.,, D. Vining, \' New ''" .
Year's 56s.
"At Dawning held at the home of the bride's Beasley, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mon Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Montleth, Mr. Eve Baby Lima Beans ____ ...;_ ,L'oI--; 25c

parents, :Mr. and Mrs. B. P. tleth, Mr. and Mrs F. Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor ;, ,
F./Stump, ) ;
): G.
N. BEANS 1cTs.
To'the strains of the wedding Scruggs South Willow avenue. Whoopee PartyAt .
Belcher -
of -
D Garrlson-on-the-Hud- --
and Mrs: E. L. Biggs and Mr. ------ :::7."z
march from Lohengrin the bridal
Here the same red and white color
and Mrs. J. W Andrews, Jr. son, N. Y, 11:15 there will be mld-
: a
procession entered the church. The motif was carried out with baskets E. PEAS __ ___ __ _-_-__.LliL. :a__ __ 7c
masses of palms with four baskets of carnations. The lace-covered AFTERNOON nite'show of
t, of red carnations, lighted by tall table In the dining room was centered MISSIONARY SOCIETY I CLUB MEETS 'CHARLEY'S AUNT' 8 Ibs. MEAL _ __ __ ---------- 1-- __-____ 25c
cathedral candles made an effec- with a bowl of the spicy: -

Live background for the white I blossoms! accentuated with red tapers A meeting of the. members of I Mrs. Edward Burns entertained WithCharles 7Y2! Ibs. GRITS ___________ -- .___ ______ 25c
gowns of the attendants as they and the five girls who assisted friends and members Ruggles
theboard of the Missionary Society of the Afternoon :
filed into position. The bridesmaids in the dining room, Miss Estelle was held on Tuesday afternoon , Bridge Club Wednesday'af (This picture will also be shownon 3 Large Van, Camp's MILK _:,_-._----_ 25cRitter's
Mine Ida Blanche Walker,' Duke, Miss! Elizabeth Powell. Alias New Year's day.) "-
at the home of the new president ternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C.
Misa Evelyn :Moaeley, Miss Grace I Katherine Tumblin, Miss Ivonne I Mrs. T J. Griffin on Cherry Hoover. PORK & BEANS _____.::L------ __ 7c

LoughUn, Miss Emily Powell, Miss Illla and Misa Mabel McFarland, street. Four tables .wre" arranged for FRIDAY

t Kathleen Scruggs and Miss Hilda wore red and white frocks. Plans were made and discussedfor play In >the large living room, ALL Sc CRACKERS, 6 for ____ M: __..:____ 25c

t Scruggs, and the brldesmatron, After the reception Mr. and Mrs. the coming year. After the which was prjt UY'- 'ecorated, for "THE CAT CREEPS"The

b' Mrs. Robert Sherrili, were dressed Ennis left by motor for a wedding business meeting a social hour was the occasion '.with"I i Christmas Indiana Sliced Breakfast BACON :.,_____ 35c
alike in gowns of white net over trip. The bride traveled In a Most .
enjoyed. Mrs. Griffin assisted by greenery and narcissi, Thrilling Mystery In J.
white .taffeta. The bodices were modish spring ensemble > of taupe Mrs. N. T. Rltch, served hot chocolate When tho scores were added the Talking.

made with the dropped shoulder Chinese silk ,with tiny figures of and fruit cake to the guests prize for making high was awarded With a Star Cast APPLES dozen -25c
effect, formed or runlet of the net per -
green. The coat was lined with .
who were: Mrs. W. E. Middleton, :Mrs. Ad lns. Mrs. Hoover was ,
edged with narrow white velvet green; and the lace blouse was Mrs. A. Wood, Mrs. J. H. Bitch given the guest prize. .

ribbon. The ribbon edged ruffles worn over a green slip. Her hat Miss Amelia Ray Mrs. J. W. The hostess served her guests SATURDAYBuddy

.were repeated on the skirts and was a taupe felt, with a smart White, Mrs. L. A. Davis Mrs. R. A. with a tempting !salad course 6IbsBANANAS25c;
white velvet sashes marked the
high waist lines. They carried ornament of green ribbon above Weeks, Mrs. L. C. Ray and Mrs. W. Those present were: Mrs. A. Z. RogersIn :
the narrow brim. O. Haile. Adkins, Mrs. O. L.
I Beasley, N.
round bouquets of red carnations,
Mrs. Ennls is the of .
Sternberg, Mra. C. A. Knight Mrs.
which were an effective bit of color VIr. and lira B. p, Scruggs, 808 VISITOR HONORED C. A. Futch Mrs. O. M., Sistrunk, "Along Came Youth"
as the bridesmaids formed a.emlclrcle CARL'S
South Willow avenue. After her CASH CORNER
Mra. J. A. Saul Misa, Mary Canova,
back of the pulpit, facing -
graduation from
Hlllsborough high Mrs. E. L. Biggs entertained Mrs. J. L.
Frazee Mrs. S. L. Peek
the congregation and on broad school she attended Sulllns Collegeat Tuesday afternoon at her home M J. C. Hoover Monday & Tuesday
on *a. Mra. D. A. Mon- PHONE DELIVER
to the
steps leading platform.
Bristol Va., and Sargent Schoolof Walnut street with a delightful' tleth. Mrs. O. L. Haynes, Mra. J. E. ,
Indo of Honor Richard Barthelmess
Physical Education, from which bridge party In honor of Mrs. Wilson .
Tay Mra. L.
Wyman and "Mrs.
The maids of honor, Miss Neva .
she .
In .
was graduated. Later she en lor Belcher, of Garrison-on-the- Taylor Belcher "e '
of Oarrlson-on-the-
a Johnson and Miss Manora Conley, tered the University of Nebraska Hudson N. T Hudson, N. Y. .6T II E LASH"Imagine :
wore net gowns similar to those of: from which she
graduated last Holly and narcissi used for Dick as a South
:t' the bridesmaids, but without the I were :, -- -
year. is
a member of the
decorations, and the tallies American Bandit. *
velvet edges on the ruffles, and theIi were
Kappa Delta .
sorority and of An- sketched In harmonizing RADIO REPAIRINGALL
Ii. matron of honor, Mrs. Theodore nabelle Reed chapter Order of I designs. holiday;
Knnla, who preceded the bride, Eastern Star. I tTaIERESSA WEDNESDAY"TOLLABLE .
; I Mrs. B. S. Carroll was awardedthe ..
wore a gown of white all-over lace.
r Mr. Ennls formerly lived In Tampa MAKESSmith's
They all carried, prize high score during the .
I arm bouquets ot but now U residing In Miami. afternoon DAVID"Next
h white carnations and took their positions He Is a son of Mr. and :Mrs. W. B.Ennis. the prize, for and second Mrs. J. E. Wilson Miss\ Hilda Sulllvaii left Tuesday Service
in a smaller seml-circl 715 South Delaware high. Mrs for Miami for a visit with her Station
," with the two little flower girls, He is a 'graduate of Bradford Belcher The hostess was given the guest prize cousin. Mrs. Mrs. Dewey Chapman. Thursday & Fri.

:AnnIe Mae Cooper and Virginia County High served the following Miss Mamie Bender left Tuesday
Starke and
Bentley who were dressed in of the University of Florida where guests shrimp salad sandwiches, for her home at Earlton. Bert Wheeler, and Rob Authorized DealerWestirighouso
r: he took and coffee: Mrs. B. S. Carroll, Mr. J. P. Dickinson 'vis
carfled B. course in electrical engineering Mrs. J. E. Wilson. waa a ert Woolseu
Mrs. D. A. Mon- itor
l to Earlton
and ls now with the Ueth ,11'1I. J. Tuesday. "Hook RadiosrAGE
W. Ltne&
Andrews Jr. Mrs. 'Slnke.r"I
, Misa Oulda Hall returned to her I ''I
k..' L

_, .,,.
, ,
h y f V- itid4 a M .E s.
w,e4" 1r ",rRn+m mP h w k yl'+ t L! 1 e +': ,. '
h';ut i d'r .r;na2v4bl 4""Pnr'1'a n;nil s j i a

\ .. ',, '" "" "'" ''Y'" '''' ''''IJ '' .,, 1 ..' , ), . %1\S : ifflC:'''i': 'f''I'M1''I'' : : r:7.' ;"r'P'rS4lrv xao F- Ir9rM': 'nYFA@ .41rr'' ,..nx,


> '
_.. .. . ----- .. punl- 'n... trl'l."II\_ . ..
--- -- -
- -- ----- --- ---- --- -- -- ------ -- ------- -- -- --- -- - - ,
urZ5Z5'ur25 u'2525''u The Circle of the Woman's Mis Palatka and Mrs. Joe William: I

slonary Society of the Methodist and daughter !Mamie of Gaines. !

church will meet next Monday afternoon ville were visiting relatives here

at three o'clock at the Sunday afternoon.

