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Ah MtiT
rafnth Cmmtu!t melegraplJ: . _
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Established; 1819. C Subscription-Per Year. $$2.00] Six'Months\ $1.00.-Payable) In ,' e._ E. S. Matthews\ Editor and Proprietor.
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-- -- -- --
Remarkable Mineral Spring:; Nucleus The Palatka correspondent of the I a h
Times-Union, writing under date of II I l I ,
ForsieUbronn Future Sanitarium To celebrate the seventh anniversary ,
Junfe! 11th, gives the following ac- i of her birthday, Etholin White ;i Thursday of last meek Messrs, N. 1'f
count of the marriage of Miss Ella STRA wBERRr'RiTES) 'gave merry lawn party Wednesday I D. Wainwright and W. E. Davis weremotoring .. .
Spring:, located about six Mae Long to Mr. Louis Tilghman t afternoon, the 8th'inst., at the home' In the latter' big Overland "ti'
northwest,of Starke on the Sandemon Jarmon[ . '. "
miles : ""- ,. .J I of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Olin W. car between Starke and Lawtey. To f
health ,_ ""' .. .. "r.; ", .
road, is a coming: resort A brilliant June wedding was that ... I" A ,....;;;..:..;.. 'MMMMM-- .White. e escape the deep sand of the public ,,; w
for Florida'TS mineral springs state, bat has many the water val- of Miss Ella Mae Long, daughter of E. S. Matthews is in receipt of:an- attention to this matter also and hat The little hostess, wearing a dainty road they had chosen a trail through '" ": ,' S
the wood.
uable entirely different from any Judge and Mrs. A. 'V. Long, to Mr. other letter from Mr. J., H. .Tench, Milt the Telegraph! a copy of a let white frock embroidered with pink, Not far Mr. Davis was driving. .. <
1 Is Louis from Saxton the strucka
here Tilghman Jarmon.. the First I rate expert of the state railroad commission ter recently received by him from the received her many gueita at the gate, car "
'' f
other. Presbyterian stump that wa concealed by a tuft 9 ,V
Thursday afternoon and each guest presented the little
on the subject of the proposed vice-president of the American Railway I
In Its primitive state Thia of grass, and came to a sudden stop. "
The spring was a "daisy" wedding, increase>in the estimated weightsof Express Company. In his ]letter lady with Rome charming gift. The : .,
was well hidden away In the bottomof the church being decorated exclusively strawberries shipped In refrigerators. to Senator Fletcher the little people played, game on tho Mr, Wainwright, sitting on the right ;'
Wateroak creek, and muat have with Shasta daisies and greenery in- In the course of pony this; let- official the expresscompany belief lawn, one of them being< a contest In hand side, wa violently thrown for- ; I ;
expresses I' .
discovered by accident by some troducing'the ward, but a* luck would have it, not r
been green and white color ter Mr. Tench writes as follows:' that the company and growers will pinning the hat on the ]lady's head. I
hunter. Only when that water course scheme which was carried out throughout "We are in receipt of a communication be able to adjust the rate without an Among the boys, Charles Lucian against the glass of the windshield I L ,
was dry or very low could It be dis the wedding and the reception from the Interstate Commerce appeal to the Interstate Commerce Klckliter received the prise, which was but against the frame, the top of his
While springs In that section which followed. head bearing the brunt of the Impact. ,
cerned. Vases and basketsof Commission to the effect that as the Commission and indicates that official a pocket knife; and the girl receiving t
enough, this one soon daisies But his chin struck the glass, which ,\,
common and fern withan the Maxine
are asparagus berry season is over, the grower and of the company will be glad to prize was Klosterman
rained a reputation for Its healing artistically arranged backgroundof express company might get togetherand confer with the growers on the sub the prize being* bottle of perfume. broke, and left a gash as a memento 1
-water, whether used externally or in- growing plants and greenery, composed reach some kind of settlementwith Miss Olive Ray told the children the of the accident.Mr. I
ternally. The water is so very pure the chancel decorations, and a reference to this matter, which ject.The Telegraph suggests that the story _of "Flddle-diddle-dee" and Davis, apart*f rom a blow on the ,
till it will remain so for a longer delicate tracery of vines connected the would remove the necessity for a formal growers of Starke and Lawtey get "Zack, the mountain boy." chest when he was thrown againstthe /: t
time than any one baa yet found out, French baskets of shasta daisies hearing.' The commissionershave together and appoint a committee to The punch bowl was placed-on theporch steering wheel, wa uninjured. I
and it tastes as pure and light as air. which were placed at effective intervals requested that we report the result attend this conference when it is call- which was gaily decorated with Though the car was Ix'fng driven slowly y
A remarkable property it posumses1s ] along the sides o: the church. of such conference to them not ed. The proposed increase of rateson white and pink, and Mrs H. M. Snyder at the time Its front axle wa bent ,
that one may drink almost unlimited The dignity, simplicity and beauty of later than July 10th. the pony refrigerators would make and Miss Cassie White served and one of the wheel broken. They p ( >
quantities of it without petting the decorative effect gave emphasis "The Plant City committee, which that class of transportation. 00 expensive punch. procured conveyance to Starke, where M
enough. This is of great value in to the solemnity of the hour. seems to be taking the initiative, has that it could not be used. As The little people were Heated. on tho Mr. Wainwright arrived suffering '
stomach and kidney troubles, when As the church was filing with relatives been requested to call such a confer- many ,of the smaller markets are lawn and served with cake and ice adly t mainly from the blow on the ,
these organs\ need a thorough cleans- and friends of the two families, ence, and as soon as we are furnished served by this pony refrigerator service cream. The birthday cake head. But a physician attended to k '+
was embossed
Ing, and their cleansing naturally also a program of wedding music was exquisitely with the date and place of meeting I the distribution of berries would I, in white and pink, and seven' his infurlun and Friday afternoon lie I
cleans the blood. Chemists have rendered by Mrs. L. E. Ten- will be glad to advise you." be very considerably restricted by a' candles burned on the cake Mr. waa able to be out again. ,
the _____ ___
minerals in
found traces of, water, ney, soprano, Mrs. R. S. O'Haver, organist I Senator Fletcher has been giving prohibitive rate. I White was assisted In serving'! by Mrs! I " }
considered beneficial in REGARDING PAYMENT FOR TAX II
such as are and Mr. Lewington Barstow E ,
--. C. Warren, Mrs. J. W. White, Leah ,
certain diseases. violin, and Mr. John Q. Hilghman SALE ADVERTISING'
StruthJulia Etta Canova and Ethel
The first'"promoter" of Wateroak violinist Accompanied by the organ, I Sa siier. ----
spring:, as it was then called was a with violin obligate, Mrs. Tenney sang The following letter from State M
pastor of Chief ,The invited guests were: Eloise and
newly appointed a Kite's friends have
Dr. Simmons, who lived In Starke in Sanderson's Until, this selection be- many Toiiiptrollpr Amos to Mr, E. W. Hayes,
colored church Dorothy Ritch, Betty and Roams Me- ,
He' with announced that his that he has lost flesh of late. It "
80's. experimented followed
the early ing by the Angel's Serenade, first Lane, Hazel and Lois Adklns Richard Tax Collector, Bradford County, regarding {
and foundit sermon would be "Am they a has been attributed to the hot weather ,
water in his practice arranged :for the two violins
and the of advertising
for certain ail or- Hell or Am They Not T An' I Will and he has been fadvlced on all Hides and Lois Long, Evelyn and Marjorie payment :
remedy Mrs.
an excellent gan. Tenney-also Because costs lands advertised for sale '
sang Prove That Am I Stump, Sara and Georgia on on :
his llaynen
They ito shuck coat and go In his shirt ,
ments. But he was without means (Guy D'Hardelot) accompanied by the account of tuxes, is -explanatory: i
The'church was packed as the.new aleevoa. But ala ''for human shortBijrhtediiesst Bonny Sternberg:, Eunice Canova, I
could not work outside enthus- violins and then the .
and up magnificent wed- "Replying to your letter of the 10th '
to his Pauline Miner Alice Fernandez Cleo
parson arose assertion. ,
iasm. Later 'a large tract of land, ding march from Lohengrin prove ; inst. I when the l ; '
announced - beg to nay that tax
"Brethren he said Shepard, Louise and Julian Peek Jr.
"the Lord made'' }
the spring, was bought by the of the bridal 1 I Mr Kite likes chicken as well as "c
Including approach .
sale advertisement shall have been ,
party.As '
the world like a ball! Jr.[; and Martha Brownlon, Billy -
Truby & Davis, of Starke. "They the white satin aisle ribbons "Amen!" said the congregation. I any Methodist parson ever did, and a Graham, Mary Brownlev, A. E. delivered to the printer, the type set .
built curbing around it, so as to shutout were put In place the frequent chicken did keep him fat. Of ',
a groomsmen,, "And the Lord made tho world Wall Jr., Arthur Jones, S. R. Johns, and the, notice! prepared ready for ;
the creek water and keep the mineral Mr. Roy Cowan, Mr. Harold Wall, of It could round and round." late he has lost a chicken most every Jr., Fenella and Louise Snyder, Grace publication, the publisher la 1 entitled A
water pure, and shipped bottled Starke, Mr. B. L. Ernest, Jr., and Mr. "Amen go! was the ; day, and that caused him to lose flesh. Alvarez, James Richard Wainwright, IA) the payment for the service rendered "
water all over the country. It was Tilghman/ advanced down the aisle "And the Lord made response.two axles for: i He laid at nights wondering who stole Merrill I'utrh, Lester Price and Eld- whether or not there has been' I"
called Truby's spring, or Davis' and took their places the altar. his thickens.On actual of the notice ,
now near the world to go: round on, and,he put ridge Robinson, Paul Knight, Sinclair nn publication cl
Later W E.i, Davis became Organdy seems meant for June weddings the north Ride of his The service
spring. one axle at the north pole, and one premisesTuns Peek, Jr., Charles Kickliter, Junior greater portion of the ;
sole owner of the property. lie gave and Miss Longs attendants I' axle at the south pole." one of the deep town ditches. It McDonald, Merrill McMillan, Julia that the publisher render in connoc- '"" i ; .
the definite at last, were daintily gowned in this I is boars and has floor to it advertisement N
spring a name dainty "Amen! agreed the congregation."And .' a keep Canova, Patsy Brinson Dorothy Sapp tlon with tho tax sale r
calling it Heilbronn spring ("well of fabric in green and white. Miss Florence I the Lord put a lot of oil and from'caving in. It always has some Martha Powell, Estelle Kendrick, Joe i is performed when the( ativertinnment {
I .
] water" from noted located Smith who in water in it, an there Is constant has ]been and for the
healing ), a spa came followingthe \ axle grease in the center of the world a Edwards, Jr., J, O. Turner, Jr., Joo prepared ready
at lIeilbronn, state of Wurtem- groomsmen, wore green, while ,I so as to keep the axles Well greased stream from the ice factory. Wndneddsv Wiggins: Thelma and Melba Silcox, press, a* the only other expense I is tab
berg, south Germany.. Mr. Davis saw Mrs. Ralph E. MacDonald ,who followed -;i. and oiled." at noon he heard a chicken Maurice Morgan; John and Frank In- tho space In the paper and the Ink ,t e
what a lovely health resort could be her, was gowned in white. The 1 "Amen! said the congregation."And . squalling/ in the ditch and /going there, man, Willie May and Gladys Sloan, necessary. to make the Impression. .. qp '
established! here on the picturesque matron of honor, Mrs. C. R. McMaster then a lot of sinners dig wells found that an alligator turtle of good Alton Cone, Juanita Williams, Thelma "Your* 'very truly ..
slopes, and he bent his energies chiefly of Tampa, wearing green organdy in Pennsylvania and steal the Lord's size had caught; thelUlll't ho had saved Seal, Marie and Joe Brown, Margaret : "ERNEST AMOS
] toward attracting capital to his entered next, being followed oil and grease. And they dig wellsin for Sunday, }It Into:'a Williams, E. C., Gentry' and Bernard "Comptroller," r :: ''A' gt
proposition. Meanwhile he started a" by Miss Ada fliers, of Gainesville, Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahomaand cave under a plank and was devouring Warren, Leah and St. Elmo {
village near by, having stores, school who wore white organdy. Miss Pris- Texas and in Mexico and Russia It.The. Struth, Maxine KloHterman, Jeannette BETTER UK: CA UlWIJI. '
church and several residences, for the cilla Hamm, the maid-of-honor, then and steal the Lord's grease and oil. cooler that stole the hens that Underhill, Lena Maude Mott, g to
surrounding country- the rich Wa entered wearing green organdy. All fed the man that totes the gun for the ''
And some day they'll dig: so many Fritz Klosterman. Ethel Sasaer, Glen Beginning about five years ago
teroak section, well worth developing. the fluffy little frocks were made on peace of Starke was arrested and executed .
wells that they will have all the Lord'soil and Charles McMillan James HolIinjrsworth ) The newspapers of Florida ise,
Lately Mr. Davis sold the spring charmingly bouffant lines, with short and grease and them two axles is' forthwith, and Mr. Kite will Mary Elizabeth !Smith.' Commenced to poke fun
and tract of land around it to tho skirts in petal effects. The close fit- going: ; to get hot. And then, that will l i soon fatten up again. And maltreatment and abuse I
Heilbronn Mineral Water Company.This ting little waists were made with big be hell, brethren, that will be hell."-' S PAINFUL ACCIDENT, And invectives and contumely rorn
company, consisting chiefly of loose collars and trimming was provided The Standard. I MEIIODIST _- And opprobrium and vllliflcatlon .I,
Starke men, have ample capital to in the double ruffles and pro- / The other day P. E./'J(>hnl, the mar Against/ a nameless Baptist! preacher
improve the project, and more stock- fusion of organdy flowers. Each at- TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS j i i Sunday school ten a.'m., L A. Da- ket man, was out In the country butchering Who wandered from fields\ : " c r. ilih
holders are coming in daily. They tendant wore a big organdy picturehat I via, superintendent. Come and bring steer Two steers had been Where the pastures -In Alabama ;
will begin with bottling and shipping corresponding in color with her news the children. shot and dressed, but when' the'! turn Had been grazed to bed rock.t >
water and will not stop before they gown, and big arm bouquets of Shasta. The Telegraph has more gatherers Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor, rame to the third, there was only one Down to the fields of Florida s1
have a well appointed satitarium es- daisies, tied with tulle, completed the than any other paper in the, Rev. M'L. Smith. Subject, "Neither shell left and it was loaded with shot Where the feed was diversified./' ; be
tablished. In the neighborhood stands effective picture. state, and this makes a truly county Hot nor Cold. Evening service, 8:30 too small for the purpose. However, If papers had remained quiet
a U. S. geological survey monument, The sweet little /flower' girls, Mary paper Union, covering both Bradford and Subject, "A Good Man Afraid." the charge' was fired at the animal And ceased! their bellyachingThe
counties. We
announcing the elevation of the l land Walton and Mary Tilghman, wearing work of appreciate the I Prayer meeting every Wednesday but without killing. It. The dog held peristaltic perambulating pastor
and their
above sea level to be 140 feet. This dainty white organdy frocks and car- our correspondents evening at 830. the .steer down and Mr. John quickly Would never have flustrated. Florida a
high altitude, and the air that has be- rying baskets of daisies, entered to- regular wish letters. It Is plain that they j*I A* the Baptist church i ia now with 'grabbed a horn with his right hand l IBy carolling! over the state:
to do their to make the
come balsam laden by passing throughthe gether, immediately preceding the part pa- out a regular pastor, we cordially in. while he tried to cut the throat with' "A charge to keep I have- i .i
pine forests, is enough in itselfto bride, who entered on the arm of her per interesting, and we therefore draw ''vite the members of that congregationto a sharp knife held In the left. nut a "A reputation classy; JU, t
their attention to the circumstancethat #
restore health in many instances. father, Judge A. V. Long!, who gave of improvements ,of come and worship with us. lurch of the steer caused the knife to "I've bought/ my transportation
Expert advice, about how to bring her In marriage.! The bride is blessed kind news such building any Our door stand open 'to bid any slip and it entered Mr. Johns right I "To a home In Tallahassee! ti' j
as repairing
about improvement of the spring has with vivid Irish type of beauty, with clearing, fencing, etc., that I and all a hearty welcome. forearm, making a deep gash, But the press. of the state
come under -
teen secured and work begun. The black hair and deep blue eyes, and her their notice, are worth telling. A* lag six ditches by the & requlr.1 Had about all much perspicacity! -
old plank curbing has been removed youth and loveliness were emphasized their letters are primarily intended to FLORIDA M. E. CHURCH FIRST This wound has been very And extended vision y
preparatory to building an ample and by her bridal robes of brocaded satin put their respective section before TO RAISE ITS FULL QUOTA but Mr. John has been! able to attend A* a humpbacked man ,.". a i
substantial! concrete curbing. A coffer and tulle. The simply draped gown the public, recording such news should to his duties and It i III now rapid. Purveying a prospective purchase 1' ) l
dam of interlocking steel piling of the brocaded satin was short, and have first consideration. Nashville, Tenn., June 10.-The ly healing Through the wrong end ai
encloses the spring and a centrifugal the pointed drapery of tulle, embroid- Florida annual conference of the Of a pair of field glasses; ";?; I G M
pump is being put up, which will keep ered with pearls, hung below the hem Others than our regular correspondents Methodist church, south, was the first ENTERTAINMENT THIS EVEN- And every paper'! in Florida '" "''., r
the water out while this work is be- at each side. The embroidery of pearls who have anything of Interest conference to raise Its full quota for ING FOR WOMAN'S CLUB Continuously boosted the man. ,
ing; done. The work is in charge of appeared also on the waist, and on the to tell this paper, are requested to the Christian'education movement It The result I la so well known '
J. T. Quigley, of Starke. The volumeof : pointed ends of the tulle veil which ,give such news to our correspondent, was announced today. The conference The music committee of the Wom That it needn't be re-told. '" t
water Issuing from the spring Is hung! to the skirt, being finished with who will appreciate the service.: ,, was assessed $774,500, and exceeded an' Club will give a program of unusual And here' what will happen r
not very great, but constant, and fully I points to correspond with those on the it. allotment by several thousand charm this evening the au- When the nine-lived official f 8
sufficient for all purposes of the com- 1 side drapery. This veil was caughtto TO ENJOY VACATION |; dollar ., ditorium at 8:80. This entertainment Get a clean Mil of health 1 i a ,,,4
pany. Near the principal spring is the' hair with a high ruche, wee I.I for the benefit ft the new club From the court of Florida) It as
another, to which people come from sprays of orange/ i blossoms appearingover Rev., A. Dunham leave Sunday CARD OF THANKS house fund. Admission 60 and 20 He will bn so contumellus, I ', '
long distances to get the healing wa-] the temples. In this way the evening for a three months vacation.He tent Ticket on sale at the door. So prayerful and so dareful fp+
ter for sick relatives or friends. lovely black hair and broad white expects to spend the time at various To all who no kindly assisted us in All of the persons taking: part on So supercilious and overbearing, 4 t
The road between Starke and the I forehead of this very youthful bride places in Central New York. the last illness of our dear mother, the program are giving their services So highly hope up'and happy .
spring is being improved, and trucks showed to best effect. The Bishop will provide an occasional Mr. J. Rhame, may God bless you free. Miss Irene Brown,of New Smyrna Posing a* a m.anderlnamartyr. ,. '' '.. ,
supply for St. Mark's church. I la a reader and impersonator of That hell prove a vote-getter e''
carrying bottled water will soon be The bride and her father were met far beyond our ability to implore.
rolling over it. The improvements at the altar by Mr. Jarmon and his There will be the usual service next Mr. and Mr. R. B, Lee and Family. rare ability, and the musical number An', durn my silk hose, i, .
made by the company are much appreciated best man, Mr. Gu Long, brother of Sunday morning. are given by,well known l local talent If he don't get elected !
1 Come out and enjoy this high class To position he want!
and they have the beat wishes i the bride. Here under a big wedding MOONSHINER FINED any may .
for success In their undertaking. bell composed of tulle and daisies, served the> guests and In a pretty entertainment, and help In a good This assertion may appear \
I the ring service was read impressively nook on the porch punch was served June let Sheriff Epperson and Dep cease' To be greatly exaggerated a i ?
by Dr. Donald MacQueen. Through, by Misses Frances Henley, and Elisabeth uty Baisdca went to the place of Joe Or It my look to some 1A I n
HOPSON ON THE JOB PULL FOR A BAND .. If I was a-boosting \
I out the ceremony the organ and violins Brownlee and Margaret Long, Altman, In the Heenan Williams settlement
played softly MacDowell's To a of Starke, the latter two being cousins ,.and found a still and other But I'm warning<: the world' '.
From the "Circle," the house or- Wild Rose, and as the bridal party of the bride. apparatus for making rnoonnhlne." The Times-Union of recent date had That, In mentioning :
Iran of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., 1 left the chancel the strains of the Mr. 'and 'Mm Jarmon left on the Altman wa tried before Judge/ Green the following kind word for Starke: The late official well endowed
Akron former I wedding march sounded afternoon for extended wed- fo hi. The Bradford County Telegraph, With the feline appellation : ;' \
Ohio, we learn that our Mendelssohn train an Monday *"having still in pos used '
townsman, B. B. Hopson, who is 1 their Joyful message. ding trip. They will visit relatives session-but be plead not frailty, and published at Starke, says that there The sign language should be ','
one of the department foremen in that After the ceremony an Informal reception and friends In Maryland and Delaware tried to prove that he had found the are excellent prospect for the forma. Continually and emphatically. .,
establishment, ha won more laurels took place at the Long residence and on their return home ,will still in Clay county, brought It home tion of a brass band In Starke. Four A1o and moreover and exclusively, ,'y
During "Red Letter Week" his force Madison street. To this were reside at the home of Dr. sad, Mrs. and concealed It In' a1' syrup barrel] In teen young men, several of whom are Otherwise .
cut 61,826 tire treads, of which only Invited on only relatives and close friends L. W. Warren. the crib. The Jury, however, found good musician,are about to organizeand / Florida stand a good( chanceTo
9 were found faulty, making the per of the two families. Receiving the A number of friends of the bride him guilty and he wa /fined' .*40 and Boon it may be possible for Starketo waft a wart to Washington. i,
cent of good work 99.88. That's as guests were the bride's parents Judge came to Palatka from Starke, where cost. have a parade or picnic or other And I have said much.
Rood and of and Mrs. Long and their children E. M Johns the demonstration where music i Sa needed Yassnm. I
as anything can be done, and Mrs. Long, and the member Judge Esq.. was prosecutor -
Mr.' made their home to and Green without going outalde for help. Every I thank yon."Thorn" (
Hopson's many friends here. con the bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. Jar prior com- Justice Floyd represented h
Rratulate him. received the warm congratulations ] ing to Palatka, to attend the marriage the defendant. town and city should have a bandin in Klsslmmee Valley: Ga r
mon I
and good wishes 'of their many of this pretty and very sweet young: numerous events nothing else sette. ",4
girl to Mr. Jarmon, who is one ofPalatka' Don't crack Joke at the young man can take the place of the musical organization -
A woman in Buffalo, N. Y., drew up friends. home was tastefully most popular young men, just out of college. He may know less to lead the parade or lend Watch your step In the ,United
the plans for her own house, did the Theplusant with the daisies and asparagus both in a business and social ense. than you do. rest to the occasion.Do States last year On.OOO girls' disappeared >>-
Mrprater work herself and with lit- I decorated without leaving a trace. Pitfall j "
and whitecolor Mr. Jarmon, whose home, before his
tIe' assistance installed the heating < ferns and green thinking. The other are numerous and yawning and vet 'r
/ own
appeared here. coming to Palatka, was In Delaware Every one pities the wife of a your
and plumbing systems- But there.!isnot scheme and white again Neapolitan cream, Is connected with the Merryday: : Oro.I chronic grouch. The grouch pities fellow ,I* liable to think for ,himself always obscured from the view of the + ui'
the ghost of a show, fellows I first unwary, +
Company. himself
IIb1 married. and white cake iced in green, were eery .
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# 2 - ...... been visiting 'relatives and < son, E. C. Williams. I I ''Troy Andreu has been on the eick -. UII''-",=--.-...U.U.UIU.U........ U''JJ.II::
= ef riends here returned to their homeIn Dr. Bicgs, of Starke,...... attendingto list for the past few days with fever.
I' .-. -. South Jacksonville Thursday. professional business here this Jno.
Shaw of Cooter Pond, spent. SIX
,t : F. : Miss Loca Anderson, who has been week. Saturday afternoon here.: -
Item'lt visiting relatives and friends in Hast Mrs. Josephine Sullivan and Mrs. J. L. L. Morgan/ of Gainesville spent
; I i County News ing and Ocala returned to her home D. Pry were business visitors to Wati last Thursday here. GILLETTEBLADES
i" l \ Tuesday.Mrs. i do Wednesday. Master Gerald Bcasley of Tampa
S. M. Morrell left Wednesdayfor 31 r.. McKolskey and family of waa here Monday.G. .
Jacksonville, where she will spend Hague were visiting friends and relatives B. Colson was a business visitor a
s ,latarastlnf facts Gathered During th Weds tor Our several days before going on to New here Sunday. to Worthington Monday afternoon. I, '
J' W.. Regular Correspondent Smyrna to visit' her daughter. Mrs. Rev. Gibson will preach at the Baptist Remember B. Y P. U. Sunday night WithHOLDER
". ...' W. W. Farnell. church Sunday morning and evening at 7:30. Everybody invited to come. i
: ". u .J --r Mr*. A. D. Andrews and Mrs. W. Group two will carry out the prog
1 c 'i'..... If. .Andrews spent Saturday In JackuonvillC Mrs. W..B.,;Roper, who has been for i
with relatives. several l weeks in Jacksonville ram.E. black-
GRAHAM Rslford !i returned T. Stewart is putting up a /
a .l . .. Measrs. Will Jones and Wilcox were Miss Evelyn White who has been I to her.borne here. smith shop here at the rear of Col- I '
rahif.m.'une 17.-Marvin Ogden visitors to the county seat Saturday. visiting.her sister here for a month, I l Miss Qusste May McCord. of Carry, son's itrarage. '
'Cplt 1 a,.business visitor to,, Sampson Jake Roberts, of Tallahassee, spent left Saturday for'Sacbonville. where Mins., is thexsniest of her grandiaoth- P. M. Barefoot has been on the sick i $1.25
/ yo 'wist. the week-end with his family.W. she will ape aeverjs.1 days with> rela-I ler, Mra. T. J. Durden this week. list for the past few days. I
; t % MDeeiyBrit( returned to his home- In H. Gurney Mrs. BonU Williams, tives before- going. on to her. I Rance Johns, ,of Jacksonville was W. Shirley, of Willeford spent the
Micanopy Tuesday. Mattie and Minnie Ogden, Ruby and Bunnetl. \ I'J the guest-of ills mother Mr*. Annie week-end here. I PREPAIDIn
a"f Marvin Ogden waa a visitor over to Truby Dyal, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mc- Henry BarneU was a visitor 'to Johns. Saturday and Sunday. : Collie Weeks and Leonard Cook of
"' Hampton Tuesday; Kinney Lois Moody, ,Francs Mur- Jacksonville Saturday 1 Mrs. Kate 8j>arkman and Mra. Maud' Santa Fe, were visitors here Saturday Attractive Case
t Mrs. Minnie Weathersby, of Pom- rhee attended church Sampson on Miss Loca Johnson who baa been I Wesley, of Waldo'" were'visiting here' afternoon.
t : spent Wednesday at the home Sunday. visiting relatives and friend*'at Law- Saturday., : Eunice Hasen was on the sick list j Satttfactlon Guaranteed
sl of pane Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Ogden. Roy Kalch of Hanipton, spent last toy for several day, returned to her- :, Mr. and Mrs. B. Haynes who have part of last week.L. Refunded
r, Bob Jones of Sampson was a visitor Sunday afternoon here. I home here Thursday.. 4Mrs. been visiting here returned recently W. Sowell was in the Bradford or
b C r her. Toe.d.)'. Wiley Edmotidaon and John McKinney Schelle Rosier was a visitor to their home at Winter Haven. section Monday. .
