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Established 1879. Subscription-Per Vear\ $%.00; Six Months' $1.00....:Payable: ; ; in Advance E. L Matthews, Editor and Proprietor.:
____ ._ .C=". I
VOLUME FORTY-TWO., _ _m_ 4 T111itT1'-T11'/J./
'---- ----------- --
W. C. Bennett of Parish Fla. aged First Grade-Olive Ray, teacher. HAYNE.S : I
W.m.n"Chemist" Arrested For Shine Answer, Court for Killing of ,
Making: Monday 43, died at a local hospital at 4:30 Joneph C. Crews Grace Alvarez, Melba Silcox, Etholin R(>()dick, Fla., Feb. 1. 1921. -
Wednesday morning. Mr. Bennettwas White, Evelyn Stum;*, Merrill Williams To the Editor: The W. T: Weeks Chapter U.; D. C. .
7 'The Ideal moonshiner ia pictured asa born in Highland, Bradford coun ; Margaret Williams, Fenella I era in some of our state papers met Wednesday! afternoon with Mrs. JI I
\ s rugged man with a big, ragged: mustache ty, Florida, Sept 20, 1877. Besides his After reading and weighing the evidence Snyder, James lti"harllVain"'right, there' is being nude an effort by coun- Othma L. Huynos; who proved herself
,. ; he is garbed In greasy overall wife, Mrs. Roberta Bennett, he is survived I presented: at thecoroner's. Jury, Paul Duboso, Perry Newsom, J. O. ty officials to have chapter 7334, of to be a most delightful hostess t *
by two sons Curtis Bennett empanelled after the killing of Joseph I' the Laws of Florida declared uncon '
and chad with shoes that will allow *' Turner, LC'RoyVilson.! Elmo Struth The 1 president, Mrs. L. G. Powell I I'I
the water to run out of them as fast aged l3, and Cecil bennett, aged 11; C. Crews at Lake Butler, on the nightof I Hanoi Adkins Alice Fernandez, Betty stitutional. i 1 presided over' the business session
: three brothers, J. F. Bennett of Lake 15th Marshal Shelton ,
as it comes in, while he tramps about January by Chapter 7334. the Graduated Fee which
n McLane Pauline Dubose. was followed by social
't in the swamp in which his still is lo Butler J. M. Bennett, of Plant City, Hall State Attorney A. V. Long dectdcd a Bill passed by the 1917 1 legislature togo hour. a half
L. A. Bennett of Lakeland and one 'I Second Grade-:Mildiod Crosby into Jan. 1 1921 liked Haynes nerved three kinds
cated. lie is also supposed t6 have a that the verdict of the jury of effect is not
shotgun handy for us4! in an (>m'rgen'ey. sitter Mrs. J. E. Harper of Lake justifiable homicide was not enough teacher. Thelma Silcox Eloise Ritch, by many of our county officials. This of delicious\ sandwiches, chicken salad
Whatever may be said about the Butler. The funeral services will be to. clear Mr. Hall but that further in- Louise Howe, Lester Price Robinson, law says: and hot cocoa with whipped cream.
moral aspect of his trade, the moon- held tomorrow at 1:30 from the F. T.: quiry by the grand: Jury of the next Elton Cone, George/ Intnan, Coleman '"The pay of all county ofttcials shall At the January meeting the chapter -
shiner has to be a man physically. Blount Co. parlors Rev. Doyle, of [term of circuit court would be noces Williams Wilson Hayes Charley Gorman be fixed on the net income of such office I pledged $100 for the club house .
Port officiating. The body
No woman could be a moonshiner any Tampa, 'Ir He therefore instructed Sheriff J, D. Griftls, Laura George. according to the following schedule fund. Mrs. L. A. Davis gave $50 and
be interred at Plant City at 3 p. m., sary. '
more than she could be a line man or t Col.
timber cruiser.. the Woodmen of the World having Epperson to put Mr. Hall.under a Third B-Florence Gill\ Louise : W. T. Weeks $25 to help on' this '
a But this is the era of surprises, and charge.-Tampa Daily Times. I bond of $2,500 for his appearance before Hayes,, Vivian Kite Geraldine Kite, "All the net income from such office i pledge, and the remaining $25 will
Monday it was proved that a woman Mr. Bennett had charge of some orange the court. Dora Manning Clara Louise Peek; not to exceed $$1.800 00 per cent soon bo raised. The chapter Is in an
owned by the estate of of the next $1,000, or any fraction I excellent condition as to finances and n
groves Lrah Struth Pasco Rowe Wilbur
could! make shine as well asa man.What' Sheriff Epperson arrested him [lat< i
Mr. Lamb, who was fatally injuredat thereof; 40 per cent of the next $2,000or / I active work Is going on in the various k
the necessity of ,having the Lake Butler Friday and brought hftn Crime Leon Alvarez Vincent Alvarez fraction thereof I I 1
any 20 cent
Parrish some time ago, when his ; per j departments of the U. D. C.
till in\ a swamp smoke Leila Pea Andrew. I
in machinery to Starke. Hall remained in custody of the next $2,000 or any fraction
"buck"would overcoat caught some I I I ni
tracks and loud smelling
belting. Mr. Bennett broke hie wrist until late Saturday night, by which Fourth Grade-.Jessie Thomas thereof; 10 per cent of the rest and .
it haveit
? not
in a give dwelling away house Why where there while cranking a Ford car,,and blood time the bond and other requirementshad teacher Estelle Kendrick, William residue." f BRADFORD .
nothing to point the to It- poisoning set in. He was removed to been fulfilled and he was set at Duncan Merrill McMillan, Julia Ca The following figures taken from
was way Feb.4''Mlnzle
where an open can of saurkraut would Bay side hospital, Tampa, where his liberty nova Paul Knight. the report of the state comptroller for Bradford, Groover, .
disguise the odor of "buck" and where right; arm was amputated in the hopeof Cth'B Grade Jessie Thomas teacher 1919, gives the reasons why our connty lof Ziff, was a business visitor here
checking the spread of the affection officials do not like this bill and Monday ,
the time might be profitably employed
MRS. SNYDER ENTERTAINS Ruth Sternberg Merrill Struth,
other work while the delectable but it was done in vain and he destroyed: Walter ::
at Edmondson
.' Lola Colley, Charles Lucian Klckliter. Net Fees Duval Officiate I and daughter, of
26th. County
died on the morning of January
fluid slowly the trickled in question.from Messrs.the worm Ep-TOn The funeral took place the day following Last Friday night Mrs. II. M. Sny Fifth Grade:--Mrs. B. McGruder, Clerk of the court __n_?.?$ 10818.01 Sampson were here Wednesday ...
person, Baisden day and Kite invaded the the obsequies being conductedby der gave a party in honor of Miss Lu. teacher. Elise Jones, Bertha! Wilson I Sheriff ______.-_____ _____ 8,148.20(; I, O. W. Dyal made a business trip to U'I
clle Tatum of Jacksonville and David Ethel Moore. County judge __ Brooker .
peaceful home of Mrs. Elizabeth Mon- Rev. Doyle, of Port Tampa. The nhn 11028.12 : Monday
den, a widow living in the old Tomp- interment was at Plant City, the Schaffer of Maryland. During: the Sixth Grade-Doris Law, teacher. Tax collector ____hh___ 19,367.05 I I Joe DericM was in Hampton. ,Mon-
sett house at the foot of Orange street Woodmen lodge of that place taking evening games were played and de Eugene Matthews Sammy Sternberg Tax assesson ...___hhh 87,847.07 day. f
County solicitor ______ (
charge.; Among the pallbearers were lightful refreshments were served. 7,952.48
near the Peggy road., They searchedthe Florence Andrews Gussie Mae Bennett Percy Jones made a business trip to
two former Starke Messrs. Walter Clerk of county court ____ 7807.12 I I
men, Those Misses Lucile I
house for a moonshine still and present were Mary Canova Hazel Middleton Ziff Tuesday
found it. The apparatus was snugly Wills and Malcolm Wills. Mr. J. Tatum Huldah Brinson Audrey Johns
Thelma Snellffrove.Seventh Total for officers ._.__ Will Jones was In Waldo Tuesday
imbedded In a brick furnace and consisted F. Bennett and Mrs. J. E. Harper of Vivirette Floyd, Margaret Long $102.9!>0.09 "
of 15-gallon kettle of Lake Butler, brother and sister of Green Grade-Mrs. J. C. Uiggs, Net Fees IIH Inborn County Officials i David Kelly and O. W. Dyal madea
a heavy
Adine Bell Ethel
a well made and sufficient the deceased, had hastened to Tampa teacher. Frank Carpenter Millard Clerk of the court _-__ _. .$ 18.583.2fiSheriff businca' strip to Waldo Tuesday,
copper, Hunt, Madrap Middleton; Earl Mid _.._.. ... __ _
worm, also of copper, and some pip hearing of their brother's sad plight: Cooper, Leila Sapp. -- -- 12,090.98 I I Mr. Sistrunk of Starke, was here
dleton Lloyd Green, Aubrey Brinson Tax collector __ _
and while there were guests of Mr. '' __ .. -_ J2.f101.C9 business
Grade Tuesday.
ing apparently together by a Eighth -Carrie teach
put Holly
Earl Roberta Harry Canova Leo Ca Tax .
and Mrs. Walter Wills assessor .. 16,4.10.53:
-- nO E
master plumber. The apparatus was ]Rosa Levlto'n Hugh Brownlee. hrlff! Epperson and Deputy were
er. ,
The deceased was a man of sterling nova, Nelson Green, David Schlft'lcr.lIerberi'RItcb County judge ______nh. 9,306.20 I
bright and clean not smutty and'
Grade Tuesday.111ox .
Ninth -Mrs. B. D. Law .
and beloved ; Bob Johnson
character respected! by
is the when in the
greasy, as case I
care of mere man. Bottles and other all who knew him. He was of the teacher. Blanche Alderman, Eunice Total for 5 officers ---$ 07,019.30 Parrlth of Sampson, was a
."containers" found were also scrupulously Baptist faith, and since hearing Billy BRADFORD Perkins, Isabel Fernandez.' I The total net Income of these 12 officials I business! vlllitor' here Tuesday .
clean, even the corks had been Sunday had been more trict than ever Tenth Grade-In Alderman teacher. in 1919 was $170,(>10.45./ or John McKinney was here Monday
boiled in water containing "Grandma"till before in observing his religious Bradford' Feb 4.-The union meet Ethel Griffin Madge Middleton: $9,000 more than the'total state's bill from Sampson.
they were as clean and bright as a obligations. The many friends of the ing was well attended Friday, Satur Eleventh Grade-Jeannette Mat of all jurors and witness costs; $41- I Bob Surrency and son Bobby, made \
extend to 000 than salaries
relatives of the deceased more the of
new penny. If the liquor manufactured day and Sunday.C. thews teacher. Paul Canova, Louise our judicial '. a business trip to Starko Friday.
them their heartfelt, sympathy.' department $52,000 more than
was not conducive: to health, it was ; M. Andreu and Ora Barry were Fernandez Nellie Stearns Adine ;
the total cost of the executive department I'i Andy Sparks, of Louise, was here
at least put up in "sanitary pack- ;
in Gainesville Monday attending to Watson. .
"' CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER and salaries of all clerks of administrative Friday;
ages. business Twelfth Grade-S. S. Dowling, prin department; $85,000 I James Reynolds was In Starke on
liquor found and the still
was Ruby Edwards, who is teaching at cipal. Aileen Alvarez, Mona Alder more than the cost of the 1919 legislature Friday. 4
dismantled taken the officers
was to furnish and"exhibit by A." Mrs., Jim Simmons, the negro who killed :Long; Bridge spent the week-end with man, Maggie Mllxwell.UNEMI'LQYlIENT as much as the pay for two Mrs. nOl'k Brown and son spent ,
John Moore, another negro, near Elar- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Edwards years of our two senators and the Saturday in
Monden was arrested but claimed she Sampson City,
bee, on January 18th had a prelimi- four congressmen, the five
had made liquor,only for her own use UNNECESSARY Blqx }"arrlsh. of ;;ampson; was here
nary hearing before County Judge Mabry Harrell of Jacksonville Is / the three railway commission
And never sold any. But that was for ,- Saturday.
the court to decide and she in Croon Monday. The accused plead not spending a few day. with his parents, ers and our governor; one.alxth the I
was put When the great army that had been Bob Jones of here
guilty. He was represented by D. E. cost of state pensioners !I.*- .. Sampson, was,
the Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
in default fa Harrell.
county jail o Knight, Esq., while A. S. Crewe, Esq., sent to France was returning to this If thin chapter unforced the tax Thursday
bond. At this writing the bond,,has Mr. and Mrs. Levy Norman ami country together with the millions I..
not yet been furnished. represented The examination the state.revealed that there mother, of Raiford, were guests Sun- who bad been in camp and those who assessor out of of Duval the $37,000 county net would Income receive I Irvin Dyal l and Joe Durchell made 'a
were circumstances in Simmons' favor day of Mr. and Mrs. A. A.' Edwards had been in active war industries began about $7,000; the clerk of the court In business trip to Starke Friday.
RAIFORD ameliorating and admitting Michael Andreu attended to business to seek other employment there Hillsboro county whose net foes were O. W. I Dyal "was in Brooker Fridayon
e of bail and his bond for the appear in Jacksonville last week. was a great cry that the country was I J1-port(>d at $18,000 would retain but business.
Raiford Feb. 4.-A. J. Andrews of ance V the spring term of the circuit ; Mrs. Florence Varnadoe spent the about ,to be swgmpod with labor. Mil ''I about $4,800.I Barney Fowler and John Tlilgpen, ,
Jacksonville, is the guest of his parents court was fixed in the sum of $500. week-end with relatives in Alachua. lions were declared, to be looking for I truly believe that each county officer of Ziff, were hero Saturday. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Andrews.' The bond was furnished and Simmons I Mr. and Mrs. C. W., Edwards and jobs and few opportunities offered. that received the nomination who Volley McKinney ot''Sampson, attended J
Mrs. S. M .Morrejl, who has been released from custody. little daughter, Corene, spent last' The public realized that there was another took the oath of office knew of the church here Saturday night :,
and the best eft'ortswel'e
'en the sick list is slowly improving. weekend wit hrleatlves in Alachua. made emergency, change made In our fee syatom laws Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart, ofBrookor.
for the
to something
Harley Moore, of Lakeland, is the LONG BRIDGE Mrs. Lois Raborn and little daughter ex-service men and others out of employment and who within 15 days after taking were here Saturday '
guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Long Bridge, Feb. 4.-M. I,. Johns Louise of St.. Petersburg, spenta to engage in, and in loss his office changed made: is efforts unworthy to have to his be salary the Everett Waidln and sinter. Miss Es-. I
H. Moore. was a business visitor. to Lake Butler few days of last week with relatives time than many had expected the huge servant of the people, and tae resignations tells, of Waldo spent tho weekend
W. H. Andrews and Sadie Simmonswere Saturday. here.C.. number of unemployed were back in are now in order,
visitors to Manning Thursday S. C. Crews was a business visitorto M. 'Andreu and family attendedthe harness again and the country pulling good time for all such to resign. Our O. W. L-yal. ;
afternoon. Lake Butler Saturday. union meeting: at Harmony Fri- along very well with things adjusting governor knows how to appoint good Irvin Dyal and Mair Lee were in,
Joe Johnson of Lakeland is the Mr. and Mrs. S. L.. Crews of day, Saturday and Sunday. themselves in' fairly good style men into office. Resign. Ziff Sunday
of his Mr. and Mrs. Gainesville, are spending the week It was after the war that the popu
guest parents, W.'M. Andreu and Seeber Edward Yours truly, Truman Dyal l and) family spent Sun
Paul Johnson end with their parents. made a business trip to Long Bridge lation decided to have a. good timespending'money L. S. LIGHT day with their parent, Mr. and Mrs.
children made or raved during
Mrs. C. M. McKinney and
Joe Johnsdn Anna Mae Anderson
Friday. O. W. Dyal.
spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. too war, and this caused ouch a demand METHODIST i
Avery Tyson, Mamie Denmark, Hat- and Mrs. O. B. Moody. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baxter, of Gaines for things useful and otherwiseas Dewey Murrhee and brother, K. B.
Icy Moore and Lorena Johnson were Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Rivers were ville, are guests of! Mr. and Mrs. C. to boost the prices and make an artificial 'Sunday school, 9.40/ a. m.Preaching made a busines strip to Sampson Saturday ;;
I .visitors to Starke Tuesday afternoon. business visitors to Starke last week M. Andreu. demand that kept everybody ,
, and communion
Mrs. Mary R. Jones, of Macclenny.I. Miss Winnie Crews is on the sick Mrs. James Crews is very ill at this busy and at even higher wages than 11 a. m. Miss Rifle EdmnndHoii of Sampson t U}
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. list this week. writing. had prevailed during the war. The Up: worth League 6:30 p. m. I City, spent the weekend with her '
Andrews. i Prayer meeting was held at the : Willard Raborn was in Brooker on reaction to this was bouryl to come, I There will not bo preaching at 7:30: grandparents! Mr and .Mrs. Alfred ,
W. H. Andrews was a visitor to the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Renfroe Monday attending to business. a.d having now arrived, with even p. m. Will attend the revival meetings McKinney. '
Saturday night and was well attended greater force than anticipated, the at the Baptist church.J. I (Nr
county seat Monday.Mr. Leonard and Bart Cook, of Ft. Ed Parrish made business.. trip to Jl
army of unemployed is huge C. ntGGS.I'alltor. it.
and Mrs. R. W. Sweat and family White visited relatives and .friends assuming Sampson Friday afternoon.Mrs. -
Jesse Cason and Donald Adkins proportions. In some sections! it is t'
, are moving to Moore Haven this were attending to buslnes sin Lake here Sunday. reported that "bread lines" have been Lees Kelly made a business ..;v7
f week. Willard Raborn and Mabry' Harrell ., '.'.. "
\ :
, Butler Saturday. established and the labor union officials dents. The spectacle that thousandsof trip f "uesday. ,
Miss Pauline Jones of Manning, Is J. E. Adkins was a visitor to New spent Tuesday and Wednesday in are talking of millions idle and men ms", r* 'VHS in Ne* >. , *as attending to bust- '
the guest of her uncle and aunt-, Mr. River Saturday. Jacksonville possible trouble that may i ik r > Invade and I onsil in to.. Friday. 1 r .\
and Mn. A. D. Andrews. Miss Ruby Edwards spent the week J. V. Edwards was a visitor to I There Is plenty of work In the Unit occupy a chinch wnu city wan offering ,t, ', of Tampa, spent the
A. T. Mizell Viofet Mizell and,Bernice end with her parents. Brooker Monday. 1 ed States however. Work of all kinds good wages for emergency helpon with his parent, Mr. I
Mizell were visitora'to Starke Mrs. J. E. Adkins and children were ,I. ,I ia! offered, and the ony thing that the streets, is such as to cause hon. and ,urr ncy.i. .
Sunday visitors to Graham Sunday. HIGHLAND vexes the workers is that a day's work est men to feel ashamed for them.A I Mr. mid'L t i. Babe McKinney and '
Miss Frier of'Lake Butler was at ,, is now demanded for a reasonable pay man who gets himself into the son, John of Sampson attended the
to business here Saturday. DOBSON Highland: Feb. 4.-Miss Ollle Mann envelope. Industries in all parts of pictorial press recently as willing to I
tending convention here Sunday. 0
was shopping in Starke Friday. the country have closed down, and ev sell his body and'soul for $2,1500 for a I J
Carlo* Johns, of Lakeland, is the Dobson, Feb. 4.-Messrs. John Hurst Messrs. C. M. Click and G. D. Cm,." eryone understands that the temporary year, In order to support his wife and Mr. and Mrs Ray, McKinney spent .; \
truest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Raiford and Felton Brannen were tleguellta. ell, of Jacksonville, were business visitors abandonment of production Is because baby Is little more than a buffoon. the weekend with his, parents, Mr. I
C. Johns. of Judson Hursf Saturdayr here Thursday.Mrs. there was no chance! to continue Why doesn't he take whatever job of and Mrs. Alfrod McKinney.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Tomlin were the that Susie II. C. Wimberly and Miss Win with wages" the former'rates and fered at wages which will support Leo Dyal and sister, Ethel l. of Ziff, I
We to report
w.e(>k-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John are sorry ifred Wimberly and G. II. Barker were prices of commodities very much lower them is evidently because he Is alto are visiting their grandparents, Mr. .
this week.
Dobbs Is the sick list
Belly on visitors to Jacksonville Friday. than before., Readjustment was gether too particular.--Times-Union. and Mrs. O. W Dyal. I
Roman Addison, of Raiford, was : 1
necee.aryaandis being
Miss Eldredge Reddish spent the accomplished. Rev. Mnllady and family of Hampton -- I ,
the guest of John Donmark Sunday No great enterprises to be aban Woman's1 ho'ld "
NO BLUE SUNDAYS FOR DUTCHMEN week-end with relatives at Lawtey. The local Club will attended the! convention here Sat "
afternoon.Joe doned; th* change are vital and will t"
Mrs. Burton Carruthers, of Went their regular business meeting next urday and, Sunday.
Andrew. made a business tripto Jacksonville left for home after be made. !"
Friday Wednesday afternoon the 9th inst. 0/\/\
Mr. and Mrs. Levy Prescott of Ziff
Lake Butler Saturday.G. spending several days here visiting Labor must realize that with a dole ,
The Hague, Feb. 2.-An indictmentof at 8:30. at the home of Mrs. W. B. were week-end visitors here to their :-
"blue Sunday" advocates was returned W. Hurst and son, Fred, were her sister, Miss Ruth Parker. ar returning to its former value it is Harvard. Mrs. Harvard and Mrs. L. t'
brother and sister, Mr and Mrs. Ho-
in Mrs. Richard Lee and daughter Imperative to give more work for the
business Saturday _
in the report of a committee! attending to
A. Davis, hostesses.Subject of meeting fus Johnson i I '
Raiford here with values
Dutch spent Saturday pay that was offered when .
of of the
the chamber .
second Butler.W. "
Lake relatives.W. were inflated. It should be a matterof "Club House. Motto for February Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Abernathy, of ,
parliament amusements on a bill curtail proposing train service to , II. Hurst and sons, Judson and I,. Thorpe of Tallahassee was a pride with American workers also : "Firmness of purpose is one of Tampa, were visiting here Friday, 1 t
etc. on Sundays, Johnnie, Raiford Brannen and brother I 1 I business visitor here Saturday.Mr. that they keep off the "bread line. the most necessary sinews of character Saturday and Sunday, spending the 1
'+he Sabbath was made for man Shelton were business visitors to Burt of Lawtey, and Dr Dyess, They have been receiving the highest and one of the best Instruments of time with Mr and M"- R. w&UT
Lake Butler Saturday. | of Cedar Keys business paid workers anywhereon "
not man for the Sabbath" said the were transacting wages ever .uccell. rency.! .
