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reft" .J' '"''''' .''''''''I'T' r''i-' '' r ,'"ff'I": "",}{,7"hh'RFd"A'1" I' !'T'mr' IfA."'r)j,.....#,f.If' ",, "';" ';" :'4-" :. "; ,\ ; .;,, ,, " I. : ;' ,
rafoth Crnintg rIrgrap1 b
= t. :- .-=_= '=----h -- --==. .. I
Established 1871. Subscriptlon-'or Year, $1.5Qr; 911c: Months 75c-Puyable in Advance .... S. Matthews, Owner and Publisher.. aVOLUME
=-= '-=- .====:====-- .-
FII''TY.TWO' M'I'ARKE.. "'1..01\\';).1, I11).il', AI'RII. 11. tDU.----: Nt. IIU.I: 1"OHTI..TlIR".1Confederates
____ ____ 4 J
of Tax Commission Continual Rain IGOfr, IN 4-CORNER RACE TO Berry MovementOn Bar Meeting
Five Counties Report is SoughtLocal Hurts GrowersOf SUCCEED HIMSELF. IN JUNEK. The IncreaseQuality Addressed By
Called to MeetK Plant City' v. WI I -- Col. Frazee
Mast on Legislative Commit Appointed by ('"rlton.11'1'/ )' of Fruit Offered ll<>ldl KKerrlpM
toe Reporting;.on Tax KjHtem 17 "---- K.,, K. Stage or State t Will nun In Itoun; Average Ill. 1
.: A. PERRY CAMP V. ,C. '-. Y..ars Ago Two In'lira Rain Last. Week Primary IPnts Laud Attorney Hpcwker at Luncheon "
r.lM.H MKKTI.'m: OF OI,1OONFKDEUATK > Causing Some Berry Fields. DemonstrationNinetyfour Friday. of Aim.IIUA County
: VKTERANtiSlTl'KUAV That members of the Florida to be Plowed Under STRONG HACK: ( ()MINI: Four refrigerator cars by liar AWHM lotion
APRIL 2(1. citizens finance and taxation com freight, one by express and the .
mittee, of which Perry O. Wall This section escaped serious Injury Cars' Counted in Parade. . Ho IN OpiMweil for Oftlce by dally movement of ponies and open The Gainesville Dally Sun of last
Acting under orders of T. C. of Tampa, Is chairman are delving from addition rains last Taking PlocoVeclnemlu) Toomer Hodges mid tiny express to the amount of 82,512 Friday carried the following account r r
.1 i O. Greene, of Route 1, Lake'lty them, la shown In a letter receiveda the week-end being Insufficient to I 1Klanemen from the local platform for of the Bar Association of the r
< ; the camp adjutant has Issuedu few days ago by Eugene S. cause damage ,to crop) lit this 1 In force Invaded this TALLAHASSEE" i,-- the week end'ng Wednesday, Eighth: Judicial Circuit, at which '
call' to not only camp members, Matthews from a member of the county. Hall storms In the western section Wednesday night between William\ Igou: appointed by Gov- night, Figures; for the period Col. J. L, Frazee was the speaker: "
but also to all Confederate veterans committee, asking for copies of a part of the county Sunday afternoon eight and nn9; o'clock ninety-tour ernor Carlton sometime ago as from Lawtoy and Hampton were What was formerly the Aluchua
and widows of veterans to attend tax report that he had a hand in caused some damage fo the cars belnl{(rt parted by one observer secretary of state succeeding\ not available. While tho week's County liar Association :is now
regular meeting of E. A. making seventeen years ago. bean crop, the heaviest fall being as passing through the main I Clay Crawford, today qualified asa average was estimated at 19 cents known as the Bar association ot a1
Perry Camp No. 150 to meet at Pursuant to a resolution adopted retorted in the Ralford and streets of the town before proceeding candidate for election to fill the quart, some small\ shipments the Eighth: Judicial Circuit of '
the courthouse In Lake City on by the legislature ot 1911, Wateroak sections. The followingnewn to 'Hampton. Part ot the Crawford's unexpired term brought $2 to $3.BO per 32-quart Florida This has come about
Saturday, April 26, 10 A. M. Governor Ollchrlst appointed former dispatch from Plant City appealing procession< drove through Reno, Ills qualification quieted reports crate. Sales of $7.50 to $8 were through; approval by the organisa
The purpose of the meeting la to Gov. W. S. Jennings, Judge in the Plant City Courier the colored section of Starke departing that he would not offer as a can male but the week's average will lion of i new constitution presented ,
re-earoll old members and enroll Thomas L. Clark of Montlcello, Tuesday, shows that slightly more without demonstration of didate because! of III health drop slightly below the IB mark. by J, C. Adkns: at yester-
new members;whether they live In and Mr. Matthews a commissionto than two Inches ot rain fell\ there any kind. Tags on some of the Igou'a formal entry Into the ro.ro Buyers ron'slere-d a steady complaint day's. luncheon meeting held at ,;
Columbia, Union Hamilton Bu- make a study of the state tax Friday and Saturday causing con cars Indicated they hailed from for the June primary placed tour against. the quality of fruit Hotel Thomas. There In no changein
wannee, Bradford or. Baker counties. system and recommend such siderable damage: Jacksonville St. Augustine. Glen Democratic aspirants In the field being brought; to the platform officers, the presidency still being -
St Mary and other points.Sheriff' for that office. The others are T. ot retained by Fred, J. Bryant
changes aa to them seemed' advis Rainfall\ 2,08 Inches Friday some Instances being reported
Adjutant' Green points out in ble. Following a lengthy study night and Saturday brought fur i; It. Hodges; of Tallahassee, former growers whose pack was alwaysconsidered and the secretaryship by Mrs. '
this connection that the Lake City of state tax systems throughoutthe ther losses to growers of this section state shell fish commissioner! ; H. good hiding an Inferior Stella B. Fisher
is the nearest camp to Veterans In United States, the commission: Inundating many fields for the Seryed Clay Crawford, Jr., son' of the deceased grade of fruit beneath the top Decorating the luncheon table f
the five counties named, alt other made its report January 1913. second time In practically a week official and William Toom- row, the deception coming to light yesterday were boutonnteres and i
organizations of the kind In this The member of the citizens finance and curtailing strawberry production Restraint OrderCapone et, Jacksonville attorney. when the crates were loaded Into 1very pretty floral centerpiece
part of.Florida having passed out, and taxation committee which last week showed ' .- refrigerator boxes. Thursday's sent by Means, the Florist, In observance -
hecause of the ever-increasing pas writing to Mr. Matthew" said: promise of increased volume for Can taper Through Itrml- Start Of market report showed some Florida of National Flower Week
sage otytbe.aged men that wore the "Our committee has been trying to this week: The rain started Friday l1Prd As,Long An He' Bclmvi'S! Laying berries selling on the New The speaker yesterday was lion '
gray and so a general Invitation to locate a sufficient number of copies night and continued throughthe Jlhn..r tnrouto: York market for 5 cents a quart, J. L Fracee of Starke who spoke
vets In these counties is extended.- of this! report to be circulated greater part of Saturday. JvOckOnRoad28 Markets apparently are reactingto concerning the summary judgment :-
Another important purpose of among Its thirty-two members but While last week's rain did not Sheriff N. J1. Epperson' was the Inferior fruit going In, not rule. In the course of a ; }t
the meeting is to elect officers forth we ,have been unable to locate compare In volume to that of the served Saturday with the restraining HI iite I'orte K\x-ct: | t<> Complete. only from this state but from all very able address, Mr. Fraaee. developed ,
ensuing. year.-Lake City Ga enough of such copies. While it week before, the already wet condition order,i' blued 1 March 2Sth ut lO-MIln: Stretch Wltlilti .hrMonths <>. ether Mates now shipping, the thought that through
zette. has been seventeen years since of ground brought Increased Miami by Federal Judge; II. L. Hit : Shipment lo U.Mto. an unfortunate combination of
your report was made there are I hardships for many crops and ter, enjoining Mm.and twenty other 1 revlouoly reported, qts. 1,342,244 circumstances the legislature of
some recommendations in it that made roads difficult of travel In Flerldasb rlffs.jroin., :molesting Lake City April 7-With 11 Week ending Apr. 9th.82,512 many states have loaded the
Lawtey Scene would still be of value.." I various instances. Just what additional Al Cfapone should he enter their cars on the siding of the Goorgla-; statute books with so many laws !
Southern railway at Jefferson, five 1.4J4.758 that the ends of simple justiceare
damage was done to crops terrltorY/>a his way to the southern -
Fatal ''Crash by the' last rain Is difficult of estimating 'pari'of! the State. The order and one-half miles south' of Lake Receipts! to Apr. 2 _29S,21!9.IU> being defeated. He however.
Discontinue Use Of but in many Instances was served by a United States deputy City the first rock on the 10 mile Week ending Apr. 9__ 15,677.28 declared I that the situation Is by
crops whlt'h'might have recovered marshal from Jacksonville. project of road 28 was hauled on no means hopeless and that by a
)Irs.. Ifannaii of Jacksonville, Highway Officer $910,890.80 combined effort
Tuesday, of thinking lay-
from the other heavy rain are virtual Although natlon-wldo prominencewas
luntantJy. Killed AiTien Train losses as the result ot the given Governor Cariton's assertion The road is being built by the men and the legal fraternity
Striken Auto Coninilxnloner" Decline to Appoint rain ot last week. The straw that he bad instructed slate with convict labor. 1 ICnlco I much needed reforms can be
Successor at Meeting IlelilMonda berry patches which were again I every Florida sheriff to arrest Cu- Green, chief construction( engineerfor Must' Register brought about In legal procedure.
Mrs. Rose L. Hannan of Jacksonville One of the
the state road department, In methods suggested as
Inundated will produce a little I pone on sight, the sheriff's. olllce
was Instantly killed and fruit of quality right away and In here has never received word from In charge ot the work. The rock(: Properly to Vote effective In mauy other states Is
her automobile demolished Saturday Board In being furnished by I the Wilson .. the adoption of the judgment rule
The : of County some Instances are being plowed the capital bearing on the matter, -
morning at 9:25: when he..ma. s'oners of Bradford County Florida under again this week. and news reports from other counties Shell Rock Company of Wllllston. 1t."I..II..llon l H.>..k" flowed In 1'redm which was explained as expedltc c,
.ihtne was struck by a Seaboard met In regular session Monday reveal a like condition.The their contract calling I for )its. lie. lal| Filial Unto nt It.%nl"lration fug the settlement of certain typesof
Limited train at the crossing opposite lug placed jon the road and this aotli cases In which the evidence Is
Apr 7, 1930, with all mem- order wh'ch assures Capone Olllce April ,
Dr. Brown's residence. The bers present as follows: J. O. To Inspect Old of Immunltynrom arrest unless. he hauling contract In held by J. II. ---- conclusive beyond reasonable,
heavy sedan was hurled fifteen feet Crews, Chairman, R. T. Osteen, Is guilty of some violation of the I Hughes and Son .who have a fleet)' Registration books clonod lit the doubt. Judge Frazee cited the,
to the adjoining track, and the O. W. Hinson, J. L. Underhill and Battle Grounds law, specifically restrains the sherIffs of trucks on the job as well ace I eight precincts ot the 'county last states of Virginia.: New York, New a
body of Mrs. Hannan was thrown Drew Reddish. of the various counties\ from"seizing large tractor dipper shovel to Monday. and they will be opened Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois and
through the roof of the car and \Minutes of last meeting were arresting, kidnapping or transfer the rock: from the cars nt the office of Supervisor of Michigan as among the status In ,
fell feet beyond the wrecked Two In Bradford Included In tho east that have
fifty trucks.At adopted this
read and approved. abduct'ng" Capone and also from to t the I KcK'stntllon' Wall III Ktiirke
far. She was dead when emergency Survey Asked by C'.n/ot"'IOIIIII..n/ Jefferson the convict camp dale system which has been found to
30lh the last
Bills of G. M. Davis an follows "transporting, banishing or expelling through April ,
brakes brought the train to a CJreen.Congressman. baR been completed for Home time effect, a salutary reform In practice -
In the
were presented: Nurse, $8.00; him" should he seek his persons who desire to Vote
stop and aid reached her. Hospital expense $92.35; Operation home In Dude county.: and the convicts have a considerable Juno pilniailoM will be allowed tortglder. has relieved congestion of the
The limited train does not stop R. A. Qreen has of the old grade ready docket through elimination of
have registered
$300.00;; Burial expenses. The order was Issued by the Those who
at Lawtey and was making an esti- $4 76.01. Comm'ssloners refused Just been advised by the War De- Federal court In Miami to Capone' 'for the placing of the rock It In before are not required! to many cases and hue. secured r
mated speed of 45 miles an hour partment that his recent request tho Intention to work from Jeffur- unless. !quicker action. }
to pay said bills. attorneys following a state- register again year,
of the accident. Mrs. for inspection of historic battle start President Hryant took
the time to occasion
at toward Lnko City
Bill of Dr. W, E. Mlddleton for grounds fluent from Governor Carlton. who lion they desire to chllilthf'lr/; party/ t
Hannan deaf and apparently and forts In the second the to the thanks of the
was express bar
and '
wllh expectations on must
treatment of Horace Williams, declared that he would Instructall n III I lilt Ions. Th '', however
ltd'! not hear or see the train untilIt congressional district has been rock that one association' to Judge Frame for
of the people are been tinted
while In the County jail was laid Florida sheriffs to arrest Capone be done, ,us If they have
was only a few feet away. The over for further consideration.The granted. Recently he requested should' he appear in the mile n week will\ be laid. At nay ''us a Democrat lutetofor'o. and hits splendid contribution and before p
his emergency the War Department to send a months at adjournment named Zach ,
engineer applied three II
rule they place denim to veto the Republican
name of Ned Wills was state and escort him to the boundary thin year
brakes when he saw the car would stricken from the pauper roll, he representative to the second con line. the outside all the time neiessuryto ticket, the books must show Douglas) to have charge of the
not clear the tracks but too late having died. Comm'ssloners ordered gressional d'strlct for personal Inspection surface this ten mile project, the ,'hange.Thu : program at the next luncheon
to avoid the crash. that Sallie Tlson be paid of all historic forts and 1'. T.' ,\. TO HOLD LAMTuSIERTINOOfMCl1Ht. HtjitiiM of llond UM greater( protton of I the work gathering Among the out of
Mrs. Hannan was a Christian $5.00 to assist In burial ot said battle grounds for the purpqaq pf I : YKAH: No contract hue. been as yet done by district registration officers town lawyers attending the lunch
I '
Scientist with offices in Jacksonville obtaining markers. or monuments made for the second project of : this year has boen the changing eon yesterday was Cyrus If, +
Ned Wills.
and spent the, week-ends at Application of J. C, Box for Increase by the federal government. Judge The Parent-Teacher Associationwill about' ten miles of road 28 between of party affillut'oiis: for voters Smlthdeal of Waldo.
her home In Lawtey. She. had Creen and the War Department Lake City and Lake Buller, --
voted the
In allowance was refused. meet at 3:30: Wednesday afternoon who have In the punt
just arrived In Lawtey and was Notary Public Bond of C. A. representative will\ make the inspection April 10. It In stated. Unofficially, It In be- Democratic ticket In the prlmurIBH. 0.\ ': \' .h,i.: iiu\Titi; :
oross'ng the railroad to her homea Futch was approved. Notary Public :I before the convening ot This is the'last meetlnlr'or the lieved that this w.ll bo attendedto . The following letter of explanation Ml\AHiil: IH AKItKHTICIITallahassee. : t
short distance beyond when the the regular session ot Congressnext first ten mile south
Bond ot Ruth Flo Courtney was school year and a special programIs as soon us by Altornel General Davis J
accident occurred. A coroner's approved.The December being prepared. An Interesting nf Lake City has.. been completed, to registration officers ban been Apr 7Vhll.., n I'
jury Saturday afternoon returneda matter of flx'ng! values on Among the places to be Inspected Puppet Show will be given.A but nothing of u definite mature given out as Information to tho Sunday movies were being shown
verdict of unavoidable accident. laud was left In the lands of are the following: vocal solo by \Mrs. It, J, Davis. can be learned. voters of Bradford county by Supervisor : here yesterday without official Intervention -4
County Tax: Assessor, as Is designated Alachua County: Fort Hague; Better Homes In America writ From Lake Butler the road Is Wall: I operators of moving
Fort' Crane Fort Fort ten paved and surface treated to to be general picture/ houses In
in the law.The.matter ; Mlcanopy.; by Ray Lyman Wilbur, Secretary There seem
GREEN SEEKS of complaint of assessment Clark. of the Interior will be given Rtarko and beyond to Keystonu misunderstanding In the State showing Sunday pictures for the
on property of Mr. Gould Baker County: Glen St Mary; by Mrs. A, 7., Adkins. Building Heights In Putnam county portion\ concerning the approaching primary I tint time, were arrested( and
CITY DELIVERY was considered and the Commissioners Fort Mon'ac; Oiustee. n Home from Childhood will l be of the highway and Is pushing the election. Under the laws of I charged with violating one of '
decided to leave the 1929 Bradford County: Fort Crabbe; discussed by \Mrs. 1
4'onKreNHDum Sect Chance of Establishing assessment as It now stands. Fort Harley. School Problems and the AdoloH- prusent t'me there Is one short election to he held. although' it : according to a special 1 dispatch to>>
Free Delivery Mall Several applications for the position I Columbia County: Fort White; rent will bo discussed by Mr. S. detour near Starke where a bridge will Include In that one and the the Democrat from that city to-
for Starke for Highway Patrolmanwere : Blounts Ferry; Lake City. S. Dowling. ban not as yet been built. same election two separate. political : day.City
received. All were refused. Dixie County: Fort Wool; Fort Every Indication points to the parties, namely, tho Republican official sa'd no action
VOTH'KS.\ IIKADKORI completion of. this. Impoitarithighway would b.. taken against Daffin'sv ;
Starke will haye free del'very The follow'ng reports were received Griffin; Fort McCrabb. party, and the Democratic y
before next fall. It willcutapproxlmately theatre oil the Sunday show ,
Man ques
mail service, either of'the villageor and ordered filed; Report of Gllchrlst County: Fort party./
city style, is Congressman Jail Inspector Report of County ning; Fort Santa Fe. ..1' '. i In:the report oftlr-. W. Cole, 30 miles of the "There Is hut one set ot registration ion The pictures here were run +
in charge of the distance between Lake City and, elections. only during the afternoon and ,
Fort Wacfssa Inspector cooperative
Creen Is successful In his plan to Judge Reports of County' Agent, Jefferson County: ; books for primary
Gamble Fort efforts eradication divisIon Halalka and will: provide a straight both were well attended. J
have the postofflce authorities inaugurate Report of Home DemonstrationAgent Fort !Many; Fort ; This means that Republicansand .
here. At Ocllla; Fort R. Jones. United States department of shoot from here to the East Count/ Democrats are registered( on > u'
service reports ,
such There were no
POM TO !' F H1 K In:('.:II'TK
Present receipts are about $1,250 from Inspector ot Marks and Lafayette County: Fort Barker agriculture dipping In Bradford of the state.ATTKND. the same book, but the party affiliation \ IVUKAHH; : fr,
less than required! of a powtofflce Brands or any Justice of Peace. ; Jo'ortIacomb! ; Fort Atkinson county will cease June 30th pro- la shown after each name as
for city delivery service, the legal There being no further businessthe ; Fort Dowllng. vided no ticks are found In the : IIIHTItll'TC'0 benK: that of either a Republican\ r
Receipts of the Starke
requirement being $10.000 per Board adjourned until the Levy County: Fort Waklsassa; meantime and the co-operation received \\ K\TIO\: or a Democrat. Only those whose posteoffice '
during !March showed
annum and for the fiscal year endIng next regular meeting which will Block House; Fort Jennings; Fort by the officials from the party affiliation Is shown as Demo- i slight! Increase the a
'Cl'nch; Fort'Wekiwwa; Fort Wa- owners contlnyes an at present. Prominent state Mason officials crat will be permitted to vote a over same
30th of last the re- held the first Monday In
June year bo on ,
month of last
the figures furnished ;
showed that during at the district year
Postmaster kahootee; Fort Number Four. His report ; were present Democratic ticket, while only
$8,756. _
amounted to 1930
baa been asked by O. W. Alderman. Clerk. Madison County: Fort Jackson; March no ticks were found. convention held In Gainesville those whose party affiliation Is by Postmaster Young being ,
jostofflce authorities to submit a i Fort Hamilton Fort Noel. Other counties found free of ticks Tuesday night at the Masonic shown as Republican will be permitted $646.87 for this March and '
1637.34 for March of
of conditions at the local ANNOUNCE: FOILCOM31ISShNEI1M Marlon County Fort Hook; Fort during the month were Clay. Gll Temple. Representatives from i to vote a Republican, ticket. year. '
report Receipt for the first of
this showing the : King; Fort Fowle; Fort Mackay; chrlst, Levy and Nassau counties. Masonic lodges In this section were "On election! day thnre will be quarter
oOlce and upon made to city or Fort Russell ; Fort Draoe; Fort Final cleanup preventative work in attendance to hear the talk I I but one set' of election officials and 1930 were also ahead of the sameperiod
decision will be service.as Two additional announcementsare Wheelock. Is now under ,way in faker Columbia given and witness the degree work one set of ballot boxes, but there In 1929, total for this yearbeing
village carrier Fort Buwan- Martin and Union counties. put on by the Gainesville Lodge. ballots I '.333.35, compared toS2,1H6.I4
The correspondence between carried this! week for county Suwannee County: will be two separate pro
Congressman, Green and the post- offices, Messrs. J. L. Underhill and Attending from Starko were vided. One ballot box for the Republican last year..
nee.Union Fort Ward Fort r.- Messrs. J, Mitchell C. A. Knight and one ballot for
County:: ;
Office authorities follows\ : R. T. Osteen, who are seeking reelection party ('tNl'ERTThe :
tXIUHT.n: ; H.n"U'H: ",,'. It. Andrews.Jr.:. E.V..
-- as county commissioners Call.Other I,. D. Green, A. S. Crews,
March 31, 1930. from Districts three and five, re batle grounds forts of The chairs of the several Ifurne, Harold Pearce lIaYIJ"'j>> sep-arate B II. S. Glee Clubs assisted .'
be In
Honorable Arch Coleman spectively. Both candidates are special Interest churrbn of Burke. will present the A. Anderson of Lawtey by !Mist Alice Fernandez, violinist,
Green stated that marked When'the voters go
First Assistant postmaster'Oener l assured of hearty support in the cluded. Judge "Life of I lamp-1 will give their annual concert at. ,
Easter Cantata
beautiful Mouser and Mr. Ackley
wlll'lm asked( to name
have represented so of course it could not be hoped to to vote they
Post Office Department districts they Everlasting" by Petree, at* the the High School Auditorium 8o'clock
federal markers monuments their affiliation. The registration
obtain or party
the '
in past.INCHKASK
Washington. D. C. efficiently Friday evening April; II
Raster Sun .
Methodist church, on -
for all of these places .but I books will be consultedand
Bear Mr. Coleman; KIRK: TITKMUIY: >OOV Over seventy-five young people'will
20th.A .
day evening, April
at : POLICE FOIH'K that he hoped a large number of I the election: olllclaU. will !give
It la desire to establish I take part in the evening'sprogram. 'n
mixed: chorus of about twenty- he
of the
them would be appropriately the voter a ballot party '
Starke Florida, either city delivery C. C. Parker former deputy marked and designated. five voices, have been rehearsingfor A blazing pile of wood In the affiliated/ with. For example, '
or village delivery service. several weeks under the direction yard of th. Hayes. residence on Everyone Is cordially Invited to
has been If he Is registered as a Republican
of Union! county
The population, by the last cen- FIRE PHICTH'K of MR John Powell. Mrs. W. Madison street Tuesday nc; on I be Republican come. A silver offering will be
force he will only given a
the night pollee
*us, Is probably 1200; however, It placed Marshal on Thornton by the city -- V. H. Long Is the accompanist.The brought the Ore truck to the seen I ballot and must vote that ballot taken during. tho evening.
