Bradford County telegraph

Material Information

Bradford County telegraph
Uniform Title:
Bradford County Telegraph
Place of Publication:
Starke, FL
E.S. Matthews
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Starke (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Bradford County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Bradford -- Starke
29.947222 x -82.108056


The first issue of this ongoing weekly appeared on July 26, 1879 under the title Florida Telegraph. It was published by William Wyatt Moore, a native Floridian and a staunch Democrat. Moore had previously worked for a paper in Tallahassee and had also published newspapers in Jacksonville, Lake City, Cedar Key, and Pensacola. After appearing for a short time as the Weekly Florida Telegraph and reverting back to the Florida Telegraph, the paper’s name was changed to the Starke Telegraph. In 1887, Moore sold a half-interest in the newspaper to I.C. Webb, who became sole owner within a few months and changed its name to the Bradford County Telegraph. In 1893, Eugene S. Matthews, who had previously worked for newspapers in Gainesville and Ocala, purchased the Bradford County Telegraph with Ben J. Farmer, who sold his interest to Matthews five years later. Matthews published the Bradford County Telegraph for the next forty years. He was also elected to the state legislature in 1904, 1907, 1911 and 1923. His son, Eugene L. Matthews, a graduate of Columbia University’s School of Journalism, took over the publication in 1933, matching his father’s record of forty years as publisher. The Bradford County Telegraph continues to the present.
Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 9, no. 41 (Apr. 13, 1888)-
General Note:
Publishers: Mathews & Farmer, <1893-1897>; E.S. Mathews, <1900-1926>.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
33886096 ( OCLC )
000579551 ( ALEPHBIBNUM )
003298621 ( ELECTRONIC_ALEPH )
60662535 ( ELECTRONIC_OCLC )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )
sn 95047406 ( LCCN )

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Preceded by:
Starke telegraph


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bushed 1879. = Subscription-Per Year, $1.50; Six Months, 73; Cents. Payable- in Advance. E. S. Matthews Editor and Proprietor. i

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pie Club was delightfully entertained

I I BY GOVERNMENT IE\: ". Part of the evening was given to the i'

CALLS ON ALL THAT SALES IN COUNTY I Lake Butler, April( 23.: -The War Reading, as follows\"Tho: Humble Petition" CALL TO KVKUY; PATRIOTIC Mt'ST Hi: FILED WITH CLERK
.IZENS TO CO-OPl ,.AT} HAVE REACHED $15.000.; Italics train being sent cut by the' Mrs. E. :M. Johns. FLOIID1.tN.Irrespective : 1IY MAY 9TIL
government in the Interest of the Piano Solo Miss Inez Anderson.

,J. E. Futch, of Starke has been I.awtey Is'the--d' ;;;; ;; town in Bradford I Third Liberty Loan arrived l Friday Paper "Cautrht- in the Trap"-:Mrs. of whether they can buy Up to yesterday no county candidate

ted by Braxton Beacham, Fed- county to go over the top in the afternoon on schedule time but 'n a Anderson. Liberty Bonds or not every family in had yet imlifle.l| to\ run in the
ood Administrator of Florida Third Liberty Loan campaign, having heavy downpour of rain. All day the Popular Songs-:Mrs. Anderson Bradford' county now has n chance to primary' on June -Ith, though the'-o ta
clouds!\ had been threatening and in Johns Turner and Miss help win the war. Wheat (flour is the
County Food Administrator for over-subscribed her allotment. Mrs. Miss i yet ample time for nil trt comply with
ord county, Mr. Futch's ap- Mr. W. F. Godwin district chair- I the morning one of the heaviest rains Scott. food commodity\ that can be most Busily the requirements of the la.v,
ant having been made Tuesday man, phoned to the county chairman j known here for ;years fell, 'naking the Paper "Bouquets and Brickbats"Miss and safely sent to our allies and At a meeting held on March 13tli:
lae was asked to visit Mr. Bcach- Wednesday afternoon that subscrip- |\ streets sticky with mud nnd excced- I III Barr. to our army across the Atlantic. For the County Democratic' KxecutivoCommitteu :
Orlando for a conference. tions at Lawtey had reached $3,650, ,|1 ingly unpleasant for those who had Paper, "What We Are ))oinl1I1islI \"- this reason we arc asked. to economizeon 1 levied 1111 assessment on
appointment of :Mr. Futch was which is $50 more than the town's al- come in to see tho exhibit and hear (,InraIoitt.: the use of flour to the greatest possible candidates as follows:
at the request of many promi- lotment.It II the speaking.The I Vocal Solo-Miss Turner. extent. Representative/ ): Supervisor of
msiness men of Starke all of is hoped that Lawtey will press train came in over the G. S. & I II Critic-:Miss Scott. Itraxton Besehanrstate food, administrator registration. $1.80); county commissioner -
have seen for many weeks that forward with the campaign for there I K. tracks from Lake City an 1 was After the program social! hour was \ has Bet apart tho week beginning $1 I; member! school board, $J;
:tion of the state was losing a will undoubtedly be a lot of weak pushed out on the Atlantic Coast Line enjoyed, after which refreshments. April :2::!!>th and ending May ilh justice of tho pence, $2!; constable, $2.:
[deal through lack of represen- places in the Federal Reserve District side tracks opposite the passenger consisting/: of hat chocolate, cake and as whcatlefis week and has asked that I To\ have his name printed on th<> official -
and lack of a local food ad- that must bo helped out by the more\ I station Severn hundred persons net home made candy was served by the we abstain during/: that week<< from the ballot of the primary it in necessary -
'ator. The appointment now fortunate localities. Every dollar possible it, despite the storms of rein and the hostess, assisted, by her mother :Mrs. use:: of flour. In this connection! I i for candidate to pay tMx andensment -
e people of Bradford county : will probably be necessary to continued downpour.\ Old men, vet- W. :M. Turner. Boacham has issued the following to the executive committeeanti ;
assurance that they will be make up the Bradford, county allotment erans of other wars who had lived The Kewpie Club is a new organlssn- statement: tile his receipt therefor together
informed of all rulings of the At the last tabulation of the through similar scenes of other times ion but the members are planning/: to\ "Florida has an opportunity to lead with a statement showing/: thut ho 14
.Administration, and will also available figures Wednesday after- were present to look upon the battle assist in the war work and do\ their the nation in a strict whcntlcss week entitled to run in the primary with the
the many benefits that como noon it was shown that $45,000 of scarred relics of the wur stricken "bit." and I know that if tho people,"will rally clerk of the circuit court not \less thun
'* a close attention to businessas bonds had been applied for in this fields of France and to hear what the -lluy Liberty lIond- to this plan and give it their sup twenty days prior to the data of holding
pertain to the handling of county. The county allotment is representatives of the government had MEETING OF RED CROSS HELD port, the fame of Florida will resound i the primary In tho present' cacti
,commodities. $101,800.The to gay in regard to the equipment AT LAKE: BUTLER TUESDAYAt throughout\ the world and l wo will bu the last day for filing the statement
V'Futch will have absolute au- Atlanta Federal Reserve district necessary for the army in the field given credit for a patriotism not surpassed and receipt will bo May 14th.

for enforcing the various rul- of which this county is a part, and also the need of funds by which a meeting of the Lake Butler l by any state in the Union."I Under the corrupt, practices net it
,the Food Administration and has subscribed only about 18 per cent the equipment might be purchased. Chapter American Red Cross held in want every man, woman and is necessary for n candidate to make
..lumc the responsibility that of its allotment. There is big work Among the speakers were Mr Lee, 'Lake Butler Tuesday evening the following child! in Florida to know that in deny and file three sworn statements of hill
,with the office, not the least of yet ahead and every person who U a Y. M. C. A. man of many years' experience committees were appointed by ing themselves of wheat Hour from campaign expenses, as follows: 1st
"ens he has voduntarily taken able to buy bonds is asked to come I!, in the work among men of the executive committee of the local April 29th! until :May lith, they will be statement, not more than :30 nor less
Is position carries no salary orIntion forward and do so at once. The campaign 'the army and navy who spoke of the chapter' for work during the ""'or nerving a part in till war that cannotbe than 25 days prior tthe\ primary
> of any kind and !Mr. /: will end Saturday night May aims of Germany and the aims of the fund Week" when a drive will be too highly calculated and will have 2nd statement, not more than 12 nor
others who have vol un- 4th. It is hoped Bradford county will: allies, of the danger to America of u made for funds to keep the great workof a great effect on the successful conclusion less than 8 days prior to the primary.
: services to the Govern- not go down in history as having failed German victory. lie made it plain the American Red Cross going on of the battles which our troops ::11',1< statement within 10 days after
through a patriotic to do its part. t that not to buy bonds is to lap ourselves in this country and abroad: are now facing. the primary.
more liable to the tel rihle&Invery "I hope that every person' in the Failure to file these statements llis-
his country and the peo- -Buy a Liberty Bund- Chairman War Fund Committee, K.
RUN AWAY BOY SENT BACK of the Huns of Europe. He E. Dell. state of Florida will get behind this qualillcH n candidate.New .
fef.vBencham. in appointing :Mr. HOME BY CHIEF POLICE KITE spoke of the many difllouties under Chairman campaign executive committee movement' and will ,refrain from any (Candidate Enter: (Ih. List
eh,\ gives out the following state- I which tho United States wile working R. E Dell; Sub-chairman C. purchase of wheat Hour during theweek Two new candidates make their bow\
rtt;;t!r' Noticing the uneasy demeanor of a to save the world to democracy. No T. Barrett. mentioned, and will also pledge this. week in tho Telegraph's announcement -
ita) 'really a pleasure to me to 14-year old boy who was loitering/: I one who heard him could have failedto Campaign executive secretary, 11. themselves to use potatoes lit every column.linn. ,
wthis appointment for I have been about town Tuesday morning Chief ,i know that to refuse to buy bondsis J. Stewart. meal during that week in place of the W. G. Seals, of Hampton announced I.
ed to look at the blank space op- Kite took him into custody for an in- I i to aid the Germans in winning a War fund clIshll'r."m.. Johnson. wheat (flour they have stricken from bin candidacy. for rl-III'ltiol'
1".Bradford and make ex- The his victory over us and if that is done, C. their menu to I the legislature. !Mr. Seals" was it
county vestigation. boy gave name I C'hnirmun solicitation committee,
our property our homes, our !ivcs "We must win thin war, and our candidate in group 1 two years ago
sefor: not being able to get a cit. Its Leon Allen Dill and finally acknowledged -/ T. Barrett.
vet that county to fill the position. that he had run away even will be of little or no value. Chairman Flying squadron committee self denial at limn (present time will and was' chasm us one of thn county's
McDonald of the Dixie division not only aid in winning it, but will insure representatives. Ho( ngain
<1,]that I have found thc man, I from his home in Atlanta. He gave I Captain P. :M. Padgett.Publicity announcesus
(t;that all the people of that fine the chief his father's name and address of the drafted men at Foil :Mc'hersmta committee, Rev. S. I. Hen- us a greater supply of wheat a candidate in group' I which brings
T ( talked of tho manner in Hour in I lie future. tho race between himself und I It. A
will give him their loyal and the officer at wired to Max
ty, sup- once Irix, W. ;M. Overstreet, Wilson
I which men will seek to hi:Ie the fact "This is a liltlo thing that we are I ireen; Mr. Seals I U a well k'l >wnliutiitiesH
tho merchants will rul-
f,and that the father, who turned out to be an n. Feinberg, Henry Fowler, C. F.
lIlkinl'hE'n/: compared, to what v.o are ;
the Food Administration stan- Atlanta real estate dealer with officesin that they have money with which they Uivern. man of Hampton) anti) enjoys
Some of those asking our soldiers/ to give, and no one this 'onlld'nl'eIn.1 of the
bonds. estPM
might; purchase I ( pro'pie
with determination to I'
l i, the conJSo the Empire building. Chairman transportation committee
who has the. interests of their
who heard him believed him somewhat countryat of the in lurge
county / nieni'ire.
rule and regulation givQ' The father of the when
every was out city IIIt.1.: W. Mann
and assis- i severe in his language and! felt hurt heart will for a moment hesitate Mr. N. I I1 Davis, a well (known fill-
their the
for the but executive
reached woman's
guidance telegram Atlanta j{ Chairman committee -
1 attitude he assumed but It in endorsing this plan und helpingto of the district
at the Ken t.awtey nmllHm.'elfhilllK'lf
Futch will
the ;Mr. mother Chief Kite
during war of young Dill called i Mrs. II. N. Stanton
the to enforce the and asked | would have been more or )lois explained Prof. S. A. make it successful. n candidate for countable ef
au distance
powers regu- over long 'phone Speakers committee,
"Let 1.,1amolllt'
to them if they could have fllow- us put Florida in the justice district No. 1. I He IH gootlcitizen ,
that have been to other him hold until Hendrix Rev. L. A. n
given to the boy money j Draper: Kev. S. I. all
of the Let
the states Union. us! will make ollicer.Ituy .
food administrators and I have could be telegraphed hero to pay his ; oil the train over some parts of iawls., and a good
how to the authorities at Washington
ted him to take up his workfat.h'm way back home. The money arrived country and had hud to contend with List and, estimates committee, Dr.Seelrr that the have I.IWrlr lloiiilCOMMKNCEMKNT -
them. la localities patriotism we proclaimed
resolve that tho country's Wednesday morning and the boy was conditions! as they found King Ur. J. K: :Maincs, Dr J.M. .
I far found is not lucking/: at any tune : :: : \ I Ixliu'ISFSBkr.tlI'itll : :: ;
t. must be served, and that nofiiwiVwill \ started on his way to Atlanta wed- Germanisni not rife away that they thy pro-notable ;Mann, J. W. Townsend G. W. Alderman when a call for our patriotic etfurt inmade. ('0. IIICII SCHOOL
so .
be tolerated from thosermfty nesday afternoon. Wm. Johnson, II. J. Stewart. .
fn the future step wide of the Young Dill was so well behaved that to arouse! the people in to a sense The members of the various com- (Signed) "Ilraxton Ueachum, The Ilrndfcird County, I High School
)Irk-i However, I do\ not anticipate Chief Kite took him to his home in-I I I of their responsibility any* way. mittees will bo selected by the chair "Federal Food) Administrator Flor will close its/ work this afternoon. Beginning -
It was nil inspiring sight o see some
KtU'Will: be necessary to use that stead of detaining him in the {!, of the oldest and best known eit.i/.ens men. ida." with Sunday, night and continuing -
"tepugnant medium, "force" butfall jai: and he was very cordial in his' of whom have Those present at this meeting were, WhealleHM Week RecipesIn through Tuesday night tho
will be persuaded tu do their thanks to the kind-hearted officer. of the county some of them Mesdames II. N. Stanton B. I'. Wil- connection' with wheatless week commencement exercises will be held.
given boys, some IM many as
t without compulsion or pressure -Bu a Liberty Bond- of and Justice FOII, Seeber King, Wm. Johnson Miss observance Miss Margaret Burleigh, The commencement Ke/rmon this
to the -
three cause Liberty
possible punishment. CHECK FOR OVER $30.000: in the world, stand fllin the Josie Purrish, Messrs. C. T. Barrett county home economics agent, given year will be preached by Dr. M. l\I.
-5f| BRAXTON BEACHAM.I HANDLED: BY LOCAL BANK rain listening for the and S. I. Hendrlx, of Lake Butler; tho Telegraph for publication tho fol- Fryer of the Episcopal" church, Sunday -
I IAral.Fod Administrator !Messrs. A. M. Darby N. T. Ritch L.
verdict from the men who know and lowing recipes that she has tried with evening at eight o'clock in tho
t-- .Buy i a Liberty Bond- Probably Largest Deposit Ever Made buying bon ". A. Davis Jr., I). E. Knight, J L. Peek 'success: school auditorium.
UtKE'DEFEATS GAINESVILLE in a Bank in This County .1 One of the striking things: in the (F. F. Stump J C. Robinson of Starke. Barley and Cornmeal Muffin. On Monday night tho exercises will
to," IN RETURN GAME. meeting was the manner in which the -llur Liberty Bond-- ---- 1 cup barley flour. consist of u recital by :Mrs. Hughes'

What was probably the largest deposit -( colored people bought: Liberty L'onda. RED CROSS SHIPMENT FOR THE 1 cup corn meal. music class und a play by the high
r rtVthe' iecond game of the season ever made in a bank in Bradfordcounty They bought as freely as the whites MONTH OF APRIL li" cups buttermilk. Hchobl. Tho pupil: have (been practicing -
t Is Gainesville the Bradford High was made at the Bank of I, and perhaps counting everything, aLit 1 tablespoon syrup or honey. diligently; on their respective)
ool team defeated the Gainesville Starke :Monday when J. F. Canova, a'I' freer. All told tho sales amounted During the month of April the following 1 tablespoon melted fut. parts and it IS expected that the exercises -
.I b School'performers. R. Epperson local cotton buyer passed in a draft |i I to $10,200. By Saturday night tho hospital supplies have been 1 teaspoon Halt. will IK interesting
one of the fastest played by the for $52,279.02 and had it placed to I I amount had jumped up to over 12000. sent from the Bradford County Chapter 1 teaspoon sodu. The graduating exercises will (beheld
''h School performers R. Epperson, his credit. I On Sunday afternoon Mr. Charles American Red Cross to headquarters :Mix and, beat well and bake about Tuesday evening ut eight o'clock
cling for the winners, gave up only This draft was given in payment fora I Gordon Carroll, of the Treasury Department in Jacksonville 20 minutes in moderately fast oven. in the High :School: auditorium. !Dr.
hit and had the Gainesville lad clean-up sale of the cotton stored i Washington, spoke from 20 sweaters 21 pairs of socks 4 Potato Corn Meal !Muffin Itl'icker, professor of philosophy at
I" mercy at all stages of the game in Stnrke from the crop of 1917. The the steps oi tho Woman's Club:; building mufflers, 1 helmet (tJ wash cloths !Iii 2 tablespoons fat. SteUon University and a former res.iII"nt -
r two visitors reaching second base. greater part of the cotton belonged to and made a strong appeal to\ the hospital batlshirts, 28 pajamas 12 1 tablespoon sugar, or l'/i tablespoons of .Starke, will deliver the commencement -
Epperson: Kickliter and G. Beas- Mr. Canova but Griffin & Johns cotton I, people for the bond sale tie i is an in- handkerchiefs 1 comfort pillow, 1 syrup address,
tarred with the hickory, Epperson buyers and ginners, had several' tere'llinJelI informed turn straight Afghan 1 package old linen. 1 egg well beaten. -lluy Liberty iloniiPAY --
irtaff a triple) in the third stanza. bales included in the sale and a num- ] from the heart of things and is able Of this number Raiford contributed 1 cup milk YOU I'OLL TAX
yards, for Gainesville was knock- ber of farmers were also representedin to show the real condition as they exist 11 bedMhirtB, 7 pain socks 12 handkerchiefs 1 cup mashed potatoes.
rat of the box and Gray was nearly the deal. l in the country.! Ono thread uns 1 muffler 1 comfort pillow 1 cup corn ineul. their
aut by the terrific drives to out- The cotton brought 72 1-2 cents per I through everything he said and thatis one roll old linen 6 wash cloths. ,i teaspoons baking powder. Only those persons who pay
tax for the 1UO! und 1'jlT
i--'Kuhl in left field pulled a shoe- pound and was bought by A. J. Strick , that to make property or money Lake Butler contributed 17 pajamas 1 teaspoon salt. poll yours
nff catch,in tho fifth which brought land, of Valdosta Ga. It was shipped worth anything the war with Germany ; 8 sweaers, 3 mufflers 6 pairs socks... Mix in tho order given. Bake -If) on or before Saturday :May llth will
looters from the stand. direct to spinners in New England, must to won, and If people have Hampton four sweaters. minutes In hot oven. Thin makes 12 je allowed June to at the primary election

'be Bradford High School baseball _Bay a Liberty Bond- money in their pockets under the Lawtey one Afghan.The muffins. on
at will probably leave Sunday even- BIG DAMAGE; SUIT FILED house in a bag or wherever it Ic, it : Red Cross branches throughoutthe Spoon Corn Bread -II. a Liberty llond-
,May 4th, to play the teams of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT is absolutely necessary to use 't In county are doing most excellent 2 cups water. PUBLIC DIPPING.A .
,ithFlorida.:: The schedule will be this cause. If the war Is won, bonds work in this noble cause. The arti- 1 cup milk.
he :next Issue. Widow of J. 11. Padgett Sues S. A. L. will be at a premium. If the war Is cles are beautifully made and the work 1 table.- i butter. public dipping will be held at the
,cora by innings: RUE I Railway for $100,000. I not won, the money nor the bond will has been complimented by tho Inspector 1 cup urn meal. vat owned (by S. It. Johns, three mile
netvilla 000000000 012 '' be good so there is no alternative. in Jacksonville. Mrs. A. M. Darby 2 tettl r .!It. east of Hampton, on Thursday :May
rke -..-,0 1122003 962iatterlesr Probably the largest damage suit The only thing to do is "Win this of Starke county chairman of the 2 eggs. 9th. Cattle owners are urged to have
Edwards Gray and ever brought in Bradford county was I I' war." Our lives, our property our Military Relief Committee in doing Mix wnt. ..rul 1 corn meal and bring their cattle there on that date
i R, Epperson and W. Ogil-j started in the circuit court on April15th. o freedom an.l our homes all lie in the fine work and ably directing her de slowly to a boil and cook 6 minute -lluy a Liberty Bond-
\-.y i -a Liberty Bond- when Mrs. Anna J. I'adgett, wid-I 1 balance and the good people: of this partment. She is supported by a number I Add eggs well beaten and the other CARD OF THANKS
EEi INSPECTION OF POTATO ow of James D. Padgett; entered suit i' country with their sons and their of faithful and competent ladies ingredients Beat thoroughly and
4.. :' PLANTS. against the Seaboard Air Line Railway money are going to have to fight for who sew at the Red Cross headquarters l bake in a well-greased deep pan for Wo wish to thank those who so
: ,\, Company for $100,000. A. II. it, if we continue to live as we have each day in the week except Sat- 25 minutes in a hot oven. Stir it once kindly assisted UJoI during the last sick.
l r.' E. Bragdon Federal inspector King, of Jacksonville A. V. Long/:, of lived-in peace and prosperity. urday. Others are knitting the many or twice while baking to keep it from ness and death of our dear (baby C'has.U. .
I Tweet: potato plants has been trans- Starke, and J. G. Padgett, of Walter- After his speech was concluded an useful articles that can be made by separating. Mr. and ;Mrs.> A. J. (;ril1'i' *.
red from state to Federal serviceI boro S. C., appear as attorneys for amount of over $4,000 was subscribed. skillful fingers.; Oatmeal Drop Cakes) nay a Liberty lions
I his expenses will be borne by the )Mrs. Padgett.The I :Mrn. Stanton Entertains _Boy a Liberty.. Bond- 1 egg.
'eminent. Any grower who has suit grows out of the killing: ofMr. for ENSEYS BUY BONDS HERE. 2 tablespoons melted fat. 1 teaspoon cinnamon.
The first of a series of parties
must have same'' Padgett by on engine of the de- I i 14 cups karo. U teaspoon nutmeg.
nta for-shipment ha fendant railway company on Tuesday, the benefit of the Lake Butler branch Chat 1 cup nutmeats. Beat egg well add melted fut, karo
and and
petted before shipment i iJ Messrs. Chas. K. Ensey
,,t the American Red Cross was .given nutmeats oatmeal and raisin, Beat
Highland twelve miles 1 rolled oats. ,
March 12th at cup
in touch In Jack-
who living
; \ can Twelve ladies R. Ensey Jr., are
afternoon. aniladd
will be recalled by :Monday 1 raisins. well mix and sift dry ingredients
him atneavife. north of Starke. It have instructed the cup
the writing
It inspector by will entertain sonville at present
invited these in turn The dough
were ; other
readers of the Telegraph that Mr. l'/4 cups barley flour. to ingredients.
their appli-
of Starke to place
six friends. and these will each from
,was killed when an engine H cup corn starch. should bo quite stitT. Prop spoon
7 running. at a high rate of speed tele- with 4 teaspoons baking powder. on grease pan t
t cept the transportation of the I I they wish their p""- in8e to go
scoped his automobile on the Highland II] 1 teaspoon salt. minutes in moderate oven. ,
peetor from the railway to the farm (Continued on Page 0.) Bradford county'* nota.
the.power who wishes his plants crossing.


