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E. S. Matthews Owner and Publisher. I,
Subscription-For Year $1.50; i'4x: Months 75c -Payable in Advance TIIItEIy I
stabiished 1817 ; ISL'Mlir.ll TWENTY- I
'.-=- Hl'AHKK. KLOKU KUIIV, KOVl'.MHKU: : ::1. luan "
utr'cr' : ,""'TY.TURER-- I -- -, -- DR. HATHAWAY\ TO MAKE RACE : "
''RECLAMATION 1 FIRST nip IUlmns: :1"1'
All World War Veterans FLORIDA IN 1932
To Mr. W Vf Packham MANY MEN OF PROMINENCE have beeu asked register FOR GOV. L
ISSUED I BY l goes the honor of bringingthe at Corpening' Drug Store .
IS of flue ----
first basket for the purpose of organizing
to Starke. Mr. Post for Fond A. Hathaway, former
strawberries American Legion .
0V.CARLTON.Ignl : Packham brought two pints I IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS FLORIDA an Bradford County. It ta very! Official Vote chairman of the State Road: De- I.i'DI' + ';
c of as fine berries as we have urgent to register If you partment, In an interview with the (
ever seen., Mr. Packham'sfarm have not done so, as we are Count of State preset this week in Jacksonville ,
-- Is situated on the The- i <>n<> Ijonn lte|>iil>llcnii Orwiw. In LaFayette: R, K. Elliott.. Mayo. planning on having; the organizer where ha was spending several 11i
road, and he states that Bustle Jacksonvillehere with his family, definitely t '
27 to UP Ob resea Lake: I. N. Kennedy from Made BoardHerbert days
.. tce >(>\cintx-r excellent 1'rom County of Ilardce! InVntral By to be
his plants are in Go. Westbrook'' Clermont In a short time. A notice stated that It Is his Intention
.M..ffe..1 .\. I)uy Clt TlwnknBU condition and Is looking for ( Florida "Leon: Orion C, Parker, Tallahassee will appear In this paperas candidate for governor!! of Florida 1\
'Ing.Statin ward to a heavy yield. The C. K. Shackletord, Ttvlla- to date, and place of meeting J. Drane, Democratic In the 1933 Democratic. prim 111 ,
state rains of the past few days The next legislature of Florida hassee., candidate for congressman fromDistrict mary election. ' '
the of Florida have materially helped the will have In the senate all Democratic Lee: Irving Holmes, Ft. Myers.Levy This reglsteratlon rovers No.1 more than doubled "I am continually being asked, ::
much reuse for thanksgiving, farmers of this section as members while the house : W. S. Yearly Otter all branches of the service, by my friends over the state if It .
av|, Doyle E. Carlton has issued a evidenced by the large number will have, 93.; Democrats and one Creek. and It Is hoped that veterans tho votes of his defeated Republican la my Intention to make the race 'j
ocUmatlon setting; aside Thurs setting plants. Bradford lone Republican, the member from Liberty: C. P. Wood, Sumatra. will realize the Importance of op onent. L. ]0). Womack, the for governor In 1932." Bald Dr. 6
I November 28 as Thanksglv county Is going to come to Hardee county. Madison": R. C. Home, Madison. organizing a Post.Tornadoes official count Saturday morningof Hathaway, "and the answer to this
legal holiday The proc- the this year. The list shows a large numberof Rowe Bradenton -- '.., shows. la
a O. board
,g day front _. __ Manatee: A. i general election Inquiry yes "' .
mallon Is sealed with the greatal __. :i> most prominent l"loraoaanB.\.d'- \ ; G. O. Lea. Bradenton. ( This was the only contest for state "With the primary, however, '. t'tl
, of the tate and attested by many of whom have had previous Marlon: Davis Moon, punnel- office. nearly' two years off I think It too 1'
crelary of State R. A. Gray. legislature experience. lon; E. E. Strickland Cltra. PlayAlachua With interest in the election early to make formal announce ,
The proclamation states: Civil Cases InCircuit The last senate according to a Martin: O. A. Kanner Stuart. centering mainly on the four ment. Particularly! so-since we r
president Hooter has already custom of many years standing Monroe W. V, Albury, Key amendment. to the state constitution are'to have session of the legislature '"
t 1 aside Thursday November 27, selected Senator Pat Whittaker as West. the state aa whola made alight I next 'spring., which may '
a day of national Thank glvg. CourtFall president of the next senate The Nassau: T, II. Davis. Htlllard.: Today : vote the largest number of change the entire situation with JI'1 ;
;, The earliest settlers of this speakership of the, house must be Okaloosa: Geo. W.' Barrow, ballots, 82,017 being cast for R. A. reference to Florida's major problems -
unlry established the precedent determined by the members the Crest view. Gray, secretary of state. such as banking, finance and ; :
nd It Is well that the custom has night previous to the 1931 session Okeechobee: P. Tomasello,'' Official tabulations of the car taxation.'Certainly.
creased In favor throughout the of circuit court adjourned ,'The leading candidates are PTomaasello Okeecbobee. Coach Lovell's protajtes' will go vasalng board reveal that the I following the people of the
"as, tor gratitude Is among thee term of Okeechobee county Orange: Mrs Edna O. Fuller, to Alachua this afternoon to en- votes were received: state are not Interested In personal
t virtues of the human heart. I' Friday afternoon, the last and E. Clay Lewis of Gulf 'coun Orlando. C. Fred Ward Winter gage the Alachua team for the sec- Congressman, District No.1 1 ambitions, statements of glittering;
""Our own state of Florida has two days of the session being tak- Park. ond time this season. The deadlock first Herbert J, Drane, 34,748; L, i E.? generalities and nlgN sounding
lib cause tor thanksgiving; en up with trial of civil cases ty.The next legislature will be composed OsceoUv WV. Jt, Steed Klsslm-! ( game resulted Tornadoes in a scoreless home field. Womack, 11, 819 defeated. pl"lItndes'two years before the
ue and health have been ours Cases disposed of were: of the following: mee. on the Congressman District No. 2.n. primary-If at all.
II past year. Adversity has vis.d W. M. Bryan vs C. W. Ford, Senators: Paul O. Adams Crest- I Palm Beach: R. ,K Lewis. West I Practice was rained of the out week Mondaybut the A. Green, 7,060.Congressman "Florida's problems) call for
us but we have come through damages $1,000. Continued.J. view; Herbert P. Caro, Pensacola:: i Palm Beach, Blvin.Bass. Pahokee. for the rest holding District No.3; something more substantial" Y
It h more assurance of permanent T. Frazier vs J. 11, Scarborough Ray Neel, West field; Hays H Pasco: R. B. Strukle, Dade City. Tornadoes have been Tom A. Yon, 11,796. Dr. Hathaway'further stated ,
and are
rowlb i and well-being In the tue and J. L. Peek, garnishee. Lewis Marianna; S. C. Council Plnellas: J. U Kelley. Clearwater some snappy scrimmages Congressman, District No.4.t that dally he Is being asked If the l i
class IIhapefor'today's
The Mediterranean fruity Continued Carrabelle; ,S. Wr. Anderson ; Frank J. Both, Clearwater, expected to be la first no serious Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, 40,422. entry of others mentioned .. prob- 1YI: ,
Infestation baa been conquered J. R. Watkins Co., vs. W. J.Bohannon ,. Greensboro; W. C. Hodges, Tallahassee Herman Dann' Peterburg.! tilt. There are the Secretary of State, R, A. Gray, able candidates and those who already '
nd 1 the federal quarantine hasen damages 5000. Consent ; John J. Swearingen, Bar- Polk: Leos Prins, Ft. Meade; R. Injuries and everyman on 8 .917. have made formal announcements I
the r
lifted. Our crops give prom- to judgment. tow; E. J. Brby Inverness; a. F. K. Dullard' Lake Wales J. 0, team will be In shape for game.for Justices of the Supreme Court, would Influence his decision ,t J '
been pointing
8 of breaking previous records Bank of Starke vs Mack Lewis Andrews, Greenville; F. P. Parker Bloodsworth, Lakeland1. Alachua has the Tornadoeshave Glenn Terrell, 69.625; J% B. 'Vhlt- with reference to making the : :.
quality and quantity. The rig- et als., damages $500. Plea with- Mayo; John W. Watson, Miami Putnam: H. 'S. McKenzle, Pa-. this game Just as undoubtedly be a field 68,728. race. :w. I
lira of winter weather added toe drawn and consent Judgment en- ; B. H. English, Lake City; E. latka; T. C.- Douglas, Welaka. so It Railroad commissioners, Mn '"My answer to these inquiries," ,
unemployment problem remind tered.C. M. Johns Starke. J. B. Stewart:, Santa Rosa: I3.F., Caldwell Jr., real battle.Probable lineup for the Tornadoes Mamie Green, formerly Mrs. 11. L, continued Dr. Hathaway "Is no. ..1
i lot our blessing tn Florida's eli W. Wilkinson vs S. A. L. Ry.,, Fernandina: S. A.- Hlnley, Live W. A. West Milton. The Baton, 68.552; Eugene: S. Mal : Those who have been mentionedIn
ate While there is unemploy- stock claim damages. Verdict for Oak; J. Turner Butler, Jacksonville Sarasota: J. W. Keen Sarasota. : LID thews. 72,652. the press as probable candidatesand
lent in our tate, it has not be- *40. ;; F. O. King, Orlando; W T. Seminole; Geo. W. McRory, San- Wainwright LT For amendment to Section 6 of who might divide my vote
Ime the acute problem now D. E, Knight vs Hiram Prescott Gary, Ocala; J, W. Turner Cedar ford, L. P. Hagan, :Sanford. Moore Graham LG article 0 of the state constitute have Indicated to me that they will
eatenlng many sections of the damages $200. Plea withdrawn Keys S. Dlllworth Clark, Monti- St. Johns: L. W Zlnn. St. Au- C.) C relating to bonds, and requtrl( not be candidates.
"ntry. Everywhere 'there are and consent judgment entered. cello gustine, Peter Kendrick, St Au- Thomas Inman, ( HO that a majority of free-holder ap, !"(n connection with my candidacy -
gns of a return from busiue.spression O. C. Sweat vs S. A. L., damages T. G. Futch, Leesburg, Arthur gustine. RTSternberg prove each bond Issue! of muni ", I wish it understood this
. to business develop- $2500. Verdict for defendant. Uomez. Key West; L. II. Howell, St. Lucie: F. 'C. Poppell, Ft. Matheny HE panties, counties or districts, I for early that my campaign will be
In Florida. Certainly, note L. Ry., Panama City S. J. Hllburn. Fa-
lent 0. C. Sweat vs S. A. ; Pierce. against 7,461.
QB 48,8141; conducted on a high; plane and free-
least of our blessings is a state defendant. latka Dr. W. C. Chownlng, Day- N J. Wicker! Coleman. Futch
damages Verdict for ; Sumter: LH For amendment to Section 11 of from personal abuse of any of the
ernnitnt which is financially Noon Warren tona Beach; T. J. Knabb Macclenny Brown, Live Tlsou .
" Hiram Presoptt vs ; IU,4iH. HH Article 0, exempting certain ;In.dUlltrlea candidates, or criticism of the
/end and progrextlvely capable. distress! on' rental agreement. :; A. M.' Taylor, St. Augustine! Oak, Phil Got?. Live Oak. Mast FB I from taxation, for 47,72 : present administration. Only the
We should give thanks for the Verdict for the plaintiff, damages J. Maxey Dell Gainesville; A. M. Taylor: A. H. Wentworth; Perry Cox !
against 8380. record of those who be running -
I may
erous gifts of nature, for the awarded $131.00.t'Ol'XT Young. Vero Beach; Pat Whit- .' II
I For amendment to article 9 by for at that time
(conquerable spirit of our deter- taker Tampa;; A. H Wagg, Palm Union: Chas. Robertr., Lake But UNION:./ C'OUXTV \R\nmH> : i the governor
adding Section 12 authorizing will be discussed and at no time
nmed people, for the strength that Beach; M. O. Harrison, Palmetto; ler. 14.\\'! MONK:./ OS FKUTlLIZl: '
etate through UnIiw V AOKNT OKUAMZKS- Tltusvllle Sam W. legislature to levy an Inherltan will the discussion of candidates
carried our J. J. Parrish, ; Volusla: Fred B. Nordman, Or- ,
BOYS CLUBMr. \ tax: for 40,723; against 14,342. and records descend to personalities "
of the past, for the Bushnell. .
ard events Getzen, De-
/ mond Beach, L F. Chapman Through the efforts of the county ,
Article 9 by
For amendment to .
return to our elected to the
vldence of an early The members Land.
the favor of L. T. Dyer, county agent. agent. L. T. Dyer, three years adding Section 13 providing fot "I shall ask the ;
jual prosperity, for house of representatives are as Wakullat II. N. Walker, Jr., St. the farmers of the county organized Democrats of
during the last two ago abolishing ad valorem tax: on au-
ncreased population which meansore has been active I follows: Marks. Florida to honor me with the office
in visiting the schools and the Union County omoblles, for 53,088 ; against I 8-,
citizens. weeks R. L. Black Gainesville of governor solely
Alachua ,
(food : Walton: A. L. Anderson, De- Bureau for the purpose of put upon my pastrecord
"Now therefore. I, Doyle E. organizing the boys into the He 4-1 has R. A. Morton. Archer. Funlak Springs, chasing; fertilizer geed, and other )33.The as a public official the principles 1.
of the state of corn and pig club work. D. Stone Sanderson. (canvassing board Includes which I shall seek
arlton governor Baker: I. Washington: I). 0. Brock, Ver- commodities cooperatively. but upon
lorlda do hereby appoint and set met with very encouraging response Bay; J. M. Sapp, Panama City. non. 1030 according to Secretary of State R. A. Gray, their vote, and my qualifications
ilde the day of Thursday, No- he states, and expects to Bradford: N. D. Wainwright, II ling the year has enrolled, Comptroller Ernest Amos and Attorney for holding the office.
ember twenty-seventh A. D. nine- have a large number of boys In the. Starve' nirthsMr. Mr.47 members Dyer the who Bureau have purchase General Fred H. Davis "It can be nothing short of an
tn hundred and thirty, as a Day county doing club work. lie expects Brevard: Clyde Trammell!, Melbourne of fertilizer -- Intuit to the intelligence of the
, earnestly to give every boy In the l\ and Mrs. Shelby Bowler, 1,4 4 5 .bags or 144.3 tons -
and do for
Thanksgiving, of seeds. LAKECITY timilU'AY OIIAHINJl'ltKH / people a candidate to ask for
Into the spirit county a chance to join the club. L. Ft Brooker, daughter .,Nov. llth. and 2.600 pounds
urge that we enter Broward:: Dwight Rogers, : HTAItKi MAN! their support when the candidate y
.f the day, giving thanks to Him To succeed he must have the cooperation Lauderdale. Mr. ,and Mrs. 1!. W, Coleman Its membership Includes practically has nothing In the way of a platform -
ho U our Supreme Guaranteehat of the parents In helpingthe Calhoun: John D. Trammell], Starke, son, Novt 16th. all the' prominent farmers but abstract statements ;
Jacksonville Nov. 20. A. 1 Ii
Many boys of the county, some of which put -
our ef- boy with bin work. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brown,
will crown Blountatown. couched ",
success Johns Starke and J X. Williamson In meaningless claptrap
bred chased more than a ton of ,
' now want to get good pure P. Durrance Pun- Theressa, daughter;Nov 17th. '
irta Charlotte: C. Cincinnati Injured when or> upon the demerits of an op-
for their individual use. The
"May the Churches of the state pigs for their club work and are ta Gorda. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Slade, KeyStone ponent.
fie, mindful of Inquiring about them Mr. Dyer Moon Floral City Heights son,.Nov. 18th, farmers seem to be well please, the automobiles In which tb.y;
filled with citizens Citrus: Sol D. crashed head-on "The people of Florida will note
with the results, and expect to continue were riding near
ready to get pigs Mr, and Mrs. Irving Padgett,
lie good they have received, humbly stated that those aDd Clay: J. E. Larson Keystone the organization anothi Vhltehouse on the Lake City road satisfied solely with a diagnosis ,
, should him or write him x Maxvllle, girl Oct. 31.
acknowledging the Divine see Heights.; yesterday, of the state's Ills, but will demand :
'ower which rests over them. May he would help them.to locate the Collier: C. M. Collier, Ever- Mr, and Mrs. Walter Sllcox, year.The' has assletetthe Johns, according to InvestigatIng a clear statement of the remedythe
reasonable county
kind of pigs at Starke, boy Nov 5th.
abundantly ,
bone who more proper glades. "
are candidate would
anythinglost farmers with their cooperative officers, attempted to pails a apply, con-
stock to efforts in accordance with his du truck when the wreck occurred
hone less fortunate that the day I in adding more good I City and J. W. Lindler, Lake City., ----- .
with. ties. lie states that with the cooperative < Johns and Williamson were
,ray be one of joy for all." the farm so let's'( cooperate Dade: S. P. Roblneau, Miami .',...\ST HTItAWIlKIUtlKH: : to the Riverside hospital (IKOKttK: : WKH.I.VH IHKSIIO.MK :
good : movement started with brought ,
Mr. Dyer, and get some Miami J. KB-
-- Dan Campbell, ; JSKAIl HAWTHORN
stock of hogs Into the county Miami. the purchase of fertilizer and seed< Johns was cut across the head and
(.OIF PRO InTt'nS: . hoe. .Following the welcome la expects It. to grow until'It wl hltl left leg; was broken. Wllllan- -
DeSoto: J. II. Coffee Arcadia. rains of this week, strawberry -. Funeral services! for George- f
Include the marketing of farm produce lion, It was reported, was cut onthe
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Packard returned 4-11 ACHIKVKMKNT: :: : 1)Y Dixie: 'V. D. Finlayson Old. growers of Bradford are also: left arm and suffered Internal \Wiggins, who died at his hom&i,'i. t
from Greenville, Pa., last Town. urged to Increase their pres- ijurlex. At the hospital both were near Hawthorn yesterday morning -
of the annual county Duval: J. E. Mathews Jacksonville by setting all at t 7:30 o'clock, will be held tomorrow -
'wk. Mr: Packard Is the popular The first ent acreage!; sported In good condition.
pro at the Keystone Heights Golf achievement days of the 4-H club ; Henry Blount, Jacksonville i available plants. now The 1It.. 11. K. niofjH IMIH: ATnl'Io.I K. F. Thomas, of the Duvsunty morning at 10 o'clock-
"our8e. and will immediately take girls, boys and women of Bradford ; W, M. Madison Jackson- ,i time Is short, It I I..* true, but : :./ ) IIOSPIT.V ; > road patrol, investigated; from the First Baptist church of
qp l hit duties in that capacity county will be held at Starke Saturday ville.. I berries were*, shipped from Ibe accident. awthorn. The Rev. J. C. Moore!\ ,
Tier their friends Nov. 22nd. The exhibit will Escambla: Ernest K. Mason, county platform ,up to May Mr.! H. K. Biggs; of Barbersvlll, i :actor of the church, will conduct '
are at home to
the day Pensacola Hariey Paige, Pensa Walt fatally injured Tburxda the rites
It Key be on display 20th (last season, and good .
.:ttone Heights it the courthouse and a program cola. prices were received for good morning/, Nov. 13th at'7:40 o'clock \ ITKH.NHOWICKIIM: : : Surviving Mr. Wiggins Is hI.wlte .
will be given in the court room at Flagler: E. F. Warner, Bun- fruit. Other sound reasons when caught between two gondola : : FOH "'1'\: and mother. Also a sister,
XTII' two o'clock. nell. for growers to take a chanceon (rats loaded with logs/ Ha wo rs. Will Knabb of Macclenny, '
The program Is an follows: Franklin: S. E. Teague Apala- mate crop include the moved to the DeLand hospital, but Election of officers marked the< and two brothers Terrell Wiggins!
All members of the Bradford Song--America, the Beautiful. chlcola. condition of strawberry producing never. regained consciousness*. lie .'losing: of the annual reunion ofthe ot' Waycross, (ha.. and Hermtui'Igglns ,
(oust, strawberry.and Vegetable Welcome address-Mrs. L. A. Gadsden: Hugh Taylor, Quincy; swtionit In states paned away at 10 o'clock that Florida department United of Starke.Mi .'
,roWI'' Association are urged to Davie. S. H. Strom, Quincy north of Florida where the night, and was burled Sunday af infederatH Veterans, in Marian *. Wiggins was a member otthe t
'tend' a meeting at the county Response-Mrs. S. 11, Dodd. Gllchrlst: W. J. Matthewi, drouth will seriously affect ternoon at Barbersvllle. na Thursday.W. Masonic lodge and other fraternal -
hart i !luulle. Friday, Nov. 21st at Song-Florida Club Song. Trenton the acreage and yield of Mr. Biggs U survived by his Nits .:. McGahagln, of Ocala, was organizations Galnes-
'."* P m. Address-Mr. .:. S, Matthews.My Glades: J. II. Peoples, Citrus some of our strongest competitors and two children, his parents, Mr elected commander to succeed vllle Sun, Nor, 15th. [
I.. D. Green, President Experience With Poultry Center. and present Indications and Mr. W. If. Blue, of Lawtey: Major General Alfred Ayers. (leneral .
Margaret Dodd Gulf: E. Clay Lewis Jr.,. We are that the demand Inters, Mrs. A. Ii. Harley of Law T. J. Appleyard, Tallahassee, Nl'llVKYIMl CUT-OKI-' '
H+..+.++...44Mtll ........+. The Essential Points In Poultry wahltchka. for strawberries,. will be as te1; Mrs. E. F:. Barthlow of Orlando is re-elected adjutant. ,
:\ KRflT IV YOUR Raising-Mr. N. R. Mehrhof. state Hamilton: F. B, Harrell, Jasper, good If not better as spring : Mrs. Roy Roberts of West Brigade commanders for title Surveying crows of the state' :. I
I HIUSTMAM BOXKM: poultry specialist, Gainesville. Hardee: A. D. Whitman, Wau- advance Growers with a Palm Beach; Mrs. E. B. WelU ofLawtey year are E. T, 8. Dickinson, Camp- road deapartment have been en- .
