Bradford County telegraph

Material Information

Bradford County telegraph
Uniform Title:
Bradford County Telegraph
Place of Publication:
Starke, FL
E.S. Matthews
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Starke (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Bradford County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Bradford -- Starke
29.947222 x -82.108056


The first issue of this ongoing weekly appeared on July 26, 1879 under the title Florida Telegraph. It was published by William Wyatt Moore, a native Floridian and a staunch Democrat. Moore had previously worked for a paper in Tallahassee and had also published newspapers in Jacksonville, Lake City, Cedar Key, and Pensacola. After appearing for a short time as the Weekly Florida Telegraph and reverting back to the Florida Telegraph, the paper’s name was changed to the Starke Telegraph. In 1887, Moore sold a half-interest in the newspaper to I.C. Webb, who became sole owner within a few months and changed its name to the Bradford County Telegraph. In 1893, Eugene S. Matthews, who had previously worked for newspapers in Gainesville and Ocala, purchased the Bradford County Telegraph with Ben J. Farmer, who sold his interest to Matthews five years later. Matthews published the Bradford County Telegraph for the next forty years. He was also elected to the state legislature in 1904, 1907, 1911 and 1923. His son, Eugene L. Matthews, a graduate of Columbia University’s School of Journalism, took over the publication in 1933, matching his father’s record of forty years as publisher. The Bradford County Telegraph continues to the present.
Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 9, no. 41 (Apr. 13, 1888)-
General Note:
Publishers: Mathews & Farmer, <1893-1897>; E.S. Mathews, <1900-1926>.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
33886096 ( OCLC )
000579551 ( ALEPHBIBNUM )
003298621 ( ELECTRONIC_ALEPH )
60662535 ( ELECTRONIC_OCLC )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )

Related Items

Preceded by:
Starke telegraph

Full Text
rl'J'' ,": ,: w"Y''!'!'; "IfIiW::"' .I'1"' ;'('f'' l':!" ,4; "' ": *''' ".I.. : ,r , ':' ,I' '- ( ( '''''7!''' ". '' 1\"V't ' '1 '' T' *? TV *r""'Y';'w.' . >' r'"''' ', >'f M ', 1 ' '!"" "'". : ' ? 'l/r/' 1''Vl"i'I fr .' ',

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Established 1877 Subscription-For Year, $l>50;'Six Months 75c- rayable in Advance E. S. Matthews, Owner and her1't,1XM11

-.. .
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u.,-___ .

Refrigeration Illegal To Change THIRD CENSUS DISTRICT IS Co-operation Of COUNTY HEALTH CONTEST \

Case Reviewed Ballot As ProvidedBy Citizens Asked


St Petersburg. May '27.Eu- Florida county commissioners Shows. Total Population of 2:1:1.. Jurlttt Point Out That Crimr Under the direction of Miai'

S. Matthews, elate railroad unless authorized by statute can 007 An. romparwl With 17$' .- per rent, the third census district Wave ('aft Iln curtAII..1 by Fans Hathaway Pearl Jordan county demonstra-e

!gene"..mmlssloner and a candidate lotelection not legally\ alter the form of bal Of>7 In III'ao, or Inrrranetf completed Its tabulation, Monday. Ij.w Aiblillnff CltlM'ith, limn agent the annual county 4-It'

(, in the Democratic primary lot provided by such a man 30 Per Cent." The district contains nine coun- Visitor Fridaj Health Contest was held at the'II

rc of June 3, Is pending the ner as to permit the Inclusion of ties. Carl R. Leavltt of South Jacksonville Upon assembling of prospective Woman'. Club building on Wednesday <:

week-end in St. Petersburg Short- some particular question or questions Showing a total of 233,067 population Is supervisor. This was Jurors' for grand and petit June beginning In the morning:,'

after his arrival here a friend to be voted on by the votersat compared with 178,697 in the first .In'' Florida to announce for the spring term of court for Dr Form. A. Hathaway of Jack- at 9t30! and continuing until five ':,

ailed l\ his attention to an adver the election. Attorney General 1920 an Increase of 54,370 or 3Q Its, task completed. Union county at Lake Butler Mon sonvUle was visitor to Stark' o'clock In the afternoon

usementpublished, by his oppon Fred H. Davis said In an opinion. I day morning Judge, Z. Adktn Friday afternoon, spending I a I Dr. W. C. Young Jr., did mostfxl'ullt'nt
1930 190 .Inc. Dec. l>ct.1 follows while renewing acqualn '
discussed In addressed them a* : short
in the Miami Dally News on "This question was and careful work In milk*
ant Baker _ ______ (17 12. his
6,299 6.622 s lances made during campalgi
u Gentlemen, 1 regret: that 1 feeit
ThursdayMay; 22. In this advertisement the legislature when the primarybill Ing a physical examination" of the
1913. x-Bradford __ 9.33912.602 __.2_ ____ ___ > to address .some remarks for the democratic nomination for ',
> Mr. Matthews' opponent , was before that body In necessary twenty-eight girls who entered this
Clay'----------- 6.866 6.631 1,187 __u 19.8 to who are tentatlv governor of Florida lathe primary;
seeks" to discredit the good It was proposed at that time that you contest Mrs. Newburn. social
'Duval ______166,160 113.640 44,640. ____ 38V6 jurors. I regret that condition of 1928. Dr. Hathaway state trom
done by the commlaslonci the executive committee be allowed worker Gainesville did the j
work Flagler _ ______ 2.4t6! 2.442 24 ____ .9 now existing" In the county mak that while he had not made any; ,
securing the instlutlon on refrigerator to place.on the ballot to be vot scoring In the salad and posture
in Nassau _ .._____ 9.312 11.340 __ __._ 1,968 17.3 this necessary. However because formal announcement to enter tin I '
car service In the southeastern ed on -fcy;) the electors such ques- contents and tallied a'ona with Dr. S
territory, including' FlorIda -' tion as the committee might see Putnam ,. ______- ,069 14,688 3,101 ____ 21.3 of the fact that I am your judge race In 1932, he was seriously con- Young Mrs. Grace Warren, hotnej

service that the southwestern lit to be> printed on the ballots" St. Johns _ ____18.606 13.061 5.446 ____ 41.6 I feel that It Is. necessary. I wantto slderlng It, and that during hili' 1 demonstration agent of AlachnaJ

a said. "At x-Union _ ___ 1.400Total'populatlon ___.: __ __ __ ____ __ Impress upon you gentlemei trip. to different sections. of thi!' valuable ?
territory has enjoyed for many the attorney general county, gave
-- In 1920 of what Is now Bradford and Union who to make the jury toi state had received: flattering encouraKement -
to the disadvantage of FlorIda that time the prohibition issue wasa are up In this contest work Mills Pearl,
yearn counties. erIn the trial and Investigation of all and offers of support demonstration.
growers'' of strawberries and live question In Florida and the county ,
proposal was defeated. largely be- matters that will come before thin Dr. Hathaway .stated he was not agent for Bradford and Union/ '
other perishables.In above "X" placed before Un- The state census of 1925 gave In favor of curtailing the road''
It thought that the first < court the solemnity and nacrdneiti counties, trained all girl In (heir'
cause was
his advertisement. Matthews'opponent ion and Bradford counties, be- I Bradford county a population of, building of Florida be- '
of the duty that rests upon you program Individual clubs and each club
which would be done wouldbe ,
thing ,
makes an effort to show cause Union was created from 7,024 giving It an Increase of sections had not shared -
that the commissioner,/fcame- into to call a referendum in the pri- Bradford since the 1920 census 2,315 during the last five years because It depends upon the cttlnenshlp .- cause In many the new roads construrtei wa represented by a girl
from tit
the Jury comes as fohrlowing
the express refrigeration case at mary on whether or cot liquor The population of the two counties For Union"county the 1925 census during the few and laps the posture contest the
Florida. I' the enforcement of the laws the past years girl from Starke were lintod \ %t't'In :
should be outlawed in
hour-after the mat in 1930 shows an Inctease of 4.236 Wan' reported at 4,873 meaning
the eleventh ,t and th/ In the present system should be< "
of the guilty
punishment : Melba Sllcox. Lois Moore Mcrthu ;
mix the I ,
And did not want to
ter had already been pending sev- they persons over the count for, 1920, the+ (county shows an Increase for of the Innorent closed> Ills record as chalrmai :
protection Brow 11 left, Vesta Mcllae Mar.Jorle |
vrnl! years. When asked about primary up with questions such as an Increase of 33.9 per cent. the five years preceding 1930 of of the state road department I la ,
i will form Stump. Lillian Stern berg J:
that. You gentlemen i :\
this. Commissioner Matthews There are seven census districtsin 2,627.. The two counties together / well known over the state and It
'to that the fact Important part of the court Delores Toole Gladys, Underhill;$
"It me very
seems showed
made the fololwlng signed! statement Florida. All figures thus far a gain 4,842 during wan during his administration the
: 1"In that the legislature expressly vot announced! are preliminary and the five year. between 1925 and because the criminal side of the majority of the roads were built, Loulno Sapp. Vanderbilt! Junior.r.

the spring of 1915, nineyears ed down such a proposition Is evi- subject correction.. Nassau is 1930. For 'the five year period circuit court cannot function with l"ronhili former campaign: and at Club; Murla Weeks; LoreuaOreeu'sof ,
dence that it its Intent not out a Jiiry-j-a grand, Jury and it llrnokort! M. R. Wynn of UamP3:1ton
was and the
before I' became a memberof the only county in the third census between 1112 1925 twocounties'1 Hint road chairman lie nun. beconu :
to have anything voted on in the '' petit jury. The law of prl".dllrewhlrh Jr. Club; Pauline Mill, or'h,
the Florida railroad commission district to show a loss In popu- showed a galu In population widely known over the state, and
what Is absolutely the court has to follow Inlaid nraham; Margaret Turner of 4
I learned of the fine service primary but latlon: of only $06. If he enters the rare in 1933: will :
to make party nomina- .- down; his hands am tied Hampton; Beatrice Miner of Law-.f!
necessary ------- ------ -- -- :
Illinois'Centraland '
furnished by the prove a strong candidate. ,
notice Your judge gentlemen> has hla lay. ,
tions. In fact:, as you will ':
railroadsto ----C-- '
other Southwestern by reading the primary law one Democrats And Takes Over hand tied" and can only do certulithing' [ Names of the girls scored In the'

( the growers of strawberries and of the main objects to be accomplished If he- does not follow the State Schools Health Contest will appear In the ,I

other perishables out of Ham is to shorten the primary 'To Hold Local Theatre procedure as laid down by the next issue of the paper 4w .
mond, La., and other points In the Repubs (
legislature Salad contest Oiena Oreen of
election ballot. This is carried out courts by your Get More FundsiMlllon : :

Southwestern territory, After by providing that no candidate all acts by you and by the court Brooker; ICdlth Conner, of Vanderbilt -

quite extended Investigations of except those who have opposition, Primary Tuesday ttnlrtr:Theatre. Will tar liulr: Mail- become a nullity. ""* ; Ida Mae Crosby of Rising;;)"
subject I took.- the matter up .\ of the Pltnutn v '
ni(<'nirnt' of II. Annie LaurTurk..r of Hampton: !;
shall have his name printed on the As 1 said before t regret' to nay
In correspondence with one of the of <'liN 'ti'r Money. to t'ounllv., InFluridu Thelma Brown of Graham MarJunklp.r
'r ;;
ballot In the primary. It is gen- Voters In the primary next Tnes. ,, that conditions are not good In /
carriers that serve Starker my Lillian: Stern-.",',
erally held by the courts tlit,| I day will have one of the shortest the county.: You are familiar with of Lawtey; '
home town As a result of this Monday, the inlet, Murla Weeks
Beginning berg. Slarke Junior
recently exlrtlng
where the law prescribes!! a form ballots on which to mark their conditions
correspondence( some railroad of- of ballot and says what the ballot choice they have had for many; Theatre will be under the manage- your county. These conditions are Hue to the addition. Of the gain- Starke Senior: Annlta Wnluwrlghti; .;,
finals visited Starke for a confer II. Pitman of Clearwater line 48 counties( In Forlilt >J
men of Mr. tax ( of Hellbronn
thing and one thing
within "
is not caused by one
shall contain that, tt years, only four offices being represented -
ence with, Interested shippers/ and the power of the election officersto on the ticket, two state and the present icheduU only; that Is, because the citizens have received more state aid. for Mildred Hundley gave it talk.on i\\'

myself. This conference was held 'cause foreign matter of any and two county. And this will bin will be changed to shows nightlyMr. have not done their duty and because their "'I'hoo\li' \ during the ter tho part mayonnaise Thelma

In business office at Starke. After Pitman owned the Clearwater the which come from month of this fiscal year that making a uliid. Miss "
kind to be printed on such ballot. only two precincts of the county juries
the lapse of a few months the Nos. 7 and 8, where A. B. But Theatre for fifteen years recent!] the citizenship of the county, have they did the entire last fiscal yens, Brown of Graham won 'the. salad L

railroad advised it could offer no member of the school selling hisj oldtnga to the Spark s not done their duty I want to say according to W. SCawlhon, stat contest prize and was presented' '

better service than it had been State Is Ready rency board,, district as three, and 'H. A chain and h4 has taken over three to you gentlemen that there I h* superintendent ,of PUblic! lust rue with a mayonnaise set given 'by'\ '

tmpplying. Following this action theatres of the Maddox chain crime now being committedIn Lion' the Southern Cottpn Oil Co., of/,
Weeks, bond trustee, district five, more
I placed all the facts In my possession For Elections have opposition the only two Starke Wllllston and Inverness this county and throughout the More than $1,000,000 differs net Savannah Clo i

In the hands of the Florida county officers on the entire ticket Mi' Pitman plans to complete state and throughout the country was shown these two fiscal years. !Muss Melba, Sllcox wa the vf'n-: -'

railroad commission and asked to be nominated without the remodeling of the local theatre than has ever been committed before Distribution of the gasoline tai her In the posture content ,.'

them to bring the case before the All preliminaries for holding falling of the people voting and make other alterations for and It is a shame and a disgrace has made thin year's dlshurementi, Milts. Oznua preens of Orooker.fwon ':

interstate commerce commission next month's Florida primary the necessity them. the installation of sound equipment that such should be the conditions to: the schools of 3433712.09 ai first prize In the Health Coni 1'

!In behalf of the Florida strawberry elections were disposed of as far on In the near future. He will they exist compared to $2,395,313.80: of the test nllklll93 and three-fourthi}
who announcedfor as
growers. The case was brought as the state Is concerned when the II.the P. office Galney of county commissioner make Starke his headquarters and I want to say to you that In nineout fiscal:: year ending June 30. 1029 per cent; while Miss Murla VVeek ,;

and heard In 1916. After the beginning secretary of state's office dispatched will move his family here. of ten canes where the S won second by making U t and one-,i
all elec- district five, against R. T every ,,i.\ms:" MAI.runts MHKIOCMMf5alnesvllle. : WeettrtV,
? A.
of the Florida case strawberry supplies to county e law has been wilfully and deliberately fourth per cent Mr* t.
withdrew from the race
growers In other states In- tion officials. Osteen IXII'IU: ) In behalf of the Woman's Club. /
Voters In precincts one to six, Inclusive VETERAN: : ACTOn :NOW violated there are some
tervened and thus became partiesto The supplies consisted of copiesOf will have only two state OWN Kit: OK n i lOIt FIK.I0V > people who know of the violation presented Mis Ozana Greene' with.j jan

the proceeding. I worked with the primary election laws tally ol 8UWANNKK: ] MOUNT of the law and who are not connected May- 22.---N. A, award of a twenty-five dollararholarahip ;"

lion Don C. McMullen then attorney books, poll lists county convass- officers to select-secretary with the violation. Therefore Oallliton, aged 7i. owner of the to the 4-11( State Shorts 1;

for the railroad commission Ing board certificates for Demo- state and railroad commissioner 'The following news'story wa If those. who know of the Spring Turk stork farm ..near this Course( to beheld' In Tallahassee rt J;
the ballot only two '
On Republican (
in the preparation of the cratlo and Republican parties carried In Tuesday's Issue of the violation of our criminal laws city, lost control of the Ford he June A-14th. This short course S.j
be voted ;
1916 case, and wasthe, first wit- oaths of challenged voters and absent candidates will Mrs. JeannetteC. on, Times-Union would be men enough and citizens! van driving at the corner of West made up of prize winners In ,
Wood and
ness placed,,on the stand in that voters certificates of nomInation Annie committee- Ownership' the famous 8u- enough to come into court and assist Main street and University avenue different phases of home demonstration -,
be- oaths for inspectorsand Young., for state IMt 10:35: this morning< and ran OYJame. all counties
hearing. The case was lost and ballots will be wanne ln r Maunt lnplucer gold the court and do their duty work from lnj

tause at that time the congress clerks. woman. Separate fields In .Fonyth county.Georgia,, by giving evidence and If you er- Malphurs, blind vendi the state. '>,

bad not yet given the interstate The state Is to return to the two- provided this year for the two par has been acquired by Edwin gentlemen who are selected for of lead pencils and Into the front Two hundred person attended'''j

commerce commlsison power to require primary system for the first time ties for each precinct In the county Southers veteran legitimate stage juries would do your duty then of Woolworth'i store, demolishing this l interesting health content. |'
although four of the eight pre the west window of tint store, ,
carriers to furnish special since 1913. The first primarywill actor who has been a citizen ol gentlemen, we would have a remedy -I' .

equipment; atf! none of the Southeastern be held June 3' and the sec cincts therein.have no Republicans These ballots registered will- Florida for nearly forty Yf>US, Mr.. as laid down by the statutes Mr. Malphurs was rushed to the : : KIM.H' A NOT 1 1 KH: ""tIIIcmu (J'
hospital In the Thomas Company
earners had express refrigerator ond June 24. Southern- maintains a home In and would do away with crime; IN JKAMHH' H.UJH
have to be provided for all precincts imbulanco and It voe'found he luifter III
For the first time In the state'shistory. well-known the citizens fall to
cars. Starke and IB by many nit, o long a* -
The second hearing of the mat- Republicans will vote In as voter may transfer to from date Jacksonville people. do their duty and juries fall to do I UK from a fractured pelvis! Gainesville, May 26. "Hit the \i
one precinct to another up. and punctured bladder and Is suld
ter was had In 1921. In this case the' primaries'for candidates ol f The gold Held embraces approxImately their duty so long as that hup- grit, nigger I'm throwing a shotgun i
of election. to be In critical condition.
1 Rave to Hon. James E. Calkins. their party.'i. .. This primary also marks the return 760 acres on the southern >ens, you may expect I law vlolalonrt. : Officer u Hlrlcklund: placed' Mr. I, fit." With thin warning, Jest,\;sMO }
then for the railroad of old Suwannee mountain. walked Into
attorney' slope Jordan (colored *> ;:
to the two-primary system, 0'nlllnou: under arrest. At police .,
f'Ommsslonl! such assistance as I HKHfKF.U'IIIOAU Many years ago when the Dahtonega Union county gentlemen Is negro "humdinger" near Louise, .s j
troublesome first and SECond i
and the lioadquarler he stated he got
vould. Mr: Calkins on behalf of [ district was In its.hey-day., lear to me for many reasons., six miles northwest of Waldo and \
been engagedthis choice votes are now eliminated. nixed and stepped on the gas Instead -
the Florida commission! handledthe State forces have the field now owned by Buthers( While a part of Bradford I was'asked opened fire with a 13-gauge ihot.'1\
road Only one candidate In each, of on the brake pedal
rasa most ably and won a de- week In the were surface worked Since thenIt here. You people have run, blowing the arm off of Will 1ltodK
Is to be voted for and Milting In the al'l'Ident..Ir.. C'ulllloii -
and Hampton group
ilalon from the interstate com- 13 between Starke than la said prospectors have encroached been good to me. I want to make rs. colored and shooting- td

merce commission that the sched this section having worn to whereIt two two high candidates men. where are running more for on these lands and have you a good Judge I am going to wall unhurt. .__ I him through the heart death probably \

ule on Florida strawberries to was dangerous to drive over extracted gold In amounts worth do my part I beg of you that you buln limlautaneous. Toot
the same office will have to run In Mulphurs wan ,\ regular visitor
Northern markets was too slow while wet. There remains the section from $500 to $5000. Jo your part and I feel that you Jonol, (colored was also shot In the
second primary on June 24th. to Slarke having peddled pencils(
limits the |
from the south city with western mining have schools as you
Hut the commission was hesitant Conversant will. You land ,with flying shot the injuryselug
about requiring the carriers to north to the county line and from In this county the only office to methods. .the former actor learnedof have never had before; you lurehurchee un. the streets here fur "several, a .slight 011<1. After the kill..;

supply! ,the necessary; equipment Hampton south to the Afachuncounty como be.that up In of the secretary second of primarywill state;; tho Suwannwe mountain field all you have never had rears. hllc. Jordan according to wllnmises,;

for rendering the express service line needing resurfacing .an the field and spent several ;weeks proa'pedIng afore; you have court a* you ratmly washed. his hand, waded,/
and held the matter In abeyance early as possible. That part with- four candidates being In the place before negotiating lave never had before., Are the Gainesville May 21. - James the Santa F. river and took to the!

until the year 1926, when it was in the city limits 'of Starke needs for this otTtre.Registration. strength of the the purchase from the old Hocken- effort of our forefather who labored Vlalphurs, blind citizen who when was, woods In Bradford county j 1f

again taken up. By this time I had attention, but it In understood In Bradford hull Pharrand Clement-Foster estate to give us. these privilege njtireil Thursday morning The sheriff'", office was not no*

liprome? a member of the Florida nothing will be done on this part two purlieu by precincts .*. MrSouther* plates to install to prove to have been In vain? run over by an automobile In cnnildorubly tlflvd. until late lust night and
been given by Supervisor
ha. hOIlpltal
county better according: to
commission. On Inquiry at Washington until the city works out a system modern mining machinerywith lave the building of our churches loputles went to the .scene of the
Wall follows: authorities,
the Florida commissionwas of drainage!: for the section' In front as Dem. Rep. the expectation of trapping and school been In vain? killing' and arrested John Moody.;'"
I of the high school building. Precinct rich veins which did not Your county, gentlemen, I.I
merits of the deep colored on the charge of running:
advised that the No. 1. Lawtey ______334 4 HM.U.L III\/H: MOMIIY
entire" to be Into ; C yield to tt.e old placer mining known; by the 'acts of its citizen a disorderly. house and started a.pieurch :
matter gone
were MONOGRAM KGttS: ; No.2. N. Starke ____671 24
again at this third bearing de. No.3. S. Starke ____429 f C methods. and its reputation goes through- Fire broke out In the boiler, \ for Jordan who up until
. the country. We want this .
spite, the voluminous record already Dan !Manning brought a curiosity No.4. Graham .._____ 69 0 KMMPKH: : INJURY: IN: \VltKCK; nut to stay In the column of room In rear of the City Barber: noon today had not been approeended *

made in two, former bearings in the shape of an egg witha No.6. Hampton _____138 3 ntelllgent county people; of good citizen Shop Monday morn'ng! presumibly ( Moody wan lodged In Jail''

