Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00027795/04639
Material Information
- Title:
- Bradford County telegraph
- Uniform Title:
- Bradford County Telegraph
- Place of Publication:
- Starke, FL
- Publisher:
- E.S. Matthews
- Publication Date:
- 01-25-1918
- Copyright Date:
- 1918
- Frequency:
- Weekly
- Language:
- English
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Newspapers -- Starke (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Bradford County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
- Genre:
- newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- Florida -- Bradford -- Starke
- Coordinates:
- 29.947222 x -82.108056
- Abstract:
- The first issue of this ongoing weekly appeared on July 26, 1879 under the title Florida Telegraph. It was published by William Wyatt Moore, a native Floridian and a staunch Democrat. Moore had previously worked for a paper in Tallahassee and had also published newspapers in Jacksonville, Lake City, Cedar Key, and Pensacola.
After appearing for a short time as the Weekly Florida Telegraph and reverting back to the Florida Telegraph, the paper’s name was changed to the Starke Telegraph. In 1887, Moore sold a half-interest in the newspaper to I.C. Webb, who became sole owner within a few months and changed its name to the Bradford County Telegraph. In 1893, Eugene S. Matthews, who had previously worked for newspapers in Gainesville and Ocala, purchased the Bradford County Telegraph with Ben J. Farmer, who sold his interest to Matthews five years later.
Matthews published the Bradford County Telegraph for the next forty years. He was also elected to the state legislature in 1904, 1907, 1911 and 1923. His son, Eugene L. Matthews, a graduate of Columbia University’s School of Journalism, took over the publication in 1933, matching his father’s record of forty years as publisher. The Bradford County Telegraph continues to the present.
- Additional Physical Form:
- Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- Vol. 9, no. 41 (Apr. 13, 1888)-
- General Note:
- Publishers: Mathews & Farmer, <1893-1897>; E.S. Mathews, <1900-1926>.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 33886096 ( OCLC )
000579551 ( ALEPHBIBNUM ) 003298621 ( ELECTRONIC_ALEPH ) 60662535 ( ELECTRONIC_OCLC ) sn 95047406 ( LCCN ) sn 95047406 ( LCCN )
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,.w".r- .... ... ......._.. .u. 1{:& ... .. ,
mra- - -: fnri Qnuuty m1tll grarpl1C" 1 i I
Established Subscription-Per Year. $l.r;>0 : Sis Months 73;) Cents. 1'a.vable in Advance. K.; S. :\Iat tlll'ws. I Editor and Proprietor.: (
-'==::-- = . .
- -
- --
BEGIN WORK ON with of\\the one repiint\death oftlll'kl''other: of the John, who following Kite was,. u drowned account ferns' rresident I ORDERED TO I FLEECE LAWTEY Daughters 1\patriotic'. T.of Weeks the exercises Confederacy Chapter': in, United honor, arranged ITO DESTROY SHIP--
companion while on of Koliert K.: Lee's birthday! which oc-
ROAD SYSTEMCOMMISSIONERS J his boatload way of to .ti Cortex. h. Up: to to diapose this itme of u I cured on the 10th! mst, and at which
trine .if the body has been discovered. CLASS 1 MAN OF $1,000HENRY the veterans. of: honor.of Hradford County weregursts PING DISCOVERED ,
The body of Jack Terrell, Ins
companion The Methodist church was appropriately
was found last Wednesday decorated with potted plants, -
MET Fallowing/: l IH the dispatch. : II" S. Flags and a few Confederate
high wind, which prevailed ia'' .flags; a large picture of I Robert F.
MONDAY-TOOK ACTIONA Tampa Buy, although scarcely felt I HAS BEEN COMPLETED'' GANG OF CONFIDENCE MEN lee occupied a ,conxpicioiis) place. Miss ARE DOUBLED EVERYWHERE t
with any damage here, took n toll of I Amelia Kay, president of the local
two lives Friday afternoon, when the the exercises -
Chapter, 'president over "
SURVEY WILL fishing/: launch ,' l Joy> John \mtI\C.KS: SINCE: MAY 18 iI )ES LATER .\lm ESTIW IX: PAI.A1KA. and. Mrs Harr arranged! the unusually, GF.IIMVNS: :.; EVIDEXTI.V iU! / W.
BE MADE BY THE STATE Kite and Jack was wrlckl'dand :MM' EXEMPT: MEN; ON GROUNDS} (CONFESSES: O OF AX- interesting program.An : !IN(; DKSPKRATE: 1 : AS UKGISTK ; : '
ROAD DEPARTMENT the men drowned. OP DEPENDENCY) : OTlllm VICtIM: orchestra. compound of H. P. VTIOX) DRAWS :NEAR
John Kite, Jack Terrell, Irvin Law, dirl'l'torIilK: I Dorm. Law, !Messrs
Lowe, Alex Henderson and another - ChlTord Tntum llollis Knight\ and i, r
Bradford County is going to begin fisherman from Cortex went to the :Monday( the Local Bonn! received, Henry C Snpp.: : :well known citiZen Thomas Limbaugh, rendered\ several TAMPA, Jan. 21.-Follouing/ the /
the right; kind of work to improve the mouth of the river to fish. After securing instructions to bruin/ the culling of of Lawtcy, was. recently fhmflammed greatly appreciated selections, one of, uncovering of one of tho most diabolical
public roads. At a called meeting of'the a boat load of fish, :Mr. Kite men in Class 1 to appear for examination I for $HIOO( by n smooth confidence them being n medley of southern airs. "plots yet hatched in this countryby
board of county commissionersheld and Mr Terrell, started in their 20- Owing to delay in classification, man, who later proved to bea Mrs, A. /, Adkins sang beautifully tho German; enjoying its hospitality,
Monday it was decided to engage foot launch for Cortez to unload, the the Board will not I>e able to call anyregistrants member of n notorious gang of popular old Southern melody, ":\1)1 nn ot'Knnired propaganda directed nt
the engineering department of the fish, while the other men remained in for examination before the I "wire-tapper. ." Old Kentuckv Home," \being/ accompanied 1 this country's, shipping: nnil publio,
State Highway Commission to make camp opposite' the mouth of the river. latter part of next week unless! the I Considerable sympathy is felt for by Miss Lois. )IVi'k organistand utii ties with its mm culminating in J
a survey of something like 100 miles When nothing! was heard of' the men, classification is finished earlier than Supp because of the fait. that ho has Miss. Doris 1 t.nw vwlmist.'lln'rtor: doing I tliiMisiimlrt of dollars' worth of .
of.. the more important public roads an alarm was given, and n searching. expected.! 'Ihig!. rail 1 will include those lost all the money !he had. lie owned Paul Knight surprised. and delightedhis ,I damage. to shipping and public*_ utilities -
01 the county.Present party started to see what wall the who appeared for the examination last n good farm near l.nvvtey, but it was audience by singing. "A Littlo on or 22, Mayor
nt the meeting were Commissioners trouble The launch was found ott year and were granted temporary heavily mortgaged.. To save himself I I Shill icr," ill the most grown, up manner D, II. McKay und Sherilf' A. .1 I. Whitayohtonliy
Dowling Underhill and the red beacon, but no trace of thom discharge but who, under the new from total loss through foreclosure possible for a little I man of four asked that one company of -
Blaolovelder. The meeting was held n has been found. The boat was (classification were plal'l"in\ Class proceedings\ ho recently sold the and! a half )" 'nr.... 1 Lit 110' :Miss. Isl.i the Ibllsboiough\ County liiinrd bit -
on short notice and Commissioners Andrews not found until Sunday: right, when 1. The fact that they hold a discharge farm. The money he handed over to Poppell' recited "Our Fl.ig" with excellent \ out to provide IIdolli..nIlIIl'IUlr,'* I
and May probably did not receive hope was .given up of finding the men does. not release them from the confidence man was the, amount \ expression.. A quintette, composed for tho waterfront, shipping' and public
the call in time to be present.A alive appearing for another: examination In- had, left after ,paying oil tho indebtedness of :Miss. I I.tis Peek, :Mrs D K: utilities i interest. The lUivnlCnunty
largo nummer of citizens were present /kearch is being continued! to recovor when this class is called. ( on the place. Knight, Messrn H. I D. Law real J.I".I
and urged on the board the importance the bullies and! a reward will he Locnl Hoards arc required by Pro- Later the same crooks swindled! a Kirklitrr, sang Ihr touching old song! Camp .Inhnstoii are doing similar.
of having the survey made pan iI! to any one finding the bodies or vost ;Marshal in his latest orderto man at !Miami out of' $15,000. This( "Tenting on the Old Camp (;tiround" guard ,duty in Jacksonville.It -
in order that systematic nnd permanent to information lending to their recovery forward to the District Hoards all job got him into troublo and ho was with :Mrs. H.irr: as accompanist.. I is. understood; here that the
work may be done by the road f claims for deferred classification on subsequently arrested' nt Pulalka. Hn Rev., T. I.. /: Burr madi a "' 1'1t'ntli,1n.lrl'ss |iiopiigaiiila' involved MtiMisi\o '
working force Word was received! Wednesday industrial and agricultural) grounds wits returned to Mi.nni for trial. When ,! on the life and c-hnrncter of 1'limifio'lIliunH1'11 to designs against
The survey will establish the levelsto morning! that the body of Jack Terrell regardless of fact that Local Boards arraigned/ I before, tho committing/ I Robert II.: Leiand, with the patriotism shops li-aving" port with their cargoes "
which the roads should be graded had been found Tuesday, near Bishops may have placed registrant in more magistrate/ lie waived examination i of the sixties I In' beautifully of liumun IIt'... With the first word of
and will include an estimate of' the Harbor. 1'>11'. Terrell was a deferred class on account of claims and vvas held for trial in the Dado, blended, the pntnotiMii of the present I 'the danger/: eiHicials throughout the I
cost of hard-surfacing with the various splendid( swimmer and his friends say within the jurisdiction of Local Hoard County ciiniiiinl court day; the spenker being often interrupted '1'lIulllry1'1'" warned to take extra ,
materials that may be found to his drowning was possibly due to his him that claimed on account i>f industrial v The Pnlatka Times-Ilerahl of January by, the suppressed upplarse of ""'','uillilln... ti> guard I against it. Shipbuilding ,,
, lie, available. Later if the citizens efforts( of trying to help Kite, who or agricultural grounds before ISth. gives the following account the veterans. .. rnnceriis] here nn lensi-d.! their
of the county wish to call a bond could not swim so well. Friends, are the )District Board. '.,f' the arrest in the city: The c-xercisei were brought to n guard and l it is understood, that ill .
I electionfor road construction they will sorrowing. at their untimely sleuth : Under this ruling those farmers who ",\I,out the best w"'k' yet performed close by I the choir, orchestra and, 1111- other plan's troops'' were called nut '4'
I have the survey nnd estimates as a and extend! deepest sympathy to the inve.boen placed in Class 4 I by local by Shenir ll.igan was dune this dieni'e rendering in n heartfelt Sntur<|'iv night I.
basis to work from. Hut if no bond surviving! relatives.No 1 hoard[ on grounds of dependency, will wick, when he arrested I IV., Waters, enthusiastic. manner tho grand .' \\'i.h. the crisis nheail) of ( Icrni.lllalinm I
I: election is ever held the money expendeel truce has been found oC Mr. also ho classified by District Hoard in the. lender of nforco of as shrewd vvirotunners .song, "My Country T'ls of 'Ihee.OCIION ." an.l// in I this country as the lime farrrgitrntlull
for the survey will be the best Kite. regard! to their agricultural standing.! as ever operated in tin state . - --.- and. classification: uppioachi's .
road invc 'tmtment ever made by the These questionnaires] will then lie. rr- !;l'III1IUI". \ jiM "(leered"; ;: a North; / ', it IH 7
board for the reason that it will furnish t cited to Local Hoard, who will mail cm cultist I in Miami l I out( of $IIiIIOO, \ \ I. S('IIUUI.UFI'II'J.I.S I. I pn-i'autinns nuint. 1, '
I a working plan for such work allis STARK DEFEATSST.I to each of those registrants, a nnd'notifying It appears, Ihnt III'I''k a well IMP I SIItlvi I':: (IIii1 pi'ore' s i is .
now being/ done. .H( t'S'1'lNELocals : : ' them as to the, action of the known citi'en: of Liiwti'V, llradford! C -- d.inirvriiuH <(< ;ii'i IIIIIIIH
1) Some of the citizens! present expressed I District! rtiuird The I.-.Iailkat; ,roomy hail lie-on tnki-n in bv the I'r ( II. I.line, f..It'I'al are'" "' far move ahoiil firo" m
. regret that !stub n survey had M';i'l Play Jacksonville' TO'llm of n'Ki'-tninN alto claim exemption tlliK ti-IM tl> till- oxti'llt of 1,000.. agrii'iiltural I iMlur.
not been made tWl'IltYl'a"R; ago. Tomorrowl"h'rlllllJll, on ltJri"I 1'I1; or illdn.t trial, irinuuiN, :Spada, li''. ,i.imi to I'alntkn and mfinni'd I Tinner, state rural I ichonl in "|>,ectnr, d'ssrned and it is curtailc'd."V' I
The cxpcn' ( '' of flic-survey i is estimated will ninthly 1: lie nude, I befoie Inns I Iis tin :-luiilf's offiri- of his loss. UIMI" hi'ir, Thin day (to ,talk ovi'i with' ,that with 'HUM in ; \
at *7 pci,. millor i S700()() for the 100 i called a fi,ii r examinationAccntdiiii i The 'tih1" i ill' '- lit lnc.d "scliool I I Illl-lri'M 1 I plans, for, ture, (be
mile ciuiiit.' The commissioners The High School b1)n hill iirt tomn to a ili'-pntc from Wash ."-t,'1I 1 mill adi was's, of 1', !!'roo mu I tinMicational, I Hilmol n'. ganda +against winch 1 I 1 '
present said that they would curtail were victorious over' l City I0gloilthe, government appeal' 1 agents tine vi,brut* worked\ comici ted the deal I cenlly iis.igneil to Still ke by the last t nightire { I It
other expenditures for the sake of team in a close contest in that c'iy I have I Bern' instructed to appi'iil, cases with the one pulled at Miami where :Slate;' Bnlll" of Munition.( : They: arrived make om grand I ,,' ,
getting/ started right in road construction last Saturday" afternoon. The Si [ where the Local Jloards have /granted' tlio. stake' was li.OOO.! ) nn the II o'clnck tiain! and were their hand's wore '
, Augustine Evening Record gave the deferred claKKificntinn in either class \\',' nisdtiy morning nt ti-IiO: a f.ishiHHirly met ly u large party ".I'' interested, :--. ---------- .
follow inn'o'ount of the gnnn: I four because of the marriage dressed of about :a;"i who escorted them 4n the 1
+ G, K Arrytf", assistant chief ch- two or man yearscnme citizens
I "The local School basket bull II\MV; CIIS'IUoiI'! : II \i> 1
High I since : lith last. Marriage since the Kast: Coast Line and '
gineer of the-state road departmentwas I May in on high school building. \-In!: I'RIISI'IIBUS: : MKHandled : -
.: present at the meeting and stat- team lost u close and excitingante that date will not servo to keen' a registered at tho Hutel. .1 11 IIH'S. 11 is. )Dr, Lane explained very fully I the
_ ed that the survey would be startedin to the Starke High school on the Y I registrant from being placed, in Class mime was "given as L. W. Walovs.Sheriff details) of the nrgaiu/.ation of the vocational ;
the very near future. court Saturday night by the score of I 1, regardless, of the dependency of his Hagan/ at once spotted the Behind lie expressed, himself :Nearly nlilli..11: Pollarn In
25; to 20. As indicated by tna 8el'I',1 Ih-pimilM (luring ;Nini'ti'i'ti.
wanted offered
wife. stranger. us the tlim-Mam artist as ,plensed with the facilities -
SIN the gone was fas and furious tau-:ugh I ,_?_ .--- | by the :Miami i police, and after n liy, the local M 11..1.1111.1 said tin- 'S'renlr'n"
COUNTY JUDGE'S COURT out, and was in doubt up to the final made. In
short watch t the arrest wax federal aid for the school was ready
minute of play. The playing of Dense* MR. SIIFNCK: NOT A DKSIJMKKThe ; : less than an hour after arriving in tho at nny time work was started The. annual '1.1 illJ! of tin1. stockholders
Ivan dWall for the Starke : uf Hank cif Staiko hi'M atbe
triedin Waters, lodged nf .j.nl confronting was
Severn! cases of interest were city WitS The gri-atest diliculty now
county jucfee's court during the past was the feature of the "i iuors'play Telegraph is in receipt of a After undergoing onsidernble ques- the local m-hoo! nut hunt tirs 11 the ( iillii-i' of the bunk mi January llith,
week and the criminal cases while Carter played, .1 brilliant communication stating that Mr. Fd- t lulling! the prisoncT told, the full finding of a competent' I teacher. 'I'In1 at 7 o'cloik.
were the following among : game: for' the home team. The following win Lowell Schunck, who was listedin story "f the operations D{ the "wire- I place' has been, uUVrcd' to !Mr. C'. D.iiinn 'I'In1 annual report< of (''ushier. II.
Wesley Varnes, n young/ man from was the line-up: Slarke H. S. the Telegraph last week as a deserter taiiping"/ firm and how easy it was (; i-ountv ili'monstration agent, Halligiin showed, Unit the year 1917
the-Johnstown section, charged withcarrying Densely and Canovu, f'orwllrd"1111,1; is now in the service of the tu get the I thousand from the ISriulfnrd but' h" is inclined, tn prefer" remaining was one of. the. best in tho history of
concealed weapons. Owingto center; Clarke anti! He-asely, guards. I United States and is stationed, at county man, and the $l.r 00() from in his present poHition.' It is understood the bank It was shown that iltpomtatn ,
St. Augustine High School; ; Owensnnd Station, Camp Johnston, .. .' ciirere-il the the amount. of $'X l."iH7'.M)7: ) went
his and other extenuating circumstances I (rent fakes Training the :Northern'; tourist, Sidney that he has ill sn I. '
age/ he was allowed to go on Wolfe, forwards; Francis find )foul June, Public> Works Dept, a wi-altby citi/en of Pennsylvania, prini'ipnlship >*f uhn v'icalioiiiil school handled, I during I Ihe year, and that
the payment of a fine of $10 and costs Muttox, centers Carter, ;Mattox nndCoxe Chicago: HI He is a volunteer having who thought he saw a chance to make nt Madison, all of which shows that ninny new depositors' had been added,
Oscar Parrish, another young man ? guards The score at the end enlisted) in the U. S. Navy May a few thousands' while here enjoyinghis the board-of county t commissioners to the bank's line of customers. Tin $
of the first half was 12 to 5 in favor of' earnings fur the' year proved' to have
who lives in the Dukes settlement "-5, 1917. vacation.. Writers said he had two were fortunate In Ihi'ir selection a
with being drunk and dis- of Starke, and at the end of the game The reason of his being listed i asa partners anti bud, an tiller in the I county demonstration agent. been" n fruition' over II pee cent. Tint I
orderly and shooting pistol in Lake 25; to 20 in favor of' Starke, Evans ,deserter was that he failed' to re- renter ol" Miami's business' district, _. .-- --- year ItllK! was startl with n line of
Butler drew fine of $10 and costs and Blue refereed." port for examination when railed, where they did a lucrative business. : : CO; 1% itiNC( : eli-posits 'tsrly doubling any previous
a fined The local team will play the Jacksonville when the first drafts were being FWI'llES'UIKIlIES; : : year since i the bank was established.Diri'itom .
colored was
Roberts --
Dolph High School team )in Stnrke lust fall. Though he wnsi were< elected' as follows:
$100 and costs or six months on the Saturday afternoon at v3 p, m. Thisis 'I in made the! up service already it was requiredof JOS. K.: IVILSO'! \PPOI\T-' s Th old' adage- about figures not G; 1 C.; Livingston, John Ugb''HV, A. M. t
county roads for having in his poses- inflicted Kll DKIT'IY: (;It.I.STEH: ; ; S. Mat-
law allows. the team that the cast him to pet a certificate to that lying has: been entirely disproven. In Darby, A II. Fri'ernan and K.
than the '
[ iiion more liquor he had with him, he defeat of the season on the locals, unj 1''I effect from his, commanding officer, I the financial statement of thendi- thc'ws. 'Ihi-Ho diri'ctors! have wrvoilthe
From the amount
it -is needless to it will bo an interesting Hank bank in t this capacity ever sinc
engaged in the business say and this it is understood he failed to At the eight-ninth/ annual communication turn e.f the Lawti-y State as
was evidently : Encourage the homo Most Woshipfuliraml week's Ti'Irgrnph its organization twelve years ago.(
of lie paid the fine. game.: do, with result mentioned. of the published ill last /
selling liquor team by I others of Free anti Accepted overdrafts shown to Immediately following the adjournment -
On the civil docket the case of your presence Doubtless> there are many (: Lodge the item of was
the Seaboard AirLine who arc in' the same predicament- Masons of Florida held in Jacksonville ho! $1tltiitl7; | !> when as! n inatti-r of of stockholders'. meeting n
Everett Bennett for vs killing of one six- DEATH OF MRS. JF.SSIE SIBLEY: through not understanding what was last week, Jos. K:. Wilson. of fact, the I bank had only a very small meeting of tin directors was held, nndolIiciTH
I tried. A required, of them hut the board is required Rtarke, was eleitod, District Deputy amount in overdrafts. In filii'llflut for the ensuing year WITH" as
months-old Jersey calf was I to Ilst t them as deserters unless c'ntn,1falltl'r, of the r"oiirU-enth Dis- the blank statement Cashier liyid badniadvertenely follows : E.: S, Matthews: President; C
I verdict was returned in favor of the wife of :Mr. El- A. M Darby" Vin'-presidi-ntj T. II.Mnlligan ,
1 Mrs. Jessie Sibley, they have proof of their enlistment.The tru-t. The office of District Deputy dropped' down OHO line
plaintiff follows: Double damages: bert Sibley, nnd youngest child of I Telegraph, prints the list as taken firamd: Muster is one of great" impor- too low, placing' his loans an I discounts ; Cashier.vOOH .
and costs
..l $70, attorney's fee $25 ;Mrs. :Mary Williams, died at the homo from the olllcial records of Local tanic and !Mr Willsion's, election' to fill under! the heading of over _. ._
i of court. the The following RV.. gentlemen Surrency, of her mother near Sturke on Monday !'I Board. it shown, the esteem in which he is held drafts. Tho printer, always instructed . \ Mill SF.I.I.S: FAIIM:
[IN.composed f I). Hemingway jury:J. C Manning R afternoon, January 21, 1918.! She Since the above> article was written, by liis, brother Masops.: I to follow this class of ropy to the S. H. VVoddard, of Theressu :yestor- it
11/. McMeil U. A., Newsom and ( en. was 27 years! of age I and her friends the Telegraph! learns that two others I Among others to attend this Meeting letter set, the item up just as lap' ,day sold his 101acre farm in the
E. represented the were numbered by her-hl'r'IIl'ulllntllnl'f') who havi boon I> listed a8 deserters lire from Bradford were Messrs. Fred: peared.A hfressii district. tn :Messrs. II.V, ,
Cone, D. Knight the She made a public -ronfession of faith now in t'ncli' Sam's service: Owen I.,. Stump N SU'rnberg, li. Femberg corrected statement appears in .Moonand J. II. Thompson. Thi'ses ,
I{plaintiff and Joe Hill Williams in Jesus Christ and was baptized and William, :Marr registering. at Hampton and (;" 0V.. Snt-llgrove. this issue" of the Telegraph and .shows gentlemen will plant the farm to castor 0
let,"'dants, received into the ;Methodist Church and KliMiry' Dyal, registering atl I the I.awtrytllt.:; ., Hank to bn in beans, fur sale to the government.
on March (H;i. 1Hf! by Rev J. A. HMI- 'Kaiford, being in I being> "'''''nee. healthy und growing( condition.AllDKINH ---_. _,. .
XEW GARAGE: TO OPEN dry, of' the Florida Conference. Her having! volunteered. W. C. T. U. HLCF.PTIOV --. ..
friends bear testimony that she ._ J. i OCSLIY: [ :
many '
was always a sweet, good, girl everyday : AT Till:: J. K. Ounley, lit; 1 yearn of age, a i
Messrs. Rosenberg and More, who everywhere Besides a heartbroken I -Ol-\'I'-.m: :; ROM FRANCA! : Thursday afternoon at the homo of \I-IIST CII'RUIIJ1rs. ( << resident of llurnpton, died in this city ,
.ave secured the agency of' the Briscoear husband a devoted mother, n Mrs. A. /. Adkin, on North Walnut yesterday afternoon, after n short ill-
will announce the opening of a number of brothers and sisters, many I Errol A Ivllrl../ has receiveif A handsome street, the Woman's Christian. Tem- ( Leila (O. Stratton, of Lebanon 1 ness.. The ileceasi-d is survived, by his
rarnge and snles room in the next is- uncles and aunts and'I other relatives, tulle! scarf from his brother1! Union !gave' n reception in Tenn., spoke' nt the Haptist church on wife and four ,ihildn l The holy walpripurrd A
ue of' the Telegraph.: These gentlonen perunco Thursday' evening, the 17lh inst.. :Mr' for burin) by :Marcus Cnmintnnd 3 f
,she leaves a host of dear friends! to !I.. Alvnn-7.. who is with the United honor of Mrs. O. Stratton, of I
have secured the old 1 Tison livery mourn her departure. Her father prr- I, States in France It is a beau-, Tenn., who spoke lit the Haptist church Stratton is sent out by the National was forwarded' List night tn
'mm on Call street and it is to be re- world I IIrmy and xMi"s Woman's Christian Ternpe-runco Union Hampton for inh'rrnent.-Timcs-Un-
seeded her to the future many I I tiful! contrivance, of silk taco em- Thursday, evening
oeldled to puit their needs. A plate years nio. hroid"T'h." American eagle, : Florl'nrplItlhpw': ( and rlrn- as a lecturi'r and organizer for the I ion, January li'lnl,
glass front will bo, installed as it .Is The fiim-ral services were ,conducted! \l.n.idered, occupies a muse, -
: the "ringdirt
handsome I It Miti,'hell entertained thernreting ,
modern T. L /. Burr presided over
make it :Mrs.
heir intention to n
af the home of her mother, Mm.! .l I also ;Mrs. J. t., FI.OIIIII1"lnnlt: 10 P\Y
n ;
:Mrs.( Stratton
will to did anti introduced -
building[ The front serve :Mary "m there a l lon --.--- I Canova and daughter. !Miss Anna, rendered 1 for the cause' $7.;..;() :MIUA-li 1: FF.IUII.I/MC: I :
while part who spoke lit length
)lay the classy Ilriscoe car was formed, which .
funeral procession .
music. Light refreshments -
|pf the building will be used to carry followed her precious body to the I11\O; f KrCir.tLTOMf.HT{ : ( ; delightful/nf: hot chocolate and wafers ,I"f teniperaneiShe did not say hard -- .
H complete line of repair parts' and beautiful at Kingsley Lake.her -- things about the liquor tralfic but just WASI l ING1'ON; ( Jan.' 21St'treturyof
cemetery : I were, served by Mrs. A'lkins, the co I truth in witty pleasing announcedthat
ill be in charge of an expert mo- tenderlylaid told I the n Agriculture Houston
,- earthly remains were ('Ierlithct.1I; and Anna diSl' hostess, assisted" hyli4sP'4: :MrII. .
hanic Bent from the factory. afternoon :Misses i: manner Previous to the address/ the price, of nitrate fertiliser to
The merits of the car will be fully to rest 1918.on Tuesday The funeral services Canova will give a piano recital in i Florence Matthews and Cleo Mitchell.Tho , I U. Law read the 11 Iii 1 Psalm, and I lorid.i buyers wil be $7550 a ton, I
xplaincd in their ad in next week's January 22,conducted by the writer the school auditorium, tonight beginning affair was entirely informal, andwas by; singing" "Spee-d Away" Rev. H."rr farmers pllyinl freight in addition! '
were o'clock. Thopiano arranged after :Mrs. Stratton hadrearh "
Telegraph. Watch for it and further / at eight singing "Speed Away. Rev.: Barr to this _
nnouncements. and this is the first one of his members music will be interspersed with voice ,'d the city no that tho women made an invocation, after which little ( . _.
his I ------ -
be has laid to rest during and, readingfrFriends would have nn opportunity of meeting !
selections a
!Miss Aldn Fryer sweetly sang
)I very
t S pastorate in Starke. of these two young ladies this gifted lecturer for the temperance | "When Father Comes home Sober", :IHTf'II.f'TII: '
T L. 7.. BARB music class. my : :. RECEIVED: : :
:IVE-CEXT LECTURE COURSE Church. as well us :Mrs Hughes' cause. Mrs. Albertson, t>f fjolnnd, gave H very 1.\
are cordially invited to attend. There -__.___- touching reading entitled "The'er C. D. county demonstration
Prof. W. H. Cox's lecture last Fri will be no charge for admission. I diet"At agent, has roc'civoil the blanks to bo
"Twentieth Century Op- ARRESTED Cir\K; FACTOKY 10 HF.OPK.VAfter : : u"r.1| in ordering and all who
day night on WIFE DESERTER the close of the address a collection nirl1tf. ,
portunitiesJ', was truly a great lecture wits taken which amounted to wish to purchase should
heard him will testify. NEW STAND VKD OIL TRFCKC I nee him for blanks
who added
those $1'J.J! ? Seven new members were -
hh in Jacksonville
having factory -
the Audi- Sheriff W. J, Epperson made a tripto .
that --- - -
It is to be regretted the local union.