Gainey and daughter, here Wednesday earth and should have saved something
Mrs. Nancy i ,
report, killing the bill. "The closing Mr. and Mrs. Lando Mimes visited le
.guests of Mrs. C. j J. I. Marr spent the week-end with for the lean times that were pre !
of the theatres and the prohibition of of Palestine were I Some of the elite of Starke are using friends and relatives here Sunday. :n
friends in Jacksonville. If have not sAVed and
dieted. they
games would lead many to seek their E. Vining Sunday. an ingenious way ,of signallingthe Farmers In our section are busy' r
G. H. Barker visitor Law. tide the hard
was a to cannot otherwise over
amusements in a less Innocent way. M. II. Hurst and son, W. M. D., Inmates of a house to come out getting
ready to
Monday. times that thorn the decent
tey are now
The reduction of passenger traffic on made business trip to Guilford on for a chat Instead of "honking" to I
Miss Rena Marr returned Monday honest American will accept
Sundays would prevent people who Monday. from, a visit with relatives in Jackson whatever employment is available, apprise their friends of their coming, movement of the hand. It does the 14 4
were shut up in close homes and narrow A party was given at the home of | villa. add not feel too proud to avail himself they apply tho brakes of their automobiles ears no good, to be sure, but then pa ,
ing fresh streets all the week from the enjov"ah I R .W. Kerce Saturday night. Qoitea J I J. I. Marr made a trip to Lawtey of the humblest job that means food so hard till they squ a1. This or hubby are well able to pay for :
air and nature on '
bath.1 ,.lewd "tt./.dcd.: Friday. and shelter for himself and depen' makes noise enough and caves one I frequent repairs
M .:. ;;.: -.:'. : --'
b m <''t- fi-:' ,: : ;;;: :iiT..oi w'iii i
;: !
; ''i' .a... "aYL'
lei -- --I": "" ;" / :::t't. ,, --01- ', .,
:'.1rt. ""'. iI,"'; ":' '''':'''''' :-r'' 7''I'''; *':'hrd: ,..*-.L''. ,'J- . . .' ? .
JV .. r ci ,
1,1 1,1t .
, c
I .
I i
'j I
, rf'y ao e Jesse Bielling, o{ Providence, wai i'I ing business.
+ .
\. ev. in town Saturday looking after buss.1 I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown spent the DELCO LIGHT &WATER.PLANTS
,' I weekend at Starke transacting busi .
ness.A. C. Odom left Wednesday morning ness.
t V"' County News Items for Petersburg, after a visit withMr. I'I A. II. Warren and W. R. Hodge at-
r 4.' I f Ij and Mrs F. P. Odom and friends,.. tended the union meeting at Kingslcy
Mrs. Lowery has returned to hei lake Friday and Saturday. For the Farm
, home in Tennessee, after a visit with 11 Evan Hodge and Tom Markee were
+ Lattsr'.stfng rscts Gathered During:; tits: Wok br ...tae
her daughter Mrs. Fritz Townsend. WILSON DEALER
among those who attended the party JOS. E.;
+ Rcfular Coi respondent[ H. C. Peeplrs, of Miller, motored tc' at John Colson's: Friday night. ,
L Lake Butler/Tuesday. II I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goodge returned GAINESVILLE, FLA.
.. I Jack Colson, -of New River, was ivifltor home Thursday from Graham, where PHONE 82 P. O. BOX 143"There
'! Abott. here Monday. they had been visiting Mr. who satisfied "
BROOKER ily Brown n., a user near you.
1 T. Thomas and Lacy Prevatt, of y j Don't forget that the Ward Waten I has been veryjiick.S. e
+ Brooker Feb. 4.-Ben Crosby was Graham, were visitors here Monday.Mr. (! Trio will be at the high school Feb. .- Bryan, of Willeford, spent the ---- ,,
,i in Lake Butler Saturday "morning.Mis and 'Mrs. J. E. demons spent 'I 16th. Be sure and come, and bring. i L weekend with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Louts Drawdy, of Eus, -born Saturday morning. They
I Vera Surrency spent Sunday Monday with relatives rear Cooter 1 friend. Mack Kelly and Red Andrews passed tin are the parents of triplet, all boyi,I weighed five, six and eight pounds.
in Alachua. Pond. 4J? A new mercantile business will oper through here Saturday. -
J :Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ward and Carrie Shaw the first of up in the near future in the building Mr. and Mrs. Gentry Stokes Mrs.
Mrs. spent (
Ona Rita and Mrs. I. W. 'I grades to Cress :Manufacturing Co., An oyster supper was held at Mrs
1, daughter the first of last week this week with her daughter, '' Mrs. vacated by Sam Singer.G Lewis and Alberta Stokes were vials Jacksonville Florida. 3-5-20-lyr'1 M. E. Edwards brick store Saturday
Pinholster ,
i with relatives spent in Jacksonville. i j Earl Dukes, of Dukes, who was very .W. Alderman, of Starke, was tors to the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. I I evening for the benefit of the Baptist
Several of the young folks attend- sick. but somewhat improved at this, visitor to. Lake Butler Tuesday S. Fowler Sunday afternoon. i FOR SALE-Two-horse wagon, twthorse i church, and a nice sum was realized.
- m fed the cane grinding at J. JI| Morgan ,i j writing. Sheriff Epperson was In town Fri Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Johns, of Brook fertilizer distributor, two.' '' Our strawberry growers are picking
I Sunday day and arrested Shelton Hall charged horse cutter, farm implements o a few quarts of berries, and unless
:30 next
school at
Tuesday night; Sunday ? er, passed through here Sunday en-
of C' kinds, prye right for cash R. cold weather interferes there will be '
Mallie Surrency with the Joseph many
and murder
AUin demons afternoon at the Free Will\ Baptist route to Sampson City. '
; R Prevatt Starke. 2'4.2t'FOR probably large shipments by the latter
of Pine Hill, apent Sunday afternoon Crews. Mr. Hall was taken to Stark
I church. I Those humbered on thh sick list last part of this week.
here, (j Mr. and Mrs. Shep Dukes of Duke I and placed under a $2,500 bond. .I .
I Shriver spent last week were Mrs. A. L. Green and Mrs SALE -Limited amount Sea Is There being no regular preaching
Miss Marguerite of New
River i
Mr. Turner
i. in Starke. made a call her Sunday afternoon.The Viola Thomas. land cotton seed-both varieties, appointments at any of the Lawtey
week-end, with friends
business visitor to Lake Butler Fri
will be Tendered Seabrook Prolific and Sosnowsk I churches Sunday special union
Miss Lubedia Pinholater spent the fallowing program O. W. Thomas has accepted a position aer-
weekend at Graham guest of hetrJt.nd at the Tip Top Literary societj"rlday day.Mrs. in Starke. seed. R. II. Smith Hawthorne, Fla1282t4' vices were held in the Baptist churchin
r Sarah Douglass motored t o, and Grace Me
the morning at (hO"
Leta Fogg.Mrs. afternoon: E. J. Lewis, of Ziff, was here Satur :
Macclenny Saturday. dist church in the evening.
Colson of Pine Hill was t Inhere Song No.4.D1alogue tH. day.
F. Priester spent Saturday wit]h FOR SALE-South.. Carolina Rhodi
Friday.L. Scene .of a Back WoodI I FIVE MILE
Island Reds Don Donaldsoi 1 I ,
his family.
-- eggs.
Morgan of Gainesville.aa a vis. School-Eight pupils.:: -BAPTIST .
Loeirlan Rivers of Jacksonville visIted train,. none better, $2 per settinf -
itor here Friday afternoon. Recitation-Luther Harrell. M.. of 15. Mrs. T. L. Wainwright; I Five Mile, Feb. 4.-Marcus Dekle
] his parents, Mt. and -Mrs. F.
t '. here Chesley Saturday.Fogg, of Graham, was i ir I I Song-Opal Hazen l Virginia Week Rivers this week., Sunday school, L. L. King, supt.*. 1 0 I Lawtey: Fla. It'' and Math Dukes were business visitors -
and Mae Andreu. a. m. to Lake Butler Wednesday.
Mrs. Kelly, of Gainesville, spent th<, Lila Mr. and Mrs. Bob Green, of Brooker \ .
of Lake
.L. S. Dekle Butler
a r week-end herewith her parents} Mr. Reading-Ardell Crosby.' were shopping in Lake Butler 01 n Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, FOR SALE--Good 80 acre farm, goo,l here business Friday. was
rand Mrs. E. J. Ward. f1i1U \ Jokes-Lorene and. Ralph Hazen.' Monday. Revival meetings begins with th S pair of mules, two good milch cows, '' Olen Hale of Little Springs
r ,,, Critic's ._ morning service. wl.a,
ITuntna' IfRMtn til An the tic r report two-horse Buckeye riding cut
-p--- Rev. S. S. Proctor preached at tone business visitor here Thursday
J, + Jillt'il-: ; ;;;.h-Fr, dr i is teachingin r Song No. 20. Johnstown Sunday morning. Junior and Senior B. Y. P. U., 7:3 0 I tivator. J. F. Bennett, Lake Butter ; Mesdames B.'L. Duke and T. Murphy
her place during her sickness. Misses Edna Baxter and Bessie p. Fla. I-14-4t
. Tom Rimes, of Miller, was in town m.Miss were guests of Mrs. P, P, Dekle
Virginia Weeks spent the week-end Weeks attended the union at Brad- Alderman Supt.,Juniors. ; I Saturday.
with relatives and friends in Starke. Friday Miss Thomas, President Seniors. FOR SALE-Florida runner seed pea
Mrs. Tiercy Roberts has moved to Ford Saturday. Mrs.' L. E. Fairish was ill for several Join the Baraca-Philathea, class. nuts, 4 cents; White Spanish I I i Mrs. / P. Dekle and son, Julias,
Mrs. Tru- days this week. f. b. Lake Park were shopping in Lake Butler Fri
tIe home of her daughter, BLANCHARD p. LAW cents per pound, o. ,
man Thomas, of ZifT. TIIEHESSATheresdB Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith have rent Ga. Cash with order. F. M. Whit day. '
Mrs. E. S. Matt..cws spent the firai ) ed rooms from Mrs. Iva Sprinkle and s % Pastor. & Son, Lake Park, Ga. 12-17-8 t Math Dukes and Marcus jP e1tJe visited .
of last week here at the home of Mr. Feb. 4.-Mrs. A. D Me-S there. 4 relatives and friends at Dukes
children of Larkins are now located SALE-N. C. Florida Runne:r Sunday.
and Mrs. John Shriver. Gilray and arrived PRESBYTERIAN FOR or
here last week and are guest! A. E. Proctor spent Thursday i in seed peanuts. We offer for promp t Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Dukes .visited
I and .
Mr. Mm. T. Stewart
and E. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.., Sapp. th relatives here Sunday.
atten.'chir,'h Graham Services at the Presbyterian chord k acceptance and cash with order <'I
:,,.' lion, Paul, at Youngblood.R. George Markee, of LaCrosse, was a Sunday morning only.,. N. C. or Florida Runner seed pea Mr. Hall was a business 'visitor
Srnday., M. Herney was a visitor tc I guest of Mrs. Mattie Markee Saturday Sabbath school at 10 a. m. nuts at $1. per bushel ((4c per Ib:,1 here Friday.
.g'- Mrs. A. B. Surrency, o: Pine Hit), Brooklyn Wednesday., i. Sermon at 11 a. m., text, "% hoe e! put up in new Backs f. o. b. Lowell, Mrs. Addie Blume was the guest
In hers afternoon. ,
wiiS Friday Sheriff Epperson and Deputy Bals children of of Mrs. J. C. Gainey Sunday.
Mrs. Lee Blair and I and Whom I Fla. H. T. Hall Co., Lowell Flag .
M :: Royce Gainey attended churrh al den, of Starke were business .visitor I of S. M. am serve. J. N. Gainey of Lake Butler andS. I
:Miller\ Sunday.Mr. Worthington, were guests No evening service. We'll all <, 1-7-tf. t.
, ; here Thursday afternobnn.H. LAWTET Howell, of Worthington, were the
Markeyp of Pine Hill, was a S. Roebuck and family left last. Carver. to the Baptist church. guests of relatives and friends here
" ," visitor.to our town Friday afternoon week for Gainesville, where they will:i Mrs. J. D. Alderman spent Mondayin "Come thou with us and we will d o Sunday.
'i Lawtey, Feb. 4.--Mr. and Mrs. R. R
Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Ward spent last Jacksonville ;
make their future home. thee good. Jacksonville; Miss Julia Johnson; of Baker, is
Thursday and Friday in Gainesville. Mrs. P. M. Geiger and Cecil Moon i I J. D. Alderman was the guest of DAVID LANDER, Thede were visitors to visiting relatives here
t, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Shaw of Gaines. motored to Brooklyn one evening last Mr., and Mrs W. C. Townsend for MinisterPENTAWORH'. Wednesday. I D. J. O. Green of Brooker, was a
: children herewith Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Torode and chit -
\ vile and spent Sunday week. several days this week. business visitor here Monday.
jJ> friends. D. C. Jones, of Starke, was a visltoi Mrs. George Coleman spent the! dren visited relatives in Starke Sun 1 I Mrs. D.. I. Blume and Miss Jose
" O. W. Thomas., of Water Mill was here Thursday. 1 Blume of Mrs. P.
weekend at Newberry, guest of. her day.Miss phine were guests
in town Monday. Emma Andrews returned )
I Mrs. Jno.. Phillips returned homE. I P. Dekle Monday.
mother Mrs. Smith.
St : A mor.R: those attending church alTllller t last week from South Florida, after school at Starke first of the week after ; Sam Keith was here on business last
,' Mrs. P. P, Dekle of Five Mile was spending the week-end here will! ,
\ Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. E an extended visit with relatives.
shopping in Lake Butler Friday. She: her Mr. and Mrs. J. S. An_ Monday. ,
v, J. Ward and daughters, Ona Rita and C. A. Youngblood and Mra. McGil, parents, I Marcus Dekle visited relatives in
accompanied home by her Daughter drewa.
Mt:". Gardy Kelly Mr. and 1 Mrs R. T ray were visitors to Starke Wednes was Miss Norma. UcOLUMNlJ Miss Wilma Blanchard visited relatives Lake Butler Sunday.
Oiteen, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Barefoot! day.D. William Roberts and brother visited
in Jacksonville Wednesday.Mrs.
W. Moore a visitor ti., Miss Lucile Varnes spent the week
was at the home of W. O. Roberta Sun
and daughter, Inez Mr. and Mrs. G visitor t .
John Friego was.a r
Hampton Thursday end with her mother Mrs. C. L. Varnesof I
B. Colson and son, Resale, E. B. An Tuesday night the following crowt I Johnstown. FOR SALE-Kentucky bred mare, 8 I II Jacksonville Saturday. I day.Miss Thelma Revels was the guest
dreu and son, Ray Miss Virgie Hunter years of age. D. E. Knight, Starke", Rev. Tetter, state prispn chaplaii I
went out on Bedford lake and enjoy
Marcus Dekle, of Five Mile, visited I Satur. of her cousin Miss Pearl Roberta, last
IS Ben Croaby and' Truby Pinhol ed ap excellent supper:'Mr..and Mrs' relatives in Lake Butler Sunday Fla. 1-28-tf. for }Florida was a visitor here week
ter. C. A. Youngblood and daughter Neal -
We chronicle the ilnesi FOIl SALE-3000 stalks green Simpson day.Starling
to I left fo
i regret Peeples and family :r
Section Foreman Boyles of La. ie, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Moorer ant
"I Lost Best Customers Through
r field Will sell fo My
of W. C. Towdnsend, who has beenconfined I lane, run. :r West Palm Beach Tuesday after i L
Crone, was in town Monday. son, Arthur Mr. and Mrs.'J. P. Tadjrctt Rate Writes J. Adams
L cash or exchange for corn. Geo. A.. home of Mr_ I ,
t to his'room for three weeks. visit of a month at the
and children. Miss Estelle Wood
i; ( Miss Edna Baxter, of LaCronse, Gardiner, Starke. 1-28-gt. I "Used to have the busiest restaurant -
ard Mr. and Mrs. Autumn Young Mrs. Eda Knight is on the sick list and Mrs. Sam Mathis, west of Lawtey
i'' r peat the week-end here with her par vial: in town until news spread that
blood and children of Graham Messn s this week. FOR SALE Big Poland Chin John Marr, of Highland, was a '
type the kitchen infested with rats
was ;
cuts, Mr. and Mrs J. D, Baxter. She I
Lawton and Dcssie Youngblood an
home Miss Bessie.Weeks. business !
was accompanied t W II. Burt transacting
George Faircloth. Model. See M. F. Brown at Abstract was
brother; Rollie, spent the week-end I tried RAT SNAP. Haven't a pest
Messrs. W. A. Jones and S. B office, Starke. 1-14-tf in Baldwin last w ek.
with their! parents at Providence.Mr. ; in the place now."Restaurants should
Eldon Baxter motored over,to. Muter n. Woodard attended the Christian Robert Blanchard was a visitor ti I
} .1 con and Mrs. Pick McGill and daugh.t. use RAT SNAP." 8 sizes S5c, .65c.
Saturday.. ventlon at Graham Saturday and Sun FOR SALE-Victrola, Style EC. Goo
Jlev. J. A. Blanton and J. O Fen- day. : -.-....si., -f\f. Jacksonville, ate' g u e.tt -i\4.: as new. Remarkably sweet tone. I Mrs. H. E. Swartz was a visitor tc
.' Mr. and Mrs Arch McGill. for information this office. Jacksonville Jones Starke-Adv.
Apply at Saturday.
T J ( Hell, of Georgia, preached at the FreeWill Frank. Geiger of Waldo; was a visitor I ,
church here recently. Mrs. Willard Parker and son, Clyde,I 1282t. Miss Claudia Terry spent the weekend I
I Baptist Saturday evening
D. W. Moore and family were among of New River, motored to Lake Butter with relative in Starke.' To Cure a Cold In One Day
'y' to an appreciative audience. Rev. those who attended the union meetingat ;Saturday. FOR RENT-Furnished or unfurnished I.N.r ;;d : f Michigan, was i Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE: (T btat"J KtopctheCouith
off the
Blanton has made several trips here I and Hflfldat and works
Klngsley lake during the week-end Mrs. J. M. Mann attended church at flat of 3 large rooms and kitch visitor to Lawtey Sunday. Cold. I.W. OROVf," tuiiMura on cub box.. We.
',' and has many friends who are always Wesley Hersey of Raiford was a Miller Saturday. enette and bath. D. E. Knight,
glad to have an opportunity to hear visitor here Sunday, guest of rela' Mrs. Dormany and Miss- Esther .Starke, Fla. 1-28-tf Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days j
him. This was Rev. Fennel first tives. I ; DraMim rrtand notify If PAZO OINTMENT fill Hastings Seeds
King have returned to their home in
; CROSS TIE CUTTERS-Write for Secure hUifcm. Blind erdingwPr"wdingPllel)
visit but left a l lasting impression on Prayer meeting Is being held every ,
Fitzgerald, Ga. after a pleasant visit price and ship your ties of all I .Inamntiy. / .rata. vr. Icchiuft. euee4.na yuu can 9 Free
his congregation Friday night at the Christian church *4tfuiu" < .'r1! rM floor (wP'rotioa.Now NMe r' Catalog
Dr. Russell was a visitor to Gainesville with very good atendance. with 'relatives. -- -- -- ,I
o Friday. B. Owsley and sister, Miss Eloise,, Misses Etta and Cora- Spires of Its ready now. 114 handsomely 11*
Midway, were visitors to Lake Butler lustrated pages ,of worthwhile seed
Miss Florence
Hall and Johnnie Wiliamson -
J. S. made business
Forsyth a tripto I and garden news. This new catalog
Willeford last week. attended the convention al Saturday. we believe Is the most. valuable seed
Graham Sunday J. S. Howard of Dukes motored to
J. W. L. Pinnblster and Truby Pin book ever publl bed. It
union Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. S. Bt town Tuesday twenty full paces of the most popular
' holster attended
the meeting at '
; Woodard and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dukes, of Five Mile, was in is the Best vegetables and flowers ia their natural
Bradford Saturday.Mr. W. A. Jones, Mr.. and Mrs. R. Burrows Lake Butler Thursday. colors, the finest work of Its kind
i and Mrs. L. A. Brown attended ever attempted.
and son, Willie of-Starke, Mrs ,
Messrs. Fate John
and of
the union at Bradford Sunday. R. N. Cain of Louise went out t< Harding\ With our photographic lUuMtratioBS.
t Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mills left first of Strickland branch near Crystal lib Lulu were visitors to Lake Butler on Time To Buy I tad color pictures also from. photrmpas. *-
the week for Ona, where they wtl and enjoyed a dandy fijh' fry. Tuesday.Rev. I with. we show you 8 Just.e4s what eve yngrew .h.I ..
and Mrs. S. S. Proctor enter Hastings'
f Mrs A. B. McGilray and Miss Es
1 make their future home. I t.r. order toe seeds. This oata
tamed at dinner Feb. 1st at their homeon you
telle Woodard were visitors to StarJet I had
Mrs. Alvin :McKinney, of Graham leg makes garden and flower
t!. *|K'nt the weekend here with her par. Friday.S. Dekle street, the occasion being a I ylaanlDK easy and It should be la e*>
R. Swindel loaded another cal the 85th birthday of their asa
youngest Writs
: > try slacle Southern home.
ent' lr. and Mrs. G. W. Hazon. You cannot if Shoes
: of cabbage first of this week. daughter Mrs C. L. Vames. of John go wrong you buy postcard for it. clrlag your aaiae
Virginia Weeks the weekendIn
spent .M. W. Lee, of Lakeside, attendedthe stown. At 12 o'clock the guests were Clothing and Mens' Furnishings now, especially aad address. It will come to >yes
Starke. onion1 meeting at Klngsley lake by retura _all aid you will be salgnts;
invited into the dirtfng where
Mr. Kelly, of Melrose, has been vis- Sunday. room if you 'take advantage of our glad y.n'v. got It.
: sting: relatives here for several days. Master Percy Woodard spending the table was laden with goodies as cash prices. The market Hastlags' Seeds are the Stamdar
only served! such occasions. The spot on' these the Iar -
on er tile South sad they have
Mrs. Rosslla Osteen
; of High a few days in the county'metropolis .
table with birthday commodities eat small order seed house la tke ..,14
was centered a large is
with relativeMrs ; a tendency to
; several of last N' .