'Is opinion that the census to Is Oil the wood caused a thick .
my committee In charge on
of the Fire Department
council, and will assist the present Members and no other. If he In Births
be taken this month will, give black smoke and caused more extltement -
D. E. Knight.
fire practice Mesdames
don't forget ) I be a
in curbing the outbreakof a. a Democrat he will given
police Mr. and !Mrs. Prrey OaUen
2000/ Powell than damage and ,
or more. at 7:30. H. Long and Messrs. John wallj
Starke Monday night
The postal receipts are nearly daring lawlessness the last prevalent few months.In H. C.; DUFORD.r""i'lr''o and Wesley Stearns. quickly extlngu'shed.: I (Concluded on Fags 8) Starke girl( April 9th.r.'M t te tx
(Concluded on Page 4)
,io.., ..' .t., '" 'J.- ,V. , !*( *** ,. ... t ,
** ..j" .._ M I- 4. y
; .., ...., ..J.IOAAd" ,"' W't" 1. ( 1. ;t- : :
;i.-- !\\i .!'I..fc... :; !.! <, "
........ :;",' '11ff"7.J"J: ::" !! ,) .."...)..< L" ""' _
,, . . ,. .., ... \ .; "" ''''' '' '
'If.n rJP.vokt.'rwr'\!
- -"' vr"1 '''''';' ''''''\'''' '" W7 "T"'" ""' :;"' ''11:1''I''I"t: ''' ( ) 'V' : ;. '' "'" 'f."WN""" IIJt'l"'
41r '
,. ...,.... ...l",Itt'4ItIa << 'II' ., J I I I. I.04... .11.. HI'i\fCKE. I'14'It.l -.nln.\v. APRIl4. .',
''I' . .. . .. --.--. --- -- '--r- --'-
j . ------
... . -- - -- - ---- -------"-- --- --
-- - ---- -
: J'> : : -- -- -- "are actually present ralgratn o t-.n:: U. S.? (For for- will be asked:
VS as as a 2sasps2s2sass2sai ji, 5. r McMHltn los t" :udd. jhe in Bed .. .
'le"1810n. was I In the district at the' time of the lRn-b; < Are you able to work?
B. H. JOURNAKitltorlnChlef nvls lost to Parker--- 5 census will not be counted: in the 19.A '. nntnr.MliBed: (Pot 2. Are you looking for a _, "
i !" S I Long l\Ionthsl population that rlae Vnong fore'gn-born 1 :n J For how many week, i II", ,
i I '" 'tor, Inman lost to Jesse theme w'll be the following. 20. firni ,,Mr to peak Eng.IIsh1 vim, been without a Job?
L N I4P.Pill "I i "n" 't', ,' i ii "When started Sargon; I'd been 'I' 1. Persons visiting In t the Dis I 4. Reason for being out f fi
: .. ; i "thlbftion! match was staged/: flat on my back In bed for 5 solId trict. 21. It" MI are gainful. ( worker. i; ,55,'i nr for losing your last '.
Kitltor-lnChlef _______ HA III. l. MiUTPRUHU3 : n .
1' : ptn t'' 4. ...lBtniil Hclltor u____ MANNIXQ. EVA MAmTK< I{ by Jarkle Ford and Newt Wil- I11./ thu. Now I am 'on my feet I 2. Transient boarders or lodgers I what Is :v""- nrntrtntfonT\ / ;" -.-
ii TM .> KcllfiirSport .______. LIA! I/I I HT!fl!I t'T/I/I again with every ailment gone! who have a permanent pla"e: of I whnf 'In'lwstry are ,
'9 a Kdllorwnniiii : __ ___ I i.Barren: THICK nor.tMoN,:t tk1 [Ham*. I II 22. Ruth Bryan Owen, men i!>. I II
Li Hi-ii'Tlcr' ._ _._ I I.KNA.: R15M.M 8 I IVAHIA.NNIffl !:: abode outside tlie-distrlrt, . I employed? I Ici.nirrprs f the fourth ,
$' I II'
_ MAK I: PJ .\nl'J" i
1 ILl .liinlc.r licnurliT8nDtii . : : T1'i] 1 FK\V: OIMS10NSBY 3. Students or children livingor I ,'mplr> --
Ii lp7' 23. /r1 'O" ni! yer.m t
, I ,mnri- ReporterKi lifei.V 81'1:111':1111: : : I : I 'ional district Is sponsoring ,
1.1 -ihmnii) 11"1'1..1' !MA"JY tlltO\\-I.I.a:': = .'. t'KHTAIX: HKMOIl boarding 'n the district In orderto ployee>, -or working; on your .own '
r.RTml.J.J KKM' >..rrK MAI.I.IK: .'.IOSKSMISrt <> Washington/ for'one high
11 I ; P1 Hnnxlnl' IT.IorIflrM' attend school but not regarding ilIcl'ollnt'.
a1 p.' l"R' oily :SiiixTVldiir; \ 'I'I4fltIN4'1w1 MAT1": 'iWH: Xi !11,0' nnd girl from each, of ; :J JI
1. "'it befit lately"Cry the place as their home. i 24. Were actually at work
Wmir, l'' yon ,
., ======== c I rountles In hcc district .
----- ------- -------- work in
' --
for the ell roll n!ts. 4. Persons eut or I '
'ng yesterday
;z-; ; : wrcV-'s. v'slt, and .
; study of
?"..:\ : : is!l A .. [party wl'icli they gave FrldnnlRht. IY 3 HpRt oftitw In a long time- the dlHtrlct but who sleep] In another 25. Are! you a. veteran of the >p
I 00011 TK.ICJIKII: ; March :SStli! at the Wnman'.' "Anna Christie." ( district': United StntM military or naval! | m''Ut. it Is announced fr .
Club building. honoring the grad 1- 3. Best performance of the It l I" n.it Day the census authorities forces, and If so, 'in what war or I i nyun"effice.. The eat i
Th' \ >'II J Known Hiiylnfl not oni!'If uallll( class of n. II R.IHI month- -William HaInes In The a question of where a person expedition did Kerwj? |II i rsc of I the trip to bo mini
I Suppllc tn !'v .ry-diy: life but, a* Ii II 1 ----__--- Oirl] Fnld No." 1 .', .141 Sc vut"M or whero lie pays-taxes or \It! you answered! you "No" to Question -I I .April 14 to"Aprll19, will I I., i
j { our ;in I tli<, learn'MK of IBB In I It is a quest oiv I of I l..v :11m., Owen- nn effort:
i en ; ) yoV KNOW THAT 4. Tho prettiest (town the c-: : :- ownproperty.:: \ 24'you w II also be asked
; | s(on", ': inin !it t a way as to Imprestftln'in S state of Florida" tarke." < cS I where he lives: the .usual. place of whether you have a Job-and are nln. !<> Interest .in. .ciflzem< !!p>
: ] upon( inir minds. 1. It wua the laundry mini wit
: : To vi i t Hi" History; IV Mass j-ot 1 O.II&I.in the place which one ...
L '' ('8tablIth4d) the law o'f d mJulsali:1 I- county-"The Oa'ety. ( oi' whether you< have no Job at all. '(C-oo.: ,. Booth and !HDU. '
'WouJct III tUIIII)' think the nationai'in :'I tug rcturn? C, The bout automobile.-Ford., -- S woul'l name In answer to thatqttettion. If you have -a Jbb. you will be of Mnsqotte sh'ppcd the. ,i-
', "i i'in' in hid been trausportei I Sentiment and ]local attachments '
2. This country has ten millio:n "n asked: ,,,'m C'r8 of the 1930) H(';" ,
: .'to II. II .' The class la divide,]I NOTH'B ,are not to be considered. -
woeKs since 1'\1I\Y. They picked twl"h \\
golfers, rougttly! ipeaklnx< ? 1. How many you\ : \ "
: Unto II"' f'-imto, with a Prost- -_. One's heart be la the
may ? purcIaiedcud !b,
3. What pttrenU huvnn't learns.<' have worked on your present Job wore
; J dl'ut, V -. pnidfii" ,! and aU tftercrilly From experience they may n<>>7 To all ,sophomores juniors and highlands in Tipperary, but unless 2. Why mere you not at work Oldham of Center II'J 1 14)iiC
i ) linr'i'i' '' imit, members of" the seniors who are Int 'e.ted. ] his usual place of abode is
y learn from their children? / yesterday (or on the last! regular'working )\: hamper. This i la illri -
r ;' ,1'(1'\.1"'( i i. Tlioy are loaxnlnji. 4. One objection to tt vtjlasia e There will not na tile annual (.hero be does nut form a part of I day) ? : i-nrd for severaV y6ariKoolbi :
: I|by thai i oni|>"i''nt teacher expertlenci that you meet know, Sophonoro Prom this year on $':- the \\lopulal'\,111 of that 1 ideality according -' 3. Did yon lose n day's payby I Ip.vartyly picks! .
: I >. i'' :'111-. how our government ever1bods III count {If ::nsuJnclint Cunels. but Instead to the census. When a work? umbers year after '
? > not being at :1'!(
you -
L I I'' tiE mi.e! <] 5. pay The flnul hand test t of a ro- there wn; be a plonlc held I '''' ;::: y" -AW you us person! haH left his parents'Komu 4. How many days/ did you .pi'ulally for the (last thr
: I! 'ii -- nuuco III., stuol" of unwashac at Kingsley take during. / the weekof S ': ; it.\ : MlllbUIi J and obtuiucd employment work last: week? \ "In all he with Isle silts, IKI .
l ii The Srnlor! Hintory Class was db.hell? e {amd.AU i I elsewliore, the place where h., regularly D. How many days in a full tavn" acres oi!!* covered .
.L 11" forl.\I'\!:"' i ii fl,. \'fitg/ at visitor last 8. Nowadays the only m.'dnlghl! t ) person wlah'ngt lo attend "I couldn't pat or, j."> (p oil herw'th I tayiv wlftle engarfod hi this time week-? thin year, says .the CiCrup.Vc. ,
!: rr '1'1'1'!d' C i I D) 1 K.: Knight former tho picnfc, please hand your name, any ,utisifttcHpn 1 wait! I employment 1 is cOnsidered his.
L .
I If have job at all. (
oil a younK: man burns Is i iiollno1 1 r ,. you no you :
C J. jstnt"' '1''I"r '' t tr'im" Bradford aniliUnloii to Mra. !). 1'. Carpenter. awfully nervous and terribly> "uual place of abode." even .
I -- -- -- --
? ;v r") : It. J I. / ""iiii) !< who explained In 7. A woman's mouth generaly down but before I fljUsli...cil 1 the rUII-1 i though/ he may still think of Ma '
; ; jp; {'[('detail! ti'! p.I' -are of a bill conipured toa rosebud but Jj "HOT TIPS" bottle' of Sargon I felt n i lot 'parents' residence as "home."
rosebud I MVilally closed? .- ---- "a
__ ter, Now appetite has
1 my I
I #0 Gut I ccisua; taking is a practicalproblem Il
u 14"
I !I',K T'r.cH'I: !( >> I IJI'J''anfonday: ]\ on- the 8. A town Is any placebah1rbaII KT. Long: Name a irreat.time- up my utreuatli and em-r' Plcke"l (lad exceptions have to :
:: Sonlol' plnjv "When A fellow; live? the OIIQ in which y6u saver. back my nerves are uoruml be mndj! > Jt In tint always! possible
P t JNeedh A FrJrnid.) Tho' cast was I Jean; Love at first; sight. never have a partkle !If in these days ot C0( 7 locomotion I
'. }, k eolec'' .!d t J J4t< : Friday and each!:! Salaried.r I with indigestion. Samm Pills to enumerate everybody% at their Some Motorists'Have
t :, '; [member, reported to be 811 pol' -.- n eU: "Wlmt )J. !I''}'? cure for love regulated' me perfectly." --- Jfrs I ununl, place-of abode. Accordinglythe .
\ K. H. H. noxiNf(; 'rRrniFf.Tfm : 'I 11' liny Middaujrh '.4 1 K. jackson I S
1? : c 'daily "mlt.'d to his piirt, Miss\! at flrat 1IIIIIt St., census \under certain conditions
f : : UV IIKJII SIMCI.Vftn,; ;: ruul: "Sw.oud siglit." Tawp.a. Canova Pharmacy, Agents.Adv. I "r
[Hazel MIddlotun] n d1reetin .. .
jJ .. finds It unction tbe
... necessary to ,
, -- Their TiresASKED '
: ...... .. _
{ 1-- -..... .. .
l' rada-y : 1' enumeration tmt t person\ ) In a place j I
: | Chapul etorrlse last Th I The n. H. 8. IJoalnfl<<; Team wan' Lester: "How'' U It that you which In not (its usual place of "
If," .-onl'l i i.il of a bong service, con- defeated by High SprlnsrH In the didn't "marry that 11'n" JIXOl KUM.Tboae .. '.:,ode. If it i la a choice between i
''T I i Jttl1rtod: by Mm. A. K. Wall, and first tilt of the Diytnon. The Cornelias: "Olt. X boasted a lot I I \ that. and not enumerating,
lt J. JtHbi''! '" I Nind, : prayer by PrinSk theatre at hUgh Springs was the about my rich uncle In order lo Buying their ii.qcrtptiOlis} ; him doing!!ut: oil. The regulations pro- I .IV [)
I 4i'4; h ' '',1\1111' \ ; .; f 11")( WI iti. ,c<>ne of tliu flifhtK.! All of the Impress her now Bho'a going *', to lh. Tel jt'nph during Marchwore vldlit the.t If a person temporarily'I.. i
If .' .. (fliflito' wore fast and exciting. Til "
.f '*" ? my aunt, ,Oj : i. M. Norman H. S. Itarvey, ItWliy' from home Is not re.ru ented;
t It wi, n't! I l.iI'IIIR" now until the BCoreV&II 6-1 ?|YO* 111,11[ .
I jl1.e --1" "-- Julia Totlln\ Ida pweat, Dr. J. P. at hi '(( "'Kt place' of abode' by'a'
.1'' : .,. ;'Senloi'o, out to battle against SP111J8'' The Qaht, were a't\l.;"' mxvtm tOf.1J ". _.M J Hack I Mrs. Emma J. Jiryan, 'V.I. hiiKhiuul.' wife, father mother or' -Jn8yL"
r.. i 'Th.' Ci, lit nnd (" 'IIf.1Vorld," but lows: I. I
: "' (,I. Hhod.u, J. 8. Griffinn:: Stoln- other ralatfVH p RegLilcirly ( )
j rI i .. 1. WtlJU.* ''. lh Month'i i or by a houflekeeper. %
r (you' < '> or them worrying: Strickland! 1 Kid: S : bath l Mrs.V.. H. Taylor. Roy W. servant, landlady or anybody every ycir
about HI! Brothor .
t. -Drav.a. B. Daugherty, Rev. J.T. dny; Hur- else who be relied on to gteIrIS
can -
. .
\A ----f ,, :I. ntlly Parker lost to Ansou First Orade-A CLASS
Wh.'te: Horny, J.. Itjr .
? vey ,,!pnlls '
\ to the eriumarntor
; name .
J tty m' 'I i 1'\! i mi urt.clo wan omlt- Hnll-....De 'lalpl1. Ruth Wymim. Katharine 'Stafford b.e .
jii .
ord, Kred Carlton, C. A. tyrl, T. "
shall counted in the district the other if his '
tl (,,18d e l a njnn, ,lay, 'wife w'
f '.J1re ,i: cur ;iijiprot'fatlon'/ tii :Itrs'. --Tpchncal) k.o. afreet, Gladys. Jahnnan! Grace Joseph )', SpUcba.llIJ". R"I ', where Census be is happens t taken. to Where be 'when entire the .It to cliUl'Ct'rcgularly.! "Yes, indeed," he :icplied. ; -
: p. 13 Knlcht.:; U. H. Young and '4.. lion? SlcrnberK, / won from (Qreen, Margaret Penrce, Alice: J. U. Howe, S. F. 'JMojjsan: ,' Edna families are' absent from their !. "Every Easter."
g vC. A. i> i I for the dollgbtful. 1'nrkwr dainty-L>erislon. retcreon Archibald Thomas Mel-, Wat Mrs. Saran J."iiI1I'I.cri..118 I
__ \v on usual of abode will
:_ ;, ;. =-- -- - --.-_ .. .- -. --- . vln Wiggins. iml9res so
I lH. C. L. A. Fowler. M. L.
4p' "- l .... ..- . _._ Note far as practicable: be reached by Reminds of the maJorUJ.. lie has '
( pu.t. :;. .J.:: : !!!'" 'rr -- ---- : By mistake the name of JohiiB, Mrs. A. Murheo. (UeorR' means of an "ab t'I\ -lBrnll'" I me average
Archibald Thomas waif u.nutou Flynn, O. II. Brown, .1. A<- J. Bchortnlc forwarded to them' by tires taken off and thoroughly inspected ouc-j;::: ...
:,r How to Play from t the Honor UoU last month. I McKlnney, 1>. W. Mooro, M.! P.MaUlen mall to bo filled out and returnedto 1"-maybel '
SECOND (illADE )'. 'v'. H. CartH.. V. the supervisor' of the district in I
: !' Emmet 1'erryman Jack Halls ''I Knight I i \Vllliani9.!. T. .1. Ueod wuli'h they reside. Or If
'ii'v( / BRIDGE John Ralph Rhodes, Jean Davis M. V. Z. SullIvan L"F. Tliomaa, Mrs. temporarily present iu a given a family district Perhaps: i'5 our fault -for.failing to explain the
,Ii;! '\ l. Tommy Rituh, Percy 11\1.!!ck Kiiott: > Airs. L. S. Ilutlo, Mrs. objects to bong enumeratedthere economy of doing this more often. ,
J'crics Thomas DillySijcox.: ] wowllng-/ L. ,iV.'Moore\ / He- olfthe grounds that It i,.'riot
L I 1929"3O by JIlss Ethel Or'ffln, Teacher. VVhitehead
/boccr. M. J. J.
/ Green living!\ at Its usual place] of abodu',
h-.. S fl j f Wynne Ferguson THIHD nUADH l fIl., Brown, Mrs. O. King, Ruble it may) tIll out anion-resldent family Rlotors and other mechanical parts of a car receive
Clara Flume Mel-i
Hilly Powell
r. ,
1 Author of *PPACTICAbUCTiONBkJOCW' tlo Silcox Lorraine Hartmann |! Mae PoppeR Lawrence DevelopingCo. ; schedule which 'will be al\ -' frequent ndjustmcnts!' and overhauls.
0'1 .. J. L. Williams. J. It. Moore\ rated to the proper district by the I ,
AA' MiK'V Jane Judd
,...S 11>' : Lillian Mosley, C.I>. \\Mder; Jr.. M. W. Mansell, .
Copyrlcht, IW, by Hoylc. Jr. Louise Sullivan Mary Harriet census oulclals. :As for the long-suffering tires-they're usually
l 4 S. L Prescott! J. M. Hrownlee' I ITrnllsent' I
\ ARTICLE lllsliop.Mlnr. !Mru.:' S. K. Hrownlee, Mrs. I). T. forgotten except in cases of punctures cr blow
No. 17 Jennie Wlllfamg : boarders or lodgers :
and Miss
Clark. Mrs. I. It. Corn, W. M. outs.
5; '5 "? One of the points rmptianizccl in ,player, to (rain a trick or more; and the Madgo/ Mlddleton Teachers. Thomas. O. W. x White 'J. F. Kick- who have no permanent home will
\ S If previous articles wan the importance mt-thoik. of doing so are the so-called FOURTH OUADK liter, Mrs.[ Kdiitt Lewis, F. F. bo numerated wherever thy hap
; I Ii of "End ri4ys"tn end play ta possible "End J'lolYf. Ruth Ella Priest, Lillian Stump, Stump E. C. Johns C. O. Carroll pen to bo staying when the census Rims are Lent, wheels get out of line, bruise,
only near the end of particular are four that appeared in Is taken. This
; any a WilIer Mae Thornton, Carol White applies to traveling
f hand when all 1 M. Carter J. II. Tho ias, E. B. cracks and cuts in the
1. t but a few of t ho thirteen recent book on Auction and each one Oracle Pltxer Doris salesmen who have no usual\ develop tires-but they're
Beard* have been played. The play of illustrates a principle of play that Strfckland JOhll O. N. Shaw, W. M. Waln-
'q .I the first seven or more cards: usually should be thoroughly understood by allS Hilly Long. wright, 0. F. Tomllnaotu J. L. place of abode, or to any persons expected to keep on goin: 'IiI a ripe old age.
: ,'should enable alert Mrs. W. If. Hart, Teacher. who have no permanent homes
't an pl.iyrr to figure fl4yrrs.| Think over the plays andS Starling Enroll Alvarez W. W.
S ,' tout the locution of the remaining cnrdd compare( your solutions with the an.ily- FIFTH OUADB Daiadeu. / People employed In railroad; road, :Yet a set of five tires and tubes
5\ I)\in the other playern' liamju. Very frcauentfy sea that will be given in the next article. GIn Mae Andrews Erina Sloan, oi' other construction camps, lumber on a catusually
\I ,, ;I such knowledge will enubla a nertle: Mae Ward Presnott Gill, - camps: convict ramps, or other represents an investment of from $50 to $200!
4: Problem No. It Don Stllley Arthur Swanbom 1.:1::; : \ Kli.Tl: Nfl i'l'l'LE: places which have shifting popula- ;Worth some periodic<< attention, aren't they?
s\ Elizabeth Crultr Ernestim: Thomp _. AT '1IUILl."Sl'I.: tons: composed of persona having
\ ,
.5, 't Hearts- none son. TPIAIK: : OF .\.IftlKIf : no' fixed: ,places of abode, will be
CUibs: -A, Q, 9 Here's our proposal: Bring in your car. We'll take
I Miss Eunice Perkins, Teacher. enumerated where found except in
4 DLmcnidts-no
T' W/ SPadcs-J,8 > SIXTH ORADBKlalne a person flea between April so far ascertain Individual In such off all your tires. We'll carefully examine each
1! arts-none Hearts- 10, 8 Wynn, Dorothy White, 1 and the time' the census-taker camps have some otht>usual/ placeof casing and fix it
t ; 'Clubs-J. 7. S, 3 I Y I Clubs- K, 10. 4S Lois Judd Lillian Sternberg, Rob arrives, he will be counted aa beIng abode where they will be reported 4 as necessary to ward off future
Diamon s-8 I A B a Diamonds -none ert McCa'n, A. \V. Anderson. still alive In the 1930 decennial by members of their families break downs. We'll similarly 'condition your
$_ce- DOne I Z I Spades-none according/ Instructions .
I .Miss Gruber.. Teacher. census. tubes. We'll replace
Hearts 7 '. SEVENTH GRADE which! have been sent out Students In colleges and universities any rusty; wrinkled<<) flaps, remove -
S I S Clubs-8,6Z' f Lucy) Fogg Myrn Funk Dorothy by the Census Bureau/ \ Washing who have no homes else- rust from rims, straighten and graphite
to *. Diamonds-none I Supp, A1'C: Sllpox:, Louise ton. Children born after April 1 where will be enumerated |In the them. We'll supply any valve or dust and
1S ttj ip Spade. -9 i Snyder, Alma Thornton.EioiiTit wilj) not be counted in the census, district In which/ the school in lo- caps
L4 -is .lock that
they be nuts are missing.
plthaiigh mar two or three cated. Teachers will be enumerated
'.\ Spades are trumps and Z Is iu tho lead. How can Y Z win four of the five OIIADE: I
t tricks: against any defense? Lois Adklns, Martha llrCwnwIee, weeks old) .by the time the census- at the place where they are teachIng -
S .i Problem No. 15 Dernlce Canova athryn iiaynes. taker arrives at their home. when the census is taken even 'hen we'll change about your tires, in replacingthem
r Kitty llogaed, Lois Long S. L. Population figures In the 1830 though they may spend the summer the
;;. Hearts- none on wheels. We'Jllmt the best two on the
Club- noneiaRlondllnone Peek, Jr., 3. R. Johns. Marguerite census will be compiled as of vacation at their parents'home
/ \) Prevatte, Eldrldgo Robinson Marjorie April 1, although the entire month or elsewhere. rear, the next/best ones on the front, and mount
ii p.Ld..s-A, Q. 7, 3 Stump. Dorothy Swanbon. will be needed to (6omplete: the the other
55 Hearts- none ,-- 1 tearts- none NINTH GRADE census taking. The 1930 census These are the questions that will your spare.