Standard Oil' for the several months, to
filled to hear such acture Jaspl'r.dne..dny. for the purposeof ;, :M. Sistrunk, the past I
rium was not masterly speak- bringing back for trial Louis Anderson man, has bought' from the Ford (;eo. r.. Massey Is making preparations :- IS'I\llaU; : ) ARMY
and see such a for the. of his : Relatives of Roan J. Turner huva
Ford Trucks this week moving
rendered part who was arrested at thnt Curare one of the new I I),\\I.S-KXIilir.;
The numbers .y a place on a charge of wife desertion, on which h" has put the tank for hold cigar/ factory back to Starke. He will learned from him that he has Icon,
the Glee Club were appeciutedand and the warrant being sworn out by his ing oils. lie will still have the wagonon ()('('utv the same building as formerly Shortly' before going to press, the I discharged from further gertlce In
le whole affair was enjoyed, a wife. Anderson! re.ide"'ln thevater- part of his routes, but the truck nnstnir over A. M. Iiarhy'H iitoro. Mr. Telegraph' learned c>f the marriage r>tMr. the, army on account ofphysical 1:1-
iccesg as far as quality goes-The In- oak section with his wife and two( will be used, in a majority of cases, it Mas"oy will be ready to again turn W. J,:. Davis and ;Mrs. Laura A, bility, Mr. Tumor is suifermg. f roru f
mntiry did not represent our do bet- children\ and is only about 19: years being a decided improvement over tho nut hi' famous A, I', H. cigars by the Knight: the marriage occuring in rheumatism nail, his not been able ti. "
ligent community. us of one just discarded. middle of the coming week. Jacksonville. yesterday. do full duty for some tame.past
r next time by these lectures. age .. -
a .
--- -- "..:
-. T"w
,. -
-T _- "* . -
: I A r
..... >
PARE TWOWeek's ---- -- Fuel Administration, nil per1 1 hut it is now known that nil fi.. r
r -- - - --p are too slow in their work of roilnuiding. States holding fuel l in whatever capacityshall ,?very description Is included.
the situation in Austria or Hungary, The engineers, called\ "Chauf sons prpfc-icnce tc orders! for Schools are exempted from th
has since been permitted to creep feurs," jfet the princely sum of 5 gue" requirements visions of the order
WarPrid.iy Ji thiough francs a day. Imagine that one! of In our nil engineers I nccvKvnry t III) of ruiltoads.llil Violation of the order is ,p .
the in Ooimany, for
working hospitals
I l Summary l.iki'wiw is holding th- newspapers wouldn't take anything for my trip .charitable of domestic institutions consumers\ and, army able by a fine of :$both.:>,ono.oo or :J! r
1 in chcik: UH re nrcls discussion of in- to Europe. cantonments. imprisonment, or
that The thanks for the anil navy
'" t> rnul affairin; country. Again: accept my (d) of public. utilities, telephone and
of the still t<'n->e situation
reient ,'xurtthe. Italians' meeting />nly inldmx Telegraph. tcdcvruph plants.d NOTICE FOR PUULICATIONf
urtilleiy is contained in a I,< ipsic newspaper Yours very truly bunkerpurpolIl's.
the "n 'my with a devastating of ships and vessols for > int of tho Interior U ,
Tc-utonu' ullu'H nnd thf 001-1- the impending. resignation B. MEKUITT.; ( ) pmrtm| / I Inirirc I
"ut with machine guns unnountcs
lire ami wipini" m Gulnovllle Fla. Jan ft. 1Nfilicu l''
viki are still dedlorkc-rl over Ihfuestion ami 1 rifles the few detachments that of \'i>e Admiral Vun Mueller, -- strictly ,IB hereby given that John '11nf .
Thu Ktumlilintj \ William's naval cab |e) of 1 the United States for Florida who .. ;
<| of pourc terms. succeeded across No Man's chief of J Ilmpcror I like Butler. on V; "
in .
] block! evidently is the evacuation Land the defensive barricades. inet, who is declared to be out of co'slmn'GTEL: : governmental purposes! not including 10. l"ir'' mnilu Homeland. Entry, No ,
to for factories or for 8W fourth of SB fourth mot "
demandeddy the TanGermans.Meanwhile orders from or i
of occupied :Monday harmony for the Townohll'| | 6 S.Ranira 111 E, Till'I, ,
the liuKxians in order that the inhubitants front France and ; Admiral Von Tirpitz plarits working on contracts Mt' 'riilUn, has filet notice of Intention t<> pt i .
\ my have u free rein m exprosHinB On tho western in father of Germany's submarine campaign Acting upon oredrs of Artur T. United State Commutation Proof to mtabllnh claim; i, "
their dosiroa! aK to their future Belgium the military operation all\ apparently the one of the leaders of the pan- Williams, State Fuel Administrator I ( f) of muncipal, county of state Inn j above dcucrlbed. before Hi'jlati'r *. i I'. .
are inLreusing along reiver at Gainesville Fla., on the lut _
Britain's archenemy local "T I
Kussmns urcdesrnht'cl of Gainesville
'Ihe and Great
Steckert for uses.
government. with those of the Germans W. R. governments necessary public March, 1018.Claimant .
". 'I. \' n
.J. :1' uttitiHlp in the matter. past ,artillery duels and delivering bombastic speeches and district comprising Alachua Levy and food or of food necessary for n I.. HiiKen. of Lake Butlur, Florida
Seemincly ns jfivi'iij: Finally to their fighting except\ holding out to the people the chimera Bradford Counties, to the following immediate consumption.It W K Kainvy, of Lake Butler Florida, ,
,;; previously expressed intention with minor. raids was carried out.have bombarded of ultimate, success fur German arms. summary of the Admini tration'iI order was at first thought by many Uordon Tuuehntone of Lake Butler, H,.., !I.
'j lop'iud to the exacuation of orrufiied Entente allied warships submarine base at A buHic point in hi" argument, however of January 16th: that the order did not apply to use of E W'otera, of Worthlnicton KODT.Sprln W. DA\.. I 1 h l I..
the German htatement suya Germany's to be that In order to gainthis "Until further orders of tho United fuel.
territory, the northern Belgian coast, Beema wood oil, gas or other forms of 1-28-61 K
and Ostcnd, on whole 1
for the
withdrawal of the Austrian succesS it is needful
), the while around Ypres, between Lens and __ . .
nation to
whdo thv'f con of the
i (.i-'irrun troops the Chernin-Ues of the economic power --------- - -- - -
:. tu:ucn it impoN.iililu. In :31.: enJeavor I St. Quentin, on Mihicl sector and be used. ,\. L. SCHEDULE 1
the St. NEW S. -
I tamos, on -
.:- to plnoiitu the UuHsmns however, it instated canal there The status of tha situation a? regards
.. that if military conditions per north of the Khme-Marne; Russia and the Brcst-Litovsk
mit the occupying( forces may be reduied has been a notable tho infantry.An increase. in the operations peace conference remains unchanged. Beginning last Sunday, January A PLAIN BUSINESS PROPOSITION
to such numbers are noccnfinry by of the probable early Leon Trotzky the Holsheviki foreign 13th at 12:01: A. M. the following
order and meet the indication who is in I'etrograd, is said,
maintain minister
to of- heavy fighting is schedule went into effect on tho Seaboard
.. technical requirements of the country. commencement to preparing another note to the entente
of aerial activity on Air Line:
Apparently there has been no amelioration the resumption the French powers on the subject of peace. due 10:55: A. M. We wish to to citizerTof this community
in the tense uituiition existing a large scale, especially on On the fighting fronts comparative No.3. Jax: to Tampa say every
I between the Uolsheviki nnd theRumanian front. Saturday the Frer ,"i arimenhad tho calm prevails; except! for artillery duels No. 1. Tax: to Tampa due 11:14: P. M. who during the coming year expects to need ANYTHING
good day operating against No. Jax to Ccder Key 4:59 A. M.No. : .
4 government. Following l a and I small patrol engagements.; That 21
in the line of HARDWARE MILL AND
closely upon the ultimatum to Kumania Teutons, sending/ down eight enemy all has not gone as planned with the 4. Tampa to Jax due 3:39: P. M.
threatening energetic military mnchinoB. the fighting\ Austrian armies in Italy is indicated No.2. Tampa to Jax due .1:51: A. M. FARM SUPPLIES that we are out strong for your
measures if the Rumanians fuller,] immediately On the Italian front the artillery: by the fact that Gen Boroevic has No. 20 Coder Key to Jax: 9:18: A. ;M.:\ trad .
f of the again has turned to Austrian high e.We
to release members sides the infantry been chosen by the ) "Ihe Floridian'
IIolHheviki who were arrented, romcH wings of keeping the opposing to their trenches, except command to succeed the Archduke i No. 15 Jax to Tampa due 2S7: P. : have determined to put in a stiff bid for the
rest the ofliciul of /King announcement Ferdinand, of that Rumania the art for small patrol engagements. All CUKOHP Italian as fiont.(jencralissimo Boroevic on is the to take entire ''No. IB; Tampa to Jax duo 5:51: P. business that has been going to the mail order houses,
mis been. ordered by the Holnheviki. along the northern front character.the artillery precedence over Field Marshal Conrad | Starke undVannce Branch \1.1 and all we ask of you as a fair minded citizen is to
be duels are of a violent been 'No. 101 leaves Starke 6:15 A,
If captured the, monarch is to Von Iloetzcndof who has expected
t brought to I'etrograd. The Russian constituent assembly by the Austrian war oflicu to No. 101 arrives Starke 2:30: P. HIVE US THE FIRST CHANCE AT YOUR ORDERS. I '
Friday in
the courjter-revolutionnry forces eonKighting was i>h irt. lived. Convening m IVtrograd during pierce the Italian front with his. reinforced 1\1.\ Surely this is n more than fair to your home merchant. I
the Tauride palace \
and failed
between the Ilolsheviki! but whose plans I '
street' fighting f it was dissolved army Then if can't please quality and
tinuen at various;! points in KUHHIIIproper I morning' by t'le Ilolihoviki : owing( to the stiffening of the Italian TRESPASS SIGNS FOR SALE. we : you ( quick ; ...
and :Siberia.Another : early Saturday >\ ".."..". Tell ;it to the Telcirrnnh. and tell everybody. .
--- ---- loss u '
will bear
1 had shown ( lica* anu service considered", we our ,,
vote ,
after u 'd 'fulrn
declared to huvc
mutiny In .. e !
I that the government without .
broken out recently- (iermnny'snaval sively a. murmur.A .
base! at Kiel. The trouble I Leninu! and Trotzky was greatly.onclu-I ir chance to compete for your trade is all we ask. i'..
Rtarted among members of cYews of minority. moment at Half Your Living! May have it? '.
Kiibiri" innc'H, who lately are reported I Thus, for the the [ Soldier Letters we
\ diHHatislled with the 7>nssed uwuy at its inception legislative
to have been Cost
through which it hud been Volley
body \
l.icU of MUcceHS and th(> dangers! of .
tlic limiirim* campaign. hoped, order would be brought out of \Vheler Ga, 1' STARKE HARDWARE CO.
M On
I the anomalous situation that his existed \V nre all :'it a diuisnr Jinlfl
I. On the lighting\ fronts in Franco' and, in Russia! since the. ,'evolution.A January 1J, lUll:! th.) n"" t r ;:.i,,mi, ,,; i opiinou BC'n'" I.. i
I'dgium: the hostilities ,lonlmue be- ruand,, ,tnb- r ""I..'" !1.- '
rtl'r un adventurous career ofneiuly Editor Telegraph: : f."< \ r n "JI' .. Starke Florida
the Austrmns
low normal. In Italy 'n-iii .11\' or ii,ir ",i">n\ i' in I '"
write !
: three IInla half years in fighting lc-ar Sir: I wi.-di to you u 11'1"ipi
to recapturehliilfrehpiid I
liave attempted "
again taken froui them and raiding, operation*; in the few lines to thank you for theTele- 1'vou nt pu "-nl 1 lilKh prli es no mm I II
by the Italians positions;Monday. AH in similar I'.lm'k sea, the famous former (;iermanirui'ers graph( which I receive!' every Sunday ran pli'iit' nil T nearly all cotton, buy .... -= "" '':--.w. ""' 1IIl"-Jl." """"" '=x"o, ;,_ .. jI I
attacks t the enemy was defeated and (Uoelwm nrd Ilreslnu have met moming, and it is lots of pleasure to food and "urnlti nl present prli. < s troiii
their fate at the hands of British war- apply merchant on credit and ni.iUomomy
of Sturko
heavy easii.ittiesSuturd.iy read about the good: people)
Buffered ,
th in
shipn in a light at the entrance to Food und! wain H 1111h..r
each issue
and Bradford l County in
llnrdnnclle.Evidently", proportion than aio present cutuniprices. : -
: With the pi'ace negotiations nlIri the Gi'rinan censois are I'lease allow me space m ynur paper' I
(I I "If tempornrily l the Kussion ronstiturnt newspapers in their expressions tin- package I received from them. It ; to pinditcn, all pORilblo. ) f..n II.Il'nlll 1, POTATOES
assembly! h.n opened' its session of opinion on the serious internal political reached me Chrictmus eve and found nn
in I'etrograd. llemoiiHtrations uirumxtJtolsheviki situation for even the mostmeagre me in the base. hospital. It was highly utrcrf; tu cut clivu tho store bill. MAINE: GROWN SELECTED SEEDSpauldine's
hemblvvere C'lfoits ntit, as to large contiol 1'pe.tI'II.I' the ns-, rifoits concerning antimilitaristie the doings- appreciated' by me. I spent all the A Rood ploco( of pardon ground II' :No.-'; ,t Hose, Early Red Bliss Triumph Irish Cobblers.We .
although live ,persons were killed. and of the militaristic missing ami Sunday. holidays in the hospital, but now out rightly' )planted, rlnhtly tended and I are now ready to receive orders and malce contracts for Novembet
J parties were again doing my bit. kept planted the year round, can bo
n ton! : wounded by, I Hed GuunU when I December and January Delivery.
i 1 Tuesday : in is moving right made to nearly half your living It
Everything: pay
of puraders.
they fired on a croup than Write for prices stating quantities and varieties wanted. Our so.l!
Another halt in tho Uussof'.ermanpeace The crisis in Austria, arising: from along! as usual.! We had a very severe will pavo you licst jnoro threo money oC cotton you potatoes arc the highest quality Maine Grown selected seed. Wi ,r.<'
pourparlers i is reported in a the discontent of t the people over the storm Friday und a down-pour of rain mado on the acres I familiar with the conditions in Florida and our seed stock is scl< <-tcJ.t'ou .
I iII.-:: news dinpiiKh received In London from continuation of the war, the scarcity lasting albout five hours The wind you ever grew should plant :Maine( Grow seed for best results. i
,.,. I'etrogriid which siiyw that the Russian of food l and a general desire for peace, blew down I lots< of our tents nnd some lUstlnfis:; IJIH\ !Seed;; Hook tells nil WHITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE SEED CATALOGUE.
t. .' delegates! arc returning to their cap has resulted in the resignation of the stables! killing one boy in Supply Co., about the rlfht kind 1 of a money saving
ital. The (;ierman emiHWiiies at Hrest- Austrian cabinet.\ garden ami. the vegetables; to put
1V2 (Infty. nnd diil lots" of damage in E. A. MARTIN SEED CO.
,/. I.itovKk are said to bn endeavoring to For weeks there has been bitter oppoHition In It. It tells about tho farm crops as .
Macon. The latest in now i is !
' force the Russians to break. olT the negotiation to the government on the part camp well and (thorns von\ the clear road to Corner New nan and Bay Jacksonville, Fla.
masks but ,
'; I ,minor of and during the last few learning to wear our gas! real and r1'1:1I1Ir'frm: :! prosperity. It's
;'!'j!'. finally on a point BOus thepeople" Oldest KHtablithc-d and Largest Seed House in the State
I to cast the blame on the Russians. days t this has resulted in nation-wide we don't know anything nl.outheu Free. Send for It today to H. G. I I
t 1"lati"nK.t'I''n\ the Ilolshcvikinnd ti:ikes ami some disturbances.No this division will move. HASTINGS CO., Atlanta Ga.-;Advt. -- -- - -- oJ
-- -----
;ik.: Kiimanin are at the breaking : : newspiipets in Vienna were permitted With very best wishes to the Telegraph
.r' point. The ninth Rusxun army, bus List Saturday. The only publication nnd its readers, ------ -- -- - .- .
. ;
; demanded that the Rumanian army: on whuh told Homo of the details Yours respectfully: ,
"s; two hour's notice permit the RuxMinns of the nation-wide strike and the developments JULIAN W. WAINKIGHT.
!' free passage through .la>lIlY. King in the peace' discussion nt Saddle Supply ('0. 121 Infty,
,. Ferdinand. whom- arrest has been ordered HI''KI.f.it".sk. As usual the hand of Camp Wheeler. Macon, (Ga.In >
by Premier Linmc, is repotted the German propagandists' was to be !
,. I to be under the protection of the Kntente : seen in this. one sheet publication for I I .
I ;r-
tinthii.f; niinoiiniement ill it was from .
I : Italy Allies.In i as in France" the fighting I llie; Geinuin: ; social" ;; I.democracy-; of Austil Editor, Telegraph Trance: I, I willt'y'let17, 1017 tc,. i ?''I:.
the usualwinter .t'
fronts liUM1 settled down to t.
online, of "uuds and nitilleryduels F.videntlv, however, this. statement comply' with your request for a few :
wards, from France. First please letme 23 rffiJ
1 .. Theie hllRJ failed, to to strikers in Vienna
nt vai ions points I piirate thank you for )'OUl''alulI"I,' papciwhch !, A/rff1f 1.0 M
been' no break in the monotony oil the who sent n large delegation to I have been' receding, and I assure .4iFERTILIZERS
; of minister to inform
western front, the liritish portion wait upon the food you that it is like getting a letter
which is now a sea of mud the snow him of conditions among the working from home, I receiver! your issue of
-- ... hn'inltIiHnppl'ar"11.. classes ami to impress on him that
J : Oct. :20th! toilny-a little late as a
Itritish laboring men have been told their desire for peace overshadowed I new"papl'r-but it'" from Floridaami
,,\- by I'remier Lloyd-eorge! that the new and took precedence over all other Aeiminds. I home, ami I had read it through-
4.." r man power bill is urgent and that \before I notice the date.
Ctrrat Itritinn "must either go on or In Hungary nlso the people are endeavoring
,.. 1 was fortuniate enough to be along
1 BO under." to ,ascertain what are theprnRJ'l'clll with the first over here and I have
Jle praised the wnr aims of Tiesi- for a cessation of hostilities seen quite n lot of France anil Kngland. Today a Bale of Cotton Will Buy
d'ntVllson and declared he wanted and n return to normal., So in- France Isj but
to be informed if any: man could find siRtant hn 'i been' their elfort that the con quickly see that very it pretty nas been, cruelly one I More Fertilizer Than It Would in 1915
of has forced
an honorable and equitable way out Hungarian premier been neglected since the war. The
the war without lighting it through to to announce that the government adhered hav7e been, too busy nt other things
victory over ( ;ierman .miltarism. The to the principle of peace with to keep up the places of beauty. They
said he willing to appeal out annexation indl'mnitil's-that
premier was or
nice the American
to the country on the army issue. even the king shared inthis view. Thopremier are but,very gathering to the impression troops from Cotton, corn, potatoes and other crops are brinpinpr: high
Sunday however added that the the American tourists they think all :, prices. Today the price of a bale of cotton, a bushel of corn .
The long awaited convening of the ijuestion of Alsace-Lorraine should l
constitutent assembly has apparently not nt the present time enter into his ofI wife* riih.had never A'' Frenchman seen an American told, me : or a sack of potatoes, will buy more fertilizer than it would *
precipitated frctdi crises ill Russian the .situation. in normal times. Fertilizer
u utrtil we cnmo and wm surprised to prices have increased, but in
alTairs, with renewed disorders as the The censorship has entirely closed l ,
find that v\r were civilued lot. She
a proportion, crop prices have shown advances.
control the internal greater
consequence of n Btrugftlo for clown with regard to had seen Buffalo Bill's shows when
inthe capital indicated us n possibility, situation in German, although one of they toured this country nnd she waa ,.
ThU: break with tho majority social I the Berlin newspapers is quoted ,its
under the that .
revolutionists who showed their con declaring that the oft-postponed cowboys and Indians.We we were before could you Your dealer can supply
trol by electing an chairman one of 1 speech of the imperial chancellor to had a severe snow storm here make near as much money Armour fertilizers. Special
their lenders, Si. TchernotT, minister the main (committee of the rcichstag .
toclny-quite a contrast to Floruitweather. : through
of agriculture in the Kcrensky government < will be delivered next Thursday.Unofficial Apples and grain the using good fertiliand general fertilizers for
id interpreted abroad n. aprobable advices from Copenhagen principal crop here anti they are certainly i' f- zers. Use an ample supply cotton and other crops-fertilizers .
prelude to an attempt on the nre to the effect that Leon Trotzky
believe '
in their wine and cider during 1918.
\ port, of Holsheviki government to atsert the Bolshevik foreign minister has they never drink water. When ; : every that year after, year
t itself in supreji\e control, regardless asserted' that although he has departed Kt-e.a workmen go out to hU work you he I '\. *v I acre yield the> ery best crop have produced profitable
of what course tho present ngnembly for Petrograd the peace negotiations .
: has his bottle of wintl.I ltcanpro Use
sour ucc.
t complete'fertilizers There is
mny desire to take. icilda nt Krest-Litovsk will be con- The French soldiers crops. an Armour 1
the American .
dissolution of the assembly or it* reorganization tinned! during his absence. I boys are good com say rn..s. They' I *t i -hixh grade goods fertilizer especially suited to ]
an Holsheviki body, are No fighting of great impoitnnce is. / of
arc somewhat reserved with the II proved '
forecast. of the battlefront ( quality. :your crops and to soil. Ii
among the possible courses taking place on any plish soldiers. as you know the Knglish .? your IJ i
tho conference I The l Il-lit! are the .
Meanwhile peace proceeding are rot 'ry good mixers and I- safest. See your dealer today and . ,
at UrPKt.I.itovHk hmo again\ Sir F.dwnrd Carson minister without the French cannot understand that I and cheapest in the end. order spring II
been suspended and Foreign Minister portfolio in the British war cabinet lofty mr they have. : your supply. 1h
Trotsky is reports to hove retjn"'l' has resigned. The boys coming over should not .' .
to IVtrograd on Thursday night. \\ .h1l' ".a) h.ivo any worries about the "subs" na ... '. : Lpnflut duirrlptfvonf Armour tartWmrt bllholat, l':,
Opinion among foreign obnervers in While the bitter internal situation in they nre' not near as bad as one micht '.:.t.l. ... your dualur ur will L.. muilwl from thia ollkv free. _
IVtrograd seems to be that the negotiations Austria-Hungary seems to have abated think though 111 have to agree with ':.t;',:, .
are working their way to alinul Bomowhat m intensity, th<' latest indications Sherman w hen lie said ""'lIr is h-- 1.' nire
break. The fall of the prio.of are that beneath' the surface I h.ivo seen some of the havoc it Armour Fertilizer
the Oermim mark lit neutral markets t the tire of discontent is merely smouldering wrought over here and there is n" Works Jacksonville Florida 10.f"nl.
is pointed to as an indication of loss and that at no distant date it wonder tho French hiivo put up such
..... of confidence among the neutrals ihat iigain may break out in a veritable a gallant: light.: i firriiiiiiiniiiiniiinnill' .
the pai leys would culminate in anagreement. conflagration: I have to say this much for thu I RUItTttillf 7lh"HISni.'*' I (an.'Rt
The general: strike which it is. as-t>rted French people' : They are certainly I, ARMOUR thoIn.
The aticking point, it j is clear from took more than million men and polite" and generous-hearted ,, .
even the German accounts remains:< the women from their work-a large pro When driving through the alWO-1 f ,mi ifEotlei \ot alit
tit 5oll jj {
continued declination of the central portion of them engaged in wnr in they will stop you and give uno! ant!
powers to withdraw all their trons ,1\ltltril.s-virtuully ended Monday all kinds oT fruit and wine, if you will lacrean tat Tlcli jj jj Staom
from the occupied regions of [tlml':!. morninir, hut at last accoiuiU the people drink it. They have some of the finest Hasten MitirltrImproti ,
Only one spot on the nnlitnry map ishowing still were clamoring! feed nnd roAila: nnd highways here and they are Ut (JollityttiiiiiunKiiunuitiiii.inuui.i and
activity out of tho ordinary i- for a cessation. of hostilities. Kept that wn) Frequently you will !! f .35s"'
for any mld-wintE'r-thl' right flank The loquacious Austrian press hernlded see some woman working out on the FERTILIZERS / *Wfc '. Bma resT
of the Italian river front, on the lower I broadcast the alleged l peace desires roads and they get from one to three ti mu.J .lu ,IJs.uJUMI1.n. po....
reaches of the PI ave. Here the Austrians of the government ami king, and franca a clay (a franc i ill 'JOc of American JnJu
I ;
have made a further effort to its utterances' likely had! much to.. do money.) ':that
drive into the Italian lines near Capo with the subsidence of the popular I All unskilled labor is very cheap
Sile and wedge their way further towards clamor. With the return of the people here. Women anil old men do the I'Sat
Venice. to work however the newspaper : work back home, letting the younger!:
The latest assault appears to have apparently have felt the stern hand men go to the front. They have some
been no more successful than the other I I at the censor, for nothing concerning I Hue railways, but seems to me they ---, -- ---
- -
. ,
.- -
.... .. .. ....;: ..-...-. .. --. .. --' ' "' -. ..)IIr.., ;'I' ., ,
... ... M 1 _. ,. _h"' uu" -" ,, .,' ._.. .
...: ..:. :.'" .1.\\'<1\ "- ,_: -. ''' .
__ -
IwIuIp- _ _
--- -
.. -
-------- ----- ----- -----
(c'.:: L'VKE: C4H'.NTFIRST: TO \ orrO.N : 21t >. o K 22 E.Thus. i.i. J. Colrwm ite -.- J.8* I R M. PowHn do .- .
- ___
I I :V,I Ho Ward. Janitor .- 8a.60 U M. iMwIlnir JoI 7ir
: COMri'LSOKY): IHBradford :\ D. !Leslie wife al
and et to N. n Hull Ii.o .- I." I H M. Ifcmllmr du
News of Florida in Short Paragraphs. Ethel U. Tickt-rt SW'. of NE' *ecU K. :\I. N..rmaa do 1:1.10: 1/. *\(. Ikiwllnic, do h _ _ _ _ _ _
__"H_'"'._' '' .._'"'_...,. ,"_.......".." .................. ; twp 0 S K 19 E.New. H r Hnbrrnr tlo. 1.0"W 1 II.. M.tI. Duwlln IMwlintf* du dtiII. .. .5
County Shown "Progressivenobs H. AMvntmn, Jr do 7.161'mllno..M..a. \ ,
.1 I II : JMiits .. Co. Krw Dookt _.. 35.3SJ ,,11.- M. Dowlln. dul 1l:
I l II. M. IMwIinu di> --_ ...Sl1.