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;, i FRIDAY1. APRIL 26.'; 19l
.. --;;
--- -
--effort- -to--separate- -----the American and which large numbers of high explosive I'' FOREMAN I have"It's improved really surprising since I started how i

; of- : I un French troops and perhaps wipe out and gas shells have been thiown. j I PLOW\ Tanlnc. It just seemed to gi i 1.1"i, 'it
in lo- vm
of Albert the British n | I
I -1. the American sector General Per- to the seat of my trouble and ,,.

[ Summary the War i .hing's men, however, fought desperately cal took attack prisoner improved, and their additional U'sitirn I'Up-and> i IS SURPRISED work :-.t once, for after the fii. w
und only retired Seicheprey doses my appetite began to pi, .. .
them Ko'jecii 'f'
betore overpowering numbers. The I tlves. were mode by near ...... |I,I I trot better every day right Olin
---- enemy was -not able to hold the village 1 and wytscHuw. Attempts by 1.11"I tit I have gained twelve. ; n.

ritiiMYBrilihh furd to lose, when, at the same time, and soon evacuated it. { Germans to raid French trenches between WITH RESULTS I and my old.timo'lgm'pouiutweight ,, ,- c
they could inflict heavy losses more Lussigny and Noyon were! re- I miup' ti
Holding/ Flrm-Irhh Will Re. After the Americana had driven tho nut come buck to me in till ,',
i .
,i| !''i? "hint CoiiHcrip'ion than commensurate with the value of Germans from the occupied advanced plused.( I Am more than pleased with >h. ', .
'* '. the positions sacrificed. In fact the the did not attack again Notwithstanding the lull there is expectancy I -
I from
British standingfll'm before posts enemy stilts! got Tanlac and ,
troops' are th"J You LIt 1
strong enemy attacks on the frontnorth allies now arc in a better position for and Sunday was comparatively quiet in the allied camps of '' "No Amount of Money I to recommend it to everybody a a

while southeast of un overpowering offensive than they east of St. Mihiel, The German offensive near approach of another great attempt Tanlac is sold in Starke
of Arras The
thelitres. Would Buv by r ,'.
brealt Offer
were on :March 21. which persisted throughout the by the Germans to Could I
Amiens the French have driven the Cason and by one druggist m
I In Flanders and Ortois, north of Arras day and into the night, was proceeded In both the British and French For 1I
Germans buck in the region of C'lmtcl.Tha i 'entiy: Good Tanlac Has Done I town in Bradford county. -Ad' .
{ heaviest lighting on the northern the opposing gunners arc active, by most violent artillery fire, but I armies soldiers are waiting pat I' Buy Liberty Bond_
I front is on the southern side of the salient the Germans especially so, north of the Americans were undismayed and I|I confident that they will be able to givea Me" Says Waldron. _
of themselves DrlvesOutMalarlaBulldsuSystemTbeOtd
f from St. Venant, west of :\Iervi :Mrrvillc, the apex of the northern fau- stuck to their guns and trenches to good accounting .
I general
II lient. On the Picardy battlefield the meet the storming troops. Two I against any attacks the Germans may Rtrmiitbpnlnu '
lie, to Givenchy. On this eleven enemy amount of money you could of- OROVWS TAblKI.KSS chili TONJC.Om Ji j
ten German artillery fire have been lively German airplanes were brought down make. "Xo MnlarU.enrichMtlieblocxl.noUbilfliliiun' ,.
mile front tho Germans are using the good this
fer would buy from me lam A true tonic. For fululti and chllilttt+ ,
relations between
between the Somme and :Montdidier.On by American machine gunners. Humor has it that "'CI
divisions: or about 137,00' men said W. Waldron, Buy Liberty
done, a Hand-
Tanlac has _
the right bunk of the :Meuse, Holland and Germany Uiu strained;
Capture of most of tho :Messinessq Berlin, in its official statement, de- 4900 Tennessee Avenue.ChattllnoojZ'a W. F.
probably on the American sector southof that Germany has delivered ai< ultimatum who resides at I BARTLETT
Wytschnete ridge by the Germans did scribes Saturday's action lengthily./ Tenn. few days ago
not seriously weaken the British position Verdun, American and French Admission is made that the fightingwas to Holland demanding foreman for the Chattanooga Oakfield, Ga., May JO '1,7.
as Fitld Marshal Haig outwitted' troops carried out a small raid into severe and it is claimed that 18't: I right to transmit civilian supplies, Mr. Waldron is and has been Old Kentucky :Mfg. Co.,
Plow Company
the enemy by withdrawing his lines the enemy trenches. Several casual- Americans, including five officers and 'sand and gravel and war mtu-rials. : Ills Paducah, Ky.
for fourteen :
northeast and cast of Ypres. In this ties were inflicted on the Germans but . machine guns were captured. on the Dutch canals and railways. in their employ of the years.benefits Gentlemen:

the Germans are floundering their positions were found unoccupied. Heavy losses, it is said, inflicted The British have not permitted( the i inLel'e8tinjstatement
region were received from Tanlac will be of con- Please allow me to state that I'',
: in mud while efforts to turn the Britih The German artillery is reported active by the Germans. That the effort halt in \Trout Lhe fighting along the western ho to his host of friends sold your hog cholera remedy fm. ,. s
in thin them inactive. cern ne
region buttle to keep
line south of Ypres by taking Kem- failed of ts purpose is indicated alert "While I wasn't exactly sick at any season and have ordered more 1',",. .hisur
II mel hill have failed with severe losses.i by the announcement that the attackers With their landsmen on the ,
SUNDAY time," he continued, "my season. Last year I sold it to 1
for next
and awtung
Twice Thursday the Germans threw returned to their own positions watching keenly
i IJ was so run down thatno 15 men who raise hogs. I told
whole "
/1 large forces ugainut this hill, but each Germans Pauxing/ in \ttacks-Jlaig under cover of night.: Berlin makesno move of the German inlantry in system how hard I tried to keep up of them who raise hogs I told ach
[ ; time were thrown back in thaip en- Took Offensive Friday Night mention of French troops having France, and Belgian na-'ul oll'cers' matter strength. their hogs and if 'achm.
'j' and : they lost .
aided extent by French Jfcir appearances, my energy a
I! counters. Intense fighting and urtilI Renewal of heavy fighting is momentarily been engaged in this region. to some .._...1:_,_ ". 11.. leaving ml_!. When_ .I_ n-lo. hOI from disease of any kind;
I duels continue here and westward croft, nave carried out u BWIIIUU& and was gritwould **.J .n I4t
lery ; ; ; dfo"r i; Today the German offensive beginsits pay-me for the : ;j
all cent
I felt
il toward Metcren. In switching their I' k along the western I daring maneuver, which, if it ,should,; l get up in the morning to a remedy, nut
strong efforts from the north to the battlefront, not only on the Flanders second month without. having separated prove to l be successful, may play u drowsy and sluggish/ and all day longI when they began to sell cotton, .n ''I
line but to the south in the Com me the British and French and in the future yf the war hnd a tired, wornout feeling and my man came in and paid me fo< thexd
south, the Germans have not yet gained good part
where the Germans made their with the British army still intact.Where tome medicine and
area, than the work was almost like punishment everyone of then, "
Their evident desireon JSo less objective was bought;
any success. bid for a quirk victory last month and the next blow will fall is un- blow of )My appetite failed and It see .- me that it was the best hog mull ne
the front northwcfct of Givenchy is blotting out by one sweeping
to cross the LaBnsseo canal and outflank I failed in their larger purpose of dividing certain, but the allies are prepared to Germany's submarine menace from ed like i just couldn't get back In con- they ever used. One man paid 'm '11'
the British and French armies at meet it as they have met the others. the small package and
and Ostcrid dition at all bought t:
the of by
Be'hune and with it probably base Zeebrugge
I Lens am. Arras. Tho elimination of I' a single stroke. It is probable the Germans are not the sinking across the exits: from the Bur a Liberty B nfi -- worth more and said it was the "list
to the
willing end Flanders
Reports from the front show that attack he had ever tried.
makeloss harbors of old-time cruiaerj laden -
the Lens-Amis salient would large :
signs are nut wanting that the Ger- without making another effort! to drive
r secure the allied line in Picardy. attacking again in the in the northern leg and get behind with cargoes of concrete. Seems the Same. Yours vary truly,
delivered mans purpose While full details of the attack have W. F.
Heavy attacks have been , BARTLETT
>rmed by marrlago
Amiens area, where thin important Ypres. Enemy activity south of Arias Few men ow ru 1
east of St. Vennnt and near Givoncliy railway center. the capture of which also has been noticed. not yet been received, the informationat I I although many are regulutod.Mllwuu-1 I'I'I Sold by J. W. White & Son, Starke,
but the enemy has gained no advance, hand is that two of the cruisers Fla.
would badly disrupt the Entente Al- Meanwhile French reinforcementsare I ken News.
being checked everywhere with large were blown up at the entrance of the
lied communications, is their main objective. pouring in behind the British linos.
casualties. Givenchy is again the center Brugges canal at Zeebrugge and another -
French -
troops are now with Field -- = -
of fierce as it was ten sunk while in the =
struggles was passing ,
, -
Against this blow the armies of six Marshal Haig's both the ?
northern Ilf:
days ago but the British there are / men on canal at Ostend. Two additional warships .... q"
nations are standing together today in and southern legs of the salient : I
still ua firm us formerly. It is an important were run aground and tlestloycJby
the battle not only to repel south of Near I'
\ ready Ypres.
Robecq, on the
t, position. in its bearing on the bombs.
the inevitable attack but to strike "outhern leg the British
defenses Bethune and Lens. ,driven Volunteers chosen the Brit-. 1

."' northern Berlin for operations the first began time, announcesIn since the in buck the when judgment the proper of their moment unified come cominnnd. : the posts.Germans In this from area some where advanced strong ish admiral were command. for by the dangerous : al Good Way to Help the fJi

Apparently, the allies have German attacks
i were repulsed sanruinarily -
its latent communication that "the One British boat
torpedo destroyerwas
situation thrown in only enough of their reserves last week, the enemy artillery : Food Administration ,
unchanged. sunk by the German and
to hold the Germans conserving is most active. Artillery duels guns J
l The French success on the Picardy, four smaller craft !
are missing. A considerable
three-mile their strength as fur as possible.In continue violent along most of the Pil'al'dy IJ Iii
gained on a number of casualties
the north the after his battlefront where onboard
front running. from the_north to the enemy the Germansare the uttuckitjK vessels: was suffered (III.m III.
rF J
southwest of iuoreun. me apex 01 a bitter iynai's.r'; reverses; the -Givenchy-St.Thursday: and Venant T'Vi- using guns of the biggest calibers. 1111 1111III Use

sharp-pointed salient west of Cnstcl -Buy a Liberty HondSAMP&ON -
lines south of is TUKSDAY
apparently pause
was within three miles of the railway : NEWS NOTES::
ing to organize more thoroughly for German Preparing for Another Great
running south from Amiens and was I
attacks Mount Memmei, the dominating !m CALUMET
upon Drive at Different Points",
the nearest the Germans had got to :Messrs Kay Goodge, Lem Brown
in the
! "\mil.'i1In the offensive which the peak ridge zone. Events along the battle line in and Kirby Smith made a business trip III i
The Germans; constrained to
' Germans "began more than four weeks were France and Belgium seem to be bhap- to Sturke Tuesday. IEIV
ng o. The Germans have been driven maintain infantry inactivity along virtually ing themselves for u resumption of the Misses Winnie Townsend and Collier

from Senecnt wood and the French the entire Lys front Saturday great German offensive Since the :Messrs John Price und Kinney Powder I I'I'I '
after suffering the terrific. losses which
have reached the outskirts of Castel savage attack on tho American forces: Townsend all of Lake Butler passed V Baking
t the British imposed in breaking
ur.d progress also was made south of up it Seicheprey on Saturday there has through here Wednesday night enrouteto II I I

,, Castel. Five hundred prisoners, in- I the massed enemy assaults. been no fighting of an extraordinary : Hampton.Mr. I with '
"' 15 I Field' Marshal Hail, however, foundliimself nature along the front, but there have 1 F. i 11
eluding officers were captured by E. llardee and Guy Prescott, I
the French. able to take the aggressive been indications that the Teutons are were in Hawthrone !
I Saturday.Mr. .
Friday night and out an I' Corn and Other Coarse Flours
carry operation
Italian troops will be sent to the which deprived! the Germans of almost ready to resume the sledgehammer :\1.1.. Gay, of Jasper, made a I' JI '::1

western front to aid thu embattled allied cvri such small gains us they bad, been blows they have been aiming (I I business trip here one clay last week. ::

troops against the Germans. Announcement forced, to content themselves with at the allied armies. Mr. Smith Jones, has gone to Tampa ,:II'1 ;fi fiIll jl'I

to this effect has been when battle Unless recent operations have been ,I where he has accepted a positon with
ThursJny's over. Hy
mode in the Italian chamber of deputies this intensive Critifch action the line fejnts, it is probable that the coming I the S. A. L. Hnilrond.I I You will save wheat for

by Premier Orlando! I us It stood before Thursday's German week will witness two great move- I Guy and Gladys Prescott were in I

The various political parties in Ireland attack was completely restored. The ments by the Germans. One probablywill I i Starke Thursday, ; "1lilf the Government. will

lime.: patched up their differences. Germans made a local thrust south- )I pivot on the objective of Rob'ecq, /, I Mr... II. P. Jones, expects to be calledto )) I '
and will resist conscription "by the northwest of Bethune on tho southern ft. I'ierce on the JOth. !Mr. Jones
oust of HobecfJ|, near the westerly tip : time and trouble foryourself.
most effective means" at their dis- of the Lys salient but were speedily Aide of the salient drive into the allied is ready to do his "bit" for Uncle fam. ,iII save : t''IIlt:1

posal. The Irish bishops and a conference driven back by the British lines back of Armontieres. Mrs. Josephine Sullivan, of Hamp \
of political parties presidedover I The other is expected to develop ator ton, visited Mrs E. F, Hardce sev- !: You ivill be sure '
The British ,Ir
by the lord mayor of Dublin both apparently are expecting : near: :Mesnil, north of Albert, on eral days last week I

have signified/ their purpose to resist. some Arras new move and by the enemy inthe the north side of the Somme salient. Mrs Luke, of Starke, was the guestof 1 cf satisfactory results. lif'i i ilI ;/'
region night t
Tho government man power bill including Friday I The purpose of these movementswill her daughter, Mrs. Joe Carter last
liiitish detachments advanced in
the Irish conscription clause, a big be to cut deep into the allied lineson week. l

has received the assert of King Georgebut raiding operation on a front of nearly each bide of the promontory that Mrs J. J. Gay, of Hawthrone, Mr: J r

no home rule measure has yet been n mile south of the Scarpe, near Uvuunxins projects out into German, held territory A. K. Smith and children are spendinga lI} The Government has selected ,
taking A renewed attack
submitted to parliament. I prisoners. and terminates on the old An ras- few days in Jasper with relatives.1lr.and -
Stoppage of all work in Austria on'' here would be a logical proceeding Lens front. The Germans have attempted :Mrs. Earl Gay and Miss Bertof l
May 1 to hold demonstrations for for the Germans; it would appear, two great frontal attacks on :Melrose, visited Mr. and :Mrs K. A. I 11 Calumet Baking Powder UlI Ul/'/1f
after their failure to gain Around by I -
have been ordered German the: defenses of Lens Smith Sunday.
peace by the and Arras, but ,

T socialist party in Austria, according with striking the south bending from back the of Lys the British salient they losses have to the been repulsed with terrible i --.Huy, s Liberty Bond_ I III i il for the Army and Navy i iIlil

to Amsterdam repoits.SATUIlO.Vk attackers. Since the second I
J line south of LaUassc canal as one of defeat
at Festubert and

>w Unfavorable Weather Halts Fighting. their would presumed have tended uncover Such a result Vimy the the Germans task of!' have driving not cured the to Canadians take up When Looking you luive for n Virtues.mind to divert l!t War-Time Recipe Book Ij I!'

Ridge from the north and render this from' their your fancy, consider the ,good 'qualities Ilil II +I'1
Germans; Cannot Halt Now cornerstone of the British defensive and on each positions end of that along great Vimy natural ridge of y
Active fighting operations have halted structure in northern France possiblymore bulwark before Arras.If vigor of 1 this nun, the modesty
for the time whiles side fl fl,
being each vulnerable. o< another, the liberality of a third i

, prepares for the next onslaught. It is U be well that the is successful attacks were to be and so tm. For there i {Is nothing no Calumet
: "
may enemy Powder Co
launched Baking :
by Germans
not improbable that the Germans will the at Robccq ,
; ns n lively
limiKi. lit the J
preparing n stroke to the south of thecontt virtues
1 again attack either in in and :Mesnil, the British might be forc-
t'icnrdy I y
: or" exhibited> In the
11 object with similar end in character of 4100, Fillmore St.
eel to withdraw Chicago Illinois
Flunders-Artois, while over every from Arms without thane we IJfjh ;;
canters !
at view on that side. His initial attempt with neiMirrlng as ( ;
laving chance -
t' move they make hangs the of a to defend their positions -
t menace
astride the Scarpe in the March drive nuns n.iiMj' I us tnissllili., Lei, thN, there

the allied reserve army and n counter was a costly failure, however, find, the both places there. has Heavy artillery fire at fore I I.. nl'uys, at nUllrJ-\lnrcus Au- tY; ---=->,0 '.._ ___ __ ''''
ar offensive.! been reported and a rvlius! Antniiimiv. f. ';! ':-"" '''':-=' -=--= i?' --sr-- -_ l'
British line has been standing like a local .SsMobilizing_,* -a.;: : : -
Unfavorable, attack at :Mesnil showed that the = =-= -= .: ,
weather bUll settled -
-= - ---- -- ,
rock nil the way between Vimy and Germans; -- Ii
i down upon the northern battlefield, Albert were capable at that point of = -
but to the present tho Germans resuming offensive-- ---q operations t -
up The French apparently are looking a
have selected mist unJ ram and! cold I for n renewal of the German offensive Along the line of the I.js, southwest I ? '

j periods aa oppuituno for striking and 'south of the Somme at no distant date. of Ypres, on the northern front there

the lull in their attacks I in duo More The play of the heavy artillery is has not been any notable fighting, nor

r probably to their appalling losses, I I continuing along the southerly reaches have the Germans again essayed thoTonking Your FinancesIt's'dead 11 ,

which in the past ten day: have caused of the battle line between Lassig- of the Belgian line north of

,, I such depletion in urbanisations\ tny, and! Noyon, near the French right Ypres since King Albert's men smashed -

7 that offensive tactics must wait thc'' flank, but no infantry lighting of moment a great assault on that part of the

Arrival of new troops. 't'he c.'ieivy is !, has yet developed there. front. (

moving up new troops and supplier j II From lini-birt cftmes ft report that South of Albert, at Villers-Drcnton- easy when your available cash is all snugly

; along the Lys river and these arc beIng the Bolsheviki, authorities have ordered i neux there has !been a continuous artillery reposing in a sound Bank. ,

,,: bombarded heavily by the British the munitions and supplies that duel for the last two ,days and a You can handle your ;

German; artillery fire has been lively'' accumulated at Vladivostok to be shipped German attack there may be expected finances with less cost and trouble. .

serve divisions and there Is: little to European Russia. Japanese and soon. On the line held by the ,

.,. doubt that her masters will use up the III | British marine were recently landedat French from Albert south to :Mont- This Bank can render you valuable service in all 3

last di\blon it' their attempt to crush Vladivostok and now it is unofficially didier and thence east to the old. bat matters ofjinance. 1 9

either the British or the French.: The''' reported that increased nnti-Jupa- tle line, there has, been lively artillery ..