Sewing and the Part It Plays.- chula. late crop are almost assured ; Mrs. T, S. Gllchrlst of: llton, first brigade; 11. D. MorKan Kaced the past week In surveying.
Th. order quirantlng the Vera Claire Robinson. Hendry: Elbert Stewart Clew- of selling all the berries they Brunswick, Ga.; brothers W. S Starke, second, and Robert new route for state road 13, ellm'I
Stats! of Florida account The Garden Dorothy Mead. Iston. hare at a good price. Iggs, of Georgetown; I). C, Biggsf Mullln. Clearwater third. itlng the railroad crossing; be- .l
of the Mediterannean on fruit fly Does It Pay to Can? Rosa lIernando: loom Beasl y,. Growers l in position to add Hastings, and Dr. E. L. Bigg, The! next convention city will tweeD Starke and Hampton the) ,
hili Drooknllle.I t to their present acreage of Starke. bee selected by the new command inning within Hampton and ev- t
been -
revoked secary Moore.
** of the United States Results of Home DemonstrationWork I Highlands: J. M. Lee, ;Avon should not fall to do so, despite .. er. eral bad curves. The new road
Apartment in Bradford County-Mr. Park the lateness of the FREAK POTATOKM: s' >uld start on the first long tunerest
Thin of Agriculture. Grlffls. Hlllftoborough: John T. Lowe, planting season The dry ,Carbon blsulphld ,Is too cheap of the railroad track and "0ItraJght
removes. action automatically A. J. Demonstration Work as Plant City; John II. Bladnoe, Tam- weather. of the. past several Dr. W. E. Middleton exhibited for any farmer to let weevils feed south and touch 13 again
under all the restrictions the Home .-Mr. J. O. Crews Mr. pa; J. Tom Watson, Tampa. weeks curtailed planting and come freak "spuds", around town In his stored corn this winter. at a point just south of llampton.ro .
We See
that quarantine on andvegetable. Reddish. Mr. J. L. Underbill, Holmes: !M. M, Andrews, Bonl- la many Instances growers his week, their unusual shape and > Information has bean given out v
acceptance of hOlt fruits I Drew W. Hlnson Mr. R. T. Os- fa,.. have land In readiness to set size attracting attention, but the The way to get better prices formagrown all to any starting date for eon-
for movement Mr. 0. C. Campbell, oddest part of the exhibit was seyeral feeds Is too feed them
through .Indian/ River: A. plant. and decided to aban- uctlon work or If the depart-
Florida the malls In and from teen. Club 'ork-JoUs. Mary Vero Beach. don the Idea of farther plantings potatoes growing/ the up- to high producing livestock. tent plans to build the cut-off
fee so your local post 4-U Tallahassee; Mr. Nettles, Jackson: C. N. Home, Marian- b.c uM of lack of mois- per part of the vine entirely out within the. near future
now accept such Keown, na. W. W. Webster, Inwood. ture. Tbea. ldl. fields should of the ground. The doctor had aImalt Be sure to .study the standard 3
ac1Iael.. 1 Gainesville.We Invite the publicto Jefferson: L. W, Sledge* Monti- be set wherever possible patch planted on the oldalsden requIrements before selecting Dlrds that. lay,high, prleed,wi...-, -)
Postmaster especially cello.r farm, the yield was heavy birds to enter In poultry shows. ter 1 eggs must have good care. -
attend. w./- -
**+++................+. -
.I a'
If\. I 1'.at-:41: 1t; :, .....:''Ii- ,,,;,,,;otl.J.," "' Mbf ..,!1f1r1f:1ttl":" 1ft__ t._' _\' .nil.I....;olll Mii<l 'I II III"I.B I 'w'2r" KI ,, '";'>", J" --.
..j,' ,w,. "" 'war".pwr! w +rWrtM PCrivP' wNRVa
,_ 1 21 I, 1)311:
Into a : turkeys In all stages of of the bay while before they were ded in the flesh r.T 55
pleaded not guilty and said be was development of that area young ,
I those just hatchedup rarely seen even in the lower body. Dart at' ;
trying to get her to return to their sugar plantation. In addition the growth from tt
of this laud the Dixie to others nearly grown. The stretches of those waters. .
home in Waldo. Thef jury was purchase
News of Florida In Short Paragraphs Increased this CARD -
out 27 minutes. Company acquired an option of flock will be further 0. TIL1SgqWe !
960 acres more which is to be used 'year by 1,000 more birds now In Fort LauderdalBellef that
He Is accldenttal explosion of a fish dynamiting "iikTo
The the of incubation. would
Miami II. E. Llampallas for for agricultural purposes. process
nine years, a resident of Roanoke price for thin.tract has been an- expecting to have about 2,500 tur- apparatus caused the Instant appreciation of the eXPl'eSI 01
: Va., Is going to take what be be- nounced at uo.o(o and the plans keys ready for winter sale death today of Charles Flip- nesses shown to, ,1N, during many kin,
r LIVE STATE NEWS lieves l la the largest trunk In the of the company call for'the erec- pen, 42, hardware merchant, was ness and death uf our tbe U
the. advanced tonight by officials Investigating mothers
DeFunlak Springs grandmother
world back to his native Cuba. tion of an eight tory steel sugar W.
Llampa\las today booked steam- mill two and a hall miles west of storm of a couple of years ago: the blast. Flippen was predate the untiring especially"j
chip passage for himself two Brighten and north of road No. 8 opened a new pass from the Choc-i killed by an explosion at the rear ''Dr. Holland and 51 ddletoo\ ,;
TOLD DY OUR EXCHANGES friends and his baggage" The at an additional cost of 400000. tawatchee Bay into the Gulf here of his hardware store Parts of the wonderful care and a
I latter Is a trunk 14 feet long, six has been a very decided change In his dismembered body were fulness shown by Mrs, tboUCb
I ... L..... .... ....., -.... ....- -""" ... and a half feet high, five feet' Eatero-What appears to be the the piscatorial life of the bay. I thrown by the blast for some distance and Mrs. Irma Buford Fay C
of the officials of the Calhoun county. wide and weighing 600 pounds.The 'I' largest Individual flock of turkeysnow Where before black bass were of- into the store and Into an The Children and Grandlh
I Gainesville The census In the bay, now It Is alley In the rear. Officials Investigating dren of Mrs.
Strawberry Association and each trunk contains a model of a being raised In Florida was ten caught Lucy C, Powell,
! 1930 shows 88 towns In Florida of them assured the local officials i' railroad locomotive on which disclosed in a recent trip by the so salty that these and all fresh found as the only clue of .
. not enumerated In 19 20. Florida that a ready market would be Llampa as has worked for five back country representativearound water fish have been driven Into the affair a pencilled notation of Bids opened for propoieThru,
' waiting for the berries grown years, he said. The party and the Lake Okeechobee. These the streams, while salt water trout sale of a stick of dynamite, a dynamite across Wlthlacoocl.ee. river
Is growing. co
here, and that If quality berries trunk will sail for Havana this turkeys are being reared on the are caught even in the mouths of cap and sinker. From this nectlng Citrus with Sumter
;t -:: Jacksonville were grown that the eyes of the week. Brighton Valley Farms a part of the streams tributary to the bay. they deduced the theory that Flip- on road No. 36 from UVerne7
;j Jacksonville Four strawberry buying world would be the Curtl -Brlgbt development at In the bay itself all kinds of salt pen had sold material for the as- Leesburg via Wildwood.
I banks soon will pay out more road water fish are caught. Lately sembly of a fish dynamiting ap- Palmetto-Construction
who centered on us. Okeechobee The Glenn II. Brighton on the new state of tar i ,
than $35-0,000 to persons Curtis Properties, Inc., the Dixie This large poultry ranch Is some excellent catches have been paratus and that the dynamite cap steel tank and tower for Alan
i have Christmas savings accounts. being silver trout fish entirely detonated the explosive while he Fruit Co.. fast
I and Frank Sugar Planting Company has operated by J. D. Leverett, made of a nearing completi,
Montlcello-S. F. bought 320 acres of Brighton who has now scattered over the new to these waters. Shrimpare was assembling It. Pieces of detonation Lake Worth Fuquay', Stl
Weather conditions of Bainbridge, Ga., are
4 Orlando Myers
I property and will soon begin the : ideal tract for the purpose 1,500 now plentiful even at the head wire were found Imbed- being altered.
for tho last two weeks In October opening up a peanut shelling plantat .
generally were favorable to truck Monticello in the building for- ------;
crops of the state the Federal Bureau merly occupied by the Monticello -
of Agricultural Economics Auto Company. They will buy any
announced there today. quantity and any variety of pea-
nuts. Tbe..rompany will employ .'
Canal Point-it Is reported that about 75 people for ten months of /'/
,t the first car of tomatoes 6f the the year. This force will preparethe .
fall season to be shipped from I nuts for candy manufacture. ./'
'i'' Florida rolled late last week from Peanuts will also be shipped to all I /{, y" ,. ,t .,,'
Port Mayaca on St. Lucie, canal parts of the United States. The ,' . '
y, about eight miles north of this new Industry will be a great assetto ,. .tai, < '"* '' ''", ;'
city. Monticello. .' "\
r .,. ; ,:": %:',/, ; Jrk
Bowling Green Gov. DoyleE. Apalachicola The original ,I :\ i i :r>1'.1" :'b:''
.'Carlton has accepted an Invitation minutes of Franklin Lodge No. 6, ; ,
f' to speak at the second annual Free and Accepted Masons, dated ,.: ';
h (, strawberry festival to be held at from December 27, 1835 to De- :', :.I :" ;,;' .-
"I.. .t." :;
Bowling Green on January 14 at cember, 1879, have been found In t '1'$' "I'
-P,; two Dates of the festival .r' "A f aR "I'
p. m. Apalachlcola.. Most of the minutes .
are January 14.16,18 and 17. were written by Dr. John .- '" ,,' /
Gorrle, who was the inventor of a
r Arcadia Disturbed by the method for making artlflcal Ice. '. .
I' erosion of Peace River banks contiguous Dr. Gorrle held the office of sec- ,PRESENTING
*, to a mile of the cross- retary of the lodge from Its first "
state highway just west of the city meeting until February 1837.
DeSoto county commissioners have This minute book Is considered of
L undertaken the control of the greutv value to Apalachicola
washing of the banks I well as to Florida. \
Punta Gorda Pile driving for Greensboro-= L. J. Clark, of
the first half of the Barren Collier Greensboro, local director of the
Bridge across Charlotte Harbor Cane Growers Co-operative Association -
here Is completed. Work will Immediately attended a meeting of the v
be started toward the association In Carlo, Ga., at which /
Charlotte Harbor shore of the bay,
time the sales\ committee reportwas 'IN'r "
to complete this division of the
f' work received. According to Mr. Today the Chevrolet Motor Com hood lines sweep back unbroken to blend
Clark the yield of syrup will be
around 3,000 barrels In . pany presents the Digger and gracefully into the new Fisher bodies. And
Lakeland- Merchandising will Gadsden county this season as.
be the theme of the mid-year session compared with 3364 last year. The Better Chevrolet Six, a new model never was Fisher's fine craftsmanship more evident -
n, 6 Millwork of the association Florida to Lumber open here and acreage this year Is about the of the six-cylinder car which has enjoyed such than in the bodies of the new Chevrolet Six t
same as last year, but the dry
for two days on Thursday. William weather earlier In the season will wide popularity.
F. Sneed of this city la president .,
result In a slight decrease In pro
Not the
and will preside, with Joe duction. only are smart, graceful, new bodies
Webster director of the Lakeland -- In both the chassis and body of this new six- roomier and more comfortable, but as you
district, as official lumber dealers Co'oa-A body of citizens from
cylinder Chevrolet you will find expressed, as them will discover
host. all over Brevard county appeared study you many gratifyingnever
before the county Sommlssloners before, Chevrolet's well-known policy of features and refinements
new; -
Uncle has 77 many
Tampa at their regular meeting in Titus-
new nephews and, nieces a8 a result vllle last week asking that all progress through constant improvement. examples of that painstaking attention to
of naturalization proceedings bridges In Bevard county be made
''i' e In federal court here. The newly free. A petition was handed to For-tret/tout departing from the basic features detail which is the basis of true quality.Mechanically .
' t "
,, made citizens and cltlzeneswes tho board whose chairman said
" ," represented 13 foreign countries, that they would study the proposition which bare icon the enthusiastic ap
. ; ) these being Italy, Spain Greece, and give a report as soon as too, the new Chevrolet Six is a
:i. Germany, Itoumanla. Switzerland, possible. There are five bridges pro ra/ of over 2,000,000 buyers-Chevrolet has
better automobile. The wheelbase is longer.
, .
, ; Sweden Poland Luthuanla, Denmark Included In the number, the ones produced a six-cylinder car which represents
, .t I', ,' Cuba, Great Brit Ian and across the Indian River at Titus- The frame: is stronger. The steering is easier.
,.' Turkey. an entirely new standard of quality, value and
vllle, Cocoa Eau Gallle and Mel-
1 ", The"
clutch is more durable. There is
,' a
bourne and the one crossing the
' refinement in the low-price field. '"
Orlando-Already plans are being Banana River at Cocoa Beach.
i laid here for the welcoming i : smoother, quieter, easier shifting transmis-
'. and entertainment of between Palatka At a special meetingof I , ; Your first impression of the new Chevrolet will sion. In fact, wherever finer materials and
3000 and 4000 school teachers, I -
the Palatka Comemrctal Club be one of striking deftness and beauty. more advanced design could add to Chevrolet
principals and county !school su- Earl W. Brown of DeLand, presl I grace
'y' perltendents, members of the Flor- dent of the Highway No. 3 Association ; The car is longer, lower and modernly smart. quality or increase Chevrolet's traditional
ida Education Association who
pledged the support of
will meet In Orlando for their 4Bth ,the organlaztlon" the freeing of: The radiator has been deepened and its appear- economy of ownership-improvement has been .
annual convention, November 27.
The convention will run through the Bridge Putnam at Palatka County from tolls Memorial: the ance enhanced by,' a curving tie-bar and; made. See the new Chevrolet Six-and you will
I November 29. completion of State Highway No :: chrome-plated parabolic headlamps. The long agree that here is the Great American Value
23 and Dennis Creek bridge In return -,
Delray Beach-Vegetable shippers for the co-operation of the
here are now preparing for Commercial Club to bring pressureto i .
( a big season. It Is reported that bear upon the State Highway ; . LOW
)) ))
there Is approximately a 25 per Department to complete a Lake ., (( ((
cent Increase In the vegetable Shore Boulevard at Sanford which .
'; acreage In this section. It weather removes a hazard of 20 level rail- :'
: conditions continue favorable ways crossings. 'i: Chevrolet ball long been'- ne of the lowest Better Chevrolet offered at new low prices.
(;, it Is expected that all In this '
section will develop crops a quality Gainesville Found guilty of : (triced can in the world.. Yet due to the ao.Come,. in today. See and drive the new Chevrolet -
", above the average. Shipments of first degree! murder here Wednesday ings of volume production and increased Six. Learn the new economy of owning a
'; beans and peppers will probably Arthur C. Hicks, who wan
the and modern fine ab-cylinderautomoblle.
manufacturing efficiency, quality,
;;: 'start In a small way within a week charged with running down his
.:' or ten days wife near their home and emptyingthe i
contents of a shotgun into her
Jacksonville There WaR It body last July 20, awaited today x ' The $510 The $545 Sport Coupe $575
appeared little evidence to support the outcome of a motion for a Phateon _____________? Coach _...__________ with rumble seat ____
changes of drunkenness against new trial. Hicks escaped after
three iiegreoa who faced municipal the fatal shooting, but was sur- The 475 Standard $535 Standard $635
Judge M. 11. Craig here today. The rendered within 24 hours. Ills wife Roadster _.,._________ Coupe ______________ Sedan ______________
officers testified they arrested the had died almost instantly. HeInsurance .
Sport Roadster Standard Five- Special
trio because they were singing on $49S $545 $650
a street corner. "But," counteredthe with rumble seat ,_____ Window Coupe ______ Sedan ______________
judge, "that doesn't prove the
charge of drunkenness." "What x -
'", 'were you singing, boys'" "Sweet F
Chevrolet Trucks from $355 to $695
rJ Adeline, wan the reply. "Ten
f. dollars each. Next case." r\F\v All prices f. o. b. Flint. Michigan SIX
f Winter Haven= The 18,000 WAen w' h
r school children of Polk county and
their teachers will be given a full
day to attend the third annual CompaniesFought
< IlliVICOl I I
Florida Orange Festival which will Fires
be held here January 27 to 31,
f inclusive. At a meeting of the
county school board yesterday afternoon !.lit*_lli tmmtmtl"fli*.......
M MUJI.p" ...._ tk.t ...
voted to
It was have the
---__!eo_-.-. t&&.r.rIINr
schools of the county close on patwar ...._ a_ At tk.tti IT'S WISE TO CHOOSE A SIX
t' Tuesday, January 27, to give .11.a. _...-_..-M.........
.. ....,..
teachers and pupil an Opportunity -
to attend the opening day T"k,....,. ...........tr....... Law.
..._.....Iwy-II Law '-
', of the big two-day exposition In MM ummf..!... ...... priMi.ll doe Ritch Chevrolet
Winter Haven.Blountatown. _et .b M p .sal.. lie orode Company
In.MaM'kmlmm* ...... Am. -
Strawberry cul- UT fS; EHSUM routHAROLD
ture In Calhoun county la already C. WALL
attracting much attention among
, the buyers and during the past INSURANCE Starke Florida
week two of the largest buying or- .
ganisations have already visited STARKE, FLORIDA ,
," '
\ ... '
...". ."r;;In''J, ":." ,),. .." ,,' '" ,." '! ,"I.. .. "A't'I', !' .i!- J,'.)).'tJ" ">1It..J1,v I,,,:''','''f';t'f;\:;, j ./..''.r.1t','."*, .1"U' :,,-P"-\.o17"'V\ ;\, ,,;!\'" iliZJ., ,t: r
"4Y..YN+ -w'unn............. ... .""
1 O""W" ,. 'I'1! """" '1"" m..J...k'IY"rr -" """' ?"" '""""" y," "" "" t"'''' I'\ ,h "'''' '' ,.., '' r f, M.i, ; 1''' I. ,. :"
SO\'E\mEU: _.
11).0', ____ -- .. - --- -- ,
'- I spt ration and enthusiasm of these ,
her, are slaughtered/ each year In 4-H Clubs Change girls.
order to provide American tables
"The young people also receive :'
FARM NEWS SECTION iiiiMtWrr 1 with veal. Farmer. and stockmen Drudgery to Game splendid training at their regular' <,
| realize about $185,000,000 In receipts meetings. Parliamentary law and ",
for the year's crop. Addedto Of ProgressSelbyMiami public speaking have been developed :
I --- this number are the heifer these people with
.... among young
Dr. L D. T. .
Conducted By ..............-. calves which must be brought Into Fla.-"To correct the the result that they create a greater -
the world every year to take the self-confidence. Through the
Dr. LC .v Is .-du..ts ffI6 Outtu4avterlr.rCollagglE It '.
Home .Tbfrt7-eI&bt:r9IIft" place of the wora-out milk cows. psychology In work, changing art of self-expression they are en- <
JORDAN Demonstration
MISS PEARL Agent veterinary _. Emlaent authorit ern..... ..4 We have discussed In previous from drudgery to a game of progress agled to find their way to positions
railing of dairy cows, other livestock and .-I 7. Nationallyknown articles the Importance of good Is one of the great accomplishments of greater leadership and usefulness '
leetauer.writer .nd .DI'- of 4-H club work,"
against 6,650 last Total The in both time
year. sires. expense Better citizenship Is Inevitable
lorida Truck plantings for both states show 14- and money in raising a calf Is too Howard Selby. West Palm Beach through the training in the 4.
Article xn"Goon It Is advisable to
states freqently while
550 acres for 1931 and 15,260 for great to make the mistake of starting banker, recently stated II clubs
Crop ConditionsAre 1930. A large storage of New 1'ASTrilKS delay pasturing until the latter with poor stock. Another mis- speaking: in a club achievement t tSI'L'DS
York celery has resulted from low NKKI; ) OlMIlDINCi part of May or first of June. take so many mAke, especially\ program from WIOD. The spirit
Favorable prices and the late states show a One way to test the efficiency of those who sell the whole milk to of contest which has been Intro- > .AM MARY PLAN
your pasture Is to see whether it Is duced has resulted In many tint) TO n"'oT10101: : TIME: 'X
53 per cent Increase over the 1929 Ono MIstake: to IU> Avoided Is Allowing I. dairies or cheese factories Is that
able to furnish sufficient feed thru records beIng made by tho youthof TO CULTURAL THING!* v t
production. The late crop ls estl- Tattleto Grille: Too they buy cows to replace a;
general resume of truck crop matd at 4,020,000 crates In 1930 Early In the SpringIn the normal grazing season. If card.. Usually the cows offered recent years. To produce a --
;1 In the southeast Just re.pd compared. with 2.556,000 In 1929. your pasture gives out too early It for sale have some defects, and larger yield or a higher quality Along about 'this time every
,,11'ionn,, !: from the United States De- An average yield of 95 to 100 a country where land 1s as may be that you are using It too the danger of Introducing tuberculosis product than any other boy or girl year most of us begin to look back
DureaurAgrh'Ultul'a.1 soon in the spring, into Is something to be proud of, he and make a mental survey of whatwe t
"rtment of Agriculture bushels of fall cucumbers Is Indi- cheap and as plentiful as it Is lu or some other disease
Economics, of thIs cated at the present time. The the United States it Is not surprisIng These are minor points perhaps, the'herd Is ever present.Let said have accomplished during", the ''i I
,,, lays that generally, weather crop is In better condition gener- perhaps that we have become but dairy animals should not berequlced us assume then that the best "With such rapid change In ag- year We say to ourselves that we u i
ndltlone, for the last two weeks ally than last year. Shipments are the pasture experts our brothers to travel a long distance way to enlarge and Improve the ricultural methods many older will try to do some things next ?