Bits of home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Griffin, Miss Lossle Wynn spent this Specials for the New Year

on N. Cherry St. week with relatives in Hampton.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gay of Jacksonville ,

" weal 1tev'Concerning Senator and Mrs. E. XM. Johns spent a few days with her

and daughter, Gloria, spent several parents, Mr and 'Mrs. Berrlan

days of last week in Alachua with Dyal. I Friday and

Our People Business and Mrs. A. M. Petit and Mrs. Aquala Richard Smith spent several Saturday

Williams Senator Johns' mother days with his cousin: Holton Smith

::, Progress of the County and Town. and sister. of Hawthorn lost week. I ,

Miss Estelle! Davis of Starke, VA\-CAUl"S!

.. ... . . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morgan, Mr. who was visiting her home here is |
___. .. ..,,..,,..,,.==..=.....=.. =...=.. =I:7=S25Z2 52 55:525Z5,.,"..JL. )
I CO: = """ """ I.-" 0 and Mrs. Roy Bence J. G. Alvarez spending a few days in Palatka i

, WEATHER, RECORD iIf; ;;;Peek returned to her and Wesley Stearns attended the I with friends and relatives. I MILK6 small 25c 3 large '25c

,I homo' in Jacksonville Wednesdayafter marriage at Tampa Saturday Dec. I :Mr. Eugene Rosslgnal and Frank I ; '

I emptied by Starke branch, U. spending the holidays here 27, of Miss Neva Scruggs to Mr. Herrln of Jacksonville, Are visiting 'J ....
( Department John Gary Ennis. a few days with relatives this
Forestry with datives. Rest Grade
or period ending Dec. SO 1930. f week. \ Boitita Brand Coffee ,

Dato :Max. Mln. Preclp. Mrs. T. J. Griffin will be hostess Harry: and Jim Davis of Palatka! ,

17 54 60 .05 Mrs, J. W. Andrews. Jr., Mrs. K to both( circles of the W. M. S, of were visiting their father, Mr. C ,I Lard
c 18 46 34 .73 L. Big-pa and Mrs. L. D. Vlning motored tho Methodist church; next Mon- J. Davis Thursday afternoon. i Ground in our mill ;
19 58 45 .33 to Jacksonville Wednesdayand day afternoon at three o'clock There will be services here Sunday .

c C, 20 47 44 .07 spent the day. :Members are requested to bring a morning by Rev. Butler from i Per Pound 28c 2 Pounds
C 21 47 40 .20 silver offering for the local workof Lake Butler. Everyone cordially : -

c, 22 41 37 .71 i Mrs. E. T. King and children the church. I Invited.

C,23 49 38 left Tuesday for their home In (I I! CAMPJiELL'S

,2t '.54 27 Waycross, Ca., after spending the Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ennis were I I

C. 25 63 !I28 .10 holidays here with relatives. visiting friends and relatives in 1,

C.. 26 70 40 .48 I Starke Wednesday. They were returning RISING i iMI. PORK&BEANS,3Cansfor25c

60 30 Mrs. F. A. Barefoot of Ocala from a short honeymoon
27 ..
c. Irl.,. Mrnar, Cor. j jMi' .
28 53 36 107 spent the week-end with her son spent in Georgia and left Wednesday jI -
C. 53 32C.30 and daughter-in-law Mr and Mrs.P. I afternoon for Miami where I Clearbrook Creamry Itcst Grade

C.29 58 33 M. Barefoot. they will make their home and Mrs. W. D. McRae and I

a Total! rainfall for period 3.74 In family of Palmetto and Mr. Earnest BUTTER
the Pure Cane
Mrs. P. Barefoot and daugh- Friends and relatives will be Phillips of Trilby spent Sugar s

(seed rye and oats. Klckllter'a. ters, Sarah and Juanlta spent pleased to learn of the marriage of holidays here with friends and

Thursday in Lake City with :Mrs. Mr. Lacy Rigdon to Miss Thelma relatives.
Plant Dec. 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Jacksonof Per Pound38c 10 Pounds 50c
Cole. Brown of
I Rev. A. E. Dunham in Jacksonville.ia at St.lika'a Mary Mr. and Mrs. Rlgdon City on wilf residein Trilby spent parf of last week - -

hospital Col. and Mrs. J. L. Frazee Major Tampa.Mr. here with relatives. FANCY ,
made and Mrs. Belcher and Miss Letha Macpherson of Frost- PINKSALMON
E. Knight a busies Taylor
Col. D. last week' here with
I Lake Butler Tuesday. son, Taylor Jr., motored to St. and Mrs. M. M. McGee and proof spent "

trip to \ Petersburg Sunday.Mr. family of Stuart are visiting Mr. Miss Hazel Underbill. Pound Can 2 for f 25c
\ Mr. Ethretlge Campbell of Plant - -
3 f Nolan Canova of Waldo, spennday and Mrs. A.. O. Andreu. Mrs. J. ds
1 with Paul Knight.Leviton's and Mrs. Arthur Rigdon of W. Hagan returned to Starke af- City was visiting his sister, Mrs.

f Jacksonville spent Christmas with ter spending two months with her M.Mr.L. and Lewis Mrs last W.week.R Haislop and Hand Packed-No. 2 Size CanJelmollte Monte-!Medium Size

. Tailor Shop Cleang his parents Mr. and Mrs. John sister Mrs. M. M. McGee.
son, Fred motored to Tampa Tuesday

- \< and pressing. 11-14-tf. Rigdon. Mr. and Mrs. >G. W. Alderman and was accompanied home by TOMATOES PRUNES /,
) MnJT Preston and
. Ethel Griffin Is, visiting Mrs. Flossie Penney of Jacksonville Mr. and Mrs. G C. White, Misses their daughter
will spend while
Jackaonvllle this week. spent new) year's day with Mona and Blanche Alderman and children, who a

clatlvea In her parents Mr. and Mrs. .J. J. Dr. Stewart P.I Vandivlere were here.Mr. 3 Cans f for -23c 2 Pound Box -18c
Eva Klgdon spent Cl r st- Rigdon. new year guests of Mr. and Mrs.T. N. Burney (of Starke was -

Miss J. Alderman. I I j I visiting his sister ..Mrs., L. Craw- -- .
Gainesville - - -
ain i Waldo and .. .
.r'S ford Wednesday.Mr. A
Mrs. L. C. Ray returned Monday GOOD GRADE I
and Mrs. J. A. Harnage and
Rltch Is home from Chi- from Jacksonville where she was A. P. Hoffman of Clearwater ,
Carlyle week's vacation. the guest of her sisters, the Misses was a visitor to Starke Mondayand family of Vanderbilt were visitingMr.
|ago for several and Mrs. B. M.,McRae recent- RICE 5 25c
"' AHbritton in Springfield. Tuesday. Mr. Hoffman was - pounds ; pounds 45c

and Mrs. R. F. Clarke were formerly express agent here and lv- ,, ,
Mrs. L. Crawford was visitingher .
I J. Davis and when he retired from service, mov- .
of Dr. and Mrs. O, Mr. and Mrs. J. ---- -- -- --
Inner guests of,
brother Mr.,Clyde Burney
daughters. Misses Ruby and Nell, ed to his orange'grove near Clear- FANCY. FIRM
|{. Lowry Christmas .
and Mr. Ralph Halle of Rutledge water. He states that he bad a I Thursday.Mr.

D. E. Knight and Ga, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. bumper crop of fruit this season, and Mrs. Russell McRae of \

I Paul Col Knight and-Mrs.visited Jacksonville W. H, Halle Christmas. and price.sold the entire yield at a good Winter Mississippi Haven were and guests Mr- Sanders of Mr. and of POtATOES5 pounds 15c; 10 pounds - - 29c

ponday. Mrs. 11. M. McRae Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. B. S. Carroll returned .
I A. Davis return- Sunday from Wintersvllle Mr.- and Mrs. J. J. Rigdon had Mr. Frazier Shaw of the State
Mr. and Mrs. friends and
Farm, was visiting
fed Saturday, from Fernandina afar N. C., after spending Christmaswith as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. n
Dr. Carroll's parents Mr. and E.Anderson of Brooker Mr. Drew relatives here Sunday.
| spending Christmas. Misses Louise and Agnes Sapp
Mrs. W. M. Carroll Reddish and mother, Mrs. Bill Red- MSTORE'
attended B. Y.
and Edith Conner
and Mr.
dish of Hellbronn Springs
Mrs. S. F. Hamrlck spent the
P. U. here Sunday night
in Sebring with her Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Roane of New and Mrs. Arthur Rigdon of Jack- r't
holidays Mr. Jack Ward of Jacksonville
Orleans La., announce the birth sonville.
Mrs Nell Rampley.Mr.
laughter : spent the week-end here with his
of a son L. L. Roane Jr., Decem- -"- "A__ "
father, Mr.V., C. Ward. I R
returned ber 26th, Mrs. Roane was formerly Mrs. W. E. Mlddleton Mills
Thomas Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Stokes and '
aftermonth's Miss Mabel Edwards. Madge Mlddleton and Miss Hazel children and Cheathcm Peele were
funday\ from Daggett, Mich., family of Baldwin, were visiting
Middleton accompanied by Mr. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Carter
visit with his mother. -
Mr and Mrs. H. M. McRae Sun-
-- Messrs. Willie Gibson and Mal- and Mrs. L. E. Dowling and Miss Thursday night of last week. Steam Pressing Co.--Season's Greetings I
colm McInnis who spent the holi- Mae Jones who after a visit here
Mrs. O. L.. Beasley and Mrs. O. Miss Rosa Mae Norman spent Mr. and Mr!. Leslie McClcllnn
with Mr. and Mrs. T. N.,Kendrick were leaving for Georgia for a vis- ,#
J. Griffn spent Monday; In Jackson- days last week In Waverly the guests spent' Christmas with her parents,
returned to their home in it before returning to their homein I
v1l10. of her sister Mrs. E. D. Drlggera. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Futch near thl') week: Mrs. Chas. Curtis, New
Red N. C., Sunday. Stuart motored to Jacksonville
Springs Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Norman of Lawtey.J. Haven Conn,; Mrs. Alida OlmI -