Clubs-rone a Y a Clubs- 10, 5DiamondaJ be asked about each
will United by a
the person
Urownlee report picture
: 8 A B Diamonds Mary Luclle Edwards,
I t none We'll test wheel alignment and advise if
Inn States as It was on one particular Federal census-taker sometime your you
Spades-8, 6. I Z t Sp.uIes-K. 10 I Forsyth, Hope Haynes, Lorle
S Kelly, Louise Marcotte ThvlmaWlthrow. day despite! the fact that the popu- during*themonth of April: it appears that your brakes need adjusting.The .
Hearts-none S lation of the country Is continually 1. Your name.
; S4 -. Club9"S TENTH OUADfil changing; in size and moving from 2. Your relationship to the
n:li mon ,-none one place to another. family (whether the head of family charge will be only for actual labor and materials .
Louise Dab Frnk!
Edwards ,
Ii. Soadcn! -J, 9, S Novella King. Jean Lnlrd. Ortho Getting everybody counted once wife son, daughter or uncle, and you will find) it a mighty good) invest
1 There are no trumps and Z U in tt.e lead. How can Y Z win two of the remaining Matheny, Evelyn Stump, Ethollne In tho place where they belong and etc.), ment. You should as a result addi-
tricks against any defense.? White. nobody counted more than once 3. Whether your home Is own- get
A ELEVENTH GRADE: Is one of the biggest problems the ed or rented. ? tional miles of trouble-free service to repay you
S _,,1 .. Problem No. 16 Hazel Ajdklns, Milton Urownlee. Census Bureau has to consider for 4. The estimated value of several times.If .
llearts.J,9GS"1' Alice Fer ,andu. Richard Long each. district must. be credited your home, if owned, orthe ,
qubs-J,7( Gary Overstreet, Muriel Sllcox with Its proper population If ap- monthly rental. If rented.
'V I
: f Spades-
none Congress Is to be correct. Detailed home? months for another
S :l.Jlearts) -none Heart -none TWELFTH GRADE thorough "overhaul" of your
; I _ _ .'Club*- I.<. 9. 8 : Y a Club- 3Diamonds Louise Hayes, Jeanette Johns, Instructions have been issued by 6. Do you live 'on a farm? tires.
4 S 3 Diamonds- K, 8, 7 : A D I 10, 9, 5, 4, 3 Gertie Johnson Peure| Johnson, Census! officials telling the enumerators 7. What Is your sex! -
t .. S ; Spades- none I z' a Spade-none Pearle Mann'ng. Eva ..Marcotte whom to count and 8. What is your color or race? '
4 Ilearts-8,4 Lena Belle Shepherd. Edna Stans- whom not to count, 9. What 'was, your age at last Why not have this..
1 Clu -AO bury, Lester Sponholts Haael l All persons will be enumerated birthday done at once it BATTERY CHARGING
r ; Diamonds-A.J Underhill. as being residents of, whatever 10. Are you married, single,
________ I Spades-none --- place la their "usual place of widowed, or divorced may save you the Announcing: our new
('(-S'ERT abode" on April 1. regardless of 11. What was your age at first price of a couple of service to motorists. Batteries -
S Their are no trump and Z is in the lead. How can Y Z win all of the trick
where they may be when the cen- marriage T (For married persons
S S tested
kgainat defense and serviced
any new tires in the next
_ _t S Problem No. 17 The B. H. S. Glee Clubs assistedby su -taker arrives. dn y.)
: Hearts 8 Miss Alice Fernandez violinist', Each t sus-t.kt Vlll\ fftttnt a 12. Have yott attended school 'few months! ? promptly. .
:' S Clubenonemooos- will give their annual concert at number of persons Vrhe 'are not or college at any time since Sept.
D \ -r.on the High School Auditorium 8 actually In his dlutrfrt When the 1, 1929
I ,. Spades-A. 0. 8 o'clock Friday evening, April 11.. census Is taken, AMong these will 13. Are you able to read and
i Means-7 Heart-S. S Over seventy-five young 'people> be the following* write? Ritch's.Service Station
c.1 j i5 Club: *-none I y s Club-none will take part in the ve hig's 1. Persons temporarily absent, 14. Where were you' born
( I biamonds-4 ,T A B I Diamonds-I.
either In foreign countries else 15. Where
'- program. or was your father
7 1 Scs-K. j I Z I Spade- none .
_ S -. Everyone is cordially Invited to where In the United States on business born? Starke Florida
'/ Hearts -A, 4.1 come. A silver offering will be or visiting.S. 16. Where was your mother ,
J Clubs-none taken during the *'filnlt. Persons attending schools or born? ,
1'S' _ Diamonds-A colleges located in other districts. 17. What Is your native language -
k1 S _ Spades-none Orlando Shell Petroleum Corp 3. Persons ill In hospitals or ? (For foreign-born persons
IjI and Z U la How oration purchased properties here lanltarlums In other districts.On only.) I, \ .1))
; Spade arc trump the lead. caa Y Z win all o/ the tricks ,
''S i ______ t.hgauist any_. defense- for erection of tilling stations. the other hand, a number of 18. In what year did you 1mI' ,- -- -. .
11 - - - - ,
\r ...
--S _, _4, S 5 ;-554- ,, .S / S - -T.' ''Jr.'.....,.,,,.., r.'.'.' ,'Io.. S. _" .t<"'w.j,,. '" ,..... ,\ ,,'1 ;r .;::1''
: : ; .\VV < '
'f.I tt \i.ti;
; Hf! I .4itLr:; .\ 1Ij t, .(, :..
''''" NW>"j!." ""'" '''' ''''''' J\Wfr.''''.''''''-1; ,,,,,",:,,,., .'''''II''i'' '_..,., .....'r.1"" ......' ", ..."-.",n '",I''i''r' > ' t" ,= "I'''' = 'Q. 1
.\\". APRIt H. :IQftft tsftlUjt'' M.b t'Ot1N'l"t{ TKLIiJC1ICAI.H, 81AKKK. FiNItI1.. PA OH THREW ;
.--- -.._ . .
-- --- -
---- ---- ------------ ---- ---------- - -- - - ----- ----------- -- -
4 f.. *..-.... Wilma Hays, Frank Walrath, Jr., to the efforts of Mrs. Anderson and ,aragraph above paid "a stiff Thomas Melghan, leading man : ,! m
ISHOOKER' and Louis Walker, Jr.. drove to Miss Kennedy. M,r ,.(," for his berries, the grow-, panted I
News of Florida rt Paragraphs - ---- rn did not benefit from It. The !
Dnytona Beach and St. AugustineSaturdey. ;
Miss Prarle GitlnryM1 > quality of fruit lately was Blanche Ring, left Friday mornIng -
i ... .... .., ,umt'd by rains It was not first for Miami after spending the ,2
. .. ,... The silver tea given at the homeof Ol'It NTKA\\11KHKir
ado fruit and the grower, In night In Fort Myers at the Royal'
and Mrs/ L.. H. Ftitch allli Mrs. Ella Illrd Thursday afternoon I ---- majority of cases, received( avery Palm Hotel. The Melghitns who 4 )
NEWSl t'. mother. !Mrs. Futch were vie' for dm Womnus Club was .a Shipped In strawberries have low price for It. The dlffern have a winter home at New Port A b'
[ LIVE STATE both financially and social I come In for a lot of criticism so
Incc her parents, Mr. and Mr. success o between uhat the growers Kichey. !Mr, Meh han has been In- l ,
'f' V' Crosby last Friday.Mr. ly. farlh'syear.: Why? Because you were paid and the "stiff price"paid fuentlal In bringing several mo-
Mr. and Mrs. :J. II. Laurence are obliged to pay a stiff price fora
and represent
and Mrs. Lyon Crosby ? on the markets the tion picture produces to Florida
dinner top layer of beautiful fruit but.
'h Klren of I.awtey, spent Sunday gave a very delightful landllng, charges between pro- and Is of the opinion that many r
TOLD BY OUR EXCHANGES 'here with his parents Mr. and bridge Saturday evening. The right underneath Is usually a lot ducer and consumer feature pictures will be filmed In Ib
i Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, of junk too green to eat and good
Mrs. P. A. Crosby. guests were '
J ----1 I It would be a better plan In the semi-tropics of this states. # .
__. __ Misses Iris Brown Pearl tialney Mi and Mrs Carr and Mr. and enough to throwaway. As longs rainy Reasons not to ship a berry' .
---- '.arena Green, Elsie Bavey and Mrs. Pangborn. an the public sits by and says 'to market, but growers are human I'eyVert Gato & Navarro. loonl ,
R, about further
Fernandina-Representative reduction of coats this crime will {t
Mrs Adalnld Perry and grand nothing, go on.
:Messrs. Resale Colson and Guy and have to eat, and as long as distributors for Hudson-Es q
Green has received from the In fighting the Mediterranean daughter Natalie Bird, of Detroit, At the same time the Plant City automobiles showroom
A Ilarrell attended the JuniorSenIorbanquE't they can get a few rents for a sex opened new -
department of commerce a favorable fruit fly) state plant board work In Starke last Friday Mich., are the guests of Mr. and and Starke growers are not ellct-: quart of poor grade berries they at corner of Du'a, and
report of his bill to provide ers will operate .out of Gainesville night. Those attending the dance Mrs. Stolte, Ing much praise In this nock of will pick and sell Where It Southard streets.
further deed of transfer of home of the board, within a besides those attending the ban Mr. J, H. Laurence daughter the woods.-C. W. Williams\ In hurts Is the "stiff prl<'e" Mr. Consumer Fort Myers Forhand Tire Co.
a Quincy Times.
tar M'sses'! Ozena Greene Helen, and Helen Ogden were in Service Station opened on Jackson ii
of the Amelia light tuet! were: ,, has to pay "r berries of admittedly ,
115 acres few days,' Dr. Wllmon Newell,, Starke Saturday. The paragraph above is reprinted : }
to the city of Clara Smith and Melba Re Inferior qt ..llty. street, between First and Main ti
house reservation plant commissioner announced last Hodges' Messrs. Clyde Cone,, The Woman's Club and Craft for the benefit of those grow- streets. s s
Kernandlna. / night. Shipment of records to Leslie Greene, Alph and Aubrey Club will be entertained at the ers who still think they can put Jacksonville -.. Bids by City II:gh Springs -Clyde Hotel and
In Oa'nesvllle will begin early in the Ilozen Mallle Surrency, Russell homo of Mr. and Mrs Ray Jenkins up a sorry pacK of fruit and get Commission for drainage and sewers Restaurant to be extensively Im t, }.
Jacksonville-A mills week, and all personnel retainedby Oreeno' Herschell Brannen, Laurie on Thursday afternoon. by with. It and not have prices of on Liberty and Broad streets. proved.
taxes of approximately 20.2 the state authorities will be and O. J. Molt. The grade school gave a splendid a better grade of fruit affected. ....
will be possible in Duval county transferred there. "Savings effected program at the club house Another thought for them Is If
Mrs I.. R. Gainey and daughter t't :
next year based on unanticipated by the return to Gainesville Lois and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Friday evening which consisted of their product Is thought HO littleof
revenues which will accrup| of our force, will add that muchto "Garden Party" by the primary In a nearby Florida town whut t
Sunday In Jackson t
through the gasoline tax decision' the states financial contributionto villa Oalney as spent guest of Mr. and Mrs A. department and included songs, Is likely to be the reaction of a We can charge your I I
and the refund to the county by the work," Dr. Newell declared. B. Crosby.Mr. etc. Scenes from Hiawatha which shipment to far off markets where y E'S S 8 HKS. v
Oscar H. Nolan county tax assessor G, B. Cojson was transacting were preceded tty an Indian War the fruit Is bound to arrive In poor STORAGE BATTERY In a "If'; .
of more than $77,000. Palatka-S. B. Culp 76-yV-ar business In Gainesville\ las Dance and followed by an Indian condition due to the added time ", .
old Lakeland man, was in a hospital \ Monday. love song sung by Mrs Pierce.. necessary for the transportation I'
Gainesville-May Etta Thomas, here tonight, suffering from An dramatization of ,
i Elder W. 1\[, Moody of Lacrosse original oqe companies to place the shipmenton
of the Cooler Pond section, granted Injuries sustained when he fell of Jerome K: Jerome's humorous the markets? srke
friends here last Mon-
was visiting
a conditional pardon on February asleep while seated beside his readings, "Undo Rodgers HangsA On the other hand, strawberry Smith's
14 for possession of liquor,,1' brother. S. Culp) In a car in which day.Rev Barnes filled his regular Picture," patriotic selection, growers are only responsible for Garage Fla.
wa! taken into custody by th they were driving from their home appointment here at the Baptist "Here Comes the Flag." The suc- the quality of fruit they put up .,
sheriff's office on order from the city to Jacksonville. The story, Pee of the entertainment Is due for sale If the writer of the
as her pardon was revoked recounted the acci- Church last Saturday night Sunday .. .
Governor as following -- -- --- -- - -- -- ---- --
the woman falling to take dent, is that the elder man, awaking and Sunday night v
Mr. A. B. Surrency and R. T.
advantage of her opportunity to from his nap clutched at the Ar tmtmHfl Trmmtffritlltm
reform, and instead commenced to steering wheel and despite hisbrother's Osteen were transacting business y -,
In Starke last Monday. i
She will
run a disreputable place. efforts to hold the'ma-
Mr. H. P. and L. R. Gainey were
serve three months in the Alachua chine In the road, precipitated a attending to business in Gaines [CHEVROLETIt's h .
county jail. crash. The car hit a tree, after
vllle last Tuesday
taking to the woods. It Is said
M'sses' Lois and Lubedla ,
Tort Myers-James E. Crafton, that the elderly man had on other [ F
in Jacksonville
Pin holster were "c
jr., told a story here of how afterhe occasions grabbed at the steering
bad unavoidably killed a wheel while In a dozing condition, last Tuesday.
and W. R.
Messrs. Norman
mocking bird with his automobile, but always heretofore the driver
Thomas, Clyde Simmons and Oscar -
the bird's mate attacked him. had been able to avert an acci-
Landingham of Gainesville -,
Crafton struck the bird as he' dent. van
\ attended church here las
drove along a local street. He wise
saw the other bird fly down and Daytona Beach-Officers in Various Sunday night./
Stella Mae Ward of Jacksonville,
take the little victim in Its bill to Florida east coast cities today -
the week-end here with
try to bring It to life. Crafton got were aiding in a search for .t'
friends and relatives, and was accompanied
out of his car and went back to two bogus detectives who are believed -
the birds and then It was he said, to have slain J. Pavlakos of home by her sister,
that the live bird flew at him Chicago, and robbed him of $.0- Miss Rosa Lee Ward.
viciously) 000 cash'and securities. Accord- There will be church service SIX !
at the Baptist Church next Sunday choose
to a
Ing to local authorities, a New .
thatno held by Rev. Hodges, and everyoneIs
High Springs-It is likely York woman reported to them that invited to attend.
single private collection of she met Pavlakos on a boat en
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gainey and t
Indian relics In the state of FlorIda route from New York to Jacksonville .
children spent Sunday afternoon
exceeds In value or is more and visited his hotel room
In Lake Butler as !guest of their makes It to take the axle
This unnecessary
comprehensive than the other assembled to discuss a scheme of the latter' After all It Is a perfectly simple matter to
daughter, Mrs R. W. Brannen. It.
by Clarence Simpson of to' bet on the races. Two men en- automobile to buy In today'smarket. apart to examine or
Mr. Roy Greene was visiting in decide which
High Springs. Including more tered while she and the Chicagoanwere .'
Lake Butler last Friday night Only two questions must be answered t t t
than 3,000 classified and 3.000 unclassified In the room she said, and
Mrs T. P. Ward and family, and satlsfactlon-
arrow beads, petrified stated they were New York and to your Is full of such evidence iFlr.tt !
Mrs. S. W. P'nholster were In The new Chevrolet Six
mastadon teeth, tusks, foot and Daytona Beach detectives. They for
Starke last Monday.Mr. Whlrli ear given the most my that true motor car economy comes from
leg bones, skulls of the ancient took them to the entrance of the
I and Mrs. C. S. Laird and ? and refinement.
money modern advancement
and little known Mound Builders, police station an promised their release -
daughter Jean of Starke were
the collection Is of great historic for $40,000. Which representthe
visiting friends here Sunday p. m. Secontlt ear Like the finest cars, the Chev
value. Among those attending church soundest Investment'. In wa lfaclloiiami rolet Six provides the comfort
Gainesville-Announcement was at New Hope from here yesterday pride of owii T", lil| ? f
Miami-Hugh Inman of New made today that a contract was and protection of four springs
York Detroit and Toledo and signed last night between athletic were: Mr. and Mrs, H. P. concontroned by hydraulic shock ': ;jlijp it Ililllj
Galney, Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Morgan In buying a low-priced car r
Ruth Palmer, (Jew York were held official at the University of Flor- 1111:,:.':!,,! absorbers. They are mounted' -
and Mrs., II. Galney. I sider the following facts: ,
from Justice follow- Ida and Winston & local
as fugitives Penney In the direction of
In .
Mr. Leslie Greene was lengthwise,
ing their arrest several days ago contractors for the erection of the t t t
Starke last Friday travel and self-adjusting
In connection with what officials stadium at the University of Flor- car D.1ooLA.obiSho'aIt
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Morgan and Is wise to choose a six-cylinder spring shackles maintain quiet.motorfor .
believe may be a nation-wide narcotic Ida for the sum of $118,215.80 and
son Clarence spent several days six cylinders are
ring. The warrants under to, have a seating capacity of 21-, '
which the pair was held as fugitives 000. The contract provides that ot last week at the bedside of her Six-Cylinder Molar necessary to take out vibrationVlth suspension and extra: wheelbase, the t
mother, Mrs. Dukes, who has been fi
were issued by United States 13,700 seats are to be completeded and roughness. Six-cylinder Chevrolet Six has excellent: proportions.smoothness .
Commissioner John F. Spltter for the game with the University ill some will save the motor, the chassis,
Mm. L. L. Morgan and
Mr. and r
upon receipt of information from of Alabama In this city on November and the driver. Its Impressive front view Is distinguished by
daughter Burnell, spent Sunday In the body, the passengers t'
Knoxville, Tenn., that they are 8, of this year. In speaking the genuine honeycomb radiator, another { '
Lake City: with friends and were It sells at price
wanted there on charges of possession of the matter today Mr. Winston accompanied home by their daughters The Chevrolet Is a six. And yet a mark of modern cars.The* .
and sale of narcotics. said that work would be begun that anyone can afford to pay. a ;
Hazel and Mildred Morgan,
"- lust as material could be tank Is In the
soon as gasoline rear
who the week there as not only
spent past This low-priced car lasts longer,
Sarasota-Nearly fifteen thousand placed: on the ground and local very
and finer
guest of Genevieve and Edith Jew- and oversize safety appearance.
of fine materials parts,
resident of Sarasota county abor would be used Just as much because
visited the Ringllng Art Museum as possible.St. all Mr.Eubanks.T. P. Ward who spent last but also because,it Is 'a six.: Its big, smooth, g Chevrolet beauty Instantly says
between. 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. last 50-horsepower six-cylinder engine Is always '
week In Baldwin with his brother, "Body by Fisher"-costly car
Sunday.)!' It was the first occasionon Augustine-Resolutions,urgIng Mr. Orvall Ward returned home "taking It easy." There Is no feeling of strain. ; style, with the permanent quiet
which the public has been admitted the citizenship of the state
: to the building, now nearly generally to make prompt paymentof last Saturday. t t" Sar.rrn..olln.T.na of Fisher composite steel-and. 1
Mr. O. J. Mott was In Starke last
completed, and which houses a their taxes In order that the wood construction.
priceless collection of art objects obligations of municipalities and Friday.Mr. With all six-cylinder: smoothness and power
gathered from aljv parts of the counties may be met in a buslneas- and A.. U.B. P.Hazen Gainey were, Fred In Bushnell G. W. the New Chevrolet Six uses no extra gasoline Body by Fisher also gives you a genuine non-
world. The pre-view was a cour- Ike manner were adopted at the last Wednesday. or oil. Efficient design makes this possible glare windshield, adjustable driver's seat,
to the residents of the county. closing session of the 37th annual compression power .. '
tesy Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ilozen of La- overhead valves-high more space, deeper and wider
The formal opening will not be until convention of the Florida Bankers latest carburetor-close-
fuel-very clearer vision finer
crOlllle were visiting! friends here from any cushions, ,
next winter. Duringthe association here today. The "'I"ventilationair
sometime association pistons-crankcase
last Sunday. fitting, long-wearing fabrics and fitments. '
summer, workmen will put the went on record as advisIng have
cleaner. You can really
finishing touches'to the place. against the Issuance of any I f.,
new bonds "except In an emergency ......................*. extreme economy and still satisfy your Ideal t.r t I!
Tampa-Judge F. M. nobles or the refunding of prior Issues. of truly modern transportation."y I E R
today continued hearing testimony ." Governor Doyle B. Carlton :J Keystone Heights .: Is also the mark of Chevrolet Therel5Ju8tasmuchextravalue '
Hl. Oftrm. Cor. Chevrolet economy BY ANY
In the
everywhere car.
on the right of the prosecution to was commended for his action in :
use a confession claimed to have calling a convention! composed of ........................ sincerity in manufacture. To Illustrate STANDARD the Chevrolet Six Is the greatest s
Mathews, citizens from different sections of value In the field.
been made by Raymond Mr. E. P. Caughey and daugher Chevrolet valves are readily low-price
on. trial for first degree murder. the state "with the Idea of tryingto
Mathews and his wife were find a solution for our taxation Elizabeth Saturday left morning_ Keystone) for accessible andadjustable'. It Is wise to choose the Chevrolet Six with Its ,
eights" valves and also
charged with having caused the problems." Erie, Pa., where they will spend saves replacing I six-cylinder valve-ln-heaJ motor . with full i
death several months ago of Os- makes It possible to preserve Fisher
the summer. scientific equipment...with Its Body by
labroer. Sebrlng William\ R.' Carver, the efficiency of the engine.
-ar G. Crawford itinerant mother
The prosecution offered the former Philadelphia real estate Senator F. P. Miller,Miller his and, . with four long semi-elliptic springs, long
III ateMills Maud
document In evidence, Thursday man was held In Jail here for daughter\ Virginia Jane left Sunday r r 'ully.nc/dB.h. wheelbase, low suspension, rear-mounted gas 1
but the defendant said It was ob- questioning today in the ax killings for Meadvllle Pa. tank, honeycomb radiator and all the other
tained by force. Judge Robles ex- of his wife, and two-yjar-old Mr. and Mrs. Button and family A similar example Is found in Chevrolet'smolded features of this day and age.
cused the Jury and for four days son, which a coroner's Jury had left Sunday, for Detroit. Mich. ,
has listened to arguments over the blamed on a negro yard boy, whom Louis Walker of Meadvllle.. Pa., brake lining-reducing ROADSTER OR PHAETON See your nearest Chevrolet
genuineness of the paper which Carver shot to death. Mrs. Carver la the guest of his parents, Mr. the necessity of frequent replace- today and drive a Chevrolet Six."f
Mathews said he signed under and her boy were killed In the Car- Walker the Inn. and '
and Mrs. Louis at ment, consequent expense., Ten minutes at the wheel will ''t
home here yesterday. The 495
force but did not read. ver Mrs. F. M. Walrath Mrs. Jule
coroner's Jury said the negro Ben Whale Mrs. Danneman and Miss Furthermore, there Is a rear axle show you what a difference six
Miami' -William Drury and Whitehead had killed them. The omen Kaye left Sunday for a trip Inspection pjateon the Chevrolet. '.0. b. factor Hint, MichiganTha cylinders make. ;t
John Howe Chicago! detectives arrived Jury was told that Carver shot the through the southern part of the
here today to take "GunnerJack" negro to death when the husband
Al Ca- entered his wife's room and saw tate and Cuba. .. .........1565 The Special Sedan... ,..... .... ..................$72*
McOurn. said to be Miss Gaywood Skinner, Miss Coach.................... ........ (,ran..H..li.,....dr.1)
pone's right band man In gang the negro attacking his wife and The' Co up ...........................,...... ...... *6S The, LI fht Delivery ChasiU.*. M'*
affairs, back to Chicago to face son. The Jury held that Whitehead's The Sport RoaJtfer,...............'...........v... 555 The SedanDvllvery. 395 .
death at Carver's bends
weapons charges' of They carrying will, return to the was justifiable homicide. Carver COFFINS & CASKETS The Sport Coupe. .......... ..................._.. 655 The IV4 Ton Chassis. 529
Northern city with MeOurn whose was arrested late yesterday after And a Full Line of The Clu"Sf/don.... .. ............................ 625 The II/a Tun Chassis with 625Tha :
real name they said was Demore: officers learned that he was beneficiary 'I'hflSedan.......................... ............ .. 675 RoaJtttr Delivery (.Pick-up Du..tlstra).. 440' '
as soon as extradition papers arrive In a $10,000 policy on Mrs. Undertaker Supplies All price,/ o. factory.Flint. Michigan .'
from Tallahassee. McGurn Carver's life, taken out last De AUTOMOBILE: HKAUHKAlwar
was arrested several days ago on cember. State's Attorney Grady' .. !!..'. Tk. fcnrlv ...
a Miami Beach golf course as a Burton ordered his arrest. .. .t tb. l.w..t ftlrt Torode-Ritch Chevrolet
fugitive from Justice. At that - tfrrlmt mttfm1l'.. t. ttltmrnr
time be was Identified by Chicago Florida's, lumber products rep- sederRg01CTEREI i
Police bulletins as being sought for resent annual valuation of approximately : ) EMO4LMERDEWITT !