Mr.. and Mrs. Henry Saxon oft of Sampson attended church I here Saturday. While in town she J. R. Eddins of Gainesville was a'' Fred Hazen attended the dance at This offer for a limited
v1v I. Hampton spent Tuesday at the home here Sunday night. was the guest of Mrs. W. W. Rice. business visitor here Saturday. Worthington Thursday night. time only. '
of I. L. Ogden. Leaston Wynn of Hampton spent Rev. Wiggins filled his regular ap- Truman Weeks, of Jacksonville, is.; Several of the families here enjoyeda
Via, Truman Dyal of ZifT, was a business Sunday afternoon here. pointment here Sunday at the Second visiting here this week.W fish fry at the river Wednesday.
visitor here Wednesday. Ardell Crosby, of Brooker was In Advent church. E. Hutchenson returned to his Harry Edwards of Tampa, was in Remit by money order as-
O. W. Dyal was a visitor to Waldo town Sunday. i J. B. Rosier and little grandson home here Tuesday after a two weeks I town Tuesday. ca.h-no Stamp
y (' JJ' Wednesday. Mr. and Mr. Andrew Sparks of I Jero Sapp were visiting in town Saturday visit with his daughter, Mrs. Eugene. I Miss Edwina McBeath of Jackson
Marvin and Minnie.Ogden and Bert Mounteocha spent Sunday at the Seally, of Ocala. ville spent the week-end here with
+ Brittt were visitors to Ziff Wednea-. home of O. L. Smith. Mrs. Mary R>. Jones who has been her sister Mrs. R. A. Weeks. FRAD RAZOR CO.
t 1, 1 1n Math Wasdin spent Sunday afternoon visiting her daughter here for the BROOKER Mrs. Roberts of Graham is hereon ,
.;. :?ii: day.Cheiley' Fogg was a vistior to the at Sampson. past week, left Saturday for Manning a visit with relatives. I 1475 BROADWAY
,' ": county wit Thursday. Link and Van Williams, of Sampson where she will visit her son. Brooker June 17.-Rev. Ridenour Truman Thomas of Graham was
? Truby and Lee Dyal and Joe Dur were visitors here Saturday. Mr. Drlggere of Lake Butler was of Gainesville will fill his appointment in town Tuesday.The ..._. I NEW YORK. CITY
:' chell were visitors to ZlfT Friday. Miss Olive( Padgett, of ZSff. spent in town Wednesday.Marcus here next Sunday at the Missionary I I
Y 1 Rev. Crosby of Shakeragg, filled the week-end with her aunt Mrs. Rufus Brown of Lawtey, was a Baptist church. Author's Peet. I =I='''m.K'A'rurn K..u''AUIUU.'UAIK.A..wvI
Ms regular appointment at the Baptist Johnson. visitor here Monday afternoon. Mrs S. J. Kelly was a visitor to Philip CurilsH. nulhor of the novel
W IF church Saturday and Sunday. Truman Dyal and family of Ziff O. J. Griffin of Starke was In town Hampton Wednesday afternoon.E. "Between T"1" World) ," remarked I
; Mrs. Sparks and daughter, Oracle, ,spent Sunday at the home of hi. parents Monday af<
r of Mounteocha, attended church here Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Dyal. Those who were atKingsley lake spent the, week-end here with contact with. |..-<.1.1.| of till kinds there I All children troubled with Worm have a. uobwlihyoolor. -
Saturday. > Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. relatives. Is just one clans to 'I'Hloe which he .which Indicate poor blood aDd a.a
Rev. Young of Manatee preachedAt Jim fowling Mr and Mr. W. II. Roy Godwin and family of Alachua would run a mile. "The greatest pent rule, them U man or lea stomach dlMarbuwe.CKOVC
} :
the Christian church Sunday afternoon Andrews Misses Helen Nauright, were visitors here Sunday after- In a writer's life," said Mr. Curtlss S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC liven n aUrly
i tot two or three week will enrich the blood.
'and night. Miller June Loca Johnson, Edna fowling Messrs. noon. *>ITJU ".1s tbe man who always says, 'If you I Impovelb.dlae.tlonaad act si general'StrmuKholnil -
i Miss Ethel Byrd returned, from a 17.Albert Miller at- Karl: and Walter Whitten and Barney Mrs. I. W Cone, of Starke, spent could only write up u thing that once' Tonta to the whole imam. Nature will then
tended the live stock judging contestat last throw off or dlipej the worm,end the Child will be
Uendricks. week here with her son, J. C. happened to my uncle It would milk
Visit tf Plant
) City Tuesday, Gainesville last week and la perfect L.&Ih.PloS.DIWI.ke.75O par, bottle.
won a I
i Jeime S. T Dowling was a visitor to Lake Cone.L. the story yoU ever rend.'"
Byrd, of Tampa is visiting
to the live
trip stock
judging content I greatest
Butler during the week. W. Sowell was in Alachua Tuesday -
relatives and friends here this week.
of the How It Work. .
South Carolina fair to be held I
1 I' Miss Julia Register of Lake Butler morning.S. II .
Mrs. Browning and granddaughters at Atlanta. Seventeen boys were on I .. The man who Imnirlnps himself lndlpenHible .>
was the Misses Anderson V. Andreu in Starke
vll\ ling was Sunday
hose and Geneva of Sampson spent hand and four were selected for the Substitute for Tooacev. Id!, of course, the one who
afternoon. -
Sunday at the home of Fate l'revaU.Che.l..y during the week. imagines his IONS would be Inoperable
: All entered each
trip the
contest Mist. Perla Whitten, who has been Mr.. .T. R. Groover and son, Men- Throughout the tropic-ill Orient tbe
i Fogg: was a visitor and he usually turn cut strongIn
hoping: to win. The race' was close natives nijiloy a utihxtltute! for tobacco
attending sshool in St. Augustine, .returned lie, of Graham panned through here
Friday. but Buffalo
nothing Imagination.-
and hot.
During the week State ClubAtrent
consisting of n slice pf arlcapalm
i to her home here Sunday. Sunday
r'r it' Rev.; Smyth and wife, of Gainesville Times.
and others with the : Johnstown I Mr. and Mrs. T. nut. rapped In betel leaf ftavowith'
,; vislf", "' and IL P. Coffin pf was a R. Osteen spent
were.: turday
club hoys toured.Alachua and Marion visitor here Monday. 'the week-end with relatives at Pine 'a fine lime made of nntlve sea
preached at the Christian church Sat- counties, visiting the large: stock Mrs. Clevey Sapp and children why liHI lla. and colored with carmine The Blrdi Feared by Snake..
urday night.y farms. We congratulate Albert upon her Mrs. Hill.J. J. habit is universal especially' with the Snakes In South Africa fear the searetarybird.
Misses Effie and Eddie Sloan, of have been visiting mother, Morgan and family and Beadle '
his "u'cells.Ol.on several left last Croft attended women; and seller of "betel not" maybe Dud will even crawl away
i: ', Natals, visited relatives here last Reddish, for days, church at Little '
} :
Thomas made business from Its shadow. This bird devour
tripto Thursday for St. Augustine, where Springs Sunday.Mr. wen on many ef the street corners
r P,1, v Guy Rosier spent the week-end at Clifton fake Butler Roberts Tuesday, I they have. recently moved. Cren haw, of Wildwood spent lit Saigon and ",'U: pr cities of Indo- makes and .COD easily kill a reptile
of Chine twice lie sire.Farms
+ ... .. Worthington visited Joe Canova of Starke was a busl- the week-end here with friends. '
--- .
r./ friends in this community Sunday : nets visitor here Tuesday. Miss Clara Cone spent Sunday with
I Piles Cured lit 6 to 1 4 Days afternoon.The Word was received here! Tuesday relatives. at Bradford. ....-.----. ._ ._- .
Dni1il)1.t.n-rtiud' monry 1rPAZOOINI'MENTGUt people of this section enjoyeda .'-.
Mr. Jones brother of Mrs Frank of Jacksonville
," \o't: 'o ur.I"'hlr..IIIIIII' 9lo.dlnlotmdluSl'aert that Jimmy Andreu was
,(0''''' Inxnatly lullcve lulling Pllre, mid yuu aa KIn fish\ fry Saturday on. the Santa Fe /F. D. Andrews died suddenly Glen the week-end guest of his brother, S. I
t .. '>.7.: 'wiiil.rMMC aiivr. th "Ju 0& avuiluuiua.: Frfee 6.- river. IB. \ St. Marvs Tuesday rrlorninjr. Interment V. Andreu.R. .
,1rll' .. E. Brown was a business visitor was at South Prong {cemetery, S. Gainey and family of La- WantedWe
to Lake Butler one day last week. near Sanderson Wednesday after- Crosse and Mrs. Moody spent Sunday
I' \ Dr. J. M. Mann of Lake Butler, was noon. Those who attended from here afternoon here.
;\ ;. a professional visitor here Sunday. were Mr. and Mrs A. D. Andrews, Eldon Baxter was in Alaohua Tues
jfi'' Miss Carrie Belle Brown is on the Mrs. Mary Jones Mrs. W. I. Roberts day afternoon.Mr. -
: sick list
this week.! and W. H. Andrews. and Mrs. W. Andreu and son,
i : Quite a number of the people of
Guy, of New River were in here Saf-
I : this community attended the play at urday. .
Lake Butler Friday night. HAMPTON Claude Crosby spent the weekendIn are now preparing our cata-
., Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Waters -
shopping in Lake Butler Saturday.were Hampton June 17-Rev. N. T. King Jacksonville.Fred Hazen was. a visitor to>;Hampton log for early fall and would like to
.,,",' Miss Anna Belle Peoples Is visiting and little grandson, Russell Swilley Wednesday afternoon.
':.. week.her brother Russell, of Tnvares.) this left through Tuesday the country for Tampa.and were They prepared drove Sunday Maxie afternoon Kelly of here.New River, spent have at least six real bargains to
Miss Carrie Belle Brown entertained to fish and hunt on the way. R. A. Weeks and family and Marguerite list. If want to sell and have
de., tap s>, mm ON im NYE SIA a number of her young friends on A. C. Lee and family from South Shrlver spent Sunday after- you
Wednesday night with Florida, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
American ships flying a measuring J. C. Keene. noon at Worthington. something attractive in quality and
M party. Various games were enjoyed J. S. Forsyth is spending this weekIn
the Stan and Stripe and beautiful music rendered, after John Parker teacher of class .No. South Florida.
a ; will carry 'you and which the guests were invited into the S in the Baptist Sunday school has Mr. and Mr*. B..T. Crosby were In price to offer come to see us at
r dining! room where ire cream and cake the largest class In the school. This Starke Thursday afternoon.G. .
'. 1 your goods anywhere was served.N. class has for months kept the bannerfor B. Colson has purchased the once.
Ins Two and three gcrtentionsago If. Stokes made a business trip being the most interested and at- store recently owned by L. L. Johns.G. .
.. the to Lake Butler Tuesday. tentive. They are also noted for their .
Star and Strip. B. Colson and L. L. Johns were
1 Isham Brown of Bland Is usefulness and kindness shown the
f visiting
here all over the world. business visitors to Starke Friday.
relatives In this community. people of our, town. Friday after- Charlie Cone and
Then Roy of
they almost vanished Taylor,
t' ,\ from the seven seas. But Mr. and Mrs. Joe haw, of Alachua, noon Mr. Parker entertained the clasH Midway spent the week-end with Ray E. A. Strout Farm
visited the latter' parents, Mr. and In front of his store on Main street Andreu. -
;,X ; r 1' today they are back again.CM Several
Mrs. T. II. Rimes Saturday.., games were played Several from here attended the
' ; 6y. epleMId -, Aw.i. Kurt Brown was a business vlRl- after which cake and cream was lau at the home of Mr. and Mrs.pi-
9 owned and oper na' wrrtMpancn tor to Providence Saturday. served. Those present were Misses Agency
'. and .u. Lloyd Johns, of Pine Hill Thursday
good* crowing *-
their The young folks of this community Mural Johnson Estclla Hobby, Bessie night.
% with.q Into *U leaps enjoyed a chicken pilau at the homeof Maxwell Reba Maxwell.,, Lorene and
harbors t". Stan sad Mr. Runs and family spent Sunday G. M. INMAN Representative
dlkV ScrlM proudly. th'aehqrow Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown, Saturday Ine Drawdy, Natalie Marclonny, with relatives at Graham. ,
; their mutt. night. Gladys and Gertrude Aligned. Hilda Mr Eddings of Gainesville, was a STARKE FLA.Mark's .
rl, Y'' Ameeanaapoet .Importer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pinholster of Durden Master Charley Johnson, Eugene business visitor here part of last week ,
, + trav.ln-all can help by chipptng BUnd, were In this community Sat Henry Herbert Durden Leslie Several of the folks enjoyeda
, and ulllrig under the Stan Futrh. Edwin Wheeler Marvin Williams young
urday. ,
a Mf Stripe*. and Jesse The entertainment social at the home of Mr. and Mr*. w .uK,=..dlYInlMVH ...u' =m.u... ,.u.g..n._..'"""' ...
Roland Thomas was a business visitor Pry. E. B. Andreu Saturday night.H. .
7' Operatora of Pa** nger to Lake was enjoyed. -
recently. ; -
i. i ScrvicMUne P .Gainey was transacting business -
;. \\t Meu Sino. .New Ollie Thomas and family of Alach Jerry Keene of Jacksonville 1* visiting ; in Jacksonville last week.U. .
AMYtr N Y. us. passed! through here Sunday. ; friends and relatives here this I .
,Yy r MelxmVtevUBtton CamfMmy. M D. Johns, of New River was a
J.O.Cay Sinn B&--.. Md Mental Thomas made a business trip. week. I visitor here Monday.Mrs. .
+ + b+ d w".t.-n Thlp Line,M IWa- t<> Lake Butler last week. I' Dr. Wills of Starke has made several I J. B. Shaw and daughter El-
E n -T' -.d PMKPllaoS. S O", Raleigh Bielling, of Providence, professional visit .to Hampton ma, spent Sunday with relatives at Shop
I Hraedwev N Vorh N Y this week.
*> was in this community Sunday
r ' . Dukes.
r isrrtiiiijf1""N ". Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hall the
yes Morris Langford, of Alachua visited are WEAR
t. ... 'oiN. C. *' w..d..y.t relatives! in this section last happy parents of a daughter, born LADIES
4 't l :hr w.u.V. __<-..... M.iIs. we.*k. June 8th.
vtw f .. .10.Y-...>J_Y ., We ateHr. -. J. F; Williams was a business visitor M. L. Watterson. was shopping in BACK BAD TODAY? 23 West Adams St. Jacksonville
(ail Free toM of \ to High Spring last week. Starke Tuesday
Shipping Board AlmaUM Mr. Lamb, of Worthington was In Messrs. A. M. and R. M. Williamswere
I 4. W Shipuwed .-wnunMmh thin section last week. in Starke Sunday. Backache la usually kldne-ach. Carries the most complete, most up-to-date stock
Y ' four '..ta, IrM an.w.r d_ Sh\J'k'Summera of Miss Lucille Johns, of Starke Is with largest
a.vpw-. --. --". ; Providence was and makes you' dull nervous and variety of styles of Ladies' Wear in the
__ A._ In this community Saturday. the: guest of her cousin, Miss Erma
.,r. tar M,1...-- Johns. tired. Use Doan Kidney Pills forwft.ll city.
_r..It ......., __ Murray Thomas was In Lake Butler
.. kldney.-the remedy recommended
"'--- 11..... "". U., ". _. ,last "week Dr. W. E. Middleton of Starke...
4 M N. W.D.c.11I11'I Miss Ruby Parrlsh Is suffering from called here on professional businessthis by your friends and neigh Our Motto---
bors. Ask acighbor!
1 1'0&.1.1I an attack of measles. Her friends week.
r IArw.Mtrl..ilir .. wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Eva Williams, who has been Ura. AC. Fling SUrke, say: LOWEST PRICES in the and
a w_ a.r rl I "When living ta North' Dakota, sometime city absolute GUAR.
e f n; a.r Miles Kate Douglass who has been teaching- at St. Cloud has returnedto
t .a.l..y. .y'-.a b .: teaching at Blankville has returned' : her home here. BCO. I was ailing with my back: ANTEE OF SATISFACTION or CHEERFUL RE-
i i r.- *IiI home to spend the summer with home Mr. T. J. Thomas and children of and kidneys.! Aa.t knew 4 great FUND OF MONEY within reason is appreciated by
,e PonaiUngul assoat'ry.t Valdosta the many p< aple In tbat country who had .
,, f..Ikr. are guests of her parents all who deal with us.Don't .
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Crawford i;lilted Mr. and Mra. O. Haynes this used Daan's Kidney Pills with excellent -
I' tartsoftNeworIJardal1y the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. _ir:. rasulti. I began taking tbem
Cope of Providence, Sunday.J. Mrs. C. P. Sasser and daughter ) My kidneys gave me no little dls- attend expensively advertised "Special Sales"and
''otherinformatio. mritf L. Bland was a business visitorto Clara May who hay. been the guests I I[ trees and the small. of my back hurt expect to get{ a fifty dollar article for five dollars.
't any 0/the abovt limn .r lake: Butler one day last week. of her father P. B. Hunt for several me constantly Often my back.
J. S.| Howard of Dukes, was in our days, have returned to their home In twinged. My kidney were disordered
community Saturday. Valdosta.Mrs. too. until I took this remedy When in Jacksonville
: U'S'SHIPPINCBO\RD O. Haynes celebrated her 68th Dons soon put an end to this trouble
,I v w NG1 t4D.C. RAIFORD birthday June 9th. Her children and It." and I have had no recurrence.of Go to Mark's Sample Shop
grandchildren all
were present A *
7 ao .. bountiful dinner andrefreshments Price elk at all dealer Don't \ iffy-id
Ralford Jun. 17,-; Mr. and Mrs.
Mark ;
1. Langhman of Jacksonville were visitor were served. The guests departed simply ask for a kidney remedy-get my word .
here Tuesday. wishing Mrs Haynes many more happy 1>0.11'. Kidney Pills-the same that vcu will save part of jour traveling expenses.
Mr. nine had. Poster-MUlbura Oo.
A. T.: MiaMI was a visitor to SUrke birthday I
'. e Mr. and Mr P. Mfrs. RuSalo. N. Y.
ra Tuesday. Williams of I _,_.__ .
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Graham who Lake Butler.. have been visiting- their
't .. .
I t'iIi'
....."""*" '.,....... l ", ,"" I,," "" a Jjj""" "" ..... . ...-.
........, ., ..,. .-' ... ..;;,.,----
_H. .",'"-",-",''::';' .'_ '. ,.. : " ,
PS b n 4' / rV. r' w vn r4I ,
1. . .
..AR. eu
x er
: 74ot' .. ......b' given that. the follo..in..nI NOTICB Ian' .IU b told at pablle snedos.n fk.etiptl.. ... T. L A Owar iteG.M A'Taw..
e. D..MpU.1... u t ( .rtfI
IN .IVLY. lV2i. It b.ing tha ..ontb, botfo.. tbeCooJ1 N% of NW\Ic\ 01 bE'tf a NE' F.io UnknownOw
the FIRST MONDAY ofd Fteriof uor .....\be.-f .. of BEI4 a Nl4 of bEh: 0' of N + 4 18.00
Uo.... boor .t IIi...... In Bradford Cony.wW 8taw 00 N oE' ol4ff BEI4 _--IT I 11 2t M. Mary Thora" 1.01NW
: bot Ds.esarr to p., tha .mount due for t._ 0.1 oppaalta the cams, _.u... with tha Ells!: a 8Wyw of SE\4 of SEI4I' i II III Ideal Amer/an Cotporotks ...,. 14 ofEN< : -U 0 11 45 M... Mar/ Thor.toO _ 1.11
I aoat o( auch aal* and ......iIoln.. HA NE44.. .f NWI4 __11 15 .0 Ellwood; liayw _ '.17 Blk of SF.4 of 8w44 _______ 1 11 10 .... M4ar. Mau _ 1.21
r ; K. W. TEll, T.. CoV..Wr. Nt1 of NW"% ...1' 1 5 80 It C Robrrm ".n Corn .t NW fur ofSEI4, of NW
4 of i II 40 B D 1Ao 10.6. B
r.eeaS lf l4'n'I to ran 111 tlw.a
I : DeecrlptieB Be* T. M. A Owasr a (A.d.Au H'gCc>r _y(___ I' I' II David P Co81. 7.17 7I0 .:........ B r. .....beg H :daW t
of SWU A SV4WU BWyW .f NE"o' BWI4 __ _____..10 I' 10 Mn H.UIe III 110..11 _ L/t "0 ys of ices I' .1 J H."ry Taylor - 1.11
BH. of NWU Irlni South A N l'Nrt )1:1 a Io : NWS4n Et. of tot; 0' NW _______il 8 11 II .... III.." Mara _ 11.15Wl4
.11t W.tU I J( 40 MIL Ida Andn.ea U' NWu ; Ht oBE',4 14E4of ; of of 8Wi4 of NEVll 1 11 1. T B HaIUUq ....1.
''. l4. Aad.nuS Lgl \Ir. of 0 ( f Com .t NW
t. NWu----- 1 : I : : : 8W\4 ao ', _______...1. I II Cor 0' Wli af SE4.
1.01 159 JdooI Aa.rsan
!. r t.1 l 86'4 1* B. Yo..i -- -- Corpulntloa 10.0. .f NE... race B 105 It to pt
4 V4 _____ ______1. I 11 41 W. C. Willumr ... ..-?. .... NW\Io of NW44 .C NEI4 a NW 0' bear. the.... 1'1' 1011 ft.. E ..10'to
r. 6W 'o( NWY 8W14 _11 I 1* 120 II. H. l4.tUr .---?--, 11.71 Vic of NW4a a8B Car-:: aWVt N10014W21Oftopt a
NJIo _.. /.N ..oept f A in NE ...-.11 1 10 II Unknown _
._ -----Il I I* .0 "blllp )oI"'tloa - -- -- 1L19 o ... ___ 1/ IJ 80W.11. LLA
;, 1\11: .f NW"o 10 IL IL N.tUm' 10.11 IIE\4 of NI\!:\ of BW 1"0 10 r Q c..tar LIIof Can at Ni Cor I1Et SW
I _______11 111 :,(, of .. I
,, 144:: of 8Waao 810 8112 810.. IIWIt. .f NW __1' f 10 .0 ........11. Cog/a; : Iii 14 and run 8 1 ebs aDd 1 It
14.14 .f tI NWI4 0' 814: 0' N lf, _LI / 10 1. JiaI_ Mob. . LII to Ry r'lrht of tbna W
IIWV. S war.
.. .U BW\4 .f ""I NEI4 0' NWI4 0' NE'% _1' I II 111 A M '
d. 31 I U II J. p wtiup,4 5.U along debt of U a1... U
HO ) war
branch (except M --- EW
EI<. .f NE\4 of BE\4 0' ,, _1' 108 I Cbrs C It..khan _
L15 ft to
pt of ...
WW of NBI4 0 by.. t. N
o f NEI4 o' NEU a Wj, of NW" a Hit .f BWI4 _If S II 110 heal Am.rleas Cc>.......tIoa ".81 ....... Etl0f4 W 910ft. .
Nl4efNWVt.OdNtll-1 Lot 1 _.____..LI I N ideal .
NWI4 a If - 00 Am.rions Corpontbo 11,5 .....u,11 II dyne. B. tbsna
__ .f BEVi of
7 ,, II S-I.er. 0' 8W\4 tiC )lW! 8 II U' W. IIN.ut.a ..r--- .- ".&1 14y4 of lot : .an.pt f. A V SWCor 8 liO ft to onN Hy right of .
: a B% Bi4 Lou 2 a 1-31 / II 8. a B Tailor 11.11 thane. I:
.* W of BW44 a 111 7.1..11.8W11 wy. on rilrb' of war
a 0',", .f NWyu ----1/ 1 18 II J. L. Hord] .1.1. N of Lot 11 .----.--- -LI I II 40 f Tie Am.f o Trot c... to pt 0'I s.a. I.
--- 1'1' of lot I .rapt' 1 A I..II Admint.troun LN 8W _ NBli..1/ l W' loba _ ..LII'llo
", NE\Ir.-sl'u'SVuVli.wW .... _.___U f IM 14 Sam..1 W a.... __ I.o4. I!: oyf -- /urn.1e.
i nr ..01- SEU _____..___17 S 18 5t I. L. Hardin - "''1' NS4' of LotM. _.......1l 8 50 :: 1 M Mao5 :: CorVil4 f..cept. vl f 11 71 W' B Mollie 1021
:, 17 W. IL )1- . .- 1Nj' of Z4EVI / N Ideal Am.rlw Corpo"l. :: S"of- NW4 121 10 UskanS _ 1/JIi
'' )4 1/1/ 84 of SEU of Nl\Ir.-I': 1 18 ? NW't --10
acre oJWU of SW ____..............21 1 IS to J T And.moa 1.71 N 1.1 .f NW\4\ of NRya1s!: ,
XW allyof NWl4aIVr 18 no J.LH.dia Bty of 8EV. 0 NWVI -I 1 II 10 V."..... . 423 en's at Nle Cur
_____, .... _10 7H 0'IE'" of N
!f..j SW\Ir. folil4: ___..
of -2t / II ....