W. n
Jno. Vs. Thos. Lexle
[Live State Ne Dungan D. M Itrownlm I no. 4.-20: I II. :7. IXiwIlnic. d.. .11
; \! and :M. P. Deckert, partners; civil Wail.- Kennedy Janitor( _.- U.611 11. M. liuwlinic do ___ ._. .. _
K W Wllxtnon Ion--------------- 1IVra .<> _. L. & WtNitlHank -- -. :
action 1'
A. Z. Adkins -
damages '
$600. -
--....v-. The first election to vote for compulsory I VlrGwvn 1 do ._- 8.73II {I of Mlwrka Iran ______
Told by Our Exchg;;. I dipping of cattle to eradicate attorney. i, .. MrKo du _____.__.__._.______ to.Oll'',' Link at Stark '1',,,ni,, a
the cattle fever ticks under the -. S. VV fI,,"',... toe-------------' ,
- - -- - - new law in Florida win heM in Lake 1 A II shiiw: Trnelunii ..-- 11.811// f
-- County Tuesday, January i.:>lh. inns Pi i ) UflnWI1L 510 tRI) i City l.mhl IMnnt l.mhu _.__-._ The Telegraph-lit5' litt ;I, :
I llond '""'* ,..... 'Int .. ._.___- . contain all lie SlOt. ,",.1 I 'l
\ The shrimp fleet of Fernandia has' takers of the boats say the men refused Commenting upon the progress of Hurry, ftlwnnl Teneinn----------- US CiP > f I IcniT Uwhinii. ___. 20.IIIt') well
been badly handicapped b> this mis-1 to obey instructions not to overload the tick eradication work in Florida, :ti. Chuiwy do ....____...___._-. as 00Eth II M 1 Km Inn i...''n --.-- .SJU news, us as duittgo, ot the
':. : tin _,.________... ___ I and homo folks.
erable weather the six weeks the craft but until Ctioton .u 'W fli) Vl I\o.w.n".k. _.
piled no \
past : in F. :M. Nighbert said: '0. I. ScnlT il" _____ -.. .. "" -
n ---
I and were unable to go to sea. However more could find even standing room. "Tho indications for great activityagainst Mm. M S Hny'ii do ""OOn_. _ tt ",", I
the weather is changing for the All bodies) recovered have been identi ticks this %5n.t. W lhi>rnon tlo hh.u_ .1. ,. S
, better and large hauls of the crusta- fied. the in state duringthe "V .s I dnulf lo ____.._.eh__._ .__. 4 ,.,' ..
will .coming season are very encourag F W. Wilkmon tloPitjth __n____... . ,,' ;
ceans follow. ing. Tho appropriation niu.lt> by county VVnm-n do ._uu___. i s "s .,
: Freeman commissioner their 1.llIt annuiil fHirn Ji.hn.nn do ..h. _..u_ _. .. - " ;
Deputy Sherilf J.1. was in f'm lip Si'mk do __ ..... .. _ ,. ,"
That the closed! season for mullet is killed at Quincy by Geo. Harrington! a budgets are becoming available for n:"n(to., "Kobtnuon do u.._ _. n. I I.om.
being enforced in the waters of this prisoner in the county jail, who made building dipping. vats unit those will ... Mrk,.ry tlo. __.... .,_. .__ [, .
, state, and that the enforcement of the uty Freeman went to the jail to lock be put in as fust! as possible. to give K.ljih, Williutnn do .. __ .4 l"n
.\. .1. (!rllTI. do __... .. I
law will improve conditions in the puty I-reeman went to the jail to lock the cattle owners u cnumv to voluntarily Atlnrt Putxnit. ..I..n_. __ I )
fishmsr trades and increase the revenues up a prisoner when narrin ton, who dip their stock and give the .I \ .1 I rtnhoUtvr do eo.. n__ .\" Prepa ,
from that source two million dole had gotten: out of his cell and was dipped animal relief from tick in- Pilm' IIh'll1n.. dtVVIIIlt. > ___.__ _...-. aDo!
lars, the festation. Wallace do -..... ,__ itt rraI w book
statement for
was of Shell the
State waiting him in dark on the ,
Hi'lwrln' do ..... __
Fish Commissioner J. A. Williams at landing, struck him over the head "One of the handicaps during the Nnniiif Andrfu do. .u 1 : I and fir*
Tallahassee this w ek. with u piece of facing taken from a past month has. been shortage: of labor M..... .1. \. J. IMtihol.trr' '6V 'On... a' tin.. I '
window. Freeman was struck twice throughout the state, hut in spite of c. F :\,-Ii.y doA __.._.____ ._ : *.
(' ____.___ I
Kfllry do ___ ,'
that shows that '
On last Tuesday evening :Mr. and and fell buck down the stairs, followed our report twenty- Maml.. 1'inhnUtvr do __.__. ,?_. nh 4." CO
Mrs. John Crows -who reside about by Harrington, who took his pistol five dipping vats were completed. Klvth: Htllinic. tie .._..... --_ .1. I i i ,. j
five miles from him and shot him through There are only six counties in the I.1 I.. Ulnckhiirn do _.__0' ..II. '"
southwest of Lake City, met the body. Four shots fired and stat in which dipping vatd he not 1"0 I.HH do _._........ _ I '
the train to receive the remains of were 1",1.' Terry do. _.......... ..1.1jntio .. 4'" ,.
their son, Jas. C., who died of it is believed that Freeman fired the been reported to our oiTicc. No doubt lAliiby di* _..__.... .._.___ 4" ,5,5. t
mania on the 12th at first two while lying on the floor in there are some private vats in I".",n fohnnnn do .__._.... __._...n_ 4" ,I
Camp pneu-I a dazed condition probably to attract counties and some dipping of thos"l V II Shaw do. __.n_,_,._ ____n_- ;,. ,I
Unfortunately a mistake had done. I linin I I.'w,IM do I ._ .. ..... .._ __ 4" "" _
made nt headquarters with the attention, as two bullet holes ing (;,'rt nil.* Thorn* do ..._._ ___. _ ,
.wert. -ff\l\T\.l h.h; .IVI. 'h.y. 'unll t "nnlo.4'' .. .AlthOlH.h_ _nn_.' '_ the nn ,.mnttp.m___ fit... .nn... .nnnrn-_. ..n. i, 4.4.. ... .h2............... ...i... 4'lh'- -' r-_-_-_- .-' -- --- ..
ment ui: me - ------- 4t'O "
of the wrong DOfly. The botly where the; deputy lay.: There was a priation for the work was not 1--;j"7u.T"rmr *. ______----I" 3Ill no - I'
stranger returned presentiented -
was to ,,
I'lnll tin _... __ __ ,
between ;tt ml
the first two nnd last '' '
pause '
camp. to the county (commissioner" in SIrS o M Min do _._.__ _2.11 4t DOI
two shots, and these was evidence of Bradford county until after they had I Mm, MrKinnvjr do .-__.. ue. .______ 4,100,
n scuffle which probably took place closed their bmlgtt) the cnttli' owners I .111.. s.nniHinn tlo _..._..__ "__'h MOO
Judge W. S. Bullock of the Fifth when the prisoner took the pistol have not sat idly by, but hnshown I NfllitKul'nni tin ___._woo .__..___ "l 800 !
,.,,' i'rry ..In _.____ NOTICEH
circuit, ...
on application of the railroad from the deputy sheriff.Courthouse -- -- 451\0( .
commissioners remarkable progressiveneft: and that 1"1'J WllkvnM.it do .n___ ._____ ftl' (00.1)110 I i
appointed H. S. Cum- county stood next to the top in number f Wart'n do. --h___ .___... 40 00
mings. president of the Hodman Lumber of vats completed during the .Inhnmm, do ______... ._ ____ __ 40 no I
(1. Jinkini . ____ I
Company. as receiver of the e fill 00
Ocklawnha I month. At the present time there.4 M L> "l-iiul d., .__ _.___.. _-----_-- a,0, ,
Valley Railroad Company, are thirteen private or communityvats .....". Kttttr do _.__.___?,,.n____.h.__.h ?. )I.to We have received load of AMER.
with directions to operate the railroad Il[ News in Hruford! county anti there- were I I. I II Ktilch. do. _._____.. -- "iii just a car
ns a common carrier. This only three counties in the grent ,,14 101 /'..\\'-iin.. do. __.u__. _-.__._. ,jj III'
means that the Ockawaha Valley openrange U II I.MW tin ____h..-_' ___ ". -.inn ICAN wire fencing.Our .
railroad will be dismantled I country of the Mute (hut exceeded Mr. J t'. i1'""""" -_, e__:_-- ftll """
and will them in number of rattle dipped I iill.tKnt, __ I'
Transfers -
JU'ulty ; 'kl" '- -- no oil(I
continue to operate I. I K St" tin' _ :::: :::: :
as a common . : in
during the month of ]'t'l"ml1'r. - -'' (!> new goods are coming daily.
carrier as heretofore. Loca C. Sweat et ul! to T. R. SweatN I'I itlt,. '"'i'(K di) _...._ .. I !
----- ill
half of Ne fourth Sec. 27, Twp. ii.. ,t. i K: wBHdo-I .-..--::::-;-. S... ..iii
6, R. 19 U; S half of Se fourth, Sec. :33 twp 6 S R 22: F. I":. ".,. 'rum"n%iItr'fl .1.do ..... _.--___._--- ., ?? We have just got in a car of feed. I
The case of J. 11. Barton ; .:; 7on,,
G. S. H. J. Dukos to :Minnie E.; LovorrttUegm ---ue..u.
Loca R. Sweat et al to T. K. Sweat IM I"intvliMh I ito .."_'______..._ tnk
Mobley and II. E. Tolar, the three at NW of SI'; of SW't VI M r.rliriH, do ... J i
-SVV fourth of SW fourth Sec. 23: cor sec h .u _____.__. ?? Just received lot of Sea Island cottonseed
Live Oak bankers SI.-) a new
indicted' for em- l.wm ii)? .. __ ,__
2S twp 6 S R 111 E. run I'0: yds for 'nhh '" :Ift ""
twp. 0 K. li NW '..
bezzlement in Madison ; fourth of NW Itrmir.ml ( Hnnk F.nn __ ,
which resulted in a mistrial'county and the fourth sec. :!li. twp 0, R. 19. beg, thence S 5.r.S ft, E 790 ft, N 5o8; IiradtorI| Co Hnnk 4,.> ...h." -'__ '"'" 2jr: ","",I,",, I from the Islands, these are- the big bowl
ft W 790ft. "r-prrinl T.i l I't.Iii' "' '
K.: >
T. Stewart ,
same few and wife
county a weeks ago will not to MargaretA. ._____ .
be tried in thin county. When circuit DavIs-Begin 70 yds. W. of right A. A. PinhoUter] und husband to JohnC. 1,:Ihn rinyli.n TilwnrdH Tpnclllnir Tfnrhnir 111 U -._-._..__ -_ I"I UiOnr 00 new kind of Sosonoski which is given up to be
court convened in of Cone of ; 0.\ l ER : I.. Sp.,ir _ ._.____
Ocala this mornIn way of) T. & J. R. K. \V 70 -E'i: Nl'5 and! ; on Tturhlnic II in imMr
..rr.. ..Tllrlrm. .. Dulls*A). ,!?A..l .. At.._ i 1.. ..._ -i _..,._ ". n.II .- . .. .__ ,, run. I ..:.too .S arI. .., _s "". .. _.... .. ... .. M H, ll vi
-- "-' B'uiiLrvrv 'Ufiiuvu .
no jurisdisition so the case must go, N"\V fourth of NE fourth 11"1. 2tl, twp. I 20 E und 1 A in NE) cor of sec 11\ Murkiry IVnrlxntf" 4 .._u__ ._ ,'" "'") well has large bowls and is
hack Madison: : county for further ", R. 21 E. 1 A. twp] 7 R 20 and SE'i of soc 8; SW' .:.11,,. llmlir I reacdfnic H) ___... ..__ .ir noI easy picked, turns
instruction. I I.. II Fnlrli' ( Trili-hlnil' ill ____.. _ r. onM
Cieuigiu Supp and husband to Trustees of SW'* nil in twp 7 S R 2O I K. :M, .r.irm; ,, Ti>i>rlil,,,, IT .._ h Inn out ne.\rly equal to upland cotton at the gins,
Advent Church, Lawtey Con NFcorner ; ]David W. pinholstcr and wife to llni
.7. R. Atkins!; of Cocoa, narrowly escnpi'rl of \\" fourth of Nli; I: fourth of John C. "ol1c-l A in NS cor cif, sec K: \ WltuMill.ninptr I Ttnrlilnit do _ .__u_-_ _._ IMI nn, onnin nS ii, and will make and almost open before the season ''I
l death Monday night when the NW fourth see HI, twp 5, S. Ji. 2J: E 1 6. I D PnilK.lt. tin. __ 7', nil
wheel he was riding struck /1..1.! /ir-M.i ,1,1) for the bowl weevils to
automobile.} :Mr. Atkins was by an [ and lunV (5D ft, S 50 ft, U CO ft, N; N. E.: Pearce antI wife to M. n. Pow ML,11)t ,. s-nnlli ,I.. __ .. ","ills""' come.
homo from! town was going I I :jlft l> to Leg t.II-SF: "4 or SE'i Ktv !9 twp 5 K I 18 E.: F''.ti u ,Pppi, ,..,,... tli, r.,* nn
and when
near the I .!. S. 1'inkstoii and wife C. A. Robert Hull-" MniUn' tl Iii ._ bsi Ill Just received) a lot of new stoves.
pa. King hoti.c of tho Tairvipw fnndonipaiiy I to M. J. : \ .iiml WilV to E.: H.I'vmini Mr II..niti.l I Sl/inlnn il i.. __ .,'i 1'sI I
(' a cmfrom the north threw I| lotiglast-E half of SH: fourth see 21, --NE'i; of NW1's Soc 2fi twp r, <,r, II Ilium ilit . :"i-, nil
it I I'Mght) headlights> into his fare twp. I li, S l U is l 1C f<0 A. It i ll! I EK. Mill( (PII"! t'" .ilr. _" ;: ,",,! We are ItMdquarlera) for Matrcsses Sprinqs
I'" I' II ,101.| | do __ _ /
7 55,55I
and l h(' was unable to see the distance I N. T. King and wife to J. II. Xevvsom I I.. Rivers to .1. II. I Dow ling- -f'oni ,, ii \\illiniim ito in nnil )
he must get to the ro.ul.-ido, to avoid --S half of SW fourth of SWifuuith at NW cor of NWS I of NW1* sin17 I \. ;" NIIIIIIIII tlo _._u ...___ 411 00 and all kinds of ftirniturer and have ina
the I p. Hiui'. Mnrrlti'' tin ._. just got
cnr. Fortunately the car was j SW fourth of Si; fourth, bee. twp fi S |H 20 i E:, run E 1JO: ft, S .I.'O: j,'tlitl i Mini tin __ ... h._ 71)01)Mvrliit :l t.) 'nn'
running at a low rate of speed of Mr. 15; NE fourth of NW fourth of Nflfourth ft. W 4JO ft, N 120: ft to beg." / | ) Wynn tit, _Uh.. _n_ .__-. 10 no I car load, selling mighty close for cash.
Atkins would have been killed. I ; N (5 A of W half of NE fourthof I). II. Knight: and wife to A. J. Kite j.1SW' ,Miiinl M I Ifimlrr lintmir: tli I tin l ._ ____ _. ..__._. :in'INIIOt1 Iii"
NE fourth, sec. :1'.', all in twp C of SW 'I" si'P H twp 5 R 211( ,E.: > ry Hull ili ._. ... u .___._ MHlll We Fertilize and Irish Potato seed and
The .corner's jury impaneled l to inquire ISH 22 E. 4$ A. Kate Brown and lui-Omml to Maria ,'rn MiKwtn:. '. .1.. .. n_____.. ______ 2726 carry f.
Mims Into the death of George W. I A. A. Willis and wife to W. L. K. Hull-Lots !tl. 10, 11 12, 13.: II I, 15, 141"n 0') ,liFt'i( M.r..r t rn.oy tin tlo___________.__... ._______.__ 4",m"), nn 0)") almost all other kinds of merchandise.
of Lakeland, returned n virdict Blair-Con at J'E cor. I'ltiman, run ll, blk 4, in town of Starke. J. I. n"I"'" II." ______h____ .___u_ nr. 1111(( .4
that the deceased came to his death by E I':- .\. K"'I' Clerical Work _ :_ 25 ("II") \ "
17'l: 'I
8IJ-100) ft, N !)00 ft to bug.-1 A. II. R. Brown to G.V.. I.l.'wis-l.ot h.
: R. 1' ,,
his I inn . .
own hand. Mr. Jlims "" r..r 'aSic' If' 'I.,' .7
automobile and a prominent Also> lost .I and li in llk. 2, lots t and .1 1 blk 19 in Ward City. Iu.: '.,,,,... l'Ialnrl"' _ _____._-__-___ Inn 110
garage man of this C'. M'ln. ""J .. _. _ ..._
5 in blk 5. lots .1 I and :5; in blk 8 :1. 1 Oil
city, was found in his ear on the roadside sec. W. ]F. Nickels to .Vernon Jones t. II, l'lnhlll.h'r d" _. ..___--_n__ .__ 7.1111
near town with A bullet hole 6, twp. i>. R 18 in town of Providence; SE* of NW I'i sec 2K twp 7 Sit 22 II.: I' II I Me liii.. T""lnM ._ -- . III. "Iii ANDREWStANDSON
through his brain. He lived several also NW fourth of SK; fourth in sue. T. W. Horsey and Wife to J. 11. I Dowling AI, .. 1I.n I'rk liii tI" __ ________. :trII" A. D.
hours but became G, twp I li;, U IS U. 40 A. "")10' Ihlllltino.) dn u .- 0" ___ 411110)
never conscious. SW' of SW H 5 S ]R . '
bee twp ivi: i4. ( rI-wa 01" ._ ___. u__ ._ :t fIIIII.
The whole affair is shrouded) In mys- Robert inlc to J. I'. I'lIdjott-I.'rom :20 I F. j(. K..II..v II.. ____ ____ _____ SII") (" "J.
tery.there bemr, no known cause that SW cor. of SW fourth of NW fourth, SW'' of J A J.'n.it... _ _____n__ .___ Mill'")
I" SW'i 8
tnd 1 A
would induce Mr. Minis to take sec ron I. .1 K'IIo'r"" ____ _.. _._. un ___ 2" ((10 .
life. his sec. 12, twp. 8 S R 22: E., run II :UU: lit NW cor of NW'i of NW '4 sec 17, J. II. "rnrIH.ruu( MsttrIitIis' __._.__ la lan. '
ft for pt of beg., thence run E; 690:! ft. run E 420 ft. S 4JO: ft, W 120: ft to W. Wulnrwht( ..Io _ ...______ 21Un: J -
N OJ5 ft w .1 'f. Cj"l"h'r .io U ____._______. III(I 1)5Mreil I
8i'i> ft. SE HJ8;: ft, 10 beg in twp 5 R 20 E. 'l'ur.r T'lciin.. ___n__--_-_ If 7ft
Quinn Bass, a farmer residing between KO-lOO A. Also (j(o rods off S side sec. II. N, Hodges and wife to J. I). I.'nlo M..rohnll 'I'. __. _u _uu___ U Oil
Trenton and Bell to his 11 "utov J'nrloh di ____ ________ __ M.Ot!
8 S
came twp. R 22 E, 120 A. Also NE:: Doujt'ass-Iot] ---- -
1 blk
death ; in 1 .J. W. Pat- C' (' Sr&Y .i.. _. 8ft..11.)
under peculiar circumstances, fourth of NE fourth and] 2 A in NE ton's survey town Worthington.. "t'II"' I.An"r d.nU.u. . :.us flIP I Rniforcl Florida
according to reports from that section. cor. of SE fourth of NE fourth 42 F. I. Turner I1rMrr..1 1" lionS /nll....... .-. -- 11111N
and wife to L. C. 1'0wI.1IThnt
Natural] wells or "sink holes" are C'" ilnk I.uan ___ - r,2:1": onMhlr.1 II IIIIrnolfurd
numerous in the western portion ofAlachua A. All in sec. 14. twp 8 S R 22 E.W. (rae of NEIl blk :1 i SRI E, e..h 'I'.A.h'n"' .- all III") i
r.. Thomas and wife to I). N. and free NW'i of blk S 3. () .. l 21. (SISftl.ln I
:.1 R
and nothern Levy counties. 2 E, sec I: ; .M..r;:;: _ __ : I
dll a us
It "-'nG b, nn.. p tI,..... ..' .1I.. 1ft i.:. Harris-NW fourth of NW fourth -
'- '
field: that Mr.: Bass was found with sec. 2-1; SW fourth of SW fourth sec: -- -
his neck broken, presumably by the 13 and S half of SE fourth sec. 14; - - - - - - - ,
fall. He had been to the home of NE fourth of NE fourth; that partof - - ,- - - - - - -
1son, and was returning across the SE fourth of NE fourth on N und!
N. T. RITCH Pres W. T Vice-Pre J. II. Casiher
field! to his own home in the night;: E Sid(- of Five Mile Creek, sec. 2t: ,
when it is thought he wandered from twp. 6, S R 19 E.
his path and fell in the well. Lake Butler
Hank to M. H. NettlesE
half of SE fourth sec. 15 I and SW Bradford County Bank
The body of a negro: found near fourth of NW fourth and N half of
the ]Dimlen caw mill and tie camp SW fourth sec. 14, twp. :S S R 18 E
about two and a half miles: frori Bel 200 A.
lamy was reported to the Gainesville ESTAKLIMIED' 1889
A. Z. Adkins, Special Master to
authorities, but as it was in the Lake Butler Bank- SW fourth of NE
Bradford County's Financial StrongholdSTARKE
jurisdiction of the Monteoiha justice
district nothing was dune about it. and NW fourth of SE fourth
It is said that the negro was found and NE fourth of SE fourth of sec FLORIDAEXPERIENCE
last Tuesday, and the belief was that 23; SWfourth of NW fourth and N
he had frozen to denth. The negroes, half of SW fourth sec. 11; i E: half of
it was said, were afraid .to bury the SE fourth sec. 5, twp. 1 5, S U IS K;
body of the lend man in the absence E half of SE; fourth sec. 1J; twp. 5.
of )legal instruction, and no particulars -' S R IS! E.
could be learned from that sec H. L. Smith and wife to E. J. Ward )
tion. -SEU of NE'i sec :t2 twp 5 R 18! S
and E; also WVi! and SW I%a of S\V When you hftnt' for efficiency in a workman you choose one who lias had EXPERIENCE.You .
Percy Jackson, the fourteen-year-I of NW'i: nee"33} typ B R 1H! S and En. ;' should use the same care in choosing a depository for your savings.
old son of Simon Jackson of West F. Seals and wife to G. r. Sweat
Palm ]Itcath, was accidently shot and SE'4of NWI, and EH of SW'4 sec The success achieved by this bank is the direct result of its experience in the banking S
killed bY his father Saturday while on
a hunting trip west of this city. 7 business. :::
While hunting, the Jacksons thought STAItKE WOMAN'S F.XI'ER- We have learned not only how to handle money to earn an ;income, hut more important
they had' a deer in ambush and sent IP.. CE.
Percy around the supposed! hiding HOW TO SAFEGUARD THE FUNDS OF OUR CUSTOMERS.;
place.instead As of ron.ipr the :hoy;:: bn returned
had gone, he cut through the bru->h fetarke woman ? to our experience, it is SAFE.
and his father thinking he was the You can verify Starke endorsement.Read .
deer,' shot him and fatally wounded this : Safety deposit boxes for rent for safe-keeping your valuable papers.
him. He was carried to the emergency :Mrs. Lucy Hemingway;: W. 'all it.,
hospital here, but died shortly after. says, "I suffered from a larmand aching Condensed statement of the condition di: close of business Dec. 31st, 1917.
bark and could hardly get around.It .
With fifteen bodies recovered and hurt me to stoop nnd lift and I
nine men still unaccounted for as a felt miserable. :My kidney did1" 't act RESOURCES LIABILITIES
result of the disaster when two overloaded
right and caused lot of
me a annoy
rowboats used aa a Terry by ance. Doan's Kidney Pills brought: Loans and Discounts $14 I :>,924.96 Capital Stock paid in $25,000.00
employes of the Tampa Shipbuildingand relief from the first and soon the United States and Municipal Bond I 4,347.00 Surplus (fumlUndivided I 10500.00
Engineering Company upset in the I
estuary channed. it appears certain aches and pains in my back left and" Claims and Other Resources I 16,186.98 I profits( leis expenses paid I 1.680.40
death list will reach, twenty-four. the other symptoms disappeared.
th< Banking House Furniture and Fixtures 1 9,500.00 Deposits
Investigation of the cause of tlis- Still [ !I"" Dnnn'H. 390.841.93
jter u being made by local officials Over three years later :Mrs Hemingway All other Real Estate owned 7,237.61
and two inspectors of the United said: "I occasionally take Over-draftv secured and unsecured 337.68
State steamboat inspection service. Doan's Kidney Pills as a preventive ;
Cash Hand and in Banks 223818.10
Officials of the Tampa Shipbuildingand of kidney trouble and they keep me on _ _
Engineering Company disclaim all fn good health." I TOTAL
responsibility, stating that number of I Price fiO; cents at all dealers. Don't TOTAL 428022.33
mall boats were placed at the dis-
pimply ask" for a kidney remedy-get:
the but there was no
posal of men,
,';njunction that they use them, and Doan's Kidney Pills-thn some that WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS ON OUR MERITS. WE INVITE INVESTIGATION.V .
: has twice
-that the men had access to. the street Mrs. Hemingway publicly
Bra and had been toM it was best recommended. Foster-Milburn: ('b.. -
at they use the cars. The c.are. Props.:;>> Buffalo, N. Y. (3:>) - MH B WTVfc w M B- B H "
i \ .- .
.. r- '
'' '
.. I'0 -\
tl ,
--.l--- __ .. -
A ew -
) .- ., 5.,_.. -- t. t
_.--... -. a' -5 -
t -
i-T: . 33SB81 C/.5 .s.YF' .1' -
f4 I
J ,, .::: :' \." I .t IM In :...1.1'' '. "" =" "1iW ,;1;,..
: : '. .a i, ... ''' ''' .. .. !m j''. . ,
"N "" 'II[ .... ;' "v.' 'A-'. "" "", ..... ,, ....40'J'' "" I. "" ,I''' " 'iij!;
11 "Tf' _. .. .1
. ._ ,_ '
..:::":::"' .._
1 tt7
tiff ,
1.'IUD.\, JANUARY 23 1918.
l p? =::" ---.._. - -- I norNorth>., the story L. RHi-yn Lot und runnnaI
who ha-slatclyeceived man Sunday afternoon. ;; Fifty yekril; to the old 0,-..- W:Living.;;
Mr. T. Shaw nns moved !his familyin Mr. Troy Hunter, Thu Binding held nt Miss I.oroneAI.trrma.I1' I h.I '
I M [ ( BRADFORD. I the Pinholster!! cottage, near the n job as a guard nt the State Sundayjust afternoon was I w., .t One hlimlml end thirty 0 UM >'iud.
r fc.County Telegraph I ).'I1TI1I.'ir.il.,1, his sisters! Messrs. J. Th, nr<' Siulh One hundred. and !Sue; .my eiithtMint"
Mr. S. U. Woods spent Saturday 1I'pot. 0..1. Jackson, of this: section, fine llunco Count thirty-two yards to the
.. . . visitors S. and
- -- Messrs. II. and L. Sowell) were were .', of the Bald Alleys lot. SndN'nor
I v.ilh hi, nincf, :Mrs. 1 1. B. :Sspp'; coftplc who just <>utli-1 .w..01.rn.
'tight I and Sunday.Mr. The
ubliHlioJ \Weekly; to the county seat last Saturday. loll Satin day young bonds of : h<'ir, ofI.. C. llniriin, PIC.MSK.! 1-1K-61
and onion nn sec :Stiiilii1.Mi"; visitor v united in the holy 'I
near I has returned 0..J. Jnck-on\ was a lately 1 liuid hrlnr and lying In the South-enat iiunrThlH -
nd cla. mutter at the pimt.oOUe at I I ; Jim Kanaii has been! veiy I Mr. Roland Anderson South Raifoi'd I last Sunday I matrimony. Mr. D. c. McCnll nod Mi..HT. i It'r of the SOlllh.'DOt .quarter. or seetm Twenty
IJ' uk, .1 ,.id her many friends wish her after making quite u ylait to Master Kay Cuiwford, of Alachua I .<'lIthv Shaw, will make thl'il'I I four 'r..w".hh' arven 80ulh or H.nllo Twenty..ineends .