Springs, spent days tksbeau
S, hack .t tkesa. They... got te he
cake decorated
'I ; i,'. wctk here with her mother, Mrs. Em-!: R. Burrows'.nll children o\\, with fern and advance on account of the closing downof Write BOW for the Itll ata
pink roses. A. chicken dinner
; -. ..- were visitors here Friday afternoon was leg. It Is absolutely free
and Saturday. served and at the appointed time the factories and the consequent reduct- SEEDSMBN,
t' Suffered For Fourteen Years I candles were blown out by' Mrs. ion in reserve stocks. If this reduction ATLANTA, .,..
'j i T' LAKE BUTI.ER Varnes. Then lemon pie fruit salad
Rich wood. W. Va.- ''Before the use
.t i J' 'tlf Dr. Pierces medicines I could and birthday cake were served. Those continues a sharp advance in prices may
f r i !hardly walk Mr .and Mrs. Pretorious and baby., present were Mrs Henry Varncm, Mrs.C. be expected soon.
1t' across the of Georgia, are guests: of Mr. and Mrs,. L. Vames and children. Mrs,-T. A. v
# .. house. ..ufI 1886
A. C. Strickland this week.
fercdfor Carta and baby of Johnstown Miss We carry only the best in these lines
P t'' 'I f.urteeayears. : Miss Virgie Thomas, of Miller, vie Norma Dekle, A. C. Odom, of St. Petersburg ,
W" ,. :;.:: ':;i. j It But Ited her sister, Mrs.,John Mott, thh I Rev. and. Mrs. S. S. Proc- and invite your patronage on a guaran '
'i t.; ::: ii:< I' . 'f alter taking week. tor and daughter Miss Marshall After tee of the highest quality at the lowest DAVISINSURANCE
fcJDr.. Plerce'aFavorite
n.'V.. Bo rum spent Sunday will I
:. guitar was renderedby
f T- .' 1Preecrip. his tuniliy. Miss Marshall, followed by several!
1 Mrs. Joe Crews spent Sunday al'
.. tlon and Dr.Plerce's. selections on the phonograph.
4. Goilford. William Varnes, of Johnstown was
.....,.j I 001dOlD MedicalDiscovery Rev. J. D. Major delivered an in' in town Tuesday looking after busi M
l' / AlvarezStarke
. teresttng sermon at the club rooms I STARKE
, ...-.r,. I- ness.
1 'with the Ploaixuit Pellets can work: ,John Wardjof"ProvMebre'and son WATERMILL
r all lay. and never get tired/\'--MRS.MAQQIB . ;Johnnie, motored toTaW: Butler' Mon Florida ,
. PERKINS, 122 Riverside ,
day. < Watemvil, Feb. 4.-T. N. Parrish, .-..-. Tastelaas' ctdO TsjsriccmtonsvitalityancqiMrgy
t Drive.All druggists sell Favorite P... Mr. Crawford of Mid"" .,.. Will li I A. T. Carter! 'and Mr. Nobles, of Lake 'by porisysai swirlchln <.
S. arlption and Medial Discovery.wrt.rfl town on business Saturday. Butler, were here Thursday transactiCRAPH.- .the blood. You nn soon feel to ttnafMnUio
H InvUonclud Elf..... Price SJN,
t .
__ . ," ,',.< ''j, "., 5-S .r
; +yWhHAt'I 3dvl ;S. e:" ;;::".1\\' ..." "./"., O.., n ". --...-",--. .
?ew rp'11tIMR', : ; \iI IIIir.: ,! l ,......
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M4 ,I'' -111\ "- .
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;;\ 'f"" Y" 1I'r"I" '7'J'1tI'; 7''I'' ''''j'! '-III'\IIIP''r\f': , ,"" ... -< ' ;;" > 1\-\ r " ,
{.r"r": ; ' ,' ." i r '. .' v 0I r.y. l
r \ '
t .
f p
tJ.111'' i benefitted What then by is a high the remedy tariff. for the depression -
Bradford County Farmers J\ now prevailing amongst the
producers of the country 7 Those who ..,
have given an unprejudiced and nonpartisan "
'/ t : SUGAR CANE CULTURE come out as'bctles.. : should be kept covered with trash of study to the conditions pre-
This girdler occasionally works on some kind, such as leaves or straw. vailing are convinced that two thing:
and trees. Practically I Manure left exposed to the wind are absolutely I
f ; before planting. sugar cane Is iho persimmon hickory necessary i.,
make Some farmers all pecan insects breed on these sunshine and rain depreciates to at producing industry viz: .
time to plans.
,; + ; direct from tho preceding trees and, for this, reason, worthless least 30 per cent of its original value. rates and plenty of labor.
y plant while cane other bed it for a number hickories and persimmons should be When we consider the benefit of this the price which the
., trop tit weeks., Without attempting to advise cut down from the vicinity of the pecan manure on our sandier lands: we can pays for the products of I
k whether or not it should be planted grove. This will lessen the at- readily see that a serious loss is BUS given to the producer, he :
of tent caterpillars tained in its waste of which few far and
j, I in fall or epring, the following gen tackll ,upon pecan trees prosper. r
e .I s oral suggestions are given for the pecan defoliators, basket mers take account. ,I 'The local 'situation at
benefit of all.UrainugeLand. worms and bud worms, as well as of It will be necessary to keep the may well illustrate the
,' ... should be thoroughly the girdler. The Japanese varnish product in the pit moist, as a large is said above. The
r ,I drained until the water table lei tree is another host of the girdler, quantityof it piled together might ter1 vegetables is not half j
at least two fort below the surface of and for that reason, ground beneath cause flre-fanginq; which destroys its it was several years ago. l '
i the ground, even deeper in the cane it should be raked and the trash .burned value as plant food. The heat engen-I.. it was ascertained that ; ,.
G tit muck lands. If a certain plot can- in winter. dered in fire-fanging burns is due to the scarcity of ; ; ::: I,
not be drained to this extent, it may If for any reason one does not wish plant food that the material contains. high prices of fertilizers,. I '
l t h{ t>e bedded up into lands wide enough to cut down the hickory and persimmon laity to the very high cost : 1//
trees, the fallen twigs, leaves and 'OUNTY AGENTS'! REPORTS portatlon. This applies : I
_. ., for two or three rows.
t Soil I'rt'paratlon-The soil should hulls must be collected and burned. well as vegetables. An : : :\!
tewell plowed and pulverized. If it When this is done, experience tells us Osceola-A campaign is being; puton grower shipped some : .
'. h very, acid, which is seldom the case, that the girdler is kept down to harm- throughtout the county to encour- Boston, where they sold I : ;! fir JI
,: k' fen application of lime should be givin 'less numbers. age the production of more rice. Cum at $7.50 a strap. lie ( J I.
r i two or three weeks before plant movie and withertip are giving trou- per strap; the commission :
,. I ing. POTATO ble in some groves. Recent warm got 75 cents, and the ;
I, 1; Seed-Great rare should be used in DRAWS weather stimulated the growth of cit men got the rest-$4.25. r I
+ 4' t electing canes for planting that haves rus and some groves are blooming. $2.50 received by the ) II t
s ; 1 ., been frosted. If the buds are The farmer who intends to raise to pay foe: labor, 'I I
/' clark brown or black when cut open, sweet 'potatoes should prepare for it I l'aBco-Growen of Blanton met on picking; and parking, .' I ,
{f ; .. the seed stock should be rejected. The by making a seed bed in time to have"draws" January 21 to discuss! and obtain prices depot and interest on his I
kancs should be cut into pieces con early in April for setting. on fertilizers number of fertilizer With numberless
; : r taming three or four joints. It should This will allow the vines to grow; lIufficiently salesmen were on hand. A cooperative kind before him, the ;
;; toot be exposed to sun or wind longer to be cut into suitable lengths order was placed and the forced to conclude that the
y j I I, r f than necessary. for planting; the main crop late in prices! quoted were the lowest in this this whole problem is in
t .r'" I'antinp-Jo'urrnws] ; five feet apart Mayor early in June. > section for some time.IlolmeaInereaaed the railroads. But the
I and about six inches deep should be 'If heavy rain a/id cold weather pre: crying out that, even with ;
j')' "" plowed off and the canes laid In the vail( through February, it is not ad interest is being rates they get they are
i bottom and covered about three inchesdeep. visable to make the bed too early. Cold shown by many farmers in terracing This seems to be a clear 'i
-.: It is well to give the land .a' moist! soil is detrimental to the growthof their farms. Many of our corn club incompetcncy on the part of
'1. light cultivation shortly after plant thrifty plants. If the bed is made boys are preparing their soil for agement of the roads, and
s ing to conserve soil moisture. Grass early in March and cared for as sug- planting. suggest a change of '
.' 't-t p: and weeds must be kept down at all ''Rested here, better draws will be had'in --,--, Other great corporations
r j '. times and cultivation should be kept the same time than if started earlier DeSoto-Pruning on citrus is progressing plaining that they are
1 f I up until the ground between the rows under unfavorable conditions. over the county. There is in the conduct of their bUill 'I
i d .in entirely shaded by the growing; Select a well drained location on the I also considerable preparation being if they do not need .
f I(, nne.I south side of a house or barn ora made to control lemon scab on grapefruit keep them from going into
;,{I Fertilizing-.J-About two or three light board fence. The sweet potatois :by spraying. there Is no reason, save 1
." I "i-eks }before the active growth starts, i i ian a plant of the tropics and must be management why the i
application of from 300 to 700 need it. If the railroads I
I given; tropical conditions. Lee-One day of our approaching (
j>< unds high grade fertilizer t<, the :!1 I To make the bed, clear a space on county fair, which promises to be a reasonable rates and at the /.
1 acre nhould. be made. Follow this by I I the ground of the desired length and howling success, has been designated make money for their
';, a like application during. the latter ;; about four feet wide. Level the soil "Sugar Cane Day." should do as other business t r
-; I part of June. About 200 pounds nK;{ with .a rake or hoc and take care thatno in similar circumstances do
/ trace of soda to the acre may be add- water will stand in the vicinity in Putnam-Conditions in this countyare bankruptcy, make an' :
i ed curly in September, if the growth; apply for a receivership
rainy weather. It is advisable to make improving as the season advancesin Ij:
does not appear thrifty. I 1 a frame for the bed by setting 10 or spite of the financial depression. the people and the ;
Y i '!112 inch boards on edge, supported by Farmers arc planting! crops; grove make good the losses d dI
r.LIMlNATING" THE I'ECAN Gum IItak On the bottom of the bed incompetence of their t
i. ,| s. ,a men are pruning, fertilizing and cultivating I
LER j,i fourinch layer of horse manure ; all the same as last year,' other business institutions I \
;> should be placed. Cover this with a with the possible exception of a little ask the support demanded j
Rake upond/ burn the dead and fallen I It few inches of soil and trample well less fertilizer being used. roads. II g
twigs, leaves and hulls beneath I II I to insure solidity and the retention of ,- The conclusion is ,
I the pecan tree in winter, and thereby "i moisture. If the weather is warm and Leon-At a recent meeting of the producers are not given t
t'. I eliminate the worst enemy of your I' rates, it will not be I
I sunny the bed should be allowed to re- local livestock breeders association very I ,
v tree, the pecan girdler. In fact, this I. main in that condition a few days, so 80 farmers were present and $10,000 there will be no producers
'Will 10 a long way in combatting; oth- i that the soil will be as warm as pos1 was subscribed toward the building ofa sequently, no business for i'
.I 1, t ) er oubles of the pecan true, such asK 1 I' sible when the need is laid in pace. co-operative creamery and ice cream portation companies.-]> :: i I,
ficuh, anthrncnoao and mildew | One 'of the essentials a good potato plant for Leon county. Herald. J iioJ '
The: girdler: is one of the worst ene- .. crop is good draws for first plant- ;,.
4 i' fcnios of the young pecan tree. It girdle | ing. To this end see that high grade Taylor-We are ordering fertilizers I MORE DAIRIES AND i ir
y ;: the twigs from the size of a lead seed are u ed. The practice of using cooperatively. FARMS WANTED I
4 ) pencil up to tho size of tho little fin- :i poor sued is wasteful. Use none but t
..Q. I Iter. It works completely around the healthy potatoes and those a little Alachua-Farmers of this county, Right now, with at least )
d twig:, which is held in place for a short less than medium in size. "especially truckers and 'melon growers Ion winter visitors in. the
time afterward only by a small piece Each potato should be carefully put are seriously handicapped by the more than a hundred )
i. t>f wood in the ,middle, but it finally down in the bed touch
separately not excessive residents
cost of transportation rates. there is a big '
B, i :falls to the ground, Those insects havebeen .
ing another, so aa! to prevent rot. After The watermelon acreage will be about milk and cream and eggs
;" known to seriously interfere with the seed has been placed in position one-fourth that of last year and chickens. This.demand is ;
'the growth of the tree. cover with a thin layer of soil, that millions of dollars' may'I
t This insect beetle is about an inch and then a thin layer of horse manure. St. Lucie-No loss from citrus scab products have to be
long with rather long, knotted feel Place last a thin layer of soil to pre- is the motto of growers here. Throughout ; millions of acres of Florida
bra It lays an egg in each leaf scarf .
f 1' the twig and then girdles the twig vent evaporatior. the county thorough; work is being idle and waiting to produce
k In dry weather-the bed should be done to control this trouble. minimum of cost and under
) The larvae live
below the lust egg.
watered. The aim should be to keep favorable conditions.
:for several months in this fallen twin, '
the soil moist and warm to make the Manatee M' main
work this week It is intimated
eating the dead wood. Tho/ girdling if that in
plants us early as possible. has been in
the twig by the female. kills the twig collecting. exhibits for the more than sixty per cent of
After the show above the South Florida
sprouts fair Succeeded in getting milk
and gives the larva the food' it re cream is furnished
ground; and begin to grow; well, soil one farmer to
agree to select his!! dairies and
1 quires In the spring or summer them scarcely any of
should be added, few to seed
every days sweet potatoes while dillging.PolkPacklnlt' .
t" '( larvae are full grown, and enter tho make long necked draws. If we coverdeep ter. or eggs and chickens !
ground where they remain until than thirty cent
( per are
at first ia retarded land a
l growth
latter part of the lumm<'r. They tht'l houses are to supplya and the demand is
time is what counts when the
once sufficient amount of good grade; citrus sistent. Here are two >
season for planting has come fruits for the county exhibit %t bets for those who are a
Yi; f, Ordinarily one bushel of seed potatoes the fair in Tampa. Market prices are dairying or poultry. The
is sufficient from which to get improving rapidly.VolusiaFields.
tion of the feed for cows and
draws and vines for one acre of potatoes -
) GIRLS! HAVE THICK, can be raised on the fertile
rutting vines from the first setting are being prepared Florida with
\ of draws for the last setting in for watermelons and potatoes. Citrus fort and at the comparatively minimum of -
SOFT, HEAVY HAIR early June. fruits are moving rapidly. The housing question is not
one as the animals and birds
I dy d being done In the in the open the year around
way of setting orchards here. This
milking houses. and
A 30-wnt battle of "IJunilnrlno" will
On farm with livestock
every we week 4,000
peach and 200
'not only ml your n
of de..rul.tlved.lrulr pecan trees need be constructed only of
i. l and top falling hair, but ira- notice considerable loss occurs daily were set on one farm and 1,000( peach terials and inexpensively.
alai,". itpl'our: hair Brititw twice as from Improper methods of taking caret trees on two other -farms. We have In the summer season I
alit\ Lant sad so woiulmiti gloss\ T.i of Ktnble' manure All manures made i 10,000 blueberry plants ready to set. ucts can easily be disposed
"I t-l i: dariue". "cave your Imir.. Have" lit" should be taken care of under (cover larger )
cities if
ff..l'! ng, heavy hair, radiant with life A' pit or large box should be providedon I f.mlnole-Ou; county is getting ply in the smaller there places is a
e' "H-mlty, every farm for storing It down
ft' manure i to normal conditions rapidly. little danger of this being ,
: Every possible economy is being
I r practiced a number of years as the
, ""j 1 by farmers and the prospect for production is much slower
the future is better than for
\ time. some increase of population and it
jcars to overcome the (. \ I
the supply now existing. ,
w4s PRODUCERS tries
are not affected 'm ;
weather conditions and ti owe
Agricultural and horticultural -
production derstand the handling of
is suffering; a period of great chickens and study the
discouragement which may lead to fully and give them the
serious results. Congress knows this tion can easily be assured
and is trying: to devise some remedy. financially in these lines.
\ Republicans, of course, think a high; One mistake that has been "
tariff will relieve the situation, but the Hnirips especially is .. : ,
they cannot show
that this would result have undertaken
to develop
in any benefit to the
apple business
near a city with
'MSSMt AS DANGEROUS of Michigan the cotton plantersof acres of land. This is a :'
Georgia or the fruit and vegetable take as the dairy business -
producers of Florida. The importations successfully carried l
Calomel salivates\ It's mercury. Calomel of these products are a bagatelle pasture and forage on
I acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. 'When tics., as Not is shown by reliable statis .' must be raised by the
calomel comes into contact with sour bile it would benefit even the a producers prohibitive of tariff the dairy, instead of being ,!
crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. United States, because it could not ............. -
., possibly enable them to obtain better !
Take "Dodson's Liver Tone Instead I IU prices are for the their only products.ones that Manufacturers can be- "Cascarets" if !: 1
you feel bilious, headachy, con- and without making. ;you sick, you Mr. J. A. White Says "If You have I' 1 i .
tlnated and all knocked out, Just go Just go back sod get ;your money. An Automobile, Keep Rat Snap ', 1 1 ,
.. If take calomel "If I knew about RAT SNAP Sick |
to ;your druggist and get a bottle of you today you'qDodeon's ; winter last or I! '
would have
Liver Tone for a few cents, be lick and nauseated tomorrow; besides saved $120. My I|
; which is a ha/rniloM vegetable substitute it may salivate ;you, while if car was in the garage for a few weeks :
take Dodeon's Liver Tone bad weather when I went to I Tonight 'urel It a I>l_ '
for dangerous calomel. Take yon take it out found less CaMarc, work while (
that rats had '
s eaten you |
will wake feeling full of ;
up have ,
spoonful and If I it oeall't start great holes in two new tires. Got your liver srtivo, "
a .
ambition and ready for work or play.It Uull1ach sweet and I '
them bowel
** later with RAT "
I' ;your liver end straighten you up 't* harmless, pleasant and safe t4 Three l'l'gar by tnoorninlt' No '
1 sites S5c, 6 5c Jt! .
$1.25. Sold "
: better and quicker than Dusty calomel give to children) they like It. and kuarantfred -n","ion"" 10, 2:1: or tit j ,
by D. C. Jones, Sturke--Adv. Children save Wa candy &.
,,. ( I [
,, '
bWpjn -;* -7-1 .
;;......;....;... ", ', 1',_,';', :,'" ,. rr .
', ,' wwrM
.. .
e :;; ------- v d '
A -a:; :
rt > \
1A '
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'"J"WI\p, \ : .", ''i. .,"'I"ry" lv.W'" ':"!DI'P' I'f', -""":':PtIf"'. 'ft.. r ' .' .W."' -o-1"-: ( ,'''' ''.'''II''OJi.il..g' "J'I"'f':."" \ ,. ", "T ", .....".'"...'.. ...... .;:; :
I fi : : "
# _
----- -- = .
--- -
MILLIONAIRE.DRAFT DODGER J tacked and badly beaten.' The mob est dope and keep us informed if we, GERMANY'S SPY SYSTEM DIFFERENT the Russian government had paid this 1 reeldrnlji., a secretary, a treasurer and a
NOW LIVING IN GERMANY was especially bitter against the four would pay him. Our assailants the THAN:'> WAS REPORTED one agent alone in the series of years tint Imard of d...... ... of not lees than. three and .
more than nine Th offices
' I Germans and there were cries of other day tried unsuccessfully to bribe he had boon in their service the sum and treasurer mf&J110 field I by the of pan secretary... |*T. S
Graver Cleveland BvrgdoU Talk Of "traitors." After the prisoners had I the Eberbach police to let them es German spies, making up that vague of 500,000 marks. That was the son'S. . .
Hi* Escape From Thin. Country bci-n lodged in cells the mob became cape." .. and mysterious army credited with amount the German reichstag gave I.,. the stockholder* at.the''.*"nul.10.1 meeting h* .laeled to
I I more threatening to storm the build- spreading bombs, flu, poison and propaganda the German army to conduct their lie held on tltv second Wednesday In January
' In a sensational interview, the first inp. Department Asks Report on Borgdoll in Allied lands kept the military intelligence. for an entire In may.rh l.rcecrlIn-yt
he had Driven' out since )his escape, I Eugene Stecher, chauffeur for Berg Washington; Jan. 29.-The state department home sector on the alert<< until the year not one country, but the entire In*' to IHI held :h'K'hd: : : .1.nM'.t : (
Grover Cleveland Bergdoll million doll and formerly a first lieutenant of has requested an official report armistice. Even now the newspapers world service. a Ifleil.II: I. and thv until fullowinri their the. .h.1( ,
., aire American draft dodger now htEberbach Company L, of the Pennsylvania Na- on the attempt to kidnap Grover occasionally report German spies ortheir' "The Germans changed heir system director and haIl conduct. .the liusineas, .of th.
Baden, declared that arrangements tional Guard, undertook to calm the Cleveland Bergdoll in Germany, it was ghosts stalking!/ through the land during the war. Money for the corporation : L A. I>svj.
were made to buy his mob. He made a speech with difficultyon announced today. It l Is understood a perpetrating; fearful deeds.A I work was more plentiful end them I ..tdrnl. ...l
': freedom for $100,000 after he had account of the shouting. I I request for information has been madeIon' high German officer, for many was no time to carry out the patient tnd Rerrptary Vice and rreslitxnU J. T. Qllllley.
Tr.e.at.rer. J. .wh.
S : .. been sentenced to fiVe years imprison- Bergdoll paused to light a cigar and,,i I American Commissioner Ellis years an influential leader In the general ; planning! necessary to the opening of l r.Ttoni.( ,I.. A. l>".1.. N. F.. "" E. .fl. .
i merit by an American court martial continued: 'i at Berlin and 'on the comman- staff, in -exclusive interview sources of information of the quality ,I Matthew J. 'Qula-ler.. li Hi-mnrpst. I
'S S for desertion from the United States "About two o'clock In the after- I I den of the American army of occupa- with the International' ] News Service, type. The result was that agents be- 'I 1 The Hltiltest amount Article nf II.Inili'.. of Ha. ,. .
army. noon while the sergeants were busy {I tion. pulls aside the curtain revealing Gt'r.many'a came more numerous and their value lillily. (. whtrh th. r.flwrotIo any timemay _
atilijeri Itself shall I
i .q "On August 13, 1917, I was notified playing the electric piano on the sec I I Officials refused to say what course peace time army of military fell accordingly." Fifty Thousand Hollars. I"Two Ifundrml and .
ti that I had been drafted into the they would follow when in possessionof spies in Franc Shadows cast by knowledge T.