British hav borne the brunt of the I nose demonstrations have made it necessary fighting. JOIN
present campaign: v.hl-li will end l its', :' to arrange for the sending of The attack on the Americans at OUR ARMY OF DEPOSITORSand

$ first month todav. nml their lino is: reinforcements Scichepr, east of St. :Mihiel now appears be
mil unbroken. The enemy half not ) to have been a carefully planned prepared for the financial battle that faces

been able to )pierce it and loll up one MONDAY operation which had as its object the you i

tide as he apparently intended piercing of the American lines or perhaps I I

t Facing them today on the western Americans Drive Germans From Captured the splitting the American and There isnothing like a bank account to give
.' front the Germans find UritU-h, American t l'osilionr in ('oun"'rtack French forces which are holding! adjacent you -

;- French, Belgian, Portugese and Having withstood n violent German portions there. stability in business It is always available. "

flulioJi troops. The number, is increasing infantry attack in force the American -.--

,te F{ constantly while the Gormnin have troops on the American sector northwest WEDNESDAY.British ; .

/ used: un! their veteran divisions in the I of Toul have driven the enemy Attack German Sub! Bases and

4" ;. battles of the past month. from the positions ho gained! Saturdayand Sink Ships at Canal Kurance BANK OF STARKEState

t The Germans cannot halt now if have restored the position com- Along the entire battle front a :state
they would attempt to crush the allies pletely. The main positions held out 'of comparative quietude that has existed -

while they themselves! yet havp the against the enemy, but he occupied advance since last Thursday conti.. MCS.

, +' t t. strength. Field :Marshal Haig's fubiun I'J' | elements from which he was The only activity except for small and City Depository

.. tactics have been more than a match ejected Sunday hy the Americans in n attacks! here and, there, U bein; carried -

:. for the strong, head-on rashes! of the ..ounter-attack. To the east the French out by the artillery. The German STARKE FLA.

;: j Germans In a month cf the heaviest I lines also have been re-established. guns have been paying particular attention ,

'J' ;;' fighting of the war, the Germans have I Indications arc that the Germans intended to the sectors around Ypres!' J

t gained nothing the allies could not att to m o the attack the start of Kemmel and the Niepjie Fores, upon t t

:; '
S 1

,. j
4 ..


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f This War-- Must Be Fought i' 1."

On European Soil f

If the peoples of the earth are not to become toiling i:

') millions for the Prussian Junkers and the Prussian Krupps, IIS'

if they are not to be terror-ridden slaves at the mercy of a .

German Kaiser's will, Prussianism must be driven back

within its own borders and kept there. }

Not only English freedom,French freeWe are fighting for the safety and

dom is at stake. Our own cherished institutions liberty of our children, our homes, .

our free government all that our fathers fought for. our country. No price is too great to pay for:
all that free peoples prize is threatened by an enemy Victory.
that would impose his own hateful Kultur on every
free institution in every liberty-loving land. Americans, you are called upon to +

back our armies in France to furnish them the i
That: is why the war must be fought guns and shells and ships and airplanes the enormous -

on European soil. We are fighting in Europe now quantities of every sort of supplies that they
that we may not have to fight in America on. the must have to defeat the Prussian armies and drive
later. them back the Rhine.
very thresholds of our own homes across


; The War Is Being Fought in EuropeBut .

It Must Be.Won Right Here at Home
: mmmm m m

Will You Strike a Blow for American Freedom? Your Support of the Third Liberty

Loan Is Your Answer. Invest today in Liberty Bonds-ALL the Bonds You Can
; ,I



w .. .-__,....'. __ _-. ',. ," .
', ,.... ,.........:: _........-

_ _ _ _ __L _




STARRS, FLOtUI). b. 1>>18
--- -.c.-
__ - -- .. :
" -

ton, were the guests of friend Sun Eva Brooks attended preaching at

Bradford County Telegraph I day. I II Miller Sunday morning.Mr. : i-:

_ . _. : J. :M. Fralick and family motored -.
..--_. --- ---, -- ----- Death of :Mr. J. IX IaisA. l I

rubliaht'd Weekly, uiij entered a04 HOC- deep gloom was cast over the en-I over to Lake City Saturday

ond clnHM matter at the po at tire community when the angel of evening.Mr. .

death entered the home of Mrs. J. B. Wallace Bailey, of Ellisvillc,

, Starke. Florida. Olivia Wednesday night and departed attended Sunday school here Sunday t ,$ \\ tit (

=--= with the life of one of our oldest residents afternoon.

K. S. :MAT'IHKW.S: Editor and Owner. Mr. J. 13. Davis. Deceased ha,] Judge; lees of Lake City, will pcnk '

J. C'. KOII1NSON.. AxHurialt, E4btor.AFFtIL been in failing health for several here at the Baptist church next Sat I

'''l'iI' but was able to be up and i urday night, his subject being "Tho

round, until ubout three weeks ago, I Cause of the War." ,

when he wns stricken and was forced .
1910 121 I Mr. Elmer Fialick attended the i t"
to take to his bed. lie suffered to'
cises at the Lutheran church Sun .
: frontly until Wednesday night when I ,
he was culled to the Great Beyond.Mr. ,
I1r4T61I9JQflh1tf Mr. B.V.. Carver and family, ",f
Davis was a firm believer in I
Ft. White, passed through; our I Miitf
'f i Christ and belonged to the :Methodist
$ Sunday morning on their to
" way ,
church. lie was a faithful member

)I and! attended the meetings regularly I preaching at Miller. ,
.;t. Messrs. Omre anti Harry Shnll"T. \
ut long as he could / \ \
14115(161171181920 go. ; \ \
Wallace Bailey and John Ward and i I
.. ( The remains interred! In Santa I I \
were :Misses N'ita Blair, Irene Adams nnd .. \

'. ; 21222 125 M27 Fe cemetery, near Hampton, on' Edna Fralick attended preaching at ,I \ .---
Thursday afternoon and crowd I .
a large Miller Sunday night. i : \ --- -
,. c. 282930 I IBuy gathered to pay their lost Te-I Mr. Purvis I Mott anti Misses Maud I I -fr \

'1': upect Kev. Tison, of Welborn) ",_ :., . 5 : ,,

:: ciated.Many. to i'raiicK Lake unu Butler.uuuui i>iuir muiurfi. 0'I I I V1W 1
Sunday evening.Mr.
Bond \Vff
, a Liberty beautiful floral offerings were I ffT
" brought to his lust resting place. Dewey Frnlick made a busino-- .
HUYIXG LIBERTY BONDS.: trip to Lake City Monday.
f; :: lie leaves to mourn his departure a ,
-Buy a Liberty llondUUKCS -
wife und one daughter, Mrs. Henry .
! t, We bclicxe that people generallyhave Ward, of this place five grandchildrcn NEWS; ITEMS.

:. mud up their minds to support and several great grandchildren CONVERSATION

... the government in the present emergency n number of relatives and a host of Dukes, April 23.-Mrs. W. L. Douglass .A

.: by buying Liberty Bonds. Now fiiemls. The bereaved ones have the visited her parents Wednesday.Mr. .

II' ,. that this very proper conclusion has heartfelt sympathy of the community. : and Mrs. O. S. McLcod were the

'! Iicrii' reached the next thing to do is -llur a Iberty llunil- I guests; of Mr. anti Mrs. P. M. McLeod l and Mr. Right

f : to adopt method in the purchase of TIIIKESSNIWS.: I Sunday:; afternoon.Mr. Between Mr. Doubtful

." liund/ It probably is not bent to buy I I .
and Mrs. E. W. Hayes and thil-
} fit once all the bonds that you ever intend -

;.'If ., to buy.Inke up'your mind to tint 1'hel'eHsa visit ,here April1.with:! .-After relatives a pleas-and j I, home dren were of Mr pll'asllnt18Itors and Mrs. G. F. )at Ic1..the,,,,) Mr Doubtful: "I don't see how I Mr. Right; "You've said it-this isrtn

. buy some of each issue as they come friends, Mrs. Eulu I, I Sunday afternoon..u Liberty Bonds. I warro! win the war it might be neces-

alonir and meUHure your purchase with I : ,_ __ I u u. ,.. huv any more ? _ __ L L_ LL.. __
" .., this end in view. Then, when you have l"t''UIlt.'U lU ini'jr nome iri I r.' u. r;. MCICOCI, or Jacksonville, I bought all I could' last fall. I'm not a sary for the government iu iuivt lour
; decided on the amount to buy, it is Wedneid.iy. received n tell'jCranlIonday afternoon 1 and ruin '
;" The farmers of this section are busy announcing the serious illness of rich man and I don't think it's fair or just factory away from you, your
the offered
wine to udopt Im't.Linlt'lit plan
bv the goverMiietu in ]lurking killing grass. I his baby at Ft. White and asked him II to expect me to do anything more than I business. It might be necessary t< take

We had quite a severe! hail stormin to come at once. in the
', aymcr.t: for your purchase.: Fu instance have done. your house and turn you out street
,. insof bonds our section Friday.II. $ I :Mr. II. S. I'inkston and Biel-
fl' third now Fred
being ot" 'I'ed may be paid for in four I M. Woodard, un employe: of the ,', ling made a trip to Lake Butler Sunday Mr. Right: "Let's see -your nextWhat of that ? Is that as great a sacrifice

Stake Hardware Co., visited his parents afternoon.Mr. enlisted didn't he?" neighbor makes or stands ready
instaitiifMH: us follow : J i ie pot cent door neighbor's boy as your ,

witn nn'i'i! <-ution; 2t'[ r'-r cent on May ard' here, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wood I : and Mrs. L. T. Osteen and Miss to make, when he gives his boy to his

28tli? ; :.if 3 > rer cent on July ll I II. the Sunday. 'Annie McLeod attended church at A/r. Doubtful: "Yes, he's over in
15th. Mrs. 1C. Sullivan, of Hampton, Miller Sunday country? Yet you don't think it's your
remaining 40 per cent on August morning.
the week-end j France now. Mighty fine, stalwart boy,
with relatives.
This is the method the government spent I I Mr. and Mrs. O. S. McLeod made a duty to pinch and save, and born-w if
Kev. G. A.
Prevail of
prefers that you_ should 1 follow.!!. in making qnb..l; +n All hi. .."., ,,,I.. Middleburg nn. n', business trip to Lake Butler Saturday. that! n...rnl hI' in nrl1.r tn hnv liberty HonJs.Mr. .

--- payments does, not for need oon 1
billions of dollars raised! this Sunday on account of tad weath that splendid boy the pride of his par-
., to be by of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McLeod Saturday tory certain and save the lives of thousands .
)loan all at once, and) the treasury depa er.Mr. I afternoon. ents' hearts may go 'over the top in a gal-
11. L. Tillis, of near Starke, wasa I of American boys who will other.
would l that the
itment < prefer money I Mr.! and Mrs. Brady McLeod made German bullet and fall
lant .
visitor here Sunday, the guest of charge, stop a ,
: remain distributed throughout the 'a business trip to Lake Butler be uselessly I sacrificed.
country until such times as it is needed :Mr. and :Mrs. S. 15. Woodard. I day afternoon. 8/11ur-// in the mud and debris of No Man's Land.WIse

I to meet the expenses of the government. Tanner Mr. II.were S. Roebuck visitors and to Mrs.Lake M.Side L. ;': :Mr. R. W. McLeod was in Lake Cutler Isn't that asking too much of him, and of Mr. Doubtful : "I guess that's true,

; When handled in this way Sunday afternoon.Mr. Friday. his family? Is that 'fair?' Is that 'just?' Mr. Right, I have been thoughtless.' I'll
: there is very little disturbance of business I
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. :McLeod
J, J. Collins of Lake Sid and
conditions in the various cities was and criticising and putcoursebutitcan'tbehelpcd.
In Hampton on business last Thurs !Mrs. G. F. McLeod are on the sick list Mr. Doubtful: "Why, it's awful, of stop complaining ,
j.-- and counties of the country, because, ,I 1 i this week. This is last dollar if need be, to help
I war up my
by, the time the last instalment is paidin day.The ,
: n great part of the preceding installments I I little son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ]' to Annie Worthington McLeod Wednesday.went shoppingover and men have to be killed in it." win this war."

has been spent and has Brcwton is improving very rap I
J I -Uuy a Liberty, Bond_
idly from his burns received last week.
gone back into the channels of trade.If .
:Mr. 1\cEwen! und little daughter, i SWIFT CREEK NEWS. Contributed
full payment were made for all the This Space Paid For and By
bond the time of it Ruth, of Lake Side!, were shopping in
at purchase would
Irs.wKerce: i
Hampton Saturday. i| Mr. and ) had) as
simply result in piling in
money up
their guests on Sunday last Mr. J. W.
few while tho :Mr. anil Mrs. C. L. Norton had the
large banking Centers, misfortune to have their dwelling destroyed Calvin, of Newton, N. J., and Mr. and
of in the smaller
would supply l be unnecessarily money curtailed.We )places. I by fire one night last week. Mrs. Gardner Anthony and l daughter, BRADFORD COUNTY BANK

the Mrs. Norton was cooking supper nndit Maybelle, of Lake City.
following suggestions
is I kUpnrJ the fire caught from the Miss Sara Jordan, of the Georgia
of the government in matters of food I
flue. Is i of the household goods Normal and Industrial College! at I
anti clothing. Why not also adopt its Bradford County's Financial Stronghold
I were saved. Millcdgeville, Ga., spent :Monday and

suggestions when it _comes to financI U'.. ,. "__I.. _,s .1r.h.... ...__ ._ _n. TllAorlnvr with }AM iiinla nnl mint 1Tand ...
lag the war ? Mr. :McAdoo, secretary u. CCflO, U "p.VII, V a. III uur 'Mrs.- W.:'C.:'Kerce:' ;hr; -;return- '
burg Saturday afternoon.Mrs. to
of the treasury, has undoubtedly giv- STARKE FLORIDA I
college, having been the week-end I
en very careful considerable to the financial :M. L. Tanner is till on the ,
sick list. guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Shriver,
side of the
present emergency -
M. J. Green, of near Hampton, was of Brooker. ... --
anil! he thinks the best of -
interests --- ----- -- -- -- - --- - -
--- --
the country will be served by paying in our burg Monday afternoon.Mr. 1 All the farmers are welcoming tho NOTICE: OF ELECTION.: at the coming primary election. If elected I Starke' I rrflpoclfully solicit thHtiptiort .4.
in the for bonds it is actually Simuel Holder spent Monday in fair weather und huve gone' to workin I II. | I will tue my belt effort' to servo tho Inti-n-nH of the Ut'mocrntie elect no
money us By the I in them by tin School of the rub he. O. V.
\< u< IJItOOKS.
pimtr primnry to be held Juno 4lh i lit
S tn ike. earnest to clear their fine ,.
] needed to meet expenses.Uuy crop of of the; Stat of Florida: thv Honnl of I I I -- careful attention to my duties If .
a Liberty Hon.I- A party went down on Crystal lake "King Grass," with the hopes of reap- 1'ublie Imtructlun of Ilrn ,.n.< .dnt" fcr II.Itl.MI<
Tuesday fur a fish fry. Those composing ing a wonderful harvest and savingthe orol..", nn election to bi held in SpvciHl ,,' County ('CommiKaionrr !)>strlCk >.o. 1. .TrnU.I.'d.
GRAHAM ITEMS. School Tux Dm, rlt No 27. Sampnon City on .nee und 1'aloBtlrc ni d reBiuCi'uMy' %>lict
the party were, S. C. Woodard world for democracy-and conquering Saturday. May JCth. 191$. for tho purpose of the aupport of the vo'.on at thu democratic COUNT* COMMISSIONER! DISTRI< I

I Graham 24.lIssIautl and family, Simuel Holder and family Kaiser Bill.! electing throe truDlero and to determine the I primary election to be held on June 4th. I I hi-re by for announce County myself Cummlsuiur) a em, Hut)oireflection
April amount of milluKe be promigtt If elected .
: to to i rve tao pentl.' to tLtf
Hunter, of Lake Butler, spent the Mills Batten and family, J. W. t -Buy a Liberty UondGUIU'OJW for the nurpoBe of holding said: election the I belt of my ability. J r. CJ.EWS.Frlond. trlct 5. subject to the action of tl! mini.
Batten and 'Vii Brown anti wife. follow-In have democrate primary. If elected I t to i
mot NEWS. rmimigeni been appointed I
week-end) here the of Misses J.j
guest continue to give the duties of tin m7
Plenty of fish were secured and the C. Kaulcraon. A. G. brown J. G. Wynn.T. | of J. J. Bielllnic announce him a
Ethel and) Mabel Byrd. B. I'INIIOLSTER. ,' candidate for County Commissioner from DI.. I earnest attention. .__ H. D1

Kev. Tison returned to his home atWelborn day thoroughly; enjoyed. Guilford, April 23.-Whut are we Chairman. Board Public Inntructiun Bradford trlct No. I. compoied of Talntine and Provl. I take thin method ol snno'tnl "> ...
Mrs. J. W. Batten is sick at County dcnce toting preclncta.fa uk the ,
very farmers do if aupportof 4a '
Friday. going to it keeps on Attest : the voter caiitlidate (or Coumy (Comirf i )))
uf the dmtrict fur Mr.
Rev. Smith, of this place, filled his this writing. We hope she will have ruining ? K:. R POPI'EI.L.: I and a..iure them that ha will give careful Blcllinit and trict No., II. cnmpo o.i of New UIMGraham "<
a speedy recovery. |1 Count Sui>t. and Secretary. cITicient attention to the duties of tho olTice. Hnmpton "nJ Thvrcmp ;rrcincu. -
regular appointment at Raiford Sat Mrs. :Mary Waters, of near Lulu, I reBi/vrtfully solicit the i ../110*
urday and Sunday Mr. Charles Underhill and J. Kite, spent the week-end with her daughter -llur a liberty Bond 4.28.5t'l f dvniocratie elector nt the 011.1..1 prrmiao
of Starke, motored over to our burg DISTRICT NO.2. careful attention to the dutitM Itt< of-
Mr. Pcrman Roberts and bride have Mrs. Arthur Glover, of Miller. She r I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection -' nee if I am elected' J. J. MORe \N.r .
returned, after short tour on the Tuesday on business. was accompanied home her i COFFINS CASKETSAnd to the office of county commuwioner
L'.... {. .... a A lirw en mint* tfn.. niv rt nt tfi" nnrlc by young I in and for DiHtrict No.2. and reimiwtriillif sot .. un__ __..__. _,_ __ ____..-..._- -,
..... _"v..... i ing house i ;;' 'T 8 1yht. ('uaugnicr, ..urs. Annie uelotta, or a full line ofUndertakers' t licit tho aupport of tho votem at the d,>mocratioI jrii lMCH< BII1UISL. It V A Kit UI3IKM, Sfrrion.fs
in Theressa .
Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Roberts and lit near Lake City. I primary election to be held on June 4th. Ii of I.. C. I'owe hereto c
The him a en n(Mat a for Member. of th .n"j
proceeds will to help the girls pmmlie. if elected to ulve the
tie son, Roy, Jr., of Wateroak section, go Supplies i name conicien School Jltmrd .6
get basket ball team. | lIon. J. E. Douglass made a business tioua attention to the duties of the office aa I District No. I i.St
: attended the linen shower at Mrs.l'rice's up trip to Lake : Automobile Hearse. i have in the post. C. A. KOUERTS. Law toy) on-1 lollait the support o'> wtor
Two City Saturday. At the : Mr
young guys from Gainesville I coming primary kn >vir
Saturday afternoon.Mr. ltv.'hester Johnson attended Always on hand. The best service Powell I. d..o.,', inlpnhlml in Siv nIour
afternoon and tack I
Ralph Dyal and bride, of Bel- came up Tuesday church ropectfully announce to tlio, voters of public school .)'lIu.. '
,, led Mr. S. It. Woodard to buy one of at the Roberts school house at the lowest prices. Special : Commumlonrn District No. 2 that I am a can.
mole, passed through here Saturday riidute fur
vnroute to Gainesville). They returned their famous Chevrolet cars. S. B. Sunday. attention to telegraph orders. I I promjao If CommtiiHionrr ducted to give of the laid duties dmtrlft of the I TTirotisrh the ioliciUttion of mj. '

didn't buy. Mr. Hiram Fortner, of What is the matter that the peopleof office my careful attention. C. J. KNIGHT. hereby: nnnounre my (*tf a canthiln *
nnd the with his .
J spent day U-ction na member of the county <***
r sister, Mrs. E. D. Abernathy. Ralph near :Melrose, accompanied them over the Guilford community have not RegisteredEmbalmerDcT1C.ONES i iII for UiHtrict No. 1. If clMteil I the\
to had regular school I hereby announce myself candidate school int.r..ta of the 'tl- Nvice
our burg.S. u Sunday class every a for county
has a number of friemls Here who I Ildl"'C county c..inm. n.ltthe h ,
B. Woodard in Sunday afternoon ? .
wish him u long aol prosperous wed. was Hampton on Iiiitlur nnd Wnrthinirton I no.1nrncttv mix-It piiHt. I ft-rl that I nm in I'o- ';
business Wednesdav.Mrs. l i Mr. J. H. Douirlasfl and family ,-, the Bmipnrt "I l the ., tM ..
i mo.tored ol \otir. of fl l .liut i ft' >lta>l* HI'rull'u *ha> ont two Vain t tl I >>
ded life. of"West Palm Beach, over to Mr. Buddie--Groover's L I ) T'U. II thf di'mi. nut, ic inlmary" --e'.: Ii.-;;; t,;'"b-j.jJ; term anil I nupectfully; Ii'it-Ih.; ) :
Mrs. Minnie Burgoas, of Palmetto, prigirers June .1. IMIS. and, prnilitif "....1",1. to thenten.. J. C II.t
is visiting at the home of Mr. and Sunday.Mr. forth I l to, pill
(hi., H here visiting her parents, Mr. I hi. my, t trt ta t at nc tho people of

anti Mrs. R. W. Surnmcy.Mrs. Mrs. Mills\ flatten.! II. K. Roberts and wife, accompanied lIoy a I ibrrty DondrO ,i"bil"( >d"uict'. "ni1 county u the'. ,. beat of my MEMBER OP SCHOOL nOARI -.Plk. s" !;

-. D. ,J. Byrd was called to the -Bur a Liberty Bond_ by Mr. Jesse Joiner, paid Lake +. + + +. + + + + + + + + + + + + 4'I. I K. / ILtYE4.I the I office hi'reby of announce member myMelf of school a.' ..I t '

I bedside of her little grand daughter, WOODLAWN l'AIUi ;NOTESVooillawn : Butler a visit Saturday night. .ITlC\L ANNOUNCEMENTS.FOR 1 COfNTV COVIMISS10NEK DISTRICT IH'trlct No. 2, enmprfninir Let I I' B.'' r.