Sturkc, 1'loridaIt 1 I" .. Florida. ol h s :McDonald) place, on the In IIrnMord COllllt". tioridu.. Cone
M' 'edy reruvery.Prof. visitor to Graham county, is visiting at the homo on the Ilnlll" in nil 1I.n; and Ont-uunrter sites
i I A. ,t. (;mills" was attending to L. Surrency was n inile, Mr.! T. A. Crawford I big road between Guilford and Lake more or I....
t fir...s ..\.T1I1EWH. Editor: and Owiur.CT 1 I'jsini., in Stui ku Saturday. one day last week. returned Saturday Little James Willoam Brownless i"l Butler this year, and their man.vfriends i the H dny of January IntI
i ;Misir.s. 1C.: Clark und II. D. Sapp Miss Ellen Lymr wish them good success andn I slits MILLIE: HAO\N.
ROuINSON; Associate Ixlitor. wintransuding I business. in Starkel1tll.dIlV. from nn extended, visit to her .ick this week. life. I Guardinn f n,r FJell.N'wirl., and Uorvtliy HuKnn.PEANUTS. ,
I' sister, Mrs. I ",boRe, near Fort White. I:, long hnppy I.: ,
p sick :Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. Warren, of :Mr anti! :Mrs. R. O. Parr I I
:Mrs.. K: C. lark has been very GUILFORD.This I' attended church Sunday night PEANUTS.
town last ::>un. ,
she im Clayno, were in our way
JANUARY : but we ore" glut to say is schoolhouse.Mr. .
tJ1 weather that we arc ut the
i 4n' pl'ovingfll"t.. dav.There of warm ; Math: L. Mann has been discharged will fill barn
several with
:Mr. Carlos I teen is employed at the has been cases having I is sure fine. account of Peanuts your
skidder. measles reported around and near :Miss Victora Douglass, of lirooker, from the army on forage: -your smoke( house with bacon
:Mr S. R. Woods will\ return to her this. place. is visiting relatives here this week. rheumatism. accompanied by -your pockets with money. Double
home at JSrooker !Monday. We regret to report Aunt CandacyRoville Mr. Jim Williamson, of near Lulu, Mr. J. Douglass, :'Ilr.ll'lvln: your acreage next spring. Write me
--. on our sick list this week, buthope in this community Sunday :Mr J. J. Blackwelder, the N. C.
was! seen on flat vino
7 S 91011 l2 that she will soon be well again. Weeks and :Mr. Johnie Pierce, moored t tNOTICE -. today for prices
afternoon II. T. Hall Lowell
BRIDGE. st ,
LONG seed peanuts. ,
Starke !
is having held nt one day..u
Mr. II. S. Warren, of Clayno, The services were just fine over to
1314212Z232425i26 1516171819LAKE Misses. Mariam Adkins nnd TmyMLtckery a cottage erected on his farm near the Guilford schoolhouse Friday and -
und Mr Iionald\ Adkins ate this place.Mr. Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday OF GUAHDIAN SALE will apply' :::20ClOOClO Qrj
: Ran'l Crews went to Jackson it will continue all this Thirty ilny utter dote hereof
{ I tended the Teachers' Association ut night. Guess to thu Honornhli. Oi-o A Gardiner County rj REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE g
Itrookcr. Saturday. They report avery vale last week for medical treatment. week at nights. .Indue of Hmilforil County. Klorliln. t..r nn
nice time. Col. Shaw made n business trip to Mr. and :Mrs. AI..xann! o Lniso Order to ..'1at\ IThiiuI'th" One-fnurthlmdivlded o HOGS FOR SALE
; Gainesville last Friday.Mr. visited, Mrs. :Mann's Lattice :\1". InliTMt inch of Hull\ Hnimn Pearl ,
y it 27l2829i30l31! :Mrs. J. L Lavender and little son Butlers Di.ri-thy llnunn. Mmiir heirs of
visiting M. Lymr is building on his Tom Dicks, :Sunday.: llnicnn. the fnl\ow-
lames, of Jacksonville' are J. C. Himsn pecraned in und to Mampahirei are very prolific,
her parents, Mr. and :Mrs K. F. :MT- farm near this place. :Masters Tom nnd Sammie Then.ns Inn di-serilK-il Innil u.wlt.A: Tract of InnrtiHirinninff each
ritt thin week. Prof. A. J. Crillis: spent Saturday the guests of :Misses lit H branch that runs fmm North I having two litter year.
of Uukes were
3. BUTLER. and Sunday with his family at Starke. In South and nt the South-went rorni-r nf Lot I rapidly. Fatten at any age. Mag-
P. II. Crews
111 r. uml :Mrs. were Eva and Ada Hnren Sunday.Mr i f.irnurly owned by J. T Haul running
business. visitors to Sturke Saturday. He reports his baby much improved.Mr. S. J. Knight, from !Lake ll'i'Ior! North four hundred nod eight fitt. Thmci- I 0 nificant grazer and huitler. Beat ii
Last Sunduy Mr. Leon Addison, of Misses: Ma and Lena Merritt visitrcl : II. I.. Lewis the l barber, has I' wns out here one day last v.'<>ek. wont Six hundred and thirty fut Thenc.East rhenci.- ''D adapted to the outh.I .
a Lake Butler, end !Miss Luc Wiggins, Mrs. John Kelley near Rnifortl Sunday moved on his farm nnd will only have Quite a largo crowd visitc, I .lack-: south' Six I four hundred hundred and and thirty eight fn-t rod to point or 0
.rf Baker County, were married at the who bl'I'1i'l'ry ill. She i is! slowly his. shop open each Wednesday afternoon Fon..lle: one day last week liiulnnlnn. Alto Ixinnniim ut thi run of the I I o Nutwood Hampshire Farm
residunee of Mr. und MrH. (has. 11. inpruvinir at this. writing. and all day Saturdays. lion. J. E. )Douglass and W. R. Ilrnnch running from North to South ntliiiml a I
' S. who has ]Ur A. Russell: made a professional to on Sictlon lim- running F.n: .t and Wiiit
'ReR'lsteNotlO.y' Register performing :IIr!!. :M. Il.iyos, teen AUeiman made abusincss trip of the old I Thomasville Ga.
to Louise last week.Mr. Fame being the Solith-wi-Ht corns ,
the services. They will make their her trip :
Lulu visiting .
near is of :';t.llrkeIonday.; Beryl Kiiuliy lot, being a plot "f lund 'fwo
future home three miles north of town. Ii.irfnt.Mr.: and :Mrs. J. II. Ciuwu : and Mrs. A. E. McKinney, :Misses Elite and Victoria Douglass ,und One qunrtor acre I lying in n Mjuare Awothru I 0Ot7o.oao .
We wish them much hu|>)>inoHs. this week Louise, passed' through here last Saturday attended church at the Guilford schoolhouse I( sees coinnuncinn at tin. Nit h-,nut cure I 7o: =
Miss Kilna Motes, of j'alutka, is the ;Mrs K. J. Turner and ;Mrs st.-> en- afternoon night '
'; of her sister :Mrs .1.I A. Sullivan. :Mr. Leon) Kenfroe business Lineman Iliygen went over the Sunday i
it guest lion and were :Mr. and ;Mrs. Nick Anderson, of locaot iocioft
the telegraph =:::
f Wan Hram-h repairing -. .oGo.oaoi
n Mr. Jerry Rogers, who him lieonengaged visitors! to !Lake, Kutler 1londay.Mrs..1. nee Miller through here en- -
: came
;1 \ by the Luke Butler Bakery to : It. Crews, who has been very lines after the storm. near !Mrs. Anderson's mother :Mrs. g
route to "
I take the pluen of Mr. /. c. Smith who ill. is. slowly I improving at this \1 iiting. The told I weather has been fine for :Mary Waters. Saturday.Mr. ) \
has been off on a vocation I .loft for curing meat and our farmers have John Groover from Urooker,
: ,
s''' Valdosta, (;in., stet Saturday Mr.HbfCerH --- -- taken advantage of it. Miss: Lorene Alder- NOTICE
the guest of TAKE
., is u good )baker and hold! the ;Many of our citizens visited the was
bread and cukes up to a iirht-cla.ss I WOODLAWN PARK.Mr. : county ....Monday.; .
.. 1 "" :Visa Ora :Melvin spent List week ntStnrke O
Standard. H. K.\ Hilliiin! and son, Kl-; :
Mr. L. A. Duncan returned home the guest of her sister, :Mrs. H q
WI\I'I.Inol Amln-w, were business visitors Automobiles Trucks and o
1', last Saturday after ".serving on the to .J IlI'knvilll'Ion.,
:'' ..United, Sites petit jury in Javksonilli Mr. nn cIMrs.: henry Hlckq, of Law- Mr.. Tom bungalow. Edwards: on is his building farm netr nhnllll..oml' Motorcycles and nil Chauffeurs are warned to jj
'n > > Ivy, visited! nt the home of :Mr. andMrs
r, f -r/'om., I .f.I ]I'. l UauluHon stud W. O. ,(l. ;\1.\ :N'liirmm last. Sumlay.IJir. this place! : will be AR I pay the State License Tax for ,1918 immediately,
'rh' school entertainment
Hiikfi in )
lw -, cil County.were our D.I I.. 1'hillip.M business
was ;
fI.! Ity I i t work, hm ing some plow work visitor; ti" .liiik iinvillc :Momlay.!a rendoied! on Saturday night: February several I 3Sthc juv will| he enforced impartially. .
" ,' 1 ",'. at 1.111' I'j' ink'H shop Mr. \1.: II. ('inter wits a visitor to Jnd. They au practicing 10i
.. ho ri'gulur nn "ling of the :'I"t h.1 I.iivvtoy Tuesday plays that Mill be a treat for those Apply to Ernest Amos Comptroller,
: who nttPinl.. The public is cordially HARDWAREW Iio
,; 's Cluh wilt i hldII< l | their hall last Mrs. 1.. Sapp, .C Jark"onville vKitliir
'' invited, to he present.HAMPTON Tallahassee
oml.iy Uitrrnnnn." Tln-v will ili-voli- .
< .1! l'"r"I1I"' Mr. and Mrs.) A. Green 1
w deal 1' their tinio knitting _---. 2U
Y algreat hoio SiiDilny.Mm. n
i 44 for the Ki ,il I ('rn' c wino their material : Edward, Ilillinrd and children, W Remit by Express, I'ostoffice Order or Cashier'sDraft
-- III' Vnndi-i'ldlt, w're'isitln hero ,
Warrlvl", It I.. Brooks! :" and children, of :Mond.iy. Miss Hattie Hayes returned Sun. U
., \ III... ntunicd to their home Mr. J. S. Norman was n business day evening from Lake Huller, where A l'OTE..ersonal check not certified delays
\ .. lllHt MollllllV: after fcpendmg a Wcikwith visitor to ..FuiksonvilliTuosd! ly. I she had been I the guest of relatives! 0
.. lii'r linn rut-<, Mr. and Mrs J. H. I :Mr.. I 1). C'nrtrr wan u visitor to and friemUMM. R In. Deli\ery.
5 Terrell. Lawtt-y WpilnpRilay.Miss , : : J. K. Turner, of Gainesville, 10I c
, :) Mrx J. II. llarvivr and iluldi-oii loft : :Mary' Etta; Kilo wnt visiting was the guest: of Miss Lizzie Kovve: I Applications furnished by Tax Collectors or the R f|
p t' for Jacksonville Siinil.iy, after it visit near tiivvti'y Snnd.iy! during the pat vveok.
u to her parents" :Mr. und :Mrs.. J. H. :Mr. V. :V :Norman was a business Sheriff W. J. Kppersnn, of Stnrke, E Comptroller 0
Terrell. visitor to )diiwtoy Tur-mlay was here on olTlcinl business Tuesday
Monsrs. Hrnost Dovvlmg.of Waldo,. .. t..1. Wynn of Starke": ', win. a busj-; IMPORTANT-Give Engine; Number .and Model
; 'f and V'olly Ware, of lliimpton. wore ness visitor hero :Monday (',,('nlng'. C. Jones
i present at the entertainment given by BROOKER. Mrs. Youni and, her daughter, Miss!
I '' thoChristian Endeavor Society nt the The Teachers Association Willie Fay" Ivoy have returned, lifter //0
well Starke Florida
t was
residence Friday night.of Mrs. W. A. liailpy last attended, here last Saturday. Several an extensive visit in Georgia. =Or---.OGO. -oClc2
talks Ralph Williams: spent the week-end
and Mrs C..1. left for wore made which Wit! greatly
1. .Mr. Knight
in Jacksonville.Dr. .
enfoyoil, by those .
Jacksonville last ,
} Wednesday. Theywill K. .K.. Mulilleton; < was. in JacksonvilleMonday : I -
Knight of St. JohnsI'siilr
\ > he the guests of :\1 r. and Mrs.1 /. on professional business..
\ ; wits a ,pleasant visitor" here last
C. Taylor I\Irll. Knight will returnIn
The friends! of Cormlius.
many I
C' | K'kronvillu for a while whole nho"eta : M-Ilarefnot and: Sunday.Mrs. anti, :Mrs U T. Young were" pained! to learn of his
r to have fcpocinl medical treaty death whuh ocrurrrl the honn of r 1
,to (lateen'rosso.Mr" . teem last Tuesday in La- his'"l brothel, II. W. Young Selmali I .. ANOTHER CAR TO REACH HERE TUESDAY
s ."" i I. C. Smith roluned home Snt- : Scottndroii nail J. W. I'in- Mr.: Young was for many yearn, iiti I ,
' lay after pleasure trip, south Het 1
a uilstcimade business I Zen of Hampton, ull.I'i,.. held in tinhighest
to Itaipord :
:i trip -
"t', looking very miiih unproved in esteem nil who knew him
( on Thai' .I 'It of last week.
, r. jp'nllh.f :\1. 1'. Mntlieiiev) made business ''. M. lagan 1 and Horace: D :'0\,, -
h 11-ir.l-
The Ovei-Ktii'et furniture and .
were visitors in Jackionv :'o1"II\! '
trip" to Jacksonville hist :'IlnrlllaI '.
] lyre Co. huvi- nil'nol-i! for siilo in \
I. a L. O. )Iloyle-s. the
... ..., ilns i EdytheVIIiiants I : : accompaniedliy pupidir MI'HIIforeman
their store. When they hoar it pluy-
$ \ at LnCni', !ha, -.eiuiid. n i
IiuAbeinathv last
lag, quite n iiuinlirr" gather around I .'uil with her spent permanent position I there, and in"\.l. .
to hear t the music. parents 111'11"Vorthlng'" .
J tone his family fl'Ol1h"I'I' ilnrini;! the I I.
l Dr A. S. Turk was. a guest i>f his II. S. !Mi'fain of Jumper, bam't,
sister, :11rs..1. I.!;. Mainos: last week J. S Howard, of Dukes, was in our
citizen of this pla.e..pent Hi .I!
\ t
town last
... Monday morning.I
lie was on IIIH way home in !-\t.\ IVlors- end here, the guest of friends *
Joseph Williams and sister.. Miss: !
bug, having "nttondnd the MaKonir: ..
All of the IVaehors of the IL:im-.t.
mooting in .111I'1'n\'ill. |PI' Yoik, Is Nil. nf Worthington, were pleasantvisitors !
School nttcmleil, the Tiuln'i'-: .\ S
Past marl; :Mat.teiof the K. & A, :'01.J.'urnll'r'H here Inst HIIIIII'III111'1'11'011.. I :
ciation nt Mrooker, lust S.iiniilu. ml
:.Mot'liiiKx G.! \V, Ha/en has purchased a now : :
ford Montt it Most 'pint ttt tic m..unt r
I !I.'nr.
O. 11. Ciunn County l U..m"n."trlltioll> The Sunshine Society gulf: .1 i I 10.1 i
:Mr" Lewis. Shrivcr, of Juhn-
Anent, was ill Luke llutler and McmityTuoBdny I
loot oyster supper :Mundav ivi' '"-
end t
ennsnlt- Pton, spent Sunday here with his! :
and Weilnesday
vfor the .
eiitertaiiiment nf
ring Hi.members '
J>ur"lltIC.Ir.: and :Mrs. John Shriver.Mr. .
lag with farmer and luisinoss' men ..
A ,
I'ti only most enioyablfl : "
and : .1. S. Forsjth, one of our energetic
about seed, fertilizer crop prospects hour was spent.
1 business in Jacksonville
\ men was
for t the rnminif ;>'l'lIr.1lr. Thomas Pyul and family, forms"
: 1
Monday attending to business.
tiiinn has minted I u series of ;
citizens of llnmpton, hilt for sev.rIyears
:Mr ..J.V'. of
Afi Suriency, Graham was
fnrniors meetings to lie., held' I in various resnTi-nU
victor. here last Tuesday.Mr. of Snrasotn, me" :,coin
this. the coming a
parts of county it home amiiiiK their fn ml-
( of those : Sheldon Baxter of :Jacksonville, many
+ week. In speaking meetinurs here
I. visiting his :Mr.( and :Mrs. I
,- the county Ajren said, "At cash place .1.I 1). )IliiKter this week The remains of J. I':. (f)1I lev, vvho
i wo vxnri't to have: men discuss current ., ,
:Miss! Vita died Tuesday at a hosptal ill .Ii"I onville. -
Surrency spent Saturdiynnd
tonic'I he boll weevil .
with her fine was laid to rest Wednex.l.iv, \ "illiMasonic .
Sunday at
will lie due consiiU-ra-, parents
1 problem given Hill honors, in Hope eiim'eivnear .,
," tion nnil feed! ami t feed cropsill. he
Therossn. Hnmptnn( !Lodirt'ci:
:Miss :Marguerite Shriver of I'al-|
Btresxetl. Hot .nnuitr, l luiir. pastures. 129: !>, ofhl<'h he was: a 1111'11., ',11motored ..
umbiii (College, 1 Lake City, spent Saturday
and .breeds and I diseases. . of swine \vill to Therossa to paya Io-t
home with
and Sunday nt her
l he discusseil l\v competent speaker.! t tribute of respect.
"I hope the farmers. of the county parents| I,
will take nil interest in and attend, 1I"H..rH.ndrl'lI and !Surrencv\ were -
4 meeting well)) for it is only liy concerted visitors to Jnl'kMonvilleulllh: ( ):" of RISING.The .
action and the exeition of our this week
that feed :Mr. Ge W. Colson made quick tripto stork visited the home of :Miami ,.
combined ourselves strength and our 1 allies.we" can :New: I laver last. Monday: morning. I :\it s. .1':. Johnson .Januatv, 1.ith.I I t plat
."' The meeting at Lake Hutl.r yill lie. On account of the I'astor beingory/ leaving. a fine nine-pound girl! :'olnth'l I
hold Friday morning, Fl'I'I"Uh'1. nt sick at his\ home nt Lake Butler there or and baby are doing well II I
' s Other meetings this' .side wore no ",services last Saturday, and :'olrK.lIi..' Lewis and ;Miss faun '
!> a. m. on !": Ills friends.. :Norman visitedlrs." : ( Neal afhi- t wti' r f G 'at
' '. of the county will l h o held nt Oak I Sunday. ninnv here wish one ? ,,, >f l ill
Grove: Thu rs.Lty'.Iaminry; :31, lit U n.rn. him n speedy recovery.We noon last week. I rYk.
are sorry to report Rev. A. J. :Mr. and :Mrs H. IF. Lewis and ihilclren ,
Providence Thursday' 'J p. m;
Urooker; Wednesday, January 150, !Ift. 1'1 11 hol. tpr seriously! ill at this writ and Mrs: J. Jo'outH'i.III'.1 Mi: I i
and! :Mrs. Xevvn Mott !
m., and Little Springs, Wednesday, ing.Dr. near lleillirox" I I i l'a t L., ,
nt 2 Carefoot. Worthington, was Springs, lust Sunday.Mr. .
i Mr.p.(m.:unn also mentioned the bhip- pU'asant nt visitor hero last :Monday ; II. I P. Fouts, of lire-water time I
londs of nitrate of soda which thepovernment afternoon. to Starke on /a business trip last Tueiky --i -
will sell to farmers nt Miss, Lillie Crosby. spent Saturdayand nnd returned' to his home Wednesday .
1 cost. The nitrate of soda will cost Siimlav here with her parents :Mr. ) ; While at Starke; he vHitedhi.s Our Mr. J. W. Andrews Jr. who has been in the
$jj.l'; O per ton free on the car nt and :Mrs. I P. A. Crosby.Seviral I mother and .sisters in this H.- ,
Charleston, S. C., plus the state fertilizer of the old Confederate) veterans tion.
a taj fee, and! the freight to eachhipping nr this town and community nt- :Mr, J. 5. Jackson visited, the home ; livestock market this week wires us that he has bought
;' tended, the celebration) of Ilobt., H. of his brother, A. I.. Jackson, last Sun
l-'' The nitrate point. will lie old only for I.l'(.'.. birthday in Starke last! Satur- day.Mr. I a carload of fine Mules and that they will reach Starke
and Mrs. T. A.
< cash and farmers should\ Ret, in touch ilny. They report they were royallyvntortnincil ; Craw foul.Messrs. .
r' with the county' agent nt once and get, by the U. P. C. : ;M. .Alvnrcv and JitT. I Icvvivifitoj -
:,', him know what nmnunt they will want. \ Aunt :Margaiet. Lewis is sutTcrinis Jacksonville Tue-dav' of last Tuesday, January 29th. ,
Applications for the nitrate must lie fr"11nn atiu U of lagrippe.: week.Woodrow
:. made, l"y each' farmer on blanks, which .J. I-. rooks is doing some repairsun the little. -en of :Mr. a'vlMis. "'' These Mules are all well broken, dependable stock, and persons in need of .:}
will be fllrlli-lwol upon, application, toMr. Ins dwelling i thus week. U. M. Alvllr. ?, i- Yl'tPI'Y iM
l : nunn at St.iiVo. Misses: Daisy. Lewis and Blanche An of pneumonia: but vvi hope the littU! this class of stock are invited to call early and make their selections. ,
In speaking of the boll weevil\ infestation ..lrl'lI'r visiting; :' hero last Saturday one will soon be up again. ,, \"
the county Agent did' not holdout :Mr. J. tJ.: Norman, of this. section, '
much hope to farmers J plantingSea :Mr .and :Mrs J. :Morgan( were in accompanied Itev. 1'1.: Riggto 11'.,
Island cotton. He) has born laike 1'utler part of I.vst week on account Galilee church last Saturday, where
through the weevil-infested territoryIn of the illness of their daughter,. Rev. Riggd is pastor, and no reaching:
other counties and says that it only :Mrs. J. Crews. that place they found the windtnrm
takes a little experiencevto convince There will be >services Saturday and had blown the church house to pivi.j
one that the boll weevil and long Sunday at the Free-Will Haptiat :Mr Lpnnie Crawford was trying too J. W. Andrews & Son
cotton do not go well together.Live church by the Pastr. i crank his automobile last Monday and
stock, especially hogs, Gunn church hy the Taster, Rev. W. F. in some manner the crank l handle, :
believes) will be the quickest and most W. Walters.. struck him on his wrist, breaking his ,
profitable way of changing from cot- Mr. Barney Cone, of Kniford, was arm at the Joint. His many friend-
ton farming. on our streets last. :Monday. hope to see him well again ioon.
e4 He Ira well pleased with, prospects II. I*. Gainey was a business visitor :Mr. and Mrs.( Elam Lewis attended Starke FloridaI
".. for prd,T,hW farmingthe; Lake to Jacksonville part of last ,ve! >k. church at the Primitive Baptist church. L
-. I Butler/ section,7.'ttheft kw"H quit Miss :\Jamie Pinholster of Pne Hill nt Watcroak last Sunday, and "ter' ,
l"D D.ll ...xliie successful app thatlv*.--*-. v rot lest fiunduy afternoon here with church they visited) the home oifMr.
.' ....... : and Mrs. Uenry Parmenter. f I
-- .
,. A 1
-. ,4' -. .'L ,.. -! : .I -4 &4 %L, '* = '-J----
'd.r V t .J ,J.. : -4.. 1'1, - N .. 1r
_I_. .. ....:...::::::--:.. "r : -:;. :;;; .-- .. --1. ....,.,_ .o;: _... ;,.._,......""" .. _.-;:.:...;;; _";. ..._ ""' .. . 1ii1I-'i: !:..-'".,'"" :-"" -:'_..._....... __
I .
JANUARY; 2.y, 1918. ) t
mu . __. i
'-'- -'-- "
-- '
-- -
'G.;. iKe \\'. Hui"t.-n ::11'" finiilv.ii' f 1 will miiKtdohorio! <:; for the Cash I.. A.: Drown, of nl'CJokpl'VnR a ,f n nJ :
r i t he-ing; 11Tarn!,,, f.i i l' -".", trill '
( I"
'urry St.oe for
,' business
n ','h.. have Ill I'I'h.VaIlIH't' visitor to Starko Ihnrid.i.v.
returned. to MnkeM :: Mills:
Bits of LocalInformation utlbj "."rs. ..lessiAeaiidei! 'I 1 I 1-lS-at. I Supt.. rn.: Poppoll w.i" in I ..iwtivThuiiduy :
md >
i n'r
Mi-s .
I H! I Duns Law spent th.'k'I'I1C1 on n bait to I lh.it: t :>'11..1.Tilt.
\inipton were visitors t to Starkeil J 11'
..: in St irko, with hi r parents, Dr. and
; lay i uternoon.I I :Mrs. W. G.,Luw. Starko.. Thursday.J. Donmiitk., of Itmfonl.', w ,'1-1 in Women I '
I I. \V. Vanes, of Kmford!,
was ,
JJ. .,imong: t the business visitors in the city Starke S. H now DenmnrK.residing n Cornier m Unif"I'd.'nl resident at C. Cone', one of Imvtov's ''mil Hero !. A me I" '
C..gby Or. M'.mla.v'. < nent 111'I'chnnl'n... uttering women. . IuI ,
? 1..1a./I asrl a business visitor to Stnrke :Monday.J. a luisut M I "
1'.yn.. M rh. Csq .,,1 r.1... !.. ..h bread tor in Starke Saturday" nft..,.:" Mrs.: W. T. VrhrPublic. ., .ofsuf. ;
rc i
every day from the .
R. Bevill the Telegraph's h'lst- Ky : "I
Aimiuan, Bakeries Co., Jacksonville, ling correspondent nt Graham, was in J. \\'. Andrews, Jr., hm boon! ho fared with( painful. .". '
r at .1.) I 1) Stansell's 1-25-2t. the city on business Fndiiy. stock markets of St. l.oun thin 'k, I ,lie wcltos.' "1 got down
buying another carload of horses and with a .l'nJtn..tJ In my
J. P. Douglass,: of Dukes, was in :11.,1": 1.IK'lall i \\.un\\Mght] and I ,1.V. Nichols was nmonjr the Rnl- If tho Ladies will \purchase n w'I'k'sI1IIlply mules. Tacit and llmlifl., . !