October were favorable to the considerably above last year's and claim to be on the other side of In order to secure food. Therefore dairy herd is by raising our own folks have: become doubting farmers year that we haven't done at all
,wtb of truck crops most sec- carlots are moving fram: Wau- the water.In it Is highly desirable' to have calves. Shall the calf be fed whole and still stick to old-time thin year, and other things we will
having received needed raIns. chula Fort Myers and Arcadia, Holland, for Instance land Is the pasture near'the barn. Also, milk, skim milk, or some substitute methods. Many a boy has takenan try 'to do better. One thing that
on of
on the Lake !In Sumter Lee, : where 1,100 of the 1,800 acres In worth anywhere from $500 to $1- that It have a sufficient supply for mllkT We know now that acre of hU dad's land, followedthe Mary and I have decided to do
.natee""pe < and SemInole counties are I the state have been planted. Sev- 000 an acie. To make that land good drinking water- In it or near calves rained on skim milk, If Instruction of his 4-H club next year Is to spend more time :
good condition, while Dade enty-five cars were forwarded profitable for pasturing requiresno I It. properly handled, will grow Into leader, and produced as much as and money for 'what Is usually
unty growers are complaining from the state in October in com- little skill\ especially where you Another mistake many farmers of 'just as sturdy healthy heifers as threo of bin father's adjoining called cultural things. : ,
damage to tomatoes from ex- parison with four last year. There have to pay In rental each year as make is to shut off the feeding those nursed by the mothers. The acres Thus the elders have been To begin with we are going to
.dvr,! rains. The past few days are 700 acres of fall cucumbers In much as land sells for in many sections the cows In the spring. That is a whole question Is that of method. led to change to the more progres- try to see and appreciate more of '1'
I'B been considerably cooler, Texas this year. This Is a new of the United State The sod good way to cut down on their pro- The chief difference! between sive methods, and this Is no'small the wonderful beauty that Is all
ht frost oecuring In the north- venture, as there were none last has been pastured for centuries.The duction because grass In the spring whole milk and skim milk Is the accomplishment to the credit of around us every day here In our I ,
'I, counties\ but no damage tock year. Carlots are moving from this Hollanders nurse It and pro- Is mostly water. It cannot possibly butterfat or cream which has been .-It club work."Keeping state. We are going to visit I;
contain enough of the '
crops has been reported. acreage. tect it as carefuly as we protectour necessary I removed from the latter. The wa- records is generally a around more, and Bee some of the ;
; I normal 1
food value to maintain the
Shipments of fall crops are incasing A crop of fine quality eggplant most important crops. I ter, protein and sugar content are burden to the farmer, but .-11 Bights that people from all over 'J!t
diet of the producing There- '
as new acreages come In- is moving from Brooksville. Yields To show you the difference be-, cow. practically the same in both. ,Now club members, competing for hon the country come, to Floiida to see \:'
for should continue the
bearing and are from ten days have been good and four to five tween good pasture land and poor you fat la not essential for growth. It ors, must not only produce more and seeing, we are going to try
two weeks ahead of' last year cars a day are being loaded. Express pasturing In this country, an ordi- ing of grain and hay or silage. Asa supplies heat and certain tissue and ,Better crops, but must showthe appreciate. Of all people, It. \
the best "
matter of fact
al\8 are moving mostly from the shipments are moving from nary cow can get along very well pas 'necessary to the body. The bene- costs and profits. This 'typeof seems to me that folks who live In ,,
ture Is not sufficient diet for
ke with Sumter county increas- other points In central Florida. on 2 '1-2 acres of Kentucky or Ca- a fit that the growing calf /gets from training develops financial ability the country ought to be In closer "I'f"I'fto "
dairy time of the If
; to five to six cars a day and Harvesting of peppers has begunin nadian blue grass, or any other herd cows is any producing twenty-five year. the fat In whole milk can be ob- and gives an Insight Into cor- harmony with Nature and her ,
call sections adding to the vol- Palmetto Winter Garden, San- good permanent grazing ground.On your tained from corn meal or some rect business methods. 'many beauties than any others. As
of milk
pounds (pints) dally per '
ie at the rate of two to threers ford and Wauchnla. The move- the other hand It takes from 10 should feed other grain, and at a much lower "The work of 4-H Club girls la a rule, this Is not true "
each a day. Wauchula Is furling ment will Increase steadily The to 20 acres of our wild western cow on grass, you coat. So many records are available revealing a new sense of home re- Another thing we are going to
the cucumbers. This week crop is reported as growing nicelyIn ranges or unimproved prarll!!'land sit about or one seven pound pounds ot grain of milk.to every A to prove that calves raised on sponsibility and opportunity for do Is to buy and read a few good 'J"
ould find them at their heaviest all sections. There are about to support the same cow. skim milk plus grain and hay Improvement of home life Many books. In these days a farmer is
that Is
cow producing forty
ivement. Drooksvllle Is shtpg 2,500 acres planted to date, most- One rule Is never violated by equal those raised by the more ex- homes have been completely trans expected to keep abreast of the ,'"
of milk: dally should have its pas-
most of the eggplant along ly In the above sections. Broward'a careful pasture owners, that of allowing pensive system that the questionIs formed through the Inspiration times Just as much as any business 1 ;'
turage supplemented by one pound
Ib other mixed vegetables. To- winter planting is about set and the cattle to go onto the not debatable. Farmers also be-I and enthusiasm through the in- or professional man, and most ,
of grain to each four or five
alOes should start from Dade while there has been no definite grass too early in the spring. The I come uneasy when the skim milk of us do not read enough to do It. a'
pounds of milk
d Lee counties by December 1. check made on the acreage, reports grass must be allowed to get a I 'diet does not seem to put as much Of course we have always sub
of Is Important
This subject feeding to -
The present condition of the indicate an Increase over last I good start before It is called upon weight on the calf during the early Remember, the stomach is small scribed to the home paper and the
In connection with the volume
an crop is placed at 82 per cent season's 1,500 acres. 'to withstand the sharp hoofs of month, as the whole milk diet and cannot hold much. Add a farm papers, but next year we are J '
of milk secured from the herd
normal compared with 77 per Sanford has 239 acres of lettuce,, the cow. It Is also very injurious that I feel too much emphasis can- That la to be expected. But the quart the next week to the dally going to take two or three good
Dt on October 15 and 70 per cent 57 romaine and 231 escarole planted to the sod to allow pasturing dur- time to compare results, Is. at the amount. Eight or nine quarts a magaslnes that we have been \
not be placed it. The poorest
November 1, 1929 With two to date compared-wlth 235 let- ing the winter or the late fall when economy In the upon world Is to save end of the year or a few months day Is about the limit Overfeeding wanting for some time. '
eks of favorable weather In tuce, 88 romaine and 181 escaroleIn the ground Is apt to be wet and Your will after the milk feeding period la Is one of the (commonest causesof We are making plans to help If
mter county, plantings have 1929.A soggy.It money on feeding. cows over Then, if the proper system ailment Wash and scald the out with some neighborhood sings 1'
used a reversal of expectations. recent Inquiry into the Inten- is a little difficult to fix exact amount produce of In direct correct proportion feeding to the has been used, they will compete' feed buckets and feeding utensils that are to be held. Most of us !, .
went prospects are the brightest tions of, growers In the southern dates at which cows should go onto on equal terms In size, quality and every day don't sing enough anyhow. We .
years. The Tines have. mostly states to plant Irish potatoes in the pasture because of the differ- AHJrle XV thrift. For the first two or three weeks, experience emotions while singing :
me back from early rain damaged 1931 show the following results: ent climatic conditions In various The calf should run with the mix the mother's milk end aklm that we do not get any other time. '
look green and healthy. Car- Florida 10 per cent decrease in parts of the country. As a general ('.\1.\").:.. ItKrOMK: : STURDY mother one or two days, before milk. Gradually Increa8'e the per- Our radio brings us some fine music 9'W
movement Is getting underay acreage, Georgia, no change,, rule, pastures are ready In the COUH O\ SKIM :MILK hand feeding begins. The first milk centage of skim milk. It shouldbe but It is not quite like taking
The Palm Beach crop Is in South Carolina and Oklahoma 2 southern states about the middleof from the cow after freshening contains both warm and sweet, HO as not part In It yourself. : ,
od condition and good yields per cent increase, and Increases In March. April 1st Is a safe day :Modern| Methods of Feeding Knblo : elements valuable to the to upset the digestion At about Now all this does not mean that
a expected. The fall average other states as follows: Tennessee for the majority of pastures in Dulrjnien to Improve young calf. Some dairymen let I" weeks try to feed a little grain are going to let up on our fight I'I'we
110 bushels In comparison with cent, Louisiana and North Carolina Kentucky, Tennessee and Stock at Low<< (" \Ht. twice A Rood way to teach the corn meal, and wheat bran mixed we have to face every day. We ,
, bushels last year. Planting of 16 per cent, California 20 percent states in the same latitude. From calf to drink I Ie to put your fingers I are used. I are going to work Just as hard as't,
8> Broward county crop started ,Arkansas 23 per cent, Ala- April 20th to May 5th takes in The calf "Industry," If may be Into its mouth and tick its nose About this time the calves will I ever before, and I believe we will dl,(
loving the rains the week of bama 31 per cent, Texas Valley the north central states such as so called, Is one of the largest In Into the pall of milk For the first begin to eat a little bay. If It is accomplish more when we re-ar- l,
,tuber 20. This section will have 25 per cent, Texas. other 5 per Nebraska and Iowa. Across the the country; It Is estimated that week about five quarts of milk a placed In a rack nearb Until range our schedule to Include a ;
'0 to 1,000 acres for December cent, making an average of 11 per northern section of the United 9,000,000 calves, in, round num- day\Is sufficient In three feedings three months of age hay Is better few minutes. each day for the enjoyment '
eking but its main crop comesIn cent over 1930 plantings than pasture grass. Clover or alfalfa of the beautiful and splr'j ..
January February and Brookavllle is shipping yellow "Down Under Land" Offers Its Fish Game and Scenery I are a little too rich. itual things of life. 1 '
arch, squash in mixed cars, and express I would caution you regardingthe t'
South Carolina beans are almost lots are moving from Sumter, Har- condition'of the milk fed to Farm talks are given from the : !
To Outdoor Visitors From '
rough Frost and near freezing dee and Lee counties Hernando .M Loving the Blue PacificI the young calf. If you take your state radio station WRUF Gainesville .
gather of the past few weeks county has 200 acres planted to whole milk to the dairy and haul \ every week day from 1 Z:15 .
lYe state a small yield. squash. the skim milk back for feeding, It to 12:45: eastern standard time by I
Florida growers are still setting The strawberry crop Is In good may sour on you. Another thing, the Florida Agricultural Extension "
,bage In central Florida but the condition, setting being practically In the dairy process your milk be- Service. ,:'.
nth Florida acreage Is in and finished. There are about 8,600 comes mixed with milk from other 4 ;r'v ,"r.
rowing well, condition being re- acres In the state. Hlllsborough herds, and It may contain germs. Cotton Is a perishable crop and ; ,
" 'ted a little better than In 1929. county leads with 4,200 acres, Pasteurization by the dairy will trees afford a poor shelter for it. t "
m' rabbage is expected from Polk next with about 1,400 acres, avoid that. Or, If the dairy Is not ," J
. ford the last of November Bradford county, 1,200 Hardee, equipped, do It your elf. Heat the Chipley-L. M. Wells erecting ,
here were no solid cars shipped 1,000 and Sumter 300. Five hun- milk to 150 degrees Fahrenheitand small brick building on Sixth 1
at year in November and only dred acres are scattered In other hold It there for 30 minutes street for battery service station. ';,
i cars In December, most of them counties. In the earlier sections and It will be safe. ''"
"ming from Winter Garden and prospects are bright for a good ww4 w M "e Kt WMn The most satisfactory plan'' is I I h
ford. The acreage at these two crop, but what Bradford county to have your own separator and r I
""Ints this year is 685 compared. will do It is too early to tell. Their feed the skim milk to the young COFFINS & CASKETS ,/ ,
Ith 575 last year. South Caro- acreage was more than cut In halt I calf soon after It comes from the And a Full Line of nUndertakers'
'tie cabbage Is doing well and cut- and weather conditions have not : mother I '
lIg has started in a small way. been favorable for setting plants. It doe not seem necessary hereto Supplies
The following table gives the in- Fall plantings of tomatoes have M caution you regarding clean AUTOMOBILE IIKAltSH! :'r
"ded acreage for both fall and been injured by recent rains In X r dry, warm pens for the growing AI way.*) .. If.... Tb. beat \'
any' spring cabbage, and the com- Dade county and the crop does not 4f tA, a +, ?t + e p (calves and plenty of food drink .vrvln* .c tae lonrnt Drive.. ,
"Isong with last season. look as good as earlier In October 1 ing water Most breeders like to Special attention to telearapk \:.
, Cabbage. Lee and Martin acreage, however, N&WZEAl4NO' have their calves come In the fall. .rderamOOISTBItfDD i
Intended are growing well. A light move- $ They can be fed on skim milk hay IDHn.lLHER ; '
Acres Acres ment is expected by December 1 OU QNTpr and grain during the winter and DEWITT C. JONES r: ,
'rail: 1929-30 1930-31 from the 3,040 acres 2,000 of I be ready for grass In the spring. '
'uth Carolina __ 760 1,300 which are In Dade county, 300 in jr The weaning age It about six ITARK, PLOItVDAWhen : ,
Ir. (Norfolk) ____ 500 500 Lee, 250 in Broward, 250 In Mar- i .. '-"""!" -d4' month .'
tin 150 In Collier, and 90 In Bre- -,""" -.
Total ________1,250 1,800 yard and St. Lucle. A yield of -. MAORI C.lfILDQG/If. t.): /
f farly.H'ornla. about SO bushels or 120 crates Is _, NcbJ ZCALINj) I I '", ,'Ii
_ ___ 4,780 5,080 forecast for the fall planting The HM' .H. .s. ,. Ik'.N Ne' P *rm .. .. r"Ak'ANPAkVORAtAND. tl1, L .",,_ I 1 I ,\'j jI
r)$ xd In Tampa live at
':1ori.a| .. ______ 3,500 4,200 Intentions to plant the main crop Modern-Flrs-proof',, .
':oulslana (win.) 5,860 5,510 total 14,900 acres, according to dun Radios --=; Spa- '
6189, _ ______18,000 23,900 the present plants of growers and Rooms-Lobby -
shippers; 7,500 acres In Dade, 4- HOTEL HILLSBOROM and Lounge. Al.department's :
Total' _______32,140 38,690 000 in collier 3,000 In Browardand open i
'cr.., ________,___.__72,700 400 In Lee (In addition to 300 all the year Rates. ), t
'*ll Plantings last year were T.\\I1"\'fof: LAWIHT; HOTKLWlicre the same throughout ; .
-___________7.6 tons. early) .
A 'heck acres In the same counties. the year.
up of the Sanford-Ov- 11,800 ,.: u
"Uo' d:strict on November 3 and 4, you will meet friends and a welcome
3()_ed 1,879 acres of celery set 1"J.OIUU.J.I'fST: ()('K WILL .,,>( ,' ., ., .; .
1 'ompurlHon with. 2,387 in 1929 SHOW AT INTKIt.VATIO.N'AI: .' (,, '" ; *.- $2.00 to $6.00
"5 acres In 1928 and 2,274 t .
: ,,' ;" " A "Jt; *)'>r *> ,' .a
,res in ;' ; : :t" ; flf *, e
1927. Heavy rain on two Gainesville, Fla. Florida will ' W .Y "' ,'< per day
'ad be represented at the 1939\ .,l'" "',"'i.j .... ;:t'') .
rowers feel that the present national Live Stock Exposition to ;< _"'" "''''';''''!'.'W'.'''b;';',,,.
""Me will\ be made up before be held at the Chicago Live StockYards I A Official AAA Hotel
* _
final check: is made and that November 29 to December /z AY47QALM k -Free Auto Stor '
11 acreage theft '';f ,
will total about 6. .41/11'41 : for
,sme ** last year. Manatee has According to the management Wh n golden autumn DM Oxl ana traveler to return on the earn roundtrip . :,,,,1 .
o *crw of Its Intended 800 acres exposition, two livestock- bitter wind sweep from the Norma I ticket via a Union eteamablp
* the> of moor folk would Ilk* to pack their liner to Ban Francisco taence by rail IIAIi/ri/qQq/
ground and Sarasota 250. from this state will exhibit I "'"" |= "Top o' the"'Town"DINING
ne men belonging and nlbernat somewhereuntil to his bomB town. from all over' the world. Railway
: making a total of 2,325 acres herds of swine. They are smiles the YN
show gentle Spring once again Sydney gateway to Australia, I. motor road give ay acces to hundred i
"V'to date compared with 3,087 Harry T. lioyles, of Green Cove upon th* land.Australia S cosmopolitan metropolis wltb one of lake and tram, wber z ROOM
vit, fear The condition of theo Springs, Clay county, who has en- and New Zealand far-oft of the nnest barbor In the world. brown trout, rainbow and sea-run
I III a little below that of last tered twelve bead of DurocJerseyhogs land tn the south: Pmclflo are being Til* climate I* always temperate. trout abound in such size a* to ...too.lab NEW: '
'"' visited more and more by travel-wiM seldom varying mora than 17 ** '
on and l Ie reported at 85 per Edward Gregory of degr aehermen from other countries ) -
rot ; and people! who would avoid the beaten 7. and many' who lilt Australia find Dp-eea fishing attracted Zane ? t
normal County, Orey, CAFETERIA
Th. White Springs, Hamilton path. On of the moat delightful condition there delightful that celebrated novelist and
sportsmen to
California crop Is In good who will .how ten specimen of -....,. of Journeying to these distant they remain Indefinitely. Australia Mew Zealand In 1838.. and b. bad a
Ddltion, The acreage for 'fall the Hampshire breed. eountrle .. over the Canadian Pacific Is a land of oU'dool'.aport *ucn a* thrilling time wltb the swordfleb and
'M' Winter' U estimated at 6,900 S Hallway to Vancouver. then via one borarclng. football cricket, swim Ogbtlng rake nfks. Deer. too. are Serving you at THE JIILI..s OnO I I. a pleasure
otrett against 7.6JO last year ot the Canadian Aiutralaelan Lin ming motn t. golfing big-gam plentiful and New Zealand's display
14 711 00 In 1J29. For spring Chipley Building on EastJackson steamers which ply direct to Suva, lathe Bsblna moui. m climbing and bunt at abe Wembley Exhibition.: London l>. B. SKINNER C. 3. JACKSON
:.a". Cbero- FIJI Islands: Auckland Mew Zealand was acknowledged
tat street known as ing.Kew by the world' leadIng -
' California has 1,300 acre and Sydney. Aiutnlla. An IDtenllanp Zealand .. acknowledged to e* authorities
5rWred being used by W. to be one of the best President
with 1,150 last year. Cola building, : arrangement permit the the "". ortrDaA', paradlav by visitor collection ever seen anywhere, Manager <,
fi0r"a __
Mpects 6.500 this year O. Wells. ,_ r
a r"
1\ ... ,, J.!", :;"K o..._' ',\\V ',a.r.'lIh:; I.)l >ji?,! 1; a '<( ' "f\ ,"'!I .'!; 'f'.. ,{;f 1 j'I 1 -1"tJ ","" ,:"& :i-/.t'iJ" ',','.::!.,:Irlr.:r--- :;u'!'Ii'f\F;! \ ;"''! .1'. ... ' ';t',. J ', [:" ". J 'vrJr I""\"
---' i ;;'J rjz. lJ
-. w
_. _.. _. . _._ _._ .. ft.
--- .- .- - - .._ ---- --- ----------- ---" --- -' --- -- -_ .- -- -- -.- ------- -----""'- -- r ---- --- .
- -2.: .
think that true Mr. Editor? --__ _
Now I --...::.::
may auk you to carry to HAMPTON TIJERESSA
all your good readers children, MlM Ads Ammo Cor. HIM Rhode Zelal.r, Cor.
and grown-up, my best wishes
SocictJ(1 for a merry Christmas Keep lots
1\Irs. F.. KnleHnln:
also for yourself It. I' nxr Rev Hayman of Orange Heights
Yours from the land of the Last Friday: .evening, November filled bill regular appointment at
"China ChlnkB". 14th at tout, oVclock, Mrs. R. Hope church Saturday and Sun-
M. Faver'entertained at her home
day. During the service Saturday
( ) H. O. C. Hallock.
TWKNTIKTII:: CKNTl'RYMJB :: a Christian School, by Martha C. P. O. Box No J834, on Church street In honor of her night the K. K. K. visited the
(' :MKKTH Brownlee. daughter Miss Mary Blanche's 7th church and a note was banded to
Talk "How I Was Won Throughan .
birthday.The .
the pastor to read to the congrega-
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Montleth entertained Evangelistic Missionary" by Washington D. C. large roomy ball, was deco tion. It wall as follows: Brother
delightfully Wednesday. Melba Silcox. 2500 Penn ave., 0. 11:. rated with pink and green. Near Hayman: We appreciate your work
evening members of the Twentieth i Talk "How I Was Won Througha I Nov. 6th, 1930. the center of the hall stood a large here. We stand for law and order,
Century Club at auction bridge. Christian Hospital." by Lucille t Dear Mr. Robinson dining table which was draped prohibition enforcement white supremacy -
Yellow and white chrysanthe; Edwards. Telegraph Btarke Fia with white and beautiful with garlands and furthermore we
j mums were pleasingly used in The business of the Auxiliarywas Here Is my check for your valuable of green and pink and cen- know what Is going on in this
. decorating the living room where then transacted and the fol- paper for another year, aa! I tered with a large white birthday community. We hope conditions i
four tables were placed for play lowing officers were elected for the t don't feel right" until I have read cake on which burned seven pink will imporeve here soon. If you I
i At the close of the games prizes ensuing year: your paper through each Week., candled embraced with green. need our assistance Just make a
were awarded Mrs. S. L. Peek and President-Melba Sllcox. Just say a word to my friends Near the entrance to the hall public statement of same. Respect-
Mr. Sternberg for holding high Vice-President Mary Brown- there that when the snow, flies was placed a'wall table which was fully submitted. K. K. K.