We were, aillo advised that ______ 54 0 starting from a defective awaiting hearing.: '
"M" on one No. 0. Theressa avoid hitting
monogram effort to a abld-
perfect In an holiest citizen and law-
According to witnesses, the klll-
the Florida commission would be River __ -61 0 urner. and destroyed the contents
Friday. New
office No.1. "
end to the Telegraph truck turning across the highway citizen We don't want anything
relied upon to handle the case on good Imitation of No. 8, Brooker ______238 0 In of bin car early ing of the room before being extln<<- ng resulted from Jordan becoming
a front
The letter was directly done which will cast reflection
attention hU "girl'
behalf of the growers-that the evi- fished by the fire department. The kalotin of
and the hen was filling
engraving Friday night near HeggVs old Union county
'I good
federal commission Intended simply Impressed with the Idea of Totals ____ _____1892 37 south of the car carrying upon oss wan covered: by Insurance. wall paying to Jtodl\erll. 'f4'IMKTIRY
town ser
dently station
[ am here as judge to give you . '
to hear! the case and decide It the candidates i i iVO
permanently marking the egg Below is given Mr and Mrs. H. C. Wall and vice. I am going to give you ser .;
upon the testimony developed by. from the Manning farm with the ,who were declared nominated Mr. and Mrs. Wade Kennedy overturned vice. Again let me ask you. MT.ITK IWU.I'iHT : : : WOltKIXO :.
: The case C'I'f'I"fulOUlI.t: T.t.X .. .
our state commission. the Democratic -
first letter of the name. without opposition, In the ditch and stopped lease, to cooperate with me. Iam .
was at once assigned to me for C----- primary ticket and the ltepubUean'ticket with the wheel In the air. Out- going to keep this' court open, There will be a cemetery wnrknrrig
and I began an Investigation IUriI.STKATIO.V A local sales tax on gasoline,
management CHANG OK : : ftntlemen, until all matter pending at IveureenVednellday.: .
of the strawberry es-aped I mposed by cities or town 'IH not
.Nominate! before this court have been June 4th. Uverbody Interested

movement from the entire United i Voters who have moved from N. D. Walnwrlght Representative of Mr. Wall having his. hand cut liroperly and legally\ tried and ad- I an Impossibility In Florida. At lease corn prepared to work andipeiid
States. This Investigation ,required another since the Bradford County, Fla. cast there I III no general state law
one district to with broken, slall. uated( and'dlapQsed of. the tlay. j,
three months of assiduous study election of 1928 and have not had County Commissioners: Their>er of the local truck It I III the duty of you who are to 'v.hlch( prohibits! thin according ton Mrs. F. A Hosier. ,

nd research. When the case came their names changed to the new J. M. !Rosier D.'st.! No. 1. started to, turn from the highwayInto become juror for this term .>f opinion given by Fred II. Davis .\

>t 11 for hearing at Lakeland before district must see Supervisor Wall J. O. Crews. 01... No. 2. a side road without signalling court to Investigate ,matter of i a ittorney general, In answer to a lllrth ,'-

Erector: Bartel (not Burke as advertised relative to the changing before J. L. \. I>ltlt. To.. 3. for a turn or seeing if another car law violation and see that the fJ iuellon from the state eomptrol- 1\;
), and Where the Dist No. 4. hL". Such a. tax may be Imposed Mr. and Mr.... H. A. Masters MMiddleburK
opponent W. Illnson,
by my dato of election. G. following behind according to punished. Just a* Bur
I was Ulltx are :
( ; vlthla the city limit provided ( May 2'. boy >.#
Uxamlner!: Brennan. I was the first change I* not made, they will be R. T. Osteen, Dlat. No.5. occupant of the car. No arrest red a duty rest upon your sholl -
stand and In Board of Public In- hat It has proper authority\ d slg- Mr. and Mrs W. J. Saunders
witness to go on the required to go to the precinct Members of had been made the sheriff' office

my direct testimony and cro: &-ex- I which they are registered to cast (Continued on page 4.) reported Thursday morning (Continued on page 4.) sled la the city charter. Penney Farms !May 2S, boy. ;.<

(Continued on page 4.) their ballot. i
i t


,., ,. ''!:
wfa-i Bh'nte
,., ..,, "." ,r., lIi _,J.' I .. __ J""-", >--- --- '11,.: :.. mt t M /" ,.. .. ,.'. .,. .,".;&..;.- ,<"Si

'.. ', -.1"4.,M _"t '' ;arp __'''lr''p"1!: ,,, ..1 S" -mpnr''''-'''"''''',,''p'' ""J'- 'tr''NInn! '"R'W.N_'''' '''''' .............. """'n r '" 'M f''T;' '"'TO,"". .r"'y 1'f"""""""" '''"" "" "7", rr ., .. -h
'I' '
'' ,
\' , ... "':'''r' '' ,, :. ,''t'I'II'" .. ',,1'q", "h'! ) ,." o"rff. ", "-V' '''''"' i 1

I ]
30, |.l>:(n

__n_ _...._ ... .- .. -... ---- .- ---. -- .-.-- ----- ."- .. -- --. .-- 1 as shipments from Jacksonville -

HAMPTON I o 1 I The Covered Wagon Yesterday-Club Tours Today 0 I New Yorker Collects a tomorrow new Railroads schedule, which had of proposed would rates have, ell to: iiar been.",,,.

lM Ada Nlmmit, for.Miss .
.. Saxophone Manuscripts. higher for the longer haul to, and
u from Tampa and Miami than ne,
Kathryn Weest pent the rates to and From Jackeoir?MI.
week-eml' with her cousin. Miss K This schedule was suspended in-

Thelma, Sullivan. the I. C. C. until Dec. 18. AI ,11,,,_

Mrs J. Sullivan has returned to odls4'-:::.-- while, the commerce ('ommIR_,,,,,",

her home here after a visit with r P, v t i i"r will conduct a further Inqtiln nthSfroposed ,-,"
her lions A L. and Cleveland Sul \ new rates.

livan. The ruling today does not an.i/ ,
Mrs. I. J. Prlft and MlM M Jacksonville shippers but It dhP! ,

,Johnson were shopping In Starke a pY mean that south Florida shipp "M

last Monday. : will nef f have to pay. a higher i rw, ,
W. P. Dirt and family of .

chug county were the Ala-I Jacksonville Bids opened i I.,,,,r
,Mini Ada NImmo and C. A. construction, of Western Union

and family last. Sunday r : building to be erected at Puval

Rev Norris preached at FrietBuptiBt -ri3? 4'k and Laura streets at cost of up.
church of Hampton last proximately 300000.
Sunday morning and withdrew his
Carrabelle brick high
appointment for the evening service -
school building completion,
because of a union service here.

that was rendered at the Christian .-
church by the young people from :::';':Ji' : i;);,','1 ;r>>t 'v ;,,,/ ",; -.1i;."...._."- .,'t V :\. I -
!"i"Jf.: 'tt. F."; ..' \ v$
... : ;:& Over Billion Deadly Cerms
;t' ; $9.1i
dalnesvllle University k -
::; ;, 'fu t''i? '
NfWaANIf .; : ;, : : 0( tr t\ : o/
Mrs. David Jones IH visiting her .,.: ': Iw<;"'W"'. .o' ;"" <'; ,"..'b \ .::\ '"lor:,) in a Single Drop Wafer
Mm. J. C. V BoRe at Go' <<- ""' '""'' ."' ........... ..>.... '" ", \ derma BO small that there
daughter COVNIIa ,r.7f6"i""" ?t<\:.. Uti 1 "' :' ";"}. 1" ore any
,Vero Beach this week. ..,;... 'A. ;.; ... r .{: :,; If"i yet gsZasa ; be as many as ono billion, seven hundred
.........." ; : \ cf them in a drop
Among those from other towns, 'fin -S r 7tM' "1 q ...yyyy :\>io f. miliion of
: .<;1;, .,::t..}. '*, I!' ... \. water. And just ft'few of thcso tiny
last ,
who attended preaching "" _. _'__'._ t';'a, 1d. .. 1 .. .i' ..... ."" y ':;Y -i.. .. ,_ germs, if they get into your blood
Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. W. P. A rj ; -" 1 Rri1k through a cut in your skin,map make\
flirt and Marvin and Florrlebelle\ .: ." you so sick you will be in' bed for
" .: !
,.Blrt of Alachua county weeks-may: cause the lost of a. limb
Mrs. T. Jo'. Drown had as her I through blood poisoning-may even
guest this week, her sister, Mrs.J. ; N '\ ..r infect you with that most dreadful. and

C. Dubose and Hev. J. C. Dubose MERLE Jo.anI'aN': : :: : fatal of diseases, lockjaw._
Beach. o Just because you can mono dirt in
Doth of Vero
docs not mean that it is clean
'. of Waldo will -" a
Itev. Montgomery : : 1 You cannot sea germs. The only sofa
preach at the Methodist church ;'EIOLprAowo and BOBO thing to do, is to thoroughly
next' Sunday,morning and evening.Mr. :;"'TIJLN.ra'; Nf'4e, -off wash every: cut no matter how small

, A. B. Surrency of Brooker, w.'t. with Liquid Borozone, to kill thercrme
accompanied by Mark demons was M and then dust it with Borozono
f, renewing acquaintances here this Powder, to hasten tho healing. Liquid
People get along In years and never q Borozono costs 80 cents 60 cents., $1.20(
week, have the Great Adventure. They stay : i J ; J 4i4tt and $1.60; Borozone Powder 30\ cents!
0, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Sulli- home, save and when they can afford In 4 bun!"jt-l'.. witfa,l ro"'dee and ).i< asn r"tk\&rMM )n* afHi-ia(A eu.uo w blw., and CO cents end con: be bad at
va.n of Theressa, were visiting here It never do anything but-stay home Canova Pharmacy
; .
last Sipday.$ : -ls ;-=.:> nwwa }a '--J. just the same. Some clever man not Musician Gathers Music undoubtedly be appreciated by
... Miss Edna And Margaret; Pearce 4T.MAAra; i.ANlSLICIi4N4rQA'44f11R/t I long ago coined a slogan: "See thin musical historians and studentsfor
world before the next I" Why not I From All Over
i have returned to their home In centuries to come, contains Backache
Travel today has advanced from the trip along the. Columbia River: Mt. Bee the scenic grandeur of the United
WorldNew manuscripts of the moderns and
Starke, after a visit with I
Ranter and the "Lariat Trail", via State and Canada while still young
covered, to the point that back to the
wagon stage manuscripts date If functional Bladder Irritation
grand-parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ovid I automobile through the Canadian enough to enjoy: It. And. travel In
where club tows are It* highest earliest compositions of AdolpheSax
Jlaynes. among Rockies covering Banff and Lake comfort on a club tour. disturbs your sleep or causes
Mrs. P. B. Hunt, who ,has been developments. Old Timers remember Louise Emerald Lak*...Toho> Valley, Everybody ha heard of the Ouster York City.-The only com the Belgian who discoveredthe Burning or' Iitching Sensation
.' plete collection of saxaphone in 1810.Invented ,
" visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas, how long the covered wagon took,.to and,,Radium Hot Bprlfig In but a fraction Battlefields where Cuater and his mea saxophone mu- Backache Leg Pains, or muscular
sic in the world 'is owned Merle
of the time of the old day Every were wiped out by: Indiana of the by Sax .
of Valdosta, Oa., returned to her crow the plains of the United' State tired busmen man and his equally picturesque Yellowstone beautiful Johnston, internationally famous. aches, making you feel tired depressed
home here this week. and Canada bu_now one may boardan tired wife-give her a break at 60-40 Glacier National Park of towering Mt. saxophone player. I Adolphe Sax, while trying to and diecouraged,-why not
,' A bond election was held here American Express Travel Depart -want to rent, relax, see plenty Ranter and of Lake Louise. ]lade While traveling: abroad, the produce a clarinet that would try the Cystex 48 Hour Teat?
'$last Saturday, May 24th and polled ment all-cud special train front scenery and tell the folk back borne green turquoise blue eem of the merest hint or rumour of an orig overblow the octave like the flute Don't' give up. Get Cystex today.
;?. 27-J5 'votes in favor of bonding Chicago every Saturday evening from I later how wonderful their club tour Canadian Rorkimi ud Bann.uverlook. inal, .unknown manuscript on and oboe, gave the musical world Put it to the test. See for yourself
"V tor a new school building, or June :38 to August. 18 for the Big Horn was. Vacation time I What time for I l..v .ne almost Incomparable Bon saxophone music will send John the saxophone. The new instru how quickly It works and
Mountain country including the the whole family to see the "aUe,. -If a great thing to shake off eton hurrying off to out-of-the- ment became popular Immedi- '
W{.aU the additions necessary to fuster Battlefield, BlacB Hill and the ed beauties of this countr the home shackles and go out aud WH way hamlets, keep him for days ately, and soon superseded the what it does. Money back If It
,make the old one comfortable. Yellowstone; Glacier National Park. picturesque neighbor f>s.. unftQ"1-1 something worth while in this world pouring* over the musical recordsof bassoon in many military bands.It doesn't bring quick improvement' ,
J Ya'f ?' Mr. and ,Mrs. A. A. McDonald Montana and all its beauties; a motor north. before w* see the next.TK.V continental libraries and universities was used in an orchestra for and satisfy you completely. Try

'-Mrs. Jennie Roper, and Leila May, __ and rend him down by the first time in Paris in 1844. Cystex today. Only 60c at Cor-
,'left last Friday for Jacksonville - that the department h was using a'' CARS OF ttKKKN streets of Belgian and German ".A'' Bungalow, A Radio' And penlng's Drug Store.
Road Board Is cities to leaf tattered music You; foxtrot I to millions
A Beach, where they will spend the privately patented surfacing at the CORN HAHVKSTKI over a song; play
(summer months. for sale in dingy little music over the air daily," explainsMr.

.r fy;: Marshal M. L. Watterson has Given i O. K. expense A fourth of charge the tax was payers.brought by I Fort Meade-, May 17.-Fort shops.This may. Johnston be called a"is real a number contributionto that
Line busy modern musician whois
the and
material on ground J. K. Balllnger; editorial writerof music. It has the
. Meade ia right in the midst of a now plying an average of saxophone
w1ll build a new engine house for Governor Herald who musical which have made Iz
t By the Miami placed i busy green corn packing and ship- seventy-seven hours a week over nuances J
",(the city waterworks, which will be in the record allegations that Graham ping season. Up to Tuesday three the radio to an,.audience of twen- the saxophone the world's most e rJf, _,
:fan added improvement.' was building a state road on carloads of roasting" ears had been ty-five million people, has found popular instrument. N w, r
4 k_ Mlm Maggie Burnette of Fltsi None of Charges Male Were Hue.falned property of the Pennsylvania Sugar -, shipped to the New York markets time to male not only a hobby "It ia pieces of.this type which rrdlEveruTwo
gerald, Oa.. who has been for sev- Announced" Company with which he is con- but a fetish of his library. have made the saxophone and
oral weeks In West Palm Beach, nected, instead of a levee Intended -: and these brought an average of Johnston's library, which will dance music sjTionymoua."
Maxwel Talalhassee, Fla., May :. !.- $2.50 and $2.76 per crate. ,
Mrs. J, M. - --- --
;lls the guest of to relieve flood conditions. --- - -- -- --- -- Minutes
two rolled
!:; and daughter. Mills Reba. Miss Governor Doyle K Carlton after Tuesday cars away.
Governor Carlton said at the loaded and ernment inspection makes It better RAIMIOADH LOSE
Yesterday one car was
Juurnette visits our town often the state ANOTHER HOME BURNS
hearing charges against conclusion of the hearing that In
friends started on its way to the hungry for all concerned, better for the
i ,and has many here who and rebutt 1 his opinion the charges had not Commission: Kulra Against Freight
road '
department ar- eastern markets, and today Thurs growers and better for the buyers R yon an uudtriaMimC or if roe Ut
fare always glad to nee her
gume nta at a public hearing yes been sustained.The day, It' is anticipated three car- because when it is stated under hate Ituost your in Uuunnet l.pRIVnI for a anti
\; Mrs. Annie Johns of Jacksonville day value an txpoard rlea /
'6 terday, announced that none of the governor said that while he loads of this delicacy will be readyto government authority that there your property
'); visited her son, L. A. Johns considered the hearing as closedhe American railroads and particularlY -
this week. charges had been sustained. check out. are Just so many crates of No. 1's futt otcot Bntxptcudlr and dnrror.
I .. Mrs. M. L.Walnwrlght of Hawthorn O. D. Perkins Jacksonville would invite any further testimony The exact market price could and so many crates; of No. 2'a it those operating in Florida much valiubto. ptop.rty in a brief lima.
1.t1. "
. brought three of the main chargesIn against the'road departmentat not be ascertained at the time of means just that and there is no today lost a battle before the In- You own it to yountlf to .fc< canfullrprotected.
her sister
' :{ was the guest of time. How could you be. adequatelycompraaied
1 ''):Mrs.. Elsie Sparkman. resigning as a member of the any going to press, but the average has guess work about it. terstate Commerce Commission at for your 'Ion if you nutnuuurtd
road department. They were that been crate of about five The Is much better than .
, "ri\; Mrs. L. O. Johns had as her visJtor $2 per grade Washington.The or tuMlennauieq
IJ; last Sunday her sister Mrs. ono member of the highway board Atlantic Coast Line railroad will dozen ears. at first, the ears being heavier# and loss means that railroads I r. Art.von flaunt a._

i ccisra: Sharehouse of Hawthorn. had diverted state proprety t Mate"! I expend $2,000,000 in Florida during A U. S. government inspector better filled out more matured. must continue to haul freight from ,M.IA....-.-.mnioni.n4HAROLD ipr..a

i'.. A. A. Durden and children Herbert private use and had used ,; current year for Improve- Is now on the job and keeps an the Pacific coast to south Florida
and Hilda, visited Mr. C. M. worUera for personal projects; i ments.-Frostproof News.St. eagle eye on every ear of corn that Jacksonville Bids opened by points fojr the same charge it col- C. WALL
i henry and family of Apopka last that three members of the board Augustine-940,000 plant of Is tossed over in the ,bins. Each Duval board of county commls- lecto Jacksonville. Likewise

|y Sunday; Chairman Robert W, Bentley, W St Augustine Canning Companyon crate is thus labeled either No. 1 loners for constructing $15,000 shipments from Tampa Miami and INSURANCE

fw lt Mrs. B. Johns., Mlim ICrma.: Johns ,A. Shands and B. R. Graham had Hlberla street started opera- or No. 2 grade,. and the gradesrun dormitory of Duval county parental other Florida cities must be takento
' usurped the boards authority and tions' about halt and half. This I
gov- home California for the 'STARKE. FLORIDA
i'4aAdi' Miss Jeanette Parker spent ---------- --.-- -, --- _ n _ ___- __u____________ _u____...______ ___ _.____ ... same price __
the /week-end with friends, and .
f,relatives in Jacksonvllie. '
ito,\ her home here after a visit with -
niter) daughter Mrs. John Napier
''toot r 'Orlando.f wHERE ARE 1 WESSED IT
I(, J, B. Prevatt L. H. Futch and 'HELLO DOT-Y : You DID You WELL. THEN' GUESS
R (40t"
L.F: M. Taylor were visitors to GoINC Know M ( ,

I t. Starke this week. 1 9.s NAME: WAS

ivy Supt.. J. Urldls of Starke, was

;"I' .,last attending official business here r r.p: tJ' : __ -'J. \: ,

,K Mr. Lee Oalney of Brooker was -
( business visitor here his week.
;a ( -===--
; iJ: A miscellaneous shower was : rI

: the city hall last Thursday s .l-,
i [j'afternoon'' In honor of Mrs. Jessie -

f Williams Duban. Many beautiful

-i tlie bride and cake and fruit I 41 --,- -
punch was served abundantly. _
,4'1 -


,,\1 "" -
' "'n Our schedule changes 12:01: a. 8 ec.,0. I. ... -s

' m.. Sunday April 20th and trainswill .... %.. .. -. 4 .

/., run as follows: --. -- -------.-- I Me M.
--- ----- - -- ------ -- ----- --
1 Local No. 1, southbound due -- ---- --- -.
----- ----- -
l.Starke, 11:11: p. m. ,
,$# Local No. 11, southbound, due THE MAIN THING ON MAIN STREET" \ By L. F. Van Zelm

lifitarke, 11:13 a. m;
'%{ ',Limited No. 107 southbound, J .

I, due. Starke 10:45: a. m.