Starke Saturday. I K"ir.. .r. "'.'II.. ,,..f .luksoiuillo, wore Staike citizens attending to business in. \ you can have it delivered for felt helpless and dlacouraged. -
Bloodsworth vveleiinioisitur-, m :'1"1'1fo' a hort Monday 10c and, I will tiave you that on one Go to ;Mike's [llest.-uiiunt (o get; : . .! had about
Itaiford with his parents.spent Sunday wl'lIh.Iollda)'. lI..th..f this. ,, young/ J. W ..Alderman of Lake Duller, was item! Cash ..,.. Carry Store. your :Maxwell House ColTeo hot! all given; up hoped of ever
gentlemen) are former residontq. of in Stnrko! :Monday[ niter day and all nit>:'ht. Bought. of L: V feeing well again when
looking business
W. B. Alexander, of Hampton, was Marke and have many warm friend matters :Messrs. W. R. Alderman, and J, I':. Koss. Maxvillo! House Coffee.Slits a. friend Instated .1
lure who are always Douglass, two of the prominent citizens -
a business visitor in Starke Monday. glad to see them.A :
:Mr.[ and :Mrs[ S. 11. Woodnrd. of from the \\'l'lIh'rnlart\ of the Knima: Darby has resigned as a TakeGARDUI
Ford tops and curtains complete good range: takes loss fuel than Theressa. were business visitors to county, wcro in Starke Monday.Messrs.II. member of. the high KI'h.t.1 faculty nt I i
$9.50. M. Leviton. Starke.L. a common stove. Coma in and see the county metropolis Daytona and will return to Starko
the Clover Loaf Never:.: Rust [Range. Saturday. D. nnd W. T. Wnsdm to assist her father with the manage i
F. Morgan,: was a caller at the With or without water tank and warm- :Mrs J.P. Robinson! returned Tuesday and( :M.\ 1 D. Jones of Graham, were in mont of his mercantile businessMr .. I r
Telegraph olhce Monday.Mr. I ing closet.! Every range guaranteed. from n visit with relatives) in the county bent on business Satur : Jennie
day. Spray, of :Montnna., is
>;. B. Hull, ;Middle; and South Georgia.Mr. .
D. W. Moore, of Theresju, was I ii t guest: at the homo of :Mr[ and, :Sire
in the city Monday on business.E. :Mrs! II. C. Richard hag returned' : [ IIn,1rll.; [ W. J. Epperson mid l ;Mrs.Annie[ Petit, t)>f Aim'him, wns 15. C. Livingston on Water Street I I
to( Starke, after spending several :Mrs.[ I). :M. Gornto, of Jacksonville n visitor last! week at the home of her ;\1 rs. Spniv is pleasantly remembered'here '
E. Green was a business callerat weeks with her husband!, Lieut. II. C. were the. guests of relatives in Luke mother, :Mrs J. W. Andrews, Sr, nnd ns :Miss\! .lonnie Crawford, who Ttio Woman's Tonic ,
the Telegraph office Saturday. Richard, of Camp (nr..pn. Charlotte, Butler Wednesday. her son, :Mr E. :M.! Johns. spent (the winter n few yearn ago|
in last N. C., and son Frank Lane, who isstationed W A. I Dubose wont to Jacksonville! with :Miss Kate Livingston.Cieseventylifth I began Cardul.} isa II
Cliff Tatum was Jacksonville :\\11-... R. E. fHhngan and little: son,
while I saw A
Sundity.nUB.l1YTIS'IIAntis. Ga. at Camp "'hrt.l'rtnl'on.!\ R. E.: Jr.. of tlardoeville, S C., nrotaitm Sunday to see his son, who is in St.Catherine's 11M ..1:.......... .... .anniinl'., council. of, marked abort difference. .
\'.. ...;. ir \f fa." \itl\n..\....u.irt\na......*.. r.tI.... ......-,.*. .\.\.t.I. .. hospital! J under treatment .nl"-->I' tu i-loriu.i i oiivencti. at I grew stronger right I
: ptlc! relieves Powell :Mr.[ [Dubose .tnl.,1 that his Iton's condition j.Tallahnsso Sundiir, Jan ,
I Mrs. Annie F.. Jones! of Interaction I.. C. ). :!-Jtlth tutu was along and it cured me. .
Rheumatism, Sprains Neuralgia, etc. "spent' lust Friday. with Mrs. I. was cnciumigmg, but, that it In sossn.n four diys! The RON M. M I stouter than I
:Mr.\ : would probably[ take two months'. I Pryor of HI.a''k'I am
Richard Mrs! [ and! Mrs. G. I. :Masscy and [ Will in attend 1lp'n
Junes In yrarB"
L. C. Powell and son, John, were in Tullahuoo went from hereto family, of .Jacksonville[ have returned, treatment in the hospital before he nneo and /u-ports n most 'plea' nut and. have 'ILl
whenshe If suffer (
Jacksonville on business Monday. the Episeopal: Council of the altt'ndcdl:Ninth. to Stnrke and will make! this their futuie could I be brought hOIlI<'. i !profitable liint.i meeting The Itishop .if At up you pro elate you unit It
Roy Turner .spent Sunday in Starke Florida Dioceso.MISSPH home. 1 Croft Harper, editor of "GoodRoads ; pri'iichod the "opening sermon. i iMr. I means to bo strong! and Jw Jwwell.
with homefolks. Messrs: R A. Weeks G. C. Livingston "' in I'loridit., n magazine J published : M.! A.Vurrtn.. of DeFuniak Thousands of v\'o-
Georgia,: and Came Millsand ill Jacksonville the interestof Springs I snort give Cardul the
J M Alvarez and A. V. Lung left in was in 't'ulluhlr.ee: Sunday
The ForJ Garnge,: received another : [ Mai'IP !1J>ul accompanied bv Sunday, for a four-days' limiting trip good roads, was in Stnrke Saturday lull, | :M.m.l.iv: the !guest t of his .laugh. credit for their good
Messrs.n hilc'l' :Mills and Ralph benT!h. It should tiel
carload of Fords last week. to Lafayette county. soliciting siilmcriptions for his ter :Mrs[ 11..1. Felkel Mr. Warren p"OIL
Alvarez ,
motored At all
to Graham Sunday i Try Cardul.
and for
mngn/.itiu getting up matter u was onrnute to Jieksoiuille
to nil(end'
Cedar Key oysters, fresh every day. afternoonhile there they were the' C. 1 D. titian, county demonstration special issue! to come out during the it meeting/ of the Masonic: Grand: druggldta. E-73
Brymer's fish market, phone 109. guests of :Mr. Thomas :Mills. agent for Bradford, county, was over State Fair. Lodge. u..fhll'h he is prominent' ) .
in the \\cstorn end! of the county f first olli'pr."ithin
:Miss Hattie Wills, of LaCrossee, Now is the time to make your repairs the 11\'lIlv-nilll' vonrm
of week attending to business. BANANA SPECIAL Mr Warren, holds I the: reninrkabb'Ilocord 1
made a short visit to Starke last week. nnd get ready for Spring.,: See '
us for mnteiiul. Monday was observed us n "firelessday" For Frnl.iv and 8atunl.iv: only Cnr- of linving missed. but. three, annual .. _
Pit Tomlin'jon spent last Saturdayin QUIGLEY LUMBER: \ i. SUPPLY i O. by the business houses in Starke. land to ..(.f1. I Tie per dozen; :li! dozen niecliiiirs' of the M\ isurn1,1 I ', ':unl I - -- -- -
Lodge of
tt. Augustine.Dr. Chief Kite was early on the job but for "-5r. : C'.n JOHN WHITE & CO.
ImpimomentsAmong .
rospondenc-e' to Timc' .lfni I.'ii.Si. I
in the .
pity :
hud few J per
offenders call to
very to order .
and :Mr[ .. J. P. Tomlinson I LOUISVILLE, KV.
to Kaiford Friday. wcrovisitor's ,: the New HIM ill iz'ns in the majority of them not iinderstinding bimcli delivered to any point in the : \ 1'f': \RIVS! ("JIJ'I' |{( II 4
Sttukp attending to Im-moss, : that the fuel' conservation. county. ;MiirnmiPinjor! and Sermon, I II.I j/I, m I Llbornt assortment. r t
Thomas :Mills, of Giahnra was n any were'tlr.[ and, Mi"., f. \. Ratnl"l order, covered all kinds of fuel :Jars 11.V.. Johnson' of Savanimb Evening'ong: : and Addu, : 'i t 1':11:: |I'i, .in anil lull value paid .
business visitor to Staikc Wednesday DIr. and :?\1"Iill"> Ft <1'.low.. We have n few of those lumdaomo, (;a., is visiting in the city the guest t Sunday School at' to n. m S.FIIRSIlldn ni
Johns..Toe .
Diivvlinir amion of Mrs[ .1. 1 R: Davis. Min[ Johnson - -- -
front left.
specially priced doors
Dreuk Cold or LnGrippe witha (10-1
your NOIK I! 10 DKItrOKSND: :
few doses of CGC. tfSheriff :Mrs. C. A Row and MiAnderson ",.. lutz I :Nothing. adds so much to the nppear- will be rememberi'd by many friends .\ Gent Skin
Stni'In', her I husbnnd being in Ihi'rnuplny ( RI'IIIIOKS: !
in "
,. ., .
and[ :Myrtle :,11I'1j,1. 'Ircnmpnnied .111.e of jour home ns n distinctive All iniKbli.l . .
In the
of Towniend t'o persons e tile - - ---- -- -
I Lumber
,V. J. : business :Mrlbmt[ .\ ,,1'I. ,
Kpporson was n bv i i-'n <'ntrance.QFK.LKV. when that of .1. L \VIII''e'n, hate, of III.1.11'ui, , .
as concern was
visitor: to Raiford 1'riduy. motored to Archer !Sunday :t'J i '''..r' :[( ; ; LUMBER; [ & SUPPLY CO l'Ollllly. diieascil,I.
'j operating\ in thiii' pity several yenisago. are" 'ioiiiesli.l' '| to pn\
the guests <.? Mi, AniloiMm'. |pu i 1'1- their said delta, STOP AND THINK I
For foilluMlli.
:Mr. and Mrs.' Ury M. Gunter, of Improvements' i Quill all I
Haiforil!, were in the city Wednesday. Prof. I. '\'. Put'holt/, of dim; ; ." .\"illo, I persons hnv'inir bums against I lie -:"n.losfnto \\lmt a long niiknoHr4. would[ di>
I was a visitor to Stuke: !S.Iunrlay, C.:1. Rovvand was attending. to biisini )Mr.[ Clnrenn'Vnrt', who m station- are reqio.ltt, ( to pie,.enl, I hem', for you linnncially. Our I'iniilnbly -
Geo. :M. :Massey was a business visitor nfternoon. lie eondiiitid the -nuttors, in .TaskMinville Tuesday eded I at HJ>tnnburg. H. C., uirived duly iuthentrnted, < within one, year. Insiiranco will rt'
to the metropolis Thursday. (ing of the Teachers'sonation at Mr. Rownnd will iirriingo to last Friday to visit his parents, Mr from" this. date, or they will I be for Hull burdenou cannot
mid :Mm. E.: I.. Ware. Clarence: allied barred '"".
Brooker.M. have his show mi :Monday[ nights in over January I'HHMRS. .
G.; W. Andrews, of New River, was the future, as the recent fuel conservation himself with Undo Sam's army two FRNCKS[ : WVRRIIV! : one when von are sick
in Starke Friday. A. Warren of IJoFum !Springs order will prevent him from and one half years. ago, and in now n Administiatratix of the estate' nf J. I J. R. DAVIS and CO.
returned Monday to his homo after heating the building. cm Tuesday. splendidly\ trained !
I'rof. A. J. Griffis, of Brooker, was spending; the past week in Graham;; nights. friends here are delighted 1 to sec) him ,. I' d
week-end visitor in Starke. .
n visiting! ,: his sifter :\Mrs h..1 I H ,.el. ignin.Excuse/ -- ,'- -
Copt C. 1)) Frnnko. Q. :M. W. SR. .
Big line of shoes, groceries, etc., at and renewing ncquaintances Stnike ., und. H'rlet.'m.. ;M.1 Wuini igbt, of us for Icing, personal but .h ,
the Cash Department Store. Mike Klondos was a business! visi- Camp Johnston and. :'01'. nil{ tle, man it's about tune you f fixed that force. ,
of the ISurrntigha, Adding :Machine lepairod that leaky roof n built Ihosi-,
Col. J. E. Futch utter led to business tor to JacksonvilleVednt'suuy.. purchasing user ,
matters in Law toy Tuesday : n. carload of banana* for hK Co, of Jacksonville, came to shaky stop, patched the hole, in I thelour I H
sale. Friday anti l Satind.iv TinIm- !I !Stnrke Thursday night and spent FI'i-1 pointed" I up[ tlimi's and ..111'.Iwise i i :
;Mrs.[ II. R. Sapp, of Lavvtey, was nnna business is on the lent in taike!: day hunting in cimpuny' with Wm fieshemd" up tile pienii.es. I :j!
shopping in Starke Monday. Pc>well. QUK.I/ ; .EY; I UMIIFIt[ A. S111'I'I.1'ru! <
Col!. II. E. Knight and'[ I'uih!} n ntr'Ad Farm Lands in Fertile Florida -
I I' nro! Among the 'teachers from Slnikolio , [For Inipiov. meiits -
:Miss Carrie Darby went to Jack- ,. to Jacksonville last Sunday: I ,
sonvilla Tuesday to spend a week with William Jennings Hij.in ledut.' 'I II "r \\ ;attended' the Toacheis' Associnti -- -- -- .- ---- I III I / K Urn ,d.m, wa. I, a, I. .?..u ,1' V,,ni'U . '
uivr "
relatives accompiiincd !by \11..1 I' 'I'm I i ilinson. I'I'wel'o n ;lit Hronker" Saturday w'or.Supt., A,I -I'In., I I. .,1 ,,,,.,. .,.., 1 ...." .. I' ..i ..,V' ...I..I Ymi, ,""'"'''.
"I "ly will I I.. iII ". ,,I ''I". ... . ,.
]1' ppoll| | Prof. S. S nowlilllC.11.: ,. .1..1.I' .1i ,. v w.M 'n".IV" ?f your Innd'
CLASSIFIED K" "" "" ""'',,'n''i iI ,,, , a..,,,, ,,. .
Mrs.' 1. W. lldwanls: was tfie guestof i i !I'nppcll./ Misses, Delle Slioill.'in" and Ilan 1..1.I. I ,,,.,.,.,, ,i.i.i,.,..n '?, INK 1..p..I..h..I.l .
her parents at Sampson) City during J. F. Kicklitor nil.(."mol| 'I.!> I .''"uu, .is May. Miss !Mnrgnirl lIul.j
the week-end. speaking! in Jacksonville! Si, r"I. i t.. II,. I I"" !h and :\1..'. C. l It. Junn nl-n The Florida East Coast Railway
_ __ ____ _
.'ht I "''i I h
returned will be
Monday m> i the" meeting Lntt'tey the I llln.Nr Sr.t.ml, ..,
Special sale going on at the Cash 111"t of relatives in that: ' mooting place of the AssitoiiilionMi Fill i : SAI.Ki: ..nro ch.t.p< ,/ I'.II.i Ihroiii.h' Mi ."t..I, ,., ramp., ,.," ,1 L., \1".1.1| | | and| I'u I'Plrlnp| Grant J
Department Store. 'Inn.! t'.. L.J.,,, ,., I ,.. . .., .. .... .
his stay.Vm 1".1 10'.1'. "on 1 |plu; ',e ill :Muk.; '. \l'l'l\' I I"E. . i .," ..1( HI. |I. |I. I c. ,. ?,..11.,1..1..1.) .
I."p nit I- .1 I luul .. ., ,
!" Maud hull ingtolt lI"olh111 I? Iv.I "" .n l Iliu" I.mlrn.l Will loil.iyI,1 t
I:. '. . ..
l..I..Ithu "
; I 'i 't..,, .
I .
liw lili.nn.i- .
Mr. O. L. Itnjnos has us n visitor \ I. Morrell, of IliooV. .I Ip.l pI" Iliiiipton. about the :JlMh of l-rl.. I Iin ,,1.,1! ii ""ii. .n.w.l en.nqdy| amt I
h.<,ti, mother Mrs. McLaurin, of Fair- the meeting of 'the <'""' ,' , ,I iv .it which t time Hope Hall willi -------- J. K:. INGRAIIAM, Vue; .IVusulrnl'
burn, Ga. Veterans in Starke Satmdav' :, "I i I"! ..1 h... all'd.Ir". It.mth will, pi'oba- 1 OR! .SA1.K: (One, guod hoi II' ;gel, I I" JAS l> INr.UAHAM. S.I,.. A..nl
n pleasant caller at .the 'I' hll'' I'I' I,, "ik in 'tailii- bc'fiije' b.i r lotiirnI I .bo I'M'. wugu lis. J. (0'( Ki.'kill'' "Id, ,) FIOHIIi/V l-ASr COAST RAILWAY COMPANY
:\Irs.! Entonza, of Waldo, spent several oftici! for a short while. i 'I .,\,,,.t date of tho "vinisis, at ,I' 111 1 t III I' Room City lluil.linn, St. Amu.tin. Florid.
this week with :
days Mrs. Lalla .
II '> Hall will be nnnminioil I Iat"I' as -- --
Chars and Mr1 J. W. Morgan.Mrs. Best Creamery Cutter ;.Vic;:; a.,1> I lui'h;" i I w'I'' .M I th" elite'
Leila O. Stratton, of Lebanon 'grnde Oleo at ::fl.'ic i:; for one' day onlv,'! , I I. I i n, ., in Situ k.' sizeS also old corrugated iron It
Tfnn. last Friday, February 1st. Cash & Carry, ;Mnrgid, Lnku. Butler I I.'i: t II I i
;\1 win a guo-t Thursday of Store. I I1
,', Mrs. F. A. Scutt.Airs. IS YOUR LIFE INSURED ? --- -- -- -I
)Miss Winnie Cannon loft Friday f". '' I represent the oldest companyin FOil SAMI'uring"! ( IIrutve.k m' '
W. II Phillips and children Jacksonville wvinildays I.. !I'ebrunryI) one lino vow now milk II."
have to Jacksonville to he fter !spending America-The Mutual Life N. Hull.
jrone vvirti" unl II. I
Mr. Philips while he is employed there. family.'" in Starko with lV.. George! l of New York. TilE CASH m CARRY STORE
10 AGUH-Goelfl[ : ; hind about .1 I miles ,
r-rH"'t'li r-io 11rnton Inc, J P. \Wilonn, ; ... Ctnrl/n:: ... I Plnrirln. .. .....1........ ... L" .._'_ ... .. .. ,
: rionI'vrry Horace Rosier, of Rairnul, was intending : J\J Jt hv ll /t w. "VI' IW I "LI n..n""L m noun". W III, nro
: day I lit :Mike'B Fruit Store. to business( matter in Stall'" : I cheap or trade/ for 1'ocd tonrini'' t.n i
I I.nm the fourth month honor, roll
Monday.. He was a roller ..it the T.Iegraph J. :M. Mttheny! Lllkf'lunl"Jal.JXI/ I l : :
1 :Miss[ C Gla.lv; I'roscott, of Sampson office while hen /I.1 i I ih, [Bradford! 1 ( .iiintv, Iliiih School, .
--- ------ -- I .
Cit'H < I tin guest of friends i iStnrkc n "illowing minus, from the. sixth ,
\" ,'ilml.iv./. Dr. W. M. .Thomas and :Mr. ( I n!, V.I' were iiniuni.liibly omiltod: FOIi SAI.n-Second hand boiler, engines 1 'I Ins will remind our friends that our spot cashsystem
Roberts, of Graham, seers in Stark.. ', .-. !'il"I Mutt[ Irma Stilly, Isabel) Foriiin.I. nnd! all kinds of mm'linn' .'ry ref. I of
sfJIuiK will
:Mr[ P. :'01. Sornto; of Jacksonville, Friday, interviewing the income tn\ .I. /. Jessie I'.aisden, Louise. An- tho Southern Turpentine Co. Address I goods start on Friday, Fchru.iry -
is the guest of Mrs.V.; J. Eppersonthis man. di., .n ', Iris Lpperson, Klial.C'thIIi'ittiiNo ; 11. Mugul l, Luke Cutler: or II 1st.
\vockIioputy. Amylooro: Lhs Thorn Goldman, Ocala. I2 I : -:OI, -:It. &
,v MISS! Marie Livingston, who is attending ton -- --- - I At that lime we will discontinue our delivery
,[ Sheriff ,V. W. DaUdon
was school in Gainesville, spent '111' STHA FU; i OK STOI.I':="1-- Tw.. femalepointer and all
in I I.uwh'y on official business Thurs- week-end in Stnrke with her parents,., Mi[ '-'!r-' .1. C. Poppell and \V..u. (.nw system credits. The vaviiiu on the delivery t
day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Livingston ret in"tied I from allahasseo 1 Friday. dogs, one 10" month"< old I service, the ho ok -ket'piiig and the had accounts will
to [ [IJeu
They were delegates to the Florida answers name "unny:
J. O I'rulick rf'turnedVednesday Farmers are invited to come to the I li.iptist Convention in that city und :.1 yours old I named/ "Flirt." I ICplI' I' enaMe lists make prices that will prove a real saving
I '
night from a business trip over the Cash & Carry Store and lot us pr.V..' \\ 1111. there were entertained nt the xonahlo reward. if returned to O. L I I to our customers.
countv that we can save them money by selling hit-1i'ablt[" home of :Mr.[ and :Mrs L'I Hayni", Stnrke. 1-1S tf I j jHTIAYII
for cash. J. F Kt( -kliter. I 1. Y.lf..-. Mrs."uli's: [ will bo n .. Come "
( hiifaand seed peanuts. N. D. : infm- -- --- --- ---- - in with the cusli and your market basket
I.. ,.'..I Starko as :Miss [Litfile Free-I .
Hull of r in [ : U FKOM! : FARM[ : [ Thr. I(
Mrs. Maggie,: Williams and son. lain'. daughter of Ur und Mrs;.[ ,\. IIIn. cows unit calves, two yellow mid'' anti let us prove it.
MIFrances: [ Nenvos, of Spring Lawtey, spent Sunday[ in Starke withhpr '.'man one blue und black mingled mark.l i i \ j,
fn.)Id. :Mo[ is visiting her friend Mrs mother :Mrs.! Burleson, nt crop urul under/ bit ono oar, swiil! | handle peanut, chufa, and 90-day) oat seed. -
of \ .. T. Campbell.
LV. and !Mrs. 1-:
A. E.Vnll. low fork in other, branded with MX i
:Messrs. J. J.., R L and J. K. Ward[, UGH CALOMEL MAKES and "I'. I Ira '\'. I'uiholitor, .1,. I' .
linn.. P. r.. Gaskins, of Jacksonville section, lirooker, Fla. I-J": It i
citizens of Worthington YOU DEATHLY SICK J. : <
II. Richardduring
was the irui'it of :Mrs. C. were business visitors in Starko !Saturday -
the weekend.Mr FOIl[ S\Lk-One lot und half on \ValNut
Win Edward is the guest! of Prof. R. A. Green of Live Oak Stop Using Dangerous Drug Street. Two store buildup' ' I{ THE CASH AND CARRY STOREJ.
her ilnught., :Mrs.[ R. O. Daniels of '. ono small barn and hholter Trul.v
the week-end in Stnrke \ ilh Before It Salivates You!
J.ii'k-.irnille. spent elec & [IlaviH addition to. Sturke .1' ., I(
: home-folks and doing a bit of
It's Horrible. I stork of General Merchnndi 1 Se.,
.t O..1. IUrd" of Graham, was among tioneering.Mrs. :I f. A. :Mixon.[ Starke, Fla. 1Iai1.UMBER I Jt. I( F. 1UCE LITER
4 thi 'I.t'-' ' in Starke Friday, and a : C. II ;\Iarkl.11'1'. C. CLivingston You're bilioun, sluggish; constipated .--- ProprietorINSURANCE
c.ill.r it the Telegraph,: office.V. and believe you ne
\ Ire/ \nders'.nnecompanied
and11; <" : : [ : CROSS[ TIES, [FARM:
MiMum: ) Livingstonto calomel: to start your liver and cli .in I i
( ifjf T L. ;\Murphy manager of J.AND--l1lJOO n<'ros, !17 miles went v
)f. II p' (1.111.I H million' was in Starke on Gl1lnesvill.1..nlay.; your bowels. of Jacksonville. Estimated: to rut ,
bu.Iilea, Tin.-day. Hc-ro'a( my guarantee! Ask your 2200 feet yellow pine! acre, and I
;; 1 Daniel Hall, of [Drookor was a per
druggist! for a GO cent bottle of fJod.80n's ) -
visitor to the county seat :Mon more 100,000 cypress tios
1. OCIO locaocCOMPARISON v day. I.iver Tone and tnke a spoonful Considerable[ large cypress. Clonr of ,r. -. .-. -
n tonight. If it doesn't start your liver leases. First class general farmland
I>1'. E T. Campbell is carrying his and straighten you right up better and! fine stock farm proposi'
t arm in II sling! as the result of a back- than calomel and without griping: or !
tion. On Seaboard
Running stream. -
I II We INVITE comparison, both fire while cranking his engine.,:
U UD making sick I want to
,: you you go and! close #, Const: Line rail- FIRE
o 11 as to price and quality, of our A Basket Free to you at Cash & back to the store and get your money roads. Immediate delivery. Termsto LIFE, ACCIDENT, BONDS, 'AUTOMOBILE \
choice line of p Carry Store February 1st. suit purchaser. An At proposition PLATE GLASSI
o GROCERIES 0 Take calomel today and tomorrowyou for quick sale Write or wire, i
For [ or will feel weak and sick and nau- Bainbridge
Indigestion Constipation WchardsonJackllonville.1
11 You need th..m.--must have I of the best
represent some companieainthe
Biliousness seated. Don't lose a day's work. Take Fla., or Comer L. Peek & Son very
them. Just try one SO-cent bottle of LAX-FOS a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dod- Starke, FIn. 1-11- world and will appreciate your Insurance ;buli-
After comparing our goods and PEPSIN. A son's Liver Tone tonight and wake I e
WITH Liquid Digestive UD
S prices with others, you will Laxative pleasant to take: Made and 1 feeling great. It's perfectly harmless To Curp a Cold In One Day. I ness. Nothing: large ortoo| small. \ e
KNOW why we have no fear. 0 I'I'o recommended to the public[\ by Paris M'-di-' go give it to your children any T>k* LAXATIVR: RROMO Quinine. It webs tit. JOS. E. WILSON
D MIKE'S FRUIT STORE n cine Co.. manufacturers of Laxative Ilromo time. It can't salivate, so let them Pougrl rruKtf'nt' and. refund} .*. .ch.money.nJ If work II fall off. the to cur Cold.. I ", STARKE -LA.
o Oa0C-0a0'n Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic eat anything afterward (11-( ) !J w, OHOVK'a ulvnmlut. oo 9vt boa. .II...J I .
.. .:;:;;;;=-.
r : .- ,. I
f" ""
: _- '111"
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-If _
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"' ;1z1 .. '" .. . .--, .. ., --r .--' .. ._--..ttn .ea.-m.4 -."f'FRIDAY -' ''''' ', '-:".............-'AI----.. -- - '.. -
i ., 1
A' .
,: - -11'_ ._ ,___
vm i""' *
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- ------ --
, -- "
!I : ,4 _Bradford County Farms and Farmers j jo I
.1..".. ..-.1t-< .. ...........- ..'.. .. 1> .. .. j: (')fUUSI': rows CAKi.rri.LYj /; PRKPAKING; TO MEETNATION'S Will Increase ProductionMr. GOVERNMENT WILL PAY WELL SCHEDULE OF FARMERS MEET.
T'' f' II I -- : Ware emphasized the fact that ,
COUNTY AGENTS' REPOWf5y9' Because of the high prices good the purposes of the Greater Florida
J ,l 'i j Association not only cover aggressive The following in the schedule of the
,il..iry cattle arc bringing, and I the L. Hammer of the Seaboard Arranging -
. . . . . . ,!h', ire of the lujyr to get, a cow for Growers Prove Believe\ Succctmful Castor And Deans Will advertising of the opportunities and With Farmers to Plant Farmers :Meetings to be held in Brad-
St.; Johns i li'ss money, he may buy an inferior resources of the state in other sectionsof Ten Thousand Acres ford county from January 29 to February i i
y Profitable
+"u'T""engageci : Farmers arc iiiunml, with the idea that he is gutting the country, but equally persistentand 2, 1U1S, under auspices' of the
Jwt ]
applying furtili/or, effort to increasethe of Florida Extension Division i
preparatory crop of potatoes to planting in the history the largest->f th,' ,'h"lIp cow will prove expensive. Good Tampa :Morning Tribune, Jan 10 1918 production of profitable crops and for The lubricating Government the aeroplanes needs castor which oil I II I Tuesday: Jan: 29-Theress:1.: {9 a. I
bu bought only at good
that working
country. Some clearing in still being cows can That castor beans can bo lIuccess-1 to unify the element are
s done !'ri..M. and, they are worth it. Unless fully grown in Honda and that the for the advancement of common are expected to play a big part in m.: Hampton, 2 p. m.Wpdnt'sdI1Y. .
Jan. :30- a. .