Germany's '
army ond floor. I gave Stecher a wink, bid ( of the secret The name and of fNich of l'l'Art.l.
the facts.American distant light silhoutte as giants the .I"rn. tho suhscrlblna
.t Philadelphia, said Bergdoll. But ding him to go down and start the methods of her own spy service did . ".of thin enrporatlnn. 'n. .
it was not until January 7, 1920 thatI motor of the automobile. Just then Commissioner Dresscl has tiniest of men. As the light falls on not prevent her] from falling a victimto yell,... with ( number of share* of the rai,.
German the giant shadow of the German ital stork auhscrlhcd by each of them
that the governmenthas *
reported spy fu
was arrested at Philadelphia, and the telephone rang.' I told the ser the unknown terrors<< conjured in ernlly. follow I .- I
later sentenced to five years by a military geants that I would answer the telephone made no representations with regard eclipsing all of northern France the her own mind of the dangers from K A. ''vi. "I..ke. Fil., SO eharra.II .
court Island to the Bergdoll incident, altho' shadow"fades, and one find scattered N. T. 111.h. rltsrko, ... Khare
sitting. at Governors
but instead I went out and French and Russian agents. J. T .'
Rtarke. 1. hare..
it has been the of interpellations here and there wee pigmies of I (
subject ,
for desertion. At the end of the stepped into the motor car and we The first day of mobilization In Germany .1. F. I'liteh. HUrke. l'i 11. aharra.ahar .
Baden revealing in their soul nakedness human Matthrwa,
following April or perhaps the begInning in the Lantag. : Starke. Fla.. I a. .
drove ofr."The Commissioner Dressel informed the vice and frailty. a rumor gave the details of how I.. ('. .,....1. .. .. Fla.. I aharra.aharra.. S
of May, we made arrangementsto n f .' .
Htsrkr. 1. I .
sergeants did not know automobiles were transporting French pmnl.
buy my freedom upon payment of anything i state department that the interpellations The spy story was a popular plot W. T. . !.,k.. fla., I ahana.County .
about departure I understand gold straight Germany from
my across A.
in the Baden Lantag had been
$100,000 in gold. 1 was not told- who for half an hour later. We for magazine fiction during the war. France to Russia.In :: T.: niTCH: )
was to receive the money. referred to the German foreign office The German spy, according to the author T. wtTioirr, '
drove first to Baltimore, then to Get- the excitement of the ":. FIITCH.K. .
but that he had received no communications first days
"Friends merely said: 'That is all was usually soulless<< a devil in- .
tysburg, Pa., and on to Cambridge, from the foreign office on the the general staff believed that rumor f. MATTHFWrl.
arranged and you should be satisfiedto ("arnate. but leading a dashing life' of u rown.u
get your freedom.! I told them I where we spent the night. The matter. picturesque adventure. A glance behind and issued strict orders that every automobile KOIIT. F flFMlUCS'r.
next morning we continued to Rich W. T. WEEKS.
had $100,000 in gold buried in the mond Ind. before the scenes show more frequently should be stopped! ,by ,guards.AS Slate of Florida a
Just we reached Deny Agents of Department Involved there was a guard about every of llranfiirdPersonally .
mountains of West Virginia, but thatit a weak and shivering soul living in t
Indianapolis, we saw a junk dealer Jan. 29-The mile or two it meant holding and apNared h.",.me. I..A. T>aie.
Washington department up
would be impossible for else : ugly sordidness, experiencing of . .
anyone and I bought a pair of Indiana license none N. T. Itltrh. J. T. Qui.'. J. B Futch, R.S. .
'to find It."Whether. of justice today issued a formal the devil-care thrills of the magazine seriously delaying the automobile drivers Matthew I.. C "uw"l. It F. Dcmnreal
this was graft I do not tags from him. From Indianapoliswe denial of the report that agents; of villain. speeding over the country with and W. T. WfH>ka, ", known to me I
to be the Individuate described
In and whauberrlltcd \
went to Chicago.
know. They told me that all I had the department were involved in the herr von von (the name and rankof mobilization orders. An officer! who and ...u. the forevnlnir charter J
"Arriving at Chicago we made no attempt' to kidnap Bergdoll; in Ger was shot at five times In getting to and each ""kno..I..1 to and
to do was to go and dig up the $100- the officer must be withheld for the ..
before that he
effort At concealment. We drove the me .1.,1" and aneciitedthe '
open- to which he had been
The department stated that it post assigned
many. .
000. Major Hunt and Major Hum German militaryante still has its .m. for the uses urpneee therein 'j
ly Michigan avenue. Leaving estimates that Urn German atafT'aJlt'ullibility .
has agents in Europe but they were
phreys received the order allow .1'.1.
to me Chicago we proceeded to Milwaukee.The methods such as ostracism, to punish I hava
not concerned in the Bergdoll epi In believing such a yarn delayed ITFfR WlFIFOP. h..unt.
to go to Philadelphia."It next day we spent at Madison and officers who incur its displeasure) was act my .1.1 at Mtarka, Florida 'j
the mobilization at least
sode. twenty- the S4lh day of
instructed the majors to releaseme in the intelligence ,
S from there to Minneapolis and St. military section of four hours J.nu."J.l.nT. (
in the custody of two sergeants Paul the general staff when the war broke N"t.
where I bought all the .ru"le. f'ord.
whb were subject to orders from and.read newspapers \ Ifergdoll Said a Price of 75,000 Franca out. i Another testimonial to thp ronllt Mv Communion .:, 11, met.Sfal .,
with great interest of ( ) 1-28-CUt-SS.
Was On Ilia Head of Germany's phobia is the wife
friends In Philadelphia. There spy .
my escape. The next day wto drove to "How many thousands of agents dbl f _
29.-That of
Eberbach, Germany, Jan. a prominent business man in Berlin -
no mention of the definite length of
St. Vincent, Minn., on the Canadian Germany have in France in peacetime I NOTICK .ArPl.lCATIOKTOR TAX DEKt
been set
time I could ltay."Sergeants a price of 75,000 francs has I ?" the Horn iu England, and a German VNIFR rlFCTION IT!. OF TUB
Yorke and O'Hara took border. upon his body, dead or alive, was the correspondent\ asked him."ThousandsT" by marriage: she was arrested duringthe I BTATI1TKS I'3
"As a bluff and to secure information declaration here today by Grover C.Derl'doll Herr von von gave a first weeks of the war charge: I Hi-tvny nntleo li riven that H. F. Urown.purchaser I '
S me to Philadelphia on May 20. I had where and how to cross into Can- sharp look as though he were afraidof of tax pal* eerllflrate, numberedreaiiectlvely Ii4,
of Philadelphia, millionaire with being: a'spy. Again the chargewas
been in communication with my and fm uuaued by the tax '
ada, I asked; a fellow by the road falling into the trap of another .
German ridiculous lector for Rrailforit
draft dodger, who has become a ; she was imprisonedonly county Florida Said
chauffeur Eugene Stecher. This was where I could get a drink. He replied, American joke. "Thousands? How certiorate* 'hplnir dated Auvint nth. Ivls and I
citizen and l is now living: in this a short time, but when she came ..
made possible by bribing the soldier uHt walk out from this side of the on earth could you expect us to use a baa II.d said .rllr.I" In office and I
guards on Governors Island to quiet little ,German town with. relative out her hair was white. She refusedto haa . fur la* deed to l.... !Ia
smug- road and you will miss the United !. thousand agents in France How discuss the trial. Hut her white ajrrnnlnnee with law.
gle out letters. States custom house.' We got out could you keep them employed ?" SaId rertlfiratea ..U..I. embrace* tha)
; Following an Interview given to the hair bears silent witness to he pro following land In II.
"Stecher the station in
met .unlr.
us at
and walked for about half mile when "One of America's'most popular
a International News Service in which secutor's sincerity In attempting to aMMWHed at the date of the leauanca w
Philadelphia with an automobile. I two fellows came along in a Ford and! his from Philadel- weekly magazines! published an article hor eertlflratee In the namea reaiieetlvcly here* ,
he detailed flight traitor.
went to my home, fifty-second and invited us to get in, saying they would phia Bergdoll today gave his versionof three years ago which showed how prove The continental a Inafter 1..rte"I.I.14.ml act ,.forth... Bouthwest towlti Qua*- i ,..
Windfield avenues, to stay over night give us a lift. They drove us across him. Both Germany had planted 30,000 spies<< in spy system seem to ter of rVntheaet Quarter. Rec gn. T. 5, B. I, \
with the two sergeants as guards. the border to Emerson, Canada. We the attempt to kidnap northern France before 1914, and told depend chiefly on the services of traitors It'IS F... 40 acres, a....ed J .O. S .
his interview and his statement today not the resourcefulness and (..un..t. No 6A embrace* South Half ofNouthweet
on S
Sergeants Yorke and O'Hara requested spent the night; there and the following oath said Bergdoll how these agents were organized to Quarter of Nnrtheaet Uuarter andNorth.rnt
whiskey. I gave them all the whis- day Stecher hired taxi to were made on co-operate with the German sang frold of the picturesque story Quarter of Routheaet Quarter and .
thirsty a cross signed: an affidavit as to their authen army book types Avarice and greed stimulate Raat Half of Nortbeant Quarter <'r HontbweatUuarter. I
key they wanted. .
are into the United States and when war should occur. .
get our ticity. He said: 1m. IT TI' 5 H. K. 18 B., SO acrea.asHessed .
over there for they cannot get the service, not fervid patriotism. Mali hum.lint. .
anything motor car, but the United! States custom "1, was invited to the wedding: of "Why even the Russian Czar could < ... paid certificates ahall t. redeemedaccording 1
drink. 7131
to officials held him and turned not have supported an espionage I .
up Rudolph Herman of Eberbach. About system 101f. tax will I Inane thcreoej ,
"We slept in my home that night him back. We had to leave the motor 5:80 o'clock I drove the bridal couple of those dimensions. We had sufficient on the 14th day of '. 0".0.. A. D. IOS1.Wltnea 1
: official and peal thks
and the next morning the sergeants car and our baggage where it was. Emil Rupp and Fraulein Lena Linkto difficulty getting enough money What Mrs.. Itrenninger, of Nl"w'ork, Ill.. 11th amy of J.nu. signature A. I), ml. I'
drank more whiskey. Towards noon "The Canadian immigration officer, the Eberbach railway station to from the Reichstag to, keep up the SayH About Rat Poison ;W.: AI.tlKHMAM. .
they were pretty well filled I had Clerk Circuit Court ", (Viuntr, ,.
up. work all. -
in red be- at
ft gentleman a bright coat, meet some incoming wedding guests. "Tried preparations filet kill rats, IR..I Hy C. A. KNIGHT
not planned to get them drunk. That gan to get suspicious and we got a tip The bride and Fraulein Ling remained "The article stated that the German but RAT SNAP is the onliy one that 1.uM.I,1 IN.nly Clerku
was their own idea. I did not thinkit that started us on our again. We agents were badly paid the -
way seated in the motor car while the correspondent pYevents disagreeable odors after kill SHeRIFFS
would be so easy. I had made other started out to walk. We must have bridegroom and Rupp went to meet replied. ing. Also like RAT SNAP because it Hereby notlr I. vlven R.I.I. W. J. Ep.
plans, but thanks to the sergeants'thirat walked seventeen miles when we aT'rived the "The truth is we had about one hundred comes in handy cakes, no mixing with person, sheriff of Nraflford County, Floridaunder 1
guests. and by virtue .of that certain writ ofexecution
need them.
I did
not -Lctelier.. There we hired a "In the meantime a second automobile military agents in France when other food. You don't have to dirty 1.,0 out of and under the hand
This sleepy little village nestling in Ford and drove 18 miles to the railroad drove up to the railway station, the war commenced," stated the officer. your hands, it's the best for householduse. and llrarirnrd peal County.Clerk Florida of the on Circuit January Court. 4th.mi of, S
the hills on the Neckar river near Station where we caught a train from which four men stepped. The "Our maxim was quality, not ." Try RAT SNAP. Three sizes. In favor" of R H. Fernanda. plaintiff.
Heidleberg, has not been so excited for Winnipeg, arriving in that city on train had arrived and I was so busy quantity. The popular theory of usIng 3Cc, 65r, |1.25. Sold and guaranteedby ; and BKalnst H A. Shaver and B 0. HutchInsori. and-
I have
since war days. the first day of June. watching for the expected friends thatI waiters, dancers, porters and the D. C. Jones, Starke, Flu.Adv.. offer defendants for. ..1.. and will Iyl. upon the M.h.
The people are still talking about "In Canada, you understand each did not much attention to the like Is the creation of the brains of .t.I and l beat lildilur for cash In front of thai
the attempt to seize Bergdoll. It wasa of the steamship companies has theright four pay who emerged from the novelists: We needed trained military courthouse." rtoor In II.rh. Itradford County
persons on Monday day of F..In..p.A
spectacular incident. The affair to take passport.applications. At second car. minds. A TO1NIO 1.,10.. 1971. dun "" tha real) hulirs .. .
took place just as two trains arrived the offices of the steamship companywe "Hermanand- Rupp approached my "Even an ordinary lieutenant or cap Qrovo'si Tasteless chill Tonic restores to-wiLt the ,..I"wlnl '....1. personal I..rr. S
at the station and there were about visited we said we were Americans car S calling out that the expected tain in the foreign army was of no Energy mid Vitality: by'Purifying!!' and One flat top desk, one Ilurrmiirhn ..I.ln. S
two hundred eye witnesses. Seeing and that we wanted passports to value. It was our practice and as we marhlne. about 400( hampers, about Olh '
the guests had not arrived. Jost at Enrlcblnil the Ulood. When you feel Its i istrenillheninil. muto vratea. aliolit, one hundred saeka of ..
that there was a wedding party England. We were referred to the moment I noticed directly beside me, proved by exposures, the practice of Invigorating effect, MO how two seeks df nitrate of soils, and 100 PUI'
onlookers thought at first that the United States consul. At the offices automobile the the French, to seek only the highest of beet ....
leaning against my it brings color to the cheeks and how w. J
shooting was just a wedding prank. of the second steamship we officers as agents. A chief of staff I EfrrtfON.
company or
four who had in the oth 1-7-M-8-4 Sheriff of Fla.MAHTFICH .
men come up It; improves tin npiwtlie vlll then 1.10.1 ",nil.
When the automobile of Frank Zim- visited we said we were Canadiansbut motor They were armed with a general was of some value. But a you
mer and Charles Neaf drove up at the clerk demanded to see our er revolvers.car.One of them I am certainit captain in the other army who could appreciate its truo tonic value. "A I.B t
furious speed Bergdoll's cousin, Rudolph army discharge papers. We made an Charles Neaf of Baltimore only report that 'regiment soandsodid Grove Tasteless chill Tonic Is simply Notice la hereby ..Iwn that under and hr Jvirtue
was ,
fif final decree of forecloaur mad il ,
Freuidenberger, who was unarmed excuse and l lott. The third place we pointed a gun at me and said in" English / close order drill for three hours Iron and Qulnlne'auaponded In yrup. So and rendered a by Ifon II. A. Thrasher. Ju'h,. < .
jumped upon the running board struck we were more successful. They this morning' was worthless. pleasant even children like Ju The Mood! of the, Circuit. Court nf Florida In and forliradSrl ;.'
and bluffed the" chauffeur: into stop and : "This continental need QUININE to Purify It and IRON to County, on the 6th day. of January :,
promised to get passports sure 'Halt! We have you now. system 1921 wherein J. T .. .
ping. Policemen then arrested the enough they did but we had to wait "Recognizing the danger I started used by both the French and Russians Enrich it. Destroys Malarial fjrrn.0 and and J. $. Kelley I..I.. .Kelley: ., .t.0ml.I.ln.\. I
two Americans and four Germans who two weeks for them." is typified by..the case of an Austrian Cup germs by IU Strengthening, Inv.gur ...r. |It J : A C Kelley. 1 B llusrh.Oenrito .
the car, the motor being; already run Keltey and Harriett his wIfe '
were with them.A Bergdoll .showed the correspondenttwo ning a tthe time. Reaching over' with colonel In Prague.! This colonel was .ttting Effect 30c.NOTICE J. J. RU'rrirks and Ida J. 8t.K..I., hi. wife S Ii'
mob of about three hundred per- British passports bearing photographs chief of staff of the Austrian army -- and. P. It Kelley are defendant. I,' A. .
hand I knocked Ncaf's revolver -
my right < .. Special Master In Chancery, have I.
sons gathered in front of the jail before of himself and Stecher. Berg- into the air. division which had headquarters In OP INTPNTION. TO APPLY FOR led .utKin the following described land *-
the arrival of the prisoners. Zim- doll carefully put the passports away Prague. lie was one of about threeor LETTERS: PATENT nnled In llradford county, Florida ti.wltlRoiithweet
"Rupp was not yet in the car and I Jfpwby nnticifat .In .r-vrn that lh. unrt,>nirniHlwill .( Uuarter of Northeast. tluarter.Northwest I
mer and the four Germans. were atAPE'S and continued his narrative: shouted< to him : 'Get in; we are go four officers who knew the secret<< .|iplr to the Governor of the Stale of Quarter of HotltheaHt Quarter. i
MoHdat. at I
("From Montreal we went to Quebec ing.' mobilization plans of his corps which dmf of March TallnrtaUsWfNtn 1921 for iu-ttor.FlnrMp.I..nt on (h.Incor.lt, North Ifalf of Northeast Quarter of Smith .
Mouth halt of Northeast Quarter
from which city we sailed for Europeon "We had scarcely started when the included some of the German divisionsin tiorntlnir flmllhrnnn Mineral' W.tr Companyundtr .t of Quarter Southeast I Quarter I Houthweat Quarter
the steamship Victorian July southern Saxony. These th. follow IT |>rorKm.(! churirrtArtlol Northwest Quarter of
on first shot struck Fraulein Link In the secret orders 1. of Nnrthweet Quarter)
DIAPEPSIN 9th. We landed at Liverpool on July arm. She was sitting beside me on stated exactly where each unit Th nnm of thin. .Mtrnor.tlon fihiill !>.> 11.11. ship Routhwest It. Houth Quarter nature, all Twenty In Hection Kant,1JS and, Tow will
18 and from there went to London by the front seat. of troops was to go in case of war bronn Mineral W.t.r Otmimni', and (tM pHn sell the same before the court house door I. :
Strand against Runsfa. : rlpiil nFl,.* shall Iw In the town of ittartc Bradford County. Florida hetweeaj jji
the Obviously the Russians
train and registered at "She cried out in pain: "My arm. .. f..rk.. till
CORRECTS STOMACH, F'InriIa. aol tt bunt_ ahall !I. .oni1u t1 .1 hours of sale on Monday the 7th
Palace Hotel. We were there for four "Then according to my observation were very anxious to secure this there and In urh other plM"ni In Flm-ld and i irlnfiwhcra day ,.f February.. A II 11121. to satisfy and M; 'J'
days meantime posing at British subjects information. through liranclim. : nirvnelMi or nth pay said final decree, f._ and ...... Maid. I .
a second and third shot was fired I ... '
.1. l of
ENDS INDIGESTION "The ui mar >* n* n ry or envenlent property to be sold aa the property h
although; we were not German am certain that 1 would have been colonel had same very unfortunate Article. 8.Th at,,.,. named defendant Terms Cash.
and Dutch consulates in London and struck if I had not ducked my head personal habits, a total lack of .! irenvrat' nature of th. '",,.In... nf the A. B. CKKWB.: r'I'r
on July 23 we crossed the English i morals, rather abnormal, of 'such a enrnnratlnn hall |nt fti .e" ..>r<* n*turn I aIrlv., ,.. 1-7-61-2-4 Hueclat Master In Chanaery.RHEBirr" .
"Pane's. Diapcpsm"<< n the quickest especially as a 'spy' had told my of water of any. kind nnd fiim.liy. In the. I'm' -,- S---a
surest relief for Indigestion, Gaaes, Channel on the steamer Orange Nassau -] chauffeur, Eugene Stecher, a fewwek nature as to ruin him among his officer .d Ptate> of America and In fan-tun ei>....tl.. BALK '
Flatulence. Heartburn, Sourness, Fermentation landing at Flushing, Holland. I ago: that he would receive 75- comrades were the facts to become to develop, and operate the mmmmt f to M-tl endmeh not. I I. .lv.a that 1, W. J. rn- J. '
the water of and all auehupHnira 1..b'
or Stomach Distress caused "At Flushing we took a train for 000 francs if he would bring me into known In some manner or other never I to buy aoll. leaiie any and ..I h....,.. deal ,, . . of llradford County Florida ;' St.nl'r
by acidity. A few tablets give almoet brought to I light the Russians In automobile, and by virtue othat certain writ of (
the German frontier subsequently !going the occupied territory-the American : autmnohil fiarOi .v
immediate stomach relief and shortly .*>*mnrl 1.>.i and .ul'l'lI.| of and all kind
; to Oberhauscn, Frankfort Heidelberg \- of occupation-either learned of the colonel's secret, and by to any. and anal of the Clerk of th* Circuit e. rr
corrected eat military zone teal In hardware, mar hint and miwrilnwryof
toe stomach Is 110 can '
you ,
nf llradford Oounty Florida In
and finally to Eberbachwhere I threats of exposure blackmailed him any and all klndM t trnneral merahandliie. ,
favorit foods without fear. Large ease dead or alive. anJ James Krynnlda a* gilalntlff, and asralnat
costs only few cents at drug store. have relatives. Everything was quiet into delivering up copies of the mobilization alt and kind to operate to loan mrrvantlle ntorm of any A. $hav.r. tradlnir .. H. A. Hhavar ;
t money on mortK-irni upon )
Millions helped annually. until October, when an American officer orders. We first secured wind ....I Mtnte, and to buy and well mnn"..... on I..nl. defendant. on tha flth day. off .cotTer .S
A. ItMB.jl hava levied and will
of l it by in real '.' and to buy and ll bond bmwH I. .pn S
in Berlin, representing;, Stecher agents Potrograd reporting '' ** and sell to highestand
tiw>n real eniat aerurlty ; to buy and sell
and myself as murderers, secured a J I the removal of large sums of money ,publtfl rurltUw of any and all kin.... Inelud- heat bidder for .th in front of th*
A. SAFE TESTFor telegraphic warrant from Berlin to {< > ihe i, from a Petrograd hank to the Proud- InaIxinilH liwui liy any .1"I.t.. county, municipality ..urho... door In fltark 7th. lrd'o'.county., ,
..... \
bank or 011.1 to .t. buy rll. r nt.lean r. a.II.M.w;\ : .
have us nrrested. We did not know ner in Hrcjin. They could, find no *. u*. and .'|..rat. h/iM. rentaurantii.lunrh .. : I leiral hours of aale.
those who are in need of a rem whom we had murdered, nor did we business transactions behind the money ."..ntt<... bottling work*. bathtnir ",*NIl.| the. 'olowlnl. described .onl property, I
,....., .
maniifHPturlnir planU mhlnrywatwbouMf ...I.
backache know we had killed anyone, and to payments. Investigations disclosed bean cutter, ninety four metal' b.h.
edy for kidney troubles and and all ap|>1lanma nee_.". or f I"i,
It I ig a good plan to try Doon'sKiuiiuy tell the truth, neither does anybody "California Syrup of Figs: isChild's that at stated Intervals the colonel .dvalrabl. for rarryfnir on the alxw de.erIh.dbualneas pounda about five of aalt.thtHiaand about quart ftv. cana.thousand.""u'papercartona .i
wind of the warrant and came to Berlin under assumed or biwIneMfm. tA obtain punha, : S
an .