) I",,: Limited 191 southbound, due iui1Miiuz} 1 Gof HI MONOCLE. $URE//! TOU'Rfi A-HA 11
o! Starke 10:36: p. m. I BEEN IN LOTS OF 'IGMT'. OHE IN 8OOOO A COUNT IN 7 r

} 1 No., 2, due Starke5:43: a. m. VRIENDLY\ NEWSPAPER NOW ALL i NEED I is TO WELL GQAB Mt14 60A1u %/ ;,..
tl, No. 12 Starke 3105
due p. m. % i
,:Limited No. 108 due Starke. HAVE HOPE-YOU

B63:; p. m.YStsrke and Wannea Branch i MAY GET AN THEN I'LL BE RIGHT its LINC ;-: ONE El< E i r r THE WILD $OV
No. 101 leaves. Starke 7 a. m., No. ,/
102 arrives 2:40: p. m. daily except
Sunday. 149830IN :

T. J. Griffin, agent. c: M4.M *' ;

'SINCE THE" RECENT (f&. r nM.w : .1.1-

J1lu \Bult Hvlivtlulm MEW/3/ PAPEtt CEPOOTSOf
Southbound-9:37 a. m., '11:37: NO ACCOUNTS ENSNARING ..- i '''', by
, iaC m, 4:07: p. m., 8:37: p. m.. 11-: HEIRESSES /

} 40 p. m. EVEt7f WQQI-oDjf

,Korthbound-4BO a. m., 8:63ham,1:63p.m.,4.23pm,8:23: HAS fELT It* THfltLL po -
Of: HOPE!! 5ulGCHrS THQU' e.- -- I

|p."in. "> SIMPLE," "!OUL. atak -
bur, Ticket and information at y ": y ".. ;

(Smith' Service Station, next, to .
, H .. . IfA.f
C Qrtbou.e. i ----- -

.. I -

II I I \ Ifd'

; ; I ., '. ; : ( Mi I ;.,& ..,W \' '4S ; J '' .t :
W_ 1N .* r '''' '
._.:_,,; t ..'' " ." 4" .. ,.' '''' ''' ,

!'" "'?'''J. I'i''' II'I-\'i'\ ''''' ''''I 'F'I '''''.fI D''''.: m''I7''r'' ''\ '.",'\ :t!,". ,,,.,\\,"'! """ "'''' -.... 't? ,;t".f" '""r;; iJ" j \\I\\'IY'"k ,'"\,,,,,.',"" '!fi, ,:!Jr ji'1!"' ''F.F'-'T:' IIJ''I1'1'' ''' "I"" ,

( -.... I

TRl1Ht'. MAV 30. IfMO nnU)1mn: cotTJirr TF.f. r.n\l'n. ST.IIIKW.: n.onn PACE: THIITCR

--- --- --- .. .
-- - -- --- --- -- -= ,
- --- -- '-- ------- -

- .,... He Ing has of ordered uursery seed stock for.> the and plant-this I "It's Wonder fill i Empress of Japan, Shortly n-to Make Pacific Debut, \

News of Florida.In Short Paragraphs stock will be transplanted next Will Be Fastest Steamer to Orient ;
What Did"I
spr'ng.: He plans to plant his trees |; Sargon Largest

.. 'In a locution on one of I
I the main highways out of Live Oak I
It I "I was tci'rlbly weak and rundown , "
so that the ..rove may be seen by :, rheumatic pains In my11m '

[ LIVE STATE NEWS I hundreds passing by. Mr. Ulllman 1)a, were so worrinome I couKl '\1! 'I'I1
has followed carefully the many "' '
I hardly aleep.,at nights: and a kid- ". ' .1
tung tree developments throughout ,'> : I :

the state, and la satisfied that > _

there Is good; money to be made in

, TOLD BYOUR EXCHANGES this new branch of agriculture.
r "

.. .. .
------ -------- .
<-- Plant City --Hliisborongh county ,
La DelleO.Vagner of Citrus pounds of sugar can fibre; 1,500,. will soon lose Its oldest 'prl,,-

claims I to have raised the 000 gallons of black strap molatsea. oner. B. F. Lloyd, 85-year-olc

Center watermelon in the state guest at the county Jail, has beet I
first ripe committed to. Raiford penitentiary
About eight of Uls
till season. New Smyrna-Local resident and will be.transferred there ai
him at the feast.,
friends. are pondering the ownership of an soon as a guard conies here foi

which occurred Aprll 12. automobile with aerial number A- him said theV ampa Tribune last

1928631 found destroyed by fir Friday. The aged man was convicted II
Frank, bulb ,
VauchulaHarold 1n the woods in Turnbull ham here two years ago ofharge aI

gri'We.', recently shipped thirty-six mock. The motor vehicle depart I of assault with Intent tc
bulbs. on consignment
dozen gladioli ment'advIsed it had no record ot kill a collector, and was just recently -
which he received a
for the car and no license plate wa sentenced to! serve a year I
,heck for over 'forty dollars, or found on it. The machine was and a day in prison. His home Is

more than one dollar a dozen. He found still smoking byWash Clinton several miles west of Plant City ; PJ i' ?<' .- :,

lin'. sold over 100,000 gladioli who lives nearby. on the Thonotosa.isa road. ..' ,,:i

bulbs this. season. ; E....... lrc. 0'" \ '" ,
III.......... "., ooCIICO" .
Fort Lauderdale-Here Is a Miami-Over the opposition ot TON$' \ V ,
Tallahassee-Large hall stones, J.
modern slant the famous Tai labor union in Miami the'
on every ,
accompanied by a heavy rain, fell 1 f)<[ r .. '
Baby story of '"Uncle Uemns." A city ,commission today passed a -=:::
thlt section today, and one SIHM J. K. I1K\\KTT: ,
In young alligator, a foot and a hal "fool-proof" vagrancy ordinance .,.. .ql
reported his corn crop virtually '
farmer !
long, was discovered today by Dan admittedly designed, to rid com
destroyed. Some1 of the hall ney weakness broke Into what little HIJN< C"/Q"c,
Riley, of Hollywood, stuck In the munity of Aphone (Scarface AI) l
were found to be rest I did get I suffered! will $IIAN i f
stones as a gulena egg W. II. Mark- soft asphalt ,of one of that city'i Capon. Chicago, leader who Is Indigestion trom one meal to the 1f AJ.vo. 4\ .
large main thorough tares. The asphalt spending! an extended ,'al'aUonhere ,
local weather forecaster, said next and was habitually ('OIlStlPl1t-I
ham preclptatlon was 1.32 inches.Ooala I had been softened by the beams. of at his palatial Palm Island estate. ed. It's wonderful what Surgoti ..",

the 'the South Florida sun. Riley used The ordinance provides a did for met I have a better appe- cI P"'N "
considerable gasoline before he Hue of $500 or 60 days at. hard labor "6"1'4:11"' : '
-W. W. Stripling, tax collocto.1. -' tlto than in years, and am BO full
"does not understand how freed the trapped saurian. A bIg or both, in case of a convic :I of strength and energy now that 1 I

crowd gathered to watch the rescue tion. It describes a vagrant as enjoy working In my flower garden .
railroads can pay only a part
ot the their taxes and the peopletan't. one who has no means of visible I I and around the house. I never '> ,

." He said this yesterday af- support one whose means of have a sign of Indigestion, the rheumatic 9 I- -.

receiving notification from West. Palm Beach-This is the support has been gained Illegally, piling are gone and I am .""" ,

etr story of a man who was disappointed or a person who is "dangerous to ,
Ernest Amos, state comptroller, never bothered with my kidneys -- -'>' ".Jo .
in love-a which l if the well-faro of the community. I' m I
that the Atlantic Coast Line Com story "Sargon Pills entirely overcame I "C"'N" 011.11>41(. WH..., P O ;\>,"a ,CH'N" .
ever old yet ever new. This man "
my constipation. Mrs. J. K.
pany had paid 32811.24 on 1929 Ocala The In ot this the Pacific been equalled. Old-timer tn Pacific! will Dink her ftnc'weatbOund trip _;
went so far as to purchase his license new road to Salt I Bennett, 730: Lincoln avenue,, August year
Marlon county taxes, but had refused been Ocean will celebrate the debut of a Coast ateamslilp circle will\ probably and enter th* regular trans-PaciCj '.' '
to wed. The had Springs has completed. The
girl a
to pay certain )levies made Jacksonville. Canova Pharmacy, new gtayhound. the Canadian Pacific contrail th* new Empren of Japan arvlc"* of the Canadian PnclBc Steam- "
change of heart. She is going springs, famous for Its mineral waters I j
away .
agent I
school districts. liner Empresa of Jnpnn. which was with her venerable retired predecea* hip*
In three It Is bad enough to lose the girl and Lake Kerr. one of the launched on the Clyde Deo. 17. I93B: 00' of the urn name a yacht-tit: ThiS great: liner, the largeit whit .

but this man hates to lose the most beautiful lakes In Florida, This great vessel of 38000: groaa tons veucl of iom B.OOO ton*, the bow- hip In the world until the advent of ,
Gainesville Gainesville will $3.50 he expended on the license are now within less than an hour's register will be the flagahlp ot the aprit of which hna Been preserved. for the mounter new 4.0.OOO ton Emprea: 't"

not have Sunday movies. Regis He wants to know If the powers rldo of Ocala. The road, which GkAUAMMi White Empresses of the PaclOc. a tin poatertty In Stanley Park. Vancouver of Britain on the Atlantic aervicw "
tered voters 528 strong, said so, I of steamer which is Becoming increasingly On June 14 the Empreiw of Japan between Q U b. c. Cherbourg ami :
340 cast ballots In favor ot that be will refund him his money, ends at Salt Springs opens up a popular with travelers to wt" ull from Liverpool for Quebec Southampton will be t'1e Urgent andhfMteal )(

while at least a part of It-say, about section of the state which has been *. C. B. Itoberts wag transacting and from the Orient. 8be will endeavor which port *htt leave on June :34.recrouett I vessel plying the Pacific, The 'j
Sabbath shows. The special) election $2.75. virtually frontier country up to biixlness In' Lake Butler Wed to wrest'the trnris-Pacific speed the Atlantic and (nil* from peed record of the Empress ot', ,' '

called by the city commission now, although the flO's saw con nesda '. laurel from her running-mat the Southampton for Hongkong on July II I' Canada and Empress of Asia acroo* "
decide the question saw 868 ) 7 she will the Pnclflo hav* never been equalled. I
to Tallahassee Claiming that his siderable development projected Emproaa of Canada of 8 dsys 10 hours Leaving Hongkong Augtiat l
voted polled. Sunday movies were Mrs. D. J. Bird of Tampa"lsvlsItlng ( 03 minutes from Yokohama to Victoria. anil for Vancouver via Shanghai. Kobe but the new Empreaa!: of Japan win
the shores of the lake and
section has earth formation on
voted down by a 188 majority. an here ,'or a while. B C.-a record which ha* never and Yokohama and on Sept. 4 ah. be out to do even better. ",
Mammoth around the springs. The highway
reaembllng the famous
-- ---
Mr. and Mm. A. Padgett and '
1200 citizens were qualified
Over cave of Kentucky, a Hamilton to the springs is of a new type of daughter. Vellne, of Gainesville, Thelma Sullivan during the week Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Swindell.Mrs. .
In the election.Cle..lst .:,
to participate
county resident has written the construction. It Is built of asfal.erra end. children of
were visiting here Sunday, Ida Mender and\ j
n The Florida sugarcane state here suggesting that some patents for which are held Mrs. 10. J. Starling and daughters RISING Mi. Arthur. Mlilken\ of Hampton Karl 1611 Hunch were among the '\ .
one be sent there to conduct an ay the Asfalterra company, who attended rhurch' here Saturday : \
grinding season will officially of Sampson spent last week >lIu IrU, Mrlla. Cur.Wo I ones that attended the birthday :;
nveatlgatlon. The latter was re- have offices In Ocala. end here. night.Mr. dinner ut Crystal Luke
next officials
terminate Monday, .
nt the Southern Sugar Co., announced 'erred to State Geologist; Herman I Ml us Novel Iii King of Hampton, are glucl to report that Miss and Mrs. K. fc. Powell nnd It being her father's sunda"1
Gunter, who is to look Into the Ie Miami The law passed by the children vpenl the week-end in .
today. The season's record und Fate Drown of Starke were ItOM..... Man Norman Is Improvingafter I Itev. Illancliard filled "
matter at once, The. Hamilton 1929 legislature levying a tax of 'j Lako City '
Include the following pftdue- the gueuta of Thelnia Brown \Veclnemlay neveral! days IIInellR. I lar appointment bore
countatn Bald no end had as yet 50 cents for each sleeping room night. M.'. and. \Mm. II, K.: Moorc-r and church. /
linn tons of harvested The farmer of this section were Sunday at the IlaplUt
: 200,000 cane
and :26! for each bath of "
been found to the cave, although dauglile, Lynell are spending awhile
Saunders and ,
Mrn. Mnme! son
refresh Ing OrlfT Phillips and Mrs.( Ad'
and ground; 30,000,000 inado glad by the Mi'
'hounes called "
was unconstitutional '
apartment PutimiiKlIall.Mr.
numerous had ventured "j' '
raw"' persona Tommla!, were1 visiting Mm. K. J. fell last ek. Adams bolh of I.awley attendee :
)pounds of sugar; :30,000,000 far wlth'n its enclosure using and discriminatory Starling Thursday. shower of rnlu that w \ Bill l>iivls and Mr. Arthur die ,

I ropes tied around them for reHctie I In a circuit court decision here today Miss Thelma Brown Novella Mrs. !M. T). Ttedd'sh! of Lawtey, Moorer of Onila were vUltliig ItoreHundiiy church here Saturday

T. R. HODGES purlJOSeH. by Judge Uly O. Thompson. King and. Coletta Turner of Hampton i was vUlthiK her sister, Mrs. W. T. afternoon.MHH night and Sunday. !,:

The decision was made as Judge were In Starke Saturday af ,Crosby lust Sunday. | \Dulsy Mnorn of Cli'itrwntcr Mr, and Mrs.\ K.: II. Powell and ," '

Tallahassee Prison /-amps in Thompson granted; an injunction ternoon. M.'. and Mrs. T. K. Stoken' and iitleiuU'il the funeral of Mrs Norton children 811111'lIrt'lItll, Mr. and Mrs.C. I
went Florida were found generally restraining County Tax ,Collector Mrs. LoBBle Wasdln, Maude Sur- children of Waldo, and Miss Clara hero II1"t '1'uescuy.! A Youngbliiod wer visiting "f.

AnlM'iirlton Candidate for Krcrtary *- to be good; Prl T>n Commissioner Bob Simpson from levying on the rency and daughter, Del ma, were Willis of Kurlton: were visitors of Mrs. if:] M. llvrney and daughter. relatives und friends Sunday afternoon "

Nathan Mayo announced yesterday apartment house of Geo. B. Warren in Slarke Monday n.( M, Mcflae Sunday. I Miss Nettle, wpro visiting Mrs.a. I In Puliium Hall. 11-

( of Statetken (ollowing- inspection of 'camps to satlHfty t the unpaid tax. Mr. and Mr.... L. C. Smith was. Seo I lie sword drill liy the Henor U, Swindell Sunday afternoon.Mm. A large crowd! attended the ,;

In that section after Investigation Judge Thompson asserted that the business% visitors to Starke Satur and Intermediate !U. V. I'. IT. I Viola Humphrey ami children funeral nervlce of Mrs, Norton ofCloarwater

of charges of mistreatment and I law /'highly_ discriminatory" text Sunday nlg'xt, T. N, Norman of JnckHonvllle, were visiting at Hopifchurrh Tuesday ',

unsanitary conditions at a convict and deprives a person of property day.Mi*. Morris Edwards and Oscar bible reader. Mr. and Mrs. tl. M? Hem 'y Sunday.Mr. afternoon of lust week.

road 'camp near Freeport, Jo'! without due process of law, County nyal were here Wedne duy. I Mi', and Mrs. Karl: Edward.* and \ K. It, Swindell and Bon, Willis ... ,

I Mayo was accompanied. the Inspection Attorney A. B. Small, who appeared Sheriff Kppermm was out hero mother and, little son Cnrl, nt were In Stnrke nn business Sat I Fort Pierce Contract awarded

tour by State Treasurer: In court for Simpson said Sunday Starke attended B. V. I". U. hero urday.Mr by Standard Oil Company to :

W.-,V. Knott, B, H. pickeng, convict he would appeal the decision to Miss Thelma Drown spent the Sunday night.Mr. L. L. Youngblood returned I Cahow Construction: Company to

truffle supervisor for the state the state supreme court. week-end In Hampton the guest and Mrs. Johns of New Itlv- : here Saturday from th-ula ,to b.. build $12,000 combination( service
I with hl family during the summer station and garage; building here.
ft' attended church at Corinth "
road department, and B. H. Dick- of Miss Coletta Turner. .
Palalka Potato canning
son, division prison supervisor. Fort Meade Corn crop was late Miss Pauline and Maybelle Sunday. Kast j"
this season about two weeks. The Mills, Thelrna; 'and Irene Cain, Mr. W. S. Williams. and Mr. and M>'. and !Mrs. Jake C'artenson plant opened here with dally co- i

Miami-Suit to compel the town first gathering of the roasting ears, Nellie Strickland< ,'Mildred Broughton Mrs. Jack Bluckwelder allot Lulu, and children of Lake fleneva, parity: of 2,000' canes or two carload ;

council of Palm Beach, winter It is stated, was sorry, and some enJoy a fish fry at the river wero visiting Mr. 'and Mrs. H. M. spent Sunday with, their uarantn. *. .{,}oUt
t'me resort ot America's wealthy at the best and fluent green corn Saturday. McHae Sunday.Mrs. .

society groups, to permit erection ever grown,anywhere Is now being Miss Thelma Brown entertained Let-do Dunk) and children i iY'

3f a filling station within the city harvested and sent to the hungry I a, few couples with an tee cream of Jacksonville were visiting ';'. ,
markets. Mr. Moore and Those Mm.. Evelyn Crosby Sunday. "
limits was one file In federal court eastern nuper Saturday night. enjoying tI
here today. The suit was filed by ton are busy every day loading an thai affair were: Misses Mr. Arthur McHae and Miss. An- .<,It :

the Gulf Refining Company, and average of two' cars of corn, and Novella King Coletta Turner, cel Normnn' mado a flying trip to I 'I
isserted that the company purchased It Is understood they pay the grower Irene[ Lamb; and Lacy Ulgdon, Wttteroulc unction Sunclity after .;

I a $35.000 piece ot prop a. net price of $1 per crate. Mr Hubert and Fate Brown, T. I). noon.

erty April 8, 1930, after receiving Moore understands the marketing Ickenbaker[ and M. Starling. -' MUs Carohelle Norman of Wuteroak -

a permit from the town building at corn thoroughly and Is making Mr. and Mrs. Tom Craves, ol section was a dinner guest Ii.

nspector's office for construction a success of the venture,\.much to Savannah, Cn.! spent the of Muses ICdna and Thclma Lew,'*

a $3.000 station. On the night i I the benefit of the growers and the gueitts of hlx parents, )Ir. Sunday. ;

if> April 8, the suit alleges members community.. The local Vegetable and Mrs: J, .\. Craves. TJie Brotherhood of Corinth

: ot the town council ordered Growers Association has cnmpletd Miss Hazel Surrency of Tart pa, Church held services at the home 1 \
of .the here.EVERGREEN of Mr. and Mrs. A. K.: Stafford in
the revoked. Its shipments the corn crop II it spending summer
permit ,

l'hntOll1'ftlh rlon... fVorl" Miami-History-was made here for inving the corn present In limited The membership and not North We are Starka sorry Sunday to report afternoon that Mr., ALL TYPES.. ft I

War In uniform of l'. H. XHVM today when Maggie Murphy female enough can be gathered; now tc ing Lester bin Crosby life by came strangulation very near, Sun los / ALL SIZES.' It
make It worth while to load full
manatee or sea cow, became ,
Offil'rr ,I cars: and they are not shipping any Mt... F A. R.r. .Cur.Mr.and day afternoon In the rear neat of a
a'hreefootidpound mother while} In captivity calf being,, the I more now. The association' has Model A Ford. -ALLGOODYEARS If t

,- Mi', and Mrs. B. K. Mcltae and
The al1> carioadi to its credit maklnll Mrs., W. O. Kalnes and
Native Florld'an 65 years of icru at the Miami aquarium ; ; ItUls children of HUrke were visiting
vent, which has been anticipated a splendid beginning, and anticipated children, Kuretha and Blalock of
a D mocra't Mr. and Mrs. H. M Mcltae Sunday
Lifelong voting will
by scientists in all parts of the that season \ Madison spent the week-end here afternoon. -

straight Democratic ticket. Law United States,, occurred Just be- find the' membership acreage with Mr. and Mrs. Schellle nosier. The Marvelous Magnets..-,we f '

yer by profesilo 'and held position 'orm' sunset. The scientists have greatly Increased.- Rev.Starke L. A.attended Donnelly church and here wife want to draw you to our B. Y. P.I CO'I f" in anil ImvoNiiperiority t :
close professional '
been keeping a
/., Sunday evening; 7 o'clock.TIIEKESSA .
Shell 'Fish Commissioner under heck: on Maggie Murphy for Tallah'asseo The state supreme Saturday.Mm. dualr :
informed tonight court today upheld the validity Leatqn Morgan and children r
(live governors. Long experience ;nonthB by, and telegrams were of the birth. of the 1929 legislative act of Sparrwere vl81tors to Kv- 1 1KOVKI I..,foro you Iniy! : 1. .

In public life. DI'. Charles H. Townsend. director placjag motor vehicle transportation ergreen Tuesday.Mr .

I am opposed to the excessive at> the New York aquarium who companies under the Jurisdiction and Mrs. Kersey and family 'tI1.. IIhud* 7.rl.ler.l ,CMinn r. Priced In itive See how MUCH MORE I 1-,!
Florida railroad com few day last week In De- t
examined the mother here of the spent a
recently in"Goodcart .
automobile'" license! and other In- ot those notified. mission. The court In an opinion Leon Springs the guest; of their you Many Dollartl your mane/ buy i
one .
was Kula: Swindell Sat.irday the latest ,
spent Get
Whltfleld and Kane.
by Justice J, B. daughter, *
1'iultous\ an'd !
abominable tax measures A was drowned unanimously agreedupon, r'lvers- Mrs. HeHter Sapp and von, night In Lake Geneva with (j6jjn JtiifJ,1"llmk 1930!>> type here-:
Tampa negro
that have been imposed upon three policemen narrowly es- ed an order of the circuit court Cheathem Peele. spent Sunday her slater' Mrs. Jake Cartensen.Mr. and. complete rang of lowSpring ;;, 1
and Mrs. K. K. Powell
r In Carmichael at
the People of the state of Florida: .._aned..__ the_'n _same_ _fata__ and numerous I for Duval county In a case- with Mr. and Mrs.. children and Mr. and !'ofrs. H K, prices.Guaranteed: ""
of Jack He'lbronn! Springs.M
were attributed today which E. S. Smith
through the influence of Governor other accidents prosecuted for" his 'alleged< /. and Mrs. Allla P ele and ifoorer and and little daughter, (0-31 to a heavy squall Ut yesterday wa Lnotll, of Bverglade arrived here ...,. .. .
of of Orlando, spent Sunday -wo. t:ltt. "' a.IIWIa : 1
Carlton. I am opposed to his poland accompanied: by the worst hall failure to obtain a certificate children Peele. last Wednesday to spend the sum .. / 1 C:tfI.,,-"'., IMUI epalriug : '
and Mrs. Joe i
railroadcommission with !Mr. ,
the hero .
from I.T.Iin iHMit.TV '.M
'10 '11', storm the business district convenience with their Mr. and I I
parents I
If he proposed Green Cove mer I
has ever to the mileage Uer.' Conway of "T3:111.,711': : N.1" ;
experienced In forty years, said :' and pay hU regular Iri> C. A. Yonngblood.Messrs. 4.75-21: <31'...,.,* ._ ".:1." Estimates Free .
"/thing beneficial to the state, Ialii W. J, Bennett, weather man. Tbe.' tax Imposed upon such motor Spring filled apPoint-I I Jake Bennett Wilson It.UO-l* lUltt.VIMI: MJI I
... .
In vehicle operators. The circuit ment here ,.Saturday n.iMt-ttii: fishing a
not aware of It. If he should negro and police were Smith discharged Sunday. \, Uusa' and James Trlest were visitor 3.IHI-2I: : (313.00)<<: _ 8.B "
struck.Boats court
the storm
nearby lake as after-
to Hampton
lIIalte suchsa proposition.. I wltl be were overturned and the officers I. from- custody In haUes corpus tobe :,
4 elevator nenn.
Okeechob< Corn
'' that
ilIad' to mpport It, but 1 have my nearly drowned trying to'proceedings on the ground to erected here soon. Mr. John Jordan of McHae attended

save the negro and each other. I i law was invalid an It applied I Christian Union here Sunday Ritch's Service Station I IStcrke :
f.;')as doubts about his ever/do- I private carriers under special con .
that decision hIde operators of Tampa who alleged night.Mlsa
only was
''n W. J. Hillman : tract. Not
so. Live Oak Capt. court, that the law was dlscrlmlnaory Agnes Joyner Is visiting
reversed by the supreme
pioneer builder of Suwannee i 'becausa It excepted vehicles Mn. frim! In Starke.
Your votis- and support 1 Is retfniiy I'I'l'ounty. each and every provision of
the advantage : but
Is the latest'to upheld Including one ransportlnz dairy: and other pro- Mini Kathryn Wetmt of Hampton .. Floridar''l'
4Pt'- solicited. to be derived from grow the ad .was ducU. was vlnltlng btr cousin, Miss
ing'tune oil trees in that section. I I attacked by a group of motor ve- ,.
(Paid Advertisement.. ) ,

, :-t'" ./ '. "..

to" -' ,,. l1.oI< l U ,r..M.' d,.,.,. IW .i', ""' ,"I ,.."., ,"t 1, '.. it t !- . .. ..h ft T, 'M', :.' ', . Jiti. ,, ,L rfJ: ; :;t.J.#..

-- --

"" ''''I1f''I '' ''' .'1\-\
:Y'( I": V
r'I "!"'?" """ .. .. ',: .'".