$42.000.000, according to
Jumping bond and to face weapon
Carrying charges.OrlandoIn Wm. L. Wilson chairman of Florida r Starke Florida
State Chamber of Commerce IT.tIIIIE.LOR10A ,
Industrial Committee.
order to bring I I
# ..' Mf -}.,..it'.y. (;,,,, .Y
'.. > /,..n"i ,' . ...., ,I t,,\ ''', :,;, '. 't,
\\"J" ..; ;tJ ,. .. '"....; : .f'-.t o. _...- ___ :?iL
.' ., . -.,...-",",..,..",....-. < "........".-.. ..\ ..... . ,,-'....-.. m, .,., ,-.. '''''!'.' t'.yr., ,..,..., "' "T"" .,. "' . """T",, "" ", "'_" .." _. ",.,,. -"'....,.." ... ..,'-". ,. ..,._."'-,.., ,y""" ."....,,..'.''..'.'.,...."...,.., ...J1! ., '" ..."""'IIIIo:1r..7j.\ .', 1fJII." , ....-
I'' ,
p i, :1 t(''I:} ; P.'GR FOUR nrxAlrplJlxU l1UUM'1'Y'TML1Ct1RAP11: STARKE. FLORIDA FRIDAY APRIL U, Inao ,
. ...... .. . ._- .0 -,-
-- -" ---- -------- ------ - =
[6---on; during March and 65- KUPTl'KE OR
Toast"Health and '* Hood, et al. Mortgage Lord saw fit to take away our be- WHEN IH A VOTER: 1IRIMV
uT-a"-.Bill Wa nwrlght, Inure, F nal Decree granted loved husband, father and brother, NOT OSE.fWilY' 498 tons during February report -
Toast to Mothers- American, Wholesale Corpora- Mr.\ W. F Harnage,.who had been of sales not IlIclu'dng: any In lots Dont buy a Truss or have ,u, (ODer.ation > ,
4 nandez' nt al vs Sarah R. Driggers, III tor the past few days ''with' a When is an elector not a voter less than one ton. see the Rupture,1e) '' IBI.!
1st Dr. II. A. Boener, M\ ,
After the banquet a Administratrix' of the estate of stroke of paralysis. Many were And if not, why nail
enjoyed by the young folks. M Drlggerg. deceased Order the expressions of regret when It In giving the distinction be- MAHS< < 1UJoTIXOT: ; HAMPTONFor I Fla.- by appointment.. i I qt, :
sixty-five young people and "! demurrer to bill of com- was known that this good man tween a qualified voter and an
'1 MiimMi: :; (I., Cllt<'I.1;<4 ers attended. and allowing defendant to had gone to his heavenly' home elector, Fred II. DavIs, attorney purpose of discussing I Bunnell Filling eta.,"],,,n, 'I',it,
(: ,.;' OK W. :11. H. -- .-- -- (- within twenty days from where he had lived so many general, explains that while avo-I school matters and particularly: I' der constructon! on cm,! ,? QI
0 - elector first, thatan the need of adding to school building State Highway No. 4 and i .' ,,
'i I Cedar Key State Bank a Cor- years.' "None knew him but to ter must be an ember
the circles o f \\OM\VH: ri.t'i: : ':
afternoon "
Monday avenue.
will be heldIn
Order freeing the de- love him nor named him, but to elector Is not a voter until he ;, a mass meeting
: t the Womans Missionary Solely o f the hall at Hampton, Tuesday Mima Brevard Packs. ,
{ and allow' Bank to pra'se," has passed certain qual1 rotlonll. < ',
t tho Methodist ('hur'hIehl their] The regular monthly ng open. night, April 16th. Patrons invited pany 'installed!! Bterlllzatlnn., Ialll'
be elector, ,
W. M Cassels, a* Administrator At the time of tils death Mr. In order to an a per-
7 rcgulnr meeting with a good attendance the'omnn'e Club was
the estate of K Onann : son shall be twenty-one years of to attend -
vs H n. Harnage was seventy-xeven years .. .
at ench circle Wednesday afternoon at -'" '''. .H ''"
S r r '''''t
i Tho Harriet Peck Circle was en5 houl'ft. ,' Order entering Final Judg- of age He was born In Clinch age or upwards, that shall at the : .:: ':
5! tertalned by Mrs 13, K. perry- Under the direction of county Ga., and had been living In time of registration: be.a citizen CAKIJ OF THANKS!
. ? 1 i bi. man and Mrs. F, II. Long, nt thu C )Hoover, chairman of the Continental Welfare Association Bradford county for the past of the United States and shall FLORIDA
It. J. Wells have resided In the state for one We w'sh to express our appreciation -
d !}1;I' homo of the former. Mrs. J. W ican )Home, an Interesting as Administrator thirty-five years. He was a devoted I,
the Estate of John F Town- member of the First Primi- year and has not had his place of and thanks to our many
< which
White conducted the leBson !!It udy. wan presented
al. abode In the county for I friends who ministered to u* so :
after which a plensant social hour address The American ] et Order entering Final tive Baptist Church, and bad been rermanent TII&ATUE
,; was enjoyed Mrs ]n. K. ]Knight, lie*'. Wm. Stoney of ( In Mlge foreclosure the deacon of the church for the six months. An elector does not I kindly during the Illness and Home of VltaphooqGAiNESViLLE
The Federal elector until death of our baby, and for the
Land becomo qualified
accompanied by Mrs Perryinan, Mrs. A. Z. Adklns Bank of Co. past fifteen years. Mr. HaYnage a
it\!. he Is registered on the beautiful floral offering. May God FL.1 .\.
n E. properly
u Rang two lovely solos; and, tho numbers, Robin, Ilobln, vs. Stanley, et al. possessed the characteristics of unselfishness -
I books and has paid his: poll tax. bless all. Mr. and Mrs. J.. L.
I. dlnmlHs'ng suit. gentleness-: and you
x hostesses served light refresh II Song, (Stross) and A sympathy
1 !I : ments. Tnls circle will meet In (Cowen). Re: Petition of J, 1<'. Kick liter, and was known for hs! e ---- HUBS, Mr. and !Jtors.\ Vance Ruse, 1- FRIDAY
remove dlxahllltles of Non Age, many acts of kindness and CJIU'flT COURT: TOyNVENE and family.
( May at the home of Mrs. J. II. The program was cloned generosity
: 9, hitch with Dire Illicit and MIsH selected readings by Mrs ; Lucian Klckllter. Order re- so quietly and modestlyperformed ( : : JIONI.tYCircuit "LORD BYRONOF
dlnabll'tles! of Non JACOB IIUNDKL.Jacob : .
Age. .
J Wood hostesses Powell. '
i Florence as BROADWAY"With
W. A. Halle, et al. Gaines court for this dlall'lctwill
f s, The Noble White Circle wallanterta'nm vs. He leaves his wife Mrs IdaHarllal'e.
Development Association, et open at the courthouse hereon Bundel, 84, died Monday an All Star CastA
; the with
at five
parsonage Mrs.
C niKKV: 1 NIIKS< : : CITV li; \ ; Order for publication. daughters, Monday morning, April 14, with night at the home of F. C. IIolllngsworth -
a ; Mrs. Guy and Mrs. Snyder as host Robert Grover, and Miss AlPe Musical Comedy
Hayman vs. Mrs Isabella Judge A. Z. Adkins of Starke presiding after a short illness,
th r esses. Mrs. A. Wood conducted (Continued from Page Harnage of Miami, Mrs, Henry Direct from New
t i [ et al. Order allowing the *. All the jurors have been cause of h's death being harden- York
the lesson study, and during the Grove of ItazzllMcKay
Starke// Mrs.
:i of an amended bill. summoned and everything l Ir In ing of the liver. Mr. Bundel had - -
nodal period the company wins 9,000 annually. and Miss\ Verdla
B. readiness for the-open'ng< session.State's lived in Starke for several years,
'+ t favored with a duct, "Hoys of the Will ;you please advise mo Hughes vs.' Jejin F. one son, Anderson Ha mage of
et al. Attorney Hollis Knight, being a Union veteran, and had GARBOin
"" the eligibility of Starke for Order dissolving
I fjj Nation by Mrs, L. D. Green and Starke one! slater, Mrs. Carrie
} /ervlce.. and also the Pencies. also of Starke, will represent the been In feeble health for several
..c' Miss Loulso Snyder. An Instrumental Shaw of Starke.' and two brothers,
follow In order to obtain It. Boats vs. J. L. Boals, Di i state. Although It Is not thought months. The body was preparedfor
J y v solo, "Spring Time pleas- 'Mr. D. C. Harnage of Montveide,
r Sincerely Order appointing Examiner generally that this will be a very burial by the DeWItt C. Jones "THE KISS"With
,, ure, was played by Miss Miriam yours Mr. J. R. Harnage. Clermout
; cc Jt Ouy. At the close of the afternoon -, H, A, and report the testimony and seven grandchildren busy term, something can always Company and shipped Tuesday to Conrad Nagel &
I happen unexpectedly to extend it. his old home In Lancaster Penna. '
Member of Perry vs. Charles Perry DI- I
i the hostesses nerved light re Funeral services wore conductedby Holmes Herbert
Order appointing Examiner -Macclenny Reporter.PKKTIMIHK where he has a sister living. I
i freshments. Rev. W M. Lacrosse
Moody of .
l; I ; The Noble White Circle will be April 2, and report the testimony and Rev Joe Kelley of Brooker, Gang' ComedyI --
lion R. A. W. Mllllcan vs. B. A. .: : I'ONSOII'lIO\: MAY A C'ANIHDATKIt. "LAZY DAYS"
Green Cog-
entertained In May at the home of Wednesday morning at 10:30: I
i ]House of et al. Order dissolving At- D. May announces in this Issue -
Mr. and Mrs E. 8. Matthews. Representatives an o'clock and
. concluded at the Dyal
My dear Mr. Green Bradford county used a total of as a candidate for reelectionas SUNDAY
-- -- :
t Cemetery, where the body was laid 275. tons of during member of the school board
In answer to your letter It. Downs vs, Bessie Downs, fertilizer, a ,
d, 1\lIt. A\I) Jins. H. c. WALL 31st ultimo, relative to the Order appointing an Ex rest. March compared with 817 tons district 2. Mr. May has been active NANCY CARROLIn
' li ]';NTI ItT\lN lishment of carrier delivery to take and report the tes- I Beautiful twilight at set of sun, ,during February, according to during the two years of his her latest'and of
la It t tuww ice, at Starke, Florida, you Beautiful good, with race well won, monthly report issued by the Inspection term as a member of the school course her best-
1 Mr. and Mrs. II C. Wall entertalned Informed that the Re: Order for the removal of ,: Beautiful done. rest, with work well bureau, department of board and has done good work for !
",1 ? r r membors of their (club records Indicate that the disabilities of Non Age of Or- agriculture.: The state used 41- both his. district and the county. "HONEY"'With
r'i Saturday evening at their homer ceipts of the Starke E. Fowler Miss Eva HI don ?_., ?..'.. +, ? --. - eceoea.- -,.', eaoe.ue*=. Richard (Skee)
with a dinner bridge party. amounted to $8,766 for the A, Seeds vs. Robert i GaIIal'herIJNJJAYTlIRSJ.1
i Bright hued spring flowers were year ended Juno 30, 1929 Divorce. Order appointing
attractively arranged throughout helow the legal to take and report the ('.,UI> OK THINKS V
1 i 'J the lower floor of the home $10,000 for city delivery : --
where the guests spent pleasant However O We kindly thank those who StrawberriesFRUITS dHARLES FARPF i
It may be that Wondbrlrlge vs Hat- I
helped during the sit-kness and
q \
quirements for village et' al. Order confirm &
,a death of our loved one. We thank
Following an enjoyable! dinner
service are met and the sale of renl estate mortgage!; JANET GAYNCV:
r $4 several I progressions of auction linn therefore been ( ( M. Summers vs, Cohen those who stood by the sick and
q. bridge; were played. Mr. J. C. submit a report of Summers. Divorce. Older IId: nil that was In human powerto in
Robinson and Mrs. K.' M. Johns Ms office. / an Examiner to take I prolong life and lessen paill.'Ve AND VEGETABLESShip "HIGH SOriEl"
)' G thank Ur. 19. L. Biggs for his
1' made high score for the evening When final action la report tho testimony BLUES"
And were each presented a prize. shall be pleased to advise you."i W, Burt vs. Alberta Burt, DI- patience and kindness, and for rendering -
Those present. were Mr. and service as long as it was
b \ ) : Sincerely yours, Order appointing nn J Ex- WEDNESDAY
Mrs. C. A. Knight; Mr. and Mrs. (Signed) Arch to take and report the possible. We" are thankful for the Your Fruits and Vegetables to
i W. M. WainwrIght, Judge,and l Mrs. First Assistant Postmaster many beautiful floral offerings JACK MULHAI\ '
4 q r A, Z. Adklna,, Senator and Mrs J3.M Lumber Co., a hut were brought as the last! and
Johns and Mr. and Mrs. J, C Anrll. :3.. I vs. W (I I. Chapman corpora an In- token of l love /and respect, and A. E. MEYER & CO., NEW YORK SUE CAROL
- - -
c' ?'i Robinson Mrs. H( !H Young, Postmaster person et al. Mortgage Fore placed by loving hands on the .
A -'--. Uurke, FloridaDear Order confirming sale crave where we laid our dear beloved Established for 77 Years I in
I Rr AFTERNOON: BIt1I)Ui.ty ..} Mrs. Young: ) M. O'Hannon and O. (1. I( to rest, "THE GOLDEN
ty 4'Mii MIITH\ ': : Knclosed: herewith you will\ vs. Florida: Railroad Co, et Mrs Harnage'und. children, 0. J. PHILLIPS, Local Rep., Lawtey j j0 CALF"
Brothers Mr. D. C.
Harnage andJ.
copy of u letter just received Suit to Quite Title. Final De
Sweet peas, roses calendulas the First Assistant po Qulting Title It, Harnage and sister' ,. Mrs. .--.---------.------.-.-.--- I '. (1.utnLi.: .-,
t' 'and other spring flowers were' General In response to my Lumber Co., a corpora Carrie Shaw. -
-" -
9 prettily arranged In the home of inquiry as to the eligibility vs. W JlI. Dale and wife, et -
g, (' Mrs. O. L. IJeasley, Tuesday, when Starke for city delivery: or Mortgage Foreclose Order THERESATREND
h d stjn entertained the Afternoon delivery service. l4r"U .Hale.
i A Drldgo Club. I, I note that the l Kelley: vs. Warren Kel- GAIETYTHEATRE TOVALUE
Irv When scores were totaled Mrs. calling on you for Divorce. Order appointing '
a H. M. Johns was presented a prize relative to the eligibility' of to take and report testi- "
; for holding top score; Minn Mabel for the village{ delivery, '
4 t .,, Weller was bolder of second and It occurs to me that if we Lumber Co., a corpora- .
; I wai awarded a gift; Mrs. Pat obtain this service for Starke vs. W. G. Chapman wife et
,; -;-,' ltaker of. Tampa, received guest only would the convenience of Mortgage Foreclosure Order STARKE.. FLA.FRI. AMERICA IS
it 1 prize, service be given to those of our I sale. h.
r1 The hostess served. the following trcns who are Inconvenienced! .
I 1 players with a tempting salad going to the postofflce dally, OI-1\ut. \V. F. llt.VUiK"'} & SAT.
:li: course: Mrs. E. M Johns Mrs. A. we would have"one or two "
"v 1 1.{ 16. Adklnn. Mrs. J. C. Robinson tional federal employeeswith morning April 1st, as APRIL 11-12 Y
f' Mrs. L. 1). Vlnlng. Mrs O. L. additional pay roll. for our city.I was rising the Blessed CHOOSINGIC
;: Hodges Mrs L. Wyman Mrs. C. shall be glad to cooperate KEN MAYNARD
;, A. Knight ,Mrs. It. C. Wall, Mrs. yon in any way that I can to Leery Woman Knows JH T .
Q "\\t; W, M. Wainwright Mrs. N. Stern- end that this service Is n.44PARADE ,
c berg, Mrs. Pat Whltaker of Tampa, Sincerely yours, womnn knows how easy It Is
{ or scald herself whilo working
and Miss Mabel Writer. It. A. Green homo. knows that OF THE
,' Every woman!
-- Member of bums and scolds are painful and ..
dVN10it-SINIOIt JJ.QII'T: very! slow to heal. Every" WEST" Buyers today demand known
('IIUTI'r rot'iiT MUS: should know that tho pain of '
l Last Friday evening tho Woy and ncolda will bo quickly re Also ,
man's Club wan the scene of one of Listing matters disposed of infection positively prevented .. .'n' Ii.' goodness . dollars must bring
the most delightful social events fore Judge A. Z. Adklna healing assured if Liquid "STING OF STING" ;.t .
1 is instantly applied. Get a 1. a real return . and so motorists
of the season. the Junior-Senior the week: of Liquid Iktrozono and keep it '. '.' v(*
And "
banquet Randolph Rucker et al. vs. in your medicine cabinet.Sold by Pathe News ::1.1;. are buying than
The Interior of the building was et al. Order striking .Replh'itt Pharmacy. ,
beautifully decorated, carrying out and allowing amendment to -
4 k fr,1'h the color motif of pink and green, Complaint to be filed. WED & THURS.
; the Senior class colors. Universal Credit Co., a STERL COURTNEY
r-+ '+ Baskets of beautiful roses with tion, va. Edwin Haines, I\ISL'U\NCF1:\ APRIL IS' & 17 : TWIGAS \ I Z E
fern and tall pink tapers In call de- Order entering Final Judgment.Minnie AndiriTM ,1. ; ; ,
labras adorned the "T" shaped J. Rawls. Widow IU<("!lTJ.n.n: UI<1.\L : : .
,'f p table Sprays of asparagus fern Bank of Alachua, et al. nnOK"UStarke All Star Ca"s(.' "
: and sweet Fla.
a peas were artistically sustaining Demurrers to Bill "I
In "
. intertwined between the baskets' Complaint, and allowing , j ,:,
and the places were designated plainant to the rule day in :* ."BATTLE OF -- :: .-. r, MANY
1' i by dainty hand painted place to file and amend Bill of : ,
.;vlCo cards. Favors suitable for the occasion plaint and defendant given J RUPERT THE SEXES" .
,i : were given to the Seniors April 20th to Plead to the B'.ll: .
::1.: during the dinner. Complaint. Buicks other
Dentist Also 7th Episode of as any car priced
,t The lovely course dinner' was Ruby" My ban le, va. Wade ?
o'vt. prepared by the mothers of the hanle. Order on Final TARZAN the'TIGER above $1200.
;"v i Junior students with Mrs. A. Z. Granting Divorce. '!<4TO ": HEIGHTS: !< FLA.
'\\O Adktna as chairman. The colors Willie\ Smith vs. Laura .
';,#: 1 4 scheme was. carried out In the Final Decree' granting divorce.L. --- -- -STEAM PRESSING -COMPANYSuits TOTAL IN U. S. B U I Ie K 2nd Car in U.S. 3rd Car in U. S.
salad and dessert II. Alexander va. Sam .
;; Misses Louise Edward: Hilda Order allowing Super tlda for Cleaned, Pressed and ReshapedJ. ww: I.P.O.ts.d:..c-" 1,465,988( 730,652 639,511
..1", Burden, Cleo Shepard and Jean appeal bond. Frank Thoman-Phone 52DOZlER&GAft
Laird of the tenth grifde served, Alfonso Tlage VS. Kathl'ne
l Men and women in all walks of life are combined soles
They were dressed In dainty organdie age. Final Decree granting of these f fifteen makes-
." dresses of pastel shades .vorco. "Y now seeking positive value. They are demanding but they are giving Buick a greater proportion -
't.'. Jv The following program was en- Charles B. Paslay et al. D & G the most and best for their of the total sales in its field than at any
\ joyed with George Inman acting as K. Paslay, et al. Order I'o!! ." ... dollars. And so today more than ever the previous period in Buick history.
.;J" toastmaster an Amended Bill of Complaint trend is to Buick. '
!.h Toast'to Senior 'Class-GeorgeResponse be filed. i! Not See Buick with Body by Flsher-compar. It .
only are motorists
.. 700.000consider the tremendous
Inm n.. buyer preference -
OphE'lIllIayes vs. Jonathan
;: to Junior Class-Eva Hayes. Final Decree granting Best quality flat washable. of more cars Buicks In its than price any class-not other of the 15 makes revealed in the above figures-andyou'll
; i Marc.lote. only are they agree that Buick does provide
r i vorce. paint :for interior walls greater
,,7. r I awarding Buick from 35 to 50 per cent of value in all
Violin Bolo-Allca Fernanda Patten Package Co., a D.& G FLAT j metal and WoodWoi'kIt- 1 ., elements of motor car appeaL
'If r. t Solo--."Into the .Dawn"-Miss tion, vs. J. F. Houser. ,Order WALL PAINTsoft BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FlINT, MICHIGAN
i t Florence..laUhewa.- leasing Garnishment.City colors diffuse a cheer. CenedtonFotlod.. OI".lon' 'G.n.reDMafon' "
.; Toast -lo> Faculty--Ruth Williams. ! 'of Lake Butler vs. State ful feeling of hospitality akteugklle.|.. .O.ho_.On'. Corporato. tuick and Builder.of
Florida. Marqvatt Motor Can
J Order str king
t Response Mr. S. : ) : and refinement that is difficult
} p 3' S. Dowling. and over ruling demurrer to :
; : Ii Toast ,to the prettiest girls- tion for validation and n : :;:; n.. to obtain wih} any
..I.y ,f Hilly' Graham. Final Decree validating bonds. other finish. .' JREGISTER MOTOR
[. Headlng-."Johnnle' Pa"-Ha- It.:: Abraham Palatalc. COMPANY
sel Underbill. to change name. Order ( Bradford Farmer3Supply .. .
Piano Solon-"Some of These the name of Abraham Palatntc bounty !
r Days", and ''St. Louis. Blues" Abraham Platt. Starke
Paul Knight. Company Florida
Davie Fowler, a. Admt.: of .
t r Talk-Supt, A. J. Crime.k Estate of L. L. Fowler, "(' WEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES
k : .
n4 r'4'Fdl"'bmq w.' N, '110<4.4M.i, ''-( ? ,. %"ia ( A t
IIANk'' lt\1"\ .\lf t { rit>uj. 1). l ; _J. 'J" /"
_........ ...
"' .,' .:; ..\.;. _'. : ,,, ,,,,,,,W"
:,,=....,. .,.,r.K '",.,,' .j'1;';, :
BRADFORD COUNTY TELEGRAPH.. STARKK. FLORIDA .. .. ---. " --- ---- -.. --....- .. .. -
-' -
:al'Rli II, 1050 .. -- ------' -- ---'- --- _- -_' __ ___,,_ _. _ .... .... .....J roO> ',
.- -------------1 returned will\ be In DeLand Saturday and\ tina. RONP:S.\ DKXMARK thi '!
d5t SE5257St5ZS15 25 Mrs O. L. neanlev -- '
i Sunday to be with Mrs HTownlee'smothel" "
( where she
from Tampa. Monday' .
Mrs Ijto.
April -
who Is
: A. Blltch.