I'.l.K. They are strongiy recommended else. We got lea. or otherwln acquire any patent rlrht and about SOO bean labels I
Starke people. A>>k went to Switzerland where we remained -I Best Laxative name and drew from this account. formiilfisv. HMiret prrMtt>.w. llcenn .r |>HvHifor W. J. EIJJnaON.
by for two weeks. Our lawyer I "A few days later a committee of trade mark and t., manufacture. 0'........ i 1..ItI. Sheriff. of .. Clnl .
jour ntislibjr: own _II. _I..n. 1.1...". or .rant lleeoiira In
W. W Ba! den. Tleputy] sheriff, succeeded in having the warrant with- | three Gorman and Austrian officers reepi'et thereof or olherwlae tad In or ",.k. ORDKR FOR PUBLICATION '
used drawn and the German officer who was Dwvarrt Ray "California" or you t visited the colonel in his apartment inPrague. I a profit therefrom : to acquire, hold use, In Circuit Court. 1... of. f1..ld ElichtkJudicial 'I'
county Jail, Staike nuys: 1 may not get the genuine "California I ""...In".. rent 1 lease sell and convey real Circuit. , chaalaMlra I
issuance dismissed He down and confessed .dro. Cu"I"
Doan's Kidney t Ills for a case of kid. responsible for its Syrup of .Figs" which
ed whole for making out such a document with men for table and childrcm of all *. and explained how the Russians the world Including' the capital atock andtionda Graham1,
ney trouble that anno) me a ago .
it. We then had blackmailed him into treason of any other corporation ; to make con- Complainant. \ .1
out evidence to support Nothing olxn cli-ana the little bowel/ and ,
let. I can truthfully say (loan's entirely tracla of any and all klnda" for the conductanil I 51
'cured of the trouble in a returned to Eberbach and have been regulate' Urn child's stomach and liver! I which he had accepted the money management of its buelneaa hereinbeforementioned . Willie Henry.Orahara S
me since. ax> gently, so thoroughly Dr, riJ...... and continued In their service. Tho or any line or part thereof It la Defendant. I
prompt and lasting manner I felt there ever Intended and hereby otpri'imly' provided that Tt appearlne' to the
" "Coblenz (headquarters of the on each bottle! Hut you must nay senior officer informed the colonel that the aball bava to conduct bI"d '1
a great doa'! bait.. In *'" .-, way. << corporation power bill filed In the that VYII-I
r of occupation) has "California. Don't he talked Into an he would be given fifteen minutes toarranl1.'e any each and. every bualneea and line of buiil- lie Henry Graham, the defendant therein n.m. .
(Statement glvtn: April 12, 19H ) American army imitation fig syrup- which li Han't. the his of "... mentioned In thUs. article, at retail """ ed Is a non-realdent or the state of Florida .
On April 2T 1918. Mr. Unladen been sending spies. We' have talked d..Uc'ruity Unto or the perfect affairs. Whether one ..1... or .."" 1..1. and retail. for cash ..1"1, and hi. reeldnnca .la unknown and I Ia over (h .
told they the officers handed the old (colonel credit, ......,..nm.ol. In I
to with them. One spy me ,: "laxative phyiile" action.When ] a on or any manner ace of twntyon years I It la therefore ordered
,. bald : "I 1 have bad no occasion: before President-elect I pistol as he walked alone Into the may aea fit. .. that aald noc-rwldent defendant be a"
use Dan' Kidney Pills\! .Unce I recommended must get us Article I. hereby required to appear to tha bill of
Harding was inaugurated because Mr. I lour Farm Stock in Sick, Look next room I can't say, but In a mo Tha amount of the capital. stock shall .. complaint, filed In salil came on or bef'uveMonday
this remedy butore. so i Harding was to grant amnesty to all | For Rats I ment there was the sound of a shot, I "'1ft, Thousand Dollar, divided Into five hundred .1. .. the 7th day. of M..h. i. D. 11121.otherwla I '.
know they made a cure In my case.I I harea of the par value of On. HundredIlollara the alleyatlun of .. will betaken S
political offenders." Disease among farm animals don'tJust The colonel had with his own hand each. :Tha paid capital cotak yam w confeaacd by aa U defendant. '
advise anyone suffering!; from kid. Stecher who )had been listening, happen. Rats are carriers of dan 'I carried out the'penalty for traitors. i Ijfillanr::: each: Tba. eald capital pOrk may be It ..further ordered that thla. order hepublished
ney complaint to give this m-rtMne( raid for wholly or In part with property, la- a week for alicht eooeecutiv .:,
gerous plagues-hog cholera foot and I "The reason I am telling you this, on. .r
a broke in: I boy or aervire at aueh) price or value aa may .._k. In nradford County Telegraph a
triaL"Pr.c. "One agent told us he was going; to mouth disease and thi.-t terrible of all ,I and what was especially interesting I ... fixed by the board of dlrectoni. at a meetIn newspaper th"u..l.h.o In said county and slat. I'
.' 6Nj( ,at all dealers 1)01.1 tnimplyask '. called for that Thla. I> a .t' ,
knock us on the head and carry us I scourges-Bubonic plague. Farmers to the German general staff Is the : 1'.7--. 4. m" itu.W.. T. WEKK8.IBeal .5
< for a kidney remedy-get the border. But then he tried to should throw around premises RAT liberality with which the Russian espionage Thla corporation ahall ...lat perpetually aaprovided ) Clerk Circuit Court.; IBy
Mr.Doan's Kidney Plllo- the tame that Co., get over; in our pay and thus carry water I. SNAP. It's sure and safe. 3 size, system paid their agents. An . by law. Article (.. C.A." KNICillT.Ueputy Clerk.D. . ,) "'
Balsden bad.o'oter1l1burn) on both shoulders. He offered to go 85c, fiCr/ $1.25. Sold and guaranteedby examination of the bank transactions, The buelneM of thla corporation ahall be K KNIGHT I '
lUre, Buffalo N. Y. i back to Coblenz and get us all the lat -I D. -C. Jones, Star .e-: Adv.- :. of the dead colonel established that conducted- 0 tjr a innwfiient. one or more vie. Solicitor fur Complainant' 12-81-101.3-4 Il I JS'
f .._ ._.-1JI1:' --.r: : _. -I. 'II 11I&' .. _>D... "'l""'"'; -.,-,. S.. !'M"11 : i
:! '. .
.L. J" ".k" "'. '.1
,' oIf/;:. '.f//: ""' '. .,;;; "i .. = _r _S.I S' .: _" "_"j m ,. ,. ,, :, .ii'
"."' ,'.''' ..l
,, 7j'v.l1llr! . ,,
t'''' .. , '' ,
.VI, \ ... .. ,:", ;: ,. ,' .. "
.. .;
: ;; ,.
. ... '. .
: v FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4. l!ll.in I
-- -------- i
: d .... .
: J; 'r diord.County Telegraph tions might be highly satisfactory to .. I I i
him. With new settlers would come I
more taxpayers, more industries, more '. tAt-;
if. Published T weekly and entered- as taadc, more improvements generally. Store 1
Starke and its section have so many New Millinery
at the
"' second class matter post natural advantages that it would be a X
-office at Starke, Florida. pity if homescekers be turned away, .
---.0.. .: = = ', just on account of lack of housing fa '. "Temporarily in the front of i
E. S. MATTHEWS. Editor and Owner cilities. : t
. .,' ,- .' N. B. HULL'S STORE '
long THE STATUS OF FARMING n ps, ....
"Al a boy we wanted to wear . .* .
pants; now we are forced to wear '.1 .*_. .
For past three or four years -
them longer than we want to, complains
the editor of the Bronson Times the farmers have had their .inr ng. It GRAND OPENING
': Democrat. is true that it has cost considerablymore I ...
to raise crops than it did before ,.
the also that the far \,
+ '. war, everything ,
i knocking"You anything can't boost within your its borders"nay town by mer had to buy cost much more.' Yet ." ,- Friday and Saturday Feb. 4th
the price paid for farm products wereso ,
i a South Florida pa'per. But the star
much higher than formerly till this
that does not profit by hav
t only town advantage vastly outweighed the dis '
.. ing certain or of conditions its individuals brought or"on institutions advantages. That our farmers madea " and 5th 1921 '
great,deal of money and had their ,
the carpet" occasionally in the town
own way in fixing the prices for their
of Utopia, not jet born.: The presentprojl'resa
products will deny.
no one
of a
and prosperity many
town is the result of shakings up in About to fall four in price months, and ago later clothing first one began Goods bought for. cash and sold for
the A not only
past. good newspaper \ ,
food product then another dropped
Mngs praises, where such are due, but lower all of what No leave until
also points out defects. And defects including nearly the cash only. goods store
farmers produce. This was hard on
{ are found everywhere. the farmers, and much discontent is PAID FOR.
being felt. The(farmer is really-the I .. '
% And now the lawyers are talking foundation of prosperity, and when he I EVANGELIST TO PREACH AT TilE Femandina-"Brother Henderson is
about a new judicial circuit and they Buffers in an economical sense, every I BAPTIST CHURCH a spendid preacher of the old gospel, Full line of the latest models and
are going; to present the "urgency" of business, suffers. I and a man of faith; he believes in very
it to th< next legislature. We do not One' reason for the present depres Twelve. Year! Old Boy Singer Here 'I I prayer and insists that repentance as Trimmers Id i
believe need it. It will be adding styles. Experienced at up-
we sion is the deluge of government Sunday and Monday well as faith is essential to salvation. :
more expense to the already.burden- goods turned loose on the market.
: I I The church has been quickened to renewed ,
some judiciary system of.Florida. These goods include first, clothing, to-date workmanship.
Rev. E. M. Henderson, pastor of the activity"Callahan"There
WheSi Florida there
to were
we came to which maybe added the clothes given -
Woodlawn church of Jackson- thirty 'additions
seven circuits. Now there are seven the soldiers on their discharge and were
teen. Not only that but in some of they have tended to injure the textile ville, will do the preach/ing.for the to the church and a revival from
, the heaviest counties we have created and clothing manufacturers as well as two weeks of special meetings to be the beginning. The impetus gained HOFFMAN & ANDERSON :
criminal courts of record to try all dealers. Then comes groceries: of different held in the Baptist church here. The I I! will not soon be lost, if ever." *
criminal cases less. While there are kinds, which affects merchants revival effort begins Sunday, Feb. 6th. 'I On Saturday evening of this weekif i
perhaps three times as many lawyers 118 well as farmeM. Last come pure Rev. Henderson will minister begin-I the weather permits-there will "
j., a. in the days we speak of there is not ly farm products, such as flour, meal, ning Monday night. He is an able and I be-a street.meeting'near the store of -- -- --- --. (.
-----'- -- I IHULL'S
;t twice as much litigation. Thoughtful grits, beans, bacon, etc. These goods I effective speaker, has been quite successful DeWitt C. Jones, about 7 o'clock, at -.
lawyers who ought to be the leaders I t
were bought at high prices by ,
as an evangelist, and ha. helda which time little "Harry" Hunter will '
of will not insist : "
: public opinion on government during the war and are
,,' thU extra burden on the taxpayers. now sold cheap. But the food stocks remarkable number of revivals for sing. Harold Hunger is only twelve STORE :.
...; 'Gainesville Sun. will eventually be consumed and the i so young( man. This being the third pears old and has dedicated his unusual -
,, clothing worn out, and then both the series of meetings that he and Pastor I talent to the Cod who gave it.
Wage cutting on railroads is be- farming and manufacturing will feel Law have held in the last few months, Harry will sing at both services Sun "The Square Deal"Just
coming the order of the day. The the good effects. Much of the labor they know how to work together. Mr.. day, also on Monday night
Telegraph has in the past had something now unemployed, and powerless to Henderson is a native of Florida, a All night services will begin at 7:30
to say about railroad, men' buy anything but necessaries, will college man and has 'a yearning for o'clock. Please be punctual, every what we advertise we do.
wages, but it was in criticism of the then find work and be able to resume the evangelistic work that makes his i body. We would have all to hear both I r *
men when they wanted the heavy buying. messages telling and applicable. I! the sermons and the boy singer. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK
government to "stand and deliver." Farmers, as'a rule, are easily discouraged r Dried Apples, very best, 20c Ib.,"2 IBs. 35c. '
in times of - ------ -- -- -- - -
,. The railroads were granted a genereus.increase and depression -
in freight and passenger they neither try to analyze the causes," NOTICEI Good long Grain Rice, per lb., 6c." ,
charges, partly on account of the high nor look ahead. What's to be done TAKE STOCKOF BaledHay, $1.50 per'100 Ibs. .
wages paid their employes. When the Quit'f arming T Those who'deserted ,
latter consent to do more work, now farming for rainbow chasing are now, YOUR will be absent until April, attend Bright Cotton Seed Meal, $2.20 .
since so many of their comrades have one by one, coming "back to the land" ing a school of pharmacy. All par- I I
been discharged,they should not have poorer but wiser men. Farming is, ties indebted to Turner's Drug Storeare SUGAR 8 CENTS LB.
their pay diminished. A railway man after all, the safest and most indepen HEALTH NOWWINTER urgently requested to pay at once
business will\) be in of Mr.
vicissitudes roust My charge All prices low quality will allow.
has to use his initiative and does his dent occupation, but as as
.n .work practically without supervision. be expected, as well as in any other Chas. F Tatum, who is an experienced "
W. are booking orders for of Seed Potatoes
competent, registered druggist. a car -
lives in
lie has valuable property and railing. BRINGS MANY ILLS TO
his keeping. He has to sacrifice his The farmers in this section of the PALE OVERWORKED PEOPLE Thanking you most cordially for Rose 4 and Red Bliss Triumph. Get your order :'
Sundays' rest, be ready when called country are really not hard hit, for your past favors and soliciting a continuation in at once and'save money. Our Seed Beans Corn r
el at any time of night and In any kind almost all of their products still bring of your future valued pat and Chufas are in stock. Armour's Fertilizers the '
of weather, and, being away from hiss twice what they did in pre-war times. ronage, which shall have our our I get
:. home, his living is expensive. He If they get less for' their products TAKE PEPTO-MAM AN' prompt and careful attention. right brand for the crop you wish to make.' ,4
... does a great and arduous work.and than they did some time ago, what FORTIFY YOUR SYSTEM-GOOD '" Truly yours, Special price. on U. M. C. Gun" Shells. ,- "
should have good pay. they purchase also costs}less, and the BLOOD WILL GIVE YOU F. L. TURNER
depression among manufacturers nas NEW STRENGTH;;' 1'0-- 242t. Druggist. "Cit a plenty while your gitten, say I!"
START caused cheaper and more plentiful I'
for the farmers. Those, who did .KEEP WELL Be Sure'to Come Saturday. Qur. customers come
It requires only the removal of one not lose their heads during flush times 'I If you feel the-least bit run down back. There must be a reason. '*. .
have good bank accounts. Is there,!
log to break up a log jam in a river '
not necessarily sick, but tired and
occasion for the farmers to blame .
It often takes only a little money, expended not ,
blue and
down and out it
with well directed energy, to themselves for some of the draw ,: N. B. HULL
shows plainly that of
put a move into stagnated town condi backs? Take, for instance, sweet potatoes -: your power resistance -
is .
boom.. which do not bring the price .
tions and create a It is N
dangerous go around that
they should. But when they' are soldas
A boom are confident could
: we way. You don't want to do it. -
t :. started in Starke if a few of our cit soon as they are dug, and when the Make mistake
no abQut it, when you
izens, who are well able to do so, market i. glutted, only low prices can -
be If and feel yourself slipping into lazy habits Over fifty yean ago a ;young physician
expected. curing
would to building. We need a spacious I
go getting indifferent to the things practiced widely< In Pennsylvania
storing houses brought about
were ,
and modern hotel-no use to invite : GENERAL INSURANCE
you naturally like-no energy, no vigor and became famous
. where the potatoes could be kept un for his uniform -
; winter residents to come here before
til became this always tired-it is time to look success In the curing of'disease. i
prices satisfactory
we have one that will supply the HAROLD C. .
:4'; conveniences they have been accustomed trouble would be ended. So with many out. may not mean that you are This was Dr: R. V. Pierce who afterwards WALL
sick that will
or be. But
you there
too. We need several new ren. other things. The farmers must over'ome established himself In Buffalo,
that would
their repugnance to cooperation are have an easy N. y, and placed his STARKE FLORIDA
tal cottages. These need not be either time of it with when "Golden MedIcal ,
your system
large or expensive, but should be up- and do in concert what individuals blood has no lighting qualities.You your Discovery," in the drug stores of .
l to'date'in' conveniences and have well are unable' to do. The experience want to be well and keep well tbe United States. When you feel l FIRE, LIFE, BONDS, AUTOMOBILEColds
learned when labor sometimes
appointed premises. These cottages to was and feel strong.: If you build up the run-doun, out of sorts, blue and despondent
be for. winter residents and for impossible to procure, and.fertilizer -
quality blood
your by taking Pep- nerglzlne Influence
often too high priced to be thought of -
settlers until they can get --
to-Matytan you will be in trim to fight of Golden Medical Discovery in tabletor - -
valuable J should be usedin
their own residences built. Many chil- was very a>> off winter ills. It has just the right' liquid form. Nearly a million Cause drip and Influenza red by my wife, Mrs. J. B. Cowart..
cheapening operations.
\ hen of families outside of Starke arc! Our advice to farmers is to not' ingredients to. build up your blood bottles were sold last year LAXATIVE CROMO QUININE:Tablets remov.tblCCM. l-28-2t .J. B. COWART.
kept from entering our high school .
with rich, red corpuscles. Then Is only one "Brcn-o Pulnlr! *.'
because their parents cannot move view the present situation from a',, Pep B.I!: W GROVE'S r.*>...'<. ""i beat. :SDu!
gives blood the
4 .here tot lack of house room. worn standpoint than it deserves. I
There The good times that have just passed qualities it needs to !pick; you up'and NOTICE TO
are now in town half a dozen start off CARDUI HELPED PROPERTY OWNERSWe
you on a healthy basis. You Jt1h.elJ'
residences that cannot be used for were abnormal and (could, not be expected
will notice
soon after >"
lack of repairs. The roofs leak, the to last long. The farmer is' you start taking it. You will have will be at the following: named I
t windows are out, the stairs are dangerous not the only one under pressure now; REGAIN STRENGTH
better color, better feeling and more! on the dates named below for
is under the dis I
and the fences rotted down. every industry same the of
energy. purpose assessing and collect*
The owners pay taxes on these prop advantages. Economical conditionsare You take it in ing taxes and I II Bilious
after without under. reconstruction, arid we may can liquid or tablet request all persons Give Sick, Child
cent ; year form as you prefer. Both have the owning property to meet us and make
thanR the senseof
unwilling of to revenue, because anything they for are that conditions are not many our people times same ingredients. But be sure you Alaluu L..7 Was Sick Fir Tin returns" and pay taxes. "California Fig Syrup"i
spend re-
which could have get the genuine Gude's Pepto-Man- 'his will be the only round we will 'i i
pairs. They are waiting for a chanceto worse, they easily Ask for it I Years,Suffering Pan,Nerrou
gan. by
name-- make this Both
sell them at a high price, and let been. As agood American the farmer "Guile's tad season. assessor'sand [ "California Syrup of Flg i. the
Pepto-Mangan, and be Dereuei-Re.a Her
should help all he can to ease 'the sure collector's books will close April
the buyers do the repairing. But how the full-name is |! "laxative physic" to give( to a
''f can buyers be enticed to come here throes our nation is now'subje't to, Adv. on the package. i Own Story of Recorerj. 1st. Rick, feverish child who' la bilious or
unless we, by our own actions, show by doing his pnft to produce as much ___ Lake Butler, one day, Tuesday, Feb. ronBtiptitmi. Directions for babies sad .,
.;; them that Starke is worth while? One as possible, buying what he needs and mond. the h 8th. children on bottle. Thelove' itnlnutyt
charge making deep I Beware! "California" or
a Say
: save what he can. The farmer is immeasurably -
or two men in town buy the vacant Dukes half
up wound in his day Wednesday
body. morning you may not pot the Rename: ratan-
b' lots when they are offered "dirt" better off than .men of Faint Rock. Ala.-Mrs. Feb. 9th.Worthington.
The wounded man was carried to a C. M. Eteran mended l by phygicians, for over thirty 'i
t, cheap: they intend to hold the lots other occupations; as he can spend'ev Of here ehil l'a
and hospital in Jacksonville as soon aspossible near recently related the following half day, Wednesday years. Doh't risk injuring your < \
until Starke grows and they can get ery moment in profitable work, but he died Sunday morn l&UrciUng'account of her recovery afternoon, Feb. 9th. I tender, stomach liver and bowels ty socrptlng '
i" good prices for them. Some of these surplus products, instead of being a nn imitation cog syrup. Insist t'
ing. He is spoken of as an I "I was In a weakened Providence, one day '
,of lots have waited for buyers for loss, can either be kept until prices exem- con Thursday, Feb. i anon "California. ,>
c, year become else used in pary young man the chief support of dition. I was sick three years In tied 10th.
but the "unearned increment is not satisfactory or -
." yet in' sight. If these speculator feeding stock. The farmer is the only his widowed mother. suffering a great deal of pain weak. Palestine (Thomas school), half day I COMMISSIONERS-
; {, would'create a market for their lots independent man and is, therefore, Saturday morning Baisdvn Eppersonand aerv.Uo depressed.! I".. so weak Friday morning, Feb. 11. Notice of.la. "hereby decree given of the that Circuit under Court and byvirtue ef '
by building residences on some of the maker of his own fortune. arrested WilliamDick. I couldat walk across the floor; Just New River, half day, Friday after- 1 Florida In and for the county of Bradford.dat.d .