: \ (


FRJD.\Y, MAV ::10, ,?.,
>PAGE FOUR . ----- -- ,
.. . ..-- .. ------
4 ---- ----- ----- '
---- -- ---------
----------- 1 "Of
---- -- about the camp. camps approximately 27u
---------l DEMOCRATS,:: AM itEl'CBLICANS Minn., inquiring as to when this of the Sunday school. He wasa Census FiguresMay As result of that report, Camp convict and the transfer of white t
a Ihut
H01.1 PRIMARY: 'TUKH express refrigerator service wouldbe progressive citizen and his friends many negroes from the state
all Florida numbered by his acquaintances Captain Harry Dudley was suspended farm
available for per- were Alter Law There are about 750 negro,"

l! V I (Continued from page 1)). ishables. He stated that he could ,i until he given a ready at work on the ronl 1-s .11|he,|"

structlon: furnish a market for many pro- Over thirty years ago Mr. fly hearing by the board here Friday said.

J. T. Moore, Dlst. No. 1. ducts of Florida perishables to go ere established 'the Rivers, .plow: Attorney General Fred II. Davis and the board took under consideration .

H. D. May Diet No. 2. as far west as Spokane, Washington and'carriage/ factory Lake But will have a tedious Job after the proposal IbY' .one of its
))1&. Ail MI !4. BIO.( S ENTER: Members o f Board of Bond whenever he could secure ler1 which is how run by hla.son, final 1930 census returns have members that all white prisonersbe Lake Worth-Work will Hlllrt

TAM IUUIKa: {'I.l'nThe'Twfntleth Trustees: transportation service that would Charles F. Rivers. He built up been: made. removed from road work to on installing draw span over west

W. B. Torode Dist No. 1. carry them through In good condi- one of the largest businesses of There are many laws on the the prison, farm, and only.negroes Faith Beach canal on Federal high

Century Bridge J. II. Hitch, Dlst. No. 2. the kind In Florida and Inventedthe statute books of the state, that the roads. way between this prate and Went
tion."It be assigned
Club was entertained Friday evening E. S. Matthews, Dint. No. 8. is my belief that the executives Rivers plow, which: Is used In I were passed as general measuresbut Commissioner of Agriculture Palm Beach. .. ,

n Mrs E. L. Biggs, of our Florida railroads will states of the Union. I to apply only to
by Dr. and Ovid Haynes, Dlst. No. 4 many qualified Nathan Mayo, who Is also state Pompano Fox's Pharmai r(..
at their home on N. Walnut St. E. M. Johns, State Committeeman voluntarily furnish this service Lake Butler and Union County counties of certain population according prison commissioner,, said today celved franchise for Victor llnc. uf

When scores were counted it Democratic Party. Just as soon as It has passed the have sustained a loss in the deathof to the last federal cen- that he plans to start out early radios for this vicinity.

was found that Mrs P.' F. Stump Members of County Democratic experimental stage with them. I Frank Rivers .which will be sun. next week on the first lap of a Davenport Atlantic fount

bad made high for the ladles, and Executive Committee: am confirmed In this opinion by hard to All. He leaves three son When the 1930 population figures complete round of Inspection", of all Line plan extensive improvements. \

f Ss a prize the hostess presented a Louis II. Hill Diet No. 1. the fact that two well-known here who are prominent In the are known, the attorney general state convict road camps to ascer- on tracks here.

"+ box of French note stationery r J M. Alvarez, Dist. No 2. executives: have recently told me development of the community. will begin checking the figures tain first hand information on how Lake Worth -, Plans made for

Mrs. J. W. Andrews, Jr., made low R. C. Helberger Dint. No. 4. they have been watching the car- Besides his widow, Mrs. Mary and the laws to determine how operated.To beaultflcation of (grammar school
they are
.and was consoled with a painted S. M. Mott, Dist. No. 8. lot express movement of strawberries Rivers, he leaves the following 1.many changes there will be. Many Investigate All Camps grounds.

perfume container. Mr: N. Stern- I. Members of County Republican with the keenest interest, named sons and daughters to officials are In positions createdby : Mayo said he does not intend to Bartow .... Up to date buHlnn

I berg made high and received a Executive Committee: and that they would not be surprised mourn his passing; W. L. River such laws, the attorney general a single and that college to be opened here soon

smoking stand; white Mr. 8. L A. M. Blanchard Dint. No. 1, to see the service extended of Fort Meade Charles F. River pointed out today, who might be In he paaa will up take particular camp note of Avon Park Hooker Hammock

'Peek made low and was given a C. N. Christy, Dist No. 2. to other perishables in the near Robert F Rivers and Leamon O danger of losing their places when how the prisoners are treated and Park to be developed as state park.

i'.table smoking stand. II. H. Young, Diet No 3. future. This struck me as moving Rivers.of Lake Butler and Percy the new census figures are an- sanitation conditions. He, will 'Fort Pierce Wort Pierce
The hostess served a naiad IWmOC'r tlc Ballet toward voluntary action on their Rivera, High Springs; three nounced and are found not to com- Growers' Association
make the trip with B. M. Duncan, handled
course to the following named Instructions: To vote for any' part. My own? humble opinion daughters Mrs J. L.. Edwards, ply with the provisions of the law chief highway engineer of the 129,000 boxes at fruit during season .
guests: Mr. and'Mrs. II. C. Hitch, candidate make a cross' (X) at Is that the winning of the strawberry Ellenton; Mrs. .Tate, Powell Mac- creating the posts they hold. just endei. _
.state road department. 'Mr. Mayo
I'' ",Mr, and Mrs. Harper Mr. and the right of his name. case no matter who l Is en clenny, and Mrs.: J said that if the board decides to Vegetable
f, : Mrs. N. Sternberg, Mr. and Mrs.F. For Secretary of State titled to credit for It, means that I lot Tatlassee.i! Ala t; one brother, many office holders, as well as substitute white road labor with Growers' Association held

F. Stump, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Vote for one ultimately there will be a great James Rivers, of For. Meader and other special provisions for par- recently and discussed meeting
negroes, a question which will Dylans for
'Andrews" Jr., Mr. and Mrs. S. L. improvement In transportation many.other, relatives", ,', ,'? ticular counties may be affected likely be disposed of at the hear. 'picking and I hipping tomato
Peek and Mrs O. L. Beasley. H. CLAW CRAWFORD, JH. service for perishables out of FlorIda Funeral services were held at :1 widely by the 1930 census figures, crop.
ing to be' given Dudley, it would Lako City Shipments of m
-- and that we will soon be ship- o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, according to the attorney general.
mean the removal from road cumbers started from this district
R. A. GRAY ping our products to the far at the Lake Butler Baptist'church, .
I reaches of the continent This Is with Rev S. S. Proctor, for many
T. R. HODOES the condition that we should all rears his pastor and a lifelong ;h' O
Johns entertained carriers, railroad commissioners friend conducting the funeral services PRISON CAMP SYS- Y
Mrs E.
Friday afternoon, at her home on WILLIAM M.'TOOMKK and shippers-work together assisted by Rev, E. A. McDowell TEM IS FORESEEN
> toward, for In a state like FlorIda pastor 'of the Baptist I
'JN. Walnut Street. A profusion of '
where so much depends on the church, and Rev. W. T. McGuIre, Ur..tlcC'lIon. Follows Investigation . tip Q 'a
w i pr1ng flowers were ar- .
successful; marketing of perishables pastor of the Christian church. 'onillllotui at I b aI
where Frtwlwrt1Vhcro
\ranged in the living room,
11 I;: tables were placed for bridge For. Railroad Commissioner Group' expeditious transportation 1 Burial was at Dekle cemetery. The (Com<.t HAM to

( < After five progressions, high ,No. I, Is all Important. A good pack Masonic order had charge of the have Died of !Soil- ? '
for and efficient transportation ser ceremonies at the Mr. I
. Vote one. cemetery
i prize was Awarded to Mrs J. C. tart) Confinement. 1
vice mean everything to Florida. Rivers having been a member of .
Robinson, the prize being a boud-
,.' lor pillow; second prize a vase, W. A. (WILL) MacQUAOdE "Instead of not being connectedwith that organization, for many years I
the early stages of the strawberry -Lake Butler Times.: $I
. '''went to Miss Mable Welter. To Tallahassee, May 25. A decided -
EUGENE S. MATTHEWSIn refrigerator express case revision In the state prison
, Mrs. C. C. Hoppe, of Tampa, was 1Il
presented the guest prize, a boud- which had Its Inception before I .., camp system was forseen by officials
became a member of the state Truck Statute"
result 'of the
ler pillow. here today as a
. The hostess served a sweet j railroad commission, the corres- action taken yesterday by the r

, course io the following guests; ( Precincts 7 and 8 as .follows toiulence,files and official recordsIn "Is Validated board of commissioners' of state is r

t' IMesdameo A. Z. Adklns O L. ) :. our office at Tallahassee show Institutions found at one'camp in
For Member Board of Public Instruction my Inltatlon of the matter. If .
: !'Boalle). C. A. Knight J. C. Robinson west Florida.A
C;, 3 these records HIII'M'nl' Court Upholdv l Statute
District Number and flies had been |
, L. W M. Wainwright of the board
J. Frazee, special committee
,Voto for one. examined It would have spared me Placing Truck lines Vmter
; ? C. C. Hoppe, N. Sternberg, investigated charges of cruel treatment -
|T. T. Long, R. J. Davis and Miss the embarrassment' of making a Railroad 'mn..I..lo at the camp located near

h' |Mable Weller. L. R. GAINEY statement 'In which the personal I i. Freeport, and said it had found Calo Dog Food '- - .- '- lOc
. '.. pronoun must of necessity so often The validity of the 1929' legislative where one man died apparently

O. .,. H. MKKTH MONDAY A. B.:SURRENCY be called into use. act placing "motor vehicle
j; from the effects of solitary confinement BLUE RIBBON MALT -' - .54cibb's
"(Signed) : transportation companies under
that other prisoners had
' .:' Regular meeting of Starke "EUGENE S. MATTHEWS." the Jurisdiction of the railroad been roughly handled, and that
) ; Pork & Beans 3 for 25c
commission was upheld )in every -
' [Chapter No. 166, Order Eastern unsanitary conditions existed all ,
/ I Star, will be held at the Masonic For Member Board of Bond Trustees detail late yesterday In an opinionby

y b' \Hall next Monday evening, 8 District Number 6 FIVE FACING the state supreme court. The 6 Ibs. Ballard's Flour 36c; ,12 Ibs. 69c;

' [o'clock. Vote for one.. opinion was written' by Judge J.

STATE CHAIRtrroril B. Whltfleld and concurred in by J RUPERT 24
pounds - - - - $1,32Ballard's
\ L. W. SOWELL. the rent of the court. r .
.CO-OPKKATIOM ,()It' CITIZENS The opinion reversed the circuit
Dentist Pan Cake Flour 2 for 25c
\ n AHKKI. ItV JUDGE ADKl.VH n. WEEKS'. !: of Doomed men .Studied, court of Duval' county in a test ; -

!\, .* -- < ,- case of the statute'brought by E
T . A
t, (Continued frC-m. page 1). I .... wai ,. ... 4 I. If courtedlrts are carrl4d..put 3, Smith Jacksonville, who was KEYSTONE HEIGHTS. FLA.N B llard's B. \V. Flour, 2 for29c

J ....,. . ,. In each! case", therFlorida elevrt arrested for.aliened.failure( (to,secure
; ,,dera to see that the Innocent are '
.' at' 10 lbs. SUGAR 55c
chair' Ralford will claim five a certificate ol convenience - -
v prote ;ted. I want to ask you who ;>. 4c +>.. .......+..*...+.>:
Republican Ballot victims In the future; it was learned -' from the railroad commission( and
i are to make the Juries, and all
up I for today. to pay mileage tax assessed i 2 1-2'Ibs. 25c
Instructions: To Vote any ( upon Apple'But er -
you citizens who are prospective ,
; whether candidate make a cross (X) at the Transcripts of the records fn truck operators. Smith was released FOR SALE i
'Jurors for later terms, and -
right of her 'name. canes involving that many death on a writ of habeas corpus 2 SALMON 17c
f' you are ever on a Jury or not, to -
For State Committee Woman penalties are now being studied pending settlement of the case by
enough to aslast the court ' men Vote for\ one. by Attorney General Fred II. Davie the supreme court. Tomato Crates, < ,
; \';'In. cases of law violations and i Tomato Soups 3 for 25c
?' for recommendations to""be The supreme court ordered ,
v-help us'keep Union county stalnKless -
ANNIK: WOODJEANNETTE made to Governor Doyle E. Carlton Smith discharged from custody, Paper and Nails.D.W.MOORE. '
; and keep'lt In the column of
Peaches 1-2 Size 2 for 25c
< who, It the records! are foundto declaring the law did nol apply to i -
f Intelligent people, honorable peo-
b a YOUNOKKKItlGKIIATION be legally sufficient will sign private carriers operating under

'1,4 f?((plet believe Christian In what people-Is just-and people right.who death warrants special contract, as Smith contended ; | Prunes lIb, pkg. 16c; 2 Ibs. - - 29c,

At Dentil's Door he was doing..

:ji,; When I speak !of crime that Is .' Those facing death are: :' Every provision...,f,tbe act was 2t. Theressa \ \ Raisin Bran 2 for ,- 2Sc
\ being committed, I mean that Alachua ii Fla. ,
from John Wesley convicted In approved 'by the supreme court,
'practically, every crime, petit
'larceny, up to almost the' highest : CASK HK:. county for the killing of Will among them being the sections attacked .**++...........>..>>.. C &. C Ginger Ale 17c
': Stevens. by a group'/of, .Tampa oper- -
.erlme, U dally being committed; VIKWKII: IIV MATTIIKWH: r
Richard Hamilton, Sumter coun- ators claiming,the, lavto,be discriminatory
and I to to
. again want say you --
ty, for the shooting of his mother, as It acceptedvehicles
that in nine cases out of ten where (Continued from 'page l.amlnatlon ,> ,
\ Nathan Burton, Alahua county! carrying, .dalry.ancl ofcb products- I
, the law U violated there are people < FLORIDATHEATRE Evans Food StoreELOOkAEAb
for the -.
not connected with the viola. kept me on the stand killing of Ellen Burton ,

i, tlon who know of It and they are for three and one-half hours. At Ammon White, Flagler countyfor I Bay Harbor' Construction under I

not good enough citizens. to assist the final session of the hearing the killing of Lawton H. jean way on $10,000,000 plant for

, ,i'the court in securing evidence to held In New York city I was the T. Southwoith Palm Beach .Southern Kraft Corporation. Home of YltnphoneGAINESVILLE I .

establish the guilt of those committing last witness on the stand, having county for killing ,R. C. Wells, Bay Harbor'- New post office .*
been recalled to rebuttal tes wealthy'club man; being erected FLA. > :
i. the crime. If you will as telst give I on lot across from 1
y I
,!+ the court In this you wIllI timony. At this third hearing of Hamilton's case has been before ,old building, nearing completion.

.make your county a good county to the matter, we were able to maintain the state board of pardons, West Palm lleach '-- Florida PROGRAM FOR WEE j

lire In. If you will do that you (that there was a necessity and which denied him clemency: From I Bank and Trust Company, capitalized I

/will\ make your county safe so that desire for the Improved service and last accounts. however U had not I at 1100,000 to open In this MAY 29, 1930

i;you can leave your hoe. your plow to establish that there were In existence been appealed to the supreme place. I I

I';or your rake In your fields., your available to the Florida court, TodayFridayNORMA I II

coats In your automobiles, your carriers by yenta, a sufficient Southworth, alias Harry McCon- I I ,

automobiles in front of the court number of refrigerator express narty, was convicted of the kill- SHEARER I I I II

1vouse without closing the door cars to perform the service with- Ing of Wells during a hold-up ata GAIETY I In 'I J

locking it; you will have your out them having to make a heavy party given by the club man, I I I % I II

: ; where you will feel that Investment equipment The Governor Carlton was recently I "TilE DIVORCEE"Even I I t

I.nd wife and children will be safe hearing resulted In an unqualified saved at least temporarily from THEATRE I I
while you are away; you order to the carriers to establishthe the necessity of having to sign a better than Mrs. Cheney 1

. have your county so that you service, and It ia now In oper death warrant for the electrocution I f'omwly end Sound; News I i t

('can leave your home( and trawl ation. of Mlnn'e! Williams, a negro STARK3M.A; tFilil:1Y I h__ - ... I I I'e t ti

" the highways and pass filling\ stations ""I have given the facts regardIng woman, who was convicted 'of the I I Saturday -1 I '

without carrying an armful my part In this matter as killing of another ,negro woman, : f .\Tl'Ub.\y'' I i i I

i.of; guns with you for your protec- shown by the tiles In the office of Lillie Brown In Polk county, when WILLIAM BOYD :
:tlon. You ran have all these the Florida railroad commission. the woman's attorney filed noticeof Mayrt40tht .J.Slut In I I I I

;' *. were of value In the case or not, S lien Illrnilnglirf'm, Idle Ilyanis "Hla First Command" I i : I

," I have never In my life seen conditions It Is a fact that the examiners In KIlAMv: IUVKK.S IHIX: AT 'yid 1 CookIn ; I t

: as they are now-pettjr; making their preliminary report 1IOMK): !> LAKE IUTI.7K I LAI'IIKI: 1IAKUV ('C\nnv': : I i - --

stealing and worthless people. 'VI'' and the Interstate commerce commissioners - :"MGIIT O\VLH" I i I I J

did not have such conditions when in writing their final "Undo Frank" Rivers la no i t
the future of
we were boys, and we ai not old.I opinion, quoted quite ,extensivelyfrom more. After many months of suffering MASgrEKAIIK": :anal \VAV I MondayTuesday'Paramount II I your .

Then, you could leave home and my testimony Newspapermen death relieved him on Tues OF. ALL I'XTM"1"0 I firm: what do you see? The t
leave your smokehouse, chicken and others who had the opportunity day forenoon on Parade's i

coops: ,and barns unlocked, and I of following the case Francis Marlon Rivera, 79 PATHK MOWSMOMKVY See I : I farsighted business man like I
come back and find everything In.. closely from Its Inception have years old on January ,1 of this most all of Paramount' ,

tact. You I can hardly find any' given me a liberal part of the credit year, died at his residence In Lake I Stars In one big show I I a shrewd pilot sees ,ahead, .

thing left now even It you lock up for Its successful culmination.That Butler at 9 o'clock Tuesday morn- & TUKSHAY I Ii i ,

everything and leave It guarded. I la a matter of their own opin- Ing after an illness. of several WEDNESDAY & TIIURS.| We urge I '. plans, anticipates emergen-

have never seen so much petty ion based, I assume, on ther! months Mr. Rivers was taken 'with Juno Sml dk 3rtl I yon tomake i cies. A I
discussion with
stealing my life. You see :young personal observation and knowledge a cold about a year ago which de- HUGH TRJ V NANCY CARROLL an your

\men wearing good clothes and not Whether thel conclusionsare veloped Into an ailment from > t41t In."Devil's I appoint.merit I I Banker regarding the future

doing any work; you know he does right or wrong leave to the which he was unable to recover, I(1 at I

not earn the money with which to people of Florida to decide. owing to hla advanced age; : He t ( H.rt, i Holiday"With I II yourronvcn i I possibilities of your business

}r> pay for them but he has them. "Before dismissing the subject had been a remarkably healthy" 'T II-J SIGHT PAIMIVK".Also 'a Star Cast earllevt I !

f Won't you help us, please to of express refrigerator car service man all his life up to that time. Special Comedy I I I.1 I is a move that Is'

r hold this term of court as it should .. I wish to say to the East Francs! Marlon Rivers was bornin . ---.1 ence.. :t I I emPhatiCal-1
|. be held: help us Investigate mat- Coast and South Florida shippers Georgia< and came to Florida : COMING I I i Iy endorsed by
\\.: \ ;HI\Y A THt'RMD.tYJane II
i tens; help us punish those who are of other highly perishable products when still a young man. He set- I i f

1 guilty and frotect those who are that I feel sure It Is only a ques- tled In Lake Butler and was promInent 4th *...':m* GARY COOPER & FAY : procedure and good'* common

Innocent Gentlemen I ask you t'on of a short time until they: too, In the development of this i I WRAY ;,I : sense. I

again to assist us,. and I believe will be given this greatly improved community. He held many offices 1'IUI.B.SKV, JAMF-S: HAM I,. In

you 'will do It. service and when It ro.i..i they of trust In Lake Butler and Union I

will find the area of distribution 'ollnt)" and for a number of years KI11TZK IlIDWAY !! "T II E TEXAN" BANK OF
Orlando - $26,000 business for their products' Vrvati, widen> had charge of-Union county'a state In .. _ I
building to be constructed at id. Only a short time ago our fair exhibit. He was a deacon In h ,

northeast corner of North Orange -om mission bad a letter from a the Lake Butler Baptist Church THIS Episode! IS uf HKAVEN Tanwn the aim. Tlgrr"14th :REGULAR PRICE 10 50c L AN HONOR ROLL BANK

and Livingston avenues. !urge distributor in .M' ,lapolts. and for year 'was superintendent I


'. .,..., d. .... /
: ... .. ,-jf<. \. ..,x"1.11 WI J7v.tsc,21A11 +.hx 4u t.Jidli h'alalnw"4k. ,,; +1a''I'"Ilo.' > I.'U! ) ,''y mWM'tFl\':I., ",8i ",..,j. .d'tl1kM'\+,:,i',?,1//'''!.',I '" .''''1'1'' '.... _.." .........-., ........, .",,, \ ,,, .' t .

"' "'"
.... f." ;\ I 'i1"1" '''' ''''' .. '[
' .f'"l.rI 't'1r. "
'; J- ".' " iIi'.( ,.r ''!''!' .


--'-' .-- _. -.-- .. ---- --. -- - ---- -- ____ __ _ _____. u .____ __ __ .__ __.____ .__ ___ __ v

The Woman's Mlsslontry So- sequent hearings were held at eats, Mr. and Mrs J. A. Howe. Is the commander of the Florida nor the precinct they desired to ,.

ciety of the DaptJ>>t. church held Montgomery Ala., and Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Thede were division U. C. V. General Ayer represent ","

a. business and program meeting ,. N, C. At the request of the shopping Jacksonville last Wed and William J. Kenealy, division According to word received! by.