Mrs. N.
weekend her ,'
spent the parents celebrating her seno Depmark, 41. of 810 Dora Oh! How lUke these windy, .,i)
Mr. and Mrs! A. C. Durden. birthday.- morning In r
of street
Bits -
The "McliMlj": in he nioHt wonderful Mr. -end--Mrs.- (3.; A. Futrh, Mrs a ness.local Mrs.hospital Denmark after was a short a nativeof Ill : March days in April. They ,
unritulu we luiveever of- George C White and Mrs. L. 1>. Bradford county, Fla., but came
Nevs] << ? fi-reil. See" It. For ,IO till)", 4 for Green attended the Grand: Chapter to JackttoHvlllo six years ago. She i help advertise my silk stock-
local O. E. S. in T11Il11'U
lIe.! o. If yon delay, you miss. It. meeting of the was a member ot the Christian I
I c:I I Hoover>> Itrtx Studio/ Shine:; this! week. ( ,, church. She Is survived by her I j
Concerning Our People, Business and B BProgreea :I 1111. It Mr. and Mrs. Robert I F. Demo of mot this he.'.city Mrs., two Elizabeth:daughters Addlson Misses !' ings. 'J 'It'ItIt's
of the County and Town. g gC)1 Circle No. '2 of the W. M. U. rest left Tuesday for Bui'hours- Beadle and Eva Denmark both of I
j with Mr. Luther Powell, leader, vllle \V. Va., where Mr. Dernoreat Jacksonville, two sons, James H. i a strange; thing; to me but the wind, seems to blow hardest
will tor opening of his and 11. J. Denmark, both of this I don't know where it all comes from but
the prepare storo.
__525ZSPSZ5252525252SZ.CLJEJCJCJFj3--ttc'c;r' ,:-v.T'.1T"Tri1;: ; | j I will meet Monday afternoon at I right by my
i5i5'2S! '. Baptist Church at 330.; shuw for the! coming season. city, and eight l l..rIrs.! Vera I have my suspicions- you know my place Is right across the
ending! April 9. 1930: 1 1Ias customers If you delay, jou mUm I Williams, Mrs. Ruby Shaw MUs I Street from Mitchell's Drug Store Some days when "Jim" Inn
II !\ :. Min. Prec. I:. Come nowHoover llrott.iidlo M., and Mrs. It. L. Brownlet Mrs. J. P. Robinson of Tampa Lulu Addison all of Jacksonville, I JUKI returned from hunting tr'p!' the wind rushes and whistlesby
84 60 --:. !>' Starke" Fla. ]t and daughter Mary, spout Sundayat Mi. and Mrs 1'. Uobhisun and !Mrs Kullne: Kite of Lake Butler my door until I think that It will\ blow my awning; down)
1b 60 .05 the State Farm with Mr. and children of Jacksonville, were Mrs Weulthop [)t'llmarkIrs.! AHa 1 crouch behind my counter and stay there until IIlIt'b1KOt'1I\
80 60 l1dMary Williams and Miss Airs S. H. Blltch.Mr guests Sunday of' Mr and Mrs. J. May Tyson of Tallahassee, Mrs. home to lunch and things quiet down a little
19' 62 .02 Pearl Jordan spent last Friday In C. Robinson Francis Gordon of Halford, Mrs. Rut it's an III wind that blows nobody good; and every time'i
81 52 Lake Butler.Mi' W. J. Epperson and Mrs. Emmy Culu ot Sebastian, four of these playful little cephyrs tomon along I know that
!>,'. und Mra.V.. l':. Mlddleton Horace. Addition of this one
16 53 Keo. Anderson were guests; of !Mrs. brothers In the public eye.
Mr. B. It.Worlham hosiery Is going: to he I
Sunday 1m Addlson, both l
had guests and
48 In Gainesville as rlty, Colonel
and Mrs. Lee Kersey have Dale VanSIckle I Jessie and Arthur \\'or- of Half.>rd. Funeral services will I I could wrap a wax leg with the finest silk In my .More, placnIt
week, in .01 announced the arrival of a son on Wednesday.The tham all of Jensen, and 1\1 rR. MaeJones bo conducted this afternoon at 1o'clock in the most conspicuous position In my window, and not one /'
I rainfall Sunday, April 6th. In and Minn\ Mildred Farr of In Bapi cemetery near Ral- man In fifty would pause for even the most casual of glances.
- Ilex Jewelry Company Stuart, ford, with Rev. N, H. Rutherford Hilt let one of themw'ndy! days coma nlong and every married I
: Alvarez of Jacksonville offering the people ot this .... Christ will home and tell isle. wife to buy a 'pair of
K Di1. II. A. Boener of Mlcanopy article In their well-storked, - - --- pastor of the Church of man In town go
Starke recently. spent last Thursday here with onethirdofT Senator K 1:. M Jolum spent !IIn-1) olnclatlnrt The Seushole Funeral stockings like Miss Soundso had on today W
store at prices
( Rev. A. E. Dunham. jewelry sale, beginningWednesday day and Tuesday In Parlors are In charge of arrange Of course some of the Indies ."m'tlke\ this and tell their hubundu *- k
nnd Mrs. J. K. Carroll, .j I during; a 4-day 16tli.: This sale on business. lie was: aroomuanleill ments.iioovicu. to keep their minds on business but most of them think
March 29th. April Pal'' Whitnker: of visit. You know I sell
oak boy by Senator, It a good enough excuse to pay me a
Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Futch of la for the purpose of bringing to I'I'111'
visiting here tile attention of the residents the Tampa. IMOK.TH:: ONYX Hosiery I for ladles and even If I have to brag on
Sew and So met Tuesday Hampton were and gifts 'AVT:' Jli': QUENTIONEII: : : I am sure that you won'l find better hose any\ whero.
with Miss Ethel Orlffln.Bl Wednesday afternoon. splendid available line of at jewelry the local jewelry >1. Julia 8.11I> Klmbull leftWednesday I Service weight $ I.Go, and Chiffon $1.65 and $1.95; think about
{ now morning for Washington The right of so-called "Hoover me next time one of thane'"pesky hose agents. comes to your door.
oft oil every. store.
rarlqulst of Jacksonville Twenty |Is'rcent .. D. ('., where she will makeher Democrat" to quality as candidates -
I thing sold. in this store Nanrilay.Nothing I.AIHKNOar
It the week-end In Starke. hold out- overjthing to, Miss Mary Brownlee left Thursday I home, after spending three for a Democratic office new NprlnvIr
in Starke. Mrs.! Klmbitll by circuit !. .. *e
lie questioned MHrn
where she will years should not
leHs. J, :M. for Lakeland Try
for 20 percent Ihrm.STERNBERG'S
of Lawtey was go; will continue spending the winter Florida Attorney \\'. thAt Hnnp sad
Eva. Durbin the week-end with Mr. and clerks of
Alvarez.:: spend I ;: ; I dlyle run it rvluuklnw
ruled. M h i .....
lor here Monday. Mrs. T. M. Llmbaugh.; months here. General Fred it. Davis has Ilk. '
Replying to J. D.: RaulurHon Tin': UKI.I.MIM: : NTOKK 1
Roy Coleman of Waldo was Miss MaBelle Fore spent the State's Attorney and Mrs. H. V. MlsftgHelen prather has returned clerk of the circuit court at liar- !I ..--------,aoeDa..enefeaa.e
[ike I Saturday visiting friends. week-end at her home In Wild- Knight were guests of Dr. and Mrs.) home after spending a week In tow, Davis Bald that clerks wore
Augustine as the guest of Miss to question the
wood. J. K. Malnes. Jr., In Gainesville St. without authority noon.
ub', for $2.00, for 4 days only Thursday evening.!; Faye Kolllns. Whllo there I1ll1sl'rathfr right of candidates under smb. {'. K." LAW IU; n'lltKS: .\NNIVI'RNIiscle : There will also bA the I regular
de S'H
Ponce tl:
Miss Lillian Barefoot has returned attended the
Jewelry Company. conditions. Hauler, Morning; Sunrlno service on
to Sanderson after visiting Mi', and Mrs.V.! C. Manning of Leon celebration. Kanlei'Bon asked Davis for an) foresawthat Sunday April 20th. .r A
and Mrs. D. E. Knlgh!; here for several weeks.W. the State Farm were week-end! --r- opinion regard:nK qualification tot Sum' long ago: to .
Wednesday In Jacksonville\ guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Man- !\tlsll Kdna: Hutto went to Jacksonville a 1 Democratic: oflleo of a man who Homebody might rofusa Mod 'ficatlon of Intnr-coastul "
T. Lumen of Jacksonville ning.: Friday ufternoon' und wan had filed nn oath saying he voted answer census qticntlons and no waterway (Florida East Coast Ca-
BIO tops, cushions and rush- was a business: visitor here last I accompanied home Saturday afternoon for the Hoover president electors W' was passed who nul) hot wren JnckHonvllle and Ml-
26t; by her Blslui mid brother-in- that he did notloimlder It prov'dea that any person width ot 10O
.v(>rs M. Levlton. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. II. H.: Mott and on the theory to tint Ma as to provide
Mr. and Mrtr.iJt-n. llall.und& a "nhall refuse or wilfully neglect" of Army
--- Miss Irma Armstrong of Jackson law. 1 the Republican party Ions tent, approved by Board
W Halsden of Jacksonville\ Easter Beads, Pearls, Chokers, ville were guests Sunday of Mr. baby Sharon They ratnrnvd! Bun-: party within the moaning of the answer any of these quest Kimlneers: In WuHhtngtoii ('outMill
in Starke. Watches, Bracelets nfter n visit with U"r inirenta. him. shall its. guilty of a inlMdomennor 1221000.
Itt week-end Hand Hugs!; and Mrs. Robert F. Demorest. day oath taken by \ 1)0 about I
Purses, and lots of nice things for All. unlit Mrs I.. S. Hutto --- .- THi pe unity provided Is not morethan Fort Myers .-- 1'riwm" editorial,\
..v.'r. Bros. "StuiHo |trrmiitoiKlcrru. presents, one-third ofT at our four Air,, and! Mrs. Tnte Powell of attorney- R\S"n.\: J\MK $100 tine or 60 days In prison ind IniHlneHs deliartmeutsiramster-
'IEI.U Y." A \\ day sale Rex Jewelry Company. Maeclenny, spent Sunday in Starke It. 0, Brown and owner ----- or both\ red Into (.'oilier building on Firstitreet.
.1I'N'lnlt A gfiod M/cil, pen'. .- I with Mr. Powell's mother, 1Ill'S.Lul'Y of large acreage of renl estate Stnrko will bo given a I chance I to Ihn punishment[ for raise 'an- .
: llnNticil ,srrtralh Forl< Mi' C. K. Mizell of Powell. Charlotte county, with olllce In wit IIf-SR. the I first !local basoba1 wr.orllill greater", Violators may be"
<*. our imimiortrni Cla., spent the week-end WOOdblne'1 Miami\ spent the week-end with game; \ of I Ilio season Friday afternoon fined. $//100, and Imprisoned for Suicide
| It. This mcnm friends Mrs Alice Shelbnurnp, Mrs\ his family in Punta lliirdu; und remained at 3 o'clock when the tow I tile year.'I'OIV1.1n. .. ..
HOOVPI over Monday i to<> dUKe some "Tha SI arke Terrors" play I -. .litfiy poop!" aro slowly pubionituthcmis'lvma
I.I'OH. quality.. -- Mrs. Edgar: Mayes \lean if
Verdte Shepard : I'Pt'tllt'i': ni euivly nil they
din, St-nrke/ I'l.i. II t Mi1 and Mrs\ N. O. Adams and and son James, nil ot Tltusvllle, real estate matters In connectionwith the HUh School Team on the I1K IM'OK.M: .VTION Irnnlt lojino juitt every niurninu; fur broul.!;*
I I Master !McKay(! Johnson wore visItors were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. n, KMcKae the Wallace Chudman *nlulu.M. S. diamond.! nit They nm duly alworliin the,
truth( has returned to to \Valdo Sunday: afternoon. here Saturday. .*. Brown reports oiulltinns IIH Hath tl'lunA are In excellent con Tower toxin, or poinona' / crcntwl by aiTumuitod -
loads after a ten days being good in Miami und that \he lilt Inn und an Interesting game I h I Recitals: ut the $: 111111"n"; Tuesdays \. waste \\1nth'r in their constipate\ *IllHiHtiva
and eon, contract with a northern the local fnnn. which are being given on stcmit. Sootu-r or later
Mrs. It. P. McLarin\ and little has ('\closed promised for sy
tarke. Maguire und
< Mrs. Phil !; Saturdays' wuxlicauiiK
-...--- Frank, of Falrburn, Ga., are visiting daughter Sue Darby, arrived from land company for he( tlo-tlm-!, The probable) .line-up of In I Thursdays, P.M. will nooncome ',liwrwe will conquer thulr
making. alterations and Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Hoynes.Mr. and will spend bEr on fifty thousand acres of laud Terrors will bo.: Sundays at 3 ),dies.
'' 01'Iando'pdn'day April15th licaJathcn
: close, Tuesday, spells\ :'
which to a have dizry
.wln$. Mrs. P. S. Dew, corlIel'ry - several weeks with Air! and Mrs.A. In the Okeechobeo section Johnnie HUKUIV--.. the last regular concertlit \ yon: bad lrondl. in oiuiiin, r
and Jackson. '2-14-tf. and Mrs. O. S. Stansberry \ bo will begin to operate) within tile Johnnie ILedgrava--3: H bliMig" : rontcd bilious ftttacl! or pains ii.
Darby.Mrs. i
mlit-diilo. m-ipt'tilo,
and daughter. Edna, were visitors: next tell days.-1'unt.i+ dorila IlerU)1'NTY Joe Thomas---8. S.George . thin. Benson's "moonIlght" no Lice hack and limbs, you arc J.nb'lhlr' !: .
nnd Mrs. J. C. Adklns of to Jacksonville Saturday. Foster Eddy and little ild.* I, Raymond-. F. There recital will be on u Sunday special evening, mlTcrinrs: from self poisoning anil:jileaunn eiusoj tcitJelief !b/,
# +
2 II tonsila.tinn.Thonnrtx
Wedneslifternoon. Jack Alvarez--- '
"Ille were In Starke Company offers daughter. Annette, of Alachua und Jl'IXJK'H) t'OUlT WilburrIII1'C! April I! 1.1th nt, II\ o'clock.( for this condition irt llurbiun, the, '
Hex of Lake Butler in tb0snterd
Mrs. Dallle Kpperxon recitals will he on which uaU
of Intoxicating : cnthnrtia
: spoc'ul
off everything A. Y. Thomas, possession 1\IcMlllan-H. F. vegetable:
one-third price Glenn from"anovn
Mrs W. J. Eppersonhere und lint iMjotUo today
only, Wednesday visited liquor. plead guilty ; RUkenliaker 1 H Monday! April HIM at noon I w"U.
a Frank Hoover was Initiated In our store 4 days last Friday.Strawbel'rY T. U. April 20th ut 1'hnrmaoy,
18 19th. and costs or six mouths. 1.lIwlllC. F on Easier Sunday --
tin 0. E. S. at Its regular April 16 ,17, (100 James
J : ) A. Y. Thomas, assault, pleud. -
ling l Monday night. .. buyers arriving here six
Miss Connie Padgett o; Ocala ands guilty; $50 and costs or '
recently are: W. O. Hodges -_ a'z'I
|ant Parks of Atlanta, Oa., will spend the week-end here with: W. O. Sumner, both of Plant City months. Thomas "wan connection charged P'I, sy. 1 '"AM v17u r -
,tiding!; bill vacation here with Miss Hazel Mtddleton. and II. L. Monfort ot Hammoncon, with resisting arrest charge In, but was at-. V'i
with the liquor
Inner, Dr.V.. IJ. Parks. N. {., and! St Petersburg. of guilty to
M. W. Mann was a business visitor lowed to enter a ploa
G. K. Lewis returned here from Lake Butler Tues- W. G. Stringfellow, who Is with assault. '
the Veterans' day. I of the lien Knott, petit larceny, plentl ,
I lesday from the maintenance department 'costs or six t
,Ital In Lake City. Florida Power & Light Company, guilty; $50 and I t
Miss\\ Hutli Sternbei'K was homes several days of this luOU 1118.
Afternoon Is spending possession ot Intoxicating \
of Thursday JelJseVIIl'nms.
\V. If. Lee of Lake Rutlei to the members week here with relatives.
the guest of Mrs. Mary WII- Bridge Club lust week I ___ liquor or buck, plead ,
$25 tyid ?osttt or two
i last Thursday.in Mrs E. L. Mlddleton and little guilty;
Mrs. Wlnnlfred Wlmberly and daughter, Marjorie Sue, left Sun. month k
\h'I.Hly.: A fine l Iargestr- Mrs. N. T. Green of Highland were day for their home in Savannah, Jessu Williams, concealed WAn- 1I0USfl
1Vrto days only, 4 far In Starke Monday. Ga., after several weeks here w.th pone, plead guilty, f 100 and costs 111 fXVU\ 37c I
e. We think It IN the greatest; Di', and Mrs. W. E. Mltldleton. or six: months. I'ts1Jlg pound - ;,
check, self- -
sin .. have ever offer- our Miss Harriet Retch spent last I' --- Hubert Champ worthless Medal Coice
"' -
with 11IRsElise six months on roads. Gold 1.05 .
Thursday in Gainesville\ Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Brownlee plead guilty; : Pounds lUuf111
mitt SCHOOL-BO Aim, HIST! a:& Jones. Flour, 24 M01'lIflilS Oil 10c '
'hereby announce 'my candidacy Twenty IH'M''nt off on every 1I0M8 1u18 > ;e - -
election an a District member 2.of and the thing Mold 111 this. store Saturday. L11111YS IOc Oats.l
.1 l board from
y (
continue to give the duties of Nothing: held out-everything togo NEED Par at %
beet attention K SItlvurejs. WHAT Pickles STtUNO
voters'incs my see very nt to return me for for 20 percent lows, J. _? SIX 59c
la coil -
ear term. Your support :: - j'g
and will be appreciated.-II. -.- H'oUNI/CAN Brooms -
lAY Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Epperson - 67c
and children of Jacksonville\ were 'ri cO _ -pOUNPA1L
NT A WORDCOLUMN visiting__here Sunday, I' HAS A GIRL? -( pedal Self.Itisin1, Compound- Lard 1.15
Mrs O. N. Canova and son, Nolan af-- 1II"le pounds 98c
were in Starke Flour. 24 UU" I..n 15c '
ernoon.. (jnt '1':"' "'. ",.. I
Hemmlngway is via -d; EGGS SS'huln Ihtrrcl \ ,
t HENT-Furnished.-! Mrs. L.''a .--- ER J
Bladenboro\, EAS .
her mother NUT
',nt.. lower floor. J.. F. Kicker tint SOUTmmN
321tf. I N. C. 32c 1 1BaconPound
pound -
percent off on every- "m811 Product
nee t RENT on West-One Madison 8-room St. rest-Ap- hing Twenty!: Bold in thin store everthing Sntiirdii l to). What{ need has a girl of a bank account I _ 18c 10-eelll PackagePURL' \I IA
tf Vothing held out- ,
!joV It. Green Phone 133. ICHH. J. :M. make it Regular 15c
to for 2O percent ? The future may 2 for
CANE.Sugar -
'strain Rhode ,\klvurw. Matches ii
l SALE-Owen
The widow left with some lOPoundsS5c
$1 for plain.
land Red setting Knight
H. V.
5 01' Mammoth each J. Maurice! Pekln duck Edwards eggs,, was State's In Macclenny Attorney several: days this I means and but little or no business V j\N eMU' - .- 25c I I i
business. GIIA"E
week on professional 6 Large \
arke. 3 21-41 I 14i1k. .t
Whitaker a -of Tampa ability is not an uncommon occur- SPounds-2 S c Size .i
Mrs. Pat elli
TED --At once. Job on steadyGrker farm was the guest of Mrs. E. M. Johns rence. The woman who acquiresa R1Ce' Ii-oular lo-<:
Good 3for25cClearbrook
r orange grove. week.
several days th's t
with family. See or knowledge of business will findit Creamery SuerSudSButter -
lie J. D. Goodman Immediately. Is spending several "\ 1 _ 47c
J. D. Doyle pound
|toil: 215, Starke Fla. 4-11-U weeks Waycross.. Ga., with .Mr. greatly to her benefit Vt'her | JI/S Ube< Tlr I
!t SALE-Impro1'8d Missionary and Mrs. E. T. King. at- Ground 6 Poundir -
bank gives special Grits
trawberry plants. Northern George White went to life. .-.' ,.. V, Voter . 23c ,
rown. Free from disease and Mrs. Tuesday, wltere .she of girls youny 6 Pounds
accounts Meal
*matode (or Insect pelt) price St. Petersburg of relative tention to 1 ,
1,000.'outturn will be the guest I _
xpresa prepaid $2.75 per
Specialist, Dlns- women' and women. TORE
Plant 228tf.TwentyU For 40 days only' The "Melody": r iirt
ore, Fla. bttrR1In 4
4 for ,.BO.; The greatest; ; ,
offered. M-C
,iV head of stock portraits If we you have wait ever you missIt. Bank IS A CERTAIN
3 lOW I, 23 Come now Bradford County H
F toga) Lot Includes Urea. BtudUo 8t rk ,
wigs) 7 head marked 2 splits in Hoover It 11'118118
*otb.' ears. Balance marked FU. Bradford County Financial Stronghold,. :;:
In both ears. at-
rGp under bit Mr. and Mrs.. E. H. Smith _
Suitable reward paid for recov- at the Mo- 'STARKE'.FLA.;
tended a dance given ::- -
Tr or any information con- Temple In Jacksonville\ last l
rocco Saa.
rernlng! tame. J. W; Prevail.
Route.A, Box: 212. c.n.n-
. ... rMl', ,, ', "" .
,. ..44@ 'l' :,'.1t. 'm., .at "
; "" .K.im, r !Ye' ;
.I"-'W.: ;
b ) j eMY4nr..nbvb+
.' .) : :; _
;."'!I'fW' ,/ i"
.., _."" ....._... ". ',.."" . ' ''.'m. wm'm"__ ..,_.
_n" r .."7',.."".T' ."r.' -.." .-,- .... '...., "n.r.-, ,' ''''.,......, ..''""''..i'4,. "..o. .I""p- "' "*' .,"f"'I"'n" .....",. .",.. -"" / ;. :;Ij;;;. : = .. ;,;..v',<.,;;; ,:.-w, ....... 1, P.I", <"I ,, . 'j-4'1 .,.up r '...lJ.,4.."j.,.,"" A"t.., p'" ,
A ).
01 .\"RIt
PAGE SIX __. ___ ___ I I
. .- -- ..___ - ------0- __ ____ _. -'-"-- ---- - - .--- -- .- .- --.------ -.-- ---------. -
------- ---- --- "
---- ----- ----- -- -
__ _
i, 'h -.----.. - - - ---.n DO.VT "' )Itn T801fT Sunday Law Is
' I FOR LIVESTOCK FEED; A "Dead Issue"Says "" '" P/h '-
Farmers and Farming .
While everybody is talking dl R 1lJt.! .':I
g (By Agricultural Editor) I about mil grown-ups the value they of milk are to forgetting children e -Fred Davis ?!1iJt. -- -Z-ACM:! =:::: t J '
.. The Store "
Jackson County Drug
about the value of milk by-prod- PULL ROWS
of \ sought advice from ,
i Farmers and Truckers Are Invited to Contribute Articles ode to livestock. IlamKn: L.
Attorney General Fred II. Davis as
and Methods Found Brown, extension dairyman, gave
of Farm Experiences Chemical Corporation
No. 10 Virginia-Carolina
to whether it was legal to force You IV i vritbi
J To He Best Suited to Our Country what I thought was a very good the closing of drug stores on Sun
k l -_--- --- ----.-_-_ --_ _-- --- ----- I talk to our Florida Farmers' Radio -' day, and the Attorney General ad- 48,000 Farmers SayThe LARGE xnonneement.POTATO YIELD Preparationof demand'scareful Every Farm a raco(
i I - Club meeting over WHUF last vises that the Blue Laws of Floridaare
fertilization, Tanning la an
good seed
l profit on fertilizing, the profit the soil Industry ,
Interest Shown In :Monday on that subject. very much out of date, although paid by the Increase that fertilizing cultivation spraylne-all these call facturlng business. Euc'h ? I
lie told about the value of skim not repealed. return for close attention. One of the most farm is a factory The farm. I
; brines, piles up to an average ,,
i I milk, and how It compared with The Blue Laws of FlorIda-the of S3.M for every dollar spent on Important factors In a paying crop air and sunshine and rain sot
Bred Bull Sale ;: I corn and tankage for feeding hogsin Sunday Law would if enforced fertilizers for all crops In 35 states.So of potatoes la soil management
1 !Homo Demonstration Agent II tests conducted in a number of clone every garage, every filling! says the National Fertilizer Association V-C Pamphlet."It's .