Mr. J. D. Doyle left Tuesday for Sunday. Vanderbilt were visiting Mr. and E. and R. S. Rosier,wire visitors I stead Torrlngton Conn.; Mr. A. 666

I Tulsa Oklahoma, .where he has accepted Misses Louise Quantock of Red --- ""'f_... Ii M M c Rae Saturda y to Starke SnturdaykMrs. L. OIsn Torrlngton, Conn; Mr. F.
N. C. Kendrick, Mr. and 1 Irs. A. M. Darby had : !. doctor. .
Springs Elizabeth > ; 'Tue.-I a IrvMrrlptlui f rf
[ a position., Mr. Miss Audrey Mcllae spent J. S. Rosier wasj Qltlng C. Gould East Hartford Conn;
Messrs. Willie Gibson and Malcolm as their guests Christmas day OMS' AND IIKAUACIIKHII >
Miss Elise day night with Miss Mildred llc- her daughter Mrs. C. A/Sfrlngle/ Mrs. A. L. Merrill, East Hartford
Rlckenbaker McInnis of Red Springs N. G., and Mrs. D. C. Jones !. tli* muwt peeilf' r.m4l r< fcnowll
Mr. and :Mrs. T. D. of Rae of Crosby Lake. Saturday. Conn.; Mr. and' Mrs.! James Forbes, r
Christmas in Sanford. Jones and Arthur Darby Jones 6(1( also In Tablet
I were shopping In Jacksonville. Frl- spent day Gainesville; Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. H. M. McRae and sons. Ar- Mr. and Mrs. Yarbrough and Burns Ida, Conn.; Mr and Mrs. F ,I

day. '/of DeLand; thur and Owen. Mr. and Mrs. Walter son of DeLeon Springs spent several W. Lord, Toronto Canada; Mrs. J.
and children Marks and daughter
and Mrs. H. Speedy '
Mr anddaughtf'r. Underhill.and family attendedthe days' last week here with Mrs. S. Adam Toronto, Canada; Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brownlee and Mrs. Jack Glllard of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Maguire Capt. and family reunion at Mr. and Mrs Yarbrougu'B parents Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. J. S. Forbes East Hart No Substitute for
Mr. and of Orlando;
land family visited relatives in Jacksonville were.visiting and E. "McRae's of Waldo Thursday. Kersey. ford. Conn.; Mr and Mrs. F. R.

I Gainesville Tuesday, Mrs. A. O. Andreu Sunday after- Mrs.Mr. and C. W.Mrs.Chalker S. L. Peek and sons and,family. Misses Mattle, Ellen and Carrie Rev. L. A. Donnelly of Starke Chlldi, Hartford, Conn; Mr. and Mother Nature '

noon. Dello Norman and !ir. Russell Nor- filled his regular appointment here Mrs. W. O. Forbes Silver Lane,

Mrs. A. II. purden and Miss man and Wculey Harbor "of Vanderbilt Saturday and Sunday. Conn.; Mr. and Mr.. H. A. Dclk Old Mother Nature baa no substitute
Hilda Durden were visitors In Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Canova and were guests of Miss Jennie SJ Q. and B. E. Rosier and Leslie. Miami 1<,,,.; Mr. and Mrs. H. II.
I Mary Ann of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bence of Cambridge when sid .. needed for torpid, constipated (
little daughter, ;
Starke Tuesday.Miss guests last Maude Crosby Sunday McClellan were visitors to Starke Hale, East; Hartford, Conn.
Hushnell spent the week-end with Mass.. were liver. That's why Carter's Little
and r
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Harnage Saturday* A banquet was served In honorof
Estelle Kendrick and Miss Mr. Canova's mother, Mrs. E. E. week of Mrs. Bence's mother of, Mrs.Mr. Mr. Cecil Mann of Montverde and Miss Gertrude RoMer spent a the 67th wedding anniversary of Liver Pills are made out of pure vege
at the home
I Louise Edwards are spending this Canova.J. Lnlla Chase J. Wi Morgan after a Mrs. W. F. Harnape of Umatllla,. few days last week with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes. Thurs- table calomeL Starting thirty-two

(week in Jacksonville with relatives and Mrs.visit to Miami and other east and Mrs. J. D. Dobbs to!, Raiford Mrs. A. B. Rosier near! Lawtey.Mr. day, Jan. 31st.nOOTSEY'S. ounces of bile flowing freely, they
M. leaves Sundayfor short
and friends. .Brownlee week-cud guests of Mr. and and Mrs.
Atlanta where he will resume coast points Mrs. Bence will return were Bryant Redding .- - --- .r... . thoroughly cleanse body of all waste
Mrs. B. M. McRae. and his mother
baby were visiting ,
to Starke for a short Visit Red bottles. All DruggUts. Insist 'i
after spend-
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Matthews and his studies In College Mr.. and Mrs. V. B. Wheeler and :Mrs. H. F. Redding Thursday of
Miss Florence :Matthews were ing the holidays with his parents with her mother. son John of Creatvlew, were last week. by name. Take Carter'

I guests of Mrs. Annie Richard In Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brownlee. Jr. of I. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. N. Bradley and HEACH ---------- -
Mr. Lory D. Register, ;
with, her daughter, Mrs. R. B. .
Jacksonville Christmas. Rae Thursday. children, of Jacksonville, are vis
A. M. Pettit, Mrs. A. J. Lewis, Delaware was a' guest Saturday '
Mrs. of Vanderbilt, Thomas.
Amelia Miss Agnes Sapp ,lUng Mrs. Bradley's parents Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Alvarez and Williams, Mrs. C. A. Williams and of Misses Olive a/id\Starke/ spent the week-end here with and Mrs. Kersey. Mrs E. W. Hosier and childrenof Miss Martha Groover of Jacksonville .

family and Mrs. M. H. Lang of Miss Rilla Sowler of Alachua were Ray. Lory is a former, and boy has Misses Edna and Thelma Lewis. 1 ..... .. ) Jacksonville, are visiting relatives is spending a while herewith
H. S.
I Jacksonville, spent new year,* guests, of Senator and Mrs. E. M. who attended the Duringthe Mr.' and Mrs. Newn Mott of here this week. her mother, Mrs. J. H. Kelley. '

with Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Moore. Johns Wednesday.Mrs. made World good War in the he served In the Hellbronn. were vlHlting Mr. and Miss Abbie and Fena_n _Powell_ ___ and____ I I I Mr. J. W Lewis and' son L. O.,

Mrs. Ned Lewis Thursday HAMPTON Mr' Charlie Gasklns of Doctors Inlet 'were attending to business in
Mr. and Mrs. R. W' :Mills and J. C. Adklns. Mrs. M. M.Parrlsh U. S. Navy, and is!' now .engaged in Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Crosby were HIM Ada NlmMo' C... spent last week here with Mrs. Starke Tuesday.

daughter of Jacksonville were Mrs. O. B. Ogletree, Mrs. radio work in Delaware.Mr. i guests of Mr.' and Mrs. Marion Jean Gasklns and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Thomas and