Bits of Monday afternoon. An interest- FloKda.: Railroad Commission a nesday. passenger agent for the Seaboardare the attorney general from Langley ,

:ng program was carried out and hearing was also b..lIlln New York I J.UBR Louise Howe spent the bundling arrangements for the Hell supervisor of

a feature of the afternoon was an City for the purpose of taking week-end In Starke with her slater special. lion for Escambla county, .

excellent reading by Mlts Bunnte testimony of receivers of Florida I Mrs. It. A. Newsome. .--- ppnsacola. negroes'\ filed r"Klstra"i( "i

Nev Canova. strawberries Commissioner Matthews ,, .
weal Mr. C. B Gore left Tuesday fora > Iflcatlon papers at the last
1 KNS.\:: ( (>KNKI.ItOKS: : ..UtKM.tltllI.:1) .: :
--- ,attended'a'ud took part In visit\ with relatives In Ar11er. Ho forwarded them to the attor-
Mrs. M. E. Edwards who has : FHOM: IMtIM: .\ICIK.HAspirations :" ..
all these hearings. Enoch Griffin was. transacting] ney general for an opinion which ,t

Concerning Our People, Business andprogress spent the past three months in The dual result Was: that by"or- business In Brunswick, Ga., Tues barred the aspirants from pnrtlfl- '"1

of the County and Town. New Orleans with her non-liv-law der decided Feb:' 4.' 11129, the Interstate -' day. at nine negroes to patting in the primary elect Ion. .,:
I beeome"Repu9lican! prenclct com-
and daughter Mr. and Mrs. L. L.Roane. .
Commerce Commission ordered -i W. F. Moore was a business! visitor 1
mltteemen. In I'enlla'ollwas '
arrived here Monday and
the carriers to'arrange for to Jacksonville Monday.
Is the of her son-in-law quickly extinguished by Attorney Plant City Public! Service Company -
guest and
the establishment Of Mrs. A, A. Smith and J. A. Howe
nn 7525p 5'S5IK.tTHFR .2SZ.ic.s25! : urZ525ZSu25' CS'li.\r\ express refrigerator -
S daughter, Judge and Mrs. A. : I General Fred H. Davis In ruling extended electric service to
carload service on and Miss Elizabeth Howe spent '
; REPORT little daughter of Gainesville, Adkln Z'I that the papers tiled by the negroes number of residents' on road near .
strawberries from Florida. The Thursday In Gainesville with their J
spent. Sunday in Starke. with I did not properly state the Dover station to Sydney' and also ,tj
I service was established, and was I brother.
ending May 28, 1930. by friends. Both circles of the W. M, S.. of In Mr. and Mrs. party affiliation of the candidates on road two miles south of Sydney. ',
I a operation during the last berry Don Sapp and
Derailment, Starke ::
the Methodist church will meet
orestry A shipping season. It is nlgniflcant children spent Monday In Ocala

Mrs. S. Barefoot of Bui tow, Monday afternoon at four o'clock. that last season over 75 per cent I with their daughter, Dorothy, who "
Max: MIn. was here last, The Harriet Peek circle will be en-
week her '
visiting of the Is 111 In the
to berry movement was in express hospital there.
68 tertained Mrs. T. J, and Abe Sed: You Can fool Some of ..
"2 son and daughter-in-law. Mr, and by Grlflln refrigerator cars.I Mr. and Mrs G. A. Anderson attended '
91 6T .03 Mrs. P. M. Barefoot. Mrs. N. T. Bitch The Noble
?5 make the statement without I the funeral of their broth- People"All
90 62 .07 White circle will be entertainedat The the Time You j
er-in-law In Archer
reservation that Commissioner! .
83 61) .24:! the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. B .
5 82 62 Tr. Spanish and Florida runner peanuts Parka!!, Mi's. Parks and Mrs. A. Matthews 'has more 'to do whh the Can Fool All of the People I

:6 .81 chufas and velvet beans. J. Wood hostesses. successful termination of this case hl'KCIll TRAIN 7V) rO\l''l.l: :

9f 90 83 57l F. Kickllter. I than any other man In the state of feltATK: : VKTKH': : : KKl'XION: Some of the Time, But you, : ':
|: ,34 In. for week. Dr. and !Mrs. W. E. Mlddl ton Florida. --
i rainfall '
l Messrs. W. M.. WaInwrIght and The Interstate Coriimeroe. Commission Can't Fool All of the People dI
had as guests Sunday Mr. Perry Carrying Confederate Veterans, f 1
George C. White of this city, were Is a quasi judicial trig I
of Ralford, was Mlddleton,. Mrs. B. O. Mlddlcton. their sons and daughters, sponsors '
II. Brown guests of the Hotel 1'
Saturday. Leamington, Kenneth and Robert Mlddleton all bunal. Mr. McQuagge; through the and matrons and maids of honor All the Time. .
,? business In Miami during the past week. 8ecre1l\ry'of the Jackson( County
to the annual United ConfederateVeterans'
of Brunswick, Ga Dr. and Mrs.
Mlddleton also have as guests In Chamber of Commerce"asked the reunion in Biloxi Miss.,
of HillIard, was Mrs '
V carter Wallace Thlgpen and children their home this week Mrs. J. E. Honorable Interstate. Commerce June 3rd to 6th, a special train of In going through thin life I too have. my xprlous moments, \.,.\.

g{ here Tuesday Mildred and W. L., have Hitch of Albany, Ga., Mr. and Mrs.E. Commission "upon whose' testimony the Seaboard Air Line railway will when I nit by myself and ponder over the problems I of everyday -

been visiting friends' ,and, relativesin L. Middleton and baby, of Savannah they based the' major part leave Jacksonville the morning of affairs and somehow those Immortal word of Lincoln always ,_.

;tops cushions and cush- Plant City. Ga. of their decision."" This was an June 1st, It has been announcedfrom I come to my mind. During those moments I have always/ ..,

vera M Levlton. 26tf unethical question! ,. and one that the ofllce of Samuel G. Lln- wondered what tempted Abe to make that remark '>,

"- 'of Mrs. S. E. Thlgpen la. visitingher TO Tin: noriK: OK KI.OIUI!>> no attorney practicing; before the derberk the Seaboard's assistant After dlRglu' through all the histories I could flied, I think i i
R- T. Osteen daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
!Mrs. Interstate Commerce Commission
end general passenger agent in chargeof that 1 have finally figured It out The story goes; :
er, were in Stake Tuesday.Lewis and Mrs.! Lacy Prevatt, in Plant would have dared to ask Florida.
City. My attention has just been calU One day Abraham Lincoln was sitting in his olnre when'\ In
Mr. McQuagge would have the
of Jasper, spent ed to 'an advertisement In the May people of Florida construe the The train will be run as the first walked a Suit Agent Abe needed a suit and had been too busy

n night In Starke.and Rev Q. P. Raymond t returned 22nd issue of the Miami Dally guarded reply .of Director llurtel section of the New Orleans Limited to go down town to one of the local stores so he let this peppy

ay Tuesday from New Orleans, wherehe News signed by Mr. W. A. Mc- as an Indication that Commissioner and will leave Jacksonville at agent talk him Into letting lame take his measure' for one

;; Mrs. J. T. QuIgley spent ,was a delegate to .the Southern Quagge, candidate for railroad Matthews practically had noth- 9:45 o'clock, arriving in Biloxi at lie paid him $5 deposit and then the suit was sent C. O I.. s'

|In Jacksonville\ Baptist Convention. commissioner' In opposition to lion. ing to do with the strawberry refrigeration 4:19: o'clock the morning of June for the balance. Abe was pretty tall and when he tried on
f t Jo). 8 Matthews who Is running to
.. 2nd. the announcement stated. the suit :?
the 4
---- .- : case Director Burtel's pants were Inches too short and the sleeves about

:E. L Biggs and sister, Mrs. Mr: and Mrs. W. F. Aldermanand euorued himself.Mr. reply on behalf of the Interstate Rates offered for the trip are 3Inches., They had his money and as he needed the suit right

J Andrews, Jr.. ,will spend tola Bon, Warren* of Jacksonville, Matthews Is amply able to Commerce Commission l was entirely one cent per mile for all veterans away he Just had to wear It, The more that he looked nt himself e'

Jaiksonville. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. run his own campaign, and to I pioper. 1 should have been; very from all points in Florida: one In the mirror the madder he got and finally h. came out +
.' take care of hIs political interests. fare for the round trip on the Idell-
G. W. Alderman. much surprised had >he made any with the above statement.
However, the advertisement referred tltll'atlolplan for the members of
II 1 have sweet potato and toplants other reply to puc h an amazing; He never was fooled again; and you too can play safe by

as soon: as It> ralni.. J. Mr. L. Wyman has returned to Is so constructed as to 'Iue tloll. j' 'i.; ;.rU.'l. r: ; the Sons. of Confederate Veterans getting( your made to measure clothes at
create an entirely. false' impression and of the United Daughters of the
rv from New Orleans;
filter!< where he spent A. S WELLS,
the of the actual facts and In the Interests Confederacy, and for the eponllors.matJ'ons ,
past months In the Interest Chairman.
O. A. Price and of truth and fair play, I ; of honor and maids of MI.., ....... to ''f.n.n.ur..nd .
and Mrs. of the U, S. Forestry work. Tallahassee,..Fla.Muy 24, 1930.
Ine desire to make the following state- honor for the reunion. Return Urn fit ,.
of Ocala ;
j daughter were STERNBERG'S illiTIIK
with reference to the litigation -' '.- It the tickets .
| Sunday visiting friends. Rev and Mrs. J. J.; Bullennnd, ment on has been set for RWrnnexaf..dal: : ) up : : :: y
that led up to the decision of July 6th.Tbrollgh.
daughters' Misses Beatrice and ,
mnle JKClelland I of Jackson- June, went to Daytona Sunday to' the Interstate Commerce Commis- LAWTEY{ Pullman service will REI: .UU.}: HTOHK:

sion requiring carriers In Floridato be offered from southern Florida Our '1.1':1: Stash IIrt''Ht'fO MkiitN.. It drnwn't
was i a visitor here Wednes- visit Mr.and Mrs) A: M. Hogdson. sir,. K.: K. llnrnrr. 'or. i ale |ply
provide express refrigeratorcar point for the special train, theannouncement to ww (

service for the movement of .
stated further.
Mrs.'A. Z. Adkins and children
Miss Louie Thede the ,
of Sand Lois I' strawberries: General' Alfred Ayer. of Ocala
e Lillian Barefoot and A. Z. Jr., spent Tuesday week-end In Jacksonville with !Mr.

In, was the guest of Miss Inez in Gainesville with, Mrs. Adklns'slater In 1916, at which time Mr. ....
weekend.w Matthews was not a member of the and Mrs. Herman Thede.Miss .n =-:..-:.--==-_-:--=-_____:.::= =::=:::'.::::.::=::'===-==::::- ::'==::=-_ .:_:":";.=: :'.:=-_:::3 c..:.::::
ashy during the Mrs J. C. AdkIns. ,
Blanche Burney spent several -
commission, the Florida Railroad
formal cdse days In Jacksonville thin week : .. '
| Martcey of Brooker, was aLess Mr. and Mrs. I L M. Davis and Commission brought a
i Commerce with her grand-parents. Elder and I
visitor here Monday affan. daughte., Jean were In Archer a before the Mrs. H V. Skipper, I
vIsitIng'lIIr,,. Commission asking that carriersbe I :
few week
days this
I re M and Mrs. R. R. Thede had
to provide t1
Davis parents Mr. and Mrs. A. V. required express ;
: frigerator raf: service for strawberries as their dinner guests; Sunday, Mr. ,
Mean/ June and Cuban flint Anderson.Mr. I baby I.I;
and Mrs. VanlandliiHbam and -
Florida. Mr. Matthews
. I from
J TKi kllter.A '
i and Mr. and 'Mrs Herman j
At citi- -j
and Mrs.'T. S* Williams and was that time a prominent '
Thede and friends from Jackson
and Interested
Edwards of Jacksonvillet daughter, Margaret, spent the zen of Bradford county, ville. j j
for the 1
his fam- week-end with Mr. and Mrs.W T. In
| week-end here with C. Y.
the Mayo of Tampa spent the ;
reason that they constituted
Fincher and family of Jackson-
night here Friday with Mr.
ville. principal shipping crop Mrs.! J. H. Moore. He was accompanied
The records In
tion of the state. '
Cora of West
r i Ferguson Campbcll'ttPORK
Beach first of the Mr. and Mrs. O. A. this office show that prior to the back home Saturday with :".
spent Andrea returned -
Miss Gullda Marie Thede who will
this Mr. Matthews :
i with. the Misses| BaIsden. :! Friday night from MIamI. bringing had of called, the case matter to the bo the guest of his daughter, Ada & BEANS t

where Mr. Andreu was railed on Marie several
Commission In
.', and Mrs. L. Wyman and i account of the serious Illness of attention of the correspondence. Intact A.. A. Grlffls has acrepted'a position Regular lOc 'l

bIer, Ruth are spending a : his mother.Mrs i quite lengthy '

days In Savannah, Ga. i it was that at the the Instance case of was Mr. He left as Friday druggist for In that ,t y 3 Cans for 25c \
Matthews /j -
Jane of Trenton
Ml. Matthews was a Mi', and Mrs. Clifton Brown of Compare our |prleeM iI
,rat Edna Hutto la the guest of returned Tuesday to her home after brought. witness in the proceed Tampa, visited his ijmrents, Dr. with HKMO 1 ba'tthcrv', ', ./
slater !Mrs A. II. Hall In spending several days with her prominent
lost because and Mrs. O. W. Brown here Sun and you'll see flow
wnvllle.MI brother and sister-in-law! and Ings: The case was !: '
substantial M. C. :
are !
of lack of jurisdiction of the In- day.Mr. n CRISCO
Mrs. O. W. Alderman. Commlas'on: at and Mrs. W'C'' : Woolen and Store navlngM. Our ,

M. Caldwell state hotel in- .- terstate Commerce children visited'' Klugeley Lake quality, too, (Ware Regular ;:.
tor 'of Jasper, was attending Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eppersonwere that Saturday afternoon. rnmnipurliMtn of the A $1..19. ,
this Commission
On June 21st ,
ualnens here this week.< in Gainesville Thursday,eve- : < 'utrlctest '
again brought a etmllar' Mr. O Il'GSdw"ot' Jacksonville sort. M
: 6 Pounds $1.19
ning attending piano recital given the. Interstate Commerce visited here a few'days this - - - "
before .
Boreo of Jacksonvillewas; aIness by the pup1 la of Mrs. Dale Van- case v
week. :
I developedthat i v i !IH. I
visitor .to. Starke Wednes-. sickle's class. Commtsslop. { E. and .
'..of"I. I by order dated June 21st, Durney two son, also ,

the Interstate Commerce Paul Moore and Hallle Jones went Grade Granulated
1921. Best \
Judge and Mrs. A. V. Long and
Baldwin '
to the ball In
up game
own mo-
and Mrs. P. A.: Canova of daughter. Miss Annie of Gaines Commission had on
('Ia. were week-end guests of his ville, and Mr. A. C. Long otiTampa tion, brought an investigation on Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Reddish f t Pure Cane Sugar
the subject and later service
her. Mrs. E. E. Canova. spent Sunday here with rela end
from North ,Carolina was In- baby of Jacksonville are visiting '

tives. eluded. 'This was decided his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V,
case Pounds.55c
IIS! Lois week- 10 ;
Adklns was a 'Slut 1923; The Interstate R, Reddish. W.
inset of her cousin Mlss'Mar- Mrs. Q. H. Lowry and daughter, July Misses Elizabeth and Louise
Commission found that
t Adklns, In Gainesville Misses Eunice Perkins, Commerce
Margaret I
Howe spent Thursday in Jackson-
service being offered .
the freight
Elizabeth and Estelle Kendrick, of strawberries ville. Blue RibbonMayonnaise Del Monte Blue Ribbon ,

nil jars, tops and rings also and Mrs. Ed Browne spent Tues Florida shippers
Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Newsnme of
but Instead of or-
Classes. J. p. Klckliter. day' in Jacksonville. was Inadequate ,Starke Sunday with her
dering refrigerator service, that .:: t par- PrunesPound Malt
e Tr'' the carriers timeto
r. and Mrs. D. P.' Carpenter Friends here of George .Balsden Commission gave'

reed Tuesday from Baeonton, will be glad to learn that he Is work out an improved freight '
. service, which it was thought y S oz. Jar 190 Box .
hera 59c
they were, guests of her rapidly recovering from Injuries 1 15CI' 3 lb. Can - -

w, Mrs. W.. T,':Jackson,. ,' I received In automobile accident in might serve the purpose.As found Pint Jar _ ___ -_ 35c 2 Pound llox \ +
it was
'- 1;,, .:, ';A 'iY Jacksonville recently. He Is in St.Vincent's time went on Too the. Republican -

Frank Darld.$ J"r.n'c'lIt-. ' Hospital. that' the improved too freight the needs servicewas of PiDsbury's' Best Flour 24 Pounds $1.19EverylhieR

daughter were here this week not adequate Mr. Matthews :Voters "of. I J JFull

"ling' !Mrs. Duvld'a. sister 'Mrs. Mrs. L. E. Dowllngr who has Florida! berry shippers. ,
E. became a member of the : you bake futile better wlirn you use till richer flour!
Corpenlng.Mrs. " spent' the past foW weeks with her Commission .on Feb. 25th 1924, Bradford. ,County -
-- -
son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and
r. and Glen and and soon thereafter he began by Cream Yellow Del Monte Yellow Osceola '
gearing. Mrs. W. E. ,MIddleton, left Fridayfor personal correspondence with the : I

-- a visit In Jacksonville with Commissionto Cling
Interstate Commerce TomatoesNo.

relatives.W. urge that something definite be I am a candidate' for the office CHEESEFound

HT[ A done with reference to this matterof of State Committeeman PEACHESNo.lcan15c 2 Can
WORD 0.. W. and Circle have accepted service.
express refrigerator car from Bradford County ,and _respectfully
an invitation to attend the '
Commissioner Matthews was given solicit your vole at 27c 3for27c f
11 o'clock service at the First Bap- matter by the -
COLUMN sole charge of the the primary June 3rd.
tist church, Sunday, June 1st. A
Florida Commission. In being a candidate for this
'* HEvr: -_ Fire room stucco full attendance of both organizations By order dated April 12. 1926, Important office, I pledge myself Clearbrook Best Fresh '

"ngalow screened porches. F. is urged. the Interstate Commerce Commission to give a square dual. to the voters -

*; Starke; Fla. 5-80-tf. Instituted an investigation, of the county and to work 1 41c.1 'IBROOMS
' !Mr. and Mrs. Avery Powell of from Florida BUTTER t Creamery Pound - - . -
,* Sundayof Including for the> bent Interests of the par- ,
SALE OU KENT'-:8-room Jacksonville were guests Georgia, North Carolina. South ty as a whole.>
*<> his mother, Mrs. Lucy Powell.
story house on corn'er of Carolina, Alabama and Virginia. .

,oIi i,81"1 Church streets. Apply They spent part of the time at Commissioner Matthews at once Octagon Soap or ;

w. B Daugherty.. 418tf. Klngsley Lake enjoying the bath- began* an Intensive study of all of Jeannette'C I I, SuperSudsRegular ,

-',,1\ BALE-- Ing. the factors Involved In the:' Investigation Young Powders We Good Six Siring 'I

" -20 fccrea near Law- and appeared as the main t-
eri; good soil and close 10 main Rev. A. E, Dunham. Mr. and witness for the Florida Railroad
25c 63c
Boxes for-
' 6for23c 3 ,
"H a real bargain at $300.00 Mrs. S. $. Dowling were In Mac- Commission at the first bearing, [ Special - - :
Pol. Advl
Yth. where Mr. Dowl- Paid _:.
This offer;rood for 30 days clenny Sunday which was held In Lakeland Fla.,

J"' write at once. Floyd ing spoke at the Methodist churchon before Director W. P. Bartel. Sub-

". (;rand Rapids. :Mich., 15 the subject of financial obliga- -- -

'-lohl' St., S. W. 62321.. tions of the church. BEST ROOM AND BOARD IN STARKE. .i

--- ONLY $8.00 PER WEEK' I.L310E2LWhere ;

* BAtE OR Misses\ Blanche Alderman and '
'"Mlow, sleeping porch and Isabel Fernandez will: go to Tal- MRS. .
--- ,
*!t'; double garage Cor. TemiM. lahassee tomorrow to- attend the STEAM PRESSING COMPANY .

"enue and Jefferson et. In- exercises celebrating the twenty- Satisfaction i8 a.CertaintyI
of the founding Cleaned Pressed and Reshaped
M this offlro or E. C. Tap- fifth anniversary Suits _.L . .
" for -- -- -- - -
*. State College 52 ::JNC'T . _. ",
box 393 Lake''Wales. of the Florida i J. Frank Thoman-Phone -- - - ,

530ti.'uti. Women. JIr
y ,
-" \

. ' ,.',,. .:....t.i&. _,.' " . .. ., .. : ..,.. i'1 ,
!" " . .. JJ.w..h"'J..aM '.. ... .
....\. ,..-.rr. ... I 'f".."" . . .. '. ,.' ,;..\'_. ',&. .. -" ....,. 'OfVY ,..

_..r.-' n .... ..,I.... .... .. "'............ .<::1. ...,- .... .__..'"'... _....N TJ -__...... __. ....._....._lU" ""I ... ....._...... .. ".__......."' _._"' .v.-v'....-...... ----'-'.-., ." ." ....., .. ,,,,.,,,:.' ,
.t.t'f '" \I': ' .",. ... .J I-M 1 1'T"1! !' I'. "i'IfI"/f ." &?\
,. "! """' '' ''''11'I'I''nRllf;' ''''' '''''''''' -\V"I' """ :\\'I"'rI'' >'''\''' W'' If''' .. ; I .. .. ,I \, .' .' r"T. ':;V "
\. I '. "J

i IMfiK: SIK .. rT ? -- .i BBBBBl
. - ----------- -
. .... ------ ----- -'- - ------ -- --- -- -
> -- -- -' "
l' .". -- erat McArthur. a hybrid tea with ; Worst i is Yet
i' crimson-scarlet buds and blooms I MINTS TO HOUSEWIVES I II j II --=and the .. t to Come

well shaped and very fragrant. I _ .. .. .. n r-TiT ii ij. Jl
t FARM NEWS SECTION Tenth on the list Is Kalserln Au- awl, Weekly from Home IK-inon- I !

guste Vktorla; a standard old hy- / I Htrntloii.IIKKRIKr4 AIet'nt. I r. .. -
brid tea Has creamy burls, which .
I I Ii develop slowly to full flowers of I I r I I
Conducted By snowy white, with a. tint of lemon I : -_
In the center. Next comes Phllllpe, Berries strawberries, blackberries rte"L
K\er: <'l..o, f.MH-ni, and Sunlight mulberries = .
Agent dewberries, \ -
T, )), County a Bengal rose, .so much .at home ,
being knows how chilled and served -
Every human are BO good
here that It is often called try]
}MISS\ PEARL JORDAN, Home Demonstration Agent Florida rose. A wealth of dark exercise, greens and sunlight develop without cooking and with crisp: -

\!.. I red blooms are produced continually his own'physical well-being, cookies, that the family should be

Thin. !Is one of the few roses and the sallie principles! *apply to lured to eat them-au naturelas -
20 Agriculture I I that grow satisfactorily from cuttings chicks. often possible. For the days
: The best way to give the chicks when K berry pie la demanded try
Students to I To make up the dozen Major exercise to develop their little this basic reclpo'with a few variation -
: : : : Floyd adds Reve d'Or a vigorous *, la to feed their scratch *. <
University : I climbIng' Noisette.; : Flowers are grain among the litter, so they will Kerry IMe
: : creamy yellow, of great substance. have to keep constantly on the go' For the filling see three cups
agricultural students : Lam Christmas Major Floyd had to get the grain. Also give them fruit to one-half to one cup sugar L! 1]_ tV

Twenty I a bowl of these roses cut from the an much room In the brooder ., according to. taste. Da: not ==
0;, the University of Florida are College garden. house as you safely can consistentwith over sweeten, use only enough sugar -
didAtett for de rees at the I _._--N keeping them warm, and to make palatable. Add three
city commencement exercises, when you are able to get them level tablespoons flour and one
Juno! 3.Two :' "TWENTY: PKVH: ;\LIII.tIVENTERED : out on a good clean, fresh, green tablespoon butter. V 2Z.5:3'T:: -T TII
of these, Marshall T. : : : EGO: C'OXTKBT: outside tun, they will ran about .ll ,A one top crust, deep-d'sh! pie
r tcr and Jackson. n. neuter, both TO BEGIN CHTOBKK: 1 day long and it will do them for fruits Is recommended. If a