Baker the performance of the animal will profitable oneunder interests. A for I winning this war. The supply is short
&I County: Farmers arc railing crop prove a highly special department
known must bu used in making I I castor m.; Little Springs:: 2 p. m.
I n and this section cnn produce
contracts now these under consider-
the the is
on county agents to locate pure- government purposes now Thursday! Jan. 31 Oak Grove 9
I ,
the purchase, for ill cows: are beans and the Government means to
; bred hogs for them. Many are being being made, was the unanimouse 'con Ware states.-Tampa Tribune, Jan.
not good milkers of make jt prolltuble for the farmers to a. m.; Providence, 2 p. m.
elusion of meeting 16th
bought. a mass prom-
I "' Feb. 1-Lake Butler, 9 a.
'.",, .:. .Putnam County: Farmers arc takfln -- ---- nent farmers, fruit growers and truckers plant castor Leans. Raiford, 2 I
m. m.
unusual interest in the growing WA'Ifll 'I 1 Hi CAIUJAKC: CROP held yesterday in the offices of the :Mr. Hammer, in speaking of the Saturday; Feb.p. 2 Lawtey, 9 a. m.;
sugar cane and sweet potatoes. Buckeye Nurseries. matter, said; "Castor beans is an Starke 2
,' 'tor of them will plant white Span- "Florida's, winter cabbage is Forty or fifty prominent citizens of rAt easy crop to produce in this section. p. m. .
.1: i peanuts for the oil market crop weather central and south Florida] were in attendance - 'Women and children can harvest the -
. ', ,' \ iccola County; Potato growers ,not made yet out of drive danger for The it, without cold serious - having been invited by the : I. crop. It is a crop that iu !good for Jt'DGR; WILLS TO RESUME: :
.... their land in shape prop results.a The real enemies tolCuurl buckeye people! to meet their corps of the land, and I am ready to five to SUPREME COURT DUTIES
.) planting about February the and the experts and sales force for discussion farmers in this section a contract for
against Inoper
I interest in the fight lire of the of common interest them and
Ittin" that fondof many points all the benns produced by TALLAHASSEE JAN. 18. Circuit
"lutella-calt'rlill: are -
\ e cattle tick has been shown cabbage and arc active thruout the which have arisen in connectionwith to pay $3: ,00 a bushel at their station. Judge James T. Wills is recovering
\ months than ever the contracts for castor bean furnish. the seed for
a few I will plantingat
) the and
winter. The ]Innper resembles from his illness in Gainesville, ]
cutworm in shape and I grow' to acreage. exact cost to the Government, plus to resume his duties on the
may expects
s County: The community Prominent among/ the "speakers were the cost of transportation, which I I
inch in l.ingth. The pultella is court bench before the end]
clan is being adopted in the C. II. Martin of Pasco county and C. 1 j 1 1 / guarantee will not be $1.00 per acre, I supreme
leas than a half-inch long nnd is 'of the month, according to word received -
1 families in II. Williams of Polk county both ex. how
county. All the farm and will give full directions as to
u hairy. Roth of these caterpillars here. Judge Wills is acting in
month in perienced castor bean growers who and, for the and
tho-commumty meet once a to plant care crop
work on the leaf surfaces, where they place of Judge West, disqualified in
the school house or other convenient have been engaged by Buckeye Nurseries harvest it. Any farmer who wants to
t' -Rlace.!\ The program is specially ar- may be. found. . und. poisoned to advise with persons who make Now is the time to milk farm I take advantage of this offer and prove certain cases because of his connec-
tion with them at general.
rafigod to interest the club members ---- -- contracts for producing/ beans as to and grove pay real dividends. I his patriotism can write to me at attorney
and their parents. A better community I.KT: inn: FARM HOYS WORKIn the most practicable means of cultivating !- A ready market and good Norfolk Va., or to Mr. Howard Curry,
' spirit is in evidence where fertilizing and harvesting. Assistant Development Agent Jack. Drives Out Malaria,Builds Dp System
the plan has been in use for IIwhilt'to the face of the present, labor Both these gentlemen were extensive prices await crops you cnn sonville' Fla. and we will see that information I The 01,1 Standard rrneral strengthening tonic, I
. ;'\ of castor beansat produce. Help win the war TA.sriCI.KS3 chili TONJCdron.outlIhl..nrlch.
Escambia County: Indications arc it be to1t.1I and 8UCCl'IIbfulICrowcrs and contracts are supplied". Gsov B's;
shortage may unnecessary the time when this of the and make This .*the bioollend bttililM np ttieayatern. -
that wll be* was one HAMMER.: :
I a good acreage planted a farmer to ]let his boy work; hemay more money. B. L. A true tonic. Kor mlulti aDd children., Cue
" to cucumbers for Bale to the home be taking the boy out of school big' money crops of Kansas. Each has year make every acre yield n
market. This market will be provided lived in Florida for a number of years -
too for that Hut big
, by a company that will buy the cucumbers soon very purpose. and has been engaged, in farming here. profitable crop.
that would! be a mistake. There is n
for pickle making. class of work that the boy do Mr. Williams and Mrs. Martin have
s ;, tt Okaloona County: An effort !Is !being without neglecting' his opportunitiesfor gone very thoroughly' into the question Use Favorite. I
J. 'f+e' made to increase the peanut H'honlinI'ulo] work us supervised of castor bean, culture in this k u II
n acreage in the county and! it Is meet- by the University of Florida state and are agreed as to its possibilities I
ing with good results. extension division. Fertilizers p
: Suwannee County : Quite an interest The county agents' are seeking to Government Encourages IndustryIt I
in club work is being shown by enlist> boys in corn and pig Clubs tind will he recalled by readers of Tho These hlgh-graJe dependable -
; the boys in the county, several nl.'wJ several thousand will be, enrolled if Tribune that the United States government fertilizers are famous 1 '
P.. names being udded to the list eachweek. the enrollment increases. this year as has selected Florida, : as ono for thn production of good JACKSbNVIllEnA.
r Farmers are planning to dell' it hat in the past. Some of the best, of the state in which castor beans arc I crops Our lino Includes fertilizers
J 4"cut the boll weevil by planting pea- record made, last year were I by> boys to be extensively grown this season to' for truck crops, field
uta' this year. who did not take an hour out of school supply the castor oil needed for the crops, citrus fruits. There I.a Is .
: : hns County: Another co-op- to attend to their farm tasks. lubrication of the nirfleet now build-. I' Favorite formula suited to
.J ve store has been' organized in Jet in touch with the county agentif ing. No other oil has been found your crops! and noli. A&RTIN
"l/ ounty, thin one by potato grow- he has overlooked boy. liewoul,1 which will flow freely at high altilude" I OLDEST i
your Order fertilizers
1 t Klkton. They will do a gen- be. glad to start him ofT on thehigh The airplanes of the allies are I' spring
early to bl sure of setting
.L mercantile business, selling co- road, to success in farming. There absorbing the present production of ,, them. Write today for special bESTABLISHED
tiyely to farlll<'rK. Next spring castor oil. !
is the to I b remembered If
point ; ] price !list ulilch describt
will handle fertiliser, need other/ father "lias I been rinsing sorry hogs It is necessary for the United States our complete lino
.. s, farm machinery und half] I if HOUSE
or yields ti corn, his > <>n, under to .so stimulate the production of cus-
rnj iiipplic the instruction of tIll lo beans to wesell. eed I pul.Nnre. Cet
county agent, as proudc.' an ample :supply '
Leo County The county commis will show better, ,.. ... of oil our prh ee. IN FLORIDA
'tlll'" If father by the time the :JJ.MM! ) aii-! M 1y. rA
"', an' I'm rushing. free" scrum and cannot hear! lit hint one ,acre of his plnncs now under construction: beginto I III!", JlC mIni i'rl Peer' Co.Jnrknnnll .' ? trt
every farim i \ ints his hogs treated) farm produce' mote/ than another, he be eon' doted. This f"I.I. Ii". inu-4 >. 11 S --.
\, As it i 'nil i ""Ira has been Ktamp- ( nliil'irr I
will the the lie localities '
discourage boy at outset ; in whciu iliiy.itu' lomli-
I ell out U M rpt| l among hogs' that are but lew Honda,, falh'r''i II adopt lions are favorable tend \ \\lieie the .1. .V I.... Oll.unlt I ; tr' :; SENO fOJ CATALOG ANOHere's
running wild. ,. . . i rT>? 'c' w ela.Y
th.it "I > t FRCELSTYt
program. acreage required will''l not niliKi I + the Ir' i "* -i T \ ic p I
tI "IleHnto l'unity;Doys in this coun- The benefit. to the boy will he remarkable crops of fooiKtull'-t.. innd.t: i.s links) d I r..i ..pv, "f"' ..1 .. ."-.' ,\ fisI' I i1 A f 'a .++ 'I U4S
ty are awake to the value of club mid in addition, ha will to for a lage production' of t the .supply. M ;K, .dl'i.' :; ::nl i <'I. *. -* : t I + #r
.P Ji' work. Sixty boys enrolled in the pig 'have chance to win n pii'/c for faith- The government provides the seed; 'n.BSnIn.4, i i' I MI- '.' in I l I-J I > J "1
...;,! week.club and :'M in the corn dull in one ful work. at cost, and, allows growers to deduct .x b, c aflr.i >' i Ii ii it .+wwlnMlr.4RI 4 I+ + I ,fa i ? J
.. the amount from the of their
: proceeds
!'-" ....1
.. ; Jackson purchased County nine: One head farmer of pure-recently STl'DY 1.JmIW: MAIL\ crops of beans. It further agrees to .... ---.r.;: .=_.. .V'- -_. I
buy all the beans that
:. bVed, Iiuroc gilts from outside the at prices high enough may to assure produced .. .. ,
state at a cost of $:!!jOl). From the A number of farmers
availed themselves handsome
growers a profit. course,
fl l Graceville section, $7.1,000: worth 'of of the.
i opportunity to study it would be impracticable: for thesa
't. hogs have been the
?" past sea- agricultural method in 1 Florida by government contracts to be made with
"----eon attending' the ten-day's short course individual growers: !: for small' acreagesso
: -Cnn County : This county in com- at the
University of Florida .
just they basis with
" are on a quantity
r lap to the front in dairying. Sixty e1Min :Many oho desired I ,! the work responsible' concerns which in turn
I ; BIT 11 hairy farms operated! in the were unnble to .tend. It for
is sub-contract with farmers, fruit growers -
I arty supply the local demand for ,persons that the College of Agriculture and truckers. a Call to Patriotic FarmersCastor
and for most of the butter, be- maintains ,
correspondence" \ courses Gillett hits Hilt Contract
/ shipping about six hundred gal- to residents of the
, Ig.os. open State for The first and one of the largest acreage -
of milk dmly.; Several farmers a nominal fee. contracts made in Florida was
putting in hog wallows and
have sev- --- -. with i D. C. Gillett; \ of the BuckeyeNurseries.
bought self feeders for
The entire executive and I
,I hogs. AUI'QU.V1'B'l'It.1N; ; : !t I'Olt.T.klllJ sales form of Mr (:ill..H'..
concern has
I Untie County: About ;"juo:; acres O[ FACILITIES been engaged: for ;several I I-weeks;; in se oil is absolutely necessary as a lubricant for the motors in
Sea Island cotton will be planted in ,
', this county this. year. The castor 'urinHullconlrut.tll.. The results of the air planes to be used by the United States government in the war
f/ bean Is increased Washington, U.) C.. Jan. 15, 1D18.!) the campaign so far have been highly
acreage being rapidly :Mr. A. R. l Doran, satisfying, but
Secretary' even greater acreageis /
: and the 1,000-rrmrk) is
f., Ono Gainesville! Florida. required by the govenment' author- with Germany.The .
pig-club boy put a gain of fifty-
Dear Sir ities and
result of
r' : %s n yesterday's
one pounds on his pig: in thirty days
( Replying! to your letter of 9th., meeting, it is assured that additional
The corn acreage will far exceed that of castor oil must be increase
wherein supply greatly increased. This
of previous you state[ the the farmers and contracts will be mude.Hu'k..ye .
any )
truckers of your (community desire me Nurseries nre not only
I beans Browurd, and sugar County cane Cotton wiU be, castor three to ascertain the attitude of Government making the contracts on hthalf of the must come from the production of castor beans in Florida and other
official:) toward the shipment of government which supply growers enslor -
important in the this
year. crops county farm products and certain vegetables' I bean peed and guarantee the purchase sections of the South, particularly from Florida, because of favorable
f. Citrus County: The sugar cane during the coming season, and advise of the crops at a liberal price,
f'fJ, will acreage he/ greatly in Home increased.parts of the The county them that I have I am discussed pleased the to inform matter with you. 1 but are arranging to growers also on to a furnish long credit fertilizers climatic conditions. The Government is asking Florida farmers to pro-
crop the Chief of the Bureau of Car Service I basis. In addition they are offering the
last before year was much larger than ever of the Interstate Commerce Commission service of expert castor bean growers duce these beans, and is offering to contract for them at $3.50 per
nnd with the I who will render
States any assistance in mat-
.,I,> were Taylor held County to encourage: Several farm meeting boys ti"> Food Administrator, and with tht'1Ii'e.tllr ters of cultivation] and harvesting that bushel of 46 pounds, shelled beans.
General! of Railroads be needed.!
and am may '
in the
enroll agricultural club work.
. ., advised by them that there is no In yesterday's meeting all the problems ''
There are now about one hundred enrolled that Bradford
Believing County'farmers' could make
in this county reason why any one should be un- that have been suggested as like- a good profit
duly alarmed regarding the ly to confront the of
transportation growers castor
Yy of any food and need products beans were fully discussed, and the from the growing of these beans and at the same time do the Govern..
'during' the coming season' and that conclusion reached that there are no
evrry effort should be These ..... r,1 to .,serious obstacles to the industry in ment service the Bank of Starke has placed itself in touch with the
increase production., otllcialsitate Florida.; It was brought out that the
1 it is their desire and intention to beans have been, grown with success department in charge of extending castor bean
production and is now
ierate in every manner possiblewith for a number of years in several parts I
county the in farmers order, that and preferential truckers of the attention of the /Rain state Will Not Interfere ready to contract with farmers of Bradford County.The .
;;;;- may I'e't'n to the marketing The fear of the rainy season inter-
: ..:/. of all such products.The ing! with the harvesting of the beans
-,- -..J OL.O unusual conditionshich re- that had been expressed in some qu.irtcrs ] ':, Government will supply the seed at cost and if the market
,"- BONES :ivntlv Middle prevailed Went were in,due the to North n general nnd In was fact.shown While to be it without is true that foundation the- | price goes higher the higher price will be paid to the grower. $3.50 is .
' i ingestion: of freight and expresslupments leans must IIP dried after they
making it necessary for clipped from the stalk and before they the bottom! price. There is a chance that the price may go higher.
TIRES BRASS thi Government to take over the< are shelled it was brought: nut thnt
operation' of the railroad*, and to one with the amount of sunshine thnt this
TUBES LEAD of. the worst hli/Kards in many years, state has even in the rninest porti"; Any land that will grow good crops of corn and cotton will grow
irPE SCPAP I IRON II !l.n. h combination. of circnmstancAin of the year, this it not likely to bi it
I nli I It quilt- impossible for the transportation all ,lifTIC":.. castor beans and the cultivation is very sinrl': r. The yeild per acre on"J
SEND IT TO L'S 'WE REMIT PROrm/ companies to properly han- Community threshing outfits w'ro''' "JI ii
e Write For PricelistPENNSUTARMfTaLC0. dle such shipments. HowcMr I am In advocated by several persons who ad. good land should be from 30 to 40 bushels per acre. I '
formed normal conditions will soon he dressed the meeting.' Dr. J. II. Ro-.s,
restored and I that there' should be no president of the Florida Citrus
-. \ H further cause of complaint unless another expressed the belief' that mem Exchange :- Come in and talk the matter over with us. Act quickly because we .
657 C.BAV JACKSONVILLE.FtA. similar condition arises, which tiers of that organization would use .
:; '------- is: thought quite impossible. the same co-operative methods they must close the contract for a given acreage at an early date before ,
Assuring you of my desire to servo follow so successfully in handling oranges ,
the farmers and truckers in every I nnd grapefruit. In fact, accord other sections contract for
all the
PREVENT HOG CHOLERAThe manner possible, and at any time, I ing to Dr. Ross, it is highly probable ) acreage alloted to Florida.
nm, that the exchange: packing houses and I
Very truly your'. their forces may be utilized during the e
B. A. Thomas Hog Powder has DUNCAN: U. FLETCHER. summer and fall in (curing nnd marketing i
a, a record of 95 percent cures of Hog castor beans. I 1
Cholera. If you feed your hog as directed Till Quinine That DMS not AtTict tile Hen] The interest of the bankers in the I Bank of :
/,1 you need never fear hog cholera B ft.u... ..II Its Ionic unit Itxatlvc ..rflect LAXA. state in the movement was indicated Starke
Tl VU BRO.MO Ul:INI:N K tn better. than ordinary by the presence in the
nor any other hog disease. And Quinine end dues nut caun nrrvounnvm. meeting of G.
r .' the directions are very simple, just ringing In heml. Keuiembrr. the full nnme end nor G. Ware, head of the First :National;
look. lor the iirnatuia oi Ii. W, Gao1'$. Juc. Hank of I.eeshurg and also president
about what
doing few
r1 you are / plus a of the
t cents worth of B. A. Thomas': Hog newly-organized Greater Florida THE BANK OF HELPFUL SERVICE '
them as directed, you will save better Association He stated that in
Powder in the feed twice week.
",' a than "0 percent. If you don't the B. I.nke county the banks will do their
3 Usually, though, cholera gets in before A. Thomas medicine costs you noth- utmost to make castor !bean culture
:. .we know it. Then it requires ing. We-not some distant manufacturer 11 success, just as they have backed STARKE FLORIDA
close attention to each each the livestock industry and other
hog- hog -pay your money back. Sold factors ,
101.' must be dosed-and if you will dose by'> J W. White & Son, Starke, Fla. j, lines in development along diversitlrd j
;;;: -. .
'z., .. ., .. 'l M 1
.. .
.. ; .. .. ,. ,- 1
,., .
! ,W
, ....J..(, ,eJ ..," Y .
-t 4A .1
, ... ... \ -'. .i.-. .." .............,..:...-...- 1 .
n" .w r ,_ -, ........
'.c. '--.. .' _, --=. =.. -- ....... { .__ '>U", ... 1'1.JJ1r .)- __
..... --- -- . I _
..', .r- .3. '' '
\ =. .,;; : _: .!: = :-.- :_-
,_..."' ........ _"..u".. . .. . : -."""""'::" - .. '..... ..,...., "
... -. -,.-;....;.;;. : _. ..IIII\! .. ... ..... := .. ... .. .j1i':. ...,.._:t-_ ; ..... _
. '. ""'r''''''' ' . A.. _WI._......-..'.- .v._ ;;; __ "_ "' ""r'j; -- \ . .J" m ti Mr.;.! ._-......._ _' ....__'-. -.. .! .T.A
tvio strange pru,'"". If fin KOIIIIK yet: hub nWll'r IMKISTJIASMil GREIrrIN give. For givillM is the foundation of 0 --
Gn I1VH 1 stunt 10 !get It on the ooean." I nil >tl. t us give money i if COFFINS CASKETS
Tlil I li attest the I'asl' Sailor who : \\u-ll Drtiko) a former stonogniplirr / we have it. A hundred worthy, cause*
'"t.v do I., I know' (tli* meunlntl the word of the Quinl''y, l.uinlH'iuiul, need our aid I this year lt all yours.Hut And a full line of
TA o A:7 four on the water will back' out en. Supply Co.! Slurko, who ii Howi'li let us Ii11.0., abundant r Undertakers' Supplies
i, WtV ro "q'J tlr,-y! when It come to lighting on the Raton, I
lurid They strut to b. burn to the sea. : "lii, Ind., stout the following and strength. Those things
; A lot of soldiers hate the 'lIln. They 'hriMnttus t lire the gifts. And they Always on hand. The h.s ser-
to his
; a Greeting ,cousin personal
r s, I vloe'
at the lowest
would rattier figbt four In the prices. Special
> 801lDIBR BOY year A. Scott, of this city : should g" hllll.in.hald with our material
,t army than four days ta the navy I Just n few thoughts put i.n paper presents.' For "the gift without attention to telegraph order"
;iIf''fl 'IfJ q I,, "TI I) Ud't all right. laid my guard! by :Maxwell Llroko! for his Friends all the giver is bare."
3 to this sailor recommending mo. "SU os-or the world, in the hope that they And let UH lovo Iort God Almighty,, Registered Embalmer
HOW I WENT "OVER THERE" WITH toad a dun cood l1oUlOtJ1>01. If she 'I, niuy bruit a bit of joy this Christina. in thin year of nnIIIJr'rlnK. and
wants to take a flop! twcitiiM her old De W ITT C."J JONES
Nineteen lluiulroj' and S ""lItl'l'n. !!sorrow mayvo l h.t'l\ InI'rNtanl.
i'SJ1 PERSHING'S man has to go out amid maybe let beane -
DIVISION To the :Si'iittHOh lag sympathy and atVoction as 11'rh'f"r Starke Ffa.IOIIT1CAL I
i it's such tin old wish: Help us rend garb! of
J HAZEL let her do It"It I guess probably it billion people :\llIll'rillill and Selfishness from our -
:'i1\" CARTER all cam back to m* they why I hllw,. he,1 to a billion more since hearts so that wo may lovo tho whole t
+ + + +
t + + + + +
} :; was bun the to husband +
1" ; coodby my away buck yonder nt thi \Pawn ofl wide, sinstainedorld..
'lift' l, L" 7;I Mr*. HoMl Carter .( Dou.!... Arti hi a r..n. worn**. the failure of niy plan. jut when It I >ayn. Tin quite likely then thnt thin Then und only then will Christna" + ANNOUNCEMENTS.FOR +
:J:: twcatr-two wtu>M young huabaml. John looked It I ; + t + tt1't + + + tt + + ttt
, :(i'!>.
array, wu ordwtd .
U FraaM with the clean and maybe with him to th. I
go :
and one for nnd for I.
t..huig upe4Uo. frayed about the edges. Hut in happy you- nl. 1 1F1Rt.tSTATI\'EGIOI'I'
iftp-f"', etermtae4 to front I guecs I moaned. nil the work! of words I cannot With all of my Ih'lIrl.IAXWEIL n.in of A ,,,., ,, In tUnoiKtt
aaownpanr bum )". obtained a ...hI". ua4 "B6.'. coming to." saU the seem 1..I..rn..lv.and h..hp nnnntiniitniy
,,'11. ;. torn and (.U la as a pn..t. on hui a.p.rtur. .... vac I". "mcdle. to find another phrase that just exact- : DUOKE. ..." . 1 In the coniitiic pri.nmr ;
'.. ?IU. obaa.. After the arrival of tk' famous dUUloa .la Fraao a clear out, all of you. I'll give t.r oma.,> come you convoy' ant slat In a l lKl,.lntlva war and hn..
. .&* aloe warn nturaxl aam. ajiunt bar wlah... So I'm wishing you, Friend of Mine: throughout the New Year. I" iiliti-n chief clerk of thn I."., fur the ..*.
Irrt,'r thing to kp her quiet. Bb'll fl b.. nlun uf
. :Maxwell Prole, 11)17. 1 mil fnmllmr th. tnK-iS'il--
,,.-it "fW'ft'; I* a Btory at __ Oram&tlo la IU qualltiM. full of th. wlillw oolor and tr after a good night' rut" a Happy Christ nine. ,ruse nf said "' I solicit the niiiipnrt of nil
" rwj _... Vklua, duo II.... Cart. U tb. ATM to ralat the d.la lu .* Uimt I.nst night tho little boy next door iI-:1: ; Occidental Illdg.. ,.|.i..ciaiiit, votra inul.' If ch'I'I..I. itroimnt
: .4 ../. KiTtral Oral h n4 I bontly did not know whether I Indiana.OI fin Ilif ul and riricli.nl, .
.1t1l11i-'! ona that mad. himiarj.COPYRIGHT. climbed up into my lap and told mt In.lilnaI'oIH. .rvlo K. <\ (lltCKIM.
wanted to com to or not Ute looked \
III?. BY THM lULL 3YNDKATSCHAPTER pretty hopela. with m. back there on thc story. that never grows old. And ---
&, &" &... .. ...,,, .., .......... the transport not knowing what was 1"11 ho ]lisped, of shepherd, of wise men I 1.I'JF"F: T"TI.t-all: 1. TIU Ciitrdian; of Frasii'r T. Itreedeu, .l
y'" t | and of angles, a strange bright light ii, 1..Iy .n"ol"' N..II.I. in and :Minnie S. Ilreeden minor
V. coming off at the camp. Then I thoughtof ," .. fur re.nuniinnlion r. ,l, ,
I r was quTt malT for alTine, r was D Jlong..r my husband. II. told me to wait I came into his eye (the one that the nf Iti-imwt-ntntivt I In the KlnInlurtt. from. heirs of Klizu J. Ilrecden, tietensed. i
h.. a soldier racing rate with I mtiul-miin Krnclfonl' coimly.' ..hJ..1 l ho union nf lln
,' ,."ti: .nO i Trmnc* for: Xe. I a for him Well I wouldn't disappointhim. hadn't quite been able to Pfinorrntla rlrrllun.. tn Im. lirl.l In 1225t
(If' m11e. I was a woman deprtvad of one !close.. ) I fancied 'twas the star of JimHUH.. r"n.nr
miiMTtrully mihnt Ihn
nii ppnrt
of tb.
'mBEJ rest trip wa under |
'J of the sacred rights of lov*. | Bethlehem shining forth of nil voli-ni. n) aril IVmoiTiitiiprlinnry I sad'
'?'__' &'IIart!. I think It was the aWl i I After a long while the buetleon board! Sine I got back born. I bar beard world-weary to guide a 1 m>mii! H faithful .lUcliiiru.. of my duly, K Ih'rl'l Sale.
rl' }! Jy under of several where the wires or l grown-up man to the I .ion honort-il with nvlvrtiimMlf
tiLp< w. were way they cot cases in ,
censed. The N'ltil'l that under
toys were going. I could ChriKt 1 Chili"! who I -: 'V"1
cradled in S
|'nX I could bear tb* men singing and, hear the shouts. of welcome on the sweethearts of boys who have been baby heart. lay the I CU WR. tad, liy. virtue of I that ivitain writ of
/4r1I1In6. The routln. of the army wa shore and the music of the brass bands.. called away committed lulcl e. This I And as 1 held the little tenderly + + + + + + + + + + 99 + + + + execution issued out of and under tha
Pbl.[ : on a* If nothing bad happened. Iruii! bands reminded me of borne and In bard to understand If a woman la boy + + item of the circuit court in and for
,,low I longer to b. back In my old the good old days at the camp In Doug. lucky enough to win the love cf a man | rosy in chock my arms(here and gently kissed each + r Ir.\ I, NOTICES 1t llrmlford ,county ', Flu., bearing dnto
pl>c. among tbem us a doughboyl All !< las. I started to rare again. I threw who will shoulder a gun and go out j| nn ail-but, --forgotten came to my mind + + lint (th day of 1""II"r. ,1 I n. 1917!> ,
bad now were the clothe just and fight for his country and tier country passageVho-
myself berth. Some 1 + + + + + + + anti issued in
on my one pickedme 'IOoe\1' shall + + t + + + t + t' "l'rtll coon therein
not receive tho I
I I I she ought to bar enough grit to kingdomof !