::1 and to Mrs. J. W Andrews Jr., lee. Mrs. Kimball will be sailing for used as a receptacle for the many Miss Teresa Benett of Rising i
1/ and Mr. S. L. Peek for scoring Secretary Martha Brownlee. the land of flowers: that I am beautiful present. The wall table spent the week-end here with her i
low. Treasurer-Eunice Canova.A enjoying best of health and want was beautifully decorated with sister Mrs. C. Sullivan and family.
IY The hostess served date pudding Thanksgiving box for the to be remembered to my friends pink pot flowers In which the color Mrs. Florence Williamson and
J coffee and cheese wafers to needy was planned also a box for. there and how I keep In touch scheme of green and pink was brother Calvin Hall and Earl and ANNOUNCING-
f i the following gusts: Mr. and Mrs. their own adopted missionary with them each week through your beautifully *displayed'In the green Elsie Belle Geolger. were shoppingand
J. W. Andrews. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Miss Harriet Raymond who Is in paper. foliage and beautiful pink flowers attending to business in
. ,1:., N. Sterirberg. Mr. and Mrs. L* D. the Philippine Islands. Yours very truly Starke Saturday. The City Barber Shop wish to an'nounce -
l. Vlnlng. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Stump; Julia S. Kimball Many presen.tft'bf'exquisite beauty Miss Willie Mae Hlnson spent the addition of an up-to-
5''jj Dr. and Mrs. B. S. Carroll. Mr. and BIRTHDAY PARTY ' t I were displayed some on which Tuesday"night at Hampton with date Beauty Parlor in their
,t Mrs. O, L. Beasley and Miss Mabel .. the honoree name. was printed in Miss Margaret Turner. tablishment es-
I next to
% Bank
1j J :Weller.. .>NI I- gold.. Many interesting games Mr. and Mrs., I.. R. Cooper and of
,I, : ... -- It I noon in honor of her son Jack LA JVTEY were played on the lawn after children of Jacksonville were visiting Starke.
; HEW AND 80 CLO1 MEETS j who was eight yea,. old. Mr. E. u. eat**?, Cor. which the gueeta marched In line her fathers Mr. J. P. Dickinson Specializing in Finger '
around the beautiful table Waving
, The home was tastefully deco- in the here Sunday.: ...
F Members of the Sew and Bo club I rated with chrysanthemums and hall where everything was lighted We were all glad know that """
', ; met with Mlsstiunlce Perkins marigolds, a color scheme of yellow Lawrence Irving colored living with electricity, giving both cheer Rev. S. H.: Dodd who has been ill Scalp treatments, permanent waving
Tuesday evening at bet home on and gold predominating.In east of Lawety brought In two" and beauty to the occasion for sometime has recovered! and Is facials, etc.
West Call street. pints of ripe Strawberries Saturday Cakes, cookies and lemonade
the dining room where the with us again to continue his duty.
y Bright colored garden flowers young guests were served candy which were sold for 70c. In Was served abundantly He delivered a very interesting YOUR'PATRONAGE APPRECIATED
,rye were used by hostess in decoratingthe Ice (!cream and cake was the large ten' days with good weather-, ha Mrs. Faver was assisted in the sermon la t"Sunday night which j
room where the guests were birthday 'cake- on which burned will be able to get crate. entertaining by Mrs. Ray Colley was enjoyed by all. CITY BARBER SHOPlent
entertained. The evening passed Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moore and and Mrs. .
eight. small candles. Varl-colored M. L. Watterson. Those Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sullivan and
Mrs. W. H. Edwards visited .. .. ...... ._. ....
f, swiftly In sewing and conversation caps were given aa favors. Mrs.Moore's who participated In this delightful son. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sullivan '" II _ rL .. ..,_
at the close of whlcb delicious An enjoyable afternoon was had brother-in-law. Mr. 1>. M. occasion were:,,Marjory and L. A. and little eon E. J. Jr.. of Waldo.were =
' k refreshments were served by the children In playing games Tanksley In Jacksonville Sunday. Johns Jr., Doris and Junior Rut- visiting Mr: and Mrs. J. J. defensive and offensive foot- PECANS WANTEDIn
those present. and conteata. Assisting Mrs. Haile Mr., Tankaley la a patient In the lage. Blanche and Haynes Faver, Zeigler Sunday afternoon. ball on the line last Friday. Graham -
The guests were: Mra. T. T, In looking after the pleasure of hospital there. Evelyn HIlla Margaret Houser, Mlsa Rebo Maxwell of Hampton broke through once :and the market for good: pei
;. Long Mrs. H. C. Hitch, Mrs. D. P. those present was Annie Murrhee. J. E. Goodfellow was a visitor to Shirley and Francis Colley, Jean- was visiting her brother, Mr. W. blocked a punt on the 30 yard line. Will pay beat price It well dr
rCarpenter., Mrs. B. S. Carroll MissI' Those invited were: Jean Davis, Jacksonville Saturday afternoon. nette Parker Freddie Dorothyand M. Maxwell Wednesday night.Mr. This paved the way for the second and clear of trash and culls
Blanche Alderman Miss Florence Lucy Ann Dew Hartwell Dew Three cars of beans, beside Harvlne."atterBon., Emery and Mrs. J.:iD. Adkina andA. scorn. Howard Moore was the 11-14-31. N. D. Walnwrl
Matthews and Miss Etbey Griffin. Jaunita Barefoot L'Etta Corpen- heavy express shipments left Law- and Ciaudle ,Belle Brown Dora L. Johnson of Hampton were despair of the opposing backs -
lug, Gloria Johns, Ralph Rhodes, tey week last but week. Still shipping thIs May Wynn and Geraldine Hall. visiting Mr. and Mrs.. :J. J. Zeigler breaking through time and' againto Bunnell Bunnell Merrm
I Oil KAY! Margaret Pearce. Tommy Rltch E. E. prices are low. The out of town guests were; O. L. Saturday afternoon. break up plays. Co.. moved to lower floor of f IQ
.. Burney was a business visitor Haynea,.Jr., of Starke, and Edna
". Tom Mangle Ruth Wyman Har- to 'A large group of young people er Byrd building.
This three act comedy which is old Bishop Emmett Ferryman Friends Starke Monday. Margaret and \Vanda Pearce all\ enjoyed a cane grinding party at The Florida game with Clem- Orlando New dally new'
I being rehearsed every night this Comer Ferryman McKay Johnson Biggs and of Mr. and Mrs.:, W. H. of Starke. the home of Mr. and Mra. S. R. son last Saturday was almost a per to start publication.
j t, week is going forward In a splendid Julian Grima Margaret Lowry family deeply sympathize Mr. Wilbur Dennison, who has Swindell Wednesday night., repetition of the Starke-Summer- Arcadia Sinclair Refh
way. Parts for the cast are Lillian Stump Betty Lee Crews, their with them In the death of been In Canton. Oklahoma has re- Mr, M. M. Brinson was a visitorat field game. In both games the Co., to start construction of ill
! ; well chosen and every one can and Doris Crews. bersvllle.son, last Hubhard Biggs at Jmi'- cently returned to his home here. the home of J. J. Zeigler last first teams did all the scoring and station at Oak Street and De,
anticipate an evening spent in Thursday night. He Rev. Dixon of Jacksonville Thursday night. the second string was not quite avenue.
)t watching a mystery play In which some was Injured logs earlier In the day by preached at the Christian church h strong enough to keep the enemy Tampa Florida plan) if, ,
; something Is doing every minute crushing him and diedat last Sunday morning and evening HTATH TO W\\: EXHIBIT
10:30 o'clock rom threatening a couple of times. Monte corporation known as D
!i In the way of thrills, surprises q The : Thursday night. Mrs. Tison and niece. Mrs. Whit IN \CKHONVILLK DKPOT Canning Co.,' started operatic
and laughs. J family accompanied by many ten, of Lake Butler are spending
'I, of their friends attended the funeral a few days in Hampton. :MUST PAY ALTO: TAX
fall- of
There are no dead bodies et-eflJo. The state department agri-
:' ing out of closets or bats or spiders Sunday which was held atnarbersvllle. Mrs. L. A. and L. G. Johns and culture will again establish a dls- FOR TK\K OF 1O.IO 666
running around but there Is Bobble Johns'were business- visitors --- play in the terminal station at --
plenty of excitement and strange Shanghai l, China Oct. 11, 1930 day Mrs.In Starke.w. H. Edwards_ ", spent Tues to Stark,.last Monday'The Jacksonville this year. The exhibit Ad valorem taxes on automo- IM a doctor' Prescription fn.
things happen before your eyes Dear Editor Mr, and Mrs. Herman Thede of Hampton farmers are .delighted will be under charge of John biles for 1930 must be paid in COMIS and UKIIUHtS:
"Oramp" with his flivver and its I wonder If you have any boys Jacksonville were visiting with the helpful and' refreshing Brown representing the depart- spite of the recently confirmed It l. the moet needy remedy ki,
never ending accessories and"dram" and girls among your readeia. If brother. Mr R. his shower ment, who left this morning for amendment to the state- constitution flf.a also in TnMi-t
R. Thede and
i famIly W. J.
'Root, manager of the
with her habit of trying so, can they Imagine a place In all Sunday. Jacksonville which abolished this tax ,At-
every patent medicine on the market the world without Christmas and Rev. and Mrs. J. V. Robinson business Hampton Hotel. was transacting The exhibit will show Florida torney General Fred H. Davis Informed --
of in
are a couple of comedy roles Its joys One such place la down Tampa Shores Starke this week. products in an attractive mannerto Comptroller Ernest Amos. -
which will furnish several hun- here on the "bottom-side of the Mr.' and Mrs. spent Sunday with Mrs.' McMillan and children' were the thousands of visitors who The new amendment does not
R. R. Thuds
dred laughs. Kay Mlllas Is a world." The slant-eyed "yaller" Mrs T. J. Terry and daughter visiting in Wlldwood last Saturdayand pass 'throug1the b!g station at begin operation until January 1,
strong part calling for good: acting kiddies here do not have Christ- Miss Florrle Sunday Jacksonville. and will apply only with the beginning -
< spent Saturday !Jo The meeting of the P. T. A., has .
while Art and Edith
are Junevlle man trees. They do not "hang up Jacksonville of the 1931 tax roll and
parts of much appeal. In fart all baby's stockings the biggest you The town election been postponed until further no- It. 11. N. HPORT lUtlKFrtBy : For the tax year subsequent thereto. The
,was held last tice
on account of the illness of. -
the and the
parts are good as plot can get. Santa Clans with his Monday .
'. on all are enmeshed In tjle "tang sleigh and reindeer and bags of following officers Mrs. Futch'a father. I ( Gary Over treet.)
elected for the year 1931 There seems to be a general Im-
: Mayor e
i Summerfleld was outplayed In '
led thread of
mystery. finds hIs to
We toys seldom way China G. F. Young; Marshal Paul Car. KUMU.U: : HIM: >> .'onIUS.: every department last Friday except pression in some portions of the FORDBATTERY
must mention the "Black It may be because the roads are rin I
; Clerk Louis H Hill; Alder- FI.VI.KV of state that these ad valorem taxes
tn passing. A comparison
; Terror" himself who la the cause too narrow and the reindeer fear
,\ men CJeo, Anderson and J, T. on automobiles will be abolishedfor i
the first downs gains etc., shows
of all the trouble. Who can It be getting: their feet wet In the, rice
Funeral 1930 as well as for future i
services for
Mrs. Nel- the following Tornadoes made 14
But the secret must be kept until fields or because there la so little :
Mesdames R. R. Thuds and :E. lie Flnley. 55 who died In Gainesville first down to Summer field's 10. years but such Is not the fact according -
Friday evening November 21, at and it be because
snow Ice or may E.
Burney spent Wednesday In early Saturday morning at from Starke to the attorney general.Ad .
scrimmage gained
8 o'clock at the clubhouse. Do Chinese houses have so few chimneys -
;," not full to be there. or perhaps Santa Claus la Melrose with airs' and Mrs. J, J. I Alachua County hospital,, were 175 yards. Summerfleld gained 94 valorem taxes assessed in
McLeod.Mr held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and 1930 were assessed before November -
I yarda. Starke tried 7
The characters are: Edith Whit afraid of falling off the "bottom- passes
man. Evelyn Whitman her mother side" the ', and Mrs J. D. Dye and children from the Presbyterian church. In- completed 3 for a total of 38 1 and also became due and
of earth or maybe even '
of Jacksonville ,visited terment at Prevatt payable on that date. Although
Mr cemetery. yard. Summerfleld passed: 13 ;
; Arthur Whitman her brother
because baa shown the
'I' Captain George Whitman her and Mra. A. M. Blanchard Sunday Mra.' Flnley was the wife of the times and completed 7 for a total these: 1930 taxes must be paid, Earns its Cost
i,! father, Gram Pembroke Alice way here. Mrs. Tatum of DeLand is visit. late Joseph Finley of Starke and of 102 yarda.Summerfleld. this Is the last year that such taxes
Chinese children not
ip Ing her daughter. Mrs.' U. W. Rob la survived by three sisters, Mrs will be collected. Mr.' Davis state
, Borden, The Black Terror Gramp at night to get a sly peep at him. erta. Jennie
:'.\1,.. Pembroke Jim Hayes, Kay MItr Nor do they run down stairs very Young Waterbury, Conn.: possessed an accurate -
to.r JIll of the Mlllts Detective Agency early on Christmas morning to nee Mrs. Fred Candee Naugatuck passer in Sumner 'fullback NO'lHH OK XIIRHIKK.S !I.U.Jo1
Conn., and Miss Martha McKnlght and good receiver in Abshlre and Over
f./ Fred Alden. what Santa has put on the Chrlst- =.. a e -
f These Mlsa Brooklyn. N. ,Y., and one brother, halfback. They contributed the Notice In
parts are played by: mall tree or with what wonderful RISING hereby given that the i
.a William McKnlght, Valley und ralgn.,1 aa hilt-riff; of Bradford
Stream of Summertleld'agains.
greater part
t. Isabel Fernandei Misses Kstclle he has filled their! stock- .
things Mlu lrl.. _I...... Cor. L. I., N. Y.Pallbearers. County Florida, under and by virtue
Kendrick, Patricia Lamb Grace Ings. Just think of Itl! A land of that certain execution I..u..d out ONLY
:i I'IJVood.. Mrs C. A. Futch, Mr.' JohnI with no Christmas! I say ""No were: Mr. Oscar of! .the Circuit C'ourt. Bradford ('ounY. -
Powell ,Mr.' J. A. Saul Mr. 10. M. ClrrlstmaH"; but it Is not quite The people of this section are Andreii, Mr. ,V'. b h Edwards. Mr. The Tornadoes are determined Nov.Florida A. 1>,. dated 1930 the In that 17th certain day of
Davis Mr', L. D. Vlnlng. Mr. Sum "No", for once In a while some busy netting strawberry and garden Ala!. Darby Mr. W. L. Wall. Mr. to win over Alachua to break the 'au"e wherein Hiram I'reMcott Is $7.50
I Anderson, Mr Lenthall Wyman, English: or American store will plants after the refreshing W. H. Andrews Mr. N. D. Wainwright tie game which they played earlyIn Plaintiff, and Noon Warren* levied In. upon defendant -
,**' and "''". have Santa Claus or a Christmastree showers that fell Sunday night and 1 Funeral arrangements the season. Alacuha tied Chief. and rltJ: i"I"oeh'a: ; highest t and I Ib..t
Monday were in charge of tine DeWitt C. land last Friday. the Tornadoes bidder for cash on the let day
i. -7 In the window ror the sake of so of I>ec. A. D., 1930 at the Old Pr"h I
r Mra. V. D. Wheeler and son, Jones Co should win handily. This time the nit I'liice near 1:4am: penn City. Flor-
ef.i; orrinis: FOR TIIK: :MKTIIO.W : English boys and girls. Then lots John of Crestvlew Ida. at elev.n n'r>l**.*lt. A. nf-. t.k Mo.tM (with
were visiting; teams will meet in Alachun.It PRICED at $7.50
; .
Haiti .ecutlo--
ODIST W. SI.: C. 1.cTIIJrJ : : : :: >. of wee Chinese noses Interestedly Mrs. Wesley McRae Friday afternoon ('11HIYTMAM :31.t11dNi fy and ci'iiiM. "Ihi i-
lowing described personal property
against the window-glass. I
press to-wit: UelnaIn Bradford
.:\ Monday afternoon Nay; 17th, Then too I and my Americanfriends Mr IV-IiU, { >.tcnie. attended Postal authorities request that Ralph Cox like can he did continue that to I Florida: allowance) for jour old
1 snag passes one One
halt of One
: friends of little children, orange half of
the of the
Missionary Society church at China Grove Sunday pnrtons of post office.,discontinuethe
.' last Friday he should be at end. pecans one halt of potatoes, all the
lf :Methodist church elected the following are trying to be Santa Claus to Mr. and Mra.' Owen Wylea of practice of addressing 'mail on It was a difficult catch. Cox Jumped above being on the old Prescottplace the Ford 13
;/' officers for the ensuing at least nine hundred little kiddies than 4 meat hogs and corn leathered battery),
Jacksonville were dinner more ooe side. Said
ragged guests right out of a crowd of playersand above described prop-
year: In my Sunday schools In of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Crawford! While this Is done In the apparent pulled down the pass from Al- erty now being In the possession of 'C
President-Mra. T. J. Griffin. Shanghai. The hnpplest little Sunday belief that It Is desirable; as a varez for a gain of at least 18 undersigned. VT. J. plate battery more the
f, Vice-president Mrs. J. II.j Brownies you ever saw are my little T. N matter of fact EPPEIISON'
Mrs Norman of Wateroak the practice does : yards Ben Sternberg also gathered Sheriff of Bradford County, Florida.
t Rltch.j. "Chinks" as on Christmas day I was visiting relatives here Friday.Mr. far more harm than good, sinceit > in a couple of nice catchesfor 11-22-21-11-28. ant'
' Recording Secretary-Mrs. J, I and my helpers tell them the '. and Mrs. J. L. Conner attended results in confusion and delay In good gains. pays for itself in long
J:'t W. White. glad .Christmas story and dIBtr{b- church Wateroak Sun ascertaining whether proper poe- oIo _J..... _ ,_ _
M';.t, ".i. Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. ute among them apples oranges day. tage has been prepaid. the parcels Since Fernandina cancelled the reliable service.
7 A. Wodo. and 1 peanuts; lolls and bulls toys Mr. Frank Norman of Wateroak sometimes being rated with "pos- game with the Tornadoes for Wed- //. LAGERGREN
/.' Supt. of Children-Mrs. L. C. and candy. How the eyes of my motored to this section Sunday af tage due" before it la discovered nesday before Thanksgiving they
j.'::. Ray.i. little people sparkle. How hap- ternoon. than the '
postage stamps are affixed Surveying demands
are open for that date. High Leveling
I i.:,' Supt. of Study-Mrs. R. A. pily they, smile and how gratefully Mrs. H. M. McRae was visiting to some other aide.Furthermore. Springs and Wllliston are being Built for the heavy
, ) "WeekH.i . they say "Zla-sla-noong" Mra. Evelyn Wllkerson Sunday, when parcels considered At any rate If a game Mapping, Ornamental
'. .' Publicity-Mrs. W. G. Halle. (Thank, thank you), as they receive who la very sick at this writing bearing an address on more than I. scheduled It will probably be of cold-weathe
.J; Supt. Social Relations Mrs. L. the gifts of American friends Mr. Milton Crawford was ylsit- one aide are sent a. special-hand played on the home field., Garden Designs
;;-t .A. Davis.v I wish all your boy and girl' readers Ing relatives In Jack.onyllIe'last ling: special-delivery( insured or
' "' Supt. Supplies-Mrs. E. S. Mat- could be with ua and see how week. C. 0. D. mall and the Indorse- Billy Graham Howard Moore Starke, Fla. starting Fully guaran
:,\tf, <: thews. happy my boys and girls are with Mr. and Mra Martin Oliver of ments, showing that such special I and Captain Inman played excel- _OT... J 0
V:\ Supt Social Work-Mrs. A. Z. the simpllest glfta. They wouldbe Pine Level and Mr..and Mrs. V. B. services 'are t<* be accorded the install on
ir ". JVdklns. glad not only for the delightof Wheeler and r teed. Let us
son. John were parcel, are not placed on all the
Treasurer Miss Amelia Ray. my little ones but they would pleasant visitors at the home of Idea bearing; ,(tbe address the In- I
1M better appreciate their own Christmas Mr. and Mrs.,II. M. McRae Sunday dorsements are liable to be over RADIO REPAIRING in your car noW.
',", O. .\. :MKKTINfl: gifts They would also reullxe afternoon. looked and too parcels do not receive I
'( h .. how much boys and girls In China Rev. and '
. Mrs. E. C. Labia of the special treament intended. !
',:, ; The business and program meeting are like American boys and girls: Jacksonville attended the W. &l. ,. ALL MAKES I
e' of Baptist Girls' Auxiliary was with their likes and dislikes, their U., monthly business meeting at Parcel poet packages should be J
held at the church Monday .after Joys and sorrows their tear and Corinth Friday. addressed plainly within and bear I Smith's Service Station .J. Yl. Andrews,
noon. After? a splendid devotionalled smiles and, would feel that they ,,101.... B. M. McRae attended the sender's name and address in .
by Mary Brownlee the following are Indeed their own brother and ehurrh at Union Friday of lad upper left-hand corner STARKE FLORIDA
program was rendered: lotera. week. It is believed that patrons will Authorized DealerWestinghouse ,
Talk "Conditions of China" byMr Some Bay there Is no Santa Misses Audrey and Vesta 'McRa be glad to have their attention Phone 118
*. W. J. Epperson their coun- Claua. I think of him aa that great pent the week-end with littleMI.sea called to this matter, since it la to L
.lor. big heart of love that tries to make Helen and Dorothy Norman the mutual advantage of themselves Radios
Talk, -How I WM Won :through other people happy Don't yon In Wateroak MCtlOD.Wlr. and the postal service. I
-= ."" "", ." "otliomJ1J! J.&. ..1l.._' :w.w ,. ' '. I
fk : ) ,: I .