[guests of Mr. and Mrs..F F. Flume, Gordon Schwalbe Mrs. Fletcher C. White Reddish of Lawte Thursday." Rev. McGauley of Starke preached Mrs. J. I' .. Can kins and children daughter, Miss Hazel, spent the
Mrs. George
Black of Gainesville and
Burnett and Mrs. : Miss Lillian Kelley returned to and Miss Frankie Lou Murrhee I
during the holidays. Ad- dinner party on at the Baptist church last Sun- holidays at Fairbanks with Mrs.
were guests of Mrs. AZ. gave a family her home Saturday after spendingthe spent Christmas at Bellmore with Thomas'
Christmas day their guests being: day morning and evening. I mother, Mra. E. Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edwards Lu- kins Tuesday., Rev. L. G. Ray of Dlnsmore and holidays In Tampa"with her uncle Mrs. M. E. Manire has recently relatives.Mr. Mr. and Mra. Clyde Kelley spent ;
cile Edwards and Mrs. E. C. and Mrs. L. C. Ray : Mr. Joe Kelley, been visiting friends and relativesIn and Mrs. R. N. Crawford and Thursday afternoon here with Mr.Kelley's .
and Mr.
J. Davis Hilliard
George spent Saturday In Jackson Mr. and Mr* R. Miss Cassie Mr. Paul Alvarez of North Carolina Starke. son Robert, were visitors to father Mr. J. H. Kelley.
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ,
ville. daughters. were guests and Mrs. Olin W. White spent several days here with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Delk and Starke' Monday. Mr. H. E. Thomas of Jacksonville -
Mrs. C. C. Tatum of St. Augustine White Mr with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. :M. Rhoden spent
and Etholln, Dorothy daughter, of Palm Beach, visited spent last Saturday here
Mrs. L. A.., Reynolds returned to Christmas day. They were accompanied children Jr. Misses Olive Miss Tereasa Bennett, who has here during the holidays. Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Wells and Olin ,
I her home in Raleigh N. C.. Saturday home by :Mrs. Carol' been teaching school here left n. B. Halle of East Hartford r... M. Murrhee.Mr. B. Thomas.Mr. .

afte spending the holidays Tatum, Mrs. Davis' mother who and Amelia Ray.SAMPSON Monday for Clearwater where she Conn., who has been a guest of and Mrs. Jim Rosier and and' Mrs. Lawrence Wiggins

|with her mother Mrs. XI E. Johns. spent several days here. will visit relatives.Mr. Hotel Hampton for several days children, spent Christmas at Island and son of Clayno were attending

"- and and Mrs. J. L. Conner and left last Monday for New Orleans, Grove. to business In Starke Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brownlee Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, Mr. family and Mr.' and Mrs. Zary La. ,Mr. Joahaway Groover spent the

land Mary Brownlee returned from Mrs. W. O. Davis and daughters, CITY Crawford attended the family reunion Mr and Mrs. A. I. Gould of holidays with his mother, Mrs. J.

I Miami Sunday where they spent Misses Emily and Helen, and their Mrs. film ClM Them. Cor. at Mr and Mrs.. L. L. Con- Sharps visited here this week.F. ZIFF U. Kelley.
returned to
I Christmas. Emily Harper ner's of Vanderbllt Thursday.EVEKGKEEN . L. Ogleiby of North Carolina Mr.' Willie Wainwright of Starke
:r homes in Clover S. C., after spend MU. 0..1 for.'
ing the holidays with Mr. and I The box supper that was given spent the holidays with his family was In our section Saturday.

Kendrick. I Dec. 20 was very Igood. The proceeds here.Mrs. I
T. N.
CENT A WORD Mrs. were $33.10. and will be used H. B. Wiggins has as her Services were held at Rock .

Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Lowry. Dr. for the benefit of the church. that. guest this week her sister, Mrs. ,church Saturday and Sunday by WOODMEN ClnCLENO.
V.A. n./r.
HI'' Smith of Newark, N. J. the pastor Elder Anderson of
be soon.
G. P. Raymond and Rev. W. F. will ..
COLUMNNO Jones visited Penney Farms and I Those who enj.yed a visit to Mr. John Sparkman of Plant Brooker.Mr. INSTALLATION \NQUET
Heights Monday and Herb Thomas' hunting camp at Mr. and Mrs. Le' irman and City spent the week-end with his Canova and Hollis Knightof -

TRESPASSING for rent. for Tuesday Keystone to secure: speakers for the Cross City this week were: Messrs. children of Vanderb! pent Sunday mother, Mrs. Elsie Sparkman.P. .Starke, spent Thursday afternoon All Woodmen Circle member are

sale cards at this office. week of W. H. Smith K. A. Smith Lewis with B. E. Rosl' ad mother.. J. Pearce and family of In our section. requested to be present at the Laatallation j

prayer. Parrish. Lem Brown and Speedy Cheathem Pecle nt several Starke, were the guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Delatha Starlingand of officers and enjoy the

[CREW MANAGER AND TWENTY and vi Mr. Willie Gibson :Mr. Malcolm Sullivan. All report a nice time. days last week here r> relatives. Pearce's sister Mrs. R. M. Faver children of Alachua, spent the banquet. The joint Installationwill

Sales ladies Starke All Mclnnia, of .Red Springs, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Nlram Wynn of Mrs. Willie Reddind children this week. holidays here with Mrs. Starling's be at the Woman's Club Friday

cinity. Household necessities.Exclusive Miss Elisabeth Kendrick and Miss Hampton and daughter/Mrs. Clarence and Mrs. J. S. Sapp
year demand. Repeat sales.Chemical Grace Wood visited Gainesville and Roberts of Lake Butler, were were visiting their t.: ler, :Mrs. J. visited Mrs. Bishops father, as.Mrs. of both orders from different

territory.. :Marvel, the state farm Friday afternoon visiting relatives here Sunday S. Rosier Thursday --rnoon A. M. Williams this week. E. Howard of Fairbanks parts of the state will be honored

Co., Box '925 Gainesville.Fla 12-25-3t* and Saturday afternoon. I s Mr. and Mr- 1*. C. Thomas of Mr. and :Mrs. R. Rosier ands Arrival at the Hampton :Hotel 1 spent the last of this week here guests.


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_ __ ----- -"
-"------- -- --- -
._ . u ': Frosts have taken much of last ,Farmers Advised add 100 pounds ot-lime
week's picking. Dade county was water
about through shipping and Port Year stock solutions will ker '
Start Crop
FARM NEWS SECTION Mayaca which had moved 53 cars rijzcr O I IIL to dry provided out they' are *d
was working on Its last one on I When II s0
Wednesday of this last week. Ship- made the level of Ute top!

ments will continue light the rest LJ ITre L D. reGoar. V. L should be marked on the

II Conducted By of the month. The south Florida .........tow- Gainesville, Fla.-With the water kept up to I that
Agent ,Dr. r..c- .. a pad__ c6 Oatat. solutions
t. L. OVER. main crop was sot hurt by the V4ltartaaryCoUesa1tt92Thhty-eightyesea citement of Christmas over, now should be

MISS PEARL JORDAN, Home Demonstration Agent frost and is about two-thirds veterlaalT m*>k- Eminent authority OH dlaeaSM tied excellent time for farmers to before any u taken
planted in Dade and ,Broward gaLalsg of dairyeows. otJaer U..tocke aDd ..-I, 7. lfadaDaIlJ'Itnowa cide to make 1931 a business not use the same stick\
counties and two-fifths of the Collier leetDJreI'o salter and aotbcr. and begin by taking an solutions.

Estimate acreage IB set Plantings win or deciding on a definite date cases it ii Ie eonvenlellt
Government continue into January. Article XX and winter which cannot be helped.But taking one, Dr C. V. Noble, able to, build a III1xInC

The present outlook is for GUARDING TIlE DAIRY by stabling the cows early, cultural economist at the He suggested bulliUn.

Florida Frost Damage about 14.000 acres in Broward, HERO AGAINST COLD protecting them from storms and Experiment Station says. high enough that

I Collier Dade. and Lee counties.Lee cold this falling off can be held to Dr.. Noble-realI.ze8 that there solution will flow In the

ra county has just begun shipping Bad Weather Will Cause Immediate a minimum no one date best for all tank and a smaller phi
cariots of tomatoes of good and Costly Reduction la Extra care In feeding during the this so that the two
,, Lake Okewhob Region ShowsHeavy on the Lake. Replanting of land I farmer to take Inventories. atock
Percentage of Warm on the rim of the lake and on the quality and has about 1,000 acres Milk Which Cannot Be cold season is of prime Importance. general farmers of north may be allowed to Bow

t Weather Crop Damaged islands has already begun and In the county. Two or three cars Recovered.As As one writer has pointed out. a January 1 Is perhaps the best &

probably there will be 2,000 acres a day are moving from this sec I good dairy cow is one of the hard- For citrus growers a date each of the stock soiu.