:, little Jessie Lee Surrvncy, of UrookIT Hurrah for Mr. Thomas Dicks as a 1 + + + + + + + + + + 4. + + + + + l. I hen by announce myt..lf a J.for ford. Worthlnirton., Providence. l I'1. '"'
elected I 'Iollico 1
Sunday. \ Park, April 23.: -Rev. and candidate for member of the school UEPIlESESTATIVFGROIP I. I office of county cnmmiMioner of Dutrict Nn. promiae to perform tin
to the
I beat of
am a cnndi'lnt 3. "
lor mrmnerfthip In the
Mr. Alvm :McKinney and wife spent Mrs. D. L. Phillips were business visitors board. His many friends hope him 1I..ue of Rtprpnentative. and hereby announe I lof .awh'y' and electors Ralfurdi.nt thu.ubjcct to the will; ability.P. M. I II I'' r' ..
tlu> wiM'k-end\ Urouker with Mrs.McKinney's to Starke last Thursday.Mr. much luck in the campaign.! my candidacy. in (>nup I In the commit pri .) lull-lf eh'u.d coming I electionmv pl..I"e I ___
mary. I feel that I know the .,lf I -
necd of tnkr thin
our to method of annnunc inl
:: parents, :Mr. and :Mrs. and Mrs. II. S. Milliard visited -llur a Liberty Hand_ county and "Int.In a loulnlative way and bav aid office to faithfully the bet perform of the dutk-a of l lien of School District Ni>. 2 tl-<<

George III7.t.,. their daughter Mrs. Tate Crosby, of DKATII OF 'InS.I.U: \' CAKOLL. in ehliff Clerk of the HOUB. for the it*. Iho b..., ".,'* of nil' my concerned.ability. and Equal to candidate! for member of the ci. -,
alon of 1917. I am fnmlllar with the prnceed- rights to all and board for ai'l illetrlct.' I rc.-poc'i I
Miss Surah) Hicks surprised :Mrs. the no special' prlvllwe.
Rising section, Sunday. to .
Ins of laid any
body. I "licit the lupport of all one. the auppnrt of the votera at the c< .n. rr'mary ,
.. Clara (Cohorts :Saturday: afternoon :Mrs. W. H. Norman and sister )Iissnl'.i" :Mrs. Mary E. Caroll! departed this dpmocratlantpn and if ilmrted penn,,'. C. H SAPP. I election and promlio n u.t u .' '
with linen shower nt the home of faithful and elficiunt, icrvlcra. R. A. GRRFN. forte for the unbuildinv vf our pulvtera > '
a '
Phillips, visited Mr' Edward life on April 22, 1918, at 12 o'clock a. I late thIs method of announcing that I if I am elected.! TIIOS f>"'s i -
Mrs. Price. Those present were, Hilliurd, of the Wateroak section last m. She was the wife of C. O. Carol!, I a CnfltjInte' for County CommiMloner for Iii am.. -- --'
Misses Sarah Wiener, Bunie Graves, Saturday.Mr. und leaves a loving husband for hereby announce that T am n candidate. trlet, No.3. computed of Rulford and Lawlcy FOR PI". *>< J,
and Representative in Group 1. I ratpectfully votinw pr.'cn.t., If elected I MEMBER SCHOOL HOAR ., \
.' Francis Murrhoe. 1'stell"asdin, and trs. R. II. Green, of near twelve children to mourn her death. .oliclt the uinirt| of the voter nt the fomInic KKe the district and the county Rood shall service strive to. I take thla method of unnoumin ,r'
Daisy Belle Reynolds, :Mabel' and Ethel the Stale Farm were the guests of She primary nnd !'roml.. If re-elected to Ionic ft Inmiwe of ""u110"1"P.. am a candidate for re-election a* '
wa a member of New Kiverchurch solicit %
DiI. " \
"f -
carefully afn' the
r the internta of hi.upport County School Hoard for ,
our and of .. .
Byrd, Mabel :l1..KinneItud Hunter Mr. and :Mrs. I>. L. Phillips Saturday.Mr. for twenty years and had been .tat. W. G. BEVLS county *""'. voter the W. conunff ..I.",. . UuHnit the pant term I have i"l I. ."' \ .

of luke llutlrr. Alma Price, Iuth : and Mrs. Frank Crawford, of a member of the Free Will Baptist --- REUD1SH.i ---. to,. ,ulvo the school Intereita of the .;'" i >" "<
'Ie.. If reflected I ahall conlmi'
,: Smith and :Mesd.imes Price, Roy Rob Jacksonville are the guests of their for about two years. She was the FOR RF.PllESESTATIVE-r.I101'P TWO i rOUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT low this policy. T. B. rlo.IIOI.I'.I I: '
4 .
erts, huff and Charles Smith. Cake dauJ'htcrIrs.. I hereby announce myvelf a imidate) In tt..b T nnounc ;
T. myself
: C. Williams this widow of Joseph E. Hendricks at the Groun, Two for ihi aa n candidate fop
for office
and sherbet were er\vd. All departed week. I' of office of county cc.mmi.aloner for ,diitrict si-priivisou 01' REGHTH\TH\ )
time she Reprc.entatlva In the No. ,
was married to Clinton Car.'oU Lcul-lal'lre from 4. '"" ,1 shall" I I '
/.t w"rl for 1 "
the b "'
; Brndford 't In- I hereby that I nf "
the announce
wishing newly married couplea Dr. county subject to the .
E. L. t'.I.
Biggs business visitor act nn of the "
was June and -
6 county
a I'jOG.! Democratic primary election .., the on thu basis i J solicit|| for rt-olection aa rfnp ft'''inor' of in **" l
long and prosperous wedded I life. here last Sunday. I I I June, ZOt!(. I respectfully lollrit, be the held In June au""rt,. 01 the voterin <* primary or for Bradford county. I ",apc,1 v .
zl rs. A. ti. n) 'IlI. of Starke: 'pent A daughter was born to Mr. anti J I of all voti.ra at laid Democratic primary.uppnrt and 4' 1' P. WAlt.. the nupport of thj ....tcia at ther ' .
-- .
Curd (
the week-end l here with her of ThanksI promlae a faithful di.rharuc I I mary and promine a crntinuane'attention f '
daughter of hcr'I.y .
Mrs. James Williams :Monday, April i 1 am honored with re-election my duty If nno>">e my rnn,1i4.y fort.KO. C.'unty to the d' of the "i' .
,: Mrs. E. D. Abernathy. 15th. Both mother and child are doing thank my friends for their kind 12-Slt- AS. or'.C..mml..lon.r D'.triet. f"r the fit"rl, C.'mmlo-h..,. I C. 4. I-NK.II1! 1
CREWS. nnd .
Rev. McGuire filled l his regular appointment : fine. acts during my wife's last illness, especially ___ .1.Io'.nll"n and tttlport" rmiu-ctru'lv or r""elt" the em. FOR CONST\BLE DISTRICT NO 6.f'tho
here Saturday anti Sunday. )Ira. Carrie Dukes, Mrs. Bob I am a candidate for .nmlnll prlmnry. I it the vote'ra at tI.1 I hi-n-by announce myself a cnndili 5'' .
Mr. and Mr. Edward Hilliard, of KVproientative in pl..t..1 I wll: do Iny IH..t olllce of Conitabla of Diatrict :'
of Parrish, Mrs. D. I. flume Mrs. L. Croup 2 and iretetIly .olict|| tho tnard a 'Id b ';uu.. th.' <'' "
Mr. GUI Wynn anti wife Sampson Wnteronk, were visitors here Sunday. I i G. of theot.r. who will ''' liemocrBtie affairs or it. Cttn'v, nt the Hradford county, Florida subject to "
pa ncipate Jir'
% City, attended church here Sun- Mr. James Williams left Wednesday' Johnson, :Mr!. Jim Piirrish, Mrs. W. I I primary to be held June in 4th.the If my- C. LIVlNtiSTON. of 4th the IK1H.Domoi-ratic and rwpectfully primary solicit to he the hi'W.upi'1of |
L. Parrish, Mrs., Lcsaie Purrish antisister ambition to repniient i.ur < '
day.Mr. for Jacksonville, where he has secured l l.ture" "I. Ilrall .,1 I .Jn'my liu- A number tlr all tutors at laid primary.SOR .
and Mrs. .hall every CrlenlaanI fol'ow.citIv. .. J'. D. ar
Ernest McKinney ii herei- employment. Alice Dukes, and the effort to .reIn the but Interests of the ha"e requ.atI, rt II' "run Cur '

ing his sister, Mrs. Nyrnn: Wvnn. I I Buy a iberty Bond- ladies for the flower and all of the I, and .law. M. J. SAPP.coun drone the Sla'ko dl.l.iet a'.1 I C..mmsttnr her I by ""' -

Miss Marie Dyal of Suirke, spent PROVIDENCE. kind friends. annOunCement II"".. If tlf I If.y can.Iissr for a..hl "I I hen by announce CONSTABLE myself DISTRICT a candulu I." "'' _

the week-end here with relatives and :Mary U gone but not forgotten, Her FOR COMMISSIONFFl r.lTHICT NO. !. ward dlaena"1!1' .hall th. .l'V' .* *"" beet elf.rts Constable of District No. I Lawteyi.. ";' .'r I
I .
friends. | Providence, April! 23.-:Mr. Purvis husband, C. O. CAROLL, fur Count hereby announce Comm .son that,, for I am!,(?a?,candidate., No. I. ', S"E0THOMA31.C* I elected' pertainlnir promIse a to faithful that offici performance I rMpr't'1'ly nilutlea .

Mr. Wiley Jones and. .. wife. of Hump- Mott and Misses Maud Fralick ands Dukes, Fla. Provldrnre and ratmMno voting precinct ami I hereby announce-thnt solicit the aupport of tho democrnUc t.'Ctore
.- r.ctfully solicit the support 01 the v'otar. I am a rnnl.i..i.
- for County nmu..loner for at the comin, primary. .
District No. 4 D. DAVIS..I.mearvt..J

. ... .... . ..
- ...; 4. .tto.4- 0 --,.-- 'r -
'T. '

'''- ''.__ ___ ___ __ -, .. -I- ." ..a.._- a.. .. ==:i

. ... --i ip
s., - tlO( Ri; ---'r' 4'-"' e
f. is: :: .ftr -- f-,--




)> M

APRIL 19,, 1918.
=- .. PAGE .FIVE .
-- ---- --- .
L.\K(;.i: ( ROW D MET: \\ AH la:.. i 1 4r + i
I I('* nUlT LAKE: BU1'LF.Itiontmued '| stationed' in Jacksonville with the Na111 1 the week-end with her parent, Brooks, returned to their home in j
\ Reserve hall1'en/ Ir'1 I +
transferred to nnd ;Mrs. S. B. Denmark. Jacksonville ..

Bits of Local t t j I i < From Page 1.) I ChniKxion Alice! nngford S. C., spent His! Monday mother Mrs with[ Mr. Lewis Reynolds, of Jacksonville , Enoih (Griffith Monday.Mr and, daughter, lit-
tle Mis .
Pearl Grimili.\ of I
t I linn Iirfate he \left Maurko\ is a tine spent Thursday with his familo-.1: wtey, l
-inn '" rthe society. Those enjoying young and doubt Rev S. \I. Hendrix Ailed his regular'! were visitors hero :Mond.iy.Mr. 9
man no will\ bo
I 1"r'd.l\, i 1 afternoon at the home of n : ChaiU Bloodnwortli visited his i A
Information credit II> Uncle Sum'ti appointment Sunday at the First
'I. Ilnw.iid,: : N. Stratton were Mes- 'I :MiR. \E. Dell and son navy., Master Er ;Methodist. church Ulster, :Mrs I, N. L.111'11"9, at Johns
d.i" town :Monday. '
0 +,,..alsOr..* !...,.,.. 71.1 auaf '! u' IVwn-end King. Mann's, B. P. Wilson Bull, Johnson r)1l'"t. left' Saturday for Green Spinirn> Mr. W. Valencia Ip'ntIonday:\ !Miss Evelyn White, who has be.nvll'litinl1' 't ,
Epper- to s|>(Til a few weeks with in Jacksonville
her hus
**' II drat C mtr m .4 /... .
"" -i 'I. Miw.ut. Priester her sister, ;Mrs.f. II. Andrews -
b Mann band \\lio i is there for his lualth. Pvt. Ernest Johnson, of Camp
sptmt, Mies Irene Edwards. O\.er-I I for the past few weeks, re-
",at+ IlI'h' W..n...., ;_n.. ........:..__ ...1." -Buy a Liberty Bond_ Jonhston, "'liS'islting friends hereSaturday. turn".,..). to. tin... !,?..,?_ ill T.n".v.. 1\1.,,.. r'1. !4.
-- nm .n -- -- m.
P" J : n '' THIRD MliEltTY LO\X LKC-: ;: ; +
piitiiotutimes.. Red liliesSalvia I I :'
.p "tho wonder cnr." % Af'U 'i'I'RRIt.11FOliI' M'MMY ;Mrs. 11. \I. Tuytor the weekend I day.Mr. sIL
i >|nidinc: retrial 1 days m the i wlnti" ell) ) r and violet furnished the : pent St. Clair Bryan was in Jack-
-Bur a Liberty Bond .
with her sister :llr.'m.. Branncn f tt'
city, guests tit the home iulni'', !led, white and .
of11': .
blue. .
and Rtifford 1. .\ Ut! :Mr. 80n'lIIeV.Jnl... 'iu shirts and collars at Stern- 111'V.. B. RifiMshments pl'iI -- Civio' of in Palestine. ; tfj11'
Young, UcJ.. L. Jordan were also in line with Baltimore, who id connected I with the ;\ I R. I.'. Valentine, of Jacksonville, ( t..I'i
and Mrs. B. Z. Welch, of Biloxi, ;Miss. the fond conservation Mrs\ J. K. Walker and 1 granddaughter ; '
.._ movement Cake United
Buy a Liberty Bund and :Mrs. E. E. llohicr, of Bay St. made with rice flour was served with States treasury department, Elise \VnlkiT who have been visiting of the C..llllllinnVoo.ll1ll'n., was here l,
t, Jordan was a visitor to Jack- Louis, Mis., have returned to their iced tea. gave a It'iturc at the 1l1iditol'iulISun. the foimei'n. Mrn J. A. Monday' 1. -'
day in behalf of the Third! dnughta2t.
lit Sunday homes. Liberty I 'lr.IoI.
High School War ,'
Loan. IU
Uur a Liberty UonJ gave a very interesting talk
a Liberty ?l iml following
special sale going on at the Cash For your spring nnd summer hat rendered at the High war program School Auditor will be about how the present war\ the causes, and ....... :';"'
;) 'ijartme" Store. call at ium it may be won. The quota i for ... .
_Buy a Liberty Honda now on display Stump's store. Large line i; J\lIsil'-Orchestrll[ Friday evening, April 2(>th: Jl.iiford: $5,770; which is being rapidly - !.. ... , ;--- -
>it- Tatum spent Saturday in -lluy a Liberty llond_ Music. subscribed
-Orchestra \

','V--Buy a Liberty Bond_ er J citizen, Morgan: was, it n business well-known visitor Brook-to -School Song "The and nudience.MusicOrchestra Star Spangled. Banner" Miss\ MISH FlosHie!Reynolds Reynolds Entertain entertained* ; "II": l,1'J\; ; g I""

a few of her friends at the Hotel .
Stnike I Taveli -
',lc. ->0 per dozen:: at Cash Wednesday. : selection

I'.' u-tment Store. -lluy u liberty Hand_ Sonl!'.. ..Anll".i.... ..,........_ "J..nnt .n.._...'. _.. i_Fl ulay evening.. The rooms! weietijienen ,
-- -
-Buy a Liberty Bond_ Call at the "iiscoe Sales dience.. -.vv. "Y' ensuite ana were simply decorated .
& Service with I 11! 1 j ji
i Jones was a business visitor Company for a demonstration of the Address "The garden t1<)w'rll.
Purpose of the Meeting ;
' -lluy a Liberty Bond_ Dollar ;Motor." Drapei. S. A. 1 a brief musical program, after ;: LIBERTY
-lIu a Liberty Hand_ which they chatted and played until '
,ic See to buy that new spring top. T. II. Tyro, of Gainesville, was a Speeches by the Junior Four-Min: 11, v\ ))1<'11 refreshments were ""1'1.1. I BOND Ii

Sternberg. caller at the Telegraph office Wednesday ute speakers: Among the guests were, :Misses Ai- i I -. .-----=c= -- II I II
-Buy a Liberty Bond-- during his stay in Starke. 1. "What Your ;Money Will Do For lene 1 Uc.v nolds, i. ellnell (Cnson ;Minnie I I -- { .
nnd Mrs.V.. B. Young spent -lluy a Liberty Bond- Your ('ountrY"-John Lungford. Ik'' Lora Johnlon.SI.: \ .... Jack I 7'' 't. "1 IiIW

'ni.v in Jacksonville. ( A son was born to ;Mi. and, :Mis. r. 2. "Food Will Win, the War"-Evelyn Cobol-i! Icaston (Crews' Ovid Brooks. I Q '._ .f. =--- .L !
-Buy a Liberty llondl L. McDowell in Jacksonville on April Herbcit hitch, Sheppard! :Moore, Eut-- 1/--/) ::: it
l top and back curtain for $10. 23rd.:! :3. "The Soldiers Behind the Sol- tis 1'i'i'V" and others.In .
diei',," Walter HELPING( TO fG! "T : \ 1
II! Leviton, Starkc. Coloh..t. Oli'hrntimi ,'I >
-HUT: a 1 liberty lluml- of m. h -Buy a Liberty Bond_ . "The I THE CAUiC or I
d i A complete line Warner's" Rust E. :Moines War Savings Stamp"-J. Littk- Miss Iteuuhih Mann\ was the I 6, I" ............ Rtev ;:,it 1I 1\I IL i
Alice Thornton, of Raiford, ia.ruest Proof guest of honor at a when her, :: =:: '
corsets at Stcrnberg's. party : :... :::.= .
.. ... .
of Miss Maude :Manning -Buy 5. "Have You Bought a Liberty parent. Mr. and ;\Irs.1.: LV.. :Mann I 11." .. .--- ,
-Buy a Liberty Bond- ",. T ......10'_a _Liberty. L '-_IlimJtv _.-... Don.I-\lnl'l'nrpt: !m."_.. .. .......__.1.... ...._..'_h. h ----- -- -
penal dollar summer underweartj tj. vjrijuii, Ul jaiii&ooviii, sl1entSunday C. "The Woild 1 Safe forrDemocra- their liome Aduimitijr. ill n'l niii'ii 111 ;.
on N C'ntral"nu,'.
with his
brother O I, J. Griffin ,
> cents. Cash Department cy"-Donald Edwards..
11 Store.
Dm" the afternoon ,
-lluy a Liberty llond- ing a number "finteresting
-Buy ft Liberty Bandon't _' Rending, "Our Flag"Miss Harri
COLORED MEN! TO CAMP: JOHNSTOV. mimes and l contests were :
forget to see the new hats at son enjoyed, after which cake! and tea !!: \\I
h:utrht. Millinery.Buy Song; "Dixie"_School and audience. wore served

a Liberty Bond_ Poem, "The Flags of Three Na.tions" Those enjoying the afternoon with
The colored 1 who
men are to leave These Bonds
$1 work shirts for 73: cents. Cash here tomorrow -Myrtice Roberts.Mr. thi 1111,101''I't, the following: SilijlKitih. ;
Department Store. with the will to enter upon duty : S. I D. Padgett will be chairmanof Kci-n N'oimnn, Kathteun Smith, r'
army go to Camp Johnston
-Buy a Liberty Bond the meeting.
Smith Viola
Kickliti-r Alnu-tu
I. II. Hill, of Lawtey, was a busii !- Jacksonville, instead of goingto ; The public is invited and urged to Hitch,, Alm.i; Alvarez::, ;Mildred! Kickli- Mean So
Mass. is
Ayer It understood that
,' Wednesday. this be free.A ter, ;\1,1'Hil'h.' :Minnie! AlvnieCluriri /.
-Buy a Liberty lloml_ change has been made on account great deal of interest has been I'uwlintr, Matcilalvnu hitch,
of health conditions ut the ;Massachusetts Much More
Hats for women nnd children, latest i manifested by Prof. Draper, the principal Cicitiude; Niirnmn, Agnes Wostei Money ,
It 11
styles, all shapes. We can please you. camp. not known how long of the High School and his able Lens Ititih, :Myrtle Hood, I.uc-ile Alvuri'7 ;
Stump's. they will remain at Camp! Johnston.lluy assistants in getting up the play. The lii'ith.i: Howling) Daisy Futch,
-Buy a Liberty Bond- a Liberty llond- citizens and of Your would be of little to T '
patrons the school havea Verdi Wester, Thelma Cobb, Alfonso money use 9
Rnwson Davis, of Jacksonville, spent :MEMORIAL\ I\I \\' KMjKCl ES treat in store for them. Supp, ('ail I Ritch, Henry Dowlmg, O.
Sunday in Starke with relatives.Buy ;Mr. J. F. Pearce, of Jacksonville' G. Smith Carl Kapp, Wilbort :Mann, you if the Germans should win the war
a Liberty Bond- Today i is n double holiday in Flor after,
spending days with blsf'il'lHI" Wilbiu' Sapp, Jack Nuuright, ChilliesDowliiiir
La rA'e line of the latest styles in ida. For years it has been :Memorial here, returned to his home last Ralph Nauri, abroad and come over here to complete
millinery at Stump's. Day in this state and it has lately been, Tuesday PiTHonaUMi