Cattlemen throughout the area I experiment stations. At the Pur- station, and stop any sort of work after Interviewing 48.00O V-Or---- :.t4
Til' completing: tick eradication and WIIY'fU"K, .MILK due Experiment: Station when corn not a cigar or a loaf'of bread farmers Fertilizing and studying Increase their corn answers.yield "
k tiL those recently released' from was fed alone !.L took 670 poundsand could be sold.! If fairly enforcedon by 92.39 per fertilizer dollar, these V-C, Pete !
1, I, c'l l quarantine are showing great Interest One quart of milk contains as 12* days'to make 100 poundsof all alike these fanatical laws 48.00O farmers say; potatoes $3.32, Maybe it's the Bering weather 1 by .
3 (In the purebred bull sale to much protein as seven ounces of gain on hogs. When corn and would stop auto joy rides on Sundays wheat (2.76. citrus 92, vegetablesand that makes a mule pull or maybe
( be held at the National StockYards steak, or four large eggs, as much tankage was given it took 387 The fool law la still on the fruits 93.16. sweet potatoes It's the slap of a line and the soundof and BOll and V-O
pounds of corn and 68 days to S4.61. tomatoes 13.92. Of all crops some stout language behind him fertilizer! aadh,
Jacksonville Florida, on I Statute Books and be enforcedbut
I calcium as 10 oranges, 32 eggs, or can work and manufactures
r make the 100 each year fertilizing producessua.ooo -but this picture from the V-O t
pounds gain. When
April 10th at 9 A. M. 20 pounds of beef, besides containing who would dare? & more than could be blllboaids takes the position that Some factory-farms are run t bet
'i i Reports received by the State large amounts of fat solids, skim milk was added to the cornIt 'If the blue laws were strictly grown without fertilizer. lu's the V-O. than others and make mart n
Veterinarian Indicate that a large vitamins and other minerals. It took 308 pounds of corn only enforced, according to the opinionnot From, everywhere the unmistakable Old Fete checks up before he The raw materials are the BaIno 1
'' a t number of cattlemen will attend Is one of the best and cheapest 56 days to produce the 100 poundsof a drug store, cigar stand, restaurant -I verdict comes that wise fertilizing starts, soys the picture and sees the every case, but there's tt lot ot
r the sale and that many of these foods for housewives to use If it gain. So you see when skim or.any other business Institution does pay the farmer who grows V-O bags lined up across the field. terence among the men, the b
for market. Fart of the wis- thinks himself, in mule the managers.
milk was added it took about half crops Then he to
+ bully
plan' to purchase purebred Is cared for properly. could legally operate. dom Is in choosing the right fertilizer V-O-
I Motorcades are organizing in Buy only the best milk obtain- as much' corn, and about half the Even the churches would be -In deciding to use old reliable
I Levy, Gllchrlst Clay, Duval, Nas- able. Consult the health department time to make the hog gain 100 without lights Sunday night, said V-oIt you'll take FULL Rows' word AT YOUR SERVICE!
tiau. Baker, Columb'a, Suwannee if you wish advice in select- ,, pound I the attorney general, because the for It. In the head office of Vir
i Hamilton, Madison, Taylor, Dixie Ing good milk. Butter milk without added I man who helped operate the elec- Another truth is proved by the Carolina Chemical Corporatlng!
; i Lafayette, Union and Bradford As soon as milk is delivered water after churning Is of equal tric light plants would be subjectto answers of these 48,000 farmers Richmond. Va., there lye bi
counties and will proceed to the take It into the house 'and placet value to skim milk, he said, but a jail sentence by violating this This fertilize truth utll.Is The that more It pars, generous best to that stays mighty busy anaw,
b National Stock Yards which is : in the refrigerator. Bacteria increase warned that it was best to feed law by following his trade on Sun- applications of fertilizer per acre Questions from farmers and j.
located Road No. 1 leading Into milk either sour or sweet and not advice about soil management]
on rapidly In milk that stands day. are proved to produce the greater 1 is the V-O Agricultural Servlwilreau. ,
dl u;! i A Jacksonville. I in the sun or warms un and such alternate. Because of Its fanaticism, and returns-through earlier and bigger Have you ever needed" 1
1 r 'I'; t The cattlemen of Bradford milk will sour quickly. Weaning pigs, he explained, will the great injury it would do, Flor- and better yields, through yields of any big soil management probl it'
( I % 1 i county are planning to meet at Wipe off the top of the bottle need about four to six pounds of ida pays.no attention to. such a blahar'vosa valu.-tn the Una bothering you and your neigh
;i Court House, Starke at 7:30: A. M., carefully before opening It. The milk to one pound of corn. When law. Once or twice officers:: in figure that counts most-net profit I language "Well, everything is all ,The Bureau Is there just tobj
1' ', April 10th, from wh'ch: place Dr ''outside of the bottle Is exposed they weigh between 50 and 100( Florida cities have stopped street vo- right. We might as well get going, service to you or your commit
Use it freely
-It is
J. P. Mack will lead the motorcade Wall kinds of dirt, and unless you pounds they will need from two cars, joy riding repair shops and "Have Just closed our 14th season for I've plowed this field too many at your lilt}
to the National Stock Yards. Arrange and one half to three punds of selling V-O. We have always guaranteed V-O to have V-o---
: remove this it will get in the milk Sunday newspapers but the lesson times with a crop any
f with your friends and neighbors when the bottle Is opened. milk per pound of corn, and the was too severe, and even every dissatisfied bag of V-O customer.and have notion we can take our time from They Earn Their I IMerchants
l. L it milk not had one this Your Pa and me learned Pay
'j II-, to join the motorcade and go Keep milk in the original bot- being gradually decreased as church folks demanded non-en- -Sent A, Fertilizer Co., Christian- on.
ahead of
had to hurry to keep have
we to
't9 to Jacksonville and sea these cat tle In the refrigerator until the they grow. forcement of the Sunday Law.-- burg Va. let Paid k
Hat fertilizer-so come on. Son. their capital and time,
i '. tle. There will be shown and offered moment of serving Milk that has Prof. U. M. Evard of Iowa, Warianna Floridian. V-o let's show 'em how to do some other people.Merchants must jut l
for sale a carload of Hereford been poured from the bottle should writes that the only feed better -- ---.- Got Any Azotobacter? distributing!" their profit If they hope to it&j]
+ ) bulls from the J. J. Cummings not be returned to It. than skim milk to supplement FULL ROWS is a cautious and business. Without profit tbJcouldn't
+ Ranch at DonalsonTllle, Ga., Keep the bottle covered with a grain is whole milk, and In some ..............eee........ Azotobacter microbe is the that name scientists of a conservative journal and vouchesfor be any business Ant]
} fifteen Aberdeen Angus bulls from paper cap or an Inverted tumblerto cases skim milk is even superior. : HAMPTON have brand-new found working In the wheat nothing can't prove.But there
is the picture! Who could doubt a
) ;r Borne of the foremost breeders In prevent the entrance of flies Hogs are not the only animals HIM Ada 1" ..... Cor. #0- lands of the west. They say It puts .picture?
94, Tennessee and four Red Polled and dust, which may carry d nger- that thrive well on skim milk, butIt S. .
: : 'J j, bulls from the State of North Caro- out bacteria into the milk. is universally admitted that ........................ V-o--
.' lina. The range In age and price Keep the refrigerator clean and skim milk is essential to success Green and Milan of Atlanta, "How's your Insomnia
J: of the anlmal! ){ offered] will he:\ sweet by means .of proper drainage ful raising<< of calves. T. E. Wood- were the guests of their repre- "Worse than ever-I can't rcccthere
h such that everyone should be able '. and frequent washing with ward, of the U. S. Department' of sentative, J. V Jones this week. even n-Exchanle.sleep when It's. time to
{ to select a bull that will suit him. scalding water and sal soda since Agriculture, says that there is Misses Kathryn May Weest, and weren't any business i
,11>F' .I ''w ThIs sale has been arranged by the milk quickly absorbs unpleasantodors practically no danger of over feed- Ruth Williams, attended the JuniorSenior v-o merchants, any stores, any de
't' State Live Stock Sanitary Board and becomes less palatable. ing calves with good quality skim Banquet at the ClubHouse In V-O fertilizer, things would J Ja
EVER HEAR OP the fellow bad sure enough.
way The
t f t" with the cooperation of the Aber- Wash milk bottles as soon as milk. MUk should be fed to Starke, last Friday eve D
nitrogen back into the son at the who got away from the grass who lays In a stock of fortlllztrv
Breedere' they are emptied by rinsing them calves direct from the separator, ning. They report a pleasant evening rate of about 40 pounds per acre per widow by taking a bay. fever keeps ready for call Is rend rlu|
first with lukewarm water and he said. t year. Old Azzy Is worth about$9OO- cure? service everybody ought to bi tIng t
.. National Stock Yards. No com then with hot water. If there is Milk Is also a very valuable feed Mrs. R. M. Faver and Mrs. M. OOO.OOO a year to farmers; the scientists V-O- to pay him for. Remember
: missions and no auction of an- some infectious disease In your for poultry, and can be fed In most L. Watterson, were shopping In figure-and all this time he's old saying_"You don't get i
,j !imals. All bulls to be sold atbreeders' house do not return bottle ex- any form. It Is especially good for Starke this week. been working without thanks. Nobody "We are now selling five times aa thins for nothing In.this work|
r ,I any even knew he was there, much much V-O as a few years aeo.- The man who thinks he con uc
i prices. cept with the knowledge of the preventing coccidtosls: In young Clay Dover, of North Carolina
less what his name was. Allen 4 Thom uon. Sldpwlth. Va. ins himself.VlaCINIA. .
health department and under con- chicks, and Is a splendid way -for who was once a resident of our "
r A 1IOMK: "Oil YOUR CHICKS ditions that It prescribes. furnishing protelne..mlnerall, and town: was a visitor here this week.
r ) How to Um Milk vitamins to growing stock and VIi'. Dover left our town about
t. t. When you have made arrangements Use at least one full glass each laying hens. fifteen years ago, while In his .
meal. childhood days. But his kind, > .CAROLINA CHEMICAL CORPORATION'Bladder' -
for a good Quality of baby
Take tomatoes or oranges to add MILK pleasing disposition has won for ." .
i chicks to start off your flocks with, WILL I'U.JVENTImUORK -- - --- ---- -- -----
t r'' you will want to get busy on a Vitamin C. I.V DIET OF him many life long friends, ''who ..NNNNN.NH.W.NNSAMPSON markers,over the county. Karl
7' E Learn to cook: with milk. GROWING CHILDREN' were pleased to meet him again. -
suitable home for them Lehman of the Orange county IrritiIt
It you are going to have any Eat some green vegetables to -- Miss Reba Maxwell was visitingIn t CITY \: chamber of commerce spoke con
tf add more iron and roughage.Add Gainesville, Fla.-Most of the Lawtey this week. Cleo Thomas .
number of chicks, you will need cerning the motorcade of southern functional Bladder Irriuj
: kind of brooder house and Florida sunshine, out-of- disorders of digestion in early The Quarterly Conference was I secretaries the state after
r Home a doors and eggs (o get more Vitamin childhood, including those of the well attended and much interest .NNN..NN.N.N...N through disturbs your sleep, or cuj
brooder for them. Almost any the convention at Daytona Burning Itching Sena:
kind of a room or building can be D.Then. dreaded second summer, can was manifested. During the noon There will be services here Ttoach. The motorcade Is to be or
Backache Leg Pains mUll
improvised into a nice brooding sit tall walk tall grow actually be traced to errors In diet.Dr. hour a bountiful dinner was servedIn Sunday at 3:30: p. m. by Rev. J. held April 14.Governor or
aches feel
tall, live tall. the City Hall you
Oulda Davis Abbott, chief of T. Guy of Starke.
-house, or a suitable one can be .
: There are so many ways of usIng home economics with the Florida Mrs. Elmore Red and son of Miss\, Cleo Thomas spent Friday pressed, and discouraged why
;k c built for little cost. If you are
Carlton has ordered the 48 Hour Testtti?
milk that it Is an matterto Alachua, attended church here try Cystex
> easy Experiment Station, stated recently last night with \Misses Oshel and Alice
} going to plan to hare one thousand
Al Capone to leave the stateJustUke give Get today.it .
Include It in some form in the Sunday. up. Cystex
Fernandez of
# P In a radio address over WRUF. Starke.
d la flock in the tall
your: that. No proof of Al beingIn to the test. See for
diet[ oV every Serve If in Rev. Norris will you
% will want to about person. She explained that between the preach at the Mi1. Link Williams of Gaines-
get twenty-
the state has yet been ottered. how It works and 11 W
one or another of these For Baptist church
ways: ages of two and seven most chil- next Sunday mornIng ville spent the week-end with rela-
five hundred chicks. For this
e It Is sincerely' hoped that his ban does. back If It dw
drinking, in cocoa soups, sauces, dren received little considerationas and evening.Mr. tives. Money
number you will want a floor space custards, puddings scalloped dishes and Mrs. Standish on certain folks will not be push bring quick Improvement, aDd
in border house about 200 to their actual nutrition and Mrs. Mr., and Mrs. King and daughter -
your on cereals as junket, and as growth requirements. The majorIty Steel, Mrs. 'P. B. Hunt, Mr. and Novella of Hampton were vis- ed too far. So many would haveto Isfy you completely. Try Cji
feet 60
; by feet, giving you an area
leave In the heart of
right the
Today. 60c. Corpenlng'iHStore.
cottage cheese Mrs. Wm. C. Kammere Only
yltw of about 1,200 square feet. They she stated, are given solid Mr and ting here Saturday p. m.
p; name proportions apply_ If you are food too soon and in too large Mrs. M. C. Sweeney Miss\ Marlon We have Sunday School at 9:30 tourist season._ .
-- -- ------
l.. getting a smaller or l larger number I quantities, while some parents of- Jones and Mr. F, C. and and Mr, o'clock every Sunday morning. -- -----
;,' t of chicks, about 50 square feet WIHJF FARM PROGRAM ten go to the opposite extremes. and Mrs. A. I. Gould attended the Mra. W II. Smith and children
t of floor space being required for I "The Voice of Florida" The most Important food for the pageant at St. Augustine this and niece Miss Dorothy Smith,
#G each one hundred chicks. I Infant is milk, she said, and the week, and report a delightful time. were visiting!! relatives in Haw-
This brooder house will be the idea that many children cannot Wasden Brothers of Graham thorne Sunday p. m.
,: headquarters for your chicks as Gainesville, Fla.-A series of drink it Is erroneous. The real were transacting business here Mi1. Charles Williams of Holly
t' t they grow up and until you send farm programs of unusual interest reason is that it is too rich, of this week. wood is spending a few days here (:!. I
y the cockerels off to market and will be given over the state radio poor quality, or given In too large Rev. F. M. Taylor rand family, with friends. 4p1 t
l+y put the pullets Into the laying station WRUF. by the Agricultural quantities. have recently returned to their Mrs. Della Thomas and children r'tA I Ile
Extension Division during the \Milk deserves to be termed the home here, after a visit in Jack- 21eo and Ones, were visiting in
ht houses. The main thing Iu planning ,\0'\ .r ,
'y your brooder house in to have week following April 12. They indispensable food 'for childhood, sonville.J. Lake Butler Sunday .' ...+lt a
; it warm, and snug for the chicks will open each day at 12:15: with and the expert who tries to devisea C. Weeks of Jacksonville, has Mrs. Eva Durkee and children. <"t. '\"
music and will for diet for the recently been the guest of friends J. B. Juanlta Edna ( 4c4
rq'e, and to have It absolutely free of run 30 min pre-school child ex- :, Rae and
dampness and of draft. See that I utes. Entertainment, answers to cluding milk has no easy task, she and relatives here. baby Ralph, of Hollywood, are .
the roof does not leak It Is a farm questions and special talks stated. It may be taken for Mrs. I. W Wesley of Waldo, spending a few weeks with relatives. r.;
good Idea to have a double construction as follows will be] featured on, the granted that the diet which does spent the week-end with her ,
floor and to have every programs: not contain milk is Inadequate.She cousin. Mra. 'A.. McDonald.\ c'.n. '-
t Saturday, Apr. 12-Better LivIng said that milk was most G. W. Hinson was transacting ...
crevice at least afoot
up say C. Oroff chairman of the
with Dairy Products-Dr. R.B Important for children because ((1)It's ) business at..the county site (hisweek. ::.
q and a half. from the floor ipeclal committee of the Palmetto _::.
i. Becker association dairy husbandry proteins of the best Quality "> .. ...
: .
l carefully plugged up, as a current Kiwanis club In charge of distrib- # --
r' 3 of cold air coming Into the house Florida Experiment Sta- ((2)) It's Vitamins A and B, ((3)) Mrs. P. J. Pearce and children, uting 50,000 bass fry from the '""v.....;..' ,.
entire I tion. 12:30: -Florida Farm News It's calcium (4) It's phosphorous, of Starke, were the guests of Mrs.
at m'ght chill and kill
your state
hatchery Lake
I Monday. Apr. 14-The Agrlcul- and ((5)) It's other valuable min Pearce's sister Mrs. R. M. Faver. on Okee-
4 brood while a human being might chobee, released them last
not notice 1 tural Extension Division and the erals. When milk !Is absent, she Mrs. J. Pursley spent the week- nightIn
even It.
{ stated, the diet Is end with her children at the upper Manatee river above
Federal Farm Palatka.
to Board-A. P. Spencer most certain to
On the other hand want
you Rye He
bridge. expects to get
vice-director extension. lack calcium: so necessary to the an
have the brooder 'house high
additional The
supply soon, which will
stand 12:35: -Rural Libraries-W. M.Fitleld growth of bones and good teeth. ProofIt
enough so that you can up Construction work coming under be> distributed county streams.
;+ and walk around In It in comfort University of'Florida '30. She cited an experiment by Dr supervision! of State Hotel De- -
Tuesday Apr 15 Putting the C. F. Ahmann assistant in Home
t -
while attending to the chicks. partment
valued at more than $3.- At a meeting of Polk
Corn Bud or Tomato Fruit Wormto Economics at the Station In county is the final test that
This will give them the air space 500,000) authorized during 1929 commercial secretaries in Haines makes one truly
Sleep.-.J. R. Watson entomologist which the relation of diet to teeth
that .they should have for their according to H. appreciative
B. of
Bostaln. state City at the Polk Hotel last week; the real value of
own health. FloVlda Experiment Station. was studied on 406 children. He hotel commissioner. in-
arrangements were made for road
Important: Sanitation can make 12:25: -Florida, nsect Troubles found that 63.8 percent of the surance.,
you or break you. Try to moveor L. W. Ziegler, Experiment Statfon. children drinking milk had teeth An
J build your brooder house on 12:25: -Florida Insect Troubles- which were not defective, while economically sound insurance
x clean ground that baa not been Troubles-Dr, E. F. Thomas, assistant only about 10 percent not using made to embrace
t f used for poultry for the past three veterinarian Experiment milk had good teeth. Carious: decay STRAWBERRY PLANTS OF QUALITYFor your complete
years. If this Is not possible, Station. and chalky teeth were much requirements is essential to the stability
bring In some ground that Is clean, Wednesday, Apr. 16-Herbaceous less prevalent. fifty years we have grown and sold the best strawberry of your business and the
e and (III In for 20 feet around the Perennials for Summer and If milk Is absent the diet is plants grown. See our and safety of your
4r brooder house, to a depth of about Fall Color In the Flower Garden equally\ sure to be low In the best with, agents get your orderin credit
4 Inches -Also clean your brooder -J. Francis Cooper, extension growth proteins phosphorous, them. or mail direct same to me. Plant crop Is. ..
1. Some
yy house like you would a surgical editor. 12:30: -Primer for Town other minerals and vitamins she shorCthls season every place so we advise you to get or of these requirements may not be
: jl laboratory. Remove every traceof farmers.. explained. On the other hand der In'early and make sure ot your wants. easily recognized-
ai I + dirt and old litter, dry-clean Thursday, Apr. 17-Reforestation milk goes a long ways towards nor may some forms
s; ; thoroughly, and scrub with hot t and Improved Pastures-W.H. making a sufficient diet for the My agents, are A. J. Griffin,A. J. Thomas, F. F. Flume, .urgently: required insurance be under.
water and some hlghpowerQ.dcoaltar Stokes, agronomist. Florida growing child, and for covering Hrovrnlre lme., Bradford! County Strawberry Assolatlon eto d.
f i' dUHIfectant.!: You must Experiment Station. 12:30: : -Work the deficiencies in an otherwise and J.:L_Ms ore, Lawtey, Fla. Prices good Missionary
at the U. S. Forest Field Station hopeless diet. -Let us help
those and
destroy parasites germs from beski you.
young 1000 to 5OOO. ,:). Over SOOO
$ Next week we will tell you about g In Starke-Lenthal Wyman In The slogan,," of a quart of milk a 3.73: : f.
o. b. hero
equipping the brooder house and charge. day for the preschool child Is accepted HAROLD'C.VALL
Friday, Apr. 18-Hints About by most nutritionists.Some ,
r getting It ready" for the first broodof 7. A. BAUER
baby chicks Using Farm Machinery in Florida'raaler think 1H pint better, but
r. i -} Rogers, professor of ag- according to an almost universal LOCK; BOX 39 JCDSO.VIA Insurance
i Bartow Union Academy moved ricultural engineering College of agreement at. least a p'nt shouldbe ARK.
'f to newly constructed Agriculture. given< dally, she concluded.'V .. I
R Stake: Florida
;. r/T bulldlnc."n
HI .
..(':-;' :: / ... :a' :pOsrMa.,; ",..."".... '1'ittf.l4o, ; / ><; A+ + A'."+",,""% \I'i!,iS,:--- ;\" :I"I'; . ."' 11 f M I''';\: ,.,, < .,"' .. ... .>
/ '
.. ,
'.-. *.. .......... -.--.....- ; "riean/ \ > ".,f' ".r .,!.; ;'.'!%; ,' '> r#: :'f fft I't r wl. '
".,.,1". ,............,.. ..- '"'loW,.I ."""""""".. ...,,"...',.iW". .r"' ,'''''
rMnlJ RF."F.
.. .
it. tDSO .
.11 *_' _ :_____ ____ _ ___ -. _.-- ..--.. -. --- -.- .----, = ---- -
A foIl>I.'I.\I, I" (Juartur ut Mouthw Ht Quarter" .
end Kant Half of Southeast Quarter
Y4 : I l'n..I.\HTIn: ,: l'UOOU.UI f N.irthw. -I Quurtor and KIIBI: Half
.!of Northvnst. gttariei' of Northwest
C below '.nai-l.-r. avid Nun I hw..it Quarter of I
( Note: The program ron- Northwest. Quuiti-i, , ,nf "'.rt head ,
nina the sermon themes 01( a QUCtC'di'L'' utul.1, I II ilf <>r NIU ihweMtUuurtwr
.''Imullaneou week of Trc-Kanter: of :Northwi'fi; Qnnrlvr of
N..II..I Quuilor nil In Hyt-tlon. JlI.T"I' '
'uoetins agreed upon by the Mln- 5, Bon Hi, Iiniia-fi t3 Rant Con-
tubIng (15( ann> .r.. .ir loss.
Ansoclallon. )
1a-is a lamp nnta mj feet, and a light unto my path.- I terlal II V. KNKIIIT.rtpn '. .
The ChrUtlan church hnvlitK no Inl Master.IS. ,
rifil All religious II rl.'Jlulnr: Pastor the writer was :M. JOHNH. ,i
ijIru.i; i #.tM4 hJ4 tzti.. creed, if they are to I t LekOti to conduct Raid mrotlngvlv'ch .llollor I fur" I'umplnltmnt 445tI C
loyalty and devotion of the people, must be hoglnn on Sunday. April t3.nd -- ---
I jve,of Jesus the Christ whose words fit into every I continues; over KuaUr Sun.lay. -
,,1 n-a n heart, and of whom" it was said in John 7:46: I Come.' Mte'nIui'Lq' stall
Notice l III hemlky stlvrn. tInder *nr*
.- Ex'pt ye be (' P110GRA hy virtue of that, cnrtnlnSrinal tf* reMind
I come aa little \ and enterod hy tne HonorftblA. .