\ t > u;; of /
-tfla'; ..1\IfI1\! r. "'-,- .,-...,-,\I"oV, r.. . . ,. ", "''' 'I., :::' J wj'j.;.;.. ,*\ k !t: !l
..... .. H '............._ '"' ,_,.. IIMIIWYtW.@IMIklWNN.N4WddM1W.1NkMM/H N.J A e.M."N,
_, I.t'K", ..'I : ..,, .
I ,. I ,' ,., I' .', InlJ" ,,t r>:.'" .. I ,
.nn'.... .. ,.. ... -
- -- ; --- '
-- -- - =- ;=- ---- ---------
.,- -- Bed ticking; fancy patterns:sale Mrs A, N. Richard !Mrs. Bruce ping' In Starke Saturday. I i'I'I. and--s; Jack Packard of
I price lOc yd. at Stump's. Norman and daughter; Annie KEYSTONE HEIGHTS I Mrs. Ray Lawrence Miss Ruth Greenville Pa., are In Keystone .Y 1"
I Catherine and Mr. Morgan, Richardof Ml.. llclrn Ogden, Co.... Lawrence.. Rev. E. :E. Mowry and *Heights for the winter. Mr. Packard -
ofJocal1t.re Mrs. J. H. Ritch, Miss Dorothy Jacksonville, wife !guests of Mr. !Mr. II. R. Lawrence drove to Pa- Is golf professional! at Keystone -
Bits Rttch and Miss Chamberlin Heights golf course. .
Betty and Mrs. E. S. Matthews Sunday. latka Wednesday '
spent Saturday In Jacksonville On Tuesday evening Keystone 1 Rev and Mrs E 1:'. Mowry were "fI
Miss' hazel Klckllter\ returnedto Heights held an Impromptu Arm Istlce The third of a series of mission- dinner guests al the home of Mrs.J 'I
Mrs. W. C. Young of Waldo, was Avon Park Sunday, after spend- Day celebration at D. O. Stew- ary talks was given Mr.at Harold the church Law- I II Lawrence Sunday
the guest of Mrs. O. J. Griffin Sun- ing the week-end.wltp her mother art's drug store. The program Sunday evening. I Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Walrath and;
rence had charge of' the service, .
short '
consisted of a
day. Mrs Miriam Klcklt| ., principally; I Mrs. Wm. Pierce drove to Jacksonville -
talk by Rev. B. R. Weld and songs the subject was Porto Rico. Monday.
Concerning Our People Business and Fancy outing flannel sale-] price Mr. and Mrs..J CcTurnlpseed popular during the World War Mr. Wm. Pl..rce, who has been Miss Gertrude Houser, Arneeta "'
Pro, ..* of the County and Town. lOc ;yd. at Stump's and Owen Davidson of McIntosh The Kid Party at the pavallon quite 111 at his home In Keystone Ogden, Elizabeth Caughey, Helen ;,
Mlsa Sannle Cromer and Miss Bob- on Wednesday night sponsored by Heights was taken to Riverside Ogden and Donald E. Pangborn
by Baldwin of Jacksonville, were Mi'. and Mrs. D. O. Stewart, was hospital, Jacksonville, Sunday. 'attended the Melrose-Hawthorn _
__......"."'O-:-l --- .S ZS2S4SL 5C Miss. Minnie Gruber was the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. very much of a success accordingto The entire community la anxiously basketball game at Melrose Monday '
week-end of her Mrs.
Col. and : J". Fr guest sister reports of those present.It waiting and hoping to soon hear night.
WEATHER RECORD Mrs.. L., zee spent S. V. Trigg in Jacksonville. Sweexy Sunday.
Wednesday: la Jacksonville: differed from most affairs of of his speedy recovery .
-Starke branch. U . t and meet the kind In the fact that so many Mr, and Mrs. 1>. O. Stewart Mrs, Wauchula Vegetable ship
by The business
compiled Department.Week Ask to see the beautiful all silk Mrs. S. E. Brownlee returned Ing of the Baptist program Woman's' Missionary entered into the spirit of It and F, W. Stewart and Miss Katherine pers In this region sending out
forest ending Noy. 18, 1930. full fashioned hose ,for .s dollar home Monday after an extended Society! will be held at the dressed for the occasion. Prizes Bowie drove to Silver Springs Sun- heavy shipments of cucumbers, ,.
visit In and
pat Max. Mln. Preclp. at Stump's.Mr Mississippi ,Georgia. church Monday afternoon at three for the most "kid like" costumes day. peppers squash and eggplant--.-
12 77 61 o'clock.: Program in charge of circle were awarded Miss Arneeta Ogden .
13 82' 63 '.01 Boone Dick was a business 1-yd. wide fancy and plain color, No. 3. All members and visi- and Mr. Edd :W gtlns.
r' visitor outing flannel, sale price lEc atStump's.
62 In Jacksonville Tuesday ,
P. 14 75 tors urged to attend. The semi-weekly supper was
5 86 64 held at the clubhouse Thursday .
.'.'Pv.. 16 83 65 1.39 Cabbage and onion plants. J. FKlckliter. I Big special sale on embroidery evening there was an unusually Nat Sternberg Sez:
17 79 64 1.03 ,_ Mr. J. A. Howe of Lawtey, large attendance and a bountiful
'JV. I packages at Stump's.Mrs.
18 87 59 -- spent Monday with his -daughter .. supper After the supper Rep. J. t '.1 t
"v.Total rainfall for week, 2.43. Mrs. Eunice Canova and Mia Mrs. R. A. Newsom. Edwin Larson gave a most interesting If you think ;you are having a hard time
Mary Canova visited Mrs. F. A. ... G. F.: Ramsey; Mr, and Mrs. talk on some of the Florida Just be thankful you're not a quail. I was y
CUD shells 'at Klckliter's. Canova In Gainesville Sunday. Mr. and ,Mrs. R.: A. Newsom D. J. Clarke of Gainesville; Mr. laws >, awakened Thursday morning by several
and Mrs C, D. '7)/ Uame, of Tampa -
were guests of Mr. and Mrs; S. K. Mr. and Mrs:,6. F. Johns of On Friday afternoon the follow- shots; Jumped out of bed thinking maybewar ;
jjr J J- Canova was in Jack- Mrs. D. A. Montieth Mrs. J. M. Newsom in Jacksonville Saturday.Mrs. ing splendid program was given in
had broken
of out again but as
Oluatee and Mrs. L. A. Dees as soon
Dvlllo Sunday.Mr. Alvarez and Ralph Rhodes were the school house: Song, America,
Mayo were guests'.of; Mr, and !\Irs.L. I got my senses I remembered that the
in Jacksonville Friday. by the school; Scripture reading,
J. V. Oodbold of
and Mrs. J. T. Quigley were ville was ,the guest of Jackson-I D. Green Sunday Mr. Larson; Armistice, three primary hunting season was on.. And boy what tales you will hear
Jacksonville Wednesday. Levitou's Tailor ShopCleanIng Mrs. S. S. Dowling Wednesday, : pupils; Original,.; paper Grover from now until the season Is over. They used ''to be so bad
I r and pressing. 1114tf. Mi, and Mrs. C. C. Colley Miss Batten; Armistice Day reading about telling how many they killed until they passed a law
Col. and Mrs. I>. E. Knight spent Bessie Colley and Miss Register of Luella Cunningham; Song Three
Mrs. J, M. Drownlee] and Mrs. prohibiting from saying that they killed thantwenty.
Wednesday In Jacksonville. I Jacksonville.. Me. and Mrs. J. O. Little Sisters, Rebeka Stanley, anybody more 1'
Mrs. H. A. Brown of Jacksonville S.- E. Brownlee spent Tuesday in White of Williston and Mr. Ray Grace Wagoner and Lucile Jordan; Very few ladles go hunting for birds, but quite a few '
Is visiting her niece, Mrs. H. Gainesville with Mrs. A. V. Long.
.yd. wide yellow homespun, sale A. Bishop.Mr. Colley of Jacksonville were, visi- Reading In Flanders Field Polly are always hunting for bargains and I'm here to tell you that
rice, 7 l-2c at Stump's. .. Mrs. Curtis Chamblee of Jacksonville tors in the horn.of Mr and Mrs l Stanley; Paper on Patriotism you can always find a few at this store. Try one bottle and be-
J. FV last.week Betty Sanders Patriotic Creed,
Colley ;
T.;;N. Llfiibaugh of Lakeland spent the week-end with convinced.
E. M. John attended . Bruner Baker; Reading, Lest We
Senator spent Tuesday wtlh Mr. and Mrs. her aunt. Mrs. O. J. Griffin.
ourt In Lake Butler Tuesday. H. L; Brownlee. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf daughter Forget, Lois Jordan; Song school .. -- - --.- .i ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lubin of Marie, and son Leonard of Mr. and Mrs. August Weinmanof ONYX HOHIKUY ONYX IIOHIKIIY ONYX HOHIKHY
Judge A. Z. Adklns was In Jack- Jacksonville visited relatives in Green Cove Springs>> ; Mr. and Mrs Pittsburgh Fa., are in their
Peter's Gun Shells. our HIM'C.'laJ ChiffonFrench The
Tuesday.Get apartment on Lawrence Boulevardfor new
mville O. E. Stansbury and daughter Ed-
prices before buying. Smith's Ser- Starke Friday, na, Eva Rlgdon. Bearnard Wolf.pf the winter Pure thread silk or' Pointed Dull Finish ,Hose i
10-31-51 '
lard cans at Andrews. 11- vice Station. MI, and Mrs. O. L. Tanner of Jacksonville! eel' Bill Johnson enjoyed Mrs. John Lawrence and her Full Fashioned Heel all the latest shades t
l-tf. Mr. and Mrs.. S. T, 'Dell and Florahome spent, Sunday with Mr. a picnic afWarren's Cave, mother Mrs. Boyd, of' Uend rson- Chiffon or Service 11.65 value now 91.65\
near Gainesville .Bnnday, vllle, N. C." arrived. at, Keystone sl,
of and and Mrs. N.. D. Bumgarner
Mr. one
daughter were guests 1\11,21'5\
Mr. Zack Roberts of Hastings rDon't Heights Wednesday and .expect to
pent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. J. M. Brownlee Sunday. .,,1 remain several months.Mr. .
Mr. and Mrs. Boone Dick and miss belfng'the embroidery E::. P. Caughey and daugh- ,
Mr. and Mrs n. Wynn visited packages atf greatly reduced Elizabeth \"'. L. Douglas shoe Frlrnilly FIve'Sboce I pl T"IL'H: NHiS:
Col. and Mrs. Ii. V. Knight were Fine new line of sweaters, 100( ter. have returned to
tAilors to Gainesville Friday, percent wool all sizes, colors, at Jacksonville Sunday. prices at Stump's.Among their home In Keystone Heights r I For \Voiiioii
J. M. Alvarez. Look this line over -- thoife"( after spending the summer In Erie fll.1" Mil, 97\ $\ H For Youn Men $'h I Ipii.fM to III( t.ns
Powell of Myers attending the I
Mrs. Kate Ft.
Sir. and Mrs. R. F. Demorest before buying. Pa. t
sited Lake City Friday.Get left for her home Monday after Florlda-Clemson 'football game In Dr. Bruce Gamble, who has boon
several day's visit here with Mrs. Jacksonville Saturday were: Mr. the ul.l
Mr.: and Mrs. O. L. Beasley re- II. E. Mcllae.Dr. and Mrs. 'H. C. Wall Senator and a guest at the Inn for the past llrmllvr asp
salt at Andrews. 1114tt. week, left Sunday for his home In
from where STERNBERfi'SK..p Kolnic
turned Tampa
Sunday Mrs. E. M. Johns Mr. T. B. Mas- .
Meadvllle, Pa. Dr. Gamble INer ewenlere
I they spent several days. and Mrs. B. S. Carroll attended sle. A. F. Wall,-8. R. John, Mr. J. expects ,. .
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Dew spent to return to the Heights with Mrs. For. )'oulrn
Dental J. Truby, John Uedgraves. Mrs.
the Florida State .
Wednesday in Jacksonville. Gamble about the first of the ererrlSlnlrow
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wall have Association In Miami Nov. 14th Doyle Harward, Miss Ruth Stern- year \ S3: TIIM RFLI.UIM'J STORK
and will remain the rest of the .
moved In from Klngaley Lake to and 15th. berg Maurice Edwards and Gene *nn nt Sere. t
Peter's Gun Shells. Get our winter,
their home In Starke. Turner
prices before buying. Smith's Service Mrs. Sidney Church, Mss Betty .
Station. 10-31-51;. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Middleton : Sanders and Miss Helen Ogden STEAM PRESSING COMPANY
32 Inch dress gingham Sale Ind daughter, Marjorie Sue. spent Mfr and Mrs.'Tute Powell, Tate
Mr.a nd Mrs. J. A. Saul visited price lOc yd. at Stumps. Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. .W.' K.Mlddleton. Powell Jr., of Mari'lenny; Mr. and were Mi',in and Starke Mrs. J.Friday.II. Rouser and. SUITS CLEANED. PRESSED AND IlESIIAPED
relatives In Jacksonville Sunday, ] Mrs Avery B. Powell, Mr. and !Mrs.
Miss Gertrude Rouser< \ J. Frank Thoman Phone 52
were shop
William Duncan of University of Julius :Powell, M t. and !Mrs. George --- .
Children's Coats, 7 to 14 years, Florida spent the week-end with !Mire W. E. Middleton; Misses Powell Mr. and Mrs. Howard .. ,
,alo price, $2.96 at Stumps. his mother, Mrs. A. E. Wall Madge and Hazel Middleton were Smith, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Hodges ',. .
shopping In ,Jacksonville Satur- of Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. v s''
Miss Ada Nimmo of Hampton Get salt at Andrews. \1-14t-f. day. i Lindsey, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Car-
lulled In Starke Monday. penter of Wlnston-Salem, N. C., FRIDAY ,
J. G. Uowd of Daytona Beach, !Mrs W. J. J' ppE'rsolspent several and Mr. N. A. Powell of Glendale, SPECIALSSATURDAYNov.
Get lard cans at Andrews. 11- spent the week-end visiting days In Gainesville thin week Ohio who attended the funeral of 21st &
.f.l tf. friends and relatives here with her daughter Mrs. Dale Van- Mrs. Lucy Powell, have returned ;:
sickel.I i to their various homes.
and-Mrs. N. O Adams and
Mr. ,
McKay Johnson spent Sunday in Mir and Mrs. R. W. Mills anddaughter OUR STORE WILL lIE CLOSED ALL DAY THANKSGIVING \ y\
Elizabeth, of Jacksonville
CENT A WORDCOLUMN Jacksonville.Get ;',
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. r
Y. P.. U. Convention' and'7Tly Goodwlfe Self rising
syrup cans at Andrews. 11. V. F. Flume for the week-end. fr;
Jacksonville' District, will be
14-tf. !Mir Carr Colley left Friday for held for one day, Saturday Nov FLOUR ,
and Mrs' New York City after several days 22nd, 1930, at the First Baptist 24 pound Bag. .. 79c
Mrs. R. S. Waadln
'::0 TRESPASSING; for rent, for ,
Math Wasdln of Graham were visit with his mother, !Mrs W, A. Church, Starke. Opening Session,
sale cards at this office 9:30 a. m.President.
business visitors here Wednesday. '
o't ouventlon, Prof Y
WANTED: PECANS Will pay Fancy Large Firm
!Mrs M.Davis! Miss Alice Fer- J. W. Cox, Has"trigs' ; chorister, -
Rood prices for number one Dr. O. L. Haynes and J. W. An-
'' nandex and Mr John Powell mo- Rev. H. It. ./Harwell .Newborry.
Cchley pecans. F..A. Scott. ltOH drews, Jr. were business visitorsin !,
Jacksonville Wednesday.Men's tored to Jacksonville Monday at- Program: POTATOESlOpournls29c
' ternoon. 9:30-9:35: : Music by Chorister
SALE-Must sell Immediately -
0:46-10: Devotional R, F. Long-
a' fine horse together with women's and children'ssweaters
harness. Priced very reasonable. sale price 98c at Stump's.Mrs. Dr. H. B. McLendon of the state bottom, Waldo.
10-10:10: ( : "Glad to See You," Del Monte
A. Stovo.' 11-21-St farm and Dr. R L. McLendon of Compound
Marianna of friends. John Powell Starke. Extra Special
G. F. Lowry and daughter, were guests
Jack- In Starke Monday, 10ilO-10:20, : : "Happy: to B..
ll'LES of Saturday In
FOR SALE-Fine pair Margaret, spent PRUNES
Here", Percy Thomas, Jackson
mules well mated, work anywhere sonville
Mrs. M. E. Edwards, Miss Haiti villa We have installed In
In excellent pondltlon
Can be seen at J..M. Brownlee's Long cloth sale] price lOc yd. at Adklns.. Lois. Adklns, and A. Z. 10:20-10:35: ( : : "How We )Have 2 our store a
place. 1174t. Stump's.Mr. AdklnM, Jr., motored to Gainesville Grown W. W. Wtlllan. pound box20c 4 Pound pail 55c
Tuesday afternoon. 10,35-10:50: : "The' n. Y. P. u.
Mr. J. J. Loyal to the Bible," Miss Audrey Coffee Mill o
WANTED Sweet potatoes J. E. Corpening
!Mrs. Catherine Davis, !Miss Josle Dunklln, Melrose.
rhlckens, eggs, and produce of Truby and Mr. A. Ii. Williams visited Blue Rose f '
loffman and Mr. Louis Hoffman : 10:50-11:10: : : "Loyalty to the Heinz '
all kinds. Can use pecans; send Gainesville Monday. I If have not tried 1 1
of Jacksonville were visitor. In Baptist Witness, p. L. Johnson, you
samples with best cash prices. .
If C. Waters Sanford, Fla. 11- Mrs. P. G. Maddox and son Mr. Starke Sunday. editor. RICE one of our new Coffee's CATSUPLarge
ll10-ll-35: : "Loyalty to theLord's
21-1t Chase Maddox of Archer, were missed a lot. ;'
Starke Wednesday Dr. and Mrs. K. L. Biggs; attended Commission\ ," Dr, C. M. Many
visitors In the funeral of Dr. Biggs, brother. Brlttaln. are using it- "
OH one SALE mile-west 18 acre|lot Starke.farm located near Our dollar hose are beautiful.Stump's. . Mr. llubburd Biggs at Barbers- 11:40.12iOIk''Loyalt University: ( :..* 'y to Stetson '5 pounds - 25c Why not. you? bottle I 22c'
vllle Sunday. Dr. W.. A. Hob-
road nice three- '
No. 28. Has -
son. St. I'eter burg. RIO COFFEE
room house. Farm Implements Branch of Jacksonville Tickets on sale at Mitchell'. 12-12:201: ; "Standing True to I
Included. Priced reason Mrs E. E. Texas Skinless
very Drug Store for the play "0h, Evangelism Dr. R. T.
the of Mrs. W. Russell Kingan's
able. A. Stovo. ll-21-2t Beach Is guest 2 pounds 35c
Kay!" Nor 21st at Woman'sClub. Lee.hurg. - -
- Wainwright. '
I 12:20-1:25:: ; Lunch-Delflgates FIGS
UANTS-Cabbage, collards, Bermuda CHEESE
bring their
own lunch and commit SANTOS
beets and Iceberg Dollar hose, all new colors atStump's. I COFFEE
onions i Hon. John W. !Martin of Jack- tee from Starke will prepare table
lettuce; 500 for $1.00, 1000 for onvllle several days this '-Starke will provide cakes I ,
spent and ,
11.50$4.60,, charges charges prepaid.collect.6000 Write for Mrs. E. H. Smith and Mrs. Irene I week the guests of State' Attorney drinks. Quart jar - 4ge Per Pound 28c Pound25c '
visitors In Lake But i and Mrs. H. V Knight. .\llA'rno..n
for Bullock'sPlant Wills were
quantity prices. 1:30-1:48: / : Music and Devotional -
Farm White Springs 10.31.4t.OTICE Fla.. ler Sunday. Mrs. E. L. Brown returned Service, Miss Jessie Tlnnley, Pa- Van Camp's Evaporated x'ta
- Get syrup cans at Andrew. 11- Thursday from points In the north latka. j /
where she has spent the past .few 2:15.2:35oyalty: : to Our''
trespassing_ Fishing on or hunting across my or 14-tf. . R. A. Newsom months Splrituol, Hastings.Needs/* R,r. Ed. Stephen j 1 Milk, 3 large cans - 25c; Or 6 small - 25c
lands and Mr. and
is ,
strictly forbidden relatives In Tampa Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Grlffls. Mr. 2:36-2:65 : "Are My Jl. Y, P. "
lame will be prosecuted to the were visiting: recently. and Mrs. H. D. May and Mr. R. R. U". Loyal to the, Pastor" Rev
full extent of the law. These and St. Petersburg 'hede were In Tallahassee Thurs- W. C; Norman, tTatatka; Rev E. PURE CANE
lands extend on both sides of McKnlght returned day in Interest of the schools of A. Calkins, St. 'Au'cu.tlne.3:003.U .
the creek west of state road 13.J. Miss Martha In New York City the county. : "Loyalty In Testing SUGAR,5pounds25c +
- W. Alvares It. Tuesday to P. Times," Dr. G. f.; Rousseau Ocala ; lOpounds - --49c
Mr. and Randall and 3:25-3:45: "Loyalty to the Denomination
ROW BULBS FOR US--Easiest "' E. Middleton and Dr. It.N' son. Bill Jr., returned to their ," Dr, 'T. V atcCaul,
Dr. .
and to
most profitable after Gainesville.
professionaltrip home In Tampa. Sunday a
made a
croW'. We supervise planting Holland Crescent City Sunday. visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Al- .5:00-7:30: : Evening. Recess- ,
to '
Without charge and contract for are*. Supper served by the Starke
'Crop at fixed price. Mrs R.w" sale price $1.00 church to those remaining for the apt
shoes .