( NWU of NWV --11..0.1. L. II.rdla It -a S M 4S Cha.lotte CoIIID __ 1.1 W" a ron W III ,.... 8 I"
lot N
0110 100
: NW", of NEI4 ._____________-11 I 18 41 L. W WUUa LIIe .00 fto 94 yds. E II' v. 1'1' I" 8.0d. ..
; Ii wn N SCor 0' A. C. LRy to ... _ If 0 a llapp 0.0of .
I -I.; IIE\Ir. of aWI4 a Eli of HWI4 and p..hliad .....1... MJohnstown pt of -_ __--11 121 w.- +
'. of-IWV. a i Sea. In BII: Cor el a I" NWI4 0' NEy4!: also
1 II
/1 D. W. Motor .1. r A Maltbr 1.01 semi SECor
,)0" W44 .rN"1i of BW\4 __._--1' 1 18 at of N8\Ir.: 0'
DJ r ",. 8W1.4.f- NEI4 a Nt4. SE'1 18 110 W. H. N.tt\oa 11.71BEV NE\ (.._t lot 10 0' BIk. IIIn NWI4. ..... N U. ... y c\.I.. W
; NWIto of a 8WV. of
f 18 10 J. W. 1- ..... NEIti) III yB1412.5Oda.E1q
of 8W" of HI411 -
BEI4r/ of aWl. ...1/ 18 to I. J. NstU ..-?..-... 45 NWI4 a BWIy ,, Nick .f bEh41: 1' II 410 Idol Am.rsan Cc>rpontIo.' 7411 t do to ---1. II If AT8e."" _ S11
( HE't1 of _-----1. I 18 to J. J. Nettlm .... -.- 101iU' Lida 'I t 8 of Bill 1Joh.r N.... 0' NEtI,4gof NL4\(, ___... _1. 1.1 Ilt a J Stalll_. _ ....
NWy4 of NF.14 _____1. f I' to I. W. XoeDO ..?.+-..?. 110 to... NWV o..spt ____-1. I I/ A L Smith $/7 NW%. of NE!:'" ________.-15 II I C Co..... _ ILl.8W. .
BWU of NEVI\ ____________11 f 11 10 ..... M. V. B.l6tr. .... Ny1 of tAa_ 8WCur ... of NltI4 C wep I
BW: of SEU A 8W14 of BEUBW ..... 18 11. M A R4ekwokkr. 1S7jI - --- -___ 1 1 9O 'I' P 8 Denmark. 11.18 for ahureb .__ ur..n..111 i I. II ......... Tr.A Co.Adminstrat.s .
af 8EU ___________ S8EH II eo D C WIUIe_ ..?.. ... ..... NW\4 .f 8WW.. ..... .JtI 1 10 49 John l' 0111.; '.11 .' 11,11BRI4
; BEU (except 4H a". I.'- NE44 of NEy4 ____ _.._-111 II .to Unknown _ 117 : of 8WSf a 8W44 0' SEI4-- i II II Mrs 0 I: Nora .....
wf ____________..t I U 71 W r smith n." Boy .f NEV4 a N44 0'8E5 T.2T 1 II 100 Ideal A.......... CurporatleaLo. NE of IIII:' I II 4t T 3w: 1011
I KFU of NEIa II .f NEUA ... usa ADeL.... _ .,... IIW 0' SWh! _____---N I II E .
8 1* Acrea of NWU of NB' Wl4 A Bl4 0' SE"1, S II 100 ldoal A.aN.Corpc..._ '1." :: : NWV. Ill N W B Norsaa I.1.
E"0' 1'I1t'l' a aWI4 of
NE44. 6 wili
I f of 4 NWVi
A !: of NH -
,.:: NWU* "' BEU __.____11 II 1" R M 8..111.. __ '4." 6 Ejfo of tlW4 a IIlI:l4 ____-2/ 10 I" ldonl Am.r4w Corporstioa ro." 1 4 of 8W14NW14
NWU ___.____.__14 18 80 A I R.uler.oY 12.01 1. :
? ....... Nl\OC NWI of SW ____. 4 II 10 R M Jukls. u 1.10C Lot o BIk 1 y'. N. S&: ____I' S .1 to a8........ _ ,..,
C I NEU A N'"D' BEU a isa 1.0 .B M J.nkls. _.__ .0..1 add to 1..11. BuU.r ____ 'A HurraH U. NEI4 of NW ___________11 1 ii to S J )[ally '..J'Nli
Cora; 120 It weat of NE: Cor of Lot 45 of Silk. po 1'1 Aadr.... odd 0' NWI4 ..a.pt E: II rsl11) S Ii II 0B I.B7 _ 19.21E
NEU: of NEU and rn S SO ft. to I..k...Butl.. __________. F B Ooooa .......... L14 :" of Noy of NII:14: of NWI4II III If B D Ialll 14Lot.
wit 00 ft.. north 10 ftaaat< I. Boy .f lot U. B oetI.. I/ill 1 a 4 o. fru NWl4 (...
HO ft to of beg . .... ..1 it William a Brow) -_. ..$ Ey4!: 01 m.. 4 original tewo of apt E: 10 a_)1. sod Lot I
Com at J''c of NEU' "' of NBU -- L& Butler ___ .______ Tho A........ Trw' c.. a B% .f Lot ____--1. B II 110 R N S..lth _ It.21Nt4
and on Sec line 70 All Lot .1 .f Bile II 8 .f A.0. Ado nl.irawm 2401 .Lo.. 1 a 2 or f..aBEI42' S Ii tli R R Smith '11.01
: rd. h"I': ft to a 1* of bag L R.Ilwy .aapl 8 180 ft I. Lnta 0 a 4 o. fra.U IW", 28 S II .10 R H Bmlth _ 11."
t thene..ast 10 ft., aouth 110 ft.. original town of Lake butler ..r........ The Am.rlas Trust c., Lola 1 1 A 4 o. fact 844 ...'! B II'" R B Smith 18.078wt4
II f i' went 80 ft., north 110 f t to pt Lou 10 A 11 0' BIk.. 1. I. M. L. Admtnutrawn '. __._. 1.10 a Lota 1 a t or Inetl
I, : I', of bnt In ProvldrnoaFH ___ I 1 i* WII14ma f. Browe '.tl McKinney'. add o. Now LWButlerIm oo9W14 -111 I" R B Smith 82.40
p, t of SWU\ of BWM ______ I S is 10 Wiiom ...1.. _.... '.01 BIA- t t"illll. 8 : C-IO 1 II .- 1- T 8e4rrmt 1.17 844 8W14 of aE4II! S !t 110 D B Warmn I....
l About IB aerea In BWV ..__ a. Lot. I a 0 of B REI' : of SE'4 _____._21 S .i .0 R II Smith '.n
old KouniUree Mill 81t., ._.__ I 11 11 W..... a l'ltta _...... ... IN 1'1..18' add to La" Ii..U.r W14 of NWIq _____11 S 21 10 DB W..... 11.59
t BH of M"I itii 110 0 W WUII..... _... 11,80 in Nlk: of Lot I N of ? S. A Lot I or E44: of BEVY: ,except
., C>H of BWU of NWU (except Iacri F R.I wy _. :_ IO 110 ._ Mrs 0 V 8arbrourb 129 274 acre. in .S Vi.-i-jW-1I1 B 11 75 R B Smith 14,15
f In NB: Cor to church and Blk 1 In John A. Klnr'S Suutharo Lola 1 2 I a a
north III acrea of NWU of add to Lall. Butler I. NCo\ 0' 14 .f SW4\ ._________.__11 S .1 .ao R H Smith ,....
.' 8W U -----LI -. -----.* 1 10 8 n James ___ 't.._ '.U Lot I ..______________'tl 1.0 ._ E R PoppeU 5.11 Lola I a II orral NE... __I' a .1 100 FI.. Land Invatmvt <::0. 10.81
1 ft IT .a.... -of NWU of SVvVU __10 I 11 1'1 C D Dnaliino u_ '.0' Lot 11 III T. E: .Dalila' tint odd N 2. ..,_ of 1,0' 8 __________8. 1 .1 I' Blallah.rd B "aGanT _ "II
fiKU; of NKU ______.____H S it .0 8eby Jon.. ._...-..... 161l to Lak. Butler. /n N I\II of LotS lot 8 ".GOpt N 21 uaa). A
40 ions _ __ . .. _-/l 110 __ 100 Bill Wllliamo _ Lea I a .I..a 0 L Pat n."
; _12 1 11 8.bo7 8.14 ---------------- Lo'1 ----- -
4' :'DuffNRWIpV4ufNlViI4y. : o( On.. A In NE Cur of NW'4 ofNEI,4 .; i6-of i4-.i.-it-- .
NEVI of BEU except. B IHacre. .NE. publle I roa. :l52: 0 50 1 Mrs R L Brook.' 127 a or NW'4 a .U that
l :
.) ......____._______17 1 II IT Bertha Pda - .-.-.- 711W Nl4 of Z e Noy o, NWi4.= 120 IOU Ida] AmMaa Coepoatloa 01.10 onion of Lots II 6 7 A 8 orfractl
% of NEU of NEU.A.: NW NW\4 0' NW\.r.. _-_______._.-1 I' to Ideal Ant.rl.as Corporauoa 1." Sli north .f Ry right
t f i y 0' 1'1114' Nli 0 $W14 ofi' Ely; of lW\.r.. A 8W14 of NWl4 ..N 10 120 Unknown -.._ 10.1 s'i.f: way ____' ____ ?._..-88 121 111 a L Pak 4..0.l .
NEl4: _._____..._1' I 18 80 It W Willi.... ._..__ ".11 Bly of Lot II a all Lot 4 ___ 7 S $0 120 Mn Cha.lotw Cahn _ 10.1L of Lot -1-and ;all Lob;;; 5 1
G ,I II'y ____.___.18 S 18 .0 Tom Gordon .2. IE44 of BEI4. ____________Jl0 9 .0 40 1J bapp ,.u S A 8 or f..etl 8oo. ____.__ 1 'II In 0 L Poe" 15.5
I I 8024 of NWI __.__ .18 I 18 40 Pluck Wllllan4." 1.64 N\iI of Sba4 of NW44 a 8W14 Fractl NEI4 _._____.__. .__ I 'I II 142Pnook 1.1'
.t NEU of NW!,. --.--.18 S 18 .0 Tom Cordon .............. 8.01 .n 8W44 0' a&l4: S of .Ul Fsctl W' : l 4 .v. 11 160R = B : 11.00
a E W of WU. of NEI4--_.___.__ 8HV 1 18 .0 Ellen Hunt ....--...?._.. 8.04: branch _______11 a II 1100 B I &app ..+ SL ID.-- Lt. 1 2 1 _?_._==: = : ; IINEAllSEBof 810 R Smith : 15.10:
JIof or Lot 1 __..-111 I II $0 H.bor Ion. _ 12.12 N of )lEI4 .15.1 A inBE BALRrAIL
i' i I N' :KU of 8W44 __._.__..._u 4 1* .0 A .I Wllk...m '1:1'1: .Coe _ _____._.___1. 9 II 'I' B I B.IIP --.-. 0.81 of SW\Ir. a S oo 0' SWv.
., lx>tl or NW of NWU _.____.10 I II "I aarn Willismo .. ..... e.... NEIof' BWI4 __._____.-16 100 10 .18..1. W. Brown ___ 1.11 Ii E0' NW"44 BWI4 .
p4 NWy4; of 8"' __------I I 1* .0 Unknown '1.1ft' Lola I a I of ilk. U I. Now LoIaJl a I 0' NW" a LtI.
4 t 8W I." of ME\4\'- : =..---.--- I"* 40 A A Doyl15i -. '.If IU... _ ...______________.1. 10 __ D W a J W Pillbolotar ..,! or fraeU W1,4 .fI-lE. I Ii.-
r, i>f NEW 0'NEI4: BE'4' 0' Ink4asotblk14aLt10 log north and west of. Cornelia
t' _W"except( Kr rlirlit of war)_. 1 19 III A A Douilw ___ 10.81Nee of 111.. 211 III New Rlv.r.II! 1 II _' B J &aliI' .......,......... .1' .t..t, aceordtng to plst or
ut. NbU!: (leu Rr right of II Sampan City ...."t lob sold-.1) 'I. .00 R B S..ltb 1'1.11
4' i war) __. __.-StBFU 115 :: g 0 l..adkr 11.10 .'.... Bill 4 In 1'1.. River _____.21 120 ._ Uoknowo. .... Com .t NE Cor 0' NW14 of
f of NEy4 A. == -2S 111 A Powo41 1.10 Lo,. II A 8 of 111.. I I. 1'1.... I' HW'4 of 8W\Ir. a run W 160f48210
NV of NFC; .' ____._________24 1 1* 80 C G 14_k. _____ 11:1.: River __ :: 1 10 -- Unknown - 1199 ft.h'14fIt.N210:
BRU' of BWU A BWU of BEU. _U I 19 80 I. M 8lnkaa I'... Le 1 i -8 ;i--iiik--I j"Ij---:;' ft to pt 0' beg _____-____.__ 4 'II 1 1_ Boots. _ Let
BWU of NWU of NWU _--_14 1 1* 10 P'M Fourth ___ LII River _ .___. __..24 I0 __ Unknown _ _.- -- ... .... .ola A 8 IIld 0' Lot 1 A LoU
. Ito of NFU. of NWU A Bty, of II AB Sid of Lt2ALot. A
'if' UNWU A A" 80 ft of 8WU' of Lot U of BIk. JO I. N... RI,.. ..94 1 10 Unknown: .... ........ ...0'Lo II Sid\ of Lot 11 LoU A B
/I ",. \
'. of BEU "' 8EU *ells 1 or Blk. II III N.w Riv.rS1 10 Unknown _ --_-. feampaon City __.__._______ 4 7 SI R L Farrell e.o'
ut SEU' f>f BEU of BEUBWU : _....81 19 18' R 0 1'.PrIII" __. I"j. 5t A14CFA Lot Iof51k.
Nt;U of Nhlc"w ___ .?_._.__ I 1 1* .0 It 0 P.rloh 8M.: Lot I of Bik. U In Now Rlvo'-1I' 10 Unknown _ __ 10 In Sampson
V )j. i y'I:I... 0' Vi --___...11 1 19 .0 L 0 John.oa .B' 1.0'1 SIT: > E F of Lot )
: of SWl4 .____1. 119 .0 N 8 J''h 7-l? Lot 11 of Silk 1la 1'1.' .. Rlv.ru{ 1 .0 __ Unknown _ .............._ C D of Lot of Blk. 18 In
f, E;i* of SWi/4 A 1W14of S&I41': 1 11 80 M. MoUI. Parish _. 1:11: 0.4 0 a. 8 0' 11I11 11 I. flaw "I' \ Samneon CJ"SiD. _- 4 7 SI -f J C Jtaul.Ilik .- 1L1S
W! of NEU\ (except I River u 1 10 Unknown _' __ 1.09 ,Lute A H of"-Ii;;: t i of
InllW Carp' and 8 acre I* NB Lot.1a7of81YISInN.w I B In Sampson City .-__ 4 'I. _. R B Smith LU
f! <:'' of NI-U: of NWU --- 11 I 11 to M... Mollls Parish --- L7II River __. __ __ =._ : a .0 ._ Unknown . .. .0' Blocks ABCl 2 84Aall r 1 4adJB
I ,' t.y.r 81C'4 S".I\ B&:iLi4 Lola 10 a la of Bill 21 I. N.w II Hlk E (except Lot 8) A Lou ,
fl'fl'N. ,0 RFI ?.J? _!! 1 11 80 R 11 Thamu _" 10 IIrOf Riv.r -_______________.-.84 1 10 __ Unknown. 1,09 10 12 14 1* 18 10 of Blk.
/ ttVi NWU l _IT JI leg p 0 ]1.k.' .1:11: Lela 1 T 10 a II of III" 28 I. IS /. .a .11 Blk 7 except" Lots 10 '
of B1S4yy Fl4TIof \ __,.._8R S 19 10 W T Ch.voDO _.._ 1.11 River ----------___---.21 1 Ie Unknown _ .U 111991) and Lou 19 A4 .
I R of N of river S 19 eo Thomas a Lamb __ 1'1." Lola I I a I or IIlk I' I. New II' of Rlkla. Lt.ia/of Blk IWe '
LrfiU S A 1ft In En.v'a .ueva-.82 I II RrvUr ._.______ 1 10 Unknown 1.'. Lola fl 4 nf Bill in. a, 1.... ' "' '
/1 1 I II '\ or wortmntftonBlk 1 In WW of N'W' : : !._ItWorthlnaliin .1 Unknown ___._ Ui I..t Ii 0' BIll .0 to Now Rlver..224 1 III. Vnknow\ __ .... 4of 2a4of Blkl2a RikltAlotaIA Lota2a/of .
".,, J. W. Patten'. e. -., I..la I I I .r Frac Bik. 'I 16 2Naw / Bill 191 LoU 2405a10 .
1l KmkradnnarU.nlr.s..:.. I8. M and *" *-!' River .____._-___1It 1 10 Unknown. 1.12 a81DA Bof Lotl2ofIilk
1 Lou 1 A, 2 of Hilt if___ .. _- ... M L A M A Allen ___ .... Lo. 1 a 1. .f Silk. 82 In 1'1.' ... II .1/. A LoU 2 4 8 8 11 A 12. '
? L..t' of Bill 8 _________ ..-... ._ M A A M L Allen __ J." Rlsr _ .___.............. u 80 ._ Unknown. _ ... ...09Lt apiDA31aTIof Lot 10
All trlniiular luU embraclnic hotel of lllk. 15. A all Blk. 1* (exeept
and a-rondii. aceordin to plat ._ Thomas A Lamb '......... u... 1 .f Hlk. II I. New' Rivm.1I4 1 IUnknowo _ LOO BID ABCa D ofLot2) A '
Lot B of lllk 6 ..._________. __ A C Conner ,--..--.-.. 1.1' II F. of Lt1)ABIDCao
i NW of Loll A 8 of Blk 10 _.............., .- Thomas A Lamb .......-, @.f1 All BIll 411 In New River ____-I, II Unkoowo I.'. oLt1a Lot 5of Ik.J .
g 9 4i II of lot 8 of Blk. 10 ._....___ W H Douclaaa __ 1.11 BE14 of NII4: a Nil:'" or SIC\4 .12 10 $9 Dol 0 Oreaa 11.99 A lot. 1 S S of Blk 18. A
I 1.0 7of Blk. 11 __.___.___ ._ Thorn A Lamb .1' W4 of 8W14 a NE'4' 0' BWI4U S II 120 801..ta 8ta.* ...... _ 110.11 L4Salofflklga.ots r G;::
Iota t A 8 of RIM. It ---__._ ... Thom. A Iamb __ ...Ui All "GO"t NW\Ir.- ot NW" I 7 N IlIO H Ii Warm 1.011 II S A 6 of Blk. 10 A all Blk.
i Lou 10 11 12 A 18 of Blk. II ._ Thomas A Lamb I.i' 82a of !oil:'" of IYWf 2< 2* 80 81 82 88 84 88 88
I LoU I A 8 of Hlk 14 ___.__ ._ Thomaa A Lmh. 1.1' Ells or BW)4Ia) 8W14 01SEI4 IT 89 A t* In Sampson Cltr 4 'I' R H Smith I....
a Lot 7 of Rlk. 14 ___._ _.. W J McCormick . Lltw _ .__.._._.._ I 'ICI .40 M. Yarr B Tbass. 1.1 LoU Da.LI lla 16a A Lou A
1 r I Jot 1 of Blk. 18x --___._ .- "nllno..n l.i' W 114 of SWI4 . l 7 5 110 1'1' G bwka. ... ....... 11.8' B C I/ SID of Lt17A _"
>Z, 'I >.. B A 8 of Dill IB U' .-,n ._ Thomas A Lamb __ 1." E'.4 of S&:14: _ a 7 N 81 B 8 And,.. _, 11.8' M ft on E aide of Lot It, of .
I ...*. 1 114 4 or Blk. 18 __._ _ _ ._ M L A M A All. __ LNt 101.103 .________ 9 is. 110 L W Cbr 1,... II'n Sampson City 4 7 81 R H Smith 8,08
.l 1t'.1'of "__.--_ .--. .-. W H Dottrlaa .---.- Ill B14 0' a41 of Lolli I a s T 1 $0 to T W Wakn 1115 Lot Blk 14 .t :: HI 4 T 21 = R H Smith 7.1T
4I' of I'i.\I.\ ; and; all i.t; Iof Lot I E14ofN34ofLotIi LtIARID A BaoorLot
Blk. II ___._____________. ... M L Alsa ...__.__ .n all LtIa834ofLotSa IOaSIDCaDofLtll
IIlftof Lt7andNIItOf NofLots IIa.aN 016 J _I of Bill 15n/ Sampson City ___ 4 7 SI R B Smith __ T.7T
Lot 10 A all Lot of Blk. 1* __.___. --- Mlm M A Ally ___ .n Lot JO a N 11 s.rm of all of .I S'l' A A B of Blk. 1 A B'D A B tt .mi:
l Lot 10 except N 8 ft) of Blk Lot .0 ._ 7 9 $0 I" L A Bmwa 11.1. CaDOFLotl&SIDAAB|
11 ._. ._____ _____ __ ._ ._ M A A M. 1.. Allen __ 17.'. By, of0.1 1 1 N to L T Bk.w '.n of Lot4ALt.10.11.a W ,
lots t . 8 .r Blk. lll _................ -.C Conner _ ...00' Lll Bl4 of lot I' (accept 1 lot 50 .4. H of Lot A A B. A LoU C
+/l Lot 8 of Blk. 2* _._._.__.__ Connor _............... '.11 ft nut a wt br Ill ft Jf W ,' 11Za FBIDofLot1A
7" LoU T A 8 of Hlk. 2. ..__._.____ ... Mra B: M Pettlt I." i a 8 rn SW Co.1) ___ 7 1 50 40 B a Brows U... LoU A B A Lot 21. all In Bk|
+4 LoU 8 A 4 of BIN. II .?__.. .__ R M Chamberlain __ tall NEIlJ4I8W 0' ( S 110 "D Ms K... llaMa 1.111 17 of Sampson City ..__--.. 4 'II R H Smith J....
,i'3 Lot 4 and ...11' of land fast ofI Ne.v 1e. ,_ ... ... Lot of Blk 18 A H acre In .or
Ixit 4 to Rjr ralxht. of war of I /hi S&: ) __ S 7 .n A. Bh.w IlS 4th A Lose atreeta In Samp.
I Blk 87 A C Conner . Nick of 8W14 of $ .... Son City . .
I Iit _-,0000,4 5,14 W4k .pt E 'I' R K Smith ..,1
J ": .. '; iik'ii" :====-= ::: W H riuboac 5.41lot. : I A....). ...________ I I II If 0 II BevIlle '.1' All I.o Blk 41 S of 8 A -Rr
t I t 7 a I or BIk7. _.__ __ F D Mullin. An 00 ,... Lot I 0' l11I I In Ward Cltr I Ill 101; W.... .'1. lE end of Sampson: "L__... 4 7 !1 B H Smith S.78
I..la 0 a 10 of 11111 .1 ...._____ ... M.. E M PaUlO , '" .n Lot 10 of HI" I In Ward Cltr S 'II J II. F..rUa .11 All of Blk 40NofBA LByis
/ 1 lot.la.of 141k. II-._..._u '__ B H Drew 1.11 Low I a U of Blk S In Ward E end of Sampson City 4 1 n Richard" Flachcr S.48Wiley
F E Lt 0' 81.. Ia ______...__ _.. F D Mulllnc Act .__. 0.81 City u_________ I 1 10 L W c-br .... SID A B O] of Lot 19 af Blk.
Lota 4 a 6 of BI" II , .__ F D Mulllna-r; At ..1' Fret Hlk I 0 fo Ward I I N .1- a Q- .1 SaBIDABC0HFofLt'
wra' ,, li q I Lot 1 of Hlktl _'_..___.__............... -w Mr E: M PettltTnomaa ___ 0.31 Lt.l I I S I and l J'tlk-i 1 of Bill 19 A SID A B CD
1I.11I..Lo I and Lt 1 of tn ward al" _._-_____.. 1 7 .0 ___ has ... .roo... ___. 10.81 E F of Lot S of Blk. 10 A
(, 1 .: __. A Lamb __ LIFratk.ml Leot. a 0 of BIk1. $ la Ward BID' ABof LtSASIB| AB
Lola or Block D T'v Lotp. ---- I 1 5 S J Wed .... of Lot 4 of Blk. 19 In Samp.
o a II ____.______..______._ Thoman A Lamb _._. Ill 1 s-; kitiw eon Cltr Loti -- liki'I.. Ba....-..-B L FarreU 1X97R
"I ) BFl4 .f NWI4 _.......,...11 1 I. II Unknown 0.11 Cite _.____.________. S 7 80 I: J Wsrl 1.12 BID| A of of
NEl4 .f NEl4: :___.___ .__..11 1 11 .0 His C B 8.wllk..k.-. Lot 1 of BI17 I. Wad CI yL I I $0 a A Aadeon .... BID A B of Lot 1 of Blk. SO la
W or NE\6\ a Eli of NWji a I..ta l 2 11 a It of BUt JI I. Sampan Cltr - ----_.____?. 4 ., *- H Smith . 4L4I
1 SW\4 of NWl4 ___._11 1 10 100 Aweless That Co, Admlalatratora Ward City ___________ S 'I' _' L A B.._ 11.54 SD| A BCDEFof Letlod .
_____ 84 M Lola I Ii a II 0' Hilt. 10 10 Bill I In Sampson Cltr ____ d 'IJ K L FarraU ..... .. Lit
f IIEI4 of NEV4: ______________1. 1 15 N Amerleaa Teat Co Admlnatraton Ward City _______ I 7 II E: J Ward LH Com at eenur of O 8 A F Rr 4
Lot' a sly .r Let 1 a 8B" of ( 74T tot 1 of ltlll 2.- Cltp. 1 ." 10 1.1: Woed .75 track opposite M P .44 from is +
b 41i 8E14 _ ....___1. d N 110 Ideal Am.daa Corpontke !..., lot 0 of 2In Ward I B P- 1.U Maeon 41 from ttrackt.111. ran
EI,4, of NEtq!: ..___10 4 20 80 0 A Johnaon -______. 18(1Ideal Bra at :1'Cor of of 1"I F. on aald Rr It.