If'orI.e of my coldlerlng. had to stick up In a pair of strong arms andstood ( pln.llj1111, tlwV.. T. Haw-
live him and do her bit In the Cod: as a Mile child he t-hall in no "'TI.t
( :to them becaug there was nothing sloe 1
tit me on .the floor. I let out one wise enter therein." N"le. I In hiTvtty given that, timlir' mind, by 11'.Ih Company' a corporation IM plain-
ion board for nie to wear. war whoop of happiness. It was th* meantime. no want to come back I I I 'I .. a Ftnnl l IVrrt'u of l''im>rli..iir.. iiiiult tlf. and J. 1'. (Ciiironl; ', J. I I. ( iulford,
I and find his home the girl be left went out into the slreete-the nod ri.i.l.Ti'l nut of tint ( Tourt of tluKiithth -
'I or
.f. did not .41e my husband for two "old man." Juiliclnl Circuit nf.1..1 In h.ne.y. [.. A. Jonoit, a,HIV.. A. King I defendinta .
day It wa bard to know b. wa on "I've got permission to stay on board behind him waiting to welcome him. I I t crowded jostling, joyous streets, o'CluiKtmadtimo. In mill for l"o".,! to"t'I..I.'I."'". on I h.( I.t| T.V.. J. | as oC
the ship only a few foot away, and This Is one of the thing/ which keep A store all decked tint ''f .'inn mry., A. |N. In n rennin ciiumthinIn I\P"I'III Ih"'il'
here with you until Monday klddl, I I in mistletoe ivhrrrln .1 .1, Urllll.t "Ollty. lollt.l. h',1al ,
| Itiivninnn
and In
the v iy 1'n.I.I.
blm going tbo thought: that soouer est'rgra.'na'clttnu'd ,
yet I could not even speak to blm. I ,
be told me. "In tho meantime the ( ''|' I'I. .1 Hurry Itlvi-m end| Mm Itlvcru l- thlt certain I'al property in thn
begged BO bard to see him that tbe} boys are going: to get: busy and do their It la over the quicker be will get back ( II us a minute particle of ai "., .-../" '.. and. '1'. W llryilcii nml' 'import or the Maid I.. (CuH'or.!, nun
i borne to her. I i heterogeneous muss of humnnlty..1ud I S. Inntiiti. c"i-inrlnfm.| nnrintmiinl' *. the .r
let him and after that hi'' f tho
U abase
;jflnnlly up ,
darndest grab you a Job over here. for .1.1.' ni .S| ,>rfiil MiiMlrr nptitnnli-il In nlllld di-fi-ndantm. tloscrilieil -
(Was allowed to como to me wben aniwas Then and there wo did a song and It didn't take me very long to find a long, long time I Mood silentlywatching. said" "rinnl IVcri'i., wil .nr-r' fur unlit. n"1 I .,>ll its fullness: Iot No. 2 of thonortheaxt
out the cnptnln on the boat suspected[ / to ll.ii hiuli.n hi," for runt t
off outns.
duty. dance Monday. ThN win only !Sat iKfortIn, nun. I INHIHI.loof iitiMIn quarter| of section 1>, townhii -
I might be one of the quitters From An indulgent father" well laden of the cowl
lie told me the men wer getting urday. Anything emiM hnpppn In that I with luiiiHu In Hi. i-ly! .f Shirk.., lliinlrnr.1 Coimly., | H, stint II of range i..! l'IMt. tilt<)
';an lous to Innd They had recovered''' tlmo. Even pence might l ho declured."Maybe tho porthole In my room I could look I I toys, elbowed bin way toward Morliln.. nn On4lh iluv of Ki.hriiari A II the north haIr of (the southwest
|from tbelr seasickness and wanted to I! out end nee the tleck. i iii,' ilnor." 1 noticed 'that I he wore n HUM, iluilnir the I I..ml hoiii, nrnnr. .llhfo|. ,- the 'ijiinrii -
1U11 Kaiser will call it off Inxvittir iliHrtitiii I ,! .r norlheiiHl of
I | urn| Fly 1.\,1' qlall'r sec'a
see i what It win like "over tuere." All> and we can go buck homo together" Kept Under Guard. j I' last; I year's overcoat. and a Hill ihi'. An, "".I..1' ."'...h,1 intirit.t In Lots rl\i> I Lion _', 1"u'n'.hip S, "" th of range" 22
(iwere In tbe bet of hcnltli. An .11 I my left stood a worn, l IM and t l.'i, k Clulilfin: ( IMi' ,.r ,
theirj{ WI'ilkll'd "I'J ":
husband rniiaulrd me. We went upon there. Inut eniilaiiiing in all lilt;
I It my A sailor! was walking guard up little/ miithor; whose1 in lln> oriitiliHl toirv of ( ,.* ,loan of Stint>. and H
; the
1 \ ;appetltes returned! they comphtlnedl( deck. The transport were all : lie never took hi:* eyes oil the portbole. son was I 11.0.1.I nml ill'.i, nn tmiliiil.i,| tinlf|, I h more or JOSH, li-.s right/ way
and more about tlielr rations, : :.rm.\" camp, om'wlwt. in In Hint, ,pnlel, | r land in suit ti.,,- ,r if the of
around U,. Some of them had nlready When he saw me come near the 1":111 , t i li!. : & I. railway lens
Hlnikininri' ,
Pore to to bo expected. At mess out 'J JleYenlng unloaded( while other were waiting to I opening he looked mighty worried. for 1mu him." .. was hooking, u gift CiMiinii'lirlnir nl l lilt' lliMiliuly'lhi '..nlw, ).1.,1,1, , ,'"HI'.''follou nf ..h,. south half lying east of ti S. ,l F. I liy.if .
a lionipxlok' 1 I Sammy talked pour their Htmium of Summit's': out on The captain thought I might try to Anyone could have told you nltfiM- Ntfrilii-il tutu, "",I .".nlnl Ih.I.. W"o'| It 11'lhw.t, quarter| northenHtliltirler
(about tbe deep dlali huckleberry pIe |: that, had they ..,., choked atone tho iiorlli bur'f on ntni'l' .thirty
the shore of France. Crowds lined tho 111.1111 M..I. of
juiui* overboard and drown: myself. It and ,.h"I' ,I.HH..I I .. section 2, township H, south
:j$ jht. mother used to moke. lie almost J' shores and ('11'1'5. Flog were Hying I would be up to this guard_to dive over with emotion, as she timidly I II'ie.'c .. liuniln.il.. IKi. l HIM r.,1,., thence' run niMilliiTlvoni' 1.'hn. if range 22 oust in llrndford{ county -
'i caused. a riot. I everywhere and people were In their and rescue me. i|' this, that mid the other article. hnniln-il h'" ,Him, ffi-t ,,the IN.IHI ,,f h... l'riln.1.1 I will oirnr, tho namo
"You'll bo plekln1 berries out of the holiday clothes. All the children carJ I "Don't worry," I called to him. "l'tnnot checks were thin well" HH her 'U"H('. "f vltilllnii tin, nil aultthwenl liiliiu l. Ihmirlhwiwl.glnrier.' of iniiirl.'r.!I (for, 81''' on :\lond.I)', thn Ill duy of
;>lr soon boy. lead ones." aald !Sam.my I rued flowers which they gave: to the |, going to do the Dutch, as we say Hut on her face wan a look of Il'iI', Twrnly-i'lKht, l I'x 1, tiiwimhlp .it'| 11.... 1-Vlirunry, A. II I ). I'.lIX, the lie>imc a
who bad eaten bin pie mostly ofl'of Sammies. The welcome mat wa. In the nrniy." of t'vutiul. of tenderness that Irlll- niinlli of rang 'nlylw. UL'I( rant, anti niljinninir legnl" Hales ,tl.iy i-loven 1111 ciVlock
aid lulu nvo (e.1> and l
i o..v..u | of Ilhv"1
; lunch counter all bla Ufa. II spread all over the placu. "You'd better not" be itrtaned. "The forlllc her into a vt'lital.l. III..1I 1..I I'luhtrvn OMI( ) nn nh.inihtutrll,il 11 In the I a. hit. wo oVlock in I the
For the most part those were dreary "They seem to be sort o' glad to see water Is awful damp this) evening" ''I hlhrul., of |InndN, llil.-nih'.l to In- nrrllil, wan lh. p.! nit, the, .nlt il tlio legal ImurBrtf ,
day for mo, a* I saw my husband ns,'' remarked the guard who was never But be kept b... eye on tbe> porthole tender 'lII. ask for "a gift suitable riinvi>r'-il of W.>>y II tin"Ml'l, UlviT.W.Irr.vurd.| II lli.r| wlt'rhwee ,to Biile, in front of life court house
only for a short time when b. did get' far away "We're as. welcome asa just the same. I for I young lily" Had the mltilhlion Ji>nnli< Lots Ufvcni and Hurry Klvi-n n few doer in RIll rkc., y, Flor- "
IQP to my prison. Outside I could bear pint bottle at a picnic for two." They brought m* everything for dinner Noember' or April I imagine/ nxiitthii, hiforihin. ili'iilh.iiilil und Hell IrIIJor.II'OJI name highest
'laU tbe noises of the troops-noises that '' All day Sunday and Monday we waited they thought would tempt me. I that t the miles-girl would have vpntur- tlif nnid l protwrly Hurry; ,Klvcm to lip ,HOI to| | nntlify HH tint nnlil nniprrly: ,.- und 1,11. Lest, bidder for ca"h.
!'had sounded ao sweet In my ears be- for news about my landing( :, but did not touch It. All I did was to i ed to giggle behind" her dainty' (and rind,I ouHlfl. ;
:fore. There tbe calls of tbe crap' maybe freckled, Imml. lint l I'. K. KNICIIT. .Simclnl M.ml.'r. W. J. l KI'I'KKSO.V: : ,
were ; none came. We hud not seen the boys walk the floor. Most of the time I ) tonight r MMIin.SON.
jplayers! the plaintive( muslo of tits ; since they went ashore. They bad cried. For Ove days and night I never she smiled, nn.l understood For it ii.l.rllor for Cimijtlnlnnnt.' I I-IM' RII'rllf. Hrll.lf'I',1, county, Flu.
akelele, no longer soothing to me now, gone Immediately to their quarters in'' > slept or ute a mouthful cf food. was (Christmaitime. A.7 ADK1NS,
'fan() tbe harmonizing of the old. sad'' or beyond the town. :My huslinnd' had '' The very sight of It choked me. I Far above the shopping throne Mil Ull K'H Hll, KIf.nl.y Al urwy., l-l-Gt
.', jtanes. Previously the accomplished orders to report for duty Monday art'r'l A guard was stationed outside, my :.ho\n a single' star-a gaudy Ihil/ not .. I. uivcn tluil I. W J Kinr-:| | -- -. -- - ----_. ---
'player of tho "uke" hud been too mom noon. As the time ,,'benJe must go door and another on the upper fleck.'! cardboard and tinsel l. crudely alh- Non. ni ShcHir .if Hrii.ir.inl ('.""Iy. Hlnlc' of \11111 i UIIHI'I.FI i : : :
W.[popular man on board and he wan yet drew near I grew panicky., I The one at the door was a soldier and ilw,1, I I by the hand of man hut it writ vlr.l rlilii.nf ,',",,1,1.nnd", .InHtii'it I l i'y victim,out rtf nf nut llml.under, c.>itntti'tin- I Im.II'111: l : I 1111; ; :1' ,
jjf {for oil I know but not wltb me. 1 I want to say rlchf hero that on several the one cm deck a sailor. 'rue soldiers i set me thinking thinking of the Star nod of Hut rlrrnil Court if Krmlford County, ,,
ii'I[would have liked tn kill him wben be''' occasions nhlla wo were In port I belonged to the hospital corps. They nf 11'III.hem. the true star that more .t'lorMn.Hunk, tmnitiHt.f Luke, "Jmnrrt, I,, Moot e'rlsr"lii nod I in. .fnvorf uiuliliitnl Tick 1
!!3 tuned up. ? could have ducked aihore. I did Dot ore detailed to duty on the transport t nillt'h"1 hundred years ago the tint day 11.1 AI..I.. A 0 l I1H 11.. , j "rli'nti"l I I x I 1lfenm alln'cfi.iiiH
w,1 (he lick fever
!I"{"' Much time wag on my bands for do It because I knew If I wan caughtagain .i and po back' and forth with the ship to' heralded the ,'ollinl or the GreatestGift : :: ir./; <.for r null-rash and nt' mdl tin: |fiont, : :..il.mr,tKlumt|:.:| :of tit and:- wurt i iI" 11'1 in Ii the United Ht"h'l.t 'JllrlllltilW.1 in con-1
r .thinking. | was proud of the respect some one else would}, get Into which they are ustileued. of All. I in 'r..w. ..f Htnl h.-. Hrndford County,, vi'iilion ill New Inxt week,
'r.' these soldleis of L'nclo Sum bad showu trouble and could not stand for that |I And ns I gazed upon tho gladsome, tin l-'l..ri.ln.. nn M..M.lav. 'I'Miriinry 4lh.' A. "P. HUH! Ii'.,"nell, thai! ol"ln." "lly !IH oc-
me-a trl-.whton! they hnd every opportunity after they had been 110 kind to mo. Mimic bring Icttnl Miili-M "tiny of said rll'I.
radiant of the of nll to nmie in the country when it
\ tli ,
fac"1 hur..rl gifts, during\ *' (Irenl) 1.1" of Mill)'. th" follmvlftK
to take advantage' of me wltli': At 4 o'clock he told me he had to K<> Itrnort nf lh# rendition. nt th. I found myself again and ,I.r, Abed n-iil r-Htnti xilunl', Irt'liiK nod lyUiin ,, (omen to |iroireHMivr
me living among them an one of tbe and report Ills face woi white and I.AWrKY STArE IMNK: I i r"I"1111 , Itniiirortl <'"",Ip. Flnrl'ln, b.-wll' in IT'""*? uheml with vat coiiHtrucinii -
l.nwtry HiirhU yet again His all ,
message mankind lli| >rk t''ght.: '< nf h," M|>rn"-.
I am speaking of tbose who drawn but be forced smile and triedto W..rhi" without aid .
gang. a At tip clt'iiof btiHintwH IJt-ccmltur 31. I'.U"ltrnourr "It is more to give than I-'N.il.l.i, , ni'citriiinr 1" nurv y .1.1 W TntUm.iMiiiiiiIt'iI county
.Were aware of my presence on board keep cheerful .. I to receive." "leHsec on north by I1'I rut' A vcniii'. tin t-nxt I Ur. H. W. llarrJHon, veterinary inspector -
!They ought to make a One record III'' "Let me see that you are allure I ..".,""ii.n lINt! Kutnto -. ___ JJHUB li; by MrI nl rt-ct, nn H
on wind> liy Ruin street
.France, both In and out of tbe trench enough soldier's sweetheart" be said I I.'new on CiillnliTnl, SfClirity Other i itluin I "Across the tIC'.I! : The folks in Ala, hi'ifitinlnir nt northnirtt curtiiT of northrniit Illdl1110' reiortH| t lluit lirailford
__ ____ __. >
Kiwi Kutnto llnom
.. 1 also I hadn't been h. our town are wont to put a l Lit of u gunner of .lhw".1 of I hold l of
wall proud "Buck up klddlo. You're a game girl All I! i.llii-r lvnn. and Dixcounu ____ 1111X117OM tptara'r l"nl"inHM w'rl up I.y one'
easlck, although' I bad never been on Ton came all this way for me""Yes r.lrnfl ._____ ___ __ _-_ 1120.75 slur into the words and to slightly Tiwntil, | | ft HO tit h,, tiring* It P"... / .. the |11.nk.r. as mi example, for all!
wet MI ynrd of .
I bad .bown ftnnkinir, Roux. Furniture and l Via.ntrw i elevate their noses n they speak. For 1".1,1 mrnmcni'tmi'iit.Ihrnci' ether iiuiraiilini| >i| countii'H In follow, ,
| tb* ocean before. upaoma and now I have to go back __.____.____.__ ___ MM.SOOth.r I Hidith It'' ynnlH. writ :tit yard'ln, north
of tbe rookies In this respect anyWay without you." I ..obbed."Doo't Ki al l KMnt: ___________.___ Z7S0.41: on the "other" side of the railroad .11'. inn,'.. and.' rat 2P yams t. i mint' of wh"1 county anl was not available.Dr. .
for tbey bud been a seasick crowd. let a little thin, like that dlt- I".,. from Incorporated. Hunks .,_ 11511 01OlSr tracks, the poorest of the 1"1 exist .m"I'mPh'Aim, hrittnnlntr I 110$ ynnU, null nf nr rth- Harrison curried a Hllrk" pennant -
Cash It. inn nn 4'JH.M in filth and .. which eat used,! to docoralu thuiKxriiilily
Neither bad I bad any fear of sub- courage you honey. Go borne and ( ml. ?n lluml 111x2.117I'roft. misery squalor. Fatal earner of nnrtiivfiMt i|>tnrt
;parlne. even though I cannot swim a.trot. take a run down to Kentucky to nee : ad !,.... ---_----:----------:::- -_ .- :lOUO.OU: I Iloml An unlikely place, inc"el. to go n- 'MllirtlT of Sl-Ptldll SH, ToWllrtlllll' A .," hall, itch Florida deliuntnurryiiij ,
KaiiHc I't
'iitt 'h"lr." riiriiiuitr Month Its yurife. a from, hiM\ hunilinirterH
.. Tbla wa more tban some of mother. Tell her I am well and doing seeking! the Christmas Spirit. But I Ihcnc'M, went 210 ynnlw, thctin north Ill yards petinnnt -
I ______ .___ ..n_____ .167D.17 (| city. The l-'luri.ln boys were
'twas there that I found Th Madonna and thence cnntt\( ynriU to. uf
tbe recrnlU could ea,. Several of them all right No boche bullet la going to l.lnbililln point hiKiiinlnir. 'the only ones who ltd that and coniiiiently -
bad been very open pored as they broke get me. Then. If you still want to 1 rniut/il' i.irli. roil In-----------., iKnnn.ou Ly the fireside. AI..,. nn nndivldi'il. nnu.n"h Inlrnwt f.i|. | hiul monopoly of thu (".
Into Bweat of pure fear with each come over, join the Red Cro,". I'll !Imlituluiil C,.Hi.iMii.iu rtillcnu SultjiTt of ta Clicck, ItiMillf: 2BP.imin.l ;: A dirty In-dragged l holly wreath I.wln. handst". -wil' Southciuil '1'1.1.' "fHfiinlii'nMt oruh"n' features I .
llpfonit IIK6 ll'l 1 .
n. i| r of Mention' ITi. "* oii--liiiir
submarine alarm fur drill purpose. I work night and day to see you are sent ("nt-hii ,'. hock* OutHtamlinic .._u 1AH.60 i adorned the single uncurtained window err in nnri 1".I.". rurncr of riorthruNt M'rf They hurl yell which wit" given
fejt, pcrhap I would fit better In the somewhere near us. Be good, kiddle. Saviniri fh-i""",!* _____-___ ___.._._ 3'iO'l2' :(i of the dilapidated, hut. I I'IU.Ito of H..lln I 3it..nil ire '..wn.hl.n Hoitth. Inn.'.1' with I vim jimt I before tin first session
I All! Otln-r I.iultilltlni, ....____ ____ 819.71 "I find, .
; the no ill "-r of
trncBe than they would. Walt for me. look again nt that pathetic bit of wiHl qutirtor of. Hoiilhwi'Ht iitfirti-r|. (i"r lot ... (' nilto" .r.I'r. to let thi other <.I.v' lilites !-
About noon one day 1 beard a great I don't know whether be amid any 'r''ti.i' ____nn ___ ___ 4:1: 7D.77 decoration in u street of desolation.It I i.f Wooillftwni, of Sr'I ." :i I. gad northwiiit, know that the IIurlol ,
commotion on board lien were run more or not I was. crying so bard Icouldn't Stair of Florida County' of Ilr."lfor,|. ... was then that I saw the girl mnth- "hurler for Ii>t H of W..n.luwn.| of M..I.I :nl ,' one*. The 1)11 papers' 'riwolroIIV Ne'
I J. C. Dynl. Cnjihlvr of th fif >.niimml' ,in Townchlp f. aioiith" hang*' 22 "- and I
n.1 >ovi "I "11. Orli'iins'
bear. I ran to the rail She seated in littlerockingchair gave line riot ICI nnuxuiu I
aDd forward shouting rr. wa
backward a cheap .
nlng .
(tank. 01.) Hol mnly W .IIF that th. shove 0'"''' lot niinihrr fin in M'rl. :i''o. 'I'ownNliiii r .".h.
and calling to one a uot her. Things,: was going over the side. If. did not t tlook m,'nt w true to the beat of my .knowjtufc. and: by the fireplace, u babe """"" 22 rant, UN .,.w. on loam, of HAH! n.-rtfon Ihnt they furnished, all tbe 'pep'fur
w...* betq moved la a burry. The back. U* was a regular soldier "-f close claspud t her breast. The room townnlup, and rung<*, ftl'-'l on page .n. ..rI..I the occasion.
J. C. DYIU. r.'nnhler.C'urrrri ( nf Mnpn gnu' "I'liKU of snld l County toil
trbol ahjp.throbbed with ow Uf*. I I understood I fell In a heap on the: -Atltit I.. vane desolate, the surroundings repulsive In offtrit of tirrk "f Circuit Court atHtnrhc The y1 WUH UK (follows:
'tried to discover the cause of the ezdumnt > deck. After that I do not remember. w. r. cor; >wtN . but I did not take cognuunco spud ('fxinty, tend, Ntnt.A ..
by peeping throut my alngl While I bad been saying goodby n.!. W. KNOWN of these .!.tail. It ii not recorded t iewhI inn| an lnnil tin,<|iviii.w'lrf'of it In....fol-.h. Who are we ? II. A. I. hoys.
porthole but could see nothing. Jk to my husband: on the: deck of the .. I. II. HIM, I that the of old scrutinized went "..r nf.Section I''f.: Tnwnnhfp f| south What do W" do ? Dip that tick.
transport the guards turned" their blwctnnaulsenh.d the of Range 1U rnHt ; nn l nnrthrnat'unrtrr of tM.nth Whit for ? To erailicutc iliNcaMf
te door and knocked. and furnishing the stable. And I
guard CUD my worn boron m. thiM 4th flay,
and \ of
west rimrtT w".1 mmthWfMt
backs and pretended to be bu.,. They of January 1V1H. was looking then nt Mary and the rtf fl rtf," Townnhiii h.1 ft ..uth, f
Land Is Sighted. told toe afterward that when they B. L. l.AN"n.ftn.J ... Christ Child. "I have teen Him : Helve I 111 rant and ... .>nMt qunrtrr| nf. nnrthKnCi.uartir
Land to starboard( be snouted n* saw me rush to the rail they bad the Wit. or the I'r.en. again :" I whispered excitedly find nun. heart iiunrlt-r. of soot,'Hnt On Thursday. Ur. K.; M. Nijcnhurt
i .**.(>t t h n. urn ira rioutNwmt .r-
was a nice fellow and couldn't bold scare of tbelr lives. They thought ---- ns I turned nway.And nfr 1.,1.1. H.'ctiiin Kiftin, iwnnhlr 1 ....Ih. received n telegram from (L (J. Ware,
out sucb startling Information from me. I was going to Jump over after him. GRAHAM. ,lOtr.. 19 i>.1. and north half nf. northw of I""hurj. anll.un'ill that. J.uke I
I to ( Friend of Mine i I
you say 'I'I"P' nf nnrthwrtt qnnrtor and north half | tickrradirnti"n
Tber was a lamp In my throat tbe They reached me Just as I crumpled up I|I that He does tonight a.s truly as! ever nf itniithwrwt iiunrlor' and' mat hair of nouthfmit I approximately fOI to
of Would I ever set foot on the deck.
lie BO apple. Al
he lived in the when the with
days H"r.lyaflkt..t HftrthfAitt nitfirtiT .. an.1| witit of branrhnntmnv I rie, Ir..lrlt precinct;
In France Tbe officers bad pronflsej The first tIng I remember bearing W. T.Me': Guire: filled his regular Iivinl
Ill nf
appointment hosts found in Him peace, itirouirh MMM! iiimrtcr in Hrrtlnn 21. vrites tll to two ; .
? they would do all they could to get the was the voice of a seaman who bud at (;rahan Sunday preachinn h"llth plenty. A thousand timesI 'r.wn.h.?| 1 euul tt', I",.... I'I.atl; mind l tKiuthwtnl A Texu i also had held
l'1': authorities to let me stay. The army been sent on an errand for the "medIc." u very interesting sermon 'J"orl'r of out'hw.o iUrtfr of a.ctlon (county an
have seen Him this Christmas-time. 'l I. ToMrirtliifi fl .oult. ** 11* eat. r-U'ction r..II.illt, In l La majority in
officer especially nice to m*. I "A woman makes a b-1 of a soldier :Mr. n. T. Stcwnrt has I.n.. .
were opened up acjrori'ry 1 And you, too, may nee Him for lie tI"I-0': : favor of !HO their report, wan
believe they sincerely wanted to see be was complaining./ ".It they ever got sturc in our town and we lives in rowii.. God! grunt that Sh.-riff of 1'.o..1, ..nl.. .1.. ... read first. Its received a
your I u. B KNMtirr.Ati'irny prrH"lItntOI
me win out after tbe chances I bad I out In a good stilt battle and tb'U/l"1/ solii-it for him u share of the trnJe.Mr. He live in your heart. for "hale iipplniiHe, .' telegram
taken. began to look tonirh for them the whole I : M. A. Warren of Heftiniak I have may wished you u Happy ('hristmitt I.I-rt from Mr. Ware wan rand the l'loridiidili'ifntion
Borne .of them I know openly urged I a-U army would gu to< work and Rriririjr.-. is i visiting here at the homeof hut I ciinnot make Christmas ---- - jumped up and gave the
be permitted to land. It was the ship'* faint. his. ..ill'r.Irii.: I II. J. Ryrtl.Messrs. I happy for You cannot Notice of 'iuirdinn: HiiI.Thirty f.l.wils yell:
captain technically In charge of me. "What are you blnwln' about?" said I : '. II. Sparks! and Fvltrar: truly happiness of ynl.with nil of the days after .I.lt. on ti -wit
who killed all my prospects, as I found one of my personal !guard who wa< Sparks, of :Mnnteocrm attended ner gold buy in the world. m"Nor I it the 9th: day i,1 January. ,\. D., 1IMH: Ti"k. are on the rum
out later.It always willing! to give. me all the bet vines held Sunday. to "without cnn rfnd without Iivl' I will apply t. the llonoruh'o' Gen; A.Garliner Seven Lake county went over the top
you money to
wa on Saturday we came Into of It I was his prlaouer, and be was a Rro. E. I,. frothy, of Rrookrr wits 1 price" County Judge of Uradford one.
port. We were not sure of tbe name of I soldier and didn't want .n outsider shaking hands with hi* friends in "'"lly. Florii.i| for an ord--t- to cell Why shouldn't we huller?
the place although we bad a pretty picking our m. "A lot of license you Graham Sunday. I you would bo happy this Chrict- at private sale the one fifty sixth vr>- With Oranje. Encomia and P
fair Idea: what It was. Lave to bawl out somebody. That time Mr. I!. I' Lewis nnd family attend you must put away the cures and divided! interest each of Frailer T. [ follow Florida.
Extra guard were stationed to the boys kidded you and said they ed church hero Sunday.. | troubles that tieset you forget th"l Hreodon, and Minnie S. Ilre-tden rri nor 1".1-0-1.1.\-\I ,
watcb me. The quartermaster captain were going to draft tbe sailors Into tbe Mr. R. B. Warren of Worthinorton hitter disappointments and painful , heirs! of :li11 .1. Itreeden d'pl.'d. in
.' was taking no cbanccs. on my sneaking army and send them'out first I thought Springs, visited relatives rnrc. Sun illusions of "grown-up" days! and become and to the following described h.th. Why Two.h"lon't we yell and l? alt the tit,. ,
yearn more .
jk 'ashore. Once h* paised my cabin. i you bud the ague./ I ,day. | as a trusting child. Why. just to-wit: North half of northeast quarter will I lp in h-1.
1. "Watcb tint porthole" h* ordered. '' "I wasn't f *Un' wL! 1 had a chUL" :Mr. I. A. John, of Hampton was, think. Friend we have three hundred and north half of southwest quarter P-r.-O-H-I-D-A. Florida.
J-* 8be's as slippery as an eeL W* don't "t h hub! A chili In your feetj that' at Graham Sunday. 'I and sixty-foul whole days each year of northeast quarter, and north-
1'* want any more of tbls foolUbnes." Ii'to | what you had." :Mr. K. J. Howling of WuMo, visit-j i'I in which to he dignified nnd miserable. cast quarter of northwest quarter, That woke up tho crowd and this
: J By aDd by the ship came to atochor. | Well\ maybe 1 did. A e1l1'e got a ed friends anj relatives here SlJnlaY'1 I Come you and I arc going to devote section 21 townhil! 6 south of rnngn applause wilt hearty and prolonged.!