SCHOOIj .' Z. A,ilk Inn. .lurtfro of the Twentl
i \0.\V entor into the! ; Sunday U a. m.--"Walking. With Sixth ,Judlflnl Circuit of Florida,
LlssONI'IUla \Vhoaoover th L.A tlort." nd for u-iwl'-ifi" ) CoimrV.' Flort*
S C nth dny of March, A' :T). hi-
this r)n In*
_' hlmnelt: as :Sunday 7:30: p. .',_"Qo Forward. i an in tout certaIn <...".." tivjrimndlna '
same Is greatest ." in chnm-ery wlivfAln, pa'", i
\ is: JUto ( .xf Starkn IK Cumplultiant: and k.
Few *
of heaven. WT I Love'
:Monday( 7:30: : p. nu y Ion. Bono. Jones, DnUlile B ,'
"'ha! Child and tht quell the passions !: the Church." C..' I uthei-i Hall, .TrfNlu. Hull.. Ho nee I" I,. I
Jealousy aa the Tuesday 7:30 1I\tt-"The Glorious ('.i-l Joneit, Ida JuncB. Porcey JrMnrie
: p. Junes and W. T. WupoiKlmlnUtrator .
r "S.T: "Suffer little Utile( child. It Chiiroh." d.' i of th" entate -
t ,-1)1(1) them not tc melr contentious 'A ullla.Ii 7 30 th'n.' ,-* Tbe Con- Jim. **,.dn.. ll.I\, arc ilwtm,1 <
I hit' undOrslKuvd' ' \v 111, m.
fir of uch is the blfons. Only nuorlns/ Church.' I tliu Dtii: day ii( it.'M', ,V ' . I
;,'n iVuU.: .18:1- and lack of "' 1 l'hllr dl1Y0: : p. m..-"Tho! Limitof ItiR the'" begat h'n lH" ..I! ,
tta mind. Thus with ID front nf the. Mouili, il1'niiithiiUMM <'
rhrlit'H, Ability" : to Bavo $ (en t* < 'C ii C v i S
',' 'C N; : Child- with only a little Friday* '7.1: : ) i p m. -- "Tilt, I'pllfted Uruuforrt Cntli1'' ..HI i' '
J&8U1I preached( orn .."!> ti1h" I- Mil ithe
t' ree Christ. ,
lil proper fUlloWl. 'it. M t I I
: rpt-ponsibtllt\ > membered Itel'm Jns.I tatnrday; 7 : ::1p.( m."Ti.u Chilst* \ sod IIIT| CC i I tIfln '
Jeans showed) to." 1Iktllthc 1\\
.11 G"I'king; I of thu Church. '
S eI" '
i I ow) Clod and our treatment of " iICIitdM >'uudny 11 1\. in..-." What( the'! I \ \.\"torTWentst1"' . "C l, I
i u I id. in.,;. "Aud whoso ; II U.'tiutTQctUiii'Of' Chr nt McitnH or"\1al\lp\ :' si 'p
I : i to i i ,
\: n 'L\V 'on (Jie such little ch'ld ; : Mu." nutUfytiin!! ui l r"
.mi! C) (i'i 1\' ,1ml, today feivoth rao. Hut ( :; I .' _-"--SS_ T 7SSM. sunda".. '7:3 A p.; m.':-The EIIIII It'l at"\ .
C 1 I'L '" '
"I i ,)' w lolls of Jon fond one of these l j Wr tfpr lliilj oC Aci-cpUiItlo and (' D. h'I'II." .
;,". 1 1. ID fetor,, I bollevo in mo it ural %Worvhlu in( Taught (lu 1'I t4AtItr. I lls I ,
u i P nilo 0 mountransfigured-' him' that a Nw To 'tan ent." i -.. I
I. .> about his neck W. E. Thtuherty) Mlnt.lilt. --
tifliC, (... o did dro'w'hed in the _i--_ _. N{ < riCKIn
H. tliert- appear- Not only those ) Tim mayor ot Oakland Park riftenVllod 11,
i, i and Uliaa talk- lu years. but : Al Capoito to come th*r.o ("'(ScOtt In Court OhiiO.'ei, Jii v"nl', i I"i i I .1. , I
Li.'Iiold a right> mature lit years, C li.ve. The I'II1I.YOI"ya Hat Uma Jj'I..rlda.Taixh. of Ih""tt.I.:<< i C
In understanding, 1 bad have reformed .ad i"iimjMali'niii. \ *, .'\s '. i iSt
w, d
out ot the ( -I I ceive; 1 the aid ami : locomo useful fltlseua and Oftk- itt" (lt'tundaeits., Fu'rhfor.gitos. S,. ., p
of those who are and Park !a a "community of cpLirumltl 0"", r nf Pu..t..n. . 5"
rhi: Iii my dO\Hl'l Informed in : .)' ..*." Well. Al in/ tha boy' "'1'" Hi\l"( of fflorid : Tf, JD. 81"111111" us-
r.lll stern
woll\ tnil TVuiik H. littdHou
-i I I am alt thePIrt '
whon to grab
flod's l. care for who know tCII'wfl.'I, '
After the transfig-I unit Ion; lio HhoulJ do welltown It nitp'rsi'tng' from the oflMivv'iHmnlHltiiint'n ,
c6Avn to the him \a shown by > Solloltor' to .*+ '' \
r imc shepherd who thero ntltlil* tiiun*' duly .ft,'. '
Ji," healed the 2M : .1
m '
r. or i i
---i *> rtiat the ntvHif
%S.." 'nt th<' apjstles sheep but left the S Klabotato: nroi'uratloaa' fur the II'I'9>nl' H. Moili 1,1- i .. 1"1 i in t tIII
b ,CIICa' ,' or their nnd that went had out to ,,.,,,, S i1i C C C i *t54'S : 'IIt cr1 aid'tflillt ol the judges! and \ that of Ifllofltl.h.rf it n'," 'i .i nEltnte '
i inter s,,\' n'oen one I ,uwytu'H of Florida members ot IOSCC! '' In t'4of1 i cs '
,,, !.'',!<'it :u>out Je- rejoiced' whcji Thou the I .An. riT'rlelii Htata Hftr' AuaOclnttofl.vho roaM.'ClC'I" ,hind" I' 1"11""lit, 'ICS tf,1"t J 5,
i r hoto pro- found 'I. . I'" I will\ mioi In Orlando! I Krldn t lip' III iipk'e "lA' ,'Si) 5'" ', ,1"C'r
it (Is lIo 't.be
so l itre
t tn v.iv t1w Koinan.iii (iiL ISiitui'iluy\ '. April 11 and 1-:! t I". t1
J. H he'CsI"I
iir in USth '? 1))
.,.ll and Peter. which C heir nnuual (convention! hovscomputed .. .saul .16"11" ,ItC I' 5',
i n hi'HIM! "At these little out-s ,' .. -. I ,*euC'4ls" -. li.tir:; btMln by Orlaudo law i PrutttM: L. 11UI1s00,,! Jl1t,! ,,. '
S i i I' th,' dlBe'plas Today lesson : I'' C-\\ USE Bso -jg ..c.' Y1'I, who ar, to b& hosts' to llnonv ;- unknown inch$ )''''iit' 'Iru'd do'' aH I.. ain I 11", i, M I I _ _ _ _
119 )3-lSi dcfl rtbl hi t 'if" , ',', .1 I
In ,. W'o! U thekInyClOtu : I Hr: SHAD"')) ,> <>iitlon thin ytar. C. ;imnluit\ ,
Iin Jeimn> life h'ioorigbttest A SUlt lu.OtlH'HWH" .1 _ _
First - +-- _
p! beav- d'I"IJPlIblo! on! the I ven feet; -- other vellnf, on ur i I _ _
I (Ore IVs. : !: Ml>l>KR.V!: :ANI> S.: .__ __ I !rutotnIn. (! \\ very ''VlHiftrnMiryot : Sor-.nnd!! Flooreight' toOt. Mulberry -..- Two store bulld- tho ftth clay 1u1 Mn.' ,. \ I i I
> It'0 !'J<''d l Uonrn. the Al l IBSIX< I.nf I I.. '
wero brought : THE LIViIILoR to111\ oonnlrunU'd I ml Join na oihurwln.1 _ _ _
.J i Pur lJ) the 1 ot: the Mo.dern b 'tute r quirftmaterials K 1 > pORlI{ ttse, 'n'l'' 1'1 .;>*' age' Cumpltlnt. will l.I." i _
CtIt.'Ci among tlren. that he to l1o\oIld I Iexptl18"ve foViji'f{ Smith or L'voo.toi1 iora building; at corner '''.wsed by, "ft 4t, ,y''i I'C rn.t.llI.f"ct
d I ( .lIt wo for a lot N aI
them and The Khmlo I p13\'mlllHmt fl'UQ ttyellttG. hint. 'lliln( imn i iI '
o '.mid. ) be the \ on replm't-m*.. Tho de- \ Wont forx lilt I'nrlnK North or .t.) I '1 lie 1".hlhlIvd i f,.1 ISP'S'' f. r
'rebukod ...... -"-" -"'-'- _
pIes I -- '--'--'- - ... in "is _
> -
LI1),." Chapter 22', little MQJE'rn--;; 14lgn of tho lioiin miit( !lm aitractIvo t fcii.>t, th" ii'niib uhotild hu;! rovar$ed 1..1'.1& r r"UI' 'OIl"'Utl."lufsPE'0IAIITI* w ,\ IL It.waM.t.4 -
said Suffer ( tlia livable t'iilaK's Hr\\H\I'I ..
i hI
Miking "And 8 of crlm- frontnira;
8lJtOUtlt.'l .
i" : -4t la notlilntc Itq't. Lot' : -- >r IlIohI1..d tnYn'ir'hiuvd daska.I"ttihty .tJ
/ !
thorn not to calledand _ _ _
a a .','i'iIV', among bid --It ban been .I inul to ii,
I the <<
tor of such Is for living: Bi'mltord CuiintytPlnrlda \ of
Ct t: them ,hould bu And he \ : oo-a machine houMc '.nto a poor dl'l4lgn.o'iJo.'l'.l t.e costa right 8 I; font; Lot froutiige' minimum in. on and ucvoiini tuP/ uf TH..* 1 Nlirn" (t ('I"1'1r .ff 1114'' "bt/Y! ;'" "ftVi5d' 1'I
,>ati .. ." <: ae-j I.on. design of the Modern nothing; and Is WOI't 'lhin CO tout.Coiisrtciott( .ad fur the yvar ''lIP. -.1 (0".1 th.. meal. CI. sftjut COurt
them. and with the plan :t IH a n a- I' .. Kxtorior: walls C. A. Knluiit.> r 0'1'( i'fll..i'tin', ""Ht.. nClofil\ on tills (Flirt Jhy of /
spocilkaLions ,
of the ( -
Jl attitude The Kljado monte I U.10CnniKr \ itfl"is II' C1Ii
ICvtn tlu-shdow rooms and &Htai-HK, ttlit.tt'I'It March A. U. IUI"" sit *
io n<'ar tho donth otCn1ll5 for living and above owl\ uc<].J.\J.r i utlcal Pl'I\' brick ; Roof' Hlnto; Foundation. l>"Mi
not take from Je I! bo arranRpd to Fell. 2K. llrU; O.II D.HI! i-k
details must mod el C"uw' bill due u."I"I'\
I ,
says, tlcd; .1 noncretoV'ndow, mf _ __
') ntary children and ( e\iHls for and a; p" : : l.y: ntMi.. illiicjCixl, ...,, 311,27: IH Mf JdlbNft. _
rrawn: from tho dlsho end. The houo orn lid your motor I ., monte; buorti: wood to apoclnl, \ ito- To lial. due Mar. al. 111\0:\ ., It.au.1',' fcollcltor for ,",om JaLlttltllt. 10
whlrh they It \ _ _
faith for tha houait He) f ie v _
I.t im ilk ,
w.i, I Ilia CUvist .1 Shlgeirleu til. . .} 'lf. t"1J.r. ., .
died for house- It provides: ; 0. T S...3UII( -- -
He .;edi. Tho \ tJltIOUt I.e. unt no -
ineet -
our n wood linoleum -
ti.\ IIIK Cod They liorrenUon Roonti Intt.'rlon--I"loorl. toy I Hy mnt. ciilli'nleil. _ RS.S1 11' '.1") _
faith in MO1'II'ICVC\
childlike l pliiR element IH a vital rlItrl' : Cell ., Mar. 31. I Hill !3.141.11 M.'TI'tI' : )
'hoy believed him to be and (mal apace, finish! ; \V'nIls. planter: 'I') lint itur
---- Laundry '...... linildlna. %--
Improp C ;
I.tJoo""t'0 wneto'Hlei>a. compoul- p.
d Messiah e who \" ppnce Flml' l'hlOrEntran Vest IHiuli> toga planter\ ; Kitchen Tri hill, illlr K..H. 2A U'lH Ci l H. r.'iw mliii/, , Is given thnt nniterninl
I PU locution of doom and wludowg. , I tllu Stoiimlual Kit: ,l.tTo : of that e.rtf>vj: final t S
a great Jewish klng- Closet Living Room. tlon tile; flat II Itoom ; fly '''II'( 'nll"'I".1 I by virtue ..
'ip) ,
of flxluros and equip with 'oat wiring. .lull. ilil,' Mar 91 l, 1031 I 0307 .1'1 ..'r.... nf fnrn,l""lir(> toadeby. tnJil.lno
"i'i 'luat'. what that greattid -. II.: J tile arid Sun Uoom Dining rionni. Kilt'lion, gag: and Cntiiilr pi ol-41riierltl Ht Iho I liSt lh. .tiu1l''lnl dri.It." _ _ _ _
be was very dim to Hev. Cleorgre -nil must undergo and a. small room forartlen Cnb'luro--18.800 cubic feet.Complete To lull Hun t''.h. :2 ittAU\ IK.OIin'l' In Anti I fur" nradford 1oiinty, Plorlilu.. .
traunfls-I Services Sun K t>o in a must have eunl'ght I Motor Ttoom working )lInn:'! and My itint. .>.IH-II.I|| | 4 $17.3D\ } i., (Clumcef", rn t\\f\ tlml ila-Y ."CM ,
1 C This was the ,' ventilation this means toola. Ti hat nun Mill., 31 I, ana I I IH..1H4.1II I : \ ,ifc-l>, A. li. 1100! In fnv% '.r of lhKnileral '
lows: -
and of thin IIDIIRO are 1'nliimbla, a
led the d'sriples: to I' Second Floor --- Throe lIedI'tOoniS Hpoclflcntlomi c.uill> I* i.e Utnil IliinU of .' _ _ _
10 a. m. ; windows well placed. The Ad- iivti. :'M I 111.10: nimuiliv (. and oicnlnut (' '' < -
luiinlnal dur.
of the e and avallahlo I lor a sum. ri (h..1. rorlMirnl( _ _
II 1 II the setting up Truby Supt. must nerve all rooms and nath Dressing Room \ Keillor and re- i ,unit. rnlleitfil .91)14: lIft fldlil.. -_ __ . tot ill., Pofondants.Thn ,, .
i I' was near at band flosula.Ceil'tiR. .IrtiHt.! III lliiMilliiK< 'l') .. luil.' ilun Mnr. 91. \oao 311.0ul ,nnnVmlitnml, vi" 'J'''' i rtMlii
unpleasant strife arose 11 a. m. I rear entrance! dlrect-Cloneta !I < ._- Ilasement fi..r to 11'"I'".- \il-I :21LSt Totul "....-....!..!.,!_UfKliliirTo pfior'/ , for tussle ..t live front oft
mon by the ... lie I-------.1- a DroBSlno: ( Height i Iml, HUH !I' .'h. ':N, "li.10 U.IS'IKZ: hey ('..uv't, h.'vtoo In Hlnrkc. Klxrldi I '
so should have the chief'lie a Hy .ini. I. I.HIHI', | |.-.t| 4IHII'! ilurlnw tho 1.,1:i l bn"r.. of oval" ".. _ _
I kingdom.' of the Holy To lull. ., duo. Will'. 31.I 1 flIt) I INII"II13) Miiiulity.' May Mb. 1MO, to thin hlitb-
; Sacrament of t I' Lures Summer Voyagers Muti-Ni-hoiil ll....4.d ..*, ninl In-lit hlililer" for .',...h the'
ton shows the differencen Alaska l Land of Midnight\ Sun, '".t Ivil' 0.1".1" '." I I. Itl.lU II*,Oil 127 ; tnllnwlnor tl..H"irlhpi| properly l lying
worldly, political king- Ilapttamn I ty' mill. fiilli-i-ti-ii I t ,l I Ce.is'I' ( : I nPd h..lnw In isred ford fount, K|.>r- _ _ _
kingdom Je. Ion of Eldt>'rs. I lull., ilu.. M''.... 3'1, IDa* Hf)4il30I ) '( to-wit' : .
id the spiritual -- . "MM.M It rut 1I'I Hoiilhwcst, Quarter. lIt 1I.uth."tQuart..r I
ni< to establish: "And Jed 7 p. m. ;- To Iml ililiKiOi. 2H hue 9SH tIC and Hnutheast. . Quarter of ,
child unto him Topic-"Wliy .\. :; '. ., .. ... I Hy 'ihit. i....11.,1 l :aj I.'1To S.. "!., nun', r iiml. a strip or
little .I Itt
I n Christ." .. I" .' littl iliii, < Mnr. :ll, 11131' .- 0:1077Vlili :/ limit i 1(10( r.wt will" oil Kast: Hiilw
I him In the midst. of them t,,'. \ ...'.. pifm9iii. l unil. ..*. ...M..f ivonrt..r "f Hotithweiit
Verily I nay unto you 8p.m. 'i'i l..cJ To (hl.1.' ...> IS'-),. tn. lu.iu: tIltS tIC Quarter Hwcllnn 11, Twp. '1. "",,'h. lit
ld. mon and song. ,Hv I unit ,11.1, ( 32 UTo : ..,' 211 ,C't'.r. Also North' westCJunrler
------- lull, ., line Mnr. 31 11131.I 9.111: ,17 of Northeom. t uurt..r. Hnnloii -
Announcements Prayer lI.....lIn.H....cP1' '1 I 4. Twn 7. !
ical ning: at 8 o'clock.A |IM,1.| iiu. "'..". tn, iti.io: 1/8J1)0! i-xntnlnlnK. In this aggregate
Hy nmt. <-oll..i-li. >il _. 1213 1$ 123 acres. _ _
$tntes Attorney cordial T, liul due. Mar. 31, 11130Oatl.11 C 3. T.. n.\t.1.'
services extended llonil Ill-Mil Int. ilk Mlnklnit. ,''u...,' Sp..clalI..t..r.. .
th.. TwentySixthI > 'I'* ,) bill. .Iuo ..'..'.. 2$, 11I:10 112.1111>.11 F,. M. JnhIiiH4.Mulleltor .
voters> of
ID . .
nker.an.1 Hy ami. rnllerled -- for t'omplalnunt;
J .
I Circuit. .\
Bradford counties. I here- I Tn bill> due Mnr. 31, IIIII .. 63.75877 4.4-St-S-J:
W. AI.I>KICMAN. \"I".k
.. for the -- (I. -
mnc a my candidacy U. e' --
'j.itaiAttorneY. of the fly %I.H
nf' ofit. 10 a. m. MtNTKICH: ';'NOTM'M OK
v-Slxth Judicial.. Circuit -
vubject to the Democratic hail 83 present :\C'U'11 itereliv nolle; In riven Hint under.
Klectlon: ot June Srd. 11130. J of that curtain. final
ry 11 a. m.. -l> C. .1 hy virtue .
held .
I have hvJUiltre > "
Hi'U support. foreclosure
your 4y C to Auiilenoolh nt
Htnte of decree "
B. l'h'I'L"u.
,xltlnn before and am familiar 7 p. m. 5, 5 Tim rireellnw: of .llm, '2II.h.$ Judicial (Circuit,
[he dutIes pertaining thereto will be t' n I y, Klorll -
nominated promise an emnprgetlc There " It npfi.nrlnir dy nindnvlt' H|>|>enil<>d I n. and ror I Mrnilfonl uuu. 82nd d..y
economical ad- each morning at to the Hill of Complaint In trieChitnrttry |. 'In Chsnrery. nn lb the
( ana of- CHUM.. pettillnir In the. Circuit 'f MIt..II..A. l II IH30! In favor. of
the affairs. of the 8 ..Iumb..... a
i ration of the support evening at p. Court In I nnd. for ItrHdforil I Ciuiriiy federal" T-nnd. Hunk of ( .
IH| will appreciate I' ri' Jnnenct
iwnlnxt y
week W. M lloolh H nrporutlnn
next whereto, S
In caLl i Klorldn. The,
voter eslecMnn.ws, ('"mpll.lllllnt and Annie Kontri Is il.... 51,. Defendants. I
A. Starke Fla. 'Sunday. fvndant that the t suld.. ditfvnilunt Is nnderslKned.* ax. HpoHul. MiiMlrr will..
nun-resident. of HIM nlntif. of Klnr-. offer for Hale at the front door t
Oil UF.PURSK'XTATI"H I HKKVICKH: : ; xe 1, a!I.IA.! and, nnd Unit there hs|. rnslilvnre Is. no person'Is Unknown Lathe during the C'niirt! the house|legal. In hours ttarkr of, sale Klorlda, onMondny '
state. of .Florida. the service. of a May Kin I'KIO. to the bllrh."tItn" ,
ke thin method of announcing- ; Sunday / lilt"'I.opnn upon whom would 1 Mud I lirst. lilfldrr. for cash I the. follow and
"n.ll. Ins dvsrrlheil. property lying
nrmlford[ county subject to ac- ternoon ; IM. over the axe of 21 yearn, hernn.. .In Bradford. County _ _
,r the Democratlo primary ot lowed by aid cause being a Hill of IMvorce, ti '. theSouthWest
3rd. If elected. I pledge my- charge of Hev. It IA. ordered that .said. dufenditnt h.an.1 The. Northeast.. Quarter of
1) acre
ofLI2p0 lees one
"' work for the beat. Interests he Is. hereby required. to BPIIOKIin Quarter ..? HoctlunTwentvNIn" _ _ _ _
state Curlier
of my county and Methodist the Kuld Hill of Complaint at (is.cIerk" In Ih" rlnuthonnt p
111m.,.,.. Your support. will he'inted. . olHi-e In Htarke, Klortdu$ toanswer U''', wnnhli Hevi
N. D. WAIN: !WRIGHT.t is -. 3 said IIIII on the ftth day r>fMay (1) Houth. hangs Twenty-One (ll: )
Joe Earman a cv ail:) acres morn ur
truntulnlnif ,
ml. (
t otherwise. the ,
.tC A. !>.. i93. _________
Commissioners will be tnfctnUN *. I_ _
tOTNTV: (.'(COMMISSION! : S legations of said Kill *" J. f. FHA7BB -
Beach and has I'onfnssml.. It Is further nrderitd Hlieclal Muster.K. . _
that this' order" be published once a
reby announce myself as a can- ment in his week. for four fonnerutlve weeks In 1\1.\ JOIIN4., S
board of _ _
i for re-election to the taking four the Hradford County Telegraph anewspupwr Hollrltor fur Complainant. .,
District 44.11JU'rU'I.1 ;
I y Commissioners, for of aneral circulatIonpublIshed .
>"or Two Bradford county sub- sheet.. Among In Uradford County Florida. _ _-
", the Democratlo Primary of says he is the OK. KI""I.. IH ('11 HOW _ _ _
are, 1930 and solicit your iupve lion and ordered at HtiirU. Florida ..