-Buy ft Liberty. Bond- set apart as Liberty Day by President ;Mrs. S. A. Richard is spending the '. and :Mrs, J. R. N'ntiiight and their work of world subjugation. Invest

I E. Futch Esq., returned Wednes- Wilson. The business houses will be week lit, Guilford with her granddaughter childun! Jack anti l Ralph .spent Wed- in Liberty Bonds Bond
day from a business trip to Jackson- clos,1.1emorlal. ;Mrs II. K. Roberts nesdny. in Jacksonville.! your money -one

'!lie. [ Day exercises will be held ;Miss Belle Richard Is in Gainesville ;Mi: :.Silas Walker, of Jacksonville, arms a soldier and his life.
at the Baptist church in Statue at 2W:: this week visiting her may save
-Buy a Liberty Bond i / parents, Mr. spent Thursday with his sister, Mrs., ,
The new arrivals rt Kn:ght'; Mils p. m. :Mrs. T. L. Z. Barr who is avery and ;Mrs. R. K. Richard. J. A. ISrooks.Mr. .

linery are right up to the minute* in talented speaker, will deliver tie, Mrs. S. S. Proctor received a telegram ; und ;Mrs. L. II. Futch, of Law "It's civilization against dcvilization"

head wear. See them. Memorial Day address.lluy I Tuesday afternoon announcingthe tey, spent Sunday, the guests of his
-Buy a Iberty Bond_ I I a Liberty llondLIHIKTY ,death of her dialer, :Mrs. McCol- 1'"I''nts.11'' : and Mrs.; E. I). Futch. IB )
A complete lino cf soft collars at : LOAN MiiriM.: lum at ;Moultiie Ga.Mr. Mist \Bessie Cone, who has I bfon visiting TillS SPACE PAID FOR AND CONTRIBUTED IIV | H | II

SternherJlI. I FOR UALA.NCi: OF TilE \\LEK : and :Mrs. L. A. Duncan and little lice l'l'olh"r11'; J. H.! Cone, r'('- l

-Buy a Liberty. Bond- I daughter, Carolyn returned from turned to her home in \Biooker.Mr. N. STERNBERG Dry Goods
R. A. Weeks was a business; visitor beginning yesterday afternoon with ;Meridian, Miss Tuesday night. The Tale P. Denmaik, of J.tcksiinvilli' ,

to Ocala and Jacksonville on Friday I, a good melting at Law ley and with n little! I girl is very much improved, but spent last week with his \parents,
I and Saturday great open air gatlieiiiig, last nightin ;Mrs.,, IJiincnn has been quite sick On ;\1,t'. iiiul :.Mrs. S. Denmark/ STARKE, FLORIDA.Spring r.

-Buy -ft Liberty Bond_ Starke the people of Bradford l arrival of the train' she had to be taken I'vt. Roman Addison, of Camp

Don't fail to see the splendid line county will have the opportunity of on u cot to her residence. Wlueli-r, spent last week with his parents -
of millinery now on display at hearing some very tine addresses /Dr.J, J. E. Mdincs returned fl'omIe; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Addison, returning Y
IStump's. about the war. At the meeting In I'idinn.liBs.; ., last Tuesday night. Hu to the comp Sunday. 9H
-Buy a Liberty. Bond_ Stnrke last nijhtIa'or:\ Joe Hill Wil- went to accompany little Carolyn Duncan :Mrs. Bugg was the guest of the
:Mrs. J. M. Tatum and daughter, hams acted as master of ceremonies.Fine home who has /been very suk. Smith House Sunday.

{Miss Lucile, spent Saturday in Jack- speeches were made by lIon. A. r.11'9.1.: E. Roberts and daughter :\18sr.. Ranee Andrews und Tison BeautiesThere

|on\llle. V. Long, :Mr. Arthur Keep, of the ;Miss Jessie, and granddaughter. Miss Supp iittendwd the war exhibit at 'j
-Buy a liberty Bond_ Council of National Defense, and Lieu- Earnlv Dowlmg motored over to Lake Butler: Friday. I.ak"1

Miss Margaret Burleiprh was among tenant Crcighton, of the Canadian City WoclneKclay. Ovi'l Brooks who is attending the I I
Jthe visitors to Lake Butler Friday army, who was in the sanguinary but ;Miss ;Maude Hunter, of Lake Butter Duval High/ School, spent the i

jto see the war relics train. tie of Vimy Ridge, when the Canadi spent the week-end with fnends end with his parents, Mr: and :\w'ck-I is! no other term that caii'fully describe

-Buy a Liberty Bond- stormed from. the. Jermans.!this:., stronghold tits?! and tmuaiiun tookit at.aNea.Graham.;.-.. _F.nrn/n....... .n."li.o._...; .. n.eM".n....n.l.. 'n ov A..,'Brooks.,.a_. (viiiuiun" ._..1._ "&i. luiMia\vurill",- was Ii I the exC\uisite- ; ('rcation in our new linc of

children's Special sale on men's, women's and consisted of 800 men when they went her home Thursday, after rpendmur visitor to Staike Sunday afternoon.Mr. .

(Cash Department shoes for 15 days at into the battle and was only 100;; strong few days with her grandmcther; ; [ II. W. Raiford spent last weekin SPRING MILLINERYThe N
M. K.; Roberta.
-Buy a Liberty. Bond- when they cacme out. Jacksonville.
Mr. Sidney Padgett was a week-end Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brooks and :Miss
Mr. Keep, Mayor Williams and Lieu-
Roger A. Wells, of Jacksonville, visitor to Jacksonville.Miss 1\amic[ Denmark attended the funeralof woman may he thankful that the Government ,
as tenant Creighton will speak today at a
looking after business
matters ; Delis Bielling was the guest the late ;Mrs. has ordered conservation of hats.
g&tarke Tuesday.Buy meeting to he held in Hampton. ;Mr. Maggie Owens, of' not
a Liberty Bond- Keep and Lieutenant Creighton will of \friends. Wash at Chastain Raiford Saturday.Mr. Jacksonville, at Lake Butler Thurs- They arc still allowed to adorn the head with
of Lako City, day. II
Mr. and Mrs. Joi. E. Wilson and go from there to Gainesville to address -
the beautiful creations of the
Mr. a big Liberty Day gathering in spent the weekend with her fattier Mrs.; ) Max Wilson and sister, :Miss
and !Mrs. W. E. Yarborough arc :Mr.[ J. R. Chastain. I
that city, but will be at Lake Butler Punish of Luke Butler, were art.
[spending several days this week at
Mr.[ Ethan Sapp and, :Math Sal of the
of :
Smith Saturday morning where they will deliver | p guests Miss[ Nannie Andrews
{[ lake on a camping trip. addresses at 11 o'clock a. m. New River, were visitors to Lake Butler :: Saturday. That is just what we have secured for your

-Buy ft Liberty Bond- From Lake Butler they will go to Rai Friday. Pvt. Bryant Griffis, of Camp Jackson inspection, and ask youjto! call :11H1see the pat
There are plenty of pood cuts on the ;Mrs. )Bruce Warren and children, of was visiting hero last wrek.Mr. .
will at 2:30p.
ford where speak :
B market, but if you want the best call Worthington, were the guests of her Donald ,Adkins of New River tern hats now'on'display.We .
Sat the Briscoe Sales & Service Company m. sister, Mrs. B. :M. Wilson Friday.Mr. +.
Sunday with Lacy ('aso,
and buy n Briscoe. -Buy a Liberty Bond- Lacy Cason, of Raiford was aluisino's Mrs Arthur Alvarez of Rising, spent I only ask a careful inspection. :Tic goods 1
-Buy a Liberty. Bond- I mi: 1\\lSEll:: vi'i'Mn lake li-ili- 1'n-i will sell themselves.Knight's.
Mrs. II, C. Richard has returned ,'

home after a visit j with Lieutenant I (By Fred ;Mott.) day.Miss; Miriam Adkins arid brother, IFIE

Richard at Charlotte N. C., and her The U. S. boys will go to the kaiser's Donald, of New River f>i>ent Friday in CLASS D'
son, Mr. Frank Lane. at Macon, Ga. land Luke Butler.! \ I Millinery
-lluy a Liberty llond- And! get the old Kaiser Bill, :Mm!' Eva Brooks, of Blair spent . --
The U. D. C will meet next Wednesday In Berlin we will play the U. S. band Friday here. I-Oil SALE ON: CONTRACT Two I

o'clock, afternoon at the residence, :May 1st of Mrs.nt three W. I And carry him over the hill. Miss\ ;Marian Adkins of New liiver urn Early Rose No ,! lush potuti I! yv, STARKE, FLORIDA . .

RL. Wall. and Mr. Lacy Cason, of Raiford visited "en, In now barrels. n"dyIIIY': 7

-Buy a Liberty Bond- We will strap him to a tree Lake Butler Sunday afternoon. I'.th.1 See D. W. Moore, Ihfn-m,
Mr. AV, Anderson has bought the And make him pray and cry, :Misses JeaBie!' Roberto, Srhellie I"la. :1-29-ti.:! :!!)
,Quigley bungalow in the Johns addition In front of Old Glory dancing in the C'hnntain nn,111'; Tom C'lristain werevUitors -

at present occupied by II. O. breeze to New River Saturday. Kill SALE-20 acre farm in Alfalfa .................................................N
[ his. land will Misses Jessie Roberts and Ruby section, 15 under cultivation good
Smith and Mr. and ;Mrs. An- For Old Olory in fly. ;
family. Roberts and ;Myrtice Roberts and Mr. painted house and outbuildingx; )112: i A In Hand Relieves !
erson will make their home there in Policy Anxiety
future. The J kaiser had a shield of steel Tom Chastnin and :Mr. Ben Caidell:: pecan trees; all stock and tools in- I |
r -i Buy ft Liberty Bond- He saw coming after him the boys spent Sunday in Lake City. dueled, ; excellent water. Price and _.
:: in blue; ;Mr. Newsom and LrsJic! terms reasonable. August Helen, !I I. tici-aiiffi the holder knows that even i

:DeS Sugar, 12, cents I 9 cents per per can;pound salt,; $1 toma-per I So the old kaiser took to his heel: Townsend, of Starke, visited Lake .Stark. 4.I: ,-t.:.! .I : "J I i.if tire destioyf! the property altogether .

ack; lard, special! at 24 cents, at And behind him the U. S. boys split Butler :Sunday afternoon.Mr. : t he or she. will suffer no1.- :
Dendo Green of Starke FOIL[ SALE-Two thoroughbred Jersey
'ash the dew. win a .
r" -Department Buy a Liberty Store.Bond- I -lIu a Liberty "ond- visitor to our city Sunday. cows; also a few fine Rhode Island i "' 8"; nlt/wial+ loss for the Policy protects :

i Mr. Truby Murrhee; and family, CARD OF THVNKS ;Mis May McKinney spent the week cockerelVan! Dyke, Lawtey ::1 them, It it folly on the part of .

,f Pearl River, La., are guests of his end with relatives at Raiford. Fla. 4-20-2t' 2 rr '... ,I any householder! to K<> uninsured T

[other, Mrs Anna ;Murrhee of this I We desire to thank the many friends :Misses Allie Anderson, Margaret -- --- '/ r-: /j ; Yl when a Fire Insurance Policy that .
..''tity.; Mr. Murrhee has grown ao stout for their kindness and sympathy during Dekle Georgia Epperson, Thenn'o t+4NIN+tttit'NN+++f-f++ "1/'" ffN
Knight Thelma Blair und Schrllu i ; means so much, casts! so little Let :
that very few of his friends here rec- the illness and death of our beloved
, ...nize him at first sight. husband. and father, alto for the Chaatain and Messrs. Pasco Crews COMPARISON 'r I , us advise you, if you have not yet :
-Buy a Liberty Band1psIf beautiful! floral offerings. Rash Chastain and Jackie! Cha.stam I 11 .. 11 i insured your home or place of husiICI,1 Il I- .
. motored, over and spent the day at We INVI7H:' rrmpariion, holh i iI :' II
:you go fishing, you need a little Mr\ *. S. P. Thompson. rrsM, to do ."> through u* without
'camping stove. Come in and let u* .f P. Thompson, Lake City Sunday I n. to price and quality, of our 'It
W8how you. Starkp Hardware Co. :Mr and Mrs. A. C. Thompson, Mr. W. A. Bailey was a busm\ !si choice line of : ---- -- lay i
.;" -Buy visitor to Raiford ;Monday. ,
w a Liberty B nd- I
;Mr. and :Mrs.[ L. E. Roberts. i GROCERIESYou :
Ir.' and Mrs. G. C. Livingston are at Miss Agnes Markham\ of Daytonale ,
dome after an automobile tour of the -IIu" a liberty Bond- \' her sister, Mrs T. D. 1', 0.;- need thrnvinutt have I
East Coast. A pleasant incident of henever You Take Nt-ea Urove's.a tjeneral Tonic tor.Mrs. them. i JOS. E. WILSON J

their trip was a visit at the home of I ; W. G. Ball II i spcn ling a vink i
Mr.: and Mrs Ceo. A. Douglass, who Th Old Standard Grove's Tasteless with relatives in Lakeland After comparing our goods| and :: :

formerly lived at Starke. Mr. ; chill Tonic is equally! valuable as a ;Mr. I. A. Waters, who has bo' n price with other, when you
lass is engaged in the mercantile well General known Tonic tonic because properties it of contains uuiNINUand the nick for some time with ;heumftisns i :: K'oiOhy/ we have no let. f i i ij : i

iness and truck farming on a bUS-I I I IRON. It acts on the Liver, Laveout and had to have an operation perform MIKE'S FRUIT STORE
.scale and has met with big Malaria, Enriches the Bloo.1 and l ed. i i. Improving. ,j I 1 1o .t
{taince going to that part of Florida. EuilJa up the Whole System. 60 cents ;Mr. Muurke Langford, who has been, : +++++t+t+tttttttt+t4ftt++t 1 ._..................................................



&f -.
ltWebj - I. .

. ,., ra ,..4. ..... r .. . st ... . . .. '"
'" iIf! .. ... ...." ...... ... t


--" < '-'--.
L '
'-To ,
', ", 'c.- ,, :"



11 sr.MKF. FLOKIHYour .-' ---
c' -
. . the
PAGE SIX - Back Boysy
- to
Monunty a>y

You Using
Farmer: Are Bonds.


This Cc ? Ba '
From the Farms of - '-- -

r Farmers i

F arms Q!

I Bradford County -!'

For Indigestion illou.snc.s"r Con;; < ,

1- her wall -Mi-, one CO-ccnt bout I i.AX-Fos
Jaek-on\'lll to fast: FAMILYMEDICINE Just
dl!ii\v I In1''! to the field u better plan is I fur relattes.Jliw A WITH PEPSIN. A Li" i>,
Laxative pleasant! to t,1>i ,4;
W. A.
< ;
! COUNTY; AOiXTSf: KUI'OUTSie' <$> poittin. This will result in a mr with ru 'I for Jacksonville to In- at the bedsideher "t' Broken. Lenses DuplicatedSam recommended to the public i ?.
e I completetoveiini? of the plant mother, llsrs'nruliue Tinnier.Kiv. Day as Rltic'ied I cine Co..manufacturers ">f I "n
i HH)-1,>;. the solution than can be secured hy business Od.5-W. Postat.- Grove's Tasti ,
*. ti > > -iH Strickland made a on 11..1 ) and
*-$ $ ; i \ i-pniyinu The plants should be allow. James Friday I Home Says .Wc Sptcialze! W ,.OR.5VT.. ST I Quinine
Green Cove Springs Motkr's --
to Her ,
oullook Late In
-Tho crop ul to dry slightly before .
Sumter County returning Saturday. I ..,!.. Rezar3In2 Blackeorgui t" --.....
shrt at- ; ;
farmers are fields so
is good, but all thu planted are visited her mother,, \ iauj
of hetf.DoSoto. tacked ns n"u the carl'!!" plantings.Huy Mrs. F. U. Lang Sunday I Irs. Draught. Relief From Head
Castor beans oil llond- .\[ Gee Wilkinson
Liberty Etc.
County- a bus In""" Chills
Curler made a Malaria ,
to be affected with 1\ CUTWORMS Mr.; Elijah I ache, ,
one farm Ileum 10 l'ON'1'ft11L: Saturday.Mr. .
2:; trip to Jacksonville -
rust. ,
blight or
disease similar to \ furm Cuylcr visited Maxville; Sunday Co.- :I!1'9. Chns. Gaston
this RlnRgnld,
cent of the plants on .Joans, tomatoes and Irish i> tocs there. i : "1 nm a user
per attraction wrltt's
of them< ;Must be some of this glare: ,
und about half attacked by cut- In fact
uru nfFecti-d nrc quite frequently Mr. 11. J. Taylor made u businvs-- of TllCdr'rd's Dlack-DroUght; S
will die. worms, which if not checked will caifonsidernble Saturday. of our familY medicines
Culhnun ('uul1t-Thcl'O will IJe loss> to the grower 1 heI trip to Jacksonville II. B. Hudson and T. V. Also It was In ono my DJother's home, when children I- .,
about 2,000) ) litres planted to penni cutworms feed mostly tit night, nnnw- and U. Nuwbern motored U was a c1llld. When any or19 usually ;
for hogs in this county besides 1,000 I irg: off the stcniof! tie tcnjrt.cj Newborn complained of headache, usa tit y/

acres in white :Spnnibh peanuts for 1 tll i! tables and the !eaves of the hugcl" Kingsley The strawberries lake Sunday.! arc beginning U \ caused of by Dlack constipation..Drnught. she which gave would< ?

market.llolmcH, .rtl-II. weather ha: dose InJIt
County-There will be nhout The boat --eir-d-l t,> poisin IhLm come in again since I the trou1ole. Orten malaria and
Siring bavo
one hundred boys in the corn clwoik v !th a poison hail For this purr< SP. L.up.Mr W. Wilkinson made u business \\0 troubles of this kind, we III ,
this of Puns Ort-en: with chills or pretty rep 1 -
yenr. n.ix dry one pounj Jacksonville Saturday I take Diach-Draught
to would
Do.Soto) : County-On the Nocatt'e 20: to 25: pounds of cotton seed moal, trip and wife \isitet ular until the liver acted well and
C. Carter
Mr.! It.
Fruit Farm they are combining gerul < take a couple of gallons of water would soon be up and around
farming with citrus growing in II and place into it two quarts of syrup ;Mrs James Byrd Wilkinson Sunday.Mr. has dug hi: we again. \\o would not be without it ot, t !
; Lucas lots
substantial' way. One hundred fifty: oi'" mla>ls"9; grate into it a half Ilull'll lIe secured thirty bar- for It certainly has saved us of Black-
be followed Irish potatoes. Just a dose
acres arc in Irish potatoes to lemons or oranges. Grate these lem. doctor bills.\ a
by corn and velvet beans, ; I tcn ons or chop them up, rind,pulp and i all, rcls: off about one acre of ground. Draught when not" so well saves
acres of rope and ten acres of rye; moisten the bran or he I cotton: -Itur Liberty Hand- lot of days In Blark-Drauftlit bed. bas been '
with 110 hogs growing the two crops. meal with this solution until the whole RISING :NEWS ITEMS.: Thedford'a many years In the treat '

The farm is on prairie land enlarge a is damp, but not sloppy, eo I hat when In use of for stomach, liver and bowel JOUP
part of it is sand prairie. it Is sown broadcast over the land It The little in/iint daughter of Mr ment troubles, and the 110pula.rltY'hlch It ;
Lake County-The citrus situation will fall in small flakes. This shoul and Mrs. F. 13. Jackson died Saturday, enjoys Is proof of Its merit. '
1 looks promiHingvfor another year. 01'. be scattered about sundown or aft'r, night. The little one only stayed ani If your liver Is not doing Its duty JHCLLC
nngea have set well; though the grupe. so that it will not dry out before t the brightened the home of its parents for you will suffer from such disagreeable biliousness --
fruit is scuicu. cutworms emerge. If the weather Is twenty-three days, when the little Jar symptoms as headache, eta, ,
Orange County-Formers in this it be to renew this ling departed this life tl> where then constipation, Indlgeatlon.
dry may necessary Is done, serious
x county purchase, 180 tons of nitrato e\ery night. However, if the weather is no pain or strife. The griefstricken and unless something result.Thedford's Do You Think
of soda through the county agent Rnd should remain cloudy or damp it will parents have the sympathy of this trouble may Black! -Draught; has Been