Orlando Fla., Dec. 26.-The following seeded. Broward county has about tion. this Is being written a storm est worked animals on the farm. It harvest is completed would be half of the amount of

. L truck crop report was Issued 3.000 acre* left and will plant 1- "There will be considerable in- Is raging outside my home. Just I has been estimated that a cow producing For '''truck growers, the best be made. The two sohi.'

late last week from the Unit- 000 to 1.300 more It they can get a crease in plantings of green peasIn now it is snowing. This morning five gallons of milk a day would be after the biggest then be poured into *

ed States Department of Agriculture good ram. The growing crop needsa the Lake section over last year's, it was raining. A cold northwest does as much actual labor as i a are marketed.He both at the same

Bureau of Agricultural Economics good rain to mature it Move- plantings. There are probably 400, wind Is blowing. The streets are 1500-pound horse at heavy work. explained that a farm ,liquid should be care

with headquarters In this ment at present is light but will to 6OO acres that came through the' filed with slush, the trees are That is a little bard to believe tory la simply a list of I to prevent stopping

y city This Is the first government increase considerably this week. cold weather without damage and bending under the weight of icy until you stop and analyze It for a and liabilities. Resources apparatus. U the

1 report on the truck conditions in ,"Movement of Florida cabbageis look good. Seedmen report increased coverings, and sidewalks are as moment A horse draws heavy include such items as real I cannot be used, the

the state of Florida since the frost Increasing, acreage being harvested sales of pea seed after the frost dangerous as a newly waxed floor. loads, works in the field all day, livestock, feeds and seed all solution may be pour

1 of December 9 and 14. It gives a in all sections except Sum- and growers are talking peas and Somehow my"mind wanders out travels miles under harness. A cow plies, machinery, crops in spray tank and the di

very comprehensive view of the ter, Marton and Alachua counties, cabbage. There will probably be over the countryside to pasturesand leads a lazy life In comparison.But mortgages, and cash on hand or solution slowly
situation and what may be expected which will begin soon after the from 1,200 to 1,:>00 acres plantedby barnyards and sheds and straw do not forget that a cow is bank. Liabilities should include

; In the way of shipments during first of January. The crop as a the middle of January. A few stacks. I see cattle huddled against using up a tremendous amount of debts, notes and mortgages used most Is the
the coming weeks until the mid- whole Is In good condition but express lots are being shipped. any kind of shelter they can find, physical energy. She consumes the farm. make 60> gallons of the!

winter crops are ready for harvest needs rain In most localities. Setting Carlot Shipments their poor feet slipping and sliding huge amounts of food, many times One of the advantages of an use 25 gallons of each of

p 'The weather during the first t of plants continues in all dis Beans. over the treacherous Ice. How I more than a horse. That food is ventory Is that It shows the solutions, which will

h two, weeks In December has been tricts. Shipments up to last Sat. __1,211 wish they might all be In warm converted into milk, which means worth at the time the Inventory pounds of bluestone and

cold: and, rainfall' has been below 'The first cars of celery were I For same period 192& ______ 715 barns, with an extra thickness of work just the" same as. pulling a taken. Two inventories will of lime respectively.

normal. Moat trucking sections shipped last week from Sarasota' For week ending Dec. 20 21 bedding for the night, with every load.Along whether or not the business

} need rain and crops on high landsIn and up to the end of last week 28' For same week last year'__. 204 crack and crevice filled, storm windows I with proper housing goes making or losing money. An
non-irrigated sections are suf- cars bad moved. There will be First tour days this week __ 7 locked tight and everything :proper feeding as a'means of protection ventory is the basis for all OF FINAL DISCHIKGB

fering. The more hardy vegetables probably 25 to 30 more jars ship' For same days last year ____ 25 possible done to make them com- against weather changes.We accounting and it furnishes of'"U -
have been benefltted by the cool ped before the first of tae year. Total to Thursday this week.1,218 ; fortable. will have a good deal to say ground work for any kind of l Is hereby given that slitr

+ weather but tender crops have suffered The Manatee and Sanford crops Cabbage The above protection 'Is essential about feed in subsequent articles. it statement. It is also a r date of February hereof on 1931 to., I"II tin!;

severely In most localities. are In good condition and will begin Shipments up to last Sat.___ 103 In all the northern and central portions The point we are interested in list of property for use in case Administratrix of the
Killing frosts of the early part. of to move around January 1. For same period in 1929 -__ 33 of the United States while in right now Is a proper balance of adjusting fire insurance or In M.voucher Harrell and

December and early this week hit "There are few eggplants left For week ending Dec.: 20____ 05 : the extreme south,, a dry shed with 'rations during the time the cows tling an estate. the Honorable Can A.

mostly: In southeast Florida doing In the state, the largest planting For same week last year..___' 24 tight north and west walls will are off of pasture, and confined. to Free blank forms with full County, and Judge auk of for Bradford his
.1 d the most damage to beans In the being about 300 acres at Ft. My- First four days this week ___ 9For usually suffice.* ,as protection stables because of cold. tails for taking the inventory, my discharge aa aa"l1

Lake Ok'eechobee region which had ers, which Is growing excellenty. same days last year __? 2 'against storms) t winter. The cow must have plenty ol well as similar forms for day. of Derember. Itio
escaped In November. A severe Picking has begun and carlots will :Total to Thursday this week. 112 And I wish for,.,all that not alone bulk In her rations at all times because -' ctsh accounts, can be secured MRS. Ut'LAH HAftniiLU
,i d,'+, frost the night of December 9 followed begin next week. Celery because of my affection and sym she Is built that way. In the writing the Florida Admln\\ tralrlc.:

l by another on December 14 "There are still plenty of pep- Shipments up to last Sat __-: 28 pathy for animals, but because I summer time grass is consumed, Station Gainesville. .
h killed and damaged 85 to 90 per pers left in the state, in spite of For same period in 1929 ___. 25 inow( that unless the cows are protected which Is bulky. In the winter -
cent of the beans potatoes, tomatoes frost damage in November to central For week ending Dec. 20___' 27 their milk will fall off at an cow may get all the food value she ;: NOTICE OP S1I.K

and peppers. Only peas, cabbage Florida plantings. Florida has For same week last year ___ 25: alarming rate. needs in the grain she eats, but Specialist Gives notice-Is Riven that under

lettuce, and celery escaped shipped 344 cars to December 13 First four days this week __ The.,dairy cow of today can be unless there la enough roughage to Hints For MakingBordeaux of that certain find
t with little injury. In Broward this year compared with 69 cars For same days last year ___ 6 compared to a delicate piece of go along with that grain It will not Foreclosure made by l tin
the 2ftth
Judicial Circuit
s. count: >4 10 to 15 per cent of the for the same period last year. Sol Total to Thursday this week28 machinery. She has been experimented satisfy the appetite. Furthermore, Bradford County: Florida
4 +1 beans and 2 per cent of the pep. id cars are moving from Palmetto, Cucumbers with and improved upon by the digestive organs will not be .'on the 24th day of No,
I>.. In favor of
pen were killed or severely injured. Wauchula, Ft Myers, Winter Garden Shipments up to last Sat. __ 308 means\ of selective breeding until able to change that grain into milk Gainesville, Fla.-of all the Rank 1930 of Columbia the, a

In Dade county, tomatoes on and will reach carlot Intensityat for same period in 1929 ,4... 163 she la today the ,;most efficient, and unless it has the roughage to helpIn gicides used by Florida fruit and ngalnnt Mrs. Julia
the Plneland were severaly hit but Pompano this coming week. for week ending Dec. 20 .__ 3 naturally the most sensitive, Instrument the process. vegetable growers It Is !.. .. National, O. C. Kelly Farm, and Loan the

e harvest on this fall acreage was There are about 2,:>00 acres planted For same week last year __ 7 we have for manufacturing It Is a well known fact that In that Bordeaux mixture is defendants The undcr-

'; nearing completion and the resulting in Broward county this year First four days this week __ milk. herds where the same grain ration most. For the benefit of special Fell at mauler the front will ofl door>r

; ,4 loss was not heavy. The main compared with 1,800 in 1929. 'or.uame days last year ____ 2'otal Therefore it la not only Inhuman, Is fed, the cows which give the farmers who wish to use house In Htnrke, Flor-
crop of tomatoes was not hurt. "Shipments of lettuce escarole eat Dr. G. F Weber, associate the legal hours of sale.
j to Thursday this week. 308 but plain neglect of good business most milk are the ones which January Gth, 1931, t*
S There was no Injury at Winter and romaine are heavy and will Lettuce principles, to allow a dairy cow to the most forage. pathologist with the Florida and bent bidder for cash

Garden, Sanford, Palmetto, Fort continue in a good volume until Shipments up to last Sat___ 154 suffer from cold and wet and the A good rule to follow is to give pertinent Station, has made 1 : described in liradford property county ly,

, Myers, nor to the tomatoes In Collier the middle of January. Plantings For same period in 1929 ___ 169 many Inconveniences of the winter the cows all the roughage they gestions for preparing the -

county. are in good condition and qualityhas For week ending Dec. 20 ____ 97 season. The inevitable resultis will eat, and add to It an amount ture. of.. Section quarter of Fifteen Southwest((151)
""Shipments of beans dropped been srood.: Prices have been For same week last year ___ 56 less milk. of grain that is necessary to meet If a large amount of spraying Seven South, Rang

d v smartly following the frosts In the I poor to t Palmetto, Sanford, "irst-four days this week7 ," There is normal decline each fall the nutritive requirements. to be done he advised making of) East Southeast?East quarter Fourteen of.