Orlffln, Lane ,St., Palatka Children only. Mr.. J. C. Robinson Mr.. Lillie B. Y. P. U. play. A
Florida; supervisor for Pierce at Stump'-saturdar 3. Lewis and Miss Vera Claire] 7:30-7:35: Music and Devotion
Bulb Co.. of Orlando, largest J. F. Carpenter of Winston- ioblnosn .pent several days In a1. Rev J. M. Lewis. Waldo. Where Satisfaction
Mrs. is
distributors of Gladiolus bulbs Salem. Is the guest of her mother Jasper and.Jenjlnis last week fisting .7:41: B. Y: P, V.. Play by!: Senfor .. Certainty
In individual cartons in the U. Weeks. friends and relative D. Y. P. V Lacrosse..
s, 10-31-51-11-28- Mrs. R. A.
I '
'. ;l ltncc.d
.. .... ,,.., ,. __ .;...., .
LL \'"'" iiii'lt1.1 ,.,'!
a aJilii t f .tdhk!|: ;,i' : !', Aa4 1. lt., cMwdAr; ::'; -i I, 'k
.__....+M'wnnWNw' ,..." , .. , WM +,' 1 ""M
-- -----
' ---- -
-- ----
- ---- ----- -- ----
------- ---- -
November 23, 1030 THANKSGIVING SERVICEThe plans to make these meetings
The Reward of OvercomingHe helpful. And the Worst is Yet to Come---
that hath an ear, let him hear churches of our town willunite B. Y. P, IT. at 6:30: each Sun-
wm what the Spirit faith unto the as usual In the'' annual day evening.
churches; to him that overcomethwill Thanksgiving service. The meet- Big convention meets in our
I give to eat of the tree of ing place will'be the Presbyterian church all day and evening of Sat-
life which Is In the midst of the church and Rev 'O. P. Raymondof urday next.
Tkj ward ii a lamp onto my fed, ina* alight into mf ptk-Pula 119105. paradise of God.-Rer. 2.:7, the Baptist church will be the .
Prayer-"Help, 0 Lord, my preacher. The combined choirs of NOTED: EVANGELIST: : ,,1I( .
iJ11 Uor io JriwR: AH creed religious, if they are teaching to have, doctrine any claim or weak endeavor, This dull soul to the churches will furnish music OI'KNH KKVIVAL: IIKKF 1s.t
upon the love, loyalty and devotion of the people must be in harmony with rapture raise!" under the direction of Mrs E. !M. n t'
kbe teachings of Jesus the Christ whose words tit Into every fold and crevice November 21, IDttO Davis, Presbyterian church or- .,'
rf the human heart and of whom it was said in John 7:46."NEVER MAN ganist. An offering will be taken \
TIIIS MAN.-' The Hidden Manna-He that . '"'
SPAKE LIKE for the Fagg Children's Home of
hath an ear, let him hear what
\VKICKI.Y: HKKMONKTTK1irlMt : ; : : they that have riches enter into the Spirit salth unto the churches; Jacksonville. The following pro- .+a
the kingdom of God! And the dls to him that overcometh will I giveto gram will follow:
( ., Tlw'ltniMl ut LifeJohn clples were astonished But eat of the hidden manna, and Organ voluntary
0:35.: Jesus said*: I am Jesuit salth unto them Children will give him a white stone and in Doxology.
how hard Is it for them that Invocation, Rev O. H. Lowry
the written
1 the bread of life: he that cometh a new name ,
in riches to enter Into the Hymn
he trust which no man knoweth saving he
to me shall! never hunger; and
kingdom of Ood! And they that receiveth It.-Rev. 2:17. Scripture reading, Rev. J, T.
,, that believeh! on me never
astonished * saying, Who Guy
thirst. 47. Verily, verily, I Bay Unto were Prayer-"Lord with glowing
you. lie that belleveth on me then can be saved? And' Jesus heart I'd praise Thee for the bliss Prayer, Rev L. W. Klckllter.
hath everlasting life . nalth, With men it is ImposSlfole Thy love bestows" Hymn.
but not with God: for with Offertory
John 6:51 I am the living bread November 2.1, IO.1O ..rwf
God all things are po slble." Reading of President's Procla-
down from heaven I Ifany
which came : A New GIft-And he that over-
It Is not impossible for the richto mation, Prof. S. S. Dowling
bread he shall
of this ,
man cometh, and keepeth' my works un-
be saved through Christ, In Sermon,. Rer. 0, P. Raymond.
bread that I
live forever
to the end to him will I give power -
fact, wealth may be so used as to Hymn.
will Is flesh, which I will
Rive; my over the nations: and he shall
advance its owner's spiritual life Benediction, Rev. A. E. Dun
give for the life of the world. rule them with a rod of iron; andI
and also to spread the gospel and ; ham.
\ Prayer: Feed me, 0 Thou Bread will give him the morning star-
build God's Neither the .
up cause.
'.of Life till I want no
more. Rev'2:26-28.: 1
/ What will the Heavenly Father miser nor the socialist has correct Prayer-"Lord this bosom's ardent .'I'RKSHVTKRIAN:
I'[ give usT Answer read-Luke 11- vlewa on wealth The spirit which feeling Vainly would my lips
1 takes the wealth of another Is selfish -
a 13. Services November 23
, express Sunday ,
+ and sinful, but the use of
November 2(1, 1OIO follows
I wealth to benefit one's fellow man as :
God Exhorts-Be watchful, and 10 school M
SUNDAY SCHOOL a. m. Sunday J. ,
I Is a compliance with Christ's com-
strengthen the things which remain Truby supt.
LESSON mand. But the love of wealth must I
that are ready to die:for 1 I 11 a. Morning! worship sermon -
i I not rise above the love of God nor
-- have not found thy works perfectbefore by the pastor. Theme:' "All
the acceptance of Christ, Dr. James A. Barnett, of Jacksonville -
Ood. Remember thereforehow His Benefits.
FOIl NOVKMIHCIl: Sit, 10:.() who has had marked success -
thou hast received and heard
6:30: p. m, Christian Endeavor. J JWHUP
both as a pastor and an evan-
DAILY BIBLE READINGS and hold fast, and repent.-Rev. Topic: "In Everything Give
Subject: The Rich Young Ruler, 3:2: 3. Thanks. Leader Miss Alice Fer- gelist, has been secured to hold a
4 1 Golden Text: "If any man will November 21, 10:10: Prayer-"I.et Thy love my soul's nandez. revival meeting at the local Chris
4 came after me, let him deny him- tian church. The services open the
chief treasure Love's flame Tung-Oil Tree-Harold
pure 7:30: p. m. Evening worship, sermon Mot
Praise God Now unto him that
w Er and take hU ed Tuesday night with good Interest -. [
up cross daily, within me raise" and Bong. Sermon subject: I ry. Have Sparrows Whlakers-
la l able to keep from falling, FARM PROGRAM .
r and follow me, Luke 9:23.: November 27 1030 Dr. Barnett brought a I James Speed. Development
"The Rod. of
Chastening th
Lesson Text Mark 10:17-27. and to present you faultless before strrlng message from the subject, "The Voice of Florida"
: : Orape Industry in
The Open Door-I know thy Prayer meeting Wednesday at I Florida-E, L
the of Ills with "
The events of this lesson took presence glory ex- "A Wonderful Savior The ser
r Lord.
? works: behold I have set before 7:30 m.
ceeding joy, to the only wise God vices will continue each this
Jesus traveled southward night
place as
ifi thee an door and no man Thurs., Nov 27-Distemper
s open The annual Thanksgiving service I in
g our Saviour, be glory and majesty, week at 7:30 and probably all of Gainesville, .-Helpful farm
along the east coast of the Jordan :
v1 can shut It: for thou hast a little Dogs Dr. E. F. Thomas.
be church
will held In the ,
talks will
dominion and both now and go on the air each day
fi power
next week. There will be three
river his last to Jeru-
I on journey Fri.. Nov. 28
and hast word
strength, kept my Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, Nov week -Experiment St.
Amen. Jude 24 25. next In a beginningat
ever program
salem. In his preaching services next Sunday, at
' disciples and hast not denied my name.-, 27th at 10:30: a. m. Rev a. P. tlon Plans for Building a Be
> 12:15
: eastern standard time
't Jesus said, "Whosoever shall notE' Prayer: "My God, how excellent Rev. 3:8.Prayer"Praise: Raymond of the' Baptist church the regular worship. 11:00: a. m., Herd-Dr. A. L. Shealy.
over WRUF state radio station
Thy grace Whence all our hope ,
receive the kingdom of Ood as a 3:00 p. m. and 7:30: p. m.
soul thou
my will be the speaker.A .
and comfort the Florida Agricultural Extension
little child he shall spring. /. Barnett closed a successful
., not enter "
Cod that aayest this.
cordial invitation to all our
U. therein. That is, a true Christianwill November 22, 1030 meeting at Palatka. Monday night Service has announced. Dundee-Florida Gold Cltnii
1 have the simple, trusting faith God's Call-I have somewhat services extended to all. which resulted In thirty-five addi- From the following list pick the Corporation erecting large plan
, i" la Cod and Christ that the little against thee, because thou hast METHODIST tions to the church. He Is not'a talks you might like and listen In:
, ;' child has In Its parents or those left thy first love. Remember 11APTIHTSunday stranger to Florida as he was for- Sat., Nov 22-Florida Farm here.Winter Haven New home ol
'4 .whom it loves. therefore, from whence thou art Preaching every Sunday at 11 mer pastor of the Egdewood ave- News and Hlntes. U, S. Farm Peninsular Telephone Company a
: Today' lesson begins, "And fallen, and repent, and do the first a. m. and 7: 30 p. m. school at lOa. m. We nue Christian church of Jackson- Science Snap shot Second street and avenue B North
If I ;( .when he was gone forth Into the works; or else I will come unto Sunday school at 9:45: a. m. E. are not atendlng on time or in as ville, and while there built the Mon., Nov. .24 Some'Prog- west completed.
\' 1.\\ .way, there came one running, and thee quickly, and will remove thy .... Perryman, Supt. large numbers as we should. Come new church where Dr. J. T. Boone ress Made by Farmers on the east Miami Red Cross Depart
:' :kneeled: to him, and asked him candlestick out of his place, ex- Prayer meeting every Wednes- and bring your children. now ministers. Coaat-W. T. Nettles AnsweringFarm ment Store, 39 East Flagler street
: Good Master; what shall I do that cept thou repent-Rev 2:4: 6. day, 7:30: p. m, Worship at 11 a. m and 7:30p. : I Questions completed.
II_4I" I may Inherit eternal life?" Prayer-Return unto thy rest 0 A cordial Invitation la extendedto ,. m. : Miami Beach Wade Harley Tues., Nor 25-Mites on As- Miami-Biltmore Theatre N. E
Luke says this person who came my soul and bask In the love of you to attend any or all of Mid-week service Wednesday at filed application to erect two new paragus Ferns J. R. Watson. 40th street between let and 2m!
1.1, wan a "ruler," probably of a synagogue Ood. these services 7:30.: Increased Interest and new store. building to cost. 50000. Wed., Nov. 26 The Culture of avenues, Buena Vista reopened
-- - -- - ----- -- ----- - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- --
; and Matthew says he was -
, I: "a young man." The kneeling to f
;Jesus U said to have been the customary "THE MAIN THING ON MAIN STREET" By L. F. Van Zelm l
greeting of a layman to a .
,r question rabbi. Mark"What and shall Luke I do"use to "In-the I -- ily-- I 9
tt z: I
4'' orlt" eternal life While Matthewwra
I Dtl r+ T THINK{
"What good thing shall I do MAINLEADING : g HER PR''ZES I
:,. that I may have eternal life?" I> < WAL IWANNA OH"T OFt THEMREH SHE'S AVSJFUL YES" BUTT 'tWEQNT NU''UN'' SHE GAVE
tallest thou me good? there Is S BEAUTY HU"IN", 'BOUT EVERYBODY ABOUT JUST TO
I f I' Practically, Jesus asked "1)0 you GIVES X\D: I / H To MYPARTY
address me thus through mere oP'TAUT"I I I GOT A -
I f complimentary form, or do you address STALE NUT I UNCLAIMED NFrWEEK
me as God?" It the young COCA I' IN MV CAKE i LEA RS I yc I
1'1' I: ruler were addressing Jesus only LOCAL ) Pus Yount
t r aut a devout, able teacher, then he STREETS\" .; \ . r (CHICK WALLIS IC( i ) t(
regarded him only as a man; but If JACK I HtPWSTA
'f lie addressed him as "God," then MEOW LES JONES ,
.;' he> bad recognized Jesus as the
';''. Son of God and might accept him LADY IN 1 .
as a savior, CORA'S t4O' -
;. ( Jesus called his Attention to the ,... ,.....,,
i :" commandments, "Do not commit
1. adultery, Do not kill. Do not steal {r. l (' ?
! '\ Do not bear false witness Defraud .!. l....,.... '-n" -.' ,_ .r.'El l I
sot, Honour thy father and mother __ .
0- -- -
---- - ---- 0 -
H -- --
-- --
> :. And he answered and said unto -
.: :i observed him.!Master from ,my all youth.these"have I F DOROTHY DARNIT By Charles McMfln I I'I
[ The young ruler was doubtless -
, I'; honest 1t'E WHAT 15 VOO OOCVHT TO
,' many who are depending on their BEE THIS IT i" REi L, KNO Aj. IT'S THE WITH IT? HAD A FLAW A L.ITTL.E TMI JCr Mt MAVOE1! GOT
' i' morality, he did not. realize his real RING ? one '"' GAVEL IN IT So 3HC THAT If SMt L-OVED
(oLJ '
,, fl, :nature It Is so hard for a moral MV SISTER CAVE IT To ME LOVE I
: person to see the need of salvation IS
., Christ, "Then Jesus beholding ME S '
through OLINO '::: ''' <
, f' him loved him, and said ..
, onto him. One thing thou lackest. : .-: --:-;
to '.
' f Co thy way, Bell whatsoever thou -:.--
, feast, and (give to the poor, and 1
, x thou shall have treasure In heaven I
; ',:' : and come, take up the cross,
and follow me"
Jesus saw the young man's 1
wealth and that his love of wealth
was his weakness.
The havlng.of wealth need not
', I,(' bo a bar to accepting and followIng -
' Christ, but the love 'for wealth
must not exceed I the love for "
: Christ Before we can follow ,
Christ we must be willing, if nec- .,.-. -- - C PIaMA Mt
- -- -
ettnary to abandon whatever stands -
' above Christ In our love and de-
''f. ..t"the,. Therefore young man Christ that he demanded Bell his Wilfred, Alfred and Sister Winifred -- ---= u__ '- -_-- 'COPFrt.lluIDRl\ : *bSyi4Icte By "Erv" Hess I
property and distribute to the'f' AW--I
poor, that Is, make the desire to WANTS VOO TOMEET ME -WE: OLO
, I love and obey Christ have first 6EE WERE YALKIN'ABOVf1HROWIN' (INK MAN SURE IS
'f'' place In his mind and life. But -4A711. 8& i A PARTY SOME NIGt-tf' A GREAT ON1HgOWI
the young man did not feel that FATPIERGREAT SWELL HANGOCJ"1'ml5 IS N G
I"" way lie wanted both his wealth HIM SHAKE OLD 80Y-AW NAME'S PARTIES _
i. and eternal life through Christ's '- WITVI A NEWSPAPERIN
std, But he was most Interested In FRON< OF YOUR FAC.E-
bin wealth. lie could not willingly / tI
j. surrender that. Therefore when .
, t
t *+cua made that statement to him r i oe -',
"" no was sad at that saying, and V tt= lI
'I 1' went away -grieved: for he hallo
). great possessions" -
. i Failure to accept Christ Is usually v.Jf
caused by willingness to surrender I cIz
f some one or two things( !. _
- :With that young man It was the
:;.Ii.a love of his property. Jesus said U
ti,' "one thing thou lackest. But
?!: that one thing was sufficient to Ir '
I::: keep him from eternal life. "And THAT MORNING eSS
,hr; .Jesus lalth. How hardly shall
,,:v.I"""' ."''' '''''ldJ.c ''-... /; .j.. "Ii t 1"W, 1 : '.t1- u. .,'".'"' > "' .. .. .A ?/.',..
.. ,!; **. "fl"" ;:;:'!I"I ,. ) jfI1 .:d'ifJ: :.6" 't11 r't_ :}! y-?! + / 7 ::: "'.(" ": f i. '1J h ," .w fL 0" ,'.'I''"
.... .,,, ,.". ..".,.".._ ......... ..___,,____-.,n, A 4. --- -..-.- ........__..- ." '"'' ,.
-:4': '''. 41"i 'J" "ij. "'H"l ""'I'4..4\ ;. .!I"'V"\:I.,".........,I'.i'7n''' ( ...j.1'4' ,..,.....4'.J4--. .. .. ;.. . ., /" , ,' ... ..... ., '..I .. ;. ..' .. .
:21. 1030 BRADFORD COUNTY TKMEGRAPII. STARKK. FLORIDA .. .. ...-.......-.---,. ... .
.. vnVEMRKR: .
__ .. -
: .. .._ -- -' -
{Y _.. un --- - - ---- "
----- --- Northwest. tf
HoctIon S3, quarter
.:=--' Inverness-Florida West Coast
Northwest quarter of Section **. ale
the big Saturday prize. Those attending Ice Co., plant equipped to cure In Towpehlp South. Rang 1* KM*. I
will be shaken up In a hat In Union county Florida, ,
to learn the winner. [r Personal Property and Taxation ii meats Callahan) ---St. John Motor Co., Also,quarter Northwest(quarter. of acre Northwest Iw. '
B. ,H. S. JOURNAL"The now occupying new brick building Northeast, corner rectfI)1l.: 4, Township I
Louise Thede: "But you'll ad 7 South Rants 83 Cast I_
'" recently completed to replaceone Bradford county Florida.
Staff"FditormChief : mit I have a pretty face. assessments destroyed by fire. Also, that portion of Ulock 13. lHouth "y ,
Mrs. Perkins "Even a barn (Digest of speech to be made by; 000,000. We have the half of Government Lot Ono I ",
counties showing that Section IS, Township 19 Mocha ,l \
from twenty
_____________..:__ Milton Brownlee looks good when It Is palnted.- Perry G, Wall, Chairman Florida this property Is assessed for less Itange 80 East. In town of I-ariclle. In
Pathfinder. Inverness, In Citrus
Editot ________- __________ Hazel Adkins Citizens Finance and Taxation than two million. We have the Substitute MotherIs described as fallows: South half of y
Assistant worth! lot more fully described a. beginning :i!
ot utility ,
convention another
Gary Overstreet Mr. Robinson "How students I Committee before' figures on at the Southwest. corner nt I
Editor> ---- --------------. : many !'