Federal government, saving about $11- last for several days, provided i it is community.Mr. valuable remedy for these I
000. The first two carloads arrived not washed away by heavy rains. and Mrs. H. II. Lewis and children found troubles.a It Is purely vegetable, and ?
!March 11th Farmers are very well On a very small patch or garden it and Mrs. M. J. Fouts visited Mr. nets In a prompt and natural way 'This Never Could DappenflThat
pleased 1 with the deal may be possible to find the cutworms: and Mrs Emory Lewis near Lawtej; regulating the liver to Its proper of
.4, Lee County-Hy buying nitrate of and destroy them by going into t the last Sunday.Mr. functions and cleansing; the bowels Thed- :
! government, the Ed. Neal and Miss Mary Warren Try It. Insist: on
the One Impurities.
., soda through garden early in the morning
very 78
,, ", farmers saved more than $4,000. will discover the fresh cut plants and were out driving Sunday after lord's, the original and genuine.; is what the farmers thought in Northern t

\ Leon County-A total of 700 I Il gi al. with a little digging around the plants tiny a Liberty llond win the war it may t
out of noon.Mr. Jackson, who left hen France. If we do not
, ,. Ions of milk ore being shipped the worm will usually be unearth' J. L. WOMEN TORTURED
, ( A movement is on and rath. time for Atlanta Ga., to I
this county daily. They are a dirty, fleshy color some ago happen here.Invest .
foot to establish u meat packing plant cr thick as compared to other cuter.pil1nrs. attend college there, has arrived in With Corns Be- ,
.' Suffer Terribly
in Tallahassee. Jacksonville to be at the bedside otis '
Jefferson County-One of the larg. -lluy a Liberty llond- sister-in-law, Mrs. J. S. Jackson Women wear high heels which buckle Bonds plantations in the county Is at I'KOC.KESS OF TICK ERADICA. who is in n hospital. We are glad ti up their toes ont they sutrer terribly Liberty

Lloyds. It comprises 7.GOO acres, I 1- TIOX) IX }"LOIUIJ.'OU TIES! say, though; that Mrs. Jackson is getting -. from corns. Women then relief proceed, lout i
200 of which lire under cultivation along tine and is expected to return to trim the 1' posts seeking '
Walton County-Food crops are The table. below gives some idea of home in a few days. they heartily realize the terrible danger and help end the war on the other side of the

taking the lead I in every section of the the progress made in tick eradicnti Mr. J. S. Jackson visited his wife< from infection, :says a Cincinnati and thus home your town
county. cork in Florida. Bradford county's; in Jacksonville last Saturday and Sun authority.Corns ocean, protect your ,
+ lOscambin County-One farmer who ivork in this respect shows up splen. day. can easily be lifted out with and yourcountry from invasion and destruction.
is growing bur clover in his orange idly and the work is Icing push Mrs. Tate Crosby is very ill at thisrriting the fingers' if you will\ get ouncf from(: any :
that will yield 1 two advice IInd wish her n speedy re.rovery. drug store a quarter of an a
grove has a stand COI war under the expert I but we CONTRIBUTED BY
tons to the acre.Washington i.sistance of State Agent L. J, Wynn, drug called freezone. This is sufficientto \ THIS SPACE PAID FOR AND
County-The Chip Buy a Liberty bend remove every hard or soft corn or

the packing undersized company; hogs is selling that other to farm farr County "1 S c; ,* r2--,t: t! :- 4* ,::. apply callus a from few one's drops feet.directly You upon simply the DEWITT C. JONES

ers bring in. Often a farmer will <( .'3 .g_ i3 Aw-y with DEADLY POISONS: tender, aching corn or callus. The \
bring in a load of finished hogs anti % v ;:j .1..rn.. = .. Q3 soreness is: relieved at once nnd soon
take back a load of light I ones. All AUichua ?__-- 52 2' 23 RATC0RN the entire corn or callus root and all, HARDWARE Fla.
are vaccinated before they lire take inker u_______ 0 0 3 KILLS DATS; MICE AND GOPH.&S lifts out without one particle of pain Starke -
r from the yards. Day.! _----0 0 This freezone is a sticky substance =
Clay County-From one farm i In .Biudford _____ 20\ 37 0 21 FOR SALE BY which dries in a moment. It justshrivels ; ,

this county, 250; head of range cattle Brevard ___n_ 0 0'alhoun 6 J. W. WHITE & SON i I up the corn without inflaming ESTABLISHED 1886
were driven to the Jacksonville mmkot un_ 70 0 8 "The Central Store," lor even irritating the surrounding tissue CO.
where good prices were rcccivei Citrus nn_ 109 0 7Clay STARKE, FLOIUU.Bu .\. or skin. Tell your wife nbout J. R. DAVIS

These cattle were wintered on velvet _____u___ 0 0 6 ,. Liberty Bond this.-Adv. (1U>)
bean pasture and when the springrass Columbia n___ 0 0 7D..Soto I Huy a Liberty hood I Bnrglary.Bimils
came up they were already i iilno in ____un 0 0 20 Plies Cured toe to 14 Days lira TormiAcclilmit, Automobile,lIabllllY, Plalolilass, Steam\I\ ollor,
condition Duval u______ 702 3: 29 Optimistic: Thought. 7ocr dntirirlflt will Island money 'f PA7 I
: \ OINTMENT l.ll, to eu," mivcme ol Itchin.niinfl.IUeedinirorProtriifliTiK .' STARKE, FLORIDA
37 enemies that despl
Bradford< County-A good yield of Escnmbiu' _u__ 0 lie In abov rlils l'11.01n610 lttf.\
strawberries, was made this year antI Flagler] ____n 0 0 0 their Injuries. The first opplicatiou ivtB feanc; and Rent Soc! -

the crop was marketed at favorable 'mnklin' ___u_ 0 0 0 -
In'il'l's.luI'h; of the late bloom wo Induden! _u____ 0 0 0 I.----- - - - - '"'
destroyed by thrips. I lamilton _u__ O* 0 5 JZ ItJi U > 1U 1a1fI _ _ -

Nassau Cuunty-The planed : .Fernando nU 0 0 1 Ca iher
acreage RITCH
J. H.
to corn, peanuts and velvet bean I .Ilillsborough ._ 1804 1 25 N. T. RITCH, Pres. W. T WEEKS. Vice-Pres. ,
than usual this Holmes 36' 2 8
will bo much larger un
Jackson ______ 0 4 1 17JclTerson
year.Jlernnndo County-Heavy hailstorm ______ 0 0 Bradford BankESTABLISHED
4 damaged some of the cotton crop i in nFnyette _____ 0 0 .. County
this county. About 400 acres have .Lee _n_____.- 120!) 3 15
been replanted. Leon ____nn_ 1147 6 26
Duval County-The acreage of Iris! Levy __nU__ 532; 0 5Liberty 1889

potatoes in the county is estimated at nu. 0 0 5 Bradford County's Financial StrongholdSTARKE
1,000. The prospects for all staple ;anion nu 507 1 2tladison
crops are the best ever. .:\ __uu 320 0 9 FLORIDAEXPERIENCE ..
'. Bradford County-The acreage of .;\ilanatee -----203 1 .. ,

string beans is considerably increase Nassau ______ 56 2 1 1kaloosu =

," this year and the young plants are doing ____u 0 0 1
nicely. A canning factory will bin keechobee .._ 0 0 1
operation to take the greater par )range _uu 811 3 4
"" of the crop by the time picking is be Isccola u____ 0 0 23.Palm
gun. Beach __ 393 0 i I)

-IIu7 a Liberty BondSWEKT Pasco _________ 0 0 10 When'you hunt for efficiency in a workman you choose one who has had EXPERIENCE.You .
POTATO 1'EST. 'inellas ______ 835 1 I e'Polk
--_______ 7147 2" 41'utnam should use the same care in choosing a depository for your savings.

An insect pest that onuses considerable ' uu 631 1 !3'Santa The success achieved by this bank is the direct result of its experience in the banking
sweet Rosa 0 1 21minole
damage to early planted n
potatoes U the sweet potato flea bee ____u 0 0 i business.
tie. These beetles are very small, '8t. Johns ___u 145 1 3 We have learned not only how to handle money to earn an income, but more important -

about one-sixteenth inch long, and in '8t. Lueie _nU 550 2 cases will not be discovered except '!wnnnee u___, 0 0 4 ,
many by a close observer or by a inter _____.. 0 .1 1( money deposited in this bank not only works for you day and night, but owing

thorough inspection of the plants.: fllylor ______u 0 2 1 0 i i'Yolusl" experience it is SAFE.
In many cases the leaves will lie ______ 0 0 15nkulla :.I to our ,
found almost covered with these / __u_ 0 0 I C''Walton Safety deposit boxes for rent for safe-keeping your valuable papers.

bronze or brassy-brown colored thickset ___on 420 2 20()

\ insects which attract attention by Washington __ 0 0 IS I Condensed statement of the condition at close of business Dec. 31st, 1917.,
moving quickly nnd rapidly when the -
plant is disturbed. Totals nn__2070tJ 11. 561 .
The beetles injure tho plants by eat- 'Counties co-operating by'approprig j RESOURCES LIABILITIES
Lag out the small channels on both \tin funds.
sides of the leaf, in a very characteristic aim[ Beach county has voted thirty I Io Loans and Discounts 145924.96 Capital Stock paid in $25,000.00
manner, quite different from the one in favor of dipping the tick out United States and Municipal Doods 14,347.00 Surplus fund
and often :)tht'r counties making -
work of other tlea-beetles, are arrangents
r the whole surface Is scared but never to hold l elections on systematic Claim and Other Re urcet. 16.186.98 Undivided profits, less expenses paid 10680.40

punctured.The work this year. Banking house, Furniture and Fixtures 19,500,00 Deposits 390.841.93AU
to the plant is most con- -way a Liberty Bond-
injury other Real Estate owned 7,237.61
spicuously manifested by the leaves CLAY HILL HEMS:
secured and unsecured 337.68
and in Over-dJafts.
turning brown, decaying some : '
i cases dying outright. Where the attack Clay Hill, April 22: .-Rev. JU\'TIer'\ I Cash on Hand and in Bantu 223.8 18.10
> :;iekland visited his brother, Alonziickland
1 M is not so severe as to completely
i destroy the plant, new leaves are put at KIngsley lake Sunday I IMrl. TOTAL $428,022.33 TOTAL $428,022.33
out from below. :
One pound nrsenate of lead to ten D. Lang and son Fred, ani'wifl'
,..' gallons of water will prove an effective ,, motored to LawteyIonday.. I IMr. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS ON OUR MERITS. WE INVITE INVESTIGATION.
control measure, if thoroughly Curtis Starling attended churchMaxville

;" sprayed on the plants. In the case of at Sunday. I' .c-
plants being transferred from theY :li.s Jennie Prescott left Friday .c---4.1-

; .;,'
4, r


4 __ .
.. -----:-, -r-/ 'fI"." w' "C:. A1. '-j 2p
." +/f 1 YS Y ri
,. .. ,,----i 1aJg -
_- ,.....
'T .' -
..# .... -. .... -- I-r.-'" ,
--......... ,\" '- -

s I ,
.,..q\--: '-:=::; j1a !f
a :.... ,e 7

.". "-. .,-, ... ;. .. .. ."-" -,,.-.. .. .. . .' " ,.

APRIL 26 1918
- -- --
- -
--- .
- - ---- ---- ---- -- _.. '

M"nlh: U.o.I:: >IC. March 1 1. to bnl due ____.__u.__-___ :
y rlnunciat Htatimt'llt of DrMM .".1
c"tflt.) 'ui, tin. month' of Murch. ml?. I ,'h l 1 in hat lIlt< County Drainairt1I 5,

FOR SUMMER FROCKS II" , I.enrral Srhnul l-und. I'uml - _____. . _.. _..__ .' .
lI.r.".",..'. M.irch 1 1. 1 1.1 h___ .. ___. I 1ST,1)4 H> amt colocut! ..-.. ____..__.._.. '
ilunnii nuilltlt h ._ -__. ..__ J.lnS: 7.1
Htflti lirritnis, ,. \ IHMU 1 il duilnK, nuillth ..____ iMJrt.!? Mnrch I I. ti> tuil! due .-.____ .- uu__._ .,
|>iil i 1. 1'MH: I ...._Uun_.. 1,417.12 County linail and llrliluo.
M.lrlct N o. I. h'h I. I li. bal due County SOund and
fluIIno'e Mnr. I. lths! ... _____. llrldui-
.... 811.711( uml ------h..H. I M-a-
MATERIALS OF TO-DAY WII'Kiitipti, ilui'llm" ninnth ....._______... ".111 I By ami llvctetl -____ .._..___________ 1 1 : i
rftfls |1.1| ilurina month .____. 9.00 __
IJalimce April 1. r.'ln __h.n_._____. 02.07 March 1. in. bat! iluo --....__________--1,'

flhancQ Mfl1 .L l'I.'riet. Itlt No. I. _. u a... ,.... ,.. ... Fine.,.,.-. ..and.. ..I'orl.ltu.... .. -- .. Fund.. .. -
n, .,II.I.| din' inn month; :::::::::::::: 22.63 Fund >"' .n. 11111'_rifle noil._rtinenure -. ,

Warrnntii .IMUPI) dill-inn month ....__ 16.S8 I.Uy ami collected ...._
25.;; : Ln - :)
\ York., April -May's lyu combined with batiste or organdie, the Halimco April ,I. lint . _.__ ..._.. ._ S 'h for which to be thankful forni embroidery is used for the: quaint little Illnlrtrt No. t U March 1. 'i> bal due -. ... .
HKlunCf : !
.,- There are costumes to suit sleeveless Eton coat nnrl for the Hiwliut' during 1, month 11'1 S--o"vntt-"rl.____. .___.__._.... 0DA.92 86.85 Feb. 1. to lial du"County County IIo.h..I.School t'tind.i i it

I' 'ery mood (and she bas many of skirt while the plain material makes \\ .. i''d l durlnir month .u__. 474.15 By amt collefted _._.._ 1.' :
Dalnnco A|>,rl! I IHH, _____ _._. I
On days when the winds rc- the flowing sleeves -- -- 81.42
..n i and the loose waist. III.,ol.t00.. 4. March I 1. to bal due ---------------1.1 l
ith! her of other months past, she (Concerning Ralnnrv Mnr, 1. J1U8' ._.__n___..__ Z45.47 County Folln. t
herself in her voluminous cape' On'rbl"u ,es Ififtlptu durlnit month ______.______. 11.7S: Feb. 1. to bnl due. County tolls -. I -
np \s arrun'' Unurd ilurlnir month .__ 66.00 Ur ami rollected _nn... ....___ 1 ik 1I.
There - -
lit her close-fitting little turban still is one thing absolutely essen ",'Inner April ,I. 1U1H _--______--_.___ 193.SS -
sei over her sunny locks, and smiles tial in everyone's 1 wnl'drobe1118 1)1..,1'100.. S. March 1. to bal due -.________--_--. ,; __-
Then and that is nal,.nc Mur. I. hub l- __. ________... 41.41 Total .Huh Sihni.l. J
Sth keen enJoyment when then u sleeveless overUouse It KiTiMpt ilurlnir. month __u_.________ lo.firt .'. b. 1. to Iml due 'letal Sub School I.
hines brilliantly and the soft may take the place of the gay woolen \\urrnnl. iimutd during month ...... 20.110 Fund h. . .._..___.____.__...____._ \
ceze fan her cheeks, she dreams cf sweater or not, but it must bn! among! lliilmicc April, I.Dmtrlrl 1U1D _--No.____-i.--_____. il.VS By aunt collected. ___.._...________... & \ I a I

miner, and dons her sports suit of those present if one wishes to feel we 11 flalnncc. March I 1. HUM _._____.__.... HS.fiU March I. in hal due _.._..-___u_._. )
.wing emerald-green and swagger dressed. Some say it is ri"<\l of the (....lptii durinu ninnth ...___________ ID.Pj Total hub .School lloniU.
( a rifintn IfHitt'il Feb. 1. to tial duo :
during month ...... Total 'jub School ; I 1
kk in hand, sets out for the cross- ever-delightful miihly hlousl'hI': one UII''"",. April 1. HUH\ ___ _"-_..___.__. 134.37 Itonil fund .._______.nh__.__ fif ,
unti v tramp. If she does war work, illustrated here dhows the IIi.trl.100.. t. By amt cullecutl ______nuOn_. f ,
i ; convenient Palanee :March 1. lull ____.____..__. 6406
pockets and loose giru!. It Ktvt'ipu ilurinir month ___..____..__. 28.16 March 1 1. to bnl due _____.... .__...._ fn> Y ;,
slips on over the head and is worn Wiirriinta toitutii durlnir month ______ Outstanding' Indrhtcitncna Fund
here Ilillnnci April 1. 11I1X __ _______ 87.S2 Ftb. 1. I.. bal' due Uutatandinu Iln'i'bt'. ,
with a gay flowered suspender Ilmlrlct" hnu u. 8. edntHH '''n.1 ___ ____._ .. huu.,_ -."'-. ' '
skirt (another fashion loader) and a lt lanoi' :March 1, isis _._u______.__ 103 03 By ami colU-ctnl l ...__nu___ h_. ___ -:
white blouse. The KtcciptM ilininir, month .__ ___... 061
skirt h short, as AVnrrHtit iHnlli'tl ilurlnii month Uh. __.. 16 Oil March I I. 'lu bal, duo ______. __. .. . :i;
all good skirts should be and rather 1 shine,' .. Aitt-Ii, I. 1U1H -----n u \14> GJ W. TNEKh.s.
narrow. The wide-brimmed sun-hat Hintrirt' No. .. (Seal.. Clerk Clieult t : way to I
has I Pnlnnco Miiri-h ,I. 1UI8 ___.____ ._._ R5.fl Huy a Liberty Rend
applique motifs in bright colors. I. IIccoiptH durlnir month _____.___u__. 10.47 -an
WiiminiN IHHUIM! turing month ..__.. COOIIYKAU; l SECONDS.I : ; ,
And Around HerVui-t IMlHticiApril: 1. HUH -___--____.__--_ 66.211 am now hamlliiif the splendid '

There are any number of fascinat nnlnncc March Ilialrlrt 1., HUH\ No...._.10._________ \4J.21 of Jooilycar seconds nt the I 'I

ing'ways to solve the belt problem. Of INctiptu ilurintf month hn____... 14011 quoted l ilo\v.. These tires 1\1'(' to win '

I course the first one that one thinks of Wamntft llnlunrr April luituud I. 1U1H tlilrinit__-month- .._--n-_._____._ 1(0.51 44 6J tically as good an the higher first -
is the wide c ush ribbon j ut me or l>l.trlrt No. 11. tires, and once you have used , ,

twice around the waist with a flat bow F llnlmic(..rt'lpti<.. March tiurlnir 1."itionth lull --.__________. nil 2U.3U os I you will novcr buy other than abandon

long ends, befringed or bonder, or the Wiirrnnu I"'d during -n.month ___n. Si/e PlainoitSkid ' :

perky bustle bow at the back or on the Uiiliucc April 1. ,If'in(' __.._Un.o._- Oils SUxIt:! 1.flO.To: ) $I .1(343 :<:: ( we .

side A girdle of this type is warranted nnlnncn Mnrch nintrlrl 1. 1U1H No._h__12______._ S27.74 30x3: Ii $12.73: $11.75 $:! (
to transform Jut: ycni's dress '....'I.I. durlnir. month __Uh.U..__-_ sons 31x1 $17.75 $11.! II II $ r provide fti
into this VVarranln luma-d year's dress if one fallows B.\lnnce AI'rll1. l"li --_____ ____. .. 28H.S3l'I.rI. 31x4 ) without ;
$18.91)! U0..15; $; ; I
the ftraight rule of fashion. .. :- .. It.Tliilonea \
March 1, luI8 ___.___.. _____ "2.S5 STAUKU VI'I-CAM/.IXG( F
A. FtrcfHtttii durlnir month __._u ._______ Sinrk. Fla. .
WnrrantA lnHiietl ilurinir momn .._._ Llbrf-;
II""" April I I. IIIK _u. ._.._. ....__ R700 I Buy a Band-
nintrlrl :No. 14.Plilnnro .
March 1, 11MH - - __ . 68.7! f ,
Rici.'iptii durtnir month ._ __ . . 16.'>TWurrnnti % 1 '
I..."'.. during month -..n. M 11
O McCaLt Unlnnei April 1. ISIS _-_._ -- __ _h. _ ,n.II.1! I I/ CHILL TONIC
1)1.',Id No. 13. / 3
Pnlnnco Mnrch 1. IIMS _. _..--__ __ 119.08 ,
l"i'cpirilit during month ____hh_ ._ 10.BOUnnantH For CHILLS and
iHHUi'tl ilurinir month _n. "U9 I
linli.nci. April I. I IIHK __-_____. n'h_ 121.47 COLDS, GRIPPE,

lanco March IH.Irlft 1, lulu No._unnu K.H B3.46rtrceinu 25c"50c Everywhere. No Cure, / Co.

durimr month __.._nnh___ lu.AKW Huy a liberty Bond
nrrnnu iHMiieil tiurlnir month u____ 171,0
1I.I..n.Irll I. 1111$ ---nn....____ 411.64 CALOMEL DYNAMITESA Props.
Sleeveless Overblouse and intrlrt No. 17. t)

I Hnlanru March 1, HUM ..._________.. C 24 SLUGGISH '
Flowered Skirt KiNwiiitp ilurinir month __nn_____ 6.56Vtiirrnntft Doliar Motor. / |
inBiii'tl clurinir month .
3 of course she does, she wears her I'ah.noi. April J. HUH .___nUnn 1070 ,
01.,1.0.; It.riRliincc Crashes Into Sour Bile, "
mple frock of and satin shortd ,
!Mnl-rh 1, HUH un 108 MKiHVlptH ,
narrow of skirt and straight of durltnr month __ ___u____._ S6 SiVnrrnntfl You Sick and You Losea .:
ne. Then for the evening, at her April liiMlifil 1. HUH ilurinir' __ month____________.______ 141 1211.H5liulanct Day's Work. ) : I : I. : va itis nnd. :\II l hIs Kllon:
me or with her friends she chooses, .I IH.trkt No. If.Palnnef IIm'I''Unlltl :Mixs Inn

rhaps, a semi-evening dress with clow March 1. HUH _..___________ 6..4r. ) : ruling Sunilay uf-
_________ ___
Mr-crlpl ilurinir month 2.00 I
sleeves anti draped tunic skirt. u
Calomel salivates It's I i: I%t'l4 iii's 'II r.
WnrrnntH )IHHIIPI) ilurlnir month __..__ 82 20 (32)U (
i Her hats and gloves, her veils and L'ulnncit April I. HUH ___nUu___ 117.19 Calomel acts like dynamite on a | nnd lIi"lpr.fiss!