.. going ..bo '. hU. Ideas about flgatln, I I one single twenty-four hours 1< just 18 past, in
I could bear the men right to owa The oW-'ial board of the Christian I IIiuat/ I.pinj HrnJrtl Or. Iljirriion *ny* that he received
Was ray husband with them I did ain't afraid of no submarine nor anything church decided to buy lumber of Quigley being happy. county ", Cntaininl ul n lot of if,.od pointers on
not kaow. The thought tbat be might |I else on tab her sea, but I atn'tbaakerln' I Lumber and, Supply S.., Starke, | Hut there's I little more to thishappiness al'rel more or 118S. the work und will he glad, cOllletlns
be ordered off without no much as a : to go cbasln Germans acroa and ceil the church. A heater will p"ripton 01 mine. To This the 28th day of Jp'pmh"r. fi!>l7II. people of thin county the benefit of
goodby drove m*,nearly era/ I gu *. I, l'o' ? !l..nlJ1D:! JIQI noi
Ir -
,. --., f .
: y fI"Tr.
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.r.'fr. .. .
y r' era i
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a ..,.-7 I. .t. ,.. ,:,. '_! "\."JU\1 \' l !' J.m Y. .W1 I r.t. ;, : ..." . .. . ... ', ..''':'-nf. \\j 11" .
_.. .....,. "'" III" ,", ", If. I'; '" \<, p" II'';., ",."" ", ., .. "' "- ''' r" '" "r '- ":JttI:
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;;'" 7.--.,{, .,, '" -
1 i
_.._ .
--- --------------
--- -
_. -- ---- '
- --- --- - - --
I P RAIFORD. ;\ Jim' Thomas or Jackvumlli'' ------1 1Irh :Mr and] :Mrs. E. II. Douglass visited la.-t Sunday afternoon, when :Mr./ (o',.
:-- I I II i iI ,i- v1-Wug l'I'lalluud i'm-nds" of tlio hitter's, parent::, :Mr. and :Mr. car Wtcrs of near! Luke Butlrr I, ]I. ,I
i .. .. I I 1''II. mill :Mr..1.l. P. Tomliiinon: ), of t t'tuU" this ,.,..,'tI011. He will return home J. I I. Dul'osi'' of Little, Sl'rll1l.SI1"da( '. I I lo the I1111tl'l1110nllliultur Miss KluiYi, (?,
i" '--- ', I \\< if in' town( Friday. some' tune( ( this wi'i'k. ,: ;Mihs Gertie Thomas and ;Miss DahyI.owii. Mix, :IIIaryY.; O. Brooks nf ]1"0'.1, ,
: ;Mi(, AhfiM." : Lell'iii\ and,, < : ThiTi is not hut, three more weeksof ", tiC Brooker, attended f vhurchlicre dunce olliciuting. Mr. Waters n ;a{
[ Itemb"I'I' 'r I.mMi. ', .pent;" Tuciday in .1"UIo'Io"'I"1 school. \\ e hope it will continue Sunday. bun of J. O. Waters, who i is! om "lf
County News 'illc., on nicely to the end. I I Eury Spires and sisters, ;Misses the proscrous farmers of this con(-
Felix Supp, of Worthington There will br a cemetery working: Ettie and Cora and Keener Thomas, nnmity. The bride is a charming
.-- ,- -.-.- ---- -- isited 1 his Mister, Mrs C. I). Cason, at the Conner Cemetery the 25 of ''of ;Midway, attended church here Sunday young Indy, much admired by all In. P
a.-t week.Miss January, mid all who are interested night. acquaintances. We wish them u long!:
Imt r ,tlng Facts Gathered During theuk by Our ; Pearl Bennett, who has been are invited to attend. We will be glad. Waters-Dix and happy voyoge on the sea of life
-: Regular Correspondents. visiting' the family of Mr. E. I'. John- to have you who are interehted in it. There was a pretty home wedding STItESI'ASS
-"" Mon, returned to her home in Lawtey Uring well filled baskets. bomized at the home of the bride's
-, Friday, :Mrs L, L. Conner visited her sister parents, :Mr. and :Mrs 11. I). Dix, on SIGNS.
I Drill l Brooks, who is attending :Mrs J. E. Johnson, Sunday ,
.,-hool in Jacksonville, spent the weekend :Mr. II. :M. Alvarez's little son, -
;. THERESSA. l LAWTEY.Mr. : .t444'4-V..$,N,$ iv..HN
The fanners, are )busy clearing( up : II.V.. :Miller, of near Cleveland C. Krooks. writing but we hope for him a speedy % :
their fields and l good of them Ohio, arrived, here a few days :Mrs I.. Sapp and .children, Marian recovery.Messrs..
a many will about month and R. L., visited :Mrs Sapp's .laugher : L. L. Connor and F. :M. GROW PEANUTS :
\ are taking in new ground and/ preparing ago/ and spend a us
.,0 it for planting. the guest of his lIi..tl'rIi": Annie Mrs. C. U. Cason. ;Mrs. Sapp was Norman were shopping in Starke Sat- 2k
formerly of Ruiford but of Ala- urdav. ro
,. Mossr TISOII and Ury Sapp, of Walz. r
:t'Y- Ruiford, and I. W. Andrews, of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wcatherford, of hua. :Mr. Levy Norman returned homo (o ,:. ..it
I. Sturke, t-pont' ( Sunday afternoon at tho Rocky Mount N. C., arc visitors ut hl'phl'rllIoore: and Avery Tison Sunday after a three week's visit in ""
." home of Mr. and :Mrs. G. :M. liennet. j HIP home of Mr. and :\11'''. O. D. Godwin were in Starke Friday afternoon Coffee, Gu., visiting relatives and he
, k Mr. A. L. Dennett': of Raiford spent I one mile south' of Lawtey. Mrs. Mr. J. A, lirooks was in Jacksonville reports a nice time :t Defeat the boll weevil by planting a liberal acreage ,
" )I'. Sunday afternoon here with his parr \VVathcrford is a sister of :Mr. God- Friday Joe Johnson. Mrs L. L. Conner and little daughter ;4; of peanuts. A safe and profitable crop; minimum i
evg r ents Mr. and :Mrs G. 111, Hennctt.Mr. was in Lawtey Friday, Ida Mae, were visitors to Mrs.
In 'f',: : J. I 1). Tompson, Washington, win.Mr.. C. K. Sapp attended the grand visiting relatives and friends. Green the latter part of lust week. :4 amount of labor required; matures in 100 days. The ,
T). C., was a business visitor here the lodge of F. & A. :M. in Jacksonville ;Masters Bennett and Henry Wilkinson :Mr. S. J. Norman and doughters, hay will the expense of growing crop. Can I:
ryOtl ,... latter purl of last week and l the first last week as a delegate from LawteyUodgc. Vundrebiit, were in town Sat- :Misses I'eculia, Eulu Alta and Ruby,
of this week. urday. uttended church at Heilbron Sunday. ,c) be planted as late as July. :
Mr. and :Mm. n.V.. Moore attended :Mr. W. H. Higgs was a visitor to Dan Johnson and Nat Newsomewere :Messrs. Leon Conner and Levy Nor- :. This is desirous of contracting for this
in Lake
I the Baptist State Convention, at Middleburg! the lir:
C( :Mr. :Mrs. C. V. returned Edward Dynl spent Saturday in theMetropolis. afternoon.Mr. "
Tallahassee last week. and Mayo : :!: year's crop and is in position to supply seed---the '
ou Rev. (L A. l'revatt, of :Middleburg, here :Sunday: from their wedding tripjnd )
: Warren Bloodsworth
Mr. and, Mrs. L. II. Futch. of Law- a it little Spanish variety---at $2.15 a tt
;sIn filled his regular appointment at the will "upend' a few days with relatives mil over to :Mr. F. M. Norman's Thursday twocropVhite
r' Baptist' c'hurch here Saturday and, before going to their home inl'rn..neoa. tey, spent, :Mr.Saturday and Mrs.witlMr.E. D. .Futch.Futch'sparents : bushel, if ordered at once. This variety is worth :f
:Sunday.Messrs.: : . I II.) W. :Moore and J. D. ; Mr. II.! .I>. Randall was a visitor to Sheriff Epperson and son, Willie, and Mr.Miss Leon Lizzie Conner Norman and sister, Reba $10 a ton more for oil than the other vareties De- '
inf'l P Thompson. are going to contract with .furksonvilliSaturday and Sunday. were Little in town Miss Saturday.Cortez Andreu of church at Heilbron Sunday, attended cide now and order your see. Send for free handbook :
1 I the government to plant one hundred :Messrs. I K.; L. Crews, Henry Bennett ,
Misses : and
Starke, was the guest of tier grandmother Mary Fannie Bloods- giving cultural directions and full information wi
acres of castor/ beans. and E. F... liurney were visitors to worth of Raiford :>
Rhode! near attended Sunday
nua, The many friends of Mr. J. E.': Ows- Facksonvillc last Thursday. :Mrs. Sapp School at Emanuel -
Ltilryl ley will lie' pained to learn of his serious Prof. K. A. Green( passed through :Miss! Ruby Roberts spent the Sunday afternoon i _
I illness.' He was taken :Monday .awtey Sunday on his: way from week-end iutler. with' her parents in Lake :lr Hsrs. F. T. Norman and Isaac ;t
,TOIt morning tr> a hospital, in Jacksonville. Starke to his school duties at Live Carlton
Ho has many friends who wish to see (ak, and hook hands with u few of Levy Norman' of Vanderbilt, was in urday.Mr. were shopping in Starke Sat-
him back home again soon. his friends! while here. town Sunday. i Florida Peanut
and Mrs. Anderson MillingCompany
Tate Denmark is
bl visiting his brother -
" Misses: Kathleen and Jack Smith ;Mr. and :Mrs. Henry DingfrMer, of wore
attending to business in Starke
Sam Denmark, in Mulberry for *
returned to their home in Ashburn, New' York City, are spending a few Wednesday.Mrs. .
, (;ia, Saturday, morning/ lays hero as the quests of :Mr. and the winter Dona
Browning of Raiford
:Misses :Mamie Denmark and Loca ,
Mr. and, Mrs Men Sasser, of Hampton Mrs. A. M. Ulanchard.
her sister
visiting Mrs. R. M. Alvarez. t
011'eb ;& are visiting at the home of :Mrs.SasHcr's Mr. II. I). Randall. came over from Cason visited their uncle, Mr. John Mr and Mrs. E. .
Crews in Lake Butler. Padgett and daughter ..
, parents, Mr. and :Mrs. Billy Jacksonville and spent Sunday with
p. !\Irs. \V. ; Graham :Myrtie and Sallie Norman, Loui-
:S. is visiting her
., rv i Brown. his family in Fast Lawtey. Gainesville Florida
sim. belle Padgett: and brother Carl o
Walter in this week. were
Stuart, ,
;; Mr. G. M. Bennett spent two days :Mrs. :Mary Rivers of Green Cove shopping in Starke
I""" of laht week in Jacksonville visitinghi.s Springs, recently spent a few days inOast Mrs. St. Clair arrived from the Mr. Friday. <>
O. E. Alvarez has been
north to the winter the Hotel
spend at very G
cousin Mr. Gordon Parnu'tef.Masters [ the home her
Lawtey at of
sick, but is improving.Mr. .
itpll Taveli. p! S--N>..HSH. OC ,G-+.S'Nst' < GA 00 srp00000000'J 4cat
t Filbert: and I Bill Gmtnn of parents Mr. and Mrs. David Durban. W. It. ;McKinney visitor !
'iC''d McUac, are \'i"itinnt the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Byrd visited relatives -.-?- to New River Thursday was, and n I II II
, a their iincMu and aunt, :Mr. IIn,1Irs.: in Lawtey Sunday.Mrs. GRAHAM.Miss the night with his Rish"tMrs.. :Moody spent
cutrk (L W. J IIIIHon.1 : A. :M. VanDykp was transacting :Mr. and :Mrs. Tate
:Misses Edna: and Viol Hayler visited \business, in Jacksonville last Sat- : Mabel 1 McKinney: has returned visitors to :Mr. and :Mrs. Crosby:Marion were Red I
ly ,I their parents near Brooklyn Sun urday. from Bushnell, where she has been dish Sunday
nblre day. :Mrs Skinner and children, of Atlanta visiting her sister, :Mrs. Dinkins for Mr. Leon Renfroe made a call to I
)It Mr. H. S. Campbell, or Haytonn) i is Gi., were guests last week at the past month. Mr. and :Mrs. S. J. Norman's Saturday
: 'I visiting ut the home of Mr. and :Mrs the homo of Mr. and :Mrs II. O. Randall :Mr. Lee Surrency, of Brooker, wns afternoon.
t 1'. II. Neal in Knst I.nwtey.Mr. a visitor, here Tuesday ;Mr. l Raymond Norman, of Raiford
C. (C. : visited relativesin :Mr. D. J. wife visited ,
MoBcK-y Byrd and
1 Mr. (and, :Mrs. S. B. Woodard!: wereI I was seen in this section Sunday after
S:I I StarktSunday.. their son, I D. :M. Byrd, of LaCrosse,
in Starke Saturday.
rei shopping :Mr. James Sheppard was a visi- a few days of last week. noon.Mr.. Johnnie Help to Win the War; -
I Yarbrough, of Raiford
\Ve to that :Mr ,
lei arc sorry report tor to Plant City Saturday and] Sun- ;Mr. Kiiliy, Smith, of Sampson' City,
made a cull to :Mr. and :Mrs. S. J.
and Mrs. :M. /. Sullivan are confined
an ,day. was here" on business Tuesday.Mr. : .
le4"PI to I their beds with measles this week Mr. James Futch. of 1-larbl'p. wn.. : II. 11.) Wasdin and brother, Tom, Norman's: and( Saturday:Mrs..1. A.afternoon.Mr. Make Idle Acres Pay
31 I,r. I ). \V :Moore was attending to visiting, relative in and near Lawtoy made a business, trip to Slnrke'rhur- I llarnage and
business, in Starke Monday. I : W. F. llarnage, and :Mr.
m,I J :Mr. It, :M. King was a visttor 10< lat:Mr Sunday..1. C. Cone and family moves I ilay.;Messrs.: I I-lldon: Ilu.xter: and Clyde Ward: |\iI"1.' ; Normanere visitors to the
.Jarkhimv :Monday.Mr. l 1. I last week In their home recently pur were \business'' vi
( was
Gulfnrd and Joe. 'I ( / a ,
)IVirtor ; son chafed near lirookor.Mr. Tlii.mas, C. B. 1 Roberts and J. visitor, to RaitWd, ) Tuesday.Mis.es .
are enjoying n fishing trip at Smith : (Charles Strickland. and famil;y R. Bevill] motored over to Starke Sat- ; Rt'lia: and Alien llaislop .
Lako( this week.,) mined the first of the week): to ..Jleklsonvilll' l urday.Mrs.. spent
:Mr., mid Mr.s. I L. 1 11. Hn"II',. the whI'e11': Strickland ha I : ;Maude[ Graves has returned I Saturday night and Sunday with their The airplane fleet of the United States, depended on,
grandmother .
I1nl'IIrs. ;
and : Martha
prnud parents) of a line girl born last! employment, from Savimiinh, where the has been Sapp" and :Mrs J. S. Snpp. so largely to win th war, will be efficient only if it has
Wcdnenday.Misse. Mrs.I John A'' Starling, of Highlnni' visiting.
;Mrs. A. J. Jackson I'l'turnhome\ plenty of castor oil for lubrication. The castor beans
: Edith: and Myrl Collins and was the guest of relatives here las!t: :Mr. R. I!. Warren and daughter, of
r Miss :McCall: of Lake Side, attended Friday.A. Worthington, were wwk-end visitors\ I with Sunday her morning,daughter from at a Brooker week's visit who to make the oil must be grown on land which cannot be
church here :'Sunday daughter was horn to Mr. ant 1 I here with their sister", :Mrs. D. J. Byrd. lias( been seriously, ill. utilized for the production of foodstutrs.That's .
J tl Miss: we last Wednesday.Carl :Miss Margaret Burleigh, our de- Those who attended the
,I from !Maxville Saturday, where she !Prevntt. who has been at Cami I monstaticn agent! was a pleasant I at Mr. and Mrs. Fred cane grinding why the United States Government is making I
,I has clotted! u successful term of school Jackson, near Columbia, S. C., 1I\'rn'1 I visitor here among the girls Thurs- I !'tlu'ke1onduy: night Sapp follows, near contracts for planting a vast acreage of castor beans in
F :Mr. Juke Lee was in our burg Sun months, returned home last week, has day.Mr. f :\Ie!
received honorable discharge. : RileyVnsdin motored toStarke
' day. injr an over Norman I Elfry: G. L. and William look after the details and conduct negotiation with the
I :Miss Hlancne }ii.igun returned to her :Miss Lonnie )..oalhnltz11" n visitor Friday.Mr. I Sapp, Leu
to Stjirki1 last Thursday.Mr. ( : Summers and family have Herfry farmers, fruit growers and truckers of the State.
home 'I Jacksonville last Friday. Misses i
l son. Susie and
: A1.:\ Blanchard transacting moved here and took charge of O. I.y B. Sapp,
:31rs.usa' llardue of the Providence was One
I Lizzie. Lottie and :Mattie Norman, of thearA'est\ of these contracts-and the first
business in Starke da Roberts Mercai.tile hu"Inl.'e
section, is visiting, her parents, one ; are Heba Conner Mrs. I F.1.: ;
Norman: and made-ia with D. C. Gillett, of Buckeye Nurseries. Under '
last week.' glad -\\-eh-ome him citizen to .
Mr. anti :Mrs. A Sullivan as n I
:Mrs. L. L.
-," :Mr. C. I D. Gunn and :Miss Margaret :Mr. anil :Mrs. R. R. There! were visitors our little town. sections. All Sapp reported mid others nice from time.other its terms, sub-contractsfor the planting of castor beans ,',
Burleigh, County Demonstrator agentswere to Stnrke last Thursday :Mr. Newn Byrd of Cooler Pond, :Mr. Lewis Wilkerson a nand son, in any quantity, from one acre up, now are being entered
... visitors, to .our school Monday.They 1 l'vlfn'.1 Evenden and wife, who owns u pleasant visitor here Sund.iy. Clyde their into by Buckeye Nurseries on the terms that
were visiting daughter are very
both talk have been away attending' the :Methodist :Mr. N. D. Jones and son, Rufus,
'r gave 11'ery splendid and sister :Mrs. :
[ Maggie Browning I liberal to growers.
on the girls I'lInninrdub and boys Episcopal' Conference at Srbring, made a business trip to Sturke Sat. Sunday in the Heilbron section. .
." pig lub.f are visiting their old home at Tarpon L urday.Rev..
Is it that's
Springs and are expected to returnto I IT. :McQuire filled his going to get mar-
ll.'iilli of :\'l r. J. II. HolderIt appointment ried in this section ? Hurrah for
k ) is with sadness that we chronicletho Lawtey on the afternoon train to here at the Christian all for weare Seed and Fertilizer Be
hungry a wedding! cake. to Sup-
t' death of Mr. J. 11. Holder of this to Lawtey on the afternoon train. church Saturday evening Sunday and
place. I Deceased was born, in Suwan- day. Pastor Kvenclen: has been returned Sunday evening.Mr -.
t nee County eighty-one years ago. lie to Grace :M. E.': church for another : Eiltl Crosby and family were plied; Paid For When Beans
(Ii' hud been a faithful member of the year und a period of great progress pleasant visitors here Sunday. MILLER
and prosperity is being !I I :Misses Georgia and Carrie Mills,
Baptist church for :37 years and was prayer ;Mrs. J. L. Brown
and Mrs. H.
for and 1 !both I I :Marie Dyad and :Messrs. Alvars C. Are Sold
t a regular attendant of all religious '. expected by pastor antpeople1. Ralph Peeples visited relatives at Water ; Free Advice From
and Walur-e :Mills callers
were pleasant -
services health would
as as permit. Oak one day last week.
. Ho had been in \'l'ry01'0(1,1 health A specially interesting service i is I here Sunday afternoon.We Mrs. II. C. left last I Ic
anticipated. for next sunday morningat arc glad' to report that Mrs. 0. Sunlnymorn Expert Growers!
I until n few months a J'OVhl'n he had inA' to be the
I' at ted> side of her
L Grace; :M. f:. church, Lnwtey. The II. Duyal in still improving.
I stroke of paralysis which followed
n was daughter: :Mrs: :Marion Sullivan, of
by another last Monday. January pastor just returning from conference Theressa, who is -sick with measles
t, lUll, at 3 a. m., when he fell in announces that he will )preach a VANDERLT.The H. C. Pl'epleli'IIS' in Lake Dutl..rlon.l.lY
I seemingly sleep) from which he never sermon in which he will give n..WiltTnlmug""s :\ on business. Buckeye Nurseries will contract with you for the .,
,. awoke, ,death claiming him at 10 p. remaknble\ descriptionof farmers of this section are nil Mr. and :Mrs. Foster Glover visited -aisirig of castor beans in any quantity under the follow'I
m. :Monday evening.The the judgment. :Mr. J. D. l Randall. their old the ing terms:
who with his wife attended. busy cleaning up rubbish Inter's pllr'ntRIr.: and! :Mrs. G. ,
.q funeral services were held' nt the So- and getting' ready to plant. W. Whittimore, of Lake Butler Sun-
i'; the Baptist church here Friday afternoon bring conference will) make his report There was church at Emanuel Saturday I Guaranteeing to .buy all that you produce, at $3.00
. January 15th at 2:30:: p m., by of: .conference doings at this. serviceMr. Sunday and Sunday night We day.T.. Ii.'nters was in Lake Butler per bushel, (more than three times as much as bean grow-
Rev. N. T. King, of Starke, after church Randall!: having been elected bthe >' had! a large, attendance.! There was Saturday on business.Purvis ers In other States have been paid in the past.) ,
':,' which hi was laid to rest in the New tr represent them as a del- dinner on the ground Saturday. All :Mott of Lake Butler and ,
I Hope cemetery.He ogato.Rev.. reported, n nice time. I Miss: :Maud Fralick, of providence, ntt.'nI.,1 Furnishing you the seed at the actual cost to the "
leaves to mourn his death an T. S. Stark returned] on Tuesday Mr.I Charlie Bloodsworth of Starke, church here Sunday night. United States Government, which has bought them abroad M
!.i'41 sued' willow, ; four sons, :Messrs. T. J. attending from Sebring the annual, were conference he has been wn. a visitor in this section Sunday. Eugene Douglass visited at Ellis plus cost of transportation to your nearest shipping point. I. '
Holder, of Georgana, K. B. Holder, of othe :Misses :Mabel Mattie Ail.. villo
county, Sunday. (It is estimated the will he
:M. K. church. Rev. StVrk has price between $J.50 and '
Lulu C. :M. Holder $5.00 I
of Starke and l
; ; derson. of Raiford and :Mrs. F. M. Miss I Ruth :McRae, of
Tampa is
I Sinuiel Holder, of Titusviile; and three been absent R'v'rawepks supplying Norman, were the guests of :Misses visiting relatives in this per bushel. Payment for seed need not be made until crop
daughters, Mrs. Sarah Kersey, of the Davenport.pulpit of the :M. E. church nt Lizr.ie and, Lottie Norman Sunday.Mr. Rev. Woodard filled his regular community.np- has been harvested and sold.) *
Wauchula and :Mrs. Delia Roebuck : Warren Bloodsworth made a pointement at the Free Will Baptist Supplying you any fertilizer needed the
of this place; besides! a number .of The Epworth League of Grace Episcopal ': call to :Mr. F. M. Norman's Sunday church Saturday and Sunday. cost of same from
nieces i nephews, and grand children, Church/ Lnwtey, will hold it. night. :Mrs. J. M. :Mott, of Lake Butler your bean returns-shipping it at same
a all of whom have the heartfelt ")'111- regular' service Sunday evening. a t :Misses Lillie Crosby and Vera visited' her parents, :Mr. and Mrs. Ro- time as seed. (While it is generally conceded that profit-
path of this entire community. ::::11). The topic will bp "Younj./ Surl'l'nf'"isltl'd" their Homes last :Sunday : I land; Thomas. Si 1, ,day able crops of castor Leans may be raised, on any fairly good
Christians Reaching: Outward. taker ami ;Miss Lillie back but AMI land without
came Lake fertilizer
from ("jnllltilln,.. (II.! I 1-10. :Miss Surroncy's mother beingserious I %lis''. lRrttanBr r Ioks Butler, and greatly increased yields on light
of soil,.
Providence, attrndi'rhnr'h are practically certain
i The date for League, social to 1 b. ly sick, the will not return to teach I I hew to follow the-application of a
ers "n at thi service. All socials nr' for hut Sunday night. moderate amount. ,
us we hap :Mrs. Surrency Leonard Summers of
, Providence
fnv in l1"mh.
amiUitors l are will xmiii. lie up again.Mo.srn. I atii-mled church here Sunday night. Gi'lnr'OU free of charge the advice and help of
,1 l In.
:\ Leon
Conner _
and Charlie '
pi-nrflenl farmers who
i in- St. Johns River Conference t successfully"grown r
I Alvarez made n call over to :Mr. E. I
the :Methodist Episcopal Church wa Padiret'M lust Sunday beans in other States. Tw" gentlemen who formerly were
1 1x,11-L I held.! lasteel' & in Sebring. It is reported :\1 r. I L. L. Conner was shopping m 7* engaged in castor bean culture in Kansas have been em-
I to have been a glorious success Raiford :Monday Qpti<;( rt ; Tested ployed for this service. Both have lived in Florida for
sin m.u+n and many, a that great attended.spiritual. uplift to the :Mr. F.-M.: :Norman was shopping : JACKSONVILLE.FLA.Broken several years, are thoroughly informed as to condition hero I
in Starke
There will Friday.be Lrenees Duplicated and they agree in believing castor beans to be an entirely
Sunday School and
I> a sing nt Emanuel Sams Day as R{ei{v d practical and very profitable crop under the terms of the 1
lu4y, worn furniture. oarrfliforn ... BLUE POINT. Sunday afternoon Wi Spuidae Haul l Orders '
and .l.titNt*.l woodwora ... and everybody invited to attend. 10 on m F093YTM-We{T Ply r"f contracts we are making. .
male. new loin with Farmers in this section are busy :\ L. L. Conner and daughter :Miss I IIr.
-::;"JXA: t--: .grinding:Mr. W. L.cane GritHs and and! J.illinj.hOIrR.;Mr. W. E. .GrifTis Reba, were shopping in Starke Thurs I .
I ib.n.,in n'.t u.i. '** and son Lloyd made a trip to Lawtej day.Mr.. Littleton Kite, of Heilbron, I GOOD TO THE LUST DROP tle Wrlu lar.., today linn" for dvl.r blank aator contract(beanrn anti matt p.IM,.
K .I.h. r..ler. h..rout Saturday. made n cull tBIr.: S. F. Norman's planted early In March. Full d.l.lU Inf.
role D. cob.n. .h. hade lo J. S. and S. Griffis had Mr. S. A. Sunday! afternoon.
match lb. uio t spud. hard. Griffin
__01.. I two weeks.busy grinding cane the past' 1 1spsltn and Ruby Norman were
visitors to :Mrs." E. Padget Sunday, the "
:Mr. John Buckeye Nurseries
I Vining
was visitor in
Sold by burg Wednesday.Messrs. our guests of :Misses :Myrtle and Sallio ,,
D. C. JONES John Casser and T. E. Misses Fannie and :Marie Blood-j HOUSECQFFEE Castor Bean
Lewis made n trip to Lawtey Thurs- worth of Kaiford Department
Stnrke. Kla. attended church at :\
I day.Mr. Emanuel, Sunday.
t : C. (;rims made n trip to James! :Master JohnieViggins I 1225 Citizens'Bank Bldg. Tampa, Fla.
oiiivi1l} Vjirti2 Co<< : Rosier's attended
Saturday old .
.,.1. Sf.' Iseorpv. ?. i loiinlar. Ira I :Mr. S. A. GritTis on nnd W.Sonpstick.L. Griflis church Sunday at Emanuel.: i ,
Mr. and ;Mrs.! :Macit Addison! of
made a trip across the ricer
to Sunday Raiford Wlre'Isitora to Mrs. n.1.: j 'I,
I prayer_ 'meeting. _ ____ Alvnrex's Sunday. .
r '" el -- ....
' ... 1J1"'sf' # tr. ,
5'. ..
.. ---
I / ? WII , - -- ,