A Everglades as the Broward county and Winter Garden have been For same days last year ___ 12 stock solutions. Stock solution quarrrr of Section six
crop is just starting and a few shipping most of r the lettuce,, escarole Total to Thursday this week. 161 should be made by dissolving Townehln' Seven Rant(7)lean South Six:
; .cars are expected this week. Occasional and romaine. pounds of bluestone in CO North End. Unit
Peppers on
'k cars of cucumbers are "The south Florida potato acreage Hints To HousewivesWeekly of water. Put the chemical in (14) acres of Northeast
Shipments up to last Sat. __ 456 of Sec
;t still being shipped from Verb has been decreased slightly under ? For same period in 1929 _. 118 [ !? ] clean bag and suspend it In Northeast,.- (81)quarter Township Pnv-

a Beach and Ft Myers, but this deal last year and while planting For week ending Dec 20_. 106 Home Demonstra tlon Specialists, Tallahassee top of the barrel, and it will .Range Twenty of North-(JO)
ti Is over. Express shipments of will continue through January, For same week last year __ 46 solve over night Metal of Section Twenty-
eggplants are starting from Fort most of the Red Bliss ire already ers will corrode and should not Seven' (7) South,
fi First four days this week __ 6 HOME IMPROVEMENTThe happy in their healthful, convenient ,. (20) East less tan.
? Myers, and solid cars will move planted and some la used.
acreage being
For containing
same days last year __' 14 I and beautiful country homes (12) acres
next week. Solid carloads of pep- harvested At Belle Glade, where Total Stock solution B is made lrrelrate Ninety (90) acres
to Thursday this week. 462 people who seem to feel depression that they will want to remain In FRAZ15B.
s pers are being loaded at Ft. My frost cut down the vines on the fall slaking 50 pounds of lime rock J,1. Master
TomatoesShipments the least, and who talk : the country Instead of moving to Special
4, ers, Palmetto and Winter Garden tickings{ the crop la ready for dig- diluting it to 50 gallons of ,
up to last Sat.,.,_ 263 the least about it, are the ones ; town and cities at the first opportunity ; '
and is starting ging and some has already If hydrated lime la used instead
i express acreage For erlod I ;12.5.5f-1.2.
sam in 1929 __. 14 who are on the soil and in the farm .
ehlpmenta from its large been Seed has been /
acreage."A dug. planted For wee* ending Dec. 20___ 78 Homes; who are producing their Virginia p Moore. .., ,
I ; - --- - - -- -
few of Red Bliss in Hardee
cars new yet Hlllsborougb De-
1 For same week last year 5 feed and food, and the ones who ,
have been from Soto and .
potatoes shipped Manatee, nor has plantIng -
'i # First four days this week 30 buy wisely the clothingand '
r south Florida where Is being been necessary New Bulletin Gives
In other south
acreage completed
! For same days last year .... 4 up-keep for the homes. Strawberry Plants of QualityIn
at Belle Glade but Florida
dug shipments counties. Planting of the Hints
Total to Thursday this week. 293 for SuccessIn
y? will be light until after the main crop in north Florida has be- Vegetable Plan to Fill a Want

first of January. The fall acreage gun at Federal Point, the earliest Many women are beginning to Growing Roses
Shipments to last Sat'
of tomatoes is cleaned section. up _1,251 ., our 51 years as plant growers this Is the shortest
;Y being up on Indications are at present For think of budgeting their time, and I
same period In 1929 _,_ ,,626
Gainesville Fla.-The best time crop of plants we have ever produced Its not over 85 percent
the east coast and carlot shipments that there will be a substantial cut For week budgeting the income and ex ,
1' started last week front Ft. Myers. In acreage from last year. endingDec.. 20._ 158 penses. There Is no better way for planting roses Is in Decemberor normal over the entire country. Quality of plants
week last _
same __ 151
4 Strawberry movement of pony refrigerators "Cold weather and frosts have First four days this year week__ 24 for, a woman to begin a budget January, when they are most the best ever-we are,now making shipments Into your
la still but should the dormant A lot of helpful Information section.
light deplayed picking of strawberries For !than to really want something hi'ler
Increase materially the last of the and shipments continue light Total same to days last year -_ 35 home In the'>way of improve- to rose lovers, about plantIng Missionary 1000 to 6000, $3.50 per thousand; 10-
month. The plants need rain which woulddo Thursday this week-1,275 ments and work towards getting as weU as the other Important 000 or over 93.25. See our agents and place order. Our

y "Beans are scarce and good much to speed up the picking. in extra supply of money In orderto steps, is contained In Bulletin 59 catalog Is free for the asking.

+ beans are scarcer.: : There are probably "The harvesting of the fall cropof I I accomplish this end. Sometimes Rose Grpwing-just issued by Agents: Brownlee Bros., A. 3. Thomas and Ray New-

not over 600 to 700 acres left tomatoes is about completed.'p WKUF FARM PROGRAM by economizing every member of ,, the Florida Agricultural Extension som. See them and place order ''early to make sore of
I "The Voice of Florida" I Service. wants. We will hold your order.I.A.BAUER.
----------- the family cooperating In this
: they can begin to Some of the suggestions In this
aconomy; save up
And the Worst is Yet to Comet here and there by raising bulletin are: Plant the bush varieties -
Gainesville, Fla.-The Florida '
a. litter of pigs, flock of poul- in a bed and two to two anda
r farm hour from WRUF state radio -
halt feet but the
apart, give
try or a good garden, and soon
station here will next week present have a sufficient amount for that climbers more distance. Bud or The Strawberry Plant Man Jodsonla. Ark. Box :U

many helpful talks about new stove, running water in the graft on Texas Wax stock Break
farm work for the new year. The the ground deep and fertilize with ..
home, lights, paint on the house, .
programs will begin at 12:15.: eastern -
well-rotted bone
Improvements in remodeling, and manure or meal I
standard time, each week day, even a new home. before planting. Select a location
and those scheduled for next week, where there is at least three or
as announced by the Agrlc'J'uralExtension Cooperate. four hours,of aim each day. Give BROWNLEE BROS.,'Starke, Fla.

Service, are listed here. Women who are undertakingthe plenty of water, and fertilize twoor v,
Sat., Jan. 3--Florida Farm News home Improvement project three times during the growing
and Hints. U. S. Farm Science should first get the cooperation of season. Set the plants no deeper G. W. ROBERTS, Lau
lid Snapshots. their husbands and children. Home than they stood in the nurseryrow.

If/II Mon., Jan. 5-What the North Improvement Is not solely a wom- Prune only enough to remove
Florida Farmers' 1931 Plans an's Job but it la something in weak wood and keep the plant' in
Should Be-J. Lee Smith. Bill and which the whole family should co good shape. Give the heaviest THERE'S

t r" ,\be. The Sanitation System to operate. pruning when the plants are dormant profit in knowing
Save Pigs from Worms-W. J. Think Out Definite Plan Plant numbers'
a of individuals
t Sheely, One of the best ways of starting of each variety togetherto where to get what :you want

-. Tues., Jan. 6-How to Keep towards: home improvement Is to get a mass effect of the same when
{t Worms Out of Peaches and PlumsJ. plan and think the plan through.The color and characteristics. Replace Well Be you want
R. Watson. Farm Question ones who are not familiar with weak
i unthrifty plants that are it. Full stocks
: assure
the questions to 'make thinkon
/ Box.Wed. one two or more years old with young
., Jan. Growing Azeleas home Improvement should ask vigorous ones. Watch' for black On Time r deliveries

( ,t t I and Camellias In Florida--Major their county home demonstration spot the ever-present rose disease, prompt
h /1 iV. L. Floyd. Around the CrossRoads agents or write to- the State Home and with a good fungicide.
f spray
ha of Fertilizers
I, Store. Primer for Town Demonstration office at Tallahassee The bulletin contains: a discussion Bradley
Farmer for these questions. Beginmaking of the author's choice dozen
Thurs. Jan. ,"' "AAQUAUTY"( ) A grade
Topworkingand plans on one definite line roses, many of which are pictured, '
Pruning Pecan Trees-Q. H. of home Improvement for 1931. As and discussion and pictures of i
Blackmon. Your Farm Reporterat soon as one thing is accomplishedthere other leading varieties for Florida. i ,for every crop and soil con

rp Washington. will be other improvements A free copy can be obtaned from
Fri., Jan. 9--Breed Cows Now that you will begin to plan for. Do the Agricultural Extension Serviceat dition. And more profit for

lor Fall Flow of Milk-Hamlln L. your patriotic' duty by establishing Gainesville.
Brown. Bill and Abe. Production at least one definite demon every single dollar you invest.

of Milk and Cream in Marion stration in your home hi 1931. Experiment Stations of the Unit

yip county-C. H. Norton. I Let us visualize beauty, con- ed States carried on 7,000 lines of

venience, thrift cooperation In the ,research Work In 1930.
St Augustine-Miniature golf family, and the live-at-home program gmnntff BRADLEY'SFERTILIZERS

course tot to be located on Magnolia and link up production and : Lake Worth Traffic signs be- YearQ.. fittvtrylag. "

e conservation with the home Improvement ing painted in city.
..-' Palmetto Surprise Oil Cc, organized planning. Then we will Orlando Florida Motor Lines
here with capitalisation of stop thinking hard times, and we and affiliated companies moved of-
$50.000. will have the girl and boys so flees from Boston to this city.

.a, iT1+ S;fi. ',t' ..; .&y,." , i'1; '" .....M I. I
: _",_ /! 't<".' it
:- (; \\P "

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t DAY. JANUARY 2, 1831 .