I \IW\6\ o. NBI4: -----------5 N .0 Amerteaa Corporation S.atAmcrlran 44 and run I: oa BWl4 IDO 509' S 82 ft to pt of .be., thence
fo Wo.c of Wy4 of NW, ft, tb.na. N to Ii boundary 0' 8 '2T ft. W 784 ft. N ILl ft
N of % of aSWlu Ward CItto tho.. WOT n. "' 111I .1 to: 8 A L right of way thence
I q 4 I, e.pt l ores :\: Cot .._!_-.11 4.. .. 0 A loh ono __._.. U4 thsa II 14 pt 0' .... ._ I 1 N I I: J ward .-.-. ".ta N Tl degrees E on said fightof :
WI of BW\4\ 1 B&\4: of IIW" Gun .t 1'111: Cot of J. .A0. war 867 It. thence 44. ft to
8E14 __.1 1 II IIRO ideal Corporation _. 1488 00". ...,......... lot and run H: pt of bra- -----____________ 'IJ IS R B Smith 8,1*
b- NF a 1410, if NW7tael4 .....2d 10 IftO IdsI American CorporationAmerloan 81.Re .e ft. B 1.0 It, W 75 fie Lot 1 of Bill 11 A Lot 1 of Blk.
I I Nw N ..0 It to p' .f by I. ..J I 12 A Lot 1 of Blk. 1$. "'p.
Ik iofof i8WI4 4I II II Ideal Amsrlcaa Coloatlos'.10.4. 8E4:\\vol 8WI4 ___ I 7 50 II... .......... ..... _ LIT SFU eon of Cltr NW. -BEU 1 'I' __ Unknown\ 8.04
W w'V.Nir' ) All of BW1t B of W I 7 N I A B Ihaw 111 NEW of BE& of : ___ I 'I' 1* M B Bant &...
.. 8W44 of-9Wr r _._11 1 II 1100 Ids Corporation. 5111 Eu of 8Wl4 oxo.pt 1 airy. i- except II _
All ._ bWV4 of SEVI: -- .-t1 4 II 100 1..1 AmericaaAmerican Corporation ".11 7 W Corl _. -_...__ T N 11 1& On.ae ..... In al: Corl. 1 Boy of Sly of ,
lotEIk .__..________....15 d N 41 Ideal Corporation '.n NE"% of :' ______11 7 *11 /1 A. 1.81 NEl4 sEl4 of 8E14 - --__ 1 'I' 41 R B Smith '.ff
0' 1'111:14' : a w44 of NEI4 8 10 ..now4 EEId 0' 8WIto _1' 'I' 1. Usk.uvbaBkow. .. "II 8W of A NWU' of SEU.j ___ 81 14)S40 Unknown. . 1.1'
? 4 awl4ot8L1:" Ii W ells' 0' 0' NJ:" a of SEU "J Unknown
at1. : N\4\ ? _ ..."
.ut _ 1 II III Ideal Aewrsufkwpostlon 51.01 of 811\: of NWI4 a NII\4:\ of ..' ....J.U.6J: NF444of NEv\ _. :_ ..._ t T SI 40 R B Smith 7.W
NE1k: a I: .f r4Wy NWOy.f ..,, SIii
NW14 oc : : 44) Unknown 0.17
NW\4 a IIIj of $w'14' .f apt I aen. of Bmgl NW3!: NWli 40 Unknown t.17
Nwlf -I' N .00 Ideal Americaa Corporation .1..1 br.aeb and . ------ 7 Rloeklo
.race for V.daa E of 8Er4 .. 14)It ) B: B: S7.ll
NIl(. of "Niv.w 44 .r NI14 .nIwrTI) .11 ,7 N 159 Q W .aht.. ..." I'll: aw\Ir. of8RMt 7 C L Peak. ,. 101
a w a LOta I aria I u 4 N 157 Ideal America. Corporation fl." Con at a Pt .taiiw orw1Co..t ; )JE1: of 8W\4\ a HWI4 of 8t:V4_ 0 'I' II Unknown ....*
1I"it.f NJ:1oI.: of :' 1 5 II II Unknown 0.51I' _WIt_of NE14. eon W. ono a II rt NJlI4_: _(_lea___I__aura___ 1. .. _ _ __
d 8kVI _
__ ,
: Mrs NelUa n .
REM of NWy .f I I II 1. M Morrall '1WIoI. nne iea n. tneaae a H NWU of -----n .. u wp. 'I.'"
of :' a. 1.4ot mile. thence B 781 ft. theno Nto NEU A NBU of NW
: d4yNE NS .. W pt of .be*! -.------_ .17 T M 4. R War i*.a* .a W NofoNK At W HWI4 '
MI aH1414 or 8E44. .-.....-.. 1 1 II 155 Ideal Amcrlaaa OorperatloaAt. W.1i SH of Lot 1 except Rr right of BW44 % at '
i, 8W oC 8174, __ I .11 to 8mftk LIT war and MM I lot 80x100 ft on NEl4!: of sEl4: of BW44 -1. 7 1I SO* Jt R Imlu u2l
h NIj a Noy 01 BWli Nl4 oC N' aide of Rr) -. -. _I' ff IS1 Mra J B Baa-. 4.41 N or NE\4\ --------1. 'n 4* R B Smith '.If
014 _ I 8 II 400 Ideal Americaa OnrparaUaa 7888 Lot 0 h__ ----.1/ f 84)T 10 0 M Slowto . ....* HE\Ir. NI\4: a JoN. off A .,
a Iota 1 1 I a Nl4 of Lm __ t 1 IS f. Ideal American Corporation 841 ...... 4 ------1. S* Unknown. . 8*.** BE A NZI4 of Nw" Nick
11:44 .f.\IEI4 i 5jWl4 a PEI I 1 I' 110 Ideal American CorperaUoa ISIS 8W\4\ of NE:" ??'" of Jw My". f NW NW ----_* 7 si las 0 L Yak ...*
of NE'V, a I\il": 1 I II III P P Ke... .-.-..... +.+.. 14.11 l Ii NE% Of aw" -. NW\4 % A !
.. Wr: 0'NW's NEt ofuNW: .-- f SIt 14* Unknown ,. S7.88 Ntk 74 a of 8Wl4 NWl4 -.. ------ 11 SI 40 R B Smith ,, '.11
t EVI.4SWY ofd a E40 of
SE" _
\ .. ltoeru N+4 -1/ 7 81 840 R B Bmlth __ t4..
8E14 --.- 1 f t110 Ideal Amertaa nOorporatloarmnk 41.17a NWV. 0' 44 __---II 8tS4) Unk.... .... N 0' BEI4 of NIl4 a.- ---N 7 81 10 W C Tailor- 881
Tout. i i ---T I r Bik E... o'-SEV.of fltV. -1. I .. ) R C Oroosr ...1 Ito 0' B 14 A. ---.1. 1 SI 4* R B Smith _ 7.1T
r p 1 o. NW44 0' NEt ......P. E'>4I W off NW % .f 4i agw N NWI4.f of SW"NW74, E'-!. of IW"-II 1 SI It* Unknown .*.*
11 .f NWI4 .f NW44fof NEI4 Ii.u \
Blk. a or BE\.r.. of tlEIi 11 S 5 'II Bobt T 8..1. II." ,Com .t NW Cor or 5.. II and l4ofofNl NEV4 A SWet
c IFyW of BE\.r.. oSE\.r.. ._10 I II 10 O MeK.r .... run 1485: p4.. 1140 ,.... II 481yda 8 0' NWl4 !: ( .-1. 111 4* Unknown ., ....
8 of NWI4 of MIII4:l --N I' N Hna-cln ..11 to yt 11.. of .1110 land 81:14: of HEI4 A IIi: of
8E Of 8W of 8W14 1. I N I' BteTla. arahaaa LIIa' thence 8 180 rd>. W 412 ids. NWl4 5E14\ AN --------1. 'I' 1ft* Yes A A Boartn. _, If..5
W Of NE of NWI4 of BW54! _I' 1 II a Grant Barton LII 8 440 rda. W 4M rda to BW 8F4k ., \
1071 E of BE of 8W'4 of JIIW _I' S II I L-er ._ 1." Cor of 8e* IB. thong N 80 4 W NEI4 a Nl:14!: of SE'41' 1 81 I* Unknown ____ II.
7 I 0' NW14 of N10 f II L Fred i sr.lil .... chna to pt of heir the 074 0' IW"of flEV. --.20 'I. S* J B Surrener *.4:
I N of NJ: o 50 NW", __.--11 8 10 10 Frank tdearanor 1.1' followinc: Beat tJW Cur of 44 .of NE4: a : of : n---iri
BW of _.10 1.0 to. Curls Y Bmsk '.n Bee IB and run B 41$ yia, 8 of NW44 .f BWV4 A BEIi: _
of a 440 rda. W 488 N 8W .--.---.-....-.. 1.1 SO*
liE of m..4 NWVV W44 440 rda J' Charlie MHUr-B Smith SI 88
of NlIIl4 .f \ ::: X751:: ? to pt ol he- Also br at NW 8Enot NWW-, + -... .......111 1 SI 80SI R B Smith II N*
0' 8W\4 of SW1'Il' -"o: Sea SI. ..... 1100 rda NW -f NWH- *- ----____Jl 1 4* O L Peck. ________ ,..,
N44WW af B
.. 8ofBWV.. of 8 .. for a pt of bear.: w% . ..JIWU
{ ., NWI4 a Bl 41 of NJ\.r.: 0' NW\4 And from thence B 180 rda 8 sr.4 or 1A Iof 8E74._ ..tt 1 8* B H Bmlth ".11
of sWI4 .1IIWI4 of NWI4 01 *//48 rd.. w aao ,.... N III" N1I:14: of SEl4 W\{ A SIn.
Ice SWI4 Ii 1'111' o@ IIW" 0' IIW rdo-lttN aerca -. .__...1/ f M 111SO 8 D O ka* :Bi' ST.1S 'In loll:,14 dud by writeWU -.U 7 ,. 180 R II llal' 1'."
'4 of eWl4 \(, I 1 SWU"':'? ****, ; "* 1 To?. A
( .- 'SW0@. aw" of oBEVr : I a ..._ .. .' 4. .. 810:14: --__.71 -Ill 8 D Dukea .. .513. I' of 8EV wi'I.: . -----.II.. 1'II 81 40 1 M C] R P: Cauthea Pcrrr : in:.
s., ,?wolqa, ,
MMxIpkOtOhngNt ,- U _ __
_t"' mMta9ww..Irwww _
.: -, !....."...- 01 .i. -. .'.:
_ w PtIM)+Iv""MNr. >, nMGyp'v"' ',"+f r"1Iho' a ,-" -...._-. ..'.... . ",,' ,tr ".:ji ..,;., '. ."" II'I.Y./ i$.' 'M'. .. , -t-"..;;,:... _"'"":'" . ..""'::'\;"_. __ ,. "" "''' ._'_..._". ,_.', ""'
nUI., ''Irw+ .- .0.-' ." '. ., ...' '''''f' '. ... '." ,. "f'S" !, ., ,' : ;"\\r
; : 'N... ... .... I ,> !
,_ ,I/! . ,, , .. .,.L ,: ",
1111111j; ., .. ..
__ ,' ',' i: : ,;.; ;.},', ; <:;. 1, : .' '' : : : ,
,, :- :.: ,,;',:' : ; ,,. .... ;: ' ' .. .. ; :, .< : ' : .' ,' ,
\ W" "' <
+ M+,wa,. 4\A ,y L..rtuA. i-lk.sk! 5.t'1'..
I \ SDSSad
FRIDAY JUNE 17. 1921. .
:::: PA(.. SRYS11'
-------- -- ----
11M. T. L A.. z- : ... 0- c-... '
1 t I 4 or fr.cU BM -____ T, 11 188 James BeOrwoohis < .. r Deerls.atooi ... T. B.Lota Taaw TArse 4.. I
ft? A WU of NWU .( 8E'411 7 '847 town of Stark* ....._,. Ym Mary: Wab K. A. Owner aG.k
11 110 10.11 "
R H Smith .,:e, 1':14 of IIW\4 _ ___________11 7 tt 4* Ines ire,. 1'ollard __ T 17tt
-- .J1 On I lot N' aid of Call at I
7 on BSH
SW'4 - II A
- -- 1eo NE 01
JoIW'4 0' NE'4. No et NWEW James Reynolds, .. n... ft Ba W by lllftN A B flW'4 NWu 01 8Bu: _I' 7 100 J H Pollard r-r-----. 1* *"*
1I'i 0' : _
PRY ------------_.? 1 SS II Ines Ivey Pollard . ... 18.8
of BW V4oof 88W1 ------Jt tl 110 B B Smith bounded N b,' Jefferson St. W NH'' of REV ex 8 A In HE Cor "
( ?- .,.**
Eo .
by land of Vide V. .0... .. B A 7 A In NE Cor ofWy4
of 8W'4 - -II t 11 100 by Call .t A B by. Bloak It
James R.noldo 77.16 original of 1111:% -__. I. T ** 4W F Nlcl l" ........... ...
r... tl Elk .f 8E'4 ----II T, 11 10 1H 8mlth 10' town of Btarke .__._* 8 John 'L" Lot 1 In KealTV"idd to Bamp.- < l *
1'/W'4' of PIE; '4 k SE'4- ------t of 8W4r2e 1, 11 40 It H Smith 10.61" BH of I.5.A Lotto 1 B A T of ton V ...___........_____1. T SS ._ John C Smith . "11 [PACE s
NF14: of1E t 11 80 I.m. Reynolh 35.50: >> Blk SS. original town of Btarka- 0..0.IAtober 00 _ Io.n NH of NFV" A BWU of NEU'' : -----T1n -- _THREE
- ----11 7, 11 .11 Claw. iii Lot t of Bill ST orlglnsj town of .
M.IU..q A SH of NEU of NWU, Ire l 1 -
7.17 .
of NE (o'4oept.1i, .... -
?'4w4 fitarke . ______ eo.a..ber Co _
In. BE Corl MKWU 1, liii A In BE Cop . ._____..** T tS 1** Inn I....,. Pollard __ 2411
n 88 James Lota s A of Bill S* I. M. BEU: of NEU . ... _______ .
of NKK: *foal MM' , of NWU--SS Z 7 si 120 II H Bm'trnb_ - 5.0.61. Johns add to Btarke nt BEU NH of NWU s11 A- In SB-JO T SS 40 Mrs. Batllla Sydboten .11
Lola 1 tor NF1JLeta of ______ ____ A 'W A.denooa 1455
BWt4 .lIII
--- Car ,,, ._SI *8 bee
"tfrm U Nit 4 of Nw -- SS Icy Pollard __ IS 81
U A NWU (1 Ira I I A 7 of Blk 87 LivingstonTruby An _ --______"A T St .40 Paul Pros . __. 501?
SEVwof A Co'a add to Btarke In All . _.__. __ 4<0 ...
) I ------- 4 T SS Paul II. .. 84
l'/W'oI.' acreT> of ) W1& a\40- -of- Nifu"n. 7 SI 10 James Remolds . lies W W mi,, of N"EU:" .._.*_.*.__--1. ssCo" P" Rhea. LII All. ax WH of BWU\ -_._?_____.f7, 81 180 I'aul Bra ....'." l" .....4T,
A N\j of B t,& ____II 7 sitt too James R.noldo rH of 1't.1asUI.4.SA4of WH of SWU, ________SS T S* 110> Unknown . __' "__.. 18 He _
E4 W\40 of BW'4 __-1P 4 400 W.. C.u. _ **.** Lou BIk17a WH of NWU' of NIK; A NH of NW14..S* t SS 110 Paul Bros. . .-,.........-_ ".'1
App _ _--____ o tsss 640 1L Black 84 SI IS&.11lot4of51k Four A In NW Cur of EH of 8W
____ ___ Co .M.4: 18 Livingston rubs A Oo'asub I H of NWI4 to 1 A for clinrrn' ..! S Jennie
All ._ 21 4 (40 B L Black Oa M44 die. of NEy4o\ f NEU, __--SSrH I a '_ D P Pnll_ .. 11.1. NH''" of NEM A 8WU of NEU T SS Hlckson ? .......... I.a ,.
--2e (40
All - ----------- 1 R L Black "
All (eUoept aE'4 of eau\ ) .-II tlM (00 R L Black A A Co Co 88.4 W of Blk II Mouton. Truer aF34ofNWuaNWofN. ,
"II ------ ------------24 4 SS e.o B L Black 1.11 A Co' sob division. of NEt W\4\ --------..---___" ** 110 Paul' Br". . '1."
J-E'-; NFM" a. W% of Nat A Co -- 78.40 ,& of NEU ___.....B M J.nklso .-........_ 11." 1'1'1,4' , ..I NE'4 :'4 ' NW '
.. oL4f of NW'4 .... All Blk 86 In Livingston Troby A NEU of
N' - -- ---21 4 t! too R L Black A. Oa BWU A SH M .
FEI4 0' NE'4 - ... 2. SSSS 40 Nero' Rawla S1.SO A c. sub division. of K' tWU of BWU A BBU!: of BW
*.*4 It.. Elknei
E14 of NE'4 I..55
SE\4 of -----21 4 40 K C Conooe 14 A WH of IIIC% tuNIOA
.... R 8i 01 BE".I, '.81 BI.... 87 A 88 LI.ing.tnn.Ti- t A
All .P 4 SSSS oo R L Black *>. I KEU of SEuA: BH of SB
,,,,,et' t ." BEI4)I, 1 500 B L Black 788 by A Co's sub division of N' U of BBU.: __.___ _SS Uf1 W P Nlrkole \
Au4>! a 1,48 olti 57734 61St4: A Co ..... ".61 E".I, NEU AO J..kISa 10.11 All NWU of" -SWU---8 of Ba- T . ___._. (0." .
01 8WU. A WHNEU 01 ea34NEu : All felk SV -Wvlnntoo Tro.br .. I N% of BWU, of BWU _..._.Jt SS U I. L n..n..1a. . 179 S
of 8E'4 - '.. -.-.- .. 4 II 180 R L Black A Co fall A Co'a .ub division of N REU:\ of BEU, : ____-____ _I* T SS .0 W, r. Nkhoh _ '.11
\ of SWU - _--IB 4 ss 40 American"". Oa- EH\ of NEH I: E S..II _ .a Beg ., NE' Cor of Lot sub .
Administrators. .*_ '.41 WH of Blk 40 In Llvlnnton Trobr die of NH of NBU A run ,
"11 4 640soo R L Black A C.- ss.4s A Co'i sub division of N W 108 ft B .HO ft E!: 10J ft f
EH: "of; ii4iiof: ( ssn Lotu1 of NE Dlk -_ I: Er 8n.l1 .. 50* N' BO ft to beg ..______..1* 1 SS __ W B MoCarr . _____ ].'* ,;
.11 W14of NEU B of river .-.N 4 R L Black A. Oa 1'1..1 A 4 of 41 In LlvlnrInnton .- Lot S A 10 of Blk t sub die of
NEu--' ------. .. II 4 ssss 160 HLAlaek&G. 21.55 Truby A Co' sub dl*. NEU" of KWU ._______._" T SS 5 Walter Whit... . .._ '.It
N"A A NE\4( "f BI\4: -------L..55 160 B L Black A CoNW1 '11.11 of NEH of NEH I I Aaron L" N 4 A of that lartlon' of NWU '
All lex..p' NE'4 01 NW'4 Lot S A I of Blk 41 In Llrlna>. of NEU lying W of 8 A L Ryright 7M1"U
> 4 0' NEVI._ -I' 1 UN R L Black *. O* III.... Innton Troy A Co' sub div,. of" way __.__________80 T SS Ell* JonM. ______.. ....* 4
1'IE14' of NWI4 ---------_11 4 ssss 40 E L Grime' lu of NEU of NEt -.-.__.. W E Sl1 L" Bike ,II 18 A17 sub dlv. of NB''
BW"NW1,4, Eyo34.-.ll.... : 4 .60M R L Blsck A do IOes1 Loa of Bill 4S Llvlnnton- Trobr U of NWU . ____________-f SS 1 P J Para. . .. .,,. ....
01 ------11 B
1'1' - 4 IS L Black A Oa I.... A Oy. sub division of N All W% of BEU of BWU W of r
tot 84 of In 8W14 WooSlawaW _ __10 1 1 1 ssss 1 4** R L Black A Ca. .-......... '.11 Eta of NE\4 _Llvlnnton __ lall. Butler L55 Ry . ___" _______.._______80 T. SS 1 Welter WhltUn . ., , .. S.48
Unknown-- -, I$5 WH of BIll 41 In Tntb BEU: of KWU A NH of BWU_80 'II ISO N Pwil'of Oauthen.. ......... SO.81
l'/W'4' of - __11 1 ssss 40 W L OventraH .... ,. A c,'. sub division.. of NESt NF.4 \10 Uakn..wn 1 t
'II .
SEI4 of BEU" of SWU -_1EM / 1 10 Goo... J Arnold __ I.Bt of NEH . 1_ lob_ (aol) __ '.11 5W14 r "znmnmizzzsi T ss 110 N P CauthenITnknown __._ __ Iaso IS"
of 8WU, of NEU A SB .
U of WU WH of WH Blk ,44 In Llvlnnton Truhr A e WH of NWU, of NWVS _-..,,--.0 t T, SS SO ............._ I.RI .
_> KHTL2 01 AN: A. WU. of of sub dlv of NEH I.ivlnnt of NE'4* A 0 Jrlkiw 4.55 NEU A_ N'u'' : of NWU\ _________IS 'II SOO W P Nichols. . ." '1."
NU elk .. In IVii
.. MWU" r : .: A wu, .f Salt: ..f
1'IWo'7 -11 f 12 80 V.ho. 31.sw .55 l.y A ('...'. sub division' of NB SEI4: :: - :: _8l 711 10 .1 R Doer .. .....
IfIV ESIut 1tE1AAof-NliSf' U of NEU Lot ______.._-_, B .a rtgfordT .., ..*. 84 o 5E14 I of -f W34 a' ..i Wi4of -
8101.. 01-8W'" W SO ft. of t of Blk 47 BII\4: _ ._________.5l t II IN P I1outh.. _ .. 10.81
; a'Wt ,.. "rBE'" nnf-SW In Llvlngnton Truhy A Co'aaub PW\4\ 0' NW'4 _ _____.11 7 II 40 1'J B H....... _ __ ,.It
'"4 .. NEt4" BEM: 01 of NEU of NEU _________ ....... WUllam 1 __ .." R14 .f NEIo4 01 IIE\4\ ____II 'II 10 N P ('..ath.. ___ '.el .
814fof" 01 SIC'" '4 Lot t of Bill 1 In B. S. Matthews Nw7' of RWu ____.__.__ ___// 1 !f. .0 Paul Brva. _ __ .1' 'vs ,
BWi\ !:% of Sof 4, _--1t e II 10 Unknown __ II.,. add A of Btarke In N IIIE\o of NW'4' a Et4 01 SW\4\
10 11 !. II I. Wood.Ia. WU.' W..t of Walnut street. a WI,4, ,1 IIE'4 _______... ___-I4 1 U 110 N P Guths. . .....
..... I' II .11 Vnknown II..0 A South of Bth street ___....-!. 111 Cora B Poppall S0.77 5t4 01 N <140< ft of NE'4 0' IIE\4.11\ 7 U I UD.nown _ 211N4
py" of Lot 11 In Wood law.. .-.11 .' II 1 Ina" A WIIaoa _ LN Lota I I A 4 of Blk 4 InT.tnnl.Y of 11114: ______...-.RI 1W4 II eo 0 M Mnn.tl. _ ......-.... '5.55
1'1\40' 01 Lot 1IS Woodlawo __1' 1 21 1 CII.. Clemon. 1.51 add to Starke In KB I IIt .f NW 14-of IlIW'4 ____81 1 U 10 N P Cauthea. ______ Lll
l.ot It In WoodlaWU _ ___II 1 II 10 Herman. Shaw _ 1.51 U of NWU\ Part of WH of NV''. of NW'4 _ _____._... 7 U 50 The 8."thero C.ttlo 1'.1.
Let 88 I. Woodlawn _ ___II I" 10 Unknown Lit NEU:\ west of railroad A NX # ikv .... ........ 11.10
tots 10 A iS in ':illi"w _._--.11 .. 10 B 0 Potter .... Cor of BEU of NWU, ______- -I 1 a A Shaw O* 11.111All AWu 01 NW1,4, __________-5 I II /1 P J Paw '': :'-: = tali: ,, ,
Lot 2/ 21 6a wood Blk S In Temple's add. to Iwer ., Qa.rt. ....... Ilse or half
.' ii--ii --17 1 II 10 101.. Lan A B'-I1' _ "'IIW40 Storke In KEU of NW'4. apart mil. pat .n 1'1''' IIn. 0' Ma. Ia y31d
I :.i Lot Lot 10: of WH of NEU" west ofr.llre.d ran tI to d..rw, 111 118 It, r.*
of Lot II I. Woodl.... -1. I 'I 10 Amoebae. 3'r..t C.. A NB Cor o? BEU of tot a tarting. Pt. Said p' ha.In 1
Adminktr.totn 7.171ota NWU .-. "'"M 1 tt Mrs En.... 0 Canon ..... 10 ft from oenter of "
II A 1'1 I. Woodlawn; ______111 1 II 10 Arthur Ones - -LB: { Lot T fBii.. t t In-T;;;;';'. add theno.. B 114 deyasr vittank ,; n
EM, 0' 8E'4 01 NW'4 n" to Stark. In KEU of NWU Apart F psnllel with rp 50 ft then..
01 HE\4 of BW1,4, ___________11 I II ao D B Browning __ 11.0 of WH, of NEU west of N 1614 dnre.E: 10 ftth.neaN : &}
Com .t.NW CorL 60SW8u 01NE'4 railroad A N' ECor o? BEU of 84101.. d ._. W .0 n. u 01nt el.
rct.. NWU ___ ________ __-. -St 1 S* J... Green __ .. -... ... then. tI III,(, d.-. W .11 ftto
8 80 rde. W II1 rda. 1'1'' 60rde Lot S of-Bik 8* In Peek's add t.Stark. ; p' of bar In NW'4 of NJ '
to bet _____ _____ __________11 s It 10 Unknown ,- .__ "..CI'I In NW', of NWU N' of .I 1!: _ ___.__.. __ 1 1 II __ It II Blnt _ ____. ....
A In HE Cur of ofwViNEu -Ia 1 II I I' 101 B..dlt7 __ 1.11 9th .t . ________.____..____S8 B SS Mamie Norwich. . _ liE" NWu, k W34 01 NWS
at W14 NE'i A l0 Lots 8 T A t of Bib O In Rla- A IIWI4 _ __________h_____.. I II III' W C Po.4r 4104Wy .