'1 as principal, and Ed Dicks as has to lay and my lilt do on the 22nd day of January 1M1. '. 5
them, they could derive some ones tao noon, Jan. llth.
: revenue accessory, and they are now in the work. I".. eertam matter pending therein wherein EmmaN
from their I RAYMOND WILLIAMS KILLED; almost dead. I tried Lawtey CI .tt. Bailie V. (
present holdings and make one day, Tuesday, Feb. 15. Markham and Charka
county jail, awaiting the action of very thing I heard of. sad
a number of Raiford Clyatt. minor, by Emma N. Ctyatt,'his truaraV
trading in more real estate profitable. the grand/ jury at the spring term of doctors. Still .1 dlda't get any relief. one day, Wednesday, Feb. Ian and next friend. Ha..! Clyatt Msaon and t.
Building materials of all kinds arenow Another deplorable killing took the circuit court.DANDRUFF. I couldn't eat. and slept poorly. I 16. Walter Oscar Clyatt, minor and D. C. Clyatt.miner .
as cheap as they are ever likelyto place In the western part of the county believe If I hadn't heard of and take Tberea a, half day, Thursday morning friend, by Basel. Clyatt Mason tttelr Thee text
are eomplainanta. Emma
become, we have carpenters and last Friday, when Raymond Williams Caratl I would, have died. I bought Feb. 17.Hampton Clyatt Is defendant. authorieln and the nndeiaianed ...
r;, painters, anS now i. the time to build. a young man of 19 years, was six bottles, after a neighbor! told mo half day, Thursday afternoon .aa enmmlaeloners to sell the following
j k{ There need be no fear that rental shot by William Dicks, the wound what It did for her. FeL. 17. described. Florida property, to-Witt situate In Bradford eoaaty I,
I' i houses can find no renters, for no proving fatal. GOES I "f began to eat and sleep, began to Brooker, half day, Friday morning:, The Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarts
house in Starke that was fit to live In, What news we have been able to rain my strength and am now well Feb. 18.Graham. and Southwest Quarter of Southeaat Quarterand
South Half of Southeast Quarter of Soath.cot -
I' "was ever long without a tenant. I gather about the occurrence, is to the and ttnmf. I haven't had any tnulI1e half day Friday afternoon Quarter, all In Section 29. In Township
7' We 'need new settlers, and .the first effect that the day mentioned William since . I sure can testify to the Feb. 18. S South. Kanite 17 East: slap the Northeast
I't step to take to attract them is to see i Dicks and his brother, Ed Dirks, call HAIR STOPS FALLING: good think that there Cardul Is a did better me.tonic I don't N. D. WAINWRIGHT, Quarter of Section and the 1.East Township Half of< South.Northwest Rang quarter IT ,
that they can be properly housed. The ed at he homo of Raymond Williams. and I believe it saved my life. mate Tax Assessor. East, containing In all 140 acres, more or ) **.
home seeker who comes to Ed Dicks, while in he yard had used wa will In Bradford County. Florida, offer for '
E. W
average For HAYES. ,sale of
i over 40 years, thousands of and sell the aald property. In front
'. wo
Florida has not made up his mind bad language, and Raymond had ask. Immediately altar using; "Uand.rvne"'ou men have used Cardul l-28-2t Tax Collector. the courthouse door, during the; leaal ho." *
just 'where to settle, and such a small ed him to leave. He went to the gate bur no not find any dandruff falling la the treatment of Buocessfully. of sale on Monday, the. 7th day of II...... 1>'
but what pleuoca ma.01118&17 1021. to the hla-heat and best bidder for esah. 1
matter as not to be able to find a suitable and there leveled his double-barreled it hair seem twice you a* abundant most i* that'u i: aDments. NOTICE said .sale belnaor the purpose of psrtitioaof \
to live in, be enough shotgun at Lester Williams thick t so 1! If said lands. 'I
t house may a young glossy and Just radiant with life you suffer aa Ulesa women did. .
. tJ.l to cause him to turn his step elsewhere er brother of Raymond's, fired, but and beauty. Get a 3.1-M-tit. bottle now. :, take CardaU, It nay help you too. Merchants and others are hereby This January 211 L.1111.F, FRALICK. 1 11
" though otherwise the condl- : missed him.. lie then fired at Rar Lave lots of long lieavy, beautiful hair 1 At all dragelita. X U warned that 1 will not pay any bills, S.. 8. SUMMERS ,
, .t VVVf .... or be responsible for any debts incur ltftB W. O. BROOKS Commlenloners.
, "
\ r
1i Z 1 1Z
;,}ltljtFNNtaw) _. e9wtnv-," ,.'.w..r..r..N.: ;;::r''M ;i T/i: : .uu ;J:"'1"" fIII'I\" ," -. -", ,, .._C' ._,"Hiirqin.iiuiiiu -'--"" -"-' .. .._.-. _. .
;j:; '. 1aNt.'eF.C __ .1t''r' ... ., '''' '-' .- .. i,, ,: -
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.J j ..
c __ .
I [f Bits of LocalInformation According to John Pomeroy, a traveler ;1. The "Big Five"
who has spent years among the
savage and half-savage tribes of the I '
Ji South Sea inlands, many -valuable secrets -
are possessed by. these natives PricesYou
II regarding certain plants which are r
C."r l .a'ii AOi W P C mI..l".saM.w.- said to have rare medicinal powers I
It was recently announced by Pom-
eroy that he had learned of one. of can always get a '"square deal" at the 1
l' "'" these with plants other which vegetable, when Ingredients combined Cash Department Store and at four other stores it I
lit, '. Seed Oats and Chufas. Kickliter's. i.ake Butler, visited his cousin, Mrs.Jell' valuable in Starke who have the :
. '. Johns known to be produced amazing GENUINE combined to give you i
'.., ,,.' Tuesday. results in gases of stomach trou
Strawberry tickets at the Telegraph ble and the many ailments which generally : best living prices in the county. '
# office. Mallory Jones, of Jacksonville, was go with this. lie introduced a GENUINE"BULL"
s V- in Starke the first part of the week, new medicine of this kind which is The prices given below are for the Cash Department )
': /Sweet Corn, 'Snap Beane and Lima visiting relatives. called Puratone, and his statementseems Store and four other Starke stores
Bean Seed. J. F. Kickliter. to be verified by a large num
miM Don't forget to call on L. A. Dun ber of people who have been praisingthis whose names will be given any purchaser who
J. L. Peek was a business visitor to can Co., Lake Butler, for your nice medicine in public newspaper inquires at the Cash Department Store.
Palatka Thursday. Florida peanut seed Trice 95c per statements. :According to these state- tobacco makes 50
bushel of 25 pounds. 1284t. ments are results are remarkable.
Berry cruts and cu:,!. N. B. Hull's Arrangements have been made for the flood cigarettes for'IOc Corn, per Sack $2.14
Miss Florence Matthews, of the public to ,be supplied with Puratone Oats sack
here Mitchell' Store and at per $2.19
William H. Strijth, Sr.. spent Sun- Florida State College for Women, Tallahassee -I by Drug ,
other places In Bradford county as Maker's
: best shorts
day fn Jacksonville. was at home for the week- (it) $2.45.
follows: C. B. Roberts, Graham.- .+.ew
end. Adv. Cotton Seed Meal $2.00
Rub-My-Tism cures bruises, cuts, lb. sack
24 best grade Self Rising
burns, sores, tetter, etc. 2-11-21 I want Eggs, Chickens and Pecans. Duncan Co., Lake Butler, Fla. 86c per guides and agate tip top, valued at .'
Kickliter's. bushel. l-28-4t $9.00. Now watch the fair sex catch Flour $1.49 J f'
Louis II. Hill of Lawtey, was a vie- the big ones and it wouldn't surprise Lard 15c i '
itor to Starke Tuesday. Friends in Starke have received announcement All double thick tobaccd 25c a plug.J. I us at all if they don't put it all over per pound :
you old anglt'rs.rhe second prize Best Grade Bacon 19c
of the birth of a dough F. Kickliter's.
Saturday Special-Hull's-SUGAR ter to Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Fralick,.of. bass in the Field and Stream contest Rice Good Grade 6c 1
8 cents pound. Dunnellon. was won by )Ira. Corbett. ,
v t see Sugar, Ib, 8 l-2c ,
Backlashes Let's.go.
Mrs.. George Carter is visiting her So far no robins have been seen in '.see Work Shirts 89c
daughter Mrs. Jeff Johns. this. secUon this which '
season, meansan n CONSUMER'S LUMBER CO. Ginghams 14c
unusually mild winter in the states j
Garcia de Ora, Perfecto Grande just north of us. t ;"lid Col. D. E. Knight made a business '36 in. Brown Sheeting 9 l>2c 1,
ii6: ;-.lOo at All dealers. 24tf. trip to Gainesville Monday. \1
We will receive carload of feed and
To prevent a cold take 666. soon a can give
Miss cara Moitt, of Jacksonville,' w Mr and Mrs. G, W. Alderman and you still better price than quoted today. Give us your r
visited relatives in Starke Sunday. Have your berry tickets printed In Mrs. D. E. Knight motored to Lake, order. Whether you buy or not, come in and see me
time to avoid the rush. Round and Butler Tuesday.The \ .
I Cleaning up around premises have square tickets printed At the Tele r
been common during the week graph office. Theo Tyson has entered a 9 I 1-2 lb. W. C. T. U. will nvet' Monday CASH DEPARTMENT STORESAM
bass in the contest and now stands
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Methodist ROSENBERG STARKE FLA.
''llead Rice, 6c lb. Kickliter's. Fresh tomatoes. They are fine. N. second in the prizes. This bass was church, Mrs..Emily Phillips, act J
i B. Hull's. caught Saturday and was kept in a ing as leader. Cordial invitation extended ,
fish box for two days. Mr. Tyson to all.MORE .
E F. Chase, of Jacksonville, spent says he would have weighed over ten I -
the latter part of last week in Starke. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Quigley, Miss pounds when first caught. a .
Helen Frank and H. L.
Diggs, Lloyd . .
M. Varnes, of Sampson City, had Brownlee were business visitors to -
Buck Kite has' entered a 7 3-4 lb. ShinerH
Arrested and Apparatus Confiscated
busbies sin Starke Monday. Jacksonville Saturday. .
bass and is third in the prize contest. by Sheriff
This bass caught in Rowe lake
& 666 breaks a cold quicker than any CIGARS-If you smoke cigars, why was MIf
and there are plenty.more just like Thursday forenoon Sheriff Epper
remedy we know. 2-11 not get the best. Call for GARCIAde
P him there if fellows will
out you justgo son and Deputy Baisdcn descended
ORA, lOc, at all dealers. A mild after them and learn how to wig ,,
upon the place of Joe Prcvatt, about
Kirk Lewis and W. A. Bessent Jr.,
full Havana Filler. 2-4-1f.1 gle your looey's proper. two miles south of Starke, and searched -
motored'to Jacksonville Sunday. I . .
' the premises for stills. Two stills
Strangers sometime know more I Two Rods and,Reel and one Pad- were soon found, as well as 25 gallons :
Misses Era Anderson and Josie Hoffman
a about our bargains than some home dle went fishin' out to Blue Pond last of booze and ubcu.it 500 gallons of
of Jacksonville, are guests at the folks but it is not our fault. A lot of week. The wind was blowing like "buck." Joe Prevatt and his brother, ,ll j
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis. homefolks do know. It Is up to you. sixty and the thermometer was head- DeWitt Prevatt, were arrested, the
N. B. (Hull. ing toward zero, but they did not have stills and liquor confiscated ,und the
Maxwell House Coffee, S8c, 2 for 75c any better senfte. They carried a boat mash destroyed.
at Kickliter's.Mrs. To break a cold take COG. 2-11 with them and being too lazy to carryit DeWitt Prevatt confessed that he rt
a little distance they backed right had acted as-"chemist," and Joe had i+
R. A. Weeks and children, of Thc many friends of O. J. Griffin are down in to the pond. One Roll and Reel presumably been. general manager of Money By Wire"To ,
' Brooker, were guests this week at the delighted two hear that he is steadily said that the ground was hard and the concern. One of the stills waa'of V
the other Roli' and Reel didn't have 15 gallons capacity, the other much
home of Col. W. T Weeks.
improving, and it is hoped that he will get money there quickly and to the I
any better sense than to believe him. smaller, and each was worked as. occasion N
Rub-My-Tism relieves Rheumatism, entirely recover from the stroke of They started a.fishin', the two Rods demanded. At this writing the right person is often vital.WESTERN I .
Neuralgia, Sprains. 2-11-21 paralysis,, which he sustained two and Reels, just a pullin' In fish and Prevatts are still in the county jail.
weeks ago. the Paddle puttin. em on the fish chain '
A. I... Smith, a prominent citizen of until pretty near dark. When they UNION'
Johnstown paid our office a pleasantcall Just received a cur load of Florida started to leave thq truck' bogged in FARMER BROWN .
Monday. Runner peanut seed, grown at Red- the mud and by work in'- a little bit
------ dick, Fla. These peanuts are first they could have gotten it outs But one Money Transferis .' I.
Early Speckled and Bunch Velvet classs solid seed. Price 95c per bushelof one of the Rods and Reels was to'o SAMANTHA HIIOWN'S HUSBAND .
25 pounds. L. A. Duncan Co., Lake durned lazy and said he'd been kinder n
Beans. Kickliter's.Postmaster .
Butler, Fla. 1-28-41. used to welkin' and would lots rather Well as I saying she (Liza ths quickest surest safest means to
J. W. Alvarez has set trot his 190 pounds towards JTome. Brown) went over to her cousin, Mary send for
money anywhere any purpose.
pec'an his lots on'orth Miss Ella Mae Long returned to her That guy sure can walJt and don't' you Jane Perkins and as they had only a ti
out trees on In Palatka morning forget it. lie \nd ,
home Saturday set the pace the mall log house and ten young un, .
Walnut street. after upending. the week at .the homeof Rod and Reel and the Paddle came and pretty poor I don't think she. improved For the accommodation customers -I
MMm BaoMw MB MiiiBMnBWBiaM her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs.J. down the trail Home Sweet Home
to matters much, and I'm ure
Before buying peanut seed see L. M. Brownlee. with their tongues hangin' out, drag- they didn't. and the public generally, we are hand- i
A. Duncan Co., Lake Butler Fla. First gin' their feet behind them. We should Union Transfers.
Mrs. Brown will have to ling'Western Money
class seed at 95c. per bushel of 25 Fresh Garden Seeds. Kickliter's.There have better sense than to go with that you ex- ,
1284t. use me for I must' go and get Cy'ssupper
pounds. guy because just last week we said
I'm back have
coming to
will be no services at St. that he had been seen practicin long you
ell how all and
me came
The time has come around for Mark's Episcopal church next Sunday.The distance walkin' and we knew that hewas made good: on the you farm. You've got a BANK OF STARKESTARKE
strawberry tickets. Can. be had at theTell'gTaph offering last Sunday was for the \ gettin' ready to go flshin. big farm now and] a nice house and '
office. China Famine Fund and if any oth . . are well fixed.
ers wish to contribute they will kind We have added two more prizes;; to All right; come over and bring your FLORIDA
666 quickly relieves a cold. ly hand it to the rector. lour contest, a nice tackle box and 100 ewing and I'll tell you all about it
I yards, of casting line, the Value of as we sew. '..
Mrs. S. E. Gibson, of Mulberry, is a Auto tops and auto painting. M. : which Is $10. All of these prizes will Well, Josefus, supper will be ready
truest at the home of her brother, J. Leviton, Starke. 11-19-tf. ., be shown in our windows Saturday, oon. You'd better do some of your. T'
F. Colley. and you all can just stand around-with chorea while; I Pit things ready. I'll
Mr. and Mrs. Dowling and little' your mouths watering if you want to, call you. better price for all farm pruclu.tB.J.Aot'li HO down they go, but Hardware Is dif- w..
Commissioner Elam Glisson, daughter returned home Sunday af but I'm going to put 'my name in the i All right my dear. I'm as hungry all boost, let's all holler, "Whynot i frrent. A stove Is a stove, a nail in
County ternoon from Jacksonville, where they pot this year and go after the laurels. I as a hound pup. Your cooking will Starke?" ii nail and the manufacturer can hold .
of Clay county, was business visitorto at the home of Mrs.Dowling' . . .
were taste good. Samantha, wp all In thin neck of the and make the price for all we got to
Starke Monday.U. sister. Will some one please keep Doc Ho. Ho, Supper? All right, Samantha wood have, sure hud, tough scratching I have the good: but when labor and \G
Ilaynrs out of our office talking about soon as I wash. for the last 40 yours but now we can material begins! to come down hardware !
M. C. and Nitro Club! Gun Shells Mrs. R. B. Neal and little daughter, good things to cook up out on the lake, Now tell me the news from Starke. lice the light of day, coming, aura, HH I will come! down. Competition, j
at Hull'b Frances, who have spent the pant six' especially when we are up to our Well Samnatha, things are picking little 'tatrrs. supply and demand will put things '
weeks with Mrs. Neal's parents; Dr. necks in work and want to go fishin'so up at Starke. That man Inman ban In I whl'retIC'Y belong-not style. '. +':
Mrs.-J. C. Wills left Saturday Are T>rlri" coming down Any
The Woman's Club, of Luwtey will and in Roanoke bad that our pulses are beating up started something that will be hard to Starke? Them> are mighty good biscuits, Sa-; *
afternoon for home ,
Club this afternoon around 110. stop. lie has already sold more farmlands mantha. When a fellow Is hungry a \.
entertain the Starke Va. . . and town property than has Why, yea, most everything but Iron good biscuit covered with our fine syrup
at 2:30, at the Lawtey club house And steel l and that 1 III beginning to
been sold in this neck of the'woodll kiss
Doc Harvey and Doc Haynes have would make a man his moth- J :
Peanut seed, $1.15 bushel. J. F. how downward move but not as
per been fishing'several times lately. lIar for the last C\ years. Other folks are a cr-In-law-almost. ;
Mrs. B. P. Smith, of Daytona Kickliter. much thing Uhut. Itot.pjrttty near ,
Mr. and beginning to sit and look around. an j'
vey says there is one thing about old up and silk stock- Ha, ha, Samantha, I need the funniest -
Starke dur- such
in the sky an sugar
visited relatives Doc Haynes he sure is right there on There has been ever no many houses Woven wire thing at Starke today. As 1 was l'
ing the week. A. O. Andreu, who has been In business keeping appointments to go fishin'. sold to homefolks. They begin to get InCa, fine shoe harnbns Mid each.goods are aboutall standing In front of DeWitt! C. Jones ,I'
at Gainesville for some time, has S. . skeered for they will all be picked up fence and DcWltt C. store I seed a man coming across the t
that has changed.
Get my prices on Feed. Kickliter's. moved his family ,to that city. They The Tin Can Association spreading I by newcomers and they are grabbing: Jones will follow down as fast as the I street. As he cum up he stopped and I
r, will bet much missed by their many all over Florida and In working its I while the grabbing is good. They arc whale al..- prices slump. Ho got a de-, : spelled out u slgn/ln: front of the .
Mr.. and Mrs. W: B. Harvard and Starke friends, but the best wishes for way towards Starke. Bill Powell Is tearing down the old<< barns and sheds line woven fence wire of BO cents rtore-CAST IRON SINKS. /
H. C_ :Wall war Visitors to Jackson- prosperity and happiness follow themto Forming one here. .now.. . I'the that town.are so Some unsightly of the and best clicking places up'in a roll, so h* cut the price on what he He threw back his huad and laughed 11\
ville out loud. Any fool knowed that llyifiy ') 1:
Sunday. their new home. on hand. The reason! prices on
"Learn to Labor and to Walt.- town have been sold already as wellas I Thad I "
Hull's store. Hilda Struth returned Sunday Doc Harvey. lots of other places and the old I I goods la that the styles in hard and I bet he knows cast iron will sink. '
Candy and Fruits. Miss . .. store buildings are filling up. Thereis '
the I don't change like oilier goods-! Don't Nee why people need to ad.flr-
from Jacksonville, having spent There seems to be a regular epidemic a new shoeshop, new pressing: and ware tin* that fool thing for. Ill bet Snyder '
heeled shoe J
like skirts, high ,
Canova and W. M. wiht her mother, Mrs. Wm. II. with up-to-date machinery narrow
Messrs. F. A. week of people getting: lost in the cleaning plant done that. ( li \
and coats
' Wainwright, of Jacksonville! spent Struthl who i is seriously ill at St. vicinity of'Gator Bone and Swindel a shingle mill, lath mill and silk stockin-f.s, ladies hats I'
dress- goods, men's wear and such The asked him. if he was In for good
the old
Woman's Club has
unday with. homl'folks'ln'Starke. Luke's Hospital lakes. A party consisting of G. M. In- the style changed and clown they go. You roads. I ..x.
school for and the
r .- man, Clyde Mott and Gerald Middle- building: SO years
can't go to church and wear out of Naw; roads good enough fur n\f.
n A few doses 666 break a. cold. Snuff and smoking tobacco, 3 for ton are getting ready to post signsin town folks cash and business remodel men and donated fit date clothes. Taint like It was whenwe These roads were here when I was '
over $2200 to up
25c. J.o'. Kickliter's. that vicinity.. . a fine Woman's Club rooms and restrooms got married. A cotton dress thenor born. My dad used them. What wan i"\\1|
M>. and Mrs. BoneJ Drigjrcrs, for coming to Starke. I a cotton suit of clothes was goodenoulI'h good enough fur my dad Is good: ,' *
The bass entries far follows ,
Tuesday a shipment of 52 bushels so are Ija Oh things: do move now, in Starke : If it was clean and whole and enough\ fur me.
Catarrh of strawberries left Starke-the biggest A.:M. Darby 10 Ibs. 2 oz. I and Bradford county. Some folks would last a >enr or more, but now a There's anlther man that's not woke
of the season. Most of the berries and that It girl's got to have a new dress for In Bald and
Innu- Theo. Tison, 9 I 1-2 Ibs. think it will all flatten out up yet, someone the ,
paced, by I. a conmltullonal local disease< greatly cnnpiUwna.HAUL'S were forwarded by J. M. Truby .Buck Kite, 7 3-4 Ibs. can't be did, but it sure will and it morning:, day, evening and Sundayand we all laughed. I
; CATARRH AIKDICINK: cloanilns I. a and C. S. Durllng but a part was sent Col. Shaffer, 4 3-4 Ibs. sure am, and our new governor says parties and chancre! styles each ; (Continued Next Week)
the Tonic blood: and and Blood bulldln Purlner! up Py the By.t.m.HALL'S by L. A. Davis in his refrigeratorboxes. S. we must have the good roads and now month or more AIf Pad's R'Ot"the" : .