Gainesville, will receive lie worlds of good. bottom crust is used, sprinkle It
jrree. Master of Science. The fifth Florida National Egg- As early as possible the chicks with a tablespoon of sugar, add
Deonler i III, now an assistant Laying Contest will open at Chip- should be getting good rations of the mlxqd fruit sugar and flour,
horticulture In the College of ley' October 1, 1930 and 21 pens good succulent greens. Green feed!! dot with butter, cover with crust c _
riculture, and Mr. Hester U I have already been reserved from are tonic and exceedingly beneficial cut to allow !steam to eslape! tightly -
tant chemist In the I eight states, according to E. F. helping the, chicks to resist crimp the edges and bake In a
Station. H, II. Howard of Stanton supervisor. colds, stimulating the appetite, moderate oven for about 35 min-
ville, assistant' In the Several of these pens are from aiding the, digestive organs, and utes.
of agricultural economics. In a breeders who have pot entered I furnishing variety to' the ration Cooked fruit may be placed In

d'date for the Master of Science previous contests In Iporlda. Five and helping supply the essential a baked shell topped, with whip
d Agriculture degree. are from Florida, three from Georgia minerals and the Important vita. ped cream flavored with fruit
Albert Webster Tenney of We three from Iowa, three from mlns A and R. The important Juice and sugar.
Virginia U a candidate for the degree Michigan, two each from Pennsylvania thing to remember at first Is to Pastry Poinleis >

l Bachelor of Science In Agricultural Missouri and Mississippi, chop the greens up very fine. Even It an all-purpose family flour
jj Education. Those \ and one from Delaware. lawn clippings are ordinarily soy la used, as la best, add one-half

, e are candidates for the Bachelor : Much Interest was shown by eral! times too long for the chicks, cup each butter and butter substitute fWe4ltry-+O' ..II
1 Science: In Agriculture degree are: : poultrymen over the state at the as they will get hold of a stalkan to three cups flour, 1 teaspoon --
recent. -annual rally held at the inches long, get it --- -, .. -. .
inche two -- -
5 G l' William n. Barn tlll, salt and 9 tablespoons of ice I -
t Pla ; Thou. L. Cain,. Jr., Cocoa; contest. Many helpful talks were part, way down, and then chokeon water. This makes two pies with ture'of the co-operative movement' the state in many Instances

".. Clarence U. DeMasters. Calnearllte given by poultrymen and special the rest.. Chop the clippings, top and bottom crusts. in the state from a state-wide now stand too, would be one
r \ ; Root. S. Edsall, Bradenton; ists. About 12fi!; poultry raisers lettuce clover, vegetables, or Berries with plain ice creams, : standpoint. The set-up la still in major objectives of the stab
j r Wllllard M. Fl field, Jacksonville; I were present.If what not, up quite fine, especiallyfor or stewed berry sauces and custards definite. It will take some time for organization.A .
I Arthur M. Hill, Jr., Vero Beach;, the first few days you feed It. are delicious and now Is the this to be worked out by' the com II state-wide co-operative

i' Mark B. Jordan, Gainesville; a" small piece of bread crust As you watch them eat you can time to vary the light* gelatine desserts mittee. Members of the committee -I yet far: from realization. The
Raymond Lyle.. Bartow; Felix A.Ilelber Is put In with onions which are tell about what they can handle with fresh fruits may 'even have to make a trip: however, has been started

Jacksonville; John A. being cooked the odor of the on- safely i Royal Blackberry Pie, lo Washington: for consultation' hard work, honest endearoi
L Nell D. Ross, St Petersburg; ions will not go.through the house. Sunshine .helps to keep chicks Use 1 1-2 cups berries, -1 cup with members of the federal farm producer support tile goal of
Murray Sipprell, Palatka; Sam 0.P ; [ -r healthy" in general* way, as well sugar, 2 teaspoons. gelatine, 1.4 board While having the aid and who met here last week U j
P Slough, Dade City; Richard as building iip the bones and ner- cup water. assistance of representatives of able.
Voorhees, Cantonement; I Lower grocery bills and fewer vous ,system' In particular This Soak gelatine In the cold water that body In drawing up this: set -
'. Miami and Lotus : doctors' bills are two perfectly la recognized as being so Importantthat
) Walker ; flvo minutes. Dissolve over hot up, these representatives are not Plant City Solid carlos
Zeigler, Kern Park. I I good reasons for having a good many violet ray machines and water. Wash berries and'crush a In a position to make any prom etables shipped out of here
Most of these graduates year-round vegetable garden. the like, for Imitating tbe'rays of
few'. Simmer slowly, adding only ises, to guarantee anything other iy.'
---- -- ---- the sun, have been developed to '
- -- --- -- enough water to prevent burning. than that the final organization of ] Leesburg Davis Bros, c
take the place of the sun for chicks When half cooked add .sugar.. the state-wide or regional cooperatives cash and carry store In M
that cannot get the sun In a natUral When cooked, add dissolved gela of the state, If prepared block.
way. If your climate Is sunny tine. Mix'well and pour into unbaked In. compliance with the I provisionsof All Florida banks both
a but cold 1. you can give the shell. Add top crusts 6r the federal farm act will be and national, held resouni78,049,4tQ
: chicks the benefits of sunshine by lattice top. Bake. Chill before given due consideration by the ( () at end of 19*
allowing the sun to' flood the serving. This mixture Is excellentfor federal farm board.In fording: to figures of state ba
brooder house through special sunshine .
Individual tarts.Itliiclx'rry other words, until a cooperative department
glass. Ordinary window llro" re glass does not let in the ultra violet Use 4 tablespoons shortening, amount of territory and representing pany moved to 138 N E, f
rays that are of the principal 1 ':3-4 cups flour, 1 cap sugar, 2 a sufficient amount of produceor avenue.
value. Try to get the chicks out teaspoons baking powder, and 1- commodities Is organized, placed Jacksonville Local stOreenleat <
_' In the natural sunshine If possible, 1-2 cups floured'. upon a solid basis and In the & Crosby Company
or make up for It In one of' the Cream shortening, add sugar, opinion of the federal farm board, I elry concern, purchased by j
waysmentioned here, or with peaten egg and milk. Sift flour !Jo worthy of the consideration of Jacobs Company.Bradenton ,
\ plenty of coil liver oil as mentioned and baking: powder and add to bat- that'body for financial or other I -- 'Unltel )1"l

( ; In last week's.column. ter. Stir In blueberries. Bake in help, nothing may be expected will move to post olllie A
shallow greased pan In moderate from that body, The representa- building about June lat
oven 25 or 30 minutes Serve hot Jacksonville -- Duval Ice
f' tl\es; of the federal farm board at
'J .. I I II with butter: the meeting the other day avoided pany opened another he star
I IvRCF FARM PROGRAM Kt mv lurry nail| specific statements, spoke in Twenty-fifth and Main Btree

1;. I "The Voice of. Florida" j jI Use 1 cup crushed strawberries, generalities, and In no way pledged -
_ I 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, unbeaten.Put the federal agency to anything.
L; .ef.'j all Into a large bowl and Producers of the state who are STERL COURTNEY
iiii"i" The farm programs by the Agricultural beat with an egg whip until stiff Interested in the formation of a INSt."II.\'iTt:
,, Extension Service will This Is good fur cake that is to be co-operative from the standpoint? AndRIiHI'r.lun
continue over state radio station eaten as soon as la spread on it. alone of securing federal al\((; had 111\1.:
!C.- WRUF next week from 12:15: to Also good for clear} puffs and as best discard that Idea. If the bet- I'ST.\TN nilOKMt:

: 12:45, Eastern Time, with the' a dessert, terment of the conditions of the Starke, Fla.
following presentations: Individual producer be not their

l Saturday May 81-Farm News 110VH AM GIRLS TOMTIIKIt principal object In organizing for
and Hints. ..(I. ,S. Farm Science
; IQI 1 E12r 1 'F ( : FOK .\.VNT.\L' an orderly marketing of'their An Unpleasant'Sub'
Snapshots Snappy string music. t'Lfll SHORT COfltSKS\ : waves, any work which they may
Wo :
of ;a
Monday June,, -Meeting Flor- AU of the functions
turn toward a co-operative
-- ems; consider. Fcrhapi t
pleasant to !
ida Farms' Radio etub-: J Francis
> ''
< bracing the organizations of the
Plans are rapidly nearing completion why some mothers refuse to tan
Cooper, extension editor, to speakon for the two club abort state will be largely futile. Apparently sue toms aa restless sleep,I Iflesh
Farm Work for June. Southern the Idea of' the federal ack of or Helm
courses, the one for boys to be appetite
melodies. Dill) and Abe.' and fingers in their children, C
held"at the University of Florida farm board is, first help yourselves
Ct- ... Tuesday, June 3-Parasite Con caused by round or pin worms
r and the one for girls at the State and then we will consider: helpingyou.
have however,
trol and Management Vital In Successful / riroven,
IJLJw College for Women. R. W. Black-\ That does not mean that the few doses cf White's Cream i ifuge
Sheep Raising Dr. A, L.
lock board will If
state boys' club agent, eatl'matea means merely -tbst sure and harmless
Shealy, head Animal Husbandry that 125 boys will come to that formation of a producer con- expellant: will make these eyt
Department Florida Experiment Gainesville trolled disappear. You can get White I t
while MUa\ FluvlaGleason. co-operative of sufficient !'
Stat'on! Timely News About Flor butt '
state home demonstration strength and permanency must be Vermifuge for 35 cents per
..- uses,! ida Insert 1'roubles-L. W. Zelgle. created before Canova' Pharmacy.
?r. i agent is expecting 460 girls: even consideration
rf. .', assistant In entomology, Experiment -
I at Tallahassee.The of federal aid can be given.On .
Station. Vocal and Instrumental boys' course will be held the other hand the 'farm --- - ---

: : ; H' : solos and duets by agricultural ;- during the week uf June 2-7, while board offers free of charge as It
: students and
E1iThi "\ member. faculty the girls will spend the period should, the aid and advice of Its Say it with Flowe

from Juno 8to, 14 at Tallahassee. representative In drawing up asetup ..: -
y ", tr I Wednesday, June' 4 Outsand- and -- ----
% ; 1 I About 50 of,the state's 67 counties which will be created
i ing 4-H club boys telling their
i will be represented at the,two function In 'accordance with pro Flowers For All
story- John Hentz
: Liberty
short courses. All those in attend- visions of the federal act. A cooperative
1 s ; Carl Jones, Esc mbla; Arlington ance will be winners In club work which did not do that OccasionsGERTRUDE
Henley Walton; Gray Miley,
conducted during the past year by could never expect federal aid. A .-
Hlllsboroughr! Kennlc Douglass -- - ---
their county and home demonstration co-operative doing that has the
Union; Klsworth Murphy, Lake. agents. prospect of federal aid. There la GODIJEYANDERSON
I, liii ? Bill and Abe. Southern melo .- little doubt but that the representative : -
I III ------. .\ MT.tTE:-lt'IUE t'O-OPKK.VTIVK or representative of the
LiTHE Thursday.rJune Washington
v -,4' federal farm board may be able Phone 39 Waldo, Fl,
County Lady Makes Good With
ESS:X HOUSE{ H-126 Home Made Chick Br'ooder-Gu (Plant City Courier.) to give valuable advice! in arranging -- -e.e.'eU'-

THE: ':(: (LIMB COTT.KIi: movable stairway to 2nd floor. York, county'agent. Growing Out Representatives from co-opera the net-up for the state-wide
''i STYLI IV TICK AMHIUCAV Ceiling heights: Cellar, seven Pullets- -C. H. Magoon Duval tlve associations and organizations co-operative. They know conditions
:M\\\KR: -T11K: KSS: KX: feet; first floor, eight feet: second county poultry specialist. Snappy throughout the state met In this other In other sections, the pitfallsof COFFINS & CASKET:
floors: eight feet string music city last Thursday afternoon and cooperatives and their
!') (By Duncanhunter, Architect Exposure: The plans as shown Friday June 6:'-Ups and Downsof discussed co-operative endeavor services In this instance should be And a Full Line of
most valuable.In .
New York.) I are for a lot facing South or West a Florida' 'armer-Thls time from many angles an -- For a lot facing North oV East the he visits H. G. Clayton, district divers view-points. The result of the final analysis, a state
I r- The English' cottage style In Its plans should be reversed.Lot extension agent about the prob- tho discussion was the appointment wide co-operatlvelIhould, have for AUTOMOBIM IIE-Uts.:,
' native land--except perhaps their J size: House frontage 33 ft. lems of Swine Sanitation. The of a committee of five grower It principal aim, as was stated AI war* .. Ir..... Time "".'
' modern houses which abandon Side clearance left, 8 test. right County Agent and the Business' members representing aa nearly again and again at the meeting .vrvlr. at the I.w..t prl<-"
1 held here, the B *.lal attratliM t. t.lf.""
L .most of what I I.* vital to the old 8 tt. Lot frontage minimum 45ft. End of Farming-A. ,P. Spencer, as possible the various sectionsof perfecting of an organization ..rder.REGISTERED .
''i, ,, traditional style---does not at all vice extension director. Southern the state,' who with representatives which will provide efficient 1LVFHDEVVITT
apply to modern American ways Construction: Frame, with stucco melodies. Bill and Abe. from the state marketing bureau marketing facilities and mar EMH
of living--the plan arrangementsare finish front wall of atone, roof e the. extension department I kets, for the products qf its tooperative C. JONES

simply out of the question-- slate; foundation, concrete; win. Apalachicola 011 drilling operations aud the federal farm board, were member organizations.' 5TARKEPLORlDt
up plumbing to speak of---no heat dow, steel casements in special 1 will be started near here authorised to draw up a tentative of the competition between -
, _no electric conveniences not arrangements; doors wood to speVrial soon. set-up of a stale-wide organisation i the various co-operatives of -
f c much ventilation- --email cut-up details Jacksonville-Bids will be opened , for consideration at another meet- I ". - -

r room with very low ceiling, and : ( Interiors: Floors, wood for lln- 1\Iay. 2 ht 'for new Federal' : Ing to be called. Approval of the r."
1; 'other' plans features that are not oleum finish; wall, plaster In building here set-up by that meeting would re- :
y r found In the small American home texture: ceilings, plaster; kitchen Plant City L Miniature golf I suit In the set-up being passed on We can 0 IIR''
nut, the spirit of the exterior of plaster; bath rooms tile: course nearlnt completion' in this. to the respective co-operative for j YES charge your
_/ old, English cottage la charmIng : steam heat, gas and electric wir city. their Individual consideration and
, 3' --as a picture It has composition ing. Daytona Beach '- Installation ratification If approved. I STORAGE BATTERY In 0 I IiiSmith's ,
p depth feeling, color and spirita : Cublture: 26.650cu. ft. of lighting; equipment completed The move set In motion last ,

I __- work of art-comparable to a Complete working plans, and :at air field.Palmetto. Thursday afternoon la a .
" One painting musical harmony specifications of this house; are I I Tomato shipping tous one for the .
or a. poem. With the practical available for a nominal sum. Address under way herewith 111 carloads small fruit growers of momen.1 StaiFla.
1 aide question arise--can we here : the building editor' and referto I tomatoes shipped up to recent Upon lu success or Garage

){ ., la America ,afford to_ create a pic- I house II-128, 'I date. doubtless largely depend ) .

d\, ..'
to ,
;" '" I
I ,
""" '''',..I j'I;"It". ;\, ......;&., J" .", ....1 ...:; \: __,,IP<" ,'_jd'.. } 4 ; ' r ... ..:.. ... '.,,,........ ..III.' I II
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_'Im! > ,"'.\&. .' ,' .-.. lJfoIJW, ,. ,,", f I oj : :1!..: 'Igt, i.ti. : .: .. ,.r," o/ l ,', I Ir

:"" I""' $ &i M' .
iW" '. .
', 0 ( . -., ) ,

L ...
no, '
----- --- . '--. -
'- .
-- ...
yI I: to the estate they handled nor the.r I c
profit they made, but according to S,, Kenneth Love of the Unlver x AMINATIOVPerson :

I th. use they made of what ability city of Florida was a Sunday via How to PlayBRIDGE ----

they had, accortllng to their faith itor at 'Keystone Heights I
desiring to take teacher -
,' fulness.] Then the servant who Saturday evening a few of Key examination will report nt the

received the one talent sad! *Il stone Heights young people enjoyed h'nh school building. ; 111- Starke ;

i lainpunto my feet, and i light unto my path.-Psalm 119:105.: l knew thee that thou art a hard a "steak-bat" oil 1\. 'beach of Flu., Thursday morning Juno :',

man and hid ,th'r talent in the Brooklyn Lake; i .Aeries 1929*3O ty /$th, at 8 o'clock. furnished wlfh 1,'

j AH religious teaching, doctrine orav earth. Ho was punished, not because '., Thursday afternoon Misses Oer pen. Ink and legal rap paper\ -v

*** *" T r. creed, if they are to have any claim no profit was made but because trude Houser, Ruth Lawrence Arnoetn Wynne Ferguson 1 6-23-21.> A. J. (Irllllri.. Supt. *
and devotion of the people, must be in harmony with 1 he *
not for -
use the mas- and Helen Ogden BrUDCB"
were AUCTION 0 .
Christ Author OH PRACTICAL
the whose words fit into
fold and crevice I
Irty of whom U was maid ln John?every:46,"NEVER MAN 'ter what ability he had. Each per- I Kuests at a ten given by Mlas Heer -- Punta lords J. L., DUhong,,
Bon will be responsible for the >.
uae Lawrence and -Minn
.....- MAN. Audrey Copyright l3l,by Hoyle, Jr. Jr., leased Chudwlrk Filing SI a- :
cf what ability he or she has and Duncan at Melrose high school.
KHMONKTTHCni B surrendered life to thee and rewarded for and I- lion at NeKblt Street and Marlon '
:liLY fidelity effort ,. Mrs. Hay Lawrence bliss Hut ARTICLE: No. 13T'.ie
from service to our brother men. Wo of one talent receive avenue. ,
may an Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. i
rnl nnntjt Help] us to hold steady. to thin vis equal regard with those who have Ogden and II, II. Lawrence Mr. London 5un .1Y Times: has just 4. Z Y, 20; A n, 0 in rubber an\... flunnell --- flu iunehl Mercantile .'
lines are fal. ion. Amen. l another of ill competition Where Z said' "No: Uid"s A 'UneIleArt"Y"No '
u The greater ability or opportunity. and Mrs. W. H.; Ogden and II. II completed: "Twobubs" Company pUrdlaMl"d Byrd building -
pleasant places; Uonxember the Sabbath Day. to invoKing twelve questions on Auction ni.I"; B, ; '
e Lawrence spent Tuesday In Pa.latka. .' interest that thene / "Two Spndi;*" what should A snv
Uridisc. The comprtiuonn :
Lie goodly heritage.rbs Keep it Holy] -Exodus 20:8.: ,Go Dully lUl.lo Zellwood: '- !Modern ('1I1'ulllla'k.
a' I arouse i I. really rcnurkablv.Very holding! Spade, Q , 5; Jt'lIrts.( A, I K.!
| 30 8 Give me nelth111101 to Church Sunday. :\ SO, 10at. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wulrath.. Mr often five thousand or more competitors J, 5, oJ; Diamonds. O, J, 7; Clubs V.4? lug( plant to he opened here byopen'DK .

riches. Cod's Measure Every man according J. H. Houser and Mlna
4 ". 12. I have as he purposeth in his Houser drove to Jacksonville Fr prizes are awarded by J Ud appointed( Where :f.'Iitl..* "One plldf!", \\IlathouJ.l More than 600 |persons were employed .
.pi-is I wilt hava A a.holding Spade., J, 1(1 I.Q. I. '
state I am. heart let him or that purpose, so you an and combined payroll of
whatsoever so day.
|In SUNDAY ; not grudgingly solution 7 I llrnrt o S Diamonds A Q
know SCHOOL opportunity to compare your , 5j; , ; ;
j b to be content. I / LESSON or of necessity: for Ood I MiK.. A. Smith and W. II. 0g.den '- with that of the English Judges and 1 the Clulw, A. 10. 8, 7? $90,000 l paid nut by Miami avlutlou -

,eabaied, and I know how loveth a cheerful giver.-2 Cor. made a busini>B trip to Orlando writer if available the decision of the 6. Z Y, one game ami I 20; A D, 0. concern last winter seatiim.affording .

ni i I 9:7.: on Wednesday.i majority of the competitors in each \\hcre Z biili, "One I Heart", ""hnt to 'Vnllt'rV.. Hums.

bt 6' n T Godliness with For Juno I, 10:10 \ Prayer: "Bend the stubborn i J. H. Lawrence and II. KI ((ueiition will alas be given. The q'" should A say, holding, Spades. A, 10, 5; Lake Worth - Goodyear) TlrCompany
tions follow and the analysis of each llrnrt* A. 7, tit 5, 4; Diamonds, A, K,
gain. For moved l to locution
great and Lawrence at
lt ;; Lord. melt the were in Starke Monday loins
|nent Subject: Contrast'.between faithfulness I will\! be given' in the next article 8. 71( ( M?
Light. nothing into this ] and Slothfulness. frozen. warnl and chill." The Boy Scouts of Palnesvlll Z in always the dealer anti the pl.I'crs 7. Z Y\IO; A n, 0 m rubber Rime. corner of 13th avenue and IHd l lhighway. $

liid It in certain: : we can, car- V l :\fayJf.IUaOGod's came over Saturday for a sw m i In .. ttcatcit at the table as fullown Where \ "Two 1 Icnrts"; A, "Two .
food Golden Text: "Well done, thou Sfmdi's" Y "Three Heart" what .
LK, out And having Generosity-God Is able Lake Geneva. ;
therewith be good and faithful servant; thou 1 Y should I) lIa)', holiling Spudc, (6 I. 5; I Basinets
Imenl. let us to make all grace abound towardyou Mrs. Jo). A. Smith was hostess at 8 ? Dangerou ..
I 4 !Diamon A K 8 5 2
hast been faithful over a few A B Hearts ; , ;
; that ye..always having sufficiency I 111 silver tea at her home on Lake i il Clubs A. Q 7.5,4? Our stomach and digcsttyo! systems!
things I will make thee ruler Z i
,'barlte them that are rich many over In all things may abound Geneva Friday afternoon for the 8. At love all\ in first (game, what lire lined with mpmbramr which is

J world, that they be not things; enter" thou Into the to every good work.-;2 Cor. D-::8. I benefit of the Womnn's Club. Mrs! should Z My) holding! Sxuluii| A, 1 K. O; delicate, sensitive ami easily injured.!

lideil, nor trust in uncer- joy of thy lord. Matt. 25:21: prayer: "Come, Thou Father of Smith was assisted by Gertrud 1. 7. Y. one game; A D, 0. Z bids "OneNoTrump" Heart, A, K, J ;IlJlumo.uls. 10, 4,3,2; It in diuigrrous; bunincss., then, to use
Lesson Text:: Matt. 25:14-46.: A "N Uid" Y "Two Club, 9. II. 7? mrdicmm containing WU'Idru ,
In the living Ood, the Ceme with HouB r and Helen Ogden.Mr. ; !) ; .
but poor treasurers
lies This lesson and the two precedIng I Heart; U, "No Hid", What should Z 9. At love all In, first gnmr, win-re Z Baits or mincrnlB, when wo are leth us richly all things to Masons, were all the which! endure" and Mrs. J, K.; Larson. nay holding Sudes| A. J, 10, 6, 5; bids "One No-Trump", what klioulU A In addition to tho p'

spoken ..II nt. i, 1IMO: daughter; Wllda Kachel, Mr. and Hearts A; Diamonds A, Q .7, 4. 3; nay holding Spade, 1 K, 7, 6; Hearts of injuring; the linings; of our digestive
(flint they do good that week Jesus was crucified He had The Supreme GIft-Thanks be Mrs?: W. H. Ogden A meet and CliilM A, S? V. 8; l>illmomld. A, J. 10, 6; Clubs system t hrso moili'mx !give, only temporary

1 rich In good works ready explained the duties of citizenshipand unto God for Mis unspeakable girt. Helen Ogden; were dinner guest 2. 2 Y, 10; A D, 0 tit rubber game. A, 10,9,4? relief nod may provo hoist form

willing to commun- to God and our relation tour -2 Cor. 9:16. of Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Clark Sat Where Z .said "No Bid"; A. "No Uid"; I 10. At love all in first game where Z ing.The safe way to relieve constipation
ribute, feUowmen. Then he Y, "One Spade"; H, "Two llfarts"; bid "One Diamond", what should A b with llerbim-..the cathartic that it ;
/ the gave Prayer: "0 make us worthy, urday evening.Mr. / "Two Spn.les"! ; A, "Three Clubs"; "say holding Spnile> A. U. J. 6! lIe/lrtll. made from lirrbx, ., and acts in tho way

Laying up for themselves parable of the ten virgins, gracious'Lord, Of all Thy love to and Mrs. Philip Cadman and I V. "Thrrc Spades"; what should I n K. L>. J.J 21( Diamond, U J, 3. 2; nature intended You can get Uurbuutt'uuovn ., y.