E Cos :: -_ 21 i U II I a M.thle 11.1. In..'. .dd to Btarke In NWU\ of N1I\4: of 1'1'114' : NW" "
T... .f LacerS. '1. T. 1. 8.a. II 6Inla of NW\34. S of Bth .t .______-J1 BS .-- Dr P D Hicks --- ..St 01 NIC" a Wu" o( 8W'4 oNEu
e 1 I A I of Bik wet of One lot beg at BW Cor of Ban. T ': a NW4, a NW, .f SW34
_ _.._ __ 101.. Sarah E IA.dbolta _ 1245 demon A M.dlarf.t' run B \ A wy. 01 SW', o( tlW16... 0 S It U' W 0 Foster _ .. ....1
r.:1I 1 of BIk 15 wet of L' on Sanderson st IM tt theno* RY: "f Et4. NEI4 "J NE" .. I 5 II 15 Unknown _ .. 1.4'
: l l a: -_._ _--_----_--_____ .- B Hl.nelad 10.11 W "8 ft. then. N'' 18* ft to W44 0' NF..'. 0' NW% & NW I ,
T.8.na.of Iawte-8.o.. 11--11-11 In Tp. .. Madison st, thence B on Mid ..1IS ty of BEI4 of NW A II!: ,(, I
I ft to bar In Stark ___. ___.SS 1 St B R Wltkovakf __ B.8 o8E1(, of NWI4 01 fF
Lot 88 eat of railroad ______ _ _ -- R.... lon__ . .... On lad on 8 aide of Madison?.t % of N1t14 fit IIWI4 0' NtV _.n 5 II .0 Sol 1 T Wolf ____ UIW'i
Lot .2 sot of railroad _.___ -- Will tae _ '.11 In Wynn. add to Btarka bound. of BIC\4 of NFty 0' NW
Let /4 rut 0' taro ad _____---.--------- -- 141..1. LOS _ __ 1.8'Lo ed N by Madison at. W by- \ a AEu AWu ;:, +urlki'
rest of .11..d _... -- "mell. H.wkl" _ '.81 lands of E.: 8. Mstthews. B. by W xV1i4_ .f_ : -_ _.: n II 10 JflHllthnndt.1.10
Lot $47 ..ut of ..11J'ODd ___________ Chato. P.rk.. _ 1.111 Wynn A E by Wet Edwards A N\40 ,,1Nit'" --__._ ._--11- S 1. JlO C 11 Urah. _..__ 11.10
Lot 8 Oto-: ,: dl. In Ent Law. __ Chu Mrs Moore ________-_______tt SS 0 L Benalar' . 1B.BB II10 A In SF!: Car of 1':1,1: of N
to,. _ __ Parker .... Com W'4 a N 1120 It of N" Of
------ ---- ---- -- 187U ft E of NE Cow ofBroadway ?
All 5Wu of 8W4 of % E A Hoyt .''ta on N '1iI1w IIW'4 A F: UI It of III!: ofBEU .
of Kln.olp. rood _.! -__.._ I 1 II I 0 po Stewart -- "' t-" 211 .Id. of Hort. A. run E 108 ft, !: of BWVA" B40 of 1'1''' 14 .;ro:; 11of t ?
PWI4 of SE 4 of NE'4 _-_____28 0 II 1100M'B": A8bfI !,1> 255swi N106ft.W'' IO6ft810Bftto AEt4'.p. W 4 A A W'ti ojIIW4
of NW\4, of 8W'4 -20 5 II ._ '.11 "f BIC' a 1'1'1' 0' 1f1t\4
5E14 "f NW\4\ of BW\4 ___- -5 2 II 10 "P.al _ 4.5! leer In Stark ..___..___..-___IS SS F H Rale .______ .... of BEI4 A S14" 01 1'0111:14: ofII
10 Ella WllllamD _ 1.55 Com 818 ft F.: DINE -0... of |
PF14: of NF.4 01 BW\4 -------.25 I II Fu A NF Cos N
liE of NW'4 of SEW-----------15" 1 II 10 C 0 Ffttt __ '..BIW.J Hmsdway A Hoyt sta on N side Sty : _! _1I 1 f1NWI4 10. Brooklyn Land Co. __ 11.1.
of W3 o of NWu of BE of Hoyt st A run N 108 oat.f Two A In NW -Car of 8WV of
:f NEu _ _.U 6 II I A T Paal n U8 K2H ft B 108 ft to _ _ .. _11 1 II 1 Robert' G.I. _ L--- I."
W6AofNt4'' 01 NWUoNW14..2/ 12 0 T L Gaer" __.........._. 4.56 W BtU ft to ben. In lit"... ___S* < SS C H Marka *.'1 NL4' of NWI4 of 4514-A!: WV"a
NW14' of of 8W 4 N 1.1 Lots 29 80 81 81 8> 84 US A 8* NW'4 ..1-IIIE'4 __....____11 1 TI allo R n Clayton ______.. l1.ee
of .r i'B % of : % __28 1 U IS The America T..t Oa of Blk 8 In R N. 110..1/n"''. 8W14 a NW'4 0' SE'4 ___18 I f1 1110 W 0 F..n _ ______ 17,55
Com .t BW Cot 01 SWU4 of BII: "d..IDlet..to... _ ___ .'..17II add to Stark .n NEU of SEU_S* 1 SS C H Marka' .-.... .... ..*. lot 4 _ _____________.S 21 5Ilnknuwn ___._ ....
a ran E on Sao lIns 110 Part of a 8 A lot com at KB FlWI4 of NW\4 .. _______.l1 S tI .0 1)avk. Lknl.r. .. .___. 1,018Wof t Ilk.
It to pt .f beg. thenso land formerly I owned by NE\4 lafl O A In NID
a .N I T..W'S : \
AA. .. .. .a. .. a AO. f M1M W.A IT lln. 01 A '' :
Cop A E4t NW\4 N534of
w'lis' fr u"bea'"*------1' SSWH I Ju W Williams. __ BBS of s..e. 29. tnenes S on Bea..In tlW\4 A. fllt'4 of IIWI4 .11 '
. 220 rds. then** W to SBCor 10 A In flliJ Cue _.___-__ _____11 1 II 180 Brooklyn. Land 0. 16.61ES .
,! of BWH of NWH of 111':1418: B SSNFM B James Roberts .___._ 1.8t of land formerly. owned br "I NW'4 A II: IAof W3of 1
of SEW of SEU: A NH said Sweat, thenea. N'' to "bog In BWI4 01 NEVt.6'' :\ :. __18 s 81 18 Desk flunky ______ I.... ,
nT AEu of SEH of SEH ___-.5.7 U IS The American. Trust Co.,, EH of SEH ________._S* I SSSS 4 C W raring: A CoS .. 8." '
Administrators . __._ '..1'1I. S 114 A of the. following. descrlb.d g to
.... 23 A S8 In Woa4lnwn.4O 1 ss SO W L Johns ___.__ 219NFV piece" of land. towlt Nom i said bill will. Ix taken aonfeseed saiddifiindant. ( tto
of NEW of NBU ____8* 522 10 WC Ladd . _.._.-....... LR at -"t 210 ft S of NW Cop RIDDINR A IIOUSR (Ho' ANTS} aa
NW14 of NEW of SWU __?__ ___ SBBU S ssts 10 Re* S F Wolf 0.9 of NWU of PC'V4 A run S 7 A ARSENATE OP SODA WILL IK It Is further ordered that this order I IMpuliliiilted fee,
NW& A of SW 8 .100 chn, K II 81-100 chana ,
WU week for four acinseautlv
o'f, BO A J Bryan . .. 11..e i N'' 7 80-10(1( rhns. W 4inee a +
H NEVI __ __ 4 5 8 81-100 week In the llradford
-- -- --- County Tulenreph. n 5.h
WH of REV of FIE'1..---. e t* EO Silas Lupton . ... 1.45 elms to her In NWH, of KEU_** I Unknown . .. 180' The lint may he a model of thrift newspspor puhllslu'd In add ..un..,. and atata. i iUI
WH of EH A EI%,! o* WH,! -__ ts 820 E E Canovn ..__ .2..1 R: 18 5.-B A of 8EU' of NEH:\ -II 1 SS 11 Ard.ll Leonard ____ I."* and industry but no housekeeper' do- This May. 17, mi. t'
SE14 ___________________ 1 1 ssss 40 The American. Trust Co. W 28 S-8 A of SF.H: of NEH 'e (I, W. ALDERMAN.:
!.A nndividnd Interest In NH,! of Administrators . S 1115 10 A sold J. W. Alvarea -SI SS 17 Alva Leonard .... Hire thfa particular model around her (Baal) Clerk. Circuit (loa."
SWU" .. I 80 J Reirrnstoln A Co .. 0.75 Com at NE Cop of BWH of N .
home. The following methods for ex. Ky U A. KNIGHT,
NFV ef NWM of NEU :::.::::- : / ss 10 Swallow: A Hopkins === 1.19: F<4 A run W A 1-1 ehn. 8 ItHehns. sM>etmty, Clerk
NWU of NWU of NEU ANE E 6 11 rhea, N izvi terminating the pout Brit given by tho J. E. "'T'H.
>4 of NFV: of NWV/\ -_ / SO E E Canova . ___ Lee elanlabee -._S1 1 SSS 8 Carrie McFashlon' . .__ '.11 bureau of entomology, United Stawlidt'"artm..nt Solicitor for Complainant t-JO-llt-4-17
NEU of 8WU W of rr A B'a5 ssn A com at NE Cur of'NEIof"
of r.V of NWU ..f SWU _-___10 5 80 Wm C Rita __ /IT NWUA\ run W 148 ,d.. 3 70 of agriculture.The -
EVixsl.sUaJi' [ of NWU__._______1" S ttts 80 BE: Rlnckl __. .17 vda. E: 148 ,.01., N 70 yds. to moat efficient way of ridding NOTICE!: Or AN ELECTION redS
10 Unknown . 1.81 boa S Handy Brymer . ..__ (SS By the
EH of WUof of NWW __10 / -SS SS nowem vested the flchool' )
WSJ,! of EW. of KWl? of NEV, _-11 S ssss 10 Unknown . .__ 1.1t Lot 1 of Blk 1 Lincoln City: I.I In a Douse of ant in to find and destroythe haws of Florida tha .. nrdtlm.' tl Inatms.
EH of .KWU....!of SWV, A WH |I BH of REV\ west of railroad_S' SS Mary Jolnr _ __ S.S4)B.N) nest by treating .it with carbon tlon of Bradford Bounty, orders. an alctlon
of F.' .... of NF." SWM ..____11 I 80 Mrs A A Rerrlnr .._ 1.17 ( Lot 8 of Hlk 4 Lincoln City I.I InI benzine kero to be bold at the Dowllna .hnol law on
FH: of NE>i of oP' .._. .__.____11 5 ftss 20 Mrs Nannie V Hundley r c.n I 814of BEU\ west of railroad _SS S* Mary Jolnw . 1A1I bisulphide, gasoline or Saturday. 4th, lnl\ for th* ps twee of { +
EH of WH of NWU, _____-__11 / 40 Mrs. A A Herds. __ 1.11 Lota 4 B A 8 of Btk S Lincoln sene. Or, if tHe nest itself can not be .. .na.p orlei Tae School Illstrlrt. of S
KWU of SEU -______________12 S ts 40 L A Evans .___. ..tI I City In BH of BEH. west of found oftentimes the ant be tha. above dnerlned UrrlUiry., to sleet three
WU, of NWU of SWU ?__-__111 I tt '0 Mrs N.nnl. V Hundley _ '.81 _.-11 1 SS John Lwl . may truateea' and to determlna the amount of mil.I. .
EM of SWV.\ of SEV _____.___11 151 10 Unknown . __ 1.1t ,,1814 lof NWu of NWH also& bag traced to the opening, or crack thru lair to b* -..... *
8WU of SWU of 8WU _______-_18 S ts 10 Swallow A Hopkins 1.1t at Bline4OSwof StyA. which they enter. Squirting kerosene for the purpoM of hold In. said .l....t.....
WU( of FH of BEll, of NWM.11 5 tsts 10 J Homer Livingston 2.19 run S 16 dearer W, SHO ft.thenea the' followlna. managers. are apiH,>lnted' ( O. II
Com .t NE Cor of SEW' of SW W 18 der/rees. NtoW into it or plugging: It with cotton saturated Gordon Bam llarrell, "
\ A run W BKO ft. B 890 ft, line of Sea. 88. tb.no. N to N with the oil will in many cases U W.nIC"J{ ;;'lR.R. .
BE BB8 ft. N 890 ft to booor .____IBNine S 7 Mrs N' E Maboni _ ..., W Cor of BWH\ of NW\Vs. n. WldQINB. Chairman. M a 5.yI
of NEU of KEU" A SEUH thence B: to bee _-_______?__SI SS tl The Am....... TrwMAdministrator 0.. : drive them away.A SeareUry.rsnrnoN..
rep NW'4 0' NE'4 a. SE'4 of 8W1A of BRH\ A 4 A be* at BW . _? II." temporary expedient for contrallInR !.
NEu _____ ___ II Matilda Dlxon . ___ 15.61
_'-__ __ 15 I 70 Cur of NWH\ of BEH: A run la
ants to moisten small
Ti oii N-aide of of N61Oft.B55ft.S411ft.toland : sponge -
SWU" *x N 1 A for ,hunch _-.1' S tsss M Felix Goodwins . ._ ..., Una, thence W 868 ft to with sweetened water and place them ron ELECTION
NH of SEV of NBU\ .-___111 S CO Julia Goodwin . 'U'' bea; . -1 MNH 44 R 0 Onana . ._ 1B.S where the ITonnrahla Board I'uhlla Initraetlon Brad.ford .
SWU of NEV; --______111 S tsss 40 Ransom Reynolds . '.1' of BWH-of BWH -aa S A ant are most numerous (ftant,.. Florida. t
SEVT_ of NWU "IIT!! _______________111 I 10 lissc Reynolds' . ..--__ ".1'1 .....- Attracted by the sugar, they will W*. the underslaned; patrnna *f Dowllaa
Com .t NW c..r of land owned I o..rlp". 11M. T. 'B.I'' A Owa.r A.-Cu.Is : crawl into the and he ae.iool: petition tour honorahl: I body. tn aall an
by Elmin King' on E slde 01 In NE Co" a. .11 I A loreha..h sponges may election to establish a ...*....al tax district" ia ee
R,. a ran IC .t rI..ht. .n..l. __ ________ _11 II 11 R 0 Cn.aa _ _._ 10." killed by dropping Into boiling water b* known as Dowllna flpoclal' Tae flahool' 1 fltatrirt. -
to Rl :'onE line of Bar. !L Com et NW Coy of HE'4 of N The sponge should be baited again i th.. seme to embrace the following .d*.
then. Br. Ito. to CastorRt. aarlbsd property
A 11: 111 8
E\4 ran n. 1011 n.
In Temple .ab dl.. tbeneo .. w921ft.NINft.tob.51A '' with sweetened water and, If nee'e.-j j, _.1..... 0/. (8. 14. 15. S*. 87, 14. IIII.
W on .t_ to RI. th....... 8 IT'1nl: A E2AofNt4 ofBVefNWu Sari act In different place until the :' and East: Half of ...... 88, Twa. 4 South, JII S*
along Ily to box I. lCS4 of HE 0' NEUA14AInNB I rest S rtlon. I. S. 8 and North Half of
.5.4 ex..pt such Iota a bats Cot 0' of" NWu of NtIJ Colony leave the house. I I Bea.. .. Twp. 1, H SO EsaU: Sections 1*. M, 1 '
Ton bartofor..rn d..dd .- ------ / II 1Look GOSOS - --- IUt 4. helnr No ,..di E A W .by II"de A more effective but also. more 81. Twp. 4 Itanae fl bat.mifNNitt 41r'
A som R; whenhalf __ I' C N ,Bolde. . __ ___ II." AnntBON
N A 8 __ ____-11 I a dangeroun, method ia to moisten the I ,
mile Un. 01 A. II mn.aiD" I FDIIIE
0' W
FEES 1'1'11\4: on 2S4 ehnpA ,
N E a W crass A n. N 128 It of NEu oC NEt4x sponges with a syrup made by dissolving /: W ADDI80N.. a #
right on .n..I.lip. .90 to ft said th..n.half Z intl.Ito. at. W "i'. ohm ____.__.-.. a 00 .1olop L Ond _...... .... 1 pound of sugar in 1 quart FLINEY B. Kim .
E% .of. ik"7 :': ..: nil-W-JI 1 II 10 II M J.nkln 7.7 T NKr F: SBA. of NW'4___ 0' 34-J1 I U I L E Lee _ ___.J __ 27tNEV of hot water and adding 125 gran I B n NOrUNnON.OORDON. ",.1.1'f
1.ofAIk1SofRSBaSE B ". y ,I 01 SE14 a S A fa 8E34 (about 1-4 ounce) of arsenate of anda. ARCH POBBB. I 'f
: t Cur _ _________________8. 1 52 II X I. O"1r1e __ ._ .__ fIT W" W. WAHPMAN,
1NiWof BIkINof' R IE" 10 C H M.ko _ ___ Some of the antlillpfJ.rently carry the JOB! mAWr .
.. HE'4 0' SW'4 01 1111\4:\ ______--54 1 IS 1.1' >RD, 'I"-
0' 1111< II 0' Rill FlW\4 of HW\4 A 5444 of RW'411 s .. 110 C 0 Orlll'lo _...-.__ w. O'I poisoned liquid back to the neat and BAM IfAMRKM: j
R'> of < of 8'%! : A. B34: .1 of J. T. HAMRCL.U, "
> HE\4\
feed It to the other there thus killing
a: a .Ho 01 8W\4\ WVNa34 _.____________1. II SOD W 0 1'..... ._.._._.__ 1'111NW'4 n. K.: '
Slit I a of R E I. T.mplr.ub 0' eo AM Hunter ___ '.17 the entire colony gradually. Thin M. U HARFFLLI '
11 D 0 MeRae 10.1'Iii 8W14 __II .
dl. _ ______________.11 4 II
at 80 M" Cdelo ..__ .. .
: 0' A >! 0' SWI4 _ ____ __.__ 1 7 11. mixture must be used with the ebb
: I
1NWt4 R1I\4 of 8W14 "eep' P Pa11us ._ 1.87 IAF14 0' FlW'4 -I 7 II 10 V.II_ -- .- '..1'1tJF.4 Irreat-/I NOTICE
NW Cor ___________.1 II I' D 0' IW'4 n- 11-- A -NW - est care us it in poisonous to( Creditors, TO ('REUITOR5'AND: tlKBTOMB,
of NW'4 of SE': a 8NW4 and all penis havlnv alalma f
01 IIW\4! \ 0' HE', ______--" I II .0 :I 8 F.l11ott. 10 1 _ _ .__..;..____ t 7 U 5.7 C R llarlra _ LuAEu man beings and domestic animals. I j aaalnst. the' mot. nf C. B. Dorllna/ lata of .
Ni4: 01 NP\4 "01 IIEI4 -II II f 8 8 81"'e" '.11 .1 HEI4 __________ I 7 II .1 I 0 Osleay _ .... Ants are attracted by various food 1 the. .nuns. of Bradford Btata of Florida. d*. 1 ,i.
7 A I. IIW Cow of flE'4 0' NWI4- 8 U T Voknowo - '..1'W 1'1'' II A of NWy 01 BW'4 ______ 1 T II I' Hang Mlte..a lr ..-.-- 73154W54 j! ceased i::: ; will present their claims' duly autantlcaKd \ i.I
...... '..11IINW'4 substances especially fats and
11 A of of BW\411\ II II B.i1OW of HEI4 l.IAfaNE sugar to th* understated administratrix' withIn 1 1.
01 NW4y.oofS NW'4I.. II 10 A Bopkds. Lit Cotuet_ ___ I II Vebeown _ ,.., and these foods should., kept: In cloa. on. year. OT th- will ". '"revw "' ......t. j
: 0' FlE'4 of NW'4 a awN BEy.-- __ 1 T d It a A N.we L11 ed containers and And all persona Indohtcd. la the. said astat
14 of 8E14 of NW'4 __._____11 S II N E saAndas ThUin- u1 EI,4, 0' "'t4 0' 5W14 of-8E1\4 :-. 1 7 II 11 B P Moeyan I." .crumbs or small are nqutrrd: :! to prri their said d..bla to the.
\4 01 B1I4:\ ______________-1. 1 II W% of NW'4 of IIW",, _________ 4 7 .B It Uak.owa ... ...-... 4.11 amount spilled on shelves or tables said Administratrix forthwith. ,.
W44 of IIW'4 of NW1,4, a N% o Com at NW Car 0' 8W'4 of cleaned off at once. Dated this .8th day of June. A. T). 1021. '..
of NW'4 of oxoapt8I NE'4 Arun I B7R0!: ft.S155ft MARY 1X UI8A DUBLINO.
.._ _ __SW'4_____ '. II 11 Polly A Doe 1'.811 W 110 ft N 110 ft to - -- 5.50.1411.0 Admlrfatratrlx.nrrnoN ;,
,0114. : of BWI4 01 NW} ------.-.!. I II I' 8 P MoHaa 1.27, .... : _ _______________ a t Am! Lee .. 1,51B The Q...... Thrnt DOM Net Aftacl The Da. I rii',
A of BE: :%, 0' HE'4 of 54E14!:" A BE'4 Nnn1r or APPLICATION! l
BW Cor of
IIE E34 __ .1'1 II I C N Bolda I.U of NE'4 _ _________ f 752 N J1ur la- 10.54 ""leraua*. of Its (mile' and laiatlva effect LAXAIVE VNDF.n : FOR.TAx DEED
/ *TB
QllINlNe or
A to of !: I1KOMO ( .boU can be '.'.0 THE _
1 1'1'11' Coe of SWI4 01 8o.--: 814 of 1'1'1,4' , of NW\4\ SW GENERAL: ':
: HC L Ps.k. __............ /atp b>y anyone without raiinlnd' nnrvnumiejes, or riuglay BTATUTCB
'd being 1 A N a 8 .b I A I A JamkoS I." NW\4\ o BW'4 __ _______ 7 55 _ lutbnhead. EW.GKOVLy.IIetunnla.! \eORDFM Nntlc .Is hereby iive.. that H. C. Wlmherly.
.. I 0' 0
BW", A
W ------------1'1 % NW\4\ % 01 NW'4of pure..hasar. jf Tax Certlflaata No.
Corn Nil u_ 8 N lams Clack _ LslN4 nth day of Ju... 1d.tad the Y
01 A.
.t .
NEf8174 .: NF.u' of I' I P 1'....... Act '.11 D. 111 baa filed said
14 t"' of HE'4 _______ 0 7 II FOR rtTBUCATIOM aertlflcat in my 0<<1... and baa made. .apnllaatlon -
Sooulof hoarnt.rrhWto a ptX225 It W NWu of NEVI OK I' A I. III: In Circuit Court. Btat of Florida Silghth for t>< deed to k.. In aeaordane
Car _____ I U II C R M.rb 171 Judicial Clrsnlt Bradford In with law. Raid' .
See. 1100 o. a .Ide of SEu County Chan- .nlll.... vmbraaea the. followlnv
0' NB SOOtheOJtoVIr tJW'4 of NW14 ....... ..... 11' $1 N I P Pseplr AN '..11I airy.. deeerlhed Property, -.
\ thence situated
lleO ft 4.to pt 120 It from BW1,4, eN7ru ..____________-It 1 .1 00 A.r Odek '..1'1IIW'4 J. P. Tomllnson I Surd County. Florida, _Its In BradI r
sold 8... Ii... th.o.S B: 110f I 0' NT.14 A- BW'4 of n Complalnnnt. North Half of North Half of Northeast.. t
H 1\1 Pouter '.4'
to s... 110" t......... 1'1'' o0So. 544" offNW14 ofSWth._ . 11 1 11 0 .... *a I I Quarter or North Half of North Half of lots
10 W T Woo' '
Un. to . ----.1'1 II 11 1'011 A Dtotr LfeBey ___ ---- John Henry Culver, et .1.) IandLa.. AATp./S.L5.2F.,1tsome.: e5.
bPs ,.,... .110 TM' lout...... Co\Ur .
5534 ft W of i... Cor of R I
Co _
ft appearing br affidavit appended. to the the ixuana of _
such .
SEch" 01 HE'4 a n. Will _ _______ ___ __ Paul II..... _ .. NAiE4 I rtlfte. la tha nsiti. of
loa St E B.l n. 1'1''' 101eom' ____ __ __11 bill filed In the. above slated. eaue* that John I C.th.rin.! Cook. UnUaa' aald certincal. shell
: to a... _ ______________--11 1 II __ 8torlloi M.co.. - 0.17 of NE'4 a NW'4 of NIl Henry Culver, the" defendant, therein: named j U redeemed aeaordlnc to law, tax dead. will
of 4 A NII14 0' NWI4 a W% of la a non-resident of the Btst* of Florida, andh. IMII thereon the .
100 Cor on lltb
I. W 01 HE day of July A. UWltnasa
of ___________ .110 P.aI Brva _ __ .....1NW ..
W\40 \ SWV IIE\4\ __11 7 It hi a resident of of "... ..11I.. Alabama 1921,
ea.B146ft.t. Wf10550NB4 1 "f \ 8 and .la over th.. sue of tw.nty.an years t i It ,
offlalal .. ..
E\4\ SWA t4- my .n.t. and seal this
NSft. E 100 ft to be.1 1 II IIleha" Rern"lda: IJa A .NE\4\ 01 o.--- _____-11 t 110 N'S E B 11w. .......... $1,51 la therefore. ordered that said ffion-rssldent I th. 7th day of. June A. D. mi.O. ; '
.11 0 R RI.-.......... 7,17S4 p
.. .. 8. L1 ELot. REV: of IIW'4 II I N defendant b* and I. hereby required to appear W. ALDERMAN:
.1 T. ,
4ft __ 20. .
8WN, 8.o. __ __ 110 C H Rlnn .. 11.50N4 .....
of NW'4 _ __ ___11 7 II -- to the bill of .plalnt died In aaldeause Clerk Circuit Court Bradford
County. Fla.
I 1 4 I 01 Bill 1 orlelnal .. _.,. '0.... 110 J B Der _ 111.111 fy .d,
. .
... 01 Bta..... _______ 'I' A Bri..e of NT.4 A Nt4: of NW'4I' 'II on or Afore Monday, th.* SOth dar of 81' fly C A. KNIGHT 7i
.:::; I 7 of Bill II odfinS1 "":'.L -.--......_.-. - SIV 0' HE\4\ ----------_____le 7 a III Mm B: B Des .. 11.8' June-, A.-n 1921. otherwise" the allegations of 1 i -10-BI-7-B Deputy Clark. 3''g' ,firi!
j p
I _____
1 1 ;
I d'I I l
.v1') ,
__ __ _ 5'
1y j:r ) .
x yti .' 1 -1 p 3 "., .1 J. '1, ..i.J.ir. ;:$ :, ciidti. 1<: . ',u.; ; "'i'J1.... -.I1't ,
--- -------- II' .:Jot, I'I. _, _
n ,I ,ii Udu
-5i .
o .
6f .
: ,*, ;
In a cage by himself. And therefore '--....
,Bradford County Telegraph all legislatures average about the FELT LIKE I ... .
1' : _. same. The governor, who is apart '
-- =-= --- .--=-=-.:=-= ::=
Published weekly and entered as from the crowd, and not impeded with .