CATARRH MEDICINB r...tor to. A'-ladles' prize: -le going',In be offer- we will.' Good roads. mean good: .dough or a good credit. Don't forget the.:; $5.00 prize content J
do normal It. work.condition and allow\ Nature ed. This prize idea beautiful split country, good new settlers and good So the merchants got to sell at some on the gramatlvaj 1 erors and corectionn ,
F.All J.[)Chancy rUIr.t..* Circular.Co., Toledo fr...Ohio.. Buy your peanut seed from L. A. bamboo rod equipped' with all agate j I' times, better towns more trade and price to make roc.n for the new styles In Samantha Brown's husband. ,,I I ,\
yeayA---spec- rY. "Mrura'r"" . . .__. "
r'a 0 ii .r
rd saws ,
.,.. .,. i '
cads. ,.... ..,... . ___. ..r\\ 1 .' f.. .
. n
..po.. -<;(o-'r." .",, .. '..,- ..... ....... ".. ',' '. '''<:''''''' v,....
S. .
1 t
fi fih fik
1'le "'o1-o sreiit "fTitV' nut 'TuJR-J:: : the i toughiiiiai lie ties T16neTl"T<>r wanted tn *-it;;w.* 1| Ole om'e. Ilrjte: culii-iT after tluT"
"Well, that clears the atmosphere connldcrnbly her sake w'lIa- very sweet to her and I Bood-byl I Ivpll., that's cutting! the cheerful good-bye but lie did not answer.
k*. although for nil his faults, would persist. "Cmiped up In the cabnoHe. mustard. he murmured sotto voce, | And] be did not remain In town ; D.o youknow
I recrct. for his father's nuke: ?that this ue did not know the" train was "and there goes: another bright day j neither did he return to his shantyIn
dreadful" affair has hnl'pl'll..d.1'11., running away: until It was too late for dream. Unknown to himself bespoke j the wood For a month his whereabouts
Tile It cnn't he helped' Sblrley. Poor devil I os tr Juyip, while" Bryce Cardigan: directly Into the transmitter remained a mystery; then one 5t
For all his damnable treatment of me, riding out on the, logs, must have and Shirley clinging, half hopefully to day Molra received a letter from him r
t ( :. I wouldn't have had this happen for a known It almost Immediately. lie the receiver at the other end of the I Informing tier that be had a Job knee- why ,V
ALLEY million dollars. would huve had time to Jump before wire beard him- caught etery Inflec- bolting In a shingle, mill In Mendoclno
Slilrlry burst Into wild weeping.Jlryce's the runaway gathered too much bend- 1 tlon of' the ",words commonplace ,I county.In it's ioasied
f heart leaped. for bo understood 'ar-llod: he would have enough, but freighted: with the pathos' the Interim! Bryce; had not been
k of the reason for her grief. She Uncle Seth for his father's jumpoo'l? of ryN>'. first real tragedy. I Idle. From his wood crew be pickedan seal In the
bid Kent him nVny In finger. and lie "Well, he certainly didn't slay for ,l "Oh Bryre I" she cried .sharply. But old exp,*'lenced hand -one Jabe To
GIANTSBrPET'YA bad gone to his tenth ; ergo It would mine. Shirley." be did not hear her; tIe had hung up Curtis-to take the place of the vanIshed delicious Burley
he long before Shirley would forgive( She dried her moist. eyes and blushed his receiver'now. McTavlHh. Colonel Pennlng tobacco flavor.
herself. Bryce had not Intended presenting furiously "UncJe Reth' she pleaded The week that ensued was remarkable ton having repaired In three days the
I himself before her' In his battered taking him lovingly by the arm "let's for the amount of work Bryce: BO gap In his railroad wrote a letter to
and bloody (condition but the be friends with, Bryce Cardigan ; let's computed In the Investigation of his the Cardigan Redwood Lumber company -
D. 1tYNE. sight: of tftv distress now was more get together Rod agree on an equitable father's att'alra-al"o for a visit from Informing Bryce that until more LUCKYSTRIKE
C; Author of than he could bear. lIe coughed slightly contract for freighting his logs over Donald McTavIsh the woods-boss. equipment could be purchased end delivered P
i --c.pp RJekaOoPJrI. and the alert colonel glanced up at our road. "Hello. McTavIsh.,' Bryce saluted to take the place of the rollln
7( him' Instantly: "Tooare, now." he replied severely the woods-boss cheerfully and extended stock destroyed In the wreck, the tatter -
"Well,* I'll be hanged r The words "mixing sentiment and business; If his hand for a cordial greeting.! Ills would have to be content with
'jf fell from Pennlngton's lips with. a :you persist the result will be chvos. wayward: employee: stood op took the half- deliveries ; whereupon Bryce Ir-
Txxxxxxxxzxxxzxxxxxxxa heartiness that 'was almost touching Cardigan Is practically a pauper now. proffered hand In both of his huge and' tinted the Colonel profoundly !>y parchasing .
lor a area I I I "I thought: ,ou'd gone with the train" which Innkes him a poor business. risk, callous ones and held It rather childishly a lot of second-hand track CIGARETTE
"Sorry to have disappointed you old and you'll'please me greatly by ?leaving 'from a bankrupt sugar-pine mill I In ,
'. SYNOPSIS. top," Bryce replied blithely, "hut I'm him severely alone-by making "Wee?J Tls the wee laddie hlssel'," Lessen county and delivering! them to
IK jn t naturally stubborn. Too bad about him keep his dlsjance.\ he boomed. "I'm glad to see )'e. boy." the Colonel's road via the deck of a )
CHAPTER Pioneer ta the California ,the atmosphere :you thought cleared a "Fit not do that" she answered with "You'd have seen me the day before steam schooner."That: (j ;t
P redwood reslon. John Car<
yesterday you had been seeable ":
even, the leading citizen of Bequola.
ever now"At to favor her with a quick searching: dent logs to get out our orders! on I
owner of mill, hip and many acres of Bryce reminded him with a bright
timber, a wleSo", .. after three glance Informed his father.
rears of the sound of Bryce's voice, Shirley smile. old file Bryce
"Mac man they tell
( married life, and father of two-4a7-ol4 lie need not have worried however "While 4morally certain our let
we document
I Brjrce CarOlfan. raised her head whirled and :you've gotten to be a regular go-to- MoIra brought Rome uie
looked up at him. tie held his handkerchief for Bryce Cardigan was too well hell. mill will run but one :year longer! I private ofKr for his perusal. there
the CHAPTER acquaintance IL-.At of Shirley fourteen Sumner Bryce,make a via.tu over his gory! fare that the aware of his own financial conditionto "Ill nae deny I take a wee drappl Intend that It shall run fun capacity were days during which his pleasant
>r to Bequola and his junior by a few sight might not distress her; he could risk the humiliation of asking Shirley now an' then" the woods-boss admitted for that year. To be exact, I'm pIng "Good morning I Molra. constitutedthe
rear.. Together_ they visit the Valley ofwe have whooped, with delight: at the Joy Sumner to khnre It with him. frankly, albeit there was a harried to run a night shift""Ourfinances extent of their conversation.
Olanta. Cardigan and
r his eon ae buriaJohnD. .... of Uryoe'e that flashed through'her wet lids.' I Moreover, he had embarked upon a hnnedrtfTlook In his eyes. won't stand the over.bead Bryce had been absent In San FranCisco -
'a Wcr. and part with mutual ...... "Bryce Cardigan she commanded 'ol'-a war which he meant to fight "Mac, did' Moire give you my message of a night shift I tell you" his for ten days.: He had planned te
; CHAPTER in.-While Bryce. at collace sternly' "come down here this Instant." to a finish. ?" father warned.. stay three but finding his business
John Cardigan meet with heavy "I'm not a pretty sight Shirley. Better "Aye. ""I know we, haven't sufficient cash consummated In less time, he returned
business 10.... and for the Orel time .lew. CHAPTER IX.
hand to It dad but-I'm
on attempt
the future with uncertainty. let me go about my business. ""'toiL I guess we understand each to Sequoia unexpectedly Molra
a She stamped her foot. "Come here I" other M.c.Va.. there somethingelse going to borrow some." was standing at the tall bookkeeping
CHAPTER IV.-After graduation fromcollege. George Sea Otter summoned by "From whom? No bank In
"Well since you Insist. he replied you wanted to see me about?" 'desk her beautiful dark head bent
and a trip abroad. Mrjroe Card telephone, come out to Freshwater the "
..an comes home. On Uie train he meets and he slid down the bank McTavIsh sidled up to the deak."Ye'li will lend UN a penny over the ledger when be entered the
Vhlrley Bumner. on her way to Bequola tomake station nearest the wreck, and transported ""DId! sound the Sequoia Bank
"How did you get up thereand no be flrln' auld Mac oot o' you office and set his suitcase In the
her with
homo there her uncle, his battered master backto
.. Col. Pennlncton.! Hryce hi* what, do you mean by hiding there spyIng band" he pleaded hopefully ."10100.ba of Commereel""Certainly corner. ;:
x 4. father's eyeslcht' has failed red hat CoLPennlnfton Sequoia. Here Bryce sought the not. Pennlngton! own "
on me you-:you-oh, you !I" "Is that you Mr. Bryce? she
:ye the heart to do It-after a' these
Is seeking to take Redwood Lumber
advantaget of doctor In the Cardigan, -
the controlling Interest In that bank
e old man's business misfortune "Cuss a little. If It will help any he yearn' queried h
suggested. "I had to get out of your company's little hospital and had and 1 was never a man to waste mtime. The Identical Individual, Moire
Bryce nodded. "If have
t CHAPTER V.-In the Valley of the his wrecked nose reorganized and his you the ." o
of sight-and there was"
way-out up It 1?
Bow did you guess was
Olante young Cardigan Ands a tree felledeUrectly heart- tter all these years-to draw
It characteristicof
cuts bandaged. was :
across. hie mother's grave. Indl the bent place. I .was, 'on the root of Bryce chuckled "I don't care ",'beretbe She looked up at him then and her
do not then I have the
nations are that It was cut down to secure his father's son that when this detail pay you from
the caboose when It toppled over, so money comes so long as wonderful, dark lighted with
the burl and evidence seems to show thatp.nningloe had been attended to, he should go heart to put a better man In your eyes a s
and his woods-boss, Jules nil 1 had to do was step ashore and ..ItdowD. I get It. partner. Desperate" circumstances flame Bryce bad not seen In them
Rondeau, are Implicated In the outrage. to the office and work until the six 'place. It's no good arguing!, Mac.You're require desperate
measures. heretofore "I knew you were, com
off the roll the
pay onto
whistle blew.
o'clock pension
"Then why" didn't you stay there?" you know and the day before yesterday "
CHAPTER VT-Dining with,Cot Pen.nlngton Old waiting for him roll-your shanty In the woods, tog, she replied simply.
Cardigan was
and his niece. Bryce finds the she demanded furiously. when I was" quite Ignorant of the
roo h redwood burl, oonlt mt at the gate when he reached home. :your men In at the camp kitchen, your "You had a hunch Molra. Do you dget
br..uep'elon. "T wouldn't& let nie he answered tact that Colonel Pennlngton controlsthe
leg of Pennine-ton's! guilt.Wltir' George Sea Otter had already given clothing and tobacco/ that I send out those telepathic messages' very i
t In a diplomatic way, unperceived by Shirley demurely. "And when T saw you weeping Sequoia Bank of Commerce, I ne ,
the two men declare war. because 1 was. supposed to be withthe' the old man a more or less garbled account to you. Neither more nor less! drifted In on tbe president and casually was crossing the office
of the runaway, log-train, and "Who win :ye pit In ma place to shake her baud. !
CHAPTER VII.-Fenntngton refuses to angels I couldn't help couching to struck him for a loan of one him
renew his logging contract with the Cardl.gane let you know 1 was. still hanging Cardigan eagerly: awaited his son's arrival 'I don't know. however It WOD'tbe dred thousand dollars""Well "I've never noticed particularlythat -
believing, nil action means bank In order to ascertain the, detailsof a difficult task to And a better man Is, until I came to work here. But
ruptcy for the latter. Bryce forces Ron- .around ornery as a book agent""how ni be .shot Bryce I What I always know when
are return-
desu to confess he felled the tree In the did you ruin your face Mr. this new disaster which had come thanyou.. did he say?" you
} Valley of the Olant., at Pennlnrton's or. Ing after n considerable absence."
upon them. For disaster It was In l one let biro work. McTnvtsn's '
der. After punishing the man Bryce Cardigan I "Said he'd take the matter tinder
hurls him at Col. Pennlngton. who, with I "Tried to take a cast of the front truth. The loss of the logs was trifling voice deepened to a growl. confederation' and give me an anlwl'rthis She gave him her hand. "I'm so gl dyou're
Shirley, lied witnessed the light Prnnlng- perhaps three or four thousand dollars "You worked that racket on my: fa hack""Wby
ton Is humiliated, and the girl. Indignant. I end of the caboose In my classic coun morning. He asked me of rourse' "
: ? he demanded
I the destruction of the rolling they It on and you'll bluntly.She .
orders Hryce to leave her and forget their tf'tlllnlhat' oil ; Try me./ answerto what I wanted that much '
friendship. He leaves, but refuses to accept money forand flushed. "I-I really don't +
stock was, the crowning misfortune me-personally. Lay the weight of
"But you were riding tbe top log OD I told him I
dismissal.CHAPTER' I was going to ran a know. Mr. Rryce."
the last truck" Both Cardigans! knew that Pennlngton your finger! : on your successor Mac, tE'"Well
night shift
Y double my force of men In "
VTI1.-Returning I to ru'n-a would eagerly seize upon that point to and you'll die ID: _the counts poor farm then he persisted' "what do
the train on which Shirley, her n "Certainly but t waint hayseed the woods, and buy some more logging, you think makes :
Bryce traveling, breaks from tint his competitor still further on Ton know tbe you'glndi"t
are away No threats old man t
t the locomotive, and Bryce, who could have enough to stay there until we, struck logging equipment, that there wouldbe tracks, which, I can get: rather cheap "I had been thinking how. nice It w
y escaped at the risk of his .life. cuts out this curve. I knew exactly what was Cardigans ; they never bluff. Well this morning!: I called for my would be to have you bnck. Mr. Bryce a,
AeahL.being.. and painfully saves Injured In doing so. going to happen so I climbed down to unavoidable deI purposeful-before this but.Ioat apparently rolling McTavIsh's glance met the youthful answer-'and got It The Sequoia When, you enter the office. It's like a
the bumper of the caboose uncoupledIt master's for several seconds'; then the Bank of Commerce will loan me up breeze rustling the tops of the red.
stock And In the
would be replaced.
a el9leof weal scraping from the truck climbed up on the woods boss trembled and his gaze to a hundred thousand but It won't woods. And your father misses you
V metal the head of the Juggernaut roof and managed to get the old thing Jnterlm tile Cardigan mill unable to sought the office floor. Bryce knew give me the cash ID a lump sum. I so ; he talk to me a great deal about
ahead took the curve clung there au under control with the bat d-br"ke; get orders a sufficient In hand supply would of be logs forced to flub to be had his man whipped. at last and can have enough to buy the logging you. Why. of course we miss you ;
Instant and was catapulted out Into then I skedaddled up Into the brush close down. f HcTavlnh: realized It. too for quite trucks now and< on the first of each unyborty 'would."
space. Logs weighing, twenty tcus because I knew you were" Inside and suddenly he burst Into tears.
month when I present uiy pay roll As he held tier hand he glanced
said John
"Well son. Cardigan "
1 were, flung about like kindling; one Instant "Dlnna Ars me lad he pleaded"I'll the bank down
unlatched the nlll advance: me the moneyto at It nnd noted how greatly It
mildly ,
as Bryce gate '
In the air back on the job an leave '
Bryce could see them ; gae "
"another bump eh r meet It. changed during: the post few
the next they had (disappeared' down "Yes, sir-right on the nose." whusky alone. "Bruce. I am amozed."I ." months From" her bund his glance
the hillside. A deafening crash a "I meant another bump to your "Nothing doing Mae. Leave whisky am nor-IIlnl'e you tell me Colonel roved over the girl rioting! the improvements
splash a cloud of dust- alone for a year and I'll dischargeyour
heritage son." I Pennlngton controls that bank In her dress and the way
With n protesting squeal, the caboose my I successor to give you back your
1 "I'm worrying mope about my nose : That the bank should accommodate the thick wavy black hair was piled
come to the point where the log.v job. For the present however my
partner In fact; I'm not worrying us Is the most natural procedure imaginable on top of her shapely hend.
Ing-train had left the, right of way. i verdict stands. You're discharged.'
Pennlngton la only playing: "It hadn't occurred to me
about my heritage at all. I've come todecision I
with It, The
carrying rails end ties ,"Who kens the Cardigan woods asI '
a on that point: We're going safe-which la why the bank declined Moire, be said wlUi a bright Imper.anal "
v, wheels on the side nearest tbe bnnk ken them?" McTavIsh blubbered
to fight and fight to the l..t. we're going to give me the money In a lump sum. smile Hint robbed his remark of
slid Into the dirt first and plowed deep -- "Who'll fell trees ,,'1' the least amount
yr down fighting. And by the way. I It we run a night! shift Pennington all suggestion of masculine flattery,
Into the soil ; the caboose t'tIme0 d breakage? Who'll get the work out
started the fight this afternoon. I knows that we can't dispose Clt our "but It seems to me I'm unusually
M an abrupt stop trembled and rattled I o" the men? Wbo'lIYe donna mean
of gravity-and whaled the wadding, out of that bucko excess output uiiter present market glad to see yon also: Vou've been fixIng -
overtopped Its center lad Ye it.
It. canna mean
woods-boss of Peuolngton's, and as a'I' conditions. It's a wife bet our lumber your hair different Is this new.t.le
fell over against the cut-bgok, wearily, "On your way. Mac. I loathe argu
like a drunken hag. 1' special compliment to you John Cardigan ments." Is going; to plw up on the mill the latest In hairdressing In Sequoia
I did an almighty fine Job ot dock ; hence, when the smash conies ?"
Bryce still clinging to the: brake I "I mann see yer falther aboot thlll.lIe'lI .
and cleaning. Even went so far as to and the Sequoia Bank of Commerce: "I think so !Mr. Bryce, I copied It
tor the shock
was fully braced nae stand for sic treatment o'an
descend muss the Colonel up a little." calls our loan and we cannot possibly from Colonel Pennlngton'a niece, Ulna
was not flung off. Calmly he auld employee.
/ "! meet It, the lumber on hand will : Sumner
Vow, wow. Bryce I Bully for youl I II prove
recovered the from ,
ed the ladder axe '
6 F the bumper" climbed back to the roof wanted, that man Rondeau t.ken' Rrycc's temper flared op. "T< ukH'p security for the loan will, It not? Intact "Oh," he replied briefly "Yon've
from father. You'veworried
tiptoed off the roof to the top of the I apart lIe has terrorized our woodsmen away him my In the It will be worth two or three dollars met her. have you? I didn't know she
enough past
bank and sat calmly down tinder a s for a long time. He's king of the :you per" thousand more then than It was In Sequoia ft!ill."
drunkard 1t0II to the house
mansanltn bush to await results for' mad-train yon know. go up Is now, because It will be atl'-drlnL" "She's been away, but she came
,i he was quite' confident that none of Bryce was relieved. His father did to annoy my father HI with manhandle:roar plead" "But what idea have :you got back back last week. I went to the Valleyof
7 the occuiwnts; of the confounded Caboose '' not know then of the act of vandalism ings.He glanced McTavIsh at his watch. "The you.next of such a procedure, Bryce?" the Giants last Saturday afternoon
had been treated to anything I In the Valley of the Giants. This "Merely a forlorn hope, dad Something _"
train leaves for the woods In twenty
worse than a wild ride and a rare fact strengthened Bryce's resolve not might turn up. The market may Bryce Intl'rrupted."Y0tI didn't teM
minutes. If do not back It
;, fright: and he was curious to see how I I. to tell htm. and behave you yourself, go never take a sudden spurt and go up threeor ray father about the tree that was trot
In Arm In arm they walked ; you .can I four dollars. And whether tbe market
Shirley Sumner would behave aD.; op the garden did your' be demanded sharply
back to Cardigan woods.
," emergency, I i path together. to I goes up or conies down. It costs us No.: "
Colonel Pennlngton was" first to j ;Just as they entered the house the "I will nae take charity from any nothljk to make the experiment Good girl I He mustn't know. Goon
man" thundered. Til
emerge at the rear of the caboose. He I'I telephone In the hall tinkled and nae :. "Quite true" his father agreed. Molra. What was she doing In our
leaped lightly down the steps, ran to I Sine You Insist Bryce answered "Then. If you'll come down to the timber"
the front/of the ,our, looked down the !i "Mr. Cardigan. came Shirley SumlIer' I office tomorrow morning dodo we'll "She told me that once when she
track ana swore feelingly. Then he ,; By the way Colonel Pennlngton.<< voice over the wire."Bryce" hold a meeting of our board of directors was" a little girl you bad taken bee
y't darted, hack' to- the rear of the cs j jboose. here 1s :your axe which. I borrowed this he corrected her. I and authorize me as president of Tor a ride on your pony up to your
afternoon Much obliged: for Its u..e. She Ignored tbe correction. I the company to sign the note to the mother's she had
grave. And It
"All t'ledi null snug as a hug under ] The last up-truln Is probably waiting, "I-I don't know what, to say to bank. We're borrowing this without a great curiosity to see seems that spot
a chip my flenr.." he called to Shirley] co the siding at Freshwater' to pass .1 yon" she faltered "I rang up to tell collateral you know
"Thank 0..1. 'th. ontioose become un-i 1 the late lamented ; counequently a you bow splendid and heroic your action I John Cardigan entered no further again"t"I've
met Miss Stunner three or four
l'OlIplt'd-eUI"R. that fool brakeman walk of about a tulle will bring you a was- objection and the following day the times
when she first
was cameto
forgot: to drop the pin j It was the last means of transportation back to Se "I had my own life to save. Shirley." agreement was entered Into with the
tar and when, It Jumped the track quota Walk leisurely-you have lots "Ton did not think of that at the bank. Bryce closed: by wire for the usn't Sequoia...he'" She's. a stunning girl
4 and plowed Into the dirt. It Just naturally of time. As for myself I'm In a hurry, time" extra logging equlrnnent and Immediately 'she's
quit and toppled' over against "Well-I didn't think of uncle's, "Perfectly.: Mr. Bryce the
and my room Is more greatly to be ;your set about rounding' up a crew
I J ,. the bank. Cume out. my dear" desired than my company, so 111 start either." he replied without enthusiasm for the woods! and for the night shift first ent. lady I've ever. met. She' differ
Shirley came out. dry-eyed but now.. ,Tm sure we never can hope to In the mill.