(foundation against the timee "Showing the attitude and condition be." daughter Frances of I Orlando say, holding Spade. A, 10, 4; Heart, Clubs, 6t : Pharmacy.
of the church" from that time A. O 7 6 4 Diamonds A 6 3 ii. At love all in first , what I
that they may lay holdInal ---- .inHO 2, oao spent the week-end In Keystone J, ; , ; game ----- ----"-
e to Ills second coining. Heights. Clubs!) ti? should: Z say holding Spade. A; .Ol'1l'i oil' HLicc'riofly' ; '"
life. Clory in the Lord-But he that V 9 in rubber Heart 6. 4. 3 2 Diamond 8 .
Then Jesus the 3. Z 10; A D, f'me. V ; 0 .
Rer: Save us. 0 Cod from tho ] gave parable of glorleth., let him glory in, the Friends in Keystone Heights I Where Z bid "One No-Trump7':) A. 4, 3; Chubs 1 A. K. 10? the power vested In them hv ,

Irahfp of riches.. May .we ; Talents which is discussed Intoday's Lord. For not he that, commend' have received the announcement "Two I heart.' :Y, "No Ui.t"llI J "Two 12. Z Y, 12; A li, 0 in rubber. game. I lie IIIWN i.f Klorldii, I Ii,. linnril. ...fliihlki

(that happiness comes from lesson. attn himself is approved but whom of the engagement of Miss Spade; Z, "Three Diamond"; A, Where Z bid "One Snude"; ATi'Two I IriHtriirtInn of Jtrat t.'rl (' ,uin- ,-1
The parable of the virgins showed the Lord commendeth. nette Lawrence daughter Jean-I "Four Clubs": Y. "Four 1>iamor..t."; Heart; Y, "No Did'', what,, should 11 ty call .l.. Cor. 10: what should B holding. Spades holding Spades, l)> 10.! 5j I Heart* follow IIIRUcm i Hamilton, Now /
the say
necessity of personal prep and Mrs. J. A. Lawrence say Klver, Canon, fI'al""n-an.1 HampHnaHpvrliil
tied Announcements ration and watchfulness while 17. 18. North K, Q. 10, 8. 7. 6, :j; Hearts, 2; UUmomia 5; Diamond' A, U 9, J; dubs I h. 10. 1 Tux Krhonl' l.llItrl..t. fin Mntlinluy -
that Prayer: "Who love Thee most Gerard Pa., to Hobert Cooper of I 6; Clubs, O, 9, 8, 7? 7,5,2? Jinia' 7. 111.10.:' to i-lert thrttruHtvwH
ttmlrm A omrivotor of the talents teaches the at thy dear cross Will trust Lord Meadvllle Pa.. son of Mr. and Mrs. unit I tieternuim.. the mlllikic r.

|I Circuit of embracing the Twenty-Sixth; Baker duty of stewardship of time mon- abide." S. A. Cooper of Erie, Pa- The wed Answer to Problem No. 26 tit fur tin the assnssrtl next. two against years. the district

End Bradford counties, I here- ey: service and of our entire lives JII liP Jl, BIO: ding will take place June. 17, Miss Ilesrts-S, 3, 2 For the puri n.. of holillnw these.

Tninrt II Slate my candidacy Attorney for of the the The parable of the talents Is mentioned Every Need Supplied-He said Lawrence has spent a number or Clubs -4Diamond t-lwtltins.d nil inansg.p's thv riillnwlna: I : are ni<|>i>lnlllninpton .

I With I Judicial Circuit of by only Matthew and is unto me. My grace Is sufficient for winters In Keytsone Heights, and *- Q : J. V. Jones, .1. t:<. K..n..
ubjrct to the Democratic similar to the Spades'V-3 ansi J. J. llrannvn.Nw .
r Election of June 3rd. 1930. parable of the Thee; for my strength i Is made has many friends here. Mr. Cooper Hearts- 9 liearts-6: 3,4 Itlveri 4). W Andrews, Curl

cit your Hupport. I have held pounds, Luke 19. perfect in weakness. Most gladly also spent one winter here while Clubs- 7 I Y : (Clube-, Q, J Wynn anil M ,.. Johns.Hnmnxon' .
lion before and am familiars Today's lesson begins "For the his father was principal of Key 4 2 A Bj limonIa-nune : J 1. Wynn, C. M. i htl.
duties pertaining. thereto Lherefore-will I rather glory In my; 1)iamonds-8, I lips. anil Mllllnrit Varnnn., ,
mlimtpd.I promise an etTlrgftlc kingdom of heaven is as a man infirmities, that the power of stone Heights school. Spades-J I Z I ::piides-none <( .. and economical ad* traveling into far nml J. AMirnmn. J
a who -
country MI'. Royal Dixon and his
itlon of the affair' of the of- Christ may rest upon me.-2 Cor neore Hearts- *\, 7 Ornhani) : K I" Wasilln. .h..le". ';
will appreciate the support called his own servants, and deliv- 12:9.: tar)'., Mr. Chester Snowden have Clubs- 2 'oll'tr and It. M. Jnhiison. *
i,ter In said election.A. ered unto them his "' U' "A Y.
goods. And
to Keystone Heights from
S. CREWS, Prayer: O refresh us, Lord, that DiamondsJ., 7.5 A. J nillHTIS." 1'I..I..n., '.
Btarke Fla. unto one he gave five talents to we may live and honor Thee thru :, New York. Spades- none Secretary: lI.g.[,t'I.1 t

another two and to another .one"; I all' MUnea Gertrude Houaer and
J1R BEPHKSKNTATIVB to every man according to his sev- our earthly days.June Helen Lawrence drove to dalnesvjlle There are no trumps and Z i I. tn the I) cannot lie forced in the lend and thus I :MOTKH ,0
i tills method of announcing eral 4, III: ( lead How can Y Z win five of the six be olilijjrd to lead losing heart. -
Kndldacr for representativeradtordeounty ability; and straightway took Paul's Pleasure Therefore, I : Monday afternoon. tricks auaiiut t any defense? Trtck 1'ouri Z shoulil now lead the The Itoaril of I'uhllp Instruction of

the Democratic, subject primary to ac-of his journey." take pleasure in Infirmities In reproaches Mi'. George L. Bird formerly of Solutions Tnck oas: Z should 1 lend seven of hearts and.A i is forced to dis Bred toni. Cniinty, Klnrlila will r.-

Ird elected I I pledge my- It I is probable that the talent referred in necessities. In persecutlons Keystone Heights, now on the faculty the five of diamond, winning the trick card. owlvs routes.settled In all hiiU the for districts the school., *xrvptIjiwtty bu.
1 ; fur I he best Interests of to was the silver talent, in Christ's'sake of De Pauw University, Ind.. in Y'* hand with the queen and. U 1 I. ((01)) A can discard a spade but It he until 11 o'clock Monday
fttent ony county and state. worth about $2000.00 at that time. d'stresses.for and a son of Mrs! Ella Bird, has a forced to discard 1 lie cannot discard a doe, Y should overtake the seven olneart June 2. 11CIO.InrormutUin. :
11m.. Your support will he ; for when I am weak then Y Z will have three heart and lead the trey of spades thus ronrnriilim: I hess.
sled., N. D. WAIN WKlatlT.COI Money then' had about ten times am I strong.-2 Cor. 12:10. very interesting article in the June tricks heart or He Is thus forced to discard a losing only the lant trick (the trey or! rollS... ran hs had RIh.* oin of
hoard uf i'unlla Instruction.A. ,
the: purchasing power that It would Prayer We number of Out Door' Life. The discards the of clubs heart).
>TY ceaMnssro'denC I : praise Thy name, chub If he trey it I). MAY.
have today so the received subject of Mr. Bird's article Is lead later and b A dincard the eight! of diamonds '
this method of announcing servants our God for life and light for labor he can be forced in the ( ) can .r niUFPIH.Chulrmitn.\ .
lidldnry fur County CommlsI what would now be $100.000; and love. "Must the Dove Go;" and is cer- be oMigrd to lead a hoeing heart trick hut, if he does Y allows the "' .",r..hlry. lI.g-U'I-"
dim-let Number One Brad- U should discard sevenof hearts to hold the trick and Z's -
(40,000( and $10,000 tululy well worth reading. To avoid this situation .
respectively. ,
lounty, and will appreciate June 1 S, BIO the queen of clubs so that A's seven of diamond will be goud. I n this JMOTICH OK KI.KUTIOV: -J

to to and Rive support the duties promising of the of-If The Master delivered to his ser- A Final Charge-Be perfect, be seven oi club can win the first round way also Y Z will low only the last

rlul conHlileratlon and will vants all his goods which includes of good comfort, be of one mind of club trick (the deuce of clubs). fly the power vested In them the ]

;ran work for the Lest Inter- money time, education mental live in peace; and the God of love Tnek'Twot Y should now lead the (c) A can discard the seven uf club Hrailfitril lluanl nf I'ublla Klurldn.Instruction... ) of -.A f
Uradfurd County as. a whole.J. and physical strength, and all and shall be NEW RIVER deuce of hearts and Z should win the but if he doe, Y allows the seven of call an .. emlnl"l. 0 be held on Ka>turday ",
At. HOSIER.CttlATV things which may be made usefulto peace with you.2Cor. Miss Ksel dap. Cor. trick with the eueen. hearts tr hold the trick. At trick five, Jun T, 19:10.: In the folliiwlnsinameil '
13:11.: Trick Three: Z should now lead the therefore Z should lead the deuce of dlstrlrls I : Ijtwtey, Number; S;
:' rOMMISSIOVKJibr God or our fellowmen.The Prayer: Help us. Lord to' fight Jack of diamonds A fallows\ suit andY club ami force li in the lead with thetrey. ant Wood lawn, number I, to rt itr-
<>lor re-election announce myself to the as board a can-of "Man"" named In the para- the good fight of faith and lay hold Mr. II. F. Renfroe of Ft. Myerswas should discard the four of chub II H must lead thesis! of heart, mills rtinMolldate whether or, to not elect these three districtsshall trustees j

Commissioners for District ble is Christ. and the "traveling, on eternal life. a welcome visitor In our section is thus again forced to discard lie which Y wins.Therefore and determine the mlllucii InaNMpMMed
'Two, Bradford county sub i a far country" was his ascension ,. .- last week. cannot discard a heart or Y will have no matter what A di.. against the' vonsolldnteildlMtrlct.
til* Democratic Primary of cards the fourth trick Y Z muat .r'
lie i. to at
Into heaven after his resurrection. Messrs. B. A. Sapp and J. K two good heart tricks. K..r the of holding the
;i, 1930, and solicit 1'RKSIIVTKKIANServices : purpose :f
sup- tricks
your club win all but of the remaining
and the one ,
"Then he discard a club therefore election. In VVoodlitwn. dlslrlut. J. ... 't
I< lerved In this capacity for that had received the Crews were visiting Ft. Myers and discarded should be the king so that giving them five out of six. Norman., J.'M. Itosler. and l>. Curler ',..
1 I five talents Went and traded with Sunday June 1, as tol- other points of Interest In South .sure appointed' manavers., Kor lb.lureose I
yearn given the people a -- "-- --"- -- - "-- "- - - -
fluent and the same and made them Florida of last week. .and a large amount of of holding the I election I..
economical service other lows: part I arrows ijiwtey. district It. It. Th..".. James
wnlne. If elected to continue five talents. And like wise he Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wigginsand Many Projects hoister and Mrs. Mninia 11111
w conservative and econom- 10 a. m. Sunday school, J. M. I mulo feed I Is Included In the proposals are uptiolnted -

"Ire I have, heretofore ren. that had received two he also Truby supt. > baby/of Clayno, were visiting Awarded to be received May 27'. manaMrs, ii. r>. MAY t
'To Be
"d will appreciate your supJ. gained other two. But he that had I 11 a. m. Morning worship, sermon I his brother and sister-in-law Mr. S A. J. OIUKK1H l-halrman. \':

0:CREWS.COMMISSIONER. received one went and dgged! in : by the pastor. and Mrs. M. F. Wiggins' here Sun Dradenton Origan Metal A. -Hucrutary I.U-6t-I.--

the earth and hid his Lord's money 7 m. Christian Endeavor day afternoon. Illil .
p. special Road Ih'pnrtnu'nt To Take located .1.:11: ( KOIl PI'HI.ICATION! ,
tOteTy) : ." The servants all were hon- praise service song and prayel' Misses Ola Mae and Loubedis May SI And June On Plumbing Company now -

eby r -electlon announce myself. a candl-. est in the sense of holding and returning Leader Miss Laura Lee Hemngway. Alvarez and Mr. Emory Johns of Highway Work. at 1002 8th avenue. Tn Circuit Court
as county corn.CT. Miami Beach Work starlet '
Judicial (c'lrenlt Jiradford ( "unl,.
district three. If re-elect- the property entrusted to : the Wateroak section attendedour -. mate of Klfirlilu.. In Chancery.Thelma .

Hard II continue county to give faithful the people and them. They'''differed only in executing 8 p. m. Evening worship sermon B. Y. P. U. Sunday evening.Mr. ,A number of bIds for road con- on Washington group of between store buildings Sixth and on I.a Kiln, -

I Performance of the duties their trust in .using the and song. Sermon subject "I BelIeve and Mrs. J. L. Johns and tructlon, material and equipmentwill *Complainant.v .
Seventh street
silo\ working; alwaya for the abilities they had. He that had five in the Forgiveness of Sins. i daughter Miss Essie attended M. Vernon LaP'ii.lefendanl. ,
'erects' of the entire county be opened by the state road Miami neach--Plans under way;
W.DERHILI talent "traded with the same." This is the fifth sermon in a series Baptism'at Crosby lake Sunday. for construction of $165,001 It api..arlna. ? by affidavit appended.
and made five other talents. He of Sunday evening talks on the Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Brown of department here on Tuesday May to the hill/ filed In the ahove-slaled,

rOt:? TV COMMISSIONER may have bought and sold merchandise .. apostles creed. Sampson City attended B. Y. P. 27, and Friday June S, It was announced apartment house here. cause defendant that therein K. Vernon named J.uPlle Is H,.no(he.-

or'br"announce myself a candl- / as grain from Egypt 'Or 'I Prayer meeting Wednesday at U. here Sunday evening. today at the office of resldcint at the stats of Klorlda, and

'' from.-elertlon District a. No.county 4, Hamp-comf the Tyrlan cloth and dyes or be 8 p. m. A cordial invitation to all Mr. Willie Williams I II tjie guest tobert W. Bentley. chairman of that that Mi defendant rsslfJonc's Is IH over unknown the ...and.*

;...a and Oraham. and If could have placed the money with oat services extended to all. of his sister. Mrs. S. L. Crews. tho department. The work Includes twenty-one years It I. therefore or* t
"J will continue to give the local Mi. Guy Andrews motored to all the state dored that salil I non-resident defendant
ira bent service I am capable bankers who paid varying S projects over lie and ha la hereby j
Solicit your support at the rates of Interest (Usury) for its I ILl I'TIirtT Gainesville Sunday afternoon several of them being In this auction required to appear to the bill
June 3rd. 0, W. HINSON where'he will spend a few days. of complaint filed In said
use. Looking after the trust fund of Florida completing
cause for divorce on or before Monday -
COfNTY COMMISSIONER required his time energy and abil Sunday school at 10 a. m. V. B.Wheeler Don't forget B. Y. Pv U. every ects that will provide more pro-I the Ind day of June, A. I>. 111*. .'
rtb! Sunday evening at 8:00: oclock. from '' otherwise, the allegation of said bill I
. r announce myself a candl- ity. used all these as best he Supt.i! venient routing will tm taken aa confessed, Liy Md
w-election. Everybody come and bring someone of Head No. 19 / .
aa county com- could. 11 a. m. Public worship. The Final surfacing defendant.It .
I', district flv.,/, comprising I also with you. from Ocala to the' Levy county !I. further ordered that this er- "
rand New K'ver.' If re-elect- The second servant did the same Woodmen will be present and rier be published. once a Week. for
mice a continuance of faithelflclnnt with the two talents entrusted to the sister organization. Special I line in Marlon county Is provided four consecutive. weeks In the Bradford '
performance of the I In to be received for oil County Telegraph a ....w.I.r ._- ,>.!'
.r the olllce. and will work him. He did not have as much sermon by the pastor. Subject Receives proposals l putillehttd In said. county andstats.
boot interest of the county. 'estate to work with nor as much "The Nece8slty'of the Social: Life." State asphalt, slag and crushed rock. '
OSTEE-I. Eccl. 4:10. Similar proposal are akedfor' on 'I 1'lila'' April Hth 130.U. .
ability to work with but he "Used W, AI.IUCItMAN.; .
r.b, all his ability to develop-what his Evening worship 8 p. m. Rev. J. $18,000 Fees noa No. 33: Walton county e't- (O'Hclml Beal.) Clerk flrcuit' ..mirCHy 1

"county announce commissioner myself. a,can-dl.- master entrusted to him. C. Moore of Hawthorn will be thereadier. ceP1..that the crushed rock alternative HUANCIIhl AMKIIMAN(,.1..... J"

"ja If elected.. will give the But the (third servant took the / is not offered. Construction R M. JOIINfl, III..rker.: .

P"lalhl.the district service and and county giving talent entrusted to him and buried 7:30 p. m. 'B. Y. P. U. Jo'hPowell. ; Candidate. Filing Fr** One To of 29.43 mile of lime rock "Hiillvltor, for Complainant, ,
Silnef the CJr-nrral 1'unil for Election: base Road No. 20 in Bay and / % 1-2-'t.5-al
oince the same perown- It. which was a common methodof leader. on Smile .
&l1."UII& a. I would my .:penises also I la includedn .
11. P. GAINEY.llIK preserving money In those days Wednesday at 8 p. m. The mis- Jackson counties unn :n roit . DI.U'\'rlw'W .

when they had no safety vaults sion study class. Lesson III. Mis- the bids asked for on June 6, I '. J at the .'

: SCHOOL BOARD nor banking houses. But the trust Ions and Election.KEYSTONE .. Filing fees paid to the secretary I ss U the construction of three Ache In Circuit (Court Twenty-Sixth JnIclal -
'* announc myself a can- In 1928 by candIdates who Road No. 10 In Circuit Bradford County,
a of state wooden bridges on
C -election. a. member fund thus burled could not Increase tale of Xlorltlu. III Chancery. ..... '
School board. Starke a and his mauler's estate He ren- were voted for In more than one flay county -S I .-...rl Ulosslp .'
districtS' and |II re-elected netted the slate treasury of bridge timbers for Complainant.
county Furnishing '
1<>t, .
dered aervlce. The painshead
lima Are no "Man" fur- Ordinary vs.Claud
IJ.UrVm. giving capable best schools service. nished the HEIGHTS 18,600. spans on Koail No 10 In Santa I Uloeslp. .,..
to the trustfunds (talents), ache and neuralgia muscu-
"Ount)'. .1. T. MOORE Each servant had been given "his Ml.e Helen 0...... Cor. Being an "of, year politically loHa county, furnishing 2,000 functional pains It appearing Defendant liy. affidavit apimndd
Jarpains ,
; several ability." All that each It; Is doubtful if anything like this warning and caution sign. 726 In the bill filed In the ali..vetated i
5?" CIIOOL BOARD. DI"T. U. S. road markers. the"headacho and congested cause that Claud ()losal.|>, is. \ '
Florida and
.-.' announce" my candidacy servant had to do was to use. 'or On Tuesday. May IX an organIzation amount will be received: by the ..efemlwnl therein namefl la a ,....,*
I ..:" .(' a member of the aptly what ability he had on the from the University at secretary of date In 1930. although 900 project markers, and 11,200 feeling of a cold in the resident of the Htat of Florida.' and ,f.
.. ant from District t, and four head-how quickly they that his renlilenrt. lit unknown anrf
first of
the expense
Inu. to trlve the duties of estate, or opportunity furnished Qaln vllle. picnicked at Keystone hat bn I* over the all'e of twenly- ..i
nt. lay very best attention If himv by his master. Height<<: Beach and since then accounts have brought in around disappear when you take a "n* years It I* therefore ordered]
. r. lee nt to return lorI clerks In the HEADACHERELIEVED that said. non-resident defendant bond _
, '.rm. Your support me Is and "And after a long time the lord there has been a number of picnics 8.SOO.. according to tablet or two of h* ti* hereby required' to appear.

; Wilt be apr.ciat.d-1f. of those servants cometh_ and here from surrounding towns. fflce. tll the bill of complaint filed. In said .,
DR.MILESapfrrnnt mine for dlvorc. on or before 110.1'1h' ,
II from -
- reckoneth with them". The first 'A number of new attractions for The largest tee required ( .. . QUICKLY day. (he day of June. A. It. iSJC ;
. POI\ servant said. "Thou delivered the beach have been ordered and and(date* for congress who pay CA&TLRS[ flu Psnlv YfftUab fiaI otherwise allearatlons of saaJbill

'r'Itb, .'1'"U'IIOOL'"nee myself BOARD a candlt unto me five talents; behold, I rlr.. Stewart hope to have them In the secretary of state $300. Allot ; I quickly correct the aid will dfeinlant.h. taken as confessed sr -

< JI."tll1b..r.. *. of the school board have gained beside them fve! talents place and ready for use soon. The the money collected In qualification I.A Idit alive dltnrb1 It I. further ordered that this nr-
, If re-elected I promiii,1lt'n" fee Into the general 1 remove the Intestinal tier b* published one. a week for
t :?>, .."> faithful discharge more;" and the second servant last two Sunday have brought goes anci{ sick headache Dr. Mile/ Asplr-MInt I* the tour consecutive. weeks In the Mra.1-
' the olnee. Your supOiiClted said "Behold. I have gained eccrd-hreaking crowds to the fund. of the state treasury. The poisons whole flew liable, mint-flavored tablet ford County 'r.I"lI'r.I'n.w.' .._-
Your -
L and will be appreA. tale i la put to considerable ex- quickly disappear system making all p.r published In said County and
that la people over
of lake.
B. BURRENCY. two other talents. Unto each enjoys a tonte effect constipation tale.
resident enjoyed ense in holding primary and gen-) the country "Smile at the Ache" .
these) servants the master said. Keystone- Height vanishes, and you feels renewedvigtr. This April 21th 1910II.