I the stampeding: spirit, is much to be AN IRON BANDAROUND'HEAD
tt "We'll
; f second class matter, at the post blamed if he sigtis ,bills that should say Gian'popauks
office at Starke, Florida. not become laws.
-=== === =
.t r E. S. MATTHEWS, Editor and Owner CAUSE FOR'REJOICING ,
wallop !f .
Prospects for good crops never looked a
j' It in said that ;; ladies are now better in Bradford county. We MRS.DERS OSBORNE WHEN' SAYS SHE SHE[ SfJUD-1 I
L using paint and powder on the knees have passed through one of the severest
because of the shorter skirts and roll drouths known here, but thru HOW SHE GRAN'POP. PROBABLY. is. AS HE said*, "No.
B k ing-down hose. Well, we don't know. frequent and careful cultivation the BUT I'LL tell ye.
"For said Mrs. V. B. Os- THE NATIONAL champion.
of moisture yearn . .
r Can't quite tell yet here in Inverness, plants were furnished enough . .
; t thank the Lord.-Inverness Chronicle. to grow until the rei... came, and : borne, of 718 Lancaster Ave., Lexington AT SWAPPING things. I'LL SWAP'a match.FOR .
only near the fences, where the wild Ky., "I have been in a run-down .
.y ft trees outside drew moisture from the condition{ nervous, weak and dizzy. TWO YEARS ago he swapper ONE of them.,
W much
t The old Puritans are I . . *
and ridiculed for their blue Sundays"and fields, did the plants suffer. Owing to was actually so nervous that any CIGARETTES OF 7ourn.
, sudden noise excitement THE OLD blind mare.
or would ,
Jt and trucks . .
I'' other sever practices. But their the auto cars now so
\ repugnance to holidays should be common, farmers far from railway produce a palpitation of my heart El FOR A 'e ;;er. milL THAT SATISFY."
that frightened I 'absolutelycould . .
me. .
.' commended. We are fast approachIng stations have been enabled to plant e' "
t formerly were debarred not climb stairs, for to attempt AND THEN of course>> SO WE swapped.
things they
will have many
the time when we as such . . .
t> the inhabitantsof from, on account of the difficulty would thoroughly exhaust me. f
many legal holidays as ONE BROKEN paper match.
I "I had nervous headache and when WHEN WE went dry.
t : of the most benighted Catholic countries of transportation to the shipping . / a. a
'. have saints' and feast days The point. Truck of diverse kinds they came on it seemed that an iron CIDER MILLS got valuable. FOR ONE perfect cigarette..
Ic+ .r j : such holidays we already have are sent off in large quantities, bring band was drawn tight around my . *
many Sweet draws head. I now shudder when I think AND GRAN'POP swapped again. AND YOU ought to """.
ing ready
I cause much inconvenience to those money. potato of those headaches. . . ..
'I My stomach *
banks and were planted early and will furnish
with the
$ who have business he
weak and I AND GOT flivver.
could not the a
1 of this digest lightest .
$> ,' postofflces.I vines for a larger planting staple w .
4t than ever before, and the sugarcane liquid food. Any food'of. solid SO I said "Gran'pop. IT DID me ao4>d.
nature caused nausea and the sickening . . .
+ 1 ;I County Judge Hammel, in trying acreage is large. and in good :S. S
f condition. sensation remained for hours. SUPPOSE I stan you. TO BE "doue"c by Omn'pon
In the
new county
Ii his first whiskey case . .
"My misery was almost unbearable. .
1' for The former cotton farmers are now ,
; \u of Hardee, "soaked" the culprit WITH THAT old busted
My sleep was never sound and I was
weaned from their first love and it
f J $500, an automobile, "artillery" and .0.
fir ; I' nix months In the gang. This may would be harder to induce them to go worn out all the time. My conditionwas BABY CARRIAGE back iiomo.COULDN'T .
have been an aggravated case, yet the back to cotton as one of the principal indeed a very deplorable one. Itln.lly Atr 7ehtTtn.ef60 .
i only way to keep the wblekeytramcdown crops, than it was to persuade themto nothing sought helped treatment me in one Cincinnatibut particle! Ak juur d..*lr to I/KMT . YOU swap It. WENTYChesterfieldeCortwentyyou
Is by severity. From what we quit it. King Cotton made slaves ih. . mAND GET I cents some awapl! Your''good
I near me.
was on the' of giving in v.o
'n'' have seen of county Judges' sentenceswe of his subjects and brought them cash verge up sealed cms of 50 CAeafarld money never brought better v ue...
gather that these officer are given money'only once a year. Now the despair when a neighbor pleaded with .. A oompfct, c_- A LIMOUSINE." Choicest tobaccos (Turkish and Domestic
farmers and free me to try Tanlac; I obtained bottleof )so blended that you. -
independent .nJ..t
deal of latitude In awarding are and absolutely
a great Chester
( the from and truck, fruits, hogs the medicine and began its use. AIR.TIGHT pacJrin'g.I e a m. last bit of their flavor. And -
punishment What then is usesimply worry '
fields do what other
of moonshiner or booze and poultry products bring them money 'J 'began' Improving at once and tltu cigarette. keep fresh iNTO no cigarette' can-
fining a
soon 'felt and dizziness CAME Gran'pop's eye do for you-"They Satisfy .
; runner, who Is never caught, anyway; every month of the year. We hope my jndefinile/1f' . .
,) before he has accumulated enough toI I that soon dairy products will be added disappearing. Then my headaches
v the roads to their list of exports. left me and I realized my
p.y. finer Working on ,
strength returned. My appetiteand
I I garbed like a zebra, where all can see -
disgestion improved and I
\ am
I tR" his humiliation Is something that the FIVE MILE
now so much better In
culprit really dreads, and few have J every way.
This Tanlac is a wonderful medicineand
j ; the hardihood of persisting!: In a traffic Five Mile, June 17.-Mr. and Mrs. the
only that
one ever really help-
that will lay them liable to such P. P. Dekle attended the funeral of ed I
me. hope every poor woman who
'' punishment W. C. Townsend Wednesday is "
suffering as I did will try it.
M. L. McKinney and Paul Eden- 1
t That alleged! "letter from Jesus field were guests of Mr and Mrs. P.
Christ," which some editors are Induced P. Dekle Thursday. Palatka, are visiting relatives here.
) to print whenever It can serve Marcus Dekle and Julius Parrish Vascoe and Ralph flaxen, of Brook. e10.
a purpose of the designing:, Is again attended a party at Worthington on er, attended the pilau supper Friday c
4 i making its rounds. The Idea itself is Tuesday evening. night
1e. I i absurd enough: but even were It not, Oren Dekle spent Saturday and Mrs. Alma Surrency and children LIGGETT &
f t i ; the brutal von Hlndenburg: language!: Sunday with his friend, F. L. Drawdy. were visitors to Worthington Satur
f y used In the "letter" Is not that of the Miss Ruby Proctor arrived Sunday day.Raymond
y j i 'it? mild Saviour. One paragraph says from Bartow to spend the summer Hewitt and Dewey Duke,
"You shall finish your work every with relatives here. of Five Mile, were visitors here Sun
:' Saturday 0 o'clock in the'afternoon, Mrs. Addie flume and Miss Josephine day.Mr. I
a; at which hour the preparation for Blume were" guests of Mrs. P. and Mrs. Hammond Lynn and
7 I Sabbath begins." This is rich and P. Dekle Sunday. children, of Alachua, were" week-end
shows the ignorance i of' the real author Mrs. Minnie Parrish, r.f Linden, Is guests at the home of Mr." and Mrs.
;r, of the letter. Saturday was the visiting her brothers, Messrs. B. F. O. W. Barry. SLICED MEATSFor
i Sabbath in those days, and It should and J. W. Vlnlng.! We are sorry to report Mrs. James
be remembered that the alleged letter Mr. and Mrs. Allen Green were Crews seriously ill.
was found at the foot of the cross, upon guests of relatives! here for the weekend Mr. and Mrs. W. Han-ell were visitors -
which Christ was crucified, so that and l attended services at ,Little to Worthington Friday, .
1 It should have been written before Springs church Saturday and Sunday.,
;, 1 a Sunday was ever dreamed of as a Sab Flder J. R. Dukes preached at the TIIERESSATheressa Luncheons
i 1 I' bath. Then "6 o'clock" Is another home of Mrs Mollie Parrish Sunday .Picnics, PartiesCut
; bull, for though there existed some af I ornoon.Ardcll June 17.-Rev. Williams,
,' crude ways of measuring time, 6 Drawdy visited in Midway of Starke, filled his appointment at to Any Desired Thickness.
_ o'clock was altogether! too definite. ;Sunday. the Christian church Saturday night
I Mini Hattle Dukes entertained II and Sunday. He also started a week's
) A GREAT WORK '"w friends Saturday evening" Among meeting Sunday night and will continue UNIFORM, WHOLESOME PERFECTOur
thoMe present" were, Mesdames Herndon until Saturday ,
or SundayRev.
ll ?t Jacksonville's $1.200,000 bridge will nn.i Aycock, MIII.esd1 and Smizer, of Gainesville, is expected to Boneless
will Gladys Hemdon Menortt. Ard <11 l Meats Are Cut Upon The
: be ready for opening soon. It be'here" during the week to assist in
with the approaches, be about a mile Drnwrty. :Marcus Dekle, Albert Williams the nervices. Everybody cordially in-
, I, A long and the tops of the towers for Hudson Herndon. vited to attend. AMERICAN SLICING MACHINEGO
A the lift span stand 228 feet above the Archie \\ a'nl has'a flourirhir/( Mr. and Mrs. Ben Powell and chil.
t F water level. This bridge spans the ililnr. rtcKs pt Five Mite schoolIIOIIHC. dren, of Larkins, arrived here last FARTHER TASTE BETTERThe
I will\ the I Mr. Waters Is an "A.. mUac
M'4 mighty St. Johns and connet. week on a visit with her parents, Mr.j
I, metropolis with its suburb, South tor and the class In making great and Mrs. Q. -A. Youngblood and American Way is The Right Way
Jacksonville, making a vast Improve. progress. ter" Mrs. H. E. Moorer.Mr. .
talent over the present" insufficient ferry Mies Barbara Dukes attended services and Mrs. W. B. Baker, ,of
i.. ':, service at Little Springs Sunday. Brooklyn, attended- church here Sun AT BRYAN'SRace
No work of such magnitude:' ever MeRsrs. Markey, demons! Thomas, day. J
;' ; been" brought: to a finish with less Mr. and Mrs James Fairish, Mr. and Mrs Jim Sloan, of Sampson City,
: fuss and trouble, and no bridge of its Mrs. R. E. Pams, Mr. and Mrs. Allen was a guest of Mrs. John Phillips nn.
length and dimensions has ever been Green, Mrs Avery Parrish and Mrs.P. Saturday. -- .
s'4 , built In quicker time. The people of P. Dente" were guests of Mr. and John Williamson, of White Springs, :- -- --:---:--:::----:-::-::--=:::-;;::--:------:::.:="---- -- --- ._ u ._ -_--_'_ ____ .__
W >. I ,. y Jacksonville are justly proud of this Mrs. D. I. Blume Saturday visited friends here Sunday. and blood tell the story. In j
new improvement, and they" wll celebrate Mrs. Ocle. Townsend and family Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Geiger were Japan there is one divorce to every r.
p 1 d the opening; of the bridge with were week-end guests: of her sister, transacting business In Hampton on seven marriages, while in England
festivities" beginning June 80 and end. Mrs. Minnie Hewitt. Saturday. I
there is only divorce to ten
.1 2. Jacksonville is the right Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glover one every I
ing July wereguests Mrs. Loran Brown and daughter!: thousand marriages. Lumber Prices Reach Low LevelYou
hand of the' body politic of Florida, of Mr. and Mrs. F, L. Dr.wdySunday. have returned to their home In South.
G' w and all the state will help her celebrate Florida, after a few weeks visit herewith I
14 ys, the auspicious event L. S. Dekle and J. M. Mott were I relatives.Mr. I In Colanty Jad..NOTICE'. Court. Bradford County I II can now buy direct from our mills' and savei$10Jo )
i "" here on business Monday.Mrs. and Mrs. Humphrey, of Brook I Florida. In Probate.in .
+ '' THE LAWMAKERS- ed on .Mrs.Mufphy Dekle and Monday.son, Curtis, call- lyn church, were her among Sunday those who attended i Haul.rat--Admlnlatratlon... ClUtlonHvnby of Atata of W. IS.I I $1 1 5 per thousand on your complete house bills.
ti "That biennial agony, the Florida leg- Frlcnds'here extend their sympathy Little Miss Aleen King of Palatka, nntloe fa iri*.n. u provided by law., I Before buying send us a carpenter's bill of lumber required -
to Gee H. Boala. of Edit. Water. New Jer.XT
to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter
III ialature, is at an end. Before its convening In the Is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. J. Her- <.m of W. H. Boala) and M.....Geo E. I
the "good timber" of which it loss of their Infant son. rington. Bosh' (whoa rcalctaftea. fa unknown and who and let us quote prices delivered and save you
ql it .la tha wife. of aald Goo. B. Bowl). and 10''
was composed was lauded, Just as S. B. Woodard was a visitor to the .a..h of Own aavaraily.. .. "bain* tIM only from $150.00 to $500.00
is has been since. the first/\ legislaturewas BRADFORDBradford. county metropolis Saturday. partita claiming any pomaelon, rtaht. tltla on your; building.
tl h chosen: but after adjournmenttho Mrs E. A, ,Gaines left' last week or Interaat In or to tho lands "brnlnafwr deI i ifterlbad .
17 or Any part tharaaf I That A. R.
bj "body has been roundly Abused at June -Miaeee Ruby for Tempa' where she will spend a Moor, u administrator ofthe .iUM of W. ALL LONG LEAF YELLOW PINE
tp i ,,, 4 inefficient/ and extravagant, precisely and .Elma Edwards, Geneva 'ltarrtl, short while H. Boat.In,de wrltlnc.a.*d. ha.duly filed vortfl.4 In thla ender court oath himp.tlaoa !: .,
t t r a* every preceding legislature has Messrs' Seeber Edwards and Malc'otm! Rev. C. J. Bruner. of Lake City .. provided by law and '.....1.. and thereby '
+t4 w ;t been censured. Harrell entered the normal. at ftrookcr will 111 his appointment at the Bap ompawtrinaand pray that an order authrolalnc... mad.him by aa thta said...ad-.rt.< THE PERRY LUMBER COMPANY
9., s i, While! each member of the law make Monday tist church Saturday and "Sunday. mlnlatrator to take _Ion 'of ..._1. sal.
Ing body may be a man of good sense Miss Lucille Harrvll visited! relatives Miss Ruth' McEwen of Leesburg, .tate aa WetS of aald oatate for tIM purpose PERRY, FLORIDA
and nouix': judgment in hi. private capacity In High Springs last week. : Is visiting at the home of Mrs.;!" J. E. .of tar.tallln. .which tha aald aamo. rust to .pay t....th.In dente.maid petition.f aid I,
e I and may take his seat with the Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hayes are visiting Owsley. rf la dxwrltMd aa follows
; ,1 intention of doing his best for' his the former's parents, Mr, and Mr. and. Mrs. W. M. Brown and. Lota. amordln olvht.' nine to. th and* Sand tan In division BlockThirty.IK. of the. I Dressed Framing, $28; Flooring, $28; Ceiling, $18;
S "peepul," and may have convictions of Mrs. N. G. Hayes. children, of Bel more, have moved to I 3. W, Patton aurrar of tha town of WonhInrton I II. Siding $18 Lath $5.
the right kind, when he gets among Mrs. T. B. Edwards and daughter, our town. Snrinir. Florida" }; ,
his fellows he loses his individuality Elma were wee -end guests of Mr. Perry Kite, of Starke, was a visitor I'. that It ther la furtnar la no ivpraaaatad psmonal property In aald"balondnvto pMltlon! I
u + and becomes one 'of a crowd. ThefuI.n and Mrs. O, F. .Tomlin on, of Lake here Sunday paid ratal and that tha paid aatate .la In.oVbWd. FREIGHT PREPAID
and that It la lumaaary to Mil paid I II
of many minds seems to create Butler. A' party composed of John and Bill real I aatat In erd.r to pay said Indebtednaia.Now. .
.1 a composite reasoning (or unreasoning J. C. Cone and family, of Brooker Hall .Samuel and Percy Woodard, therefor, all and nab of you hrxInhvfor .. .
'j r ,';:. ) machinery. What a mob will were guests Sunday at the home of Misses Florence Hall and Estelle *.. In named saM landa.and all or other any part penone thanraf.heiwby Intonated -. - -
",' do is past comprehension. While a Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Edwards Woodard spent Saturday at Blue Pond ar commanded to appear before theunderalinwd --.. - - - .
ii. :, ':i. long horned steer will not stampede A chicken pilau was enjoyed at the Mrs. Will Bender and children of ominty jadm. or hia nuniiior In i itirtoe I - -
when alone, a crowd of him will\ do home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Barry Earleton" were guests of her parents, o'clock, of a. m.Bradford. on u..Oonnty.Seth day,Florid of July, at A.ten D. J. H. Williams B. Z. Matthew
f'' BO on very little provocation. This is Friday night. A large crowd attend- Mr. and Mrs. M* Hall, several days 1921. to how. "..... If any. you or either of .
have why the laid petition should not
According, to a psychological law that ago. you
ba ranted.WUneaa..
? governs crowds, and it must be endured and Mrs W. M. Harrvll were Mrs.: Odom, of Jacksonville, was ( the Honorable R. A. 0........ County INTER-STATE REALTY COMPANY
confine each lawmaker shopping in Gainesville Friday. I Jude,, of Bradford County Florida under
until we visiting at Hope Hall a day or two the aeal of paid court this Jan 9th. A. Atart ,
"" Messrs.' Math Dukes, Raymond and during last week. a, SUr.. Florida 5 I Not Inc.
"How. We Cleared Our Summer Homeof Russell Hewitt Dewey Duke, of Five R. A. GREEN ,
E. C.
tl Heraey, of New River, was" County J ad.... for Bradford County. Florida. Abstract of Title, Realty Advertising. Commercial Printing.
hate" by Mrs Perry Mile, attended the chicken pilau Fri. the guest of relatives here recently.The (SEAL) e-IT-St-7-l
((1en we opened our seaside,home day niirht. -- I '.. If you wish to sell, buy or exchange Timber Land, Farms,
C lest May, it was alive with rats. They Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Edward and man who that are NOTICE I I Residential Income
or Properties List
them with !
The' Board of County Commlnlonen of us Being equipped -
little daughter, Corene, spent last
had gnawed all the upholstering. We others smarter than himself is generally Florida will the -
week with relatives in Alachua. Bradford County CterVa tn'"M.dJul" I with our own Printing plant and a commutable connectionwith
t t' them out In a week with' RAT endowed with a liberal amountof lean boo**. In the
cleaned Sumnei" and Harley Andreu were d. mi. a.. a board of u.Ifor\ I chain of
SNAP. ,1 prefer this rat 'killer because brains and the ability to applythem. the purpoM of .hearing complaint and raolvlnn a Realty Companies throughout the United States,
visitors in the Midway section .$un- of '
teaUmony a* to th. -value' anyproporty find deal for
It comes in cake form, no mix day. real or "" ....... or mixed,'aa fixed we can a you.
A ing. Saves dirtying hands and plates.." Mr. and Mrs. Wiles Duhose, of Ft. ; by the County Tax Aaaawur for the pooh Inter-State
Cold.Cause drip and laftaeazaLA.XATTVC 11121. avaln t.'''' ownera -or amnta of I Realty Company Schell Building.LAKE
3 sizes, Bile, 65e, 125. Sold and White, spent last week-end with relatives PROMO QUlNINETbIoa.- I pop i ty' .
k guaranteed by D. C. Jones, Stark.sy &.- here. ,. *" .. ... .' Co A. ROBBRTS BUTLER UNION
I TJwra |10 riilr w. -"< o 01""' O. W. ALDERMAN. Chairman of Board. COUNTY FLORIDA.
Adv. ! II, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Edwards, of i :; V/ GXOV4 ..* .'-....l.... Jta. Clerk and Auditor. 4-17-St. ,
K'' ,
Qi, ))1
_ _ .
.'ke .. ,,,--,,-_. ...._'.. -. ....
+.wa--MMA.rr n rap .- ,_.. .......**.. ...,**# >, I... "......,. ..,_.. "''' -'''---- ... Ir w "
d + 'IIJ ..'IaI: ..tea. .....-+.,..M.- -'": ".." , .,,-" . , it. -
i 4iv1,1 lA r r i at ,,. ' .
wwF'V ''
oyx .. ." _, !, 'f '" '"' '
ua -", ,, 1"" 1 ,.. .
e' a .: "'"' g
{ a,
T ""'''''_'''''' ',''', ", ... .
..." '. .- .
FRIDAY. JUNE 11; 1921. {
,, .
-- -----
--- --- --
Leviton 4 Register have had their morning and found my favorite setter .tclata will thirty 4am after the daU of the k
..t Fireproof' Garage remodeled and repaired dead. I pot real mad. Went to the flnrt pul.llotto* of thb o ,.. ar"L:4f" the ; ., ,
itt and large doors now admit of tore, bought some RAT SNAP and eou"Han."R.. Florida A. QrrOi.for, ccnintT an order iuigt to aril. at privata SIt'
of LocalInformation b'LI GAIETY THETARE automobiles being run to any place In in a week got six dead rats. Everybody sale or publia auction for following-
the building without trouble. A "visible" who raises poultry should keep of the iMnntnt property, of to-wltl d-jbla.: t.ba daacrlbad PAGE-THREE "1 1Lot.
gasoline tank of -
latest model
LI TODAY-FRIDAY has been Installed in the front of the RAT SNAP." Three sizes, 85c, 65c, .l.hl (I), nlna (lei). and turn (10), s.l J l
$1.26. Sold and guaranteed< by D. C. Block. thirty+U (II'). aaMrdinc to the aw
building. Jones, SUrkev .Adv.NOTICB end subdivision. of J. W. Petta,,'. survey at 11
MARY PICKFORD"REBECCA tha town of Warthlncton IIl'rI"... Florida
f+.r..AJooI 0P_'". a..,...... teat This. May U, WU { IF itc
.......'! M ... c;..... w la.a ., OF SALE e
OF StTNNY ROOK .. A. R. MOORE.AdmlnUtralor .
Noun It Iwrobr rv to all person lnt.rtod J
FAKM in the _UM of W. H. Boat. dinna.nlthat / of the EataU of W. R. Boala.n .
I. A. ft. Moon admlnlatrator. of the said Ibsessed. "- -II&- .II' e
_...J 20c &: 35c ANNOUNCEMENT .
Perry Dover make. frequent shipments graze south of the town line they 4 -, I -
of peppers. drink out of Alligator canal and that SATURDAY, JUNE' 18 Mr. Edllel I B. Ford, president of the 5'
the fluid they imbibe all comes from Ford Motor Company, gives out the "
the FEATURE"A following statement: I
Miss Irene Brown, of New Smyrna; septic tanks T
is the guest of Mrs. DeWitt.C. Jones. reduction has been made I
The members of the W. C. T. U. JUNE 19A'nd In the list price of all types of Ford ;{ t .
Rnb-My-Tisra cures sores. have decided that they will not hold 10th Episode cars and tho Ford truck, to take ef I
regular meetings in July and August "RUTH OF'THE. ROCKIES"15c fect Immediately The list price f. o. STARKE FLORIDA '. '
If necessary to transact business call b. Detroit are now as follow.:
Mrs. H. B. Wiggins had & SOc
as :
a guest
Touring car, 415.
I last week Mrs. Hodges, of Hampton. meetings will be held. Runabout 370. FIRE,. LIFE, BONDS, AUTOMOBILE f"
The first necessity in collecting storeor MONDAY, JUNE 20 Coupe, $895.
Enoch Griffls, of Lawtey, was In Sedan
repair $700.
debts is printed bill heads.
town Tuesday. Do not delay collections because you Bryant Washburn Chassis, $su. .. ( .,
have nothing to write your statementson. Truck chassis, $495.
L. C. Powell has a very fine field of Tractor f\. ;
We 626. .
will print bill heads for you in "SOMETHING TO DO"A t
cowpess just east of Starke. on short notice.RnbMyTUm. The big reductions last fall were l l
I Picture With A Punch made in anticipation of low material i '
Pears will be plentiful this season I I for rheumatism. lie &: SOc costs which we are now getting the Why Many Don't Save-
and they are almost .ready for ship -. benefit of, and this fact together with
ping. Rev', John Mullady of Hampton, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 Increased manufacturlnaeffl'lency
has resigned his position as inspectorin and the unprecedented demand for the
Rub-My-Tiam kills pain. the chemical division of the t WILLIAM DUNCAN Ford cars, particularly during the
department. Gov. Hardoe agricultural past three months permitting maxi Saving money, you will find, it not wholly t +t'
Mrs W. II. Jones, of Pineda is visiting has accepted the resignation, which IN mum production, have made another' a DolIara-and-CenU matter. This statement .
her sister, Mri. W. E. Middle- price reduction possible
will take immediately.
July 1st.
ton. 'FIGHTING FATE'A Ford business for April Cfid<< May, may sound strange, but it U true. ..
Rev 1921, was greater by,66,633 cars and ..
J. B.
Rooney, presiding elder
S. J. Prescott, merchant and farm. of the Jacksonville district, preached VITAGRAPII SERIAL trucks than for the same two months Saving money is, first of all a Brain-and s
er, of Sampson City,.was in Starke Sunday AND, in 1920; In fact the demand has been *
morning: and evening at the Backbone matter. And this is just the tea-
Wednesday. Methodist church, and while here UNIVERSAL ALL STAR FEATURE even greater than the supply, so that
guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs.wasa ,"TWO KINDS OF LOVE"A our output has been limited not by son why so many peoplewho make money 4 xcan't e
666 care Bilious Fever. M. L. Smith LIVE WESTERN unfilled facilities.orders but by manufacturing_ save ,an: of it...they don't think and tYt
Messrs. Harold C. Wall, Powell Mrs. p. E. Knight and Hollis lye .&: SOc During: May we\ produce 101,421: have: little self-control. -
Carpenter and Joe Wainwright spent I. spent several days visiting friends In, J rid, cars and trucks /or sale in the ali; 'M
Sunday afternoon in Gainesville. I. Jacksonville United States alone-the biggest Happily however there few
this week. They will be are 'very :
accompanied home today by Mrs. Miss Florence Matthews arrived month In the history of our companyand
J. W. White has had carpenters and Knight's mother, Mrs. J. A. Langford, Tuesday afternoon from the Florida -- our factories and asembly who cannot learn the necessary lessons; if
painters working on' his residence of Ft. Pierce, who will upend the sum- State College: for Women at Talla plants are now working on a 4,000, they will.
lately, repairing and beautifying.Chas. mer here. hassee.' Following the close of school car daily schedule for June. ;'-
Beasley is at home from the No classified advertisement--will be Miss Palatka Matthews, where spent.she went several to days attend In sold The at Fordson less than Tractor the cost is to still produce being, The time to start is today,and the place +
University of North Carolina" wherehe Inserted in the Telegraph for lefts than the Jarmon-Long wedding:, and to be on account of the recent big price reductions this Bank. We'll help by adding 4 per cent
is a medical student 25 cents and if over 25 words, one present at-a party In honor of one of and It is Impossible therefore
cent additional for each word. The her school friends, Miss Priscilla to make any further cut in the i interest compounded quarterly.