Scarfs, those important odds and ends, 1 Illntrlrl No. 2" gish li\er. When calomel comes ) t Ill' of !fillsVil..
s'2\\ JeJj1 "ol..n.Inr.h! 1, HUH' un_________ 1542V |
ill I mirror her taste; they speak vol.hies . R..It.l. ilurinir month ____n______.. ..51Wrinnts contact with sour bile it crashes I : Ihibly.

for the simplicity of the mode inHiii'd ilurinir month _____- it, causing cramping and nausea. ) : :Marion 1 II I it/.on w..roI
d Fashion's tribute to Patriotism. DalunCQ April 1. HUH ____u_____.____ 1S4 80l'I.I.lrt .
No. 21. If you feel bilious, headachy t..n Sumlny itTter*
MlCtll, Itnlnncn March. 1. 11M $ ....____._____ 117.76KicviplM :
:\lodt'rl1i.dnltIah'rlal.: durlnir month _un__._____. 10.20 stipated and nil knocked I out, : I
Wnrrnnla I..",,'") ilurinir month _n___ to your druggist and get a 60( : fll.'ltl'lit and sister, Sliaa II
We are finding this :year, in the interesting Hnlunex April I. ,HUH ___u________.__ 127.00 bottle of 1>od on's Liver Tone, : I t I I '" tliurch. lit I Hrouker
fabrics spread forth for our DUIrict No. 22. I ; .
is harmless
Inspection old I Pu.Io nee March 1. IDIH _____ ._____.__ 19 ID. n _. _vegetable___ .. substitute. .... I I : ; I .\.i..... ,..,.i I 1:111.. .; .
many an fiiond with u ..I..d..... .. .t,, 9 .1. : _ ... . ._ _..... :I I_. _<...*.
_..._... m '
KicuplK' ilurinir" monin nn .10 t'tWnrrnnti .VU" CII ,11IU.'U. .-"V
o\v name. There is thnt favorite of Of Soft Bordered Mttterld IHNUIM) ilurinir month ...... 2.U5 and if it doesn't start your liver I : ; ;;; ; ;i ; ;; ;;; ; i| ( "ti* of MiS)5J1Ltby 'f

II' grandmothers; bcngnlme, that Balance' April I. HUH ___._____u___._ SI,HiIllnlrlet straighten better and ; ( 1 I (: I ''''' Sii tu rility.
Girdles of bends popular. 1 No. 2.1. you up f
envy ribbed silk, BO appropriate fore very Balance March 1. IUIH' _unn..___ 22110.ilptw than nasty calomel anti without ; : j I llayc'H visited' ) hit fath
.... ____ _____ .'
dresses of today that hang; in such is ( ilurinir month un GiU fi'lVnniintH
especially on the dre's that long, sick back and
\ iiimird. luring month ______ 2 nil BO ing you you just go
Jng straight, folds. There have been waihted. Wi le yokes on the skirts 1J"'llncv' April 1. HUM> _____nu___ 31615Illalrlet your money. I wan n lniNirioss visitor!
ints for some time of the'o of 1 No.; 21.Palnnie : ,
lIe to demand the narrow belt of ribbon I .
lico seem l March 1. IUIH> u_______.____ 61 17 I If you take calomel today )' I
for prim little frocks l, ]g and-shades of our school apronssmart wide WarinntN imuii'd durinir month ..__.o. : | I llrouker Saturday uf
Of gingham is not must needs be accompanied by I II Innri' April I I. I IUIH ___--________--_ ".00 it may salivate you, while if you
course, leather belts with interesting/ buckle: lli.trlrl No. 21. Dodson's Liver Tone you will l
ew to us this soason, but gingham On organdie frorks and dainty voiles Balance March 1, 1HIH unu__._ 12441 feeling great full of ambition I i : nnd son wero
ilk is i anti gingham tissue and gin!:'. Ricelpli durlnir. month n.un 71.HI : '
the satin belt is a favorite, sometimes \\ .rrnnt imiui'd ilurinir month u____ 4U.oil' ready for work or play. It's Saturday nftrrnoon.
nm voile. Such a hold have these old- contenting itself with a small rosebudor Balance April I .1DIM' hn_. ___... 156,3. pleasant and safe to give to ( : j : \nolrf>,lI and sister, Minn
Dkhioned patterns taken on us. Or- Illntrlrl N. 20.rialnnce 1 *
thurch nt Hrouker
andie two without the traditional how.ometoiec Varch I. IHIH __.____....... IMS they like it. (13- |I
tempts us with new ways ; the soili) is very, ve.y long, Receipt!* ",.rln... month _._n......... 21,OftWnrruntH Huy a Liberty. II'milCAKELiSSNisS -
ross-bnrred effects of the self-tone or limied ilurinir month _..__. ( : ..... ', .. 11111 I J. V. Kd-:
the hem.
reaching : : : KirSULTK: ; 1:
contrasting color; dainty plaids as Ilalnnce April I.UI.'olol0.'IOIH ___nOu. 27.________ *18059 Jo'\II.LUF.I : : ,) I \ s visitors to

'ell as stripes and checks vie with the Miss Simplicity Balance* March 1. HUH un____. 60hi ; .
ne-color or lIndies. This crisp, ma- Pi>c.'ipta durinir, month _nn___.__.. :,144 -.-
rial is ) bewitching foi the Bordered tissue wo* chosen for thisbewitchinlt' Warrant* I....... riiirlnir month ___._. 65 00 That is why Wesley, "Feed II.
absolutely balance April I. 1'JIH Overdraft __._ .G ) Thomas' Hog Powder to I'DIN.
little dress. The two flounces according
ummer Girl. Collars and cuffs, par. 1 lll.trlrt No. 2M. ) .. wltneHve :
sols sashes and hats all made the sleeves and the attractive lit. Halance ]March 1. 11111! l ___n_____.... 1049 rections." UO NOT FEED) IT : : ; ..f New lover Florl.ln.'
are tle vest bespeak youth in every line. -.,jeipta. durlnir) month _.__n.__.____ .:HOWarrant ) PY but mix it with ground l feed of New (Uv'r. Florlila.
om this delectable goods. Bordered iNHiied' durinir. month ______ 10,oil' of New Klver. Hiirlilil.) '
ate rial a holds A high plnco in f..vnrurinjy The collar and vest are picot-rdjrecl. balance April 1. 11I1H ________hn_._ .7. I moisten with just enough "" ; | l of Snmtiion. Klorlila
1 Ki.trlrt No. 24.Ralnnco make a crumbly mnss. Then each IttJMT. W. DA V 1-1.
finish to their ,]uir.tIness. ) ( .
this year. Also embroidery giving a simple March I, IUIH _n___________ 70..1IIr.rl"t. ) / \ Kiulnter.
ouncing makes entire costume.1' or durlnir) month __..._u_.____ I,.41Witr.'unto gets a beneficial dose See full I ) .
I Ibtrly llnnil
fimui'fl! ilurinir month _.__.. I tions on package. Your money ) ,
IJalance April 1, 101" n______________ 721. if not satisfied Sold : i ) ; : FOil A'> P,1.ECTI)7J.': .
I you are ) . I" .3 I voter n.l lavpayera
,: WORThINGTON NEWS ITEMS. will spend n few day*. atarrh I. hIts -- ._._...u._ J.01I t -'" I W. White & So., Sturke. Fla. ) ret to I lie oMiitilitihetl .n't l
I I The many friends of Mrs. C. II. l.l lt. ilurinir) month ___.. _...___. I.IH"> lIu Liberty llondMatimcntt -- ._ ,, I ) : Siili-Lllntrlet. hi'rehy pell'
Wnrrnnh liiNtieil ilurinir month ___. II. I til I I h ) a I Ilimril. of I'ultllo I InRtnm-
her -
their out
Dr. and Mrs. Carefoot have as Harrison glad 1 to see again,
are 11allln.Irll 1. I'JIH -nh__ __-_.__ <.l.II.Urll.lrord I' on'l finiiity for an leetion to
uest Ur. Carefoot'-i mother, from after her recent illness. County, ; I ' ,. HI hfiolhoiwe on Halunlny
Stale' of riori.ln. .5 Dili.) Biil.-Hrliixil Dlntrlot'
, anada. She has been spending tho I' Mrs. J. J. Cox has as her guest her Apnl "", I :

printer in Florida. sister, :Mrs.( Johnson, of Cedar Key.Mr. I herel.y certify shut the foreirolnir utiit ,,- the NR corner of ea. 1,
L; Miss Louise Leverett left Sunday af- and Mrs. W. :M. nverstreet, of or the ItecriiitM anil DfHlulmcmentii nf thv fin. .. i ) I h. nre went I to NW corner
nt Jtrnilfiird, Cminly, ror the month) "t3., i I I I
k ) .
) t'l!
rnnirit thenen noulh
for Pnlatkn. where she will U>
moon Lake Butler visited the tatters ,. .. .
parents I 1'ilM, I. true nnil cnrrect to the hent I n ) 14. tlirnra went to '4 ......
risit her father for a few days. She Sunday.Mr. kn ,wi. d5. nnd l 10.10"' i ) ) ) in/ thence noulh on sail l
Urns her mother ns E. n. I'orrri.i, | New Hiver tlnnen ):
accompanied by T. :M. Hewitt, of Lake Dutler, County Stiperltt.'n.i'nt of Public Inn) to InturaiMit will dectiort
far ns Luke Butler. Her many friends passed through our city Sunday morn llriiilfonl (' y i i ). | .. 19! ami 2u, (twth rt. ran.
Irish her many plensuiea mm an enrlyteturn. -1111) a Liberty Bund- I : paid aeetlon 11110 to point
ing.Mr. CI Elth'S FINANfMI.: 8TATEMKVT: Till V. I I I I
; Joseph Williams :Misses Kate TV E1"I,1.i.n..ral I) i '", upon the mlllllira to be I I
* Mr. Sherrod Daggers, of Snpp, v.u* floherts, Ida Williirms and Edith Williams ': Fund.Halnncc I iilrpo. of eleetlnir n
lie guest of Miss Kussia Ware Sat- Mnrch 1. Ills' .-- .u_ .. I If / : truali. ,"',, p/r and aub-achool
atterded church at :Miller Sun '
Ri'Celi'fH diinntr. month ___n_ - II I
frdny evening. V\airnnlH, ,..ii.l ilurinir) month _ .
': The many friends of Mrs. N. E. Taypr day.Mrs. balance A"rlli. Iltl"| .___ ____ _. _ II. : I', :' J ) J, Tlnimaa. n.... .'. Oiiln,
she is improving R. D. Roberts and children and Flnt and Forfeiture Fund. I :\01,111.) I'arrlNh' F. L-
are glad to Miss Elsie Hnrrinnn, motored) to Lake n..lnno Mnrch, I, IftlH) _..__nuh_-- a"I'ec --' '- Buy a Liberty BndVIClS II |' J S. llreen J. M Iton-'
;ter her ,serious illness. ipti ilurlntr month _______._. .. tH' i I I '". II IL. Water*, If. M.
)* Mr. Louis Shriver, of Brooker who Butler Momday P. M. Warranta ,iHHiied diirinir month _,'_.. .Ml I *' FROM IUME .. 0. T. TotuhUin T. J.
.. __ 4-5-61.
".nol- Uulnncu Al'rll" I'US 2U5 ; .51
:Misses IIuy a Liberty --- ------ J -
stationed at Camp I I !
f \
Road Fund. ,: :; I Ihrrly' Bond
That .May lie InM-slitfn /
nroh Jordan, of Milledgeville, Ca.! Halancc March 1. HUH ___unn_ !PIO.I ;
nd Shriver who is' at- R'C. ipla durinir month __. _______...- 1117 atWrrnnt Testimony of Storks ('iI 1entl. .:' MAl F.. 3
Marguerite [ Soldiers Letters ] luaui'd ilurinir) month _n___ i)1H2 I I If" that anilur and by
nding college at Lake C'ty! 'vere Balance) April' t. 1"1"! ___.___n._____. IJ'iir.Otitatandlnic .. I . IRln final deereo of for*.
Fund. When a Stnrkeitizena COn to .n..1 March 21th, 191$,
M'sitars to our city Sunday a HCI'IIGOn.I j jtjMr. ',, Halanca! March 1. HUH! ________n____ 4'Q4Irlereiptu front, telling his friend and : / J. T Willa, Jmlue of the
Kirkland Lamb visited par- ) .. County ""rld... In
durlnir. month _....-__-_____ 3.1141Warranta :
"ts Sunday. ,'! U. S. S. Texas, :March 171918. liieued lilrlnir) month ...... cf his experience you' can rely on I / of Jamea If. Mull.,,,,. com
:Mr. I Editor Telegraph Balance April I. lOIS n' ...-_n__._ 814.77Pralnaee sincerity. The stiitcments of ) I t'. F.:. 1'hlllliM. W K.
?, J. W. :Metz of ,
Fund.Pnltnee and W A. 1\1"... defend-
rttited his mother here JaekSOnnlle'1 Starke Fla. March 1. lulx' _-.-__.______ 1AN13RecelptM residing in fur away places do ) ) ., will olfer for Male' In
(:Mr. and \(1'11. J. O. It gives me pleasure to write you durlnir month .-_..__.____.. 3ISo 1 -I'lWarranta command your confidence. Home ) ) houin door, In SIti eke, Itr.....
let liiaui1'! tlurlnff) month n_.__ .14.00Balance ,!orsenifnt Is the kind that l lll. ilnrlnu the Lval hour
We the guests of the parents, and your readers a few lines to you April I. tillS .._.-.._u______ 471.\ the nth day ,,f Muy, A. D.
Ur and Mrs. C. II. Harrison Sunday. I I. know what I am doing. I am in foreign April 4th. 111''''. Ionn' Kidney Pills. Such I anil heat hld'lfr for e..h

(Miss\ Ella Clark, of Kllisville U vis- service now but cannot tail you I. Bradford I hereby County certify, that State thi of' foretrolnir Florida) t. atatenvmnf is convincing. Investigation ( ) (..:. lanila In Ilradforii

ting her sister. :Mrs. N. E. Taylor, thi'll'''wht.rc I. I am but it U where you would the Iteeelptj and Diiburnementa nf the runI.I true. Helow: iln statement of a ) of NW quarter of Section
veek. I call "over there." ,r llrailford county for the month of Mnrch resilient. N'o stronger proof of ( Range 21 contain-
j 1010 !Ii truv and rorreHt to th. .beat of my had. ; : or !I.>...
Little( :Miss Lorene Ware i is spendn I I I receive the paper every week and knowledge and belle can be E. M. jonva.

the week with her sister, :Mrs. W. It is just like a leter from horn1 and w T. EEKM. I W. W. t.iisden! says : "I used BpMiul "..Ier.
much I Clerk' -if the Circuit) Court. Kradforil County Kidney Pills about four years: ago
U. Ovei-Ktreet, In Lake Butler. JI i I1 want to let you know how fEALi i ; Cumtilalnant. 4-5-.ll.
Mr. C. II. Harrison and daughter, '[I enjoy reading it and find out what thefolks -.ilu" a l.lherty Bond- kidiy, complaint. They did I 1110.1, Hun

'-isle, attended. church at :Miller Sun-i i', tack home are doing. LEKK'8 KF.PORT.Mark .. vafld of good, curing all symJ> : : FJVU. III\!' ,
la,.,',. j I Well, I haven't much time or news *. Km tprll 3. I'l.! promptly.' My back was data hi-reof I will prcmnt
.lerk aourt Inn
Tiapnrt of the of the circuit "
IJlr. T. C. Chastain. of Lake lictler.ii i to write and will close for this time. .l for Bradford county, rloriila. oil account and I felt better in every way. .account, County to the Ju.lua Honor...(

i ml brother. \Vaeh, of Luke City were I) Yours truly, or ux.. .._.d for v- 7'Ar 1'1)7> Price r,0 cents at all dealers. ) Florida and a.k for mr
11. M. 1)OwLTN47. ask for kidney remedy lminiatrato l of the /
ransacting business here Satur liy. I j W. T. GOOLSBY. Ti< Collector.faont simply n : anti M. A. tlallbrook. il.<
I Mr. ntid Mrs. E. C. Roberts, Sirs..WM. ( U. S. S. Texas, Prnper.FrK Doan s Kidney Pills-the sam ,

. ; Farris and Miss Susie Dowling i Cox T, c'o' Postmaster, fund 1. .to...balatwo_.*......duo....County.;.-.....Proper.. '.__ 51300.119i cured !Mr. Ilalsden '' -:' 1 i l or I."a V.", h. lot'".

.tt Tuesday for Orlando where they Xew York, X. Y. set collected, .................-.. "o.U Co., Props., Buffalo' N. !j : : .. mo. EDWAROM.Almln..INur.FRII.t1. .

: I I




7 I I

... . . .. .. .
t ,' ."' -; : a. ,,
00 -- :a 'Z.o.z: lt:_,: -r .,. m Lao--i--'


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_ -



.AGE EIGhT: _ _ _ _ _ _ --- -- ed at the home of Mr. and Mr
BROOKERNEWSITEMS. J! Crosi-i-, were \ i UMtor here Tuesday Futch Sunday. Rev. Smith i :,.;
af'l -
of the Herbon church
Alice .u"
ternoon. .' .-Mrs. |
: Elarbue.:
I Brooker, Apr'i 2-1.-Mr. Earl Sur- i The blue bernes are getting ; RawU and niece, Euddon Groves, ofLawtey every third Sunday RBI! .1\'
,; '---- rency was in LuOosse ladt Saturday.The and everybody and hi* neighborire attended church here Saturday night before. '
: : I service held at the Free Will/ pit king and canning. | They were accompanied Mrs. Martin Rosier "tt'll.j .
Items Baptist church last Sunday afternoon All stores at Brooker \:11: cl .Ol at | and Sunday. Mrs. Rowe's niece, vices here Sunday.Mr. r
News back
County I on Saturday i.ew I by and Mis. Carter
1 1 wan well attended. 7 p. m, except \lili8 Alku Greyer. dmcil I Miss Cecil Parker, of LaCrosse is time. I and Mrs. Hardin Thomas, of and Mrs. J. M. Futch Sunda
the guest of her cousin, Miss Inez I Last Thursday, April l fth, a few the'', :Macclenny Mr. made a pleasant cull at Rev. Charlie Smith return d! ,
Int.r.ttin, Fact Gathered During the Week by Our Abernathy, here this week. friends and relatives gathered) nt the home of P.ev. and Mrs. J. M. homo at Graham Monday .Ii'- Ii
Regular Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gay, of home of Mrs. Lydia Anderon; to Sunday. Alt. J. M. Futch made o' "
\ cele-I Futch
; dencewere in our burg last pro"i-I brate her 77th birthday. Those Brooker was call at Sap station Mon 6
... _ ?... marn MI. nni Mrs. K. N. Prof. J. M- Groover. of. ._ , L. '.r'S.......,.._. 1_'__ '_ 6 '.''Y. ", I It.
--- .:: "" .uuu. ; dhiilr; .uan.1 Mrs. lerr.I I the guest of ;Miss Maud< J''utcn ;Saturday :> silo ,)' jnenua, OE i'f, ;
; J-- -- MrLL.J. Byrd, of Graham, is visiting son Groover wt .
Mr. Ernest Wella was called to Jacksonville her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Surrency -1 Anderson and children, :Mr. and Mrs. afternoon.Mr. i midst Saturday. !Mr. Croo\ .? Ji
JUNIoR: CIVIC: LEAGUE; | Dubose, Mr. and 'or4. E. B. An- Frank Hunter, of Macclenny, < i "
here week. Kay
the first of last week this I the Elnrbee school
LAWTKY; SOLDIER HOYS( part mother Mrs. J. :M. some time ,, ,
N. Tribble of LaCrosse was dreu :Mr. and Mrs. G. D. vu. visiting his j
on accuunt of the death of his sister Dr. P. hllrcloth'l Hunter went made many friends while hcu T ;,
Mrs. Owens. on professional business here lust Sun- Mrs. L. L. Cone and ; I IVan Futch. While here Mr. how not e
Lawtey April' at.-On Tuesday I Maggie of day afternoon.Mr. J. II. Lee, Fred Green, J. :M. out to see about his saw mill near people forgotten hm
theVomani Mr. G. Moseley, Campville, was Rev. J. Griffla passed thrown
I evening of lust the week scene of a very I I visiting relatives in Lawtey last Sun- Jesse Ogden, accompanied by Groover; Misses Tuvc Andreu, Dtrta Kniford.: burp: first part of the week en, ....ur.
Club house WUH
and Green and Lewis. of this place *
day.I Misses Ethel and Mabel Byrd Daisy Mrs. Nancy Sapp, Kaiford.:
, p' pleasant event, when the soldier boys I Louis Brown left Sunday for Jack- ;Maud Hunter, of Graham were in our An unusual occurrence hapj.ened is spending sonic time with her son,
It t of Lawtey were entertained at a dinner sonville, where he has secured employ- town Sunday afternoon. here Thursday afternoon, when John I C. R. Sapp of Lawtey. Mrs. Sapp was Mr. FranTt Thomas, a ceo 111 JIll 11, av.Mi33 .
. .; given by the Junior Civic League be- Ga. but has EHle Pearce, attended ,i'!'. ,
ment. Little Jessie Lee Surrency, daughter 1'inholfrler nnd little Keshie Colson formerly of Valdosta, ch
t' and the young ladies of the commun Mrs. H. R. Sapp was chopping in of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Surrency came suddenly ill with ptomaine: poi lately made her hoTie with her daughter hei-j Sunday night.