__. _' BRADFORD_COUNTY_.-. TELKGRAPII.-STARKE. FLORIDA ..___ ._ _....._._..'-'__"-_ __- -_.__ .-- '-.. -' PAGEFtEVENa -. . I
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Result of Co-operation k z t


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-'J" i .:" fi Community development depends upon working one with another for the benefit all. ,;:';,t,, :'


The results of co-operation will be more civic improvements, finer schools, greater religious'

activity, ,higher morals, and better: business. Afl these things directly affect the people of this

entire community. d e


Real prosperity will have come to us by having developed the community spirit in Starke. ., .-

It will bring about individual prosperity, happiness i, and contentment to every resident 9t' '

'. > . '.
this ,) )
community.: '-, .-:, ,. ,', '. ' ';.'. ; '', i' 'i' ; '.
.'/, ,;.. ..,,. '> .. .. s ... ,7 r1 1,.6, ..,, ,1,. ., .",", " \ 't' ., :.r LW' .
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<: .' :' <,I,,, ; . ,,' ,, GET ,T} COMMUNITY SPIRIT,"' :, .t' :':': 'j-:, :t';:. "};;1! :

p, ; '" .. .;" ...,1(., ,' '. "
I ,,', :' /:.' I Ir / '.'I :,."'.', l J, ,' I .,!

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: r ', II 'dt'tr? .**'"i-T&, yi. k''i 1.i.'r.,',_'.*..11A....A.-.T':?' Lt-'f .-..1. .+-j ,1.a.,lyp'S4.A.M-T'- .-T A. Kaf ZZLJ...._Y'ulE,a 3ijti.j ZLj-ij-L rii/titi,11'."w**,v j ji.ujjjiii( .xi.ii.ft.A *. T lAl,1.*. n,,'....j.,, &&fcj a r f {' f,

irMWW'WMSlWW- "(WWW i 1*IXWiWi'J/ I

I, ,\ \GEEIflIIT. .... -- .- -- ---,--- .___. ,__ --c ; ,___.. ___,_____- --- -- -.- -- --------- -- --- _. ..- --- -.____ . .. _-J._-._ _ - ----,-- --JA-TT-. -,:.\ 1 I
--- .,. ...-,-,- .... .. ."" .....- --. I 01MB;LA WR AIWI ; $24,752.63 spent to operate the de- and! peace Justices, --
Bradford County Telegraph i BROKEN BY 123 partment. As a result of the
i ,' From O flier Pens I m eo I, decision, efforts 5f .a tUprellle tlces
-j' Established 1877 Game wardens brought 122 persons peace and constable d
i collect
I 9mm immmmmummmmmmmmimm I -11-i -'C eiterBo. I i into court for violating the STATE FLAG RULES creased fees allowed,

Published Weekly on Fridays and Entered as Second Class Turkeys are getting down to the I I game fish and trapping laws dur- holders under acts Jf thehn ''lISt h

Matter at the Post Office at Starke, Florida white bacon class.Starke Tele- l ling the month- of November It is If the laws were strictly observed legislative sessions hl1ve talle4
I Sure are when they can be :Wash. Dec. 19, 1930. .
i Publisher graph. Spokane reported by Commissioner Wood- there would be more Stars and -
4 j 4 I E. S. Matthews Owner and bought at less than 20 cents per Messrs. E. S. ,Matthews, andJ. ward. Stripes floating in all parts of SOME FROST DAM

1 > _____ Managing Editor pound.--Bronson Journal.o C. Robinson \CE
J. C. Robinson --- n Arrests were made in 32 counties Florida, according to a letter from AT FJLOUll.\
The Telegraph, Attorney General Fred H Davis _. |1'01.
as follows: Dade county, 17; ,
r \ SUBSCRIPTION' RATE Traffic on state road 28 is increasing Starke, Fla.Brothers e Jefferson, 12; Hendry, 11; Taylor, to an inquirer. Jacksonville, Fla, Dec 26
dally.-Starke Telegraph. : 10; Hernando 9; Gulf 7; Calhoun, Florida law requires that the ports coming in from
: 1 Yearly, $1.50; Six Months, 75c-Payable In Advance Where does that road lead to- Tho we have not met, yet I have Columbia, Lafayette Liberty, and flag of the United States be displayed tricU Indicate that the groWilIg frost

d Advertising Rates on ApplicationMake Raiford or Chattahoochee?-Del- that acquainted feeling.each week Reading(and I Manatee, 4 each; Bay, Brevard daily, weather permitting, this week damaged truck III''
f i --I ray Beach Hammer. your "Telegraph"at the Dixie Escambia, Leon Osceola, atop the state capitol, county court considerably In some Placet
" peeling my eye
-o- and St. Johns, 3 each; Santa Rosa houses, state educational buildingsand cadla reports peppers 4!
1931 one of the best for Bradford. the wrapper) just gives!. one dalllaged
+ The Starke Telegraph' brags that "feel. and Seminole 2 each; Calhoun, all county school buildings, per cent, most eggplants and
of Citrus Collier, Franklin Hardee, the attorney general advised. killed and pA
0 about about the first strawberry I Now this strawberry and the ex- cabbage uninjured Ra 1
New Year resolutions may survive this week. the season. But, thunder, the one treme publicity you give It impels Jackson, Madison, Palm Beach, -1 chula reports: virtually all w
1 to do the bragging is the one able me to say that J. fear your en- PoI!:, Union-Volusla and Washington CONSTABLES NOT INCLUDED tables killed and 75 per cent(If
1 ea to buy It.-Delray Beach Hammer. thusiasm about it will mislead you one each.Charges strawberry bloom frozen hi,
; -1 OHere's ----- included violations 'of Constables and justices of the Lucie county damage
week. wag nl
at least
during courtesy into convincing yourselvesthat
Rolling pins are barred a suggestion: Why not you have the one and only the hunting laws, violating fishing peace are not entitled to increased glble. Winter Garden reportTil\

o take the Christmas presents you really delicious fruit-article in the laws, violating trapping laws and Tees allowed sheriff's clerks, the tie, If any, damage. At Forty,

Florida autemobilists have been given five days of grace.A do not want and use them for world. Perish the thought! illegal possession of furs. 'with 60 supreme held recently. ers the loss was 3 to 4 per |
prizes at bridge games?Times- Like Judge Lindsay in the cases against violators of the bunt- While there is a law which says Canal Point reports that ifTf
o Union. Everybody's doing it. Methodist Bishop's New York ing laws. fees of constables shall be the damage occurred it was cauwd-,
chain store will sell you most anything except a chain. -o-- meetin' afew days ago, I arise to Of the 122 cases the department same as those of sheriffs for simIlar high cold winds but no frost P H
o Nothing arouses, a wife's curiosity challenge the. idea. reports 61 convictions, 02 cases services and fees for justicesof pano reports no damage, ClewuJf
this so much as seeing her husband -' ,My, extreme earnestness in this still pending, 8 dismissed and one the peace shall be the same as no damage and Sanford very t
Christmas spirits did not spoil the Christmas. spirit smile in his sleep.-Hillyard matter is substantiated by the fact bond forfeited. those of clerks of the circuit court tie damage. '

time. (Wash.) News. A wise man will I' that I have spent some of my hard- During November Mr. Wood for similar services, the court cited .

7 i do his sleeping in the dark, then., earned ,(these republican timed) ward reports collections from all more recent legislation to overrulethe Let the woodland burn andA'"J

'Ii In case you don: know. it a podiatrist is a friend of pedes- Exchange--0-urges readers to consider I Washington money to buy product you a which sample is of ad-a sources amounting $887.90, with contention of the constables let dollars go up in smoke.

r trians. stars. That's what the theatres
mittedly an improvement over the
e------ are used for.-Starke Tele- article that caused Adam to get
Does that include the
The new year is being ushered in with announcement pf in graph.the milky-way?--Delray Beach himself in -such a jam. Bear in Fiftieth
mind that yowr-strawberry, tempt- Semi-Annual StatementOF
fet mergers. ing as it may be, never led any
f o o man to sacrifice\ ;,51 Garden of Eden
Starke states that the
Telegraph -
s You can't go wrong in having the Telegraph come to you modern miss does not use her bungalow just, to sink his teeth Into THE
the fruit and close his eyes in
4 each week during 1931. stockings for banking. Well, any- ecstasy while'he did the masticating

o way, since longer dresses have !- ..

i advises moving. It's hard come into vogue, they wouldn't In short J am sending you br
One writer to keep money show their roll, If they dld.-New BANK OF STARKE
express a small box of apples, a
enough to keep as it is. so Port.lUchey Press. Washington,treat:which I believe

-- will give a finishing: touch to your ,

Remote control has been perfected for almost all mat law Food for thought the last: Nearly every Christmas delights Truly, with .
passed by legislatureto
best wishes of the season I am,.
{ chines except a husband. be tested In the courts has Fraternally yours ,

w oDon't - been declared invalid. Starke WILL W. SIMPSON, During the just closed the Bank of Starke has 'had'
Telegraph. There was nothing, valid year oppor-
around the
from News
wait for good times to come cor- Eclitor./Inland Empire
about the last legislature. Hlllyard, Washington. tunity to do large service to its community, and we feel proud in