Mrs. LaMlra Graham left Saturday advertisement be whose price of tractor. ,
must paid for in Hamm engagement to Mr. I
for Atlanta, where she will spend several advance except by those who have Robert Lytle Wright: cashier of the Can you afford to go without a car
months. accounts with Putnam National Bank any longer when Fords are selling at
us. I was announced BANK OF STARKE
on this occasion. these low prices T There is no reason -
666 Cure. Dengue Fever. 5-13-201, Every morning G. B. Newsom comes now why you should delay purchasing -
I a Ford car, Ford truck or a
to town with his
big loaded FLORIDA
wagon STARKE
From clippings sent learn *
Editor Segrest, of the Union County with us, we Fordson tractor. ,
watermelons cowpeas, corn, that our former townsman I. C. Webb
Times Lake Butler We will gladly advise ,
paid our office you concern
pumpkins, etc. His wares have quick "
much and his better half recently enter ing' the delivery of Fordson Under State Supervision
a appreciated call Monday. sale, and he soon /goes: home with his tained the. Texas Editorial ,.Association a tractoror .
the particular of In
type car whichyou
pocket full of Good
money. farming "
'which Included Governor Neff
Miss Interested. Just
Aileen Alvarez are
returned Mon phone us or
day from a visit with her sister, Mrs pays. of the Lone Star State, while they drop us a card. E.S.: Matthews, Pre. G. C. White,Cashier P
Ralph E. Rhodes, of Tallahassee.New were at Harlingen: where Mr. Webb J. W. ANDREWS, JR. ,
E. D. Card while farming in Flor- lives. Harlingen was off their route, eh
ida for the first time this year, has but the editors went there to sea the Y
Ford rear wheels, without hub, fine crops of all kinds lIe is alsogrowing rich country and take a dip into Mexico Alt men are alike in'o e reRpe t.
$7.50 each. Hard to get. Buy now They are not
strawberry plants and is
Starke Vulcanizing Works. which Is only] a few miles away. ,
preparing for poultry raising on a The entertainment Mr. Webb's speechof -
large scale welcome and his fine place were Intelligent people! emphasize then s
666 cure Chills and Fever. much lauded. quality by the use of simple lan You will i make a mistake toM'se a
'Rub-MyTlsm! kills Infection. guage. It Is only the weak minded Big Reduction In Prices tat order tertilt l g
Olen] White has had lumber hauledto who you your t
- -- wrap their' tongues around
his palce, to be used in enlarglnlZ'his 'Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Philips, of DEATH OF W. F. TOWNSEND pf ,which they know not the meaning.It words. zer without getting our new price list Just tamed. Plenty ,
cozy residence on Sanderson Tallahassee, are in Starke on a vis- -- of Materials, prompt shipment. Order now. Fertilizers, InRectitudes t
street it to his mother. Mr. Philips Is the his Mr.'home Walter in Lake Fritz Butler Townsend Wednesday died at, Is a good idea to smile sweetly ; Sprayers, Poultry Supplies.E. ,
James cashier/ of a bank in Tallahassee, has June 15th, after an illness of some on a cloudy day. You thus! supply the O. PAINTER FERTILIZER CO. fcWjPffifflflWQgflpniCPQW
Kite's big: truck Is kept busy worked hard of late and will enjoya length.' He had first contracted malarial sunshine that nature withholds. JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA
hauling cypress blocks for the'shingle two weeks' vacation. His
mill and wood for the many fever, which later developed Into fief: May 20th Price LI.U. Nof furnishing "Simon I'ure" and "Gem Brands" r
power friends Some
are glad to greet him. people enjoy throwing money
typhoid fever, yet his illness wasthought vv
to the birds but it is .
not to be fatal and the news generally/ the
Misses! Elizabeth Hammergren, Bessie of his death was a ,sad surprise to his buzzards who get the benefit of It. 'I
is at home again after McCormick and Mabel Edwards, friends. I flJPKW mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtitmmmmmmmmmmmmmc( +n
spending the past two months in ''!Messrs. Harold Wall.Charles Beasley many Mr. Townsend was born in Lake I Yes, there' will come a time when .
Tallahassee, where he was assistant and Kirk Lewis will spend the weekend Butler 23 and flying is safe for many people. Gabriel
years ago was a son of \ .
chief clerk in the legislature.Mrs. at Kingsley lake on a house party. will furnish the wings. .t /
"Mr. and Mrs. J. "
I. W. Townsend. He JOW.M1fIf'H 1r f i
I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Powell' win leaves widow who before her J '
N. Sternberg and children left I chaperone the party. riage, was Miss Margaret Lowery of Whto' judging the mistakes of others 6
this week for New York City, where y Tennessee, and one child. consider first the cause of them : .. l tat
they will visit relatives and friends According to a Union county paper The deceased was a very promising and your judgment will not be greatlyat f la'a..
for a few weeks. fault. has ihtt ( .
"meter" DeFuniak ovarc&ma cotnrmtti&tl
a passed over young man, of much business capability w
Springs the other day and went to- and had In degree the =
a great causes of Urn trouble /.A I
Cot D. E. Knight professional :
was a
ward the Gulf of Mexico. We presumeit .qualities which make men popular and
and visitor to Gainesville Tuesday was a Starke water meter. These I respected. The bereaved relatives are rENT-A-WORl I ; ; 1
Wednesday. instruments seem to work overtime joined in their sorrow by friends allover |
and the one inquestion probably wanted f
Union and Bradford counties. [ TIRES and TUBES ;
666 Cures Cold quickly.R. "
to go where It could use its superabundant The interment was at Dekle cemetery UCOLUMNll
energy to its full extent' Lake Butler Thursday. .
H. Green, of Brooker, was in ,
Starke Friday with a big load of fine The weather for week has I REDUCED I ef.
a past The value of a good book !ia not .
watermelons. No trouble to cell the FOR SALE-Cow and calf, first calf .
been hot.-94 to 95 degrees dally, but measured in dollars and cents, but .
melons. has been heat which made life 2 gallons per day. $35 if taken now. EFFECTIVE MAY !
it dry rather by the capacity of the brainof D. W. Alvarez t, 1921 Rlnc- j i
brdrable. The grass In the pastures the person who reads it. Starke.17tf Motorists Have Been Walt. Oversize Fabric I,
You : Shaped I '
put off writing Important letters is dying from the scorching heat and Lag for Tire Trices to ComeDown
HIM Cords t,
fOR Casings
S LE-2 farm Tube.
acre mile
because out of printed one
you are lack of rain, but the crops in the fields The of life is like -Here are Itock
joy a in the notaOd 54.00 JI80
of depot 12 2.90
letterheads. will acres stumped
The office rood
be glad Telegraph have not suffered as yet. Signs seem! garden. No matter how much we well of water and dwelling house ton Price on the World's 82x3' 34.00 200: a:20: II:
to for ;
print more you. to show that rain is not far away. stamp It out. It creeps right bark in good Quality Tires a !
crop on place; good horse row :
Paul E. Canova and son, Paul E. 666 cures Biliousness again.. and calf, farming utensils, all for AU4 / I 21.90 3.80 ,,1-1 1
Jr., returned home Monday evening $880, cash or terms. D. W. Alvarez 32x4 46.00 27.80 4.JO i! o
from business and Soon, now, the June bride will be Starke. 6-17-tf 33x434x4 47.50 2',20 4.20 f
a to Georgia
trip .
Virginia. Sir and Mrs Harry Miner of Jacksonville among the has-beens. 48.51) 2'.715 4.30' .
are spending a few days FOR KENT
-Magnolia Lodge Kings- ..
with relatives here. Mr. Miner f is A woman' instinct is so keen she ley lake. Reservations 32114 2.01) 11.20 033x4'
Horace Wilson student at the now being ,
a agricultural I 18z4'
foremen of the mechanical depart -1
can invariably detect flattery from the 5UO 5.30
of Flor- $10 week in advance
college University per ,
of the Ford Motor Company but it
ment' genuine article often keeps a 114.10
ida, is at home for the summer vaca when reserved Mrs. J. M. Alvarez, 11.40
tion. state agency.P. fellow guessing .to' know. which .she Starke, Fla. 688t. 55x4' 1.00 11.50
irefers. 36z4': 157.00 11.75
E. Canova and son, Paul, are 133t5
666 cures Malarial Fever. back after a road trip of several Many movie actors are said to be WANTED-To exchange farm of 179 : '65.00. 1.15 + "
weeks. Mr. Canova Is one of the oldest starving in California, but we never acres near New River station for You May Now Secure Mich. 3h5 IS.OO 0.50'
Miss Josephine Brinson has returned traveling salesmen In Florida In lICe ,It reproduced' on the screen. farm of equal value near Lake But eliu. TlrH and Tabea at the 371:1: 71.00 '.80 I// ,
home from Tallahassee, where she point of service, and the young man ler. 10 acres well timbered, balancein Above Rock-Bottom: I'rlen .4,
Graduated from the normal school of has secured a line of novelties and Undressed' women are said to be cultivation. For particulars callor From; Sbl 9UO 10.46 '
the Florida State College for Wom joined his father on the road. appearing on the stage in Paris. But see Inter-State Realty Company, Q ti
en. who can slip over to France take in Kchell Bldg., Lake Butler, Fla. It. ;
Mrs. Angle Sternburg left Tuesday the' eights and sneak ,home again -- _. ._--.- -- SMITH'S GARAGE '
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Barbour and evening for Jacksonville, where she without wifey getting wise? This I.a is LOST-On June 3rd white and liver
children, of Jacksonville, came Friday will reside in the future having! builta bum world. pled pointer dog named "Joe," 6 or STARKE, FLORIDA
afternoon to visit Mrs. Barbour'smother comfortable home there. She was 6 years old] one front tooth out. Reward -
I Mrs. Angle Stemberg. accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. To Stop a Cough Quick for return to *L. B. Hall, II .x
who has been visiting Hampton. 6-17-21* 0,
R. H. Barbour, lake0 .
Wonder If owners In ,
mJlch cow
, here since Friday. Mrs. Sternburg cough medicine: which tbe YOU may be superior to the person .
Starke know when the animals stops cough by of another war look for that grand
J, that has many friends here who regret exceedingly healing the Inflamed and irritated tia._ WANTED-We want a lady or gentleman to whom you are talking', but it is the rush "back to the farm." I r
, : to se' her leave Starke. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE agent for the genuine J. R. bright of ill breeding. to show it. ,
SALVE for Chest Colds. Head Golds and Watkins Products! In Starke and
Hall's Catarrh Medicine John Gary Ennis returned from the Croup ls enclosed with every bottto of other vacant towns. A big' oppor The greatest man living is unaware To Cure a Cold. ''R
"Thoaa' who are la a "ran down" "Gndta University City, Gainesville, and will HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve tunity for any hustler. Write today if his true greatness-but not so of IU>moT the' seeds "f our medium- ;
them will much notlra more Chan that when Catarrh they boiliera an lalood .I upend. a week'! or two at the home! of should be rubbed on the chest: sod throat for free sample and free particularsof Ute champion fool. Size grapefruit, put the pulp Into 0110qimrt r'f >' 411
health. This fact prove. that whll"tarrb his aunt Mrs. J. W. Morgan. Accompanying of children: suffering from a Cold or Crouix our wonderful offer. J; R. Watkins of cold wilt ftand, bull! slowly
I C is by'a level ponafltutlonal fll"...... H..I.*.""lalon.greasy' ,' him were Nelson and :, The*the haaUol throat effect cmnMoMi of Ita waji,..the* Healta healJaie*Honey hotof toId Co, 65 Memphis, Tenn. A new liquid gas has been diacov antll It U reduced to ontl pint !:turuln f ti). 'r ', II w-;
S.H'J"1 CATARRH MKDiriNF\ : In I Frank White sons of one of Newber- I(row'e O-Peo-1 raw Halve Uuouofa the pore of 6-17-6t '" eyed that is so powerful that three and swrvtua tv timte.* tJr4l nk (lU..hultthe M,i 4
,, the'"nle'blootf and Blood<< Purlflnr.aml aide through or "'. prominent citizens Nelson has the Both ikln remdU BOOB sop are.oooah.peeled.ta one......tad lee drops falling on the skin. will, kill a quantity hot just carter retiring at ji
: the oody!! thus npoD reducing the mucoua"Inflammation surfaras- .1 I completed his third year at Georgia I I ontoflbeeomMaedtnetiDentlaHa.Juat -, "I Got Real Mad When I, Lost My person in thirty seconds, thus making' bight und (tie' rvinuliKlt-r cold lu the f ,
, "All""n" normal' iNHMlltlniM. Military Academy, while his brother ask your druggist for HAYES Setting lien Mrs Hannaa It possible for a hostile aeroplane to morning. Itep**..t flU .u'ood. J night If 1accessory.
j p-
sly .
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4, t sit v' f 7 nn,,, v m
WAINWniGHTS FINE FARM SHERIFF TELLS OF INCIDENTS we are told, "even with tremendous ter, of Milton are spending a few I ed, a block of I ice and when the girls\
f Have yod OF THE DISASTROUS FLOOD taxation, are spending far beyond days with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. began to arrive the boys were dressing
I= I Profit and Pleasure Follow Intelligent their incomes, and three out of every J. H. Moore. fish and making fires to cook, and
+, Tilling of Soil tried the Story of Night In Pueblo Darin the four are unable to raise sufficient taxes Mrs. J. Fannie was a visitor to Jack- when they offered to help they were
y.F new 10cpackage Worst of the Hood to meet their running expenses; sonville Saturday. I kindly informed they were guests of
F The other day a representative of Austria has gone into the hands of a NFL W. E. Torode and Mrs. Thompson I the occasion.At .
'tr t' the Telegraph bad the pleasure of accompanying ? I Frank Ducray snerifl of Mesa receiver; others are on the verge of were visitors to Starke Friday. one o'clock dinner was served
% N. D. Wainwright to the I bankruptcy." Paul Dinkins, of Jacksonville, wasa and such a dinner! Fried chicken
i'6, ; i latter' farm, some distance northwest Dealers now county 200 was one on of the the Denver survivors and Rio of From the poorest nation to the guest of his family Sunday.Rev. pickles, salads, cake and other good
: Heilbronn Spring It is situated I passengers filled his apopintment at things in large quantities, besides the
: both Boyer
of carry ; Grande train No. 8, which arrived in mightiest, there is no escaping the
{ in 'the famous Wateroak section Baldwin Sunday.W. large platters of nicely browned fish
of this
i Pueblo on Friday night at 8 o'clock. consequence -
t where the land, sloping strongly 10 for lOc, Just aa the train pulled to the of wealth from creative to destructive n. Burt was a'visitor to Starke 1 with plenty of coffee.
r h ;, toward the creek! valley, has enjoyed 20 for 20c. bridge over the Arkansas river up lead. ,I ends, as expressed by the Friday, I Later in the afternoon the younger
d ubdrainape for centurieswhereby! Ing Into the union station, it was stopped Journal, which adds: Ury Gunter, of Jacksonville spent people and children! enjoyed bathing
i the soil has been made deep, and the Its toasted. he said. "If this loss this suffering, this Sunday with relatives here. In a large pool nearby. Mrs. D. L.
af@{ clay that underlies} it has, through ( Miss! Mittie Padgett was a visitor Clyatt in behalf of the girls, thanked -
earth movements been broken till "We were left there, he said. "On gigantic wrong against humanity, to Starke I the for the royal
F4'l rl up Monday. boys way in
this setting back of the fairest ,
the track hopes
it Is full of Assures into which the wad a Missouri Pacific I'of civilization this dashing down of Rev. Barnes, of Starke, stopped oven -; which they had been entertained.So .
train. We had been there short ,
only a
rain water sinks so that plant roots LUC ended enjoyable day and
k4 worthiest dreams of the human in Lawtey Saturday while enrouteto 1 an all
time when heard the
we roar of waters -
constant reservoir to draw determined make
have a fill his at HeilbronnSprings more to our Sunday
and the flood lapped at the coach spirit, if this cannot hove the governments appointment .
t, moisture! from. I 1 Baptist church! Sunday. 1 school, a greater, success.
steps and began rising rapidly. Jtw.a of the,earth to co-operative effort
Mr. Wainwright owns 130 acres and STRIKE Druggist Tracey was a visitor to
: soon rushing through the car. for prevention of war, then we / :
c; cultivates! 70.( His duties as tax assessor i Some of us went up and down in the may as well prepare for times more Jacksonville Sundsy. Genius ia the master of simplicity,
do not allow him much time on IGARETT cara quieting the harsh and bitter than ever man has Dewey Bennett and family of Manatee but a genius is not necessarily simple.
his farm he has left it in the care passengers manyof spending few days with ....
so whom were screaming and moaning known since he came to dwell and are a -
1,4 of G. W. Crawford who is a hard and praying."A think upon this planet, a future all relatives in and near Lawtey. No Worm la a Healthy Child
a" ,; worker and an Intelligent! farmer. The I compact of greed and hate and blood- Mrs. J. T. Moore is spending a few All children troubled with Worms .brave .o imImltliy -
principal crops! grown this year are > young girl was sitting in her thirst, a perishing of life's days at Kingsley lake, chaperoning a I color which Indicate pour blood and u a
.r corn cane, sweet potatoes, bunch Z=. ..Q seat crying. I stopped to reassure fruitage and flower," away party of young ladies from Galnes rule Ibtra U more orle.. Umirb clleturba.......
Xv i her and comfort! her. She said she GROVES TASTELESS: : CHILL TONIC sires ran.larly
f beans and The corn is the! ;:..:
i. peanuts. .
week will
I Civilization could not stand fortwoortliiM the blood
{was from Chicago and sobbingly call- probably ville.Rev.
best we have seen this season. Four C. Fj: Whittier, of Jacksonville improirctha digestionand act..s RrnermlStraimthratal -
? the shock of another world war in this
ed out, 'Daddy, Daddy. I told her .
rows of it are especially worthy of notice Tonic to the whoUsymn. Nature will then
"' stalk bears from three we would look after her and it cheered or the next generation, but would preached Sunday morning at Grace thrown*or dtepel. tbwurm...and(CblldwUlbe\
,- as each tilling shop.. her. But.-well, I saw her swept crumble under the hate, greed and Methodist church. He was accompanied IB perfect health.. Flaunt to Uk*.*_per bonlaervant
p ; to four big ears.' J. O. Trailer our Mr. Burrows, 111 have to have a lit away as the water rushed into the narrow patriotism of a systemthat by his wife, and they were guests
i "J one time county agent, had left twos I tle repair on my car. I want a new coaches and carried through win- cannot or does not prevent, the re- of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown. Girl Wouldn't Go in Cellar
and these up
of in his office
: ears Mr. Wainwright corn found and, planted battery, two new tires, some gas and I dows and doors. current slaughter of the world's This community was shocked lastS Fearing Rats
oil.All "An youth. The admitted danger of re- week when it was learned that J. S. Mrs Plainfield N. J.
.; and the result is UMTTOWS mentioned. old lady sat Jfljier seat, smiling Tepper, says,
rlirht-aare"wiIJ be glad to fit newed hostilities is a challenge to the Thomas had been shot andkilledatI ,
In one field there Is a row of peanuts just before the water flooded in "Rats were so bad in our cellar the
'" you out. best thought of the world, which I Baldwin. Mr. Thomas and family werei
s4, ; to two rows of corn and a prolific variety on us. She declared if it were her servant girl: wouldnt go there. Bought
+ I Bat I haven't to should now be concentrated upon the residents of Lawtey for several years
any money pay you time
is to
between she
of bunch beans planted go, was prepared, and RAT-SNAP end it cleaned all
it '' today.. 111 be round In a few days one subject! of war prevention. I at one time Mr. Thomas being mar- some
\ the corn stalks. In the other kept on smiling. I reckon she died in "
the out. RAT SNAP
Agreement between the nations Is ahal of the town. The entire rats destroys
: a> soon as I can raise the money and her J..W' community -
h about 12 feet wide sat
r fields a on a young man sittingin
space first but the situation | in for the bereaved rats and mice. Absolutely prevents
J: pay you. berth a step, calls joins sympathy -
each aide of each pecan row is planted an upper with, his mother,
to bunch! beans and the rest tot Nothing doing, friend. I have to consoling her. She was praying."In for something more revolutionarythan family. odors, Comes in cake form, no mix-
corn. pay cash for my goods and support a the water we clung to the we have ever had before. There I Delmar Wilkinson, of Jacksonville ing. Cats or dogs won't touch it 8
must be an honest and sincere attempt is pending a few days at the home sizes, 85c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and
There 15 head of cattle on the family. Everything I.I cash here.I coaches of the train which were swaying guar-
I are back to'give the world peace for all r of his mother, Mrs. Laura Wilkerson. anteed D. C. Jones Starke.Adv.ASPIRIN ..
r; place and they .are penned guess I'm good for a few and forth with the waves by ,
I I t night., The fertilizer furnished by Yea, I suppose BO, but .np.ln'l' and striking the coaches of the Missouri I time to come, baaed that on the frank acknowledgment -I I R. R. Thede was a visitor to Jacksonville -
cannot be
war first of the week.
1 them and the work animals is carefully pay my bill. I can furnish you with Pacific train. justified under
;I'/. saved for the fields. A portion everything you need but you will have ::: "Screams and cries of anguish arose.I morali. Then the any people right of system all nations pf-I. slating The first of 392 car! crates! of sweet was shipped corn, con-to
i ; of the land Is given a heavy dressing to pay cash. I saw some people go to their deaths must be taught that to make New York last week.
_ of such manure every year. ThH year Guess you don't know who I am? !' crushed between the two trains. A war i la wrong; that patriotism inspired Everett Bennett of
the cane field has been thus enriched, No, I don't know who's who in bus great: pile of lumber came rushing by greed and prejudice endangers a visitor here Saturday.T. , was Name "Bayer" on GenuineWantingl
,y 'I' and the writer has never seen a'field iness. Cash talks. down onus, sweeping, over us, striking civilization; that the right way to J. Terry and daughters, Misses
like It before, both as to vigorousgrowth I some of those clutching there with '
f,; live between nations, as between men, Joyce and Claudia, motored to Lake
1, and a good, close stand. precarious hold on the cars. They -
IN MEMORIAM I is to make allowances for others and
City Saturday.
!\1: Beside the field crops mentioned I were torn loose and went floating to \ remember the golden rule. '!I I Nearly all of the Lawtey business Q
1i'I, there are also excellent tomatoes, their death. J.."" a man break his o
t < : ,, cowpeas, other vegetables and experimental Mrs C. A. Rhame, of Hampton) way through: the top of a coach only I In the past agreements to keep the''j i 1 i men and their families spent Thuraday' -
1 i have been based economic half at lake.
at on holiday Kingsley
: passed away Lakeside June 7th, peace
I be
,' plots of pasture grasses, hogs I I i to washed away by the flood. ,
and has pone to a happier land. i "On I grounds. We need now an agreement'! W. H. Bohanan of Starke was a
U poultry, chickens, eggs and dairy I either side of us bouses andI ''I
Mrs. Rhame, better known as. based on moral grounds, carrying a'j business visitor to Lawtey Tuesday.
,; Also for barns and other buildings were swirl
i product. a roomy I I
for uniform world Louis Dorman of Jacksonville
j "Grandma, came to 'America when down. provision teachingof I ,
summer and winter, having a good ing Many people were clinging I
I j I I water supply. about 11 yean old, her parents settling ,i to them. I saw two women on the a new religion of nations.-Tampa spent Sunday with relatives here.