Sports : Florida Association of Real Estate $6,500,000. which is assessed at I Block IS running East along Southline ) ,\'
Editor ____________________ Muriel Silcox are there In your school? worth Not WantedSubstitute of said Block BO feet thenrnNorth d'I
Literary Annie Mae Pearce Mr. Dowling: "Ohl! About one Boards at Miami; November 19, $500,000. We know another 1 I to right, of way of State Rod '
Exchange Editor ---------------- .1 in every ten." 1930.) $3,500,000, which la assessed at mother wouldn't understate I No. 5, thence In North westerly direction > j,
"The solution to the taxation $248,000. In the mercantile I to the West boundary line of I ."i
No mother equals your own. S< said Hlock 13, thence South along I : \
I OCR POET'S CORNER Miss Florence: "This on problem of Florida lies in getting group I can show by my own hard you. said boundary line to point of be ', '
essay I old tried and true remedj
ornadoes Defeat 'Our Dog' is word for word the personal property on the tax: ware business that we have more with your there is ginning.Maid: sale lit to be mad.l for purpose : :'i
Since bunting season la here, same as brothers." books, classification of real estate than a million dollars' worth ot for constipated torpid liver nt of satisfying said final deers.A. ,
your 1
"Our Poet" has written a very appropriate Clara Louise "Yes Ma'am It'sthe so that the various kinds ot this personal assets and that they are substitute Carter's Little Liver Pills a. CREWS I 4 '
: Special Master In t'hanc.ty
18-0 poem "The Quail", for same dog." property will pay according to Usability only assessed at $80,000. St. : made of genuine vegetable calomel fc D. 1=3. KNK1HT. and H. V. KNIOHT. III,,
iummerfield us this week. Our Poet's corner to pay and the placementof Petersburg has a concern worth I II oldest liver remedy known. Take Car Starke Solicitors, Florida.for Complainant. ") ;.t'
has also been honored with another ,, Something to smoke maybe: the taxation system of the state I more than $300.000 which Is ter', enjoy free flowing bile for thor 11.7.4t-ll-2t, '
good poem "An Isle: of Lib Miriam (seeing rainbow for first under a central head or authority. ceased at 3340. Miami. as-I ough system cleansing. Red bottle* '1 &
(By Gary Overstreet.) erty.. time) "What's it's supposed to advertise "Florida spends approximately] Myers, Pensacola, Jacksonville only. Take Carter's. NOTICE) Of APPLICATION FOR ;" :
\H'ltli their ottense working bettban The Quail ?"-Passing Show 1120,000,000 per year In Its state, Orlando and all other localities TAX-DEED
in any previous game and There's two wonderful birds as county and city governments. have the same Interesting facts. Foil" Notice Is hereby given, that C. TL
L excellent team play, the Tor- you have head. }'IORJIJ.U".H Proponents of the sales tax declare "Business should be made to NOTICE Or TAX APPLICATION UKKIt Clark, holder of Tax Certificate NikIOil : '
three touchdowns Sixth day of August. A. D., 111"
scored He had traveled Florida and that this method will produce Its personal tax, according to --
does And you know their names) are over pay has pled said. certificate In my.at-
defeat the Summerfield High Bob White the map had Impressed 40000000. The United States a sworn statement of inventory Notice In htrotiv given, that C IT. Rue and made application for tax n,
here laat Friday Clark, holder of Tax Certlflout No. deed to Issue thereon In accordant
loot team the entire They come to the field with their Upon his mental tablets, Pensacola government collects approximately before a license Is issued."Professions I 3, Snl day of September A, I>. 188.ha with law. Said certificate embrace
Kia; Lovell started feathered herd to Key West $23,000.000 per year. from do not pay their ftlad Kill aft"erIt': .re.r the following described property sltuated .
with the exception and made application I to In Bradford County, Florid,
and airing and To gather the food that Is ripe. And you couldn't doubt his knowl-! Florida In Income taxesIf both share of taxation. The license Ipiiue thereon In accordance with to-wlti I
Captain Inman at center v edge for he surely had the of these forms were enacted we laws of Florida should be revised Inw. Said certificate embrace the Lots 1 and > of Block 1. Plnermrwt t
and Thomas at right following described property situated Development Section 81, Township a plli
wnlee respectively. They have a pretty nest right flat hunchOn would still have ,toraise, approximately and rates Increased according to In Bradford County, Florida, to- South: Range, 88 Hast.:
jf f fand guard on the ground; the names of all the places $57.000,000, allowing for the benefits these professions re wit The assessment of said property ''9"
summerfield kicked off and the liberal estimate that $1 0.- Lots 10 11. 11 of Block 1, Pine- under the said certificate Issued war kh
I three plays and And all through the season the from Yulee to Saddle Bunch. the very calve from government burnt Development Section 11 Town- In the name of Wm. M. Thonuui
ILrnadoes, tried mate stays around 000,000 can be saved througheconomy to hlp e, Mouth, tango 22 Knot. Unless said certificate shall. be r-
kicked. Summerfleld I "Corporations are The a NeM .nt of said property deemed according to law tax chafe Ij4
ownlee for 20 yards and made: Bringing to his wife the sweetest But he stuck to It so constantly,, remain In business Indefinitely:, under the idn certificate Issued wan will Issue. thereon on the Ith day of
ea passed kind and detoured the state HO long "General property Is the basis of the In the name of Unknown. December, A. D. 1940.
gains through the : under the protection government I.... said certificate shall be redeemed -
seven yard of all taxation In all the states in Un Dated this 80th day of October
o Of luscious food that he can find. That he strained his cerebellumand :
the deed
Lovell sent In his en- and the laws, for according to law tax A. D. 130.
t. Coach his tired brain went wrong; the union. Records of the federal of an initial will IMUB thereon on the 8th day of O. W ALDERMAN. ?
first string. Summerfield nominal payment Dot-ember A, U. 1930. Clerk of Circuit Court.
show that general
'rt stopped on Starke's 22 When the eggs hatch, they will So that now, at Chattahoochee, government charter fee. There are many ways Dated this SOth day of October, A. Bradford county Florida
finally within the cells. property pays 79 per cent of the t>. 1B30.
have a job eager padded which detailed sources) of reve 12-?-6l-15.9. 1r,
ball went by
the over
at line Feeding the hungry ravenous mob From early morn till late at night, taxes and that even In those states nue may be received all of which Clerk of Circuit Court Bradford
the Tornadoes. Of ting little peepers-that are so he tragically yells: having sales Income and the other to relieve real estate. But County Florida. HASTER'S.OF. SALB'Hereby
can go
Here the Tornadoes started theirst special sources of revenue, general 11-7-51-11-5.
of their marches which end- many; Alfalfa Micanopy Penasoftkee, property Is still the largest contributor we must center our principal attention notice Is given that under.
It's hard for the parents to feed on the revision of the gen NOTICR OF APPLICATION and by virtue of that certain anal
B In a score. E. Robinson gained them plenty. Bonlfay, to government costs. tax and Its establish FOR TAX DEED decree of foreclosure made. by the
[ total of 37 yards and In this Sarasota Wacahoota, Ocoee Fen. "Therefore It is perfectly clear eral! property Judge of the SOth Judicial Circuit.
ment on firm buslness-1ike lines. In and for Bradford County, Florida
Trance with Sam gaining 23 When they are grown they will flyaway holloway, that Florida must adjust\ its gen- of automobiles are con Notice In hereby' given 1 that C. 11.Clark In Chancery, on the 18th day of (Jet.. q
rds and Brownlee 8 yards. Eld- Palma Sola, Umatilla, Cisco and eral property tax and that by so "Owners holder of Tax Certificate No. A. D, 19.10. In favor of the Federal
tinuously declaring that they are I, Snl day of September A. D. ere, Land Bank of Columbia a corporation .
dse bucked the ball over right I Straight to the fields to have some Estero Bay, doing it will be In line with the overtaxed; Perhaps the has filed said certificate' In my elite and against John Browning,
being and mad. application for tax deedto al 1. ;
urd for the score. taxation systems of all other et defendants. The undersigned,
Play. rates do beam high, but when we Issue thereon In accordance with a. Special; Master, will offer for sate
The Tornadoes kicked off to They'll sing out loud with a Joy- Tallahassee Kanapaha Chockolo- states. that the state alone has law. Maid certificate embraces. the In front of the Court House i.
jmmerfleld'a 30 yard line where hymnTo skee, Manatee, "The Constitution of Florida consider following described. property situated Stark., Florida during the legal '
ous spent more than $65,000,000 in In Bradford County Florida, hours of sale on Monday December .
ey made 4 yards of needed 10. all living creatures that listen Pasadena Poncennah, Plcolata, says that ALL property shall pay to-wIt: fed 1030, to the highest and bentbldd.r
for highway
break but the experience has been the past few years Lot 'a of Block 1, Flnehurnt Development .
are Starke got a when. to them. Muckale;' taxes, for cash the following deHCTlhwd ;
construction, to say nothing of the Section 81 Township 6, property lying and being! .la
blocked the kick on the: that real estate has been practical
Withla- .
rahnni All aboard for Favoretta the South, U..nee. it ISutt. Bradford County, Florida, to-wlu'
the counties
Then making two the only class of property madeto millions spent by The aHHenment' of said property
it yard line. When bird season coochee Nocatee. ly The Southwest quarter of the) i
comes. these roads Is under the said certificate blued. was
\ paid to use
price Northwest quarter of the Northwtntquarter
real estate -
Tor- This Is because '
In succession, the so
rst downs pay. In the of Unknown.
They will go with a hum of name and the North Half of the
out proportionto
the ball to the 6 Is visible and easy to locate. not or Unless said certificate shall be redeemed
does advanced To some sheltered place from the Astatula, Istachatta Oaseowny Northwest quarter of the Southwest; lquarter
according to law tax deed
been allowed benefits received. ..f the Northwest quarterand
rd line. Sam carried the baller rain and sun and Carrabelle, Personal "property has "We hear much about the dan will Untie thereon: on the 8th day ofDeeemb.r the West half of the Southeastquarter .
for the score. The try for And to hide from the "boom" of Laparltat Manavlsta, Cassadaga to escape almost entirely. Ten thin A. T). .11)30.) of the Northwest quarter or L"
of tax intangibles Our Dated 30th day of October, A,
real l estate was assessedat gers a on the Northwest quarter and the north
lot again failed and score Cltronelle, years ago
the hunter's D. 1D3U.
gun.There'll Jwi
constitution already declares they of the Northeast quarter of the
ood 120. Here the substitute Gasparllla, Aventlna, Zoca Grande $276.000,000; today It Is assessed O. W. DKUMAN, Southwest quarter of the Northwest
approximately $500- shall be taxed, but allows for low Clerk of Circuit Court, Hrail- quarter and the South half of the ?
nds, H. Tlson and J. Inman were never be a hunter so quickor and Sanlbel.Okahumpka. at \ ford County, Florida. >
er rates than other property In- Northwest quarter of the Houlhw..tquarter :
tit In the game. Moore kicked so spry 000000. Ten years ago personal Il.7-Bt.lJ-5. of the Northwest quarter '
If[f for Starke and the Summer- off his at this familyso Okelanta, Okeecho- property was assesHel at $104- tanglles, such alt accounts notes of Section: Twenty-eight, Township. '
As to fire
gun and mortgagee are good simply SIM'IC'IAI MiBTKH'a ALH Five, Houth, Range Twenty-two.
eld! boys made a desperate at- shy, bee and Osteen, 000,000 ; today It Is assessed! at I Hast, containing thirty acres mor t
mpt to score. Sumner hurled a Because they'll everyone stay hid- Ojus, Ogla, Ona Oldsmar, OswanIta approximately $70,000,000, despite because the government furnishes Notice In hereby .Iv.n' that under or I.... +1'
make them
laws and courts to J. L
>Inc pass to Abshire that was goodr Tangerine the fact that we have a half and by virtue of that certain final FRAZERHpeelal
Mailer. 'p
and if type of property deer. entered by the lion. A. Z. Ad- i
good any
In the state PJ.
advance million people M. JOHNS.
> 25 yards, but Is forbidden. Estlffanulga Islamorda, Osprey,
'Till bird hunting klnn, Judge of the liftth Judicial fir-
receives benefit from the records Solicitor for s'
nded. The ball went to Starke Bowling Green. than In 1930 and despite the fact cult ot Florida In and for liradford 10-ll-lt-,1.118.Complainant.
Florida. has witnessed Its of other) fates that such a tax, ('ountyin Chancery In that certain
ii.sit t as the half ended. that
with voices
Then out the'll come sogay administered In not danger foreclosure rase of Farmers and
Coach Lovell again started most We'll. just take a trip to Mlccosu greatest commercial_ development fairly Dealere Hank, a corporation, coin- NO'fICf Of FINAL bi9C91Alt(3Notice
'I ous. Florida must either tax these plalnnnt, VB. tiara 10. Hwent. *t al, -
halt and in that time.
t fills second team at the kee and Quintette\ ,
last of unhappy
for it'll be the them and If defendant. and bearing" date the )
properties or exempt Is hereby given
aln Summerfield advanced per- days. Visit Ichetuckunee Chuluota I "The assessment for the entire loth day of October, A., D., 1930 theundersigned days after date hereof. that sixty.
with their state is about $600,000,000. Fire there Is any right In paying for ', I Hpeolal Master In Chancery S.Ird, of on to-wltj !"
Wily close to the goal Then all of them will flyaway Rye and not forgetTo will sell. to the highest. and bent day December, 10.10. We, the f
benefits Intangible
peatedly long passes. By the To live their own and peacefulway. hear Juno sigh\ for Jupiter, insurance carried In Florida totals property bidder for each In front of the Mouth of undersigned Alice C. M.executor's llewke, deceased of the estate....u.J'r..nt kb
me the third period ended the Romeo for Juliette.Interlachhen two and a half billions of dollars. should pay a tax. door of the. courthouse In City of our vouchers and final account -
Is "To make all these Improvements Htarke' Bradford County Florida on I to the Honorable leo A. Gardiner '
field We know that not all property
Hire first team was on the Donald McRae, "Our Poet." Monday, the first day of December County Judge of Ilradfor
nd \Moore\ punted to Summer- Hypoluxo Econtlna Insured and we know that real estate Is a long drawn out work. A. D. IMO during. the legal hours ofsale County, Florida. for hilt approval
I advocating a state Inventory the following lande to-wlti! anti our discharge such '
Therefore am as exocutoju.
eld's 33 yard line as the period All Isle of Liberty and Lanark, Ja! not insured at all. Mouth half 1 of Huutheant quarter of This 84th day of October, 103: *
oaed. HomoHassa, Izagora, Early Bird it Is a safe estimate that we through a permanent state tax and Suction I X2, North half of Northeast'I W. H. HKlfilHNT and
There was a big big battleship finance commission with classification quarter. of Kactlon 27, Houthwuntquarter MAE 1IIOVVKW Mi iW1EN?. 4F;.
. On the opening play of the last Which floundered In the sea. and Orange Park; have a state worth approximately I of FI".thw..t. quarter of 10.14-Kf-18.lll KTeciitor"NOT : t
priori Summerfield was smeared When It shot it said "Boom! Take In Pass-a-Qrllle by daylight six billions of dollars. 'From these of real estate and searching y
>ra ten yard loss but they madeP boom!" and Miami after dark. figures It can be seen that about out of personal property. The KM
for It on the next two plays by the i 90 percent of the property la, In I Information to go to the assessorsto Notice Is hereby given that the following described. lands will be aoM 6'
At the sight of enemy. escaping taxa aid them In preparing their at public auction on the FIltHT MONDAY IN 1JJ<}('EMD ':t-t, 19,14, It belac
:tlnlng five yards through the Change ('orlt here for Eucheeana one way or another the let day of month, before the-neurthouna door at Htarfce In Brad
,ne and then passing 20 yards. to ride this big ship stranger have you ever been tion. The property escaping Is In rolls. I Insist that until Florida ford county Mate of Florida or so mWch. thereof as will be necesnarr rp qt ,
I went on
establishes businessof to pay the amount due for taxes set
head to its the
opposite ,
classes Practically all personal a together wits
phey were held here and kicked tolarke's And away it went with me. To Lacoochee, Oklawaha, Injun two : taxation the people need the coat of such sale. and advertising. C,, A. FLITCH. Tax Collector. rl//,
and the real estate expectno
Tor. property
18 yard line. I found myself In distressOn Hammock, New Berlin '
the tax books because of relief. It U Impossible, with Description. TavvsiCost
march Wewa- forced off
adoes then began a steady To Thonotossassa, Goshen
hurrying out to sea. ...". T It A. A" Y
the rates made high by lack of com sixty-seven assessors, each using
hlc-h carried them almost this big hltchka or to Lynee
four on
I had been days
and equitable enforcementof his Individual judgment as to val Lots 13 14 Block 23 Tem ,
third plete
length" of the field for the ship. pie'" addition -,-29 8 22 Lola :Peek Ferryman ____a .1.
ouchdown.I Away out to sea. Then there's Largo, and Narcoosee the general property tax and ues, no matter how good this) judgment Lot. I 9 Jilock 3 City Park
longiuntB way the the: Increasing: demands on government may be, to have a state-wide "Hub' division -2R fl 22 Lois Peek. Ferryman ____ 8.41 +
Sam Alvarez made two Ybor, home of cigar,
Then I saw a little Isle Lot. 1 8 13 IS II Block 31I
I' down the field during this An Isle of Liberty. Arredondo Cerro Gorda, Stllle- uniform system of assessments. It T. & Co's addition .28 1 12 C. I. Peek ?"_______ Lea
'Malabar "Personal property must be 118 Impossible without central authority Lois M B 10 11 II Block 23 ,
ilvance, one was good for 18 and By Paul Raymond. pica, Temple's Addition ______28 6 12 C. I* Peek ___._ f..
pnd the other for 25 yards. A pass .. And so on, ad Inflntlum till youdon't made to pay. All other states to establish a uniform system Lots 4 I/O'!/ 7 11 Block 37 ??
from Alvarez to Sternberg 12 AS' THEY H.VV know where you are. have more personal property on of accounts in county offices. Lots mfli'att.tlna1. -J. D.28 s 22' C. U Peek ..__________ IUJ
'and, putting the ball on Sumnerfleld'a their tax books than Florida. ; "The state already recognizesthe Jones Addition -_ 28 5 22: H! C. Hitch _______? 23.. 1 rn'
has four times as much : Importance of central author One lot fronting on Broarl- ,
: 8 yards line. Brown "All right now students. Now I caught this ryhme infernal, Georgia way street bounded N by "tt
lee made five of these 8 yards and "Wo'll see about that later." as and Its real estate assessment Is ity in the establishment of the old county jail S by land ,
likewise higher than in Florida. 'railway commission' to regulate of M. I.. Johns and known
with Madman
4th down and three yards "How'd ya' like the football I heard this rant
as K..h.r" place 2< S2 *. '
Ttobt T ..1"n. 19114
(from the goal Alvarez bucked over ?" And 1 thought I would add to it, "In looking Into the personal freight rates within the state. Taxation .
for the score. The extra point try game"Such a rotten referee!" but regret to say I can't-- property In Florida, I have found.In Is the most Important dutyof
'lied and the score stood 180. "How'd you expect us to win on For Sopchoppy and Eau Gallle less than thirty Items, more personal the state and we cannot allowIt ,
Starke kicked off and Summer. that field" were the next names on the property than Is assessed In to be carried on according to
field made 35 yards with the aida "Heck! Today's chapel." list the entire state I took twenty- the Individual Ideas of sixty-seven LOOK FOR THEIMPRINT
' t a 15 yard penalty. But they "Oh! I'm starving to death." Then Ocheesee and Ocklocknea=- three mercantile establishments of counties.
were again held for downs and the "How long 'till the bell Mil please excuse I de.lst.-Ex.( )* an entirely local nature, located Indifferent "A state tax and finance commission
ball went over to the Tornadoes. ton sections of the state, and could be sufficiently 'op
Cox jumped Into the air and "Thank goodness today's Fri. .rOMMISSIOV: : : ;\ TO STOP found by their own sworn statements erated for $100.000 per year. As E Er.Leesaps
Pulled down a long from AI- (o'ISS'IXOoI.OS: : PLANTIN more than $12,000.000 we spend $120,000,000 per year,
pass ,
da .
Tares that was good for 18 yards[ )"Lend me some paper" IX CJKOIUJIA: ANT> KI.OIUUA worth of personal property. Nearly this would mean an additional ten pause, .IA.e.ON .
list as the game ended.. "May I speak?" seven million of Its tangible,cents taxation to the man who pa.aa )
Score by periods: "Oh! Forgot my current event." It Is reported that some of the which was assessed at 1005000. hundred dollar tax, bill The ALL CIRCULAR ADVERTISING MATTER
Starke ._.,_12 0 0 8-18 "Five demerits for being late to large commission houses In the About five million of It was intangibles -' ecu no mien brought about through
SummerfIeld 0 0 0 0- 0 class. e I north, and east which have In the which were not taxedat uniformity would more than save DISTRIBUTED IN BRADFORD COUNTY
Lineups: "Do we have 'physical ed' today past few ,years been financing the all--contrar tu the Constitu this) amount.
B' H.1 S. Summerfield ?" planting of a considerable acreageIn tion. I found four utilities (light "The question Is: What are you
T180n, Il. LE C, Perry "Was that the last bell" watermelons In south Georgia and power companies) worth realtors going to do about It? We The Imprint is the name of the firm by which
!"cMlllan and Florida have decided to discontinue $171,000,000 and assessed at need no.more data. I could pile
LT Anderson I "Dispose of your gum. It Is said I found It the printing; was done. It usually appears in small
Hiaer LQ BrlnsonInman. In study hall stu the practice. about seventeen millions. as high as a mountain, but it Ietime ,
"No speaking
(C.) C Baker I, dents." that the decision was reached be.' that at least ten thousand bead of ( we started some definite action print In an inconspicuous place on circulars i
Thoma Sellers Napoleon in ole cause of Beavjr losses sustained ) livestock: per county Is escaping with the view to getting the,
RO have a
"Yes we
Bradley RT II. Perry B. H. S." this year and last when prices: of taxation. I found twenty nine : next legislature to passlaws which The imprint of the Telegraph Press shows that
toman. J, RE Moody "You didn't know 'Gator' had the fruit dropped to unusually low hundred and seven motor boats : will enable the state to set. Itself) the circular to which attached was done in Bradford
FUlch of levels because of over production. 1 which were not taxed at all I right. t
Perry the University I and
QB scholarship county that the
Brownlee a It seem that these commission found the banks of Florida own I "Some of our citizens say: 'Do profit as well as wage-
"ant RJI LH Abahire Proctor Florida-! men have furnished money with $21,000,000 worth of personal i away: with the state ad valorem costs represented, goes Into local channels of circulation
Cox FB Sumner REAL ',::\1 .\XI) WKKr.IlHlrhruoh : : which to purchase fertilizer and : property. The livestock mentioned I and then, counties) will not keep and helps the county.
OHlclals Ref- have also helped In some Instances Is worth 20000000. 80, on asHAssnfent down to keep from
Brandt (Fla.)
I tree : :Method I fiaaSice' cost of cultivation. the fingers ofmy bands. I can paying\ the state more than other Printing done elsewhere-that which carries
? Zelgler!: (Miami!), Umpire;
I Graves teacher of This brought about a vast expansion . count for yon more than $100- 'counties.' > other
(B. H. S.) Head LlnesMontleth Miss Hazel Middleton imprints or no imprints-takes
aan pains given toheginnar ,In acreage In the old production 000,000 worth of personal proprlyand "!t Is not a question of low as- money away
: : Lafayette), Time- expression-Special from Bradford
. ( of the crop In territory: that '. the entire personal sessments. All I can say to this county.. ,
I :. had never before grown melons i property paying tax's In this state suggestion I.I that If you think we
Ifcmn-Per hups for market. amounts) to an assessment of only can secure complete and fair a.essment .- Look for the Imprint and let those who solicit
"' :IIDL.I\'M: REUNION For Going Sale-Fur coat, size 18. The derision of the commissionmen $70,000,000. of all property In the your patronage know that you favor those who get
Reason for selling owner going to confine their activities) to "The figures from these twenty- state especially personal, by giving their printing done at home.BRADFORD rla
There were silks and overalls, Is hotter. buying melons from three mercantile concerns) show to the counties absolutely all'tbe
it '
farm shoes and satin pumps, stag where finance themselves or get assistance conclusively that 'business Is not Jurisdiction over our general
"''fts and natty top coats, all The Price of Friendship I from banks will result in a paying Its share .taxation.. While I property tax, then you have another -
atoned upon the tacks of the au- Milton received two fine brown sharp curtailment of acreage next: our Investigation M to assessments think coming! COUNTY
4ience by express yesterday: :rear as compared with the Immense of utilities, other than railways: is I "It Is not a question simply of k
collie pups friend, valued at $60. I acreage given to It this year not yet complete It Is sufficiently: uniformity a* to the amount assessed '
If from a and In 1919 agriculturists assert eo to say that' they are not paying against property but It Is TELEGRAPH
time Is mone,. Derby and for this reason it Is believed their share of taxation One large a question of uniformity as to the
Behold As some declare, Another will be Rig given away: each that melon growers will find 1931. power company, for which we are method by which we arrive at that STARKE FLA ',.