W : ner. Meet him half way -- Green Cove--Springs- _Times.. ,:\ 'times, having fully met the obligation of performing this helpful service.
o '
i, It's hard to admit you
1, Road 28 has good drainage ditches; the surfacing shohlil Life may be just what we makeIt Slave"been harboring a mistaken
but cannot live alone and the
one Idea for years but one is supposedto Through instrumentality and co-operation of this Bank our
not be "ditched" any longer friends really make Starke our lives what. feel better after getting such County Schools have been able to go ahead uninterruptedly and
they are.
o' admission out of his system That
C teachers have
N means that In choosing our received their pay promptly; our towns and our coun-
Week. Bill collectors
The first week in January is Courtesy softens the plunge to some extent,
r friends we really make our own and the Telegraph's editor hereby ty have been able to meet their interest and bond maturities i i
and not included.
tag agents =
lives Bronson Journal.o' .
publicly acknowledges that aftersampllng'the promptly, so that their'credit has not been impaired ; and our busi-

t4 o Mea still Improved Washington ness men and farmers have had such assistance within reasonable
are about -
Tallahassee Democrat decides there are no dumber: talking prohibition variety of fruit sent him by ,
the women about opera- limits as they lust have to on the activities of the '
Y' drivers than the no dimmer drivers I the thoughtful Hillyard friend that carry commun
l tTf / o there's prohibition that will stop And he has made a bad error-not In ity. The net result is that business conditions in our section are

either from New boosting the Bradford county well above the average of the Nation and we have most
f i Grow more foodstuffs! for home consumption and there'llbe sex talking. strawberry, but in thinking of a promis-
) i less need of talking about hard times. Port Richey Press. Adam as a big boob. We now con- ing money crop that will begin to move within the next 60 days.
-0-- tend that Spokane county. Wash-

0 the Most limit all each stockings Christmas are, filled Starke to ingtoneproducea the best apples In The moving of this'crop will end'the' depression far
so as our
Among the news heads of the week is one saying the the world and Bradford county,
I Telegraph. And some are fuller section is concerned and things will move forward if there
the strawberries. again
;"+ kc state college for women gets loud speakers. than that most of the year-In Florida, best., had been as
0 never any interruption of business.So .
4 lx o fact overstuffed. New Port

All indications point to Bradford strawberry growers Richey Press. TWO .FUNERALS AUK HELD
--- -0- JOHNNY J. JONES much for the We look
FOR past. to the future with entire confi-
cleaning up a harvest of clear cash from this season's crop
F ., .Some women are taking up law, dence in
our ability to fully meet the needs of our community in the
., o while others continue to lay it Orlando, Dec. 29.-Two funeral
' r. The dead have it over the living in one respect, says the down,-Starke Telegraph. Some services .were held yesterday for way of banking service. We enter the New Year 'with our full

; l Times-Union. They do not have to read the poetry publishedfor ladles we know would make very Johnny J Jones, showman and carnival legal cash reserve on hand, and enjoying the confidence and co-op-
good lawyers. Especially when it owner. eration of our patrons to marked
a : degree. These elemnts as-
them. very
comes to cross examlnatlon.C1ermont The first was conducted at De-
7 O Press. Land, where he died Christmas day sure the strength of our position and we expect the year 1931, to

"' After listening to some individual exploits in the World ---0 and the second was held at his be one of the best in the history of the Bank of Starke.
An Orlando lawyer claims the grave in a local cemetery.
War one naturally wonders why this country had to raise a new auto tags are illegal becausethe Hundreds crowded the Elks club

huge army. world "Florida" is spelled out. at DeLand and heard the eulogy Attention is called to the/allowing statement of condition at the
o And the Tampa Tribune wants to delivered by an Elks orator and
know if the buyer isn't entitled to of them accompanied the close of business
many Wednesday December 31st
a. Green Cove Springs Times North Carolina's- :
says as many letters aa he can get for body to Orlando. .
periment of paying taxes on the installment plan is better his money?-Apopka Chief. Thee rites here also were attended -
than Florida's way of not paying at all. ----o-. I I by hundreds who saw Sydney RESOURCES .
Peggy Joyce, who has marriedfive Johns, of Saskatchewan, Canada
2 ? o different husbands, says she circle above the oemetry In an airplane Loans and Discounts _, $226,961.29
Sebring American has discovered that a Christmas package will not marry again until she gets which be flew from Chicagofor ---r--- .
Y 40. Let's see, that will be about of nil Overdrafts - --______...,__________*"___ 28839
r without Christmas seals is like a home without a baby. the purpose honoring Banking House Furniture '
35: years from now.-Times-Union. friend of many years. ,
Seals do give a package a loud appearance. Peggy may see 140 but 40 la An escort of DeLand policemen and Fixtures .. ------ 7JOOJOO
o among her souvenirs.At accompanied the procession to the Other Real Estate _______________ 9093.32
a Georgia tourist made his 700-mite trip to Florida with ar' p outskirts of that city and another -
rate of Tax Certificates _______ ____. :
present buying auto escort of officers met the hearse - __..__ 2J89732114JB4638
blind mule as motive power. At the speed of thirty miles a tags over the state there will be when It Orlando.* Cash on Hand and Due from banks51926.28

i' day he had ample opportunity to enjoy the scenery*. one new tag to every thousand old reach I U. S. and
Municipal Bonds ________
ones on New Year's morn.-Starke .On practically every farm there ____ 62,300.00
1k pit
Telegraph. If that Is true a fellow are livestock that don't produce Items in process of collection .. 420.00*
-- ---
Cities cannot tax .salesmen for out-of-state firms, says needn't much fear goingwithout enough to pay board, and crops Other Resources ... /
---- _____________ 5 900p0
the supreme court, on account of it being interstate business, the new decoration for a few daysIn that lose money. Keeping a few Profits ,
but these peddlers can be required 'to post a heavy bond. 1031.-Bronson Journal. records will tell on these slackers. and Loss - __________-:.._______ 278.92

r .

Sebring American editor must"have been confessing Total Resources --_;--------:_---_--____....____$367j65.42

I 1+ some of his misdeeds, as he discovers that while confessions NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TAX LIABILITIES'

.1 might be good for the soul it Is damaging to reputations.

o CERTIFICATES, -. Capital Stock _____________________ $ 15,000.00
A dealer can drive an automobile three hundred miles Surplus and Undivided -
Profits ____________ 29J24.69
from the factory and it is still considered a new car, but it is Notice is hereby given that competitive bids in writ- Stockholders Liability Reserve Fun'd'
____..___..__; .7,000.00
r a second-hand car as soon as the purchaser drives it from the ing, will be received by me at the Clerk's office, CourtHouse Deposits ________________:..:.._..:____:...:. 2S2JBOSM
showroom to his home. s...
Cashier Checks -
in Bradford County, Florida on the 3rd day of Certified Outstanding _____ _-=-_______ 961.10

o Checks Outstanding ..;.1 T"2: ... ______ 18035
-- "
Florida laws protect only one fish, the shad from Sunday February, A. D., 1931. and each business 'day thereafter Re-discounts
: ____________.._.. ____ 65.000.00
fishermen This is rank favoritism, and the remaining finny for thirty days only. For Certificates sold for taxes Other Liabilities ::: ----- -
______ ___
+' _______________ 1,29..09Total
species should take out a writ of pellagra or habeas corpus to for the year 1927 or previous years. No bid will be ac- __ -

w protect their constitutional rights.o cepted for less than the face value of certificates bid on Liabilities ---r 1 -i $367| ;565.42

against any property thereunder including all subsequent /
n The linotyper the Gainesville Sun took liberties with

one of Harry Brown's leading editorials concerning Congressman omitted taxes thereon up to and including the Wjnblddinir farewell to the Old Year and entering the New ,we

Green and changed conservation project to conversation year 1930, based upon the last assessed valuation with- flli8Sf? friends and patrons of our great appreciation of

I project. lie was more than half-way right at that. out Interest and penalties; providing,"that bids including their co-operation, and to assure them that their interests .

o interest will be will have the same careful attention in the future
received If offered Where the same 'as we
Fred Eberhardt, publisher of the defunct Tallahassee have given them in the past. \
bid is offered by two or more person'for the'salite certificate I
State News has
announced his candidacy for governor. lie
to eliminate the the owner of the land will be given preference
proposes greater part of our state tax on real

estate without burdening other- sources of taxation.. otherwise the first bid filed will be accepted. BANK! OF STARKE

,! The country has borne nobly under G. W. ALD.ERMAN) 1
up promises of an A ROLL OF
it i early return of prosperity but even the most optimistic show Clerk of the Circuit Court. HONOR BANK

iKns of a near panic when news dispatches tell of postof- It. Bradford County,. E. S. MATTHEWS, Pres. R. J. DAVIS CashierI
I fie6 pen points being stolen. j ,

Ia jj j

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