Q' ..1 white and trembling The (Vlonclplaced catch even with you, Mr. Cardigan. ":No doubt I Her kind are not a
He lifted"his b.t. turned, and walked For a month Bryce was as busy as
,. his arm around her and she briskly down tbe ruined track.hlrley' "Pont try. Your revered relative the proverbial one-armed paper-hunger product of homely little communities
I bid her face on Ms. xhmilder and thud- will not ; so why" should'you?" with the like Sequoia. And for that matter
Itch and
$ made a little gesture of dissent during all that time
dered. "There, there 1" he soothed her "Ton are making tt somewhat bard he did' neither Is her wolf, of an uncle.: What
S bait opened her lips to call him i not lee Shirley Sumner or hear
affectionately. "It's all dear. for me to-to did Miss Sumner have to to you. ,
iM over my back, thought better of It and let him rehabilitate our friend of her directly indirectly say
Alfa well that ends "" 1'11." ship. Mr. Cardigan" Molra r "
go. When he was out of sight It Moira McTavIsh. In the! meantime,
tii ., "The train" she cried In a choking: dawned on her that he bad risked his "Bless your heart" be murmured. had come down from the woods" and She:: told me all about herself-and s
voice "Where I. It?" life to save hers.Uncle "The very fart that yon bothered to entered upon her duties In the mill office. he said a lot of nice things about you,
"In little pieces down In Mud ring me up at all makes me your t.lr.* Bryce, after I told her I worked
Seth. she .
said The
soberly, change from her dull drab
river" debtor. Shirley, for you. And she Insisted that I
c "what have can you stand some
would happened to ItB'rt' llfe.'irlvlng
us her as it did an opportunity *
"Bryce Cardigan. she sobbed 1 plain IIf'Paklnc--betwt't'll friends 1 should walk.home, with her. So I did
Cardigan had not for
,aw him-he* was riding atop on the up mean?" companionship with people of -and the butler served us with tea
'train. He- ah. God help him !I" 'I bens here?"today to thrash. your woods" "1 think so, Mr. Cardigan""Well greater mentality and refinement than and toast and marmalade. Then she
The Colonel shook her with sudden< "We'd both be In Kingdom Com then. said Bryce "listen t about she had teen. used) to, quickly brought bowed me all her wonderful things ;ae
;; t ferocity. "\<<"IO\: tiirdlttun." he cried now" he answered" truthfully "But I this : I.m ;your uncle's. enemy until nature.a swift transition In tile girl's and gave me some of them. Oh. Mr.Brvii''c .
sharplr. "Riding the logs? Are you before :you permit" yourself to be carried < death do us part :Neither he nor I coarse shoes With and the calico passing of the : slie' so sweet..
certain?" by the splendor of his so- expect to ask or to give quarter, and e dresses and
She nodded, and her shoulders Im gftlng to smash him It I can." I I the substitution of the kind of cloth-
lion In cutting out the caboose and Ing all Continued Next Week)
women of Molra'a
:.- shook ptteously. getting It under control It might be "If ;you do. you smash me," she sill. Na. Take Charity refinement Instinctive -- --- -.
Then Bryce Cardigan Is gone!I"Pennlngton's warned him From Any and natural beauty long
well to remember th.t' his own Mall.-
pronouncement was solemn "Llkewlne our j for, the girl became cheerful animated The Common Generot'ly:
friendship. Fra
hide stake
precious was at also. II* sorry,
deadly' with Its flat nuallty. "Xo would have cut the caboose oat even but It's rot to be done If I can do It i bother the owd man, an' m Dae go her and Imbued with the optimism of Some men are nut only caecr "tiva
have rolled down Into Mad Shall back to years the d"vll his due but they ii>' >*ton
man could if you and I had not been la It." -shall we say gnod4>y. blrftor"T..II' | yon woods to live on yer '
t"'n'OIId' of logs and ur- bounty I. Moire worked In the general office adding a fat bonus It h: the Lord
river with a _"No he would not" she! Instated, forp1lRlllttf 'I" There was a break te I was never a man to take ,
i The devil J himself couldn't" her voiA. "Good:by. Mr. Cardigan. I arltz-. roared furiously, and left and except upon occasions when who usually find collection: peut.-
Y BI1e s.I 81t.tJ1.: mjaojt jt, he t,aka.....Qrw Houston Past .
,_i&J ..4 '_l'1\1'l\:! f'1l'
i .'Ir .... '. '" '- ''''"'''''-' .,..... -1"-, +M'-M' J, .. ,,.! -'_.' '" ,-'.... ,, I ...'.".. ".. 1
,,' 0
r h Q i"1\" \.-Jl:1t'. : .. _it\\\\: ,. 1'1 .
'. ', /......
- 'l and asked Dr. Anderson to give the .
' information to the press and to the
News of Florida in Short Paragraphs. police. I
r------------w--------J------------1:; .
Transfer of 6,000 acre of what
LLiv State' News formed a part of the holdings of the Nix the"ParleyVoo"'stuff
estate of the late Mrs. Potter Palmer, I : on
of Chicago, on the Hillaborough river
u---u-Tcilb-: ; i--u------;:: ,
I Our about ten miles north of. Tampa to
x Temple Terraces, inc., a new organi
", 111.y . I II !
--:-:-:.-- '-:------::::. .' - :::: --- zation just recently formed principally
of Tampa capital is the prelude to
. Mi. and Mrs. Louis Drawdy, of Eus- I I Rushing to the aid of a baby girl the announcement that this immense'
f tie are the parents of triplets, all boys I directly in front of a big motor car : tract will be cleared fenced and planted A FrVEND of mlno. HE'D BE'polite. I
i' ,: -born Saturday morning. They !, at the Miami beach Sunday Bob I to the Temple orange. It is the planof . . a
> /,' weighed five, six and eight pounds. Steele who lost both legs in the war ,I II the to sell interest t WHO COULDN'T epcak. SO HE gave the barber.
1'w, and who makes his way around on a.; company acreage . . Pi
. little :' to individuals, but to administerthe u A WORD of French. AN AMERICAN clearest 1 1bone !
propelled by roller
' ,, :IM" Joe Robinson, negro police officer of I \ast property as a whole, r . . .
, "!; ;I'1!y Tampa, was arrested and locked in theI" skate wheels, saved the child. The i I WENT TO Paris. WHICH THE barter smoked.
'car ran over Steele\ but he
; was not
with three
. county Jail along others of Nathan Drawdy and his bride of a . . .
'bls race on a charge alleging booze seriously injured. I AND THE Grit time. AND MY friend i>olntoJ.TO ,
both dead the result of
I I year are as a
I' .
running. I . .
I J. A. Osteen i alleged to have kill shooting and suicide at their rpom at HE HAD U) get. HIS mouth. .
'j rd his wife, Della Osteen at their j I 210 Haines street Plant City. Mr. . . .
.a James W. Farley, the young man I Drawdy shot his wife twice with
home some ten miles west of Bronson a A HAIRCUT and shave AND SAID ""Ukee TOO."
who was accidentally shot while hunt i'| Sunday morning, cutting her throat I' 32-cahbre pistol and then placed the . . a
ing near Frostproof Sunday and carried with a large pocket knife. She muzzle in his mouth and shot himself. HE PRACTICED an hour. AND THE barber roared.
to the City Hospital at Lakeland I lived a few minutes only Mrs. Drawdy was shot through the . . .
+ for an operation died Thursday after 'I moving only a heart and left shoulder. The couple MAKING SIGNS. AND SAID "You I3ET.I .
few steps toward the house before . .
noon. I i I were married abbut a and ..
year ago
falling face downward in t
public IN THE looking glass.SO ) I USED to smoke 'om.
i I road in front of the residence. Jealously did not get along well together, according . . . .
Preparations for'the great annual I' to some of the neighbors. Im-
is presumably the motive for THE French barl>er. WHEN I worked.
event of Palm Beach, the SeminoleSun 'the I'' deed. mediately before the shooting Mr. and e . . .
Dance, are being rapidly arrange I Mrs. Drawdy were on the streets together .. ," Y WOULD UNDERSTAND him. IN INDIANAPOLIS.
ed. It is believed that the 1921 show Angel Galla ;is ;;the county jail to when Mr. Drawdy is said to '.. '.S r S" S t .
will be the best ever held. await result of have slapped his wife. AND THEN ho went In. AND BELIEVE me.
an investigation into .- . . t
the death.,.of Andres Gonzales, who -. AND WIGGLED his fingers THEY SATISI"VI"
Neither of two rival negro Masonic was killed by what Galla claims was Late Thursday afternoon as we were . . .
lodges of Florida is entitled to use the I the accidental discharge of Galla's thinking it wai: about supper time and THROUGH HIS hair '
Masonic square or compass 'as emblems I shotgun at a camp the two men and contemplating the possibility of fin- ' I Fl ERE'Snsmokothattalkalnany ,
Justice George M. Okell ruled | two others had made about twenty ishing out type setting for the week AND STROKED his chin. language and needs no Interpre
Light. a draw t
up tF
at Miami in deciding a suit brought: mile southeast of Tampa. Gonzales' after supper, our attention was at deep-and more plainly than word
by one of the lodges to prevent the head was almost blown off with a *iad tracted by the sudden and rather ab- 20 for 20 cents AND THE barber grlnnnd. your smile will tell the world 'They ,
ether from using the 'emblems.. of shot from the gun. rupt stop of our engine and linotype. ' Satisfy". It's the blend that does It-
I Upon investigation we found that one to 'r-lithl pcAtf AND FINISHED the Job. and you can't get "Satl ty" anywhere J,
of the town's best mousers a cat, had Also obtainable in round C except in Chesterfields, for s 1
Fifty three 'carloads of celery The Times-Courier plant at Mari- .
have become entangled in the of the Ha of 50, ..ouum-eJe THEN MY friend tlought that blend can't b*eopudt l
been shipped out of Manatee county anna was totally destroyed by fire early gears . .
and the growers are expecting to send Saturday.morning. One man was engine presumably while trying to .
twenty-six more this week. Prices'are I badly burned. The building loss was I pass through a hole in the wall which
good and the sales are entirely /satisfactory. $18,000() with little insurance Many accommodates the belt running from ,"'),
valuable records were destroyed and the engine to the tine shaft. The ac-
their loss cannot be estimated The cident put us out of commission for I
The 1920 report of the state auditor j Courier will appear as usual arrangements the night; and untif late Friday evening -
of Florida just made public gives the having been made for its publi- while the engine was being repaired. Ffgiq
number of motor vehicle'licenses issued ,i cation until new equipment arrives for The cat was past being repaired.
for the year at 78098. Of these.. ,I its own plant.. Williston! Progress. I j
licenses, 64,585 wore for automobilesof '
various types) 10,488for trucks and) Federal and county officials are still Two men held up Cashier Smith at (
1,275 were for motorcycles.The a I' seeking the 1195>:> cases of liquor said the American Railway Express Com- CIGAR TTES'
pany's main office at Tampa Friday
to have constituted the cargo of the
body of Robert Lawler, of' St. schooner Uralia, beached near Naples;I afternoon, and got away with a third
? Augustine was found shortly after 10 J 11 Lee county, last week. So far the 'man, .a confederate, in an automo 4if..I..t .r
o'clock Monday morning on Anastasia search' has been unsuccessful, though bile. They carried off with them $19- I
beach by boys. Death had evidently 1 I the officers have found ample indica- 700 in cash, two other packages of -------- -
been caused by electrocution as the I ca'tions that the long; drought in the merchandise from the safe and a desk -
body was badly burned and the right; lower part of the county has been in the cashier's office. No arrests have H.:II.:Williams, Mrs. JT'Wills: -
hand clutched a trolley wire attachedto broken. yet been made. Smith's story is that E. C. Dyal, 11. P, Gainey. C. T. Scale, I I'll' ++++F 11 I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I MHIIMIIIIIIIimi I+IM+' r
a fallen pole. I -____ he had just opened the door of his F. A. Scott, Mrs.
!!, The veil of secrecy surrounding the cage to go down the hallway to Manager F. Tatum, Mrs. Anna G. Murrher, 11. CELEBRATED SOSMSKI SEA ISLAND COTTON j .
Tile work of Kelsey city has been operations of the organizer of the Ku Eve's office to consult with him H. Wiggins; Dr. E. L. Biggs; J. L.
redoubled the past week. Within the Klux Klan has been lifted long enoughto about a matter when two nicely dressed Peek, W. J. Stallmgs Mrs. 1). C. Kersey
past few days he let a contract aggregating divulge the fact that a local Klanis men entered the hall. One man hada N. J. Robinson W. R. Rosier B. Planting Seed, fresh from Islands. $3.00 per
$100,000 for rocking many being organized in Gainesville. The wad of bills in his hand and told Y. Saxon, Mrs. N.. 11. Stanton, Bruce
miles of streets, the contract being Klannmen in charge of the work there Smith he was in a hurry and 'wanted L. Davis, W. B. Woods worth, Miss bushel cash, f. o. b. Bleackshear. Also />
the largest individual contract for stated that success in every respect a money ordor. Smith turned about, Annie Man Darby, I). S. Edwards, J. second-year seed, $2.00 per bushel.
roads let in Palm Beach county to any. had been met with and a very c red it ai unlocked the door to his cage; and was N. Norman, Miss Mabel Knight, W.
one firm. i ble number of men of the highest type' about to enter whun one of the men C. Clemons, I). L. Rigby; John John- h
and standing were interested in the I II shoved the muzzle of a pistol againstthe son J. H. Dowling, Mrs. J. S. Wynn, THE A. P. BRANTLEY COMPANY
Preliminary steps toward the organization work. back of his head and said in a low 11. T. Tillis, W. It. Parrish, W. II. Blackshear Georgia 1
of the Union Cooperative I I tone: "If you make any noise, I'll : Biggs, Mrs T. I.. Willis. D. Boree, K. ,
Construction company of Florida, de- The administration building; and blow your brains out." Smith was i E.: Parrish, M. Leviton, O. A. Scaff,
signed to handle all kinds of building women's dormitory at Southern ('01-" then-thrust througjj the door and toldto Mrs. A. C. Strickland, Mrs. Julia 11 Ml I III Ml I I II I I I+H u l.l+++'1+*+1,111 IMIMMI I I 11+
construction at cost, were discussedby :, loge, Sutherland were destroyed by hold out his hands- and as he did Knight, Thos. E. Oldham, R. A. Y. ,
members of the various building fire early Saturday morning causing so the other man handcuffed him. He Roberts, Mrs. W. 11. Ucthcu, Mrs. Oli
trades crafts unions of Tampa at a |, a loss of over $150,000. The cause of says lie was then compclledto lie down ver Bethea, fa. ... i.icivmney: II. :.'.
meeting at the labor temple. i the fire hasnot' yet been determined.It behind a counter and while one man Price Mrs Elsie liters: Mrs, J. .... I
,him with the the other
originated in the kitchen. Fifty gun KillThat Cold With
Amberson Mrs. W. R.
J. Chapman,
snatched up three packages of currency ,
John Shafer shot and painfully girls lost all their belongings. '
from the safe and two packages of i A. Carver, M. Varnus. \
from Clearwater and Tarpon
him apparatus -
wounded his wife and then killed
self in Pensacola. Shafer died with- Springs prevented further danf.age. merchandise from a desk. They then I : 'Lt
told Smith to keep quiet, as they had 'd::
in two hours! after the shooting. Mrs. other
confederates who had "stuck
Shafer taken the hospital for '
was to bul- '! Dena DeWitt, fifteen-year-old Dade up" the remainder of the place. They a
She hit by two
treatment. was
then slipped out quietly and Smith STOMACH IN ORDER! i CASCARA QUININE
lets from the pistol once in the right City girl, was completely scalped yes- automobile !
heard an start and rollaway
in the terday when her hair became entangled up
side of her face and once right , A.
shoulder. I in the driving shaft of a cane NO INDIGESTION, FOR AND' )
grinding; machine near that city. The I Cold "" L" Grippe|
Coughs "C"'OM\V
Shipping hogs from Suwannee coun machinery pulled her scalp entirely ofther GAS, SOURNESS I II
ty to Ohio may seem rather unusual head. The unfortunate girl was Name of Those-Who Paid Subscription : I Neglected Colds are DangerousTake
but this is being done. The sales made rushed to Tampa for medical atten- During January "rape's Pinpepmn". has .proven itni-lf I Ii no chance. Keep thl .t.nd td remedy handy for the ftr.t eneeM.Dreak .
taken to hospital
recently show that Florida is attract tion where she was a the curmt relief for Indigention, Guam, ,
and the scalp sewed back on the i up S cold in 24 hour- Relieve
swine breeding Flatulence, heartburn Fermentation
attention NournoM
ing a
as stated Lott Ensey P. M. Padgett Dr. O. I 'I'i Grippe. In 3 day.-Excellent for Headache
of the hospital
state and predicts that in a little while head. or Stomach Distress oauiied
when state- that the girl was resting well and L. Haynes, S. J. Norman, Mrs. J. R. by acidity. A few tablets give almmt Quinine In this form doe not affect the head-Caecara I* beat Tonic
no one will surprised I
Garris, Mrs. J. C. Terrell, B. B. Hop- Immediate I in Hill's.
concerning the buying that chances for her recovery wore stomach relief and shortly Laxative-No Opiate
ments are made son, Rev. David Lander, T. S. nu"Cascarets" the stomach U corrected 10 you can eat I
of fine hogs in Florida to be ship good. : favorite foods without foar. La.rge..1It ALL DRUGGISTS SELL .ITTUBES
ped to the middle West. c! llta only few cent at drug store. i ,
A man representing himself as con Million helped annually ,
Governor Hardee appointed II. J. nected with the Children's Home of I e I IS
Steele, of Laurel Hill, to be sheriff of Jacksonville was on the streets of II -5 IV"' r
Okaloosa county, to succeed J. M. Gainesville a few days ago attemptingto for No Worm In a Healthy Child I
Summerlin, deceased. It will be recalled sell calendars, stating that the proceeds All children troubled with Worm. have an un : --=----=-.--- --- --- --- --'- -- _. ,
that Sheriff Summerlin was recently would go; to the benefit of the he.ltbvmkr which: Indicates poor blood and a>aI : fI'----
became I I I rule. Clime U more or I I.M itomarh disturbance.
train which struck Home. ,Dr. J. G. Anderson Constipation :
killed by a i i I GKOVCS TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given rrauInrly -
the automobile in which he and three suspicious and wrote to Mr. Fagg; concerning Cur two or three weeks will enrich the blond, _-
the matter, and promptly Improve the dlleMlon.aad act a*.smnralStniDilth.eoloi .
others were riding. One of the others I .........
Just think A harmluMCajmret I Tonic to the whole Nature will thenthrowneordispel
he had !
back that no pleasant
and anotherwas Fagg; Mr'l .
since died from injuries the worm*.and tb..Cblld will b*
seriously injured. employed in the interest of the work while }ou .almp. and hats In iMTteot.health. Pleasant to.... 7So per brittle.wtN . FIT "OVERSIZE" CASINGS
your liver active, baud clear, ..teartachewrpt I
and lxnve.1 moving a. regular a*
.tllllllllllltltlllll.1 alock )>v morning. X" frnpirr -tm
**+ llllltl++++++flll..+ .++ it.n'O'"km", 10, 20 or CO Hint bone t e
ChiWI'fl1 love this candy oatUurtio too. ti
Seed Potatoes + Michelin Tube are '
ASPIRINName 1 l' ... ALWAYS for I full size in crOMMI f f
No. 4 ROSE IRISH COllBLERS) b' 21 1 year the DEIST I section and are ih+
SPAULDINGS 'Now BETTER than therefore Dot 'f",
EARLY .RED BUSS TRIUMPHWe ever BECAUSE stretched thin under ;,," I
are fortunate in our contracts which make It po!" . "Payer" on Genuine r, ;They are now made ofKeystone Inflation Till ff,
sible to quote lowest market prices. It will pay you to Copper Steel I' advantage important Is especially s'yI ,' r
get our Prices before buying, and our Quality before "ewf"V Bookie"No.tud .. raiNraeWdw ., .n.e l Meal when buying tube lf, ;;;?T 1 1A
planting. Our Seed' Potatoes' are the highest quality out.houl tt,.Inn KOUHNG MiM.a..l.lCBAnANOOU IOUN98ssus; / for Cord tire,
Maine Grown selected especially for seed. Ga.-. ... T.t111DG100t1f_ i! all "ovenlze." ijtry ,
Seed giving e
Catalogue and Special
Send for Free
Seed Beans Peas Red I Seal 1
Revised Prices on new crop SUrke. Fla. -
Tomato, Cucumber Seed, l'epper, Etc. We carryall the > CImDIJ:1WW'D1m: !
and standard varieties of Seed that have been '
tested and known to be adapted to our soil and climate. .
Seed Oats, Rye Vetch itape, Etc. The planting season I Take Aapirin only a* told in each package And a Full Line of :
Our information service Is free. Call of genuine & of Asp-iria. I UnJ.,' J..r.' SuppliesAUTOMOBILE
hand. I
Is near at Tim be Blowing
r the direction .. _
!' mightthink I
you I
crops gage
information on your
on us for any J and wockerl out by nhyiieutn I HEARSE
we can supply. during 21 year, and proved aaTn by million I JI aw
I I hand. The beat service '
*, Take no ehanen* with substitute Always on
LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN If the Cross lowest price Special You will make! mistake
OLDEST & you *eo Bayer on tablet., at the I Bin llpdnrtinn In Prices a
you can take them without fear for attention to telegraph ore I I ] if you order your fertilizer
Seed Co. ("WJ, HefularlKi.Xetrralpln.. Rheumatism ers. Registered Embalmer. without getting price lists issued. Plenty f
E. A. Martin Tlarartin, Tuntharhe, Luml ifo. and for I I our new Just
Pain. Handy tin boxy of twelve talilet! of Materials, prompt shipment. Order now. FertlllrerH: ins +
202-208 F. Kay Street Jacksonville, Florida cost few rent. Druggists aim sell Jarlf'l'JMII"kftlOM. DeWTiT C. JONES sectlcides, Sprayers, Poultry Supplies.E. i
CROPS Aspirin ia the trade mark of '
HY-TEST SEED INSURE moo Mayer M ""?.tifiirtiir of Monuaafticwuirit. I STARKE, FLA. I PAINTER FERTILIZER CO.
... ++++++44'++" 11 t.++++44.. } IM\\ i iOh
l f
.. a
..---,.,, ... .. 1 ,_ . .., .. .
ear c- r'CG --. .,".,, r. ,.. ? "
.. M.on..r
a.iat lr ,, ,, j.
,. taeeMlr
.,..._,. .:- .'""" 1- :' a+a 1r/ lk