f. f. J ity. Club houso was especially I Starke Monday. hag been very sick with bronchitis, soning. Drs. Middleton and It issell Mrs. J. M. Futch, of this place. Mr. Fra lk Hunter returns h'me'
I The attractive for the occasion andy Mr. Enoch Griflis was a visitor to but at this writing is some better were summoned and for several hours Mr. and :Mrs. J. I D. Green of the Sunday afh.rnoon.atter spuni.n; K the
,t I decorated it had looked Jacksonville one day last Areek. Mr. Joe Surrency and sister, Miss both cases were considered serious, Green & Hunter saw mill made a call da/ with his .nother, Mrs. J.1 [(0' 'h.),
; l it was said that never I Vera, of Pine Hill, attended church of the at- Green's mother We have several cases of t' .
I I than it did that night. The Mrs. Hattie Black, of WaUroak, was but under the skilled care at the home of Mrs. ,u.
J .I; i prettier spread on tables the gaost Sunday of her sister, Mrs. here last Sunday afternoon. tending physicians they soon recovered. Mrs. J. M. Futch, Sunday. olo in our community.
i i bountiful rcpiibt was 'I Jesse Reddish. Miss Inez Abernathy spent last I, Mr. Sir Register, of Vm I ,lit|
that laid in the tea room and was Miss :Maud Futch made a pleasant
I- I so tastefully arranged it became at | Kev. W. L. Overstreet and little Wednesday the guest of Miss Hazel -Uuy Liberty liond- call at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. II wad vlsitr.g: his sister, Mr l.ac7

f -- once a feast for the eyes as well as 'daughter, Reba, were visitors to Jacksonville Warren, of Clayno. MILLER NEWS :NOTES E. Futch, the first part of 'he week. I :Moi-re, Sunday. lie rcturnc I i I. m@
, / Mrs. T. C. Parker of LaCrosse is :
Monday morning.
for the mouth. 1 Monday.Mr. Mrs. J.1.:\ Futch was shopping
: spending a few days here with relative :Mr.: Lon. ic Futch was attenui,
Arthur Sapp and sister, Miss 23.-J. S. Brown madea to
the seated and :Miller April Raiiord Tuesday.Rev.
': At 7'iO::: guests were ,.
of''' Myrtie were visitors to Jacksonville business trip to Lake Butler Friday J. M. Futch and daughters, business in Raiford Saturday'
the strains
I" I the dinner proceeded Mr.\ S. V. Andrea business in ,
was on
Mrs. J. ;i. Futch aiij ;Mis.nuj.
sweet music furnished by Miss Monday. evening.Rev. :Misses Maud and Rosa, attended ser-
J, .. ,. sons, of Kuiford, who had I'ar-I Mr. H. C. Peace was a business visitor Starke. Mack last Monday.Mr. demons. of Pine Hill, ;M. A. Woodard, of Jakin Gn, vices at Herbon Sunday. and Rosa ittended church at Uor. >>on
to Jacksonville Tuesday. filled his at the held at the Elarbee Sunday.
regular appointment Services will be
, I the So
j ;' that part of program. many i
in .
I was our burg Saturday afternoon.Mr.
j. words of had Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Byrd and daughter Free Will Baptist church here Sun- schoolhouse Sujidny. Everybody in- Prayer meeting every Frida urht
:i" I been sweet offered by the encouragement young ladies in'j[ Miss Leila, and Mr. E. B. Wells J. C. Cone spent last week in \itea to come and be with Ud and! en- at the Heriion church. Every. ''I i .n.

!1') ; I Owens at Lake Butler last week. Bur a Liberty Dond- _
said in the usual after dinner Starke attended church here Sunday. splendid speaker and a lover of the
:", 1 I I be I Mr. J. E. Wilson wan transacting were visitors to Lawtey Monday.Air. n. ,. .. .... ...u._ _6 "___..'Lnu _. I Do bit toward winntnu
' I njx'ernes. - Arthur Edwards ana sister, itaieign melting, 01 roviuencu, attended Lord. your this
, JL At the conclusion of the meal, Mrs. I I business in Jacksonville last Friday.Mr. : Miss Georgia, of Old Bradford, attended I the pie supper here Friday Rev Chailic Smith, of Graha-n dm- war by buying a Liberty Bond
I .
A. A. Stokes of Jacksonville
hel Louis Hill, president of the Junior Civic church here last Sunday af night.
t, League, called for three cheers, firs.t, I was a visitor to Jacksonville one day ternoon. I| Misses Ettie and Cora Spires, of

, for the boys who had already gone, last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. it!. Amlreu, of Old.1 Midway, attended the pie supper here
next, for the boys who were about to i !Mr. J. C. Cone, of Brooker, spent Bradford, were visitors to our town Friday night. I
. r depart, and finally for those who may several days in Lawtey last week. last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.\ C. H. Harrison, of I NOWThe
have to go at at some future call, and David Reddish was a visitor to Jacksonville Dr. W. E. Middleton, of Hampton, Worthington Springs, were in our set BUILD
; we arc certain that the people who Monday. was on professional business here last tlement Sunday.T. ,
l heard those cheers that night will nev- I Mrs. N. T. Peeples and daughter, I Thursday afternoon.Mr. II. Rirnen made a business trip to

I, er forget them as long as they live. I Mrs. Nellie Simmons, were visitors to Tison Sapp, of Raiford was the Blair and High Spring Saturday I
II Patriotic songs were sung, the entire Jacksonville last Thursday. of Miss evening.Mr. end this the But
guest Van last :bunday: war year or next year, or next.
t company joining In the! singing of j Mrs. James Barr, of Cincinnati, O., afternoon. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks, of S may
"America," "Joan of Arc" and "The is spending a few days in East Law- Miss Murray Malphurs, of Old Providence, attended church here :Wun- I whenever it ends, there will [.be a big advance in building
"". Star Spangled Banner." This tey, at the home of Maj. and Mrs. A. day.
Bradford, was shopping here Saturday S .
;J ful event was a success from delight-I' M. Van Dyke. afternoon.Mr. l'urvis Mott, of Lake Butler, and operations.You
fling to end and the boys left Deputy Sheriff W. W. Baisden, of 1Ii8sIaud; Fralick, of Providence, I
b II. P. Norris of LaCrosse
do that building
was will make a mistake if wait to
; homes with hearts full of gratitude Starke, was in Lawtey one day last in our town last Sunday were in our community Sunday. j I great you
I for scenes that will linger in their I' week on business. Mr. Carl Brown, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mott, of Lake 'I until after the war, for prices are very apt to be much
memories and them 'midst Private John T. Reddish, of Camp :'
encourage Butler, visited the latter's parents,
his sister, Carrie Belle, and Misses
, iii.. ; the noise and smoke of battle. Wheeler, Macon, Ga., spent- several r._Mft "'ft'Mft __.l A.__ flII._ ___'__ Mr. and :Mrs. Roland Thomas. Sun<1av. !i higher then on account of the increasecd demand.
days last week in Lawteyat the homeof *-iiIfa hjfruw dill tlllltt L1CILof ; 1 ITtrjJicS, --nu b ;; -; thIs '
"Hiiby Louin" Celebrates Mirlhday Miller, attended church here Sunday Quite a rufp pi of'
",1 f' On April 19th, something happened r his parents, Mr. and Mrs Jesse Red afternoon.Mr. community attended church at Brooker : BUY_ YOUR LUMBER AND MATERIALS NOW

. , in Lawtey, and all the society children dish.Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Howard un.I chit Sunday evening. I -
: v. of the town knew it was going to take I E.1., Futch came over from drcn, of Dukes. nMerdeu church: beta Olson Thomas made a business tripto We carry a complete stock of Flooring, Ceiling, Siding,
}: place and couldn't Jacksonville and spent part of Sunday Gainesville Saturday.
: they just simply Sunday afternoon.Mr. I
JJ wait for the lllth!) to come around-it the home of his parents, Mr. and and Mra. Alvin McKinney, of N. H. Stokes made a business trip Finishing Lumber, Windows, Doors ,Mantles, in fact;any and
tho 5th of Louis .Jis. G. L. Futch. lie left on the afternoon to Starko Thursday.The .
\ was birthday "Baby Louixe spent Saturday and Sunday every peice of building material you need.
the little prince of the house of Louis I train for Ft. Pearce, where he with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. little child of ;Mr. and Mrs. C.
: H. Hill. I will look after the Armour Refrigerator W. Hazen near here. A. McLcod is seriously ill. Don't put off your building. Costs of all lines are contsant-
Well-the day came and the chil- Car Company's interests for the Rev. S. S. Proctor, of Lake Butler, Miss Virgie Thomas visited her sister -
dren, too, and with all the weatherman next few weeks. filled his regular appointment here Mrs. J. M. Mott, of Lake Butler, ly mounting higher and higher, and we must face the certaintythat

a with his torrents of rain did his I Rev. R. O. Wright, of Dunnellon, last Saturday and Sunday at the Missionary Friday. I the old low prices are gone never to return.
bust to dampen the ardor of the little was in Lawtey during last week. It Baptist church.Mr. The pie supper given by the Woodmen I
ones, it just wouldn't lie dampened I is reported that Mr. Wright and family A. B. Shaw was in Starke last Circle on last Friday night was We specialize in prompt service and the best material in
I t" and 25: of them were present. will move here within a few days Monday.Mr. a big success. A good many' attendedand I
Fun and frolic was the order of the I and open up the Lawtey hotel whichis Marion Waters, of :Miller: attended all report a jolly good time. A the market. Can save you money on every bill
I. day and the egg/ hunt that was to have now closed. church here Sunday afternoon. : neat sum was realized. ,<
been held on the lawn was enjoyed Indoors I' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miner and children Mr. and Mrs. P. Colson and children, Mr. Emery Douglass of the United I

with equal success. After the of Starke, were vIsiting relatives of Pine Hill, spent Saturday and Sun-_ States National Guard, was visiting
':! games were ended the time came for in.Lawtey Sunday. day here with relatives.Iris relatives here the past week. I
the procession to form for the march Messrs. R. L. Black and J. B. Pad Godwin and Cartoe Oliver and Marion Waters 'attended church at QUIGLEY LUMBER &

; to the dining room, and Baby Louis gett, of Gainesville, were visitors to Wynona Colson, of Pine Hill are Brooker Sunday evening.
'i'/ with little Hazel Adkins headed the Lawtey Monday.Mr. upending! a few 'days here with their -Bur a Liberty Itond- SUPPLY
\\yl\\" I procession, all marching to the tune Joe Allan came over from Jack- aunt, Mrs./ I. W. Pinholster, Jr. IIA.MPTON: NEWS NOTES.B. COMPANYStarke
: of suitable music. And that cake, you sonville and spent Sunday here with Mr. Cunningham; who is teaching a
E t t should have seen it with its I 5 candles; his family. singing school at Graham, was in our F. Finley, of Omstec, wns a business -
.: the tight was just lovely and the cako Brooks Starling moved with his town last Sunday afternoon. visitor here during the week. FloridaWANTED
I i I lovelier still. 'I' family to Jacksonville the first part of .ur.u_ ji... ii...I.. .T"x....,,-_ ,
S As the guests departed, thanks and last week, where he has secured em- in our town last Wednesday.Mr. partment, accompanied by Major E. I I
congratulations were showered from ployment in the government shipyards.Mr. Clyde Ward, of Pine Hill, was 1 S.: Matthews, of Starke, w re here I --'- ........--.-.-------- - '!!'"!'
I every direction upon Mrs. Hill for having Henry Bennett was a visitor to the guest of Miss Myrta Morgan Sunday Saturday in the interest of the Third Ii -
g' given them such a glorious good Jacksonville Sunday and Monday.Mr. aft rnooB. Liberty Loan. i
'S time. They had almost forgotten it John Teston, of Jacksonville, Mr. A. B. Surrency, of Pine Hill, Mrs.\ MidJIeton\ returned Saturday
rained. was visiting relatives in Lawtey Mon was in our town on business Monday.Mrs. evening from Dupont, where she had :
Teachers and Officers Entertained day.Mr. J. S. Forsyth Is still on the sick been called to the bedside of her mother
g4, The teachers and officers of Grace M. Edward Stokes, of Wymauma, list but we hope her a speedy recovery. Mrs. L. E. Dowling.
E. Sunday school were entertained at was visiting relatives in Lawtey Sun Headmaster S. A. Bryan. of Starke, Hampton, April! 21.-Mrs. W. B.
the parsonage on Thursday of last day.Mr. passed through here Wednesday.Mr. Roper, of Jacksonville, is visiting her II Street Car Motormen and Conductors -
week. Supper was served at 7 p. m., R. W. Strickland of near Starke, and Mrs. C. M. Andreu and two sister, Mrs. A. A. McDonald, who has
.! and n good time enjoyed. A place was was a visitor to Lawtey Sunday. daughters, Blanche and Fay, and son, been very ill for the past ten days. to operate lineto
set for each teacher and officer and it Mr. G. W. Stokes was a visitor to Summer and Harley, of OM. Bradford, Mrs. C. E. Harper and Miss Beryl new car
lt7 i was pleasing to note that when the Starke last Thursday.Mr. attended services hero Sunday: after- Mullady left April 17th for Mississip
i roll was called none were absent, mak- J. E. Wilson was transacting nO ing the Sunday school official family business in Starke Monday.Mrs. Mr. Roy Godwin of Pine Hli. was: and friends.
'. complete. Following the supper the L. L. Sapp and son, Arthur, in our town Sunday sfterr.fK.n. Mrs. J. II. Tolbert spent the weekend : JACKSONVLLE
.' pastor invited all to take part in around were visitors to Starke Friday.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Shaw were shopping with relatives at Lake City. TRACTION CO.

> table talk on Sunday school N. T. Ritch, of Raiford, was attending in Gainesville Wednesday.Mr. Miss Leola Hodges, of Mason, one
r matters and several interesting discussions to business in Lawtey Monday. and Mrs. J. E. Clemons, of Pine of Columbia county's popular teachers -
.' followed. Messrs. George Loadholtz and, E. Hill, spent part of last week in Jack is spending the week here, the Florida.
li Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Finley of Macclenny, were guests last sonville. They returned home Thurs guest of Mrs. Tolbert.
: J. D. Randall, R. R. Thede, Butler Friday and Saturday of Mr and] Mrs. day morning. A telegram from Rev. :Mullady an-
,'S 1 Blanchard, Rev. Alfred Evenden, Mrs. 1\[. L. Loadholtz. Uncle Steve Hague and daughter. nounces the death of his mother at
Alfred Evenden, Mrs. Louis II. Hill, Mr. Ollie Manning, of Wauchula, Is Miss Ollie, of Old Bradford attended New Milford, Pa., where ho had been
J ,::,: Mrs. T. J. Terry, Mrs. J. II. Moore, visiting relatives near Lawtey. church at tho Missionary Baptist : called by telegraph. McCALL'S MAGAZINE
'? # :!! Miss Florrie Terry Miss Lois Terry Messrs. A. A. Smith, R. R. Thede, church Sunday morning. J. T. Quigley, of Starke, was a visitor -
r and Miss Rebecca Whitehead. W. E. Torode and E. E. Burney went Mr. Arthur Colson spent part of here Monday.J. .
Acting in line with the request off a-fishing in Kingsley lake Monday. last week near LaCrosse with rela M. :Maxwell was looking( after FOR MAY ;
l > the government that Sunday, April Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Smith spent tives. Arthur expects to leave next business interests in Jacksonville on )
'. ; 21st, be known and celebrated by the Sunday with relatives at Kingsley.Mr. Saturday for the army to do service Tuesday.G. f- The Superb Quality V ,7'
: churches as Liberty Loan Sunday, special M. L. Loadholtz was a visitorto 'for Uncle Sans.i B. Colson, of Brooker, was a busIness of McC II.F .hion. I. \.
5, patriotic services were held in the Jacksonville Tuesday. i Mr. Lester Pinholster of Pine Hill visitor here Tuesday. the rosultof l ( iiq1I/!
\. ,,____ .. _....__ __ ._ .., ft"AnA .1 ....__ _, A._ .,A.. n"r.I, __ __. _ rnan7year.. .
: t-imru m. ft.'" cnurcn L un 'S ,. triotic hymns were sung and a very Interesting lanta, Ga.:, were visitors to Lawtey Missionary Baptist church. ville Wednesday.J. } \-5\ interpretation of t h a '4V/ :" .

,. address was given by Mrs. Monday and Tuesday and while here Aunt Tiery Roberts is spending m S. Griner, of Brooklyn, was at style tendencies of the ij" I
1. J. I). Randall, county chairman for were guests at the home of Mr. and few days with her laughter, !Mrs\. 0 tending to bu&lness; here Monday. / ) time and n
;I; Bradford county in the Thrift Stamp Mm. J. E. Brown. \v. Thomas, of this place. Misses Hattie Hayes and Lettie J?1' adapting them 1
#'h "' movement. Her address was patriotic, Mrs. II. C. Peace and children, Vir- Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Shriver an I Miss Johns were week-end visitors in Lake to the need. and use : t:
i appropriate and appealing and went ginia and Bet tie, are spending a few :Marguerite Shriver, aecompanie(1 by Butler; the guests of relatives, and report 4 of the American Worn- 1 bf,1' / ,
to the heart sot her hearers. Mrs. weeks with relatives in Anthony. Miss\ Sara Jordan, motored to Worth a pleasant time. ( an. { r'3'I
.. Randall is also a prominent worker There wi I l he preaching services at ington: Sunday afternoon. Samuel P. Gufford, Therossa's \ \
l' for the Red Cross. The church was the ::;""t'ln Methodist church next Mr. Lacy Doak, of LaCroose accompanied champion fisherman, was exhibiting a : ;. '
,, suitably decorated for the occasion. Sunday af'ernoon at three o'clock by by Miss LoU Ke'ly of New 14 1-2 pound trout on the streets here McCall Patterns tJrt \ .
p e Mr. R. R. Thede was transacting' "Rev. Alfred Evenden. Everybody River, attended church here S'nday: Wednesday. 'I
4. -:' business in Jacksonville one day last invited to go. afternoon.Mr. An. important meeting of the Hamp I 1 for '
week. Rev. Alfred Evenden, who has beena and Mrs. T. C. Ha/en ami children ton branch of the American Red Cross May nl,
', !Mr. J. D. Randall was a business sufferer from toothache for some spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.E. was held in the work room Tuesday Now On Sale
visitor to Jacksonville last Saturday. time, decided last Friday that he M. Hazen. afternoon.The .
S Rev. Henry Ezell, of Ilryceville filled would end it all. He accordingly wentto Miss Sara Jordan, of 1\IiJadge-: Red Cross acknowledges with i.ll
k his regular appointment at the : Starke and submitted to two extractions ville, Ga., Is spending this week, the thanks a beautifully painted sign for
: 5,. Lawtey M. E. church, South, last Sun by the dentist, but we have guest of Miss Marguerite Shriver. the Red Cross headquarters, in the .
; day, both morning and evening. since learned that it didn't end it and Mr. Harley Hazen was a visitor to Hngan building, which has been nice- $ THE '. '
S Mrs. M. L. Loadholtz left Sunday for I hat others must follow 'ere the 8ufI Worthington Sunday afternoon.Mr. 'ly furnished and affords a comfortable ----

Jacksonville, where she will reside for I fering ceases. Hubert Rouse, of New River, work room. McCALLCOMPANY
a while. Mr. Loadholtz will remain A cottage prayer meeting was held was in our town last Saturday.Miss The battlefields of France seemed :
( here for a few days to arrange his last Monday evening at the home of Gertrude Thomas is qute ill quite near and realistic when some # ,

e business affairs. Mr and !Mrs. S. Cline. These prayer at this writing.Mr. rather unpatriotic remarks were made [ ,
Mr. R. B. Jackson, of Jacksonville, meetings are being held weekly in the : Roland Anderson was a visitorto on the streets Tuesda yafternoon by Iii O. .
,. was a visitor to Lawtey one day last homes of any of the people of Law- Starke Tuesday.Mr. ) someone who doesn't know the kind' seetsj.a
4. week. tey who care to invite them. The next Robert Greene, of Lake Butler of material Hampton citizens are New York
Mrs. J. D. Randall was a visitor to meeting will be held in the home of was in our town Tuesday.Dr. made of. I Chicago San Atlanta

Jacksonville Monday. Mr. Chas. Hess. .. j and :Mrs. P. W. Trihble of La. -Bo/ Llbtrtr Popj--- Boston Toronto
0. . ...

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