::::C announce of ". my candidacy "Well done e thou bast been their bi-weekly picnic on the eral election every two years and Avoid bromide and dope, 15e and 2S. at your drug atore (Oln.,1' Seal). W.Clerk ALDERMAN' !circuit ('.mC.
,., 'achool board. DI.- evening May Uth. the legislature appropriate |15- depressing and harmful .
3."bJ.CL faithful a few things I will teach Friday they. are Uy IIUANCrlH AU>KKMAM.V. .
to Democratic over ,
t"oj" Jane 3rd Clue 'bountiful lunch had keen 000 for the purpose .*"" 'time it All Druggists 2Sc mad 7&e red pq. YU' i -F Jltlf"OR ) : tI.L'
" .. < : I feel that I make thee ruler over ma'ny thMgs; After a g: JOhNS BtarkeVf?
",,1ft.. to live the dutl. of served Mr. Stewart opened the meets. Thl- amount Just about ; YO"R' MQ 13 CK'; Solicitor lat CuniuUkinani.: >
...: Vnt and competent enter thou Into Joy of thy lord. C41RTER'S ii FILLS
.4 solicit your support and They were not rewarded according avllion to the crowd and all seem-. pays all the costs, official say -a-al-t-3.. -

/ 'J . .

i'U J L'. AA 'h. ,fJas." ''''' .' :1' 'i'-.l. .....' ....... .:<...Jd,,,,. l 1__ .. "" '

''gyp" y"i'M1 .,tnMhtnA ro ,, dy rys pp., ,
,r, , n4.. y ky ,

I Itt
p \,; ; .\I IGRT COUNTY TSZ1CaIurnr. OTAItEID JI'LOnm&? .., mID.InTi.: .
VIt \ r.\OH .. ... __ -- .
_. ..
_._ _. "-'-- -
-- ---
... -- ---- --- -----
--- -- ---------1
- ----- KIMJResidents
r sented by this earnest and faithful the (southern part of the state and person n StElp:
{- Bradford Telegraph : Live Oak Democrat before the northern grown straw and state road 13 was first designated -
County congressman.\
I j From Other penn berry Is on thmarket.,\ Starke Is as a "state aid" road, Mr. ; ot S endr

t, ,' Established '1877 a little later Lbao PJant City with Matthews. being on the house road will be Interested "arts
o -
_.,..H..II II I II !! Its strawberries, but Starke selU committee that )'ear'lIe said that well known .evai ,
.. Funny how tblsicolumn, stretches IDd
Mr Ep- singer
: ,
-- all It produces at a good price.- the members egpec'ally Lloyd I. ,
I ; i Published Weekly on Fridays and Entered as Second! Class Bishop Cannon will now lead some weeks 'until It seems It Is Perry Herald person and. himself kept workingon gaged "in a sera. ?'lit'

: the Post Office at Starke, Florida the congregation In s'nglng! "Slnce twenty feet long Instead of twenty __ the matter until finally road 18 services at Melrt+, "?
Matter at aI srn
Been Whitewashed I'm Whiter Inches When you're..trylng to fill '
o I've became a "preferential" road. It pices of the Bapi ,, !

7 : I E. S. Matthews .__ __________________ Owner and PublisherJ. I Than Snow." Inverness It Anyway this. will account for I was about this time when he and The meeting bets "II hard..
Chronicle, another halfInchStarke Tele .LRO.tD COMMiSSIO; : JEH ]I others of the legislature made up of June 2nd, and *
r J. C. Robinson __________..___ ___..__ ____ Managing$ Editor -----.0---: graph Aln't H' the truth? How: I I STATE TKKH8 COMMENT: I II the bill which c ea.ted road \9 "IGIIt
.. 12th.Mr.
- _. -.. -- -- '-' - Always thought: Starke walI.. ever, such a paragraph always getsa I I Both? of these roads were put Into King! wa ,

SUBSCRIPTION RATE big city, but f(s population ,Is only,, rise from' the. other fellows and being and helped, to heir present employ of Mr, i marls
In Advance 1275 as against 1215 fn Inverness. In the long run helps them outa Judging; from the many complimentary ' state of usefulness through the efforts salesman. Thron Iota,,QUII*'
i Yearly, $1.50; Six Months, 75c-Payable Inverness Chronicle. Like Inverness great deal For instance at this comments from the state of Mr. Matthews and othersOf the youug man i h, ,flli'

Advertising: Hates on Application Starke has quality instead of point, we are now nearly two inches press, Hon. E. S. Matthews is a this section who realized their In the church. II, 111'IDt,
_ _. __ nearer -the bottom of the col general' favorite in the race for 'ijl NI,
V I .. -.. _- __ nn quantity necessity. Mr. Matthews has a and baptized by it I B
date of first ..--0-- umn.--Clermont Press railroad cOl1mlssloner.Palatka! : long list of accomplishments In former pastor of i D
is the ocd
; be Next Tuesday
Itwon't now 0-
!t , Times-Herald. I life which' he point church. Later
Th I primary. have In this state are our garden' Congressman R.: A. Green has --per.Mr. : with pardonable pride.-Bronson the ministry, Mr K ,? ]lelll, ,
o club It behooves every citizen' no opposition In hs: race for reelection Eugene S. Matthews of' Journal ploy of Mr. Qulftl and

to lend them every encouragement' which fact Is noted with Starke; a member of the state railroad i --- -- the Bible Instil ut, m h r.

f , The $100,000 loss by wind was in Michigan and not in and support.-Times-Union. By much Interest and pleasure by his I commission' and a candidate'': Eugene Matthews of Starke, leans to prepare fu, ng' u Ilia

r r Washington. raising chIckens many friends throughout the state."Lex" \ re-election spent several hours I member of the'st.te railroad com- The Melrose chui,. nisCt' [
--- -- Green as he Is familiarly in Bristol Tuesday meeting the In obtain'ng: the 'vice,
mission and a candidate: for reelection -
; r11 o Bradford County Telegraph saysknees known, has made a highly credit voters and soliciting their votes was In Dunnellon for evangelist on shoi/ notlc,
about their out of style but able record as a worker in con- In the coming primary Mr" Mat- Is' booked up until
Exchange says "women are mighty shy age- may go somo hours Tuesday, and while 'he //iiI
+ they will never go out of sight gress. The fact that he has never I thews has had quite a deal of experience October. A series ''II
usually about ten years shy Isn't it strange how an editor can missed a role call, being' one ol' in this work and la'well here paid the Sun an apprecltedcall. ble Conference HOIIIK. morn win
'Oene Matthews founded the
It + 6 0------- Bee the full point of a news story five havingthls distinction Is very qualified. He has made good and ducted each day at, leD",
good proof -of the fact that he Is Is asking be returned to the of- Times, Dunnellon's first paper, In
-Lake City Reporter. during which Mr. Is
While the Literary Digest dotes on straw votes, the Palatka the early days of the phosphate 'IIC wip\
.---o- "always on Job, nce.-Bristol Free Press. lectures on "The Life
boom. Dunnellon was a hot townIn ot(f
#2"" 11, young folks prefer straw rides. Within Its Incorporated limits, Tlmes-HeraJd.; ,. r+-o---v.. ,those days ,,and the Times Was Thera,will be an hour g:\n
1 r --o S. Matthews, of Starke,
s ----O the town of Starke has a population Eugene young people,each afterm
by no means the'coolest thing in
abol- of 1275. This, however, does The coming of the cross-state owner' of the Starke Telegraph night services will
Miami Beach Sun wants the office of safety director It, Its readheaded young editor he eVil!!
S not Include that silent policeman, canal to this section means more was a visitor In New Smyrna for a In type; some of th< ,!
ished. Wait until Capone leaves. to Oreen Cove Springs and Clay had courage, and a strong sense of serai
who worries me every time I motor short time Wednesday afternoon.Mr. Jects are as follows 'Thi.
Leader, county than anything that has Matthews is candidate' for right and wrong. It aroused his
o through.-Tarpon Springs a donable Sin", "lion Rig ben {
drainage I o--' ever taken place in a business re-election to the state railroad antipathy to see the strong Imposeon ?", "The
The should make provision for proper t
city And the 'weak, and some of the stuff:
way.-Clay County Times.
What ever become of Almee?- commission. He lias been railroad "Starving Amid Plenty" "
i of the streets near the high school building. Clermont Press. Let's see, didn't when some citizens of Clay and commissioner for the past six he wrote burnt holes in the paper. Bible True?", "The Unit

, o she elope with Elmer Gantry or Bradford 'see an ocean-going ves- years, being appointed for the first He made many friends here, also As the attendance \\111 k

r ; The Veterans Seaboard Special will leave Jacksonville somebody like that?-New Port sel steaming across the two time to serve an unexpired term some enemies, but he did not go those attending are requ,
: until In his
I counties they're likely to "swear- away own good time
Richey Press. No, that was Billy by Governor Hardee and afterwards come on time In older
Sunday morning for their reunion in Biloxi, Miss.A ." =: and at his own terms. Thirty-nine to
f| i, Sunday.-Clermont Press, 01? Bradford County Telegraph being elected for two suc- seats. An old-tlmo
r All brother better or forty years f is a long time, and song
1. right; New
L> i o -o-, cesslvo terms. Smyrna will feature each service
I to thinking about the most people here In the 1890s
get swear-
lie detector carried by two local fishermen on a fishing Starke produced a tour-legged News t have gone elsewhere nominations are Invited to
Ing, 'cause them ships Is comln. -some over
chicken a short time ago, and in a --o--- A special Invitation 'Is erte'
trip hopelessly' jammed within fifteen minutes. the great divide. However Mr.
4 was few days Lake City produced one Clay County Times. Eugene S. Matthews of,Starke out of town visitors.
Matthews met a few of the old tim-
o with four legs. Maybe Live Oak --- state railroad commissioner was Rer T. D. Den man,l

1 Believe it or not, Starke has a hen that laid an egg,with a can raise the ante to six legs.- Last session of the legislature a In Fort Pierce yesterday in the ers with: and them,found in he the had lost no favor -
few high, pressure melt, shrewd Interest of his candidacy for re- passing years.
rv monogram "M," the first letter of the owner's name. Times-Union. and' clever ;from the larger counties nomination. Mr. Matthews has Among them was Judge Tltcombv Palmetto Canning p
-- 0-
o After a trip through the north made a monkey" 'out of the representative already covered a large part of the the Dean of Dunnellon who gave be In operation here thli

Avery Powell decides the difference between the British and: central part of the state this from' (the'smaller state andxpre.sed\ himself aslighly Klf. Matthews a warm ,welcome by ,Peninsular Canning Co
counties, althoWh they In and piloted him around to see the
\ ; were In the
,td writer thinks there Is no place like confident success
it court and a police court is merely a matter of publicity Miami Beach.-*Mlaml Beach Sun. the majority t by two to One.-Willlston Democratic primary.? He Is opposed other friends of former .day*. Mr.

o Sun./All Indications are that W. Matthews was appointed railroad :
Cheer up, Capohe will leave your by' A. McQuagge of HEADAC1RELIEVE
:,\ One could ask those who say the road to hell is never town some day. old,men Darwin's 'theory will not Jackson county A member of commissioner by Gor.'; Hardee, and '"
I be reversed at the next session. has been elected and re-elected to ]

i, closed: for repairs from what. source they get their road in It's too.--0 late to register- and It's Tallahassee State News. The small county the legislature for four terms from, Mr.Bradford Mat the office since. If there Is any I T6iiaQlllJ11

formation. counties have learned a lesson In thews rose to the position of reason why he should not stay in CARTERS ..
too late to pay your poll tax, so
I'blglx" finance they'll not forget It, we do not know, what It !Is. lIe quickly comdigestive
0' speaker of the house. -He
i n all that can be done now Is to re- appointed ::
f has always tried to hold the balance dis
Supreme court holds buyer of bootleg liquor is not Ijable) member to vote In the June primary. soon railroad commissioner by even between the people and. anceRremOVl'testinal
.-Clermont Press. Providedyou ---o- Gov. Cary A. Hardee to flit a vacancy poisons, and -'.ck hi
1 to prosecution. Why not award them a congressional medal remembered to register and A band' of night-riders; burned and has since then been the railroads without Imposing on quickly disappears. Yourwh

r for bravery? pay your poll tax. three filling stations in Bradford elected to the office. He Is ownerof either, but with justice to both.. tern enjoys a tonic effect,cc

1 --o- county In one night last week. It the Bradford County Telegraphand Dunnellon Sun. tion vanishes,and you feel r
C, O is charged that the stations vigor. Avoid bromides ,
Of course the gangsters the sold a veteran of the Spanish- o an
r Biggest question about the Literary Digest poll is., how "gO" In Chicago.-Times-Union.! put bootleg liquor.} If the riders Intend American war.-Ft. Pierce News- Tavares Growers of Big Stem they are depressing and h

i one would classify the fifteen million who have not returned Who put In the "hlc?" Starke to: get alt.the filling stations thus Tribune. Jersey sweet potatoes held meet- AU Druggists 25c and 75c KCARTER'S
accused they will have a wide field Ing here recently to discuss plans
that o
a r' their ballots. Telegraph.' Oh was done I211S J
some time "ago." Miami Beach of activities. There Is an old say- Hon. Eugene S. Matthews, vet- for marketing.
1' o Ing that It takes a thief to catcha __ __nn_____.__. _, __
Sun We "chI" at punning;Tart eran municipal official of Starke,
If of>a man doesn't think enough of his vote to pay his poll pots Springs Leader. thief. )Jn the Bradford county county seat of Bradford county' Is I
t'' o raid one ,Jet of law-breakers goes a candidate for re-election as a PER SENT DISCOUNT o.v
tax, he has forfeited any right to criticise the way he is cat'chIooother.'
When' ''you patronize a store that out to \ That's the member of the Florida railroad
being governed Chicago way and It Is not the right
advertises in your home newspaper commission. Mr. Matthews was
0 you are patronizing a businessman way. When there are law violations chairman: of the board of 'aldermen -

r Palatka Times-Herald points out that reformers interestedin that Is patronizing1 an Institution In'Florida the arm of the at Starke for ten years. He
that Is doing more than any should be strong enough'to has also served many years as a -
child welfare should pay some attention to those in their other one thing to help the town rach out; after (hem.-Apopka member of the board of bond trus-

second childhood. grow,-Inverness Chronicle. Chief. tees of the town. In these capacities -

o o 0- he has been connected with JUNE 7TH
Never has any county had sucha What the plans of the state road practically all public Improvements -
Between fifteen and sixteen miles seines and nets
r of confiscated fine lot of men running for coun- department are as to the date of In the t'wn during the past

.,...;; from law violators would seem to be an assurance that ty offices as Levy has this year starting work on the Macctenny- twenty-five years. He has been a 4 ,

W the game wardens are still on the job. And It's a pity that all of 'em can'tbe :State Farm Starke road we do not member of the railroad commission -
elected.-Bronson Journal. You snow, but' ,something should be for the past six years having CASH ONLY

;t o must get an awful kick out of pay' done for Infs: road at once. From been t appointed by the governorto
..41 Believe it or not, the Times-Union is the only paper instate ing taxes? rtacclenny Jto Raiford the road Is that position In February 1924.

the so well known that the name of the city in which it 0-- a-bad ihape.' We heard that one All good city officials make good

Li is We still contend that head wrIters ot the department's! head engineerssaid when they are called to other po- DeWitt C. Jones :Hardware
:1-: published seldom used in connection.
: they .had two In sitions
could find a more fitting bead years which. and Mr. Matthews was a
ii'' y F 0 for obituaries of some'people than .to ,tart.xJ>6rk(t'n:' 'this'!, food. If good city official.' -Municipal Rec-' ,

Eustis Lake Region carries a column: headed "The office "Called Up Higher." Starke this true some steps should be tak- ord. ,. I
;i Telegraph. Why not "Done to en to have, the road department o----
say '
girl writes about clothes! and ,things. Former Starke '
. merchant speed I hls I :
His Reward? That leaves room up work. Macclennyand Eugene S. 'Matthews 'of Starke,
),;,1 ; carried a large banner on his'store: .Suits, Pants and for-?-Clearwater News.' "the f.gUllty'south of us need Bradford county, candidate for reelection -

,'r( .B f' Things." ----0_ this road. And our understandingwas as member of the Florida

.t\ ''jr()i' 0' Of course the gangsters put the that ,the work was to begin Railroad Commission was In Bron- C Hl
"go" In Chicago.-Jacksonville just, as soon as the additional son Tuesday While calling at the

drawings}1 Times-Union. Who put In the right-of-way was secured. which Journal office he recalled exper-

"hlcT"--Starke Telegraph Oh, was done'several months. ago.- iences in the Florida legislature Never

' that was done some time "ago." rlacclenny:.PI'ess. atthe time when lion W. J. Ep-
\\\} learn :what their Uncle Samuel has to say about barring their o--
Miami Beach Sun. ChI ChI! .Chl-
'r,j publications from the mails. Clermont Press.Congressman. Limits .

..', \ ., I COUld for aive some- casual IrlaanaFilched OVER i
_; JM t Leg:;; -Green he ot( by you from another's WOIIED too
;: r ; Cross City News chronicled with big headlines the stealIng ; \lips "' NERVES youngto
'I:?i tho big, ten-gallon felt hat flowing
of a bar of soap from that office. The principal news value necktie and Palm Beach suit, But 'ff yqu'speak\ of me as ""The

; -II of the story was not the theft but that there was one printing has nc) opposition In the Second Mrs..I. --1"
.Y: district and of I'll pack) my baggage: my clear' '
: Is
w .w M' office in the state able to own a bar of soap. course wearingthe I
? famous Green smile about It. and skip. start
-t"; t 1-0 -Times-Union. i > ,

))1 If gas tax money paid by aviators should be used in some --0._-_ 11 coul4'forJve) j. }.egad! .error human' ,
''l r: Wo' are still waiting for"the .Burglary, larceny-things like
; to
J way benefit them, then the tax paid by motorboat owners I .
I }Plant City papers to explain why ., hr..that. ,?,' Y
''i'i should go the same'' way. On the other hand good roads they hold political rallies at Bullfrog But, I It youjcalf+\; f. "The': Llttul Worni .

,::';' ;\ \' w benefit aviators and fishermen as much as any other class. Starke' Telegraph. So i ,auHeart > .. by THE ''WORD OF

; .rf o. they'll have plenty of room to jrf f my.,heart, I will leave
throw the bull and play leapfrog you,flat.
1 ) : 41 Next step for voters is to see that they are registered with political questions.. Inver-

It.k3'$ %,): in the precinct in which they desire to vote. If one has pees Chronicle.. I Murder forgery, fraud, and arson A VETERA

,;''c moved since the last election, this change must be shown on census figures Would married scarcely fracture our.
; E The have broughtout I, life,
pf' : : , the registration books or the voter will have to return to his one startling fact. The little But I'll.,undo the work: ,.of the tear- "MY I.ADA YOUR NICKELS .AND!'
1 old precinct to vote. town ot Genoa. In Hamilton coun- eon .
TO your ears In work- NOW"This
.(. yt has exactly the'aame numberof ever you mention me as ''The
at tenaton.
nerve high
v4 ; "I a every
:\ 'W.J "
people in 1030 as It had In "'Ife t Stolen' No wonder at the wife
you snap
> t, l' \\l "Swell head is. the latest disease attributed by Oklahoma 1020.--Miami Beach Sun Either Hlllyard. (Wash.) News. and bark at the children. is the advice of the veteran who has bee

'J \ -rIV' health director to home brew because it cripples the way you look at it, that's. a good '_0----, Watch out t Overworkednerves ;'through the mill." Mighty too fo
J good advice ,
; "' Iowa to live in.If W. H. OV Johnson of Route may lead to Steeple**. ,
i .$t upper part of the body. Bootleggers are working harder for ----0- on the Fenholloway highway wan ness, Nervous Headache Nervous parents to give their' boys--then back ft up b.
$:'' ; the prohibition cause than the drys and if they are left alone Indirection and a hint of
.' 1< funny, but those editors III town Tuesday with a fine lot of other disturbances. starting a SAVINGS ACCOUNT'for the boy 1\

) S' the survivors will consist of two classes cripples and pro whom we know to be most happily etrawberrles" 'grown on his home Why unpleasant you try Dr. Miles' this bank. This will'teach'him the value of satin

(-.1; 'ill't, hibitionists. married are ones who write them place. "Mr'Johtisdn said he 'gathered Effervescent Nervine Tablets
of the ,
( .". lIt sarcastic paragraphs about 60<< bftxes' before leaving for Just one in a baIt glass .of -one biggest assets in training for the fi II

,'"; 0 .. married'" life.-Oca I a Star. This town and Wld out his entire lot water makes a pleasant spnrk- ture. '

:;* i U, S'r' Effects of the law passed by the last session of the legislature might Indicate that you do not In a f W', nrnuteslie produces 'ling drink delightfully soothing

"J. allowing of land sold to state for taxes to know as much as you think you do. w'flna,Jfrdfr->f strawberries everys"seo'U""ancJ'thet to over-taxed nerves.
; owners redeem Dr. Miles' Nervine t la nova START YOUR BOrS SAVINGS ACCgUI T
::" ;,,1{S'S it by paying "adjustment bo th1 i" a fraction of the fuse Some beforeirompuny.married folks never- Tallahassee fight or- and ?wdet'dd one are could as ask luscious\for. made in two form_Liquid and
Effervescent Tablet. Both have NOW
/f ;{ amount due, is showing up in the tax lists this year, practically State News. Ho says there t hi no question but the same soothing effect. I .

f' ; ly every owner of largo: : tracts allowing them to be advertised .-o----- what Btrtf>ttrrlf) >8 can be produced $LOOat. your drug store

;t.\sy i! : for taxes due. They can't be blamed. Every property owner We are pleased Lex: Green to see will that go Congressman to-, that In they Taylor can not county be produced easily early but- Bradford County BanI!

; , who has paid his taxes year after year cannot help but feel Washington once again from this, In the .season. He Is of the opinIon -

; no+\:! that the state authorities have not given him a square' deal Florida district lie has been de.' that the neaaon: here I la Just Bradford County's Financial Stronghold
|dared the nominee right to bring a !good price the NERVINETABLETS
.: as no one con- on
I ; in allowing other handsome premium for not
taxpayers a -
,'ii, paying tested hla post. Mr Green's con- market a*, our berries come along STARKE FLA.EfADFOND .

r. \"'t tht promptly.I Istltuentf are proud: to be repre right after -thV, season. closes In { ,
;: "
t .hw

,4, t s

'A ., r>i+f y'. >**, vneu .5 o.t,'!,., .\ 1"/" ".<-..Mi.",;' ,' '.\'fit.!_" .,,.,.. "! \1' ..' _,,'.J.Ji.,.,I\\...'I. .f(' K.'f;f.', .' ,.' !I '.' .,".'", _'.:{IJI.,:.'".. ,P'
--' -