Y In Tribune. I Mrs. E. D. Sayles, who of
was one
I Pennsylvania. Eight years
: Mr. Wainwright relies on the aid top of a house.- The structure struck
'' later she was married to Mr. W. the occupants of the float that won
j the and like
t ; ) of Providence, but unlike so many crumpled an egg I
1 Rhame and the the prize for"the Lawtey Woman's
to union born
'r + J other farmers, he does not expect were shell. I saw their white hands a moment LAWTEY I Unless you see the nam
!i 11, Providence to do It all. To this end seven children, five of whom survive later in the water. I Club on June 6, was one of the charter "Bayer"" on package or oa tablets yon
+' 1 lie digs deep" and rapacious ditches her. She came to Florida with the "Morning came. The waters had Lawtey, June 17.-Rev. R. J. Riles members of the club which was are not getting genuine Aa trio pre-
I Nickels colony In 1878 and settled of organized about 40 years ago, and the scribed by physicians '
t : where such are needed, shelters and been receding. Those of us who were Brjrceville preached in the Methodist miliian.Xake
I"..r"' 1 feeds his stock, has good tight fence. with many others near Hampton, left-about sixty-were able to reach church. South, Sunday in placeof only here. living charter member residing' / years Aspirin and city proved a* told aaio In by the Bayer -
r (',': and fertilizes his crops well. The le- which place was her" home ever' since. the ground and walk around in water Pastor Ezelle. Rev. Riles Is no for Oulda, Headache. Neuralgia p&oknga
a' ;, frumlnous plants seen everywhere run Mrs. Rhame Joined the Methodist above our knees. stranger to the Lawtey church goers J. T. Moore spent Sunday at Kings- luieumattan. Earache, Toothache, Lum-
f s their roots deeply Into.the ground, church when a child and was ever a "Some of the unconscious women he having preached in Lawtey on several ley lake hago and for Plata. Bandy tin boxes of
.......1 thus opening passages: for other consistent member, never making enemies and children were left In the dark. Tt occasions. twelve. Bayer Tableteof Aspirin\(** few
i,),'l plants to follow, and they also supply only friends. About a year was a scene of devastation and death.It Enoch Grifflg was transacting business SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC AT rants, nruflristfl also sell larger padcnges. -
1 ago she fell and broke her thigh bone MILLER . the trade mark of
rich humus to the soil. was awful."I in Jacksonville first of the week. nulaactuure
: I M :
j I' 1 which injury was never' healed on account cannot say what the loss might Mr. and Mrs L. H. Hill were visitors Bayer. of Moooaoetioacdd-
The valuable rater eI 6a
most asset on the farm I qlloadcL
t of her high age. A. short time be. I know it must be far over a to Starke Tuesday, People living in the country know
i the trees" about 450 in all. 1
1 The are pecan of them ago: she developed pneumonia and notwithstanding hundred lives, for at least that many, James Shepard, of Starke, was a how hard it is to keep up interest in
j greater portion large: the best<< care, death 1 visitor to Sunday school their
J, : I am sure, were lost ofT our train and Lawtey Wednesday and I among young people
bear. Oa of'the ,
.t : I enough ,to account claimed" her. She died at the home of the Missouri Pacific train, though Thursday. So it was decided to put on a
\,' peculiar subsoil, noted by us In the her daughter: Mrsi Maggie Lee of Mrs. C. and contest for month between
:. I beginning the location is ideal for more from the last named train were Sapp grandaughter, one the Dodson's Liver Tone
Lakeside. found alive. Pueblo's disaster is'one Vfriie, are spending! a few days with boys and girls the losing side to treat
rt f' :,.j these deep-rootod trees. They all have Her children, with the exception of of the worst in the history of the relatives in Macclenny. the successful. All entered into the
clean, healthy bark and foliage: and one, who lives at a great distance, west." Miss Eva Futch returned to her I work with enthusiasm. The first Sun- Killing Calomel Sale
I through judicious pruning have a very were with her when the end also
I came, home here last week from Jacksonville day attendance was about double and
: I symctrlcal growth.: Those of bearing many grandchildren and great where she had been interest and
THE FRIGHTFUL COST OF THE spending several grew more more. At the
age are full of nuts of the best varie grandchildren. The remains laid Don't sicken or salivate or
1 were WORLD WAR months. close it was learned that the girls yourself
f III'*. _' ; ties The largest: and highest pecan to rest In Hampton (cemetery at the Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Boyer and children had won by a small margin.: paralyse; ;your sensitive liver by taking
tree we have ever seen is here. It Is alomel which U quicksilver. Your
side of her husband who died 15
: years The Atlanta Journal, In a plea for were visitors to Baldwin Friday. The boys accepted the defeat bravely. dealer sells each bottle of ,
from the old
i9'l.+ o a chard seedling 27 old. It has Rising borne or ago. A large number of friends join some arrangement between nations Mr T. J. Terry spent. last week J. S. Howard superintendent appointed harmless "Dodson's Liver Tone"pleaaut under
::5 i heavy years of nuts for a the! bereaved relatives in moving that will'' prevent war In the future, with relatives in and near Lake City. H. G. Crawford, J. S. Brown an Ironclad, money-back guaranteethat
crop many years. their loss. reminds us that the Danish Research Miss Nclle Roberts was a visitor to and Carl Brown a committee to arrange it regulates the liver, stomach and
One tract of six acres has been given A FRIEND.The society calculated that the late conflict Starke Friday. the treat which came in the bowels better> than calomel without making
.; tho up entirely to bunch pecans bean., except From for carried a death toll of seventy D. R. Eddins of Gainesville, was a form of afish fry Saturday on the I you side-IS million bottles sold.uravaTret. .
1' ever present successful man is monarch of I million human lives and added three i business visitor here Wednesday. river. The place selected rivals in )
two-thirds this
j' 1 of orchard last rhil.essw
I ,) ;, yearMr. his own affairs. When he divides his hundred and fifty billion dollars to the I' V. R. Reddish was transacting busI i beauty our more noted picnic resorts.
I. Wainwright: sold $HOO worth of. prerogatives: he also surrender a I debts of the nations involved. "Elev I mess in Starke Monday. j I One hundred pounds of fish had rerrtoTCT vitality aiu moray hy purifying and rrfchlntf
nuts or $200 worth to the acre. Pecan < I the blOOd. You can fml ft ftreitu?
a i growing Is both sure and profitable large: proportion of his profits. en out of twelve European nations," Mn. C. Y. Mayo and little daugh been provided, a case of bread order alag. lavUoraclnl Cftivt: p.t uon,.. W*. *
on the right"kind of soil .
,. Many other fruit trees are found on .
-- --- -
I. ____ -
tw the place, the most notable of which -- -
l ,e I are Japanese sand pears. These trees
I are Immune from the blight that attacks
f'4' ,p y a e+ J I planted the along LeConte the fences pear. and They require are Monday June 20th Commences Our REMODELING S LEAN
i S r no cultivation.
l 1 C\' ", under Some protest farmers, as it follow were,their because calling they" OLD TIME BARGAIN FEAST
; t 'j can'do no better, and for that reason ,
ti carry no enthusiasm and energy into
t the business Mr. Wainwright, to the
I I contrary his farm; is problems enthusiastic thoroughly.and studies His . Sacrifice Smart Silk Frocks Smashing Waist Sale I
experience and good judgment make ..
/ him discerning, but once: convinced A sale that means much more than'print can tell. Regular pricesare FORMER PRICES
$1.50 and
1 t t ,f '1 that a change: from the established $25.00, $30.00 and 3250. New styles, new fabrics and sices. Taffetas $1.95 I'
practice would be desirable, or something Crepe de Chine and Georgettes. Light and dark models. A won- Fifty dozen of the best I :
I, new worth trying, he goes: to derful buy that saves you real money. Come early for this.Remodeling must ao in this clearance very that include batiste aid voile waists in the store I
everything.! Regular prices
work at once. And such good land are
and good location are worthy of the $1.50 and $1.95. All Sizes wanted. A bargain buy. "
'' ,, best endeavors. $16.69
Sale Price
WHO'S WHO $1.05Highest
Remodeling Sale PriceChildren's I
In this high strung, rusTiing, days i
: ( it is. hard to tell who's who. A man Grade Gingham Frocks at Cost :
i may be rushing around in a high- I
j priced automobile for which he Gingham Dresses
may ,
J have mortgaged: his home to buy the Finest Imported French Gm'ghama'in! checks and solid colors are
gaudy toy. Just to keep up with his shown in these frocks exclusively. Worth today actually $9.95 each. New. Ages 3 ""if.1..1 J. years at a price far less than the cost of the ma- I
t'q more prosperous neighbor.' eat styles. Trimmed- attractively with organdies tenaU Nothing e best is shown. All new styles and high quality I
f He may sro dashing past another gingham. Regular prices are to $5.50 each.Remodeling .
neighbor with a mule and one horse .
loaded with farm '
t wagon, products
I + plodding along to market who will Sale Pnce. $1.39
soon place the receipts of his toll In Remodeling Sale Price !
the bank, swelling his growing: saving I
Ia r.; account, while his flashy neighbor is
,9 studying how he can get" tilt moneyto EVERYTHING IN OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENTS MUST GO QUICKLYThis I
pay his interest on the money borrowed
for his pleasure. ,
i,' Who's who. -
The man with the mule steps Into Popular Section Opens i immediately The most perfectly appointed stocks !
f?; the would bank like addressing to borrow the 11,000on teller my"I after the remodeling with complete @7 ( '71V" and the lowest prices in the central and I '
I I New northern parts of the state. Send us requirements
*> note until I can tura some stock. Stocks your I
' rr All right;, you can have it. Sign GAINESVILLErtORIDA by mail. I
here. II
Our friend with the flashy car drives I I
1// .- ______._.I_. _ - ,
up to the battery service and vulca- - .- .
-- -- -
I,4 ---
r V; ,1 1
r 3 e
4 5)5)I' )
, IMyNF"tpYA
,.WM' . 4 u, ry !r 7a V
e"L.rp .
.. \Sl 'J
Mr ,aim d,
u.x/.IIpW/ C'ULr 6 I .
tt } V L.
1 1t
FRIDAY, JUNE_17, 1921. h .. ..
---- - -
-- -
.'-- , : -- -- -- I the courthouse in Tavare Tuesday .;,
I'. New of Florida in Short Paragraphs. I evening about 8 o'clock, death ensuing ,i. '
. .... ,j a few hours later. The shooting
1 I' I took place during the triel of Mrs. ,r
[; Live State""News Wilbur Davis, daughter-in-law of the
dead man, on a charge of threateningto I f
II poison her children. From information N AGE THREE
ffl r---"--*--.------ __.__ :
_-- ,. |._._.___ obtainable, it seems that a '.1---.11'Ji ':'"'''' --
Told by Our Exchanges.Editor number of men were in front of the! /
I courthouse when Wilbur Davis ram
___ __,__ _
,. -- .. from the courthouse with his father '
' :
Stovall, of The Tribune I. ary. The and another brother, Arthur Davis, ." ;, ;
table wee insured '
the largest for in transit and that Wilbur was attacked by the .
rated as property hol- $1,000.
now men, whom he claimed to be strangers .
in Tampa, this distinction being 1
and who succeeded in -7' V
when he purchased finally e
another On
a charge
business block the of having burned alive' placing him in an automobile. It i i. I
other a number .
jundsome of
rats instead of killing said the father and brother went to
.da,. them in some quicker and more hu- the assistance of Wilbur and in the it f .,- V'
mane way, a Tampa Greek was ar- melee the older gentleman was shot a >n
The Moore Haven business district, rested for cruelty to
animals. Cal. in the stomach and head and Arthur
recently swept by fire, is now the leseo, the Greek, caught the rats In received numerous bruises about the -
scene of active building operation. his tl.p, poured kerosene oil on them face. Wilbur, according to his state .//I
Several nice brick blocks are now in and set fire to the *". ment/was "
Widows des I beaten over the head and g
.course of construction and contracts dared that it was several minutes before face with revolvers and also given A pipe won't burn your ,
have been let for a number of others.. the flame killed the I I't. '
animals. At I numerous lashes with a strip! of leather. -
A truck load of men from DeFuniakand the stating trial the he necessity was released of ridding, the judge the .Montverde He was carried and daumped by the out strangersto of!!the tongue if you smoke P. A. J f ;n
vicinity Monday for the Ok- community of rats overbalanced the automobile, returning later in the .
lahoma and Texas harvest fields ex- method of exterminating. night to Tavares.FARMER.
pectin to be absent until fall. They Get that pipe-party-bee buzzing in your smoke- Y '
camping were equipped outfit,for tents the, etc overland!! trip, moonshiners Hawks prevented the capture of section! Know for a fact what a joy'us jimmy pipe I ",' y .
and after the near birds Pensacola upon three last week BROWN can and will do for your peace and content I Just t
Disbarment proceedings against E. casions had given the alarm upon the oc- check up the men in all walks of life you meet daily .
L. Bryan, of Tampa who was attor approach of the sheriff and his dt-pu You see, Mr. Oleson, this is a boy who certainly get top sport out of their pipes-all
for the defense in the ties, they I picked the
ney trial of gave up the attempt to ar upon road. Don't know
Frank Futch, charged with a statutory rest the operators and contented what to do with him View I've !got! him. aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince Vped.
offense, held here recently, were themselves with seizing the still. The He is In all kinds of mischief, all the ... A....... S. Albert!
filed yesterday by C. B. Parkhill, the sheriff discovered the still but time. Says he is from the city. :: .to../:1 tlnm.vrymtml r4t. .
attorney for the state. anxious to capture the men running was Hasn't even got a name--only Sil ;_.. ..'.r: ,...,.; And, you can wager your week's wad that Prince
it. He and his deputies upon ap_ ver. Hain't got any folks or. home;' r.. did'/: ::':.':.'".::.: ,Albert's quality and flavor and coolness-and its
Edgar Collins of Chipley, was in-' preaching the place noticed a pair of just like a lost dog. pa.d glmmrnItmmtlmr .des freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclusive '
hawks fly from a nest in Well, you might make somethingout . _
scantly killed near Fountain while a tree near ". 't
top-loadmg logs!! on ,a train for the i by. The flight of the birds alarmed of him out here on the farm and ,:;. patented process-will up records in'your ...
St. Andrews Bay Lumber Company.He the moonshiners and they fled. that would be missionary work. little old smokemeter the likes of which you never
was struck by.01%$ of the logs and Brown may be a missionary if he before could believe possible! .
crushed to death.It Emma Sikes, of Pensacoia died wants to but I dno't want the little
from the results of a severe beating heathen around. Rather give a little You don't get tired of a pipe when it's packed with
Is claimed that an audit of the she received at. the hands of an un- be money less for the missions each Sunday, Prince Albert! Paste that in your-hat! V t *
books of a formet superintendent of (I known party. The woman was attacked trying on my nerves.I I 1
publie instruction of Suwannee county in her home, a smoothing iron would rather try to make something And, just between ourselves! Ever dip into the
shows that he has stolen approx and poker being used for weapons. !! out of a city waif, Mrs. Brown, r sport of rolling 'em ? Get some Prince Albert and
Before she than send all the _
imately lfi,000. It is charged he issued died, she !gave! the police money ,
a minute What's the racket out doors the makin's papers-quick-and cash in cigarette
warrants to fictitious negro description of a man for Sa- on a '
teacher, whom the police are searching!! ft is mantha : that will prove a !
thought!! it was a man who at one That fool boy of yours has got the
First Lieutenant Goodrich, of Norwich time boarded at her home and who, i It two cats tails tied together!! and has revelation
Vt., on a practise flight in a ra- is believed, thought the woman had hung them over the clothes line. Theyare
.dio ship fell into a spin at approximately money hidden about the house.Sheriff's scratching themselves to death! CRINGE
] 1,200 altitude and spun into Get a pole, Oleson, while I pull the\ Coyrlaht. 10X1
r.1. K.v.i ld
line down, and then you shove them > > 'I
ground at Carl trom Feld, sustaining deputies and the police tobaccoWbutooSalool Co.
injuries that resulted in his were combing Jacksonville Friday in off.No n.c.: V
death. an effort to capture as ; I'll cut the string while you
many as possible the national joy tmoke
of the IS hold the line down. There they
Tioirr/ina____,_ VIA ".n.h.1 go .
-- n "'W n '
A rattlesnake 8 feet long and having from the Duval county jail"shortly for the tall timber; won't see them
21 rattles and a button, weighing!: after midnight. Bars were severed for a while. nearly any other'state in the nation
47 pounds, was captured last week with a hack saw smuggled to one of Where is the boy? that year. .
by the crew of the fishing smack Jo the prisoners and the negroes uSt'd He skinned out when he heard us The man in Florida who owns and !
sephine. The snake was swimming ropes made of bed clothing to lower coming. cares for bees does not get "stung." -NICRB
toward Tolbert Island in Nassau I themselves from the windows and Well, I do hope he will keep !going.! Bees serve a good purpose besides _
sound and the, fishermen surrounded I scale the walls about the jail. The Well, let him go. Mr, Oleson, I the production of useful food. They I 1
it with nets. alarm was given by a negro "trusty" want to show. you the new oil stove are essential in the proper pollinationof
who was awakened as the fifteenth I[ just bought for Samantha. You fruit trees. It Is a well known and
John E. ,Cartridge, Jr., of Jackson prisoner disappeared over the wall. know I Just bought a new Perfection( long established truth that the nectar OX3
yule\ chnrged with having forged the nit Samantha got her eye on this new odor and bright color of the flowers
name of detained A unique sentence kind and nothing doing but she must
a government witness imposed in juvenile are simply means of ttracting
in a smuggling case, was exon court at Tampa by Judge Pette- have one.' So:; I sold the first one and insects in order that the fertilizing.
erated by U. S. Commissioner Noble] ,, way, on two lads who recently broke sought this one. Hurry up, Samantha pollen> may be carried from flower to Small size Mlchellna are macro of the c
who declared the government was unable into a Catholic church and stole two and let Mr. Oloson see what a flower. The honey bee l Is chief among I same quality materials, by the same
to produce any evidence tending quarts of communion wine, which fine blue flame she. !gives.! Maybe you insects for this purpose. It is the careful workmen In the aame modern t i
to prove the guilt of Mr. Ilartrldge.L. they ''drank, was served today. The can sell yours and buy one of this most easily controlled of all insect j factory that have made Michelin ,
judge instructed each kind. DeWitt C. Jones has, or did, that do g to
: lad to save thin necessary work. Ring-.haped Tubes and other Michelle i..
H. Hale] of Cleat-water, last week $2.40 of his earnings and when they have Ain't two she more fine yesterday. At the present time much attentions product. famous
received a letter addressed to him had done so to expend it In fruit and She is. being given to bee culture. County lee,
here and mailed in Tampa on Septem candy and bring the proceeds to his sure and home demonstration agents, club l
her SO, 1916, a few months less than office. This they did and he took them Yes, DeWitt C. Jones seems to get leaders and others, are devoting much! r th orti'
everything of the best in tho Hardware '1
five years ago. If the letter had been in his car to the orphans home, where of their time to tho industry. Persons
enroute continuously it would have the !goodies! were divided among the hall tot I wonder what that boy Interested would do well to consult J ? .
covered a little more than six mile (forty inmates of the home. gone with some of these persons/ 'or write .4 ii 'I ill,
a year. I the State Plant Board, or the Collegeof
With his shirt tattered and a three- BEES IN FLORIDA Agriculture, Gainesville, Fla.
Fruit growers In the Oldsmar section inch !gash! across his abdomen, L. S. SMITH'S at
who last year began to commercialize Darby, 21, Atlantic Coast Line operator Florida, "the land of flowers and REFRIGERATION WITHOUT ICE red -
the production of blueberries, at Baldwin stepped off Coast Line sunshine," is worthy of the thoughtsof Starke
report they are realizing profitably train No. 37 at Gainesville Thursday those who appreciate her flowers I. ,
from their venture and plan to develop morning!! and surrendered to the officers and sunshine. To the business man Few persons realize the extent to I .. ..
the industry on a larger! scale. The awaiting, following!! his killingWednesday his appreciation is partly due to the which evaporation may be dependedunon .. ----.--- -- _..
berries are retailing at'46 cents a pinton night!! in Baldwin of J. S. material benefits he has received. to cool thinirs. In the manufacture -10.- ra y
the local market, and the demand Thomas, marshal there. Darby's desire Flowers and sunshine means muchto I of ice it i.- the evaporation of i Aid f. .
i is said to be good. to !give! himself up was wired many classes and to many Indus. ammonia which freezes water. there Is generally wrong to be foundon ...... Jzs 1( I.."
from a station up the line to the operator trle For just one illustration we The evaporation of water is slower both sides.PPENING ** ,,1 r.. ,
& .
W. F, Lee, a carpenter of Jacksonville at Gainesville! who notified the cite the bee industry. The average and will not often produce a freezing/ : CASKETS 3 .. .I' :
w'- "
yield for each colony of Florida bees, temperature but it will take the <1;
was Instantly killed when ho police. Darby made no statement to placeof OF ST. JOHNS RIVER An4aFuULln..1 v"
fell from a scaffold at the plant of the local officers beyond giving the a few years ago, was 86 pounds, almost Ice for ordinary refrigerator purposes BRIDGE tuf'rla.ra' Suppliu ;
the Wilson-Toomer Fertilizer Com information that he had been in a tussle twice as much Hi produced In if meana for utilizing It are j
pany, on Talleyrand avenue. Lee was with Thomas and another man at properly planned, says A, P. Spencer. AUTOMOBILE HEARSE '
working on the scaffold to which the the Seaboard depot, which had led to of the Florida Agricultural Extension Jacksonville, June 16.-With plana'eompl'ted Always on hand. Th. beat service y M'
CARDUI HELPED for the : '
lumber was being hoisted for use i in the shooting. His wound wan evidently Division. most elaborate eels at the lowest price Special b
construction. It that he was caused from a knife. A wooden frame may be.made and ebration of the kind ever arranged in .
... deems attention to telegraph or- j'
the South ,
Duval .j
either struck by lumber as it was covered with canton flannel, the count will dedicate
hoisted, or lost his balance and fell M. Wilson, alien Red Wilson, alies REGAIN STRENGTH smooth side out. Pieces of cloth and open the new St. .Jlhn. river I era. Registered Embalmer. >Nr: f:
to the ground. Hi* skull was fractur Babe Red, colored man at Florinda, brown over the top will\ act a. wicksto bridge with three days of merrymak. 't, 1
ed. killed his wife Sunday, dragged!! the take water from a shallow biscuit |tnlC and festivity, beginning June 80 DeWTIT C. JONES .' I I ;
body up the railroad track and bur pan set on top of the refrigerator/ and and ending July 2. STARKE, FLA. 1
John R. Bryant was sentenced Mon led it. Nothing is known of the quarrel AlaUm. Lady. Wag Sick For Tore. communicate It down the cloth side Invitations have !gone! out from the aIIIXIIl IIIIIIIDIDIDG \' M.
day to life imprisonment in the penitentiary but it is thought that one or both Yea.. Suffering Paia Kerrou by means of capillary attraction. The : celebration committee to the mayor.
for the killing of his father, of them were drunk. Wilson shot the evaporation from the damp walls will of all cities, nil hoards of county commissioners a tr ,
of which he was convicted at Orlando woman twice with a shotgun, and and Depressed-Read Her cool the interior and, if It i. tight and state buHrdH find many i \ '
Saturday. Prosecuting Attorney E. T. went on into the settlement wearing Ova Story of Record the door fits snugly, the temperature others, to formally participate in the ,j
Jones said -he would let the indictment some of his wife's jewelry> Asked ?. may be greatly reduced, sufficient to events. Governor liar-dee and hU cabinet
against Mrs. Bryant stand until how "he had !gotten! hold of it, he re- keep butter, milk and meat in fine have been invited and are'expect 1886 ,
the next term of court. It is believed plied that his wife was at home drunk hape. It seta In a pan to eaten the ed to join In the celebration.An r. :
however, that no further pro- Investigation!! by suspicious friends, Paint Rock: Ala.-Mr*, a M. Stefan.if ripping. elaborate program!! of entertainments .
secution will be made against her in showed that she had been killed, here The cooler may be of any size. For parade., mardi gras features, It
connection with the death of George dragged away from the house and near recently: related the; tot- convenience it should be. made just fireworks, receptions and other features DAVISINSURANCE
BryantA juried. Wilson had dug her burial owing latrtlng account of her reeertryi large enough that a large bread pan have been arranged. Sponsorsto
place with a part of a wash pan. "I wa In a weakened con will alt down In the top. To get the akslst In the dedication of the
!genuine! relic which formerly held dition. I was lick: tare years U bed, test result It should sit in- the shade bridge will be appointed by many cities n \
a prominent place in the dining!! room Judge \1. F. Home, of Jasper, and raftering a great deal .f pain, weak., and in a draft. and many social events are being . ,:
Jf. George Washington, the famous State Attorney Kelly of Madison, acrrotia depressed. J.was so weak If further details are needed for its. planned in their honor. i'I"1
breakfast table, has been sold and have been in Live Oak for the purpose I _lda't walk aeroM the floor Jut construction, ask your county or home This celebration promises to eclipse
shipped to the Mount Vernon Ladies of hearing motions to quash indictments had to lay and my little ones .. tho demonstration agent, or write to the anything of the kind ever previously STARKE j '
Association by Mn. Marie Randall of in the several cases returned work.' I",.. amoat..... I tried College of Agriculture, Gainesville, attempted in Florida and all of Duval I'r I
Tampa. This table was a part of a at the spring term of circuit: court, very thing I heard of. and a number ef Fla. county Is looking towards its success. I t
dining room set which George Wash against!! J. W. O'Hara, former superintendent I lectors.couldn't aWl_t.J and dldnt get aar nltoC. Arrangements are being made by the I 1 1t'
ington of public Instruction; John slept poorly. I When two people get into a fight transportation committee to secure !
had" made by a cabinet maker billets If 1 hadn't heard of and. tat.. ,
in his own home at Mount Vernon L. Hopps and W. M. Rains. No mo- Oardnl I weald ban CU... I boaxht low round trip rates on all railroads Habitual Coonipanosi Cared
and presented to Us wife, Martha, in tions to quash were argued!! but a six bottle, alter a neighbor told so* A TONIC leading Into Jacksonville and a large la 14 to 21 Day M
honor of their nnt'wedding anniver- plea as to the legality of the grand what It did for her. Oro".'. Tasteless chill: Tonic senores number of visitor are expected from LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN"" a armcUUr. r Ki
sustained. All other motions 1 to many cities.CATTS prepared SyrupTonJo-Lax.'Jv*for Habitual
Jury was began eat sad
!deep, began to q
Bow Energy and Vitality by Purifying, and Constipation. It
a Noted Vet. Gets Rid of Bate- and pleas were continued till; gala my strength and am BOW well relieve promptly but y
Farmers Heed June 27, when a special term of court sad strong. I haven't had any trow* Enriching the Blood. When you feel Its CASE WILL GO TO TRIAL should to induce be taken regularly for I M to 21 day a ? o
Dr. of We since . I aura can testify to the 8CJ'engthenlng.lnvillontlnll effect. see howt regular action. It Stimulate and ,
H. H. Butler says "I use RAT will be held. The misspelling auror's Regulate! Very Pleasant "-
mod that Cardul did me I don' brings color the chock and how to Taka 601; ( ( ; t
SNAP around hospitals every 3 name in the summons, was the t to Pensacola, June 13.-Attorney* for per bottle. ?
my which being hlok there la a better tome made It Improves' the will then Sidney J. Catta failed to file ha
months whether I see rats or not. It cause of the plea, sustained and I teller It saved life." appetite, you today ''-
does the work RAT SNAP gets 'em vitiated the findings of th* my appreciate Ita true tonic value.irove's demurrers to the indictment chargingthe It i.i understood that a special." 1 t
grand jury, and will necessitate the For over 40 year, thousands of wo- Tasteless chill Tonic In former governor of Florida withpeonage. don of the
simply court will be convened hero }'
eVery time. I recommend It to every on havo teed Cardol successfully , '
finding of new indictments! in all cases III the treatment of Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So !! about June 20 to try Mr. Catt
body wait until many w omaal
having Don't
rats. pending when Indictments were aOmwita.If. pleasant even children like It. The blood District Attorney John L. Neely announced ,
there is a brood of rats, act immed- found at this term of court. needs QUININE to Purify It and IRON to that the case Would be carried Some people think +I s
you'suffer a* the.. did they are Jut a f
lately you see the first one. 8 sizes tab CarduL It mar halp you too. Enrich It. Destroy Malarial germs and I I before Judge Sheppard In the U. little better than other, but this I I. I' r y 3a ;?{
'be, 8 5c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed! Sam W. Davis, an aged!! citizen of At all drncffUta. B U Grip germs. by Its Strengthening. Ifivigur S. court for the northern district of probably because they can not read *?
ly D. C. Jones, Starke.-Adv. Lake county, was shot In front of sting Effect.: Oc.1) Florida as soon as possible. ..... .. the mind of their neighbor. rN i;' ;E
4y (I Ir
t'1 . JJJII 4rj'
... ... ' .. 1j II1'I
\ '
.1. );,: 'rf" Pm- "' t' "',41' ,/,'! ,/{::;:;;;. "" '. : ; ";': *.,", '...."',.:.".1"'Ir't,. """.:Ji '. ".''"';''' '' . ., , c
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:w......, .
,'? vFksll{ ty \ ''ie::,..!.r,._':: '".\ '''f\: '::.," I V +
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