I to give .."I.. hereof on .-
agreed hi. April 31".1. A. I I' U 1 II. Hlxty iUr. after
served In this capacity for ing to the city Heal) UUO.: W. ALPKHMAN.. wit: the 20th day. of May A. D. Kit
'"! years given the people a Clerk) Circuit Court.Attest I will present my vouchers and. float v________
economical service. Joe knows of theorlsrlnal account to- the Honorable lien. A. i
and above l I" a true eupy _ _ _
Bromine. If elected to continue he Is absolutely '-.... jJi /' ,.r (*n flle In my olllieUKO. Oardlner.' County Juilve, of Hradforifl
ame. conservative and econom- .... --tC'a.: # I I *&. _, ;It:lleJ W. AI.UtillWAN. county Klorlda as administrator of
ervlce I have heretofore ren- : f I To....""f s-.. .t.T-I: ";;." :(..& t.rl: .,h / b ; Clerk. Circuit Court. the estate of J. Z. Anders., uIecasedcoil and .,
old negro = their approval mydischarge
l >upJ. An ;; ask for
I. and will appreciate your = t2MtTriCM 3
why so' I 4t : ::::; ; 4 "-& as such administrator.This "
I "g"'J
Q. CREWS. asked 21st day of Murrh A. F) l$3...
committed !: ._ of thistrip. I ntrriCK or $11.12Hereby R. J. DAVIS.Administrator .
I belief. AI..... Glacier ODe of th* highlight 4
to general eiitate of J. Za-
"* (' COMMIS! IO\F.B right answer. have heaio Contrary; I* a BUR mass of Ice BO milaslong
oUTy. Million ot American waste for many varieties notice I I. gluten that under der" deceased.KI .
" frozen
not a :
way boss, I Alaska-"8ward'. Folly"- U bloom profusely and 100 feet high. Th vibratIon and by virtue of that certain final :r-2I.lIt.i-
""reby announce myself a candl- gets in trouble The UnIted States paid 7JOO. of flower part. Alaska. of the (hip'. siren a* It p- decree of foreclosure made tiy tlieJudice
for count comlnnr which KBewara even In the northern etuse gnat masse* the 2"th, ,Jiullclal, Circuit
re-election as It. but have never keen Its scenery I* preaches often of OTI1 or AL n'III"IUaC! ;
over 1SOO- and
If r.-elect- worry 000 In Ilk Norway Into the Bradford County. Florida.
district three. tel much break OH and plunge In and for .
doing of tee M t.
was .. after date hereof on
what n grotesqu ( fllxty days
peopleradford hlsself. knew Brightly-painted tutu. dwy
*' \HI) continue to give the kills magnlncnt. caonoa-llk report.BkogwaT. In Chancery, on the
faithful andent has returned Uie Seward million never fall to Interest water with a L> 130, In favor of TkFederal wit: The 20th day of May, ltJO 1 will
county a Alaska polee March
Jus' totem of
down he natural, the northern termlnu IA vouchers and final acfiunt *-
performance of the dutiesie thousand-fold. It K who 1.* constantlf I.anul Hank of Columbia a present iry
omce, worklnc always for theIntere..t. II Alaska the land of thmldnlbt tne traveler la tnl the voyage. 1. a quaint little town. corporation. and against Kme cr.w., to the Honorable Deo. A. (Oar
that Sights
unusual Bradfordcounty
of the entire county. In this : *therefor sun the land of leaplmi encountering romance.Tn considered during tb* Oold Rush of _______" __.t at.. Defendants. Thuund.ral.ned. dIner, county/ judo\ administrator of of
u UNDERHILX about so glibly salmon totem pole*, and glacier U land*of"Frlnc mystery***" and.w.mere leave Tancouvet. VA to be on* of the wlekednt the traveler*pot* offer for' sal. a*at special the front Master door. will of the esate, Florida of H. M.as Mnyder, d.c.......
and oilier flatted more and more frequent- freqnmt Interval" on\ artb. From Bkagway house In Htarke florida.ulvuning and aak for their approval and my
tax at Court
: being B. the
01\ ("OIofTY: COMM.snOofIF.R traveler whO can traverse th famous White Bon legal hours 01 sale tin discharge as such administrator.. -
out discriminating late August the
I untIl I
the money ( 1, by out-of-the-way place from aarly ,JuDe the Trail by raIl. circle Lake AUlD sad Monday May 6th, 1.90. to the bIIC" This list day of March. A. D..
unusual during
hpreby announce myself a candl- jects would a ; ; seek their wnderlusta also from Urns to time the Sill for soot. of lea celebrated Uk eat and best bidder fur cash the following -I 190.
r for re-election as count com'oner. the in which to atlafy reoxalnder of the ,..r. Most of sail down tk. Yukon .oDawaon. decrlbed properly lylnn'' and. I A. B. CUEVW:
of travel openi
district five comprl lns; The season for Alaska voyag I* throUgh *l rtt** d. Inlandchannel trout an prospector of below In Uradfonl County, FloridA. : Administrator, estate of,. H. M. Bay
;'> *r Bn
prnmla. a continuance of falth- several pints Lout" .from Victoria on either *W.. Take cWL The Northeast Quarter of North'ant,
and emclent performance of the Jun 1.C,5''d oftn
here Vancourer
Ie. of the office, and will work sumed I touching
"ie heM Interests of the county.T. even though It
OSTEEN. 1 32iDt1.l"S
.. .. , . ,. . .ur -- -"S t 'Sj' '
I '. 0., ,hC. S .- .. '''''\ .,,: < .' (fl".C.: : S. '
I... "_,.! '
," . 'Ji f'fI; 'ftJ.1ti: .
'r..v.,.. "" '. r'. 'm" .".. ,. '''''' "'_' ," .' '",....."", . 't ..", ,-, ';0 ''Sj\- "'''''" ,"0' \'''' '''\'''-:''"''''' I':" '1'.1'"i': "'!"1'i' _, ""'''1i''YI1' ,! IT''; .w, ,11 I ''' ,
... "GR.__._ICIG:.. ___T ____. ._______._____.__ .. u__ _.. -- ---==" --"-- --------,,-COUNTY.---TELEOR1PII.---...----8TARKE.-- FLORID...--- --.------ Mount., Dora Monday----,-calling. on I FLORIDA-FRID.UAI'Rn'l-UAKDKNJacksonville ; ._:-..1'ntl II
ed about among the shrubs until The tub looks like a
Bradford TelegraphEstablished daybreak trying to find his house,; pool d ; and 'acquaintances. The
County I From Other according to the Telegraph. Reminds -!, But still nobody knows Topic was glad to have him as a A trains
1877 Pensi& ua of Lord WhOBla who tell 1 The torture that I suffer, and visitor. Mr. Matthews ia candidateto during the n.).
1 himself in his office after "Ht,
In the park fountain :n dear ol' That causes me to mope- succeed considerable dam
Class' I.unnon and swam around In a )its looking over all that space serving on ,the commissionmore a
Fridays and Entered as Second Starke Is shipping six dollar truck and result..1suspension
first -
on by
Published Weekly two terms, appointment
.jlrcle: until the "bobby" turned a To find a bar of soap. h
berries' --!s'x "berries" to the crate. of
Matter at the Post/,, Office at Starke FloridaE. -Tlme -tnlon. flash light In ,his face. "Thank We've mermaids painted on the to fill a vacancy, and farm irk
I Cod." said he-"The lights of Dov- walls tw'ce by election to the office, each n that section or ..ill
S. Matthews, _____________._______ Owner and PublisherJ. ---- er at la t.:"-.:Lake Wales Highlander I I And cupids on the floor; time by a large majority. Mr. and west of the 1 SIM.., ,< ,
Key West Star'd definition of butler stands and holds Matthews has at all times justified DUet
A haughty said the
C. Kobinson ___._ _____ _____.______. --- Managing Editor him weekly cm: con .
- .. - -. home IH a place where you can I I A towel, at the door. ( the confidence shown In report, issued ton :
- - -- -" -- the hash. Starke Telegraph. ---o-- I carresslngly. the and has served ably. p
- trust .Palms wave at me by voters Mitchell, goverumi
SUBSCRIPTION RATE That paragraph flatters every It would have been much nicer But still I hare no hope As owner and proprietor of, the gist here. merM\
housewife who reads it.--Clermont If our governor had ordered bin IOf I peacefullyI Bradford County Telegraph, Mr.
Yearly $1.50; Six Months, 75c-Payable in Advance round the ever bathing "The heavy rain < gr
sixty-seven sheriffs to up
Press cannot find the soap! Matthews is personally known by age to all kinds of.
Advertising Rates on Application biggest bootlegger In each county q III,
.-o the, Topic which wishes him success report, "and a lest
.. . -- ---- ,---- -- - - - ---- and sent them to Chicago in exchange his candidacy. So far the 'xtem to
------ in
-- )
Miami Beach Sun's 'office boy for However ons. Early corn will |, .
Sunshino and strawberries. ralla his girl Label because she Florida: must, Capone.protect home Indus- Topic has not learned of any. op- replanted. The
o sticks so close to the bottle. What tries from outs'de invasion RAILROAD COMMISSION: pos'ng candidate. Mt. Dora tatoes was suspended In tbl
bottle?-Bradford County Tele- The HTATH 1'REBS: COMMENT Topic. eral Point district and mil
No editor coined the expression "The editor's easy chair. graph. Scotch, brother. She sticks Times Bradford U unable County to Telegraph.figure out what MIST REGISTER-. I'ltOPICRLYTO ; will result from the SOIlU'
-0 so close.-Miami Beach Sun. had for tak- tlon of the soil
grounds the governor
It the of Florida had "The
newspapers strawberry ,
being crowned --o--- ing the step he did In notifyingthe "'n>pwM\
Being crowned king is not as painful as If we were listing the best weekly sheriff of Florida to arrest the say-so, Gene Matthews ownerof (Continued from Page 1)) damaged In the central bebl
with a brick. newspapers In Florida we'd Capone on sight and escort him the Starke Telegraph would also in Bradford ,'ounty )
I mention the Clermont'Press' and have a perpetual membership on Democratic ballot and will be per- shipping had just begun
-0 Capone
to the state border line.|
Starke Telegraph first.-Wauchula the Florida Railroad Commission. m'tted to vote that ballot and no Citrus groves are in
Gainesville is the latest Florida city to fall in line with I\dyocate-Now boys, don't be as has'a known bad reputation has committed, but as no tar Illegal -Gainesville Dally Sun.o other All these ballots whether condition-about the as only i 1f
movies. backward about returning the -- Republican or Democratic will be that has been benefited
Sunday act within the state. How hi;
compliment.-Clearwater, News.o Hon. E. S. Matthews, owner of put Into the same ballot box, but heavy rains.
o can he then be thrust out and especially -
Telegraph is a candi- be counted by the Low
-- --- the Starke will separately temperatures were
Times-Union prescription for spring fever is plenty of Key West Star's definition of and taxpayer as he' .?Is a-property Green.owner,Cove date for re-election to the office of election official II ,and separate returns dltlonal unfavorable factor"
, fishing equipment and a big lake. home Is a place where: you, can Springs Times: railroad commissioner which po- will be made. "Some sweet potato >1111I>
trust the hash.-Bradford County sition he has held with credit to "Where a person changes his set out by those previouslyed
o Telegraph. The ed'tor of the Star, --.0-- himself and the people for a num- previous Democratic registration on lowlands were unfatc
Some husbands are trying to figure whether adoption of evidently Isn't rodeo of a sport If thirteen mills state tax were ber of years.-Umatilla Tribune. I! to Republican you should enter on affected. Rust Is reported II 1
and certainly Isn't Inclined to tak-I taken off through adoption of a -o I the Registration books a state the result of wet weather,
the glass rolling pin means a break for them. ing chances.-Miami Beach Sun. sales tax and 'no scheme was figured Eugene 8. Matthews, editor ot 'ment showing that such change Recently planted ,orn and
< 0 -- to return part of the sales the Starke Telegraph and a state has been made and give the num- ton have failed to germinate\ \
t 1 Adv says "Tung Oil Make Dreams Come True." No Miami Beach ;not downhearted tax proceeds back to the counties, railroad commissioner for many ber ot the certificate which you replanting of truck and otherJwill
I when It Is engaged In spendingtwo In Bradford county It would mean years will have opposition for re- have issued showing the change In be necessary in tact]
chance of dreaming with tongues
t some millions for municipal Improvements that property owners would be relieved nomination but not enough to party affiliation. In'changing the entire soil preparation will bl''
--o Bradford County 'of just one-sixth of what hurt. "Gene" has made good, and party affiliation you really be repeated."
Not to be outdone by Plant City electing a strawberryqueen Telegraph. No, the downhearted- they are now paying. Figure what the people of Florida well know the Democratic'registration anddreregisterthe -S
ness comes when attempting to one-sixth of the amount you paid It.-St. Petersburg Times. voter as a Repub Shipments of early irJ|
will be in the lists for Potato Queen.
Palatka a
raise the last in taxes would amountto : tatoes from Hastlnga !
two million.-Miami year --- p- lican. The' books should show district
a Beach Sun.Starke and. then figure how little you W. O. McQuagge of Marianna however, the'original registrationas the lead last week over ship
Safety Harbor must have been the scene of the Scandalsof --0-- would have to spend for necessities: Is the latest candidate to throw his well as the new registration.I of cabbage which have held]
1630. have unearthed 1437 skeletons 300 years old. berry movement has and luxuries before the sales tax hat In the ring for state office. He would suggest that when you spotlight in shipments for thej
They passed the million quart level by would offent what was taken off In is president of the Florida TaxPayers change the party affiliation from several week from points Itl
o nearly another quarter, and has :state millage. To be of.benefit the Association and has an- that of a Democrat to that ot a section. Thirty car loads of|
Bradford was found to be entirely free of ticks during reached a quarter million dollars !sales tax would have to be appliedto nounced for railroad commissionerIn Republican that you run a red tatoes were moved from EDI'
," March according to report of officials in charge of eradication In cash Strawberry crops areworth. ; reduction of county and district group one."Eugene S. Matthews line In ink through the Democratic and ten car loads of cabbage J
"- I "something, and especiallythe i taxes: Instead rof accumulating In I of Starke, the Incumbent will be a Registration re-register the voter Ing last week while Espanola|
work. -I II Florida crops.Crescent City the atate'treplury,(or: state use.- mighty hard man to beat.-Dade oh ,the same book showing his orda of shipments show thin
0 Journal. Starke Telegraph. A sensible ,County Herald.. registration as that of a Repub cars of potatoes and no cab
--o- statement ot the expected advantages lcan.! be shipments during the week.
of o Proper entry should
yourself on top
If you're tired of living just perch
Judging from the col. to be'reclved from a general .
opening Eugene Matthews is a candidate made to show what has been done.
I some strawberry farmer's fence and start "Singing in the umn of the Inverness Chronicle, sales tax.-Bronson Journal.around for re-election as railroad commis- "In holding the election the Jacksonville Mlnluturtj
Rain." last Issue, the editor Is suffering -o---- sioner. Mr. Matthews who owns election officials should keep a course located on Main belj
from a severe attack of spring Ipoetry. I the Bradford County Telegraph, separate poll Hat showing the num- Orange and Phelps streets,<0
-0 I .-Starke'Telegraph. Your t has made the state an able official. ber of Democrats and Republicans to public.
r Thursday half-holiday closing petitions are already being diagnosis Is all wrong. The troublewas town r While he has opposition It Is not and the names of each who have
circulated in scores of Florida communities. Summer is almost Indigestion caused by eating believed he' will experience anyd'mculty participated In the election. Adults Contract Chilt
b here. spring onions.-Inverness Chron- iI'9 In going buck to Tallahassee. "You will understand as I have DiseasesAdults
Icle. .-South Jacksonville Journal said above, that there is only one can, and do, contract EL
The sun Is shining-folks are
o --p- general primary, but this one shildren's diseases. And usually! ,,J
At the world's wettest wedding held under water in Los Jacksonville preacher recently mllng! -birds are singing-berries ----0- general primary! covers both par- rafter from them much moref
it is both bride and remained took for his subject: "Can Any are ripening-and we eat Eugene S. Matthews owner of ties and will cover both parties children do. For instance, many
Angeles supposed groom per-
once more! the contract worms, an ailment i
Good Come Out of Georgia Bradford County Telegraph atStarke. until after the general election In
fectly cool and collected. : Strange topic but It brings from; t is again a candidate for 1932. Of course, if theRepub associated they: suffer with intensely children.and take Son o
! 0i the Starke Telegraph the statement It's great to be optimistic but the railroad commission and we lican party In 1932 poll less than sive medical treatments, without*
i Phil Armstrong reminds the man who pokes fun at the that "there's only\ one place for a while we couldn't tell which are for him. No finer man ever thirty percent ot the votes cast it ting that worms are tho cause: i i
'I better than Georgia tp a Georgia were making \he'most noiuo-tho lived than Eugene S. Matthews.He will cease to be a political party troubles. Yet. the !symptoms!
; way a woman holds a hammer that he doesn't look very dig- Cracker and that place Is Heaven." birds or frogs. is very successful In the con- subject to the primary law and lame 03 ia children, Ions ol sa>.
nified while trying to use a needle.If Gainesville Dally Sun. o "'I.- I duct of h'u: own business and a will go 'back to the convention !md weight,grinding the teeth ami"!
less sleep, itching of the nose!!( and
n --0- And speaking of singingof worthy custodian of the office to system. of -making nominations." md abdominal pains. And, t the i
No paRAOrapher has yet denied I course you've read in the which he desires re-election. medicine that surely and Imrailesk-
your name is already .on the registration books, it is the assertion recently made that I papers where Will Oaborn another Leesburg Ledge Clewlston Eight-car trainload (>rl9 round and pin worms from eh.!.i
t' not necessary to register again, but you cannot vote unless it the paRAOraphers' League is orchestra leader In New -0- raw sugar shipped from 4,000 ton will do the same for adults mCreD.m
is shown poll tax has been paid. I made up of nuts.-Starke Tele York Is suing; Rudy Vallee for Eugene S. Matthews, State a-day factory of Southern Sugar VermUuge,whichyoucw: 9
your graph.; The whole league seemsto $60,000. Railroad Commissioner was In Company here during recent week. Canova Pharmacy.
0--- . _. .
have bolted. New
-- ----
RIchey -- - -------- --- -- -
Experiments are being made to make golf balls more Press. Ah, well! 'Loose nuts always Both of these boys claim the ,.-- atsd0lkh :"
lively. For their size the little dinguses are the fastest things rattle off sooner or later.- doubtful honor of being the flrat'' -- .._. _..-. ,
Largo to Inflict and already troubled
',I that ever moved through the rough hunting a place to hide. Sentinel.'o- world with- the, now famous, I
o Every community boasting of a "croon." _____ I
okehs birth control "in few lakes now claim the distinction -
.' 'New York Methodist conference '
of having the best fishing in Rudy"and,1:VYJu are both charter
the interest'of and sound scientific knowledge. A
morality the state-Starke Telegraph. members, however,' and over the
k wise step and one in which religious organizations should take Veil, we just had to offer fishing radio WUirisMj'pds so much llkei
the lead eels 'for prizes to get the boys to !myty..tl1a i : .Yi yal lime| .w', hear, the:
patch, out all lbe.big'ones to save one,,, we'd pet:xnoney!. that. hQ wall
N the little ones=plenty sport fishing the other.,.!.I/j. J. .1.11' '
First of the rock base on road 28 fronf Lake City to Lake here.-Crescent City Journal. "
Butler was laid last week by state forces. The 10-mile stretch 0- Butwt"en" 'tn'a't'capo. comes to t
There's a stork farm In< Levy court,, we are,1;'afraid' One of the
'of highway Is to be completed within three months, if the '
ounty.-Starke Telegraph., And boys Is' going"'Jo forget himself
schedule planned is maintained. In view of the fact that It Is new and make some real old-fashioned ,
o we suppose would refer to It Is the American. noises. It will be ;""' f'l ':-'
. state's baby Industry. Lake pretty hard 'to' croon after six, . ", >
When Uncle Sam wants information he wants it without ;
Worth Herald. Rather one of the hours on a witness! stand.
delay and it has to be correct. Keep this in mind when the oldest-Starke Telegraph. And
census takers are interviewing you and that it is a $100 fine probably one which receives most Then too imagine the judge
careful personal attention.--Bron- dusting off his megaphone and
for refusing to question and $500 for giving a false
answer a Bon ,Journal. warbling, "Thirty Days Are Here r. ,
--c- I "
answer. Again. i
Instead of using 1500,000 provided -
i 0 under the sales tax plan for !, A much simpler way would be to r
As reports of state auditors begin to come in it is appar- advertising the state yearly., let settle the matter out of court. Let J'"fnUST
ent that elimination of fees and placing on salary of all county n be used to reduce taxes. A low Rudy, and, )Vi: | rent.',the nearest .
r' officers is the proper step to take, a s.tep that will mean money tax rate Is the best advertising for high board' fe'nce'and 'set, up a
a state.-Starke Telegraph. And midnight howl the one who col
saved to and the receiving by officials of a just sal-
taxpayers the Sta|,.,Advertising Bureau ,has lected.fJ1e.most old shoos would
aryfor the work they do. .,'o 1d quit tourists"advertising anyway.for -anything- Mcintosh) but ,.win ,tile, '1'1.00&Ensy"'...a.--. eJIf"J' WE LIVE UP TO OUR
News It gives us a laugh to think
:Miami State Republican has solved the puzzling question ----p
that Rudy may be sorry yet
i why Al Capone is coming to Florida regardless of Carlton's Every I merchant should keep hilt he was born ''with,* silver croon in INCOME?"
orders. The bankrupt Democrats of Dade county are depend- how! windows lighted until, at his mouth. rw -
least eleven at nights. Their value ,
ing him to their poll taxes so they can make that -
upon pay alt salesmen cannot be estimated, IT IU.\J..Y H.U'I'KNKD:
oounty safe for democracy. and an Inexpensive time clock cane No! Perhaps you don't AVE to
used to cut off the current at
0 At last a life time ambition has
any time.-Bradford County Telegraph been realized I1 When In the city save. Perhaps
your weekly
Breaking speed records may be alright, but a fellow traveling What's the use when recently an''elderly man reachedout pay
t 20 miles an hour could have been a long ways from homein everybody goes to bed at nine and plucking at, our coat check will satisfy all your needs
the length of time the British racer has been waiting at o'clock South Jacksonville sleeve said ''Can you tell me,I for
ournnl. Not In this a time. But if you look into
Daytona Beach for "favorable conditions" under which he .town big whether or not there Is a cafeteria
h boy. In town-you look like a
could turn loose his racing machine o man." N. Jacksonville future you will see possible
: 0t Fort Lauderdale chief cloned all '.- ;' emergencies for which it is best to
t have made appropriationsfor ambling[ houses In his town fol- : Just'think of Ill.! But; then we
Quincy and county
lowIng protest of club women and weren't a is!t surprised. Everybody prepare. An ever-growing savings -
entertaining the Florida Press Association meeting in now announces that he Is going to baa told us we looked lots
t Quincy May 16-17 for its fifty-first annual session. This meeting raId bridge games In which the better since we quit wearing" those account with this Bank is a.
will likely be one of the largest held in years, newspapermen same way bridge ladles: take Is played part saying here Is"1b4t as ,:"Autjon-up.shoes. sure safeguard against all finan-
and women from every section of the state. having made much gambling" as other games of ItO'i\; (,0'1',11 I cial emergencies. Be prepared! .
their plans to attend. hance. lie's not a nice man.-
Starke Telegraph. And furthermore And a Btory ;=a recent "col- I
o he Is getting ready to litch" magazine concerns the .-
Following the sunrise program for Easter Morning, the ,shoulder more trouble than he can Scotchman, .who when presentedwith I J.
' bells of the Singing Tower will be stilled for the summer toddle away with. Talluhaaae triplets 'draw ne l the third
The Highlander says the Singing Tower has been a wonderful State' News. 0- -:.- :one bottle.so be wouldn't" have to' buy a Bank of Starke
thing for Lake Wales and the Ridge country, which is true, .\ Channel Swimmer ,
and citizens of other sections are hoping before another sea Up In Starke the ladles have I .Hn lm1n...: A ROLL OF
been setting out a lot of new : I, HONOR BANK.1.r
will bea'
; son rolls around plans for broadcasting every program
hrubbery. Business"mad' came : XV. have a brand n"wI' bath room I
made. home the other night and wander- Like the ones In movie shows I I'ir
s; a
xnP i.lt'. vu. .'+ i."Q"k; W..% X0.0. '+t."". +dtly, ;*rW-M? (/$!*.:.:.:_'era..,..,.;"yy.. :,}..'...'. h::/<'i".."."1:1.:: :: "..ti:"yri::.1 11p" r,:;::,',,,,.'I.i-::.!'<;' '1Ij.._.. ,,.." ,1 ....... ,I>....T r,,..,,,..'_*-? '. fr. NF'u