In meA Prizes profitableryear. gathering; figures, to worth $27- amount. I .
beater as
water -. ,..
1 r
with a $100 U Jo.. .
millionaire.,, day '"'- n .. 1111 L .,
f. .
I j). ,} '0't "" ,, ., f ' ;
|t k,:: AI I i "r" ." ., .ft; '.j 'J'l1'Tit( ".# ." _8 ,._'.r'J'' '".. ),.__ ,1iI_ .._}' \\\t\ ". ,... f. '/I\ U l!,f : fJh.J4; ; !: "" 'r&: dll ... :,: .w.., ,
< EIGHT ___ h.
__ _ _'.. ...__ ,. ---, -,---- -' '11,1
'n the Interest to admire,, respect, help In being world famous. We know ; the respective --=-
job" looking out for tire ''uuniiea
Bradford Telegraph time of need.Friendship. you're fed up' oa people of note-, state certainly OVer th]
:;, County L From Other Pens I I of his constituents at all times. Is the silver lining to all kinds of people, except maybe should avail them elves ffl" f
' Established 1877 Congressman Lex Green stands In the cloud; loyalty personified; I a some more of the tribe that earns[ opportunity for "r !
r the forefront. That the people sympathetic bond, an inspiring twice the pittance It ought to get pie of Putnam.'0Jrnr* '>>'J
. .. --- -- -- '
--- -- - --- his efforts
' u of his district appreciate and helps an ungenerous and un 111 PaJin
.. any more
4 Fridays and Entered as Second Class Science is mighty smart, but It Ideal. slat, ,Mxe,
Published Weekly on the flattering than
< was shown by very It is life at Its happiest-confidence grateful of public sausage! skins counties by mean ,,! olheat :
$. Matter at the Post Office at Starke, Florida can't tell what makes a Mexican vote accorded him In the at its best.Friendship get their fill from the trustful pub: similar 01 r"mI'-alive the adoPlio
Jumping bean Jump.-Times-Un- recent election.;-Palatka Times- never betraysforgives lic. used by such 0111111,,, Ulelhol
L: E. S. Matthews, _____________ -_?_':.. -- Owner and Publisher ion. Gas. Herald. faults' excuses errors Forget your .notes-both kinds. With such "onl\llltIHona\
J. C.; Robh sos i.____________________,_.. Managing Editor o -p lends a hand in Life's upward We're not going to offer any i made by the ) I Gin
.. .. ----'. Congressman Lex Green Is rap- The people have overwhelmingly climb-helps bear the load. prizes for hooey when :you get not give I I'I, attalnly d
.. . - ,- ----- -- --- '"''II\'
---- Idly gaining a reputation as the ratified 'the constitutional Friendships are flowers scattered : back home. If you happen to see that could be term, 'I 'I' dPUbllelt
: SUBSCUIPTION RATE "speaking cong..essman.Times amendment prohibiting the levying along life's highway to cheer : something pleasant enough to remember It is a matter thii ,
Payable in Advance Union. of an ad valorem property tax on without Jotting It down the attention honld fee@h
Month 75c
Yearly, $1.50; Six will the pilgrim-you 01>i m lal)|. It
0-'-- automobiles. The public now Pick them as :you go, but cautiously ; and want to mention It-right out nam county is Pu
Hates Application a""iRed
Advertising .. on. _ A truck smashed Starke's traffic have to see that the 1931 legislature : of hand as it were, why we'll feel I highest In th. tat.' the ._Ol,
---- ------- -- --- of
= --- light: and oh, how the boys are does not step up the price There are poison flowers! like :you had a good time. Andas should know \\?, 1I111.f,
Have you joined the Red Cross? buzzing by Call and Walnut.- licence tags to offset the loss of -0- for those notes you have to re the people are mnud III It al
Times-Union. revenue through this tax exemption. \\ottj. Idle new-you know the kind-.well, surance they ar,. n, t hie
o --0- .-Green Cove Springs.. Times. 111< equal
wotta life! Lemme just' let the other fellow worry a taxed.
Not all full backs are on football)) teams, Tallahassee State News says the 0-- tailor Wotta brother life and nclrrors. It's couple of extra days while you forget No criticism oB1 1.i,,. I
-- big dam Is the greatest asset of Miami Beach Sun thinks northern them. against the Brnclf, advanrn l
a n ,
all cotton and no ?
that section. For relieving ones'mind. papers should play up Flor- pretty course- We Lake folks are for I urogtJ t pr
county openly dettanL,
It's human to hope, even though, vainly I .-Starke Telegraph.. Per- I.ida's temperature ot 78 while New wool. The outlook is always die! ing over to :you some of the turn-I high assessment tm 'against t?!.
If to do anything I that ouat'and
haps!-Bronaon Journal : York reported four feet of snow, dressing; :you (:
0ti we think you may use while It was not making
they fea- big, you find yourself press liRe ot ,Ih
In the same manner as
sale of strawberries. -0 i -- sides and hemmed In and here. Go on and use them and Putnam asgeaBiiii'n t t'r' .
Plant City reports the first It a husband admires a wife'sgood ture our hurricanes. Starke ed on all I \\by d,
enjoy each other. You can meet rogatory
unusual con- finally buttoned down. If you cut UI'I081'1'1/ i' only,| I,
o looks, tbe wife should ad- Telegraph Only
Into small things, you'll never seta the other kind of people any time comparison And !itk, WIRe, ,
It's surprising how many laws are needed in this land of mire her husband's good taste.tha'ttor stitutes news. -Lake City Reporter pattern for others to follow. -too darn much all the time maybe purlaons made in, l.ohalf Of con n,,,
Starke Telegraph. They take -BO trot along now and peddle county should he
Sew, what's a fellow gown to nconed only a
the free granted.-Clertnont Press. -Cee- -"Robby"- Robinson to suit himself I ask you, what'sthe your paper talk, to each other and for fair comparison i h,, enllnht..i
0t -.0- Says Jay if what Isn't right at the
you want people of the :-nn
Clermont Press observes that in the :'Starke Telegraph: goods of living'ThIs londitlot
for Thanksgiving follow your elbow ring the bell or whistle. as they exist
day to talk about stitch In timeIs
i is a
It quite appropriate alimony Is hot love suffering from "Whether caused by the day or ,
not after
But don't sing -anyway Open and
of knickers : unprejudl.od,
like taking a couple method
of the' day Is not
election day. frost bite.-Starke Telegraph. celebration
the lights out. for correcting the
to convention of
o Surely, but we've never heard It known, but the Gainesville Sun a left dress :suits tlon should be
with two "Good needles to say, you can't do nay you your put nun action bi
that before. Bronson editor came out
called -
to investigatedry It seems/like and diamond sunbursts at home; In ,no wise should It find Us .
Agricultural news item says they are going Journal. mornings" on Armistice day. Explanation thing about It. Yep, *
everybody Is out to trim every- This Isn't that kind ot a party. to a partisan move on the part ,
: That was a left-over
Florida hay. -o--- :
Go to it. any faction with
else. any hope of ,
-Gainesville body i r
Quincy has a dentist.by the from Homecoming
o ---0Npt'll ward politically. The
down to pin people
And sew, getting tr
Another Dally Sun.
of gasolinefor name ot Boring. "pain points, take my advice and scissor for Tux Equalization entitled to a square deal and It :
In St. Petersburg they are giving ten gallons less" operator?-Bradford County o- not believed
bridge prizes. Telegraph. Don't forget Miss In an out-of-the-way corner of opportunity; pick up your hat, (Crescent City 'Journal) demand' they attempt I
Pullen, his assistant, and Dr. Wil- a Boston graveyard stands a brown clothes up your flat, and go vest, In Putnam county taxation has
o hoit, the M. D.--Qulncy Herald. board showing the marks of age I my boys, go Y'esUC.!! C, N. Y. been one of the topics holding the -0-
Eight more days before you may have the pleasure of J--- and neglect. It bears the Inscrip- I Mercury. attention of the people In many "OHHl'TJI[ 14! HESINtiT.tTEDGainesville :
tag. You are not growing old until tion: "Sacred 19 the memory of -o- discussions, and rightly so, whenwe -
buying a We had publication of
you feel that "them days are gone Eben Harvey who departed this I seen no take into consideration the Nov 14.-Vas<
-. o forever."-Delray Beach Ham life suddenly and unexpectedly bya ,' the fact and It Is very little! known high position thin county holds for Forsyth, Starke boxer, has be
Fellows on the outside are doing more complaining about mer. They ,say a woman's as old cow kicking! him on the 15th of throughout the state, but we learned high valuations.The. reinstated in the local ring. Fon
those the inside. as she looks, and a man's old September, 1853. Well done, thou recently that the last legisla- following paragraph should syth suspended for 90 days by ILl
bad jails than on ture amended the:'30 percent vote
when he quits looking.-New Port : good and faithful servant. -De awaken our people to attempt American Legion boxing commie
/VM BIHWH MMK WMW Richey Press I Laval Monthly, f provision ot the primary law to some organized effort to arrive{ at sion ,served 30 days of his iif
make that apply to
During boom times you don't see so many "prominent"people's '_pLake -- i provision some method of relief for the tax pension and appeared with hi
"either of the two general elections -
in medicine testimonials. City Reporter reminds radio -: Senator I3.,, Johns., of Starke payers of this county: manager before the local commit)
names patent fans that Paul Revere broadcasts and Senator-elect, Bernard English next preceding a primary. "Only two other counties in slop for a conference which ends
o on only one plug.-Starke of Lake City are two, Florida lawgivers Originally the law specified that Florida have property assessed' at with the popular Starke boxer bo
:r. Fons Hathaway is the second man to announce his Telegraph. But that broadcast I, who don't mind stating any political party'polling vb'te 30 jer} a higher valuation than Bradford ing reinstated
of the total of the stateIn
produced a lot ot static for the their positions as to the1 early com- -Wakulla assesses on a 90 per Forsyth numbers his follower
intention of getting in the governor's race in. 1032.If British, receivers, just the same.- pletion of highway No. 28. They the "next preceding Keneralelection" cent basis, Putnam 80 per cent, In the,hundreds and when the I It
\ o New Port Richey Press. are both unequivocally for It and would be required to while Bradford pays on 62 1-2 per cal matchmaker announced fro!
one should judge by libel suits, newspaper men and -- o- are not afraid to speak out.-Pa- make Its party nominations by primary cent basis Hardee and Hendryare the ring on Monday night th<
"It takes Just as much courageto latka Dally News. They are like election. Under that provision assessed on a basis of 20 per I Forsyth had been reinstated an,
office holders the only ones in the $50,000 class. 'I would
are wash dishes three times a day," the congressman from Mississippi tbe Republican party cent. That means one thousand Introduced the Starke boxer, tl,
i 0 Hoover "as to who proclaimed that he would have lost Its standing under the I
says Mrs. Herbert dollars worth of taxable propertyIn audience voiced their approval i
"Buy Now" is the heading of an editorial running in the shoot a bear" You don't need vote for what his constituents law, by reason of Itq!! failure to Bradford pays to the state $8.- no small way.Forsyth .
!" state Next in the series will be "And How." courage when you shoot a bear; wanted even If It defeated him.- cast a statewide vote this year. 65, while the same amount of will be matched to bo
press. But the amendment adopted by
,It's only when you miss the bear.- Tallahassee State News. property in Hendry county pays Jimmy Murphy in the near tutor
o Detroit News. --' OMotoring -- the last legislature gives that par- $2.56. Bradford Is not in posi- as headlining an all star card.SURI'ACING .
s Another motorist robbed and murdered by two hitch- --o-- home the other nightIn ty the benefit of its statewidevote tion to be paying part ot the state .
hikers near the Florida line. It's safer to let them walk. It's hard to understand the a violent rainstorm, we des- In 1928 ; hence, it will hold a tax! for other counties but that Is ON IUD) TIIIK-
election for its nominations
primary -
necessity of being only half shot cerned through: .,,the darkness what what she Is dolng.BradfordCounty
o -- in 1932. It It tails to cast TEES IS GOING DOW FV.
at sunrise., Bradford County appeared to,be a ,man half way upa Telegraph.By .
Eliminate the gasoline tax and instead levy a tax of $100a Telegraph. He was just getting telegraph ,or' power pole**** 30 per cent of the total state vote using the same example for -
day on lobbyists in Tallahassee during legislative sessions. 'over the first and gave out of amu- thinking that 0o thing was wrongwe In the general election of 1932, arriving at what Putnam county is.. Rock has been laid since Mo
I ** It will then be exempt from the
nition before the second. Bron stopped
paying!!' to the state for every thousand day morning on nearly a half m'
o Journal. "THERE OCa}IT TO BE A provisions of the primary law In
son dollars valuation as of road thirteen just west of Bro
be small in size but her industrious : 1934, unless the law Is again compared
"I'm try.
Hardee LAW the
county may --.0T man, bawled. to the amount Hendry and Wa- son, the rock being taken fro'"
250 of this season. If a husband admires his wife's In? to get directions for down amended by the legislature the
farmers have already shipped cars produce kulla counties are paying, Put- the cars at the siding at i
o good looks, the wife should ad- south where Its. warmer, and this Tampa Tribune.' nam county would be paying $11.- plant and hauled to the road
mire her husband's good taste.- sign reads"Ilotawg, ; Get Cooled 40 against Hendry and Wakulla big trucks.At .
Apopka Chief thinks every girl should know her "dates. Starke Telegraph. With a mutual down, half,mlde down the road." Last week we pointed out the counties paying 265. the cars the rock la lifted
They do, and can readily pick out the prunes, lemons and admiration, society of that sort -Hfgb Springs ,Telegram. Intollerable conditions that existon What is Putnam county receivIng the trucks by, a big drag-line r
that known the
marriage should be most happy. --+-p highway as for the difference it pays for chine which lifts up about a h"
falls to send Jones or state highway No1.,
Bronson If Gene Matthews
Journal. state, taxes ':yard of material at a time fillli'
I. v oFloric.la's'attorncy ---o Editor Keel of the Klsslmmee Val- through Columbia and Baker In 1934 the people, by legislative the truck In, three or four loaThe ,
advises Sunda"hunters to usea Gazette box of cIgars or a counties. Lake City to Jackson-
general They're still broadcasting about ley a act, in the department of I crew working\ on this pJ'of i
or bow'' and arrow. It's the noise that counts these springtime in the Rockies but the ten-spot for this paragraph from ville. We pointed out the reasons state termed as state tax equalizer the road has made an exceptli"
popgun tourists are not going there.- the Gazette ho (lea piker: "One of why you should\ give this avenue was provided for in the budget 'ally good showing since start!
days. Bradford County Telegraph. The the neatest prfnted, best edited of travel the widest kind berth for' that year $9,970, while In the ; on the rock at ten o'clock M>
o tourists know their business and and most Interesting Florida pa- because of Its notorious name and ,
, : year 1929 the same departmentwas I day probably due to the ah
Orlando will have to start early on the February press are rapidly making their way ,to pers. received In ;this office Is Bradford 'utilized record for motor accidents. We provided with funds to the I haul and other favorable circa
if you remember, a name
Florida. Bronson County Telegraph
meet if Leesburg is to be outdone on the entertainment pro- I ""Gejies Matthews la applied to It by those familiar amount of $13,050.00. dances
-0.-- Starke.\ ; lo
With a forty per cent Increasein It is said there will be no
gram. "One Plant City grower" says owner ,and! :publishes_ and, J. C. with traffic conditions, we reiterated funds for the state department hauls on this road as the road (
the Times-Union "bas fifty acres Robinson Is managing editor of this name "SuicideBoulevard"because '
o Putnam county did not benefit low* the railroad and there a
bread knife with sub- set to strawberries. That's a considerable this 53-year-old newspaper We travel oVej-' the,: section from increased efficiency. It several, sidings between Hron'
Eustis Lake Region offers a every any
.Issue from 'klver to named promises that the law ,of
strawberry patch. May- read eoch
there was any in this department.It and Ellzeyi and probably one mi
If that does not produce desired results, offer roll averages wtli be against you. But
-Gainesville Sun.
ncription. be that grower is trying to remove ktver, Daily local : there Is some jiniform methodfor will be put in just to facilitate i
ing pins. that considerable patch on his --rro-- 'advising people and othersto determining equal taxation for road work.-Bronson Journal
trousers with the strawberry Business mel\ will soon be pre- : stay off of a highway, even a I
-- -
MHB B M* BM> V 4)MWB V W M* I M '
*BM patch.-Bronson Journal. sented with all sorts! ,of advertising good one, is not the only means ,
Pay your ad valorem tax; on the old bus with a grin, if o schemes, running from hotel blot- we take to carry out our obligation -
you can. This is the last time it will have to be paid-under The first strawberry ot the sea ters to booklets. While this sort and save you from a traffic --- ,
eon has been found near Starke, of I advertising might bring addi- accident, quite the contrary, we ,l p
that !
f name. Gosh, the season is opening up, tional business,"Us cost Is entirely go farther, we suggest a practical ,
a early. It Is generally around out of proportion to the results, ,and better means of safe travel between O Ov
'. Wauchula Advocate observes that the eighteenth amend- Thanksgiving when the first berry and too many of the promotersnever here and Jacksonville To
ment causes the American public more worry than the ten appears at Starke.-Times-Un- go beyond;\ the stage -of poc- those desirous of reaching the latter (c
lon. keting the Initial payment: says city there is a direct highway,
commandments.The --o_.. the Starke Telegraph' ; We' have turn off the main road at Ala- NIIIiIIcrv
a Eugene Matthews, who owns been consistently fighting the ItInerant chua and pass the school houseto i
tornadoes dipping into four other Southern states the Bradford County Telegraph, advertising ,shark for, lo, the left, go through Old Newn-
brought welcome rains to this section. One section's must be gratified at the splendid many :years, nut somehow we ansvllle, to Lacrosse, to Brooker to
Sunday '
vote given him for railroad com- have a notlon'that all our efforts Starke. At Starke you have the
loss is usually another's gain. missioner election day It was have been of no avail. Guess Bar- choice of three routes among them
( o a tine tribute\ to Jala worth and of- num was In hfrf..right mind when the Baldwin way or to Green Cove ,
Those in favor of removing the capital from Tallahassee tidal recordApopkaChief. he said "the American'people like Springs and another. By' way of
--- -Jasper
should be willing to underwrite the expense of moving all the Coming down to brass tacks. If --0; : route named 'you save a' fraction >;
public buildings to the new site. It's alright to make grape juice, /She Moot IIlive lice Mining over, seven miles as compared to A }
) o I why should a kick be made against the Lake City-Jacksonville route ,
Under the above heading the The shorter is paved with the R
corn juice, asks the Starke Telegraph way
Palatka Times-Herald thinks the talking of money scar Starke Telegraph ran the follow-
I It's the kick In the corn exception ot two miles near Ala-
city is all boloney when twenty thousand people can pay three juice that makes all the trouble, ing: % chua and even this Is good.-Hlgh A Decisive
Lost-I.atty. pocketbook con-
kt dollars each to see a football game. brother.-Jasper News. Such Innocence taining hairpins, wrist-watch nail Springs Telegram.u ,
o file, powder-puff, hatpins, mirror, AVt'Ironu Hunch!
You get the real pleasure of life, contentment and satisfaction prize optimist o Is a fellow who checkbook, beads earrings, toilette I (Gilbert Leach wrote the following ftr Moment
in doing little things for others. Try anticipating. the believes that tobacco will finally: razor, perfume, dishcloth, editorial for his paper, The ,
railway ticket,
curling-Iron copy S
be outlawed.-Palmetto News. ] Leesburg Commercial, on the occasion -
wishes and desires of those around you. of "Jurgen", 32x4 casing rubber of the recent meeting of
About 25 when Bradford
years ago
o reducing garment, three pounds of the South Florida Press Association If I LifeThe
County went dry we heard a. fellow In Your
Sebring American says "The hardest part of the job is sayt "U||h. they'll never dry: i steak and a potato- masher. Re- In his city and It Is being reprinted -
ward for return to Miss Ada Noldi, ''
In full. The only Improvement
it's made." Did explaining Jacksonville. Times Union
the stuff ever try
once you
capping care of the Blade.-Adv. in Concord decide
Well, what's the answer; have we could suggest would note day you draw your first week's pay
to neighbors when a few of the bottles blew up? la (Kan.) Blade-Empire. .
they!-:P rry News. In the text, but In the heading whether you are a Saver or a Spender. If your
We won 1
o have their route carries you from the Paymaster's windowto
future the' Telegraph
three days notice of marriage intentions Lady sends In classified ad togo Com on In and make yourselves
Texas requires
I follows proof reader'check by copy as undoubtedly at home, you boys and girls of the that of the Savings Teller you have taken the
In Sun column
as -
t this act is blamed for the slump in marriages in that I Spots at least two
and were
; : "Wanted, Husband who can there; newspaper bunch of Peninsular first step to found your fortune. It rests with you.
', state. Most any woman can change her mind three times in make fires, make coffee make Items not mentioned., -Sebring Florida. Some of the rest of the
three days. ; toast, make money and make News. -.. ". -' crowd will be along In a minute.
i whoopee." She gives the name of -a-- Grab a chair-two If you can
o : Mrs. Spookendyke: and asks that h4lendsldp" use them-hang :your hat on the BANK OF STARKE
, Louisiana fruit and vegetable growers must stamp their i replies be sent to Sun Spots. Looks (St. Petersburg News.) floor and relax-just relax.: We're
.. containers with name and address, and grade of.product; under ; like requirements are practically not going to make company of
beautiful lower whose frag- :yout neither are we going to shove ,AN HONOR ROLL BANK
the new Louisiana inspection law. The law! is backed up one hundred per cent,-Gainesville la *
the : Dally Sun. ..rmnc U love; an association if Interests any celebrities at you with a mumbled Eo'S. Matthews Pres. R.'J. Davis Cashier*
by an inspection service maintained jointly by state and s -- ,. and affectionate! regard.. Introduction, that passes for ,
federal government.. When uJt ,comes to '"being on.the It Is ,to love"without selfish: .a (name,,that. tulle_ .Just. sbort ot =---
\:F; .
I. ..., ......, . ., ;; '
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